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JUL  1 1 1989 



Published  by  Field  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Volume  40 




The  Library  of 





November  11,  1977 

Families  of  seed  plants  known  or  expected  to  occur  in  Costa  Rica  and  adjacent 
areas,  listed  alphabetically  and  numbered  according  to  the  sequence  of  Lngler  s 
Syllabus  der  Pflanzenfamilien,  edition  11,  reworked  by  L.  Diels  (1936). 

200     Acanthaceae 
136     Actinidiaceae 
67     Aizoaceae 
11     Alisnaataceae 
64     Amaranthaceae 
30     Amaryllidaceae 
117     Anacardiaceae 
77     Anonaceae 
184     Apocynaceae 
119     Aquifoliaceae 
19     Araceae 
166     Araliaceae 
4     Araucariaceae 
59     Aristolochiaceae 
185     Asclepiadaceae 
61     Balanophoraceae 
127     Balsaminaceae 
69     Basellaceae 
48     Batidaceae 
153     Begoniaceae 
74     Berberidaceae 
49     Betulaceae 
194     Bignoniaceae 
145     Bixaceae 
133     Bombacaceae 
189     Boraginaceae 
24     Bromeliaceae 
91     Brunelliaceae 
38     Burmanniaceae 
106     Burseraceae 
12     Butomaceae 
115     Buxaceae 
154     Cactaceae 
96     Caesalpiniaceae, 
see  Leguminosae 
114     Callitrichaceae 
207     Campanulaceae 
36     Cannaceae 
83     Capparidaceae 
203     Caprifoliaceae 
151     Caricaceae 
138     Caryocaraceae 
70     Caryophyllaceae 
40     Caauarinaceae 
120     Celastraceae 
72     Ceratophyllaceae 
63     Chenopodiaceae 
42     Chloranthaceae 
144     Cistaceae 
169     Clethraceae 
146     Cochlospermaceae 
161     Combretaceae 
25     Commelinaceae 
208     Compositae 
95     Connaraceae 
186     Convolvulaceae 
116     Coriariaceae 
168     Cornaceae 
89     Crassulaceae 
84     Cruciferae 
206     Cucurbitaceae 
92     Cunoniaceae 
6     Cupressaceae 
1     Cycadaceae 
18     Cyclanthaceae 

102     Erythroxylaceae 
113     Euphorbiaceae 
96     Fabaceae, 
see  Leguminosae 
50     Fagaceae 
148     Flacourtiaceae 
82     Fumariaceae, 
see  Papaveraceae 
45     Garryaceae 
183     Gentianaceae 
99     Geraniaceae 
198     Gesneriaceae 
7     Gnetaccae 
15     Gramineae 
142     Guttiferae 
29     Haemodoraceae 
165     Halorrhagaceae 
93     Hamamelidaceae 
81     Hernandiaceae 
124     Hippocastanaceae 
121     Hippocrateaceae 
101     Humiriaceae, 
see  Linaceae 
13     Hydrocharitaceae 
188     Hydrophyllacea* 
142     Hypencaceae, 
see  Guttiferae 
123     Icacinaceae 
33     Iridaceae 
47     Juglandaceae 
27     Juncaceae 
97     Krameriaceae 
191     Labiatae 
43     Lacistemaceae 
80     Lauraceae 
159     Lecythidaceae 
96     Leguminosae 
20     Lemnaceae 
199     Lentibulariaceae 
28     Liliaceae 
101     Linaceae 
152     Loasaceae 
182     Loganiaceae 
58     Loranthaceae 
157     Lythraceae 
76     Magnoliaceae 
108     Malpighiaceae 
132     Malvaceae 
37     Marantaceae 
139     Marcgraviaceae 
196     Martyniaceae 
21     Mayacaceae 
163     Melastomataceae 
107     Meliaceae 
75     Menispermaceae 
96     Mimosaceae, 
see  Leguminosae 
79     Monimiaceae 
170     Monotropaceae 
52     Moraceae 
87     Moringaceae 
24     Musaceae 
46     Myricaceae 
78     Myristicaceae 
174     Myrsinaceae 

82     Papaveraceae 
150    Passifloraceae 
195     Pedaliaceae 
66     Phytolaccaceae 
5     Pinaceae 
41     Piperaceae 
171     Pyrolaceae 
201     Plantaginaceae 
176     Plumbaginaceae 
3     Podocarpaceae 
54     Podostemonaceae 
187    Polemoniaceae 
111     Polygalaceae 
62     Polygonaceae 
26     Pontederiaceac 
68     Portulacaceae 
9    Potamogetonaceae 
175     Primulaceae 
55     Proteaceae 
158    Punicaceae 
140     Quiinaceae 
60     Rafflesiaceae 
73     Ranunculaceae 
86     Resedaceae 
128     Rhamnaceae 
160     Rhizophoraceae 
94     Rosaceae 
202     Rubiaceae 
104     Rutaceae 
126     Sabiaceae 
44     Salicaceae 
125     Sapindaceae 
177     Sapotaceae 
90     Saxifragaceae 
193    Scrophulariaceae 
105     Simarubaceae 
192    Solanaceae 
122    Staphyleaceae 
134     Sterculiaceae 
180    Styracaceae 
179    Symplocaceae 
2     Taxaceae 
141     Theaceae 
173     Theophrastaceae 
155     Thymelaeaceae 
131     Tiliaceae 
85     Tovariaceae 
109     Trigoniaceae 
14     Triuridaceae 
100     Tropaeolaceae 
149     Turneraceae 
8    Typhaceae 
51     Ulmaceae 
167     Umbelliferae 
53     Urticaceae 
204     Valerianaceae 
31     Velloziaceae 
190     Verbenaceae 
147     Violaceae 
129     Vitaceae 
110    Vochysiaceae 
22     Xyridaceae 
35     Zingiberaceae 
103    Zygophyllaceae 

16     Cyperaceae 
118     Cyrillaceae 

162     Myrtaceae 
10     Najadaceae 

112     Dichapetalaceae 
136     Dilleniaceae 

65     Nyctaginaceae 
71     Nympnaeaceae 

32     Dioscoreaceae 

137     Ochnaceae 

205     Dipeacaceae 

56     Olacaceae 

88     Droseraceae 

181     Oleaceae 

178     Ebenaceae 

164     Onagraceae 

1  56     Elaeagnaceae 

57     Opiliaceae 

130     Elaocarpaceae 
143     Elatinaceae 

39     Orchidaceae 
197     Orobanchaceae 

172     Ericaceae 

98     Oxalidaceae 

23    Eriocaulaceae 

17     Palmae 


A  Continuation  of  the 






Published  by  Field  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Volume  40 
















Associate  Curator,  Vascular  Plants 
Field  Museum  of  Natural  History 

Library  of  Congress  Catalog  Card  Number:  78-1 72358 

US  ISSN  0015-0746 


CHLORANTHACEAE  by  William  Burger 1 

LACISTEMACEAE  by  William  Burger 11 

SALICACEAE  by  Luis  D.  Gomez  P 14 

GARRYACEAE  by  William  Burger 18 

MYRICACEAE  by  William  Burger 21 

JUGLANDACEAE  by  Donald  E.  Stone 28 

BATACEAE  by  William  Burger 54 

BETULACEAE  by  John  G.  Furlow 56 

FAGACEAE  by  William  Burger 59 

ULMACEAE  by  William  Burger 83 

MORACEAE  by  William  Burger 94 

CANNABACEAE  by  William  Burger 216 

URTICACEAE  by  William  Burger 218 

Index  .  .  . . 285 

Flora  Costaricensis1 



Trees,  shrubs,  or  herbs,  usually  aromatic  when  crushed.  Leaves  opposite  and 
simple,  petioles  with  thin  adaxial  margins  sheathing  the  stem  and  connate  to  form 
a  short  or  long  tube  at  first  including  the  shoot-apex,  stipule-like  structures  often 
present  on  the  leaf-sheath.  Inflorescences  terminal  or  axillary,  spicate,  thyrse-like, 
or  capitate;  flowers  unisexual  or  bisexual,  with  or  without  a  perianth,  stamens 
1  or  3,  free  or  adnate  to  the  side  of  the  pistil,  anthers  free  or  connate,  2-thecous  or 
the  lateral  anthers  1-thecous,  dehiscing  longitudinally;  pistil  solitary,  ovary  enve- 
loped by  a  minutely  3-lobed  perianth  and  inferior  by  adnation,  1-locular,  ovule  soli- 
tary and  pendulous  from  the  apex  of  the  locule,  stigma  1  and  sessile  or  on  a  short 
style.  Fruit  a  small  drupe  or  drupe-like,  seed  with  abundant  oil-containing  cellular 
endosperm  and  a  minute  embryo. 

A  small  family  of  five  genera  and  about  50  species  in  the  tropics 
and  subtropics.  The  family  is  of  phylogenetic  interest  because  it 
contains  one  of  the  very  few  woody  angiosperm  genera  lacking 
vessels  in  the  xylem,  Sarcandra  of  Southeast  Asia.  Hedyosmum 
is  the  only  genus  of  the  family  native  to  the  Americas.  The  female 
flowers  of  Hedyosmum  mexicanum  have  recently  been  studied  by 
Peter  Endress  (Bot.  Jahrb.  91:39-60.  1971),  who  interprets  the 
ovary  to  be  monocarpic  and  compares  the  family  with  woody  fami- 
lies of  the  ranalian  alliance. 


Bisexual  or  unisexual  trees  or  shrubs,  branches  articulate  at  the  nodes  and 
exuding  a  gelatinous  aromatic  exudate  when  cut.  Leaves  evergreen,  petioles 
grooved  above  and  vaginate  at  the  base  with  the  adaxial  margins  united  with  those 
of  the  opposing  leaf  to  form  a  tube  sheathing  the  stem,  with  or  without  small  stipule- 
like  structures  on  the  distal  margin  of  the  sheath;  laminae  generally  elliptic  and 
serrate,  the  serrations  often  with  whitish  tissue  forming  a  disc-like  gland  near  their 
apex  (probably  a  hydathode),  venation  pinnate.  Inflorescences  terminal  or  axillary, 
sometimes  united  with  the  stem  near  the  base,  the  individual  inflorescence  uni- 
sexual but  the  compound  inflorescences  often  with  female  flowers  above  and  male 
flowers  on  lower  branches;  male  inflorescence  of  one  to  several  spikes  elongating  at 

'Supported  in  part  by  National  Science  Foundation  grants  GB  28446,  GB  42250, 
and  BMS  74-08757. 


anthesis,  the  male  flower  without  a  perianth  or  subtending  bracts,  each  flower  repre- 
sented by  a  solitary  stamen,  filament  absent  or  very  short,  connective  usually  pro- 
duced beyond  the  two  thecae;  female  inflorescence  spicate,  thyrse-like,  or  capitate, 
female  flowers  subtended  by  bracts,  the  perianth  tubular  and  3-lobed,  adnate  to  the 
ovary  and  enlarging  in  fruit,  stigma  sessile  or  subsessile  on  a  very  short  style, 
deciduous.  Fruit  drupe-like  with  the  fleshy  wall  formed  by  the  accrescent  perianth 
in  part,  ellipsoid  to  globose  or  ovoid,  usually  trigonous,  exocarp  juicy,  the  3  minute 
perianth  lobes  often  persisting  and  whitish  at  the  apex  of  the  fruit. 

A  genus  with  probably  fewer  than  30  species  in  the  Neotropics 
and  with  a  single  species  in  southeastern  Asia.  The  genus  is  primar- 
ily South  American  with  several  species  in  the  West  Indies  and  only 
one  species  reaching  Mexico.  The  male  flowers  are  perhaps  the  most 
reduced  among  angiosperms,  lacking  bracts  and  perianth,  and 
represented  by  a  single,  almost  sessile,  anther.  The  expanded  con- 
nective, usually  broad  and  flat  above,  serves  to  protect  the  repro- 
ductive parts  in  early  stages  before  expansion  of  the  spike.  Except 
for  Hedyosmum  mexicanum,  our  species  are  here  interpreted  as 
having  rather  narrow  ecological  limits.  I  believe  that  our  collections 
are  sufficiently  large  to  indicate  that  these  narrow  patterns  of  dis- 
tribution are  real  and  not  merely  artifacts  of  inadequate  sampling. 
Our  species  are  found  only  in  areas  that  are  quite  moist  throughout 
the  year.  No  Costa  Rican  species  is  known  to  grow  in  the  flat  Carib- 
bean Coastal  Plain;  all  species  here  appear  to  require  the  drainage 
of  hilly  sites. 

la.  Leaf-sheath  with  conspicuous  distal  fimbriate  structures  4-12  mm.  long,  leaves 
glabrous  and  smooth;  plants  unisexual  with  the  female  flowers  in  compact 
heads,  male  flowers  (anthers)  3X1  mm.  on  spikes  3-16  cm.  long;  at  elevations 
of  1100-2800  m.  (in  Costa  Rica) H.  mexicanum. 

Ib.  Leaf-sheath  entire  or  with  subulate  or  very  short  ( 1-4  mm. )  fimbriate  processes 
distally ;  female  flowers  solitary  or  in  small  groups  of  2  to  4 2a. 

2a.  Leaves  linear-lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic,  leaf-sheath  entire  distally, 
leaves  glabrous  and  smooth;  plants  bisexual  with  the  female  flowers  sessile 
and  solitary,  often  in  a  cincinnus-like  form,  male  flowers  (anthers)  1  X  0.7  mm.; 
1000-1300  m.  on  the  Pacific  slope  (in  Costa  Rica) H.  brenesii. 

2b.  Leaves  broader,  plants  of  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes  and  the  Central  Highlands 
and  Cordilleras 3a. 

3a.  Leaves  with  12  to  20  (30)  secondary  veins  on  a  side,  glabrous  and  usually 
smooth;  inflorescences  free  of  the  stem  above  the  leaf-sheath,  male  flowers 
(anthers)  1.5  X  0.7  mm.,  the  plants  bisexual  or  (?)  occasionally  unisexual; 
900-1600  m H.  costaricense. 

3b.  Leaves  with  5  to  10  secondary  veins  on  a  side,  often  scabrous;  inflorescences 
usually  united  with  the  stem  to  above  the  leaf-sheath,  plants  unisexual  4a. 

4a.  Female  flowers  solitary  within  a  subtending  cupulate  or  open  bract,  male 
flowers  (anthers)  1.4  X  0.5  mm.;  elevations  of  500-1000  m.  H.  calloso-serratum. 

H.  scaberrimum 

FIG.  1.  Chloranthaceae:  Costa  Rican  and  Panamanian  species  of  Hedyosmum; 
note  the  opposite  leaves  with  tubular  sheathing  leaf -bases. 



4b.    Female  flowers  usually  in  groups  of  2  or  3  within  the  subtending  bracts  .  .  .  .  5a. 

5a.  Plants  of  higher  (1800-2700  m.)  elevations  along  the  Caribbean  side  of  the 
Central  Highlands  and  in  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca;  male  flowers  (anthers) 
1.7  X  0.6  mm H.  montanum. 

5b.  Plants  of  lower  (0-1000  m.)  elevations  on  the  Caribbean  slopes  of  western 
Panama;  male  flowers  (anthers)  2.5  X  0.5  mm H.  scaberrimum. 

Hedyosmum  brenesii  Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18:371.  1937. 
Figure  1. 

Bisexual  shrubs  1-2  m.  tall,  often  with  many  branches,  leafy  internodes  (1)2-7  cm. 
long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  leaf-scars  inconspicuous  and  narrow  around  the  stem. 
Leaves  with  the  free  portion  of  the  petiole  absent  or  very  short  ( 1-3  mm.),  margins 
of  the  lamina  continuous  with  the  vaginate  leaf-base,  tube  of  the  leaf-sheath  4-10 
mm.  long  with  the  distal  margin  usually  entire;  laminae  7-19  cm.  long,  1-2  (3)  cm. 
broad,  linear-lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic,  broadest  at  or  below  the  middle, 
gradually  long-acuminate  at  the  apex,  attenuate  at  the  base,  acutely  serrate  along 
the  margins,  laminae  glabrous  and  drying  chartaceous,  smooth  above  and  below, 
the  6  to  12  pairs  of  secondary  veins  obscure  above  and  below  with  only  the  midvein 
prominent.  Inflorescences  usually  unisexual  with  the  male  borne  at  nodes  directly 
below  those  with  female  inflorescences;  male  inflorescence  usually  of  opposite 
pedunculate  spikes  borne  on  an  unbranched  common  peduncle  1-3  cm.  long, 
peduncles  of  the  spikes  5-12  mm.  long  and  subtended  by  a  bract,  the  spikes  5-15  mm. 
long  and  about  3  mm.  thick,  stamens  becoming  1  mm.  distant  on  the  rachis,  anthers 
sessile,  0.9-1.3  mm.  long  and  0.5-0.7  mm.  thick,  connective  projecting  acutely  for- 
ward 0.5  mm.  beyond  the  thecae;  female  inflorescence  of  paired  or  solitary  flowers 
often  on  a  cincinnus-like  rachis,  bracts  subtending  the  lower  inflorescence-branches 
1-3  cm.  long  and  2-4  mm.  broad,  each  flower  subtended  by  a  bract  1-3  mm.  long, 
female  flowers  sessile,  2-3  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  stigma  very  short.  Fruit  3-4  mm. 
long  and  2-3  mm.  thick,  ellipsoid  and  trigonous,  drying  brown. 

This  species  is  known  in  Costa  Rica  only  from  the  collections  of 
Alberto  Brenes  (3731,  4027,  &  4620  the  type)  made  between 
August  and  November  in  the  area  of  La  Palma  de  San  Ramon, 
Alajuela  Province,  at  altitudes  of  1150  to  1250  m.  The  species  has 
also  been  collected  in  the  Province  of  Bocas  del  Toro,  vicinity  of 
Chiriqui  Lagoon,  Panama,  and  near  Lake  Yojoa,  Honduras. 

Hedyosmum  brenesii  is  easily  distinguished  from  our  other 
species  of  the  genus  by  the  very  narrow  subsessile  leaves,  usual 
presence  of  a  few  male  inflorescences  below  the  female,  and  con- 
sistently solitary  female  flowers.  This  species  is  closely  related  to  H. 
nutans  Sw.  of  the  West  Indies. 

Hedyosmum  calloso-serratum  Oersted,  Vidensk.  Meddel. 
Kjoebenhavn  1856:40.  1857.  Figure  1. 

Unisexual  shrubs  or  small  trees  3-12  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-10  cm.  long,  1.5-6 
mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous,  leaf-scars  usually  absent  with  the  leaf-base  per- 
sisting and  encircling  the  stem.  Leaves  with  the  free  portion  of  the  petiole  5-25  mm. 


long  and  1-2  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  irregular  short  or  long  hairs,  tube  of  the 
leaf-sheath  1-2.5  cm.  long,  usually  with  2  small  (1-3  mm.)  aculeate  or  distally  fim- 
briate  structures  on  each  distal  margin,  usually  remaining  entire  and  not  tearing 
distally;  laminae  7-22  cm.  long,  2.5-8.5  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  oblong  or 
slightly  obovate,  abruptly  short-acuminate,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  finely 
serrulate  along  the  margins,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  glabrous 
and  slightly  rough  to  scabrous  above,  scabrous  and  often  with  irregular  brownish 
hairs  0.2-1  mm.  long  on  the  midvein  beneath,  minute  (0.1  mm.)  epidermal  projec- 
tions sparse  or  inconspicuous,  the  6  to  9  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above 
and  prominent  beneath.  Inflorescences  usually  united  with  the  stem  to  above  the 
leaf-sheath;  male  inflorescence  of  spikes  usually  borne  in  2  or  3  opposite  pairs  on  a 
short  ( 1-3  cm.)  axis  terminated  by  a  single  spike,  subsessile  or  terminal  on  bracteate 
peduncles  4-12  mm.  long,  the  subulate  bracts  5-9  mm.  long,  spikes  expanding  to 
about  3  cm.  long  and  4-6  mm.  thick,  each  anther  subsessile  or  on  a  slight  projection 
of  the  rachis,  1.2-1.6  mm.  long  and  0.4-0.6  mm.  broad,  the  connective  produced  about 
0.2  mm.  beyond  the  thecae,  flat  above  and  acute  on  one  side  (toward  the  apex  of  the 
spike);  female  inflorescences  thyrse-like  or  racemose,  3-8  cm.  long,  branches  of  the 
inflorescence  originating  from  the  stem  or  from  a  short  (1-2  cm.)  common  rachis, 
floral  bracts  opposite  or  alternate  and  pedicellate  or  subsessile,  the  floral  bract 
cupulate  or  open  on  one  side,  2-3  mm.  long  and  usually  3-lobed,  becoming  white  but 
drying  brown,  each  bract  subtending  and  partly  enclosing  a  single  female  flower 
(rarely  with  more  than  one),  female  flower  about  2  mm.  long  and  1.5  mm.  thick  with 
perianth-lobes  about  0.3  mm.  long.  Fruit  2-3  mm.  long  and  1.4-2  mm.  thick,  ellipsoid 
and  trigonous. 

Plants  of  the  premontane  wet  forest  and  its  transition  to  the 
tropical  wet  forest  formation  between  (0)  500  and  1000  m.  elevation 
in  Costa  Rica.  The  species  ranges  from  the  area  of  Ciudad  Quesada, 
Alajuela,  along  the  Caribbean  slope  to  the  Rio  Grande  de  Orosi, 
Cartago,  and  from  the  General  Valley  on  the  Pacific  slope  to  Central 
Panama;  apparently  flowering  throughout  the  year,  but  collected 
most  often  between  February  and  August. 

Hedyosmum  calloso-serratum  is  distinguished  by  the  usually 
solitary  female  flowers  and  the  lowland  habitats  above  the  coastal 
plain  (no  Costa  Rican  collections  are  known  from  below  500  m. 
elevation).  The  type  collection  is  described  as  having  come  from 
Volcan  Irazu  at  an  elevation  of  9000  ft.  (2760  m. ),  but  I  am  sure  that 
this  is  incorrect.  Type  material  very  closely  matches  all  the  other 
material  placed  here,  and  none  of  this  material  was  found  at  alti- 
tudes above  1000  m.  This  species  is  very  closely  related  to  H. 
scaberrimum  and//,  montanum;  see  the  discussion  under  the  latter 

Hedyosmum  costaricense  C.  E.  Wood  in  Burger,  Phytologia 
26:132.  1973.  Figure  1. 


Bisexual  or  (?)  unisexual  shrubs  and  small  trees  3-7  m.  tall,  essentially  glabrous, 
leaf-scars  absent  with  the  leaf-base  persisting  and  encircling  the  stem.  Leaves  with 
the  free  portion  of  the  petiole  4-15  (25)  mm.  long,  0.8-2  mm.  thick,  tube  of  the  leaf- 
sheath  3-8  ( 12)  mm.  long,  the  distal  margins  entire  or  with  2  minute  ( 1  mm.)  linear 
structures  on  each  distal  margin;  laminae  7-16  cm.  long,  2.5-5  (6)  cm.  broad,  very 
narrowly  to  broadly  elliptic  or  oblong,  abruptly  acuminate,  obtuse  to  acute  at  the 
base,  serrulate  with  teeth  4-8  mm.  distant  on  the  margin,  laminae  drying  stiffly 
chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above  and  below,  the  12  to  20 
(30)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  or  becoming  impressed  above,  serrulate  with 
the  teeth  about  (4)  8  mm.  distant  on  the  margin.  Inflorescences  occasionally  bi- 
sexual (as  in  the  type),  usually  free  from  the  stem  above  the  leaf-sheath;  male 
inflorescences  usually  of  spikes  borne  in  1  to  3  opposite  pairs  on  an  axis  3-8  cm.  long, 
terminated  by  a  pair  of  spikes,  each  spike  subtended  by  an  aculeate  bract  about  3 
mm.  long,  spikes  sessile  or  occasionally  short  (15  mm.)  pedunculate,  6-18  mm.  long, 
4-5  mm.  thick,  stamens  becoming  2  mm.  distant  on  the  expanded  rachis,  anthers 
sessile,  1.3-1.8  mm.  long  and  0.6-1  mm.  broad,  connective  about  0.5  mm.  broad  and 
flat  above;  female  inflorescences  thyrse-like,  racemose,  or  spicate  with  groups  of  ( 1 ) 
3  to  6  female  flowers  in  opposite  pairs,  sessile  or  on  short  ( 1-8  mm.)  peduncles,  each 
group  of  flowers  about  4-8  mm.  long  and  3-6  mm.  thick,  each  flower  subtended  by  a 
broad  bract  about  2.5  mm.  long  and  united  with  the  other  bracts  only  at  the  very 
base,  female  flower  about  2  mm.  long  with  perianth-lobes  about  0.5  mm.  long,  the 
lower  half  of  the  flower  enclosed  within  the  subtending  bract.  Fruit  2.5-4  mm.  long, 
about  2  mm.  thick,  thickest  at  or  above  the  middle,  trigonous. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  lower  montane  (premontane  wet  and  pre- 
montane  rain)  forest  formations  between  900  and  1600  m.  elevation 
and  known  only  from  areas  of  the  Central  Highlands  subject  to  the 
wet  Caribbean  winds  ( see  below) ;  flowering  and  fruiting  throughout 
the  year.  The  species  is  endemic  to  Costa  Rica. 

The  leaf-venation,  occasional  bisexual  inflorescence,  and  floral 
details  readily  distinguish  this  species  from  all  our  other  species  of 
the  genus.  The  plants  are  uncommon  and  known  only  from  the 
following  collections:  Los  Angeles  de  San  Ramon  (Brenes  4772, 
13127,  &  13589),  below  Zarcero  (A.  Smith  H566,  the  type)  in  Ala- 
juela  Province,  near  Tapanti  (Lent  990),  above  Platanillo  ( Wilbur  & 
Stone  10627)  in  the  Province  of  Cartago  at  1,100  m.  near  Balsa  de 
San  Ramon  (Lent  3502),  and  1,100  m.  from  Rio  Hondura-Rio  Casc- 
ajal  (Lent  3783).  In  addition,  two  rather  unusual  collections  are 
placed  here:  J.  Ledn  133  from  Capellades  and  Valeria  1348  from 
Santa  Cruz  de  Turrialba,  Cartago.  These  differ  from  the  others  in 
having  thicker  leaves  with  many  more  ( 16-30  pairs)  prominent  sec- 
ondary veins  and  the  closer  (4  mm.)  serrations,  but  I  believe  they 
are  only  an  unusual  form  of  the  species;  they  lack  well-preserved 
flowers.  Vegetatively,  the  species  and  especially  the  latter  two  col- 


lections  resemble  H.  scabrum  (R.&P.)  Solms  of  South  America  and 
H.  arborescens  Sw.  of  the  West  Indies. 

Hedysomum  mexicanum  Cordemoy,  Adansonia  3:307.  1862-63. 
Figure  1. 

Unisexual  shrubs  or  small  trees  2-8  (12)  m.  tall,  the  stems  strongly  angled,  leafy 
internodes  0.5-4  cm.  long,  2.5-5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  in  all  stages,  older  stems  en- 
circled by  leaf-scars  at  each  node.  Leaves  with  the  free  portion  of  the  petiole  3-10 
mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  adaxial  margins  continuous  with  the  margins  of  the  lamina 
and  leaf-sheath,  tube  of  the  leaf-sheath  1-4  cm.  long,  widening  apically  to  14  mm. 
broad,  usually  with  2  fimbriate  stipule-like  structures  4-12  mm.  long  on  each  distal 
margin,  the  leaf-sheath  not  persisting  after  the  leaves  have  fallen;  laminae  9-18 
(27)  cm.  long,  2.5-4.5  (7)  cm.  broad,  very  narrowly  elliptic  to  very  narrowly  oblong, 
broadest  at  the  middle,  gradually  acuminate,  acute  to  attenuate  at  the  base,  the 
laminae  slightly  succulent  but  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  glabrous 
throughout,  smooth  on  both  surfaces,  the  12  to  20  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
often  prominent  beneath,  conspicuously  serrate  with  the  blunt  teeth  4-8  mm.  dis- 
tant. Male  inflorescences  rare  in  collections,  made  up  of  spikes  paired  or  terminal 
on  short  leafless  axillary  branches  3-20  mm.  long,  spikes  3-8  (16)  cm.  long,  about 
8  mm.  thick,  stamens  crowded  but  becoming  2  mm.  distant  on  the  rachis,  anthers 
sessile,  about  3  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  thick,  connective  forming  a  flat  disc-like  apex 
0.5-1  mm.  broad;  female  inflorescence  capitate,  2-4  cm.  long  and  12-30  mm.  thick, 
the  numerous  female  flowers  densely  congested  and  free  but  appearing  to  be  united 
basally,  perianth  about  4  mm.  long  with  lobes  1  mm.  long,  style  2-4  mm.  long  and 
minutely  papillate-puberulent.  Fruit  compound  of  basally  united  drupes,  the  seeds 
about  3  mm.  long  and  partly  immersed  in  the  fleshy  head. 

This  is  an  uncommon  species  in  Costa  Rica,  restricted  to  wet  mon- 
tane forests  between  1100  and  2800  m.  elevation  and  collected  only 
between  Volcan  Barba  and  the  western  edge  of  the  General  Valley 
in  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca.  The  species  flowers  from  February 
to  May  in  Costa  Rica  and  from  December  to  August  in  northern 
Central  America,  ranging  from  Costa  Rica  to  southern  Mexico. 

The  deciduous  leaf-sheath,  with  its  conspicuous  fimbriate  struc- 
tures distally,  capitate  female  inflorescences,  and  elongate  anthers, 
distinguishes  this  species  from  other  Costa  Rican  members  of  the 
genus.  The  female  flowers  of  this  species  have  been  studied  recently 
by  Peter  Endress  (1971),  who  states  that  these  flowers  are  free. 
In  herbarium  material  the  flowers  usually  appear  to  be  united 

Hedyosmum  montanum  W.  Burger,  Phytologia  26: 133-135.  1973. 
Figure  1. 

Unisexual  shrubs  or  trees  3-10  (20)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-6  cm.  long,  2-5  mm. 
thick,  essentially  glabrous  but  with  a  very  rough  surface  and  occasional  rows  of 
hairs  on  the  leaf-sheath,  leaf-scars  usually  absent  with  the  leaf-base  persisting  and 


encircling  the  stem.  Leaves  with  the  free  portion  of  the  petiole  5-14  mm.  long,  1.5-2.5 
mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  irregular  hairs  0.2-1  mm.  long  in  rows,  tube  of  the  leaf- 
sheath  1-2.8  cm.  long,  with  2  (several)  slender,  often  fimbriate,  stipule-like  struc- 
tures 1-3  mm.  long  on  each  distal  margin,  the  distal  margin  occasionally  becoming 
torn  in  age;  laminae  6.5-13  (17)  cm.  long,  2-5  (7)  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to 
oblong,  widest  near  the  middle,  gradually  or  abruptly  short-acuminate,  obtuse  to 
acute  or  sometimes  attenuate  at  the  base,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcor- 
iaceous,  slightly  scabrous  or  smooth  above,  glabrous  above  and  often  with  irregular 
brownish  hairs  0.2-1  mm.  long  on  the  midvein  beneath,  minute  (0.1  mm.)  epidermal 
projections  obscure  or  prominent  on  both  surfaces,  the  5  to  8  (10)  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  flat  above  and  slightly  raised  beneath,  serrulate  with  the  teeth 
2-4  mm.  distant  on  the  margin.  Inflorescences  usually  united  with  the  stem  to  above 
the  leaf-sheath;  male  inflorescences  usually  of  1  or  2  pairs  of  opposite  spikes  and  a 
solitary  terminal  spike  on  a  short  ( 1-2  cm.)  rachis,  opposing  spikes  subsessile,  the 
terminal  pedunculate,  subtended  by  subulate  bracts  3-6  mm.  long,  the  spikes  be- 
coming 3-6  cm.  long,  4-6  mm.  thick,  stamens  sessile  and  becoming  2-3  mm.  distant 
on  the  rachis,  anthers  1.4-1.8  mm.  long,  0.6-0.7  mm.  thick,  connective  produced 
0.1-0.2  mm.  beyond  the  thecae,  flat  above  and  often  acute  on  one  side;  female 
inflorescences  of  racemose  or  spike-like  branches  arising  from  the  stem  or  from  a 
short  rachis  in  opposing  pairs  and  thyrse-like  in  form,  the  female  flower  clustered  in 
small  sessile  or  short-pedunculate  groups,  each  group  with  1  to  4  flowers  (usually  3) 
and  about  4  mm.  long  and  4  mm.  thick,  each  flower  subtended  and  partly  enclosed 
by  a  bract  3-4  mm.  long,  the  bracts  variously  united  at  the  base  to  form  a  cupulate 
involucre  enclosing  all  the  flowers  of  the  group,  flower  about  2  mm.  long  with 
perianth-lobes  about  0.5  mm.  long,  stigma  2-3  mm.  long  (?  apically  bifurcate)  and 
soon  deciduous.  Fruit  about  2.8  mm.  long  and  1.8  mm.  thick,  ellipsoid  and  trigonous 
with  the  apical  perianth-lobes  persisting. 

A  species  of  the  montane  rain  forest  most  often  found  on  slopes 
subjected  to  the  wet  Caribbean  weather  and  collected  only  between 
1800  and  2700  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica.  The  species  ranges  south- 
ward to  the  upper  Rio  Chiriqui  Viejo  in  Panama  and  may  be  repre- 
sented at  its  northernmost  limits  by  somewhat  different  plants 
(not  included  in  these  descriptions)  on  Volcan  Mombacho  and  the 
Island  of  Ometepe  in  west-central  Nicaragua.  In  Costa  Rica  the 
species  has  been  collected  from  the  area  of  Palmira  (A.  Smith  A337, 
4186A,  &  4187)  and  Alto  Palomo  (Lent  1829)  in  Alajuela  Province, 
on  the  eastern  slope  of  Volcan  Barba  (A.  Jimenez  2269,  Burger  and 
Liesner  6366,  the  type,  &  6416)  and  La  Carpintera  (Allen  639)  in 
San  Jose  Province,  and  in  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  near  Em- 
palme  (Burger  7919,  A.  Jimenez  2758,  Williams  et  al.  25018)  and 
below  Chirripo  (Burger  and  Gomez  8370)  in  the  provinces  of  Car- 
tago  and  San  Jose.  The  species  appears  to  flower  throughout  the 
year;  collections  with  male  inflorescences  are  very  rare. 

Specimens  placed  here  were  previously  thought  to  be  H.  calloso- 
serratum,  but  the  latter  species  has  solitary  female  flowers  and  is 


separated,  in  Costa  Rica,  from  H.  montanum  by  an  altitudinal  dis- 
junction of  about  800  m.  I  beb'eve  that  we  have  enough  material  to 
indicate  that  this  ecological  separation  is  real  and  not  an  artifact 
of  poor  sampling.  Hedyosmum  montanum  is  also  closely  related  to 
H.  scaberrimum,  which  differs  in  anther-size  and  lower  elevation 
habitat.  The  lack  of  intermediates  between  these  entities  and  a 
very  consistent  correlation  between  their  morphology  and  habitat 
lead  me  to  believe  that  these  taxa  are  better  treated  as  species  than 
as  subspecies  or  varieties.  The  material  that  I  have  seen  from 
Nicaragua  and  have  mentioned  above  (Friedrichsthal  1031,  Grant 
795  &811)  differs  slightly  in  morphology  from  material  placed  here 
and  occurs  in  a  rather  different  habitat.  Hedyosmum  montanum 
has  not  been  collected  in  the  Cordillera  de  Guanacaste,  where  one 
might  expect  to  find  intermediates  (if  such  exist)  with  the 
Nicaraguan  material.  I  suspect  that  when  the  Nicaraguan  popula- 
tion is  better  known,  it  will  also  prove  to  be  worthy  of  specific  rank. 

Hedyosmum  scaberrimum  Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  4:200-201. 
1929.  Figure  1. 

Unisexual  small  trees  3-7  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-7  (10)  cm.  long,  1.5-5  (8)  mm. 
thick,  the  surface  muricate-scabrous  and  often  with  very  short  (0.3  mm)  irregular 
hairs,  leaf  scars  absent,  with  the  persisting  leaf-base  encircling  the  stem.  Leaves 
with  the  free  portion  of  the  petiole  (3)  6-12  (22)  mm.  long,  1.3-3  mm.  thick,  muricate- 
scabrous  and  often  irregularly  torn  on  the  adaxial  margins,  tube  of  the  leaf-sheath 
1-2.5  cm.  long,  usually  with  2  small  (1-3  mm.)  aculeate  or  fimbriate  structures  on 
each  distal  margin,  the  sheath  often  tearing  and  very  irregular  distally;  laminae 
9-20  cm.  long,  3-8  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  broadly  oblong  or  slightly  obovate, 
acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  finely  serrate,  the  lamina  drying 
stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  conspicuously  muricate  and  scabrous  on  both 
surfaces  with  a  very  few  short  hairs,  the  epidermal  projections  about  0.1  mm.  broad, 
the  6  to  10  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and  prominent  beneath. 
Inflorescences  often  united  to  the  stem  above  the  leaf-sheath;  male  spikes  usually 
in  2  or  3  opposing  pairs  on  a  short  (2-4  cm.)  rachis  terminated  by  a  single  spike, 
lower  spikes  subtended  by  dentate  bracts  12-18  mm.  long  and  about  4  mm.  broad, 
subsessile  or  the  terminal  pedunculate,  spikes  about  6  mm.  thick  and  expanding  to 
6  cm.  long  with  the  stamens  becoming  1-2  mm.  distant  on  the  rachis,  anthers  sub- 
sessile,  2.3-2.8  mm.  long,  0.4-0.6  mm.  thick,  connective  produced  about  0.5  mm. 
beyond  the  thecae,  acute;  female  inflorescences  thyrse-like,  racemose,  or  spicate, 
flowering  branches  originating  from  the  stem  or  from  a  common  rachis  2-4  cm.  long, 
floral  bracts  opposite  or  alternate  and  sessile  or  short-pedunculate,  the  floral  bract 
cupulate  or  open  on  one  side,  2-3  mm.  long  and  usually  3-lobed,  each  bract  subtend- 
ing and  partly  enclosing  2  (occasionally  4,  3,  or  1)  female  flowers  about  2  mm.  long 
and  1.5  mm.  thick,  perianth-lobes  about  0.3  mm.  long.  Fruit  about  2.5  mm.  long  and 
2  mm.  thick,  ellipsoid  and  trigonous. 


Plants  of  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes  and  cloud  forests  of  western 
Panama,  between  sea  level  and  about  1000  m.  elevation.  This 
species  has  not  been  collected  in  Costa  Rica  but  is  known  from 
adjacent  Panama  (Cooper  595,  the  type,  from  above  Almirante  and 
von  Wedel  1943  &  2910  near  Chiriqui  Lagoon)  in  Bocas  del  Toro 
Province  and  also  from  near  El  Valle  in  Code  Province  (Allen  2148 
&22S4,  Duke  121 19,  and  Wilbur  etal  11139);  apprarently  flowering 
throughout  the  year. 

The  larger  male  spikes  with  larger  anthers,  grouping  of  female 
flowers,  and  unusual  surface  on  both  leaves  and  stems  serve  to 
distinguish  this  species  from  the  very  closely  related  H.  calloso- 
serratum  and  H.  montanum.  These  three  species  could  be  con- 
sidered subspecific  elements  of  a  single  taxon,  but  I  prefer  to  keep 
them  separate;  see  the  discussion  under  H.  montanum. 



Trees  or  shrubs.  Leaves  alternate  and  simple,  petiolate,  the  lamina  pinnately 
veined,  stipules  present.  Inflorescence  a  spike,  raceme,  or  paniculate,  often  fascicu- 
late in  the  leaf-axils,  subtended  by  2  bracts;  flowers  bisexual  or  unisexual,  sub- 
tended by  a  bract  or  bracteoles  or  both,  with  or  without  a  perianth,  the  perianth  a 
single  whorl  of  6  or  fewer  parts  free  or  variously  connate  below,  a  fleshy  disc  present 
and  lobed  or  cleft;  stamen  solitary  and  arising  from  near  the  center  of  the  disc, 
usually  inflexed  in  bud,  anthers  2-thecous,  dehiscing  longitudinally;  pistil  solitary 
and  superior  in  the  center  of  the  disc,  sessile  or  short- stipitate,  ovary  1-locular  with 
3  parietal  placentas,  the  ovules  1  or  2  and  pendulous  on  each  placenta,  style  short  or 
absent,  stigmas  3  or  solitary  and  3-lobed;  fruit  capsular,  ovoid  or  subglobose  and 
opening  by  usually  3  valves,  seeds  usually  1  (3)  by  abortion. 

This  small  neotropical  family  has  been  recognized  and  placed 
among  the  Amentiferae  by  a  number  of  authors.  The  family  was 
recognized  and  so  placed  in  the  "Flora  of  Panama"  (Nevling,  Ann. 
Missouri  Bot.  Card.  47:84-87.  1960)  and  the  "Flora  of  Guatemala" 
(Standley  and  Steyermark,  Fieldiana  Bot.  24,  pt.  3:340-342.  1952). 
Diels,  in  reworking  Engler's  Syllabus  der  Pflanzenfamilien  (llth 
edition,  1936),  considered  the  plants  placed  here  as  no  more  than  a 
tribe  within  the  Flacourtiaceae.  A  superficial  examination  of  the 
flowers  of  our  species  of  Lozania  leads  me  to  concur  with  the  view 
that  these  plants  belong  with  the  Flacourtiaceae.  Even  in  the 
absence  of  flowers  and  fruit,  the  dried  leaves  and  stems  of  Lozania 
bear  a  striking  resemblance  to  herbarium  material  of  Casearia  and 
other  members  of  the  Flacourtiaceae.  Our  species  of  Lacistema, 
with  its  short  spikes  (aments)  with  minute  flowers  largely  hidden 
by  the  imbricate  bracts,  appears  to  be  very  different  from  most 
Flacourtiaceae,  but  it  is  clearly  related  through  Lozania. 

A  key  to  the  species  and  a  figure  is  included  here;  these,  together 
with  full  descriptions,  will  be  provided  under  the  account  of  the 
Flacourtiaceae  in  a  future  issue  of  this  Flora.  Lozania  pittieri 
(Blake)  L.  B.  Smith  and  Lozania  mutisiana  Roem.  &  Schult.  are 
earlier  names  for  L.  pedicellata  (Standl.)  L.  B.  Smith  and  L. 


LACISTEMA  aggregatum 

LOZANIA  pittieri 

LOZANIA  mutisiana 

FIG.  2.  Lacistemaceae:  Costa  Rican  species  of  Lacistema  and  Lozania;  plants 
closely  related  to  the  Flacourtiaceae. 



monatana  Standl.,  respectively,  according  to  Getulio  Agostini.1 
Lacistema  aggregation  (Berg)  Rusby  is  a  very  common  small  tree, 
more  often  encountered  than  the  other  two  species  in  our  flora  ( see 
fig.  2). 


la.  Flowers  subsessile  and  partly  hidden  by  the  imbricate  floral  bracts;  inflor- 
escences of  short  spikes  borne  in  clusters  of  4  to  12,  less  than  2  cm.  long  at 
anthesis,  densely  flowered  and  the  rachis  not  visible;  common  plants  of  wet 
forest  formations  from  sea  level  to  1600  m.  elevation  .  .  Lacistema  aggregatum. 

Ib.  Flowers  clearly  visible  on  distinct  pedicels  above  the  minute  floral  bracts; 
inflorescences  of  racemes  3-9  cm.  long  and  1  to  4  per  axil,  loosely  flowered  and 
the  rachis  easily  visible  from  early  stages ;  uncommon  plants  of  wet  forest  for- 
mations   2a. 

2a.  Plants  of  montane  areas  between  1000  and  2000  m.  elevation,  leaves  drying 
stiffly  chartaceous;  racemes  1  to  3  per  axil,  stamen  with  a  very  short  broad 
filament Lozania  mutisiana. 

2b.  Plants  of  lowland  areas  between  sea  level  and  500  m.  elevation,  leaves  drying 
thinly  chartaceous;  racemes  solitary,  stamen  with  a  slender  filament. 

Lozania  pittieri. 

'( Acta  Bot.  Venez.  8: 167-175.  1973). 


Luis  DIEGO  G6MEZ  P. 

Unisexual  (rarely  bisexual)  trees  and  shrubs  with  light  wood  and  bitter  bark. 
Leaves  alternate  in  a  spiral,  simple  and  stipulate,  laminae  entire  or  more  often 
serrulate.  Inflorescences  dense  spikes  or  racemes  (catkins  or  aments)  borne  in  the 
leaf-axils;  flowers  small  and  unisexual,  each  subtended  by  a  thin  bract,  without 
sepals  or  petals  and  the  perianth  represented  by  a  cup-like  disc  (in  Populus)  or  by 
1  or  2  minute  glands  or  scales  (in  Salix);  male  flower  with  2  to  many  stamens,  fila- 
ments borne  on  the  base  of  the  bract  and  free  or  united  near  the  base,  anthers  2- 
thecous,  dehiscing  longitudinally,  a  pistillode  present  or  absent;  female  flower  with- 
out staminodes,  pistil  solitary  and  sessile  or  stipitate,  ovary  unilocular,  ovules  many 
and  erect  on  2  to  4  parietal  or  somewhat  basal  placentas,  style  1  with  2  to  4  stigmas, 
the  stigmas  simple  or  bifid.  Fruit  a  capsule  breaking  into  2  to  4  parts,  seeds  small 
with  a  coma  of  long  soft  usually  white  hairs,  endosperm  little  or  none. 

A  family  of  two  genera  and  about  300  species,  very  common  in  the 
arctic  and  north  temperate  regions  of  both  the  Old  and  New  World 
but  represented  in  our  area  only  by  introduced  species.  Only  one 
species  is  commonly  encountered  in  Costa  Rica;  others  are  occasion- 
ally seen  in  cultivation.  The  family  is  quite  isolated  by  virtue  of  the 
much-reduced  flowers,  but  it  is  probably  related  to  the  Tamari- 

Laminae  usually  broad  and  on  conspicuous,  often  flattened  petioles,  buds  with 
several  usually  resinous  scales;  inflorescences  usually  drooping  or  pendulous, 
each  flower  with  a  basal  cup-like  disc;  often  planted  in  gardens  and  along  streets. 


Laminae  very  narrow  and  on  short  terete  petioles,  buds  with  1  scale;  inflorescences 
usually  erect,  each  flower  with  1  or  2  minute  basal  glands;  often  planted  or  es- 
caped along  streams  and  lakes  and  in  wet  cool  areas Salix. 

POPULUS  Linnaeus 

Trees,  bark  on  young  trunks  often  pale  gray  and  quite  smooth  becoming  rough 
and  gray  in  age;  buds  at  first  enclosed  by  several  imbricate  scales,  the  scales  usually 
resinous.  Leaves  persistent  or  deciduous,  petioles  usually  long  and  flattened  later- 
ally to  form  an  adaxial  groove,  laminae  often  broadest  below  the  middle  and  trun- 
cate to  rounded  at  the  base,  usually  serrate  to  sinuate  along  the  edge;  stipules 
narrow  and  deciduous.  Inflorescences  usually  pendulous  or  drooping  in  anthesis 




FlG.  3.  Salicaceae:  Salix  humboldtiana,  twig  with  fruiting  inflorescence. 

and  fruit;  each  flower  with  a  cup-like  disc,  the  disc  symmetrical  or  oblique,  fleshy  or 
membranous,  edge  of  the  disc  entire  to  dentate  or  lobed;  male  flower  with  (4)  8  to  50 
or  more  stamens,  filaments  free;  female  flower  with  a  sessile  or  stipitate  pistil,  style 
1  or  none,  stigmas  2  or  4.  Fruit  a  2-  or  3-valved  capsule. 

A  genus  of  about  30  species  of  the  northern  hemisphere  not 
ranging  further  south  than  Mexico  (in  North  America)  but  occa- 
sionally planted  as  ornamental  trees  throughout  the  Neotropics. 
None  of  the  introduced  species  is  common  in  Costa  Rica,  but 
Populus  alba  L.  with  the  laminae  downy-white  beneath  is  often  seen 
in  gardens. 

SALIX  Linnaeus 

Shrubs  or  trees  often  growing  near  fresh  water  lakes  and  streams,  young  trunks 
with  brown  or  dark  gray  bark;  bud  enclosed  within  a  single  scale,  the  scale  with  an 
inner  adherent  membrane.  Leaves  persistent  or  deciduous,  usually  short -petiolate 
and  with  very  narrow  and  serrulate  laminae;  stipules  persistent  or  deciduous, 
paired,  scale-like  or  large.  Inflorescences  usually  erect  or  spreading,  floral  bracts 
entire  or  minutely  serrulate,  each  flower  with  1  or  2  minute  basal  glands  or  scales; 
the  male  flowers  with  1  to  2  or  3  to  12  stamens,  filaments  free  or  united;  female 
flowers  with  a  sessile  or  stipitate  pistil,  style  1  or  none,  stigmas  2  and  simple  or 
bifid;  capsule  usually  2-parted. 

A  genus  of  more  than  200  species  but  with  only  a  few  entering  the 
tropics.  The  following  is  the  only  species  commonly  found  in  Costa 
Rica;  several  others,  both  native  and  introduced,  have  been  re- 


ported  in  Guatemala  and  are  treated  in  the  "Flora  of  Guatemala" 
(Fieldiana:  Bot.  24,  pt.  3:343-348.  1952). 

Salix  humboldtiana  Willd.  inL.,  Sp.  PL  ed4, 4:657.  1806.  Figure 3. 

Shrubs  or  trees  becoming  10  ( 18)  m.  tall,  branches  often  drooping,  stems  at  first 
puberulent  with  crooked  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.3  mm.  long,  leafy  internodes  3-18  mm. 
long,  0.4-1.8  mm.  thick;  bud  scales  1-2  mm.  long.  Leaves  evergreen,  petioles  2-5  mm. 
long,  about  0.5  mm.  thick,  puberulent;  laminae  4-10  (15)  cm.  long,  4-8  (12)  mm. 
broad,  lanceolate  to  linear,  tapering  gradually  to  the  slender  and  acute  apex,  acute 
at  the  base,  each  margin  with  40  or  more  minute  teeth  0.5-1.5  mm.  distant,  the 
laminae  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  venation 
pinnate  with  many  slender  secondary  veins  occasionally  joining  distally  to  form  a 
submarginal  vein;  stipules  vestigial.  Inflorescences  subtended  by  small  leaves; 
( stamina te  plants  not  known  from  Costa  Rica  and  the  description  based  on  Central 
American  material)  male  spikes  3-6  cm.  long  with  the  puberulent  flowers  crowded, 
bracts  1-2  mm.  long  and  densely  whitish  tomentose  at  the  base  adaxially,  each 
flower  with  3  to  5  (7)  stamens,  filaments  2-3  mm.  long,  anthers  about  0.4  mm.  long 
and  equally  broad;  female  spikes  3-7  cm.  long,  peduncle  about  4  mm.  long  and  0.8 
mm.  thick,  puberulent,  the  flowers  0.3-2.5  mm.  distant  on  the  rachis,  bract  1-2  mm. 
long  and  densely  white  tomentose  adaxially,  pistil  glabrous,  2-3  mm.  long  with  a 
stipe  about  1  mm.  long,  ovary  narrowly  ovoid,  0.5-0.8  mm.  thick  (dry),  stigmas  0.4- 
0.7  mm.  broad  on  a  very  short  style  or  sessile.  Fruit  with  valves  3-5  mm.  long,  1.5-3 
mm.  broad,  seeds  0.5-1  mm.  long  with  many  soft  whitish  hairs  2-3  mm.  long. 

This  species  is  widely  planted  by  vegetative  propagation  in  the 
cool  and  wet  areas  of  the  country.  Populations  of  this  species  have 
become  established  in  the  rivers  of  the  Caribbean  lowlands  in 
nearby  Nicaragua,  and  naturalized  populations  can  be  expected  in 
Costa  Rica  throughout  the  wet  and  cooler  areas  of  the  country 
between  sea  level  and  2000  m.  elevation.  The  species  ranges  from 
Mexico  southward  to  Costa  Rica  and  from  Colombia  to  Argentina 
and  Chile. 

The  first  record  of  the  genus  Salix  in  the  New  World  is  probably 
that  of  Fernandez  de  Oviedo  (Historia  General  y  Natural  de  las 
Indias,  Book  9,  Chap.  32,  1535-1557.),  who  refers  to  the  "salces  so 
common  in  the  southern  lands  of  New  Castile,  which  are  very  much 
like  those  seen  in  Europe."  Nevertheless,  it  strikes  one  as  rather 
awkward  for  a  man  of  Oviedo's  curiosity  and  fine  insight,  that 
although  he  described  many  trees  peculiar  to  Central  America,  he 
does  not  mention  "salces"  nor  "sauces"  as  occurring  in  places  such 
as  Guatemala. 

Salix  humboldtiana  is  known  only  from  sterile  and  pistillate  col- 
lections in  Costa  Rica,  and  it  is  generally  thought  to  have  been 
introduced  by  the  Spanish  settlers.  However,  the  species  seems  to 


be  native  in  northern  Central  America  and  over  a  wide  area  in  South 
America.  The  very  narrow  leaves,  often  slightly  curved,  and  the  wet 
habitat  distinguish  this  species. 

The  only  other  species  of  the  genus  that  is  commonly  planted  in 
Costa  Rica  is  Salix  babylonica  L.,  with  long  hanging  branches  that 
may  touch  the  ground.  The  name  S.  chilensis  Molina  ( Sagg.  Storia 
Nat.  Chil.,  169.  1782)  has  been  used  for  this  species  but  is  a  nomen 
dubium,  as  according  to  Schneider  (Bot.  Gaz.  65:6.  1918)  is  based 
on  material  that  may  not  be  Salix. 



REFERENCE:  Walther  Wangerin  in  Engler,  Pflanzenreich  IV, 
56a.  Garryaceae.  1-18. 1910. 

Unisexual  shrubs  and  small  trees,  young  stems  somewhat  quadrangular  and  with 
an  interpetiolar  ridge.  Leaves  opposite,  simple  and  evergreen,  petiolate;  lamina 
usually  coriaceous  and  entire,  stipules  absent  but  the  leaf-bases  continuous  and 
united  by  an  interpetiolar  ridge.  Inflorescence  composed  of  1  to  4  individual  flowers 
in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  undeveloped  leaves  and  often  subtended  by  conspicuous 
bracts  in  a  racemose  or  spicate  form  or  occasionally  producing  a  terminal  thyrse- 
like  inflorescence;  male  flowers  usually  pedicellate,  sepals  4,  valvate  and  separating 
or  occasionally  remaining  connate  at  the  apex,  petals  absent,  stamens  4  and  alter- 
nate with  the  sepals,  filaments  short  and  free,  anthers  2-thecous,  basifixed, 
dehiscing  longitudinally  and  introrse,  narrow,  a  minute  pistillode  present  or  absent; 
female  flower  without  apparent  parianth  but  2  to  4  small  lobes  sometimes  present 
at  the  apex  of  the  ovary  (and  the  ovary  probably  inferior  by  adnation),  ovary  1-locu- 
lar  with  2  ovules  pendulous  from  the  apex  of  the  locule,  styles  and  stigmas  2  and 
divergent.  Fruit  baccate,  ovoid  to  globose,  seeds  2  or  1  by  abortion,  seed  ovoid  to 
globose  with  a  fleshy  covering,  embryo  minute  at  the  apex  of  the  endosperm. 

This  family,  represented  by  a  single  genus,  is  closely  related  to 
the  Cornaceae  but  has  become  adapted  to  wind  pollination.  While 
placement  of  the  Garryaceae  here  (between  the  Salicaceae  and 
Myricaceae)  is  clearly  incorrect,  it  is  perhaps  easier  for  most  people 
to  associate  these  reduced  unisexual  flowers  with  those  of  the  amen- 
tiferous  families.  The  Garryaceae  follow  the  Cornaceae  in  the  "Flora 
of  Guatemala"  (Fieldiana:  Bot.  24,  pt.  8:69-72.  1966). 

GARRYA  Douglas 

A  genus  of  about  15  species  restricted  to  North  America  and 
ranging  from  Oregon  to  the  western  United  States  southward 
through  Texas  and  Mexico  to  Costa  Rica  with  a  single  species 
(G.  fadyeni  Hook.)  in  Jamaica  and  eastern  Cuba.  The  following  is 
the  only  species  known  from  Costa  Rica;  an  additional  species  is 
known  in  Guatemala.  They  are  not  known  to  be  useful  in  Central 
America,  but  members  of  the  genus  are  occasionally  planted  as 
ornamental  shrubs  in  California. 




GARRYA   laurifolia 

FlG.  4.  Garryaceae:  Garrya  laurifolia  with  fruiting  female  specimen  (left)  and  male 
twig  (right). 

Garrya  laurifolia  Hartweg  ex  Bentham,  PI.  Hartw.  14.  1839. 
Figure  4. 

Dioecious  shrubs  or  small  trees  2-6  ( 12)  m.  tall,  often  branched  from  near  the  base 
and  with  many  vertical  stems,  leafy  internodes  5-30  mm.  long,  1.5-5  (7)  mm.  thick, 
with  slender  whitish  hairs  0.3-0.7  mm.  long  or  glabrescent,  usually  drying  dark, 
interpetiolar  ridges  prominent.  Leaves  in  decussate  pairs,  often  held  erect,  petioles 
4-18  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent  but  becoming  glabrous,  sulcate 
above  with  the  adaxial  ridges  continuous  with  both  the  lamina-margin  and  the 
interpetiolar  ridge;  laminae  (2)  4-11  cm.  long,  (0.8)  1.5-4  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  oblong 
or  occasionally  narrowly  obovate,  rounded  to  abruptly  obtuse  (rarely  acute)  at  the 
apex,  occasionally  minutely  ( 1  mm. )  mucronate  at  the  tip,  acute  to  attenuate  at  the 
base,  margins  entire  and  revolute  on  drying,  the  lamina  coriaceous  to  subcoriaceous, 
smooth  and  often  lustrous  above,  sparsely  puberulent  above  and  very  sparsely 
puberulent  beneath  with  straight  appresed  and  ascending  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.3  mm. 
long,  becoming  glabrous  in  age,  the  5  to  9  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  slightly 
impressed  above.  Inflorescences  axillary  or  apparently  terminal,  spicate,  thyrse- 
like,  or  rarely  racemose,  the  flowers  solitary  and  terminal  or  in  opposite  axillary 
pairs,  the  rachis  and  branches  of  the  inflorescence  probably  representing  stems  with 
reduced  leaves  subtending  the  opposed  flowers,  branches  and  rachis  often  densely 
whitish  sericeous  in  early  stages;  each  male  flower  subtended  by  a  narrow  bract 
4-7  mm.  long,  sepals  (tepals)  2-4.5  mm.  long  and  1-2.5  mm.  broad,  usually  remaining 
connate  at  the  apex,  stamen  with  very  short  (0.5  mm.)  filaments,  anthers  1.5-2.5 
mm.  long,  about  0.8  mm.  thick;  each  axillary  female  flower  subtended  by  a  small 


leaf-like  bract  3-15  mm.  long  and  about  3  mm.  broad,  the  terminal  flowers  subtended 
by  2  bracts  or  without  bracts,  each  flower  sessile  or  on  a  short  (1-4  mm.)  pedicel, 
perianth  and  perianth-lobes  not  apparent,  pistil  about  6  mm.  long  and  3  mm.  thick, 
surface  of  the  ovary  sparsely  and  very  minutely  puberulent  with  slender  whitish 
hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long,  style  branches  1-3  mm.  long,  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base, 
minutely  papillate-puberulent  on  the  inner  stigmatic  surface.  Fruit  globose  or 
ellipsoid,  becoming  about  10  mm.  long  and  8  mm.  thick,  dark  olive-green  but  drying 
very  dark  gray  or  black. 

Plants  of  the  high  montane  rain  forests  and  paramo  formations 
between  2200  and  3400  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  and 
fruiting  throughout  the  year  but  most  commonly  in  flower  in  the 
wet  season,  May  through  December.  This  species  has  only  been  col- 
lected along  the  Caribbean  watershed  of  the  Central  Highlands  and 
in  the  western  part  of  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  along  the  Inter- 
american  highway  and  on  Cerro  Chirripo  in  Costa  Rica.  The  species 
ranges  northwards  to  Mexico. 

These  unisexual  woody  plants  are  easily  recognized  by  the  very 
stiff  opposite  leaves  with  interpetiolar  ridges,  reduced  flowers,  and 
high  montane  habitat.  This  species  exhibits  what  may  be  tran- 
sitional stages  in  the  development  of  complex  inflorescences  from 
what  were  originally  solitary  flowers  in  the  axils  of  leaves. 



REFERENCE:  T.  S.  Elias,  The  genera  of  the  Myricaceae  in  the 
Southeastern  United  States,  Journ.  Arnold  Arb.  52:305-318.  1971. 

Small  trees,  shrubs,  or  suffruticose,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  usually  aromatic  and 
often  pellucid-punctate;  roots  often  with  nitrogen-fixing  nodules.  Leaves  alternate 
in  a  spiral,  evergreen  or  deciduous,  simple,  entire  to  dentate  or  rarely  pinnatifid; 
with  or  without  stipules.  Inflorescences  spicate  to  paniculate,  axillary  or  from  a 
short-shoot;  flowers  unisexual,  small  and  lacking  both  sepals  and  petals,  solitary  in 
the  axil  of  a  large  bract,  with  or  without  smaller  bracteoles;  male  flowers  with  2  to  30 
anthers  borne  on  short,  free  or  united  filaments,  anthers  2-thecous  and  dehiscing 
longitudinally,  a  pistillode  usually  absent;  female  flowers  with  a  solitary  pistil  and 
unilocular  ovary  with  a  single  ovule,  style  short  with  2  (3)  style-branches,  stigmas 
2  (3).  Fruit  drupaceous  or  nut-like,  endocarp  hard,  exocarp  often  producing  wax, 
embryo  straight  with  plano-convex  cotyledons. 

A  small  family  of  three  genera  and  probably  fewer  than  50  species 
widely  distributed  in  the  north-temperate  zone  and  in  Africa  and 
Southeast  Asia  but  usually  restricted  to  highland  habitats  in 
Central  and  South  America.  The  family  has  an  extensive  fossil 
record  dating  from  the  late  Cretaceous  and  is  an  old  and  phylo- 
genetically  isolated  family.  Relationships  with  the  Juglandaceae, 
Fagaceae,  Casuarinaceae,  and  Hamamelidaceae  have  been  sug- 
gested by  various  authors. 

MYRICA  Linnaeus 

Small  shrubs  to  small  or  medium  sized  (12  m. )  trees,  unisexual  or  less  often  bi- 
sexual, often  branching  near  the  ground,  stems  usually  with  pale  grayish  lenticels 
broadly  elliptic  and  bisected  by  a  longitudinal  depression;  roots  usually  with  nitro- 
gen-fixing nodules.  Leaves  simple  and  with  pinnate  venation  (in  ours),  short- 
petiolate,  laminae  stiffly  chartaceous  to  coriaceous,  subentire  to  dentate  or  serrate, 
aromatic  when  crushed;  stipules  absent.  Inflorescence  a  simple  stiff  spike  arising 
in  the  leaf-axils  (in  ours),  flowers  alternate  in  a  spiral  on  the  rachis;  male  flower  sub- 
tended by  1  broad  bract  and  usually  with  2  linear  bracteoles,  stamens  (2)  4  to  8  (20) 
with  free  or  variously  united  filaments,  the  thecae  often  slightly  unequal  and  diver- 
gent on  the  short  thick  connective;  female  flower  subtended  by  a  single  broad  bract 
with  or  without  smaller  bracteoles,  the  ovule  erect  from  the  base  of  the  locule.  Fruit 



drupe-like  with  a  surface  of  tubercles  or  projections  which  usually  become  covered 
with  whitish  wax  in  late  stages. 

The  genus  may  be  represented  in  Central  America  by  no  more 
than  the  species  listed  here.  Of  these,  M.  cerifera  (as  here  inter- 
preted) is  very  unusual  in  its  wide  geographic  range.  The  relation- 
ship of  these  plants  with  nitrogen-fixing  bacteria  is  an  important 
element  in  determining  their  ecological  amplitude  and  role  in  forest 
succession.  Our  species  possess  the  yellowish  pellucid  peltate 
glands,  concave  above,  that  are  so  characteristic  of  the  genus.  The 
wax  extracted  from  the  fruit  has  been  used  for  making  candles  that 
burn  with  a  pleasing  aroma,  but  this  use  of  the  wax  is  becoming  rare 
in  Central  America.  The  ability  to  grow  in  poor  soils  makes  these 
plants  useful  in  erosion  control.  The  names  Bayberry  or  Myrtle 
(in  English)  andArrayan  or  Arbol  de  la  cera  (in  Spanish)  are  com- 
monly used  for  the  genus. 

la.  Plants  bisexual,  spikes  usually  with  male  flowers  beneath  and  female  flowers 
distally,  fruit  on  the  distal  part  of  the  spike;  leaves  usually  densely  puberulent 
beneath  with  10  to  25  major  secondary  veins  on  each  side;  plants  of  montane 
wet  forest  formations  from  1300  to  2800  m.  elevation M.  pubescens. 

Ib.  Plants  unisexual  or  rarely  with  terminal  male  flowers  on  a  female  spike;  leaves 
sparsely  puberulent  to  glabrous  beneath 2a. 

2a.  Laminae  usually  oblanceolate,  entire  or  with  3  or  4  blunt  teeth  distally  on 
each  margin,  major  secondary  veins  usually  less  than  9  on  each  side  and  often 
obscure,  minute  pellucid  dots  numerous  on  both  surfaces  (X20);  plants  rarely 
found  above  1800  m.  elevation M.  cerifera. 

2b.  Laminae  elliptic  to  narrowly  oblong,  usually  with  more  than  4  conspicuous 
teeth  on  each  side,  secondary  veins  prominent  beneath  and  becoming  im- 
pressed above;  plants  commonly  found  above  1800  m.  elevation 3a. 

3a.  Lamina  lacking  pellucid  peltate  glands  above  or  very  sparsely  glandular,  the 
laminae  usually  less  than  5  cm.  long  and  broadly  elliptic;  plants  endemic  to 
Central  Costa  Rica M.  phanerodonta. 

3b.  Lamina  with  numerous  yellowish  peltate  glands  on  the  upper  surface  (X20), 
the  laminae  often  becoming  more  than  7  cm.  long  and  narrowly  elliptic  to  nar- 
rowly oblong;  plants  not  recorded  from  Costa  Rica  ( see  discussion  under  M. 
cerifera) , M.  lindeniana. 

Myrica  cerifera  L.,  Sp.  PL  1024.  1753.  M.  mexicana  Humboldt  & 
Bonpland  ex  Willd.,  Enum.  PI.  2:1011.  1809,  fide  auctores.  M. 
xalapensis  H.B.K.,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  2: 16.  1817,  ex  char.  Figure  5. 

Unisexual  shrubs  or  trees,  (0.5)  1-5  (9)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-10  ( 15)  mm.  long, 
0.8-3  (5)  mm.  thick,  densely  to  sparsely  puberulent  with  soft  gray  or  brown  straight 
and  crooked  hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long,  peltate  pellucid  glands  present  but  the  stems  be- 
coming glabrescent  and  dark  brown  in  age  with  lenticels  0.3-1  mm.  long.  Leaves 


M.  phanerodonta 

M.  cerifera 

M.  pubescens 

FIG.  5.  Myricaceae:  the  Costa  Rican  species  of  Myrica;  note  the  peltate  pellucid 
glands  (left-center). 



evergreen;  petioles  1-3  (8)  mm.  long,  about  0.8  mm.  thick,  terete  or  flattened 
adaxially;  laminae  2-7  (9)  cm.  long,  1-2  (3)  cm.  broad,  oblanceolate  to  narrowly 
obovate  or  less  often  elliptical,  abruptly  acute  or  obtuse  at  the  apex,  acute  to  at- 
tenuate at  the  base,  distal  half  of  each  margin  with  3  to  6  teeth  or  entire,  often 
revolute  on  drying  and  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  the  4  to  9  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  often  obscure  above  and  below,  smooth  and  occasionally  slightly 
lustrous  above,  puberulent  on  the  midvein  above  and  below  or  essentially  glabrous 
but  with  peltate  pellucid  glands  about  0.1  mm.  broad  on  both  surfaces  and  these 
sometimes  drying  black.  Inflorescences  unisexual,  arising  and  maturing  in  the  axils 
of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  peduncle  and  rachis  about  0.8  mm.  thick,  puberulent  and 
often  densely  pellucid-glandular;  male  spike  1-3.5  cm.  long  with  15  to  40  flowers, 
usually  borne  in  the  axils  of  persisting  leaves,  the  superposed  flowers  usually  less 
than  2  mm.  distant  on  the  rachis,  male  bracts  about  1  mm.  long  and  1.5  mm.  broad, 
sparsely  puberulent  and  pellucid-glandular  abaxially,  anthers  3  to  5  ( 12)  on  usually 
very  short  (0.5  mm.)  filaments,  thecae  0.8-1.2  mm.  long;  female  spike  1-3  cm.  long 
with  8  to  30  flowers,  usually  maturing  in  the  axils  of  fallen  leaves,  superposed 
flowers  becoming  2-4  mm.  distant  on  the  rachis,  female  bract  about  1.2  mm.  long 
and  equally  broad,  sparsely  puberulent  and  densely  pellucid-punctate  abaxially, 
pistil  about  3  mm.  long  with  the  style-branches  2  mm.  long  and  the  ovary  about  1 
mm.  Fruit  becoming  2.8-4  mm.  long  and  usually  equally  thick,  globose,  the  tubercles 
0.2-0.5  mm.  broad  and  often  remaining  contiguous  when  dried.  (Measurements 
based  on  Central  American  material  but  excluding  material  ascribed  to  M. 
lindeniana. ) 

Plants  of  seasonally  dry  evergreen  montane  forest  formations  be- 
tween (500)  800  and  1800  (2000)  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica; 
probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species,  as  here  under- 
stood, ranges  from  New  Jersey  in  the  eastern  United  States  to  the 
West  Indies,  western  Panama,  and  possibly  to  Colombia. 

This  species  is  recognized  by  the  generally  small  oblanceolate 
leaves  entire  or  serrulate  only  in  the  distal  half  and  often  clustered 
at  the  ends  of  branches,  aromatic  parts,  and  small  unisexual  spikes. 
This  species  possesses  an  extraordinary  geographic  and  ecological 
range  for  a  perennial  woody  plant.  The  plants  are  known  to  grow  in 
montane  bogs  and  in  well-drained  pine  forests  in  Guatemala 
(Standley,  Fieldiana:  Bot.  24,  pt.  3:349-350.  1952).  Populations  are 
known  from  near  sea-level  along  the  Caribbean  coast  from 
Nicaragua  northward,  but  it  is  apparently  an  uncommon  occurrence 
and  the  material  that  I  have  seen  lacks  flowers  and  fruit.  Plants 
from  the  West  Indies  bearing  this  name  differ  from  ours  by  the 
much  narrower  leaves  usually  without  serration.  The  material  from 
the  United  States  differs  from  Central  American  collections  in  the 
usually  less  serrulate  leaves  and  the  female  spikes  more  often 
maturing  in  the  axils  of  persisting  leaves.  These  geographic  dis- 
tinctions may  be  worthy  of  subspecific  rank  but  the  species  and  its 
relations  are  not  well  understood  ( see  below). 


There  are  two  taxa  in  Central  America  that  are  very  closely  re- 
lated to  M.  cerifera:  M.  lindeniana  C.DC.  and  M.  phanerodonta 
Standley.  With  the  variation  and  range  ascribed  to  M.  cerifera,  it 
may  seem  inconsistent  to  consider  these  closely  related  taxa  as 
separate  species.  In  the  case  of  M.  phanerodonta,  the  plants  are 
easily  separable  ecologically  and  morphologically  with  no  real  evi- 
dence of  intergradation.  However,  the  situation  with  M.  tindeniana 
is  not  as  clear.  Material  referable  to  M.  lindeniana  occurs  through- 
out much  of  the  range  of  M.  cerifera  in  Central  America  and  appears 
to  grow  in  moister  situations  and  at  higher  altitudes.  Typical 
material  of  M.  lindeniana  has  conspicuously  longer  (6-12  cm.) 
laminae  than  M.  cerifera  with  more  numerous  (9-16  pairs)  and  more 
prominent  secondary  veins  and  serrations.  The  ecological  and 
morphological  distinctions  are  bridged  by  some  collections  that 
appear  to  be  intermediate,  but  these  collections  are  few  in  number 
and  may  prove  to  be  unusual  variants  rather  than  true  inter- 
mediates. Because  there  is  a  correlation  between  ecology  and 
morphology,  and  until  the  species  are  actually  studied  in  the  field, 
I  prefer  to  treat  them  as  separate.  Myrica  pringlei  Greenman  is 
probably  a  small-leaved  form  of  M.  cerifera. 

Myrica  phanerodonta  Standley,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  17: 164. 
1927.  Figure  5. 

Unisexual  or  rarely  bisexual  shrubs  and  small  trees  1-5  (7)  m.  tall,  stems  with 
minute  peltate  glands  and  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with  short  (0.3  mm.) 
gray  or  yellowish-brown  hairs,  becoming  glabrous  and  dark  brown  with  conspicuous 
lenticels  0.5-1.8  mm.  long,  leafy  internodes  2-10  ( 15)  mm.  long,  1-6  mm.  thick.  Leaves 
evergreen,  petioles  (1)  2-7  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick,  slightly  sulcate  adaxially; 
laminae  1.8-5  (8)  cm.  long,  0.8-2  (2.8)  cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic  to  oblong  or 
obovate,  abruptly  obtuse  or  rounded  at  the  apex,  acute  to  attenuate  at  the  base, 
each  margin  with  4  to  12  teeth,  teeth  with  a  gland -like  tip  about  0.5  mm.  thick, 
slightly  revolute  on  drying,  subcoriaceous.  the  major  secondary  veins  (4)  6  to  10 
(14)  on  each  side,  usually  impressed  above  and  prominent  beneath,  smooth  and 
slightly  lustrous  above,  puberulent  on  the  proximal  half  of  the  midvein  above, 
sparsely  puberulent  or  glabrous  on  the  midvein  beneath,  hairs  about  0.2  mm.  long, 
peltate  pellucid  glands  about  0.1  mm.  broad,  absent  or  very  sparse  above,  present 
but  often  inconspicuous  beneath,  small  dark  pits  or  depressions  often  present  on 
both  surfaces.  Inflorescences  unisexual  but  rarely  the  female  with  a  terminal  male 
flower  (as  in  Gomez  2292  and  Molina  et  aL  17115),  axillary,  peduncle  and  rachis 
about  1  mm.  thick,  densely  to  sparsely  puberulent,  the  flowers  at  first  congested 
but  becoming  distant;  male  spike  1-3.5  cm.  long  with  15  to  40  flowers,  bracts  of  the 
male  flowers  2  mm.  long  and  equally  broad,  very  sparsely  puberulent  but  with 
pellucid  glands  abaxially.  anthers  4  to  6  (8)  on  filaments  becoming  1  mm.  long  and 
variously  united  beneath,  thecae  0.8-1.4  mm.  long;  female  spike  becoming  2-5  cm. 
long  with  10  to  40  flowers,  superposed  flowers  becoming  3-8  mm.  distant  on  the 


rachis,  female  bracts  2-3  mm.  long  and  0.5-1  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  sparsely  puber- 
ulent  and  pellucid-glandular  abaxially,  pistil  about  2  mm.  long  with  style-branches 
1-2  mm.  long.  Fruit  becoming  3-4  mm.  thick  and  equally  long  or  slightly  longer, 
globose  to  broadly  ellipsoid,  tubercles  0.2-0.4  mm.  thick  and  usually  remaining 
contiguous  on  drying. 

Plants  of  montane  rain  forests  between  1800  and  2700  m.  eleva- 
tion and  apparently  restricted  to  those  areas  subject  to  the  wet 
Caribbean  winds  between  Zarcero,  Alajuela,  in  the  west  and  the 
Cerros  de  Zurqui,  Heredia.  Probably  flowering  throughout  the  year 
but  most  commonly  collected  in  flower  or  fruit  between  September 
and  February.  The  species  is  known  only  from  the  small  area 
described  above  and  is  common  near  the  summit  of  Volcan  Poas. 

Myrica  phanerodonta  is  characterized  by  its  small,  conspicuously 
serrate  leaves  with  prominent  venation  and  restricted  range.  It  is 
very  closely  related  toM.  lindeniana  C.DC.  but  differs  in  its  usually 
much  shorter  leaves  and  the  apparent  lack  of  intermediates  with 
typical  M.  cerifera.  I  believe  that  this  species  has  become  differ- 
entiated fromM.  cerifera  (sensu  lato)  in  a  way  that  is  more  complete 
than  but  very  similar  to  the  differentiation  of  M.  lindeniana ;  both 
are  adapted  to  higher  elevations  and  both  possess  serrulate  leaves 
with  rather  conspicuous  venation.  A  similar  situation  may  exist  in 
Colombia,  where  several  taxa  are  found  that  are  closely  related  to 
M.  cerifera  (sensu  lato)  but  that  differ  in  their  smaller  leaves  and 
high-altitude  habitats. 

Myrica  pubescens  Humboldt  &  Bonpland  ex  Willd.,  Sp.  PL  4: 746. 
1806.  M.  arguta  H.B.K.,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  2: 17,  tab.  98.  1817.  Figure 

Bisexual  shrubs  or  trees  1.5-7  (10)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-15  mm.  long,  1.5-4 
(6)  mm.  thick,  densely  soft-puberulent  with  straight  and  crooked  gray  or  brown 
hairs  0.2-0.8  mm.  long,  pellucid  glandular,  becoming  glabrescent  and  dark  brown  in 
age  with  conspicuous  lenticels  0.5-1.3  mm.  long.  Leaves  evergreen,  petioles  3-8  mm. 
long,  about  1  mm.  thick,  deeply  grooved  adaxially,  densely  puberulent;  laminae 
4-14  cm.  long,  1-3  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  narrowly  oblong  or  rarely  ob- 
lanceolate,  acute  at  the  apex,  acute  to  the  base,  margins  serrate  or  doubly  serrate 
with  6  to  26  small  or  prominent  teeth  on  each  side,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to 
subcoriaceous,  upper  surface  smooth  and  sparsely  puberulent,  more  densely  puber- 
ulent on  the  veins  beneath  with  gray  or  pale  brown  hairs  0.1-0.4  mm.  long,  pellucid 
glands  about  0.1  mm.  broad,  present  on  both  surfaces,  the  10  to  25  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  becoming  slightly  impressed  above.  Inflorescence  usually  bisexual, 
12-46  mm.  long,  arising  in  the  axil  of  a  leaf  and  often  persisting  after  the  leaf  has 
fallen,  peduncle  and  rachis  0.6-1  mm.  thick,  densely  puberulent,  the  superposed 
flowers  becoming  1-4  mm.  distant  on  the  rachis,  the  3  to  7  male  flowers  borne  below 
the  6  to  12  female  flowers,  floral  bracts  densely  puberulent  and  pellucid-punctate 


abaxially;  bracts  of  the  male  flowers  2-3  mm.  long  and  about  1.5  mm.  broad  at  the 
base,  anthers  4  to  9,  thecae  0.6-1.2  mm.  long;  bracts  of  the  female  flowers  2-5  mm. 
long  and  1-2  mm.  broad  at  the  base  or  occasionally  leaf-like  and  larger,  the  lateral 
bracteoles  about  1  mm.  long,  pistil  1-2  mm.  long  with  2  style-branches  0.5-1  mm. 
long,  slender  but  soon  becoming  globose.  Fruit  globose  to  ellipsoid,  2.5-3.5  mm. 
thick  and  3-4  mm.  long  (dry),  tubercles  about  0.3-0.5  mm.  long  and  equally  broad, 
sparsely  puberulent,  often  becoming  quite  separate  on  drying. 

The  species  is  common  on  and  around  the  western  parts  of  the 
Cordillera  de  Talamancana  and  in  the  higher  parts  of  the  Central 
Highlands  as  far  west  as  Palmira,  Alajuela,  between  1300  and 
2800  m.  elevation.  Usually  growing  in  or  at  the  edge  of  montane 
rain  forests  or  in  open  bogs  and  secondary  growth;  collected  in 
flower  from  January  to  August.  The  species  ranges  from  Costa  Rica 
and  Colombia  southward  to  Bolivia. 

This  species,  often  called  encinillo  in  Costa  Rica,  is  easily  recog- 
nized by  the  narrow  puberulent  leaves  with  many  secondary  veins 
and  the  presence  of  bisexual  spikes.  In  plants  with  poorly  developed 
spikes  or  with  fruiting  spikes,  the  bisexual  condition  may  be  diffi- 
cult to  see,  but  a  few  clearly  bisexual  spikes  can  usually  be  found  by 
careful  searching.  The  stamens  appear  to  come  into  anthesis  while 
the  pistils  are  still  quite  small.  A  small  seedling  collected  by 
Margery  Carlson  (3502,  F)  in  a  sphagnum  bog  on  the  Cerro  de  la 
Muerte  clearly  shows  the  root  nodules  so  characteristic  of  the 



REFERENCES:  T.  S.  Elias,  The  genera  of  Juglandaceae  in  the 
Southeastern  United  States,  Journ.  Arnold  Arbor.  53:26-51.  1972. 
J.  F.  Leroy,  Etude  sur  les  Juglandaceae,  Mem.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist. 
Nat.,  Ser.  B,  Hot.  6:1-246.  1957.  W.  E.  Manning,  The  morphology 
of  the  flowers  of  the  Juglandaceae:  I.  The  inflorescence.  Amer. 
Journ.  Bot.  25:407-419.  1938;  II.  The  pistillate  flowers  and  fruits. 
Amer.  Journ.  Bot.  25:407-419.  1941;  III.  The  staminate  flowers. 
Amer.  Journ.  Bot.  35:606-621.  1948.  W.  E.  Manning,  Juglandaceae, 
In  Flora  of  Guatemala,  Fieldiana,  Bot.  24:352-359.  1952.  W.  E. 
Manning,  Juglandaceae,  In  Flora  of  Panama,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot. 
Card.  47:  90-92.  1960.  P.  C.  Standley,  Juglandaceae,  In  Flora  of 
Costa  Rica,  Field  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  Bot.  Ser.  18:372-373.  1937. 
D.  E.  Stone  &  C.  R.  Broome,  Juglandaceae  A.  Rich,  ex  Kunth. 
World  Pollen  and  Spore  Flora  4: 1-35.  1975. 

Trees  or  rarely  large  shrubs;  bark  tight  or  exfoliating,  pith  solid  [or  chambered];3 
buds  naked  [or  protected).  Leaves  evergreen  [or  deciduous],  opposite,  whorled,  or 

'Field work  for  this  project  has  received  generous  financing  from  the  National 
Science  Foundation,  beginning  with  my  first  trip  to  Costa  Rica  in  January,  1963. 
Over  the  years  the  Organization  for  Tropical  Studies  has  played  a  crucial  role  in 
providing  logistic  support,  and  for  this  help  I  particularly  wish  to  thank  the  Resi- 
dent Director,  Jorge  Campabadal.  I  am  indebted  to  William  H.  Hatheway,  Leslie 
R.  Holdridge,  Paul  Opler,  and  Luis  Poveda  for  information  about  local  field  sites. 
Many  of  the  fieldtrips  benefitted  from  the  companionship  of  my  good  friend  Arthur 
L.  Welden  and  my  wife  Beverly  Larson  Stone.  Also  to  my  wife  I  pay  thanks  for  her 
encouragement  and  forbearance,  at  a  time  when  family  life  would  have  enjoyed  a 
resident  father.  William  Louis  Culberson  kindly  provided  the  Latin  diagnoses  and 
Wayne  E.  Manning,  as  always,  lent  his  expertise  to  a  review  of  the  manuscript. 
Thomas  Daniel  has  been  most  helpful  in  bringing  the  manuscript  into  its  final  form. 
The  drawings  are  the  artistry  of  Susan  Carlton  Smith  and  they  were  sponsored  by 
the  Duke  University  Council  on  Research. 

'Department  of  Botany,  Duke  University,  Durham,  North  Carolina  27706. 
3Bracketed  descriptions  apply  to  species  not  found  in  Costa  Rica. 


alternate,  estipulate,  even-pinnate  [or  odd-pinnate];  leaflets  sessile  or  petiolulate, 
margins  entire  or  serrate,  dotted  below  with  peltate  scales  [sometimes  aromatic]. 
Trees  monoecious  (bisexual)  [or  dioecious].  Infloresencences  of  several  types:  ter- 
minal androgynous  panicle  with  central  female  catkin  subtended  by  1-6  male  catkins 
or,  rarely,  with  central  male  catkin  subtended  by  several  female  flowers;  terminal 
female  catkin  solitary;  terminal  cluster  of  1-10  male  catkins  [or  lateral  solitary  or 
clustered  male  catkins].  Flowers  unisexual.  Male  flowers  with  3-lobed  [or  unlobed] 
primary  bract;  floral  segments  4-7  [to  14];  stamens  6-19  [or  3-100]  in  1-2  series  [or 
many?];  receptacle  round  to  elongate;  filaments  short;  anthers  basifixed,  erect, 
2-locular,  longitudinally  dehiscent;  rudimentary  pistil  occasionally  present.  Pollen 
grains  tripororate-isopolar  [stephanopororate  to  anizonipororate],  non-pseudocol- 
pate  [pseudocolpate],  subtriangular  [triangular  to  spheroidal];  pores  circular 
[meridionally  elongate];  exine  tectate;  sculpturing  spinulose.  Female  flowers  con- 
sisting of  a  floral  cup  formed  by  an  abaxial  3-lobed  [or  unlobed]  primary  bract  that  is 
fused  with  2  adaxial  bracteoles  [or  variously  fused  and  divided];  sepals  4  [to  7],  fused 
below  and  free  above  as  oblong-linear  lobes  [or  modified  into  a  stigma  tic  disk], 
adnate  at  base  to  bract-bracteolar  cup  and  ovary;  syncarpous  gynoecium  of  2  [rarely 
3  or  4]  carpels,  ovary  inferior,  1-8  [l-4]-locular;  ovule  with  single  integument,  ortho- 
tropous,  erect  at  apex  of  incomplete  septa;  style  obsolete  to  long  tapering, 
bifurcate,  stigma  4[2]-parted,  carinal  [or  commissural].  Fruit  a  drupaceous  nut  with 
3[l]-lobed  [or  unlobed]  primary  bract  expanded  to  form  persistent  leathery  wings, 
or  reduced  to  a  small  circular  tab  at  base  of  nut  [or  fused  with  floral  parts  to  form  the 
husk];  pair  of  bracteoles  adnate  to  circular  tab  or  fused  to  form  protective  lobe 
over  nut  in  species  with  winged  fruits  [or  fused  with  floral  parts  to  form  the  husk]; 
husk  thin  to  thick,  fleshy  or  hardened,  indehiscent  [or  dehiscent],  formed  from  fused 
sepals  [or  various  combinations  of  primary  bract,  bracteoles,  and  sepals];  nut 
8[2,  4]-chambered  at  equator,  septa  without  lacunae  [or  with].  Seed  solitary  and 
large  [or  small],  8[2,  4]-lobes;  endosperm  absent;  nut-meat  has  bitter  [or  sweet] 
taste.  Seedling  with  hypogeous  [or  epigeous]  cotyledons;  first  two  aerial  leaves 
opposite  or  alternate,  simple  or  compound  [or  reduced  to  scale  leaves],  leaves  and 
leaflets  entire  or  serrate.  Chromosome  number  n  =  16[or  32]. 

The  family  of  seven  genera  and  approximately  60  species  is  con- 
centrated in  the  temperate  regions  of  Asia  and  North  America,  but 
extends  southward  into  the  montane  areas  of  southeastern  Asia, 
Central  and  South  America,  and  the  West  Indies.  Members  of  the 
Juglandaceae  have  a  well-marked  Tertiary  history  (Berry,  1912), 
and  there  is  good  evidence  that  several  of  the  genera  now  confined 
to  Asia  were  well  represented  in  North  America  and  Europe  prior 
to  the  Pleistocene  (Nichols,  1973).  Three  genera  (Engelhardia, 
Platycarya,  Pterocarya)  are  extant  in  the  Old  World.  The  Costa 
Rican  representatives  of  Alfaroa  and  Oreomunnea  are  strictly 
tropical  American  elements,  whereas  the  hickories  (Carya)  and 
walnuts  (Juglans)  have  a  north  temperate  concentration  in  the 
Americas  and  Asia.  The  13  New  World  species  of  Carya  extend  only 
as  far  south  as  the  State  of  Veracruz  in  Mexico.  Juglans,  on  the 
other  hand,  is  distributed  more  or  less  continuously  from  Canada 


south  through  the  West  Indies  and  Central  America  to  Argentina 
(Manning,  1957a,  1960a),  but  is  conspicuous  by  its  absence  from 
Costa  Rica  and  Panama.  Juglans  boliviano,  (C.DC.)  Dode  was  intro- 
duced into  cultivation  at  the  Institute  Interamericano  de  Ciencias 
Agricolas  (IICA)  in  Turrialba  in  1948  (Manning,  1957b),  and  more 
recently  was  established  successfully  in  San  Jose.  Evidence  from 
fossil  walnuts  from  Ecuador  suggests  that  the  southward  migra- 
tion reached  South  America  only  in  late  Neogene  time  (Brown, 

The  family  is  coherent  and  natural  with  a  striking  similarity 
in  vegetative  characters  (de  Candolle,  1862),  including  peltate 
scales  and  pinnately  compound,  estipulate  leaves,  and  a  diversity 
of  floral  and  fruiting  features  (Manning,  1938,  1941,  1948)  that  are 
readily  interpretable  in  terms  of  evolutionary  shifts  in  the  mode  of 
pollination  ( Whitehead  1969),  and  seed  dispersal  and  establishment 
(Conde  and  Stone,  1970;  Stone,  1970,  1973).  The  monotypic 
Rhoipteleaceae  from  China  appears  to  be  a  primitive  member  of  the 
Juglandales  (Cronquist,  1968;  Stone  and  Broome,  1971;  Takhtajan, 
1969;  Withner,  1941).  Recent  suggestions  (Hutchinson,  1959; 
Cronquist,  1968)  of  close  affinity  with  the  Picrodendraceae  are 
unfounded  (Stone,  1973),  though  Thome's  placement  of  the  two 
families  near  the  Anacardiaceae-Burseraceae-Sapindaceae  (Rutales 


FIG.  6.  Vegetative  and  floral  features  of  two  wide-spread  species  of  Alfaroa.  a-d, 
A.  costaricensis:  a,  shoot  with  opposite,  pinnately-compound  leaves,  pubescent 
stem,  petiole,  rachis  and  midrib,  leaflets  numerous,  serrate,  truncate  and  revolute 
at  base,  female  inflorescence  terminal,  bearing  numerous,  alternate  flowers  (Stone 
2174)  X  1/3;  b,  adaxial  view  of  male  flower,  pubescent,  pedicel  elongate  (1.9  mm. 
long),  6  stamens  subtended  by  6  floral  segments  (mainly  obscured),  segments  most- 
ly flat  (Stone  3621 ),  X5;  c,  female  flower  pubescent,  3-lobed  bract  sessile,  bracteolar 
rim  essentially  obsolete,  sepal  lobes  broad,  elongate  style  deeply  cleft,  stigma  lobes 
horseshoe  shaped  (Stone  2352),  X  4;  d,  fruit  ellipsoid,  pubescent,  calyx  beak  persis- 
tent at  apex,  bract-bracteolar  cup  obscure  at  base  (Stone  2173),  X  3/4.  e-i,  A. 
wilUamsii  subsp.  tapantiensis:  e,  shoot  with  opposite,  pinnately-compound  leaves, 
glabrous,  leaflets  8,  mostly  entire,  occasionally  with  a  small  tooth  on  margin,  obtuse 
and  flat  at  base  (Stone  3633),  X  1/3;  f,  adaxial  view  of  male  flower,  glabrous,  sessile, 
8  stamens  subtended  by  4  floral  segments,  segments  tend  to  cup  around  tips  of 
anthers,  proximal  segment  not  reflexed  as  in  6  (Stone  3633),  X  5;  g,  female  flower 
glabrous,  sepal  lobes  broad,  elongate  style  deeply  cleft,  stigma  lobes  horseshoe 
shaped  (Stone  3633),  X  4;  h,  fruit  ellipsoid,  glabrous,  sculptured  with  faint  longitu- 
dinal ridges,  calyx  beak  persistent  at  apex,  bract-bracteolar  cup  obscure  at  base 
(Stone  2678  A),  X  3/4;  i,  fruit  ovoid,  similar  to  h  in  other  aspects  (Stone  3624),  X 



of  Thome,  1973;  Sapindales  of  Cronquist,  1968)  seems  to  be  gaining 
acceptance  (Stebbins,  1974;  Wolfe,  1973). 

Costa  Rica  is  the  center  of  species  diversity  for  the  two  native 
genera.  Four  of  the  six  species  of  Alfaroa  and  the  two  species  of 
Oreomunnea  grow  within  a  50  km.  radius  of  San  Jose.  Cartago 
Province,  the  type  locality  for  both  genera,  has  the  richest  concen- 
tration of  species.  The  possibility  of  finding  new  species  of  Juglan- 
daceae  is  certainly  good.  The  disjunct  mountain  tops  and  isolated 
valleys  provide  many  suitable  habitats  for  local  endemism.  Costa 
Rica  should  be  a  haven  for  alpha  and  omega  taxonomists  for  many 
years  to  come.  This  is  particularly  true  insofar  as  both  genera  have 
had  such  special  significance  in  interpretation  of  the  phylogeny  of 
the  family,  because  of  their  possession  of  a  host  of  primitive  fea- 
tures: long  vessel  members  and  occasional  presence  of  scalariform 
perforations  (Heimsch  and  Wetmore,  1939);  terminal  androgynous 
panicles  (Manning,  1938);  and  small  pollen  grains  that  are  basically 
tripororate,  isopolar,  suboblate  in  equatorial  view,  and  sub- 
triangular  in  polar  view  (Whitehead,  1965;  Stone  and  Broome, 

In  the  following  treatment,  the  species  Alfaroa  and  Oreomunnea 
are  keyed  under  the  family. 


FIG.  7.  Vegetative  and  floral  features  of  two  endemic  species  of  Alfaroa  from 
Costa  Rica,  a-g,  A.  guanacastensis:  a,  sterile  shoot  with  opposite,  pinnately-com- 
pound  leaves,  leaflets  subopposite,  entire,  decurrent  on  petiole,  revolute  at  base 
with  a  few  stiff  hairs  between  the  margin  and  midrib  (Stone  3259),  X  1/3;  b,  female 
flower,  floral  cup  well  developed,  style  obsolete,  sepal  lobes  partially  reflexed  to 
expose  stigma  (Stone  3259,  Miravalles),  X2;  c,  young  fruit,  bract-bracteolar  rim  of 
floral  cup  split  by  enlarged  ovary,  sepal  lobes  arched  over  stigma  from  flowering 
through  fruit  maturation  (Stone  2753,  San  Ramon),  X  2;  d,  fruit  spheroid,  faint 
longitudinal  ridges  (Stone  2716,  San  Ramon),  X  3/4;  e,  ellipsoid  fruits,  faint  longi- 
tudinal ridges  (Stone  3259,  Miravalles),  X  3/4;  /,  inflorescence  with  oblong  fruits, 
faint  longitudinal  ridges  (Stone  2167,  Tenorio),  X  3/4;  g,  transverse  section  of  fruit 
at  equator,  secondary  partition  oriented  in  north-south  direction,  husk  thin,  shell 
thick,  8-chambered  (Stone  2167,  Tenorio),  X  3/4.  h-j,  A.  manningii:  h,  adaxial  view 
of  male  flower,  sessile,  4  hooded  floral  segments  each  enclosing  3  stamens  (Stone 
2220,  Platanillo),  X5;  i,  young  female  flower,  floral  cups  not  fully  elongated,  style 
obsolete,  sepal  lobes  arched  over  stigma  (Stone  2170,  Platanillo),  X4;  j,  obloid  fruit 
with  deeply  corrugated  surface,  large  basal  bract-bracteolar  tab  (Stone  21 70,  Plata- 
nillo ),X  3/4. 




la.  Leaflets  serrate  on  seedlings,  and  serrate  to  entire  on  saplings  and  sucker 
shoots  of  adult  trees;  female  flowers  sessile  (except  5) 2a. 

Ib.  Leaflets  always  entire;  female  flowers  pedicillate  on  an  elongate  bract- 
bracteolar  floral  cup 4a. 

2a.  Outer  bark  exfoliating,  inner  bark  orange;  leaflets  commonly  with  basal 
auricles;  male  flowers  compact,  hooded  with  4  floral  segments,  each  tightly 
cupped  around  a  pair  of  stamens,  8  stamens  total;  female  flowers  pedicillate, 
subtended  by  a  bract-bracteolar  floral  cup  with  a  well-developed  3-lobed 
bract  and  adaxial  bracteolar  lobe;  fruit  medium  size,  3-winged,  lateral  wing 
span  to  5  cm 5.  Oreomunnea  mexicana  subsp.  costaricensis. 

2b.  Outer  bark  tight,  inner  bark  pink  to  red;  leaflets  without  auricles;  male 
flowers  elongate,  not  hooded,  4-7  floral  segments  only  loosely  enclosing  6-11 
stamens,  female  flowers  sessile,  bract  small,  acutely  3-lobed,  bracteolar  rim 
obsolete;  fruit  medium  size  (1.5-3  cm.),  wingless  nut  with  obscure,  circular 
bract-bracteolar  tab  at  base 3a. 

3a.  Petiole  short,  0.4-2(3.5)  cm.;  petiole  and  rachis  densely  pubescent;  leaflets 
(8)12-18(30),  sessile  or  nearly  so,  mainly  truncate  at  base;  basal  leaflets 
moderately  to  greatly  reduced,  often  less  than  one-fourth  the  length  of  the 
longest  leaflets;  male  flowers  with  short  but  conspicuous  pedicels,  1-2(8) 
mm.;  fruit  pubescent l.Alfaroa  costaricensis. 


FlG  8.  Vegetative  and  floral  features  of  the  Costa  Rican  species  of  Oreomunnea. 
a-f  O.  pterocarpa:  a,  terminal  shoot  displaying  decussate  phyllotaxy,  leaflets  revo- 
lute  at  base,  secondary  veins  curve  upward  toward  tip  and  end  without  conspicuous 
branching  (Stone  1016),  X  1/3;  b,  portion  of  male  catkin  (Stone  1346),  X  3;  c,  abax- 
ial  view  of  male  flower  with  5  floral  segments  subtending  19  stamens  (Stone  1346),  X 
5;  d,  female  flowers  with  well-developed  bract-bracteolar  floral  cup,  sepal  lobes 
linear,  style  elongate  and  stigma  horseshoe  shaped  (Stone  1346),  X  3;  e,  fruit  with  3- 
lobed  bract,  primary  vein  nearly  continuous  to  tip,  pair  of  lateral  secondary  veins 
parallel  for  shore  distance,  forming  looping  connections  distally,  adaxial  bracteolar 
lobe  enclosing  nut  (Stone  1346),  X  1/4;  f,  transverse  section  of  fruit  at  equator, 
secondary  partition  oriented  in  north-south  direction,  husk  thin,  shell  thin,  cartila- 
ginous, 8-chambered  (Stone  1346),  X  2.  g-j,  O.  mexicana  subsp.  costaricensis:  g, 
leaflet  with  auricles  at  base,  slightly  revolute,  secondary  veins  curve  upward  toward 
tip,  then  branch  and  fuse  near  margin  (Stone 2680),  X  3/4;  h,  adaxial  view  of  sessile 
male  flower  with  4  hooded  floral  segments  (proximal  segment  removed),  aborted 
pistil  in  center,  and  8  stamens  borne  in  one  series  removed  to  expose  slightly  raised, 
rectangular  receptacle  (Stone  2680),  X  10;  i,  female  flowers  with  spreading  sepals, 
essentially  obsolete  style,  and  horseshoe  shaped  stigma  (Stone  2680),  X  5;  j,  fruit 
with  3-lobed  bract,  central  lobe  with  primary  and  two  secondary  veins  extending 
nearly  to  the  tip,  secondaries  looping  only  in  the  distal  one-third,  two  lateral  lobes 
with  strong  primary  vein  and  faint,  looping  secondaries,  adaxial  bracteolar  lobe 
enclosing  nut  (Stone  3632),  X  1/2. 




3b.  Petiole  long,  (1.4)2.5-5.5  cm.;  petiole  and  rachis  glabrous;  leaflets  (6)8- 
12(16),  short-petioluled  (1-3  mm.),  obtuse  at  base;  basal  leaflets  smaller 
than  median  ones,  but  never  less  than  one-fourth  their  length;  male  flowers 
sessile,  pedicel  (if  present)  less  than  0.75  mm. ;  fruit  glabrous. 

4.  Alfaroa  williamsii  subsp.  tapantiensis. 

4a.  Petiole  often  hairy  at  base;  leaflets  ( 4 )6-8,  petiolules  5-15  mm. ;  male  flow- 
ers elongate,  with  3-4  floral  segments  only  loosely  subtending  16-19 
stamens;  fruit  large,  3-winged,  lateral  wing  span  to  13  cm. 

6.  Oreomunnea pterocarpa. 

4b.  Petiole  glabrous;  leaflets  6-12(18),  petiolules  1-5(10)  mm.;  male  flowers 
compact,  hooded,  with  4  floral  segments  each  tightly  cupped  around  3 
stamens,  12  stamens  total;  fruit  large  (to  3  cm.),  wingless  nut  with 
prominent  circular  tab  at  base 5a. 

5a.  Petiole  (4)5-9(11)  cm.;  leaflets  (6)8-12(18);  fruits  medium  size  (to  3.5 
cm.),  obloid,  surface  deeply  corrugated  with  pronounced  longitudinal 
ribs  and  grooves  and  thick  husk  ( 1-7.5  mm.)  ....  3.  Alfaroa  manningii. 

5b.  Petiole  (1)2-5(7.5)  cm.;  leaflets  (6)8-10(16);  fruits  variable  in  size, 
spheroid  (2.5)  cm.)  to  oblong  (1.7  x  3.8  cm.),  surface  nearly  smooth, 
faint  longitudinal  ribs  and  thin  husk  (0.3-1.5  mm.) 

2.  Alfaroa  guanacastensis. 

ALFAROA  Standley 

REFERENCES:  P.  C.  Standley,  Alfaroa,  a  new  genus  of  trees  of 
the  family  Juglandaceae  from  Costa  Rica,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad. 
Sci.  17:77-79.  1927.  W.  E.  Manning,  The  genus  Alfaroa,  Bull. 
Torrey  Bot.  Club  76:196-209.  1949.  W.  E.  Manning,  Alfaroa  and 
Engelhardtia  in  the  New  World,  Bull.  Torrey  Bot.  Club  86: 190-198. 

Trees  or  rarely  large  shrubs;  bark  tight,  or  with  small  chips  exfoliating,  surface 
reddish-brown  with  congested  lenticels,  interior  of  bark  pink  with  white  streaks  or 
orange-yellow ;  sap  wood  white,  heartwood  pink,  fine,  straight  grained ;  buds  glabrous 
or  pubescent.  Leaves  glabrous  or  pubescent,  decussate,  occasionally  whorled, 
infrequently  alternate;  petioles  short  to  long;  leaflets  6-18(30),  sessile  to  short 
petiolulate,  margins  entire,  or  serrate  on  young  plants  and  sucker  shoots.  Inflor- 
escences borne  terminally  with  flush  of  new  growth  of  pink  leaves,  or  occasionally 
terminal  on  axillary  shoots  of  old  wood;  female  and  male  inflorescences  either 
separate  and  terminal,  or  combined  into  an  androgynous  panicle  with  central  female 
catkin  flanked  by  one  or  more  pairs  of  male  catkins,  or  rarely  with  central  male 
catkin  subtended  by  female  flowers.  Male  flowers  numerous,  alternately  arranged, 
compact  or  elongate;  floral  segments  4-7,  flat  or  hooded;  stamens  6-12  in  one  series. 
Pollen  tripororate  (2-8),  isopolar,  suboblate-oblate;  amb  triangular  to  rounded 
triangular,  20 -2 6 /mm  in  diameter,  pores  circular,  nexine  thick,  from  one-third  to 
equalling  tectum  in  thickness.  Female  flowers  numerous,  alternately  arranged; 
floral  cup  sometimes  elongated  into  a  pedestal  consisting  of  a  3-lobed  abaxial  bract 
and  an  adaxial  bracteolar  rim;  calyx  tube  fused  to  floral  cup  at  base,  distinct  above, 


4  broad  sepal  lobes  reflexed  at  time  of  pollination  to  expose  stigma,  or  arched  to 
form  sheltered  chamber;  style  obsolete  to  long  tapering,  bifurcate  with  shallow  to 
deep  cleft  separating  stylar  arms;  stigma  weakly  4-parted,  horseshoe  shaped, 
carinal,  verrucose  stigmatic  surface  confined  to  rim  and  outer  surface.  Fruit  medium 
to  large  drupaceous  nut,  ellipsoid  to  obloid,  without  wings,  8-chambered  at  equator; 
calyx  and  style  persistent  at  apex;  bract-bracteoles  persisting  as  a  small  to  large 
circular  tab  at  base;  husk  leathery  or  hard,  indehiscent,  sometimes  with  pronounced 
corrugations;  shell  brittle  to  hard.  Seedling  with  hypogeous  cotyledons;  first  two 
aerial  leaves  alternate  or  opposite,  simple  or  compound,  leaves  and  leaflets  entire 
or  serrate.  Chromosome  number  n= 16. 

Four  Costa  Rican  species  of  Alfaroa  are  recognized,  including 
one  new  species  (A.  guanacastensis)  and  subspecies  (A.  williamsii 
subsp.  tapantiensis).  A.  costaricensis,  which  is  the  most  distinctive 
member  of  the  genus,  has  the  widest  range,  extending  from  Mexico 
to  Panama.  It  is  sympatric  in  Costa  Rica  with  the  closely  related 
A.  williamsii.  A.  williamsii  Molina  subsp.  williamsii  is  the  only 
species  of  Alfaroa  reported  from  Nicaragua.  In  addition,  Alfaroas 
are  known  from  Mexico  (A  mexicana  Stone),  Guatemala  [A. 
guatemalensis  (Standley)  Williams],  and  Honduras  (A.  hondurensis 
Williams).  A  single  immature  specimen  from  Colombia  (Killip  & 
Smith  19285)  was  tentatively  identified  by  Manning  (1959)  as  A. 
manningii.  However,  the  surface  of  the  fruit  is  not  deeply  cor- 
rugated and  ridged  as  that  of  A.  manningii,  and  it  seems  likely  that 
the  South  American  collection  represents  a  new,  undescribed 

The  species  of  Alfaroa  in  Costa  Rica  are  trees  of  mid-elevations 
occurring  in  the  premontane  rainforests  that  extend  from  the 
borders  of  Nicaragua  to  Panama.  Their  disjunct  distribution  coin- 
cides with  the  many  volcanoes  and  well-defined  mountain  ranges  in 
northwest  and  central  Costa  Rica.  The  trees  are  often  locally  abun- 
dant, and  they  are  readily  recognized  in  the  growing  season  by 
flushes  of  pink  or  dull  red  shoots.  Locating  Alfaroas  in  virgin  rain- 
forest is  aided  considerably  by  the  distinctive  saplings  in  the  under- 
story.  The  leaves  are  even-pinnate  and  at  first  are  alternately 
arranged,  but  the  later  formed  leaves  have  a  distinctive  decussate 
phyllotaxy.  During  the  growing  season  the  central  leader  displays 
a  terminal  apex  with  golden-yellow  buds  flanked  by  a  pair  of  reddish 
young  leaves  with  conduplicate  leaflets.  The  adult  trees  are  charac- 
terized by  moderate  size  buttresses,  tight  bark  with  congested 
lenticels,  generally  pink  interior,  and  fine  grained  wood  that  is  white 
to  pink.  The  lumber  is  of  cabinet  quality,  so  this  is  often  one  of  the 
first  species  to  be  logged  when  new  roads  are  opened.  The  flowers 


are  inconspicuous  in  the  field,  though  a  thorough  search  of  the 
litter  often  uncovers  dried  remains  of  male  catkins.  The  fruits  are 
walnut-like  with  a  thin  or  thick  fibrous  husk  and  a  cartilaginous  to 
hard  shell.  The  fruits  are  similar  to  those  of  Oreomunnea  in  having 
a  distinctive  8-chambered  nut. 

The  Costa  Rican  species  of  Alfaroa  fall  into  two  groups:  (1)  A. 
costaricensis  and  A.  williamsii  subsp.  tapantiensis — leaflets  entire 
or  serrate,  the  first  pair  of  aerial  seedling  leaves  opposite,  pinnately 
compound,  and  leaflets  serrate,  young  leaflets  conduplicate  at  first 
but  flattening  out  in  primoidal  stage  (leaflet  less  than  1.5  mm. 
wide);  (2)  A.  guanacastensis  and  A.  manningii— leaflets  always 
entire,  the  first  pair  of  aerial  seedling  leaves  alternate,  or  opposite 
and  simple  or  compound,  young  leaflets  conduplicate  throughout 
early  stages  of  leaf  expansion  (leaflet  over  10  mm.  wide).  There  is 
probably  sufficient  additional  evidence  to  recognize  these  groups 
formally,  but  I  am  postponing  a  decision  on  this  matter  until  more 
collections  are  available. 

1.  Alfaroa  costaricensis  Standley,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  17: 78. 
1927.  Figure  6a-d. 

Trees,  or  large  shrubs,  to  23  m.  tall  and  90  cm.  dbh;  buttresses  small  or  absent; 
bark  tight,  to  1  cm.  thick,  interior  pink  with  white  streaks  or  infrequently  pale 
orange;  buds  and  shoot  usually  covered  with  long  (1.5  mm.),  coarse  hairs,  wearing 
thin  as  season  progresses.  Leaves  mainly  decussate,  occasionally  alternate,  or 
whorled;  petioles  0.4-2(3)  cm.,  pubescent;  rachises  10-15(30)  cm.,  pubescent;  leaf- 
lets (8)12-24(30),  opposite  to  subopposite,  lower  ones  conspicuously  reduced,  mainly 
entire,  sometimes  serrate  on  apical  portion,  coarsely  serrate  on  sucker  shoots  and 
seedlings,  truncate  to  obtuse  and  flat  to  broadly  revolute  at  base,  waxy  green  and 
glabrous  above,  except  along  costa,  dull  green  below,  hirtellous  along  nerves  and 
often  puberulent  between,  sessile  or  essentially  so.  Female  inflorescences  terminal 
on  new  growth,  stiff  and  erect,  with  or  without  male  catkins  or  individual  male 
flowers  at  base,  to  65  flowers  per  spike,  often  found  persisting  in  dried  state  several 
weeks  after  flowering;  male  catkins  alternate  or  decussate,  to  16  cm.  long  and  10 
catkins  per  branch,  up  to  40  or  50  forming  congested  terminal  panicle  on  new 
growth;  androgynous  panicles  less  common,  female  spike  central,  subtended  by 
1-4  short  (5-7.5  cm.)  lateral  male  catkins,  or  with  a  few  sessile  male  flowers  at  base 
or,  rarely,  with  a  central  male  catkin  subtended  by  female  flowers.  Male  flowers 
with  a  conspicuous  pedicel,  1-2(8)  mm.;  3-lobed  bract  short  and  blunt  to  tapered; 
floral  segments  4-7,  reflexed  at  maturity  and  not  enfolding  the  stamens;  stamens 
6-11.  Pollen  subtriangular  in  amb  (polar)  view,  24.8/tm  in  diameter.  Female  flowers 
sessile;  3-lobed  bract  not  elongated  into  pedestal,  central  lobe  pronounced,  acute  to 
tapered;  adaxial  bracteolar  rim  essentially  obsolete;  sepal  lobes  4,  reflexed  to 
expose  stigma  at  pollination;  style  elongate,  bifurcate  with  deep  cleft;  stigmatic 
lobes  rounded  to  horseshoe  shaped,  bright  red  at  maturity.  Fruit  ellipsoid  to  ovoid, 
sometimes  slightly  compressed  in  the  plane  of  carpel  fusion,  up  to  2  cm.  diameter 


and  3  cm.  long;  calyx  beak  2-5  mm.  long,  persistent  at  apex;  bract-bracteolar  tab 
small  (3-5  mm.),  appressed  to  nut  at  base,  the  bract  sometimes  distinguished  by  re- 
tention of  a  tapered  central  lobe  (up  to  2  mm.  long)  flanked  by  2  blunt  (less  than  1 
mm.  long)  lateral  lobes;  husk  essentially  absent,  less  than  0.5  mm.  thick,  surface  hir- 
tellous  (2  mm.  long  hairs),  becoming  glabrous  and  smooth  on  weathering;  shell  ex- 
tremely thin,  less  than  1  mm.,  cartilaginous.  Seedling  with  first  two  aerial  leaves 
opposite,  compound,  leaflets  coarsely  serrate;  succeeding  several  leaves  alternate, 
pinnately  compound  with  serrate  leaflets;  leaves  becoming  decussate  with  mostly 
entire  leaflets  in  sapling  stage. 

This  species  is  distributed  more  widely  than  any  other  member  of 
the  genus.  It  is  known  from  Mexico,  Guatemala,  Costa  Rica,  and 
Panama,  and  has  an  elevational  range  in  Costa  Rica  from  600  m. 
(Turrialba,  Keith  371)  to  2220  m.  (Rio  Negro,  Mora  CMV-21). 
Several  local  names  are  used— goalin  in  Turrialba  (Keith  371), 
gualin  at  Muneco  (Standley  33501),  and  campano  chile  on  the  Rio 
Negro  (Mora  CMV-21).  Herbarium  records  indicate  that  this 
species  was  once  a  fairly  common  forest  tree  in  Costa  Rica.  Collec- 
tions have  been  made  in  the  Provinces  of  Alajuela,  Cartago, 
Guanacaste,  Heredia,  and  San  Jose.  The  tree,  which  is  prized  for  its 
timber,  is  often  the  first  removed  when  virgin  forests  are  logged. 
Attempts  to  relocate  early  collection  sites  have  been  partially  suc- 
cessful. Trees  from  "La  Palma  de  San  Ramon,"  Alajuela,  were 
sampled  in  1928  (Brenes  6300)  and  again  in  1966  (Stone  2326).  Most 
of  the  area  around  San  Ramon  has  been  converted  to  pasture  and 
farmland  for  sugarcane.  Only  two  remnant  trees  were  located  on  a 
windswept  ridge-top  about  10  km.  north  of  the  city.  Records  by 
Skutch  from  Heredia  (Skutch  4684,  4686)  have  been  confirmed  by 
repeated  visits  to  Vara  Blanca  from  1967  (Stone  21 73)  through  1975 
(Stone  3621).  The  trees  are  scattered  in  broken  pastures  and  virgin 
forest  at  approximately  1700  m.  elevation.  The  record  from  San 
Jose  Province  was  first  recorded  by  Stork  1 700  from  Santa  Maria  de 
Dota.  I  relocated  a  few  trees  south  of  the  city  in  1968  (Stone 
2679)  on  a  steep  mountain  ridge  above  a  pasture  broken  with  oaks, 
dogwoods,  and  tree  ferns.  The  report  from  Guanacaste  is  based  on 
my  1972  collection  (Stone  3383)  from  the  exquisite  cloud  forest 
near  the  Quaker  community  at  Monteverde.  Some  of  the  largest 
trees  that  I  have  seen  once  formed  stately  groves  in  the  mountains 
south  of  Muneco  in  Cartago  Province,  but  extensive  logging  in  the 
past  several  years  has  reduced  the  population  considerably. 

Vivid  reddish  flushes  of  new  growth  appear  in  January  at  the 
beginning  of  the  dry  season.  February  seems  to  be  the  month  for 
peak  flowering,  though  at  least  sporadic  flowering  occurs  in 


March,  June,  and  November.  Immature  to  mature  fruits  have 
been  collected  in  February,  March,  April,  June,  and  August.  While 
the  trees  are  monoecious,  there  is  some  evidence  that  one  sex  may 
predominate  in  a  particular  season,  and  often  whole  branches  will 
display  either  congested  panicles  of  male  flowers  or  elongate  female 
spikes  with  highly  reduced  male  catkins  at  the  base. 

Alfaroa  costaricensis  is  the  most  distinctive  member  of  the  genus. 
The  Mexican  and  Guatemalan  trees  tend  to  have  longer  petiolules 
and  a  somewhat  less  truncate  leaflet  than  the  Costa  Rican  and 
Panamanian  specimens,  but  the  taxon  is  easily  identified  by  its 
highly  reduced  petiole  and  lower  leaflets,  and  the  pubescent  stems, 
leaves,  and  fruits.  This  species  is  most  closely  related  to  A. 
williamsii.  Plants  of  both  taxa  produce  at  least  some  leaflets  with 
toothed  margins.  The  first  pair  of  aerial  leaves  of  the  seedlings  are 
normally  opposite  and  pinnately  compound  with  coarsely  serrate 
leaflets.  The  male  and  female  flowers  also  have  much  in  common, 
though  there  are  subtle,  distinctive  differences.  A.  costaricensis 
has  a  short  to  long  pedicel  supporting  the  male  flower,  and  the 
female  flower  is  hirsuite.  A.  williamsii  has  staminate  flowers  with 
an  extremely  short  pedicel;  the  female  flowers  are  covered  with 
peltate  scales  but  are  without  hairs.  The  two  species  also  have 
several  distinctive  vegetative  differences.  The  former  has  a  pubes- 
cent petiole  and  rachis,  an  extremely  short  petiole,  and  leaflets 
that  are  mainly  truncate  at  the  base,  whereas  the  latter  is  glabrous 
throughout,  the  petiole  is  relatively  long,  and  the  leaflets  are  mainly 
obtuse  at  the  base.  Intermediates  between  these  species  have  been 
collected.  Hybridization,  which  is  suspected,  is  discussed  under  A. 

2.  Alfaroa  guanacastensis  D.  Stone,  sp.  nov.  Figure  7a-g. 

Arbor  usque  ad  27  m.  alta.  Folia  pinnata  decussate;  foliola  (6)8-10(16),  coriacea, 
elliptica  vel  oblongo-lanceolata,  basi  symmetrica,  indumento  in  pagina  inferiore 
saepe  preaesenti  sed  sparsissimo,  petiolulis  2-7(10)  mm.  longis.  Inflorescentiae 
masculinae  et  femineae  terminales  sed  separatae.  Flores  masculini  ca.  3  mm.  lati, 
bracteis  3-lobatis,  perianthio  4-partito,  staminibus  12.  Flores  feminei  7-8  mm.  longi, 
perianthio  4-partito,  lobi  perianthii  cucullati,  stylo  obsoleto,  stigmate  subglobosa. 
Fructus  sphaerici  (ad  2.5  cm.  diam.)  vel  ellipsoidi  (1.7  x  3.8  cm.),  in  longitudinem 
dilute  parcati,  pagina  fere  laevi,  vagina  aliquantum  tenui  (0.3-1.5  mm.  crassa). 
Germinatio  hypogaea.  HOLOTYPUS:  Stone  2167,  Duke  University;  ISOTYPI: 
A.CR,  F.US. 

Trees  to  27  m.  tall  and  90  m.  dbh;  buttresses  small  to  large,  extending  to  3  m.  or 
more  up  trunk;  bark  tight  or  with  small  chips  exfoliating,  to  1  cm.  thick,  reddish- 
brown  exterior,  interior  pink  throughout  or  pink  toward  surface  and  orange  toward 


center;  buds  and  shoot  glabrous.  Leaves  decussate,  glabrous;  petioles  (1)2-5(7.5) 
cm.;  rachises  commonly  4-16(22)  cm.;  leaflets  (6)8-10(16),  opposite  to  subopposite, 
entire,  obtuse  at  base,  symmetrical,  slightly  decurrent  on  petiolule,  flat  to  moder- 
ately revolute,  glabrous  except  for  occasional  presence  of  a  few  short  hairs  at  base 
between  midrib  and  margins;  petiolules  2-7(10)  mm.  Female  inflorescences  terminal 
on  new  growth,  stiff  and  erect  up  to  45  flowers  per  spike;  male  catkins  2-6  per 
branch,  forming  congested  terminal  panicle  on  new  growth,  or  arising  from  axillary 
buds  on  old  wood;  terminal  androgynous  panicles  with  1-2  decussate  pairs  of  male 
catkins  subtending  1-4  female  flowers  in  a  terminal  catkin.  Male  flowers  with 
gardenia-like  odor,  sessile  or  essentially  so;  3-lobed  bract  short,  wide,  and  blunt; 
floral  segments  4,  hooded,  each  segment  partially  enclosing  3  stamens;  stamens  12. 
Pollen  subtriangular  in  amb  (polar)  view,  21.8  /j.m  in  diameter.  Female  flowers 
stalked;  pedestal  formed  by  fusion  of  a  faintly  3-lobed  abaxial  bract  with  an  adaxial 
bracteolar  rim;  sepal  lobes  4,  arched  over  stigma  to  form  sheltered  chamber  at 
pollination  (Stone 2167)  or  reflexed  (Stone  3629);  style  essentially  obsolete  to  short; 
stigma  lobes  horseshoe  shaped.  Fruit  variable  in  shape,  spheroid  (to  2.5  cm.)  to 
oblong  (1.7  X  3.8  cm.);  calyx  beak  (4-6  mm.)  persistent  at  apex;  bract-bracteolar 
tab  large  (8-10  mm.),  appressed  to  nut  at  base;  husk  relatively  thin,  3  mm.  or  so  in 
fresh  state,  0.3-1.5  mm.  dried,  surface  nearly  smooth,  faint  longitudinal  grooves 
and  ridges;  shell  1-2  mm.  thick,  hard  even  in  fresh  state.  Seedling  with  first  two 
aerial  leaves  variable,  opposite  to  subopposite,  simple  (Stone  2716)  or  opposite- 
compound  (Stone  3254),  leaflets  entire  (Stone  2716),  rarely  with  a  few  minute  teeth 
(Stone  3254);  succeeding  several  leaves  alternate,  pinnately  compound  with  entire 
leaflets;  leaves  becoming  decussate  in  the  sapling  stage. 

Alfaroa  guanacastensis  is  known  only  from  the  Cordillera  de 
Guanacaste,  including  Volcan  Orosi,  Volcan  Miravalles,  Volcan 
Tenorio,  and  the  San  Ramon  area  on  the  southeastern  terminus  of 
the  Cordillera  de  Tilaran.  This  species  is  present  in  the  premontane 
rainforest,  650-1000  m.,  occurring  at  the  lower  elevations  on  the 
wet  Caribbean  slopes  and  nearer  the  crest  and  in  mountain  passes 
where  the  moist  eastern  air  spills  over  to  the  Pacific  side.  Peak 
flowering  occurs  from  February  (Stone  3629)  through  May  (Stone 
3259);  fruits  develop  in  May  (Stone  3259)  and  June  (Stone  2753) 
and  mature  in  January  (Stone  2327),  April  (Stone  2167),  and 
November  (Stone  2327,  2716). 

Populational  differences  among  the  four  collection  sites  are 
apparent.  At  one  time  I  had  considered  describing  at  least  one  addi- 
tional species  from  this  complex,  but  then  decided  that  the  vegeta- 
tive material  was  too  similar  for  routine  identification.  In  addition, 
the  various  fertile  collections  which  look  different  may,  in  fact, 
represent  slightly  different  developmental  stages.  The  leaflets  of 
trees  from  Orosi,  Tenorio,  and  San  Ramon  are  on  the  average  larger 
and  more  coriaceous  than  those  from  Miravalles.  The  sepal  lobes 
are  reflexed  at  pollination  (and  through  fruit  maturation)  in  the 


Miravalles  specimens  (Stone  3629),  whereas  they  are  arched  over 
the  stigma  in  trees  at  the  other  sites  (e.g.,  San  Ramon,  Stone  2753). 
The  mature  fruits  are  variable  in  shape:  those  from  Orosi  and 
Tenorio  are  more  oblong;  fruits  from  Miravalles  vary  from  oblong 
to  spheroid,  but  tend  to  be  compressed  in  the  plane  of  carpel  fusion; 
the  trees  from  San  Ramon  produce  spheroid  fruits  of  uniform  size. 
The  seedlings  were  at  first  thought  to  be  highly  distinctive  in  the 
Miravalles  population.  The  first  aerial  leaves  are  uniformly  opposite 
and  compound,  a  condition  previously  encountered  only  in  A.  cos- 
taricensis  and  A.  williamsii,  although  the  latter  two  have  serrate 
instead  of  entire  leaflets.  The  single  seedling  from  Tenorio  (Stone 
2167B)  has  opposite-simple  first  leaves  as  found  in  A.  manningii. 
Somewhat  later  I  discovered  that  Orosi  seedlings  from  under  the 
same  parental  tree  may  have  either  opposite-compound  (Stone 
2333)  or  opposite-simple  leaves  (Stone  2553).  Greenhouse-ger- 
minated seed  confirmed  this  condition  for  the  San  Ramon  popula- 
tion (Stone  GH-117).  The  type  of  variability  witnessed  in  A. 
guanacastensis  is  probably  commonplace  in  tropical  trees,  but  not 
often  realized  because  of  the  paucity  of  samples. 

This  species  is  closely  related  to  A.  manningii  and  is  vegetatively 
very  similar  to  A.  guatemalensis  and  A.  mexicana.  The  leaves  are 
generally  smaller,  the  petioles  shorter,  and  the  leaflets  fewer  than 
those  of  A.  manningii.  The  fruits  are  also  reasonably  distinctive. 
In  contrast  to  the  thick,  deeply  corrugated  husks  of  A.  manningii, 
fruits  of  A.  guanacastensis  are  basically  smooth  in  outline  with 
faint  longitudinal  ridges  and  a  relatively  thin  husk. 

3.  Alfaroa  manningii  Leon,  Ceiba  4:44.  1953.  Figure  7h-j. 

Trees  to  24  m.  tall  and  90  cm.  dbh;  buttresses  small  to  medium;  bark  tight,  reddish 
brown  exterior,  pink  interior,  becoming  orange  to  yellow  toward  center;  buds  and 
shoots  glabrous.  Leaves  decussate,  glabrous;  petioles  (4)5-9(11)  cm.;  rachises  com- 
monly (50)90-230(290)  cm.;  leaflets  (6)8-12(18),  opposite  to  subopposite,  entire, 
obtuse  at  base,  symmetrical,  decurrent  on  petiolule,  very  slightly  revolute, 
glabrous;  petiolules  (1)2-5(10)  mm.  Female  inflorescences  terminal  on  new  growth, 
stiff  and  erect,  up  to  40  or  50  flowers  per  spike;  male  catkins  alternate  or  decussate, 
1-6  per  branch,  forming  congested  terminal  panicle  on  new  growth  or  arising  from 
axillary  buds  on  old  wood,  up  to  18  cm.  long  and  pendent  at  maturity;  androgynous 
panicles  less  common,  terminal  on  new  growth,  female  spike  central  with  1-4  lateral 
male  catkins  at  base.  Male  flowers  with  gardenia-like  odor,  compact,  sessile  or 
essentially  so;  3-lobed  bract  subtending  4  hooded  floral  segments,  each  of  which 
partially  encloses  3  stamens;  stamens  12.  Pollen  subtriangular  in  amb  (polar)  view, 
21.7  /urn  in  diameter.  Female  flowers  stalked;  pedestal  formed  by  fusion  of  a  faintly 
3-lobed  abaxial  bract  with  an  adaxial  bracteolar  rim;  sepal  lobes  4,  arched  over 
stigma  to  form  sheltered  chamber  at  pollination;  style  essentially  obsolete;  stigma 


lobes  horseshoe  shaped.  Fruit  obloid,  up  to  3.5  cm.  in  diameter  and  3  cm.  long,  apex 
slightly  concave;  calyx  beak  (4-5  mm.)  persistent;  bract-bracteolar  tab  at  base 
large  (to  16  mm.),  more  or  less  circular;  husk  of  irregular  thickness,  1-7.5  mm., 
surface  deeply  corrugated,  8-12  pronounced  longitudinal  ribs  or  flanges  that  extend 
from  apex  to  equator,  diminishing  toward  base;  shell  1-2  mm.  thick,  hard  even  in 
fresh  state.  Seedling  with  the  first  two  aerial  leaves  simple,  alternate  or  opposite, 
and  entire;  succeeding  several  leaves  compound;  later  formed  leaves  decussate  with 
entire  leaflets. 

Gavilan  Colorado  is  a  valued  lumber  tree  of  the  Platanillo  area  of 
northeastern  Cartago  Province.  This  species  grows  to  be  a  very 
large  tree  (up  to  90  cm.  dbh)  in  the  premontane  rainforest  between 
650-1,200  m.  Fertile  specimens  are  recorded  only  from  the  vicinity 
of  Rio  Platanillo.  Oreomunnea  pterocarpa,  gavilan  bianco,  is  a 
common  associate  in  this  area.  Sterile  samples  of  what  appear  to 
be  the  same  species,  along  with  Oreomunnea  mexicana,  have  been 
collected  near  the  headwaters  of  the  Rio  Sapo,  about  28  km.  north- 
east of  the  village  of  Platanillo.  Peak  flowering  occurs  in  March  and 
April,  though  the  presence  of  a  range  of  fruit  sizes  in  April  as  well 
as  August  suggests  a  more  prolonged  flowering  period.  Occasion- 
ally, trees  bear  only  male  flowers  (Stone  2220,  25  March  1967),  but 
most  commonly  both  sexes  are  present.  These  trees  appear  to  be 
truly  bisexual,  rather  than  polygamodioecious  as  reported  by 
Skutch  (in  Manning,  1949).  The  exclusive  production  of  male 
flowers  is  encountered  in  young  trees,  whereas  adults  display  a 
great  deal  of  variability  in  the  type  of  inflorescence  that  is  produced 
on  a  particular  branch.  I  suspect  also  that  the  same  tree  shows 
seasonal  and  yearly  differences  in  the  frequency  of  production  of 
male  and  female  flowers. 

This  narrow  Costa  Rican  endemic  has  characteristics  in  common 
with  A.  guanacastensis.  The  leaves  of  A.  manningii  are  generally 
larger  with  longer  petioles  and  often  have  more  leaflets.  The  fruits 
are  also  large,  quite  heavy,  and  deeply  corrugated  with  8-12  longi- 
tudinal ribs  or  flanges,  and  they  bear  a  persistent  calyx  beak  at  the 
apex  and  a  large,  more  or  less  circular,  bract-bracteolar  tab  at  the 
base.  Manning  (1959)  tentatively  referred  a  Colombian  collection 
(Killip  &  Smith  19285)  to  this  species,  but  has  since  changed  his 
mind  (pers.  comm. ).  Though  the  fruits  are  small  and  possibly 
immature,  they  do  not  display  the  prominent  ridges  characteristic 
of  the  Costa  Rican  species.  Besides  Juglans,  the  Killip  &  Smith 
collection  of  Alfaroa  is  the  only  member  of  the  family  known  from 
South  America. 


4.  Alfaroa  williamsii  Molina  subsp.  tapantiensis  D.  Stone,  subsp. 
nov.  Figure  6e-i. 

Arbor  usque  ad  30  m.  alta.  Folia  pinnata  decussata  vel  alterna,  glabra,  petiolis 
(1.4)2.5-5.5  cm.  longis;  folia  6-12  (16),  basi  obtusa,  petiolulis  stamina  includentes. 
Fructus  glabri.  Germinatio  hypogaea.  HOLOTYPUS:  Stone  3119,  Duke  Univer- 
sity; ISOTYPI:  A,  CR,  F,  US. 

Trees  to  30  m.  tall  and  90  cm.  dbh;  buttresses  small  to  moderate;  bark  tight, 
interior  pink;  buds  glabrous,  or  rarely  with  a  few  coarse  trichomes.  Leaves  mainly 
decussate  or  alternate;  petioles  (1.4)2.5-5.5  cm.,  glabrous;  rachises  7.5-12  cm., 
glabrous;  leaflets  (6)8-12(16),  opposite  to  subopposite,  approximately  of  equal 
size,  lower  ones  greatly  reduced  only  rarely,  mainly  entire,  occasionally  with  a  few 
small  teeth  on  apical  end,  coarsely  serrate  on  sucker  shoots  and  seedlings,  mainly 
obtuse  at  base,  sometimes  truncate,  often  asymmetrical  with  basiscopic  side  decur- 
rent  on  petiolule,  only  slightly  revolute  if  at  all,  glabrous  on  both  surfaces; 
petiolules  1-3  mm.  Female  inflorescences  terminal  on  new  growth,  stiff  and  erect, 
to  15  cm.  long,  27  or  more  alternate  flowers;  male  catkins  alternate  or  decussate, 
6-9  catkins  per  branch,  more  or  less  erect,  to  8.5  cm.,  forming  congested  terminal 
panicle  on  new  growth;  androgynous  panicles  terminal  on  new  growth  of  two  kinds; 
female  catkin  central  with  1-2  individual  male  flowers  sessile  at  base  of  inflores- 
cence, or,  more  commonly,  central  female  spike  flanked  at  base  by  1-11  male  catkins. 
Male  flowers  sessile  or  essentially  so  (pedicel  not  exceeding  0.75  mm.  long);  3-lobed 
bract  short  and  blunt,  or  moderately  tapered;  floral  segments  4,  each  one  slightly 
curved  at  the  tips  to  enfold  (1)2(3)  stamens,  (6)8(9)  stamens  total.  Pollen  subtri- 
angular  in  amb  (polar)  view,  23.9  /Am.  in  diameter.  Female  flowers  sessile;  3-lobed 
bract  not  elongated  into  pedestal,  central  lobe  pronounced,  acute  to  tapered; 
adaxial  bracteolar  rim  essentially  obsolete;  sepal  lobes  4,  reflexed  to  expose  stigma 
at  pollination;  style  elongate,  bifurcate,  shallow  to  deep  cleft;  stigmatic  lobes 
rounded  to  horseshoe  shaped.  Fruit  ellipsoid  (1.5  cm.  X  2  cm.)  to  ovoid  (1.5  cm. 
diameter),  sometimes  compressed  in  the  plane  of  carpel  fusion;  calyx  beak  2-3  mm. 
long,  persistent  at  apex;  bract-bracteolar  tab  inconspicuous  at  base;  husk  essen- 
tially absent,  less  than  0.1  mm.  thick,  surface  nearly  smooth,  with  8  or  so  very  faint 
ridges;  shell  extremely  thin,  less  than  0.5  mm.,  cartilaginous.  Seedling  with  first 
two  aerial  leaves  opposite  to  subopposite,  simple  or,  more  commonly,  compound 
leaves  or  leaflets  coarsely  serrate;  succeeding  several  leaves  alternate,  pinnately 
compound  with  serrate  leaflets;  leaves  becoming  decussate  with  mainly  entire 
leaflets  in  sapling  stage. 

Sterile  trees  and  one  fruiting  specimen  have  been  observed  above 
Monteverde  (1300  m.)  on  the  Cordillera  de  Tilaran  (Stone  3384, 
3627,  3628).  The  best  representation  comes  from  the  terminus  of  the 
Cordillera  de  Talamanca  south  of  the  city  of  Cartago  where  Alfaroa 
williamsii  subsp.  tapantiensis  is  associated  with  A.  costaricensis 
and  Oreomunnea  mexicana.  Flowering  specimens  have  been  col- 
lected in  March  (Stone  3119,  3633)  and  April  (Poveda  851a);  how- 
ever, since  green  fruit  has  also  been  observed  at  these  times,  the 
initiation  of  flowering  probably  coincides  with  the  flush  of  new 
growth  in  mid-January.  Germination  occurs  immediately  following 


fruit  maturation,  as  evidenced  by  the  range  of  green  fruits  to  seeds 
with  exposed  radicles  found  nestled  in  the  rich  litter  on  the  moist 
forest  floor. 

Until  now  Alfaroa  williamsii  has  been  reported  only  from  the 
Departments  of  Jinotega  and  Matagalpa  in  central  Nicaragua.  The 
recent  Costa  Rican  collections  from  Tapanti  (Stone  3119}  and  the 
vicinity  of  San  Isidro  de  Cartago  (Poveda  851,  851a;  Stone  3630, 
3631,  3633),  correspond  closely  to  the  Nicaraguan  specimens 
(Williams  et  al  20143,  23176,  23717;  Stone  2178,  2179a,  2180,  3249, 
3250).  The  new  Costa  Rican  subspecies  is  distinguished  from  A. 
williamsii  subsp.  williamsii  primarily  on  the  basis  of  the  male 
flower.  Subspecies  tapantiensis  has  a  well  defined,  oblong  recep- 
tacle bearing  (6)8(9)  stamens.  Each  pair  of  stamens  is  subtended  by 
a  floral  segment  (4  total)  that  forms  a  partial  hood  over  the  tips  of 
the  anthers  at  anthesis.  Subspecies  williamsii  has  a  more  or  less 
elongate  receptacle  with  6-11  stamens,  subtended  by  4-7  floral  seg- 
ments that  are  variable  in  position  and  shape;  they  open  flat  and  do 
not  enfold  the  stamens  at  maturity.  Because  no  male  flowers  have 
been  collected  at  Monteverde,  the  assignment  of  these  specimens  to 
subsp.  tapantiensis  is  speculative  at  this  time.  Field  identification 
of  the  species  is  based  on  the  glabrous  leaves,  long  petiole  (on  the 
average  somewhat  longer  in  subsp.  williamsii  than  in  subsp. 
tapantiensis},  lower  leaflets  approximating  upper  leaflets  in  size, 
and  occasional  serrations  on  the  leaflet  margins. 

A  discussion  of  the  close  relationship  of  Alfaroa  williamsii  to  A. 
costaricensis  is  included  under  the  latter  species.  Not  surprising 
perhaps  is  the  discovery  of  a  putative  hybrid  between  these  species 
from  Estrella,  Cartago  Province  (Stone  3379:  6  July  1972;  2 
January  1973).  The  tree  was  sterile,  even  though  it  was  reasonably 
large  with  a  23  cm.  dbh  and  a  height  of  15  m.  The  specimen  appears 
intermediate  in  several  respects:  the  shoots  range  from  glabrous 
(cf.  A.  williamsii}  to  moderately  pubescent  (cf.  A.  costaricensis); 
the  petioles  are  of  medium-length  (ca.  2-3.5  cm.);  leaflet  number  is 
most  commonly  10  (8-14;  cf.  A.  williamsii);  the  leaflets  range  from 
obtuse  to  truncate  at  the  base  (cf.  A.  costaricensis);  the  lowermost 
leaflets  may  be  reduced,  but  are  never  less  than  one-fourth  the  size 
of  the  upper  leaflets  (cf.  A.  williamsii).  The  "Alto  de  la  Estrella" 
was  visited  by  Standley  in  1924  at  a  time  when  A.  costaricensis 
was  a  common  tree  of  the  "wet  forest"  (Standley  39122,  39217}.  The 
putative  hybrid  was  located  on  cut-over  land  on  the  lower  reaches  of 
the  mountain.  A.  williamsii  subsp.  tapantiensis  grows  today  within 


2  km.  of  Estrella,  and  both  putative  parents  might  still  be  sym- 
patric  on  the  upper  slopes.  Alfaroa  costaricensis  Standley  var. 
elongata  Manning,  which  was  described  by  Manning  (1949)  from 
a  single  male-flowered  collection  (Skutch  4685),  is  probably  a  hybrid 
also.  Manning  had  questioned  the  taxonomic  placement  of  the 
variety  and  correctly  pointed  out  that  it  differs  from  the  species 
by  having  glabrous  foliage,  distinctly  petioled  leaves,  and  sessile 
stamina te  flowers  with  hooded  floral  segments  (cf.  A.  williamsii ; 
see  Manning,  1949,  Figs.  1,  16,  17:  Skutch  4685),  but  does  have  the 
truncate  leaflet  bases  as  in  A.  costaricensis.  In  contrast  to  Stone 
3379,  specimens  from  this  tree  have  a  larger  number  of  leaflets 
(14-18[22]),  as  in  A.  costaricensis.  If  Skutch  4685  is,  in  fact,  a 
hybrid,  the  enormous  size  of  the  tree  (90  m.  dbh  and  30  m.  tall: 
Skutch,  in  Manning,  1949)  indicates  that  the  hybridization  occurred 
when  the  forest  was  virgin.  Attempts  to  relocate  "elongata"  at 
Vera  Blanca  have  not  been  successful.  A.  williamsii  has  not  been 
collected  in  this  area,  although  A.  costaricensis  is  still  fairly  com- 
mon in  the  open  pastures  at  1700  m.  elevation.  This  is  the  first 
report  of  hybridization  in  Alfaroa. 


REFERENCES:  P.  C.  Standley,  The  American  species  of  Engel- 
hardtia,  Trop.  Woods  12:  12-15.  1927.  D.  E.  Stone,  New  World 
Juglandaceae,  III.  A  new  perspective  of  the  tropical  members  with 
winged  fruits.  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  59:297-321.  1972. 

Trees  or  rarely  large  shrubs;  buttresses  moderate  to  well  developed;  bark  ex- 
foliating or  tight,  surface  reddish-brown,  interior  bright  orange  to  yellow-orange; 
wood  white  throughout  or  heartwood  sometimes  pink,  fine,  straight  grained;  buds 
studded  with  yellow  peltate  scales,  without  hairs.  Leaves  occasionally  puberulent  in 
young  shoots  but  glabrous  at  maturity,  mainly  decussate,  occasionally  alternate; 
petioles  short  to  long;  leaflets  4-12,  generally  long  petiolulate,  mainly  entire,  or 
serrate  on  young  plants  and  sucker  shoots.  Inflorescences  borne  terminally  with 
flush  of  new  growth  of  yellow-red  or  pink  leaves,  or  occasionally  terminal  on  axillary 
shoots  of  old  wood;  female  and  male  inflorescences  either  separate,  or  combined  in 
androgynous  panicles  with  central  female  catkin  flanked  by  1-6  male  catkins.  Male 
flowers  numerous,  alternately  arranged,  sessile  or  essentially  so,  compact  or  elon- 
gate, floral  segments  4-6,  flat  or  hooded;  stamens  8(9)  in  one  series,  or  16-19 
stamens  in  two  series.  Pollen  tripororate  (2-8),  isopolar,  suboblate-oblate;  amb 
triangular  to  rounded-triangular,  20-26  /u,m  in  diameter;  pores  circular;  nexine 
thick,  from  one-third  to  equalling  tectum  in  thickness.  Female  flowers  numerous, 
alternately  arranged,  sessile  or  nearly  so;  bract-bracteolar  floral  cup  forms  a  pedes- 
tal with  3-lobed  bract  abaxial,  bracteolar  rim  adaxial,  calyx  tube  fused  to  floral  cup 


at  base,  forming  distinct  tube  above;  sepal  lobes  4,  narrow  or  broad,  extending  to 
summit  of  stigma  or  beyond,  reflexed  at  time  of  pollination,  or  arched  to  form 
sheltered  chamber;  style  short  or  long-tapering,  bifurcate  with  deep  clett  separating 
stylar  arms;  stigma  weakly  4-parted,  horseshoe  shaped,  carinal,  verrucose  stigmatic 
surface  confined  to  rim  and  outer  surface.  Fruit  medium  to  large,  3-winged;  adaxial 
bracteolar  lobe  covering  nut  at  maturity;  nut  small,  globose,  8-chambered  at 
equator;  husk  essentially  obsolete;  shell  cartilaginous.  Seedling  with  hypogeous 
cotyledons;  first  two  aerial  leaves  opposite  and  simple  or  compound,  with  leaves  or 
leaflets  entire  or  serrate.  Chromosome  number  JV=16. 

The  genus  Oreomunnea  is  extant  in  the  New  World  with  two 
species:  O.  pterocarpa,  an  endemic  to  Costa  Rica;  and  O.  mexicana, 
which  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  to  Costa  Rica.  This  genus 
superficially  resembles  the  Old  World  taxon  Engelhardia  and  is 
treated  by  some  taxonomists  as  Engelhardia  Sect.  Oreomunnea 
(de  Candolle,  1862,  1864,  1914;  Standley,  1927a;  Manning,  1959; 
Jacobs,  1960).  However,  in  spite  of  the  disparity  between  the 
winged  fruit  in  Oreomunnea  and  the  nut-like  fruit  inAlfaroa,  these 
two  genera  have  more  characters  in  common  with  each  other  than 
either  one  does  with  the  southeastern  Asian  Engelhardia  (Oersted, 
1870;  Stone,  1972). 

In  Costa  Rica,  Oreomunnea  is  a  tree  restricted  for  the  most  part 
to  the  rainforests  of  Cartago  Province.  O.  pterocarpa  is  apparently 
endemic  to  the  Rio  Reventazon  Valley  and  its  tributaries,  although 
there  is  one  unconfirmed  report  of  O.  pterocarpa  from  Laguna  Hule 
in  Alajuela  Province  (see  Stone,  1972).  O.  mexicana,  which  occurs  in 
scattered  sites  at  higher  elevations  in  Cartago  Province,  grows  as 
far  west  as  the  Pan  American  Highway,  extending  into  San  Jose 
Province.  Surprisingly,  there  are  no  reports  of  this  species  occurring 
between  Jinotega,  Nicaragua,  and  Cartago,  Costa  Rica,  a  distance 
of  about  650  km.  Fruiting  material  of  both  species  is  distinctive 
because  of  the  3-winged  bract.  Sterile  trees  are  less  easily  iden- 
tified, though  the  exfoliating  platelets  of  bark  found  in  O.  mexicana 
are  not  common  in  tropical  forests.  As  in  Alfaroa,  seedlings  and 
saplings  of  the  understory  give  the  best  clues.  O.  mexicana  has 
pinnately  compound  leaves,  alternate  at  first,  later  opposite,  and 
leaflets  that  are  coarsely  serrate  and  vivid  pink  when  first  un- 
folding. Seedlings  and  saplings  of  O.  pterocarpa  are  less  distinctive. 
However,  the  leaves  are  glaucous  below,  often  hairy  on  the  petiole 
base,  alternate-simple-entire  in  the  early  stages,  becoming  opposite- 
compound  with  entire  leaflets. 

5.  Oreomunnea  mexicana  (Standley)  Leroy,  Bull.  Mus.  Hist.  Nat. 
(Paris)  Ser.  3.  23: 127.  1951.  Engelhardtia  mexicana  Standley,  Trop. 


Woods  12:15.  1927.  £.  nicaraguensis  Molina,  Fieldina,  Bot.  31:358. 

Oreomunnea  mexicana  (Standley)  Leroy  subsp.  costaricensis 
Stone,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  59:320.  1972.  Figure 8g-j. 

Trees  to  32  m.  tall  and  76  cm.  dbh;  buttresses  moderately  developed;  bark  ex- 
foliating, reddish-brown  surface,  bright  orange  interior;  buds  and  shoots  studded 
with  bronzy-yellow,  peltate  scales,  without  hairs.  Leaves  decussate,  puberulent  in 
bud,  glabrous  at  maturity;  petioles  1-3  cm.;  rachises  2-12  cm.;  leaflets  4-12,  opposite 
to  subopposite,  mainly  entire,  coarse  serrations  on  distal  half  of  stump  sprouts  and 
some  shoots  on  the  upper  branches,  symmetrical  to  asymmetrical  at  base,  revolute 
on  one  or  both  margins,  but  most  pronounced  on  basiscopic  side,  auricles  often 
present  on  one  or  both  margins;  petiolules  to  3  mm.  Female  inflorescence  terminal 
on  new  growth,  one  to  several  in  a  cluster,  erect  at  anthesis,  with  30  or  more  flowers 
per  catkin,  becoming  pendent  at  maturity  with  cluster  of  fruits;  male  inflorescence 
forming  congested  terminal  panicle  with  1-6  pendent  catkins ;  terminal  androgynous 
panicles  common,  with  central  female  spike  flanked  at  base  by  1-3  pairs  of  decussate 
catkins.  Male  flowers  small;  3-lobed  abaxial  bract  cupped;  floral  segments  4  (rarely 
5),  hooded,  each  segment  partially  enclosing  2,  or  rarely  3  stamens  at  anthesis; 
stamens  8(9)  in  one  series.  Pollen  not  examined.  Female  flowers  sessile  or  nearly  so, 
oriented  at  45°  to  axis  of  catkin;  floral  tube  short,  sepal  lobes  and  stigma  not  raised 
much  beyond  floral  cup  at  anthesis;  sepal  lobes  4,  broad,  spread  at  maturity,  ex- 
tending well  beyond  style  and  exposing  stigma  at  pollination;  style  short  with  deep 
cleft  separating  stylar  arms.  Fruit  of  medium  size,  3-winged,  lateral  wing  spread  to 
4.5  cm.,  central  wing  to  3.5  cm.  long;  adaxial  bracteolar  lobe  covering  small  (to  10 
mm.),  globose  nut;  husk  papery  thin  (.03  mm.);  shell  cartilaginous,  thin  (.11  mm.). 
Seedling  with  first  two  aerial  leaves  opposite  and  pinnately  compound,  with 
coarsely  serrate  leaflets;  succeeding  several  leaves  alternate,  pinnately  compound, 
with  serrate  leaflets;  leaves  becoming  decussate  in  sapling  stage  with  leaflets 
mostly  entire  in  more  mature  trees. 

This  species,  along  with  Alfaroa  costaricensis,  ranges  from 
Mexico  southward  to  Costa  Rica.  As  presently  defined,  Oreomun- 
nea mexicana  subsp.  mexicana  is  known  from  Mexico,  Guatemala, 
and  Nicaragua.  O.  mexicana  subsp.  costaricensis  has  been  reported 
only  from  Costa  Rica,  although  the  Boquette  area  in  Chiriqui  Pro- 
vince, Panama,  is  a  promising  locality  for  future  investigation.  This 
subspecies  ranges  from  1100  to  1860  m.  (Stone  3620)  in  the  pro- 
vinces of  Cartago  and  San  Jose.  Trees  from  the  virgin  forests  above 
Tapanti  and  El  Muneco  are  situated  on  fog-shrouded  ridges.  A  few 
trees  are  still  standing  on  the  steep,  hillside  pastures  above  the  Pan 
American  Highway  just  south  and  west  of  the  city  of  Cartago 
(Stone  3632).  This  subspecies  is  often  sympatric  with  Alfaroa 
williamsii  subsp.  tapantiensis  and  is  occasionally  associated  with 
A.  costaricensis  (Tapanti,  Cartago)  and  A  manningii  (Valle  Escon- 
dido,  Cartago).  Field  identification  is  relatively  simple.  Seedlings 


and  young  saplings  have  odd-pinnate  leaves  that  are  at  first  alter- 
nate, later  opposite.  The  new  leaves  are  pale  to  vivid  pink,  and  the 
narrow  leaflets  are  numerous  (18-20)  and  coarsely  serrate.  Shoots 
from  saplings  can  be  confused  with  A.  costaricensis.  However,  the 
petiole  and  rachis  of  O.  mexicana  are  puberulent,  rather  than  pubes- 
cent, tiny  auricles  may  be  evident;  and,  particularly,  the  upper  leaf- 
let surface  is  light  green  and  the  lower  one  almost  silvery,  rather 
than  dull  green.  Large  trees  show  a  flush  of  new  leaves  in  March- 
June,  August,  and  again  in  November.  The  new  leaves  on  older  trees 
are  more  of  a  yellowish-red  than  the  vivid  pink  shoots  of  its  saplings 
or  trees  of  Alfaroa,  but,  most  distinctively,  large,  reddish-brown 
platelets  of  bark  exfoliate  from  the  larger  trunks  (over  45  cm.). 
Smaller  trees  have  relatively  smooth  bark  on  the  lower  trunk  and 
evidence  of  incipient  exfoliation  in  the  vicinity  of  the  first  major 
branches.  Flowering  occurs  with  a  flush  of  new  growth;  records  are 
available  for  29  April  (Stone  2177B),  1  June  (Stone  3287),  and  29 
August  (Stone  2680).  The  only  record  of  fruiting  material  of  this 
species  in  Costa  Rica  was  made  on  1  March  (Stone  3632),  though 
young  seedlings  with  the  cotyledons  still  attached  have  been  collect- 
ed on  20  January  (Stone  2335),  29  April  (Stone  2177A),  8  June 
(Stone  2746),  and  13  November  (Stone  271 8A ). 

The  two  subspecies  of  Oreomunnea  mexicana  that  are  recognized 
(Stone,  1972)  apparently  cannot  be  separated  on  the  basis  of  vegeta- 
tive characters,  and  even  the  diagnostic  floral  differences  are  subtle. 
The  Costa  Rican  subspecies  has  female  flowers  that  are  sessile,  or 
nearly  so,  and  oriented  away  from  the  floral  axis  (45°  angle),  and  the 
sepal  lobes  are  spread  at  anthesis.  Subspecies  mexicana  has  female 
flowers  with  conspicuous  pedicels  to  3  mm.  long,  the  bract-bract- 
eolar  cup  is  somewhat  recurved  so  that  the  flower  is  oriented  more 
or  less  parallel  to  the  axis  of  the  catkin,  and  the  sepal  lobes  are 
incurved  to  form  a  chamber  around  the  stigma  at  pollination.  The 
mature  fruits  are  also  very  similar:  those  of  subsp.  costaricensis 
are  sessile  or  have  pedicels  reaching  a  maximum  of  2  mm.  and  the 
sepals,  enclosed  by  the  bracteolar  lobe,  are  spread;  the  pedicels  of 
subsp.  mexicana  commonly  range  to  3  or  4  mm.  and  the  sepals  arch 
over  the  stigma.  This  species  is  quite  different  from  the  only  other 
member  of  the  genus,  O.  pterocarpa.  In  some  respects  O.  mexicana 
combines  certain  vegetative  features  of  Alfaroa  costaricensis  (i.e., 
serrate  leaflets)  with  floral  features  characteristic  of  Engelhardia 
roxburghiana  (floral  morphology). 


6.  Oreomunnea  pterocarpa  Oersted,  Vidensk.  Meddel.  Dansk 
Naturhist.  Foren  Kjdbenhavn  3:34.  1856.  Engelhardtia  pterocarpa 
(Oersted)  Standley,  Trop.  Woods  12: 15.  1927.  Figure  8a-f. 

Trees  to  46  m.  tall  and  83  cm.  dbh;  buttresses  well-developed;  bark  tight,  surface 
gray  or  reddish-brown,  interior  yellow-orange;  buds  studded  with  butter-yellow  pel- 
tate scales,  without  hairs.  Leaves  decussate,  generally  glabrous,  pubescent  at  base 
of  petiole  and  nodal  area  in  saplings  and  sucker  sprouts;  petioles  3.5-6  cm.;  rachises 
7-10  cm. ;  leaflets  (4)6-8,  long  petiolulate  (5-15  mm. ),  opposite  to  subopposite,  always 
entire,  symmetrical  to  asymmetrical  at  base,  revolute  on  one  or  both  margins,  but 
most  pronounced  on  basiscopic  side,  auricles  absent.  Inflorescences  borne  laterally 
on  old  wood  or  at  junction  of  old  and  new  wood;  androgynous  panicles  with  central 
female  catkin  of  15-20  flowers,  erect  at  anthesis,  becoming  pendent  at  maturity  with 
cluster  of  fruits,  flanked  at  base  by  2-3  pairs  of  decussate  male  catkins.  Male  flowers 
with  3-lobed  abaxial  bract  long,  narrow,  and  flat;  floral  segments  5-6,  flat,  irregu- 
larly positioned,  stamens  16-19  in  two  disorganized  series.  Pollen  subtriangular  in 
amb  (polar)  view,  22.0  /tm  in  diameter.  Female  flowers  sessile  or  nearly  so,  oriented 
at  45°  to  axis  of  catkin;  floral  tube  elongate,  sepal  lobes  and  stigma  raised  well  above 
floral  cup  at  anthesis;  sepal  lobes  4,  narrow,  spread  at  maturity,  extending  to  level 
of  stigma  but  not  beyond;  stigma  exposed  at  pollination;  style  elongate,  with  deep 
cleft  separating  stylar  arms.  Fruit  large,  3-winged,  lateral  wing  spread  to  13  cm., 
central  wing  to  11  cm.  long;  adaxial  bracteolar  lobe  covering  medium  size  (to  15 
mm.),  globose  nut;  husk  papery  thin;  shell  cartilaginous.  Seedlings  with  first  two 
aerial  leaves  opposite,  simple  and  entire;  succeeding  several  leaves  alternate,  simple 
and  entire;  followed  by  transition  to  compound  leaves,  and  later  abrupt  shift  to 
decussate  phyllotaxy  and  entire  leaflets. 

Gavilan  bianco,  as  it  is  known  locally  in  the  Plantillo  area,  is 
endemic  to  the  Atlantic  watershed  of  Costa  Rica,  occurring  along 
tributaries  flowing  into  the  Rio  Reventazon  in  Cartago  Province 
(Pittier,  1957).  The  tree  has  been  reported  to  range  from  200  to 
1500  m.  elevation.  Herbarium  vouchers,  however,  only  verify  collec- 
tions between  550  and  820  m.,  although  a  cultivated  tree  in  the 
Botanic  Garden  of  the  Universidad  de  Costa  Rica  in  San  Jose  (1168 
m. )  is  healthy  and  producing  flowers,  fruits,  and  viable  seeds.  This 
species  is  sympatric  with  Alfaroa  manningii.  Trees  of  the  rainforest 
around  Platanillo  and  Tuis  commonly  have  plank  buttresses  extend- 
ing to  2.5  m.  in  diameter  at  the  base.  The  bark  is  tight,  often  gray 
and  the  leaves  are  dark  green  above.  The  lower  leaflet  surface, 
rachis,  petiole,  and  stems  of  new  growth  are  glaucous.  Flushes  of 
new  growth  are  usually  vivid  pink.  Flowering  overlaps  with  fruit 
maturation.  Male  and/or  female  flowers  are  recorded  for  the  months 
of  January  (Stone  1346),  March  (Stone  1346),  April  (Leon  1523), 
and  September  (Leon  1819),  while  mature  fruits  are  present  in 
January  (Stone  1016,  Stone  1346),  March  (Stone  2222),  April  (Leon 
1523,  Tonduz  18000),  and  July  (Lankester,  Stevens  468a,  Stork 


Oreomunnea  pterocarpa  is  a  very  distinctive  species  and  not 
easily  confused  with  other  members  of  the  family.  The  fruits  are 
three-winged  as  in  its  closest  relative,  O.  mexicana,  but  the  wing 
span  is  2-3  times  larger.  Certain  aspects  of  the  male  and  female 
flowers  are  characteristic  ofAlfaroa  costaricensis,  in  much  the  same 
way  that  the  latter  species  shows  certain  vegetative  similarities  to 
O.  mexicana. 


BERRY,  E.  W. 

1912.  Notes  on  the  geological  history  of  the  walnuts  and  walnuts  and  hickories. 
Plant  World  15: 225-240. 

BROWN,  R.  W. 

1946.  Walnuts  from  the  Late  Tertiary  of  Ecuador.  Amer.  Journ.  Sci.  243:554-556. 
CANDOLLE,  C.  de 

1862.  Memoire  sur  la  famille  des  Juglandees.  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  Bot.  IV.  18:5-48. 
1864.  Juglandaceae.  In  Prodromus  systematis  universalis  regni  vegetabilis  16: 


1914.  Engelhardtia  Oreomunnea  C.  DC.  Une  espece  remarquable  du  Costa-Rica. 
Bull.  Soc.  Bot.  Geneve  II,  6: 165-170. 

CONDE,  L.  F.,  and  D.  E.  STONE 

1970.  Seedling  morphology  in  the  Juglandaceae,  the  cotyledonary  node.  Journ. 
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1968.  The  evolution  and  classification  of  flowering  plants.  Houghton,  Mifflin  Co., 

ELIAS,  T.  S. 

1972.  The  genera  of  Juglandaceae  in  the  Southeastern  United  States.  Journ. 
Arnold  Arbor.  53:26-51. 

HEIMSCH,  C.,  and  R.  H.  WETMORE 

1939.  The  significance  of  wood  anatomy  in  the  taxonomy  of  the  Juglandaceae. 
Amer.  Journ.  Bot.  26:651-660. 


1959.  Juglandales.  In  Hutchinson,  J.  The  familes  of  flowering  plants.  I.  Dicoty- 
ledons. 2nd  ed.  194-197.  Clarendon  Press,  Oxford. 


1960.  Juglandaceae.  In  van  Steenis,  C.G.G.J.,  Fl.  Malesiana.  I,  6: 143-154. 

LEON,  J. 

1953.  Alfaroa  manningii,  una  nueva  Juglandacea  de  Costa  Rica.  Ceiba  4:42-47. 

LEROY,  J.  F. 

1951.  Pour  la  rehabilitation  du  genre  Oreomunnea  Oersted  (Juglandaceae).  Bull. 
Mus.  Hist.  Nat.  (Paris)  Ser.  2,  23: 126-127. 


1957.  Etude  sur  les  Juglandaceae.  Mem.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.  Nat.,  Ser.  B,  Bot.  6: 


1938.  The  morphology  of  the  flowers  of  the  Juglandaceae.  I.  The  inflorescence. 

Amer.  Journ.  Bot.  25:407-419. 

1941.  The  morphology  of  the  flowers  of  the  Juglandaceae.  II.  The  pistillate  flowers 
and  fruits.  Amer.  Journ.  Bot.  25:407-419. 

1948.  The  morphology  of  the  flowers  of  the  Juglandaceae.  III.  The  staminate 
flowers.  Amer.  Journ.  Bot.  35:606-621. 

1949.  The  genus  Alfaroa.  Bull.  Torrey  Bot.  Club,  16: 196-209. 

1952.  Juglandaceae.  In  Flora  of  Guatemala.  Fieldiana,  Bot.  24:352-359. 

1957a.  The  genus  Juglans  in  Mexico  and  Central  America.  Journ.  Arnold  Arbor. 


1957b.  A  Bolivian  walnut  from  Peru  growing  in  Costa  Rica.  Brittonia  9: 131. 
1959.  Alfaroa  and  Engelhardtia  in  the  New  World.  Bull.  Torrey  Bot.  Club  86: 

1960a.  The  genus  Juglans  in  South  America  and  the  West  Indies.  Brittonia  12: 

1960b.  Juglandaceae.  In  Flora  of  Panama.  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  47:90-92. 

1968.  Two  new  Nicaraguan  Juglandaceae.  Fieldiana,  Bot.  31:357-359 


1973.  North  American  and  European  species  of  Momipites  ("Engelhardtia") 
and  related  genera.  Geoscience  and  Man  12: 103-1 17. 


1856.  Plantae  novae  centroamericanae.  Vidensk.  Meddel.  Dansk  Naturhist. 
Foren.  Kjdbenhavn.  3:33-43. 

1870.  Bidrag  til  Kundskab  om  Valdnodplanterne.  Vidensk.  Meddel.  Dansk  Natur- 
hist. Foren.  Kjrfbenhavn.  1870:159-173. 


1957.  Plantas  usuales  de  Costa  Rica.  2nd  ed.  rev.  Univ.  Costa  Rica,  Ser.  Ciencias 
Nat.  2: 121,  Fig.  20. 


1927a.  The  American  species  of  Engelhardtia.  Trop.  Woods  12: 12-15. 

1927b.  Alfaroa,  a  new  genus  of  trees  of  the  family  Juglandaceae  from  Costa  Rica. 

Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  17:77-79. 
1937.  Juglandaceae.  In  Flora  of  Costa  Rica.  Field  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  Bot.  Ser.  18: 



1974.  Flowering  plants— evolution  above  the  species  level.  Harvard  Univ.  Press, 

STONE,  D.  E. 

1969.  Documented  plant  chromosome  numbers  1969:2.  Sida  3:352-355.  (includes 
Alfaroa  costaricensis  Standley  from  Guatemala,  n=16). 


1970.  Evolution  of  cotyledonary  and  nodal  vasculature  in  the  Juglandaceae. 
Amer.  Journ.  Bot.  57: 1219-1225. 

1972.  New  World  Juglandaceae,  III.  A  new  perspective  of  the  tropical  members 
with  winged  fruits.  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Gard.  59:297-321. 

1973.  Patterns  in  the  evolution  of  amentiferous  fruits.  Brittonia  25:371-384. 
STONE,  D.  E.,  and  C.  R.  BROOME 

1971.  Pollen  ultrastructure:  evidence  for  relationship  of  the  Juglandaceae  and  the 
Rhoipteleaceae.  Pollen  et  Spores  13:5-14. 

1975.  Juglandaceae  A.  Rich,  ex  Kunth.  World  Pollen  and  Spore  Flora  4: 1-35. 


1969.  Flowering  plants— origin  and  dispersal  (translated  by  C.  Jeffrey).  Smith- 
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THORNE,  R.  F. 

1973.  The  "Amentiferae"  or  Hamamelidae  as  an  artificial  group:  a  summary 
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1965.  Pollen  morphology  of  the  Juglandaceae,  II:  survey  of  the  family.  Journ. 
Arnold  Arbor.  46:369-410. 

1969.  Wind  pollination  in  the  angiosperms:  evolutionary  and  environmental  con- 
siderations. Evolution  23:28-35. 


1941.  Stem  anatomy  and  phylogeny  of  the  Rhoipteleaceae.  Amer.  Journ.  Bot. 

WOLFE,  J.  A. 
1973.  Fossil  forms  of  Amentiferae.  Brittonia  25:334-355. 




Glabrous  much-branched  little  shrubs  to  1.5  m.  tall  with  both  prostrate  horizontal 
and  erect  succulent  stems,  the  plants  unisexual  or  bisexual.  Leaves  opposite  and 
decussate,  simple  and  sessile,  fleshy  and  entire;  stipules  minute  and  caducous, 
represented  by  gland-like  bodies.  Inflorescences  of  cone-like  spikes  or  short-shoots, 
floral  bracts  with  minute  stipule-like  appendages;  male  flowers  in  the  axils  of  decus- 
sate bracts  or  terminal  and  arranged  in  cones,  each  flower  with  a  perianth-like  tube 
opening  irregularly  into  2  to  4  parts,  4  spathulate  petal-like  structures  alternating 
with  the  stamens  and  often  referred  to  as  staminodes,  stamens  4,  filaments  free, 
anthers  dorsifixed  and  introrse,  center  of  the  flower  raised  and  possibly  a  pistillode; 
female  flowers  sessile  and  axillary,  solitary  or  grown  together  at  the  base,  each 
flower  with  1  pistil  subtended  by  a  single  bract  and  without  perianth,  ovary  4- 
loculed  with  a  single  epitropous  ovule  borne  from  the  base  of  each  locule  on  enlarged 
placentas  (perhaps  parietal  in  origin),  stigmas  2  and  sessile.  Fruit  drupaceous  or 
compound,  seeds  without  endosperm,  embryo  straight,  cotyledons  large. 

BATIS  Linnaeus 

The  family  is  represented  by  the  solitary  genus  with  two  species: 
Batis  maritima  L.  on  the  tropical  and  subtropical  coasts  of  the 
Americas  and  B.  argillicola  van  Royen  on  the  southern  coast  of  New 
Guinea.  The  systematic  position  of  the  genus  is  not  clear,  and  a  wide 
variety  of  relationships  have  been  suggested.  Modern  phylogenists 
have  considered  this  family  related  to  the  Chenopodiaceae  (Centro- 
spermae  or  Gary ophy Hales)  but  Batis  lacks  betacyanins  and 
betaxanthins  (T.  J.  Mabry  and  B.  L.  Turner,  Taxon  13:197-200. 
1964),  which  suggests  that  they  are  not  related  to  the  Centro- 
spermae.  More  recently  the  detection  of  "Myrosinase"  in  extracts 
of  Batis  maritima  has  suggested  a  relationship  with  the  Cappari- 
dales  (Schraudolf,  Schmidt,  &  Weberling  in  Experientia  27:1090- 
1091.  1971).  The  floral  diagrams  in  our  illustration  are  from  Eckardt 
(Ber.  Deut.  Botan.  Gesell.  72:416.  1959). 




BATIS  maritima 

FIG  9a.  Bataceae:  Batis  maritima,  male  parts  on  the  left  and  female  parts  on  the 

Batis  maritima  L.,  Syst.  edit.  10,  1289.  1759.  Figure  9a. 

Unisexual  little  shrubs  or  subshrubs  0.3-1.5  m.  tall,  stems  becoming  woody,  leafy 
internodes  1-10  (15)  mm.  long,  0.7-2.8  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  succulent  and  drying 
pale  green  or  grayish.  Leaves  almost  terete,  petioles  absent,  laminae  8-30  (40)  mm. 
long,  about  2  mm.  thick  (dry),  linear  or  linear  oblong,  abruptly  obtuse  at  the  apex, 
slightly  narrowed  and  prolonged  basally  about  1  mm.  below  the  point  of  attachment 
to  the  stem,  the  two  basal  lobes  becoming  recurved  on  drying,  venation  not  visible. 
Male  spikes  sessile  or  very  short  pedunculate,  5-10  mm.  long,  bracts  about  2  mm. 
broad,  tightly  imbricate  in  4  ranks,  persistent  with  usually  more  than  12  bracts  and 
flowers  per  spike,  filaments  about  2  mm.  long,  anthers  about  1.2  mm.  long;  female 
spikes  on  short  stalks,  becoming  15  mm.  long,  bracts  and  flowers  4  to  12,  bracts 
round  and  peltate,  2-2.5  mm.  broad,  separate  and  deciduous,  pistil  about  6  mm. 
long  and  2.5  mm.  thick,  united  below  with  the  free  apices  bearing  the  minutely 
papillate-puberulent  2-lobed  stigmas.  Fruit  fleshy  and  compound  by  the  union 
beneath  of  the  pistils,  the  compound  fruit  (spike)  about  8  mm.  long,  and  6  mm. 

Batis  maritima  is  a  strand  plant  ranging  along  the  ocean  shores 
from  Florida  and  Texas  in  the  United  States  to  the  West  Indies  and 
southward  to  Brazil  along  the  Atlantic  and  from  California  to  Peru 
on  the  Pacific.  While  the  species  has  not  been  recorded  from  Costa 
Rica  or  adjacent  countries,  it  is  known  from  both  the  Caribbean  and 
Pacific  coasts  of  Honduras.  Because  the  species  grows  both  on 
sandy  shores  and  near  mangrove  formations,  it  very  likely  is  to  be 
found  in  Costa  Rica. 



Trees  and  shrubs,  leaves  alternate  and  simple;  stipules  present,  free,  and  deci- 
duous. Plants  unisexual,  monoecious;  inflorescences  usually  composed  of  reduced 
cymules  in  a  spiral  on  an  elongate  axis  forming  aments  (catkins)  or  in  congested 
dichasia;  staminate  flowers  usually  in  pendulous  aments,  the  flowers  subtended  by 
large  bracts  with  or  without  bracteoles,  perianth  of  1  whorl  or  absent,  free  or  united, 
often  of  4  separate  parts,  the  stamens  (1)  2,  4,  5,  or  6  (20),  borne  on  slender  fila- 
ments or  sessile,  anthers  2-thecous,  the  thecae  separate  or  connate;  pistillate 
flowers  usually  in  groups  of  2  or  3  within  a  subtending  bract  with  or  without 
bracteoles,  the  perianth  absent  or  adnate  with  the  ovary,  pistil  with  a  2-  or  3-locular 
ovary  (sometimes  1-locular  above)  with  2  pendulous  ovules,  styles  and  stigmas  2 
(3).  Fruit  a  nut,  often  winged,  sometimes  with  the  perianth  persisting  above  or  sub- 
tended by  the  persistent  bracts,  seed  1  by  abortion,  endosperm  absent. 

The  Betulaceae  are  a  family  of  six  genera  and  about  100  species  of 
the  north  temperate  zone  with  a  few  species  reaching  Central  and 
South  America  at  higher  elevations.  The  family  is  represented  by  a 
single  native  species  in  our  area;  two  other  genera,  Carpinus  and 
Ostrya,  have  their  southern  limits  in  El  Salvador  and  Honduras. 
The  family  is  characterized  by  the  very  reduced  flowers  in  complex 
inflorescences  and  is  adapted  to  wind  pollination.  Recent  studies 
(Endress,  1967)  show  that  this  family  is  very  closely  related  to  the 

ALNUS  Miller 

Monoecious  trees  and  shrubs,  leaf  buds  usually  stalked  and  with  few  scales,  roots 
often  with  nodules  of  nitrogen-fixing  endophytes.  Leaves  alternate,  simple,  petio- 
late,  and  pinnately-veined,  usually  at  least  somewhat  pubescent  and  glandular 
below.  Staminate  aments  in  terminal  clusters  or  solitary  in  the  axils  of  leaves,  pro- 
duced during  the  previous  growing  season  or  on  growth  of  the  present  season; 
staminate  flowers  usually  in  groups  of  3  (rarely  6)  on  each  short-stalked  peltate 
bract,  bracteoles  present,  the  perianth  of  4  (1-6)  free  or  basally  connate  parts,  sta- 
mens usually  4  and  opposite  the  perianth  parts,  anthers  with  2  partially  separate 
thecae,  dehiscing  longitudinally.  Pistillate  inflorescences  congested,  ovoid  to  ellip- 
soid or  cylindrical,  solitary  or  racemose,  arising  from  leaf  axils,  sometimes  on  special 
short  shoots,  produced  during  the  previous  or  present  growing  season,  the  bracts 




ALNUS  acuminata 

FIG  9b.  Betulaceae:  Alnus  acuminata  with  enlarged  view  of  male  flower  (right) 
and  individual  fruit  (left). 

thick,  each  subtending  2  flowers  and  4  bracteoles,  perianth  absent  or  reduced  to 
small  adnate  glands,  ovary  laterally  compressed.  Fruit  a  small  flattened  nut,  usually 
with  2  winged  margins,  1-locular  by  abortion;  the  fruiting  spike  cone-like,  with  per- 
sistent 5-lobed  woody  scales  derived  from  the  bracts  and  bracteoles. 

A  genus  of  about  20  species,  mainly  of  the  Northern  Hemisphere 
but  extending  into  South  America  along  the  Andes.  Several  species 
occur  in  northern  Central  America  and  Mexico. 

Alnus  acuminata  H.B.K.  Nov.  Gen.  Sp.  2:  20.  1817.  A.  arguta 
(Schlecht.)  Spach,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  2,  15:  205.  1841.  A.  jorullensis 
auct.,  non  H.B.K.  Nov.  Gen.  Sp.  2:  20.  1817.  Figure  9b. 

Trees  5-20  (30)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  0.5-2.5  cm.  long,  1-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous 
or  sparsely  puberulent  with  slender  whitish  to  yellowish  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long  or 
with  minute  brownish  peltate  glands  or  both,  becoming  glabrescent  in  age,  often 
dark  brown  and  lustrous,  lenticels  yellowish,  oval  to  circular,  0.5-2.0  mm.  long,  0.3- 
1.0  mm.  wide.  Buds  with  2  or  3  resinous-coated  stipular  scales,  obtuse  to  acuminate 
at  the  apex,  stalked,  body  4-8  mm.  long,  2.0-3.5  mm.  thick,  stalk  2-8  mm.  long,  1-2 
mm.  thick.  Leaves  borne  in  a  spiral,  petioles  7-25  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  deeply 
grooved  adaxially,  glabrous  or  with  hairs,  glands,  or  both;  laminae  5-17  cm.  long,  3-9 
cm.  wide,  broadly  elliptic  to  oblong  or  somewhat  ovate,  obtuse  or  abruptly  short- 
acuminate  to  acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute,  abruptly  obtuse,  and  rounded  to  trun- 
cate at  the  base,  unequally  doubly  serrate  along  the  margin,  the  teeth  smaller  near 


the  apex  and  base  than  at  mid-leaf,  closer  near  the  apex  and  more  distant  near  the 
base  than  at  mid-leaf,  larger  teeth  terminating  the  veins,  margin  moderately  to 
strongly  revolute,  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and  usually  much  darker  above, 
smooth  and  glabrous  to  very  sparsely  pubescent  along  the  veins  above,  sparsely  to 
moderately  glandular  above,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with  slender  yellowish 
to  brownish  hairs  0.2-0.6  mm.  long  beneath,  sparsely  to  densely  covered  with  whit- 
ish to  yellowish-brown  peltate  glands  below,  the  lower  surface  becoming  glabrescent 
in  age,  venation  often  impressed  above,  secondary  veins  in  9-16  pairs,  4-9  mm.  apart 
at  mid-leaf,  prominent  beneath  with  the  tertiary  veins  often  conspicuous  and  sub- 
parallel.  Staminate  aments  in  racemose  clusters  of  3-6,  produced  the  previous  grow- 
ing season,  4-12  cm.  long,  5-9  mm.  thick,  borne  on  short  glabrous  peduncles  4-12 
mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  each  cluster  (cymule)  of  flowers  subtended  by  a  bract 
about  1.5  mm.  broad,  the  3  flowers  congested  and  difficult  to  distinguish,  perianth 
about  1.3  mm.  long,  anthers  1.0-1.5  mm.  long,  0.8-1.1  mm.  broad  on  filaments  0.4-1.0 
mm.  long;  pistillate  spikes  (cones)  in  racemose  clusters  of  3-6,  produced  the  previ- 
ous season,  7-10  mm.  long,  6-8  mm.  thick  at  anthesis,  on  short  peduncles  0.4-0.7  mm. 
long,  bracts  thick  and  fleshy,  tightly  imbricate,  3-4  mm.  broad  distally,  pistil  about 
2  mm.  long,  styles  0.5-1.0  mm.  long.  Fruit  a  2-winged  nutlet  (samara),  thin  and 
slightly  obovate  or  obcordate,  body  2.2-3.0  mm.  long,  1.0-1.5  mm.  broad,  each  wing 
0.8-2.1  mm.  long,  0.5-0.7  mm.  broad,  the  fruiting  cones  becoming  1.2-2.5  cm.  long,  9- 
12  mm.  thick,  peduncles  1-10  mm.  long,  1.2-1.5  mm.  thick,  scales  3.5-4.5  mm.  long, 
3.5-4.5  mm.  broad  at  the  widest  point. 

Plants  of  montane  forest  formations  from  1500  to  3100  m.  eleva- 
tion and  often  occurring  in  almost  pure  stands,  perhaps  as  second- 
ary growth  on  old  clearings  and  landslides.  In  Costa  Rica  the 
species  has  only  been  collected  between  the  slopes  of  Volcan  Barba 
and  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  as  far  eastward  as  the  slopes  above 
San  Isidro  del  General.  It  is  found  in  the  highlands  of  Western 
Panama  and  ranges  northward  through  central  Mexico  and  south- 
ward into  South  America. 

Distinctive  plants  because  of  the  cone-like  infructescences,  pen- 
dulous staminate  aments,  unusual  glands  on  the  lower  leaf  surface, 
and  tendency  to  be  found  in  stands. 

The  taxonomic  status  of  this  species  has  long  been  confused.  Al- 
though the  Costa  Rican  alders  show  considerable  affinity  with 
Alnus  acuminata  of  South  America,  they  nevertheless  appear  some- 
what more  similar  to  A.  arguta  of  Mexico  and  Guatemala.  Both  of 
these  species  may  be  better  considered  the  same  species,  however, 
which  is  the  view  taken  here,  in  which  case  A.  acuminata  is  the  valid 
name.  They  are  markedly  distinct  from  A.  jorullensis  H.B.K.  of 
Mexico,  which  name  has  frequently  been  misapplied  to  them.  The 
name  commonly  used  in  Costa  Rica  is  Jaul. 



REFERENCE:  Thomas  Elias,  The  Genera  of  Fagaceae  in  the 
Southeastern  United  States.  Journ.  Arn.  Arb.  52: 159-195. 1971. 

Trees  or  shrubs,  bisexual  or  rarely  unisexual  (in  Nothofagus).  Leaves  simple, 
deciduous  or  evergreen,  usually  alternate  in  a  spiral,  entire  to  deeply  lobed,  pin- 
nately  veined;  stipules  present  and  deciduous.  Flowers  unisexual  (rarely  bisexual); 
male  flowers  with  4  to  8  perianth  parts  (tepals)  united  basally,  stamens  usually  6  or 
12  (4  to  40),  filaments  slender,  anthers  2-thecous,  dehiscing  longitudinally,  a  pistil- 
lode  usually  absent;  female  flowers  subtended  by  bracts  forming  an  involucre  or 
cupule,  flowers  1  to  3  per  involucre  or  cupule,  perianth  3-  to  8-lobed  and  adnate  to 
the  ovary,  staminodes  usually  absent,  ovary  inferior  with  2  or  3  (6)  locules,  each 
locule  with  2  pendulous  ovules,  placentation  axile,  styles  and  stigmas  as  many  as 
the  locules.  Fruit  1  to  3  and  subtended  by  or  enclosed  within  an  involucre  or  cup, 
each  fruit  a  single-seeded  nut,  endosperm  absent,  embryo  with  thick  cotyledons. 

A  family  of  eight  genera  with  around  500  species  in  the  temperate 
zones  of  both  northern  and  southern  hemispheres  and  in  the  tropical 
highlands,  but  absent  in  Africa  south  of  the  Sahara.  The  family  has 
had  a  long  and  independent  history  but  appears  to  be  related  to  the 
Betulaceae  and  Hamamelidaceae.  The  Fagaceae  are  represented  in 
Central  America  by  the  genus  Quercus.  The  chestnut  or  castafio 
(Castanea  sativa  Miller)  is  occasionally  planted  in  the  Valle  Central; 
its  narrowly  oblong  leaves  with  many  (12-20)  pairs  of  secondary 
veins  and  prominent  serration  are  distinctive. 

QUERCUS  Linnaeus 

REFERENCES:  William  Trelease,  The  American  Oaks.  Mem. 
Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  20.  1924.  Cornelius  Muller,  The  Central  American 
species  of  Quercus.  U.S.  Dept.  Agric.  Misc.  Publ.  no.  477.  1942. 

Shrubs  or  trees,  older  bark  pale  in  color  and  scaly  or  dark  and  furrowed,  the  wood 
usually  hard,  new  growth  from  buds  enclosed  by  imbricate  brownish  bud-scales. 
Leaves  deciduous  or  persisting,  arising  in  a  spiral,  petiolate  or  subsessile,  the  lamina 
entire  to  deeply  lobed,  veins  often  extending  beyond  the  margin  as  bristles;  stipules 
associated  with  the  bud-scales  below  the  leaves,  narrow,  and  usually  deciduous.  In- 
florescences axillary  and  emerging  with  the  new  leaves,  male  inflorescences  long- 



pendulous  spikes  (aments)  from  the  axils  of  leaves  or  the  inner  bud-scales,  male 
flowers  solitary  or  in  clusters  of  2  or  3  on  the  rachis,  bracts  present  or  absent, 
perianth  of  3  to  6  tepals  united  below,  stamens  (2)  4  to  12  from  a  slightly  raised 
receptacle,  filaments  free;  female  flowers  solitary  and  pedicellate  or  several  on  erect 
spikes  and  arising  from  the  axils  of  leaves  of  the  current  season,  each  flower  en- 
closed by  an  involucre  of  many  appressed  scales,  perianth  difficult  to  distinguish, 
minutely  6-lobed  and  adnate  to  the  ovary,  pistil  with  usually  3  locules  and  styles. 
Fruit  a  nut  (acorn,  or  bellotd)  enclosed  or  subtended  by  the  cupulate  involucre  and 
developing  to  maturity  in  1  or  2  years,  ovoid  to  subglobose  or  turbinate,  flattened 
and  with  a  circular  scar  basally,  pericarp  hard,  glabrous  or  with  appressed  whitish 
hairs  on  the  interior  surface. 

The  oaks  (Quercus  spp.)  are  not  represented  by  many  species  in 
Costa  Rica,  but  they  are  often  a  dominant  group  in  our  highland 
forests,  achieving  both  great  individual  size  and  great  numbers. 
They  form  large  stands  in  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  above  2500 
m.  elevation  and  occasionally  at  lower  elevations  on  some  of  the 
slopes  of  the  Pacific  watershed.  Only  one  species  (Q.  oleoides)  is 
found  below  500  m.  elevation,  while  several  occur  above  3000  m.  (Q. 
costaricensis,  Q.  copeyensis,  and  Q.  seemannii).  Our  knowledge  of 
these  trees  is  still  poor  as  their  size  makes  collecting  difficult  and 
the  populations  are  poorly  sampled.  The  hard  wood  has  had  many 
uses,  but  it  is  especially  prized  for  making  charcoal  in  Costa  Rica. 
The  production  of  charcoal  has  caused  the  destruction  of  many  oak 
forests  containing  large  trees. 

The  genus  is  usually  easy  to  recognize  because  of  the  buds, 
covered  by  bud-scales,  and  crowded  toward  the  ends  of  the  often 
fluted  stems,  the  stipules  associated  with  the  buds  rather  than  the 
leaves  (but  often  caducous),  the  leaves  in  a  spiral,  the  male  flowers 
on  slender  pendant  spikes  (catkins),  and  the  small  often  obscure 
female  flowers  in  leaf-axils.  The  hard  wood  usually  with  distinct 
rings  of  larger  pores,  rough  light  gray  to  dark  gray  bark,  and  the 
very  characteristic  acorn  and  acorn-cup  further  distinguish  the 
genus.  Some  species  may  become  more  than  30  m.  tall,  and  many 
species  regularly  produce  trunks  more  than  1  m.  thick. 

The  North  American  species  of  the  genus  Quercus  fall  into  two 
natural  subgenera.  Species  of  the  subgenus  Quercus  (formerly 
called  subgenus  Lepidobalanus)  are  often  referred  to  as  white  oaks 
because  of  the  pale  color  of  their  bark  and  branchlets.  Species  of 
subgenus  Erythrobalanus  are  endemic  to  North  and  Central  Amer- 
ica and  are  referred  to  as  black  oaks  because  of  their  dark  bark  and 
branchlets.  The  two  full-page  figures  illustrate  the  Costa  Rican 
species  of  the  two  subgenera.  The  following  dichotomy  outlines  the 
major  differences  between  the  two  subgenera,  but  the  distinctions 


are  often  difficult  to  see  in  herbarium  specimens.  The  key  to  species 
does  not  use  this  dichotomy  in  its  early  parts. 

KEY  TO  THE  SUBGENERA  (Figures  10  and  11) 

1  A.  Bark  of  the  trunk  usually  gray  and  forming  flat  scales,  relatively  soft,  branch- 
lets  usually  rough  and  grayish  after  the  first  year,  wood  pale  yellowish;  leaves 
entire  to  lobed  and  the  lobes  rounded  or  if  serrate  then  with  short  mucronate 
tips;  styles  short  and  abruptly  diverging;  fruit  produced  in  one  year,  interior 
surface  of  the  pericarp  glabrous subgenus  Quercus. 

IB.  Bark  of  the  trunk  usually  very  dark  and  furrowed  longitudinally,  relatively 
hard,  branchlets  usually  smooth,  lustrous,  and  dark  after  the  first  year,  wood 
often  reddish;  leaves  entire  to  lobed  and  the  lobes  acute  or  if  serrate  then 
usually  with  arista te  tips;  styles  longer  and  gradually  diverging;  fruit  pro- 
duced in  one  or  two  years,  interior  surface  of  the  pericarp  tomentose. 

subgenus  Erythrobalanus. 

Both  subgenera  have  closely  related  species  that  are  often  dif- 
ficult to  identify.  In  our  white  oaks  (subgenus  Quercus},  Q.  insignis, 
Q.  oocarpa,  and  Q.  pilarius  may  present  problems  unless  properly 
identified  herbarium  material  is  available  for  comparison.  Among 
our  black  oaks  (subgenus  Erythrobalanus},  Q.  seemannii  and  its 
close  allies,  Q.  gulielmi-treleasei  and  Q.  rapurahuensis,  may  be 
impossible  to  separate  convincingly  without  mature  acorns.  All 
these  species,  within  the  same  subgenus,  are  probably  capable  of 
hybridizing  and  this  factor  may  account  for  the  difficulty  in  sepa- 
rating them. 

Dr.  Cornelius  Muller  has  recently  mentioned  (pers.  comm.)  his 
intention  of  reviewing  the  oaks  of  Costa  Rica.  At  present,  his  view 
of  the  Costa  Rican  species  differs  from  the  one  presented  here  in  the 
following  ways.  Dr.  Muller  believes  that  Q.  gulielmi-treleasei  and 
Q.  rapurahuensis  are  not  distinguishable  from  Q.  seemannii.  He 
also  believes  that  what  are  here  called  Q.  insignis  and  Q.  pilarius 
are  both  elements  of  Q.  oocarpa.  Dr.  Muller  interprets  Q.  tonduzii 
as  a  local  population  of  Q.  eugeniaefolia.  He  also  recognizes  Q. 
panamandinea  and  an  undescribed  species.  Thus,  Dr.  Muller  finds 
ten  species  of  Quercus  in  Costa  Rica,  of  which  eight  represent  the 
twelve  species  recognized  in  the  treatment  given  here.  The  student 
of  Costa  Rica's  flora  should  not  be  disturbed  by  these  differences  in 
interpretation.  As  mentioned,  the  oaks  are  notorious  for  their 
ability  to  hybridize,  and  they  produce  populations  of  considerable 
variability.  Also,  these  large  trees  have  been  poorly  sampled,  and 
mature  fruit  are  rare  in  collections.  These  factors  contribute  to 
differing  species-concepts  in  the  work  of  different  authors.  Actual- 
ly, all  the  species  in  this  Flora  should  be  viewed  as  scientific  hypo- 

FIG  10.  Fagaceae:  the  Costa  Rican  species  of  Quercus,  subgenus  Quercus,  the 
white  oaks. 


FIG.  11.  Fagaceae:  the  Costa  Rican  species  ofQuercus  subgenus  Erythrobalanus, 
the  black  oaks. 



theses  that  have  to  be  revised  as  we  learn  more  about  the  plants 
themselves  and  the  populations  of  which  they  are  a  part. 


1A.   Trees  of  the  lowland  deciduous  forest  formations  of  Guanacaste  Province 
between  50  and  500  m.  elevation;  the  lower  leaf-surface  with  minute  (0.1  mm.) 

canescent  hairs  forming  a  dense  covering  between  the  veins Q.  oleoides. 

IB.    Trees  of  evergreen  or  semideciduous  forest  formations  between  600  and  3400 
m.  elevation;  the  lower  leaf -surf aces  not  covered  by  a  dense  tomentum  of 

minute  whitish  hairs 2A. 

2 A.   Laminae  narrowly  elliptic  to  oblong  with  a  conspicuously  serrate  margin  of 
blunt  or  aristate  teeth,  becoming  glabrous  or  very  sparsely  puberulent;  trees 

not  found  above  2000  m.  altitude 3A. 

2B.    Laminae  with  entire  margins  or  broadly  elliptic  to  obovate  when  serrate; 

trees  of  1000  to  3400  m.  altitude 5A. 

3 A.  Serrations  aristate  with  slender  tips  1-5  mm.  long,  laminae  1-3  cm.  broad, 
stipules  caducous;  year-old  stems  remaining  dark  and  smooth  (a  black 
oak);  acorns  about  16  mm.  long  and  14  mm.  thick;  trees  of  the  Pacific  slope 
of  west-central  Costa  Rica  between  600  and  1500  m.  elevation  . .  Q.  brenesii. 
3B.  Serrations  blunt  or  with  very  short  ( 1  mm.)  rounded  tips,  laminae  2-6  cm. 
broad;  stems  becoming  rough  and  grayish  after  a  year  (white  oaks);  acorns 
becoming  more  than  25  mm.  thick  at  maturity;  trees  growing  between 

1000  and  2000  m.  elevation 4A. 

4 A.  Petioles  (4)  8-25  mm.  long  and  the  laminae  usually  drying  stiffly 
chartaceous,  stipules  caducous;  trees  of  apparently  drier  evergreen 
forest  formation  on  the  Pacific  slope  between  1200  and  1900  m.  eleva- 
tion   Q.  corrugata. 

4B.  Petioles  1-6  (9)  mm.  long  and  the  laminae  often  drying  thin  chartaceous, 
stipules  often  persisting;  trees  of  the  moister  evergreen  forest  forma- 
tions on  both  the  Pacific  and  Caribbean  slopes  between  1000  and  1800 

m.  elevation Q.  pilarius. 

5 A.   Laminae  usually  bluntly  serrate  and  obovate  in  general  form,  commonly  10-25 
cm.  long;  stipules  usually  persisting;  acorns  becoming  more  than  3  cm.  thick 

at  maturity;  white  oaks  with  the  year-old  stems  usually  pale  gray 6A. 

5B.    Laminae  rarely  serrate  and  not  usually  obovate;  acorns  more  than  3  cm.  thick 

only  in  Q.  costaricensis  with  the  year-old  stems  smooth  and  dark 9A. 

6A.    Lower  surface  of  the  laminae  with  hairs  persisting  only  along  the  midvein, 

petioles  1-6  (9)  mm.  long 7A. 

6B.    Lower  surface  of  the  laminae  with  persisting  stellate  hairs  or  occasionally 

with  the  hairs  persisting  only  in  the  axils  of  the  secondary  veins 8 A. 

7A.  Laminae  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  with  both  stellate 
and  simple  hairs  beneath  or  glabrous;  acorns  not  more  than  2.5  cm. 

thick;  trees  of  higher  montane  forests  ( 1800-3000  m.) Q.  copeyensis. 

7B.  Laminae  often  drying  thin-chartaceous,  with  only  a  few  simple  ascend- 
ing hairs  persisting  along  the  midvein  beneath;  acorns  probably  exceed- 
ing 3  cm.  at  maturity;  trees  of  middle  elevations  ( 1000-1800  m.) 

Q.  pilarius. 


8A.    Petioles  1-6  (10)  mm.  long,  and  the  laminae  usually  cuneate  at  the  base, 
drying  stiffly  chartaceous;  trees  of  wet  forests  between  1100  and  2300  m. 

altitude Q.  oocarpa. 

8B.    Petioles  5-25  mm.  long  and  the  laminae  usually  aburptly  truncate  to 
cordulate  at  the  petiole,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous;  trees 

of  wet  forests  between  1000  and  1800  m.  elevation Q.  insignis. 

9 A.  Stipules  usually  persisting,  stems  becoming  rough  and  grayish  after  a  year 
(a  white  oak) ;  laminae  variable  but  often  cuneate  at  the  base  and  bluntly  acute 
or  rounded  apically,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous;  trees  of  high 

( 1800-3000  m.)  montane  rain  forests Q.  copeyensis. 

9B.    Stipules  caducous,  stems  often  remaining  smooth  and  very  dark  in  color  after 

one  year  (black  oaks) 10A. 

10 A.  Laminae  drying  subcoriaceous  to  coriaceous  and  usually  with  the  venation 
impressed  above  to  give  a  somewhat  bullate  appearance,  apex  of  the  lamina 
blunt  to  rounded  (rarely  acute),  densely  puberulent  to  glabrous  beneath, 
petioles  0-4  (8)  mm.  long;  acorns  becoming  20-35  mm.  thick;  trees  of  very 

high  (2200-3300  m.)  montane  forest  formations Q.  costaricensis. 

10B.  Laminae  drying  thin  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous  and  usually  flat  above, 
apex  of  the  laminae  acute  to  acuminate  or  rarely  blunt  and  rounded  ....  1 1  A. 

1 1  A.    Acorns  becoming  14-22  mm.  thick  at  maturity 12A. 

11B.    Acorns  becoming  10-14  mm.  thick  at  maturity 13A. 

12A.  Trees  endemic  to  Volcan  Poas  above  2200  m.  elevation;  petioles  2-8  mm. 
long,  laminae,  generally  4-11  cm.  long  and  1.5-4  cm.  broad,  often  drying 

subcoriaceous Q.  tonduzii. 

12B.  Uncommon  trees  between  1000  and  2500  m.  elevation  on  the  Pacific  side  of 
the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca;  petioles  (4)  8-26  mm.  long,  laminae  generally 
9-18  cm.  long  and  3-7  cm.  broad,  usually  drying  stiff -chartaceous. 

Q.  rapurahuensis. 

13A.  Laminae  often  drying  stiff-chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  gradually  or 
abruptly  narrowed  to  both  base  and  apex,  (2.5)  4-10  (16)  cm.  long  and  (1) 
1.5-3  (4)  cm.  broad  on  petioles  1-6  ( 10)  mm.  long;  trees  of  wet  and  very  wet 

forests  from  1100  to  3100  m.  elevations Q.  seemannii. 

13B.  Laminae  usually  drying  thin  chartaceous,  very  gradually  narrowed  to  both 
base  and  apex,  (6)  9-18  (25)  cm.  long  and  (2)  3-6  (8)  cm.  broad,  on  petioles 
0-5  mm.  long;  trees  of  very  wet  forests  between  1500  and  2500  m.  elevation. 

Q.  gulielmi-treleasei. 

Quercus  brenesii  Trel.,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  20:186,  pi.  377. 
1924.  Figure  11. 

Trees  8-25  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-20  (40)  mm.  long,  (0.7)  1-3  mm.  thick,  glab- 
rous or  pale  yellowish-brown  tomentulose  in  early  stages,  twigs  dark  and  smooth 
with  small  (0.5  mm.)  but  conspicuous  lenticels,  becoming  grayish  after  1  or  2  years; 
buds  2-5  mm.  long,  becoming  narrowly  ovoid,  bud  scales  glabrous  or  puberulent  and 
ciliolate  along  the  edge.  Leaves  said  to  be  deciduous,  petioles  1-7  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5 
mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  puberulent,  terete  or  slightly  winged;  laminae  5-17  cm.  long, 
1-3  cm.  broad,  very  narrowly  elliptic  to  lanceolate,  linear-lanceolate,  or  occasionally 


oblanceolate,  tapering  to  the  long-acuminate  or  acute  apex,  aristate  at  the  tip,  acute 
to  attenuate  at  the  base,  margins  entire  along  the  basal  half  and  usually  with  2  to  5 
diverging  aristate  teeth  on  each  side  distally,  the  aristae  as  much  as  5  mm.  long,  the 
lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and  grayish-green,  smooth  and  slightly  lustrous 
above  and  below,  quickly  becoming  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the  hairs  on  young 
parts  yellowish-brown  stellate  tomentulose,  about  0.1-0.2  mm.  long,  midvein  slight- 
ly raised  above  with  5  to  11  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  the  secondary  and 
tertiary  veins  often  becoming  slightly  raised  on  drying;  stipules  ligulate  and 
caducous.  Male  spikes  to  8  cm.  long,  the  flowers  becoming  2-10  mm.  distant  on  the 
glabrescent  rachis,  perianth  densely  and  persistently  tomentulose,  filament  equal- 
ing the  anthers  in  length,  anthers  about  1.5  mm.  long  and  0.5  mm.  thick,  the  connec- 
tive produced  beyond  the  thecae  into  a  slender  tip  about  0.2  mm.  long,  glabrous; 
female  flowers  solitary  or  paired  on  short  (3-12  mm.)  thick  (2  mm.)  axillary 
peduncles,  female  flowers  about  4  mm.  long  becoming  thickened  above  the  middle 
during  development  (10  mm.).  Fruit  produced  in  a  year,  solitary  or  paired  on  short 
peduncles,  the  cup  about  10  mm.  long  and  16  mm.  broad,  saucer-shaped  and 
abruptly  narrowed  to  the  base,  puberulent  within,  the  scales  densely  puberulent 
with  minute  grayish-brown  hairs  but  with  glabrescent  brown  margins,  the  nut 
(acorn)  about  16  mm.  long  and  14  mm.  thick,  ovoid  but  abruptly  narrowed  at  the 
base,  densely  puberulent  with  grayish-brown  hairs  but  these  rubbing  off,  the  nar- 
rowed apex  of  the  fruit  to  4  mm.  long  (with  the  persisting  styles),  basal  scar  about 
8  mm.  in  diameter  (description  of  the  fruit  based  on  Molina  22979  from  Nicaragua). 

This  species  is  found  in  the  seasonally  dry  evergreen  (premontane 
and  lower  montane  moist  and  wet)  forest  formations  on  the  Pacific 
slope  between  600  and  1500  m.  elevation.  Collections  have  been 
made  from  the  area  between  Monteverde  (Puntarenas)  and  San 
Ramon  (Alajuela);  flowering  in  January  and  fruiting  in  November. 
This  species  was  thought  to  be  endemic  to  Costa  Rica  but  recent 
collections  by  Williams  et  al.  (23936,  24728,  &  27862)  and  Molina 
(20127  & 22979)  from  the  Cordillera  Central  de  Nicaragua  appear  to 
be  this  species. 

Quercus  brenesii  is  a  species  of  the  subgenus  Erythrobalanus. 
The  very  narrow  leaves  with  slender  aristate  teeth  distally  and  the 
lower  altitude  habitat  on  the  Pacific  slope  separate  this  oak  from  all 
the  other  Costa  Rican  species  of  the  genus.  The  recent  collections 
from  Nicaragua  and  Costa  Rica  have  given  us  a  better  idea  of  varia- 
tion within  the  species.  However,  this  expanded  concept  of  Q. 
brenesii  may  prove  to  be  conspecific  with  material  from  northern 
Central  America  that  has  been  referred  to  Q.  anglohondurensis 
Muller,  gracilior  Muller,  Q.  tenuiaristata  Trel.,  and  Q.  trichodonta 
Trel.  This  group  is  in  turn  related  to  Q.  conspersa  Benth.  and  Q. 
skinneri  Benth.  with  larger  acorns  and  characteristically  long 


Quercus  copeyensis  C.  H.  Muller,  U.S.D.A.  Misc.  Publ.  477:30, 
pis.  31  &  32.  1942.  Q.  costaricensis  f.  kuntzei  Trel.,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad. 
Sci.  20: 146,  pi.  283  b.  1924.  Q.  copeyensis  Muller  emend  E.  L.  Little, 
Carib.  Forest.  9:348.  1948.  Q.  aaata  auctores  in  herb,  as  to  Costa 
Rica.  Figure  10. 

Trees  8-35  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  more  than  1  m.  thick,  leafy  internodes  1-16 
(30)  mm.  long,  2-4  (6)  mm.  thick,  sparsely  stellate  puberulent  or  glabrous,  pale 
brown  becoming  grayish  in  age;  buds  3-5  mm.  long,  ovoid,  bud-scales  glabrous  or 
puberulent  distally.  Leaves  deciduous  and  often  clustered  at  the  ends  of  branch- 
lets,  petioles  1-6  (8)  mm.  long,  1-2.5  mm.  thick,  simple  or  stellate  puberulent  or 
glabrous,  sulcate  adaxially;  laminae  quite  variable,  4-10  (15)  cm.  long,  2-5  (6.5) 
cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  oblong,  obovate,  or  occasionally  oblanceolate,  bluntly  acute 
to  rounded  at  the  apex,  tapering  to  the  obtuse,  cuneate,  or  slightly  rounded  base, 
often  truncate  or  cordulate  at  the  petiole,  margin  entire  or  slightly  undulate 
distally  (rarely  obscurely  dentate),  the  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  sub- 
coriaceous,  smooth  and  often  lustrous  above  and  becoming  glabrous,  persistently 
puberulent  along  the  midvein  beneath  or  occasionally  glabrous,  the  hairs  both 
simple  and  stellate,  0.2-0.8  mm.  long,  major  veins  often  raised  in  slight  depres- 
sions above,  prominent  beneath,  the  (4)  6  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
arising  at  angles  of  35-55  degrees;  stipules  often  persisting,  7-12  mm.  long  and 
1-2  mm.  broad,  ligulate,  sparsely  puberulent.  Male  spikes  (3)  4-8  (12)  cm.  long, 
flowers  becoming  distant  on  the  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent  rachis,  perianth 
2-2.5  mm.  long,  ciliolate  distally,  filaments  1-2  mm.  long,  anthers  0.8-1.5  mm. 
long  (dry);  female  spikes  2-6  cm.  long  and  about  2  mm.  thick,  each  spike  with 
4  to  10  flowers,  flowers  about  4-6  mm.  long.  Fruiting  spikes  2-8  cm.  long,  cup 
about  10-16  mm.  long  and  20  mm.  broad  at  the  apex,  tapering  gradually  to  the 
base  and  thin  at  the  edge,  said  to  enclose  one-third  to  one-half  of  the  mature 
acorn,  cup-scales  densely  puberulent  on  the  basal  umbo  but  glabrescent  apically, 
nut  (acorn)  22-28  mm.  long  and  18-22  mm.  thick,  ovoid,  glabrous  or  persistently 
puberulent  apically,  basal  scar  about  10  mm.  in  diameter,  area  above  the  basal 
scar  occasionally  drying  dark. 

A  dominant  species  of  the  wet  evergreen  montane  (premontane 
and  lower  montane  rain)  forest  formations  between  (1800)  2000  and 
2800  (3000)  m.  altitude;  flowering  collections  have  been  made 
between  December  and  March,  fruit  have  been  collected  in  May 
(immature?),  August,  and  November.  The  species,  as  here  under- 
stood, ranges  from  Central  Costa  Rica  to  Chiriqui,  Panama.  In 
Costa  Rica  the  species  is  found  in  the  Cordillera  Central  from  near 
Zarcero  and  Palmira  (Alajuela)  to  Irazii  and  from  the  areas  of 
Escazu  and  Tarbaca  (San  Jose)  eastward  along  the  central  part  of 
the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca.  The  species  is  commonly  collected 
along  the  Interamerican  Highway  but  is  not  known  from  Sta. 
Maria  de  Dota  and  is  apparently  uncommon  on  Volcan  Poas  and 
Volcan  Barba. 


This  species  is  recognized  by  its  stiff,  usually  obovate  and  blunt 
leaves  often  lustrous  above  with  few  persistent  hairs  beneath,  thick 
grayish  twigs  often  retaining  stipules  and  bud-scales,  and  the  aver- 
age-size acorns.  The  bark  grayish  and  forming  flat  scales  marks 
Q.  copeyensis  as  a  white  oak  ( Subgenus  Quercus )  and  distinguishes 
it  from  Q.  costaricensis,  a  black  oak  with  rather  similar  foliage. 
See  the  article  concerning  this  species  by  E.  L.  Little  in  the  Carib- 
bean Forester,  vol.  9:345-353.  1948. 

As  I  understand  it,  Q.  copeyensis  is  an  extremely  variable  species 
often  found  in  dominating  stands.  Little  is  known  about  the  flowers 
and  fruit;  I  have  only  seen  three  fruiting  collections:  Burger  & 
Burger  8181  (Fila  Cedral,  San  Jose),  Little  20043  (Volcan  Irazu, 
Cartago),  and  Allen  3491  (Chiriqui,  Panama).  The  species  possesses 
considerable  variety  in  leaf-form,  leaf-texture,  leaf-pubescence,  and 
venation.  These  characters  can  vary  on  the  same  branch,  or  (more 
often)  they  may  be  quite  uniform  on  an  individual  tree.  Present 
collections  give  little  evidence  of  correlations  between  these  vari- 
able characters,  and  they  are  not  correlated  with  geographic  locale 
or  habitat,  except  that  the  very  small  thick-leaved  collections  ap- 
pear to  come  from  exposed  sites  at  high  altitudes.  The  narrowly 
obovate  and  thinner  laminae  characterizing  material  previously 
referred  to  as  Q.  aaata  Muller  is,  I  believe,  no  more  than  an  unusual 
form  found  in  individual  trees  or  groups  of  trees.  There  are  all  man- 
ner of  intermediates  between  this  form  and  the  thick  shorter  and 
broader  laminae  with  few  secondary  veins  characteristic  of  other 
trees  and  groups  of  trees.  The  two  forms  appear  to  have  much  the 
same  ecological  range.  In  the  absence  of  more  fertile  material,  it  is 
impossible  to  say  whether  Q.  aaata  in  a  restricted  sense  ( Guatemala 
and  Honduras)  and  with  leaves  of  very  thin  texture  is  conspecific 
with  the  material  placed  here. 

Quercus  corrugata  Hooker,  Icones  Plant  5:  pi.  403-404,  1842.  Q. 
pilgeriana  Seemen,  Bull.  Herb.  Boissier,  2  ser.  4:655.  1904.  Figure 

Trees  6-20  m.  tall,  the  trunk  becoming  70  cm.  thick  with  dark  brown  bark  peeling 
off  in  large  flat  pieces,  leafy  internodes  (1)  4-30  (50)  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  glab- 
rous or  minutely  stellate-tomentulose  at  the  nodes,  brown  and  soon  becoming  gray 
or  yellowish-brown;  buds  3-5  mm.  long,  globose  to  ovoid,  bud-scales  glabrous  or 
minutely  ciliolate  along  the  distal  margin.  Leaves  said  to  be  deciduous,  petioles 
(4)  8-25  mm.  long,  0.7-1.8  mm.  thick,  terete  or  slightly  sulcate  adaxially,  glabrous 
or  very  minutely  (0.2  mm.)  puberulent  with  yellowish  hairs  simple  or  branched  from 
the  base;  laminae  (5)  8-18  (25)  cm.  long,  2-5.5  cm.  broad,  very  narrowly  obovate  to 


lanceolate  or  narrowly  elliptic,  usually  tapering  gradually  to  the  acuminate  or  acute 
apex,  abruptly  obtuse  or  occasionally  cordulate  or  truncate  at  the  narrowed  base, 
often  unequal  with  the  margins  of  the  lamina  1-3  mm.  distant  on  the  petiole,  margin 
entire  below  the  basal  third  or  fourth  and  with  4  to  12  blunt  or  serrate  teeth  on  each 
side  (rarely  entire  throughout),  the  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and 
lustrous  above,  glabrous  or  with  a  few  longer  (0.5-1  mm.)  hairs  persisting  basally 
or  along  the  midvein,  larger  veins  often  raised  within  slight  depressions  on  the 
upper  surface,  the  8  to  14  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  prominent  below  and  aris- 
ing at  angles  of  40-70  degrees;  stipules  immediately  caducous.  Male  spikes  not  seen 
from  Costa  Rica,  said  to  be  5-6  cm.  long  and  loosely  flowered  with  the  anthers  much 
exserted;  female  flowers  not  seen  from  Costa  Rica,  said  to  be  solitary  or  paired  on 
short  (5  mm.)  peduncles.  Fruit  produced  in  one  year,  solitary  on  a  thick  (4  mm.) 
peduncle  0.5-3  cm.  long,  cup  about  15  mm.  long  and  3  cm.  broad  but  said  to  become 
as  much  as  6  cm.  broad,  cup-  or  bowl-shaped  (but  not  seen  at  maturity  and  com- 
pletely mature  fruit  not  seen  from  southern  Central  America),  densely  velutinous 
on  the  walls  within,  scales  thickened  basally  and  tightly  appressed,  densely  puberu- 
lent  with  minutely,  yellowish-white  hairs,  nuts  (acorns)  subglobose  to  ovoid  or 
cylindrical,  ours  2.5  cm.  long  and  1.5  cm.  thick  but  said  to  become  3-5  cm.  thick, 
longitudinally  corrugated  or  smooth  (dry),  often  puberulent  distally,  the  basal  scar 
(8)  12-16  mm.  in  diameter,  area  above  the  scar  usually  drying  dark  and  contracting 
somewhat  on  drying. 

Plants  of  evergreen  montane  (premontane  wet)  forest  formations 
between  1200  and  1900  m.  elevation  and  apparently  confined  to  the 
somewhat  drier  Pacific  slope  in  Costa  Rica.  Our  collections  range 
from  the  southern  slopes  of  Volcan  Poas  (Alajuela)  in  the  west  to 
Boruca  (Puntarenas)  in  the  southeast,  and  though  a  number  of 
collections  have  been  made  from  the  area  of  Santa  Maria  de  Dota, 
none  have  been  made  from  the  somewhat  moister  areas  along  the 
Interamerican  Highway  on  the  Cerro  de  la  Muerte.  The  species 
ranges  from  Chiapas,  Mexico,  to  western  Chiriqui  in  Panama. 

The  usually  narrow  leaves  conspicuously  bluntly  serrate  on  rela- 
tively long  slender  petioles,  generally  glabrous  parts,  restricted 
habitat,  and  large  acorns  easily  separate  Q.  corrugata  from  our 
other  white  oaks  ( Subgenus  Quercus). 

Quercus  costaricensis  Liebmann,  Overs.  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk. 
Forhandl.  1854:184.  1854.  Q.  irazuensis  Kuntze,  Rev.  Gen.  PI. 
2:641.  1891.  Q.  endresi  Trel.,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  20:145,  pi.  280. 
1924,  ex  char.  Figure  11. 

Trees  8-30  m.  tall,  the  trunk  becoming  as  much  as  1  m.  thick,  the  crown  often 
dense  and  rounded,  bark  smooth,  leafy  internodes  1-30  mm.  long,  2-8  mm.  thick, 
very  densely  stellate-tomentose  in  early  stages  or  glabrous,  the  pale  brownish  hairs 
about  0.5  mm.  long  and  rubbing  off,  twigs  becoming  glabrescent  and  very  dark 
brown  changing  to  dark  gray;  buds  about  6  mm.  long  and  4  mm.  thick,  ovoid,  bud- 
scales  puberulent  apically.  Leaves  deciduous,  petioles  0-4  (8)  mm.  long,  1-3  mm. 


thick,  densely  puberulent  to  glabrous;  laminae  3-10  ( 18)  cm.  long,  2-6(9)  cm.  broad, 
broadly  oblong  to  elliptic-oblong  or  obovate  or  rarely  ovate,  rounded  at  the  apex  or 
occasionally  bluntly  obtuse  to  acute,  obtuse  to  rounded  and  cordulate  at  the  base, 
the  margin  entire  to  undulate  or  slightly  lobed  distally  and  becoming  revolute,  the 
lamina  drying  coriaceous  to  subcoriaceous  and  pale  grayish-green,  smooth  and 
lustrous  above,  glabrous  or  with  hairs  persisting  along  the  midvein  above,  densely 
tomentulous  beneath  with  pale  brownish  stellate  hairs  falling  off  in  age  (laminae 
almost  completely  glabrous  in  material  formerly  ascribed  to  Q.  irazuensis),  venation 
strongly  impressed  above  with  the  larger  veins  prominent  within  the  depressions, 
the  4  to  7  (8)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  often  dividing  distally  and  very  promi- 
nent beneath,  lower  surface  often  becoming  minutely  bullate;  stipules  caducous. 
Male  inflorescences  becoming  4-9  cm.  long,  the  flower  crowded  or  1-6  mm.  distant  on 
the  densely  stellate-tomentulose  rachis,  perianth  campanulate  and  about  2.5  mm. 
long,  puberulent,  filaments  becoming  2-3  mm.  long,  anthers  1.8-2.3  mm.  long  and 
1  mm.  broad,  glabrous,  female  spike  with  (1)  3  to  10  flowers,  to  5  cm.  long,  the 
flowers  about  6  mm.  long.  Fruit  produced  in  a  year,  solitary  or  paired  and  subsessile 
or  on  a  short  (1-10  mm.)  thick  (3-4  mm.)  peduncles  near  the  apex  of  the  stem,  the 
shallow  cup  10-15  mm.  long  and  15-35  mm.  broad,  abruptly  constricted  and  flat- 
tened beneath,  the  scales  sparsely  puberulent  and  minutely  ciliolate  distally,  usually 
lustrous  brown  and  the  apices  becoming  free,  mature  nut  (acorn)  enclosed  less  than 
one-fourth  by  the  cup,  15-30  mm.  long,  20-35  mm.  thick,  hemispheric  to  ovoid,  glab- 
rous or  puberulent  near  the  apex,  pale  brown,  basal  scar  10-15  mm.  in  diameter. 

This  species  is  restricted  to  high  montane  wet  forest  and  rain 
forest  formations  between  (2200)  2700  and  3300  m.  elevation.  Flow- 
ering collections  have  been  made  from  November  to  August  and 
fruit  has  been  collected  from  January  to  June.  The  species  is  known 
only  from  a  small  area  bounded  on  the  west  by  the  slopes  of  Volcan 
Irazii  and  extending  eastward  along  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  as 
far  as  Cerro  Chirripo. 

Quercus  costaricensis  belongs  to  the  subgenus  Erythrobalanus, 
the  red  or  black  oaks.  However,  this  species  is  most  easily  mistaken 
for  a  white  oak,  Q.  copeyensis,  among  our  species,  and  the  two  are 
often  found  together  in  high  montane  forests.  The  dark  twigs  and 
the  very  stiff,  usually  short  subsessile  leaves  rounded  apically  with 
impressed  venation  above  and  persistent  tomentum  beneath,  that 
dry  pale  yellowish-brown  or  gray-green  distinguish  this  species. 
Material  previously  placed  under  Q.  irazuensis  is  distinguished  by 
having  glabrous  leaves  narrowed  at  both  ends,  but  these  have  never 
been  collected  with  flowers  or  fruit  and  represent,  I  believe,  no  more 
than  an  unusual  form  of  this  very  well-defined  and  quite  variable 

Quercus  guglielmi-treleasei  C.  H.  Muller,  U.S.D.A.  Misc.  Publ. 
477:58,  pi.  79,  80.  1942.  Figure  11. 


Trees  8-30  m.  tall,  trunk  to  over  1  m.  in  diameter,  leafy  internodes  (0)  2-30  mm. 
long,  1.5-4  (5)  mm.  thick,  usually  only  sparsely  floccose  in  early  stages  and  soon 
glabrous,  very  dark  brown  or  grayish-black  with  conspicuous  (0.5-1  mm.)  lenticels; 
buds  3-4  mm.  long,  ovoid,  bud-scales  sparsely  puberulent  and  slightly  lustrous. 
Leaves  probably  deciduous,  petioles  0-5  (12)  mm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  densely 
stellate-floccose  to  glabrate,  the  winged  margins  prominent  and  flat  or  forming  an 
adaxial  groove,  swollen  at  the  base;  laminae  (6)  9-18  (25)  cm.  long,  (2)  3-6  (8)  cm. 
broad,  narrowly  elliptic-oblong  to  lanceolate  or  oblanceolate,  often  asymmetrical 
and  curved  to  one  side,  tapering  gradually  to  the  long-acuminate  or  less  often  short- 
acuminate  or  acute  apex,  the  tip  only  occasionally  aristate,  usually  tapering 
gradually  to  the  acute  or  attenuate  base,  the  margin  entire,  becoming  undulate  and 
slightly  re  volute  on  drying,  continuous  with  the  wings  of  the  petiole,  the  lamina 
drying  chartaceous  and  usually  dark  gray-green  or  brownish  above,  slightly  lust- 
rous, glabrous  and  smooth  above,  glabrous  beneath  or  persistently  puberulent  near 
the  base  and  along  the  midvein,  the  9  to  18  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  branching 
distally,  impressed  above  but  raised  within  the  grooves,  prominent  beneath,  the 
smallest  reticulate  veins  usually  raised  on  the  upper  surface  (dry);  the  ligulate 
stipules  early  caducous.  Male  inflorescence  and  flowers  unknown;  female  flowers 
unknown.  Fruit  probably  formed  in  one  year,  solitary  to  several  on  a  peduncle  1-4 
cm.  long  and  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  the  cups  5-10  mm.  long  and  13-18  mm.  broad,  saucer- 
shaped  to  goblet-shaped  and  abruptly  narrowed  at  the  base,  scales  sparsely  puberu- 
lent and  tightly  appressed,  umbonate  at  the  base  and  often  lustrous  brown,  nuts 
(acorns)  7-15  mm.  long,  11-15  mm.  thick,  hemispheric  to  broadly  ovoid,  apex  round- 
ed or  flat  (?  immature),  minutely  sericeous  but  becoming  glabrous,  enclosed  one- 
third  or  less  within  the  cup,  basal  scar  7-9  mm.  in  diameter. 

Trees  of  wet  montane  (premontane  and  lower  montane  rain) 
forest  formations  between  (1100)  1500  and  2600  m.  altitude.  The 
species  as  presently  known  ranges  from  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes 
near  Zarcero  (Alajuela)  to  the  Chiriqui  highlands  in  Panama.  The 
two  fruiting  collections  from  Chiriqui  were  made  between  April 
and  July. 

Quercus  gulielmi-treleasei  is  a  poorly  understood  species  of  the 
subgenus  Erythrobalanus  and  appears  to  intergrade  with  the  very 
closely  related  Q.  seemannii.  The  relatively  long  and  narrow  leaves, 
which  are  tapered  at  both  ends  and  often  subsessile,  and  which  dry 
thin  and  dark  in  color,  are  important  but  very  variable  characteris- 
tics. This  species  is  often  very  difficult  to  separate  from  Q.  seeman- 
nii and  may  be  no  more  than  an  ecotype  form  of  that  species  com- 
monly found  in  wetter  montane  forests.  A  collection  by  Alfonso 
Jimenez  (1276E)  from  Monteverde  in  the  Cordillera  de  Tilaran 
(Puntarenas)  may  be  this  species  or  an  unusual  juvenile  form  of 
Q.  brenesii. 

Quercus  insignis  Mart.  &  Gal.,  Bull.  Acad.  Brux.  10:219.  1843.  Q. 


schippii  Standley,  Cam.  Inst.  Wash.  Publ.  461:53.  1936.  Q.  seibertii 
Muller,  U.S.D.A.  Misc.  Publ.  477: 19,  pi.  6  &  7.  1942.  Figure  10. 

Trees  15-30  (40)  m.  tall,  trunk  exceeding  1  m.  in  diameter,  bark  dark  brown  to 
grayish  brown  and  often  peeling  in  strips  to  appear  shaggy,  leafy  internodes  5-30 
mm.  long,  2-6  mm.  thick,  densely  covered  with  yellowish  or  orange  (fulvous  to 
rufous)  stellate  hairs  0.3-0.9  mm.  long,  becoming  glabrescent  after  1  or  2  years  and 
grayish  or  brown  with  conspicuous  lenticels;  buds  2-5  mm.  long  (expanding  to  15), 
globose  to  ovoid,  bud-scales  distally  glabrous.  Leaves  probably  deciduous,  petioles 
5-25  mm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  densely  stellate  tomentose  and  terete;  laminae  10- 
24  cm.  long,  3.5-9  (12)  cm.  broad,  quite  variable  in  shape,  most  often  oblong  to 
obovate,  tapering  abruptly  to  the  bluntly  obtuse  apex  or  occasionally  acute  or 
rounded,  often  gradually  narrowed  below  the  middle  and  then  abruptly  truncate  or 
cordulate  at  the  petiole  (rarely  subcordate),  margins  entire  to  undulate  or  bluntly 
short-serrate,  revolute  (dry)  and  the  lamina  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous, 
smooth  and  lustrous  above,  persistently  puberulent  on  the  midvein  above,  densely 
to  sparsely  puberulent  on  all  surfaces  beneath,  the  orange  or  yellowish  stellate  hairs 
0.2-0.6  mm.  long,  primary  and  secondary  veins  often  raised  within  depressions  on 
the  upper  surface,  the  9  to  18  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  from  the  mid- 
vein  at  angles  of  40-60  degrees,  very  prominent  beneath,  tertiary  veins  subparallel 
and  occasionally  impressed  above;  stipules  often  persisting,  8-12  mm.  long,  ligulate, 
densely  appressed  sericeous  on  the  abaxial  surface.  Male  inflorescences  3-8  cm. 
long,  the  flowers  remaining  crowded  on  the  densely  puberulent  rachis,  perianth 
about  2  mm.  long,  apically  ciliolate,  filaments  very  short  ( 1  mm.),  anthers  1-1.5  mm. 
long  (based  on  Shank  13954);  female  spike  1-3  cm.  long  with  1  to  3  globose  female 
flowers  about  4  mm.  long  (based  on  J.  Leon  1165).  Fruit  produced  in  1  year  and 
usually  solitary,  the  cup  becoming  2-3  cm.  long  and  4-8  cm.  broad,  broadly  saucer- 
shaped  and  abruptly  narrowed  beneath  or  occasionally  tapering  to  the  base,  cup- 
scales  densely  and  minutely  sericeous,  the  free  apex  4-6  mm.  long  and  about  2.5  mm. 
broad;  nuts  (acorns)  said  to  become  3-5  cm.  long  and  3-7  cm.  thick,  ovoid  to  globose 
and  flattened  above,  longitudinally  striate,  basal  scar  about  25  mm.  in  diameter, 
tissue  above  the  scar-edge  often  contracting  on  drying. 

This  species  is  known  only  from  lower  montane  (and  premontane) 
wet  forest  formations  between  1000  and  1800  m.  elevation  in  Costa 
Rica;  collected  at  Zarcero  (A.  Smith  141,  177,  &  2769),  Alajuela, 
south  of  Guatuso  (Lent  1165),  Cartago,  Las  Lajas  above  El  General 
(J.  Leon  1165),  San  Jose,  and  Agua  Buena  (Shank  13954),  Pun- 
tarenas.  In  our  area,  flowering  material  has  been  collected  in 
January  and  fruit  in  July.  The  species  ranges  from  Veracruz,  Mexi- 
co, to  Chiriqui,  Panama. 

Quercus  insignis  is  an  unusual  oak  distinguished  by  its  rather 
thick,  persistently  yellowish  puberulent  laminae,  usually  truncated 
at  the  base  and  borne  on  prominent  petioles.  The  usual  leaf-shape 
and  very  large  acorns  indicate  that  this  species  is  very  closely  re- 
lated to  Q.  oocarpa,  and  the  species  do  not  differ  greatly  in  habitat, 
though  they  have  not  been  collected  at  the  same  sites  in  Costa  Rica. 
The  type  collection  of  Q.  seibertii  (Seibert  225  from  Chiriqui)  has 


unusually  broad  and  entire  leaves  that  are  subcordate  at  the  base. 
A  review  of  our  recent  collections  leads  me  to  believe  that  this  is 
only  an  unusual  leaf-form  and  not  specifically  distinct.  The  type  of 
Q.  davidsoniae  Standley  (Davidson  864  from  Chiriqui)  has  charac- 
teristics of  both  Q.  insignis  and  Q.  oocarpa,  and  I  believe  that  it  is 
either  a  hybrid  or  a  backcross  between  the  two.  Our  present 
sampling  of  Quercus  populations  is  so  poor  that  we  can  not  clearly 
define  the  parameters  of  these  species,  and  assignment  of  unusual 
collections  is  no  more  than  guesswork. 

Quercus  oleoides  Schlecht.  &  Cham.,  Linnaea  5:79.  1830.  Q. 
retusa  Liebm.,  Overs.  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Forhandl.  1854:187. 
1854.  Q.  oleoides  var.  australis  Trel.,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  20:114, 
pi.  192  &  193.  1924.  Figure  10. 

Trees  5-15  m.  tall,  often  much  branched  and  with  a  dense  crown,  leafy  internodes 
2-15  (30)  mm.  long,  2-4.5  mm.  thick,  pale  grayish-white  with  minute  stellate  hairs, 
remaining  puberulent  or  becoming  glabrous;  axillary  buds  2-3  mm.  long,  ovoid, 
sparsely  puberulent  and  reddish-brown.  Leaves  persisting,  petioles  4-8  (10)  mm. 
long,  1-1.8  mm.  thick,  subterete,  pale  grayish  with  minute  canescent  stellate  hairs; 
laminae  3-11  cm.  long,  2-5  (6)  cm.  broad,  oblong  or  elliptic  to  slightly  obovate,  ob- 
tuse to  rounded  and  emarginate  at  the  apex,  abruptly  obtuse  to  acute  or  cuneate  at 
the  base,  the  margin  entire  or  rarely  with  a  few  blunt  or  mucronate  lobes  distally 
and  becoming  slightly  revolute,  the  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  sub- 
coriaceous,  dark  green  but  drying  pale  gray-green  or  pale  buff  above  and  very  pale 
gray  beneath,  smooth,  lustrous,  and  becoming  glabrous  or  remaining  puberulent  on 
the  midvein  above,  becoming  sparsely  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath  but  densely 
appressed  puberulent  between  the  veins  with  canescent  stellate  hairs  about  0.1  mm. 
long,  the  4  to  7  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above,  reticulum  of  the  tertiary 
veins  usually  visible  and  slightly  raised  on  the  upper  surface;  stipules  immediately 
caducous.  Male  spikes  becoming  3-4  cm.  long,  the  -achis  puberulent  and  the  flowers 
approximate,  anthers  about  1  mm.  long  on  very  short  filaments,  thecae  with  short 
(0.1  mm.)  whitish  hairs;  female  spikes  3-30  mm.  long,  with  1  to  6  (8)  flowers,  flower 
about  7  mm.  long.  Fruit  produced  in  one  year,  solitary  or  several  on  a  short  ( 5-50 
mm.)  thick  (1-3  mm.)  peduncle,  the  cup  7-12  mm.  long  and  12-17  mm.  broad,  taper- 
ing gradually  to  the  base  and  turbinate  to  hemispheric  in  shape,  the  scales  relatively 
flat  and  covered  with  canescent  hairs,  the  interior  of  the  cup  with  similar  hairs, 
mature  nut  (acorn)  15-28  mm.  long  and  10-14  (18)  mm.  thick,  narrowly  ovoid  to 
ellipsoid,  glabrous  and  drying  light  to  dark  brown,  enclosed  less  than  one-third  by 
the  cup,  often  elevated  about  1  mm.  on  the  base,  basal  scar  about  5-7  mm.  in  dia- 

This  species  is  restricted  in  Costa  Rica  to  a  small  area  in  the 
northern  part  of  Guanacaste  province  between  50  and  500  m.  alti- 
tude in  the  deciduous  (tropical  dry  and  premontane  moist)  forest 
formations.  Flowering  material  has  been  collected  during  the  dry 
period,  December  to  May,  and  mature  fruit  have  been  collected  from 


July  to  January.  The  species  ranges  northward  in  a  series  of  dis- 
junct populations  to  Tamaulipas,  Mexico. 

Quercus  oleoides  is  a  member  of  the  subgenus  Quercus  and  is 
easily  separated  from  all  our  other  oaks  by  the  restricted  low-alti- 
tude habitat  and  by  the  very  pale-colored  lower  leaf-surfaces.  This 
species  is  not  closely  related  to  other  Central  American  white  oaks ; 
its  relationships  lie  with  species  of  the  southern  United  States  and 
northern  Mexico.  The  type  of  Q.  retusa  Liebmann,  not  Q.  retusa 
Rafinesque,  (Oersted  s.n.  in  C)  has  the  locality  as  Volcan  Barba 
7000  ft.  but  I  am  sure  that  this  is  incorrect  and  the  species  is  re- 
stricted in  Costa  Rica  to  Guanacaste.  See  the  excellent  discussion 
of  the  phytogeography  of  this  species  by  J.  M.  Montoya  Maquin  in 
Turrialba  16:57-66,  1966. 

Quercus  oocarpa  Liebm.,  Overs.  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  For- 
handl.  1854:184. 1854.  Figure  10. 

Trees  8-30  m.  tall,  trunks  with  dark  brown  bark  coming  off  in  strips,  leafy  inter- 
nodes  0-2  (4)  cm.  long,  3-5  mm.  thick,  densely  and  usually  persistently  tomentulose 
for  the  year  with  yellowish  or  yellowish-brown  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long,  becoming  pale 
gray  or  whitish  gray  after  a  year  or  two,  the  hairs  stellate  (often  difficult  to  see); 
buds  globose  to  ellipsoid,  4-8  mm.  long  and  obscured  by  the  stipules.  Leaves  decidu- 
ous, petioles  1-6  (10)  mm.  long,  2-3  mm.  thick,  densely  yellowish  tomentulose, 
apparently  terete;  laminae  (8)  12-25  (30)  cm.  long,  4-9  (11)  cm.  broad,  usually  obo- 
vate  but  occasionally  elliptic  to  oblong,  tapering  abruptly  to  the  acute  or  short 
acuminate  apex,  tapering  gradually  below  the  middle  to  the  cuneate  base,  occasion- 
ally acute  or  slightly  rounded  at  the  petiole,  margin  serrate  above  the  basal  half  or 
third  (rarely  subentire  or  undulate),  the  5  to  15  ( 18)  teeth  on  each  side  quite  variable 
from  blunt  to  curved  or  with  a  tip  0.5  mm.  long,  the  lamina  drying  stiffly  char- 
taceous  and  the  edge  slightly  revolute,  smooth  and  often  slightly  lustrous  above, 
usually  densely  and  persistently  stellate-puberulent  on  the  major  veins  above  and 
sparsely  puberulent  to  glabrous  between  the  veins,  persistently  puberulent  beneath 
especially  on  the  veins,  major  veins  prominent  above  in  slight  depressions,  the  12 
to  18  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  from  the  midvein  at  angles  of  40-70 
degrees,  secondary  and  tertiary  veins  prominent  beneath;  stipules  usually  persist- 
ing, 8-4  mm.  long  and  ligulate,  sericeous  on  the  abaxial  surface.  Male  spikes  3-7  cm. 
long,  flowers  remaining  crowded  distally  on  the  densely  tomentulose  rachis, 
perianth  about  2  mm.  long  with  conspicuous  pale  yellowish  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long 
on  the  edge,  anthers  barely  exserted  on  filaments  less  than  1  mm.  long,  thecae  1-1.5 
mm.  long,  glabrous,  the  connective  not  usually  prolonged;  female  flowers  on  a  short 
(5-30  mm.)  spike,  about  5  mm.  long.  Fruit  usually  solitary,  cup  2-3  cm.  long  and  3-4 
cm.  broad  but  probably  becoming  larger,  gradually  tapering  and  bowl-shaped  but 
probably  becoming  saucer-shaped  at  full  maturity,  sericeous  on  the  walls  within, 
apices  of  the  cup-scales  about  4  mm.  long  and  loosely  appressed,  persistently  puber- 
ulent, nut  (acorn)  3-4  cm.  long  and  2-3  cm.  thick  but  said  to  become  5  cm.  thick  and 
4-5  cm.  long  at  full  maturity,  cylindrical  to  globose  and  depressed  above  (not  fully 
mature  ?),  remaining  minutely  puberulent  at  the  apex,  one-half  to  one-fourth 


enclosed  by  the  cup,  basal  scar  12-18  mm.  in  diameter,  with  a  darkened  and 
contracted  ring  just  above  the  scar  on  drying. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  montane  (lower  montane  wet,  lower  mon- 
tane rain,  and  premontane  rain)  forest  formations  between  (700) 
1100  and  2300  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica.  Flowering  material  has 
been  collected  in  January  and  March  and  fruiting  material  (im- 
mature ?)  in  July  in  our  area.  The  species,  as  here  understood, 
ranges  from  Vera  Cruz,  Mexico,  to  Chiriqui,  Panama.  It  has  been 
collected  in  Costa  Rica  from  Monteverde  (Puntarenas)  in  the  Cordil- 
lera de  Tilaran,  along  the  Cordillera  Central,  near  Escazu  (San 
Jose),  Mufieco  (Cartago),  and  along  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca. 
This  species  has  not  been  collected  along  the  Interamerican  high- 
way, though  the  highway  crosses  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  not 
far  from  some  areas  where  the  trees  are  common. 

Quercus  oocarpa  is  recognized  by  the  yellowish  or  orange-brown 
pubescence  on  younger  parts,  very  short  petioles,  larger  obovate 
laminae  usually  cuneate  at  the  base  with  distinct  low  serrations  dis- 
tally,  numerous  secondary  veins,  and  the  leaves  usually  clustered  at 
the  ends  of  branchlets.  The  male  flowers  are  distinctive;  the  fruit 
are  poorly  known  but  apparently  become  very  large.  This  species  is 
part  of  a  difficult  complex  of  Central  American  white  oaks  (sub- 
genus  Quercus).  Quercus  oocarpa  is  very  closely  related  to  Q. 
insignis  and  the  fact  that  they  share  much  the  same  habitat  in 
Costa  Rica  and  much  the  same  range  may  indicate  that  the  two  are 
not  really  different  species;  see  the  discussion  under  Q.  insignis. 
Quercus  tomentocaulis  Muller  from  Honduras  is  probably  synony- 
mous with  the  concept  of  Q.  oocarpa  described  here. 

Quercus  pilarius  Trel.,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  20:44,  pi.  19.  1924. 
Figure  10. 

Trees  8-25  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  more  than  1  m.  thick,  leafy  internodes  2-20  mm. 
long,  1.2-3  (4)  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  but  soon  becoming  glabres- 
cent  and  grayish,  the  hairs  simple  or  stellate,  0.5-1  mm.  long;  buds  2-4  mm.  long, 
globose  to  ovoid  and  usually  obscured  by  the  stipules,  glabrous  abaxially  and 
minutely  ciliolate.  Leaves  deciduous  or  persisting  during  the  new  growth,  petioles 
1-6  (9)  mm.  long,  0.6-2  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberulent  or  glabrous,  slightly  winged 
at  the  lamina  and  terete  basally;  laminae  (6)  10-26  cm.  long,  2-6  (9)  cm.  broad, 
oblanceolate  to  very  narrowly  obovate  or  elliptic,  gradually  tapering  to  the  acumi- 
nate or  acute  apex,  very  gradually  narrowed  below  the  middle  to  the  cuneate  or  sub- 
cuneate  base  and  acute  or  slightly  rounded  at  the  petiole,  conspicuously  serrate 
along  the  distal  margins,  the  slightly  mucronate  serrations  4  to  11  on  each  side  and 
curved  forward,  the  lamina  drying  chartaceous  or  stiffly  chartaceous  with  the  edge 
slightly  revolute,  usually  smooth  and  slightly  lustrous  on  both  surfaces,  soon  be- 


coming  glabrous  or  with  a  few  persisting  hairs  on  the  midvein  beneath,  these  hairs 
usually  simple,  straight,  and  ascending,  0.5-1  mm.  long  and  whitish,  secondary 
veins  slightly  raised  above  and  prominent  beneath,  the  10  to  16  pairs  of  major  secon- 
daries arising  at  angles  of  40-60  degrees;  stipule  4-10  mm.  long  and  often  persisting, 
ligulate,  short  strigose  on  the  abaxial  surface;  flowering  material  not  seen.  Fruit 
said  to  become  about  5  cm.  thick  and  4  cm.  long,  subglobose,  the  cups  unknown, 
nuts  ( acorns)  and  cups  probably  very  similar  to  those  of  Q.  oocarpa. 

Plants  of  wet  evergreen  montane  (premontane  wet,  premontane 
rain,  and  montane  rain)  forest  formations  between  1000  and  1800  m. 
elevation  in  Costa  Rica  and  known  from  the  following  areas:  near 
Monteverde  (Burger  and  Gentry  8585),  Cataratas  de  San  Ramon 
(Brenes  13437}  and  near  La  Laguna  (Molina  et  al.  17528)  in 
Alajuela,  east  of  Turrialba  (Barbour  1013)  and  near  Moravia 
(Williams  16197)  in  Cartago,  and  around  Sta.  Maria  de  Dota 
(Standley  42425  &  42842}  in  San  Jose.  The  species  ranges  from 
Chiapas,  Mexico,  to  Chiriqui,  Panama. 

Quercus  pilarius,  a  member  of  subgenus  Quercus,  is  closely  re- 
lated to  Q.  oocarpa,  but  the  former  is  easily  distinguished  by  the 
glabrescent  parts  and  the  thinner  leaves  that  are  much  narrower 
with  the  midvein  beneath  retaining  only  a  few  simple  ascending 
whitish  hairs.  The  wood  is  said  to  be  extremely  hard  and  durable, 
and  good  for  heavy  construction.  A  collection  from  Boquete, 
Chiriqui  (Davidson  497),  appears  to  be  a  collection  of  Q.  oocarpa 
with  some  of  the  characteristics  of  Q.  pilarius  and  may  indicate  that 
these  species  hybridize. 

Quercus  rapurahuensis  Pittier  ex  Trelease,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci. 
20:143,  pi.  275.  1924.  Q.  baruensis  Muller,  Trop.  Woods  108:75. 
1958.  Figure  11. 

Trees  10-30  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  more  than  1  m.  thick,  leafy  internodes  2-20 
(30)  mm.  long,  1.2-5  mm.  thick,  stellate  tomentulose  but  quickly  becoming  glabrous, 
dark  brown  or  reddish-brown  with  small  (0.5  mm.)  but  conspicuous  lenticels;  buds 
3-4  mm.  long,  ovoid,  bud-scales  glabrescent  abaxially  and  ciliolate.  Leaves  said  to 
be  deciduous,  petioles  (4)  8-26  mm.  long,  0.8-1.8  mm.  thick,  terete  or  flattened  and 
slightly  winged  adaxially,  glabrescent  or  becoming  so;  laminae  (6)  9-18  cm.  long, 
3-7  cm.  broad,  narrowly  ovate  or  lanceolate  to  elliptic  or  oblong  (rarely  obovate), 
acute  to  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  abruptly  obtuse  and  occasionally 
unequal  at  the  base,  margin  entire  or  undulate  and  slightly  revolute  on  drying, 
lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and  often  pale  grayish  above  and  yellowish-brown 
beneath,  often  slightly  lustrous  on  both  surfaces,  becoming  glabrous  above,  persis- 
tently tomentulose  in  the  axils  of  the  veins  beneath,  the  stellate  hairs  pale  or  yellow- 
ish-brown and  0.2-0.4  mm.  long,  midvein  prominent  above,  the  (7)  9  to  12  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  prominent  beneath  and  often  forking  distally,  tertiary  veins 
becoming  slightly  raised  on  the  upper  surface  (dry)  and  the  smallest  veins  usually 


easily  seen  above  (X10);  stipules  immediately  caducous.  Male  spikes  probably  be- 
coming 4-5  cm.  long  with  the  flowers  distant  on  the  sparsely  puberulent  rachis, 
perianth  1-1.5  mm.  long,  free  to  near  the  base,  minutely  ciliolate,  anthers  on  very 
short  filaments  and  about  1.2  mm.  long  (before  anthesis),  glabrous;  female  spikes 
with  1  to  4  flowers  on  short  (3-16  mm.)  thick  (1-2  mm.)  peduncles,  flowers  about 
4-6  mm.  long,  style-branches  2  mm.  long  and  recurved.  Fruit  usually  2  or  3  on  short 
(1-2  cm.)  thick  peduncles,  the  cup  8-13  mm.  long,  16-20  mm.  broad  and  abruptly 
narrowed  beneath  and  saucer-shaped,  bud-scales  tightly  appressed  and  often  thick- 
ened basally,  pale  brown  with  minute  appressed  buff  colored  hairs,  the  nut  (acorn) 
15-20  mm.  long  and  14-20  mm.  thick,  ovoid  to  ellipsoid,  densely  pale  brownish 
sericeous  but  becoming  glabrous  in  age,  the  mature  nut  enclosed  less  than  one-third 
by  the  cup,  basal  scar  10-14  mm.  in  diameter. 

Trees  of  the  wet  evergreen  montane  (lower  and  premontane  wet 
and  lower  and  premontane  rain)  forest  formations  between  1000  and 
2500  m.  elevation.  The  species  is  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  the  areas 
of  Sta.  Maria  de  Dota,  Copey,  and  in  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  on 
the  northern  slopes  of  the  General  Valley ;  collected  in  flower  from 
December  to  April  and  with  fruit  from  May  to  July.  The  species 
ranges  from  Central  Costa  Rica  to  Chiriqui,  Panama. 

Quercus  rapurahuensis  is  a  black  oak  (subgenus  Erythrobalanus) 
whose  leaves  usually  dry  pale-colored,  are  often  long-petiolate,  and 
with  only  2  or  3  fruits  on.  short  thick  peduncles.  The  acorns  are  con- 
siderably larger  than  those  of  the  closely  related  Q.  seemannii  (see 
discussion  under  that  species).  There  are  two  type  sheets  of  Tonduz 
11795  at  the  U.S.  National  Herbarium,  and  I  suspect  that  they 
represent  a  mixed  collection.  I  take  sheet  930372  to  be  the  type,  as 
illustrated  by  Trelease,  and  sheet  93067  to  be  a  specimen  of  Q.  see- 
mannii. Outside  of  our  flora,  Q.  rapurahuensis  is  most  closely  re- 
lated to  Q.  benthamii  A. DC.  of  Guatemala,  which  differs  in  the 
longer  and  narrower  buds  and  the  secondary  veins  arising  more 
acutely  from  the  midvein.  The  wood  is  said  to  be  good  for  firewood 
but  not  for  lumber. 

Quercus  seemannii  Liebmann,  Overs.  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk. 
Forhandl.  1854:188.  1854.  Q.  eugeniaefolia  Liebm.,  I.e.  185.  Q. 
granulata  Liebm.,  I.e.  186,  not  Q.  granulata  Raf.  Q.  citri folia 
Liebm.,  I.e.  187.  Q.  bumelioides  Liebm.,  I.e.  188,  fide  Trelease. 
Q.  borucasana  Trel.,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  20:161,  pi.  315.  1924. 
Q.  eugeniaefolia  f .  petiolata  Trel.,  I.e.  161,  pi.  316b.  Q.  boquetensis 
Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  22:13.  1940.  Q.  panamandinaea  Muller, 
U.S.D.A.  Misc.  Publ.  477:29,  pis.  21  &  22.  1942,  pro  parte:  as  to 
stems  and  leaves  only.  Q.  sapotaefolia  auctores  as  to  Costa  Rica. 
Figure  11. 


Trees  6-15  (25)  m.  tall,  the  trunk  becoming  over  1  m.  thick  with  relatively  smooth 
gray  or  brownish  bark;  leafy  internodes  1-30  mm.  long,  1.2-6  mm.  thick,  sparsely 
puberulent  with  yellowish  stellate  hairs  about  0.3  mm.  long  but  soon  becoming 
glabrescent,  often  dark  reddish  brown  and  lustrous  in  the  first  year;  buds  narrowly 
ovoid  4-7  mm.  long,  bud-scales  puberulent  only  on  the  edges.  Leaves  deciduous  or 
persisting  (for  a  short  period?)  after  the  new  flush  of  growth,  petioles  1-6  ( 10)  mm. 
long,  0.8-2  mm.  thick,  sulcate  above  with  adaxial  ridges  or  wings  continuous  with 
the  margins  of  the  lamina,  soon  glabrescent;  laminae  (2.5)  4-10  (16)  cm.  long,  (1) 
1.5-3  (4)  cm.  broad,  narrowly  oblong  to  elliptic,  lanceolate,  or  narrowly  obovate, 
usually  tapering  gradually  to  the  acute  and  aristate  apex  or  occasionally  blunt  and 
rounded  (on  the  same  stem  or  on  different  trees),  tapering  to  the  acute  base  or  rarely 
obtuse  and  contracted  abruptly  at  the  petiole,  margin  entire  and  usually  becoming 
revolute,  the  lamina  drying  thick  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  usually  becoming 
glabrous  and  lustrous  above,  becoming  glabrous  beneath  or  with  a  few  brownish 
stellate  hairs  persisting  along  the  midvein,  midvein  prominent  above  with  the  secon- 
daries flat  or  slightly  impressed,  the  5  to  13  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising 
from  the  midvein  at  angles  of  45-80  degrees;  stipules  6-12  mm.  long,  0.5-1.5  mm. 
broad,  translucent  brown,  caducous.  Male  inflorescences  3-10  cm.  long,  flowers 
usually  separate  on  the  minutely  and  sparsely  puberulent  rachis,  male  flowers 
sessile  or  very  short  (0.5  mm.)  pedicellate,  perianth  parts  1-1.5  mm.  long,  filaments 
1.5-2  mm.  long,  anthers  0.8-1.4  mm.  long  (dry);  female  flowers  solitary  or  2  to  4  on 
peduncles  1-5  mm.  long,  flowers  narrowed  at  the  base,  5-7  mm.  long,  bracts  (scales) 
minutely  brownish  puberulent.  Fruit  maturing  within  a  year,  subsessile  on  very 
short  (0-2  cm.)  peduncles,  solitary  or  2  to  4,  the  cup  8-12  mm.  broad  and  6-8  mm. 
long,  deeply  cup-  or  goblet-shaped,  larger  cup-scales  about  2  mm.  broad  at  the  base, 
narrowed  to  a  rounded  apex,  becoming  glabrescent  on  the  upper  abaxial  surface,  nut 
(acorn)  10-18  mm.  long,  (8)  10-12  (14)  mm.  thick,  usually  with  an  abruptly  narrowed 
tip  1-2  mm.  long  and  the  persisting  style-base  1-2  mm.  long,  broadly  ovoid  to  hemis- 
pheric but  often  very  narrowly  ellipsoid  in  early  stages,  persistently  minutely  seri- 
ceous, the  basal  scar  6-8  mm.  broad. 

This  species  is  commonly  found  in  both  premontane  and  montane 
wet  forest  and  rain  forest  formations  between  1400  and  2400  m.  ele- 
vations, but  occasional  collections  have  been  made  as  low  as  1100  m. 
and  as  high  as  3100  m.  (on  Cerro  Chirripo).  Male  flowers  have  been 
collected  in  November  and  December  with  a  single  collection  in 
April,  while  mature  acorns  have  been  collected  between  April  and 
August.  The  species  ranges  in  our  area  from  San  Ramon  and 
Zarcero,  Alajuela,  in  the  west  through  the  Central  Highlands  and 
along  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  to  the  Chiriqui  highlands  in 

Quercus  seemannii  is  a  species  of  considerable  but  not  unusual 
variability.  It  is  characterized  by  its  small  acorns,  generally  small 
lustrous  leaves  often  acute  at  both  apex  and  base,  and  its  glabre- 
scent parts.  This  species  probably  intergrades  with  Q.  gulielmi- 
treleasei,  and  it  may  hybridize  with  Q.  rapurahuensis  and  Q.  ton- 
duzii.  These  species  may  be  difficult  to  separate  in  the  absence  of 


acorns  and  comparative  material.  Quercus  seemannii  and  its  close 
relatives  in  Costa  Rica  are,  in  turn,  related  to  the  entire-leaved  black 
oaks  (subgenus  Erythrobalanus)  of  middle  and  northern  Central 
America.  These  species  together  make  up  the  most  difficult  com- 
plex in  Central  America's  oaks.  Though  many  names  and  distinc- 
tions have  been  proposed  to  separate  them,  I  believe  that  no 
adequate  treatment  of  these  plants  is  presently  available  and  that 
they  are  in  need  of  careful  study  in  the  field.  The  following  com- 
ments deal  with  a  few  names  applicable  to  this  group  that  have  been 
in  use  in  Costa  Rica  and  Panama. 

The  name  Q.  sapotaefolia  has  been  used  for  oaks  of  this  species 
with  small  oblong  leaves  blunt  at  the  apex.  This  type  of  leaf-form  is 
very  rare  in  Costa  Rica  (Lems  630714,  Opler  147,  Pittier  2036),  and 
it  can  occasionally  be  found  together  with  aristate  leaf-tips  on  the 
same  branchlet  (A.  Jimenez  2782,  Lent  774,  Williams  &  Molina 
13851 ).  These  are  merely  variants  in  Q.  seemannii  of  Costa  Rica  and 
I  am  sure  that  the  name  sapotaefolia  does  not  apply.  Liebmann 
describes  the  tvpe  (Skinner  in  herb.  Hooker)  as  being  from  Guate- 
mala, not  Costa  Rica  (Trelease  1924,  Muller  1941),  and  I  am  sure 
that  he  is  correct.  The  holotype  sheet  of  Q.  panamandinaea  ( Wood- 
son  &  Schery  360  in  MO)  possesses  foliated  stems  that  match  per- 
fectly with  some  material  that  I  have  included  under  Q.  seemannii. 
The  acorns  associated  with  the  specimen,  but  detached,  appear  to 
be  those  of  Q.  corrugata  though  not  quite  mature.  I  believe  this 
name  is  based  on  a  mixed  collection.  Type  material  of  Q.  citrifolia 
(Oersted  3461,  3  sheets  in  C)  has  distinctly  petiolate  laminae 
abruptly  narrowed  at  the  base.  I  had  at  first  thought  that  this  was 
the  same  as  Q.  rapurahuensis  but  examination  of  the  type  material 
leads  me  to  believe  that  it  represents  only  an  unusual  form  of  Q. 

I  prefer  to  use  the  name  Q.  seemannii  because  of  the  excellent 
illustration  presented  by  Liebmann  and  Oersted  in  Chenes  de 
1'Amerique  Tropicale  (plate  20)  and  presence  of  type  material  in  the 
Hookerian  herbarium  at  Kew  (fide  Trelease  1924).  Type  material  of 
Q.  eugeniaefolia,  said  to  have  been  at  Berlin,  is  probably  destroyed. 

Quercus  tonduzii  Seemen,  Bull.  Herb.  Boissier,  ser.  2,  4:656. 
1904.  Q.  wesmaeli  Trel.,  Mem.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  20:172,  fig.  344a. 
1924,  as  to  type  only.  Figure  11. 

Trees  (6)  10-30  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  (0)  1-15  (25)  mm.  long,  1.5-4  mm.  thick, 
densely  stellate-floccose,  the  hairs  0.4-1  mm.  long  and  rubbing  off  quickly,  the  older 


twigs  retaining  only  a  few  scattered  yellowish  hairs;  buds  narrowly  ovoid,  3-8  mm. 
long,  bud  scales  puberulent  on  the  edges  and  apex  but  glabrous  on  the  abaxial  sur- 
face. Leaves  usually  deciduous  before  the  new  flush  of  growth,  petioles  2-8  mm. 
long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  slightly  sulcate  above  with  narrow  adaxial  ridges  (wings)  con- 
tinuous with  the  margins  of  the  lamina,  floccose  at  first  but  soon  glabrescent; 
laminae  (3)  4-10  (11)  cm.  long,  1.5-3.5  (4)  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  oblong  or  slightly 
obovate,  acute  and  aristate  to  rounded  and  blunt  at  the  apex  (on  different  plants  or 
on  the  same  branch),  tapering  gradually  or  abruptly  to  the  acute  or  obtuse  base, 
often  slightly  rounded  at  the  petiole,  margin  entire  and  drying  revolute,  the  lamina 
drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  upper  surface  becoming  glabrous  and 
lustrous  in  age,  lower  surface  with  a  mat  of  soft  stellate  hairs  sloughing  off  and  per- 
sisting only  along  the  midvein,  secondary  veins  becoming  slightly  impressed  in  age 
and  the  midvein  prominent  above,  the  4  to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising 
at  angles  of  45-70  degrees;  stipules  5-10  mm.  long,  0.3-1  mm.  broad,  immediately 
caducous.  Male  inflorescences  3-7  cm.  long,  the  flowers  usually  separate  on  the  per- 
sistently puberulent  rachis,  male  flowers  sessile  or  short  ( 1  mm. )  pedicellate,  peri- 
anth parts  about  2  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad,  filaments  1.5-2.5  mm.  long,  anthers 
1.3-2  mm.  long;  female  inflorescences  0.5-2  cm.  long  with  2  to  5  flowers,  the  female 
flower  about  4  mm.  long  and  subtended  by  thin  puberulent  bracts.  Fruit  on  very 
short  (0-2  cm.)  peduncles,  solitary  or  1  to  4,  the  cup  becoming  about  20  mm.  broad 
and  10  mm.  long,  deeply  saucer-shaped,  bud-scales  about  3  mm.  broad  at  the  base 
and  with  a  long  (2-3  mm.)  narrow  apex,  persistently  puberulent,  nut  (acorn)  be- 
coming about  20  mm.  long  and  20  mm.  thick,  broadly  ovoid  to  subglobose,  basal 
scar  about  8  mm.  broad. 

Quercus  tonduzii  is  endemic  to  the  summit  of  Volcan  Poas, 
Alajuela,  above  2100  m.  altitude  in  montane  rain  forest  and  as- 
sociated vegetation;  flowers  have  been  collected  in  March  and  fruit 
in  November. 

This  species  is  closely  related  to  Q.  seemannii  sensu  lato  and  dif- 
fers in  the  relatively  broader  leaves  more  abruptly  tapered  at  the 
apex  and  in  the  larger  fruit  and  anthers.  Only  one  collection  of 
mature  fruit  is  known  (Tonduz  10788,  the  type),  but  other  collec- 
tions with  immature  acorn-cups  have  the  same  large  cup-scales  as 
the  type  and  together  differ  in  this  regard  from  Q.  seemannii.  The 
leaves  of  this  species  are  quite  variable  with  those  of  the  type  re- 
sembling material  of  Q.  seemannii.  Collections  with  mature  acorns 
are  rare  in  this  and  the  related  species;  because  of  this,  the  species 
concepts  themselves  are  quite  hypothetical. 



Acronyms  refer  to  species 

Allen,  P.  H.  302  GUL;  303  OOC;  672  COS;  1595  RAP?;  1596  OOC;  3464  RAP; 


3465  SEE;  3467  RAP;  3491  COP;  3496,  3523  RAP;  4683  OOC;  4722,  4731  SEE; 
16480  GUL. 

Harbour,  W.  R.  1013  PIL. 

Brenes,  A.  M.  5178  BRE;  5194  BRE?;  5566,  6010,  6224  BRE;  6704  SEE;  11602 
BRE;  13437  PIL;  14520  TYPE  BRE;  15590  OLE;  16966  BRE. 

Burger,  W.  C.  et  al.  5940  COP;  6001,  7385  COS;  7386  SEE;  7387,  7486  COS;  7911  A, 
B,  C,  D,  E,  F,  7967  COP;  8169  SEE;  8172,  8181  COP;  8236  A,  B  COS;  8380  A, 
C  COP;  8380  B  RAP?;  8386  RAP;  8390,  8415  SEE. 

Cohn,  G.  G.  44  RAP? 

Cuatrecasas,  J.,  &  Leon,  J.  26533  COS. 

Davidson,  M.  E.  133  COP;  437  SEE;  497  OOC;  677,  721,  780  SEE;  864  TYPE  Q. 
davidsoniae,  INS  x  OOC?;  909,  s.n.  SEE. 

Dayton,  W.  A.  3084  COS. 

Dodge,  C.  W.,  &  Thomas,  W.  S.  6232  OLE. 

Ebinger,  J.E.814COR. 


Gonzalez  M.,  R.  RGM-3  COS;  RGM-18-X-3  SEE;  RGM-19-X-4  COP;  RGM-20-X-6 
COS;  RGM-25-X-12,  RGM-40-X-40  COP. 

Hatheway,  W.  H.  1276  SEE ;  1308  COS. 
Hunter,  J.  R.  8  OLE. 

Jimenez  M.,  A.  194  TON;  292,  293  SEE;  296  COR;  462  TON;  478  OOC;  550,  585 
OLE;  602  SEE;  1276  A,  B  BRE;  1276  C  OOC;  1276  D  BRE;  1276  E  GUL?; 
1276  G  BRE;  1419  COP;  1430,  1488,  2610,  2782  SEE;  3359  OLE;  3986  COS; 
s.n.  BRE. 

Jimenez,  O.  20  COS;  21  COP;  s.n.  OLE;  s.n.  RAP. 
Kukachka,  B.  F.  s.n.  BRE. 

Kuntze.  O.  22826  TYPE  COP  in  part,  COS  in  part. 
Lankester,  C.  H.  214  COR. 

Lems,  K.  63071302  COS;  630714,  63071401  SEE;  63071402  COR;  630726  TON?; 
64090604  GUL?;  640909  COP;  s.n.  SEE. 

Lent,  R.  W.  390  COS;  774  TON;  1116  INS;  1756  BRE. 

Leon,  J.  847  COR;  1099,  1105,  COP;  1165  INS?;  1178  SEE;  1271,  1294  COP. 

Little,  E.  L.,  Jr.  6001,  6002,  6003,  6004,  6005,  6008  COP;  6009  SEE ;  6010  COP;  6011 
SEE;  6035  COP;  6036  OOC;  6038,  6039  COP;  6045  SEE;  6054  RAP;  6055  PIL; 
20043  COP. 

Madriz  V.,  A.  AMV-1  COS;  AMV-15  COP;  AMV-16,  AMV-17  SEE;  AMV-18  COP; 
AMV-21-X-2  COS;  AMV-24  SEE. 

Merker,  C.  A.,  Scholten,  J.  A.,  &  Dayton,  W.  A.  3153  COP;  3154  COS. 

Molina  R.,  A.  15029  OLE;  17045,  17105  COP;  17113  OOC;  17528  PIL;  17809  GUL?; 
17831  COP;  17838  SEE;  20127,  22979  BRE. 


Opler,  P.  A.  120,  121  TON;  122  GUL;  126  TON;  127  COS;  128,  130  COP;  147,  148 
SEE;  149  COP;  150  GUL. 

Pittier,  H.  871  COS;  2036  TON;  2197  COR;  2262,  5305,  10553  SEE;  14120  COS; 
s.n.  COR. 

Quin6s,  M.  187  BRE. 

Raven,  P.  H.  20952  COP;  20971  COS;  20976  COP. 

Rodriguez,  R.  L.  549  OOC. 

Rowlee,  W.  W.,  &  Stork,  H.  E.  940  COS. 

Seibert,  R.  J.  225  INS?;  226  GUL;  317  OOC. 

Shank,  P.  13954  INS;  13963  GUL?. 

Skutch,  A.  F.  3584  COP. 

Smith,  A.  A141  INS;  A464,  H370,  P.C.198  SEE;  177  INS;  2742  COR;  2756  COP; 
2769  INS;  2828,  2877  SEE;  2878  OOC;  2879  COP;  10082  SEE. 

Soels,  K.  KSW-1,  KSW-2  COP. 
SolaneJ.,  I.  ISJ623SEE. 

Standley,  P.  C.  et  al.  9550,  9584  SEE?;  9993  BRE;  10335,  10375,  10385  SEE?; 
32619,  33869  OOC;  33875  GUL;  34181  SEE;  34186  OOC?;  34395  COP;  34561 
COR;  35958,  39798,  41459  OOC;  41611  SEE;  41707  COR;  42220  SEE;  42425 
PIL;  42558  SEE?;  42573,  42583,  42629  COP;  42834  COR;  42842  PIL;  42876, 
42985,  42988,  43046  SEE;  43403  COR;  43564,  43671,  43752,  43789,  43972  COS; 
43982,  50546  COP;  50588  SEE;  50651  COP;  50707  SEE;  50921  GUL;  51147 
OOC;  51223  GUL;  51270  OOC;  51382  GUL;  52178,  52194  COP. 

Stern,  W.  L.,  &  Chambers,  K.  L.  52  GUL;  76  RAP. 
Stern,  W.  L.  et  al.  1124  INS;  1998  SEE. 

Stork,  H.  E.  347  COS;  1042  GUL;  1129  OOC;  1130  SEE;  1365  COP;  1500  SEE; 
1745  RAP;  2089  COS;  2420  RAP;  2591  BRE  x  SEE?;  3052  COS?;  3131  RAP. 

Taylor,  B.  W.  4533  OLE. 
Terry  1258, 1337  SEE. 
Tessene,  M.  F.  1568  TON. 

Tonduz,  A.  7871  SEE;  10788  TYPE  TON;  11697,  11795  RAP;  11827  SEE;  12231 
RAP;  17693  OOC. 

Tyson,  E.  L.  802  SEE. 

Valerio,  M.  179  SEE. 

Wilbur,  R.  L.,  &  Stone,  D.  E.  8743  COS. 

Williams,  L.  O.  et  al.  13803  OOC;  13819  COS;  13845  COP;  13851  SEE;  13854,  13886 
COP;  16008  COS;  16197  PIL?;  16268  COP;  16271  COS;  16308  OOC;  16623 
COP;  16664  SEE;  20114  OOC;  23909  SEE?;  23936  BRE;  24455  COS;  24657 
OOC;  24728,  24850  BRE;  26373  OLE;  27862  BRE;  28122,  28209,  28515  COP; 
28637  GUL;  28848  COS;  28898  OOC. 

Woodson,  R.  E.,  Jr.,  &  Schery,  R.  W.  206  OOC;  318  SEE;  360  SEE  in  part;  868 



REFERENCE:  T.  Elias,  The  genera  of  the  Ulmaceae  in  the  South- 
eastern United  States.  Journ.  Arn.  Arb.  51: 18-40.  1970. 

Trees  or  shrubs  (rarely  climbers  in  Celtis),  bisexual  or  unisexual,  the  wood  usually 
hard,  the  sap  transparent;  stipules  usually  present.  Leaves  simple  and  alternate  or 
rarely  opposite  (in  Lozanella),  usually  distichous,  laminae  often  inequilateral.  In- 
florescences basically  cymose  and  often  fasciculate  or  the  female  flowers  solitary, 
axillary  on  growth  of  the  same  or  previous  year;  flowers  small  and  bisexual  or  uni- 
sexual, radially  symmetrical  or  slightly  bilaterally  symmetrical,  perianth  of  a  single 
whorl  with  4  to  6  (rarely  2  to  9)  sepals  (tepals)  free  or  united  below,  stamens  the 
same  number  as  the  sepals  and  opposite  them  or  rarely  twice  as  many  (in  Ampelo- 
cera),  erect  in  bud,  anthers  2-thecous  and  dehiscing  longitudinally,  dorsifixed  and 
often  somewhat  versatile,  a  pistillode  usually  present  in  male  flowers;  staminodes 
present  or  absent  in  female  flowers,  pistil  solitary,  ovary  superior  and  sessile  or 
stipitate,  1-locular  or  rarely  2-locular  (in  Ulmus  spp.),  ovule  1  and  pendulous  from 
near  the  apex  of  the  locule,  styles  (style-branches)  2  and  simple  or  bifurcate.  Fruit 
drupaceous  or  dry  and  flattened,  often  winged  when  dry,  seed  usually  lacking  endo- 

A  family  of  about  15  genera  and  150-200  species  best  represented 
in  the  north  temperate  zone.  The  Ulmaceae  are  very  closely  related 
to  the  Moraceae  and  Urticaceae,  forming  the  natural  order  Urti- 


la.  Leaves  opposite,  stipules  united  and  ligulate,  leaving  an  interpetiolar  line 
across  the  stem;  fruit  drupaceous,  slightly  flattened  and  ribbed  along  the  edge, 
2-3  mm.  long  (in  ours);  very  wet  montane  forests  between  1400  and  2300  m. 


Ib.  Leaves  alternate,  stipules  free,  paired  and  lateral,  not  leaving  an  interpetiolar 
scar 2a. 

2a.  Fruit  very  flat,  ciliate  edged  and  samara-like;  laminae  with  8  to  16  pairs  of 
secondary  veins;  becoming  very  tall  trees,  between  1000  and  2000  m.  .  .  Ulmus. 

2b.  Fruit  drupaceous  and  fleshy,  seed  rounded;  laminae  with  fewer  than  7  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins 3a. 


ULMUS  mexicana 

LOZANELLA  enantiophylla 

FlG  12.  Ulmaceae:  Central  American  species  of  Ulmus  (or  Chaetoptelea),  Trema, 
and  Lozanella  ( with  opposite  leaves). 


CELTIS   iguanaea 

C.  schippii 

AMPELOCERA  hottlei 

FIG.  13.  Ulmaceae:  Costa  Rican  species  of  the  genera  Ampelocera  andCeltis. 



3a.  Fruit  less  than  3  mm.  long  with  narrow  cotyledons;  leaves  and  stems  usually 
covered  by  grayish  pubescence  (in  ours),  common  and  wide  ranging  shrubs  and 
trees  from  sea  level  to  2000  m Trerna. 

3b.  Fruit  more  than  5  mm.  long  with  broad  cotyledons;  trees,  shrubs,  and  climbers 
not  found  above  1200  m 4a. 

4a.  Stamens  equal  in  number  to  the  sepals,  the  two  styles  (style-branches)  deeply 
bifid;  spines  often  present Celtis. 

4b.  Stamens  twice  as  many  as  the  sepals,  the  two  styles  (style-branches)  simple; 
spines  absent Ampelocera. 


Bisexual  trees,  the  stems  lacking  spines;  stipules  paired  and  lateral.  Leaves 
alternate  on  short  petioles,  laminae  slightly  inequilateral,  entire  to  distantly  serrate, 
pinnately  veined.  Inflorescences  fasciculate  or  solitary  in  the  axils  of  the  current 
year's  growth,  subtended  by  dry  scales;  flowers  bisexual  or  functionally  male,  the 
bisexual  flowers  with  4  or  5  imbricate  sepals,  united  near  the  base  or  for  part  of  their 
length  to  form  a  short  tube  or  cup,  stamens  usually  twice  as  many  as  the  sepals 
(rarely  more  or  only  4  or  5),  exserted;  pistil  sessile,  ovary  1-locular,  styles  or  style- 
branches  2  and  united  at  the  base,  divaricate  and  persisting;  male  flowers  with  a 
pistillode.  Fruit  a  small  drupe  or  somewhat  berry-like. 

A  genus  of  four  or  five  species,  one  Central  American  and  the 
others  found  in  South  America  and  the  West  Indies. 

Ampelocera  hottlei  (Standl.)  Standley,  Trop.  Woods  51:11.  1937. 
Celtis  hottlei  Standl.,  I.e.  20:20.  1929.  Figure  13. 

Bisexual  trees  10-30  m.  tall,  the  trunk  becoming  70  cm.  thick  with  a  smooth  pale 
colored  bark,  leafy  internodes  (1)  2-6  cm.  long,  1.2-3.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or 
sparsely  and  very  minutely  puberulent  with  grayish  white  hairs  0.1-0.2  mm.  long; 
stipules  2-4  mm.  long,  triangular  and  2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  minutely  puberulent 
with  appressed  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.2  mm.  long.  Leaves  distichous,  petioles  3-12  mm. 
long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  terete;  laminae  (6)  10-19  (26)  cm.  long,  (3)  5-9  (12)  cm.  broad, 
elliptic  to  ovate  or  oblong,  gradually  or  abruptly  acute  or  acuminate  at  the  apex, 
obtuse  or  subtruncate  and  slightly  rounded  at  the  subequal  or  unequal  base,  margin 
entire,  revolute  and  sometimes  dark  on  drying,  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to 
subcoriaceous,  smooth,  glabrous  and  often  lustrous  above,  dull  and  usually  gla- 
brous below,  the  young  laminae  said  to  be  bluish  or  purplish  in  color,  primary  and 
secondary  veins  slightly  raised  above,  the  3  to  6  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
usually  distant  along  the  midvein  and  arising  at  angles  of  30-50  degrees,  the  lower- 
most pair  of  secondaries  often  arising  at  the  petiole  and  very  prominent.  Inflores- 
cences axillary  and  only  1-2  cm.  long,  flowers  crowded  and  sessile,  bisexual,  sub- 
tended by  bracteoles;  sepals  4-  or  5-lobed,  about  2  mm.  long  with  the  lobes  about  1 
mm.  long,  puberulent  abaxially,  stamens  apparently  8  or  10,  filaments  1-2  mm.  long, 
anthers  about  1.3  mm.  long;  pistil  with  the  ovary  about  2  mm.  long,  globose  to 
ovoid,  style-branches  about  2.5  mm.  long,  simple  and  densely  brownish-puberulent 
adaxially.  Fruit  ellipsoid  to  ovoid  or  globose,  8-10  mm.  long,  densely  velutinous  with 
short  (0.1-0.2  mm.)  stiff  yellowish  hairs. 


A  species  of  the  wet  forests  between  sea  level  and  300  m.  altitude, 
and  ranging  from  central  Mexico  and  Belize  along  the  Caribbean 
side  of  Central  America  to  Panama  and  Colombia.  This  species  is 
apparently  common  on  the  Caribbean  side  of  Guatemala  and  Hon- 
duras and  is  known  from  a  single  collection  in  Panama  (Pittier 
4319).  I  have  seen  no  collections  from  Nicaragua  or  Costa  Rica, 
though  the  species  undoubtedly  grows  in  the  wet  forests  of  the 
Caribbean  coastal  plain. 

The  species  is  characterized  by  the  stiff  lustrous  usually  glabrous 
leaves,  distichous  and  often  in  a  single  plane,  the  pale  smooth  bark, 
and  the  very  small  inflorescences.  Common  names  used  areAchote 
de  Monte  andAepito  in  Colombia,  andManteca  in  Honduras. 

CELTIS  Linnaeus 

Trees,  shrubs  or  rarely  climbers,  bisexual,  the  branches  with  or  without  spines; 
stipules  paired  and  lateral.  Leaves  alternate  and  distichous,  persistent  or  deciduous, 
pinnately  or  palmately  veined,  often  inequilateral,  entire  or  serrate.  Inflorescences 
axillary,  usually  on  the  growth  of  the  current  year,  male  inflorescences  cymose  or 
fasciculate,  female  inflorescences  solitary  or  fasciculate  and  few-flowered;  flowers 
small  and  usually  pedicellate,  bisexual  flowers  with  4  or  5  imbricate  sepals  united  at 
the  base,  stamens  equal  in  number  to  the  calyx  lobes,  exserted  at  maturity,  anthers 
versatile,  extrorse,  a  small  disc  present,  pistil  sessile  and  1-locular,  styles  (or  style- 
branches)  2  and  simple  or  bifid,  sometimes  united  at  the  base,  reflexed  in  age;  male 
flowers  with  a  small  pistillode;  female  flowers  without  staminodes.  Fruit  a  drupe, 
ovoid  to  globose  or  ellipsoid,  with  a  thin  succulent  exocarp  and  hard  endocarp,  em- 
bryo curved,  cotyledons  broad,  conduplicate  or  rarely  flat,  variously  folded. 

A  genus  of  temperate  and  tropical  regions  with  about  100  species 
in  both  hemispheres.  The  species  are  quite  variable  and  often  dif- 
ficult to  segregate  taxonomically. 

Climbers,  shrubs,  or  small  trees  of  both  evergreen  and  deciduous  vegetation,  stems 
usually  armed  with  short  spines;  laminae  usually  drying  thin-chartaceous,  3-13 
cm.  long;  fruit  puberulent C.  iguanaea. 

Rare  trees  of  the  Caribbean  lowlands,  stems  lacking  spines;  laminae  usually  drying 
stiff -char  taceous,  6-22  cm.  long;  fruit  glabrous C.  schippii. 

Celtis  iguanaea  (Jacq.)  Sargent,  Silva  N.  Amer.  7:64.  1895,  as 
iguaneus.  Rhamnus  iguaneus  Jacq.,  Enum.  PI.  Carib.  16.  1762. 
Figure  13. 

Bisexual  climbers,  lianas,  shrubs  or  occasionally  small  trees  2-6  (12)  m.  tall, 
usually  armed  with  straight  or  recurved  axillary  spines,  4-10  mm.  long,  leafy  stems 
straight  or  zig-zag,  leafy  internodes  (0.5)  1-3  (5.5)  cm.  long,  1-3  (4)  mm.  thick, 
minutely  (0.1-0.3  mm.)  puberulent,  becoming  glabrous  and  lenticellate,  brown  to 
pale  gray,  lenticels  ellipsoid  and  longitudinally  2-parted;  stipules  caducous,  about  3 


mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base.  Leaves  distichous,  apparently  deciduous  and 
growing  in  flushes,  petioles  5-14  mm.  long,  0.6-1.5  mm.  thick,  minutely  strigose  with 
whitish  hairs  0.1-0.7  mm.  long,  terete;  laminae  (3)  5-13  cm.  long,  2-6  cm.  broad, 
ovate  to  elliptic  or  oblong,  acute  to  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded 
and  subcordate  at  the  equal  or  subequal  base,  margin  bluntly  to  sharply  serrate 
with  teeth  3-6  mm.  distant,  lamina  drying  thin-  to  stiff-chartaceous,  smooth  or 
slightly  rough  to  the  touch  on  either  surface,  puberulent  above  and  below  in  early 
stages  with  yellowish  hairs  0. 1-0.3  mm.  long,  becoming  glabrous,  primary  and  secon- 
dary veins  becoming  impressed  above  in  age,  venation  palmate  or  pinnate  with  2  or 
3  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  prominent  beneath,  the  basal  pair  often  arising  at 
the  petiole.  Inflorescences  usually  produced  with  the  new  leaves  from  the  axils  of 
new  or  fallen  leaves,  cymose  and  fasciculate  but  occasionally  borne  in  alternate 
groups  on  a  leafless  rachis,  1-4  cm.  long;  male  flowers  sessile  and  in  compact 
clusters,  perianth  about  1.2  mm.  long,  filaments  about  1.5  mm.  long,  anthers  0.8 
mm.  long;  bisexual  flowers  short-pedicellate  or  terminal,  usually  only  1  or  2  per  in- 
florescence, perianth  ciliate,  about  1.5  mm.  long  and  early  deciduous,  sepals  usually 
5,  stamens  5,  ovary  about  2  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  thick,  puberulent,  the  2  style 
branches  becoming  4  mm.  long  and  bifurcate,  densely  papillate-puberulent.  Fruit 
12-15  mm.  long,  about  8  mm.  thick  (dry),  ellipsoid  to  ovoid,  fleshy  and  puberulent. 

Plants  of  wet  or  seasonally  dry  evergreen  and  deciduous  forest 
formations  of  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  watersheds  between 
sea  level  and  1200  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  collected  with  flowers 
from  February  to  June  and  with  fruit  from  August  to  January.  The 
species  ranges  from  the  southernmost  parts  of  the  eastern  United 
States  southward  through  the  West  Indies,  Mexico,  and  Central 
America  to  southern  South  America. 

Celtis  iguanaea  is  noteworthy  for  its  very  wide  geographical  range 
and  for  the  variety  of  its  growth  forms.  The  usual  presence  of 
spines,  thin  subpalmate  distichous  leaves,  and  small  inflorescences 
with  minute  flowers  helps  to  distinguish  this  species.  The  species  is 
commonly  called  cagalera  in  Costa  Rica  and  Nicaragua.  See  the  dis- 
cussion under  Celtis  schippi. 

Celtis  schippii  Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  12:409.  1936.  Figure  13. 

Trees  10-20  m.  tall,  spines  absent,  leafy  internodes  0.8-4  cm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick, 
glabrous  and  usually  pale  gray;  stipules  apparently  minute  and  caducous.  Leaves 
distichous,  petioles  5-10  mm.  long,  0.8-1.6  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  sulcate  adaxially; 
laminae  6.5-22  cm.  long,  4-10  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptical,  tapering  gradually  to  the 
acuminate  apex,  abruptly  narrowed  to  the  obtuse  or  somewhat  rounded  base,  mar- 
gin entire,  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  or  very  slightly  scabrous  on 
either  surface,  glabrous  above  and  below  or  very  minutely  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  puberulent 
on  the  midvein  beneath,  primary  and  secondary  veins  raised  above  and  prominent 
beneath,  the  3  to  5  (6)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  usually  quite  distant  on  each 
side  of  the  midvein  and  arising  at  angles  of  30-50  degrees,  the  lowermost  pair  of 
secondaries  arising  at  the  petiole,  very  prominent,  and  strongly  ascending.  In- 
florescences 4-8  mm.  long,  flowers  few  and  sessile,  perianth  5-parted,  about  1.5  mm. 


long  and  united  only  near  the  base,  not  seen  at  anthesis.  Fruit  about  15  mm.  long 
and  8  mm.  thick,  ellipsoid,  fleshy  and  drying  dark,  glabrous. 

A  species  of  the  Caribbean  lowlands,  and  known  only  from  British 
Honduras  and  from  a  recent  collection  (Molina  et  al  17656)  near 
Los  Angeles,  Llanura  de  San  Carlos,  Alajuela,  in  Costa  Rica.  The 
species  has  been  collected  in  fruit  in  February  (Costa  Rica),  March, 
July,  and  September;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year. 

This  species  is  closely  related  to  Celtis  iguanaea  but  differs  in 
having  the  glabrous  fruit,  larger  and  stiffer  leaves  with  entire 
margin  and  somewhat  different  venation,  and  the  larger  consistent 
tree-form.  Our  knowledge  of  the  trees  of  the  Caribbean  lowland  is 
very  poor;  I  doubt  that  the  Costa  Rican  collection  represents  a  true 

LOZANELLA  Greenman 

Unisexual  shrubs  or  trees,  the  branches  often  opposite;  stipules  united  to  form  a 
single  ligule-like  structure  on  the  petiole  and  united  near  the  leaf-base  with  the 
ligulate  stipule  of  the  opposing  leaf,  deciduous  and  leaving  an  interpetiolar  scar. 
Leaves  opposite  and  decussate,  the  leaves  of  a  pair  often  unequal,  long  petiolate, 
laminae  pinnately  veined  but  with  prominent  secondaries  from  near  the  base,  sides 
of  the  laminae  occasionally  slightly  unequal,  serrate.  Inflorescences  cymose  or  with 
some  of  the  flowers  in  terminal  clusters  on  lateral  branches  of  the  inflorescence, 
axillary  on  growth  of  the  current  year  or  in  the  axils  of  fallen  leaves,  minute 
bracteoles  present;  flower  unisexual,  male  flowers  pedicellate  with  5(6)  imbricate 
sepals  united  near  the  base,  stamens  as  many  as  the  sepals  and  arising  below  a 
pilose  disc  with  a  central  pistillode;  female  flowers  sessile  and  in  clusters  or 
separate,  sepals  5  (6),  imbricate  and  united  near  the  base,  staminodes  absent,  ovary 
sessile,  1-locular,  terete,  styles  2,  spreading  and  persistent.  Fruit  a  small  drupe  sub- 
tended by  persistent  sepals,  with  succulent  exocarp  and  hard  endocarp,  embryo 
and  cotyledons  slightly  curved. 

A  genus  of  two  or  three  species,  the  others  South  American.  The 
genus  is  unique  in  the  family  because  of  its  opposite  leaves  and 
unusual  stipules  that  have  become  ligule-like  and  are  basally  united 
to  form  an  interpetiolar  ridge. 

Lozanella  enantiophylla  (Donn.Sm.)  Killip  &  Morton,  Journ. 
Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  21:339.  1931.  Trema  enantiophylla  Bonn.  Smith, 
Bot.  Gaz.  33:259.  1902.  Lozanella  trematoides  Greenm.,  Proc. 
Amer.  Acad.  Sci.  41:236.  1905.  Figure  12. 

Unisexual  trees  or  shrubs  3-10  (20)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-5  cm.  long.  1-4  (6) 
mm.  thick,  densely  strigulose  with  minute  (0.1-0.4  mm.)  grayish  or  pale-brown  hairs, 
becoming  glabrous  and  reddish  brown,  terete,  an  interpetiolar  scar  or  ridge  pro- 


duced  between  the  leaf-bases;  stipules  of  the  same  leaf  united  above  the  petiole  to 
form  a  ligulate  structure  about  3  mm.  long,  fused  stipules  (ligules)  of  opposing 
leaves  united  at  the  base  and  leaving  an  interpetiolar  scar  or  ridge.  Leaves  opposite 
and  usually  decussate,  both  laminae  and  petioles  of  an  opposing  pair  often  unequal, 
petioles  (6)  15-45  (65)  mm.  long,  0.7-1.8  mm.  thick,  minutely  strigulose,  deeply 
sulcate  adaxially;  laminae  5-18  cm.  long,  1.5-7  (9)  cm.  broad,  lanceolate  (in  small 
leaves)  to  broadly  ovate,  tapering  gradually  to  the  acute  or  acuminate  apex,  acute 
to  obtuse  or  rounded  at  the  equal  to  subequal  base,  margin  serrulate  with  the  teeth 
2-6  mm.  distant,  lamina  drying  thin-chartaceous  and  scabrous  on  both  surfaces, 
minutely  (0.1-0.2  mm. )  strigulose  above  and  below,  hairs  of  the  upper  surface  broad- 
based,  hairs  narrower  and  less  conspicuous  on  the  lower  surface,  venation  becoming 
impressed  above  only  in  age,  the  3  to  5  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at 
angles  of  20-50  degrees,  the  lower  pair  of  secondaries  often  very  prominent  and  the 
venation  subpalmate.  Male  inflorescences  2-3  cm.  long,  2  per  axil  (4  per  node),  rachis 
slender  (0.2-0.3  mm.)  and  minutely  strigulose,  male  flowers  sessile  or  short  (0-2 
mm.)  pedicellate,  subtended  by  small  (0.7  mm.)  bracteoles,  perianth  usually  5- 
parted  and  separate  to  near  the  base,  about  2  mm.  long,  filaments  2-2.5  mm.  long, 
anthers  1-1.5  mm.  long,  disc  with  conspicuous  whitish  hairs,  pistillode  about  1  mm. 
long;  female  inflorescences  3-5  cm.  long,  2  per  axil,  flowers  subsessile  or  short  pedi- 
cellate, subtended  by  small  (0.7  mm.)  bracteoles  and  clustered  or  separate  on  the 
slender  rachis,  perianth  1.5-2.2  mm.  long,  ovary  lenticular  and  green,  1.5  mm.  long, 
style-branches  0.7-1.5  mm.  long,  densely  brownish  papillate-puberulent.  Fruit  len- 
ticular, ellipsoid  or  subglobose,  2-3  mm.  long,  2-keeled  and  often  with  prominent 
ribs  on  the  edges,  becoming  yellow  or  orange. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  (premontane  rain  and  lower  montane  rain) 
forest  formations  along  the  Caribbean  side  of  the  Central  Highlands 
and  along  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  to  the  highlands  of  Chiriqui 
at  elevations  from  1400  to  2300  m.  The  species  has  only  been 
collected  between  the  areas  of  Zarcero  (Alajuela)  in  the  west  and 
above  San  Isidro  del  General  (San  Jose)  toward  the  east  within 
Costa  Rica;  flowering  material  has  been  collected  from  January  to 
March,  while  the  collections  between  June  and  September  are 
largely  fruit.  This  species  ranges  from  Southern  Mexico  to  Peru. 

Plants  of  open  or  partly  shaded  sites  often  found  along  stream 
edges.  The  opposite  leaves  are  very  unusual  and  make  separation 
from  other  Ulmaceae  easy,  but  they  give  the  plants  the  appearance 
of  some  Urticaceae.  Leaf-form  is  quite  variable,  often  on  the  same 
branch.  The  fused  ligule-like  stipules  forming  an  interpetiolar  ridge 
are  distinctive. 

TREMA  Loureiro 

Bisexual  trees  or  shrubs,  lacking  spines  but  often  with  stiff  hairs;  stipules  paired 
and  lateral.  Leaves  alternate  and  usually  distichous,  short-petiolate  and  pinnately 
or  palmately  veined,  usually  unequilateral,  mostly  serrate.  Inflorescence  cymose, 


fasciculate  or  solitary  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  flowers  and  inflores- 
cences bisexual  or  unisexual,  the  bisexual  flowers  with  4  or  5  sepals  connate  at  the 
base,  stamens  as  many  as  the  sepals  and  opposite  them,  anthers  dorsifixed  and 
introrse,  pistil  sessile,  ovary  1-locular,  styles  2  and  united  near  the  base;  male 
flowers  with  a  minute  pistillode  and  the  sepals  usually  induplicate  valvate;  female 
flowers  without  staminodes  and  the  sepals  usually  slightly  imbricate.  Fruit  a  small 
ovoid  to  globose  drupe  with  persisting  styles,  exocarp  succulent  and  the  endocarp 
hard,  embryo  curved  with  thick  cotyledons. 

A  genus  widely  distributed  in  the  tropics  and  subtropics.  The  30 
to  55  species  are  often  quite  variable  and  taxonomically  difficult. 
A  single  species  is  found  in  Central  America. 

Trema  micrantha  (L.)  Blume,  Ann.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.  Bat.  2:58. 
1853.  Rhamnus  micranthus  L.,  Syst.  Nat.  ed.  10,  2:937.  1759. 
Figure  12. 

Trees  4-12  (20)  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  70  cm.  thick  with  smooth  gray  or  brown 
bark,  usually  with  a  single  straight  axis  and  distant  horizontal  branches  spreading 
widely  to  form  a  broad  open  crown,  leafy  internodes  6-20  (40)  mm.  long,  1.2-4  mm. 
thick,  densely  strigulose  with  pale  grayish  hairs  0.3-0.9  mm.  long  or  rarely  gla- 
brescent,  often  somewhat  zig-zag  and  branching  in  a  horizontal  plane;  stipules 
about  5  mm.  long,  lanceolate.  Leaves  distichous,  petioles  3-10  mm.  long,  0.8-2  mm. 
thick,  densely  strigulose,  sulcate  above;  laminae  4-14  (17)  cm.  long,  1.4-5  (7)  cm. 
broad,  lanceolate  to  narrowly  ovate  or  triangular,  tapering  gradually  to  the  acute  or 
acuminate  apex,  rounded  at  the  unequally  truncate  or  cordulate  base,  margin 
usually  serrulate  and  revolute  (dry),  teeth  about  1  mm.  distant,  lamina  drying 
stiffly  chartaceous,  very  scabrous  and  hirsutulous  above,  occasionally  lustrous, 
densely  to  sparsely  strigulose  beneath  with  pale  grayish  hairs  0.2-0.7  mm.  long, 
major  veins  becoming  impressed  above,  the  2  to  4  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
arising  at  angles  of  20-40  degrees  with  the  lowermost  pair  often  arising  at  the 
petiole,  very  prominent,  and  the  venation  subpalmate. 'Inflorescences  Bisexual  or 
unisexual,  male  inflorescences  5-30  mm.  long,  with  short  branches,  flowers  sessile  or 
very  short  pedicellate  and  often  in  crowded  clusters,  perianth  usually  puberulent 
and  about  1.5  mm.  long,  valvate  or  slightly  imbricate,  anthers  0.6-1  mm.  long,  pis- 
tillode about  0.7  mm.  long  and  2-lobed;  .female  inflorescences  5-35  mm.  long,  female 
flowers  borne  on  pedicels  1-3  mm.  long,  perianth  0.7-1.5  mm.  long  and  usually 
sparsely  puberulent,  ovary  globose  to  ovoid,  narrowed  at  the  base,  style  branches 
(styles  or  stigmas)  1.5  mm.  long  and  densely  papillate-puberulent.  j^ruit globose  or 
ellipsoid,  becoming  about  2  mm.  thick  and  orange  or  yellowish,  subtended  by  per- 
sisting but  minute  perianth. 

A  common  species  usually  found  in  open  or  partly  shaded  sites 
and  secondary  growth  on  well  drained  soils  in  a  wide  variety  of 
ecological  zones,  ranging  from  sea  level  to  2100  m.  elevation  and 
from  the  semi-deciduous  forests  of  Guanacaste  to  the  very  wet 
highland  forests  of  the  Caribbean  slope,  but  rare  at  lower  elevations 
on  the  Caribbean  side  in  Costa  Rica ;  flowering  throughout  the  year. 
The  species  is  found  on  Cocos  Island  and  ranges  from  Mexico  to 
southern  South  America  and  the  West  Indies. 


The  scabrous  leaves  often  with  palmate  venation^and  grayish 
pubescence,  distichous  foliage  and  branching,  open  crown,  and 
minute  flowers  in  small  inflorescences  distinguish  this  species. 
Young  specimens  may  be  mistaken  for  plants  belonging  to  the 
Urticaceae,  Euphorbiaceae,  or  Malvales.  The  bark  has  been  used  as 
a  source  of  fibers,  and  the  trees  are  known  by  a  variety  of  common 
names,  such  as:  Bara  blanca,  Capulin  bianco,  Capaslan,  andJuco. 
The  plants  are  quite  variable,  both  in  pubescence  and  form  of  the 
inflorescence,  but  these  variations  do  not  seem  to  be  correlated  with 
each  other  or  with  the  environment. 

ULMUS  Linnaeus 

Bisexual  trees  or  shrubs;  stipules  paired  and  lateral,  caducous.  Leaves  alternate 
and  usually  distichous,  deciduous  or  persistent,  pinnately  veined  and  serrate,  the 
laminae  usually  inequilateral  and  oblique  at  the  bases.  Inflorescence  racemose  or 
fasciculate,  borne  in  the  axils  of  the  previous  year's  growth  and  at  first  covered  with 
imbricate  scales,  the  flowers  numerous  and  bisexual  or  rarely  unisexual,  sepals  4  to 
9,  imbricate  and  united  near  the  base,  stamens  as  many  as  the  sepals  and  opposite 
them,  becoming  exserted,  pistil  sessile  or  stipitate,  1  or  rarely  2-locular  and  com- 
pressed longitudinally,  styles  2,  stigmatic  on  the  inner  face,  recurved  and  usually 
persisting.  Fruit  a  samara  or  dry  drupe,  lenticular  or  flattened  and  usually  with  thin 
winged  lateral  margins  (but  these  lacking  in  our  species),  embryo  straight  with  flat 
cotyledons,  endosperm  absent. 

A  genus  of  about  45  species  of  the  Northern  Hemisphere.  Our 
species  has  been  placed  in  the  genus  Ulmus  by  some  authors  and  in 
its  own  genus,  Chaetoptelea,  by  others.  Sweitzer,  who  has  recently 
studied  the  comparative  anatomy  of  the  Ulmaceae  (Journ.  Arn. 
Arb.  52:523-571.  1971),  finds  that  the  wood  anatomy  does  support 
the  segregation  of  Chaetoptelea  as  a  distinct  genus.  I  believe  that 
these  distinctions  in  wood  anatomy  and  in  the  lack  of  winged  fruit 
may  be  worthy  of  subgeneric  rank  but  are  not  so  unusual  that  they 
are  worthy  of  separating  this  species  as  a  distinct  genus;  in  general 
aspect,  this  species  is  just  another  elm. 

Ulmus  mexicana  (Liebm.)  Planch,  in  DC.,  Prodr.  17:156.  1873. 
Chaetoptelea  mexicana  Liebm.,  Kjoeb.  Vidensk.  Meddel.  77.  1850. 
Figure  12. 

Trees  10-40  m.  tall,  the  crown  becoming  more  than  20  m.  high  and  up  to  20  m. 
broad  but  usually  narrower,  trunk  becoming  more  than  1  m.  thick  with  scaly  gray 
bark,  leafy  internodes  1-2  cm.  long  (to  6  cm.  long  on  sprout  shoots),  1-2  (4)  mm. 
thick,  glabrous  or  puberulent  with  thin  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.3  mm.  long,  often  dark 
reddish-brown,  buds  2-5  mm.  long  and  enclosed  in  several  bud-scales  minutely 
ciliolate  along  the  edge;  stipules  6-8  mm.  long,  narrowly  triangular,  occasionally 


persisting.  Leaves  distichous  and  produced  in  flushes,  petioles  (2)  5-14  mm.  long, 
0.6-1.8  mm.  thick,  minutely  canescent  or  less  often  glabrous,  terete;  laminae  4-12 
(16)  cm.  long,  1.8-5  (7)  cm.  broad,  lanceolate  or  narrowly  ovate  to  ovate-oblong, 
tapering  gradually  to  the  usually  acuminate  apex,  very  unequal  (oblique)  at  the  base 
with  one  side  often  rounded  and  cordulate  and  the  other  attenuate,  margin  sharply 
serrate  with  teeth  2-5  mm.  distant,  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  or 
scabrous  above,  scabrous  beneath,  often  slightly  lustrous  on  both  surfaces, 
glabrous  or  minutely  puberulent  only  along  the  midvein  above,  glabrous  or 
puberulent  beneath  with  very  thin  whitish  hairs  0.2-0.7  mm.  long,  major  veins  be- 
coming impressed  above,  the  8  to  16  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at  angles 
of  30-60  degrees,  and  very  prominent  beneath.  Inflorescences  emerging  from  buds 
in  the  axils  of  fallen  leaves,  the  2  or  3  pairs  of  decussate  bud-scales  glabrous,  rachis 
of  the  inflorescences  usually  unbranched,  2-6  cm.  long;  flowers  borne  in  whorls  of  3 
or  4,  pedicels  2-5  mm.  long,  perianth  1-2  mm.  long,  united  more  than  half  and  usually 
campanulate,  stamens  5,  exserted,  filaments  2-4  mm.  long,  very  slender,  anthers 
about  1  mm.  long  and  equally  broad;  pistil  with  style-branches  about  2  mm.  long, 
minutely  brownish  puberulent.  Fruit  becoming  10  mm.  long  including  stipe  and 
style-branches,  body  of  the  fruit  lenticular  and  ellipsoid  to  obovoid  in  outline,  about 
2  mm.  broad,  ciliate  along  the  edges  with  whitish  hairs  0.7-1.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  montane  forest  formations  between  900  and  1900  m. 
elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  material  has  been  collected  be- 
tween February  and  April.  I  have  only  seen  the  following  collections 
from  Costa  Rica:  Brenes  22687  along  the  Rio  Jesus  de  San  Ramon 
(Alajuela),  Tonduz  11792  near  El  Copey  (San  Jose),  J.  Leon  180 
along  the  Rio  Reventazon  (Cartago).  The  species  ranges  from 
Mexico  to  Chiriqui,  Panama. 

The  great  size  attained  by  these  trees  probably  accounts  for  the 
very  few  flowering  collections  found  in  herbaria.  The  small  leaves 
with  rough  surfaces,  toothed  margin,  asymmetric  base,  and  many 
veins  are  produced  from  scale-covered  buds  and  make  vegetative 
material  easy  to  identify  (but  leaves  on  sprout  shoots  can  be  as 
much  as  16  cm.  long).  Cenizo  (-a)  is  a  common  name  reported  frpm 



REFERENCES:  E.  J.  H.  Corner,  The  Classification  of  Moraceae. 
Card.  Bull.  Singapore  19:187-252.  1962.  C.  C.  Berg,  Olmediae  and 
Brosimeae.  Flora  Neotropica,  Monog.  7: 1-229.  1972. 

Trees,  shrubs,  or  rarely  climbers  (Ficus  spp.)  and  herbs  (Dorstenia)  bisexual  or 
unisexual,  latex  present  and  usually  whitish;  stipules  present,  paired  at  the  node  or 
solitary  by  connation.  Leaves  alternate  and  simple  (in  ours),  distichous  or  in  a 
spiral,  usually  petiolate,  the  lamina  entire,  serrate,  or  lobed  to  deeply  incised  (in 
Artocarpus,  Cecropia,  and  Pourouma)  capitate  or  subcapitate  multicellular  micro- 
scopic hairs  (X150)  often  present.  Inflorescences  axillary,  often  paired  at  the  node, 
unisexual  or  bisexual,  extremely  variable  in  the  family  and  ranging  from  cymose- 
paniculate  or  simple  racemes  and  spikes  to  condensed  heads,  discoid  structures  or 
urceolate  with  the  flowers  enclosed  (as  in  Ficus);  flowers  small  and  unisexual,  peri- 
anth of  a  single  whorl  of  usually  4  (0-8)  free  or  united  parts,  imbricate  or  valvate, 
persistent;  stamens  as  many  as  the  perianth  parts  and  opposite  them  or  variously 
reduced  and  occasionally  the  male  flowers  not  organized  with  the  stamens  and  in- 
terspersed bracts  arising  directly  from  the  rachis,  filaments  straight  or  bent  inward 
in  bud,  anthers  usually  2-thecous,  dehiscence  longitudinal  to  circumscissile,  pis- 
tillode  present  or  more  often  absent;  pistil  often  adnate  to  the  perianth,  ovary  1- 
locular  (very  rarely  2-locular),  superior  to  inferior  by  adnation  of  the  perianth-tube, 
or  often  imbedded  within  the  receptacle,  style  and  style-branches  (or  stigma  tic 
arms)  2  or  less  often  1,  stigmas  usually  linear,  very  rarely  capitate  or  peltate,  ovule 
1,  pendulous  from  near  the  apex  of  the  locule  and  anatropous  or  campylotropous  or 
basal  and  erect  in  Cecropia,  Coussapoa,  and  Pourouma.  Fruits  usually  fleshy,  the 
tissue  of  the  ovary,  perianth,  or  receptacle  becoming  succulent,  or  the  endocarp 
crustaceous  to  woody,  often  connate  in  fleshy  syncarps,  seeds  small  to  large,  cotyle- 
dons various  and  equal  or  unequal. 

The  Moraceae  are  commonly  present  in  lowland  evergreen  tropi- 
cal forests,  but  they  are  very  poorly  represented  in  herbaria.  Short 
flowering-period,  inconspicuous  inflorescences,  and  the  tree  habit 
probably  account  for  the  paucity  of  collections.  The  family  can  often 
be  recognized  by  the  white  sap,  alternate  leaves  (distichous  or  in  a 
spiral),  stipules  that  are  sometimes  united  and  often  surround  the 
stem,  small  flowers  often  in  capitate  or  discoid  inflorescences, 
stamens  opposite  the  perianth  parts  (when  present),  and  the  usually 
2-branched  style.  Members  of  the  family  are  easily  mistaken  for 



species    of    Euphorbiaceae,    Flacourtiaceae    (including    Laciste- 
maceae),  and  the  closely  related  Ulmaceae  and  Urticaceae. 

Corner  (Gard.  Bull.  Singapore  19:187-252.  1962)  has  stated  that 
the  genera  of  the  subfamily  Conocephaloideae  are  more  closely  re- 
lated to  genera  of  the  Urticaceae  than  to  other  genera  of  the  Mora- 
ceae.  The  Conocephaloideae  have  erect  basal  ovules  and  they  often 
lack  whitish  sap,  as  do  most  Urticaceae.  However,  an  equally  valid 
argument  can  be  made  for  their  inclusion  in  the  Moraceae  or  for 
separation  in  a  family  of  their  own.  Because  this  is  a  reference  work, 
we  are  placing  our  genera  of  the  Conocephaloideae  (Cecropia,  Cous- 
sapoa,  and  Pourouma)  among  other  genera  of  the  Moraceae  where 
they  have  been  placed  traditionally  and  where  most  readers  will 
look  for  them. 

The  genus  Madura  is  represented  in  Central  America  by  Madura 
brasiliensis  (Martius)  Endlicher  (=  Chlorophora  scandens  Standl. 
&  L.  Wms.),  which  is  naturalized  in  small  areas  of  the  Dept.  of 
Olancho,  Honduras. 


la.    Plants  herbaceous,  stems  less  than  0.4  m.  tall  and  not  woody,  with  whitish 
sap;  inflorescences  disc-like  with  a  flattened  apical  surface,  the  minute  flowers 

imbedded  in  the  disc Dorstenia. 

Ib.    Trees  or  shrubs,  stems  becoming  more  than  2  m.  tall  and  woody 2a. 

2a.    Stipules  only  partly  encircling  the  stem,  stipule-scars  not  united  around  the 

stem  (as  seen  on  younger  stems),  the  stipules  always  paired  at  the  node  ....  3a. 

2b.    Stipules  completely  encircling  the  stem,  stipule-scars  forming  a  ring  around  the 

stem  on  younger  stems,  the  stipules  paired  or  united  and  solitary  at  each  node 


3a.     Inflorescences  spicate  or  racemose,  long  and  narrow 4a. 

3b.     Inflorescences  capitate,  discoid,  or  of  a  few  closely  crowded  or  solitary 

flowers 13a. 

4a.     Inflorescences  with  anthers,  the  flowers  male 5a. 

4b.     Inflorescences  with  pistils  or  fruit,  female lOa. 

5a.  The  flowers  not  definitely  organized  and  the  stamens  apparently  inter- 
spersed with  bracts  or  with  a  minute  perianth  and  a  single  stamen, 
anthers  minute  (0.5  mm.),  flowering  parts  sessile  on  the  slender  spikes, 

tall  trees 6a. 

5b.  The  flowers  with  a  definite  4-parted  perianth  and  each  with  usually  4 
stamens,  inflorescence  spicate  with  sessile  flowers  or  racemose  with  pedi- 
cellate flowers 7a. 

6a.     Flowers  not  definitely  organized,  the  spikes  usually  paired  at  a  node 


MORUS  insignis 

FIG.  14.  Moraceae  with  the  flowers  often  in  spikes  and  racemes:  Chlorophora, 
Clarisia,  Morus,  Sorocea,  and  Trophis. 


ssp  aiicastrum/1 



FIG.  15.  Moraceae  with  the  flowers  usually  in  globose  heads,  lacking  an  involucre 
of  bracts  at  the  base:  Batocarpus,  Brosimum,  and  Poulsenia. 


St'P     '      PSEUDOLMEDIA 

FIG.  16.  Moraceae  with  usually  disc-like  inflorescences:  Castillo.,  Helicostylis, 
Maquira,  Naucleopsis,  Olmedia,  Perebea,  and  Pseudolmedia. 


20cm  Jft  contrajerva 


•€•)•  for  figs 


FIG.  17.  Moraceae:  Dorstenia  and  species  of  Ficus,  subgenus  Urostigma  with 
larger,  long-petiolate  leaves,  and  sessile  figs. 


FIG.  18.  Moraceae:  Ficus,  species  of  subgenus  Urostigma  with  smaller  leaves  or 
acuminate  leaf-tips,  the  figs  mostly  pedicellate. 



FIG.  19.  Moraceae:  Ficus,  species  of  subgenus  Urostigma  with  puberulent  figs  or 
blunt-tipped  leaves. 


FlG.  20.  Moraceae:  Ficus,  species  of  subgenus  Urostigma  with  sessile  figs  and 
large  bracts  or  with  unusual  leaves. 



FIG.  21.  Moraceae:  FICUS,  species  of  subgenus  Pharmacosycea  with  only  one  fig  at 
a  node  and  usually  three  basal  bracts. 




FlG.  22.   Moraceae,  subfamily  Conocephaloideae:    the  Costa  Rican  species  of 
Pourouma  and  the  often  epiphytic  Coussapoa. 



FIG.  23.  Moraceae,  subfamily  Conocephaloideae;  the  continental  Costa  Rican 
species  of  Cecropia. 



6b.     Flowers  with  a  minute  2-  or  4-lobed  perianth,  spikes  solitary  at  a  node 


la.  Stamens  with  the  filaments  straight  and  the  perianth  decussate-imbri- 
cate  in  bud,  perianth-parts  often  broadly  sessile  on  the  rachis. . .  Sorocea. 

7b.  Stamens  with  the  filaments  bent  inward  in  bud,  the  filaments  con- 
sequently usually  longer  than  the  perianth-parts 8a. 

8a.     Inflorescences  usually  paired  at  a  node;  perianth-parts  valvate  in  bud 


8b     Inflorescences  solitary  at  the  node;  perianth-parts  imbricate  in  bud 


9a.  Lowland  trees  common  in  deciduous  areas,  wood  yellowish;  spikes  with- 
out peltate  bracts Chlorophora. 

9b.  Trees  from  between  1500  and  2200  m.  altitude;  spikes  with  peltate 
bracts  ( in  our  species) Morus. 

lOa.    Pistil  free,  enclosed  within  4  separate  perianth-parts,  the  flowers  sessile 

and  closely  crowded;  inflorescences  solitary  at  a  node Morus. 

lOb.  Pistil  free  or  united  with  the  perianth,  enclosed  or  subtended  by  a  tubular 
(united)  perianth,  the  perianth  often  very  difficult  to  distinguish  and 
often  almost  completely  united  with  the  pistil;  inflorescences  usually 

paired  or  of  paired  pedicellate  flowers lla- 

lla.  Inflorescences  of  pistils  in  distichous  pairs  on  leafless  stems,  peltate 
bracts  present  at  the  base  of  the  pistil  above  the  pedicel;  tall  lowland 

trees Clarisia- 

lib  Inflorescences  spicate  or  racemose  with  few  to  many  crowded  or  separate 
and  sessile  or  pedicellate  flowers,  peltate  bracts  found  only  on  the  rachis 

of  the  inflorescence 12a- 

12a.     Style-branches  (or  stigmas)  slender;  lower  surface  of  the  leaf  lacking 

microscopic  (X 150)  capitate  hairs Trophis. 

12b.    Style-branches  usually  short  and  broad;  lower  leaf  surface  usually  with 

microscopic  capitate  multicellular  hairs Sorocea. 

13a.     Inflorescences  with  anthers,  male  parts  present 14a. 

13b.    Inflorescences  with  pistil  or  fruit,  female 17a- 

14a      Inflorescences  usually  globose,  with  thin  flat  round  peltate  bracts  on  the 

surface Brosimum. 

14b.    Inflorescences  discoid  and  with  subtending  imbricate  bracts  usually 

forming  an  involucre 15a- 

15a.  Flowers  with  the  filaments  curved  inward  in  bud  and  opening  elastically, 
perianth-parts  valvate  in  bud;  laminae  scabrous  and  denticulate;  0-600 

m.  elevation Olmedia. 

15b.    Flowers  with  the  filaments  straight  in  bud  and  the  perianth-parts  decus- 

sate-imbricate;  laminae  smooth  (in  ours) 16a- 

16a      Leaves  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent,  usually  drying  dull  above;  700- 

1500  m Helicostylis. 

16b.    Leaves  glabrous,  usually  drying  lustrous  above;  0-850  m Maquira. 

17a.     Inflorescence  usually  globose  and  lacking  an  involucre  of  imbricate  basally 

.  18a. 


17b.  Inflorescence  usually  discoid  to  ovoid  or  occasionally  with  short  lobes  sub- 
tended by  imbricate  basally  attached  bracts  forming  an  involucre  or  the 
flowers  borne  in  pairs  from  the  leaf-axil  or  on  short-shoots 20a. 

18a.     Inflorescences  with  thin  flat  round  peltate  bracts  on  the  surface  or  near 

the  base D 


18b.     Inflorescences  lacking  thin  round  flat  peltate  bracts  on  the  surface  ....  19a. 
19a.     Style  branch  or  stigma  1  per  pistil,  fruiting  inflorescence  1-2  cm.  in  dia- 
meter; trees  of  wet  evergreen  and  seasonally  dry  deciduous  areas 


19b.     Style  branches  ( stigmas )  2  per  pistil,  fruiting  inflorescence  4-5  cm.  in  dia- 
meter; trees  of  wet  evergreen  forests  in  the  Golfo  Dulce  area 


20a.  Flowers  distinctly  pedicellate  and  paired  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  borne  in 
alternate  pairs  on  short  (1-3  cm.)  leafless  stems,  flat  round  peltate  bracts 
borne  at  the  base  of  the  pistil  above  the  pedicel;  tall  trees  of  the  wet  low- 
lands    „,  .  . 


20b.    Flowers  sessile  on  the  inflorescence,  never  pedicellate 21a 

21a.  Inflorescence  discoid,  with  more  than  10  flowers;  leaves  entire  usually  dry- 
ing lustrous;  0-850  m Maquira. 

21b.  Inflorescence  with  fewer  than  5  flowers,  usually  less  than  10  mm.  long- 
leaves  usually  serrulate 22a 

22a.  Inflorescence  usually  with  2  or  3  flowers;  small  treelets  of  lowland  Carib- 
bean wet  forest  formations Tro  his 

22b.     Inflorescence  usually  with  a  single  female  flower 23a 

23a.     Leaves  scabrous  above,  0-600  m Olmedia 

23b.    Leaves  smooth  above,  700-1500  m '.''.'  Helicostylis. 

24a.  Stipules  paired,  2  at  a  node,  enclosing  the  shoot-apex  and  overlapping  ( some- 
times difficult  to  distinguish  as  two  different  parts) 25a. 

24b.  Stipule  solitary  at  the  node,  a  single  structure  enclosing  the  shoot-apex  (but 
ateral  buds  and  inflorescences  may  be  enclosed  by  more  than  one  stipule- 
like  structure) .  .  . 


25a.     Flowers  borne  within  an  enclosed  cavity  in  a  rounded  fruit-like  structure 

(the  syconium  or  fig)  that  is  closed  to  the  outside  except  for  a  small  spical 

stiole  with  interleaved  scales;  the  figs  solitary  or  paired  in  the  leaf-axils 

with  2  or  3  bracts  near  the  base;  small  to  very  large  trees,  often  beginning 

as  epiphytes  and  strangling  the  host Ficus 

25b.  Flowers  not  borne  within  an  enclosed  surface,  the  inflorescence  not  a 
globose  fruit-like  structure  except  in  Brosimum  and  then  with  many  peltate 
bracts  on  the  surface 26 

26a.     Inflorescences  globose  to  ellipsoid  or  clavate,  lacking  a  definite  involucre  of 

imbricate  basally  attached  bracts  at  the  base 27a 

26b.  Inflorescence  discoid  or  of  only  1  or  a  few  flowers,  subtended  by  an  in- 
volucre of  imbricate  basally  attached  stiff  bracts 29a. 

27a.     Inflorescences  usually  globose  with  few  to  many  flat  thin  round  peltate 
bracts  on  the  surface,  1-5  cm.  in  diameter;  plants  lacking  spines,  leaves 

entire D      . 



27b.    Inflorescences  lacking  thin  flat  round  peltate  bracts 28a. 

28a.  Plants  usually  with  short  spines  on  younger  stems,  leaves  entire;  inflor- 
escences globose,  the  male  1-1.5  cm.  in  diameter,  fruiting  heads  2-3  cm.  in 
diameter Poulsenia. 

28 b.  Plants  lacking  spines,  leaves  entire  or  large  and  deeply  pinnately  lobed; 
inflorescences  globose  to  long  and  irregularly  ellipsoid  or  clavate,  3-50  cm. 
in  diameter Artocarpus. 

29a.  Female  inflorescence  with  only  a  single  flower  ( solitary  pistil) ;  stamens  free 
among  concentrically  arranged  bracts  and  not  within  definite  4-parted 
flowers;  leaves  with  entire  margins Pseudolmedia. 

29b.  Female  inflorescences  with  several  to  many  flowers;  stamens  in  flowers 
with  4-parted  perianth 30a. 

30a.  Leaves  usually  puberulent  and  denticulate;  ovary  mostly  on  the  surface  of 
the  receptacle;  male  inflorescence  open  before  anthesis,  male  flowers 

usually  with  4  stamens Perebea. 

30b.  Leaves  glabrous  and  entire;  base  of  the  ovary  immersed  in  the  receptacle; 
male  inflorescence  closed  before  anthesis,  male  flowers  usually  with  fewer 

than  4  stamens Naucleopsis. 

31a.     Inflorescences  globose  with  few  to  many  thin  flat  round  peltate  bracts  on  the 

surface . .  • Brosimum. 

31b.     Inflorescences  lacking  thin  round  peltate  bracts 32a. 

32a.     Inflorescences  subtended  by  a  conspicuous  involucre  of  stiff  imbricate  basal- 

ly  attached  bracts,  flattened  at  the  top  and  discoid  or  folded Castillo. 

32b.  Inflorescences  lacking  an  involucre  of  stiff  imbricate  bracts,  varying  from 
cymose  and  branched  to  umbellate,  capitate,  or  digitate;  pistil  with  a  single 
short  penicillate  stigma  and  erect  basal  ovule;  plants  usually  lacking  milky 

sap  ( subfamily  Conocephaloideae) 33a. 

33a.  Leaves  peltate  with  the  petiole  attached  near  the  center  of  the  lamina, 
palmately  lobed;  free  standing  trees  with  few  major  branches,  biting  ants 
often  present  in  and  on  the  stems;  flowers  in  thick  (4-14)  spikes  borne  on  a 

common  peduncle  and  the  inflorescence  often  digitate  in  form Cecropia. 

33b.     Leaves  never  peltate,  the  petiole  attached  at  the  lamina  base,  flowers  in 
cymose  groups  or  heads,  never  in  digitate  spikes;  biting  ants  absent  ....  34a. 
34a.     Trees,  usually  free-standing  from  early  stages,  fruit  10-30  mm.  long;  male 
flowers  pedicellate,  never  in  globose  heads,  with  4  stamens  and  4  perianth- 
parts;  leaves  lobed  or  entire Pourouma. 

34b.  Trees  or  shrubs,  usually  epiphytic  in  early  stages;  fruit  1-4  mm.  long;  male 
flowers  sessile  in  globose  heads,  with  2  united  stamens  and  4  free  or  united 
perianth-parts;  leaves  entire Coussapoa. 

ARTOCARPUS  J.  R.  &  G.  Forster 
Nomen  conservandum 

Small  to  large  trees  with  whitish  milky  sap;  stipules  paired,  amplexicaul  and 
leaving  ring-like  scars  around  the  stem  ( subgenus  Artocarpus )  or  smaller  and  lateral 
to  interpetiolar,  not  leaving  scars  around  the  stem  (subgenus  Pseudojaca), 
caducous.  Leaves  alternate  and  in  a  spiral  (subgenus  Artocarpus)  or  distichous 


(subgenus  Pseudojaca),  simple  (in  ours)  or  rarely  pinnately  compound,  entire  to 
deeply  pinnatifid,  mature  leaves  often  differing  from  the  juvenile.  Inflorescences 
axillary  or  on  old  wood,  paired  or  solitary,  unisexual  and  capitate,  globose,  ellipsoid 
or  cylindrical,  usually  pedunculate,  flowers  tightly  compacted  and  numerous,  the 
single  pistil  or  stamen  enclosed  by  perianth  and  often  with  interspersed  stalked 
bracts,  pale  flowers  reduced  to  a  single  stamen,  perianth  tubular  with  2-4  imbricate 
lobes,  filament  straight,  pistillode  absent.  Female  flowers  with  the  tubular  perianth 
thickened  above  and  with  a  small  orifice  for  the  style,  perianth  often  connate  with 
the  perianth  of  adjacent  flowers  above  and  forming  a  syncarp,  staminodes  absent; 
pistil  with  an  apical  or  lateral  style,  style  simple  or  with  2  style-branches  (stigmas). 
Fruit  a  syncarp  formed  by  the  enlargement  of  the  entire  female  head,  the  individual 
fruit  (achenes)  included  within  the  succulent  tissue  of  the  syncarp. 

A  genus  of  about  48  species,  native  to  southern  Asia  and  ranging 
from  India  to  Southern  China,  the  Philippines,  Indonesia,  New 
Guinea,  and  the  Solomon  Islands.  The  genus  is  now  pan  tropical  be- 
cause of  the  distribution  by  man  of  two  important  food-plants:  the 
Breadfruit  and  the  Jack,  or  Jackfruit.  These  are  the  species  com- 
monly encountered  in  Central  America  and  both  belong  to  the  sub- 
genus  A  rtocarp  us. 

Leaves  deeply  pinnately  lobed;  stipules  10-25  cm.  long;  inflorescences  borne  on  the 
young  branches,  fruiting  inflorescence  usually  globose A.  communis. 

Leaves  usually  entire,  stipules  1.5-5  cm.  long;  inflorescences  borne  on  short  shoots 
arising  from  thick  branches  and  trunk,  fruiting  inflorescence  ellipsoid  or  irregular 

A.  heterophyllus. 

Artocarpus  communis  J.  R.  &  G.  Forster,  Char.  Gen.  101.  1776. 
Rademachia  incisa  Thunb.,  Vet.  Acad.  Handl.  Stockholm  37:253. 
1776.  Artocarpus  incisus  (Thunb.)  L.f.,  Suppl.  PI.  411.  1781. 

Trees  to  20  (35)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  5-15  mm.  thick,  glabrous  to  sparsely 
puberulent  at  the  stipule-scars;  stipules  10-25  cm.  long,  sparsely  to  densely  puberu- 
lent  with  slender  ascending  hairs  about  2  mm.  long.  Leaves  quite  variable  in  size  and 
lobing,  petioles  2-4  cm.  long;  laminae  of  mature  trees  30-100  cm.  long,  25-65  cm. 
broad,  rhomboid  to  elliptic  in  outline  with  3  to  7  lobes  on  each  side,  acuminate  at  the 
apex,  usually  scabrous  above,  with  6  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins.  Male  in- 
florescences on  peduncles  3-6  cm.  long,  head  7-30  cm.  long,  1.5-4  cm.  thick,  long- 
cylindracal  to  clavate.  Female  inflorescences  globose  to  ellipsoid,  on  peduncles  3-13 
cm.  long,  becoming  20-30  cm.  in  diameter,  globose  to  ellipsoid;  some  varieties  lack- 
ing seeds.  Fruiting  syncarp  green  to  yellow  with  acute  pyramidal  projections. 

Introduced  plants  usually  found  only  in  hot  lowlands  with  suffi- 
cient rainfall  to  support  an  evergreen  vegetation.  The  species  is  not 
a  commercially  important  fruit  in  Central  America.  See  Standley's 
discussion  in  "Flora  of  Guatemala,"  Fieldiana  Botany  24,  4:12. 
1946.  This  species  is  called palo  de  pan,  breadfruit,  or  sometimes  the 
bread-nut  when  seeds  are  present. 


Artocarpus  heterophyllus  Lamarck,  Encycl.  Meth.  Bot.  3:209. 
1789.  A.  integrifolius  auctores  non  L.f. 

Trees  to  about  10  to  15  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-10  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberu- 
lent  and  becoming  glabrous;  stipules  1.5-5  (8)  cm.  long,  minutely  puberulent  or  gla- 
brous. Leaves  not  especially  variable  in  mature  plants,  petioles  1-3  (4)  cm.  long; 
laminae  8-20  cm.  long,  4-10  cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic  to  obovate,  rounded  to  obtuse 
at  the  apex,  unlobed  on  mature  plants,  drying  coriaceous  and  smooth  above,  with  4 
to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins.  Male  inflorescence  on  peduncles  1-5  cm.  long 
borne  in  axils  of  leaves  more  distal  than  those  subtending  the  female  or  cauliflorous, 
heads  2-7  cm.  long  and  8-28  mm.  thick.  Female  inflorescences  solitary  or  paired  in 
axils  of  the  lowest  leaves  or  cauliflorous,  on  peduncles  5-10  cm.  long,  becoming 
heads  30-90  cm.  long,  25-50  cm.  thick,  cylindrical  to  ellipsoid  or  clavate.  Fruiting 
syncarp  yellow  and  often  with  a  sharp  sweet  unpleasant  odor,  the  surface  with  small 

Introduced  plants  occasionally  planted  in  areas  of  evergreen  vege- 
tation between  sea  level  and  1200  m.  This  species  is  called  the  Jack- 
fruit  and  probably  originated  in  India. 


Trees,  unisexual,  without  spines,  sap  yellow  or  white;  stipules  paired  and  free, 
lateral,  caducous  and  leaving  sm.all  scars  that  encircle  less  than  half  the  stem. 
Laminae  distichous,  petiolate,  the  lower  surface  with  few  microscopic  (X200) 
globose-capitate  hairs,  very  small  hooked  (uncinate)  hairs  and  round  transparent 
epidermal  cells  with  sharp  conical  apex.  Male  inflorescences  long  slender  spikes,  soli- 
tary in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  several  on  leafless  short-shoots,  pedunculate,  flowering 
portions  of  the  spike  usually  long  (5-12  cm.)  and  thin  ( 1-4  mm.),  male  flower  wiuh  a 
minute  2-  to  4-lobed  perianth  and  a  single  stamen,  anthers  minute  (less  than  0.5 
mm.).  Female  inflorescences  usually  solitary  and  short-pedunculate,  a  globose  to 
ellipsoid  head  of  many  compacted  flowers  and  lacking  an  involucre;  the  female 
flowers  with  a  tubular  truncate  fleshy  perianth,  the  ovary  free  (superior)  but  en- 
closed within  the  perianth,  style  short,  stigmas  2,  short  and  reflexed.  Fruit  formed 
within  the  fleshy  globose  infructescence  formed  by  the  fleshy  accrescent  perianths 
closely  crowded  together  on  the  fleshy  receptacle,  the  perianths  coherent  but  not 
grown  together,  seed  with  a  thin  coat. 

A  very  poorly  known  genus  of  three  species  ranging  from  south- 
western Costa  Rica  to  Bolivia.  The  slender  spikes  of  staminate 
flowers  with  single  stamens  tightly  congested  and  the  round  heads 
of  coherent  female  flowers  are  very  distinctive.  The  male  spikes  re- 
semble those  of  Piper  and  the  infructescences  resemble  those  of 
Annona.  The  genus  is  probably  closely  related  toAcanthinophyllum 
of  South  America;  the  male  spikes  are  similar  to  those  of  Clarisia 
bi flora,  among  our  species. 

This  circumscription  of  the  genus  follows  that  of  Fosberg  ( Proc. 
Biol.  Soc.  Wash.  55:99-101.  1942),  who  synonomized  Anonocarpus 


of  South  America  under Batocarpus.  Woodson  (Ann.  Missouri  Bot. 
Card.  47: 134-136.  1960)  mistook  a  collection  ofMaquira  costaricana 
(Cooper  601)  for  the  male  of  Batocarpus  orinocensis  and  concluded 
that  Batocarpus  and  Anonocarpus  differed  in  their  male  in- 
florescences. Our  species  of  the  genus  is  known  from  only  two 
female  collections.  The  genus  has  recently  been  revised  by  De  Mello 
Filho  in  Bol.  Mus.  Nac.  Rio  de  Janeiro  Bot.  37: 1-15.  1968. 

Batocarpus  costaricensis  Standley  &  L.  O.  Williams,  Ceiba,  3:25. 
1952.  Figure  15. 

Trees  to  30  m.  tall,  the  trunk  slender  (45  cm.)  and  without  buttresses,  sap  from  the 
trunk  pale  yellowish-white,  sap  from  the  branchlets  and  fruit  dull  orange,  leafy 
internodes  0.5-3  cm.  long,  1.5-5  mm.  thick,  very  minutely  (0.05-0.2  mm.)  puberulent 
with  thin  usually  ascending  hairs,  dark  brown  but  becoming  glabrous  and  grayish; 
stipules  about  5  mm.  long  and  2  mm.  thick  near  the  base,  covered  with  thin  ascend- 
ing brown  or  yellowish-brown  minutely  sericeous  hairs,  scars  about  1-1.5  mm.  broad, 
encircling  less  than  half  the  stem.  Leaves  often  asymmetric,  petioles  4-8  mm.  long, 
about  2  mm.  thick,  minutely  and  sparsely  puberulent,  the  periderm  flaking  off  in 
age;  laminae  8-17  cm.  long,  3-6.5  cm.  broad,  elliptic-oblong,  often  with  one  side 
broader  than  the  other,  gradually  or  more  often  abruptly  narrowed  to  the  short 
acuminate  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  or  acute  on  one  side  at  the  usually  unequal  base, 
margin  bluntly  serrate  to  obscurely  serrulate  with  1  to  3  teeth  per  cm.,  the  laminae 
drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  glabrous  or  very  sparsely 
and  minutely  puberulent  beneath,  the  midvein  flat  or  slightly  impressed  above,  the 
8  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  irregularly  loop-connected  near  the  margin, 
microscopic  globose-capitate  hairs  few  or  absent  beneath,  very  small  (X150)  hooked 
hairs  and  round  transparent  epidermal  cells  with  sharp  conical  apex  present  be- 
neath, the  stomates  readily  visible.  Male  inflorescences  and  flowers  not  known  ( see 
generic  description).  Female  inflorescences  subsessile  globose,  about  2  cm.  thick, 
the  many  flowers  tightly  congested  and  only  opening  apically ;  female  perianth  parts 
brownish  velutinous,  the  rounded  apices  little  projecting  from  the  surface  of  the 
head,  style  and  stigmas  projecting  about  2  mm.  above  the  head.  Fruit  borne  within 
the  fleshy  subsessile  globose  syncarp  4-5  cm.  in  diameter,  green  becoming  brownish 
(dry),  perianth  and  ovary  coherent  but  not  becoming  fused  in  fruit,  perianth  parts 
fleshy  and  remaining  rounded  apically  (on  the  surface  of  the  smoothly  globose 
head),  seed  about  10  X  5  mm. 

Plants  of  the  wet  evergreen  forest  formation  of  the  Golfo  Dulce 
area  in  southwestern  Costa  Rica  between  50  and  500  m.  elevation; 
collected  with  early  and  mature  fruit  in  February.  This  species  is 
known  from  only  two  collections  made  by  Paul  Allen  (5948  &  5971 ) 
near  Palmar  Norte,  Puntarenas. 

Batocarpus  costaricensis  is  recognized  by  the  serrulate  often 
slightly  asymmetric  leaves,  tall  habit  with  slender  trunk,  small 
lateral  stipules,  globose  heads  of  female  flowers  with  thick  perianth 
that  remains  separate  in  fruit,  and  (probably)  the  male  flowers 


tightly  congested  on  slender  spikes.  Allen  (Rain  Forests  of  Golfo 
Dulce  136.  1956)  states  that  the  male  flowers  are  in  catkin-like 
spikes,  but  we  have  no  collections  of  staminate  material.  The  fruit- 
ing heads  resemble  those  of  Madura  (Moraceae)  or  Annona  (An- 


REFERENCE:  C.  C.  Berg,  Brosimeae,  Fl.  Neotrop.  Monog. 

Bisexual  or  unisexual  trees,  without  spines,  usually  with  small  uncinate  hairs  on 
the  younger  parts,  the  latex  white  or  yellowish;  stipules  free  and  paired  or  united 
and  solitary,  fully  encircling  the  stem  or  not,  usually  caducous.  Leaves  distichous, 
usually  entire,  the  microscopic  multicellular  hairs  of  the  lower  leaf-surface  globose- 
capitate  or  oblongoid-capitate.  Inflorescences  bisexual  or  unisexual,  paired  or  soli- 
tary in  the  leaf-axils,  pedunculate,  the  receptacle  at  first  covered  with  round  peltate 
bracts,  capitate  and  globose  to  hemispheric,  turbinate  or  convexly  discoid;  the  male 
flowers  several  to  many  on  an  inflorescence,  perianth  4-lobed  or  4-parted  (as  in  B. 
costaricanum )  or  variously  reduced  in  number  and  size  or  lacking,  the  stamens  4  to 
1,  filaments  straight  in  bud,  anthers  latrorse  to  extrorse  (with  circumscissle 
dehiscence  in  B.  alicastrum),  a  pistillode  absent;  the  female  flowers  usually  1 
(several)  in  an  inflorescence,  the  flower  immersed  in  and  fused  with  the  receptacle 
beneath,  perianth  vestigal  and  united  with  the  ovary  beneath,  stigmas  2.  Fruit 
borne  within  the  enlarged  and  pulpy,  yellowish  or  red  receptacle,  seed  large,  coty- 
ledons thick,  equal  or  unequal. 

A  genus  of  13  species  ranging  from  Mexico  and  the  Greater  Antil- 
les southward  to  southern  Brazil.  The  globose  to  discoid  head  can 
be  either  unisexual  or  bisexual  with  one  or  a  few  female  flowers 
imbedded  centrally;  the  male  flowers  are  usually  found  over  a  large 
part  of  the  inflorescence  surface.  The  peltate  bracts,  thin  and  flat 
distally  and  round  in  outline,  cover  the  young  inflorescence  and 
probably  indicate  a  relationship  with  other  genera  having  similar 
bracts,  such  as  Clarisia  and  Sorocea.  Many  species  of  Brosimum 
grow  to  be  very  tall  (50  m.),  have  useful  wood,  potable  sap,  and 
edible  fruit.  These  plants  are  very  poorly  represented  in  herbaria, 
perhaps  because  of  their  size.  They  are  often  called  ojoche,  ramon, 
and  breadnut  in  Central  America.  These  names  also  are  applied 
occasionally  to  species  of  Trophis  and  Sorocea. 

la.  Stipules  of  the  same  node  completely  united  and  thus  solitary  at  a  node,  com- 
pletely encircling  the  stem,  the  stipule  scar  completely  encircling  the  stem; 
heads  usually  bisexual 2a. 

Ib.  Stipules  of  the  same  node  free  and  paired,  the  stipule  scars  variable  but  not 
completely  surrounding  the  stem;  heads  bisexual  or  unisexual 3a. 


2a.  Laminae  15-30  (50)  cm.  long;  heads  becoming  3  cm.  thick  in  fruit  .  .  .  .  B.  utile. 
2b.  Laminae  2-13  cm.  long;  heads  becoming  2  cm.  thick  in  fruit  .  .  .  .  B.  rubescens. 

3a.  Stipule  scars  of  the  same  node  encircling  more  than  half  the  stem  and  almost 
joining  on  the  leaf-opposed  side  of  the  stem;  leaves  usually  glabrous;  heads  uni- 
sexual, stamens  often  with  united  anthers  and  circumscissile  dehiscence 

B.  alicastrum. 

3b.    Stipule  scars  of  the  same  node  encircling  less  than  half  the  stem 4a. 

4a.  Stipule  3-15  mm.  long  and  broad  above  the  base  with  prominent  raised  fan-like 
venation;  lamina  with  the  midvein  often  deeply  impressed  above,  3-12  cm. 
broad,  usually  glabrous,  tertiary  venation  prominent  beneath  .  .  .  B.  lactescens. 

4b.  Stipule  2-7  mm.  long  but  narrow  and  the  venation  not  prominent;  the  midvein 
flat  above,  laminae  rarely  more  than  5  cm.  broad,  usually  puberulent  beneath 
and  the  tertiary  veins  flat 5a. 

5a.  Laminae  with  the  midvein  often  minutely  puberulent  above,  the  lower  surface 
usually  with  thin  straight  hairs  and  brownish  in  color;  the  heads  usually  glo- 
bose, unisexual,  anthers  about  1  mm.  long B.  costaricanum. 

5b.  Laminae  with  the  midvein  glabrous  above,  usually  very  lustrous  above,  the 
lower  surface  with  minute  (0.2  mm.)  hooked  hairs  and  with  a  grayish  color  and 
microscopic  (150X)  projections  on  the  epidermis;  the  heads  often  lobed,  hemi- 
spheric to  discoid,  usually  bisexual,  anthers  about  0.2  mm.  long.  .  B.  guianense. 

Brosimum  alicastrum  Swartz,  Prod.  Veg.  Ind.  Occ.  12.  1788. 
Helicostylis  ojoche  Schumann  ex  Pittier,  PI.  Usuales  de  Costa  Rica 
119.  1908.  Brosimum  terrabanum  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb. 
18:69.  1914.  B.  bernadetteae  Woodson,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Gard. 
47: 131.  1960.  B.  gentlei  Lundell,  Wrightia  3: 167.  1966.  Figure  15. 

Trees  to  45  m.  tall,  unisexual  (rarely  bisexual?),  with  buttresses,  latex  white  to 
yellow,  leafy  internodes  0.5-5  cm.  long,  1-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  sparsely 
puberulent;  stipules  paired,  3-15  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  glabrous  or 
very  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  puberulent  along  the  midrib.  Leaves  usually  symmetrical, 
petioles  (2)  4-14  mm.  long,  1-2.5  mm.  thick,  narrowly  sulcate  above;  laminae  4-20 
cm.  long,  2-8  cm.  broad,  elliptic  or  oblong  to  somewhat  ovate  or  obovate,  acute  to 
caudate-acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  or  rarely  rounded  at  the  base,  mar- 
gin entire  to  slightly  repand  or  drying  undulate,  laminae  chartaceous  to  subcoria- 
ceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  puberulent 
beneath,  midvein  usually  flat  or  slightly  raised  above,  the  10  to  20  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  usually  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  the  tertiary  veins  often 
forming  a  parallel  intermediate  vein  between  adjacent  secondaries,  microscopic 
oblongoid  hairs  and  hooked  (uncinate)  hairs  present  on  the  veins  beneath.  Male  in- 
florescences usually  1  or  2  per  axil,  borne  on  peduncles  to  16  mm.  long,  heads  glo- 
bose to  ellipsoid,  3-8  mm.  in  diameter,  peltate  bracts  0.2-2  mm.  broad  present  and 
minutely  puberulent,  with  usually  1  central  non-functional  female  flower,  male 
flowers  not  organized,  the  surface  covered  with  many  individual  stamens;  male  peri- 
anth absent  or  minute,  filaments  0.4-1.6  mm.  long,  anthers  0.4-0.5  mm.  long,  the 
thecae  fused  and  with  circumscissile  dehiscence  (in  subspecies  alicastrum)  or  the 
thecae  free  and  dehiscing  laterally  (in  subspecies  bolivarense).  Female  inflores- 
cences usually  1  or  2  per  axil,  borne  on  peduncles  to  14  mm.  long  (rarely  subsessile), 


globose  to  ellipsoid,  2-5  mm.  in  diameter,  peltate  minutely  puberulent  bracts  0.2-2 
mm.  broad  present  on  the  surface  of  the  receptacle,  bracts  near  the  base  often 
basally  attached,  usually  with  1  (2)  functional  female  flowers;  style  1.5-8.5  mm. 
long,  stigmas  0.2-8  mm.  long,  unequal.  Fruit  borne  within  the  globose  succulent  in- 
fructescence  1.5-2  cm.  in  diameter. 

Plants  of  deciduous,  partly  deciduous,  or  wet  evergreen  forest 
formations  from  sea  level  to  about  700  m.  altitude  (in  our  area). 
The  species  is  represented  by  subspecies  alicastrum  in  the  Pacific 
watershed  of  Costa  Rica  and  by  subspecies  bolivarense  (Pittier) 
Berg  on  the  Caribbean  watershed  of  Costa  Rica  and  on  both  water- 
sheds in  western  Panama.  The  species  ranges  from  Sonora,  Mexico, 
to  Venezuela  and  Guyana  in  eastern  South  America,  and  south- 
ward to  Peru  and  the  state  of  Acre  in  Brazil.  The  species  is  also 
found  on  Cuba,  Jamaica,  Trinidad,  St.  Vincent,  and  Carriacou 

Brosimum  alicastrum  is  recognized  by  the  paired  stipules  almost 
completely  encircling  the  stems,  the  almost  glabrous  leaves  with 
unusual  tertiary  venation,  the  small  globose  inflorescences  with  flat 
thin  round  peltate  bracts,  the  lack  of  organized  male  flowers  (on  the 
male  head)  and  the  very  unusual  anthers  in  subsp.  alicastrum.  This 
tree  is  often  called  ojoche,  ojeche,  berga,  ramon,  and  breadnut.  The 
foliage  is  often  used  to  feed  cattle,  especially  in  the  dry  season.  Sap 
and  fruit  are  edible. 

Brosimum  costaricanum  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk. 
Skrift.  ser.  5,2:334.  1851.  Helicostylis  montana  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S. 
Nat.  Herb.  20:96.  1918.  Brosimum  sapiifolium  Standl.  &  L.  Wms., 
Ceiba  3:40.  1952.  Figure  15. 

Trees  to  30  m.  tall,  unisexual,  latex  white,  leafy  internodes  0.6-3  cm.  long,  1-3  mm. 
thick,  with  thin  straight  or  slightly  crooked  yellowish  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long; 
stipules  paired,  3-7  mm.  long,  with  thin  ascending  hairs  along  the  midrib,  stipule- 
scars  small  (1  mm.)  and  encircling  less  than  half  the  stem.  Leaves  usually  sym- 
metrical, petioles  3-8  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent 
with  minute  (0.1-0.3  mm.)  often  retrorse  and  hooked  hairs,  terete  or  very  slightly 
sulcate  above;  laminae  (4)  7-15  cm.  long,  1.5-4.5  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to 
elliptic-oblong  or  narrowly  obovate,  gradually  narrowed  to  the  acuminate  apex, 
acute  to  obtuse  and  slightly  rounded  at  the  base,  margin  entire,  the  lamina  drying 
stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  essentially  glabrous  above  except  over  the  midvein, 
with  thin  whitish  hairs  about  0.2  mm.  long  beneath,  midvein  usually  flat  or  slightly 
impressed  above,  the  7  to  19  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  loop-connected  near  the 
margin,  microscopic  globose-capitate  hairs  present  beneath.  Male  inflorescences 
borne  on  peduncles  3-6  mm.  long,  globose,  about  6  mm.  in  diameter,  with  many 
peltate  or  subpeltate  bracts  0.5-1.5  mm.  broad,  with  many  flowers;  male  perianth  3 
or  4  parted,  stamens  2  to  4  per  flower,  anthers  about  1  mm.  long  and  0.4-0.5  mm. 


broad,  connective  narrow.  Female  inflorescences  borne  on  peduncles  and  solitary  or 
2  per  node;  female  flower  solitary.  Fruit  borne  within  the  globose  succulent  in- 
fructescence  about  15  mm.  in  diameter,  fruiting  peduncles  5-18  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  evergreen  or  partly  deciduous  forest  formations  on  the 
Pacific  slope  of  central  and  southern  Costa  Rica  and  western 
Panama  between  sea  level  and  about  1000  m.  altitude;  flowering 
material  has  been  collected  from  December  to  March.  The  species  is 
known  only  from  the  area  between  Central  Costa  Rica  (Naranjo, 
Alajuela)  and  the  eastern  border  of  Chiriqui  province. 

Brosimum  costaricanum  is  recognized  by  the  paired  stipules 
leaving  only  small  scars,  the  narrow  leaves  with  thin  short  hairs, 
the  small  globose  unisexual  inflorescences  with  thin  round  peltate 
bracts,  and  the  large  anthers. 

Brosimum  guianense  (Aubl.)  Huber,  Bol.  Mus.  Emilio  Goeldi 
5:337.  1909.  Piratinera  guianensis  Aublet,  PI.  Guian.  2:888,  t.  340. 
1775.  P.  panamensis  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:100.  1918. 
Brosimum  panamense  (Pittier)  Standl.  &  Steyer.,  Field  Mus.  Bot. 
23:40.  1944.  Figure  15. 

Shrubs  or  trees  to  30  m.  tall,  bisexual,  with  or  without  buttresses,  latex  white  to 
yellow,  leafy  internodes  0.1-3  (6)  cm.  long,  0.8-3.5  mm.  thick,  very  sparsely  to 
densely  puberulent  with  minute  (0.2  mm.)  thin  often  retrorse  uncinate  hairs,  be- 
coming gray;  stipules  2-5  mm.  long,  densely  to  very  sparsely  puberulent,  scars  en- 
circling less  than  half  the  stem.  Leaves  often  asymmetric  at  the  base,  petioles  2-6 
mm.  long,  0.5-1.5  mm.  thick,  with  retrorse  uncinate  hairs  about  0.2  mm.  long; 
laminae  (2)  4-10  (15)  cm.  long,  (1)  2-4.5  (6)  cm.  broad,  elliptic-oblong  to  obovate- 
oblong  or  less  often  narrowly  ovate,  abruptly  narrowed  at  the  acute  or  short-acumi- 
nate apex,  acute  to  obtuse  or  somewhat  rounded  (often  on  only  one  side)  at  the  base, 
margin  entire,  the  lamina  drying  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth,  glabrous, 
and  lustrous  above,  very  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  beneath  with  minute  thin 
hairs,  the  midvein  prominent  above,  the  6  to  14  pairs  of  secondary  veins  forming  an 
arcuate  submarginal  vein,  the  lower  surface  often  grayish  with  microscopic  (150X) 
projections  on  the  epidermis,  thin  transparent  hairs,  and  few  oblongoid-capitate 
hairs  distally  orange.  Inflorescences  usually  bisexual  usually  solitary,  subsessile  or 
more  often  on  peduncles  to  20  (30)  mm.  long,  the  head  hemispheric  to  broadly  tur: 
binate  or  discoid,  often  lobed,  3-12  mm.  in  diameter,  the  peltate  bracts  many,  0.4-1 
mm.  broad;  male  flowers  few  to  many,  male  perianth  3-  or  4-lobed,  stamen  1  (per 
flower),  filaments  0.3-0.8  mm.  long,  anthers  0.1-0.3  mm.  long  and  almost  equally 
broad,  connective  broad  and  swollen;  female  flower  1  to  several  (per  head),  style 
0.4-1  mm.  long,  stigmas  0.1-0.3  mm.  long.  Fruit  borne  within  the  succulent  globose 
or  subturbinate  infructescence  about  12  mm.  in  diameter  or  the  infructescence  lobed 
and  up  to  16  mm.  in  diameter  when  containing  2  or  more  fruits,  reddish  at  maturity, 
seed  about  8  by  5  mm. 

Plants  of  seasonally  dry  semi-deciduous  forest  or  wet  evergreen 
forest  formations  between  sea  level  and  1000  m.  elevation  in  both 


primary  and  secondary  vegetation.  This  species  has  a  very  dis- 
continuous distribution  pattern  and  is  known  in  Costa  Rica  only 
from  the  Osa  peninsula  (A.  Jimenez  3044).  It  is  known  from  south- 
ern Mexico  and  British  Honduras  and  from  southern  Panama, 
northern  Colombia,  northwestern  Venezuela  and  coastal  Brazil  in 
the  state  of  Guanabara,  but  the  main  areas  of  distribution  are  the 
Amazon  Basin,  the  Guiana  Shield,  and  Trinidad. 

Brosimum  guianense  is  recognized  by  its  small  paired  stipules  en- 
circling less  than  half  the  stem,  the  small  leaves  shiny  above  and 
with  unusual  surface  beneath  (X150),  hemispheric  to  discoid  heads 
with  thin  round  peltate  bracts,  and  male  flower  reduced  to  a  single 
stamen.  The  larger  trees  of  the  neotropics  have  not  been  well 
sampled,  and  it  is  possible  that  this  species  does  occur  rarely  in 
areas  where  it  is  presently  thought  to  be  absent. 

Brosimum  lactescens  (Moore)  Berg,  Acta  Bot.  Neerl.  19:326. 
1970  Brosimopsis  lactescens  S.  Moore,  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2, 
4:473,  t.  30  &  31.  1895.  Brosimum  ojoche  Woodson,  Ann.  Missouri 
Bot.  Card.  47: 126.  1960.  Figure  15. 

Trees  to  35  (50)  m.  tall,  unisexual,  with  buttresses,  latex  white  to  yellowish  or 
greenish,  leafy  internodes  5-35  mm.  long,  1.8-4  mm.  thick,  minutely  (0.1-0.5  mm.) 
and  sparsely  puberulent  with  thin  whitish  hairs,  often  with  minutely  hooked  (unci- 
nate)  hairs;  stipules  3-15  mm.  long,  broad  near  the  base,  minutely  puberulent  along 
the  midrib,  with  prominent  fan-like  venation.  Leaves  usually  symmetrical,  petioles 
(3)  4-14  mm.  long,  1.3-3  mm.  thick,  very  minutely  (0.05-0.2  mm.)  puberulent  or 
glabrescent;  laminae  (3)  6-20  (32)  cm.  long,  (2)  3-8  ( 12)  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  oblong- 
elliptic  or  occasionally  somewhat  ovate  or  obovate,  gradually  or  abruptly  narrowed 
to  the  acute  or  acuminate  apex,  acute  to  abruptly  narrowed  and  somewhat  rounded 
at  the  obtuse  base,  margin  entire  with  the  edge  often  revolute,  the  lamina  drying 
very  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  above  and  often  slightly  scabrous 
beneath,  glabrous  or  glabrescent  above  and  below,  midvein  impressed  above  the  9  to 
20  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  usually  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin, 
tertiary  veins  forming  a  slightly  raised  reticulum  beneath,  microscopic  straight  or 
hooked  (uncinate)  hairs  on  the  veins  beneath  (150X).  Male  inflorescences  usually  2 
per  node,  borne  on  peduncles  1-8  mm.  long,  usually  with  peltate  bracts  and  small 
hooked  hairs,  the  globose  head  3-10  mm.  in  diameter  with  many  flowers;  and  many 
peltate  bracts  0.2-0.9  mm.  broad;  male  perianth  usually  4-  (3-)  parted,  1.5-2.5  mm. 
high,  stamens  2  to  4,  filaments  2-5  mm.  long,  anthers  0.6-1.5  mm.  long  and  0.2-0.7 
mm.  broad,  thecae  often  apiculate  or  hairy  at  the  tip.  Female  inflorescences  usually 
solitary  at  a  node,  borne  on  peduncles  1-8  mm.  long,  globose  to  ovoid,  obovoid,  or 
lobed,  2-6  mm.  in  diameter,  receptacle  often  covered  with  minute  uncinate  hairs  and 
few  to  many  peltate  bracts  0.2-0.5  mm.  broad,  with  broader  ( 1  mm.)  bracts  near  the 
base,  1  to  5  (13)  flowers  per  head;  styles  1-3  mm.  long,  stigmas  2-9  mm.  long,  fili- 
form. Fruit  borne  within  a  globose  infructescence  when  solitary  or  within  a  lobed  in- 


fructescence  when  2  or  more,  the  infructescence  1-2  cm.  in  diameter,  becoming 
yellow  to  reddish,  seed  1  cm.  long. 

Tall  trees  of  the  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  below  600  m. 
elevation  (in  our  area)  on  the  Caribbean  watershed  and  in  the  Golfo 
Dulce  area  of  Costa  Rica;  collected  with  flowers  or  fruit  from 
December  to  May  (in  our  area).  The  species  ranges  from  Central 
Mexico  to  Costa  Rica  and  in  South  America  from  the  eastern  Andes 
of  Venezuela  and  Colombia  to  southern  Brazil. 

Brosimum  lactescens  is  recognized  by  the  paired  short  but  broad 
stipules  with  prominent  fan-like  venation,  the  midvein  usually  con- 
spicuously impressed  above,  the  tertiary  veins  drying  pale  yellow- 
ish-brown and  forming  a  fine  reticulum  beneath,  the  minute  unci- 
nate  hairs  on  many  parts,  and  the  small  unisexual  inflorescences 
with  thin  round  peltate  bracts. 

Brosimum  rubescens  Taubert,  Bot.  Jahrb.  12  (Beibl.  27):4.  1890. 
B.  caloxylon  Standl.,  Trop.  Woods  17:11.  1929.  Figure  15. 

Trees  to  40  m.  tall,  usually  bisexual,  apparently  without  buttresses,  latex  white, 
leafy  internodes  (0.2)  0.6-7  cm.  long,  0.8-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous  to  sparsely  puberu- 
lent  (in  ours);  stipules  completely  united  and  apparently  solitary  at  the  node,  5-28 
(40)  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  very  sparsely  and  minutely  puberulent,  drying  dark 
reddish-brown.  Leaves  usually  symmetrical,  petioles  2-10  (13)  mm.  long,  less  than  1 
mm.  thick,  narrowly  sulcate  above,  minutely  (0.1-0.4  mm.)  puberulent;  laminae  (2) 
4-13  cm.  long,  1-3.5  (6)  cm.  broad,  short -acuminate  to  abruptly  long-acuminate, 
acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  margin  entire,  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  sub- 
coriaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  nearly  glabrous  to  sparsely  puberulent  be- 
neath, the  10  to  22  pairs  of  secondary  veins  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  slender 
oblongoid-capitate  hairs  present  or  absent  on  the  veins  beneath.  Inflorescences 
usually  bisexual,  solitary,  subglobose  to  subturbinate,  hemispheric,  or  somewhat 
irregular,  2-8  mm.  in  diameter,  borne  on  peduncles  2-12  mm.  long  and  0.2-2  mm. 
thick,  receptacle  glabrous  to  puberulent;  peltate  bracts  few  to  many,  0.2-1.2  mm. 
broad;  male  flowers  few  to  numerous,  perianth  3-  to  5-parted,  0.1-0.5  mm.  high, 
stamens  1  or  2  (3),  filaments  0.2-1.5  mm.  long,  anthers  0.1-0.3  mm.  long,  connective 
narrow  or  broad;  female  flowers  1  to  several,  style  about  1  mm.  long,  stigmas  0.1-0.8 
mm.  long.  Fruit  borne  within  the  succulent  globose  infructescence  to  2  cm.  in  dia- 
meter, reddish  at  maturity. 

Plants  of  lowland  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  and  known  in 
our  area  only  from  sterile  material  collected  by  Cooper  (535  the  type 
of  B.  caloxylon  and  607)  in  the  region  of  Almirante,  province  of 
Bocas  del  Toro,  Panama;  the  species  ranges  disjunctly  to  the 
Guianas,  the  Amazon  Basin,  and  near  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil. 

Brosimum  rubescens  is  recognized  by  the  very  slender  stipules 
completely  united  and  therefore  solitary  at  the  node  and  completely 


encircling  the  stem,  the  small  almost  glabrous  leaves  with  many 
veins  (in  ours),  and  relatively  small  usually  bisexual  heads  with  thin 
round  peltate  bracts.  The  tree  has  been  called  bloodwood  cacique  in 
Panama.  The  fact  that  our  material  is  sterile  and  disjunct  from 
other  members  of  the  species  makes  the  assignment  to  this  species 
somewhat  tentative. 

Brosimum  utile  (H.  B.  K.)  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:102. 
1918.  Galactodendrum  utile  H.B.K.,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  7: 125  (or  163). 
1825.  Brosimum  allenii  Woodson,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  47: 
128. 1960.  Figure  15. 

Trees  to  50  m.  tall,  usually  bisexual,  latex  white,  leafy  internodes  0.7-8  cm.  long, 
3-7  mm.  thick,  very  minutely  puberulent  and  with  sparse  longer  hairs,  longer  (0.5 
mm.)  hairs  usually  present  below  the  stipule-scar;  stipules  united  and  solitary  at 
the  node,  0.8-1.8  cm.  long  (in  ours),  usually  with  ascending  thin  hairs  about  0.2  mm. 
long.  Leaves  usually  symmetrical,  petioles  6-12  (20)  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  dark 
brown  and  deeply  ridged  on  drying;  laminae  15-30  (56)  cm.  long,  5-12  ( 18)  cm.  broad, 
narrowly  ovate  to  oblong  or  elliptic,  abruptly  short-acuminate,  obtuse  to  somewhat 
rounded  and  truncate  or  subcordate  (rarely  acute)  at  the  base,  margin  entire  to  re- 
pand,  the  lamina  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous  to  coriaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous 
above  or  puberulent  near  the  petiole,  glabrous  to  very  sparsely  puberulent  beneath, 
the  20  to  30  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  usually  loop-connected  near  the  margin, 
tertiary  veins  occasionally  parallel  with  each  other,  microscopic  oblongoid-capitate 
orange  hairs  present  on  the  lower  surface.  Inflorescences  bisexual  (rarely  unisexual) 
and  solitary,  borne  on  peduncles  2-10  mm.  long,  subglobose  and  5-10  mm.  in  dia- 
meter, with  peltate  bracts  often  long-stipitate;  male  flowers  many  on  the  surface  of 
the  head,  male  perianth  with  4  basally  connate  parts  about  1  mm.  high,  stamens  2, 
filaments  1.5-2  mm.  long,  anthers  0.8-1  mm.  long  and  about  0.5  mm.  broad,  connec- 
tive narrow,  sometimes  apiculate;  female  flower  usually  solitary  in  the  distal  center 
of  the  head,  style  about  1.5-2  mm.  long,  stigmas  0.5-3  mm.  long.  Fruit  borne  within 
the  globose  succulent  head,  the  infructescence  about  3  cm.  in  diameter  at  maturity 
and  becoming  brown. 

Very  tall  trees  of  the  evergreen  forest  formations  below  700  m. 
elevation  and  apparently  restricted  to  the  areas  of  the  General 
Valley  and  Golfo  Dulce  region  on  the  Pacific  side  of  southern  Costa 
Rica  in  our  area;  the  species  ranges  from  southwestern  Costa  Rica 
to  northern  South  America,  Peru,  and  the  Amazon  Basin  in  Brazil. 
The  species  is  represented  in  Costa  Rica  by  the  endemic  subspecies 
allenii  (Woodson)  Berg. 

Brosimum  utile  is  recognized  by  the  completely  united  (and  there- 
fore solitary)  stipules  forming  an  unbroken  scar  around  the  young 
stems,  the  relatively  large  leaves  with  many  secondary  veins,  bi- 
sexual globose  heads  with  many  stamens  usually  in  twos,  and  thin 
round  peltate  bracts.  The  very  great  height  of  these  trees  may  ac- 


count  for  the  small  number  of  collections:  Allen  5813  (type  of  the 
subspecies),  Echeverria  981,  Marsh  s.n.,  Williams  et  al.  24234.  This 
species,  as  defined  by  Berg  (Flora  Neotropica,  Monog.  7:1-229. 
1972),  includes  considerable  variation  in  floral  structure  in  the  dif- 
ferent subspecies.  More  and  better  collections  of  the  species 
throughout  its  range  may  require  a  reassessment  of  the  importance 
of  floral  variations. 


REFERENCE:  C.  C.  Berg,  Olmedieae,  Fl.  Neotrop.  Monog.  7:92- 
104.  1972. 

Trees,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  often  with  buttresses  and  self-pruning  twigs; 
stipules  united  and  fully  encircling  the  stem,  with  distinct  parallel  venation,  large 
and  caducous.  Leaves  distichous  and  often  large,  short-petiolate,  chartaceous  to 
subcoriacous,  the  margin  entire  or  undulate,  puberulent  and  often  with  a  number  of 
short  hairs  around  the  base  of  the  rigid  unicellular  hairs,  microscopic  multicellular 
hairs  infrequent  and  globose-capitate  or  oblongoid-capitate.  Male  inflorescences  of 
two  kinds,  the  primary  pedunculate,  widening  to  a  flabellate  bivalvate  disc  with  the 
receptacle  covered  with  large  imbricate  bracts  in  the  primary  inflorescences,  the 
secondary  inflorescences  (associated  with  female  inflorescences)  much  smaller  and 
infundibuliform  to  cyathiform,  entire  to  2-lobed,  with  few  to  many  stamens;  male 
flowers  not  definitely  organized,  the  stamens  solitary  or  pairs  along  radiating  and 
branched  ridges  of  the  receptacle,  interspersed  with  free  or  connate  membranaceous 
interstaminal  bracts,  anthers  basifixed  or  dorsifixed.  Female  inflorescences  usually 
solitary  but  often  accompanied  by  small  male  inflorescences,  sessile,  discoid  to 
cupuliform  or  subglobose,  the  receptacle  with  broadly  overlapping  bracts,  many-  to 
several-flowered;  female  flowers  free  or  basally  united,  perianth  tubular  and  entire 
or  4-  (5-)  lobed,  the  ovary  free,  partly  united  with  the  perianth,  or  immersed  in  the 
receptacle,  stigmas  short.  Fruit  united  near  the  base,  the  infructescence  1.5-4.5  cm. 
in  diameter,  seeds  with  thick  equal  cotyledons. 

A  genus  of  three  species  ranging  from  Central  Mexico  to  Peru  and 
Brazil  below  900  m.  elevation  but  absent  in  northeastern  South 
America  and  the  West  Indies  except  as  introduced.  These  are  very 
striking  trees  with  relatively  few  wide-spaced  branches  and  large 
distichous  leaves  borne  on  very  short  petioles.  The  stipules  have 
become  completely  united  and  are  therefore  solitary  at  each  node, 
surrounding  and  enclosing  the  shoot-apex  in  its  early  stages.  In  our 
area  members  of  the  genus  are  usually  called  hule  or  ule.  Indian 
names  used  for  members  of  the  genus  in  Costa  Rica  are  said  to  be 
gsi-kra  (Brunka),  quiri  (Guatuso),  seru  and  soro  (Terraba),  and 
tsini  (Bribri  and  Cabecara).  Castilla  elastica  has  been  used  as  a 
source  of  rubber  in  Costa  Rica. 


Laminae  usually  abruptly  rounded  and  subcordate  at  the  symmetrical  base,  margin 
usually  minutely  denticulate,  often  abruptly  narrowed  to  the  short-acuminate 
apex:  stipules  with  white  tomentellous  hairs  along  the  edges;  Nicoya  Peninsula 
and  the  Caribbean  lowlands C.  elastica. 

Laminae  usually  obtuse  on  one  side  of  the  asymmetric  base,  margin  entire  to  un- 
dulate, often  tapering  gradually  to  the  acuminate  apex;  stipules  lacking  white 
tomentellous  hairs  along  the  edges;  common  in  the  Golfo  Dulce  area  but  ap- 
parently rare  on  the  Caribbean  lowlands C.  tunu. 

Castilla  elastica  Sesse  in  Cervantes,  Suppl.  Gaz.  Lit.  Mexico, 
1794.  C.  costaricana  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrift.  ser.  5, 
2:319.  1851.  C.  nicoyensis  Cook,  Science  18:438.  1903.  C.  pana- 
mensis  Cook,  loc.  cit.  Figure  16. 

Trees  to  30  (40?)  m.  tall,  with  low  buttresses,  sap  white  and  rubber-like,  leafy 
internodes  1-8  (12)  cm.  long,  3-13  mm.  thick,  with  slender  ascending  yellowish  to 
brownish  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long;  stipules  2-11  cm.  long,  densely  ascending  strigose 
to  sericeous,  the  yellowish  hairs  minutely  stellate  at  the  base.  Leaves  usually  sym- 
metrical and  the  laminae  in  a  single  horizontal  plane,  petioles  5-20  mm.  long,  1.5-4 
mm.  thick,  densely  strigose;  laminae  (10)  18-38  (55)  cm.  long,  (5)  7-18  (25)  cm. 
broad,  oblong  to  obovate-oblong  or  slightly  pandurate,  mostly  broadest  above  the 
middle  but  occasionally  broadest  below  the  middle  and  ovate-oblong,  caudate  to 
abruptly  short -acuminate,  the  slender  tip  about  1  cm.  long,  usually  truncate  to  cor- 
dulate  at  the  subequal  base,  occasionally  deeply  cordate  with  the  lobes  overlapping, 
margin  obscurely  to  minutely  denticulate  with  5  to  12  teeth  per  cm.  often  marked  by 
tufts  of  hairs,  laminae  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  scabrous  or 
slightly  scabrous  above  with  scattered  stiff  hairs  0.2-0.6  mm.  long  between  the  veins 
and  longer  hairs  more  dense  on  the  major  veins,  lower  surface  with  strigose  or  hispid 
hairs  grayish-white  to  yellowish-brown  in  color,  the  14-22  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  not  usually  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  microscopic  globose-capitate 
hairs  present  on  the  lower  surface  but  often  difficult  to  see,  the  larger  hairs  often 
echinate  or  stellate  at  the  base(XlOO).  Male  inflorescences  associated  with  the 
female  flowers  variable,  5-20  mm.  broad,  independent  male  inflorescences  often  4  per 
node,  borne  on  peduncles  3-15  mm.  long,  conduplicate-reniform  and  2-valved  or  2- 
valved  and  folded  with  a  U-shaped  apex  ( a  folded  discoid  structure  with  the  stamens 
on  the  inner  face),  about  10-25  mm.  broad  and  7-25  mm.  high,  receptacle  covered 
with  10  to  12  series  (centrally)  of  many  yellow  strigose  bracts  often  acuminate  at  the 
apex,  interstaminal  bracts  irregular  in  shape,  to  2.5  mm.  long,  puberulent;  stamens 
numerous,  solitary,  filaments  0.5-3.5  mm.  long,  anthers  mostly  0.5-1.2  mm.  long, 
often  irregular  and  unequal.  Female  inflorescences  solitary  (rarely  paired)  but  often 
with  small  male  inflorescences,  sessile  or  subsessile,  discoid  to  cupuliform,  1-2  cm.  in 
diameter,  receptacle  covered  with  5  to  10  series  of  many  yellow  strigose  bracts  acute 
to  acuminate  at  the  apex,  with  (10)  15  to  30  basally  connate  flowers;  female  peri- 
anth-tube 2-3  mm.  high,  4-lobed,  minutely  velutinous,  ovary  partly  united  with  the 
perianth,  style  short  (to  1.5  mm.)  with  long  (3-6  mm.)  stigmas  or  the  style  longer 
(2-3  mm.)  and  with  shorter  stigmas,  stigmas  2  (3).  Fruit  ellipsoid,  8-10  mm.  long, 
borne  within  the  velutinous  accrescent  perianth,  united  below  and  free  (3-10  mm.) 
above,  borne  in  the  surface  of  the  discoid  infructescence  2.5-4.5  cm.  broad,  perianth 
ribbed  and  grooved. 


Trees  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea  level  and 
850  m.  elevation  and  also  found  in  seasonally  dry,  partly  deciduous 
forest  formations;  flowering  throughout  the  year  but  collected  most 
often  between  January  and  June.  The  species  ranges  from  Mexico 
through  Panama  and  the  coastal  regions  of  western  Colombia  to 
western  Ecuador  and  is  represented  in  our  area  by  two  subspeices 
(see  below):  ssp.  elastica  and  ssp.  costaricana  (Liebm.)  Berg. 

Castillo,  elastica  is  recognized  by  the  large  distichous  leaves  often 
held  in  a  horizontal  plane,  generally  oblong  laminae  subcordate  at 
the  base  and  very  abruptly  narrowly  acuminate  at  the  apex,  the 
yellowish  strigose  hairs  on  most  parts  (these  often  minutely  echi- 
nate  or  stellate  at  the  base),  the  2-valved  or  doubly  folded  male  in- 
florescences, the  discoid  female  infructescence  with  fruiting  peri- 
anth united  basally,  and  the  single  large  stipule  enclosing  the  shoot 
apex.  The  species  is  represented  in  Costa  Rica  by  two  subspecies 
that  are  apparently  geographically  disjunct  in  our  area.  They  can 
usually  be  separated  in  the  following  way: 

Hairs  usually  spreading  (patent)  on  the  secondary  veins  beneath;  free  part  of  the 
fruiting  perianth  much  longer  than  the  basal  united  part;  styles  0-1.5  mm.  long, 
stigmas  3-6  mm.  long;  Nicoya  peninsula ssp.  elastica. 

Hairs  usually  appressed  or  ascending  on  the  secondary  veins  beneath;  free  part  of 
the  fruiting  perianth  much  longer  to  less  than  the  length  of  the  basal  united  part; 

styles  1.5-3  mm.  long,  stigmas  2-3  mm.  long;  Caribbean  lowlands 

ssp.  costaricana. 

Castilla  tunu  Hemsley,  Hook.  Ic.  PL  27:2651.  1900.  C.  fallax 
Cook,  Science  18:438. 1903.  Figure  16. 

Trees  to  35  m.  tall,  with  buttresses,  latex  yellow  to  dark  brown  and  said  to  be  gum- 
like  not  rubber-like,  leafy  internodes  1-7  cm.  long,  4-12  mm.  thick,  densely  covered 
with  slender  appressed-ascending  yellowish  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long,  often  hollow; 
stipules  2-10  cm.  long,  densely  strigose  or  sericeous  with  golden-brown  hairs,  com- 
pletely united  and  apparently  solitary  at  the  node.  Leaves  distinctly  asymmetric  at 
the  base,  petioles  6-18  mm.  long,  usually  3-4  mm.  thick,  densely  sericeous  or  stri- 
gose; laminae  16-40  cm.  long,  6-16  cm.  broad,  oblong  to  elliptic-oblong  or  slightly 
obovate,  narrowed  to  the  short-acuminate  apex,  the  base  usually  oblique  with  one 
side  acute  and  the  other  rounded  to  obtuse,  margin  entire  or  repand,  the  lamina 
drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  somewhat  scabrous  above  with  scat- 
tered slender  appressed  hairs  0.2-0.8  mm.  long  (denser  on  the  veins),  slightly 
scabrous  and  more  densely  strigose  beneath,  the  16  to  20  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  not  usually  loop-connected  near  the  margins,  microscopic  globose-capitate  or 
oblongoid-capitate  hairs  often  orange  and  difficult  to  see  among  the  larger  hairs 
with  unusual  rough  surfaces  (X 150).  Male  inflorescences  paired  in  the  axils  of 
leaves,  subsessile,  2-valved  conduplicate-reniform  (a  folded  discoid  structure  with 
the  stamens  on  the  inner  faces),  12-20  mm.  broad,  6-15  mm.  high,  receptacle  covered 


with  10  to  18  series  of  bracts  (in  the  central  area),  the  bracts  yellowish  or  golden- 
brown  strigose  to  sericeous;  interstaminal  bracts  triangular,  acute,  puberulent;  sta- 
mens many,  often  paired,  filaments  1-3  mm.  long,  anthers  0.5-1  mm.  long  and  equal- 
ly broad.  Female  inflorescences  solitary  and  sessile,  at  leafy  or  leafless  nodes,  dis- 
coid, 1-1.5  cm.  in  diameter,  receptacle  covered  with  6  to  8  series  of  yellowish  strigose 
to  sericeous  bracts,  flowers  15  to  30,  usually  free  to  the  base;  female  perianth 
tubular,  2-3.5  mm.  high,  entire  or  dentate,  densely  puberulent,  style  2-2.5  mm.  long, 
stigmas  1-1.5  mm.  long,  twisted.  Fruit  ellipsoid,  7-9  mm.  long,  enclosed  within  the 
(free)  3-  to  5-ribbed  yellowish  to  orange  sericeous  perianth-tube,  the  10  or  more 
fruits  borne  on  the  discoid  or  oblate-globose  infructescences  2.5-3.5  cm.  in  diameter. 

Plants  of  lowland  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea 
level  and  200  m.  elevation,  apparently  common  in  the  Golfo  Dulce 
area  but  rare  in  the  Caribbean  lowlands  of  Costa  Rica;  probably 
flowering  throughout  the  year,  but  collected  primarily  between 
December  and  March  in  our  area.  The  species  ranges  from  British 
Honduras  to  northwestern  Colombia. 

Castillo,  tunu  is  recognized  by  the  large  oblong,  often  drooping 
leaves  asymmetric  at  the  base,  the  yellowish-brown  sericeous  or 
strigose  hairs  on  many  parts,  the  2-lobed  male  inflorescences  and 
the  discoid  female  infructescence  with  separate  (basally  congested) 
angled  and  ellipsoid  fruiting  perianth,  and  the  single  stipule  en- 
closing the  shoot-apex. 

CECROPIA  Linnaeus 

Unisexual  trees,  upper  trunk  and  branches  often  hollow  with  transverse  septa, 
primary  branches  usually  few  and  often  forming  an  open  candelabra-like  crown, 
bark  smooth  and  usually  very  pale  gray,  most  species  often  harbouring  aggressive 
ants  within  the  stems;  stipules  completely  united  and  apparently  solitary,  fully  en- 
closing the  stem  and  leaving  an  encircling  scar,  usually  large.  Leaves  borne  in  a 
spiral,  simple,  the  first  leaves  unlobed  and  narrowly  elliptic,  often  with  a  serrate 
margin,  the  subsequently  formed  leaves  showing  a  gradual  transition  (first  3  lobes, 
then  5,  etc.)  to  the  typical  adult  foliage,  peltate,  petioles  long  and  often  enlarged 
beneath  at  the  base  (the  pulvinus);  laminae  slightly  to  deeply  lobed  and  usually 
eccentrically  peltate  in  ours,  tertiary  veins  usually  subparallel.  Inflorescences 
paired  in  the  axils  of  leaves,  each  inflorescence  of  minute  (ca.  1  mm.  long)  densely 
congested  flowers  in  several  to  many  spikes  at  first  enclosed  in  a  deciduous  or 
caducous  spathe  at  the  apex  of  a  common  peduncle.  Male  flowers  with  a  tubular 
perianth  thickened  and  transversely  split  at  the  apex,  anthers  2,  usually  exserted 
individually.  Female  flowers  with  a  shredding  tubular  perianth,  stigma  one  and 
minutely  fimbriate,  ovule  basal  in  the  locule.  Fruit  a  minute  achene,  with  glabrous 

Cecropia,  containing  perhaps  as  many  as  60  species,  is  one  of  the 
most  characteristic  genera  of  the  American  tropics.  Some  species 
are  common  in  secondary  growth,  and  their  tall,  few-branched  habit 


with  very  large  umbrella-like  leaves  produces  a  striking  silhouette. 
Other  species  are  found  in  mature  forests  and  may  reach  30  m.  in 
height.  The  aggressive  biting  ants  that  are  often  present  in  these 
trees  have  apparently  deterred  botanical  collectors,  so  that  these 
common  plants  are  poorly  represented  in  herbaria  and  their  species 
are  very  poorly  understood.  Knowledge  of  both  male  and  female 
flowering  parts  is  necessary  for  the  effective  delimitation  of  species. 
These  plants  are  commonly  called  guarumo  in  Central  America. 

Cecropia  belongs  to  the  subfamily  Conocephaloideae  and,  like  the 
other  genera  of  that  subfamily,  is  probably  more  closely  related  to 
genera  of  the  Urticaceae  than  to  other  Moraceae.  The  Conocepha- 
loideae are  retained  in  the  Moraceae  here  for  the  sake  of  con- 
venience, though  their  basal  ovules  and  lack  of  milky  sap  in  leaves 
and  inflorescences  indicate  their  proper  placement  in  Urticaceae 
(Corner,  Gard.  Bull.  Singapore  19:187-252.  1962).  Cecropia  is 
closely  related  to  Musanga  of  Africa  and  more  distantly  to  Cous- 
sapoa  andPourouma. 

The  ants  housed  by  a  single  Cecropia  tree  can  reach  very  large 
numbers.  They  feed  on  minute  food-bodies  (Mullerian  bodies)  pro- 
duced among  the  short  matted  hairs  of  the  pulvinus  at  the  base  of 
the  petiole,  as  well  as  on  the  sugary  exudate  of  associated  coccid 
insects.  Among  our  species,  C.  polyphlebia  and  C.  pittieri  have 
never  been  reported  to  be  associated  with  ants. 

la.    Laminae  very  shallowly  lobed;  plants  endemic  to  Cocos  Island C.  pittieri. 

Ib.  Laminae  with  sinuses  one-third  as  deep  as  the  adjacent  primary  veins  or 
deeper;  plants  not  found  on  Cocos  Island 2a. 

2a.  Laminae  smooth  to  the  touch  above,  primary  veins  7  to  11  in  mature  foliage; 
male  and  female  spikes  5-12  cm.  long,  7-12  mm.  thick,  wet  evergreen  formations 
0-1500  m.  elevation C.  insignis. 

2b.    Laminae  scabrous  above,  male  spikes  usually  more  slender 3a. 

3a.  Primary  veins  11  to  13  (rarely  8  to  15)  in  mature  foliage,  longest  primary  vein 
with  about  30  pairs  of  secondary  veins,  laminae  very  deeply  lobed;  female 
spikes  18-50  cm.  long,  male  spikes  8-22  cm.  long;  wet  evergreen  formations, 
0-1200  m.  elevation C.  obtusifolia. 

3b.    Primary  veins  usually  7  to  1 1 ;  spikes  usually  shorter 4a. 

4a.  Longest  vein  of  the  leaf  with  14  to  20  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  sinuses 
about  half  the  length  of  the  adjacent  primary  veins;  common  plants  of  secon- 
dary growth  in  wet  and  seasonally  dry  formations,  0-1200  m C.  peltata. 

4b.  Longest  vein  of  the  leaf  with  30  to  40  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  sinuses 
about  three-fourths  the  length  of  the  adjacent  primary  veins;  plants  with  con- 
spicuous long  whitish  hairs  and  lacking  ants,  in  very  wet  montane  forests, 
1400-2400  m C.  polyphlebia. 


Cecropia  insignis  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrift.,  ser. 
5,  2:318.  1851,  e  descr.  C.  eximia  Cuatrecasas,  Rev.  Acad.  Colomb. 
Cienc.  6:287.  1945,  (female);  descr.  ampl.  loc.  cit.  9:326-327.  1956, 
(male).  C.  sandersoniana  (standleyana)  P.  Allen,  The  Rain  Forests 
of  Golfo  Dulce:  162  &  709.  1956.  Figure  23. 

Trees  10-40  m.  tall,  the  trunk  becoming  90  cm.  thick  above  the  buttresses,  young 
trunks  said  to  be  dark  in  color  and  without  rings,  stilt-roots  becoming  buttresses; 
stipules  (12)  18-34  cm.  long,  about  6  cm.  thick  unopened,  pink  or  reddish  (live), 
sparsely  to  densely  strigose  with  whitish  hairs  about  1  mm.  long  and  rough  to  the 
touch.  Leaves  simple,  petioles  40-90  cm.  long,  1-2.5  cm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely 
puberulent  with  whitish  arachnoid  hairs  closely  appressed  to  the  surface,  longitu- 
dinally ribbed,  basal  thickening  (pulvinus)  with  a  dense  covering  of  small  brownish 
scabrous  or  velutinous  hairs  and  longer  thin  interspersed  whitish  hairs;  laminae 
eccentrically  peltate,  40-120  cm.  long  and  almost  as  broad,  with  ( 7)  8  to  10  ( 1 1 )  lobes, 
sinuses  two-thirds  to  seven-eighths  as  long  as  the  adjacent  primary  veins,  the 
longer  lobes  tapering  to  a  bluntly  obtuse  apex,  the  shorter  lobes  rounded  apically, 
margins  entire  and  undulate,  the  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoria- 
ceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  or  with  slender  stiff  hairs  above,  glabrous  or  minutely 
puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath,  areas  between  the  veins  greenish  to  densely 
whitish  arachnoid-lanate,  primary  veins  (7)  8  to  10  (11),  longest  primary  vein  with 
18  to  30  pairs  of  major  secondaries,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  40-60 
degrees  and  12-25  mm.  distant,  tertiary  veins  readily  apparent.  Male  inflorescences 
with  common  peduncles  about  10  cm.  long  and  12  mm.  thick  bearing  5  to  7  spikes, 
male  spikes  about  6  cm.  long  and  7-10  mm.  thick,  borne  on  individual  peduncles  4-20 
mm.  long  and  4-6  mm.  thick,  the  enclosing  spathe  10-15  cm.  long  and  2-4  cm.  thick 
before  anthesis.  Female  inflorescences  with  common  peduncles  8-12  cm.  long  and  5-8 
mm.  thick,  bearing  5  to  7  spikes,  female  spikes  (6)  8-12  cm.  long,  8-12  mm.  thick, 
borne  on  individual  peduncles  5-10  mm.  long  and  about  6  mm.  thick  or  occasionally 
subsessile.  Fruiting  spikes  becoming  13  cm.  long  and  15  mm.  thick,  seeds  2-2.5  mm. 
long,  about  0.8  mm.  thick,  longitudinally  2-  or  3-angled,  pointed  at  both  base  and 
apex,  surface  slightly  muricate. 

This  species  occurs  in  both  secondary  and  primary  vegetation 
from  near  sea  level  to  1500  m.  elevation  in  wet  evergreen  forest  for- 
mations on  both  the  Pacific  and  Caribbean  sides  of  Costa  Rica; 
flowering  from  January  to  June  and  fruiting  through  September. 
The  species  ranges  southward  to  Colombia. 

Cecropia  insignis  is  recognized  by  the  deeply  lobed  leaves  with 
relatively  few  primary  and  secondary  veins  and  the  very  thick  male 
spikes.  The  leaves  vary  from  bright  whitish  to  dull  green  beneath. 
Cecropia  insignis  is  vegetatively  very  similar  to  C.  sylvicola,  a  mon- 
tane forest  species  of  Nicaragua  to  Guatemala,  but  the  male  in- 
florescences are  very  different.  The  description  of  the  male  spikes  of 
this  species  (under  C.  eximia}  in  the  "Flora  of  Panama"  (Woodson, 
Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Gard.  47:175.  1960)  is  incorrect  and,  I  believe, 
was  based  on  a  mixed  collection  from  Costa  Rica  ( United  Fruit  Co. 


390)  in  the  U.S.  National  Herbarium.  Liebmann  listed  two  species 
ofCecropia  from  Costa  Rica:  C.  humboldtiana  Klotzsch,  apparently 
a  synonym  of  C.  peltata,  and  C.  insignis.  Both  were  based  on  collec- 
tions of  Oersted  along  the  Rio  San  Juan.  The  description  of  C. 
insignis,  though  it  lacks  flowering  or  fruiting  parts,  clearly  refers  to 
this  large-leaved  species.  I  thank  Dr.  Leslie  Holdridge  for  pointing 
this  out. 

Cecropia  obtusifolia  Bertoloni,  Fl.  Guatemal.  39.  1840.  C.  mexi- 
cana  Hemsl.,  Biologia  Cent.  Amer.  3:151.  1883.  C.  panamensis 
Hemsl.,  loc.  cit.  151.  C.  mexicana  var.  macrostachya  Donn.-Smith., 
Bot.  Gaz.  27:442. 1899.  Figure  23. 

Trees  5-15  (20)  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  25-50  cm.  thick,  bark  gray  to  whitish, 
major  branches  few,  leafy  internodes  1.5-4  cm.  thick,  very  scabrous,  usually  in- 
habited by  biting  ants;  stipules  5-12  cm.  long,  sparsely  whitish  sericeous.  Leaves 
simple,  said  to  be  4-ranked,  petioles  25-60  (90)  cm.  long,  10-15  mm.  thick,  minutely 
(0.1-0.3  mm.)  grayish-white  puberulent,  longitudinally  ridged,  pulvinus  at  the 
petiole-base  beneath  with  a  dense  covering  of  brown  velutinous  hairs  and  very  few 
longer  whitish  hairs;  laminae  eccentrically  peltate  and  deeply  lobed,  35-75  cm.  long 
and  almost  as  broad,  with  (8)  10-13  ( 15)  lobes,  sinuses  one-third  to  four-fifths  as  long 
as  the  adjacent  primary  veins,  longer  lobes  with  rounded,  obtuse,  or  occasionally 
very  short-acuminate  apices,  margins  entire  and  undulate,  the  lamina  drying  very 
stiffly  chartaceous  or  subcoriaceous,  dark,  scabrous,  and  sparsely  puberulent 
above,  very  minutely  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath  or  the  hairs 
longer  (0.5  mm.)  and  sparse,  areas  between  the  veins  pale  greenish  to  grayish-white, 
primary  veins  (8)  10-13  ( 15),  longest  primary  with  about  30  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-60°,  an  arcuate  marginal  vein  and 
the  tertiary  veins  usually  readily  visible.  Male  inflorescences  with  common  ped- 
uncles (3)  5-25  cm.  long  and  3-6  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberulent 
bearing  12  to  18  spikes  emerging  from  a  spathe  9-13  cm.  long  and  1.5-2  cm.  thick; 
male  spikes  8-22  cm.  long,  (2)  3-5  mm.  thick,  borne  on  individual  peduncles  5-10  (25) 
mm.  long,  0.5-1.3  mm.  thick,  often  united  above  the  spathe-scar.  Female  inflores- 
cences with  common  peduncles  6-23  (32)  cm.  long,  6-8  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberu- 
lent with  thin  whitish  hairs  0.5  mm.  long,  bearing  usually  4(3-5)  spikes  from  within 
spathes  18-28  cm.  long  and  about  2  cm.  thick;  female  spikes  18-50  cm.  long,  3-6  mm-, 
thick,  subsessile  or  on  individual  peduncles  1-10  mm.  long  and  3-5  mm.  thick.  Fruit- 
ing spikes  becoming  10  mm.  thick;  fruit  about  2  mm.  long  and  1.2  mm.  broad, 
usually  flattened,  abruptly  rounded  at  base  and  apex,  the  surfaces  smooth. 

Common  plants  of  open  secondary  vegetation  only  rarely  en- 
countered as  tall  prop-rooted  individuals  in  mature  forest  in  areas  of 
wet  evergreen  formations  between  sea  level  and  1200  m.  altitude  on 
both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  of  Costa  Rica;  probably 
flowering  throughout  the  year.  This  species  appears  to  be  absent  in 
the  seasonally  very  dry  (tropical  dry)  formations  of  the  Pacific 
slope.  The  species  ranges  from  central  Mexico  to  northern  South 


Cecropia  obtusifolia  is  recognized  by  the  deeply  lobed  leaves,  very 
long  female  spikes,  long  slender  male  spikes,  and  apparent  prefer- 
ence for  areas  of  high  rainfall  or  high  soil  moisture. 

Cecropia  peltata  L.,  Syst.  Nat.  ed.  10,  2:1286.  1759.  C.  arach- 
noidea  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  18:226.  1917.  C.  asperrima 
Pittier,  loc.  cit.  227.  Figure  23. 

Trees  8-15  (20)  m.  tall,  trunk  and  stems  pale  in  color  with  encircling  rings,  leafy 
internodes  and  stems  hollow  and  often  harbouring  biting  ants;  stipules  5-9  cm. 
long,  about  2  cm.  thick  unopened,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with  short  ( 1  mm. ) 
stiff  whitish  hairs  and  scabrous.  Leaves  simple,  petioles  15-50  cm.  long,  5-12  mm. 
thick,  densely  to  sparsely  puberulent  with  crooked  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long, 
longitudinally  ridged,  the  basal  thickening  (pulvinus)  with  a  dense  covering  of 
brown  velutinous  hairs  with  usually  few  longer  whitish  hairs  interspersed;  laminae 
eccentrically  peltate,  25-90  cm.  long  and  almost  as  broad,  with  (8)  9  to  11  ( 12)  lobes, 
distal  lobes  about  twice  the  length  of  the  basal  lobes,  largest  lobes  6-12  cm.  broad, 
sinuses  one-third  to  two-thirds  as  long  as  the  adjacent  primary  veins,  the  longer 
lobes  tapering  to  an  obtuse  or  rounded  apex  (rarely  abruptly  short-acuminate), 
margins  entire  and  undulate,  the  lamina  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous  to  sub- 
coriaceous,  minutely  puberulent,  scabrous  and  dark  above,  minutely  (0.1-0.3  mm.) 
puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath,  sparsely  to  densely  whitish  arachnoid-villous 
between  the  veins,  primary  veins  (8)  9  to  11  ( 12),  longest  primary  vein  with  14  to  20 
pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-60 
degrees,  tertiary  veins  often  obscured  by  the  tomentum.  Male  inflorescences  with 
common  peduncles  3-14  (16)  cm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  bearing  12  to  32  (40)  spikes, 
at  first  enclosed  in  a  spathe  4-8  cm.  long  and  1.5-3  cm.  thick;  male  spikes  (1.5)  3-7 
cm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  subsessile  or  borne  on  individual  peduncles  1-8  mm.  long 
and  1-2  mm.  thick,  male  flowers  tightly  compressed.  Female  inflorescences  with 
common  peduncles  6-10  cm.  long,  2-3  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  and 
bearing  (2)  3  to  4  (6)  spikes,  emerging  from  within  a  spathe  6-12  cm.  long;  female 
spikes  (2.5)  4-10  cm.  long,  (4)  5-10  mm.  thick,  subsessile  on  the  common  peduncle, 
tomentum  between  the  pistils  whitish  and  evident  in  fruit.  Fruiting  spikes  becoming 
10-12  mm.  thick,  fruit  about  2  mm.  long  and  0.8  mm.  thick,  longitudinally  2-or  3- 
angled,  ellipsoid,  the  surfaces  muricate. 

Common  plants  of  secondary  growth  ranging  from  sea  level  to  800 
m.  altitude  or  less  commonly  to  1200  m.,  collected  most  often  on  the 
seasonally  dry  Pacific  side  and  only  rarely  in  the  Caribbean  lowlands 
in  Costa  Rica,  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species 
ranges  from  Mexico  to  Colombia,  Venezuela,  and  the  West  Indies. 

Cecropia  peltata  is  characterized  by  the  leaves  with  lobes  about 
half  as  long  as  the  primary  veins,  the  very  short  female  spikes,  the 
very  large  numbers  of  short  male  spikes  on  each  common  peduncle, 
and  the  tolerance  of  seasonally  dry  conditions.  Cecropia  maxonii 
Pittier  from  El  Boquete,  Chiriqui,  is  probably  no  more  than  an 
unusual  specimen  of  C.  peltata  with  rugose  leaf-surfaces. 


Cecropia  pittieri  Robinson  in  Stewart,  Proc.  Calif.  Acad.  Sci.  ser. 
4,  1:389.  1912. 

Trees  10-20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-4  cm.  thick,  with  short  (0.5  mm.)  stiff  white 
hairs;  stipules  often  persisting,  11-17  cm.  long,  1.5-4  cm.  thick  unopened,  whitish 
sericeous  except  along  the  margin  abaxially.  Leaves  simple,  petioles  20-40  cm.  long, 
about  10  mm.  thick,  densely  grayish-white  puberulent  with  appressed  arachnoid 
hairs,  the  basal  pulvinus  usually  lacking  short  velutinous  hairs  and  with  scattered 
whitish  hairs;  laminae  eccentrically  peltate,  20-60  cm.  long,  with  usually  9  or  10 
short  lobes,  sinuses  about  one-fourth  to  one-third  as  long  as  the  adjacent  primary 
veins,  lobes  broadly  rounded  at  the  apex,  distal  portion  of  the  lamina  (petiole  to 
apex)  about  twice  as  long  as  the  basal  (petiole  to  base)  portion,  drying  very  stiffly 
chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  or  slightly  scabrous  and  very  sparsely 
puberulent  above,  with  slender  whitish  hairs  1-2  mm.  long  on  the  veins  beneath, 
aereoles  between  the  veins  pale  grayish  with  a  very  minute  appressed  tomentum, 
primary  veins  usually  9  or  10,  longest  primary  vein  with  18  to  22  prominent 
secondary  veins,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  35-70  degrees.  Male 
inflorescences  with  common  peduncles  about  8  cm.  long  and  bearing  about  19  sessile 
spikes  emerging  from  a  spathe  14-16  cm.  long;  male  spikes  about  10  cm.  long  and  3 
mm.  thick.  Female  inflorescences  with  common  peduncles  6-10  cm.  long,  with 
usually  4  spikes;  the  fem$le  spikes  14-22  cm.  long  and  5-6  mm.  thick,  spikes  usually 
subsessile.  Fruiting  spikes  6-10  mm.  thick,  fruit  1-1.5  mm.  long,  about  0.8  mm. 
broad,  flattened  on  2  sides  and  abruptly  rounded  at  base  and  apex,  surfaces  smooth. 

This  species  is  endemic  to  Cocos  Island  and  common  on  that 
island's  eastern  and  northern  coasts,  especially  on  steep  slopes  near 
the  beach,  to  150  m.  elevation. 

Cecropia  pittieri  is  characterized  by  its  isolated  island  habitat  and 
very  shallowly  lobed  leaves.  The  species  is  not  known  to  be  as- 
sociated with  ants,  and  the  pulvinus  at  the  petiole-base  lacks  the 
unusual  brownish  velutinous  hairs  characteristic  of  our  continental 

Cecropia  polyphlebia  Donnell-Smith,  Bot.  Gaz.  27:442.  1899. 
Figure  23. 

Trees  8-25  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  40  cm.  in  diameter  at  breast  height,  leafy  inter- 
nodes  2-5  cm.  thick,  with  translucent  or  white  slender  hairs  2-10  mm.  long;  stipules 
9-30  cm.  long,  covered  with  long  whitish  hairs  abaxially  except  along  the  margins. 
Leaves  simple,  petioles  25-55  cm.  long,  6-14  mm.  thick,  longitudinally  ridged, 
sparsely  to  densely  tomentose  or  villous  with  whitish  or  translucent  multicellular 
hairs  2-8  mm.  long;  base  of  the  petiole  beneath  (pulvinus)  with  the  very  short  velu- 
tinous brownish  hairs  obscured  by  the  longer  whitish  hairs;  laminae  eccentrically 
peltate  and  deeply  lobed,  30-80  cm.  long,  almost  as  broad,  lobes  10  or  11,  sinuses 
two-thirds  to  seven-eighths  as  long  as  the  adjacent  primary  veins,  lobes  6-12  cm. 
wide,  the  longer  lobes  obtuse  to  acute  or  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  entire  and 
somewhat  undulate,  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  scabrous  and 
with  short  ( 1  mm. )  slender  hairs  on  the  veins  above,  very  sparsely  to  moderately 


strigulose  between  the  veins,  very  sparsely  to  densely  soft  villous  on  the  veins  be- 
neath with  hairs  0.3-10  mm.  long,  aereoles  between  the  veins  whitish  with  a  dense 
arachnoid  tomentum,  the  primary  veins  10  or  11,  longest  primary  veins  with  30  to 
40  pairs  of  prominent  secondaries,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-50 
degrees,  about  5-10  mm.  distant,  a  loop-connected  marginal  vein  often  apparent, 
tertiary  veins  usually  dark  in  contrast  to  the  whitish  surface.  Male  inflorescences 
solitary  or  paired,  with  common  peduncles  4-7  cm.  long  and  about  4  mm.  thick,  flat- 
tened and  ridged  on  drying,  glabrous  except  near  base  and  apex,  bearing  8  to  16 
spikes  emerging  from  a  caducous  spathe  4-8  cm.  long;  male  spikes  2.5-4.5  cm.  long, 
5-8  mm.  thick,  borne  on  very  short  peduncles  at  the  strigose  apex  of  the  common 
peduncle.  Female  inflorescence  with  common  peduncles  1-4  cm.  long  and  4-7  mm. 
thick,  bearing  (3)  4  to  6  spikes  emerging  from  a  small  (4  cm.)  caducous  spathe; 
female  spikes  (1.5)  3.5-6  (9)  cm.  long,  7-16  mm.  thick,  sessile  on  the  common  ped- 
uncle. Fruiting  spikes  10-20  mm.  thick,  fruit  2.5-3  mm.  long,  0.5-0.9  mm.  thick, 
ellipsoid,  with  a  muricate  surface. 

Cecropia  polyphlebia  is  known  only  from  the  very  wet  montane 
forest  formations  subject  to  the  wet  Caribbean  weather  between 
1400  and  2400  m.  elevation;  probably  flowering  throughout  the 
year.  The  species  has  been  collected  from  the  areas  of  Monteverde 
(Puntarenas),  La  Palma  and  the  Rio  Para  Blanco  (San  Jose),  Cachi 
and  Tapanti  (Cartago),  and  near  El  Empalme  on  the  Cerro  de  la 
Muerte  (San  Jose  &  Cartago)  in  Costa  Rica  and  recently  (Blum  & 
Dwyer2600)  on  Cerro  Horqueta  in  Chiriqui,  Panama. 

This  species  is  distinguished  by  the  long  whitish  hairs  on  younger 
parts,  leaves  deeply  lobed  and  white  beneath  with  many  secondary 
veins,  short  thick  spikes,  wet  montane  habitat,  and  the  apparently 
consistent  absence  of  resident  ants.  Only  C.  insignis  shares  some  of 
the  same  wet  highland  habitats  in  Costa  Rica.  Cecropia  polyphlebia 
appears  to  be  closely  related  to  C.  palmatisecta  Cuatr.  of  similar 
altitudes  in  Colombia  and  Venezuela. 

CHLOROPHORA  Guadichaud 

Unisexual  trees,  occasionally  armed  with  axillary  spines,  the  sap  white;  stipules 
paired,  lateral,  caducous,  leaving  a  scar  on  half  the  stem.  Leaves  alternate  and  dis- 
tichous, simple,  entire  to  dentate.  Inflorescences  unisexual,  solitary  in  the  leaf  axils, 
the  male  flowers  crowded  on  long  spikes,  the  female  in  globose  capitular  or  on  long 
spikes  (in  Africa);  male  flowers  sessile,  perianth  segments  4,  imbricate  in  bud,  free, 
stamens  4,  filaments  inflexed  in  bud,  anthers  sub-basifixed,  introrse,  a  pistillode 
often  present;  female  flowers  sessile  and  congested  in  the  head,  perianth  4-lobed  or 
4-parted,  thickened  near  the  apex  and  covering  the  ovary,  style  usually  simple  and 
slender,  sublateral  near  the  apex  of  the  ovary.  Fruit  with  the  perianth  becoming 
slightly  fleshy,  forming  a  loosely  coherent  globose  or  oblong  syncarp  (in  ours),  fruit 
an  achene,  ovate  and  compressed. 

A  genus  of  three  species,  with  two  others  in  western  tropical 


Africa.  This  genus  has  been  united  with  Madura  by  Corner  ( Card. 
Bull.  Singapore  19:187-252.  1962)  and  given  the  status  of  section 
within  that  genus.  However,  I  believe  it  is  better  to  retain  the  nar- 
rowly defined  small  genus  until  more  intensive  studies  are  done.  See 
the  recent  study  by  R.  C.  Kaastra  in  Acta  Botanica  Neerlandica 

Chlorophora  tinctoria  (L.)  Gaudichaud  in  Freycinet  ex  Bentham 
&  Hooker,  Gen.  PL  3:363.  1880;  Gaudichaud  in  Freycinet,  Voyage 
Uran.  Physic.  509.  1830.  Morus  tinctoria  L.,  Sp.  PL  986.  1753. 
Figure  14. 

Shrubs  or  trees  5-30  m.  tall,  the  bark  light  brown,  wood  yellowish,  branches 
occasionally  armed  with  sharp  spines,  leafy  internodes  5-25  mm.  long,  1-3  thick, 
minutely  (0.1-0.2  mm.)  puberulent  with  ascending  whitish  hairs;  stipules  2-10  mm. 
long,  subulate,  caducous.  Leaves  often  deciduous,  petioles  4-14  mm.  long,  0.6-1.4 
mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent  or  glabrescent,  sulcate  above;  laminae  often  lobed 
on  young  branches,  4-13  cm.  long,  1.5-5  cm.  broad,  narrowly  ovate  to  ovate-elliptic 
or  lanceolate,  usually  with  a  long-acuminate  apex,  obtuse  to  truncate  (subcordate) 
at  the  usually  inequilateral  base,  margin  serrate  to  entire,  drying  chartaceous, 
smooth  and  glabrous  above  or  with  a  few  small  hairs  above  the  midvein,  glabrous  or 
sparsely  and  minutely  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath,  the  4  to  8  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  often  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  central  secondaries 
arising  at  angles  of  45-65  degrees.  Male  spikes  4-12  cm.  long,  about  4  mm.  thick, 
peduncles  4-10  mm.  long,  about  0.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.) 
puberulent,  perianth  about  1  mm.  long  and  minutely  puberulent,  filaments  about  2 
mm.  long  (dry)  anther  0.7  mm.  long.  Female  capitula  (heads)  2-8  mm.  in  diameter, 
borne  on  short  (2-4  mm.)  slender  (0.5  mm.)  peduncles,  female  flowers  densely 
crowded,  styles  about  6  mm.  long  and  papilla te-puberulent.  Fruiting  head  becoming 
1-2  cm.  in  diameter,  globose. 

Plants  of  the  seasonally  dry  deciduous  and  semi-deciduous  forest 
formations  of  the  Pacific  slopes  between  sea  level  and  1000  m.  eleva- 
tion in  Costa  Rica ;  flowering  from  the  end  of  the  dry  season  into  the 
wet  season,  April  to  August.  The  species  ranges  from  Central 
Mexico  and  the  West  Indies  southward  to  Argentina. 

Chlorophora  tinctoria  is  recognized  by  its  solitary  inflorescences, 
male  catkins,  female  capitula,  yellowish  wood,  and  the  seasonally 
dry  habitat.  The  species  was  important  in  commerce  as  a  source  of 
yellowish  dye  from  the  wood.  The  strong  durable  wood  has  had 
many  uses  in  Central  America  (see  Standley  in  Fieldiana:  Bot.  24, 
4:24.  1946,  and  Allen  in  Rain  Forests  of  Golfo  Dulce,  174.  1956). 
The  common  names  mora,  mora  de  espina,  morillo  brasil,  macano, 
and  fustic  have  been  used  for  this  species  in  our  area.  The  sap  is 
said  to  be  used  to  ease  the  extraction  of  teeth. 


CLARISIA  Ruiz  &  Pavon 

Unisexual  trees  with  milky  sap,  lacking  spines;  stipules  paired  and  lateral,  usually 
caducous,  encircling  less  than  half  the  stem.  Leaves  alternate  and  distichous,  simple 
and  entire,  petiole  sulcate  above,  venation  pinnate.  Inflorescences  paired  in  the  leaf 
axils  or  cauliflorous  on  older  branchlets;  male  inflorescences  in  densely  crowded 
sessile  flowering  parts  on  a  spicate  axis  with  bracts  and  stamens  often  lacking  along 
a  narrow  line  on  one  or  two  sides  of  the  spike;  male  flowers  of  solitary  stamens 
interspersed  with  bracts  and  perianth  parts  arising  directly  from  the  rachis,  anthers 
sub-basifixed ;  female  flowers  paired  in  the  leaf  axils  (in  ours)  or  on  racemiform 
shoots,  pedicellate  with  3-7  suborbicular  peltate  bracts  at  the  base  of  the  receptacle 
(base  of  the  ovary),  the  pedicel  is  probably  the  peduncle  of  a  reduced  inflorescence 
that  now  appears  as  a  single  pedicellate  flower,  ovary  inferior  by  adnation  of  the 
tubular  perianth,  the  perianth  free  only  near  the  apex,  ovary  1-locular  with  pendu- 
lous ovule,  style  branches  2,  long  and  narrow.  Fruit  drupaceous,  perianth  accrescent 
and  succulent. 

A  genus  of  two  or  three  species  of  tall  trees  ranging  from  Mexico 
to  the  Amazonian  Basin.  In  ours,  the  male  spikes  and  individual 
female  flowers  are  usually  borne  in  axillary  pairs,  but  in  the  Ama- 
zonian species  these  are  borne  on  long  racemiform  leafless  shoots. 
The  male  flowers  have  lost  their  organization,  and  stamens  and 
perianth  parts  are  not  regularly  arranged. 

Clarisia  biflora  Ruiz  &  Pavon,  Syst.  Veg.  Fl.  Peruv.  &  Chil.  255. 
1798.  C.  panamensis  Woods.,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  47:123. 
1960.  Figure  14. 

Trees  to  35  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  1.2  m.  in  diameter  with  smooth  brown  bark, 
leafy  internodes  2-4.5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  appressed  puberulent  and  soon  becoming 
glabrous,  lenticels  inconspicuous;  stipules  3-8  mm.  long,  narrowly  to  broadly 
cuneate,  the  scars  inconspicuous.  Leaves  with  petioles  6-22  mm.  long,  1-2.5  mm. 
thick,  minutely  (0.1-0.2  mm.)  and  sparsely  puberulent  but  becoming  glabrous,  peri- 
derm  often  breaking  up  into  small  flakes;  laminae  8-25  cm.  long,  2.5-9  cm.  broad, 
narrowly  oblong  to  elliptic-oblong  or  broadly  elliptic,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute 
to  obtuse  at  the  base,  entire,  drying  thin  to  thickly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  gla- 
brous above,  glabrous  or  very  sparsely  and  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  puberulent  beneath, 
the  (4)  6  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  not  clearly  loop-connected  near  the 
margin,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  40-70  degrees.  Male  inflorescences  of 
paired  axillary  spikes  or  rarely  the  spikes  on  leafless  racemiform  shoots,  spikes 
2-10  cm.  long  and  borne  on  peduncles  3-6  mm.  long,  sparsely  puberulent,  rachis  with 
numerous  spatulate  to  peltate  bracts,  stamens  interspersed  with  the  bracts  (peri- 
anth in  part?),  filaments  about  1  mm.  long,  anthers  0.4-0.8  mm.  long,  slightly  apicu- 
late  in  ours.  Female  inflorescences  of  two  axillary  flowers  or  occasionally  in  alter- 
nate pairs  on  a  leafless  shoot,  pedicels  0.5-6  mm.  long,  densely  and  minutely  puberu- 
lent with  3  to  7  peltate  bracts  0.6-1.4  mm.  broad  at  the  base  of  the  pistil,  perianth- 
tube  2.5-5  mm.  long,  1-5  mm.  thick,  narrowly  ovoid  to  globose,  glabrous  except  at 
the  minutely  lobed  apex,  style  branches  2-6  mm.  long.  Fruit  ovoid  to  ellipsoid,  be- 
coming 25  mm.  long  and  globose,  smooth  and  glabrous. 


Trees  of  the  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea 
level  and  1000  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes 
(near  Golfo  Dulce)  in  Costa  Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout 
the  year,  but  fruiting  material  has  been  most  often  collected  be- 
tween September  and  December.  The  species  ranges  from  Central 
Mexico  to  Bolivia  and  Brazil. 

Large  trees  recognized  by  the  unusual  male  spikes  with  inter- 
mixed bracts  and  stamens  and  the  usually  paired  female  flowers 
with  peltate  bracts  at  the  apex  of  their  pedicels.  The  vegetative 
parts  are  often  glabrous  or  nearly  so,  and  the  larger  roots  are  said  to 
be  reddish.  The  foliage  of  this  species  is  very  similar  to  that  of 
species  of  Brosimum,  Sorocea,  and  Trophis.  In  Clarisia  the  mid- 
vein  is  impressed  above,  and  multicellular  gland-tipped  trichomes 
(X150)  are  lacking  on  the  lower  surface  of  the  leaves.  These  tall 
trees  are  poorly  represented  in  herbaria,  and  there  are  no  staminate 
collections  from  our  area. 


Unisexual  trees  or  shrubs,  usually  epiphytic  in  early  stages  and  sometimes  stran- 
gling the  hose,  the  sap  clear  or  colored  but  not  milky;  stipules  completely  united  and 
apparently  solitary,  fully  amplexicaul,  enclosing  the  stem-apex  and  leaving  a  scar 
completely  surrounding  the  stem,  often  large.  Leaves  simple,  alternate  in  a  spiral, 
often  large  and  subcoriaceous,  petiolate,  the  laminae  basifixed,  entire  to  undulate, 
tertiary  veins  subparallel.  Inflorescences  unisexual,  usually  paired  in  the  axils  of 
current  foliage,  the  flowers  minute  and  densely  clustered  in  usually  small  heads 
(capitula),  the  heads  solitary  on  a  peduncle  to  many  on  a  branched  inflorescence,  the 
flowers  interspersed  with  bracts  slender  at  the  base  and  spatulate  or  somewhat 
peltate  at  the  apex;  male  flowers  with  3  or  4  usually  separate  perianth-parts  (tepals 
or  sepals),  the  stamens  2  (or  apparently  solitary,  free  with  2-thecous  anthers  or  com- 
pletely fused  and  the  anther  apparently  4-thecous  by  connation ;  female  flowers  with 
the  perianth  united  and  tubular  or  clavate,  often  thickened  apically,  usually  with  a 
minute  aperture  apically  through  which  the  penicillate  stigma  protrudes,  ovary  and 
style  included  but  free,  ovary  superior  with  a  single  basal  ovule.  Fruiting  inflores- 
cence occasionally  becoming  somewhat  succulent,  fruit  included  in  the  persisting 
perianth,  fruit  a  very  small  glabrous  achene  with  crustaceous  endocarp,  a  mucilagin- 
ous mesocarp  and  a  membranaceous  exocarp. 

A  genus  of  more  than  30  species,  largely  South  American  where  it 
exhibits  considerable  morphological  diversity.  With  the  exception 
of  a  few  more  common  species,  the  genus  is  very  poorly  known,  per- 
haps because  of  the  difficulty  in  collecting  large  epiphytic  plants. 
Many  species  are  known  from  only  a  very  few  collections,  and  these 
seem  to  indicate  that  the  genus  flowers  primarily  from  January  to 
May  in  Costa  Rica.  The  genus  resembles  Ficus  in  the  epiphytic  ger- 


mination  and  strangling  habit,  but  Coussapoa  is  apparently  less 
aggressive  than  Ficus  and  strangled  hosts  are  only  rarely  seen.  This 
genus,  like  Cecropia  and  Pourouma,  is  a  member  of  the  subfamily 
Conocephaloideae,  a  subfamily  that  should  be  removed  from  the 
Moraceae  and  transferred  to  the  Urticaceae,  according  to  Corner 
( 1962).  It  is  retained  in  the  Moraceae  here  to  facilitate  reference. 

la.  Largest  laminae  (on  mature  plant-parts)  more  than  20  cm.  long  and  15  cm. 
wide,  whitish  or  pale  brown  beneath  with  short  slender  hairs  and  long  thin  floe- 
cose  hairs,  with  9  to  16  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  and  prominent  tertiary 

veins;  wet  evergreen  formations,  0-1000  m 2a. 

Ib.    Largest  laminae  (on  mature  plant-parts)  less  than  20  cm.  long  and  15  cm. 

broad;  plants  rarely  collected 3a. 

2a.  Large  laminae  abruptly  truncate  at  the  base;  female  capitula  solitary  or 
several  on  peduncles  1-8  cm.  long;  common  and  widespread.  .  .  C.  panamensis. 
2b.  Large  laminae  cordate  at  the  base  with  a  sinus  2-3  cm.  deep;  female  inflores- 
cence solitary  and  subsessile;  endemic  and  rare  in  collections. 

C.  nymphaeifolia. 

3a.  Laminae  with  9  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  drying  chartaceous;  short 
(0.2-1.5  mm.)  slender  hairs  usually  present  on  stipule-scars  and  stipules;  wet 

evergreen  formations  of  southwestern  Costa  Rica C.  contorta. 

3b.    Laminae  with  2  to  6  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  drying  subcoriaceous  or 

very  stiffly  chartaceous;  glabrous  or  minutely  (-0.2  mm.)  puberulent 4a. 

4a.    Laminae  usually  narrow  (2-6  cm.),  with  only  2  or  3  pairs  of  major  secondary 

veins;  Caribbean  lowlands,  0-500  m C.  glaberrima. 

4b.  Laminae  usually  relatively  broad  (8-13  cm.),  with  3  to  6  pairs  of  major  secon- 
dary veins;  wet  cloud  forest  formations,  500-1200  m C.  parviceps. 

Coussapoa  contorta  Cuatrecasas,  Caldasia  7:289.  1956.  Figure  22. 

Trees  5  to  25  m.  tall,  beginning  as  epiphytes,  the  trunk  becoming  contorted,  leafy 
internodes  3-26  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  with  minute  hairs  or  with 
slender  hairs  0.2-1.5  mm.  long  on  the  stipule  scar  (in  ours);  stipules  1-2.5  cm.  long, 
2.5-6  mm.  thick,  very  minutely  (0.05-0.2  mm.)  sericeous  and  with  scattered  longer 
hairs  (in  ours)  or  glabrous.  Leaves  relatively  uniform  in  size,  petioles  (1)  2-5.5  cm. 
long,  0.7-2  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  minutely  puberulent,  (especially  near  the  apex), 
narrowly  sulcate  above;  laminae  (5)  8-16  cm.  long,  (2)  4-7  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to 
elliptic-oblong  or  slightly  obovate,  abruptly  acuminate  or  very  short-acuminate  (in 
ours),  cuneate  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  entire,  drying  chartaceous,  smooth  and  gla- 
brous above,  glabrous  or  very  sparsely  puberulent  beneath,  the  9  to  12  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  loop-connected  near  the  margin  to  form  a  thin  submarginal 
vein,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-50  degrees,  tertiary  veins  very 
slightly  raised  beneath.  Male  inflorescences  of  8  to  20  capitula  borne  on  a  branched 
rachis  ( 1)  2-8  cm.  long,  common  peduncle  0.4-1  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent,  male 
capitula  2-6  mm.  in  diameter,  globose,  with  about  10  to  30  flowers.  Female  inflores- 
cence of  one  or  2  capitula  on  a  rachis  about  2  cm.  long,  female  capitula  6-12  mm.  in 


diameter,  globose,  with  more  than  20  flowers,  perianth  pale  brown  and  very 
minutely  puberulent.  Fruit  about  2  mm.  long,  ellipsoid  and  flattened. 

This  species  is  known  from  only  a  single  male  collection  in  Costa 
Rica:  Paul  Allen  5949,  from  above  Palmar  Norte  de  Osa,  Pun- 
tarenas,  at  450  m.  altitude,  February  1951.  Otherwise,  the  species 
is  only  known  from  the  Pacific  slope  of  northern  Colombia  (Choco, 
Valle)  between  sea  level  and  100  m.  elevation. 

Coussapoa  contorta  is  an  easily  recognized  species  of  the  genus 
because  of  its  relatively  small  thin  leaves,  often  lustrous  on  both 
sides,  with  a  relatively  large  number  of  secondary  veins  and  the 
very  small  male  capitula.  The  Costa  Rican  material  differs  from  the 
South  American  collections  in  the  even  smaller  male  capitula,  the 
thin  petioles,  and  differences  in  pubescence.  Our  sampling  of  this 
species  is  still  so  small  (four  collections)  that  these  differences  may 
prove  to  be  individual  differences,  and  not  differences  in  the  popula- 
tions. This  species  was  referred  to  as  Coussapoa  parviceps  in  the 
Rain  Forests  of  Golfo  Dulce  (Allen  1956). 

Coussapoa  glaberrima  Burger,  Phytologia  26:422.  1973.  Figure 

Small  trees,  independent  or  epiphytic,  with  watery  sap,  leafy  internodes  4-15  mm. 
long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous;  stipules  8-23  mm.  long,  3-4  mm.  thick  at 
the  base,  glabrous  and  drying  dark  brown.  Leaves  rather  uniform  and  not  usually 
clustered  at  the  ends  of  branches,  petioles  6-15  (20)  mm.  long,  1-2.5  mm.  thick,  gla- 
brous and  drying  dark,  flattened  or  sulcate  above,  petiolar  tissue  often  extending 
1-4  mm.  down  the  stem  at  the  base;  laminae  7-14  cm.  long,  2.3-6  cm.  broad,  obovate 
to  narrowly  elliptic  or  oblanceolate,  obtuse  to  acute  at  the  apex,  cuneate  to  obtuse 
at  the  base,  entire,  the  laminae  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous, 
smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  often  dark  above  (dry),  venation  sub- 
palmate,  the  2  or  3  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  not  loop-connected,  basal  secon- 
daries arising  from  the  petiole  and  parallel  with  the  primary  vein  for  0-10  mm. 
viewed  from  above  or  apparently  united  when  viewed  from  below,  pockets  some- 
times present  at  the  juncture  of  the  basal  secondaries  with  the  primary  vein,  central 
secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  15-30  degrees,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  be- 
neath. Male  inflorescences  and  flowers  unknown.  Female  inflorescences  of  2  or  3 
capitula  on  a  common  peduncle  2-4  cm.  long,  about  1-1.4  mm.  thick,  glabrous, 
peduncles  of  the  capitula  5-15  mm.  long,  female  capitula  6-14  mm.  in  diameter,  glo- 
bose, each  with  about  14  to  40  flowers.  Fruit  2-2.5  mm.  long,  about  1.3  mm.  broad, 
abruptly  rounded  at  both  ends,  slightly  flattened  longitudinally. 

This  species  is  known  from  only  two  collections,  both  from  low- 
land rain-forest  formations:  A.  Jimenez  3016,  8  km.  south  of  Rin- 
con,  Peninsula  de  Osa  ( Puntarenas)  in  Costa  Rica  and  the  type  from 
near  Cerro  San  Isidro,  Rio  Kama,  Rio  Escondido  (Bluefields)  in 
Nicaragua,  flowering  on  February  28  and  March  10,  respectively. 


Coussapoa  glaberrima  is  distinguished  by  its  relatively  small  nar- 
row leaves  with  few  secondary  veins  and  its  glabrous  parts.  This 
species  appears  to  be  related  to  C.  parviceps  among  our  species  but 
differs  in  the  narrower  leaves  with  fewer  veins,  more  compact  in- 
florescences, and  lower  altitude  habitat.  Because  these  plants  are  so 
rarely  collected,  the  species  of  the  genus  and  their  inter- 
relationships are  very  poorly  understood. 

Coussapoa  nymphaeifolia  Standley,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.  37:50. 
1924.  Figure  22. 

Trees  or  strangling  epiphytes,  5-22  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  1  m.  thick  at  the  base, 
leafy  internodes  2-40  mm.  long,  4-14  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberu- 
lent,  the  leaf-scars  becoming  as  wide  as  the  internodes;  stipules  17-35  mm.  long,  10- 
15  mm.  thick  at  the  base,  densely  ascending  sericeous  with  pale  brownish  hairs  0.3-1 
mm.  long.  Leaves  in  terminal  clusters,  petioles  8-14  cm.  long,  3-5  mm.  thick,  longi- 
tudinally ridged,  very  minutely  (0.01-0.05  mm.)  brownish  puberulent  and  with  a  few 
longer  hairs,  longitudinally  striate,  abruptly  expanded  at  the  base;  laminae  about 
28  cm.  long  and  20  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  ovate-oblong,  bluntly  obtuse  to  broadly 
rounded  at  the  apex,  shallowly  cordate  at  the  base  with  the  basal  lobes  extending 
2-3  cm.  below  the  petiole  attachment,  margin  undulate,  laminae  drying  stiffly 
chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  or  slightly  scabrous  and  glabrous  or  sparsely 
puberulent  above,  puberulent  beneath  with  short  (0.3  mm.)  thin  grayish  hairs  and 
soft  spreading  floccose  hairs  along  the  margins,  the  9  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  prominent  beneath. 
Male  inflorescence  of  (4)  10  to  30  capitula  borne  on  a  branching  rachis  3-8  cm.  long, 
common  peduncle  about  1.7  mm.  thick,  densely  ferruginous  puberulent,  male  capi- 
tula 5-8  mm.  in  diameter,  with  about  30  flowers,  anthers  about  0.5  mm.  long.  Female 
inflorescences  of  a  single  capitulum,  subsessile  or  on  a  very  short  (1-4  mm.)  ped- 
uncle, somewhat  cylindrical  or  ellipsoid  in  form,  about  2  cm.  long  and  1  cm.  in  dia- 
meter, with  many  densely  crowded  flowers.  Fruit  about  3  mm.  long  (immature?). 

A  species  based  on  only  two  collections  from  the  wet  Caribbean 
slopes  in  the  province  of  Alajuela:  Cook  &  Doyle  157  (the  type, 
female)  from  Buena  Vista,  San  Carlos  valley,  at  600  m.  altitude 
and  Austin  Smith  H1632  (male)  from  Villa  Quesada  at  825  m.  alti- 
tude; the  male  flowers  were  collected  in  February  and  the  young 
fruiting  material  in  April. 

Coussapoa  nymphaeifolia  is  a  distinctive  but  very  poorly  known 
species.  The  above  description  is  based  on  only  four  leaves.  The  sub- 
sessile  female  inflorescence  is  very  unusual.  The  cordate  leaves  with 
arachnoid  hairs  along  the  edge  and  the  very  large  leaf-scars  help  to 
distinguish  this  species  from  C.  panamensis  with  somewhat  similar 
leaves.  The  original  description  of  this  species  included  material 
(Sutton  Hayes  354)  from  Panama,  which  is  the  type  of  the  name 
C.  chagresiana  A.  D.  Hawkes  and  which  was  placed  in  synonomy 


under  C.  magnifolia  Tree,  by  Woodson  (1960).  This  latter  species 
ranges  from  Central  Panama  to  Peru  and  is  not  closely  related. 

Coussapoa  panamensis  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  18:226. 
1917.  C.  donnell-smithii  Mildbr.,  Notizbl.  Bot.  Gart.  Berlin  10:414. 
1928.  Figure  22. 

Tree,  5-30  m.  tall,  often  epiphytic  and  strangling,  sap  yellowish,  leafy  internodes 
3-20  mm.  long,  3.5-8  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberulent  or  occasion- 
ally with  long  (0.5-2  mm)  slender  hairs,  often  longitudinally  ridged  (dry)  and  red- 
dish-brown; stipules  ( 1.5)  3-14  ( 19)  cm.  long,  about  1  cm.  thick  at  the  base,  minutely 
(0.1-0.3  mm.)  grayish-brown  puberulent  or  occasionally  with  longer  hairs.  Leaves 
extremely  variable  in  size  on  the  same  tree,  petioles  (2)  3-8  ( 11)  cm.  long,  1.5-5  mm. 
thick,  glabrous,  minutely  puberulent  or  with  hairs  1-3  mm.  long,  longitudinally 
deeply  ridged,  epidermis  often  coming  off  in  small  scales;  laminae  (8)  12-32  (40)  cm. 
long,  (4)  7-21  (28)  cm.  broad,  narrowly  ovate  (rarely  elliptic)  to  broadly  ovate  or 
ovate-oblong,  tapering  gradually  to  a  usually  obtuse  apex,  abruptly  obtuse  to 
rounded  or  truncate  at  the  base  (rarely  subcordate),  margin  somewhat  undulate, 
laminae  drying  subcoriaceous,  smooth,  glabrous  and  often  slightly  lustrous  above, 
puberulent  beneath  with  short  straight  hairs  0.1-0.4  mm.  long  (rarely  longer)  and 
thin  yellowish  or  grayish  arachnoid  or  floccose  hairs,  the  (9)  11  to  14  (16)  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  central  secondaries 
arising  at  30-50  degrees,  tertiary  veins  prominent  beneath.  Male  inflorescences  of 
(2)  4  to  12  capitula  borne  on  a  branched  rachis  1.5-4  ( 10)  cm.  long,  common  peduncle 
densely  and  minutely  (0.1-0.2  mm.)  puberulent  or  with  longer  ( 1-2  mm.)  hairs,  male 
capitula  about  4-8  mm.  in  diameter,  globose,  with  more  than  30  male  flowers, 
anthers  0.2-0.4  mm.  long.  Female  inflorescence  of  usually  solitary  capitula  on  ped- 
uncles ( 1.5)  3-8  cm.  long,  1.3-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  minutely  puberulent,  occasion- 
ally with  the  common  peduncle  branched  and  bearing  2  or  3  capitula  (only  in  Costa 
Rica?),  female  capitula  8-18  mm.  in  diameter,  globose,  with  usually  more  than  30 
female  flowers;  fruit  about  4  mm.  long  and  1.8  mm.  broad,  ellipsoid  and  flattened 
with  pits  on  the  broad  surfaces. 

Plants  of  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea  level 
and  1000  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  in 
Costa  Rica;  flowering  throughout  the  year  but  collected  most  often 
between  January  and  May.  The  species  ranges  from  southern 
Mexico  to  Panama  and  probably  into  adjacent  Colombia. 

Coussapoa  panamensis  is  recognized  by  its  large  leaves  (not 
always  present)  truncated  at  the  base  of  the  lamina  and  yellowish- 
gray  beneath  with  prominent  tertiary  veins.  Several  collections 
from  the  General  Valley  and  the  Golfo  Dulce  area  possess  more 
elliptic  leaves  and  long  slender  hairs  quite  different  from  those  com- 
monly encountered  elsewhere.  These  collections  may  represent  a 
locally  differentiated  population.  ( Long  hairs  are  occasionally  seen 
in  other  areas  of  the  range. )  This  species  is  by  far  the  most  common- 


ly  collected  Coussapoa  in  Costa  Rica.  The  name  Urostigma  intra- 
marginale  Liebmann  (Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser.  5,  2:320. 
1851)  was  based,  I  believe,  on  the  leaves  of  Coussapoa  panamensis 
and  the  figs  of  Ficus  turrialbana  (Oersted  14317).  Liebmann's  name 
is  based  on  discordant  elements  and  should  be  excluded  from  con- 
siderations of  priority. 

Coussapoa  parviceps  Standley,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.  37:51. 
1924.  C.  brenesii  Stand!.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18:382.  1937.  Figure  22. 

Trees  6-10  (17)  m.  tall,  epiphytic  or  independent,  with  a  viscous  yellowish  sap, 
leafy  internodes  4-15  mm.  long,  4-8  mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous  and  drying  red- 
dish-brown; stipules  1-3  (4.2)  cm.  long,  3-8  mm.  thick  at  the  base,  glabrous  or  very 
sparsely  puberulent,  drying  dark.  Leaves  usually  uniform  in  size  and  clustered  near 
the  ends  of  stems,  petioles  15-45  mm.  long,  1-2.8  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very 
minutely  puberulent  in  early  stages,  sulcate  above;  laminae  7-20  cm.  long,  8-14  cm. 
broad,  broadly  ovate  to  suborbicular  or  broadly  obovate,  obtuse  to  abruptly  very 
short-acuminate  at  the  apex  or  occasionally  rounded,  rounded  to  subtruncate  at  the 
base,  margin  entire,  laminae  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth 
and  glabrous  above,  usually  drying  lustrous  and  very  dark,  paler  below,  glabrous  or 
very  minutely  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  puberulent  beneath,  the  3  to  5  (6)  pairs  of  major  secon- 
dary veins  not  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  basal  secondaries  arising  at  the 
petiole  and  the  venation  subpalmate,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-50 
degrees,  tertiary  veins  usually  obscure.  Male  inflorescences  of  10  to  20  capitula  on  a 
branched  common  peduncle  3-8  cm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very 
minutely  puberulent,  male  capitula  2-5  mm.  in  diameter,  globose,  with  3  to  15 
flowers  each,  anthers  about  0.3  mm.  long.  Female  inflorescences  of  3  to  12  capitula 
borne  on  a  branching  peduncle  3-9  cm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous, 
female  capitula  2-5  mm.  in  diameter,  globose,  with  12  to  30  flowers.  Fruiting  capi- 
tula about  6  mm.  thick,  fruit  about  1.5  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  thick,  somewhat  flat- 
tened and  abruptly  narrowed  at  both  ends. 

An  endemic  species  of  Costa  Rica's  wet  cloud  forests  between  500 
and  1200  m.  altitude.  Collections  have  been  made  from  near  San 
Ramon  and  above  the  San  Carlos  plain  in  Alajuela,  near  Orosi  in 
Cartago,  and  Agua  Buena  (Canas  Gordas)  in  southernmost  Pun- 
tarenas;  flowering  and  fruiting  collections  have  been  made  from 
February  to  April. 

Coussapoa  parviceps  is  distinguished  by  its  very  small  inflores- 
cences (both  male  and  female),  relatively  broad  leaves  often  lus- 
trous and  dark  brown  above  (dry),  and  general  lack  of  conspicuous 
hairs.  The  type  of  C.  brenesii  (Brenes  20542)  has  more  rounded 
laminae  with  fewer  secondary  veins  than  the  type  of  C.  parviceps 
(Pit tier  11166),  but  our  other  collections  exhibit  sufficient  variation 
in  these  characters  of  the  leaf  to  encompass  both.  The  leaves  of  this 
species  are  smaller  than,  but  similar  to,  those  of  C.  magnifolia 


Trecul  (Panama  to  Peru),  but  the  latter  has  very  different  female 

DORSTENIA  Linneaus 

Herbs,  perennial  from  rhizomes  with  or  without  leaf-bearing  stems  (woody  shrubs 
in  Africa),  sap  whitish;  stipules  paired,  free,  lateral.  Leaves  alternate  and  simple, 
petiolate,  laminae  often  very  variable  in  different  plants  of  the  same  species,  entire 
to  pinnately  deeply  lobed.  Inflorescences  usually  solitary,  axillary,  often  with  long 
peduncles,  the  flowers  sunken  into  the  tissue  of  the  flattened  receptacle,  the  re- 
ceptacle borne  on  and  continuous  with  the  apically  expanded  peduncle,  variously 
shaped  but  often  saucer-like  with  the  flowers  in  the  broad  slightly  concave  distal 
surface,  usually  bisexual  with  flowers  of  both  sexes  intermixed  or  the  male  flowers 
surrounding  solitary  female  flowers,  bracts  minute  and  inconspicuous,  confined  to 
the  margin  of  the  receptacle,  perianth  usually  connate  with  the  receptacle,  male 
flowers  with  usually  2  (1  or  3)  stamens,  inflexed  in  bud  and  becoming  exserted; 
female  flower  with  the  ovary  included  within  the  tubular  perianth  in  the  receptacle, 
style  lateral  or  eccentric  with  2  style  branches.  Fruit  developing  within  the  re- 
ceptacle, protruding  only  at  maturity  and  sometimes  expelled  with  force  (the  exo- 
carp  remains  in  the  receptacle),  seeds  small. 

A  genus  of  about  50  species;  pantropical  but  with  the  greatest 
number  of  species  in  tropical  America  and  Africa.  A  very  unusual 
genus  of  the  Moraceae  because  of  its  herbaceous  habit  (in  ours)  and 
the  discoid  inflorescences  with  imbedded  flowers. 

la.  Leaves  borne  on  erect  or  ascending  herbaceous  stems  and  distant  on  the  stem, 
elliptic-oblong  and  entire  to  apically  toothed  or  deeply  pinnately  lobed  with  the 
narrow  lobes  about  the  same  size,  venation  pinnate;  receptacle  rounded  on 
edge;  plants  of  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations D.  choconiana. 

Ib.  Leaves  borne  from  the  apex  of  the  rhizome  and  arising  close  together  on  long 
petioles,  usually  deeply  lobed  or  with  large  teeth  and  the  basal  lobes  or  teeth 
much  larger  than  the  distal,  venation  pinnate  to  palmate 2. 

2a.  Receptacle  more  or  less  rectangular  in  outline  and  usually  with  conspicuous 
narrow  lobes;  plants  of  evergreen  formation D.  contrajerva. 

2b.  Receptacle  rounded  on  edge,  orbicular  to  oval  or  ellipsoid;  plants  of  the  decidu- 
ous forest  formations  of  Guanacaste D.  drakena. 

Dorstenia  choconiana  Watson,  Proc.  Amer.  Acad.  Sci.  22:477. 

1887.  D.  choconiana  var.  integrifolia  Donn.-Smith,  Bot.  Gaz.  13:76. 

1888.  D.  cordato-acuminata  Cufod.,  Archive  Bot.  Sist.  Fitogeog.  & 
Genet.  10:27.  1934.  Figure  17. 

Herbs  to  about  40  (90)  cm.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-15  (22)  mm.  long,  1.2-4  (6)  mm. 
thick  (dry),  somewhat  succulent,  puberulent  with  slender  crooked  hairs  0.2-1  mm. 
long;  stipules  3-8  mm.  long,  2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  subulate,  often  persisting. 
Leaves  very  variable  on  different  plants  (rarely  lobed  and  unlobed  on  the  same 


plant),  petioles  1-4.5  cm.  long,  0.8-2  mm.  thick,  longitudinally  ridged  (dry),  puberu- 
lent;  laminae  usually  of  two  types,  unlobed  laminae  oblong  to  obovate,  acute  to 
acuminate  at  the  apex  and  attenuate  to  obtuse  or  rarely  truncate  at  the  base,  oc- 
casionally with  a  few  small  (5  mm.)  lobes  in  the  distal  third,  the  lobed  laminae  with 
(2)  3  to  5  (6)  prominent  pinnate  lobes  on  each  side,  the  lobes  usually  opposite  and 
symmetrical,  basal  lobes  often  slightly  smaller  than  the  more  distal,  sinuses  one- 
half  to  two-thirds  the  length  of  the  associated  secondary  veins,  truncate  at  the  base, 
both  kinds  of  laminae  6-25  cm.  long  and  3-10  cm.  broad,  drying  thin-chartaceous, 
glabrous  or  very  sparsely  puberulent  above,  usually  scabrous  beneath  and  sparsely 
to  densely  puberulent  on  the  veins  with  short  (0.2-0.6  mm.)  stiff  hairs,  the  3  to  8 
pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin  or  with  a  sub- 
marginal  vein  along  the  sinuses.  Inflorescence  solitary  from  the  axils  of  current  foli- 
age, peduncles  1-3  cm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  expanding  gradually  to  the  circular  or 
ellipsoid  disc  (as  viewed  from  above),  disc  10-25  mm.  broad,  slightly  concave  and 
often  deep  blue-green  in  color  (live). 

Plants  often  found  in  deep  shade  on  the  floor  of  very  wet  ever- 
green forests  between  sea  level  and  1600  m.  (rare  above  1100  m.)  on 
both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering 
throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  the  Caribbean  side  of 
Guatemala  to  within  a  few  kilometers  of  the  border  with  Panama  in 
Costa  Rica. 

Dorstenia  choconiana  is  easily  recognized  among  our  species  be- 
cause of  its  leaves  borne  at  intervals  along  the  elongated  stem.  This 
species  is  unusual  in  having  two  definite  kinds  of  leaves  that  are 
never  found  on  the  same  plant  and  with  very  few  plants  having  inter- 
mediate kinds  of  leaves.  Both  forms  (or  varieties)  can  be  found  in  a 
large  population,  but  one  usually  greatly  outnumbers  the  other.  The 
plants  with  deeply  pinnately  lobed  leaves  can  be  referred  to  as 
variety  choconiana,  and  those  with  almost  entire  oblong  leaves, 
often  with  long  acuminate  apices,  can  be  referred  to  as  variety  in- 
tegrifolia  Donn.-Smith.  The  plants  with  deeply  lobed  leaves  are  not 
as  common  as  those  with  entire  leaves  in  Costa  Rica,  on  the  basis  of 
our  present  sampling  of  the  species. 

Dorstenia  contrajerva  L.,  Sp.  PI.  121.  1753.  D.  houstoni  L.,  Sp.  PI. 
ed.  2,  176.  1762.  D.  contrajerva  var.  houstoni  (L.)  E.  Bureau  in  DC., 
Prodr.  17:259.  1873.  D.  contrajerva  ssp.  tenuiloba  S.  F.  Blake, 
Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  24:2.  1922.  D.  contrajerva  var.  tenuiloba 
(Blake)  Standl.  &  Steyerm.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  23:40.  1944.  Figure  17. 

Herbs,  acaulescent  from  a  tuberous  base  or  rarely  from  a  short  (3  cm.)  stem  with 
several  internodes,  becoming  about  20-40  cm.  tall,  slightly  succulent;  stipules  2-6 
mm.  long,  aculeate  and  often  persisting.  Leaves  originating  close  together  at  the 
apex  of  the  rhizome,  petioles  8-26  cm.  long,  1-2.5  mm.  thick,  longitudinally  ribbed 
(dry),  puberulent  with  minute  (0.2-0.8  mm.)  crooked  whitish  hairs;  laminae  quite 


variable  on  different  plants,  variously  lobed,  7-26  cm.  long,  9-34  cm.  broad,  with  1  to 
8  lobes  or  prominent  teeth  on  each  side,  sinuses  shallow  to  very  deep,  acute  to 
acuminate  at  the  apex,  attenuate  or  obtuse  to  deeply  cordate  at  the  base,  margins 
minutely  dentate  to  entire,  the  laminae  drying  thin-chartaceous,  smooth  or  scabrous 
above,  sparsely  puberulent  with  minute  hairs  or  with  a  few  stiff  longer  (0.5-2  mm.) 
hairs,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath,  with  minute  (0.1-0.3 
mm.)  hairs,  venation  pinnate  to  subpalmate  with  3  to  6  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins,  the  basal  pair  often  bordering  the  basal  sinuses  of  the  laminae.  Inflorescences 
apparently  solitary  in  the  axils  of  the  current  leaves,  peduncles  10-34  cm.  long,  0.8-3 
mm.  thick  (dry),  glabrous  to  densely  and  minutely  puberulent,  abruptly  expanded 
below  the  centrally  peltate  receptacle,  the  receptacle  approximately  rectangular 
(viewed  from  above)  but  with  a  very  irregular  and  often  lobed  margin,  the  lobes  few 
to  many,  receptacle  flat  or  slightly  concave  distally,  8-45  mm.  broad,  anthers  about 
0.2-0.3  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  shaded  sites  in  evergreen  forest  formations  from  sea 
level  to  1200  ( 1400)  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific 
slopes  in  Costa  Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year,  but 
with  the  greatest  number  of  collections  being  made  from  June  to 
August.  The  species  ranges  from  Central  Mexico  through  Central 
America  and  the  West  Indies  to  Peru  and  the  Guianas  in  South 

Dorstenia  contrajerva  is  recognized  by  its  unusual  receptacle  of 
roughly  rectangular  outline  with  irregularly  lobed  edges.  It  is  found 
in  areas  that  are  very  wet  to  those  that  are  seasonally  dry  but  where 
shade  is  present  throughout  the  year.  The  common  name,  con- 
trayerba  or  contrahierba,  refers  to  its  use  to  counteract  fever. 
Several  varieties  have  been  proposed,  but  these  seem  to  be  no  more 
than  unusual  leaf-forms  that  are  usually  consistent  for  an  indivi- 
dual plant  but  not  for  a  population.  Variety  houstoni  has  few-lobed 
laminae  that  are  ovate  to  triangular  with  cordate  bases  and  variety 
tenuiloba  has  very  deeply  lobed  laminae. 

Dorstenia  drakena  L.,  Sp.  PI.  ed.  2,  176.  1762.  D.  mexicana 
Benth.,  PL  Hartweg.  51.  1839.  Figure  17. 

Herbs,  acaulescent  from  a  tuberous  base,  becoming  20-40  cm.  tall,  slightly  succu- 
lent; stipules  2-4  mm.  long,  obtuse  to  acute  apically,  persisting  on  the  rhizome. 
Leaves  originating  close  together  at  the  apex  of  the  rhizome,  petioles  1.5-20  cm. 
long,  0.8-3  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with  small  irregular  whitish 
hairs  0.1-0.8  mm.  long;  laminae  very  variable  on  different  plants,  4-20  cm.  long,  4-23 
cm.  broad,  oval  to  triangular  in  outline,  with  1  to  5  lobes  or  large  teeth  on  each  side, 
sinuses  shallow  to  deep,  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex,  truncate  to  deeply  cordate 
at  the  base,  margins  entire  to  bluntly  dentate,  lamina  drying  thin-chartaceous, 
scabrous  above  with  scattered  stiff  slender  hairs  0.1-1  mm.  long,  minutely  puberu- 
lent beneath  but  with  larger  hairs  near  the  edges,  venation  pinnate  to  subpalmate 
with  2  to  5  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins.  Inflorescences  apparently  solitary  in  the 


axils  of  the  current  foliage  at  the  apex  of  the  rhizome,  peduncles  (3)  8-28  cm.  long, 
0.7-3  mm.  thick,  very  minutely  puberulent  or  apparently  glabrous,  abruptly  ex- 
panded below  the  eccentrically  peltate  receptacle,  the  receptacle  broadly  elliptic  to 
oval  or  somewhat  oblong  (viewed  from  above),  1-5  cm.  long,  distal  surface  essen- 
tially flat,  anthers  0.2-0.3  mm.  long. 

Plants  from  the  floor  of  the  seasonally  very  dry  deciduous  forest 
formations  of  Guanacaste  province  between  sea  level  and  300  m. 
elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  in  June,  July,  and  August.  The 
species  ranges  from  Central  Mexico  to  Costa  Rica  and  occurs  in 
South  America. 

Dorstenia  drakena  is  recognized  by  its  elliptic  to  oval  receptacle 
attached  near  the  edge  with  entire  margin  and  the  deciduous  forest 
habitat  with  restricted  flowering  period.  This  species  displays  a 
pattern  of  leaf  variation  that  is  very  similar  to  that  found  in  D. 
contrajerva,  varying  from  triangular-cordate  to  deeply  pinnately 

FICUS  Linnaeus 

REFERENCES:  P.C.  Standley,  The  Mexican  and  Central 
American  Species  of  Ficus,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20: 1-35.  1917. 
G.P.  DeWolf,  Jr.,  Ficus  in  Flora  of  Panama,  R.E.  Woodson,  Jr., 
&  R.W.  Schery,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  47: 146-165. 1960. 

Trees  or  shrubs  with  milky  or  rarely  clear  (F.  citrifolia)  sap,  rarely  climb- 
ers (as  in  F.  meistosyce  and  the  cultivated  F.  pumila),  often  beginning  as 
epiliths  or  epiphytes  and  the  coalescing  roots  surrounding  the  host  plant  as  a 
"strangler";  stipules  2  at  a  node  and  enclosing  the  shoot-apex,  usually  caducous 
and  leaving  scars  that  encircle  the  stem.  Leaves  alternate  in  a  spiral  and  entire  in 
native  species,  short  to  very  long  petiolate.  Inflorescence  a  hollow  usually  round 
fruit-like  structure  called  the  fig  (receptacle,  syconium,  higo)  with  a  small  apical 
opening,  the  ostiole,  formed  by  overlapping  scales,  the  base  subtended  (in  ours) 
by  a  whorl  of  2  or  3  bracts;  the  flowers  borne  on  the  inner  wall  of  the  fig,  usually 
numerous  and  interspersed  with  bracts,  the  fig  with  both  male  and  female  flowers 
in  native  species  and  the  plants  bisexual  (or  the  fig  with  flowers  of  one  sex  and  the 
plants  unisexual  in  subgenus  Ficus  of  the  Old  World);  the  flowers  are  of  three  kinds 
and  usually  intermixed  in  American  species,  male  flowers  of  American  species 
generally  have  2  to  6  perianth-parts  and  1  or  2  stamens,  female  flowers  with  2  to  4 
perianth-parts,  pistil  1  with  a  single  style  borne  from  the  side  of  the  ovary,  stigma  1, 
sterile  flowers  usually  called  gall-flowers  but  formed  without  the  intervention  of  an 
insect  and  serving  as  the  food  source  for  the  larvae  of  the  pollinators;  fruit  small 
achenes  or  drupes  borne  within  the  receptacle  which  usually  becomes  succulent  at 
maturity;  the  usually  juicy  fruiting  fig  is  eaten  by  many  animals,  especially  birds. 

A  genus  of  several  hundred  species  found  throughout  the 
tropics  but  especially  diverse  in  southeast  Asia.  Ficus  is  a  very 
distinctive  genus  with  one  of  the  most  unusual  inflorescences  and 


pollinating  mechanisms  in  the  plant  world.  The  flowers  and  fruit 
enclosed  by  a  fleshy  receptacle  require  that  pollen  enter  the  ostiole 
through  a  barrier  of  overlapping  scales.  Only  the  small  fig-wasps, 
chalcid  wasps  of  the  family  Agaonidae,  can  effect  pollination  in 
Ficus  and  these  wasps  can  only  develop  within  the  fig.  The  wasps 
have  developed  unusual  morphology  and  behavior  patterns  to 
carry  on  pollination,  and  the  different  species  of  Ficus  are  pollina- 
ted by  different  and  specific  species  of  wasps  (see  Ramirez,  Evolu- 
tion, 24:680-691.  1970).  The  developmental  phases  of  the  fig 
(syconium)  have  been  divided  by  Galil  and  Eiskowitch  (in  New 
Phytol.  67:745-758.  1968)  as  follows:  Phase  A,  the  prefemale, 
or  the  immature  fig  prior  to  opening  of  the  ostiole.  Phase  B,  the 
female,  as  the  ostiolar  scales  loosen,  female  flowers  ripen,  wasps 
enter  the  fig  and  oviposit  into  the  ovaries.  Phase  C,  interfloral, 
as  the  wasp  larvae  and  seed  embryos  develop  within  the  fig  and 
the  ovaries  occupied  by  larvae  become  galls.  Phase  D,  the  male,  as 
male  flowers  mature  and  the  wasps  reach  adulthood,  mate,  and  the 
female  wasps  leave  the  fig.  Phase  E,  post-floral,  as  the  fig  becomes 
more  succulent  and  the  seeds  ripen  to  the  point  where  they  are 
ready  for  dispersal. 

The  genus  is  quite  distinctive  vegetatively  with  its  entire  (in 
native  species)  usually  stiff  leaves  and  stipules  protecting  the 
shoot-tip  and  leaving  circular  rings  on  the  stem.  These  circular 
stipule-scars  are  useful  in  recognizing  trees  without  figs  as  species 
of  Ficus,  but  several  other  genera  of  the  Moraceae  have  similar 
stipules,  as  do  the  Magnoliaceae  and  some  Polygonaceae. 


la.    Plants  growing  wild  in  forests,  pasture,  or  roadsides,  not  usually  planted .  .  .  2a. 
Ib.    Plants  grown  for  ornament,  shade,  or  fruit,  usually  found  only  in  gardens, 

parks,  or  abandoned  homesites 55a. 

2a.  Figs  solitary  at  a  node  (rarely  2  or  more),  the  older  leaf-scars  never  subtend- 
ing 2  fig-scars  but  often  subtending  a  single  fig-scar  and  an  axillary  bud  or 
bud-scar;  bracts  subtending  the  fig  3,  ostiole  of  the  fig  often  with  more  than 
3  scales  visible;  laminae  with  unusual  clear  translucent  clavate  hairs  on  the 
lower  surface  (X150);  independent  trees  rarely  beginning  as  epiphytes  and 

often  restricted  to  streamsides  (subgenusPharmacosycea) 3a. 

2b.  Figs  usually  2  at  a  node,  older  leaf-scars  often  subtending  2  fig-scars;  bracts 
subtending  the  fig  2  (but  often  deeply  split  and  appearing  as  3  or  4),  ostiole 
of  the  fig  usually  with  only  2  or  3  exterior  scales  visible;  laminae  lacking 
clavate  hairs  (X150)  but  slender  hairs  with  somewhat  enlarged  distal  cells 
translucent  reddish-brown  often  present;  plants  often  beginning  as 


epiphytes  and  becoming  independent  or  strangling,  the  trunks  often  deeply 

fluted  or  of  grown-together  stems  ( subgenus  Urostigma) lOa. 

3a.    Figs  sessile;  laminae  medium  to  large  in  size  (14-40  cm.)  and  relatively 

broad,  the  width  usually  exceeding  half  the  length 4a. 

3b.  Figs  subsessile  to  pedunculate;  laminae  small  to  large,  the  width  of  the 

larger  laminae  generally  less  than  half  the  length 5a. 

4a.   A  definite  submarginal  vein  present  near  the  edge  of  the  lamina,  laminae 

glabrous  beneath;  wet  evergreen  formations  0-1000  m F.  tonduzii. 

4b.  A  definite  submarginal  vein  absent  or  the  secondaries  weakly  loop- 
connected  near  the  margin,  lamina  usually  scabrous  beneath;  very  wet 

Caribbean  slopes  (500)  1000-1600  m F.  macbridei. 

5a.  Stipule  10-25  mm.  long,  petioles  with  reddish-brown  epidermis  usually 
peeling  off  in  small  flakes  (in  ours),  laminae  7-20  cm.  long  with  5  to  13  pairs 
of  secondary  veins  and  slightly  scabrous  beneath;  figs  14-20  mm.  in  dia- 
meter; widespread,  0-1000  m F.  maxima. 

5b.  Stipules  20  -160  mm.  long,  petioles  with  the  epidermis  only  rarely  flaking 
off  (in  ours),  laminae  with  12  to  40  pairs  of  secondary  veins,  smooth  to  the 

touch  beneath 6a. 

6a.    Figs  25-60  mm.  in  diameter  at  maturity,  with  very  thick  walls 7a. 

6b.  Figs  12-22  mm.  in  diameter  (dry)  or  unknown 8a. 

7a.  Laminae  thin  to  moderately  thick,  acute  to  short  acuminate  at  the  apex; 
stipules  usually  drying  yellowish-green,  3-8  cm.  long;  widespread,  0-500 
m F.  insipida. 

7b.  Laminae  very  thick,  obtuse  to  acute  at  the  apex;  stipules  usually  drying 
dark,  2-5  cm.  long;  montane  forests  1200-2000  m F.  crassiuscula. 

8a.  Stipules  7-17  cm.  long,  laminae  14-32  cm.  long  with  16  to  24  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins;  figs  15-22  mm.  in  diameter,  with  a  conical  ostiole; 
0-800  m F.  werckleana. 

8b.  Stipules  2-9  cm.  long,  laminae  5-15  (20)  cm.  long,  secondary  veins  often  dif- 
ficult to  distinguish  from  the  intermediate  veins,  10  to  50  pairs 9a. 

9a.  Laminae  drying  thin,  acute  to  short-acuminate;  mature  figs  12-16  mm.  in 
diameter,  with  a  narrow  apex  supporting  the  ostiole;  (0)  500-1200  (1600) 
m F.  yoponensis. 

9b.  Laminae  drying  very  stiff,  rounded  to  obtuse  at  the  apex;  figs  about  15 
mm.  in  diameter;  wet  Caribbean  lowlands F.  crassivenosa. 

lOa.  Laminae  glabrous  beneath  when  viewed  with  a  X10  hand  lens lla. 

lOb.  Laminae  puberulent  beneath,  the  hairs  0.1  mm.  long  or  longer 36a. 

lla.  Largest  laminae  rarely  more  than  12  cm.  long  (not  measuring  the  peti- 
ole), usually  less  than  5  cm.  broad;  acute  to  acuminate  or  sharply  obtuse 
at  the  apex 12a. 

lib.  Largest  laminae  usually  more  than  13  cm.  long  (not  including  the  peti- 
ole) or  bluntly  obtuse  to  rounded  at  the  apex  when  shorter 18a. 

12a.  Laminae  with  sub-palmate  venation,  3  prominent  primary  veins  usually 
arising  from  the  apex  of  the  petiole;  figs  sessile,  5-8  mm.  in  diameter, 
evergreen  lowlands,  0-800  m F.  colubrinae. 


12b.  Laminae  with  pinnate  venation,  with  4  or  more  pairs  of  secondary  veins 


13a.    Laminae  with  4  to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins;  figs  sessile  ....  14a. 
13b.  Laminae  with  7  to  20  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins;  figs  usually  ped- 
unculate   16a. 

14a.    Mature  figs  4-6  mm.  in  diameter,  the  fig  attached  at  the  base;  900- 

1600  m F.  hartwegii. 

14b.  Mature  figs  7-10  mm.  in  diameter 15a. 

15a.    Figs  attached  on  the  side,  sessile  and  leaving  depressions  in  the  stem; 
laminae  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  apex;  wet  Caribbean  slope 

F.  laterisyce. 
15b.  Figs  usually  borne  on  peduncles;  laminae  rounded  at  the  apex;  plants 

of  the  seasonally  very  dry  deciduous  formations F.  ovalis. 

16a.   Laminae  mostly  actue  to  obtuse;  ostiole  flat  or  slightly  raised,  mature 

figs  6-9  mm.  in  diameter;  0-1200  m F.  perforata. 

16b.  Laminae  mostly  acute  to  acuminate;  ostiole  enclosed  by  a  crateriform 

ring  or  collar  of  elevated  tissue 17a. 

17a.   Mature  figs  8-14  mm.  in  diameter,  ostiole  enclosed  by  a  short  (1-2  mm.) 

ring  of  elevated  tissue;  (0)  900-1600  (2000)  m F.  pertusa. 

17b.  Mature  figs  14-18  mm.  in  diameter,  ostiole  hidden  within  a  deep  (3-6 
mm.)  collar  of  elevated  tissue;  seasonally  dry  areas,  0-1000  m. 

F.  trachelosyce. 

18a.  Laminae  cordate  to  subcordate  with  basal  lobes  extending  1-7  cm.  below 
the  petiole  attachment,  petioles  5-18  cm.  long,  laminae  10-24  cm.  broad; 
figs  subsessile  with  a  lustrous  minutely  velutinous  surface;  wet  evergreen 

lowlands F.  nymphaeifolia. 

18b.  Laminae  attenuate  to  subcordate,  never  deeply  cordate,  the  basal  lobes 

rarely  more  than  1  cm.  long 19a. 

19a.  Laminae  often  abruptly  acuminate  at  the  apex,  usually  short-  to  long- 
acuminate,  often  oblong  in  general  outline;  stipules  glabrous  or  sparsely 

and  very  minutely  puberulent;  the  figs  glabrous 20a. 

19b.  Laminae  rounded  to  obtuse  or  acute  at  the  apex,  only  rarely  short-acumi- 
nate  26a. 

20a.    Figs  with  an  apical  collar  3-6  mm.  high  surrounding  the  ostiole,  peduncu- 
late; laminae  small  (7-16  cm.)  and  thin;  seasonally  dry  Pacific  slope, 

0-1000  m F.  trachelosyce. 

20b.  Figs  without  an  apical  collar,  rare  or  absent  on  the  seasonally  dry  Paci- 
fic slope 21a. 

2 la.    Figs  only  4-5  mm.  in  diameter  at  maturity,  sessile  and  often  in  clusters; 

plants  often  climbers  in  lowland  rain  forest F.  schippii. 

21b.  Figs  becoming  8-16  mm.  in  diameter  (dry)  and  never  in  clusters;  plants 

often  epiphytic  but  not  climbers 22a. 

22a.    Figs  borne  on  peduncles  to  10  mm.  long  or  occasionally  subsessile; 

leaves  with  petioles  15-120  mm.  long 23a. 

22b.  Figs  sessile  or  occasionally  borne  on  peduncles  to  3  mm.  long;  leaves 
with  petioles  8-36  mm.  long 24a. 


23a.  Figs  on  peduncles  5-10  mm.  long;  laminae  oblong;  twigs  usually 
brownish  to  grayish,  sap  clear  and  thick;  moist  forests  of  the  Carib- 
bean slope  and  eastern  Meseta  Central,  0-1200  m F.  citrifolia. 

23b.  Figs  sessile  or  on  peduncles  1-4  mm.  long;  laminae  ovate-oblong;  twigs 
usually  dark  reddish-brown,  sap  whitish;  moist  forest  formations, 

0-1000  m F.  dugandii. 

24a.  Laminae  with  unusual  hairs  along  the  sides  of  the  midvein  beneath  in 
the  basal  (proximal)  half  of  the  lamina,  elliptic-oblong  to  oblong;  figs 

sessile;  moist  montane  formations  1200-1700  m F.  cervantesiana. 

24b.  Laminae  lacking  unusual  flat  hairs  along  the  sides  of  the  midvein  be- 
neath; plants  of  moist  evergreen  lowlands,  0-1000  m 25a. 

25a.  Laminae  usually  oblong  and  abruptly  acuminate;  figs  subsessile  and 
usually  longer  than  thick,  the  ostiole  usually  conical,  basal  bracts  2-4 

mm.  long F.  paraensis. 

25b.  Laminae  usually  obovate  and  gradually  acuminate  or  very  short-acumi- 
nate; figs  sessile  and  shorter  than  thick,  ostiole  flat,  basal  bracts  1-2 
mm.  long F.  brevibracteata. 

26a.  Stipules  usually  persisting  with  the  leaves,  with  sericeous  hairs  along  the 
base  and  midrib  abaxially;  figs  sessile,  oblate,  10-14  mm.  in  diameter, 
leaving  shelf-like  depressions  in  the  stems ;  petioles  7-40  mm.  long,  laminae 
usually  abruptly  narrowed  at  both  base  and  apex;  300-1200  m.  and  com- 
mon in  the  Central  Highlands F.  costaricana. 

26b.  Stipules  rarely  persisting  (in  ours) 27a. 

27a.  Figs  with  the  basal  bracts  small  and  inconspicuous,  the  figs  sessile  or  ped- 
unculate   28a. 

27b.  Figs  with  the  basal  bracts  large  and  conspicuous,  covering  the  basal  half 
or  third  of  the  fig,  the  figs  usually  sessile 30a. 

28a.  Stipules  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent;  figs  borne  on  peduncles  4-14 
mm.  long;  seasonally  dry  evergreen  and  deciduous  formations  of  the 
Pacific  slope F.  goldmanii. 

28b.  Stipules  densely  hairy;  figs  sessile  or  borne  on  peduncles  0-5  mm.  long; 
wet  evergreen  formations 29a. 

29a.  Figs  sessile  or  pedunculate,  basal  bracts  4-7  mm.  broad  from  a  basal 
disc;  stipules  usually  lacking  hairs  along  the  edges F.  trigonata. 

29b.  Figs  sessile,  basal  bracts  1-2  mm.  broad,  a  basal  disc  absent;  stipules 
densely  puberulent  throughout F.  brevibracteata. 

30a.  Mature  figs  16-22  mm.  in  diameter  (dry);  laminae  often  somewhat  obovate 
and  widest  above  the  middle 31a. 

30b.   Mature  figs  5-16  mm.  in  diameter,  sessile,  often  attached  on  the  side  .  .  32a. 

31a.  Surface  of  the  fig  minutely  velutinous  (X20),  fig  often  on  a  short  ped- 
uncle; laminae  11-22  cm.  long  by  5-10  cm.  broad;  widespread,  0-1000  m. 

F.  obtusifolia. 

31b.  Surface  of  the  fig  glabrous,  fig  sessile;  laminae  14-32  cm.  long  by  9-20 
cm.  broad;  rare  on  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes  around  1000  m. 

F.  cuatrecasana. 


32a.    Major  secondary  veins  often  difficult  to  distinguish  from  the  intermediate 

veins  (dry),  (6)  10  to  20  pairs;  evergreen  formations,  800-1400  m 33a. 

32b.  Major  secondary  veins  usually  easy  to  distinguish  from  the  smaller  inter- 
mediate veins,  6-1 1  pairs 34a. 

33a.    Stipules  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent;   laminae 

bluntly  acute  to  obtuse;  figs  6-8  ( 10)  mm.  in  diameter  .  .  .  F.  davidsoniae. 

33b.  Stipules  densely  puberulent;  laminae  bluntly  obtuse  to  rounded  and 

emarginate;  figs  8-10  mm.  in  diameter F.jimenezii. 

34a.    Figs  12-15  mm.  diameter  at  maturity,  leaving  deep  shelf-like  depressions 

in  the  stems;  moist  montane  formations,  1000-1800  m.  .  .  .E.  tuerckheimii. 

34b.  Figs  8-12  mm.  in  diameter,  leaving  only  slight  depressions  in  the  stems; 

wet  or  seasonally  dry  lowlands,  0-1000  m 35a. 

35a.  Laminae  usually  rounded  at  the  apex  and  base,  often  more  than  12  cm. 
long;  plants  of  both  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  0-500  (800)  m. 

F.  isophlebia. 

35b.  Laminae  acute  to  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base, 
rarely  more  than  12  cm.  long;  known  only  from  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes 

around  750  m.  altitude F.  laterisyce. 

36a.  Laminae  densely  puberulent  beneath,  usually  rounded  or  bluntly  obtuse  at 
the  apex;  figs  often  puberulent  and  often  with  a  ring  or  collar  around  the 

ostiole 37a. 

36b.  Laminae  sparsely  or  very  minutely  ( -0.5  mm. )  puberulent  beneath 43a. 

37a.  Trees  of  montane  forests,  1000-2000  m.  elevation;  leaves  with  the  tertiary 
venation  very  prominent  beneath,  smooth  above;  figs  globose,  18-22  mm. 
in  diameter  with  a  short  (1-2  mm.)  collar  around  the  ostiole,  puberulent, 

pedunculate F.  velutina. 

37b.  Trees  of  lowland  and  lower  montane  formations,  0-1200  m.  elevation; 

leaves  with  the  tertiary  veins  usually  only  slightly  raised 38a. 

38a.  Pubescence  very  dense,  lower  leaf-surface  and  young  parts  often  dark 
brown;  laminae  often  scabrous  above;  figs  puberulent,  with  a  distinct 

collar  or  longer  than  broad;  plants  of  wet  evergreen  formations 39a. 

38b.  Pubescence  not  usually  so  dense,  lower  leaf-surface  and  young  parts  not 
dark  brown,  laminae  smooth  above;  figs  globose  to  oblate,  lacking  a  high 
collar  around  the  ostiole 40a. 

39a.  Fig  ellipsoid  to  cylindrical,  distinctly  longer  than  broad,  9-16  mm.  in 
diameter,  ostiole  not  surrounded  by  a  ring  of  elevated  tissue;  pubescence 
of  young  parts  often  yellowish-brown F.  popenoei. 

39b.  Fig  globose,  10-14  mm.  in  diameter,  ostiole  surrounded  by  a  collar  1-3 
mm.  high;  pubescence  of  younger  parts  often  very  dark  brown. 

F.  bullenei. 

40a.   Figs  pedunculate   or   subsessile   and  the  basal  bracts  inconspicuous; 

petioles  1.2-4  (6)  cm.  long 41a. 

40b.  Figs  sessile  and  with  conspicuous  basal  bracts  7-15  mm.  long;  petioles  2-9 

cm.  long;  plants  of  the  very  wet  Caribbean  slopes 42a. 

4 la.  Figs  minutely  puberulent;  laminae  with  9  to  14  pairs  of  secondary  veins; 
trees  commonly  found  on  the  seasonally  very  dry  Pacific  slope. 

F.  morazaniana. 


41b.  Figs  glabrous,  laminae  with  6  to  1 1  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins;  trees 

of  evergreen  vegetation  (in  our  area) F.  trigonata. 

42a.   Laminae  much  narrower  than  broad,  obtuse  to  subtruncate  at  the  base; 

figs  12-16  mm.  in  diameter,  densely  puberulent F.  turrialbana. 

42b.  Laminae  almost  as  broad  as  long,  rounded  and  subcordate  at  the  base;  figs 

about  22  mm.  in  diameter,  sparsely  puberulent F.  caldasiana. 

43a.   Largest  laminae  rarely  more  than  12  cm.  long  (except  F.  davidsoniae);  figs 

not  exceeding  10  mm.  in  diameter  at  maturity  (dry) 44a. 

43b.  Largest  laminae  usually  more  than  12  cm.  long  (on  mature  plant  parts) ;  figs 

often  more  than  10  mm.  in  diameter  at  maturity 48a. 

44a.  Laminae  with  sub-palmate  venation,  3  prominent  primary  veins  usually 
arising  from  the  apex  of  the  petiole;  figs  sessile,  5-8  mm.  in  diameter;  wet 

lowlands,  0-800  m F.  colubrinae. 

44b.  Laminae  with  pinnate  venation 45a. 

45a.  Laminae  narrowly  lanceolate  or  very  narrowly  elliptic-oblong,  rarely  more 
than  2.5  cm.  broad;  figs  borne  on  peduncles  4-9  mm.  long,  the  figs  7-10 
mm.  in  diameter  (when  dry) ;  wet  Caribbean  areas  below  500  m.  elevation. 

F.  donnell-smithii. 

45b.  Laminae  never  lanceolate,  usually  more  than  2.5  cm.  broad;  figs  sessile  or 
subsessile;  plants  of  the  seasonally  dry  Pacific  slope  or  in  evergreen  areas 

above  500  m.  elevation 46a. 

46a.  Stipules  12-35  mm.  long,  glabrous;  laminae  very  stiff,  brownish  beneath; 
figs  6-9  mm.  in  diameter;  wet  forest  formations,  (0)  800-1200  m. 

F.  davidsoniae. 

46b.  Stipules  5-12  mm.  long,  usually  with  conspicuous  hairs 47a. 

47a.    Figs  6-10  mm.  in  diameter;  petioles  10-80  mm.  long,  laminae  broadly  ellip- 
tic to  suborbicular;  seasonally  dry  Pacific  slope,  0-900  m.  .  .  .  F.  cotinifolia. 
47b.  Figs  4-6  mm.  in  diameter;  petioles  8-35  mm.  long,  laminae  broadly  elliptic 
to  obovate  or  ovate;  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  on  both  Pacific  and 

Caribbean  slopes,  900-1600  m F.  hartwegii. 

48a.  Laminae  glabrous  except  for  unusual  hairs  in  rows  along  the  proximal  half  of 
the  midvein  beneath;  figs  sessile,  about  10  mm.  in  diameter;  very  wet  mon- 
tane formations,  1300-1700  m F.  ceruantesiana. 

48b.  Laminae  puberulent  over  a  larger  area  beneath 49a. 

49a.  Laminae  almost  as  broad  as  long,  8-20  cm.  broad,  rounded  and  often  cordu- 
late  at  the  base;  figs  becoming  22  mm.  in  diameter,  sessile;  wet  Caribbean 
slope,  800-1300  m F.  caldasiana. 

49b.  Laminae  usually  much  narrower  than  broad  and  not  rounded  at  the  base 
( except  F.  cotinifolia);  figs  usually  less  than  20  mm.  in  diameter 50a. 

50a.   Stipules  densely  puberulent,  petioles  10-80  mm.  long,  laminae  with  4-12  pairs 

of  prominent  secondary  veins 51a. 

50b.    Stipules  sparsely  puberulent,  petioles  5-35  mm.  long,  laminae  with  10-20 

pairs  of  secondary  veins;  wet  evergreen  formations 54a. 

51a.  Figs  6-10  mm.  in  diameter,  sessile,  basal  bracts  2-4  mm.  long;  laminae 
usually  very  broad;  seasonally  dry  Pacific  slope,  0-900  m.  .  .  .  F.  cotinifolia. 


51b.  Figs  12-15  mm.  in  diameter;  laminae  usually  about  half  as  broad  as  long. 


52a.   Figs  sessile  with  conspicuous  basal  bracts  5-10  mm.  long,  surface  of  the  fig 
densely  puberulent;  wet  Caribbean  slope  600-800  m F.  turrialbana. 

52b.  Figs  sessile  or  pedunculate,  the  basal  bracts  inconspicuous,  1-3  mm.  long; 
0-1100  m 53a. 

53a.   Figs  glabrous  (in  ours),  laminae  with  6  to  11  pairs  of  major  secondary 

veins;  evergreen  vegetation F.  trigonata. 

53b.  Figs  minutely  puberulent;  laminae  with  9  to  14  pairs  of  major  secondary 

veins;  commonly  found  in  deciduous  areas F.  morazaniana. 

54a.  Petioles  4-18  mm.  long,  laminae  bluntly  acute  to  obtuse  and  often  reddish- 
brown  beneath;  figs  6-10  mm.  in  diameter,  globose;  wet  evergreen  forma- 
tions, (0)  800-1200  m F.  davidsoniae. 

54b.  Petioles  8-36  mm.  long,  laminae  usually  short-acuminate;  figs  10-14  mm.  in 

diameter,  often  longer  than  broad;  0-1000  m F.  paraensis. 

55a.  Introduced  plants  climbing  on  walls  and  flat  surfaces  with  adventitious  roots 
and  small  cordate  leaves,  fruiting  branches  shrub-like  lacking  roots,  and  with 

larger  ovate  leaves F.  pumila. 

55b.  Plants  not  climbers 56a. 

56a.  Laminae  with  bluntly  serrate  margins  and  palmate  venation;  shrubs  or  small 

trees,  rarely  more  than  6  m.  tall 57a. 

56b.  Laminae  with  entire  margins  and  never  deeply  lobed,  venation  pinnate;  trees 

often  becoming  more  than  10  m.  tall 58a. 

57a.   Figs  edible,  2-5  cm.  in  diameter;  leaves  usually  3-lobed F.  carica. 

57b.  Figs  inedible,  1-2  cm.  in  diameter;  leaves  sometimes  3-lobed  .  .  .  .  F.  palmata. 
58a.  Laminae  very  short  (3-12  cm.)  and  narrow  (1-4  cm.),  usually  lanceolate  to  ellip- 
tic; commonly  planted  in  parks  and  along  avenues 59a. 

58b.  Laminae  larger,  never  lanceolate 61a. 

59a.   Trees  with  many  aerial  roots,  planted  in  wet  lowland  areas;  figs  5-8  mm.  in 

diameter F.  retusa. 

59b.  Trees  with  few  or  no  aerial  roots,  planted  at  higher  elevations  and  in  lowland 

areas  with  a  dry  season;  figs  8-14  mm.  in  diameter 60a. 

60a.    Introduced  trees  often  grown  in  parks  and  along  walkways  with  widely 

spreading  trunks;  figs  sessile F.  benjamina. 

60b.  Native  trees  often  used  in  hedgerows  as  living  fences;  figs  pedunculate. 

F.  pertusa. 

61a.  Laminae  broadly  ovate  and  abruptly  truncate  at  the  base,  with  a  very  long 
slender  apex,  petioles  5-10  cm.  long;  often  planted  in  parks F.  religiosa. 

61b.  Laminae  lacking  a  long  slender  apex  and  borne  on  petioles  much  shorter  than 
the  laminae 62a. 

62a.  Laminae  becoming  40  cm.  long,  broadest  above  the  middle  and  pandurate  in 
shape;  planted  in  gardens  and  also  in  pots  as  house  plants F.  lyrata. 

62b.  Laminae  not  becoming  so  large,  widest  at  or  below  the  middle 63a. 

63a.  Laminae  with  many  (50)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  and  very  thick,  the 
laminae  often  differing  greatly  in  size  on  different  trees;  figs  narrowly  oblong; 


introduced  and  planted  in  parks  and  gardens  as  well  as  in  pots  indoors. 

F.  elastica. 

63b.  Laminae  with  fewer  pairs  of  secondary  veins  and  stipules  rarely  exceeding  5 
cm.;  native  trees  found  in  parks  and  along  streets.  Compare  F.  costaricana 
(with  persisting  stipules),  F.  jimenezii  (thick  glabrous  leaves),  F.  goldmanii 
(with  pedunculate  figs),  and  others  in  key  under  native  species. 

Ficus  benjamina  L.,  Mant.  PL  129.  1767. 

Trees  5-20  m.  tall,  branching  from  near  the  ground  and  with  a  very  broad  crown, 
the  terminal  branchlets  often  drooping,  leafy  internodes  5-30  mm.  long,  1.2-3  mm. 
thick,  glabrous;  stipules  about  1  cm.  long.  Leaves  glabrous,  petioles  5-16  mm.  long, 
about  1  mm.  thick;  laminae  4-12  cm.  long,  2-4.5  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  elliptic-oblong 
or  narrowly  ovate,  acute  or  short-acuminate  at  the  apex  with  a  blunt  tip,  abruptly 
rounded  at  the  usually  obtuse  base,  margin  entire  but  somewhat  undulate  and  the 
lamina  stiff-chartaceous  (dry),  major  secondary  veins  difficult  to  distinguish  from 
the  intermediate  veins  and  numerous  (more  than  15).  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node, 
sessile,  8-11  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  slightly  ovoid,  bracts  not  evident,  ostiole 
flat  or  slightly  conical. 

Handsome  spreading  trees  planted  in  parks  and  along  paths, 
originally  from  India.  The  small  leaves  with  many  secondary  veins, 
short  stipules,  lack  of  pubescence,  small  sessile  figs,  and  charac- 
teristic growth-form  distinguish  this  species. 

Ficus  brevibracteata  Burger,  Phytologia  26:423.  1973.  Figure  17. 

Trees  8-18  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  0.5-2.5  cm.  long,  5-12  mm.  thick,  sparsely 
puberulent  with  thin  yellowish  or  grayish  hairs  about  1  mm.  long,  often  becoming 
glabrous,  smooth  and  gray,  with  few  prominent  angular  ridges  on  drying;  stipules 
7-12  mm.  long,  about  6  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  densely  sericeous  with  thin  pale 
grayish  ascending  hairs.  Leaves  often  confined  to  the  ends  of  twigs,  petioles 
1.4-8.2  cm.  long,  1.5-4  mm.  thick,  with  scattered  thin  hairs  0.8-1.5  mm.  long  or 
glabrous,  periderm  often  peeling  off  in  small  flakes;  laminae  12-28  cm.  long,  5-12 
cm.  broad,  elliptic-oblong  to  obovate,  usually  broadest  at  or  above  the  middle, 
abruptly  narrowed  at  the  short-acuminate  apex,  obtuse  or  rounded  and  occa- 
sionally cordulate  at  the  petiole,  margin  entire  or  occasionally  slightly  rounded- 
crenate  distally,  the  laminae  drying  stiff-chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  and 
glabrous  above,  glabrous  or  with  slender  ascending  hairs  on  the  midvein  beneath, 
the  6  to  9  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at  angles  of  30-60  degrees,  loop- 
connected  and  forming  a  submarginal  vein  only  near  the  apex,  the  basal  second- 
aries often  differing  from  those  above  and  arising  at  a  smaller  angle.  Figs  usually 
paired  at  a  node,  sessile,  the  basal  bracts  difficult  to  see,  1-2  mm.  long  and  equally 
broad,  pale  grayish  sericeous;  the  fig  10-15  mm.  in  diameter  (dry),  slightly 
flattened  above  and  below,  subglobose  to  oblate,  glabrous  or  with  a  few  thin  hairs 
near  the  base,  smooth  and  drying  dark,  often  with  a  few  pale  spots,  the  ostiole 
within  a  slightly  elevated  circle  of  tissue  2.5-4  mm.  broad;  seeds  and  galls  about  1 
mm.  long. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  of  the  Carib- 
bean slopes  between  100  and  800  m.  elevation;  fertile  collections 


have  been  made  in  December,  January,  and  April.  This  species  is 
known  only  between  the  area  of  Volcan  Arenal  (Alajuela)  and  the 
basin  of  the  Rio  Pacuare  (Cartago)  in  Costa  Rica. 

Ficus  brevibracteata  is  recognized  by  the  unusual  fluted  leafy 
stems  (when  dry),  the  short  stipules  broad  at  the  base  and  covered 
with  long  pale  grayish  hairs,  laminae  often  on  long  petioles  and 
broadest  above  the  middle,  the  sessile  figs  subtended  by  very 
small  bracts,  and  the  ostiole  only  very  slightly  elevated.  The 
paired  figs  and  distally  brown  oblongoid-capitate  microscopic 
hairs  (X150)  on  the  lower  leaf  surface  are  characteristics  of  the 
subgenus  Urostigma.  This  species  is  closely  related  to  F.  trigonata 
L.  and  F.  morazaniana  Burger,  but  those  usually  have  pedunculate 
figs  and  the  leaves  are  quite  different.  This  species  is  known  from 
below  Volcan  Arenal  (the  type),  near  the  Rio  Sarapiqui  (Hartshorn 
989  and  Walters  32),  near  the  Rio  Puerto  Viejo  (Burger  &  Matta 
4205  and  Hartshorn  1099),  and  near  Turrialba  (GMV  640,  Museo 
Nacional  40467).  A  number  of  sterile  collections  with  somewhat 
thicker  leaves  with  the  major  veins  broadly  impressed  to  give  the 
laminae  a  corrugated  appearance  are  probably  this  species  and 
were  collected  near  Taus  (Lent  2536  &  2752)  and  Valle  Escondido 
( Walter  77)  in  the  province  of  Cartago. 

Ficus  bullenei  I.  M.  Johnston,  Sargentia  8: 113.  1946.  Figure  19. 

Trees  5-20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-15  (40)  mm.  long,  3.5-6  mm.  thick,  densely 
velutinous  with  stiff  erect  usually  dark  brown  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long,  longer  inter- 
nodes  becoming  longitudinally  striate  (dry);  stipules  10-22  mm.  long,  4-8  mm. 
thick  at  the  base  unopened,  densely  ascending  sericeous.  Leaves  clustered  or 
distant  (?  juvenile  shoots),  petioles  8-40  mm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  densely  dark 
brown  or  orange-brown  velutinous,  not  obviously  sulcate  above;  laminae  7-26  cm. 
long,  4-13  cm.  broad,  ovate-oblong  to  slightly  obovate  or  broadly  elliptic,  rounded 
or  occasionally  very  short  acuminate  at  the  apex,  rounded  to  truncate  at  the  base 
and  slightly  cordulate  at  the  petiole,  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous  and  the  mar- 
gins strongly  revolute,  scabrous  and  puberulent  above,  puberulent  beneath  with 
mostly  straight  stiff  yellowish-brown  hairs  0.5-1.2  mm.  long  (but  not  scabrous), 
the  5  to  10  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  slightly  impressed  above  and  very 
prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  45-70  degrees,  second- 
aries weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  usually  prominent 
beneath.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  subsessile  or  short-pedunculate,  basal 
bracts  2,  entire  or  cleft,  about  2  mm.  long  from  a  small  disc-like  area  formed  by 
the  apically  flared  peduncle,  with  dark  brown  hairs  to  1  mm.  long;  fig  10-14  mm. 
in  diameter,  globose,  the  surface  densely  tomentulose  with  yellowish-brown  or 
grayish  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long,  the  ostiole  hidden  within  an  elevated  collar  of 
receptacular  tissue  1-3  mm.  high  and  3-5  mm.  in  diameter;  seeds  and  galls  about 
1.2  mm.  long. 


Trees  of  evergreen  lowland  wet  forest  formations  from  sea  level 
to  200  m.  (?)  elevation  and  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  only  two 
collections  (Allen  6638  &  Croat  16622)  made  near  Palmer  Sur, 
Puntarenas.  The  known  range  of  this  species  extends  from  southern- 
most Costa  Rica  to  Central  Panama. 

Ficus  bullenei  is  recognized  by  the  densely  brown  velutinous 
pubescence  on  many  parts,  laminae  scabrous  above,  and  the 
relatively  small  fig  with  unusually  large  apical  collar  surrounding 
the  ostiole.  The  species  is  vegetatively  very  similar  to  F.  popenoei 
with  very  different  figs  and  is  related  to  F.  velutina  of  montane 

Ficus  caldasiana  Dugand,  Caldasia  1,  no.  4:33.  1942.  Figure  17. 

Trees  to  about  25  m.  tall,  becoming  very  large  with  trunks  over  3  m.  in  diameter 
and  a  crown  over  20  m.  broad,  leafy  internodes  4-30  mm.  long,  5-16  mm.  thick, 
with  thin  whitish  hairs  0.3-0.8  mm.  long;  stipules  12-34  mm.  long,  about  8  mm. 
thick  near  the  base,  narrowly  acute,  with  thin  whitish  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long 
except  along  the  edges.  Leaves  clustered  at  the  ends  of  stems  in  mature  growth, 
petioles  3-9  cm.  long,  2-4.5  mm.  thick,  densely  pilose  with  thin  white  hairs;  laminae 
(9)  15-27  cm.  long,  8-19  (21)  cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic  or  elliptic-oblong  to  broadly 
obovate,  abruptly  narrowed  at  the  bluntly  obtuse  or  round  apex,  abruptly  rounded 
and  usually  subcordate  at  the  base,  margin  entire,  laminae  drying  stiffly 
chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  above  and  with  minute  hairs  above  the 
major  veins,  densely  pilose  or  hirtellous  on  the  veins  beneath,  the  thin  0.3-0.8  mm. 
long  hairs  sparse  between  the  veins,  the  8  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
arising  at  angles  of  50-70  degrees,  only  weakly  loop-connected  in  the  distal  third  of 
the  lamina.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile  and  often  producing  shelf-like 
structures  on  old  stems,  the  basal  bracts  2  but  usually  deeply  split  and  apparently  3 
or  4,  becoming  15  mm.  long  and  15  mm.  broad  at  the  broadest  point,  whitish  serice- 
ous, covering  the  fig  in  early  stages;  the  fig  becoming  about  14  mm.  long  and  22 
mm.  in  diameter,  flattened  at  both  ends  and  oblate,  the  surface  with  thin  whitish 
hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long,  ostiole  flat,  2-5  mm.  broad  and  densely  sericeous;  seeds  and 
galls  about  1.5-2  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  very  wet  Caribbean  slopes  and  the  area  of  the  Gen- 
eral Valley  between  800  and  1300  m.  elevation.  The  species  has 
been  collected  in  Costa  Rica  above  Turrialba  (Holdridge  6809  & 
6810)  near  Juan  Vinas  (O.  Jimenez  s.  n..  Museo  Nacional  38280), 
along  the  Rio  Grande  de  Orosi  near  Tapanti  (Burger  &  Gentry 
9206),  all  in  the  province  of  Cartago,  and  northeast  of  San  Isidro 
del  General  (Luteyn  3283)  in  the  province  of  San  Jose.  Otherwise 
the  species  is  only  known  from  the  province  of  Caldas,  Colombia. 

Ficus  caldasiana  is  recognized  by  its  broad  leaves  subcordate  at 
the  base  with  long  petioles,  large  sessile  figs  subtended  and  at 
first  enclosed  by  large  basal  bracts,  and  the  thin  whitish  hairs  on 


both  figs  and  vegetative  parts.  The  paired  figs,  two  bracts,  and 
ostiole  with  only  three  exposed  scales  (in  most  stages)  are  charac- 
teristics of  the  subgenus  Urostigma.  This  species  resembles  F. 
cuatrecasana,  but  the  figs  are  larger  with  larger  bracts  and  the 
plants  are  more  puberulent  in  F.  caldasiana.  However,  two  recent 
collections  from  the  road  to  Dominical  west  of  San  Isidro  del 
General,  lacking  figs  and  tentatively  placed  here  (Burger  &  Baker 
lOlOlb  &  10115)  may  indicate  that  this  species  contains  glabrous 
individuals.  Placement  of  this  Costa  Rican  material  under  the 
species  originally  described  from  Colombia  is  a  tentative 
expedient;  further  study  may  show  that  the  plants  are  not 
conspecific.  Ficus  garcia-barrigae  Dugand  and  F.  jaramilloi 
Dugand,  both  of  Colombia,  appear  to  be  close  relatives  of  F. 

Ficus  carica  L.,  Sp.  PI.  1059.  1753. 

Small  trees  3-10  m.  tall,  wood  soft,  leafy  internodes  1-8  cm.  long,  5-10  mm.  thick, 
glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent;  stipules  15-30  mm.  long.  Leaves  usually  sparsely 
puberulent,  petioles  4-14  cm.  long,  about  2.5  mm.  thick;  laminae  12-24  cm.  long, 
10-22  cm.  broad,  broadly  ovate  to  orbicular  in  general  outline  but  usually  deeply 
3-lobed  in  the  distal  half  with  small  lobes  present  or  absent  near  the  base,  cordate 
at  the  base,  the  margin  bluntly  dentate,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and  scabrous 
above,  venation  palmate  with  3(5)  main  veins  arising  at  the  apex  of  the  petiole. 
Fig  solitary  at  a  node,  sessile  or  subsessile  below  the  small  bracts,  narrowed  above 
the  bracts  and  usually  pyriform  to  obovoid,  2-5  cm.  in  diameter. 

Widely  cultivated  for  ornament  as  well  as  for  the  edible  figs, 
which  vary  greatly  in  size  and  shape  in  different  varieties.  This 
species  is  readily  recognized  by  the  lobed  leaves,  small  stature, 
and  edible  figs  (higos).  Ficus  carica  is  not  an  economically  impor- 
tant crop  in  Central  America. 

Ficus  cervantesiana  Standley  &  L.  O.  Williams,  Ceiba  3:194. 
1953.  Figure  18. 

Trees  6-20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  5-20  (32)  mm.  long,  2.8-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous, 
the  periderm  becoming  longitudinally  ridged  and  pale  grayish  on  drying;  stipules 
16-36  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous  or  very  minutely 
(0.05-0.1  mm.)  puberulent,  drying  dark  brown.  Leaves  not  usually  clustered  at  the 
ends  of  twigs,  petioles  10-28  mm.  long,  1.6-2.8  mm.  thick,  glabrous  and  narrowly 
sulcate  above;  laminae  (6)  9-21  cm.  long,  (3)  4-8.5  cm.  broad,  oblong  to  elliptic- 
oblong,  tapering  abruptly  to  the  acuminate  apex,  tapering  abruptly  and  somewhat 
rounded  at  the  obtuse  base,  laminae  drying  chartaceous  to  very  stiffly  chartaceous 
or  subcoriaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  smooth  below  with  a  few  groups  of 
pale  colored  strigulose  hairs  0.5-1  mm.  long  on  the  sides  of  the  midvein  in  the 
basal  half  of  the  lamina,  the  12  to  18  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  raised  above 


and  prominent  below,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  60-80  degrees,  loop- 
connected  near  the  margin  but  not  forming  a  definite  submarginal  vein,  tertiary 
veins  becoming  raised  on  both  surfaces.  Figs  usually  2  per  node,  sessile  or  sub- 
sessile,  basal  bracts  2  and  entire  or  split  3-4  mm.  long  and  about  4  mm.  broad, 
glabrous,  the  fig  about  10  mm.  in  diameter,  subglobose  with  a  flattened  apex, 
surface  smooth  and  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (-0.05  mm.)  puberulent,  drying 
dark,  ostiole  flat  or  slightly  conical,  about  2  mm.  broad,  exterior  scales  2  (3); 
seeds  and  galls  1-1.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  very  wet  montane  (premontane  wet)  forest  forma- 
tions between  1000  and  1700  m.  elevation  and  presently  known 
from  only  four  collections:  Reark  394,  the  type,  from  near  Cer- 
vantes (Cartago);  Standley  36149  from  La  Hondura;  Burger  & 
Liesner  7098  from  the  upper  Rio  Chirripo  del  Pacifico  (San  Jose); 
and  Lent  2613  from  Quebrada  Azul  northwest  of  San  Ramon 
( Alajuela);  mature  figs  have  been  collected  at  the  end  of  August  and 
the  end  of  December. 

Ficus  cervantesiana  is  recognized  by  the  abruptly  acuminate 
leaves  with  slightly  raised  venation  on  both  surfaces,  very  unusual 
hairs  along  the  side  of  the  midvein  beneath  in  the  basal  part  of  the 
lamina,  the  smaller  sessile  figs,  and  restricted  wet  montane 
habitat.  This  species  is  poorly  known  but  appears  to  be  related  to 
F.  paraensis. 

Ficus  citrifolia  P.  Miller,  Card.  Diet.  ed.  8,  Ficus  no.  10.  1768,  fide 
DeWolf.  Figure  18. 

Small  to  medium  sized  trees  5-12  (16)  m.  tall  or  rarely  a  shrub,  often  found  origi- 
nating as  epiphytes,  the  sap  usually  clear  and  very  viscous,  leafy  internodes  3-20 
( 35 )  mm.  long,  3-7  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm  often  peeling  off  in  small  ( 0.5  mm. ) 
flakes,  older  stems  brown  to  pale  gray;  stipules  6-16  mm.  long,  3-5  mm.  thick  at  the 
base  unopened,  glabrous  and  drying  brown.  Leaves  usually  distant  on  the  stem, 
petioles  1.4-6  (12)  cm.  long,  1-2.3  mm.  thick,  quite  variable  in  length  on  the  same 
tree,  glabrous,  slightly  sulcate  above;  laminae  8-18  (22)  cm.  long,  4-8  ( 10)  cm.  broad, 
oblong  to  elliptic-oblong,  gradually  to  abruptly  narrowed  to  the  acuminate  apex, 
obtuse  to  rounded  and  subtruncate  at  the  base,  drying  chartaceous  to  stiffly  chart- 
aceous  and  flat,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the  4  to  12  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  flat  above  and  slightly  raised  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising 
at  angles  of  50-70  degrees,  secondaries  loop-connected  near  the  margin  and  often 
forming  a  weak  submarginal  vein,  tertiary  veins  usually  flat  beneath.  Figs  usually 
paired  at  a  node,  borne  on  peduncles  5-10  mm.  long,  about  2  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or 
very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent,  slightly  expanded  at  the  apex,  bracts  2, 
entire  or  divided,  about  2  mm.  long  and  4  mm.  broad,  glabrous;  figs  10-14  mm. 
in  diameter,  globose  to  obovoid  and  slightly  narrowed  at  the  base,  surface  smooth 
and  glabrous,  usually  green  ostiole  slightly  raised  or  slightly  conical,  the  usual  3 
outer  scales  surrounded  by  a  slight  ridge  of  receptacular  tissue  3-5  mm.  in  diameter; 
seeds  and  galls  1-1.4  mm.  long. 


Plants  of  moist  and  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  from  sea 
level  to  1200  m.  in  Costa  Rica  on  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  on  the 
eastern  side  of  the  Meseta  Central  around  San  Jose;  probably 
flowering  throughout  the  year.  This  species,  as  interpreted  by 
DeWolf ,  ranges  from  southern  Florida  and  Mexico  to  Paraguay. 

Ficus  citrifolia  is  a  striking  species  because  of  its  oblong  laminae 
abruptly  narrowed  at  both  ends  and  short-acuminate  apically,  long 
slender  petioles,  glabrous  parts  (in  ours),  and  pedunculate  figs  often 
slightly  narrowed  at  the  base.  The  species  is  unusual  because  of  its 
clear  thick  sap  (fide  Holdridge  and  Croat).  This  species  is  very 
closely  related  to  F.  dugandii  (F.  turbinata),  which  has  milky  sap, 
dark  brown  twigs,  thinner  leaves,  and  apparently  grows  to  a  larger 

Ficus  colubrinae  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:16.  1917. 
Figure  20. 

Small  to  medium  sized  trees  4-12  (20)  m.  tall,  epiphytic  and  strangling  or  occa- 
sionally independent,  trunk  smooth  or  several  grown  together,  leafy  internodes 
2-15  (22)  mm.  long,  1.5-4  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberulent  with  slender  crooked  or 
straight  hairs  0.8-3  mm.  long,  soon  becoming  glabrescent  and  gray  on  drying; 
stipules  4-8  mm.  long,  about  2-3  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  densely  covered 
with  long  thin  crooked  hairs.  Leaves  often  numerous  and  clustered  on  the  ends  of 
branchlets,  petioles  8-20  (26)  mm.  long,  0.8-2.4  mm.  thick,  densely  to  sparsely 
puberulent  with  straight  and  crooked  hairs  0.5-3  mm.  long,  ridged  on  drying  and 
sulcate  above,  the  epidermis  often  peeling  off  in  small  flakes;  laminae  (4)  6-12  cm. 
long,  (2)  3-6  cm.  broad,  obovate  to  broadly  elliptic,  usually  abruptly  narrowed  at  the 
short  acuminate  (rarely  rounded)  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  at  the  base,  lamina 
drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and  the  margin  flat  or  slightly  revolute,  smooth  and 
glabrous  above,  sparsely  puberulent  beneath  with  slender  hairs,  the  2  to  4  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries 
arising  at  angles  of  35-60  degrees,  basal  secondaries  very  prominent  and  the 
venation  sub-palmate.  Figs  usually  paired  at  the  node,  sessile,  bracts  2,  entire  or 
split,  about  2  mm.  broad  and  1-2  mm.  long,  with  slender  yellowish  hairs  0.3-1  mm. 
long,  often  slightly  (0.5  mm.)  united  to  the  receptacle  basally  and  the  peduncle 
somewhat  acentric;  figs  5-8  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  flattened  apically, 
surface  smooth  and  glabrous  pale  pink  but  yellowish  and  wrinkled  when  dry, 
ostiole  slightly  raised  of  lustrous  tissue  drying  dark,  2-3  mm.  broad,  the  wall  very 
thin;  galls  and  seeds  0.7-1  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  from  sea  level  to  about 
800  m.  altitude  in  Costa  Rica  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific 
slopes;  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species,  as  here  defined, 
ranges  from  British  Honduras  and  Guatemala  to  central  Panama. 

Ficus  colubrinae  is  easily  recognized  by  its  small  leaves  with 
subpalmate  venation  with  few  prominent  secondary  veins,  small 


stipules,  small  figs,  and  lower  elevation  habitat.  This  species  is  very 
closely  related  to  F.  hartwegii  but  differs  in  habitat  and  leaf-vena- 
tion; see  the  discussion  under  that  species. 

Ficus  costaricana  (Liebm.)  Miquel,  Ann.  Mus.  Bot.  Ludg.-Bat. 
3:298.  1867.  Urostigma  costaricanum  Liebm.,  Danske.  Vidensk. 
Selsk.  Skrivt.  5,  ser.  2:322.  1851.  Figure  19. 

Small  to  large  trees  8-20  (30)  m.  tall,  independent  or  rarely  seen  as  a  strangler, 
trunk  relatively  smooth  and  usually  short,  leafy  internodes  5-15  (50)  mm.  long,  3-8 
mm.  thick,  with  stiff  straight  or  crooked  hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long  in  early  stages,  be- 
coming gray  and  ridged,  often  with  the  persisting  stipules  and  shelf-like  formations 
above  the  leaf-scars  where  figs  were  attached;  stipules  7-30  mm.  long,  3-5  mm.  broad 
at  the  base  unopened,  with  slender  whitish  hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long  at  the  base  and 
along  the  midrib.  Leaves  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  7-30 
(50)  mm.  long,  1.2-3.2  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberulent  near  the  base,  very  narrowly 
sulcate  above;  laminae  very  variable  (on  different  trees),  5-16  cm.  long,  3-6.5  (8)  cm. 
broad,  obovate  to  broadly  elliptic  or  oblong,  gradually  to  abruptly  narrowed  to  the 
obtuse  or  rounded  apex  (occasionally  short-acuminate),  narrowed  gradually  or 
abruptly  at  the  base  and  cuneate  to  rounded,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  glabrous 
and  smooth  on  both  surfaces,  the  (3)  4  to  8  (10)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat 
above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  (35)  40-65 
degrees,  basal  secondaries  strongly  ascending,  secondaries  not  usually  loop-con- 
nected near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  obscure.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile 
and  the  stem  becoming  shelf-like  at  the  point  of  attachment,  bracts  2  and  usually 
split,  about  4  mm.  long  and  4  mm.  broad,  with  long  (1  mm.)  ascending  yellowish 
hairs,  united  with  the  receptacle  for  about  1  mm.  from  the  slightly  acentric  base, 
figs  becoming  oblate  and  distinctly  flattened  at  both  ends  at  maturity,  10-12  (14) 
mm.  in  diameter,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  becoming  pink  marked  by  red  spots, 
wall  of  the  fig  very  thin,  ostiole  conical  in  early  stages,  very  slightly  raised  and  dry- 
ing dark  at  maturity,  2-3  mm.  broad,  exterior  scales  2  or  3;  seeds  and  galls  about  1.2 
mm.  long. 

Trees  of  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea  level  and  1200 
m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  in  Costa  Rica. 
The  species  is  common  on  the  Meseta  Central  but  is  rarely  collected 
below  300  m.;  mature  figs  have  been  collected  in  all  months  but 
September  and  October.  The  species  ranges  from  Guatemala  to 

Ficus  costaricana  is  recognized  by  its  relatively  thick  stems  with 
broad  brown  stipules  often  persisting  as  long  as  the  leaves  and  the 
sessile  figs  broader  than  long.  The  leaves  vary  greatly  in  the  species 
but  are  often  small  to  medium-sized  and  usually  taper  abruptly  at 
both  ends.  This  species  is  related  to  F.  hartwegii  among  our  species 
but  is  more  likey  to  be  confused  with  F.  turrialbana.  The  illustration 


in  the  "Flora  of  Panama"  (Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Gard.  47:164.  1960) 
is  very  atypical. 

Standley  placed  a  large  number  of  collections  from  northern  Cen- 
tral America  under  this  name,  but  these  differ  from  ours  in  a 
number  of  ways  and,  I  believe,  are  better  placed  under  his  F.  keller- 
manii.  The  two  are  in  turn  related  to  a  group  of  species  that  are 
often  difficult  to  distinguish  and  appear  to  be  closely  related;  these 
include  F.  cotini folia,  F.  hartwegii,  F.  hondurensis,  F.  inamoena,  F. 
morazaniana,  andF.  trigonata. 

Ficus  cotinifolia  H.B.K.,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  2:49.  1817.  Figure  19. 

Small  to  large  trees  6-20  (40)  m.  tall  with  broad  spreading  crown,  trunks  fluted 
and  the  branches  with  aerial  roots,  leafy  internodes  2-30  mm.  long,  2.5-6.5  mm. 
thick,  dense  soft  grayish  tomentulose  hairs  0.1-1  mm.  long,  becoming  prominently 
ridged  and  grayish  on  drying;  stipules  5-12  mm.  long,  3-4  mm.  thick  at  the  base  un- 
opened, densely  grayish  strigulose  or  tomentulose  or  glabrous  apically.  Leaves  not 
usually  clustered,  petioles  (6)  12-80  mm.  long,  1.2-3.5  mm.  thick,  densely  soft 
puberulent  but  becoming  glabrous  and  the  epidermis  flaking  off,  narrowly  sulcate 
above;  laminae  (5)  7-15  cm.  long,  (3)  4-8  cm.  broad,  very  broadly  oblong  or  elliptic  to 
suborbicular  or  somewhat  ovate  or  obovate,  rounded  to  bluntly  obtuse  at  the  apex, 
obtuse  to  rounded  or  subtruncate  at  the  base,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth 
and  glabrous  above,  sparsely  puberulent  with  thin  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.7  mm.  long 
beneath,  the  4  to  7  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and  prominent  beneath, 
central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  35-70  degrees,  secondaries  weakly  loop-con- 
nected near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  distinct  beneath.  Figs  usually  2  at  a  node, 
sessile,  bracts  2  and  usually  split,  2-4  mm.  long,  3-5  mm.  broad,  densely  puberulent 
on  both  surfaces  with  the  inner  hairs  longer,  united  with  the  receptacle  only  near  the 
base;  figs  6-10  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  slightly  broader  than  long,  surface 
smooth  to  the  touch  and  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent  or  apparently 
glabrous,  ostiole  slightly  sunken  within  a  ring  of  thickened  tissue  1.5-2  mm.  in  dia- 
meter, entrance  covered  by  2  exterior  scales,  wall  very  thin;  seeds  and  galls  about 
0.8  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  seasonally  very  dry  deciduous  and  evergreen  forma- 
tions of  the  Pacific  slope  in  central  and  northwestern  Costa  Rica 
from  sea  level  to  about  900  m.  elevation;  apparently  flowering 
throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  Mexico  along  the 
drier  western  slopes  of  Central  America  to  Central  Costa  Rica. 

Ficus  cotinifolia  is  recognized  by  the  relatively  broad  leaves 
usually  on  long  petioles  and  rounded  at  the  apex,  short  stipules 
often  covered  with  thin  pale  grayish  hairs,  small  figs,  and  season- 
ally dry  habitat.  This  species  is  related  toF.  hartwegii  (with  smaller 
leaves  and  figs  at  higher  elevations),  F.  costaricana  (with  persisting 
stipules,  larger  figs,  and  wetter  habitat),  and  perhaps  most  closely 


with  F.  trigonata  and  its  allies  (q.v.).  I  am  using  this  name  as 
Standley  applied  it,  not  having  seen  the  type.  An  unusual  collection 
(Burger  &  Gentry  9149)  from  above  the  falls  of  the  Rio  Potrero  west 
of  Bagaces  is  placed  here.  This  tree  has  short-pedunculate  figs  and 
short-petiolate  leaves  very  similar  in  shape  and  venation  to  leaves 
of  F.  hartwegii.  I  believe  it  represents  no  more  than  a  very  unusual 
combination  of  morphological  characters  in  the  species. 

Ficus  crassiuscula  Warburg  ex  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb. 
20:12.  1917.  Figure  21. 

Medium-size  to  large  trees  7-25  m.  tall,  trunks  smooth  or  slightly  buttressed,  leafy 
internodes  2-25  (45)  mm.  long,  3-6  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  sparsely  puberulent 
with  minute  (0.1  mm.)  straight  whitish  hairs,  periderm  smooth  or  slightly  striate, 
drying  very  dark  on  new  shoots  or  pale  gray;  stipules  2-5  cm.  long,  3-6  cm.  thick  at 
the  base  unopened,  glabrous  and  usually  drying  very  dark.  Leaves  often  crowded 
near  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  12-22  (30)  mm.  long,  about  2  mm.  thick,  gla- 
brous, deeply  sulcate  above,  epidermis  not  usually  flaking  off;  laminae  (6)  8-16  cm. 
long,  ( 2.5 )  4.5-8  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  narrowly  obovate  or  oblong,  abruptly  narrowed 
to  the  obtuse  to  acute  apex  but  rounded  at  the  tip,  obtuse  to  cuneate  at  the  base, 
drying  subcoriaceous  and  the  margins  usually  revolute,  smooth  and  glabrous  on 
both  surfaces,  the  12  to  17  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and  only 
slightly  raised  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  60-80  degrees, 
secondaries  loop-connected  near  the  margin  and  forming  a  slightly  arcuate  sub- 
marginal  vein,  the  submarginal  vein  often  joining  a  bifurcated  midvein  near  the 
apex,  tertiary  veins  often  obscure.  Fig  solitary  at  a  node,  borne  on  a  peduncle  5-15 
mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  basal  bracts  3,  usually  entire,  3-4  mm.  long, 
4-5  mm.  broad;  figs  becoming  3-5  cm.  in  diameter  with  a  very  thick  wall,  globose  and 
narrowed  above  the  bracts  to  form  a  stalk-like  continuation  of  the  peduncle,  surface 
smooth  and  glabrous,  ostiole  conspicuously  raised  in  early  stages  and  5-10  mm. 
broad  at  maturity,  exterior  scales  3-6  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  3  with  the  apices  of  in- 
terior scales  readily  visible,  wall  very  succulent,  3-6  mm.  thick  (dry);  seeds  and  galls 
2-2.8  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  cloud  forests  between  1200  and  2000  (? 
2500)  m.  altitude  and  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  Volcan  Rincon  de  la 
Vieja  (Guanacaste),  La  Palma  de  San  Ramon  and  Fraijanes  (Ala- 
juela),  Zurqui,  Irazii,  and  Cerro  de  la  Carpintera  (San  Jose)  above 
Orosi  (Cartago),  and  above  San  Vito  de  Java  (Puntarenas).  The 
species,  as  here  understood,  occurs  from  Guatemala  southward  to 
Chiriqui,  Panama. 

Ficus  crassiuscula  is  distinguished  by  its  thick  blunt  glabrous 
leaves,  broad  stipules  drying  dark,  thick  twigs,  large  figs  with  very 
thick  walls,  and  cloud-forest  habitat.  The  solitary  figs  and  unusual 
trichomes  on  the  lower  leaf-surface  (X150)  are  characters  of  the  sub- 
genus  Pharmacosycea.  This  species  is  closely  related  to  F.  yopo- 


nensis  and  is  part  of  a  group  of  species  that  were  considered  conspe- 
cific  with  F.  insipida  (q.v.)  in  the  "Flora  of  Panama."  Unlike  many 
other  species  of  the  subgenus  Pharmacosycea,  this  species  does  not 
appear  to  grow  near  streams. 

Ficus  crassivenosa  Burger,  Phytologia  26:424.  1973.  Figure  21. 

Trees  to  over  30  m.  tall  or  occasionally  epiphytic,  leafy  internodes  1-35  mm.  long, 
2-6  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  sparsely  and  very  minutely  puberulent,  the  epidermis 
occasionally  reddish-brown  and  flaking  off  in  long  (5  mm.)  strips,  the  periderm  be- 
coming deeply  ridged  and  striate  when  dry,  twigs  grayish  in  age;  stipules  2-3  cm. 
long,  about  2-4  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous.  Leaves  separate  or 
clustered  at  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  8-24  mm.  long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  usually 
glabrous,  sulcate  above;  laminae  5.5-13  cm.  long,  (2)  3-7  cm.  broad,  obovate  to  ellip- 
tic or  elliptic-oblong,  rounded  to  obtuse  and  with  a  blunt  tip  at  the  apex,  obtuse  at 
the  base,  drying  subcoriaceous  and  the  margins  slightly  revolute,  smooth  and  gla- 
brous (10X)  above  and  below,  often  lustrous  above,  the  10  to  40  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  often  difficult  to  distinguish  from  the  intermediate  veins,  raised  on 
both  surfaces,  appearing  thickened  above,  the  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles 
of  60-90  degrees,  the  secondaries  connected  by  a  submarginal  vein  1-2  mm.  from  the 
margin,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  on  both  surfaces.  Figs  solitary  at  a  node,  borne 
on  peduncles  6-8  mm.  long,  1-1.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  basal  bracts  1-2  mm.  long  and 
2-3  mm.  broad,  sparsely  and  minutely  puberulent,  deciduous,  the  fig  narrowed  be- 
neath to  form  a  stalk-like  portion  1-3  mm.  long  above  the  3  bracts,  expanded  portion 
of  the  fig  globose,  about  15  mm.  in  diameter,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous  or  with  a 
few  minute  (0.05  mm.)  hairs,  ostiole  conical,  wall  of  the  fig  about  1  mm.  thick  (dry), 
seeds  and  galls  1.5-2  mm.  long. 

Very  tall  trees  or  (?)  epiphytes  in  the  very  wet  forests  of  the  Carib- 
bean slopes  and  lowlands  between  about  60  and  600  m.  elevation. 
The  species  is  known  from  only  three  collections:  the  type,  Hart- 
shorn 1238  from  near  La  Selva  on  the  Rio  Puerto  Viejo;  Burger  & 
Burger  8134  from  Tirimbina  near  the  Rio  Sarapiqui,  Heredia;  and 
Walters  79  from  Valle  Escondida,  Cartago. 

The  characteristic  microscopic  oblongoid-capitate  trichomes 
(X150)  on  the  lower  leaf  surfaces  and  the  solitary  figs  with  three 
bracts  are  characteristics  of  the  subgenus  Pharmacosyce.  The  thick 
leaves  with  many  secondary  veins  and  a  submarginal  vein  near  the 
edge  are  similar  to  the  leaves  of  F.  crassiuscula,  but  the  tertiary 
veins  are  more  pronounced  and  the  laminae  more  blunt  in  this 
species.  The  lowland  habitat  and  small  stipules  and  figs  are  also 
very  different  from  those  of  F.  crassiuscula.  The  figs  of  this  species 
are  very  similar  to  those  of  F.  yoponensis,  but  that  species  has  very 
different  foliage.  This  species  was  only  known  from  two  sterile 
twigs  until  Gary  Hartshorn  collected  material  with  figs  on  29  May 


Ficus  cuatrecasana  Dugand,  Caldasia  1,  no.  4:36.  1942.  Figure  17. 

Small  trees  about  8  m.  tall  (becoming  very  large?),  Crown  open,  the  branches 
wide-spreading,  leafy  internodes  1-12  (20)  mm.  long,  4-8  (12)  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or 
with  slender  hairs  about  1  mm.  long  near  the  node,  periderm  becoming  striate  or 
somewhat  ridged,  grayish;  stipules  14-30  (60)  mm.  long,  6-14  mm.  thick  at  the  base 
unopened,  glabrous  and  deciduous  in  ours  (densely  reddish  brown  appressed 
puberulent  and  persisting  in  Colombia).  Leaves  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of 
shoots,  petioles  3-8  (11)  cm.  long,  2-4  (5)  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent 
with  slender  whitish  hairs,  terete;  laminae  (10)  14-32  (40)  cm.  long,  (8)  10-20  (24)  cm. 
broad,  elliptic-obovate  to  slightly  pandurate,  usually  broadest  above  the  middle, 
rounded  or  abruptly  narrowed  to  a  very  short  acute  or  obtuse  apex,  abruptly  trun- 
cate to  subcordate  at  the  base  (in  larger  leaves),  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth 
and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the  9  to  13  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  slightly 
raised  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  50-80 
degrees,  not  strongly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  the  basal  pair  of  secondaries 
often  very  prominent  and  strongly  ascending,  tertiary  veins  flat  beneath.  Figs  2  at  a 
node,  maturing  well  behind  the  current  foliage  in  ours  (maturing  both  behind  and 
among  the  leaves  and  persisting  stipules  in  the  type),  sessile,  bracts  2,  variously 
split  and  3-5  lobed,  3-5  mm.  long,  glabrous  to  puberulent  with  slender  hairs  about  0.5 
mm.  long,  united  near  the  base  and  occasionally  forming  a  small  disc-like  area  with 
the  attachment  acentric;  figs  16-20  mm.  in  diameter,  10-12  mm.  long,  oblate  to 
obovoid  with  the  apex  usually  strongly  flattened,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous, 
brown,  ostiole  flat  or  slightly  raised  forming  a  circular  area  3-4  mm.  broad,  exterior 
scales  2  or  3;  seeds  and  galls  1-1.5  mm.  long. 

Poorly  known  trees  tentatively  placed  under  this  name  and  known 
from  only  two  collections  from  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes  at  500 
and  1000  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica:  Lent  3445  from  the  slopes  of 
Volcan  Arenal,  Alajuela,  and  Burger  4162  from  the  Rio  Claro  (Rio 
La  Hondura-Rio  Zurqui  drainage)  below  La  Palma,  San  Jose; 
mature  figs  were  collected  in  December  and  January.  The  species 
was  originally  described  from  Colombia  (Cuatrecasas  8218). 

Ficus  cuatrecasana  is  recognized  by  the  large  laminae  usually 
broadest  above  the  middle  and  borne  on  long  petioles  and  the 
mature  oblate  figs  borne  well  behind  the  leaves  (in  ours).  I  have 
seen  only  two  fertile  collections,  which  may  not  be  conspecific  but 
which  are  very  closely  related.  The  type  material  differs  from  the 
Costa  Rican  collections  in  that  the  stipules  are  densely  reddish- 
brown  puberulent  and  larger  and  more  persistent,  and  the  figs  are 
borne  among  as  well  as  behind  the  leaves.  The  two  collections  are 
very  similar  in  leaf-shape,  microscopic  hairs  (X150),  venation,  and 
form  and  size  of  the  figs.  It  seems  best  to  treat  these  collections  as  a 
single  species  until  the  populations  concerned  are  better  under- 
stood. This  species  is  closely  related  to  F.  richteri  Dugand  of 
Colombia  and  to  F.  caldasiana  and  its  allies. 


Ficus  davidsoniae  Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  22:15.  1940.  Figure 

Small  to  large  trees  10-30  m.  tall,  independent  or  epiphytic,  leafy  internodes  5-17 
mm.  long,  3-7  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent,  periderm  becoming  pale 
gray  and  longitudinally  striate;  stipules  12-30  mm.  long,  3-5  mm.  thick  at  the  base 
unopened,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent.  Leaves  usually 
clustered  at  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  4-18  mm.  long,  1.3-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous 
near  the  base  but  with  thin  whitish  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long  distally,  deeply  sulcate 
above,  laminae  6-14  (18)  cm.  long,  2-6  (9)  cm.  broad,  narrowly  obovate  to  elliptic  or 
elliptic-oblong,  bluntly  acute  to  obtuse  or  occasionally  rounded  near  the  apex, 
cuneate  to  obtuse  and  somewhat  rounded  at  the  base,  lamina  drying  subcoriaceous 
and  the  margins  revolute,  smooth,  glabrous,  and  often  glaucous  above,  usually  pale 
brown  beneath,  glabrous  or  with  crooked  or  straight  whitish  hairs  0.3-1.5  mm.  long 
on  the  proximal  half  of  the  mid  vein,  the  10  to  20  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
slightly  raised  on  both  surfaces  and  often  difficult  to  distinguish  from  the  inter- 
mediary veins,  an  arcuate  submarginal  vein  present,  tertiary  veins  forming  a  very 
slightly  raised  reticulum.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile  and  forming  a  small 
shelf-like  depression  on  the  stem,  bracts  2,  entire  or  split,  3-5  mm.  long,  about  8  mm. 
broad,  united  to  the  receptacle  and  forming  a  thickened  basal  area  on  one  side, 
bracts  conspicuous  and  glabrous;  figs  6-8  (10)  mm.  in  diameter,  4-6  mm.  high,  glo- 
bose to  oblate,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  brown,  ostiole  about  1.5  mm.  broad, 
conspicuously  umbonate  and  drying  dark,  1-1.5  mm.  high,  exterior  scales  2  or  3,  wall 
of  the  fig  thin ;  seeds  and  galls  about  1  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  (600)  800  and 
1200  m.  elevation,  known  only  from  the  Caribbean  slopes  between 
Turrialba  and  Moravia  (Cartago)  in  Costa  Rica.  In  Panama  the 
species  is  known  from  Boquete  (Chiriqui)  and  near  El  Valle  de 
Anton  (Cocle);  figs  have  been  collected  in  November,  December, 
and  May.  The  species  is,  I  believe,  endemic  to  this  area  in  Central 

Ficus  davidsoniae  is  recognized  by  its  very  thick  generally  nar- 
rowly obovate  leaves  brownish  beneath,  glabrous  stipules,  small 
sessile  figs  with  umbonate  ostiole  and  conspicuous  bracts,  and  high- 
land habitat.  This  species  is  probably  related  to  F.  jimenezii  among 
our  species. 

Ficus  donnell-smithii  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:21. 
1917.  Figure  18. 

Small  to  medium  size  trees  4-16  m.  tall,  epiphytes  or  independent,  leafy  inter- 
nodes  2-10  ( 15)  mm.  long,  1.7-3.8  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent  with  erect  grayish 
hairs  0.1-0.3  mm.  long,  periderm  becoming  somewhat  striate  and  dark  gray;  stipules 
(2)  3-9  mm.  long,  1.5-2.5  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  drying  dark  brown  with  a 
uniform  covering  of  minute  (0.05  mm.)  grayish  hairs.  Leaves  clustered  or  distant, 
petioles  7-22  mm.  long,  0.9-1.7  mm.  thick,  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  puberulent,  narrowly 
sulcate  above;  laminae  5-15  cm.  long,  1.4-3.2  cm.  broad,  narrowly  lanceolate  to  very 


narrowly  elliptic,  tapering  gradually  to  the  acute  or  obtuse  apex  and  often  rounded 
at  the  tip,  acute  to  abruptly  obtuse  at  the  base,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and 
usually  dark  in  color  (above)  with  flat  or  slightly  involute  margins,  smooth  and  very 
minutely  puberulent  on  both  surfaces  with  erect  grayish  hairs  about  0. 1  mm.  long, 
the  6  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and  slightly  raised  beneath, 
central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  40-60  degrees,  tertiary  veins  flat  and  often 
obscure.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  borne  on  peduncles  4-9  mm.  long,  0.5-1  mm. 
thick,  slightly  expanded  at  the  apex,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberu- 
lent, bracts  2,  usually  entire  and  rounded,  1-2  mm.  long,  glabrous  or  very  minutely 
puberulent;  figs  7-10  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  somewhat  flattened  at  the  top, 
surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  drying  reddish  brown  or  yellowish  and  not  con- 
spicuously wrinkled,  ostiole  flat  and  often  surrounded  by  wrinkled  tissue  at  the  apex 
of  the  fig  (dry),  about  2  mm.  broad,  exterior  scales  3,  drying  dark;  seeds  and  galls 
0.7-1  mm.  long,  enclosed  within  the  conspicuous  perianth. 

Trees  of  the  wet  Caribbean  Lowlands  from  sea  level  to  about  500 
m.  elevation  and  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  only  two  collections: 
near  the  mouth  of  the  Rio  Colorado,  Limon  ( Walter  53),  and  near  the 
Rio  Puerto  Viejo,  Heredia  (Hartshorn  1068).  The  species  is  other- 
wise known  only  from  British  Honduras  and  Guatemala,  with 
mature  figs  having  been  collected  in  December  in  Costa  Rica  and  in 
February,  May,  August,  and  November  in  northern  Central  Amer- 

Ficus  donnell-smithii  is  easily  recognized  by  its  small  narrow 
leaves  on  prominent  petioles,  many  parts  drying  dark  in  color  and 
having  a  pubescence  of  very  small  (0.05-0.2  mm.)  erect  slender  gray- 
ish hairs,  and  the  small  pedunculate  figs.  The  species  appears  to  be 
related  to  F.  perforata. 

Ficus  dugandii  Standley,  Trop.  Woods  32:20.  1932.  F.  turbinata 
Pittier,  Bol.  Soc.  Venez.  Cienc.  Nat.  4(30):61.  1937  (non  Willd. 
1806),  fide  auctores  in  herb.  Figure  18. 

Medium  to  large  size  trees  10-25  m.  tall,  not  seen  as  stranglers,  leafy  internodes 
4-35  mm.  long.  2.5-6  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm  becoming  irregularly  ridged 
or  smooth  (dry)  and  reddish-brown;  stipules  5-15  (40)  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick  at 
the  base  unopened,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent,  drying  brown. 
Leaves  usually  distant  on  the  twigs,  petioles  2-9.5  cm.  long,  1-2.4  mm.  thick, 
glabrous,  slightly  sulcate  above;  laminae  11-22  cm.  long,  4-8  cm.  broad,  ovate- 
oblong  to  elliptic-oblong,  tapering  gradually  or  abruptly  to  the  short-  or  long- 
acuminate  apex,  abruptly  obtuse  to  subtruncate  at  the  base,  drying  chartaceous 
and  flat,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the  6  to  13  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  flat  above  and  slightly  elevated  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles 
of  45-65  degrees,  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin  and  a  submarginal  vein 
absent,  tertiary  veins  flat  beneath.  Figs  paired  or  solitary  at  a  node,  subsessile  or 
borne  on  peduncles  0-4  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puber- 
ulent. bracts  2.  entire  or  split,  2-4  mm.  long,  3-4  mm.  broad,  glabrous  or  very 


minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent;  figs  9-13  mm.  in  diameter,  subglobose  to  obovoid 
or  turbinate  in  early  stages,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  drying  pale  yellowish 
in  color,  ostiole  slightly  conical,  1.5-3  mm.  broad,  exterior  scales  usually  3;  seeds 
and  galls  1-1.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  moist  evergreen  forest  formation  from  sea  level  to 
about  1000  m.  elevation;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year. 
This  species  is  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  only  two  collections: 
Lankester  &  O.  Jimenez  1316  from  La  Hermosa,  Perez  Zeledon, 
in  the  General  Valley  and  Brenes  23013  from  San  Pedro  de  San 
Ramon.  The  species  is  also  known  from  several  collections  in  the 
Canal  Zone  (Croat  8293,  12694,  &  15242;  Muenscher  12302} ,  and  the 
type  (Dugand27)  near  Galapa,  Colombia. 

Ficus  dugandii  is  recognized  by  its  thin  ovate-oblong  laminae 
on  long  slender  petioles,  and  short-pedunculate  figs  often  turbinate 
in  form.  This  species  has  been  mistaken  for  F.  citrifolia  but  differs 
in  the  white  sap,  dark  brown  branchlets,  thinner  laminae  of  slightly 
different  form,  somewhat  different  ostiole,  and  apparently  larger 

Ficus  elastica  Roxb.,  Fl.  Ind.  ed.  2,  3:541.  1832. 

Large  trees  to  over  20  m.  tail  but  most  often  cultivated  in  a  juvenile  form  (often 
as  a  potted  plant  in  homes),  leafy  internodes  1-10  cm.  long,  5-15  mm.  thick;  stipules 
(1.5)  5-20  cm.  long.  Leaves  glabrous,  petioles  2-7  cm.  long;  laminae  (6)  12-30  cm. 
long,  (4)  5-12  cm.  broad,  oblong  to  elliptic,  sharply  acute  at  the  apex,  drying  sub- 
coriaceous,  major  secondary  veins  very  numerous  (50+),  united  near  the  margin 
by  a  submarginal  vein.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile  but  with  a  thick 
articulated  base  about  4  mm.  long  and  4  mm.  thick  (dry),  figs  5-8  mm.  in  diameter 
and  10-12  mm.  long,  oblong,  glabrous,  ostiole  slightly  conical  and  surrounded  by  a 
ring  of  tissue  2-3  mm.  broad. 

Common  small  trees  of  homes  and  gardens  occasionally  growing 
to  large  size  in  gardens  and  parks  (as  in  the  Parque  Nacional,  San 
Jose).  The  large  lustrous  thick  leaves,  usually  dark  green  above, 
and  the  very  large,  often  pink,  stipules  make  this  a  very  striking 
species.  However,  some  trees  do  not  have  these  large  stipules  and 
large  leaves.  The  variations  in  leaf-size  in  the  trees  of  this  species 
must  be  due  to  genetic  differences  in  different  cultivated  forms. 
The  large  tree  in  the  northwestern  corner  of  Parque  Nacional  in 
San  Jose  with  small  (6-12  cm.  long)  leaves  looks  very  different 
from  the  large-leaved  plants  of  this  species  that  one  usually  sees. 

Ficus  goldmanii  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:32.  1917. 
Urostigma  verrucosum  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt. 
5,  2:321.  1851.  Ficus  verrucosa  Hemsl.,  Biol.  Centr.  Amer.  Bot. 


3:148.  1883,  not  F.  uerrucosa  Miquel,  1867.  F.  hemsleyana  Standl., 
I.e.  20:29.  1917,  as  to  type  only,  not  F.  hemsleyana  King,  1887. 
Figure  19. 

Trees  6-15  m.  tall,  trunks  often  fluted  and  branching  near  the  ground,  aerial  roots 
often  present,  leafy  internodes  2-25  (55)  mm.  long  3-8  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm 
smooth  but  becoming  ridged  and  pale  brown  (dry);  stipules  8-14  mm.  long,  3-4  mm. 
thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous  to  very  minutely  (-0.05  mm.)  puberulent  or 
with  a  few  sericeous  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long.  Leaves  clustered  or  distant,  petiole 
16-38  mm.  long,  1.2-2.8  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent, 
slightly  sulcate  above;  laminae  8-21  cm.  long,  3-9  (11)  cm.  broad,  oblong  to  elliptic- 
oblong,  abruptly  rounded  to  obtuse  or  with  a  very  short  acute  tip  at  the  apex,  ob- 
tuse to  rounded  at  the  base,  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  and  gla- 
brous on  both  surfaces,  the  7  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and 
slightly  raised  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  50-75  degrees,  sec- 
ondaries weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  often  obscure.  Figs 
usually  paired  at  a  node,  borne  on  peduncles  4-14  mm.  long,  1.2-3  mm.  thick,  glab- 
rous or  very  minutely  puberulent,  slightly  expanded  at  the  apex  but  not  forming  a 
definite  disc-like  area,  bracts  2,  entire  or  split,  about  3  mm.  long  and  3-4  mm.  broad, 
essentially  glabrous;  figs  globose,  9-14  mm.  in  diameter,  surface  smooth  and  glab- 
rous or  very  minutely  (-0.05  mm.)  puberulent,  ostiole  raised  and  conical,  3-4  mm.  in 
diameter,  the  outer  scales  usually  3  (4)  and  occasionally  surrounded  by  a  weakly  de- 
veloped ring  of  receptacular  tissue  3-4  mm.  in  diameter;  seeds  and  galls  1.3-1.7  mm. 

Trees  of  seasonally  dry  deciduous  and  evergreen  forest  forma- 
tions along  the  Pacific  Coast  in  Costa  Rica  between  sea  level  and 
300  m.  elevation  (to  1000  m.  in  Honduras);  fertile  collections  have 
been  made  in  December-January  and  July-August.  The  species 
ranges  from  Western  Mexico  and  British  Honduras  to  Panama. 

Ficus  goldmanii  is  recognized  by  its  glabrous  or  very  minutely 
puberulent  parts  with  pale  colored  hairs  less  than  0.05  mm.  long 
(longer  hairs  on  the  stipules),  usually  oblong  leaves,  pedunculate 
figs,  and  seasonally  dry  lowland  habitat.  This  species  is  said  to  be 
used  for  living  fence  posts  in  the  Golfito  area.  This  species  is  closely 
related  to  F.  morazaniana,  but  that  species  has  larger  figs  on  short- 
er peduncles  and  is  densely  pubescent  in  many  parts.  A  photograph 
of  the  type  of  Urostigma  verrucosum  (Oersted  14339  in  C)  appears 
to  be  this  species.  Standley  proposed  a  new  name  for  this  species, 
Ficus  hemsleyana,  but  did  not  see  the  type  and  placed  material  un- 
der his  F.  hemsleyana  that  is  clearly  referable  to  F.  citri folia  Miller. 

Ficus  hartwegii  (Miq.)  Miquel,  Ann.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.-Bat.  3:299. 
1867.  Urostigma  hartwegii  Miq.  in  Hooker,  London  Journ.  Bot. 
6:545.  1847.  Ficus  brenesii  Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18:385.  1937. 
Figure  18. 


Trees  6-15  m.  tall,  epiphytes  and  stranglers  or  independent,  leafy  internodes  3-20 
mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberulent  or  glabrous,  periderm  smooth  but  be- 
coming longitudinally  ridged  on  drying  and  pale  brown;  stipules  (4)  6-11  mm.  long, 
2.5-3.5  mm  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  densely  strigose  with  ascending  straight  or 
crooked  hairs.  Leaves  often  clustered  near  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  (8)  10-35 
mm.  long,  0.8-2.2  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  a  few  slender  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long, 
epidermis  often  coming  off  in  small  (0.5  mm.)  flakes,  usually  sulcate  above;  laminae 
4-11  cm.  long,  2.5-6  cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic  to  obovate  or  occasionally  ovate, 
obtuse  to  acuminate  or  occasionally  rounded  at  the  apex,  rounded  or  obtuse  at  the 
base,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  smooth  below  and  usu- 
ally with  a  few  slender  yellowish  hairs  along  the  mid  vein,  the  4  to  8  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  slightly  raised  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries 
arising  at  angles  of  40-70  degrees,  basal  secondaries  prominent  and  strongly  ascend- 
ing, secondaries  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  slightly 
raised  beneath.  Figs  usually  paired  at  the  nodes,  sessile  and  leaving  a  slight  shelf  on 
the  stem,  basal  bracts  2,  entire  or  deeply  split,  about  3  mm.  broad  and  1.5  mm.  long, 
often  united  to  the  receptacle  to  form  a  circular  area  3  mm.  broad  with  the  peduncle 
attached  acentrically,  puberulent  at  the  base;  figs  4-6  mm.  in  diameter,  subglobose 
and  flattened  at  the  apex,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  ostioles  slightly  elevated 
and  disc-like,  1.5-2  mm.  broad,  wall  of  the  fig  very  thin;  galls  and  seeds  0.7-1  mm. 

Trees  of  the  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  900  and 
1600  m.  elevation  and  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  the  areas  of  San 
Pedro  de  San  Ramon  (Brenes  21931),  La  Palma  de  San  Ramon 
(Brenes  5193,  the  type  of  F.  brenesii),  and  near  San  Carlos  (A. 
Smith  1668)  in  Alajuela;  Cedral  de  Montes  de  Oro  (Lankester  &  O. 
Jimenez  1344)  in  San  Jose;  near  Cervantes  ( Walters  48),  Santa  Cruz 
de  Turrialba  ( Valeria  1296),  and  near  Tapanti  (Lent  838)  in  Cartago; 
collected  with  mature  figs  from  December  to  April.  The  species,  as 
here  defined,  ranges  from  Costa  Rica  to  Colombia. 

Ficus  hartwegii  is  recognized  by  its  small  pinnately  veined  leaves 
with  a  few  slender  hairs  along  the  midrib,  small  stipules  and  figs, 
and  lower  montane  habitat.  This  species  has  been  interpreted  (De- 
Wolf  1960)  to  include  the  closely  related  F.  colubrinae,  which  has, 
however,  very  different  leaf-venation  and  lowland  habitat.  The  lack 
of  intermediates,  both  in  morphology  and  altitudinal  range,  con- 
vinces me  that  these  are  distinct  species.  This  species  is  more  dis- 
tantly related  to  F.  costaricana. 

Ficus  insipida  Willd.,  Sp.  PI.  ed.  4,  4:1143.  1806.  F.  glabrata 
H.B.K.,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Spec.  2:47.  1818.  Figure  21. 

Small  to  very  large  buttressed  trees  8-40  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  4-35  mm.  long, 
2-6  (8)  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm  smooth  or  slightly  striate,  often  with  the  epi- 
dermis breaking  off  in  small  (0.5  mm.)  flakes,  grayish;  stipules  (2.5)  4-8  cm.  long, 


2-5  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous,  drying  yellowish-green.  Leaves  some- 
what clustered  or  distant  near  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  16-50  mm.  long,  1-2.2 
mm.  thick,  glabrous  and  narrowly  sulcate  above;  laminae  8-22  cm.  long,  3-8  cm. 
broad,  oblong  to  elliptic  or  narrowly  ovate,  acute  or  short-acuminate  at  the  apex, 
rounded  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and  usually  flat  along  the 
edge,  glabrous  and  relatively  smooth  on  both  surfaces,  the  12  to  24  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  slightly  raised  on  both  surfaces,  central  secondaries  arising  at 
angles  of  60-90  degrees,  secondaries  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin  and  a 
submarginal  vein  present  or  absent,  tertiary  veins  often  obscure.  Fig  solitary  at  a 
node,  borne  (in  ours)  on  a  peduncle  5-10  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  basal 
bracts  3,  usually  entire,  about  3  mm.  long  and  3  mm.  broad;  figs  25-50  mm.  in  dia- 
meter at  maturity  (dry),  globose  to  obovoid  and  distinctly  narrowed  above  the  basal 
bracts,  sometimes  stalked  above  the  bracts,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  green 
with  paler  colored  spots  but  these  drying  darker,  ostiole  conical  and  1-2  mm.  high  in 
early  stages,  remaining  slightly  raised  in  later  stages,  2.5-5  mm.  broad,  exterior 
scales  3-5,  the  apices  of  the  interior  scales  visible  in  later  stages,  wall  of  the  figs.  3-6 
mm.  thick  (dry),  seeds  and  galls  1.5-3  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  lowland  areas  of  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  sides 
between  sea  level  and  500  m.  elevation  in  both  wet  evergreen  forest 
formations  and  seasonally  dry  deciduous  formations  in  Costa  Rica; 
mature  figs  have  been  collected  in  December,  March,  and  April. 
The  species  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  to  southern  Brazil  (fide 

Ficus  insipida  is  recognized  by  its  often  long  narrow  leaves  gradu- 
ally tapering  to  the  apex  and  with  many  secondary  veins,  glabrous 
parts,  very  large  figs,  and  lowland  habitat.  The  solitary  figs, 
unusual  trichomes  on  the  lower  leaf-surface,  and  frequent  stream- 
side  growth-site  are  characters  of  the  subgenus  Pharmacosycea. 
This  species  is  more  narrowly  defined  here  than  it  was  by  DeWolf  in 
the  "Flora  of  Panama."  Of  the  species  recognized  here  and  con- 
sidered conspecific  with  F.  insipida  by  DeWolf,  F.  crassiuscula  is 
most  easily  separated  by  both  its  morphology  and  ecology.  Ficus 
werckleana  differs  only  slightly  in  its  larger,  more  blunt  leaves  and 
larger  stipules,  but  the  mature  fruit  appear  to  be  much  smaller. 
Ficus  yoponensis  is  also  closely  related  but  seems  to  be  more  com- 
mon in  wetter  regions  and  at  higher  altitudes  and  the  smaller  leaves 
have  more  secondary  veins.  While  the  above  are  all  closely  related, 
it  is  interesting  that  no  definite  intermediates  are  known  to  me,  but 
we  do  have  several  collections  (Burger  &  Ramirez  4119,  Guana- 
caste,  and  Croat  12695,  Canal  Zone)  that  appear  to  represent  hy- 
brids with  F.  maxima.  Ficus  insipida  appears  to  be  better  isolated 
from  its  close  allies  than  from  the  more  distantly  related  F.  maxima. 
The  latex  is  said  to  be  used  to  remove  intestinal  parasites. 


Ficus  isophlebia  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:14.  1917. 
Figure  20. 

Small  to  large  trees  5-20  (30)  m.  tall,  often  with  broad  crowns  and  fluted  banyan- 
like  trunks,  leafy  internodes  5-15  (25)  mm.  long,  4-7  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  becoming 
somewhat  striate  and  grayish,  figs  forming  slight  indentations  on  the  stems; 
stipules  12-35  (70)  mm.  long,  3-6  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  essentially  gla- 
brous. Leaves  often  clustered  near  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  1.5-4.5  (12)  cm. 
long,  1.3-2.8  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  narrowly  sulcate  above;  laminae  5-12  (21)  cm. 
long,  3-9  (16)  cm.  broad,  oblong-orbicular  to  ovate  or  slightly  obovate,  usually 
rounded  or  more  rarely  bluntly  obtuse  at  the  apex,  rounded  at  the  base  (rarely 
obtuse)  and  often  cordulate  at  the  petiole,  lamina  drying  stiff-chartaceous  to  sub- 
coriaceous  and  the  margin  flat,  smooth  and  glabrous  above  and  below,  the  6  to  9 
pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  or  slightly  raised  above  and  below,  central 
secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  45-70  degrees,  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  mar- 
gin and  sometimes  forming  an  arcuate  submarginal  vein  distally,  tertiary  veins 
flat  beneath.  Figs  usually  2  at  a  node,  sessile  and  forming  depressions  on  the  stem, 
basal  bracts  2,  borne  on  the  edge  of  a  disc-like  area  on  the  lower  half  or  third  of  the 
fig  and  marked  by  a  peripheral  ring  of  tissue  or  the  bracts  apparently  united  to  the 
receptacle  to  form  the  disc-like  area  (in  dried  material),  bracts  about  6  mm.  long  and 
8  mm.  broad  (free  portion),  glabrous  or  minutely  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  puberulent, 
peduncle  attached  acentrically  on  the  disc;  figs  8-12  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  be- 
coming flattened  apically  and  in  the  plane  of  attachment,  covered  about  50  per  cent 
by  the  bracts,  surface  glabrous  and  smooth  with  dark  spots,  ostiole  about  2  mm. 
broad,  raised  and  conical,  about  1.5  mm.  high  and  drying  dark,  seeds  and  galls  1.2 
mm.  long. 

Trees  known  only  from  near  sea  level  (0-80  m. )  in  Costa  Rica  and 
Panama  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  the  Pacific  coasts.  This  species 
is  also  found  in  Nicaragua  on  the  Pacific  slopes  to  as  high  as  900  m. 
altitude  on  the  Sierra  de  Managua  and  ranges  to  Tabasco,  Mexico, 
along  the  Caribbean  slope.  Figs  have  been  collected  in  May,  July, 
and  September. 

Ficus  isophlebia  is  recognized  by  the  usually  small  rounded  gla- 
brous leaves,  glabrous  stipules,  and  very  unusual  figs.  In  living 
material  the  lower  half  or  third  of  the  fig  appears  quite  different 
from  the  top  and  is  not  simply  the  area  where  the  bracts  are  adnate 
to  the  receptacle.  Rather,  the  bracts  arise  from  the  edge  of  this  basal 
"disc."  These  differences  are  very  difficult  to  see  in  dried  material. 
This  unusual  base,  with  acentrically  attached  peduncle  rimmed  by 
a  periphery  of  thickened  tissue  from  which  the  bracts  arise,  is 
similar  to  that  seen  in  F.  jimenezii.  The  depressions  formed  by  the 
figs  on  the  stems  are  not  as  deep  and  shelf-like  as  those  seen  on  F. 
tuerckheimii.  Ficus  aurea  Nutt.  of  the  West  Indies  is  more  dis- 
tantly related  toF.  isophlebia  and  its  Costa  Rican  allies. 


Ficus  jimenezii  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:13.  1917. 
Figure  20. 

Trees  10-25  m.  tall,  often  with  large  spreading  crowns,  epiphytic  stranglers  or  in- 
dependent, trunks  becoming  2  m.  in  diameter  and  fluted,  grayish,  leafy  internodes 
3-14  (20)  mm.  long,  3-6  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm  striate  and  dark  to  pale  gray, 
stems  often  with  shelf-like  depressions  formed  at  the  fig  attachments;  stipules  (5) 
16-42  mm.  long,  3-5  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  densely  puberulent  (except 
along  the  margins)  abaxially  with  grayish  white  ascending  hairs  0.05-0.4  mm.  long. 
Leaves  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of  twigs,  petioles  12-25  (45)  mm.  long,  1.2-3 
mm.  thick,  glabrous,  narrowly  sulcate  adaxially;  laminae  5-12  (15)  cm.  long,  3-79) 
cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic  to  oblong,  obovate,  or  suborbicular,  rounded  or  bluntly 
obtuse  at  the  apex  and  occasionally  emarginate,  rounded  to  subtruncate  or  abruptly 
obtuse  at  the  base,  drying  subcoriaceous  and  the  margin  flat  or  slightly  revolute, 
glabrous  and  smooth  on  both  surfaces,  the  6  to  18  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
usually  flat  on  both  surfaces  and  difficult  to  distinguish  from  intermediate  veins, 
central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  50-80  (90)  degrees,  a  slightly  arcuate  sub- 
marginal  vein  present  but  often  difficult  to  see,  tertiary  veins  flat  but  readily  visible 
beneath.  Figs  usually  2  at  a  node,  often  crowded  behind  the  leaves  near  the  ends  of 
branchlets,  sessile  and  attached  on  its  side  (relative  to  the  ostiole),  bracts  2,  arising 
from  the  edge  of  a  basal  disc-like  area  on  the  fig,  entire  or  split,  about  4  mm.  long 
and  7  mm.  broad,  encircling  half  the  fig,  glabrous;  figs  8-10  mm.  in  diameter,  flat- 
tened longitudinally  and  oblate,  round  or  slightly  3-cornered,  surface  glabrous  and 
smooth,  pale  reddish  to  whitish,  ostiole  drying  darker,  slightly  raised  and  conical, 
exterior  scales  usually  2;  seeds  and  galls  0.7-1.2  mm.  long. 

Common  large  trees  of  the  seasonally  dry  evergreen  forest  forma- 
tions between  about  800  and  1400  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica; 
probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species  is  known  from 
near  Tilaran  (Guanacaste)  in  the  west  to  the  eastern  edge  of  the 
Meseta  Central  near  Santa  Ana  (San  Jose)  and  Cartago  (Cartago) 
in  Costa  Rica;  it  ranges  northward  to  Guatemala. 

Ficus  jimenezii  is  recognized  by  the  thick  glabrous  rounded  leaves 
with  venation  somewhat  obscure  (dry),  stipules  with  minute 
whitish  hairs,  small  figs  with  conspicuous  bracts  borne  from  a  large 
(3-6  mm.  broad)  basal  "disc"  and  attached  to  the  stem  near  the  edge 
of  this  disc,  and  the  very  restricted  distributions.  This  species  is 
commonly  planted  in  hedgerows  and  in  parks.  Ficus  isophlebia,  F. 
jimenezii,  and  F.  tuerckheimii  are  a  closely  related  trio  and  were 
considered  conspecific  in  the  "Flora  of  Panama";  see  the  discussion 
under  F.  tuerckheimii. 

Ficus  laterisyce  Burger,  Phytologia  26:426.  1973.  Figure  20. 

Medium  sized  ( 10  m.)  trees,  often  stranglers,  leafy  internodes  4-12  ( 16)  mm.  long, 
2-6  mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous,  becoming  grayish  and  longitudinally  striate 
with  shelves  formed  beneath  the  sessile  figs;  stipules  (5)  8-18  mm.  long,  about  4  mm. 


broad  at  the  base,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  puberulent  throughout. 
Leaves  often  clustered  near  the  ends  of  branches,  petioles  1.2-3.6  cm.  long,  about  2 
mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberulent,  longitudinally  striate  when  dry 
and  sulcate  above;  laminae  4.5-11  cm.  long,  2.5-6  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  elliptic-oblong 
or  slightly  obovate,  acute  or  very  short  acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  obtuse 
(rarely  rounded)  at  the  base,  entire,  the  laminae  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth 
and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the  5  to  9  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at 
angles  of  30-60  degrees,  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  flat  on  both  sur- 
faces and  often  somewhat  obscure  beneath.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile 
and  leaving  shelves  on  the  branchlets,  usually  attached  on  the  side  with  respect  to 
the  ostiole,  basal  bracts  arising  from  the  edge  of  a  broad  disc-like  area  about  5  mm. 
broad  beneath,  attachment  of  the  fig  at  the  edge  of  this  often  pusticulate  disc-like 
area,  bracts  about  3-4  mm.  long  (measured  from  the  edge  of  the  disc)  and  5  mm. 
broad,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  puberulent;  the  fig  6-8  mm.  in  dia- 
meter (larger  at  maturity?),  flattened  above  and  below  and  occasionally  on  one  side 
but  usually  oblate,  the  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  ostioles  2-2.5  mm.  broad,  very 
slightly  conical,  lustrous  brown,  with  usually  only  2  exterior  scales;  seeds  and  galls 
about  0.7-1.3  mm.  long. 

The  species  is  only  known  from  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes  between 
Cariblanco  and  San  Miguel  de  Sarapiqui,  Alajuela,  and  near  Taus, 
Cartago.  All  of  these  collections  were  made  near  an  altitude  of  750 
m.  with  figs  in  pre-fruiting  stages  in  October,  April,  and  May. 

Ficus  laterisyce  is  distinguished  by  the  glabrous  or  very  minutely 
puberulent  parts,  small  laminae  on  prominent  petioles,  sessile  figs 
attached  at  the  side  and  leaving  prominent  shelves  in  the  branch- 
lets,  and  the  relatively  large  bracts  arising  from  the  edge  of  a  disc- 
like  area  beneath  the  fig.  The  paired  figs,  strangling  habit,  and  few 
exterior  scales  on  the  ostiole  are  characteristics  of  the  subgenus 
Urostigma.  The  figs  of  this  species  are  very  similar  to  those  of  F. 
isophlebia  in  the  development  of  the  disc-like  base  and  lateral 
attachment,  but  the  leaves  are  quite  different.  This  species  also  re- 
sembles F.  davidsoniae,  which  has  much  more  coriaceous  leaves 
with  many  more  secondary  veins  and  the  figs  not  usually  laterally 

Dr.  Leslie  Holdridge  has  recently  suggested  that  F.  laterisyce  is 
conspecific  with  F.  jimenezii.  The  type  of  F.  laterisyce  (Lent  2972) 
differs  from  material  of  F.  jimenezii  in  the  leaves  more  acute  at  the 
base  and  apex,  the  venation  more  prominent  above,  the  petioles 
shorter,  the  stipules  only  minutely  puberulent,  and  somewhat 
smaller  figs  (see  fig.  20).  These  differences,  however,  may  be  only 
extremes  of  variation  centering  around  the  more  typical  characters 
of  F.  jimenezii.  More  extensive  sampling  of  these  populations  will 
be  required  to  resolve  these  problems. 


Ficus  lyrata  Warburg,  Bot.  Jahrb.  20:172.  1894.  F.  pandurata 
auctores  in  hort. 

Trees  to  20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-5  cm.  long,  6-12  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or 
sparsely  puberulent.  Leaves  usually  glabrous,  petioles  5-30  mm.  long,  2-6  mm.  thick, 
often  shorter  than  the  lamina-lobes;  laminae  11-40  cm.  long,  7-20  cm.  broad,  usually 
pandurate  in  shape  with  the  distal  half  broader  than  the  proximal  half,  abruptly 
rounded  at  the  apex  with  a  blunt  rounded  tip,  narrowed  below  the  middle  and  nar- 
rowly cordate  at  the  base,  margin  entire  but  often  somewhat  undulate,  drying  sub- 
coriaceous,  the  4  to  6  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  prominent  beneath,  a  sub- 
marginal  vein  absent.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile  or  subsessile,  globose, 
becoming  3-5  cm.  in  diameter. 

Grown  in  parks  and  gardens  as  trees  and  also  in  pots  within 
homes.  The  large  dull  green  leaves  of  unusual  shape  are  very  distinc- 

Ficus  macbridei  Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  13:305.  1937.  F.  tor- 
resiana  Standl.,  I.e.  18:387.  1937.  Figure  21. 

Small  or  medium-size  trees  6-15  m.  tall  with  spreading  branches  and  a  broad 
crown,  trunk  relatively  smooth,  leafy  internodes  2-30  (40)  mm.  long,  6-15  (20)  mm. 
thick,  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent,  periderm  with  small  dark  lenticels,  often  pale 
and  peeling  off  in  small  flakes;  stipules  4-6  (7)  cm.  long,  5-10  mm.  thick  at  the  base 
unopened,  glabrous  to  very  densely  and  minutely  sericeous.  Leaves  borne  near  the 
ends  of  thick  branchlets,  petioles  (2)  4-16  cm.  long,  3.5-6  mm.  thick,  sparsely  and 
minutely  (0.3-0.6  mm.)  puberulent,  epidermis  often  breaking  off  in  small  (0.5  mm.) 
flakes,  longitudinally  striate  or  deeply  ridged,  terete;  laminae  20-36  (42)  cm.  long, 
10-23  (28)  cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic  or  ovate,  broadest  at  or  just  below  the  middle, 
tapering  abruptly  to  the  obtuse  to  short-acuminate  apex,  abruptly  narrowed  or 
rounded  to  the  truncate  or  sub-cordate  base,  margins  usually  cordulate  at  the 
petiole,  drying  stiff-chartaceous  and  often  pale  grayish  green,  usually  glabrous  and 
smooth  above,  puberulent  beneath  with  thin  straight  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm. 
long  and  very  sparse  to  moderately  dense  on  the  midvein,  the  9  to  13  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  flat  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at 
angles  of  60-90  degrees,  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margins  but  not  forming  a 
submarginal  vein,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  beneath.  Figs  solitary  at  a  node, 
sessile  or  subsessile  on  peduncles  0-4  mm.  long  and  2-3  mm.  thick,  bracts  3,  usually 
entire,  4-8  mm.  long  and  equally  broad,  glabrous;  figs  becoming  3  cm.  in  diameter 
and  2.5  cm.  long,  obovoid  to  slightly  oblate,  surface  dark  green  with  paler  green 
spots  but  these  drying  dark  on  a  paler  background,  minutely  hispidulous  between 
the  spots  and  the  surface  somewhat  scabrous,  ostiole  about  2  mm.  broad,  conical, 
with  several  exterior  scales  and  the  apices  of  interior  scales  evident,  fig-wall  2.5-4.5 
mm.  thick  (dry);  seeds  and  galls  2-2.8  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  Caribbean  slopes  between  (400)  1000  and 
1600  m.  elevation;  known  in  Costa  Rica  only  from  the  areas  of 
Volcan  Arenal,  La  Calera  de  San  Ramon,  and  Zarcero  in  Alajuela, 
from  the  La  Hondura  area  in  San  Jose,  and  from  the  upper  Rio 


Reventazon  drainage  in  Cartago.  Mature  figs  have  been  collected  in 
May  and  immature  figs  in  April  and  September.  The  species  ranges 
to  Venezuela  and  Peru. 

Ficus  macbridei  is  distinguished  by  the  large  and  relatively  broad 
leaves  scabrous  beneath  and  lacking  a  definite  submarginal  vein.  The 
figs  solitary  at  a  node  and  the  unusual  multicellular  trichomes  on 
the  lower  leaf-surface  (150X)  are  characteristic  of  the  subgenus 
Pharmacosycea.  This  species  is  very  closely  related  to  F.  tonduzii 
but  is  of  smaller  stature,  with  rather  different  leaves,  and  usually 
found  at  higher  elevations.  An  unusual  collection  from  the  lower 
slopes  of  Volcan  Arenal  (Lent  3326}  has  one,  two,  or  three  figs  at  a 

The  name  Ficus  lapathifolia  (Liebm.)  Miq.  has  been  used  in- 
correctly in  Central  America  and  Mexico,  according  to  Gomez- 
Pompa  (Estudios  Botanicos  en  la  region  de  Misantla,  Vera  Cruz. 
Mexico,  D.F.,  1966).  It  is,  in  fact,  a  species  of  Pharmacosycea  simi- 
lar to  F.  macbridei,  but  differs  in  the  less  puberulent  laminae  with  a 
greater  number  of  secondary  veins.  That  species,  like  F.  macbridei, 
differs  from  F.  tonduzii  in  the  laminae  scabrous  beneath  and  lacking 
a  definite  submarginal  vein.  The  three  species  are  closely  related  but 
appear  to  be  unrepresented  in  the  area  between  Veracruz  and  Hon- 

Ficus  maxima  P.  Miller,  Card.  Diet,  ed  8,  Ficus  no.  6.  1768.  F. 
radula  H.  &  B.  ex  Willd.,  Sp.  PL  ed.  4,  4: 1144. 1806.  Figure  21. 

Small  to  large  trees  7-25  m.  tall,  trunk  usually  smooth,  often  developing  but- 
tresses, leafy  internodes  5-30  (45)  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm  dark 
brown  or  reddish  brown,  smooth  or  somewhat  stria te,  epidermis  often  peeling  off  in 
small  strips;  stipules  10-25  (35)  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  gla- 
brous or  puberulent  near  the  base.  Leaves  usually  distant  near  the  ends  of  branch- 
lets,  petioles  8-30  (40)  mm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  epidermis  usually  crack- 
ing and  peeling  off  in  small  (0.5  mm.)  flakes  and  reddish-brown;  laminae  (7)  10-19 
(23)  cm.  long,  (3)  5-8  (12)  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  oblong  or  obovate,  abruptly  acute, 
or  short-acuminate,  obtuse  at  the  apex  but  the  tip  usually  rounded,  obtuse  to  acute 
or  occasionally  cuneate  at  the  base,  drying  stiff -chartaceous  and  the  margins  often 
revolute,  usually  smooth  above  and  scabrous  beneath,  glabrous  on  both  surfaces, 
the  (5)  8  to  11  ( 13)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  usually  flat  above  and  prominent 
beneath,  loop-connected  near  the  margin  but  with  a  definite  submarginal  vein  only 
in  the  proximal  third  of  the  lamina  (or  rarely  throughout),  central  secondaries 
arising  at  angles  of  60-80  degrees,  basal  secondaries  strongly  ascending  and  forming 
the  submarginal  vein,  tertiary  slightly  raised  beneath.  Fig  solitary  at  a  node, 
usually  borne  on  peduncles  (2)  5-18  (25)  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or 
minutely  puberulent,  bracts  3,  usually  entire,  about  1  mm.  long  and  2  mm.  broad; 


figs  14-20  (28)  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  slightly  narrowed  at  the  base  and  sub- 
globose-obovoid,  surface  scabrous,  glabrous  (X10)  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.) 
puberulent  in  ours,  ostiole  1-2  mm.  broad,  flat,  external  scales  several  with  the 
apices  of  interior  scales  evident,  wall  of  the  fig  0.5-2.5  mm.  thick  (dry);  seeds  and 
galls  1.5-2  mm.  long. 

A  tree  of  lower  (0-1000  m.)  elevations  on  both  the  Caribbean  and 
Pacific  sides  of  Costa  Rica,  frequently  growing  along  streams  and 
more  commonly  collected  in  the  seasonally  dry  areas;  mature  figs 
have  been  collected  from  January  to  August.  The  species  ranges 
from  southern  Mexico  into  the  Amazonian  basin. 

Ficus  maxima  is  recognized  by  the  brownish  stems,  exfoliating 
epidermis  on  the  petioles,  medium-size  leaves  scabrous  beneath,  and 
pedunculate  figs  with  scabrous  surface.  The  solitary  figs  and 
unusual  trichomes  on  the  lower  leaf-surface  (X 150)  are  characters  of 
the  subgenus  Pharmacosycea.  The  species  is  related  to  F.  insipida 
and  there  are  collections  (A.  Jimenez  93  and  Burger  &  Ramirez 
4119)  that  appear  to  represent  hybrids  between  the  two  species.  Col- 
lections from  the  Caribbean  lowland  are  distinguished  in  our  area  by 
leaves  with  a  rather  prominent  submarginal  vein  throughout  the 
length  of  the  lamina. 

Ficus  morazaniana  W.  Burger,  Phytologia  26:427.  1973.  F. 
lapathifolia  auctores  notF.  lapathifolia  (Liebm.)  Miquel.  Figure  19. 

Trees  5-25  m.  tall,  trunk  often  fluted  of  grown-together  stems,  usually  seen  as 
independent  trees  but  often  beginning  as  epiphytes  or  stranglers,  leafy  internodes 
8-65  mm.  long,  4-12  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with  erect  slender 
hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long,  periderm  becoming  glabrous,  smooth  and  longitudinally 
deeply  ridged  (dry);  stipules  12-30  mm.  long,  5-9  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened, 
with  minute  (0.05  mm.)  or  larger  (0.5  mm.)  ascending  hairs.  Leaves  clustered  or  dis- 
tant, petioles  12-40  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  densely  hirsute  with  brownish  hairs 
0.3-1  mm.  long,  terete  to  narrowly  sulcate  above  and  longitudinally  striate  on  dry- 
ing; laminae  10-29  (33)  cm.  long,  5-13  ( 16.5)  cm.  broad,  obovate  to  oblong  or  broadly 
elliptic,  abruptly  rounded  or  occasionally  obtuse  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  at 
the  base  and  often  slightly  cordulate  at  the  petiole,  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous 
and  the  margins  slightly  revolute,  smooth  but  minutely  hirsute  above,  densely 
hirsute  beneath  with  slender  pale  brownish  hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long,  the  9  to  14  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries 
arising  at  angles  of  50-80  degrees,  secondaries  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  mar- 
gin and  a  submarginal  vein  usually  absent,  tertiary  veins  readily  evident  beneath. 
Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  borne  on  peduncles  4-8  mm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick, 
hirsute  with  ascending  yellowish  hairs  about  0.7  mm.  long,  bracts  2,  usually  entire, 
about  2-4  mm.  long  and  5  mm.  broad,  minutely  puberulent,  a  disc-like  thickening  at 
the  base  of  the  bracts  usually  absent  or  poorly  developed  (sometimes  present);  figs 
12-19  mm.  in  diameter,  16-20  mm.  long,  globose  to  somewhat  obovoid,  the  surface 
densely  pale  tomentulous  with  hairs  0.05-0.5  mm.  long,  ostiole  conical  in  early  stages 


but  becoming  surrounded  by  a  ring  of  thickened  tissue  2-3  mm.  broad,  often 
elevated  above  the  surface  of  the  fig;  seeds  and  galls  1-1.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  seasonally  dry  deciduous  and  evergreen  forest  forma- 
tions from  sea  level  to  about  1100  m.  elevation  on  the  Pacific  slopes 
of  Costa  Rica  and  more  rarely  on  the  wet  Caribbean  slopes ;  mature 
figs  have  been  collected  between  November  and  March.  This  species 
ranges  from  southern  Mexico  to  Central  Costa  Rica,  mostly  along 
the  Pacific  slopes. 

Ficus  morazaniana  is  recognized  by  its  puberulent  leaves  and 
stems,  pedicellate  figs  with  densely  puberulent  surface  and  rather 
small  bracts,  and  its  apparent  preference  for  seasonally  dry  habi- 
tats. This  species  is  very  closely  related  to  F.  trigonata  L.  but  dif- 
fers in  the  slightly  larger  and  more  puberulent  figs,  more  puberulent 
laminae  with  a  greater  number  of  secondary  veins,  and  different 
habitat  and  range.  This  species  is  a  member  of  the  subgenus 
Urostigma  but  the  plants  have  been  incorrectly  placed  under 
the  name  F.  lapathifolia  (Liebm.)  Miq.,  which  is  a  Mexican  species 
belonging  to  the  subgenus  Pharmacosyce. 

There  are  collections  from  the  Yucatan  peninsula  and  from  a  few 
areas  of  Central  America  that  lack  the  dense  pubescence  typical  of 
F.  morazaniana,  and  these  resemble  F.  trigonata.  There  are  insuf- 
ficient collections  at  present  to  determine  whether  these  are  local 
variants  or  whether  they  represent  intermediates  between  what  are 
here  considered  to  be  two  different  species.  Ficus  morazaniana  can 
also  be  mistaken  for  F.  velutina  andF.  goldmanii. 

Dr.  Leslie  Holdridge  has  recently  made  a  collection  (6804)  from 
Nosara  on  the  Pacific  coast  of  the  Nicoya  peninsula,  which  differs 
from  typical  material  of  this  species  by  having  figs  3.5  cm.  in  dia- 
meter that  become  about  2.8  cm.  in  diameter  when  dry  with  seeds 
and  galls  1.5-2  mm.  long.  A  rather  similar  collection  (Lundell  1242) 
has  been  made  from  Monterey,  Campeche,  Mexico.  These  collec- 
tions may  be  unusual  representatives  of  this  species  or  they  may  in- 
dicate that  more  than  one  species  is  represented  by  the  material 
placed  under  this  name.  A  study  of  these  plants  will  have  to  include 
the  closely  related  F.  perez-arbelaezii  Dugand  and  F.  sanguinosa 
Dugand  of  Central  Colombia. 

Ficus  nymphaeifolia  P.  Miller,  Card.  Diet.  ed.  8,  Ficus  no.  9.  1768. 
F.  duquei  Dugand,  Caldasia  1:42.  1942.  Figure  20. 

Small  to  very  large  trees  7-35  m.  tall,  epiphytes  or  independent,  occasionally  with 
buttress-like  aerial  roots,  leafy  internodes  2-25  (50)  mm.  long,  4-10  mm.  thick,  gla- 


brous,  periderm  striate  on  drying,  figs  often  forming  shelf -like  depressions  in  the 
stem;  stipules  16-30  (40)  mm.  long,  4-9  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous 
and  drying  dark  brown.  Leaves  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles 
5-18  cm.  long,  1.7-3  mm.  thick,  terete  but  longitudinally  striate  on  drying;  laminae 
(10)  14-35  cm.  long,  (9)  11-24  cm.  broad,  broadly  ovate  or  ovate-elliptic,  narrowed 
abruptly  to  the  obtuse,  acute,  or  short-acuminate  apex,  cordate  at  the  base  with  the 
rounded  lobes  extending  1-7  cm.  below  the  petiole  attachment  and  slightly  overlap- 
ping in  larger  leaves,  drying  chartaceous  and  flat,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  sur- 
faces, the  4  to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  or  slightly  raised  above  and 
below,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  40-80  degrees,  tertiary  veins  forming 
a  fine  flat  reticulum  beneath.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile  or  subsessile  on 
a  peduncle  1-4  mm.  long  and  about  3  mm.  thick,  basal  bracts  2,  usually  entire  and 
quite  variable,  6-20  mm.  long,  about  6  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  united  with  the 
receptacle  near  the  base,  glabrous  or  minutely  (0.03-0.1  mm.)  puberulent;  figs  17-20 
(25)  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  oblate,  surface  smooth  to  the  touch  with  very 
minutely  (0.01  mm.)  velutinous  hairs,  drying  pale  in  color,  ostiole  usually  raised  on 
a  ring  of  tissue  5-7  mm.  in  diameter,  exterior  scales  usually  3,  wall  of  the  fig  very 
thin  (dry);  seeds  and  galls  1.6-2  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  lowland  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  along  the 
Caribbean  coast  and  in  the  Golfo  Dulce  areas  of  Costa  Rica  between 
sea  level  and.  500  m.  elevation;  probably  flowering  throughout  the 
year.  The  species  ranges  from  Costa  Rica  southward  to  Colombia 
and  northern  Brazil. 

Ficus  nymphaei folia  is  one  of  our  most  easily  recognized  species 
with  its  long-petiolate  broadly  cordate  leaves,  subsessile  figs  with 
satin-like  surface,  and  wet  lowland  habitat.  The  species  is  apparent- 
ly common  but,  perhaps  because  of  its  size,  only  rarely  collected. 

Ficus  obtusifolia  H.B.K.,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  2:49.  1817.  Urostigma 
involutum  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  5,  ser.  2:320. 
1851.  Ficus  involuta  (Liebm.)  Miq.,  Ann.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.  Bat. 
3:298.  1867.  F.  proctor-cooperi  Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  4:201.  1929. 
Figure  20. 

Small  to  very  large  trees  8-25  (45)  m.  tall,  stranglers  or  independent,  the  trunks  of- 
ten fluted  and  with  narrow  buttresses,  leafy  internodes  2-25  mm.  long,  5-10  ( 14)  mm. 
thick,  glabrous,  periderm  becoming  deeply  ridged  longitudinally  and  often  grayish, 
figs  producing  shelf-like  depressions  in  the  branchlets;  stipules  10-40  mm.  long,  7-11 
mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous,  occasionally  persisting  with  the  leaves. 
Leaves  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of  twigs,  petioles  8-25  (45)  mm.  long,  1.5-5  mm. 
thick,  glabrous,  deeply  sulcate  above;  laminae  11-22  cm.  long,  5-10  cm.  broad,  obo- 
vate,  abruptly  rounded  at  the  apex  or  occasionally  bluntly  obtuse,  attenuate  at  the 
base,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous  and  the  margin  slightly  revolute, 
smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the  5  to  10  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
flat  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  45-70  de- 


grees,  secondaries  usually  loop-connected  only  near  the  apex  of  the  lamina,  tertiary 
veins  slightly  raised  or  flat  beneath.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  often  clustered  at 
the  ends  of  stems,  borne  on  short  (2-5  mm.)  thick  (3-6  mm.)  peduncles,  peduncles 
slightly  expanded  apically,  glabrous,  bracts  2,  entire  or  split,  6-14  mm.  long,  about 
12  mm.  broad,  united  basally  with  the  receptacle  over  an  area  about  10  mm  broad, 
glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent;  figs  16-20  mm.  in  diameter,  glob- 
ose or  becoming  flattened  at  both  ends,  12-16  mm.  long,  surface  very  minutely  (0.05 
mm.)  velutinous  and  soft  to  the  touch,  often  lustrous,  ostioles  3-5  mm.  broad,  flat  or 
slightly  raised  to  form  an  elevated  disc,  exterior  scales  usually  2(3);  seeds  and  galls 
1.5-2.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  lowland  forest  formation  between  sea  level  and  1000 
m.  elevation  on  both  the  very  wet  Caribbean  slopes  and  in  the  sea- 
sonally very  dry  areas  of  Guanacaste  in  Costa  Rica;  mature  figs 
have  been  collected  in  February,  March,  and  September.  The  spe- 
cies ranges  from  southern  Mexico  to  northern  Peru. 

Ficus  obtusifolia  is  readily  recognized  by  the  obovate  leaves 
rounded  at  the  apex  attenuate  at  the  base  and  crowded  at  the  ends 
of  branchlets,  essentially  glabrous  parts,  and  large  subsessile  figs 
with  very  conspicuous  basal  bracts.  This  species  does  not  appear  to 
be  closely  related  to  other  Costa  Rican  species  but  compare  F. 
nymphaei folia.  This  species  possesses  a  wider  ecological  amplitude 
as  regards  rainfall  than  most  of  our  species  of  Ficus,  but  its  altitudi- 
nal  range  is  not  unusual. 

Ficus  ovalis  (Liebm.)  Miq.,  Ann.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.  Bat.  3:299. 
1867.  Urostigma  ovale  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  5, 
2:324.  1851.  Figure  19. 

Shrubs  or  small  trees  4-10  m.  tall  or  occasionally  becoming  large  with  spreading 
branches,  leafy  internodes  1-10  (25)  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  puberulent 
with  slender  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long,  becoming  grayish  and  smooth  or  ridged; 
stipules  6-14  (18)  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous  or 
sparsely  and  very  minutely  puberulent  near  the  base.  Leaves  clustered  or  occasion- 
ally distant,  petioles  6-20  (40)  mm.  long,  glabrous  or  puberulent,  narrowly  sulcate 
above;  laminae  (4)  5-11  cm.  long,  (2)  3-7  cm.  broad,  broadly  oblong  to  obovate  or 
rarely  ovate,  rounded  to  bluntly  obtuse  at  the  apex,  narrowed  to  truncate  or 
rounded  at  the  base  and  often  emarginate  at  the  petiole,  drying  very  stiffly 
chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  glabrous  to  densely  puberulent  beneath 
with  slender  erect  hairs  0.2-0.7  mm.  long,  the  3  to  5  (6)  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  raised  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of 
30-60  degrees,  tertiary  venation  slightly  raised  beneath.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a 
node,  borne  on  peduncles  2-12  (17)  mm.  long,  0.8-1.5  mm.  thick,  expanded  at  the 
base  of  the  bracts,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberulent,  bracts  2,  about  3  mm. 
long  and  4  mm.  broad,  glabrous;  mature  figs  8-10  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or 
slightly  obovoid,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  often  yellowish,  ostiole  2-3  mm. 


broad  and  usually  conspicuously  umbonate,  1-2  mm.  high,  only  2  exterior  scales 
usually  visible;  seeds  and  galls  0.7-1  mm.  long. 

A  species  of  the  seasonally  very  dry  deciduous  formations  of  the 
Pacific  slope  in  southern  Central  America  and  ranging  from  sea 
level  to  1200  m.  elevation;  mature  fruit  have  been  collected  from 
November  to  July  but  the  majority  of  collections  are  from  June. 
The  species  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  and  British  Honduras 
southward  to  Nicaragua  and  northwestern  Costa  Rica.  The  type 
(Oersted  14326)  from  Sta.  Rosa,  Guanacaste,  is  the  only  collection 
reported  from  Costa  Rica. 

Ficus  ovalis  is  distinguished  by  its  small  pedunculate  figs  with 
prominent  ostiole,  small  rounded  leaves,  and  seasonally  very  dry 
habitat.  Nicaraguan  and  Costa  Rican  material  is  glabrous  but  col- 
lections from  Honduras  vary  from  glabrous  to  densely  puberulent 
on  the  leaves  beneath;  the  figs  are  always  glabrous.  This  species  is 
apparently  related  to  F.  perforata,  F.  hartwegii,  and  F.  goldmanii 
among  our  species. 

Ficus  palmata  Forsk.,  Fl.  Aegypt.  Arab.  179.  1775. 

Shrubs  or  small  trees  2-6  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  5-30  mm.  long,  4-7  mm.  thick, 
densely  puberulent;  stipules  5-10  mm.  long.  Leaves  quite  variable  and  sometimes 
3-lobed,  petioles  2-7  cm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  densely  hispidulous;  laminae  8-18  cm. 
long,  6-16  cm.  broad,  usually  ovate,  obtuse  at  the  apex  or  occasionally  3-lobed, 
rounded  at  the  truncate  to  subcordate  base  (occasionally  with  2  side  lobes  at  the 
base),  the  margin  bluntly  dentate,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  and  very  scabrous 
above,  venation  somewhat  palmate  with  3  main  veins  from  the  base,  midvein  with  3 
to  5  pairs  of  secondaries,  densely  puberulent  beneath.  Fig  solitary  at  a  node,  borne 
on  a  peduncle  about  1  cm.  long,  1.5  mm.  thick  and  densely  hispidulous,  bracts  3;  fig 
stalked  above  the  bracts,  obovoid  to  pyriform,  12-18  mm.  in  diameter,  ostiole 
slightly  elevated  and  conical. 

Occasionally  planted  in  the  gardens  of  San  Jose  and  called 
higueron  de  Kabul.  This  species  can  be  mistaken  for  F.  carica  and  is 
unusual  in  that  the  male  flowers  have  three  to  six  stamens;  it  is 
native  to  northern  Africa  and  Arabia. 

Ficus  paraensis  (Miq.)  Miquel,  Ann.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.  Bat.  3:298 
1867.  Urostigma  paraensis  Miq.,  Hook.  London  Journ.  Bot.  6:534. 
1847.  F.  panamensis  Standl.,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:15.  1917. 
Figure  18. 

Shrubs  or  small  to  large  trees  5-20  m.  tall,  often  seen  as  epiphytes  and  associated 
with  the  aerial  carton  nests  of  ants,  leafy  internodes  6-18  (30)  mm.  long,  2.3-6  mm. 
thick,  glabrous  (in  ours),  periderm  weakly  ridged  or  striate  and  gray  or  pale  brown, 
the  figs  often  leaving  shallow  shelf-like  depressions  in  the  stems;  stipules  12-28  mm. 


long,  3-5  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  pub- 
erulent,  drying  dark  brown.  Leaves  usually  distant  along  the  stem,  petioles  8-36 
mm.  long,  1.3-2.3  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent, 
deeply  sulcate  above;  laminae  8-20  (25)  cm.  long,  3.5-7  cm.  broad,  narrowly  oblong 
to  elliptic-oblong  or  narrowly  obovate,  tapering  abruptly  to  the  short-or  long-acu- 
minate apex,  the  narrowed  tip  5-15  mm.  long,  gradually  narrowed  below  the  middle 
but  abruptly  narrowed  and  rounded  or  subtruncate  to  cordulate  at  the  petiole,  dry- 
ing stiffly  to  very  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces  or  very 
minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent  on  the  midvein  beneath,  the  (6)  10-17  (20)  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  usually  flat  above  and  prominulous  beneath,  central  second- 
aries arising  at  angles  of  60-75  (80)  degrees,  secondaries  weakly  loop-connected  near 
the  margin  and  sometimes  forming  a  weak  submarginal  vein.  Figs  usually  paired  at 
a  node,  sessile,  subsessile  or  borne  on  a  peduncle  to  3  mm.  long,  2-3  mm.  thick,  bracts 
2,  usually  entire,  2-4  mm.  long,  3-4  mm.  broad,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberu- 
lent, occasionally  with  the  apex  of  the  peduncle  forming  a  disc-like  ring  3  mm.  in  dia- 
meter at  the  base  of  the  bracts;  figs  10-14  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  to  slightly  ellip- 
soid or  sub-pyriform,surface  smooth,  glabrous  and  often  pale  in  color  with  darker 
longitudinal  streaks,  ostiole  prominently  raised  and  cone-like  or  umbonate,  1-3  mm. 
high  and  2-4  mm.  broad,  usually  with  2  large  outer  scales  and  a  third  smaller  scale 
apparent,  usually  drying  dark;  seeds  and  galls  1-1.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea  level  and 
1000  (1600)  m.  elevation  and  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  only  the 
General  Valley,  San  Jose  (Skutch  5423),  and  Pejivalle,  Cartago, 
(Skutch  4623).  The  species  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  and  Bri- 
tish Honduras  to  Peru  and  Northern  Brazil. 

Ficus  paraensis  is  recognized  by  its  usually  abruptly  acuminate 
oblong-obovate  leaves,  essentially  glabrous  parts,  and  sessile  or 
short-pedunculate  figs  often  longer  than  thick  and  with  a  very 
prominently  umbonate  ostiole.  The  species  is  often  associated  with 
the  aerial  nests  of  ants,  either  as  an  epiphyte  growing  on  or  with  the 
nest  and  as  independent  trees.  This  species  appears  to  be  closely 
related  toF.  citrifolia  andF.  cervantesiana  among  our  species. 

Ficus  perforata  L.,  PI.  Surinam.  17.  1775.  Urostigma  eugeniae- 
folium  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  5,  ser.  2:329.  1851. 
U.  oerstedianum  Miq.  in  Seem.,  Bot.  Voy.  Herald  196,  t.  36.  1854. 
Ficus  oerstediana  (Miq.)  Miq.,  Ann.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.  Bat.  3:299. 
1867.  F.  eugeniaefolia  (Liebm.)  Hemsl.,  Biol.  Centr.  Amer.  Bot. 
3:144.  1883.  F.  georgii  Standl.  &  L.O.  Williams,  Ceiba,  1:236.  1951. 
Figure  18. 

Small  to  large  trees  (4-20  (30)  m.  tall,  often  branching  near  the  ground,  only  occa- 
sionally seen  as  epiphytes,  leafy  internodes  1-12  (25)  mm.  long,  1.4-3.5  (5)  mm.  thick, 
glabrous,  periderm  becoming  striate  and  often  peeling  in  small  (0.5  mm.)  flakes, 
grayish  brown;  stipules  4-16  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  mi- 


nutely  (0.05-0.1  mm. )  puberulent  or  glabrous.  Leaves  distant  or  clustered,  petioles  4- 
18  mm.  long,  1-1.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent,  sul- 
cate  above;  laminae  (2.5)  4-12  cm.  long,  (1.5)  2-5.5  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  obovate  or 
oblanceolate,  obtuse  to  acute  or  short -acuminate  (rarely  rounded)  at  the  apex  but 
often  blunt  at  the  tip,  cuneate  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous 
to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above  and  below,  the  7  to  14  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins  slightly  raised  on  both  surfaces  and  often  difficult  to  distinguish 
from  the  intermediate  veins,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  60-80  degrees, 
secondaries  loop-connected  near  the  margins  and  an  arcuate  submarginal  vein  usu- 
ally present,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  on  both  surfaces.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a 
node,  borne  on  peduncles  4-12  mm.  long,  0.5-1  mm.  thick,  flared  at  the  apex,  glab- 
rous, bracts  2,  usually  entire,  1-2  mm.  long,  about  2  mm.  broad,  glabrous  or  very  mi- 
nutely (-0.05  mm.)  puberulent;  figs  (4)  6-9  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  to  somewhat 
obovoid  or  turbinate,  with  narrowed  base  and  flattened  apex,  surface  glabrous  and 
smooth,  pale  in  color  with  darker  spots,  ostiole  2-3  mm.  broad,  flat  or  slightly  raised, 
drying  dark,  sometimes  with  a  thickened  ring  of  tissue  around  the  periphery,  exter- 
ior scales  2  or  3;  seeds  and  galls  0.7-1  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea 
level  and  1200  m.  elevation  and  probably  flowering  throughout  the 
year.  Most  commonly  collected  between  400  and  1000  m.  on  the 
Caribbean  slope  in  Costa  Rica  and  planted  on  the  Meseta  Central. 
The  species  ranges  from  Guatemala  and  British  Honduras  south- 
ward to  Colombia  and  is  found  in  the  Bahamas  and  Greater 

Ficus  perforata  is  recognized  by  the  usually  very  small,  stiff  glab- 
rous leaves  and  small  pedunculate  figs  with  flat  or  slightly  raised 
ostiole.  This  species  is  similar  to  F.  pertusa  in  leaf-size  and  shape 
but  differs  in  the  fig. 

Ficus  pertusa  L.F.,  Suppl.  Plant.  442.  1781.  F.  padifolia  H.B.K., 
Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  2:47.  1817.  Figure  18. 

Usually  small  trees  5-12  (30)  m.  tall,  often  seen  as  epiphytes  or  stranglers,  leafy 
internodes  3-20  (30)  mm.  long,  1.2-3.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  less  often  puberulent 
with  small  whitish  hairs  0. 1-0.3  mm.  long,  periderm  becoming  irregularly  striate  and 
grayish;  stipules  (3)  5-10  mm.  long,  1.2-3  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous 
or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent.  Leaves  distant  or  congested,  petioles  6-25 
(32)  mm.  long,  0.6-1.6  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  deeply  sulcate;  laminae  5-11  cm.  long, 
1.8-4  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  elliptic-oblong,  acute  or  acuminate  at  the  apex, 
obtuse  to  acute  at  the  base,  lamina  drying  chartaceous  to  very  stiffly  chartaceous 
and  the  margin  flat  or  slightly  revolute,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the 
(4)  7  to  12  (20)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  very  slightly  raised  above  and  below, 
often  difficult  to  distinguish  from  the  intermediate  veins,  central  secondaries  aris- 
ing at  angles  of  60-80  degrees,  secondaries  loop-connected  near  the  margin  and  a 
weak  arcuate  submarginal  vein  usually  present,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  above 
and  below,  upper  surface  usually  distinctly  punctate.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node. 


borne  on  peduncles  2-6  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick,  slightly  expanded  at  the  apex, 
usually  glabrous,  bracts  2,  usually  entire,  about  2  mm.  long,  2-3  mm.  broad,  glab- 
rous or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent;  figs  8-14  mm.  in  diameter,  globose, 
surface  smooth  and  glabrous  but  often  drying  prominently  wrinkled,  pale  colored 
with  darker  spots,  ostiole  surrounded  by  a  flat  or  slightly  raised  collar  of  receptacu- 
lar  tissue  0-2  mm.  high  and  1-3  mm.  in  diameter,  external  scales  usually  3,  below  the 
level  of  the  collar;  seeds  and  galls  0.7-1  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  from  sea  level  to  2000  m. 
elevation,  but  usually  found  between  900  and  1600  m.  in  Costa  Rica, 
and  common  in  the  wetter  parts  of  the  Meseta  Central;  flowering 
throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  and 
Jamaica  to  Paraguay  (fide  DeWolf). 

Ficus  pertusa  is  recognized  by  its  small,  often  acuminate  leaves, 
glabrous  parts,  and  small  pedunculate  figs  with  a  crateriform  apex 
formed  by  a  collar  of  tissue  around  and  above  the  ostiole.  Lowland 
collections  from  our  area  are  rare  and  often  puberulent,  while  the 
highland  collections  are  usually  glabrous.  This  species  is  very  simi- 
lar vegetatively  to  F.  perforata  with  somewhat  smaller  figs  lacking 
the  crateriform  apex. 

Ficus  popenoei  Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  4:301.  1929.  F.  toli- 
mensis  Standl.,  I.e.  17: 177.  1937.  Figure  19. 

Trees  10-25  m.  tall,  often  found  as  stranglers,  leafy  internodes  3-12  (40)  mm.  long, 
4-8  mm.  thick,  densely  hirsute  with  stiff  yellowish-brown  or  dark  brown  hairs  0.3-0.8 
mm.  long,  periderm  becoming  dark  gray  and  not  strongly  ridged;  stipules  6-10 
(14)  mm.  long,  3-5  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  ascending  sericeous  with 
golden-brown  hairs  about  1  mm.  long.  Leaves  clustered  or  distant,  petioles  2-15 
(23)  mm.  long,  1.3-4  mm.  thick,  obscurely  sulcate  above,  densely  hirsutulous  with 
yellowish-brown  hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long;  laminae  (6)  7-18  cm.  long,  (3)  4-8  cm.  broad, 
oblong  to  broadly  obovate,  abruptly  rounded  at  the  apex  or  occasionally  obtuse, 
narrowed  to  the  base  and  abruptly  truncate  to  cordulate  at  the  petiole,  laminae  dry- 
ing very  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous  with  the  margins  often  strongly 
revolute,  usually  scabrous  and  minutely  hispid  above,  hirsutulous  beneath  with 
yellowish-brown  hairs  0.2-0.7  mm.  long,  the  6  to  9  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
slightly  raised  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles 
of  45-65  degrees,  the  secondaries  loop-connected  near  the  margin  but  a  definite 
submarginal  vein  absent,  tertiary  veins  raised  beneath.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a 
node,  subsessile  or  borne  on  peduncles  to  3  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  not  expanded 
at  the  apex,  densely  yellowish  hirsute,  basal  bracts  2,  usually  entire,  about  2-4  mm. 
long  and  3-4  mm.  broad,  appressed  hirsute  basally  and  along  the  midrib  abaxially; 
figs  distinctly  longer  than  thick  15-24  mm.  long,  9-16  mm.  in  diameter,  surface  of  the 
fig  densely  yellowish  hirsutulous,  ostiole  often  obscure,  flat  or  slightly  conical, 
1.5-3  mm.  broad;  seeds  and  galls  1.3-1.7  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea  level  and  ( ? ) 
1000  m.  elevation;  fertile  collections  have  been  made  in  August, 


October,  and  November.  The  species  ranges  from  British  Honduras 
to  Colombia  but  is  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  only  a  single  collec- 
tion: Holm  &  Iltis  806  near  the  Rio  Frio,  Alajuela. 

Ficus  popenoei  is  recognized  by  the  unusual  shape  of  its  figs, 
densely  hirsute  pubescence  on  many  parts,  and  the  usually  obovate 
laminae  rounded  at  the  apex.  This  species  is  vegetatively  similar 
to  F.  bullenei  with  very  different  figs. 

Ficus  pumila  L.,  Sp.  PL  1060.  1753. 

Plants  climbing  on  surfaces  or  becoming  small  shrubs  1-2.5  m.  tall,  stems  with 
slender  adventitious  roots  and  with  small  (2-3  cm.)  leaves,  fruiting  stems  thicker 
(2-5  mm.)  and  with  larger  leaves,  puberulent;  stipules  8-16  mm.  long,  densely 
sericeous.  Leaves  on  fruiting  stems  with  petioles  4-18  mm.  long,  about  1.5  mm. 
thick;  laminae  on  fruiting  stems  3-9  cm.  long,  2-4  cm.  broad,  oblong  to  narrowly 
ovate,  obtuse  and  often  rounded  at  the  apex,  rounded  to  shallowly  cordate  at  the 
base,  drying  subcoriaceous,  the  3  to  5  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  strongly 
ascending,  tertiary  veins  prominent  beneath  and  forming  a  reticulum,  puberulent 
beneath,  laminae  of  the  rooting  stems  12-25  mm.  long  and  sessile.  Fig  solitary  at  a 
node,  borne  on  a  short  (3-7  mm.)  puberulent  peduncle,  narrowed  above  the  bracts 
and  pyriform  or  obovoid,  2-4  cm.  in  diameter  and  5-7  cm.  long,  abruptly  narrowed 
distally  but  with  the  ostiole  borne  on  a  conical  apex. 

Widely  planted  in  gardens  to  cover  walls  and  other  surfaces  and 
requiring  relatively  little  care.  The  stiff  distichous  leaves,  large  figs 
of  unusual  shape,  and  unusual  habit  distinguish  this  species.  Native 
of  Japan  and  China,  the  plants  are  referred  to  as  hiedra  in  Costa 

Ficus  religiose  L.,  Sp.  PL  1059.  1753. 

Trees  8-20  m.  tall,  often  planted  for  shade,  leafy  internodes  5-25  mm.  long,  2-5  mm. 
thick,  glabrous;  stipules  4-30  mm.  long.  Leaves  glabrous,  petioles  5-10  cm.  long, 
0.8-2  mm.  thick;  laminae  7-15  cm.  long,  3-9  cm.  broad,  ovate  but  with  a  very  long 
(15-40  mm.)  narrow  (1-3  mm.)  acuminate  tip,  abruptly  truncate  at  the  base,  drying 
stiffly  chartaceous,  the  6  to  11  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  slightly  raised  on  both 
surfaces.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node  or  occasionally  several,  sessile,  5-8  mm.  in 
diameter,  globose,  subtended  by  conspicuous  puberulent  bracts,  surface  of  the  fig 
glabrous,  ostiole  slightly  conical. 

Trees  planted  in  parks  and  large  gardens  and  along  streets.  The 
unusual  laminae  broadly  ovate,  but  with  a  very  long  tip  and  borne 
on  long  slender  petioles,  distinguish  this  species. 

Ficus  retusa  L.,  Mant.  PL  129.  1767.  F.  nitida  Thunb.,  Diss.  Fie. 

Becoming  large  trees  more  than  20  m.  tall,  producing  many  aerial  roots,  leafy 
internodes  3-15  mm.  long,  about  4  mm.  thick,  glabrous;  stipules  5-10  mm.  long. 


Leaves  glabrous,  petioles  5-10  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick;  laminae  3-8  cm.  long, 
1-3  cm.  broad,  elliptic,  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex,  cuneate  at  the  base,  drying 
stiffly  chartaceous,  major  secondary  veins  difficult  to  distinguish,  6-12  pairs.  Figs 
usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile,  about  5-8  mm.  in  diameter,  globose,  subtended  by 
3  very  small  (1.5  mm. )  bracts,  ostiole  flat. 

Trees  from  the  wet  tropical  lowlands  of  southeastern  Asia;  called 
the  "malayan  banyan"  or  referred  to  as  laurel  de  la  India  in  Costa 
Rica.  These  are  the  trees  that  dominate  the  parks  of  Limon.  The 
aerial  roots,  small  leaves,  very  small  figs,  and  glabrous  parts  are 
distinguishing  characteristics. 

Ficus  schippii  Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  8:7.  1930.  Ficus  meisto- 
syce  Standl.  &  L.  O.  Wms.,  Ceiba  3: 195.  1953.  Figure  18. 

Woody  climbers  or  trees  6-20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-24  mm.  long,  2.5-5  mm. 
thick,  glabrous,  periderm  often  becoming  strongly  ridged  and  pale  gray  or  brown; 
stipules  12-22  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  broad  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous,  drying  pale 
brown  to  dark  brown.  Leaves  clustered  or  distant  on  the  stems,  petioles  14-44  (58) 
mm.  long,  1.2-2.6  mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous  with  the  epidermis  often  flaking 
off  in  small  (0.5  mm.)  flakes,  narrowly  sulcate  above;  laminae  7-18  (20)  cm.  long, 
3-7.5  (9)  cm.  broad,  oblong  to  elliptic-oblong  or  occasionally  slightly  ovate  or 
obovate,  abruptly  short-acuminate  to  caudate-acuminate  at  the  apex,  rounded  to 
the  obtuse  base,  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both 
surfaces,  (rarely  with  hairs  along  the  sides  of  the  midvein  beneath),  the  6  to  12  pairs 
of  major  secondary  veins  slightly  raised  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central 
secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  60-80  degrees,  joined  near  the  edge  by  a  distinct 
and  arcuate  submarginal  vein,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  beneath.  Figs  usually 
paired  at  a  node  but  also  found  in  clusters  of  3  to  9  on  very  short  (?)  short-shoots, 
subsessile  or  borne  on  very  short  (0-2  mm.)  peduncles,  basal  bracts  2,  usually  entire, 
about  2  mm.  broad  and  1.5  mm.  long,  glabrous;  figs  4-5  mm.  in  diameter,  subglobose 
and  slightly  flattened  at  the  apex,  surface  smooth  and  glabrous,  often  drying 
orange-brown,  ostiole  flat  or  slightly  raised,  1.4-1.8  mm.  broad,  galls  and  seeds 
about  0.5  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  the  lowland  Caribbean  wet  forest  formations  between 
sea  level  and  about  500  m.  elevation;  probably  flowering  through- 
out the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  British  Honduras  southward 
along  the  Caribbean  to  Central  Panama  and  perhaps  south-central 

Ficus  schippii  is  one  of  our  most  unusual  species  of  Ficus  because 
of  the  climbing  habit  seen  in  many  individuals  and  the  very  small 
figs  often  found  in  clusters  of  three  to  nine  at  a  node.  Some  plants 
have  the  figs  often  borne  in  these  clusters  while  other  plants  exhibit 
this  clustering  only  rarely.  The  species  is  known  in  Costa  Rica  from 
only  two  fertile  collections:  Hartshorn  1055  from  near  the  Rio 
Puerto  Viejo  (Heredia)  and  Shank  &  Molina  4208,  type  of  F, 


meistosyce,  from  the  drainage  of  the  Rio  Parismina  and  Rio  Reven- 
tazon  (Limon).  Ficus  microclada  Dugand  of  south-central  Colombia 
is  a  liana  with  very  small  clustered  figs  probably  conspecific  with 
Central  American  material  placed  here. 

Ficus  tonduzii  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:8.  1917. 
Figure  21. 

Small  or  medium-size  trees  (5)  10-20  m.  tall,  trunks  simple  and  usually  smooth, 
leafy  internodes  5-20  (40)  mm.  long,  5-11  mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous,  periderm 
becoming  deeply  striate  and  pale  gray  (dry)  often  with  the  epidermis  flaking  off; 
stipules  2-4  (6)  cm.  long,  5-10  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous.  Leaves 
usually  distant  but  near  the  ends  of  branchlets,  petioles  (2)  3-8.5  cm.  long,  3-6  mm. 
thick,  glabrous,  epidermis  often  cracking  and  coming  off  in  small  (0.5  mm.)  flakes, 
longitudinally  striate  and  terete  or  slightly  sulcate  above;  laminae  (12)  16-32  cm. 
long,  7-15  cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic  or  slightly  obovate  to  elliptic-oblong,  abruptly 
narrowed  or  rounded  at  the  bluntly  acute  or  obtuse  apex,  narrowed  or  slightly 
rounded  at  the  obtuse  base  (never  cordulate  at  the  petiole),  lamina  drying  stiffly 
chartaceous  and  the  margin  slightly  revolute,  glabrous  and  relatively  smooth  on 
both  surfaces,  the  7  to  11  (14)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  slightly  raised  above 
and  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  55-90  degrees, 
secondaries  loop-connected  near  the  margin  and  forming  a  definite  submarginal 
vein,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  beneath.  Fig  solitary  at  a  node,  sessile  (in  ours), 
or  on  a  peduncle  1-10  mm.  long  and  3-4  mm.  thick,  bracts  3,  entire  or  more  often 
variously  split,  2-3  mm.  long  3-4  mm.  broad,  glabrous,  united  with  the  receptacle 
near  the  base;  figs  becoming  20-35  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  somewhat  obovoid 
and  narrowed  above  the  basal  bracts,  green  with  pale  round  markings,  glabrous  or 
very  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  hispidulous  and  slightly  rough  to  the  touch,  wall  of  the  fig 
2-3  mm.  thick  (dry),  ostiole  flat  or  slightly  raised,  about  2  mm.  broad,  exterior  scales 
several  and  the  apices  of  the  interior  scales  evident;  seeds  and  galls  1.5-3  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea 
level  and  1000  (?  1400)  m.  elevation  on  the  Caribbean  side  of  the 
Central  Highlands,  on  the  Caribbean  slope  and  lowlands,  and  in  the 
General  Valley  and  Golfo  Dulce  region  in  Costa  Rica;  probably 
flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  Honduras 
to  Ecuador. 

Ficus  tonduzii  is  distinguished  by  its  relatively  broad  leaves 
glabrous  and  smooth  on  both  surfaces  with  a  prominent  submar- 
ginal vein.  The  figs  solitary  at  a  node,  unusual  trichomes  on  the 
lower  leaf-surface  (X150),  and  frequent  streamside  habitat  are  char- 
acters of  the  subgenus  Pharmacosycea.  This  species  is  very  closely 
related  to  F.  macbridei  but  differs  in  possessing  a  distinct  submar- 
ginal vein,  smaller  figs,  and  growing  at  lower  elevations. 

Ficus  trachelosyce  Dugand,  Caldasia  4:69,  fig.  14.  1942.  Figure 


Medium  to  large  trees  10-25  m.  tall,  stranglers  or  independent,  trunk  to  over  1  m. 
diameter  and  often  of  intertwined  parts,  leafy  internodes  (4)  8-30  mm.  long,  1.5-3 
mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm  becoming  striate  and  often  pale  grayish  brown; 
stipules  (3)  5-16  mm.  long,  1.3-2.7  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened.  Leaves  usually 
distant,  petioles  8-20  mm.  long,  0-8.2  mm.  thick,  glabrous  and  deeply  sulcate  above; 
laminae  7-16  cm.  long,  2.5-6  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  elliptic-oblong,  usually  tapering 
gradually  to  the  acuminate  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  drying  stiff -chartace- 
ous  and  the  margin  often  involute,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces  with  small 
raised  dots  above,  the  6  to  15  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  very  slightly  raised 
above  and  below,  often  difficult  to  distinguish  from  the  intermediate  veins,  central 
secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  60-75  degrees,  loop-connected  near  the  margin  to 
form  an  arcuate  submarginal  vein,  tertiary  veins  often  obscure.  Figs  usually  paired 
at  a  node,  borne  on  a  peduncle  2-6  mm.  long,  1-1.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  slightly  ex- 
panded at  the  apex  and  occasionally  forming  a  disc-like  area  at  the  base  of  the 
bracts,  bracts  2,  usually  entire,  1-2  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  broad,  glabrous;  figs  14-18 
mm.  in  diameter,  globose  but  with  a  conspicuous  apical  collar,  surface  smooth  and 
glabrous,  often  wrinkled  and  yellowish  on  drying,  ostiole  deeply  hidden  within  the 
3-6  mm.  high  and  2-4  mm.  broad  urceolate  collar;  seeds  and  galls  1.2-1.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  seasonally  dry  Pacific  Slope  in  Costa  Rica  between 
sea  level  and  1000  m.  elevation  and  known  only  from  San  Miguel  de 
San  Ramon,  Alajuela,  (Brenes  14953  &  21909)  and  near  Sta.  Cruz, 
Nicoya  Peninsula,  (Burger  &  Ramirez  4104).  The  only  other  collec- 
tion seen  from  our  area  is  from  Puerto  Armuelles,  Chiriqui  (Allen 
6295).  Mature  figs  have  been  collected  in  January,  August,  and 
December.  The  species  ranges  to  Colombia. 

Ficus  trachelosyce  is  distinguished  by  its  small  glabrous  thin 
leaves  and  its  very  unusual  figs  with  apically  developed  collar.  This 
species  is  very  closely  related  to  F.  pertusa  but  differs  in  the  devel- 
opment of  the  collar,  larger  fig  size,  and  the  very  different  habitat. 
Collections  lose  their  leaves  within  24  hr.  if  not  quickly  killed.  The 
species  is  called  tinajita  near  San  Ramon. 

Ficus  trigonata  L.,  PI.  Surinam.  17.  1775.  Figure  19. 

Trees  10-25  m.  tall,  often  large,  leafy  internodes  5-30  mm.  long,  2.5-6  (8)  mm. 
thick,  glabrous  or  puberulent  at  the  nodes  with  yellowish  hairs  0.5-1  mm.  long,  peri- 
derm  smooth  and  drying  with  prominent  longitudinal  ridges  and  pale  brown; 
stipules  8-20  (27)  mm.  long,  2.4-4  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  with  ascending 
whitish  strigose  hairs  basally  and  along  the  midrib.  Leaves  clustered  or  distant, 
petioles  (7)  12-40  (60)  mm.  long,  1.2-3.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  very  sparsely  puberu- 
lent, very  narrowly  sulcate  above;  laminae  (5)  8-25  cm.  long,  3-13  cm.  wide,  obovate 
to  elliptic  or  oblong,  usually  rounded  at  the  apex  but  occasionally  acute  to  short- 
acuminate,  obtuse  to  rounded  at  the  base  and  often  slightly  cordulate  at  the  petiole, 
drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  glabrous  or  puberulent 
beneath  with  hairs  0.05-0.7  mm.  long,  often  slightly  rough  to  the  touch  beneath,  the 
6  to  11  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat  above  and  prominent  beneath,  central 
secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  45-80  degrees,  basal  pair  of  secondaries  usually 


prominent  and  strongly  ascending,  secondaries  usually  loop-connected  near  the 
margin  but  a  definite  submarginal  vein  absent,  tertiary  veins  usually  evident  be- 
neath. Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  sessile  or  short  pedunculate,  peduncles  0-5  mm. 
long,  1-2.4  mm.  thick,  very  minutely  puberulent,  a  basal  disc  usually  present  about 
3-5  mm.  broad  with  thickened  edges  from  which  the  bracts  arise,  peduncle  acentric 
near  the  edge  of  the  disc,  bracts  2  and  entire  or  split,  often  semicircular,  1-3  mm. 
long  and  4-7  mm.  broad,  strigose  or  occasionally  glabrous;  figs  becoming  red  at 
maturity,  10-15  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  broader  than  long,  the  surface  smooth 
and  glabrous,  ostiole  conical  in  early  stages  but  becoming  surrounded  by  a  ring  of 
thickened  tissue  2-4  mm.  in  diameter;  seeds  and  galls  1-1.5  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  the  moist  or  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  from  sea 
level  to  700  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  of 
Costa  Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species 
ranges  from  the  Yucatan  peninsula  through  Central  America 
mostly  along  the  Caribbean  coast  to  Colombia  and  the  West  Indies. 

Ficus  trigonata  is  recognized  by  the  subsessile  or  short-peduncu- 
late figs  with  a  small  basal  "disc"  from  which  the  short  bracts  arise 
and  by  the  ostiole  within  a  ring  of  tissue.  This  species  is  very  closely 
related  to  F.  morazaniana  and  the  two  may  be  conspecific.  They  are 
maintained  separately  here  to  focus  attention  on  their  differences 
and  because  they  appear  to  live  in  somewhat  different  habitats. 
Also  closely  related  is  F.  brevibracteata  with  stipules  densely  seri- 
ceous throughout,  similar  stems,  and  sessile  figs  with  very  small 
basal  bracts. 

Ficus  tuerckheimii  Standley,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  20:13.  1917. 
Figure  20. 

Small  to  very  large  and  massive  trees,  5-25  (35)  m.  tall,  epiphytic  or  independent, 
trunk  often  banyan-like  and  fluted,  leafy  internodes  3-15  mm.  long,  3.5-8  mm.  thick, 
glabrous,  becoming  irregularly  ridged  or  wrinkled  and  grayish,  stems  with  shelf- 
like  depressions  where  figs  were  borne;  stipules  (6)  14-24  (32)  mm.  long,  4-8  mm. 
thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent  at  the 
base.  Leaves  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of  twigs,  petioles  15-40  (65)  mm.  long, 
1.6-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  slightly  sulcate  above;  laminae  quite  variable  in  size  and 
shape,  7-18  cm.  long,  5-12  cm.  broad,  broadly  ovate  to  oblong  or  suborbicular,  obtuse 
to  rounded  or  very  short  and  bluntly  acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded, 
truncate,  or  occasionally  shallowly  cordate  at  the  base,  lamina  drying  stiff-char- 
taceous  to  subcoriaceous  and  the  margins  flat,  glabrous  and  smooth  on  both  sur- 
faces, often  somewhat  glaucous  above  (dry),  the  6  to  11  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  usually  flat  on  both  surfaces,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  45-70 
degrees,  the  basal  pair  of  secondaries  often  prominent  and  strongly  ascending, 
secondaries  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  often  obscure. 
Figs  usually  2  at  a  node,  often  clustered  near  the  ends  of  branchlets,  sessile  and 
leaving  a  prominent  shelf  on  the  stem,  attachment  of  the  fig  somewhat  lateral  (in 
respect  to  the  ostiole)  near  the  edge  of  a  disc-like  basal  area  from  which  the  2  entire 


or  split  bracts  arise,  bracts  almost  half  the  circumference  ( 12  mm.)  of  the  fig,  broad 
at  the  base.  4-8  mm.  long  and  covering  the  sides  of  the  fig,  glabrous;  figs  12-15  mm. 
thick,  globose  or  somewhat  flattened  in  the  plane  of  attachment,  surface  smooth 
and  glabrous,  ostiole  about  2-3  mm.  broad,  slightly  conical,  or  elevated  and  ringed, 
hidden  by  the  bracts  in  early  stages,  exterior  scales  2  or  3;  seeds  and  galls  about  1.2 
mm.  long. 

Trees  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  (1000)  1200 
and  1800  m.  elevation  known  only  from  the  area  of  the  Montes  de 
Aquacate  and  Zarcero  (Alajuela),  eastward  to  La  Palma  (San  Jose), 
Irazu  and  Cartago  (Cartago);  probably  flowering  throughout  the 
year.  This  species,  as  here  interpreted,  is  endemic  to  Costa  Rica  and 
adjacent  Panama. 

Ficus  tuerckheimii  is  recognized  by  the  stems  with  "shelves" 
formed  by  the  figs,  glabrous  broad  leaves  often  rounded  at  the  base, 
figs  laterally  attached  on  the  edge  of  a  disc-like  area  from  which  the 
bracts  arise,  bracts  glabrous  and  covering  much  of  the  upper  sur- 
face of  the  fig,  and  the  restricted  highland  distribution.  This  species 
is  closely  related  to  F.  jimenezii,  but  that  species  has  smaller  figs, 
thicker  leaves,  densely  puberulent  stipules,  and  stems  in  which  the 
depressions  left  by  the  figs  are  not  as  prominent.  Ficus  tuerck- 
heimii is  even  more  closely  related  to  F.  isophlebia,  but  that  species 
differs  in  the  smaller  figs  with  more  prominent  ostiole,  figs  forming 
only  slight  depressions  in  the  stems,  smaller  bracts,  and  lowland 
habitat.  All  three  species  were  considered  as  one  in  the  "Flora  of 
Panama";  however,  I  prefer  to  consider  them  distinct,  as  there  is 
virtually  no  evidence  of  intergradation,  though  sterile  collections 
are  difficult  to  place.  The  unusual  basal  disc-like  area  (see  under 
F.  isophlebia)  is  a  significant  character  in  distinguishing  this  group 
and  is  comparable  to  a  similar  structure  in  F.  trigonata. 

Ficus  turrialbana  Burger,  Phytologia  26:429.  1973.  Figure  19. 

Medium-size  trees  15-20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-28  mm.  long,  4-12  mm.  thick, 
sparsely  puberulent  with  slender  white  or  brown  hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long,  periderm  be- 
coming pale  gray  and  striate;  stipules  8-12  mm.  long,  4-7  mm.  broad  at  the  base  un- 
opened, densely  ascending  sericeous  with  brownish  or  whitish  hairs  but  the  hairs 
usually  absent  along  the  margins  abaxially.  Leaves  not  closely  crowded,  petioles  2-7 
cm.  long,  1.8-4  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent,  deeply  striate  on  drying  but  not 
usually  sulcate  above;  laminae  12-24  cm.  long,  6-12  cm.  broad,  elliptic-oblong  to 
somewhat  obovate,  tapering  abruptly  to  the  bluntly  obtuse  apex  or  sometimes  with 
a  very  short  acute  tip,  obtuse  to  sub-truncate  at  the  base  but  often  rounded  at  the 
petiole,  margin  entire  or  very  shallowly  indented  distally,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous 
to  subcoriaceous  with  the  margin  slightly  revolute,  smooth  and  glabrous  or  very 
minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent  above,  densely  to  sparsely  puberulent  on  the  veins 


and  veinlets  beneath  with  slender  straight  hairs  0.1-0.9  mm.  long,  the  9  to  12  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  usually  flat  above  and  prominent  below,  central  secondaries 
arising  at  angles  of  35-55  degrees,  secondaries  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  mar- 
gin and  a  submarginal  vein  absent,  tertiary  veins  often  prominent  beneath.  Figs 
usually  2  at  a  node,  sessile  and  often  leaving  shelf-like  impressions  on  the  stems, 
basal  bracts  2  but  often  deeply  split  and  2-  to  5-lobed,  6-8  mm.  long  (measured  from 
the  area  of  attachment),  densely  puberulent  with  brownish  hairs  to  1  mm.  long  near 
the  base,  united  with  the  receptacle  for  1  or  2  mm.  around  the  base;  figs  12-16  mm. 
in  diameter,  (globose)  oblate  and  about  1  cm.  high  (dry),  surface  densely  puberulent 
and  often  longitudinally  3-  to  5-ribbed,  ostiole  conical  and  surrounded  by  a  small 
ring  of  tissue  3-4  mm.  in  diameter,  external  scales  2  or  3;  seeds  and  galls  0.9-1.2  mm. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  Caribbean  slopes  and  lowlands  (premon- 
tane  wet  forest  formations)  around  700  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica: 
Burger  4004,  Ramirez  s.n.  (Museo  Nacional  41515),  and  Leon  2463, 
all  from  near  Turrialba,  Cartago;  fruiting  collections  have  only  been 
made  in  December. 

Ficus  turrialbana  is  distinguished  by  its  blunt  or  shortly  acute 
leaves  puberulent  beneath,  prominent  petioles,  densely  pubescent 
stipules  with  glabrous  edges,  thick  stems  with  depressions  formed 
by  the  sessile  puberulent  figs  with  large  bracts  and  conspicuously 
umbonate  ostiole  surrounded  by  a  thickened  ring  of  tissue.  This 
species  can  be  mistaken  for  F.  costaricana  (persistent  stipules  and 
glabrous  leaves  and  figs),  F.  morazaniana  (pedunculate  figs  and 
small  bracts),  and  F.  velutina  (larger  pedunculate  figs  and  montane 
habitat).  I  have  seen  figs  similar  to  the  type  only  in  F.  tequendamae 
Dugand,  a  high-altitude  species  of  Colombia.  The  species  mentioned 
above  are  part  of  a  complex  of  species  that  include  F.  trigonata  L. 
and  are  well  represented  in  northern  South  America  and  Central 

Ficus  turrialbana  appears  to  be  a  wide  ranging  species  of  the 
Caribbean  slopes  of  Central  America  and  Mexico  but  fertile  collec- 
tions are  rare.  A  collection  from  Veracruz,  Mexico  (Llewelyn  Wil- 
liams 8766)  is  conspecific  and  very  similar  to  the  type,  both  in  its 
leaves  and  its  figs.  The  figs  of  this  species  were  described  under 
Urostigma  intramarginale  by  Liebmann  (1851);  however,  the  figs 
were  associated  with  the  leaves  of  Coussapoa  panamensis.  These 
discordant  elements  are  a  sufficient  basis  for  rejecting  Liebmann's 

Ficus  velutina  H.&  B.  ex  Willd.,  Sp.  PI.  4: 1141.  1806.  Figure  19. 

Small  to  medium  sized  trees  7-15  (20)  m.  tall,  trunks  often  fluted  or  several  grown 
together,  leafy  internodes  8-50  mm.  long,  4-12  mm.  thick,  densely  to  sparsely  tomen- 


tulose  with  brownish  hairs  0.5-1  mm.  long,  periderm  becoming  prominently  ridged 
on  drying;  stipules  12-20  mm.  long,  4-10  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  densely 
brownish  tomentulose  to  sericeous.  Leaves  distant  or  clustered  and  often  relatively 
few  per  twig,  petioles  14-34  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  densely  brownish  tomentulose, 
sulcate  above;  laminae  10-26  cm.  long,  6-17  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  broadly  elliptic, 
tapering  to  an  obtuse  apex  or  abruptly  rounded,  usually  tapering  slightly  to  a 
rounded  obtuse  to  truncate  base  (occasionally  cordulate),  laminae  drying  very  stiff- 
ly chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous  with  the  margins  revolute,  smooth  and  sparsely 
puberulent  above,  densely  brownish  tomentulose  beneath  with  soft  crooked  hairs 
0.3-1.5  mm.  long,  the  6  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  slightly  impressed 
above  and  very  prominent  beneath,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-70  de- 
grees, weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  tertiary  veins  prominent  beneath  and 
forming  a  conspicuous  reticulum.  Figs  usually  paired  at  a  node,  borne  on  very  short 
(2-6  mm.)  thick  (2  mm.)  puberulent  peduncles,  apex  of  the  peduncle  sometimes  ex- 
panded and  forming  a  disc-like  area,  bracts  2  but  often  deeply  split,  2-4  mm.  long, 
about  4  mm.  broad,  usually  with  smaller  hairs  than  the  peduncle;  figs  18-22  mm.  in 
diameter  (dry),  narrowed  at  the  base  and  obovoid  or  globose,  surface  densely 
puberulent  with  hairs  0.1-0.6  mm.  long,  ostiole  within  an  elevated  ring  of  tissue  3-5 
mm.  broad  forming  a  short  ( 1-2  mm.)  collar;  seeds  and  galls  1.4-1.8  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  moist  and  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  1000 
and  2000  m.  elevation  and  known  only  from  the  northeastern  side  of 
the  Meseta  Central  and  along  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  as  far 
east  as  the  Rio  Chirripo  del  Pacifico  in  Costa  Rica;  mature  figs  have 
been  collected  in  July  and  from  November  to  February.  The  species 
ranges  from  Guatemala  southward  to  Colombia  and  Venezuela. 

Ficus  velutina  is  readily  recognized  by  the  presence  of  usually 
orange-brown  hairs  on  younger  parts,  stiff  leaves  with  the  tertiary 
veins  forming  a  prominent  reticulation  beneath,  short-pedunculate 
figs  with  the  ostiole  within  a  short  collar,  and  the  montane  habitat. 
This  species  is  easily  distinguished  by  these  attributes  from  all  our 
other  figs  but  is  closely  related  to  F.  trigonata  and  the  lowland  F. 

Ficus  werckleana  Rossberg,  Repert.  Sp.  Nov.  42:60.  1937.  Figure 


Trees  to  35  m.  tall,  trunks  usually  straight  and  pale  colored,  leafy  internodes  6-20 
(30)  mm.  long,  4-9  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  puberulent  with  slender  whitish  hairs  0.3- 
1  mm.  long,  periderm  smooth  or  slightly  striate,  occasionally  with  the  epidermis 
flaking  off;  stipules  (6)  9-16.5  cm.  long,  4-11  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  glab- 
rous. Leaves  at  the  ends  of  branchlets  but  not  crowded,  petioles  ( 18)  25-80  mm.  long, 
2-5  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  slightly  sulcate  adaxially,  often  striate  (dry);  laminae  ( 11 ) 
14-32  cm.  long,  (5)  6-16  cm.  broad,  oblong  to  elliptic  or  less  often  slightly  ovate  or 
obovate,  tapering  abruptly  to  the  obtuse  or  rarely  short-acute  apex,  often  rounded 
at  the  tip,  rounded  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  laminae  drying  stiff-chartaceous  to  sub- 
coriaceous,  glabrous  and  smooth  on  both  surfaces,  the  16  to  24  pairs  of  major  sec- 


ondary  veins  slightly  raised  above  and  below,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles 
of  60-80  degrees,  secondaries  usually  loop-connected  near  the  margin  and  a  submar- 
ginal  vein  often  present,  1-3  mm.  from  the  edge,  tertiary  veins  often  obscure.  Fig 
solitary  at  a  node,  borne  on  peduncles  5-12  mm.  long  and  about  2  mm.  thick,  glab- 
rous, bracts  3,  entire  or  slightly  split,  about  2  mm.  long  and  3  mm.  broad,  glabrous; 
figs  (14)  18-22  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  or  obovoid  and  narrowed  above  the  basal 
bracts,  surface  glabrous  and  smooth,  ostiole  about  2.5  mm.  broad,  conical,  exter- 
ior bracts  several  with  apices  of  the  interior  bracts  visible,  wall  of  the  fig  1-3  mm. 
thick  ( dry ) ;  seeds  and  galls  1.5-2.2  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  river  edges  and  bottomlands  (or  areas  with  a  high  water 
table)  in  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  on  both  the  Pacific  and 
Caribbean  slopes  below  800  m.  altitude  in  Costa  Rica;  mature  figs 
have  been  collected  in  January  and  March.  The  species  probably 
ranges  from  British  Honduras  southward  to  northern  South 

Ficus  werckleana  is  recognized  by  the  often  larger  leaves  bluntly 
obtuse  or  rounded  at  the  apex,  very  large  stipules,  and  figs  about  2 
cm.  in  diameter  (dry)  at  maturity  and  with  a  prominent  (2  mm.) 
ostiole.  The  figs  solitary  at  a  node,  unusual  trichomes  on  the  lower 
leaf-surface  (X150),  and  frequent  streamside  habitat  are  characters 
of  the  subgenus  Pharmacosycea.  This  species  has  usually  been  con- 
sidered conspecific  with  F.  insipida  but  Dr.  Leslie  Holdridge,  who 
knows  these  plants  in  the  field,  states  that  they  are  very  different. 
Our  collections  with  mature  figs  are  very  few  (A  Jimenez  94,  Coop- 
er 444,  and  Tonduz  17435),  but  these  appear  to  be  much  smaller 
than  those  of  F.  insipida. 

Ficus  yoponensis  Desv.,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  Ser.  2,  18:310.  1842,  fide 
DeWolf.  Ficus  multinervis  Pittier,  in  herb.  (?  nom.  nud).  Figure  21. 

Medium-size  to  large  trees  8-50  m.  tall,  trunk  usually  straight  and  smooth,  leafy 
internodes  5-30  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  periderm  smooth  to  somewhat 
striate  (dry)  and  light  brown,  the  epidermis  not  usually  flaking  off;  stipules  (2)  3-6 
(9)  cm.  long,  1.5-6  mm.  thick  at  the  base  unopened,  usually  drying  yellowish  green  or 
yellowish  brown,  glabrous.  Leaves  usually  distant  near  the  ends  of  branchlets, 
petioles  10-28  (40)  mm.  long,  1.2-2  (3)  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  shallow  or  deeply  sulcate 
above;  laminae  (5)  6-14  (26)  cm.  long,  2-5  (6.5)  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  narrowly  oblong 
or  narrowly  obovate,  acute  to  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  acute  at  the 
base,  drying  stiff-chartaceous  and  the  margins  slightly  revolute,  smooth  and  glab- 
rous on  both  surfaces,  the  16-28  (52)  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  slightly  raised 
on  both  surfaces  and  often  difficult  to  distinguish  from  the  intermediate  veins,  cen- 
tral secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  60-80  degrees,  secondaries  joined  0.5-1  mm. 
from  the  margin  by  a  slightly  arcuate  submarginal  vein,  tertiary  veins  usually 
obscure.  Fig  solitary  at  a  node,  usually  borne  on  a  peduncle  6-16  mm.  long  and  1-1.5 


mm.  thick,  glabrous,  bracts  3,  usually  entire,  about  1  mm.  long  and  2  mm.  broad, 
glabrous;  figs  12-16  mm.  in  diameter,  globose  but  narrowed  abruptly  at  the  base  and 
borne  on  a  stalk  above  the  bracts  1-6  mm.  long  and  as  thick  as  the  peduncle,  surface 
smooth  and  glabrous,  ostiole  borne  on  a  narrowed  column  at  the  apex  of  the  recep- 
tacle 1-4  mm.  long  and  about  2  mm.  thick,  ostiole  about  1.5  mm.  broad  at  the  apex 
of  the  column,  exterior  scales  several,  wall  of  the  fig  0.5-1  mm.  thick  (dry);  seeds  and 
galls  1-1.5  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  moist  ravines,  river  edges,  and  wet  forests  from  sea  level 
to  1600  m.  elevation,  but  most  commonly  collected  between  500  and 
1200  m.  in  our  area  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes.  The 
species  is  known  in  Costa  Rica  from  near  Tilaran  (Guanacaste),  near 
San  Ramon  (Alajuela),  near  San  Francisco  de  Guadalupe  (San 
Jose),  and  along  the  Rio  Pacuare  near  Tuis  (Cartago).  The  species  is 
known  from  Barro  Colorado  Island  (Canal  Zone)  and  the  Boquete 
area  (Chiriqui)  in  Panama.  The  species  ranges  from  Chiapas, 
Mexico,  and  British  Honduras  to  Colombia  and  Venezuela. 

Ficus  yoponensis  is  recognized  by  its  relatively  narrow  glabrous 
leaves  with  many  secondary  veins  and  definite  submarginal  vein, 
long  stipules  drying  pale  in  color,  and  small  figs  stalked  above  the 
bracts  and  with  a  distinct  apical  "column."  The  solitary  figs  and 
unusual  trichomes  on  the  lower  leaf-surface  (X150)  are  characters  of 
the  subgenus  Pharmacosycea.  The  species  is  closely  related  to  F. 
crassiuscula  and  F.  insipida  and  has  often  been  mistaken  for  the 
latter,  and  they  are  difficult  to  distinguish  in  the  absence  of  mature 


REFERENCE:  C.C.  Berg,  Olmedieae.  Fl.  Neotrop.  Monog.  7:75- 
92.  1972. 

Unisexual  or  bisexual  trees,  without  spines;  stipules  not  completely  encircling  the 
stem,  free,  small  and  caducous.  Leaves  distichous,  petiolate,  margin  entire  to  denti- 
culate apically,  chartaceous  to  coriaceous,  usually  brownish  when  dry  and  dull 
above,  usually  puberulent,  the  microscopic  multicellular  hairs  globose-capitate 
or  oblongoid-capitate.  Male  inflorescences  solitary,  paired  or  more  numerous  on 
short  shoots,  often  together  with  female  inflorescences,  receptacle  discoid  and 
pedunculate,  covered  with  imbricate  bracts  usually  incurved  in  early  stages,  flowers 
mostly  free  and  numerous;  male  flower  with  (2-)  4-lobed  or  (2-)  4-parted  perianth, 
the  2  whorls  of  perianth-parts  and  the  2  whorls  of  (2-)  4  stamens  usually  different  in 
form,  filaments  straight  in  bud,  anthers  basifixed  or  dorsifixed,  connective  narrow 
or  broad.  Female  inflorescences  solitary  or  with  1  or  more  male  inflorescences  (or 
the  female  inflorescences  paired  and  uniflorous  in  H.  tovarensis),  sessile  or  pedun- 
culate, the  receptacle  covered  with  imbricate  bracts,  each  inflorescence  with  about 
5  ( 1  in  H.  tovarensis,  many  in  H.  pedunculata)  flowers;  female  flowers  with  4  free  or 


united  perianth-parts,  the  tepals  of  the  2  whorls  are  often  different  in  form,  the  inner 
cohering  by  thin  hairs,  ovary  almost  free,  stigmas  slender,  straight  or  twisted. 
Fruit  with  succulent  perianth  becoming  yellow,  free  or  somewhat  adnate  to  the  per- 
ianth, cotyledons  thick  and  equal. 

A  genus  of  seven  species  best  represented  in  the  Western  Amazon 
Basin  and  ranging  from  Costa  Rica  to  Peru  and  Brazil.  Our  species 
differs  from  others  in  the  genus  and  resembles  Olmedia  aspera  in 
general  aspect. 

A  recent  collection  of  Helicostylis  (W.  H.  Lewis  et  al  2188)  from 
about  300  m.  altitude  in  Bocas  del  Toro  province,  Panama,  is  proba- 
bly H.  tomentosa  (Poeppig  &  Endlicher)  Rusby  (C.C.  Berg,  pers. 
comm.).  That  species  differs  from  H.  tovarensis  in  the  leaves  usu- 
ally being  scabrous  above.  Both  species  may  occur  in  Costa  Rica. 

Helicostylis  tovarensis  (Klotz.  &  Karst. )  C.C.  Berg,  Acta  Bot. 
Neerl.  18:464.  1969.  Olmedia  tovarensis  Klotzsch  &  Karsten,  Lin- 
naea  20:526.  1847.  Helicostylis  urophylla  Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot. 
18:389.  1937.  Figure  16. 

Trees  to  25  m.  tall,  unisexual,  sap  yellowish,  leafy  internodes  1-3  cm.  long,  1.3-4 
mm.  thick,  with  thin  yellowish  brown  hairs  0.3-0.9  mm.  long;  stipules  2-10  mm.  long, 
densely  velutinous  to  sericeous,  narrow.  Leaves  often  very  slightly  inequilateral, 
petioles  3-10  mm.  long,  0.7-2  mm.  thick,  densely  puberulent;  laminae  (3)  5-15  (17) 
cm.  long,  1.5-4.5  cm.  broad,  narrowly  oblong  to  narrowly  obovate,  acuminate  to 
caudate-acuminate  at  the  apex,  the  narrow  tip  5-25  mm.  long,  margin  entire  or 
serrulate  near  the  apex,  thin  to  stiffly  chartaceous,  upper  surface  smooth  and  glab- 
rous but  minutely  puberulent  above  the  major  veins,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent 
on  the  veins  beneath  with  thin  ascending  straight  or  curved  hairs  0.3-0.8  mm.  long, 
the  major  veins  slightly  prominent  to  impressed  above  and  prominent  beneath,  with 
6  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  the  lower  surface  with  numerous  microscopic 
oblongoid-capitate  hairs,  the  narrow  distal  part  orange  on  a  short  transparent  base 
(X150).  Male  inflorescences  1  or  2  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  hemispheri- 
cal in  form  and  9-12  mm.  in  diameter,  borne  on  peduncles  2-8  (25)  mm.  long,  the 
receptacle  with  3  or  4  series  of  bracts  forming  an  involucre  at  the  base  of  the  more 
than  20  flowers;  male  flowers  free  or  united  at  the  base,  perianth  1.5-2.7  mm.  high,  4- 
lobed  or  4-parted,  minutely  puberulent,  filaments  2.5-4  mm.  long,  anthers  0.8-1.4 
mm.  long,  apiculate  or  not,  a  pistillode  occasionally  present.  Female  inflorescences  1 
or  2  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  borne  on  peduncules  1-8  (25)  mm.  long, 
receptacle  with  3  or  4  series  of  broadly  triangular,  acute  to  obtuse,  puberulous 
bracts  forming  an  involucre  2-6  mm.  thick,  ovoid  and  enclosing  the  solitary  female 
flower;  perianth  about  3  mm.  high,  style  subterminal  and  1-2.5  mm.  long,  stigmas  5- 
10  mm.  long.  Fruit  7-10  mm.  long,  5-8  mm.  thick. 

In  wet  forest  formations  of  the  Caribbean  slope  and  adjacent 
areas  between  700  and  1500  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica:  probably 
flowering  throughout  the  year  but  collected  at  anthesis  only  in  Feb- 


ruary  and  March  in  our  area.  The  species  is  known  from  Costa  Rica 
and  ranges  from  the  coastal  ranges  of  Venezuela  through  Colombia 
along  the  Andes  to  Peru.  The  species  is  known  from  the  Caribbean 
slopes  above  the  San  Carlos  River  (Holdridge  6780  &  A.  Smith  1695) 
and  near  San  Ramon  (Brenes  5536  &  13578)  in  the  province  of  Ala- 
juela  and  from  Cerro  Doan,  east  of  Cachi  (Lent  2340)  in  the  province 
of  Cartago. 

Helicostylis  tovarensis  is  recognized  by  the  puberulent  leaves 
with  narrow  tip  and  often  serrulate  near  the  apex,  the  hemispheric 
little  male  inflorescences  with  puberulent  bracts  covering  the  recep- 
tacle, or  the  small  ovoid  female  inflorescences  with  broadly  over- 
lapping puberulent  bracts  including  a  single  flower  with  two  slender 
stigmas.  The  upper  leaf-surfaces,  glabrous  except  above  the  major 
veins,  help  to  distinguish  this  species  from  plants  with  similar 
leaves  such  as  Olmedia  aspera,  Sorocea  trophoides,  and  others. 

MAQUIRA  Aublet 

REFERENCE:  C.  C.  Berg,  Olmedieae.  Fl.  Neotrop.  Monog.  7:62- 
75.  1972. 

Trees,  usually  unisexual,  without  spines,  periderm  of  the  twigs  peeling  off  easily; 
stipules  small  and  free,  not  completely  encircling  the  stem,  caducous.  Leaves  dis- 
tichous, petiolate,  subcoriaceous  to  coriaceous,  the  margins  entire,  glabrous  or 
sparsely  puberulent,  usually  greenish  when  dry  and  lustrous  above,  the  microscopic 
multicellular  hairs  oblongoid-capitate.  Male  inflorescences  pedunculate,  on  short 
shoots,  discoid  to  globose,  the  flowers  numerous  and  free  or  basally  connate;  male 
flowers  with  4-lobed  or  4-parted  perianth,  stamens  4  (rarely  3  or  2),  filaments 
straight  or  slightly  curved  in  bud,  anthers  basifixed,  connective  broad  or  narrow. 
Female  inflorescence  mostly  solitary,  subsessile  or  pedunculate,  with  imbricate 
bracts  covering  the  receptacle,  with  many  free  flowers,  a  few  connate  flowers,  or  one 
flower;  female  flower  with  the  perianth  (2-)  4-lobed  or  (2-)  4-parted,  ovary  almost 
entirely  united  with  the  perianth  or  free  above,  stigmas  short  and  disciform  to  long 
and  filiform.  Fruit  with  perianth  becoming  succulent,  the  seed  large  with  a  large 
terminal  hilium,  cotyledons  thick  and  equal. 

A  genus  of  five  species  ranging  from  the  Caribbean  side  of  Nicar- 
agua southwards  to  Peru  and  Brazil.  The  genus  is  rather  similar  in 
its  flowering  parts  to  Perebea  but  differs  in  the  stipules,  the  more 
glabrous  leaves  with  entire  margins,  and  the  periderm  of  the  twigs. 

Maquira  costaricana  (Standl.)  C.C.  Berg,  Acta  Bot.  Neerl.  18:463. 
1969.  Perebea  costaricana  Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18:390.  1937. 
P.  trophophylla  Standl.  &  L.O.  Williams,  Ceiba  3:196.  1953.  Fig- 
ure 16. 


Shrubs  or  trees  2-10  (20)  m.  tall,  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  1-4  cm.  long,  1-5  mm. 
thick,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberulent,  brownish  and  often  becoming  ridged  on 
drying;  stipules  3-8  mm.  long,  minutely  puberulent.  Leaves  often  inequilateral  at 
the  base,  petioles  6-13  mm.  long,  ridged  on  drying  and  the  cuticle  often  peeling  off  in 
small  reddish-brown  flakes;  laminae  9-22  (30)  cm.  long,  3.5-8  (9.5)  cm.  broad,  oblong 
to  elliptic-oblong  or  slightly  obovate,  abruptly  acuminate  at  the  apex  with  the  nar- 
rowed tip  5-20  mm.  long,  obtuse  to  acute  or  occasionally  rounded  at  the  often  obli- 
que base,  margin  entire  or  slightly  undulate,  the  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous 
to  subcoriaceous,  glabrous  and  lustrous  above,  essentially  glabrous  beneath, 
smooth  on  both  surfaces,  major  veins  prominent  on  both  surfaces,  the  7  to  15  pairs 
of  major  secondary  veins  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  microscopic  aculeate 
hairs  with  a  perimeter  of  small  cells  around  the  base  present  on  the  lower  surface, 
epidermal  cells  and  stomates  readily  visible  (dry).  Male  inflorescences  1  to  3  in  the 
axils  of  leaves,  borne  on  peduncles  2-8  mm.  long,  discoid  in  form  and  5-10  mm.  in 
diameter,  receptacle  with  about  5  series  of  deltoid  to  ovoid  puberulent  bracts  1-2 
mm.  broad  basally,  the  flat  disc  with  more  than  20  flowers;  male  flowers  free,  per- 
ianth 4-parted,  0.6-1  mm.  high,  stamens  4,  filaments  0.8-1.2  mm.  long,  straight  or 
slightly  incurved  before  anthesis,  anthers  0.4-0.5  mm.  long.  Female  inflorescence 
solitary  in  the  leaf  axils,  subsessile  or  with  a  peduncle  to  6  mm.  long,  discoid  and  6- 
10  mm.  in  diameter,  receptacle  with  3  to  6  series  of  often  broad  ( 1-3  mm. )  puberulent 
acute  or  obtuse  bracts,  with  usually  15  to  35  flowers;  female  perianth  2-2.5  mm. 
high,  4-lobed,  minutely  brownish  puberulent,  ovary  basally  adnate  to  the  perianth, 
style  0.5-1  mm.  long,  stigmas  very  broad  and  0.5-1.5  mm.  long,  recurved.  Fruit 
united  with  the  succulent  perianth  (except  near  the  top),  drupaceous  and  ellipsoid, 
about  1.5  cm.  long,  glabrescent,  reddish,  the  infructescence  with  few  ellipsoid 
drupes  separate  or  with  more  numerous  fruit  clustered  and  3-4  cm.  in  diameter,  seed 
9-10  mm.  long. 

Plants  of  the  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  on  both  the  Carib- 
bean and  Pacific  sides  of  Costa  Rica;  flowering  from  February  to 
June.  The  species  ranges  from  the  Caribbean  lowlands  of  Nicaragua 
to  Peru  at  altitudes  to  850  m.  It  has  been  collected  near  Ciudad 
Quesada  (Burger  &  Stolze  4951  and  A.  Smith  (H)  1733),  Alajuela, 
near  Guapiles  (Standley  37027,  the  type),  Limon,  and  near  Golfito 
(Allen  6348),  Puntarenas. 

Maquira  costaricana  is  usually  found  as  a  shrub  or  small  tree  but 
occasionally  reaches  20  m.  in  height  (Allen  6348).  The  essentially 
glabrous,  entire,  oblong  leaves  with  abruptly  acuminate  apices  and 
loop-connected  venation,  and  flat  discoid  inflorescences  with  over- 
lapping brownish  and  minutely  puberulent  bracts  covering  the 
lower  part  distinguish  this  species.  The  cuticle  of  the  petioles  and 
peduncles  often  cracks  and  flakes  off  in  small  ( 1  mm. )  pieces. 

MORUS  Linnaeus 

Trees  or  shrubs,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  sap  white,  without  spines;  stipules  paired 
and  free,  lateral,  caducous.  Leaves  alternate  and  distichous,  petiolate,  usually  den- 


tate  or  serrate,  with  or  without  prominent  lobes,  pinnately  veined  or  palmately  3- 
veined,  microscopic  (X150)  globose-capitate  hairs  usually  present,  hooked  (unci- 
nate)  hairs  occasionally  present,  transparent  aculeate  hairs  or  epidermal  cells  with 
sharp  conic  tips  often  present.  Male  inflorescences  axillary  and  solitary,  pedun- 
culate, elongate  narrow  spikes  (catkins);  male  flowers  sessile  or  subsessile,  with 
usually  4  imbricate  perianth-parts,  usually  puberulent  and  ovate,  stamens  4,  fila- 
ments bent  inward  in  bud,  springing  back  suddenly  and  elastically  at  anthesis, 
the  anther  becoming  exserted,  basifixed  or  dorsifixed.  Female  inflorescences  axil- 
lary and  solitary,  pedunculate,  short  or  long  spikes  with  sessile  closely  crowded 
flowers;  female  perianth  with  4  free  ovate  decussate-imbricate  perianth-parts,  ovary 
superior  but  included  within  the  perianth,  globose  to  ovoid,  style  apical  and  short, 
stigmas  2,  equal.  Fruit  included  within  the  accrescent  succulent  perianth,  the  outer 
part  of  the  ovary  (fruit)  also  succulent,  seed  with  membranous  testa  and  equal 

A  genus  of  about  a  dozen  species  in  the  temperate  and  tropical 
regions  of  both  hemispheres.  The  genus  is  recognized  by  the  small 
lateral  stipules,  serrate  leaves,  male  spikes  with  sessile  four-parted 
flowers  with  stamens  incurved  in  bud,  and  the  female  spikes  with 
crowded  flowers  with  four  perianth-parts  that  become  succulent  in 
fruit.  The  genus  may  also  be  represented  in  Costa  Rica  by  the  wide- 
ly cultivated  Morus  alba  L.,  native  of  China,  with  long  petiolate 
leaves  often  cordate  at  the  base.  Morus  celtidifolia  H.B.K.  with 
much  smaller  leaves  and  spikes  has  an  unusual  disjunct  distribu- 
tion: Mexico  and  Guatemala,  Colombia  to  Bolivia. 

Morus  insignis  Bureau  in  DC.,  Prodr.  17:247.  1873.  Figure  14. 

Shrubs  or  medium  sized  trees  to  about  15  m.  tall,  the  trunk  and  branches  often 
thick,  sap  whitish,  leafy  internodes  0.5-5  cm.  long,  1.5-4.5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to 
densely  puberulent  with  thin  ascending  hairs  0.1-0.3  mm.  long;  stipules  7-12  mm. 
long,  sparsely  to  densely  minutely  puberulent,  scars  about  3  mm.  long,  encircling 
about  half  the  stem.  Leaves  often  slightly  asymmetric,  petioles  8-22  mm.  long,  1.3- 
2.7  mm.  thick,  with  thin  whitish  ascending  hairs  0.1-0.4  mm.  long,  narrowly  sulcate 
apically;  laminae  (6)  9-25  cm.  long,  (3)  5-13  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptic-ovate,  nar- 
rowed to  the  acuminate  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  and  truncate  or  subcordate  at  the 
base,  the  margin  conspicuously  serrate  with  2  to  6  teeth  per  cm.  the  teeth  usually 
with  a  small  (0.5  mm.)  tip  terminating  a  tertiary  vein,  the  laminae  drying  thinly  to 
stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  to  scabrous  above  but  essentially  glabrous,  sparsely 
puberulent  beneath  with  very  thin  whitish  hairs  to  0.5  mm.  long,  the  midvein  im- 
pressed above,  the  7  to  9  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop-connected  near 
the  margin,  microscopic  globose-capitate  hairs  with  orange  coloring  present  beneath 
and  with  broad-based  transparent  aculeate  hairs  on  the  veins  (X100).  Male  inflores- 
cences 3-11  cm.  long,  short-pedunculate,  with  flat  round  or  irregularly  shaped  peltate 
bracts  covering  the  flowers  in  early  stages;  male  perianth  about  1.5  mm.  long,  with 
thin  whitish  hairs  abaxially,  filaments  2-3  mm.  long,  anthers  about  1.2  mm.  long, 
broader  than  long.  Female  inflorescence  borne  on  peduncles  5-10  mm.  long,  puber- 
ulent and  with  a  few  flat  peltate  bracts  1-2  mm.  broad,  spikes  becoming  12  cm.  long, 


with  numerous  peltate  bracts  among  the  closely  contiguous  flowers;  female  per- 
ianth and  bracts  dark  centrally  with  pale  brownish  edges,  perianth-parts  about  1.5 
mm.  long,  sparsely  puberulent,  stigmas  1-2  mm.  long,  minutely  puberulent.  Fruit 
drying  angular,  often  separate  on  the  rachis,  loosely  enclosed  within  the  slightly 
succulent  perianth,  2-3  mm.  high,  the  reddish  stigmas  persisting,  seed  lenticular- 
ovoid,  about  2  mm.  long. 

Trees  of  the  evergreen  montane  forest  formations  between  1500 
and  2200  m.  elevation  on  the  Caribbean  and  Eastern  sides  of  the 
Meseta  Central  and  near  Copey  in  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca  in 
Costa  Rica;  collected  in  fruit  in  March  and  May.  The  species  is 
found  in  Guatemala,  Costa  Rica,  Venezuela,  and  from  Colombia 
southward  to  Peru. 

Morus  insignis  is  recognized  by  its  rather  broad  serrate  leaves 
usually  rough  to  the  touch,  paired  stipules  leaving  conspicuous 
scars,  sessile  male  flowers  congested  on  narrow  spikes  sessile  fe- 
male flowers  with  distinct  perianth  parts,  and  the  presence  of  broad 
flat-topped  peltate  bracts  on  both  male  and  female  inflorescences. 
The  trees  can  have  trunks  to  2  m.  in  diameter  and  are  said  to  have  a 
low  spreading  crown  with  very  thick  branches  (probably  in  highland 
pastures).  The  species  is  known  from  only  a  few  collections  and  may 
have  been  common  in  the  moister  forests  in  the  eastern  half  of  the 
Meseta  Central  (on  the  Pacific  watershed)  that  have  now  been 
largely  destroyed.  This  species  appears  to  be  quite  different  from 
other  species  in  the  genus;  the  long  inflorescences  and  peltate 
bracts  are  uncommon  in  this  genus. 


REFERENCE:  C.  C.  Berg,  Olmedieae.  Fl.  Neotrop.  Monog. 

Trees,  unisexual  or  rarely  bisexual,  without  spines;  stipules  free,  completely  en- 
circling the  stem,  caducuous  or  tardily  deciduous.  Leaves  distichous,  petiolate, 
often  coriaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  margins  always  entire,  mostly  glabrous,  micro- 
scopic multicellular  hairs  not  frequent,  oblongoid-capitate.  Male  inflorescence  1  to 
4  per  axil,  mostly  pedunculate,  disc-like  to  cup-shaped,  receptacle  covered  with  im- 
bricate bracts,  the  inner  bracts  often  perianth-like  and  covering  the  flowers  before 
anthesis,  male  flowers  free  or  basally  connate,  perianth  with  usually  4  (0-8)  parts, 
free  or  basally  connate,  often  cucullate  to  subpeltate,  stamens  1-4,  filaments 
straight  in  bud,  connectives  mostly  broad.  Female  inflorescences  solitary,  sessile  or 
short-pedunculate,  discoid  to  hemispherical,  with  many  to  few  (rarely  1)  flowers; 
female  flowers  with  usually  4  to  6  (3-10)  perianth-parts,  the  perianth  parts  free  to 
completely  united,  often  similar  to  the  pseudobracts,  ovary  completely  immersed 
within  the  receptacle,  stigmas  filiform  to  short-linguiform ;  pseudobracts  present  or 
absent,  very  variable  in  form.  Fruit  borne  within  hemispheric  to  subglobose  infruc- 


tescences,  perianth-parts  and  pseudobracts  becoming  enlarged,  hard  and  often 
angular,  seeds  imbedded  in  the  pulpy  receptacle,  cotyledons  thick  and  equal. 

A  genus  of  18  species  ranging  from  the  Caribbean  side  of  Hon- 
duras southward  to  Peru  and  to  the  state  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  in  Brazil. 

Naucleopsis  naga  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  13:440.  1912. 
Ogcodeia  naga  (Pittier)  Mildb.,  Notizbl.  Bot.  Gart.  Berlin  11:420. 
1932.  Figure  16. 

Trees  to  15  m.  tall,  unisexual,  the  sap  brownish,  leafy  internodes  5-40  mm.  long, 
3-7  mm.  thick,  essentially  glabrous,  dark  brown  to  pale  gray,  longitudinally  striate 
when  dry;  stipules  10-19  mm.  long,  very  narrow  in  the  distal  half,  dark  brown,  minu- 
tely (0.2  mm.)  puberulent  along  the  midrib  and  basally  (abaxially).  Leaves  usually 
slightly  asymmetric,  petioles  7-22  mm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick,  narrowly  sulcate  distal- 
ly ;  laminae  14-30  (40)  cm.  long,  5-1 1  cm.  broad,  oblanceolate  to  narrowly  obovate  or 
elliptic-oblong,  gradually  to  abruptly  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  or  slight- 
ly rounded  at  the  base,  the  margins  usually  forming  a  slit  in  the  distal  part  of  the 
petiole  above,  margins  entire  or  slightly  undulate,  the  lamina  drying  very  stiffly 
chartaceous  or  subcoriaceous,  smooth  and  lustrous  above,  glabrous  on  both  sur- 
faces, the  midvein  prominent  above,  the  15  to  26  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  flat 
or  slightly  raised  above,  very  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  microscopic 
capitate  hairs  absent  or  few  on  the  lower  surface.  Male  inflorescence  and  flowers 
unknown.  Female  inflorescences  solitary  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  hemi- 
spherical with  a  flat  or  curved  sessile  base,  receptacle  subtended  by  3  to  5  series  of 
thick  woody  deltoid  to  lanceolate  bracts  with  minute  (0.1  mm.)  appressed  hairs, 
bracts  numbering  about  24-32,  dark  brown,  the  larger  5  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  the 
flowers  more  than  40  per  inflorescence;  female  perianth-parts  free,  similar  to  the 
pseudobracts,  subulate  to  clavate,  acute,  minutely  brownish  puberulent,  ovary 
immersed  in  the  receptacle,  style  about  4  mm.  long,  stigmas  about  3  mm.  long.  Fruit 
borne  within  the  receptacle  of  the  infructescence,  the  infructescence  becoming 
woody,  3-5  mm.  in  diameter,  the  perianth-parts  and  pseudobracts  becoming  spine- 
like  and  woody,  7-22  mm.  long. 

Small  trees  of  the  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  below  600  m. 
elevation  on  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  lowlands;  collections  with 
developing  fruit  have  been  made  in  June  and  August.  The  species 
ranges  along  the  Caribbean  from  northern  Honduras  to  Central 
Costa  Rica.  Only  a  single  fertile  (fruiting)  collection  has  been  made 
in  Costa  Rica:  Pittier  13444  from  the  Llanura  de  Santa  Clara. 

Naucleopsis  naga  is  distinguished  by  the  unusually  long  and  nar- 
row glabrous  and  lustrous  leaves  that  are  usually  widest  above  the 
middle,  the  stipules  encircling  the  stem,  the  petiole  narrowly  sulcate 
apically,  and  the  very  unusual  infructescence  with  short  spinelike 
structures  covering  much  of  the  surface.  The  species  is  apparently 
rare  and  the  male  flowers  probably  have  a  very  short  flowering 
period.  The  names  majao  de  indio  and  concha  de  indio  have  been 
used  for  this  species  in  Honduras. 


OLMEDIA  Ruiz  &  Pavon 

REFERENCE:  C.C.  Berg,  Olmedieae.  Fl.  Neotrop.  Monog.  7:13- 
17.  1972. 

Trees  or  shrubs,  unisexual,  spines  absent;  stipules  free,  partly  encircling  the 
stems,  caducous.  Leaves  distichous,  petiolate,  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  sca- 
brous or  slightly  scabrous,  usually  dentate  or  denticulate.  Male  inflorescences  axil- 
lary, usually  solitary  or  paired,  subsessile  to  pedunculate,  discoid  in  form,  with  3  to 
4  series  of  imbricate  bracts  covering  the  outer  surface  of  the  receptacle,  many-  to 
several-flowered;  male  flowers  free  or  basally  connate,  perianth-parts  coherent  and 
2-,  3-,  or  4-parted  on  opening,  valvate;  stamens  4,  bent  inward  in  bud  and  snapping 
open  elastically  at  anthesis,  anthers  basifixed  or  dorsifixed,  latrorse  to  introrse. 
Female  inflorescences,  axillary,  subsessile  to  pedunculate,  usually  solitary  or  paired, 
surface  of  the  receptacle  with  a  few  series  of  imbricate  bracts,  nearly  always  with  a 
single  flower;  female  flower  with  a  tubular  4-dentate  perianth,  ovary  free,  stigmas 
filiform.  Fruit  enclosed  in  the  fleshy  perianth,  cotyledons  thick  and  equal,  radicle 
short  and  apical. 

The  genus  is  composed  of  a  single  species  ranging  from  Costa 
Rica  southward  along  the  Andes  to  Bolivia. 

Olmedia  aspera  Ruiz  &  Pavon,  Fl.  Peruv.  &  Chil.  1:257.  1798. 
O.  falcifolia  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  13:435.  1912.  Figure  16. 

Shrubs  or  trees  to  15  (20)  m.  tall,  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  5-45  mm.  long,  1-4 
mm.  thick,  glabrous  to  hispidulous,  the  sap  white  or  yellow;  stipules  5-12  mm.  long, 
very  minutely  puberulent  and  slightly  scabrous.  Leaves  often  asymmetric  and 
somewhat  curved,  petioles  3-8  (15)  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  usually  minutely 
hispidulous  and  with  tranverse  cracks  in  the  cuticle;  laminae  6-26  (40)  cm.  long,  1.5- 
7  ( 12)  cm.  broad,  oblanceolate  to  narrowly  obovate,  oblong  or  elliptic,  usually  some- 
what asymmetric  and  subfalciform,  narrowly  acuminate  to  caudate-acuminate,  the 
narrow  tip  1-3  cm.  long,  gradually  narrowed  to  the  acute  base,  margin  bluntly  serru- 
late in  the  distal  half  of  the  lamina  (rarely  entire),  the  lamina  drying  thin-  to  thick- 
chartaceous  and  often  grayish  above,  glabrous  and  scabrous  to  very  slightly  sca- 
brous above,  usually  scabrous  beneath  with  hispid  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long,  the  major 
veins  prominent  beneath  but  flat  above,  with  6  to  18  pairs  of  prominent  secondary 
veins,  the  lower  surface  with  microscopic  (X150)  narrowly  aculeate  transparent 
hairs.  Male  inflorescences  1  or  2  (rarely  to  6)  in  the  axils  of  current  leaves,  subsessile 
or  borne  on  peduncles  to  6  mm.  long,  receptacle  with  3  or  4  series  of  ovate  to  lanceo- 
late bracts  forming  an  involucre  around  the  edge  of  the  disc,  the  larger  bracts  2  mm. 
broad  near  the  base,  minutely  strigose,  the  flat  top  of  the  inflorescence  4-10  mm.  in 
diameter  with  10  to  30  flowers;  male  perianth  2-3  mm.  high,  2-  to  4-parted  at  anthe- 
sis, minutely  strigulose  apically,  filaments  3.5-5  mm.  long,  anthers  1.3-1.8  mm.  long 
and  0.5-0.9  mm.  broad.  Female  inflorescences  1  or  2  (rarely  to  5)  in  the  axils  of  cur- 
rent or  fallen  leaves,  subsessile  or  borne  on  peduncles  to  6  mm.  long,  receptacle  cov- 
ered with  5  to  7  series  of  ovate  to  deltoid  bracts  about  2-4  mm.  broad,  with  minute 
(0.1-0.2  mm.)  stiff  appressed  hairs,  inflorescence  ovate  in  form,  3-6  mm.  thick,  with  1 
(very  rarely  2)  flowers,  female  perianth  3-3.5  mm.  high,  minutely  strigulose,  ovary 
free,  often  with  minute  stiff  appressed  hairs  apically,  style  1.2-4  mm.  long,  the  stig- 


mas  5-11  mm.  long,  very  slender.  Fruit  borne  within  the  orange  to  red  fleshy  peri- 
anth, about  4-5  mm.  thick,  subglobose. 

Small  trees  of  moist  and  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between 
sea  level  and  66  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific 
slopes  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  throughout  the  year  but  collected 
most  often  between  October  and  March.  The  species  has  not  been 
collected  north  of  the  General  Valley  on  the  Pacific  slope  and  is  rare- 
ly encountered  north  of  the  Rio  Reventazon  on  the  Caribbean  side  of 
Costa  Rica;  it  ranges  southward  through  the  Andes  to  Bolivia. 

Olmedia  aspera  is  recognized  by  the  narrow,  often  curved  and 
slightly  scabrous  leaves  that  are  bluntly  serrulate  distally  and  have 
a  long  narrow  tip,  the  bracteate  ovoid  little  female  inflorescence 
with  single  flower  and  two  long  stigmas,  and  the  male  flowers  on 
small  flat-topped  receptacles.  Often  the  trees  arch  over  brooks  and 
small  streams.  The  bent  anthers  can  be  released  by  touch;  this 
quick  motion  may  be  an  adaptation  for  pollen  dispersal  by  small 
insects.  However,  the  stream-side  habitat  may  be  one  in  which 
wind-pollination  is  possible  and  anthers  may  be  released  by  desic- 

PEREBEA  Aublet 

REFERENCE:  C.C.  Berg,  Olmedieae.  Fl.  Neotrop.  Monog.  no. 
7:38-61.  1972. 

Trees  or  shrubs,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  without  spines;  stipules  free,  encircling  the 
stem  completely,  caducous.  Leaves  distichous,  petiolate,  chartaceous  to  coriaceous, 
often  dentate  to  denticulate,  usually  drying  brownish  and  often  gray  above,  the  mic- 
roscopic multicellular  hairs  either  globose-capitate  or  oblongoid-capitate  and  mostly 
abundant.  Male  inflorescences  borne  on  well  developed  short-shoots  or  axillary  and 
pedunculate,  1  to  several  per  axil  or  many  on  the  short-shoots,  mostly  discoid  in 
form,  with  many  to  few  (1)  flowers;  male  flowers  with  (2-3)  4  free  or  connate  peri- 
anth-parts, each  with  usually  4  (2-6)  stamens,  filaments  straight  or  slightly  incurved 
before  anthesis,  free  or  united  near  the  base,  anthers  small,  basifixed  or  dorsifixed, 
connective  broad.  Female  inflorescences  axillary  and  solitary  or  accompanied  by 
males,  sessile  or  pedunculate,  receptacle  covered  with  imbricate  bracts  forming  an 
involucre,  with  1  to  many  flowers;  female  flowers  mostly  free,  perianth  3-4  lobed  or 
parted  or  completely  united  and  forming  a  tube  with  entire  margin,  ovary  free  or 
partly  united  with  the  perianth,  stigmas  filiform  to  short  and  thick.  Fruiting  peri- 
anth fleshy,  the  fruit  free  or  variously  united  to  the  perianth;  seed  with  a  large  or- 
bicular to  reniform  hilum,  cotyledons  thick  and  equal. 

A  genus  of  eight  species,  all  represented  in  the  western  part  of  the 
Amazon  Basin,  with  three  species  reaching  their  northwestern  lim- 
its in  our  area.  The  involucre  of  thin  imbricate  bracts  covering  the 


receptacle  of  the  rather  small  inflorescences,  the  fruit  usually  borne 
about  the  surface  of  the  receptacle,  and  the  distally  narrowly  sul- 
cate  petioles  are  useful  in  recognizing  the  genus. 

la.  Stipules  30-60  mm.  long;  laminae  20-50  cm.  long,  8-18  cm.  broad,  slightly 
rounded  to  cordate  at  the  base,  with  16  to  26  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins, 
densely  hirsute  beneath;  Western  Panama P.  guianensis. 

Ib.  Stipules  4-25  mm.  long;  laminae  usually  narrowed  and  acute  to  obtuse  at  the 
base,  sparsely  puberulent  or  glabrescent  beneath 2a. 

2a.  Laminae  12-34  (48)  cm.  long,  4-12  (20)  cm.  broad,  with  12  to  18  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins;  male  inflorescence  with  more  than  20  flowers;  Caribbean  and 
Pacific  slopes P.  xanthochyma. 

2b.  Laminae  5-17  (22)  cm.  long,  1-7  cm.  broad  with  8-12  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins;  male  inflorescence  usually  with  fewer  than  20  flowers;  Caribbean  low- 
lands   P.  angustifolia. 

Perebea  angustifolia  (Poep.  &  Endl.)  C.C.  Berg,  Acta  Bot.  Neerl. 
18:463.  1969.  Olmedia  angustifolia  Poeppig  &  Endlicher,  Nov.  Gen. 
2:30 1.  143.  1838.  Figure  16. 

Shrubs  or  slender  trees  3-10  (20)  m.  tall,  unisexual,  latex  white,  leafy  internodes 
5-50  mm.  long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  with  thin  appressed  white  or  yellowish  hairs;  stipules 
4-10  mm.  long,  with  slender  ascending  pale  yellowish  or  whitish  hairs  on  the  base 
and  midrib.  Leaves  usually  symmetrical,  petioles  2-10  mm.  long,  0.5-1.1  mm.  thick, 
appressed  sericeous  with  straight  thin  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long;  laminae  5-17  (22)  cm. 
long,  (1)  2-7  cm.  broad,  narrowly  oblong  to  elliptic-oblong  or  narrowly  obovate, 
abruptly  acuminate  or  caudate-acuminate  at  the  apex,  the  slender  tip  1-2  cm.  long, 
obtuse  to  acute  at  the  base  and  slightly  rounded  at  the  petiole,  margin  entire  to 
bluntly  serrulate  distally,  lamina  drying  chartaceous,  smooth  on  both  surfaces, 
essentially  glabrous  and  the  midvein  prominent  above,  sparsely  and  minutely  stri- 
gose  on  the  veins  beneath,  the  8  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop- 
connected  near  the  margin,  microscopic  oblongoid-capitate  hairs  usually  present  be- 
neath. Male  inflorescences  usually  1  or  2  in  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  goblet- 
shaped  at  anthesis  (abruptly  narrowed  beneath),  3-5  mm.  in  diameter,  borne  on 
bracteate  peduncles  1-3  mm.  long,  the  receptacle  covered  by  4  to  5  series  of  15  to  25 
thin  ovate  bracts  obtuse  at  the  apex  and  sparsely  puberulent  abaxially,  flowers  5  to 
20;  male  perianth  1-2  mm.  high,  4-lobed  or  4-parted,  not  thickened  distally,  fila- 
ments free,  anthers  0.2-0.5  mm.  long.  Female  inflorescences  solitary,  1-5  mm.  in 
diameter,  borne  on  peduncles  1-3.5  mm.  long  and  bracteate  distally,  receptacle  cov- 
ered with  3  to  5  series  of  6  to  23  thin  suborbicular  to  ovate  bracts,  minutely  puberu- 
lent, flowers  1  to  12;  female  perianth  urceolate,  2-2.5  mm.  high,  4-lobed,  minutely 
appressed  puberulent,  ovary  almost  free  or  partly  united  with  the  perianth,  nearly 
glabrous,  stigmas  0.6-1  mm.  long,  slender.  Fruit  enclosed  within  the  fleshy  sparsely 
appressed  puberulent  perianth. 

Small  trees  and  slender  treelets  in  the  understory  of  wet  ever- 
green forest  sormations  between  sea  level  and  200  m.  on  the  Carib- 
bean side  of  Costa  Rica  (to  600  m.  elsewhere);  probably  flowering 


throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  Central  Costa  Rica 
southward  to  the  upper  Amazon  Basin  of  Brazil  and  Peru. 

Perebea  angustifolia  is  usually  found  as  a  slender  treelet  with  thin 
(1-3  cm.)  stems  on  the  dark  forest  floor.  The  thin,  narrow  almost 
glabrous  leaves,  often  abruptly  acuminate  and  with  a  few  blunt 
teeth  distally,  stipules  surrounding  the  stem,  white  sap,  and  minute 
inflorescences  with  thin  imbricate  bracts  distinguish  this  species. 
The  plants  resemble  juvenile  specimens  of  Sorocea.  The  small  few- 
flowered  inflorescences  are  very  difficult  to  see  and  may  account  for 
the  very  few  collections  in  herbaria.  This  species  is  known  in  Costa 
Rica  from  near  Puerto  Viejo  de  Sarapiqui  (Burger  et  al.  4325,  9281, 
&  9286  and  Hartshorn  821 )  Heredia,  and  from  near  El  Carmen  (Lent 
2473}  in  the  province  of  Limon. 

Perebea  guianensis  Aublet,  PI.  Guian.  2:953,  t.  361.  1775.  P.  cas- 
tilloides  Pittier,  Contr.  U.S.  Nat.  Herb.  13:438.  1912.  Figure  16. 

Usually  small  trees,  3-20  m.  tall,  unisexual,  latex  white  to  yellowish,  leafy  inter- 
nodes  3-7  (13)  mm.  thick,  subsericeous  to  substrigose  or  hirsute  with  slender  yellow- 
ish hairs;  stipules  3-6  cm.  long,  occasionally  persisting,  yellowish  subsericeous  to 
hirsute.  Leaves  usually  slightly  asymmetric,  petioles  3-16  mm.  long,  2-6  mm.  thick, 
with  thin  ascending  yellowish  hairs  0.8-2  mm.  long;  laminae  20-50  cm.  long,  8-18  cm. 
broad,  oblong  to  ovate-oblong  or  obovate-oblong,  widest  in  the  distal  or  proximal 
part,  abruptly  acuminate  or  caudate  at  the  apex  with  the  narrowed  tip  1-2  cm.  long, 
truncate  and  rounded  to  cordulate  at  the  base  with  the  small  basal  lobes  sometimes 
over-lapping,  margin  entire  to  repand,  the  laminae  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  sub- 
coriaceous,  smooth  and  puberulent  on  the  major  veins  above,  hirsute  on  the  veins 
beneath  with  yellowish  hairs  1-1.5  mm.  long,  the  16  to  26  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  usually  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  narrowly  oblongoid-capitate 
microscopic  hairs  present  on  the  veins  beneath.  Male  inflorescences  often  in  groups 
on  short-shoots  in  the  leaf  axils,  discoid,  10-15  mm.  in  diameter,  on  peduncles  as 
much  as  30  mm.  long,  receptacle  covered  with  5  or  6  series  of  about  50  to  90  thin 
bracts  narrowed  apically,  flowers  more  than  15;  male  perianth  1-1.5  mm.  high,  fila- 
ments 1-1.6  mm.  long,  anthers  0.4-0.5  mm.  long,  apiculate.  Female  inflorescences' 
solitary  or  rarely  together  with  the  males,  discoid,  10-15  mm.  in  diameter,  receptacle 
covered  with  3  to  5  (9)  series  of  30  or  more  thin  bracts  narrowed  apically  and  sub- 
sericeous  to  hirtellous,  flowers  8  to  27;  female  perianth  4-6  mm.  high,  the  perianth- 
tube  4-lobed  with  the  free  lobes  0.5-2  mm.  long,  style  2-5  mm.  long,  stigmas  1.2-1.7 
mm.  long,  plane  and  0.6-2  mm.  broad  or  revolute  to  4  mm.  broad.  Fruit  borne  within 
the  succulent  ellipsoid  perianth  10-22  mm.  high  on  the  discoid  infructescence  2-5  cm. 

Plants  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea  level  and 
about  1000  m.  altitude  in  our  area.  This  species  has  not  been  col- 
lected in  Costa  Rica  but  is  known  from  Bocas  del  Toro  and  Chiriqui 
Provinces  in  Panama  and  ranges  southward  to  the  Amazon  Basin 
and  the  Guianas. 


Perebea  guianensis  is  represented  in  our  area  by  subspecies  cas- 
tillodes  (Pittier)  Berg.  The  plants  are  distinctive  because  of  the 
large,  usually  oblong  leaves  slightly  cordate  at  the  base,  short  peti- 
oles, slender  silky  yellowish  hairs  on  many  parts,  and  discoid  pedun- 
culate inflorescences  with  an  involucre  of  thin  imbricate  puberulent 
bracts.  The  plants  are  very  similar  to  Castilla  elastica,  but  that 
species  has  the  two  stipules  at  each  node  fused  and  the  leaves  are 
minutely  denticulate  whereas  our  material  of  Perebea  guianensis 
has  separate  stipules  and  entire  leaf-margins. 

Perebea  xanthochyma  Karsten,  Fl.  Colomb.  2:23.  t.  112,  1862.  P. 
hispidula  Standl.,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  29:350.  1942.  P.  mol- 
li flora  Standl.  &  Wms.,  Ceiba  3:41.  1952.  Figure  16. 

Shrubs  or  trees  to  35  m.  tall,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  latex  yellowish  but  turning 
brown  or  reddish,  leafy  internodes  5-50  mm.  long,  1.6-6  (8)  mm.  thick,  variable  in 
pubescence  with  minute  (0.1-0.3  mm.)  appressed  ascending  hairs  or  longer  (0.5-1.5 
mm.)  spreading  straight  hairs  or  both,  often  becoming  glabrescent;  stipules  5-15 
(25)  mm.  long,  yellowish  to  pale  grayish  sericeous  with  lustrous  thin  ascending 
hairs.  Leaves  often  slightly  asymmetric,  petioles  2-10  (20)  mm.  long,  about  1.8  mm. 
thick,  narrowly  sulcate  distally,  often  hirsute;  laminae  12-34  (48)  cm.  long,  4-12  (20) 
cm.  broad,  abruptly  acuminate  at  the  apex,  the  narrow  tip  1-3  cm.  long,  acute  to  ob- 
tuse and  slightly  rounded  at  the  usually  unequal  base,  margin  entire  to  repand  or 
distinctly  serrate,  laminae  drying  thinly  to  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  on  both  sur- 
faces, glabrescent  and  the  midvein  prominent  above,  almost  glabrous  to  conspicu- 
ously puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath  with  slender  stiff  hairs  to  1  mm.  long,  the 
12  to  18  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin  or 
not,  microscopic  narrowly  oblongoid-capitate  hairs  present  on  the  lower  surface. 
Male  inflorescences  3-6  (10)  mm.  in  diameter,  borne  on  peduncles  1-3  (6)  mm.  long, 
receptacle  covered  with  4  to  8  series  of  about  25  to  60  broad  thin  subsericeous 
bracts,  flowers  10  or  more;  male  perianth  0.8-1.1  mm.  high,  perianth-parts  free  and 
yellowish  puberulent,  filaments  0.6-1.1  mm.  long,  free,  anthers  0.3-0.5  mm.  long. 
Female  inflorescences  solitary  or  with  male  inflorescences  in  the  axils  of  leaves, 
discoid  to  subglobose,  4-15  mm.  in  diameter,  subsessile  or  borne  on  a  bracteate 
peduncle  to  3  mm.  long,  receptacle  covered  by  4  to  10  series  of  20  to  90  thin  sub- 
sericeous  bracts,  flowers  (5)  10  or  more;  female  perianth  about  2  (rarely,  3.5)  mm. 
high,  perianth-tube  entire  or  minutely  4-lobed,  yellowish  to  whitish  puberulent, 
ovary  partly  united  to  the  perianth,  style  0.5-2  mm.  long,  stigmas  0.5-1.5  mm.  long, 
0.2-0.7  mm.  broad.  Fruit  borne  within  the  succulent  perianth  on  infructescences 
1-2  cm.  in  diameter,  fruiting  perianth  ellipsoid,  10-13  mm.  long  amd  8-10  mm.  thick 
(dry),  sparsely  to  densely  hirsute  with  long  ( 1  mm.)  yellowish  hairs,  becoming  red. 

Plants  of  the  lowland  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  from  sea 
level  to  850  m.  elevation;  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes 
of  Costa  Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species 
ranges  from  Costa  Rica  to  Peru. 

Perebea  xanthochyma  is  recognized  by  the  yellowish  sap,  stipules 


encircling  the  stem,  thin  and  occasionally  long  leaves  abruptly  acu- 
minate and  sparsely  puberulent  beneath,  small  inflorescences  with 
thin  overlapping  bracts  forming  an  involucre,  and  the  usually  hir- 
sute ellipsoid  drupe-like  fruit  borne  on  the  infructescence.  The  mar- 
gins of  the  lamina  form  a  narrow  slit  at  the  apex  of  the  petiole,  and 
this  is  useful  in  placing  material  with  immature  flowering  parts,  but 
compare  Naucleopsis. 


Trees,  bisexual,  the  younger  branches  usually  with  short  broad-based  spines; 
stipules  paired  and  free  at  a  node,  completely  enclosing  the  shoot-apex,  caducous 
and  leaving  a  scar  encircling  the  stems.  Leaves  distichous,  petiolate,  laminae  often 
large,  epidermal  cells  often  with  sinuate  outlines,  very  narrow  oblongoid-capitate 
hairs  present  on  the  lower  surface  ( 150X ),  the  lower  surface  with  microscopic  trans- 
parent cells  round  in  outline  and  apparently  flat.  Male  inflorescences  usually  soli- 
tary in  the  axils  of  leaves,  pedunculate,  globose  or  subglobose  heads  with  many 
flowers;  male  flower  with  4  perianth-parts  and  4  stamens,  compressed  and  angular 
in  early  stages,  with  the  perianth  united  basally  and  4-lobed,  stamens  4,  apparently 
straight  in  bud,  anthers  basifixed.  Female  inflorescences  a  capitate  sessile  cluster 
of  flowers,  solitary  in  the  leaf-axil,  the  (3)  5  to  15  flowers  united  in  the  lower  half;  fe- 
male flower  with  the  free  upper  portion  of  the  perianth  tubular  and  conic,  shortly  4- 
dentate,  ovary  free  of  the  perianth  but  within  the  united  part  of  the  flower  and 
becoming  immersed  in  fruit,  style  exserted,  stigmas  2.  Fruit  formed  within  the 
fleshy  head  (syncarp). 

A  genus  with  a  single  species  ranging  from  Veracruz,  Mexico,  to 
Ecuador.  There  is  great  variation  in  leaf-size,  venation,  and  sym- 
metry in  different  collections  but  the  small  spines,  often  found  on 
petioles  and  stipules  as  well  as  stems,  distinguish  these  plants  from 
other  Moraceae  in  our  flora. 

Poulsenia  armata  (Miq.)  Standley,  Trop.  Woods  33:4.  1933. 
Olmedia  armata  Miquel  in  Seem.,  Bot.  Voy.  Herald  196,  1854. 
Figure  15. 

Trees,  5-25  m.  tall,  bisexual,  sap  white,  leafy  internodes  (0.8)  1.5-6  (10)  cm.  long, 
3-8  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  very  minute  (0.5  mm.)  appressed  brownish  hairs, 
usually  with  scattered  spines  2-4  mm.  long,  broad  ( 1.3  mm.)  at  the  base  with  a  thick- 
ened brownish  central  portion  and  abruptly  narrower  translucent  sharp  tip;  stipules 
1-6  cm.  long,  5-10  mm.  thick  near  the  base,  glabrous  or  with  brown  multicellular 
hairs,  often  with  short  spines.  Leaves  symmetric  or  often  very  asymmetric  near  the 
base  on  flowering  branchlets;  petioles  1-4.5  cm.  long,  2.5-4.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or 
with  very  minute  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  appressed  hairs,  a  few  spines  usually  present,  nar- 
rowly sulcate  above;  laminae  (8)  12-45  cm.  long,  (4)  8-22  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  ovate- 
oblong,  acute  to  acuminate  or  occasionally  obtuse  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded 
and  truncate  or  cordate  at  the  equal  to  very  unequal  base,  margin  entire  or  slightly 


sinuate,  the  laminae  drying  very  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  and 
the  major  veins  prominent  above,  essentially  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  the  4  to  12 
pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin  (an  arcuate 
submarginal  vein  absent),  microscopic  hairs  very  narrowly  oblongoid  beneath.  Male 
inflorescences  borne  on  peduncles  1-2  cm.  long,  the  globose  head  about  1-1.5  cm.  in 
diameter  (dry),  lacking  an  obvious  involucre  of  bracts,  the  young  flowers  variously 
angled  by  compression,  about  0.8  mm.  in  diameter;  perianth-lobes  about  0.5  mm. 
wide,  minutely  puberulent,  stamens  slightly  exserted  above  the  perianth,  anthers 
about  0.5  mm.  long  and  0.8  mm.  broad,  with  a  broad  connective.  Female  inflores- 
cence a  loose  head  of  apically  separate  flowers  sessile  in  the  leaf  axil,  subglobose  to 
obovoid  or  ovoid  in  general  form,  1.5-2  cm.  in  diameter;  free  portion  of  the  female 
flowers  3-5  mm.  high,  perianth-lobes  1-2  mm.  long,  sparsely  and  very  minutely  pub- 
erulent. Fruit  borne  within  the  fleshy  syncarp  about  2-3  cm.  in  diameter,  apices  of 
the  individual  fruiting  perianths  about  3  mm.  high  with  the  larger  part  of  the  seed 
beneath  the  surface  of  the  syncarp,  seed  about  8  mm.  long  and  4  mm.  thick. 

Plants  of  evergreen  wet  forest  formations  between  sea  level  and 
about  400  (?)  m.  elevation;  flowering  material  has  been  collected 
in  April  and  September  (in  Panama).  The  species  ranges  from  Cen- 
tral Mexico  to  Bolivia. 

Poulsenia  armata  is  recognized  by  the  aculeate  spines,  milky  sap, 
stipules  encircling  the  stem,  large  leaves,  and  capitate  inflores- 
cences that  are  globose  and  pedunculate  in  the  male  and  a  sessile 
cluster  united  basally  in  the  female.  The  inflorescences  of  both  sexes 
lack  an  involucre  and  have  no  peltate  bracts  but  the  peduncle  is 
often  dilated  at  the  apex  and  may  resemble  an  involucre.  The  whorl- 
ed  arrangement  of  bracts  may  give  the  impression  of  an  involucre 
in  the  female  inflorescence.  The  species  is  very  poorly  represented  in 
collections.  The  larger  trees  appear  to  have  smaller  leaves  that  are 
often  very  asymmetric. 


Unisexual  trees,  often  tall  with  relatively  slender  smooth  trunks,  independent  or 
(?)  rarely  epiphytic;  the  sap  clear  but  quickly  becoming  dark  in  color,  not  milky; 
stipules  connate  and  (consequently)  solitary,  enclosing  the  stem-apex  and  leaving 
a  scar  encircling  the  stem,  usually  large.  Leaves  simple  and  alternate  in  a  spiral, 
petiolate  and  basifixed,  the  lamina  entire  to  deeply  lobed  (entire  and  narrowly  ellip- 
tic in  juvenile  stages),  pinnately  or  palmately  veined,  tertiary  veins  subparallel, 
often  pale-grayish  tomentose  beneath.  Inflorescences  unisexual,  usually  paired  in 
the  axils  of  the  current  leaves,  peduncle  usually  branched  with  the  flowers  in  cymose 
clusters  or  rarely  unbranched  and  the  flowers  umbellate.  Male  flowers  usually  in 
congested  clusters  or  capitate,  sessile  on  the  branches  of  the  inflorescence;  perianth 
of  3  or  4  parts  or  lobes,  stamens  3  or  4,  filaments  erect,  free  or  connate  at  the  base. 
Female  flowers  sessile  or  more  often  pedicellate,  perianth  tubular  with  a  small  open- 
ing at  the  apex,  enclosing  ovary  and  style  and  persisting  in  fruit,  stigma  simple, 
papilla te-puberulent,  peltate-discoid,  ovule  borne  on  the  wall  of  the  locule  near  the 


base  by  adnation  of  the  funicle.  Fruit  moderately  large  (1-3  cm.),  tightly  enclosed 
within  the  persisting  slightly  succulent  perianth. 

A  poorly  understood  genus  of  probably  fewer  than  30  species, 
represented  in  Central  America  by  only  the  following  two  species. 
Unlike  its  close  relative,  Coussapoa,  the  epiphytic-strangling  habit 
is  apparently  never  encountered  in  Pourouma.  Like  Coussapoa  and 
Cecropia,  also  members  of  the  subfamily  Conocephaloideae,  these 
plants  are  probably  more  closely  related  to  the  Urticaceae  than  to 
the  other  genera  of  the  Moraceae  (Corner,  1962). 

Laminae  of  mature  trees  usually  deeply  lobed  and  scabrous  above;  female  inflores- 
cences distally  much-branched  with  the  flowers  in  cymose  groups;  common  and 
widespread  in  wet  evergreen  formations,  0-1000  m P.  aspera. 

Laminae  of  mature  trees  entire  and  elliptic,  smooth  above;  female  inflorescence 
umbellate  with  5  to  9  flowers  on  each  peduncle;  rare  (?)  and  known  only  from  the  low 
hills  (200  m.)  at  the  edge  of  the  Caribbean  escarpment  in  Costa  Rica P.  minor. 

Pourouma  aspera  Trecul,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  3,  8: 102.  1847.  sensu 
lato.  P.  scobina  Benoist,  Bull.  Mus.  Hist.  Nat.  Paris  28:320.  1922. 
P.  johnstonii  Woodson,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Gard.  47: 166-167.  1960. 
Figure  22. 

Trees  (5)  10-30  m.  tall,  trunk  smooth  and  mottled  with  shades  of  gray  and  brown, 
the  cut  trunk  producing  clear  sap  but  the  branchlets  producing  a  sap  that  quickly 
becomes  dark  brown  or  black,  leafy  internodes  8-20  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely 
puberulent  with  minute  or  long  (3  mm.)  hairs;  brown  circular  lenticels  often  pres- 
ent; stipules  5-12  cm.  long,  5-20  mm.  thick,  densely  pale  yellowish  gray  sericeous 
with  hairs  0.5-3  mm.  long,  caducous.  Leaves  very  variable  (on  different  trees  and  oc- 
casionally on  the  same  tree)  in  mature  plants,  petioles  12-30  cm.  long,  3-7  mm.  thick, 
minutely  (0.1-0.5  mm.)  appressed  sericeous,  smooth  or  weakly  striate;  laminae  on 
mature  plants  12-50  cm.  long,  10-40  cm.  broad,  with  3  to  5  (7)  usually  deep  or  occa- 
sionally shallow  lobes,  distal  lobes  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex  or  less  often  ob- 
tuse, cordate  to  truncated  at  the  base,  margins  usually  undulate,  the  laminae  drying 
stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  scabrous  and  sparsely  puberulent  above, 
puberulent  beneath  with  slender  ascending  hairs  about  1  mm.  long  and  thin 
minutely  floccose  or  arachnoid  hairs  giving  the  under-surface  a  pale  grayish  color, 
venation  palmate  with  3  to  5  (7)  primary  veins,  the  central  primary  with  16  to  24 
pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  central  secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-60 
degrees,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  beneath.  Male  inflorescences  10-28  cm.  long, 
common  peduncle  3-12  cm.  long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  densely  ascending  sericeous,  distally 
much  branched  and  the  flowers  in  dense  clusters;  anthers  about  0.4  mm.  long. 
Female  inflorescences  10-22  cm.  long,  common  peduncle  5-11  cm.  long,  2-4  mm. 
thick,  distally  much  branched  and  the  flowers  in  cymose  groups,  female  flowers 
borne  on  short  (1-10  mm.)  thick  (1-2  mm.),  densely  reddish  puberulent  pedicels 
expanded  apically  and  somewhat  cupulate,  the  female  flowers  3-7  mm.  long,  (above 
the  cupule),  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  narrowly  ovoid,  densely  reddish-brown  puberulent, 
stigma  1-2  mm.  broad,  minutely  puberulent.  Fruit  becoming  15  mm.  long  and  10 


mm.  thick,  ovoid,  abruptly  truncate  or  rounded  at  the  base  narrowed  to  the 
persisting  stigma,  the  surface  puberulent  and  scabrous. 

Large  trees  of  rain  forest  formations  from  sea  level  to  900  m. 
altitude  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  but  not  collected 
below  150  m.  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  and  fruiting  collections  have 
been  made  between  January  and  August.  The  species  ranges  from 
British  Honduras  southward  to  Venezuela  and  the  Guianas. 

Pourouma  aspera  is  recognized  by  the  usually  deeply  lobed  leaves 
scabrous  above,  complex  inflorescences  much  branched  distally, 
and  the  female  flowers  covered  with  minute  reddish-brown  hairs. 
This  is  the  only  species  of  the  genus  ranging  into  northern  Central 
America.  I  believe  that  most  of  the  material  referred  to  under 
Pourouma  in  the  "Flora  of  Panama"  (Woodson,  1960)  is  synony- 
mous with  P.  aspera  as  interpreted  here.  This  species  is  called 
Yahal,  Pacica,  guarumo  de  montafia,  andguarumo  macho  in  Nicara- 
gua and  Costa  Rica.  The  leaves  are  used  for  scouring,  and  the  fruits 
were  said  to  be  eaten. 

Pourouma  minor  Benoist,  Bull.  Mus.  Hist.  Nat.  Paris  30:103. 
1924,  sensu  lato  fide  C.C.  Berg  in  litt.  P.  umbellifera  Burger,  Phy- 
tologia26:  430.  1973.  Figure  22. 

Trees  10-25  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-10  (30)  cm.  long,  2.5-7  ( 15)  mm.  thick,  dense- 
ly to  sparsely  puberulent  with  slender  ascending  hairs  0.5-2  mm.  long,  periderm 
becoming  wrinkled  (dry);  stipules  5-15  cm.  long,  4-14  mm.  thick,  densely  sericeous 
with  lustrous  pale  silvery  hairs  about  1  mm.  long.  Leaves  often  clustered  near  the 
ends  of  branchlets,  quite  variable  in  size  (on  the  same  tree),  petioles  2-6  cm.  long, 
1.5-4  (5)  mm.  thick,  longitudinally  ridged,  puberulent  with  mostly  ascending  ap- 
pressed  hairs  about  1  mm.  long;  laminae  (6)  10-28  (34)  cm.  long,  (3)  4-12  (16)  cm. 
broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  elliptic-oblong,  abruptly  acute  at  the  apex,  obtuse  or 
slightly  rounded  at  the  base,  paired  gland-like  thickenings  often  present  at  the  base 
of  the  blade  above  the  petiole  ( adaxially ),  margin  slightly  rounded-undulate  distally, 
laminae  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  above  and  puberulent 
only  on  the  midvein,  densely  pale  yellowish  or  whitish  sericeous  on  the  veins  be- 
neath, minutely  whitish  flocose  between  the  veins,  venation  pinnate,  the  (8)  15  to  22 
pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop -connected  near  the  margin,  central 
secondaries  arising  at  angles  of  30-50  degrees,  tertiary  veins  slightly  raised  beneath. 
Male  inflorescences  about  6  cm.  long,  paniculate,  peduncles  about  3-4  cm.  long  and  1 
mm.  thick,  appressed  sericeous,  secondary  and  tertiary  branches  with  the  lustrous 
hairs  not  closely  appressed;  male  flowers  pedicellate  or  sessile,  usually  in  clusters 
about  4  mm.  broad,  perianth  about  1.5  mm.  long,  brownish  with  pale  hairs  along  the 
midrib  abaxially,  anthers  about  0.4  mm.  broad.  Female  inflorescences  umbellate, 
peduncle  (2)  4-8  cm.  long,  about  2  mm.  thick,  sparsely  or  densely  puberulent,  with  5 
to  9  flowers  per  umbel,  pedicels  (2)  5-15  mm.  long  (lengthening  in  fruit),  very  slight- 
ly expanded  at  the  apex;  female  flowers  4-8  mm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick,  narrowly 
ellipsoid  or  ovoid,  densely  yellowish  or  grayish  velutinous,  stigma  peltate,  thick  and 


undulate,  densely  and  minutely  reddish  velutinous.  Fruiting  inflorescence  with  fruit 
borne  on  pedicels  1-3  cm.  long,  about  1.5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberulent,  the  peri- 
anth-tube becoming  15-22  mm.  long,  10-15  mm.  thick,  ovoid,  abruptly  narrowed  at 
the  base,  gradually  narrowed  at  the  apex,  sparsely  puberulent  with  slender  ascend- 
ing hairs  about  0.3  mm.  long,  fruit  only  slightly  smaller  than  the  enclosing  perianth, 
ovoid  and  somewhat  flattened  with  suture-like  lines  on  the  flattened  surfaces,  glab- 
rous and  lustrous. 

A  species  of  the  Caribbean  coastal  plain  and  adjacent  slopes  be- 
tween 50  and  300  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  collections 
have  been  made  in  October,  January,  and  May.  Fertile  collections 
have  been  made  near  Tirimbina  (Lent  2327}  and  Las  Horquetas 
(Hartshorn  1224}  in  Heredia  and  above  Siquerres  (Holdridge  6818} 
in  Limon.  The  species  ranges  southward  to  the  Amazon  basin. 

Pourouma  minor  is  distinguished  by  the  long-petiolate  elliptic 
leaves  with  many  parallel  secondary  and  tertiary  veins,  whitish 
undersurfaces,  and  umbellate  female  inflorescence.  Vegetatively 
these  plants  resemble  some  species  of  Coussapoa,  but  those  usually 
begin  as  epiphytes.  I  am  following  Dr.  C.C.  Berg's  interpretation 
(pers.  comm.  )  that  P.  minor  is  a  variable  species  of  wide  range. 


REFERENCE:  C.C.  Berg,  Olmedieae.  Fl.  Neotropica.  Monog. 

Unisexual  trees,  branches  without  spines;  stipules  free,  encircling  the  stem  com- 
pletely, caducous.  Leaves  distichous,  petiolate,  mostly  entire,  microscopic  multi- 
cellular  oblongoid-capitate  or  globose-capitate  hairs  often  abundant.  Male  inflores- 
cences 1  to  4  (rarely  more)  in  each  axil,  sessile,  discoid  in  form,  receptacle  covered 
with  imbricate  bracts,  forming  an  involucre  that  covers  the  stamens  until  anthesis; 
male  flowers  not  recognizable,  the  many  free  stamens  intermixed  with  concentri- 
cally arranged  interstaminal  bracts,  the  interstaminal  bracts  variable  in  size  and 
shape,  filaments  straight  in  bud,  anthers  basifixed,  often  apiculate  and  with  or  with- 
out apical  hairs,  the  thecae  opening  laterally.  Female  inflorescences  1  or  2  (rarely 
more)  in  the  leaf-axils,  sessile,  receptacle  covered  with  imbricate  bracts  forming  an 
involucre,  flower  solitary  in  each  inflorescence;  female  flower  with  a  tubular  4-den- 
tate  perianth,  ovary  completely  united  with  the  perianth-tube,  stigmas  filiform. 
Fruit  relatively  large  within  the  reddish  and  fleshy  perianth,  cotyledons  thick  and 

A  genus  of  nine  species  ranging  from  southern  Mexico  and  the 
West  Indies  to  Brazil  and  Bolivia. 

Fruit  pale  yellowish  sericeous  to  velutinous,  subglobose  to  ellipsoid;  laminae  usually 
6-17  cm.  long  and  2-7  cm.  broad;  between  500  and  1000  m.  elevation  in  our  area 

P.  oxyphyllaria. 


Fruit  sparesly  puberulent  near  the  tip  and  glabrous  over  most  of  its  surface,  oblong- 
oid  to  obovoid  or  ellipsoid;  laminae  usually  4-14  cm.  long  and  1.5-4.5  cm.  broad; 
rarely  found  above  500  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica P.  spuria. 

Pseudolmedia  oxyphyllaria  Donnell-Smith,  Bot.  Gaz.  20:294. 
1895.  P.  mollis  Standl.,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  13:30.  1923.  Bro- 
simum  ramonense  Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18:379.  1937.  Pseudol- 
media simiarum  Standl.  &  Steyer.,  loc.  cit.  23:154.  1944.  P.  mala- 
cocarpa  Standl.  &  Wms.,  Ceiba  3:42.  1952.  Figure  16. 

Trees  to  20  (30)  m.  tall,  latex  whitish,  leafy  internodes  5-40  mm.  long,  0.7-3.5  mm. 
thick,  essentially  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent  with  thin  yellowish  hairs  0.2-0.8 
mm.  long,  bark  of  the  twigs  usually  smooth  (dry);  stipules  4-10  mm.  long,  minutely 
puberulent  abaxially  (rarely  sericeous  or  hirsute).  Leaves  generally  symmetrical, 
petioles  2-9  mm.  long,  1-2.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  to  sparsely  puberulent;  laminae  6- 
17  (28)  cm.  long,  2-7  ( 10)  cm.  broad,  lanceolate  to  narrowly  oblong  or  elliptic-oblong, 
abruptly  and  narrowly  acuminate,  obtuse  to  acute  at  the  base,  margin  entire,  the 
lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  smooth  on  both  surfaces,  essen- 
tially glabrous  and  the  midvein  prominent  above,  glabrous  to  sparsely  puberulent 
beneath,  the  8  to  18  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  prominent  beneath  and  usually 
loop-connected  near  the  margin,  microscopic  globose-capitate  or  oblongoid-capitate 
hairs  usually  present  on  the  lower  surface,  clear  or  orange  distally.  Male  inflores- 
cences 1  to  4  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  sessile,  5-10  mm.  in  diameter, 
bracts  14  to  22  in  3  to  7  series,  1.5-4  mm.  broad  and  acute  to  broadly  obtuse,  minu- 
tely sericeous,  stamens  more  than  20  per  inflorescence;  interstaminal  bracts  2-4.5 
mm.  long,  spathulate  to  oblanceolate,  filaments  0.3-1.5  mm.  long,  anthers  about  2 
mm.  long,  narrow.  Female  inflorescence  1  or  2  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves, 
ovoid,  2-4  mm.  in  diameter,  the  10  to  18  broad  bracts  in  3  to  6  series,  acute  to  obtuse 
and  minutely  sericeous,  with  slender  pale  yellowish  hairs,  flower  solitary;  female 
perianth  2-2.5  mm.  high,  densely  velutinous  with  ascending  straight  yellowish 
hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long,  style  0.8-1  mm.  long,  stigmas  5-7  mm.  long,  slender.  Fruit 
formed  within  the  subglobose  to  ovoid  or  ellipsoid  perianth,  20-23  mm.  long,  17-20 
mm.  thick,  pale  yellowish  sericeous  to  velutinous. 

Rare  plants  of  moist  evergreen  forest  formations  between  500  and 
1000  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica  (0-1800  m.  elsewhere);  flowering 
from  February  to  May,  fruiting  from  March  to  June.  This  species 
ranges  from  the  State  of  Veracruz,  Mexico,  to  central  Costa  Rica. 

Pseudolmedia  oxphyllaria  is  recognized  by  the  stipules  encircling 
the  stem,  the  medium  sized  leaves  with  entire  margins,  glabrous  or 
very  sparsely  puberulent  beneath,  and  the  small  sessile  inflores- 
cences enclosed  in  an  involucre  of  thin  broad  sericeous  bracts.  This 
species  is  very  similar  to  Pseudolmedia  spuria  with  essentially  glab- 
rous fruit  and  less  puberulent  floral  bracts.  Fruiting  collections 
from  Costa  Rica  have  larger,  more  puberulent  leaves  that  dry  much 
darker  in  color  than  the  leaves  of  the  male  collections.  It  may  be 
that  the  former  represent  a  distinct  entity  to  which  the  type  of  Bros- 


imum  ramonense  would  belong.  This  species  is  very  poorly  repre- 
sented in  collections,  and  decisions  at  this  time  must  be  considered 
no  more  than  tentative. 

Pseudolmedia  spuria  (Sw.)  Grisebach,  Fl.  Brit.  W.  Ind.  152.  1859. 
Brosimum  spurium  Swartz,  Prodr.  Veg.  Ind.  Occ.  12.  1788.  Figure 

Trees  5-30  m.  tall,  sap  white,  leafy  internodes  0.5-5  cm.  long,  1.5-2.5  mm.  thick, 
glabrous  or  sparsely  and  very  minutely  puberulent,  usually  smooth  and  brown; 
stipules  2-12  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  very  slender  apically,  minute- 
ly puberulent  along  the  midrib  and  ba sally  (abaxially)  or  glabrous,  dark  brown. 
Leaves  usually  symmetrical,  petioles  3-8  mm.  long,  0.5-1.5  mm.  thick,  smooth,  dark 
bnown  and  essentially  glabrous;  laminae  4-14  (17)  cm.  long,  1.5-4.5  (6)  cm.  broad, 
narrowly  elliptic  to  narrowly  oblong  or  ovate-lanceolate,  usually  short-acuminate  at 
the  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  and  usually  equal  at  the  base,  margins  entire,  the  lamina 
drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  essentially  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  mid- 
vein  prominent  and  the  smaller  veins  usually  slightly  raised  above,  the  10  to  18  pairs 
of  major  secondary  veins  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  lower  surface  with  very 
few  narrow  (oblongoid-capitate)  microscopic  hairs  and  the  sto mates  usually  readily 
apparent.  Male  inflorescences  1  to  4  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  subsessile 
or  sessile,  ovoid  before  anthesis,  receptacle  covered  by  an  involucre  of  2  to  4  series  of 
15  to  25  mostly  ovate  to  lanceolate  bracts,  brown  and  minutely  puberulent  along  the 
midrib,  interstaminal  bracts  2-4  mm.  long,  narrow  and  often  broadened  apically, 
stamens  about  15  per  inflorescence;  filaments  0.5-1  mm.  long,  anthers  1.2-2  mm. 
long,  apiculate.  Female  inflorescences  usually  1  or  2  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen 
leaves,  ovoid,  1.5-2  mm.  in  diameter,  receptacle  hidden  within  an  involucre  of  3  to  6 
series  of  deltoid  to  ovate  bracts  1-3  mm.  broad,  minutely  puberulent  centrally  ( abax- 
ially) and  brown,  thin,  the  flower  solitary;  female  perianth-tube  2-2.5  mm.  high, 
minutely  puberulent,  style  1-1.5  mm.  long,  stigmas  2-6  mm.  long.  Fruit  enclosed 
within  the  fleshy  perianth-tube  and  drupaceous,  9-15  mm.  long  and  5-9  mm.  thick, 
oblongoid  to  obovoid  or  ellipsoid,  sparsely  puberulent  near  the  tip,  the  involucre 
of  bracts  remaining  small  but  persisting  at  the  base. 

Apparently  rare  plants  of  the  wet  evergreen  forest  formations 
with  a  short  but  definite  dry  season  between  sea  level  and  about  400 
(900)  m.  elevation;  flowering  from  February  to  June  (September). 
The  species  ranges  from  Chiapas,  Mexico,  to  Panama  and  in  the 
Greater  Antilles  but  has  only  been  collected  from  along  the  Rio 
Grand  de  Tarcoles,  near  Capulin  (Standley  40109  &  40145),  Alajue- 
la,  and  from  Palmar  Norte  (Allen  5961 ),  Puntarenas,  in  Costa  Rica. 

Pseudolmedia  spuria  is  recognized  by  the  relatively  small,  essen- 
tially glabrous  leaves  on  slender  branchlets  with  stipule  encircling 
the  stem,  and  the  small  sessile  inflorescences  enclosed  in  an  invo- 
lucre of  thin  broad  bracts,  the  drupe-like  fruit  subtended  by  the 
small  imbricate  bracts,  and  lack  of  organized  male  flowers.  The 
smaller  leaves,  more  sparse  pubescence,  and  lowland  habitat  (in 


ours?)  distinguish  this  species  from  the  rather  similar  Pseudolmedia 

SOROCEA  St.  Hilaire 

REFERENCE:  W.  Burger,  J.  Lanjouw,  and  J.  G.  Wessels  Boer, 
The  genus  Sorocea,  Acta  Bot.  Neerl.  11:428-477.  1962. 

Shrubs  or  trees,  unisexual,  without  spines,  sap  whitish;  stipules  paired  and  later- 
al, caducous  or  rarely  persistent,  their  scars  encircling  less  than  half  the  stem. 
Leaves  simple,  alternate  and  distichous,  petioles  sulcate  above,  venation  pinnate, 
margins  entire  to  sharply  serrate.  Inflorescences  paired  or  solitary  in  the  axils  of 
present  or  fallen  leaves,  racemose  or  spicate  (capitate  in  South  America),  with 
numerous  suborbicular,  usually  peltate  bracts  along  the  rachis;  flowers  often  lack- 
ing along  one  side  of  the  rachis.  Male  flowers  sessile  or  pedicellate,  perianth  4-parted 
with  equal  or  unequal  tepals,  decussate-imbricate  in  bud,  stamens  4  and  opposite 
the  tepals,  filaments  straight  in  bud,  glabrous,  anthers  usually  dorsifixed  and  open- 
ing outwards  (extrorse),  a  pistillode  usually  absent.  Female  flowers  sessile  or  pedi- 
cellate, perianth  tubular  or  rarely  4-parted  and  accrescent  in  fruit,  irregularly  or 
minutely  4-lobed  at  the  apex,  ovary  inferior  to  superior  by  adnation  of  the  perianth- 
tube,  style  bifid  with  the  style  branches  usually  short  and  thick.  Fruit  drupaceous, 
perianth  accrescent  and  succulent,  the  stone  globose  or  ellipsoid,  lacking  endo- 
sperm, the  cotyledons  thick,  the  pedicels  often  elongating  and  thickening  in  fruit. 

A  genus  of  about  22  species  ranging  from  Guatemala  to  Para- 
guay, southern  Brazil,  and  northernmost  Argentina,  but  with  centers 
of  diversity  in  Costa  Rica  and  Panama,  the  upper  Amazon  Basin, 
and  in  eastern  Brazil  near  Rio  de  Janeiro.  This  genus  is  very  similar 
to  Trophis  and  Clarisia  as  regards  the  female  flowers,  but  the  male 
flowers  are  very  different.  Sterile  material  is  also  difficult  to  sepa- 
rate from  Brosimum  and  other  small  genera  of  the  Moraceae.  The 
plants  resemble  some  Euphorbiaceae  and  some  Flacourtiaceae 
such  as  Lozania. 

The  species  of  Sorocea  are  quite  variable  and  often  difficult  to  sep- 
arate from  each  other.  There  are  a  few  collections  that  may  be  inter- 
mediate between  what  are  here  described  as  species.  This  is  especi- 
ally the  case  with  collections  between  300  and  1000  m.  elevation, 
many  of  which  are  sterile.  These  may  represent  hybrids  between  S. 
trophoides  and  S.  affinis  or  S.  pubivena,  or  they  may  only  be  unusu- 
al individuals  on  the  periphery  of  one  of  these  populations.  These 
same  kinds  of  problems  are  found  in  the  Amazon  Basin  where  the 
greatest  number  of  species  of  Sorocea  are  found. 

la.  Plants  rarely  found  below  800  m.  elevation;  male  flowers  with  filaments  1.8- 
2.6  mm.  long  and  anthers  0.7-1.1  mm.  long;  female  flowers  with  an  urceolate 
perianth-tube S.  trophoides. 


Ib.  Plants  rarely  found  above  500  m.  elevation;  filaments  1.1-2  mm.  long,  anthers 
0.4-0.8  mm.  long;  female  flowers  with  an  urceolate  to  ovoid  or  globose  perianth- 
tube  2a. 

2a.  Male  flowers  pedicellate  or  rarely  subsessile;  fruiting  pedicels  0.7-1.7  mm.  thick 
(dry);  leaves  glabrous  and  usually  entire,  rarely  more  than  16  cm.  long  and  6 
cm.  broad S.  affinis. 

2b.  Male  flowers  broadly  sessile  on  the  rachis;  fruiting  pedicels  1.5-3  mm.  thick; 
leaves  often  more  than  16  cm.  long  and  6  cm.  broad 3a. 

3a.  Plants  of  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  lowlands;  leaves  usually  bluntly  serrate 
distally  and  usually  puberulent  beneath;  fruit  usually  ellipsoid,  about  8  mm. 
thick,  and  borne  on  an  elongated  rachis  4-14  cm.  long S.  pubivena. 

3b.  Plants  of  Golfo  Dulce  and  adjacent  areas  in  the  Pacific  lowlands;  leaves  entire 
and  usually  glabrous;  fruit  globose,  about  1  cm.  in  diameter  and  borne  on  a 
short  (2-3  cm.)  rachis S.  cufodontisii. 

Sorocea  affinis  Hemsley,  Biol.  Centr.  Amer.  3:150.1883.  Figure 

Shrubs  or  trees,  3  to  15  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-25  mm.  long,  0.9-2.8  mm.  thick, 
puberulent  but  often  becoming  glabrous,  lenticels  often  conspicuous;  stipules  2-5 
mm.  long,  narrowly  cuneate,  puberulent,  caducous,  the  scars  inconspicuous.  Leaves 
in  2  ranks,  petiole  3-11  mm.  long,  0.6-1.8  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberulent  and  soon 
glabrescent;  laminae  8-18  (23)  cm.  long,  2.5-7.2  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  ellip- 
tic-oblong or  narrowly  obovate,  acuminate  to  abruptly  caudate-acuminate  at  the 
apex,  acute  or  occasionally  obtuse  at  the  base,  margin  entire  or  occasionally  bluntly 
serrate,  the  laminae  drying  thin  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces, 
midvein  slightly  impressed  above,  the  5  to  10  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  loop- 
connected  near  the  margin  and  forming  an  arcuate  submarginal  vein.  Male  inflores- 
cences paired  or  solitary,  racemose  or  occasionally  spicate,  peduncles  1.2-4.8  mm. 
long,  minutely  puberulent,  bracts  0.6-1.9  mm.  broad  on  stipes  0.5  mm.  long,  flowers 
numerous  and  distant;  male  flowers  usually  pedicellate,  pedicels  (0)  0.3-1.7  mm. 
long,  perianth-parts  subequal,  about  2  mm.  long  and  1.5  mm.  wide,  sparsely  and  mi- 
nutely puberulent,  filaments  about  1.5  mm.  long,  anthers  0.5-0.8  mm.  long,  connec- 
tive forming  a  gland-like  projection.  Female  inflorescences  paired  or  solitary,  race- 
mose, 1.3-5.8  cm.  long,  peduncles  1.2-3.8  mm.  long,  minutely  puberulent,  bracts  0.5- 
1.4  mm.  broad  on  prominent  stipes,  flowers  10  to  many  and  usually  distant;  female 
flowers  on  pedicels  0.4-2  mm.  long,  perianth-tube  ovoid  to  globose  and  later  becom- 
ing thickened  above,  about  2  mm.  in  diameter,  sparsely  and  very  minutely  (-0.05 
mm.)  papillate-puberulent  on  the  basal  half,  ovary  adnate  to  the  perianth-tube, 
style-branches  0.6-1.2  mm.  long  and  recurved.  Fruit  about  8  mm.  in  diameter,  glo- 
bose, becoming  red,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberulent,  fruiting  pedicels  2-10 
mm.  long  and  0.7-2  mm.  thick. 

Plants  of  the  lowland  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  of  both  the 
Caribbean  coastal  plain  and  the  Golfo  Dulce  region  between  sea 
level  and  300  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  probably  flowering 
throughout  the  year  but  collected  mostly  between  November  and 


April.  The  species  ranges  from  the  Caribbean  coast  of  Guatemala  to 
the  Darien  region  of  Panama. 

Sorocea  affinis  is  recognized  by  its  generally  glabrous  parts,  thin 
abruptly  acuminate  leaves,  usually  pedicellate  male  flowers,  short 
female  inflorescences  with  very  minutely  puberulent  fruit,  and  low- 
land habitat.  Very  few  fertile  collections  are  known  from  Costa  Rica 
(Allen  5492  &  Lent  2243),  but  the  species  is  common  in  Central 
Panama.  These  trees  are  usually  found  on  well-drained  sites. 

Sorocea  cufodontisii  W.  Burger,  Acta  Bot.  Neerl.  11:447.  1962, 
as  cufodonti.  Figure  14. 

Trees,  leafy  internodes  5-40  mm.  long,  about  1.5-3.5  mm.  thick,  glabrescent,  lenti- 
cels  becoming  conspicuous;  stipules  about  5  mm.  long,  cuneate.  Leaves  in  2  ranks, 
petioles  9-20  mm.  long,  1.4-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous;  laminae  13-30  cm.  long,  8-11  cm. 
broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  narrowly  obovate  or  elliptic-oblong,  abruptly  acuminate 
at  the  apex,  the  narrow  tip  8-30  mm.  long,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  usually  oblique 
base,  margin  entire,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  glab- 
rous or  very  minutely  (0.01  mm.)  puberulent  below,  midvein  slightly  impressed 
above,  the  8  to  14  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  loop-connected  near  the  margin 
and  forming  a  marginal  vein  in  the  distal  half  of  the  lamina.  Male  inflorescences 
usually  paired,  spicate,  2-10  cm.  long,  peduncles  about  4  mm.  long,  sparsely  minute- 
ly puberulent,  bracts  0.9-1.5  mm.  broad,  flowers  numerous  and  usually  not  closely 
crowded;  male  flowers  sessile,  1.8-3.5  mm.  wide,  perianth-parts  broadly  oval,  about 
2  mm.  long,  obtuse  at  the  apex,  minutely  puberulent,  filaments  0.7-2  mm.  long, 
anthers  0.7-1  mm.  long,  the  connective  slightly  prolonged  beyond  the  thecae,  a  prom- 
inent pistillode  broad  at  the  base  and  with  a  slender  twisted  style  very  rarely  pres- 
ent in  the  center  of  the  flower.  Female  inflorescences  about  2  cm.  long,  female  flow- 
ers about  3  mm.  high  on  pedicels  0-1.5  mm.  high,  perianth-tube  broadly  urceolate, 
about  2.5  mm.  in  diameter.  Fruit  borne  on  a  short  (2  cm.)  unexpanded  rachis,  the 
pedicels  becoming  3-9  mm.  long  and  1.5-3.5  mm.  thick,  drupes  globose  or  slightly 
ellipsoid  about  1  cm.  in  diameter,  the  surface  apparently  glabrous  with  trichomes 
less  than  0.03  long. 

Plants  of  the  lowland  evergreen  rain  (tropical  wet)  forests  around 
the  area  of  Golfo  Dulce  between  sea  level  and  perhaps  200  m.  eleva- 
tion in  Costa  Rica  and  adjacent  Panama;  male  flowers  have  been 
collected  between  March  and  June  and  fruit  in  August.  The  species 
as  presently  known  is  endemic  to  the  area  between  Palmar  Sur, 
Costa  Rica,  and  Progreso,  Panama. 

Sorocea  cufodontisii  is  very  closely  related  to  S.  pubivena  but 
geographically  isolated  and  poorly  known.  This  species  differs  from 
S.  pubivena  in  the  entire,  more  glabrous  leaves  tapering  more  grad- 
ually to  a  usually  longer  acuminate  tip,  the  less  arcuate  submar- 
ginal  vein,  the  female  inflorescences  remaining  short  in  fruit,  and 


the  larger  more  globose  fruit  on  short  thick  pedicels.  The  male  flow- 
ers appear  to  be  very  similar  to  those  of  S.  pubivena;  the  pistillode 
that  was  used  to  separate  this  species  in  the  original  description  is 
apparently  very  rare.  This  redefinition  of  S.  cufodontisii  includes 
the  following  collections:  Brenes  12207,  Burger  &  Stolze  5500  (d), 
Cooper  &  Slater  174(9),  Cufodontis  200  (d) the  type,  Raven  21558 
( 9 ),  and  Tonduz  6751  ( d).  The  tree  is  called  lechosa  in  Panama. 

Sorocea  pubivena  Hemsley,  Biol.  Centr.  Amer.  3:150.  1883. 
Trophis  macrostachya  Donn.-Sm.,  Bot.  Gaz.  40:10  1905.  Clarisia 
mollis  Standl.,  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Gard.  30:85.  1943.  Figure  14. 

Shrubs  or  trees  to  20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-6  cm.  long,  1.5-5  mm.  thick,  dense- 
ly to  sparsely  hirtellous  with  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long,  becoming  glabrous,  lenticels 
usually  conspicuous;  stipule  4-8  mm.  long,  cuneate,  puberulent,  caducous,  scars 
often  conspicuous.  Leaves  in  2  ranks,  petioles  7-23  mm.  long,  1.2-4.5  mm.  thick, 
minutely  puberulent  in  early  stages;  laminae  10-28  cm.  long,  4.2-11  (14)  cm.  broad, 
narrowly  to  broadly  elliptic  to  oblong  or  obovate,  abruptly  acuminate  or  caudate- 
acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  margin  bluntly  serrate  distally, 
the  lamina  drying  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  puberulent  with  slender 
straight  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long  or  glabrescent  beneath,  midvein  slightly  impressed 
above,  the  7  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  loop-connected  near  the  margin 
and  forming  a  submarginal  vein  in  the  distal  half  of  the  lamina.  Male  inflorescences 
paired  or  solitary,  spicate,  4-11  cm.  long,  peduncle  2-5.5  mm.  long,  densely  hirtel- 
lous, bracts  0.7-1.4  mm.  broad,  flowers  numerous  but  not  congested,  male  flowers 
broadly  sessile,  1.8-3.5  mm.  broad,  perianth-parts  about  1.8  mm.  long,  obtuse  at  the 
apex,  minutely  puberulent,  filaments  1.1-1.6  mm.  long,  anthers  0.6-0.8  mm.  long, 
connective  often  forming  a  gland-like  projection  at  the  apex.  Female  inflorescences 
solitary  or  paired,  spicate,  1.3-6.5  cm.  long,  elongating  in  fruit,  peduncle  1.2-4.3  mm. 
long,  densely  hirtellous,  bracts  0.7-1.5  mm.  broad,  flowers  numerous  but  becoming 
distant  in  fruit;  female  flowers  at  first  subsessile  or  on  very  short  (0.5  mm.)  pedi- 
cels, the  pedicels  elongating  in  fruit,  perianth-tube  about  2  mm.  in  diameter,  ovoid 
or  cylindrical,  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  papillate-puberulent,  ovary  partly  adnate 
to  the  perianth  or  free,  style-branches  0.6-1  mm.  long.  Fruit  usually  ellipsoid,  about 
8  mm.  in  diameter,  glabrescent  or  very  minutely  puberulent,  occasionally  subsessile 
but  usually  borne  on  stout  pedicels  to  13  mm.  long,  and  3  mm.  thick,  the  fruiting 
raceme  becoming  as  much  as  14  cm.  long. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  between  sea 
level  and  800  m.  on  the  Caribbean  side  of  Costa  Rica;  flowering 
throughout  the  year.  The  species  is  known  only  from  Costa  Rica  and 
western  Panama. 

Sorocea  pubivena  is  recognized  by  the  broadly  sessile  male  flow- 
ers, the  female  inflorescences  elongating  in  fruit,  and  the  usually 
puberulent  leaves  slightly  rough  to  the  touch  beneath  and  often 
caudate-acuminate  at  the  apex.  The  trees  usually  exude  abundant 
sap  when  cut.  These  plants  are  often  found  near  streams  or  on  poor- 


ly  drained  soils  but  not  in  swampy  locations.  Occasional  specimens 
are  encountered  that  can  be  interpreted  as  intermediate  with  the 
other  species;  see  the  discussion  under  the  genus  and  under  the  very 
closely  related  S.  cufodontisii. 

Sorocea  trophoides  W.  Burger,  Acta  Bot.  Neerl.  11:450.  1962. 
Figure  14. 

Trees  to  15  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  1  m.  thick,  leafy  internodes  8-40  mm.  long, 
0.8-2.5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  and  very  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  appressed  puberulent  in 
early  stages  but  soon  glabrous;  stipules  3-7  mm.  long,  narrowly  cuneate,  essentially 
glabrous,  caducous,  the  scars  inconspicuous.  Leaves  in  2  ranks,  petioles  5-14  (22) 
mm.  long,  about  1.4  mm.  thick,  laminae  7-17  (28)  cm.  long,  2-6  (9)  cm.  broad,  elliptic 
to  elliptic-oblong,  long-acuminate  at  the  apex  with  the  acumen  1-3  (4)  cm.  long, 
acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  the  margin  bluntly  serrate,  drying  chartaceous,  smooth 
and  glabrous  above,  glabrous  or  minutely  puberulent  beneath,  the  6  to  10  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop-connected  near  the  margin,  central  secondaries 
arising  at  angles  of  50-80  degrees.  Male  inflorescences  paired  or  solitary,  spicate, 
2.5-6.5  cm.  long,  peduncles  about  2-3  mm.  long,  bracts  0.7-1.8  mm.  broad,  flowers 
numerous  and  crowded;  male  flowers  sessile,  perianth-parts  about  2  mm.  long, 
glabrous,  obtuse  at  the  apex,  filaments  1.8-2.6  mm.  long,  anthers  0.7-1.1  mm.  long, 
connective  forming  a  small  projection.  Female  inflorescences  solitary  or  paired, 
racemose,  2-4  cm.  long  but  elongating  to  10  cm.  in  fruit,  peduncle  3-8  mm.  long, 
puberulent,  with  12  to  many  flowers;  female  flowers  pedicellate,  pedicels  enlarging 
in  fruit,  the  urceolate  perianth-tube  about  2  mm.  in  diameter,  glabrous,  ovary  free 
within  the  tube,  style-branches  0.5-1.2  mm.  long.  Fruit  borne  on  pedicels  4-20  mm. 
long,  1-1.8  mm.  thick,  globose  or  ellipsoid,  4-8  mm.  in  diameter,  the  surface  sparsely 
and  very  minutely  (0.02  mm.)  puberulent,  becoming  reddish  and  turning  black. 

Plants  of  wet  evergreen  (premontane  and  lower  montane  rain) 
forest  formations  between  750  and  2000  m.  elevations  on  both  the 
Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  from  May  to 
July  and  collected  with  fruit  from  July  to  October.  The  species  has 
been  collected  from  near  San  Ramon  (Alajuela)  in  the  west  to  near 
San  Vito  ( Puntarenas)  near  the  border  with  Panama,  but  it  is  appar- 
ently now  very  rare  around  the  Meseta  Central. 

Sorocea  trophoides  is  recognized  by  the  thin  leaves  with  abruptly 
long-acuminate  tips,  short  spikes  of  male  flowers,  female  inflores- 
cence with  the  fruit  becoming  raised  on  elongated  pedicels,  and  the 
wet  montane  forest  habitat.  Specimens  from  lower  altitudes  may 
be  difficult  to  distinguish  from  S.  affinis  or  S.  pubivena  and  may 
represent  some  intergradation  with  those  species,  but  there  is  very 
little  material  presently  available  from  these  altitudes  (300-800  m.). 


TROPHIS  P.  Browne 
Nomen  conservandum 

Unisexual  shrubs  and  trees,  without  spines,  sap  whitish;  stipules  paired,  lateral, 
stipule-scars  encircling  less  than  half  the  stem.  Leaves  alternate  and  distichous, 
simple,  entire  or  serrate,  pinnately  veined.  Inflorescences  paired  or  solitary  in  the 
axils  of  leaves  or  of  fallen  leaves,  racemose  or  spicate,  with  triangular  or  suborbicu- 
lar  peltate  or  basally  attached  bracts  along  the  rachis,  flowers  usually  lacking  along 
one  side  of  the  inflorescence;  male  flowers  sessile  or  pedicellate,  perianth  4-parted  or 
4-lobed,  valvate  in  bud,  stamens  4  and  arising  at  the  base  of  the  perianth  parts 
(opposite  the  tepals)  and  incurved  in  bud,  erect  at  anthesis,  anthers  subcentrally 
dorsifixed,  dehiscing  laterally  and  introrse,  2-thecous;  female  flowers  sessile  or  pedi- 
cellate, perianth  tubular  and  irregularly  or  obscurely  4-lobed  at  the  apex,  ovary 
superior  to  inferior  by  adnation  of  the  perianth-tube,  style  deeply  bifid  with  the 
style-branches  slender  and  minutely  papillate-puberulent  on  the  inner  surface.  Fruit 
drupaceous,  the  perianth-tube  accrescent  and  succulent,  stone  globose. 

A  genus  of  four  neotropical  species  with  perhaps  a  few  additional 
species  in  the  western  Pacific.  Vegetatively  these  plants  are  very 
similar  to  several  other  genera  of  the  Moraceae  (Brosimum,  Clari- 
sia,  Sorocea,  etc.)  as  well  as  some  Euphorbiaceae  and  Flacour- 
tiaceae.  The  female  flowers  of  this  genus  are  very  similar  to  those 
of  Clarisia  and  Sorocea,  but  the  male  flowers  are  quite  different. 
The  recently  discovered  Trophis  involucrata  has  very  unusual  fe- 
male flowers,  but  the  male  flowers  are  very  similar  to  those  of  T. 

la.  Leaves  usually  rough  to  the  touch  on  one  or  both  surfaces,  with  a  short  or 
broad  acuminate  apex;  female  flowers  broadly  sessile  on  short  spikes,  lack- 
ing a  basal  involucre  of  bracts;  male  flowers  sessile;  trees  rarely  found  above 
800  m.  elevation T.  racemosa. 

Ib.  Leaves  smooth  to  the  touch  on  both  surfaces,  usually  with  a  long  slender 
acuminate  apex;  male  flowers  sessile  or  pedicellate 2a. 

2a.  Female  flowers  sessile  and  subtended  by  a  basal  involucre  of  bracts;  inflor- 
escences 1-4  cm.  long;  small  treelets  of  the  wet  Caribbean  forest  floor 
0-200  m T.  involucrata. 

2b.  Female  flowers  pedicellate;  inflorescences  4-10  cm.  long;  trees  usually  found  in 
montane  forests,  600  to  1800  m T.  mexicana. 

Trophis  involucrata  Burger,  Phytologia  26:432.  1973.  Figure  14. 

Small  treelets  3-5  m.  tall,  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  5-35  mm.  long,  0.7-1.6  mm. 
thick,  densely  puberulent  on  new  growth  with  minute  (0.1-0.2  mm.)  stiff  erect 
hairs;  stipules  paired,  about  2  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  minutely 
puberulent,  occasionally  persisting,  scars  encircling  less  than  half  the  stem. 
Leaves  usually  symmetrical,  often  few  at  the  ends  of  slender  twigs,  petioles  2-5 
mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent;  laminae  6-15  cm.  long,  2-6 


cm.  broad,  broadly  elliptic-oblong  to  slightly  obovate,  abruptly  narrowed  at  the 
long-acuminate  apex,  obtuse  or  slightly  rounded  at  the  base,  margin  bluntly 
serrulate  with  2  to  4  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glab- 
rous above,  minutely  (0.1-0.2  mm.)  puberulent  near  the  base  or  glabrous  beneath, 
the  midvein  flat  above,  the  6  to  10  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  weakly  loop- 
connected  near  the  margin,  microscopic  globose-capitate  hairs  present  on  the 
lower  surface  and  with  clear  round  apically  acute  cells  in  the  epidermis  and 
epidermal  cells  with  sinuate  outlines  (X100).  Male  inflorescences  usually  paired 
at  a  node,  1-3  (4)  cm.  long,  racemose,  peduncle  and  rachis  densely  puberulent 
with  minute  (0.1  mm.)  erect  hairs,  rachis  with  triangular  bracts  about  0.5  mm. 
long,  and  basally  attached;  male  flowers  borne  on  pedicels  1-2.3  mm.  long  and 
0.2-0.4  mm.  thick,  perianth-parts  about  2  mm.  long,  acute  at  the  apex,  sparsely 
and  minutely  puberulent,  united  near  the  base,  filaments  2-3  mm.  long,  anthers 
about  1  mm.  long  (dry),  a  minute  puberulent  pistillode  present.  Female  inflores- 
cences usually  paired  in  leaf  axils  but  small  (5-10  mm.)  and  branched  near  the 
base  (or  on  short-shoots?),  the  rachis  densely  puberulent  with  minute  (0.1  mm.) 
erect  hairs,  with  spine-tipped  bracts  about  1.5  mm.  long  subtending  the  inflores- 
cence-branches, the  rachis  and  bases  of  the  flowers  with  smaller  triangular  bas- 
ally-attached  bracts  0.5-1  mm.  long;  female  flower  about  3-4  mm.  high,  the  lower 
half  or  two-thirds  enclosed  within  an  involucre  of  small  puberulent  bracts  in  2  or  3 
series;  perianth  bract-like,  4-lobed,  about  1  mm.  high,  ovary  1.5-2  mm.  high  (to  the 
stigmas  or  style-branches)  about  1  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent,  stigmas  about  3 
mm.  long,  arising  from  the  apex  of  the  ovary.  Fruit  not  known. 

Small  trees  in  the  dark  understory  of  the  tropical  wet  forest  for- 
mation in  the  Caribbean  lowlands  of  Costa  Rica;  collected  in  flow- 
er in  mid-January,  1973.  The  species  is  known  only  from  the  La 
Selva  field  station  of  the  Organization  for  Tropical  Studies  along 
the  Rio  Puerto  Viejo  above  the  confluence  with  the  Rio  Sarapiqui 
(Hartshorn  1091  &  1094  and  Oplerl657). 

Trophis  involucrata  is  recognized  by  the  relatively  short  leaves 
with  abruptly  acuminate  apex  and  serrulate  edges,  small  lateral 
stipules,  short  male  racemes  with  pedicellate  4-parted  flowers  and 
stamens  incurved  in  bud,  and  the  very  small  axillary  female  in- 
florescences with  few  flowers  subtended  by  an  inconspicuous 
perianth  and  several  series  of  imbricate  bracts.  The  slender  min- 
utely puberulent  stigmas  arising  from  the  apex  of  the  narrowed 
ovary  are  also  distinctive.  The  male  flowers  and  inflorescences 
are  very  similar  to  those  of  T.  mexicana  and  T.  chiapensis  Bran- 
deg.  The  female  flowers  and  inflorescences,  however,  are  very 
different  from  other  neotropical  representatives  of  Trophis. 

Trophis  mexicana  (Liebm.)  Bureau  in  DC.,  Prodr.  17:253.  1873. 
Sorocea  mexicana  Liebm.,  Danske.  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser.  5, 
2:335.  1851.  Skutchia  caudata  Pax  &  Hoffm.,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad. 
Sci.  27:307.  1937.  Figure  14. 


Shrubs  or  trees  to  20  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  4-25  mm.  long,  1.5-3.2  mm.  thick, 
minutely  puberulent  or  more  often  glabrous;  stipules  2-3.6  mm.  long,  occasionally 
persistent,  lanceolate,  minutely  puberulent,  stipule  scars  very  small.  Leaves  in  2 
ranks,  petioles  3-15  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  glabrescent;  laminae  6-16  (20) 
cm.  long,  2-6.5  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  to  oblong  or  occasionally  obovate, 
usually  long-acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  entire  or  bluntly 
serrulate  distally,  the  laminae  drying  chartaceous  and  smooth  on  both  surfaces, 
glabrous  above  and  below  or  rarely  sparsely  and  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puber- 
ulent beneath,  midvein  plane  above,  the  4  to  9  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
usually  loop-connected  and  forming  a  submarginal  vein  in  the  distal  half  of  the 
lamina,  microscopic  globose-capitate  hairs  usually  absent  on  the  lower  surface  but 
with  round  transparent  apically  acute  cells  in  the  epidermis.  Male  inflorescences 
solitary  or  less  often  paired,  spicate,  4-11  cm.  long,  peduncle  3-12  mm.  long,  mi- 
nutely puberulent,  bracts  0.4-0.8  mm.  broad,  the  13  to  many  flowers  loosely  crowd- 
ed, male  flowers  sessile  or  rarely  subsessile,  perianth-parts  1.5-2.6  mm.  long,  0.5- 
1.3  mm.  broad,  acute  at  the  apex  and  connate  at  the  base,  very  minutely  puber- 
ulent, filaments  2-3.2  mm.  long,  anthers  0.6-1.2  mm.  long,  pistillode  about  0.6 
mm.  long.  Female  inflorescences  solitary  or  occasionally  paired,  racemose,  (2) 
4-10  cm.  long,  peduncles  (to  the  first  flowers)  4-25  mm.  long,  densely  puberulent, 
bracts  0.5-1.1  mm.  broad,  rarely  peltate;  female  flowers  distant,  6-22  mm.  long, 
pedicels  (0)  0.5-2.3  mm.  long  and  often  elongating  in  fruit,  perianth-tube  1.8-5 
mm.  long,  1.2-2.8  mm.  thick,  ovoid,  sparsely  puberulent,  ovary  half-inferior,  style- 
branches  2.8-4.5  mm.  long.  Fruit  globose,  about  5-7  mm.  in  diameter,  sparsely 
puberulent  to  glabrescent,  becoming  red,  fruiting  pedicels  2-6  (13)  mm.  long,  or 
occasionally  subsessile. 

Uncommon  trees  of  the  seasonally  dry  cloud  forests  on  the 
Pacific  slopes  between  600  and  1800  m.  elevation  or  occasionally 
found  at  low  elevations  (Golfo  Dulce)  or  in  very  wet  montane 
(premontane  rain)  forests  (near  Zarcero,  Alajuela)  in  Costa  Rica; 
flowering  collections  have  been  made  from  January  to  March.  The 
species  ranges  from  Central  Mexico  to  within  a  few  kilometers 
of  the  border  with  Panama  in  Costa  Rica. 

Trophis  mexicana  is  recognized  by  its  long  spikes,  sessile  male 
flowers  with  stamens  incurved  in  the  bud,  pedicellate  female  flow- 
ers with  two  slender  style-branches,  and  thin  leaves  often  long- 
acuminate.  The  species  is  quite  common  in  the  cloud  forests  of 
the  Cordillera  Central  de  Nicaragua  and  it  is  probably  common  on 
the  Cordillera  de  Guanacaste  and  Cordillera  de  Tilaran  in  Costa 
Rica,  but  it  appears  to  be  rare  in  other  parts  of  Costa  Rica.  This 
species  was  mistaken  to  be  a  plant  of  the  Euphorbiaceae  by  Pax  and 
Hoffmann  and  was  described  as  a  new  genus,  Skutchia,  honoring 
Dr.  Alexander  Skutch.  Female  inflorescences  look  like  those  of 
Alchornea costaricensis  (Euphorbiaceae). 


Trophis  racemose  (L.)  Urban,  Symb.  Ant.  4:195.  1905.  Buce- 
phalon  racemosum  L.,  Syst.  Nat.  ed.  10,  1289.  1759.  Trophis  ra- 
mon  Schlecht.  &  Cham.,  Linnaea  6:357.  1831.  Sahagunia  urophyl- 
la  Donn.-Sm.,  Bot.  Gaz.  40:11.  1905.  Clarisia  urophylla  (Donn.- 
Sm.)  Lanj.,  Rec.  Trav.  Bot.  Veerl.  33:263.  1936.  Figure  14. 

Shrubs  or  trees  to  18  m.  tall,  trunk  becoming  50  cm.  thick,  leafy  internodes  1-5 
cm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  and  minutely  puberulent,  glabrescent,  becoming 
lenticellate;  stipules  2-4  mm.  long,  caducous  or  persisting,  scars  small.  Leaves  in 
2  ranks,  petioles  4-16  mm.  long,  0.7-2  mm.  thick,  minutely  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  puber- 
ulent and  becoming  glabrous,  sulcate  above;  laminae  5-23  cm.  long,  2.4-10  cm. 
broad,  obovate  to  oblong  or  elliptic,  acuminate  to  subcaudate-acuminate  at  the 
apex,  acute  to  obtuse  and  often  slightly  oblique  at  the  base,  entire  or  bluntly 
serrate  distally,  drying  chartaceous  to  subcoriaceous,  usually  scabrous  above  and 
below,  glabrous  above,  glabrous  or  very  minutely  (0.05  mm.)  puberulent  beneath, 
mid  vein  plane  or  impressed  above  (dry),  the  3  to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
loop-connected  in  the  distal  half  and  a  submarginal  vein  sometimes  present, 
microscopic  globose-capitate  hairs  sometimes  present  on  the  lower  surface  and 
with  clear  round  apically  acute  cells  in  the  epidermis  (100X).  Male  inflorescences 
paired  or  solitary,  1.5-7.5  cm.  long,  peduncles  2-11  mm.  long,  minutely  velutinous, 
bracts  0.5-1.1  mm.  broad,  with  15  to  many  densely  crowded  flowers;  male  flowers 
sessile  or  rarely  subsessile,  perianth-parts  1.6-2.2  mm.  long,  1-1.5  mm.  broad,  free 
or  basally  connate,  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  puberulent,  filaments  2-2.6  mm.  long, 
anthers  0.8-1.2  mm.  long,  pistillode  0.3-0.6  mm.  long.  Female  inflorescences  paired 
or  solitary,  1-3  cm.  long,  (in  ours),  peduncles  2-14  mm.  long,  bracts  0.5-1.2  mm. 
broad,  with  4  to  15  crowded  flowers  rarely  more  than  1  mm.  distant;  female 
flowers  broadly  sessile,  ovoid  or  conic,  perianth-tube  2-4.5  mm.  long,  1.4-2.5  mm. 
in  diameter,  densely  velutinous  with  hairs  about  0.1  mm.  long,  ovary  inferior 
or  half -inferior,  style-branches  2-5.5  mm.  long,  slender.  Fruit  globose  or  ovoid, 
often  with  a  narrow  collar  at  the  apex,  smooth  or  ridged,  becoming  rose-red. 

Shrubs  and  meduim-sized  trees  of  both  wet  and  seasonally  dry 
evergreen  and  semideciduous  forest  formations  between  sea  level 
and  1000  m.  elevation  on  the  Caribbean  and,  less  commonly,  on 
the  Pacific  watersheds  in  Costa  Rica;  apparently  flowering 
throughout  the  year  but  with  the  fruit  collected  most  often  be- 
tween January  and  June.  The  species,  comprising  three  subspe- 
cies, ranges  from  northern  Mexico  through  Central  America  and 
the  West  Indies  to  Venezuela  and  Peru. 

Trophis  racemosa  is  recognized  by  the  short  female  inflorescen- 
ces with  minutely  velutinous  flowers  and  fruit,  male  spikes  with 
the  anthers  inflexed  in  bud,  and  the  leaves  usually  abruptly  a- 
cuminate  and  often  scabrous  on  both  surfaces.  The  species  is 
apparently  less  common  in  Costa  Rica  than  in  other  parts  of  Cen- 
tral America  and  Panama,  where  it  is  sometimes  used  for  animal 
fodder.  Common  names  used  in  our  area  are  ramon,  ramoon,  ojo- 


chillo  Colorado,  and  breadnut.  Our  plants  belong  to  subspecies 
ramon  (Schlecht.  &  Cham.)  W.  Burger,  which  ranges  from  Mexico 
to  Panama. 


( Cannabinaceae) 

Herbs,  annual  or  perennial  from  a  rhizome,  unisexual  or  rarely  bisexual,  stems 
erect  or  scandent,  usually  ridged  and  scabrous;  stipules  paired,  free  or  united, 
persisting.  Leaves  simple  or  palmately  compound,  alternate  or  opposite,  petiolate, 
lamina  margin  lobed  or  serrate  (rarely  entire),  lower  surface  puberulent  and  punc- 
tate, upper  surfaces  usually  with  cystoliths  and  short  scabrous  hairs.  Male  inflor- 
escences axillary,  bracteate,  erect  or  pendant,  cymose  paniculate;  the  male  flow- 
ers pedicellate,  perianth  of  5  tepals,  regular,  soft-puberulent,  stamens  5  and  oppo- 
site the  tepals,  erect  in  bud,  filaments  short,  anthers  dehiscing  longitudinally, 
a  pistillode  absent.  Female  inflorescences  axillary,  basically  cymose  but  forming 
spikes,  glandular  hairs  usually  present,  subsessile,  often  two  and  subtended  or 
covered  by  a  bract  or  bracteole,  perianth  united  to  form  a  tube  almost  completely 
enclosing  the  ovary,  staminodes  absent,  ovary  free  from  the  perianth,  1-locular 
with  a  solitary  ovule  pendulous  from  near  the  apex  of  the  locule,  style  short  but 
with  2  long  stigmatic  branches  (style-branches),  the  latter  caducous.  Fruit  an 
achene  within  the  persisting  perianth-tube,  seed  with  little  endosperm  and  a 
curved  or  coiled  embryo. 

A  family  of  only  two  genera  and  perhaps  three  or  four  species,  two 
of  which  are  of  great  economic  importance.  Cannabis  sativa  L.  (in  a 
wide  sense)  is  the  source  of  hemp  fibers  and  of  the  narcotic 
extracts  marijuana  and  hashish.  The  stipular  bracts  of  the  fruit- 
ing inflorescence  of  Humulus  lupulus  L.  produce  lupulin,  which  is 
used  to  impart  flavor  and  aroma  to  beer  and  also  aids  in  the  fer- 
mentation of  beer.  Both  are  now  widely  distributed  over  the 
world,  but  Humulus  originated  in  temperate  eastern  Asia  and 
Cannabis  probably  originated  near  the  Caspian  sea  in  western 
Asia.  These  plants  have  not  been  reported  as  naturalized  in  Cen- 
tral America,  but  they  may  be  expected  in  horticultural  areas. 

The  following  key  to  the  genera  and  the  previous  information 
have  been  adapted  from  Norton  G.  Miller.  The  genera  of  the  Can- 
nabaceae  in  the  southeastern  United  States,  in  the  Journal  of  the 
Arnold  Arboretum,  vol.  51:  185-203,  1970  (q.v.).  These  plants 
have  also  been  placed  in  the  Moraceae  family. 



Plants  erect  herbs;  leaves  palmately  divided  into  long  lanceolate  serrate  leaflets; 
2-parted  hairs  absent  on  stems  and  petioles;  female  inflorescences  erect 


Plants  scandent  herbs;  leaves  simple,  palmately  lobed  or  without  lobes,  2-parted 
hairs  present  on  stems  and  petioles ;  female  inflorescences  pendant  .  .  .  .  Humulus. 



REFERENCE:  N.G.  Miller,  The  Genera  of  the  Urticaceae  in  the 
Southeastern  United  States,  Journ.  Arnold  Arbor.  52:40-68.  1971. 

Herbs,  shrubs,  or  small  weak-stemmed  trees,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  sap  usually 
transparent,  stems  usually  puberulent  and  often  provided  with  stinging  hairs  (con- 
taining irritating  liquid);  stipules  usually  present,  paired  and  free  or  variously  uni- 
ted, caducous  or  persisting.  Leaves  alternate  or  opposite,  the  leaves  at  the  same  or 
adjacent  nodes  similar  in  size  and  shape  or  very  different  (as  in  some  spp.  oiBoeh- 
meria),  petiolate;  laminae  mostly  ovate  to  lanceolate  with  serrate  or  dentate  mar- 
gins, venation  often  palmate,  punctate  to  linear  or  curved  cystoliths  often  visible  on 
the  upper  and/or  lower  surfaces.  Flowers  small  and  unisexual  (in  ours),  often  borne 
in  dense  fascicles  or  clusters,  or  on  open  cymose  panicles,  racemes,  and  spikes,  ses- 
sile or  pedicellate;  male  flowers  greenish  or  whitish,  the  perianth-parts  (tepals)  in  a 
single  whorl  of  3,  4,  or  5,  equal  and  valvate  in  bud,  free  or  united,  often  with  appen- 
dages, stamens  as  many  as  the  perianth-parts  and  opposite  them,  filaments  thin  and 
inflexed  in  bud,  anthers  2-thecous,  dehiscing  laterally,  a  pistillode  often  present; 
female  flowers  usually  very  small,  perianth  3-  or  4-parted  or  united  to  form  a  tube  or 
the  perianth  absent  (as  inPhenax),  staminodia  rarely  present,  pistil  1,  ovary  super- 
ior with  a  single  locule  and  single  basal  ovule  (but  see  the  species  of  uncertain  pos- 
ition included  here),  stigma  long  and  linear  or  short-sessile,  minutely  glandular- 
puberulent  or  penicellate.  Fruit  a  hard  achene,  usually  flattened  laterally  and  lenti- 
cular, ovoid  to  ellipsoid,  usually  enclosed  in  the  persisting  dry  or  succulent  perianth 
parts  or  bracts. 

A  very  natural  family  closely  related  to  the  Ulmaceae,  Moraceae, 
and  Cannabaceae,  together  forming  the  order  Urticales.  Like  other 
members  of  the  order,  this  family  has  only  a  single  perianth-whorl 
with  the  stamens  opposite  the  perianth-parts  and  a  unilocular  pistil 
with  solitary  ovule.  The  family  is  further  characterized  by  the  her- 
baceous or  woody  but  weak-stemmed  habit,  the  unisexual  flowers, 
pistils  with  solitary  stigma,  and  the  usually  serrate  leaves  with 
cystoliths.  Many  species  are  found  along  stream  and  brook  edges 
and  in  protected  wet  sites.  The  palmately  veined  serrate  leaves  of- 
ten resemble  those  of  the  Malvales,  but  the  Urticaceae  lack  stellate 
hairs  and  the  flowers  are  very  different. 

An  unusual  species  that  appears  to  be  related  to  Boehmeria  and 
having  opposite  leaves  is  placed  at  the  end  of  the  family  without 



generic  designation  because  of  its  unique  female  flowers.  These  pis- 
tillate flowers  have  2-  or  3-locular  ovaries,  a  condition  otherwise 
unknown  in  the  family.  However,  the  female  flowers  are  very  few  in 
the  lower  leaf-axils  and  the  difficulty  of  finding  stages  in  anthesis 
suggests  that  the  flowers  may  be  abnormal  in  their  development. 

Gyrotaenia  microcarpa  (Wedd.)  Fawcett  &  Rendle  has  been  col- 
lected once  in  the  Changuinola  Valley,  Bocas  del  Toro,  Panama 
(Dunlap  174).  This  record  is  probably  of  an  isolated  introduced 
plant,  as  this  species  is  endemic  to  Jamaica  and  the  genus  in  ende- 
mic to  the  West  Indies.  They  are  unisexual  trees  or  shrubs  with 
serrate  pinnately  veined  alternate  leaves,  small  spicate  or  panicu- 
late inflorescences  with  sessile  flowers,  the  female  flowers  with  2- 
lobed  perianth  and  capitate  stigma,  and  the  male  perianth  4-lobed. 

Two  genera  with  discontinuous  distributions  are  found  in  Central 
America  and  in  northern  South  America  but  have  not  been  collected 
from  Costa  Rica  or  Panama.  These  areHemistylis,  shrubs  and  small 
trees,  and  Rousselia,  puberulent  herbs;  both  have  alternate  entire 
leaves  and  female  flowers  subtended  by  conspicuous  greenish 
bracts.  Discocnide  is  an  endemic  genus  ranging  from  Mexico  to 
Nicaragua  that  resembles  Urera  but  has  thin  disc-like  achenes  with 
a  hyaline  pericarp. 

Species  of  Boehmeria  and  Phenax  with  densely  crowded  flowers 
may  be  difficult  to  separate  on  the  basis  of  the  female  flowers  pos- 
sessing or  lacking  a  perianth-tube.  The  simplest  way  to  determine 
this  difference  is  by  gently  crushing  an  inflorescence  between  the 
fingers  and  allowing  the  parts  to  fall  on  a  flat  surface.  If  small  naked 
pistils  are  found,  the  perianth-tube  is  probably  lacking  (Phenax). 
The  perianth-tube  of  Boehmeria  is  quite  strong  and  will  not  separ- 
ate from  the  pistil  unless  considerable  pressure  is  applied. 

la.    Leaves  opposite  or  whorled,  two  or  more  at  each  node  (the  leaves  occasionally 
very  unequal  in  size  and  apparently  alternate) 2a. 

Ib.    Leaves  alternate,  always  solitary  at  a  node,  never  with  even  a  very  small  sessile 
stipule-like  opposing  leaf 5a. 

2a.   Plants  with  stinging  hairs Urtica. 

2b.  Plants  without  stinging  hairs; leaves  often  unequal 3a. 

3a.  Female  perianth  parts  separate,  not  enclosing  the  fruit;  stigma  tufted, 
short;  herbs  or  subshrubs Pilea. 

3b.  Female  perianth  tubular  and  tightly  enclosing  the  fruit;  mostly  small 
shrubs.  .  4a. 


4a.  Stigma  filiform,  easily  seen,  female  flowers  several  to  numerous,  usually 
in  sessile  clusters  at  leafless  nodes  or  on  a  branched  inflorescence;  ovary 
with  a  single  locule Boehmeria. 

4b.  Stigmas  short,  inconspicuous,  female  flowers  very  few  among  male  flow- 
ers at  lower  leafy  nodes;  ovary  with  2  or  3  locules,  fruit  often  3-angled. 
Species  of  uncertain  position,  placed  at  the  end  of  the  family. 

5a.  Some  stinging  hairs  usually  present,  thin,  translucent,  straight  and  narrow, 
0.5-3  mm.  long;  inflorescence  complex  and  branched 6a. 

5b.    Stinging  hairs  absent 7a. 

6a.  Shrubs  or  trees,  perennial,  usually  unisexual;  stigma  terminal  and  erect 


6b.  Herbs  or  subshrubs  with  succulent  stems,  annuals,  usually  bisexual;  stigma 
becoming  curved  or  subterminal Laportea. 

7a.  Female  flower  and  fruit  borne  within  a  persisting  perianth  tube,  this  tightly 
enclosing  the  fruit  and  open  only  at  the  apex  (often  difficult  to  see),  perianth 
tube  thin  and  dry  in  fruit  (never  fleshy),  stigma  or  style  linear- filiform 


7b.  Female  flower  and  fruit  not  enclosed  by  a  tubular  perianth;  the  perianth  parts 
sometimes  fleshy  and  accrescent  in  Urera 9a. 

8a.  Female  perianth  tube  without  definite  longitudinal  ribs  or  prominent  veins, 
surface  of  the  achene  dull,  stigma  persisting;  leaves  always  dentate  or  ser- 
rate   Boehmeria. 

8b.  Female  perianth  tube  with  definite  longitudinal  ribs,  surface  of  the  achene 
lustrous,  stigma  deciduous;  leaves  usually  entire Pouzolzia. 

9a.    Flowers  in  small  axillary  glomerules  or  fasciculate;  herbs  or  shrubs lOa. 

9b.  Flowers  on  open  paniculate  or  spicate  inflorescences;  stigma  short  penicellate; 
shrubs  or  trees 1  la. 

lOa.  Shrubby  plants;  leaves  crenate  to  serrate;  stigma  filiform;  female  perianth 
absent,  many  brownish,  acute  bracts  subtending  the  flowers Phenax. 

10b.  Herbs  or  small  subshrubs;  leaves  entire  (in  ours);  stigma  short  penicellate; 
female  perianth  present  but  difficult  to  see;  bracts  present,  few,  greenish, 
and  exceeding  the  flowers  in  length Parietaria. 

lla.  Female  flowers  without  perianth  but  subtended  by  bractlets  and  the  pistil 
with  a  puberulent  surface;  flowers  on  panicles  with  long  pendulous  spicate 
branches  (in  ours) Myriocarpa. 

lib.  Female  flowers  with  perianth  segments  often  becoming  fleshy  orange  and 
enclosing  the  fruit;  flowers  on  short-branched  panicles Urera. 


male  and  female  flowers: 

FlG.  24.  Urticaceae  with  opposite  leaves:   species  of  Boehmeria,   Urtica,  and  a 
species  of  uncertain  position. 








FIG.  25.  Urticaceae  with  opposite  leaves:  species  of  Pi  lea  with  very  unequal  leaves 
at  each  node. 




angustifolia          ,• — \   i 

FIG.  26.  Urticaceae  with  opposite  leaves:  species  of  Pi  lea  with  equal  or  subequal 
larger  leaves  at  each  node. 






cornuto-cucullata     N»v/X 


FIG.  27.  Urticaceae  with  opposite  leaves:  species  of  Pi  lea  with  equal  or  subequal 
smaller  leaves  at  each  node. 


FIG.  28.  Urticaceae  with  alternate  leaves  and  the  pistil  and  fruit  enclosed  in  a 
perianth-tube:  species  ofBoehmeria  and Pouzolzia. 








|  perianth-appendages 


male  flower        female  flower 
(unopened)        and  bracts 




FIG.  29.  Urticaceae  with  alternate  leaves  and  the  perianth-parts  free  or  absent: 
Laportea,  Parietaria,  andPhenax. 


FIG.  30.  Urticaceae  with  alternate  leaves  and  long  or  much-branched  inflores- 
cences: species  ofMyriocarpa  and  Urera. 




Shrubs,  small  trees,  or  perennial  herbs,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  lacking  stinging 
hairs;  stipules  paired  and  lanceolate  (in  ours),  puberulent  along  the  midrib  abaxially 
and  drying  brown.  Leaves  alternate  or  opposite,  those  of  adjacent  nodes  often  very 
unequal  in  size  in  alternate-leaved  species,  petiolate;  laminae  usually  palmately  3- 
veined,  margins  serrate  to  dentate,  minutely  punctate  cystoliths  usually  present  on 
the  upper  epidermis.  Inflorescences  cymose-paniculate,  racemose,  or  fasciculate 
glomerules,  solitary  and  axillary  or  in  the  axils  of  undeveloped  leaves,  bisexual  or 
unisexual,  the  flowers  in  fasciculate  globose  clusters  (glomerules)  separate  or  con- 
gested on  the  inflorescence-rachis ;  male  flowers  sessile  or  short-pedicellate,  per- 
ianth-parts 4  or  rarely  3,  valvate  in  bud,  stamens  4  (3),  a  pistillode  usually  present; 
female  flowers  sessile,  perianth  united  to  form  a  tube  completely  enclosing  the 
ovary  and  minutely  toothed  at  the  apex,  minute  straight  and  uncinate  (hooked) 
hairs  usually  present  on  the  perianth-tube,  style  and  stigma  linear.  Fruit  enclosed 
within  the  strongly  persistent  perianth-tube,  the  perianth-tube  becoming  inflated  in 
a  few  species,  the  fruit  a  hard-walled  achene,  often  slightly  compressed  laterally. 

A  genus  of  about  80  species  best  represented  in  the  American  and 
Asian  tropics,  but  extending  into  the  temperate  zone  in  eastern 
Asia  and  eastern  North  America.  Our  species  fall  into  two  groups; 
those  with  opposite  leaves  and  complex  inflorescences  and  those 
with  alternate  leaves  and  sessile  flower-clusters  on  leafy  stems.  The 
latter  plants  are  very  easy  to  confuse  with  species  of  Phenax  and 
Pouzolzia.  Some  of  these  Boehmeria  species  are  easy  to  recognize, 
however,  because  leaves  at  adjacent  nodes  differ  so  greatly  in  size. 
Those  with  isomorphic  leaves  must  be  carefully  examined  to  dis- 
tinguish them  from  Phenax  and  Pouzolzia. 

la.  Leaves  all  or  mostly  opposite  along  the  main  stems;  inflorescences  complex  or 
of  sessile  clusters  along  a  leafless  rachis;  plants  rarely  found  above  1200  m. 


Ib.  Leaves  alternate;  flowers  in  small  sessile  globose  clusters,  usually  in  the  axils 
of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves 4a. 

2a.  Leaves  whitish  beneath  and  with  long  petioles,  plants  cultivated  for  fiber, 
forage,  or  ornament;  inflorescence  complex  and  much  branched.  .  .  .  B.  nivea. 

2b.  Leaves  not  whitish  beneath;  plants  not  cultivated;  inflorescences  usually 
spicate  and  unbranched 3a. 

3a.  Stipules  2-6  mm.  long;  inflorescences  erect  and  often  terminated  by  small 
leaves;  margins  of  the  fruiting  perianth-tube  slightly  inflated.  .  B.  cylindrica. 

3b.  Stipules  8-18  mm.  long;  inflorescences  long-pendulous  and  not  terminating 
with  small  leaves,  often  densely  flowered;  margins  of  the  fruiting  perianth- 
tube  thin  and  wing-like B.  caudata. 

4a.  Leaves  becoming  deeply  rugose  in  age  with  major  veins  deeply  impressed 
above  and  glabrous  or  very  sparsely  puberulent  above;  male  flowers  4-parted, 
perianth-tube  not  becoming  conspicuously  flattened  in  fruit 5a. 


4b.  Leaves  rarely  becoming  deeply  rugose,  only  the  major  veins  becoming  impres- 
sed above,  puberulent  above 6a. 

5a.  Shrubs  or  small  trees,  leaves  of  adjacent  nodes  differing  greatly  in  size  and 
shape,  the  larger  leaves  lanceolate;  perianth-tube  pubescent  near  the  apex; 
wet  evergreen  areas  0-1500  m B.  aspera. 

5b.  Herbs  or  subshrubs,  leaves  of  adjacent  nodes  differing  only  slightly  in  size, 
larger  leaves  ovate  to  narrowly  elliptic-ovate;  perianth  tube  with  very  few 
hairs;  very  wet  forests,  1400-1900  m B.  coriacea. 

6a.  Leaves  differing  greatly  in  size  and  shape  at  adjacent  nodes  but  occasionally 
with  the  alternate  leaf  undeveloped  and  the  leaves  then  apparently  isomorphic 
(leafless  nodes  can  be  identified  by  the  presence  of  flower  clusters),  petioles 
usually  less  than  10  mm.  long,  thin  hairs  or  thicker  strongly  appressed  hairs 
(resembling  cystoliths)  on  the  upper  lamina-surface;  male  flowers  4-parted; 
fruiting  perianth-tube  slender  ellipsoid  and  minutely  puberulent;  very  wet 
evergreen  formations  1000-2000  (2800)  m B.  ulmifolia. 

6b.  Leaves  differing  by  about  50  per  cent  or  less  in  size  at  adjacent  nodes  and 
usually  similar  in  shape,  petioles  thin,  3-90  mm.  long;  seasonally  dry  evergreen 
formations  on  the  Pacific  watershed  (in  Costa  Rica) 7a. 

7a.  Male  flowers  4-parted;  fruiting  perianth-tube  narrowly  ellipsoid  and  densely 
brownish  hirsutulous;  hairs  of  the  upper  leaf-surface  thick  appressed  and 

often  radiating  from  the  centers  of  aereoles  (resembling  cystoliths) 

B.  radiata. 

7b.  Male  flowers  3-parted;  fruiting  perianth-tube  strongly  flattened  with  thin 
wing-like  margins;  hairs  on  the  upper  leaf-surface  thin  and  not  strongly  ap- 
pressed   B.  rami flora. 

Boehmeria  aspera  Weddell,  Arch.  Mus.  Paris  9: 349.  1856.  Figure 


Shrubs  or  rarely  small  trees  to  6  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-20  (40)  mm.  long,  0.8-4 
mm.  thick,  densely  sericeous  with  appressed  ascending  whitish  hairs  0.2-0.2-0.7  mm. 
long;  stipules  4-10  mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  sparsely  puberulent,  often 
persisting  at  the  base  of  the  inflorescences.  Leaves  alternate  and  usually  very  dif- 
ferent in  size  and  shape  at  adjacent  nodes,  petioles  1-23  mm.  long,  0.5-1.5  mm.  thick, 
minutely  (0.1-0.5  mm.)  hirsutulous;  laminae  usually  of  2  different  sizes  at  adjacent 
nodes,  the  smaller  1-3  cm.  long  and  ovate  in  outline,  the  larger  4-18  cm.  long,  1-3.5 
cm.  broad,  lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic  in  form,  tapering  gradually  to  a  long- 
acuminate  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  at  the  slightly  unequal  base,  margin  coarsely 
dentate-serrate  with  4  to  7  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  slightly 
scabrous  and  strongly  rugose  with  the  veins  deeply  impressed  above,  lower  surface 
densely  puberulent  with  stiff  slender  whitish  hairs  0.2-0.8  mm.  long,  venation  palm- 
ate with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with  many  small  secondaries  or  with  1  or  2  pairs 
of  more  prominent  secondary  veins  in  the  distal  half.  Inflorescences  usually  unisex- 
ual, the  flowers  numerous  and  clustered  in  dense  glomerules  4-10  mm.  in  diameter 
in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  at  leafless  nodes;  male  flowers  more  than  20  per  glomerule 
and  densely  crowded,  sessile  or  pedicellate,  perianth  4-parted,  stamens  4,  anthers 
about  0.5  mm.  long  (dry);  female  flowers  densely  crowded  and  more  than  20  per  in- 


florescence,  bracts  not  usually  visible  between  the  flowers,  pistil  about  2  mm.  long, 
style  often  with  a  slender  glabrous  portion  below  the  long  puberulent  stigmatic 
part.  Fruit  enclosed  within  the  persisting  perianth-tube,  perianth-tube  about  1  mm. 
long  and  with  erect  hairs  distally. 

Plants  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  and  locally  common  in 
open  secondary  vegetation  between  sea  level  and  1500  m.  elevation 
on  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  the  moister  sites  above  500  m.  on  the 
Pacific  slope  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The 
species  ranges  from  Costa  Rica  to  Peru. 

Boehmeria  aspera  is  a  very  distinctive  species  with  the  leaves 
usually  of  very  different  size  at  adjacent  nodes,  the  larger  leaves 
usually  lanceolate,  and  all  the  laminae  becoming  deeply  rugose. 
The  flowers  are  found  in  small  clusters  on  the  leaf -bearing  stems. 
Our  specimens  give  the  impression  of  being  dioecious;  all  the  mater- 
ial of  each  collection  is  of  the  same  sex. 

Boehmeria  caudata  Swartz,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  PL  34.  1788.  B.  flag- 
elliformis  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser.  5,  2:310. 
1851.  Figure  24. 

Unisexual  shrubs  or  small  trees  ( 1 )  2-6  (9)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-50  mm.  long, 
1.5-5  mm.  thick,  densely  strigulose  with  ascending  or  appressed  hairs  0.2-1  mm. 
long;  stipules  8-18  mm.  long,  1.5  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  puberulent  along  the  mid- 
rib, stipule  scars  almost  united  to  form  interpetiolar  lines.  Leaves  opposite  and 
usually  similar  in  size  and  shape  at  adjacent  nodes,  petioles  (3)  15-30  mm.  long,  0.7- 
1.5  mm.  thick,  puberulent;  laminae  4-22  cm.  long,  2-11  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptic 
in  outline,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  at  the  equal  or  subequal  base, 
margin  serrulate  with  3  to  6  teeth  per  cm.  laminae  drying  thin-  to  stiffly -char  taceous 
and  often  dark  above,  slightly  scabrous  with  short  (0.5  mm.)  stiff  hairs  above  and 
usually  becoming  rugose  with  both  major  and  minor  veins  impressed,  sparsely  to 
densely  puberulent  beneath  with  slender  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long,  venation  palmate 
or  subpalmate  with  3  primary  veins,  the  midvein  with  1  to  3  pairs  of  major  second- 
ary veins  arising  from  the  distal  half,  the  minutely  punctate  cystoliths  often  obscure 
above.  Inflorescences  spicate  and  axillary  (rarely  branched  near  the  base),  the 
spikes  pendulous  and  5-25  (40)  cm.  long,  flowers  closely  crowded  in  globose  glome- 
rules  and  these  separate  or  adjacent  on  the  slender  (0.3-0.8  mm.)  rachis;  male  flow- 
ers in  small  (4-8  mm.)  glomerules,  with  about  10  to  20  flowers,  buds  1-1.5  mm.  in 
diameter,  perianth-parts  and  stamens  4;  female  flowers  in  glomerules  4-10  mm.  in 
diameter,  with  usually  10  to  20  flowers,  female  flowers  2-3  mm.  long,  sessile  and 
congested  at  the  base,  style  usually  glabrous  beneath  the  puberulent  stigmatic  tip. 
Fruit  enclosed  within  the  persisting  perianth-tube,  perianth-tube  1.5-2  mm.  long, 
narrowed  at  the  base  and  abruptly  narrowed  below  the  style,  strongly  flattened 
and  with  thin  wing-like  margins,  sparsely  puberulent. 

Plants  of  stream  sides  and  moist  ravines  from  (0)  500  to  1500  m. 
altitude  in  areas  of  evergreen  and  partly  deciduous  formations  on 


both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  in  Costa  Rica;  probably  flow- 
ering throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  Mexico  to  Ar- 
gentina and  the  West  Indies. 

Boehmeria  caudata  is  recognized  by  its  opposite  leaves,  long  pen- 
dulous spikes  with  flowers  borne  along  the  rachis  in  round  clusters, 
unusual  fruit,  and  stipule-scars  often  forming  interpetiolar  lines. 
The  species  is  called  rabo  de  goto  in  Honduras. 

Boehmeria  coriacea  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  13:359.  1923. 
Figure  28. 

Herbs  or  subshrubs  to  1  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  2-38  mm.  long,  1-2.3  mm.  thick, 
strigulose  with  whitish  ascending  hairs  0.2-0.8  mm.  long,  becoming  glabrate;  stipu- 
les about  4  mm.  long,  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  glabrous  except  along  the  midrib. 
Leaves  alternate  and  usually  differing  in  size  at  adjacent  nodes,  very  variable  in 
size  on  the  same  plant  or  on  different  plants,  often  very  different  in  size  at  adjacent 
nodes,  petioles  2-40  mm.  long,  0.8-1.3  mm.  thick,  ascending  strigulose,  laminae  1.2- 
12  cm.  long,  0.8-4  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptic-ovate,  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex, 
obtuse  or  slightly  rounded  at  the  base,  margin  coarsely  serrate  with  4  to  6  teeth  per 
cm.,  drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  to  the  touch  above  with  the  veins  usually 
becoming  deeply  impressed  and  the  surface  rugose-bullate,  glabrous  or  very  spar- 
sely puberulent  above,  with  stiff  appressed  hairs  0.2-0.4  mm.  long,  on  the  veins 
beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  the  midvein  with  numerous  minor 
secondary  veins,  the  secondary  and  tertiary  veins  often  prominent  beneath.  Flowers 
in  dense  sessile  glomerules  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  unisexual  or  occa- 
sionally bisexual,  the  plants  probably  unisexual  or  bisexual;  male  flowers  with  usu- 
ally 4  perianth-parts  with  whitish  hairs  distally  and  with  a  small  projection  just 
below  the  apex,  stamens  4,  anthers  about  0.6  mm.  long;  female  flowers  numerous 
and  densely  crowded  with  small  bracts  between  the  flowers,  perianth-tube  smooth 
and  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent,  style  about  1.5  mm.  long,  and  minutely  puber- 
ulent. Fruit  enclosed  within  the  persistent  perianth-tube,  perianth-tube  1-1.4  mm. 
long  and  to  1  mm.  broad,  only  slightly  flattened,  ovoid,  glabrescent. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  (premontane  rain)  forest  formations  of  the 
Caribbean  slopes  between  1400  and  1900  m.  elevation  and  usually 
found  growing  along  or  above  shaded  brooks  and  streams  in  Costa 
Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species  is  only 
known  from  Costa  Rica  and  Colombia. 

Boehmeria  coriaceae  is  recognized  by  the  herbaceous  habit,  re- 
stricted habitat,  laminae  that  tend  to  become  deeply  bullate  and  are 
often  glabrous  above,  and  female  perianth-tube  with  inconspicuous 
hairs.  The  leaves  vary  greatly  in  different  plants;  some  have  the 
largest  leaves  only  3  or  4  cm.  long  while  others  have  laminae  to  12 
cm.  Texture  varies  greatly  also,  occasionally  on  the  same  plant. 
The  leaves  possess  translucent  dots.  Collections  placed  here  are: 


Burger  et  al.  5718,  6824,  6861,  Lent  2251  (all  of  these  are  from  the 
Rio  Grande  de  Orosi  above  Tapanti),  and  Standley  &  Torres  47721 
(Viento  Fresco,  Alajuela).  There  is  some  question  whether  these 
collections  should  be  placed  in  Killip's  poorly  known  Colombian 
species,  but  I  am  sure  that  the  two  are  very  closely  related  if  not, 
in  fact,  conspecific.  It  is  not  unusual  for  Costa  Rican  plants  to  be 
found  at  lower  elevations  than  plants  of  the  same  species  in  Colom- 
bia. This  is  probably  a  result  of  the  cooler  maritime  climate  in  Costa 

Boehmeria  cylindrica  (L.)  Swartz,  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  PL  34.  1788. 
Urtica  cylindrica  L.,  Sp.  PL  984.  1753.  Figure  24. 

Herbs  or  woody  stemmed  subshrubs  0.5-1  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-5  (9)  cm. 
long,  1.2-6  mm.  thick,  puberulent  with  slender  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long  but  becoming 
glabrescent;  stipules  2-6  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  deciduous. 
Leaves  opposite  or  subopposite,  very  variable  in  form  on  different  plants  but  simi- 
lar at  adjacent  nodes,  petioles  2-70  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  appressed  puberu- 
lent; laminae  4-18  cm.  long,  2.5-8  cm.  broad,  lanceolate  to  broadly  ovate,  acuminate 
at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  truncate  at  the  base,  margin  coarsely  dentate  with  1  to  4 
teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  membranaceous  to  thin-chartaceous,  smooth  or  slight- 
ly scabrous  above  with  scattered  short  (0.2-0.5  mm.)  hairs,  very  sparsely  to  moder- 
ately puberulent  beneath,  venation  palmate  or  subpalmate  with  3  primary  veins, 
the  midvein  with  2  to  4  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins,  minutely  punctate  cystoliths 
usually  visible  above.  Infloresecences  axillary,  solitary  and  3-7  ( 14 )  cm.  long,  spicate 
with  the  flowers  in  separate  globose  glomerules  along  the  length  of  the  unbranched 
rachis,  the  rachis  often  terminated  by  small  leaves,  the  flower  clusters  or  glomerules 
2-6  mm.  in  diameter;  male  flowers  in  groups  of  5  to  10,  perianth-parts  4;  female 
flowers  about  1  mm.  long  in  early  stages,  styles  about  0.5  mm.  long  and  puberulent 
at  the  apex.  Fruit  enclosed  within  the  persisting  perianth-tube,  perianth-tube  be- 
coming about  1.5  mm.  long  and  equally  broad,  somewhat  flattened  longitudinally, 
central  area  around  the  seed  delineated  by  a  groove  from  the  peripheral  and  slightly 
inflated  margins,  puberulent  apically. 

Plants  of  alluvial  sandy  or  gravelly  soils  in  wet  evergreen  forma- 
tions and  growing  along  water  courses  and  in  wet  situations  in  sea- 
sonally dry  areas  between  sea  level  and  500  m.  on  both  the  Carib- 
bean and  Pacific  slopes  in  Central  America;  probably  flowering 
throughout  the  year  in  wet  regions.  A  species  of  very  wide  range, 
from  eastern  Canada  and  the  eastern  and  southern  United  States 
through  Central  America  and  the  West  Indies  to  southeastern 

Boehmeria  cylindrica  is  distinguished  by  its  opposite  or  suboppo- 
site leaves,  small  stipules,  unusual  spicate  inflorescences  often 
terminated  by  small  leaves,  small  flowers,  and  unusual  fruit.  This 
species  is  apparently  quite  rare  in  Costa  Rica  and  represented  in 


herbaria  by  a  single  collection  from  Zent,  Limon  ( United  Fruit  Co. 

Boehmeria  nivea  (L.)  Gaud,  in  Freyc.,  Voy.  Bot.  499.  1826.  Urtica 
nivea  L.,  Sp.  PL  985.  1753.  Figure  24. 

Herbs  or  subshrubs  0.5-2  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  5-50  mm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick, 
with  stiff  whitish  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long;  stipules  5-15  mm.  long.  Leaves  alternate 
and  usually  of  similar  size  at  adjacent  nodes,  petioles  3-14  cm.  long,  hirsute;  laminae 
7-20  cm.  long,  5-16  cm.  broad,  broadly  ovate  to  elliptic-ovate,  abruptly  narrowed  at 
the  acuminate  apex,  obtuse  to  subcordate  at  the  base,  margin  coarsely  serrate  with 
1  to  3  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  thin  chartaceous  and  usually  very  dark  above, 
scabrous  above,  pale  grayish-white  beneath  with  a  dense  arachnoid  tomentum 
between  the  veins,  venation  pinnate  or  subpalmate  with  the  basal  secondaries  very 
prominent,  the  midvein  with  2  or  3  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  above  the  basal 
pair,  minutely  punctate  cystoliths  usually  visible  above.  Inflorescence  axillary, 
complex  in  structure  with  small  glomerules  of  flowers  borne  on  a  branched  or  un- 
branched  rachis;  male  flowers  usually  5  to  10  per  glomerule,  perianth-parts  4;  fe- 
male flowers  in  glomerules  about  5  mm.  in  diameter,  bracts  inconspicuous,  perianth- 
tube  about  1  mm.  long,  puberulent,  style  and  stigma  about  1  mm.  long  and  puberu- 
lent  throughout. 

A  cultivated  species  planted  from  sea  level  to  1500  m.  elevation 
in  both  the  wet  and  seasonally  dry  areas  of  Central  America.  This 
species  probably  originated  in  China  but  is  now  widely  planted. 

Boehmeria  nivea  is  recognized  by  its  long  petiolate  opposite  leav- 
es whitish  beneath  and  its  complex  unisexual  inflorescences.  The 
plants  are  occasionally  grown  for  ornament  as  well  as  fiber  and 
forage.  They  are  the  source  of  ramie  fiber  and  are  called  ramio  and 
ramie  in  Central  America. 

Boehmeria  radiata  W.  Burger,  Phytologia  31:  267.  1975.  Figure 

Shrubs  1-3  m.  tall,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  3-50  mm.  long,  1-4.5 
mm.  thick,  with  appressed  or  curved  thin  whitish  hairs  0.2-1  mm.  long;  stipules  3-5 
mm.  long,  deciduous.  Leaves  differing  in  size  at  adjacent  nodes  but  similar  in  shape, 
petioles  3-60  (90)  mm.  long,  0.3-1.8  mm.  thick,  puberulent  with  thin  whitish  hairs; 
laminae  2-13  ( 18)  cm.  long,  1-7  ( 10)  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptic-ovate,  acute  to  acum- 
inate at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  abruptly  rounded  at  the  somewhat  unequal  base,  margin 
crenate-serrate  with  2  to  5  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  thin-  to  stiff -chartaceous, 
slightly  rough  to  the  touch  above  with  whitish  strongly  appressed  hairs  0.2-0.8  ( 1 ) 
mm.  long,  the  lower  surface  with  thin  whitish  hairs  along  the  veins,  venation  pal- 
mate or  subpalmate  with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with  1  to  3  pairs  of  major  second- 
ary veins  or  often  with  the  major  secondaries  on  only  one  side  or  not  readily  disting- 
uished from  the  smaller  secondaries,  minutely  punctate  cystoliths  visible  on  the 
upper  surface.  Inflorescences  small  (4-10  mm.)  globose  sessile  clusters  in  the  axils 
of  leaves  or  at  leafless  nodes,  sometimes  with  2  to  6  glomerules  in  a  row  at  leafless 


nodes  3-10  mm.  distant  along  the  stem;  male  flowers  about  1.5  mm.  broad,  usually 
sessile,  perianth-parts  4,  apex  of  the  perianth  with  a  slender  projection  abaxially; 
female  flowers  very  numerous  and  closely  congested,  styles  and  stigmas  about 
3  mm.  long,  minutely  puberulent.  Fruit  small  and  enclosed  within  the  persisting 
slender  perianth-tube  1-1.5  mm.  long,  narrowly  ellipsoid  (narrowed  at  both  base 
and  apex),  densely  hirsutulous  with  minute  brownish  hairs. 

Plants  of  the  seasonally  dry  evergreen  forest  formations  of  the 
Pacific  slope  and  Meseta  Central  between  500  and  1200  m.  elevation 
in  Costa  Rica;  collected  with  flower  and  fruit  from  October  to 
March.  The  species  ranges  from  Guatemala  to  Central  Costa  Rica. 

Boehmeria  radiata  possesses  unusual  appressed  hairs  on  the  up- 
per leaf-surfaces  resembling  linear  cystoliths,  and  these  are  often 
arranged  in  circular  patterns  within  the  aereoles  demarked  by  larger 
tertiary  veins.  The  seasonally  dry  habitat,  shrubby  habit,  long  and 
thin  petioles,  male  perianth-parts  with  unusual  apices,  and  very 
small  fruit  within  a  slender  brown-hirsutulous  perianth-tube  further 
distinguish  this  species.  Despite  these  features  Boehmeria  radiata 
is  often  difficult  to  separate  from  B.  ulmifolia,  with  its  shorter  peti- 
oles, wetter  habitat,  and  adjacent  leaves  differing  more  in  shape,  or 
from  B.  ramiflora,  with  the  male  flowers  3-parted,  fruit  inflated  and 
winged,  and  upper  leaf-surfaces  without  cystolith-like  appressed 
hairs.  This  species  has  often  been  mistaken  iorPhenax  mexicanus. 

Boehmeria  ramiflora  Jacq.,  Enum.  Syst.  PI.  Carib.  31.  1760.  B. 
cuspidata  Weddell,  Arch.  Mus.  Paris  9:345.  1856.  B.  ramiflora  var. 
cuspidata  Wedd.  in  DC.,  Prodr.  16,  pt.  1: 197.  1869.  Figure  28. 

Shrubs  1-3  (4)  m.  tall,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  5-45  mm.  long,  1-4 
mm.  thick,  puberulent  with  usually  thin  appressed  whitish  hairs  0.1-0.4  mm.  long; 
stipules  5-15  mm.  long,  puberulent  along  the  midrib,  deciduous,  and  not  commonly 
subtending  the  flower  clusters.  Leaves  of  adjacent  nodes  usually  differing  in  size 
but  usually  similar  in  shape,  alternate,  petiole  4-70  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick, 
appressed  puberulent  (in  ours),  laminae  (2)  4-17  cm.  long,  1-7  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to 
elliptic-ovate  or  rhomboid-ovate,  tapering  gradually  in  larger  leaves  to  the  usually 
long-acuminate  apex,  narrowed  or  rounded  on  one  side  at  the  oblique  base,  coarsely 
serrate  with  3  or  4  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  membranaceous  to  thin  chartaceous 
and  dark  above,  slightly  rough  to  the  touch  with  thin  whitish  appressed  hairs  about 
0.5  mm.  long  above,  more  densely  puberulent  beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  pri- 
mary veins,  the  midvein  with  2  or  3  major  secondary  veins  on  only  one  side  and  the 
lamina  asymmetric  in  area,  minute  punctate  cystoliths  present  above.  Inflores- 
cences of  small  (4-8  mm. )  glomerules  of  congested  sessile  or  subsessile  flowers  in  the 
axils  of  leaves  or  fallen  leaves,  flower  clusters  unisexual  or  bisexual;  male  flowers 
with  3-parted  perianth,  puberulent  distally  with  some  minute  uncinate  hairs,  sta- 
mens 3;  female  flowers  tightly  clustered  and  narrowed  at  the  base,  laterally  flat- 
tened, perianth  tube  puberulent,  about  1.5  mm.  long.  Fruit  borne  within  the  per- 
sisting perianth-tube,  the  perianth-tube  becoming  2  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad, 


very  much  flattened  beyond  the  seed  to  produce  wing-like  margins,  abruptly  nar- 
rowed at  the  apex. 

Apparently  rare  plants  of  the  seasonally  dry  evergreen  forest 
formations  of  the  Pacific  slope  between  800  and  1300  m.  elevation  in 
Costa  Rica;  flowering  from  November  to  February.  The  sper  - 
ranges  from  Veracruz,  Mexico  to  Colombia,  Venezuela  and  the  West 

Boehmeria  ramiflora  is  distinguished  by  its  3-parted  male  flowers, 
fruit  borne  within  a  persisting  perianth-tube  with  thin  wing-like 
margins,  and  long  petiolate  asymmetric  laminae  with  secondary 
veins  often  on  only  one  side  of  the  midvein.  Superficially  these 
plants  look  very  much  like  Boehmeria  radiata  and  Phenax  mexican- 
us,  and  resemblance  to  these  common  plants  may  explain  why  this 
species  is  so  rarely  collected.  Our  Costa  Rican  collections  come  from 
San  Pedro  de  Poas  and  San  Miguel  de  San  Ramon  in  Alajuela  (Bren- 
es  17358  and  20299)  and  above  San  Isidro  del  General  in  San  Jose 
province  (Skutch2562). 

Boehmeria  ulmifolia  Weddell,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  4,  1:202.  1854, 
(sensu  Killip  in  Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Card.  47: 188.  1960).  Figure  28. 

Shrubs  or  small  trees  1-3  (5)  m.  tall,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  stems  often  brittle, 
leafy  internodes  3-50  mm.  long,  0.3-4  mm.  thick,  strigulose  with  stiff  appressed  hairs 
0.2-0.7  mm.  long;  stipules  (3)  4-7  mm.  long,  1-1.5  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  deciduous. 
Leaves  alternate  and  usually  very  different  in  size  at  adjacent  nodes  or  the  alter- 
nate leaf  failing  to  develop  and  adjacent  leaves  apparently  of  similar  size,  petioles 
2-8  (16)  mm.  long,  0.8-1.4  mm.  thick,  puberulent;  smaller  laminae  often  reniform  or 
orbicular  and  2-5  mm.  long,  larger  laminae  4-17  (22)  cm.  long,  1.5-7  cm.  broad,  ellip- 
tic to  narrowly  ovate  or  lanceolate  and  often  asymmetric  or  curved,  short-  to  long- 
acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  or  slightly  rounded  at  the  asymmetric  base,  crenate- 
serrate  with  1  to  6  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  membranaceous  to  thin-charta- 
ceous  and  usually  dark  above  with  the  veins  often  becoming  impressed,  slightly 
scabrous  above  with  thin  or  stiff  appressed  hairs  about  0.5-1  mm.  long,  sparsely  to 
densely  puberulent  above,  venation  palmate  with  3  major  primary  veins,  the  mid- 
vein  with  2  to  4  major  secondary  veins  often  on  only  one  side,  punctate  cystoliths 
usually  visible  above.  Inflorescences  usually  unisexual,  small  (3-8  mm.)  globose 
clusters  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  at  leafless  nodes,  often  2  inflorescences  close  to- 
gether with  1  in  the  axil  of  a  leaf  and  the  other  in  the  axil  of  a  minute  or  undeveloped 
leaf,  persisting  on  leafless  stems;  male  flowers  with  perianth  about  1  mm.  long, 
obtuse  at  the  apex,  anthers  about  0.5  mm.  long;  female  flowers  about  2  mm.  long, 
sessile,  style  and  stigma  puberulent.  Fruit  enclosed  within  a  perianth-tube  about 
1.5  mm.  long  and  0.5  mm.  thick,  narrowed  at  both  apex  and  base,  very  minutely 
puberulent,  a  few  of  the  hairs  uncinate,  ellipsoid,  and  not  noticeably  flattened  or 

Plants  of  very  wet  montane  (premontane  and  lower  montane  rain) 
forest  formations  mostly  along  or  near  the  Caribbean  slope  between 


1000  and  2000  (2800)  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  through- 
out the  year  but  collected  primarily  between  November  and  April. 
The  species  ranges  from  Guatemala  to  Western  Panama. 

Boehmeria  ulmifolia  is  recognized  by  alternating  leaves  being 
very  small  or  undeveloped  ( as  evidenced  by  an  inflorescence  lacking 
the  subtending  leaf),  asymmetric  laminae,  small  sessile  inflores- 
cences, small  slender  fruit,  and  very  wet  montane  habitat.  Plants 
with  unusual  strongly  appressed  hairs  (resembling  linear  cysto- 
liths )  are  placed  here  with  plants  having  much  thinner  hairs  on  the 
upper  lamina-surface.  There  are  other  kinds  of  variation  among  the 
plants  placed  under  this  name  but  these  do  not  seem  to  be  correlated 
with  characters  of  flower  or  fruit.  The  species  is  very  difficult  to 
distinguish  from  B.  radiata  or  B.  ramiflora  in  the  absence  of  flowers 
or  fruit. 

LAPORTEA  Gaudichaud 

Nomen  conservandum 

REFERENCE:  W.-L.  Chew,  A  Monograph  of  Laportea.  Card. 
Bull.  Singapore  25: 111-177. 1969. 

Bisexual  or  rarely  unisexual  herbs  or  shrubs  with  stinging  or  irritating  hairs; 
stipules  paired,  partly  connate  across  the  petiole  and  usually  deeply  bifid  at  the 
apex.  Leaves  alternate  and  simple,  petiolate,  drying  thin,  usually  with  a  toothed 
margin.  Inflorescences  axillary,  pedunculate  and  generally  paniculate  with  the  uni- 
sexual flowers  in  loose  glomerules;  male  flowers  with  4  or  5  perianth  parts  and  the 
same  number  of  stamens,  a  small  pistillode  present;  female  flowers  with  4  very 
unequal  perianth-parts,  staminodes  absent,  pistil  ovoid.  Fruit  a  small  achene,  ovoid 
to  semi-circular  and  usually  compressed  laterally,  sessile  or  stipitate,  usually  be- 
coming reflexed  on  winged  pedicels. 

A  genus  of  22  species  best  represented  in  Africa  and  Madagascar 
but  with  several  very  widely  distributed  species  and  ranging  into 
the  north  temperate  zone.  Our  species  was  formerly  placed  in  the 
genus  Fleurya,  which  has  been  changed  to  the  status  of  a  subgenus 
within  Laportea. 

Laportea  aestuans  (L.)  Chew,  Card.  Bull.  Singapore  21:200.  1965. 
Urtica  aestuans  L.,  Sp.  PI.  ed.  2,  1397.  1763.  Fleurya  aestuans  (L.) 
Miq.  in  Martius,  Fl.  Braz.  4,  pt.  1: 196.  1853.  Figure  29. 

Bisexual  annual  herbs,  0.3-1.5  (2)  m.  tall,  slightly  woody  at  the  base,  leafy  inter- 
nodes  5-60  mm.  long,  0.6-5  mm.  thick  (dry),  glabrescent  to  densely  covered  with 
slender  gland-tipped  hairs  0.3-3  mm.  long,  and  simple  sharp  irritating  hairs;  stip- 
ules 4-10  mm.  long,  united  in  the  lower  half  with  linear-lanceolate  apices.  Leaves 
alternate  in  a  spiral,  petioles  (1)  2-12  (20)  cm.  long,  0.3-1  mm.  thick  (dry),  usually 


glandular  puberulent;  laminae  (2)  3-15  (30)  cm.  long,  (1)  2-10  (22)  cm.  broad,  ovate 
to  very  broadly  ovate  or  triangular,  acute  to  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse 
or  slightly  rounded  and  truncate  to  subcordate  at  the  base,  margin  coarsely  serrate- 
dentate  with  about  2  to  5  teeth  per  cm.  and  2-4  mm.  high,  the  lamina  drying  mem- 
branaceous  to  very  thin-chartaceous,  upper  surface  with  slender  sharp  hairs  0.3- 
1.5  mm.  long,  lower  surface  with  somewhat  shorter  hairs  and  cystoliths  occasionally 
visible  (X10),  the  3  to  6  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at  angles  of  20-60 
degrees,  the  basal  pair  of  secondaries  prominent  and  the  venation  often  subpalmate. 
Inflorescences  bisexual  or  unisexual,  3-20  cm.  long,  usually  solitary  at  a  node,  the 
lower  often  entirely  male,  paniculate  with  the  flowers  in  distal  clusters,  the  male 
flowers  often  distal  within  a  cluster  of  male  and  female  flowers;  male  flowers  sessile 
or  short  pedicellate,  about  1-1.5  mm.  broad  before  anthesis,  perianth-parts  4  or  5, 
puberulent  only  near  the  apex,  0.7-1.5  mm.  long,  anthers  with  very  thin  whitish 
walls;  female  flowers  sessile  or  becoming  pedicellate,  perianth  parts  free  and  of  2 
lateral  tepals  about  0.5  mm.  long,  a  dorsal  tepal  about  0.3  mm.  long  with  3  to  5 
glandular  hairs,  and  a  very  minute  ventral  tepal,  pistil  about  0.5  mm.  long.  Fruit 
1-2  mm.  long,  becoming  reflexed  on  the  pedicel,  asymmetrically  ovoid  and  glabrous, 
narrowed  at  the  base,  the  edges  somewhat  ribbed  and  forming  an  enclosed  warty 
area  on  the  flattened  sides  of  the  achene,  pedicel  and  perianth  usually  persisting  and 
falling  away  together  with  the  fruit. 

Herbaceous  weeds  of  semi-shaded  areas  in  wet  evergreen  forma- 
tions on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  of  Costa  Rica  be- 
tween sea  level  and  700  ( 1200)  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering 
throughout  the  year  but  collected  most  often  between  October  and 
March.  This  species  occurs  on  Cocos  and  the  Galapagos  Islands  and 
ranges  from  Mexico  and  the  West  Indies  to  Peru  and  Brazil  in  this 
hemisphere,  across  tropical  Africa,  Arabia,  Madagascar,  and  India 
to  Java  and  the  lesser  Sunda  Islands. 

Laportea  aestuans  is  recognized  by  the  presence  (usually)  of 
stinging  hairs  and  glandular  hairs,  the  conspicuously  toothed  al- 
ternate leaves,  long  erect  inflorescences  with  many  clusters  of 
flowers  on  racemose  branches  and  the  preference  for  lowland  hab- 


Shrubs  or  small  to  medium-size  trees,  unisexual  or  rarely  bisexual,  lacking  sting- 
ing hairs;  stipules  apparently  solitary,  completely  united  across  the  base  of  the 
petiole  and  ligulate,  usually  enclosing  the  shoot-apex.  Leaves  alternate  and  simple, 
laminae  and  petioles  very  variable  in  size,  margins  serrate,  dentate,  or  entire,  pin- 
nately  or  subpalmately  veined,  cystoliths  usually  visible  on  the  upper  leaf-surface 
(X10).  Inflorescences  paniculate  or  of  very  long  spikes  from  a  branched  base  (in 
ours);  male  flowers  clustered  or  separate,  usually  sessile,  perianth  4-parted,  sta- 
mens 4,  pistillode  usually  absent;  female  flowers  sessile,  subsessile,  or  pedicellate, 
lacking  a  perianth  but  subtended  by  2  small  bracteoles,  style  and  stigma  1  or  the 
stigma  rarely  2-lobed.  Fruit  flattened,  the  bracteoles  and  style  usually  persisting, 
dry  and  indehiscent  (an  achene). 


A  genus  of  five  to  ten  species  ranging  from  northern  Mexico  to 
Brazil  and  Bolivia.  Several  other  species  are  known  from  Central 
America  and  Mexico.  One  of  these  differs  from  ours  in  the  panicul- 
ate female  inflorescences  and  in  smaller  entire  leaves  with  relatively 
few  secondary  veins  (M.  obouata  Donn.-Smith). 

Pistil  and  fruit  glabrous  to  puberulent  but  lacking  definite  cilia  along  the  edges, 
bracteoles  usually  appressed  to  the  base  of  the  pistil  or  fruit;  plants  rarely  found 
above  1 100  m.  altitude M.  longipes. 

Pistil  and  fruit  puberulent  with  definite  small  cilia  along  the  edges,  bracteoles  usu- 
ally divergent;  plants  rarely  found  below  1100  m.  elevation  (in  Costa  Rica) 

M.  cordifolia. 

Myriocarpa  cordifolia  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt. 
ser  5,  2:306.  1851.  M.  longipes  sensu  auctores  non  Liebmann.  Figure 

Shrubs  or  small  trees  2.5-8  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-5  cm.  long,  4-10  mm.  thick, 
sparsely  to  densely  grayish  hirsutulous  with  slender  ascending  or  retrorse  hairs  0.3- 
1  mm.  long;  stipules  united  and  ligulate,  10-26  mm.  long,  densely  sericeous.  Leaves 
alternate  in  a  spiral,  petioles  1.4-18  cm.  long,  1.5-3.5  mm.  thick,  usually  densely  pu- 
berulent with  soft  grayish  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long;  laminae  8-22  (30)  cm.  long,  4-8 
(15)  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  broadly  elliptic-ovate  or  elliptic,  acute  or  short-acuminate 
at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  and  subtruncate  or  subcordate  at  the  base,  margin 
with  4  to  7  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  thin-chartaceous,  upper  surface  slightly 
scabrous  and  sparsely  puberulent  with  slender  hairs  about  1  mm.  long  borne  on 
raised  areas  from  which  small  (0.3  mm.)  narrow  cystoliths  radiate  (but  these  not 
always  visible),  lower  surfaces  usually  grayish  puberulent  with  soft  hairs  0.3-1  mm. 
long,  the  4  to  7  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at  angles  of  30-45  degrees, 
the  basal  pair  of  secondary  veins  often  very  prominent  and  the  venation  subpal- 
mate.  Male  inflorescences  10-22  cm.  long  with  2  or  3  branches  near  (1-3  cm.)  the 
base,  rachis  0.3-0.7  mm.  thick  (dry)  with  slender  whitish  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long; 
male  flowers  sessile,  1.2-1.8  mm.  broad,  perianth-parts  about  1  mm.  long,  minutely 
puberulent,  filaments  0.2  mm.  thick,  anthers  about  0.9  mm.  long.  Female  inflores- 
cences 20-40  cm.  long,  with  several  branches  arising  1-3  cm.  from  the  base,  rachis 
about  0.7  mm.  thick  with  whitish  hairs  0.3-0.7  mm.  long,  pistil  about  1  mm.  long, 
subsessile  or  pedicellate,  subtended  by  2  minute  (0.5  mm.)  bracteoles.  Fruit  minute 
achenes  about  2  mm.  long  with  persisting  divergent  bracteoles  and  style,  minutely 
puberulent  and  with  the  2  edges  distinctly  ciliolate,  flattened  laterally  and  narrowed 
at  the  base. 

Plants  of  the  wet  and  very  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  be- 
tween 1100  and  1800  m.  elevation  on  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  the 
adjacent  areas  of  the  Central  Highlands  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering 
and  fruiting  collections  have  been  made  between  November  and 
May.  The  species,  as  presently  understood,  ranges  from  Central 
Costa  Rica  (near  San  Ramon,  Alajuela,  to  near  Capellades,  Cartago) 
northward  to  Veracruz,  Mexico. 


Myriocarpa  cordifolia  is  recognized  by  the  long  pendulous  inflor- 
escences with  minute  unisexual  flowers,  laminae  somewhat  bullate 
above  with  the  cystoliths  usually  apparent  (X10),  and  the  pistil  and 
fruit  with  ciliolate  edges.  Material  of  this  species  has  been  refer- 
red to  as  M.  longipes,  but  a  close  examination  of  Oersted  material 
from  Aguacate  shows  that  this  name  is  properly  applied  to  the  more 
common  species  of  Myriocarpa  in  Costa  Rica,  which  usually  grows 
at  lower  elevations.  Costa  Rican  material  of  M.  cordifolia  differs 
from  Mexican  collections  in  the  narrower  rarely  cordate  leaves  and 
the  restricted  highland  habitat. 

Myriocarpa  longipes  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt. 
ser.  5,  2:306.  1851.  M.  inaequilateris  Liebm.,  loc.  cit.  307.  M.  long- 
ipes var.  yzabalensis  Donn.-Sm.,  Bot.  Gaz.  16:13.  1891.  M  yzaba- 
lensis  (Donn.-Sm.)  Killip,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.  40:29.  1927.  Fig- 
ure 30. 

Unisexual  or  bisexual  shrubs  or  small  trees  with  slender  trunks  2-6  (10)  m.  tall, 
leafy  internodes  1-8  cm.  long,  3-10  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with 
slender  straight  or  crooked  grayish  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long,  the  longer  hairs  often 
reflexed;  stipules  connate  and  ligulate,  (10)  15-25  mm.  long,  densely  sericeous. 
Leaves  variable  in  size  and  petiole-length,  petioles  2-18  (35)  cm.  long,  2-4  mm.  thick 
(dry),  puberulent,  ridged  on  drying;  laminae  12-30  (46)  cm.  long,  8-14  (26)  cm.  broad, 
ovate  to  broadly  elliptic  or  rarely  narrowly  elliptic,  obtuse  to  acute  or  short-acumin- 
ate at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  truncate  or  rounded  at  the  base,  margin  serrate  with 
about  3  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  chartaceous,  upper  surface  smooth  or  slightly 
scabrous,  usually  glabrous  with  the  linear  or  slightly  arcuate  cystoliths  visible  and 
radiating  from  central  aereoles  above,  cystoliths  0.2-0.5  mm.  long,  lower  surface 
glabrescent  or  with  slender  grayish  hairs,  the  (5)  6  to  11  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  arising  at  angles  of  30-50  degrees.  Male  inflorescences  whitish,  pendant,  to 
about  12  cm.  long,  branched  in  the  basal  fourth,  the  rachis  0.2-0.5  mm.  thick  and 
minutely  puberulent,  anthers  about  0.7  mm.  long  (dry).  Female  inflorescence 
branched  only  near  the  base  with  long  (20-60  cm.)  pendulous  spikes,  bracts 
lanceolate,  1-4  mm.  long  near  the  base  of  the  spikes,  rachis  0.2-0.5  mm.  thick  and 
very  sparsely  puberulent;  female  flowers  crowded  or  distant,  short-pedicellate  or 
subsessile,  about  1.5  mm.  long,  bractlets  subtending  the  flowers  about  0.5  mm.  long 
and  appressed,  pistil  glabrous  or  very  sparsely  puberulent.  Fruit  with  the  basal 
bracteoles  and  style  persisting,  about  1.5  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad,  flattened, 
glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent  but  without  definite  cilia  along  the  edge. 

Plants  of  evergreen  forest  formations  on  both  the  Caribbean  and 
Pacific  slopes  in  Costa  Rica  between  sea  level  and  1100  (1500)  m. 
elevation;  flowering  and  fruiting  collections  have  been  made  from 
December  to  March.  The  species  ranges  from  Veracruz,  Mexico, 
southward  to  Central  Panama. 


Myriocarpa  longipes  is  recognized  by  the  long  pendulous  spikes  of 
unisexual  flowers,  minute  fruit  lacking  ciliolate  edges,  leaves  with 
serrate-crenate  edges,  obvious  cystoliths,  and  variable  size  and 
petiole-length,  and  usual  lowland  habitat.  Members  of  this  species 
may  be  difficult  to  separate  from  M.  cordifolia  (M.  longipes  of  pre- 
vious authors,  not  of  Liebmann)  in  the  absence  of  female  flowers 
or  fruit  though  the  two  appear  to  be  ecologically  isolated  in  Costa 
Rica.  Our  material  of  M.  cordifolia  is  more  often  bullate  and  more 
densely  puberulent  than  our  material  of  M.  longipes.  Oersted  collec- 
tions that  appear  to  be  isotypes  of  M.  longipes  are  conspecific  with 
collections  placed  under  the  name  M.  yzabalensis  by  Killip.  The 
plants  are  commonly  called  ortiga  but  they  do  not  sting. 

The  name  Myriocarpa  longipes  has  been  misapplied  for  some 
time;  it  is  not  the  taxon  of  higher  altitudes  (in  Costa  Rica),  which, 
I  believe,  is  conspecific  with  M.  cordifolia. 


Annual  or  perennial  herbs,  bisexual,  usually  much  branched,  puberulent  and  often 
with  minutely  hooked  (uncinate)  hairs;  stipules  not  developed.  Leaves  alternate  and 
simple,  petiolate,  the  laminae  entire,  usually  small  and  palmately  3-veined.  Inflores- 
cences usually  bisexual,  of  sessile  or  subsessile  flowers  axillary  in  small  dense  cy- 
mules  or  fascicles  (glomerules  or  clusters),  subtended  by  bracts  connate  near  the 
base  or  free;  bisexual  flowers  and  male  flowers  with  4-parted  perianth  and  4  sta- 
mens; female  flowers  free  with  the  perianth  equally  4-parted  and  persisting  in  fruit, 
pistil  with  a  linear  stigma  or  with  a  narrow  style  below  the  stigma,  ovary  sessile  or 
r^hort-stipitate.  Fruit  an  achene,  usually  ovoid  and  laterally  compressed  to  become 
somewhat  lenticular,  stigma  terminal,  pericarp  smooth,  perianth  loosely  enclosing 
the  maturing  fruit. 

A  genus  of  about  eight  species  in  the  temperate  and  tropical 
regions  of  both  hemispheres.  Only  one  species  is  occasionally  found 
in  our  area,  though  it  is  quite  common  in  parts  of  Guatemala. 

Parietaria  debilis  Forst.,  Fl.  Ins.  Austr.  Prodr.  73.  1786.  Figure 

Herbs,  erect  stems  10-60  cm.  tall,  older  stems  occasionally  becoming  woody,  bi- 
sexual, leafy  internodes  2-20  (30)  mm.  long,  0.5-1.5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely 
puberulent  with  very  small  (0.2  mm.)  thin  hairs;  stipules  absent  but  with  stipule- 
like  bracts  subtending  the  inflorescences.  Leaves  alternate,  petioles  3-35  mm.  long, 
0.2-0.5  mm.  thick  (dry),  puberulent;  laminae  3-45  mm.  long,  3-20  mm.  broad,  ovate 
to  ovate-lanceolate,  tapering  to  the  acuminate  apex,  abruptly  obtuse  to  rounded  at 
the  base,  margin  entire,  laminae  drying  membranaceous,  sparsely  puberulent  on 


both  surfaces  with  thin  whitish  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long,  venation  subpalmate  but 
obscure,  punctate  cystoliths  visible  above.  Inflorescences  axillary,  the  flowers  in 
short  subsessile  clusters  with  interspersed  green  linear  bracts  about  3  mm.  long, 
flowers  usually  fewer  than  8  and  the  inflorescence  less  than  5  mm.  long.  Fruit  about 
1  mm.  long,  ovoid  and  slightly  flattened,  the  surface  smooth  and  very  lustrous. 

Weedy  plants  introduced  in  Costa  Rica  and  occasionally  in  culti- 
vated land  above  1000  m.  elevation.  The  paucity  of  herbarium  ma- 
terial may  indicate  that  populations  do  not  persist.  This  species  is 
widely  distributed  in  the  tropics  and  temperate  zones  of  both  hemi- 

PHENAX  Weddell 

Shrubs,  herbs,  or  occasionally  small  trees,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  lacking  stinging 
hairs; stipules  paired  and  free,  lanceolate.  Leaves  alternate,  petiolate,  the  lamina 
crenate  or  serrate  (in  ours),  venation  usually  palmate,  the  cystoliths  usually  mi- 
nutely punctate  in  the  upper  epidermis.  Inflorescences  of  dense  fasciculate  clusters 
(glomerules)  of  sessile  or  short-pedicellate  flowers  in  the  axils  of  leaves  or  fallen 
leaves,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  floral  bracts  thin  and  brownish,  often  broad  and  per- 
ianth-like; male  flowers  with  4-lobed  perianth  united  below  the  middle,  the  lobes 
valvate  or  subimbricate  in  bud  and  rounded  or  acuminate  at  the  apex  of  the  bud, 
stamens  usually  4;  female  flowers  without  perianth,  enclosed  within  thin  bracts, 
ovary  sessile  or  short-stipitate,  laterally  compressed;  style  and  stigma  linear  and 
persistent.  Fruit  protected  within  the  perianth-like  bracts,  a  minute  achene  with 
glabrous  surface,  surface  smooth  to  pusticulate. 

A  genus  of  about  12  species  of  tropical  America  with  some 
having  become  naturalized  in  the  Asian  tropics  (see  discussion 
under  P.  sonneratii).  Members  of  this  genus  are  often  confused  with 
species  oiBoehmeria  andPouzolzia  but  differ  in  lacking  a  perianth- 
tube  enclosing  the  pistil  and  fruit.  The  male  flowers  of  Phenax  are 
often  narrowed  to  a  minutely  lobed  apex  or  have  projections  on  the 
back  of  the  perianth-lobes  that  make  these  unopened  or  partly 
opened  flowers  resemble  the  female  flowers  oiBoehmeria  andPouz- 
olzia.  The  flower-clusters  must  be  dissected  to  separate  the  floral 
bracts  and  expose  the  naked  female  flower  to  distinguish  Phenax 
with  certainty.  Additionally,  Phenax  has  usually  many  floral  bracts 
and  flowers  in  each  inflorescence,  and  the  leaves  are  never  conspicu- 
ously alternating  in  size  at  adjacent  nodes. 

la.    Laminae  very  narrowly  elliptic  to  lanceolate 2a. 

Ib.    Laminae  narrowly  to  broadly  ovate;  plants  usually  bisexual 4a. 

2a.  Plants  unisexual;  laminae  usually  narrowly  lanceolate,  inconspicuously  ser- 
rulate (sub-entire),  stipules  4-9  mm.  long;  fruit  about  0.5  mm.  long;  uncom- 
mon shrubs,  0-1000  m P.  angustifolius. 


2b.  Plants  usually  bisexual;  laminae  narrowly  elliptic  to  lanceolate,  obviously 
serrulate 3a. 

3a.  Shrubs  or  small  trees,  stipules  becoming  4-7  mm.  long;  fruit  about  0.7  mm. 
long;  common,  1000-2500  m P.  mexicanus. 

3b.  Herbs  or  subshrubs  to  1  m.  tall,  stipules  1-3  mm.  long;  fruit  about  1  mm. 
long;  weeds  of  very  wet  evergreen  lowlands P.  sonneratii. 

4a.  Fruit  about  0.6  mm.  long;  laminae  often  becoming  rugose  with  both  major  and 
minor  veins  deeply  impressed  above,  stipules  about  4  mm.  long;  common 
shrubs,  500-2500  m P.  rugosus. 

4b.  Fruit  about  1  mm.  long;  laminae  drying  thin  chartaceous,  only  the  larger  veins 
becoming  impressed 5a. 

5a.  Herbs  or  subshrubs  with  spreading  branches  to  2  m.  tall,  laminae  abruptly 
narrowed  at  the  base,  stipules  usually  3-8  mm.  long;  1200-2000  m.  elevation 

P.  hirtus. 

5b.    Herbs  or  subshrubs  to  1  m.  tall,  laminae  usually  gradually  narrowed  to  the 

base,  stipules  1-3  mm.  long;  0-300  (800)  m.  in  areas  of  high  rainfall 

P.  sonneratii. 

Phenax  angustifolius  (H.B.K.)  Weddell,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  4, 
pt.  1:193.  1854.  Boehmeria  angustifolia  H.B.K.  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp. 
2:34.  1817.  Figure  29. 

Shrubs  1-2(3)  m.  tall,  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  1.5-15  (30)  mm.  long,  0.7-3  mm. 
thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with  minute  (0.1-0.4  mm.)  ascending  whitish 
hairs;  stipules  4-9  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  persisting  as  long  as  the 
leaves.  Leaves  clustered  at  the  ends  of  branches  and  resembling  Salix,  petioles  3-20 
mm.  long,  0.3-0.8  mm.  thick,  appressed  puberulent;  laminae  4-14  cm.  long,  1-3  cm. 
broad,  lanceolate,  gradually  tapering  to  an  acute  or  acuminate  apex,  obtuse  to 
slightly  rounded  at  the  base,  margin  minutely  serrulate  with  3  to  5  teeth  per  cm., 
laminae  drying  membranaceous  to  thin-chartaceous,  and  dark  above,  smooth  and 
often  glabrous  above  with  the  primary  veins  impressed  above,  appressed  puberulent 
with  thin  whitish  hairs  about  0.3  mm.  long  on  the  veins  beneath,  venation  palmate 
with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with  many  small  secondary  veins,  minutely  punctate 
cystoliths  visible  above.  Inflorescences  and  the  plants  unisexual,  globose  glomer- 
ules  in  the  axils  of  leaves  and  persisting  on  leafless  nodes;  male  flowers  not  seen;  fe- 
male flowers  usually  more  than  20  per  inflorescence  and  the  inflorescence  about  1 
cm.  in  diameter,  bracts  1-1.5  mm.  long,  styles  glabrous  or  very  minutely  puberulent, 
3-5  mm.  long.  Fruit  0.4-0.6  mm.  long,  about  0.3  mm.  broad,  only  slightly  flattened 
laterally,  ellipsoid,  very  minutely  pusticulate. 

A  poorly  known  species  of  wet  evergreen  formations  or  in  wet 
sites  in  seasonally  dry  evergreen  formations  between  sea  level  and 
1000  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  collected  with  flowers  or  fruit  from 
December  to  February.  The  species  ranges  from  Costa  Rica  to  Peru 
and  Bolivia. 

Phenax  angustifolius  is  characterized  by  the  lanceolate  leaves 


often  at  the  ends  of  long  slender  branchlets,  sessile  unisexual  inflor- 
escences, and  very  small  fruit. 

Phenax  hirtus  (Sw.)  Weddell  in  DC.,  Prodr.  16,  pt.  1:235(38). 
1869.  Urtica  hirta  Swartz,  Fl.  Ind.  Occ.  1:285.  1797.  Figure  29. 

Herbs  woody  at  the  base  or  small  shrubs  to  1.5  m.  tall,  but  often  with  creeping  or 
clambering  lateral  stems  to  2  m.  long,  bisexual,  leafy  internodes  6-50  mm.  long,  0.7-4 
mm.  thick,  densely  to  sparsely  puberulent  with  minute  (0.3  mm.)  curved  yellowish 
hairs,  the  older  stems  glabrescent,  brown  or  reddish-brown;  stipules  (1)  3-8  mm. 
long,  2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  persisting  and  often  subtending  the  inflorescences. 
Leaves  generally  uniform  in  size  and  shape  on  a  plant,  petioles  (4)  8-25  (50)  mm. 
long,  0.3-0.7  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent;  laminae  (2)  3-7  (12)  cm.  long,  1.5-4  (6) 
cm.  broad,  ovate,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  rounded  and  truncate  to  subcordate  at  the 
base,  margin  coarsely  crenate  to  serrate  with  3  to  5  teeth  per  cm,,  laminae  drying 
thin  chartaceous  and  dark  above,  smooth  above  with  few  scattered  hairs  about  0.7 
mm.  long  and  the  major  veins  occasionally  becoming  deeply  impressed,  minutely 
(0.1-0.5  mm.)  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary 
veins,  the  midvein  with  weak  secondaries  arising  throughout  the  length  of  the  blade, 
minutely  black-punctate  cystoliths  usually  visible  above.  Inflorescences  bisexual, 
usually  only  in  the  axils  of  new  and  persisting  leaves,  each  flower  cluster  with  many 
thin  brownish  bracts;  male  flowers  with  an  abruptly  narrowed  apex  in  bud,  peri- 
anth-parts with  an  acuminate  and  thickened  apex,  anthers  about  1  mm.  long;  female 
flowers  enclosed  in  numerous  thin  bracts,  style  and  stigma  3-5  mm.  long.  Fruit 
loosely  enclosed  in  the  broad  bracts,  about  1  mm.  long  and  0.7  mm.  broad,  slightly 
flattened  laterally,  drying  dark,  the  surface  minutely  pusticulate. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  montane  (premontane  and  lower  montane 
rain)  forest  formations  on  the  Caribbean  slopes  between  1200  and 
2000  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the 
year  but  collected  primarily  from  January  through  March.  The 
species  ranges  from  Mexico  to  Bolivia  and  to  Jamaica  and  Hispani- 
ola  in  the  West  Indies. 

Phenax  hirtus  is  recognized  by  the  short  or  sprawling  habit,  iso- 
morphic  coarsely  dentate  leaves  thin  in  texture  and  abruptly  nar- 
rowed at  the  base,  male  perianth-parts  with  unusual  apices,  and 
relatively  large  fruit.  This  species  resembles  Pouzolzia  phenacoides 
and  species  oiBoehmeria. 

Phenax  mexicanus  Weddell,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  4,  pt.  1:193.  1854. 
Figure  29. 

Shrubs  or  small  trees  2-6  ( 10)  m.  tall,  bisexual,  leafy  internodes  3-25  mm.  long,  0.8- 
3.5  mm.  thick,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent  with  slender  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long, 
drying  reddish-brown  and  longitudinally  ridged;  stipules  4-7  mm.  long,  1  mm.  broad 
at  the  base,  lanceolate,  deciduous  or  persistent.  Leaves  quite  variable  in  size  and 
petiole-length  on  the  same  or  different  plants,  petioles  3-18  (50)  mm.  long,  0.3-0.8 


(1.1)  mm.  thick,  minutely  appressed  puberulent;  laminae  1.5-13  (19)  cm.  long,  0.6-3 
(4)  cm.  broad,  very  narrowly  elliptic  to  lanceolate,  broadest  at  or  below  the  middle, 
tapering  gradually  to  the  short-  or  long-acuminate  apex,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  equal 
or  subequal  base,  margin  crenate  to  serrate  with  3  to  6  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying 
thin-  to  stiff -chartaceous,  smooth  above  and  glabrous  or  with  minute  (0.2  mm.) 
scattered  hairs,  very  rarely  rugose  in  age,  sparsely  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath, 
venation  palmate  or  subpalmate  with  3  primary  veins,  the  outer  primary  veins 
united  above  the  petiole  to  the  midvein  and  occasionally  forming  small  pockets, 
midvein  usually  with  2  pairs  of  secondary  veins  in  the  distal  half,  minutely  punctate 
cystoliths  usually  visible  above.  Inflorescence  small  (4-10  mm.)  globose  axillary 
clusters  or  glomerules  often  persisting  at  leafless  nodes;  male  flowers  2  mm.  broad 
before  anthesis,  perianth  parts  acute  or  obtuse  at  the  apex,  anther  about  1  mm. 
long;  female  flowers  enclosed  in  perianth-like  bracts  2  mm.  long,  ovary  about  0.5 
mm.  long,  style  3-4  mm.  long,  minutely  puberulent.  Fruit  about  0.7  mm.  long  and  0.6 
mm.  broad,  slightly  flattened,  ovoid,  smooth. 

Plants  of  very  wet  montane  (premontane  and  lower  montane  rain) 
forest  formations  between  (800)  1000  and  2500  m.  elevation  primar- 
ily on  the  Caribbean  slope  in  Costa  Rica;  collected  with  flowers  and 
fruit  throughout  the  year  excepting  October  and  November.  The 
species  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  to  western  Panama. 

Phenax  mexicanus  is  recognized  by  its  globose  bisexual  inflor- 
escences, small  smooth- surfaced  fruit,  closely  spaced  narrow  leaves 
with  very  variable  petioles,  and  restricted  montane  habitat. 

Phenax  rugosus  ( Poir. )  Weddell  in  DC.,  Prodr.  16,  pt.  1:235.  1869. 
Procris  rugosa  Poiret  in  Lam.,  Encycl.  5:628.  1804.  Figure  29. 

Shrubs  1-3  m.  tall,  bisexual,  leafy  internodes  3-30  (50)  mm.  long,  0.7-3.5  mm.  thick, 
densely  hirsutulous  with  ascending  or  appressed  hairs  0.2-1  mm.  long;  stipules 
about  4  mm.  long,  lanceolate,  deciduous  or  occasionally  persisting.  Leaves  and 
petioles  differing  greatly  in  size  on  different  plants,  petioles  (2)  5-35  (60)  mm.  long, 
0.6-1  mm.  thick,  densely  hirsutulous;  laminae  2-13  cm.  long,  1-7  cm.  broad,  usually 
narrowly  to  broadly  ovate  in  outline,  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to 
rounded  at  the  base,  margin  dentate  to  serrate  with  3  to  7  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae 
drying  stiffly  chartaceous,  smooth  or  slightly  rough  to  the  touch  and  usually  be- 
coming rugose  with  all  the  veins  deeply  impressed  above,  hirsutulous  or  tomentu- 
lose  with  slender  whitish  hairs  0.2-1  mm.  long  on  the  veins  beneath,  venation  palm- 
ate or  subpalmate  with  3  primary  veins  or  1  primary  vein  and  2  strongly  ascending 
secondaries,  midvein  with  1  or  2  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  above  the  basal 
veins,  minute  punctate  cystoliths  usually  visible  above.  Inflorescences  small  (5-12 
mm.)  globose  glomerules  in  leaf-axils  and  persisting  at  leafless  nodes;  male  flowers 
with  the  perianth  parts  acuminate  at  the  apex,  flower  buds  about  2  mm.  broad;  an- 
thers about  1  mm.  long;  female  flowers  enclosed  by  thin  brown  perianth-like  bracts 
1-2  mm.  long,  styles  1-3  mm.  long,  very  minutely  puberulent.  Fruit  about  0.6  mm. 
long  and  0.4  mm.  broad,  ellipsoid,  very  slightly  flattened,  smooth,  and  drying  pale 


Plants  of  moist  and  wet  evergreen  (premontane  wet  and  rain, 
and  lower  montane  wet  and  rain)  forest  formations  between  (500) 
1000  and  2000  (2500)  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific 
slopes  in  Costa  Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year  but 
collected  with  flower  and  fruit  primarily  between  November  and 
April.  The  species  ranges  from  Mexico  to  Venezuela  and  Bolivia. 

Phenax  rugosus  is  recognized  by  the  shrubby  habit,  globose  bi- 
sexual inflorescences,  minute  fruit,  and  usually  rugose  leaves  more 
or  less  ovate  in  outline.  The  unopened  male  flowers  are  narrowed, 
acuminate,  and  often  bilobed  at  the  apex,  resembling  quite  closely 
the  female  perianth-tube  in  the  genus  Boehmeria.  This  may  explain 
why  collections  are  so  often  placed  in  the  wrong  genus. 

Phenax  sonneratii  (Poir.)  Weddell  in  DC.,  Prodr.  16,  pt.  1:235. 
1869.  Parietaria  sonneratii  Poiret  in  Lam.,  Encyc.  5:15.  1804.  Phe- 
nax vulgaris  Wedd.,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  4,  pt.  1: 192.  1854.  Figure  29. 

Herbs  or  diffusely  branched  subshrubs  0.3-1  m.  tall,  bisexual,  leafy  internodes  2- 
50  mm.  long,  0.3-1.5  mm.  thick,  very  sparsely  puberulent  with  minute  (0.1-0.4  mm.) 
whitish  hairs,  becoming  pale  in  color  and  longitudinally  ridged  when  dry;  stipules 
1-3  mm.  long,  usually  persisting  beneath  the  flower-clusters.  Leaves  relatively  uni- 
form in  size  and  shape,  petioles  4-16  (35)  mm.  long,  0.3-0.8  mm.  thick,  sparsely  and 
minutely  puberulent;  laminae  1.5-6  cm.  long,  0.8-2.5  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptic  or 
lanceolate,  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse,  acute  or  attenuate  at  the  base, 
serrate  along  the  margin  with  3  to  9  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  membranaceous 
to  thin-chartaceous,  smooth  or  slightly  scabrous  above  with  appressed  hairs  about 
0.7  mm.  long,  with  thin  whitish  hairs  about  0.4  mm.  long  on  the  veins  beneath,  vena- 
tion palmate  to  subpalmate  with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  usually  with  a  pair  of 
major  secondary  veins  arising  near  the  center,  minute  black-punctate  cystoliths 
often  visible  above.  Inflorescences  dense  small  axillary  glomerules  occasionally 
persisting  at  leafless  nodes,  with  about  10  to  20  flowers  each,  outer  bracts  relatively 
broad,  drying  dark,  and  with  a  conspicuously  ciliolate  apical  edge;  male  flowers 
about  1  mm.  long  before  anthesis;  female  flowers  with  slender  very  minutely  puber- 
ulent styles  1-2  mm.  long.  Fruit  about  1  mm.  long  and  0.7  mm.  broad,  ovoid,  acute 
apically,  minutely  pusticulate. 

Weedy  plants  of  open  and  shaded  sites  in  areas  of  very  wet  ever- 
green forest  formations  between  sea  level  and  800  (1200)  m.  eleva- 
tion along  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  coastal  plain  in  Costa  Rica; 
flowering  throughout  the  year.  This  species  appears  to  have  been 
introduced  and  is  now  widely  naturalized  in  the  Caribbean  area  (see 

Phenax  sonneratii  is  recognized  by  its  short-lived  habit,  prefer- 
ence for  disturbed  and  early  secondary  habitats,  small  stipules, 
unusual  floral  bracts,  and  relatively  large  fruit.  It  is  often  seen  as  a 


weed  on  banana  plantations  and  road  sides.  The  type,  which  I  have 
not  seen,  is  said  to  have  been  collected  by  Sonnerat  in  India.  How- 
ever, later  floras  of  India  do  not  list  the  species  and  suggest  that  it 
was  introduced  to  India;  it  is  not  listed  as  occurring  in  other  Asian 
countries.  Thus,  the  origin  of  this  species  is  likely  to  be  in  the  New 
World,  where  all  the  other  species  of  the  genus  are  found. 

PILEA  Lindley 

Herbs  or  rarely  subshrubs,  annual  or  perennial,  erect  to  repent  or  climbing,  occa- 
sionally epiphytic,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  stems  lacking  stinging  hairs,  often  succu- 
lent, rooting  from  the  nodes  in  some  spp.;  stipules  connate  across  the  base  of  the 
petiole  to  form  a  ligule-like  structure,  caducous  or  persistent.  Leaves  opposite  and 
petiolate,  similar  in  size  and  shape  at  a  node  or  differing  greatly;  laminae  entire  or 
more  often  with  serrate  margins,  mostly  palmately  3-veined,  glabrous  or  puberu- 
lent,  linear  to  curved  (less  often  punctiform)  cystoliths  usually  visible.  Inflorescen- 
ces axillary  or  from  older  leafless  nodes,  bracteate,  basically  cymose  but  varying 
from  open  paniculate  to  capitate  or  spicate,  flowers  of  different  sexes  born  on  differ- 
ent branches  of  the  same  inflorescences,  on  different  inflorescences  of  the  same 
plant,  or  on  different  plants;  male  flowers  usually  pedicellate,  with  3  or  4  perianth- 
parts  united  near  the  base  and  often  bearing  prolonged  vertical  appendages  on  their 
abaxial  surface  just  below  the  apex,  stamens  3  or  4,  pistillode  very  small  and  coni- 
cal; female  flowers  sessile  or  pedicellate,  perianth-parts  usually  3  and  equal  or  more 
often  with  1  perianth-part  much  larger  and  somewhat  hooded  distally,  staminodes 
3  or  not  apparent  (said  to  eject  the  fruit  at  maturity),  pistil  ovoid  to  ellipsoid  with  a 
short  sessile  penicellate  stigma.  Fruit  laterally  compressed  and  somewhat  lenticu- 
lar, ovate  to  orbicular  or  elliptic  in  outline,  surface  smooth  to  muricate,  the  apex 
sometimes  becoming  curved  and  subapical,  the  stigma  usually  deciduous,  perianth 
persisting  and  tightly  surrounding  the  fruit  at  its  base. 

Pilea  is  the  largest  genus  of  the  Urticaceae  with  more  than  600 
species.  These  are  mostly  tropical  with  a  few  temperate  representa- 
tives but  the  genus  is  absent  in  Europe,  Australia,  and  New  Zea- 
land. The  neotropics  are  rich  in  species  and  some  areas  especially 
so;  the  island  of  Jamaica  has  49  species  with  about  35  endemic  to 
the  island.  Our  own  species  of  Pilea  are  concentrated  mostly  in  the 
wet  evergreen  montane  forests  between  1000  and  2500  m.  elevation; 
they  are  uncommon  above  and  below  this  range.  While  a  few  species 
are  common  as  weeds  or  found  in  the  cracks  of  city  pavement  (P. 
microphylla),  most  species  are  confined  to  the  shaded  floor  of  moist 
forests  or  to  the  proximity  of  streams  and  brooks. 

The  genus  is  usually  easy  to  recognize  because  of  its  opposite 
leaves  with  unusual  ligulate  stipules.  Some  species  have  leaves  very 
similar  to  those  of  the  Melastomaceae  family  with  the  three  or  five 
primary  veins  subparallel  and  reaching  the  upper  part  of  the  lamina. 


Some  of  the  smaller  species  ofPilea  lend  themselves  to  cultivation 
under  glass  and  in  terraria.  The  "aluminum  plant,"  Pilea  cadierei 
Gagnep.  &  Guill.,  is  often  grown  in  gardens  and  parks  in  Central 

la.    Laminae  with  entire  margins 2a. 

Ib.  Laminae  with  crenate,  serrate,  or  dentate  margins,  the  teeth  sometimes  very 
small  and  confined  to  the  distal  part  of  the  lamina 5a. 

2a.  Laminae  1-6  cm.  long,  on  long  or  short  petioles;  plants  10-100  cm.  tall.  .  .  .  3a. 

2b.  Laminae  0.1-1  cm.  long,  petioles  usually  very  short;  plants  2-25  cm.  tall 


3a.  Laminae  broadest  below  the  middle,  ovate  to  ovate-lanceolate,  obtuse  to 
acuminate,  with  short  slender  hairs;  above  1000  m P.  parietaria. 

3b.  Laminae  broadest  near  the  middle,  very  narrowly  elliptic  to  elliptic-lanceo- 
late, long  acuminate,  glabrous P.  quichensis. 

4a.  Flowers  in  small  axillary  groups  along  the  stems;  leaves  of  a  node  usually 
different  in  size,  usually  longer  than  broad,  glabrous P.  microphylla. 

4b.  Flowers  in  dense  terminal  clusters  subtended  by  a  "whorl"  of  closely  spaced 
leaves;  laminae  usually  similar  in  size  at  the  same  node,  usually  broader  than 
long,  glabrous  or  with  thin  hairs P.  herniariodes. 

5a.  Laminae  of  the  same  node  differing  greatly  in  size,  the  smaller  lamina  half  the 
size  of  the  larger  or  less  than  half  as  large,  always  glabrous;  stipules  0.2-2  mm. 
long;  inflorescences  usually  less  than  2.5  cm.  long;  fruit  0.7-3  mm.  long  ....  6a. 

5b.  Laminae  of  the  same  node  of  similar  size  but  the  petioles  often  very  different  in 
length,  sometimes  one  lamina  of  a  pair  20-40  per  cent  smaller  than  the  other, 
glabrous  or  puberulent;  stipules  0.3-20  mm.  long;  fruit  0.3-2  mm.  long  ....  12a. 

6a.  Plants  usually  found  as  epiphytes,  growing  on  tree-trunks,  or  growing  on 
moss-covered  rocks 7a. 

6b.  Plants  usually  found  growing  on  the  soil 8a. 

7a.  Larger  laminae  2-7  cm.  long,  narrowly  elliptic  to  elliptic-ovate,  oblique  at 
the  base,  venation  pinnate  or  subpalmate,  smaller  laminae  broad;  inflor- 
escences 2-5  mm.  long,  fruit  about  1  mm.  long;  0-1600  m.  .  .  .  P.  imparifolia. 

7b.  Larger  laminae  2-12  cm.  long,  lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic,  subequal 
at  the  base,  venation  palmate,  smaller  laminae  very  narrow;  inflorescences 
5-23  mm.  long,  fruit  about  0.8  mm.  long;  (0)  500-1600  m.  .  .  P.  diuersissima. 

8a.  Plants  of  the  Cordillera  de  Tilaran  and  adjacent  areas  between  600  and  900 
m.,  becoming  40  cm.  tall;  larger  laminae  2-8  (12)  cm.  long  and  with  small 
rounded  teeth;  inflorescences  1-2  cm.  long,  fruit  very  large  (3  mm.)  and 
drying  dark  brown P.  tilarana. 

8b.  Plants  found  along  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  Central  Highlands  to  western 
Panama,  becoming  1  m.  tall;  fruit  0.8-2  mm.  long 9a. 

9a.  Stipules  short  or  reduced  to  a  ligulate  ridge,  0.3-1  mm.  high;  larger  laminae 
2-10  (13)  cm.  long 10a. 


9b.  Stipules  1-2  mm.  high;  larger  laminae  4-18  cm.  long,  often  long-acuminate 


lOa.  Inflorescence  capitate  on  short  peduncles,  fruit  about  1.7  mm.  long; 
laminae  acute  to  short  acuminate;  1400-2300  m.  in  the  highlands  of  Chi- 
riqui,  Panama P.  chiriquina. 

lOb.  Inflorescence  of  open  or  compact  cymes;  fruit  about  0.8  mm.  long;  lami- 
nae often  long-acuminate;  0-1600  m.,  from  eastern  Nicaragua  to  central 
Costa  Rica P.  diversissima. 

lla.  Laminae  with  small  inconspicuous  teeth,  the  secondary  veins  not  very 
prominent,  10  to  20  pairs;  male  inflorescences  forming  globose  clusters 
around  the  stem  1-4  cm.  in  diameter;  fruit  1-1.5  mm.  long .  .  P.  costaricensis. 

lib.  Laminae  with  large  conspicuous  teeth  and  the  7  to  30  pairs  of  secondary 
veins  prominent  below;  inflorescences  pedunculate  and  few-branched,  never 
encircling  the  stem;  fruit  becoming  2  mm.  long P.  donnell-smithiana. 

12a.  Stipules  more  than  4  mm.  long  (ligule-like  above  the  petiole-base,  present  only 
on  the  younger  leaves  when  deciduous) 13a. 

12b.  Stipules  less  than  4  mm.  long 19a. 

13a.  Plants  of  Cocos  Island;  fruit  less  than  1  mm.  long P.  gomeziana. 

13b.  Plants  of  mainland  central  America 14a. 

14a.  Leaves  with  pinnate  venation  and  very  rugose;  known  only  from  western 
Panama P.  rugosissima. 

14b.  Leaves  palmately  3-veined  or  with  fewer  than  3  pairs  of  prominent  secon- 
dary veins 15a. 

15a.  Leaves  attenuate  at  the  base  with  the  petiole  often  winged,  5-20  cm.  long; 
0-1800  m.  elevation P.  ptericlada. 

15b.  Leaves  lacking  a  winged  petiole,  the  lamina  ending  abruptly  at  the  apex  of 
the  petiole  where  the  major  veins  arise 16a. 

16a.  Fruit  1.2  mm.  long  or  less;  laminae  4-19  cm.  long,  with  prominent  serra- 
tions; 500-2300  m 17a. 

16b.  Fruit  about  2  mm.  long;  laminae  rarely  more  than  6  cm.  long,  bluntly  ser- 
rate or  less  than  4  cm.  long  if  prominently  serrate;  to  3000  m 18a. 

17a.  Fruit  0.6-1  mm.  long;  stipules  (4)  7-18  mm.  long;  laminae  often  bullate 

P.  acuminata. 

17b.  Fruit  about  1.2  mm.  long;  stipules  4-8  mm.  long;  leaves  rarely  bullate 

P.  pit  fieri. 

18a.  Laminae  drying  thick,  1.5-6  (8)  cm.  long,  with  a  few  appressed  hairs  be- 
neath, narrowly  ovate  to  lanceolate;  plants  usually  found  above  2500  m. 
elevation P.  cornuto-cucullata. 

18b.  Laminae  drying  thin,  0.6-4  cm.  long,  glabrous  beneath,  ovate  and  promi- 
nently serrate;  plants  rarely  found  above  2500  m.  elevation  .  .  P.  auriculata. 

19a.  Laminae  usually  becoming  10  cm.  long,  lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic 
or  elliptic 20a. 


19b.  Laminae  rarely  becoming  more  than  7  cm.  long,  narrowly  to  broadly  ovate, 
usually  broadest  near  the  base 23a. 

20a.  Laminae  lanceolate  to  linear-lanceolate,  male  flowers  in  globose  heads  on 
long  (2-7  cm.)  pendant  filiform  peduncles;  1000-2300  m P.  angustifolia. 

20b.  Laminae  narrowly  ovate-lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic;  peduncles 
never  filiform 21a. 

2 la.  Leaves  minutely  and  inconspicuously  serrate,  glabrous;  wet  Caribbean 
slopes  500-1000  m P.  quichensis. 

21b.  Leaves  prominently  serrate,  glabrous  or  sparsely  puberulent 22a. 

22a.  Petioles  generally  short  but  occasionally  50  mm.  long;  male  inflorescences 
axillary  clusters,  female  to  15  mm.  long;  common  on  the  Osa  peninsula, 
rarely  to  1700  m P.  pallida. 

22b.  Petioles  to  8  cm.  long;  male  flowers  in  open  paniculate  inflorescences  2-4 
cm.  long;  only  known  from  Volcan  Irazu,  1500-2500  m P.  beguinotii. 

23a.  Small  creeping  plants  with  roots  at  most  nodes,  stems  repent;  laminae  3-15 
mm.  long,  very  broadly  ovate  to  suborbicular P.  nummularifolia. 

23b.  Erect  plants  or  having  creeping  stems  with  erect  flowering  shoots;  laminae  7- 
80  mm.  long,  ovate  to  lanceolate 24a. 

24a.  Fruit  about  2  mm.  long;  male  perianth-parts  with  prominent  appendages 
0.5-2  mm.  long 25a. 

24b.  Fruit  0.5-1.5  mm.  long;  male  perianth-parts  with  appendages  less  than  0.5  mm. 
long  or  none 26a. 

25a.  Laminae  drying  thick,  1.5-6  (8)  cm.  long,  with  a  few  appressed  hairs  be- 
neath, narrowly  ovate  to  lanceolate  and  serrulate;  plants  usually  found 
above  2500  m.  elevation P.  cornuto-cucullata. 

25b.  Laminae  drying  thin,  0.6-4  cm.  long,  usually  ovate  with  prominent  serra- 
tions; glabrous  beneath;  plants  rarely  found  above  2500  m.  elevation 

P.  auriculata. 

26a.  Fruit  more  than  1  mm.  long;  plants  glabrous;  inflorescences  usually  few 
branched  on  prominent  peduncles,  unisexual;  1500-3000  m 27a. 

26b.  Fruit  less  than  1  mm.  long;  plants  usually  puberulent  or  with  a  few  hairs; 
inflorescences  much  branched  and  bisexual  (male  flowers  often  deciduous); 
0-1600  m 28a. 

27a.  Laminae  7-80  mm.  long,  usually  narrowly  ovate P.  gracilipes. 

27b.  Laminae  4-15  (30)  mm.  long,  broadly  ovate P.  dauciodora. 

28a.  Laminae  with  thin  long  (0.5-4  mm.)  hairs  on  the  upper  surface,  the  margin 
conspicuously  serrate,  the  upper  leaves  clustered  close  together;  inflores- 
cences 3-8  cm.  long;  600-1600  m P.  pubescens. 

28b.  Laminae  glabrous  above  or  with  a  few  scattered  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long, 
the  margins  bluntly  or  minutely  serrate;  inflorescences  to  3  cm.  long 29a. 

29a.  Leaves  not  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of  stems,  laminae  ovate  to  rhombic,  to 
4  cm.  long;  common  native  plants P.  hyalina. 


29b.  Leaves  usually  clustered  at  the  ends  of  stems,  obovate  to  oblong,  to  6  cm. 
long;  escaped  from  cultivation  but  native  in  Panama P.  involucrata. 

Pilea  acuminata  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser. 
5,  2:302.  1851.  Figure  26. 

Herbs,  stems  often  repent  at  the  base,  0.2-1  m.  tall,  usually  unisexual,  the  erect 
stems  with  few  or  no  lateral  branches,  leafy  internodes  (1)  2-10  (12)  cm.  long,  1-4 
mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  curved  or  crooked  hairs  0.4-1  mm.  long  but  soon  becom- 
ing glabrous,  often  drying  deep  green;  stipules  (4)  7-18  mm.  long,  rounded  apically, 
with  a  few  slender  hairs  along  the  edge,  often  with  many  linear  cystoliths  arranged 
longitudinally  near  the  base,  usually  persisting.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  of  similar 
size  or  occasionally  with  1  twice  the  size  of  the  opposing  leaf  or  the  petioles  very 
different  in  length,  petioles  0.6-6  (8)  cm.  long,  0.6-1.6  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  sparse- 
ly puberulent;  laminae  (2)  4-19  cm.  long,  1.5-6  cm.  broad,  narrowly  ovate  to  lan- 
ceolate or  ovate,  long-acuminate  and  serrate  along  the  tip,  obtuse  or  slightly  round- 
ed at  the  base,  prominently  serrate  with  1  to  3  (5)  sharply  acute  teeth  per  cm.,  the 
laminae  drying  membranaceous  to  thin  chartaceous  and  dark  above,  smooth  above 
and  glabrous  or  with  a  few  long  (0.5-2  mm.)  transparent  hairs  in  groups  between 
the  veins,  sparsely  puberulent  with  short  (0.3-1  mm.)  hairs  on  the  veins  beneath, 
venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with  7  to  15  pairs  of  secondary 
veins,  the  veins  often  impressed  above  and  the  surface  bullate,  cystoliths  often  long 
(0.5-1  mm.)  and  prominent  above.  Inflorescences  unisexual,  borne  in  the  axils  of 
leaves  near  the  ends  of  stems,  pedunculate,  male  inflorescences  1-5  cm.  long  with 
the  flowers  in  3  to  many  dense  clusters  on  a  simple  or  few-branched  rachis  ( rarely 
many-branched),  female  inflorescence  (1)  3-7  cm.  long,  usually  with  3  or  more 
branches  and  the  flowers  separate;  male  flowers  1.2-2  mm.  long  before  anthesis, 
perianth-parts  with  subapical  dorsal  appendages  0.2-0.5  mm.  long,  apically  dark 
green  and  whitish  near  the  base  of  the  flower;  female  flowers  0.7-1  mm.  long.  Fruit 
0.6-1  mm.  long  and  0.3-0.7  mm.  broad,  lenticular,  ovoid  to  ellipsoid  in  outline  with 
the  central  areas  convex  and  the  margin  distinctly  narrowed,  drying  brown. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  evergreen  forests  of  the  Caribbean  slopes 
between  500  and  1700  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  from 
January  to  June.  The  species  ranges  from  Mexico  to  Colombia. 

Pilea  acuminata  is  recognized  by  the  large  stipules,  relatively 
large  and  conspicuously  serrate  leaves  often  on  petioles  of  different 
lengths  and  with  the  laminae  of  a  node  differing  or  similar  in  size 
and  form  and  with  long  serrate  tips,  the  peduncled  relatively  open 
inflorescences,  appendaged  male  perianth-parts,  and  the  small  fruit. 
This  species  can  be  found  on  the  moist  forest  floor  but  occurs  more 
often  on  rocks  near  running  water.  The  leaves  are  usually  somewhat 
bullate  with  impressed  secondary  and  tertiary  veins,  but  this  char- 
acteristic may  be  lost  in  pressed  specimens. 

Material  of  this  species  is  extremely  variable,  both  in  collections 
from  diverse  areas  and  within  populations.  Individual  plants  grow- 


ing  together  may  differ  in  color,  and  those  growing  in  sites  of  differ- 
ing exposure  may  differ  greatly  in  size  and  the  texture  of  leaves. 
In  addition,  Costa  Rican  material  is  much  more  robust  than  Mexi- 
can collections  of  this  species.  Specimens  of  P.  acuminata  may  be 
difficult  to  distinguish  from  P.  pittieri  (q.v.). 

Pilea  angustifolia  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15:295.  1925. 
Figure  26. 

Herbs,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  0.5-1.5  m.  tall,  stems  erect  and  usually  few-branch- 
ed, leafy  internodes  0.5-6  cm.  long,  0.7-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  usually  striate  on 
drying,  minutely  punctate  cystoliths  present  or  absent;  stipules  0.1-1.3  mm.  long, 

1  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  acute,  deciduous.  Leaves  equal  or  subequal  at  a  node,  the 
smaller  usually  more  than  half  as  long  as  the  larger,  the  petiole  usually  differing  in 
size  at  a  node,  2-11  mm.  long,  0.3-0.7  mm.  thick  (dry);  laminae  (2)  3-14  cm.  long,  0.5- 

2  cm.  broad,  linear-lanceolate  to  narrowly  lanceolate  or  narrowly  elliptic,  acute  to 
very  long-acuminate,  acute  to  slightly  rounded  at  the  base,  minutely  serrulate  along 
the  margin  with  3  to  5  teeth  per  cm.,  the  teeth  more  prominent  distally,  the  laminae 
smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  drying  thin  chartaceous  and  green,  vena- 
tion palmate  with  the  3  primary  veins  separate  or  united  near  the  base,  secondary 
veins  numerous,  cystoliths  minutely  punctate  or  very  short-linear.  Male  inflores- 
cences globose  heads  on  long  (2-7  cm.)  filiform  peduncles,  the  heads  about  1  cm. 
in  diameter;  male  flowers  pedicellate,  buds  about  2  mm.  long,  perianth  without 
appendages,  the  free  tips  about  0.4  mm.  long.  Female  inflorescences  of  dense  cy- 
mose  clusters  on  very  slender  peduncles  4-10  mm.  long,  the  clusters  3-8  mm.  thick; 
female  flowers  with  the  larger  perianth-part  1-1.2  mm.  long,  linear-oblong.  Fruit 
0.8-1.2  mm.  long,  ovate  in  outline,  lenticular,  smooth  and  brown,  with  a  definite 
darker  edge. 

Uncommon  plants  of  open  situations  and  also  in  shaded  sites  of 
wet  montane  forest  formations  between  1000  and  2300  m.  elevation; 
probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  This  species  ranges  from 
the  Cordillera  de  Tilaran  southward  to  Cerro  Chirripo  in  the  Cor- 
dillera de  Talamanca  in  Costa  Rica. 

Pilea  angustifolia  is  recognized  by  the  long  narrow  leaves  similar 
in  shape  and  usually  subequal  in  size  at  a  node,  their  bright  green 
color,  the  globose  male  heads  on  long  thin  peduncles,  and  the  small 
clusters  of  female  flowers  on  shorter  peduncles  that  are  also  very 

Pilea  auriculata  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser. 
5,  2:299.  1851.  Pilea  cormanae  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15: 
292.  1925.  Figure  27. 

Herbs,  erect  or  with  stems  procumbent  near  the  base,  5-40  cm.  tall,  erect  stems 
with  few  lateral  branches  or  occasionally  with  many  and  shrub-like  in  form,  usually 
unisexual,  leafy  internodes  (0)  2-20  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with 


minute  (0.1-0.5  mm.)  appressed  hairs,  often  reddish;  stipules  1.5-5  mm.  long,  about 
2  mm.  broad,  slightly  auriculate  at  the  base,  rounded  at  the  apex,  conspicuous  and 
persisting,  pale  brownish  translucent.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  of  similar  size  or 
rarely  one  leaf  about  half  the  size  of  the  other,  petioles  2-30  (40)  mm.  long,  0.2-0.5 
mm.  thick  (dry),  glabrous  or  rarely  sparsely  puberulent;  laminae  6-40  mm.  long,  4- 
35  mm.  broad,  ovate  to  rhombic  or  triangular,  apex  formed  by  the  terminal  tooth  of 
the  coarsely  crenate-serrate  margin,  abruptly  narrowed  at  the  base  but  slightly 
cuneate  at  the  petiole,  margin  with  3  to  6  teeth  per  cm.,  the  laminae  drying  mem- 
branaceous  and  often  translucent,  darker  and  with  scattered  transparent  hairs  0.5-1 
mm.  long  above,  essentially  glabrous  beneath,  venation  subpalmate  with  3  primary 
veins,  the  midvein  with  1  to  3  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  above  the  prominent 
basal  lateral  veins,  linear  cystoliths  very  prominent  on  both  surfaces  (dry).  Inflor- 
escences usually  solitary  in  the  leaf-axils  with  peduncles  (2)  5-30  mm.  long,  with  5  to 
20  flowers  in  short-branched  or  subcapitate  clusters;  male  flowers  pedicellate,  peri- 
anth-parts about  3  (4)  mm.  long  with  subapical  appendages  0.5-1  (1.5)  mm.  long, 
glabrous;  female  flowers  1-2  mm.  long,  the  perianth-parts  of  2  sizes.  Fruit  about  2 
mm.  long  and  1.5  mm.  broad,  very  flat  (lenticular),  and  ovate  in  outline,  thickened 
along  the  edge,  smooth  and  yellowish. 

Plants  of  the  wet  evergreen  formations  of  the  Caribbean  slopes 
and  Central  Highlands  between  1200  and  2700  m.  in  Costa  Rica; 
flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  Southern 
Mexico  to  Western  Panama. 

Pilea  auriculata  is  recognized  by  the  thin  coarsely  serrate  and 
almost  glabrous  isomorphic  leaves,  conspicuous  blunt  intrapetiolar 
stipules  auriculate  at  the  base,  small  inflorescences  on  conspicuous 
peduncles,  male  perianth  with  appendages,  and  relatively  large 
flattened  fruit.  The  leaves  are  often  dark  green  with  the  areas  above 
the  veins  silvery-white  or  very  pale  green  in  life.  A  few  plants  have 
rather  small  ( 1-2  cm.)  leaves  with  very  prominent  teeth  (Lent  1852), 
but  these  are  probably  no  more  than  an  unusual  form.  Pilea  corn- 
manae  was  distinguished  on  the  basis  of  the  leaves  being  rather 
different  in  size  at  each  node  and  the  staminate  perianth  with  longer 
caudate  appendages,  but  I  believe  that  these  represent  a  combina- 
tion of  unusual  extremes  within  the  range  of  variation  of  P.  auricu- 
lata. Two  collections  that  exemplify  this  form  of  variation  (Burger 
&  Gomez  8356  and  Gorman  [Killip]  3543,  the  type)  are  from  the 
western  part  of  the  species  range  and  are  intermediate  with  P.  cor- 
nuto-cucullata  in  some  respects. 

Pilea  beguinotti  Cufodontis,  Archivio  Bot.  Fitogeog.  &  Genet. 
10:29.  1934,  photo.  Figure  26. 

Herbs,  bisexual,  0.3-1  m.  tall,  stems  erect  and  few-branched,  leafy  internodes  1-7 
cm.  long,  2-5  mm.  thick  (dry),  glabrous;  stipules  about  2  mm.  long,  acute,  persist- 
ing. Leaves  of  the  same  node  equal  or  subequal  and  similar  in  form  but  the  petioles 


often  differing  in  size,  petioles  1.5-8  cm.  long,  0.7-1.7  mm.  thick  (dry),  glabrous, 
sulcate  above;  laminae  6-18  cm.  long,  2-6  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic  and  widest  at 
the  center,  short-  to  long-acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  and  often  unequal  at  the 
base,  the  margin  bluntly  serrate  with  1  or  2  teeth  per  cm.,  the  lamina  drying  very 
thin  chartaceous  and  dark,  glabrous,  venation  palmate  with  the  3  primary  veins  usu- 
ally united  above  the  lamina-base  and  separating  from  the  midvein  at  different 
points,  secondary  veins  ascending  and  often  somewhat  S-shaped,  the  cystoliths 
short  linear  and  variously  arranged,  sometimes  absent  on  the  upper  surface.  Inflor- 
escences bisexual  or  unisexual,  2-4  cm.  long,  those  in  lower  leaf-axils  mostly  female, 
the  distal  mostly  male,  the  clusters  of  3  to  10  flowers  separate  along  the  thin  glab- 
rous branches  of  the  inflorescence;  male  flowers  borne  on  pedicels  becoming  1  mm. 
long,  flower  buds  about  1  mm.  long,  perianth  parts  with  very  short  subapical  mucro- 
nate  appendages;  female  flowers  sessile  or  short-pedicellate,  about  1  mm.  long,  peri- 
anth-parts about  0.6  mm.  long,  Fruit  about  1  mm.  long,  with  an  oblique  apex  (not 

Rarely  collected  plants  of  the  wet  montane  forests  along  the  west- 
ern and  south-western  slopes  of  Volcan  Irazii  between  1500  and 
2500  m.  elevation.  This  species  is  known  from  only  two  collections: 
Cufodontis  351  (the  type)  from  near  Guayabillos  and  Standley 
38819  from  near  Las  Nubes,  flowering  in  March  and  May. 

Pilea  beguinotii  is  recognized  by  the  large  subequal  leaves  at  each 
node,  often  on  long  slender  petioles,  the  small  stipules,  glabrous 
parts,  and  flowers  in  small  distant  clusters  on  relatively  short  but 
open  inflorescences.  This  species  resembles  Pilea  myriantha  Killip 
of  northern  South  America,  but  that  species  has  much  larger  inflor- 
escences. Vegetatively  this  species  resembles  P.  quichensis  with 
smaller  less  distinctly  serrulate  laminae  and  P.  pittieri  with  more 
distinctly  serrate  leaves  that  are  usually  broadest  near  the  base. 

Pilea  centradenioides  Seem,  has  been  reported  from  Costa  Rica 
(Standley,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18:394.  1937),  but  I  have  not  seen  mater- 
ial referable  to  this  species  collected  in  Costa  Rica.  I  believe  this 
record  was  based  on  the  misidentification  of  a  collection  of  P.  pteric- 

Pilea  chiriquina  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15:291.  1925. 
Figure  25. 

Herbs  to  1  m.  tall,  unisexual,  stems  becoming  woody  near  the  base,  unbranched  or 
rarely  with  a  few  lateral  branches,  leafy  internodes  3-30  mm.  long,  0.8-4  mm.  thick, 
glabrous,  longitudinally  grooved  and  reddish  brown  when  dry,  semisucculent  in  life; 
stipules  reduced  to  a  ligulate  ridge  about  0.3  mm.  high.  Leaves  of  the  same  node 
very  different  in  size,  smaller  leaves  sessile,  petioles  of  the  larger  leaves  1-4  mm. 
long;  smaller  laminae  1-2  (3)  cm.  long,  ovate  to  ovate-lanceolate  and  usually  very 
asymmetric,  subauriculate  on  one  side  basally,  larger  laminae  2.5-9  cm.  long,  0.7-2 
(2.8)  cm.  broad,  very  narrowly  elliptic  to  lanceolate  or  oblanceolate,  tapering  gradu- 


ally  to  an  acute  or  acuminate  apex,  narrowed  gradually  to  the  base  but  abruptly 
rounded  and  unequal  at  the  petiole,  margin  crenate-serrate  with  3  to  5  shallow  teeth 
per  cm.,  lamina  drying  very  thin  chartaceous  and  dark  above,  smooth  and  glabrous 
on  both  surfaces,  venation  palmately  3-veined  or  subpalmate  with  a  pair  of  lateral 
veins  arising  from  near  the  base,  the  3  to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  often  ob- 
scure, linear  cystoliths  very  conspicuous  above.  Inflorescences  1  or  2  in  the  axils 
of  leaves,  unisexual,  male  flowers  in  densely  clustered  cymes  of  10-30  flowers  on 
simple  peduncles  about  1  cm.  long;  male  flowers  not  seen  at  maturity,  probably  1.5 
mm.  long  before  anthesis  and  the  perianth  with  minute  (-0.5  mm.)  subapical  appen- 
dages; female  flowers  in  dense  capitate  cymes  on  simple  peduncles  about  1  cm.  long, 
the  8  to  20  flowers  very  short  pedicellate;  female  flowers  often  diseased  (?)  with 
black  knob-like  structures  at  the  apex  of  the  pistil.  Fruit  1.5-1.8  mm.  long,  about  1.5 
mm.  broad,  thin  and  lenticular  with  the  edges  somewhat  thickened,  broadly  ovate 
or  suborbicular  in  outline,  drying  dark  brown. 

A  species  known  only  from  the  moist  montane  evergreen  forest 
formations  of  the  Chiriqui  Highlands  between  1400  and  2300  m. 
altitude  in  Western  Panama;  probably  flowering  throughout  the 
year.  Endemic  to  Western  Panama  but  to  be  expected  from  the 
poorly  known  areas  above  1400  m.  in  adjacent  Costa  Rica. 

Pilea  chiriquina  is  recognized  by  the  relatively  small  leaves  very 
unequal  at  each  node  with  shallow  teeth  along  the  margin,  glabrous 
parts,  small  (5-10  mm.)  capitate  inflorescences  on  short  slender 
peduncles,  and  restricted  range  at  higher  altitudes.  This  species  is 
closely  related  to  P.  donnell-smithiana,  which  seems  to  have  the 
same  kind  of  disease  (?)  afflicting  its  female  flowers. 

Pilea  cornuto-cucullata  Cufodontis,  Archivio  Bot.  Sist.  Fitogeog. 
10:29.  1934,  photo.  Figure  27. 

Herbs  with  erect  or  procumbent  stems,  10-50  cm.  tall,  usually  bisexual,  leafy 
internodes  (0.5)  1-5  cm.  long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  crooked  ascending 
hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long;  stipules  2-6  mm.  long,  1-6  mm.  broad,  obtuse  or  rounded 
at  the  apex,  brown,  persisting.  Leaves  similar  in  size  or  with  the  smaller  half  the  size 
of  the  larger  at  the  same  node,  often  differing  in  petiole-length,  petioles  4-35  (40) 
mm.  long,  glabrous  or  with  ascending  crooked  hairs;  lamina  1.5-6  (8)  cm.  long,  1-3.5 
cm.  broad,  ovate  to  ovate-lanceolate  or  elliptic,  obtuse  to  acute  at  the  apex,  obtuse 
or  slightly  rounded  at  the  base,  margin  crenate-serrate  with  3  to  5  shallow  teeth 
per  cm.,  the  lamina  drying  thin  to  stiff  chartaceous  and  dark  above,  glabrous  above 
and  with  a  few  appressed  hairs  on  the  veins  beneath,  venation  palmate  or  occasion- 
ally almost  pinnate  (with  the  basal  secondaries  quite  prominent),  the  3  to  5  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  (above  the  lateral  veins  or  basal  secondaries)  usually  promi- 
nent beneath,  linear  cystoliths  prominent  above  and  below.  Inflorescences  solitary 
or  paired  in  the  upper  leaf-axils,  the  10  to  40  flowers  in  capitate  or  globose  clusters 
1  to  2  cm.  in  diameter  or  the  female  branched,  peduncles  1-4  cm.  long,  0.2-0.8  mm. 
thick  (dry);  male  flowers  pedicellate,  buds  about  4  mm.  long  before  anthesis,  the 
perianth  usually  3-parted  and  with  subapical  appendages  1-2  mm.  long,  glabrous, 


darker  apically;  female  flowers  with  perianth  of  2  lengths  ( 1  hooded).  Fruit  about  2 
mm.  long,  and  1.5  mm.  broad,  much  flattened  and  thin-lenticular,  broadly  ellipsoid 
in  outline,  smooth,  thickened  along  the  edge  and  longitudinally  in  the  center,  drying 
pale  greenish. 

Plants  often  found  in  the  deep  shade  of  the  forest  floor  and  along 
brooks  in  montane  forest  formations  between  2500  and  3200  m. 
elevation;  flowering  material  has  been  collected  in  August  and  No- 
vember. This  species  is  endemic  to  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca 
and  Volcan  Irazu  in  Costa  Rica. 

Pilea  cornuto-cucullata  is  recognized  by  the  usually  long-peduncu- 
late inflorescences,  male  perianth-parts  with  long  appendages,  large 
flat  fruit,  blunt  often  broad  stipules,  and  the  very  high  altitude  hab- 
itat. This  species  is  closely  related  to  P.  fallax  Weddell  of  Western 
Venezuela,  Colombia,  and  Ecuador,  which  grows  at  similarly  high 
elevations.  Among  Costa  Rican  species,  P.  auriculata  is  most  close- 
ly related,  and  the  material  ascribed  to  P.  cornmanae  Killip  (here 
placed  into  synonomy  under  P.  auriculata)  is  in  some  ways  inter- 
mediate between  P.  auriculata  and.  P.  cornuto-cucullata. 

The  proper  delimitation  of  this  species  will  require  more  intensive 
study.  The  type  photograph  appears  quite  atypical  of  the  larger  and 
thicker  leaved  specimens  of  higher  altitudes  that  the  present  des- 
cription is,  in  large  part,  based  upon.  Plants  that  in  some  ways  ap- 
pear to  be  intermediate  between  P.  cornuto-cucullata  (as  here  de- 
fined), P.  auriculata  (including  P.  cornmanae),  and  P.  gracilipes 
have  been  collected  both  in  Costa  Rica  and  in  western  Panama.  It 
may  be  that  there  is  occasional  hybridization  between  these  three 
species  or  that  they  are  not  reproductively  isolated  and  interme- 
diate populations  have  not  been  sufficiently  sampled. 

Two  collections  from  rocks  bordering  small  streams  at  lower  ele- 
vations of  the  wet  Caribbean  slope  are  tentatively  placed  here, 
though  they  may  represent  a  new  and  closely  related  species:  God- 
frey 66371  from  near  the  Rio  Toro  Amarillo  ( Limon )  at  about  200  m. 
and  Lent  3250  above  Laguna  Ule  ( Alajuela)  at  about  900  m..  These 
specimens  have  thinner  and  narrower  leaves,  shorter  stipules,  and 
male  flowers  with  somewhat  shorter  appendages. 

Pilea  costaricensis  Donn.-Smith,  Bot.  Gaz.  20:294.  1896.  Figure 

Erect  herbs  to  1  m.  tall,  apparently  unisexual,  stems  becoming  somewhat  woody, 
leafy  internodes  5-40  mm.  long,  1-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  the  cystoliths  usually 
apparent;  stipules  1-2  (4)  mm.  high,  persisting.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  differing 


greatly  in  size,  smaller  leaves  about  %  the  size  of  the  larger  and  short-petiolate, 
petioles  of  the  larger  leaves  5-40  mm.  long,  about  2  mm.  thick,  slightly  decurrent  on 
the  stem;  smaller  laminae  2-4  cm.  long,  very  narrowly  elliptic  or  elliptic-oblong, 
larger  laminae  4-18  (21)  cm.  long,  1-6.5  cm.  broad,  narrowly  elliptic-ovate  to  very 
narrowly  elliptic  or  lanceolate,  gradually  tapering  to  the  long-acuminate  apex,  grad- 
ually narrowed  to  the  acute  or  attenuate  and  equal  or  subequal  base,  margin  ob- 
scurely crenate-serrate  with  2  to  4  very  shallow  teeth  per  cm.,  the  laminae  drying 
chartaceous  and  not  usually  conspicuously  darker  above  than  below,  glabrous  on 
both  surfaces,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  the  midvein  with  more  than 
10  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  joining  the  lateral  veins,  cystoliths  linear,  various- 
ly oriented  and  visible  on  both  surfaces.  Inflorescences  axillary,  much-branched  cy- 
mose  and  globose,  0.5-4  cm.  in  diameter  and  often  surrounding  the  stem  at  each 
flowering  node,  very  short  pedunculate  or  subsessile;  male  flower  buds  about  2  mm. 
long  before  anthesis,  perianth-parts  with  subapical  projections  0.2-0.5  mm.  long, 
perianth  dark  green  above  and  pale  green  beneath;  female  flowers  about  1  mm.  long, 
perianth-parts  unequal.  Fruit  1-1.5  mm.  long  and  equally  broad,  broadly  elliptic  to 
suborbicular,  the  stigma  subapical,  flattened  and  lenticular  with  smooth  pale  brown 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  forest  formations  of  the  Caribbean  slopes 
and  adjacent  areas  between  1200  and  1800  m.  elevation  in  Costa 
Rica;  flowering  material  has  been  collected  between  February  and 
August.  This  species  is  known  only  from  Central  Costa  Rica  (see 

Pilea  costaricensis  is  recognized  by  the  erect  habit,  long  narrow 
leaves  very  different  in  size  at  a  node,  thick  stems  and  petioles, 
glabrous  parts,  large  round  male  inflorescences  that  often  encircle 
the  stem,  and  round  smoothly  lenticular  fruit.  While  this  species 
is  very  distinctive  in  full  flower,  vegetative  material  is  very  similar 
to  a  group  of  species  (all  with  long  narrow  leaves  very  different  in 
size  at  a  node)  that  include  P.  donnell-smithiana  and  P.  ecbolophylla 
Donn. -Smith  of  Guatemala.  A  series  of  collections  by  Davidson 
(56,  267,  &  717)  from  Bajo  Chorro,  Chiriqui  Province,  Panama,  are 
very  similar  to  material  placed  here  but  differ  in  the  smaller  more 
congested  inflorescences  and  greater  development  of  the  small  leaf 
of  each  node.  These  collections  also  appear  to  have  smaller  flowers 
but  they  are  probably  immature.  This  Bajo  Chorro  material  may 
represent  a  southern  population  of  P.  costaricensis  or  a  closely  re- 
lated and  undescribed  species. 

Pilea  dauciodora  (R.  &  P.)  Weddell,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  3,  Hot.  18: 
223.  1852.  Urtica  dauciodora  Ruiz  &  Pavon,  name  cited  as  synonym 
in  Weddell,  loc.  cit.  Figure  27. 

Herbs,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  leafy  stems  erect,  10-30  cm.  tall,  leafy  internodes 
1-50  mm.  long,  0.4-1.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous;  stipules  0.5-1  (2)  mm.  long,  persisting. 


Leaves  of  the  same  node  of  similar  size  and  shape  or  differing  occasionally  by  about 
25  per  cent,  petioles  1-20  mm.  long,  0.1-1  mm.  thick,  sulcate  above;  laminae  4-15 
(30)  mm.  long,  3-18  (25)  mm.  broad,  broadly  ovate  to  elliptic-ovate,  obtuse  or  occa- 
sionally acute  at  the  apex,  rounded  and  truncate  to  obtuse  at  the  base,  margin  ser- 
rate with  5  to  10  strongly  ascending  and  slightly  rounded  teeth  per  cm.  (often  ap- 
pearing to  be  rounded  crenate),  laminae  drying  chartaceous,  glabrous  on  both  sur- 
faces, venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with  2  to  4  pairs  of  prominent 
secondary  veins,  linear  cystoliths  apparent  or  obscure  above.  Male  inflorescences  2- 
6  cm.  long  with  peduncles  1-5.5  cm.  long,  with  1  to  3  separate  clusters  of  flowers; 
male  flower  buds  about  1.5  mm.  in  diameter,  perianth  parts  with  subapical  appen- 
dages 0.1-0.3  mm.  long.  Female  inflorescences  1-3  cm.  long,  with  peduncles  8-25  mm. 
long,  flower  clusters  separate  on  the  simple  rachis  or  on  1  to  3  short  branches.  Fruit 
0.8-1.4  mm.  long,  0.6-0.8  mm.  broad,  narrowly  ovate  in  outline,  the  center  rounded 
and  thickened  (lenticular)  with  a  broadly  or  a  narrowly  flattened  edge,  surface 
smooth  and  pale  brown. 

Small  plants  of  the  shaded  forest  floor  (or,  rarely,  epiphytes)  in 
evergreen  montane  forest  formations  between  1500  and  3000  m.  ele- 
vation. The  species  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  to  Venezuela  and 
Bolivia  but  is  very  rare  in  Costa  Rica  ( see  below). 

Pilea  dauciodora  is  recognized  by  the  small  broad  leaves  usually 
similar  at  a  node  (in  our  area),  very  small  stipules,  glabrous  parts, 
long-pedunculate  male  inflorescences,  shortly  appendaged  male 
perianth,  and  medium  sized  fruit  with  well  defined  margins.  The 
proper  circumscription  of  this  species  is  not  clear.  Plants  from 
Guatemala  and  Colombia  are  very  similar  but  differ  in  details,  while 
the  plants  commonly  placed  in  this  species  from  the  cloud  forests  of 
Honduras  are  somewhat  smaller  in  all  respects.  This  species  is  un- 
recorded for  Panama  and  Nicaragua  and  the  few  Costa  Rican  collec- 
tions placed  here  (Burger  &  Stolze  6077,  A.  Jimenez  1975  &  3246, 
and  Williams  et  al.  24400)  may  be  no  more  than  very  small  speci- 
mens of  material  otherwise  placed  under  the  name  P.  gracilipes. 
These  two  species,  P.  dauciodora  and  P.  gracilipes,  are  very  closely 
related  and  differ  primarily  in  habit  and  the  fact  that  P.  gracilipes 
appears  to  be  confined  to  Costa  Rica  and  westernmost  Panama.  The 
disjunct  range  of  P.  dauciodora,  the  morphological  variation  in  dif- 
ferent parts  of  its  wide  range,  and  the  relationships  with  closely 
allied  (and  perhaps  conspecific)  species,  such  as  P.  gracilipes,  are 
worthy  of  more  intensive  study  than  a  floristic  review  of  the  Costa 
Rican  material  can  provide. 

Pilea  diversissima  Killip,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18:394.  1937.  Figure  25. 

Herbs  or  climbers  growing  on  tree  trunks,  also  epiphytes  and  epiliths,  apparently 
unisexual,  0.3-1  m.  tall  or  creeping,  leafy  internodes  3-30  mm.  long,  0.7-4  mm.  thick, 


becoming  woody  basally,  glabrous,  with  prominent  linear  cystoliths;  stipules  form- 
ing a  minute  intrapetiolar  (ligulate)  ridge  to  1  mm.  high.  Leaves  of  the  same  node 
very  different  in  size  and  shape,  small  leaves  often  sessile,  petioles  of  the  larger 
leaves  2-8  (15)  mm.  long,  0.3-1.5  mm.  thick,  sulcate  above  and  decurrent  on  the 
stem;  small  laminae  4-12  mm.  long,  narrowly  elliptic  to  oblanceolate,  often  with 
inrolled  margins,  larger  laminae  2-10  (13)  cm.  long,  5-20  (35)  mm.  broad,  oblong- 
lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic  or  linear-lanceolate,  tapering  gradually  to  the 
long-acuminate  apex,  narrowed  to  the  acute  or  obtuse  and  slightly  unequal  base, 
margin  crenate-serrate  with  2  to  4  blunt  teeth  per  cm.,  the  lamina  drying  thin  char- 
taceous  and  usually  dark  above,  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  venation 
palmate  with  a  single  pair  of  lateral  veins,  secondary  veins  numerous,  interconnect- 
ing the  primary  veins,  cystoliths  punctiform  above  and  below  but  linear  and  fusi- 
form near  the  edge  above.  Inflorescences  0.3-2.3  cm.  long,  axillary,  male  open  and 
much  branched,  the  female  of  compact  cymes  on  short  peduncles;  male  flowers 
borne  on  pedicels  1-4  mm.  long,  buds  about  1.5  mm.  long,  before  anthesis,  perianth- 
parts  minutely  (0.1  mm.)  mucronate;  female  flowers  with  perianth  0.5-0.7  mm.  long. 
Fruit  0.7-0.9  (1)  mm.  long,  0.6-0.8  (1)  mm.  broad,  broadly  ellipsoid  in  outline,  flat- 
tened but  with  the  central  axis  raised,  drying  pale  grayish-brown. 

Plants  of  evergreen  forests  subject  to  the  very  wet  Caribbean 
winds  between  (0)  500  and  1600  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  appar- 
ently flowering  throughout  the  year.  This  species  ranges  from  East- 
ern Nicaragua  to  Central  Costa  Rica. 

Pilea  diversissima  is  recognized  by  the  leaves  differing  greatly 
in  size  at  the  same  node,  the  larger  leaves  narrow  and  trinerved, 
glabrous  parts,  small  inflorescences,  fruit  with  centrally  thickened 
longitudinal  ridge,  and  the  plants  often  growing  on  tree  trunks  or 
rocks.  This  is  a  very  distinctive  species  closely  related  to  P.  pansam- 
alana  Bonn. -Smith  of  Guatemala  with  the  smaller  leaves  of  a  node 
larger  and  petiolate  and  the  larger  laminae  more  prominently  ser- 
rate. The  plants  vary  greatly  and  it  is  with  the  larger  erect  plants 
that  difficulties  of  delimitation  arise.  It  may  not  be  possible  to  dis- 
tinguish these  larger  plants  from  P.  ecbolophylla  Donn. -Smith  (Bot. 
Gaz.  46: 115,  the  type  not  seen).  The  plants  included  here  range  from 
slender-stemmed  creeping  epiphytes  with  very  narrow  thin  leaves 
in  which  the  secondary  veins  dry  dark  in  color  on  the  lower  surface 
(as  in  the  type,  Brenes  4851 )  to  thicker-stemmed  erect  plants  reach- 
ing almost  1  m.  in  height  in  wet  sites  and  having  thicker  leaves  that 
dry  paler  in  color  with  obscure  secondary  venation.  As  these  popu- 
lations are  better  sampled,  however,  it  may  become  apparent  that 
the  larger  plants  do  represent  a  distinct  species,  perhaps  closely 
related  to  P.  riparia  Donn. -Smith  of  Guatemala. 

Pilea  donnell-smithiana  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15:292. 
1925.  Figure  25. 


Erect  herbs  to  1  m.  tall,  apparently  unisexual,  sterns  often  unbranched,  leafy  in- 
ternodes  8-40  mm.  long,  1-4.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous;  stipules  1-2  mm.  high,  persisting 
or  tearing  off  to  leave  a  ligulate  ridge.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  very  different  in  size, 
smaller  leaves  subsessile  and  less  than  Vi  the  length  of  the  larger,  petioles  of  the 
larger  leaves  (0.5)  1-3  cm.  long,  1-2  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  slightly  decurrent  and 
forming  an  inter-petiolar  line;  smaller  laminae  1-3  cm.  long,  ovate  to  elliptic,  very 
asymmetric  and  slightly  auriculate  on  one  side  basally,  the  larger  laminae  7-18  cm. 
long,  3-9  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  ovate-lanceolate,  gradually  tapering  to  the  acuminate 
apex,  obtuse  to  rounded  at  the  asymmetric  or  oblique  base,  margins  distinctly 
serrate  with  2  to  4  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  very  thin  chartaceous,  smooth  and 
glabrous  above  and  below,  serration  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  secondary  veins 
variable  in  number  (7-30  pairs)  and  spacing  but  usually  at  right  angles  to  the  pri- 
mary veins  and  interconnecting  them,  linear  cystoliths  visible  above  and  below. 
Inflorescences  solitary  or  2  in  the  leaf-axils,  unisexual,  the  flowers  in  dense  clusters 
on  a  single  unbranched  peduncle  or  in  clusters  on  a  few-branched  axis,  peduncles  2- 
20  (50)  mm.  long;  male  flowers  1-1.5  mm.  long  in  bud,  perianth  apparently  without 
subapical  appendages;  female  flowers  usually  in  clusters  of  5-15  flowers,  borne  on 
short  (0.5-2  mm.)  pedicels,  perianth  of  2  sizes,  the  larger  2  mm.  long.  Fruit  becoming 
2  mm.  long  and  1.5  mm.  broad,  lenticular  and  broadly  ovate  in  outline,  smooth  with 
thin  edges,  drying  dull  brown. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  evergreen  forests  of  the  Caribbean  slope 
and  adjacent  areas  between  1200  and  1800  m.  in  Costa  Rica;  probab- 
ly flowering  throughout  the  year  with  fertile  collections  having  been 
made  from  January  through  September.  The  species  is  known  only 
from  Central  Costa  Rica  and  the  Boquete  area  of  Chiriqui,  Panama. 

Pilea  donnell-smithiana  is  recognized  by  the  distinctly  serrulate 
leaves  very  different  in  size  at  each  node,  with  many  secondary 
veins  and  asymmetric  lamina-base,  glabrous  parts,  small  often  sub- 
capitate  inflorescences,  and  very  wet  forest  habitat.  This  species 
is  very  closely  related  to  P.  purulensis  Donn.-Smith  of  Guatemala, 
but  that  species  has  the  male  flowers  in  more  globose  long-peduncu- 
late heads  and  the  fruit  is  smaller  (1.5  mm. ). 

Pilea  gomeziana  W.  Burger,  Phytologia  31:269.  1975.  Figure  26. 

Herbs,  bisexual  (unisexual  in  early  stages)  leafy  stems  erect  and  unbranched, 
20-50  cm.  tall,  leafy  internodes  (2)  7-50  mm.  long,  1-4  mm.  thick,  puberulent  with 
thin  curved  or  crooked  whitish  hairs  0.3-1  mm.  long;  stipules  4-8  mm.  long,  broad 
and  rounded  at  the  apex,  persisting  with  the  leaves.  Leaves  usually  subequal  and 
similar  in  form  at  each  node,  usually  differing  by  about  one-fourth  in  size  but  occa- 
sionally with  the  smaller  leaf  one-half  the  size  of  the  larger  (at  the  same  node), 
petioles  1-5  cm.  long,  0.4-2  mm.  thick,  sparsely  puberulent,  usually  sulcate  above; 
laminae  3-15  cm.  long,  2.5-7  cm.  broad,  broadly  ovate  to  elliptic-ovate  or  elliptic, 
usually  broadest  below  the  middle,  short-acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  truncate 
at  the  base,  margins  serrate  with  2  to  4  prominent  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying 
very  thin  chartaceous  or  membranaceous,  upper  surface  with  evenly  spaced  slender 


and  transparent  hairs  about  1  mm.  long,  lower  surface  with  smaller  hairs  along  the 
veins,  venation  palmate  with  3  (5)  primary  veins,  the  5  to  10  pairs  of  secondary 
veins  ascending,  very  short  linear  cystoliths  scattered  or  in  groups  above.  Male 
inflorescences  usually  in  the  uppermost  leaf-axils,  1-2  cm.  long,  usually  of  several 
small  clusters  of  flowers  on  an  unbranched  rachis;  male  flowers  subsessile,  the  buds 
about  1  mm.  in  diameter  with  clavate  subapical  appendages  1  mm.  long,  perianth 
usually  with  a  few  thin  hairs.  Female  inflorescence  in  lower  leaf-axils  or  at  lower 
leafless  nodes,  2-5  cm.  long,  the  primary  rachis  with  1  to  4  branches,  flower -clusters 
very  small  and  distant  along  the  rachis;  female  flowers  pedicellate,  less  than  0.5 
mm.  long.  Fruit  about  0.6  mm.  long,  oblong  in  outline  with  convex  surfaces,  pale 
brown,  margins  outlined  by  a  submarginal  ridge  or  dark-punctate  lines. 

Plants  of  stream  sides  and  shaded  forest  on  Cocos  Island;  collec- 
ted with  female  flowers  in  August  and  with  fruit  and  unopened  male 
flowers  in  March.  I  have  seen  only  three  collections  of  this  species: 
Dressier  4469,  Gomez  3304  the  type,  and  Pittier  16238. 

Pilea  gomeziana  is  distinguished  by  its  very  small  flowers  and 
fruit,  subequal  leaves  at  each  node,  large  stipules,  pubescence  of 
slender  hairs,  and  isolated  habitat.  This  species  appears  to  be  rela- 
ted to  P.  pittieri  and  P.  pubescens  among  Costa  Rican  species.  Clo- 
ser relationships  are  to  be  expected  with  South  American  species, 
but  I  have  not  been  able  to  find  any  thus  far. 

Pilea  gracilipes  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15:294.  1925. 
P.  standleyi  Killip,  loc.  cit.  298.  Figure  27. 

Herbs,  stems  often  repent  or  climbing  but  the  leafy  flowering  parts  erect  and 
usually  few-branched,  10-40  cm.  tall,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  1-5  cm. 
long,  0.8-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous  and  succulent  in  life;  stipules  0.8-4  mm.  long,  1-2 
mm.  broad  at  the  base,  obtuse  at  the  apex,  persisting.  Leaves  of  the  same  node 
similar  in  size  and  shape  or  the  smaller  occasionally  one-half  the  length  of  the  larger, 
petioles  3-30  (40)  mm.  long,  0.2-1.3  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  rarely  with  a  few  hairs 
near  the  apex;  laminae  0.7-8  cm.  long,  7-30  mm.  broad,  elliptic-ovate  to  narrowly 
ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate,  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex  or  with  the  smaller  leaves 
obtuse,  obtuse  to  rounded  at  the  base,  bluntly  to  sharply  serrate  with  3  to  6  teeth 
per  cm.,  lamina  drying  membranaceous  to  chartaceous,  smooth  and  essentially  glab- 
rous on  both  surfaces  or  with  a  few  hairs  at  the  base,  venation  palmate  with  3  pri- 
mary veins,  the  lateral  veins  often  united  with  the  midvein  1-3  mm.  above  the  mid- 
vein,  midvein  with  4  to  many  pairs  of  obscure  secondary  veins,  linear  cystoliths 
conspicuous  above.  Inflorescences  1  or  2  in  the  axils  of  upper  leaves,  unisexual  but 
occasionally  with  both  sexes  from  a  single  axil,  often  with  a  long  ( 2-5  cm. )  peduncle 
and  0  to  5  major  branches,  the  flowers  in  sessile  or  short-stalked  clusters  with  the 
male  often  in  capitate  groups  5-10  mm.  in  diameter  and  the  female  usually  separate 
along  the  branches  of  the  inflorescence;  male  flowers  1.5-2  mm.  long  before  anthesis, 
perianth-parts  4  with  subapical  appendages  0.1-1.5  mm.  long;  female  flowers  often 
diseased  (?)  with  black  rounded  structures  at  the  apex  of  the  pistil.  Fruit  1.2-1.6 
mm.  long,  0.8-1  mm.  broad,  narrowly  ovate  in  outline,  lenticular  but  thickened  in  the 
middle  and  the  margin  narrowed  and  distinct,  drying  pale  brown  or  yellow-brown, 


Plants  of  wet  evergreen  montane  forest  formations  between 
(1300)  1800  and  2800  (3300)  m.  elevation;  probably  flowering 
throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  central  Costa  Rica 
to  western  Panama. 

Pilea  gracilipes  is  recognized  by  the  medium-sized  narrow  leaves 
on  thin  petioles  often  differing  slightly  (25  per  cent)  in  size  at  each 
node,  the  small  stipules,  the  usual  lack  of  pubescence,  male  flowers 
usually  on  long-stalked  capitulae,  male  perianth-parts  with  very 
short  (0.2  mm.)  subapical  appendages,  female  flowers  in  separate 
clusters  along  a  simple  or  few-branched  rachis,  and  the  fruit  a  little 
more  than  1  mm.  long  with  definitely  outlined  margin.  Plants  of  the 
Cordillera  de  Talamanaca  often  have  leaves  that  dry  thicker  and 
darker  than  those  from  the  Central  Volcanic  Highlands  while  plants 
of  the  very  moist  slopes  along  the  upper  Rio  Grande  de  Orosi  tend 
to  have  larger  (1.5  mm.)  fruit.  In  addition,  there  are  plants  from 
high  altitudes  that  may  represent  intermediates  with  P.  cornuto- 
cucullata  and  possess  much  more  conspicuous  appendages  on  the 
male  perianth.  The  smaller  plants  of  this  species  with  more  ovate 
leaves  may  be  indistinguishable  from  plants  placed  in  P.  daucio- 
dora:  see  the  discussion  under  that  species. 

Pilea  herniarioides  (Sw.)  Weddell,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  3,  18:207. 
1852.  Urtica  herniarioides  Swartz,  Vet.  Akad.  Handl.  Stockh.  8:64. 
1787.  P.  deltoidea  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser.  5, 
2:298.  1851.  Figure  27. 

Very  small  herbs,  erect  or  prostrate,  2-10  cm.  tall,  much  branched,  leafy  inter- 
nodes  0-10  ( 15)  mm.  long,  about  0.3  mm.  thick  (dry),  glabrous  or  with  slender  whit- 
ish hairs  at  the  nodes;  stipules  about  0.3  mm.  long,  glabrous.  Leaves  of  the  same 
node  similar  in  size,  opposite  along  the  stems  but  the  upper  with  very  short  inter- 
nodes  and  forming  terminal  rosettes,  petioles  (0)  0.2-6  mm.  long,  0.2  mm.  thick 
(dry),  glabrous  or  with  a  few  thin  whitish  hairs;  laminae  1-8  mm.  long,  2-8  mm. 
broad,  deltoid  to  rhombic-orbicular  or  very  broadly  ovate,  rounded  to  bluntly  obtuse 
at  the  apex,  abruptly  narrowed  and  attenuate  at  the  base,  margins  entire,  the  lami- 
nae drying  membranaceous  to  thin  chartaceous,  glabrous  or  with  very  slender 
whitish  hairs  0.1-0.7  mm.  long  on  the  upper  surface  and  along  the  edge,  venation  pal- 
mate but  obscure,  linear  cystoliths  visible  on  the  upper  surface,  variously  oriented 
but  the  majority  transverse  (at  right  angles  to  the  midvein).  Inflorescences  clus- 
tered within  the  axils  of  the  terminal  leaf -rosettes,  about  3-4  mm.  long,  the  flowers 
minute.  Fruit  about  0.5  mm.  long  and  0.2-0.3  mm.  broad,  ellipsoid  and  slightly 
lenticular,  surfaces  smooth  and  pale  brown. 

Small  plants  of  wet  evergreen  areas  or  of  wet  sites  in  seasonally 
dry  areas  from  0-1200  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  collected  with 
flowers  and  fruit  from  July  through  December.  This  species  ranges 


from  Southern  Mexico  to  Western  Panama,  and  from  Florida  in  the 
United  States  through  the  West  Indies. 

Pilea  herniarioides  is  recognized  by  the  very  small  plant-size, 
small  isomorphic  leaves  with  entire  margins,  and  rosette-like  ter- 
minal leaves  with  the  flowers  restricted  to  the  axils  of  these  ro- 
settes. This  species  appears  to  be  uncommon  in  Costa  Rica. 

Pilea  hyalina  Fenzl,  Denkschr.  Akad.  Wiss.  Math.  Naturw. 
(Wien)  1:256.  1850.  Figure  27. 

Small  erect  herbs  10-30  cm.  tall,  bisexual,  unbranched  or  more  often  with  several 
lateral  branches  and  bush-like  form,  leafy  internodes  4-40  mm.  long,  0.4-2.5  mm. 
thick,  glabrous,  succulent  but  drying  yellowish  and  often  translucent;  stipules 
rudimentary  and  less  than  1  mm.  long,  usually  obscure.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  of 
similar  size  and  shape,  petioles  4-40  mm.  long,  0.2-0.8  mm.  thick  (dry),  glabrous; 
laminae  0.7-4  (6)  cm.  long,  0.6-3  (4)  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptic-ovate  or  rhombic, 
acute  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  abruptly  rounded  at  the  base,  crenate-serrate  or  serrate 
(except  near  the  base)  with  3  to  6  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  membranaceous, 
upper  surface  with  a  few  scattered  transparent  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long,  the  lower 
surface  essentially  glabrous,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with 
3  to  7  pairs  of  obscure  secondary  veins,  short-linear  cystoliths  usually  visible  above. 
Inflorescences  in  the  axils  of  many  nodes  and  solitary  or  paired,  3-20  (30)  mm.  long, 
short-peduncled  but  usually  much-branched  and  cymose-paniculate,  bisexual  but 
the  male  flowers  soon  lost,  flowers  in  congested  clusters  1-3  mm.  long;  male  and 
female  flowers  about  0.5  mm.  long.  Fruit  0.3-0.5  mm.  long,  ovoid  to  broadly  ellipsoid 
in  outline,  thick-lenticular  with  narrowed  margins,  drying  yellowish  brown  or  pale 

Plants  of  seasonally  dry  or  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  be- 
tween (0)  500  and  1800  m.  and  collected  most  often  around  the  Me- 
seta  Central  and  the  General  Valley  in  Costa  Rica  ( apparently  rare 
on  the  Caribbean  slope  and  not  recorded  from  the  deciduous  areas  of 
Guanacaste),  collected  in  flower  and  fruit  from  June  to  March.  The 
species  ranges  from  Mexico  and  the  Lesser  Antilles  to  Chile  and 

Pilea  hyalina  is  recognized  by  the  small  short-lived  habit,  thin 
isomorphic  leaves  at  a  node,  few  hairs  on  the  upper  lamina-surface, 
minute  fruit,  and  lack  of  developed  stipules.  A  succulent-stemmed 
plant  of  moist  sites  and  along  water  courses;  completing  its  life 
cycle  in  the  wet  season.  This  species  resembles  P.  dauciodora  with 
larger  flowers  and  fruit. 

Pilea  impari folia  Weddell,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  3,  18:212.  1852. 
Figure  25. 

Herbs,  scandent  or  rarely  terrestrial  and  erect,  usually  rooting  in  the  ground  and 


climbing  up  tree  trunks  with  adventitous  roots,  occasionally  epiphytic,  apparently 
unisexual,  leafy  internodes  5-20  mm.  long,  0.5-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous;  stipules  0.2-1 
mm.  high,  broad  and  rounded  at  the  apex,  usually  persisting  as  an  obscure  ligulate 
ridge.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  differing  greatly  in  size,  the  smaller  leaves  sessile  or 
subsessile,  larger  leaves  with  petioles  2-10  mm.  long,  glabrous,  decurrent  on  the 
stem;  smaller  laminae  5-15  mm.  long,  about  equally  broad  and  asymmetric,  ovate 
to  orbicular-reniform,  larger  laminae  2-7  cm.  long,  1-3  cm.  broad,  elliptic  to  elliptic- 
ovate,  oblong  or  rarely  obovate,  with  a  rounded  or  acute  terminal  tooth  at  the  apex, 
acute  to  obtuse  or  attenuate  at  the  oblique  and  asymmetric  base,  sides  of  the  lamina 
often  1-2  mm.  distant  on  the  petiole,  margin  usually  coarsely  crenate-serrate  with 
2  to  4  teeth  per  cm.,  drying  membranaceous  to  very  thin  chartaceous  and  dark 
above,  glabrous,  venation  pinnate  but  with  the  basal  secondaries  often  prominent 
and  arising  separately  from  the  midvein  and  with  2  or  3  additional  pairs  of  major 
secondary  veins,  cystoliths  usually  short-linear  above  and  punctiform  beneath. 
Inflorescences  unisexual  and  very  small  (2-5  mm.),  cymose  of  few  (4-8)  flowers 
sessile  or  on  a  peduncle  1-2  mm.  long;  male  flowers  borne  on  pedicels  1-3  mm.  long, 
from  a  fasciculate  base  in  leaf-axils  or  on  lower  leafless  stems,  perianth  1-2  mm.  long 
before  anthesis,  minutely  mucronate  with  subapical  appendages  0.2-0.4  mm.  long, 
glabrous;  female  flowers  about  0.5  mm.  long.  Fruit  about  1  mm.  long,  and  0.7  mm. 
broad,  much  flattened  and  ovoid-elliptic  in  outline,  the  edge  and  longitudinal  central 
axis  thickened,  very  pale  in  color  (dry). 

Plants  of  wet  evergreen  forest  formations  from  near  sea  level  to 
1600  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  of  Costa 
Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges 
from  Costa  Rica  to  Northern  Peru  and  Amazonian  Brazil. 

Pilea  imparifolia  is  recognized  by  the  climbing  habit,  leaves  of  a 
node  very  different  in  size,  unequal  oblique  base  of  the  large  lami- 
nae, pinnate  or  subpalmate  venation,  glabrous  parts,  and  very  small 
inflorescences.  The  very  small  size  of  flowers  and  inflorescences  has 
resulted  in  very  few  fertile  collections  (Lent  434,  1590,  &2811 ).  This 
species  is  closely  related  to  P.  pansamalana  Bonn. -Smith  of  Guate- 
mala, but  that  species  has  longer  and  narrower  large  leaves  with  dis- 
tinctly palmate  (triplinerved)  venation.  Pilea  tilarana  of  the  Sierra 
de  Tilaran  and  adjacent  areas  is  a  terrestrial  with  very  different 
fruit  but  rather  similar  aspect  vegetatively.  Our  material  of  P.  im- 
parifolia differs  from  South  American  material  in  the  shorter  appen- 
dages on  the  male  perianth-parts  (0.2  mm.)  and  somewhat  different 
lamina-form.  However,  the  form  of  the  leaves  varies  greatly  in  this 
and  related  species,  even  on  the  same  plant. 

Pilea  involucrata  (Sims)  Urban,  Symb.  Antill.  1:298.  1899.  Urtica 
involucrata  Sims,  Bot.  Mag.  51:  pi.  2481.  1824. 

Herbs,  lower  stems  often  repent,  erect  stems  5-30  cm.  tall,  bisexual  or  unisexual, 
leafy  internodes  0-5  (40)  mm.  long,  about  1.5  mm.  thick,  with  appressed  ascending 


often  curved  hairs  0.2-0.5  mm.  long;  stipules  3-4  mm.  long  equally  broad,  rounded  at 
the  apex,  persisting.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  usually  similar  in  size  and  shape,  the 
leaves  often  clustered  near  or  at  the  ends  of  erect  stems,  petioles  3-7  mm.  long, 
about  1  mm.  thick,  puberulent;  laminae  2-6  cm.  long,  1.3-3.8  cm.  wide,  bluntly  ob- 
tuse to  rounded  at  the  apex,  narrowed  below  the  middle  to  the  obtuse  or  slightly 
rounded  base,  obovate  to  elliptic-obovate  or  oblong,  margin  very  finely  crenate- 
serrate  in  the  distal  half  with  4  to  6  obscure  teeth,  laminae  drying  membranaceous 
or  very  thin  chartaceous  and  dark  above,  ciliolate  along  the  edge,  puberulent  on  the 
veins  beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  cystoliths  linear  to  fusiform 
and  usually  confined  to  the  margin  above.  Inflorescences  usually  unisexual,  sub- 
sessile  in  the  axils  of  the  distal  leaves  near  the  stem  apex,  5-30  mm.  long,  much 
branched.  Fruit  about  0.5  mm.  long  and  0.4  mm.  thick,  ovoid  or  very  slightly  flat- 
tened, drying  yellowish  or  pale  brown,  stigma  becoming  curved  and  subterminal. 

Apparently  an  escape  from  cultivation  near  the  Lankester  gar- 
dens in  the  province  of  Cartago  at  1300  m.  elevation.  The  species 
ranges  naturally  from  Central  Panama  to  Colombia,  Venezuela,  and 
the  West  Indies. 

Pilea  microphylla  (L.)  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt. 
ser.  5,  2:296.  1851.  Parietaria  microphylla  L.,  Syst.  ed.  10.  1308. 
1759.  Pilea portula  Liebm.,  loc.  cit.  297.  1851,  (photo).  Figure  25. 

Herbs,  erect  or  procumbent,  usually  much  branched  and  often  forming  flat  mats, 
2-25  cm.  tall,  usually  bisexual,  stems  succulent,  leafy  internodes  (0)  1-20  mm.  long, 
0.3-3  mm.  thick  and  longitudinally  ridged  when  dry,  glabrous;  stipules  minute  or 
undeveloped.  Leaves  usually  differing  greatly  in  size  at  the  same  node,  petioles  0.3- 
8  mm.  long,  glabrous;  laminae  0.5-10  (14)  mm.  long,  0.5-4  (5)  mm.  broad,  broadly 
elliptic  to  ovate  or  obovate,  rounded  to  bluntly  obtuse  at  the  apex,  usually  cuneate 
at  the  base,  margins  entire,  laminae  drying  thin  to  stiffly  chartaceous  (succulent 
in  life),  smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  venation  pinnate,  the  3  or  4  pairs  of 
secondary  veins  obscure,  linear  cystoliths  0.2-0.4  mm.  long  usually  visible  on  the 
upper  surface  and  mostly  transverse  (at  right  angles  to  the  midvein).  Inflorescences 
of  small  axillary  clusters  0.5-4  mm.  long  with  3  to  8  flowers,  sessile  or  subsessile; 
male  and  female  flowers  about  0.5  mm.  long.  Fruit  0.3-0.5  mm.  long  and  about  0.3 
mm.  broad,  ovoid  and  somewhat  flattened,  smooth  and  lustrous  brown. 

Plants  of  open  sites  in  wet  evergreen  areas  or  wet  situations  or 
periods  in  seasonally  dry  areas  between  sea  level  and  1500  m.  eleva- 
tion in  Costa  Rica  but  not  collected  from  below  800  m.  on  the  Pacific 
slopes;  flowering  throughout  the  year  but  collected  most  often  from 
July  to  January.  The  species  ranges  throughout  the  American 
Tropics  to  altitudes  as  high  as  2500  m.  (fide  Killip). 

Pilea  microphylla  is  recognized  by  its  very  small  opposite  and 
unequal  leaves,  small  dense  growth-form,  and  flowers  in  small  axil- 
lary clusters.  This  species  is  often  found  in  the  moist  crevices  of 
walls  and  pavements  in  the  towns  of  the  Meseta  Central  during  the 


wet  season.  It  is  common  in  the  Caribbean  lowlands,  but  the  species 
is  not  found  in  the  deep  shade  of  dark  forest.  The  species  varies 
greatly  in  size  and  aspect,  from  dense  moss-like  little  plants  to  more 
diffuse  forms  with  long  (12  mm.)  narrow  leaves  on  slender  inter- 
nodes  to  20  mm.  long  (  as  in  the  type  of  P.  portula). 

Pilea  nummularifolia  ( Sw. )  Weddell,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat.  ser.  3,  18:255. 
1852.  Urtica  nummularifolia  Swartz,  Svensk.  Vet.  Akad.  8:63.  1787. 
Figure  2  7. 

Herbs,  usually  unisexual,  repent  with  adventitious  roots  at  many  nodes,  leafy 
internodes  5-30  mm.  long,  puberulent  with  very  thin  hairs  about  0.5  mm.  long; 
stipules  2-3  mm.  long,  equally  broad,  translucent  and  ciliolate,  rounded  at  the  apex, 
persistent.  Leaves  usually  of  similar  size  at  each  node,  petioles  3-12  mm.  long; 
laminae  3-15  mm.  long  and  equally  broad,  very  broadly  ovate  to  suborbicular,  round- 
ed or  bluntly  obtuse  at  the  apex,  rounded  and  subtruncate  to  subcordate  at  the 
base,  margin  minutely  crenulate,  the  lamina  drying  opaque  and  membranaceous, 
upper  surface  with  slender  transparent  hairs  about  1.5  mm.  long  and  with  shorter 
hairs  beneath,  venation  palmate  with  the  3  primary  veins  often  obscure,  cystoliths 
often  obscure.  Inflorescences  axillary  or  terminal,  about  1  cm.  long,  with  few  very 
short  lateral  branches.  Fruit  about  0.5  mm.  long  and  0.4  mm.  broad,  ovate  in  out- 
line, slightly  flattened  and  lenticular,  surfaces  smooth  and  pale  brown. 

Plants  apparently  escaped  from  cultivation  and  known  only  from 
the  cities  of  San  Jose  and  Limon  in  Costa  Rica.  The  species  ranges 
naturally  from  the  West  Indies  to  northern  South  America  and 
Amazonian  Peru.  The  very  small  round  leaves  crenate,  puberulent, 
and  of  similar  size  at  the  same  node  on  slender  trailing  stems  make 
these  plants  especially  attractive  when  grown  in  hanging  baskets. 

Pilea  pallida  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15:295.  1925.  Figure 

Herbs,  unisexual,  0.3-0.8  m.  tall,  stems  usually  unbranched,  often  thickened  be- 
tween the  nodes,  leafy  internodes  1-6  cm.  long,  1-3.5  mm.  thick  (dry),  minutely 
puberulent  with  appressed  hairs  0.1-0.3  mm.  long;  stipules  2.5-4  mm.  long,  triangu- 
lar, acute  or  blunt  at  the  apex,  persisting  or  deciduous.  Leaves  equal  or  subequal 
at  a  node  (rarely  differing  greatly  in  size  at  the  lower  nodes),  similar  in  shape,  the 
petioles  often  differing  in  length  at  the  same  node,  4-50  mm.  long,  0.6-1.7  mm.  thick, 
glabrous  or  minutely  puberulent,  sulcate  above;  laminae  5-19  cm.  long,  1.4-6  cm. 
broad,  lanceolate  to  very  narrowly  elliptic  or  very  narrowly  ovate,  long-acuminate 
at  the  apex,  acute  at  the  base,  margin  with  3  to  5  obtuse  serrations  per  cm.,  lamina 
drying  thin  chartaceous,  smooth  and  glabrous  above,  minutely  puberulent  or  glab- 
rous below,  palmately  3-veined,  the  midvein  with  10  to  16  secondary  veins,  minute 
punctate  and  short  (0.4  mm.)  linear  cystoliths  prominent  on  the  darker  upper  sur- 
face. Male  inflorescences  tightly  congested  globose  clusters  in  the  axils  of  leaves, 
5-10  mm.  in  diameter,  branches  of  the  cymes  and  pedicels  not  visible;  male  flower 


buds  about  2  mm.  long  including  prominent  (0.4  mm.)  subapical  appendages.  Fe- 
male inflorescences  short-branched  cymose  clusters  3-15  mm.  long  and  equally 
broad,  the  flowers  closely  approximate  but  not  congested,  female  flower  with  the 
larger  perianth-part  0.6-1  mm.  long.  Fruit  0.7-0.9  mm.  long,  broadly  ovate  in  out- 
line, lenticular,  dark  reddish  brown  to  black  and  minutely  papillose  when  dry,  with 
raised  circular  areas  on  the  2  flat  faces. 

Plants  of  shaded  sites  in  wet  forest  formations  and  common  on 
the  Osa  peninsula  but  rarely  found  in  montane  forests  to  as  high  as 
1700  m.  elevation;  flowering  collections  have  been  made  from 
March  through  August.  This  species  is  known  only  from  the  areas 
between  the  Rio  Sardinal  (Heredia)  in  Costa  Rica  and  El  Valle  de 
Anton  ( Cocle)  in  Panama. 

Pilea  pallida  is  recognized  by  the  large  narrow  and  prominently 
serrate  leaves  usually  subequal  at  a  node  that  dry  pale  greenish- 
gray  beneath,  the  dense  axillary  clusters  of  male  flowers,  and  the 
small  female  inflorescences  with  unusual  fruit. 

Pilea  parietaria  (L.)  Blume,  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.  Bat.  2:48.  1856. 
Urticaparietaria  L.,  Sp.  PL  985.  1753.  Figure  27. 

Herbs,  erect  or  procumbent,  (10)  20-80  (100)  cm.  tall,  bisexual,  leafy  internodes 
(5)  10-60  mm.  long,  0.7-4  mm.  thick,  glabrous  and  succulent,  becoming  reddish; 
stipules  1-3  mm.  long,  with  prominent  linear  cystoliths,  persisting.  Leaves  of  the 
same  node  usually  of  similar  size  but  often  differing  in  petiole-length,  petioles  3- 
40  mm.  long,  0.5-1  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  slender  hairs,  sulcate  above;  laminae 
(0.6)  1-6(8)  cm.  long,  (4)  6-28  mm.  broad,  elliptic  to  elliptic-ovate  or  ovate-lanceolate, 
the  smaller  laminae  often  ovate  or  broadly  elliptic,  acute  or  short-acuminate  at  the 
apex,  obtuse  or  slightly  rounded  at  the  unequal  base,  margins  entire,  the  laminae 
drying  membranaceous  or  very  thin  chartaceous,  smooth  above  with  sparse  slender 
transparent  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long,  with  similar  hairs  along  the  margin  and  shorter 
hairs  on  the  veins  beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  lateral  veins 
occasionally  forming  cavities  at  the  junction  with  the  midvein,  secondary  veins 
thin  and  obscure,  linear  or  slender  curved  cystoliths  usually  visible  on  both  surfaces. 
Inflorescences  solitary  or  paired  in  the  leaf-axils,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  1-4  cm.  long, 
pedunculate  and  branched  or  unbranched,  the  flowers  in  clusters  of  5  to  30  on  a 
glabrous  succulent  rachis  drying  0.2-0.6  mm.  thick;  male  flowers  usually  borne  on 
the  distal  inflorescences,  perianth  parts  with  very  short  (0.2  mm.)  subapical  appen- 
dages; female  flowers  about  1  mm.  long,  short-stipitate.  Fruit  0.5-0.7  mm.  long, 
0.4-0.5  mm.  broad,  lenticular  and  ovoid  to  ellipsoid,  pale  brown  and  smooth,  margin 
slightly  thickened. 

Plants  of  wet  evergreen  montane  (premontane  and  lower  montane 
wet  and  rain  forest)  formations  between  1100  and  2200  m.  elevation 
along  the  Caribbean  slopes  and  in  the  central  highlands  of  Costa 
Rica;  flowering  throughout  the  year  but  collected  most  often  be- 
tween January  and  August.  The  species  ranges  from  Guatemala 
to  Western  Panama  and  the  West  Indies. 


Pilea  parietaria  is  recognized  by  the  isomorphic  opposite  leaves 
with  entire  margins  often  on  petioles  of  differing  lengths,  the  thin 
laminae  with  slender  hairs,  the  short  persisting  ligulate  stipules, 
and  the  small  fruit.  This  species  is  common  in  many  areas,  but  it  is 
not  usually  found  in  primary  habitats.  However,  these  primary 
areas  do  have  relatively  open,  partly  shaded  sites  similar  to  those 
favored  by  this  species,  and  this  may  indicate  that  the  species  is  not 
native  to  Costa  Rica. 

Pilea  pittieri  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15:298.  1925.  P. 
phenacoides  Killip  in  Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Bot.  18: 1548.  1938.  Figure 

Herbs,  stems  erect,  procumbent,  or  climbing  with  adventitious  roots,  bisexual  or 
unisexual,  leafy  internodes  1-8  ( 14)  cm.  long,  0.8-2.5  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent 
with  crooked  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long  or  glabrescent;  stipules  4-8  mm.  long,  about  2 
mm.  broad,  blunt  at  the  apex,  oblong  or  obovate,  glabrous,  usually  persisting  with 
the  leaves.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  of  similar  size  or  rarely  one  75  per  cent  the 
length  of  the  larger,  petioles  6-50  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent; 
laminae  (1.5)  4-14  cm.  long,  1.3-7  cm.  broad,  narrowly  to  broadly  ovate  or  rarely 
elliptic-lanceolate,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  abruptly  rounded  at  the  base, 
margin  conspicuously  serrate  to  bluntly  crenate-serrate  with  1  to  4  teeth  per  cm., 
the  laminae  usually  drying  thin-chartaceous  and  dark  above,  glabrous  and  smooth 
above,  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath  with  very  minute  (0.1  mm.)  curved  hairs, 
venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with  7  to  10  pairs  of  secondary 
veins,  linear  cystoliths  0.2-0.5  mm.  long  and  apparent  on  the  upper  surface.  Inflor- 
escences unisexual,  the  male  and  female  very  different,  male  flowers  in  globose 
clusters  1-2  cm.  in  diameter  on  short  (1-20  mm.)  peduncles  in  the  axils  of  older  or 
fallen  leaves,  female  inflorescence  (2)  3-10  cm.  long  in  the  axils  of  distal  leaves,  pani- 
culate in  form  with  several  major  branches  and  the  flowers  in  small  open  clusters; 
male  flowers  about  2  mm.  long  before  anthesis  with  minutely  puberulent  clavate 
appendages  about  1  mm.  long  subapically  attached  to  the  perianth-parts;  female 
flowers  narrowly  tubular,  about  1  mm.  long,  1  perianth  segment  longer  than  the 
others  and  hooded.  Fruit  about  1.2  mm.  long  and  0.8  mm.  broad,  flattened  and 
lenticular  but  often  with  a  longitudinal  central  rib,  ovate  to  elliptic  in  outline,  dry- 
ing reddish-brown. 

Plants  of  the  shade  of  very  wet  forest  formations  subject  to  the 
wet  Caribbean  winds  between  (500)  700  and  2300  m.  elevation  in 
Costa  Rica;  flowering  material  has  been  collected  between  February 
and  August.  This  species  is  known  only  from  the  Caribbean  slopes 
and  adjacent  highlands  of  Central  Costa  Rica,  from  above  the  San 
Carlos  plain  ( Alajuela)  eastward  to  the  western  edge  of  the  General 
Valley  ( Cartago  and  San  Jose). 

Pilea  pittieri  is  recognized  by  the  generally  isomorphic  leaves 
often  with  petioles  of  different  lengths,  coarsely  serrate  laminae, 


glabrous  above  and  minutely  puberulent  on  the  veins  beneath,  large 
stipules,  the  male  flowers  in  short-pedunculate  subsessile  heads  and 
with  unusual  perianth-appendages,  and  the  female  flower  on  open 
branched  inflorescences  near  the  apex  of  the  erect  shoots.  The 
plants  often  climb  on  the  bases  of  tree  trunks.  The  appendages  on 
the  male  perianth-parts  are  quite  variable.  They  may  become  2  mm. 
long  and  clavate,  but  this  may  be  a  very  unusual  occurrence  (Burger 
&  Gentry  8697).  The  leaves  vary  from  coarsely  serrate  to  inconspic- 
uously crenate.  Pilea  pittieri  is  closely  related  to,  and  may  be  diffi- 
cult to  distinguish  from,  P.  acuminata. 

Pilea  ptericlada  Donn.-Smith,  Hot.  Gaz.  31:121.  1901.  Figure 

Herbs,  lower  stems  often  decumbent,  erect  shoots  15-40  cm.  tall,  usually  un- 
branched,  bisexual  or  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  (2)  5-35  mm.  long,  1.5-4  mm. 
thick,  at  first  with  ascending  brownish  hairs  0.3-0.8  mm.  long  but  becoming 
glabrescent;  stipules  (2)  5-8  mm.  long,  3-5  mm.  broad,  blunt  at  the  apex,  thick 
and  opaque,  usually  glabrous.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  usually  of  similar  size  and 
shape,  petioles  5-18  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  glabrous  or  with  ascending 
curved  hairs  0.1-0.5  mm.  long,  sulcate  above;  laminae  (3)  6-20  cm.  long,  3-8.5  cm. 
broad,  narrowly  to  broadly  elliptic,  elliptic-oblong,  or  narrowly  obovate,  usually 
acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  to  attenuate  at  the  base  and  often  long  decurrent, 
margin  bluntly  serrate  with  1  to  4  prominent  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  mem- 
branaceous  to  very  thin  chartaceous  and  dark  above,  glabrous  above  and  with 
short  (0.1-0.5  mm.)  usually  curved  ascending  yellowish-brown  hairs  on  the  veins 
beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins  united  for  5-20  mm.  near  the 
base,  midvein  with  about  8  to  12  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  joining  with  the 
lateral  veins,  cystoliths  punctate  or  short -linear  and  often  obscure  above.  Inflor- 
escences usually  solitary  in  the  upper  leaf-axils,  unisexual,  2-6  cm.  long,  peduncu- 
late, with  secondary  and  tertiary  branching,  paniculate  with  flowers  in  relatively 
open  clusters;  male  flowers  pedicellate,  flower -buds  narrow  in  early  stages,  about 
1.5  mm.  long  before  anthesis,  perianth  with  subapical  appendages  about  0.3  mm. 
long;  female  flowers  subsessile  or  borne  on  slender  pedicels,  pistil  about  0.7  mm. 
long.  Fruit  1.5-1.8  mm.  long,  0.8-1  mm.  broad,  ovate  to  elliptic  in  outline,  quite 
flat,  edges  and  a  central  circular  area  outlined  by  very  small  brown  spots  on  a 
pale  yellowish  background,  slightly  narrowed  beneath  the  terminal  stigma. 

Plants  of  wet  situations  in  shaded  swamp  forest  and  stream 
sides  in  evergreen  lowland  formations  and  on  the  forest  floor  in  very 
wet  evergreen  forest  formations  from  near  sea  level  to  1800  m. 
elevation;  flowering  and  fruiting  collections  have  usually  been  made 
between  March  and  June.  The  species  is  restricted  to  the  Caribbean 
slopes  and  adjacent  areas  of  Costa  Rica  and  Panama. 

Pilea  ptericlada  is  recognized  by  the  isomorphic  leaves  at  each 
node  that  are  serrate  and  resemble  the  leaves  of  Melastomaceae, 


the  laminae  usually  long-decurrent  on  the  petiole  with  the  lateral 
veins  arising  from  the  midvein  well  above  the  petiole,  complex 
inflorescences,  and  unusual  flat  fruit  with  an  ellipsoid  area  out- 
lined by  a  narrow  line  of  minute  brown  marks  (dry).  The  decur- 
rent  lamina-base  is  unusual  among  our  species  but  similar  to  P. 
irrorata  Donn.-Smith  of  Guatemala. 

Pilea  pubescens  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser. 
5,  2:302.  1851.  Figure  27. 

Herbs  10-50  cm.  tall,  usually  bisexual,  lower  stems  often  repent  and  rooting  at 
the  nodes,  the  erect  stems  with  1  or  several  branches,  terminal  internodes  often 
very  short  with  a  rosette  of  leaves,  leafy  internodes  (0)  7-80  mm.  long,  1-3  mm. 
thick,  puberulent  with  curved  or  crooked  thin  hairs  0.2-0.8  mm.  long;  stipules  1-4 
mm.  long,  1-2  mm.  broad,  rounded  or  obtuse  at  the  apex,  translucent,  sparsely 
puberulent,  persistent.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  similar  in  size,  petioles  4-30  mm. 
long,  0.3-0.8  mm.  thick,  puberulent;  laminae  1-6  (7)  cm.  long,  0.8-4  cm.  broad, 
broadly  ovate  to  triangular,  acute  to  obtuse  at  the  apex,  obtuse  to  abruptly 
truncate  at  the  base,  margin  coarsely  serrate  with  2  to  4  (6)  teeth  per  cm.,  the 
laminae  drying  membranaceous  to  very  thin  chartaceous  and  dark  above,  smooth 
above  but  with  translucent  hairs  0.5-4  mm.  long,  with  shorter  thinner  hairs  on 
the  veins  beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  the  midvein  with  3 
to  6  pairs  of  secondaries,  short  linear  cystoliths  apparent  above.  Inflorescences 
usually  restricted  to  the  distal  leafy  nodes,  axillary,  often  bisexual,  3-8  cm.  long, 
with  several  divergent  branches  from  a  primary  peduncle  1-6  cm.  long,  the  sec- 
ondary branches  often  with  tertiary  branches  and  the  inflorescence  a  complex 
panicle,  flowers  in  small  (2-3  mm.)  clusters  along  the  branches  of  the  panicle; 
male  flowers  in  the  lower  parts  of  the  panicle,  about  2  mm.  long  before  anthesis, 
perianth-parts  with  apical  appendages  about  0.3  mm.  long;  female  flowers  much 
more  numerous  than  the  male.  Fruit  0.5-0.6  mm.  long  and  0.3  mm.  broad,  thick- 
lenticular,  ovoid  to  ellipsoid  in  outline,  smooth  and  reddish  brown. 

Plants  of  wet  and  seasonally  dry  evergreen  forest  formations 
between  600  and  1600  m.  elevation  in  the  Sierra  de  Tilaran  and 
around  the  Meseta  Central  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  throughout 
the  year  but  collected  most  often  between  May  and  September. 
The  species  ranges  from  Mexico  to  Southeastern  Brazil. 

Pilea  pubescens  is  recognized  by  its  short  stature,  the  leaves 
similar  in  size  at  a  node  and  the  upper  ones  closely  clustered, 
presence  of  hairs  on  many  parts,  strongly  serrate  laminae  with 
long  hairs  on  the  upper  surface,  complex  often  bisexual  inflores- 
cences with  a  few  male  flowers  in  lower  parts,  and  the  small  fruit. 
This  species  is  related  to  P.  acuminata  of  larger  size  and  the  very 
much  smaller  P.  herniariodes. 


Pilea  quichensis  Donn.-Smith,  Bot.  Gaz.  19:12.  1894.  Figure  26. 

Herbs,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  0.5-1  m.  tall,  stems  erect  and  usually  unbranched 
above  the  base,  leafy  internodes  0.6-6  cm.  long,  glabrous  or  rarely  very  sparsely 
puberulent;  stipules  0.5-3  mm.  long  or  apparently  absent  in  ours  (caducous?), 
deciduous.  Leaves  equal  or  subequal  at  a  node,  similar  in  form,  the  petioles  simi- 
lar or  very  different  at  a  node,  1-6  cm.  long,  0.3-1.2  mm.  thick  (dry),  sulcate 
above;  laminae  6-15  cm.  long,  1.3-3.5  cm.  broad,  very  narrowly  elliptic  to  narrow- 
ly elliptic-oblong  or  lanceolate,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  acute  at  the  base,  the  mar- 
gin minutely  serrulate  with  about  3  teeth  per  cm.,  often  entire  along  the  proximal 
half  of  the  lamina,  drying  thin  chartaceous  and  dark,  smooth  and  glabrous  on 
both  surfaces,  venation  palmate  with  the  3  primary  veins  separate  or  united  just 
above  the  base,  secondary  veins  numerous,  the  pale  colored  linear  cystoliths 
prominent  on  the  dark  upper  surface.  Male  inflorescences  (not  seen  from  Costa 
Rica)  1-3  cm.  long,  paniculate,  male  flowers  pedicellate,  buds  1.8  mm.  long,  peri- 
anth with  short  (0.2  mm.)  subapical  appendages.  Female  inflorescences  1-3  cm. 
long,  short-branched  panicles  with  clustered  flowers.  Fruit  about  0.8  mm.  long, 
broadly  ovate  in  outline,  lenticular,  surface  brown  and  smooth  or  very  minutely 
puncticulate,  the  edge  abruptly  narrowed. 

A  species  of  wet  evergreen  cloud  forests  ( premontane  wet  forest 
formations)  between  500  and  700  m.  elevation  in  our  area  and 
collected  in  January  and  from  June  to  August.  The  species  is 
known  only  from  near  Tilaran  (Guanacaste)  and  Turrialba  (Carta- 
go)  in  Costa  Rica;  it  ranges  northward  to  Guatemala. 

Pilea  quichensis  is  recognized  by  the  long  narrow  leaves  similar  in 
shape  and  subequal  in  size  at  a  node,  lack  of  prominent  serrations, 
distinct  cystoliths,  glabrous  parts,  small  short-branched  open 
inflorescences,  and  restricted  area  (in  Costa  Rica). 

Pilea  rugosissima  Killip,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.,  52:28.  1939. 
Figure  27. 

Herbs  with  erect  stems  30-100  cm.  tall,  usually  with  few  or  no  lateral  branches, 
apparently  unisexual,  leafy  internodes  ( 1 )  2-7  cm.  long,  2-3  mm.  thick,  with  pale 
yellowish  ascending  strigose  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm.  long;  stipules  6-9  mm.  long,  3-4 
mm.  wide,  rounded  at  the  apex,  auriculate  at  the  base,  translucent,  slightly 
puberulent  along  the  midrib  abaxially,  persistent.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  differ- 
ing by  about  25  per  cent  in  lamina  size  and  often  differing  greatly  in  petiole- 
length,  petioles  8-50  mm.  long,  0.7-1.5  mm.  thick,  strigose;  laminae  (1.5)  3-12  cm. 
long,  (1.5)  3-6  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  narrowly  ovate,  acute  to  acuminate  at  the 
apex,  abruptly  rounded  at  the  obtuse  to  truncate  base,  margin  sharply  serrate 
with  3  to  6  curved  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  thin  chartaceous  and  dark 
above,  strongly  rugose  above  with  groups  of  hairs  to  2  mm.  long  on  the  pro- 
jections between  the  veins,  much  paler  beneath  with  dense  pale  yellowish  hairs 
0.5-1  mm.  on  the  veins  and  veinlets,  venation  pinnate  or  occasionally  subpalmate 
with  the  basal  secondaries  only  slightly  more  prominent  than  the  distal,  the  5 
to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at  angles  of  30-60  degrees,  minute 
punctate  cystoliths  present  on  the  upper  surface.  Inflorescences  unisexual  and  1 


or  2  in  the  upper  leaf-axils,  the  male  flowers  in  a  capitate  cluster  about  1-2  cm.  in 
diameter  borne  on  an  unbranched  glabrous  peduncle  2-4  cm.  long  and  0.7  mm. 
thick,  the  male  flowers  subsessile  or  short-pedicellate,  flower  buds  about  5  mm. 
long  (before  anthesis)  including  the  narrowly  subulate  distal  perianth-appendages 
2-3  mm.  long;  female  flowers  and  inflorescences  not  known.  Fruit  unknown. 

A  species  known  only  from  a  single  collection  (Davidson  335) 
from  Bajo  Chorro,  Boquete  District,  Chiriqui,  Panama.  This  collec- 
tion was  made  in  late  February  at  an  elevation  of  1800  m. 

Pilea  rugosissima  is  recognized  by  the  deeply  rugose  leaves  with 
pinnate  venation  and  groups  of  hairs  on  the  raised  projections  of  the 
upper  leaf-surface,  male  capitula  on  well  developed  peduncles,  and 
subsessile  male  flowers  with  very  long  subapical  projections  on  the 
perianth-parts.  While  unrecorded  for  Costa  Rica,  this  species  may 
occur  in  the  eastern  parts  of  the  Cordillera  de  Talamanca. 

Pilea  tilarana  W.  Burger,  Phytologia31:270. 1975.  Figure  25. 

Herbs,  usually  terrestrial  and  erect,  10-40  cm.  tall,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  leafy  in- 
ternodes  (2)  5-20  mm.  long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  glabrous,  cystoliths  apparent;  stipules 
reduced  to  a  ligulate  ridge  about  0.2  mm.  high.  Leaves  of  the  same  node  very  differ- 
ent in  size  and  form  but  the  small  leaves  on  creeping  (repent)  stems  sometimes  iso- 
morphic,  the  small  leaves  of  a  pair  sessile  or  subsessile,  petioles  of  the  larger  leaves 
0.5-5  mm.  long,  decurrent  on  the  stem;  smaller  laminae  5-20  mm.  long,  usually  ovate 
to  broadly  elliptic,  larger  laminae  2-8  ( 12)  cm.  long,  0.7-2.5  (3.3)  cm.  broad,  narrowly 
elliptic  to  elliptic-oblong  or  elliptic-lanceolate,  obtuse  at  the  apex,  acute  at  the  asym- 
metric and  oblique  base  or  slightly  rounded  on  one  side,  crenate-serrate  with  2  to  4 
slightly  raised  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  thin  chartaceous  and  dark  above, 
smooth  and  glabrous  on  both  surfaces,  venation  subpalmate  with  the  2  lateral  veins 
arising  near  the  base  of  the  midvein,  secondary  veins  3  to  12  pairs  and  often  obscure, 
cystoliths  mostly  linear,  apparent  on  both  surfaces.  Inflorescences  unisexual,  1- 
2  cm.  long,  male  inflorescences  probably  borne  on  the  leafless  lower  portions  of  the 
stem,  cymose  (?),  female  flowers  in  cymose  clusters  of  4  to  20  flowers  on  a  peduncle 
1-10  mm.  long;  male  flowers  not  seen;  female  flowers  with  perianth  parts  of  2 
lengths,  the  longer  2  mm.  long,  pistil  1-2  mm.  long  with  prominent  (0.4  mm.)  fim- 
briate  stigma.  Fruit  about  3  mm.  long  and  2  mm.  broad,  flattened  and  lenticular, 
suborbicular  to  ovate  in  outline  and  narrowed  at  the  apex,  stigma  often  persisting, 
drying  dark  brown. 

This  species  is  known  only  from  the  evergreen  cloud  forest  (pre- 
montane  wet  forest)  formations  between  600  and  1000  m.  elevation 
near  Tilaran  (Guanacaste)  and  near  San  Ramon  (Alajuela)  in  Costa 
Rica;  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species  occurs 
only  along  the  Pacific  side  of  northern  Costa  Rica. 

Pilea  tilarana  is  recognized  by  the  leaves  very  different  in  size  at 
the  same  node,  the  larger  leaves  relatively  narrow  and  with  very 
shallow  teeth,  small  inflorescences,  large  fruit  narrowed  at  the  apex, 


terrestrial  habit,  and  the  restricted  range.  This  species  is  closely 
related  to  P.  chiriquina  Killip  of  western  Panama  and  P.  seemannii 
Killip  of  northern  South  America.  Pilea  tilarana  is  generally  of 
smaller  stature  than  either  of  those  species  and  possesses  much 
larger  fruit.  Collections  of  this  species  were  previously  identified  as 
P.  pansamalana  Bonn. -Smith  of  Guatemala  but  that  species  has 
smaller  fruit,  leaves  that  are  more  prominently  serrate,  and  an  epi- 
phytic life-style.  The  latter  resembles  P.  diuersissima  Killip  among 
Costa  Rican  species. 

Collections  by  Standley  and  Valerio  (44742,  44753  the  type,  & 
44758)  from  near  Tilaran  are  generally  larger  and  more  robust  than 
the  collections  from  near  San  Ramon  (Brenes  4527  &  20520  and 
Lent  2590),  I  expect  that  the  species  ranged  across  the  Cordillera 
de  Tilaran  as  far  east  as  the  area  near  San  Ramon  in  a  narrow  altitu- 
dinal  zone  of  forest  that  is  now  largely  destroyed. 

POUZOLZIA  Gaudichaud 

Shrubs,  subshrubs,  or  rarely  small  trees  or  climbers,  usually  bisexual;  stipules 
paired  at  the  nodes  and  free,  often  persistent,  distally  ciliolate  in  ours.  Leaves  al- 
ternate (in  American  species)  and  simple,  petiolate,  usually  entire,  venation  sub- 
palmate  or  pinnate  with  2  prominent  basal  secondary  veins,  often  trinerved,  puncti- 
form  cystoliths  usually  visible  above.  Flowers  borne  in  small  axillary  clusters  or 
glomerules  (in  ours),  male  flowers  with  usually  4  (3-5)  perianth  parts  and  stamens, 
the  tepals  narrowed  at  the  apex  and  forming  a  narrowed  tip  in  the  unopened  bud  (in 
ours);  female  flowers  with  a  perianth-tube  toothed  at  the  narrowed  apex,  the  peri- 
anth-tube with  prominent  longitudinal  ribs  or  veins,  completely  enclosing  the  ovary, 
stigma  long  and  slender.  Fruit  a  nutlet  or  achene,  usually  smooth  and  glabrous,  en- 
closed in  the  persisting  perianth. 

A  pantropical  genus  of  about  50  species.  Our  species  may  be  diffi- 
cult to  distinguish  from  species  of  Phenax  and  Boehmeria.  They 
appear  to  be  relatively  rare  in  our  flora  and  are  poorly  represented  in 
the  collections.  Like  many  other  members  of  the  family,  these 
plants  are  often  found  along  stream  edges. 

la.    Leaves  crenate-serrate,  plants  of  evergreen  montane  forest  formations  between 
1500  and  1800  m.  altitude P.  phenacoides. 

Ib.    Leaves  entire,  plants  not  known  from  above  1000  m.  altitude 2. 

2a.    Petioles  usually  less  than  1  cm.  long,  base  of  the  lamina  asymmetric  and  often 
emarginate  (cordulate)  at  the  petiole P.  obliqua. 

2b.    Petioles  often  much  more  than  1  cm.  long,  base  of  the  lamina  usually  symmetri- 
cal   3. 

3a.    Laminae,  with  a  minutely  tomentulose  grayish  or  whitish  surface  between  the 


veins  beneath,  narrowed  to  an  acute  or  obtuse  base  and  usually  narrow  in 
outline P.  guatemalana. 

3b.    Laminae,  lacking  a  whitish  or  grayish  tomentum  between  the  veins  beneath, 

abruptly  narrowed  to  a  rounded  or  obtuse  base,  relatively  broad 

P.  occidentalis. 

Pouzolzia  guatemalana  (Bl.)  Weddell  in  DC.,  Prodr.  16,  pt.  1:233. 
1869.  Boehmeria  guatemalana  Blume,  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.  Bat.  2:206. 

1856.  Figure  28. 

Shrubs  or  subshrubs  1-2  (3)m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  8-30  mm.  long,  1-4  mm.  thick, 
sparsely  to  densely  hirsutulous  with  thin  whitish  hairs  0.2-1  mm  long;  stipules 
about  6  mm.  long  and  1-2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  ciliolate  along  the  edges  and  mid- 
vein  distally.  Leaves  usually  of  similar  size  at  adjacent  nodes,  petioles  (0.5)  1-9  cm. 
long,  0.4-1  mm.  thick,  minutely  hirsutulous;  laminae  (3)  6-14  cm.  long,  (1)  2-7  cm. 
broad,  very  narrowly  ovate  to  lanceolate  or  elliptic,  tapering  gradually  to  the  acumi- 
nate apex,  tapering  to  the  acute  or  obtuse  and  equal  base,  the  margins  entire,  lamina 
membranaceous  to  very  thin  chartaceous,  usually  somewhat  scabrous  above 
with  slender  appressed  hairs  0.5-1  mm.  long,  soft-puberulent  with  thin  whitish  hairs 
and  a  whitish  or  grayish  tomentum  covering  the  surfaces  between  the  veins  beneath, 
the  2  to  4  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at  angles  of  30-50  degrees  and 
strongly  ascending,  minute  (0.05  mm.)  cystoliths  usually  visible  on  the  upper  sur- 
face. Male  flowers  borne  in  dense  axillary  clusters  usually  below  the  female  flowers 
in  the  same  cluster,  male  flowers  sessile  or  subsessile,  perianth  parts  about  1  mm. 
long;  with  female  flowers  in  dense  axillary  clusters,  perianth-tube  1-1.5  mm.  long, 
with  12-20  longitudinal  ribs,  densely  appressed  puberulent,  stigma  2-3  mm.  long, 
minutely  brownish  puberulent.  Fruit  enclosed  within  the  persisting  perianth-tube, 
nutlet  1-1.5  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  broad,  broadest  below  the  middle  and  ovoid, 
slightly  flattened  laterally,  the  surface  smooth  and  very  lustrous,  drying  very  pale 

Plants  of  both  evergreen  and  seasonally  very  dry  and  semideci- 
duous  forest  formations  on  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  watersheds  of 
Costa  Rica  between  sea  level  and  1000  m.  altitude;  probably  flower- 
ing from  August  to  December  in  the  seasonally  very  dry  areas  and 
throughout  the  year  in  evergreen  areas.  The  species  occurs  in  Costa 
Rica,  Panama,  and  Ecuador;  the  type  was  collected  from  Aguacate, 
Costa  Rica,  and  not  from  Guatemala. 

Pouzolzia  guatemalana  is  distinguished  by  its  alternate  leaves 
usually  pale  grayish  beneath  and  borne  on  long  thin  petioles.  The 
isomorphic  entire  leaves,  ribbed  female  perianth- tube,  and  ciliolate 
stipules  help  distinguish  this  species  from  rather  similar  looking 
plants  in  the  genera  Boehmeria  and  Phenax, 

Pouzolzia  obliqua  (Poepp.)  Weddell,  Archiv.  Mus.  Paris  9:405. 

1857.  Margarocarpus  obliquus  Poepp.  ex  Wedd.,  Ann.  Sci.  Nat. 
Paris  ser.  4,  1:204.  1854.  Figure  28. 


Scandent  or  shrub-like  plants  1-3  (5)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  5-50  mm.  long,  0.5- 
3  mm.  thick,  usually  densely  puberulent  with  slender  stiff  whitish  hairs  0.3-1  mm. 
long;  stipules  3-8  (12)  mm.  long,  narrowly  triangular,  puberulent  along  the  edges 
and  midrib  abaxially.  Leaves  of  approximately  the  same  size  at  adjacent  nodes, 
petioles  (1)  2-7  (12)  mm.  long,  0.5-1.2  mm.  thick,  densely  puberulent;  laminae  2-12 
cm.  long,  0.8-5  cm.  broad,  very  narrowly  ovate  or  oblong  to  lanceolate,  tapering 
gradually  to  the  sharply  acuminate  apex,  obtuse  to  slightly  rounded  at  the  unequal 
and  asymmetric  base,  often  slightly  cordulate  at  the  petiole  in  larger  leaves,  margin 
entire  or  slightly  undulate,  drying  thin-char taceous,  smooth  or  slightly  scabrous 
and  with  slender  ascending  hairs  0.5-1  mm.  long  above  and  below,  the  2  to  4  pairs 
of  major  secondary  veins  strongly  arcuate  ascending,  minute  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  round 
cystoliths  visible  above.  Male  flowers  borne  in  axillary  clusters  of  5  to  15  flowers, 
perianth  about  1.5  mm.  long,  united  near  the  base,  anthers  about  0.7  mm.  long 
(dry);  female  flowers  borne  in  axillary  clusters,  sessile  or  subsessile,  female  perianth 
about  1  mm.  long,  styles  and  stigmas  about  5  mm.  long,  minutely  pale  brownish 
papillate-puberulent.  Fruit  included  within  the  persisting  perianth-tube,  perianth- 
tube  about  2  mm.  long,  minutely  puberulent  and  with  prominent  longitudinal  ribs, 
fruit  smooth  and  lustrous,  about  1.5  mm.  long,  ovoid  and  very  slightly  flattened 

Plants  of  lowland  wet  evergreen  formations  between  sea  level  and 
1000  m.  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes  of  Costa  Rica; 
flowering  throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  Guatemala 
to  Venezuela  and  Peru. 

Pouzolzia  obliqua  is  recognized  by  the  isomorphic  entire  short  - 
petioled  leaves  asymmetric  at  the  base,  sessile  flowers  in  axillary 
groups,  female  flowers  with  ribbed  perianth-tube,  and  scandent 
or  shrubby  habit.  This  species  is  poorly  represented  in  collections 
and  appears  to  be  rare  but  can  be  locally  common;  like  other  mem- 
bers of  the  family  the  plants  are  often  found  along  streams. 

Pouzolzia  Occident alis  (Liebm.)  Weddell,  Archiv.  Mus.  Paris  9: 
410.  1857.  Leucococcus  occidentalis  Liebmann,  Danske  Vidensk. 
Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser.  5,  2:311.  1851.  Figure  28. 

Shrubs  or  small  trees  2-5  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  8-40  mm.  long,  1.5-3  mm.  thick, 
minutely  (0.3-0.9  mm.)  hirsutulous  with  whitish  slender  hairs;  stipules  about  6  mm. 
long,  1-2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  ciliolate  along  the  edges  and  midvein  distally. 
Leaves  about  the  same  size  at  adjacent  nodes,  petioles  1.5-8  cm.  long,  about  1  mm. 
thick  and  longitudinally  ridged  when  dry,  minutely  hirsutulous;  laminae  (7)  8-13 
(15)  cm.  long,  3-7  (9)  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  broadly  elliptic-ovate,  tapering  gradually 
to  the  acuminate  apex,  abruptly  narrowed  at  the  obtuse  or  rounded  and  equal  base, 
margins  entire,  laminae  drying  membranaceous  or  very  thin  chartaceous,  smooth 
or  slightly  scabrous  above  with  short  (0.5  mm.)  appressed  hairs,  soft -puberulent 
below  with  thin  whitish  hairs,  lower  surfaces  between  the  veins  drying  dark  and 
without  a  grayish  or  whitish  tomentum,  the  usually  3  pairs  of  major  secondary 
veins  arising  at  angles  of  30-50  degrees  and  strongly  ascending,  minute  (0.05  mm.) 


round  cystoliths  usually  visible  above.  Male  flowers  in  dense  axillary  clusters  usual- 
ly together  with  female  flowers,  the  male  flowers  sessile  or  subsessile,  perianth 
parts  1-1.5  mm.  long;  female  flowers  with  a  perianth- tube  about  1  mm.  long,  stigma 
2-3  mm.  long.  Fruit  enclosed  within  the  persisting  and  strongly  10-16  ribbed  per- 
ianth-tube 1.5-2  mm.  long,  nutlet  about  1.5  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad,  slightly 
lenticular,  smooth,  and  very  lustrous. 

Rare  plants  of  the  wet  evergreen  formations  of  the  Caribbean 
lowlands.  I  have  seen  only  two  collections  from  our  area:  Oersted 
14257  (the  type)  from  the  Rio  San  Juan  and  Woodson,  Allen,  & 
Seibert  1528  from  the  Isla  Taboga,  Panama.  These  were  collected  in 
June  and  July,  respectively.  The  species  ranges  from  Honduras  to 
Colombia  and  Venezuela  and  is  found  in  Puerto  Rico  (fide  Killip). 

Pouzolzia  occidentalis  is  recognized  by  its  relatively  broad  leaves 
on  long  slender  petioles  and  lacking  a  whitish  or  grayish  tomentum 
beneath.  In  other  respects  it  is  very  similar  to  P.  guatemalana. 

Pouzolzia  phenacoides  Killip,  Journ.  Wash.  Acad.  Sci.  15:299. 
1925.  Figure  28. 

Herbs  or  subshrubs  1-2  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-30  mm.  long,  0.6-2  mm.  thick, 
puberulent  with  short  (0.1-0.5  mm.)  slender  curved  whitish  hairs;  stipules  3-8  mm. 
long,  1-2  mm.  broad  at  the  base,  ciliate  along  the  margins  and  midrib  abaxially, 
drying  pale  brown.  Leaves  approximately  the  same  size  at  adjacent  nodes,  petioles, 
(4)  8-40  mm.  long,  0.3-0.6  mm.  thick  (dry),  sparsely  puberulent;  laminae  1-7  cm. 
long,  0.6-3.5  mm.  broad,  ovate  to  narrowly  ovate,  acuminate  at  the  apex,  obtuse  or 
slightly  rounded  at  the  equal  and  symmetrical  base,  margin  with  3  to  6  conspicuous 
serrations  per  cm.,  the  laminae  drying  membranaceous,  smooth  or  somewhat  scab- 
rous with  stiff  slender  hairs  0.5-1  mm.  long  on  both  surfaces,  the  2  or  3  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  strongly  ascending,  minute  cystoliths  apparent  on  both  sur- 
faces. Male  flowers  1  to  10  and  sessile  or  with  short  (1  mm.)  pedicels  in  the  axils  of 
leaves,  perianth  about  1.5  mm.  long,  anthers  about  0.7  mm.  long;  female  flowers 
subsessile  or  very  short-pedicellate  in  axillary  clusters  (often  beneath  the  male 
flowers),  perianth-tube  weakly  10-20  ribbed.  Fruit  finally  breaking  through  the  per- 
sisting perianth  tube,  2-3  mm.  long,  ellipsoid  and  somewhat  lenticular,  smooth  and 
very  lustrous. 

This  species  is  apparently  confined  to  shaded  sites  within  lower 
montane  moist  forest  formations  between  1500  and  1800  m.  eleva- 
tions and  is  known  from  the  collections  of  Paul  Standley  on  the 
slope  of  Volcan  Poas  (Alajuela),  above  Escazu  and  Sta.  Maria  de 
Dota  (San  Jose),  and  the  Cerro  de  la  Carpintera  (Cartago),  made 
between  December  and  February.  The  species  is  known  only  from 
Costa  Rica  and  Guatemala. 

Pouzolzia  phenacoides  is  recognized  by  the  thin  isomorphic  leaves 
with  conspicuous  teeth,  ciliate  stipules,  weakly  ribbed  perianth- 
tube,  and  the  small  number  of  very  lustrous  fruit.  This  species  looks 


very  much  like  species  of  Phenax  or  Boehmeria,  but  those  differ  in 
the  secondary  veins  not  strongly  ascending,  larger  numbers  of 
flowers  per  cluster,  and  lack  of  a  perianth-tube  ( in  Phenax ). 

URERA  Gaudichaud 

Large  herbs,  shrubs  or  small  trees,  usually  unisexual  but  occasionally  bisexual, 
sharp  stinging  spines  often  present;  stipules  paired  and  free  or  more  often  connate 
across  the  base  of  the  petiole  and  ligulate.  Leaves  alternate  in  a  spiral,  simple, 
petiolate,  the  laminae  entire,  serrate,  or  deeply  lobed,  usually  pinnately  veined, 
cystoliths  often  visible  on  the  upper  surface  of  older  leaves.  Inflorescences  axillary 
or  cauliflorous,  dichotomously  or  irregularly  branched  and  cymose  or  paniculate, 
occasionally  simple  with  only  a  few  clustered  flowers.  Male  flowers  with  4  or  5  im- 
bricate perianth-parts,  stamens  4  or  5,  a  pistillode  present.  Female  flowers  sub- 
tended or  loosely  enclosed  or  subtended  by  4  equal  or  very  unequal  (in  ours)  peri- 
anth-parts, stigma  minutely  fimbriate  and  persisting  in  fruit.  Fruit  enclosed  in  the 
accrescent  perianth  or  the  perianth  remaining  thin  and  bract-like,  achene  usually 
lenticular  with  an  apical  or  subapical  stigma  and  glabrous  surfaces. 

The  genus  is  found  in  tropical  America,  Africa,  and  Asia.  The 
neotropical  species  are  in  need  of  a  careful  monographic  study. 
Among  our  species,  those  with  large  spines  that  give  a  very  painful 
sting  ( U.  baccifera  and  U.  laciniata)  are  poorly  represented  in  collec- 
tions, while  those  species  that  do  not  sting  so  fiercely  (U.  caraca- 
sana  and  U.  elata  s.l. )  display  a  wide  and  complex  pattern  of  vari- 

la.  Leafy  stems  with  many  sharp  stinging  spines  1-10  mm.  long;  laminae  deeply 
lobed  or  with  conspicuous  teeth  1-4  cm.  apart;  perianth  remaining  thin  and 
bract-like  in  fruit 2a. 

Ib.  Leafy  stems  usually  lacking  large  sharp  stinging  spines  except  in  juvenile 
plants;  laminae  entire  to  closely  serrate  or  dentate;  stipules  united  across  the 
petiole-base  and  ligule-like;  perianth  enclosing  the  ovary  and  becoming  succu- 
lent in  fruit,  usually  orange  or  red 3a. 

2a.  Leaves  pinnately  deeply  lobed;  stipules  united  only  near  the  base 

U.  laciniata. 

2b.  Leaves  unlobed  but  distantly  serrate  or  dentate;  stipule  usually  united  but 
with  2  separate  apices U.  baccifera. 

3a.  Laminae  usually  broad  and  cordate  or  subcordate  at  the  base,  usually  soft 
puberulent  beneath,  often  bullate  above,  becoming  as  much  as  40  cm.  broad; 
stipules  12-18  mm.  long  and  usually  densely  puberulent;  fruiting  inflorescence 
reddish  to  orange U.  caracasana. 

3b.  Laminae  narrow  to  broad  and  usually  acute  to  truncate  at  the  base,  glabrescent 
to  sparsely  puberulent  beneath;  stipules  5-14  mm.  long  and  sparsely  puberu- 
lent; fruiting  inflorescence  bright  orange U.  elata. 


Urera  baccifera  (L.)  Gaudichaud,  Voy.  Uran.  Bot.  497.  1826.  Ur- 
tica  baccifera  L.,  Sp.  PI.  ed.  2,  1398.  1762.  Urtica  grandidentata 
Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser.  5,  2:296.  1851.  Figure 

Erect  herbs,  shrubs  or  few-branched  trees  1-4  (6)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  1-20 
cm.  long,  6-20  mm.  thick,  hollow,  minutely  puberulent  with  slender  hairs  0.2-0.5 
mm.  long  and  with  short  ( 1-4  mm.)  broad-based  stinging  spines;  stipules  united  for 
much  of  their  length  but  usually  with  2  separate  apices  and  sometimes  split  in  two, 
10-16  mm.  long,  sparsely  to  densely  puberulent.  Leaves  quite  variable  in  size  and 
form  on  different  plants,  petioles  3-30  cm.  long,  2-6  mm.  thick  (dry),  minutely  puber- 
ulent and  usually  with  a  few  stinging  spines;  laminae  (10)  20-40  cm.  long,  (6)  18- 
40  cm.  broad,  ovate  to  very  broadly  ovate  (rarely  narrowly  ovate  to  elliptic),  short- 
acuminate  at  the  apex,  rounded  to  truncate  or  cordate  (rarely  obtuse)  at  the  base, 
margin  with  prominent  short  (2-6  mm.)  teeth  1-4  cm.  distant,  laminae  drying  mem- 
branaceous  to  thin-chartaceous,  scabrous  above  with  scattered  distant  minute 
(0.1-0.4  mm. )  spines  or  these  absent,  usually  with  slender  soft  hairs  0.2-0.7  mm.  long 
(in  ours)  and  with  sharp  stinging  spines  0.5-3  mm.  long  on  the  major  veins  beneath, 
the  6  to  8  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  from  the  midvein  at  angles  of  50- 
70  degrees,  cystoliths  not  conspicuous  above.  Male  inflorescences  separate  or 
(rarely  ?)  the  male  flowers  borne  at  the  base  of  the  large,  essentially  female  inflores- 
cence, the  male  flower  2-3  mm.  broad  before  anthesis.  Female  inflorescences  4-12  cm. 
long,  paniculate  and  much  branched,  female  flowers  separate  or  clustered,  usually 
borne  on  a  slender  pedicel,  pistil  1  mm.  long  in  early  anthesis,  stigma  about  0.3  mm. 
long  and  equally  thick.  Fruit  often  subtended  by  2  thin  broad  bract-like  perianth 
parts  1-2  mm.  long,  achene  3  mm.  long  and  2  mm.  broad,  lenticular,  glabrous,  with  a 
thickened  rim  around  the  periphery,  stigma  terminal  or  subterminal. 

Plants  of  evergreen  or  partly  deciduous  formations  between  sea 
level  and  1200  m.  elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  slopes 
of  Costa  Rica  and  probably  flowering  throughout  the  year.  The 
species  ranges  from  southern  Mexico  to  tropical  South  America 
and  the  West  Indies. 

Urera  baccifera  is  readily  recognized  by  the  stinging  spines  and 
unlobed  leaves  with  prominent  teeth.  These  plants  are  poorly  repre- 
sented in  herbaria  and  probably  for  good  reason:  this  is  said  to  be 
one  of  the  most  severely  stinging  plants  in  Central  America  (see 
Standley  in  Fieldiana:  Bot.  24,  pt.  3:426.  1952).  The  plant  is  often 
used  for  hedgerows,  and  much  of  its  present  distribution  may  be 
attributable  to  man's  use  of  the  species  for  this  purpose. 

Urera  caracasana  (Jacq.)  Grisebach,  Fl.  Brit.  W.  Ind.  154.  1859. 
Urtica  caracasana  Jacq.,  Hort.  Schoenbr.  3:71,  pi.  396.  1798.  Urtica 
verrucosa  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.,  ser.  5,  2:295. 
1851.  Figure  30. 

Shrubs  or  small  trees  2-8  (?15)  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes,  5-60  mm.  long,  2-10  mm. 


thick,  at  first  densely  puberulent  with  short  (0.1-0.5  mm.)  grayish  hairs;  stipules 
united  and  2-ribbed,  12-18  mm.  long,  usually  densely  puberulent  with  hairs  0.5-1 
mm.  long.  Leaves  varied  in  different  plants,  petioles  3-15  (25)  cm.  long,  1-5  mm. 
thick,  usually  densely  puberulent;  laminae  10-32  (44)  cm.  long,  7-26  (40)  cm.  broad, 
broadly  ovate  or  ovate  (rarely  broadly  elliptic),  acute  to  acuminate  at  the  apex, 
rounded  to  the  base  and  cordate  to  subcordate  (rarely  obtuse),  margin  serrate  with 
2  to  4  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  thin-chartaceous,  scabrous  to  smooth  above  with 
scattered  small  (0.5-1.5  mm.)  hairs,  the  hairs  often  elevated  and  the  surface  bullate, 
soft  or  slightly  scabrous  to  the  touch  beneath  with  grayish-white  hairs  0.5-1.5  mm. 
long  on  the  veins  beneath,  the  7  to  11  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at 
angles  of  40-60  degrees,  cystoliths  usually  small  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  and  round,  rarely 
long  and  narrow.  Male  inflorescence  occasionally  borne  above  the  female  when 
found  on  the  same  twig  (?rare),  3-12  cm.  long  and  variously  branched,  the  branches 
with  short  thin  hairs,  male  flower  1-2  mm.  broad  before  anthesis,  often  clustered  in 
small  (3-6  mm)  glomerules  and  pink  in  color.  Female  inflorescences  2-10  cm.  long  and 
enlarging  in  fruit,  the  flowers  separate  or  occasionally  in  glomerules,  female  flowers 
sessile  or  pedicellate,  pistil  about  0.7  mm.  long  in  early  stages  of  anthesis.  Fruiting 
inflorescence  becoming  as  much  as  30  cm.  long  and  often  with  sharp  stinging  spines 
about  1  mm.  long,  fruit  enclosed  in  the  succulent  perianth,  drying  irregularly,  about 
1.5  mm.  long,  orange  when  ripe,  achene  about  1  mm.  long  and  equally  broad,  lenti- 
cular, glabrous,  or  slightly  pusticulate. 

Plants  of  evergreen  or  partly  deciduous  forest  formations  between 
sea  level  and  2500  (72800)  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica;  flowering 
throughout  the  year  but  collected  most  often  between  January  and 
July.  The  species  ranges  from  Mexico  to  northern  South  America 
and  the  West  Indies. 

Urera  caracasana  is  recognized  by  its  generally  broad  laminae 
often  cordate  at  the  base  and  soft-puberulent  beneath  and  the 
bright  orange  fruit.  The  members  of  this  species  vary  less  than 
those  of  the  closely  related  U.  elata,  but  there  is  sufficient  variation 
among  these  plants  so  that  about  10  per  cent  of  the  material  seen 
cannot  be  identified  with  confidence.  The  patterns  of  variation  of 
the  two  species  overlap,  but  it  is  not  possible  to  say  whether  the 
plants  possessing  intermediate  characteristics  are  hybrids  or 
whether  they  are  simply  unusual  individuals  of  one  or  the  other  spe- 
cies. Whoever  chooses  to  revise  the  neotropical  species  of  this  genus 
will  encounter  some  of  the  most  perplexing  patterns  of  variation 
that  the  neotropical  flora  has  to  offer.  These  plants,  like  those  of  U. 
elata,  are  referred  to  as  ortiga,  ortiga  blanca,  and  tabaquillo  in  Costa 

Urera  elata  (Sw.)  Grisebach,  Fl.  Brit.  W.  Ind.  154.  1860.  sensu 
lato.  Urtica  elata  Sw.,  Prodr.  37.  1788.  Urera  killipiana  Standl.  & 
Steyerm.,  Fieldiana:  Bot.  24,  pt.  3:427-428.  1952.  Figure  30. 


Shrubs,  trees  or  occasionally  scandent,  3-8  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  3-50  mm.  long, 
2-5  (7)  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent  with  grayish  slender  hairs  0.1-1  mm.  long; 
stipules  united  and  2-ribbed,  5-14  mm.  long,  sparsely  puberulent  with  short  (0.1- 
0.5  mm.)  hairs.  Leaves  extremely  variable  in  size  and  shape  (often  on  the  same  tree), 
petioles  2-10  (22)  cm.  long,  1-3  mm.  thick,  minutely  puberulent  and  lacking  spines; 
laminae  8-18  (28)  cm.  long,  (3)  4-18  cm.  broad,  narrowly  to  broadly  ovate,  elliptic- 
ovate  or  narrowly  elliptic  to  slightly  obovate,  short-  to  long-acuminate  at  the  apex, 
obtuse  to  abruptly  rounded  (rarely  subcordate)  at  the  base,  entire  or  with  shallow 
(1-3  mm.)  serrations  with  2  to  4  teeth  per  cm.,  lamina  drying  membranaceous  to 
thin-chartaceous  smooth  or  somewhat  scabrous  above  and  glabrous  or  with  scat- 
tered short  (0.5  mm.)  hairs,  smooth  or  slightly  scabrous  beneath  with  slender  hairs 
0.1-1  mm.  long  or  more  often  glabrescent,  the  4  to  7  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins 
arising  at  angles  of  20-60  degrees,  cystoliths  usually  visible  above  on  the  older 
leaves,  small  (0.05-0.1  mm.)  and  round  or  longer  (0.5  mm.)  and  narrow  and  radiat- 
ing outward  from  small  aereoles.  Male  inflorescences  1-5  cm.  long,  of  1  to  many 
glomerules  or  the  flowers  separate  on  a  simple,  few-branched,  or  many-branched 
(paniculate)  rachis,  the  rachis  minutely  puberulent  and  often  with  small  (1  mm.) 
stinging  spines;  male  flower  about  2  mm.  broad  before  anthesis,  sometimes  be- 
coming exserted  on  slender  peduncles  to  4  mm.  long  and  the  pedicels  persisting. 
Female  inflorescence  2-5  (9)  cm.  long,  usually  much  branched,  minutely  puberulent 
and  often  with  a  few  stinging  spines,  female  flowers  about  1  mm.  long  in  early  anthe- 
sis, stigma  about  0.3  mm.  long  and  equally  thick.  Fruit  enclosed  by  2  broad  imbri- 
cate and  accrescent  perianth  parts  with  a  minutely  verrucose  surface,  1-2  mm.  long, 
seed  about  1  mm.  long  (?  immature),  lenticular,  and  with  smooth  glabrous  surfaces. 

Widespread  plants  of  evergreen  or  partly  deciduous  formations 
from  near  sea  level  to  2200  m.  elevation  in  Costa  Rica  and  flowering 
throughout  the  year.  The  species  ranges  from  Mexico  and  the  West 
Indies  to  South  America  (but  see  below). 

Urera  elata  is  recognized  by  the  bright  orange  fruit,  quite  variable 
leaves  that  are  usually  narrowed  to  the  base  and  only  sparsely  pu- 
berulent beneath,  and  the  small  united  stipules.  Plants  differ  in  the 
presence  of  stinging  hairs  on  mature  parts;  often  the  stinging  hairs 
are  only  found  in  the  female  inflorescences.  The  species,  here  inter- 
preted in  a  very  wide  sense,  encompasses  a  great  deal  of  variation. 
In  some  collections  the  narrow  radiating  cystoliths  on  the  upper 
leaf-surface  is  correlated  with  a  consistently  narrow  leaf-form. 
These  specimens  have  often  been  referred  to  as  U.  alceifolia  ( Poir. ) 
Gaud.,  which,  according  to  Killip  (1960),  is  synonymous  with  U. 
caracasana.  The  present  interpretation  and  circumscription  of  U. 
elata  is  very  tentative,  and  the  name  may  not  apply  to  our  material. 
This  species  was  originally  described  from  Jamaican  material,  and 
C.D.  Adams  (Flowering  Plants  of  Jamaica  237.  1972)  states  that  the 
species  is  endemic  to  Jamaica.  He  is  probably  correct  (in  a  strict 
sense),  but  I  prefer  continuing  to  use  this  old  name  in  a  very  broad 


sense  until  the  genus  is  given  intensive  monographic  study;  see  the 
discussion  under  U.  caracasana. 

Urera  laciniata  (Goudot)  Weddell,  Annal.  Sci.  Nat.  Paris  ser.  3, 
18:203.  1852.  Urtica  lacinata  Goudot  ex  Wedd.,  loc.  cit.,  as  syno- 
nym. Urera  girardinioides  Seem.,  Bot.  Voy.  Herald  194.  1854. 
Figure  30. 

Erect  herbs  or  few  branched  shrubs  or  little  trees  1-5  m.  tall,  leafy  internodes  0.5- 
10  (20)  cm.  long,  5-20  mm.  thick  (dry),  hollow,  sparsely  puberulent  with  minute  (0.1- 
0.4  mm.)  slender  hairs  and  with  numerous  sharp  stinging  spines  2-9  mm.  long; 
stipules  apparently  paired  or  partly  fused  near  the  base,  5-15  mm.  long,  sparsely 
puberulent.  Leaves  quite  variable  in  size  on  the  same  plant,  petioles  6-30  cm.  long, 
2-7  mm.  thick,  very  minutely  puberulent  and  armed  with  sharp  stinging  spines; 
laminae  15-40  cm.  long,  10-45  cm.  broad,  broadly  ovate  or  triangular  in  general 
outline  but  deeply  pinnately  lobed  with  the  lobes  diminishing  in  size  toward  the 
apex,  acuminate  apically,  truncate  to  cordate  at  the  base,  margins  of  the  lobes  entire 
or  with  a  few  distinct  teeth,  laminae  drying  membranaceous  to  thin-chartaceous, 
upper  surface  slightly  rough  to  the  touch  and  with  a  few  isolated  spines,  lower  sur- 
face with  spines  1-6  mm.  long  on  the  major  veins  and  with  very  minute  (0.05-0.2 
mm.)  hairs  on  all  the  veins,  the  4  to  7  pairs  of  major  secondary  veins  arising  at 
angles  of  50-80  degrees,  cystoliths  not  apparent  or  minute  on  the  upper  surface. 
Male  flowers  said  to  be  borne  in  glomerules  (not  seen).  Female  inflorescences  4-20 
cm.  long,  paniculate  and  usually  much-branched,  the  female  flowers  separate  or  oc- 
casionally clustered  in  small  glomerules,  sessile  or  subsessile,  pistil  1-2  mm.  long, 
the  stigma  long  (1  mm.)  and  narrow.  Fruit  subtended  by  usually  2  thin  bract-like 
perianth  parts  about  1  mm.  long,  achene  1.5-2  mm.  long,  about  1.6  mm.  broad,  thin 
and  lenticular,  essentially  glabrous,  stigma  subapical  on  the  fruit  and  curved. 

An  uncommon  species  of  apparently  evergreen  formations  and 
often  found  along  streams  and  rivers  between  sea  level  and  800  m. 
elevation  on  both  the  Caribbean  and  Pacific  sides  of  Costa  Rica. 
The  species  ranges  from  Costa  Rica  southward  to  Venezuela  and 

Urera  laciniata  is  easily  recognized  by  its  stinging  spines,  deeply 
lobed  leaves  with  the  basal  lobes  much  larger  than  the  distal,  and 
few-branched  habit.  The  stinging  hairs  may  explain,  in  part,  the 
scarcity  of  material  in  herbaria. 

URTICA  Linnaeus 

Annual  or  perennial  herbs  with  stinging  hairs,  unisexual  or  bisexual,  stems  simple 
or  branched;  stipules  paired  and  free  or  united  across  the  stem  (interpetiolar). 
Leaves  opposite  and  simple,  petiolate,  the  laminae  serrate,  dentate,  or  incised, 
usually  thin,  punctate  cystoliths  usually  present.  Inflorescences  bisexual  or  uni- 


sexual,  the  flowers  in  clusters  in  subsessile  groups,  branched  panicles,  or  spikes; 
male  flower  with  4  perianth-parts,  the  perianth-parts  equal  and  without  appenda- 
ges; female  flowers  with  2  minute  and  2  larger  perianth  parts,  the  larger  erect  and 
opposite,  enclosing  the  pistil,  persisting  in  fruit.  Fruit  ovate  to  elliptic  in  outline, 
compressed  laterally  and  lenticular,  enclosed  by  the  larger  inner  perianth-parts, 
stigma  terminal. 

A  genus  of  about  30  species  found  primarily  in  temperate  regions 
and  on  high  mountains  in  the  tropics.  The  genus  is  represented  by  a 
single  species  in  Costa  Rica,  but  other  species  have  been  introduced 
and  will  continue  to  be  introduced  as  weeds.  However,  these  have 
apparently  not  persisted  or  spread  extensively.  The  stinging  hairs 
facilitate  recognition  of  the  genus.  The  common  Spanish  name 
"ortiga"  or  "hortiga"  is  a  direct  derivative  of  the  Latin  urtica. 

Urtica  leptophylla  H.B.K.  Nov.  Gen.  &  Sp.  2:39.  1815.  U.  nicara- 
guensis  Liebm.,  Danske  Vidensk.  Selsk.  Skrivt.  ser.  5,  2:292.  1851. 
U.  copeyana  Killip  in  Standl.,  Field  Mus.  Hot.  18:398.  1937.  Figure 

Herbs  or  subshrubs  0.4-1.5  m.  tall  with  stinging  hairs  on  stems,  leaves,  and  in- 
florescences, usually  bisexual,  erect  stems  usually  with  branches,  basal  stems  be- 
coming woody,  leafy  internodes  (1)  2-6  (10)  cm.  long,  0.7-3  mm.  thick,  with  small 
(0.2  mm.)  appressed  hairs  and  sharp  translucent  stinging  hairs  1-2  mm.  long;  sti- 
pules united  across  the  stem  for  at  least  half  their  length,  2-5  mm.  long,  1-3  mm. 
broad,  bifurcate  apically,  sparsely  puberulent,  persistent.  Leaves  of  the  same  node 
usually  similar  in  size  and  shape,  petioles  0.5-6  cm.  long,  0.3-1.5  mm.  thick  (dry); 
laminae  (1.5)  3-12  cm.  long,  1-5  (8)  cm.  broad,  narrowly  ovate  to  triangular,  tapering 
gradually  to  the  acute  or  acuminate  apex,  usually  abruptly  narrowed  at  the  trun- 
cate to  subcordate  base,  margin  prominently  serrate  with  2  to  4  teeth  per  cm., 
laminae  drying  thin  chartaceous  and  usually  dark  on  both  surfaces,  with  isolated 
stinging  hairs  above  and  smaller  (0.1-0.5  mm.)  hairs  on  both  surfaces,  venation  sub- 
palmate  with  a  pair  of  lateral  secondary  veins  from  the  base,  with  2  or  3  pairs  of 
major  secondary  veins  from  the  distal  part  of  the  midvein,  minute  punctate  cysto- 
liths  present  above.  Inflorescences  usually  bisexual,  usually  paired  in  the  axils  of 
leaves  throughout  the  length  of  the  stem,  1-4  cm.  long,  spicate  with  flower  clusters 
along  the  length  of  the  unbranched  rachis  or  rarely  branched  near  the  base,  male 
flowers  usually  present  at  the  base  of  the  spikes,  about  1.5  mm.  long  before  anthesis, 
perianth-parts  without  appendages;  female  flowers  densely  or  loosely  clustered,  the 
2  larger  perianth-parts  becoming  about  1  mm.  long.  Fruit  about  1.2  mm.  long  and 
1.1  mm.  broad,  ovate  in  outline  and  thick-lenticular,  smooth  and  pale  brown,  nar- 
rowed slightly  below  the  terminal  stigma,  loosely  enclosed  in  the  persisting  peri- 

Plants  of  partly  open  secondary  vegetation  in  the  wet  evergreen 
montane  forest  formations  between  (500)  2000  and  3200  m.  eleva- 
tion in  Costa  Rica;  flowering  collections  have  been  made  in  August 
and  from  December  to  March.  The  species  is  found  in  Costa  Rica, 
Colombia,  and  Ecuador. 


Urtica  leptophylla  is  recognized  by  the  stinging  hairs,  opposite 
conspicuously  serrate  leaves,  spike-like  inflorescences,  and  unusual 
stipules  united  (  interpetiolar)  for  more  than  half  their  length  and 
often  quite  broad.  This  species  is  closely  related  to  U.  magellanica 
Juss.  ex  Poir.,  but  the  latter  has  larger  fruit  and  ranges  no  further 
north  than  Peru.  This  species  resembles  U.  mexicana  Liebm.  but 
that  species  has  separate  stipules.  Despite  the  name  of  one  of  the 
synonyms,  this  species  has  never  been  recorded  from  Nicaragua; 
the  name  referred  to  a  small  town  on  Volcan  Irazu. 


Herbs  or  subshrubs,  erect  to  50  cm.  tall  or  scandent,  usually  with  slender  roots  at 
most  nodes,  apparently  bisexual,  leafy  internodes  ( 1 )  2-9  cm.  long,  0.7-3.5  mm.  thick, 
puberulent  with  short  (0.1-1.3  mm.)  thin  whitish  hairs,  becoming  sparsely  puberu- 
lent  and  dark  reddish  in  color;  stipules  5-10  mm.  long,  1.5  mm.  broad  at  the  base, 
aculeate  and  persisting,  glabrescent.  Leaves  opposite,  isomorphic  or  differing 
slightly  in  size  or  petiole-length  at  the  same  node,  petioles  (2)  4-30  (50)  mm.  long, 
0.5-1.3  mm.  thick,  puberulent;  laminae  2-11  cm.  long,  1-7  cm.  broad,  ovate,  acumi- 
nate at  the  apex,  abruptly  narrowed  at  the  obtuse  to  subtruncate  base,  coarsely 
serrate  with  2  to  6  teeth  per  cm.,  laminae  drying  membranaceous  to  thin  charta- 
ceous  and  dark  in  color,  becoming  slightly  rugose  in  age,  sparsely  puberulent  with 
thin  lustrous  hairs  0.7-2  mm.  long,  more  densely  puberulent  with  shorter  hairs  on 
the  veins  beneath,  venation  palmate  with  3  primary  veins,  midvein  with  2  to  4  pairs 
of  prominent  secondary  veins,  minute  dark-punctate  cystoliths  visible  above.  In- 
florescences fasciculate  in  the  leaf  axils,  flower  clusters  about  8  mm.  long  and  usual- 
ly subtended  by  the  4  persisting  stipules;  male  flowers  sessile  or  pedicellate,  peri- 
anth about  2.5  mm.  long,  including  a  narrow  subapical  projection  1-1.5  mm.  long, 
filaments  about  2  mm.  long,  anther  1  mm.  long;  female  flowers  about  1  mm.  long 
with  a  central  longitudinal  groove  and  2  short  stigmas.  Fruit  sessile  in  the  axils  of 
lower  leaves,  1-2  mm.  long,  2-  or  3-angled,  stigmas  apparently  persisting,  locules 
usually  2  (3),  the  fruit  very  tightly  enclosed  within  the  (apparent)  perianth-tube. 

Plants  of  the  very  wet  Caribbean  slopes  of  Central  Costa  Rica 
between  1000  and  1500  m.  elevation;  apparently  flowering  through- 
out the  year.  This  species  is  known  only  from  the  Rio  Claro  (Rio 
Hondura  drainage)  below  La  Palma  (Burger  et  al.  4137,  6270,  & 
7651)  in  the  province  of  San  Jose  and  above  Cachi  (Lent  1607)  in 
Cartago  Province. 

This  species  is  recognized  by  the  opposite  leaves  subtending  small 
clusters  of  flowers,  the  usually  four  persisting  stipules  at  each  leafy 
node,  the  4-parted  male  flowers  with  projections  on  the  perianth- 
parts,  the  2-  or  3-angled  fruit  tightly  enclosed  within  a  perianth- 
tube  that  is  unlobed  apically  and  the  presence  of  usually  two 
locules,  each  with  a  seed.  The  latter  condition  violates  a  basic  char- 


acter  of  the  Urticaceae:  an  ovary  with  a  single  locule  containing  a 
single  ovule.  I  believe  the  present  situation  may  be  attributable  to 
the  growing  together  of  two  female  flowers.  The  longitudinal  groove 
favors  this  interpretation.  Because  the  stigmatic  areas  of  these 
flowers  are  so  small,  it  may  be  that  the  fruit  develop  without  pol- 

The  unusual  fruit  and  opposite  leaves  make  it  difficult  to  place 
these  plants.  Because  they  have  the  four  separate  stipules  and 
sessile  clusters  of  flowers,  I  believe  that  these  plants  are  closely 
allied  to  the  genus  Boehmeria. 


New  taxa  and  references  to  illustrations  are  in  bold  face.  Common 
names  and  Latin  names  in  synonomy  are  italicized. 

Acanthinophyllum  110 

Achote  de  Monte  87 

Aepito  87 

Alchornea  costaricensis  213 


costaricensis  31,  34,  38,  39,  40 

guanacastensis  33,  36,  40,  41,  42 

guatemalensis  37 

hondurensis  37 

manningii  33,  36,  42,  43, 44 

mexicana  37 

williamsii    subsp.    tapantiensis    31, 
36,  44,  45 

williamsii  subsp.  williamsii  45 
Alnus56,  57 

acuminata  57,  58 

arguta  57,  58 

jorullensis  57,  58 
Ampelocera  85,  86 

hottlei  85,  86,  87 
Annona  111 
Anonocarpus  110,  111 
ants,  relationship  with  175 
Arbolde  la  cera  22 
Array  an  22 
Artocarpus  108,  109 

communis  109 

heterophyllus  110 

incisus  109 

integrifolius  110 

Bara  blanca  92 
Bataceae  54,  55 
Batidaceae  54,  55 


argillicola  54 

maritima  54,  55 
Batocarpus 97,  110,  111 

costaricensis 97,  111 

orinocensis  111 
Berba  114 

Betulaceae  56,  57,  58 
Bloodwood  cacique  118 
Boehmeria  221,  225,  228,  229,  283 

angustifolia  242 

aspera  225, 229, 230 

caudata221,230,  231 

coriaceae  225,  231 

cuspidata  234 


flagelliformis  230 

guatemalana  273 


radiata  225,  233,  234 

ramiflora  225,  234,  235 

ramiflora  var.  cuspidata  234 

ulmifolia  225,  235 
Bread  fruit,  Bread-nut  109 
Breadnutll2,  114,215 
Brosimopsi s  lactescens  116 
Brosimum97,  112,  113 

alicastrum  97,  113,  114 

alicastrum  subsp.  alicastrum  97,  1 14 

alicastrum  subsp.  bolivarense  97, 114 

allenii  118 

bernadetteae  113 

caloxylon  117 

costaricanum  97,  114 

gent  lei  113 




guianense97,  115,  116 
lactescens  97,  116,  117 
o joe he  116 
panamense  115 
ramonense  204 
rubescens97,  117,  118 
sapi  folium  114 
spurium  205 
terrabanum  113 
utile97, 118 
utile  subsp.  allenii  118 
Bucephalon  racemosum  214 

Cagalera  88 
Campano  chile  39 
Cannabaceae216,  217 
Cannabinaceae  216 
Cannabis216,  217 

sativa216,  217 
Capaslan  92 
Capulin  bianco  92 
Carpinus  56 
Carya  29 
Casearia  11 
Castanea  saliva  59 
Castano  59 
Castilla98,  119,120 

costaricana  120 

elastica98,  120,121 

elastica  subsp.  costaricana  121 

elastica  subsp.  elastica  121 

fallax  121 

nicoyensis  120 

tunu98,  121 
Castilloa,  see  Castilla 
Cecropia,  105,  122,  123 

arachnoidea  126 

asperrima  126 

eximia  124 

humboldtiana  125 

insignis  105,  124 

maxonii  126 

mexicana  125 

mexicana  var.  macrostachya  125 

obtusifolia  105,  125 

palmatisecta  128 

panamensis  125 
peltata  105,  126 
pittieri  127 

polyphlebia  105,  127,  128 

sandersoniana  124 

standleyana  124 
Celtis  85,  87 

hot t lei  86 

iguanaea  85,  87 

schippii  85,  88,  89 
Ceniza,  Cenizo  93 
Chaetoptelea  92 

mexicana  92 
Chloranthaceae  1-10 
Chlorophora  96,  128, 129 

scandens  95 

tinctoria  96,  129 
Clarisia  96,  130 

biflora96,  130,131 

mollis  96,  209 

panamensis  130 

urophylla  214 
Concha  de  India  193 
Conocephaloideae  95,   104,    105,    123, 


Contrahierba  139 
Contrayerba  139 
Cornaceae  18 
Coussapoa  104,  131,  132 

brenesii  136 

chagresiana  134 

contorta  104,  132,  133 

donnell-smithii  135 

glaberrima  104,  133 

magnifolia  135,  136 

nymphaeifolia  104,  134 

panamensis  104,  135 

parviceps  104,  136 

Discocnide  219 

Dorstenia  99,  137 
choconiana  99,  137, 138 
choconiana  var.  integn folia  137 
contrajerva  99,  138,  139 
contrajerva,  subsp.  tenuiloba  138 
contrajerva,  var.  houstoni  138 
cordato-acuminato  137 
drakena  99,  139,  140 
houstoni  138 
mexicana  139 

Enema  59-6 1,62,  63 



Encinillo  27 

Engelhardia  47 
mexicana  47 
nicaraguensis  48 
roxburghiana  49 

pterocarpa  50 

Erythrobalanus  61, 62 

Fagaceae  59,  60,  61,62,  63 
Ficus  99-103,  140-148 

aurea  165 

benjamina  148 

brenesii  162 

brevibracteata  99,  148 

bulleneilOl,  149 

caldasiana  99,  150 

carica  151 

cervantesiana  100,  151, 152 

citrifolia  100,  152,  153 

colubrinae  102,  153 

costaricana  101,  154 

cotinifolia  101,  155 

crassiuscula  103,  156 

crassivenosa  103,  157 

cuatrecasana  99,  158 

davidsoniae  102,  159 

donnell-smithii  100,  159,  160 

dugandiilOO,  160,  161 

duquei  171 

elastica  161 

eugeniae  folia  175 

georgii  175 

g la  brat a  163 

goldmaniilOl,  161,  162 

hartwegii  100,  162,  163 

hemsleyana  162 

hondurensis  155 

inamoena  155 

insipida  103,  163,  164 

involute  172 

isophlebia  102,  165 

jimenezii  102,  166 

kellermanii  155 

lapathifolia  169,  170 

laterisyce  102,  166,  167 

lyrata  168 

macbridei  103,  168,  169 

maxima  103,  169,  170 

meistosyce  179 

morazaniana  101,  170,  171 

multinervis  186 

nitida  178 

nymphaeifolia  102,  171,  172 

obtusifolia  102,  172,  173 

oerstediana  175 

ovalislOl,  173,174 

padi  folia  176 

palmata  174 

panamensis  174 

pandurata  168 

paraensis  100,  174,  175 

perez-arbelaezii  171 

perforata  100,  175,  176 

pertusa  100,  176,  177 

popenoi!01,177,  178 

proctor-cooperi  172 

pumila  178 

radula  169 

religiosa  178 

retusa  178 

richteri  158 

sanguinosa  171 

schippii  100,  179 

subgenus  Pharmacosycea  103,  141 

subgenus  Urostigma  99-102, 142 

tequendamae  184 

tolimensis  177 

tonduzii  103,  180 

torresiana  168 

trachelosyce  100,  180-181 

trigonatalOl,  181,  182 

tuerckheimii  102,  182,  183 

turbinata  160 

turrialbanalOl,  183 

velutinalOl,  184,  185 

verrucosa  161,  162 

werckleana  103,  185,  186 

yoponensis  103,  186,  187 
Flacourtiaceae  1 1 
Fleurya  236 

aestuans  236 
Fustic  129 

Galactodendrum  utile  118 
Garrya  18, 19 

fadyeni 18 

laurifolia  19,  20 



Garryaceae  18,  19,  20 

Gavilan  bianco  50 

Gavilan  Colorado  43 

Goalin  39 

Gsi-Kra  119 

Gualin  39 

Guarumo  123 

Guarumo  de  montafta  202 

Guarumo  macho  202 

Gyrotaenia  microcarpa  219 

Hamamelidaceae  56 
Hedyosmum  1,  2,  3 

arborescens  7 

brenesii  3,  4 

calloso-serratum  3,  4,  5,  8,  9 

costaricense  3,  5,  6 

mexicanum  1,  2,  3,  7 

montanum  3,  7,  8,  9 

nutans  4 

scaberrimum  3,  9,  10 

scabrum  7 
Helicostylis  98,  187,188 

montana  114 

ojoche  113 

pedunculata  188 

tomentosa  188 

tovarensis98,  188,  189 

urophylla  188 
Hiedra  178 
Hi  go  151 

Higueron  de  Kabul  174 
Hule  119 
Humulus216,  217 

Iupulus216,  217 

Jack,  Jackfruit  110 
Jaul  58 

Juglandaceae  28-53 
Juglans  29 
boliviano  30 

Lacistema  11,  12,  13 
aggregatum  12,  13 

Lacistemaceae  11,  12,  13 

Laportea  226,  236 
aestuana  226,  236,  237 

Laurel  de  la  India  178,  179 
Lechosa  208,  209 
Lepidobalanus  61 
Leucococcus  occidentalis  274 

enantiophylla  84,  89,  90 

trematoides  89 
Lozania  11, 12, 13 

montana  13 

mutisiana  11, 12,  13 

pedicellata  11 

pittieri  11,  12,  13 

Macano  129 
Madura  95,  129 

brasiliensis  95 
Maquira  98,  189 

costaricana  98,  189,  190 
Majao  de  India  193 
Malayan  banyan  178-179 
Manteca  87 

Margarocarpus  obliquus  273 
Medicinal  value  164 
Mora,  129 
Mora  de  espina  129 
Moraceae  94,  95,  96-105 
Morillo  brasil  129 
Morus96,  190,  191 

alba  191 

celtidifolia  191 

insignis96,  191-192 

tinctoria  129 
Musanga  123 

arguta  26 

cerifera  22,  23,  24,  25 

lindeniana  25 

mexicana  22 

phanerodonta  23,  25,  26 

p  ring lei  25 

pubescens  23,  26,  27 

xalapensis  22 
Myriocarpa  227,  237,  238 

cordifolia  227,  238 

inaequilateris  239 

longipes  227,  239 

longipes,  var.  yzabalensis  239 

yzabalensis  239 



Naucleopsis98,  192,  193 
naga  98, 193 

Ogcodeia  naga  193 
Ojeche,  Ojoche  112,  114 
Ojochillo  Colorado  214-215 
Olmedia  98,  194 

angustifolia  196 

armata  199 

aspera98,  194,195 

falci  folia  194 

tovarensis  188 
Oreomunnea  29,  32,  35,  46,  47 

mexicana  47 

mexicana    subsp.    costaricensis   34, 
35,  48,  49 

mexicana  subsp.  mexicana  35,  49 

pterocarpa  35,  36,  50,  51 
Ortiga,  Ortiga  blanca  278 
Ostrya  56 

Pacica  202 
Palo  de  pan  109 
Parietaria  226,  240 

debilis226,  240,  241 

microphylla  264 

sonneratii  245 
Perebea98,  195,  196 

angustifolia  98,  196,  197 

castilloides  197 

costaricana  189 

guianensis98,  197, 198 

guianensis  subsp.  castilloides  198 

hispidula  198 

molliflora  198 

trophophylla  189 

xanthochyma  98,  198 
Pharmacosycea  103,  141 
Phenax  226,  241,242 

angustifolius  226,  242 

hirtus  226,  243 

mexicanus  226,  243,  244 

rugosus  226,  244,245 

sonneratii  226,  245 

vulgaris  245 
Picrodendraceae  30 
Pilea  222-224,  246-250 

acuminata  223,  250 

angustifolia  223,  251 

auriculata  224,  251,  252 


cadierei  247 

centradenioides  253 

chiriquina  222,  253,  254 


cornuto-cucullata  224,  254,  255 

costaricensis  222,  255,  256 

daucidora  224,  256,  257 

deltoidea  261 

diversissima  222,  257,  258 

donnell-smithiana222,  258-259 

ecbolophylla  256,  258 

fallax  255 

gomeziana  223,  259,  260 

gracilipes  224,  260,  261 

herniariodes  224,  261,  262 

hyalina224,  262 

imparifolia  222,  262,  263 


irrorata  269 

microphylla  222,  264 

myriantha  253 

nummularifolia  224,  265 

pallida  223,  265,  266 

pansamalana  258,  272 

parietaria  224,  266,  267 

phenacoides  267 

pittieri  223,  267 

portula  264 

ptericlada  223,  268 


purulensis  259 

quichensis  223,  270 

riparia  258 

rugosissima  224,  270,  271 

standleyi  260 

tilarana222,  271 
Piratinera  guianensis  115 

panamensis  115 
Platycarya  29 
Populus 14, 15 

alba  15 
Poulsenia  97,  199 

armata  97,  199 
Pourouma  104,  200,  201 


johnstonii  201 

minor  104,202,203 



scobina  201 

umbellifera  202 
Pouzolzia  225,  272,  273 

guatemalana  225,  273 

obliqua  225,  273,274 

occidentalis  225,  274,  275 

phenacoides  225,  275 
Procris  rugosa  244 
Pseudojaca  108 
Pseudomedia  98,  203,  204 

malacocarpa  204 

mollis  204 

oxyphyllaria  98,  204 

simiarum  204 

spuria  98,  205 
Pterocarya  29 

aaata  67,  68 
anglohondurensis  66 
baruensis  76 
benthamii  77 
boquetensis  77 
borucasana  77 
brenesii63,  65,  66 
bumelioides  11 
citrifolia  77,  79 
conspersa  66 
copeyensis  62,  67 
corrugata62,68,  69 
costaricensis  63,  69,  70 
costaricensis,  f.  kuntzei  67 
davidsoniae  73 
endresi  69 
eugeniaefolia  11 
eugeniaefolia  f .  petiolata  11 
gracilior  66 
granulata  11 

gulielmi-treleasei  63,  70,  71 
insignis  62,  71,72 
irazuensis  69 
oleoides62,73,  74 
oleoides  var,australis  73 
oocarpa62,  74,75 
panamandinea  61,  77,  79 
pilarius  62,  75,  76 
pilgeriana  68 
rapurahuensis  63,  76,  77 

retusa  73,  74 
sapotaefolia  11,  79 
schippi  72 
seemannii63,  77,  78 
seibertii  72 
skinneri  66 

subgenus  Erythrobalanus  61,  63 
subgenus  Quercus  61,  62 
tenuiaristata  66 
tomentocaulis  75 
tonduzii  63,  79,80 
trichodonta  66 
wesmaeli  79 
Quiri  119 

Rabo  de  goto  231 
Rademachia  incisa  109 
Ramon  112,  114,214 
Ramoon  214 
Rhamnus  iguaneus  87 

micranthus  91 
Rhoipteleaceae  30 
tfoft/e  59-6 1,62,  63 
Rousselia  219 
Rubber  119 
Rutales  30 

Sahagunia  urophylla  214 
Salicaceae  14,  15,  16 
Salix  15,  16 

babylonica  17 

chilensis  17 

humboldtiana  15,  16 
Sapindales  32 
Sarcandra  1 
Seru  119 

caudata  212 
Soro  119 
Sorocea  96,  206,  207 

affinis  96,  207 

cufodonti  208 

cufodontisii  96,  208,  209 

mexicana  212 

pubivena  96,  209 

trophoides  96,  210 
species    of    uncertain    position    221, 

282, 283 



Tabaaquillo  278 
Tinajita  181 

enantiophylla  89 

micrantha84,  91 
Trophis96,  211 

chiapensis  212 

involucrata  96,  211,  212 

macrostachya  209 

mexicana  96,  212,213 

racemosa  96,  214 

ramon  214 
Tsini  119 

Ule  119 



mexicana  84,  92,93 
Urera  227,  276 

alceifolia  279 

baccifera  227,  277 

caracasana  227,  277,  278 

elata  227,  278,  279  280 

killipiana  278 

Urostigma99-102,  142 

costaricanum  154 

eugeniaefolium  175 

intramarginale  136,  184 

involutum  172 

paraensis  174 

oerstedianum  175 

ovale  173 

verrucosum  161 
Urtica221,280,  281 
aestuans  236 
baccifera  277 
caracasana  277 
copeyana  281 
cylindrica  232 
daucidora  256 
e/ata  278 

grandidentata  277 
herniarioides  261 
fo'rta  243 
involucrata  263 
laciniata  280 
magellanica  282 
mexicana  282 
nicaraguensis  282 
muea  233 

nummularifolia  265 
parietaria  266 
verrucosa  277 
Urticaceae  218-220,  221-227,  282-283 

Fa/;  a/  202 

Families  of  seed  plants  known  or  expected  to  occur  in  Costa  Rica  and  adjacent 
areas  numbered  according  to  the  sequence  of  Engler's  Syllabus  der  Pflanzenfami- 
lien,  edition  11,  reworked  by  L.  Diels  (1936). 

1  Cycadaceae 

2  Taxaceae 

3  Podocarpaceae 

4  Araucanaceae 

5  Pinaceae 

6  Cupressaceae 

7  Gnetaceae 

8  Typhaceae 

9  Potamogetonaceae 

10  Najadaceae 

11  Alismataceae 

12  Butomaceae 

13  Hydrpcharitaceae 

14  Triuridaceae 

15  Gramineae 

16  Cyperaceae 

17  Palmae 

18  Cyclanthaceae 

19  Araceae 

_ .     Musaceae 

35  Zingiberaceae 

36  Cannaceae 

37  Marantaceae 

47  Juglandaceae 

48  Batidaceae 

49  Betulaceae 

.     Olacaceae 

67  Opiliaceae 

68  Loranthaceae 

69  Aristolpchiaceae 

60  Rafflesiaceae 

61  Balanophoraceae 

62  Polygonaceae 

63  Chenopodiaceae 

64  Amaranthaceae 
66     Nyctaginaceae 

66  Phytolaccaceae 

67  Aizoaceae 

68  Portulacaceae 

69  Basetlaceae 

70  Caryophyllaceae 

71  Nympnaeaceae 

72  Ceratophyllaceae 

73  Ranunculaceae 

74  Berberidaceae 

75  Menispermaceae 

76  Magnoliaceae 

77  Anonaceae 

78  Myristicaceae 














incl.  Fumariaceae 











































































incl.  Humiriaceae 









































































































































incl.  Hypericaceae 























Publication  1270