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Historic, archived document 

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scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 

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Forestry for 4-H Clubs 

By Wilbur R. Mattoon, senior forester, Forest Service 
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Erwin H. Shinn, senior agriculturist, Extension Service 


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Issued January 1941 

Miscellaneous Publication No. 395 
United States Government Printing Office 
Washington: 1941 

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.............. _.Price 10 cents 

This publication furnishes information that should be useful to 4-H Club leaders 
and members and other young people. It is intended to supplement subject- 

matter material published by the various States and other agencies. The text 
emphasizes getting acquainted with forest trees and forest stands and learning 
their diferent values to their owners and their place in the economy of the farm 
and the community. Practical phases of managing the farm home woodlands 
properly are also given important consideration. The topic outlines should serve 
as a guide and an aid in working out club projects, programs, and demonstrations 
that will have real educational value and also prove financially profitable to many 
young people on farms. 

This publication supersedes U. S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin No. 683, ; 
Forestry Lessons on Home Woodlands. 

On TirLe Pace 


Top.—4-H Club boy thinning and pruning young trees to develop clear and more valuable 
lumber (New Hampshire). 

Center.—4-H Club members preparing wood specimens for exhibit. 

Bottom.—4-H Club boys in Connecticut planting young pines on worn-out and idle land. 

Forestry and Farming 

Much attention 1s being given to forest trees and woodlands in planning for the 
best use of all farm lands. On many farms timber and other forest products are 
an important income crop. 

The uses and commercial value of different kinds of trees, the management of a 
tract of woods, and the action of trees in checking soil erosion and modifying 
climate should be common knowledge. If the subject of forestry is properly 
understood, the interest of rural young people and their parents can be aroused 
in the farm woodlands which in the aggregate constitute a considerable part of our 
forests. Much can be accomplished in getting the general public to recognize the 
importance and value of farm woodlands through 4-H Club work. 

Forestry has a definite and valuable relation to farming (fig. 1). 

Timber is required on the farm for building and repairing, as well as wood for 
fuel. Trees are needed on farms to protect the soil against erosion, to shelter 
livestock and crops against dry winds of summer and cold winds of winter, to 
beautify the farmstead, to furnish homes for game animals and birds, and in gen- 
eral to contribute to man’s comfort. 

A knowledge of farm forestry, applied along simple lines, should make farming 
more profitable. The outlines (pp. 5 to 34) are designed to furnish 4-H Club 
members and other rural young people with a guide for study of some of the funda- 
mental facts concerning farm-forest lands. They present the subject of farm 
forestry with respect to the important local forest trees and their uses, the proper 
location of woodlands on the farm and their economic value to the farm, protect- 
ing and improving woodlands, planting young trees, the different farm-timber 
products, measuring and marketing timber, and utilizing timber rightly on the 

Sources of L nfor mation 

The best use can be made of a publication of this kind only when accurate 
references are available. Almost every State agricultural college has one or more 
bulletins on some phase of forestry, and, when available, they may be obtained by 
writing to the county extension agent or the dean of the agricultural college. 

Farmers’ bulletins and other publications of the United States Department of 
Agriculture to which reference is made in this publication cover many of the topics 
to be studied. As long as the supply lasts Farmers’ Bulletins will be sent free to 
any resident of the United States. Application should be made to the Chief of 
Publications, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., or to your Senator, 

Representative, or Delegate in Congress. Because of the limited supply, appli-: 

cants should select only those publications which are of special interest and order 
but one copy of each. When the free supply is exhausted, these bulletins may be 
obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, 
Washington, D. C., usually at the price of 5 cents. Other publications of this 
department are also for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, but they are 
more often technical bulletins which may be of interest only to those who wish to 
specialize in the subject. 

Publications on various phases of forestry may be obtained directly from the 
Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Textbooks on forestry 
may be procured from book companies, or consulted in some libraries. 





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Ficure 1.—A 4-H Club boy in pines on his project acre. 

Young stands should be properly 




Tllustrative Material 

The proper use of illustrative material will arouse interest in the subject being 
discussed and greatly aid in presenting the information. A good collection ot 
illustrative material should be provided and kept available for use. Illustrations 
can sometimes be obtained from bulletins, books, and other publications. Pic- 
tures that show the relation in size of crown and trunk of a typical tree growing 
in the open and a tree growing in a close stand illustrate important facts. 

Drawings of the cross section of a tree trunk showing how the tree increases in 
size by a new ring of growth each year stimulate interest. Four-H Club members 
may collect leaf specimens of trees of the district and mount them on cardboard 
after pressing and drying the leaves. Samples of different kinds of wood obtained 
locally from trees of uniform size may be mounted on boards or in frames or racks. 
The various specimens of woods may be classified and mounted by groups, such 
as hardwoods, softwoods, or oaks, maples, and pines. Charts showing the rela- 
tive importance and uses of the most abundant woods should be made. 

Lantern slides showing important facts about forestry should be used in con- 
nection with certain topics. The Extension Service, United States Department 
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., has available slide sets and film strips per- 
taining to forestry. 

Community Survey 

The best way to judge the interest of the local people in forestry is through a 
community survey in which 4-H Club members may assist in assembling impor- 
tant information about woodlands and forests in the locality. This first-hand 
knowledge of the community’s interest should be valuable in the local study of 
farm woodlands. The survey should be educational and planned to determine 
the kind of woodland, whether hardwood, conifer, or mixed type, and the impor- 
tant species of trees in the forest or woodlands. It is important to make records 
of their abundance, their use and commercial value, the leading rough timber 
products that have been sold, and the prices received. 

On a map of the township, perhaps one drawn by the 4-H Club members, the 
homes and farms of the different families should be indicated. The acreage of 
each farm, the number and location of the buildings, and a sketch of the wood- 

lands should be included. 

The Project 

The project method of study has gained wide recognition in recent years. There 
can be no doubt that the intelligent use of the project aids in motivation. An ad- 
vantage claimed for the project method is that it gives a better understanding of 
subject matter and develops a better plan of reasoning. 

It is generally agreed that instruction in agriculture should follow certain 
definite lines: (1) It should be seasonal. (2) It should be local in its interests and 
development. (3) It should meet the interest of the young people. (4) It should 
be practical. The project plan affords the best means of meeting these conditious, 
especially the practical. Through the 4-H Forestry or some other project the club 
member works out for himself the principles and theories he has been taught. 

The term “project” has been generally applied to instruction in agriculture 
below the college level. It includes each of the following requisites: (1) A plan for 
work at home covering a season more or less extended. (2) A problem more or less 



new to the individual. (3) Agreement by the parents and club member to the plan. 
(4) A competent leader to supervise the work. (5) Detailed records of time, 
method, cost, and income honestly kept. (6) A written report based on the 
record to be submitted to the leader when the project is completed. The final 

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Ficure 2.—White oak leaf, flower, fruit, and winter bud: a, Pistillate or female flower; 4, staminate 
or male flower; c, winter bud. 

report may be in the form of a booklet. The term project or demonstration is 
also used extensively in 4-H Club work. 

Type of forestry project.—A project in forestry must, of necessity, be different 
from one in farm crops or animal production. The dio growth of forest trees, 


covering more than one season, and other factors involved make it so. However, 
forest projects for a short period can be conducted and made of much value to the 
4-H Club members and the community. Among the forestry projects that can be 
carried out, the following are suggested: (1) The renovation of a farm woodland, 
(2) replanting of a woodland and subsequent care of the young trees, (3) planting 
of forest trees on eroding lands or other waste ground on the farm, (4) mapping 
and finding the area of a forest tract, (5) cutting and marketing farm forest 
products, (6) giving especial attention to proper cutting of trees and to removal of 
the parts of the trees not marketed, and (7) a study and survey of forest fires, 
insect enemies, and the diseases of the common forest trees. 

The suggestions which follow will be helpful in developing such projects or 
others which the. local situation may offer. 

Forest Trees and Forest Lypes 

Aim.—To learn how to recognize at sight the chief forest trees of the locality. 

Sources of information.—Bulletins of the State departments of forestry and 
State colleges of agriculture on forest trees; United States Department of Agri- 
culture Miscellaneous Publication 217, which contains much about forest trees, 
and the forest-tree key and description of 100 important forest trees on pages 39 
to 50. Your State forester and the Forest Service, United States Department of 
Agriculture, Washington, D. C., are ready to identify leaves, fruit, buds, and 
woods that are puzzling. 

Illustrative material—The best illustrative material on forest trees and types is 
to be found in the woods, where the different species may be seen and their char- 
acteristics studied. If it is impossible to go to the woods for material, pictures of 
typical trees may be used. Sketches showing the forms of different trees are easily 
made and should be used. 

Guides to study.—Get acquainted with the important kinds of forest trees in 
your locality. Learn their various common names and other names. A few 
trees are known widely by the same common name, but many are called by differ- 
ent names in various sections of the country. Consider the importance of botanical 
names for certain identification. Distinguish the different kinds or species of trees 
by some well-marked characteristics of leaf, bark, fruit, seed, buds, or twig 

Conifers: These include trees bearing cones, such as the pines, spruces, firs, 
hemlocks, cedars, junipers, larches, and cypress. How do baldcypress and the 
larches differ from the others? Become familiar with distinguishing characteris- 
tics of each group or genus, and learn something about its different members or 
species, particularly those that occur locally. 

Hardwoods: These include trees most of which have wood harder than the 
wood of the conifers and broad leaves that are usually deciduous, or are shed in 
the fall. Learn the kinds of hardwood trees which are evergreen. Classify the 
hardwood trees by general groups, such as the oaks, maples, elms, and others, 
and identify as many different species of each as possible. 

Study kinds of trees which are associated in different forest types, such as the 
ridge type, slope or cove type, bottomland type, and swamp type. Observe 
locally the trees that are associated to make (1) coniferous forest type, (2) pure 
hardwood type, and (3) mixed hardwood and conifer type. 

Practical things to do.—Gather leaves and fruit of the important local forest 
trees, press in wrapping paper, fold and label with place and date (fig. 2). 

Study the shape and size of leaves; trace a leaf of each of the important kinds 
of trees, and label with name, place where found, and date. 



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Ficure 3.—Leaf outlines of a few important species or kinds of hardwood trees. (Reduced and not 
to uniform scale.) 

Group trees by kinds of fruit borne—nuts, keys, berries, cones, etc. 
Collect samples of winter buds from important local species, labeling with 
name of tree, place of collection, and date. 


Make a study of winter buds, with drawings of buds and the twig arrange- 

Collect blossoms from red and silver maples, willows, catalpa, American elm, 
oak, flowering dogwood, yellowpoplar or tuliptree, American basswood or linden, 
buckeye, and magnolia. 

Field study..—Now to the woods, that you may come into personal touch with 
the forest trees of your own neighborhood. 

Leaves: The leaf is the trade-mark of the trees. Gather the leaves, study 
and compare them to gain a first-hand knowledge of the trees as individuals, 
then as groups. The yellowpoplar writes its name plainly upon its square-cut 
leaf, but the boxelder has a leaf somewhat resembling that of the ash, though its 
seed is similar to the maple key (fig. 3). Wherein does the ash leaf differ from 
that of the locust or the hickory? The oaks are divided into the red and the 
white oaks. What is a typical leaf of each class? 

You will probably begin this study in the autumn, so before the leaves fall 
and your memory of them fails, press sample leaves eng either mount them or 
place them in paper folders, and label with name, place where found, and date 
(fig. 4). 

If the foliage of the black tupelo is reddening, that of the sweetgum will soon 
begin to change, and presently all the woods will be brilliantly colored. The 
autumn colors will help to identify your trees and beautify your herbarium. A 
few of the broadleaf trees and all the conifers except the larches and baldcypress 
are evergreen. Separate the conifers into the pines, spruces, cedars, or other cone 
bearers of your woods, and divide into as may species as you find. Make a table, 
and under the two heads—broadleaf trees and conifers—group the trees that you 
identify, with a short description of each. 

Fruit: While gathering leaves, bring in any fruit or seed found—the pulpy 
fruit, nuts, berries, pods, winged seed, and tufted seed of the broadleaf trees and 
the cones of the pomitcrs and add to your herbarium. 

Buds: As the leaves elle gather the bare branches and study the winter buds 
that hold next year’s leaves and flowers, from the big bud that tips the horse- 
chestnut to the long, sharp bud of the beech, [abel them as you did the leaves. 

Bark: The American sycamore or plane tree bark tells its own story, but do you 
know the bark of the elm from that of the ash? Contrast the glove- fitting bark of 
the American beech with the rough-and-ready coat of the shagbark hickory, and 
note the difference in barks of other kinds of trees. 

Branches: Each tree has its own way of branching, though its form is not always 
so definite as the red cedar spire. What is typical of the white oak bough? The 
leaves of the scarlet and pin oak are considerably alike, but what is the character 
of each tree? Draw a leafless elm 

Flowers: When spring comes and the buds are bursting, do not forget the 
flowers of the forest trees. They provide a “clock dial” for the advancing year. 
As they bloom in succession, bring in the blossoms of the willow, the maple, the 
American elm, and the eastern cottonwood, until you have gathered the last 
flower of June and seed are on the wing. 

While you are getting acquainted with your trees, you will learn that they prefer 
certain localities; you will find the willow by the stream, the yellowpoplar or tulip- 
tree in the valley the red oak on the higher ground, for one needs much moisture 
in its soil while another will grow in a drier situation. You will discover that cer- 
tain trees “hobnob” together because of similar requirements of soil, mositure, 
and light. In this way you will learn to group your trees into forest types when 
you begin your practical work as the forester of your home woodland. 

! The sections on field study in the sections on Forest Trees and Forest Types and Protective 
Effects of Woods were contributed by Miss Lucy Kellerhouse, formerly of the U. S. Forest Service. 



S-17835-C S-14758-C 

KicurE 4.—A, Forestry club members mounting specimens of leaves of forest trees. B, Collection 

of wood specimens made by a New England 4-H Club boy. 

Sketch the different types of trees in the district; make drawings or tracings of 
the different shaped leaves. Mount these drawings and file with other illustrative 



Growth of Trees and Forests 

Aim.—To find out how trees and forests grow. 

Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletins 173, 1256, 1392, 1486, 1517, 1628, 
and 1671; Miscellaneous Publication 162. 

Illustrative material.—Potted seedlings, pots or boxes, and seeds of trees. A 
chart showing roots, stems, and leaves of a tree. A chart, or better an actual 
cross section of a tree stem, showing different parts such as annual rings, heart- 
wood, sapwood, bark, and cambium (fig. 5). Leaves mounted so that their 
structure can be studied. Branches showing bud and twig arrangement. Draw- 
ings showing shapes of crowns or tops of trees grown in the open and of those 
grown in close stands. 



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Figure 5.—How the tree trunk grows. All growth takes place in the cambium (a), lying between 
the inner bark and sapwood. This is a very thin layer of living ceils, which divide and subdivide, 
forming on the outside bark and on the inside wood. The inner bark (4), or last tissue, is soft and 
moist. Its function is to carry the food prepared in the leaves to all growing parts of the tree. 
By a gradual change the inner bark passes into outer bark (c), a corky layer composed of dry, dead 
cells. This serves to protect the living stem against evaporation and mechanical injury. The 
woody growth during one season is called an annual ring. In the spring the newly formed cells 
are thin-walled and spongy, while in midsummer and fall the walls of the cells become thicker and 
denser. This difference can be distinguished in many kinds of trees as light-colored spring wood 
and darker colored summer wood. Sapwood (d) is the lighter colored band of wood beneath the 
bark, often from 1 to 2 inches thick. It carries the sap from the roots to the leaves. Heartwood 
(e) is the result of a gradual change in the sapwood by which it becomes darker, heavier, and often 
more lasting. Most of the trees, but not all, form heartwood. Pith (f) is the soft tissue on the 
innermost part of the stem, about which the first woody growth takes place in the newly formed 
twig. From it extend the pith rays (g). These are flat vertical bands of tissue which connect the 
pith with the various layers of wood and the inner bark. They transfer and store up food. 


F-47755 S-7520-C 

Kicure 6.—A, Trees which grow in close stands form clear trunks that make the best grades of 
products. This tree was left in clearing the land. B, By counting the annual rings of growth 
the age of a tree can be determined. The number of years it took the seedling to reach the point 
of the count should be added. 


Guides to study. —The life of a tree and why it is necessary to know something 
about how trees live. 

The leaves, trunk, and roots, and function of each in the tree’s existence. How 
the tree breathes and gets its food from the soil and air; what travels upward and 
what downward in the branches and stems. Structure of the leaf and different 
parts of the trunk. 

How the branches lengthen and the tree trunk increases in diameter; the 
location, color, and structure of the living tissue or cambium layer. What are 
annual rings, heartwood, and sapwood? 

Requirements for growth: Air, light, moisture, heat, and food. How to find 
the age of trees by counting he ammnal rings (fig. 6). 

Trees in association—a sand. Iintinsnce of aes upon each other. Difference, 
if any, between shape of crowns of open-grown trees and those grown in closed 
stands. Influence of different light and soil-moisture supply. 

Effect of tree density (number of trees in a given area) upon growth of the 
individual tree. Natural death of trees in closed stands with advancing age. 
Understocked, well-stocked, and overstocked stands and the production of (a) 
saw timber and (b) cordwood per acre under each condition. 

Practical things to do.—Make the following tests to show requirements for 
growth: Place a potted forest-tree seedling in the dark for a few days; withdraw 
moisture from one and supply moderate amounts of moisture and excess moisture 
to other seedlings; subject plants, if possible, to different degrees of heat. Note 
results. Erect a pole or 1- by 2-inch timber strip close beside a young, thrifty 
sapling pine or hardwood. At regular intervals of a week or month, mark on 
it the total height of the growing tree. Keep a record also of the dates and 
measured heights. 

Forest Reprodu CLiON 

Aim.—To find out how trees reproduce themselves. 

Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletins 173, 1177; Miscellaneous Publica- 
tion 162. 

IMustrative material.—Make a collection of seed specimens of the kinds indi- 
cated under Guides to Study. Mount these seeds on cardboard or put them in 
wide-mouthed bottles. Clip pictures of young forest grewth. 

Guides to study.—Seeds: Learn the various devices of nature for dispersing the 
seed widely. Tree fruits (a) with wings, plumes, etc.; (b) pulpy fruits with hard 
seeds sought by birds; (c) rich nut kernels liked by rodents and birds, and often 
buried or otherwise saoned away; (d) light seeds which float on the surface or 
heavy seeds which roll along the bottom of streams. Species of trees whose 
seeds are carried by (a) wind (fig. 7), (b) water, or (c) birds and animals (fig. 8). 

Sprouts: Different species of trees which reproduce themselves by means of 
sprouts from stumps. From what part or parts of the stump do sprouts arise? 
Species which sprout from surface or lateral roots. Influence of the season of 
the year when cutting is done upon the vigor and growth of sprouts. Influence 
of age of parent tree upon success of sprounting. 

Natural forest reproduction: Young growth (figs. 9 and 10). Conditions 
under which young growth starts in woodlands. A forest without young growth 
is like a community without children—it will die out. Need for large numbers 
of young trees for perpetuation of the forest. Competition and shading out of 
the weaker seedlings and saplings. 

Age groups of young growth: (a) Seedling, (4) small sapling, (c) large sapling, 
(dz) small pole. 



FIGuRE /7.- 



—How the forest travels: By wind. 







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Ficure 8.—How the-forest travels: By animals; by birds; by water. 




Ficure 9.—Woods with plenty of young growth to take the place of the larger trees when cut. 


e 10.—When protected from fire and cut rightly, as here, southern pines reproduce themselves 
freely in openings with plenty of overhead light. 


Forest Planting 

Aim.—To learn how to reforest land by direct seeding or planting seedlings. 

Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletins 1123, 1256, 1392, 1405, 1453, 1486, 
[AIDE Se MNO28 1664. 16/1 16935 181s Weatlets 155. 156.and: 159= Miscella- 
neous Publication 357; Technical Bulletin 492. 

Illustrative material—Obtain pictures showing different methods of planting 
seedlings in a farm forest or woodland; also pictures of important local trees and 
specimens of leaves; also fruit and bark, and keep available for study. 

Guides to study.—How to start a young forest by direct seeding or by trans- 
planting nursery-grown seedlings. Best results to be expected from seed collected 
locally. Sowing the seed in the place where the trees are wanted. Kinds of trees 
started this way; usually the species difficult to transplant on account of large, 
deep taproots, such as hickories, walnuts, some of the oaks, and some pines. 
Collecting the seed. Storing the seed over winter. Sections of the country 
(North) where seed sowing is best done in the spring and (South) where it may be 
done in the fall or early winter. Preparation of the soil and method of planting 
seed of different kinds. Care of growing seedlings. 


Ficure 11.—4-H Club boysin Mississippi planting black locust seedlings on farm to grow a supply 
of durable fence posts. 

Planting seedlings grown in nursery beds. Preparation of nursery beds and 
sowing of seeds. Kinds of trees commonly raised in nursery beds. Age of seed- 
lings fit for planting. Need for transplanting seedlings in nursery prior to planting 
out in the woods or fields. Season of year for successful planting and method of 
planting. Injury or loss and how to avoid them. 

Regions where forest plantations are needed and commonly started. Purposes 
for which plantations are set out. Kinds of trees profitable in plantations. Pure 
and mixed plantations, and advantages of each. 

Planting steep slopes and eroding soils with forest trees to check soil wastage 
and land destruction. Kinds of trees suitable for taking hold quickly and multi- 
plying on dry banks. 


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S Ficure 12.—/, 4-H Club boy in southern Georgia and his trip-winning forest planting acre. B, 
, ( An 8-year-old planted stand of pines in southern Georgia; trees 18 to 25 feet in height and growing | 
ie now at the rate of nearly 2 cords per acre yearly. 
) re ee : : : ae 
+1 Filling up large openings in the woods and improving existing woodlands by 
: oi | planting desirable species of trees. 
eq Utilizing poor soils and so-called waste places about the farm by planting 
ol quick-growing, useful kinds of trees—black locust for fence posts, pine and other 
TS species for use as treated fence posts (fig. 11). 

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Trees about the farm and farmstead for shade, nut production, and ornamental 

Practical things to do.—Visit if possible a nearby section where forest trees are 
being planted. Talk with local farmers or foresters about the best methods to use 
in caring for young forests. Study the habits of growth of young trees of the 
community (fig. 12 4 and B). Make a list of the kinds of forest trees observed 
on the field trip, and classify the trees in order of their commercial importance. 
Learn to identify different local trees. 

Improving Woodlands by Cutting ‘Trees 

Aim.—To find out how to improve woodlands by cutting. 

Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletins 1177, 1256, 1486, 1517, and 1671; 
Leaflets 29, 30, 55, and 153; State foresters’ publications. 

Illustrative material—Charts or illustrations showing results of overcrowding 
and of proper thinning of forest trees. Pictures showing results of careless felling 
of trees. If possible, visit a forest where these results can be actually shown by 


Ficure 13.—Improving growth and value of young forests: 4-H Club boys thinning out the defective 
or crooked trees in an improvement cutting. (Florida.) 

observing rings on stumps or cutting into trees that have been thinned several 
years previously. In an even-aged group, note different sizes of trees of the same 
age as a result of differences in growing space. 

Guides to study.—How to cut the individual tree properly; why as little as 
possible of the tree’s stump should be left in the woods; careful felling of trees. 
What is likely to happen to trees injured by falling of others. 

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Sugar Maple 

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Ficure 14.—The growth and value of timber stands are increased by repeated thinning. The trees 
removed can generally be used or sold profitably for firewood, treated fence posts, or small timber: 
A, Before thinning pines. Fifteen overcrowded trees. B, Trees to be cut in thinning a stand of 
northern hardwoods (shaded trees to be cut). 



Advantages of thinning overcrowded stands of forest trees. How fewer and 
fewer trees can grow on an acre as the trees increase in size. Available light 
supply for growth. Purpose of thinning to utilize timber that would otherwise 
die and go to waste. Also to stimulate the remaining trees to increased growth, 
which means increased value. How and why prune trees; advantages in doing so. 

Improvement of the woods by proper cutting, taking out (1) the mature trees, 
(2) broken, crooked, diseased trees, and (3) the slow growing and less valuable 
species (figs. 13 and 14). Most Peodicnde have many such trees crowding out 
the young, promising trees of the better kinds. Making woodlands yield a profit 
on the investment and increasing farm income and the selling value of the farm. 

Practical things to do——The facts brought out in this study should be verified 
by actual observation in trips to forests. Study first-hand the results of cutting 
practices. Locate a good project that shows the improvement of a forest plot by 
proper thinning, including the removal of diseased, defective, overcrowded, and 
dead trees, and undesirable species. 

The group may construct the charts mentioned under Illustrative material. 

Make drawings of trees showing development under adverse conditions and of 
others under proper conditions. 

Make a survey and write a report on the general practice of home forest im- 
provement in the district. 

Make a district or county map locating the farm forest areas and designating 
those under improvement. Draw an outline map of the State locating the farm- 
forest ares. 

Protecting Woodlands 

dim.—To learn how to determine causes and extent of injury to trees and 
methods of prevention. 

Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletins 117, 1169, 1177, 1586, 1643, 1726, 
and 1759; Leaflets 40, 68; Department Circular 243; State publications. The 
United States Department of Agriculture and the State agricultural colleges will 
be glad to give assistance by identifying and furnishing information concerning 
various forest insects. 

Illustrative material—Pictures of forest fires, burnt-over woodlands, forest 
rangers and their camps and equipment will make excellent illustrative material. 
Pictures of trees damaged by grazing, insects or fungi, samples of damaged wood, 
and samples of insecticides and materials used to prevent insects from damaging 
trees should also be used. 

Guides to study.—Fire, the arch enemy of the forest: It kills large numbers of 
the smaller trees and kills or weakens the vitality of the older trees; the humus 
layers over the ground are destroyed. The homes of animals and other wildlife 
are often ruined and their food destroyed. The loss of the protective covering 
exerts a marked effect in causing the soil to dry out and become hard, as a result 
of which the rain is shed rapidly following dry weather, much as when it falls on 
a house roof. Trees in farm woodlands and city parks are often seen dying at 
the tops from this cause. 

Forest rangers employed by the State and Federal Governments for the adminis- 
tration and protection of the State and national forests. Private timberland 
owners protecting their lands in cooperative effort with the State and Federal 
Governments. What type of men are required for forest rangers, whose duties 
require them to live out of doors and ride or work in all kinds of weather? Each 
national forest divided into districts in charge of rangers. Fire-protection plans 

i if} h 
" he | 


Ficure 15.—It is good forest practice to keep livestock out of the woods (except in parts of the South) 
and everywhere to prevent fires. Trees, like other crops, require protection 4, Heavy grazing 
in a pasture contrasted with an untrampled and unbrowsed thrifty farm woods. B, 4-H Club 
boys establishing a firebreak on a club project. 

worked out in great detail for preventing, detecting, and fighting fires as soon as 
possible after they start. Fire-fighting equipment, such as lookout towers, 
telephone lines, and fire-fighting tool boxes at convenient points over the forest. 
Cleared and burned lines as firebreaks (fig. 15). Use of airplanes and radio. 

Protection for State forest lands by similarly organized methods. Federal 
cooperation with the various States, authorized by the Weeks Law, for the protec- 
tion of headwaters of navigable streams against fire. 



The grazing of livestock: This practice has much the same effect in removing 
the protective covering and packing the ground hard as fire has. Cattle and 
horses browse off the tender young seedlings and tramp down the upper soil 
layers (fig. 15). Sheep and goats, particularly when closely herded, are very 
destructive to young seedlings. Hogs feed upon most kind of acorns and nuts, 
although by rooting up the leaf litter they sometimes favorably expose the mineral! 
soil for the quick germination of tree seeds. Hogs are very destructive to the 
seed or mast of the longleaf pine, and the young seedlings are killed in large 
numbers by animals stripping off the thick, sweet, spongy bark from the roots. 

Damage by insects: Leaf and inner bark-eating, twig cutting, bark- and wood- 
boring insects. Methods of checking spread of insect infestation by right methods 
of cutting. 

Fungi in forest trees as a source of the injury and death of many trees: Some 
trees less subject to attack than others. Importance of keeping woods in a healthy 
growing condition and rightly cut in order to combat the spread of fungous 

Practical things to do.—Make a trip through the district to see what damages 
occur in farm woodlands and what forest protection is practiced. Look for any 
disease or insect which is attacking any special group of trees. Find out by 
observation if farm woodlands are being grazed and make a note of any damage 
that is being done by livestock. 

Protective HLffects of Woodland 

Aim.—To find out how the forest or woods conserve soil moisture, check soil 
erosion, and modify temperature. 

Source of information—Farmers’ Bulletins 173, 1405, 1767, 1809, 1813; Cir- 
culars 19, 347, and 380; Miscellaneous Publications 162, 196, 247; Technical 
Bulletin 567. 

Illustrative material—tThe best illustrative material will be found in a trip to 
the woods and fields. Actual examples of the effect of the trees or woods can be 
pointed out. Ifa field trip is not practicable, illustrations may be clipped from 
papers and magazines showing erosion on unprotected hillsides and the use of 
trees as shelters in pastures and about farm buildings. 

Guides to study.—With an acquaintance formed with the different species of 
trees, it will be worth while to learn their value both individually and when 
associated in woodlands. 

Timber or wood products: Trees grouped according to their value for wood or 
timber. (This is expanded in Products from the Home Woodlands, p. 25). 

How a forest cover conserves the water from rainfall or melting snow (fig. 16). 

Flow of streams from open and from forested land; seepage and springs. Pro- 
tecting watersheds of city reservoirs and headwaters of large streams from erosion 
and floods. State and municipal forests. The 176,000,000 acres of Government 
national forests held for protection of watersheds and streams and for a permanent 
timber supply. Private owners hold four-fifths of the total standing timber in 
the United States. 

How trees protect the soil against erosion and the formation of gullies on steep 
slopes (fig. 17). Examples of local hillsides and regions of the United States 

Woods as shelter against hot and dry or cold winds, for grain and fruit crops, 
livestock, and for protecting the farm home. The difference in temperature of 
the air in midsummer out in the open road or field and in the shade of a single tree 
or of woods. The difference in the same situations on a cold windy day in winter. 

Field study.—In an excursion to the hills and the fields boys and girls can learn, 
by actual observation, the bond between the forest and the river. 




Upon leaving the open and entering the cool shade of the woods they will note 
the forest floor—the undergrowth of young trees and shrubs, the ferns and moss, 
and the litter of fallen leaves. With a jackknife, or a trowel, they can dig beneath 
this cover into the mold of many years’ fallen leaves. The soil will be spongy and 
moist. What happens when rain falls or snow melts? Under the forest canopy 
it sinks into the spongy earth (fig. 16). : 

What becomes of the rain and snow that the forest has soaked up like a sponge? 
Find a spring. This is where the stored water is seeping out to feed the streams. 
The rainfall that has been held back in the hidden reserveir of the forest is here 
transformed into a steady supply of water for the pasture, the farm, the mill, 
and the city. 

Ficure 16.—The forest floor: Dense growth of seedling and sapling trees covering and protecting the 
soil; leaves and twig litter on the ground beneath the trees; spongy layer of decomposed vegetable 

matter or humus, and the lower layer of soil interlaced with tree roots and rootlets; and the clay 

Return to the open and dig into the soil on the unwooded slope. It will be 
found dry and hard. What happens when the rain falls or the snow melts on the 
open hillside? It is not held back and absorbed but rushes down the slope. In 
a heavy rain the streams rise rapidly. Perhaps the group will find a place where 
a bridge has been carried away in a freshet. Someone may tell of the destruction 
of a log bridge on the farm. What happens when the winter snow melts upon 
the unprotected mountain slopes and the spring rains swell therivers? (Figs. 17 
and 18.) 

On the open hillside, places will be found where the soil, which has no roots to 
bind it, has been washed away by the rain, and on some steep slope there will be 
deep gullies dug into the ground. Where does the soil go that is washed down the 
slope? Into the stream. Perhaps the stream carries the silt into the water supply 
ofacity. If there is a river near, a sand bar may be found that has resulted from 




heads of streams. 


Figure 17.—Effect of deforestation: Washing of soil and devastation of valuable farm lands at the 


-Effect of deforestation: Sand bars in the stream channels. Millions of dollars are spent 
: yearly in dredging our rivers to keep them navigable. 

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sediment washed down from the hill country. What do muddy rivers mean to 
harbors near the coast? Who has seen the dredge at work scooping up the silt 
to keep the channel free? This means a vast expense to the country (fig. 16). 

The boy or girl who has noted these facts about woodland, soil, and stream 
will begin to see the relation which the forests of the country bear to the land. 
The examples of soil protection and clear streams, of erosion and flood damage that 
he or she finds in his own neighborhood, are intimations of the larger meaning 
of the Nation’s forests to farm land and industry and commerce. The home 
woodland is a part of Nature’s plan to aid man and his enterprise. 

Location and Extent of Farm Woodlands 

Aim.—To learn how to determine the location and area of land on the farm on 
which trees should be grown as a crop. 

Sources of information.—Leaflet 29, Farmers’ Bulletin 1117. 

Guides to study —Timber is a poor-land crop. Observe places about the farm 
which should be kept in forest trees and woods. Places where forest trees are 
profitable: (1) Poor soils. (2) Steep slopes. (3) Eroding soils. (4) Rocky land. 
(5) Wetland. (8) Unused corners or waste places. 


a PN 
SS IBN Hillside 

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y .~CWW NS iircere 

Ficure 19.—Rough, steep, and poor lands, and inaccessible parts of the farm may be used to increase 
farm income by growing trees in permanent woodlands. 


Extent of woodlands in the locality: Proportion of cropland and woodland. i 
The total acres of woods on 10 to 20 representative farms in a locality. 

Practical things to do.—¥From the data gathered in the survey construct a chart 
showing the proportion of cropland and woodland, the total crop acreage, and the 


total woodland acreage. Study the places where trees are growing and list such 
locations. List the kinds of trees commonly growing in each of these localities. 
Note farms that could profitably plant forest trees, and the kinds of trees that 
should be planted. 

Draw a map of a farm or of the school district, locating the poor soils, steep 
slopes, eroding soils, rocky land, wet land, unused corners or wasteland, and mark 
on this map the names of the trees that grow on these places or that could be 
profitably grown thereon (fig. 19). 

Write a report showing the advantages of using the poor soils and wastelands for 
tree planting, giving examples from the farms of the district if possible. 

Products From the Home Woodlands 

Aim.—To learn what products from the home forest to use for home and for the 

Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletins 1210, 1256, 1366, 1392, 1486, 1 664, 
1756, and 1759; Leaflets 29 and 153; Miscellaneous Publications 106, 162, and 247. 

Illustrative material—Prepare a wall chart showing in tabulated form the vari- 
ous wood products. In each product column write the name of the tree or, better 
still, place a sample of the wood that furnished that product. Prepare another 
chart showing in like manner other forest products such as nuts, roots, bark, gum, 
and edible fruits, listing the trees from which the products are obtained. Any of 
the products from root, bark, gum, etc., will also make interesting and useful 
illustrative material. 

Guides to study.—Wood, in a rough state, is the principal farm-timber product. 
What kinds of wood are used for the following rough products: (1) Sawlogs; (2) 
poles and piling; (3) fence posts; (4) bolts, blocks, or billets for (2) cooperage, (8) 
implement handles, (c) wagon and automobile spokes, (¢) pulpwood; (5) cross ties; 
and (6) fuel wood? The sizes and other requirements for each of these various wood 
products, including the species which are best suited for them and bring highest 
prices on the market (fig. 20). 

Forest trees which produce nuts of commercial value, roots, bark, sugar, edible 
fruit, and crude turpentine. 

Lumber is manufactured from the woodland sawlogs. (How to measure 
sawed lumber is treated in the section on Measuring and Estimating Timber.) 
That work is ordinarily done by the sawmill man rather than by the farmer. 

Practical things to do—Make a study to determine the chief use of wood in 
the district. What other forest products are made or used here? What trees 

Se ee ee eee eee ee eve 

Help Prevent Woods Fires 

BE SURE your match is out before throwing it away. 

DON’T throw away burning tobacco. 

CHOOSE a safe place and make your campfire small. 

PUT OUT your fire with water and then cover it with mineral earth. 

DON’T make large brush heaps. Choose a still day for burning and plow furrows 
to protect nearby woods. 

Be Careful With Fire 

| SS ees 2 ee 



SS ae 

509g —F5- 

; C, piling. 


A, log; B, posts 


dlands are 

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Ficure 20.—Some produ 


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F-24805 N. C. 879 

‘Frcure 21.—More products from farm woodlands: J, cross ties; and B, wood for pulpwood or fuel. 

furnish the greatest amount of wood? What kind of lumber is sawed in the dis- 
trict? What becomes of this lumber? 

If there are any wood-product factories in the district, arrange for a trip to 
study the various processes from the rough wood to the finished products. 

Make a list of the forest products under various headings and indicate what 
they are used for commercially. 

On the basis of local study determine what timber in the district is most 

An interesting study to make is the part forest products play in the construc- 
tion of machinery, transportation lines, airplanes, etc. 

Make a list of animals, birds, and other wildlife inhabiting the local farm 


Measuring and Estimating Timber 

Aim.—To find out how to measure and estimate timber. 

Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletin 1210; publications of colleges of 
agriculture or State foresters; loose-leaf volume tables for most species of conifers, 
eastern hardwoods and western species, Forest Service; handy sets of log and 

reeds cnt isn 





Ficure 22.—4-H Club member measuring the diameter of a white oak tree (outside the bark and 
at breast height) with a tape coverted to read diameters in inches. 

tree scale sticks (for northern trees apply to Federal Land Bank, Springfield, 
Mass.; for southern pines, to American Forestry Association, Washington, D. C.); 
rules for scaling logs on page 38. | 


Illustrative material——Procure any good pictures showing how saw timber is 
measured and estimated. Tables for scaling logs. 

Guides to study —Measuring sawlogs; show how the diameter at the small end 
is found by measuring inside the bark along an average line or averaging two 
measurements at right angles. The diameter and length found, the approxi- 
mate lumber contents is found by referring to a copy of some log rule. Probably 


Figure 23.—Showing a 4-H Club boy how to measure the height of a tree or the number of 16-foot 
cuts with a cruiser’s, Biltmore, or tree scale stick. 

the most common rule in use is the Doyle, although for small logs under 16 to 20 
inches it is very inaccurate, because from one-third to one-half more lumber is 
usually sawed out than is indicated by the rule. The International log rule (for 
¥-inch saw kerf) gives more nearly what small mills cut from logs. (See p. 38.) 



Practical things to do.—Write an account of a method of scaling logs. Deter- 
mine scale and estimate the number of feet in a given sawlog. Determine how 
bolts and billets are measured. What constitutes a standard cord of wood? 
Look up information about allowances made for defects in sawlogs, bolts, or 
blocks, and in other material. 





Ficure 24.—Estimating the saw timber in a tree by the use of a tree scale or cruiser’s stick: 4, If 
the stick is held horizontally against the trunk of the tree at a specified distance from the eye, the 
observer is able to read directly the diamter of the tree outside the bark. The standard is called 
the breast-high diameter, and is taken at a height of 414 feet above the average level of the ground. 
B, The stick is graduated so that, when held a specified distance from the eye of the observer who 
stands a specified distance from the tree, the observer can read the number of 16-foot-log lengths 
of the tree. The principle is that of two similar triangles. 

Estimate the timber in standing trees: Find approximately the contents in 
cords or board feet of lumber by measuring the diameter at breast height (4}4 feet 
above the ground), estimating or measuring the number of 16-foot log cuts in the 
tree, and by using the information given in Farmers’ Bulletin 1210 (figs. 22, 23, 
and 24). Estimate the timber in a whole tract. Apply the same method to all 
the trees on a measured one-tenth or one-quarter acre, thereby estimating the 
contents per acre. Record the measurements by different species on a simple 
blank form ruled in squares in two directions. 

Using Farm Timber 

Aim.—To learn how to make the best use of farm timber. 

Sources of informetion.—Farmers’ Bulletins 744, 1177, 1210, 1660, and 1756; 
Leaflet 29; Department Circular 64; Circular 489; publications of State foresters 
and colleges of agriculture. 

Illustrative material—Again a field trip will furnish the best illustrative ma- 
terial. Note the height of the stumps where timber has been cut, the careless 
felling of trees causing injury to young trees, the tops and large limbs left in the 
forest. If field trips are not possible, pictures may be used to illustrate the points 



Figure 25.—Wasteful cutting of pine trees for pulpwood: The clearest and best timber has been left 
to decay. It would have paid for the cutting of the trees. Two or three of the trees should have 
been left to grow and reseed the land. 

Guides to study —The right use of timber on the farm should begin at the time 
the tree is cut. Waste of good timber in the woods is entirely too common nowa- 
days when wood 1s high priced and getting scarcer. 

High stumps mean usually that the best timber in the tree 1s wasted (fig. 25). 
Often the timber left in high stumps would cover the costs of logging. Sawlogs 
can now be taken profitably from the tops which had to be left only a few years 
ago. Wherever possible the tops should be worked up into crossties, mine props, 
or firewood. By careless felling of trees much promising young timber is broken 
and destroyed. 

High grade and valuable timber should not be used in places about the farm 
where less valuable woods will answer the purpose. Sometimes choice white oak, 
worth $40 a thousand feet in the log for veneers, is split into fence posts, or black 
walnut is used for farm gates. Parents or neighbors should be able to suggest 
satisfactory substitutes for these purposes. 

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Small and young timber cut in making improvement thinnings in overcrowded 
stands can often be sold or used on the farm for posts, poles, or firewood, instead 
of being allowed to decay in the woods (fig. 26). 

Treating fence posts: Short-lived woods when soaked in hot and then cold 
creosote last from 10 to 20 years as fence posts. As the supply of long-lived 
woods, such as black locust, osage-orange, eastern red cedar, American chestnut 
mulberry, and catalpa becomes less, treated fence posts are being increasingly 
used. Almost all farms grow some common woods which take coal-tar creosote 

Practical things to do—\n a field trip to the farm forests note what care is taken 
in felling trees, the disposition of limbs and tops, and the height of the stumps. 
Note examples of use of expensive wood where a cheaper wood might do. Note 
the high-priced timber in the district. Determine the common method of treating 


Fictre 26.—Small pine logs from thinnings made to improve the growth and quality of the stand. 

fence posts in the neighborhood. Examine telephone and telegraph peles to see 
how they are treated. Make a list of good and bad examples of the use of farm 

Make a report on the methods of cutting and handling timber on the farm, 
with especial reference to disposing of waste timber. Write a short account of 
the best methods for preserving timber used in posts, railroad ties, and other 

Measure the height of stumps in a tract of cut-over timber and calculate the 
amount of lumber wasted. If one hundred 7-foot walnut fence posts, averaging 
5inches square, can be replaced by 100 locust or red cedar posts of the same size, 
calculate, on the basis of local prices, the amount saved by the substitution. If 
treating a softwood post with creosote costs 15 cents, but will make it last three 
times as long as one not treated, assuming average present local prices for labor 
in replacements and cost of untreated posts, what will be saved in 20 years in 
fencing a quarter section of land with posts spaced 12 feet apart: 



Marketing Forest Products j 

Aim.—To learn where and how to market farm-forest products. | 
Sources of information.—Farmers’ Bulletins 1210, 1366, 1392, 1459, and 1664; ( 
Leaflet 29; bulletins of the State colleges of agriculture and State foresters. 


Ficure 27.—Poles and piling are bringing woodland owners more money per tree than most other 
products. Poles are in good demand. Those on the car are 4 to 5 inches top diameters and 16 
feet in length. : 

F-16187-A p 

Ficure 28.—The best timber brings high prices and can usually be shipped for veneer or choice 
lumber. Several owners can join in marketing a carload or truckload. 



Illustrative material—Timber price lists. Addresses of firms dealing in timber. 
Local prices for cordwood, posts, cross ties, and piling. 

Guides to study —Finding the best markets: Before timber is cut its approxi- 
mate size and amount by species and its disposal should be determined as definitely 
as possible. How to find buyers of cut-timber products. How are logs, bolts er 
billets, piling, posts, cross ties, and firewood generally sold? Advertising in the 
newspapers, consulting net ighbors who have recently sold timber, consulting State 
foresters and reliable experienced men. 


ing pees in the woods. 4-H Club boys in increasing 
r as a crop and completing forestry projects. 

The owner should protect himself by a simple form of written contract; much 
loss comes to sellers of timber products by iailure to observe this precaution and 
to have the agreement in proper written form. 

Selling standing timber: Selling for a stated sum by the acre, or a lump sum 
for the whole tract or “ boundary.’ < 

What to cut and what timber to keep growing in the woods; what timber to 
sell and what to use at home. Pol = are in strong demand for telephone and 
27). Choice logs of certain ‘woods bring high prices and 
can be profitably shipped long distances by rail or water (fig. 26). 

Cooperative marketi ng of farm timber: Carlcad lots of logs, etc., the least 
amount that can profitabl y be shi ipped. Many wood shetie Ene een concerns 
buy direct from producers in carload lots. A farmer may not have sufficient 
white oak sawlogs or hickory spoke blocks to make shi ipment profitable. 

Practical things to do do-—Time mi ight well be spent trying to find out what 
timber is being sold from the local farm woodlands; who is buyi ng it; what stand- 
ing timber is sold; what cooperative shipping of timber is being done (fig. 29). 

transmission tise \ig. 



Publications of the United States Department of Agriculture Relating to Forestry 
on Farm Woodlands 

Directions for Requesting These Publications 

Of the following list of publications, some are available free upon application; others can be had 
only by purchase. Changes in these lists occur almost daily. Therefore the best way is to write 
to the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., for those you wish to get. The 
free publications will be sent to you, and you will be informed of those that are available only by 
purchase. Upon receipt of this information application should be made to the Superintendent of 
Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., inclosing the money, preferably in 
the form of postal or express money order, although cash will be accepted. It is risky to send cash. 
Stamps will not be accepted. 

Farmers’ Bulletins 

173. A Primer of Forestry, Part I. 5 cents. 

744. The Preservative Treatment of Farm Timbers. 5 cents. 
1087. Beautifying the Farmstead. 5 cents. 
1123. Growing and Planting Hardwood Seedlings on the Farm. 5 cents. 
1169. Insects Injurious to Deciduous Shade Trees and Their Control. 10 cents. 
1177. Care and Improvement of the Farm Woods. 5 cents. 
1208. Trees for Town and City Streets. 5 cents. 
1210. Measuring and Marketing Farm Timber. 5 cents. 
1256. Slash Pine. 10 cents. 
1366. Production of Maple Sirup and Sugar. 5 cents. 
1392. Black Walnut for Timber and Nuts. 5 cents. 
1405. The Windbreak as a Farm Asset. 5 cents. 
1453. Growing and Planting Coniferous Trees on the Farm. 5 cents. 
1459. Selling Black Walnut Timber. 5 cents. 
1477. Preventing Damage from Lyctus Powder-Post Beetles. 5 cents. 
1481. Planting the Roadside. 5 cents. 
1482. Trees for Roadside Planting. 5 cents. 
1486. Longleaf Pine Primer. 5 cents. 
1492. Arbor Day, Its Purpose and Observance. 5 cents. 
1501. Nut-Tree Propagation. 5 cents. 
1517. Loblolly Pine Primer. 5 cents. 
1526. Clearing Land of Brush and Stumps. 5 cents. 
1567. Propagation of Trees and Shrubs. 5 cents. 
1582. Protection of Log Cabins, etc., from Injurious Insects. 5 cents. 
1586. The Southern Pine Beetle. 5 cents. 
1591. Transplanting Trees and Shrubs. 5 cents. 
1628. Growing Black Locust Trees. 5 cents. 
1643. Fire Safeguards for the Farm. 
1660. The Use of Logs and Poles in Farm Construction. 5 cents. 
1664. Christmas Trees as a Cash Crop for the Farm. 5 cents. 
1671. Shortleaf Pine. 5 cents. 
1680. Farmers in Northern States Grow Timber as Money Crop. 5 cents. 
1693. Growing Christmas Holly on the Farm. 5 cents. 
1726. Treatment and Care of Tree Wounds. 5 cents. 
1756. Selection of Lumber for Farm and Home Building. 5 cents. 
1759. Game Management on the Farm. 5 cents. 
1767. Soil Defense in the Piedmont. 15 cents. 
1794. Forest Farming. 5 cents. 
1809. Soil Defense in the South. 10 cents. 
1813. Prevention and Control of Gullies. 10 cents. 
1826. Care of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, 5 cents. 



29. The Farm Woods—A Savings Bank. 5 cents. 

30. Cutting the Farm Woods ‘‘Profitwise.’” 5 cents. 

40. Woods Burning in the South. 5 cents. 

41. Good Naval Stores Practice. 5 cents. 

44, Fires on Farms. 5 cents. 

55. Small Trees Wasteful To Cut for Saw Timber. 5 cents. 

57. Pulpwood Crops in the Northeast. 5 cents. 

83. More Turpentine-Less Scar-Better Pine. 5 cents. 

84. Planting Black Walnut. 5 cents. 

86. Protect Hardwood Stands from Grazing. 5 cents. 
153. How To Cut Southern Farm Timber for Steady Profit. 5 cents. 
155. Growing Nursery Stock of Southern Pines. 5 cents. 
156. Harvesting and Selling Seed of Southern Pines. 5 cents. 
159. Planting Southern Pines. 5 cents. 

Miscellaneous Publications 

106. Pine Tree Treasures. 5 cents. 

162. Our Forests, What They Are and What They Mean to Us. 5 cents. 
196. Floods and Accelerated Erosion in Northern Utah. 5 cents. 

217. Forest Trees and Forest Regions of the United States. 15 cents. 
247. Forests and Permanent Prosperity. 5 cents. 

249. Careers in Forestry. 5 cents. 

290. Work of the U. S. Forest Service. 10 cents. 

357. Southern Pines Pay. 5 cents. 

Department Circulars 

64. How Lumber is Graded. 19 cents. 
243. Forest Fires in California: An Analytical Study. 15 cents. 


19. Forests and Floods. 5 cents. 
134. Suggestions for the Management of Spruce Stands in the Northeast. 10 cents. 
347. Effect of cover on Surface Run-Off and Erosion in Loessial Uplands of Mississippi. 5 cents. 
358. The Forest-Tax Problem and Its Solution Summarized. 5 cents. 
380. Erosion Control on Mountain Roads. 10 cents. 
431. Increasing Growth and Yield of Young Spruce Pulpwood Stands by Girdling Hardwoods. 
DS CeNes. 
489. Selection, Installation, Finish, and Maintenance of Wood Floors for Dwellings. 5 cents. 

Technical Bulletin 

567. Soil Erosion and Stream Flow on Range and Forest Lands of the Upper Rio Grande Watershed 
in Relation to Land Resources and Human Welfare. 15 cents. 

American Wood Series 

Nomenclature, Distribution and Growth, Supply, Production, Properties, Principal Uses. 
Maps of Botanical Range of Different Species (Forest Service). 

Volume Tables 

Loose Leaf Volume Tables for Most Species of Eastern Conifers and Eastern Hardwoods 
(Forest Service). 

State Forestry Departments 

Forty-four States have departments of forestry or equivalent State organizations, all of which 
publish more or less material on varied phases of forestry. Applications should be addressed to the 
State foresters at the following places: 

Alabama, State Commission of Forestry, Montgomery. 
Arkansas, Arkansas State Forestry Commission, Little Rock. 
California, State Board of Forestry, Sacramento. 

Colorado, Department of Forestry, Fort Collins. 



Connecticut, State Park and Forest Commission, Hartford. 

Delaware, Forest Conservation Commission, Dover. 

Florida, Florida Forest and Park Service, Tallahassee. 

Georgia, Department of Natural Resources, Atlanta. 

Idaho, State Board of Land Commissioners, Boise. 

Illinois, Department of Conservation, Springfield. 

Indiana, Department of Conservation, Indianapolis. 

Iowa, State Forestry Commission, Des Moines. 

Kansas, State Agricultural College, Manhattan. 

Kentucky, Conservation Department, Frankfort. 

Louisiana, Department of Conservation, New Orleans. 

Maine, State Forest Service, Augusta. 

Maryland, State Department of Forestry, Baltimore. 

Massachusetts, Department of Conservation, Boston. 

Michigan, Department of Conservation, Lansing. 

Minnesota, Department of Conservation, St. Paul. 

Mississippi, Mississippi Forest and Park Service, Jackson. 

Missouri, Missouri Conservation Commission, Jefferson City. 

Montana, State Forest Department, Missoula. 

Nebraska, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 

Nevada, State of Nevada, Carson City. 

New Hampshire, Forestry and Recreation Department, Concord. 

New Jersey, Department of Conservation and Development, Trenton. 

New York, Conservation Department, Albany. 

North Carolina, Department of Conservation and Development, Raleigh. 

North Dakota, State School of Forestry, Bottineau. 

Ohio, Department of Forestry, Wooster. 

Oklahoma, Oklahoma Planning and Resources Board, Oklahoma City. 

Oregon, State Board of Forestry, Salem. 

Pennsylvania, Department of Forests and Waters, Harrisburg. 

Rhode Island, State Department of Agriculture and Conservation, Goddard Memoria! Park, 
East Greenwich, P. O. 

South Carolina, State Forestry Commission, Columbia. 

South Dakota, Department of Schools and Public Lands, Pierre. 

Tennessee, Department of Conservation, Nashville. 

Texas, Texas Forest Service, College Station. 

Vermont, Department of Conservation and Development, Montpelier. 

Virginia, Virginia Conservation Commission, University. 

Washington, Department of Conservation and Development, Olympia. 

West Virginia, Game and Fish Commission, Charleston. 

Wisconsin, State Conservation Commission, Madison. 


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Rules for Scaling Logs 

Tasie 1.—The contents of logs, in board feet, scaled by the International log rule (using saw cutting 

eter at 
top end | 
oflog | 

one-fourth-inch kerf). 

Length of log in feet 

Peri | 

Contents of log in board feet 

eter at 
top end 
of log 

a a rae: 

Key to Common Kind of Trees’ 
' The following key is intended only as a guide in the identification of the more 
common kinds of trees. It is based on prominent, distinctive characteristics 
which can be readily observed by those who have no special training in botany. 
Most of the terms used require no explanation. 
To use the key, decide first, by an examination of the leaf, in which of the 
following seven sections your tree belongs; then turn to that section, and from 
the descriptions there given determine what kind of tree it is. 

Trees with needles or scalelike leaves, mostly evergreens, bearing cones.... I 
Trees with broad leaves: 
Leaves simple— 
Alternately attached to twigs— 
Wich: too thedledses atc y-t tron eet ae II 
dees neither toothed mor notched. 25...) 427 a III 
Opposite on twigs— 
Wwithstoothedsed oes ete wae a a ng ee IV 
Edgessneither toothed norm notched. = 252524. 2:-- ce Vv 
Leaves compound— 
Nite cma tel WwaaetaciedstOmtwiG Sys sacri cova: ee Scream Cds VI 
OppasitevonwwilStar sce gen Re a Guts cheyenne aes VII 


I. Trees with needle or scalelike leaves, mostly evergreen, bearing cones. 
A. Leaves needle-shaped: 
(1) Leaves clustered— 
(2) Leaves long, from | to 18 inches, 2 to 5 in a cluster. Cones 
large, with many thick, woody scales..... (Pinus) Pine. 
(6) Leaves short (less than 2 inches long) in brushlike clusters 
of 12 to 40, falling off in late autumn or early winter. 
Cones very small, with thin scales, remaining on tree for 
| ONnesOr MOLreescaSONS =. a (Larix) Larch.‘ 
(2) Leaves single— 
(a) Leaves scattered around twigs; falling off when dry or dead. 
Cones elongated with thin scales. Twigs roughened by 
(x) Leaves stiff, often sharp pointed and more or less 
fOUTRSIGEC eer ee et ea (Picea) Spruce. 
(vy) Leaves soft, flat, rounded or notched at ends, 
the bases abruptly contracted into threadlike 
SUGIIS Maran ete mes ce eS tae (Tsuga) Hemlock. 

2 This key and the following tree descriptions are by William H. Lamb, formerly Scientific assistant 
in dendrology, Forest Service. 

3 Cone-bearing. 

‘ The larches are peculiar in having single, scattered leaves on the new or terminal twigs produced 
each season. These should not be mistaken for the “‘single’”’ leaves borne throughout by other kinds 
of evergreens. 



A. Leaves needle-shaped—Continued. 
(2) Leaves single—Continued. 

(2) Leaves in two distinct rows, one on each side of the twig; 
falling off in late autumn or early winter. Cones small, 
ballelike ew set ee ee eet (Taxodium) Bald cypress. 

(c) Leaves often in two rows on the sides of the twigs of lower 
branches and mostly flat, those on upper branches stouter 
and arranged on the sides and tops of the twigs. Cones 
long, erect, produced only on upper side of topmost 
branches; the scales fal ling off in autumn, leaving spike- 
like coated axes of the cones attached...... (Abies) Fir. 

B. Leaves scalelike, pointed, overlapping, closely forming flat or four-sided twigs. 
(1) Twigs four-sided. Cones spherical or bali-like, with small, thick 
scales armed with a spurlike point; seed with very narrow, hard 
WING Sus cuk. on vein ea eve ere is aneurin eeanaye (Cupressus) Cypress. 
(2) Twigs flattened. 

(a) Cones elongated, with only a few thin scales; bent back on 
Branchesrs tos cee ee ee ee ee (Thuja) Arborvite. 

(2) Cones spherical, very small, berrylike, with thin scales 
armed with a tiny point; seeds with a broad, thin wing 
One two Sides.2 00 tees enone (Chameecyparis) Cedar. 

(c) Cones berrylike (showing indistinct outlines of, but no 
separation into, scaly parts). Leaves either short, scale- 
like, and sharp jointed, or much longer, needlelike, stand- 
ing out loosely, and attached in pairs or in threes on the 
EWIGS 2 Corre ehue ce oe (Juniperus) Juniper. 


Il. Leaves simple, alternate, lobed, and with toothed edges, or only with smooth 
or coarsely toothed edges 

A. Leaves deeply lobed, or with large notches. 
(1) Leaves as wide as they are long. Fruit, a swinging ball, 1 to 144 inches 
in diameter. 

(a) Leaves with finely toothed margins; star-shaped, the divi- 
sions pointed. Fruit, burlike balls, from which, when ripe, 
small, winged seeds may be shaken. Bark rough. 

(Liquidambar) Sweetgum. 

(6) Leaves with smooth margins, 3 to 5 inches long, pointed 
lobes, the space between the lobes rounded. Fruit, a 
rough ball, easily broken when ripe; composed of closely 
packed long, narrow seeds which have hairlike bristles at 
their lower ends and are attached to a bulletlike central 
part. Old bark of trunks and large limbs peeling off in thin, 
curled pieces, leaving pale inner bark showing in irregular 
Patches sea (Platanus) American Sycamore or plane. 

(2) Leaves longer than wide. 

(a) Leaves large, with deep, roundtopped, or with pointed 
bristle tipped lobes, or only with coarse marginal teeth. 
Fruit, an acorn, resting in a separate cup. 

(Quercus) Oak. 

(6) Leaves small, with little sharp teeth on margin. Twigs 
bearing sharp thorns. Fruit small (like a little apple), 
spherical, with bony seeds........ (Crateegus) Hawthorn. 


B. Leaves one-sided (one side of leaf shorter at base than the other side). 
(1) Leaves large, oval, 5 to 10 inches long, heart-shaped. Fruit, a cluster 
of small, woody balls to '% inch in diameter, hanging from a nar- 
Tow, leatikesblade: ==... (Tilia) American Basswood or linden. 
(2) Leaves 3-veined at base, with long tapering points, which generally 
turn to one side; edges smooth, or with small teeth of uniform size. 
Fruit, a small berry about \4 inch in diameter. 
(Celtis) Hackberry. 
(3) Leaves with straight lateral veins, oval; edges double toothed (lit- 
tle teeth on the larger ones). Fruit in clusters, dry, flat, with 
papery wings all around the seeds........ (Ulmus) American elm. 
C. Leaves even sided (both sides cf leaf the same length). 
(1) Leaves oval, evergreen, thick, with short needlelike teeth. Fruit, a 
brightpreds Derry.) tase rca a a eee (Ilex) American holly. 
(2) Leaves more or less elongated, deciduous, with one tooth at the end 
of each side vein. 

(a) Trees with smooth, bluish-gray bark, and long, pointed, 
chestnut-brown buds. Fruit, a small, three-cornered nut, 
in a spiny husk which splits open at the top into three 
| OMAR incl ees oe pi (Fagus) American beech. 

(4) Trees with ridged, grayish-brown bark. Fruit, large, 
spherical, covered with dense, needlelike spines; splits 
open from the top into 3 or 4 divisions, and containing 
several thin-shelled, chestnut-brown nuts. 

(Castanea) American chestnut. 
(3) Leaves very narrow, long, pointed, finely toothed. Small branches 
slender, usually tough. Fruit, a long cluster of little pods filled 
Withee COtCON ss (SECU) ia te Ss oe eee (Salix) Willow. 
(4) Leaves somewhat triangular in outline, broad at base, pointed, 
toothed. Buds of some species coated with aromatic gum. Branch- 
es coarse. Fruit, a long cluster of little pods filled with ‘‘cotton” 
(SECU SPR er nn tre ee ere ee eames (Populus) Poplar. 

(5) Leaves oval, pointed, with sawlike teeth. 

(a) Fruit a tiny scaly cone. 

(x) Bark of trunk and branches peeling off in thin 
papery sheets. Leaves double-toothed (little 
teeth on the large ones.) Fruit (“cones’’) 
borne singly, pendulous, scaly, falling apart 
when ripe, seeds with gauzelike wings on two 
GIG CS Rete tie er pe en aren a) (Betula) Birch. 

(y) Bark smooth or broken, but not peeling. Leaves 
with small teeth. ‘“‘Cones’’ several in a cluster 
on stiff, upright stems, hard, woody, not falling 
apart: seed with narrow wings on two sides. 

(Alnus) Alder. 

(4) Fruit, a berry; fleshy, edible. 

(x) Leaves large, 3-veined at base, often irregularly, 
deeply lobed; containing milky juice. Fruit 
similar in appearance to a blackberry. 

(Morus) Mulberry. 

Sick BABAR ~. 






C. Leaves even sided—Continued. 
(5) Leaves oval—Continued. 
(6) Fruit, a berry—Continued. 

(y) Leaves small- or medium-sized, feather-veined; 
containing green juice; fruit (cherry or plum) 
with one hard-shelled, flattened or spherical seed. 

(4) Seed (“stone”) flattened. Fruit large 

and short-stemmed....(Prunus) Plum. 
(47) Seed spherical. Fruit small and_long- 
Stemined src) ee ee (Prunus) Cherry. 

III. Leaves simple, alternate, regularly or irregularly lobed, edge neither toothed 
nor notched 

A. Leaves with deep lobes. 

(1) Leaves with blunt ends (appearing as if cut off), and with two 
pointed, side lobes. Flowers tuliplike. Fruit conelike, pointed, 
upright, composed of long, thin, overlapping, winged seeds. 
Bruised twigs have a peppery odor. 

(Liriodendron) Yellow poplar (tuliptree). 

(2) Leaves with rounded ends; oval, often with a lobe on one side, 
making the leaf mitten-shaped, or sometimes with a lobe on each 
side. Bruised twigs and inner bark of trunk sweet-smelling. 

(Sassafras) Sassafras. 
B. Leaves without lobes. 

(1) Bruised twigs with peppery odor. 

(a) Leaves oval (evergreen in one species) or elongated, pointed, 
large. Flowers large, at ends of branches. Fruit cone- 
like, with a bright red seed in each division. 

(Magnolia) Magnolia. 

(2) Bruised twigs without peppery odor. 

(a) Leaves broader at top than at the base, 8 to 12 inches 
long, with very short leafstalk. Fruit fleshy, edible, 
elongated, 3 to 4 inches long, with thick, yellowish, 
smooth skin when ripe, and large, bony, flat seeds. 
Buds sbrown sands ai tay eee eee (Asimina) Papaw. 

(4) Leaves broadest at middle, oval, 3 to 10 inches long. 

(x) Fruit short-stalked, spherical, 1 to 14% inches in 
diameter; when ripe pale orange color, sur- 
rounded at base with old flower-cup; very bitter, 
but edible after frost...(Diospyros) Persimmon. 

(y) Fruit long-stalked, elongated or spherical, solitary 
or in pairs, with thin flesh and a ridged stone 
or seed....(Nyssa) Tupelo (known also as gum). 

(c) Leaves rounded or heart-shaped, 3 to 5 inches across. 
Flowers pealike, pink, appearing before the leaves. 
Fruit, a dry flat pod, 24 to 3% inches long; in dense 
clusters on sides of branches; seeds, hard, small, oblong, 
VAEAINCH NON GC joc eee OT eng ee eee (Cercis) Redbud. 

(3) Bruised or cut twigs and leaves with milky juice. 

(a) Leaves with narrow points. Twigs bearing thorns. Fruit 
large, orangelike, with smooth, uneven surface, 4 to 6 
mchestincdiameter. 4-544 hennee (Toxylon) Osageorange. 


IV. Leaves simple, opposite, with lobe-toothed edges 

A. Leaves with large (often lobelike) teeth. Fruit in pairs, each part with a 
conspicuous, flat, very thin wing. Fruit matures in spring or in autumn, 
when it becomes dry and yellowish-brown................. (Acer) Maple. 

V. Leaves simple, opposite, edges neither toothed nor notched 

A. Leaves very large, heart-shaped long-pointed. Flowers showy, trumpet- 
like, in large upright clusters. Fruit, a long, cylindrical pod, 8 to 14 inches 
long, containing closely packed, flat, dry seeds, with fringed wings at each 
SINC yas mateo Nc ee kane oe ee agent ee, (Catalpa) Catalpa. 

B. Leaves rather small, oval, tapering at base and point. Flowers conspicuous, 
white (occasionally rosy), appearing with the expanding leaves. Fruit, 
a small cluster of two-seeded berries, turning red in autumn. 

(Cornus) Flowering dogwood. 

VI. Leaves compound, alternately attached to twigs 
A. Leaflets small, many, attached along two sides of a main stem. Fruit, a 

flat, bean, dry or fleshy pod. 

(1) Leaflets with small wavy teeth. Pods flat, broad, long, often twisted, 
thin-skinned, with thick, cheesy, sweetish pulp about seeds. 
Trees with long, keen, branched thorns on the trunk. 

(Gleditsia) Honeylocust. 

(2) Leaflets not toothed. 

(a) Twigs with pairs of short, keen thorns. Leaflets oblong, 
rounded at ends. Flowers showy white, in large clusters. 
Pods small, flat, thin, dry, with small seeds. 
(Robinia) Black locust. 
(6) Twigs stout, thornless. Leaflets oval, pointed. Flowers 
greenish, with violet odor. Pods large, flat, thick, with 
greenish jellylike pulp (poisonous) around the large, 
blackebrown seeds": 32... 2. =. (Gymnocladus) Coffeetree 
B. Leaflets large. Fruit, spherical, with a separable or inseparable husk, con- 
taining a hard-shelled nut. 

(1) Leaflets narrow at base becoming larger at outer end. Nut light- 
colored, smooth, in a husk which separates more or less completely 
IatOnOuIsparts Wheniipe 6.4... 4-902 en- a. (Hicoria) Hickory. 

(2) Leaflets broader at base, becoming narrower at outer end. Nut 
dark, rough, in a fleshy husk which is inseparable by natural 
divisions and turns black when old. Pith of twigs forms numer- 
GUS" CROSS=PATEICIONS 5.0 ae (Juglans) Walnut. 

VIII. Leaves compound, opposite on twigs 

A. Leaflets arranged along two sides of a main leafstalk, with a leaflet at the 

(1) Leaflets generally 3 (sometimes 5), toothed only near the ends. 

Fruit, a cluster of dry, winged seeds, arranged in pairs like those 

lpia plea tien eer Ae ane a natty tess: (Acer) Boxelder.® 

(2) Leaflets generally more than 3 (3 to 11), and either not toothed 

or with small teeth. Fruit, a cluster of single-winged, dry, oar- 

Sia pedbescedS Gira. tee Mea eea ss, ail tee cis ee ata (Fraxinus) Ash. 

B. Leafiets (5 to 9) clustered at end of a main leaf-stem. Fruit, with a thick, 

warty or prickly husk, which separates into several parts containing a 

SIibya ROW MIU Cons tse eR ee, (#sculus) Buckeye. 

5 Boxelder, a true maple, differs from the others in having compound leaves. 



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One Hundred Eastern Forest Trees ° 


1. Eastern white pine (Pinus 
strobus) . 

2. Jack pine (Pinus bank- 








6 Kastern half of United States. 

. Red pine (Pinus resinosa). . 
. Pitch pine (Pinus rigida).. 

. Loblolly pine (Pinus teda) . 

. Shortleaf pine (Pinus echi- 


. Spruce pine (Pinus glabra). 

. Virginia pine (Scrub pine) | 

(Pinus Virginiana). 

. Pond pine (Pinus rigida | 

Slash pine (Pinus caribaea). 
Longleaf pine (Pinus palus- 

Tamarack or Eastern Larch 
(Larix laricina). 

White spruce (Picea glauca). 

Black spruce (Picea mart- 

. Red spruce (Picea rubra). . 

. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga 


Baldcypress (Taxodium dis- 
Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) . 


Northeastern and Lake 
States and Appalachian 

Northern tree, best growth 
north of Lake Superior. 
Northern tree, associated 

with white pine. 

Northeastern and middle 
Atlantic States. 

Southeastern United 
States—Coastal plain, 
New Jersey to Texas. 

Middle Atlantic and South- 
ern States, with hard- 
wood trees. Piedmont 
uplands, New Jersey to 

Southeastern States....... 

Middle Atlantic States to 

Southeastern States in 

Coastal Plain. Scattered. 

Southeastern and Gulf 
States, in poorly drained 
soils; uplands in Georgia, 

associated with longleaf | 



Northeastern and Lake 
States and in Canada to 
Alaska; best growth in 

Northeastern and Lake 
States and Canada. 

Northeastern and Lake 
States and in Canada to 

Northeastern States, Can- 

ada, and Appalachian 
Northern and Eastern 

States and in mountains 
to Georgia. 

South Atlantic and Gulf | 

States; in swamps. 

Northeastern and Lake 
States to southwest Vir- 

Atlantic and Gulf 


Fine timber tree; leaves in clusters of 
5, 3 to 5 inches long. 

Common on sandy soil; leaves in 
clusters of 2, 34 to 114 inches long. 

Leaves in clusters of 2, 5 to 6 inches 

Leaves in clusters of 3, 3 to 5 inches 

Leaves in clusters of 3, 6 to 9 inches 
long. (Cones 2) ton 3S 

Leaves in clusters of 2 and sometimes 
3, 3 to 5 inches long. Cone small, 
1 to 2 inches in diameter. 

inches in 

Leaves in clusters of 2, 114 to 3 inches 

Leaves 6 to 8 inches long, tree simi- 
lar to pitch pine but cones remain 
closed for several years. Cone 

Leaves in clusters of 2, sometimes 3, 
8 to 12 inches long. Important 
turpentine tree. 

Leaves in clusters of 3, 8 to 18 inches 
long. Important turpentine tree. 

Leaves needle-shape, 34 to 114 inches 
long, in dense, brush-like clusters; 
falling off in winter. 

Leaves 14 to 34 inch long, arranged 
singly around the smooth twigs; 

Similar to white spruce, but twigs 
are minutely hairy; cones strongly 

Similar to black spruce, but cones 
begin to fall when ripe. 

Leaves 44 to % inch long, attached 
by tiny leafstalks; cones 14 to 34 
inch long. 

Leaves 14 to % inch long, falling off 
in winter; cones ball-like. 

Leaves 14 to 14 inches long; cones 
upright, falling to pieces when ripe. 

Most of these are important as commercial timber trees; a few 

however, are small sized and included because of their botanical importance and wide occurrence in 
mixture with timber trees, paricularly in second-growth forests. 

All of the trees in the United States are similarly described and additional information about our 

forests is given in U. S. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication 217, Forest Trees and 
Forest Regions of the United States. 




One Hundred Eastern Forest Trees—Continued 















. Chestnut oak 

Fraser fir (4dies frazeri)... 

Northern whitecedar 
(Thuja occidentalis). 

Atlantic white-cedar (Cha- 
maecy paris thyoides). 

Eastern redcedar (fun1- 
perus Virginiana). 

Sweetgum (Liguidambar 

American Sycamore; plane 
(Platanus occidentalis). 

White oak (Quercus alba). . 

Bur oak (Quercus macro- 

. Overcup oak (Quercus ly- 


28. Post oak (Quercus stellata) . 


. Northern red oak (Quercus 


Black oak (Quercus velu- 


Pin oak (Quercus palustris). 

Southern red oak (Quercus 

Water oak (Quercus nigra) . 

Willow oak (Quercus phel- 



High southern Appalachian 


Northeastern and Lake 
States and eastern Can- 

Swamps of eastern and Gulf 
Coast States. 

Eastern United States..... 

Central and Southeastern 
United States. 
Eastern United States..... 

Central and Northeastern 
United States to the Da- 

Southeastern United States. 

Eastern United States..... 

Northeastern United States 

Eastern United States... . 

Central and Southeastern 

Southeastern United States. 

Eastern United States..... 

Nebraska, and | 

Similar to balsam fir, except that the 
cones are covered with protruding 
scaly bracts. 

Leaves scale-like; cones 14 to 14 inch 
long, bent backward on twigs, 
which are flat. 

Cones ball-like; leaves somewhat re- 
sembling arborvite. 

Leaves scale-like, those on young 
shoots and seedlings awl-shaped 
and spreading; young’ cones 
changed into a firm berry. 

Leaves star-shape; fruit a bur-like 
ball suspended by a long stalk. 

Leaves broad and coarsely toothed; 
base of leafstalk inclosing a winter 
bud in peculiar manner; fruit a 
hard-surfaced, long-stalked ball. 

Leaves deeply lobed, not bristle- 
tipped; acorns ripening in one 

A white oak with fringe-edged acorn 
and larger leaves more deeply 


A white oak with acorns completely 
or almost covered by the thin cup. 

A white oak with leaves cut deeply 
above and below the middle lobes, 
suggesting a Maltese cross. 

| A white oak with leaves resembling 
and Appalachian Moun- | 
tains Common on ridges. | 

those of the chestnut, and with 
long, large, shallow-cupped acorns. 

.| Leaves deeply cut, with bristle-tip- 

ped points; acorns ripening in 2 
seasons; large, with very shallow 

An oak with thicker, large, glossy 
leaves which are more or less 
minutely woolly beneath; acorns 
with small cups, as deep or deeper 
than wide. 

A red oak with smaller leaves and 
smaller and _ shallower cupped 
striped acorns. 

A red oak with leaves very deeply 
cut, the upper central portion 
being very narrow and some- 
times slightly curved, and with 
dense, tawny-yellow wool be- 

| A red oak: leaves not toothed, small, 

tapering from broad top-end to the 
base; sometimes 3-lobed. Small 
acorns with shallow cup. Much 
planted as street trees throughout 

A red oak with leaves resembling a 
smooth-edged willow or peach leaf. 
Much planted as street shade tree 
in Middle Atlantic and Southern 



Be eS 

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One Hundred Eastern Forest Trees—Continued 


36. Live oak (Quercus virgini- 

37. American basswood; Amer- 

ican linden (Tilia glabra) 

38. White basswood; Bee tree 

linden (Tilia heterophylla). 

39. Hackberry (Celtis occtden- 


40. American’ elm 

41. Slippery elm (U/mus fulva). 

42. Rock elm (U/mus thomasi11) 

43. American holly (W/ex opaca). 

44, American beech 


45. American chestnut (Cast- 
anea dentata). 

46. Chinquapin (Castanea pu- 

47. Black willow (Salix nigra). .| 

48. Balsam poplar (Populus 

49. Eastern cottonwood (Pop- 
ulus deltoides). 

50. Swamp cottonwood (Popu- | 

lus heterophylla). 

| Middle and Southern States. 


South Atlantic and Gulf 

Northeastern United States. 

Middle and South Atlantic 

Middle Atlantic States to 
the Dakotas, Kansas, 
and Missouri. 

Eastern United States..... 

Northeastern United States. 

Eastern United States..... 

Northeastern and Middle 
Atlantic States. 

Eastern United States..... 


Northern United States... | 
Northeastern United States. 

South Atlantic and Gulf 


An evergreen oak with narrow, 
smooth-bordered leaves which are 
turned under on the edge and pale- 
woolly beneath and glossy above; 
small, pointed acorns with long 

Leaves smooth, broadly heart-shaped 
with finely toothed edge; fruit a 
cluster of little woody balls sus- 
pended from the middle of a long 
narrow leaf-like bract. 

Similar to basswood except that the 
leaves are whitish (or minutely 
woolly) beneath. 

Leaves finely toothed, long pointed; 
fruit a long-stalked, single-seeded 
berry with very thin, sweetish 

Leaves sharply toothed; fruit flat, 
papery, about 1% inch long, 
fringed around with tiny hairs. 

Long leaves, very rough on the upper 
side; inner bark is slippery when 
chewed, and the flat fruits have a 
smooth edge. 

Differing from other elms in having 
fruit minutely hairy all over, 
and twigs with conspicuous, corky 

Evergreen tree, the leaves having 
spiny teeth, and fruit a bright 
red berry, remaining attached 
through the winter. 

Leaves with saw-tooth edge; fruit a 
light brown spine-covered bur con- 
taining a 3-cornered brown nut.. 

Long narrow leaves with sharp, for- 
ward-pointing teeth; fruit a spher- 
ical, spiny bur containing several 
brown nuts. Trees mostly killed 
by blight disease. 

Leaves smaller than chestnut and 
finely woolly beneath; but one 
nut in the spiny husk. Mostly 
known as a shrub, but reaches 
tree size. 

Leaves slender, long-pointed, and 
finely toothed. The largest of our 
eastern willows, difficult to dis- 
tinguish from other willows. 

Large leaves, very broad at base, 
toothed, whitish beneath, with 
round leafstalk. 

Leaves triangular, long-pointed. 
toothed, smooth, with flattened 

Heart-shaped leaves with roundleaf- 
stalk, minutely woolly on under- 
side when young; smooth later. 


One Hundred Eastern Forest Trees—Continued 













Quaking aspen (Populus 

Bigtooth aspen (Populus 

Paper birch (Betula papy- 


Sweet birch (Betula lenta). . 

Yellow birch (Betula lutea). . 

Red mulberry (Morus ru- 

American plum (Prunus 


Pin cherry (Wild red cherry) 
(Prunus pennsylvanica). 

Common Chokecherry 
(Prunus virginiana). 

Black cherry (Prunus sero- 

Yellowpoplar; tuliptree 

Liriodendron tulipifera). 

Sassafras (Sassafras varii- 

Black tupelo (Nyssa sylvat- | 

ica). (Known also as 
black gum.) 

Swamp tupelo (Nyssa 1- 
flora). (Known also as 
swamp black gum.) 

Water tupelo (Nyssa aquati- 
ca). (Known also as tu- 
pelo gum). - 

Northern and Western 

United States. 
Northeastern United States. 

Northern United States..... 

Northeastern United States. 

Eastern United States and 
Rocky Mountain region 
to Utah and New Mexico. 

Eastern United States across 

northern United States, | 

south in Appalachian 
BRO ers hace ha sorniie ee aS se 

Southern States........... 

Swamps of Southeastern 
Coastal States. 

Ogeche tupelo (Nyssa oge- | Swamps, South Carolina to 

che). (Known also as | 

ogeche gum.) 

Sweet bay (Magnolia vir- 
giniana). (Known also 
as sweet magnolia.) 



Coastal swamps. Southeast- 
ern and Gulf States. 

(Magnolia _ Eastern United States... ... 


Leaves broad, finely toothed, leaf- 
stalks flat, longer than blades. 

Leaves broad, coarsely toothed, with 
flattened leafstalks. 

Leaves broad at base, finely toothed, 
fruit a papery cone which falls 
apart when ripe; white bark peel- 
ing off in thin sheets. 

Bark dark brown, hard and close, 
not peeling off in sheets; tiny 
scales of cones smooth, not mi- 
nutely hairy along edges as in 
yellow birch. 

Bark yellow-gray; tiny scales of the 
cones minutely hairy along edges. 
Leaves large, heart-shaped, sharply 
toothed; fruit red or black, black- 


Leaves conspiculously veiny, pointed 
finely toothed; fruit red or yellow 
with short stalks; branches with 
spinelike twigs. Small tree. 

Smooth red-brown bark; leaves re- 
semble those of the peach; fruit 
bright red when ripe, long-stalked 
in clusters of 3 to 5. 

Fruit in a long cluster, ripe berries 
glossy black, bitterish, producing a 
puckering sensation in the mouth. 

Fruit resembles common. choke- 
cherry, but smaller and thin- 

Leaves large, blunt or with deep 
notch at end; flowers large yellow; 
tuliplike; fruit a woody, upright 

Leaves oval with one lobe like a 
“mitten,” or with a lobe on each 
side. Twigs and inner bark fra- 

Large tree; leaves oval with smooth 
edge. Fruit an elongated black 
berry with seed but little flattened 
and scarcely ridged. 

Smal] tree; resembling black tupelo, 
but fruit, which also grows in 
pairs, has a flattened and ridged 

Large tree; fruits produced singly, 
with a stalk longer than the fruit; 
stone of fruit sharp-edged or 

Small tree; resembling water tupelo 
but fruits with stalks shorter than 
the fruit itself. 

Small flowers, white, fragrant. 
Leaves silky-white beneath. 

Leaves large, oval, smooth-bordered, 
pointed; flowers greenish yellow; 
fruit slender. 


Sats oo) Sh ae ee 

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Ss aaa a 

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One Hundred Eastern Forest Trees—Continued 


Fraser magnolia (Magnolia 

Bigleaf magnolia (Magnolia 

. Common persimmon (D7io- 

spyros virginiana). 

Eastern redbud 



Osageorange (Toxylon pom- 


Sugar maple (Acer sac- 
Silver maple (Acer  sac- 


Red maple (Acer rubrum). . 

Boxelder (Acer negundo, in- 
cluding 6 varietal forms). 

Northern catalpa (Catalpa 

Flowering dogwood (Cor- 
nus florida). 

Pagoda dogwood (Cornus 

Honeylocust (Gleditsia tri- 

Black locust (Robinia 



Eastern United 
except northern portion. 

Eastern United States (south 
and west of New York.) 

Native to Arkansas, eastern 
Oklahoma, and Texas, 
but widely planted 
throughout eastern United 

Eastern United States to 
Kansas and Oklahoma. 

Eastern United States..... | 

Throughout United States... 

South Central States, widely 
cultivated elsewhere. 

Eastern United States...... 

Northeastern States and 
Appalachian Mountains. 

Central States and Minne- 
sota to Texas. Widely 
cultivated elsewhere. 

Appalachian region, widely 
cultivated and _ natural- 
ized all over United 


States, | 


Flowers white; leaves deeply lobed at 
base, forming “ears.” 

Flowers large, white; leaves very 
large, with “ears” at base, and 
white beneath. Largest leaved 
tree in North America (20 to 30 
inches long). 

Leaves oval, smooth, with smooth 
margin; fruit orange colored, 1 to 
114 inches in diameter, edible in 
late fall after frost. 

Leaves heart-shaped, smooth mar- 
gin: fruit a pealike pod in clusters 
of 4 to 8; flowers resembling a 
small rose-colored sweet pea. 

Glossy leaves with smooth edges; 
fruit a heavy ball, resembling an 
orange, 4 to 5 inches in diameter, 
milky juice. 

Leaves 3 to 5 lobed with large 
rounded teeth; fruit a pair of keys 
ripening in autumn. Yields 
maple sugar. 

Leaves deeply 5-lobed, with sharp 
irregular teeth; fruit ripening in 
spring before appearance of leaves. 
Yields maple sugar. 

Leaves 3 to 5 lobed, finely toothed; 
reddish fruit ripening n spring or 
early summer. Yields maple 

Leaves compound, the leaflets tooth- 
ed; fruit ripening in early summer 
and remaining on trees during 

Leaves large, heart-shaped; fruit a 
long “pod”’ filled with flat seeds 
which are tufted at each end. A 
better shaped tree than common 
catalpa (Catalpa bignontoides). 

Leaves mostly clustered at ends of 
branches, with slightly wavy mar- 
gins; flowers white with four large 
bracts resembling petals. Leaves 

Leaves resembling those of flowering 
dogwood, but alternate in arrange- 
ment; white flowers without the 
four large petallike bracts. 

Leaves doubly-compound, the leaf- 
lets with slightly wavy margins; 
fruit a flat pod a foot or more in 
length, twisted when dry. Trees 
with large branching thorns. 

Leaves compound, leaflets with 
smooth margins; fruit a pod 3 to 4 
inches long. Trees with pairs of 
short thorns at the base of leaves 
and twigs. Wood heavy and 
durable in the ground, 
















One Hundred Eastern Forest Trees—Continued 


Kentucky coffeetree (Gym- 

nocladus diotcus). 

Pecan (Hicoria pecan)..... 

Bitternut hickory (Hicoria | 

Water hickory (ficoria 

Shagbark hickory (Hicoria 


Shellbark hickory (Hicoria 


Mockernut hickory (Hic- 
oria alba). (Known also 

as bigbud or white 

Pignut hickory (Hicoria 

Black walnut (Juglans 

Butternut (Fuglans cinerea) 

White ash (Fraxinus amert- 

Redash (Fraxinus pennsyl- 


Green ash (Fraxinus penn- 
sylvanica lanceolata). 


Mainly in Ohio and Missis- 
sippi Valley. 

Mississippi Valley......... 

Eastern United States...... 

Gulf States and Lower Mis- 
sissippi Valley. 

Eastern United States ex- 
clusive of southern coast- 
al region. 

Eastern United States, ex- 
clusive of New England. 

Fastern United States...... 

Eastern United States; west 
in the Rocky Mountain 


Leaves doubly compound, the 
pointed leaflets with entire mar- 
gins; fruit a large, woody, wide 
pod, 6 to 10 inches long, 1% to 2 
inches wide containing a greenish 
jelly, which is poisonous. Trees 
without thorns. 

Bud scales few, shell of nut thin, 
husk wing-ridged, with large cavi- 
ties; nuts elongated with sweet 

Nut broader than long, without 
angles, very thin shelled; bitter 
kernel, husk thin. 

Nut broad, with bitter kernel. 

Buds with many scales (all of the 
preceding hickories have buds with 
few scales); bark loosening from 
trees in shaggy strips. 

Leaves large; large, angled, thick- 
shelled nuts with thick husks split- 
ting to the base; bark shaggy. 

Leaves large, hairy; buds large, bud- 
scales many; bark closely fur- 
rowed, not separating from the 
trunk. Nut with thick husk, 
large, angled, thick-shelled. 

Leaves small, smooth; fruit abruptly 
tapering at base to thick stem 
(resembling a small fig); husk 
barely splitting at top end and 
usually retaining the nut. 

Leaves compound with <oothed 
edges; spherical fruit growing 
singly or in pairs; bark brown, 

Leaves compound, with toothed 
edges; fruit in hanging clusters of 
3 to 5, pointed and elongated, with 
viscid hairs when young. Velvety 
cushion just above leaf-scar; bark 
gray and smooth on young trees. 

Smooth twigs, opposite; leaves com- 
pound, leaflets toothed or wavy on 
the margins and paler beneath; 
seed with a plump, well-rounded 
body and a wing extending almost 
entirely from the end and borne 
in dense clusters. High-ground 

Differs from white ash in having 

young twigs and leaflets (beneath) - 

velvety; and wing of seed extend- 
ing down along sides of seed body, 
which is narrow. A low-ground 

Like the preceding, except twigs are 
smooth, leaflets sharply toothed; 
body of seed and pointed wing 
very narrow. Low-ground tree. 



95, U. S. 


One Hundred Eastern Forest Trees—Continued 


96. Pumpkin ash 

97. Black ash (Fraxinus nigra) . | Northern and Lake States. . 

98. Carolina ash (FPraxinus | 
99. Ohio buckeye (desculus | 


100. Yellow buckeye (desculus 


(Fraxinus | 


Scattered, mostly east of | 
the Mississippi River. 


Southeastern States....... 
Ohio and Mississippi 

SLO e pote ene ee ee 


Resembling red ash, but seeds are 
very much larger, sometimes twice 
the size. Swamp tree. 

Leaflets stemless, finely toothed, 7 
to 11; seeds with a flat, wide wing, 
which extends conspicuously down 
the sides of the seed body and is 
blunt. Swamp tree. 

Leaflets oval-elongated, barely point- 
ed; seeds with a very broad, short- 
pointed wing. Swamp tree, often 
on inundated river swamps. 

Leaves palmately compound like 
horsechestnut; fruit knobby, prick- 
ly, spherical. Small tree. 

Leaves resembling the preceding, 
but fruit smooth. Large tree (90 
feet high).