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Highlights of Modern Knowledge 

Titles Now Available 


Associate Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University 


Curator of Geology, American Museum of Natural History 


Director of Brooklyn Botanic Garden 


Professor of Entomology and Limnology, Cornell University 


Director of Peabody Museunij Yale University 


Professor of Zoology, Barnard College, Columbia University 


Professor of Zoology, Colu77ibia University 


Yale Univ., Director, American School of Prehistoric Research 


Professor of Anatomy, University of Virginia 


Professor of Protozoology, Colu??ibia University 


Professor of Experimental Physics, University of Pennsylvania 


Professor of Physics, New York University 

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Colgate University 


What They Tell Us of Plants and Animals of the Past 



Highlights of Modern Knowledge 






COPYRIGHT, 1931, 1935, 'BY 


Manufactured in the U. S. A. 




Ancient Interpretations of Fossils Fossils Visualize the 
Geologic Past Fossils Prove Evolution 


Definition of a Fossil Classification of Fossils Fossils 
Actually Preserved in Ice or Frozen Soil, in Oil, or in 
Amber Petrification Natural Molds or Casts Fossil 
Footprints and Trails Coprolites Artificial Structures 


A Census of Fossils How the Age of Fossils is Deter- 
mined Stratigraphical Geology 


Marine Fossils The Continental Shelf Deep-Sea Fos- 
sils Estuarine Deposits River Bars and Deltas Old 
Inland Sea Bottoms Terrestrial Fossils Flood-plain 
Deposits Peat Swamps and Quicksands Coal Swamps 
Asphalt Beds Some Famous Localities of Fossils Soln- 
hofen, Bavaria Agate Spring Quarry, Nebraska Mount 
St. Stephen Region, British Columbia Bone Cabin 
Quarry, Wyoming South Joggins, Nova Scotia Are 
Fossil Remains Still Being Discovered? 



The Paleozoic Era The Cambrian Period The Ordo- 
vician Period The Silurian Period The Devonian Pe- 
riod The Carboniferous Period The Permian Period 
The Mesozoic Era The Triassic Period The Jurassic 
Period The Cretaceous Period Other Great Reptiles 
Mesozoic Birds The Warm-blooded Mammals Extinc- 
tion of the Great Reptiles The Cenozoic Era The 
Archaic Mammals The Modernized Mammals 


The Differences Between the Horse and His Unknown 
Ancestor The Ten Stages in the Evolution of the Horse 




Adaptations of Skulls and Noses Peculiar Dental Fea- 
tures From Moeritherium to Mastodon and Elephant 
Paleomastodon The Four-tuskers The American Mas- 
todon Adaptations Among Elephants Elephants in 
North America The Woolly Mammoth The Tallest 
Elephant Summary 


The Ape-Man of Java The Heidelberg Man The 
Piltdown Man The Peking Man The Neanderthal 
Man The Rhodesian Man Modern Man Whence 
Came the Fossil Men of Europe? 


Two Forms of P^xtinction Changes in Physical Environ- 
ment Changes in Biotic Environment Internal Causes 


Fossils an Index to Oil and Coal A Legal Illustration 
of Fossil Importance Fossils a Source of Petroleum 



INDEX 109 


MThat They Tell Us of Plants and 
Animals of the Past 




To the Memory of 

Pioneer Paleontologist 

Who assembled and presented 
the great collections at Yale 


TO WRITE a book on Fossils that would appeal to the average 
person by reason of its satisfying interest as well as by its 
instructive qualities was a somewhat serious undertaking, but 
the endeavor has proved an intriguing task. 

The story of Fossils what they are and what they teach 
is a thoroughly fascinating one, and involves a great deal more 
of real interest to every one of us than is generally realized. 
When we consider that Fossils constitute all of our documentary 
evidence concerning the character and evolution of the plants, 
animals, and men of prehistory we see how very necessary is 
this study to any correct knowledge and understanding of life, 
past and present. 

I am greatly indebted to my publishers for their sympathetic 
appreciation of the task they have assigned me, but especially 
to my colleague, Professor Carl O. Dunbar, who has read and 
criticized the work, as well as to my research assistant, Miss 
Nelda E. Wright, who has prepared the manuscript for the 
press and aided materiallv in preparing the illustrations. 

Yale University 
November, 1931. 

W -52 

r 1 ^ 1 

> I 2! 

u * 





IN THE ancient city of Verona there is a most admirably pre- 
served Roman amphitheater, which was begun during the 
reign of the emperor Diocletian,* and which after falling into 
partial ruin was restored in the sixteenth century by Leonardo 
da Vinci. Most of us look upon the latter as an inspired painter 
and sculptor, and his Last Supper, painted on the walls of the 
chapel at the convent church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in 
Milan, is still one of the loveliest things ever created by the 
hand of man. But Leonardo da Vinci was also noted both as 
an architect and as an engineer; he dug canals in northern Italy, 
and thus was familiar not only with the rocks of that region, 
but with their contents as well. It is said that occasionally the 
workmen called his attention to the shells and other comparable 
objects found in these rocks and brought them to him, asking 
what manner of things they were, and that he was among the 
first to recognize their true identity as relics of bygone animals. 
Here and there, embedded in the stones which formed the 
benches of the amphitheater, huge coiled ammonite shells! 
may still be seen, possibly some of the very specimens which 
the inspired eyes of Leonardo saw for the first time in their true 


The ancients had very different ideas concerning these ob- 
jects, and some of them bear recounting for their historic in- 
terest. Fossils were thought to be failures of a creative force 
within the earth, or caused by a u stone-making force, " or a 
"formative quality/' and so on; they were looked upon as 
mere mineral forms which by chance resembled shells or bones; 

* Diocletian was emperor of Rome, 284-313 A.D. 
t See Figure 9 in "The Earth" in this Scries. 



they were explained by such scholastic phrases as u fatty matter 
set into fermentation by heat/' or of a u lapidific juice," or of a 
"seminal air/' or of a "tumultuous movement of terrestrial ex- 
halations" none of which was really explanatory after all. 

To call them "sports of nature," particularly if these 
"sports" indicated some inscrutable purpose of the Almighty, 
answered the question fairly well, especially as the word "in- 
scrutable" dismissed them at once from further investigation 
by a pious mind. 

Even when the shells were recognized as such, they were 
thought to have been left as relics of some bygone flood, for the 
ideas of vast antiquity and extinction had not yet dawned in the 
minds of men. An interesting specimen came to light at Oen- 
ingen, Baden, and was thought by its discoverer to represent a 
human victim of the flood. It was described as "Homo diluvii 
testis," and the following admonitory verse goes with it: 

Oh sad remains of bone, 
Frame of poor man of sin, 
Soften the hearts and minds 
Of sinful recent kin. 

Huge elephantine bones were hung up in the churches and 
other public places for the edification of the faithful, as they 
were supposed to be relics of the giants mentioned in the Bible. 
From them Henrion drew up tables showing the dimensions of 
our antedeluvian forebears. In these Adam was recorded as 
123 feet, 9 inches, and Eve as 118 feet, 9 inches, and 9 lines, 
tall ! 

Others saw in the fossils the work of the devil, either to 
mar the Creator's handiwork, or to tempt the unwary away from 
the straight and narrow path of revealed religion, or, although 
in the minds of some twentieth century people this might prove 
beneficial to humanity as a whole, to confuse scientists I 

As a matter of fact, Leonardo was absolutely right, and 
although occasionally clay concretions and other purely mineral 
phenomena do look surprisingly like objects of organic origin, 
the genuine fossil can have no other than Leonardo's interpre- 
tation. Although some of them have certainly given rise to 
dispute among scientific men, this is due not at all to their actual 
character, for not only are they of immense interest and help 


in deciphering the history of the globe, but their evidence, when 
correctly interpreted, is absolutely unassailable. 


Fossils serve as the only means whereby we are able to 
visualize the past, for they are indicative of climates and of 
limitations of land and sea and give us 'all the discernible facts 
which we possess concerning plants, animals, and men, in the 
millions of years of geologic time. As such their story is not 
only an authentic but a deeply interesting one, and from no other 
source may this history be told. 

Many have tried to discount fossil evidence, either through 
ignorance, prejudice, or because of the apparent difficulty of 
reconciling it with their religious beliefs. The same has been 
true of other great scientific generalizations as well, and men 
have suffered ostracism and mental and physical torment in the 
upholding and vindication of what has been accepted ultimately 
as the truth. I refer to the great controversial^ questions of 
medieval time, such as the form of the universe and the sphericity 
and movement of the earth in its orbit. That the truth of these 
great questions was later established without violence to religious 
faith shows that the facts taught by the fossil evidence will also 
come eventually into full acceptance. 


The science of fossils Stands as the final court of appeal 
when the doctrine of evolution is brought to the bar, for not 
only does it present an immense array of facts, not one of which 
is out of harmony with the evolutionary idea, but there is no 
other hypothesis ever conceived by man which can truly account 
for them. The only questions which can arise are those of 
interpretation, or of adequate restoration of missing parts, or 
of relationships of the organisms to one another, because these 
are often questions of opinion only; of the finally established 
facts which the fossils proclaim, we are as certain as we are of 
anything in this world. 




THE word fossil is derived from the Latin fossilis, which in 
turn comes from fodere, meaning to dig up, antl in older 
usage implied anything which was dug out of the earth, whether 
mineral, rock, or organic in origin. Later the term was re- 
stricted to include the organic only and not the minerals or 

The first prerequisite for fossilization is natural burial, and, 
as Huxley once said, the remains of a sheep buried under the silt 
of a recent flood would come, strictly speaking, under this head. 
Usually, however, antiquity is implied, and by geologists the 
term is confined to the remains of animals and plants which lived 
before the dawn of the Recent era.* The necessity for burial 
is obvious, for exposed remains of animals and plants usually 
decay. They must, therefore, be hermetically sealed, and, while 
they may remain either wet or dry, alternation between these 
two conditions tends to hasten oxidation and hence destruction 
not only of the soft parts but also of the hard parts. Usually 
those animals which have hard parts, such as limy shells and 
bones, are more readily preserved, but in certain rare circum- 
stances the most delicate and fragile things, such as the remains 
of jellyfish, may leave a record almost as durable as time itself. 


Fossils are grouped under several convenient heads accord- 
ing to the manner of their preservation. It must be realized, 
however, that as the chances for such preservation are rare 
indeed today, so they must have been in bygone days. Thus 
the existing fossils must represent an extremely small fraction 
of the organisms which actually lived in the geologic past. 

* See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46-47. 



Furthermore, those which have been discovered and collected 
represent again but a small percentage of those which yet lie 
buried in the earth's strata, or of those which did exist for a 
time only to be destroyed by the various natural agencies which 
are continuously fretting the surface of our globe. The several 
sorts into which fossils as such are conveniently divided are as 
follows : 

( 1 ) Fossils Actually Preserved in Ice or Frozen Soil, in Oil, 

or in Amber 

The first of these include certain arctic animals, especially 
the hairy mammoth (Elephas primigenius) , and the woolly 
rhinoceros (Rhinoceros tichorhinus) occasionally found within 
the confines of the arctic circle, in the Siberian tundras, and also, 
to some extent, in Alaska. 

These are animals which succumbed during the period of 
glacial cold and, once frozen, have never subsequently thawed. 
Siberian mammoths occasionally come to light, such as the 
famous one discovered in the Lena delta in 1799, collected seven 
years later, and transferred to the St. Petersburg (now Lenin- 
grad) Museum where the mounted skeleton, with portions of 


Not only were the skeleton and hide intact, except for part of the exposed trunk, but 
also the flesh and the internal organs 


the hide adhering, may still be seen. Another mammoth was 
discovered at Beresovka, Siberia, which lies some 800 miles west 
of Bering Strait and 60 miles within the arctic circle (Fig. 1). 
In this instance the animal was practically intact when discovered, 
except that the exposed trunk had been partially devoured by 
wolves. The natives hold such discoveries in superstitious awe 
and will have nothing to do with them; they will not even report 
a find to those who might recover the specimen. In this instance, 
however, an expedition from the St. Petersburg Museum arrived 
in time to secure the animal before it was too late. Not only 
were the skeleton and hide, except for the mutilated trunk, in- 
tact, but also much of the hair, together with the soft parts, 
flesh, and internal organs. In the chest there was a mass of 
clotted blood, and between the clenched teeth lay the last morsel 
of food, showing how quickly death had overtaken the victim. 
He had evidently slipped backward into a crevasse and made 
violent efforts to escape, as the clotted blood from a ruptured 
blood vessel and a broken hip and a broken forearm testify. 
One authority, Tolmachoff,* records no fewer than thirty-nine 
localities in northern Siberia where frozen carcasses were found 
between the years 1692 and 1923. In addition to these, thou- 
sands of tusks have been secured, of which a certain percent 
was good marketable ivory. In fact, most of the Chinese ivory 
carvings are from this source. 

The woolly rhinoceros is rarer, and no museum possesses a 
complete skeleton, though several skulls with adhering skin have 
been found. 

The Alaskan ice cliffs have yielded mammoth remains with 
hide, muscles, and the fat somewhat altered into a material 
known as-adipoccre but thus far no complete carcasses. 

Oil-saturated soils have proved another, though rarer, means 
of preserval. In 1907 the carcass of an extinct rhinoceros was 
discovered in the oil and wax region near Bohorodcrany, eastern 
Galicia, Poland. Here the nasal horn, a foreleg, and much of 
the skin were found some six feet below the surface. There is 
also published the previous finding of a nearly complete mam- 
moth in the same locality. 

* Prof. I. V. TolmachofT (1872- ), Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, in Trans- 
actions of the American Philosophical Society (N. S.) XXIII, 1929. 


Specimens of ground sloths (Nothrotherium) have been 
found in southwestern United States, especially at Gypsum Cave 
in New Mexico. At Aden Crater, also in New Mexico, a mar- 
velously preserved specimen was discovered in an old volcanic 
vent 100 feet underground, buried in bat guano which had been 
accumulating for centuries. This skeleton, held in articulation 


Found at Aden Crater, New Mexico, in 1928. The skeleton is held in articulation by 
its tendons and sinews. It also retains the claws and portions of the hide and hair 

(After Lull) 

by its tendons and sinews, with the claws and portions of hide 
and hair still attached, is now in the Museum of Yale Univer- 
sity (Fig. 2). Doubtless in these instances the extremely dry 
atmosphere desiccated the animal before extensive decay set in, 
the guano being merely contributory to the preservation. 

In all of these cases where the original animal material is 
preserved, the creatures are of relatively recent age, geologically 
speaking, amounting to some thousands of years perhaps, but 
that is all. At any rate, the animals are all extinct and of a 
Pleistocene* character if not actually Pleistocene in time. 

Yet another method of preserval is in amber, the fossil gum 

* See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46-47. 


or resin which exuded from the trunk and limbs of pine trees, 
especially Picea succinifera, which lived in Europe during 
Oligocene* time. When first secreted, this resin was sufficiently 
Courtesy of Dr. Cari Dunbar s ft to entrap and engulf such 

fragile forms as insects and 
spiders. Later, the more vola- 
tile portions of the gum having 
evaporated, it hardened into am- 
ber without doing the slightest 
damage to the contained crea- 
IN A tures, which are preserved with 

on, , , A , . .. body, wings, and even the most 

The amber is the hardened gum which J & ' 

exuded ^^^"^^"n P delicate hairs entire. The am- 

ber itself may also be consid- 

ered a fossil, and hence both the medium and the preserved 
object come under the same general heading. 

Most of our knowledge of fossil ants is derived from 
amber-preserved specimens (Fig. 3); of insects in general and 
spiders about two thousand species are known from this source, 
as well as over a hundred species of plants. The Baltic amber 
is found about Konigsberg and along the coast of Samland, 
Germany. The action of the sea washes away the sediments 
and leaves the amber pebbles exposed on the beach. They have 
been a valuable commercial product for many years. 

(2) Petrification 

The term petrification (i.e., turning to stone) is so often 
used by the uninformed as though Tt were synonymous with fos- 
silization that it is well to make the matter clear. A petrifica- 
tion is a fossil. On the other hand, there are many fossils 
which are in no sense petrified hence the terms are not co- 
extensive. Petrification applies to those fossils in which the 
animaljTiattejMS partly or wholly replaced Ky some mineralizing 
substance, such as iron oxide, pyrites^ sulphur, malachite, mag- 
AesiteV carbon, or jjjhca. At first a bone or shell, for instance, 
loses its animal matter, leaving behind the calcium phosphate 
mineral matter only. Then infiltrating water, carrying the 

* See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46-47. 


Fig. 4 A CYCAD TRUNK (Cycadeoideo 

From the Cycad National Monument, near 
Edgemont, South Dakota. Some of these pet- 
rified stems reach a weight of 800 pounds 

petrifying agent in solution, 
gradually invades the object, fill- 
ing the spaces which the animal 
matter formerly occupied, and 
the specimen gains noticeably in 
weight, although the original ma- 
terial is still there and its struc- 
ture, even in minute detail, is 
unimpaired. The greater part 
of fossil bones of Cenozoic* 
mammals, if not all of them, are 
in this state. Even the bones 
of dinosaurs of the Mesozoic,* 
whose age is measured in tens of 
millions of years, have still 
enough of their original phos- 
phates left to form food for 
plants, whose roots sometimes penetrate and aid in disinte- 
grating the bone. Later the specimen may be entirely replaced, 
and one gets what is known as a pseudomorph, which preserves 
the general form of the original object but not its minute 
structure. (See Figure 26, on page 48.) 

Another phase of petrifi- 
cation is histometabasi^t or 
molecular replacement. In this 
process, as the original material 
disappears, it is replaced mole- 
cule for molecule by the petrify- 
ing agent, so that not only is the 
external form preserved but the 
minute or histologic structure as 
well. Obviously this replace- 
ment must precede any decay, 
otherwise the detailed structure 
Fig. 5 SECTION o* A russiL wjAu would be lost. Hence its rarity 

'Showing the detailed structure of a young ^n^ilc c 

undeveloped frond ln animals as 

* See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46-47. 

t From two Greek words, histon, meaning tissue, and metabasis, meaning 


plants, because the rate of disintegration of the former is so 
much more rapid. 

The fossil cycads, allied to the existing sago palms, which 
are found in such perfection in Mesozoic* rocks, are remarkable 
instances of histometabasis, for not only will a thin section of 
the trunk exhibit wonderful details of structure beneath the 
microscope, but by sectioning the developing buds, the long van- 
ished foliage, as well as the flowers, may be reconstructed with 
scientific precision. t (See Figures 4 and 5.) 

Although the term histometabasis is usually applied to plant 
tissues, some remarkable instances of comparable preservation 
of animal remains have also come to light. Thus, from the 
shales of Devonian age found near Cleveland, Ohio, the Ameri- 
can zoologist, Bashford Dean (1867-1928), demonstrated not 
only the flesh but even the kidneys of fossil sharks of the genus 
Cladoselache. He illustrated the miscroscopic structure of 
Cladoselachian muscle as compared with that from an existing 
shark, and even the cross striation (lines) of the fibers, character- 
istic of the voluntary muscles, as well as the delicate sarcoleijima, 
or fiber sheath, is as clearly visible in the one as in the other. 

With the passing of time, petrifications may suffer further 
change, for the replacing material tends to rearrange its mole- 
cules according to the laws of crystals. First, the minute struc- 
ture may be destroyed, and ultimately, after an immense lapse 
of time, the external form may become modified or obscured 
until all trace of organic origin is lost. 

(3) Natural Molds or Casts 

Another type of fossil consists of natural molds or casts of 
the plant or animal, with no trace of the original material re- 
tained. Sometimes a shell will be imbedded in sediment which 
not only preserves the form of the exterior but that of the 
interior as well. Percolating waters may dissolve out the 
actual shell, leaving a mold in the form of a cavity, from which 
a wax impression may be taken, reproducing the vanished fossil 
with admirable fidelity. In this way the skin impressions of 
certain dinosaurs have been preserved (Fig. 6). For instance, 

* See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46-47. 

t See Figure 29 on page 29 of "The Plant World" in this Series. 


the animal dies and its carcass settles into soft mud; the latter 
takes a perfect mold or impression of the hide with all the details 

i'/ the CeoloqicaJ Survey of Canada 

*r - . ' *t Un 

It lived in the Great West during Cretaceous time 

of its scales or armor. In time, the hide decays and its place is 
taken by water-borne sands which, hardening, reproduce in sand- 
stone a perfect replica of the exterior of the animal even to the 
minutest detail. Thus we have a natural cast comparable to 
our artificial one in the case of the shell. 

Sometimes, when only a portion of the bone is preserved, 
as for example in fossil fishes, or in the Miocene dolphin to be 
seen in the Peabody Museum, more can be learned by removing 
the bone and taking a cast of the imprints in the matrix than by 
studying the ill-preserved bone itself. A classic instance of this 
occurred in Pompeii. When it was overwhelmed by volcanic ash 
from Vesuvius in 79 A.D., many were the victims, both men and 
animals, and later, as their bones were found they were at 
first merely dug out, until it was noticed that they lay in cavities 
in the hardened ash. The excavators then poured in liquid 
plaster of Paris, which, on hardening, was removed and found 
to show, with amazing fidelity, the body form and lineaments 




When the bones of the victims were found to lie in 
cavities in the hardened volcanic ash, plaster of Paris 
was poured in, which on removal, gave the exact body form 

of the features of the 
people of Pompeii. 
Racial characters of 
Roman or Ethiopian, 
the garments girded 
about the loins, the 
expectant mother, an- 
other with her child 
in her arms all lend 
an aspect of reality 
which otherwise 
would have been lost. 
Natural filling in of 
the brain cases of 
animals and of pre- 
historic men endo- 
cranial casts has 

given us valuable clues to the development of senses and 

of psychic characters, which otherwise would have been largely 

unknown except by inference. 
Even so evanescent 

a thing as a jellyfish, 

which, as it possesses but 

from 1 to 4 percent of 

solid matter, soon evap- 
orates when cast up on 

a beach, may, if immedi- 
ately buried by sediment 

before the heat of the 

sun has destroyed its 

form, leave behind as 

enduring a mold as a 

shell or bone. Many of 

these have come to light, 

some being of very great 

antiquity (Fig. 8). 

Famous localities are the 

lithographic quarries in 

Bavaria (see page 28). 

v ';_; - , ''v "" *,.. fci, 1 - Vi**- 1 :;; rtl . " "- 


Found in the lithographic slates of Eichstadt, Bavaria. 
The missing parts are restored in outline 

(Redrawn from Eastman-Zittcl) 


(4) Fossil Footprints and Trails 

Allied to the casts and molds are the footprints and trails of 
creatures, both vertebrate and invertebrate. Some of the most 
ancient indications of animal life are the obscure trails and bur- 
rows, presumably formed by worms, in the Proterozoic rocks. 
There are also trails of trilobites and other long-vanished 
crustaceans, of insects, and above all, of vertebrates, dinosaurs, 
and other reptiles, such as the thousands which have been dis- 
covered in the Triassic rocks of the Connecticut Valley. 

For some reason, with rare exceptions, footprints and actual 
bones do not occur together, with the result that the matter of 
interpretation of the tracks and of visualizing their makers is 
often a problem of great difficulty. Footprints have an alluring 
interest, however, for they are relics of the living animals, while 
the bones are always those of the dead. If our interpretation is 
correct, a single footprint, called Thinopus antiqinis (Fig. 9), 
from the Upper Devonian region of Pennsylvania, and now in 
the Peabody Museum, is the first indication of a terrestrial air- 
breathing vertebrate, antedating in antiquity by some millions of 


On the right is the footprint, supposedly the first indication of a terrestrial air-breathing 
vertebrate. On the left is a plaster mold of the footprint showing the same in relief 

(After Lull) 

years the actual bone remains discovered to date ! It is signifi- 
cant in that it marked the emergence of the ancestors of all land- 
living, backboned creatures from the old limiting aquatic en- 


vironment and thus made possible the peopling of our globe 
with the four higher classes of vertebrates, including man 

Accompanying the footprints are often meteorological and 

climatic records, sun cracks, ripple marks, and rain impressions 

, , _______ , _____________ , (Fig. 10), which enable one to 

visualize something of the environ- 
ment of the track-makers, if not 
the track-makers themselves. As 
with molds and casts we get either 
the intaglio-like footprint im- 
pressed by the animal, or, if it be 
the overlying strata, a cameo-like 
cast of the -foot in relief; often 
both are preserved. 

Footprint specimens may be 
isolated tracks, or they may form 
a series. The latter are the more 
instructive, as they not only tell 
|b of the size and form of the.foot, 
but of the posture, the varied 
gaits, and the length of limb; 
from occasional handprints of 
dinosaurs, the feeding habits, 
whether plant or flesh, may be 

( 5 ) Coprolites 

Coprolites are fossil rejecta- 
menta often found in association 

wlth the ^imals which made them. 

The line a-b shows the end of the strand; 

und V er '^aler; W^Tnc^a.^ TheSC g IvC Admirable due tO 
sand with imprint, of raindrops f eed j ng habits> Thus those Q f the 

(After Hitchcock) j i i 1-1 -11 c i 

dolphin-like ichthyosaurs of the 

Mesozoic are spirally grooved and contain the shells of belem- 
nites, extinct relatives of the modern squid. The spiral character is 
indicative of the form of the interior of the intestine, while the 
belemnite shells show that even in their food these old-time rep- 
tiles converged in a remarkable way toward the modern dolphins, 


which, being mammals, have succeeded to their role on the 
high seas. 

The coprolite, associated with the ground sloth Nothro- 
therium, of which mention has been made, has been analyzed 
with great detail and not only tells us of the food of the sloth, 
but thar the nlants of his dav, and. therefore, the climate were 

Fig. 11 FOSSIL WORM TUBES (Spirobus 

From the Devonian period 

essentially as they are at present in New Mexico, and, further, 
that he died in the spring of an unknown year ! 

Sometimes, as in certain salamander-like forms from the 
Carboniferous strata of Mazon Creek, Illinois, the intestinal 
form is clearly outlined in all its windings by the mud that had 
sifted in before the organs had perished. Again, under this 
head come worm castings, masses of molded sand which have 
passed through the worm's intestine and from which the nutrient 
matter has been digested. These may be seen on a lawn; they 
also cover certain modern beaches in abundance and are occa- 
sionally preserved in some of the most ancient sediments. 

(6) Artificial Structures 

Under this head would come the various implements and 
other artifacts* made by fossil man and often accompanying 
* Artifact, a product of human workmanship, especially of aboriginal man. 


his actual remains, although at times they are the only records 
of his existence in certain regions. In the case of the Dune 
dwellers in central Mongolia, who have been described by Dr. 
Roy C. Andrews, no actual bones have ever been found, but 
since the artifacts correspond with those of the Mousterian 
culture of Europe, associated with the Neanderthal* man, it is 
inferred that the Dune dwellers were similar in age and physical 

Turning to the animal kingdom, we find fossil worm tubes 
(Fig. 1 1 ) formed of the sand, surrounding the burrow, cemented 
together by slime from the worm's body. Caddis worms build 
cases of bits of leaves, twigs, sand, or small pebbles, the last two 
of which may be found as fossils. This is also true of certain 
Protozoa (rhizopods), which build shells of agglutinatedt 
foreign particles, sand grains and the like, cemented together 
by the slime from their body. 

* See page 96. 

t Agglutinated, held together as if glued. 




SO GREAT a number of fossil species has been described in 
the literature of paleontology that an attempt to prepare 
a census would be an extremely difficult task. And one can rest 
assured that the total number of undiscovered forms would 
exceed the known ones by a very large majority. Then, too, 
the criteria of species, as used by various systematists, vary 
so greatly that almost every revision of a group or given fauna 
shows results which differ materially from the previously 
accepted number; the latter is generally reduced owing to 
synonyms or to disregarding as species the endless variations 
within a group due to age, sex, or other cause. One must 
always bear in mind the vicissitudes to which the strata and 
their contained organisms may be subjected; they may be 
crushed and folded, or metamorphosed through nearness to 
volcanic material; the percolation of acidulated waters may 
dissolve away the fossils within them; and finally the rocks them- 
selves may have suffered erosion to such an extent that thou- 
sands of feet have been destroyed. This last vicissitude may 
be local or may extend over vast areas. These, together with 
long periods when the lands were worn almost to sea level and, 
locally at least, no deposition of sediments could occur, consti- 
tute the u lost intervals" during which life must have existed, 
but of which there can obviously be no fossil record. 

It has been estimated, although to what degree of accuracy 
I have no means of telling, that we know perhaps one out of 
each thousand of the sorts of creatures of the geologic past. 
Naturally the possibility of discovery grows less as one passes 
backward to more and more ancient rodts, for the chances of 
destruction by any of the several agencies we have discussed are 
increased by time. 




Of the number of fossils there can uc no possioie esumate 
given, the Yale collection alone containing several hundreds of 
thousands, and there are vast areas of limestone and bone con~ 

glomerate made up almost en- 
tirely of organic remains. One 
of the largest buildings ever 
erected by man, the great pyra- 
mid of Cheops, is built of 
nummulitic limestone, consisting 
largely of the tests* of marine 
Protozoa which lived during 
Eocene times, the greatest of 
which is no bigger than a silver 
quarter (Fig. 12). Imagine if 
you can their numbers ! Animal 
and plant life teems today wher- 
ever conditions of environment 
permit; so must it have been in 
the past, for such is the prodigal- 
ity of living organisms that a 
region always contains all that 
the traffic will bear, and there is 
no reason to believe that it has 
not been so for hundreds of mil- 
lions of years. 

It is obvious, therefore, that, with such a profusion of ma- 
terial at its disposal, the science of paleontology, due to the 
devoted labors of its disciples, has enriched our knowledge of 
the past life on the earth in no uncertain way. There is still 
much to do upon the material already collected and in our great 
museums, some of which is from exhausted localities. What the 
rocks may yet yield to our successors in the science no man 
can say except that the harvest will be rich. 


Geologists have been accused of reasoning in a circle on the 
ground that they determine the age of the fossils from the 
strata, then the age of the strata from the fossils, and there is 

* Tests, the external, hard covering of invertebrate animals. 

Mg. lli A 



Showing the abundance of small fossils. 

They are shown here in cross-section. The 

famous pyramids of Egypt are built of 

this type of material 

(Rcdraivn from Eastman-Zittel) 


sufficient truth in the statement to make the criticism the more 
mischievous. The sequence of the strata must first be deter- 
mined, which implies, of course, recognition of disconformities 
or breaks in the deposition, for manifestly the entire geologic 
column with its thousands of feet of sediments cannot possibly 
be seen in any one place. Even if the sequence is undisturbed, 
as in the Grand Canyon, but a portion of the record, from 
Proterozoic through Paleozoic time, is displayed in this most 
stupendous section. Generally the lines of demarcation between 
successive geological horizons or periods are clearly defined and 
indicated by a difference in the character of the sediments, such 
as a change from shale to sandstone or conglomerate and often 
of color. Again, one horizon may pass into another without 
visible break, but a decided change in the contained fossils will 
imply a greater or less unrecorded lapse of time. 

Having settled the sequence of the strata in a given region, 
fossils are sought for, especially such genera and species as are 
sufficiently distinctive to be considered "horizon markers. " 
Once determined, these serve to identify the age and, therefore, 
correlate the rocks containing them wherever they may be 
found. Evolution is so orderly a process that not only may one 
judge the age of a given fossil, for instance that of a horse, 
but he may even predict in advance of their discovery the horses 
which should characterize certain intermediate stages and where 
they may be sought for in the geologic column, and thus upon 
discovery determine the age of the containing horizon. Pre- 
dictions such as these have actually been fulfilled in certain strik- 
ing instances. 

The antiquity of fossils may be determined from several 
criteria : By the known position in the geologic column of the 
rocks containing them, or, if the particular fossil represents a 
form new to science, by certain of the associated organisms 
which have previously been identified. One must, however, 
guard against the possibility of the intrusion of the specimens 
into strata of an older age. This is especially likely to occur 
when one is dealing with anything pertaining to humanity, either 
his artifacts or his actual bones. Then, too, older strata with 
their contained fossils may have been eroded and the material 
redeposited. The sediments are often the result of the dis- 


integration of older rocks, their fossils showing the effects of 
weathering or abrasion by having been rolled in a stream. 


Strata are often given geographical names, that is, names 
derived from the place or region where they are typically ex- 
posed and where they were first studied and described. Thus, 
the Upper Triassic beds of the Connecticut Valley, which are 
equivalent in time to those stretching across New Jersey, Penn- 
sylvania, into Maryland, and farther south, are known as the 
Newark System, while the Upper Jurassic continental deposits 
in the West, which have produced so marvelous a display of 
huge dinosaurs, have been known variously as the Como beds 
from Como, Wyoming, or the Morrison beds from Morrison, 
Colorado, while Professor Marsh* spoke of them as the Atlan- 
tosaurus beds because of a characteristic fossil, the great dino- 
snur^Atlantosaurus. In like manner the strata at the summit of 
the Cretaceous series have been called Laramie, Lance forma- 
tion, and Ceratops beds, the last from the horned dinosaurs so 
characteristic of them. The modern usage among geologists is to 
give the horizon t the first place name which was applied to it in 
the geological literature, although the name taken from the domi- 
nant fossil has the advantage of being applicable wherever the 
horizon with its contained organisms may be found, whereas 
place names often seem far-fetched. 

Stratigraphic geology has now risen to the ranks of an exact 
science, and our modern methods of recording precise horizons 
with the most minute subdivisions not only renders more de- 
tailed and accurate our knowledge of historical geology, but 
also the evolutionary record of life. 

*Othneil Charles Marsh (1831-1899), Professor of Paleontology, Yale Uni- 

t Horizon, in geology, the deposit of a particular time, usually identified 
by distinctive fossils. 



AS WE have seen, a prime condition for fossilization of any 
organism is adequate burial before extensive disintegra- 
tion sets in. In general, the best opportunities are afforded 
where animals are abundant to begin with, and where the de- 
positing of sediments is both rapid and varied. 

The Continental Shelf 

The continental shelf, extending from low-water mark to a 
variable distance from land, but always to a constant average 
depth of one hundred fathoms at its outer edge, is formed 
almost exclusively of the waste of the land. The shelf is con- 
tinually growing in two directions, shoreward, due to the cut- 
ting back of the coast by wave action and tidal scour, and sea- 
ward, through the continual carrying out of debris as the waves 
recede and by the tidal currents. The shelf is widest on an 
old shore, for obvious reasons, but narrow along a newly arisen 
coast line. Thus, along the Atlantic coast of North America 
it is very wide in places, the Nantucket Shoals, the Georges 
Bank, and the Grand Banks being its seaward extension, while 
part of the Arctic coast with its great number of islands is also 
included. On the newly arising Pacific coast, on the other hand, 
the shelf is very narrow. Life teems in the shallow sea over- 
lying this area, stimulated by light and warmth, the seasonal 
and diurnal climatic change, the unresting motion of the waters, 
and the ease of isolation by comparatively small barriers all 
of which make for relatively rapid organic change. 

In spite of the abundant food, the enormous numbers of 
organisms produce great competition and a resulting struggle 
for existence, so that these shallow seas have been called the 



hotbed of evolution. The constant shifting of old material and 
the addition of new causes the sediments to accumulate rapidly, 
with a consequent comparatively rich opportunity for burial and 
fossilization. Thus shallow water marine organisms form the 
great majority of known fossils. 

The strand, that area between high and low-water marks, 
is less favorable, for strand deposits are trifling beds of sand 
and gravel and the contained fossils are, as a rule, only such as 
have hard enough shells to withstand the pounding of the surf. 
Heavy molluscan shells, more or less broken and abraded, and 
the bones of stranded whales would meet one's expectations in 
rocks derived from this source. 

Deep-Sea Fossils 

On the bottom of the deeper seas the rate of accumulation 
is almost immeasurably slow, especially in the great deeps, so 
that although countless organisms have died in the ocean areas, 
the chances of their fossilization when their remains reach the 
bottom would not seem to be very great. It is only the more 
resistant things, such as the teeth of sharks and the ear-bones of 
whales, that stand much chance of preserval. These are repeat- 
edly dredged from the great deeps where they lie apparently 
exposed. As a matter of fact, however, we know very little 
about the deep-sea deposits from actual observation, for only 
rarely have they been brought up from the deeps by natural 
agencies and so have come within our scrutiny. Indeed, there 
are but two localities that have been generally accepted as bona 
fide examples of material formed in the great deeps. These 
are in Trinidad and Barbados and again in the islands of 
Timor and Rotti in the Dutch East Indies. In the former 
region there is a coral formation under which lie 250 to 300 
feet of chalky and siliceous earths with clays of various colors 
and volcanic mud. The siliceous earths are composed largely 
of the shells of minute Radiolaria and under the microscope 
appear very like the deep-sea oozes which are obtained by 
dredging (Fig. 13). 

The East Indian beds in Rotti Island contain manganese 
nodules as well as those of chert (flint), which are full of 
radiolarian shells in the siliceous limestones and shales, while 



I ' E 

Distcphns rotundis Ptcrocodon campana Pctalospyris corona 


1 and 2, from the Tertiary era of Barbados; 3, from the tripolite of Groth 
(Redrawn from Grabqu) 

in the beds in the Island of Timor, in addition to the manganese 
nodules, there are a great many sharks' teeth and radiolarian 
remains in the clayey shales. The sharks' teeth are from the 
genus Lamna and are comparable in condition to those dredged 
from the deep-sea red clays by the British exploration ship 
Challenger and by other expeditions. 

In the Island of Celebes, in the Malay Archipelago, there 

This tiny animal is important as a limestone builder 


are Cretaceous shales containing the organisms known as 
Globigerina, which cover thousands of square miles in the At- 
lantic and elsewhere today, at an average depth of 1500 to 2500 
fathoms (Fig. 14).' 

Estuarine Deposits 

Estuarine brackish-water deposits at the mouths of certain 
great rivers form more quickly, and here the conditions are much 
the same as they are on the continental shelf, except that the 
silting up, save in the actual channels, may be much faster. Here 
sea and fresh water meet, and the rivers checked in their rapid 
action, throw down their burden of sediment. The annual ex- 
penditure of millions of dollars to maintain harbors and chan- 
nels at navigable depth points to the rapidity of accumulation. 

River Bars and Deltas 

River bars with shifting sand banks, even where no estuary 
exists, are due to the same cause, for flowing water can carry a 
burden which increases with the square of its velocity. Check- 
ing of the river's speed at once reduces its carrying power and 
the load is deposited in proportion. Some rivers where the 
amount of sediment is normally great, such as the Mississippi 
and the Nile, have built out great deltas into the sea. Such 
deltas when explored for fossils are apt to be highly productive, 
generally of the remains of land animals and plants or forms of 
fresh water origin. 

There may, however, be occasional marine deposits intro- 
duced between those of fresh water origin, due to wave action, 
or to periods of extremely high water, which sometimes result 
from a combination of strong on-shore winds and the spring 
tides \^hich occur at new and full moons. These interpolated 
beds may contain marine shells. In parts of the Rhone delta, 
France, marine and fresh water shells alternate; the same is 
true of the lower deposits of the Po delta in Italy, the upper 
ones being entirely marine. The deltas of the Ganges in India 
and of the Zambezi in Africa contain the remains of river 
animals, turtles, crocodiles, and hippopotami, as well as ter- 
restrial creatures such as antelope, buffalo, lion, and other mam- 
mals, victims of drowning brought down by the stream. 


Old Inland Sea Bottoms 

Certain shallow seas, such as that which covered the vast 
interior of our continent during Cretaceous time, have left hun- 
dreds of feet of marine sediments. Among these a widespread 
chalk bed is of especial interest, since it has given us a very com- 
plete knowledge of fishes, marine reptiles, such as mosasaurs, 
plesiosaurs, and turtles, flying reptiles or pterodactyls, of which 
Pteranodon with a wing spread of upward of twenty-five feet 
was Nature's greatest flying creature, and finally the toothed 
birds, Hesperornis and Ichthyornis. This, the Niobrara forma- 
tion, is classically displayed in Gove County, Kansas. 

Flood-plain Deposits 

Of strictly continental deposits, great areas of Cenozoic 
rocks, with their contained river reptiles and land mammals, 
are to be found in western United States. These were formerly 
looked upon as lake deposits, and names such as Bridger Lake 
and Uinta Lake are frequent in the older literature. But many 
of the animals were found far out from the assumed shore, 
sometimes in great abundance. The rate of deposition on a 
large lake bottom is normally extremely slow and would not 
account for the thickness of the strata accumulated in a com- 
paratively brief time. So the old idea has been abandoned in 
favor of a belief that these represent river flood-plain deposits. 
The law of the carrying power of water obtains here. A river 
during time of flood is turbid with sediment, but as it overflows 
its banks, as the Mississippi did during the disastrous floods of 
1927 when in places it reached a width of one hundred miles, its 
rate of flow is checked outside of the main currents of the stream, 
and the load thrown down. Obviously during such times, casual- 
ties to animal life and easy and rapid burial are proportionately 
accelerated with a comparable increase in resultant fossils. 
These in turn are rendered accessible by subsequent erosion. 
Collectively, the flood-plains produced by many contemporane- 
ous rivers would give the impression of lake deposits of vastly 
greater area but would lack the continuity of the latter, except 



where the rivers were confluent. Actual lake deposits must be 
of comparatively little importance, at any rate from the stand- 
point of preserving land faunas. 

Peat Swamps and Quicksands 

Peat swamps and quicksands, although not so extensive as 
other deposits, have nevertheless preserved some very interest- 
ing animals of which we might otherwise know little. It has 


These animals were victims of an asphalt pool during Pleistocene time 

been said that nearly every peat swamp of Pleistocene time in 
eastern and central United States contains at least one mastodon 
skeleton, and there have been recorded at least 219 occurrences 
in the peat swamps of New York State alone. 

Quicksands, which at other seasons may be quite innocuous, 
become terrible traps for the unwary during times of abundant 
rains or floods. These, as in the case of swamps, bury as they 
slay, so that the resultant fossils are practically intact. Specific 
localities wrll be discussed later. 


Coal Swamps 

Of course, the widespread, low-lying coal swamps formed 
during Carboniferous times, with their abundance of plant life, 
are of the utmost importance. For the coal itself is the con- 
solidated plant material, carbonized and more or less metamor- 
phosed in the different grades of coal, least in the lignite or 
brown coal, and most in the anthracite. The animal remains 
are rarer, but we have learned much of the insects, fishes, and 
amphibians which were denizens of the Carboniferous swamps. 

dsphalt Beds 

A very remarkable, though unusual, condition for fossiliza- 
tion is found in asphalt, one of the most famous localities being 
the Rancho la Brea near Los Angeles, California (Fig. 15). The 
California oils differ from those in the East, for whereas in the 
latter the ultimate solid residue, after distillation, is paraffin wax, 
in the former it is asphalt. Here the oil wells up from below 
through natural pipes and spreads over the ground. The lighter 
and more volatile products gradually escape, and the remainder 
becomes more and more viscid, ultimately drying out, especially 
toward the outer edge of the flow. This becomes covered with 
wind-blown dust, and hence its real character is concealed. Some- 
times, particularly after rains, there may be standing pools of 
water. A thirsty animal, attracted by water, would venture 
across the concealed asphalt, and for a while all would be well 
until he approached the softer portion toward the pipe. Then 
he would break through, and his efforts to escape, for the 
asphalt is appallingly sticky, would only render his plight the 
worse. To this day the death trap is in operation, for every 
now and then wild and domestic animals and birds are caught 
and engulfed. 

During the Pleistocene period there lived an amazing as- 
semblage of animals in western America, and occasionally a 
large herbivore elephant, ground sloth, horse, or camel would 
be caught and act as a living bait for wolves, coyotes, sabre- 
tooth cats or vultures and other carnivorous birds, who sought 
to prey upon them. As a rule, carnivores are rare as fossils, 



for they* usually consist of a comparatively small proportion of 
the total numbers of any fauna. But here they are largely in 


Whose skeleton was found in such abundance in the famous asphalt pool at Rancho 

la Brea, California. This pool formed a natural trap in which various Pleistocene 

mammals and birds were caught and engulfed 

Drawn from the Yale Pcabody Museum specimen restored by the author 

excess, no fewer than 700 skulls of the sabre-tooth tiger 
(Smilodon] having been recovered (Fig. 16). The asphalt 
tends to work so that the bones are pulled apart, and one never 
finds a skeleton in articulation;* but the individual bones are 
splendidly preserved. 

Solnhofen, Bavaria 

A world renowned locality which has produced fossils, not 
only in marvelous degree of preservation, but in many instances 
of unique scientific value, lies in Bavaria. Here the deposits 
are marine, of Jurassicf age, and in the form of large limestone 
reefs, the lowermost composed of the remains of sponges, some 
of great beauty. The later reefs, on the other hand, are formed 
of calcareous algae J (lime secreting sea-weeds) and countless 

* Articulation, joined together. 

t See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46^47. 

t See page 13, "The Plant World" in this Series. 



examples of a large bivalve shell. Between the reefs were 
lagoons, the floors of which were covered with a fine limy ma- 
terial, the result of wave action on the reefs themselves, which 
broke off portions and ground them into a fine, gritless mud. 
These lagoon sediments now constitute the stone used so largely 
in the art of lithography a generation or so ago. The layers 
of this lithographic stone average some six inches, the beds 
being separated by a more clayey material. Animals dying in 
the lagoons would sink to the bottom where the fine muds would 
bury them and preserve their remains with wonderful fidelity. 
The lithographic quarries, especially at Solnhofen and Eichstiidt, 
aside from their commercial output, have greatly enriched our 
collections and consequently our scientific knowledge of the 
faunas of the Upper Jurassic time. Obviously, the greater 
number of the animals were of marine origin and had their being 
in these seas, but there were land-living creatures as well, which, 
however, with rare exceptions, were 
capable of flight, such as dragonflies, 
pterodactyls or winged reptiles, and 
true birds, which winged their way over 
the lagoons in search of prey. 

Among marine animals are the im- 
pressions of jellyfishes and specimens of 
Crustacea of various kinds, allies of the 
existing horseshoe crabs (Fig. 17), 
squid, and cuttle-fish, some with the 
sepia still preserved in their sacs, from 
which during life they could emit a cloud 
of inky fluid analogous to the smoke 
screens used by ships during the World 
War, and finally fishes of many kinds. 
There were also turtles and crocodile- 
like forms. Of the flying reptiles, some, 
like the famous specimen of Rhamphor- 
hynchus phyllurus treasured at Yale 
(Fig. 44), have preserved impressions 
of the wing membranes with their finest 
wrinkling, as well as of the rudder-like 
expansion on the tip of the tail. But per- 


One of the many creatures 
found in the Jurassic deposits ot 
Solnhofen; their survivors are 
still common along the seashore 



haps the most notable of all is the Archaeopteryx, the first bird 
known to geological history (Fig. 46). Three specimens of this 


It was about two and a half feet in length, with the bulk of a domestic cat. It was 
found in the famous Solnhofen Quarry in Bavaria 

From a photograph of a cast in the Yale Peabody Museum 

genus have been found, one a single feather discovered in 1860, 
another a headless bird (1861), now preserved in the British 
Museum of Natural History, London, while the third, found in 
1877 near Eichstadt, practically complete, head, feathers and 
all, is now in Berlin. 



Yet another remarkable find was the smallest known car- 
nivorous dinosaur, Compsognathus longipes, about the size of 
a house cat (Fig. 18). How this creature ever drifted so far 
from its natural habitat as to be entombed in one of these ancient 
lagoons one cannot imagine. Of terrestrial vertebrates there are 
15 genera and 42 species; of invertebrates and aquatic verte- 
brates the grand total, except for the insects, is 150 genera and 
350 species, of which 88 genera and 175 species are limited 
to the Solnhofen region and have been discovered in no other 

Agate Spring Quarry, Nebraska 

This noted locality lies not far from the railroad town of 
Harrison, in Sioux County, Nebraska. Here, on the south side 
of the Niobrara River, rise two hills, remnants of a more exten- 
sive series of sediments which have been largely worn away. 
The fossil-bearing horizon is nearly horizontal and extends 
through both hills. The thickness of the deposit varies from 
three to twenty inches, the bones toward the bottom being more 
or less worn and rounded, indicating either longer exposure or 
farther transportation before they reached their final resting 

In the larger of the two hills the fossils are in such 
remarkable profusion in places as to form a veritable pave- 


Whose skeletons were found so abundantly in the Agate Spring Quarry 
Prom a restoration by the author, based upon the skeleton in the Yale Pcabody Museum 



ment of interlacing bones, 
very few of which are in their 
natural articulation with one 

In order of numbers there 
is first the small twin-horned 
rhinoceros, Diceratherhim 
(Fig. 19), then the strange 
clawed ungulate Moropus 
(Fig. 20), of which the 
American Museum collected 
seventeen skeletons, complete 
or nearly so. The rarest ani- 
mal is one of the giant swine, 
Dinohyus (Fig. 21), a crea- 
ture with a skull a yard long, 
and standing six feet at the 
withers (the highest point be- 
tween the shoulders). 

Some miles farther to 
the east is another quarry of 
approximately the same age 
(Miocene period) , which con- 
tains remains of the beauti- 
ful gazelle camel, Stenomylus 


Also from the Agate Spring Quarry 

From a restoration by the author, based 
upon the skeletons in the American Mu- 
seum of Natural History and in the Yale 
Pcabody Museum 


Also from the Agate Spring Quarry. 

It had a skull a yard long and stood 

six feet at the withers 

From a restoration by the autJior, 

based upon the skeleton in the 

Carnegie Museum 



(Fig. 22), some of the skeletons completely articulated, others 
disarticulated. Here, out of half a hundred individuals collected 
by parties from Amherst College, Yale University, the American 
Museum, and Carnegie Museum, all pertain to this one species 
save a single skull of a huge wolf-like carnivore, probably a 

Fig. 22 A GROUP OF (JAZEFJ.E CAMELS (Stenomylus) 

Collected by the author and mounted in Yale Peabody Museum. These skeletons, along 
with forty others, were found near Agate Spring, Nebraska. Such a profusion of 
skeletons belonging to the one genus, and the fact that there was only one other asso- 
ciated skeleton, lends to the belief that these were all victims of a common disaster 

fellow victim of a common disaster. In both instances 
the deposits are river sands and seem to represent large coves 
in the back waters of which the carcasses found lodgment after 
drifting down stream from the place of catastrophe, wherever 
that may have been. An alternative view, that of quicksands 
at the bottom of a pool in which the creatures were engulfed 
when they came for water, might be held, and the confusion of 
the bones lends weight to this theory, for the sands shift and 
move, as did the asphalt mentioned above, and pull the skeletons 

It is difficult now to determine the former extent of these 
deposits, for much natural erosion has occurred, but they were 


surely local and exclusive and do not begin to include the total 
numbers of species which inhabited the region during Miocene 

The profusion of individuals from the Agate quarries may 
be judged from a single block now in the American Museum 
(Fig. 23). This block measures 5^x8 feet, and contains twenty- 
two skulls and an uncounted number of skeletal bones. As these 
average 198 bones to an animal, there may be at least 4356 bones 
in the block of forty-four square feet, or ninety-nine to the square 

The Carnegie Museum has excavated in addition 1350 
square feet, which have yielded 164,000 bones or 820 skeletons. 
Based on this yield, the estimate of the number of animals in 
the entire hill is: 

Diceratherium 16,400 skeletons 
Moropus 500 skeletons 

Dinohyus 100 skeletons 

Mount St. Stephen Region, British Columbia 

An amazing discovery by Dr. Charles Doolittle Walcott 
(1850-1927), late secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, on the 
side of Mount Wapta, British Columbia, disclosed a small area 
of dark shale on which were impressed as a film of carbon the 
most delicate parts of fossil animals of lower Cambrian time. 
These consisted of jellyfish, worms of various sorts, sea-cucum- 
bers, and trilobites, all with appendages, traces of the gut, and 
other internal structure preserved with the utmost accuracy. 
These were creatures which lived upward of 500 million years 
ago, and on top of the sediments which bear them there were laid 
down several miles of thickness of strata which were solidified 
into rock and the whole mass elevated by crustal movements into 
mountain masses and later eroded to form the mountains' and 

At the locality where Dr. Walcott found his specimens, sub- 
sequent erosion had removed the overlying rocks to the precise 
level of the older formation, when by fortunate chance the keen 
eyes of the geologist discerned the impressed organic remains. 
It is a matter greatly to be wondered at that such fragile organ- 
isms should have left any traces whatever, but that they should 



be so perfectly preserved and have survived the subsequent 
vicissitudes to which they have been subjected the mighty 

Courtesy nf flic Aniencan 

f Natural Jfisforv 


The profusion of bones may be judged from this picture of a single block now in 

the American Museum of Natural History. This block measures 5$ x 8 feet, and 

contains twenty-two skulls, and an uncounted number of skeletal bones 

mountain forces, the crushing weight of the thousands of tons 
of overlying rock, and the elements which led to its later removal 
,as well as the final discovery of the small locality, are a series 
of happy accidents which seem almost providential. The odds 
are so immeasurably against such an event that its duplication 
will probably never occur. 

Such revelations, however, lead to a very optimistic hope 
that, in spite of the present limitations of our knowledge, our 
successors in paleontological research will one day be able to 
reveal the continuity of life, in all of its varied ramifications, with 
a high degree of perfection and detail. 

Bone Cabin Quarry, Wyoming 

Yet another famous locality is Bone Cabin Quarry, where the 
author had his initiation into the mysteries of field technique. 
It lies about twelve miles from Medicine Bow, Wyoming. This 
is in deposits known as the "Morrison" formation, of Upper 
Jurassic age. The outcrop consisted of weathered fragments 
of limb bones and vertebrae of the giant dinosaurs of that time. 



These covered the ground in such profusion that a sheep herder 
used some of them to huild the foundations of his hut, hence the 
picturesque name of the quarry. 

The region, now over 6000 feet above the level of the sea, 


From a photograph by the autlwr 

was once low-lying, and the sediments were the accumulations 
near an ancient shore line or the sloping bank of a muddy 
estuary or lagoon. Here the dinosaurs must have lived, not far 
from the place where they lay buried. Rarely does one find an 
approximately complete skeleton; the remains consist largely of 


articulated limbs or tails or possibly the neck which must have 
been held together by the strong ligaments and tendons after 
the partial dismemberment of the carcass (Fig. 24). The fragile 
skulls, on the other hand, are very rare. In the neighboring 
Como Bluff, however, more complete skeletons have been brought 
to light, notably the great Brontosaurus and the grotesque Stego- 
saurus now mounted in the Yale Museum. Bone Cabin Quarry, 
after several years of excavation, is by no means exhausted, but, 
on account of the dip of the strata beneath the surface of the 
ground, it'can no longer be worked profitably except on a large 
and expensive scale. The American Museum has recovered 
from it 483 parts of animals weighing in all nearly 100,000 
pounds. These represent forty-four large amphibious dinosaurs, 
three armored dinosaurs, four unarmored bipedal ones, six large 
and four small carnivores, four crocodiles, and five turtles. Dr. 
Henry Fairfield Osborn says that this is not one-half the total 
number, and that in all probability the locality would produce 
parts of over a hundred giant dinosaurs. 

South Joggins, Nova Scotia 

In certain horizons of the coal fields of South Joggins, Nova 
Scotia, tree trunks have been found which are buried in an erect 
position in the very spot where they once grew. These tree 
trunks, the largest of which is nine feet tall, as preserved, range 
in diameter from one to nearly three feet and represent the 
sturdier among the trees of an ancient forest of Carboniferous* 
time. \They ^arejoftenjvell_rooted in the^ ancient .snil^ _and haye 
been preserved byi^die.-a^udajtions_of co^L^ruLdaySu 
They are largely^jcale_trejes,_5^i//^n^,which after dying, were 
broken off, jind, the interiox having decayed^ only the outer riod 
is now preserved. _ 

Tliey are interesting not only asiossils of that ancient wood- 
land, but even more so fromjheir_c0ntents, fo_r the broken sum- 
mit was for a time at .least, level with the accumulated soil, jhe 
hollow within appearing as a, welLor J?5t into which snails^ and 
millegedes^ could crawl, 4^y~taxlie^aiuLbe buried inj:h muddy 
clay that gradually filled the cavity. Yet more remarkable is 
the f acFThaT" thesF"tTb1TowrTormed veritable death traps for 

* See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46-47. 


small quadrupedal vertebrates, amphibians belonging to the 
order Stegocephalia, and others remotely related to the living 
salamanders. The sediments within the trunks change in char- 
acter from time to time, indicating that the hollows were a con- 
siderable while in filling. In all about fifty-three specimens, 
including a dozen species, have been recovered from fifteen out 
of the twenty-five trees which have been catalogued. ~^ 


The amazing success of the American Museum expeditions 
to Mongolia under the leadership of Dr. Roy Chapman An- 
drews, emphasizes the fact that the world is not yet fully ex- 
plored and that vast areas still remain to be systematically 
searched for fossils. Chinese fossils have been known for years, 
but as they had, in the eyes of the natives, a high medicinal 
value, one rarely saw them unless in an apothecary's shop where 
their scientific significance w r as entirely ignored. 

In fact, the fate of the specimen was ultimate destruction, 
for a whole rhinoceros tooth would be a hard pill to swallow, 
but when powdered in a mortar and mixed with other ingredi- 
ents it would perhaps be no worse to take than many of our 
modern medicines. This use of fossils, based upon what we are 
prone to call Chinese superstition, has its parallel in European 
medieval and later medicinal practice, notably in the use of the 
unicorn's horn, really the tusk of the narwhal. So high a value 
was placed on this that a specimen in Dresden was estimated in 
the sixteenth century to be worth $75,000, and only the very 
rich could afford its use as a medicament. The artificial value 
placed upon fossils in China, due to their supposed healing 
virtues, has retarded the work of science, but it indicated the 
possibilities of the country, especially of central Mongolia,, as a 
fossil field, an indication which has been abundantly justified. 

It was scientifically a virgin country and has given us animals, 
not only abundant and perfect, but often entirely new to our 
paleontological lore. The same was true of western United 
States in the eighteen seventies and eighteen eighties, when not 
only new species and genera, but unheard of families and orders 
were continually coming to light. These have greatly enriched 
our science and especially the collections of our great museums. 



The western localities are not now as visibly productive as 
they were in those days, for the surface indications which were 
formerly so numerous have largely disappeared through the zeal 
of many collectors, but undoubtedly the strata are still rich in 
material which will one day, through erosion, reappear. Cer- 
tain localities have been entirely exhausted for invertebrate 
fossils, and the col- 
lections made from 
them have a corre- 
spondingly increased 
value to museums, 
although the new 
scientific information 
which they have 
revealed has been 
largely published. It 
is safe to say that 
the rocks have by no 
means yielded all 
their secrets and that 
the science of paleon- 
tology will continue 
to flourish for gen- 
erations to come. 

The most pro- 
ductive horizons for 
invertebrate fossils are the shoal water sedimentary rocks, and 
these may be found everywhere along the sea cliffs, in railroad 
and other cuttings, along the Niagara Gorge, the Grand Can- 
yon, or wherever these rocks are exposed. Marine vertebrates 
may also be found under like conditions, but for terrestrial 
vertebrates, preserved in the continental deposits, the greatest 
opportunities lie in the semi-arid parts of the earth, in western 
United States, the Patagonian pampas, the Faiyum desert of 
Egypt, South Africa, central Asia, and, as a likely though unex- 
plored area, central Australia. In such areas as these there 
is little vegetation to obscure the geology and in nearly every 
case there has been extensive erosion due to the occasional tor- 
rential rains and the lack of a protective mantle. In the more 


An excellent specimen from the Eocene strata of Wyoming 

(After Schuchert) 


humid regions the overlying soil six feet or more in New 
England, sixty feet in Brazil not only covers up the actual 
strata but is largely the result of the disintegration of the 
rocks themselves together with their contained fossils. The 
explorations in Mongolia, to which we have already alluded, 
have merely scratched the surface along certain narrow lines 
of march. But even so, the results have been remarkably rich. 
A widespread intensive survey conducted by many parties over 
the entire area would produce returns which cannot be esti- 
mated and much of which would be new to science. For species 
are often extremely local in their geographic distribution, and 
the reconnoissance work already done may well have passed by 
the haunts of curious and unusual bygone forms. 



SINCE all animate nature represents a single great evolution- 
ary process and that is the only logical explanation which 
can be offered for its existence it is evident that the true story 
of the continuity of life can only be displayed in its entirety by 
combining in one series all the evidences of animal life, whatever 
their age. The existing forms alone would not serve, for while 
Nature has preserved alive representatives of the most archaic 
as well as of the most recently evolved organisms, there are 
extremely important groups graptolites, trilobites, ammonoids, 
as well as a marvelous array of vertebrates, stegocephalians, 
dinosaurs, and others, which have been entirely blotted out and 
have left no descendants in the living fauna of the globe. On 
the other hand, many existing creatures, some of which have 
no hard parts, such as the naked protozoan, Ameba, and which 
we assume to be ancient because of their simplicity of organiza- 
tion, are practically impossible of fossilization and, therefore, 
are unrepresented in the paleontologic series. It is only by an 
inclusive arrangement that a right conception of animate nature 
becomes possible, if one would view the evolutionary process as 
a whole. 

It is evident, therefore, that the fossils reveal to the sys- 
tematist and evolutionist much that existing nature cannot show. 
Who, viewing the lordly elephant with its ponderous bulk carried 
on four massive limbs, its distinctive proboscis and tusks, would 
see in it any community of origin with a Florida manatee with 
its fish-like form, split prehensile lips, propelling tail, flipper-like 
fore limbs, and no hind limbs at all? And yet the Faiyum 
region of Egypt has revealed fossils, clearly the ancestors of 
both elephant and manatee, the skulls of which are so alike that 
in some instances, notably that of Moeritherium, the highest 
authorities were for a while of divided opinion as to which group 



it belonged, the proboscidean or sirenian. Thus paleontology 
aids the systematist in his search for relationships which the 
modern animals could not possibly reveal. 

The three main lines of evidence for the evolution of any 
group of animals are comparative anatomy, ontogeny, and 
phytogeny. In the first one studies structure and form, dis- 
tinguishing between what are called homologous organs. Such 
are the fore limbs of vertebrates, and distinction is made between 
them as to whether they are grasping organs like our own, run- 
ning organs as in the horse, paddles for swimming as in the 
whales, or wings as in the bird. The basic structure is the same 
in all, but variety of use has produced dissimilarity of form. 
A comparative study will at once reveal how in each instance 
the ultimate adaptation to its peculiar function has been brought 
about. But no one would attempt a structural comparison of 
the wing of a bird and that of a butterfly, although their use is 
precisely the same. They are analogous organs in their simi- 
larity of function but are in no sense homologous, implying 
a correspondence in origin, for the wing of the bird is a modified 
fore limb, whereas that of the butterfly is an outpushing of the 
body wall which has become greatly expanded, movably articu- 
lated, and endowed with muscles. One could not by any stretch 
of the imagination derive the one wing from the other, nor does 
the possession of the common property of flight indicate the 
slightest trace of relationship between their possessors. 

Ontogeny is the life history of the individual, from the begin- 
ning of its life as an independent cell, derived from its parents' 
substance, to its death, or, in the case of the potentially immortal 
one-celled organisms which pass all of their body substance as 
well as their life to the offspring, it ends with their loss of 
individuality. Man starts as do other organisms, as a single cell, 
which, through cleavage, develops into a multicellular being the 
parts of which are at first all alike. Later there occurs differen- 
tiation in form and function by means of a physiological divi- 
sion of labor, the embryo passing through ( 1 ) a stage in which 
segmentation appears and a backbone is indicated, (2) a fish-like 
stage with gill-clefts in the neck, (3) a stage like an amphibian, 
(4) others like a primitive reptile, a generalized mammal, and 
a primate, respectively; finally there appears a miniature man. 


All of these marvelous changes, wrought in the first few 
weeks of prenatal life, are thought to parallel roughly the actual 
evolutionary changes through which man's ancestors passed dur- 
ing a period of hundreds of millions of years of geologic time. 
The celebrated German savant, Ernst Haeckel, first formulated 
what is known as the Biogenetic Law* based upon this principle, 
although apparently he was not the first to conceive it. It has 
not universal acceptance among scientific workers today, yet few 
will deny that individual life-history is one of the proofs of 
evolution even though, because of the vicissitudes of individual 
existence and the consequent need of meeting new conditions 
during the process of growth, a precise parallel between 
ontogeny and racial history is hardly to be expected. 

The third proof of evolution lies in the actual documentary 
evidences of racial history, or phylogeny, as it is called. Rarely 
can these be obtained among existing organisms, although some 
phyletic lines in which change is going on rapidly enough for 
human observation are actually on record. The wonderful 
modifications which man has wrought in domestic animals and 
plants through selective breeding are of a comparable sort, 
and, though largely the outcome of artificial conditions, yet 
Nature as well as man has had a hand in their production. At 
all events they show the wonderful plasticity of living beings, 
and if in the hands of man, why not in the hands of a vastly more 
powerful Nature? At any rate man's methods are analogous to 
the process of natural selection and were of the utmost im- 
portance to Darwin in the understanding and definition of 
natural selection itself. 

Evolution is, as a rule, an extremely deliberate process; 
Nature has all she needs of time and circumstance for its fruition, 
and as a rule the brief time allotted to the individual for his 
observation is all too little for the purpose. It lies, therefore, 
within the scope of one whose backward vision has certain ele- 
ments of immortality to gain a full conception of the phylo- 
genetic process. For not only can such a one visualize past con- 
ditions of land and sea, of climate and the various phenomena 

* Haeckel's Biogenetic Law may be stated as follows : The life history of 
the individual (ontogeny) gives a brief resume of the evolutionary history of the 
race (phylogeny). 


of the physical environment, but he can also see the march of 
organisms through time. For the last his documents are the 
fossils. Thus they occupy a position in science held by no other 
group of phenomena, for they provide the final proof of the 
process of evolution, and there is no other explanation which 
can possibly account for them. 

Paleontology is, therefore, the final court of appeal to test the 
truth or falsity of the growing belief in evolution. All that is 
necessary is as adequate a series of fossils as possible for the 
determination of their sequence, and the correct interpretation 
of what they represent, for their teaching is one that cannot 
intelligently be gainsaid. 



EVEN a brief description of the evolution of the entire animal 
kingdom as set forth in the fossil records would fill many 
times the allotted pages of this book. One must, therefore, 
after a general summary, turn to certain groups wherein the 
fossil series is remarkably complete, referring the reader to 
more extended works for further instances and greater detail. 

The Cambrian Period 

The earliest evidences of life are extremely meaner, passes 
of limestone and graphite and very few obscure fossils arc all 
we have as evidence, either direct or indirect, of life during the 
first two eras,* the Archeozoic and Proterozoic, which together 
constitute over one-half of geologic time as recorded in the sedi- 
mentary rocks of our earth. With the ushering in of the Paleo- 
zoic era, in its initial period, the Cambrian, the lime-secreting 
jiabit is acquired, and now for the first time there are clearly un- 
derstandable fossils. They represent, however, all of the great 
invertebrate phyla t whose evolution is thus implied, even though 
unrecorded, in the preceding eras. Cambrian animals are all 
marine, showing that the seas were their initial home and that 
presumably fresh waters, and certajnjyjthelands, were yet tenant 

These old forms included sponges, corals, worms, trilobitcs, 
and the like (Figs. 11, 26, and 27). As vet there is no trace of 
backboned animals. Vertebrates may well have had their origin 
guring Cambrian time, hut- if will require "lucky" accidents oi 
preserval and discovery, such as in the Mount St. Stephen 

* See chart of "Geologic Chronology," pages 46-47. 

t Phylum, plural, phyla), a limb; see page 42, "The Coming and Evolutior 
of Life," in this Scries. 





















Lull, Organic Evolution) 








Extinction of Great Mammals 

Origin of Man 

Culmination of Mammals 

Rise of Higher Mammals 

Extinction of Archaic Mammals 

Rise of Archaic Mammals 


Extinction of Great Reptiles 
Specialization of Great Reptiles 
Rise of Flowering Plants 














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tinction of Much Ancient 

se of Primitive Reptiles an 


IS c 

p, CTj 




bo { 

Rise of Land Plants and Cor 
Rise of Armored Fishes 

^Rise of Shelled Animals 
First known Marine Faun 













i ^^ 











































25 < 











Quarry, to disclose them, because of their probable soft-bodied 


dominant life of the Cambrian,_by which we mcannQt 

necessarily the high- 
est in the evolution- 
ary sense, but the 
forms which by thefr 

Courtesy of Dr. Carl Dunbar 


Characteristic of the Silurian era; an example of a 
pseudomorph in which the original lining material has 

been replaced by silica 

profusion and power 
seem to have the 
ruling position, were 
doubtless the trilo- 
Tjjtes (Fig. 27)~! 
T h e s e crustaceans 
are remotely related 
to the shrimps, the 
lobsters, and the 
crabs of today. They 
had a resistant up- 
per shell covering 
head and body but apparently a soft lower surface and ap- 
pendages, for the latter are rarely preserved. They were 
generally crawling forms, inhabitants of the sea bottom, but 
probably had the power of swimming in a somewhat jerky way. 
Some groveled in the mud for food, others were more actively 
predacious, and, al- 
though most of them 
had well developed 
eyes, a few were blind 
as though they dwelt 
below the limit of sun- 
light, or more prob- 
ably, were nocturnal in 
habit, since most of 
their remains come 
from shallow water 

By Upper 

brian time the trilo- 
bltes haddevelopedthe 

Fig. 27 TRILOBITES (natural size) 

They formed the dominant life of the Cambrian period. 
They were generally crawling forms, inhabitants of 
the sea bottom, but probably had the power of swim- 
ming. By Upper Cambrian time they had developed 
the habit of coiling up for defense 

From specimens in the Yale Peabody Museum 



habit of coiling up for dcfense T after the manner of armadillos. 
In size the trilobitcs ranged from a fraction of an inch to 27 j 
inches. Trilobites are ancestral, either directly or indirectly, to 
all other arthropods crustaceans, scorpions, spiders, millepedes, 
and even the insects. The Cambrian has been known as the 
Age of Trilobites. 

The Ordovician Period 

In Ordovician time, land plants probably arose, having their 
origin in certain marine algae which gradually crossed the 
strand, becoming 
more and more in- 
ured to an air in- 
stead of an aquatic 
environment. Per- 
haps the most char- 
acteristic single 
group of marine 
fossils of the Or- 
dovician are the 
graptolites, so 
called from their 
to some sort of 
writing on stone.* 
These were colo- 
nial organisms be- 
longing to the coe- 
lenterate phylum 
which includes also 
the polyps and 
jellyfishes and is 
therefore low in 
the scale of inver- 
tebrate life. Of 
the graptolites, the 
actual polyps are 
not preserved, but 


The most characteristic group of marine fossils of the 
Ordovician period. These were colonial organisms belong- 
ing to the same phylum as the polyps and jellyfish. The 
actual polyps are not preserved, but their horny sheaths 
have been carbonized and impressed upon the rocks. 
a, Corncqraptus giacilis; b, Didymograptus pennatulus; c, 
Climacograptus bicornis; d, Phyllograptus typus 

(Rcdtaivn after Hall) 

* Graptolite is from two Greek words, graptos, written, and lithos, stone. 



their horny sheaths have been carbonized and impressed upon 
the rocks. Sometimes they are like miniature saw blades with 
teeth on one or both sides; again they are leaf-like and may be 
single or branched, the latter sometimes giving rise to dendritic 
or tree-like colonies. The polyps were situated in the little 
tooth-like notches. The animals may have been fixed to the sea 
bottom as are their modern relatives, or attached to floating 
material, or even provided with devices of their own to render 
them buoyant. They were at the mercy of the waves or cur- 
rents of the sea, since they had no recognizable powers of 
locomotion. (See Figure 28.) 


1, Productus longispimts; 2a and 2b, Rhvnchonella quadriplicata; 3, Spirifcr striatus, 
with part of the shell broken off to show the inner spiral supports 

(After Grabau) 

Trilobites were still existing in great variety, both of num- 
bers and of kinds, and there was a host of shelled invertebrates 
molluscs, and brachiopods or lamp shells (Fig. 29), as well 
as corals. 

Indubitable remains of armored, fish-like creatures have also 
been found which show that the vertebrates had already de- 
veloped, for these specialized fish are lateral offshoots from the 
main line of vertebrate evolution. 

The Silurian Period 

The Silurian period gives us the first record of air-breathing 
animals. Land plants had already been established, as plants 
are necessarily the forerunners of the animals in any environ- 
ment, for no animals have the power of constructive chemistry 


which would enable them to utilize products of the mineral 
realm directly as food. They must, in the long run, avail them- 
selves of the green or chlorophyll-bearing plants which do pos- 
sess such ability. The first air-breathing animals of which we 
have any actual evidence are the scorpions (Fig. 30), which, in 
spite of their age, are much like those of today. As they were car- 
nivorous and, therefore, did not eat plant food, their presence 
implies also that of creatures which did and which in turn 
formed their prey. For doubtless there was then, as now, an 
ever-widening web of interdependence in organic life. 

The fishes of the Silurian period are all in fresh water sedi- 
ments. We have reason to believe that vertebrates had their 
origin and initial evolution in running, 
fresh water. This alone would give 
the impetus apparently necessary to 
produce the peculiar mode of progres- 
sion by lateral wriggling which in 
turn gave rise to segmental muscles and 
an axial stiffening, the notochord. The 
latter was later replaced in higher 
groups by the vertebral column. Verte- 
brates seemingly did not invade the 
seas until late Devonian times; the 
most plausible reason seems to have 
been the menace of the molluscs, until 
then the ruling denizens of the deep in 
point of prowess. 

The Devonian Period 


Scorpions are the first air- 
breathing animals of which there 
11 i i \ c - 11 i i s an y actual evidence, and in 

called the Age or rishes because they spite of their age are much like 

those of today 
(After Pirsson and SchucherO 

The march of evolution progressed 
markedly. Devonian time has been 

were the dominant forms of life. Not 
only are they numerous and well pre- 
served, especially in the series of fresh water and estuarine 
rocks known as the Old Red Sandstone,* but they had already 

* Old Red Sandstone, a thick series of broken rocks, mostly sandstone, red 
in color, belonging to the Devonian period and found in Great Britain and 
northwestern Europe. 


differentiated into several distinct orders, such as the sharks, the 
ancient armored fishes known as ostracoderms and arthrodires, 
and the ganoid fishes and dipnoans. The last two groups 
together with the sharks have left modern descendants, although 
of ganoids and dipnoans there are but few survivors. 

These modern relics aid us in the reconstruction of the 
manner of life of those of Devonian times. All are fresh water 
in habitat and have, though in varying degree, the power of 
utilizing atmospheric oxygen in time of scarcity of available 
oxygen in the water. The Devonian .period was a jime of 
marked aridity of climate, r]pring which' the 

periodically cease to flow with jresultant .stagnation of the ; fresh 
water remnants which werejjsft, __ This would place a premium. 
upn powers of endurance, and especially on air-breathing as 
opposed to water-breathing^ For a while these fishes could sTill 
carry on, especially if they could pass the worst of the droughts 
in the condition of torpor known as estivation. But with prq-> 
gressivc aridity, extejiding.,5iiciL^ftexiQds^ over too great a J3c>; 
portion of the c^jrture^ljf^ for 

the normal activity <^ Jts^exjst^nce^he^ problem had to be rnet 
In anotKer way by actual emergence and the assumption jojLa 
terrestrial mode of life. This, aside from the ori^in^of life 
itself and that of the Vertebrate type out of some unknown 
worm-like ancestor, was perhaps^jblie mos^ni^mentgus occurrence 
in all evolution. For it made possible the reptile, EIrdr~anct 
mammal including man himself, and withouFlt tlie~"iTshcs~wgurd 
be to this day the highesjt^expressiqn_of j^ertebrate progress. 

The Devonian period saw not only the assumption of lung- 
breathing on the part of certain fishes, but it also gave us in a 
single archaic footprint (Fig. 9) the first tangible record of a 
terrestrial backboned animal. Thus did our humble ancestor 
leave behind him "footprints on the sands of time." 

The conquest of the lands is first attained by the invertebrates 
the scorpions, shellfish, worms, and thousand-legs. But these 
are lowly folk and will never effectually dispute this new realm 
with the vertebrates to come. 

Devonian seas were replete with invertebrates corals, 
brachiopods, trilobites, and molluscs, of much the same character 
as were those of the Silurian period, and not until its close did the 



fishes invade the marine realm, as others of their descendants 
invaded the terrestrial. It was a time prophetic of the roles the 
backboned animals were yet to play. 

The Carboniferous Period 

The Carboniferous period which followed was also marked 
by great events In organic advancement. In Lower Carbonif- 
erous time the seas claim our interest, for the invertebrates are 
developing remarkable types, especially among the sea-lilies or 
crinoids (Fig. 31), the echinoids or sea-urchins T and the peculiar 
screw-like colonial organisms (bryozoans) known as Archimedes, 
from the philosopher of old (Kig. J^K ihere was also a great 
revival of sharks, which, in spite of their antiquity, now become 
Jominant marine forms. 

The Upper Carboniferous period shows alternations of 

and sea conditions, marine strata interspersed with those 
Bearing beds of coal- the product ot the abundant vc^etation^ 
>f low-lying fresh-water swamps. These beds are our most 

Courtesy of Dr. Carl D unbar 


Characteristic of the Lower Carboniferous period. The food is gathered by these pin- 
nule-bearing arms from the sea-water and conveyed along a median groove to the mouth 



productive coal measures* and the debt of modern civilization 
to them is immeasurable. 

In the meantime, not only have the first land vertebrates, the 


From the Helderbergian formation in Herkimer County, New York. These are 

colonial polyps which secrete calcareous material around their bodies. They may 

be attached to sea-weeds or rocks or may grow as free, fan-like expansions, or 

independent masses of crowded calcareous tubes 

Courtesy of Dr. Carl Diinbar 

stegocephalians (Fig. 33), established themselves, but actual 
reptiles have arisen, from which are to come, in turn, the "Rulers 
of the Mesozoic era." The chief distinction between the stego- 
cephalians, which were amphibians, and the reptiles lies in the 
youthful stages the egg and adolescent; the former lay their 
eggs in the water, and for a while their young are gill-breathers, 
reminiscent of their piscine ancestors. It is only as adults that 

* Measure, geologically, beds. 


they become truly lung-breathing terrestrial forms. With the rep- 
tiles, on the other hand, the eggs are laid on land, and the young 
are miniatures of their parents in all respects, gill-breathing being 
lost forever. It is possible that aridity in late Carboniferous 
time forced the abandonment of the amphibious life, though not 
on the part of all, for the stegocephalians endured into Triassic 


One of the first land vertebrates 

(Restoration after Abel) 

time and the salamanders and frogs have existed until this day, 
but on the part of those which by reason of environmental condi- 
tions were destined to higher things. The amphibian stage in 
evolution was merely en passant, for amphibians were never 
dominant forms of life. 

Yet another conquest was to occur during the Carboniferous 
period, namely, that of the air, not by vertebrates this time but 
by the invertebrates. For out of an humble trilobite ancestry, 
through some obscure evolutionary line, the insects were to arise 
and wing their way through the gloomy forests of the coal 
swamps roaches, dragonflies, and archaic orders which, as such, 
have ceased to be. Invertebrate air-mindedness preceded that 
of the vertebrates by millions of years, for the latter did not 
essay flight until the Triassic period. 

The Permian Period 

Rocks of the Permian period reveal climatic stress; gone are 
diesteaming tropical forests, and aridity and glacial cold mark; 
the period. Climatic influence on organic life is marked; insects 
are few of record, and their enforced periods of hibernation seem 


to have given rise to the remarkable change from the gradual 
metamorphosis of their ancestors to the abrupt one of the higher 
orders, as seen in the beetles, butterflies, bees, flies the great re- 
organization from grub to winged adult occurring during their 
quiescent period instead of extending throughout much of their 
active life, as in the roaches, grasshopper, dragonflies, and bugs. 
Out of the Permian the higher orders emerge. 

Whether or not the glacial cold of Permian time was con- 
tributory to the establishment of warm blood in the ancestors of 
birds and mammals remains to be proven, for the first recorded 
mammals belong to Triassic time, and the first birds to Jurassic. 
The inference, however, seems plausible that in some way aridity, 
which makes for speed and higher metabolism, and cold which 
places a premium on maintained internal heat and thus prolongs 
the active period of an animal's life in inclement climates, are 
responsible. Both aridity and glacial cold were characteristic of 
Permian times. 

With the appearance of insects, the invertebrate evolution is 
complete, except for minor details of adaptation and structure. 
And while the Permian period, which closes the great Paleozoic 
era, saw also the extinction of important groups, notably the 
trilobites, there has been no new invertebrate type established 

The vertebrates and higher flowering plants are to hold our 
future interest. 


The Mesozoic era, which endured for 150 million years, has 
been called the Age of Reptiles, for although the two higher 
classes, the birds and mammals, both arose during the era, they 
occupied subordinate roles, while all the niches in the economy 
of nature, including the lands, seas, and air, were occupied by 
the reptilian hordes. These ranged amazingly in size, from 
minute nervous forms to the mightiest terrestrial brutes the 
world has ever seen, and in their habits and adaptations, and 
hence in their form and structure met every known condition of 
life save that of the deep sea. 

A conservative classification divides the reptiles into at least 
eighteen orders, with suborders, families, genera, and species 


almost beyond reckoning. Of certain of these orders but few 
examples have come to light, and these are from Africa and from 
southwestern United States; yet other orders are known from 
abundant specimens often of such degree of perfection that our 
knowledge of their anatomy and inferred manner of life renders 
them fully as familiar to the paleontologist as are many of the 
existing animals of today. 

The Triassic Period 

Triassic time is ushered in by widespread aridity which seems 
to have given the initial trend to the evolution of many reptilian 
groups, notably the dinosaurs, for the first of these, both plant 
and animal feeders, are bipedal in gait as though impelled to. 
speed as a prime necessity of existence. They early fall into two 
groups; probably they always were a divided race whose only 
bond of relationship lay in their derivation from a common 

The carnivorous dinosaurs arose as the earlier of the two 
orders, having their recorded origin near the beginning of the 
Triassic period, whereas the herbivorous order does not appear 
till toward the close of the period. In both groups the main 
evolutionary lines, while differing in certain diagnostic features 
of skull, dentition, and pelvis, were, nevertheless, because of 
their comparable gaits and sizes, closely parallel throughout their 
entire course. There were aberrant* lines in both orders which, 
because of weight of body, armor, or armament, forsook the bi- 
pedal gait and descended once more to the quadrupedal pose of 
their ancestors. Some of these, especially toward the close of 
their career, attained a grotesqueness which made them fear- 
some animals, as were others because of their size or their ter- 
rible weapons teeth and claws or both. 

Dinosaurs are first recorded from the Lower Triassic rocks 
of Germany; but they soon spread to the uttermost parts of the 
earth, from Europe to central Asia, southern and eastern Africa, 
India, and Australia in the Old World, and from the Atlantic 
coast to the Rockies and British Columbia or to Patagonia, in 
the New. At first they dwelt in the drier areas, one of the most 
famous of which was the Connecticut Valley in New England, 

* Aberrant, deviating from the ordinary type. 



where their footprints are countless although their bones are 
few. From the Jurassic period on, their known habitat seems 
to have been low-lying coastal lands, 
rich in heat and moisture, much of 
which took the form of swamp and la- 


This huge animal (about 70 feet long) was partly, if not wholly, aquatic, a wading 

type with rather limited powers of swimming It must have fed on an abundance of 

some sort of water plants 

From a restoration by the autJior after the specimen in the Yale Peabody Museum 

See frontispiece 

goon or sluggish streams, and here the mightiest and weirdest 
of them lived. 

The Jurassic Period 

One ofthejTiore notable dinosaurs was the Upper Jurassic 
Vrontosaurus, a huge animal measuring about seventy_fggt_over_ 
jie curve of the backbone, bearing its weight. esjjmatcd__at^ 
jiirty-seven_tgns T on four great pillar-like limbs. It had a rather 
;hort, compact body, but a long neck and tail and a relatively 
;mall head armed with spoon-like teeth in the front of its jaws. 
Brontosaurus is assumed to have been at least partly, if not 

wholly, aquatic^T^^ 11 ^ tyP e w ^h rat hcr limited powers of 
jwimmmg. It must have fed on an abundance of some sort of 
tvater plants, although what they were has not yet been deter- 
Timed. These were dislodged by means of the clawed front feet, 
ind devoured without mastication. In a comparable form. 
Barosaurus, therejwerc found within the ribs a quantity of highly 
Dolished siliceous pebbles, which are supposed to have been con- 



tained in a muscular stomach and to have aided in digesting the 
inert mass of food. Brontosaurus, although not the largest oT 
dinosaurs, was, nevertheless, near the maximum size ever at- 
tained by any animal except some of the largest of modern 
whales, which because of their great girth and compact forrtv, 
bulk vastly heavier at an equivalent length. Associated with 
Brontosaurus in time and habitat was Allosaurus, a thirty-four 
foot carnivore, with teeth like recurved daggers, and powerful 
talons borne on both fore and hind feet. The latter probably 
preyed on Brontosaurus, but whether it could slay one in the full- 
ness of its strength, or whether the principal prey consisted of 
lesser dinosaurs, with an occasional dead Brontosaurus which it 
chanced to find, is not known. Allosaurus was certainly the most 
efficient beast of prey of his day well weaponed, alert on his 
two hind feet, in every way eminently fit. 

Another associate was Stegosaurus (Fig. 35), an armored 
dinosaur of lesser bulk, but of extreme grotesqueness, for the 
back of this quadrupedal form bore a double row of huge, up- 
standing plates, and the tip of the tail was armed with two or 
more pairs of spines formed of heavy bone, which, together with 


Though the bulk of this animal exceeded that of the largest elephant, its brain was 
very small, not more than two and a half ounces in weight 



the plates, must have been sheathed with horn. The small head 
bore a horny beak but rather feeble teeth, and the brain of this 
creature, whose bulk exceeded that of the largest elephant, was 
tiny not more than two and a half ounces in weight. The brain 
was doubtless the seat of consciousness and of the interpretation 
of such images of sight and sound that came to it, but of intelli- 
gence it had hardly any at all. It was an excessively dull brute 
whose reactions were largely physiological, but which, together 
with its grotesque armor and armament, made for survival. 
Stegosaurus did not, however, continue beyond the Jurassic or 
early Cretaceous periods, although its relatives were able to carry 
on for a time. 

There were also unarmored, bipedal plant-feeders among 
Jurassic types, such as Camptosaurus (Fig. 36). They were not 
yet conspicuous, although their descendants were to be when the 
giant amphibious dinosaurs had had their day. 

The Cretaceous Period 

In the Cretaceous the complexion of the dinosaurian societies 
changed. Gone are Brontosaurus and its allies, their place 
usurped by the types like Trachodon (Fig. 37) which not only 
could wade freely but, as the webbed hands 
and feet and the laterally compressed tail 
attest, could swim as well as a 
modern crocodile. The larg- 
est of these was about 
thirty-five feet, half 
the length of Bronto- 

Figure 36 


It had an average length of about ten feet, and was found in the Juiassic period 

of North America 

From a restoration by the author, based upon the skeleton in the American Museum 

of Natural History 



saurus, and the weight proportionately much less. The skin, 
which is sometimes preserved, shows no trace of armor but 
was covered with small scales arranged in definite patterns. 
Its mouth armament, however, was remarkable. A broad, 
toothless beak, not unlike that of a duck in shape, covered 
either with a leathery or horny skin, formed the front or food- 
getting portion of the mouth. The rear half of each jaw bore 
within itself a wonderful battery of teeth formed in a number 
of vertical rows, which moved outward to compensate for wear, 
new teeth developing in the depths of the jaws. Thus each 
half of each jaw possessed some twenty-seven to thirty vertical 
rows of ten to fourteen teeth, making upward of more than 
a thousand, all told. And these are what the specimen now pos- 
sesses and does not account for those which had been worn away 
by use. 

In Europe, Iguanodon (Fig. 38), an earlier genus (Lower 
Cretaceous period), was comparable in appearance to Tracho- 
don but without the extreme of specialization, except for curious, 
spike-like thumbs, apparently its only weapons. Certain American 
trachodonts, notably from Alberta, developed strange crest-like 
modifications of their skull, the meaning of which is not clear. 


So called because of the broad, toothless beak which formed the front or food-eettinir 

portion of the mouth. The posterior part of the mouth bore a wonderful batterv of 

teeth more than 1000 all told 

From a photograph of a skeleton in the Yale Peabody Museum 



They have their analogy in the crests of certain birds and the 
various "ornamental" excrescences of modern lizards, the use of 
which, unless it be a sex distinction, is equally obscure. Stego- 
saurus had also passed away; but its group, the armored dino- 
saurs, was represented by yet weirder forms, like Palaeoscincus, 
or Ankylosaurns, heavily armored, spined and tubercled, with de- 
pressed, somewhat triangular, head, strongly beaked, but with 
feeble teeth or none at all. Their very immobility and heavy 
armor made these dinosaurs practically immune to successful at- 

Not all, however, were weaponless, for some had a great 
club-like expansion on the end of the tail, a veritable bone-crush- 
ing battle-mace, which, while clumsy, may have proved highly 
effective as a defensive organ when a carnivore had the hardi- 
hood to attack them. 

Another group of dinosaurs are new to the scene, for we 
know of no Jurassic or early Cretaceous form which could pos- 


No fewer than seventeen remarkably preserved skeletons were found in a coal mine at 

Bernissart, in Belgium, and are mounted in the liiussels Museum of Natural History. 

Iguanodon was about timty-four feet in length, and bore upon the hand, by way of 

a weapon, a peculiar spike-like thumb 

(.Adapted from Hcilmann) 

sibly have sired them. These are the Ceratopsia, or horned 
dinosaurs, known, until recently, exclusively from the lands 
bordering on the eastern uplift of the Rocky Mountain region. 


Ancestors which had all their characteristics, except the horns, 
have recently come to light in Protoceratops of far Mongolia. 
A typical American form is Triceratops (Fig. 39), from the up- 
permost Cretaceous beds, who was an associate in the rocks, if not 
in life, with Trachodon and the armored forms of which we have 

In Triceratops the head was huge, being upward of one-third 


It was about twenty-five feet in length, with a skull over ei<;ht feet loncj the largest 
skull of a land animal known to science 

From a restoration by the author, based upon the skcJcfon in the American Museum 

of Natural History 

the overall length of the animal. It was borne on a bulky body 
with bowed forelegs and somewhat straighter hind ones and 
a rather short tail. The skull had a very small brain case, with 
a secondary over roofing of bone which was extended backward 
into an expanded crest or frill, which, during life, was closely 
invested with horny skin. This crest not only afforded leverage 
for wielding the head but also a protection for the nerves and 
blood vessels of the neck. A rather long face and deep muzzle, 
armed with a compressed turtle-like beak, completed the head, 
except for the horns. These were borne on the nose and above 
the eyes and vary greatly in their development in the different 
genera and species. 

Monoclonius (Fig. 40), an earlier genus, possessed but one 


horn, the nasal, but Diceratops, a contemporary of Triceratops, 
had two above the eyes, that over the nose having disap- 

In most of the later dinosaur types the crest was a complete 
buckler of bone; in the earlier ones it was perforated by aper- 
tures varying in size and shape, and in one form, Styracosaurus, 
the outer edge of the crest bore huge horn-like spines. All were 
grotesque animals; but while reptiles, with all that that implies, 
they were very rhinoceros-like in general appearance. In si/e the 
largest Triceratops must have attained a length of twenty-five 
or more feet, with a skull over eight feet long the largest skull 
of a land animal known to science. 

All of these, Trachodon, Palaeoscincus, and Triceratops, 
were herbivorous, their arch enemy of the carnivorous phylum 
being Tyrannosaurus (Fig. 41), the most appalling devourer of 

flesh that ever stalked the earth. A 
ponderous body borne aloft on two 
massive legs armed with curved 
claws, and balanced by a heavy tail, 
Tyrannosaurus reared its huge head, 
with its cruel teeth, eighteen feet in 
the air. Its arms and hands were so 

Fig 40-TITF. HEAD OF VC1 7 Smdl tHat ^ Can Ot i^'" 6 

MONOCI.ONWS w hy it had them at all, except pos- 

ta ?hT"ow!a e nd"'orwh r a, W arp r ^n d t sibly for pairing, but they show the 

&A e Ja k . y M^h^'and tendency of evolution of the group, 

adapfedVfo? bot" Xnive "mi for while the other members keep 

defensive operations . , . , i 11 ,1 r i i_ 

., . .. , .. .. pace with body bulk, the fore limbs 

From a restoration by the author ~ J ' 

become proportionately smaller and 

smaller until the marked disparity in Tyrannosaurus is reached. 
The latter, with its forty-five feet of length, was not only the 
most powerful but actually the largest dinosaur of its time 
and shows the final culmination of the race before ultimate 

But not all of the carnivores of that time were large, for 
there was a race of smaller and lighter beasts of prey, whose 
evolution has been traced from the Connecticut Valley forms, 
a foot or so in length, through Compsognathus of Solnhofen 
(Fig. 18), two and a half feet, to Struthiomimiis, the ostrich- 


mimic (Fig. 42), of the late 
Cretaceous period. This last, with 
its compact feet and toothless 
beak, resembled an os- 
trich in appearance, ex- 
cept for a long tail, 


It was forty-five feet long and stood eighteen feet high, the entire weight of the body 

being supported on the massive hind limbs. The head was four feet in length, and the 

powerful jaws bore teeth from three to six inches long 

From a restoration by the author 

and doubtless was similar in its habits of life. It was by 
far the speediest among the dinosaurian horde. 

Other Great Reptiles 

Of marine reptiles there were several kinds, for no fewer 
than six reptilian orders took to the high seas for their livelihood 
during Mesozoic times. There were the turtles, crocodiles, mosa- 
saurs or marine serpent-like lizards, 
allied to the monitors of today, and 
plesiosaurs with bulky body, four pad- 
dle-like limbs, and long neck bearing 
a quick, darting head which made up 
in its speed what the entire organism 
lacked. But perhaps the finest of all 
in its perfection of adaptation to ma- 
rine life was the "fish lizard," Ichthyo- 
saur (Fig. 43), stream-lined like a 
modern porpoise, with a long mouth 
armed with prehensile teeth, a power- 
ful propelling tail with a vertical fin, (.Modified from 

Figure 42 


By far the speediest among the 
dinosaurian horde 


a dorsal fin, reduced hind limbs, and the fore limbs transformed 
into paddles. Not only were the ichthyosaurs dolphin-like in 
appearance, except that their tail fin was vertical instead of being 
horizontal, but their manner of life was the same, even to the 
feeding habits, for their coprolites show that their food con- 
sisted of fish and cephalopods upon which modern dolphins prey. 
They are totally unrelated to the whales, even though, like them, 
they brought forth their young alive; but they represent a mar- 
velous instance of convergent evolution in which Nature has 
repeated herself, although with creatures of a totally unlike sort. 
The ^ : minded reptiles werejthe pterosaur^ or pterodactyls 
whose pinions diffefcB fr_omThose o^birds and resembled those 
of bats in that the supporting surface consisted of a fold of the 


in-likc both in appearance and in habits. Tt is an example of perfect adaj 
from a terrestrial to an aquatic environment 

Fiom a restoration by the author, based upon the skeleton by l r on Hucnc 

skin borne by the arm, an elongated single finger, and a hind 
limb. In the UpKCj^^i^sic^jg^rigd^ pterosaurs appeared 
abruptly out of an unknown^ncestry, enduring until the Upper 
Cretaceous time but dying out apparently before its closeT 
Splendid examjgles^ sudi^^^ 

from the Upper Jurassic bed at Solnhofen, but the culmination 
was Pteranodon (Fig. 45), a toothless form with fish-eating 
habits analogous to the existing pelicans. Pteranodon had a wing 
spread of upward of twenty-five feet the greatest flying crea- 
ture in Nature's realm. It is found in the Upper Cretaceous 
Niobrara deposits of Kansas. 

These were but a few representative groups of reptiles; there 
were others, less spectacular, which made up the great reptilian 
dynasty of the Mesozoic. 


Mesozoic Birds 

Mention has been made of representatives of the two higher 
classes, birds and mammals, which also existed, but filled minor 

l-i. 44-T11K GUKAT HAJNG KKl'TJLK, KlUMt'llUKliy 
Even the impression of the delicate wing membranes is beautifully preserved 

From a photograph of the Yale Peabody ^Museum specimen from the Jurassic deposits 

at Solnhofen 

roles in the medieval drama. Of the birds, the first was Archae- 
opteryx of Solnhofen (Fig. 46) , so reptile-like in many ways that, 


This specimen in the Yale Peabody Museum had a wing spread of eighteen feet It 
came from the Cretaceous chalk strata of western Kansas 


Though undoubtedly a bird, it had many reptilian characters, among which were the 
presence of teeth in both jaws, the free, clawed fingers of the hand, the poorly developed 
breastbone, and especially the long vertebrated tail, which, however, was furnished 
with feathers on both sides. In all later birds, the tail is short, and the feathers 

disposed fan-wise 

(From Heilmann) 



were it not for the preserved feathers, one would hardly be justi- 
fied in assuming it to be a bird at all. Toothed, with feeble powers 
of flight, and a long lizard-like tail with a row of feathers on either 
side, these generalized forms were very different from the 
feathered songsters we know. Yet, had they not been dis- 
covered, they are about what one would predict for transitional 
forms from reptiles to true birds. 

These Jurassic birds were succeeded in the Cretaceous period 
by Ichthyornis, not unlike the terns of today except that it also 
possessed teeth, and Hesperornis, a splendid creature nearly six 
feet in length, resembling a large flightless diver (Fig. 47). 
Hesperornis was also toothed, but its wings were reduced to a 
pair of long slender upper arm bones. Even the breast bone 
had lost the keel, to which the great muscles of flight are 
normally attached, in a manner comparable to that of the modern 
flightless birds, like the ostrich. But there the ostrich-like char- 
acter ends, for Hesperornis was a marine bird, of habits analo- 
gous to the existing loons. Our fossil record of birds is always 
meager, for they rarely are entombed as are other forms of life. 


This specimen in the Yale Peabody Museum came from the Niobrara formation of 
Kansas. It was about four and a half feet long, had lost the power of flight, but 
had developed powerful hind limbs well adapted for swimming 


We are fortunate in that the three or four Mesozoic birds which 
we have are in so high a degree of completeness. They are, 
however, all marine and are all toothed. If we knew the true 
land birds of the Mesozoic, of graminivorous habits, it is highly 
probably that we might find toothless ones in every way com- 
parable to those of today, though without their range of special- 
ization in numbers and kinds. 

The Warm-blooded Mammals 

The warm-blooded mammals are the familiar quadrupeds or 
beasts of today, and though neither title properly applies to 
mankind, man nevertheless belongs to the class. Their advent 
in geological time is therefore of double interest to us, both 
on account of our many contacts with the "beasts of the field" 
and also because of our lineage. Mammals arose out of a group 
of reptiles known as cynodonts (i.e., dog-toothed), primitive 
in many respects, but differing particularly in their dentition, for 
while with reptiles in general teeth may vary in size in certain 
parts of the mouth, here they are clearly differentiated into in- 
cisors, canines, and cheek teeth, as in a mammal. Cynodonts are 
found in continental strata of Triassic age in various parts of 
the world, but especially in what is known as the Karoo forma- 
tion of South Africa, which contains also undoubted mammals. 

All of the known mammals of the Mesozoic era have the 
common property of small size, averaging up to that of a rat, 
although certain skulls from central Mongolia indicate some- 
what larger creatures. None is large, however, in the sense that 
the reptiles were. The remains, though locally fairly abundant, 
are nevertheless among the rarest of fossils of Mesozoic time, 
and in no known instance has anything approximating a complete 
skeleton been found. On the contrary, the fossils are extremely 
fragmentary, consisting principally of isolated teeth, many jaws, 
both upper and lower, rare portions of skulls, only three or four 
of which are fairly perfect, and a few skeletal elements, which 
never, so far as known, can be associated with their appropriate 
jaws and teeth. Thus it is obvious that we can have no clear 
vision of a complete animal, such restorations as have been at- 
tempted having a large degree of conjecture and inference from 
related forms of the Cenozoic era. 


We know, however, that the Mesozoic mammals differed 
markedly in tooth structure and hence in feeding habits, that 
some were vegetarians and others devourers of animal life, al- 
though from their lack of prowess, the prey of the latter must 
have been proportionally feeble. The insectivores of today feed 
upon insects, worms, grubs, small reptiles and birds; so must it 
have been with the carnivorous mammals of the Mesozoic era. 
Two of the most productive localities in America are the Como 
Bluff, of Jurassic age, where they were associated with the great 
dinosaurs, Brontosaurus, Allosaurus, and others, and the Creta- 
ceous beds of Niobrara County, which produced Triceratops, 
Trachodon, and Tyrannosaurus. These localities are both in 
Wyoming. In every instance mammals are associated with 
dinosaurs, which implies the same geological and geographical 
distribution, but not necessarily the same environment, for Dr. 
William Dilter Matthew (1871-1930), of the University of 
California, thought that the Mesozoic mammals were largely, 
if not exclusively, tree-inhabiting, whereas the dinosaurs were 
terrestrial or partially aquatic. 

It is possible that future research may reveal as yet unknown 
areas in which, on account of different conditions of environment, 
mammals may be found differing markedly in size and in other 
characters from those we now know. In the light of our present 
knowledge, the most amazing thing about them is their apparent 
stagnation, for, aside from tooth detail, they show little evolu- 
tionary advancement from their first appearance in Upper Trias- 
sic rocks until the close of the Cretaceous, over 100 million 
years ! This is the more surprising when one remembers that 
out of some Mesozoic mammals, known or unknown, are to arise 
all of the higher orders. The potentiality to evolution must 
have been there, and, if so, it was held most effectively in check, 
presumably by the ruling dynasty, the reptiles. 

Extinction of the Great Reptiles 

Reptilian extinctions which occurred with such apparent sud- 
denness at the close of the Cretaceous, leaving but few survivors 
out of the many orders of highly efficient creatures, were of 
paramount importance for the mammals. Occasionally Nature 
seems to wipe the slate clean of once dominant forms and start 


afresh with creatures whose role had been one of subordination 
and thus people the world anew. So it was at the end of the 
Mesozoic era. How this was brought about is a mystery, though 
a number of explanations have been offered. Were we thinking 
of dinosaurs alone the problem would be simpler, but the great 
extinction swept the reptiles from the high seas and from the 
air, as well as from the lands. 

The close of every era, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic, 
has been marked by great geologic change; orogenic, or moun- 
tain-making movements, are everywhere manifest, and, what- 
ever their influence on climate, they are critical periods for 
animal life, for always when these "revolutions" are past old 
familiar types are among the missing, evolution is accelerated, 
and new groups arise. 

Not always is plant evolution synchronous with that of 
animals. In fact it usually precedes the latter. * Thus, while 
plants became fully modernized during the Cretaceous period, 
the dinosaurs still held sway and adapted themselves to the 
changed appearance of the plant world without marked change 
on their own part. This but adds to the difficulty of the problem. 


With the passing of the reptilian dynasties the mammals 
come into their own and in their turn become what we have 
called dominant forms of life. It is interesting to note that each 
wave of dominance arises out of what were humbler and less 
specialized forms. Dominant never produces dominant of the 
same lineage. It is a replacement, not a succession in the sense 
of related beings, as the succession of the kings of the house of 
Stuart or of Hapsburg. 

The Archaic Mammals 

Two successive waves of mammalian evolution occur in the 
Cenozoic era, the first of which immediately followed the extinc- 
tion of the great reptiles. This concerns the so-called "archaic 
mammals" which, while showing remarkable adaptations in 
many respects, are also characterized by certain constitutional 
inhibitions which apparently they were unable to overcome and 
which were so serious as to doom them from the start. 


There are three essentials of mammalian evolution, the first 
two of which are the feet and the teeth, which are perhaps the 
parts of the animal most closely in contact with the environment 
and which were the concern of the reptiles as well. In the 
Cenozoic era to these two was added the brain, and for the first 
time a premium was placed upon the psychological aspect of an 
animal's fitness for survival. This was largely unessential in the 
reptilian evolution. The archaic mammals possessed all three; 
but in no instance within the group were they capable of the 
development and specialized adjustment which their modernized 
successors displayed, for out of the latter, with few exceptions, 
the existing mammals have come. Their feet were always primi- 
tive five-toed, clawed, or hoofed but never capable of such 
specialization as occurs in a horse or cat. The teeth, while dif- 
ferentiated and in rare instances specialized as to tusks, never 
showed, especially in the molars, a perfection of adaptation to 
a particular diet, such as grass or flesh. Finally, the brain is 
actually small in proportion to the bulk of the animal, although 
far better in this respect than in the reptiles. Casts of the in- 
terior of the brain-case, either natural or artificial, give an ex- 
cellent replica of the vanished organ. While the parts which 
have to do with sense perception and muscular co-ordination are 
fairly well developed, the cerebral hemispheres, which are the 
seat of intelligence, are relatively very small and their outer 
surface is smooth, showing a very limited cortex, the so-called 
u gray matter" of popular usage. These were altogether stupid 
beasts, well enough perhaps when all were of the same degree 
of mentality, but unable to cope with the invading army of 
intelligent, modernized creatures which shortly overwhelmed 

Several orders of mammals are classed as archaic. They 
make their appearance in the opening period of the Cenozoic, 
the Paleocene, and all but one or two genera have disappeared 
by Oligocene time, unless certain groups, such as the sloths and 
armadillos and the pouched marsupials, are living survivors. 
The most notable among the archaic mammals were the 
creodonts, primitive flesh-eating animals of greater prowess than 
the Mesozoic carnivores. Some of these were weasel-like, some 
resembled the dogs, others were hyena- or bear-like, and doubt- 



less of comparable habits in each instance. A very dog-like 
form is Dromocyon (Fig. 48), from the Bridger Eocene strata 
of Wyoming; the skull of a gigantic type, Andrewsarcus, was 
discovered in Mongolia by the American Museum expedition of 
1923. Dromocyon has a large head in spite of the small brain- 
case, size being necessary to provide attachment for the large 
muscles which the inefficient teeth required for anything like 
effective use. 

In addition to the creodonts, there were two orders of 
herbivores, the condylarths and the amblypods. Of these the 
first were, on the whole, lighter of build and more or less adapted 
for speed; in fact, they paralleled the creodonts rather closely, 
except for the contrast of diet which their teeth indicate. One 


In spite of its comparatively large head, this archaic mammal possessed an extremely 

small brain-case 

From a restoration by the author, based upon the skeleton in the Yale Peabody Museum 

notable specimen was Phenacodus primaevus, an animal about the 
size of a sheep (Fig. 49). This was discovered years ago in the 
Bridger beds of Wyoming by the noted American paleontologist, 
Edward Drinker Cope ( 1 840-1 897 ) , and is now in the American 
Museum of Natural History. When first found, Dr. Cope 
hailed it as the five-toed ancestor of the horse, which has been 
ardently sought for, thus far without success. The large size 
and inadaptive characteristics, together with the fact that it is 
contemporaneous with Eohippus, the four-toed horse, debars it 
absolutely as the forerunner of a proud lineage. 

The amblypods were, as a rule, much larger than the con- 


dylarths, heavy-bodied and ungainly, with stumpy or splayed five- 
toed feet. Of these, Coryphodon (Fig. 50), again from the 


It survived until the end of lower Eocene time and was a contemporary of Eohippus 

From a restoration by the author, based upon the skeleton in the American Museum 

of Natural Hut or y 

Bridger, was about the size of a small rhinoceros, with flaring 
tusks almost like those of a wild boar, and an absurdly small 
brain. The character of the feet indicate a swamp-dwelling 

The culminating amblypod, by far the most grotesque of 


It was about the size of a small rhinoceros, with flaring tusks almost like those 

of a wild boar 

From a restoration by the author 



all the archaic mammals, was Dinoceras (Fig. 51). Large, al- 
most elephantine of body and limbs, standing about six feet at the 
withers, this strange brute had a most unusual head. It was 
rather long, with three pairs of horn-like eminences on the skull, 
a pair on the nose, one above the eye, and again a pair at the 
hinder end. These were doubtless sheathed with horn and may 
have served in a measure as weapons. Dinoceras was further 
provided with a pair of dagger-like tusks, the canine teeth of the 


It was almost elephantine in body and limb, standing six feet at the withers. The 
armament of Dinoccras may have served a useful purpose, but it is more likely an 
indication of racial senility 

F)om a restoration by the author 

upper jaw, which pointed downward and were protected, when 
the mouth was closed, by a large bony flange on the lower jaw. 
The tusks and horns vary with the species and sometimes within 
a species, possibly as a sex character, the more heavily armed 
individuals being apparently the males. 

Dinoceras first appears in the Bridger, Middle Eocene, 
beds and ranges up into the Uinta formation, the closing member 
of Eocene time, during which a marked evolution of the skull, 
horns, and tusks is seen. The molar teeth, however, are prac- 
tically unaltered in form and size, in spite of the changes in the 
skull and armament. They are a curious illustration of a veneer 
of specialization in a primitive beast. The brain, although larger 


than that of Coryphodon, is still very small compared with the 
elephantine bulk of its owner. These archaic mammals evidently 
had their origin, as well as their subsequent evolution, largely 
in the western part of North America, being found chiefly in 

The Modernized Mammals 

In the meantime, however, there begins the invasion of 
middle North America by the advanced scouts of a conquering 
army, the modernized mammals, which, as we have mentioned, 
include the actual forebears of the existing beasts and of men. 
These forms had no such constitutional limitations as had the 
archaic, for the three essentials, feet, teeth, and brain, are po- 
tentially capable of the highest specialization. But not all of 
the modernized mammals developed the three equally well; 
the horses "elected" development in each, the elephants in two, 
the teeth and brain, retaining primitive feet, whereas human 
evolution has stressed but one, the brain, the teeth being ex- 
tremely primitive, the hands as well, while the feet show a little 
specialization, but not much as compared with many other 

The rather sudden and simultaneous appearance of the 
modernized mammals in both the Old World and the New, 
points to an origin and initial evolution in some region contiguous 
to both. If one looks at a polar projection of our earth, in the 
northern hemisphere, he will see the great continental masses 
converging toward the pole and radiating outward toward the 
south. The circumpolar area, therefore, forms with a few 
breaks a common land from which lines of migration run down 
the continental axes, the Americas, Europe and Africa, and Asia. 
While there is no direct evidence, such as the finding of circum- 
polar fossils, that region is the only one from which these crea- 
tures could have come in order to arrive simultaneously, as they 
did, in the several remote lands. 

The climate of this northern land was mild, but apparently 
variable, which is always a higher stimulus to progress than 
would be the warm, moist, uniform climate of the Eocene period 
in Wyoming. This may have made possible the evolution of 
the higher types in the north rather than in Wyoming. The 


southward migration seems to have been caused in part by 
climatic pulsations, tending toward greater severity, for the 
animals come not all at once but in a series of invading waves 
and in part by pressure of numbers, which always impels migra- 
tion wherever possible. At once the invaders entered into com- 
petition with the archaic mammals, the fate of which is doubtful 
except that they disappeared from their old territory forever. 
Some were driven southward where they formed some part of 
the curious South American and African faunae; others, unable 
to endure the competition, finally became utterly extinct. Yet 
others, and these were very few, may have given rise to some 
at least of the existing animals, possibly the true Carnivora. The 
modernized mammals now possess the land. We have space 
for the consideration of very few, but the three groups mentioned 
above, horses, elephants, and humanity, should be described the 
first because of the completeness of our record of the stages which 
link the earliest, Eohtppus, with the horses of our time; the 
second not quite so complete, but of great interest; and the third, 
though the least perfect of all, because of the personal appeal. 



YEARS of exploration in Europe and North America have 
given our museums a wonderful array of fossil horses. 
When a few had been found, the line of evolution was thought 
to be a single straightforward thing; but with the abundance 
of material the problem becomes complex and we find several 
parallel and divergent descent lines, some of which died out from 
time to time until one genus alone survives, although in several 
markedly different species. 


The recorded evolutionary changes are, briefly : ( 1 ) , increase 
from three to sixteen hands in shoulder height; (2), increase of 
about 200 times in bulk; (3), a change in the dentition from 
short-crowned grinders bearing a half-dozen or so isolated cusps 
to more complex grinders and enlarged cropping teeth; (4), an 
increase in length and in simplicity of the feet as an adaptation 
for speed. 

In the evolution of the teeth, the isolated cusps fused into 
crests, the valleys between the crests becoming flooded with 
cement, and the teeth lengthened, becoming prismatic with elabo- 
rate patterns caused by the infolding of the outside enamel. The 
premolars, at first simpler than the molars, became successively 
molar-like, beginning with the hindermost, until instead of four 
premolars and three molars, there were six grinders in each half 
jaw, all essentially the same in appearance, while the first pre- 
molar had become the vestigial "wolf tooth. " In the modern 
horse, the jaws have elongated and deepened to give room for 
the increase in size of the teeth and the separation of the crop- 
ping teeth from the grinders by the gap or diastema. 

The unknown hypothetical ancestor was doubtless five-toed 



both in front and behind, the bones of the hand being sug- 
gestive of our own. Gradually the hands and feet were raised 
higher on their digits, of which the third or middle one was des- 
tined to bear the most weight. The lateral toes diminished pro- 
portionately, starting with the first,, then the fifth, and finally the 
second and fourth together, so that there are four-toed horses 
known to science, then three-toed, and finally one-toed, but never 
two-toed. In the final stage, vestiges of digits two and four 
remain as splints on either side of the canon bone, just as in 
earlier stages vestiges of the first and fifth remained for a time 
after the real toes had disappeared. 


In the actual fossil record there are ten stages recognized 
as characteristic of the successive geological horizons not that 
this implies abrupt changes but quite the contrary, for it is obvi- 
ous that to have a complete series there should be a specimen of 
each generation, a manifest impossibility. The geological hori- 
zons, as we have seen, are separated by time intervals during 
which a break in the continuity of sedimentation occurs. The 
specimens of these lost intervals, which may represent many 
generations, are also lost, hence the apparently abrupt change 
when the fossils reappear. The several stages are as follows: 

1. Eohippus, the first known stage in the evolution of the 
horses, is found in our West in rocks of Lower Eocene age and 
their equivalent in the Old World. The European form, Hyraco- 
therhim, of the London Clay is somewhat more primitive in 
tooth structure and, therefore, possibly older. Eohippus had 
four toes in front and three behind, for at first the evolution of 
the foot is more rapid than the hand, due in part to its having 
a somewhat greater share in the propulsion of the animal. The 
height at the shoulder was about eleven inches, the back was 
arched, and the head and neck were rather short, but Eohippus 
had moderately long limbs, the proportions being not unlike those 
of the racing hound known as the whippet. It must, therefore, 
have been an animal with a fair turn of speed for its size. The 
teeth were short-crowned, with the primitive cusps beginning 
to fuse into crests. This genus had a remarkable geographic 
range, for, after evolving in some northern area, it migrated 

(Horses, Asses, Zebras) 

Unknown Five-toed Ancestor 


a, Eohippus; b, Orohippus; c, Mesohippus; d, Merychippus; e, Pliohippus; f, Equus; 
g, Hypohippus; h, Hipparion; i, Hippidium 

Horses a-f represent the main line of descent; jr, h, and i, collateral lines which 

have become extinct 

(After Lull) 



southward as far as New Mexico in the New World and 
Europe in the Old. 

2. During Eocene time the horses increased in size and 
suffered further diminution of the fourth digit of the hand, 
but all are four-toed horses nevertheless, although other generic 
names are applied to them, Orohippus of the Middle and 
Epihippus in the Upper Eocene. 

Although in America the horses form a continuous series 
from Eohippus to Equus, in the Old World the line is broken 
from time to time. It is assumed, therefore, that the real 
theater of their evolution, after the initial appearance, was 
North America, from which they migrated, as opportunity arose, 
via one or more land bridges over which traffic was not, however, 
continuous. What caused the repeated extinctions in the Old 
World after each invasion is not clear, for at the end the condi- 
tions were reversed and final extinction occurred in the New 
World and survival in the Old. 

3. Mesohippus was the first three-toed stage, for now the 
hand, except for a vestige of the fourth digit, had overtaken 
the foot in its evolution, and henceforth their development is 
comparable. Mesohippus also varied in size but averaged 
eighteen or more inches in height, was slender-limbed and better 
adapted for speed. 

4. Miohippus, the fourth stage, differs but little from its pred- 
ecessor except in size, which is increased to twenty-four inches. 
Mesohippus was Lower and Middle Oligocene, whereas Mio- 
hippus comes from the upper beds. A derivative of Miohippus 
known as Anchitherium, made its appearance in Europe in the 
Miocene, the result of the second migration. 

The climate of the Eocene and the Oligocene periods was 
warm and moist, with an abundance of succulent vegetation for 
these small browsing horses. But in the latter period there is 
already an expansion of grasslands, prophetic of the widespread 
prairie conditions which the growing aridity of the Miocene 
was to foster. 

Miocene horses are several, not all of which were in the 
direct line of descent; all were three-toed, however, although 
varying in the development and utility of their lateral toes. In 
the main line were : 


5. Parahippus, yet a browsing horse with short-crowned 

6. Merychippus, forty inches tall, whose milk teeth were 
short-crowned but whose permanent grinders were prismatic with 
infolded enamel, an adaptation to harsher herbage. 

7. Protohippus, whose milk teeth as well as the permanent 
set were long-crowned. 

Three or more side lines occur: Anchitherhim, to which refer- 
ence has already been made; Hypohippus, pony-like in size, with 
well developed side toes, thus adapting the creature for yielding 
ground, and short-crowned teeth set in shallow jaws. Hypo- 
hippus is sometimes described as a forest horse, but the feet 
are analogous to those of the reindeer which is adapted to the 
mossy tundras. At all events Hypohippus was not a prairie 
horse, and by the beginning of the Pliocene it became extinct 
as a race. 

A third collateral line was Hipparion, again a migrant to 
the Old World where it survived until near the close of the Plio- 
cene. Still three-toed, with lateral digits that occasionally touched 
the ground when the going was soft, Hipparion had the most 
complicated teeth thus far recorded. It stood about forty inches 
at the shoulder, a speedy creature of somewhat deer-like pro- 
portions. Hipparion also died without further issue, leaving the 
main stream of equine blood to 

8. Pliohippus of the Pliocene, the first one-toed horse, al- 
though some of the species of this genus may have retained 
small, practically useless, side toes, like the "dew claws" of 
cattle. By Upper Pliocene time, Pliohippus had merged into 

9. Plesippus, whose lateral toes had entirely disappeared 
and whose stature almost equaled that of Equus, which still 
lives in the modern horse. 

10. Equus is Pleistocene in time and had spread to South 
America as well as to the eastern hemisphere. Then came the 
final extinction of the horse in the Americas, of which we cannot 
yet clearly define the cause, for, whatever it was, it did not affect 
either the Asiatic or African horses, although as wild animals 
they have also disappeared from Europe. 

The Pleistocene period was characterized by the mantling 
of the northern continents with vast sheets of ice, which flowed 


and ebbed and flowed again, there being in America four, pos- 
sibly five, periods of advance separated by much longer periods 
of mild and even salubrious climates. In the southern hemisphere 
the ice was more local, existing not as continental ice sheets such 
as still mantle Greenland and Antarctica, but as alpine glaciers 
in the vicinity of which domestic horses live and thrive. 

Some devastating insect-carried disease, such as the sleeping 
sickness of Africa, or the surra disease of India, has been sug- 
gested, brought in by some invading mammals which could carry 
the parasite and yet, themselves, be immune to its effects. An 
insect, such as the tsetse fly of Africa, is the intermediary be- 
tween one mammal and another. That the Americas are now 
a splendid horse environment is attested by the hordes of wild, 
or secondarily wild, horses, the mustangs, which have overrun 
both continents from a very small beginning the few horses 
brought over by the Spanish conquerers and left behind when 
they had no further use for them. 

This we know, that the Glacial period was a very critical 
time for animal life, although in just what way the influence was 
felt is still obscure. At all events, many splendid forms fell 
before its onslaughts, including the native American horses. 
In Asia and Africa, on the other hand, the indigenous horses 
still survive, the Prjevalsky horse and the kiang of Mongolia, 
the Nubian and Somali asses of northern Africa, the first to be 
domesticated, and finally the African zebras. Were it not for 
the final migration of Equus to the Old World, man's most 
faithful companion, with the exception of the dog, and certainly 
the companion to which his civilization owes the most, would 
never have been available, and as a consequence his march of 
culture and commerce would have been retarded immeasurably. 
It is said that the mysterious Maya civilization of Central Amer- 
ica is the only one which has ever arisen among people who pos- 
sessed neither metal tools nor the horse. 



ELEPHANTS and mastodons are included in the Proboscidea, 
a group of hoofed animals characterized briefly by gigantic 
size and the possession of the trunk, or proboscis, which gives 
its name to the race. The size necessitates pillar-like limbs to 
carry the weight, borne on rather primitive five-toed feet, al- 
though there is a tendency toward the loss of one of the hinder 
toes. The skeleton of the foot is encased in a yielding cushion 
around which are nail-like hoofs which may be fewer in number 
than the actual digits. Most long-limbed animals possess an 
equivalent length of neck in order to enable them to reach the 
ground. But not so here, for, because of the great, heavy head, 
the neck is short and thick, and the proboscis serves the purpose 
of food and water getting and other minor uses as well. 


The skull has changed its shape from the long, low form of 
the average quadruped and has become short and high to gain 
leverage w r ith which to wield the trunk and tusks. This only 
in part involves the actual brain chamber which, in itself, has 
over twice the capacity of a man's. The skull walls have become 
enormously thick through the growth of cellular bone, known 
as diploe, between the inner and outer surfaces of the original 
skull bones. This has increased the leverage and the area for the 
attachment of the neck muscles and ligaments without undue 
increase in weight. 

To the face is attached the proboscis, the combined upper 
lip and nose through which the nostrils run for its entire length. 
The organ contains some 500 muscles and possesses not only 
great power but dexterity as well. In the Indian elephant it 
terminates in one and in the African elephant in two finger-like 
processes for grasping. 




The proboscidean teeth are remarkable for their fewness 
at any one time, their complexity of structure, and their manner 
of succession in the jaws. There are in the adult elephant but 
six fully formed teeth in the mouth, although when a grinder 
is partly worn away its successor may be seen in partial use. 
The tusks are long, curved, tapering teeth, originally the second 
pair of upper incisors. These grow continuously throughout 
the lifetime of the animal. The grinders are complex, being 
formed of double plates of enamel, each pair enclosing a portion 
of dentine and separated from the adjacent pair by a layer of 
cement, the whole being bound together into a single organ. As 
the softer dentine and cement are worn away, the enamel, being 
by far the hardest, is left in the form of transverse ridges, thus 
producing a roughened grinding surface. The number of ridges 
varies from six to twenty-seven or more in a single tooth. These 
grinders are formed successively in the rear of the jaws and move 
downward and forward through the arc of a circle as the ones 
in use wear away. 


The first proboscideans are found in the Egyptian Faiyum 
desert, some sixty miles southwest of Cairo. The ancestral 
form is Moeritherium, named after the ancient Lake Moeris, in 
the sediments of which it came to light. Moeritherium was a 
small Eocene form not over twenty-five inches in height, with 
a long, low skull and the normal vertical tooth succession of a 
mammal. There were three pairs of upper incisors of which 
the second are already the largest. The grinders were simple, 
short-crowned, with two or three cross crests. The proboscis 
has not yet appeared; whether or not the animal even had a 
prehensile lip is a matter of differing opinions. The body char- 
acteristics are not well known. 


Moeritherium was succeeded by Paleomastodon in the Lower 
Oligocene of the same region, the former persisting for a while 
with the newly arisen form. The skull of Paleomastodon is larger 




Unknown common ancestor of Proboscideans, 
Hyraces or Conies, and Sea Cows 


1, Moeritherium; 2, Paleomastodon; 3, Trilophodon; 4, Dinotherium; 5, Mastodon; 

6, Dibelodon; 7, Stegodon; 8, Imperial Elephant; 9, Woolly Mammoth; 

10, African Elephant; 11, Indian Elephant 

Drawn to scale 
(.Modified from Osborn who recognizes a number of divergent phyla, not here indicated} 



and its rear is higher. The nostril opening has receded backward 
on the face, which means one of two things: either a proboscis 
or an adaptation to aquatic life. Here apparently the former 
is indicated, for the lower jaw, with its horizontal spade-like 
tusks, is elongating, probably for use in digging, and a proboscis 
is necessary to reach beyond it. The upper tusks are larger, 
curve downward, and bear on their outer face a band of enamel 
which is lacking in the modern elephant tusk, except for a tiny 
patch at the end which is soon worn away. The skull, jaws, and 
tusks of Paleomastodon show clearly that digging was a prime 
function and determined the future tendency in evolution. The 
grinding teeth are not unlike those of Moeritheritim, although 
somewhat more complex. Paleomastodon was elephant-like in 
body, so far as we know, although in neither of these Faiyum 
forms was the entire skeleton discovered. It stood, perhaps, 
three and a half feet in height. 

The Four-tuskers 

Out of the Paleomastodon comes a form variously known as 
Tetrabelodon or Trilophodon, the former in allusion to its four 
tusks, the latter to the number of cross crests on its interme- 
diate grinders. The skull is large with well developed diploe, 
and the tusks, while resembling those of Paleomastodon, are 
much longer and still possess the enamel band. But the lower 
jaw is unique in its great length, especially at the point of union 
of the two halves which bore the usual spade-like tusks. With 
the elongation of the jaw and the increased stature of the animal 
came the corresponding development of the trunk. This could 
be raised and swayed from side to side, but the jaw still impeded 
its full use, as compared with that of existing elephants. 

A large specimen of Trilophodon angustidens from the'Mio- 
cene bed of Gers, France, may be seen in the Paris Museum of 
Natural History. It was nearly as large as the Indian elephant. 
Trilophodons were great migrants, spreading to Europe, India, 
and even to North America, arriving there early in Miocene time. 
They gave rise in turn to other four-tuskers, of which Tetra- 
lophodon hdli from Nebraska possessed a jaw over six feet in 
length ! The jaw having reached the maximum length com- 
mensurate with utility, now shortens again and ultimately loses 


its tusks, a short, spout-like process on the chin of the modern 
elephant being its final vestige. With the shortening of the 
lower jaw the upper tusks curve upward instead of downward, 
the enamel band being retained in Dibelodon and lost in the 
true mastodons and elephants. The shortened jaw liberated 
the trunk to full utility. 

As with the horses, the proboscideans are not a single evolu- 
tionary line; for there arose during Pliocene and Pleistocene 
times upward of a dozen divergent races which throve for a while 
then died out, except for the two existing elephant species. One 
of these was Dibelodon, with short jaws and enamel-banded 
tusks, and which survived in South America until recently. 


The true mastodon, Mastodon americanm, came from the 
Old World, but survived in the New until possibly within the 
last thousand years or so. This was a stocky animal, up to 
nine feet five inches high, with large, enamel-less tusks and 
comparatively simple molars. The latter had four or five cross 
crests, open in character, with little or no cement on the crown, 
and two at a time in either jaw, or eight all told. The teeth 
indicate a forest and savanna dwelling animal. 


True elephants passed through transitional stages in the 
evolution of their molars. The stegodonts had more numerous 
cross crests than the mastodon; the valleys between grad- 
ually became filled with cement and the crests increased in 
number until the condition of the true elephant grinder was 
reached. Stegodon was Asiatic, while Elephas was distributed 
over Asia, Europe, and America, the somewhat more primitive 
African elephant being called Loxodonta, from the lozenge- 
shaped character of the molar crests. 

All of these elephants have upturned, spiral, enamel-less 
tusks and short lower jaws. These tusks are larger in Loxodonta 
than in Elephas in fact there is a tendency on the part of the 
modern Indian elephant toward the entire elimination of these 
once useful organs. 



During Pleistocene time there were three more or less related 
species of true elephants in North America, exclusive of the 
mastodon. Of these the earliest was the Imperial elephant which 
stood at least thirteen feet six inches at the shoulder, and whose 
spiral tusks, which sometimes crossed at the tips, measured 
thirteen feet to sixteen feet on the curve. In this elephant the 
molars were coarsely ridged and had a thick coating of cement. 
This species, Elephas imperator, is also known as the southern 
mammoth and ranged from California to Texas and Mexico. 
One tooth is recorded in French Guiana, which seems strange, 
for no other true elephant is known in South America. 

Elephas columbi, the Columbian elephant, is intermediate 
in distribution as well as in evolution between imperator and 
primigenius, the woolly mammoth, although its range to some 
extent overlaps that of the other two and its teeth and other 
characteristics seem to merge into those of the mammoth. In 
old males it also possessed huge, spiral tusks which overlapped 
at the tips. Its fragmentary remains are abundant throughout 
the middle latitudes of the United States, but rarely does one 
see a mounted skeleton of either columbi or imperator. The 
Columbian elephant, with its eleven foot tusks stood over ten 
feet, exceeding slightly the living Indian elephant but not equal- 
ing the African. 


The woolly mammoth is the most picturesque and perhaps 
the best known of all prehistoric animals, for not only are 
its frozen carcasses preserved to us, but it was seen alive 
and depicted with admirable fidelity by the Paleolithic artists 
of Europe. The mammoth was circumpolar in distribu- 
tion, and its abundant fur adapted it for life amid glacial 
and arctic cold. Judging from the perfection and profusion 
of its remains, the mammoth, like the American mastodon, 
must have vanished from the land of the living in com- 
paratively recent times. Contrary to the impression gained 
through our use of the term mammoth, Elephas primigenius was 
not a large animal as elephants go, nine feet three inches being 


the maximum recorded height. The teeth were fine, with many 
crests; in fact they possessed the greatest number in any species, 
implying the final perfection of these complex organs. The 
tusks, however, are of two sorts: huge, spiral ones and short, 
nearly straight ones. This difference may either be a sex, age, 
or varietal variation, but was probably the first. 


Elephas antiquns, the straight-tusked Mid-Pleistocene ele- 
phant of Europe, had the greatest stature among proboscideans, 
for it stood nearly fifteen feet in height, surpassing the great 
African "Jumbo" by four feet. 

A strange proboscidean of Miocene and Pliocene time in 
Europe was Dinotherium, elephant-like in body and limbs, but 
with extremely simple molars implying its descent from a form 
not later than Paleomastodon, and probably earlier. The re- 
markable feature, aside from the apparent total loss of upper 
tusks, was the lower jaw, which was bent sharply at the front and 
possessed a pair of curved tusks which pointed directly down- 
ward. Dinotherium has given rise to much conjecture, especially 
as to its habits of life. The general feeling is that it was largely 
swamp-dwelling and used the tusks to dislodge its food. One 
amusing notion was that Dinotherium was aquatic, lived in 
rivers, and at night anchored itself to the bank with its tusks in 
order to sleep comfortably. 


Thus the fossils tell us of the origin of the proboscideans out 
of an ancestry common with the conies of Syria and Africa and 
the sirenians or sea cows, of their first appearance in Moerithe- 
rium of Egypt, of the successor Paleomastodon also of Egypt, 
of their migration to Europe where the four-tuskers throve, and 
of their subsequent migrations the world over, excepting to Aus- 
tralia, Eurasia being the chief center of dispersal. 

We see the grinding teeth increasing in complexity, except 
in Dinotherium and Mastodon, and the second incisors of both 
jaws developing into digging organs, the upper downwardly 
curved, analogous to a pick, the lower to shovels. With the 
development of the latter came the elongated nose and upper 


lip which were to form the proboscis. After reaching a me- 
chanical limit of utility, the lower jaw turns downward, as in 
Dinotherium, or shortens, as in all the other phyla. In the first 
the upper tusks disappear, in the others they turn upward, be- 
coming in extreme cases huge spiral organs which crossed at the 
tips. Accompanying all this was the heightening and shortening 
of the skull, for leverage, and a vast increase in bulk, until they 
in turn become the largest of terrestrial mammals, as the dino- 
saurs were the greatest among terrestrial reptiles, although the 
former never equaled the latter in total tonnage; that has only 
been attained and surpassed by the whales. It is interesting, 
however, that, as with the horses, while many splendid lines have 
passed away forever, a few remain for the interest and utility 
of mankind. 



IT is strange how ready the average man is to accept as facts 
the existence and interpretation of fossils as long as they 
pertain to other animals or to plants, but how extremely skep- 
tical he can be when fossil man is mentioned. This is due in 
part to prejudice, whether inspired by religious beliefs or by 
plain egotism, and also because of the extreme rarity of actual 
fossils, especially in this country. In Europe one may go to each of 
several museums the British Museum in London, the museums 
in Paris, Berlin, Bonn, and Heidelberg among others where 
he may see for himself the actual relics. But in America these 
are necessarily illustrated by casts and reconstructions, all of 
which are apt to inspire disbelief, rather than conviction, on the 
part of the skeptical. This is due, of course, to the unique char- 
acter of most of the material and the consequent fact that they 
are so valued that American money cannot tempt the European 
museum authorities to part with a single specimen. But to one 
who has- seen and handled them these relics are as real and 
authentic as are the fossil remains of any other forms of life, 
and they are just as replete with information. 

Fossil men have been found in China, Java, and South 
Africa, but chiefly in Europe. They have been discovered in the 
river drift, the sedimentation of such streams as the Elsenz in 
Germany and the Ouse in southeastern England, and in limestone 
caverns in various parts of France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, 
and Austria. The former are the result of accidental inclusion, 
possibly of drowned victims, the latter often are the result of 
intentional burial in the deposits on the cavern floor. 

In order of their antiquity, regarding which there is dif- 
ference of opinion, the following discoveries of fossil species 
belonging to the Hominidae, or family of men, may be men- 
tioned : 





(Figure 54) 

Pithecanthropus erectus, the ape-man of Java, was discovered 
in 1891-1892, in the river bed of the Sula Bengawan near Trinil, 

Java. There were probably two 
individuals, one represented by 
the skull cap or calvarium, three 
teeth, and a left thigh bone, the 
other, found some miles away, 
consisting of a portion of the 
lower jaw. Their age is about 
500,000 to 1,000,000 years. 

Pithecanthropus possessed a 
low skull vault with immense 
beetling brows and a cranial ca- 
pacity about two-thirds that of 
modern man. The thigh, how- 
ever, was straight, and indicates 
how long erect posture has been 
a trait of mankind. This ape- 

(Pithccanthropns credits) 
This species, while in a sense annectant 

for a 


From a restoration by the author, after aSCCttt but Was a 

McGregor ( .... 

aside from the original Asiatic 

birthplace of mankind, to endure for a while, and then to suffer 
extinction as a race. 


(Figure 55) 

Homo heidelbergensis, the Heidelberg man, was found in 
1907 in the river sands at Mauer, Germany, near the town whose 
name it bears. This fossil consists of a perfect lower jaw with 
complete dentition, and its age is estimated at about 400,000 

The Heidelberg man, also, possessed a massive, ape-like 
jaw, but essentially human teeth. More of the skeleton has 
not yet been revealed, but he was doubtless ancestral to the 
Neanderthal man and must have possessed a comparable, al- 
though somewhat more primitive cranium, as the conjected 
restoration shows, 



" (Figure 56) 

Eoanthropus daws only the 
Piltdown man, from the river 
drift in the valley of the Ouse, 
Sussex, England, was discov- 
ered in 1912. Again there 
were two specimens, found 
some four miles apart the first 
including portions of the skull 
and teeth, together with the 
left half of the lower jaw. The 
second specimen, much less 
perfect, served to corroborate 
the association of the human 
cranium with the ape-like lower 
jaw, about which there had 
been considerable difference of 
opinion. Their age is 275,000 
to 400,000 years. 

(Eoanthropus dawsoni) ^/ 

The skull is superficially of man-like appear- 
ance, although it is also ape-like, especially 
in the rear and in the inward slope of 
the sides. The contained brain, however, ' 
is not only small, but the most primitive 
and ape-like one hitherto recorded 

From a restoration by the author, adapted 
from McGregor 

(Homo heidelbergensis) 

This species seems to be in the line of 

ascent with the Neanderthal man of later 


From a restoration by the author, adapted 
from McGregor 

The Piltdown man had a 
high, steep forehead without 
beetling brows, so that while 
the cranium was quite man-like, 
the jaw, on the contrary, was 
ape-like, as was also the brain. 
We cannot as yet visualize the 
whole of the Piltdown man. 


Sinanthropus pekinensis, 
the Peking man, came from 
cave deposits at Chow Kow 
Tien, twenty-five miles south- 
west of Peking (Peiping), 
China. In 1921 two teeth 
were discovered, and in 1930 a 
fine calvarium* and other 

* Calvarium, the domelike upper portion of the skull. 



parts, and later another skull, were brought to light, but the 
explorations are not yet complete and will undoubtedly yield 
further material. Their age is difficult to determine; but from 
the associated fossil animals they were possibly contemporaneous 
with the ape-man of Java and the Piltdown man. The Peking 
man is also of the Neanderthal type, with its beetling brows. 

Then, after a lapse of thousands of years, come the cave 
men of Europe and Africa, including the most completely known 
of fossil men. These are: 


(Figure 57) 

Homo neanderthalensis (or primigemus] , the Neanderthal 
man, is known also as the Mousterian man from his stage of 
culture. The first discovery was made at Gibraltar in 1848. 
Others were made at: Neanderthal, Germany, in 1857; Spy, 
Belgium, in 1886; and at a number of other localities, including 
Chapelle aux Saints, and Aix la Chapelle, Gibraltar, and finally 
in 1924, 1931, and 1932 in Palestine. Altogether there are some 
forty individuals showing racial distinctions within the species. 

Their age is estimated at 25,000 
to 40,000 years B.C. 

Neanderthal man is now one 
of the best known of fossil men, 
and we can visualize him in his 
entirety. He was short of stat- 
ure, stocky, but with a slouching 
gait and a huge bestial head 
thrust forward, with low skull 
vault and beetling brows. He 
seems to have been the culminat- 
ing member of a long-lived race 
which as such has ceased to be, 
although because of possible 
Fig. BY-TOE NEANDERTHAL MAN cross ; n g w j t h Cro-Magnon man, 

(Homo ncanderthalensis') 

A r i u i c t M IT some of his blood, greatly di- 

One of the best known of fossil men. He i 

was probably the culminating member of l u ted, may Still exist. He had 
a long-lived race which, as such, has ceased ' J 

to be fire and practiced reverential 

From a restoration by the author, adapted k,, r : n 1 hirli cppmc f-r imnlv 
from McGregor and Boule DUrial, WHICH SCCIUS CO imply 



some conception of existence beyond physical death, whatever 
the form of that concept may have been. 


(Figure 58) 

Homo rhodesiensis, the Rhodesian man, from a cavern at 
Broken Hill mine in northern Rhodesia, Africa. Here again 
two specimens were discovered in 1Q21 - nnp nf 
skull with complete dentition 
and other parts but no lower 
jaw. The Rhodesian man can- 
not be dated with accuracy but 
is fully fossilized and u of re- 
spectable antiquity." He also 
had beetling brows and belonged 
to the Neanderthal group. 


(Figure 59) 

Homo sapiens is the existing 
species to which all men and Fig> 0ff _, rilJi RHODESIAN MAN 

(Homo rhodesiensis) 

This fossil man was found in association 
with animals which are either now alive in 
Africa, or were alive at the advent of the 
big-game hunters, and this seems to imply a 
comparatively recent date 

prom a restoration by the author, after 
Smith Woodward 

women belong, of whatever 
race, from the highest to the 
lowest. Of this species the old- 
est race is that of Cro-Magnon 
man discovered in Gower, 
Wales, in 1823; at Aurignac, 
France, in 1852, and especially 
the type material at Cro-Mag- 
non, Dordogne, France, in 
1868. It is a widespread va- 
riety of which many perfect 
specimens are known and which 
lived in Europe as far back 
as 25,000 B.C. 


(Homo sapiens) 

Crd-Magnon man may well be called the 
summit of human evolution. All his fea- 
tures are diagnostic of our species in its 

finest expression 

From a restoration by the author, after 


Cro-Magnon man may well be called the summit of human 
evolution. Averaging over six feet in height, erect of carriage, 
and with a splendid head, this man must have looked with dis- 
dain upon the Neanderthals whose distribution in time and space 
he overlapped. The beetling brows are gone, the forehead is 
high, the chin jutting and pointed; all his features are diagnostic 
of our species in its finest expression. 

The above is a very impressive list and compares favorably 
with many another group of fossil organisms both as to variety 
and perfection of material, and is worthy of the utmost respect 
and credence. 


It is supposed that the fossil men of Europe represent a 
series of invading waves along several corridors of migration 
from their racial homes in Asia, for the evidences point strongly 
to Asia rather than to either Europe or Africa as the place of 
origin of the human family. 

For a detailed account of human origins see u The Coming 
of Man" in this Series. 



WE HAVE spoken several times of the extinction of various 
forms of life. The older authorities who accepted the 
doctrine of creationism could not understand how any race of 
animals created directly by the Almighty could possibly have 
passed out of existence unless destroyed by the hand of man, 
for even if animals represented by fossils in a given locality 
were no longer in existence in that particular region, there was 
no proof that they did not still exist in some unknown portion 
of the globe. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the 
United States, wrote the first paper on paleontology published 
in America. This paper, which appeared in 1799, was entitled 
"A Memoir on the Discovery of Certain Bones of a Quadruped 
of the Clawed Kind in the Western Parts of Virginia/' This 
creature Jefferson took to be some gigantic cat-like animal which 
he named Megalonyx in allusion to its great claws and believed 
to be yet alive in the fastnesses of Virginia. The world has 
been so thoroughly explored now that the discovery of a large 
unknown terrestrial mammal is a very remote possibility, the 
curious Okapi, a giraffe-like form from Central America, an- 
nounced by Sir Harry Johnston in 1901, being the last such 
discovery. Hence one is justified in the assumption that many 
magnificent types among animals, as well as countless obscurer 
forms, have utterly passed away. Perhaps the first real recog- 
nition of this extinction was made by the French naturalist, 
Georges Cuvier; in explanation of the fossil animals from the 
gypsum quarries he invoked the theory of Catastrophism.* We 
know that several forms of life have been locally destroyed by 
man, as the wolves and boars in England, and we also know 
that in some cases man has been responsible for total extinc- 
tions, as in the case of the passenger pigeon, the dodo, the great 

* See page 31 in "The Earth" in this Series. 



auk, and Steller's sea cow. We are also aware that, unless 
preventive measures are speedily taken to avert it, the racial 
life of the great whales will soon cease, as an outcome of the 
relentless slaughter of the Antarctic fisheries. We, as scientists, 
are just as fully convinced of extinctions through natural causes. 


Extinctions are of two sorts which may be compared to the 
death of two men, one a celibate, the other not. Both have 
received their life and heritage through an unbroken line from 
the beginning of life on earth, but for the celibate who dies 
without issue, his line ceases forever, while the other, although 
as an individual he has ceased to be, yet lives in his children. 
Extinction can be by racial death, comparable to the celibate, or 
by transmutation, where a species as such has ceased, but its 
blood still flows in the veins of its altered descendants. 

There were, during Miocene time, as we have seen, several 
lines of horse evolution, two of which are represented by Hypo- 
hippus, the browsing horse, and Merychippus, the first true 
prairie horse. Hypohippus was the celibate race which died 
utterly and out of which no new equine genus arose ; Merychip* 
pus, on the other hand, was immortalized in its descendants, 
for, through Pliohippus and Plesippus, it gave rise to Equus 
which still survives, although not in the form of Merychippus, 
for that animal is, from the standpoint of immediate existence, 
just as extinct as the other. The word transmutation is more 
or less synonymous with evolution, so that a discussion of the 
causes leading to Merychippus extinction would embrace a dis- 
cussion of the entire problem. With Hypohippus, on the other 
hand, if any single cause would suffice, it would be Miocene 
aridity with a lessening of the sort of vegetation to which its 
short-crowned, browsing teeth were adapted, with consequent 
racial starvation. In general, although environmental change is 
in the main a prime cause of extinction of either sort, one is in 
error if he is content with so simple an explanation as that. 
For the environment of an animal, physical and biotic, is so 
complex that he is menaced upon every side, so that generally the 
initial cause need do no more than begin the destruction, and 


when the numbers are reduced beyond a critical point extinction 
is sure to follow. 


Dr. Osborn has summarized the causes of racial extinction, 
his study of the problem being based on both existing and fossil 
forms, but largely the latter. First in importance are changes in 
the physical environment wrought by the elevation and subsidence 
of land masses, with the resultant formation or severance of 
land bridges. These would either permit or inhibit migration. 
The first may allow the incursion of hostile animals into an 
environment, to the detriment of the native population. The 
second may result in increased competition which the weaker 
forms could not resist. On the other hand, isolation may per- 
mit forms to survive long after their extinction elsewhere, as 
in the case of the Australian marsupial fauna. 

Increasing cold has been a very potent cause of extinction, 
for while some vigorous animals, like the musk ox, may be able 
to adapt themselves to it, others will fail to do so. Its reaction 
on cold-blooded air-breathers amphibians and reptiles is ob- 
vious. Increasing moisture changes the face of nature, producing 
more swamp and jungle and the number of insect pests which 
may be the transmitters of disease. It would cause the diminu- 
tion of the grassy steppe-like lands, and thus be inimical to 
horses and other grazing forms, just as the spread of the 
prairies due to increasing aridity would affect the browsers. 
A specific instance of the result of widespread aridity would be 
the extinction of early primates in North America, at the close 
of the Eocene period. Now, except for mankind, there are no 
primates found north of the edge of the Mexican plateau, 
although south of it, where the climate changes abruptly into 
the warm, moist conditions of the tropics, they are still abun- 
dant and are the actual descendants of those which formerly 
lived farther to the north. 


Competition is inseparable from life and is a potent stimulus 
to evolution, but the competition caused by the incursion of new 
adaptable forms may, as we have seen, prove fatal to the inadapt- 


able. Restrictions of island life with reduced food supply has 
seemingly been the cause of racial dwarfing, as the Shetland 
ponies or the dwarf elephants found as fossils in the islands 
of Cyprus and Malta in the Mediterranean. Introduction of 
destructive grazing animals and rabbits, or of such carnivores 
as the Dingo dog into Australia, may render extinct many of the 
ancient fauna, either indirectly through diminution of the food 
supply or through direct destruction. 


There are also internal causes, such as the inadaptive feet, 
teeth, and brain of the archaic mammals. Large size and slow 
maturity, together with few young, may make competition with 
smaller, highly prolific animals unendurable. Thus, as Dr. 
Osborn has said,* by way of summation: u Following the diminu- 
tion in number which may arise from a chief or original cause, 
various other causes conspire or are cumulative in effect. From 
weakening its hold upon life at one point an animal is endan- 
gered at many other points. " 

^American Naturalist, vol. XL, page 859. 



As WE have seen, fossils are of prime importance in deter- 
mining the age of the strata wherein they are found, and 
while, from the standpoint of the man of business, this may 
seem of little practical moment, other than its educational value, 
it is nevertheless indirectly of the greatest use. 


Two of the most important mineral substances, both of 
which are of organic origins, are oil and coal. Oil geology, to 
determine whether or not a certain area would be productive 
and therefore pay for the expense of elaborate drilling, depends 
in part on structure of the earth's crust, but more and more is 
it dependent upon the fossils themselves. For oil may be found 
in strata of certain geologic periods, whereas others are invari- 
ably barren. Should certain strata prove oil-bearing in one 
region, it is necessary to determine what is known as correlation 
in another region in order to predict the possibility of the occur- 
rence of oil there. Not only have the larger fossils proved of 
value as correlators, but the micro-organisms, such as the tiny 
shells and tests of Foraminifera among the Protozoa, have proved 
to be splendid index fossils. Hence in well-drilling the cores 
are carefully examined and not only the contained microfossils 
but the order of their occurrence determined. A drilling from 
the new site, if it compares in its fossil contents with that from 
the old, will form a basis for an estimate of yield and consequent 
values. A paleontologist, especially one familiar with the tech- 
nique of core determination, is today an essential part of the 
organization of every oil company. 

In a similar manner, both large and small fossils are used 
to follow productive coal seams. Profitable coal beds would not 
be found associated with Silurian fossils; on the contrary, certain 



Cretaceous fossils would at once indicate the likelihood of coal- 
bearing strata. The same is true of other mineral products, 
iron ore, building stone, and the like. 


A single case will illustrate the use of fossils in a legal sense. 
"New York State once called for estimates on the construction 
of a section of highway, stipulating that samples of the stone 
to be used be submitted with the estimates. A certain contract- 
ing company submitted a satisfactory estimate and produced 
specimens of a stone of high quality. The contract was signed 
and the road building began. When the work was finished, it 
did not give satisfaction and the State refused payment on the 
ground that the contractors had used a grade of stone inferior 
to that agreed upon. The contractors sued the State for their 
money; but, unluckily for them, the sample they had submitted 
with their original estimate contained a fossil which fixed its 
geological age exactly. The State was able to prove that no 
rock of that age existed in any of the quarries from which the 
contractors had obtained the stone they finally used. One fossil 
cost the contractors dearly." (C. P. Berkey, in Geology from 
Original Sources.) 


According to our original definition of a fossil, it may be 
either the actual animal or plant, or the product of the activity 
of the organism. Although in a strict sense the various hydro- 
carbons are not in their original recognizable shape, yet they 
are organic products and as such approach near enough to our 
subject to be worthy of mention. They include natural gas 
and petroleum as well as the various coals, from peat to anthra- 
cite and graphite. The coals are clearly of plant origin, while 
oils and gas may be either animal or plant products. 

When organic beings die and decay sets in, the resultant ma- 
terials are returned to the air or the dust of the earth, if the dis- 
integration takes place while exposed to the atmosphere. Hence 
pure continental deposits contain little or no commercial petro- 

* Adapted from Pirsson and Schuchert, Text-book of Geology, volume 2, 
page 254. 


leum unless it has seeped into them from adjacent oil-bearing 
strata. When water-borne sediments, whether of fresh or 
marine origin, are subject to repeated weathering during their 
deposition, the contained hydrocarbons are oxidized, and hence 
they, too, lack paying quantities of oil. That this has happened 
is indicated by the color of the strata, red or reddish, yellowish 
or white, and by the presence of meteorological records such as 
rain prints or sun cracks. 

Under water, especially of the sea, not only is the disin- 
tegration of the organism slow, but the fats are liberated as 
tiny oil droplets which rise to the surface and are lost in clearer 
waters, particularly if the latter are in motion, for this assists 
oxidation. If, on the other hand, the waters are muddy and 
still, the oil droplets will adhere to the mud particles and thus 
sink to the bottom and be buried by subsequent material and 
hence preserved. This deposited mud ultimately forms dark 
bituminous shales, the darkness of their color indicating the 
presence of oil. These black shales, although forming a small 
percentage of the shales as a whole, are nevertheless the u mother 
rocks" of petroleum, which may be extracted by distillation. The 
natural liberation of the petroleum into pockets of fluid oil and 
gas is evidently due to the pressure of capillarity which sets 
the oil free. 

Our whole civilization in this so-called u machine age" is 
based largely upon these hydrocarbon products of bygone animals 
and plants, which form the chief motivating agent of the present 
time. Their value to mankind is therefore inestimable. 


Prepared by the Author 

GEOLOGY FROM ORIGINAL SOURCES William M. Avar, Richard F. Flint and 

Chester R. Longivell HOLT 

A collection of collateral readings presented in an extremely interesting and original manner. 


A collection of essays upon the evolution of the earth and its inhabitants including mankind, 
written by twelve men each of whom has specialized along the subject of his essay. 
Particular attention is called to Chapter II. by Charles Schuchert, on "The Earth's 
Changing Surface and Climate," and Chapters IV and V on "The Pulse of Life" and 
"The Antiquity of Man" by R. S. Lull. 


A fully illustrated book, by a practical paleontologist, on the origin and history of the horse. 


Charmingly written by one who not only knew his subject but through long experience 
knew how to present his facts to the layman. 


Bulletin No. 24 of the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey. An 
illustrated discussion of the footprints and skeletal remains of the creatures which populated 
the Connecticut Valley during the Age of Reptiles. 


A fully illustrated textbook of evolution. Part III deals particularly with the evidences 
for evolution derived from the fossil record. 


An expansion of the theme of "The Pulse of Life" in The Evolution of Earth and Man. 


One of the Humanising of Knowledge series, dealing principally with fossil human species. 


One of the most highly authoritative books on this subject in the English language. 


A small book of essays on paleontological subjects, one of which discusses the remarkable 
tar pits of Los Angeles. 


Fully illustrated from first hand sources. 


A learned volume based in large part upon the fossil record. Time and opportunity 
have given Professor Osborn an insight into this field possessed by few men. 


A fine exposition of prehistory from stratigraphical and fossil evidence, by a high authority. 

THE EARTH AND ITS RHYTHMS Charles Schuchert and Clara M. LeVcne APPLETON 
An eminently readable book produced "by the process of filtering a great mass of geologic 
detail through a non-scientific mind." 

A valuable textbook of paleontology interpreted through the study of existing forms. 


Translated and edited by Charles R. Eastman in collaboration with a corps of seventeen 
specialists. Still the standard textbook of paleontology. 




AMERICAN MUSEUM American Museum of Natural History, Columbus Avenue and 77th 

Street, New York, N. Y. 

APPLETON D. Appleton & Company, 29-35 West 32nd Street, New York, N. Y. 
DOUBLEDAY Doubleday, Doran & Company, Garden City, N. Y. 
HARPER Harper & Brothers, 49 East 33rd Street, New York, N. Y. 
HOLT Henry Holt & Company, Inc., 1 Paik Avenue, New York, N. Y. 
JONES Marshall Jones Company, 212 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. 
MACMILLAN The Macnullan Co., 60 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 
SCRIBNER'S Charles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 
WILEY John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 
YALE Yale University Press, 143 Elm Street, New Haven, Conn. 


[Only those terms are defined in this glossary which either are not 
explained in the text or are explained once and are used again several 
pages away from the explanation.] 

ARTICULATION: a state of being joined. 
ARTIFACT: a product of human workmanship. 
COPROLITES: a fossil excrement. 

HORIZON: the deposit of a particular time, usually identified by distinctive 



Aden Crater, New Mexico : ground sloth 
found at, 7* 

Agate Spring Quarry, Nebraska: pro- 
fusion of fossils in, 31, 35* 

Age of fossils, 4, 18 

Aix la Chapelle (eks-la-sha"pel') France, 

Algae: limestone reef fossils, 28; land 
plants originated from marine, 49 

Allosaurus (aT'o-so'rus), 59 

Amber-preserved fossils, 7 

Amblypods (am'bli-pods) : primitive 
herbivorous mammals, 74, 75*; gro- 
tesque forms, 76 

Ameba, 41 

Ammonoids (am'6-noids) : extinction, 
41 ; shells, 1 

Amphibians : effect of climate on, 101 ; 
fossil, 27; of Carboniferous times, 
38; place in evolution, 55 

Anchitherium (an"ki-the'ri-um), 82, 

Andrews, Roy Chapman (1884- ), 
American zoologist and explorer, 
16, 38, 74 

Andrewsarcus (an-droo-sar'kus), 74 

Ankylosaurus (an"ki-16-s6'rus), 62 

Ant in amber, 8* 

Antelopes, Fossil, 24 

Ape-man of Java, 94* 

Archaeopteryx (ar"ke-6p'ter-iks) : fos- 
sil, 30; transitional character, 67 ; 68* 

Archimedes bryozoan (ar"ki-me'dez 
bri"6-zo'an), 53 

Armored dinosaur, 59* 

Arthrodires (ar"thro-dirs), 52 

Artifacts, 15 

Asphalt beds, 27 

Asses, 84 

Atlantosaurus (at-lan"to-s6'rus), 20 

Auk, 100 

Aurignac (a"re"nyak'), France, 97 

Barbados (bar-ba'doz) Island fossil 
deposits, 22 

Barosaurus (bar"6-so'rus), 59 

t For key to pronunciation, see page 114. 
* Asterisk denotes illustration. 

Bavaria fossil beds, 28 

Bees, 56 

Beetles, 56 

Belemnite (beTem-nit) shells, 14 

Beresovka (bar"e-z6f'ka) mammoths, 
5*, 6 

Biogenetic Law, 43 

Birds, Fossil: description of, 67; in 
Bavaria, 29; toothed, 25, 69 

Boars, 99 

Bohorodcrany (b6"h6-rod-cha'm) rhi- 
noceros, 6 

Bone Cabin Quarry, Wyoming, 35, 

Brachiopods (brak'i-6-pods) : Devoni- 
an, 52 ; Ordovician, 50* 

Bridger Lake deposits, 25, 74, 75, 76 

Brontosaurus (bron"t6-s6'rus) : de- 
scribed, 58* ; extinction, 60 ; skeleton, 
frontispiece; upper Jurassic remains, 
36*, 37 

Bryozoans (bri"6-zo'ans), 53, 54* 

Buffalo, Fossil, 24 

Bugs, 56 

Butterflies, 56 

Caddis worms, 16 

California asphalt beds, 27 

Cambrian (kam'bri-an) period, 35, 45 

Camels, Fossil, 27, 32 ;/ 33* 

Camptosaurus (kamp"to-s6'rus), 60* 

Carboniferous (kar"bon-if'er-us) pe- 
riod : coal swamps, 27 ; coprolites, 15 ; 
fossils, 53; trees, 37 

Cast type of fossils, 10, 12*, 13* 

Catastrophism theory, 2, 99 

Celebes (seTe-bez) Island fossil de- 
posits, 23 

Cenozoic (se"no-z6'fk) era : fossil his- 
tory of, 25, 72; petrified mammal 
bones, 9 

Ceratopsia (ser"a-top'si-a) : appear- 
ance, 63*; fossil beds, 20 

Chain coral, 48* 

Challenger expedition, 23 

Chapelie aux Saints (sha"peT 6 san'), 
France, 96 

Chasmosaurus (kas"m6-so'rus), 11* 

Cheops, Pyramid of, 18 




Climate : influence on organic life, 55 ; 
stimulating nature of variable, 77; 
warm-blooded animals possibly pro- 
duced by glacial cold, 56 ; as a cause 
of racial extinction, 101 

Coal : fossil animals an index to, 103 ; 
fossil deposits, 27, 54 

Columbian elephant, 90 

Como Bluffs, Wyoming, 20, 37, 71 

Comparative anatomy : defined, 42 

Compsognathus (komp-sog'na-thus), 
30*, 31, 64 

Condylarths (kon'di-larths"), 74, 75* 

Conies, 91 

Connecticut : Triassic rocks, 13 ; Cre- 
taceous carnivores, 64 

Continental shelf fossil deposits, 21 

Converse County (Calif.) fossil beds, 

Cope, Edward Drinker (1840-1897), 
American paleontologist, 74 

Coprolites (kop'ro-Hts), 14 

Coral, Chain, 48 

Corals: Cambrian, 45; Devonian, 52; 
Ordovician, 50 ; Silurian, 48 

Coryphodon (ko-rif'6-don), 75* 

Coyotes (ki-6'tes), Fossil, 27 

Crab, Horse-shoe, 29* 

Creodonts (kre'6-dont), 73, 74* 

Cretaceous (kre-ta'shiis) period : fos- 
sil history of, 60; strata names, 20; 
globigerina, 24; North American in- 
land sea, 25 

Crinoids (kri'noids), 53* 

Crocodiles : aquatic habits acquired, 
65; Bone Cabin Quarry remains, 37; 
delta fossils, 24; lithographic stone 
fossils, 29 

Cro-Magnon (kr6"ma"nyon') man : 
description of, 97* ; possible crossing 
with Neanderthal man, 96 

Crustaceans (krus-ta'shans) : fossilized 
trails, 13; trilobites ancestral to, 

Cuttle-fish, 29 

Cuvier (ku"vya'), Georges (1769-1832), 
French naturalist, 99 

Cycad (si'kad) plants : fossilized, 9* ; 
histometabasis illustrated in, 10 

Cynodont (si'no-dont), 70 

Cyprus, Island of, 102 

Darwin, Charles (1809-1882), English 
naturalist, 43 

Dean, Bashford (1867-1928), American 
zoologist, 10 

Delta fossil deposits, 24 

Devonian (de-vo'm-an) period: fossil 
history of, 10, 13, 16*, 51 ; vertebrate 
and invertebrate life during, 51, 52 

Dibelodon (di-bel'6-don), 89 

Diceratherium (di"ser-a-the'ri-um), 
31*, 32 

Diceratops (di'ser-a-tops"), 64 

Dingo dog, 102 

Dinoceras (di-nos'er-as), 76* 

Dinohyus (di'no-hi"us), 32* 

Dinosaurs (di'no-sors) : armored, 59* ; 
beaked, 62*; duck-bill, 61*; evolu- 
tion, 57, 60 ; fossilized trails, 13, 14* ; 
found at Bone Cabin Quarry, 35 ; 
found at Como Bluff, 37; from Al- 
berta, 62; horned, 63*; petrified 
bones, 9; range, 57; skin impressions, 
10, 11*; smallest recorded, 30*, 31; 
Upper Jurassic remains, 20, 35 

Dinotherium (di"no-the'ri-uni), 91, 92 

Dipnoans (dip"no-ans), 52 

Dodo, 99 

Dogs: from Pompeii, 12*; the dingo, 

Dolphins: natural casts of, 11 ; modern 
forms resemble old reptiles, 14 

Dragonflies : gradual metamorphosis, 
56 ; Carboniferous, 55 ; Upper Juras- 
sic remains, 29 

Dromocyon (dro-mo'ci-on), 74* 

Duck-bill dinosaur, 61* 

Dune dwellers of Mongolia, 16 

Eichstadt (ik'stet) fossils, 29 

Elephants : adaptations, 89 ; African, 
87, 89; American, 90; asphalt-bed 
fossils, 27; Columbian, 90; dwarf, 
102; evolution, 41, 77, 85, 91; Im- 
perial, 90; Indian, 85, 88, 89, 90; 
largest, 90, 91; phylogeny, 87*; 
teeth and tusks, 86, 88, 89 

Elsenz River fossils, 93 

Eoanthropus dawsoni (e"6-an'thrd-pus 
da'son-i), 95* 

Eocene (e'6-sen) period : elephants, 
86; horses, 80; marine life, 18, 39*; 
North American primates, 101 

Eohippus (e"6-hip'us) : ancestry, 74; 
appearance and range, 80 

Epihippus (ep"i-hip'us), 82 

Equus : see Horses 

Estuarine (es'tu-a-rm) deposits, 24 

Evolution : an orderly process, 19 ; 
continental shelves the "hotbed" of, 
22; main lines of evidence, 42; 
mammalian, 73, 94, 100; substanti- 
ated by fossils, 3, 41 

Extinctions : artificial causes, 99 ; nat- 
ural causes, 78, 100; mark the close 
of each era, 72; of the American 
horse, 83; of the great reptiles, 71 

Faiyum (fi"yoom') fossil beds, 41, 86. 



Fishes: Carboniferous, 27; chalk bed 
fossils, 25 ; Devonian period, 51 ; 
Eocene, 39*; ganoid, 52; natural 
casts of fossil, 11; Silurian, 51 

Flies, 56 

Flood-plain fossil deposits, 25 

Florida manatee, 41 

Footprints, Fossil, 13*, 14* 

Foraminifera (fo-ram"i-nif'er-a), 103 

Ganges delta fossil deposits, 24 

Ganoid fishes, 52 

Gas sources, 104 

Gazelle camel, 27, 32, 33* 

Geology: chronological chart, 46; 
great natural revolutions, 72; lines 
of period demarcation in strata, 19; 
marred records, 17; stratigraphical, 

Gers (zhar) fossil bed, 88 

Giant swine, 32* 

Gibraltar human fossils, 96 

Glacial period, 83 

Globigerina (glo-bij"er-i'na) : builder 
of limestone, 23* ; vast areas covered 
by, 24 

Gower, Wales, 97 

Grand Canyon strata sequence, 19 

Graptolites (grap'to-Hts) : dominant in 
the Ordovician period, 49* ; extinc- 
tion, 41 

Grasshoppers, 56 

Ground sloths : see Sloths 

Guano (gwa'no) preserved fossils, 7 

Gypsum Cave, New Mexico, 7 

Haeckel, Ernst (1834-1919), German 
biologist, 43 

Hairy mammoth, 5 

Heidelberg man, 94, 95* 

Hesperornis (heY'per-or'ms) : fossil 
remains of, 25 ; appearance, 69* 

Hilderbergian formation, 54 

Hipparion (hl-pa'ri-on), 83 

Hippopotami fossils, 24 

Histometabasis (his"t6-me-tab f a-sis) : 
denned, 9; examples, 10 

Homo heidelbergensis (ho'mo hi"del- 
bcrg-en'sis), 94, 95* 

Homo neanderthalensis (ho'mo na- 
an"der-tal-en'sis), 96* 

Homo primigenius (ho'mo pr!"mT- 
je'nT-us), 96* 

Homo rhodesiensis (ho'mo ro-de"zT- 
en'sis), 97* 

Homo sapiens (ho'mo sa'pi-enz), 97* 

Horned dinosaurs, 62, 63* 

Horses: evolution, 77, 79, 81*; extinc- 
tions, 83, 100 ; fossils in asphalt bed, 

Horse-shoe crab, 29* 

Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895), 
English biologist, 4 

Hypohippus (hi"po-hip'us), 83, 100 

Hyracotherium (hi"ra-k6-the'ri-um), 

Ice-preserved fossils, 5* 

Ichthyornis (ik"th!-6r'ms) : fossil re- 
mains, 25 ; resemblance to terns, 69 

Ichthyosaur (ik'thi-6-sor) : appear- 
ance, 66* ; habits, 65 ; coprolites, 14 

Iguanodon (i-gwan'6-don), 61, 62* 

Imperial elephant, 90 

Indian elephant: size, 88, 90; tusks, 89; 
proboscis, 85 

Insects: amber-preserved, 8; Carbon- 
iferous, 27; development of wings, 
55; effect of climatic changes on, 
55 ; fossilized trails, 13 ; trilobites 
ancestral to, 49 

Invertebrates : conquer the land, 52 ; 
first flying species, 55; in the Or- 
dovician period, 49 

Iron ore, 104 

Java: fossil men in, 93, 94 

Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826), Ameri- 
can statesman and president of the 
United States, 99 

Jellyfish: biological phylum, 49; Cam- 
brian, 35; lithographic stone fossils, 
29 ; natural mold of, 12* 

Johnston, Sir Harry (1858- ), Eng- 
lish scientist and author, 99 

Jurassic (joo-ras'ik) period : dinosaurs, 
35 ; fossils, 58 ; limestone reef de- 
posits, 28; lithographic quarries, 29; 
strata names, 20 

Karoo formation, 70 

Konigsberg amber, 8 

Lake fossil deposits, 26 

Lamna sharks, 23 

Lance formation, 20 

Laramie fossil beds, 20 

Lena River delta mammoth, 5 

Limestone : built by globigerina, 23* ; 
nummulitic, 18* 

Lions, Fossil, 24 

Lizards, 65 

Locations of fossils, 21 

Los Angeles, Calif., 26, 27 

Loxodonta (16k"s6-don'ta), 89 

Malta, Island of, 102 

Mammals : archaic, 71, 72, 78 ; domi- 
nant in the Cenozoic era, 72; essen- 
tials of development, 73; modernized, 
77, 99; origin of warm-blooded, 70; 
petrified bones of, 9 

Mammoths: described, 90; hairy, 5; 
ice-preserved, 5; oil-preserved, 6; 
southern, 90; tusks, 6; woolly, 87, 



Man: artifacts, 15, 19; biogenetic law 
illustrated in, 42; evolution, 77, 98; 
fossil, ,93 

Manatee, Florida, 41 

Marine fossils : Bavarian, 28 ; Carbon- 
iferous, 53; continental shelf, 21; 
deep sea, 22 ; inland seas, 25 ; strand, 

Marsh, ^Othneil Charles (1831-1899), 
American paleontologist, 20 

Mastodons: American, 89; evolution, 
85; four-tuskers, 88; peat swamp 
fossils, 26; phytogeny, 87; teeth, 91 

Matthew, Dr. William Diller (1871- 
1930), American paleontologist, 71 

Mazon Creek coprolites, 15 

Megalonyx (meg"a-16n'iks), 99 

Memoir on the Discovery of Certain 
Bones of a Quadruped of the Clawed 
Kind in the Western Parts of Vir- 
ginia, A, 99 

Merychippus (mer"i-kip'us), 83, 100 

Mesohippus (mes"6-hip' u s), 82 

Mesozoic (mes"6-zo'ik) era; coprolite 
remains, 13; cycads, 10; life in, 56; 
petrified dinosaur bones, 9 

Millepedes (mil'e-peds) : of Carbonif- 
erous times, 37; trilobites ancestral 
to, 49 

Miocene (mi'6-sen) era: dolphin, 11; 
elephants, 88, 91; horses, 82, 100; 
quarry remains, 32 

Miohippus (mf'6-hip'us), 82 

Mississippi River: delta fossils, 24; 
flood deposits, 25 

Moeris, Lake, 86 

Moeritherium (mar"i-the'ri-um) : de- 
scribed, 86, 88; place in elephant 
phylogeny, 41, 91 

Molluscs : Devonian, 52 ; Ordovician, 

Mongolia: archaic mammals, 74; 
dinosaurs, 63; dune dwellers, 16; 
paleontological importance, 38 

Mongolian kiang, 84 

Monoclonius (mon"6-kl6'ni-us), 64* 

Moropus (mo-rop'us), 32*, 34 

Morrison fossil beds, 20, 35 

Mosasaurs (mo'sa-sors") : fossil re- 
mains, 25; habits, 65 

Mount St. Stephen : carbon fossils, 34; 
significance of discoveries on, 45 

Mount Wapta, 34 

Mousterian man, 96 

Musk ox, 101 

Mustangs, 84 

Narwhal tusk, 38 

Neanderthal (na-an'der-tal") man : 
description, 96* ; Dune dwellers simi- 
lar to, 15 

Nebraska : Agate Spring Quarry, 31 ; 
proboscideans in, 89 

New Mexico horse fossils, 82 

Newark System, 20 

Nile delta fossils, 24 

Niobrara (m"6-brar'a) formation, 25 

Nothrotherium (n6th"r6-the'ri-um) : 
see^ Sloths 

Nubian ass, 84 

Numbers of fossils, 17 

Ohio fossil deposits, 10 

Oil: fossils, an index to, 103; means of 
fossilization, 6; source in ancient 
organic matter, 104 

Okapi (6-ka'pe), 99 

Old Red Sandstone fossil deposits, 51 

Oligocene (ol'i-go-sen") period : fossil 
horses, 82; pine trees, 8 

Ontogeny (on-toj'e-ni), 42 

Ordovician (6r"d6-vish'an) period, 49 

Orohippus (6r"6-hip'us), 82 

Osborn, Henry Fairfield (1857- ), 
American paleontologist : on dino- 
saurs, 37 ; on racial extinction, 102 

Ostracoderms (os'tra-ko-durm"), 52 

Ouse (ooz) River : fossil deposits, 93, 

Palaeoscincus (pa"le-6-skink'us) : ap- 
pearance, 62; herbivorous nature, 

Paleomastodon (pa"le-6-mas't6-don) , 
86, 96 

Paleozoic (pa"le-6-zo'ik) era, 45 

Palestine human fossils, 96 

Parahippus (par"a-hip'us), 82 

Passenger pigeon, 99 

Peat swamp fossil deposits, 26 

Peking man, 95 

Pennsylvania fossil deposits, 13 

Permian (pur'mi-an) period, 55 

Petrification, 8 

Phenacodus primaevus (fen-ak'6-dus 
prl-me'vus) : appearance, 75* ; dis- 
covery of, 74 

Phylogeny (fi-16j'e-ni) : of horses, 81 ; 
of the proboscideans, 87; proof of 
evolution, 43 

Piltdown man, 95* 

Pithecanthropus erectus (pith"e-kan- 
thro'pus e-rekt'us), 94* 

Plants: forerunners of animals, 50; 
modernized during Cretaceous pe- 
riod, 72; preserved in amber, 8 

Pleistocene (plis'to-sen) period : 
asphalt beds, 27; fossil horses, 83; 
fossil ground sloths, 7; fossil pro- 
boscideans, 89, 90; glaciation, 83; 
peat swamps, 26 

Plesiosaurs (ple'si-6-sor") : fossil re- 
mains, 25; habits, 65 



Plesippus (ple"zip'us), 83, 100 

Pliocene (pli'6-sen) period: horse fos- 
sils, 83; proboscidean fossils, 89, 91 

Pliohippus (pli"6-hip'us), 83, 100 

Po delta shells, 24 

Polyps, 49 

Pompeii natural molds, 11 

Prjevalsky (psh-val'ski) horse, 84 

Proboscidea (pro"b6-sid'e-a) : evolu- 
tion, 85 ; phylogeny, 87* 

Proterozoic (prot"er-6-zo'ik) era : evi- 
dence of life lacking, 45; rock trails 
of, 13 

Protohippus (pr6"to-hip'us), 83 

Protozoa (pr6"to-z6'a) : shells of, 16, 
18; utilitarian value of fossils, 103 

Pseudomorph (su'do-morf), 9 

Pteranodon (te-ran'6-don) : appear- 
ance, 67* ; flying ability, 25, 66 

Pterodactyls (ter"6-dak'tils) : charac- 
teristics, 66; fossil remains, 25, 29 

Pterosaurs (ter'6-sor) : see Ptero- 

Pyramid of Cheops, 18 

Quicksand fossil deposits, 26 

Racial extinction, 99 

Radiolaria (ra"di-6-la'rT-a) : appear- 
ance, 23*; deep-sea deposits, 22 

Rancho la Brea, Calif.: asphalt bed 
fossils, 26*, 27 

Reptiles: as the ancestors of modern 
mammals, 70; classification, 57; 
effect of climate on, 101 ; extinction 
of the great, 71 ; first, 54 ; flying, 25, 
29, 66; marine, 25; Mesozoic, 56, 65; 
sec also Dinosaurs 

Rhamphorhynchus (ram"f6-rin'kus) : 
appearance, 29, 67* ; flying ability, 

Rhinoceros: small twin-horned, 31*, 
32; woolly, 5, 6 

Rhinoceros tichorhinus, 5, 6 

Rhodesian man, 97* 

Rhone delta shells, 24 

River bar fossil deposits, 24 

Roaches, 55, 56 

Rotti (rot'te) Island fossil deposits, 

Sabre-tooth tigers, 27, 28* 

Salamanders, 38 

Samland amber, 8 

Scorpions : become land creatures, 51*, 
52 ; trilobites ancestral to, 49 

Sea cows: common ancestry with pro- 
boscideans, 91 ; extinction, 100 

Sea-cucumbers, 35 

Sea-lilies, 53* 

Sea-urchins, 53 

Sharks: dominant, 53; evolution, 52; 
physiology, 10, 22, 23 

Shellfish, 52 

Shetland ponies, 102 

Siberian mammoths, 5 

Sigillaria (sij"i-la'n-a), 37 

Silurian (si-lu'ri-an) period, 50 

Sinanthropus pekinensis (sm-an'- 
thro-pus pe"kin-en'sis), 95 

Sloths, Ground: description of, 7*; 
asphalt bed fossils, 27; coprolite as- 
sociated with, 15 

Smilodon (smi'ld-don), 27, 28* 

Snails, 37 

Solnhofen, Bavaria : fossil deposits, 28, 

Somali ass, 84 

South Joggins, Nova Scotia, 37 

Southern mammoth, 90 

Spiders: amber-preserved, 8; trilo- 
bites ancestral to, 49 

Sponges : Cambrian period, 45 ; lime- 
stone reef fossils, 28 

Spy, Belgium, 96 

Squid, 29 

Stegocephalians (steg"6-se'-fa'li-ans), 
41, 54, 55* 

Stegodonts (steg'6-donts), 89 

Stegosaurus (steg"6-so'rus) : gro- 
tesqueness, 37, 59* ; extinction, 62 

Stenomylus (sten"6-rm'lus), 27, 32, 33* 

Stratigraphical (strat"i-graf'i-kal) ge- 
ology, 20 

Struthiomimus (stroo"thi-6-mim'us), 
64, 65* 

Styracosaurus (sti"rak-6-so'rus), 64 

Swine, Giant, 32* 

Tertiary (tur'shi-a-ri) era, 23 

Tetrabelodon (tet"ra-bel'6-d6n), 88 

Thinopus antiquus (thm'6-pus an-ti'- 
kwus), 13* 

Thousand-legs, 52 

Tigers, Sabre-tooth, 27, 28* 

Timor (te-mor') Island, 22, 23 

Tolmachoff, I. V. (1872- ), Ameri- 
can scientist, 6 

Trachodon (tra'ko-don) : herbivorous 
nature, 64; skull modifications, 62; 
swimming ability, 60 

Transmutation, 100 

Trees, Fossil, 37 

Triassic (trl-as'ik) period, 13, 20, 57 

Triceratops (trl-ser'a-tops) : appear- 
ance, 63*; herbivorous nature, 64 

Trilobites (trf 16-bits) : ancestral role, 
49 ; Cambrian, 35, 45, 48* ; Devonian, 
52; Ordovician, 50; trails, 13; extinc- 
tion, 41, 56 

Trilophodon (tri-lofo-don), 88 

Trinidad fossil deposits, 22 

Turtles : fossil remains, 24, 25, 29, 37 ; 
habits, 65 



Tyrannosaurus (ti-ran"6-so'rus) : ap- 
pearance, 65*; nature, 64 

Uinta Lake deposits, 25, 76 

Verona amphitheater fossils, 1 

Vertebrates: evolution, 13*, 14, 51, 54; 
warm-blooded, 56 

Vinci (ven'che), Leonardo da (1452- 
1519), Italian artist, architect, and 
engineer, 1, 2 

Vultures, 27 

Walcott, Charles Doolittle (1850-1927), 
American geologist, 34 

Whales : size of modern, 59 ; slaughter 
of, 100 

Wolves: asphalt bed fossils, 27; ex- 
tinct in England, 99 

Woolly mammoth, 87, 90 

Woolly rhinoceros : range of, 5 ; speci- 
mens rare, 6 

Worms : Cambrian, 35, 45 ; early con- 
quer the land, 52; fossil history of, 
13, 15*, 16 

Wyoming : dinosaur 'beds, 35 ; mam- 
malian remains, 71, 74 

Zambezi delta fossil deposits, 24 

a as in day 







e as in mete 

I as in time 

e " " event 

t " 


e " " end 

i " 


e " " term 

i " 

' firm 

g = j (gentile) 

6 " 


g as in get 

6 " ' obey 

o as in not 
6 " " lord 

