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Full text of "The Follett-Dewey Fassett-Safford ancestry of Captain Martin Dewey Follett (1765-1831) and his wife Persis Fassett (1767-1849)"

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A  nee  \  try 

VaDtani   MartiN  Dezvev  J'j^Uctt 
/?;/rf'  his  zvifc  Per  sis  Fasseff 

BEING  i.  COSn'TJATTO)!^  OK  »•  A'tir.  ^■-  Jd^tlOkDS  -^- VD  EXTRACTS  VRCM  VAnrOHP 
TIIS    yOT,J,ETT5    OF    SALEM,     WINtKAM,    VVVCO.nN:-.   V-VL:.E  V    AND  V  it  aMO.S'X  ;; 

i».-ivTY=..     :■•■;.-:; :;tts    and    safkords    of    Massachusetts,    Connecticut   and 

OTKES.  J'Av;?i.I-;.-;  OF  V::KM0NT  .  TO^ETKER  with  ACCOr  NTS  of  TKS  SFTXI-rMRNTS 
<■■■?    T.  Vi-.-.i:-    -     V„I.^LY     AN",>    Vr^.RMONT,     THE      ■■"•.I'OMING     VAr,l.E\     M ASS A';,n:s, 

vcy-^^y-.-i-^s  A.;;>  C'jianp  is.- iTf.>.b ;  .'.'^a  i^:^;  DTAitY  of  ca.?tajn  (ohn 
rAi.sKT:,  jA.  r.'i  YHi-.  i.xPiiDiTiD.N  oi"  fKii  GK£r:>;  .MOi'.siAiN  soys  ::-;  ijvj.     +     <- 



S'crerr-'-ij  of  tk2  Ohio  3oc'!.eti/,  Sots  0/  £';?  .^Twerff^an 
jx-:iolut:o^\,  ana  of  the  Or-io  Society  of  Vae  Vt'ar  of  iSt;;. 
C,\irrffp^r:c:_i.r,:j  jjanibf^-  '>/  the  M'yo'inm:/  l-J'U(o>".cat  and 
G-iolhyia-xl  ^^•:it:ty;  ^.'^^■'.bi,'  lyf  the  i'crrv.ynt  liis'orical 
tiOoif-iy.  Ohio  Archaeok'i-ical  and  Wsioncal  fiodfity,  etc. 

*L-«?«.-5   DOJCi.'iO   JfDCCCXCVi 



Cbatnvltn  ^-rintiRt)  Caiiqunr, 

H.   C.   A   H.    P.   WAHO,    raOPHrETOfli 




TOrs.  -fiannat;  rallztt  Clack, 
VMXV  in  tisr  niuulg-iliirjs  tear. 


"For  ivhat  is  your  lifef  It  U  even  a  vapour, 
that  appearcth  for  a  litUe,  and  <7te?» 
varxishelh  Qiuay  "  Jarms  rv':i4. 


Introductory , 11 

The  Early  FoIlett« 15 

Lieut  Benjamin  Follett,  Jr.  (1715 ) 24 

Eliphalei.  Follett  (1741— iTTS) ,  37 

Tlie  Wyoming  Massacre 45 

CMldrea  of  Eiiphalet  Follett  07^1 — 1778)....  59 

Oapt.  Martin  Dewey  Foileit  (1765-1^31) . .  62 

Ciiiluicjji  w.  C'.ipc.  Martin  Dewey  Follett 77 

Frederic!:  Follett  (1761—1804) 89 

ObildroB  oi  FreJeriolv  Follett  (1761— iSOl; 99 

Samuel  Follett,  Last  Snrvivor  of  Bnnlrer  Hill.  .  Ill 

The  Deweys , 113 

The  Early  Fassetts 121 

Children  of  Capt  John  Fa^sett,  ^^i 129 

Capt.  John  FiXrsSioU,  Jr 332 

Children  of  Capt.  John  Faiisett,  Jr Ii9 

The  Early  Saliords 100 

ChiKiren  of  D^^cou  Joseph  ^^al^'^ord  . 160 

Tiifi  Hopkinses  , 174 

The  Kobinsoiis 179 

The  Fays. . 1S4 

F,Dny  I^enninaton 193 

Early  Caiahridy:e , .  207 

Diary  uf  Capi.  Joha  Fa;?sett,  Jr 211 

7  ^O 


The  "Minute  Man  uf  70" .Frontispiece. 

FoUett's  Fro^  Pond,  Windham IT 

-V  WjoTiimg  Home 35 

Forty  Fort  in  1778 35 

^*  jtjiji.Aja^    i»ji\^ij.Liiilljii  t •  . ^j'J 

Map  of  "Wjon-ing  Valley,  1778 5S 

Map  of  Trout  Kiver  \'alley,  1820. 87 

Bennington  Meeting  House,  176G 119 

The  Follett  School-house,  1815 137 

Catamount  Tavern 137 

Seal,  Vermont  Historical  Society 192 

Arms  of  A>rinont 201 

Bennington  Battle  Monument 205 

Leaf  from  Capt.  I'assett's  Diary 213 

Map  of  Early  V-^-i'mont 215 

Fifty-six  Family  Portraits 217-278 

leemily  Portraiis  cuiitiea  from  copies  intended  for  public  libiaries 


A'j  a  state  ofiicer  of  two  of  the.  patriotic  hereditary 
societies,  it  has  been  m_v  privilege  to  examine  niauy 
genealogical  and  Iiictorical  records.  I  have  read  with 
deep  iiiterest  the  treasured  family  traditions  and  official 
authorities  relating  to  tJie  suiTerinj^s  and  sacrifices  of 
a  few  hundred  of  the  several  hundred  thousand  men 
who  risked  life,  health,  and  oftentimes  xh^^  welfare  of 
their  fainilicb,  lii  the  making  and  early  preservation  of 
the  nation. 

Numerous  patriotic  societies  l-ave  sprung  up  in 
the  last  fevv-  years,  a  half  dozen  of  which  appear  to  be  on 
such  firm  foundations  as  to  give  promise  of  being  last- 
ing institutions  for  good.  Their  etrorts  have  brough.t 
from  dark  attics  all  riianner  of  old  and  forgotten  docu- 
ments and  papers  of  past  generations,  have  caused  re- 
search into  musty  volumes  on  tlie  top  shelves  of  our 
private  and  public  librsries,  and  hnve  driven  cob- webs 
av.-ay  from  the  memories  of  many  of  our  "oldest  rela- 
tives." More  tiiis,  they  are  accomplishing  ines- 
timable good  in  the  halls  of  Congress  and  in  the  legi?- 
latures  of  t'le  older  states  in  gathering  together, 
preserving  and  indexing  for  ready  reference  all  such 
incividual  rcccrdr  as  can  be  found.  They  are  erecting 
monuments,  marking  graves,  pubhsiiing  m.aga;dnes 
and  historical  works,  collecting  relics  and  celebrating 
in  numerous  ways  the  great  events  of  our  early  history. 
This  is  quite  right  2nd  proper. 



It  h  true  tlicre  is  a  ridiculous  extrerniiy  to  which 
"genealogical  hitnts"  are  sometimes  carried.  For  an 
instance  we  arc  reliably  informed  that  Dewey  blood  is 
traced  back  to  Alfred  the  Great,  and  that  the  Jewetts 
ca?ne  iron)  Henri  de  Jiiatt,  a  knight  of  the  First  Cru- 
sade. This  is  probably  true,  but  we  may  be  interested 
in  knowing  just  how  nmch  of  the  blood  of  Alfred  the 
Great  we  have  in  our  veins.  Supposing  it  to  be  forty- 
generations  back  to  Alfred,  j^.nd  knowing  that  each 
ancestor,  male  and  female,  had  a  father  and  a  mother, 
we  liiid,  figuring  back  twenty  of  those  forty  genera- 
tions, that  2,097,lu0  persons,  excepting  cases  of  inter- 
marriage in  the  same  blood,  have  been  direct  ancestors 
to  us,  1,043,57(5  of  whom  belovig  to  the  twentietli  gen- 
eration back,  each  of  whom,  ii  we  are  to  carry  it  back 
twenty  generations  farther,  had  the  same  nvn-nhi^r  of 
ajiccstors.  The  mind  can  not  compreljend  the 
infnntesinial  pari  of  our  blood  that  came  from  Alfred. 

Notwithstanding  such  extremities  there  is  great 
truth  and,  just  now,  much  popularity,  in  the  sentiment 
contained  in  the  oft  quoted  expression  of  Edmund 
Burke  "He  only  deserves  to  be  remembered  by  pos- 
terity who  treasures  up  and  prescr\-es  the  history  of  his 
ancestors."     The  more  we  study  it  th.e  truer  it  seems. 

To  the  subjects  of  these  brief  sketches;  may  be 
appropriated  the  words  of  the  most  prominent  Amer- 
ica a  historian,  Bancroft,  who  says.  Volume  V,  p,  1G5: 

"Nothing  could  restrain  the  Americans  from 
peopling  the  wilderness.  To  be  a  free-holder  was  the 
ruling  passion  of  the  New  Etigland  man.  Marriages 
were  early  and  fruitful.  The  sons  as  they  grev/  up^ 
skilled  in  the  use  of  the  ax  and  the  riP.e,  would,  one 
after  another,  move  from  the  old  homestead,  and  with  a 
wife,  a  yoj<e  cf  oxen,  a  cow,  and  a  few  husbandry  tools, 
build  a  small  hut  in  some  new  plantation,  and  by  task- 
ing every  faculty  of  m.ind  and  body,  win  for  themselves 
plenty  and  independence.     Such  were  they  who  began 


to  dwel!  aniot^g-  the  xmtenantci]  forests  that  rose  be- 
tween the  Penobscot  and  the  Saint  Croix,  or  in  the  New 
Ilanipshirc  (.iranrs,  on  each  side  of  the  Green  Moun- 
tain?, or  in  ''lie  exquisitely  beautiful  valley  of  Wy-- 
oinin;^,  ^\lK•re.  on  the  banks  of  the  Susquehanna,  the 
wide  and  ricls  uit-adov.'s,  shut  in  by  walls  of  wooded 
rnouTitain?,  attracted  emigTRnts  from  Connecticut, 
thoug-h  their  cla'ni  of  right  under  the  charter  of  their 
native  colony  was  in  conflict  wiili  the  territorial  juris- 
diction of  the  Projirietaries  of  Pennsylvania.'' 

To  the  professional  genealogist  or  historian  my 
efforts  might  seem  mere  child's  play,  but  to  those  vvlio 
have  in  their  vein?  the  blood  ot  the  Folletts,  Deweys, 
Passctts  and  Saft-'-rds  of  Vermont,  I  hope  they  will  be 
interesting  and  acceptable. 

Tlic  v.;.''"V  is  by  '"o  means  comrslete.  There  are 
numerous  directions  in  vvjiich  investigation  may  be 
continued,  and  no  doubt  with  good  results,  particularly 
in  the  early  colonial  records,  to  which  I  h.ave  been  able 
to  devote  but  little  time.  No  undertaking  of  this  na- 
tiue  caii  be  crrricd  on  without  assistance.  I  find  my- 
self under  many  and  lasting  obligations  to  a  number 
of  persons  v  ho  ought  to  be  considered  co-workers  in 
the  compilation.  For  family  records  I  am  indebted  to 
Hon.  Martin  Dewey  Follett  of  ^Marietta,  Ohio,  Kon. 
EHas  Fnssett,  and  his  daughter  Mrs.  Morris  J.  Riggs, 
of  Toledo,  Ohio,  Mv.  Benjamin  D.  Hopkins  of  St.  Al- 
bans, Vt.,  General  William^  Farrar  Smith,  U.  S.  Army, 
of  Wilmington,  Del ,  Mr.  Joseph  E.  Follett,  of  Mil- 
waukee, Wis.,  Mr.  James  D.  Follett,  Sr.  of  Chicago, 
Mr.  BenjaiTiin  Franklin  Follert,  of  LeadviUe,  Colo., 
Mrs.  Frederick  Follett  Buell,  of  Troy,  N-  Y.,  Mrs.  F. 
\Y.  Pall,  of  Cleveland,  Hon.  A,  G.  Safford,  of  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  Mr  W.  A.  Comings,  of  East  Berkshire,  Vt., 
i'.-:id  Mr.  Harry  Tracey  Buttolph  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  by 
each  of  whom  my  lengthy  correspondence  has  been 
ta*:en  up  with  enthusiasm.  Miss  Alice  Boardman, 
As.5i3tant  Librarian  of  the  Ohio  State  Library,  has  ex- 


tended  courtesies  and  asr^islance  to  rnc  almost  daily  for 
mouths  past.  Rev,  Horace  Edwin  Hayden,  of  Wilkes- 
Barre  Pa.,  Corrce-ponding-  Secretan-  of  the  Wyoming 
Historical  and  Geological  Scciet)',  has  very  kindly  and 
padcnrly  taken  up  and  investigated  one  request  after 
another  in  regard  to  VV'yoming  Valley  history,  and 
from  Hon.  Elias  Fasselt^  of  Toledo,  Ohio,  Mrs.  M.  IM. 
Kirkjiian,  of  Evanston,  Ills.,  Mr.  Ethan  Allen  \Vea^'er, 
Secretary  of  the  Pennsylvania  Society,  Sons  of  the  Rev- 
ohition.  Mr.  Charles  Searle  Elder,  of  Zanesville.  Ohio, 
Mrs.  Vvilliam  A.  Castle,  of  Alexandria,  Ohio, 
Mr.  Benjamin  D.  Hopkins,  of  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  and  l\Ir. 
William  Clement  Bryant,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  I  have  re- 
ceived books  that  are  no  longer  in  print  and  could  not 
ije  found  in  th.e  Ohio  State  Librar}-.  Hon.  Melvil 
Dev/ey.  Libi.-irian  of  the  State  of  New  YnrV  T-,-,^^«r=^.-i 
material  assistance  in  looking  up  authorities  on  the 
Deweys,  and  Mrs.  Henry  Comings  of  St.  Paul,  Minn., 
and  Mr.  Charles  Dewey,  of  ]Montpelicr,  Vt,  furnished 
private  records  of  the  Dewey  genealog\'.  Judge  Wil- 
liam Safford,  of  Chillicothe,  Ohio,  also  furnished  his 
private  reccid,  alihough  but  a  small  portion  of  it  could 
be  used.  For  permission  to  reproduce  copyrighted 
illu.>frations  1  am  indebted  to  Dr.  F.  C.  Johnson  of  the 
Wilkes-Barre  Record,  Hon.  William  V..  Egle,  M.  D., 
Librarian  of  the  State  of  Pennsylvania,  }Sr.  ^L  E.  Wat- 
son, of  Bennington,  Vt.,  and  the  Willimantic  Einen 
Company,  of  Hartford,  Conn.  Several  illustrations 
have  beer,  furnished  by  Mr.  B.  D.  Hopkins  of  St.  Al- 
bans and  Hon.  Hiram  Carlcton,  President  of  the  Ver- 
moiit  Historical  Society,  ^'.lontpelier,  who  has  also  sup- 
plied much  information  concerning  Capt.  John  Fassett 

H.  P.  W. 
ColiLTPihus,  Ohio^  January  I.  1896. 


'>f■■'iXl^O]^EliT  FOLLETT  (born  probably  about 
l:%i^  1625,  died  170S).  American  Ancesiry, 
vS  ^Jv  ^"^-*^-  ^^  >  1^-  •'"^'  ^^y^  "*-'^  Salem,  Mass.. 
ni'iviied  vinsve  July  29,  1055,,  Persis  Black, 
and  bad  Joan  and  Abrabtim  of  Attleborough,  Isaac 
vf  "•nleii:  and  Benjamin  of  Windham,  He  may  liave 
!.(•  .::D  ndnlcd  to  Jolm  of  Dover  and  Will  lam  of  Oyster 
t'rcer.'-  The  V'Tllliam  referred  to  is  mentioned  in 
X.  K.  }{ist,  and  Gen.  Keg.,  Vol.  VII,  p.  33S  as  being  on 
bviud  on  a  wi'i  Sep.  10,  1G51,  at  Oyster  rtiver,  and  in 
same  volume,  j).  336,  5  mo.,  IGal,  in  tbe  purcbase  of 
a  ?,flv-ir!iil.  Same  anthority,  VoL  IX,  p,  360,  rnen- 
tions  "Robert  of  Balem  and  bis  son  Abraham,  born 
December  23,  1671.  Same  authority,  VoL  XV.  p. 
GO,  Sarah,  the  dau,elrtfr  of  Abraham,  bajviized  Au- 
giiR!,  yo  13,  1G1J9,  and  p.  72,  Jonoilsan,  hoii  of  John, 
both  items  from  Rehoboth  clmreh  reco'-ibs. 

Tlio  fonovrihi^  iy  i?xtracted  from  the  eiteusive 
niasAiiseript  records  of  ine  early  Folleit^  prepared  by 
Hon.  Martin  Dewey  Foliett  (1S2G)  of  Marietta,  Ohio, 
'«\'ho,  .some  years  ago,  spent  a  great  deal  of  time  in 
examining,  pcri'ori.Gliy,  original  records  in  different 
to^vijs  in  l^ew  England. 

FiioM  17.1  ri  ilKcoiiDS  OF  SAT/I•:;^7,  Mass. 

''Kf^bert  Fone!:t  iiiaryed  to  Persiji  Black''  in 
^lil»em,  Mush.,  29,  7  mo.,  105:5. 

Their  elilldcec,  born  in  Salera: 
^Uwy,  ^[■iv::h  16,  165G. 
'^•^?r;.,   inlv  20,  1659. 
Su^HD'^ah,  June  1,  1GG2. 
Ifi«jjnab,  October  23,  W3i. 
'^utb/Oci-bor  17,  1G07.  died  May  1,  i6->8. 



Jobii,  July  10,  l^K'ti. 

AbraLaui,'  December  23,  1671. 

Is-<ia(?5  July  30,  1G74. 

Eebccca,  July  SO,  1671 

Benjamin, ,  16T0  (probablv)^  baptized  Sopu 

iC,  1G87. 

Kobert  Foilett  (1G25?— 170S)  is  first  meiitionod 
in  ibese  records  as  married  to  Persis  Black.  \>  ith 
the  same  record  is  giveri  the  births  of  their  chil-lfen. 
These  facts  are  recorded  on  page  20,  VoL  I,  Marriage 
Records,  aud  on  pages  10,  20  a^nd  21,  Vol.  I,  Eocurdis 
of  Births.  In  these  records  is  found  do  account  of 
the  birth  of  Benjamin  (1GT6? — 1752),  but  in  VoL  7, 
p.  126  Essex  Institute  History,  record  of  baptisms 
of  the  First  Church  of  Salem,  Mass.,  on  Sept,  10, 1GS7, 
of  "JohDj  Abraham,  Isaac,  Eebecea,  BenjaiDin,  of 
T?nb--f  V-^](>tt"  Eobert  Foilett  and  Persis  his  w  ;e. 
joined  this  First  Church  September  7,  IfiSG,  as  s'Uown 
in  VoL  XVI,  p.  9,  of  Essex  Institute  History.-' 

*'AIso  in  Deeds  Eecordr^  of  Sniem,  book  IG,  p.  129 
is  a  record  of  the  deed,  dated  August  3,  170i,  by 
which  Eobert  Foilett  alone  (liis  first  -wife  must  have 
been  dead  then)  'in  consideration  of  natural  affecvion 
which  I  have  and  do  bear,  and  in  consideration  of 
sevevuj  payments,  agreements,  duties,  contracts* 
nhieh  I  hey  have  covenanted  with  me  to  perform'  etc. 
conveyed  to  his  'two  sons,  Isaac,  Benjamin',  'all  that 
my  homestead,  being  a  farm  of  about  130  acres  of 
arable  pasture  and  meadow  ground*,  and  all  other 
real  estate  whatsoever,  'and  all'  bis  •cattle,  horses, 
Rlieep,  and  other  creatures  v^-hatsoever.' '' 

^'Kobert  Foilett  (1625?-— 170S)  by  deed  of  April 
9, 1703,  book  17,  p.  C7,  had  before  couveyed  to  William 
Harbett  (Herbert),  his  grandson  (a  son  of  Mary), 
for  ten  pounds  and  affection,  his  dv/elling  house  and 
lot  There  is  no  tax  in  Eobert's  name  after  1700, 
ou'v  in  the  name  of  Isaac  Foilett  and  Bejomin  Foi- 
lett until  1709,  then  Isaac  alone.  The  interest  of 
Beojar.iin  in  the  130  acres  (less  ten  acres  deeded  be- 
fore) v>';  a  conveyed  by  Benjamin  and  Patience,  his 


c-  '^^^'te^^^V^^- 

I'OI.I.V.TTS  I'ROG   P'^)N'I)    WINDHAM.   1:5s. 
See  page  2-. 

COPYfllGMI  O-^'.CO  BV   *lLi.iv»STiC   LisEX   CO  .    !-,«ST=0^0.   CONX. 


ROm^PT  {IG25?-1708). 

wi:?^e,  to  otbei-s,  Xov.  4,  1708,  in  wlilcli  deed  ho  calls 
Robert  Foilett  }]is  fatber  lately  deceased,  and  retains 
the  rig'Jit  of  possesc-ioii  of  liis  house  and  ripiit  to  use 
/ii-e^v(;od  Tintii  Mar  i,  1700.  Kobert  o^vued  iajid  be- 
lore  Mar  4, 1650.  At  tliar  time  he  kidded  to  his  fcnnev 
laud  a  lionse  and  one  and  oiie  l-.ah:  acres  of  lojid  as 
shown  b}-  deed  in  Vol.  I,  p,  \M,  Deeds  Records.  At 
firfeL  the  deeds  called  Eobert  FoUett  'shoreman'  the 
'shoreinaiT.  or  farmer"  then  'hiisbfindman/ " 

"Hubert  Follett  (1025?— 170S)  must  have  poa- 
sersed  provident  habits  and  paiental  care  a^xl  love 
After  thirty-one  years  of  married  life  the  parents 
nnited  with  the  First  dluireh  of  Salem,  Mass.,  Sep- 
tember 7,  1GS6.  Their  children  Hannah  Follett, 
Mary  Herbert,  and  Susannah  Bibley  had  been  bap- 
tized Jannary  2,  IGSG,  at  their  own  request,  'i'he 
ncTt  v<>fir.  v"^eT)tember  10,  1(587,  the  minor  children 
Vv'ere  baptized,  John,  when  IS,  Abraliam  when  nearly 
16,  Isaac  and  Kebecca  (twins)  wlien  1-3,  and  Benjainiu 
wl)en  probably  9  or  10  years  old,  and  probably  at 
their  parents'  request.  Eobert  Follett,  Jr.  (b.  1059) 
mnst  have  died  before  that  tim.e." 

The  n]annscri])t  records  of  Hon.  ^lartin  Dev^'ey 
Follett  (1S2G)  ^ive  about  all  the  descendants  of  Rob- 
ert (1625? — 1708)  for  several  o;eiierationG. 

Several  other  records  of  early  Folletts  are  at 
hand  bnt  tlie  writer  can  find  no  eonneetion  with 
Robert  (1025? — 170S)  or  his  ancesirv. 

Benjamin  Follett  (lG"i<3?--1752),  son  of  Robert 
Follett  (1G25?— 170S)  was  bom  abo'it  1670  or  1077  at 
Salem,  Mass.  American  Ancestry  Vcd.  IV,  p..  127, 
iff.\\H  "'Of  Massacli'isetts  and  Connecficnt.  Son  of 
Robert  liorn  at  i^aleni,  "Mass.,  about  1G76,  died  at 
Windham,  1752.  Moved  there  1709.  ^larried 
March  13,  1707,  Patience  DonJec.'"  The  manuscript 
records  of  Hon.  Martin  Dewey  Follett  (1826)  ^-ive  the 
date  of  marriage  as  March  13.  1706-7,  copied  from 
marriaiAO  records  of  Salem,  Masr..,  Vol.  I,  p.  ]0,  and 
the  TpcrTds  uf  thpir  children,  taiTen  from  rhe  records 
of  Windham,  Conn.,  a.s  follows: 



Elizabeth,  Deceiiibei-  6,  1707. 

Abif-ail,  Januai-v  26,  1709. 

Marj,  Marcii  23,  1711. 

Susannah,  December  13,  1712, 
.  Benjamin,  March  2S5  1715. 

Hannali,  Xoveiuber  15,  1710.  '    i.^;;, 

Hezekiab,  August  23,  1719. 

Joseph,  April  23,  172  L 

The  place  of  birth  of  first  .'hlid  Elizabeth,  is 
given  as  Balem,  of  second  child  not  given,  and  of  ail 
the  rest,  Windham.  It  is  <iuite  probable  fix-UD  the 
date  given  in  the  deed  of  Benjamin  (1 670?-— 1752), 
previouslj  referred  to  in  the  notice  of  hit?  father,  that 
Benjamin  left  Salem  for  Vv'indham  about  May  1, 
1709.  Be  is  mentioned  as  ''husbaiidman,"  Deed- 
book  2G,  p.  10.     He  died  1752  and  his  svife  Patience 

in  17^7  nr  VJi-.vEi  ^^ln    Porin..  ^vh'^'T.-'  n:o]r  rvTT.\-r>s  have 

been  seen  by  Hon.  Martin  De\\ey  Follett  (182G). 

In  this  connection  a  few  random  extracts  con- 
cerning the  children  of  Benjamin  {107<3? — 1752)  may 
be  of  interest  before  we  come  to  the  child  in  who]!.' 
we  are  more  ])articnl<u-]y  interested,  Benjamin,  Jr. 
(1715 ).  Hezekiali  (1719-17S2)  married  Han- 
nah Bead  1713-1  and  their  children  were  Jeriisha 
(1711),  John  (1716),  Abner  UV17),  Susannali  (1719), 
Elizabeth  (:;  751),  Hannah  (1752),  Irene  (1755),  Levinla 
(1757 — 1811),  Anna  (175S — 18o3).  Hezekiah's  wife 
Hannah  died  1702  and  he  married  ao-ain  17t.i3,a!!d  bad 
born  to  him  Hezekiah,  (1761  died  early),  Oliver  (176G- 
— ISld),  Hezoidah  (ITGS,  he  and  his  children  dead). 
Hezekiah  (1719—1782)  joined  tlie  church  1712  and 
was  reuKirkable  for  his  oreat  streiiLTth.  Zd'arvin  Fn]- 
lett,  son  of  Abner,  son  of  Abnev  (1717),  of  Vvlndhajn. 
said  the  male  FoUetts  of  WindhiMn  had  neai-iv  ^'H 
died  or  gone. 

Joseph  (1721 ),  son  of  Benjamin  a676V — 

1752)  married  Hanuah in  1742  and  their  chil- 
dren were  Mory  (1711—1715),  Mary  (1715)  Joseph 
(J  717—1717),  Hannah  (171S— -171S),  Isaac  (1750),  Jo- 
seph (1751),  Timothy  (1754),  and  Isaac  (1750).  This 
Isaac  went  to  Vermont.    Joseph  (1721—  - — )  joined 

BEN  JA!^  I IX  (1f)76?4752). 

!he  church  in  Vv'iudham  Liud  the  record  sho^vs  biDi  as 
**r» moved."  biit  does  not  say  to  what  place.  Possibly 
he  reinovod  to  Wyoming  as  may  iippear  later.  Mr. 
.Tr.sopl!  E.  l^olleH'of  Milvraukee  says  of  this  Joseph 

il-^'Zi  —   )  *'l  think  he  is  the  progenitor  of  the 

\'ennont  branoli  of  the  Folletts,  of  T^hi':h  Tiiao'rhy, 
i:>Ti'  of  ]]\i]  liniitoji,  was  one." 

Mr.  .1.  ^V.  FoHett,  of  Worcester,  Mass.,  wrote  in 
5>^Sl.',  \n  Mr.  Josev)]!  E.  Follett,  of  MilwiUikee,  that  he 
was  ih<'  SCI)  of  Abner,  who  was  the  son  of  Abner,  Sr., 
V.  ho  Avas  liie  son  of  Benjamin  (an  error,  shonld  be 
Mpir?:k}ah)  who  was  the  son  of  Benjamin,  Sr.,  and  that 
x\iK're'  wasa  tradition  in  his  family  that  three  brothers 
.'.ho  i-'jine  from  Enj^^'iand  landed  at  Salern  at  an  early 
tlv.\'\  1G  — ,  one  of  whom  went  to  Conuectiout,  and  one 
io  Vf'i'it>nf)i.  thp  other  remaininp  at  Salem.  That 
■  ■•Ait.  .^.I'vh  I .  .clitlv.n  rcfcrrln'^' to  the  5^'^^^''^'^'''"^'^*  •"s'f '■^ne 
brother  in  Vermont  would  seem  to  be  without  foun- 
thition  as  Benninoton  was  the  first  tov.n  really  set- 
iled  in  \'ermont,  ilGl,  although  Thompson'&  History 
'if  Vermont  mentions  the  first  civilized  establish- 
ment in  the  limits  of  Vermont  as  Fort  Bummer,  172-1 
st  is  p()ssi!>ie  that  William  of  Oyster  Creek,  John  of 
Dover,  an<l  Jiobert  (1025? — 1708)  of  Salem  were  the 
tl;i'ee  emi;j:rant  brothers  referred  to.  Mr.  J,  W.  Fol- 
Uit  adds  "Have  heard  my  father  speak  of  the  vndow 
of  the  brother  killed  at  the  massacre  as  Munt  Hau- 
v:\h.\  who,  with  her  children,  rode  on  horseback  from 
l"nnsyivania  to  Connecticut."  This  would  bo  evl- 
*icntly  wrong  both  as  to  the  name  of  the  v.'idovr  and 
'n  r''>:'.,fid  to  retnridnii;  to  Connecticut,  unless  there 
■vf=r.>  <-.i;K>r  FolJetts  than  the  families  of  Benjamla 

Jr.,  <1T1;, )  Eliphalet  (1741— T77S)  at  W^vomlng 

iU  th(   rime  of  the  177S  massacre.    We  see  from  our 

rfHv,rds  that  Benjamin  Jr.  (1715 ),  had  a  sister 

Hannah  and  a  brother  Jose]>h,  v/hose  v,ife's  name 
vv,'>«i  Hainiiih,  and  the  d^^te  and  place  of  whose  death 
i-i  n.'-.i  jvivt-^ii.  ^Ye  find  also  that  Joseph  Follett  of 
'^'l- n]i!.ham  joined  the  Susquehanna  Con?pany  May  1, 
i»'-i,  and  paid  money  into  the  treasury  of  the  com- 


pany  Dec.  19, 1751  (Pennn.  Archives,  Yol.  XYIII>  pp. 
20  sua  29),  As  to  v\'liether  ho  actually  went  out  to 
the  Siisqaehanna  we  have  as  yet  found  no.  record. 
The  Wiric'lmm  church  records  having  the  word  ^"re- 
moved'' afier  Joseph's  name,  it  is  possible  the  ''Aunt 
Ilannnh"  referred  to  wns  his  wife,  nnd  thai  they  ssuf- 
fered  in  cue  of  the  V/yoming  massacres. 

It  is  possible,  too,  that  Mr.  J.  W.  Follett's  father 
may  have  referred  to  the  first  massacre  of  settlers  in 
ITGo,  at  vrhich  time  we  sbail  see  Benjamin,  Jr.  (1715 

),  was,  with  scarcely  any  doubt,  in  the  "Wyom- 

ing  Valley,  and  retreated  with  the  other  settlers  to 
Connecticut.  Our  family  records  give  no  light  on  the 
first  massacre. 

There  seem  to  be  no  records  of  the  names  of  those 
who  suffered  in  the  17G3  massacre,  and  it  is  probf^^le 
i.L„i,  the  liii  of  1778  sufferers  is  by  no  mcano  coin 

Mr.  J.  Y'.  Follett  continues  in  his  letter  that  he 
lived  for  many  years  on  the  old  Follett  place,  a  mile 
from  Windham,  wliich  had  been  in  the  Follett.  family 
for  six  ^generations,  and  where,  in  175S,  the  famous 
"Frog'  Fight"  tool:  place  in  "Follett's  Pond'-*  wblcb 
caused  a  great  scare  in  the  village.  He  refers  to  "an 
article  in  Scribner's  Monthly  Magazine,  18S0  (error — 
should  be  Sept.,  187S).  entitled'  ^The  History  of  a 
Spool  of  Thread,'  referring  to  an  important  industry 
in  Willim.antic — the  Frog  Pond  among  its  illustra- 
tions,'' and  to  Ti'umbuirs  History  of  Connecticut  in 
regard  to  the  Frog  Fight. 

"This  terrible  nizlil,  the  pnr=on  did  f.ight 

His  ijeonle  almost  in  despair. 
For  poor  \V'indhan-.  souls,  among  thehean  po!e3, 

Ho  laadr  a  most  -jN'onderful  prayer, 

Those  lusty  frogs,  th=y  .^ouj^ht  dogs. 

For  which  I  do  commeiid  thera  ; 
But  lost  the  day,  Tor  want.  1  ssy. 

Of  weapons  to  defend  thens.' 

—Cunneciicul  Historical  ColUctiotis,  p.  ^S. 



Ml.  Jitsopli  E,  FuJjett  aido  received  a  letter  in 
l>s2  from  lUr.   iienjaiiiiii  Foliett,  of  Olivet,  Aiich., 

';'•:;  '•exeuty-iiiae  yeaxy  of  age)  in  wiiieh  the  Abner, 
--:.,  i^\e\ii>>\sl\'  liienti Oiled  as  the  gTaadiatlier  of  Mr. 
•■.  \\.  i'oileti  is  iiiejitioned  as  tiie  son  of  Hezekiah, 
\-i.M»  was  tLie  son  of  lienjamin,  Sr.  This  would  show 
*wr.  J,  W.  Foiiett's  statement  in  regavd  to  de;icenc 
fruiu  Bcajaiiiin,  J^r.  (lOTG? — 1752),  to  be  correct,  but 
V.  rong  iu  regard  to  descent  from  iJenjamiu,  Jr.  (1715 

. ^A^  xvho  was  hi.s  great  uncle,     Mr.  Beiijamin 

r«,li'.tt's  letter  states  that  the  first  Foiiett  who  came 
U'  Aiaeric:i  landed  at  New  York  and  married  a 
}  ixinh  !;;  ly,  of  whom  he  has  no  further  direct 
r».ori!.  lie  mentions  William,  of  Oyster  Creek, 
:'1.:,^>..  hi  li;54;  Benjamin,  whose  name  he  finds  in  the 
vViudDam  church  manual  early  in  1700,  and  who 
•'•'^f!  17-V?;  ^Joseph,  in  1740,  no  other  record,  only  "re- 
ij.oved";  uext  Benjamin,  who  united  with  the  churcli 
17r/>,  and  Kezekiah,  who  joined  in  1712  and  died 
i7.S2.  Mv.  Benjamin  FolJett  was  son  of  Oliver,  who 
way  son  of  Uezekiah,  who  was  son  of  Benjamin,  Sr. 
nr>7t;? — 1 752),    lie  says  that  Frederick  Foiiett  (17G1 

-l^Oi)  was  cousin  to  his  father  (Oliver)  and  used 
lo  usil  him.  Be  also  mentions  the  retreat  of  the 
V,  [iiiuv  of  E]iphalet  (1711 — 177S)  from  Vv^yoming  to 
X'emiunt  (not  Connecticut).  He  refers  to  Hezekiah 
as  the  son  of  Benjamin,  br.,  and  the  father  of  Abner, 
vdiver,  liezekiah  and  six  or  more  daughters,  ilr.  J. 
\'^'.  I'oliett  also  refers  to  Abner  as  having  brothers, 
iie/ekiah  and  Oliver,  and  sisters,  Susanna,  Levinia, 
Anna  and  two  or  three  others  whose  names  he  has 
f'>ri:otu-i\.  It  is  therefore  evident  that  the  letters 
'^•f  >:r.  J.  \v:  Foiiett,  of  Worcester,  :Mass.,  and  Mr. 
H.-njamin  Foiiett,  of  Olivet,  Mich.,  refer  to  the  same 
UimilY.  Mr.  Joseph  E.  Foiiett  has  letters  from  New 
Hisapslnro  Folletts  witli  whom  he  thinks  we  have  no 

(1115 -) 

♦  '    '  %CXJAMIX  FOLLETT,  JR.  11715 ),son 

>^4  of  Benianiin  Follett  (1(STG?--1752),  was 
^J^^y  borD  March  28,  1715,  at  Windham,  Conn. 
Of  the  date  and  place  of  hih  death  we  have 
no  positive  record,  although  the  records  of  Luzerne 
vOonuty,  PeniisylTania,  shovr  that  Frederick  Folieti 
was  administrator  of  the  estate  of  Benjamin  Follett, 
with  T,9,wrence  'vfyer«  iunl  Lew  Buiier  as  sureties; 
date  of  bond  April  2,  1788,  amonnt  £500.  From  tJiis 
it  may  be  suppOvScd  that  our  ancestor,   Benjamin 

Follett  (1715 )  was  the  one  referred  to  and  that 

he  died  some  time  previous  to  xVpril  2, 1788. 

An^^rican  Anceotry,  'N'ol.  IV,  p.  127,  fcays:  *'0f 
Windh  im,  ^'^ain.,  .son  oi"  Benjamin.  Born  ihoi-e 
March  28,  1715.  Moved  to  Vv^voming,  Vn.  :\!;avried 
Nov.  10,  1730,  Ilannjih  Woodward." 

The  manuscript  records  of  Hon,  Martin  Dewey 
Follett  (lS2r.)  confirm  the  above  and  give  the  chil- 
dren as  follows: 

MatbAo,  born   xVn<\ust  27,   1739,  died  July  IS, 

Elipbaiet,  born  January  16,  1740 — 1,  dierl  July 
3, 177S  (killed). 

Benjamin,  horn  November  10,  F742. 

Euiiice,  born  January  4,  1741.  died  April  L3, 

Nnihan,  born  Febrnary  11,  174^,  died  January 
9,  17G4. 

Amos,  born  Jonuarv  24,  1750,  died  October  23, 

Arios,  born  May  23,  1753,  died  February  20. 

Lfr.'i,  born  August  10,  1756,  dif^d  June  12,  1757.. 
Hanaali,  wile  and  Eiotiiei',  died  May  2,  1757. 

lieutenrint  Benjamin  Follett  (1715 ■)  (the 

title  ''Lientenaut"  found  bv  Hon.  Martin  Dewe}'  Fol- 
lett [1826]  on  ciiurcli  records),  married  for  second 
wife  Esther  Kobinson,  Febriiar.y  2,  175S.  Their  chil- 
dren were: 

Man ,  born  December  4,  175S. 

Lvdia,  born  December  14,  1759. 

Frederick,  born  Marcli  10,  17G1,  died  May,  1801. 

lioger,  born  August  9,  1763. 

>\athan,  born  January  23,  1765. 

Benjamin  (1712),  son  of  Benjamin,  Jr.  (1715 — 

),  married  Thankful  Bibbiu  in  Windham  March 

S,  17t)9.    (See  notice  of  Frederick  later.) 

**Marv'"n  Follett,  of  Windham,  Conn.,  in  1883 
ujLi^i-i  oj.  j^^ctJLo  \ji.  ci^«,;  otiivl  that  uracio  l!cnj»iUx'.rx  Fol- 
lett'' (1715--— )  'Taarried  and  went  to  Wyoming 

Valley  and  with  him  a  colony  from  Pomfret,  \t.,  and 
from  Connecticut.  He  went  "with  an  ox  team  which 
was  a  splendid  yoke  of  oxen,  red,  with  high  head.s, 
large  horns  and  brass  knobs  on  their  horns.  He  got 
land  of  the  government,  etc.,  and  when  the  Tories 
and  others  had  killed  some  and  carried  oft"  other.?, 
Benjamin  and  his  wife  Esther,  and  Frederick,  who 
was  scalped,  and  others,  came  back  to  Windham,  and 
lived  there  a  while;  then,  with  the  aid  of  the  govern- 
ment, they  got  their  land  back  again,  and  returned 
to  WyoiaJng.'-  He  united  with  the  Windliam  cliurch 
175S.  The  statements  of  Marvin  Follett  are  not  spe- 
cific, but  show  beyond  any  doubt  whatever  that  it 
is  our  ancestor  who  is  referred  to  in  the  various 
histories,  from  which  extracts  will  be  given. 

Mrs.  Frederick  Follett  Buell,  of  Troy,  X.  Y.,  is 
of  the  opinion  that   Lieutenant   Benjamin   Follett 

U715 )  was  taken  prisoner  in  the  French  war, 

when  he  earned  his  title  as  lieutenant  She 
writes  under  date  of  December  1,  1S95:  "This  same 
]'"'rederick,'^  referriug  to  Frederick  Follett  (j7G1 — 
iSOlj  >^on   of  Lieuiennnt  Benjamin  Follett  (1715— 


L7EUT.  BENJAMJN  FOLLETT,  .Ik.  (1715 ). 

),  ^  iuid  a  sou  .BerijainiDj  who  was  a  midshipman 

on  the  'Chesapeake^'  and  was  carried  to  (Quebec  a 
prisoners  and  there  (.'oniiued  in  the  same  cell  his 
I'atJier  v,  ay  in.  This  last  is  Uncle  Ben's  account,  and  1 
wish  it  couid  be  looked  np,  bccaut^e  I  think  it  is  a 
DiistaktN  and  was  Lieutenant  Benjamin,  who  might 
have  been  made  a  prisoner  during  the  French  and 
Indian  wars." 

Mrs.  BuelFs  records  show  that  Benjamin  (1V15 

)  Yv'as  commissioned  second  lieutenant  in  the 

army  in  October,  1T5(),  at  Windham.  \^^e  have 
record  that  one  of  the  ''three  principal  men"  of  the 
Forty  Settlers,  Isaac  Tripp,  had  been  an  otlicer  in  the 
French  war.  It  is  quite  probable  that  the  three,  of 
whom.  Ijenjaniin  Jr'oliett  was  one,  as  will  appear 
later,  had  ail  been  selected  as  principal  men  on  ac- 
f  -■(^■!>+  r,^  -:oTvie  sncii  nervice  in  wor. 

In  an  eh'ort  to  positively  locate  Benjamin  during 
the  French  war,  the  following,  obtained  from  the 
State  of  Connecticut,  is  the  only  oliicial  record  the 
writer  has  been  able  to  find  at  this  time: 

State  of  Connecticut, 
Adjutant  Geneiiai/'s  Office, 
llARTFOiiD,  December  11,  1895. 

"This  is  to  certify  that  Benjamin  Follett  served 
in  the  colonial  wars,  and  the  following  is  said  service, 
according  to  the  records  of  this  oftlce: 

"At  a  General  Assembly  of  the  Governor  and 
Company  ox  Ills  English  Majesty's  Colony  of  Con- 
necticut, in  Sqw  England  in  America,  holden  at  I\ew 
Haven,  in  said  Colony  the  14th  day  of  May,  Annoqui 
Domi'ii  1T5G,  troops  were  raised  to  repel  the  attack 
of  the  enemy  upon  Lake  George.  It  was  resolved  by 
said  assembly:  In  the  livth  regiment,  shall  be  raised 
forty-seven  men,  and  in  the  eleventh  regiment  shall 
be  raised  idtj  men,  making  ninety-seven  in  the  whole, 
which  shall  be  the  tenth  company  in  the  first  regi- 
ment, sent  from  this  Colnny  in  said  camp,  and  that 
Benjamin  Lee  of  Plainfieid,  be  Captain,  Israel  Wil- 
liams of  Pomfret,  First  Lieutenant,  and  Benjamin 


Follett  of  ^'.'inubaiu,  Secoiid  Lieiiteuant  of  paid  Com- 

XT.  te?ruaoiiy  wliereuf,  we  have  affixed  hereto  the 
seal  01  thiti  oiliee. 

Vbigved.)  ^N'^:.  E.  F.  Landus, 

[Seal,]  Col.  and  Ass't  Adj't  Geueral." 

War  was  declared  May  18,  IVoO. 

Truml>uil\s  History  oi  Connectieut,  ^'oliime  11, 
Chapter  10,  gives  a  brief  account  of  the  caiupaign  of 
1T5G.    The  following  are  extracts: 

^'Great  expectations  were  now  foriaed.  of  a  vig- 
orous and  successful  campaign.  The  northern 
colonies  exhi)3ited  a  nobJe  zeal  in  his  majesty's  serv- 
ice, ond  had  their  respective  quotas  of  troops  early  in 
the  Held.  Connecticut,  in  particular,  raised  two 
thousand  live  hundred  men.,  which  was  double  the 
pnT)ibpv  vpquii'^d  i>y  (he  coiumander-in-culei,  a»  the 
I>roportion  of  the  colony  in  the  service  ot  tnat  year. 
This  seems  to  have  been  in  May. 

''By  this  time  (about  August  Istj,  General 
Winslow,  with  about  seven  thousand  of  the  New 
England  and  Xew  York  troops,  had  advanced  to  the 
tiouth  lardiug  of  Lake  George.  They  were  in  high 
spirits,  perfectly  harmonious,  and  waited  with  impa- 
tience to  be  led  to  the  attack  of  Crown  Point."  The 
inactivity  of  the  British  generals  lost  them  the  fort 
at  Oswego  and  nothing  was  done  during  the  falL 
"The  provincials  returned  to  their  respective  colon- 
ies. ■"  '■  *  Thus  ended  the  northern  campaign  of 
3  750."  '-The  last  year  the  provincials,  under  their 
own  generals  and 'officers,  had  performed  iramense 
labour,  in  clearing  and  making  roads  through  a 
wilderness:  advanced  far  on  the  enemy;  erected 
forts,  built  ships,  many  hundreds  of  boats  and  bat- 
teaux;  defeated  one  army  of  the  enemy,  and  taken 
the  general  captive."' 

Chapter  IT,  of  TrumbulFs  History  gives  the  cam- 
paigns of  1757.  We  find  '-Counecticut  again  had  her 
whole  quota  seasonably  raised."  The  tradition  in 
regard  to  Lieutenant  Benjamin  Follett  (1715 — ) 


LIEU  J'.  BP:NJAMIN  FOLLETT,  Je.  (1715 ). 

beiijg  taken  prisoner  may,  in  all  i)robabiiity,  be  true. 
It.  would  then  be  probable  that  lie  was  one  of  tlie 
garrison  at  Fort  William  Heury,  whicL  vs'as  taken 
by  the  French  August  9,  1757,  The  massacre  of  ihe 
Indians  who  were  in  the  British  service,  women  and 
children,  by  the  Indian  allies  of  the  French,  after  the 
British  had  surrendered  and  laid  down  their  arms, 
was  periiaps  the  most  blood-curdling  event  in  the 
history  of  America,  even  worse  than  that  of  Wyom- 
ing valley  on  account  of  the  tortures  inflicted  on 
women  and  children.  Trumbull  says:  ''Men  and 
women  had  their  throats  cut,  their  bodies  ripped 
open,  acd  their  bowels,  with  insult,  thrown  in  their 
faces.  Infants  and  children  were  barbarously  taken 
by  the  heels  and  their  brains  dashed  out  against 
stones  and  trees.-'  We  have  neither  XJ"ooi  nor  record 
rhnt  T.ioTiteiinnt  Benjamin  Foilett  was  in  this  gar- 
rison, but  even  in  case  he  were  not,  the  foregoing  ac- 
count Vv'ili  serve  to  show  what  som^e  of  the  ex- 
periences of  colonial  ^rarfare  were.  After  the  dis- 
astrous campaigns  of  1756  and  1757,  Connecticut 
again  mised  an  army  of  five  thousand  in  1758  for 
another  uusuccessful  campaign.  Just  how  much 
service  or  how  mucii  imprisonmetit  Lienteuant  Foi- 
lett experienced  we  do  not  kno\Y. 

"Canaan  of  oid.  as  we  are  told, 

Wneu  it  did  rain  down  tDanr.a, 
Wa'nt  half  so  good  for  heavenly  food 

As  Dyei  makes  Susquehanna." 

—Old  Verse— Author  Unknoicn. 

In  Pennsylvania  Archives,  Second  Series,  YoL 
XVIil,  ue  find  the  name  of  Benjamin  Foilet,  some- 
times spelled  FoUett,  a  number  of  times.  On  page  (> 
we  find  him,  July  18,  1753,  one  of  the  apparently 
original  members  of  the  great  Susquehanna  Com- 
pany, whose  object  was  set  forth  as  follows:  "That 
vrhereas,  vre  being  desirous  to  enlarge  his  Majesties 
English  settlm'ts  in  Xorth  Am'a,  and  further  to 
spread  Xtiaiiity,  as  also  to  promote  our  own  tem- 
poral Int'st,  do  hereby  each  of  us,"  etc.    On  page  19, 



WQ  iiiid  lie  paid,  ''Jaii'y  9, 175-i,""  '^£S,  2,  C  for  i  sliare," 
On  page  61,  he  ai»peai's  as  one  of  a  committee  of  five 
''to  approve,  adiiiit,  oversee,  siiperinteud,  manage, 
and  order  the  affairs  and  proceedings  of  the  hrst 
forty  settlers,-'  etc.,  to  great  iengtb,  this  under  date 
2Sth  December,  ITfJb,  at  Hartford,  when  arrange- 
ments were  being  effected  to  again  attemr)t  a  settle- 
ment at  ^Vyoming,  no  attempt  having  been  made 
since  the  massacre  of  1TG3.  On  page  U8,  we  lind  it 
was  voted  at  a  meeting  of  the  Susquehanna  Com- 
pany, held  in  September,  17G9,  at  Windham,  "that 
£18  L.  M.  be  paid  out  of  the  Snsq'a  money  by  Sam'i 
Gray,  Esq.,  to  Mr.  Isaac  Tripp,  Benjamin  Foilett 
and  John  Jenkins,  as  a  committee,  to  be  equally  di- 
vided and  i>aid  to  the  several  j^ersons  now  bound 
over  to  the  court  at  Eastou"  (GO  miles  distant),  and 
-noted  that  persons  that  are  bound  over  to  answer 
at  tne  court  at  iL,asTon  this  mouth,  shiril  tcv^elv  c  ihiee 
dollars  to  bear  their  expenses  on  their  way  there," 
and  that  thanks  be  "returned  to  Mr.  William  Ledley 
for  his  kind  services  to  our  friends,  the  first  forty, 
while  at  Eastou  under  arrest,"  etc.  Benjamin  I^ol- 
Jett  was  evidently  in  this  party,  as  will  be  seen  later. 
On  page  71  we  find  it  voted,  in  a  meeting  of  the  com- 
pany at  Hartford,  June  G,  1770,  that  Benjamin 
Foilett  and  thirteen  others  "are  hereby  appointed  a 
committee  to  assist  Major  Durkee  in  ordering  and  di- 
recting in  all  the  affairs  relating  to  the  well  govern- 
ment of  said  settlers,"  etc.,  and  on  page  73,  November 
27, 177U,  "£50  L.  M."  sent  to  I'hiladelphia  and  Easton 
"for  Major  Durkee  and  the  rest  of  the  New  England 
prisoners  in  gaol,  to  maintain  and  support  them," 
etc.  On  page  77,  at  a  meeting  at  Windham  March 
13,  1771,  "Whereas,  our  settlers  are  again  unjustly 
and  inhumanly  drove  off  from  their  settlements  at 
Wyoming,  and  robbed  of  their  effects  by  a  gang  of 
lawless  and  v>'icked  men,  and  it  is  judged  best  and 
necessary  for  the  interests  of  this  Company  to  regain 
and  hold  possession,"  etc.,  Benjamin  Foilett  and 
twenty  others,  "be  a  committee  to  take  tbe  names  of 

LIEUT-  B1:.:NJ.VMIN  FOLLETT,  Jk.  (}71o }. 

anch  per^oQs  as  shall  engage  lo  go  forward/-  etc.  By 
referenee  to  pages  91  aud  92,  tiie  writei"  is  featisljod 
that  Beiijaiuin  Fo.Uei.t  must  have  been  enrolled  in  the 

Wrightj  ii)  his  Histcirical  Sketches  of  Plyiuoiith, 
Fa.,  J).  7T — 8,  says:  "In  1TG2,  the  year  preceding  the 
treaty  of  peace  between  England  and  France,  the 
BusquehaDna  Comijany  sent  out  Mr.  Jenkins  agaic, 
in  comijany  with  Isaac  Tripp,  Benjamin  FoUet,  SMi- 
liam  Buck  and  a  hundred  and  hfteen  other  adveniur- 
eis,  to  tai-:e  iDOSsession  of  their  lands  here,  and  by 
force,  if  necessary.  They  commenced  the  erection  of 
log  houses  at  the  mouth  of  ^iliil  Creek;  a  raile  above 
the  site  of  Vv'ilkes-Barre.  They  cleared  some  land 
and  sowed  it  v\  ith  grain;  but  we  learn  of  no  effort  to 
reconcile  the  Indians.  In  the  autumn  of  this  year 
they  returned  to  Coiinectieut.  in  tlie  followin^i 
spring  tliey  came  back,'"  etc. 

Stone  says,  p.  130:  **The  new  colonists  set  them- 
selves vigorously  at  work;  a  sufficient  number  of  log- 
houses  and  cabins  were  erected  for  their  accomoda- 
tion, and  before  the  arrival  of  winter,  extensive  fields 
of  wueat  had  been  sov^'n  upon  lands  covered  with 
forest  trees  in  August.  These  adventurers  had  noi. 
taken  their  families  with  them,  and  having  now  made 
so  fa^  orable  a  beginning,  they  secured  tlieir  agricul- 
tural implements  and  returned  to  Connecticut." 

Hollister,  p.  93,  says  that  when  the  Yankees  re- 
turned to  the  valley  in  tlie  spring  of  1703,  vvith  theu' 
faiuiiies,  they  brought  along  ''cattle,  sheep;  hogs  and 
grain  sufficient  to  last  them  until  the  coming  harvest. 
Trafhc  and  fur  trading  sprung  up  with  the  surround- 
ing tribes,"  etc. 

Chapman,  p.  70,  says:  "During  the  preceding 
summer  (1762)  the  friendly  disposition  manifested  by 
the  Indians  to  the  Wyoming  settlers,  as  the  Connecti 
cut  emigrants  vvere  called,  had  created  a  degree  of 
eoniidence  on  their  part  which  had  pre\  ented  any  ex- 
pectation of  dauger;  and  fearing  that  warlike  arms 
might  create  suspicion,  they  bad  noi  famished  them- 



selves  vritii  any,  and  were  almost  destitute  of  any 
means  of  defence  in  case  of  an  attack  from  the  sav- 
ages. ^Vblie  thus  unsuspicious  and  occupied,  as 
usna),  with  the  labors  of  the  field,  they  were  attacked 
on  the  iifieeuth  of  October  by  a  party  of  Indians,  who 
massacred  about  tweni}^  persons,  took  several  pris- 
oners, and  having  seized  upon  the  live  stock,  drove  it 
towards  their  town.  Those  who  e:-caped  hastened 
to  their  dwellings,  ^^ave  the  alarm  to  the  families  of 
those  who  were  killed,  and  the  remainder  of  the 
colonists,  men,  women  and  children  lied  precipitately 
to  the  mountains,  from  whence  they  beheld  the 
smoke  arising  from  their  habitations  and  the 
savages  feasting  on  the  reniains  of  their  little  prop- 
erty. They  had  taken  no  provisions  with  them  ex- 
cept what  they  hastily  seized  in  their  fliirht,  and 
ma&t  pabs  throUrih  a  \\ildcrne^s  !:ixty  iiiiie^  ?'"•  ^■^+r,-r,f 
before  they  could  reach  tJie  Delaware  rh'er.  Tliey 
had  left  brothers,  husbands  and  sons  to  the  mercy 
of  the  savages — they  had  no  means  of  defence  in  case 
they  sliould  be  attacked,  and  found  themselves  ex- 
posed to  the  cold  Avinds  of  autumn  without  sufficient 
raiment.  "Willi  tliese  melancholy  recollections  and 
cheeiless  prospects  did  the  fugitives  commence  a 
journey  of  tv»'o  hundred  and  fifty  miles  on  foot."' 

Hollister,  p.  9i.  inentions  an  expedition  of 
Pennymites  against  the  Yankees  at  this  time  which 
reached  the  valley  October  17,  1703,  two  days  after 
the  massacre.  Hollister  quotes  the  Pennsylvania 
Archives,  17G3.  p.  125,  as  follows:  "He  met  with  no 
Indians,  but  found  the  New  Englanders  who  had 
been  killed  and  scalped  a  day  or  two  before  they  got 
there.  They  buried  the  dead,  nine  men  and  one 
woman,  who  had  been  most  cruelly  butcliered;  the 
woman  was  roasted  and  had  two  hinges  in  her  hands, 
supposed  to  have  been  put  in  red  hot,  and  several  of 
the  men  had  awls  thrust  into  their  eyes,  and  spearvS, 
arrows,  pitchforks,  etc.,.  sticking  m  their  bodies." 

We  find   Benjamin   Follett,   Jr.   (1715 ), 

again  in  17GS  end  17G0,  as  follows:,  p.  73, 


LTETJT.  BENJAMTlN  FOLT.ETT,  Jr.  (1715. ). 

says,  regarding  the  actions  of  the  Siisqiiebcinna  Com- 
paW  at  nartford,  after  the  Indian  treaty  of  Xo 
yembor  5,  ITOS,  "In  tJierse  resolutions  they  resolve 
that  forty  itersor^?,  heiiip:  proprietors,  shall  ]>roceed 
to  WyoraiLig  to  coiniuence  settlements  by  the  iirst  of 
Febriiaiy;  that  two  hundred  more  shall  follo^y  them 
early  in 'the  t^prin?;,  and. that  £200  fehail  be  immedi- 
ately appropriated  to  provide  implements  of  hus- 
bandry and  provisions  for  tJie  forty.  The  resolntions 
appointed  a  committee  consisting  of  Isaac  Tripp, 
Benjaniin  Follett,  John  Jenkins,  William  Buck  and 
Benjamin  Shoemaker,  being  part  of  the  forty,  who 
were  to  have  the  government  and  superintendence 
of  the  colony," 

HoUister,  p.  10<»,  says:  'STohn  Jenkins,  Isaac 
Tripp.  Benjapiln  Fo'^ett,  William  Bnrk  and  B^nifl- 
min  teh(icixtaker  vrere  appointe*;;.  a  CGnimit^crc  ^o  ex 
ercise  a  general  snperinter.dence  over  the  affairs  of 
the  forty  settlers,  and  to  lay  out  and  prepare  a  road 
through  the  wilderness  to  Susquehanna  river.  Fifty 
pounds,  Connecticut  currency  (-$167),  was  voted  this 
committee  to  ])uikl  this  first  road  opened  from  the 
East  to  Wyoming.  This  trail  or  public  road  followed 
the  wariors'  path,  and,  unbridged  for  svv'araps  and 
streams  sometimes  formidable  indeed,  was  simply 
widened  for  the  saddle  horse."  Stone,  p.  1-14,  men- 
tions the  same  committee. 

But  the  Penny  mites  were  occupying  their  old 
block-house.  As  the  Pennymite  captain,  Ogden,  had 
only  ten  men  in  his  command,  he  laid  a  trap  for 
the  Yankees, sending  a  "polite  conciliatory  note  to  the 
commander  of  the  forty"  requesting  an  interview  on 
the  subject  of  their  respective  titles.  Miner  says,  p. 
108:  "That  they  could  out-talk  the  Pennymites,  and 
convince  them  that  the  Susquehanna  title  was  good, 
not  one  (■?  the  forty  doubted.  Three  of  the  chief  men 
were  deputed  to  argue  the  matter,  viz:  Isaac  Tripp 
and  Benjamin  Follett.  two  of  the  executive  commit- 
tee, accompanied  b\  3Ir.  Vine  Elderkin.  No  sooner 
were    they    vrithin    tl^e    block-house,    than    Sherlfs' 



•JenkiiiS  (the  Pennvmitc)  clapped  a  writ  on  their 
^liouldei^'s:  -Gerttlemen,  in  tiie  name  of  the  conimou- 
wealtli  of  Peiiiisylyania,  you  are  my  prisoners!' 
M.aiigh  wlAen  we  must,  be  candid  when  we  can.'  The 
Yankees  were  decidedly  outwitted..  By  common  con- 
sent the  prisoners  were  transported  to  Easton  jail, 
jr'iarded  by  Oiptain  Ogden;  but  accompanied  in  no 
hostile  manner,  by  the  thirty  seven  remnaids  of  the 
forty.''  Bail  was  promptly  given  and  the  forty  re- 
turned peaceably  to  Wyoming.  This  incident  is 
gi\en,  together  vrith  names,  in  numerous  other  his- 
tories, among  them  Chapman,  p.  70;  Stone,  p.  14G. 
and  Hollister,  p.  143. 

We  next  find  Benjamin  Folletr's  name  in  a  lisi 
of  tliirty-five  persons  who  located  near  Pittston  in 
May  17G9.  tS^e  TTol lister,  p.  1  ]  1 .)  On  p.  110,  Hollis- 
ter  qnolGi;  a  reiinymite,  who  v-ritcs:  "That  he  bad 
but  r^^'enty-foar  men  to  opj>ose  the  ?vew  England 
men,  of  whom  one  hundred  and  forty-six,  chiefly  on 
horseback,  passed  by  our  houses  this  afternoon  (May 
16,  1769)  about  three  o'clock,  and  are  now"  encamped 
on  the  east  side  of  tlie  river.  From  the  view  I  had  of 
those  gentry,  in  their  procession  by  our  houses,  they 
appear  to  be,  at  least  an  equal  number  of  them,  of 
the  very  lowest  class,  but  are  almost  all  armed  and 
fit  for  mischief.^'  Hoilister  adds:  "Such  was  the 
language  and  such  the  bitterness  of  the  reception 
meted  out  to  the  nev.'comers  from  Paxton  entering 
the  valley,  it  was  thus  amidst  king's  writs,  poises 
and  arrests,  as  will  be  seen,  and  all  the  severities  inci- 
dent to  the  backwoodsman's  life."  etc. 

Whether  Benjamin,  Jr.  (1715 ),  remained 

at  Pittston  we  do  not  know,  as  Hoilister  says  of  the 
thirty-five  Pittston  settlers:  "Although  many  of 
these  n}en  subsequently  settled  in  the  more  central 
or  lower  townships,  they  at  this  time  located  on  the 
belt  of  ground  running  in  such  exquisite  beauty 
from  Carapbell's  Ledge  down  to  the  outlet  of  the 


LIEUT.  BENJAMIN  FGLI.ETT,  Jk.  (1715 -- — i. 

KiiJp.  page  9n3,  mentions  "Benjamin  Foliett,  one 
of  the  Executive  Coniniittee,"  as  cap  tared  and  sent 
to  Easton  a  prisoner,  1773.  But  the  trips  to  and  from 
the  Eastoii  "«i;aol"  were  comparatively  trivial  affairs, 
coinpared  Vv'ith  the  trouble  which  the  Connecticut 
gettlers  were  submitted  to  for  many  years  in  rep:ard 
to  the  final  titles  for  their  lands.  Volume  XVIII, 
PeuuHylvania  ArchiveSs  Second  Series,  devotes 
nearly  eight  hundred  pages  to  that  almost  intermin- 
able dispute.     Had  Benjamin  Foliett  (1715 ) 

not  been  possessed  of  a  vast  amount  of  grit  and 
determination  he  vrould  never  have  kept  coming 
back  at  both  Pennymites  and  Indians,  as  lie  seems 
to  have  done  after  each  time  he  was  driven  out  of 
the  Wyoming  Valley.  It  is  much  to  be  regretted  that 
there  are  at  hand  no  details  of  his  life  during  the 

rCTOKltior.,    bu*    wr^    ve^i    n^it^'rir^d    thnf    •^    Ttiof*    \t1io 

vrould  fight  for  his  Connecticut  claiins  as  he  did, 
would  fight  just  as  hard  for  his  country  at  the  time  of 
the  great  massacre  of  177S,  and  we  have  reason  to 
believe  that  he  was  in  the  valley  at  that  time,  as  we 
Kee  in  the  statement  of  Marvin  Foliett,  previously 
given,  that  he  left  the  valley  at  some  time  after  the 
massacre  and  returned  again.  His  name  does  not 
appear  in  the  list  of  survivors  of  the  battle  as  given 
on  the  monument,  and  it  is  therefore  quite  probable 
that  he  was  not  in  the  battle,  btit  was  either  at  his 
farm  or  in  one  of  the  other  forts. 



A    \VV(t.M!N!.    IIOAIU 

EiLE.    W.    D.,    Libh\«'*'«     STArt  Cf  PE-1.1. 

55    ^^<> 



"On  Susquehanna's  side,  fai- Wyoming  ; 

Although  the  wild-flower  on  thy  ruined  wall 

And  roofless  homes  a  sad  remembrance  bring 

Of  what  thy  gentle  people  did  befall ; 

Yet  thou  wertonce  the  loveliest  laud  of  all 

That  see  the  Atlantic  wave  their  inorn  restore. 

Sweet  land  !  may  1  ihy  lost  dtligrht.-^  rec.'iU, 

And  paint  thy  Gerlrudt  in  her  bowers  of  yore, 

Vl'host  befiuty  was  the  love  of  I'cunsylvar.ia's  shore  ;'" 

—Gertrude  of  Wyoming. 

irKALET  rOLLETT  (1711—1^'^^}  ^^^.c,  son 
of  Lieutenant  Benjamin  Follett,  Jr.  (1715 

).    American  Ancestry,  Vol.  IV,  p.  127, 

says:  "Of  Connecticut  and  Pennsylvania. 
Son  of  Benjamin,  Jr.  Born  at  Windham,  Conn., 
January  16,  1711.  died  at  King.ston,  Pa.,  July  3,  177S, 
killed  in  the  Wyoming  massacre,  and  liis  wife  and 
children  struggled  to  Vermont.  Zvlarried  March  8, 
1761,  Elizahoiii  De\Yey."  Family  records  and  tra- 
ditions corroborate  all  of  the  foregoing  and  ejiter 
into  details  to  son*e  extent.  See  notice  of  Elizabeth 
Dewey  in  Dewey  records  later  on.  Their  children 
were : 

Martin  Dewev,  (17C5— 1831). 

diaries  (17G7~1S14). 

Elizabeth  (1700 ). 

Eliphalei  (1771—1778). 

Benjamin  (1774—1831). 

James  (1770—1832). 

E!ipbai;>i  [2d]  11779—1851). 

See  notices  of  the  children  later  on. 

Just  when  Eliphalet  (1711 — 1778)  moved  to 
V/yoming  we  do  not  know.  The  Robinson  Gene- 
alogy, to  which  reference  will  be  frequently  made 
later,  gives  the  place  of  birth  of  Manin  Dewey  Fol- 
lett (1765 — 1831)  uii  Nine  Partners  (now   Amenia. 



DueJiess  Conntj),  IT,  Y.  We  have  no  record  of  the 
place  of  birtli  of  tbe  otber  chiidren  except  that  of 
Eliphalet  2d  (1779 — 1851)  at  Beniiington,  aiid  do 
records  of  any  oUier  events  which  would  throw  any 
light  on  Eliphalet's  movements  from  17G5  to  1774. 

In  Miner's  History  of  V/yomiug,  p.  155,  we  find: 
''At  a  town  meeting  legally  warned  and  held  for 
Vt'estmoreland  (^^yoming)  March  ye  1st,  1771-,  for 
choosiug  town  omcers,-'  etc.  ^  *  *'  '"Adjonrned  to 
March  ye  2d,  1771.'"  One  hundred  town  ofjicers, 
select  men,  treasurer,  constables  and  collectors  of 
rates,  surveyors  of  highways,  fence  viewers,  listers, 
leather  sealers,  grand  jurors,  ty thing  men,  sealers 
of  weights  and  measures  and  keydieepers  were 
elected.  Elipiialet  Follett  was  fourth  of  fifteen  who 
"were  chosen  listers  for  ye  yeai'  ensuing/'  Th^^ 
would  indicate  JuiL  ho  wafi  not  at  that  tiniG  a  zzt: 

It  is  possible  that  he  was  in  the  company  of  one 
hundred  and  forty-six,  in  the  list  of  thirty-five  of 
whom  appears  his  father's  name  as  settling  at  Pitts- 
ton  in  1769,  but  it  is  only  a  matter  of  conjecture.  One 
thing  is  sure,  our  family  traoitions  show  that  his 
farm  of  three  hundred  acres  of  good  land  at  Kings- 
ton, was  well  stoched,  and  his  house  a  aood  one  and 
in  a  desirable  locality,  which  would  indicate  that  he 
had  been  there  for  some  time.  The  most  prominent 
event  in  all  our  records,  and  that  of  which  his  de- 
scendants have  thought  and  talked  and  written  more 
than  of  any  other  circumstance  in  their  famJly  his- 
tory, was  his  tragic  death  in  the  Wyoming  massacre, 
which  brought  such  great  hardship  and  suffering  to 
Lis  widow  and  children. 

The  large  American  histories  do  not  go  into  de- 
tail in  their  descriyitions  of  this  great  blot  on  the 
page  of  British  history.  Numerous  boohs  have  been 
written  on  the  ever  popular  subject,  but  for  a  com- 
prehensive idea  of  the  massacre  and  the  troublesome 
and  bloody  events  of  the  years  before  and  nfter,  the 
reader  is  referred  to  Chapman's.  Stone's,  Miner's  or 



Peck'a  Hisiorles,  long  sijice  out  of  print,  but  whicli 
may  be  fo;;url  in  our  larpe  libraries. 

Miner's  is  the  largest  arid  most  com]>lete..liistory, 
wbije  Perk  cites,  more  individual  anecdotes.  Hollis- 
ter's  History  of  the  Lacianvanna  Yailey,  Wright's 
Historical  Sketches  of  Plymouth,  I'a.,  Johnwon's 
Vryoniing  Men-iorial,  beiiip;  an  account  in  full  of  the 
great  celebration,  ejuly  3',  j8TS,  still  for  sale,  and 
other  works  contain  extended  doscription-s  of  these 
terrible  times,  but  they  are  larcely  based  on  the 
earlier  histories.  A  little  work  has  just  been  pub 
lished  by  Eev.  Horace  Edvrin  Harden,  Correspond- 
ing Secretary  of  the  ^Yyoming•  Historical  and  Geo- 
logical Society,  Wilkes-Barre,  which,  though  not 
intended  to  be  a  complete  history  of  the  massacre,  is 
most  interesting  reading  to  descendants  of  the  -p^r- 

The  reader  who  has  not  vrithin  reach  any  of  the 
works  on  'vYyoming  may  be  interested  in  a  few  linos 
on  its  hisiory,  which  some  of  our  ancestors  helped  to 

The  Talley,  said  by  Peck  to  be  one  of  the  most 
beautiful  spr.-ts  in  the  world,  twenty-one  miles  in 
length  and  about  three  in  width,  sliut  in  by  beautiful 
Djountaius,  and  with  the  broad  Susquehanna  run- 
ning through  it  from  nortlieast  to  southwest,  was 
discovered  by  New  England  adventurers  as  early  as 
1750.  Their  reports  of  the  "Paradise"  set  on  foot 
schemes  of  settlement  and  "The  Susquehanna  Com- 
pany," of  whlcli,  we  have  seen,  Benjamin  Follett,,  Jr. 

(1715 )j  was  a  prominent  member,  was  fornsed 

in  Connecticut  in  1753,  and  after  long  and  various 
disputes  with  the  proprietaries  of  Pennsylvania,  and 
the  Indians,  who  claimed  the  land,  a  deed  of  pur- 
chase was  obtained  at  Albany  in  1751,  from  the  nve 
nations  of  Iroquois,  for  £2,000.  Tlie  company  em 
braced  about  six  hundred  persons  (at  times  more), 
mostly  of  high  standing  and  wealth,  but  nothing 
cov'kl   be   done   until    1702,   on    account   of  InriUvn 


troubles,  when  two  hundred  -men  entered  the  valley, 
laid  out  farms,  planted  crops  and  went  back  to  Xew 
England  la  the  fall,  returning  in  the  spritipj  with 
their  fiTniiliea.    \Yi'  have  seen  that  Benjandn  Follett, 

Jr.  (1715 — ),  was  in  this  company.     They  were 

entering  upoji  a  reason  of  great  prosperity  from 
abinuhmt  crops,  when  they  were  attacked  by  a  large 
party  of  savages.  Miner  says:  "Unprepared  for  re- 
sistance, about  twenty  men  fell  and  vrere  scalped; 
the  residue,  men  women  and  children,  fled,  in  wild 
disorder,  to  the  mountains.  Language  cannot  de- 
scribe the  sufferings  of  the  fugitives  as  they 
traversed  the  wilderness  destitute  of  food  and  cloth- 
ing, on  ti^eir  way  to  their  former  homes."  More 
trouble  with  the  Indians  and  civil  war  with  the 
asents  of  the  pio'orleiaries  of  Pennsyls'ania  consti- 
tuted tiie  history  of  Wyoming  until  lVi3,  wnen 
hea\y  immigration  set  in  and  by  the  end  of  the  year 
1771  about  two  thousand  persons  were  in  the  valley. 
Miner,  pp.  IGl  and  1H6,  pictures  the  beautiful  scene 
of  rural  liappiness,  the  bountiful  cror>s  in  the  flats 
and  larce  herds  find  flocks  on  the  hillsides,  the  Put'I- 
tan  Sabbath,  etc.,  in  1775,  and  the  prompt  action,  in 
a  town  meetinc:,  favoring  independence,  after  the 
battles  of  Lexington  and  Bunker  Rill. 

Vvilliam  Clement  Brvant.  in  his  "Cai^tnin  Brant 
and  the  Old  King,"  pu.  7  and  8,  says:  "The  valley 
of  the  Wyoming,  in  the  earlv  summer  of  1778,  r>re- 
seuted  a  f.cere  o'^  neaceful  and  svlvan  beauty.  Slope 
and  loT.innd,  on  either  side  of  the  Susouehanna,  wer^^ 
dotted  with  clearinc^;  and  nestling  cabins,  the  abode 
of  contented  toil,  fru^cf^lity  and  virtue.  No  notes  of 
strife  or  d]sct>rd  aro:-=e  from  the  bosom  of  the  happv 
valley.  Only  the  plaint  of  some  wild  bird;  the  t>1ow- 
boy's  careless  whistle;  the  merrv  laugh  and  shouts 
of  childrrm  at  nlay:  the  rinsr  of  the  woodman's  axe: 
the  mnfflerl  beatin^r  of  some  thresher's  flail,  and  the 
rhythmic  plasli  and  irmrniur  of  the  winding  river, 
broke  the  STl>batb  hush  ^-f  the  embowered  settle 



"WyoDiiiig  vrould  liave  been  the  seat  of  unal- 
loyed happiness  but  for  two  eaiixes.  The  youth  and 
ciiivairy  ot  the  pioneers  had,  in  i espouse  to  the 
trunipet-c?ll  of  dury,  iefi  their  homes  and  familieB  to 
the  care  of  aged  sires  and  striplings,  and  were  fight- 
ing the  battles  of  freedom  on  far  away  fields;  and, 
besides,  there  was  e\er  an  undehnabie,  shivering 
fear  Jcsl  ai  any  moment,  out  of  the  dark,  mysterious 
forest,  which  begirt  the  settlement,  there  might 
emerge  a  murderous  horde  of  their  impiacalde 
enemies,  tory  and  savage." 

A  regiment  of  militia  was  established,  and  in 
i<T6  two  companies  of  Continentals  were  sent  lo 
join  Washington.  The  six  nations  became  allies  of 
the  Hriiisii  and  V/yoming  vras  dangerously  exposed. 

Chapman,  p.  120,  says:  •'Kegular  garrison  duty 
was  periormed  in  the  several  fortihcations  by  clascrs 
of  the  miiitia  in  successive  order;  in  aduitioa  to 
which  a  patrol  called  the  "Scout"  was  established 
through  the  valley  which  was  on  duty  night  and  day 
in  succession,  exploring  all  thickets  and  unfre- 
quented grounds  in  search  of  any  lurking  enemy 
wLich  might  have  come  to  disturb  their  peace  or  spy 
out  the  land.-' 

Irving  says:  '"While  hostilities  were  going  on 
in  the  customary  form  along  the  Atlantic  borders, 
Indian  vrarfare,  in  all  its  atrocity,  was  going  on  in 
the  interior.  The  Jiritish  post  at  Niagara  was  its 
cradle.  It  was  the  common  rallying  place  of  tories, 
refugees,  savage  Vv'ari'iors  and  other  desperadoes  of 
the  frontiers,  and  here  was  concerted  the  memorable 
incursion  into  the  Valley  of  Wyoming,  suggested 
by  toi-y  refugees  who  liad  until  recentlv  inhabited 

This  would  Indicate  that  the  sclieme  was  laid  by 
whites  in  a  spirit  of  revenge,  but  since  Irying's  Life  of 
Washington  was  written,  discoveries  have  been 
made  in  regard  to  Wyoming  Valley  history,  as  may 
be  shown  in  the  following  letter: 

ELIPHALET  FOLLETT  (1741-1778). 

Wyoming  Historical  axd  Geologic.\i. 


Oface  of  the  Corresponding  Secretary, 

Wilkes-Barre,  Pa.,  2forf7yf?icr   15,1895..    . 
Major  Harry  P.  Ward,  Coliuuhus,  0.: 

Dear  Sir; — In  regard  to  the  statement  that  Ir- 
ving makes  as  to  the  causes  of  the  jjiassacre,  we  are 
now  satisfied  that  it  was  not  caused  by  the  Tories 
vrho  once  inhabited  tlie  Talley,  though  they  did 
w^econd  the  vile  deed.  You  are  rigltt  in  stating  what 
was  not  believed  until  proven  lately,  that  it  was  the 
Indians  that  perpetrated  the  massacre  of  1763.  The 
facts  seem  to  be  these:  The  Six  Nations  always 
claimed  the  Wyoming  Valley.  When  it  was  pos- 
sessed by  the  white  men  they  protested  against  it  in 
T10  T^7op,snro(l  tenus.  In  l^Iav,  17G3,  the  Six  Nations 
sent  an  embassy  to  the  Colony  of  Connecticut  and 
asked  that  the  valley  be  left  uninhabited  by  their 
colonists.  The}'  protested  that  it  was  their  laud  and 
that  tbey  bad  the  first  right  to  it,  and  had  never  re- 
linquished that  right.  The  minutes  of  tbis  con- 
ference have  lately  been  discovered  and  will  soon  be 
published,  but  tjie  fact  has  escaped  the  historians. 
The  embassy  returned  hom.e  determined  to  take  re- 
venge if  their  protest  was  unheeded.  Ilence  the 
massacre  of  1763,  after  which  the  Pennsylvania 
militia,  vrho  pursued  the  Indians,  destroyed  all  that 
Avas  left  at  "Wyoming,  because  they  learned  that  the 
Indians  intended  to  come  back  and  take  a.way  what 
they  had  left.  When  Connecticut  again  occupied  the 
valley,  the  Six  Nations  resolved  on  the  destruction 
of  tise  settlement.  You  will  note  In  my  pamphlet 
that  K.ayingwaurto  took  his  action  regardless  of 
the  English,  and  Butler  was  sent  to  him  after  the 
British  learned  of  his  purpose,  and  that  he  virtually 
Ignored  Butler,  who  had  no  control  or  command  of 
the  Indians.  Clans  in  his  MSS.  states  that  it  was 
Brant's  plan  of  operation  that  he  should  take  Cherry 
Valley,  vrhile  Old  King  took  Wyoming,  and  this  plan 
was  Tjurely  of  Indian  origin,  and  the  Tories  were 


liiimpiv  luctory  in  carrying  out  the  scheme  vrhich 
they  did  uot  themselves  suggest  or  I'oster.  The 
Toiies  from  the  VVeaimoreh^.nd  section  were  found  in 
Butler's  rangers  and  were  thus  glad  of  the  oppor- 
tunity to  take  revenge  on  the  valley  people.  The  in- 
vasion was  simply  a  part  of  a  general  plan  to  make 
simultaneous  attacks  on  the  weak  parts  of  the 
frontier,  and  the  absence  of  the  two  Continental 
companies  from  the  valley  made  this  a  very  import- 
ant objective  point.  Thus  the  Jiix  >,'ations  were  seek- 
ing to  recover  possession  of  their  lost  territory.  I  have 
lately  had  the  opportunity  to  examine  a  scarce  scrap 
book  of  papers  by  Mr.  Cruikshanks,  of  Canada,  on 
the  British  side,  that  confirms  ail  I  have  said.  Of 
course  the  price  of  scalps  was  a  fruitful  source  of  ail 
Buch  invasions  by  the  Indians.  If  I  can  serve  you 
furrherj  con-tiriand  me. 

Cordially  Yours, 
Horace  Edwin  Hayden. 

I?ev.  Hayden,  in  his  ''Wyoming  Massacres"  gives 
the  petition  to  Congress  in  1S3T,  from  which  the 
following  are  extracts:  ^'During  the  revolutionary 
war  Wyoming  stood  an  extreme  frontier,  an  outpost, 
on  the  borders  of  the  settlement  of  the  savage  enemy. 
To  Snnbur}-,  the  nearest  inhabited  place  dov%'n  the 
Susquehanna,  it  was  sixty  miles;  through  the  Great 
Swamp  it  was  sixty  miles,  a  pathless  wilderness,  to 
Bethlehem  or  Easton.  The  warlike  and  bloody  Mo- 
hawks, Senecas  and  others  of  the  Six  Nations,  occu- 
pied all  the  upper  branches  of  the  Susquehanna  and 
vrere  within  a  few  hours  sail  of  our  settlements, 
vrhich  were  exposed  to  constant  attacks.  Thus  ex- 
posed, we  stood  as  a  shield  to  all  settlements  below 
us.  In  this  situation,  every  man  might  well  be  con- 
sidered as  enlisted  for  and  during  the  whole  war. 
There  was  no  peace,  no  security  at  Vv'yoming.  The 
husbandman  took  his  hoe  in  one  hand  and  his  rifle  in 
the  other,  to  the  cornrield.  Several  forts  were  built 
and  garrisons  steadily  maiutaineu.  This  was  done 
by  the  people,  by  the  militia,  by  -common  consent  and 
common  exertion." 


ELIPHALET  FOLLETT  (1741-1778). 

iii  mentloDing  the  Six  Nations  the  following  ap- 
pears: ''It  Tvas  the  most  pov/erful  and  dreadful  con- 
federacy oi"  Indians  the  while  man  had  ever  en- 
countered on  This  continent.  Their  victorious  arms 
reached  to  the  Cata^bas  of  Carolina,  and  dealt  out 
bolts  of  ^en^eauce  upou  the  llohicans  of  New  Eng- 

It  has  been  stated  by  some  historians  that 
Brant,  the  Mohars-k,  was  the  Indian  leader.  Both 
Peck  and  Havden  show  that  such  was  not  the  case, 
Hayden  proving  beyond  any  doubt  tha.t  a  powerful 
Seneca  chief,  Kayingwaurto,  was  the  leader  of  the 

Frantic  appeals  for  aid  were  sent  to  both  Con- 
gress and  Coiinecticut,  and  tlie  Continentals  from 
Wyoming,  who  were  with  Washington,  begged  to  be 
:'.nov,ed  to  retuin  to  tlie  defeiise  of  their  homes,  but 
all  in  vain.  Colonel  Zebulon  Butler  and  a  few  other 
Continental  otlicers  obtained  leave  of  absence  or  re- 
signed and  did  get  back  to  their  homes  and  took  com- 
mand of  the  military  organizations. 



(Jul J  3,  1778) 

"And  must  I  than^^e  my  soug?  auJ  must  I  show. 
Sweet  Wyoraiug: !  ilie  day  when  ihou  -.vert  doomed, 
Guiliiess,  to  mourn  thy  loveliest  bjwers  laid  low  ! 
When,  where  of  yesterday  a  garden  bloomeci, 
Death  overspread  i^is  pall,  and  blackeuiiig  ashes  gloomed  !" 
'  —Qerlrude  of  Wyoming. 

UXE  30, 1778,  CoioDel  John  Butler,  lory,  with 
400  Pruvineiais  and  600  or  700  Indians,  en- 
t  tered  the  head  of  the  valley  for  the  purpose 
%.^-^  of  dri  •.  ii:>;  ord  the  settlers.  Colonel  Zebulon 
Butler,  the  patriot,  took,  by  common  consent,  com- 
mand of  the  little  patriot  force,  which  consisted,  ac- 
cording to  Peck,  of  "two  hundred  and  thirty  enrolled 
men,"  in  which  it  is  supposed  Eliphalet  Foliett  (1741 
— 177S)  served  as  an  enlisted  man^  probably  in  Cap- 
tain Aholiab  Buck's  Kingston  company, and  "seventy 
old  people,  boys,  civil  magistrates  and  other  volun- 
teers." It  is  possible  that  Benjamin  Poilett  (1715 — 
— — )  served  as  one  of  the  old  men  in  some  capacity, 
and  that  Martin  Dewey  Foilett  (1765 — 1631)  served 
somewhere  as  a  boy,  although  no  record  has  as  yet 
come  to  light  showing  the  exact  whereabouts  of  any 
of  the  Folfetts  on  that  day.  The  rolls  of  tlie  six  com- 
panies of  militia  Avho  went  into  the  battle  do  not 
seem  to  be  in  existence,  but  we  know  beyond  any 
shallow  of  doubt  that  Eliphalet  (1711 — 1778)  was 
killed  in  the  massacre  from  his  name  being  on  the 
monument  as  among  the  slain,  and  none  were  slain 
except  those  who  were  in  the  battle,  or  killed  a  day 
or  so  before.  The  fact  that  the  will  of  Benjamin  was 
probated  1788,  and  the  general  understanding  among 



the  iiistoi'aiis  that  ever}-  man  who  was  able  to  figlit 
did  Jiis  sliare  of  duty  in  some  manner  or  other,  would 
lead  to  the  supposition  that  he  too  v>-as  an  actor  in 
the  awfu!  Siicenes  of  tJiat  day,  even  though  he  may 
not  have  been  in  the  battle. 

Had  the  younger  ohicers  deferred  to  the  better 
judgment  of  the  older  ones  in  the  council  of  war  held 
in  I'orty  i  ort,  whither  most  ot  the  settlers  had  tied  for 
safety,  the  patriot  force  v.'ould  have  remained  in  the 
fort  and  withstood  a  siege,  in  the  hope  of  receiving 
sufficient  reinforcement  in  Captain  >?x>auldinf]^"s  com- 
pany of  Continentals,  who  were  then  marching  to 
their  relief.  Bat  the  majority  were  in  favor  of  giving 
battle  to  the  invaders,  and  accordiugiy  they  marched 
out  several  miles  to  the  northward  to  the  music  of 
"St.  Patrick's  Day  in  the  2dorning,"  and,  in  a  well- 
arranged  line  of  1.. at  Lie  artaclied  the  enemv.  it 
would  take  a  far  more  gifted  pen  than  this  to  show 
with  any  degree  of  justice  how  those  noble  women 
endured  their  mental  agonies  while  their  husbands 
and  sons  went  forth  to  oppose  that  horde  of  red  sav- 
ages and  white  tories,  who  were  the  equals  af  the 
red  men  in  cruelty;  and  how  that  untrained  band 
of  heroes  fought  like  tigers  for  the  lives  of  their 
loved  ones,  their  homes  and  their  all,  until  the  fata] 
misunderstanding  of  a  command  to  the  company 
on  the  left  Hank  to  fall  back  to  another  po- 
sition. The  steady  and  well-directed  fire  of  the 
right  wing  was  driving  in  the  British  left, 
when  hundreds  of  Indians,  yellii)g  like  demons, 
sprang  upon  the  left  flank  company,  who,  at  that 
critical  moment,  mistook  the  command  "fall  back'- 
for  "retreat."  In  an  instant  there  ensued  a  wild  rush 
for  the  river,  some  distance  to  the  east,  the  Indians 
using  tomahawk  and  scalping  knife  with  horrible 
effect.  To  them  it  was  a  race  for  scalps  and  victims 
for  torture,  to  the  patriots  a  race  for  life.  Many 
reached  the  river  only  to  be  shot  down  in  their  eft'crts 
to  swiii  to  the  east  bank.  Very  fevr  escaped. 
Eliphaiet  Follett  vras  one  of  a  large  number  who 



were  shot  in  tiie  waier  bv  tories.  Probably  bis  scalp 
was  talvec  along  v/ith  the  rest. 

liaydeii  states  that  the  lory  Butler  reported  227 
scalps  talcen  at  Wyomiiiy,  for^whieh  ^lO'eadi  was 
paid  by  the  Briush, ^2,270  in  all. 

Irving  ill  his  Life  of  Washington,  Vol  III,  p.  435, 
states:  "According  to  the  British  accouutfc;,  upwards 
oi  four  hundred  of  the  yeomanry  of  Wyoming  were 
slain,"  *  *  *  ,Tiid  ''Upwards  of '  live  thousand  per- 
sons fled/'  etc.  This  British  account  was,  no  doubt, 
exaggerated.  Irving  adds:  ''It  was  one  of  the  most 
atrocious  outrages  perpetrated  throughoirt  the  war; 
and  as  usual,  the  tories  concerned  in  it  vrere  the 
most  vindictive  and  merciless  of  the  savage  crew." 

In  the  petition  to  Congress,  before  mentioned 
as  published  by  Eev.  Hayden,  the  following  appears: 
"In  tl'c  nEun) ;.  nf  that  tearful  but  glorious  con  Diet 
(the  Revolution)  not  a  page  recounts  a  livelier  devo^ 
tion  of  the  cause  of  liberty,  or  depicts  a  bloodier  field, 
deeper  sufferings  or  more  extensive  losses  of  prop- 
erty. All  America  and  Europe  were  tilled,  at  the 
time,  vritli  the  melancholy  details."' 

Miner  says,  p.  224:  ''Every  captain  that  led  a 
company  into  action  was  slain,  and  in  every  instance 
fell  on  or  near  the  line.  *  •'  *  They  fought  bravely; 
every  man  and  ofhcer  did  his  duty;  but  they  were 
overpowered  by  threefold  their  force.''  Peck  says: 
"It  was  a  dreadful  hour.  Tije  few  old  men  who  were 
left  in  the  fort,  and  the  v\'omen  and  children,  lined 
the  bank  of  the  river  with  throbbing  hearts, 
listening  to  the  noise  of  the  battle.  *  *-  *  More 
than  two  hundred  of  the  patriots  fell  in  this 
fearfal  conflict.  *  *  *  Many  were  hrst  made  prison- 
ers and  then  massacred  in  the  most  cruel  and 
barbarous  manner  by  the  savages.  *  *  *  At  night- 
fall the  fugitives  came  into  the  fort,  exhausted  with 
the  toils  and  terrors  of  the  day.  But,  oh,  hovv'  many 
husbands  and  sons  came  not!  The  sadness  of  that 
night  vviil  never  be  adequately  sketched." 



QuaclicDbos  tells  ol  a  CaptLiin  Bidlack  beiug 
thrown  alive  on  buriiiiig  coaly  where  lie  was  held 
witli  xjilciiioTJis  liiiiii  be  expired.  Hayden  sbow.s 
tbav  tins  dpl;^in  Bidlack  had  been  wounded  on  the 
line  previous  to  his  capture.  Peek  laentions  a  boy 
who  went  iiilo  the  hghi  by  his  lather's  side,  and  was 
taken  prisoner  a.ud  put  on  the  points  ot  lour  bayoneto 
planted  in  tLe  ground  and  roasted  to  death  by  a  slow 
lire  built  under  him. 

On  duly  5ih,  after  articles  of  capitulation  had 
been  signed  and  ]jevsonai  protection  guaranteed  by 
Colonel  Uutler  (tory)  the  Indians  entered  the  fort, 
and  alter  a  short  time  i>utler  declared  he  could  do 
nothing  >^  ith  the  Indians  and  left.  Among  the  nu- 
merous: instances  of  beastly  cruelty  related  by  Peck, 
tne  following,  which  occurred  alter  the  battle,  is 
j.nven  ?!S  being  a  case  probably  somev^'hat  parallel  ..o 
that  ot  Eliphalet  Follett:  ''JClijah  Shoemaker  (Lieu- 
tenant of  C  aptain  Aholiab  Buck's  compan^^,  in  which 
it  is  supposed  Eiiphaiet  Follett  served)  was  seen 
wading  in  the  river  by  one  Windecker,  a  tory,  w^ho 
had  been  treated  by  fcjhoemaker  with  the  kindness 
with  which  a  father  would  treat  a  son.  \vindecker 
said  to  hira,  'Come  out  Shoemaker.^  'I'm  afraid,'  said 
Slioeniiiker,  'you  will  gire  me  up  to  the  Indians.' 
'Xo,'  said  Windecker,  'I  will  save  you,  they  shan't 
hurt  you.'  But  no  sooner  did  Shoemaker  come  vrithin 
his  reach,  than  the  -perhdious  wretch  dashed  his 
tomahawk  into  his  head  and  set  his  body  ahoat.  The 
body  was  taken  up  at  the  fort,  and  Mrs.  Shoemaker, 
with  a  cliiid  in  her  arms,  came  down  to  the  water's 
edge  to  be  agonized  witli  the  sight  of  the  mangled 
corp.s'.e  of  1  or-  husband."  ^Ve  know  that  Eliphalei 
Follett  Avas  shot  by  a  tory  in  the  river.  Mrs.  Han- 
nah Clark,  his  grand-daughter  (the  writer's  great 
aunt),  BOW  aged  92  >eais,  states  that  her  grand- 
mother has  told  lie)'  that  liis  body  was  disovered  some 
da\-s  after  the  battle,  in  the  river,  a  most  horrible 
sight,  entirely  unrecognizable,  it  being  identified  by 
bis  silver  knee  buckles.    She  further  states  that  her 



grandmother  was  in  the  fori,  and  their  house,  a  fine 
fwo-^tory  log  building',  ri;.ci)!;  on  tlie  bank  of  the  Sus- 
quehanna, i'urDi.^hecl  in  elepant  style  tor  that  day, 
with  e.'nbroidered  bed  curtains,  etc.,  was  so  near  thai 
she  could  see  tlie  feathers  lly  from  her  beds  which  the 
Indians  and  tories  were  ri]»piug  open.  She  also  saw 
them  take  her  thirteen  silk  aprons  of  various  colors, 
red,  green,  etc.,  and  rip  them  into  ribbons.  Tlie  boy, 
Martin  Dewey  Follett  (17f)5 — ISol),  begged  for  the 
family  bible,  of  a  tory,  who  was,  like  other  tories, 
painted  like  an  Indian,  calling  the  tory  by  name. 
Calling  him  by  name  so  incensed  the  tory  that  he 
raised  his  hatchet  and  said  he  would  kill  him  if  he 
called  his  name  again,  ne  succeeded  in  getting  the 
bible,  but  other  things  that  they  begged  for  they  did 
not  get     Tliey  had  to  beg  for  the  old  mare  that  was 

■■■-,-.     -T'     ■"         -  ■■■'■■-■.,■        I.         ,    .ll.--^'-^       .,.,1  ••.   -       V--'        i\ -^CJ       Q 

>t    v^i    I.  IIXV    oo        eV,        iJiC        lk/<  (wUJ  V-JL  O       <liJ.U.      V^Xl<;        i.J\\.L       LV>       H.TC       lift       A 

saddle.  An  incident,  shoAving  the  actions  of  the  In- 
dians after  the  massacre,  is  related  by  a  Mrs.  Myers 
in  recli's  History:  ''They  took  onr  feather  beds,  and, 
ripping  open  the  ticks,  flung  out  the  feathers,  and 
crammed  in  their  plunder,  consisting  mostly  of  fine 
clothing,  and  throwing:  them  over  their  horses,  went 
off.  A  squaw  earne  riding  up  Y^'ith  ribbons  stringing 
from  her  head  over  her  horse's  tail.  Some  of  the 
squaws  would  have  on  two  or  three  bonnets  gen- 
erally back  side  before.  One  rode  off  astride  of 
mother's  side-saddle,  that,  too,  wrong  end  foremost, 
and  mothers  scarlet  cloak  hanging  before  her,  being 
tied  at  the  back  of  her  neck."  A  few  days  later  the 
homes  were  burned. 

Bancroft,  Vol.  V,  p.  280,  says:  "The  Sencf^as 
roamed  over  the  surroundins:  country,  adepts  in 
murder  and  devastation.  The  British  leader  boasted 
in  his  report  that  his  pnrty  had  burnt  a  thousand 
houses  and  every  mill.  *  *  *  The  ancient  affection 
for  England  was  washed  out  in  blood.'' 

Quackenbos  says:  "The  unfortunate  people  of 
Wyoming  were  compelled  to  ilee  from  their  once 
happy  valley  to  distant   and   securer   settlements. 



Few  siirvivetl  tlio  hori-ors  of  the  fiiglit.  Some  ee- 
raped  the  red  mais's  knife  only  to  iind  a  slovrer  death 
from  exposure  and  fatigue.  Others  dragging  their 
weary  limbs  tliev  knew  not.  whither,  lost  their  way 
on  the  mountains  or  hid  in  caverns  till  starvation 
ended  their  sufferings.  Distracted  mothers  hurried 
their  children  through  the  wilderness,  and  when 
their  little  ones  fainted  on  the  way  and  died,  folded 
the  lifeless  bodies  to  their  hearts,  and  bore  them 
many  a  toilsome  mile  to  save  them  from  the  hungry 
wolves.    Lovely  Wyoming  was  desolate." 

Miner,  p.  231,  tells  a  story,  related  by  a  young 
girl,  who  saw  the  circumstance,  of  a  widow,  who, 
sitting  by  the  roadside,  had  learned  the  death  of  her 
husband:  ''Six  children  were  on  the  ground  near 
her.    The  Troup,  the  very  image  of  despair,  for  they 

were  uiliIuul  xOou,    Ju.;?!.  uc  Lixdi.  iiioj.Aj.v.^L  ^i  ^^„^    v\  eta 

seen  riding  rapidly  towards  them  from  the  settle- 
ment. It  was  :Mr.  Hollenback.  Foreseeing  the  prob- 
able destitution,  he  had  providently  loaded  his  horse 
with  bread  and  was  hastening  back,  like  an  angel  of 
mercy  to  their  relief.  Cries  and  tears  of  gratitude 
and  welcome  went  up  to  heaven.  He  imparted  a 
morsel  to  each  and  hastened  on  to  the  relief  of 
others."  Could  this  widow  have  been  Elizabeth 
Dewey  Follett?  Such  must  have  been  her  condition. 
The  Follett  mother  and  her  six  children  strug- 
gled on  to  Vermont  (Mrs,  Clark  says,  to  Bennington), 
where  one  child  died  from  the  effects  of  the  journey, 
and  v^•here  Eliphalet  (second)  was  born  but  a  few 
months  later.  It  would  be  impossible  to  describe  the 
hardships  of  that  long  and  dreary  journey,  the 
mother's  sorrow,  pity  for  her  little  ones,  and  bitter 
feelings  over  her  widowhood  and  her  abject  pov- 
erty. On  the  journey  she  fell  and  broke  her  arm. 
and  they  were  three  days  in  the  woods  before  as- 
sistance'could  be  gotten.  >[artin  carried  and  led  his 
little  brother  James,  two  years  of  age,  who  was  bare- 
footed, until  he  had  an  opportunity,  when  stopping 
at  the  house  of  a  torv,  to  take  a  pair  of  shoes  that 



were  near  the  cloor  and,  unknown  to  his  mother,  con- 
ceal them  until  they  were  fur  enough  on  their  way 
to  be  sure  his  mother  would  not  send  him  back  with 
tliem.  The  writei''^  grandmother,  Peryis  Follett 
Parker,  has  said  that  her  grandmother,  Elizabeth 
Dewey  Follett,  had  told  her  that  they  travelled  a 
hundred  miles  with  the  old  and  were  then  met 
by  friends  from  Benninpton,  Yeruiont,  who  had 
heard  of  the  disaster  and  had  come  in  wagons  to 
tlieir  assistance.  It  is  not  known  just  who  these 
friends  were,  but  it  is  su]>])osed  that  they  were  some 
of  IJev.  Jedediah  Dewey's  faraily.  Mrs.  Clark  says 
that  her  father,  Martin^Dewey  Follett  (1765—1831;, 
lold  her  that  his  little  brother  James'  feet  became 
so  scratched  and  sore,  on  the  rough  roads,  that  they 
often  bled,  before  he  appropriated  the  tory  shoes. 

'»'!.  ,,  .  .  .  ,.       .      -  -^  ,    -1    J.       ^i(> --.,,, ;,_. 

A  ^jilver  spoon,  which  was  the  property  of  Eliza- 
beth Dewey  Follett,  is  now  in  possession  of  Mis;< 
Annette  Ward,  of  Columbus,  Ohio,  and  a  beautiful, 
pocket  of  the  colonial  style,  which  she  made  when 
but  se^■en  years  of  age,  and  which  she  used  at  the 
time  of  the  massacre  to  carry  her  yaluable  trinkets, 
etc.,  in,  concealed  under  her  dress  skirt,  is  now 
ow^ned  by  Mr.  Truman  Woodworth,  of  Carey,  Ohio. 

In  the  fall  of  1778  Colonel  Zebulon__Butler 
(pat^-iot),  with  Captain  Spauhling's  company  "of  Con- 
tinentals and  a  few  settlers  returned  to  the  valley. 
On  October  22,  more  than  three  and  a  halt  months 
after  the  battle,  the  remains  of  some  ninety  of  the 
slain  were  gathered  togetlter  and  buried  in  a  common 
grave.  It  was  impossible  to  identify  them,  v,'ith  fevr 
exceptions,  especially  as  many  had  been  scalped  and 

In  the  summer  of  1770  General  Washington  sent 
General  Sullivan  with  som.e  four  thousand  troops 
into  the  country  of  the  Six  Nations  for  the  nurpose  of 
ridding  the  frontier  of  the  hostile  Indians  and  tories. 
The  same  Colonel  John  Butler  (tory)  who  executed 
the   Wyoming   massacre,   made   a   resistance   with 



nearJv  two  thousand  of  his  red  and  white  savages, 
but  was  routed.  It  took  the  four  thousand  trooyns 
thirty  days  of  actual  woi-k  to  lay  waste  the  iudian 
c  uiutry.  Their  gdorious  liehls  ripe  v.ith  the  harvests, 
their  splendid  orch<ii'ds.  their  homes,  their  every- 
thing were  swept  avray  hy  the  firm  and  terrible  hand 
of.  destruction  and  revenge.  Wyomino-  and  Clierry 
Valley  were  avenged. 

The  location  of  the  grave  was  unknown  until 
jS32,  wiien  a  movement  was  i)ut  on  foot  for  the  erec- 
tion of  a  monument.  Some  ten  years  after,  the 
monument,  a  granite  pile  sixty-two  ond  a  half  feet 
high,  costing  some  eight  thousand  dollars,  vras 
erected  on  the  spot  of  the  grave. 

On  tlie  front  slab  is  the  following: 

Z-iear  this  spot  was  fought 

'jn  the  afternoon  of  Friday,  the  third  da^  of 

July,  1778, 


In  which  a  small  band  of  patriotic  .^iti^ricans, 

Chiefly  the  UDdi5ci[-.!ined,  the  youthful  and  the  aged, 

Spared  by  inefficiency  fronj  the  distant  ranhs  of  the  Republic. 

IvCd  ><y  Col.  Zebulon  Butler  and  Col.  Nathan  Denison. 

Wifh  a  courage  tliat  deserved  success, 

Boldly  met  and  bravely  foug^ht 

A  combined  British,  Tory  and  Indian  force 

of  thrice  their  nnnibci. 

Xnnterical  superiority  aioiie  ^ave  success  to  the  invader. 

And  widespread  li.ivoc,  desolation  and  rinn 

Marked  his  savage  and  bloody  footsteps  through  the  Valley. 


Commemorative  of  these  events, 

and  of  ihe  actors  in  theta, 

has  been  erected 


By  their  descetidanTs  and  others,  who  gratetully 


the  services  and  saciifices  of  their  patriot 




s&jsts.  ^-r 

PiSM.Si  ON    Cf 




On  the  s.outbwest  and  northeast  slabi=^  are  in- 
scribed the  names  of  those  vrho  ^rere  killed  at  the 
time  of  the  massacre.  All  but  a  very  few  of  these 
rames  ^x'eTe  put  on  at  the  time  of  the  erection  of  the 
ijionumc-nt,  ihe  others  havir.g  been  added  since. 



Lt.  Col.  George  Dor 

Major  Jonathan  ^V;lUe  Garrett. 


James  Bidlack,  jr., 
Aholi.^b  Buck, 

Rezin  Geer, 
Del  hick  Kewitt, 
■"-Vni,  McKarrsclif 

Samuel  Ransom, 

Lazarus  Sieivart, 
James  Wigdon, 
Asaph  Whittlesey. 


A.  Athertou, 
Aaron  Gaylord, 
Prrrin  Uo.'is, 
Laiarur.  Stewart, 

Flnvins  Waterman, 
Stoddart  Eowen, 
TJmothv  Pierce, 

Elijah  Shoemaker. 
Asa  Stevens, 
James  Wells. 


Jeremiai-  Bigtord, 
Silas  Gore, 

Jonathan  Otis. 
Asa  Gore, 

Titus  Hinman, 
Wiiliam  While. 


Jabei  Atherton, 
Christopher  Avei  y, 


Jabez  Ue-Ts, 
Sainuei  Bigford, 
Davie  Ei.Yby, 
Kiias  Bixby, 
John  Boyr;, 
John  Br-jwn, 
Thomas  Brown. 
vVilHaci  Buck, 
Joseph  T'.udd, 
Ai;.os  Builock, 
Asa  Buliock 
H°nry  Bush, 
KiOii  Brockway. 
John  Caldwell, 

D.  Detilon, 
Ai^dersou  Dana. 
Conrad  Da>.-eaport. 
George  Downing, 
James  Devine, 
Levi  Duau, 
WiUiam  Dunn, 

Benjamin  Finch. 
Daniel  Finch. 
JohJi  Finch. 
EUsba  Fish, 
Cornelius  Fitcbett. 
£iiphaiet  Foiiett, 
Thomas  Faxon, 
John  Franklin, 
Stephen  Fuller, 
Thomas  Fuller, 

Joshua  Landoti, 
Daniel  Lawrence, 
William  Lawrence, 
Francis  Led  yard, 
Conrad  I,owe 
Jacob  X.owe. 
William  Lester, 

C   McCartee, 
Nicholas  Manville, 
N'er.)  Matthe-.-son, 
A  lexander  *vVc?«Iilian , 
Job  Marshall. 
Audrew  Mil!.-^rd. 
John  Murphy, 
Robert  Mcliitire, 

Joseph  Ogden, 


Josiah  Carriian, 

George  Gore, 

.■^hc)  Psltuer. 

Joseph  Cary, 

Gardnei , 

Silas  Parke. 

Joel  Church. 



Wi'iHara  CrSTeiiu, 

Jc  an  recite. 


Benjamin  Hatch, 

Uci^zy  P-;t:cn, 

Sarauel  Cole, 

V.'  Hammon. 

Noah  Pttt-bone,  jr. 

Isaac  Catrphell, 

Silas  ITarvey, 


SatiJnel  Hutchiuson. 

Jeremiah  Rr,:,s,  jr., 

PobertCou)  stock. 

Cyp-iau  Hebaid, 

Elisha  Richords, 

Kingsley  Comstock. 

Levi  Hicks, 

Wiliiam  Reynolds, 


John  Kutchins, 

P:iia5  Roberts, 

Brothtrs  ■(  Cook, 

James  Hopkius, 

Timolhy  Rose, 


Nathaniel  Howard, 

Christopher  Courtright, 

Zipporah  Hibbara, 

Abram  .Shaw, 

John  Courtvighl, 

Elijah  Inmaii, 

James  Shaw, 

Anson  Corey, 

Israel  Irman, 

Joseph  Shaw. 

Jeuks  Corey, 

Constant  Searle, 

Rafus  Corey, 

Abel  Seely. 

Jo;  eph  C-.-cker, 

Samuel  Jackson. 

Levi  Speucor, 

Ssmuel  Crocker, 

Robert  Jamesoij, 

Eleazer  Sprague, 


Aaron  =tark. 

jiU  i  ^,;i,..^. 

Josiah  Spenter, 

Danus  Sr-offord, 

John  Van  Wie. 

Eton  W  ilcox. 

Jan^es  Spexicer, 

John  V.-'illiams, 

Joseph  Staples, 

F.lihu  Waters, 

John  Ward. 

Reuben  -Staples. 

Jonathan  Weeks. 

John  Wilson, 

F.ufv.s  Steven?, 

Bartholomew  Weeks, 

Parker  Wilson, 

James  Stevenson, 

Philip  VVeeks, 

William  Woodring-, 

Nailer  Sweci',. 

Peter  V.'heelcr, 

Aziba  Williams, 


Steuheu  Whiton. 



Ebeu  Wilccx. 

Oiias  Yale. 

Irh:'.bod  Tuillt, 

EHhu  "Williams,  jr.. 

.*bram  Vaa;ort'er, 

Rufus  WilliaDis, 

Gershom  Prince,  c< 

Lieut.  Boyd,  killed  at  Forty  Fort  after  the  Battle. 

The  naiiie  of  ElijjliaJet  Foliett  is  found  in  the 
lists  as  given  bv  Miner  unci  reck.  We  may  therefore 
believe  thiit  his  njime  vras  among  tho&e  inscribed  at 
the  building  of  the  monument. 

The  bones  of  the  slain,  so  far  as  recovered,  rest 
in  a  chamber  in  the  base  of  the  monument. 

The  names  of  those  who  participated  in  the 
battle  and  survived  are  on  a  slab  over  a  door  leading 
l;o  the  vault,  on  the  southeast  side,  as  follows: 




John  Abbott, 
Gideon  Baldwiu, 
Zera  Beach, 
Rufus  Eenneti. 
Solomon  Bennett. 

:;athan  Carey, 

George  Cooper, 

Joseph  Elliott. 

Sainnel  Finch, 
I'oswell  Franklin, 
Hu£,'h  i-'orsraa::. 

John  Gardner, 
Dacicl  Csrr, 
Saicuel  Cnrsv. 

IVilliam  Crooks, 
Tvliitr  Rofabiiis, 
EtaJEirair.  Har  Ji 

COLON  e:,s. 
lU  fcutler,  N'athan  Dr:\if,-n. 


Gove,  li.i.olhy  liowc. 


Downing,  Matthias  Hoilenbock 


Phineas  Spafford,  Gaiea. 


^-^-Thonif.s  Fuller, 
John  Garrett, 
Samuel  Gore, 

Lemuel  Gu.stiu, 
James  Green, 

Lebbeus  Hammond, 
Jacob  Haldroti, 
Klishn  H.T-ris. 
Ebenezer  Heberd, 
William  Heberd, 

Richard  lutnau, 
David  Inmaii, 

John  Jamison, 
Henry  Lickers, 

Joseph  Morse, 
Thomas  Neill, 

Josiab  Pfll,, 
Phineas  Pierce. 
Abrahor-;  Pikt, 

John  N.  >kicner, 
Giles  Siocum, 
Walter  spencer, 
Edwdrd  Spencer, 
Amos  Staftbrd, 
Roger  Searle, 

CLierrick  Westbrook 
Eleszer  VVest, 
Daniel  Washburn. 


Daniel  Wallen, 
Daniel  Rosencraiit 

EH-ha  Wilcox, 


Stukeley  Hardinc 
James  Harliall. 
James  Hadrall.  jv 

■WiUiaru  Martin, 
Quocko,  [colored.] 

On  July  .3d,  1S7S,  a  celebration  of  the  one  hun- 
dredth :iiiniversarv  of  the  massacre  ^vas  held  in  the 
Wyoming  Valley,  which,  in  it.s  way,  was  one  of  the 
grandest  celebrations  in  the  history  of  our  country. 
Fifty  thousand  visitors  attended,  inclv.dino-  Presi- 
dent Hayes  and  many  of  the  highest  oiKciah;  in  the 
nation,  and  the  exeicises  lasted  for  several  days. 





jrv  or?  wkstmorOTjAnd.  itts. 

The  aboTe  map  is  reproduced  from  Peck's  His- 
tory, from  wlticli  the  foiloTviug  explauation  is  also 
extracted : 

A.  Fort  Durkee. 

B.  Wyoroin;^  or  Wilkes-Barxe  Fort. 

C.  Fort  Ogden. 

D.  Village  of  Kingston. 

E.  Forty  Fort. 

F.  Battie-groiind,  site  of  Monument. 

G.  Wiutermoot'sFort.  The  dot  below  G  marks 
QuGOii  Fctlier's  Rock,  where  tliat  female  savage  is 
said  to  have  brained  nearly  a  score  of  victims  durin<T 
the  night  of  July  3rd,  in  revenge  for  the  killing  of 
her  son. 

R.     Fort  Jenkins. 

I.       Monoeasy  Island. 

J.      Three  Pittstown  Stocliades. 

The  distances  from  Wilkes-Barre  bridge  of  t<^'- 
day  are  as  follows:  Fort  Durkee,  half  mile;  Fort 
Ogden,  three  and  a  half  miles;  Pittstown  Stockades, 
eight  miles;  Forty  Fort,  three  and  a  half  miles; 
Monument,  five  and  a  half  miles;  Queen  Esther's 
■Rock,  six  and  a  half  miles;  Wintormoot's  Fort  and 
Fort  Jenkins,  eight  miles;   Kingston,  half  mile 


(IT'll— 1T78.) 

IKST.— Martin  I)e\YeY  Follett  (1765—1831), 
son  of  Eliphalet  FolJelt  (1741-— 17TS).  Bee 
chapter  on  ('aptain  Martin  Dewey  Follett. 

t'eeoDd. — Charles  Follett  (1767 — 1S14),  son  of 
Eiiphaiet  Follett  (1711 — 1'<78),  was  born  Jul}-  16, 
17G7.  Place  of  birth  not  known,  but  supposed  to  be 
^MjLic  i^rtitjutri^,  now  Amenia  ,N.  Y.  AVus  cleveii 
years  of  age  at  the  time  of  the  Wyoming  massacre. 
Jennings'  History  of  Benniiigton,  p.  150,  says  that  he 
married  Hannah,  daughter  of  Colonel  Samuel  Kobin- 
son,  whose  wife  was  Esther,  daughter  of  Deacon 
Joseph  Saiford  (1705 — 1775).  They  had  one  son,  who 
died  without  issue.  Charles  Follett  (17G7 — 18 J 4)  was 
a  captain  in  the  regular  army  in  the  war  of  1812, 
taking  sick  in  the  sei'vice  and  returning  to  his  home 
in  Cambridge,  Vt.,  where  he  died  September  4  (one 
record  gives  it  September  14),  1814.  His  name  is 
found  in  Hammersly's  liegular  Army  Register,  1779 
to  1871),  p.  73,  as  "Caplain,  Tenth  U.  S.  Infantr}-,  com- 
missioned 12  March  1S12."  His  regiment,  according 
to  Lossing's  Field  Book  of  the  War  of  1812,  saw  no 
little  service  in  the  Plattsburgh  campaign. 

Third. — Elizabeth  Follett  (1769 ),  daugh- 
ter o^  Eiiphaiet  Follett  (1741 — 1778),  was  born  May 
4,  1769.  Phice  of  birth  not  known,  but  supposed  to 
be  Nine  Partners,  X.  Y.  Was  at  Wyoming,  Pa.,  at 
the  time  of  the  ma.-sacre  in  177S,  being  nine  years  of 
age.  ^larri^^d  Deacon  William  Reynolds,  a  Baptist, 
ixiul  lived  at  Cambridge,  Vt.  She  was  the  mother  of 
seven  or  eight  ciiildren,  of  whom  no  records  are  at 


ijund.     Mrs.  Clark  lemeiiibers  Die  names  of  four  of 
tiicuij  neury,  Betsevj  Aiartiji  y.nd  Faiiuy.  ,    -, 

Fourth. — EIi}3halet  FoJlet.t  (IVTl-  -17TS),  yon  o.f 
Eliphaiet.Foiietl  (.1741 — 1776),  was  born  jla^v  -L  1771. 
probably  al  Jsiiie  Partners,  N.  Y.,  but  possibly  at 
Wyomiup:,  Pa.  Died  Au<'ust  30, 1778,  x)robably  from 
the  eli'ecc-s  of  ibe  journey  after  the  Wyomiug  mas- 
pacre.  Place  of  death  vras  undoubtedly  Benniiig- 
tOD,  Vt 

Filth. — Beiijamiu  Follett  (1774 — JS31j,  son  ol 
Eiiphalet  Follett  (1741 — 1776),  was  born  July  22, 
1774,  undoubtedly  at  Wyoming,  Pa.,  as  we  find  hhs 
lathei-  elected  to  a  tovvu  ohice  there  previous  to  this 
date.  At  the  time  of  the  massacre  he  was  four  years 
01  age.  lie  married  Mercy  JSobie,  who  may  have  t  jci: 
a  relative  of  his  stejj-father,  ''Captain  Eli  Kobie, 
Esquire.'-'  His  children  were:  P>enjamin,  Leodwick, 
Eliza  and  Olive.  Airs.  Clark  stales  that  he  took 
small-pox  Y.'hile  in  Moutreai  on  one  occasion,  return 
lug  to  his  home,  which  was  turned  into  a  pest  house. 
This  was,  ]\Ji's.  Clark  thinks,  in  1803.  The  disease 
left  him  badly  pitted. 

In  the  war  of  1S12  he  was  lieutenant  of  his 
brother's  company  of  Enosburgh  militia.  His  name 
is  one  of  those  attached  to  the  celebrated  remon- 
strance add]'essed  to  Governor  Martin  Chittenden  in 
November,  1813,  He  "moved  west,''  settling  in  ilie 
vicinity  of  Cleveland,  Ohio.  Xo  records  concerning 
his  children  have  been  found. 

Bixth.— James  Follett  (1776—1832),  son  of 
Eiiphalet  Follett  (1741-- 1778),  was  bom  July  2, 1776, 
at  Wyomirg,  Pa.  From  all  accounts  he  must  have 
Buffered  mu':]i  on  the  retreat  from  Wyoming  valley, 
being  only  two  years  of  age  at  the  time.  He  married 
Bally  Keilv,  who  was  born  July  2,  1792,  and  wha 
died  March  0,  1829.  He  died  Aagust  23,  1832,  of 
clio  ler-a,  at  Buitulo,  N,  Y.    His  children  were: 

Charles  D.,  born  August  V.\  1813,  died  Septens- 
berS,  1814. 


Jamefci  iJ.j  born  June  24,  ISlo,  now  liviug  io  Chi- 
cago. Hia  cluidreii,  now  living,  are  Mary  (Mrs. 
Dean),  James  I),,  Jr.,  Ciiarles  L.  and  William  S. 

JSaraii  U,  born  April  24,  .18.17,  married  Charles 
O.  LiOise,  lived  in  3iedina,  0.,.und  died  December  21, 

Marlin  P.,  born  April, 2G,  1S20,  novr  living  in 

Charles  L.,  iiorn  jMay  7, 1S22,  died  os  cholera  Au- 
gust 18, 1811),  at  Huntington,  lud. 

Willi  an:  K.,  born  March  25, 182-1,  died  March  13, 

2serina  A,,  l^orn  May  18,  182G,  married  Mr. 
Perry  and  is  now  living  with  her  brother,  James  D. 
Folieit,  in  Cbii  ago. 

Stephen  D.,  born  ^'ovember  11, 1S2S,  died  ilarch 
'^7  1^31 

When  James  Follett  (1776 — 1S32)  lost  his  wife  in 
1829,  he  took  his  seven  living  children,  the  oldest  of 
whom  was  under  thirteen  years  of  age,  and  the 
youngest  not  quite  four  months  old,  to  the  home  of 
his  brother,  Martin  Dewey  Follett  (1765—1831),  who, 
our  traditions  tell  us,  had  alwa^'s  been  an  ait'ectionate 
older  brother,  to  whom  his  btoiiiers  and  sister  could 
come  in  their  times  of  trouble. 

Seventh.- -Eliphalet  Follett  (1779 ),  son  of 

Eiiphalet  Follect  (1741 — 1778),  was  born  at  F.en- 
jiiagt oil,  Vt.,  j'anuary  10,  1779,  six  months  after  the 
den.tli  of  his  father  in  the  Wyoming  massacre.  His 
•  •hi}<Jren  were  Dewey,  Abel,  Julia,  Ciemence,  Theoda, 
i>etsey,  Tryfena  and  Mary,  but  nothing  much  seems 
to  be  know)!  of  them  now.  The  family  removed  to 
Bellevue,  O.  Several  of  the  daughters  married  men 
of  great,  -NV-'-alth.  Mrs,  Piatt,  of  Columbus,  O.,  states 
that  :<1.'0  luid  a  visiting  acquaintance  v/ith  some  of 
them  in  iier  younger  days,  and  that  she  was  in  Paris 
at  the  time  one  of  them  v.'as  married  there  in  great 
splendor.  The  v/riter's  grandmother,  ilrs.  Parker, 
also  had  a  vi::iting  acquaintance  with  them  many 

years  ago,     Eiiphaiet  Follett  (1779 — ■ )  mairied 

his  second  wife  and,  after  her  death,  n  third. 


(lTo5 — 1831) 

AETiy  DEWEY  FOLLETT  (1765—1831), 
\*  son  of  Elipiia]et  Foliett  (,1711— 1778)  was 
born,  according  to  i'amilj  records,  July 
4,  17 Go.  The  liobinson  (ieueaiogy  gives 
tlie  place  ol  his  birth  as  Nine  Partners  (nov:  Amenia, 
Dtu  iiess  County),  New  York,  just  west  of  the  Coii- 
uecticuv.  line.  The  next  record  we  have  of  hiin  is  his 
f.-oi^DGction  with  tJie  retreat  from  the  Wyoming  va'- 
ley  after  the  massacre  in  17  78.  \Vhile  we  have  no 
pot-itive  assurance  that  he  actually  participated  in 
the  battle  of  July  3d,  1778,  we  have  reason  to  suppose 
that  he  did  his  share  of  duty  at  that  time,  in  some 
capacity,  as  the  histories  of  tbe  Wyoming  valley  give 
nniny  instances  of  the  deeds  of  young  boys  at  that 
timel^  The  younger  boys  who  wei'e  too  young  xo  be 
in  the  companies  with  the  men,  it  seems  had  formed 
a  company  by  themselves  under  the  command  of  a 
boy  of  hf teen  years  of  age.  We  hnd  no  record  of  this 
company  going  into  the  battle  as  a  company,  but  the 
various 'accounts  show  that  at  least  two  such  boys 
were  killed  in  the  massacre,  and  that  one  escaped  by 
running.  Stone,  p.  188,  says:  "Captain  Aholiab 
Buck  and  his  son,  aged  only  fourteen,  were  both 
wslain.'-'  We  read  of  a  boy  less  than  twelve  years  of 
age  who  was  too  young  to  carry  a  musket,  but  drove 
a  team  hauling  logs  while  one  of  the  forts  Avas  being 
built.  F'Tom  all  accounts  we  come  to  but  one  conclu- 
sion, that  the  settlement  of  Wyoming  stood  together 
as  a  unit  in  the  common  defence,  the  old  men.  the 
women  and  the  older  children  all  doing  their  share, 
while  the  men  wore  doing  military  duty.  The  hard- 
ships of  the  retreat  of  Martin  Dewey  Foi left's  mother 
from  the  valley,  in  which  it  would  appear,  from  what 



meager  records  we  have,  that  he  was  of  great  assist- 
M.nce,  have  been  mentioned  in  connection  witii 
Eliphalet  Follett  (1741 — lVT6j. 

The  next  records  in  order  of  their  dates  v/ere 
obtained  from  the  Adjutant  General  of  Vermont,  and 
are  here  given  in  f  ulL 

State  of  ^'j:hmoxt, 
^Vi^j  UTAj^T  A.y.D  I^s^ECTOIl  Genehal-'s  Office, 
BuiiEiNGTOX,  Daccinhcr  7,  1S93. 

I  hereby  certify  that  the  folloAving  is  a  correct 
tian-cript  iiom  the  records  on  file  in  this  olnce,  re 
garding  soldiers  vrho  served  in  the  Kevoiutionary 
v/ar.  Extract  from  a  "Pay  Koll  of  Lieutenant  Jon'a 
Scott's  Company  in  Col.  Sam'l  Herriclr's  Beg't  of 
Militia  in  the  service  of  the  American  United  States 
raised  for  the  purpose  of  guarding  the  public  stores 
'ill  I^cnnDi?^gr->n,  by  order  of  General  Stark  to  his  Er- 
ceiieucy  Gov.  Chittenden,  engaged  and  discharged 
at  several  diti'erent  times  from  June  30,  177S,  to  Jan. 
4,  1779,"  we  find  that  Mai  tin  Follett  served  as  a 
private,  79  days. 

Also  froai  a  "Pay  Koll  of  Capt.  Joseph  Sajfford's 
ConiT  any  of  Militia  in  Col.  Eben'r  Walbridge  s  lleg't, 
in  an  alarm  to  Castletou,  commencing  the  1-lth  Oct. 
1781  and  ending  the  3lst,"  it  appears  thai  Ma.rtin 
Foileti  served,  as  a  private,  eleven  days, 

(Signed)  T.  S.  Peck, 

[Seal.]  Adj't  and  lusp'r  Gen'h 

State  of  Vermont, 
ADJi"r--^-T  AND  Inspectoh  Gener.\i.'s  Office, 
BukeixCtTON,  December  7,  1S93. 
1  hf  reby  certify  thai  the  following  is  a  correct 
transcript  from  the  records  on  file  in  this  ofiice  re- 
garding soldiers  who  served  in  the  Kevolutionary 
war.     Extract  from  -'A  Pay  Roll  of  Capt.  Thomas 
Saw^-er's  Company  of  Militia,  raised  for  the  defence 
of  the  Northern  Frontier  of  the  United  States,"  it  ap- 
pears that  Martin  D.  Follett  served,  ns  a  private, 
from  May  19,  to  June  2S,  1TT9,  one  mouth  and  eleven 

(Signed)  T.  S.  Peck, 

[Seah]  Adj't  and  Insp'r  Genl. 


CAPT.  MARTIN  DEWEY  FOLLETT  (1765-1831). 
STATJO   of    V'ElOlONT, 

.Adjutant  and  Lxsi-ectoic  Genek^u^'s  Office, 
MONTTELTEK,  Dcc,  S,  A.  D.  1S93, 
Major  Harrii  1'.  Word,  iJoiinnhnS;  U.: 

Bir: — itepiyiug  to  yours. of  the  tith,  enclosed  . 
please  UbiI  eertiilcates  of  service  iji  your  ancestors., 
-Uartin  D.  FoUett  and  John  Fassett,  -Jr.  The  thiee 
months"  seryice  at  I'hittsburgh  is  ail  I  can  ilnd  of  M. 
I).  FuJleti  as  captain.  The  service  oi  the  same  man 
in  .1770  do.^s  not  seem  to  me  improbable,  although  he 
could  ha^•<-•  been  but  fourteen  years  old.  1  am  as- 
sured by  the  State  Librarian  aud  Assistant  Secre- 
tary of  State,  men  who  know  a  great  deal  about 
lievoiutionary  records,  xhat  they  know  many  cases 
v/here  men  served  as  early  as  fourteen.  I  find  also 
further  service  of  Martin  Follett  without  any  "D.'- 
i  have  no  douut  ihis  i»  lije  »i:i.Liit;  m<Jti,  the  xccoxds 
are  so  full  uf  mistakes,  are  left  in  such  an  indefinite 
way,  the  names  of  the  same  men  spelled  in  several 
different  ways,  iuiiials  left  out  entirely;  but  1  have 
Diade  out  these  certihcates  separately,  as  you  may 
not  wish  to  accept  the  last. 

V/itii  thanks  for  fee,  Tvespectfuily, 

Mrs.  Jas.  S.  Peck, 
Ass't  in  Adj't  Gen'is  Office. 

Martin  Uewey  Follett  (17C5 — 1S31)  nmrried 
Persis  Fassett  (see  Fassett  records)  March  9,  1790, 
at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  the  marriage  ceremony  being  per- 
formed by  the  bride's  father.  Their  ciiiidieii,  men- 
tion of  whom  will  be  made  later  on,  were: 

John  Fassett  (1791 — 18G3). 

Martin  Dewey  (1793—1864). 

.Henrv  [Ilarrv]  (^1795 — 1875). 

Elizabeih  [Betseyj  (1797—1884). 

Sally  (1799—1804). 

Hannah  (1803— -living). 

E iipha ] et  1 1 805—1887). 

Charles  (ISOS— 1808). 

Persis  (1809—1893). 

James  (1811 — living). 



lu  iiie  Vermont  Historical  Magazine,  Vol.  II, 
p.  154^  is  found  a  long  list  of  the  lirst  settlers  ol 
Enosbiirgh,  Vt,  in  which  the  name,  Hon.  Mardn  I). 
I'oilett  (iTGo — 1831)  is  third  and  that  of  Eenjamin 
Follett  (1V71 — Itjoi)  fourth,  and  on  page  133,  same 
volujue,  it  appears  that  Martin  D.  Follett  clerk 
of  the  first  Proprietors'  njeeiing  September  8,  ITIK"), 
held  at  the  house  of  Jo:.epu  iiaker,  Esq.,  in  llakers- 
lield,  at  which  time: 

•  Chose  Jedediah  Kjde,  Stephen  House,  Samuel 
D.  Sheldon,  Levi  Rouse,  Amos  Fassett,  Joseph  Baker 
and  Martin  D.  Follett  a  committee  to  allot  said  town- 
ship at  their  discretion,  after  they  have  reviewed 
said  township  thoroughly." 

The  next  Proprietors'  meeting  was  held  in  Cam- 
bridge September  9,  1705,  at  whicb  was  "Voted  that 
said,  committer  bsji  out  tQn  acrci  in  eeiucr  of  said 
town  of  Knosburgh  for  a  public  parade,"  etc.  Sun- 
dry meetings  were  subsequently  held,  but  the  meet- 
ing for  organization  of  the  town  was  held  in  Enos- 
burgli.  March  19, 1T9S,  at  the  house  of  Samuel  Little. 
At  this  meeting  Charles  Follett  was  elected  one  of 
the  Selectmen,  and  it  was  voted  '-That  Moses  Farrar 
be  constable,  that  lienjamin  Follett  be  surveyor  of 
highways,  that  Josiah  Terrell  be  hog-reef e.  Voted, 
that  tlie  svrine  shall  not  run  at  large  from  the  Gth  of 
May  until  the  20tii  of  October,"  "v/hich  last  vote  was 
doubtless  designed  to  give  all  swine  the  privilege  of 
bee-:h-nut!ing,  which  was  quite  an  object  in  those 
days."  "The  first  deed  on  record  bears  date  of  April 
1,  1797,  by  Amos  Fassett  to  Benjamin  Fassett, 
executed  at  Bennington,  from  which  tovrn  several 
frmiiies  emigrated  to  Enosburgh  in  that  and  the  fol- 
lowing years."  Thompson,  in  his  Gazetteer  of  Ver- 
mont, page  67,  says  of  Euosburgh:  "The  settlement 
of  this  township  was  commenced  in  the  spring  of 
1797  by  Amos  Fassett,  Stephen  House,  Martin  D. 
Follett  and  others."  It  is  quite  probable  from  the 
foregoing  notices  that  ^lartin  Dewey  Follett  (17G5 — 
1S31)  removed  from  Cambridge  to  Enosburgh  during 
or  about  the  year  1797. 

CAPT.  MAliTJN  DEWEY  FOLI-ETT  (1765-1831). 

It  is  posible  titat  ho  did  a«  many  others  did,  spent 
much  01  iiU  time  at  Enosburgh,  clearing  and  building 
a  hoyse,  before  he  brought  his  family  on.  His  Urst 
house  Id  Enosburgh,  in  which  all  but  the  first  four 
childrou  were  born,  was  built  of  logs  and  contained 
two  large  rooms  and  a  loft,  which  was  reached  by  a 
ladder,  and  a  bed-room  and  large  pantry  were  soon 

Vv'e  read  the  luilowing  in  regard  to  Enosburgh 
in  Vermont  Historical  Gazetteer,  V^ol.  II,  p.  157: 

'^4.s  in  all  New  England  forests,  game  was  abun- 
dant A  haunch  of  venison  was  considered  as  neces- 
sary for  the  season  of  thanksgiving  (which  was 
always  duly  observed)  as  the  turkey.  The  early 
autumri  snows  were  the  signal  for  the  annual  deer- 
hunting.    '\Yolves  and  foxes  were  also  numerous,  and 

,\vjl^  ii  ..   •.■';rv>   K'!.  t]-''^  F^hce-n-fo]^  r.\]<\  iionltrv  vnrd. 

,  p 

The  blcick  bear  was  the  lord  of  the  forest;  bold  and 
sne.ikiug"  in  his  movements,  he  occasioned  excessive 
maternal  solicitude,  and  was  a  terrible  brute  in  the 
estimation  of  little  children." 

Tradition  says  that  Martin  Dewey  Foilett  (1765 
— 1831)  vras  the  iirst  man  to  mai'k  the  trees  through 
the  dense  fore.sts  that  lay  betv^'een  Enosburgh  and 
the  St.  Lawrence.  Just  how  true  this  may  be  we  do 
not  know,  but.  we  do  know  that  he  was  accustomed 
to  go  to  Montreal,  a  distance  of  perhaps  seventy 
miles,  to  sell  the  produce  of  the  farm  and  to  buy  his 
supplie;^',  and  that  his  course  was,  for  some  distance 
through  the  forests,  marked  by  cuts  on  trees  which  he 
had  made  himself  on  his  first  trip  to  Montreal,  in 
order  that  he  might  find  his  way  back.  His  sou 
James  tells  an  interesting  story  of  accompanying 
him,  assisting  in  driving  some  slieep,  on  one  of  these 
trips.  He  says  tiiey  went  to  a  place  called  La  Prairie, 
which  vras  about  ten  miles  from  the  city,  and  in 
winter,  v.-hen  the  river  was  frozen,  it  was  customary 
to  travel  that  much  of  the  distance  on  the  ice,  mak- 
ing it  the  easiest  part  of  the  journey.  But  in  stormy 
weather  it  was  not  so  easy.     The  writer's  grand- 



fatlieiyJohn  Parker  (1807— 1891)  told  of  one  unpleas- 
ant experience  when,  going  from  near  Enosbarj;*h  to 
MoDireai  by  sled  vitli  liis  stepfather,  Andrew  Com- 
ings, vh^y  lost  their  way  in  a  blinding  snowstorm 
and  nearly  peris])ed  with  the  cold.  One  of  their 
neighbors  lost  bis  life  on  the  river  while  making  jnsr 
.snch  a  trip. 

The  Follett  farm  was  situated  in  one  of  the  most 
beautiful  valleys  of  the  picturesque  Green  Mount- 
ains, the  little  Ti-out  river  running  through  it.  This 
valley  is  in  the  northAvestern  corner  of  the  state,  not 
many  miles  from  the  eastern  ^^hore  of  Lake  Cham- 
plain  and  very  near  the  Canadian  border.  The  home, 
after  1812,  was  a  large  brick  farm  house  of  the  typ- 
ical old  Xew  England  style  with  squared  wails  and 
great  0])en  fa-e-pL"  ces.  "^Ve  are  told  that  it  made  a. 
joily  home  for  a  happy,  anectionnre  and  large  tamiiy, 
and  v\^as  the  scene  of  many  a  happy  gathering,  church 
meeting  or  singing  school,  for  the  Folletts  and  Fas-, 
setts  and  their  neighbors,  the  ITopkinses,  were  sing- 
ers, and  it  was  noted  as  a  plnce  of  entertainraent  for 
tlie  ministers  and  missionaries  who  so  frequently 
traveled  to  and  fro  in  that  country,  for  the  father, 
although  not  a  church  member,  took  a  lively  interest 
in  church  matters,  and  had  a  fondness  for  entertain- 
ing ministers.  Mr.  B.  D.  Hopkins  writes  that  his 
father's  brother,  Jedediah  Dewey  Hopkins,  told  him 
of  one  occasion,  when  he  was  a  boy,  how  he  made  a 
tour  of  the  neighborhood  to  notify  the  people  that 
Rev.  Mr.  Wooster  would  hold  service  at  Judge  Fol- 

On  page  135,  VoL  II,  A'ermoiit  Historical  ]Maga- 
zine,  we  are  informed  that  anyone  going  to  Enos- 
burgh  would  be  safe  in  calling  almost  any  man  he 
met  "Esquire"  whom  he  did  not  know  to  be  "-'Cap- 
tain" or  "Lieutenant,"  so  prominent  was  the  military 
zeal  of  the  town,  and  that  in  1807  the  town  "voted  to 
raise  a  tax  of  ,^50.00  to  fll]  a  nuigazine  v^itli  powder, 
lead,'-'  etc.  Very  early  there  was  a  company  of  troops 
or  horse  formed,  and  later  on  an  artillery  and  a  rifle 


CAPT.  MARTI>;   DP:WEY  FOLLETT  (17654831). 

oompanT,  the  rolls  of  which  organii'-atioTis,  or  eyen  a 
single  name  connocted  IhereAviTb,  the  vv-riter  has  been 
unable  to  find.  The  fact,  however,  that  Mautiii 
Dewey  Foliett  wa^s  clioseii  captairj  of  the  Enosburgh 
company  in  the  war  of  1812,  would  lead  to  the  suppo- 
sition that  he  must  have  been  conected  with  the  early 
military  organizations  of  the  town.  On  page  155  in 
the  volume  previously  referred  to,  is  found  a  roil  of 
officers  and  soldiers  in  the  war  of  1812  from  Eno:-;- 
burgh,  as  follows: 

]M;artin  D.  Follett,  captain;  Benjamin  Follett, 
first  lieutenant;  Alvin  Fassett,  corporal:  Solomon 
Dodge,  Henry  Follett  (Harry),  John  Flint,  Samuf*] 
Hedge,  Barnabas  Hedge,  Xathan  Hedge,  Talma  Hen- 
drick,  Samuel  Kendall.  James  Miller,  William 
Tuiller,  JoLa  idHi'iiii,  Joseph  Pollard,  Anthony  Bes- 
see,  ADijali  Kice,  iiinocii  Peas,  Joiin  Osuuiue,  Labon 
Brovrn  and  Asa  Ladd,  jnivates;  Hiram  Fassett,  mu- 
sician. The  vvriter  is  inclined  to  think  that  ''John 
Flint"  may  be  a  misprint  for  "John  Follett,"  as  errors 
of  a  similar  nature  are  often  met  with. 

No  doubt  there  were  changes  in  this  company 
during  the  war.  Family  tradition  says  that  John 
Fassett  Follett  (1791— l"8r>3)  was  enlisted  and  that 
his  bronier.  ]\Iartin  Dewey  Follett,  Jr.  (1793— 18C1), 
sometimes  substituted  for  him.  Also  that  Harry 
(179  —1875)  was  ''captain's  waiter."  Thus  we  see 
tluit  Martin  Dewey  Follett,  Sr.,  was  captain,  his 
brother  was  first  lieutenant,  and  hiy  three  sons  Avere 
privates,  in  the  Enosburgh  company.  We  have 
neither  records  nor  traditions  in  regard  to  any  par- 
ticular campaigns  or  actions  in  which  the  company 
v>'as  or  was  not  engaged.  Mrs.  Clark,  nine  years  of 
age  in  1812,  states  that,  as  she  remembers  the  cir- 
cumstances as  they  appeared  to  her  when  a  child  of 
that  age,  her  father  would  go  into  active  service  for 
a  time,  possibly  three  months,  return  to  the  farm  for 
about  the  same  time,  and  then  go  back  to  his  com- 
pany, so  that  his  service  and  probably  that  of  the 
entire  company,  was  broken,  as  occasion  required. 


SERVICE  IN  WAR  OF  1812. 

In  VolTioie  I5  Vermont  Historical  ilagaziiie,  p-  672, 
"Governor  and  CoiiDcil,"  Voluuie  VI,  p.  493,  and  in 
other  histories,  we  find  that  Luther  Dixon,  lieutenant 
colonel,  Martin  I).  Folletf",  captain ,  John  Fassett, 
surgeon ,  Benjamin  Follett,  lientenant,  and  fourteen 
other  officers  of  a  brigade  of  militia,  address  Martin 
Chittenden,  Governor  of  Vermont,  in  a  communica- 
tion dated  "Cantonment,  Platt.sburgh,  Xovember  15, 
1813.-'  refusing  to  obey  orderSj  whicli  it  seemy  he  had 
issued  to  them,  to  return  to  the  State  of  Vermord, 
and  informing  him  that  inasmuch  as  they  were  in  the 
service  of  the  United  ►States  and  not  Ihat  of  Vermont, 
and  were  not  subject  to  his  orders,  they  should  con- 
tinue in  the  United  States  service  until  properly 
discharged  therefrom.  The  communication  is  very 
lengthy,  v.ird  very  courteous,  but  shows,  nevertheless, 
a  sulrjt  111'  uf LerminiiLJOJi,  and  a  feeling  01  dissaris- 
faction  with  the  anti-war  opinions  of  the  Governor, 
who,  it  appears  elsewhere,  had  not  been  elected  by 
the  people,  but  by  the  legislature,  no  candidate  hav- 
ing been  chosen  at  the  election,  and  vras  unpopular. 
It  is  probable  that  Martin  I).  Fol left's  company 
served  v>ithin  tlie  borders  of  Vermont  at  different 
times,  of  which  it  appears  there  are  no  records,  but 
the  service  outside  of  the  State  is  undoubtedly  cov- 
ered by  the  following  certificate: 

State  of  Vermont, 
Ad-ttt-a^'t  A>n>  Inspector  General's  Gfeice, 
BUREINGTON,  Divcinhcr  7,  1S93. 
I  hereby  cei-tify  that  the  following  is  a  correct 
transcript  from  the  records  on  file  in  this  office,  re- 
garding soldiers  who   served  in  the  war  of  1S12. 
From  a  muster  roll  of  a  com])any  of  militia  of  Ver- 
mont, under  command  of  Martin  D.  Follett,  jn  the 
service  of  the  United  States,  commanded  by  Luther 
Dixon,   lieutenant   r-o]onel   commanding,   it   apears 
that  Martin  D.  Follett  served,  as  a  captain,  from 
September  25,  1813,  three  months. 

(Signed)  T-  S.  Peck, 

[Seal.]  Adj't  and  Insp'r  Gen'l. 


CAPT.  MAKTT-:;:  DE\YEY  FOLIiETT  (176.S-1SS1). 

"Ihe  Vetiiior.tese 

As  thick  as  bees, 

Came  swarjnJiisr  o'er  the  U 

Tbat  tli.e  Enosbitr;:^!!  company  went  out  on  the 
day  of  the  batth^  of  Platt.sburgh  there  is  no  doubt,  as 
Y\^e  have  lieard  the  story  from  tlie  lips  of  the  children 
of  Captain  Follett,  one  of  whom,  Mrs.  Clark,  re- 
members distinctly  the  events  of  that  day,  the  roar 
of  the  battle  a.nd  the  anxiety  of  her  mother  for  those 
who  had  gone.  When  the  news  came  that  the  British 
were  advancincr  on  Plattsburj^^li  the  whole  conntry 
was  aroused,  in  fact  the  great  battle  of  Sunday,  Sep- 
tenaber  11,  ISll,  was  to  northwestern  Vermont  what 
the  celebrated  battle  of  Jiennington,  August  10. 
1777,  was  to  southwestern  Vermont  during  the  Eevo- 
Intion,  although  the  forces  engaged  at  Plattsburgh 
wore  far'  rrreator. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  the  high  pitch  of  ex- 
citement to  which  tlie  invasion  had  brought  the  Ver- 
rnonters  in  the  vicinity  of  Lake  Champlain.  Loss- 
ing's  Field  Book  of  the  War  of  1S12  says,  page  85(1: 
'■'There  vras  feverishness  among  the  people  and  the 
soldiery  along  the  Canada  border,  which  was  fre- 
quently manifested.  The  armed  belligerents  were 
eager  for  a  trial  of  prowess."  The  American  forces 
were  far  inferior  to  the  British  in  evervthing  but  de- 
termination. Lossing  says  of  the  British  force,  page 
857,  that  there  were  "Not  less  than  fifteen  thousand 
Troops,  chiefly  veterans  from  Wellington's  armies." 
Numerous  skirmishes  and  maneuvres  took  place  on 
land  for  many  days  previous  to  the  battle,  while  the 
naval  force,  also  inferior  to  that  of  the  British,  were 
preparing  a  fleet  to  meet  the  heavier  fleet  of  the 
enemy.  James  Fennimore  Cooper's  Tlistory  of  the 
American  Navy  (a  most  valuable  work,  now  out  of 
print)  gives  perhaps  the  best  description  of  the  na-^'al 
battle,  which  was  one  of  the  most  exciting,  bloody 
and  hard-fought  lights  in  the  whole  history  of  our 
navy.  Commodore  Macdonoujxh  was  the  hero  of  tlie 
day.  Lossing,  page  SHG,  gives  an  account  of  the 
dinner  c^iven  him  a  few  days  later,  a.t  vrhich,  after  he 



held  left,  was  drank  a  toast  to  "The  pious  aDcl  brave 
Macdonough — the  professor  of  tlie  religion  of  the 
Ivedeenier — preparing  for  action  he  called  on  God, 
who  forsook  him  not  in  the  lioor  of  danger."  Lossing 
says  of  the  battlf^,  page  S70,  ''For  two  iionrs  and 
twenty  minutes  this  severe  naval  battle  raged,  while 
the  thunder  of  cannon,  the  hiss  of  rockets,  the  scream 
of  bomb.s,  and  the  rottle  of  mn.^ketry  were  heard  on 
the  shore.  It  was  a  snbiime  sight  and  was  beheld  by 
hundreds  of  spectators  on  the  headlands  of  the  Ver- 
mont shore,  who  greeted  the  victory  with  shonts." 
The  battle  on  land  was  hotly  contested  on  the  banks 
of  the  Saranac,  and  the  British  regulars  vrere  slowly 
giving  the  Americans  the  worst  of  it,  when  Sir 
George  Prevost,  commander  of  the  British  army,  who 
was  a  coward,  ordered  a  retreat  as  soon  as  the  naval 
'^  ]^ '  .  .  .  ■  I  ''■  1  ^  li' "'' <^''li  h"  h'^d  o"^"''-''"'''''*^^"'*''"' "■  '""im- 

Much  fault  was  found  with  Governor  Chitten- 
den, who  vras  violently  opposed  to  the  war,  for  not 
ordering  the  militia  to  the  defense  of  Plattsburgh. 
Lossing  says,  page  8Tt:  ^'Governor  Chittenden,  of 
Vermont,  had  issued  a  patriotic  address"  (not  an 
order)  '*at  the  beginning  of  the  invasion,  callimr  upon 
the  militia  of  his  state  to  hasten  to  the  aid  of  their 
brethren  across  the  lake.  It  had  been  heartily  re- 
sponded to,  and  at  the  close  of  the  memorable  day  of 
the  battle,  not  less  than  twentv-flve  hundred  Green 
]>[  boys  were  on  the  S^aranac  under  Major 
General  Strong."  Combining  our  famJly  traditions 
v/ith  the  foregoing,  the  Enosburgh  company,  Cnp+ain 
M.  D.  Follett,  his  brother  and  tliree  sons  vvere  in  this 

Cooper,  Vol.  TT,  p.  olH.  says,  "The  battle  of 
Plattsburjih  Bay  is  justly  plaoed  among  the  very 
highest  of  its  ^the  navy's)  claims  to  glory.  The  con- 
sequences of  this  victory  were  immediate  snd  im- 
portant." He  adds  in  re-jard  to  Prevost:  "He  made 
a  precipitate  and  unmilitary  retreat,  abandoning 
much  of  his  heavy  artillery,  stores  and  supplies,  and 


CAPT.  iMARTJN  DEWEY  FOLLETT  (1765  1831). 

from  tiiat  moment  h)  the  end  of  the  war  the  northern 
frontier  was  elearecl  of  the  enemy. "  While  the  battle 
in  itself  is  harcilv  worth  nienLlonini>  as  an  event  with 
which  Martin  Dewey  Foliett  (ITGa— 1831)  had  any 
iaiportant  connection,  our  family  traditions  show 
that  the  period  of  excitement  and  anxiety  brong'ht 
about  by  the  invasion,  vrhich  came  so  near,  and  by 
the  battle,  the  noise  of  which  was  heard  on  the  Fol- 
iett farm,  stands  ont  in  great  prominence  in  the  his- 
tory of  tlie  Foliett  family. 

To  illustrate  the  rniblic  sentiment  in  Vermont 
dnrino-  the  war  of  1812,  the  folowinj>-  is  extracted 
from  Thompson's  History:  The  legislature  had 
"pasr5ed  a  law,  prohibitinp;  all  intercourse  betAveen 
the  people  of  Vermont  and  Canada,  without  a  permit 
from  the  Gorernor,  under  a  penalty  of  one  thousand 
uolliirfc  liiie  aiid  h'evcu  ve<'rs  ;-'onfiTiPr>i^rtt  n^  ^inT/j 
labor  i]i  the  state's  prison.  They  also  passed  an  act 
exemptiag  the  person  iind  propei'ty  of  the  militia 
while  in  actual  service,  from  attacliment,"  etc. 

Whether  Captain  Foliett  remained  in  the  militia 
after  the  wnr  of  1S12,  the  writer  is  not  now  infonned. 
However,  an  extract  from  the  Vermont  Historical 
Magazine,  concerning'  the  militia  men  of  Vermont, 
may  not  be  ont  of  ])lnce  in  this  connection.  At  the 
close  of  a  tine  description  of  the  annual  training;  clay 
as  it  occurred  in  thg  early  years  of  Vermont,  in  vv'hich 
the  ridiculous  side  of  the  inspection,  the  assortment 
of  arms,  uniforms,  movements,  etc.,  are  shown  to 
great  length,  we  finrl  the  following:  "The  old  militia 
officers,  however  ignorant  they  might  have  been  of 
military  tactics,  were  nevertheless,  mostly  men  of 
grent  personal  courage,  as  any  one  who  crossed 
their  track  readily  ascertained."  "Rough  and  un- 
cultivated as  were  the  most  of  these  brawny  old 
militia  men,  yet  for  valor  and  true  bravery,  they 
have  never  been  exceeded  in  the  history  of  t'he  world. 
A  more  splendid  stock  of  fighting  m«^n,  we  very  well 
know,  nfver  existed  than  has  been  furnished  by  our 
o^^B  gallant  State.'' 



Family  traditions  tell  ns  that  Martin  Dewey  Fol- 
Ictt  Tras  representative  in  tlie  Vermont  legislature 
f'.r  eij^'bt  years,  and  wRri  a  judge  of  corDmon  pleas. 
To  corroboj'ate  these  slateiuents  tlie  i'olloY>'ing  letter 
vras  obtained: 

State  of  'Vt.ii:\iq:<t, 

(;)FFIC1':  op  vSi^CllFT.MiY  OF  ?StatEj 

MoNTPELiEit,  yorenihcr  IS,  1895. 
Major  Harry  P.  Ward,  Columbus,  0.: 

Dear  Sir: — In  reply  to  yours  of  J^no\  ember  in,  I 
beg  to  say  tliat  1  find  that  Martin  D.  Follett  repre- 
L«ented  the  town  of  Enosburgh  in  the  legislature  of 
Vermont  in  the  years  ISOS,  ISIO,  lS18/lS19,  1820, 
1821,  1822  and  1823. 

Very  truly  yours, 

rftlon.rvO.')  '  '  T.  C.  PtllXXEY, 

Deputy  Secretary. 

Corroboration  of  the  tradition  in  I'egard  to  serv- 
ice as  judge  has  been  obtained  through  Mr.  Benjamiu 
D.  Hopkins,  of  St.  Albans,  in  an  extract  from  a 
history  of  Berkshire,  written  about  1860  by  Stephen 
Royce,  for  a  long  time  chief  justice  of  Vermont,  and 
later,  Governor  of  the  State,  wlio,  Mr.  Hopkins  as- 
sert^.,  knew  Captain  Follett  intimately.  The  entire 
extract  is  interesting  and  is  as  follows: 

''Hon.  Martin  D.  Follett  lived  just  witliin  tiie 
border  of  Enosburgh,  but  his  business  and  neighbor- 
hood associations  were  almost  wholly  with  the  south- 
east part  of  Berkshire  and  the  northwest  part  of 
Montgomery.  More  than  sixty  years  ago  he  began 
the  beautiful  interval  farm  on  Trout  River,  which, 
wiih  additions,  is  owned  by  the  wealthy  Harding 
Allen'-  (now  by  Charles  AllenV  "A  social,  kind, 
pleasant  and  agreeable  man,  patient  under  priva- 
tions, Mr.  Follett  was  remarkably  fitted  to  mitigate 
the  hardships  and  smootl)  the  asperities  incident  to 
the  settlement  of  a  new  country.  His  uprightness 
and  sound  judgment  brought  him  much  into  requi- 
sition as  the  pacificator  of  disputes  and  contentions, 
as  also  in 'the  settlement  of  estates  of  deceased  per- 

CA-PT.  I.IAPTIX  DEWEY  FOLLETT  (1765-1831). 

£^ons,  and  generally  T\-]iere  qualities  existing  in 
an  eminent  decree  are  sonp;lit  and  appealed  to.  He 
wag  often  town  representatlTe  in  tlie  legislature,  and 
his  WCI.1  appreciated  worth  finally  advanced  him  to 
the  dignity  of  a  county  conrt  judge."  The  foregoing 
is  found  in  tlve  Vermont  Historical  Magazine,  Vol- 
nme  II. 

Mrs.  Clark  ^ays  lier  fatliei  was  judge  for  a  year 
or  more  in  1812,  but  that  it  did  not  talve  a  great 
amount  of  his  time,  as  the  semi-annual  terms  of  court 
lasted  only  about  four  weelrs,  during  yvhich  he 
would  have  lo  be  in  St.  Albans.  Mrs.  Clark  adds 
that  her  father  used  to  say  he  was  not  cut  out  for  a 
judge,  but  as  the  people  insifjted  upon  his  taking  the 
Ijofcition,  he  aceepied  it.  She  further  states  that  he 
never  asked  for  a  vote  or  did  any  "stumping",  ?«  we 
l^s.v  icriii  it,  duting  the  political  campaigns  cl  hio 
day.  The  legislature  was  poorly  paid,  members  re- 
ceiving only  about  enough  to  pay  their  board  and 
liorse  feed  during  sessions.  Nothing-  of  particular 
interest  has  come  to  light  in  connection  with  Captain 
l^ollett's  legislative  career,  his  name  being  found  on 
the  usual  committees,  reports,  petitions,  etc. 

One  event,  however,  might  be  mentioned,  as  it 
made  a  lasting  impression  not  only  upon  him,  but 
upon  his  entire  family.  It  is  told  by  ')lrB.  Clark 
-A  Captain  Clapp,  member  of  the  same  legislature, 
neighbor  and  warm  personal  friend,  was  afflicted 
v.ith  melancholia  about  a  week  before  the  close  of 
the  session,  probably  in  the  year  1S20,  and  Captain 
Fo'lett  prevailed  upon  him  to  go  home,  agreeing  to 
accompany  him.  At  one  pUice  where  they  stopped 
for  the  niirht  they  slept  in  the  same  bed,  and  in  the 
morning  Captain  Clapp  said  ho  v/anted  to  sleep  a 
little  longer  thnn  usuaL  Captain  Follett  left  him, 
but  returned  to  the  room  in  about  half  an  hour,  to 
find  that  he  had  cut  his  throat  from  ear  to  ear  and 
was  dead.  Captain  Follett  was  very  much  affected 
over  the  affair  and  was  some  time  getting  over  it  Ko 
suspicion  was  ever  atta<^h'^d  to  him, 



Mrs.  CJark  sajs  that  v/hen  La  Favette  visited 
Vermont  in  1S25,  her  father  was  interested  in  the 
celebrations:,  but  in  yoist  what  capacities,  she  does  not 
reiLi ember.  TLonipiion  says  of  this  event:  "On  the 
4th  of  July  1825  La  Fayette  entered  Vermont  for  the 
first  time  at  Windsor,  where  he  was  joyfully  received 
by  the  governor,  and  a  numerous  body  of  citizens 
assembled  to  y\'elcome  the  early  benefactor  of  their 
country.  From  Windsor  he  proceeded  by  the  way 
of  Montpelier  to  Barlington,  and  was  everywhere 
received  with  the  warmest  affection  and  gratitude, 
and  with  the  most  enthusiastic  demonstration  of 
admiration  and  applause.'' 

There  were  no  photograph  galleries  in  early 
A'ermont  and  i)ortrait  painters  were  evidently  not 
common  to  those  parts,  as  v/e  have  no  likeness  of 
Captain  i  oiiett.  His  children,  Mrs.  Clark  and  .Mr. 
James  Follett.  modestly  tell  of  him  that  people  said 
he  was  a  handsome  man,  and  describe  him  as  being 
about  five  feet,  nine  or  ten  inches  in  height,  and  of 
one  hundred  and  sixty  or  more  pounds  in  weight. 
His  hair  and  eyes  were  black,  and  his  complexion 
dar]:.  His  face,  a]v>'ays  clean  shaven,  was  kindly. 
Ue  was  straight  and  trim  and  had  the  bearing  of  a 
military  ohicer,  Vvhiie  not  much  of  a  singer  him- 
self, although  his  children  were  all  singers,  he  had 
a  good  voice  and  was  quite  soeiaL  Like  every  Ver- 
mont farmer,  he  kept  a  barrel  of  whisky,  good 
whisky,  which  vras  religious]y  offered  to  visitors, 
male  and  female,  but  of  which  no  one  ever  drank  to 
the  least  excess.  His  |)oliteness  was  a  marked  char- 
acteristic. Tl)e  writer  has  seen  a  letter,  written  by 
him  to  his  wife,  while  he  was  in  the  service  in  the 
War  of  3  S12,  which  is  a  model  of  affection,  true  dig- 
nity and  polish.  He  was  so  ready  to  sympathize 
with  those  in  trouble,  that  many  persons  came  to  hira 
with  requests  to  become  security  for  them.  Com- 
plying with  such  requests,  he  had  a  large  security 
debt  to  pay  tov>'ard  the  close  of  his  life.  This^  com- 
bined Yvith  an  unfortunate  investment  in  a  large 



drove  of  horsea,  whicii  he  was  coiopelled  to  feed  over 
winter,  lost  for  him  hi>:  fine  farm  and  rendered  him 
bankrupt.  He  then  removed  to  >St  Albans,  in  April 
1830,  and  kept  hotel,  at  v/hich  he  was  meeting  with 
success  when  his  death  occurred.  Be  died  of  in- 
flammation of  the  lungs  February  4,  1831,  and  his 
body  was  taken  to  East  l^erkshire  for  burial.  About 
twenty  years  ago  one  of  his  grand-daughters  was 
visiting  in  East  Berkshire  and  noticed  that  his  grave 
was  unmarked.  She  communicated  this  discovery  to 
several  of  his  descendants  and  a  suitable  stone  was 
promptly  placed  in  position. 




-4 1  pf^- 

i;  :^1UST.— John  Fassetl  FoUett  (1701— 1S63), 
P^^  son  oi  :iJariiu  Dcnvey  FoUett  (1TG5— -1S31); 
%M^  born  Oi-iober  30,  1791,  at  Cambridge,  Yt., 
niarried  Xovember  6, 1S16,  in  a  botei  kept  by  George 
VVoodworth,  at  East  Eeric^hire,  Sarab  Leniira  \Yood- 
wortb,  who  was  born  April  29,  1790,  Sbe  died  June 
"•-'^  1'--:^;^  cn  =  d  be  May  27,  1863,  at  Granville,  Ohio. 
Sarah  Lemira  AVoodworth'o  father  was  John  Wood- 
worth,  v/hj  died  1825,  aged  sixt^'-nine.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  toward  the  of  his  life  lost  the  use  of 
ids  iinibs  and  was  an  invalid.  John  Woodworth's 
children  were  John,  George,  Thompson,  "SYilliam, 
Frederick,  Betsey  and  Bally  (Sarah).  These  names 
of  the  children  are  famished  by  Mrs.  Clark  from 
memory  only,  and  she  tliiuks  are  not  all,  nor  in  order 
of  birth.  John  Woodworth's  wife  vras  Elizabeth 
Morey,  who  died  .1S24,  aged  sixt3^-nine  and  a  half 
years*  Tlip  ^Voodv^'orths  were  of  Scotch  descent  and 
live;''  ami  died  near  the  Foilett  farm  in  the  Trout 
j-Ji-.r-  V.  'iey.  Vermont  liistorieal  Magazine,  Vol. 
11,  p;j;:;.-  !::;>,  snvs:  ''John  M;.  Woodwoi'th,  Esq.,  who 
sei;U>:-d  <>;'  iL.-  <.)y'y^\^.:^\  and  main  road  about  one  and 
ja  hou  nii'cs  S'y-idi  ui  Berkshire  Center,  at  an  early 
day,  and  who  became  a  magistrate  and  was  a  leading 
citizen,  left  four  sons,  two  of  them  twins,  named 
George  Washington  and  Alexander  Hamilton,  who 
all  settled  in  town  and  are  among  its  intelligent, 
thrifty  and  prosperous  farmers.  They  add  much  as 
vrell  to  the  lesources  as  to  the  solid  and  stable  char- 
acter of  the  limited  community.''  John  Fassett 
Folktt  (1791— 18G3)    was    a    farmer    and    lived    at 



Enosburgh  and  liicbford,  "Vt.,  iintii  Septeinber,  IbSG, 
v/liGii  lie  moved,  bv  ]  and  caaiil,  to  Licking 
OoiiniV;  Obio.  He  and  bis  faiuily  lived  in  a  cabin 
wbiloVuoy  fdeared  a  farm,  in  1551  he  moved  to  a 
I'arm  near  Granyilie,  Ohio,  As  before  mentioned, 
be  iierved  in  tbe  War  of  1S12,  He  was  deacon  and 
elder  in  the  churches  to  wiiich  he  beh)nged.  An 
extract  from  a  k^cer  written  in  lS3-i  by  Henry  Hop- 
kins, Jr.,  to  his  bi-other,  Oeacun  Fay  Hopkins,  who 
had  recently  '-gone  west''  to  Oberlin,  Ohio,  may  be 
interest ]ng  in  this  connection.  "The  scene  is  not 
much  changed  from  what  it  was  Y\-hen  you  left.  For 
instance,  when  1  go  to  meeting  I  meet  Iseighbor  M. 
and  wife  going  to  Montgomery.  Going  a  little  far- 
ther on  you  see  John  coming  uh  the  hill,  on  the  old 
ma3-e,  with  Harriet  behind."  Mr.  B.  D.  Hopkins 
istuB-.  ■  xjiis  uo  doubt  relers  to  John  Follett  and  blc 
da\igbter  (now  Mrs.  Jewett).  John  had  left  the 
river  some  little  time  before  and  gone  about  a  mile 
east,  on  the  hill,  to  live  in  Kichford,  but  ol  course  his 
church  and  social  relations  were  not  changed."  The 
children  ot  John  Fassett  FoJiett  (1791 — 1SG3)  were 
as  follows,  all  being  born  in  ^'ermont: 

Harriet  (Mrs.  Timothy  Jewett,  of  Indianola, 
Iowa)  born  April  29,  1^18.* 

feophronia  (Mrs.  Franklin  Foster  Lewis,  of 
Johnstov.-n,  Ohio),  born  July  13,  ISIO,  died  December 
4,  1S(>7. 

Charles  (Judge  Follett,  of  Newark,  Ohio),  born 
December  14,  1820;  was  prosecuting  attorney  1S47, 
state  senator  lSo3,  Judge  of  Common  Pleas  1S69, 
Judge  of  Circuit  Court  18S4,  holding  that  olYlce  ten 
jca.-^i;  was  candidate  for  Congress  1SG4  and  ISGG,  at 
which  time  he  claimed  he  was  fairly  elected,  but  w^as 
"counted  out'-. 

Alfred  (Dr.  Follett,  Sr.,  of  Granville,  Ohio),  born 
Keptomber  1,  lSl!2;  on  reaching  the  age  of  twenty- 
one  his  foot  was  crushed  in  a  threshing  machine, 
on  hi:i  father's  farm  at  Johnstov.n;  one  of  the  oldest 
and  best-known  physicians  in  Licking  County. 



Fidelia  (Mrs.  Tiniotliv  Ixose,  of  Granville),  boru 
May  2a  l-s24, 

Martin  Dewey  (Judge  Foilett,  of  Marietta, 
Oaio),  born  October  8;  l><2«i;  Yy-us  vaJedictorian  of 
bis  class  in  Marietta  College;  was  candidate  for 
Congress  1S66  and  ISGS;  Avas  Judge  of  Supreme 
Coiu-t  of  Oliio  1SS3  to  ISbT:  is  now  member  of  iState 
Board  of  Charities,  etc. 

George  (of  Xe\v  York  City),  born  September  2S, 
182S;  has  built  up,  together  with  hi^  brother  Austin, 
a  very  extensive  and  successful  wool  business. 

John  Fassott  (of  Cincinnati),  born  February  18, 
1831;  graduated  from  Marietta  College  with  highest 
grades  then  attained  in  the  history  of  that  institu- 
tion; represented  Licking  County  in  legislature  1SG5 
to  iSG9;  Speaker  1SB7  and  18G8;  represented  Bami'- 
Lon  Couiuy  in  Forty-eighlh  Congress,  lSvS2  to  1384, 
raiididate  for  Congress  again  and  defeated  on  party 

Austin  Willey  (of  >Tew  York  City),  born  August 
5,  1833;  is  associated  with  his  brother  George  in 
wool  business. 

Second. — Martin  Dewey  Follett,  Jr.  (3.T93 — 
1SG5),  son  of  Martin  Dewey  Follett  (17C5— 1831); 
born  July  IS,  1793,  at  Cambridge,  Yt,  married  Feb- 
ruary 12,  ISIG,  at  Poiiiphret,  Yt,  Lurania  Wincheli, 
who  was  born  ^Slay  9,  1797,  at  Granville,  Mass.  He 
was  a  farjuer  and  died  September  IS,  1SG5,  at  Koyal- 
tou,  Vt,  and  she  died  August  19, 1SG9,  at  Sharon,  Vt. 

Their  children  were: 

Sally  PersiSj  boru  I'ebruary  20,  1817. 

Truman,  March  6,  1820,  died  1823. 

Lucy  F.  (IMrs.  Goiij,  February  23, 1823,  died  1877. 

Ammi,  February  12,  1825.  A  dairy  farmer  in 
White  liiver  Valley,  Yt.  Represented  Sharon,  Yt., 
in  legislature,  1880  and  1881.  Has  been  town  agent, 
selectman,  lister,  justice  of  the  peace,  etc.  Is  deacon 
and  chorister  of  Congregational  church. 

In orman,  June  G,  1827;  moved  to  Missouri.    Died 
in  CaoieroiJ,  Mo.,  April  IS,  1S90. 


Calista  Ann  (Mrs.  Miller), -February  17,  1829. 
Ail  born  at  Euo^bur^^b  and  seem  to  have  re- 
mained in  A'erniont. 

Third. — Harry  Foilett,  aon  of  ilartin  Dewey 
Folieit  (1705— 18c51),  born  March  S,  1795,  at  Cam- 
bridge, v'l.,  married  lbl9,  at  Berkshire,  Yt.,  to 
Clarissa  Pond,  who  wa^s  born  September  7,  179S,  at 
iiyde  I'urk,  Vt.  He  died  January  J.7,  1875,  at  liich- 
ford,  A  Vis. 

Their  children  were: 

Cassins  Fay,  born  March  10, 1821,  died  18i3. 

Henry  Fitch,  February  24,  1821. 

Eiias,  February  11,  182G. 

Matilda  Ciarisfla,  .May  G,  1832. 

^^-n^f!rd.  June  G,  1831. 

Luther  Martin,  August  10,  1810. 

Vermont  Historical  Gazetteer,  Vol.  II,  p.  118, 
says:  "Henry  Follett's  father-in-law,  Mr.  Ezekiel 
Pond,  was  a  quiet,  industrious,  and  sensible  man, 
and  became  remarkable  for  his  longevity,  being 
ninety-five  years  old  at  the  time  of  his  death.  His 
posteiity  litly  represent  the  lievolutiouary  patriarch 
who  is  gone.    Of  ample  means,'*-  etc. 

A  \'S'ashishara  county  (Wisconsin)  paper,  in  an 
obituary  of  Harry  FolleLt,'^says:  ^-Thus  passed  away, 
full  uf  years  and  usefulness,  one  oi  the  pioneers  of 
Washishara  county.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  War 
of  1812,  and  in  ISlo  he  represented  his  town  in  the 
legislature  of  his  native  state,  and  held  several  other 
offices  of  trust  and  responsibility  during  his  residence 
in  the  state.  He  caujc  to  \yisconsin  in  September 
1855,  and  settled  on  the  farm  which  was  his  home 
until  the  time  of  his  decease.  He  held  the  office  of 
Justice  of  the  Peace  for  a  number  of  years,  discharg- 
ing the  duties  pertaining  to  it  with  ability  and  integ- 
rity," etc. 

Fourth,-— Elizabeth     (Betsey)     Foliett     (1797— 
18S1),  daughter  of  Martin    Dewev    Foliett    (ITCo  — 

HAKRY.     BET6EY.     SALLY,     HAXNAH. 

1831);  born  November  30,  1797,  at  Cambridge,  Yt., 
v.TtS  married  to  Thompson  Woodwortb,  broiher  u> 
fcarah  Lemira  Woodwortb,  wife  of  Jolm  Fassett  Foi- 
iett  (1791 — 1803),  at  Enosbiirgh,  ^'t..  and  died  .Sep- 
tember 27,  1884,  at  Granvilie,  O.  TbompsoD  V/ood- 
woriii  died  1817,  at  Joimstown,  O,,  aged  fortv-sevei) 
years.    Tlieir  children  T.'ere: 

Eliza  (Mrs.  Fieek,  of  Xewarii,  O.),  May  31,  1320 
(died  Mnrch  31,  181)1,  ai  Granyille,  O.). 

Koieita,  1822  i^died  1885  at  Grauviiie). 

Persis,  1821  (died  July  10,  ISS:^,  at  Granville). 

Truman  Thompson  (of  Carey,  O.). 

Betsey  came  to  Ohio  in  the  thirties,  coming  from 
Saratoga^  X.  Y.,  where  she  had  lived  for  a  few  years. 

P'jtTi-,. — so  I IV  Fo!iett  (1190—1804)  dauo-nter  of 
Martin  Dewey  Follett  (17G5---i831). 

Sixth. — Hannah  Follett  (1803 — living),  daugh- 
ter of  Martin  Dewey  Follett  (1765 — 1831),  born  Oc- 
tober 31,  1803,  at  Enosburgh,  Yt.  Came  to  Licking 
County,  Ohio,  with  her  brother  Eliphalet  and  her 
mother,  and  kept  house  for  them  until  his  marriage. 
Lived  with  them  a  number  of  yeavi;  afterward  until 
her  marriage,  November  9,  1S4S,  to  Strong  Clark,  a 
widower  with  three  children.  He  ^vas  born  in  Massa- 
chusetts August  2G,  1792,  came  to  Licking  County 
when  iifteea  years  of  oge  and  died  March  23,  1874. 
She  possessed  an  exceptionally  fine  voice,  which  re- 
tained its  compass  and  purity  of  tone  until  ber 
eighty -tliird  year.  She  is  nov/  ninety-two  yeai's  of 
age,  and  lives  quietly  on  a  farm  at  llartford.  Lick- 
ing County,  Ohio,  where  she  is  tenderly  cared  for  at 
the  home  of  her  step-son.  Orris  Clark. 

As  she  is  a  living  daughter  of  a  revohiLioiiary 
soldier,  Mrs.  Hannah  Follett  Clark  was  recently 
made  a  member  of  the  Daughters  of  the  Amerieau 
Kevolutlou,  by  the  chapter  at  Dayton,  Ohio. 



Seventh.— Eliplialet  Follett  (1805—1887),  son  of 
Martin  Dewey  Follett  (17G5— 1831),  born  Deeeiuber 
4,  ibU5;  ai-  Eiiosburgh,  ijiarried  at  Johnstown,  Oiiio, 
/iUgust  9,  1^37,  to  Katharine  Ellen  Yun  Dickie,  who 
way  born  July  1,  lbl2,  near  Meadviile,  Pa.,  and  who 
died  at  Cleveiand,  Ohio,  October  10,  ISil*.  Bbe  was 
the  jx.duge-c  child  of  Garrett  and  Betsey  Van  tSickie. 
Her  lather  was  an  old  Indian  lighter  and  was  at  one 
time  shei'itL  of  Crawford  County,  Pa.  On  one  occa- 
sion he  tool:  his  family  to  a  fort  wbere  Pittsburg  now 
is  for  safety.  He  went  back  with  some  of  the  neigh- 
bors to  secure  their  live  stock,  and  the  party  was  at- 
tacked by  Indians  and  defeated.  He  sncceeded  in  hid- 
in;--  himyeif  in  a  hollow  log  in  the  woods,  where  he 
remained  three  days  without  subsistence  save  some 
moccasJu  strings  which  he  had  in  his  jpockcts.  He 
and  his  family  had  many  exciting  e^. perieucea  with 
the  ludiaro?,  and  the  children  were  very  much  afraid 
of  tLeni.  Once,  when  the  mother  was  baking  bread 
before  the  old-fashioned  fire  place,  several  Indians 
walked  into  the  house  and  asked  her  to  give  them 
iome  of  tie  bread.  She  refused  and  they  spat  upon 
it,  maklDg  it  unfit  for  use,  but  they  did  not  get  any 
bread,  even  after  that. 

Eliphaiet  Follett  (1805—1887)  died  April  23, 
1887,,  at  Cleveland,  Ohio,  and  was  buried  at  Gran- 
ville, Ohio,  as  was  also  his  wife. 

Mrs.  Gates,  cf  Montgomery,  Franklin  County, 
Vt,  furnishes  a  list  oi  tbe  teachers  v/ho  taught  in  the 
log  school-house  on  the  Trout  river,  and  says: 
"Eliphaiet  Follett  taught  several  winters." 

After  his  father's  death  in  1831  he  came  to  Ohio. 
Stopped  fii  St  at  Gambler,  where  he  spent  a  little  time 
as  a  situdent.  Came  on  to  Granville,  vxhere  he  began 
dairy  farming.  Heturued  to  Verinom;,  and  brought 
back  his  mother  and  sister  Hannah.  He  sometimes 
took  his  cheese  as  far  as  New  Orleans  for  a  market, 
going  by  ilat-boat  to  Circinnati.  On  one  occasion 
he  took  a  cheese  which  weiglied  a  thousand  pounds 
and  thereby  received  no  little  notoriety.    His  return 


froiQ  the  Sontii  was  always  anxiously  awaited,  as  lie 
\TOuld  bring  back  oranges  and  other  things  which 
(•oiild  not  at  that  time  be  had  in  Lickinii^  Couiity.  He 
lived  also  at  Johnstown  and  Alexandria,  near  Gran- 
ville, a  number  of  years.  Moved  to  Oberlin  to  edu- 
cate his  children.  Then  lived  in  Colorado  two  years, 
ihen  in  Kansas  several  years,  reluming-  to  Granvilie 
to  spend  his  old  age.  A  man  of  much  force.  His 
cliiJdren  were: 

Dwight,  born  June  12,  1S38  (died  IS'iL',  a  soldier 
in  the  22nd  O.  Y.  I.,  in  army  hosyjital  at  t^t.  Louis). 

Lewis,  June  20, 1810  (was  adjutant  TOih  O.  Y.  L). 
General  Willard  Warner  wrote  of  him:  "A  better 
soldier  or  braver  oflieer  than  Lewis  Follett  never  held 
a  commission  in  the  army." 

Howard,  April  25,  1813  (a  soldier  in  ISSth  O.  Y. 

j.  ill  xbyji-Oj. 

lUith,  died  1816. 

Henrietta  Jeanette  (wife  of  Judge  Carlos  M. 
Stone,  of  Cleveland),  March  9,  1819. 

Frank  and  Fannie  (Mrs.  Salade,  of  Kansas), 
twins,  June  L5,  1S32. 

William,  February  20.  1S5S,  died  1805. 

Eighth. — Charles  Follett,  son  of  Martin  Dev>-ey 
Follett  (1765—1831),  born  February  4,  1808,  died 
March  28,  1808,  at  Enosbur^h. 

Kinth.— Persis  Follett  (1809—1893),  daughter 
of  Martin  Dev.  ey  Follett  (17r,5— 1831),  born  April  5, 
J  809,  at  Enosburgh,  and  married  April  5,  1831,  to 
John  Parkoj',  who  lived  on  the  Comings  farm,  which 
adjoined  the  Follett  farm.  John  Parker  (1807 — 1S91) 
was  the  son  of  John  Parker  (1.782 — 1808)  [married 
Betsey  Jewett],  who  was  the  sou  of  Joseph  Parker 
(1757 — 1827)  [niarried  Hnnnah  P.isley],  a  soldier  in 
the  "Lexington  Alarm,"  and,  according  to  records 
of  U.  R.  Pension  Office,  a  private  in  General  Israel 
Putnam's  Third  Connecticut  regiment.  Continental 
Line.    From  the  records  in  ^'Connecticut  in  the  Pevo- 


iutiou"  of  enlisiments  from  CoTentrv,  it  appeiirs  that 
Joseph  ParkePj  D.'entloned  as  ^'Jr."  (1V5T--1S27), 
iiiTist  iiave  been  a  son  of  Joseph  Pai'ker  (dates  un- 
liicnyn),  al^o  a  soldier  m  the  "Lexington  AJarm." 
Betsey  Jewel t  (1784— 1SG4)  was  the 'daughter  of 
Elain  Jewett  (married  Uichardson),  a  soldier  of  the 
Reroliitiou  (see  EeTohitiounry  War  Archives  of 
Massaehnsetts),  who  was  descemled  through  Eleazer. 
Eleazer,  Jereiuiah  (came  to  America  an  infant  in 
163&),  and  Joseph,  from  Edward  Jewett  (born  about 
15Vo — d,  1616),  a  cloth  raannfactiirer  of  Bradford, 
England,  to  whom  most  of  the  Jewetts  in  this 
country  trace  their  origin. 

Vormo/it  Historical  Magazine,  Vol.  11,  p.  110, 
says  of  the  Jewett  family:  "Mr.  El  am  Jevsett,  an 
elderly  man  from  Wovbridge.  or  Mew  Haren,  in  Ad- 
dison coujiiy,  \va«  uue  or  the  ui^t  \\\nj  cunic  luilCf 
town"  (:^er\^[iire)  "with  means  and  strength  to  make 
himself  ami  family  at  once  felt  as  important  acces- 
sions to  the  infant  set  dement.  He  arrived  about 
1795,  accompanied  by  tw^o  sons  and  was  followed 
sor>n  after  by  two  others.  They  vrere  all  industrious 
and  :-:ensible  men  of  unquestioned  integrity.  The 
oldest,  Elam  Jewett,  Jr.,  was  an  active  and  efficient 
man  in  conducting  tlie  business  of  the  town — lilling, 
in  succession,  most  of  tlie  town  offices,  discharging 
that  of  magistrate,  and  occasionally  serving  as  repre- 
sentative in  the  state  lepJslature.  Capt.  Jared  Jewett 
was  eminently  an  upright,  humane  and  firm  man, 
but  more  domestic  and  less  aspiring,  as  were  also  the 
two  other  sons  iirst  mentioned."  These  were  the 
father  and  the  brothers  of  Betsey  Jewett. 

Afier  the  death  of  John  Parker  (17S2 — 1S08) 
Betsey  Jewett  Parker  was  married  to  Andrew  Com- 
ings (17S5 — 1854).  See  notice  under  head  of  James 
Foil ett  (18111 

John  Parker  (1807 — 1891)  and  his  wife,  Persis 

Foilett  Parker  (1809—1893)  remov<-d  to  Granville, 

C'hio,  by  horse  railroad,  lake  and  can :il  boat  in  183.5 

Their  golden  wedding  v.-as  celebrated  April  5,  1881, 



at  Y\  hicb.  every  liviiig  child  and  grandchild  and  jnaBy 
relarives  wore  present.    Their  childi-en  '\vere: 

Jane  Elizabeth  (Mrs.  Hiidr.on  C.  Ward,  of  Co- 
lamhu?,  O.),  born  February  12,  1S33,  at  East  Berk- 
shire, ^'t 

Henry  Martin,  born  December  11,  1S*'5,  at  Gran 
ville,  O.  A  gradnate  of  Marietta  college,  "Was  for 
some  years  superintendent  of  public  instruction  at 
Mansfield,  O.,  and  has  held  the  same  position  at 
Ejyria,  O.,  for  nearly  twenty-live  years. 

Elam  Dewey,  born  Sept,  20,  1S39,  at  Granville, 
O.  Served  in  87 th  O.  V.  I.,  1SG2.  A  graduate  of 
Marietta  colle2:e.  Is  now  general  agent  of  ''Soo 
Line"  at  St.  I'anl,  Minn. 

Charles  Delavan,  born  Auirnst  19, 1844,  at  Gran- 
ville, O.,  died  September  29,  1894,  at  St.  Paul,  Minn., 
ana  ourieu  with  iutl  inliiiary  h;:nors  0<:M^.-^v  i.  1804. 
at  Granville,  O.  Served  in  113th  O.  Y.  I..  1SC2  to 
1805,  and  was  C<nnmander  Department  of  ;Minne^^^ota. 
G.  A.  R.,  1891  to  1892.  Was  General  Agent  Traders' 
Despatch  at  St.  Paul,  Minn. 

Harriet  Winslov/,  born  August  80,  1S4G,  and 
died  September  23,  J  850,,  at  Granville,  O. 

"Mary  Elsinga  rMrs.  Alfred  J.  Bell,  of  ^Vichita, 
Kan,),  born  September  28,  1850,  at  Granville,  O. 

Tenth.— .Tames  Follett  (1811--living),  son  of 
Martin  Dewey  Follett  (1705 — 1831".  born  February 
24,  1811,  at  Enosburgh,  and  married  October  5,  1837. 
at  East  Rerhshire,  to  Jane  Comings  (John  Parker's 
half  sister),  v\^ho  was  born  March  2,  1810,  at  East 
Berkshire,  and  died  February  20,  1804,  at  Hartford, 
O.  It  was  his  intention  early  in  life  to  become  a 
minister,  but  poor  health  interfered'.  Came  to  Lick- 
ing County,  O.,  very  earlv,  and  returned  to  Vermont 
to  marry.  Cleared  his  farm  near  Granville.  Later 
he  bought  a  farm  near  Hartford.  Is  now  living  at 
Hartford,  nearlv  eigthy-five  vAars  of  age,  his  daugh- 
ter, Mrs.  Lincoln,  furnishing  him  a  pleasant  home  for 
his  Old  age.  His  children  (all  born  in  Licking  County, 
Ohio),  were: 



James  Williimi,  Janaary  3,  1S39,  died  March  2, 

Ellen  Betsey  (Mrs.  Vv^eli^),  September  12,  18-10. 

Haimali  Per^is,  July  10,  1812,  died  July  7,  18(19. 

Sarah  Janet te  (Mrs.  Lincolii),  April  15,  1S15. 

Mary  Janette,  Jaiiiiary  1,  1818,  died  in  school  at 
Oberlin,  b.,  Aiiaust  19, 1807. 

Martha,  August  1,  1849,  di<'d  next  day. 

Fannie,  June  12,  1851,  died  same  day. 

Fay  Comings,  October  8^  185G;  is  a  commercial 
traveller  of  high  standing  at  Hastings,  Neb. 

James  Follett's  father-indaw,  Andrew  Comings, 
was  an  orderly  sergeant  in  the  war  of  1812,  subse- 
cjuently  captain,  and  was  the  son  of  Benjamin  Com- 
ings, a  Eevolutiouary  soldier,  who  fought  at  Ben- 
nington. The  ComJngs  and  Jewett  descendants  haye 
inui iicd  iLXLyj  the  I'oilett  and  Dct;  cy  fainllcc  a  number 
of  times. 

Vermont  Historical  Gazetteer,  Vol.  II,  p.  IIS, 
says:  '"' Andre Vv'  Comings  vv'as  a  man  of  much  energy 
in  business,  and  after  clearing  up  one  farm  estab- 
lished himself  in  a  more  eligible  location  upon  Trout 
river.  He  became  a  magistrate,  took  a  lively  interest 
in  the  civil  and  religious  al'fairs  of  his  town  and 
neighborhood,  and  was  a  leading  citizen/  He  left 
four  highl}'  respected  and  prosperous  sons,  a  worthy 
clergyman  being  of  the  number.  Only  one  of  them 
remains  in  town,  living  on  tlie  paternal  homestead, 
which  lies  both  in  Berkshire  and  Enosburgh.-'  The 
one  who  remained  is  Mr.  WMlliara  A.  Comings,  still 
living  on  the  old  Comings  place. 

The  Ohio  Society,  Sons  of  the  Americnn  Revolu- 
tion, recently  presented  Mr.  James  Foilett  (1811)  with 
a  life  membership  in  that  society,  as  he  is  one  of  the 
very  few  living  sons  of  the  revolutioaary  soldiers. 




Mr.  B,  D.  Hopkins  furnishes  a  tracing  from  a 
county  map  "to  sbow  what  a  goodly  company  once 
lived  ill  and  monopolized  the  beautiful  Trout  Eiver 
valley.-'  The  locations,  as  they  were  seventy  or 
eigiity  years  ago,  are  indicated  by  numbers  as 

1.  Hopkins  Place. 

2.  Lo'Z  Scliool  house. 

3.  Martin  Devrey  Follett,  Jr.  (1793—1804). 

4.  Captain  Martin  DewevFoliett  (17G5~-1S31). 

5.  John  Follett  (1791-4863). 

6.  Benjamin  Follett  (1771—1831). 

7.  Betsey  Jewett  Comings. 

S.     East  Boi'lv-shire  "Meeting-house." 
9.     East  BeHcsh ire  Village. 
10.     James  Follett  (1 776—1 832). 

The  Hoplcins  place  is  now  occupied  by  Silas 
Hopkins,  the  log  school-bonse  has  been  removed,  a 
modern  dwelling  has  been  ei-ected  by  the  Aliens  on 



the  site  of  the  old  brick  house  cf  Captain  Follett,  and 
the  oid-la.shioned  houses  of  John  Foiiett  and  hifs 
brother,  Mintm  Dewey  Follett,  Jr.,  are  still  standing, 
thai:  of  JoIju  being  the  one  he  occupied  previouiJ  to 
his  removal  to  Kiehford.  In  the  early  days  there 
were  in  that  corner  of  Enosburo-h,  on  the  road  from 
Berk.-hire  lo  Montgomery,  none  but  FoUetts. 

East  Berkshire  village  lies  on  botli  sides  of  the 
Missisquoi  river. 

Tlie  ''Follett  School  House,^'  District  >Co.  5, 
Enosburgh,  Vt,  was  built  on  the  east  baulv  of  the 
Trout  River,  at  the  Ilopkius  brid.ce,  previous  to  1S15 
and  torn  avray  1847.  In  it  many  of  the  persons  men- 
tioned in  tltis  volume  received  their  ''schooling,"  and 
several  of  t]iem  taught  school  in  it.  "Third  meetins- 
at  eariv  rpndie  light"  was  often  held  there. 


(1761—1  SOi.)' 

^fli^iEDEiaCK  FOLLETT,   son   of  Lieutenant 

'^;/'*'       Benjamin  Follett,  Jr.   (1TJ5 — ),   and 

t-f|  half  brother  to  Eliphalet  Follett  (1741— 
%^1P  1778),  born  March  10,  1701,  laace  not 
known,  bin:  Y>-as  "probably  vrindiiam,  Conn. 

The  writer  has  been  unable  to  find  anything  oon- 
cerniiij>  E.-iihftr  Eobinsn;;.  Lieislejiant  llcnjamin  Fol- 
leit's  Second  wife,  who  was  Frederick  Follett'^- 
mother.    It  ha^5  been  sugji;ested  tliat  she  was  a  grand-  ..',>;■-'*' 

daughter  of  Elisabeth  Pabodie,  the  daughter  of  John         0-  ' 
Alden,  of  the  Mayflower,  as  Elisabeth  Pabodie  had  a  \-^f;: 

(laughter  who  married  a  Eobinson  who  settled  in  X 

Winuharn.  v': 

It  is  probable  that  Frederick,  then  an  infant, 
aecojupanied  his  father  to  the  Wyoming  valley  in 
1703,  ami  w  as  one  of  the  unfortunate  party  who  were 
compelled  to  travel  on  foot  from  the  valley  to  Con- 
n^'.'ticut  after  the  massscre  of  October  15,  1763.  He 
nridoubtedly  returned  to  the  Wyoming  valley  with 
his  father  in  1769.  That  he  was  shot,  stabbed, 
scalped  and  almost  killed  during  the  revolutionary 
war  there  is  not  the  least  doubt.  There  are  several 
accounts  of  the  affair  in  our  family  traditions,  and 
several  references  to  it  in  various  liistories,  some  of 
which  will  be  mentioned  in  full. 

Mr.  Joseph  E.  Follett,  of  Milwaukee,  a  grandson 
of  Fredei-ick  Follett  (1761—1804),  writes  under  date 
October  25,  1895:  "Mj  father's  relation  of  the  sealp- 
iTig  was  to  this  effect:  ITis  father  v,'as  an  expert  in 
ail  atiilellc  games  of  that  day,  the  only  rival  being 
a  son  of  one  of  the  Indian  chiefs,  then,  of  course,  on 
very  frieiidly  terms.  On  the  day  of  the  massacre  (as 

FREDERICK  FOLLETT  (1761-1804). 

I  have  always  imderstood  mv  fatlier,  for  the  exact 
date  v.'a,?.  not  <^a]1*^d  irs  qnestion)  Frederick  Follect, 
then  about  nineteen  years  of  age,  and  not  liable  to  be 
called  upon,  went  out  on  a  forap;ing  expedition  near 
the  stockade  (that  is,  volnnteered  to  go)  and  then  it 
was  that  they  were  attacked  by  tlie  Indians,  among 
whom  was  this  young  ludian,  son  of  the  chief.  He 
was  stabbed  and  scalped  by  the  young  Indian  and 
left  for  dead  on  tlie  field.  Later  he  wai^  brought  into 
the  stockade,  revived  and  survived." 

Mr.  Joseph  E.  Follett  again  writes:  "The  one 
scalx)ed  was  at  the  time  (1779)  only  nineteen  years  of 
age.  I  never  heard  his  son  (Oran,  1798 — 1S91)  speak 
of  bis  father  (Frederick)  being  in  any  regular  em- 
ployment, and  think  that  he  was  never  in  the  regular 
sorvice.  As  1  have  been  told,  at  the  time  of  the  scalp- 
lii^  Viii.  faiJiilv  svct>-5  livitJi^  In  ihe  yiockatie,  or  ])rob- 
ably  in  the  fort." 

The  records  of  Hon.  Martin  Dewey  Follett,  of 
Marietta,  0.,  contain  the  folloAving: 

"This  Frederick  Follett,  during  the  massacre  at 
Wyoming  valley  July,  177S,  was  shot,  stabbed  nine 
times  and  scalped,  but  was  cared  for  and  got  well. 
Marvin  Follett  says  this  Frederick  Follett  used  to 
swear  and  shoot  all  the  Indians  he  could"  (possibly 
this  tradition  ouQht  to  be  so  changed  as  to  read, 
"used  to  swear  that  he  would  shoot  all  the  Indians 
he  could,"  -^A'hich  would  be  far  more  likely  to  be  true), 
"and  said  when  they  ]ir\(\  shot  him  and  he  lay  on  the 
ground  they  set  a  young  Indinn  to  seal])  him,  and  he 
cut  all  around  and  made  a  bad  job  of  it,  that  he 
would  not  have  cared  so  much  if  he  had  made  a  good 

Hon.  r\rartin  D.  Follett  adds  in  his  mono^i-aph 
copy,  1892:  "Oran  Follett  told  me  in  1S91  that  in 
July,  1778,  during-  the  Wyominp:  Yailev  hostilities, 
some  of  the  revolutionists  were  gathered  Into  a  fort 
for  protection.  As  food  ber'ame  scarce  they  had  to 
procure  it  from  neighboring  farmf^:  tliat  they  drew 
lots  for  rneu  to  go  out  and  secure  food.  On  the  day 
Frederick  Follett  was  S'-pl]>ed  three  men  were  se- 



lected  to  go,  but  one  of  them  having  sixteen  new 
t-IJver  dollars,  showed  the  money  and  otl'ered  all  of 
it  to  ;iny(uie  vriio  wonhd  take  his  place.  Frederick 
FoiUii.;,  then  .sivejjteen  years  of  age,  and  full  of 
courage,  accepted  the  ohier  and  went  with  two  men 
to  jjrocure  Avheat.  lie  watched  for  enemies  whiisi 
the  iv.o  men  threslied  the  wheat  in  a  barn  that  was 
near  some  woods.  At  length  he  saw  Indians  emerge 
from  the  woods  through  a  brush  fence  toward  tne 
barn.  He  gave  the  alarm,  and  tben  ran  with  all  his 
might,  keeping  the  barn  between  himself  and  the 
Indians  so  far  as  he  could.  Soon  an  old  Indian  Vv'ith 
a  gnn,  and  a  young  Indian  about  his  own  age,  pur- 
sued him  alone.  Where  the  ground  was  grassy  or 
hard  he  gained  on  the  Indians,  but  when  he  came  to 
r)U)U'?.hed  or  soft  ground  the  Indians  gained  on  him. 
When  near  enough  the  old  Indian  shot  and  wou7>.:ipd 
hirn,  and  prevented  his  running  further.  He  then 
fell  as  dead,  believing  this  to  be  his  only  hope.  The 
young  Indian  only  came  up  and  stabbed  him  nine 
times,  and  scalped  him, but  he  did  not  use  a  toma- 
hawk, as  tile  old  Indian  probably  would  have  done. 
Ihis  was  seen  from  the  fort  and  as  men  hastened  to 
his  rescue  the  Indians  fled.  He  was  carried  to  the 
fort  vrad  laid  down  without  much  medical  care  as  he 
vvas  expected  to  die  in  a  short  time.  As  he  was  liv- 
ing the  next  morning,  the  doctor  gave  him  attention, 
and  the  women,  who  were  fond  of  the  active  and 
brave  boy,  nursed  him  to  recovery,  Frederick  said 
he  saw  the  scalper's  face  while  he  cut  and  tore  him, 
and  if  he  ever  sow  it  again  there  would  be  one  less 
live  Indian.'" 

But  tradition  and  history  seem  always  to  differ 
in  some  respects.  Miner,  who  is  probably  considered 
the  best  historian  of  the  Wyoming  Valley,  in  refer- 
ence to  t}ie  troubles  in  March,  1779  (not  July,  1778), 
mentions  this  incident,  page  i'G3:  "The  savages,  it 
vvas  supposed,  hod  retired  with  their  booty,  but  al- 
though the  utmost  caution  was  exercised,  no  vigi- 
lance could  elTectually  guard  every  part  from 
danger.     A  band  of  twenty  Indians  suddenly  re- 



turned,  and  on  the  Kiiipstoii  side  oi'  the  river,  h\ 
sight  Irom  the  ^Vilkes•K:u'^e  I'ort,  Id  broad  day  light, 
liiurdti-ed  three  valuable  citizens,  Mr.  Elihii  Wil- 
iiam^^,  Lieuteuaut  Buci^  and  Mr.  Stephen  Pettebone. 
Frederiek  Foliot,  Vvho  was  with  them,  fell,  pierced 
by  seven  wounds  from  a  spear,  and  with  the  others, 
vras  scalped  and  left  for  dead.  Instantly  a  detach- 
ment of  men  was  sent  over;  the  Indians  had  tied. 
Follet,  weltering  in  blood,  gave  signs  of  life,  and 
was  taken  to  the  fort.  Dr.  ^Villiam  Hooker  Smitii, 
on  examining  his  wounds,  said,  that  while  everv- 
tJiing  should  be  done  that  kindness  and  skill  could 
suggest,  he  regarded  his  recovery  as  hopeless.  Yet 
he  did  recover.  One  spear  thrust  had  penetrated 
his  stomach  .so  that  its  contents  came  out  at  his  side. 
Mr.  T^oil't  lived  many  years  and  remove-1  to  nhU, 
where  he  left  a  large  family.  Dr.  Smith  gained  great 
credit  for  restoring  Follet  to  health  and  usefulness." 
Peck,  page  407,  in  an  account  of  the  events  of 
February  and  March,  1779  (not  July,  1778),  says: 
''}3uck,  VvUliams  and  Pettebone  Avere  killed  and  Fol- 
lett  sraiped  on  Kingsron  Flats," 

Wright-s  Historical  Sketches  of  Plymouth,  Pa., 
page  20G,  contains  the  same  account.  Another  his- 
torian (the  reference  being  accidentally  lost),  men- 
tions among  the  events  of  the  troublesome  times 
after  the  massacre  (there  were  no  whites  in  the  valley 
for  some  months  after),  men  being  murdered  and  a 
nian  being  brought  in,  scalped  almost  to  his  eyes. 
Xo^  names  were  given  in  this  connection,  but  Vhe 
writer  has  supposed  Frederick  Follett  v/as  re- 
ferred to. 

Peck,  page  213,  gives  a  statement  of  a  Mrs.  Bed- 
ford, grand-daughter  of  Dr.  Smith,  among  other 
statements  regarding  the  troublesome  times  when 
settle]  s  were  coming  back  the  spring  after  the 
massacre.  "Frederitdi  Follett,  at  the  time  of  the 
battle"  (phe  possibly  referred  to  the  collision  be- 
tween the  Indians  and  the  whites  at  the  time  Fred- 
erick was  scalped  in  1779)  '*was  stabbed  nine  times 


and  sralped,  and  liiially  recoYered.  Several  years 
ulterwai-d  iie  called  upon  Dr.  Siiiith  to  assist  Uiin  in 
seeuL'ing  liim  a  pension.  Tiiey  made  an  appointment 
to  meet  at  my  father's  house.  Tlie  doctor  examined 
his  vsears.  He  showed  us  where  he  was  stabbed,  and 
it  was  evident  enough  that  he  had  been  scalped.  As 
to  his  being  stabbed,  he  said  it  was  done  by  difierent 
Indians,  each  one  giving  him  a  stab  in  passing.  Ho 
endured  the  scalping  and  stabbing  wiihout  making 
a  motion,  that  they  miglii  suppose  him  dead.  V\lien 
he  was  scalped  he  supposed  tijc  next  thing  would  be 
the  tomahawk,  but  the  attention  of  the  Indian  who 
did  the  deed  being  probably  drawn  in  some  other  di- 
reetio]!,  he  neglected  this  part  of  the  operation. 
Those  following  on,  supposing  the  work  completed, 
contented  themselves  with  piercing  what  they 
ihoiigut  a  dead  ni^irt  vriib  their  spears."  This  story, 
bring  told  by  a  person  not  directly  interesteu, 
founded  on  what  she  heard  an<l  saw  years  after, 
would  naturally  contain  errors. 

Mr.  Benjamin  F.  Follett,  of  Leadville,  Colo.,  is  in 
possession  of  a  manuscript  account  of  the  scalping 
prepared  i)y  his  father,  Frederick  Follett  (1801 — 
1891),  a  son  of  the  Frederick  who  was  scalped.  Of 
this  n'anuseript,  which  consisted  originally  of  live 
pages,  the  first  page  has  been  lost.  The  missing 
page  in  all  probability  contained  an  account  of  the 
early  life  of  l^^rederick,  and  perhaps  some  data  con- 
cerning his  father.  What  remains  is  here  given  in 

"of  seventeen  years  he  found  himself  in  the  ranks 
with  his  country  men,  contending  against  the  op- 
pressive acts  and  open  warfare  of  the  mother 
'ountry,  and  its  hirelings  of  tlie  Colonies,  the  merci- 
less savage.  On  a  certain  occasion  (the  date  of  which 
has  escaped  me,  and  the  record  of  which,  with  all  my 
books  and  papers,  were  destroyed  by  the  great  fire 
in  Troy),  he  was  under  the  command  of  Gen.  Swift, 
on  the  Susquehanna  river.  Himself  and  some  others 
of  the  command  were  detailed  to  thresh  some  wheat 
in  a  barn  not  far  from  the  fort.    The  non-appearance 


FREDERICK  FOL.I.ETT  (1761-1804). 

of  tJAt?  savay:f s  for  soiue  days  liiul  probably  produced 
an  apatiietic  feeling  on  the  part  of  the  garrison,  that 
led  to  a  disregard  of  those  precautious  so  necessary 
to  safety  against  the  wiles  of  the  Indian.  But  this 
feeling  proved  a  fatal  one  to  the  uiifortnnate  men  de- 
tailed for  special  duty  on  that  occasion.  The  large 
doors  on  either  side  of  the  barn  were  thrown  open, 
and  the  men  were  diligently  performing  their  al- 
lotted work,  wholly  unconscious  of  the  deadly  peril 
in  store  for  them,  when  all  of  a  sudden  the  death  yeii 
of  the  savage  broke  the  harmony  of  the  scene,  and 
both  doors  were  blockaded  by  tbe  dusky  foe!  Taken 
so  completely  by  surprise,  resisiance  Avas  out  of  the 
quesiion,  and  tbose  who  were  not  instantly  struck 
down,  confined  their  efforts  to  an  attempt  to  break 

t!  r^'iv.:^''   ti:e  '^';- wv  t^^t  (^r.pncprl   tbf'  =  n-      "M^t'  ftiflipy 

was  lithe  and  acti\e,  and  was  the  only  one  that 
succeeded  in  breakiug  through  the  cordon  tliat  sur- 
rounded them  alive!  He  laid  his  course  directly  for 
the  Fort,  but  had  scarcely  got  under  way  when  he  felt 
a  stinging  sensation,  a  sharp  pain  in  the  right  shoul- 
der. Xoihing  daunted,  he  held  on  his  course,  snd  a 
moment  later  a  like  compliment  v\  as  paid  to  his  left 
shoulder!  Still  he  did  not  relax  his  efforts,  but  di- 
rected them  persistently  to  the  means  of  escape. 
With  the  two  bullets  in  his  body  the  chances  to  that 
end  were  materially  lessened,  as  the  yells  and  whoops 
of  the  sa\agcs  indicated  the  distance  between  them 
very  sensibly  lessened!  A  new  method  of  attack 
soon  developed  itself!  The  savages  had  approached 
suflicieutly  near  to  use  their  spears  upon  him,  and 
they  pierced  his  back  nine  times  before  he  fell!! 
Some  of  the  incisions  had  penetrated  to  the  lungs, 
and  through  v\iiich  the  breath  escaped  in  his  respira- 
tions! His  consciousness,  however,  did  not  forsake 
him!  In  failing  he  fell  with  his  face  to  the  earth,  and 
without  any  very  great  effort  in  tliat  direction,  pre- 
tended to  be  dead!!  Indications  now  reached  his 
ears  that  the  Fort  was  alarmed,  and  that  assistance 
was  on  the  way  to  his  relief!  But  vrould  it  reach 
him  in  time  to  save  his  life?  The  probabilities  were 


agaiust  it,  but  hope  did  not  utterly  forsake  iiim!  The 
uiiu^  fj-oiu  tJie  eoraiug  relief  became  every  monieut 
more  rapid  and  distiuct,  and  he  redoubled  his  eltorts 
to  deceive  his  dusky  friends  in  the  tragedy  that  Iju- 
posed  u]>on  hiui  the  role  of  'playing  dead'!  i>ui 
these  reilections  were  the  Avork  of  but  a  moment,  in 
the  meantime  the  Indians  were  not  idle.  They  sup- 
posed him  dead,  but  the  coveted  ''top-knot'-'  was  not 
to  be  abandoned,  so  one  of  the  young  warriors  whipt 
out  his  knife,  and  circling  the  crown  of  the  head, 
penetrating  to  the  skull,  seized  the  hair  in  his  hand, 
and  with  one  eiiort,  literally  tore  it  from  the  skull!! 
Holding  it  up,  reeking  with  gore,  he  felt  for  his 
Tomahawk,  to  give  the  hnishing  blow,  and  render 
assurance  doubly  sure,  but  he  was  too  late!  By  this 
time  relief  was  so  near  at  hand  that  the  savages  were 
compeiied  to  icok  ::aiety  \r..  flio-bt!! 

My  father  always  insisted — although  he  by  no 
means  took  the  ground  that  the  shooting  and  stab- 
bing was  to  be  counted  as  a  pleasurable  amusement 
— that  all  else  combined  was  a  mere  pastime  com- 
pared to  that  one  act  of  tearing  the  scalp  from  his 
head!!  It  seemed  the  very  achme,  the  essence  of  all 
other  torture  combined!!  It  was  with  the  greatest 
diihculty  that  he  pressed  back  the  rising  agony  of  his 
soul  at  that  moment!  But  with  a  mighty  eilort  he 
succeeded,  and  his  friends  soon  surrounded  him. 
They  considered  him  past  all  hope  of  recovery,  but 
as  Ufe  was  not  who]ly  extinct,  humanity  at  least 
prompted  them  to  try  the  needful  remedies.  He  was 
carried  to  the  Fort",  and  the  Surgeon,  Dr.  Smith, 
made  a  careful  examination  of  his  case.  Be  thought 
it  beyond  his  skill,  but  as  long  as  there  was  life  there 
was  a  small  chance  for  hope,  and  the  subject  vs'as  a 
good  one  to  practice  on,  and  he  would  experiment 
upon  it.  He  did  so,  and  with  success,  for  my  father 
was  restored  to  health,  notwithstanding  the  fearful 
ordeal  through  which  he  had  passed. 

He  aftervrards  entered  the  Xaval  service  of  his 
country.  Was  captured  by  the  British,  and  conhued 
six  months  in  prison  at  Halifax.     Exchanged,  and 



again  er.tej/ed  tiie  service,  and  again  captured  and 
taken  to  England,  ]-etiirning  to  his  native  country 
on  tiie  cissatiou  of  iiostiiitics.  Tiius  ended  his  career 
in  beiiall"  of  his  country — short,  shai-p  and  bv  no' 
means  desirable." 

Mrs.  Sarah  riattj  of  Columbus,  O.,  a  grand- 
daughter of  Frederick  Foliett  (ITGl— 18(U),  states 
that  she  heard  the  story  of  the  scalping  when  young 
and  that  it  was  always  her  understanding  that  it 
took  place  several  days  before  the  massacre  of  July 
3,  1778.  Bhe  states  also  that  her  grandfather  was 
compelled  to  wear  a  piece  of  cotton  over  a  certain 
spot  on  his?  head,  Vv  here  he  had  been  cut  to  the  bone. 

Mrs.  Hannah  Clark  (1S03)  reruembers  being  told 
of  this  terrible  adventure  of  her  grandfather^s 
hvo+hr>r  Frederick,  and  says  that  she  was  told  ttat  it 
occurred  some  time  after  the  great  massacre,  but 
just  ho^v  many  months  after  she  cannot  say. 

The  writer  has  entertained  an  opinion  that  Fred- 
erick Foliett  was  a  member  of  the  company  of  Con- 
tinentals on  duty  in  the  Wilkes-Barre  fort  in  the 
spring  of  1779,  when  the  settlers  Avere  slowly  return- 
ing, tailing  care,  however,  to  remain  within  the  fort 
for  some  time.  To  substantiate  this  opinion,  the 
name  oC  Frederick  Fullett  appears  as  a  private  on.  a 
roll  of  Captain  Kobert  Dtirkee's  company,  one  of  the 
two  Wyoming  companies  of  the  Continental  Estab- 
lishment, the  age  being  given  at  oO  aud  the  height 
5  feet  11  inches.  See  '^Connecticut  in  the  itevolu- 
tion,"  page  263,  where  a  brief  history  of  the  very  hard 
service  of  these  companies  with  Washington,  etc.«  is 
given.  The  age  ^'30''  must  be  one  of  those  errors  that 
are  so  very  frequently  met  vrith  in  the  poorly  kept 
records  of  the  troops  of  that  day.  Quite  a  number 
of  the  ages  mentioned  are  ''IG,"  and  a  number  17  and 
18,  so  that  we  see  tiiere  were  a  number  of  mere  boys 
in  these  companies,  as  there  v^-ere  in  nearly  all  the 
companies  of  the  revolutionary  army.  The  same 
yolunK-,  page  2G5,  gi^es  the  roll  of  Captain  Spauld- 
ing's  Independent  company,  as  it  stood  June  23, 
1778,  being  a  consolidation  of  the  two  former  com- 


panies,  many  of  Tvliose  members  had  been  killed  in 
battle  in  Wasliington's  army.  The  name  Frederick 
Foilet  apijearti  (age  and  height  not  given)  with  re^i- 
deue;?  Westiuoveland(lhe  v/hole  V\'yoiuing  Valiev  was 
called  Westmoreland),  date  of  eulistmejJt  January 
1.J  1777,  and  under  remarks:  "In  service  January  1, 
MSu/'  The  same  name  appears  in  the  roll  of  Cap- 
tain Simon  Spaulding's  company,  in  Pennsyhania 
Archives  {2'}  series,  18S0)  Volume  XI,  p.  117,  as  tol- 
}ov\'s:  "Foilet,  Frederick,  wounded  and  scalped." 
We  see  in  the  histories  that  this  company  was  not  in 
the  battle  of  July  3,  177S,  although  a  very  few  mem- 
bers had  gone  ahead,  the  company  being  then  on  its 
way  to  the  assistance  of  Forty  Fort,  and  some 
reached  the  scene  of  battle  in  time  to  meet  their 
deaths.  Dad  Frederick  Follett  been  in  the  battle 
or  massacre  oi  Jui^  3d,  1773,  hi';:  ^ipme  would  appear 
on  the  monument,  among  those  of  the  survivoi's. 
i.ossing's  Field  Book  of  the  Revolution  says  that 
Spauiding's  company,  on  the  way  to  and  near  Wyom- 
ing at  the  time  of  the  massacre,  promptly  and  wisely 
turned  and  retreated  to  a  place  of  safety  when  they 
heard  of  tlie  disaster.  It  was  in  the  valley  in  the  fall 
of  177S  burying  the  dead,  etc.,  and  was  on  duty  in  the 
Wilkes-Barre  fort  in  the  spring  of  1779.  Asahel 
Buck  was  lieutenant  of  this  company,  according  to 
roll  of  June  23,  177S,  and  there  is  a  remark  after  his 
name  to  the  effect  that  he  was  "killed  by  Indians 
1779.'"  V^'e  have  seen  that  Miner  mentions  Lieuten- 
ant Buck  as  one  of  the  three  who  were  killed  when 
Frederick  Follett  was  scalped  in  the  spring  of  1779. 
One  point  to  be  considered  in  connection  with  the 
traditiois  which  give  the  time  of  the  scalping  as 
July  3,  1778,  is  that  at  that  date  there  was  no  such 
confinement  to  the  fort  and  no  scarcity  of  provisions, 
as  some  of  the  settlers  were  living  on  their  farms 
as  the  troops  vv'ent  to  battle,  and  after  the  battle  the 
people  evidently  went  in  and  out  of  Forty  Fort  as 
they  pleased  until  they  were  compelled  to  leave  the 
valley  by  reason  of  llieir  homes  and  provisions  being 
burued  and  their  stock  driven  away.    In  the  spring  of 

FL'EDEBICK  FOLLETT  (1761-1E04). 

17T9  it  was  dangerous  to  leave  the  fort  at  al]  and  pro- 
visions  were  very  low,  as  will  be  noticed  in  the  var- 
ious histories. 

For  L-Oii)e  time  the  writer  entertained  hopes  of 
securing  from  the  Pension  Deijfirtmont  copies  of  the 
original  ahidavits  of  Frederick  Foliett  in  regard  to 
his  expericDces,  but  the'  reply  which  tinally  came 
was  as  follows,  which  is  self-explanatory: 

Department  of  the  Interior, 
BuREAi;  OF  Pensions, 
^yASHiNGT0N,  D.  C,  December  21,  1895. 
Sir: — Keplying  to  yonr  conjmunication  request- 
ing iDiormation  concerning  Frederick  and  Eliphaiet 
Foliett,  soldiers  of  the  revolutionary  vrar,  I  have  to 
advise  you  as  '.oliows: 

Frederick  Foliett  was  graDled  an  invalid  pen- 
sijjn  by  special  act  of  Congress,  approved  April  20, 
179G,  but  this  Bureau  cannot  furnish  you  the  particu- 
lars of  his  military  services  for  the  reason  that  all  the 
original  papers  in  claims  allov/ed  under  the  old  "In- 
valid Acts,''  if  not  on  file  in  the  Clerk's  office,  House 
of  licpresentatives,  were  destroyed  by  the  burning 
of  the  War  Department  buildings  in  the  years  1800 
and  1S14. 

The  Bureau  has  no  record  of  any  pension  having 
been  applied  for  by  the  heirs  of  Eliphaiet  Foliett, 
and  cannot,  therefore,  supply  you  with  any  informa- 
tion concerning  his  services  in  the  revolutionary 
war.     Very  respectfully, 

Wji.  Lociiren, 
Major  Harry  P.  Ward,  Columbus,  0. 

(ITGl— 1S04.) 

/^p^^  HE  foDowiug  lias  been  copied  from  the  family 
bible  of  Oran  FoUett  (179S— 1S9.I:). 

"Frederick    Follett    (Conn.).    March    10, 
1701,  died  31  ay,  ISOl. 
Gifie  Rabcock  (Mass.),  Xovember  4,  1771,  died 
July  13,  1S45. 

Benjamin  FolleLi,  born  November  ?.?,  1T<^o,  died 
October,  1S23,  at  Trinidad,  Cnba. 

Nathan  Follett,  born  July  9,  1793,  died  October 
14, 1875. 

George  Follett,  born  August  16,  1795,  died  at 
the  age  of  14. 

Susan  Ann  Follett,  born  5,  1797,  died  at 
her  birth. 

Oran  Follett,  born  September  4,  1798,  died  Oc- 
tober 14,  1S94. 

Foster  Morse  Follett,  born  February  1,  ISOl ,  died 
October  11,  1SG2. 

Joim  Follett,  born  February  3, 1S03,  died . 

Frederick  Follett,  born  November  1,  1S04,  died 
January  18,  1S90.^' 

Other  records  shovt'  that  the  widovr  of  Frederick 
Follett  (17G1 — 1804)  married  Dr.  Calvin  Bacon,  and 
had  two  daughters,  who  died  in  infancy.  She  also 
married  John  Le  Munyon.  Without  issue.  Dates  of 
marriage  not  known. 

The  records  of  Hon.  Martin  Dewey  Follett,  of 
Marietta,  O.,  shov:  that  Benjamin  Follett  v>-as  a 
Passed  ^iidshipman,  U.  S.  Navy,  not  married,  that 
Nathan  079;^— 1S75)  died  at  Ypsilanti,  Mh-h,:  that 
Oran  (1798— 1894)  an^l  Foster  M.  (iSOl— 1SG2)  both 


CHTI..r>REN  OF  FREDERICK  F05J.ETT  fl7^,MS0-i). 

(lied  at  Sand-asky,  O.;  that  John  (1803—1836)  died 
October  1S36,  iji  Niagara  Co.,  X.  Y.,  and  thai  Fred- 
erick (1S04— ISaO)  died  in  >:ew  York  City. 

There  are  at  liaud  records  of  five  of  the  ehild'/en 
of  Frederick  Folleit  (1761— 1S04)  as  follows: 

BeDJaniin  Follett  (1790 — 181:3),  son  of  Frederick 
Follett  {17G1— 1S04).  In  the  Register  of  the  Huited 
States  Navy.  1S22,  p.  11,  the  name  is  found  as  Passed 
Midshij>njan.  date  of  warrant  0  December,  1811,  born 
in  Kew  York,  on  West  India  station,  and  passed 
for  promotion.  It  is  said  that  he  was  a  midshipman 
on  the  ''Chesapeake"  and  was  carried  to  Quebec  a 
prisoner  and  there  confined  in  the  same  cell  in  which 
his  father  had  been  confined.  Such  being  the  case, 
hr-'  'rn;'^  r.riflo^ibtodlY  n  cadet  midshioman  at  the  time 
of  the  horribly  bloody  conflict  between  tlie  "Chesa- 
peake" and  the  "'Shannon,"  on  the  former  of  which 
all  the  officers  vrere  either  killed  or  wounded,  the 
ship  being  at  last  handled  by  those  of  the  midship- 
men who  had  not  been  killed. 

The  writer  has  copied  the  folhjwiug  letter  from 
the  original,  now  a  most  interesting  relic,  in  the  keep- 
ing of  Mis.  Katharine  Follett  Balf,  of  Cleveland,  O. ; 

U.  S.  Bkig  ''Spark/' 
Trinidad,  Oct.  11th,  182S. 
Orran  Folhil.,  E^q.: 

Sii-: — The  melancholy  office  devolves  upon  a 
stranger,  to  inform  you,  of  a  late  dispensation  of 
Providence,  which  has  deprived  you  of  a  brother,  and 
our  country  of  one  of  her  most  x>romising  sons,  Mr. 
Bergamin  Follett,  acting  sailing  master  of  the  U.  S. 
Brig  Spark,  died  on  the  2nd  inst.  on  shore^  at  Trini- 
dad de  Cuba. 

He  was  taken  with  a  very  severe  attack  of  the 
yellow  fever,  while  the  vessel  T\'as  in  Havana,  this 
fever,  after  some  days  left  him,  but  in  a  very  de- 
bilitated state.  At  one  time  1  entertained  some 
slight  hopes  of  his  recovery,  but  these  wei'o  destroyed 
by  the  supervention  of  T}])hiis  fever,  which  term- 
inated his  existence. — At  his  o-.v!'.  earnest  request  he 


was  removed  to  the  town  of  Trinidad,  which  he  ap- 
peared to  think  would  be  aloue,  sufficient  to  cure  him, 
but  all  eilorts  were  of  uo  avail.  For  the  twelve 
]io"n.'s  immediately  preceding  his  death,  he  was  not 
jierfectly  rational,  but  some  days,  before  this,  when 
discharging  black  vomit,  he  was  perfectly  sensible 
of  his  situation  and  looked  npon  death  with  a  calm- 
ness by  no  means  common,  the  only  regret  expressed 
by  him,  was,  that  he  liad  not  seen  the  face  of  a  rela- 
tive for  10  years.  It  was  at  this  period  he  requested 
me  to  write  to  yon.  His  pa])ers  and  other  articles 
shall  be  taken  care  of  until  we  arrive  in  some  Port  in 
the  U.  States,  of  which  I  shall  give  you  notice.  Be 
assured,  Sir,  of  the  sincere  condolence  of  his  brother 
oificers,  whose  kindest  attentions  were  called  forth 
by  his  privute  as  well  as  ]>ublic  merit. 
Yv.  Obi.  St., 

John  Haslett,  M.  D., 

U.  a  Brio-  ''Spark." 
Orran  Follett,  Esq., 

Batavia,  Genessf^e  County, 

Xew  York. 
Briff  "Transit." 

Xathan  Follett  (1703—1875),  son  of  Fj-ederick 
Follett  flTGl — 1801),  had  born  to  him  (according  to 
the  records  of  Mr.  Joseph  E.  Follett,  of  Milwaukee): 

Benjnnnn,  died  at  Ypsilanti,  Mich.,  soon  after  hi-'; 

Nancy  (IMrs.  James  J^eaver). 

Mary,  dead. 

Eliz  »,  d  ,'ad. 

Oran  Follett  (1798— 1S94),  son  of  Frederick  Fol- 
lett (1701 — 1801)  was  born  in  Gorham,  Ontario  Co., 
N.  Y.,  September  4.  1708,  and  died  at  Randusky,  O., 
October  34,  1804.  On  February  4,  1821,  he  married, 
at  liochester,  N.  Y.,  Nancy  Filer,  vrlio  was  1)orn  at 
Borne,  Oneida  Co.,  X.  Y.,  June  3,  1801,  and  died  at 
ButTalo,  N.  Y.,  March  lf>,1830,  buried  at  Forest  Ljjvrn, 
Buffalo.    The  children  by  this  marriage  were: 



Joseph  Ellicott.  born  at  Batavia,  X.  Y.,  Novem- 
ber 23,  18!?1,  maiTic-d  Jane  Drake  August  11,  1815, 
died  December  15,  1S9.5.  Xo  child  reii.  See  later 

Sarah  Louisa,  bom  at  Dalavia,  N.  Y.,'  January 
24,  1<S21,  niarried  to  John  M.  ]>oa]t  December  29, 
1812,  liad  one  son,  who  died  in  ijifanev.  Died  at  San- 
duskv,  O.,  October  23,  1841. 

Tuella  Ilanford,  born  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  Ocluber 
30,  1S2G,  married  to  Wahlo  F.  Converse  September 
21, 1847,  had  daughter  and  son,  died  in  infancy.  Died 
at  Sandusky,  O.,  Septeniber  1, 1S49. 

Nancy  Filer,  born  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  February  7. 
1S2n,  married  to  George  Thornton  January  19,  1853, 
bad  one  son  who  died  in  fifth  year,  and  one  daujrhter, 
Mar  v\  who  died  in  22nd  year.  Now  li\  in^  in  Cincin- 

Second  marriage.  Ornn  Follett  i  1708— 1891) 
married  for  sero7id  wife,  on  November  22,  1832,  Eliza 
Gill  VN'ard,  daugliter  of  Mrs.  ]Srartha  Bemis  Ward, 
who  was  a  daughter  of  Colonel  Bemis,  of  revolu- 
tionary  memory,  of  Brooktield,  Mass.,  and  sister  of 
•James' D.  Bemis,  of  Canandaigaa.  Ontario  Co.,  N.  Y. 
Mrs.  Martha  Ward  died  at  the  residence  of  Ornn  Fol- 
lett in  Sandusky,  O.,  June  21,  1871,  in  her  ninety- 
tifth  year.  Eliza  Gill  Ward,  wife  of  Oran  Follett, 
was  born  at  Albany,  N.  Y.,  September  17,  1801,  and 
a\i^rl  at  Siinduskv,  0.,  April  29,  1876. 

Mrs.  Flamen  W.  Ball,  of  Cleveland,  O.,  vvrites  of 
Mt's.  Marth.a  Ben-is  Ward,  "She  was  always  very 
reticent  in  regard  to  her  husband,  but  we  know  he 
perisl^ed  in  the  war  of  1812." 

The  children  of  Oran  Follett  (1798—1894)  and 
Eliza  Ward  T'^ollett  ('1801—1870)  were: 

Eliza  Ward,  born  at  Sanduskv,  O.,  July  18,  1835, 
married  to  Frnnk  E.  Foster  ^Larch  21,  1854,  had  two 
sons.  Oran  Follett  and  Frank  Newell,  and  one  daugh 
ter,  Jessie. 

Katharine,  born  at  Sandusky,  O.,  September  25, 
1840,  married  to  Flamen  Ball  September  14,  18o4. 
had  five  daughters  and  one  son,     Flo  men  Ball  en- 



terecl  the  army  in  ISGl  and  Mas  miis.tei*efl  out  in  July 
1805.  He  served  \mvt  of  the  time  as  Captain,  Second 
Kentuckr,  as  Ohio  helped  to  tiji  KeutiirkT's  quota. 
Was  additions)  Aide- de-Camp  on  the  stafts  of  Gen- 
erals McDowell,  Cox  and  Thomas. 

In  regard  to  Oran  Follett  (1T98-— 1S94),  tlie  fol- 
lowing is  taken  from  an  extensive  notice  which  a|i- 
peared  in  tJie  Sandnskv,  O.,  licgister,  Wednesday, 
October  17,  1S94: 

"Oran  Follett,  for  over  half  a  century  a  resident 
of  this  city,  died  ai  4  o'clock  on  Sunday  afternoon, 
after  a  long,  bnt  not  severely  tryinp;  illness.  -  *  * 
Mr.  Follett  was  born  September  -i,  179S,  in  the  town 
of  Oorham,  Ontario  County,  N.  Y.,  the  fifth  of  eight 
children,  and  was  early  apprenticed  to  James  D. 
Bemis,  a  printer  and  book  and  newspaper  publisher, 
iivmg  ill  Lciiicii.dalguii.  One  of  the  incidents  of  this, 
period  was  a  riinavx'ay  and  enlistment  in  the  navy, 
serving  in  the  American  fleet  on  Lake  Ontario  until 
the  close  of  the  war,  when,  being  honorably  dis- 
charged, he  returned  to  his  printing  engagement. 

About  the  year  1819  he  was  sent  by  Mr.  Bemis 
to  T\Ov'h ester,  N.  Y.,  to  take  charge  of  a  branch  of  his 
printing  business.  Early  in  1821  he  married  Nancy 
Filer  and  settled  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.  *  *  *  At  Ba- 
tavia  he  comnienced  the  publication  of  the  first  news- 
paper published  witliin  the  state,  west  of  Rochester, 
and  named  it  tlie  Pjurit  of  the  Times.  The  paper  con- 
tinues to  be  x>'»iblished  to  the  present  time  without 
change  of  name.  In  1S23  r>rr.  Follett  was  elected 
to  represent  his  election  district  in  the  Legislature  of 
the  state.  At  that  time  negotiations  for  the  Presi- 
dency of  the  United  States  were  made  by  the  legisla- 
tures of  the  respective  states,  and  in  the  session  of 
1824  Mr.  Follett  nominated  John  Quincy  Adams, 
v/ho  was  subsequently  elected  to  that  high  oince  by 
the  Congressional  Llouse  of  Representatives.  (See 
-same  account  of  this  in  Thurlov/  Weed's  autobiog- 

in  1825  ^rr  .  Follett  removed  to  Buffalo,  X.  Y.. 
and  engaged  (Day,  Follett  &  Ha.bkins)  in  the  publish- 


ing  of  tlie  Buffalo  Jourual  and  the  selliug  of  books, 
he  being  the  editor  of  the  paper  and  the  active  busi- 
ness n-*an.  Thi>-  papei-  cootiniies  to  the  present  time 
as  tlie  Treelvly  edition  of  the  Buft'aho  Daily  Commer- 
cial Adveitiser. 

His  first  wife  having  died  some  vear.s  previoiisiT', 
on  the  22ud  of  November,  1S32,  Mr!  Follett  married 
Eliza  G.  Ward  at  Fairport,  X,  Y„  and  two  years  later 
they  made  Sandnsky  their  home.  For  more  than 
forty  years  .^Irs.  Folleit  was  one  of  the  faithful  work- 
ers for  benevolence  and  the  church  in  this  city  and 
at  the  time  of  her  death  the  city  was  filled*  with 

Flavin g  jointly  with  others  purchased  a  larp:e 
land  estate  in  Sandusky,  he  found  it  necessary  to  re- 
move to  that  place,  which  he  did  in  1834,  where  he 
na.s  siuee  resided,  tie  immediately  took  an  active 
part  in  the  projects  to  advance  tlie  permanent  in- 
terests of  the  town.  The  old  Sanduskv  bank,  the  old 
(and  for  that  day,  fine)  lake  steamer  Sandusky,  the 
Mad  Kiver  and  Lake  Erie  railroad  {Sandus'kv  to 
Springfield  and  Dayton)  the  improvement  of  the'har- 
bor,  the  division  of  Huron  county,  whereby  Sandusky 
was  made  the  county  seat  of  Erie  county,  were  all 
projects  of  importance  in  which  the  subject  of  this 
article  took  an  active  and  influential  part. 

In  1837  he  erected  for  himself  a  comfortable 
stone  house,  in  vrhich  he  continued  to  reside  until  his 
death,  in  iSJO,  1844  and  18.54  he  took  a  leading  and 
active  part,  as  editor  of  the  Columbus  Journal,  in  the 
political  campaigns  of  those  years;  the  last  named 
being  the  first  year  of  the  organization  of  the  Repub- 
lican party,  on  which  occasion  Salmon  P.  Chase  Vv-as 
elected  Governor.  For  three  years,  about  this  time, 
Mr.  Follett  was  President  of  the  Poard  of  Public 
Works  for  the  State  of  Ohio,  with  Messrs  Farrer  and 
Blickensderfer  for  active  C'lnnnis^voners,  as  coadju- 
tors, during  v.djich  administration  the  practical  effi- 
ciency of  the  canals  of  tlie  state  was  much  improved. 
"'  *  He  has  of  late  years  lived  a  quiet  life,  indulg- 
ing his  literary  tastes,  thougli  writing  hut  little,  ex- 



enipJifying  a  serejie  old  age,  calmly  av,  ahing  lils  lar>l 
eail,  which  has  come  to  take  him  from  the  active 
scenes  of  his  early  life.'- 

One  of  the  headlines  to  the  article  of  which  the 
foregoing  are  extracts,  was  ''Ke  was  the  oldest  news- 
paper man  in  the  United  States." 

In  December  1S03,  the  writer  had  ocrasiou  to 
looi:  up  the  record  of  Gran  Follett  (179S— 1894)  in  the 
U.  S.  Pension  Office  at  Columbus,  O.,  where  it  was 
found  that  lie  was  one  of  the  three  men  who  were 
drawing  from  the  Columbus  Pension  Office  the  gen- 
eral pension  granted  to  all  survivors  of  the  war  of 
]S12.    He  was  rated  'T.oy,  U.  S.  Ship  Jones." 

Oran  Follett  lived  under  the  administration  of 
every  president  of  the  United  States,  beginning  wltli 
Vv^ashington  an«l  pudina"  wiih  Cleveland's  second 

The  following  is  from  the  record  of  Hon.  Martin 
Dewey  Follett,  of  ^Vfaiietta,  O.: 

"He  (Orau)  nominated  John  Quincy  Adams  for 
the  presidency,  as  he  (Gran)  claims,  without  consulta- 
tion with  ethers,  and  with  the  purpose  of  breaking 
up  the  p(ditical  factions  then  struggling  in  the  legis- 

In  regard  to  Orau  Follett's  son  Joseph  (1S?1 — 
1895).  the  following  is  extracted  from  the  notice  of 
him  which  appeared  in  the  Milwaukee  Journal  Mon- 
day, Decembpr  Ifi.  18f»5: 

".Toseph  E.  Foll-nf  tlied  yesterday  at  his  home, 
192  Pleasant  Street.  He  was  71  years  old  and  had 
been  in  ill  health  for  some  months,  but  had  recovered 
snfTiciently  to  allow  him  to  make  short  walks, 
when  a  fatal  i-elapse  set  in.  ^Jr.  Follett  was  born 
in  Ohio  in  1821.  After  "^pending  som^e  time  in 
edecational  institutions  of  Massachusetts  and  in 
corrimercial  pursnit?.  he  became  connected  with  rail- 
roads centering  at  Paltimorp,  filling  several  positions 
of  respoTi«;ibility.  In  1870  he  came  to  ^^filwaukee, 
hnvir!?:  been  appointed  general  freight  ae'ent  of  the 
T\'lscnn>;iii  Central  Pailroad.  In  1S78  he  was  suc- 
ceeded bv  Col.  T.  M.  Malone.  and  since  ihat  time  he 


has  devoted  himself  to  literary  work,  vvhich,  however, 
was  interrupted  by  his  appointment  as  deputy  in- 
ternal revenue  (ollector  durin;;  the  term  0/  E.  C. 

"Mr.  Follett  was  a  man  of  admirable  pergonal 
traits  and  highly  cultured.  A  close  student  of  eco- 
nomic and  financial  o^uestions,  he  became  a  convert 
to  the  free-trade  theory,  v.'hich  he  defended  with  un- 
usual force  and  persistency.  Althoup;!!  Republican 
from  the  time  that  that  party  came  to  life,  his  convic- 
tions on  the  tariff  prompted  him  to  support  S.  J.  Til- 
den  for  the  presidency,  and  since  then  he  had  been 
an  ardent  Democrat  without  becoming  a  blind 
partisan.  He  became  one  of  the  staunchest  advo- 
cates of  civil  service  reform,  he  tahino-  the  initiative 
in  starting  the  movement  in  this  city  and  serving  the 
iitobuv-iatioii  as  president  for  a  number  of  yeais. 

"Earnest  in  every  thing  he  undertook,  it  can  be 
said  of  him  that  his  motives  were  free  from  all  selfish- 
ness, so  he  was  a  patriot  in  tlie  full  sense  of  the  word. 

"Mr.  Follett  was  one  of  the  most  remarkable  men 
of  Milwaukee.  As  a  student  of  finance  and  political 
econom.y  he  had  no  superior  in  the  city  or  state.  His 
brain  was  a  storehouse  of  inform.ation,  which  he 
drew  on  at  pleasure  for  illustrations  of  his  points  and 
he  never  failed  to  sustain  every  position  Avith  con- 
vincins;  proof  that  he  was  riadit.  For  some  time  be- 
fore his  death  his  health  was  so  poor  that  he  wrote 
little,  but  what  he  did  showed  i\ie  same  clear  and 
active  brain  that  apT>eared  in  all  his  previous  work. 
He  had  an  a\ercion  to  shams  of  all  kirids  and  lived  as 
be  bebeved  all  men  should  live,  an  honest  and  unpre- 
tendii'.o  life,  passimr  for  just  what  he  was  and  con- 
demning, thou.o-h  not  offensively,  the  falsities  which 
went  about  masqueradinc:  as  public  benefactors. 
Milwaukee  lost  a  valuable  citizen  when  she  lost 
Joseph  E.  Follett.    His  M'ife  died  two  years  aGro." 

The  writer  had  for  months  past  been  in  cor- 
respond enr'e  with  >rr.  Joser>h  E.  Follett,  in  regard  to 
the  production  of  this  work,  in  ^hich  he  seemed  very 
much  interested, 



Foster  Morse  i^ollett  (1801—1862),  sou  of  Fred- 
eri<'k  Foiiett  (17G1 — 1604:),  was  the  lather  of  Helen, 
jSarah  (who  married  Wiiliam  Flatt,  of  Columbus,  O., 
a  brother-in-law  o!  President  Haves,  and  whose 
daughter  married  a  son  of  Fresident  Haves),  and 
Foster  Valentine,  vvho  died  1882.  Foster  Morse  Foi- 
iett (ISOl — 16(>2)  was  a  captain  during  the  civil  war 
and  stationed  at  Johnson's  Island,  near  Sandusky, 
O.,  whei'e  Confederate  oOieers  were  imprisoned.  He 
was  ordered  to  ''v^icksburg  to  exchange  prisoners  and 
on  the  trip  was  taken  sick  with  bovrei  trouble  and 
died  within  ten  days  after  reaching  home.  He  v.-as  a 
very  strong  man  and  large.  President  Hayes  said 
he  was  a  verv  handsome  raan. 

''Frederick  Foihtt  (I80l-~1891)j  son  of  Frederick 
Foiiett  (iToi — iisO-i),  was  born  in  the  tcvrn  of  Ocr- 
ham,  Ontario  County,  Western  New  York,  November 
1st,  1801.  His  father  died  three  months  before  the 
boy's  birth.  The  son  received  the  usual  very  com- 
mon school  education  in  one  of  the  old  red  school- 
houses  then  sparsely  scattered  througliout  the 
country,  in  the  year  1819,  at  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  he  be- 
gan to  leai'n  the  trade  of  printer  in  the  oflice  of  his 
elder  brotlier.  Gran  Foiiett,  who  in  that  year  com- 
menced the  i)ublication  of  the  F.atavia  "Spirii  of  the 
Times.'-  Oran  a  few  years  later  decided  to  go  west, 
and  in  1825  sold  the  paper  to  Frederick,  who  con- 
tinued its  publication  many  years.  The  "Spirit  of  the 
Timey"  is  still  issued. 

Frederick  Foiiett  was  married  in  1826  to  Sarah 
Sutherland  and  a  family  of  seven  children,  five  sons 
and  two  daughters,  was  born  to  them. 

In  the  excitement  following  William.  Morgan's 
exposure  of  Masonry  and  his  subsevquent  mysterious 
disappeariince  about  the  year  182G,  Frederick  Foi- 
iett, being  a  Mason  of  high  degree,  a  Knight  Templar 
and  one  of  the  prominent  members  of  the  order  in 
^yestern  New  York,  took  an  active  part  in  trying  to 
allay  the  intense  feeling  caused,  as  he  said,  "By  the 
rash  act  of  a  fevv'  misg aided  individuals."    Mr.  Fol- 

'^TliiB  notice  prej>ared  by  a  descendant. 


lett's  account  of  the  state  of  feeling  in  socia],  political 
and  religious  circles  on  tlie  Masonic  question  at  this 
period,  is  extremely  enterraining. 

In  1S3G  Mr.  FoUetT,  accepted  an  offer  to  serve  in 
the  Army  of  Liberation,  then  fighting  under  Gen.  Bam 
Houston  for  the  independence  of  Texa;?,  and  with 
several  companions  betook  himself  to  that  then  far- 
distant  country.  The  war  was  practically  ended  jusr 
before  his  arrival;  the  battle  of  San  Jacinto,  the 
total  destruction  of  Santa  Ana's  army  and  the  cap- 
ture of  the  Mexican  commander  himself,  ail  having 
occurred  a  fevr  days  previously.  He  subsequently 
traveled  through  the  western  portion  of  Texas,  then 
mostly  in  possession  of  hostile  Indians,  meeting  with 
many  exciting  adventures. 

Returning  home  he  headed  an  expedilion  to  the 
newly-discovered  copper  mines  ot  the  .LaJxe  Superior 
region,  but  the  vessel  carrying  the  explorers  was 
totally  wrecked  in  a  terrible  gale  on  tlio  lake  and  tlie 
venture  came  to  naught. 

During  all  these  years  Mr.  Follett  wa^*  a  stron<( 
Democrat,  a  personal  friend  of  Jackson,  Tan  JJuren, 
Polk  and  later  of  Buchanan,  but  during  tbe  civil  war 
was  an  intensely  patriotic  War  Democrat,  writing 
and  speaking  and  in  all  ways  doing  what  he  could  for 
the  Cnion  cause.  During  Polk's  administration  he 
was  appointed  postmaster  of  I>atavia,  from  1S49  ro 
1856  ^\'as  Canal  Commissioner  of  the  state,  an  office 
of  much  more  importance  then  than  now,  and  was  in 
line  of  promotion  to  the  governorship  of  the  State  of 
]S'ew  York,  and  could  have  had  the  nouiination,  but 
positively  declined,  as  his  private  means  would  not 
admit  the  expenditure  necessary  to  make  the  can- 

His  small  fortune  was  totally  lost  later  on  by 
unfortunate  ventures  in  tbe  construction  of  a  line  of 
railroad  in  Virginia,  and  his  home  in  Batavia  being 
taken  by  creditors,  his  wife  dying,  the  balance  of 
the  family  s,cattered  over  the  country,  he  removed 
to  the  City  of  New  York  about  1860,  accepting  a  uo- 
sitiou  in  the  Custom  House,  which  he  held  uninter- 


fkedp:rick  and  the  toxawandas. 

niptcdlv,  tiiiougli  all  the  c.baughig  adBiiiiistraliojJs, 
until  Lis  death  on  January  18th,  lb91. 

Mr.  FoUettwas  a  conyisieni  friend  of  tlie  Iiidian,-^ 
located  in  Western  Kew  York  .on  the  different  reser- 
vations, and  during  the  administration  of  President 
Bucbanan  rendered  such  valuable  service  to  the  tribe 
of  Tonawandas,  that  he  was  adopted  into  that  tribe 
and  given  the  name  '•0-wan-e-ga.'^  Land-grabbera 
had  Jong  coveted  tlie  rich  level  farm,  land.s  of  the 
Tonavv'andas.  lying  half  way  between  IJatavia  and 
Buffalo,  and  their  plans  were  all  but  complete  for  the 
removal  of  the  tribe  to  the  far  west  and  the  occu- 
pancy of  that  part  of  the  country  by  themselves  at  a 
nominal  pricO;  when  Mr.  Tollett  made  a  visit  to 
AVashington,  laying  bare  the  whole  plan  to  Pi'esident 
Buchanan  in  a  lengthy  private  interview,  and  by  his 
-^■j:'--<\vn]  appeal  obtained  an  order  from  the  President 
for  a  stay  of  proceedings,  which  linaily  rcGulted  n' 
an  overilirow  of  the  whole  nefarious  scheme.  The 
Tonawandas  stiil  occupy  their  beautiful  lands  on  the 
the  creek  of  the  same  name  and  regard,  to  this  day, 
the  name  of  Frederick  Foliett  v.ith  affectionate 

Physically,  Predoriek  Follett  was  a  splendid 
specimien  of  manhood,  dark  as  an  Indian,  straight  as 
an  arrow,  a  giant  in  strergth,  though  not  of  large 
stature,  of  undoubted  and  oft-tried  courage,  honest, 
upright,  extremely  courteous,  making. friends  easily, 
having  doubtless,  also,  many  enemies,  his  memory 
will  long  be  cherished  with  pride,  honor  and  devotion 
by  his  nviUi'^rous  descendants.  B.,  1S95." 

Frederick  Follett  (1804—1891)  married  Sarah 
i-ioutht  rland,  of  Warsaw.  The  following  record  of 
their  children  is  furnished  by  Mrs  Frederitd-i  Follett 
Bueil,  ofTroy,  N,  Y.: 

Isaac,  v>ho  died  years  ago. 

Frederick-,  a  graduate  of  West  Point,  who  served 
ihroiigh  the  LV-bellion,  and  died  afterward  a,t  Fort 
McB.e;uy  v'^ee  iiotiee  later). 

Kate  (?),  v>'ho  died  young. 



Sarah  Amelia,  bor«  March  11, 1830,  married  Wil- 
liam Collins,  Buell  in  June  1S51-,  and  died  October  29, 
1881.  Her  chiklren  ^vere:  Frederick  Foiiett  BueJl 
(boL'u  185 '>  at  TroY;  N.  Y,,  served  ten  years  in  Troy 
Citizens'  Corps,  the  0th  Separate  Company,  N.  G-  B. 
X.  Y.,  married  December  21, 1SS2,  Annie  ^V.  Uagaii); 
William  Collins  Buell,  Jr.  (born  November  2S,  ISoG, 
married  April  ISSl,  ^arah  C.  Hagan,  and  have  W. 
C.  Buell,  Jr.,  born  August  7,  1882,  and  Lydia  Hagan, 
born  February  20,  ISsB),  of  Providence,  II.  I.;  Theron 
(born  February  1858,  died  18(>1);  Kate  (born  June  11, 
iSCj,  married^  Decern ])er  23,  188",  to  Walter  Liv- 
ingston Wotkyos,  and  have  Livingston,  Elizabeth 
and  Ivathcrine),  of  Pasadena,  Cal. 

John  Henry,  now  in  Colorado. 

Beiijamin  Franklin,  an  ore  broker,  of  LeadFille, 
\^()i'j.,  \vjLiu>;e  cuiilureu  ute  Fjeucin-l^.  ^JcTniOiAi'  i^born 
July  7, 1872,  v/as  oodet  captain  at  St.  John's  Military 
College);  Frank  Eastman,  Benjamin  F.,  Jr. 

dhfiuneey,  died  February  1S91,  leaving  no  chil 

Id  regard  to  Captain  Frederick  Follett,  U.  S. 
Army,  the  folloviiig  is  his  record  as  it  appears  in 
namViersly's  Army  Register,  p.  141:  ^'Frederick  M. 
Follett  (borf)  in  X.Y,).  Admitted  Military  Academy 
1846,  .B'vt  2d  Li  en  t,' 3d  Inf.  1850;  trans,  to  Sth  Inf. 
1S51;  2d  Lieut  1852;  resigned  1S55;  2d  Lieut,  4th 
Art.  1850;  Ist  Lieut  lS57;\\aptain,  18G.1;  cashiered 
(ii,d  ro'ln^.tai:ed  1S07:  expired  4  March  1SG9.  Brevet 
Major  ;lo53  Tor  gallant  and  meritorious  service  at  the 
siege  of  SuiTc!!^  Va.;  Brevet  Lieut.  Cot  18G5,  for  gal- 
lant and  meritoriovis  service  during  the  war.'' 


THE  FA^riLY  OF  FKKDEFJdv  FOLLE  FP  ;  lSi)4--lS91). 

l/vru-r  the  printing  of  the  geiiealogrical  notices  on  pnges  109  and  no,  Mrs. 
I- ic.:,.-ric:-:  i  o!!ett  IJuell  canie  into  p'^ssessiou  of  the  foliowing-  recoi-ds,  which 
vh>-' very  kindly  furnished  at  once,  hut  which -utre  received  too  late  to  be  em- 
Iindied  ir.  the  hook.] 

From  the  family  Eible  in  po.ssessiuu  of  Eenjamiu  Fniiiklin 
K'lilctt  (18401,  January  :?V,  1S&6. 

Frederick  Folk'tt,  born  iu  the  of  Gorham,  Oata:  lo  C'ouuly, 
Western  I\ew  York,  Xuvember  1,  J  SOL 

8arah  SiUberlaud,  born  in  the  town  of  Batavhi,  Genesee 
County,  Sew  Yoric,  February  28,  ISOG. 

Cliildreu  of  tho  above  Frederick  and  Sarali  FoFittt,  all  born  in 
r.atavia,  Genesee  Country,  Xew  Y'ork. 

Frederick  ^Slaxinms  Folleit,  born  Oelober  27,  1S27, 
I?iiae  Sutherland  I'ollett,  born  Juue  9,  1829. 
.Sarah  Amelia  Follett,  born  2ilar<'h  11,  ]S;>1. 
Hannah  Follett,  born  February  3,  ]8:j3. 
John  Henry  Follett,  born  April  13,  183o. 
Benluniin  Franklin  Follett,  b-nu  Deeeniber  22,  1840. 
riiAKiiCfv  ."^utbeHand  Foliett,  born  October  30,  1842. 


Freilerick  Follett  and  Sarah  Sutlierlaiid,  August  2,  IS4i:',  in  St. 
James  Church,  Batavia,  Xew  Y'ork,  by  the  l^ev.  Lucius  Smith. 

William  C.  Buell  and  Sarali  Amelia  Follett,  February  2S,  i:s.">4, 
in  St.  James  Cluiroh,  Batavia,  Xew  Y'ork,  by  the  Rev.  T.  P.  Tj'ler. 

ChauDcey  Sutbierland  Follett  dJid  Flattie  A.  Smith,  May  2, 
1865,  in  Lansingburgh,  Xew  Y'ork,  by  the  Bev.  W.  11.  Cooke, 

Benjamin  Franklin  Follett  and  ^largaret  Helen  Moore,  May 
12, 1870,  in  the  Cliurch  of  the  Holy  Cross,  Troy,  Xew  Yoik,  by  the 
Rev.  J.  Ireland  Tucker,  assisted  by  the  Rev.  Flilgar  T.  Chapman. 


Flannah  Smith.  Follett,  daughter  of  Frederick  and  Sarah  Fol- 
lett, at  Batavia,  Xew  York,  July  2o,  1846. 

Isaac  Sutherland  Follett,  son  of  Frederick  and  Sarah  Follett, 
at  Houston,  Texas,  October  7,  1858. 

Sarali  Amelia  Follett  (Buell)  daughter  of  Frederick  and  Sarah 
Follett,  at  Troy,  Xew  Y'ork,  October  29,  1>S61. 

Frederick  JiIa.Kimus  Follett,  son  of  Frederick  and  SajT.h  Fol- 
lett, at  Fort  McHenry,  ^[d.,  April  0  Ls(i9. 

Chauncey  Sutherland  Follett,  son  of  Frederick  arid  Sarah  Fol- 
iet,  at  Lansioglvjrgh,  Xew  York,  March  2,  1891. 

Frederick  iM^lIett  Hjorn  1804)  died  at  his  resideiice  2:U  Vv.  I35tii 
St.,  Xew  York  City,  January  18,  ISl'l. 

Sarali  Sutherland  ( Follett)  born  1800,  d'.ed  in  Troy,  Xew  York, 
Marrh  2n.  lvi3. 




The  Last  SurviTcr  oi' 13 imkei' Hill. 

0^1  T  s  banquet  of  Oie  Bons  of  tlie  American 
U^^  Kevolution,  held  in  Columbus,  O.,  April  19, 
^^^^  1891,  in  commemoration  of  the  battle  of 
Lexington,  Hon.  Martin  Dewey  Foliett,  of 
Marie r La,  delivered  an  address  (see  Ohio  S.  A.  II. 
Year  Book;  1891,  p,  35),  from  whicli  the  foUovv^ing  is 

"As  my  mind's  eye  has  gone  over  that  eight 
years  of  stuu'-gle  I  feel  proud  that  the  last  survivor 
of  the  battles  of  Lexington  and  Bunker  Hill  was  a 
Foliett— old  Samuel  I'oilett,  who  died  Xovember 
30th,  1854,  -tt  Worthington,  Mass.,  aged  ninety-seven 
years.  He  drew  a  pension,  at  the  rate  of  fifty  dollars 
*a  year,  from  March  4th,  1831,  the  certilieate  tor  which 
was  issued  Y.rj  IGth,  1833.  He  was  descended  from 
John  Foliett,  the  oldest  son  of  liobert  Foliett'' 
(1G25  [?]— 1708),  "of  Salem,  Mass.,  and  my  ancestor 
was  Benjamin  Foliett"  {lo77  [?J— 1752)  "the  youngest 
son  of  the  i.amc  father." 

Hon.  Martin  Dewey  Follett's  records  show  that 
Samuel  Foliett  v^as  born  November  23, 1757,  and  died 
November  30,   1S54,   and   that   he   was    descended 

through  John  (1727 ),  John  (1G95--1747)  and 

John  (16G9— 171S)  from  Robert  Foliett  (1G25  [?]— 
170S.)  Mr.  Joseph  H.  Parsons,  of  Worthington,  O., 
recently  informed  the  writer  that  he  spent  a  part  of 
his  youth  at  Worthington,  Mass.,  and  remembered 
old  Samuel  Foliett  well,  having  upon  one  occasion, 
with  his  brother,  called  upon  him,  at  which  time  he 
showed  tliem  his  revolutionary  gun,  coat,  etc.,  and 
gave  them  each  a  button  which  had  been  at  one  time 

SAMUEL  FOLI.ETT  (1757-1854). 

upon  his  coiiLineEtal  uniform.  Mr.  Pai'sons  says  that 
Samuel  Foilett  was  a  very  peculiar  old  man,"  living 
mvch  to  iiimrjeif  in  the  outskirts  of  the  town,  coming 
to  town  only  for  elections  and  great  events,  when  he 
would  drive  an  ox  cart  and  jsit  on  the  tongue  rather 
than  ride  inside,  and  that  on  the  day  of  his  funeral 
the  weather  was  bitter  .cold,  but  the  turnout  of  the 
people  of  Worthington  and  vicinity  was  enormous, 
so  great  was  their  respect  for  the  last  survivor  of 
Bunker  Hiih  The  following  is  an  extract  from 
"tSecuiar  and  Ecclesiastical  History  of  the  Town  of 
^Vortnington'•  (Mass.),  published  in  IfeSS,  in  the  pos- 
session of  Air.  Parsons  of  VVorthingtun,  O, : 

"{Samuel  FoUett,  who  is  still  living  in  this  town, 
was  born  on  the  2M  of  November,  1V57,  in  the  town 
of  .Attleboroiigh,  B'-i«tol  <  ■ounty,  MasS:  We  joinod 
the  army  wnen  he  wa^  in  his  eighteenth  year,  v.'hcrc 
he  reraained  hfteen  months,  serving  in  tiie  regiment 
commanded  by  Col.  iieed  at  tlie  battle  of  Bunker 
Hill.  He  came  into  this  town  before  the  close  of  tlie 
war,  1781,  where  he  has  resided  ever  since.  His  ti.rst 
vote  was  cast  for  Gen.  Washii^gton  for  President  of 
the  United  States,  when  he  was  thirty-two  years  of 
age;  his  last  for  Gen.  Scott,  when  he  was  ninety- 

He  died  without  living  issue,  as  his  son  Samuel, 
Jr.  (1792 — lS22),died,  unmarried,  in  \YiDdsor,  ]S^orth 
Carolina,  where  he  was  practicing  law.  Judge  David 
L.  Follett,  of  the  Court  of  Appeals  of  New  York,  and 
Dexter  Foileti,  of  Boston,  are  grandchildren  of  Levi 
Follett,  a  brother  of  Samuel. 

Old  Samuel  Follett  is  mentioned  in  the  N.  E. 
Hit  t.  and  Geu.  Keg.  Vol.  YIII,  p.  376,  and  YoL  IX, 
p.  99,  as  being  the  last  survivor  of  Bunker  Hill. 



T [Gliomas  DEWE  y  iboru  probably  about  ICOO 
I  TO  1610,  d,  1G4S)  emigrated  from  Sandv.'icii, 
nJ/  Kent,  Eng-land,  as  early  as  1630.  The 
^^  family  records  ot  Hon.  Charles  De^vey, 
Presideiit  of  the  Xational  Eife  Insurance  Co.,  Mont- 
peiier,  Vt.,  show  that  Thomas  Dewey  (the  same 
Thomas  above  mentioned,  as  other  dates  and  names 
Mgree)  landed  at  Boston  in  May,  1030.  He  settled  in 
L^„icL-.  ;■•'=■'',  "V'ass.,  where  he  was  witness  to  the  will 
of  one  John  llussell  September  o,  iOi5o.  ouwige's 
(4enealogieal  Dictionary  states:  "Thomas  Dewey, 
of  Dorchester,  1033,  freem.  14  May,  163-1,  rem.  to 
Windsor,  m.  Mar.  22  1639  wid  Frances  Clark  (who 
had  only  ch,  Mary). 

Thomas,  bapt.  16  Feb.  1640. 
Josiah  10  Oct.  1641. 
Ann  15  Oct.  1643. 
Isruel  25  Sept.  1645. 
Jedediah  15  Dec.  1647. 

Was  cornet  of  the  troop  and  d.  or  was  buried  27 
Apr.  1618,  Widow  m.  Geo.  Phelps,  who  rem.  about 
1668  to  Westfield  and  with  him  went  ail  the  Deweys 
except  Isi-iiel.'^  Felt's  History  of  Ipswich,  p.  IS, 
states:  '-To  become  a  freeman  each  person  was 
legally  rex^uired  to  be  a  respectable  member  of  some 
Congregational  churcn.'" 

In  Stiles'  History  of  A-Ucient  Windsor,  Conn.,  p. 
578,  the  following  is  found:  "Dewey,  Thomas— 
(spelled  on  Dorchester  town  records  Duee)  was  early 
at  Dorchester,  and  on  his  removal  to  Windsor,  sold 
his  house  and  lands  at  Dorchester  to  Eichard  Jones."' 
Dates  of  birth,  etc.,  are  also  given,  in  which  appears 
•^Jedediah,  Dec.  15,  1647,-'  baptized. 

^^^         THE  DEV,'EYS. 

The  records  of  Mr.  Elenry  ConiiugSj  of  St.  Paul, 
Alinii.,  oliGw  t licit  tlie  roiJiovai  to  Wiiicisor  occurred 
about  3(i38,  and  the  removal  to  ^Ve.stliei(IJ  Ivlos^i., 
abuut  luuy,  where  Thomas,  Jr.,  and  Jedeuiah  had 
previously  settled  in  IGGt],  ''ot  the  hrst  iDhabitauts." 
l^'rances  Clarke  was  widow  of  Joseph  Clarke.  By 
her  third  husband,  George  Phelps,  who  died  May  8, 
16ST,  she  had  Jacob,  IGiU;  Johu,  Kiol;  isachaniel, 
1653.  »She  died  {Septeiiiber  27,  IbitO.  Thomas  Devvey 
was  a  juror  iu  Idili  and  IGid,  and  deputy  to  the  gen- 
eral court.  Mary  Clarke,  hrst  child  of  Frances 
Clarke,  mairied,  in  llioo,  John  Strong,  Jr.,  son  of 
Elder  John  and  Joanna  Ford  iStrong,  of  Windsor. 

The  K.  E.  liist.  and  Gen.  iieg.,  VoL  II,  p.  92, 
mentions  Thomas  De\v'ey  in  a  list  of  freemen  May  14, 
luo-i.  lu  \  oi.  V,  p.  3 Go,  he  is  mentioned  as  one  of  the 
hrst  settlers  of  winusor;  lamiiy  genealogy,  p.  3 02. 
In  Vol.  XXI,  p.  11)5,  the  deed  of  Tnomas  L)ev\'ey  to 
liichard  Jones  is  given  in  full,  a  quaint  document. 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  no  one  Avill  discover  any 
connection  of  Cornet  Thonias  Dewey  v*'ith  the  un- 
fortunate i^vre  might  term  it  disreputable  and  brutal) 
exteimiuation  of  the  Pequods, 

Mr.  Thomas  Dewey  (,1857),  of  Montpelier,  Vt.^  is 
descended  from  Josiah,  the  second  son  of  Thomas, 
the  immigrant,  through  Edward  (born  March  27, 
1S20),  Julius  Yemans  (born  August  22,  1801,  died 
May  29,  1877),  Simeon  (born  August  20,  1770,  died 
January  11,  1803),  William  (born  January  11,  174(;, 
died  June  10,  1813),  iSiuieon  (born  May  12,  1718,  died 
March  2,  1750),  \Villiam  (married  about  1713,  died 
Xovember  10,  1759),  Josiah  (born  L^ecember  21,  IGGG, 

died ),  who  was  son  of  Josiah  Dewey  (1G41 — 

).    Hon.  Charles  Dewey  is  son  of  Julius  Yemans 

Devv^ey  (ISOl — 1877),  before  mentioned.  Mr.  Thomas 
Dewey  (1857)  wriles:  "I  understand  that  Melvin 
Dewey,  the  librarian  of  Cornell  University,  is  re- 
lated to  us.''  This  evidently  refers  to  Hon.  Melvil 
Dev/ey,  Librarian  of  the  State  of  New  York, 




Jedediah  Dewey  (iG4T — 1710),  sou  of  Thomas, 
tl'e  original  immigrant,  was  baptized  December  15, 
IGvT.  Married,  in  IGTl,  Sarah  Orton,  of  FaniiiDgton, 
Conn.,  where  tliey  lived  for  a  short  time,  "udien  they 
removed  to  Tv^sifield,  Mass.,  where  he  was  a  farmer, 
and  where  he  died  Janriary  20,  1719.  She  died  No- 
vember .20, 1711.    Their  children  were: 

Sarah,  boru  March   2S,  1G72  (married  Colonel    ':-'' 
John  Ashley),  died  May  31,  170S. 

Margaret,  born  January  10,  1073  (maVried  Dan- 
iel Bissell,  of  Windsor),  died  Xovember  27, 1712. 

Ensign  Jedediah,  born  June  11,  1G7C). 

Daniel,  born  Marcli  9, 1679,  a  farmer  in  Farming- 
ten,  Conn. 

Thomas',  born  June  29, 1<1>2,  died  Morch  j5,  175S,_.'/-/.^ 

Mary,  born  March  1,  1C8S,  died  Juno  19,  1740. 

oaxJ...,  Ijorn  April  3,  1092. 

Abi2:ail,  born  November  17,  1094. 
Dr.  Orvi]le  Dewey  (born  JVIarch  28,  1790)  was  de- 
scended, according;  to  records  furnislied  by  Mr. 
Thomas  Dewey,  from  Jedediah  (10-17 — 1719),  through 
f-^.'las  (born  January  27,  1703),  Stejdien  (born  March 
3,  17j9),  and  Jan^es  (born  April  3,  1092),  Avho  wps  son 
of  Jedediah  (1047—1719). 

The  writer  has  observed  the  names  of  Deweys 
in  numerous  col-onlai  and  revolutionary  records, 
twice  in  the  Wyomino-  valley.  They  seem  to  have 
been  people  of  prominence  in  most  cashes. 

Ensipiu  Jedediah  Dewey,  Jr.  (1076 — 1727),  son 
of  Jed^-'diah  Devv-ey  (1047 — 1719),  vras  born  June  14, 
1070,  and  died  1 727.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Ys^estfield. 
"i^ianied  Jxme  17,  1703,  Kebecca  Williams.  She  mar- 
ried (second  husband)  in  1731,  Consider  Mosely,  of 
M'estfield,  who^se  first  wife  was  Elizabeth  Bancroft. 
The  Dewev  c-iildren  were: 

Rebecca,  June  11,  1704. 

MariiareT,  February  12,  1700. 

ZernuTi),  March  1,  17GS. 

Sanih,  Mnrch  3,  1710. 

Ehoda.  July  10.  1712  (married  Hon.  Eldad 



Rev.  Jedediah,  April  11,  ITl-i  (see  notice  later 

Martin,  May  IS,  1716. 

nrnaaii,  March  9,  171 S  (married  Beitjaraiii 

The  writer  has  been  iiuable  to  ascertain,  after  a 
brief  search,  hoAV  this  Jedediah  acquired  his  miiltaiT 
title  of  EnsisTi. 

Martin  Dewey  (1716—1703),  son  of  EnfJgn 
Jedediah  Dewey  (1676—1727),  was  born  Alay  is, 
1716,  and  died  in  Amenia  (Nine  Partners),  X.  Y., 
January  20,  1763.  Married  October  7,  1740,  Eliza- 
beth Dewey,  who  died  October  12,  1756.  Their  chil- 
dren were : 

ixFarrin.  -'n:,  hovn  December  2G,  1741. 

Elizabeth,  born  Jn)y  12,  1743. 

lilioda,  born  March  23,  1746  (married  Stephen, 
brother  of  Major  Vv'eii:^hT  Hopkinsj. 

I^Iercy,  born  1749. 

Lncretia,  born  March  27,  1750. 

Grace,  born  October,  1753. 

Whether  Elizabeth  Dewey,  wife  of  I^Iartin 
Dewey  (1716 — 1763)  was  a  Dewey  before  her  mar- 
riage, is  donbtfnl,  as  many  of  the  old  records  omit 
the  maiden  name  entirely  in  referring  to  women. 
There  seems  to  be  a  tradition  that  Elizabeth  Dewey 
FoDett  (1748—1832)  had  been  related  to  the  Folletts 
before  her  marriaae.  Suppoc-ing  this  tradition  to 
be  true,  it  is  possible  t]}at  Elizabeth  Dewey,  wife  of 
^fartin  Dewpy  (1716 — 1763>,  had  been,  previous  to 
her  maT-iag-e,  Elizabeth  Follett  (born  1707),  sister  to 

Lieuteiiaut  Benjaiain  Fv.ilett  (1715 ),  in  vv^hich 

event  she  would  have  been  nearly  nine  years  older 
than  her  husband. 

Elizabeth  Dewey  (1743— 1S32),  dauiiliter  of 
3Iartin  and  Elizabeth,  was  born  July  12,  1743.  The 
Follett  records  state  that  she  was  born  Juiv  14,  1743, 
at  Westfield.  Married  March  S,  1764,  Eliphaiet  Fol- 
lett   T^'or  records  of  the  chihirea  and  her  terrible  ex- 

ELIZABETH  DEV/EY  (1743-1SG2). 

I'priences  at  the  time  of  the  WyoEiiug  massacre  see 
record  of  ElipLalet  Follett  (1 741 — 1778).  It  has  been 
supposed  that  her  imcie,  Kev.  Jededi.-ih  Dewey^had 
g-i\  en  her  a  te]nj)orary  home  between  the  time  of  the 
death  of  her  father  and  her  marriage. 

It  is  also  thoug-ht  that,  after  the  massacre,  «he 
returned  to  her  uncle-s  home  in  Bennin^iton.  These 
suppositions  are  not  founded  on  either  records  or 
traditions,  except  that  of  the  Bennington  friends 
meeting  her  after  the  massacre.  Mrs.  Clark,  her 
jxvand -daughter,  is  very  positive  that  she  returned  to 
Benningion.  We  have  ample  evidence, however,from 
records  that  she  subseqitently  lived  at  or  near  Ben- 
nington, as  we  find  that  her  son,  Martin  Dewey  Fol- 
lett (1765 — 1831)  served  in  various  militia  companies 
«t  or  neur  Beiinin^tori  duriiip  the  latter  part  of  the 
revolutionary  war,  aud  ihni  her  son  Charles  F'-^l'Mt 
■.(lurried  the  daughter  of  Colonel  Sauniel  Robinson, 
of  Bennington. 

Mrs.  Clark  states  that  when  she  reached  Benning- 
ton slie  was  in  a  most  unfortunate  predicament, 
being  penniless  and  having  six  children,  one  of  whom 
was  sick  and  soon  died.  A  short  time  after  another 
child  was  born.  In  spite  of  such  circumstances  she 
vs  ent  to  work  immediately  to  make  a  living  for  her- 
self and  her  children.  Her  oldest  son,  Martin,  was 
put  to  work,  and  she  made  men's  clothing. 

Our  family  records  show  that  "in  after  years 
she  was  mairJed  to  Esfjuire  Noble,  of  Pownal,"  near 
Bennington.  We  have  not  been  able  to  even  ap- 
proximate the  date  of  this  second  marriage.  In 
''Governor  and  Council."  Vol.  I,  p.  2S0,  we  find 
referpuce  to  "Captain  Eli  Xoble,  Esq.,  of  Pownal," 
and,  in  Vermont  Historical  Magazine,  Vol.  II.  p.  3.^9, 
a  list  of  revolutiouary  officers  of  Vermont,  in  which 
the  names  of  Eli,  Tehan  and  Enoch  Noble  appear 
among  the  oaptains.  H*^  may  have  been  related  to 
Second  T/ieutenant  John  Noble  of  Captain  Weight 
Hopkins'  company,  in  whir-h  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  wa« 
first  lieutenant.    Captain  Eli  Noble  had  children  liv- 



ing  when  he  married  Elizabeth  Dewey  Follett,  Mrs. 
Clarii  says  thrsL  she  reinembers  hiin,  as  be  visited  the 
Folietts  at  Enosbiirgh  abont  ISIO.  One  incident  that 
imprestied  itself  npon  the  memory  of  Mrs.  Clark,  then 
only  seTen  years  of  age,  was  his  peculiar  way  of  shav- 
ing himself.  lie  would  wet  his  face  and  hand  and  go 
to  th.-  "soap  barrel,"  an  institution  of  the  early  days, 
v^^hich  contained  soft  soap  for  the  use  of  the  whole 
house,  dip  his  hand  into  the  soap  and  make  a  lather 
by  rubbing  it  on  his  wet  face.  He  would  then  sit 
down  and  shave  without  any  minor.  He  was  at  one 
time  a  justice  of  the  peace,  was  a  deacon  in  the  church 
and  we  suppose  that  he  was,  like  almost  every  man  in 
those  days,  a  farmer.  After  his  death,  which  must 
have  occurred  about  1S2S,  his  widow,  "Grandma 
Xoble,"  as  Elizabeth  Dewey  was  then  known,  went 
to  her  daugbier,  lui-s.  Betse.v  Keynoldis,  ^it  C<lxTi- 
bridge.  It  is  said  that  ihe  distance  was  about  one 
hundred  miles,  and  that  she  rode  it  on  horse-back, 
although  she  was  about  eicrhty-nve  years  of  age. 

She  spent  about  one-third  of  her  time,  after  Cap- 
tain Aoble's  death,  with  her  son.  jSrartin,  at  Enos- 
burgh,  and  lived  with  her  other  children  when  not  at 
Martin's  home.  !Mr.  James  Follett  (1811)  and  others 
who  remember  her  say  that  she  was  energetic,  short, 
thick-set  and  "as  straight  as  a  candle."  It  is  also  said 
she  never  leaned  back  in  a  chnir.  Toward  the  last 
of  her  life  f  he  was  deaf.  ^frs.  Clark  remembers  her 
well,  having  seen  much  of  her  iu  Enosburgh  and 
having  visited  in  Cambridge  while  she  was  there, 
and  speaks  of  her  in  the  most  glowing  terms.  The 
exnct  date  of  her  death  is  not  known,  but  Mrs.  Clark 
says  it  must  have  been  about  a  yenr  after  the  death 
ofMartin  Dewey  Follett  (1705-^1831),  which  would 
probably  fix  the  year  as  lSo2,  she  being  nearly  ninety 
years  of  age. 

The  name  of  Elizabeth  Dewey  should  be  cher- 
ished by  her  de^u-endants  as  long  as  any  remain, 
TVhile  we,  and  those  who  follow  after  us,  enjoy  the 
delights  of  peace  and  the  luxuries  of  quiet  homes, 


FIRST   MHKTIXr,  HorSl-    IX   iJKX  XlXC.Tt 'X,   :; 

I'^      -/a<? 

REV.  lEDEDIAH  DEWEY  (1714-1778). 

under  the  proiection  of  the  greatest  and  grancl«?st  of 
nationsj  let  us  never  forget  tbe  sufTerings  and  the 
sorro'>T  ^;vhich  the  birth  of  that  nation  cost  Elizabeth 
Dewey  Follett.  -   . 

Key.  Jeuediah  Dey/ey. 

As  Kev.  Jedediah  Dewey  (iTl-l — 1778)  was  a  near 
relative  and,  as,  if  the  foregoing  suppositior«s  be  cor 
rect,  he  must  have  been  a  good  friend  iu  tiniOv^  of 
trouble,  to  Elizabeth  Dewey,  his  history  will  be 
briefly  touched  upon,  the  facts  being  derived  from 
Jennings'  "'Bennington,"',  although  there  is  not  a 
history  of  Aermout  that  does  not  mention  his  name. 

ilex.  Jedediah  Dewey  wa?  called  to  the  pastorate 
of  the  Bennington  church  May  24,  1763,  removing 
from  NVestiielu,  2via.oS.  He  wf--;  one  of  the  prominent 
njen  in  the  history  of  early  Vermont,  being  a  most 
enthusiastic  patriot.  In  1770  he  was  indicted  at  Al- 
bany as  a  leader  in  the  land  coutroversy  with  Xew 
York  state,  and  in  1772  his  influence  with  Governor 
Tryon,  of  iN'eiv'  York,  brought  about  a  temporary  ces- 
satJOD  of  the  trouble.  Go  the  Sunday  preceding  the 
battle  of  Beunington,  he  preached  a  strong  Vv-ar  ser- 
mon, urging  his  people  to  go  and  fight  for  their 
country.  After  the  capture  of  Ticonderoga  he  eon- 
ducted  a  service  of  thanksgiving  which  Ethan  Allen 
aud  many  officers  from  Ticonderoga  attended. 
Jenuings  gives  several  anecdotes  showing  his  stern 
character.  On  one  occasion,  Ethan  Allen,  who  was 
an  infidel,  being  displeased  with  a  statement  made 
by  Mr.  Dewey  in  his  sermon,  was  leaving  the  meet- 
ing-house, when  Mr.  Dewey  pointed  at  him  and  said: 
*'Sit  down,  thoti  bold  blasphemer,  and  listen  to  the 
word  of  God."  Colonel  Allen  sat  down  and  listened. 
On  the  occa.5ion  of  the  thanksgiving  service  after  the 
taking  of  Ticonderoga,  Mr.  Dewey  was  interrupted  iu 
his  prayer,  in  which  he  was  giving  to  the  Lord  the 
glory  for  the  victory,  by  Colonel  Allen  shouting  out, 
"Parson  Dewey!  Parson  Dewey!!  Parson  Dewey!!! 
Please  mention  to  the  Lord  about  my  being  there.'' 



But  Mr.  Dewev  proceeded  without  taking  any  notice 
of  tiie  iuierruj)tion.  However,  Parson  Dewej  and 
Cojonel  Allen  were  good  friends,  and  ''if  he  had  any 
enemies,"  says  Jennings,  ''it  has  not  been  handed 
down."  His  first  wife  was  Mindwell  Hayden  Hop- 
kins (1712 — 1760),  of  Windsor,  Conn.,  whom  he  mar- 
ficd  Ai  gUfit  4,  173G,  and  by  whom  he  had  eight  chil- 

Mindweil,  November  29,  1737  (married  Captain 
Wei^;ht  Hopkins,  see  Hopkins  record). 

Lncy,  1739. 

Jedediah,  1742. 

Elijah.  November  28,  1744  (see  further  notice). 


Lucy  (2d),  :l  751. 

Maruaret,  1756  (married  Colonel  Joseph  Fay). 

Jt^etsey,  1759. 

Els  second  wife  was  Betty  Buck,  whom  he  mar- 
ried in  1761,  and  by  whom  he  had  six  children: 

Loan,  17G5. 

Tabitha,  1768. 

Julia,  1770. 

Claret,  1773. 

Phyana,  1775. 

Plina,  1778  (who  married  Anna,  daughter  of 
Colonel  Joseph  Safford). 

Betty  Buck  Dev/ey  died  June  29,  1792 

"Rev.  Jedediah  Dewey  died  Dec.  21, 1778,  at  Ben- 

Captain  Elijah  Dewey  (174^ — 1818),  son  of  Hex. 
JededUih  Dewey,  was  born  in  Westiield,  Ma^fs.,  No- 
vember 28,  1744,  and  died  in  Bennington  Octobet*  10, 
1818.  He  was  a  man  of  much  prominence  in  the  early 
affairs  of  the  state  and  was,  according  to  Jennings, 
next  to  Governor  Moses  Bobiuson,  the  wealthiest 
man  in  Bennington,  He  was  a  private  in  the  com- 
pany of  Captain  John  Fassett,  Sr,,  in  1764,  and  was 
captain  of  a  company  of  Green  Mountain  Boys  early 
in  the  revolution;  was  at  Mt.  independence  1776, 
Ticonderoga  in  1776  and  1777;    at  the  head  of  his 


CAPT.  T-^LrjAH  DEWEY  (1741-1818). 

coi'jnn.ny  in  ihe  ihici:  of  tbe  light  lit  BenningLon  Au- 
gust U'\  1V7T  and  Mt  Saratoga  when  Biirc^o^^ne  sur- 
rendered. Thomas  Jewelt,  a  brot liej'  of  Elaru  Jewett, 
the  grjuidfather  of  Johu  Parker  (see  elsewhere),  was 
his  second  lieutenant,  and  Xathaniel  Fillmore,  the 
^"[randfather  of  President  Fillmore,  was  his  ensign. 
The  Jewett  records,  as  well  as  numerous  histories, 
mention  Lieutenant  Jewett's  s<^r vices  at  the  battle 
of  Benninirton.  He  took  a  camp  kettle  full  of  powder 
and  dealt  it  out  to  the  men,  and  after  the  fate  of  the 
day  was  determined,  he  found  Colonel  Baum, 
mortally  wounded,  and  carried  him  under  a  tree. 
Re  retained  Colonel  Baum's  cap,  belt  and  sword. 
Captain  Elijah  Dewey's  three  daughters,  Sarah, 
Ruth  and  Lett v,  married,  according  to  Jennings, 
Deacon  Aaron  Hubbell,  Captain  3)[oses  Bobinson,  Jr., 
aua  Cojoixel  Boujnnrn  Fnssett=  refepeetively.  Colonel 
Fassett  was  brother  of  Captain  .Jonn  Fas^e^L,  Jr. 
Captain  Dewey  held  many  positions  of  trust,  the 
most  important  of  vdiich  was,  perhaps,  his  being  a 
member  of  the  Council  of  Censors,  in  1792  and  1799. 
The  Council  of  Censors  consisted,  according  to 
Thompson's  HistO'W  of  Vermont,  "of  thirteen  per- 
sons to  be  chosen  by  the  people  every  seventh  year," 
to  inquire  whether  the  constitution  had  been  pre- 
served inviolate,  etc.  "These  powers  they  may  exer- 
cise for  the  space  of  one  year  from  the  day  of  their 
election,  and  no  longer."' 

In  a  list  of  prisoners  taken  at  Quebec  in  1775 
the  name  of  Jedediah  Dewey  appears.  It  is  perhaps 
probnlde  that  Eev.  tTedecliah  Dewey's  son,  Jedediah 
(i7->2 — • ),  was  the  man  referred  to. 



OITX  FASSETT  (boru  probably  about  1620), 
_^  -  of  De.iharn,  was,  according  to  Savage's 
^  I  Genealogical  Dictionary,  Volume  II,  p.  147, 
^^->^  made  freeman  1651.  Nothing  is  said  of  his 
age  at  that  time,  or  of  whence  he  came,  or  when  h^ 
died.  As  Xathauiel,  Concord,  1666,  and  Patrick  are 
mentioned  in  the  same  paragraph,  there  is  no  doobt 
m  the  writer's  mind  but  that  this  John  was  Patrick's 
iaciitri.  ii uubon's  Hisiory  of  Lexiuo-ton,  :\iaRs.,  Gene- 
alo.cT^ical  Heo-ister,  p.  65,  states:  "The  Fasseits  came 
to  this  country  from  Scotland.  John  Fassett  was 
made  freeman  1651.  Nathaniel  Fassett  was  taxed 
jn  Concord  1666.  There  were  one  or  more  families  of 
this  name  in  Eillerica  at  an  earlv  day.''  Th^^re  has 
been  printed  a  Fassett  Geuealo-v,  but  the  most  dili- 
p-ent  research  in  the  markets  for  rare  books  ard  old 
genealo^'ies  and  town  histories  has  failed  to  hrino-  it 
to  light.  "'' 


^Patrick  Fassett  (born  probably  about  1615).  Sav- 
age's Gcnealofrjcal  Dictionary,  Volume  II,  p.  147 
i^tite^  xhax  he  was  of  "Maiden^  had  Joseph,  born  Oc- 
tober 16.2,  removed  to  Biilerica.^'  The  Genealoo-- 
.ical  Ke-ister,  Volume  V,  p.  173,  -jyos  a  tax-list  of 
biilcrica,  of  1679,  in  which  the  name  Patrick  ffacit 
(explained  to  be  Fassett)  appears.  TJie  records  of 
Hon.  Elias  Fassett,  of  Toledo,  O.,  show  Patrick  Fas- 
sett, to  have  boen  a  tax-payer  of  Biijerica  in  1670 'or 
ib<l,  and  that  lie  Had  three  sons,  Joli.n,  Josiah,  and 
Joseph.  (John  born  1G74  or  1673.  died  1736-7). 


In  the  In.  E,  Hist,  and  Gen,  Reg.,  Vol.  XYIl,  p. 
332,  we  find  a  certificate  of  '^Jonathan  Prescott  sen'r- 
and  Jonathan  Prescott,  Chirurgeons,"  that  "John 
Fa.ssit,  of  Concord,  is  incapable  of  service,  from  lame- 
ness,'' under  date  October  13,  1698,  This  probably 
lefers  to  John  Fassett,  son  of  Patrick  Fassett. 

Vol.  X,  p.  235,  same  authority,  mentions  Joseph 


Josiah  Fassett  (1674 ),  son  of  Patrick  Fas- 
sett.  Xothin_£j  seems  to  be  known  of  Josiah,  except 
that  he  Avas  born  at  Billerica  in  1GT4,  and  ^vas  the  son 
of  PnrricJj,  and  that  he  was  brother  to  John,  who 
bought  a  bible,  printed  in  London  in  IGll,  for  which 
he  pHid  £50.  The  wiiter  has  examined  this  Bible, 
which  is  still  m  an  excellent  state  of  preservatlou, 
and  is  the  property  of  Hon.  Elias  Fassett,  of  Toledo. 
The  records  contained  therein  are  faded,  but  quite 
legible.  The  bible  was  inherited  by  "John  Fassett, 
son  to  Josiah  Fassett." 

lu  the  N.  E.  Hist,  and  Gen.  Peg.,  VoL  XYIT,  p. 
331,  we  find  a  list,  signed  by  John  Lane,  of  the 
"names  of  the  troop  which  served  under  mr  com- 
mand to  the  relief  of  Dunstable,  July,  1,  1706.'''  The 
name  of  Josiah  Fassett  appears  in  the  list. 


Deacon  and  Captain  John  Fassett  (Sr.)  (1720 — 

1791),  son  ot  Josiah  Fi<ssett  (1671 ),  was  born 

in  East  Cambridge,  Mass.,  April  1,  1720.  Married 
JSLuy  V\\>lley  in  Bedford,  Mass.,  May  14,  1741.  Died 
in  Bennington,  Vt,,  August  12,  1794.^  His  children, 
who  will  be  mentioned  later  on,  were:  " 


John,  Jr.  (1743—1803). 









He  was  the  head  of  one  of  the  twenty  or  more 
f,axnilios  who  cjime  f;o  Benniiigton  in  the  summer  of 
17G1.  We  find  that  the  first  piiblle  meeting  of  the 
iov.n,  a  pi'oprietor's  meeting,  was  held  Febi'uarv  11, 
1TG2,  at  his  house,  for  he  kept  a  tavern,  and  he  was 
clerk,  not  only  of  the  meeting,  but  of  the  propriety. 
The  A'eimont  Ilistorioal  Magazine  states  that  he 
lived  one-half  mile  sonth  of  the  meeting-house,  kept 
tavern,  and  the  town  meetings  were  held  at  hi;v  house 
till  ITlH ,  when  they  were  at  the  meeting-house.  He 
was  captain  of  the  first  military  company  in  Ben- 
nington, which  was  probably  the  first  company  of 
resident  Vermonters  within  the  limits  of  the  present 
state.  From  this  it  may  possibly  be  inferred  that 
John  Fassett  (1720 — 1791)  liad  seen  military  service 
in  the  French  and  Indian  wars  and  was  selected,  in 
preifi  cticu  tu  viuex  >3cttiGro,  to  cCiiiinaiivj.  i\jc  Ben- 
nington military  by  reason  of  his  fitness  for  the  posi- 
tion. The  company  was  formed  about  the  time  of 
the  beginning  of  the  difficulties  with  New  York 
state.  The  roll  found  among  the  papers  of  Captain 
Elijah  Dewey  is  given  on  page  14G,  Vol.  I,  Vermont 
Historical  Magazine,  as  fojlows:  Muster  Koll  of  the 
first  company  of  ]!^[ilitia  in  the  luwn  of  Bennington, 
organized  October  24,  17C4. 

John  Fassatt,  Captain. 

James  Preakenridge,  Lieutenant. 

Klisha  Field,  linsign. 


Leonard  Robinson,  First  Sergeant. 

Samuel  Safibrd,  Second  Sergeant. 

Kbeneze;-  Wood,  Third  Sergeant. 
Henrj-  Walbridge,  Fourth  Sergeant. 


Benjamin  Whipple.  First  Corporal. 

John  Wood,  Second  Corporal. 

Samuel  Pratt,  Third  Corporal. 

Peter  Har^rood,  Fourth  Corporfcl. 

Bcsajsih  Story,  Diuininer. 



Timothy  Abbott. 
Jo  hi'.  Armstroiig:, 
IjibL'iiia  ArtBsliOE-T 
Joliu  Biiriihari., 
Wtfl.    Burnbam. 
John  Buruaam,  jr., 
David  Barnard, 
Levi  Castle, 
Nathan  Clark, 
Nathan  Clerk,  jr., 
Asa  Clark. 
Nathan  Ciark,  [jd], 
Isaac  C-U^.rk, 
Cornelius  C^dy, 
Johnson  Cleveland. 
Robert  C^ochraa, 
Samud  Cutler, 


l=a^c  ^"lavis, 
Klijah  Dewey, 
Kacch  Kastman, 
l.'avid  Fassett, 
John  Fassett,  [set], 
Jonathan  Fassett. 
Josiah  Fuller, 
Thomas  HcDderson. 
Z'iChariah  Harwood, 
Abm.  Newton, 
G«orge  Peiigry, 
Timothy  Pratt, 
Silas  Robinson, 
Moses  Robinson, 
Joseph  Richardson. 
Daniel  Kood, 
Betiajiih  Rood, 
David  Sadord, 

Joseph  Safiord, 
Jonathan  Scott, 
Matthew  Scott,, 
Moses  Scott, 
0!i%'er  vScott. 
P.liiaehRS  ?cott, 
Sauvuel  S''ott, 
John  Smith, 
Daniel  Scolt, 
John  Smith,  jr., 
Joseph  81:111  i.h. 
Thomas  S.njth. 
Elijah  Story,  Stiiry, 
Samuel  Ti:bbs, 
JoaepL  Vvickwire, 
Samuel  sVt;ght; 


Tr  i,c  n-)i>.  PstiT5g  to  nule,  -.-..  --->.-    .  — -^ — 

of  the  stirring  tlDies  tiiat  toiJowea  during  i.iie  uexi. 
quavter  ot  a  century,  what  prominent  ni.iiiiarT  and 
civil  positions  the  members  of  this  compiiny  gener- 
ally attained. 

'  That  Captain  John  Fassett,  Sr,  (1720—1704)  was 
a  man  of  some  prominence  in  Bennington  may  be  hi- 
fcTied  from  the  fact  that  his  name  appears  as  rep- 
resentative  of  the  town  in  the  first  u^gislature,  which 
Bat  in  Bei  nington  in  1778,  in  which  his  sou  John  was 
also  representative  from  Arlington.  Nothing  else 
seems  to  be  known  of  his  actions  during  the  revolu- 
tion or  alter,  but  of  one  thing  we  may  rest  assured, 
in  the  town  of  Bennington,  so  prorainent  for  its  devo- 
tion to  the  cause  of  American  independence,  no  man 
would  represent  the  people  in  the  legislature,  who 
was  not  a  true  and  recognized  patriot.  The  foliow- 
in,g  notice  of  Deacon  John  Fassett  (1T20-- •17&4)  in 
ta'ken  from  Jennings'  Eenningten:  ^ 

"His  name  is  upon  'the  old  church  covenant  ; 
and  he  was  one  of  the  merabers  of  the  Bennington 
church  at  its  organization,  and  the  first  clerk  of  che 
church.     He  took  a  leading  port  in  it3  affairs.     His 



name  constanrlv  occurs  upon  committees  of  busiaess 
in  the  cljurch,  from  its  commeii cement  and  through 
the  pastorates  of  the  Messrs.  DeYs'ey  and  Avery. 

"He  way  leader  of  the  choir,  and,  with  very  few 
exceptions,  the  leaders  of  the  choir,  through  the  first 
century,  have  been  from  among  his  descendants.  He 
removed  hither  from  Hardwiciv.  ^^lass.,  and  he"  was  a 
staunch  Separate,  in  principle  0  7jd  feeling,  through 
life.  A  common  saying,  which  has  been  handed 
down,  illustrates  his  punctuality  and  strictness  in 
religious  dudes:  'It  is  as  true  as  that  John  Fassett 
wil)  be  at  prayer-meeting  at  such  an  hour'." 

Jennings  gives  a  list  of  such  descendants  of 
Deacon  Fassett  as  were  leaders  of  the  Bennington 
church  choir.  They  were  Col,  Benjamin  Fassett, 
Col.  Jonathan  F.  Robinson,  Gen.  Henry  Robinson. 
il/eaeoii  joiiii  F.  Il'jbiiiC'jii,  J.  £c7nicur  ^Merrill  and 
John  Fay.  Further  mention  of  John  Fassett  (1720— 
1794)  will  be  made  in  the  chapter  on  Early  Ben- 


(1720— 1T94.) 

4^^*^  Alt  AH  FASSETT,  daughter  of  Captain  John 
W^     Fassett,    Sr.    (1720—179-1).      Dates   not   at 
^s^f     hand.     Married  Dr.  Jonas  Fay.     See  Fay 

Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.  (1743 — 1803),  son  of 
Captain  John  Fassert,  Sr.  (1720—1791).  See  chapter 
on  C:ipt'?.!>i  .^ohn  F^sweii,  Jr.,  abo  his  diary  in  latter 
part  of  this  booli. 

Captain  Jonathan  Fassett,  son  of  Captain  John 
Fassett,  Br.  (1720—1791).  Dates  not  at  hand.  His 
name  appears  frequently  in  "Governor  and  Council" 
as  a  captain.  He  was  a  delegate  several  tiinen 
from  Pittsford  and  a  signer  of  the  oeciar;;,- 
tioD.  for  the  cause  of  liberty  in  July,  1770. 
Capt.  Jonathan,  David  and  CoL  Benjamin  Fas- 
sett were  probably  among  the  first  commission- 
ers appointed.  V\e  tind  him  authorized,  on  Septem- 
ber 8, 1777,  to  procure  or  impress  ten  teams  for  trans 
porting  provisions  to  the  army,  and  on  November  2S, 
1777,  commissioned  to  sequester  tory  efl'ects.  On  Oc- 
tober 20,  1777,  February  2,  April  12  and  June  12,  we 
find  records  of  him  as  a  member  of  the  Board  of  '\Var 
foe  Vermont,  and  mention  is  made  of  him  January"  4, 
1781,  as  "late  commissioner  of  purchases.''  On  Feb- 
ruary 22, 17S2,  the  Board  of  War,  of  which  Capt.  John 
Fassett,  Jr.,  was  then  secretary,  recommended  '"that 
the  fort  at  Pittsford  be  lemo^'ed  to  Captain  Jonathan 
Fassett's  hoiise.'- 

He  was,  however,  expelled  from  the  house  of  rep- 
resentatives, on  motion  of  Captain  Elijini  Dewey> 
February  28,  1787.  We  find  in  A'olume  fli,  p.  36G_. 


the  fojiovring  in  regard  to  hiui:  "He  was  one  of  the 
earlj  settlers,  a  large  land  holder,  quite  loquacious, 
took  a  promiuent  part  in  the  transaction  of  the  public 
business;,  an  J,  up  to  this  date,  appears  to  have  had 
the  coniiaence  ol'  his  townsmen,  by  reason  or  which 
he  had  three  times  represented  them  in  the  Gerieral 
Assembly  of  the  state,  and  had  but  recently  been 
elected  for  a  i'ourth  term.  lie  had  also  held  the  office 
of  justice  of  the  peace  and  county  judge."  It  seems 
the  cause  of  his  expulsion  from  thi'  house  was  that 
he  haa  incited  a  riot  Y\'hereby  the  court  of  common 
pleas  at  AMndsor  was  seriously  interfered  with,  ne- 
cessitating the  calling  out  of  the  militia. 

Mrh..  Clerk  and  Mr.  James  Follett  (1811)  both 
remember  Capiain  Jonathan  Fassett.  He  was  a  tall 
man,  long  featured,  and  had  a  strong  temper,  per- 
haps C'Lv  [0  hi.^  ilij.:;ti_cicil  r'iver'^O'?  ?.i}'l  h^^  fr>/iKiA 
health  in  old  age.  He  visited  much  among  his 

David  Fassett,  son  of  Capt.  John  Fassett,  Sr. 
(1720-1791:).  Dates  not  at  hand.  The  only  records 
conceriiing  him  which  are  at  hand  are  two  vrrits 
issued  by  order  of  the  Council  August  2S  and  29, 
1777,  to  seize  certain  property  of  tories,  and  on  Sep- 
tember 6,  1777,  a  permit  to  take  two  men  from  the 
guard-house  on  September  8,  signed  by  Thomas  Chit- 
tenden. He  evidently  had  some  heavy  farm  work  to 
do  and  took  advantage  of  the  tory  prisoners  taken  at 
the  battle  of  Bennington  on  August  16. 

Dr.  Nathan  Fassett,  son  of  John  Fassett,  Sr. 
(1720—1794).  Ko  dates  at  hand.  He  was  undoubt- 
edly in  Warner's  regiment  on  the  first  expedition  to 
Canada,  as  will  appear  in  the  diarv  of  Capt.  John 
Fasseit,  Jr.  (1743— 1S03). 

'\\.  ''  ISO  ,      . 



Judge  Amos  Fasscti  ( — ISlOj,  son  oi!  Capt 

John  Faaseii,  Sr.  (ITliO— ITOi).-  Xo  dates  at  liaud. 
His  name  appears  in  ''Governor  and  CouiicH"  as 
assistant  judge  foi'  several  years.  He  removed 
to  Cambridge  in  178i,  as  vrili  appear  iu  tlie 
chapter  on  iOariy  Cambridge.  He  removed  to 
EnosDurgJA  in  iSOO,  lAvo  of  bis  sons  were  in 
the  company  ol'  Captain  Jiartin  Dewey  Foliett  (1705 
— ISoi)  in  the  war  oi  1812.  Hemenway's  Ver- 
mont Historical  Gazetteer,  p.  112,  mentions 
"Anna  Fassett,  a  widow  lady.  Her  husband,  Judge 
Amos  I'assett,  died  in  1810,  vxdiile  attending  court 
at  St.  Albans.  Had  twelve  children,"  Was  judge  of 
county  court  1803 — 180u — 1809. 

d.aughtr-!-  of  John  Fasseit,  Sr. 
(1720 — 1< b)ij.  I.>o  uaico  at  hand.  S^^-^  T>inrried  Judge 
Jonathan  Kobinson.    See  Eobinson  records. 

Colonel  Benjamin  Fassett,  son  of  Cax)tain  John 
Fassett,  Sr.  (1720 — 1791),  is  mentioned  frequently 
and  was  a  man  of  much  prominence.  The  pari  icuhirs 
of  his  military  service  are  not  at  hand.  Jennings  says 
he  came  to  Bennington  with  his  father  in  17G1,  was 
for  some  years  leader  of  the  choir,was  commissary 
in  the  revolution,  served  in  other  capacities  Id  civil 
and  military  life,  was  an  active  business  man,  and 
died  in  Bennington,  leaving  numerous  descendants. 
His  first  wife  was  Betty,  daughter  of  Captain  Elijah 
Dewey,  by  whom  he  had  Betsey  (Mrs.  Uriah  Edger- 
ton),  Sarah  and  Pvuth  (Mrs.  Samuel  Fay,  mother  to 
Samuel,  Benjamin  and  John  Fay).  His  second  wife 
was  Mrs.  Hetty  Alvah,  by  whom  he  had  Benjamin 
Schenck,  Adeline  (Mrs.  Edw.  H.  Swift)  and  Mary 
(Mrs.  Eev.  Gordon  Hayes). 

Hannah  Fassett,  daughter  of  Capt.  John  Fassett, 
Sr.  (1720—1791),  united  with  the  church  17S-L  Xo 
other  records  at  hand. 



^'APTAIN  JOHN  FASSETT,  JE.,  (1743- 
lS03)j  oldest  son  of  Captain  aud  Deacon 
Johu  Fassett,  Sr.,  (1720 — 1794),  was  born 
in  Rardwick,  Mass.,  June  3,  1743,  removed 
to  Bennington  in  17G1,  married  in  1764  Hannah  Saf- 
ford  (1746 — 1810),  daughter  of  Deacon  Joseph  Saf- 
ford  (1705 — 1775);  and  removed  to  Cambridge,  1784, 
where  he  died  Apni  2,  1803.  His  children,  of  whom 
mention  will  bo  made  later,  were: 

Sarah  (1705 ). 

Persis  (17G7--1S49). 

John  (1769—1853). 

Eiias  (1771 ). 

Susannah   (1776 ). 

Joseph  (177S- ). 

Cheliis  (1 781 ). 

Hannah  (1785 ). 

Susannah  (17SS ). 

The  following  biographical  notice  appears  in 
Vol.  T.I-  page  2,  Records  of  the  Governor  and  Cor.ncil 
of  Veruioni;,  an  ot^cial  ijuoLicadon  of  the  state: 

'*John  Fasi^ott,  Jr.,  was  born  in  Hardvrick, 
Mass.,  June  3,  1743,  and  came  to  Bennington  with 
his  father,  Deacon  and  Captain  John  Fassett,  in 
1761:  removed  to  Arlington  in  1777,  and  to  Cam 
bridge  in  17S4.  Few  men  were  more  constantly  in 
public  service  than  Jo}in  Fassett,  Jr.  He  was  lieu- 
tenant in  \Varner's  First  Begiment,  In  1775,,  and 
captiiin  in  Warner's  Secoad,  in  1770.  In  1777  he 
was  one  of  the  commissioners  of  sequestration,  and, 
with  Gov.  Chittenden  and  Matthew  Lyon,  successful 


ill  subduing  Ike  lories  of  Arlinpion.  He  was  elected 
representatiTe  of  Arlington  iii  the  General  Assembly 
for  1778  and  1779,  and  for  Cambridge  in  ITS!  and 
representative  of  Arlington  in  the  General  Assembly 
1788.  1790  and  1791;  though  in  1779,  17S7  and  17SS, 
and  1790  and  1791,  he  \YawS  also  elected  Councillor. 
He  served  in  each  oiiice  portions  of  the  time.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Council  in  1779  and  until  1795, 
with  the  exception  of  17S(> — fifteen  years.  Tie  was 
judge  of  the  Superior  Court  from  its  organization  in 
177S  until  17S6 — eight  vears;  and  chief  judge  of 
Chittenden  County  Court  from  1787  unrii  1704— 
seven  years." 

The  Council  of  Vermont  ^'as  an  institution  pe- 
culiar to  that  state,  where  there  was  no  state  sen ate. 
and  where  every  organized  town  was  entitled  to  a 
represeuLaLivt  m  the  general  assembly.  Thompson, 
In  his  history  of  Vermont,  says :  "Tlie  supreme  execu- 
tive power  is  vested  in  a  governor,  lieutenant  gover- 
nor, and  a  council  of  twelve  persons,  who  are  chosen 
annually  by  the  freemen  on  the  first  Tuesday  of  Sep- 
tember, and  meet  with  the  general  assembly  in  Oc- 
tober. They  are  to  com.mission  all  olncers,  etc.  *  * 
The  governor  is  captain  general  and  commander  in- 
chief  of  all  the  forces  of  the  state,  but  cannot  com- 
mand in  person  unless  advised  thereto  by  the  coun- 
cil, and  then  only  so  long  as  they  shall  approve.  *  * 
The  governor  and  council  have  no  negative  on  the 
house.,  but  they  have  power  to  suspend  the  passing 
of  any  bill  until  the  next  session  or  the  legislature." 
Thus  it  may  be  seen  that  an  election  to  the  Council 
was  quite  an  honor,  and  pvobablv  carried  with  ii: 
some  influence.  The  name  of  John  Fassett,  Jr., 
appears?  continually  on  all  sorts  of  committees,  etc., 
in  the  Kecords  of  the  Governor  and  Council  during 
the  many  years  in  which  he  was  a  member  of  the 
Council.  He  was  also  member  of  the  Board  of  War 
for  R  time,  his  name  appearing  a  number  of  times  in 
that  connection,  several  times  as  secretary. 

The  first  military  service  of  John  Fass^ett,  Jr., 
of  which  we  have  any  record,  was  as  a  private  in  his 


CAFT.  JOHN  FASSETT,  Jb.  (17434805). 

father's  company  in  1764.  at  the  beginning  of  the 
troubles  vrith  X^w  Yorl:  F^tatr.  In  the  revolution  he 
v/as  one  of  the  "Green  Mountain  Boys",  liis  name 
appeaj-'iiig  in  the  Vermont  histories  as  ranldno-  fir«t 
lieutenant  (in  Captain  Weight  Bopkius'  company) 
of  Lieut.  Col.  Seth  Vraruer's  regiment,  which  Y>'as 
raised,  under  advice  of  the  Continental  Congress,  in 
1776,  for  service  in  Canada.  It  is  possible  that  he 
was  one  of  the  "Bennington  Mob",  who  took  Ticon- 
deroga.  as  will  appear  in  the  chapter  on  Early  Ben- 
nington. The  ofiicial  cei-tificate  of  his  military  serv- 
ice is  here  given,  from  which  it  vvill  be  readify  seen 
that  nothing  definite  can  be  obtained  in  regard'to  hi:^ 
exact  whereabouts  and  military  services  during  the 
greater  part  of  the  revolntion. 

StAI'E  Ot'  Vt^r^iont, 
Adjut.\nt  axd  IxsnocTorv  Gene-ral's  Office, 
BuklcnGtox,  Dcccmher  7,  1893. 
I  hereby  certify  that  the  folov/ing  is  a  correct 
transcript  from  the  records  on  file  in  this  office,  re- 
garding soldiers  who  served  in  the  Revolationary 
AYar.    Extract  from  a  Pay  Eoll  it  appears  that  Joh'n 
Fassett,  Jr.,  was  appointed  at  Dorset  July  20,  1775, 
1st  Lieutenant  in  Captain  Wait  Hopkins'  First  Com- 
pany in  Lieut.  Col.  Seth  Warner's  i Regiment,  and 
promoted  Captain  in  1770.     He  was  also  promoted 
in  October  1777,  as  Commissary  to  the  Hospital  at 
Bennington.     The  length  of  his  service  is  not  given 

(Signed)  T.  S.  Peck, 

[Seal  of  Vermont.]  Adj't  and  Insp'r  Geu'l, 

In  Ibese  days  we  would  think  it  impossible  for  a 
man  to  hold  a  commission  in  the  military  service  and 
sit  in  a  legislature  or  hold  other  public  office  at  the 
same  time.  Numerous  instances  have  been  observed 
by  the  writer  of  men  who  held  milit;iry  commissions 
in  the  continental  army  while  they  were  members  of 
Congress  or  state  legislatures.  In  the  case  of  John 
Fassett,  Jr.,  we  find  him  filling  several  positions  at 



tlie  sam<'  time,  beiug  a  nrilitary  officer,  iiiember  of  the 
legioiature,  Councii,  Board  of  War,  Commissioner  of 
Betiuestvation,  judge  of  Rupreme  Court,  etc.,  possibly 
not  rll  at  the  same  time,  but  certainly'  holding  sev- 
eral of  these  positions  at  once,  on  several  occasions. 

The  story  of  the  expedition  of  Warner's  regiment 
of  Green  Mountain  Boys  to  Montreal  will  be  related 
in  detail  by  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  himself  hi  his  diary, 
vvliich  appears  toward  the  end  of  this  volume.  The 
Vermont  Historical  ilagazine,  VoL  1,  p.  loi,  says  of 
this  expedition:  "Among  the  important  services 
performed  by  this  regiment  was  the  decisive  defeat 
of  General  Carleton  at  Longaiel,  which  prevented 
his  furnishing  relief  to  St.  John's  and  caused  Its  im- 
mediate surrender  and  also  the  abandonment  of 
Montreal  to  the  Amf^noan  forces  under  General 
Montgomery.  'ihciip^Oxi  ^.ays  of  Ih'-?  mohlov.f:  "Tn 
pursuance  of  this  design,  Carleton  embarked  his 
troops"  (about  one  thousand,  according  to  HalFs  de- 
tailed account,  p.  217,  Hall's  History)  "at  Montreal 
with  the  view  of  crossing  the  St.  Lawrence  and 
larding  at  Longuiel.  Their  embarkation  was  ob- 
served by  Colonel  Seth  Warner,  from  the  opposite 
shore,  who,  with  300  Green  Mountain  boys,  watched 
their  motions  and  prepared  for  their  approach. 

Just  before  they  reached  the  soutli  shore  Warner 
opened  upon  them  a  well-directed  and  incessant  tire 
of  musket-^y  and  grape-shot  f]"om  a  four-pounrier,  by 
which  unexpected  assault,  the  enemy  were  thrown 
into  the  greatest  confusion,  and  soon  retreated  with 
precipit?i.tion  and  disorder.  *  *  *  The  garrison  (at 
St.  eTohn's)  laid  down  their  arms  on  the  -^d  of  Xo- 
A'ember,  marched  out  of  the  works  and  became  pris- 
oners of  war  to  the  number  of  .500  regulars  and  more 
than  100  Canadian  volunteers.  General  Montgomery 
treated  them  with  the  greatest  politeness  and  had 
them  conveyed  by  the  As-ay  of  Ticonderoga  into  the  in- 
terior of  New  England."  Captain  Fassett,  in  his 
diary,  did  not  seem  to  ay>preciate  the  importance  of 
this  affair,  not  being  in  a  position  to  observe  at  once 
the  eilect. 


CAPT.  JOIi^'  FASBETT,  Jr.  (3743-1803). 

Gov.  nilai'd  Hall  says  in  his  liistory :  "Yv'arner's 
regiment,  having  served  as  volunteers^  and  the  men 
bojng:  too  miserably  clothed  to  endure  a  wioter  cam- 
paign in  that  severe  climate,  w^re  honorably  dis- 
charged on  the  20ih  of  November  and  returned  lo 
their  liomeB.'-  We  then  find  the  follovring  in  the 
Vermont  Historical  Mapizine;  "After  Montgom- 
ery's defeat,  Vv^arner's  reiiiiiient,  but  a  few  Aveehs  be- 
fore honorably  discharged,  was  again  assembled  and 
marched  immediately  to  Quebec  and  endured  the 
hardships  and  perils  of  a  winter  campaign,  bringing 
up  the  rear  of  the  retreating  array  in  the  ensuing 
spring."  It  seems  unfortunately  true  that  there 
exists  no  list  of  either  the  oitlcers  or  the  soldiers  of 
this  regiment.  This  must  be  the  regiment  referred 
to  in  the  biographical  sl^etch  of  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  ^n 
■'vjiwYL-jLiioi  and  Council,"  as  "V^arner's  flecond  in 
1776."  in  which  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  was  captain. 
Hon.  Elias  Fassett,  of  Toledo,  Ohio,  in  a  letter  re- 
ferring to  the  diary  of  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  says: 

"At  that  time  he  returned  to  lienningtor,  raid  en- 
listed for  the  war,  and  was  made  captain.  The  diary 
kept  by  him  for  the  later  period  was  burned  at  the 
time  his  house  was  burned.  He  had  command  of 
Fort  TN'inooski,  near  Burlington,  but  T  have  nothing 
as  to  the  date."  The  second  part  of  the  diary  rrlght 
have  been  of  great  historical  value  had  it  been  pre- 
served, on  account  of  the  lack  of  records  of  Warner's 
Second  regiment.  There  seems  to  have  been  one  entry 
in  it  preserved,  thp  first,  In  vv'hich  we  are  told  thatCao- 
tainFassett  did  accompany  the  regiment  on  its  second 
expedition  to  Canada.  The  experiences  of  that  dis- 
astrous campaign,  when  at  one  time  two-thirds  of 
the  American  army  were  down  vrith  the  small-pox, 
and  when  one  defeat  seemed  to  follow  another,  often 
short  of  x>"ovisions  and  once  losing  their  baggage, 
were  undoubtedly  set  forth  in  that  part  of  the  diary 
which  fire  has  forever  sealed. 

In  "Governor  and  Council,"  Vol.  I,  pp.  123  and 
12i,  Captain.  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  is  mentioned  as  being 



^    '"-A 

■37       -^i^^^ 


with  his  company  in  a  block-house  at  Jericho.  The 
rr\<^T)  abindoiied  it  on  the  retreat  of  the  Continental 
forces  from  Canada,  and  the  olflcers  of  the  company 
v.^ere  phiced  under  arre>st,  tried  for  co^Yardice,  con- 
victed and  cashiered  by  General  Gates.  It  is  evident 
from  what  follows  in  the  history  of  Lieutenant  Lyon 
that  a  subsequent  investigation  must  have  been 
made  and  that  the  ofiicers  were  cleared  and  re-iu- 
stated.  These  ofdcers,  Fassett,  Lyon  and  Vv'right, 
Rre  mentioned  as  having  served,  at  Onion  Tliver  in 
j.776.  We  have  no  positive  record  that  John  Fassett, 
Jr.,  was  re-instated  after  being  ca^^hiered,  but  we 
may  rest  assured  that  no  officer  v/ho  hrid  been  cash- 
iered and  not  re-instated  would  receive  liis  pay,  and 
we  will  show  that  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  did  receive  his 
pav.  On  page  :I00.  Vol.  I,  "Governor  and  Council," 
vv.n..d  the  following: 

'Mune  25,  1776,,  Congress  bad  resolved  that  a 
colonel's  commission  be  immediately  issued  to  Major 
Dubois,  vrith  instructions  forthwith  to  raise  a  regi- 
ment to  serve  for  three  years,  or  during  the  war,  and 
that  the  corps  of  olYicers  be  composed  of  such  as  have 
served  with  credit  in  Canada;  no  officer  to  receive 
his  commission  until  iiis  company  be  raised  and 
armed;  the  ovm^,  of  the  people  enlisting  themselves, 
to  be  valued  by  the  committees  of  the  counties,  where 
the  companies  are  raised,  and  paid  for  by  the  con- 
tinent, on  their  being  mustered.  This  was  followed, 
July  5.  177G,  by  the  following:" 

^'Resolved,  That  a  regiment  be  raised  out  of  the 
officers  who  served  in  Canada,  on  the  same  terms  on 
which  the  repjm.ent  to  be  commanded  by  Colonel 
Dubois,  h^  to  be  raised;  and  that  the  following  per- 
sons be  appointed  officers  of  the  said  regiment: 

Peth  Warner,  colonel. 

F^amuel  ^afford,  lieutenant  colonel. 

Elisha  Painter,  major. 

Wait  TTopkins.  John  Grant,  Gideon  Brownson,  Angel,  Simeon  Smith,  Joshua  Stanton, 
[Abner]  Secly,  Jacob  Yosboroug,  captairis, 


CAPT    JOHN  FAPSETT,  Jk,  (1743-3 S03\ 

John  Allen,  Fuwsett  [John  Fassett,  Jr.], 

[EbG^-'orerl  Walbrid<?e,  [William]  Dean,  James  Gold. 
— —  Sill,  Ebenezer  Hide,  Gamaliel  Painter,  tlrst  lieu- 

Ebenezer  Beaumont,  adj iitant.  Journals  of  Con- 
gress 1T7C,  Vol.  2,  pp.  219,  234." 

This  regiment  continued  in  service  daring  the 
war,  although  it  is  evident  the  officers  and  men  Avere 
not  on  duty  constantly.  It  must  have  been  composed 
to  a  certain  extent  of  about  the  same  ofilcers  and  men 
as  those  who  first  formed  it,  and  although  Ethan 
Allen  wrote  of  them  after  his  defeat  in  election  for 
lieutenant  colonel  in  1775,  "Tlic  old  farmers  on  the 
Now  Hampshire  Grants  who  do  not  incline  to  go  to 
war'*  (see  Henry  Hall's  Life  of  Ethan  Allen,  p.  99), 
''thev   made    a    grand   regiment    and    served   their 

'      -  '  ■        -,.    •    ^  ,  :  J-V  ^— ."It... 

In  "Governor  and  Council"  we  find  an  order 
issued  to  "Captain  John  Fassett,"  in  regard  to  a 
"pottash  kettle  for  the  Hessiaiis  to  cook  in";  also  ia 
connection  with  the  suggestion  of  his  name  for  some 
public  duty  "But  with  his  military  duties,  and  the 
exaction  oi  his  time  and  energies  as  Commissioner 
of  Sequestration,  he  had  full  enough  to  do."  The 
order  in  regard  to  the  "pottash  kettle"  must  have 
been  issued  at  about  the  time  when  be  "was 
promoted  in  October  1777,  as  Commissary  to  the 
Hospital  at  Bennington,"  as  mentioned  in  the  cer- 
tificate'of  the  Adjutant  General  of  Vermont.  The 
extract,  "But  with  his  military  duties,"  etc.,  shows 
that  he  was  evidently  in  the  military  service  while 
acting  as  Commissioner  of  Sequestration.  From 
these  extracts  it  might  be  inferred  that  he  was  with 
Warner's  regiment  at  the  battle  of  Bennington,  al- 
though the  regiment  seems  to  have  been  consider- 
ably broken  up  at  that  time,  a  large  portion  of  it 
being  on  detached  service. 

There  seems  to  be  a  misunderstanding  of  histor- 
ians as  to  the  part  Warner's  regiment  played  in  the 
battle.     The  conclusion,  however,   is  that  Colonel 



Warner  was  in  per^^ou  with  General  Stark  tiiruugh- 
out  the  battle,  and  that  his  regiDient,  which  was  at 
Manohesier  under  copimaiul  of  Lieutenant  Colonel 
Samuel  Sailord,  was  marched  froiu  Manchester,  in 
conipliance  with  an  order  sent  by  courier  from  Crcn- 
eral  Stark  to  Lieutenant  Colonel  Safford,  an-iviui;- 
on  the  tieJd  in  time  to  drive  back  Lieutenant  Colonel 
Breyman's  Grenadiers  who  had  just  arrived  and 
were  slowly  giving  Stark's  men  the  worst  of  it.  It  is 
the  opinion  of  the  writer,  who  has  failed  to  lind, 
after  considerable  research,  any  proof  that  Captain 
John  Fassett,  Jr..  was  or  was  not  with  his  regiment, 
that  he  Avas  with  this  regiment  not  only  at  the  battle 
of  Bennington,  but  probably  also  during  tlie  very 
hard  service  which  it  had  been  through  a  few  weeks 
previous.  Tliompson's  History  of  Vermont  gives 
\ci\  cliiiLiI/  ""^^  f'or^ord  of  that  magnificent  regiment 
of  '-Green  Mountain  Boys."  In  speaking  of  the  re- 
treat from  the  unfortunate  affairs  of  Mt.  Inde- 
pendence and  Gubbardton,  Thompson  says  that  the 
rear-guard  was  placed  under  con:imand  of  Colonel 
Seth  Warner,  July  6,  1777,  consisting  of  his  own 
and  two  other  regiments,  but  one  of  the  colonels  be- 
coming alarmed  at  his  position,  withdrew,  leaving 
Warner  with  his  own  and  Colonel  Francis'  regi- 
ments, about  SOO  men,  v\-hen  he  was  attacked.  *'The 
conflict  was  fierce  and  bloody.  Francis  fell  at  the 
liead  ctf  his  regiment,  fighting  v/ith  great  resolution 
and  bravely.  Warner,  well  supported  by  his  officers 
and  men,  charged  the  enemy  vrith  such  impetuosily 
and  bravery  tliat  they  ^^ere  thrown  into  disorder.'' 
But  British  reinforcements  arrived  and  the  Ameri- 
cans, overpowered  and  exhaustod,  were  routed. 

In  the  Vermont  Historical  Society  Collections, 
Vol.  I,  p.  207,  General  Stark's  letter  to  General  Gates 
in  regard  to  the  battle  of  Bennington  says;  "I  can- 
not particularize  any  ofncer,  as  they  all  behaved  with 
the  greatest  spirit  and  bravery.  Colonel  Warners 
superior  skill  in  the  action  was  of  extraordinary  serv- 
ice to  rae.  I  would  be  glad  if  lie  and  his  men  could  be 
recommended  to  Congress." 


CAPT.  JOHN  FA5STCTT,  Jk.  (1745-18031. 

Hon.  Hirain  Carlcton,  president  of  the  Vermont 
Historical  Society,  writes,  under  date  of  November 
30, 1S95:  "As  to^vhetiier  Captaiu  John  Fasselt,  Jr., 
was  nctiialj.'  at  the  battle  of  Bennington  it  is  hard  to 
say.  There  is  a  record  in  our  Adjuto.nt  General's 
office  showing  that  he  was  Commissary  to  the  Gen- 
eral Hospiral  b}''  appointment  of  Council  of  Safety 
and  General  Lincoln  from  October  3d  to  November 
6th.  1777,  both  days  included,  one  month  three  days, 
at  forty  dollars  per  month,  etc.,  the  whole  amountiny: 
to  fifty-liTe  and  six-ninths  dollars.  He  also  served 
from  July  19ch  to  December  1st,  1776  in  the  north, 
captain  of  an  independent  company,  four  months  and 
twelve  days,  his  pay  amounting  to  one  hundred  and 
seventeen  and  one-seventh  dollars."  It  was  probably 
durinji;  this  per'od  of  s^^^i'^ic^'  that  he  "^'as  ca-rhiered 
a£ku  i'CiLiSLci  cc't-i.  "■  i  iie  iOi'Cpoin^  uyc  tiic  oi-u^i  l•-^^^.>xvJ."3 
of  service  in  the  Adjutant  General's  ofiice.  As  yov; 
tnow.  Vermont  had  not  become  fully  orsranized  as  a 
state  until  about  1778  and  the  records  before  that 
time  are  scanty.  There  is,  however,  a  roll,  more  or 
less  complete,  of  Colonel  Warner's  command  in  1777, 
but  the  nanie  of  Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  does  not 
appear."  This  is  by  no  means  evidence  that  he  was 
not  in  this  regiment  at  that  time,  as  we  know  that 
the  reel  men  t  was  often  reduced  to  half  its  strength 
by  detachment  Mr.  Carleton  adds,  after  speaking  of 
Warner  and  his  first  expedition  to  Canada,  "He  was 
again  called  out  by  General  Wooster  in  January, 
1776,  and  served  until  July,  1776.  He  was  then  made 
colonel  and  Rafford  lieutennnt  colonel  of  the  regi- 
ment, and  the  militia  of  the  New  Hampshire  Grants 
was  generady  called  out  to  m.eet  the  invasion  of  Gen 
eral  Carleton.  At  this  time,  no  doubt.  Captain  John 
Fassett's  independent  company  served  as  before 

Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  was  a  member  of  tiio 
Commitiee  of  Snfety  on  October  20,  1777,  hut  how 
long  before  or  after  that  date  he  served  on  that 
committee  we  do  not  know.    Ttecord  is  found  of  him 



as  Commissary  to  the  Hospital  at  Bennington  Oc- 
tober 4j  1777.  This  hospital  must  have  been  no 
small  aifair  at  that  time,  right  alter  such  a  terrible 
battle,  and  with  such  an  enormous  number  of  pris- 
oners and  wounded  on  hand. 

We  also  find  record  of  his  actions  as  Commis- 
sioner 01  Sequestration  as  early  as  January  3,  1778. 
The  Vermont  Historical  Gazetteer  states  that  when 
Chittenden,  l.yon  and  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  moved  to 
.'^•lington,  about  fifteen  miles  north  of  Bennington, 
to  take  possession  of  property  confiscated  from 
lories,  '^Captain  Fassett  took  Bisco's  house"  and 
that  '"Ethan  Allen  was  the  neighbor  of  Fassett. '^ 
xUlen  had  not  long  been  returned  from  his  captivity. 

John  Fassett,  Jr.,  appears  as  one  of  the  several 
judges  of  th(^  supreme  court  of  Vermont  for  eight 
0UCCC0.3X /v,  J  ^a.;:  beginning  17"R  At  nr;.o  tiiue  he  was 
one  of  a  committee  of  four  to  look  at  the  territory 
claimed  by  Vermont  of  the  Hudson  river. 

He  was  a  member  of  the  committee  which  car- 
ried on  the  famous  secret  negotiations  with  the 
British  General  Raldimand,  by  which,  says  Jen- 
nings, "The  operations  of  the  enemy  were  paralyzed, 
and  tlie  northern  frontier  protected  from  invasion 
during  the  last  three  years  of  the  war."  The  other 
members  of  the  committee  were  Governor  Thomas 
Chittenden,  Governor  Moses  Robinson,  General 
Samuel  Safford,  Colonel  Ethan  Allen,  Ira  Allen,  Tim 
Brownson  and  Colonel  Joseph  Fay.  Their  actions, 
a  complete  account  of  which  may  be  found  in  Vol.  II, 
Vermont  Historical  Society  Collections,  350  pages  of 
which  are  devoted  to  the  Haldimand  papers,  in  much 
of  Volume  II,  ^'Governor  and  Council/'  and  in  the 
last  hundred  pages  of  small  print  in  Vol.  II,  Vermont 
Historical  Gazetteer,  were  of  a  secret  nature  and 
some  few  persons  accused  the  members  of  the  cora- 
mittee  of  conspiracy  and  treason.  But  Governor 
Hilaud  Hail,  in  his  Early  History  of  Vermont,  p.  iG3, 
in  speaking  of  these  accusations,  says  of  John  Fas- 
sett, Jr.:    *'rie  had  numerous  infiuential  family  con 


CAPT.  JOHN  TASSETT,  Jr.  (1:-13-]803). 

nections,  who,  with  himself,  were  well  known  tor 
their  attachment  to  the  cause  of  their  country." 

The  name  of  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  occurs  frequently 
i'i  the  proceedings  and  papers  of  the  committee. 
The  object  of  this' committee  was  to  apparently  ar- 
range an  exchange  of  prisoners,  but  under  the  sur- 
face there  was  a  deep-laid  plot,  kuoAvn  only  to  the 
committee,  the  v>-orking3  of  which  were  at  times  of 
the  most  thrilling  and  sensational  nature,  and  upou 
the  final  success  of  which  depended  the  recognition 
uf  Vermont  bv  Consjress.  On  one  occasion  we  find 
(GoYornor  and  Council,  Vol.  II,  p.  130)  the  Governor, 
John  Fassett,  Jr.,  and  one  or  two  other  members  of 
this  committee  juggling  letters  just  arrived  from  the 
frontier,  which  thcrassembled  populace  vrere  clamor- 
ing to  have  read  to  them  while  Ethan  Allen,  to  divert 
ti-icxi  dttcxxlion,  picked  up  a  pretended  quarrel  wi.h 
on  oificer,  which  lasted  long  enough  to  give  time  in 
which  the  other  gentlemen  could  re-write  the  tetters, 
leading  out  such  parts  as  contained  secret  informa- 
tion for  the  committee.  The  limits  of  this  book  will 
admit  of  but  brief  glances  at  the  events  of  this  justly 
celebrated  aud  most  important  period  in  the  history 
of  the  State, 

Ira  Allen  said  of  the  Yermonters  at  this  lime: 
"They  hate  Congress  like  the  devil,  and  have  not  yet 
a  very  good  opinion  of  Britain."  To  appreciate  the 
full  meaning  of  this  remark,  one  m.ust  read  carefully 
the  shaiiieftil  abuse  heaped  upon  the  infant  State  of 
Vermont  by  Congress,  who  refused  to  acknowledge 
her  independence,  by  New  Yorlv,  who  still  claimed 
jurisdiction  over  the  New  liaivipshire  Grants  and 
was  e:  erling  a  powerful  influence  in  Congress 
against  Vermont,  aud  by  Xevr  Hampshire,  Connecti- 
cut and  Massacliusetts,  who  were  sooner  or  later 
dragged  into  the  quarrel.  A  powerful  British  aruiy 
was  on  the  north.  Congress  offered  no  assistance  in 
keeping  this  array  out  of  Vermont,  and  Xew  York 
was,  according  to  Thompson,  urging  upon  Congress 
**the  necessity  Of  immedia^"ely  recalling  the  commis- 
sions given  to  Colonel  V/arner  and  the  othcers  under 


him,  as  an  ;.vCt  of  just  ice  to  New  York,  and  aa  the 
mean^J  of  opejiing  the  ejaa  of  the  'deluded  people'  on 
the  grants,  \sho  had  set  up  a  separate  jurisdictioi), 
dJid  were  do^v  desiring  Congress  to  sanction  their 
iliogal  proceedings.  Tbey  represented  the  influence 
of  ^^''arne^  as  very  inconsiderable,  even  in  the  disaf- 
fected districts,  and  that  liis  serviceiii  were  a  matter 
of  no  consequence  to  the  country."  It  required  men 
of  peculiar  stability  and  judgment  to  take  such  abuse 
as  that,  not  only  once,  but  right  along,  and  not  listen 
to  tlie  flattering  overtures  that  General  Haldiniaud 
was  continually  making,  in  an  effort  to  secure  Ver- 
mont as  an  independent  British  province  of  Canada. 
We  must  not  lose  sight  of  the  fact  that  during  this 
period  of  almost  three  years,  a  large  army  was  at 
General  Ilaldimand's  disposal,  ready  to  iVirce  Ver- 
mr*ni  into  subjection. 

The  following  random  extracts  are  from  Thconp- 
son's  small  History  of  Vermont,  showing  the  position 
of  the  Stare  previous  to  and  during  this  period: 

"No  alternative,  therefore,  remained  to  Ver- 
mont She  had  taken  a  decisive  stand,  declared  her 
independence,  formed  a  constitution,  enacted  laws, 
and  established  courts  of  justice,  and  uoay  nothing  re- 
mained but  for  her  to  go  onward  with  firmness  and  reso- 
lution; rnd  happy  was  it  for  her  that  she  possessed 
statesmen  endowed  with  courage  and  abilities  suited 
to  the  emergency  of  her  condition;  statesmen  who 
well  understood  the  rights  and  interests  of  the  com- 
munity and  were  determined  that  they  should  not  bo 
sacrificed  by  the  neighboring  states,  or  by  the  policy 
of  Con gL ess." 

''That  the  State  of  Vermont  was  not  represented 
in  Congress,  and  could  not  submit  to  resolutions 
passed  without  their  consent,  or  even  knowledge, 
and  which  put  everything  v.-hich  was  valuable  to 
them  at  stiske,''  etc.  ''But  they  were  not  so  lost  to  all 
sense  and  honor,  that,  after  four  years  of  war  with 
Britain,  in  which  they  had  expended  so  much  blood 
and  treasure,  they  should  now  give  up  eveiything 

CAPT.  JOHX  FARSETT,  Jk.  (iT43-!S0Sj. 

worth  figlitlLig  for,  the  i-ighi  of  making  their  own 
IpwH;  and  choosi«.g  their  own  form  of  government,  to 
the  arbitrament  and  determination  of  any  aian,  or 
body  of  jnen,  under  heaven." 

"From  the  commencement  of  hostilities  at  Lex- 
ington, no  jteople  in  America  liad  espoused  the  cause 
of  liberty  and  of  their  country  with  greater  alacrity, 
or  sustained  it  with  more  spirit  and  resolution,  than 
the  people  of  Yermont.'-  "But  notwithstanding  their 
attachment  to  the  cause  of  their  country  *  *  "'  they 
could  hardly  wish  to  lend  their  aid  for  the  purpose 
of  bringing  the  struggle  with  a  foreign  enemy  to  a 
successiul  termination,  when  they  perceived  that  by 
such  an  event,  they  should  be  subjected  to  the  dom- 
ination of  a  more  detestable  enemy  at  home.  In  this 
state  of  things  Vermont  wisely  consulted  her  own 
ci-fetv;  niid  by  -he  r;r;'otiatiou  with  tlie  O'lemv  in 
Canada,  in  which  she  was  now  engaged,  she  was  as 
fortunate  as  to  secure  it.-' 

''The  next  year  the  liritish  entered  upon  the 
business  with  high  expectations  of  success;  and  as  the 
British  army  in  Canada  was  ten  thousand  strong,  and 
the  frontiers  of  Vermont  without  any  adequate 
m.eans  of  defence,  it  was  evidently  the  interest  of 
Vermont  not  to  undeceive  them,  but  to  endeavor  to 
effect  that  by  policy  which  they  could  not  do  by 

"And  thtis  was  terminated  the  campaign  of  1781, 
in  which  a  fevr  sagacious  and  daring  indivi'luals  se- 
cured, by  their  negotiations  and  management;  the 
extensive  frontier  of  Vermorit,  which  was  exposed 
to  an  army  of  ten  thousand  of  the  enemy." 

Among  numerous  reports,  etc.,  we  find  the  fol- 
lowing in  Vol.  II,  -'Governor  and  Council,-'  p.  202: 

A  Mesmge  from  the  Committee  of  ilie  Lcrjislature  io  the 

Committee  of  Convention: 

As  no  further  proposals  are  to  be  made  by  the 
Convention's  Committee,  at  present,  the  Assembly's 
Ccmmitiee  propose  the  following  articles,  as  really 
neci^'ssary  for  the  peace  and  well  being  of  this  state 
and  tne  United  Sia.tes: 



Art.  1.  Tliat  the  independence  ui  The  state  of 
V'ermout  be  hekl  sacred;  and  that  no  member  of  the 
Legisiaiure  shall  give  his  vote  or  otherwise  use  en- 
deavors to  obtain  any  act  or  resolution  of  Assembly, 
which  shall  endanger  the  existence,  independence  or 
well  being  of  the  state,  by  referring  its  independence 
to  the  arbitrament  of  any  power. 

Art.  2.  That  whenever  this  state  becomes 
united  with  the  American  States,  or  there  shall  then 
be  any  disputes  between  this  and  either  of  the  United 
iStates,  respecting  boundary  lines,  the  Legislature  of 
this  state  will  then  (as  they  have  ever  proposed)  sub- 
mit to  Congress,  or  such  other  tribunal  as  may  be 
mutually  agreed  on,  the  settlement  of  any  such  dis- 

By  order,  Joiln  Fassett, 


The  honoi'.rahle  Committee  of  Conttniiun. 

Wednesday,  11  o- clock,  A.  M.  February  21st,  ITSl. 

As  we  find  numerous  records  of  John  Fassett, 
Jr.,  as  a  member  of  the  Board  of  War  in  1780,  1781 
nnd  17<S2,  we  see  that  he  was  still  a  prominent  worker 
in  the  interests  of  Vermont.  Although  towards  the 
last  the  war  was  practically  over,  the  troubles  with 
New  York  and  with  Congress  grew  and  the  most 
bitter  feelings  were  engendered.  A  personal  letter 
from  General  Washington  to  Governor  Chittenden 
had  the  effect  of  oil  upon  troubled  waters,  and  con- 
cessions were  made,  but  it  was  not  until  October, 
1790;  that  the  controversies  with  New  York  v/ere 
formally  closed,  and  Vermont  was  soon  after  ad- 
mitted as  one  of  the  United  States,  the  exact  date 
being  March  4,  1701. 

The  following,  found  in  Vol.  II,  '''Governor  and 
Council,"  p.  127,  seems  to  be  one  of  the  famotis  papers 
in  the  history  of  Vermont: 

Certificate  for  the  Protection  of  CoL  Ira  Allen. 
State  of  Vermont,  June,  17S1. 
Wiiereas,  Col.  Ira  Allen  has  been  with  a  flag  to 
[the  Province  of]  Quebec  for  the  purpose  of  settli'ag 
a  cartel  for  exchange  of  prisoners,  and  ha^;  used  his 


CAPT.  JOHN  FASSETT,  Jk.  (1743-1803). 

besl  i>ulicy  by  ioigiiAiig  oi  endeavA.'nng  to  Diake  ihcm 
•  belies  e  tiiat  the  state  ot  V'eriuont  Jiad  a  desire  to  ne-. 
goLiaie  a  treatj  oi  peace  \vitii  Great  Britaiii — thereby 
to  preveat  tiie  iaimediate  iuvasion  or  iuciirsion  upon 
tLe  frouners  of  tid.s  .state,  as  appears  by  the  letter  he 
sent  to  Gen.  ilaidimaud  dated  .^iay  8,  1781,  enclos- 
ing a  copy  of  Col.  Beverly  Itobinsoii's  letters  to  Gen. 
Erhaa  Alien  and  Geii.  Allen's  letter  to  Congress,  and 
the  resolutions  ot  the  Assembly  of  Vermont,  ap- 
probating the  same,  as  also  the  circular  letter  to  the 
several  states  delivered  to  JJundas,  according  to  his 
verbal  report,  made  to  us  this  day: — \\'e  are  of  the 
opinion  that  the  critical  circumstances  this  state  is 
in,  b -ing  out  of  the  union  with  the  United  States  and 
tixereby  unable  to  make  that  vigorous  defense  we 
could  wish  for — think  it  to  be  a  necessary  political 
iTifir^orrrr  to  cave  the  frontiers  of  this  state. 
Jonas  Fay, 
Saj-iuel  Satfohd, 


Joseph  Fay, 


Moses  IJobinson, 
TmoTHY  BIlo^^'NsoN, 
Joh:n  Fassett,  [Jr.]. 

It  is  interesting  to  notice  in  the  genealogies  of 
this  book  how  all  of  the  signers  but  Cob  Timothy 
Brownson,  vrere  connected  by  marriage  with  John 
Fiissett,  Jr.  Beverly  Bobirison,  the  well-known  tory, 
was  not  connected  v.ith  tb 
so  far  as  th«-  writer  knows. 

The  proceedings  of  the  Board  of  War,  of  which 
Johji  j^^assett,  Jr.,  was  a  member  for  so  long,  are 
given  in  considerable  detail  in  "Governor  and  Coun- 
cil," Volume  Ji,  aud  are  intensely  interesting  at  va- 
riou.-:  times. 

To  reprodnce  >;nch  pro!V^^M!in;L:K  as  the  writer  has 
found,  of  all  rhe  vaii'^us  (  oD-miit  pe^,  Board  of  War, 
councils,  cuui'ts.  e^c,  of  wairh  J..*iui  I'assett,  Jr.,  was 
a  inemb  T,  wouhl  require  several  e-ood-s-lzed  'v-olumes. 


(1743— 1S03.) 

^^  AKAH  FASSETT  (1TG5 ),  daughter  of 

Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.  (1743 — 1S03),  was 
born  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  July  10, 1765.  She 
married  Judge  >voah  Cliittendeu  (1753 — 
1835)  oldest  son  of  Governor  Thomas  Chittenden 
(;i7:.'i)--1797),  the  first  governor  of  Vermont,  during 
v/hose  successive  administrations  for  some  eighteen 
yef\r^  it  seems  there  had  been  scarcely  any  political 
feeling  in  regard  to  state  poll  lies.  Govcrncr"Th'^^"p.^ 
Chittenden  was  to  the  people  of  Vermont  wh^^i 
Washington  was  to  the  people  of  the  United  States. 
I'hompson  says:  "The  extreme  simplicity  which 
characterized  the  legislative  proceedings  of  Ver- 
mont, duri ag  the  administration  of  Governor  Chit- 
tenden, left  but  little  room  for  the  intrigues  of  poli- 
ticians, or  for  the  progress  of  party  and  faction." 
Extensive  biographical  notices  of  this  celebrated 
Vermonter  may  be  found  in  all  the  Vermont  his- 

In  regard  to  Xoah  Chittenden,  vrho  married 
Sarah  Fassett,  tlie  folluwiug  is  extracted  from  Ver- 
mont  Historical  Magazine,  ^"ol.  I,  p.  832: 

"Hon.  Xoah  Chittenden,  oldest  son  of  GoveriiQr 
Tliomas  Chittenden,  born  in  1753,  had  entered  public 
life  previous  to  his  coming  to  Jericho,  as  we  find  him 
sherifi:  of  Addison  county  in  17S5.  He  married  a 
daughter  of  John  Fassett  of  Bennington  and  had  tw<i 
children,  Thomas,  born  in  1791,  and  Hanuah,  born 
in  1795,  wife  of  Hon.  Truman  Galusha.  His  son 
Thomas,  or  as  he  was  commonly  called,  Judge 
Thomas,  after  his  father's  death,  removed  to  Ohio, 



wLere  iiis  sou  Tboinas  Jelierson  still  resides.  Most 
of  iiie  origiiial  titles  to  laud  vv ere  lost  by  slierifi's  sale 
for  taxes.  By  tliis  means  'Judge  .^'ollii•'  became  the 
owner  of  aearlj  or  quite  two  thousand  acres,  by  far 
tiie  most  oi.)ulent  land  iioider  in  town.  He'  had 
thereiore  a  great  influence  and  was  much  employed 
in  public  business  in  town  and  county.  V^e  remem- 
ber him  well,  a  hale,  stout,  vivacious  old  gentleman. 
He  died  rather  suddenly  of  apoplexy  in  1635.'' 

By  reference  to  '-Governor  and  Council,"  Vol.  l.l, 
p.  132,  Jennings'  Bennington  and  other  works,  we  find 
that  Judge  -\oah  Chittenden  was  a  resident  of  Cam- 
bridge and  afterward  of  Jeiicho.  We  also  notice  of 
Sarah  Fassett,  his  wife,  that  she  was  daughter-in-law 
of  one  governor  of  Verjnont,  Governor  Thomas  Chit- 
tenden, sister-iii-jjiw  of  ivnoliieVj  Goverrior  Arflrtin 
Chiic.;iidci;,  and  li^Gthcr  inlaw  of  another,  GGVcrnor 
Gal  us  ha. 

Persis  Fassett  (17G7— 1S49),  daughter  of  Captain 
John  Fassett,  Jr.  (1T13— 1803),  was  born  August  3, 
17G7,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  She  was  married  to  Martin 
Devrey  t  oilett  (17G5— 1S31)  March  9,  1790,  by  her 
father,  at  Cambridge.  Yt,  For  record  of  her  married 
life,  her  children,  etc.,  see  chapter  on  Captain  Martin 
Dewey  Follett  (1765— ItSl)  and  his  chiidreu. 

She  was  evidently  at  Bennington  and  Arling- 
ton during  the  exciting  times  of  the  revolution,  in 
which  her  father  acted  so  prominent  a  part.  Her 
daughter,  Mrs.  Hanoah  Clark,  stiil  enjoys  telling  of 
her  mother  and  sounding  her  praises.  She  tells  the 
domestic  events  of  the  vrar  of  1812  '»vith  a  clearness 
that  is  remarkable  for  a  person  over  ninety-two  years 
cf  age.  She  states  that  on  the  Sunday  on  which  the 
battle  of  riattsburgh  was  fought,  an  itinerant  Bap- 
tise preacher  had  made  an  appointment  to  hold  a 
prenoiiing  serxice  and  immerse  a  woman  at  their 
horn-  in  the  afternoon,  but  her  moiher  was  not  par- 
ticuhtriy  interested  in  preachings  or  immersions 
at  a  time  when  the  husband  and  three  sons  had  gone 



to  the  battle,  and  so  she  took  the  rest  of  the  children, 
BetsPY,  a?-ed  sixteen;  Hannah,  aged  neany  eteveu, . 
Kliphkletraged  eight;,  aged  live,  anu  James^ 
o-ed  three,  and  went  over  to  Benjamin  Foiled  :,,  to 
find  that  he  too  had  gone  vrith  the  troops,  ihev 
spent  the  afternoon  with  Benjamin's  wieo  an.,  re- 
turned home  in  the  evening.  Mr.  James  Foliett  ,lbU.) 
says  that  he  caiiremember  only  one  event  of  that  ter- 
rible day.  He  had  been  pnt  to  bed  m  his  father-b 
larc^e  b^d  and  heard  his  father  and  brothers  corae 
intS  the  house  some  time  after  dark,  whereupon  he 
hpd  to  get  out  of  the  large  bed. 

Persis  Fassett  Follett  was  well  known  for  her  . 
beautiful  disposition  and  wns  indeed  an  affectionate 
and  good  wife  and  mother,  and  her  memory  was 
T,?ohiy  nieri^ihed  bv  those  who  survived  ner.  ix.e 
r*'"^,  .  .  -.-  ..t,  ^.  ,yko  remeT»"'bp-rs  her  well,  savs  that 
she  was  aTel^n'ated  cook,  an  accomplishment  which 
seems  to  have  been  inherited  by  her  daugnters.^  At 
one  time  she  had  smallpox,  which  seemed  to  ue  a 
common  disease  in  early  Vermont. 

About  the  year  1 812  she  had  all  her  children  bap- 
tized at  the  same  time,  the  oldest,  John,  bemg  taen 
about  twenty-one  yeors  of  age,  and  James  tne 
Youn crest,  being  an  infant.  The  cliildren  of  Henry 
Ho^^kins,  Sr.,  were  baptized  at  the  same  time. 

She  was  a  small  woman  of  much  energy  and 
force  of  character,  although  veiw  q^i^^t  and  mil d  in 
her  msposHion,  and  was  a  great  reader  and  a  t.ioT- 
oucrkiT  ^'ndPpendent  thinker,  retaining  her  own  ideas 
on^namv  subie^ts,  but  with  it  all,  was  a  woman^of 
beautiful,  unobtrusive  Christian  pietv   n    ^'^'J^];; /^^l^^, 
and  home  maker.    She  had  a  powerful  ^^^f^;^:"^ 
quite  a  bible  student,  and  always  sh.owed  ^^^^^  f\ 
terest  In  national  and  politicnl   affairs.     T^  hde  a 
nnvitan  of  the  strictest  kind,  she  had  a  manner  ihot 
alwav^.  interested  young  people  and  drew  them  .o 
her.  ■  Her  great  love  for  her  children,  her  husband 
and  her  home,  was  well  known. 



After  the  death  of  her^md,  in  1831.  nhe 
"came  to  Granville,  O.,  with  Ivi^r  son  Eliphalet,  who 
had  already  been  in  Granvirie  oiul  had  returned  to 
Vermont  for  her.  Her  daughter  Hannah  also  ac- 
companied her.  They  came  late  in  the  fall,  when  the 
winds  were  high  and  the  weather  disagreeable, 
trayelliuo  from'  Buffalo  to  Cleveland  by  lake,  and 
from  Cleveland  to  Granville  in  a  wagon.  B^er  dangh- 
ter  Hannah  held  an  umbrella  in  front  of  her  much  of 
the  way,  to  slileld  her  from  the  wind,  as  she  was 
then  in  poor  health.  By  some  mishap  their  household 
goods  were  left  in  Buffalo,  when  navigation  was 
closed  by  the  ice,  on  a(X;ount  of  wliicli  they  were  put 
to  great  inconvenience  until  tlie  following  spring. 
During  the  remainder  of  her  life  she  visited  ranch 
with  those  of  her  children  vrho  had  come,  but 
spent  mosT  or  her  litue  wl'h  Iter  sua  Eilt^hfilct;,  at 
whose  home,  in  Johnstown,  O.,  she  was  most  tenderly 
cared  for  until  she  died,  after  a  brief  illness,  August; 
29,  1849. 

The  writer  recently  visited  h  ..  grave  in  the  old 
burying  ground  at  Johnstown.  The  large  niarblc 
slab,  in  good  condition,  bears  the  following  inscrip- 
tion : 


Vv'ife  of 



Aug.  29,  1S49. 

AireA  82  Ys.  '26  D?-. 

"  Blf-^sed  arc  the  dead  tcho  die  in  the  Lord." 

For  the  only  likeness  of  her  ever  taken,  a  dagucr 
reotype.  now  in  the  possession  of  the  writer,  we  are 
indc4>ted  to  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Clark,  who  took'  her 
to  a  photograph  gallery  in  Granville,  O.,  November  8, 
1818,  the  day  before  Mrs.  Clark's  marriage. 

Dr.  Joliu  Fa^sett  flTHO — 1853),  son  of  Captain 
John  Fassett,  Jr.  flTJM— 1803).  wa^  born,  according 
to  one  record,  Dereiubor  20,  and  accor ling  to  another, 
December  IT,  1760,  at  Benningn-u,  Vt.,  and  died 
May  2t5, 1853,  at  Toledo,  O.  His  urst  v.ife  was  Phoebe 
Sayles,  who  was  born  July  11, 1775,  and  died  in  Jan- 
uary, 1815. 



Iheir  children  v-erei 

John  L.,  born  February  14,  1794,  died  August 
14,  1S35. 

Evelin.'i,  born  Ai?i'il  9, 1 799,  died  1S02. 

Duty  S.,  born  ilay  IS,  1S03,  died  November  30, 

Eli.siia  n.,  boru  Jauuary  26,  1S05,  died  August 
1,  1860. 

Dr.  John  Fassett  (1769 — 1S33)  married  for  a 
second  wife,  in  1S20,  Martha  Thomas,  who  was  born 
March  2,  1703,  and  died  January  22,  3  848,  The  chil- 
dren born  to  them  were: 

Lorain,  born  December  2S,  1S22,  married  C  A. 
Crane  in  November,  1S40,  and  died  June  25,  1812. 

Phoebe,  born  Jan  navy  1.  1S25,  died  October  10, 

x::iicis,  u^iA  January  15,  1S27,  now  livinor  [n  To- 
ledo, O,     CSee  notice  later.) 

Dr.  John  Fassett  (1769—1853)  was  a  physician, 
practiced  in  Cambridge,  Vt.,  thirty  years,  and  re- 
moved in  1833  to  uhe  Manmee  river;  where  Toledo 
was  afterward  located.  In  the  war  of  1812;  he  was 
sur«reon  of  a  regiment  of  militia  commanded  by 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Dixon.  In  Vermont  Historica] 
Magazine,  Vol.  L  p.  672,  we  find  his  name,  as  surgeon 
in  the  brioade  of  militia  at  Plattsburgh,  November 
15, 1813,  attached  to  the  celebrated  letter  to  Govern- 
or Martin  Chittenden,  refusing  t<-.  obey  orders  to 
return  home. 

In  the  same  magazine,  Vol.  IT,  p.  100,  we  find 
him  among  the  charter  mem.bei-s  of  the  Franklin 
County,  Vermont,  Medical  Society. 

Again  in  the  same  raagazine,  under  Cambridge, 
we  find  the  following,  which  will  give  us  a  glance  at 
the  times  in  which  he  lived,  and  at  his  life  and  his 

'•'Cambridge  was  formerly  a  favorite  sporiing- 
ground,  not  only  for  its  own  people,  who  were  dis- 
posed to  enter  into  such  amusemculs,  but  for  others 



residing  abroad,  who  came  there  to  enjoy  the  sport. 
A  section  of  the  toTv'n,  lyiug  north  of  the  river  and 
covering  the  valiey  leading  from  the  center  to 
Bakerslield,  w:ts  a  great  resort  for  deer.  It  was 
watered  by  minierons  springs,  covered  with  low, 
thieiv  timber  and  shrubbery,  and  formed  the  water- 
shed between  Lamoille  and  ^lissisqiioi  rivers;  and 
here  the  deer  congregated  to  feed  in  siurjmer  and 
herd  in  winter.  November  and  December  were  the 
usual  months  for  hunting  them,  and  the  sportsmen, 
with  their  dogs,  entered  upon  the  chase  with  a  pe- 
culiar relish. 

"Old  Governor  Tichenor,  on  several  occasions, 
came  up  and  joined  his  Bennington  friends,  Gen. 
Fassett,  Dr.  Fassett,  Judge  Willoby  and  others  then 
residing  at  the  Ecro',  and  had  a  regular  v/cek'S  hunt. 
They  employed  the  juiosl  expeiL  himteis  'm  the  vi- 
cinity, v.'Jih  their  hounds,  to  go  on  the  above  men- 
tioned premises,  start  the  deer  from  their  feeding 
places  and  drive  them  to  the  river. 

''The  sportsmen,  some  upon  their  horses,  so  as 
to  quickly  change  their  position,  and  others  taking 
their  posts  by  the  river  side,  listen  and  wait  for  the 
sound  of  the  dogs.  An  open,  swift  rapid,  near 
Brewster  Eock,  before  noticed,  was  the  usual  place 
for  the  deer  to  strike  the  river,  in  their  flight  before 
the  hounds,  when  they  would  plunge  into  the  water 
to  elude  the  chase,  and  protect  tliemselves  from  pur- 
suit. It  was,  consequently,  at  this  point,  that  the 
sportsmen  usually  took  their  stand.  The  sound  of  the 
hounds  always  electrified  tlie  persons  staiiding  in 
wail,  and  as  it  approached  nearer  and  nearer  through 
the  thick  woods,  they  were  ax)on  the  lookout  for  the 
game,  and  were  usually  successful  in  securing  it. 
Sometimes  one,  two  or  three  in  a  day.  This  fine  sport 
always  gave  occasion  for  a  feast  of  venison,  and  the 
flow  of  the  sou],  but  this  mode  of  sporting  has  long 
since  passed  away,  and  the  pastures  for  vxild  deer 
are  now  converted  into  pat^^ures  for  flocks  and  herd.>," 



Dr.  Jolm  Fasselts  sou,  Elias  \lS2'i),  luarritrd,  May 
7,  ?.8rrr,  Marj  E;  Wales,  who  was  born  in  Toledo,  O., 
yU^T  31,  lS3i.    Tboir  fliiklre]i  were: 

Mary  Alma,  born  MaFcLi.  22,  1856.  who  nMirried 
Morris  J.  Kiggs  October  11.  1S93. 

John  Ellas,  born  November  1,  1862,  who  died  In 

Mabel  Loraiu,  born  October  29,  186S,  who  mar- 
ried C.  C.  Oswald  September  4,  1890. 

The  following  is  extracted  from  a  local  history 
of  Toledo: 

^'Elias  Fassetl,  born  in  Cambridge,  Vt,  January 
15th,  1827.,  was  the  youngest  of  four  sons  and  three 
daughters.  He  was  live  years  of  age  when  the  family 
removed  to  Port  T.awrence  (afterwoids  Toledo),  O. 
There  he  remained,  assisting  in  the  work  of  develop- 
iug  liic  itiim,  until  his  seventeenth  year,  when  he  be 
came  a  merchant.  Three  years  he  was  thus  em- 
ployed, then  for  six  years  was  engaged  in  clerical 
work  vrith  various  railroads  coming  into  the  city.  In 
1SG2  he  retired  from  active  business  life,  giving  his 
avtention  to  farming  and  dealing  in  real  estate. 
I'hough  not  active  in  politics,  he,  nevertheless,  ad- 
heres to  the  principles  of  the  Democratic  party.  He 
M  as  six  years  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Equalization, 
and  twenty  years  a  judge  of  election.  A  man  of 
broad  and  liberal  views,  he  has  been  a  promoter  of 
enterprise,  ever  ready  to  do  his  full  share  in  matters 
pertaining  to  public  welfare." 

General  Elias  Fassett  (1771-— 1S22),  son  of  Cap- 
tain John  Fassett,  Jr.  (1743—1803^,  was  born  Decem- 
ber 20, 1771,  at  Bennington,  Vt..  and  died  August  15. 
1822.  Tie  married,  in  Bennington,  Vt,  Sarah  Wal- 
bridge,  who  was  born  April  10,  1772,  at  Bennington, 
Vt.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Henry  Walbridge 
(born  January,  1727,  probably  at  Xorwich,  Conn., 
and  died  September  9,  1S00,  at  Bennington)  and 
Anna  Safi'ord  (born  December  31.  17-0,  at  Xorwich, 
Conn.,  and.  died  December  31,  1S17,  at  Bennington). 


chti<i)bt:x  of  CAPT.  JOITK  FASSETT,  Jr. 

Anna  Saftord  (1730—1817)  wa.s  the  oldest  child  of 
Deacon  Joseph  Satford  (1705 — 1775)  and  Ann  Bot- 
tom (1710--17S0).  See  Safiord  records.  The  chil- 
dren of  General  Elias  FnsF'-ott  T\-pre  therefore  de- 
scended froiii  Deacon  Joseph  Snfford  through  both 
their  father  and  their  mother.  The  children  of  Henrv 
Walbi'idge  (1727—1809)  and  Anna  Safford  (1730— 
1S17)  were:  Solomon,  died  September  12,.  1814,  at  St. 
Albaus;  Anna;  Silas,  born  1759;  Lncr,  born  Feb- 
rnarj  10,  17G1;  Asa,  born  October  12,  17G6;  Esther, 
born  July  14,  17G8;  David,  horn  May  23,  1770,  and 
Sarah  (v\ife  of  Colonel  Eli  as  Fassett),  born  April  10. 
1772.  The  first  three  children  were  born  at  Norwich, 
Conn.,  and  the  other  five  at  Benningtoji,  Vt  Lucy 
died  at  Cambridiie,  Vt. 

General  E!ia^  Fa-r:ctt  was  old  enough  during 
Ibe  levuiutioii  to  reiiieiaber  luau}'  of  roe  evenrs  of 
that  exciting-  and  tryintc  period.  He  seems  to  have 
inherited  his  fondness  for  military  affairs.  At  the 
outbreak  of  the  war  of  1812  we  find  him  brigadier 
general  of  the  militia  of  northwestern  Vermont 
How  long  he  may  have  been  connected  with  the 
militia  the  vn-iter  has  no  means  of  knowing  at  this 
time.  In  1813  he  resigned  his  commission  in  the  Ver- 
mont state  service  and  secured  a  commission  ps 
colonel  in  the  regular  army,  having  command  of  the 
30th-United  States  Infantry.  In  Hammersly's  Txegu- 
lar  Army  Kegister,  p.  110,  we  find  a  roster  of  this 
regiment,  as  it  stood  April  30,  1813.  Among  tfie 
third  lieutenants  are  the  names  of  Thomas  Chitten- 
den and  Benjamin  Fassett.  This  Chitten- 
den was  undoubtedly  the  one  who  married  General 
Eiias  Fassett's  daughter  Sarah,  and  the  Benjamin 
Fassett  mentioned  was,  without  any  reasonable 
doubt,  the  son  of  Colonel  Boujamin  Fassett,  who  was 
brother  of  Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.  The  Vermont 
Historical  Magazine,  in  speaking  of  tlie  military 
enthusiasm  of  northern  Vermont,  vdiere  recruits 
were  raised  for  the  Indian  wars,  the  war  with  Tripoli 


and  the  regular  army  and  uavy,  says:  "It  was  also 
a  recniitini^-  rTatloii  during  the  war  of  1S12,  and  iu 
1813  the  Tliirtietli  Regiment  of  U.  S.  Infantry,  under 
Colonel  Elias  Fassett,  was  pjustered  and  drilled  here, 
preparatory  to  joining  the  army  for  actual  service." 

Jennings  gives  tlie  following  extract  from  Hiram 
Uarwood's  Diary  of  1S12:  "'Monday,  June  7,  1813.— 
Many  of  us  went  dov>'n  to  where  Col.  Fassett's  regi- 
ment took  its  departure  for  Burlington,  which  they 
did  in  a  brilliant  manner.'' 

The  children  of  General  Elias  Fassett  were  as 

First— Henry  (Dr.  Harry)  Fassett  (1791—1872), 
son  of  General  Elias  Fasf^ett  (1771 — 1822),  was  born 
May  17,  1791,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  and  died  May  19, 
1.S72.  ai  San  Francisco,  Cal.  He  married  , February 
20,  1821!,  Clarissa  Peck,  who  wtic.  born  J.'>r>narv  26, 
1803,  at  Halifax,  Xova  Scotia,  and  died  July  7,  1890, 
at  Ban  Francisco,  Cal.  She  was  the  daughter  of 
Benjamin  Peck  and  Mary  Hardinge  (Peck),  of  Nova 
Scotia.  Dr.  Harry  Fassett  (1794—1872)  was  one  of 
the  pioneer  physicians  of  Ohio,  and  was  well  known 
as  an  exceptionally  skilled  practitioner.  He  wa>s 
much  sought  after  from  a  large  territory  about 
Johnstown.  His  ten  children  were  all  born  in  Johu-^- 
town,  as  follows: 

Elias  Peck,  born  January  11.  1823.  died  October 
13,  1817,  at  Johnstown. 

Ann,  born  July  31,  1821,  marrird  Parker  Ger- 
main at  Johnstown  February  20, 1845,  living  in  Cali- 

Jane,  born  Januorv  7,  1827,  mnrried  Nichola'^ 
D.'ilton  at  Granville,  Ai-ril  23,  1861,  died  about  1880. 
fit  Davis  City,  Iowa. 

Xoah  Chittenden,  l)orn  Tune  27,  1829,  married 
Hattie  Bottsford  at  San  Francisco,  and  died  April 
12,  1891.  at  San  Francisco.  Was  one  of  the  very 
wealthy  men  of  California,  having  emigrated  there 
during  the  times  of  the  gold  discoveries, 



Harris  Hardingc,  born  rebriiary  22,  1832,  re- 
movofl  to  Ca]ii'orn?a  and  liax  enjoyed  a  sut-cessful 
c'dvepi'  there.  Was  twice  married  and  now  iive;>  in 
San-  Francisco. 

Sarah,  born  January  31,  1833,  married  \V,  A. 
Castle  at  Granville  May  -i,  1854,  and  is  now  living  at 
Alexandria,  Licking  County,  O. 

John,  born  April  80, 1S3S,  and  died  a  soldier,  un- 
married, Augn?t  17,  1SC3,  in  a  hospital  at  Centralia, 

Mary,  born  June  3,  1840,  married  Norm  an 
Adams  at  Granville  March  10,  1864,  and  died  April 
2, 18S5,  at  Davis  City,  Iowa, 

Harry  Walbridp;e,  born  Dtu'ernber  21,  1842,  and 
died,  nnmarried,  Jnne  tl,  1874,  io  California. 

Vv'illle,  born  May  22,  1849,  and  is  now  livins,-.  un- 
married, m  California. 

Second — Sarah  Fassett  fl79o ),  daiio-hter 

of  General  Elias  Fassett  (1771 — 1822),  married  Judge 
Thomas  Chittenden,  who  was  son  of  Jnd;2e  Noah 

Chittenden   and   Sarah   Fassett   (17Go —  ),   see 

record  of  Sarah  Fassett  (1765 ),  danshtcr  of 

Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.  (1743 — 1803).  Their  son 
Thomas  Jefierson  Chittenden  was  living  at  Lincoln, 
Neb.,  some  years  ago. 

Third — Elia«  Fassett  (1798 ),  son  of  Gen- 
eral Elias  Fassett,  married  Jerusb:?.  ISInnson,  of  New- 
arkj  O.  He  was  actively  and  extensively  engaged  in 
mercantile  and  industrial  enterprises  in  and  abont 
Granville,  and  later  removed  to  New  York  City, 
where  he  becam.e  a  snccessful  operator  on  Wall 
street,  in  J  856,  1857  and  1858  he  was  president  of 
the  Central  Ohio  T\ailroad,  nov*-  a  part  of  the  Balti- 
more and  Ohio  system.  He  retired  to  his  farm  of 
07er  a  thousand  acres  of  iine  land  near  Granville,  O., 
where  ho  had  erected  a  handsome  residence.  He  had 
tvvo  daughters,  one  of  whom,  Sarah,  died  yonng,  the 



otlif?r,  Amacda,  morrylug  Fronk  DuyiJevv,  a  mn  of 
Judge  Dunievy,  wlio  was  one  of  the  besi:  known 
law  vers  12  soutliweBtcrn  Ohio.  Thecliildren  of  Amanda 
Faysett  and  Frank  Duulevv  are: 

Kate  (Mrs.  McCaii].ley),^of  Kew  York  Citv. 

Ella  (Mrs.  Millbauk),  of  New  York  City/ 

Frank,  of  Denrerj  Colo. 

Eiia.s,  of  Denver;  Coio. 

The  other  childi-en  of  Ca}.)tain  John  Fassett,  Jr. 
(1748 — 1803),  of  whom  we  have  no  other  records  at 
hand,  were; 

Susanna,  born  May  22, 1776. 

Joseph,  born  September  10,  177S.  Known  as 
Captain  Joseph  Fassett.  lie  removed  to  Granville 
in  the  earlv  davs  and  operated  a  large  farm  just  east 
of  Granville. 

Challis,  born  UfMober  13,  i7ol. 

Hannah,  born  December  8, 1785. 
Suoanna,  born  March  29,  1788.     Known  ao  "Aunt 
Sukie."    ^Married  first  a  Mr.  Hawley,  and  next  a  Mr. 
Green,  with  whora  she  removed  to  Granville  to  spend 
her  old  age. 



HE  geDealogieai  part  of  Jenniiiga'  Benning- 
ton is  compiJed  largely  from  a  little  vol- 
ume (now  a  very  rare  book)  "Genealogical 
History  of  the  Families  of  Robinsons,  Saf- 
fcrds,  Harvroods  and  Clarks,  by  Sarah  Eobiusou,'" 
published  at  Benningcon  1837.  After  a  long  search 
in  places  vvhere  rare  genealogies,  etc.,  are  to  l.o  ob 
tallied,  and  among  very  dij^tant  relatives  in  Nevv 
Englaiid  whose  addrecsyes  by  some  mysterious  pro- 
ccn.~  ^■r.iT.c  int."  Vi--  wr-it'-T's  posr^ession.  a  copy  of  this 
valuable  work  was  vei-y  kindly  loaned  by  Mi-s.  IjI.  M. 
Kirkman,  of  Evanston,  HI.  It  contains  also  ihe 
genealogy  of  the  Deacon  John  Fassett  family  and 
the  Follett  family  down  almost  to  the  date  of  piibli- 
catioi..  Under  the  heading  of  "A  Record  of  the  Fam- 
ily 0?  {Safiords*-'  the  foilovring  apx>ears: 
Joseph  Saff-iu), 
(of  England). 
"1  g.  Joseph  iSa fiord,  vrith  his  family,  w^re 
born  in  England,  where  he  died,  (No  other  record  of 
his  fijmily  given.) 

Joseph  Safkokd, 

2  g.  Joseph  Safford  came  from  England  to 
Plvn\onth,  Ms.;  he  removed  his  family  to  Norwich, 
Ct!  in  1723. 

3  g.  The  cliildren  of  Joseph  and  Abigail  Saf- 
ford  were  born  at  Ipsv;ieh  Ms.  Joseph  (b.  170.5),  Abi- 
gail, John,  ^arah,  (d.  Norwich,  Ct.),  Solomon." 

Inasmuch  as  Mrs.  Robinson's  book  is  not  a 
record  of  the  ancestors  in  any  sense,  but  is  devoted 



exclusively  to  the  descendants  of  the  faiuiiies 
named,  it  is  possible,  in  fact  probable,  tbat  tUe  an- 
cestry of  Deacon  Joseph  Stihord  v^as  not  niuch 
looked  into,  and  as  the  other  Safford  records  show 
a  Joseph  yv  jio  r-oukl  Iiave  been  his  father,  the  vvriter 
is  some  limes  inclined  to  believe  that  onr  aoetistor, 
Joseph  U705 — 1775),  was  descended  from  the  same 
immigrant  Salt'ords  as  some  of  the  other  Saffords  of 
this  couurry,  esiDccially  as  a  very  peculiar  coinci- 
derice  wil'  be  observed,  viz.,  that  our  ancestor 
Joseph';-  liinae.  date  and  place  of  birth,  the  family 
names  i]i  the  same  generation  and  in  the  generation 
earlier  and  that  later,  would  all  indicate  a  blood  re- 
lationship between  the  two  Josephs,  both  born  1705 
at  Ipswich.  On  the  other  hand  General  William 
Farrar  Snilth,  a  descendant  of  our  ancestor  Joseph. 
(17C5-  17'.' i3)  wrif^s  in  regard  to  an  ancestor  of  Hoti, 
i^jfreu  vjjLt-^;xv.j  Safferd:  "Afy  rrnndmother,  v*'ho 
claimed  cousins  to  the  fourth  degree,  never  claimed 
Mr.  SafCord  as  kin,  I  think." 

However  this  may  be,  the  ancestry  of  the  other 
Saffords  may  be  intei-esting  to  some  in  this  connec- 
tion, as  there  is  a  possibility  that  they  were  an- 
cestors of  our  ancestor  Joseph  (1705 — 1775). 

Thoimas  S.u^^ford. 
A  family  record,  loaned  by  Judge  William  Saf- 
ford,  of  Chiilicothe,  O..  says  of  him:  "The  immi- 
grant ancestor.  Eecords  have  been  found  of  one 
Thomas  Safford  being  a  passenger  on  a  vessel  arriv- 
ing at  some  port  in  Massachusetts  in  1630 — believed 
to  be  ti?e  same.  The  records  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  show 
he  resided  there  in  1011,  and  he  seems  to  have  re- 
mained there  until  his  deati-,  as  his  name  appears 
from  time  to  time  in  the  town  records.  He  married 
one  Elizfibeth  (family  name  urtknown).  He  died 
February  20,  1807,  and  she  died  March  4,  1*171,  both 
at  lpsv,'ich  (old  spelling  Ipswitcli).  There  were  born 
to  tills  couple  six  cbi]dren,  as  follows: 



JosepJi,  born  1G31. 

Johiij  born  1633.  ■  . 




ivillam  (daiigliter)." 

The  X.  E.  Hist,  and  Gt-n.  Kegistei",  Vol.  I.l,  p.  21 G, 
mention^;  a  Joseph  Saii'ord  at  Ipswitch,  made  free- 
Hian  11  October,  "lGS2,  and  Vol.  ^MII,  p.  50,  a  Joseph 
Safford,  aged  59  in  1G92.  Possibly  both  item«  refer 
to  Joseph,  son  of  Thomas  the  inimigrant,  althougli 
there  is  a  difrerence  in  date  of  birth. 

Hon.  Alfred  Greeley  Safford,  of  VVashingiou, 
D.  C,  attorney  for  the  Inter-State  Commerce  Com- 
mission, has  very  kindly  fnrnished  the  writer  with 
the  records  of  liis  ancestry,  from  vv^bich  the  folio  wing 

''Thomas  and  John  Salford  were  living  at  jp- 
swich  in  1G30.  One  or  both  of  them  came  over  in  the 
'Fortune'  in  1629.  At  first  1  supposed  that  Thomas 
Safford  was  the  original  ancestor  in  this  country, 
but  Lie'it,  W.  E.  Saii'ord  (U.  S.  Navy)  who  made  a 
more  eairi'rd  tavestigarion  than  I  was  able  to  do, 
told  me  li'.at  John  was  the  original  ancestor. 

^'Callirig  these  the  first  and  second  generations, 
the  (.bird  vvas  John,  Jr.,  who  lived  and  died  at  Ir)- 
swich.  Of  his  family  I  knovv-^  nothing  except  that  he 
was  the  father  of  Joseph  Safford,  who  was  born  at 
Ipswich,  where  he  lived  to  an  advanced  age.  He 
should  ;not  be  confounded  with  another  Joseph  Saf- 
ford,  who  was  the  ancestor  of  Col.  Samuel  Safford  of 
the  Green  MountaiD  Boys,  and  who  participated  in 
the  battle  of  Bennington.  Samuel  Safford's 
brother,  .Joseph,  was  the  grandfather  of  Gen.  Wm. 
F.  Smith.'' 

HoL.  .Mfred  Greeley  Safford  (b.  1844)  is  de- 
scerded  from  the  other  Joseph  Safford,  through 
Chains  !lT3'l— 1771),  Challis  (1771—1843)  and  Chaliis 
Fay  (1803-1894). 



Savage's  Genealogical  Dictionary,  Vol.  I^",  p.  4, 
mentions  "Thomas,  at  Ipswich  ICil,  died  lb;i7, 
leaving  vrJdviw,  son  Joseph,  born  probably  1G33,  and 
three  daughter's.'''  Also,  ''Joseph  at  Ipswicli  made 
freeman  10S2.'-  Also  "'Joseph  at  Newtown,  I^.  1., 
1655."  In  the  Annals  of  XewtowJi,  N.  Y.,  p.  38,  a 
Joseph  Saftord  is  found  in  1655.  Savage  gives  *'sTohn 
SatXord  at  Ip;swicli  J.bG5,  perhaps  brother,  x^^'^haps 
son  of  Thomas/'  The  Saiford  family  record  of  Judge 
William  hafr'ord  seero.s  to  straighten  the  line  through 
these  random  notes  of  Savage. 

American  Ancestry,  Vol.  IV,  p.  19G,  states  that 
Thomas  Siiiford  owned  land  at  Ipswich  prior  to  April 
G,  IGU,  and  gives  the  names  and  dates  of  birth  of 
clriUlrtn  almost  the  same  as  the  records  of  Judge 
William  Safford. 

(Born  1G33.) 

American  Ancestry,  Vol.  IV,  p.  196,  gives  his 
record  as  follows:  "Of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  born  1633, 
married  Sarah  S.  and  had  seven  children: 

Sarah,  July  11,  IGOl,  died  July  21,  1712. 

Margaret,  February  2S,  ICGG. 

iK^becca,  August  30,  1GG7. 

Mary,  February  26,  1GG9. 

Elizabeth,  Febjaiary  27,  1671. 

Thomas,  October  16,  1672. 

Joseph,  I>rarch  12,  1G75." 

The  records  of  Judge  William  Safford  agree 
with  above  exactly,  excepting  tvN'o  trifling  errors  in 
day  of  month,  and  contain  in  addition,  the  epitaph 
of  Sarah: 

"Head  and  consider,  stand  in  AW  (awe) 
Do  not  sin,  keep  God's  law." 

Joseph  Safford. 
(Born  March  12,  1675.) 
The  v.TJter  formerly  had  the  Safford  line  run- 
ning through  Thomas  (b.   1672),  as  American  An- 



oe&lry  gires  the  cliildron.  of  Thomas,  among  vrhoiv 
appears  Joseph  (born  lTOi-5),  and  Jennings  .say;^.  p. 
227,  of  Deacon  .Joseph  jSail'ord:  "He  was  born  hi 
1705  at  Ipswich,  Mass."  The  natural  suppusition 
would  De  that  lie  was  tlie  same  Joseph  as  the  one 
mentioned  in  American  Ancestry,  but  the  records 
of  J  udge  Williaiij  SalToid  show  his  ancestor,  Josepli 
tiafiord,  tu  be  son  of  Thomas,  and  to  have  been  born 
March,  17U4  or  5,  but  to  have  married  iiary  Chase  at 
Xevrbury  in  1728,  and  to  liave  died  at  an  advanced 
age  at  Hardvrick,  Mass.  One  solution  of  the  problem 
of  t\\  o  Josephs  both  born  the  same  year  and  place 
might  be  that  Deacon  Joseph  Sa'nord  (1705 — 1775) 
was  the  son  of  Joseph  (brother  of  Thomas)  and  cousin 
of  the  other  tToseph. 

Judge  Stafford's  record  shov.s  his  ancestor  Clial- 
iis  (born  1733^  a  sou  o^'  Joseph,  to  have  married  for 
ijLis  sccv/iivA  v^  iic  j-jy^iia  »v  ariiv-x.  (daugj-LcCr  \^j.  \^Zxi. 
Jonathan  \Yarner,  of  Hardwick),  who,  after  the 
death  of  Challis,  married  for  a  second  husband  Dr. 
Jonas  Fay,  of  Bennington,  Yt.  Jennings,  page  225, 
mentions  Sarah,  the  daughter  of  Deacon  John  Fas- 
sett,  Sr.,  r-s  the  wife  of  Dr.  Jonas  Fay.  This  v,-ould 
seem  to  be  another  coniliction  of  authority,  but 
records  furnished  by  Mr.  B.  ]>.  Hopkins,  of  St 
Albans,  Vt.,  show  that  Sarah  (the  date  of  v/hose 
death  is  not  at  hand)  was  the  first  wife  and  widow 
Lydia  Warner  Satford  the  second  wife  of  Dr.  Jonas 

Deacon  Joseph  Sai'^ford. 
Deacon  Joseph  Safford,  born  1705  at  Ipswich, 
Mass.,  died  June  25,  1775  (see  Mrs.  Robinson,  p.  35, 
and  Jennings,  p.  43)  at  Bennington. 

The  foliovving  information  is  derived  from  Jen- 
nings' Benningto!; :  lie  came  to  Bennington  in  1761. 
His  is  the  second  name  appearing  on  the  records  of 
the  first  church  of  P.ennington  (Deacon  Fassett's 
name  being  first),  the  record  reading  as  follows: 
'*To  receive  in  Joseph  Satl'ord  and  Anne  Saiford  his 

DEAC0J5  JOSEPH  S AFFORD  ( 1 705-1  VVo',, 

wife  into  full  commuLuou  with  this  chiirch."  He  was 
made  deacon  at  the  first  electiou  on  record.  "His 
wife  was  Ann  Bottoin,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  born  in 
1710."  Several  Bottoms^  from  Norwich  served  in  the 
American  armies  during  the  revolution.  (See  '"Con- 
necticut in  the  Kevoluilon.")  Ann  Bottom  Saft'ord 
died  at  Bennington  November  28,  1780.  The  name 
may  have  been  a  corruption  of  ''Botham/-  as  ''^Ivobert 
Botham,  of  Ipswich,  1(552,"  is  found  iu  Savai;'e's  Gen. 
Die.  of  N.  E.  VoL  I,  p.  217. 

At  the  first  tovv'n  meeting  (held  at  the  house 
of  Deacon  John  Fassect)  he  Vvas  appointed  town 
treasurer,  and  one  of  the  tithing  men.  March  31, 
17C2,  it  was  voted  to  give  him  and  Samuel  Bobinsou 
five  acres  of  land  and  forty  dollars  for  erecting  a 
corn-mill  and  forty  dollars  for  erecting  a  saw-milL 

The  Vormont  Historical  Magazine,  VoL  I,  p. 
166,  oc^, ^,  ...  ..^jjiil-:"'''^'  of  the  Saffords;  "'I hey  were 
all  worthy  men,  and  lived  and  died  respected  oy  ail. 
The  blood  of  Deacon  Joseph  Saft'ord  has  llovred  in  the 
veins  of  a  large  number  of  descendants  and  has 
mingled  with  that  of  many  other,  families.  It  was 
of  good  quality,  and  the  mixture  will  not  be  found 
deteriorated  by  it." 

r^'^^nnings  says:  ^'Deacon  Safford  brought  with 
him  to  tJiis  town  the  records  of  the  2\ewint  (Conn.) 
Separate  Church.  These  are  still  preserved  by  his 
descendants;  and  also  a  manuscript  letter  from  the 
old  church  in  Newiut,  signed  by  Daniel  Kirliland,  its 
pastor,  to  Joseph  Safford  and  others,  Separates,  w^ith 
a  view  to  some  further  conference  on  the  matters  of 
difference  between  the  separating  brethren  and  the 
old  church.  These  records  are  interesting,  as  con- 
taining the  records  of  Joseph  Safford's  formal  elec- 
tion and  installation  to  the  office  of  deacon  in  the 
Separatf^  Church;  also  their  confession  of  faith,  and 
covenant,  with  the  signatures;  also  an  important 
case  of  discipline,  spread  out  ar  length,  shovving 
their  strictness  and  success  in  maintaining  disci- 
pline in  the  church." 




HE  cUua  for  the  genealogy  of  Deacon  Safford's 
children  is  extracled.  from    Mrs.  Robinson's 
Genealogy,  and  the    historical   matter    froDJ 
Jennings'  Bennington   where    not  otherwise 

Fir&t— Anna  Safford  (1730—1817)  daughter  of 
Deacon  Jo.seph  Safford  (1705 — 1775),  married  Henrj 
Vs'albridge   (1727 — 1809),   vrhose   name   appears   on 
r.^iic!  r-.f  rv--T->f.  warrnie!  Kobinson^s  companT  iu  battle 
cf  Bennington'^.    Their  children  were: 
Bilas,  17r.9. 
Lucy,  1761. 
Asa^,  17GG. 
Esther,  1768. 
David,  1770. 

Sarah.  1772  (married  Colonel  EMas  Fassett;  see 
Fassett  records). 

Second.— Elizabeth  Safford  (17B5--1S15), daugh- 
ter of  Deacon  Joseph  Safl'ord  (1705 — 1775),  married 
Cornel  in  L^  duly  (1730— 1S09).     Their  children  were: 

Waiter,  1*702. 

Amasa,  1705. 

Jose,  1767. 

Cyrus,  17G9. 

Sybil,  1772. 

Sullivan,  1775. 

Lucy,  177S. 

-  One  Henry  Valbridge  ^^as  killed  in  battle  of  Bsnuizigton.  Ke  was  brothet 
of  Col.  Eb-nezer. 

P'jssibl>  It  was  he,  and  not  Henn,'  (1727-1R09I  wha  was  in  Capt.  Ro-^xtisen'* 
coiiiudiiy     Solomon  -s^as  m  same  company,    .see  also  page  126,  this  boot. 



Third.— General  Samuel  Saffoid  (1737—1813), 
ir'ou  of  Deacon  Josepl]  Safford  (1705 — 1775),  was  born 
April  11.,  1787.  He  was  a  very  prominent  man,  active 
\a  tie  land  title  controversy  with  Xew  York,  repre- 
sentative in  several  conventions  for  defense  against 
Yorkers,  also  in  convention  for  i'orming  the  state. 
Was  second  sergeant  of  Captain  John  Fassett's  mili- 
tary company  in  1701,  major  of  Warner's  first  regi- 
ment, and  Avitliout  any  doubt  major  of  WavLier's 
second  regiment  (the  records  of  the  latter  being  lost), 
of  Green  Mountain  Boys.  Yv'as  lieutenant  colonel  of 
Warner's  Continental  regiment,  dating  from  July  5, 
1776.  (See  ITammei'sly's  Eegular  Army  Register, 
p,  33,  and  any  Vermont  history.)  Was  also  brigadier 
general  of  militia,  taking  command  of  a  brigade 
April  11,  1781,  a  conuuand  declined  by  Ethan  Alien 
vGuvtTAiiOx  xiali's  HiMLOiv  Vermont,  p.  325).  At  the 
battle  of  Bennington,  Colonel  Warner  being  with 
General  Stark,  assisting  him  during  the  entire  en- 
gagement, he  commanded  his  regiment,  which,  com- 
ing on  the  field  just  at  the  right  time,  fought  vrith 
such  fur}'  as  to  break  the  Hessian  reinforcement, 
enabling  the  American  forces  to  drive  the  British 
from  the  bloody  field.  He  was  in  a  number  of 
batiles.  Was  town  representative  1781-2,  state 
councillor  for  nineteen  years,  beginning  1783;  chief 
judge  of  Bennington  County  court  for  twenty-six 
years,  ending  1807.  Was  also  a  member,  w'ith  Fas- 
sett  and  others,  of  the  committee  haviag  the  famous 
Haldimand  uei^otintions  in  charge.  He  believed  in 
the  t-arly  Puritan  Sabbath,  which  began  at  sunset 
P^aturday  night.  He  married  Mary  Lav/reuce  (1711 
--lo21),  slaughter  of  Jonathan  Lawrence.  Their 
children  were: 

Samuel,  1761,  vrho  was  in  Captain  Samuel  Rob- 
inson's company  in  the  battle  of  Bennington. 

]Mary,  1763  (who  married  Xathau  Fay,  son  of 
John  Fay,  who  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Benning- 

lohn,  1765. 



Ruth,  1768. 
Anna,  1771. 
Clara,  17T4.  " 
Electa,  177r>. 
Amelia,  1780.       • 

Abigail  ^'aiIord  (1710 — 1S06),  daughter  of 
Deaccm  Joseph  .^afford  (1705 — 1775],  married  Jod- 
athan  Scott  (1735 — 1784),    Their  children  were: 

Lemuel.  17G1. 

Sarah,  i7GC>.  ,      -    ;        / 

Martin,  176S. 

Levi,  1770. 

Melatiah,  1772. 

>r\]lJLlrt,    17  J  V». 

ADigail.  j<Vh. 
Ira,  1782. 

Colouei  Joseph  Safford  (1742— ISO?)  son  of 
Deacon  Joseph  SalTord  (1705 — 1775),  was  private  in 
Captaii!  John  Fassett's  military  company,  1764,  and 
lieutenant  in  Warner's  iirst  and  prubabiy  captain  in 
Warner's  second  regiment  of  Green  Mountain  Boys, 
lie  was  lioutenant  in  Warner's  Continental  Line 
regiment  September  16,  1770  (see  Kammersly's 
Regular  Army  Register,  p.  33),  and  later  captain  of 
militia.  In  October,  17S1,  he  commanded  a  com- 
pany, in  vv-hich  Martin  Dewey  Follett  (1765 — 1831) 
served  eleven  days,  according  to  a  certificate  of  the 
AdiutanL  General  of  Yermont,  in  an  alarm  to  Castle- 
ton.  In  1784  he  commanded  one  of  three  companies 
under  cordmand  of  Ethan  Allen  in  driving  Yorkers 
out  of  Yermont  into  Massachusetts.  (History  of 
Eastern  Yermont,  p.  519.)  Jennings  and  Governor 
Hall  both  give  him  the  title  of  Colonel,  probablv  ac- 
quired late  in  the  revolution  in  the  militia.  His 
came  appears  in  a  list  of  colonels  of  the  revolution 
in  Yeriiionfc  Hisjoru-al  Magazine.  Yol.  IT,  d.  3S1^. 
Governor  Hall  mentions  him  as  colonel  in  1705.    He 



married  Marcv  Robinson  (174S — iS14),  daughter  of 
Captain  Snmnel  Eobinson,  Sr.  (1705 — 1TG7).  [See 
KobJDSon  records.]  Colonel  Joseph  Safford's  chil- 
dren v/ere: 

Marcy,  born  January  4,  17G9. 

Sarah,  1770.  ,      , 

Junia,  1773. 

Anna,  1T81. 

Joseph,  1783. 

Luey,  ,    ,::  i; 


Marcy  married  Eldad  Butler,  born  at  Stock- 
bridge,  Mass.,  1764,  son  of  Silas  Butler,  Their  chil- 
dren vrere: 

Eldad  Spencer,  1789. 

Joseph  B^fford.  1791. 

oaxcx.,  Je.i.i:uiy  11,  ±'93. 
*Ann,  1795. 

Benjamin  Fay,  1798. 

Juliet,  1800.  ' 

Sarah  (1793)  married  Ashbel  Smith  at  St.  Al 
bans,  Vt.  and  their  children  were: 

Gardner  G]  eiiory. 

Harriet  Adelia. 

Baskell  Gilbert. 

Sarah  Ann. 

William  Farrar, 

Edward  Ashbel. 

(yo  dates  of  this  family  are  given  in  Mrs.  Rob- 
inson's (Tenealoiry.) 

AViUiam  Farrar  Smith  entered  ^lilitary  Ac:^- 
dcmy  .>t  ^\'est  Point  1841,  commissioned  Brevet 
Second  Fieutoitant  of  TopogTa^jhical  Engineers  1845, 
Second  Lieutenant  1849,  First  Lieutenant  1853,  Cap- 
tain 1859,  Major  of  Engineers  1863.     Was  succes- 

-'  General  Sinitb  ^rrites  :  '  ''My  aunt  Ann  m.irried  a  Fassevt.  I  do  not  know 
if  he  was  of  your  unuily.  Kt  vvas  a  reg-'.ilai  covf.nant'n-  and  used  to  flog  aie 
daily  in  school.'' 

Tl'tre  v.-e-e  •-.'J-er  t .'-.  -setti  \n  Ver:u.,i)t  not  connected  witli  the  de?ceEdant.s 
of  C:i'_>t.J  :^r'  :  .'  -t-tf:.  r.r.  T'^-;  wri't-r  iia;  no  iiiea-u>  oS' .-i- .:ert?.iTiina- ju'-t  wbo 
the  /■usoj'.Tid  rtj'  Ann  l;iitler  vva-i.  i^-^  ;t:.;_.-  M:-?.  Ro'Di:i>c-t'i's  Geue.ilogy  uny  be 
in  error  in  reE;n;'d.  to  t'ne  i\nna  (Satlordi  meiitioticct  on  pag'e  271  this  book,  as 
iK^-riyiag  Jonaih.-i.Ti,  son  of  Capt.  Jonathan  Fassett 


sivelv  bievetlGfl  Lioiitei)uiit  Colonel  1862,  Colunei 
1862,' Brigadier  General  1865,  Major  General  1S65,  in 
regular  army,  for  "gallant  and  meritorious  serrice  in 
battle.-'  ALso  in  volunteer  forces  be  was  Brigadier 
General  1861,  Major  General  1862.  (See  Hainmerely's 
Regular  Array  Register,  pp,  101,  232,  771,  772).  His 
dashing  exploit  in  opening  a  line  of  supplies  to  the 
army  in  Chattanooga  won  for  him  the  following 
from  General  Grant,  in  a  communication  to  the  stc- 
retary  of  war,  dated  November  12,  1S63:  "He  is 
possessed  of  one  of  the  clearest  military  heads  in  the 
army;  is  very  practical  and  industrious;  no  man 
in  the  service  is  better  qualified  than  he  is  for  our 
largest  commands."  (Official  Kecord,  Vol.  56,  j). 
122.)  He  is  knov/n  in  the  histories  of  the  civil  war 
as  General  "Raldy"  Smith. 

Ti-ic  Ver^iCiit  riiitorlcal  Mf^pyit"^^  t'oI  tt  i-» 
443,  mentions  at  length  General  William  F.  Smith 
as  born  at  St.  Albans,  February  17,  1824.  Was 
fourth  in  his  class  at  West  Point.  AYas  on  surveys 
of  Lake  Superior  region,  the  PJo  Grande  in  Texas, 
the  military  road  to  California  and  the  Mexican 
boundarv    commission    survev. 

Colonel  David  Safford  (1744—1831),  son  of 
Deacon  Joseph  Safford  (1703 — 1775),  was  born  Feb- 
ruary 19,  1714.  He  was  a  private  in  Cnptain  John 
Fas?'ett\s  military  company  in  1764,  and  in  Captain 
Samuel  Rnbiiis>>-i's  com])any  in  battle  of  Bennington. 
He  married  Ainci  Brewster  at  Bennington  and  made 
his  residen<-'e  at  Cambridge,  Vt.  Is  given  the  title 
of  colonel  in  Governor  Hall's  History,  p.  137.  His 
children  vrere: 

Faiby,  1774. 

Joseph,  1775. 

David  Bre^^'ster,  1777. 

Erick,  1773. 

Anna,  17S0. 

Orson,  1783. 

Submit  (1785— 1>^07). 



Alvin  (1787—1701). 

Jacobanr!  SolouiOD,  twins,  1780,  died  1812  and 

LrdJa,  1792. 

Gel,  1794.  ■ 

(One  of  the  childreD,  Anna,  married  Jonathan 
Fassett,  son  of  Cax)taiu  Jonathan  (1745 — 1S25). 

Hannah  Safford  (1746— ISIO),  daughter  of 
Deacon  Joseph  SaiTord  (1705—1775),  was  born 
March  2, 174G,  and  died  April  19,  1810.  She  married 
Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.  (1743 — 1S03).  See  Fassett 

Mrs,  Hannah  Chirk,  who  was  nearly  seven  years 
of  age  at  the  time  of  the  death  of  her  grandmother, 
Hannah  S^^^Vord  Fassett,  tells  of  her  experience  with 
ittn  iiUii^v  C..^  ^j-.oIjV'--^).  ^he  had  tea  in  the  house 
and  wlien  they  wanted  to  brev/  it  the  only  way  they 
dared  to  do  it  was  to  put  some  one  on  watch  to  give 
the  alarm  in  case  any  one  approached  the  house,  as  it 
would  not  do  for  their  friends  to  know  that  they 
drank  e^en  their  ov,-n  tea.  Mrs.  Clark  tells  also  of 
how  her  mother,  Persis  Fassett  Follett  (1767—1849), 
wonld  tell  of  the  trying  experiences  of  her  mother, 
Hannah  Safford  Fassett  (1746—1810),  during  the 
revolution.  The  times  then  were  full  of  excitement 
and  sometimes  fear,  especially  when  her  father. 
Captain  John  Fassett,  Jr.  (1743 — 1803),  was  away 
from  home.  For  a  time  news  would  be  brought  in 
every  few  days  of  some  battle  or  Indian  massacre, 
and  excitement  would  run  high.  They  would  fear 
for  the  safety  of  those  in  the  army  and  for  their  own 
safety  and  the  security  of  their  homes  and  posses- 
sions. By  no  means  the  least  of  their  troubles  was 
the  making  of  clothes  for  the  men  folks  in  the  army 
and  tlio  taking  care  of  the  crops  and  attending  to 
the  other  farm  work,  in  the  absence  of  the  men. 

Hannah  Salford  Fassett  (1746- ISIO)  had  small- 
pox, probably  at  one  of  the  times  when  that  disease 
was  very  prevalent.  After  the  death  of  hev  hi"s«band 


in  1803,  she  made  her  home  with  her  son  Joseph  Pas- 
seit,  svlio  ako  lived  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  where  she 
died  acd  was  buried. 

Lijcy  Safford  (171S —- ),  daughter  of  Deacon 

Josepli  Safford  (1705--1775),  married  Samuol  Mon- 
tague (1745—1825),  :ion  of  Samuel  Montague,  who 
died  at  Bennington.    Their  children  were: 

Lucy,  17(>5. 

Dariu:^,  1767'. 

Anna,  1769. 

Elizabeth,  1772. 




sjoio-p-jon.  1785. 

Chalis,  1788. 

Esther  Baft'ord  (1750 ),  daughter  of  Deacon 

Joseph  Sahord  (1705—1775),  married  (as  second  wife) 
Colonel  vSamuel  Robinson  (1738—1813),  and  was 
mother  of  ten  (only)  of  his  children,  viz.: 

Hannah  (January  10,  1770— July  31,  1831),  who 
married  Captain  Charles  Follett  (1767—1814) 
[brother  of  Captain  Martin  Dewey  Follett]. 

Esther,  1771  (Mrs.  Hyde). 

Samuel,  1771. 

Benjamin,  1776. 

Polly,  1778. 

Betsey,  1781  (Mrs.  Sears,  mother  of  Hon.  Ben- 
jamin II.  Sears). 

Safford,  1784. 

Hiram,  1786. 

Lucy,  1780  CMrs.  l^fontague). 

Sarah,  175^1  Qfrs.  Haswell). 

Colonel  Ixobioson  I L73S — 1813),  was  brother  to 
Marcy  (1718—1811),  wife  of  Colonel  Joseph  Safford. 
The  entire  roll  of  Captaiu  faft^-r^^'a^d  Colonel)  Samuel 
KoV. insole's  company  as  it  was  in  tlie  battle  of  Ben- 
ninpron  is  preserved  and  is  slven  in  Jennings'  Hi^- 



torv,  pp.  201-202.  The  f ollov/iug  names  out  of  6G,  may 
be  interesting  to  note :  Heurj  TValbridge,  Daniel  Fay 
iiifcr),  T.eonar«J  Eobinson,  Samuel  Salford,  Jr.,  John 
Fax,  Elijah  Fay,  Josepli  Fay,  Bilas  Piobinsou  (brother 
of  the  captain),  Solomon  VVaibridge,  Jehiel  Smith, 
Fh-ineas  Vrright,  John  Smith,  David  SatTord,  Elisha 
Smith,  Solomon  Safford,  Simeon  Sears,  David  l^jb- 
inson,  Joseph  Safford.  (The  writer  cannot  place  this 
Joseph.  He  was  not  a  member  of  the  family  of 
Chaliis  SafiT.rd.)      , 

Jacob  Sa fiord  (1752—1823),  son  of  Deacon 
Joseph  Saft'ord  (1705 — 1775),  was  orderly  sergeant, 
ensign  and  lieutenant  in  Warner's  regiment,  and 
was  in  battle  of  Bennington.  Is  found  in  Vermont 
Historical  Maga'^Jne,  p  15.S,  as  stating  (in  Journals 
ot  Congress)  chni  ho  wa^  a  lieu-^e^'i'ft  iv.  Warner's 
regiment  and  marched  under  command  of  his 
brother  from  Mancliester  to  Bennington.  He  ap- 
pears as  an  ensign  in  Warner's  C(mtinental  regi- 
ment, commi>:.sioned  August  IS,  1778,  resigned  De- 
cember IS,  1779.  (See  liarjmersly's  Regular  Army 
Register,  p.  B3.)  He  married  Persis  Robinson  (1759 
— 1S27),  daughter  of  Colonel  Samuel  Robinson  (1738) 
by  his  lirst  wife,  Hannah  Clark.  Xo  children  are 
mentioned  by  ^Irs.  Robinson.  He  also  married 
Elizabeth  Thurstin  in  1728. 

Solomon  SalTord  (1755 — 1S37),  was  in  Captain 
Samuel  Robinson's  company  in  battle  of  Benning- 
ton. Is  mentioned  in  Vermont  Historical  Magazine 
as  being  left  in  charge  of  some  baggage  at  one  time 
during  the  battle.  He  married  Mrs.  Submit  Tupper 
(1754 -),  daughter  of- Mr.  Brewer  of  Concord- 
Mass.     Xo  children  menti(.»ned  by  Mrs.  Robinson. 



Df.ta  f'lrtiislied  by  Mr.  Benjamiii  Deuiing  Kopkir?,  of  St.  Albans,  Vt.  as  the 
writer  has  no  Hopkins  b]ocd  iu  liia  veins,;  ueithfris  V.s  i'lH-rcecded  irc-n\  ihe 
Rohinsor.s  or  Fays,  but  these  f;in:<ili-rft  are  brict/y  mentioned  on  accouii;  oJ'  !he 
nuMSions  iijterrjiarriages  betw-eei,  ih>.tt:t  &ud  th';  faiiulies  previously  noticed. 

I^-OHX  HOPKINS  settled  m  Cambridge,  Mass., 

-v^sfW     arid  inoved  io  Hartfoi'd,  ('oriD.,  in  1636.    His 
^1        children  were: 
(^--^       Stepheri.^      .  -J '^,7 

:■-      Bertha.  l\ji-lvI--<>-.    ;    "^    .-.:--, 
«  <,. l-c...     ^^ '-  U-t^'^  : 

Stephen  HopMns,  son  of  John  Hopkins,  married 
Dorcas  Bronson,  daughter  of  John  Bronson,  of  Farro- 
ington,  Conn,  He  died  October,  1G80,  and  his  w'ldiAv 
May  10,  1C97.    Their  children  were: 


-  Ebenezer. 





1669-  He  married  V.uvy  Butler  at  Wetherslield, 
Conn.,  January  21,  1601. '  Their  children  were: 

Ebenezer,  baptized  November  19,  1693  (died 

Jonathan,  baptized  June  28.  1696. 

Ebenezer,  baptized  June  25,  1700. 

Mary,  baptized  January  30,  1705. 

Stephen,  baptized  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  Auji^ust 
17,  1707,  and  setiled  in  Waterbnry,  Conn. 

I.saac,  bapiized  November  28,  170S. 

Sarah,  baptized  June  25,  1710, 

"John  Hopkins  ht'.d  land  at  Hartford,  Februarv,  lo-V).  Cv'.:a.  Ki=t.  Coll.  u.  49. 

STEPHEN  HOPKINS  (1707-1 7H7). 

Stephen  Hopkins  ilTOT — ITIIT),  son.  of  Ebenezer 

Hopkins    (1669 — • -),n).aiTie(i    Jemima     Bronson 

JaUj^hier  of  Johii- Bronson,  February  20,  1720,  ?.iid 
moved  to  Harwiuter/Coiiii.,  in  IToS,  Tiieir  cbiidreii 

Xeah,  bom  January  2G,  1730.  Xoah  was  ap- 
pointed lieutenant  in  tbe  (ith  Duchess  County  (N.  Y.) 
militia,  October  17,  1775. 

Eoswell,  born  May  IS,  1733,  Ivo&well  was  lieu- 
tenant colonel  of  John  Clinton's  regiment  of  conti- 
nental troops,  orj^aiiized  April  12,  1770,  and  saw 
much  active  service.  He  was  for  many  years  Secre- 
tary Oi  State  for  Vernront,  and  died  at  Charlotte.  Yt., 
in  the  97th  year  of  his  age. 

Michael,  born  March  9,  1735.  Michael  was 
elected  town  clerk  of  Amenia  Apiil,  1762,  and  held 
ihe  ouice  til]  his  death  in  1773,  when  his  brother 
Kosweu  succeeded  hiiH. 

Weight,  born  October  9,  1738,  at  Harwlnter, 
Conn.    See  notice  later. 

Stephen  ( ),  who  married  I*hoda  Dewey 

(1746 —  ),  daughter  of  Martin   Dewey  (1716— 

1763).  Many  of  their  descendants  lived  in  S wanton, 
Yt,  about  1S25.    Ue  died  in  Otsego  County,  N.  Y. 

Benjamin  ( ).     Benjamin  was  adjutant 

of  Colonel  Seth  Warner's  regiment.  He  married 
Jerusha  Kudd,  vcho,  with  several  of  her  children, 
settled  in  Fairfax,  Yt.  He  was  killed  by  Indians  at 
Bloody  Brook,  near  Fort  Edward,  X.  Y.,  in  1780. 

Ileuben,  born  June  1,  174S.  Keuben  was  adju- 
tant of  a  regiment  of  X'ew  York  troops  during  the 
revolution  and  a  brigadier  general  in  the  war  of 
3312.     He  died  at  Edwardsville,  III,  in  1819. 

Captain  Stephen  Hopkins.  ,(11^0 1*" — 1767)  appears 
to  have  moved  from  Harwlnter,  Conn.,  about  1742, 
and  settled  at  Nine  Partners'  (now  Amenia),  X.  Y., 
where,  according  to  the  records  of  the  town  and 
church,  he  becanie  a  prominent  and  useful  man. 
Upon  a  subscription  for  the  building  of  a  meeting- 
house, dated  Nine  Partners,  February  0,  175S,  his 
name  appear^:;  hrst  for  the  sum  of  £20.    The  names  of 


hi.::;  lour  eldest  sous  are  alio  ou  the  paper  lor  smallev 
sums.  Jedediah  Dewey  subscribed  £10  for  tliis  meet- 
ing-liouse-  The  site  for  the  meetiiig-uoase  and  laud 
for  a  burying  grouud  were  giveu  by  Captain  Stephen 
ilopkius  (ITUT — 1767).  He  died  at  -Cine  rartuei-.s. 
N.  Y.,  February  8, 17G7.  His  widow  died  at  Beuuing- 
ton  October  22, 1792,  aged  6G  years.  Her  grave,  with 
o>;hers  of  our  ancestors,  is  teuderly  eared  for  by  the 
good  peojjle  of  Bennington. 

Their  .son>s,  except  Michael  and  Eeuben,  emi- 
j^rated  to  Vermont  before  the  revolutionary  war,  and 
ail  except  Michael,  who  died  before  the  war,  and 
Stephen,  who  was  an  invalid,  held  commissions  in 
the  Continental  armv. 

:!Hajor  Weight  Hopkins;  (173S— 1770),  son  of  Capt. 
Str.phrn  Hophins  (1707 — 17GT),  married  Mindw<  li, 
daughter  of  lie  v.  Jedediah  Devv-ey,  and  moved  to  Ben- 
nington abouL  17G(>.  He  owned  and  carried  on  a  farm 
in  the  east  part  of  the  tov>'n  until  July  -1,  1775,  when 
lie  was  elected  sixth  captain  of  a  battalion  of  seven 
companies,  of  which  Ethan  Alien  was  lieutenant 
colonel  and  yer.h  Warner  major.  On  the  27th  of  July, 
the  same  year  when  Allen  vras  dropped  by  the  Ver- 
mont convention  held  at  Dorset,  and  Warner  was 
placed  in  command,  liophins  was  pushed  forward 
to  be  first  captain.  (John  Fassett,  Jr.,  was  his  iirst 
lieutenant.    Bee  Diary). 

On  the  5th  of  July,  1776,  Congress  resohed 
*'That  a  regiment  be  raised  out  of  the  ohicers  who 
served  in  <  \in;;da  and  tiiat  the  follovving  named  per- 
sons be  appointed  otticers.  Seth  Warner,  colonel; 
Samuel  Salford,  lieutenant  colonel;  ElJsha  Painter, 
major.  Of  the  cax>tains  the  hrst  named  was  Weight 
Hopkins.  Captain  Hopkins  served  in  Canada  and 
was  with  Warner  at  the  capture  of  St.  John's  and 
Montreal  in  1775,  and  in  the  disastrous  retreat  later 
on,  in  1776. 

According  to  family  traditions  be  was  n<.'t  in  th'.* 
Bennington  battle  August  16,  1777,  it  being  sup- 


posed  that  he  v^'as  oti  detached  service,  as  probably 
aboiit  half  uf  Warner's  regiment  was  at  that  time, 

yiv.  B.  D,  Hopkins  t^Lates,  in  a  hotter  oi"  recent 
(Late:  "My  great-grandfather,  Weight  Hopkins,  was 
killed  by  Indians  and  tOiies  on  Diamond  Island,  Lake 
George,  July  15,  1779.  I  had  a  long  search  for  the 
date  before  I  found  it.  At  last  1  si  rack  a  Lake 
George  historian,  Ives'.  E.  F.  DaCosta,  of  Xew  York, 
who  had  copied  the  oiiicial  (British)  report  from 
revolutionary  records  in  the  British  museum  at  Lon- 
don. Besides  the  date,  other  particulars  are  given. 
Before  I  found  the  Bev.  B.  F.  Da  Costa,  I  of  course 
wrote  the  Pension  Department.  The  best  informa- 
tion I  received  from  there  vras  the  affidavit  of  Martin 
D.  Foliett,  made  in  1S20,  as  follows:  'Major  Weight 
Hopkins  was  killed  some  time  in  the  summer  of  1779, 
I  believe.'  Mnjnr  Hopkins  was  with  a  detachment 
01  v>  anici'  o  i^^liiitiil  .^tatloiK'^  p-*-  "f^ort  Gonro-e.  with 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Saiford  in  command.  Hopkins 
and  party  were  out  on  a  pleasure  excursion  and  were 
surprised  by  the  Indians  and  tory  scouts.  Some 
women  and  children  were  v/ith  the  p^'^'^y,  who  were 
killed  and  scalped." 

The  children  of  Alajor  Weight  Hopkins  were: 

Mindwell  ( ). 

Deadauna  ( ). 

Lovisa  ( ). 

Henry  (born  17G9— died  1847). 

Henry  Hopkins  (17G9 — lS-17),  son  of  Major 
Weighi  Hopkins,  married,  January  27,  17S9,  Sarah, 
daughter  of  Dr.  Jonas  Fay  by  his  first  wife,  Sarah 
Fassett  (who  was  daughter  of  Captain  John  Fassett, 
Sr.  [1720 — 1794],  see  Fassett  records).  Their  chil- 
dren were: 

Wait  (1790—18(31),  a  soldier  of  the  war  of  1812. 

Fav  (1792— 1S79). 

Auretta  (1793—1829). 

Lovisa  (1795—1872). 

Henry,  Jr.  (1797— 1S52),  a  volunteer  at  Platts- 
burgh  in  1814. 



HemaiJ  (1800—1892). 
Sarah  (1802— 1S04). 
Jonas  Fay  (ISOl— 1S73). 
JededuiL  Dewey  (180S-— 1S90). 
n(^nry  Hopkins  died  1S4T  and  Ms  v-.ife  1S20  at 
Eiio.sburgh,  Yt. 

Hc-nry  Hopkins,  Jr.  (ITOT — 1852),  sod  of  Henry 
Hopkins  (1709—1817),  married  Lois  Biaisdell  (1708 
—1891)  February  5,  1821,  at  Cambridge,  Yt.  Their 
children  vrere: 

Mary  Ann  (born  December  14, 1821), 

Herman  fborn  April  24,  1823,  died  January  2, 

Silas  (born  July  31 , 1 825). 

Daniel  (born  March  23,  1827). 

Henrv  (born  Jnoe  15, 1S32,  died  March  21 ,  1880). 

Benjamin  Doming  (oorn  Octooer  16,  1854). 

Emerette  (born  February  5,  1837), 

Stephen  De\vey  (born  January  16,  1840). 



/^f^AMUEL  KOBIXSOX  (1GG8— 1730)  was,  ac- 
W^"^  cording  to  ^trs.  Ifobinson's  Genealogy, 
^s^^  '"Bori}  at  Bristol,  England,  IGGS.  He  emi- 
grated to  Cambridge,  Mass.,  and  died  there 
1730.  Cambridge  was  the  birthplace  of  all  his  chii- 
dren."  Jennlng.^'  Bennington,  which  devotes  many 
pages  to  the  Bobinsons,  says:  -'It  is  said  that  the 
elder  Samuel  Bobinson  is  supposed  to  have  been  a 
distant  connection  of  the  Bey>  John  Bobinson,  of 
Lc^;  _'■:  !r  f-'^*  on  side  of  the  vrater  to  the  Pil- 
grims of  the  Mayj^ower)." 

Samuel  Bobinson  (1705 — 1767),  son  of  Samnei 
Bobinson  (KIGS — 1730),  was  born  in  1705,  married 
Marcy  Leonard  (1713 — 1795),  of  Sonthbury,  Mass. 
She  died  June  5,  1795,  at  Bennington,  Jennings 
says  of  him:  "He  was  the  acknowledged  leader  in 
the  band  of  pioneers  in  the  settlement  of  the  town 
(Bennington),  and  continued  to  exercise  almost  a 
controlling  authority  in  the  affairs  of  the  town  the 
remainder  of  his  life.  *  *  *  He  was  captain  of  a 
company  in  Colonel  Buggies'  regiment  of  provin- 
cials, and  served  as  such  on  the  frontier  in  1755-, 
175G.  He  Wiis  at  the  head  of  his  company  in  the 
battle  of  Lake  George,  when  the  French  were  de- 
feated by  Generals  Johnson  and  Lyman.  He  wa:? 
deacon  in  the  old  church  and  afterward  in  the 
Separate  church  in  Hardwick.  *  *  *  Many  facts 
attest  his  ability  that  he  conceived,  organized  and 
set  on  foot  the  settlement  of  this  part  of  the  country; 
that  he  v/as  so  prompt  and  resolute  to  resist  the 
claims  of  Xew  York  oihcials  to  the  lands  of  this  ter- 
ritory. It  is  related,  when  the  surveyors  came  from 
Xew  York  upon  his  lands,  he  cut  their  chain  in  two 


Ti]E  K0BINS02>S. 

v'iih  his  hop,  but  \:hcn  iliej  desisted  from  their  at- 
tempt, he  invited  themintohis  houseand  treated  tbeiii 
ill  tha  hospitable  manner;  that  he  was  deputed 
to  I :Ondo7i  as  represeuiative  of  the  settlers  here,  in 
ihe  Britis/i  court,  and  enabled,  as  such,  to  gain  the 
ear  of  His  Majesty,  and  secure  t^vo  very  important 
and  signiiicant  orders  irom  the  crown  in  favor  of  the 
settlers,  and  against  the  government  of  the  Province 
of  Xew  York,-'  He  sailed  from.  New  York  for  Eng- 
land, as  agent  for  the  settlers  of  tlie  Hampshire 
Grants,  December  25,  3  7G6,  and  landed  at  Falmouth 
•lanuar}  30th,  1767.  While  in  the  discharge  of  his 
duties  in  London  he  took  the"  smallpox  and  died  in 
Octotber,  17G7.  He  was  the  first  magistrate  in  Ver- 
mont, Of  his  wife  Jennings  says,  quoting  a  letter 
from  one  of  her  descendants,  "She  vras  accustomed 
to  take  o:ie  of  her  sonvS  v.ith  her,  and  ride  to  Albririy 
vii<xK.xi,  transact  business,  make  her  purcha^Cti 
and  return,"  "When  living  in  their  log  house,  while 
her  husband  was  still  living,  but  in  England, 
and  her  children,  David,  Jonathan  and  Anna  were 
with  her,  the  wolves  came  up  at  night  and  tried  at 
the  doors  and  v*indows  to  obtain  entrance.  She 
knocked  upon  the  door  to  frighten  them  from  the 
immediate  proximity,  then  seized  firebrands  from 
the  lire,  opened  the  door  and  Vv'uved  them  and 
shouted  v>ith  all  her  strength.  The  wolves  tied  away 
and  were  no  more  seen  or  heard  by  her,''  >She  was  a 
pious  woman  and  much  revered  in  the  Bennington 

The  children  of  Captain  Satuuel  liobinson,  Sr. 
^ITOo — 17()7)  were: 

First. — Leonard  Robinson,  son  of  Samuel  Rob 
ius<m  (1705 — 1767),  born  July  27,  1730,  died  Septem- 
ber 29,  1S27.  Had  sixteen  children.  ^Vas  first  ser- 
geant of  Captain  John  Fassett's  company  in  1764. 
Was  in  his  brother  Samttel's  company  in  battle  of 
Bennington.  "His  aim,"  says  Jennings,  "was  quick 
and  deadly,  and  he  declared  that  every  time  he  shot 
he  sav.'  a  man  fall,  ^bu.t,'  said  he,  'I  prayed  the  Lord  to 
have  merey  on  his  soul.'  " 


Second. — Colonel  Samuel  HoblusoD  (1738 — 
1813),  son  of  Samuel  .Robiuson  (1705 — 1767),  boru 
August  15, 17Soj  died  }^Iay  3,  1813.  Married  Hannah 
Clark  for  lirst  wife,  and  for  second  wife  Esther  Saf- 

forl    (1750- ),    daughter    of    Deacon    tloseph 

Saflord  'J-705 — 1775).  See  Sali'ord  record.  Was  an 
active  man  in  the  eaj'ly  affairs  of  the  toAYu,  Com- 
manded a  comj3anv  of  militia  in  battle  of  Benning- 
ton; rose  to  be  a  colonel.  '  V\'as  overseer  of  tory 
prisoners,  representative  in  1770  and  1780,  and  mem- 
ber of  Board  of  War  for  three  years.  Was  justice  of 
the  peace  and  judge  of  Special  Court,  and  one  of  the 
eight  persons  in  the  secret  of  the  llaldimand  aifair; 
a  man  of  great  courage,  kindness  and  generosity. 

Thiid. — Governor  Moses  Kobinson  (1741 — 1S13), 
sou  of  Samuel  Kobinson  (1705 — 1707),  born  March  2G, 
iiil,  uied  -Ji^y  ?  •;  1S13. "  M.amed  Mary  Fay  pT13— 
lcS01)j  daughter  of  Stephen  Pay  (1713 — ilbi;  fur  jlioL 
wife,  by  whojn  he  had  six  sons  and  one  daughter. 
His  second  wife  w^as  Susannah  Howe.  Of  hi.s  chil- 
dren were:  Captain  Moses  Bobinson,  Jr.,  who  was  a 
nembtr  of  Council  in  1S14,  rep]-esentative,  etc.,  and 
■\7ho  married  Ruth,  daughter  of  Captain  Elijah 
Devrey;  2>lajor  Aaron  l^obinson,  who  was  tov\-n 
clerk  tieven  years,  justice  of  tlie  peace  twenty-three 
years,-  judge,  cburch  clerk,  etc.,  and  who  married 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Major  Weight  ilopkiu^';  "Nathan, 
father  of  Governor  John  Staniford  Bobinson  (gov- 
ernor of  Yermont  1S53).  Goverjior  Moses  Bobinson 
was  town  clerk  nineteen  years,  coU)nel  of  a  regimenr 
of  militia  at  ]\rount  Independence,  member  of  Coun- 
cil of  Safety  1777,  chief  justice  of  Supreme  Court  of 
Yermont  ai  its  formation,  and  for  ten  years  agent 
for  Yermont  in  Continental  Congress,  United  Stales 
Senator  and  Governor  of  Yermont.  He  was  deacon 
in  the  cLureh,  very  pious  and  the  wealihiest  man  in 
Bennington.  Thompoou's  (!■. azt'ttecr  of  Yermont 
says  that  he  ''was  the  hrst  colonel  of  militia  in  the 
state,  and  with  his  regiment,  was  often  in  active  ser- 
vice during  the  war." 



Fourth. — Paul  Eobinson  (1743 — 175-1)5  t^on  of 
Samuel  Kobiuson  (1705 — 17G7),  boi'n  October,  1743, 
aiid  died  1751. 

Fifrju— Silas   Kobinaoii    (1710™ ),    Bon    of 

Samuel  Kobinson  (1705 — 17G7),  born  April,  1716, 
died  at  St.  AlbaiiK,    Married  Susannah  Weeks  (1750 

— j,     j^iis  gon  Paul  married  Anna,  daughter  of 

General  Samuel  Sallord  (1737 — 1S13).  Was  private 
in  Captain  John  Fassett's  company  in  1761,  and  in 
his  brother's  company  in  battle  of  Bennington. 

Sixth. — Marcy  Kobiuson  (171S — ISll),  daughter 
of  Samuel  Eobinson  (1705 — 1767),  vras  born  October, 
171S,  and  died  at  Benniugton  May  7,  3S11.  Married 
Colonel  Joseph  Sall'urd  il712--1807).     See  SaiXord 

Seventh. — Sarah  Bobinson  (1751 ),  daugh- 
ter of  Samuel  Eobinson  (1705 — 1767),  was  born  No- 
vember, 1751,  and  married  Benjamin  Fay  (1750 — 
17S6),  son  of  Stephen  Fay  (1713 — 1781).  Their  chil- 
cren  were:  Samuel  (married  Buth,  daughter  of 
Colonel  Benjamin  Fassett),  Moses,  Benjamin,  Joseph, 
Ezra,  Sara;i,  ("hariotte. 

Eighth. — General  David  Eobinson  (1751 — 1813), 
son  of  Samuel  Eobinson  (1705 — 1767),  was  born  No- 
vember 22,  1751,  and  died  December' 12,  1813.  Mar- 
ried Sarah  Fay  (1757 — ISOl),  daughter  of  Stephen 
Fay  (1713 — 1781).  Children  were:  Sarah,  David, 
Euth,  Stephen,  Hiram,  Hiram  (2d),  Heman,  of  whom 
tliose  who  lived  became  prominent  persons.  V\"as 
private  in  his  brother's  company  in  battle  of  Ben- 
nington. Eose  by  regular  promotion  to  rank  of 
ntajor  general  of  militia,  which  he  resigned  in  1817. 
^Vaa  sheriff  twenty-two  years  and  United  States 
Marshal  eight  years.  A  man  of  great  courage.  In 
the  winter  of  1776-7  he,  with  a  man  named  Deming 
and  several  others  whom  he  }>ersuaded  to  aceorrii)any 
him,  travelled  two  hundred  miles  in  the  snov»',  to  a 
place  where  a  compiiny  of  w  omen  and  children  >>"ere 



left  defeDselesvS,  and  conveTed  them  to  a  plane  of 
RfiJety  on  the  Conueeti  cut  river  and  returned  to  Ben- 
nington. Toward  the  of  his  life  his  mind 

Kinth, — Judge  Jonathan  Kobinson  (1756 — 1819), 
son  of  Samuel  Kobinson  (1705 — 17G7),  was  born  Au- 
gust 11,  1750,  and  died  November  3,  1819.  He  mar- 
ried },lo.vj  Fassert  fl751 — 1822),  daughter  of  Deacon 
John  Fassetv  (1720 — 1T;)4).  Their 'children  were: 
Jonathan  Edwards,  Marj,  JJenrv  aiid  Isaac  Tich- 
enor,  ail  prominent  people,  Denry  being  at  one  time 
a  paymaster  in  the  U.  S.  Army.  Was  a  lawyer,  town 
clerk  six  years,  representative  thirteen  years,  chief 
judge  of  Supreme  Court  six  years,  United  States 
senator  ciglvt  years,  probate  judge  four  years.  Was 
very  juuch  averse  to  aristocratic  pretensions,  a^ul 
was  fond  of  wrestlins;.  Jennings  says  of  him:  "When 
a  senator  in  Congress,  he  came  home  on  one  occasion, 
and  Sunday  morning  as  the  family  were  prepared  for 
church,  his  daughter  Polly,  afterv\-ards  Mrs.  Merrill, 
came  into  the  room  dressed  handsomely  in  silk;  he 
noticed  the  dress  at  once,  and  mnde  inquiry  about  it; 
his  daughter  ansv.-ered  his  inquiries,  relating  that 
her  raotiKT  had  purchased  it  of  a  peddler,  calling  his 
attention  to  its  excellent  quality,  and  seeking  his 
approval  of  it  as  a  good  barszain.  'I  do  not  care  about 
that,'  raid  he,  'go  take  it  off,  and  put  on  your  calico 
dress,  or  you  shall  not  go  to  meeting  with  m.e;  when 
your  mates  have  sill:  dresses  to  wear,  then  you  may 
wear  one.'  Her  mother,  who  was  more  aristocratic- 
ally inclined,  had  bought  the  dress  when  he  was 
absent  at  Washington."  Jennings  says  also  that  he 
always  gave  the  boys  money  with  v^•hich  to  buy 
powder  on  July  4-th  and  August  Ifith,  the  tvro  days 
for  fireworks. 

Tenth. — Anna  "Robinson  fl759 ),  daughter- 

of  Samuel  Tlolunsou  (1705 — 17GT),  was  born  O'-tobev 
2,  1750.  Married  Isaac  Webster  (1755 — 1827),  son  of 
Joseph  Webstej*  (173:^—1795).  They  had  ten  chil- 




(B\  Mr.  lienjami-  De.n-.iu'g  Hopkins,  ol'  &l.  Albans,  Vt.) 

OH^^  FAY  (3 (US— 1690)*  married  Mary  Brig- 
Lam,  and  for  a  second  wife,  widow  Susana 
Morse.  He  died  December  5,  1G90.  Hi,s 
chiidren,  born  in  MarlborOj  Mass.,  were: 

John,  iNovember  30,  inC9. 

David,  October  15,  1671. 

Samuel,  October  11.  1673. 

Mcii--,  F-' ---iv  10,  1675- 

David,  April  23,  1077. 

Greshom,  October  19,  16S1. 

Rutli,  July  G,  1681. 

Deliverance,  February  20,  16S6. 

J«.hn  Fay  (1C(>9-— 1 747),  son  of  Joim  Fay  ( 

1690),  married  Elizabeth  Wellington.  He  died  Jan- 
uary 5, 1747.  His  children,  born  in  Westboro,  Mass., 
were : 

Bathsheba,  January  1,  1693. 

Eunice,  June  2,  1696. 

l\fr:y,  September  29,  1698. 

Joliii,  December  5,  1700. 

Lydia,  1702. 

Dina,  September  .5,  1705. 

Jame^,  December  27,  1707. 

:Mehitabel,  1710. 

Benjamin,  Auu'ust  5,  1712. 

Stephen,  May  5,  1715. 

Stephen  Fav   (1715 ),  son  of  John  Fay 

(1669—1747),  married  Ruth  Child,  March,  1734.    Chil- 

^'  'i'h'!  Spooner  Gereales:^-.  vy.   -:-o--,    •=--,■•-;    "Th^^  t--v-  '^^^re  of  F.ench  o'-icrin- 
Dut:-.\,'  cht- persjcxition  of  fa;  'irv./'ra?:,^.    thev   Red   to  ^^•ales,   atul  irom   Wales 

i-he  v,^-    '■'    ■   .>r'hp  An!.:-\;  ;>\t:''^-c?nie  to  tli^' colcp:e',.  '     T-.b;i   T :;  v  .  t^.i^-i-^C'V 
arr;.:     :  :■  ;;,:•---    :-::.  c  n  t  nc  '  Sye-ri  veil. '  "     Hii  vife  >' irv,  r:i:>'hcr  of 

■c:ri     ,'  ^   Bi-trham.     Jo!:::     ic'-.q-::^:     "!"-'-.1    -"oir  vri'i^'ipaJ 



dren  born  to  them  were: 

John,  December  23,  1734.  .     .  ,    , 

Jonas,  January  28,  1737.  .  .   ' 

Stephen,  Febiuarv  19,  1789. 

Kuth,  May  12,  1711..  .       . 

Mary,  October  IG,  1713. 

Beuiah,  January  29,  174('..  • 

Elijah,  March  5,  171S. 

Benjamin,  Noyember  22,  1750, 

Jor>eph,  September  11,  1752.   . 

Dayid,  December  3,  1761. 

Tbe  birth  of  the  first  foiir  named  aboye  is  re- 
corded in  M'estboro,  Mass.,  and  all  except  the  hast, 
Dayid,  are  recorded  in  Hardwieh,  Mass. 

In  regard  to  Stephen  Fay  and  his  chiklren,  the 
fclloy.'inci- notice*  nvp  oxtracted  from  Jennings'  "Ben- 

Among  the  early  settlers,  Stephen  Fay  (son  of 
John  Fay^'and  Elizabeth  V.llmington),  yrho  came 
to  Bennington  in  1760,  occupied  a  prominent  posi- 
tion as  landlord  of  the  Green  Monntain  Honse,  after- 
ward Catamonnt  Tayern,  as  father  of  an  influential 
family;  and  as  exhibitino:  a  spontaneous  instance  of 
moral  sublimity  in  connection  ^yith  the  death  of  his 
son  John  in  Bennington  battle,  he  has  yon  for  his 
name  a  briiiht  place  in  the  history  of  the  to-\vn.  He 
sent  fiye  of  his  sons  (John,  Elijah,  Benjamin,  Joseph 
and  Dayid)  to  the  bloody  rescue  of  his  country  on  that 
eycntful  day.  Ore  of  them  \yas  shot  throusrh  the 
head  and  died  instantly.  The  followino-  is  the  ac- 
count in  a  Conner  ticut  newsT>aper  of  Xoyember,  1777, 
three  monvbs  after  the  battle,  by  an  "eye-yvitness": 
"A  good  old  p:entleman  yrhn  had  fiye  sons  in  the  field 
at  the  celebrated  action  of  Benninsjton,  Ausfust  16, 
1777,  whose  furrowed  cheeks  and  siiyered  locks 
added  yenerableness  to  his  hoary  brows,  beins:  told 
that  he  was  unfortunate  in  one  of  bis  sons,  replied. 
'What,  has  he  misbehayed?  Did  he  desert  his  p^st? 
Or  run  from  thp  chnrsre?'  'No,  sir.'  said  the  i'^'- 
formant,  'worse  than  that>  he  is  anions  the  slain;  he 
fell  contendiniT  mi2:htily  in  the  cause.'    'Then  T  am 


satisfied/  replied  the  ■^eiierablo  sire,  'bring  hiiu  in. 
and  lay  liim  bo^re  me,  that  at  leisure  I  may  beltoici 
p.Dd  survey  tlie  darling  of  my  soul';  upou  which  the 
corpse  wa>^  brought  and  biid  before  him,  all  be- 
smeared with  dirt  and  gore.  He  then  called  for  a 
bowl  of  water  and  a  napkin,  and  with  his  own  hands 
washed  the  gore  from  his  son's  corpse,  and  wiped  his 
gaping  wounds  with  a  complacency,  as  he  himself 
expu-essed  it,  which  before  he  had  never  felt  or  ex- 

John  Fay  was  forty-three  years  of  age  at  the 
time  of  his  death.  He  k^ft  a  widow  and  children, 
and  many  of  his  descendants  are  now  living  in  the 
northern  part  of  this  stale.  Of  the  circuni'stanees 
of  his  death  the  following  have  been  related.  He 
warj  fighting  behind  a  tree.  His  last  vrords,  as  he 
tiiiseu  hit*  iiiat^ivei  i.u  file  (>rii:e  iiiuic  ai  the  enemy, 
were,  "I  feel  that  I  am  fighting  in  a  good  cause." 
And  as  his  eye  ran  along  the  barrel,  taking  aim,  his 
head  just  exposed  from  behind  the  tree,  a  ball  struck 
him  in  the  very  center  of  his  forehead,  and  he  fell 
v/ith  his  gun  undischarged.  Quick  as  lightning  ran 
the  cry  over  the  ranks  of  his  tovv'nsmen,  "John  Fay 
is  shot!"  Maddened  to  fury  they  sprang  from  be- 
hind the  trees,  fired  their  guns  in  the  very  faces  of  the 
foe,  and,  clubbing  the  breeches,  leaped  over  the 
breastwork  with  an  impulse  of  onset  nothing  mortal 
could  resist. 

Mary,  daughter  of  SteT>hen  Fay,  and  first  wife 
of  Governor  Closes  Eobinson,  and  mother  of  his  chil- 
dren, united  with  this  church  May  IG,  1TG5. 

Benjamin  Fay,  son  of  Stephen  Fay,  Vv-as  the  first 
sheriff  in  the  county  and  state.  He  was  born  No- 
vember 22,  1750.  He  was  sheriff  from  March  26, 
177S,  until  October,  1781,  and  died  in  1786.  He  mar- 
ried Sarah,  daughter  of  Samuel  Robinson,  Sr.  She 
united  with  the  church  at  thirteen  and  a  half  years 
of  age.  After  the  death  of  her  first  husband  she  mar- 
ried General  Hemnn  Swift,  of  Cornwall.  Coan. 

Colonel  Joseph  Fav,  son  of  Stephen  Fay,  was 
born  at  Hardwick  abont  1752.  and  came  to  "Benninu- 
ton.  a  member  of  his  fathers  familv,  in  1776.     He 


•Ill]-:  CATAMDINT    1  AVKRX,   KEXNIM'.ToV 

-    /    ^S' 


was  feecTGiary  to  the  Coiiucil  oi  Safetj,  and  of  the 
.^tatc  Council,  from  l^'eptember,  1777,  to  17Si,  and 
;=eci\?tary  of  the  state  from  1778  to  17S1.  He  was  the 
associate  of  Ira  Allen  in  condnctinf]^'  the  famous  ne- 
<Ti:otiation  with  General  Haldimand.  He  mari-i^^d 
Margaret,  daufditer  of  the  Eey.  Mr.  Dewey, 

Jud?e  Dnvid  Fay,  the  youngest  son  of  Stephen 
Fay,  married  Mary  Stanniford,  daughter  of  John 
Stanniford,  Wir.dham,  Conn. 

Dr.  Jonas  Fay  (1787 ),  son  of  Stephen  Fay 

11715 ), married  Sarah  Fassett,  daughter  of 

Captain  John  Fassett,  Sr.  (1720—1794),  May  1,  1760, 
riU'I  for  a  second  wife  widow  Lydia  Safford  (see  Saf- 
ford  records),  November  20,  1777.  Children  born  by 
f>r-»i  wife  were: 

Josiah.  Mav  x,  17oi. 

Ruth,  May^2,  1763. 

Folly,  January  12.  1765. 

Sarnh,  March  2S,  1767." 

Cballis,  September  12.  176S,  died  aged  i  months. 

Sul-.CT,  October  2, 17G9. 

Challis,  3[ai'ch  13, 1772. 

Childror!  by  second  wife  were: 

Tvrin  sois  neman  Allen  and  Ethan  Allen  and 

It  is  likely  that  the  five  youngest  children  were 
l»orn  in  BcnuJngton,  as  Dr.  Fay  appears  to  have  left 
Hardwick,  Mass.,  in  17^18.  In  "Connecticut  in  the 
TievoluiloB,"  p.  32,,  Ave  find  that  Dr.  Jonas  Fay  re- 
ceived pay  from  Connecticut  for  medicine  and  serv- 
ices from  May  3,  to  June  25.  1775,  in  the  Ticonderogo 
Enterprise.  I^Jrs.  Hannah  Clark  remembers  that  Dr. 
Jonas  Fay  visited  at  the  house  of  her  father,  Captain 
?J.  D.  Follctr,  in  EnosburQli,  when  she  was  young. 
ITer  re'  oiTection  of  him  is  indistinct,  but  she  savs  he 
was  quite  a  r^olished  old  gentleman,  and  she  thinks 
he  wrote  the  family  records  in  her  father's  family 
b!l>le,  now  in  possession  of  Hon.  M.  D.  Follett  /'l'^2G), 
of  Marietta,  O. 

Josiah  was  a  physicio n  and  priicticed  his  calling 
in  Benninu'ton.    It  has  been  impossible  to  learn  that 

thp:  fays. 

he  maiTied  or  wlien  or  where  he  died. 

"Ruth  niarried  Colonel  Alex  Brush  and  settled  in 
Vergenjie?,  Vt. 

Poli>  married  Cildad  Iliibbell  aud  settled  in 
Cambridge,  N't 

Sarah  married  Ilenry  Hopkins — who  was  a 
grandson  of  Jiev.  Jedediah  Dewey — and  settled  in 
Enosburgh,  ^^t.  She  died  in  1S20.  Her  Jiusbaud  died 
in  1S4T. 

Sukey  married  John  Fay  and  lived  in  Burling- 
ton, Vr. 

Heman  Allen  was  educated  at  West  Point  and 
became  a  major  in  the  U.  S.  army:  His  complete 
milivary  record  may  be  found  in  Hamrnersly's  Army 
Kegisier,  p.  43-i,  and  in  an  early  West  Point  Reg- 
ister, p.  57. 

Eihaj.  Aaeii  kc'it  hotel  in  Oharlc't'^  ^^^  ^^^^'^■ 
died  at  Qneensburg  (Fort  Ann),  N.  Y. 

Lydi'i,  the  youngest  of  Dr.  Fay's  children  mar- 
ried Uriah  Edgerton. 

Jennings  says  of  Jonas  Fay :  Dr.  Jonas  Fay  was 
the  second  child  of  Stephen  Fay.  He  was  born  at 
Hardwick,  Mass.,  January  1.3,  1737.  He  ^vas  a  man 
of  great  versatility,  boldness  and  determination,  and 
of  acknowledged  ability  aud  skill  as  draugfhtsman 
and  composer  of  public  documents. 

(It  Avill  be  observed  that  the  date  given  by 
Jennings  in  the  foregoing  paragraph  does  not  agree 
with  the  family  recor<is.)' 

His  public  career  commenced  at  an  early  age, 
v/hile  the  family  still  resided  in  Hardwick.  In  1756, 
being  then  nineteen  years  of  age,  he  was  clerk  to  the 
military  company  of  Captain  Samuel  Robinson,  Sr., 
in  the  campaign  of  the  French  war  at  1^'ort  Edward 
and  Lake  George. 

He  was  twenty-nine  years  of  age  when  he  came  to 
Bennington,  and  at  once  took  a  prominent  position  the  leading  actors  Avho  came  upon  the  stage  in 
that  eventful  period  of  the  history  of  the  town  and 
state  and  nation;  and  it  is  difficult  to  tell  in  which  of 
these  relations,  if  not  in  all  equally,  his  services  were 
the  most  important. 

In  1772.  when  Governor  Ti-yon  invited  the  peo- 

Dli.  JO^'AS  FAY. 

pie  of  Beuninj^tou  to  send  agents  to  Xew  York  to  in- 
form him  of  the  grounds  of  their  comphiint,  he,  with 
his  father,  was  appointed  for  that  purpose.  He  was 
clerk  to  the  convention  of  settlers  that  met  in  1774, 
and  resolved  to  defend  by  force  Allen,  Warner  an<! 
others  v^'ho  were  threatened  with  outlawry  and  death 
by  the  New  York  Assembly,  and  as  such  clerk  certi- 
fied their  proceedings  for  publication.  He  served  as 
sv  rgeon  in  the  expedition  under  Allen  at  the  capture 
of  Ticonderoga.  He  was  continued  iu  that  position 
by  the  ^Massachusetts  committtee  ^^■ho  were  sent  to 
the  lake  in  July,  1775,  and  also  appointed  by  them  to 
muster  troops  as  they  arrived,  for  the  defence  of  that 
post.  He  vv^as  also  surgeon  for  a  time  to  Colonel 
Warner's  regiment. 

In  January,  177G,  he  was  clerk  to  the  convention 
u;.  1?,^,'_'  ''' -f"  petitioned  Congress  to  be  aliov/ed  to 
serve  in  the  common  cause  of  the  country  as  inhabit- 
ants of  the  yew  Hampshire  Grants,  and  not  under 
Xew  York,  and  al-o  of  that  held  at  the  same  place  in 
July  following.  He  was  a  member  of  the  convention 
which  met  at  Westminster  in  January,  1777,  and 
declared  Vermont  to  be  an  independent  state,  and 
was  appointed  chairman  of  a  committee  to  draw  up 
a  declaration  and  petition  announcing  the  fact  and 
their  reasons  for  it,  to  ConsTess,  of  which  declara- 
tion and  petition  he  was  the  draughtsman  and  au- 
thor. He  was  secretary  to  the  convention  that 
formed  the  constitution  of  the  state,  in  July,  1777, 
and  was  one  of  the  Council  of  Safety,  then  appointed 
to  administer  the  affairs  of  the  state  until  the  As- 
sembly, provided  for  by  the  constitution,  should 
meet;  v>-as  a  member  of  the  State  Council  for  sevf'n 
years,  from  1778:  a  judge  of  the  Supreme  Court  in 
1782:  judge  of  probate  from  1782  to  1787,  and  im' 
attended  the  Continental  Congress  at  Philadelphia 
as  the  aa'ent  of  tiie  state  under  appointments  made 
in  Januarv,  1777,  Octolier,  1770,  June.  1781  and  Feb- 
ruary, 1782. 

Dr.  Jonas  Fay's  daughter,  Sarah,  married  Henry 
Hopkins,  oidv  son  of  Major  Wait  Hopkins,  and 
grand-^^on  of  the  Rev.  31  r.  Dewey.  These  had  a  son. 
Deacon  Fay  Hopkins,  of  Oberlin,  O. 


II' Mil 



ENNINGS  says:  "Capttiin  Saiouei  Kobinson 
(1705 — 1767),  retuTTiiDg  to  his  home  in 
Massachusetts  from  one  of  the  campaigns  of 
the  Coutineiital  Army  in  t]ie  Frencir  war, 
jnistalviug  his  route,  passed,  by  accident,  this  way, 
and,  impressed  by  the  attractiveness  of  the  country, 
resolved  to  obtain  others  to  join  him  and  come  up 
and  settle  here."  Twenty-tAvo  persons,  including 
women  and  children  of  the  families  of  Peter  and 
Eleazer  Harwoou  and  Samuel  and  Timothy  Pratt, 
from  Amherst,  Mass.,  and  Leonard  and  Samuel  Rob- 
inson, Jr,,  from  Hardwick,  Mass.,  reached  the  place 
June  18,  17G1.  Other  families,  including  those  of 
Samuel  Robinson,  Sr.,  and  John  Fassett,  from  Hard- 
wick, Mass.,  Joseph  Safiord,  John  Smith,  John  Burn- 
ham  and  Benajah  Rood,  from  Newint,  Conn.,  Elisha 
Field  and  Sarauel  Montague,  from  Sunderland, 
]\lass.,  James  Breckenridge,  Ebenezer  Wood,  Samuel 
and  Oliver  Scott,  Joseph  Wickvvire  and  Samuel  At- 
wood,  came  during  the  summer  and  fall.  They 
brought  the  seed  for  sowing  the  land  and  provisions 
for  subsistence  until  crops  could  be  grown,  upon 
horses.  ''The  first  year  of  the  settlement  must  have 
been  one  of  much  privation  and  hardship;  the  tene- 
raents,  huts  with  logs  for  wails,  and  bark  and  brush 
for  the  roof.  »  *^  *  The  season,  however,  appears 
to  have  been  uncommonly  mild;  tiie  sorting  in  of 
v»' inter  providentially  postponed  to  an  unusually  late 
period.'-"  These  statements  are  corroborated  by  sev- 
eral other  historians  of  Vermont  in  somewhat  the 
sam.e  language. 


The  lii'st  propiietoi's-  meeting  was  held  at  the 
house,  or  rather  the  tavern,  of  John  Fassett,  fc^r. 
Samuel  J^jbinson  was  luoderator  and  John  Fassett, 
fc^r..  clerk. 

At  this  meeting  the  rollowing  was  the  hrat  trans- 
action :  ''Chose  Deacon  Joseph  Satford,  Esq.,  Samuel 
Kobinson,  John  Fassett,  Ebenezer  Wood,  Elisha 
Field,  John  Burnham,  and  Abraham  iNewton,  a  com- 
mittee to  look  out  a  place  to  set  the  meeting-house." 
The  site  for  the  meeting-house  was  evidently  selected 
first  and  other  public  improvements  adjusted  to  it. 
The  widened  road  north  of  the  meeting-house  plot- 
was  designated  "The  Parade."  The  precise  date  of 
building  it  is  not  known,  but  it  was  occupied  by  ITGO, 
and  used  until  the  close  of  the  century,  when  it  was 
replaced  by  a  new  one.  Jennings'  History,  being  out 
of  r-h't,  T\of  obtainable  by  the  reader  of  to-day,  is 
here  quoted  word  for  word:  "The  size  of  this  meet- 
ing-house was  fifty  by  forty,  with  the  addition  of  a 
porch  twenty  feet  square.  There  was  no  steeple. 
The  porch  extended  upward  to  the  roof,  and  in  the 
upper  story  a  school  vras  kept  for  some  years.  *  *  *• 
There  were  galleries  on  three  sides  of  the  house, 
square  pews,  ornamented  with  little  railings,  in  tlie 
pface  of  a  top  panel,  the  balusters  of  which  vrould  be 
occasionuJly  loose  so  as  to  turn  round  in  their  places 
and  furnish  a  little  diversion  for  11;  tless  young  wor- 
shippers. There  was  a  sounding  board  over  the  pul- 
pit, three  doors  for  entrance  and  exit — one  through 
the  porch  on  the  east  side  toward  the  burying  ground 
and  opposite  the  pulpit  which  was  in  the  middle 
of  the  west  side,  and  two  other  doors  op- 
posite each  other,  on  the  north  and  south  sides 
respectively.  Tlie  building  lengthwise  stood  north 
and  south,  with  the  roof  sloping  to  the  east  and  vrest; 
there  was  a  main  aisle  through  the  center  from  the 
pulpit  to  the  porch,  ruiming  east  and  v/est,  and  aisles 
from  the  north  and  south'(end)  doers,  going  round 
and  so  arranged  as  to  leave  a  tier  of  wail  pews  all 
round  the  house,  and  tw^o  tiers  of  square  pevrs  on 



each  side  the  main  aisle  in  tiie  body  of  the  house.  In 
the  front  seat  of  the  gallery  opposite  and  on  either 
side  of  the  pr.lpit,  f^at  the  singers  (led  for  so  man}' 
years  by  Jobn  Fassett,  Sr.)  That  there  was  not  al- 
\vajs  due  order  in  the  house  in  time  of  worship  ap- 
pears from  an  entry  in  the  tovrn  records,  March  20, 
1777,:  'Voted,  that  such  pe-^'sons  as  do  continue  play- 
ing in  the  meeting  on  tlie  Lord's  day,  or  in  the  wor- 
ship.of  God,  be  complained  of  to  the  Committee  of 
Safety  for  said  town,  w"ho  are  hereby  authorized  to 
Bne  them  discretionary." 

"In  this  meeting-house  proprietors'  meetings 
were  continually  held,  also  town  meetings;  even  after 
the  erection  of  the  court-house,  town  meetings  were 
held  occasionally  here.  In  this  iirst  meeting-house 
the  people  met  to  worship  God  aud  give  thanks  after 
the  taking  of  Ticonderoga,  when  that  redoubtable 
fortress  obeyed  the  summons  of  Eth-Tn  A  lieu  to  "Sur- 
render in  the  name  of  Jehovah  and  the  Continental 
Congress.'"*  Colonel  Allen,  being  a  resident  of  Ben- 
nington and  having  returned  with  other  officers  to 
be  present  at  the  services,  this  circumstance  gave 
peculiar  interest  to  the  occasion.  From  the  pulpit 
under  that  sounding  board,  the  TJev.  Mr.  Dewey 
preached  a  war  sermon  the  Sunday  preceding  the 
Bennington  battle.  To  this  meeting-house  the  Hes- 
sians and  others,  prisoners  captured  in  that  battle, 
were  brought  for  safe  custodj'.  It  was  as  they  were 
marching  in  solemn  sadness  hither,  and  while  they 
were  all  passing  the  Catamount  Tavern  near  by,  that 
"Landlord  Fay"  (father  of  Dr.  Jonas  Fay)  stepped 
out  and  with  a  gracious  bow  informed  the  prisoners 

^'Mr.  Artbar  Harris  Smythe,  of  the  Ohio  Society  Sons  of  the  Americau  Rev- 
olution, is  a  kireat-grandso'n  of  Israel  Harris,  a  scl'dier  who  was  directly  in  rear 
of  Ethan  Allen  at  this  critical  moment.  He  declared  most  emphra-L-riUy  that 
the  language  Tvhich  the  old  inndel  hero  used  was  of  a  very  different  nature 
from  that  which  has  been  ascribed  to  him,  being  more  chai-acteristic  of  Allen, 
viz:  "Get  out  of  vour  bole,  vou  d d  old  skunk." 

Possibly  Israel  Harris  referred  to  some  remarks  Allen  may  have  made  when  he 
was  endeavoring  to  get  Captain  De  la  Place  out  of  bed  oa  that  eventful 



liiat  the  dianer  ^,vas  Ihen  ready,  v/bicli  their  officers, 
conlideDt  of  gaining  tlie  victory,  had  haiigiitily 
ordered  by  a  message  sent,  in  the  day  before.  In  the 
same  meeting-house  the  first  Legislature  of  V^ermout 
hehl  its  June  session,  177S.  (John  Fassett,  Sr.,  and 
John  Fassett,  Jr.,  were  both  members).  The  General 
Assembly  of  1779,  also  that  of  17S0,  and  in  some  in- 
stances successive  legislatures  met  here.  On  the 
journal  of  the  General  Assembly  of  1778,  under  date 
of  June  5,  is  the  following  record:  ^-Voted  that  the 
Jley.  Mr.  Dewey  be  pi'esented  with  the  compliments  of 
this  house  to  desire  him  to  pray  with  the  assembly 
at  their  opening  in  the  morning  for  this  present  ses- 
sion.' " 

"Captain  Samuel  l»obinson,  Sr.,  and  James  Fay 
were,  or  had  been,  deacons  of  the  llardwick  church. 
,\ooov(}\r>crfo  tradition  John.  Fassett  (Sr.)  was,  or  h;id 
been,  deacon,  probably  of  the  Hardwick  church. 
Joseph  Sall'ord  (Sr.),  who  came  here  in  the  summer 
or  fall  of  1701,  had  been  deacon  of  a  church  in  >'ew- 
int,  Conn."  The  following  appeared  on  the  records 
of  the  first  business  meeting  of  the  church:  "Chose 
bretl'ren  Joseph  Saiiord,  Elisha  Field  and  John  Fas- 
sett as  help  to  examine  into  persons'  principles  who 
offer  to  join  themselves  unto  this  church,  and  also 
to  provide  preaching.'^ 

Jennings,  his  book  being  really  a  history  of  the 
church,  of  which  he  was  pastor  for  many  years,  de- 
scribes at  great  length  why  the  first  settlers  of  Ben- 
nigton  had  come  to  be  Separates.  There  had  been 
various  differences  in  the  old  churches  in  Massachu- 
setts and  Connecticut,  and  as  a  result  the  faction 
withdrawing  became  knovrn  as  Separates.  Some 
had  even  been  excommunicated.  Jennings  says  of 
Deacon  John  Fassett:  "Be  was  a  staunch  Separate, 
in  principle  and  feeling,  through  life."  Separatism 
seems  to  have  had  much  to  do  with  the  emigration  to 

But,  in  regard  to  the  civil  affairs  of  the  first 
settlers  of  Bennington,  v\'e  find  this  reservation  in 


their  cliiuter  (see  Vermont  Historic;!  1  Magazine,  Vol. 
1,  p.  145):  ''Aii  tile  wliite  and  other  piue  trees  lit  for 
masting  our  Eoyal  >.'avy.'-  This  same  reservation 
appears  in  the  charcers  of  a  number  of  other  town^;, 
iiUd  T.  as  probably  a  phrase  to  be  inserted  in  every 

The  education  of  the  founders  of  Bennington 
was,  quite  naturally,  liruitod.  The  following  is  a  fair 
sample  of  the  rhetoric  which  one  ollen  runs  across 
iu  reading  of  the  doings  of  that  peculiar  people. 
At  the  tirst  meeting,  February  S,  1702,  among  other 
things,  it  vras  "Voted,  that  any  rattlesnake  that  is 
killed  in  Bennington  shall  be  paid  two  coppers,  the 
persons  bringing  in  the  tail." 

Early  Bennington  is  nicely  described  by  Ban- 
croft in  Vol.  V,  p.  291,  who  quotes  a  letter  of  Gov. 
Hntf^hinson  to  G ov.  Pcwnal,  July  1765 :  "Men  of  ^xw>' 
England  'of  a  superior  sort,'  had  oMair.ed  ^^  ^he 
gO"verumeni  of  Xevr  Hampshire  a  warrant  for  land 
down  the  western  slope  of  the  Green  Mountains,  on 
a  branch  of  the  Hoosick,  20  miles  east  of  Hudson 
River;  forming  already  a  community  of  67  families, 
in  as  many  houses,  with  an  ordained  minister;  had 
elected  their  own  municipal  officers;  formed  3  sev- 
eral public  schools;  set  their  meeting  house  among 
their  primeval  forests  of  beech  and  maple;  and  in  a 
word,  enjoyed  the  flourishing  state  which  springs 
from  rural  indtistry,  intelligence  and  unaffected 
piety.    They  called  their  village  Bennington." 

The  land  title  controversy  with  the  State  of 
New  York  began  in  1764,  and  lasted  until  1790.  It 
v/as  extrenieiv  unpleasant  to  the  settlers,  and  its 
events  rank,  in  the  history  of  the  town,  second  to 
those  of  the  revolution  only.  Excitement  over  the 
aggressions  of  the  Yorkers  ran  very  high  at  times 
and  it  seems  miraculous  that  blood  was  not  some- 
times spilled.  The  tories  and  Yorkers  within  their 
bounds  were  kept  in.  constant  fear  of  being  hung  if 
caught  in  acts  of  disloyalty  to  Vermont 



Oue  or  tY.o  incidents  may  be  mentioned  in  thi.s 
counection.  The  land  was  divided  into  counties  bv 
Isevv  York  and  sold  and  resold  by  officers  appointed 
for  each  county.  Tliei-e  seemed  to  be  no  end  of  writs 
and  trials  of  ejectment.  The  Yermontevs  were  in 
1774  pronounced  a  mob  by  New  York,  and  a  re^yard 
of  fifty  pounds  a  head  oix'ered  for  Ethan  Allen,  Beth 
Warner  and  six  others.  In  1783  Ethan  Allen,  at  the 
head  of  a  small  force  of  Green  Mountain  Boyt,  (in 
•which  Joseph  Saflord  was  a  captain)  was  sent  into 
^Viudham  county,  where  he  issued  this  characteristic 
proclamation:  "I,  Ethan  Allen,  declare  that  unless 
the  people  of  Guilford  peaceably  submit  to  the  au- 
thority of  Vermont,  this  town  shall  be  made  as  deso- 
late as  were  the  cities  of  Sodom  and  Gomorah,"  com- 
pleting his  remarks  with  his  usuhI  oath. 

On  one  occasion,  a  Dr.  Adams,  a  rabid  Yorker, 
and  subsequently  tory,  of  Arlington,  was  brought 
before  the  Committee  at  the  Catamount  Tavern  and 
tried.  Instead  of  sentencing  him  to  the  usual  "appli- 
cation of  the  beech  seal,"  his  punishment  consisted 
in  being  tied  in  a  chair  and  suspended  for  two  hours 
under  the  tavern  sign,  which  was  a  stuifed  cata- 
mount, showing  his  teeth  in  the  direction  of  New 
York  State. 

The  men  of  Bennington  had  extremely  firm  and 
shrewd  ideas  as  to  their  i-ights  in  the  matter,  and 
lived  up  to  them  with  a  moral  tenaeity  and  physical 
courage  peculiarly  their  own.  Any  history  of'early 
^'ermont  will  give  extensive  particulars  of  this  cele- 
brated dispute  in  which  our  ancestors,  their  con- 
nections and  neighbors  played  prominent  parts. 

"Ho!  all  tc  the  borderi;,  V'ermonters  come  down, 
With  your  breeches  of  deerskin  and  jackets  of  brown, 
With  your  red  woolen  cap?  and  your  moccasins,  come 
To  the  gathering-  summons  of  trumpet  and  drum." 

A  Ivev.  Mr.  Avery,  vrho  became  pastor  of  the 
church  after  the  death  of  Mr.  Dewey,  wrote,  in  17S3, 
''In  regard  to  military  prowess,  Bennington  is 
thought  to  be  second  to  none  on  the  continent."  The 
population  is  estimated  at  about  fifteen  hundred  at 



In  the  \'eniiont  Historical 
MapTizine  is  a  list  of  Vermont  officers  and  the  num- 
ber oi  names  from  Bennington  is  surprisingly  large. 
As  an  instance  of  the  T)atriotisin  of  the  town,  we  have 
evideiKc  that  the  j>ons  in  the  Fassett,  Ratford,  T\obin- 
son,  Hopkius  and  Fay  families,  with  i^erhaps  one 
or  two  exceptions  in  Uie  case  of  invalid b,  were  all  in 
tie  military  service  during  the  revolution,  and  that 
the  daughters  married  the  same  kind  of  men. 

Thompson's  Gazetteer  of  Vermont  says  of  Ben- 
nington: ''Here  was  held  the  council  of  Allen, 
Easton,  Warner  and  others  in  which  the  expedition 
to  Ticonderoga  was  planned  in  May,  1775,  and  a  con- 
siderable portion  of  the  Green  Mountain  Boys  who 
joined  the  expedition  were  from  this  town.'"  Just 
who  were  in  this  affair  does  not  seem  to  be  known  at 
th^^  tirne.  but  we  may  rest  assured  that  a  large  per 
cent  of  the  men  who  are  mentioned  in  this  volume 
were  with  eiiher  Allen  or  Warner.  This  statement 
is  based  upon  the  following  extract  from  the  Ver- 
mont Historical  ilagazine,  Volume  I,  p.  lo4:  "The 
governor  of  New  York,  in  reporting  the  Ticonderoga 
altair  used  ihe  following  words,  'The  only  people  of 
this  province  who  had  any  hand  in  this  expedition, 
were  that  set  of  lavrless  people,  whom  your  Lordship 
has  hoard  Uiuch  of,  under  the  name  of  the  Benning- 
ton Mob.'  " 

After  the  brilliant  capture  of  Ticonderoga  and 
the  garrisons  on  Lake  Champlain,  came  the  first  expe- 
dition to  Canada,  with  all  the  enthusiasm  of  a  rapid 
conquest  of  Canada,  then  the  second  expedition  to 
the  relief  of  a  defeated  and  disheartened  army,  then 
a  campaigD  of  defense  against  invasion.  Then,  Id 
17 77,  an  invasion  which  struck  terror  into  ail  the 
settlements  of  the  iS'ew  Hampshire  Grants.  Can  we 
wonder  at  the  inhabitants  being  terror  stricken  at 
the  approach  of  the  British  and  Ressians,  after  the 
fall  of  Ticonderoga,  when  we  read  in  Willi amxs'  His- 
tory of  Vermont,  Vol.  II,  p.  92,  of  the  Hessians,  Wal- 



deckers  <\nd  otIi:^r  German  auxilio.ries,  in  this  anijy, 
"Crneity,  pilfering,  rape,  destruction  and  plunder, 
marked  their  steps  and  their  abode.  Wherever  they 
came,  neithtr  property,  chastity,  nor  personal  ap- 
paiel  seeLied  to  be  sale  fur  a  moment.  Sucli  v/ere 
their  brutal  manners,  their  ferocious  tempers,  and 
their  haljits  of  plunder  and  pillage,  that  they  became 
everywhere  hated  and  avoided.  And  it  yet  remains 
a  problem  which  would  have  been  the  greater  evil  to 
the  Americans,  to  have  fallen  into  the  hands  of  the 
Senecas  nnd  MohaAvhs,  or  into  those  of  the  Hessians 
and  ^Valdeckers.  So  completely  odious  were  these 
troops,  that  the  v/hole  country  wisely  determined  to 
perish  in  the  contest,  or  to  clear  their  country  of  the 
foreign  barbarians." 

In  the  Vermont  Historical  Alagazine,  Vol  I,  p. 
In?,^  v,-p  tii?d:  *"i']>e  live  weeks  which  had  folh>wed 
the  evacuation  of  Ticonderoga,  had  been  to  the  peo- 
ple of  Eeuniugton  a  period  of  great  anxiety  and 
alarm,  *  *  *"  V,'hen  it  became  known  that  an  army 
of  Hessians  and  Indians  was  approaching  the  town, 
The  people  from  the  borders  flocked  to  the  center,  as 
did,  also,  numbers  from  oiher  towns.  *  *  *  On  the 
day  of  the  battle  the  old  village  and  its  vicinity  was 
crowded  ^.\  ith  women  and  children,  whose  husbands, 
fathers  and  brothers  had  gone  out  to  meet  and  en- 
counter the  enemy.  Here  the  heavy  sound  of  mus- 
ketry and  cannon  was  plainly  heard,  furnishing  evi- 
dence that  a  deadly  conflict  was  in  progress.  Any 
attempt  to  describe  the  painful  anxiety  which,  dur- 
ing the  long  summer  day,  was  felt  for  the  result  of 
the  struggle,  and  for  the  fate  of  the  dear  friends  en- 
gaged in  it,  would  be  fruitless.  That,  as  well  as  the 
gash  of  overllowing  joy  and  exultation  wdiich  fol- 
lowed the  news  of  the  defeat  of  the  enemy,  can  only 
be  imagined." 

Every  school  boy  ought  to  be  familiar  with  the 
causes,  the  incidents,  and  the  amazing  results  of  the 
battle  of  Bennington,  but  none  of  us  know  much  of 
the  excitement  in  the  tovrn,  the  anxiety  of  mothers, 



Y/Ivep.  and  chiidfen,  tho  sufferings  of  the  yroiinded,  or 
tfcr  sorrow  in  llie  families  of  the  Idlied.  Ang^nst  16, 
1777,  was  the  most  memorabie  day  in  the  history  of 
the  town,  and  is  celebrated  each  year  as  a  holiday. 
Jennings  gives  many  personal  narratiA'cs  of  the  day, 
and  the  early  liistories  of  Vermont,  to  be  found  in  onr 
large  public  libraries  only,  giye  exh  an  stive  descrip- 
tions of  the  bloody  fight.  Flow  the  comparatively 
untrained  force  of  Stark,  consisting  mostly  of  the 
hastily  raised  militia,  in  some  instances  men  of  Ben- 
nington serving  v  ithont  being  enlisted  in  any  or- 
ganization, ever  dislodged  the  line  force  of  the  Hes- 
sian veterans  from  their  fortified  position  on  the  hill 
and  finally  drove  back  the  heavy  re-inforcements 
sent  to  Banrn's  assistance,  is  a  {problem  Avhich  seems 
impossible  I'"*  solve.  Bauni  was  a  gallant  and  effi- 
cieiii  uiAictji",  uo..  hiy  entire  ^orce  hnd  been  selected  bj' 
Bnrgoyne  with  special  care.  A  careful  study  of  the 
case  would  develop  the  following  points  in  favor  of 
the  Americans: 

Their  spirit,  evidenced  by  the  famous  exhorta- 
tion of  Ptark,  who,  in  his  saddle,  pointiui^.-;  toward  the 
enemy,  said,  as  the  first  shots  ^'ere  heard.  "There  arc 
the  red-coats.,  and  they  are  ours,  or  this  night  Molly 
Stark  sleeps  a  widow." 

The  condition  in  which  the  Americans  fought, 
leaving  off  their  coats  and  knapsacks,  whereas  the 
Hessians  wore  full  dress  uniforms  and  were  in  heavy 
marchins:  order. 

The  fact  that  the  Americans  fought  like  demons, 
their  braverv  seeminr?:  at  times  to  have  no  bounds. 

The  method  of  fightinjT  bv  the  Am.erif'ans,  who, 
using  cover  whenever  possible,  were  enabled  to  pour 
such  a  deadlv  and  accuratr  fire  into  ihc  enemy. 

The  precipitate  retreat  of  the  torie«.  Canadians 
and  Indians  in  the  earlv  part  of  the  ficrht. 

And  last  but  not  least,  the  prayor  nieetines  that 
were  beins:  held  bv  the  old  men  and  the  women  in 
Benninijion,  to  invoke  the  assistance  of  the  Almighty 
in  the  effort  to  stay  the  invader. 


Ogh.  stark,  ^vbo  had  been  in  many  fights  before, 
said  of  the  bnttle :  "The  hottest  I  ever  saw  in  my  life ; 
it  represiented  one  continuous  clajfof  thunder."  Ban- 
crol'i.  pays:  ''Now  Ejii^-land  sharpshooters  ran  up 
within  eight  yards  of  the  loaded  cannon  to  pick  off 
the  cannonier.s/'  A  Hessian  oiYicer  wrote:  "Tlie 
royal  officers  were  astonished  to  see  how  undauntedly 
they  rushed  on  the  nioutlis  of  the  cannon.  They 
ruslsed  up  the  a:'Cent,  sprang  over  the  parapet,  and 
dashed  within  the  vs-oi-ks, — baj'onet,  butt,  and  rifle 
in  full  play."  It  must  be  said  to  the  credit  of  the 
Hessians  tliat  they  knew  no  such  thing  as  defeat. 
Jennings  says  of  them:  "They  preserved  their  dis- 
cipline and  fought  bravely  until  there  was  not  a 
cartridge  left,  then  drew  their  sabres  and  charged 
the  Americans,  Avith  their  colonel  at  their  h-^ad. 
The^N  were  nearly  all  killed  or  taken  with  Colunel 
BauMi,  who  did  not  surrender  until  wounded  fatally." 
"Captain  Kobinson,  vrho  guarded  tlie  house  where 
Raum  lingered  in  his  last  hours  and  watched  gently 
as  a  woman  with  him  till  he  died,  was  wont  to  say 
that  ''A  more  intelligent  and  brave  oflicer  he  had 
never  seen  than  this  unfcfrtunate  lieutenant.'  "  The 
Americans  had  been  completely  exhausted  after  the 
fight  with  Baum,  and  had  it  not  been  for  the  timely 
arrival  of  Warner's  regiment  of  continentals  under 
command  of  Lieutenant  Colonel  Samuel  Safford, 
they  A\'ould  not  have  been  able  to  withstand  the 
aitacl;  of  the  reinforcement  under  Breyraan.  Ban- 
croft gives  the  nun>ber  of  prisoners  taken  as  ()92,  of 
whom  over  100  Avere  Hessians.  The  care  of  the  hnn- 
dreds  of  prisoners,  and  the  woimded,  and  the  burial 
of  the  dead  was  a  greater  burden  than  Bennington 
could  bear. 

We  find  the  following  in  regard  to  those  who  lost 
their  lives  in  the  battle:  "They  Avere  all  in  the  prime 
of  life,  and  all  lieads  of  families,  leaving  AvidoAvs  and 
children  to  mourn  their  sudden  bereavement.  The 
grief  for  their  was  not  confined  to  their  im- 
mediate relatives,  but  was  general,  deep  and  sin- 



The  school-house,  the  meeting-house  aud  the 
barns  were  so  filled  Vv  ith  the  prisoners  that  there  was 
danger  of  breaking  them  down,  and  some  of  the 
n^ssiajis  were  turned  loose.  Xot  so,  however,  w^ith 
the  157  tory  prisoners,  it  did  not  seera  so  hard  to 
care  for  them.  '-The  women,"  says  Jennings,  ^^took 
down  their  beds  to  get  ropes"  to  secure  them  with. 

Bancroft  estimates  ihe  American  loss  at  30  killed 
and  40  wounded,  while  that  of  the  British  was  double 
that  amount  Genernl  Stark  reported  the  ntimber  of 
dead  on  the  lield  to  be  207. 

Burgovne  wrote  to  England  just  after  the  battle: 
"The  Hampshire  Grants — a  country  unpeopled  and 
almost  unknown  in  the  last  war — now  abounds  in 
the  most  active  and  rebellious  race  on  the  continent, 
and  hangs,  like  f  p^atherino-  storm,  on  my  left." 

JeniiiiijiS  hayis,  ihai  Buri2,<>yne  "declared  that  he 
should,  on  his  return  to  England,  recommend  tl^e 
recognition  of  their  independence." 

The  Green  Mountain  Boys  were  also  on  hand  at 
Stillwater  on  October  7tlL  doing  their  full  share  in 
fivinp:  Btngoyne  his  final  blow,  which  may  be  con- 
sidered the  turninp;  i^oint  in  the  war. 

Such  were  the  Green  Mountain  Boys.  Will  it 
not  be  permitted  their  descendants  to  take  justifiable 
pride  in  the  deeds  of  such  ancestry? 

The  Bennington  monument,  which  cost  in  round 
figures,  one  hundred  thousand  dollars,  is  a  fitting 
testimonial  to  the  prowess  of  the  American  forces 
at  Beniiington.  It  was,  like  other  undertakings  of 
such  gigantic  proportions,  a  work  of  years  to  pave 
the  way  for  its  erection.  The  corner-stone  Vv'as  laid 
August  IG,  1SS7,  and  the  dedication  took  place  Au- 
gust 19, 1891.  It  is  37  feet  square  at  the  base  aud  the 
height  is  306  feet  from  the  corner-stone. 









See  page  20;. 


'^-^  -  :^cc 


^^^HOMPSOX,  in  his  Gazetteer  of  Yermout, 
page  4:3,  says:  '^Cambridge  vras  gTarited 
.Noveiiiber  7,  1780,  chartered  to  Samuel 
Kobinson,  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  Jonathan  Fas- 
sett  and  their  associates,  August  13,  1781,  and  con- 
tains 28,583  acres.  The  town  vras  surveyed  17S3  by 
Amos  Fassett.  In  1784  Amos  Fassett,  Stephen 
Kingsley,  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  and  Samuel  Montague 
moved  their  fntnilies  here  from  Bennington,  and 
-.Nuaii  (^jiiiL.„^Jv,iL  Llti  !'■'•  V'-i  Arlington,  Vt  The  first 
saw-mill  was  built  this  year  by  Amos  i^asseiL. 
Thirty-five  persons  spent  the  second  winter  here.  In 
1785  David  Safford  and  others  moved  into  town  from 
Bennington.  The  first  settlers  brought  their  pro- 
's isions  with  them,  and  when  their  meat  failed,  they 
hunted  the  moose.  The  first  improvements  were 
made  on  the  fiats  along  the  Lamoille,  the  waters  of 
which  frequently  swept  away  or  spoiled  in  fall  the 
products  of  sum.mer.  The  crops  of  pumpkins  fre- 

quently floated  away  and  landed  safely  on  the  shores 
of  Grand  Isle.  AYhen  their  mill  dams  were  sv%'ept 
away  the  people  ground  their  grain  in  mortars,  which 
they  called  plumping  mills,  TYiC^y  were  made  by 
burning  a  large  cavity  in  the  top  of  a  stump,  and 
suspending  a  large  pesfle  to  a  spring  pole.  The  town 
v/as  organized  March  29,  17S5,  and  John  Fassett  was 
first  tov\-n  clerk.  David  Safford  was  first  representa- 
tive and  John  Safford  taught  the  first  school  in 

The  Vermont  Hi*torical  Magazine,  Vol.  II,  p. 
59,  says:    *'In  the  olden  time,  the  citizens  of  the  iov.rn 
were  occupied  in  various  things,  they  cleared  land, 
made  potash.  v\-hisky,  etc. 


"The  town  ^ras  granted  November  7,  1780,  and 
diarte-ed   .August   li>,   1781,  to   Samuel   Robinson, 
John  Fasyott.  Jr.,  Joiiathan  Fassett  and  sixty-four 
others.''    Amos  Fassett  was  first  surveyor. 
State  of  Vermont, 

Bt-;nxington,  Jvhj  1st,  17 S3. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  proprietors  of  the  Township 
of  Cambridge,  in  the  County  of  England,  held  at  the 
house  of  Jonathan  Robinson,  agreeable  to  a  w^arn- 
ing  in  the  Massachusetts  Gazette: 

First     Chose  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  Moderator. 

Second.     Chose  Joseph  Saflord,  Clerk. 

August  28,  17S3,  a  draught  of  lots  was  made. 
Among  those  who  drew  were:  John  Fassett,  19; 
John  Fassett,  Jr.,  G8:  Hannah  Fassett,  32;  John 
Fasseit  'Hd';,  13:  Jonathan  Fassett,  19;  David  Fas- 
tocu,  :.,  ::.-Lai.  :\,..;:^tt,  25;  BenjiimiD  F^s^^*^  ^"^ ; 
Amos  Fassett,  17;  Elias  Fassett,  40;  Thomas  Chit- 
tenden, 21;  Noah  Cliittenden,  55;  Martin  Chitten- 
den, 65;  Salmon  Safford,  8;  Joseph  Safford,  59; 
Moses  Robinson,  63;  Samuel  Robinson,  20;  Leonard 
Robinr^on,  26;  Moses  Robinson,  Jr.,  37;  Jonathan 
Robinson,  02;  Elijah  Dewey,  16;  minister,  31;  col- 
lege, 29;  school,  41;  grammar  school,  15;  minister, 
30.  At  the  same  time  it  was  voted  "to  pay  Amos 
Fasseti  &  Co.,  for  viewing  said  town,  four  pounds, 
fourteen  shillings  and  six  pence." 

At  a  meeting  IMarch  26,  1784,  the  proprietors 
"voted  thai  John  Fassett  and  Benjamin  Fassett 
have  the  privilege  of  pitchino;  tv/o  hundred  acres  of 
their  undivided  land,  on  condition  they  have  a  grist- 
mill running  in  said  town  by  the  first  day  of  No- 
vembi^r,  17S5.  Voted,  at  the  same  meeting,  to  give 
John  Fassett,  Amos  Fassett  and  Benjamin  Fassett 
two  hundred  acres  providing  they  shall  have  a  saw- 
mill ready  to  saw  by  the  first  of  November,  1784,  in 

"In  1785  the  first  saw-mill  was  built,  which  gave 
the  settlers  a  chance  to  cover  their  houses  and  have 
lloors  and  doors="     "When  the  settlers  got  out  of 



meat  they  wonld  kiii  moose."  "''Saniantha  Fassett, 
daughter  of  Amos  Fassett,  was  the  first  child  born  in 
town,  1784."  ^'Dr.  eTohn  Fassett  was  the  first  physi- 
cian that  settled  in  town.  He  came  from  Renninp:ton 
in  17S4;  remained  in  town  about  forty  yearS;  and 
then  went  to  the  west."  "Abont  1800,  bears  came 
into  the  fields  and  killed  the  only  cow  of  widow 
Young  leaving  her  destitute  of  m.ilk  for  her  children. 
The  townsmen  contributed  enough  to  buy  her 
another  cow.'- 

'^In  17SC  the  first  school  was  kept  in  a  log-house, 
having  24  scholars,  by  John  Safford,  The  members 
of  the  first  district  Vv'ere:  John  Saiford,  John  Fas- 
sell,  John  Fassett,  Jr.,  Stephen  Kingsley,  David  Saf- 
ford,  Xoah  Chittenden  and  Samuel  Montague."  The 
John  Fassett  must  have  been  the  John  Fassett  (1743 
^ZLZ)  ..--^  th,--  JohTi  Fassett,  Jr.,  at  this  time  was 
undoubtedly  Dr.  John  Fassett  (17 (iJ) — i8i55). 

"The  town  was  organized  March  29,  17S5,  and 
John  Fassett  was  appointed  the  first  town  clerk  and 
David  Safford  the  first  representative.''  ''David  Saf- 
ford  was  one  of  the  Spartan  Band,  so  called,  which 
delended  the  premises  of  James  Breckenridge,  of 
Bennington,  in  1771,  and  resisted  the  execution  of 
process  in  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  of  Albany  county, 
issued  for  the  "i)urpose  of  ejecting  the  settlers  on  the 
New  Hampshire  grants  from  the  use  and  occupancy 
of  their  lands — wherein  the  first  resistance  by  force 
was  made  U^  the  authority  of  New  York." 

'^Tohn  Safford  outlived  all  those  vdio  came  on 
about  the  time  he  did.  He  died  November  17,  1S57, 
at  the  advanced  age  of  ninety  years,  then  being  the 
oldest  person  in  town." 

"The  first  grist-mill  built  in  town  was  by  Amos 
Fassett  in  1701,  on  the  Mill  river  near  the  Boro,  and 
the  people  came  from  Morristovrn,  twenty  miles,  by 
marked  trees,  to  mill."  Dr.  Nathan  Fassett  came 
between  1 7.^9  and  ISOO.  One  is  mentioned  "who, 
with  his  wife,  traveled  five  miles  into  the  woods  on 
snow  shoes  to  reach  their  shanty,  she  carrying  a  child 
in  her  arms." 



*''lLe  early  seltlert;  of  the  town  formed  material 
for  a  ncAY  settlement  rarely  flimg  together.  Wiih 
hardly  ?.n  exceptiors,  they  were  temperate,  indus- 
trious, able-bodied,  intelligent  and  staunch  citizeus. 
An  neighbors  they  ^^'ere  kind-hearted  and  generoius; 
and  as  members  of  society  they  were  high-minded, 
moral,  chnreh-going,  liberty-loving  people.  The 
spirit  of  t^ie  Revolution,  in  which  very  many  of  them 
had  taken  part,  was  retained  by  them  and  never 
failed  to  shovv'  itself  on  pnblic  occasions." 

Under  the  head  ol  Congregational  Church  and 
Society,  in  a  list  of  the  '^uyefnf  and  venerable  men 
who  laid  the  foundation  of  our  .social  institutions  and 
large  prosperity  in  right  and  truth,  whose  memories 
we  love  and  cherish,"*  we  lind  John  Fassett,  Amos 
Fassett,  David  Safford,  John  Safford,  Noah  Chitten- 
fTrij  .HTi rl  others.  "These  were  the  men  who  bore  the 
burdens  of  the  early  days  of  this  community,  erected 
the  churcii,  built  the  school  houses,  supported  the 
minister  and  the  teacher  with  remarkable  liber- 
ality," etc. 






;eptember  i,  to  December  7, 


Transxribrri  fram  tire  ©ngtual 


TOrs.  TOcrris  g,  ?viggs,  Toltaxr,  Q^in. 




e-.-S^^'^  A  ti^i^^^^  ^j/%^f-  /§^A^  i^/2l^s'&^^^ 

""^^  §^T/~  f¥^^^f  "^^  -^  cAS-^uj-M^^ 

^.^Ap^  (^^-^ '^T^  c/e^f  /ili^^^,  Ql^ 

*^7   ^  /J     /      /  ""f^m  f^^-«^  /    / 

/     (^^''^4\  &4^^^%^'M^  /^£s^ ^^^-^  g'^'-i^ 

KK PRODUCTION  i^EOM  ORIGINAL.    (See  page  Kll 

213  -.2  /y 

Diary  of  Lieutenant  John  I'assett  during  trip  to 
Caisada  and  return  ii*  Captain  Hopkins'  company  of 
Colonel  Warner's  regiment,  under  General  jloat- 
gomery,  from  September  1st  to  December  Ttii,  1775. 

i&t  Sept.,  1775.  1  went  from  Bennington  (to  go 
into  the  war)  with  Major  Safford,  Adj't  Walbridge, 
and  Serj't  Major  Hutchens  and  some  others  (and 
Capt.  Hopkins  with  the  company  went  two  days  be- 
fore): \ye  went  as  far  as  Landlord  French's.  Man- 
che:ster,  23  miles. 

2d  ?rex"'^^  Wont  on  our  mnrch  to  Col.  Seth  Warn- 
er's, Kupert,  12  miles.  Btaid  there  till  3d  Sepiemuui. 
Proceeded  on  our  march  as  far  as  Skeenborottgh. 
Lodged  at  Landlord  Gordon's,  30  miles.  We  sent  our 
horses  back. 

Sept.  4.  Went  down  the  Lake  Champlain  to 
/-•Icondaroga  28  miles. 

5th  Sept.  Doct.  Jacob  Meak  was  buried  under 
arms.    He  died  the  day  before. 

6th  v^ept.  Major  Saft'ord,  Capt.  Hopkins,  Ad- 
jutant Walbridge  and  I  went  to  Lake  George  afoot, 
aboutS  mileSj  to  carry  a  letter  and  Drink  some  Toddy 
which  was  the  best  I  Drink'd  after  I  went  from  home. 
Went  back  to  Ticondaroga  the  same  Day. 

7th  Sept.  Went  down  the  Lake  Champlain  wit.ii 
a  f-ue  gaile  of  wind  to  Crown  Point,  15  miles.  Ar- 
riyot";  there  about  snn-set. 

Sth,  9th,  lOih,  lith  and  12th.  Staid  at  Crown- 
point  Nothing  Extraordinary.  We  Yiev/ed  the 
Kuins  of  the  Fort  which  is  Ivemarkable. 

12th  Sept,  At  night  after  Day  Light  Avas  gone. 
Set  cut  with  a  tine  gale  of  wind  from  Crownpoint  and 
went  with  5  Battoos  and  one  Canoe.  Went  12  miles 
that  nigiit  to  a  small  Island  called  Button  IJay,  where 
we  had  nothing  but  the  Heavens  to  cover  us,     I  lay 



down  atier  we  struck  Dp  a  tirCj  ou  a  Fiat  rock  and 
s]cpt  very  well.  Two  of  oui"  Boate.s  went  by  us  about 
a  liiiJe  to  Bason  Lir.rbor. 

13th  BepL  Set  out  early  in  the  morBing.  Came 
up  with  the  two  Boatf  a.  We  had  to  row  as  there  w  as 
no  wind  the  chief  of  the  forenoou.  ^Veut  on  shore  at 
one  Mr.  Perjson's  of  {Shelburn.  About  noon  got  a 
dinner  of  chocolate  &  cakes,  then  set  out  with  a  line 
wind  and  landed  at  night  East  of  the  great  Bay  north 
of  where  Onion  Klver  Empty'js  into  the  Lake  uU  miles. 
We  built  lire.s  and  pitched  some  Tents.  It  Kained 
hard  but  I  slept  ToiJerable  well,  but  Began  to  think 
it  was  not  home. 

lith  Sept.  We  set  out  something  late  in  the 
morning,  by  reason  of  the  wind  being  high.  The 
wind  held  high  all  Day,  but  after  noon  the  wind  in- 
.  ,  \  - '  ■"'  waves  ran  Kigh  and  I.^oisterous.  It  w ude 
me  tbink  of  the  Anthem  i^they  that  go  Down  to  the 
Sea  in  Ships),  The  wind  increased  and  we  were 
afraid  of  being  Lost,  and  could  not  land.  At  length 
we  put  in  to  a  small  Island  30  miles  I  know  no  name 
to  but  shall  call  it  Cherry  Island  for  the  abundance 
of  the  cherries  there  was  there.  ^Ve  landed  about 
three  o'clock  in  the  afternoon.    Staid  all  night. 

15th  Sept.  Staid  to  a  rrenchman's  house, 
where  pitched  our  tents.  I  was  oihcer  of  the 
Guard  at  nigiit.  I  paid  my  Bottle  of  Bum  for  that 
was  the  first  time  I  mounted  guard.  We  expected 
we  wc^ro  in  great  danger  of  tlie  Enemy  but  BeceiYed 
no  harm.    Went  about  40  miles  that  Day. 

16th  Sept.  Set  sail  before  Day  Light  appeared, 
for  fear  of  an  attack.  Went  about  7  miles  to  where 
Beuiember  Baker  was  Buried.  Went  two  miles 
farther  to  the  Iskmd  Ore  where  the  main  army  was. 
Y\e  met  Gen.  Skyiar  in  sight  of  the  Island,  for  he  had 
.set  out  for  Ticondaroga,  for  he  was  sick.  We  got 
there  about  10  o'clock  in  the  morning.  Went  into  a 
Barn  where  I  saw  Serj't  Yu  Cobb  lying  on  a  sort  of 
Bed,  for  he  was  wounded.  I  was  glad  to  see  him  as 
ever  I  was  in  my  life,  but  sorry  to  see  him  in  that 
situation.  We  left  Ezekiel  Brewster,  Ben j 'in  Holmes 
and  Simeon  Covel  sick  with  live  of  our  company. 


iTtii  Sept.  Sunday,  CoL  Warner's  Keg't  set  out 
for  to  take  the  Brestwork,  12  miles  from  the  Island 
OrCj  where  fcSerg't  Cobb  was  wounded,  and  the  com- 
panj  he  was  in  was  defeated.  We  arrived  at  the 
Brest  v.'ork  before  night  and  fouind  no  Molestation, 
tbo'  we  expected  a  battieas  much  as  we  expected  lo 
get  there.  The  whole  army  soon  came  up  where  we 
ail  staid  that  night  and  had  nothing  to  cover  us  but 
the  heavens  and  it  was  very  cold  and  they  liung  Boms 
among  us  and  we  had  a  yerj  tedious  night  of  it  in- 

ISth  Sept,  In  the  morning  our  army  fired  their 
cannon  and  they  hied  from  the  fort.  There  was  a  hot 
lire  from  both  sides  sometime,  but  in  the  midst  of  it 
Col.  Vv'arner's  Begiment  was  ordered  to  march  about 
three  miles  thro'  the  wood  around  St  Johns.  Yv'e 
L.<d  tc-  irg.Ye).  knee  deep  in  water  expecting  every 
miuuie  to  meet  with  the  enemy.  Wo  at  le'igth  came 
very  near  to  Major  Brown's  encampment,  where  the 
Begulars  vrere.  They  gave  us  a  hot  tire.  The  grape 
shot  and  Musket  balls  hew  very  thick,  but  our  pilots, 
not  knowiDg  the  ground,  we  had  not  an  equal  chance 
for  they  all  lied  to  St.  Johns.  They  v^'ounded  Capt. 
Watson,  but  killed  none  of  our  men.  We  took  the 
ground  and  staid  there  all  night  and  had  a  very 
tedious  night  with  our  feet  wet  and  cold,  no  houses 
nor  tents  to  lie  in. 

Sept.  19th.  The  next  day  we  went  to  intrench- 
ing and  followed  it  for  Some  Days,  and  built  a  very 
good  Breastwork. 

20th,  21st  Sept.  Nothing  Eemarkable. 
{^  22nd  Sept,  Capt'n  Hopkins  with  the  bigest 
part  of  the  company  and  also  Col.  Warner  and  the 
bigest  part  of  his  Begiment  went  from  our  Encamp- 
ment to  Laprairie.  Left  me  with  the  rest  of  the  com- 
pany.   Nothing  Eemarkable. 

23d  Sept.  Nothing  Bemarkable  for  a  week  ex- 
cept that  we  expected  every  day  and  hour  to  have  a 
battle.  Heard  every  day  that  the  Enemy  was  coming 
upon  us.  Sometimes  we  had  news  at  midnight  that 
the  Enemy  was  close  by;  then  vrould  be  every  man  to 



his  armes,  tlieu  we  must  run  to  our  Station  at  ihe 
Breastwork  and  stay  tli.ere  tili  further  orders  which 
vrould  be  an  iiour  or  two  sometimes.  YVe  had  to  lie 
iu  the  Barn  a.s  many  as  could  get  in.  We  kept  some 
in  houses  and  some  out  doors.  We  had  a  very  tedious 
V  eek  of  it  for  it  was  very  wet  and  cold. 

30th  Sept,  CoL  Uedei  sent  me  with  a  FrencJi- 
mau  down  the  river  Surreii  to  buy  shoes  and  stock- 
ings for  the  army.  I  went  about  -id  miles.  Bought 
133  p'r  stockings  and  71  p'r  shoes.  I  was  treated  the 
Best  1  ever  was  in  my  Lite  w'ith  what  wine  I  could 
drink  and  witii  what  victuals  I  could  eat.  The  best 
they  had  in  their  houses  was  at  my  Pleasure.  They 
carried  me  in  a  calash  from  place  to  place.  I<o  man 
could  be  used  better  than  I  was,  but  the  man  that 
w^eiit  wJTii  inp  oonld  not  talk  English,  that  I  v^'as  put 
i,G  I^  ^^L^^^i^c^  10  undciGtand  them,  but  the  French 
are  very  Civil  and  Polite. 

4th  Oct.  11  o'clock  at  night  retuj'ned  to  Col. 
Bedel's  Encampment.  V.'as  fatigued  with  my 
journey  and  not  very  well  and  when  I  came  to  my 
tent  found  Lieut.  ]N'oble  and  his  waiter.  He  informed 
me  that  CoL  Warner  had  sent  for  the  rest  of  his  Regi- 
ment and  that  they  were  all  gone  to  Laprairie  except 
those  that  vrere  sick  and  Lieut.  Xobie  staid  to  take 
care  of  them  and  my  vraiter  was  gone  with  them.. 

5th  Oct.  Col.  Bedel  sent  me  to  Gen.  Montgom- 
ery with  a  guard  of  20  men  to  carry  the  shoes  and 
stockings  I  had  Bo't.  1  went  to  the  Gen's  Markey. 
He  said  he  never  was  so  glad  to  see  anything  in  his 
life  as  he  was  the  shoes  and  stockings,  but  when  we 
counted  them  out  there  was  9  p'r  of  stockings  and  3 
p'r  shoes  missing.  He  asked  how^  that  should  happen 
and  W'hy  I  was  not  more  carefuL  I  told  him  the  cir- 
cumstances. He  told  me  to  come  to  him  next 
roornlug,  and  he  vcould  settle  with  me  for  the  shoes 
and  stockings.  I  went  that  night  to  Dr.  Fay's  camp 
where  vras  Capt'n  Herrick  and  Doet'r  ]SaLhan  Fas- 
sett,  Josiah  Fay  and  Sandry  others  of  my  friends  I 
had  not  seen  for  some  time.  I  was  very  glad  to  see 
thern.     Nathan  and  I  vv'ent  into  one  of  the  boats  to 



get  out  of  the  vsnx  of  people  and  tallied  rvboui  two 
hours  till  I  vras  almost  chilled  to  death  with  the  cold, 
for  i  had  waded  liuee  deep  in  water  and  had  no  dry 
stoelclngs  to  put  on.  At  length  we  went  into  the  tent 
and  hi  V  and  I  slept  very  vrell. 

Ctli  Oct.  Next  niornino- 1  grew  more  ill,  but  eat 
pretty  hearty,  but  the  Bloody  Flux  took  me  very  hard 
for  I  had  bad  the  Quick.scep  for  some  time  before.  I 
went  to  the  Genernl's  tent,  and  he  paid  me  the  money 
for  the  shoes  and  stocking-s  and  thanked  me  for  \vhat 

1  had  done  for  my  Country.  He  snid  he  believed  I 
had  done  as  well  as  any  man  could  and  he  did  not 
think  I  was  to  blame  by  the  stockings  and  shoes 
being  lost,  but  should  be  glad  if  I  would  try  and  find 
them,  and  before  I  got  back  T  found  1  p'r  stockings  in 
a  man's  pocket  that  went  with  me  that  was  one  of 
fi.f.  f 4^11  n V.I  ftint  carried  part  of  the  stockings.  I  went 
on  tov.  ards  Col.  Bedel's  canap,  but  grew  pocrly  9'> 
fast  that  I  thought  I  never  should  get  there.  We 
went  very  slow.  The  men  that  were  with  me  had 
some  wine  with  them  and  they  gave  me  some  to  drink 

2  or  3  times,  which  helped  me  much.  They  seemed  to 
pity  me  very  much.  We  sat  down  a  great  many 
times.  I  did  not  think  of  home  much  because  I  would 
not.  At  length  vre  arrived  at  Col.  Bedel's  camp.  I 
told  him  my  misfortune  in  losing  the  stockings  and 
shoes,  and  that  I  had  found  one  p'r  stockintrs.  Re 
advised  me  to  put  the  man  under  guard  immediately, 
which  I  did.  I  grew  worse.  Had  a  search  for  the 
stockings  but  could  not  find  any  more.  That  ni^ht 
I  could  not  sleep.  Had  to  go  out  d'"»ors  every  few 
minutes.    Was  in  great  pain. 

7th  Oct.  Had  a  Court  martial  upon  the  man  I 
put  under  guard  and  they  freed  him  because  he 
proved  to  their  satisfaction  that  he  forgot  to  pull 
them  out  of  his  ]>ocket.  T  grew  njore  and  more  sick 
and  that  day  vi^ent  to  the  tavern  and  got  in  there  for 
a  few  day-.  The  Innkeeper  was  a  Scotchman.  Hp 
and  his  wife  were  very  kind  to  me.  Indeed  I  co-il'^ 
not  have  expected  more  from,  my  own  Fiither,  Onlv 
as  their  victuals  v^'ere  not  cooked  to  suit  me,  for  my 
stomach  was  very  weak. 



8th  Oct  Runday.  No  better.  Nothing  extra- 
ordinary e^xcept  tJjat  our  people  kept  on  the  firing  as 
well  as  the  ejiemy,  every  day  more  or  less  after  we 
took  the  breast  l^'o^k  tha\  I  mentioTied  the  17th  Sept. 
Evevy  Jay  they  nved  from  both  sides  with  their  can- 
non and  bomb  shell  more  or  less. 

9th  Oct.  Some  better,  but  yet  in  great  distress 
at  time.s.  Eight  of  our  men  Avent  from  Col.  Bedel's 
Cam.p  to  the  General's,  was  ambushed  by  a  party  of 
the  Enemy  who  fired  upon  them,  wounded  the  Serg't 
of  the  party  and  took  two  of  our  men  prisoners.  They 
bro't  the  wounded  man  in  where  I  was,  and  upon 
search  found  the  ball  to  be  in  his  Leg.  The  Surgeon 
cut  a  great  ^rhile  but  could  not  get  it  out.  That  made 
me  think  that  I  ought  to  be  thankful  that  I  w^as  not 
in  such  a  condition. 

±uiii,  j-XtL.  xljth  Oct.  I  "^rc^v  b'-'"'^te^  ^■>''"'+  •»'or«Y 
slow.  Was  in  great  pain  all  the  time  when  1  used  the 
stool  and  was  very  weak,  but  w^eut  about  some  every 
day.  Col.  Warner  came  to  see  me,  and  he  said  I  must 
go  to  Laprairie  with  him.  Be  said  they  wanted  me 
there  and  I  must  go.  He  urged  so  hard  I  set  out  with 
him  but  did  not  expect  to  get  there  that  night  for  it 
was  dark  when  we  set  out,  and  we  had  eighteen  miles 
to  go.  I  rid  on  a  low  horse  and  it  was  very  wet  and 
muddy  and  we  rid  very  hard  that  my  feet  were  as  wet 
as  if  I  had  waded  knee-deep  in  water.  We  got  to  La- 
prairie Between  nine  and  ten  o'clock  at  night,  I  was 
Yerj  much  worn  out,  but  was  glad  to  see  my  friends, 
for  I  had  not  seen  them  for  three  weeks.  Major 
Safford  informed  ns  that,  there  was  an  army  of  500 
men  Coming  upon  us  that  night.  We  had  to  lie  on 
our  arms  that  night. 

IStli  Oct.  Was  called  up  a  four  o'clock  in  ye 
morning  by  the  beat  of  the  drum,  but  no  Enemy  came 
upon  us  all  this  time.  I  had  no  stummick  to  eat.  T 
Bo't  as  many  apples  as  I  could  eat,  some  3  and  some 
4  for  a  copper.  I  had  one  apple  pie  and  that  tasted 
good.  We  had  a  court  martial  on  John  Twohy,  the 
mittemns  that  was  brought  against  him  was  for  not 
doing  his  Duty.     I  was  one  of  the  members  of  the 


court,  and  our  Judgment  war,  that  Twohy  should  be 
stripped  naked  and  tied  to  a  post  for  five  minutes, 
and  then  be  released.  He  was  P^ro't  to  the  post  and 
the  CoJ.  set  hi;3i  at  Liberty  Avithout  having  his  pun- 

lith  Oct.     Nothing  Extraordinary.     Some  bet- 

1.3th  Oct.  Went  to  Mass  in  the  forenoon.  I  see 
the  stranaest  thiup,-  that  ever  I  see  in  my  life.  Their 
Ceremonies  are  beyond  wliat  I  can  express.  They 
had  six  candles  burning  all  the  time.  Behl  a  couusel 
of  war.  Resolved  to  go  to  Longail  which  w^as  nine 
miles,  with  all  the  men  vre  had  at  Laprairie  except 
Capt'n  McCrachen-s  Company  for  we  heard  the  Keg- 
ulars  and  Canadians  were  going  there  to  take  it,  and 
we  see  a  number  of  boats  going  that  way.  Major 
c^^cr^.^r^  ^'?s  vnt  well  that  he  could  not  go.  I  was 
very  Avcak  yet^  but  1  set  out  with  the  cuuipany.  I 
held  out  very  well  about  seven  miles,  and  then  we 
had  word  we  must  all  run  for  the  Enemy  had  all 
landed  about  three  miles  below  Longail.  They  all  set 
out  to  run,  but  I  could  not  run,  but  I  put  on  too  fast 
for  my  strength-  We  all  flung  ofi"  our  packs  but  put  a 
Centry  over  them.  I  was  soon  left  behind  so  that  I 
was  alone  and  vs'ent  in  alone,  but  before  I  got  in  I 
heard  the  guns  fire  brisk.  I  expected  to  have  a  hot 
battle  whoa  I  got  to  the  fort.  Every  man  was  gone 
forward.  I  went  into  a  house  and  sat  down.  The 
people  of  the  house  were  going  to  supper.  They 
asked  me  to  sit  down  with  them.  T  ate  a  few  mouth- 
fu"'s  of  hot  soup.  While  I  was  at  supper  seven  or 
eigh  yorkers  came  in  that  were  behind  me.  T 
ordered  a  guard  immediately.  Our  men  all  came 
back  pretty  soon.  It  was  my  turn  to  be  officer  of  the 
guard  that  nisht  and  the  Adju.tant  told  me  I  must 
take  it.  T  got  Serc't  ^Major  Hutchens  to  take  my 
place.  Was  very  glad  to  get  freed  from  mv  Duty  that 
('  night.  Capt.  Hopkins  and  I  went  to  a's 
house  and  crot  a  lodaing  in  a  good  bed.  I  slent  verv 

Ib'th  Oct.     Got  up  early  in  the  morning.     Felt 
better     Nothing  Eeroarkable. 



17tlt  0»f.  SeDl  out  a  scout  of  GO  men.  Tiiey 
went  dovv'R  the  IMver  IS  Eilley  and  Liad  a  battle  about 
twelve  o'clock  at  nigiu.  Wiiliam  Draper  was  killed 
down  d<  avl  on  the  Bpot.  We  had  cue  more  man 
wounded  in  the  thigh  and  we  IniJed  the  Capt.  of  the 
Enemy  and  f.aiiidi'y  others,  but  how  luany  Ave  could 
not  tell,  for  they  fled  to  their  boats  aud  our  men  fol 
lowed  them  and  had  had  ail  the  advantage  upon 
them  Imaginable  for  they  were  close  to  them. 
About  7  o'clock  at  night  word  came  to  Capt.  Hop- 
kins and  I  that  Col.  Brush  was  at  Col.  Warner's  lodg- 
ing which  was  about  20  or  30  Kods  from  our  lodging. 
We  went  very  quick  to  yee  him.  I  was  very  glad  to 
see  him  indeed.  He  Bro't  me  two  letters  from  my 
wife.  I  was  exceeding  glad  to  hear  that  my  family 
and  friends  were  all  v.eiL  We  staid  vsdth  him  until 
late  i.a  -J.  _  i.'4;;l;t;  thi'-r  T'etUTT'^d  to  nnr  1  iuIo-'m-^o-. 
Sleep  well,  by  this  time  I  had  got  hearty  and  well. 

ISth  Oct.  Yesterday  scout  returned  and  Bro't 
the  above  Intelligence  concerning  the  Battle.  Seven 
Boats  came  down  the  river  and  made  as  if  they  were 
going  to  land  on  a  point  of  an  island  or  come  across 
the  river  to  us.  A  number  of  our  officers  vrent  out 
towards  the  boats,  and  the  Beguiars  from  the  boats 
fired  tlieir  iield  pieces  at  us.  The  Balls  and  Grape 
Shot  flew  over  cur  headS;,  but  did  us  no  harm.  They 
shot  two  or  three  cannon  balls  thro'  the  roofs  of  some 
of  the  houses.  Our  men  fired  several  small  arms  at 
them.  Their  Balls  scooted  along  by  their  boats,  some 
of  them.  I  was  ofdcer  of  the  Guard  that  night. 
^Slothin^'  Remarkable. 

10th  Oct,     Xothir.g  more  than  common. 

20th  Oct.     A  very  rainy  day. 

21st  Oct.  Kainy  yet.  Wrote  letters  to  send  to 
ray  wife  and  friends  by  CoL  Brush. 

22nd  Oct.  Sunda}',  went  in  the  morning  to  see 
a  man  st^dpt  and  tied  to  the  post  for  neglecting  his 
duty.  The  re;.>iment  was  all  paraded,  the  man  was 
brought  and  the  Col.  forgave  him  ;ipon  the  Capt'n's 
Bail.  Vs'r'ut  to  mass  v/ith  Col.  Warner,  CoL  Brush. 
Major    Saft'ord,    Adjutant    Walbridge    and    sundry 



others  in  the  lorenooij.  In  the  afternoon  Col.  Brush, 
\vith  his  brother,  Vv'ni.  Brush,  set  out  in  a  Calash  for 
/home.  Capt'n  iiopkins  aeconipanied  tliein  as  far  as 
the  general  Bve.stAvork  south  St.  John's, 

23d  Oct.  Nothing  more  than  coinmon,  \Yeil 
and  hearty,  but  nothing  to  do.  Chose  Binion  Graves 

2dth  Oct.  Nothing  extra.  Got  out  of  Brea<l  and 
Meal  so  that  we  had  to  live  upon  duDiplings.  The 
Sentry  just  shot  his  gun  at  something  he  can't  tell 
what  It  is  bed  time,  all  are  gone  to  bed  but  I.  Flour 
came  plenty. 

25th  Oct.  Fair  weather.  Snow  appeared  on  the 
mountain  by  Montreal.  We  had  thickened  milk  for 
breakfast,  and  I  don't  see  as  ever  they  will  be  done. 
7  o'clock  at  night  Lieut.  Gallusha,  Lieut.  Boberts 
c.rd.  ^"'^^^r^'  of  hprs  come  to  my  lodging  after  me  to  go 
(o  the  Adjutant's  lodging.  Vv'eiiL  svlth  them.  Col. 
Warner  and  Chief  of  theOfucers  belonging  to  his  regi- 
ment and  some  of  the  York  officers  were  there.  We 
stayed  there  and  drinked  some  vrine  and  sung  sonrrs 
till  half  nfter  11  o'clock  at  night  when  the  Col.  heard 
he  had  an  express  come  to  his  lodginp;.  We  all  went 
immediately  to  see  what  it  was,  and  found  it  to  be  a 
letter  from  Capt'n  Grant  that  was  with  a  party  of 
about  tea  men  at  Variene  about  12  miles  down  the 
river  below  us  which  was  to  this  import,  that  about  20 
miles  below  him  there  were  seen  300  Regulars  niarch- 
ing  towards  him  a«  fast  os  they  could  and  there  was  a 
ship  of  500  tons  with  a  number  of  cannons  in  her  Vv-ith 
about  800  more  of  the  Tvinir's  Troops  and  4  or  500 
Canadians  all  coming  to  give  us  battle.  We  con- 
cluded to  send  two  men  to  see  what  more  discovery 
they  could  make.  Then  we  all  went  to  our  quarters. 
Xow^  I  am  going  to  bed, 

26th  Oct.  Concluded  to  send  one  Capt'n  with 
sixty  men  down  the  river  as  an  advance  guard  to  see 
what  further  discovery  they  could  make.  About  11 
o'clock  forenoon  four  Pattoos  about  10  or  12  men  in 
each  came  down  the  river  from  Montreal  by  us. 
They  fired  their  svrivels  at  us  and  small  arm-S.    Our 



men  lirea  from  je  shore  at  Ihein.    Xo  hai'iii  on  either 
side  as  I  know  of.    Baitoes  went  down  2  v>r  3  miles, 
then  went  back  on  the  other  side  of  the  mer.    About 
2  o'clock  afternoon,  15  or  18  boats  came  down  the 
rirer  by  u;s.    They  fired  at  ns  and  we  at  them,  nothing 
bnt  small  arms.    They  went  down  abont  a  mile  anil 
a  half  below  U'^,  then  tnrned  about  and  came  directly 
back.     As  they  passed  by  ns.  they  fired  ^ery  bri^k, 
and  our  people  on  them,  but  no  harm  till  thej  had 
got  by  the  town.     Some  of  our  men  followed  them 
by  and  Serg't  Jackson  of  Capt'n  Potter's  Company 
run  onto  a  point  of  land  within  abont  25  or  30  Rods 
of  the  Battoes,  and  fired  at  them  and  they  discharged 
a  number  of  guns  at  him.     He  said  the  balls  flew 
around  him  as  thick  as  hailstones.     One  ball  went 
through  his  arm  and  gave  him  a  flesh  wound  but  did 
ru"  n-^T'  --r  ■'^rr^T     ^-ty'  men  picked  u'^  a  niinib^"  of  balls 
that  fell  where  they  stood.     Some  of  ye  balls  went 
over  our  heads,  some  struck  the  ground  by  our  feet.  I 
don't  think  they  were  less  than  100  rods  from  us  when 
we  first  see  them.    I  some  expected  they  had  laid  a 
deep  plot  against  us,  but  at  present  we  kept  peaceble 
and  it  is  novr  about  9  o'clock  at  night    This  aftenoon 
12  Sub.'s  of  us  have  held  a  couuciland  have  carried  a 
petition  to  the  Cok  tonight  to  send  for  some  cannon, 
lie  said  he  would  giye  us  an  answer  tomorrow  morn- 
ing as  early  as  we  pleased.    10  o'clock  at  nioht  Col. 
Warner,  Major  Safford  and  all  the  Capt'ns  sent  for 
us  to  consult  us.     We  went  to  see  them.     Thev  ap- 
proyed  of  what  we  had  done.    We  all  consulted  to- 
gether and  concluded  to  send  Major  SaiTord,  and 
Capt'n  Teneyck  to  Chamblee  for  cannon  and  if  they 
coiild  not  get  any  there  to  go  till  they  could  get  some. 
We  all  went  to  our  lodging. 

27th  Oct  At  2  o'clock  in  the  morning  some  of 
our  folks  that  lodged  in  the  same  house  with  me,said 
they  heard  guns  which  partly  awaked  me,  then  one 
or  two  jumped  up  and  said  "stand  to  rour  arms'"  and 
]  sprang  up  expecting  nothing  but  that  the  enemv 
was  come.  We  dressed  ourseires  and  o-ot  our  gui.s 
immediately  and  ran  to  the  fort  which  was  about  50 



rods  bdt  when  we  came  to  (he  gnrtnl  be  said  he  had 
heard  nothing.  So  v.  e  all  returned  to  our  Quarters 
again.  Very  fine  weather.  Nothing  extra.  David 
Brewstf^r  is  verv  sick.  Sent  for  CoL  Warner  and  he 
gave  him  a  portion  of  Jallap.  Jacob  SalTord  not  very 
well,  nor  has  not  been  for  several  days. 

28th  Oct.  Cloudy,  raw,  eohl  vreather.  Looks 
like  snow.  Capt'n  Hopkins  came  iTom  ye  ;0-eneral'S 
Breastwork.  Bro't  news  that  they  had  not  taken 
St.  Johns,  that  Gen.  Worcester  w^as  come  to  Gen. 
Montgomery's  encampment  with  300  men  and  that  he 
was  coming  on  to  us,  and  that  Major  Safford  was  like 
to  get  some  cannon.  All  which  gave  us  some  en- 
courngement.  Christie  is  making  up  my  Plush 
breeches  at  last. 

Sunday  20th  Oct.  CoL  Warner  blooded  Jacob 
Sairoru.  David  Brewster  is  some  better.  Col. 
Warner  is  going  to  Laprairie;  the  weather  is  warmer 
than  it  was  yesterday  but  is  cloudy  yet.  10  o'clock  in 
the  morning  Major  Safi'ord  came  back.  Bro't  news 
that  there  was  one  four  pounder  coming  from  Cham- 
blee,  and  that  the  main  army  had  struck  their  tents 
yesterday  and  had  mo\ed  one  mile  and  a  half  north 
St.  Johns  to  where  Col.  Bedel  commanded,  that  they 
had  jdtched  their  tents  there,  and  that  Col.  Easton 
with  his  regimc^nt  had  gone  down  the  river  towards 
Surrell  to  drive  off  the  enemy  that  were  fortifving 
there.  Doct  Fay  went  with  Col.  Easton.  Doct.  Fas- 
sett  Staid  with  the  main  army  to  take  care  of  the 
sick.  Capt'n  Horrick  and  Lieut.  Spencer  is  sick. 
Major  Safford  says  that  the  officers  think  in  general 
that  St.  Johns  will  be  taken  in  4  or  5  days;  Lieut. 
^oble  came  to  us  with  the  invalids  at  9  o'clock.  They 
bro't  the  cannon  above  m.entioned  to  us. 

SOth  Oct  A  pleasant  morninc".  but  afternoon 
grew  very  cold.  Tory  early  came  a  spy  boat  down  to 
see  our  motion.  Between  11  and  12  o'clock  there  ap- 
peai'ed  fas  near  as  we  could  tell)  34  boats  from  "Mon- 
treal comin<T  r>own  towards  us.  then  evprv  man  to 
his  arms.  We  all  paraded.  There  were  about  200  of 
us  that  were  fit  for  duty.    We  drawed  the  cannon  to 



the  water  side  and  a  ^'limber  of  us  went  by  the  side  of 
the  carriage  so  as  to  keep  it  undiscovered  from  the 
schooner  that  iav  off  against  us.  We  got  the  cannon 
to  the  vrater  side.  Thirty  or  forty  men  were  ordered 
up  the  Iiiver  to  watch  the  motions  of  the  Boat,  for  it 
seemed  by  their  ^tlotioij  they  were  going  to  land 
.  about  2  miles  above  us.  In  a  few  minutes  a  number 
(  more  men  were  ordered  up  the  lUver.  Capt-n  Hop- 
■  kins'  company  was  ordered  up  the  Elver.  We  went 
as  fast  as  we  could  about  two  miles.  The  Boat  was 
tryins:  to  land,  but  we  fired  so  brisk  upon  them  they 
were  forced  to  Ixetreat.  By  this  time  the  Bigest  part 
of  our  arm.y  was  come  up.  Q'here  were  enough 
left  to  msnage  the  cannon.  There  is  an  Island  about 
2  miles  above  Longail  fort  Y»-here  part  of  the  Enemy 
landed  and  it  is  very  shoal  vrater  so  that  a  man  may 
wade  very  well  across  the  River  to  where  we  were, 
but  it  if.  about  1  mile  across.  There  are  some  little 
Islands  and  some  large  rocks  in  the  Eiver.  The 
Enemy  got  out  of  their  Boat  and  Began  to  wade 
across  towards  us.  Our  men  were  all  ordered  along 
the  shore,  a  number  to  run  and  meet  the  Enemy  that 
were  cominjx  across  the  Inver  some  half  mile  Below 
where  the  Boats  were  trying  to  land.  The  Bank  of 
the  Biver  f:iVored  us  for  it  is  higher  at  the  edge  of  the 
Elver  than  it  is  a  little  back,  which  made  a  very 
good  breastwork  where  we  lay  Behind;  and  where 
the  Bank  of  the  Elver  did  not  favor  us  in  that  line 
we  got  behind  the  piney.  Before  many  of  us  got  to 
the  place,  some  of  the  Enemy  got  almost  to  our  shore, 
and  2  Indians  got  acro---s.  David  Mallary  ran  after 
one  of  them  and  took  h'm  vrith  his  gun  loaded.  The 
other  our  men  took  after  dark.  But  to  return,  we 
kept  a  perpetual  firing  on  both  sides.  The  Enemy 
had  cannon  and  Bomb  Shells  aboard,  which  they 
gave  us  a  plenty  of.  There  was  one  shell  broke 
within  a  few  feet  of  my  head  right  over  me.  The 
pieces  flew  all  around  me  and  there  were  men  lying 
very  thick  around  me,  but  none  received  any  harm.. 
Several  raitnon  Bnll  came  very  n<'ar  me  and  the 
Musket  balls  came  close  to  our  heads  in  great  plentv. 



This  was  the  tirst  cime  I  ever  shot  at  a  man.  There 
T^'as  a  yerv  steady liri]ig  on  both  sides  ail  the  afternoon 
till  after  dark,  but  no  more  landed  on  our  side  of  the 
River,  bat  they  came  within  gunshot  and  got  behind 
the  Eocks  and  little  Islands.  When  the  Enemy  per- 
ceived that  they  could  not  Land  by  wading,  they  sent 
a  number  of  Boats  down  against  the  fort  (thinking 
we  were  all  drawn  oil  from  the  Fort)  wliere  our  Can- 
non gave  them  a  salute.  The  boats  returned  when 
they  perceived  that,  for  they  did  not  know  we  had 
any  cannon.  Then  the  men  drew  the  Cannon  up  the 
river  after  them.  All  this  while  the  Enemy  were  try- 
ing to  land  by  wading  across  and  there  was  a  con- 
tinual fire.  We  saw  numbers  fall  down  and  some 
never  got  up  again.  When  our  Cannon  came  up  we 
gave  them  a  few  cannon  Balis  which  drove  off  the 
l"v-.'.  '  . '•  +0  "^lortreal.  Then  our  men  threw  the 
grape  shot  on  to  the  little  Islands  which  drove  them 
off.  By  this  time  it  had  begun  to  be  dark.  Then  we 
hailed  the  Enemy  (for  there  were  some  within  30 
rods)  and  told  them  that  if  they  vrould  come  ashore 
to  tT.>  they  could  have  good  quarter,  there  were  3  be- 
hind one  rock  that  said  they  would.  We  waited  for 
them  sometime.  Then  we  called  again.  They  said 
they  had  a  wounded  man  they  could  not  bring.  Col. 
Warner  told  them  to  leave  him  and  come  ashore  and 
if  they  offered  to  run  back,  or  if  they  fired  a  gun.  Death 
was  their  portion.  Then  we  see  one  stepping  off  the 
other  way  Col.  Warner  ordered  us  to  fire.  The  gun 
cracked  merrily  at  him.  He  fell  down  and  crawled 
off,  but  whether  we  hit  him  I  don't  know.  Then  one 
of  them  came  ashore  to  us  which  was  a  gentleman 
froin  Montreal.  His  father  is  one  of  the  richest  men 
in  -Montreal.  Then  a  number  of  our  men  went  in 
after  the  wounded  man  which  was  an  Indian.  He 
died  soon  after  he  came  ashore.  They  took  one  other 
frenchman  prisoner  in  the  vrater.  ^^'e  found  2  more 
dead  Indians  that  night  which  we  brought  ashore 
and  five  guns  with  some  other  plunder.  All  the 
while  the  firing  lasted  there  was  a  great  number  of 
men  and  women  standing  on  the  Bank  on  the  other 



side  of  tJie  L'irer  looking  to  see  liow  tlie  battle  weut 
on,  and  for  all  Y\"e  Lad  such  a  long  and  brisk  firing, 
not  one  of  us.  was  hurt  except  Capt'n  Hopkins  wlic 
had  a  ball  >sbot  thro'  his  coat  sleaye  and  thro'  his 
shirt  and  it  took  off  a  piece  of  skin  from  his  arm  as 
big  as  a  York  shilling  but  did  him  no  other  harm. 
The  Balls  fle^^'  aronnil  on  ail  sides  of  ns  close  to  onr 
headb  and  feet  yet  God  suffered  them  not  to  hurt  us. 
Oh  that  1  might  never  forgot  bis  goodness  to  me.  I 
come  very  near  being  killed  by  one  of  our  own, men, 
I  had  got  my  gun  charged  and  was  lying  flat  on  my 
belly  as  all  the  rest  were  and  was  going  to  get  up  to 
see  if  I  could  see  anybody  to  shoot  at  Avhen  one  spoke 
and  said:  '"There  is  a  man  running,  shoot  him!" 
I  put  my  head  a  little  higher  when  all  at  once  our 
men  fired  very  brisk  and  one  that  was  behind  ine 
f^'^'^d  hiz  guT>  OYei-  my  bead  so  that  it  seemed  to  sho  tre 
m}  head,  and  Capt'n  Stanton  that  was  close  behind 
me  said  that  he  expected  I  was  killed.  He  said  it  did 
not  go  more  than  one  inch  from  my  head  the  whole 
charge,  but  it  did  not  hurt  me.  Shot  13  times  this 
afterjjoon.  We  all  returned  to  our  Quarters  except 
what  we  left  to  keep  guard.  I  had  not  eaten  any- 
thing after  breakfast.  I  was  so  tired  I  could  not 
sleep  much  that  night. 

Sist  Oct,  Early  in  tJie  morning  the  Cob  ex- 
amined the  two  French  prisoners  and  they  informed 
us  that  Gov.  Carleton  headed  the  army  the  day  be- 
fore, and  that  the  army  consisted  of  G60  men,  that  100 
vrere  Regulars,  and  the  rest  Canadians  and  a  few  In- 
dians. They  said  we  killed  12  men  in  the  lirst  Boat 
that  tried  to  laud.  They  said  tliey  believed  we  killed  9 
otli  ers  and  wo  unded  a  bou  1 50  men.  We  sent  off  the  four 
prisoners  to  the  General.  I  went  with  Lieut.  Galusha 
and  Mr.  Sunderland  to  see  yt.  The  3  Indians  were 
buried  when  we  got  there.  Canadians  were  digging 
a  grave  for  them.  They  dug  it  about  2  ft.  and  a  half 
deep,  then  put  them  in  stark  naked  v.ith  their  faces 
downward,  two  at  the  bottom  vrith  their  heads  both 
one  way,  the  other  on  top  with  his  head  at  the  others 
feet  Then  they  flung  on  dirt  and  then  stones.  'Twas 


Euoii  a  funeral  a«  I  ue^  er  .saw  before.  Isotliiug  extra, 
it  is  very  cold.  Bells  tolled  in  Montreal  this  morn- 
ing. Seveu  Boats  went  dov/n  tlie  Iliver.  '  Tlie 
scliooner  that  Jay  against  us  Vvont  down  the  riA^er 
about  a  mile  and  a  iiaif  last  nigjii.  The  prison- 
ers that  we  took  yesterday  said  that  Gen.  Carlcton's 
intentions  were  to  land  on  our  side  of  the  Piiver  at  ail 
events.  As  a  ntimber  T/ere  to  wade  and  the  rest  to 
come  with  their  boats. 

1st  Nov.  A  great  day  among  the  French,  it 
being  All  Saints  Day,  There  was  a  great  gathering 
among  them  and  greater  ceremonies  at  church  than 
common.  Fair  weather.  Nothing  Remarkable,  Con- 
fined  a  man  that  we  suspected  for  an  Enemy  for  he 
Avas  overheard  speaking  to  one  of  Jiis  friends  in  pri- 
vate thai  be  knevv  before  hand  that  Gov.  Carleton 
»^..^  V.  .  i:v:  with  his  army  lo  give  us  battle  as  -^bove 
ai'd  tiiiit  he  vrould  not  put  up  witn  the  above  battle, 
but  that  he  would  come  with  all  his  strength  in  tv/o 
or  three  days.  This  man  told  his  friend,  that  he  went 
to  Montreal  every  night  to  carry  news.  A 11  this  time 
this  man  pretended  the  greatest  friendship  to  us,  but 
we  secured  him.  By  the  above  intelligence  and  by 
other  news  (for  v/e  had  a  great  deal)  the  Col.  thought 
proper  to  send  q  strong  guard  of  3(1  men  u})  the  river 
where  we  had  the  late  battle.  Capt'n  Potter  and  I 
slept  none  so  v/ent  with  them.  The  Col.  sent  a  guard 
of  10  or  12  men  down  the  river  to  watch  their  mo- 
tions.   Nothing  extra,  a  very  cold  night. 

2nd  Nov.  I  must  say  I  expected  a  battle  this 
morning  as  soon  as  it  was  light,  but  it  passed  over  so 
that  at  sunrise,  we  all  Avent  to  our  Quarter.s.  We 
hear  all  the  time  and  from  all  parts  that  we  may  ex- 
pect a  battle  every  day  and  hour  which  made  us  look 
out  sharp.  A  party  went  and  made  a  sort  of  breast 
work  where  we  had  the  battle,  so  as  to  stand  a  better 
chance  if  they  should  come  again.  A  little  before 
night  they  all  went  back  to  their  Quarters.  Just 
before  they  vrent  away  about  50  of  the  Enemy  was 
seen  to  land  on  the  Island  over  against  them  and 
gave  them  a  few  shots,  but  our  men  made  them  no 



answer.  Tiie  sciiooner  that  had  sailed  dov^n  the 
river  that  1  mentioned  bei'ore  sailed  up  about  sim- 
down.  Our  caunon  hred  upon  her  5  or  G  times.  She 
fired  upon  us  8  times  but  did  no  harm.  One  ball 
went  thro'  the  roof  of  a  church  over  my  head.  We 
did  no  daiuage  to  the  schooner  as  I  know  of. 

3d  Xov."  Had  news  that  St.  Johns  was  taken 
and  that  Gen.  Montgomery  had  sent  to  Laprairie  to 
Major  Livingston  to  send  him  100  teams,  to  bring  the 
ariny  along  to  La  prairie  which  nevv's  was  of  the 
greatest  rejoicing  to  us.  Betv/een  1  and  2  o'clock 
Col.  \N"arner  had  a  letter  from  Gen.  Montgomery  the 
substance  of  which  was  that  St.  Johns  surrendered 
last  night  and  that  he  was  coming  to  Laprairie  im- 
mediately with  his  forces  and  a  line  trail  of  artillery 
which  caused  a  great  rejoicing  in  our  regiment  and 
r..'::.-T-  ^Vo  Canadians,  llain  this  afternoon.  A  litUe 
before  sunset  we  were  all  called  together  and  all 
paraded  by  the  bank  of  the  river  in  single  file  and  all 
faced  the 'river  our  guns  loaded  with  powder  only. 
The  cannon  was  at  our  right  wing.  Then  the  cannon 
firedj  then  we  were  ail  ordered  to  fire,  which  made 
a  terrible  crashing.  The  cannon  was  fired  three 
times.  Ail  of  which  was  upon  the  occasion  of  the  Ke- 
duction  of  St.  Johns.  After  dark  it  snowed,  and  was 
a  very  tedious  night  for  the  Sentries.  I  am  just  come 
from  a  Council  held  concerning  Doct'r  Stoddard  who 
had  got  in  to  be  head  doctor  of  our  regiment  and  we 
concluded  to  dismiss  him.  It  is  now  10  o'clock  at 
night  and  all  have  been  gone  to  bed  this  hour  but  L 

4th  Xov.  Came  a  spy  boat.  We  gave  her  several 
Cannon  but  did  her  no  harm.  The  snow  covered  the 
ground  this  morning  but  all  gone  before  night.  Ten 
o'clock  had  to  take  the  main  guard.  Nothing  Extra. 
Wrote  a  letter  to  Nathan.  Sent  it  by  Serg't  Major 
Hutchins.  After  dark  Lieut.  Claghorn  sent  a  pris- 
oner to  the  Guard  house.  His  crime  was  he  shot  6 
times  at  the  sentinel  and  swore  he  would  be  the  death 
of  the  OjTicer  of  the  Scout  which  was  Lieut.  Clag- 
horn and  offered  other  abuse.  He  was  the  worse 
for  liciuor.    Had  a  good  guard.     Slept  none. 



5th  IsoY.  Buiiday.  Heard  from  Bt.  Johijs  lliat 
Gen.  Montgomery  took  550  men,  100  women,  150 
cMldren,  (About  30  of  the  men  were  Canadian  Tories), 
end  about  .'loOO  arms  a  great  number  of  cannon  and 
cannoii  ball  not  miich  powder  and  no  provision.  V\'e 
hear  our  army  is  pushing"  forward  for  Montreal  and 
we  hear  from  Col.  Easton  that  he  has  had  2  battles 
and  has  drove  the  enemy  both  times.  We  hear  from 
Quebec   that   Col.   Arnold   has   tahen   two   certain 

.points,  which  news  gave  us  great  encouragement. 

6th  Nov.  Nothing  Extra.  One  sloop,  and  one 
Pereyaugre  sailed  up  the  river.  We  gave  her  several 
guns  but  did  her  no  harm.  A  rainy  afternoon.  Keard 
that  Montreal  had  sent  a  flag  of  truce  to  Gen.  Mont- 
gomery, for  what  we  dont  know.  At  10  o'clock  at 
night  our  guard  heard  a  very  brisk  firing  of  guns  as 
ir  they  ho  d  c  b.-^  ttio,  but  what  it  was  we  dont  know. 

7th  Kov.  Pleasant  morning.  Heard  that  Coi. 
Easroii  had  orders  to  go  to  Montreal,  that  they  had 
driven  the  enemy  off  from  Surreih  CoL  Warner  is 
going  to  the  Gen.  this  morning.  We  hear  the  Biggest 
part  of  our  army  has  come  to  Laprairie,  that  they  had 
to  live  in  tents.  We  had  word  this  afternoon  from 
the  Gen.  that  we  must  be  ready  in  an  hour's  warning, 

^'Which  makes  us  expect  that  we  must  go  to  Montreal 
eoon.  Capt'n  Hopkins  cut  Lieut.  Noble's  coat  even 
to  the  buttocks.  Just  ate  some  bread  and  milk  and 
am  going  to  Capt'n  Potters  to  hold  a  council,  upon 
Dr.  Stoddard.  Came  home  between  11  and  12  o'clock 
at  night    Nothing  Extra. 

8th  Nov.  Heard  Cannon  very  brisk  as  soon  as 
the  daylight  appeared  down  the  river.  We  expected 
it  is  Col.  Euston  firing  at  the  shipping  at  Surrell.  It 
is  a  very  pleasant  day.  Had  roast  Turkey  for  break- 
fast. Major  Safford,'Capt'n  and  I  went  to  Bushavie, 
afoot,  about  6  miles,  where  we  were  treated  extra  welL 
We  liad  a  dinner  of  very  line  soup,  then  beef  and 
carrots,  cabbage  and  green  lettuce  as  good  as  any 
ever  I  eat  any  time  of  the  year.  Then  a  mince  pie 
such  as  I  never  eat.  I  did  not  like  it  right  well.  We 
had  what  wine  we  could  drink.  We  stayed  4  hours, 


then  set  out  for  home.  Shot  at  a  mark  4  or  5  times. 
Got  back  before  dark.  We  bought  ^2  blaukets  aud 
1:?  m\  shoes.  Got  some  lettuce  seed,  onion  seed  and 
carrot  seed  at  Bushavie,  a  sort  of  lettuce  ihat  heads 
like  Cabbage. 

9th  of  Xov.  Cloudy  but  warm.  Nothing  extra. 
2sine  o'clock  heard  from  Col.  Easton  that  yesterday 
morning  he  fired  upon  the  King'a  shipping  at  Sur- 
reli  lie  tired  so  brisk  that  they  were  obliged  to  cut 
their  cables,  and  pass  oil  down. the  Elver.  They  had 
a  very  brisk  fire  for  some  hours  with  Cannon  and 
small  arms,  but  I  have  not  heard  the  circumstances. 
Afternoon  I  received  a  letter  from  Doct'r  Fassett. 
He  informed  me  that  he  had  heard  from  Pittsford 
that  Jonathan  Fassett 's  wife  and  his  wife  had  got 
each  of  them  a  boy,  that  they  were  all  welh  N'athan 
l^rjj_. .  iiie  iLal  Lc  was  ordered  t^  ^y'r^•n^^-i  Pm'nt  the 
7th  inst.  with  the  sick,  but  since  I  heard  it  contra- 
dicted. Heard  there  were  five  pieces  of  Cannon  come 
to  Laprairie,  that  they  were  bringing  30  Battoes  by 
land  to  Laprairie. 

10th  Nov.  The  ground  is  covered  with  snow 
this  morning.  It  keeps  on  snowing  but  it  melts  as 
fast  as  it  fails.  We  expect  every  hour  when  we  shall 
be  sent  for  by  the  General  to  make  a  ptish 
for  Montreal  for  he  has  sent  to  Col.  Warner 
to  be  ready  for  a  march  at  a  minute's  warn- 
ing. Afternoon  heard  that  Col.  Easton  determined 
to  keep  the  ground  at  Surrell,  and  that  Major  Brown 
with  about  200  men  had  crossed  the  river  St  Law- 
rence and  was  coming  up  the  other  side  towards 
Montreal  Heard  that  Gen.  Montgomery  had  got  8 
pieces  of  cannon,  oue  of  which  was  a  24  pounder  aud 
that  some  of  the  Battoes  were  come  to  the  General  at 
Laprairie  which  makes  us  expect  every  hour  wiien 
we  shall  be  sent  for.  A  very  snowy  day.  Heard 
that  Serg't  Clark  is  coming  back  from  Surrell  sick  in 
a  Calash. 

11th  Nov.  4  o'clock  in  the  morning  Major  Saf- 
ford  came  to  our  lodging  and  told  us  the  Gen,  had 
sent  to  have  us  march  immcdiatolv  dawn  the  River 


aoout  3  iiiiies  aiiu  there  to  cross.  We  got  iipaucl  made 
ready  for  oiu-  marcli.  Ate  breakfast  as  .soon  as  it  was 
light.  It  snowed  all  iu«t  night  and  this  morning. 
About  nire  o'clock  got  ready  to  march.  It  was  vevy 
L-old  and  wei  and  muddy  travelling.  We  got  dowi] 
about  3  miles,  and  there  was  but  a  few  canoes,  and 
we  tiiought  we  saw  people  on  the  other  side,  so  we 
expecLed  a  battle  as  soon  as  we  crosssed,  or  rather, 
before  we  could  cross.  ^Ve  went  into  the  houses  to 
warm  us.  In  the  meantime  Col.  Warner  had  an  ex-  from  the  General,  if  he  had  not  crossed  the 
riyer  to  corae  to  Laprairie.  We  turned  our  course 
immediately,  ^ent  back  to  Laprairie  where  we  ar- 
rived before  dark,  I  was  so  beat  o.ut  could  hardly 
help  myself,  and  could  get  no  victuals  to  eat.  At 
length  lit  of  a  French  woman  that  had  a  Turkey  pie 
"In  -' M.  T  }.,^iio-i,t  it  9nd  gave  20  coppers  for  it.  Major 
Brown  and  Capt'n  Cockran  came  to  Laprairie  after 
dark  from  SurreU.  Brought  news  that  they  had 
driven  the  enemy  from  that  Quarter  and  cleared  the 
Biver  of  their  water  craft  That  none  of  our  people 
had  crossed  the  river  as  we  heard.  They  informed 
us  that  tbey  had  raken  several  packets  from  the 
Enemy,  that  informed  that  Col,  Arnold  had  arrived 
near  Quebec  witli  1500  men  and  had  taken  1  or  2 
fortresses  of  impoi-tance,  and  by  what  they  could 
learn  by  the  packets,  Montreal  would  not  fire  a  gun. 
Gen.  Montgomery  with  about  300  men  has  landed 
on  an  Island  about  3  miles  of  Montreal.  The  whole 
army  is  to  go  as  fast  as  tliey  can.  Capt'n  Cockran 
told  me  that  Doct'r  Fay  (some  days  before  he  came 
away)  set  out  for  St.  Johns,  but  he  thought  he  ha<l  got 
back  to  Burrell  before  now.  He  said  he  had  gone  for 
medicine.  Heard  Corporal  Hall  is  very  sick  at  Sur- 
reU and  that  Serg't  Clark  is  better  aud  is  coming  on 
to  join  us. 

12th  Xov.  Sunday.  Got  up  before  day  and  went 
do^^  n  to  the  river  to  wash.  Went  to  a  Dutchman's 
house  to  get  a  dram  soon  after  light  where  were  a 
number  of  Yorkers  of  the  First  Battalion,  cursing 
and   swearing   and   damning    themselves   and    one 



anotlier.  it  seenoed  like  a  hell  \i])on  earth.  Fair 
weather  but  cold.  We  expect  in  a  few  hours  to  go  to 
the  Gen.  It  is  tedious  for  the  meu,  but  i  hope  we 
shall  4,et  thro'  Vv-ith  the  buniness  soon,  so  as  to  dis- 
miss the  men.  12  o'clock  E.  Bmith,  Jacob  Safl'ord 
and  1  have  been  buying  an  apple  pie  and  a  sort  of  a 
floured  short  cake  aud  apples.  Have  eaten  as  much 
as  -S'.'e  can  which  ma  kes  us  feel  weiL  This  morning  a 
Lieut  of  the  First  Buttaliion  of  the  NeYv  Yorkers 
died,  is  to  be  buried  to-day.  His  name  is  Mc- 
.Do'jgal.  Oapt'n  Bronson  is  not  well  today.  Am 
afraid  he  is  going  to  be  sick.  2  o'clock  afternoon 
Capt.  Grant  arrived  here  from  Yershire.  Bro't  news 
that  the  sJiipping  that  was  at  Montreal  was  6  miles 
below  Longail  and  that  he  see  them  going  down,  and 
thai  he  see  the  boats  go  from  the  Island,  that  Gen. 
^."..  \y  ■  r^vy  landed  on  yesterday,  to  Montreal  and  He 
see  the  array  land  and  walk  up  into  the  town,  so  that 
we  now  conclude  tliat  the  war  is  all  over  for  this  fall, 
for  them  that  intend  to  go  home  this  falL  5  o'clock 
afternoon.  Just  returned  from  the  Funeral  of  the 
above  Lieut.  He  was  buried  under  arms.  He  had  a 
brother  to  see  him  buried.  His  father  is  head  CoL 
of  the  Kegiment  but  is  not  here.  When  I  was  at  the 
funeral  received  a  letter  from  brother  J  ohnath  an  Fas- 
sett  dated  the  twenty  sixth  of  October  which  in- 
formed me  that  he  had  a  son  3  days  old  and  that 
Nathan  had  a  son  a  month  old.  Very  windy.  Can- 
not cross  to  Montreal. 

13th  Nov.  Very  windy  yet.  Froze  hard  last 
night.  We  now  have  orders  to  return  back  to 
Longail  where  we  expect  to  cross  to  Montreal.  We 
shall  :;o  in  a  few  hours  I  expect.  Set  out  from  La- 
prairie  about  9  o'clock  in  the  morning.  Went  down 
the  Eiver  about  7  miles  afoot.  Got  there  about  2 
o'clock.  Here  we  are  shooting  at  a  mark.  Expect  to 
go  ovet  the  liiver  in  a  few  minutes.  3  Boats  are  over 
and  are  coming  back.  Got  over  the  river  just  before 
daylight  v\'as  gone,  ^yent  about  a  mile  by  land. 
Came  to  a  tavern  where  we  ate  supper  of  eggs, 
drinked  what  cider  I  could.    We  are  within  |  mile 



of  Montreal.    Some  say  small  pox  is  very  thick  io  tho 
city  and  some  say  it  is  not  in  the  city  at  alL 

14th  Nov.  Am  not  at  the  Scotch  Tavern  that  1 
Titeiitif>n.Ki  last  ni^-ht  anci  just  going  to  Breakfast.. 
AvS  p]easant  a  day  as  we  have  had  since  we  came 
from  home.  10  o'clock  Capt'n  Bronson,  Adjutant 
Walbridge  and  I  with  some  others  went:  all  around 
the  city  of  ilontreai.  It  is  a  ver^'  fine  City  with 
a  wall  all  Ivound  it  &  a  trench  without  the  wall  from 
the  Bottom  of  the  trench,  to  the  top  of  the  wall  is 
about  15  foot  the  wall  is  about  2  foot  thick  the  City 
is  about  2  mile  Long  But  it  is  Xarrow  perhaps  SO  or 
100  Hod  wide  I  Eat  a  pear  in  the  City  almost  Every 
thing  to  Be  Sold  at  the  market  it  is  a  very  Bich 
City  7  o'clock  at  night  Been  going  about  the  City 
again  See  Strange  things  See  George  the  Third, 
i^uij^.y  iixuU^  Gi  white  marble  the  most  Curiotis  thinji 
that  ever  my  Eyes  Beheld;  we  Drinkd  Some  porter 
and  went  Back  half  a  mile  out  of  the  City  to  our 
Lodging  Bet  up  Something  Late  and  told  Stories. 
15th  Nov.  Got  up.  Early  the  ground  is  Covered 
with  Snov,-.  ])ad  word  that  it  is  in  general  order  for 
Every  man  to  Be  Ready  at  10  o'clock  for  a  march 
to  Quebeck  That  we  were  to  go  in  Bark  Canoes  and 
the  whole  ar]ny  was  to  follow  after  in  Battoes  with 
the  Cannon  and  that  we  v/ere  to  take  the  shipping 
that  sailed  out  of  this  harbor,  which  lay  about  12 
leagues  belovr  us  and  it  being  a  very  snowy  morning, 
our  men  looked  down.  Some  talked  one  thing,  some 
another.  Some  said  we  could  go  well  enough  and 
some  said  we  should  suffer  if  we  went,  and  upon  the 
whole  I.  expected  that  they  would  raise  a  mutiny. 
Everithin;;'  was  in  confusion.  For  my  part  I  was 
very  sober  to  see  the  confusion  we  were  like  to  come 
into.  After  a  while  new  orders  came  out  that  we 
must  be  re-idy  to  march  at  12  o'clock.  One  Officer 
v.'as  running  here,  another  there  to  get  in  readiness. 
The  men  chief'v  laid  still,  and  I  believe  by  the  motion 
of  Things,  determined  not  to  go.  11  o'clock  fore-noon. 
Word  came  that  all  Officers  as  lovv'  as  captains  to 
meet  Gen.  Montgomery  at  his  quarters  at  eleven 



o'clock.  At  12  o'clock  they  net  off  to  see  him.  They 
arc  now  gone.  Vs'hd.t  will  bo  the  event.  T  know  not. 
S:iio\V!>  veiy  hard  and  has  all  day,  and  looks  very 
tedloTS,  thongh  tJje  snow  melts  almost  as  fajsi  as  it 
comes.    A  snowy  night 

16th  Nov,  Fail-  weather  but  cold.  Snow  over 
shoes  bnt  melts  away.  8  o'clock  Col.  Warner's  Regi- 
ment all  Paraded.  The  Col.  proposed  for  all  that 
/were  a  mind  to  go  to  (Quebec,  to  foUo-^v  liim,  and  First 
the  Capt'ns.  Capt'n  Hopkins  followed  the  Col.  then 
the  sub-Lieut.  Galnsha  and  Lieut.  vSmith  followed. 
Then  Capt'n  Hopkins  tried  to  see  if  any  men  would 
go  with  him.  3  followed.  Lieutenant  Galusha  tried 
and  .5  followed  him.  Lieutenant  Smith  tried  and  2 
followed  him  which  was  all  that  appeared  to  go. 
Adjutant  Walbridge  this  miTiutecame  to  me  to  warne 
the  nieii  wilh  ikeir  j tacks  to  maicL  into  tunvn,  fill 
ready  for  a  n  ;arch.  Wh  at  is  next  I  know  not.  12  o'clock. 
The  Gen.  had  a  letter  this  morning  from  Col.  Eastou 
which  informs  us  that  the  shipping  that  sailed  from 
this  place  the  other  day  were  going  to  sail  by  him, 
and  that  he  fired  7  Cannon  Ball  thro'  the  foremost 
of  them  which  damaged  her  very  nnich  so  that  they 
wereobliged  all  to  retreat  about  2  leagueswhere  they 
ail  now  lie  nt  anchor,  and  we  are  ordered  to  march 
to  Surrell  immediately.  I  expect  to  march  before 
night.  1  o'clock.  All  marched  into  town  where  we 
waited  until  dark.  Then  came  word  that  we  must 
march  back  t(t  our  quarters,  for  there  were  no  boats 
for  us  to  go  doM-n  the  river  in.  Our  men  all  marched 
to  their  Quarter^  but  Lieut.  Noble,  Serg't  Uudd, 
Serg't  Graves,  Jacob  Safford,  Alex.  Brusli,  David 
Prcws'er  and  T  vreiit  into  a  tavern  and  drank  Porter 
and  had  Brandy  sling  much  as  we  thought  proper. 
Then  we  all  went  to  our  lodgings,  after  we  had  con- 
cluded to  be  ready  early  in  the  morning  for  a  march. 
ITtli  Nov.  AYent  early  in  the  morning  to  the  city. 
T  bought  n])ples,  penrs  and  four  Canadian  forks  and 
one  jack  knife.  Tliere  was  almost  everything  that 
one  could  mention  to  be  sold.  0  o'clock  in  the  morn- 
ing.    Concluded  to  call  all  the  Captains  and  Sub's 



logellier  bc4oTigmg  to  CoL  WarnorV.  Eegiment  for  a 
Coauoil.  Eesoived  to  send  a  petition  to  Col.  Warner 
that  we  thought  it  was  not  propoj'  as  the  circura- 
.stances  were,  for  i7r>  to  go  to  Snrrell  but  to  go  home. 
[We  made  choice  of  Capt'n  riopklns,  Capt'n  Grant 
and  Capt'n  Bronson  io  draw  the  petition,  and  carry 
to  the  CoL  which  they  did  and  we  were  to  meet  ngain 
at  2  o'clock  and  sent  to  the  CoL  and  Major  Safford, 
and  desire  them  to  come  to  our  meeting,  which  they 
did.  We  presented  them  tlie  petition  and  they  car- 
ried it  to  the  General,  and  the  Gen.  gave  the  CoL  a 
pass  to  return  liome  with  his  regiment  with  an 
answer  to  his  Officers,  but  the  petition  with  the 
answer  and  pass  will  be  too  tedious  to  write  here. 
Our  Company  with  Chief  of  the  Eegiment  set  out 
from  this  place  before  night  and  crossed  the  River  to 
I  Y>T>r.qri  hM  CoL  Warner,  Major  Safford,  Capt'n 
Hopkins,  Adjutant  Walbridge  and  i  did  not  rross 
but  vrent  into  the  city  and  drank  eleven  bottles  of 
porter,  then  went  to  the  tavern  and  ate  our  supper 
of  fowl  and  drinked  Cider. 

9  o'clock  went  to  our  lodgings.  1  came  to  the 
house  alone  where  I  used  to  lie  v/ifh  a  houseful,  but 
they  were  all  gone  over  the  river.  They  were  all 
abed.  I  knocked  several  times  before  they  answered. 
The  man  got  up  but  there  was  uo  fire  in  the  house. 
He  went  to  the  neighbors  for  some  lire,  light  a  candle 
and  I  sat  down  to  vrriting.  The  old  woman  got  up, 
fried  me  some  fresh  pork  and  onions,  before  I  took 
notice  of  what  she  was  about,  but  I  ate  the  second 
supper  with  a  good  stomach  as  hearty  as  anybody 
that  had  not  ate  for  12  hours.  BetAveen  11  and  12 
o'clock  at  night  and  now  going  to  bed,  bat  cannot 
but  dread  our  voyage  across  the  Lake  home,  but  hope 
we  shall  return  with  safety. 

ISth  Nov.  I  set  out,  sun  an  hour  high  in  the 
morning  to  go  over  to  Longail,  staid  at  Longail  until 
sun  hnlf  an  hour  high  at  night  Then  Capt'n  H'op- 
kins  and  I  put  on  our  packs  nnd  set  out  for  Laprfdrie. 
I  vs'as  lame  in  one  foot,  but  it  grew  worse.  T  was  so 
lame  before  v\'e  got  to  Laprairie  I  thought  I  should 



nerer  get  there,  but  we  got  there  about  7  o'clock  at 

lOtli  Xov.  PiHiday.  I  am  yet  lame,  but  have 
vseat  out  foL'  n  horso  to  ride  to  St.  Johns.  Col.  vravTun- 
and  Major  Safford  are  jet  behind  for  we  left  thi*!n 
at  Lougail.  It  is  very  cold  but  cloudy.  10  o'clock  set 
out  from  Laprairie  on  foot.  Went  9  miles  before  we 
stopped.  Went  into  a  tavern  and  drank  so  small 
beer!  Overtook  some  sleds  got  our  packs  carried. 
I  grew  more  lame.  Went  about  2  miles.  Then  got 
in  to  one  of  the  sleds  and  rid  into  Eedel's  camp. 
Went  to  see  Nathan  Euggles.  Got  some  bitters  and 
got  some  dinner  or  supper  of  salt  poi'k  and  fresh  and 
some  Johnny  Cakes.  Was  very  glad  to  see  him.  I 
hear  there  are  boats  to  carry  us  across  the  Lake. 
Hope  v>-e  shall  get  home  welk  but  it  seems  a  caveat 

V»  a  V       Oxj  .  iVvJxAt     Ivi      CaAv,      jLCv»«-.iiJ.      \.i-iv.iN-      i^      li.  tv.i       ,,  ^^»^     - 

was  sick  and  had  a  good  Lodging.     , 

20l.h  Nov.  Went  early  in  the  morning  to  St. 
Johns  and  saw  the  fort  where  the  Regulars  lived  so 
long,  and  every  thing  looked  like  destruction.  Went 
over  the  lake  to  Hazon's  house  where  Nathan  had 
been  living  but  had  set  out  for  home  yesterday  was 
a  week.  Heard  this  morning  that  Elijah  Story  died 
about  12  days  ago.  He  died  like  a  beast;  killed  him- 
self witli  drinkiijg.  The  last  he  called  for  was  bread 
and  grog,  which  seemed  to  be  the  whole  of  his  desire. 
We  areVixing  to  go  home,  but  whether  we  shall  go 
today,  I  dont  know.  We  are  heating  an  oven  to  bako 
some  bread.  Capt'n  Potter,  Capt'n  Yea),  Capt'n 
Bronson  and  their  companies  set  out  today  for  home, 
and  part  of  Capt'n  Fitches  Company.  The  rest  are 
going  to  stay  till  tomorrow. 

21st  Nov.  Got  up  an  hour  before  day.  Ate 
some  unleavened  Bread,  and  Capt'n  Grant  set  out  for 
home,  Before  light  I  hear  this  morning.  The  enemy 
are  very  tliick  among  us.  An  enemy  we  have  not 
been  troubled  with.  Some  call  them  Bodydice,  but 
for  all  they  are  so  thick  as  they  tell  for  I  have  not 
seen  anv  Vet  Col.  Warner,  Major  Safford.  Ad- 
jutant  Walbridge,    Ciipt'n    Fitch, '  Lieut.    Calnsha, 


thp:  start  for  home. 

Seai'g't  Major  Hutchi)_is  and  Mindry  others  ssei  out 
for  home  about  12  o'clock.  Oue  Gompauv  are  left 
bcliind  •\vrdiiiig  for  Cori)ora]  Hail.  4  o'clock  heard 
ov.v  people  had  taken  the  A'essel  at  SurrelL  Col. 
CaiJi})beii  came  to  St.  Johns  and  ordered  all  the  boats 
to  .stop,  and  got  n^.vay  our  boat  which  troubled  us 
very  much.  When  we  shall  get  another  boat,  L 
know  not.  Jacob  Safford  received  a  letter  from  Mr. 
1).  Sail'ord.  ^^klajor  Safford's  wife  sent  him  a  letter 
which  I  got  and  opened,  for  th<^  Major  had  gone  for- 
ward. Kead  in  the  letter  that  all  friends  were  well 
in  BenningtoD,  except  ye  Major's  wife  who  had  been 
sick  3  weeks. 

22nd  Nov.  Got  another  boat.  Ai'e  fixing  of  it 
to  go  home.  Ben.  AYhipple  has  had  the  colic  this 
morning  very  bad  but  is  better.  Last  night  Abram 
uaLiiaway  fell  uovn  stairs,  and  hurt  himself  pretty 
much.  Cut  a  hole  close  by  his  eye  and  bruised  hira 
considerable,  but  is  better  today.  After  we  had  our 
Battoes  taken  from  us  yesterday,  we  got  a  boat  to 
cross  back  again  in.  We  had  a  barrel  of  pork  in  it 
which  WG  left  in  the  boat  all  night,  and  some  sails 
that  we  had  got  made,  but  when  we  got  up  this 
morning  the  boat,  meat  and  sails  were  all  gone,  and 
we  see  them  no  more.  What  we  shall  do  for  meat, 
I  dont  know.  Ten  o'clock.  Miller,  the  man  we  sent 
to  Surrell  after  Corporal  Hall  came  back  with  heavy 
tidingS;  that  he  left  Hall  breathing  his  last  breath  to 
all  appearance.  He  left  him  speechless.  He  brought 
news  that  Col.  Easton  and  Col.  Bedel  had  taken  the 
King's  vessels  at  Surrell  which  were  11  in  number, 
and  that  they  were  all  gone  to  Montreal.  Said  he 
heard  that  Gov.  Carleton  and  St.  Luke  had  fled  from 
the  vessels  and  were  taken  by  the  Canadians,  but 
they  were  come  to  Montreal.  Dr.  Fay  was  gone 
there  also.  2  o'clock  afternoon,  set  out  from  Hazou's 
house  went  to  Bt.  John's  and  drawed  some  provisions 
and  rum.  The  sun  an  hour  and  a  half  high.  Set  out 
for  home,  v^ent  to  an  Irishman's  house  abont  19 
n)iles  from  St.  John's  that  night  go'i  there  about  11 
o'clock  at  night. 



23d  XoY.  Set  out  abont  sun  rise.  Went  about 
35  miles  to  a  Louse  that  was  not  finished.  It  is  a 
.^;mai]  log  house.  Chimnej^  in  the  nrlddle,  but  no  roof. 
We  built  a  hre  in  both  fire  places.  Had  a  sort  of 
floor  overhead.  Ate  Chocolate  and  unleavened  cakes 
for  suppper.  Very  good.  Slept  very  well.  The  wind 
was  against  us  all  the  while  from  St.  Johns  to  this 
place  though  not  very  high. 

24th  Nov.  Set  out  as  soon  as  it  was  light.  The 
v^'Jnd  was  high  and  against  us.  We  bore  away  for  a 
certain  island  about  5  miles  and  it  was  about  11 
o'clock  before  we  got  there.  V>^hen  v/e  vrent  ashore 
we  found  it  to  he  a  small  Island  about  3  or  4  acres. 
The  timber  mainly  Cedar,  some  fir,  where  we  built 
a  fire  and  roasted  some  rusty  rashers  of  pork  and  ate 
unleavened  cakes.  Past  noon.  Here  we  are  about 
Ci  jj-lli.  lIvl:!  C-im-jerland  Point  waitin-^  for  the  wind 
to  fall.  Y\"hen  we  shall  go  we  know  not.  Half  after 
one  o'clock  the  wind  fell,  so  v\-e  set  out  again  and 
went  about  10  miles  that  night.  When  we  got 
against  Colchester  Point  there  came  up  a  squall 
out  of  the  ^^"est,  so  that  v'e  were  obliged  im- 
mediately to  turn  about,  for  the  Point,  which  we 
made  without  much  difnculty.  Got  there  before  sun- 
set The  wind  held  high  all  night  and  until  almost 
night  the  next  day.  We  made  good  fires  but  had  no 
shelter.  I  was  not  well,  had  colic  but  got  better  be- 
fore morning. 

25th  Nov.  We  killed  10  or  12  partridges  which 
gave  us  a  very  good  meal  Shot  at  a  mark  and  some 
went  hunting.  About  4  o'clock  the  wind  fell,  so  we 
set  out  again,  steered  for  Parson's  at  Shelburn,  but 
night  came  on  and  it  clouded  over  that  it  was  very 
dark  so  that  we  could  not  see  to  steer,  and  we  tried 
to  make  a  shore,  but  it  was  a  very  bold  rocky  shore 
that  it  was  very  difficult  to  land,  but  we  at  last  got 
a  shore,  built  fires  and  ate  a  little  unleavened  cake 
and  cheese  and  lay  down.  About  11  o'clock  at  ni^ht 
Serg't  Graves  waked  ut3  and  it  snowed  and  the  wind 
blew  very  hard.  He  waked  us  up  to  go  and  take  care 
of  the  Battoe,  for  it  was  in  great  danger  of  staving, 



liiid  our  giiiis  and  clients  were  in  it.  Went  down  and 
the  Battoe  was  full  of  water.  We  got  ont  all  we  could, 
but  one  man  had  to  wade  up  to  his  middle  in  the 
water.  M'e  had  a  very  tedious  night  indeed.  We 
Lad  nothing  lo  cover  us  but  the  heavens  and  one 
blanket  apiece  and  it  i<nowed  very  hard  all  night, 
and  where  we  were  we  knev,  not.  But  the  timber 
was  girdled  where  we  lay,  that  we  hoped  we  were 
not  far  from  some  house.  Our  provisions  and  our 
rum  was  almost  out,  but  I  slept  tolerable  well. 

2Gth  ^S'ov.  Sunday.  ^Vhen  we  came  to  look  for 
our  guns  and  packs  there  were  some  missing,  and  the 
Eatteau  was  gone  but  we  found  it  washed  up  ashore. 
We  found  5  or  G  guns  in  it  and  one  or  two  i)ack's 
wtished  up  on  shore,  that  upon  the  whole  we  saved 
all  our  ejects,  but  the  Battoe  was  stove  to  pieces  and 
woc!  crnnr]  for  nothing?.  We  then  thought  proper  to 
•see  if  there  was  anybody  lived  in  this  part  of  the 
world.  Sent  3  or  4  men  to  see  who  returned  in  2 
hours.  Bro't  news  that  we  vrere  within  a  mile  and 
a  half  of  a  house.  "We  were  all  rejoiced  to  hear  it 
and  made  ready  for  a  march,  and  about  10  o'clock 
wo  left  the  Point  Trouble  and  Destruction,  (for  I 
dont  know  what  else  to  call  it)  and  came  to  the  man's 
house,  whose  name  is  Smith.  We  were  very  glad  to 
get  here  where  we  are  now.  It  snowed  all  day  and 
was  a  very  cold  night  but  vve  had  gotten  a  good 

27 ch.  Nov.  Stayed  here  all  day.  The  wind  w^as 
very  high  at  north.  Very  cold,  but  grew  warmer 
in  the  afternoon.  We  were  short  of  it  for  provisions 
but  weni  hunting,  but  killed  nothing,  but  we  heard 
that  Mr.  Persons  had  some  of  the  Couutiy's  Pork. 
We  sent  and  got  some,  and  got  some  potatoes  so 
that  w^e  made  out  very  welL  We  got  some  of  our 
Hour  baked,  so  that  our  unleavened  bread  ceased, 
but  we  had  nothing  but  bread,  pork  and  potatoes 
three  times  a  day  or  two  times  which  we  pleased,  if 
we  v/ould  go  without  the  three  times.  In  the  after- 
noon the  wind  fell,  and  three  o'clock  sent  Lieut. 
Noble  with  two  men  in  a  canoe  to  Crovrn  Point  to  get 


niAKY  OF  CAPT.  JOHN  1  ASSETT,  Jk. 

a  iUittoe  for  !*«  if  tliey  could,  tor  we  expected  oiii' 
regiment  \<ove  all  tjiere. 

28tb.  >:ov.  ■Nothing  extra.  Capt'n  Hopkins 
and  I  and  Serg't  Graves  weut  to  Mr.  Parsons  about  2 
miles  and  caine  back  at  niglit  and  just  as  we  got 
hack  there  were  two  men  come  from  Crown  Point  in 
a  Battoe,  which  brought  news  that  Col.  Warner  and 
Major  Saifoi'd  set  out  '  for  home  the  iHlth  inst. 
These  men  saw  nothing  of  Lietit,  Noble.  Vv  e  are  now 
consulting  what  to  do. 

29th  iNov,  Lieut.  Xoble  came  back  last  night 
without  any  Battoes.  Bro't  News  that  Col.  Warner 
and  his  Eegiment  had  gone  home  which  made  us 
very  uneasy,  for  they  promised  to  Avait  for  us.  We 
have  now  a  head  wind.  About  11  o'clock  set  out 
Peiy  augre  for  Crown  Point,  but  we  had  to  cross  the 
Toi-^e  first,  \\hen  we  got  across  the  lake  there  was 
a  number  of  men  with  the  prisoners  that  were  taken  at 
SurrelL  They  were  going  to  have  a  court  martial  upon 
Mr.  Beman's  clerk  for  being  unfaithful  to  his  trust 
for  selling  liquor  and  converting  the  money  to  his 
own  use,  etc.  Captain  Hopkins  was  president  and  I 
was  one  of  the  members.  We  condemned  him  to  re- 
ceive 39  stripes  on  the  naked  body,  and  to  pay  Mr. 
Beman  the  loss  he  had  sustained  by  the  prisoner. 
After  dark  we  set  out  and  went  about  8  miles  up  the 
Lake  on  the  Went  side  and  went  ashore  where  we 
fared  very  welL 

30th'  Nov.  Tiie  wind  held  against  us.  10 
o'clock  we  set  otit,  rowed  up  the  Lake  about  3  miles, 
then  hoisted  sail  an<l  tried  to  make  Split  Rock  which 
was  about  3  miles  oh',  but  we  could  not.  The  wind 
was  so  hard  against  us.  We  tacked  away  into  the 
Lake  and  then  back  again  and  got  but  100  rods  in  an 
hour  and  a  half.  Then  we  rowed  up  the  bay  west 
of  Split  Kock  and  ran  ashore  where  we  now  are, 
without  provisions  or  rum.  A  little  before  sunset, 
bought  half  bushel  potatoes,  and  ate  them  without 
bread  or  meat,  and  at  daylight  down  the  wind  fell 
and  we  set  out  and  rowed  to  Grogg  Harbor,  about  a 
mile  south  of  Split  Rock  and  the  wind  blew  up  in  the 



soutii  SO  we  ^vere  obJiged  to  put  ashore.  The  .snow 
was  over  shoes.  We  went  to  making  fires.  It  was 
very  coid  and  tedious,  but  ai'Ler  uur  lires  burned  up, 
we  lay  down  and  slept  some,  but  it  was  very  cold. 

Dee.  1st.  Set  out  half  an  hour  before  day.  Got 
to  Crown  Point  about  12  o'clock.  Got  some  Kum  and 
a  good  dinner,  and  sun  an  hour  high  set  out  for 
Ticondaroga.    Got  there  about  nine  o'clock  at  night. 

Dec.  2nd.  Drawed  6  days  provisions  and  Ivum. 
Got  our  discharge  and  after  noon  set  out  for  Scheens- 
borough  in  a  boat,  but  soon  turned  back  for  the  lake 
Was  covered  vdth  ice,  that  we  could  not  go  up  the 
Lake.  We  then  crossed  the  lake  against  Ticon- 
daroga and  took  the  woods.  Lay  in  the  woods  all 

3d  Dec.  Got  as  far  as  Boardmans,  Hebberton. 
To/ior.ri  there  4th  of  Dec.  went  to  old  Mr.  Howe's, 
Putney,  Lodged  there  5th  Dec.  Weut  i.^  Col.  V/arn- 
ers.  Lodged  there  the  0th  December.  Our  horses 
were  brought  to  us.  Rode  to  Abel  Hawdey's.  Lodged 

7th  Dec.     Got  home  about  sunset. 

And  Feb.  22nd  1776  set  out  again  for  another 
campaign  to  Canada  and  may  God  of  his  infinite 
mercy  preserve  me. 

Note.— Remainder  cf  Diary  burned.    See  page  rrS. 



W%ij  '^^  ^  Ip)  M 

C0S.    CH*ftVKr 


xh-s  -hove  rougli  orawir'.g-  is  cor'.ed  principa'.lv'after  a  map  some  ninetv 
years  old-  It  is  rot  drawn  t._.  anv-  ^cale  and  altUoLifeh  it  Tr.av  not  be  sccurale  i't 
will  serve  to  §!ve  an  idea  of  tiie  different  local  ties  ine.uioacd  in  thia  book. 




Some  of  the  Descendants 

In  the  coitcfUon  :if  portmi/.i.  nour  </»■  yepresenifil  hvt  ihilrlrrn,  i/rand- 
f'hiklrt'ii  and  r."-fol-:/n!n<;-chihlrcn  of  tl^f  wnevaUon  Vi  irhi-'h  i:it,o/ialrt  FoV-tt 
i;74T-i---i  ur.l  John  /■.,•.<.<(•?/..//•.  ii74.-,-iSo5)  belonged.  I!  /.v  ntit  irithin  (he  .?r.,pc 
0/  thi.s  ii-ork  to  /■"irh  upoit  ffip  f/rc'it-f/reaf-f/i-tnuf-rhi'drrn .  rither  in  the 
idiifticU'iyis  Of  Ihc  fji  iiealogirs. 

J/ani/  tij  til'-  piirtruils  an'  ),'j)rodtietioii.i  <>/  phut  i{i'-ii pits  inKin  irht'ii 
phoi-irrnpihi/  u">t  Id  ir.'-  in/aucp.  Sfrri-(d.  arc  enlurijtminls  jrtDn  very  xino'i 
'.;<(/  tniich  jad'd  Ukmcssis.  uhich  fact  .shuidd  exhancr  their  value. 

yo  portri:il.'<  iriil  apjxar  in  Ihr  /.■  le  ,;jj,it.\-  intruded  jur  public  librarir.x. 


^    '•-.  I 

Pkrsis  Fa>;si;tt  fFoi.r.ETT! 
1, I7'57-I"i4yi.    Seepage  15 j. 

Ur.  John 
■t'xj-iSs.;!.    Seepage 

m^ ^^ 


i7yS-i?94~'.  Sec  page  lo! 

r-  _^it^4_XL:.-^ 

KH)1   KI<-K     t-o!  I  hi  I 



m;oi-  [S631.  See  past-  77. 

.4* -4 


.K^iI^•A    WulinWOKTU    |  I'ol.  !,K  IT  | 

'  i79'i-i^t..v.  Set-  p-dgv  77. 



LlKANIA    WINXUF.LI.    'tUi 

11707-1869'.  Seepage 

r  ^ 


^li^i^  k)^L 


HLIZABi.lll    F-OLLETf    iWonDWORTH; 

lT-97-ivSj',  Seepage^.. 

V    !%■    *:\ 


Strong  Clakk 
7y2-iS74i.  See  page 

Hannah   Koi.i.ett  iCi.ARKi 
'  ivij).    See  pag-e  si. 



rf-  ^ 

.  -^ 



Joi.-N  Parkku 

l'KK<IS    I'OLl.KTT    ll'AKKl 

.,  1S09-1S93I.     Seepage  ^.; 


■  -n   4^  • 



^ ^ 


}    •••■      \ 


■       w^-^:- 

Jami;s  i'oi  1  7-1  1 
^''lli      See  p<.gc  ij. 


i^l6-ibD4.)     Sft  page  -5. 


^~.  ^ 

fe^*-A.,N5:Lu::»'^i.^-  r:i>-L_^.-i; 

I)K.   Hakrv  Fas-!  tt 
.1794-157^..     See  pjiift.-  !57 


Uv:>j-iS9oi.    See  page  157. 


%  ^-li 



^A  ->^'^^"^ 




-■   1.     See  page 

jKRi  SUA  MrNsiix  IFassf.ttI 
sec  pag-e  15^. 


■x.  William  I'arrak  hMiin.  I  .  S.  A. 
See  page  i&y. 

HrNjAMiN  1JE^CI^•G  Hopkins 
iiSj4'.    Sec  page  i^S. 


.    J 

,  .J 



iiSi'i-iS'jji.     See  pagi 

CAPT.    Fur.DLRICK    }"Ot.LETT 

id.  1^69?'.     See  pages  109 

•.  S.   A. 
d   110. 


See  page  so. 

IR\H  JANI.ITE    VoLI-i   fl    11 

1 1^451.    bee  page  i>6, 





Betsp:v  Ji.w 

■:tt  [ 







S   b4 




>,.^  ^, 





Sarah  Amf.lia  I-oli,ett  iBt  t. 
ii8:o-T'>Mi.    See  page   no. 

Benjamin  Franklin  TuI-lett 

See  p:*ge  i :  j. 

:rick:  Kollktt   Bi'ki 
"55s'.     see  page  110. 

Sir.'McrR    JOI.LKTT 

See  page  no. 


C':  ."    ^' 


Harriet  I-OLi-ErT  IJewett] 
(iSiS  .     See  page  7S, 

Hon.  C  h  a  i;  1,  r.  ,'^  >■'  o ;  i.  k  t  r 
(iSio).     See  page  ;*. 


^  ^i^M 



1  .*i^ 




1 18 -'-'I.     Sc-e  page  7S. 

I'lDELIA.    F(JLLKT-r    [KohEJ 

US241.     Sec  pagi;  79. 

,^  r^ 

IIl.X.    M.AKTl.X    L'HWi.V    iuLl.KTl 

ViSafj'.     Set  pajji.-  79. 

GLOia.i    I  01.1.L1 

V,  \ 



H  ( )  N .   J  U  f !  .S     F  \ .-,.-,  !■.  .  T    t-o  L  I.  h  T  r 

(,18311.    See  page  79. 

ArsTi.v  \\   l-OLLi-.r  I 
1  '.S331.     Sfc  pag-e  79. 


Hu>.  Ammi  i-ui,r.),ii 
!iS25!.     See  page  79. 


^27-15901.     See  pagre  79. 


JlKNRV   FlTLH    I-"i.L!.;;!r 
iSi4i.     See  page  v;. 


-I-     <*^  ---  ^^ 

Kli/.a  WoumvoixiH  iFi.kekI 
iiSjo-i^oi  .     Ste  page  ^i. 

L      (_'■_    [.IT    i' 

See  pagi;  S,; 

tsiii*©t«.ei&.  '.Wv*  ■ 


Lewis  Foi.lkit 
'  iH4o'i.     Sec  page  ><: 



IIA   jEANIvrri.    :-OLI.ETT    ISfUNKl  A.AIANDA    KASSKTX    [Ul/NLKWl 

.I'^io..     .'.ce  i>age  S3.  See  pag-e 











Elam  Dewky  Parker 
1S39!.     See  page  S5.  Delavan  Parker 

■.  lb.u-iSy4).     See  page-  S5. 

Index  of  Names 

in  the 

Fo!iett-.«"I)eweyr-Fassett— Safford 

GeneaioEY  and  History 

As  published  January  1,  1S96 
Harry  Parker  Ward 


This  Index  omits  names  of  such  early  settlers,  soldiers  aud  public  nif^n   as   a; 
not  co-nrieek-d  by  ir.arringc  with  the  above  faruiliea. 


4s      m^ 



Ahf'l.    Gl  „,     ' 

.rin-j.iL    :"■)  .iani.s    1\.    ]3,   61  / 

-vhner,  ■20.    21.    ^:3  .:.x:.-:-.    ':\-,.}\s.ii\,   S6 

Abraham,    1^.    J  d.    19  .Itru.ha,   Ju 

Alfrorl,    78  ."lolMi,      .1.-,       iG,      V',      20,      J  I,      6^,,      >■ 
.•miU;u,     7:'  "^S,    :>:•.    1"'-.   _■--'  V-   '  .  '.         ,     ..^     ..,, 

Amos,   24  JoliH    I'y-iSiTL.    'J-,    ol-".    .    ,    ,h,    (■',    -^ ' 

Anna,    i'O,    23  .lohn  lion'-j,   i10 

Austin  "Willey,    7:i  Jonathan,   15 

Joseph,   2'.i,   L'L,   2S 

Benjamin,     15.     16.     19.     '.:0.     21,     22,     2;^.  .Joseph    K..    i:),    21,    2ri,    ■■/.K    '..'0,    Lul.    j" 

24,      25,      26.      27,      28,      2^,     Si\      :;1.  i.05,    lOG 

82.      33,      34.      ST,      30,      4.5,      60,      ij-l,  Julia,   ei 

65,    6S.    61',    87,    89,    90,    lOu,    101.    in. 

116,   151  Kate.   109 

J3enjai!un    KrankKn,    13,    ^3,    110  Kathaii'i'     K' 
Het.'r^c.v,   61,    64.   SO;   81 

Lovi     -       1j- 

ralist.1  Ann,  80  ]  ev  nia    "n       ^ 

('assius  ray.  SO  1     u  -     -? 

Charlt-s.  .•?:.  5;i,   64,   6";.   TS,  S3.  117,   17:  1       ^    I 

l.:,l,   152  1       1  '-I      'c.   r        ^0 

Ctiailes  r>.,  Dij  I  \  ''  ii     -o 
Charles  K.  61 

C'laiiTicey,    110  ■  A'litnH     S^  .,,.,.; 

1: .     112 

I   s  1 

l>f>xTec,     ii.  1                                       'T       '  '.■      ■  :■    /; 

l.wiSMl.    S:;  SI    8      V       V       V       ?>>.,^o    s:..    !<>.-    1_J 

■"1  <     J  IS     131     i>J     l->2    los.   1.2.   J^ 

E!ia;.;,  SO  M^rtm    P      o 

Klii.haleu     21.     23.     24.     37,  S?.     ilS.     ir         A     i                   "         ( 

4ft,     50.      .t'i,     ."'h,     .5:f,  6'),     61       (              1            11                      2.5,   ^,i.   1"J 

f.3.     64,     SI,     S2.     Sit.     :iS,     lib.     11  ^id   \ 

151,   152  A  ^   il    ^       1 
.Kliza.  l<n 

WA\y.a   Ward,   lt)2  N  uic        ^    1 

i:ii:;a;'^th.     20,     37,     RO,     ol.  5',<.     ^^4,     v            ^atc^    1  i'p       1' 

llrt.    117.     ''8.    121  ^      hin       i                     1^1 

Klh.-n  Betse--,   f-<)  Ntr  n^     ^       t> 

iOunicf,   24  ,                            Noima-i 

Karviie.  &3,  S.:  ni  ^  pi        «.                                   .        ,    „      ., 

Fa.'  (:\!?iiinss^.   !ii'  '>i<if^      J'        *      ^          ^''^      ''^--    "■"'■    ■"■' 

I-iflelia,    7;j  l05     l' 

V.,--f.->r  M.-irs.-.   f''l,   l.'.i" 

Ko.-tfv   \ah?ntjne,    107  I  at  en-^e     lo     2*" 

8.',     90. 

■  00,   .1; 

Hanna;.,  15,  1'..  20,  21,  25.  ■;' 
iiS,  71J.  74,  :o.  81,  82,  li7, 
!3''.  150.  151.  1S2 

Hi-rmah    Persis.    86 

ffhTvjt^t.   rs 

iUvTv.    0-i     6S,    iO 
H.^U.;,     11j7 

H.  •,!■'.•.    K'      ,;i,    80 

Hr.^.V     }'iW  h.    SO 

^Jt-•rKi.^n.    20,    21,    23 
iiov  i-a-'j,    v  ; 

Trent-,    20 

i^-uat.    15.    16.    17.    20.    lOS 

•)     W..    2;.    22.    23 

•'■  ;..--,  ::7,  .V  ,  ^i.  c\<^  (i!.  ti! 
o4,     t.).     £.6,     .^  •",     li?-,     loO,     151 

1         V 

1      ^c 

1NI1KX-. Continued 


.N'-iyaii.    1  •■ ;:.  L-oan.   122 

/.  -.11,    113  Lucrctia.   lltJ 

Lucy.    1?2 

Be:iy:'n'S,    131  Mars.trc-t,    13.'..    122.    \y.< 

.,.      ,         -,,,..•,>,  ■  Martin,  llfi^  IT?. 

Ciiarles.    14.    11. J,    ]  14  Marj-,  US 

Claret,  122  ^Telvi).    1  !.    IM 

l.ninil,   llo  :.nn-lv--]',    "l?2,    ITi: 

K'Uvard     ni  Ui-viUe.    11^ 

i.idaii,   122 

j;i!j;ili.    322,    i2S.    j2y.   t:,,    I2:i.    ]:U,   ISJ 

Klizabelh.    2.7.    O'V    .M.    ]  1  fi,    117,    121 

inct-.s  Clailv   ".  i: 

George    (y-ee    liis    fcrotliyr    ChailtS) 
Groce,   116 

riiyansi,    122 
I'lina,    122 

U->:trra,     115 
Jlhoda,    llo,    r 
liuth.    12::.    IS 


Sarah,    115,    1 
Sila.s,  11?/ 
Simeon,   114 
t^tc!-.h<^n,  i;.", 

11 "... 



IS  9, 




Tabitha,    122 

Thr.a:cu-.   rr... 

.7:    liK^   :.     115 

.),    51.    ii:-.. 

122-     12n,     12S, 

105,  ICj.   lys  William,   ill 

.lo.<i3ah,   113.   Ill 
.Tulia,    122 
.I;;liU3   Yvrsoan?:     114  Zeniicb,    115 

eP.jamiri,  h.;,  12.?    12' 
is:\  J'-'S 

r>avii=.  125  •!-:. 
r'iity  s..  i:.g 

inias.   13,   14     1: 
1^5.    35-     i: 

r:;;a-  Vv<a<.  15: 
nii-ha  H..  \-3?. 
T'vtlina.    153 

1  St.     1  !•■,      1  IS,     11!'.     150.     15:;,     1, 
151,     155,     15^;,     15S,     159,     1H0,     1- 
165,     K;:.     168.     ir.'i,     171,     17fi,     T 
'OS     -^O'l     "iO  1^2.     183.     1S9.     19'.      l'^4,     1h5,     i; 

■      ■   '      '  207,   20S,  2f'9,   21  I.   2i1 

.ToVin    Klias,    155 
.lohn  Li..    153 
.,12..  131.156,        -"^^y^^'    ^25.    127,     12..     13.)      Kl,    2^ 
.To.-i--uii.  124.  12  5.  li;-,  i.-!.,  IT 2 
.Tosiah.    121,    5  25 

Mabol  Iv'iraiTi.  i;j.> 
3r.ary,  125,  IS  I.  183 
Mary    Ahna.    155 

Nathan.  130.   2'"iS.    209 

Xat*.ara.--1.    12) 

Xoah    Ci'-ittend^ri.    l.'l 

John.    1!     •;'.    ■:".    ■■'■■.    11 

■  125.   12rt.   127.    12>:.   ir 

l:-!,    1-'.    ]?,'■.,    'VJ,   1  ' 

ia!i.    1 
1  5^ 


S  AFFORD  S.\VV0\:L> 

Alj;;,;i:l,    lUU.    itil    It's  KUhini,    lii^ 

A  Urea    Gieeley,    13,    IG],    102 

Alvin,  17.-!  i.Mpy,   HV-'.   l'-' 

.v.riielia,    iuo  Lydin,    171.    IS:' 

Anna,    12.'\    15-:>,    lv!'>.    l-^o,    ItiS,    l>>:t,    !V*i. 

171..  182  ^farcy,    16i 

Margaret,    li<o 
Mary,    16::,    l(j:?,    lt>? 

207;   ',»'.\  210  Oel.    171 

Or-si-'Ti,    170 

!■;;",  1  i;ii    ig;; 

Uubv,    J70 
iriub,   16S 

Salmon,    208 

t^amiioi.    11'!;,    i:;:i.    iii,    i-(2,    k: 

i.-i      1,;-.     li;7      -07  167,    173,    176,   182,   202 

"■  "  '    ■      '        Horah,    li>0,    IS?.,    Idfi 

f!olomc<n,    IGO,    171,    17r! 
1:'7,    !:!2.    15ii.    ii;'i.        Submit,    170 
^'■'■_^''*^,'i;,  '.:'^;     ||i^        Thunias,    161,    1C2,    16:!,    ^04 

o's,  'fos^'"'   '  "^'       "'       %\'.    R,    lt;2 

Wiiiii-ia,  li,  16i,   16r;.   1<^4 

•1  all;; 

P,   IH2,  173 

1  'lara. 


1  >, 

127,   270, 


,   IGi 



eti:,    l!il,    1 

f,    16it.   172, 

'J2,    1 


ih,   132.    3  7: 


1  :'nb. 

171,    173 


:>.   210 

.1  r,s 


.)<.•-.   1.. 

',    51',    -i:-!, 

12  2. 


;.    102,    t' 
-.N.  Hir-.  ]7o 

.   171 

ii.   i;j 

.I.ioatliaT.,   17< 
I  1  .Jowr-,h,  171 

J  i      i     n        i;;,    1  i.    iJ7,   73.   7S,   >;7. 

It  *,.    IS'  J.ovisa,   177 

,         '    ^        :Mary,    17'i 
1     I  s  :\rai-v-  A7:.j.   I'li 

I  111  Mu-hat!.    17.-     17G 

i       (  ^iTinrlvsU.    177 

;\3ina>vf;;i    .llayclen;    122 

r  ^  y'oAh,    175 

1  3  n.-nbcn,    1'.-..    176 

Ko.sweli,  i:r, 

lUn  s  \    1     1      ,    il^    ion,    i!-.i  ?arah.    rri,    17S;,    ISI,    18: 

,, ,      -     1  .sila.s.  liS 

Stephen,   17  4,    17.7,    J7C,    17: 
I  '  Siejihen  Dewey,    17S 

^Klr  ■>  )  .1.8  Wait.  177 

J  "V\>ii<-iit.     7IG.     117.     122,      1 

J        ■!    s  17C.  17,-,  TSJ,  lOl 

Marcy,    ifi!'.   172,   1S2 
.M;i,rv.    is:;    122,    12.?.    127,    143, 

Xathari,    181 

}';nil,    ix- 
ivrsi.:.    173 
rniis-.  17::.   is:; 




.Taiiui.^,    1S4,    196 

Jolm.    128,    131,    iOl,    17?., 

1H4,    ISo,    IS; 


Jonas,    129,    148.   161.    177. 

;:-h,   ISl).   1.}' 

101,    195 

Joseph,   113,  lis,.  173.    U.2. 

.    1S5,   186 

Josiah,    1S9 

Lydia,     l?-i 

FAY    ' 

Benjamin,   i:<l,   IS 2,   ISl,   18S.   1S6 
Bevilah,    185 

Ohallis.   1S9 
Clarlotte    1S2 

iJ-.Viu.     17:5,    5S4,     iSi 

T^e^n-eranre,    1S4  .  ^^^^.^.     ,,,_    ,g^^    .^^     ,5,. 

^-'"^'    ^''  Mfcilita;-,!,    IS-i 

Kiijah,    173,    3V5  Xathan     167 

Kunice,    1S4  l'ol!\-.    3S9,   190 

Ezra.    182 

Kuth,    IS  I 

Grffi!;orn.   184  Paimu-1,   l.'^.l,  1M2,  18t 

Sarah,    3  77.    ISL',    1«!'.    i:)0.    191 
.    '    .  -  Stephen,   1S1,   ).-::;.   1S4.   1S;.3,   186,  18; 

Heirian   ,-Uleii.   IS;.).   190  .  Sukf-.y,   189,   190 


CAfiTLV..    W.    A..    15S  /  .:    ■•* 

Mr.s.   Vv'in.    .A.,    1  :.    1-^8 
C.-VDY,    Aiuas-A.    166 

<'"ornfljUS.    166 

Cvi-us.    166 

■loso.    ]6C 

Lucy,    1G6 

Sullivan.    166 

Sybil.    166 

VValtei-.    166 
CHASE.    ^Farv,    ir,4 
CHILD.    Kiich.    J  8-:.    185,    ISi:     i'lO 
,,  CinT-).EX.Oi:K,   Kanrcrfh,   14H 

^-  :\rariiri.  ]r>0.   J  pS,  t;9;; 

Xoa!i,    140.    150.    207.    208,    20:-,    J 

Th&iiia.-;,    130.    IS 2.    14:^.    347,    lAS 
ir,<).   1.56,   158,    208 

Thomas   .JerTei'Son.   lyS 
Cl-AKK,  Frances.  llS,   J14 

Hannah,    48,   -50,    nl.    60.   0  1.    6S,    7 


I        !  ]■ 

1     i^l^     I    1        1 


ul  11  ^li     1  ^8 

\LJa  \      Tour 


\T  1  I  \     Lti-    r 

V,  » )  J    1  'V       1  r 

^  I    \  ijvj  I    ^^LV^ 

el    1  > 

\\  E  1  \.  ixfcv      1 


H\l  <X  CK    (  i'  > 


1   VON     Dr    C 

l\ji      10 

}   \  kLC     To  to 

t  J 

l{\i  L    1"  amen 


^1.-    r    V       1 

"     10_ 

>    il  Tcti  in"    I    > 

'KM        1 

r-r  I          T 

z   h   t 

>       .   I       Vlfi          1 


Ml     fJ--     Colon.  1 


)    n)o.s  ±)      Ju 


T            ^     V     l^dnl 

^    !     - 

nf->-     LI       x^ii 

V.          ""1   ■> 

1    A     ..     P   1      - 


L  1   \iaI-»>  f   ..     -> 


Kn^rr    r  hu  -^ 

I      lu. 

1           \        \   " 

'  t 

75.    77.   SI. 
Joseph.    114 
?,ravy.    114 


lO.   17 

i.  17."., 

oisis.  8; 

Sfo:VJ.    SI 
CUMIXG^-,    Ai 
Benjinriin,  S 
lieisev    JtW: 
Hem ■^  .    114 
Mrs.    Henry 
.Ip.v.o.     X.5 
V.-ill!.^.--,.     A., 

liflrev,-,    36 
ett.    84.    87 

13.    86 
Walao    F. 


1  •>  )•;  \  ^.    .  ■ ;   ,   ■ 

DUXM-^-y.     1: 
FJl.;       1  ■/' 


.    10;; 

:;;a.s,  1 




Kai...     FVi 






FiL;:;-    :■ 
fl;;:::-:,   F:. 

,   .     I'k! 

"10.3  ■ 

!,     196 

INDEX— Continued 

Ttioniris   Jeffersoi!,    l^.O 

'friinian.   149 
.'UOliMAIX,    I'arker,    137 
C.Ol^T.  Mrs-.,   711 
,j;:i:r.X,    :?".-- Min:i.h    Ka^-itl, 

HAG  AN,    Annie    \\'.,    IK' 

.•^uriih    O.,     no 
})Ai;iii:TT,  "VVilliain,   16 
WAlir-rXG!-:,    Mary.   15  7 
tlAKins-.   Israel.   T.>r» 
HAKWUOD,    EleuXL-!-.    I'-O 

Peler,    J!>3 
IIASWKLL,   Mrs.   Sorah   V.o'n: 
HA^'\'3.PA\    SuJ^aun;-.    Fas.^ett. 
li.vYCt^,   Gordon,   :t  r,  I 
Hi:ra-.i:RT,  Mary,   ll' 

William.   IG 
)1')\NK,    Su.sannah.    18! 
lU'KPELL.  Aaron,   12:1 

lii Iliad,   lao 

JKAVKTT.    Betsey.    S:!,    S4.    S 
j-:!-lwar<i,    St 
Kloni,   SI.   123 

Allied.     SI 
Jeroiniiah.    84 
.Icseph,    S4 
Thomas,  12." 

l-fenrj-    Martin,    Sa 
.fane  Elizal'Oth.   Sfv 
.Tohi!.    67.    SS,    84,    >>.S.    120 I >h.    8.3,    S4 
Marv   .10h;inj,'a,   85 
]>ersi.s    FoUtett.    53.    61.    04 
PKf'i\,     R.-iiiitmin,-    157 

Xiilhanitl,   114 
PLATT,    (Saraln     M 

William,    107 
PONO,  Clrtri.'-..'<a.  80 

Kxekiel,     80 
PRATT,  .Sanuu-!,   10? 

Timothy,   l.j-> 

KKAD,    I!;.i?>nr^h,    20 
REYXOLiT'S,    Betsey 

Fauuy,    5 IJ 

Henry,     50 

M,.i-t:n,     oii 

IviXO,^-Li;V,    Kteisier.,    2i>7.    SOfi 
i:il;KMAX.    Mr.«     M.    M.,    14.    l«i) 

i<-V\\T;F.X('i".   .lonathan.   li!7 

.>iL.ry,    l(i7 
i..  ;vu  XVoX,    John,    9? 
]r.'  'S.\VJ),    Marr.'^-,    170 
'.■;\ViS.    FrankMn    Fo^tf-r.    78 
\.\Sr>)LS,    .^araii    |--.->Uc«t,    S-5,    SO 

M.-CAULLFY.    Niv^^.    Fa  If-  I'unif^vy.    1" 
MKkllllA.,    -^■.iiy     l'..liv    Tloliinscn,    IS:- 
MILLP.AXK,    Mrs.    IClhi  iJunlevy,   15;) 
M!L;L,F.U.   Mrs..   •^■' 
MOXTAGCE,  Anna,   172 

Olialis,    172 

Dariiis.    172 

f:)izal.ttu.  172 

.- Ll^nio/i,    3  72 
'M'ltSfi,    Oharle.-;    C 

■Ki.Y.     Kiriilaniii!.     M< 

';.-vtev,   115 

nS(.)X,    Jerusha.    158 

;-v'  '■.(  I  ,    .M.!-.wi.   io^ 

Anna.    I'j8 

Jra.    lt>S 

.Tonathan,    16S 

Lemuel.    I'lS 

Levi.    16S 

Martin.    I^S 

Alrlatiah.     16S 

Oliver,   19.3 

Satnuei.    13.3 

>^ai'a!i,    108 
SI:aP..S.  Ben.iarnin  R.,   IV  2 
S1:AVER,    Mrs.    .lame.s.    101 
^'TBLFY,     .'^issannah,    10 
SMITH,    Aspbol,    160 

Kchvard    Ashbel.    163 

Garciner    Gregory,    i69 

Harritt    Arle'la.    100 

Fiaskell   (iii!~ori,    100 

.)oVin,    103 

Sara.n    Ann.    160 

William   F.arrar.   13.    lel,    I-';: 
SMYTIIF,    Arthur    Hjrri.^.    10.: 
STOXE.    Carlos   M.,   S3 
Sx  ROXG,    Joanna   For.i,    il4 

John.    114 
PUTHEKLAXD,    Sarah,    107,    1 
SWIP'T,    Edw.    H.,    li'.l 

Henuii!.    l*t> 

TAYLOR.  Eldad.  115 
THOMAS,    -Martha,     153 
THTiRNTOX.     0-r>r;jt-.     102 

'!'VF/R  ;T'.'N.    I  i.,'n.;cih.   ITS 

i.i.E.  t^'=-.!:s.^:- 


^'- ■"Enon.    8: 

A.-.',    ' 

IV  :  ;■:,   .\nna. 

INDEX-Con.;luded    155,    li:'>  AVOLU^Y.    yiiwy,    123 

tlenry,    155,    1.'-.G,    liUi.    173  Woi  )0.  Kb.jnezer.   li).i,  i:M 

L;ic\-.    156,    I'it;  \Vi '(.iDWARD,    Ifamuih,    ': 

S.irah,    15.=.,    156,    2o6  M"^>Oi -WOnTH,   Aloxunu.i 

Silas,    156,    166  i-i.^t:--ey.   77 

>^  .Um,K'".    If3,    IGT.,    17n  >niza.   SI 

Frederick,    77    • 

WARD,     .Annette    J-*i-Vi^i.s,     51  George.   77 

Klisa    Gil],    102:    l'!l  Georg-e    Vrash'i.i;t<>n.    77 

JfuGson  C,    85  JohJi,    7  7 

Mrs.   Martha  Boniis,    1112  Mrs.   TiumiHi,   51 

V.'ARNElt.   .lonalhad,   1  iJ  I  rer-sir?.    81 

Lydia,    151  RosettJJ,     81 

Sc-tt!.   134,    mS,    lyS.    215  Sallv.    77 

AVi;.f;STEH,    j.saac,    ISn  Sarah  Lemira,    77,    81 

J.-.sefh,    183  Thompson.    77,    SI 

AA'EKKS,    Susannah,    182  Truman    'i'hon.pson.    SI 

\V'r-;j[.,.!^TXGTiJX,    IJli/bl-.,  ;):.    1 S4  .William,    77 

Vjv.:i,-,v;.    KJlfi:    i''ol!ett.    S'^  WOOSTER,   Rev.,   67 
WI(^KWlR.n:,     Joseph,      103                                   •   'WOTKYXS,    EliKaheth,    11 

WILLIAMS.  Rfcbeooii.   115  Katherine.    110 

WILMtXGTOX,   Elizabeth,   1S5  Livingston,    110 

•OiXCHELL,     Lurani.i,     70  AValter    Llvinf^stmi.    11'' 




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