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Copyright,  1894, 1929,  by 

Copyright,  1922.  by  henry  FAIRFIELD  OSBORN 

Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America 

Published  July,  1894.  Reprinted  September,  1896; 
December,  1899;  December,  1902;  November,  1905; 
October,  1908;  February,  1913;  May,  1924.  Second 
edition,  extended  and  completely  revised,  1929. 





L?  DURING  THE   YEARS   1875-1877 



This  volume  has  grown  out  of  lectures  first 
delivered  in  Princeton  in  1890,  upon  the  period 
between  Buffon  and  Darwin,  and  completed  in 
a  fuller  course  delivered  in  Columbia  in  1893, 
which  covered  also  the  period  before  Buffon. 
When  I  began  the  study,  my  object  w^as  to  bring 
forward  the  many  strong  and  true  features  of 
pre-Darwinian  Evolution,  which  are  so  gener- 
ally passed  over  or  misunderstood.  When  all  the 
materials  were  brought  together  from  the  earliest 
times,  the  evidence  of  continuity  in  the  develop- 
ment of  the  idea  became  more  clear,  and  to  trace 
these  lines  of  development  has  gradually  become 
the  central  motive  of  these  lectures.  More  thor- 
ough research,  which  may,  perhaps,  be  stimu- 
lated by  these  outlines  will,  I  believe,  strengthen 
this  evidence. 

I  am  greatly  indebted  to  my  friends  Profes- 
sor George  Macloskie  and  Professor  Alexander 
T.  Ormond  for  assistance  and  critical  advice  in 
connection  with  the  revision  of  the  proofs. 

H.  F.  O. 

Columbia  College,  July  11th,  1894. 


The  first  edition  of  this  volume,  published  in 
1894,  grew  out  of  lectures  upon  the  period  be- 
tween Buffon  and  Darwin,  first  delivered  in 
Princeton  in  1890  and  completed  in  a  fuller  in- 
troductory course  of  biological  lectures  upon  the 
period  before  Buffon,  extending  back  to  the 
Greeks,  delivered  in  Columbia  in  1893. 

When  I  began  the  search  for  anticipations  of 
the  evolution  theory,  my  object  was  to  bring 
forward  the  many  strong  and  true  features  of 
pre-Darwinian  Evolution  during  the  eighteenth 
and  nineteenth  centuries,  when  the  idea  was 
gradually  developing  into  its  modern  form. 
Through  the  German  historian  Zeller  I  was  led 
back  to  the  Greek  natural  philosophers  and  I 
was  astonished  to  find  how  many  of  the  pro- 
nounced and  basic  features  of  the  Darwinian  the- 
ory were  anticipated  even  as  far  back  as  the 
seventh  century  b.  c.  The  splendid  period  of 
Greek  biologic  thought  culminated  in  the  natural 
philosophy  of  Aristotle  and  included  numerous 
modern  discoveries,  not  only  of  Darwinian  but 
of  Lamarckian  theories  of  causation.  Since  1894< 
other  scholars  have  greatly  extended  the  discov- 
eries of  Zeller,  and  biology  is  deeply  indebted  to 

xii  PREFACE  TO  EDITION  OF  1929 

D'Arcy  Thompson,  Charles  Singer  and  other 
commentators  and  translators  for  as  full  a  reve- 
lation of  Greek  biologic  thought  as  is  afforded  by 
the  few  fragments  of  classical  literature  still  left 
to  us. 

In  fact,  this  new  edition  of  1929  has  involved 
a  profound  restudy  of  the  entire  twenty-four- 
century  period  of  evolutionary  thought.  Many 
entirely  new  lines  have  been  traced  in  the  long 
lineage  of  Ideas;  previously  undiscovered  antici- 
pations of  Darwinism,  especially  of  the  descent 
of  man,  have  been  unearthed;  the  work  of  cer- 
tain outstanding  authors  has  been  more  fully  and 
critically  examined.  Goethe,  for  example,  in  the 
hght  that  Bielschowsky's  splendid  memoir,  "The 
Life  of  Goethe,"  throws  upon  him,  rises  to  very 
high  rank  among  the  precursors  of  Darwin.  Thus 
in  the  thirty-five  years  intervening  since  the  orig- 
inal volume  was  published,  I  have  myself  dis- 
covered many  additional  proofs  that  the  evolu- 
tion idea  is  in  itself  a  product  of  twenty-four 
centuries  of  evolution,  a  process  of  ascent,  of  am- 
plification, and  of  clarification  of  great  ideas  and 
principles  at  first  only  dimly  perceived.  In  this 
continuous  ascent  or  development,  men  of  gen- 
ius, culminating  with  Darwin,  now  and  then 
struck  an  entirely  new  creative  note. 

As  an  avocation  and  as  a  relief  from  my  own 
intensive  and  very  difficult  studies  in  seeking  out 

PREFACE   TO  EDITION  OF   1929  xiii 

the  still  unknown  causes  of  Evolution^  it  has  been 
a  joy  to  entirely  reconsider,  revise,  and  rewrite 
this  volume.  The  original  references  and  cita- 
tions have  been  carefully  examined,  wherever 
possible,  and  annotated.  In  renewing  the  dedi- 
cation to  my  revered  teacher  in  philosophy,  who, 
despite  his  rigid  theological  training,  was  among 
the  first  to  welcome  the  solution  of  the  age-long 
riddle  of  Creation,  I  also  now  dedicate  this  work 
to  the  many  and  learned  commentators  on  the 
history  of  the  evolution  idea  whose  writings  are 
fully  cited  in  the  new  bibliography  at  the  close  of 
the  volume. 

From  the  Greeks  to  Darwin  is  a  history  of 
ideas  and  only  to  a  small  extent  a  story  of  per- 
sonalities. In  Impressions  of  Great  Naturalists, 
the  succeeding  volume  of  my  Biological  Series,  I 
enter  more  fully  into  the  character,  personality 
and  education  of  Darwin  and  of  a  number  of 
great  men  of  his  period.  In  time  I  hope  to  add  a 
third  volume  descriptive  of  Darwinism  up  to  the 
present  day. 

Henry  Fairfield  Osborn. 

Columbia  University  and 
American  Museum  of  Natural  History, 
February  1,  1929. 


CHAPTEB  ^^^^ 

I.  The  Anticipation  and  Interpretation 

OF  Nature      1 

Preliminary  Survey— Outlines  of  the  Whole  Development  from 
the  Greeks  to  Darwin— Evolution  as  a  Law  of  Nature— The 
Scientific  Method  of  Interpretation— The  Advance  of  Natu- 
ral Philosophy— Advance  of  Geology,  Zoology,  Comparative 
Anatomy  and  Palaeontology. 

II.  Among  the  Greeks 39 

Conditions  of  Greek  Thought— The  Greek  Perbds— lonians 
and  Eleatics:  Thales,  Anaximander,  Anaximenes,  Xenophanes — 
The  Physicists:  Heraclitus,  Empedocles,  Democritus,  Anaxagoras 
—Biological  Tendencies  of  Early  Greek  Thought:  Aeschylus- 
Aristotle— The  Post- Aristotelians:  Epicurus.  Lucretius,  Pliny— 
The  Legacy  of  the  Greeks  to  Later  Evolution. 

III.  The  Evolution  Idea  among  the  Theo- 
logians AND  Natural  Philosophers  .    .     103 

Prolonged  Influence  of  Greek  Philosophy  on  Theology— The 
Fathers  and  Schoolmen:  Gregory,  Augustine,  Erigena,  Aquinas, 
Roger  Bacon— Arabic  Science  and  Philosophy:  Avicenna, 
Avempace,  Abubacer — Transition  to  the  Literal  Interpretation 
of  Genesis:  Leonardo  da  Vinci,  Bruno,  Suarez— The  Awakening 
of  Science— Influence  of  the  Natural  Philosophers:  Francis 
Bacon,  Descartes,  Leibnitz,  Kant,  Lessing,  Herder,  Schelling. 

IV.  The  Evolutionists  of  the  Eighteenth 
Century ^^^ 

The  Speculative  Evolutionists:  Duret,  Kircher,  de  Maillet,  de 
Maupertuis,  Diderot,  Bonnet,  Robinet,  Oken— The  Great  Natu- 
raUsts:  Linnaeus,  Buff  on,  Erasmus  Darwin. 



CHAPTEB  ^^°^ 

V.  From  Laimarck  to  St.  Hilaire,  Goethe 

AND  Naudin 219 

A  Question  of  Priority— Lamarck— Geoff roy  St.  Hilaire— Dis- 
cussion between  Cuvier  and  St.  HUaire— Goethe— Cu\aer— 
Treviranus— Bory  de  St.  Vincent— Isidore  St.  Hilaire— Naudin. 

VI.  Darwin 301 

The  Evolution  Theory  during  the  First  Half  of  the  Nmeteenth 
Century— The  Embryologists:  Meckel,  von  Baer,  Serres— The 
Followers  of  Buff  on:  Herbert,  von  Buch,  Haldeman,  Spencer— 
The  Progressionists:  Chambers,  Owen— The  Selectionists:  Wells, 
Matthew,  Wallace— State  of  Opinion  in  the  Mid-Century: 
Lyell— Charles  Darwin— Darwin  and  Wallace  in  1858. 

Retrospect ^'^^ 

Bibliography ^^1 

Index ^^^ 


There  are  and  can  exist  but  two  ways  of  investigating 
and  discovering  truth.  The  one  hurries  on  rapidly  from  the 
senses  and  particulars  to  the  most  general  axioms,  and  from 
them,  as  principles  and  their  supposed  indisputable  truth, 
derives  and  discovers  the  intermediate  axioms.  This  is  the 
way  now  in  use.  The  other  constructs  its  axioms  from  the 
senses  and  particulars  by  ascending  continually  and  grad- 
ually, till  it  finally  arrives  at  the  most  general  axioms,  which 
is  the  true  but  unattempted  way. 

We  are  wont  to  call  that  human  reasoning  which  we  ap- 
ply to  Nature  the  anticipation  of  Nature  (as  being  rash 
and  premature),  and  that  which  is  properly  deduced  from 
things  the  interpretation  of  Nature. 

— Bacon,  Novum  Organum, 


Preliminary  Survey — Outlines  of  the  Whole  Develop- 
ment from  the  Greeks  to  Darwin — Evolution  as  a  Law  of 
Nature — The  Scientific  Method  of  Interpretation — The 
Advance  of  Natural  Philosophy — Advance  of  Geology, 
Zoology,  Comparative  Anatomy  and  Palaeontology. 

FRANCIS  BACON  in  1620  sagaciously  dis- 
tinguished between  the  anticipation  and  the 
interpretation  of  Nature.  Even  the  rash  and 
premature  anticipations  of  Nature  by  the 
Greeks,  as  well  as  by  their  successors,  the  *nat- 
ural  philosophers'  of  western  Europe,  have  been 
helpful  in  leading  toward  discovery  and  sounder 
methods  of  thought.  In  the  growth  of  the  nu- 
merous lesser  ideas  which  have  converged  into 
the  central  idea  of  the  history  of  life  by  Evolu- 
tion, we  find  ancient  pedigrees  for  all  that  we 
are  likely  to  consider  modern.  Evolution  has 
reached  its  present  fulness  by  slow  additions  in 
twenty- four  centuries.  When  the  truths  and  ab- 
surdities of  Greek,  mediaeval,  and  sixteenth  to 
nineteenth  century  speculation  and  observation 
are  brought  together,  it  becomes  clear  that  they 
form  a  continuous  whole,  that  the  influences  of 
early  upon  later  thought  are  greater  than  has 



been  believed,  that  Darwin  owes  more  even  to 
the  Greeks  than  we  have  ever  recognized. 

It  is  true  that  until  1858  speculation  far  out- 
ran fact,  and  that  the  development  of  the  evo- 
lution idea  was  at  times  arrested  and  even  retro- 
gressive; yet  the  conviction  grows  with  inquiry 
that  the  universal  evolution  law  was  reached  not 
by  any  decided  leap,  but  by  the  progressive  de- 
velopment of  every  subordinate  idea  connected 
with  it,  until  it  was  recognized  as  a  whole  by  La- 
marck and,  later,  by  Darwin. 

In  order  to  prove  this,  I  endeavor  to  trace 
some  of  these  lesser  ideas  back  to  their  sources, 
and  to  bring  the  comparatively  little  known 
early  evolutionists  into  their  true  relief  either  as 
original  thinkers  and  contributors  or  as  mere 
borrowers  and  imitators.  This  is  possible  only  be- 
cause such  search  has  already  been  very  ably 
made  among  certain  authors  and  in  certain  peri- 
ods by  other  writers,  to  whom  I  am  largely  in- 
debted for  whatever  success  I  have  attained  in 
this  first  attempt  to  cover  the  whole  period  and 
to  establish  the  evidence  of  continuity. 

Little  national  bias  has  been  shown  in  the 
search  for  anticipations  of  Darwin  among  his 
precursors;  as  one  instance,  the  highest  praises 
of  Lamarck  have  been  sounded  in  Germany,  and 
of  Goethe  in  France.  The  greatest  defects  I  find 
in  the  historical  literature  of  this  subject  are  the 


lack  of  sense  of  proportion  as  to  the  original 
merits  of  different  writers  and  the  non-apprecia- 
tion of  the  continuity  of  evolution  thought.  In 
general,  we  need  more  critical  and  thorough 
work  than  has  yet  been  given  us.  Many  heralded 
anticipations  are  not  anticipations  at  all,  if  we 
speak  of  Darwinism  in  the  restricted  biological 
sense  and  not  as  all-embracing.  Others  are  gen- 
uine, yet  they  consist  of  speculative  ideas  w^hich 
had  been  retold  or  rediscovered  several  times 
over,  as  in  the  case  of  the  principle  of  survival  of 
the  fittest. 

The  estimates  I  have  reached  as  to  several  of 
the  founders  of  the  idea  are  therefore  different 
from  those  advanced  by  others.  By  considering 
together  all  the  historic  stages  of  the  develop- 
ment even  in  a  brief  manner,  we  can  trace  the 
continuity,  the  increasing  momentum  of  the  evo- 
lution idea,  and  consequently  the  increasing  in- 
debtedness to  previous  suggestion.  We  can  see 
how  many  of  the  prophecies  were  themselves 
foretold.  Most  obvious  is  the  fact  that  Greek 
speculations  and  suggestions  were  borrowed  and 
used  over  and  over  again  in  Europe  as  if  origi- 
nal, continuity  in  the  lesser  ideas  which  cluster 
around  Evolution  being  quite  as  marked  as  in 
the  main  idea.  To  fully  follow  out  all  such  ge- 
netic threads  would,  however,  require  a  far  more 
exhaustive  research  than  this  aims  to  be. 


Apart  from  suggestion  we  meet  with  many  re- 
markable coincidences  in  the  hnes  of  independent 
and  even  simultaneous  discovery,  notably  those 
between  Erasmus  Darwin  and  Lamarck  in  the 
transmission  of  acquired  adaptations,  between 
Lamarck  and  Treviranus  in  the  conception  of  bi- 
ology as  an  independent  branch  of  science,  before 
we  reach  the  crowning  and  most  exceptional  case 
of  Darwin  and  Wallace.  At  different  periods 
similar  facts  were  leading  men  to  similar  con- 
clusions, and  we  gather  many  fine  illustrations  of 
the  force  of  unconscious  induction.  Means  of  in- 
tercommunication were  slow,  and  we  should  ad- 
vance cautiously  before  concluding  that  any  of 
the  greater  evolutionists  were  dealing  with  bor- 
rowed ideas. 

Finally,  I  have  attempted  to  estimate  each  au- 
thor from  his  thought  as  a  whole,  before  placing 
him  in  the  scales  with  his  predecessors,  contem- 
poraries, and  successors.  When  we  study  single 
passages,  we  are  often  led  widely  afield.  Haeckel, 
for  example,  appears  to  have  far  overstated  the 
relative  merits  of  Oken,  a  transcendental  or 
metaphysical  anatomist  who  shines  forth  brightly 
in  certain  passages,  and  goes  under  a  cloud  in 
others,  his  sum  total  being  obscure  and  weak. 
Without  sufficient  consideration,  Krause  has 
placed  Erasmus  Darwin  over  Lamarck.  Huxley 
has  treated  Treviranus  and  Lamarck  with  almost 


equal  respect;  they  are  really  found  to  be  most 
unequal  when  tested  by  their  approach  to  the 
modern  conception  of  Evolution.  We  must  in- 
quire into  the  sources  or  grounds  of  the  conclu- 
sions advanced  by  each  writer,  how  far  derived 
from  others,  how  far  from  personal  observation 
of  Nature,  and  consider  the  soundness  of  each  as 
well  as  his  suggestiveness  and  originality,  before 
we  can  judge  fairly  what  permanent  links  he 
may  have  added  or  welded  into  the  chain  of  evo- 
lutionary thought. 

Outlines  of  the  Whole  Development 

The  history,  as  a  whole,  before  Darwin,  at 
first  sight  appears  to  have  been  mainly  the  an- 
ticipation of  Nature;  but  closer  examination  re- 
veals much  genuine  interpretation  of  Nature, 
especially  among  the  highly  gifted  Greeks,  in 
whom  evolutionary  speculation  centered  chiefly 
around  man/  As  observed  by  Singer,"  the  begin- 
nings of  scientific  observation  and  generaliza- 
tion are  lost  in  antiquity: 

.  .  .  Where  does  the  science  of  biology  begin? 
Again  we  cannot  say,  but  we  can  watch  its  evolution 
and  its  progress.  Among  the  Greeks  the  accurate  ob- 
servation of  living  forms,  which  is  at  least  one  of  the 

^Compare    Singer:   Biology,    and    Thompson:    Natural    Science, 
in  The  Legacy  of  Greece. 

^Charles  Singer:  Biology.  Pp.  163-4  of  The  Legacy  of  Greece. 


essentials  of  biological  science,  goes  back  very  far. 
.  .  .  The  Greek  people  had  many  roots,  racial,  cul- 
tural, and  spiritual,  and  from  them  all  they  in- 
herited various  powers  and  qualities  and  derived  va- 
rious ideas  and  traditions.  .  .  .  For  the  earliest 
biological  achievements  of  Greek  peoples  we  have  to 
rely  largely  on  information  gleaned  from  artistic 
remains.  It  is  true  that  we  have  a  few  fragments  of 
the  works  of  both  Ionian  and  Italo-Sicilian  philoso- 
phers, and  in  them  we  read  of  theoretical  speculation 
as  to  the  nature  of  life  and  of  the  soul,  and  we  can 
thus  form  some  idea  of  the  first  attempts  of  such 
workers  as  Alcmaeon  of  Croton  (c.  500  b.  c.)  to  lay 
bare  the  structure  of  animals  by  dissection. 

Not  until  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury was  natural  science  wholly  equipped  for 
Evolution  on  the  inductive  line.  The  long  and 
tedious  way  of  direct  observation  in  anatomy  and 
palaeontology  had  to  be  paved  for  it;  one  proof 
of  this  is  found  in  the  failure  of  the  strong  evo- 
lution movement  in  France  during  the  latter 
part  of  the  eighteenth  and  beginning  of  the  nine- 
teenth century.  In  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth 
century  came  the  time  and  the  man  who  ranks 
as  the  great  central  observer  and  generalizer. 
Under  the  impetus  of  Darwin,  the  first  steps 
were  to  establish,  as  a  natural  law,  what  had 
ranked  for  over  two  thousand  years  as  an  hy- 
pothesis, not  to  say  theory,  and  this  has  been 
most  thoroughly  done  in  the  last  seventy  years. 


We  are  now  taking  our  uncertain  steps  in  search 
of  the  separate  causes  or  coefficients  of  this  law, 
and  cannot  foresee  when  all  of  these  will  be  dis- 

^Before  and  after  Darwin'  will  always  be  the 
ante  et  post  urbcm  conditam  of  biological  his- 
tory. Before  Darwin,  the  theory;  after  Darwin, 
the  causes. 

We  remember  that  there  are  usually  three 
stages  in  connection  with  the  discovery  of  a  law 
of  Nature :  first,  that  of  dim  suggestion  in  pure 
speculation  or  rash  anticipation,  with  eyes  closed 
to  facts ;  second,  that  of  clear  statement  as  a  ten- 
tative or  working  hypothesis  in  an  explanation 
of  certain  facts ;  and  finally,  the  proof  or  demon- 
stration. Darwin  came  in  for  the  proof,  profiting 
richly  by  the  hard  struggles  of  his  predecessors 
over  the  first  two  stages.  Lamarck  later  rose  in 
popular  knowledge  and  esteem  as  having  pro- 
pounded the  principle  of  Evolution,  but  among 
his  contemporaries  and  predecessors  in  France, 
Germany,  and  England,  we  find  Buffon,  Eras- 
mus Darwin,  Goethe,  Treviranus,  and  searching 
for  their  inspiration,  we  are  led  back  to  the  nat- 
ural philosophers,  beginning  with  Bacon  and 
ending  with  Herder.  Among  these  men  we  find 
the  second  birth  or  renaissance  of  the  idea,  and 
among  the  Greeks  its  first  birth. 

Evolution  as  a  natural  explanation   of  the 


origin  of  the  higher  forms  of  life  succeeded  the 
old  mythology  and  autochthony  in  Greece  and 
developed  from  the  teachings  of  Thales  and 
Anaximander  into  those  of  Aristotle.  This  great 
philosopher  had  a  general  conception  of  the 
origin  of  higher  species  by  descent  from  lower; 
he  framed  an  ascending  chain  of  life,  yet  he  could 
not  know  of  any  actual  series  of  organisms  rising 
through  Evolution,  such  as  we  have  suspected 
from  comparative  anatomy  and  embryology  and 
actually  witnessed  in  palaeontology.  He  also  con- 
sidered certain  of  the  factors  of  Evolution  un- 
derlying the  general  law,  and  it  is  startling  to 
find  him,  over  two  thousand  years  ago,  clearly 
stating,  and  then  rejecting,  the  theory  of  the  sur- 
vival of  the  fittest  as  an  explanation  of  the  evo- 
lution of  adaptive  structures. 

The  Greek  natural  history  literature,  from  be- 
ginning to  end,  is  a  continuous  source  of  plea- 
sure and  surprise.  Of  late  it  has  been  delight- 
fully reviewed  by  Charles  Singer,  D'Arcy 
Thompson  and  others.  Amid  wide  differences  of 
opinion  as  to  how  far  the  Greeks  actually  antici- 
pated later  discoveries,  the  true  conclusion  is 
that  they  anticipated  many  of  our  modern  theo- 
ries by  suggestion;  thus  they  carried  the  evolu- 
tion idea  well  into  its  suggestive  stage,  which  was 
so  much  ground  gained  for  those  who  took  it  up 
in  Europe.  Greek  speculations  greatly  hastened 


the  final  result,  although,  judged  by  modern 
scientific  standards,  they  arose  mainly  as  a  se- 
ries of  happy  conjectures  until  the  time  of  Aris- 
totle, the  first  true  naturalist  and  zoologist  of 
record.  We  know  that  Greek  philosophy  tinc- 
tured early  Christian  theology;  it  is  not  so  gen- 
erally realized  that  the  Aristotelian  notion  of  the 
gradual  ascent  and  perfection  of  life  led  to  a 
scientific  interpretation  by  Augustine  and  others 
of  the  Mosaic  account  of  the  Creation. 

There  arose  in  Europe  a  long  Greek  period 
in  the  history  of  the  evolution  idea,  extending 
among  the  Fathers  of  the  Church  and,  later, 
among  some  of  the  Schoolmen,  as  shown  in  their 
commentaries  upon  Creation  which  accord  very 
closely  with  the  modern  theistic  conceptions  of 
Evolution.  If  the  orthodoxy  of  Augustine  had 
remained  the  teaching  of  the  Church,  the  final 
establishment  of  Evolution  would  have  come 
far  earlier  than  it  did,  certainly  during  the  eigh- 
teenth instead  of  the  nineteenth  century,  and 
the  bitter  controversy  between  science  and  theol- 
ogy over  this  truth  of  Nature  would  never  have 

It  was  not  until  the  seventeenth  century  that 
the  Jesuit  Suarez  and  others  contended  that  the 
Book  of  Genesis  contained  a  literal  account  of 
the  mode  of  Creation,  and  thereby  Special  Crea- 
tion acquired  a  firm  status  as  a  scientific  theory 


of  the  history  of  the  earth  and  of  life  in  the  con- 
temporary philosophy  and  literature. 

Singularly  enough,  Milton's  epics  appeared 
shortly  after  the  time  of  Suarez,  exerting  an 
equally  profound  influence  upon  English  Prot- 
estant thought,  so  that  Huxley  has  aptly  termed 
Special  Creation  'the  Miltonic  hypothesis.'  Thus 
the  opportunity  of  a  free,  unchecked  develop- 
ment of  the  evolution  idea  out  of  natural  history 
was  lost. 

During  the  long  Middle  Ages,  the  evolution 
idea  made  no  advance.  Finally  it  began  to  ret- 
rogress, when  Greek  natural  philosophy  shared 
in  the  general  suppression  of  the  rationalistic 
movement  of  thought  of  Arabic  origin.  Later  the 
hard  and  fast  conceptions  and  definitions  of  'spe- 
cies,' developed  in  the  rapid  rise  of  systematic 
botany  and  zoology  by  the  genius  of  Linngeus, 
were  grafted  upon  the  Mosaic  account  of  the 
Creation,  establishing  a  'special  creation'  theory 
for  the  origin  of  each  species.  Later  still,  when  it 
was  discovered  in  palaeontology  that  species  of 
different  kinds  had  succeeded  each  other  in  time, 
the  'special'  theory  was  again  remodeled  to  cover 
a  succession  of  creations  extending  down  almost 
to  the  present  day.  Thus  a  purely  ecclesiastical 
dogma  developed  into  a  pseudo-scientific  theory 
full  of  inconsistencies  but  fostered  by  ecclesias- 
ticism  and  stoutly  maintained  by  certain  brilliant 
zoologists,  botanists  and  palaeontologists  of  the 


first  half  of  the  nineteenth  century,  such  as  Cu- 
vier,  Owen,  and  Agassiz. 

The  history  of  the  central  evolution  idea  be- 
fore Darwin  therefore  follows  its  rise  and  fall  as 
the  broad  central  explanation  of  the  history  of 
life,  w^hich  we  must  throw  into  contrast  with  the 
steady  rise  of  the  special  knowledge  of  the  lesser 
ideas  which  center  in  it.  As  a  whole,  it  rose  among 
the  Greeks,  declined  with  the  decay  of  Greek  sci- 
ence, was  kept  alive  by  Greek  influence  in  the- 
ology, and  fell  in  ecclesiastic  opposition  to  ra- 
tionalism and  the  age  of  reason.  When  it  was 
first  revived  in  France  and  Germany,  it  was 
either  inspired  by  Greek  freedom  of  speculation 
and  suggestiveness,  or  permeated  by  Greek  fal- 

In  the  first  revival  the  natural  philosophers  of 
France  and  Germany  took  the  lead,  followed,  in 
the  second,  by  a  series  of  rashly  speculative  writ- 
ers. Then  the  working  and  observing  naturalists 
took  up  Evolution  as  a  biological  problem.  Con- 
sidering the  Greek  movement  as  the  first,  this 
was  the  second  genuine  progressive  movement 
toward  the  evolution  theory ;  it  reached  its  height 
with  Lamarck,  Geoffroy  and  Goethe,  and  then 
declined,  or  rather  failed  to  make  a  permanent 
or  wide-spread  impression.  In  the  middle  of  the 
nineteenth  century,  all  the  ground  gained  was 
apparently  but  not  really  lost;  science,  church, 
and  laity  were  almost  at  one  upon  the  'special 


creation'  theory.  The  open  dissenters  were  com- 
paratively few  and  very  guarded  in  the  expres- 
sion of  their  opinions  because  Evolution  had 
been  branded  as  heresy.  Young  Darwin  was 
among  the  few  who  kept  before  his  mind  both 
the  special  creation  and  evolution  theories;  he 
met  and  successfully  overcame  the  great  tide  of 
adverse  opinion — a  conquest  which  Germany  has 
recognized  by  rechristening  Evolution,  Darwin- 
ismus.  Since  1858  more  works  upon  Evolution 
have  appeared  each  year  than  in  all  the  centuries 

In  this  more  recent  history  we  again  trace  the 
rise  and  fall  of  certain  ideas.  Even  our  present 
leaders  of  biologic  thought  have  their  remote 
parallels  in  the  past ;  despite  our  present  wealth 
of  facts,  the  impassable  limitations  of  human  ob- 
servation and  reason  seem  to  confine  us  to  uncon- 
scious revivals  of  Greek  conceptions.  There  are 
many  observers,  but  few  who  can  strike  out  into 
the  absolutely  virgin  soil  of  novel  suggestion. 

The  special  phases  of  evolution  development 
may  accordingly  be  marked  off  in  the  following 
manner : 

Greek  Evolution:  The  Anticipation  of  Nature 
640  B.  C.-1600  A.  D. 

The  rise,  dechne,  revival,  and  final  dechne  of 
the  Greek  natural  history  and  Greek  conception 


of  Evolution.  Of  this  period  were  Thales,  Anaxi- 
mander,  Anaximenes,  Xenophanes,  Heraclitus, 
Empedocles,  Democritus,  Anaxagoras,  Aris- 
totle, Epicurus,  Lucretius,  Gregory,  Augustine, 
Bruno,  Avempace,  Abubacer. 

Modern  Evolution:  The   Interpretation  of   Nature 

I.  1600-1800  A.D. 

Philo.tophical  Evolution 

Emancipation  of  botany  and  zoology  from 
Greek  traditions. 

The  beginnings  of  Modern  Evolution  as  part 
of  a  natural  order  of  the  universe.  Suggestions 
of  inductive  Evolution,  as  based  upon  the  trans- 
formation and  filiation  of  species,  by  the  natural 
philosophers.  Bacon,  Descartes,  Leibnitz,  Hume, 
Kant,  Lessing,  Herder,  Schelling. 

Revival  of  Greek  Evolution  ideas  in  specula- 
tive form  by  such  speculative  philosophical  writ- 
ers and  naturalists  as  Maupertuis,  Diderot,  De 
Maillet,  Robinet,  Bonnet,  Oken. 

II.  1730-1850  A.D. 

Inductive  Evolution:  Buff  on  to  Geoff  roy  St.  Hilaire  and 

Rapid  extension  of  zoology,  botany  and  pale- 
ontology. Rise  and  decline  of  inductive  Evolu- 
tion. Scattered  observation  and  speculation  upon 
the  filiation  and  transformation  of  species. 

Linnseus,     Buffon,     E.     Darwin,     Lamarck, 

16         FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

Goethe,  Treviranus,  Geof.  St.  Hilaire,  St.  Vin- 
cent, Is.  St.  Hilaire,  Naudin.  Miscellaneous  writ- 
ers: Grant,  Rafinesque,  Virey,  Dujardin,  d'Hal- 
loy,  Chevreul,  Godron,  Leidy,  linger.  Cams, 
Lecoq,  Schaaffhausen,  Wolff,  Meckel,  von  Baer, 
Serres,  Herbert,  von  Buch,  Wells,  Matthew, 
Haldeman,  Spencer,  Chambers,  Owen. 

III.  1858-1893  A.D. 
Inductive  Evolution:  Darwin,  Wallace 

Evolution  established  inductively  and  deduc- 
tively as  a  law  of  Nature.  The  factor  of  natural 
selection  established.  Observation  and  specula- 
tion upon  other  factors  of  Evolution. 

No  sharp  lines  actually  separated  these  four 
periods ;  each  passed  gradually  into  the  next.  The 
decline  of  Greek,  and  especially  of  Aristotelian 
influence  in  natural  science,  was  extremely  grad- 
ual, and  was  overlapped  by  the  awakening  of  the 
spirit  of  original  research  upon  animals  and 
plants  and  of  the  science  of  medicine.  Similarly, 
what  we  may  call  the  Philosophers'  period  ran 
insensibly  into  the  Buffon  or  third  period,  for 
the  later  naturalists  began  their  work  contempo- 
raneously with  the  later  philosophers.  Perhaps 
the  sharpest  transition  was  at  the  close  of  the 
third  period,  in  which  a  distinct  anti-Evolution 
school  of  geologists,  zoologists  and  botanists  had 


sprung  up  and  succeeded  in  firmly  entrenching 
itself,  so  that  Darwin  and  Wallace  began  the 
final  era  with  some  abruptness. 

Evolution  as  a  Law  of  Nature 

In  the  twenty-four  centuries  between  Thales 
and  Darwin,  as  we  have  seen  in  this  resume,  the 
idea  had  a  long  struggle  for  growth  and  exist- 
ence, yet  it  never  wholly  suspended  animation. 
I  may  emphasize  again  the  standpoint  of  these 
chapters,  that  the  final  conception  of  Evolution 
is  to  be  regarded  as  a  cluster  of  many  subsidiary 
ideas,  which  slowly  evolved  in  the  environment 
of  advancing  human  knowledge.  Like  an  animal 
or  plant  made  up  of  many  different  parts  which 
have  been  added  one  by  one  along  the  ages,  we 
can  take  up  this  history  as  we  should  a  bit  of 
biological  research;  consider  the  idea  as  living 
and  still  growing,  and  seek  the  first  stages  of 
each  of  its  parts.  These  we  wall  find  in  the  earliest 
guesses  as  to  the  origin  of  life  from  lifeless  mat- 
ter; in  conjectures  about  embryonic  development 
and  reproduction;  in  early  observed  evidences  of 
heredity,  degeneration,  variation,  and  of  the  affil- 
iation between  organisms;  in  the  first  apprecia- 
tion of  environment  and  its  influences  in  modi- 
fying animal  and  plant  form  and  function,  of 
internal  changes  in  the  body  and  their  influences, 
of  the  principle  of  adaptation  or  fitness  of  the 


human  body  to  certain  functions,  of  the  survival 
of  the  fittest  organisms,  and  finally  of  the  sur- 
vival of  the  fittest  organs. 

As  each  part  of  every  organism  begins  as  a 
rudiment  and  follows  its  own  independent  his- 
tory, so  each  of  these  subsidiary  ideas  of  Evolu- 
tion rose  in  a  crude  form  and  became  increas- 
ingly clear  and  definite. 

We  have,  then,  three  objects  in  view:  first,  to 
follow  the  rise  of  the  broad  idea  of  Evolution  as 
a  natural  law ;  second,  to  trace  back  the  birth  and 
development  of  each  of  its  subsidiary  ideas; 
third,  to  keep  constantly  in  mind  the  changing 
environment  of  knowledge  and  prejudice.  The 
uncongenial  influences  were  by  no  means  con- 
fined to  those  of  ecclesiastic  dogma;  the  intro- 
duction and  long  persistence  of  scientific  falla- 
cies, such  as  abiogenesis,  or  spontaneous  origin 
of  life,  the  uncertain  methods  of  scientific  think- 
ing, the  limited  knowledge  of  Nature  and  espe- 
cially of  animal  and  plant  life,  are  all  to  be  con- 
sidered. As  these  were  cleared  away,  the  intel- 
lectual environment  of  the  evolution  idea  be- 
came more  congenial,  and  the  idea  began  its  un- 
checked development. 

If  we  look  at  the  idea  in  itself,  we  first  dis- 
tinguish between  the  law  of  Evolution  as  an  ex- 
planation of  the  origin  and  ascent  of  all  forms 
of  life ;  second,  the  evidences  for  such  a  law,  and 


third,  the  theories  and  conjectures  as  to  the  nat- 
ural causes  or  factors  underlying  this  law  or  con- 
stituting it. 

The  full  conception  of  the  law  came  very  late. 
Apparently  Lamarck  was  the  first  to  grasp  Evo- 
lution in  its  infinite  modern  significance,  and  to 
see  the  analogy  between  the  past  history  of  life 
and  a  great  widely  branching  tree,  having  its 
roots  in  the  simplest  organisms,  its  shorter 
branches  in  the  lower,  and  its  longer  branches  in 
the  higher  forms  of  life.  According  to  this  now 
familiar  analogy,  the  living  animals  and  plants 
of  today  are  the  terminal  twigs  of  great  branches 
which  represent  the  lines  of  extinct  ancestors. 
These  branches  united  near  the  trunk  with  oth- 
ers, whilst  still  other  branches,  with  their  termi- 
nal branchlets,  have  entirely  died  out  in  past 
time.  Or,  to  begin  at  the  roots  and  trace  the  his- 
tory upwards  instead  of  downwards,  the  lower 
branches  of  the  tree  are  comparatively  few,  and 
represent  the  great  classes  of  animals  which  di- 
vided and  subdivided  into  orders,  sub-orders, 
families,  genera,  species,  and  so  on. 

Prior  to  Lamarck  this  branching  nature  of  de- 
scent was  only  very  crudely  perceived.  This  was 
because  Aristotle's  general  view  that  the  exist- 
ing forms  of  life  constituted  a  *scale  of  ascent' 
from  the  polyps  to  man  had  been  revived  in  dif- 
ferent aspects,  such  as  the  'perfection  chain'  of 


Leibnitz,  or  the  famous  'echelle  des  etres'  of 

It  is  evident  that  the  modern  conception  of 
branching  ascent  grew  out  of  the  discovery  of 
the  extinction  of  earlier  and  intermediate  forms 
of  hfe  such  as  came  from  palaeontology,  and  that 
it  is  essentially  different  from  the  ancient  'lad- 
der' or  'chain'  conception,  which  regarded  the 
existing  terminal  twigs  of  the  tree  as  directly 
affiliated  to  each  other,  rather  than  through  the 
extinct  earlier  branches.  Pre-Lamarckian  Evo- 
lution was  mainly  a  conception  of  the  gradual 
rise  of  higher  forms  of  life  by  descent  and  modi- 
fication from  lower  forms  still  existing.  This,  in 
contrast  with  the  notions  of  sudden  production 
of  life  from  the  earth  or  of  Special  Creation,  was 
based  upon  slow  development,  and  had  the  dis- 
tinction always  of  being  a  naturalistic  expla- 

The  variety  of  terms  under  which  the  law  of 
Evolution^  has  figured  marks  to  a  certain  extent 
the  chapters  in  its  history.  The  word  'evolution' 
itself  was  early  used  in  the  English  language,  in 

1  Evolution  [ad.  L.  evolution-em  (recorded  in  the  sense  'unroll- 
ing of  a  book'),  n.  of  action  f.  evolvere].  I.  The  process  of  unroll- 
ing, opening  out,  or  disengaging  from  an  envelope.  II.  The  opening 
out  or  unfolding  of  what  is  wrapped  up  {e.  g.  a.  roll,  a  bud,  etc.) ; 
fig.  the  spreading  out  before  the  mental  vision  (of  a  series  of  ob- 
jects) ;  the  appearance  in  orderly  succession  of  a  long  train  of 
events.  Also  concr.  'the  series  of  things  unfolded  or  unrolled' 
(J.). — Murray;  New  English  Dictionary,  vol.  3,  pt.  2  E. 


both  poetry  and  prose,  beginning  with  the  poems 
of  H.  More  in  1647.  This  of  course  was  not  in 
its  modern  scientific  sense,  although  in  many 
instances  its  use  closely  approaches  its  mod- 
ern significance;  for  example,  in  1677  Hale 
wrote  :^ 

It  must  have  potentially  at  least  the  whole  Sys- 
teme  of  Humane  Nature,  or  at  least  that  Ideal  Prin- 
ciple .  .  .  thereof,  in  the  evolution  whereof  the  com- 
plement and  formation  of  the  Humane  Nature  must 

In  1791  Erasmus  Darwin  used^  the  word  in 
Bonnet's  (1762)  embryological  sense  in  speak- 
ing of  "the  gradual  evolution  of  the  young  ani- 
mal or  plant  from  its  egg  or  seed."  He  also 
thought  it  possible^  that  the  world  may  have  been 
evolved,  not  created. 

An  early  use  of  the  word  in  its  application  to 
the  origination  of  animals  and  plants  by  a  process 
of  development  from  earlier  forms  rather  than 
by  a  process  of  'special  creation*  was  made  by 
Charles  Lyell  in  1832,  paraphrasing  Lamarck:* 

The  testacea  of  the  ocean  existed  first,  until  some 
of  them  by  gradual  evolution  were  improved  into 
those  inhabiting  the  land. 

^Prim.  Oriff.  Man,  iii.  ii.  259.  Loc.  cit. 
^Botanic  Garden^  ii.  8  note.  Loc.  cit. 
3See  p.  218. 
^Principles  of  Geology,  1830,  vol.  II,  p.  11. 


In  1852  Herbert  Spencer  also  used  the  word 
in  this  sense.  Spencer  later  greatly  influenced  the 
use  of  the  word  in  popular  as  well  as  technical 
language,  for  he  attributed  all  changes  in  the 
universe,  whether  material  or  psychical,  to  only 
two  causes:  the  process  of  Evolution  or  the  re- 
verse process  of  dissolution/  In  his  essay  of 
1858^  we  find  him  contrasting  "creation  by  evo- 
lution" with  "creation  by  manufacture,"  and  con- 
cluding that  "creation  by  manufacture  is  a  much 
lower  thing  than  creation  by  evolution." 

In  England,  Evolution  has  been  known  as  the 
'doctrine  of  derivation,'  as  the  'development  hy- 
pothesis,' and  as  the  'descent  theory.'  Lyell  in  his 
Principles  of  Geology  speaks  throughout  of  the 
theory  of  'transmutation'  and  only  once  uses 
the  word  'evolution.'  In  France,  the  early  terms 
'  denature  e'  of  Buff  on,  '  transmutation'  and  'filia- 
tion' have  partly  given  way  to  the  more  modern 
HransformismeJ  These  terms  are  defined  by  La- 
rousse^  as  follows: 

transmutation,   changement   d'une   chose   en   une 

degeneration,  passage  d'un  etat  naturel  a  un  etat 

gradation,    accroissement   ou   decroissement   pro- 


^Compare  Murray:  Evolution.  New  English  Dictionary,  vol.  3, 
pt.  2  E. 

^The  Nebular  Hypothesis.         ^Larousse  Universel,  Paris,  1922. 


degradation,  changements  insensible  ct  continu. 
denature  (e),  dont  la  nature  a  ete  changee. 
evolution,  serie  de  transformations  successives  et 

filiation,  lien  de  parente  entre  les  parents  et  leurs 

enfants,  lorsqu'on  le  considere  dans  la  per- 

sonne  de  ces  derniers. 
transformation,  passage  d'une  forme  a  une  autre, 
transformisme,    doctrine    biologique,    suivant    la- 

quelle   les   especes   animales   et   vegetales   se 

transforment  et  donnent  naissance  a  de  nou- 

velles    especes    sous   I'influence   de   I'adapta- 

tion.  .  .  . 

For  the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  century, 
Evolution  was  known  mainly  as  the  Xamarckian 
theory,'  just  as  later  it  universally  became  the 
'Darwinian  theory';  while  very  recently  'La- 
marckism,'  signifying  transmission  of  acquired 
adaptations,  and  'Darwinism,'  signifying  adap- 
tation through  natural  selection,  have  each  ac- 
quired special  meanings,  and  the  comprehensive 
term  'Evolution'  has  finally  come  in  as  the  per- 
manent designation  of  the  law.  This  embraces 
more  and  more  as  our  knowledge  advances,  so  we 
speak  even  of  the  first  naturalistic  views  of  the 
gradual  succession  of  species  as  Evolution  be- 
cause they  contained  the  idea  in  the  germ. 

The  Scientific  Method  of  Interpretation 

The  slow  discovery  of  scientific  modes  of  ob- 
servation and  interpretation  constituted  the  most 


important  feature  in  the  intellectual  environ- 
ment of  the  evolution  idea.  Now  working,  as  a 
matter  of  course,  by  the  observe-and-guess  or  the 
induction-deductive  method — first  observing  a 
few  facts,  for  a  preliminary  induction  or  'work- 
ing hypothesis'  which  we  apply  tentatively  to  ex- 
plain certain  classes  of  facts — we  hardly  appre- 
ciate that  this  effective  mental  machinery  is  a 
comparatively  recent  discovery.  The  fate  of  a 
'working  hypothesis'  depends  upon  its  applica- 
tion to  every  single  fact.  When,  therefore,  some 
obstinate  or  newly  discovered  fact  compels  us  to 
abandon  one  'working  hypothesis'  which  for  a 
time  has  not  only  satisfied  but  served  us,  and  to 
construct  another,  and  when  finally,  after  see- 
sawing between  observation  and  speculation,  we 
experience  the  pleasure  of  extracting  the  truth, 
we  have  meanwhile  run  up  an  unpayable  debt  to 
the  past. 

The  early  Greeks  were  mainly  deductive  or  a 
priori  in  their  method.  Aristotle,  coming  at  a 
much  later  period,  after  natural  methods  of  in- 
terpretation had  been  studied,  understood  and 
taught  the  method  of  scientific  induction  almost 
as  clearly  as  Bacon,  but  he  mainly  practised  de- 
duction. This  was  well,  for  in  Aristotle's  period 
and  during  his  lifetime,  few  steps  in  advance 
could  have  been  made  by  the  safer  method  of  in- 
duction, while  he  unquestionably  promoted  many 


great  truths  deductively.  Giordano  Bruno  also 
recommended  induction  to  others,  but  found  it 
too  tedious  for  his  own  purposes. 

During  the  long  Middle  Ages,  men  ceased  to 
observe  Nature;  they  absorbed  Aristotle's  views 
of  Nature  and  were  anchored  fast  to  Greek  sci- 
ence by  a  traditional  reverence.  ''Bornons  ce 
respect  que  nous  avons  pour  les  anciens,''  said 
Pascal  in  his  Pensees,  This  is  also  the  vein  of  one 
of  Bacon's  Aphorisms:^  "Again,  the  reverence 
for  antiquity,  and  the  authority  of  men  who  have 
been  esteemed  great  in  philosophy,  and  general 
unanimity,  have  retarded  men  from  advancing  in 
science,  and  almost  enchanted  them."  Bacon  also 
drew  a  satirical  picture  of  the  condition  of  nat- 
ural science  as  it  was  early  in  the  seventeenth 
century:  "If  the  natural  history  extant,  though 
apparently  of  great  bulk  and  variety,  were  to  be 
carefully  weeded  of  its  fables,  antiquities,  quota- 
tions, frivolous  disputes,  philosophy,  ornaments, 
it  would  shrink  to  a  slender  bulk." 

While  Bacon  (1561-1626)  upheld  induction 
in  his  writings  as  the  only  true  scientific  method, 
there  is  abundant  evidence  that  it  had  been  inde- 
pendently established  as  the  method  of  scientific 
research  by  Harvey  (1578-1657),  who  discov- 
ered the  circulation  of  the  blood,  by  Mayo  and 
others,  quite  independently  and  even  in  advance 

^Novum  Organurrii  Aphorisms.  Book  I,  Ixxxiv. 


of  Bacon;  so  it  is  not  just  that  he  should  be  cred- 
ited with  the  revival  of  induction  as  apphed  to 
science  during  the  seventeenth  century;  he  was 
rather  the  first  to  formulate  and  teach  it. 

During  the  seventeenth  and  eighteenth  cen- 
turies valuable  materials  were  slowly  gathering 
for  the  induction  of  Evolution,  in  the  rising  sci- 
ences of  geology,  zoology,  botany,  but  especially 
in  comparative  anatomy  and  palaeontology.  The 
observational  method  to  discover  a  basis  of  fact 
for  the  mutability  rather  than  fixity  of  species 
spread  so  rapidly  that  a  considerable  part  of  the 
speculations  of  the  naturalists  Buif  on  and  Eras- 
mus Darwin  in  the  latter  part  of  the  eighteenth 
century  was  directly  based  upon  observation  and 
was  true  interpretation.  A  school  that  was  pro- 
fessedly purely  observational  and  inductive  was 
established  by  Linnaeus  and  Cuvier  and,  owing 
to  the  genius  of  these  naturalists,  gained  such  as- 
cendancy that  it  was  only  after  a  bitter  struggle 
in  the  early  part  of  the  nineteenth  century  that 
the  discredited  working  hypothesis  of  the  mu- 
tability of  species  acquired  its  true  place  as 
an  instrument  of  thought.  The  evolutionists  of 
the  eighteenth  and  early  part  of  the  nineteenth 
century  contended  against  great  odds.  They  up- 
held a  theory  as  to  the  origin  of  life  which  could 
not  be  established  inductively  in  the  existing 
state  of  knowledge,  and  which  even  at  the  time 


of  the  publication  of  the  Origin  of  SjJCcics  lacked 
verification.  Although  for  the  most  part  devout 
men,  they  were  declared  arch  enemies  of  sound 
religion,  and  although  right  in  their  contention 
for  the  value  of  the  inductive-deductive  method 
of  thought,  they  were  also  proclaimed  as  the  ene- 
mies of  sound  scientific  thinking. 

The  Advance  of  Natural  Philosophy 

The  belief  that  the  first  chapter  of  Genesis  con- 
tained a  revelation  of  scientific  as  well  as  of 
spiritual  and  moral  truth  was  not  supported  by 
the  most  prominent  of  the  early  theologians,  nor 
many  centuries  later  by  Bacon.  It  is  edifying  to 
read  the  appeals  of  the  two  great  Christian  phi- 
losophers, Augustine  and  Bacon,  for  freedom  of 
scientific  observation  and  reasoning,  against  the 
error  of  searching  the  Scriptures  for  law^s  of  Na- 
ture. Augustine  says : 

It  very  often  happens  that  there  is  some  question 
as  to  the  earth  or  the  sky,  or  the  other  elements  of 
this  world  .  .  .  respecting  which  one  who  is  not  a 
Christian  has  knowledge  derived  from  most  certain 
reasoning  or  observation  [that  is,  a  scientific  man], 
and  it  is  very  disgraceful  and  mischievous  and  of  all 
things  to  be  carefully  avoided,  that  a  Christian, 
speaking  of  such  matters  as  being  according  to  the 
Christian  Scriptures,  should  be  heard  by  an  unbe- 


liever  talking  such  nonsense  that  the  unbeliever,  per- 
ceiving him  to  be  as  wide  from  the  mark  as  east  from 
west,  can  hardly  restrain  himself  from  laughing. 

Bacon^  in  his  aphorisms  deplores  the  corrup- 
tion of  philosophy  by  the  mixing  up  with  it  of 
superstition  and  theology,  saying  that  it  is  most 
injurious  both  as  a  whole  and  in  parts,  and  con- 
tinues : 

Against  it  we  must  use  the  greatest  caution.  .  .  . 
Yet  some  of  the  moderns  have  indulged  this  folly 
with  such  consummate  inconsiderateness,  that  they 
have  endeavored  to  build  a  system  of  natural  phi- 
losophy on  the  first  chapter  of  Genesis,  the  book  of 
Job,  and  other  parts  of  Scripture ;  seeking  thus  the 
dead  among  the  Hving  [the  interests  of  the  soul]. 
And  this  folly  is  the  more  to  be  prevented  and  re- 
strained, because  not  only  fantastical  philosophy, 
but  heretical  religion  spring  from  the  absurd  mix- 
ture of  matters  divine  and  human.  It  is  therefore 
most  wise  soberly  to  render  unto  faith  the  things  that 
are  faith's. 

In  the  Introduction  to  The  Great  Instaura- 
tion,  he  says : 

Man,  as  the  minister  and  interpreter  of  nature, 
does  and  understands  as  much  as  his  observations  on 
the  order  of  nature,  either  with  regard  to  things  or 
the  mind,  permits  him,  and  neither  knows  nor  is  ca- 
pable of  more. 

^Novum  Organum,  Book  I.  Sec.  65. 


A  hard  preliminary  battle  had  to  be  fought 
by  the  philosophers  for  natural  causation  as 
against  supernatural  interference  in  the  govern- 
ing of  the  living  world.  Here  lies  the  main  debt 
of  natural  science  to  philosophy;  and  to  omit 
mention  of  the  great  names  of  Descartes,  Spi- 
noza, Leibnitz,  and  Kant  in  the  seventeenth  and 
eighteenth  centuries  would  leave  a  serious  gap  in 
these  outlines.  The  natural  philosophers  of  this 
time  were  actually  more  scientific  than  the  pro- 
fessed scientists.  They  reached  below  metaphysics 
into  questions  which  today  are  left  more  exclu- 
sively to  science.  The  order  of  the  universe  and 
the  laws  of  Xature  formed  a  large  part  of  specu- 
lation from  the  time  of  Bacon  to  that  of  Schel- 
ling;  in  fact,  now  and  again  tliis  speculation 
sprang  directly  from  observation  of  Nature,  and 
it  is  a  most  striking  fact  that  every  great  phi- 
losopher touched  upon  the  evolution  idea.  Bruno 
was  a  radical  evolutionist,  although  his  notions 
were  more  Oriental  than  European.  Bacon  fore- 
saw the  close  bearings  of  the  variation  of  ani- 
mals and  plants  and  of  experimental  Evolu- 
tion upon  species  transformation.  Descartes  cau- 
tiously advocated  the  evolution  idea  and  the 
domain  of  natural  causation.  Leibnitz  may  even 
be  considered  the  head  of  a  school  of  evolution- 
ists. Kant  in  his  earlier  writings  held  advanced 
views.  Thus  the  early  naturalists,  whenever  they 


passed  from  direct  observation  to  speculation 
upon  the  causes  of  things,  drew  their  suggestions 
and  inspiration  largely  from  these  great  philoso- 

This  need  not  lead  us  into  the  history  of  the 
discussion  of  primary  causes,  nor  of  the  mechan- 
ical and  monistic  versus  the  dualistic  view  of  Na- 
ture. The  evolution  of  life  as  an  organic  law, 
more  complex  but  comparable  to  any  inorganic 
law,  such  as  gravitation,  is  one  phase  of  natural 
causation.  For  whatever  principle  regulates  the 
rapid  fall  of  a  wounded  bird  to  the  earth  is  the 
same  in  kind,  so  far  as  our  philosophy  of  Nature 
is  concerned,  as  that  which,  during  millions  of 
years,  has  slowly  evolved  the  bird  from  the  earth. 

Some  of  the  Greeks  early  saw  this  truth;  yet 
in  the  progress  of  later  thought  in  Europe,  the 
living  world  was  the  last  to  come  under  this  prin- 
ciple of  natural  causation.  The  battle  for  it  had 
to  be  fought  out  first  in  cosmogony,  then  in 
geology.  So  keen  a  philosopher  as  Kant  believed 
that  he  saw  two  principles  in  Nature ;  one  of  nat- 
ural causes  reigning  in  lifeless  matter,  one  of 
teleological  causes  reigning  in  living  matter.  This 
was  because  he  could  not  conceive  of  any  natural 
principle  which  could  explain  the  beautiful  adap- 
tations and  designs  of  Nature.  From  geology  the 
spread  of  the  truth  of  natural  causation  reached 
the  origin  of  the  lower  forms  of  life,  and  finally 


the  origin  of  man.  It  is  therefore  a  striking  case 
of  parallelism  that  the  advance  of  our  knowledge 
of  development  has  repeated  the  actual  cosmic 
order  of  development.  Man  first  perceived  Evo- 
lution in  objects  most  remote,  gradually  in  ob- 
jects nearer  to  him,  finally  in  himself. 

Advance  of  Geology,  Zoology,  Comparative 
Anatomy  and  Paleontology 

The  general  state  of  knowledge  of  the  differ- 
ent forms  of  life,  next  to  the  suggestiveness  of 
Philosophy,  was  the  most  important  factor  in  the 
environment  of  the  evolution  idea,  as  food  to 
the  organism.  The  comparatively  elementary 
knowledge  of  Aristotle  rendered  his  speculations 
upon  Evolution,  at  most,  happy  guesses  at  the 
truth.  Embryology,  palaeontology,  comparative 
anatomy,  and  geographic  distribution,  the  four 
pillars  of  modern  evidences  of  Evolution,  arose 
in  the  eighteenth  century,  but  were  not  built  into 
their  scientific  inductive  form  until  the  nine- 
teenth century. 

Yet  the  Greek  traditions  in  natural  history 
persisted  as  the  environment  of  the  evolution 
idea  as  late  as  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
and,  as  we  shall  see,  the  idea  itself  was  framed 
solely  upon  Greek  speculation.  Most  prominent 
among  these  Greek  guesses  at  the  truth  was  the 

32         FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

doctrine  of  abiogenesis,  or  generatio  cequivoca 
— the  spontaneous  origin  of  life  from  lifeless 
matter.  This  fallacy  exerted  a  most  potent  influ- 
ence in  shaping  the  crude  theories  of  Evolution 
which  were  advanced  during  the  seventeenth  and 
eighteenth  centuries,  the  absurdity  of  these  theo- 
ries reacting  unfavorably  upon  the  true  evolu- 
tion idea  by  throwing  it  into  discredit. 

The  accumulation  of  the  natural  evidences  of 
Evolution  was  the  work  of  centuries.  Besides  the 
advances  in  astronomy,  geology,  and  physical 
geography,  there  w^as  the  slow  upbuilding  of  the 
great  branches  of  biology.  First  came  correct 
ideas  of  structure  or  comparative  morphology  of 
animals  and  plants,  and  connected  with  this  the 
structure  of  extinct  forms  preserved  as  fossils; 
with  this  knowledge  developed  an  appreciation 
of  the  meaning  of  variations  and  of  gradual  de- 
velopment in  structure,  and  the  meaning  of  ves- 
tigial or  degenerate  structures.  Then  came  the 
knowledge  of  function  and  the  physiology,  first 
of  man,  then  of  the  lower  animals ;  then  the  true 
ideas  of  individual  development  from  the  egg,  or 
embryology,  connected  with  which  many  fallacies 
were  current.  Finally,  natural  environment  be- 
gan to  be  studied,  or  the  relation  of  animals  and 
plants  to  each  other  and  to  the  surface  of  the 
globe,  in  connection  with  distribution.  In  short, 
Evolution  needed  materials  for  induction.  Un- 


willing  Nature  had  to  slowly  yield  up  her  secrets, 
and  Evolution  could  not  be  conceived  in  its  i^hy- 
letic  sense  until  all  the  knowledge  embraced  in 
'filiation'  or  phylogeny  had  been  more  or  less 
fully  attained. 

Let  us  first  look  at  structure.  Anatomy  had 
its  infancy  among  the  Greeks,  and  dissection  was 
rudely  practised.  Aristotle  was  descended  from  a 
long  race  of  physicians,  yet  his  treatise  on  the 
structure  of  man  is  believed  to  show  that  he  did 
not  practise  dissection.  Scientific  anatomy  dates 
back  to  Galen,  while  modern  anatomy  began  with 
the  school  of  the  University  of  Padua,  where  the 
human  body  was  first  fully  dissected.  In  struc- 
ture Aristotle  observed  the  law  of  analogy,  as, 
for  example,  in  his  comparison  of  the  functions 
of  the  fore  and  hind  limbs.  But  the  principle  of 
homology,  or  the  fundamental  likeness  of  type 
structure  between  the  fore  and  hind  limbs,  was 
first  pointed  out  by  Vicq  d'Azyr  in  1805.  Anal- 
ogy is  the  will-o'-the-wisp  of  Evolution ;  it  is  al- 
ways leading  us  astray,  as  it  did  Geoffroy  St. 
Hilaire  in  the  third  period,  for  functionally  simi- 
lar forms  and  forms  with  an  external  resem- 
blance are  produced  over  and  over  again  in  Na- 
ture, and  do  not  always  point  to  phyletic  affin- 
ity, while  homolog}^  is  one  of  our  safest  guides. 
The  relations  of  organs  to  each  other,  or  the  idea 
that  one  structure  is  sacrificed  for  the  develop- 


ment  of  another,  now  known  as  the  law  of  Econ- 
omy of  Growth,  was  also  perceived  by  Aristotle, 
but  was  first  clearly  stated  by  Goethe  in  1807, 
and  by  St.  Hilaire  as  the  principle  of  'halance- 
menf  in  1818.  Aristotle,  following  Democritus, 
was  strongly  impressed  with  the  principle  of 
adaptation,  or  the  wonderful  fitness  of  certain 
structures  for  certain  ends,  and  adaptation,  with 
all  its  beautiful  manifestations  in  Nature,  has  al- 
ways been  the  focus  of  the  differences  between 
the  Special  Creationists  and  the  Evolutionists. 
Degeneration,  or  the  gradual  decline  of  or- 
gans and  structures  in  form  and  usefulness,  does 
not  appear  to  have  been  perceived  by  Aristotle, 
although  in  his  analysis  of  "movement"  he  em- 
ploys a  very  similar  idea  in  connection  with  de- 
velopment. We  first  meet  with  degeneration  as 
part  of  an  explanation  of  the  origin  of  species 
in  the  writings  of  Linnaeus  and  Buffon  in  the 
eighteenth  century;  but  the  idea  of  degeneration 
itself  was  much  older,  because  we  find  it  ex- 
pressed in  a  passage  of  criticism  of  Sylvius  upon 
Vesalius.  Vesalius  (1514-1564)  had  brought  the 
charge  against  Galen  (131-200)  that  his  work 
could  not  have  been  founded  upon  the  human 
body,  because  he  had  described  an  intermaxil- 
lary bone.  This  bone,  Vesalius  observed,  is  found 
in  the  lower  animals  but  not  in  man.  Syl- 
vius (1614-1672)  defended  Galen  warmly,  and 


argued  that  the  fact  that  man  had  no  intermax- 
illary bone  at  present  was  no  proof  that  he  did 
not  have  it  in  Galen's  time.  "It  is  luxury,"  he 
said,  "it  is  sensuality  which  has  gradually  de- 
prived man  of  this  bone."  This  passage  proves 
that  the  idea  of  degeneration  of  structure 
through  disuse,  as  well  as  the  idea  of  the  in- 
heritance of  the  effects  of  habit,  or  the  'trans- 
mission of  acquired  characters,'  is  a  very  ancient 
one.  It  remained  for  Goethe  to  actually  discover 
in  man  a  case  of  a  free  or  separate  intermaxil- 
lary bone  and  give  it  its  true  philosophic  inter- 
pretation as  proof  of  human  descent  from  a  more 
primitive  type. 

Development,  the  antithesis  of  degeneration, 
the  increasing  perfection  of  structure  in  course 
of  Evolution,  was  the  central  thought  of  Aris- 
totle's natural  philosophy,  but  the  term  itself,  as 
applied  to  the  gradual  increase  in  organs  and  sin- 
gle structures  in  the  evolutionary  sense,  was  first 
clearly  used  by  Lamarck. 

Embryonic  development  was  rightly  conceived 
a  priori  by  Aristotle  in  the  form  of  epigenesis, 
for  he  regarded  the  embryo  as  a  mass  of  particles 
containing  the  potential  capacity  of  development 
into  the  form  of  the  adult.  The  term  'Evolution' 
was  first  introduced  for  the  embryological  the- 
ory as  opposed  to  epigenesis,  namely,  that  the 
embryo  contained  the  complete  form  in  minia- 


ture,  and  that  development  consisted  merely  in 
the  enlargement  of  this  miniature.  This  doctrine 
of  'emboitemenf  of  Bonnet,  defended  by  Swam- 
merdam,  Haller,  Reaumur,  and  Cuvier,  like  the 
doctrine  of  abiogenesis,  long  stood  in  the  way 
of  the  progress  of  the  evolution  idea;  for  if  it 
were  true  that  all  beings  had  been  preformed 
from  the  beginning,  there  could  naturally  be  no 
evolution  of  form,  nor  any  necessity  for  a  the- 
ory of  Evolution.  Long  before  Aristotle,  the 
principle  of  syngenesis,  or  formation  of  the  em- 
bryo by  the  union  of  elements  from  both  parents, 
was  rightly  understood  by  Empedocles.  The  no- 
tion of  hereditary  transmission  of  characters  was 
extremely  ancient,  and  was  naturally  founded 
upon  the  early  observed  likeness  of  offspring  to 
parents.  Aristotle  also  commented  upon  the  prin- 
ciples of  the  prepotency  of  the  characteristics  of 
one  parent  over  the  other,  as  well  as  of  atavism. 
The  growth  of  embryology  as  an  objective 
science  came,  of  course,  with  the  invention  of 
microscopic  lenses.  Degraff,  in  the  discovery  of 
the  ovum  in  1678,  Leeuwenhoek  (1632-1723), 
in  the  discovery  of  the  spermatozoon,  laid  the 
foundations  of  the  science  which  Meckel,  in  1813, 
and  von  Baer,  in  1827,  built  into  one  of  the  key- 
stones of  Evolution.  Von  Baer's  law,  that  higher 
animals  passed  through  embryonic  stages  in 
which  they  resemble  the  adult  forms  of  lower 


types,  was  also  dimly  perceived  by  Aristotle,  but 
not,  of  course,  in  its  vital  relation  to  Evolution. 

Aristotle  also  distinguished  between  living  and 
lifeless  matter  as  the  organic  and  inorganic,  but 
in  common  with  all  the  Greeks  and,  in  fact,  with 
all  zoologists  up  to  comparatively  recent  times, 
he  believed  in  abiogenesis,  or  the  spontaneous  de- 
velopment of  living  from  lifeless  matter.  This  be- 
lief was  handed  down  through  all  the  Middle 
Ages,  and  appeared  in  its  crudest  form  as  an  ex- 
planation, not  only  of  the  origin  of  the  lowest 
forms  of  life,  but  of  the  higher  forms,  even  as 
late  as  the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century. 
As  a  spurious  natui-alistic  explanation  it  was  one 
of  the  greatest  impediments  to  the  growth  of  the 
true  evolution  idea. 

The  law  of  biogenesis,  or  of  life  from  life,  was 
clearly  stated  in  Harvey's  famous  and  oft-quoted 
dictum,  omne  vivum  eoo  ovo,  but  was  not  finally 
demonstrated  until  quite  late  in  the  nineteenth 
century.  The  belief  in  spontaneous  or  direct 
origin  from  the  earth,  even  of  the  higher  orga- 
nisms like  man,  thus  began  amongst  the  Greeks 
as  an  explanation  of  the  origin  of  man  and  of  the 
highest  forms  of  life ;  it  was  gradually  contracted 
to  the  origin  of  the  lower  and  smaller  forms  of 
life  and,  finally,  to  the  lowest  invisible  forms  of 
bacteria,  until,  as  an  outcome  of  the  discussions, 
which  are  still  fresh  in  our  memory,  between 

38         FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DAR^YIN 

Pouchet  and  Pasteur  in  France,  and  Bastian  and 
Tyndall  in  England,  the  theory  of  spontaneous 
origin  of  any  form  of  life,  even  tlie  lowest,  was 
completely  abandoned. 



O  Glory  of  the  Greeks !  who  first  didst  chase 
The  mind's  dread  darkness  with  celestial  day. 
The  worth  illustrating  of  human  life — 
Thee,  glad,  I  follow — with  firm  foot  resolved 
To  tread  the  path  imprinted  by  thy  steps ; 
Not  urged  by  competition,  but,  alone. 
Studious  thy  toils  to  copy;  for,  in  powers, 
How  can  the  swallow  with  the  swan  contend? 
Or  the  young  kid,  all  tremulous  of  limb. 
Strive  with  the  strength,  the  fleetness  of  the  horse; 
Thou,  sire  of  science !  with  paternal  truths 
Thy  sons  enrichest :  from  thy  peerless  page, 
Illustrious  chief !  as  from  the  flowery  field 
Th'  industrious  bee  culls  honey,  we  alike 
Cull  many  a  golden  precept — golden  each — 
And  each  most  worthy  everlasting  life. 

For  as  the  doctrines  of  thy  godlike  mind 
Prove  into  birth  how  nature  first  uprose. 
All  terrors  vanish;  the  blue  walls  of  heaven 
Fly  instant — and  the  boundless  void  throughout 
Teems  with  created  things. 

— Lucretius:  De  Rerum  Natura,  Book  III. 


Conditions  of  Greek  Thought — The  Greek  Periods — The 
lonians  and  Eleatics:  Thales,  Anaximander,  Anaximenes, 
Xenophanes — The  Physicists :  Heraclitus,  Empedocles,  De- 
mocritus,  Anaxagoras — Biological  Tendencies  of  Early 
Greek  Thought:  ^schylus — Aristotle — The  Post-Aristo- 
telians: Epicurus,  Lucretius,  Pliny — The  Legacy  of  the 
Greeks  to  Later  Evolution. 

NEVER  has  the  influence  of  Nature  upon 
thought  been  more  evident  than  in  the  phi- 
losophy and  natural  history  of  the  Greeks. 
Whatever  they  may  have  drawn  from  the  vague, 
abstract  notions  of  development  and  transfor- 
mation of  Asiatic  philosophers  they  certainly  re- 
east  into  comparatively  modern  evolutionism. 
No  landlocked  people  could  have  put  forth  the 
rich  suggestions  of  natural  law  which  came  from 
the  long  line  of  natural  philosophers  from  Thales 
to  Aristotle. 

Their  earliest  known  philosophy  was  a  philoso- 
phy of  Nature,  of  the  origin  and  causes  of  the 
universe.  As  Zeller  observes,  they  aimed  directly 
at  a  theory  before  considering  the  severe  condi- 
tions required  for  the  attainment  of  scientific 
knowledge.  How,  then,  can  we  explain  the  near- 
ness of  their  easy  guesses  at  the  secrets  of  Na- 
ture   to    the    results    of    modern    labor?    Only 



through  this  influence  of  the  milieu,  of  their 
physical  surrounding  upon  their  thought.  It  is 
in  the  environment  of  the  sea  that  we  find  the 
inspiration  of  Greek  biological  prophecy.  Along 
the  shores  and  in  the  waters  of  the  blue  ^gean, 
teeming  with  what  we  now  know  to  be  the  earliest 
and  simplest  forms  of  animals  and  plants,  they 
founded  their  hypotheses  as  to  the  origin  and 
succession  of  life.  Lucretius  the  Roman  was 
Greek  in  spirit,  but  dwelling  inland  he  substi- 
tuted a  terrestrial  theory.  Even  the  early  Greek 
natural  philosophy  sprang  more  or  less  from  ob- 
servation, and  therefore  had  some  concrete  value. 
It  was  not  wholly  imaginative. 

The  spirit  of  the  Greeks  was  vigorous  and 
hopeful.  Not  pausing  to  test  their  theories  by  re- 
search, they  did  not  suffer  the  disappointments 
and  delays  which  come  from  our  own  efforts  to 
wrest  truths  from  Nature.  Combined  with  great 
freedom  and  wide  range  of  ideas,  independence 
of  thought,  and  tendencies  to  rapid  generaliza- 
tion, they  had  genuine  gifts  of  scientific  deduc- 
tion which  enabled  them  to  reach  truth,  as  it 
were,  by  inspiration.  As  a  case  in  point,  Aristotle 
advanced  a  true  theory  of  the  nature  of  em- 
bryonic development  by  a  very  easy  process, 
when  contrasted  with  the  slow  steps  which  led  to 
the  establishment  of  the  same  theory  of  epigene- 
sis  in  the  eighteenth  century. 



The  Greek  Periods^ 



FiHST   Period. 


Earlier  Materialistic, 

Second  Period. 


The  Prehistoric  Traditions. 
I.  The  Three  Earliest  Schools. 

The  lonians.  Thales  (640- 
546),  Anaximander  (611- 
547),  Anaximenes  (588- 
524),  Diogenes  (440-       ). 

The  Pythagoreans.  (580- 

The  Eleatics.  Xenophanes 
(576-480),  Parmenides 
(544-        ). 

II.  The  Physicists. 

Heraclitus  (535-475),  Em- 
pedocles  (495-435),  De- 
mocritus  (450-  ),  Anax- 
agoras   (500-428). 

Socrates  (470-399),  Plato 

Aristotle    (384-322). 

The  Peripatetics,  or  post- 
Aristotelian  school,  includ- 
ing Theophrastus,  Preaxa- 
goras,  Herophilus,  Erasis- 


Period,  A.        I.   The  Stoics.    (304-205.) 

II.  The     Epicureans.     Epicurus 
Later  Materialistic.  (341-270),  Lucretius  (99- 

III.  The  Sceptics.   Pyrrho    (360- 
B.       I.  Eclecticism.    Galen     (131- 
lAfter  Zeller:  History  of  the  Greek  Philosophy. 


The  development  of  the  Greeks  from  a  child- 
ish to  a  mature  philosophy  was  a  slow  one,  and 
their  thought  upon  the  interpretation  of  Nature 
passed  through  the  above  four  phases  as  follows : 

First  came  the  prehistoric  mythological  phase, 
which  left  its  imprints  in  guesses  as  to  the  strange 
origin  of  monstrous  forms  of  life,  by  the  first 
natural  philosophers  who  endeavored  to  replace 
mythological  by  natural  phenomena. 

These  pioneers  contributed  the  spirit  of  the 
second  phase,  seen  in  the  naturalistic  and  earlier 
materialistic  schools  of  the  pre-Socratic  period, 
suggesting  Evolution,  but  neither  conceiving  of 
Evolution  by  slow  stages  of  development  nor 
seeking  to  explain  Adaptation  or  Design  in  their 
systems  of  natural  causation.  They  could  not,  in 
fact,  speculate  upon  Design  or  teleology,  as  Zel- 
ler  very  acutely  observes  in  reply  to  Lange,  un- 
til the  idea  of  Design  as  the  result  of  a  control- 
ling Intelligence  had  arisen,  and  this  idea  was 
first  developed  by  Anaxagoras,  the  last  of  the 

Anaxagoras  was  followed  by  Socrates,  who 
enlarged  the  theistic  or  supernatural  principle  in 
Design,  which  in  the  succeeding  natural  philoso- 
phy of  Plato  and  in  the  natural  history  of  Aris- 
totle inspired  the  third  or  teleological  phase  of 

Then  came  the   fourth   phase,  which  was   a 


naturalistic  reaction  to  the  novel  and  widely  op- 
posed mechanical  or  later  materialistic  concep- 
tions of  the  universe  developed  by  the  Epicu- 
reans. This  phase  included  a  return  to  the  direct 
observation  of  Nature,  especially  in  increased 
interest  in  anatomy — human  and  comparative — 
and  in  botany,  and  departure  from  philosophy 
and  speculation.  This  phase  culminated  in  the 
anatomy  of  Galen  (131-201). 

In  Zeller's  volumes  on  Greek  philosophy  and 
in  his  special  discussion  of  Evolution  among  the 
Greeks,  Die  griechischen  Vorgdnger  Darwin's, 
we  find  a  full  examination  of  the  speculations  of 
these  ancient  philosophers.  Lange  and  Haeckel 
tend  to  read  into  these  speculations  opinions 
which  Zeller,  with  his  more  critical  and  exact 
analysis,  throws  into  their  actual  relative  value. 

Greek  natural  philosophers  and  observers  were 
driven  to  their  wits'  end  to  account  for  a  natural 
origin  of  man,  for  man  was  ever  their  chief  con- 
cern. Doubtless  the  subject  was  very  much  dis- 
cussed and  debated,  but  only  a  few  fragments  of 
current  hypotheses  and  speculations  have  come 
down  to  us.  All  we  know  of  the  pioneers  of  the 
earliest  period — of  Thales,  of  Anaximander,  and 
of  others  of  the  Ionian  school — has  been  handed 
down  by  later  commentators. 


The  Ionians  and  Eleatics  (640-480  b.  c.) 

Thales  (640-546)  and  Anaximander,  the 
earliest  Ionians,  were  students  of  astronomy  and 
of  the  origin  of  the  universe.  So  far  as  we  know, 
they  were  the  first  who  endeavored  to  substi- 
tute a  natural  explanation  of  things  for  the  old 
myths.  Thales  was  also  the  first  of  the  long  line 
of  natural  philosophers  who  looked  upon  the 
great  expanse  of  mother  ocean  and  declared 
water  to  be  the  matter  from  which  all  things 
arose,  and  out  of  which  they  exist.  This  idea  of 
the  aquatic  or  marine  origin  of  life,  which  is  now 
a  very  widely  accepted  theory,  is  therefore  an 
extremely  ancient  one.  As  has  been  said,  it  could 
only  have  arisen  in  a  country  surrounded  by 
warm  marine  currents  prodigal  with  shore  and 
deep  sea  life. 

Anaooimander  (611-547  B.C.) 

Anaximander,  the  Milesian,  is  termed  by 
Haeckel  the  prophet  of  Kant  and  Laplace  in 
cosmogony,  and  of  Lamarck  and  Darwin  in  biol- 
ogy! His  theories  were  still  largely  imbued  with 
mythology  and  the  more  closely  we  examine  them 
the  less  they  seem  to  resemble  modern  ideas;  if 
we  remove  this  superlative  prophetic  mantle,  we 
still  find  Anaximander  imbued  with  a  wealth  of 


suggestion  and  a  literal  prophet  of  some  of  the 
eighteenth,  rather  than  of  the  nineteenth,  cen- 
tury speculations  upon  Evolution. 

Anaximander's  volume.  Concerning  Nature, 
irepl  (fivcjeoy;,  written  twenty-five  hundred  years 
before  our  time,  "was  a  variant  of  the  old  tra- 
ditional cosmogonies.  It  told  of  how  in  the  be- 
ginning the  earth  was  without  form  and  void.  It 
sought  to  trace  all  things  back  to  the  Infinite, 
TO  d-rreLpov,  to  That  which  knows  no  •  bounds  of 
space  or  time  but  is  before  all  worlds,  and  to 
whose  bosom  again  all  things,  all  worlds,  re- 

Anaximander  conceived  of  the  earth  as  first 
existing  in  a  fluid  state.  From  its  gradual  dry- 
ing up  all  living  creatures  were  produced,  begin- 
ning with  men.  These  aquatic  men  first  appeared 
in  the  form  of  fishes  in  the  water,  and  they 
emerged  from  this  element  only  after  they  had 
progressed  so  far  as  to  be  able  to  further  de- 
velop and  sustain  themselves  upon  land.  This  is 
rather  analogous  to  the  bursting  of  a  chrysalis 
than  to  progressive  development  from  a  simpler 
to  a  more  advanced  structure  by  a  change  of  or- 
gans, yet  a  germ  of  the  evolution  idea  is  found 

We  find  that  Anaximander  advanced  some 

iD'Arcy  Thompson:  Natural  Science.  P.  137  of  The  Legacy  of 


reasons  for  this  view.  He  pointed  to  man's  long 
helplessness  after  birth  as  one  of  the  proofs  that 
he  cannot  be  in  his  original  condition.  His  hypo- 
thetical ancestors  of  man  were  supposed  to  be 
first  encased  in  horny  capsules,  floating  and  feed- 
ing in  water ;  as  soon  as  these  'fish-men'  were  in  a 
condition  to  emerge,  they  came  on  land,  the  cap- 
sule burst,   and  they  took  their  human  form. 
Anaximander,  naturally,  is  not  restrained  by  the 
differences  of  internal  organization  necessary  for 
aquatic  or  terrestrial  life,  nor  are  we  to  translate 
the  word  /JLera^covv  as  'adaptation'  to  new  condi- 
tions of  life,  but  simply  as  implying  that  the 
original  fish-men  persisted  through  their  meta- 
morphoses long  enough  to  reproduce  true  men 
on  land.  There  is,  however,  the  dim  notion  here 
of  survival  or  persistence  throughout  decidedly 
trying  circumstances,  which  was  greatly  devel- 
oped later  by  Empedocles.  In  the  fragments  of 
Anaximander's  teachings  we  find  that  he  does 
not  speculate  upon  the  origin  of  other  land  ani- 
mals, or  intimate  that  he  has  any  notion  of  the 
development  of  higher  from  lower  organisms,  ex- 
cept in  the  case  of  man.  As  to  the  origin  of  life 
in  the  beginning,  he  was  the  first  teacher  of  the 
doctrine  of  abiogenesis,  believing  that  eels  and 
other  aquatic  forms  are  directly  produced  from 
lifeless  matter. 

Anaximander's  explanation  of  the  metamor- 


phosis  of  'aquatic  men'  into  'land  men'  is  the  first 
dim  adumbration  of  a  belief  in  slow  anatomical 
transformation  rather  than  in  the  immediate  at- 
tainment of  anatomical  perfection,  as  well  as  a 
suggestion  of  the  deep  significance  of  infantile 
characters  as  pointing  back  to  ancestral  history 
— a  notion  which  has  expanded  into  the  so-called 
'biogenetic  law.'  This  principle  of  the  recapitula- 
tion of  the  adaptations  of  our  more  or  less  re- 
mote ancestors,  fully  expanded  by  Louis  Agassiz, 
Ernst  Haeckel  and  others,  teaches  that  many  of 
the  stages  of  body  and  mind  and  many  of  the 
characters  of  the  body  before  birth  give  an  ab- 
breviated history  of  man's  remotest  and  more  im- 
mediate ancestry. 

Grotesque  as  these  ideas  of  Anaximander's 
are,  they  indicate  a  marked  advance  over  the  au- 
tochthonous myths  of  earlier  times,  according  to 
which  man  grew,  like  a  plant,  directly  out  of  the 
earth;  for  we  find  here  an  attempt  to  explain 
human  origin  upon  the  basis  of  natural  analogies. 
Unfortunately,  so  little  knowledge  of  Anaxi- 
mander's work  is  left  us  that  we  can  obtain  only 
these  vague  glimpses  of  his  opinions. 

Anaa^imenes  (588-524  b.  c.) 

Anaximenes,  pupil  of  Anaximander,  found  in 
air  the  cause  of  all  things.  Air,  taking  the  form 


of  the  soul,  imparts  life,  motion,  and  thought  to 
animals.  He  introduced  the  idea  of  primordial 
terrestrial  shme,  a  mixture  of  earth  and  water, 
from  which,  under  the  influence  of  the  sun's  heat, 
plants,  animals,  and  human  beings  were  directly 
produced — in  the  abiogenetic  fashion.  Diogenes 
of  Apollonia  (440-  ),  a  late  adherent  of  the 
Ionian  school,  also  derived  both  plants  and  ani- 
mals from  this  primordial  earth  slime.  This  is 
the  prototype  of  Oken's  Ur-Schleim, 

Xenophanes  (576-480  b.  c.) 

Xenophanes  was  the  founder  of  the  Eleatic 
school,  and  is  beheved  to  have  been  a  pupil  of 
Anaximander.  He  agreed  with  his  master  so  far 
as  to  trace  the  origin  of  man  back  to  the  transi- 
tion period  between  the  fluid  or  water  and  the 
soHd  or  land  stages  of  the  development  of  the 
earth,  but  we  do  not  know  how  far  he  elaborated 
his  ideas.  The  ultimate  origin  of  life  he  traced  to 
spontaneous  generation,  believing  that  the  sun  in 
warming  the  earth  produces  both  animals  and 
plants.  He  is  famous  in  the  annals  of  science  as 
being  the  first  to  recognize  fossils  as  remains  of 
animals  formerly  alive,  and  to  see  in  them  the 
proofs  that  the  seas  formerly  covered  the  earth, 
and  that  water  was  the  element  from  which  the 
earth   emerged.    Parmenides,   his   pupil,   devel- 


oped  his  cosmogony,  and  also  derived  men  from 
the  primitive  earth  shme  directly  engendered  by 
the  sun's  heat. 

The  Physicists  (535-428  b.  c.) 

The  Physicists — Heraclitus,  Empedocles,  De- 
mocritus,  and  Anaxagoras — were  far  bolder  and 
more  fruitful  in  their  physiological  and  biologi- 
cal suggestions.  Among  them  we  find  that  the 
vague  notions  of  animal  metamorphosis  and  the 
notions  of  abiogenesis  derived  from  the  lonians 
were  developed  into  surprising  anticipations  of 
the  true  evolution  idea. 

Heraclitus  (535-475  b.  c.) 

Heraclitus  of  Ephesus  gave  the  impetus  to 
this  advance.  He  was  so  profoundly  impressed 
with  the  ceaseless  revolutions  in  the  universe  that 
he  saw  in  movement  the  universal  law.  Every- 
thing was  perpetually  transposed  into  new 
shapes.  It  must  not  be  supposed  for  a  moment 
that  Heraclitus  had  even  a  remote  notion  of  the 
transformation  process  of  life.  He  was  rather  a 
metaphysician  than  a  natural  philosopher;  and 
his  principal  contribution  to  the  evolution  idea 
was  manifestly  in  his  broad  view  of  Xature,  as 
involved  in  perpetual  changes,  yet  always  con- 
stituting a  uniform  whole. 


Empedocles  (495-435  b.  c.) 

Empedocles  of  Agrigentum^  took  a  great 
stride  beyond  his  predecessors  and  may  justly  be 
called  the  father  of  the  evolution  idea.  He  was 
not  only  a  poet  and  musician  but  he  made  the 
first  observations  in  embryology  which  are  re- 
corded. Among  his  first  physical  principles  we 
find  the  four  elements — fire,  air,  water,  and  earth 
— played  upon  by  two  ultimate  forces,  a  combin- 
ing force,  or  love,  and  a  separating  force,  or  hate. 
He  believed  in  abiogenesis,  or  spontaneous  gen- 
eration, as  the  explanation  of  the  origin  of  life, 
but  that  Nature  does  not  produce  the  lower  and 
higher  forms  simultaneously  or  without  an  ef- 
fort. Plant  life  came  first,  and  animal  life  devel- 
oped only  after  a  long  series  of  trials.  After  the 
first  formation  of  the  earth,  and  before  it  was 
surrounded  by  the  sun,  plants  arose,  and  from 
their  budding  forth  came  animals.  But  this  origin 
he  believed  to  be  a  very  gradual  process,  for  even 
now  the  living  world  presents  a  series,  of  incom- 
plete products.  All  organisms  arose  through  the 
fortuitous  play  of  the  two  great  forces  of  Na- 
ture upon  the  four  elements.  Thus  animals  first 
appeared,  not  as  complete  individuals,  but  as 
parts  of  individuals — heads  without  necks,  arms 

iThe  site  of  modern  Girgenti,  Sicily. 


without  shoulders,  eyes  without  their  sockets.  As 
a  result  of  the  triumph  of  love  over  hate,  these 
j^arts  hegan  to  seek  each  other  and  unite,  but 
purely  fortuitously.  Thus  out  of  this  confused 
play  of  bodies  arose  all  kinds  of  accidental  and 
extraordinary  beings — animals  with  the  heads  of 
men,  and  men  with  the  heads  of  animals,  even 
w^ith  double  chests  and  heads  like  those  of  the 
guests  in  the  Feast  of  Aristophanes.  But  these 
unnatural  products  soon  became  extinct,  because 
they  were  not  capable  of  propagation.  Here  it 
would  appear  that  Empedocles  was  mainly  en- 
deavoring to  give  a  naturalistic  theory  for  the 
origin  of  the  centaurs,  chimseras,  and  other  cre- 
ations of  Greek  mythology.  Thus,  at  least,  Lu- 
cretius interpreted  Empedocles  many  centuries 
later,  putting  these  conjectures  into  verse :^ 

Hence,  doubtless,  Earth  prodigious  forms  at  first 
Gendered,  of  face  and  members  most  grotesque ; 
Monsters  half -man,  half-woman,  not  from  each 
Distant,  yet  neither  total ;  shapes  unsound. 
Footless,  and  handless,  void  of  mouth  or  eye. 
Or  from  mis  junction,  maimed,  of  limb  with  limb: 
To  act  all  impotent,  or  flee  from  harm. 
Or  nurture^  take  their  loathsome  days  t'extend. 

These  sprang  at  first,  and  things  alike  uncouth; 

Wn  the  Nature  of  Things.  Book  V,  857-99.  Translation  of  John 
Mason  Good. 

2,  3lt  is  interesting  to  note  the  remote  parallel  with  the  modern 
notion  of  the  'struggle  for  existence'  as,  mainly,  success  in  feed- 
ing and  in  leaving  progeny.  [Reference  No.  3  on  p.  54.] 


Yet  vainly ;  for  abhorrent  Nature  quick 
Checked  their  vile  growths ;  .  .  . 

Hence,  doubtless,  many  a  tribe  has  sunk  supprest, 
Powerless  its  kind  to  gender.^  For  whate'er 
Feeds  on  the  living  ether,  craft  or  speed. 
Or  courage  stern,  from  age  to  age  preserves 
In  ranks  uninjured:  .   .  . 

Yet  Centaurs  lived  not;  nor  could  shapes  like 
Live  ever,  from  two  different  natures  reared. 
Discordant  limbs,  and  powers  by  powers  reversed. 

Empedocles  imagined  that  after  these  unnat- 
ural products  became  extinct,  other  forms  arose 
which  were  able  to  support  themselves  and  mul- 
tiply; but  even  these  were  not  formed  at  once. 
First  came  shapeless  masses  built  of  earth  and 
water,  or  earth  slime,  without  limbs,  organs  of 
reproduction,  or  speech,  thrown  from  fires  be- 
neath the  earth.  Later  came  the  separation  of 
the  two  sexes  and  the  existing  mode  of  reproduc- 
tion. These  trials  of  Nature  were  not  a  succes- 
sion of  organisms,  improving  as  time  went  on, 
but  a  series  of  direct  births  from  Nature,  which 
were  unfit  to  live,  and  hence  eliminated,  until, 
after  ceaseless  trials.  Nature  produced  the  fit  and 
perpetual  tribes. 

Thus  in  the  ancient  teachings  of  Empedocles 
we  find  the  germ  of  the  theory  of  the  survival  of 
the  fittest,  or  of  natural  selection,  and  the  abso- 
lute proof  that  Empedocles'  crude  hypothesis 


embodied  this  world  famous  thought  is  found  in 
passages  in  Aristotle's  Physics,  in  which  he  refers 
to  Empedocles  as  having  first  shown  the  possi- 
bility of  the  origin  of  the  fittest  forms  of  life 
through  chance  rather  than  through  Design. 
With  Empedocles  himself,  however,  it  was  no 
more  than  the  potential  germ  of  suggestion, 
which,  in  the  brilliant  mind  of  Aristotle,  was 
stated  precisely  in  its  modern  form,  as  cited  on 
pages  74  and  85. 

Lange  mistakenly  attributes  to  Democritus  a 
similar  'Darwinian'  interpretation  of  Empedo- 
cles' teaching,  namely,  the  "attainment  of  adap- 
tations through  the  infinitely  repeated  play  of 
production  and  annihilation,  in  which  finally  that 
alone  survives  which  bears  the  guarantee  of  per- 
sistence through  its  relatively  fortuitous  consti- 
tution." But  Zeller  takes  a  sounder  and  more 
conservative  view  of  the  real  meaning  of  this  old 
philosopher  of  Agrigentum.  He  says  this  could 
not  have  been  advanced  by  Empedocles  as  an 
explanation  of  design  in  Nature,  because  the 
idea  of  design  has  not  yet  been  formulated  in  the 
Greek  mind. 

Besides  the  'Darwinian'  notion  cited  by  Aris- 
totle from  Empedocles  there  is  a  famous  'La- 
marckian'  passage  in  Empedocles  which  succes- 
sively attracted  the  attention  of  Democritus,  of 
Plato,  of  Aristotle,  and  of  Herbert  Sj)encer ;  it  is 


referred  to  by  our  own  natural  philosopher  Wil- 
liam Keith  Brooks  as  follows*/ 

Herbert  Spencer  tells  us  that  the  segmentation  of 
the  backbone  is  the  inherited  effect  of  fractures, 
caused  by  bending,  but  Aristotle  has  shown  (Parts 
of  Animals,  I,  i)  that  Empedocles  and  the  ancient 
writers  err  in  teaching  that  the  bendings  to  which 
the  backbone  has  been  subjected  are  the  cause  of  its 
joints,  since  the  thing  to  be  accounted  for  is  not  the 
presence  of  joints,  but  the  fitness  of  the  joints  for 
the  needs  of  their  possessor. 

Empedocles  was  an  evolutionist  only  in  so  far 
as  he  taught  the  gradual  substitution  of  the  less 
by  the  more  perfect  forms  of  life.  He  had  a  dim 
adumbration  of  the  truth.  There  is  no  glimmer- 
ing of  slow  development  through  the  successive 
modification  of  lower  into  higher  forms.  His  be- 
ings, which  were  incapable  of  feeding,  reproduc- 
ing, or  defending  themselves,  were  all  produced 
spontaneously,  or  directly  from  the  earth.  He 
thus  simply  modified  the  abiogenetic  hypothesis, 
and,  by  happy  conjecture,  gave  his  theory  a  sem- 
blance of  modern  Evolution,  with  four  sparks  of 
truth:  first,  that  the  development  of  life  was  a 
gradual  process ;  second,  that  plants  were  evolved 
before  animals ;  third,  that  imperfect  forms  were 
gradually  replaced   (not  succeeded)   by  perfect 

1  William  Keith  Brooks:  The  Foundations  of  Zoology,  p.  49. 


forms ;  fourth,  that  the  natural  cause  of  the  pro- 
duction of  jjerfect  forms  was  the  extinction  of 
the  imperfect. 

Democritus  (450-       b.  c.) 

Democritus,  the  founder  of  the  Atomistic  phi- 
losophy, the  opponent  of  Design  and  proponent 
of  fortuity,  chance,  and  law  versus  creative  In- 
tellect or  Design,  and  the  precursor  of  material- 
ism, studied  and  compared  the  principal  organs 
of  man  and  the  lower  animals. 

A  recent  writer^  on  Democritus  denies  that  the 
doctrine  of  fortuity  or  chance  can  be  attributed 
to  Democritus;  he  remarks: 

...  As  the  atoms  are  eternal  and  uncaused,  so  is 
motion ;  it  has  its  origin  in  a  preceding  motion,  and 
so  on  ad  infinitum.  For  the  Love  and  Hate  of  Em- 
pedocles  and  the  Nous  (Intelligence)  of  Anaxago- 
ras,  Democritus  substituted  fixed  and  necessary  laws 
(not  chance;  that  is  a  misrepresentation  due  chiefly 
to  Cicero) .  Everything  can  be  explained  by  a  purely 
mechanical  (but  not  fortuitous)  system,  in  which 
there  is  no  room  for  the  idea  of  a  providence  or  an  in- 
telligent cause  working  with  a  view  to  an  end.   .   .   . 

The  system  of  Democritus  was  altogether  anti- 
theistic.  But,  although  he  rejected  the  notion  of  a 
deity  taking  part  in  the  creation  or  government  of 

^Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  13th  edition,  new  form,  1926,  vol.  8, 
p.  4.  Throughout  this  volume  the  Encyclopaedia  Britannica  refer- 
ences are  from  the  13th  edition,  new  form,  1926. 


the  universe,  he  yielded  to  popular  prejudice  so  far 
as  to  admit  the  existence  of  a  class  of  beings,  of  the 
same  form  as  men,  grander,  composed  of  very  subtle 
atoms,  less  Hable  to  dissolution,  but  still  mortal, 
dwelling  in  the  upper  regions  of  air.  .  .  . 

In  the  verse  of  Lucretius^  his  monistic^  phi- 
losophy is  expressed  as  follows: 

But,  now  again  to  weave  the  tale  begun, 
All  nature,  then,  as  self -sustained,  consists 
Of  twain  of  things :  of  bodies  and  of  void 
In   which   they're    set,    and   where    they're    moved 

Bodies,  again. 
Are  partly  primal  germs  of  things,  and  partly 
Unions  deriving  from  the  primal  germs. 

•  •«••••• 

So  primal  germs  have  solid  singleness. 
Nor  otherwise  could  they  have  been  conserved 
Through  aeons  and  infinity  of  time 
For  the  replenishment  of  wasted  worlds. 

Cuvier  has  termed  Democritus  the  first  com- 
parative anatomist.  He  did  not,  as  Zeller  points 
out,  further  the  evolution  idea,  because  his  teach- 

iLucretius:  Of  the  Nature  of  Things.  Book  I,  418-560.  Trans- 
lation by  William  EUery  Leonard. 

2  Monism  (from  Gr.  (xovos,  alone),  the  philosophic  view  of  the 
world  which  holds  that  there  is  but  one  form  of  reality,  whether 
that  be  material  or  spiritual.  .  .  .  Haeckel's  monism  is  mere  ma- 
terialism dignified  by  a  higher  title.— Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  18,  p.  722. 


ing  was  not  constructive  in  the  way  of  advancing 
explanations  of  natural  phenomena ;  it  was  sim- 
ply destructive  as  regards  teleology.  He  per- 
ceived Design  and  admired  the  adaptations  of 
Nature,  but  left  their  origin  unexplained. 

He  had  a  gift  for  observing  the  purposeful  di- 
rection and  the  functions  of  bodily  organs,  and 
was  in  every  way  inclined,  one  would  think,  to 
explain  these  adaptations  upon  the  principles  of 
his  mechanical  philosophy,  for  he  stood  far  from 
a  teleological  conception  of  Nature,  yet  he  ad- 
vanced no  explanations.  He  denied  that  the  uni- 
verse was  created  or  ordered  by  reason  express- 
ing itself  in  a  purposive  Design.  He  adopted  the 
older  views  as  to  the  origin  of  animals  and  plants 
directly  from  the  terrestrial  slime.  His  main  indi- 
rect contribution  to  the  sub-structure  of  Evolu- 
tion was  his  perception  of  the  principle  of  the 
adaptation  of  single  structures  and  organs  to  cer- 
tain purposes — an  important  step  in  advance, 
for  Empedocles'  notion  of  adaptation  extended 
chiefly  to  organisms  as  a  whole. 

Anaocagoras  (500-428  b.  c.) 

Anaxagoras  took  a  further  step.  According  to 
Plato  and  Aristotle,  this  philosopher  was  the  first 
to  attribute  adaptations  in  Nature  to  intelligent 
Design,  and  was  thus  the  founder  of  the  super- 


natural  explanation  of  Nature  known  as  Teleol- 
ogy in  the  sense  of  dualism. 

Anaxagoras  was  also  the  first  to  trace  the 
origin  of  animals  and  plants  to  pre-existing 
germs  in  the  air  and  ether.  That  the  idea  of  De- 
sign was  developed  in  his  mind  only  to  a  very 
limited  extent  is  shown  in  his  history  of  the  uni- 
verse. All  things  existed,  in  some  form,  from  the 
beginning.  There  were  the  germs,  seeds,  or  minia- 
tures of  plants,  animals,  and  minerals  inter- 
mingled in  the  mass  of  matter.  These  germs  had 
to  be  separated  from  the  mass  and  arranged  un- 
der the  direction  of  mind  or  reason.  The  original 
chaos  was  heated;  it  divided  into  cold  mist  and 
warm  ether.  Water,  earth,  and  minerals  were 
formed  from  the  former.  The  germs  of  plants 
were  floating  in  the  air;  then  they  were  carried 
down  by  the  rains,  and  produced  vegetation.  The 
germs  of  animals,  including  those  of  man,  were 
in  the  ether;  they  were  fructified  by  the  warm 
and  moist  terrestrial  shme.  In  regard  to  Anaxag- 
oras' conception  of  adaptations  as  due  to  intel- 
ligent design  in  Nature,  Zeller  says : 

The  question  whether  the  purposefulness  of  the 
tendencies  of  Nature  INatureinrichtung]  could  be 
explained  without  a  purposeful  working  natural 
force — this  question  could  not  be  raised  until  men 
had  observed  adaptation  in  Nature  and  had  begun 
to  attribute  it  to  Intelligent  Design.  No  one,  accord- 


ing  to  Aristotle  and  Plato,  had  taken  this  step  before 
Anaxagoras,  But  even  he  applied  this  newly  discov- 
ered principle  in  exceptional  cases, — not  to  the 
origin  of  life,  surely,  for  he  derived  plants  and  ani- 
mals from  the  air  and  ether.  He  did  not,  therefore, 
further  the  explanation  of  the  problem  of  design  in 
Nature,  which  Empedocles  is  mistakenly  supposed  to 
have  raised. 

Also  attributed  to  Anaxagoras^  is  the  notion 
that  the  uses  of  the  human  hand  in  the  various 
arts  have  through  inheritance  played  an  impor- 
tant part  in  human  intellectual  progress: 

Now  Anaxagoras  says  that  it  is  due  to  his  pos- 
sessing hands  that  Man  is  of  all  things  the  most  in- 
telligent. But  it  may  be  argued  that  he  comes  into 
possession  of  hands  because  of  liis  outstanding  intel- 
ligence. For  hands  are  a  tool,  and  Nature  always 
allots  each  tool,  just  as  any  sensible  man  would  do,  to 
whosoever  is  able  to  make  use  of  it.  It  is  obviously 
better  and  simpler  to  find  a  man  who  can  play  the 
flute  and  then  supply  him  with  the  instrument,  rather 
than  to  look  for  a  man  who  happens  to  possess  a 
flute  and  then  teach  him  to  play  upon  it. 

The  formative  power  of  mind  over  matter 
traversed  the  whole  philosophy  of  Anaxagoras 
and  more  or  less  adumbrated  the  'form'  and  'mat- 
ter' conception  of  Aristotle  and  the  'emergent' 
philosophy  of  Lloyd  Morgan  of  today.  Living 

1  Aristotle:  De  Partibus  Animalium,  p.  687a,  7. 


creatures  were  produced  from  the  terrestrial 
slime  when  animated  by  mind,  but  the  'mind'  of 
Anaxagoras  is  not  mind  in  our  sense  of  the  word. 
We  may  credit  him  with  seeking  to  give  a  nat- 
uraHstic  explanation,  but  not  in  any  modern 
sense  was  he  a  naturalist. 

Biological  Tendencies  of  Early  Greek 

The  Greeks  sought  natural  explanations  of 
all  origins,  from  the  primordial  atoms  of  Democ- 
ritus  to  the  final  stages  in  the  rise  of  man.  All 
of  this  intellectual  curiosity  and  conjecture  has 
a  very  deep  philosophical  and  racial  bearing.  It 
lies  at  the  very  sources  of  Greek  thought  and 
it  partly  explains  the  more  serious  anticipations 
of  modern  biology  and  anatomy,  and  even  of 
anthropology,  which  arose  among  the  Greeks  as 
early  as  the  sixth  century  b.  c.  It  classifies  the 
Greeks  as  men  of  the  inquiring  western  and 
northern  mind  and  temper  rather  than  of  the 
contemplative  eastern  or  Oriental  mind  and  tem- 
per; the  Greek  spirit  as  restive,  eager  for  new 
truth,  progressive,  the  Oriental  spirit  as  docile, 
stationary  or  retrogressive.  The  contrast  between 
the  products  of  western  and  of  eastern  reason- 
ing and  imagination  is  brilliantly  illustrated  by  a 

ICompare  Osborn:  Man  Rises  to  Parnassus,  chap.  I. 


comparison  of  two  great  epics  of  the  fifth  cen- 
tury B.  c,  the  western  Prometheus  Bound  and 
the  eastern  Booh  of  Job.  In  the  former,  ^schy- 
his,  from  the  rising  civihzation  of  Athens,  de- 
scribes man  as  a  son  of  Mother  Earth : 

.  .  .  and  thou,  earth,  mother  of  all ! 

while  Job,  coming  from  the  falling  civilization  of 
Ur  in  Chaldea,  pictures  man  as  the  very  handi- 
work of  the  Deity  and  constantly  enjoying  su- 
pernatural favor. 

^scliylus  (525-456  b.  c.) 

As  in  the  Victorian  Age  Darwinism  was 
eagerly  studied  and  even  put  into  verse  by  Ten- 
nyson and  Browning,  so  in  the  fifth  century  b.  c. 
^schylus,  the  earliest  of  the  great  Greek  dram- 
atists, reveals  the  biology  and  anthropology  of 
his  day,  the  spirit  of  Empedocles  and  of  Anaxag- 
oras,  in  setting  forth  the  principle  of  the  moral, 
social,  intellectual  and  spiritual  evolution  of  man. 
^schylus  thus  ranks  as  the  first  poet  of  Evolu- 
tion, to  be  followed  by  Lucretius,  and  by  Eras- 
mus Darwin,  Goethe,  and  Tennyson. 

We  may  permit  ourselves  a  brief  excerpt  from 
the  splendid  drama  of  iEschylus,  Prometheus 

^Translation  by  T.  A.  Buckley,  1849,  pp.  15-17. 


.  .  .  For  the  misfortunes  that  existed  among  mor- 
tals, hear  how  I  made  them,  that  aforetime  lived  as 
infants,  rational  and  possessed  of  intellect.  And  I  will 
tell  you,  having  no  complaint  against  mankind,  as 
detailing  the  kindness  of  the  boons  which  I  bestowed 
upon  them: — they  who  at  first  seeing  saw  in  vain, 
hearing  they  heard  not.  But,  like  to  the  forms  of 
dreams,  for  a  long  time  they  used  to  huddle  together 
all  things  at  random,  and  nought  knew  they  about 
brick-built  and  sun-ward  houses,  nor  carpentry :  but 
they  dwelt  in  the  excavated  earth  like  tiny  emmets  in 
the  sunless  depths  of  caverns.  And  they  had  no  sure 
sign  either  of  winter,  or  of  flowery  spring,  or  of 
fruitful  summer:  but  they  used  to  do  every  thing 
without  judgment,  until  indeed  I  showed  to  them  the 
risings  of  the  stars  and  their  settings,  hard  to  be  dis- 
cerned. ...  In  one  brief  sentence  learn  the  whole 
at  once — All  arts  among  the  human  race  are  from 

According  to  the  above  citations  from  the 
lonians,  Eleatics  and  Physicists,  the  chief  influ- 
ence of  the  advance  of  the  science  of  human  anat- 
omy on  Greek  thought  between  600  and  400  b.  c. 
was  to  narrow  the  problem  of  the  origin  of  man 
as  a  whole  as  conceived  by  Anaximander  and  by 
Anaxagoras  and  his  followers,  to  the  more  inti- 
mate anatomical  problem  of  the  origin  of  cer- 
tain of  the  more  conspicuous  adaptations  in  man, 
especially  those  in  the  skeleton  and  in  the  teeth. 
The  idea  of  sudden  or  fortuitous  development. 


which  we  now  call  ^mutation,'  still  contested  with 
the  idea  of  the  gradual  and  purposive  develop- 
ment of  useful  organs.  There  arose  numerous  me- 
chanical exj)lanations  of  bodily  structures,  com- 
parisons between  the  anatomy  of  man  and  of  re- 
lated animals,  theories  of  human  heredity  similar 
to  that  termed  'pangenesis'  by  Charles  Darwin, 
namely,  the  assemblage  in  the  germ  in  each  gen- 
eration of  the  hereditary  forces  and  influences  of 
the  parental  body.  Related  to  this  rudiment  of 
Darwin's  pangenetic  theory  was  the  wide-spread 
Lamarckian  notion  that  adaptive  characters  ac- 
quired in  the  body  of  one  generation  are  trans- 
mitted to  the  germ  and  thus  may  reappear  in 
the  body  of  the  next  generation.  From  the  earliest 
times,  in  the  comparison  of  lower  animals  with 
man,  there  arose  discussions  of  the  survival  of 
the  stronger  over  the  weaker — ^the  rudiment  of 
the  Darwinian  theory  of  the  survival  of  the  fit- 

Even  within  the  fifth  century  B.  C.  Greek 
thought  was  becoming  biological,  with  the  prob- 
lems of  anatomy  and  the  adaptations  in  structure 
and  function  of  the  human  body  as  centers  of 
speculation  and  research.  The  Greek  word  Bios 
itself,  from  which  the  word  'biology'^  is  derived, 

l"The  word  Biology  was  introduced  by  Gottfried  Reinhold 
Treviranus  (1776-1837)  in  his  Biologie  oder  die  Philosophie  der 
lebenden  Natur,  6  vols.,  Gottingen,  1802-22,  and  was  adopted  by 
J.-B.  de  Lamarck  (1744-1829)  in  his  Hydrog^ologie,  Paris,  1802. 


refers  especially  to  the  life  of  man  and  was  not 
applied  by  the  Greeks  to  other  living  things.  As 
expressed  by  Singer*/ 

Greek  science  exhibits  throughout  its  history  a 
peculiar  characteristic  differentiating  it  from  the 
modern  scientific  standpoint.  Most  of  the  work  of 
the  Greek  scientist  was  done  in  relation  to  man.  Na- 
ture interested  him  mainly  in  relation  to  himself. 
The  Greek  scientific  and  philosophic  world  was  an 
anthropocentric  world,  and  this  comes  out  in  the 
overwhelming  mass  of  medical  as  distinct  from  bio- 
logical writings  that  have  come  down  to  us.  Such, 
too,  is  the  sentiment  expressed  by  the  poets  in  their 
descriptions  of  the  animal  creation : 

Many  wonders  there  be,  but  naught  more  wondrous 
than  man : 

The  light-witted  birds  of  the  air,  the  beasts  of  the 
weald  and  the  wood 

He  traps  with  his  woven  snare,  and  the  brood  of  the 
briny  flood. 

Master  of  cunning  he :  the  savage  bull,  and  the  hart 

Who  roams  the  mountain  free,  are  tamed  by  his  in- 
finite art. 

It  is  probable  that  the  first  English  use  of  the  word  in  its  modern 
sense  is  by  Sir  William  Lawrence  (1783-1867)  in  his  work  On  the 
Physiology,  Zoology,  and  Natural  History  of  Man,  London,  1819; 
there  are  earlier  English  uses  of  the  word,  however,  contrasted 
with  biography." — Singer:  Biology.  The  fact  is  that  Treviranus 
and  Lamarck  proposed  the  word  independently  in  the  same  year. 
See  p.  285.— H.  F.  O. 

iCharles  Singer:  Biology.  Pp.  167,  168;  163,  164,  of  The  Legacy 
of  Greece. 


And  the  shaggy  rough-maned  steed  is  broken  to  bear 
the  bit. 

— Sophocles  :  Antigone,  verses  342  ff . 
Translation  of  F.  Storr. 

Inasmuch  as  the  Egyptians  were  well  ad- 
vanced in  anatomy  and  medicine  long  before  the 
dawn  of  Greek  civilization,  it  is  not  surprising 
that  as  early  as  the  seventh  century  b.  c.  we  have 
records  of  the  practice  of  anatomy  in  Greece. 
Certainly  at  a  very  early  date  was  begun  the 
dissection  of  the  human  body  and  the  attribution 
of  physical  and  psychical  functions  to  various  or- 
gans of  the  body.  Thus  Empedocles  of  Agrigen- 
tum  (495-435  B.  c.)  regarded  the  blood  as  the 
seat  of  the  "innate  heat."  Agrigentum  (the  mod- 
ern Girgenti)  was  the  centre  of  the  Sicilian 
school  of  medicine  which  gives  us  the  first  hint  of 
human  dissection  and  of  the  comparison  of  the 
hearts  of  animals  w^ith  that  of  man.  The  distinc- 
tion of  writing  the  first  work  on  human  anatomy 
belongs  to  Diodes,  who  lived  in  the  fourth  cen- 
tury B.  c.  This  is  on  the  testimony  of  the  first 
great  anatomist  in  the  modern  sense,  Galen 
(130-c,  200),  although  we  know  the  treatises  of 
Hippocrates,  whose  greatest  activity  was  about 
400  B.  c,  and  those  of  his  son-in-law  Polybus  On 
the  Nature  of  Man  and  On  the  Nature  of  Bones. 
The  treatise  on  anatomy  by  Herophilus  is  exten- 
sively quoted  by  Galen. 


Anatomy  and  physiology^  in  the  modern  sense 
had  not  advanced  very  far  in  the  third  century 
B.  c,  although  this  was  the  period  of  the  greatest 
sculptural  attainment  of  Greece.  While  the  sci- 
entific inquiry  into  anatomy  may  not  have  been 
of  great  service  to  the  sculptor  in  the  long  period 
which  we  are  considering,  it  was  repeatedly  re- 
ferred to  by  the  natural  philosophers  of  Greece 
in  their  attempts  to  explain  the  natural  origin  of 
many  of  the  most  striking  adaptations  observable 
in  man;  for  example,  the  marvelous  adaptive 
structure  of  the  backbone  with  its  many  vertebral 
segments,  the  perfect  adaptation  of  the  four  dif- 
ferent kinds  of  teeth  which  serve  for  distinct  pur- 
poses, the  perfect  adaptation  of  the  human  hand 
to  the  manifold  purposes  of  industry  and  art, 
finally,  the  intimate  relation  of  the  activity  of  the 
hand  to  the  activity  of  the  mind. 

Aristotle  (384-322  b.  c.) 

With  Aristotle  we  enter  a  new  world.  He  tow- 
ered above  his  predecessors  and  by  the  force  of 
his  own  genius  created  natural  history,  as  his 
predecessors  had  created  anatomy  and  physiol- 
ogy. In  his  own  words,  quoted  by  Romanes,^  we 

iCompare  Thompson:  Natural  Science,  and  Singer:  Biology, 
Medicine,  in  The  Legacy  of  Greece. 

2Aristotle  as  a  Naturalist.  The  Contemporary  Review,  1891. 


learn  that  the  centuries  preceding  him  yielded 
him  nothing  hut  vague  speculation: 

I  found  no  hasis  prepared;  no  models  to  copy. 
.  .  .  Mine  is  the  first  step,  and  therefore  a  small 
one,  though  worked  out  with  much  thought  and  hard 
labour.  It  must  be  looked  at  as  a  first  step,  and 
judged  with  indulgence.  You,  my  readers  or  hearers 
of  my  lectures,  if  you  think  I  have  done  as  much  as 
can  fairly  be  required  for  an  initiatory  start,  as 
compared  with  more  advanced  departments  of  theory, 
will  acknowledge  what  I  have  achieved,  and  pardon 
what  I  have  left  for  others  to  accomplish. 

In  the  Natural  History  of  Animals  are  con- 
tained Aristotle's  views  of  Nature  and  his  re- 
markable observations  upon  the  plant  and  animal 
kingdoms.  He  was  attracted  to  natural  history 
during  his  boyhood  life  upon  the  seashore,  as  de- 
lightfully related^  by  D'Arcy  Thompson: 

Aristotle  spent  two  years,  the  happiest  years  per- 
haps of  all  his  life — a  long  honeymoon — by  the  sea- 
side in  the  island  of  Mytilene,  after  he  had  married 
the  little  Princess,  and  before  he  began  the  hard 
work  of  his  life:  before  he  taught  Alexander  in 
Macedon,  and  long  before  he  spoke  urhi  et  orhi  in  the 
L^xeum.  Mere  it  w^as  that  he  learned  the  great  bulk 
of  his  natural  history,  in  which,  wide  and  general  as 

iD'Arcy  Thompson:  Aristotle,  in  The  Legacy  of  Greece,  also 
Prefatory  Note  of  his  superb  translation  of  Aristotle's  Historia 

70         FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

it  is,  the  things  of  the  sea  have  from  first  to  last  a 
notable  predominance. 

.  .  .  Throughout  the  Natural  History  references 
to  places  in  Greece  are  few,  while  they  are  compara- 
tively frequent  to  places  in  Macedonia  and  to  places 
on  the  coast  of  Asia  Minor,  all  the  way  from  the 
Bosphorus  to  the  Carian  coast.  I  think  it  can  be 
shown  that  Aristotle's  natural  history  studies  were 
carried  on,  or  mainly  carried  on,  in  his  middle  age, 
between  his  two  periods  of  residence  in  Athens ;  that 
the  calm,  landlocked  lagoon  at  Pyrrha  was  one  of 
his  favourite  hunting-grounds;  and  that  his  short 
stay  in  Euboea,  during  the  last  days  of  his  life,  has 
left  little  if  any  impress  on  his  zoological  writings. 

Then  it  would  appear  that  Aristotle's  work  in  nat- 
ural history  was  antecedent  to  his  more  strictly 
philosophical  work,  and  it  would  follow  that  we  might 
proceed  legitimately  to  interpret  the  latter  in  the 
light  of  the  former.  And  remembering  that  Speusip- 
pus  also  was  a  naturalist  (of  whose  writings  on  fish 
and  shellfish  Athenaeus  bears  abundant  testimony), 
we  might  permit  ourselves  to  surmise  that  inquiries 
into  natural  history  were  in  no  small  degree  to  be 
reckoned  with  as  a  cause  of  the  modification  of 
Plato's  doctrine,  alike,  though  not  identically,  at  the 
hands  of  Aristotle  and  of  the  later  Academy. 

Aristotle  undoubtedly  inherited  his  taste  for 
science  from  the  line  of  physicians  upon  his 
father's  side,  perhaps  from  the  Asclepiads,  who 
are  said  to  have  practised  dissection.  He  was 
thoroughly  versed  in  old  Greek  speculative  phi- 


losophy  and  begins  many  of  his  treatises  with  a 
history  of  opinion,  after  the  modern  German 
fashion.  In  his  Physics  are  found  the  greater  part 
of  his  interpretation  of  Nature  and  his  discovery 
of  previous  interpretations  by  his  Greek  prede- 
cessors. He  frequently  quotes  and  discusses  the 
opinions  of  Empedocles,  Parmenides,  Democri- 
tus,  Herachtus,  Anaxagoras,  and  others. 

Let  us  first  look  at  Aristotle's  rare  breadth  as 
a  naturahst.  He  enters  a  plea  for  the  study  and 
dissection  of  lower  types:  "Hence  we  ought  not 
with  puerile  fastidiousness  to  neglect  the  contem- 
plation of  more  ignoble  animals;  for  in  all  ani- 
mals there  is  something  to  admire  because  in  all 
there  is  the  natural  and  the  beautiful."  He  dis- 
tinguished five  hundred  species  of  mammals, 
birds,  and  fishes,  besides  exhibiting  an  extensive 
knowledge  of  polyps,  sponges,  cuttlefish,  and 
other  marine  forms  of  life.  His  four  essays  upon 
the  parts,  locomotion,  generation,  and  vital  prin- 
ciple of  animals,  show  that  he  fully  understood 
adaptation  in  its  modern  sense ;  he  recognized  the 
analogies  if  not  the  homologies  between  different 
organs  like  the  limbs;  he  distinguished  between 
the  homogeneous  tissues  made  up  of  like  parts 
and  the  heterogeneous  organs  made  up  of  unlike 
parts;  he  perceived  the  underlying  principle  of 
physiological  division  of  labor  in  the  different  or- 
gans of  the  body;  he  perceived  the  unity  of  plan 


or  type  in  certain  classes  of  animals,  and  consid- 
ered rudimentary  organs  as  tokens  whereby  Na- 
ture sustains  this  unity;  he  rightly  conceived  of 
life  as  the  function  of  the  organism,  not  as  a  sep- 
arate principle ;  he  anticipated  Harvey's  doctrine 
of  epigenesis  in  embryonic  development ;  he  fully 
perceived  the  forces  of  hereditary  transmission, 
of  the  prepotency  of  one  parent  or  stock,  and  of 
atavism  or  reversion;  he  saw  the  fundamental 
difference  between  animals  and  plants,  and  dis- 
tinguished the  organic  or  living  world  from  the 
inorganic  or  lifeless  world.  He  also  perceived  the 
'compensation  of  growth'  principle  as  shown  in 
a  passage^  of  his  upon  the  origin  of  horns: 

Having  now  explained  the  purpose  of  horns,  it 
remains  to  see  the  necessity  of  matter,  by  which  Na- 
ture gave  horns  to  animals.  .  .  .  We  see  that  Nature 
taking  away  matter  from  the  front  teeth  [alluding 
to  the  ruminants]  has  added  it  to  the  horns. 

Aristotle  was  familiar  with  both  the  proto- 
Lamarckian  and  the  proto-Darwinian  hypothe- 
ses of  his  predecessors.  The  former  doctrine,  now 
known  as  adaptation  through  the  transmission 
of  acquired  characters,  Aristotle  traced  back  to 

1  This  passage  does  not  appear  in  the  Historia  Animalium^  in 
which  the  treatment  is  purely  anatomical,  physiological,  and  zo- 
ological, rather  than  interpretative  or  philosophical.  Aristotle's 
interpretations  and  discussions  are  to  be  found  in  his  Physica,  in- 
cluding the  De  Generatione.  See  Parts  and  Progressive  Motions 
of  Animals,  Book  III,  Chap.  II. 


Empedocles'  interpretation  of  the  segmented 
structure  of  the  backbone ;  the  same  doctrine  had 
been  discussed  with  great  abihty  even  in  the  dia- 
logues of  Plato  (427-347  B.C.).  Brooks^  calls 
this  to  our  attention  as  follows: 

Belief  that  something  is  added  to  our  nature  by 
experience,  and  training,  and  education,  rests  on  de- 
liberate or  unconscious  acceptance  of  some  such  defi- 
nition of  nature  as  that  which  Alciphron  gives ;  and, 
as  the  modern  zoologist  .  .  .  seems  to  lose  sight  of 
Eupliranor's  analysis  of  this  definition,  I  beg  leave 
to  refresh  his  memory  by  a  short  quotation  from  the 
old  dialogue. 

'^Euphranor,  You  seem  very  much  taken  with  the 
beauty  of  nature.  Be  pleased  to  tell  me,  Alciphron, 
what  those  things  are  which  you  esteem  natural^  or 
by  what  mark  I  may  know  them. 

^^Alciphron.  For  a  thing  to  be  natural,  for  in- 
stance, to  the  mind  of  man,  it  must  appear  originally 
therein:  it  must  be  universal  in  all  men:  it  must  be 
invariably  the  same  in  all  nations  and  ages.  These 
limitations  of  original,  universal,  and  invariable  ex- 
clude all  those  notions  of  the  human  mind  which  are 
the  effect  of  custom  and  education." 

Aristotle  also  discussed  the  proto-Darwinian 
survival  hypothesis  of  Empedocles  and  Democ- 
ritus  in  application  to  the  adaptive  origin  of  the 
front  teeth  of  man — that  is,  the  cutting  or  incisor 
teeth  and  the  piercing  eye  teeth.  He  rejects  the 

iWilliam  Keith  Brooks:  The  Foundations  of  Zoology,  p.  62. 


idea  that  adaptive  structures  such  as  these  teeth 
can  be  produced  by  survivals  of  accidental  fitness 
and  substitutes  the  idea  of  purposive  progress : 

What,  then,  hinders  but  that  the  parts  in  Nature 
may  also  thus  arise?  For  instance,  that  the  teeth 
should  arise  from  necessity,  the  front  teeth  sharp 
and  adapted  to  divide  the  food,  the  grinders  broad 
and  adapted  to  breaking  the  food  into  pieces. 

It  may  be  said  that  they  were  not  made  for  this 
purpose,  but  that  this  purposive  arrangement  came 
about  by  chance ;  and  the  same  reasoning  is  applied 
to  other  parts  of  the  body  in  which  subsistence  for 
some  purpose  is  apparent.  And  it  is  argued  that 
where  all  things  happened  as  if  they  were  made  for 
some  purpose,  being  aptly  united  by  chance,  these 
were  preserved,  but  such  as  were  not  aptly  made, 
these  were  lost  and  still  perish,  according  to  what 
Empedocles  says  concerning  the  bull  species  with 
human  heads.  This,  therefore,  and  similar  reasoning, 
may  lead  some  to  doubt  on  this  subject.-^ 

Against  the  fortuitous  or  chance  hypothesis  of 
Empedocles  and  Democritus,  Aristotle  advanced 
his  own  philosophy  of  purposive  natural  causa- 
tion, which  we  may  seek  to  understand  by  a  num- 
ber of  concrete  examples  from  his  own  writings. 
Unfortunately  for  our  purpose  in  these  chapters, 
his  observations  were  far  more  extended  in  lower 
animals  and  in  comparative  anatomy  than  in 

iFor  full  context,  see  pp.  83-7. 


In  his  treatise  upon  the  Generation  of  Ani- 
mals^ we  find  him  discussing  the  heredity  theo- 
ries of  Hippocrates  and  Herach'tus,  which  were 
similar  to  those  of  Democritus,  and  to  the  later 
pangenesis  of  Darwin. 

Aristotle,  however,  does  not  accept  the  pan- 
genesis hypothesis  of  heredity,  nor  does  he  sug- 
gest the  inheritance  of  normal  functional  modi- 
fications. In  his  History  of  Animals^  he  refers  to 
the  inheritance  of  mutilations,  remarking  that 
such  transmission  is  not  infrequent.  He  says  in 
effect,  as  to  inherited  mutilations: 

Children  resemble  their  parents  not  only  in  con- 
genital  characters,  but  in  those  acquired  later  in  life. 
For  cases  are  known  where  parents  have  been  marked 
by  scars,  and  children  have  shown  traces  of  these 
scars  at  the  same  points;  a  case  is  reported  from 
Chalcedon  in  which  a  father  had  been  branded  with 
a  letter,  and  the  same  letter  somewhat  blurred  and 
not  sharply  defined  appeared  upon  the  arm  of  his 

We  can  pass  leniently  by  errors  which  are 
strewn  among  such  grand  contributions  to  biol- 
ogy and  to  the  very  foundation  stones  of  the 
evolution  idea.  Aristotle  showed  practical  ig- 
norance of  human  anatomy  and  physiology;  he 
failed  to  establish  a  natural  classification ;  he  also 

II,  Chap.  XVII. 
2Book  VII,  Chap.  VI. 


fostered  the  abiogenetic  myth,  that  not  only 
smaller  but  larger  animals,  such  as  frogs,  snakes, 
and  eels,  are  produced  spontaneously  from  the 
mud.  Some  of  these  and  many  other  of  his  mis- 
taken teachings  were  not  wholly  outlived  until 
the  nineteenth  century;  yet  we  may  not  allow 
them  to  detract  from  our  general  admiration  of 
his  great  genius.  His  failures  in  descriptive  sci- 
ence were  chiefly  in  statements  where  he  departed 
from  his  own  principle  of  verification  and  relied 
upon  the  scientific  hearsay  of  his  day. 

The  main  bases  of  his  ideas  upon  descent  were 
evidently  drawn  from  his  own  observations  upon 
the  gradations  between  marine  plants  and  the 
lower  and  higher  forms  of  marine  animals.  He 
was  the  first  to  conceive  of  a  genetic  series,  and 
his  conception  of  a  single  chain  of  evolution  from 
the  polyps  to  man  was  never  fully  replaced  until 
the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century.  It  ap- 
peared over  and  over  again  in  different  guises. 

Aristotle's  Interpretation  of  Nature 

In  all  his  philosophy  and  interpretation  of  Na- 
ture, Aristotle  was  guided  partly  by  his  precon- 
ceived opinions  derived  from  Anaxagoras,  Plato 
and  Socrates,  and  partly  by  convictions  derived 
from  his  own  observations  upon  the  wonderful 
order  and  perfection  of  the  universe.  His  'per- 


fecting  principle'  in  Nature  is  only  one  of  a  score 
of  his  legacies  to  later  speculation  upon  evolu- 
tion causation.  Many  of  our  modern  writers  are 
Aristotelians  without  apparently  being  conscious 
of  it. 

Aristotle's  method  in  interpreting  Nature  has 
been  fully  discussed  in  Lewes'  very  interesting 
work,  Aristotle;  a  Chapter  in  the  History  of 
Science,  While  Plato  had  relied  upon  intuitions 
as  the  main  ground  of  true  knowledge,  Aristotle 
relied  upon  experiment  and  induction.  He  held 
that  errors  do  not  arise  because  the  senses  are 
false  media,  but  because  we  put  false  interpreta- 
tions upon  their  testimony.  "We  must  not,"  he 
said,  "accept  a  general  principle  from  logic  only, 
but  must  prove  its  application  to  each  fact;  for 
it  is  in  facts  that  we  must  seek  general  princi- 
ples, and  these  must  always  accord  w^th  facts. 
Experience  furnishes  the  particular  facts  from 
which  induction  is  the  pathway  to  general  laws." 

Aristotle's  speculations  as  to  the  origin  and 
succession  of  life  went  far  beyond  what  he  could 
have  reached  by  the  legitimate  application  of  his 
professed  method  of  procedure.  Having  now 
briefly  considered  the  materials  of  his  knowledge, 
let  us  carefully  examine  how  he  put  his  facts  to- 
gether into  an  evolution  system  which  had  the 
teachings  of  Plato  and  Socrates  for  its  primary 
philosophical  basis. 


Aristotle  believed  in  a  complete  ascending 
^gradation'  in  Nature,  a  progressive  development 
corresponding  with  the  progressive  life  of  the 
soul.  Nature,  he  says,  proceeds  constantly  by  the 
aid  of  gradual  transitions  from  the  most  imper- 
fect to  the  most  perfect,  while  the  numerous 
analogies  which  we  find  in  the  various  parts  of 
the  animal  scale  show  that  all  is  governed  by  the 
same  laws — in  other  words.  Nature  is  a  unit  as 
to  its  causation.  The  lowest  stage  is  the  inor- 
ganic, and  this  passes  into  the  organic  by  direct 
metamorphosis,  matter  being  transformed  into 
life.  Plants  are  animate  as  compared  with  min- 
erals, and  inanimate  as  compared  with  animals; 
they  have  powers  of  nourishment  and  reproduc- 
tion, but  no  feeling  or  sensibility.  Then  come  the 
plant-animals  or  zoophytes ;  these  are  the  marine 
creatures,  such  as  sponges  and  sea-anemones, 
which  leave  the  observer  most  in  doubt,  for  they 
grow  upon  rocks  and  die  if  detached.  (Polyps 
Aristotle  wrongly  thought  were  plants,  while 
sponges  he  rightly  considered  animals.)  The 
third  step  taken  by  Nature  is  the  development  of 
animals  with  sensibility — hence  desire  for  food 
and  other  needs  of  life,  and  hence  locomotion  to 
fulfil  these  desires.  Here  was  a  more  complex 
and  energetic  form  of  the  original  life.  Man  is 
the  highest  point  of  one  long  and  continuous  as- 
cent ;  other  animals  have  the  faculty  of  thought ; 


man  alone  generalizes  and  forms  abstractions ;  he 
is  physically  superior  in  his  erect  position,  in  his 
purest  and  largest  blood  supply,  largest  brain, 
and  highest  temperature. 

How  was  this  ascending  gradation  effected? 

Here  we  come  to  the  second  feature  in  Aris- 
totle's theory,  which  is  more  or  less  transcenden- 
tal or  metaphysical — it  is  the  idea  of  the  devel- 
opment of  the  potentiality  of  p>erfection  into 
actuality,  the  creation  of  form  in  matter,  "Na- 
ture does  nothing  without  an  aim."  "She  is  al- 
ways striving  after  the  most  beautiful  that  is 
possible."  Aristotle  perceived  a  most  marvelous 
adaptation  in  the  arrangement  of  the  world  and 
felt  compelled  to  assume  intelligent  Design  as 
the  primary  cause  of  things,  by  the  perfection 
and  regularity  which  he  observed  in  Nature. 
Nothing,  he  held,  which  occurs  regularly  can  be 
the  result  of  accident.  This  perfection  is  the  out- 
come of  an  all-pervading  movement,  which  w^e, 
in  twentieth-century  language,  speak  of  as  an 
'internal  perfecting  tendency'  or  'entelechy.'  In 
Aristotle's  conception  of  ^movement,'  as  outlined 
in  his  Physics,  we  find  something  very  analogous 
to  our  modern  biological  conception  of  transfor- 
mation in  development,  for  he  analyzes  'move- 
ment' as  every  change,  as  every  realization  of 
what  is  possible,  consisting  in:  {a)  substantial 
movement,  origin  and  decay — as  we  should  now 


say,  development  and  degeneration;  (b)  quan- 
titative movement,  addition  and  subtraction,  or, 
in  modern  terms,  the  gain  and  loss  of  parts;  (c) 
qualitative  movement,  or  the  transition  of  one 
material  into  another,  in  metamorphosis  and 
change  of  function;  (d)  local  movement,  or 
change  of  place,  in  the  transposition  of  parts. 
Thus  Aristotle  thought  out  the  four  essential  fea- 
tures of  Evolution  as  a  process;  but  we  have 
found  no  evidence  that  he  actually  applied  this 
conception  to  the  development  of  organisms  or 
of  organs,  as  we  do  now  in  the  light  of  our  mod- 
ern knowledge  of  the  actual  stages  of  Evolution. 
This  enables  us  to  understand  Aristotle's  view 
of  Nature  as  the  principle  of  motion  and  rest 
comprised  in  his  four  causes.  Here  again  he  is 
more  or  less  metaphysical.  The  first  is  the  'phys- 
ical material  cause,'  or  matter  itself;  the  second 
is  the  'physical  formal  cause,'  or  the  forces  of  the 
'perfecting  principle';  the  third  is  the  'abstract 
final  cause,'  the  fitness,  adaptation,  or  purpose, 
the  good  of  each  and  all;  the  fourth,  presiding 
over  all,  is  the  'efficient  cause,'  the  prime  mover, 
or  God.  Aristotle  attributed  all  the  imperfec- 
tions of  Nature  to  the  struggle  between  the  ma- 
terial and  formal  causes — ^to  the  resistance  of 
matter  to  form.  There  is  room  for  difference  of 
opinion  as  to  whether  he  considered  the  efficient 
cause,  or  God,  as  constantly  present  and  work- 


ing  in  Nature,  or  as  having  established  a  pre- 
ordained harmony.  Romanes  points  out  that 
Aristotle,  in  his  Mctaphjjsics,  asks  the  crucial 
question  whether  the  principle  of  order  and  ex- 
cellence (i.  e.  the  operation  of  natural  laws)  is 
self-existing  from  the  beginning,  or  whether,  like 
the  discipline  of  an  army,  it  is  apparently  in- 
herent, but  really  due  to  a  general  in  the  back- 

Whether  or  not  Aristotle  viewed  the  Prime 
Mover  as  sustaining  his  laws  or  as  having  pre- 
ordained them,  he  certainly  does  not  believe  in 
Special  Creation  by  divine  fiat  either  of  adapta- 
tions or  of  organisms,  nor  in  the  interference  of 
the  Prime  Mover  in  Nature;  the  struggle  to- 
ward perfection  is  a  natural  process,  as  where  he 
says:  ''It  w  due  to  the  resistance  of  matter  to 
form  that  Nature  can  only  rise  by  degrees  from 
lower  to  higher  types  J'  There  is,  therefore,  no 
doubt  that  he  was  not  a  teleologist  in  the  modern 
supernatural  sense ;  at  the  very  heart  of  his  the- 
ory of  Evolution  was  this  'internal  perfecting 
tendency,'^  driving  organisms  progressively  for- 
ward into  more  perfect  types. 

He  viewed  man  as  the  flower  of  Nature,  to- 
ward which  all  had  been  tending,  the  crowning 
end,  purpose,  or  final  cause.  His  nature  philoso- 

iCompare  Hans  Driesch:  The  Science  and  Philosophy  of  the 


phy  was  therefore  anthropocentric :  "Plants  are 
evidently  for  the  sake  of  animals  and  animals 
for  the  sake  of  man;  thus  Nature,  which  does 
nothing  in  vain,  has  done  all  things  for  the  sake 
of  man." 

Aristotle's  concept  of  an  internal  perfecting 
tendency  is  brought  out  clearly  and  emphatically 
in  the  most  striking  passage  of  all  his  writings, 
where  he  undertakes  to  refute  an  argument  at- 
tributed to  Empedocles.  This  is  of  the  greatest 
interest  today,  because  Aristotle  clearly  states 
and  rejects  a  chance  theory  of  the  origin  or  adap- 
tive structures  in  animals  altogether  similar  to 
that  of  Darwin. 

In  Empedocles'  crude  suggestion  of  the  sur- 
vival of  adapted  beings  and  the  extinction  of  in- 
adapted  beings  Aristotle  perceived  the  gist  of  an 
argument  which  might  be  applied  not  only  to 
entire  organisms  but  to  parts  of  organisms,  to 
explain  purposive  structures,  and  which  might 
thus  become  a  dangerous  rival  to  his  own  concept 
of  the  origin  of  purposive  structures  by  the  di- 
rect operation  of  his  ^perfecting  principle.' 

In  the  following  passages,  selected  from  the 
early  books  of  his  Physics,  we  seem  to  gain  a 
clear  insight  into  Aristotle's  whole  chain  of  rea- 
soning, in  a  manner  which  enables  us  to  compare 
it  with  modern  lines  of  thought.  The  headings 
and  brackets  are  my  own;  the  passages  are  se- 


lected,  freely  adapted  and  italicized,  from  Tay- 
lor's translation  (1806)  of  the  Physics  and 
brought  together  to  give  a  clear  idea  of  Aris- 
totle's meaning  in  his  own  language,  as  follows  :^ 

[Nature  is  twofold,  namely.  Form  and  Matter^ 

For  if  we  look  to  the  ancient  philosophers,  such 
as  Empedocles  and  Democritus,  it  would  seem 
that  matter  alone  should  be  regarded,  for  they 
attended  in  a  very  small  degree  to  form  .  .  .  but 
it  is  the  province  of  physical  science  to  have  a 
knowledge  of  both.  Further,  it  belongs  to  physi- 
cal science  to  consider  the  purpose  or  end  for 
which  a  thing  subsists.  The  poet  was  led  to  say: 

An  end  it  has,  for  which  it  was  produced. 

This  is  absurd,  for  not  that  which  is  last  deserves 
the  name  of  end,  but  that  which  is  most  perfect. 

[O/  Fortuity  in  Nature'l 

Empedocles^  says  that  the  greater  part  of  the 
members  of  animals  were  generated  by  chance; 
while  there  are  others  who  assign  chance  as  the 

iBook  II,  chaps.  II,  IV,  V,  VIII. 

^Empedocles  does  not  speak  rightly  when  he  says  that  many 
things  are  inherent  in  animals  because  it  thus  happened  in  their 
generation;  as  for  instance  a  spine  composed  of  many  vertebrae 
not  produced  for  some  purpose,  but  from  chance  or  accident. 
{Parts  of  AnimalSi  Book  I.) 

84         FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

cause  of  the  heavenly  bodies,  and  Intellect  (or 
Design)  as  the  cause  of  all  earthly  bodies.  But  it 
is  more  probable  that  the  heavens  should  have 
been  produced  by  Nature,  Intellect  (Design) ,  or 
something  else  of  this  kind,  and  that  they  should 
subsist  through  such  a  designing  cause  than  that 
frail  and  mortal  animals  were  produced  by  it; 
for  order  and  a  firm  and  certain  condition  of 
being  are  far  more  obvious  in  celestial  natures 
than  in  us;  but  an  uncertain,  inconstant,  and 
fortuitous  condition  is  rather  the  property  of  the 
mortal  race.  .  .  .  Chance  and  fortune  are  se- 
quels (secondary)  to  both  Intellect  and  Nature. 
Hence  if  chance  were  in  an  eminent  degree  the 
cause  of  the  heavens,  it  would  nevertheless  be 
necessary  that  Intellect  and  Nature  should  be 
prior  causes  of  many  other  things  as  well  as  of 
this  Universe  itself. 

[Of  Necessity  (Law)  and  Design  in  Nature'] 

We  must  show  first,  why  Nature  is  a  cause 
which  subsists  for  some  purpose,  and  second,  how 
necessity  (natural  law)  subsists  in  physical  con- 
cerns, for  all  natural  causes  are  referred  to  this. 
But  some  may  question  what  hinders  Nature 
from  operating  for  some  purpose  rather  than 
from  necessity;  for  example,  that  rain  falls  for 
the  benefit  of  the  corn  rather  than  because  that 


ascending  vapor  must  be  cooled  and  cooling  it 
must  descend  as  water.  But  Jupiter  rains  not 
that  corn  may  be  increased,  but  from  necessity. 
Similarly,  if  some  one's  corn  is  destroyed  by  rain, 
it  does  not  rain  for  this  purpose,  but  as  an  acci- 
dental circumstance.  It  does  not  appear  to  be 
from  fortune  or  chance  that  it  frequently  rains  in 
winter,  but  from  necessity  (law). 

[Adaptive  Structures  7iot  Produced  by  Sur- 
vivals of  the  Fittest^ 

What,  then,  hinders  but  that  the  parts  in  Na- 
ture may  also  thus  arise  (namely,  according  to 
law)  ?  For  instance,  that  the  teeth  should  arise 
from  necessity,  the  front  teeth  sharp  and  adapted 
to  divide  the  food,  the  grinders  broad  and 
adapted  to  breaking  the  food  into  pieces.  [An- 
other  explanation  may  he  offered.']  It  may  be 
said  that  they  were  not  made  for  this  purpose 
{i,  e,  for  this  adaptation),  but  that  this  (adap- 
tative)  purposive  arrangement  came  about  by 
chance;  and  the  same  reasoning  is  applied  to 
other  parts  of  the  body  in  which  subsistence  for 
some  purpose  is  apparent.  And  it  is  argued  that 
where  all  thvngs  happened  as  if  they  were  made 
for  some  jmrpose,  being  aptly  (adaptively) 
united  by  chance,  these  were  preserved,  but  such 
as  were  not  aptly  (adaptively)  made,  these  were 


lost  and  still  perish,  according  to  what  Em- 
pedocles  says  concerning  the  bull  species  with 
human  heads.  This,  therefore,  and  similar  rea- 
soning, may  lead  some  to  doubt  on  this  subject. 

It  is,  however,  impossible  that  these  (adap- 
tive) parts  should  subsist  (arise)  in  this  manner ; 
for  these  parts,  and  everything  which  is  produced 
in  Nature,  are  either  always,  or,  for  the  most 
part,  thus  {L  e,  adaptively)  produced;  but  this 
is  not  the  case  with  anything  which  is  produced 
by  fortune  or  chance,^  even  as  it  does  not  appear 
to  be  fortune  or  chance  that  it  frequently  rains 
in  winter.  ...  If  these  things  appear  to  be 
either  by  chance,  or  to  be  for  some  purpose, — 
and  we  have  shown  that  they  cannot  be  by 
chance — then  it  follows  that  they  must  be  for 
some  purpose.  There  is,  therefore,  a  purpose  in 
things  which  are  produced  by,  and  exist  from. 

\^A  Sequence  of  Purposive  Productions'] 

Since,  also.  Nature  is  twofold,  consisting  of 
matter  and  of  form,  the  latter  being  an  end  for 
the  sake  of  which  the  rest  subsists,  form  will  also 
be  a  cause  for  the  sake  of  which  natural  produc- 
tions subsist.  .  .  .  Further  still,  it  is  necessary 

^Compare  Darwin:  "I  have  hitherto  sometimes  spoken  as  if  the 
variations  .  .  .  were  due  to  chance.  This,  of  course,  is  a  wholly- 
incorrect  expression,  but  it  merely  serves  to  acknowledge  plainly 
our  ignorance  of  the  cause  of  each  particular  variation." 


(i.  e.  according  to  law)  that  germs  should  have 
been  first  jiroduced,  and  not  ivimediately  ani- 
mals; and  that  soft  mass  which  first  subsisted 
was  the  germ.  In  plants,  also,  there  is  purpose, 
but  it  is  less  distinct ;  and  this  shows  that  plants 
were  produced  in  the  same  manner  as  animals, 
not  by  chance,  as  by  the  union  of  olives  upon 
grape-vines.  Similarly,  it  may  be  argued,  that 
there  should  be  an  accidental  generation  (or  pro- 
duction) of  the  germs  of  things,  but  he  who  as- 
serts this  subverts  Nature  herself,  for  Nature 
produces  those  things  which,  being  continually 
moved  by  a  certain  principle  contained  in  them- 
selves, arrive  at  a  certain  end. 

These  passages  seem  to  contain  absolute  evi- 
dence that  Aristotle  had  substantially  the  mod- 
ern conception  of  the  progressive  ascent  of  life 
from  a  primordial,  soft  mass  of  living  matter  to 
the  most  perfect  forms,  and  that  even  these  he 
beheved  were  progressing  to  higher  forms.  His 
argument  of  the  analogy  between  the  operation 
of  secondary  natural  law,  rather  than  of  chance, 
both  in  the  lifeless  and  in  the  living  world,  is  a 
perfectly  logical  one,  and  his  consequent  rejec- 
tion of  the  hypothesis  of  the  survival  of  the  fittest 
is  a  sound  induction  from  his  own  limited  knowl- 
edge of  Nature.  It  seems  perfectly  clear  that  he 
placed  all  under  secondary  natural  laws.  If  he 


had  accepted  and  refined  Empedocles'  crude 
hypothesis  of  the  survival  of  the  fittest  he  would 
have  been  a  literal  prophet  of  Darwinism. 

The  Post- Aristotelians 

Thus  we  reach  in  this  great  natural  philoso- 
pher the  highest  biological  level  attained  by  the 
Greeks,  and  we  now  pass  to  a  rapid  decline  in 
Greek  scientific  thought  and  productiveness  until 
its  apparent  extinction  and  subsequent  revival 
some  centuries  later. 

We  notice  a  marked  chasm  between  Aristotle's 
theistic  and  dualistic  teaching  and  the  sceptical, 
or  rather  agnostic  and  monistic,  teaching  of  Epi- 
curus. The  Epicureans  developed  a  mechanical 
and  anti-teleological  conception  of  the  universe, 
but  they  did  not  advance  the  inquiry  into  natural 
causation.  The  gap  widened.  The  materialistic 
and  agnostic  tendency  of  Empedocles,  Democri- 
tus,  and  Epicurus  was  revived  by  Lucretius,  and 
culminated  in  him  for  the  time.  The  theistic  ten- 
dency of  Aristotle  led  to  his  adoption  by,  and 
great  influence  with,  the  philosophers  of  the  early 
Christian  Church.  In  general,  the  movement  of 
free  physical  inquiry  among  the  Greeks  was 
checked  by  the  conquest  of  Alexander  and  the 
loss  of  national  independence.  The  interest  in  in- 
vestigation into  Nature,  and  speculation  upon 
the  causes  of  things,  subsided.  Ethics  rose  among 
the  Stoics. 



In  the  cosmology  of  tlic  Stoics  we  have  tlie  germ  of 
a  monistic  and  pantheistic  conception  of  evolution. 
All  things  are  said  to  be  developed  out  of  an  original 
being,  which  is  at  once  material  (fire)  and  spiritual 
(the  Deity),  and  in  turn  they  will  dissolve  back  into 
this  primordial  source.  .  .   . 

The  Epicureans  differed  from  the  Stoics  by 
adopting  a  purely  mechanical  view  of  the  world- 
process.  Their  fundamental  conception  is  that  of 
Democritus ;  they  seek  to  account  for  the  formation 
of  the  cosmos,  with  its  order  and  regularity,  by  set- 
ting out  with  the  idea  of  an  original  (vertical)  mo- 
tion of  the  atoms,  which  somehow  or  other  results  in 
movements  towards  and  from  one  another.   .  .  .^ 

Aristotle's  teachings  in  zoology  and  botany 
were  continued  by  his  pupils  among  the  Peri- 
patetics, Theophrastus  and  Preaxagoras,  and  by 
their  successors,  Herophilus  and  Erasistratus. 
Strato  of  Lampsacus  developed  a  system  of  nat- 
uralism but  he  rejected  Aristotle's  concept  of  an 
original  source  of  movement  and  life  outside  the 
world  of  matter  in  favor  of  an  internal  principle. 
Unfortunately,  the  greater  part  of  the  works 
of  Theophrastus,  who  was  both  botanist  and 
mineralogist,  is  lost;  his  History  of  Plants  was 
an  attempt  to  supplement  the  History  of  Ani- 
mals of  his  master.  The  last  two  members  of  this 
school  were  physicians,  who  continued  their  stud- 
ies in  Alexandria  and  became  the  most  distin- 

IP.  Chalmers  Mitchell:  Evolution.  Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  10,  p.  24. 


guished  human  anatomists  of  the  time  before 

Epicurus  (341-270  B.C.) 

The  only  writer  of  the  third  or  post-Aris- 
totelian period  of  Greek  philosophy  who  con- 
cerns us  here  is  Epicurus,  founder  of  the  Epi- 
curean materialistic  school,  of  which  Lucretius 
was  a  follower. 

Epicurus'  chief  interest  in  philosophy  w^as  to 
establish  the  principle  of  natural  versus  that  of 
supernatural  causation,  to  combat  the  argument 
of  teleology  or  Design.  He  originated  nothing  in 
Evolution,  but  gathered  from  Empedocles  and 
Democritus  arguments  in  support  of  the  princi- 
ple of  natural  law.  Zeller  observes  as  his  char- 
acteristic that  he  was  totally  lacking  in  the 
scientific  spirit  which  could  qualify  him  as  an 
investigator.  His  main  animus  was  to  combat  the 
supernatural  from  every  side,  yet  he  was  unable 
to  direct  his  followers  to  any  naturalistic  expla- 
nation of  value,  giving  them  rather  free  rein  in 
the  choice  of  the  most  groundless  hypotheses. 

As  for  the  general  conception  that  the  pur- 
poseful may  arise  by  selection  or  survival  from 
the  unpurposeful,  which  is  credited  to  Epicu- 
reanism by  some  modern  writers,  this  conception 
belongs  primarily  to  Aristotle,  who,  as  we  have 
seen,  formulated  the  crude  myth  of  Empedocles 


into  the  language  of  modern  science,  with  the 
motive  of  clearly  stating  a  possible  explanation 
of  the  origin  of  the  purposeful  in  order  to  clearly 
refute  it. 

Epicurus  was  influenced  by  Democritus  and 
his  doctrine  of  atomism,  excluding  teleology  at 
every  present  point  as  well  as  at  the  beginning 
of  the  world,  supporting  the  mechanical  concep- 
tion of  Nature,  and  maintaining  that  every  in- 
dividual thing  is  to  be  explained  in  a  purely  me- 
chanical manner.  Convinced  that  only  natural 
causes  prevail,  Epicurus  did  not  concern  him- 
self with  inquiries  as  to  their  character.  He  also 
taught  the  origin  of  life  by  spontaneous  genera- 
tion, that  living  beings  arose  directly  from  the 
earth,  including  many  marvelous  forms,  and 
adopted  Empedocles'  notion  that  only  those  ca- 
pable of  life  and  reproduction  have  been  pre- 

Lucretius  (99-55  b.  c.) 

From  Epicurus  we  take  a  long  leap  in  time  to 
T.  Lucretius  Carus,  the  Roman  poet,  whose  in- 
quiry into  the  origin  and  nature  of  living  things, 
as  we  have  observed,  revived  the  teachings  of 
Empedocles,  of  Democritus,  and  especially  of 
Epicurus.  He  connected  with  these  many  obser- 
vations of  his  own.  The  fact  that  he  was  an  orig- 


inal  observer  of  Nature  must  be  inferred  from 
his  considerable  knowledge  of  animals  and 
plants.  It  is  possible  that  the  speculations  treated 
in  his  great  poem  may  have  been  more  precisely 
recorded  in  some  of  his  lost  books.  His  indebted- 
ness to  Empedocles,  to  Epicurus,  to  Democritus, 
to  Anaxagoras  and  to  Heraclitus  is  beautifully 
phrased  in  the  following  passage:^ 

This  terror,  then,  this  darkness  of  the  mind, 

Not  sunrise  with  its  flaring  spokes  of  light. 

Nor  glittering  arrows  of  morning  can  disperse, 

But  only  Nature's  aspect  and  her  law. 

Which,  teaching  us,  hath  this  exordium : 

Nothing  from  nothing  ever  yet  was  horn. 

Fear  holds  dominion  over  mortality 

Only  because,  seeing  in  land  and  sky 

So  much  the  cause  whereof  no  wise  they  know, 

Men  think  Divinities  are  working  there. 

Meantime,  when  once  we  know  from  nothing  still 

Nothing  can  be  create,  we  shall  divine 

More  clearly  what  we  seek:  those  elements 

From  which  alone  all  things  created  are, 

And  how  accomplished  by  no  tool  of  Gods. 

Suppose  all  sprang  from  all  things :  any  kind 

Might  take  its  origin  from  any  thing. 

No  fixed  seed  required.  Men  from  the  sea 

Might  rise,  and  from  the  land  the  scaly  breed. 

And,  fowl  full  fledged  come  bursting  from  the  sky; 

The  horned  cattle,  the  herds  and  all  the  wild 

^0/  the  Nature  of  Things.  Book  I,  146.  Leonard  translation. 


Would  haunt  with  varying  offspring  tilth  and  waste ; 
Nor  would  the  same  fruits  keep  their  olden  trees, 
But  each  might  grow  from  any  stock  or  limb 
By  chance  and  change.  Indeed,  and  were  there  not 
For  each  its  procreant  atoms,  could  things  have 
Each  its  unalterable  mother  old? 
But,  since  produced  from  fixed  seeds  are  all. 
Each  birth  goes  forth  upon  the  shores  of  light 
From  its  own  stuff,  from  its  own  primal  bodies. 
And  all  from  all  cannot  become,  because 
In  each  resides  a  secret  power  its  own. 

Lucretius  followed  ^schylus  as  the  second 
poet  of  Evolution.  His  De  Rerum  Natura  resus- 
citated the  doctrines  of  Epicurus,  and  set  them 
in  a  far  more  favorable  light,  building  up  anew 
the  mechanical  conception  of  Nature.  Lucretius 
was  also  familiar  with  Empedocles,  and,  as  we 
have  seen,  put  his  teachings  into  verse.  Here, 
again,  is  a  difference  of  opinion  between  Lange 
and  Zeller.  Lange  refers  to  the  end  of  the  first 
book,  in  which  he  claims  that  Lucretius  briefly 
announces  the  magnificent  doctrine  first  pro- 
posed by  Empedocles,  that  all  the  adaptations  to 
be  found  in  the  universe  and  especially  in  organic 
life  are  merely  special  cases  of  the  infinite  possi- 
bilities of  mechanical  events.  Thus  Lucretius 

Verily  not  by  design  do  the  first  beginnings  of 
things  station  themselves  each  in  his  right  place,  oc- 

94         FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

cupied  bj  keen-sighted  intelligence,  .  .  .  but  be- 
cause after  trying  motions  and  unions  of  every  kind, 
at  length  they  fall  into  arrangements,  such  as  those 
out  of  which  this  our  sum  of  things  has  been  formed, 
.  .  .  and  the  earth,  fostered  by  the  heat  of  the  sun, 
begins  to  renew  this  produce,  and  the  race  of  living 
things  to  come  up  and  flourish. 

Zeller  rightly  contends  that  Lucretius  did  not 
really  apply  the  Empedocles  theory  to  the  origin 
of  adaptations  in  the  modern  Darwinian  sense, 
for  his  treatment  is  simply  a  poetical  restatement 
of  Empedocles'  own  words,  unmodified  by  the 
great  advances  of  science.  The  creations  which, 
according  to  Lucretius,  were  thus  eliminated 
from  the  earth  were  the  mythical  monsters,  such 
as  the  centaurs  and  the  chimseras. 

Lucretius  places  the  mechanical  conception  of 
Nature  over  against  the  teleological ;  we  find  that 
he  does  not  carry  his  conception  of  Nature  as 
Aristotle  does  into  the  law  of  gradual  develop- 
ment of  organic  life,  but  like  Parmenides,  De- 
mocritus,  and  Anaxagoras,  he  conceives  of  ani- 
mals as  arising  by  abiogenesis  directly  from  the 
earth  :^ 

Plants  and  trees  arise  directly  out  of  the  earth 
in  the  same  manner  that  feathers  and  hair  grow 
from  the  bodies  of  animals.  Living  beings  certainly 
have  not  fallen  down  from  heaven,  nor,  as  Anaxago- 

iBook  V,  780. 


ras  supposed,  have  land  animals  arisen  from  the  sea. 
But  as  even  now  many  animals  under  the  influence 
of  rain,  and  the  heat  of  the  sun,  arise  from  the  earth, 
so  under  the  fresh,  youthful,  productive  forces  of 
the  younger  earth,  they  were  spontaneously  pro- 
duced in  larger  numbers.  In  this  manner  were  first 
produced  birds,  from  the  warmth  of  spring;  then 
other  animals  sprang  from  the  womb  of  the  earth, 
since  first  mounds  grew  up  from  which  people  sprang 
forth,  for  they  had  been  nourished  within.  In  an 
analogous  manner  these  young  earth-children  were 
nourished  by  springs  of  milk. 

Only  as  an  after-thought,  not  as  a  part  of  Na- 
ture's method,  Lucretius  borrows  from  Epicurus, 
and  thus  probably  indirectly  from  Empedocles, 
the  'Darwinian'  survival  of  the  fittest  idea  that 
some  of  these  earth-born  beings  were  unable  to 
live  and  were  replaced  by  others.  As  a  rationalist 
he  naturally  suppressed  the  mythological  cen- 
taur and  chim^era  from  his  direct  history  of  cre- 
ation. In  the  following  passages^  we  find  these 
purely  fanciful  speculations  of  Lucretius  beauti- 
fully expressed: 

And  first  the  race  she  reared  of  verdant  herbs, 
Glistening  o'er  every  hill ;  the  fields  at  large 
Shone  with  the  verdant  tincture,  and  the  trees 
Felt  the  deep  impulse,  and  with  outstretched  arms 
Broke  from  their  bonds  rejoicing.  As  the  down 

iLucretius:  On  the  Nature  of  Things.  Book  V,  800.  Poetical 
version  by  John  Mason  Good. 


Shoots  from  the  winged  nations,  or  from  beasts 
Bristles  or  hair,  so  poured  the  new-born  earth 
Plants,  fruits,  and  herbage.  Then,  in  order  next, 
Raised  she  the  sentient  tribes,  in  various  modes, 
By  various  powers  distinguished:  for  nor  heaven 
Down  dropped  them,  nor  from  ocean's  briny  waves 
Sprang  they,  terrestrial  sole;  whence,  justly.  Earth 
Claims  the  dear  name  of  mother,  since  alone 
Flowed  from  herself  whate'er  the  sight  surveys. 

E'en  now  oft  rears  she  many  a  sentient  tribe, 
By  showers  and  sun-sliine  ushered  into  day. 
Whence  less  stupendous  tribes  should  then  have  risen 
More,  and  of  ampler  make,  herself  new-formed. 
In  flower  of  youth,  and  Ether  all  mature. 

Of  these  birds  first,  of  wing  and  plume  diverse, 
Broke  their  light  shells  in  spring-time :  as  in  spring 
Still  breaks  the  grasshopper  his  curious  web. 
And  seeks,  spontaneous,  foods  and  vital  air. 

Hence  the  dear  name  of  mother,  o'er  and  o'er, 
Earth  claims  most  justly,  since  the  race  of  man 
Loncp  bore  she  of  herself,  each  brutal  tribe 
Wild-wandering  o'er  the  mountains,  and  the  birds 
Gay-winged,  that  cleave,  diverse,  the  liquid  air. 

It  thus  appears  that  we  cannot  truly  speak  of 
Lucretius  as  an  evolutionist,  in  the  sense  of  grad- 
ual development  by  descent,  although  he  believed 
in  the  successive  appearance  of  different  forms 
of  life.  His  nearest  approach  to  true  evolution 
teaching  was  in  his  account  of  the  development 
of  the  faculties  and  arts  among  the  races  of  men, 


in  which  he  borrowed  bodily  from  the  drama  of 
iEschylus,  Prometheus  Bound.  In  shutting  out 
Aristotle  and  his  purposive  interpretation  of  Na- 
ture, he  excluded  the  only  Greek  who  came  near 
the  modern  idea  of  descent  of  higher  forms  from 
lower.  The  animals  and  plants  of  Lucretius  arise 
full-formed  direct  from  the  earth.  This  is  not 
Evolution,  yet  it  plays  an  important  part  in  the 
later  history  of  the  idea.  Views  not  unhke  these 
w^ere  revived  as  late  as  the  eighteenth  century. 

Although  a  Roman,  Lucretius  w^as  virtually  a 
Greek  in  his  natural  philosophy.  He  terminated 
a  period  of  thought,  and  in  his  poem  summed  up 
in  a  pure  form  all  the  non- Aristotelian  teachings. 
After  him  the  Greek  ideas  were  grafted  upon 
Arabic  and  Christian  philosophy  and  science. 
This  is,  therefore,  the  point  at  which  to  consider 
what  were  the  Greek  legacies  to  their  followers. 

The  last  of  the  Greek  naturalists  were  Dios- 
coridus,  a  physician,  observer,  and  botanist  liv- 
ing in  the  time  of  the  C^sars,  and  the  celebrated 
Galen,  physician  and  anatomist,  living  under 
Marcus  Aurelius.  Galen  (131-201)  has  been 
compared  both  with  Hippocrates  (460-377  b.  c.) 
and  with  Aristotle,  whose  method  of  observation 
he  followed  and  applied  to  human  anatomy.  This 
was  the  waning  of  the  scientific  movement  under 
Grecian  influence. 


Pliny  (23-79) 

Pliny,  the  next  naturalist  of  note,  was  rather 
a  collector  of  anecdotes  than  an  original  ob- 
server. He  was  the  author  of  the  Naturalis  his- 
toria,  a  voluminous  work  of  one  hundred  and 
sixty  volumes,  chiefly  of  compilation.  He  added 
nothing  to  the  evolution  idea;  as  remarked  by 
John  Edwin  Sandys,^  "he  had  neither  the  tem- 
perament for  original  investigation,  nor  the  lei- 
sure necessary  for  the  purpose.  It  is  obvious 
that  one  who  spent  all  his  time  in  reading  and  in 
writing,  and  in  making  excerpts  from  his  prede- 
cessors, had  none  left  for  mature  and  indepen- 
dent thought,  or  for  patient  experimental  obser- 
vation of  the  phenomena  of  nature." 

The  Legacy  of  the  Greeks^ 

The  first  element  in  the  legacy  of  the  Greeks 
was  their  scientific  curiosity,  their  desire  to  find 
a  natural  explanation  for  the  origin  and  ex- 
istence of  all  things,  especially  living  things,  and, 
above  all,  man.  This  is  by  no  means  a  universal 
characteristic  of  the  human  mind,  for  we  know 
that  many  Oriental  races  are  wholly  devoid  of  it 
and  have  made  no  scientific  progress.  The  ground 
motive  in  science  is  a  high  order  of  curiosity,  led 

lEnc.  Brit.,  vol.  21,  p.  843. 

2Compare  The  Legacy  of  the  Greeks,  edited  by  R.  W.  Living- 
stone, 1924,  also  Osborn:  Man  Rises  to  Parnassus. 


on  by  ambition  to  overcome  all  obstacles  in  ob- 
servation and  discovery. 

The  Origin  of  Life 

The  iirst  biological  question  asked  by  the 
Greeks  was  as  to  the  origin  of  life.  Extremely 
early  arose  the  doctrine  of  Anaximander  that  all 
life  originated  in  spontaneous  generation  from 
the  water.  Later  this  was  somewhat  modified  into 
the  doctrine  held  by  Empedocles  that  life  origi- 
nated in  the  primordial  terrestrial  slime,  or 
mingling  of  earth  and  water,  especially  along  the 
emerging  shores  of  the  earth.  Later  still,  quite  a 
distinct  idea  was  put  forth  by  Anaxagoras,  that 
life  originated  in  the  coming  together  and  devel- 
opment of  pre-existent  germs  in  the  air  or  ether, 
animals  and  plants  springing  directly  from  them. 
This  origin  of  life  from  germs  of  course  sur- 
reptitiously placed  the  problem  only  one  degree 
farther  back,  apparently  but  not  really  evading 
the  difficulty.  It  was  a  fruitful  idea,  and  there- 
after many  of  the  doctrines  as  to  the  origin  of 
life  contained  the  conception  of  primordial 
germs.  Aristotle  came  nearest  the  modern  con- 
ception of  protozoan  primordial  life  when  he 
wrote  that  all  animals  and  plants  originated  in 
germs  composed  of  soft  masses  of  matter,  al- 
though he  inconsistently  taught  that  even  some 


of  the  higher  forms  sprang  directlj^  from  the 
earth,  leaving  out  the  germ  stage  altogether. 

Mutability  of  Life 

The  basic  evolution  idea  among  the  Greeks 
had  its  roots  in  the  notion  of  the  changing  rather 
than  of  the  fixed  order  of  all  things,  including 
living  things,  which  came  from  Heraclitus.  The 
essence  of  this  principle,  that  everything  was  in 
a  state  of  movement,  that  nothing  had  reached  a 
state  of  rest,  underlies  the  later  doctrine  of  the 
gradually  increasing  perfection  of  organisms. 

The  essence  of  the  idea  of  movement  as  seen 
in  the  gradual  development  of  organisms,  how- 
ever, was  much  earlier,  for  it  originated  with 
Anaximander,  upon  whose  rude  notion  of  the 
origin  of  the  'fish-men'  Empedocles  and  other 
writers  built  up  their  theories.  Empedocles 
added  to  the  conception  of  development  a  num- 
ber of  important  principles.  First,  he  suggested 
that  plant  life  preceded  animal  life,  and  this  sug- 
gestion was  taken  up  and  expanded  by  Aris- 
totle. Second,  he  concluded  that  the  present 
world  of  life  was  still  formative  or  incomplete, 
a  modification  of  the  general  notion  of  Hera- 
clitus. Third,  he  suggested,  with  apparently  re- 
markable prevision,  that  the  first  organisms  were 
formless  masses  without  distinctions  of  sex,  that 
afterward  the  sexes  were  separated,  and  that 


the  existing  modes  of  reproduction  of  the  less 
perfect  were  followed  by  the  more  perfect.  This 
idea,  as  we  have  seen,  however,  w^as  not  even  re- 
motely related  to  our  modern  conception  of 
primordial  asexual  organisms,  for  his  'formless 
masses'  were  mythological  monsters. 

Survival  of  the  Fittest 

Empedocles  further  set  forth  a  rude  doctrine 
of  the  successive  production  directly  from  the 
earth  of  larger  animal  types  possessing  greater 
or  lesser  capacity  of  living  and  reproducing.  The 
less  perfect  forms,  as  well  as  the  more  perfect, 
were  produced  fortuitously.  The  misshapen,  ill- 
combined  monsters  were  eliminated,  one  after 
the  other,  until  finally  Xature  produced  animals 
capable  of  feeding  themselves  and  of  propaga- 
tion. Associated  as  a  theoretical  explanation  with 
these  vague  conceptions  of  the  fact  of  the  grad- 
ual evolution  of  life  w^as  the  dimly  foreshadowed 
'survival  of  the  fittest'  theory  of  Empedocles, 
that  the  perfect  forms  were  finally  produced  as 
the  result  of  a  long  series  of  fortuitous  combina- 
tions. Finally,  the  principles  of  adaptation,  or 
fitness  of  certain  structures  to  certain  ends,  had 
been  clearly  brought  out,  and  gave  rise  to  the 
distinct  problem  of  the  origin  or  cause  of  adap- 


Internal  Perfecting  Principle 

Aristotle  developed  a  wholly  different  notion 
of  successive  development,  more  like  the  modern 
theory  in  the  succession  of  higher  organisms  from 
lower  by  descent  and  modification;  he  set  forth 
the  wholly  diverse  theory  that  there  was  no 
fortuity  in  Evolution,  but  that  the  succession  of 
forms  was  due  to  the  action  of  an  internal  per- 
fecting principle  originally  implanted  by  the 
Divine  Intelligence.  So  that  we  find  in  Aristotle, 
most  clearly  stated,  what  has  been  one  of  the 
burning  questions  of  biology  ever  since — 
whether  adaptations  are  due  solely  to  the  for- 
tuitous combination  of  parts  or  to  an  internal 
perfecting  principle. 

Thus  the  Greeks  left  the  later  world  face  to 
face  with  the  problem  of  the  causation  of  life  in 
three  forms:  first,  whether  intelligent  Design  is 
constantly  operating  in  Nature ;  second,  whether 
Nature  is  under  the  operation  of  natural  causes 
due  from  the  beginning  to  the  laws  of  chance, 
and  containing  no  evidences  of  Design,  even  in 
their  origin ;  and  third,  whether  Nature  is  under 
the  operation  of  natural  causes  originally  im- 
planted by  intelligent  Design. 





Eine  hochst  wichtige  Betrachtung  der  Geschichte  der 
Wissenschaften  ist  die,  dass  sich  aus  den  ersten  Anfangen 
einer  Entdeckung  manches  in  den  Gang  des  Wissens  her- 
an-  und  durchzieht,  welches  den  Fortschritt  hindert,  sogar 
ofters  lahmt. — Goethe. 

Sur  tout,  nous  tiendrons  pour  regie  infaillible,  que  ce 
que  Dieu  a  revele  est  incomparablement  plus  certain  que 
tout  le  reste :  afin  que  si  quel  que  etincelle  de  raison  sembloit 
nous  suggerer  quelque  chose  au  contraire,  nous  soyons  tou- 
jours  prests  a  soumettre  nostre  jugement  a  ce  qui  vient  de 
sa  part.  Mais  pour  ce  qui  est  des  veritez  dont  la  Theologie 
ne  se  mesle  point,  il  n'y  auroit  pas  d'apparence  qu'un 
homme  qui  veut  estre  Philosophe,  receust  pour  vray  ce  qu'il 
n'a  point  connu  estre  tel;  &  qu'il  aimast  mieux  se  fier  a 
ses  sens,  c'est  a  dire,  aux  jugemens  inconsiderez  de  son  en- 
fance,  qu'a  sa  raison,  lors  qu'il  est  en  estat  de  la  bien  con- 
duire. — Descartes. 





Prolonged  Influence  of  Greek  Philosophy  on  Theology — 
The  Fathers  and  Schoolmen:  Gregory,  Augustine,  Erigena, 
Aquinas,  Roger  Bacon — Arabic  Science  and  Philosophy: 
Avicenna,  Avempace,  Abubacer — Transition  to  the  Literal 
Interpretation  of  Genesis:  Leonardo  da  Vinci,  Bruno,  Sua- 
rez — The  Awakening  of  Science — Influence  of  the  Natural 
Philosophers:  Francis  Bacon,  Descartes,  Leibnitz,  Kant, 
Lessing,  Herder,  Schelling. 

AS  all  learning  in  Europe  was  for  centuries 
L  under  the  guardianship  of  the  Church,  it 
is  important  to  look  into  the  teachings  of  the 
great  theologians  upon  the  origin  and  develop- 
ment of  life.  This  teaching  sprang  from  two 
sources — the  revelation  of  the  order  of  creation 
in  the  Book  of  Genesis  and  the  natural  philoso- 
phy of  Plato  and  Aristotle.  Up  to  the  time  of 
Francisco  Suarez  (1548-1617)  Plato  and  Aris- 
totle exerted  a  much  stronger  influence  on  the 
natural  philosophy  of  the  Church  than  did  the 
literal  interpreters  of  the  first  chapter  of  Genesis. 
Philo  of  Alexandria  introduced  in  the  first 
century  what  has  been  described  as  the  'Helle- 



nizing  of  the  Old  Testament,'  or  the  allegorical 
method  of  exegesis.  By  this,  as  Erdmann  ob- 
serves, the  Bible  narrative  was  found  to  contain 
a  deeper,  and  particularly  an  allegorical,  in  ad- 
dition to  its  literal,  interpretation;  this  was  not 
conscious  disingenuousness  but  a  natural  mode 
of  amalgamating  the  Greek  philosophic  with  the 
Hebraic  doctrines. 

Among  the  Christian  Fathers  the  movement 
toward  a  partly  naturalistic  interpretation  of  the 
order  of  creation  was  made  by  Gregory  of  Nyssa 
in  the  fourth  century,  and  was  completed  by 
Augustine^  in  the  fourth  and  fifth  centuries. 
Plainly  as  the  direct  or  instantaneous  creation  of 
animals  and  plants  appeared  to  be  taught  in 
Genesis,  Augustine  read  this  in  the  light  of  pri- 
mary causation  and  the  gradual  development 
from  the  imperfect  to  the  perfect  of  Aristotle. 

This  most  influential  teacher  thus  handed 
down  to  his  followers  opinions  which  closely  con- 
form to  the  progressive  views  of  those  theolo- 
gians of  the  present  day  who  have  accepted  the 
evolution  theory.  In  proof  of  this  Greek  influ- 
ence we  find  that  Augustine  also  adopted  some 
of  the  Greek  notions  of  the  spontaneous  genera- 
tion of  life.  In  the  Middle  Ages  analogous  views 
were  held  by  Erigena,  Roscellinus,  William  of 
Occam,  Albertus  Magnus;  and  Augustine  was 

iSee  Osborn:  Impressions  of  Great  Naturalists,  1928,  pp.  193^. 


finally  followed  by  Aquinas,  who  is  now  one  of 
the  leading  authorities  of  the  Church,  and  by 
Roger  Bacon.  Bruno  struck  out  into  an  alto- 
gether different  vein  of  thought. 

What  is  known  as  'Arabian'  philosophy  owed 
to  Arabia  little  more  than  its  name  and  its  lan- 
guage. The  whole  movement  is  little  else  than  a 
chapter  in  the  history  of  Aristotelianism.  It 
opened  in  the  ninth  and  closed  in  the  twelfth  cen- 
tury. In  1209  the  study  of  the  Arabic  writers 
was  interdicted  in  Paris.  About  the  middle  of  the 
twelfth  century  Latin  versions  of  the  works  of 
Avicenna  and  of  several  Aristotelian  treatises 
were  produced  in  Spain;  the  movement  toward 
introducing  Arabian  science  and  philosophy  into 
Europe  culminated  in  the  first  half  of  the  thir- 
teenth century.  In  1497  Aristotle  was  expounded 
in  Greek  in  Padua.  A  half-century  later  Bruno 
appeared  as  the  last  exponent  of  Greek  ideas  of 

The  reaction  against  this  Hellenistic  reading 
of  Genesis  naturally  came  when  Christian  the- 
ology shook  off  Aristotelianism,  and  this  was 
brought  about  indirectly  by  the  ecclesiastic  op- 
position to  the  introduction  of  Arabic  science,^ 
which  also  embodied  much  of  Aristotle.  Thus 
among  the  first  outspoken  opponents  of  Augus- 

iCompare   Thatcher-Wallace:   Arabian   Philosophy,   Enc.   Brit., 
vol.  I,  and  Case:  Aristotle,  Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  II. 


tine's  teaching,  and  first  champion  of  Hteralism, 
was  Suarez,  a  Jesuit  of  Spain,  a  country  which 
through  the  invasion  of  the  Moors  had  become 
the  second  home  of  Arabic  science  and  phi- 

No  advance  whatever  in  the  development  of 
the  evolution  idea  was  made  in  this  long  period ; 
scientific  speculation  and  observation  were  at  a 
standstill  except  among  the  Arabs.  It  is  simply 
a  record  of  the  preservation  of  the  progress  to- 
ward the  evolution  idea  made  by  the  Greeks. 

In  the  very  decades  when  this  progress  was 
stamped  out  by  the  literalistic  Jesuit  theology  of 
Spain  and  Italy,  the  new  modern  or  scientific 
era  in  the  development  of  the  evolution  idea  was 
opening  in  the  teachings  of  Francis  Bacon  and 
of  the  natural  philosophers  who  closely  suc- 
ceeded him. 

The  Fatheks  and  Schoolmen 
Gregory  (331-396) 

Gregory  of  Nyssa  taught  that  Creation  was 
potential.  God  imparted  to  matter  its  fundamen- 
tal properties  and  laws.  The  objects  and  com- 
pleted forms  of  the  universe  developed  gradu- 
ally out  of  chaotic  material. 


Augustine  (353-430) 

Augustine  drew  this  distinction  still  more 
sharply,  as  CotterilP  and  Guttler"  show,  between 
the  virtual  creation  of  organisms,  the  ratio  semi- 
nalis,  and  the  actual  visible  coming  forth  of 
things  out  of  formless  matter.  All  development 
takes  its  natural  course  through  the  powers  im- 
parted to  matter  by  the  Creator.  Even  the  cor- 
poreal structure  of  man  himself  is  according  to 
this  plan  and  therefore  a  product  of  this  natural 
development.  Augustine,  as  to  the  origin  of  life, 
took  his  ground  half-w^ay  between  biogenesis  and 
abiogenesis.  From  the  beginning  there  had  ex- 
isted two  kinds  of  germs  of  living  things :  first, 
visible  ones,  placed  by  the  Creator  in  animals 
and  plants ;  and  second,  invisible  ones,  latent  and 
becoming  active  only  under  certain  conditions  of 
combination  and  temperature.  It  is  these  which 
produce  plants  and  animals  in  great  numbers 
without  any  cooperation  of  existing  organisms. 
Augustine  thus  sought  a  naturalistic  interpreta- 
tion of  the  Mosaic  record,  or  a  potential  rather 
than  a  special  creation,  and  taught  that  in  the 
institution  of  Nature  we  should  not  look  for 

iHenry  Cotterill:  Does  Science  Aid  Faith  in  Regard  to  Crea- 
tion? 1883,  pp.  63-75. 

^C.  Giittler:  Lorenz  Oken  und  Sein  Verhdltnis  zur  Modernen 


miracles  but  for  the  laws  of  Nature.  As  Moore^ 
says,  Augustine  distinctly  rejected  Special  Cre- 
ation in  favor  of  a  doctrine  which,  without  any 
violence  to  language,  we  may  call  a  theory  of 

Cotterill  traces  the  history  of  Augustine's 
thought  upon  Genesis.  At  first  he  found  almost 
insuperable  difficulties  in  the  literal,  as  con- 
trasted with  the  allegorical,  interpretation.  It 
seems  that  the  account  of  Creation  was  a  favor- 
ite subject  of  ridicule  with  the  Manichseans,  who 
denied  the  inspiration  of  the  Old  Testament. 
Thus  the  outcome  of  Augustine's  studies  was  a 
volume  entitled  De  Genesi  contra  Manichceos. 

Augustine  took  a  sound  philosophical  position 
upon  natural  causation,  after  considering  the 
question  of  time  and  saying  that  we  ought  not  to 
think  of  the  six  days  of  the  Creation  as  being 
equivalent  to  our  solar  days,  nor  of  the  working 
of  God  itself  as  God  now  works  anything  in 
time,  but  rather  as  He  has  worked  from  Whom 
time  itself  had  its  beginning.  In  explaining  the 
passage,  "In  the  beginning  God  created  the 
heaven  and  the  earth,"  he  says:  "In  the  begin- 
ning God  made  the  heaven  and  the  earth,  as  if 
this  were  the  seed  of  the  heaven  and  the  earth, 
although  as  yet  all  the  material  of  heaven  and  of 
earth  was  in  confusion;  but  because  it  was  cer- 

1  Aubrey  Moore:  Science  and  the  Faith,  1892,  p.  176. 


tain  that  from  this  the  heaven  and  the  earth 
would  be,  therefore  the  material  itself  is  called 
by  that  name."  Again,  as  in  the  foregoing  pas- 
sage, in  a  later  passage  he  speaks  of  Creation  as 
of  things  being  brought  into  due  order,  "not  by 
intervals  of  time,  but  by  series  of  causes,  so  that 
those  things  which  in  the  mind  of  God  were  made 
simultaneously  might  be  brought  to  their  com- 
pletion by  the  sixfold  representation  of  that  one 

Of  these  passages  Cotterill  remarks: 

.  .  .  Both  the  language  itself  .  .  .  and  yet  more 
his  [Augustine's]  profound  sense  of  the  impossibil- 
ity of  representing  in  the  forms  of  finite  thought  the 
operations  of  the  infinite  and  eternal  Mind,  com- 
pelled this  great  theologian  to  look  beyond  the  mere 
letter  of  the  inspired  history  of  Creation,  and  .  .  . 
indicate  principles  of  interpretation  which  supply  by 
anticipation  .  .  .  very  valuable  guidance  when  we 
compare  other  conclusions  of  modern  science  with 
this  teaching  of  Holy  Scripture. 

Cotterill  continues  that  Augustine  again  illus- 
trates the  work  of  creation  by  the  growth  of  a 
tree  from  its  seed,  in  which  are  originally  all  its 
various  branches  and  other  parts,  which  do  not 
suddenly  spring  up  such  and  so  large  as  they  are 
when  complete,  but  in  that  order  with  which  we 
are  familiar  in  Nature.  All  these  things  are  in 


the  seed,  not  by  material  substance,  but  by  causal 
energy  and  potency; 

even  so  as  in  the  grain  itself  there  were  invisibly  all 
things  simultaneously,  which  were  in  time  to  grow 
into  the  tree,  so  the  world  itself  is  to  be  thought  of, 
when  God  simultaneously  created  all  things,  as  hav- 
ing at  the  same  time  in  itself  all  things  that  were 
made  in  it  and  vdih  it,  when  the  day  itself  was  cre- 
ated :  not  only  the  heaven,  w  ith  the  sun  and  moon  and 
stars,  and  so  forth,  but  also  those  things  which  the 
water  and  the  earth  produced  potentialiter  atque  cau- 
saliter,  before  that,  in  due  time,  and  after  long  de- 
lays, they  grew  up  in  such  manner  as  they  are  now 
known  to  us  in  those  works  of  God  which  He  is  work- 
ing even  to  the  present  hour. 

Erigena  (800-       ) 

With  Augustine  the  progress  of  comment 
upon  the  interpretation  of  Genesis  came  nearly 
to  an  end.  As  Guttler  observes,  men  in  the  clois- 
ters and  other  centers  of  culture  turned  to  medi- 
cine and  ethics ;  yet,  even  in  this  dark  period,  an 
occasional  friend  of  the  gradual-creation  idea 
appeared.  Such  was  John  Scotus  Erigena,  who 
simply  borrowed  from  Aristotle  and  Augustine : 

From  the  Uncreated  Creating  Principles  go  forth 
created  and  self-created  beings  under  the  embracing 
causce  primordiales.  These  causce  are  equivalent  to 
the  Greek  'ideas,'  that  is  the  kinds,  the  eternal  forms 


and  unchangeable  grounds  of  reason  upon  which  the 
world  is  regulated.  Under  the  influence  of  the  third 
person  of  the  Godhead,  the  potentialities  of  matter 
are  developed,  out  of  which  creatures  take  their 
origin.  In  a  retrogressive  circle,  all  things  return  to 

Here  Erigena  turned  to  Plato's  conception  of 
final  cause. 

Aquinas  (1225-1274) 

Of  much  greater  influence  is  the  teaching  of 
Thomas  Aquinas  as  late  as  the  middle  of  the 
thirteenth  century,  for  he  was  and  is  one  of  the 
highest  authorities  in  the  Church.  He  does  not 
contribute  to  the  evolution  idea  but  simply  ex- 
pounds the  natural  philosophy  of  Augustine: 

As  to  production  of  plants,  Augustine  holds  a  dif- 
ferent view,  .  .  .  for  some  say  that  on  the  third  day 
plants  were  actually  produced,  each  in  his  kind — a 
view  favored  by  the  superficial  reading  of  Scripture. 
But  Augustine  says  that  the  earth  is  then  said  to 
have  brought  forth  grass  and  trees  causaliter;  that 
is,  it  then  received  power  to  produce  them.  ...  In 
those  first  days  .  .  .  God  made  creation  primarily 
or  causaliter,  and  then  rested  from  His  work. 

Roger  Bacon  (1214-1294) 

The  outstanding  figure  of  the  Middle  Ages  in 
regard  to  the  investigation  of  natural  laws  is. 


however,  Roger  Bacon,  whose  works  have  been 
the  subject  of  so  much  criticism.  Singer^  is  of 
the  opinion  that  only  in  the  works  of  Bacon  do 
we  encounter  a  clear  and  unmistakable  demand 
for  the  search  into  Nature.  Taking  into  consid- 
eration the  facts  of  Bacon's  personal  idiosyncra- 
sies and  the  weakness  of  the  evidence  of  his  sci- 
entific achievements  in  contrast  to  his  constant 
demand  for  investigation  and  evidence,  he  con- 
siders that  Bacon's  realization,  in  advance  of  his 
age,  of  the  nature  and  application  of  the  ex- 
perimental method  is  an  established  fact,  that  to 
Bacon  'experimental  science'  was  the  sole  means 
of  obtaining  knowledge.  Thus  he  quotes  Bacon: 

All  sciences  except  this  either  merely  employ  argu- 
ments to  prove  conclusions,  like  the  purely  specula- 
tive sciences,  or  have  universal  and  imperfect  conclu- 
sions. Experimental  science  alone  can  ascertain  to 
perfection  what  can  be  effected  by  Nature,  what  by 
art,  what  by  fraud.  It  alone  teaches  how  to  judge  all 
the  follies  of  the  magicians  just  as  logic  tests  argu- 

Arabic  Science  and  Philosophy 

If  we  again  look  back  several  centuries  before 
Aquinas  and  Bacon  to  the  Arabs,  we  find  that, 
while  science  declined  in  Europe,  it  was  kept 

iCharles  Singer:  Historical  Relations  of  Religion  and  Science. 
In  Science,  Religion  and  Reality,  London,  1926. 


alive,  or  rather  revived,  in  Arabia.  The  natural 
philosophy  of  the  Arabs,  which  was  largely  de- 
rived from  Aristotle,  was  destined  to  exert  a 
considerable  influence  in  Europe.  Between  813 
and  833  the  Historia  Animalium  and  other  works 
of  Aristotle  were  translated  into  Arabic  and 
were  soon  held  in  the  greatest  reverence.  Avi- 
cenna  marked  the  highest  point  which  science 
reached  in  Arabia,  and  the  culmination  of  the  en- 
cycloj^sedic  and  original  studies.  Thereafter  there 
was  a  decline  in  the  East,  and  about  the  same 
period  there  came  the  inauguration  of  scientific 
and  philosophical  studies  in  the  West.  Between 
961  and  976  the  scientific  works  of  Aristotle  and 
of  Arabic  commentators  and  writers  were  rap- 
idly imported  into  Spain,  and  the  interest  in 
these  subjects  became  intense. 

Avicenna  (dSO-lOST ),  Avempace  (     -1138), 
Ahuhaccr  (       -1185) 

The  three  scientific  writers  from  whom  we 
may  quote  fragments  are  Avicenna  in  Arabia 
and  Avempace  and  Abubacer  in  Spain.  Draper^ 
quotes  from  Avicenna  on  the  origin  of  moun- 
tains, showing  that  he  was  a  unif ormitarian : 

Mountains  may  be  due  to  two  causes.  Either  they 
are  effects  of  upheavals  of  the  crust  of  the  earth, 

'^Intellectual  Development  of  Europe,  1863,  p.  305. 


such  as  might  occur  during  a  violent  earthquake,  or 
they  are  the  effect  of  water,  which,  cutting  for  itself 
a  new  route,  has  denuded  the  valleys,  the  strata  be- 
ing of  different  kinds,  some  soft,  some  hard.  The 
winds  and  waters  disintegrate  the  one,  but  leave  the 
other  intact.  Most  of  the  eminences  of  the  earth  have 
had  this  latter  origin.  It  would  require  a  long  period 
of  time  for  all  such  changes  to  be  accomplished,  dur- 
ing w^hich  the  mountains  themselves  might  be  some- 
what diminished  in  size.  But  that  water  has  been  the 
main  cause  of  these  effects  is  proved  by  the  existence 
of  fossil  remains  of  aquatic  and  other  animals  on 
many  mountains. 

This  indicates  that  a  careful  search  through 
Arabic  natural  philosophy  would  probably  yield 
other  evidences  of  knowledge,  not  only  of  the  uni- 
formity of  past  and  present  geological  changes, 
but  of  the  gradual  evolution  of  life.  It  is  unlikely 
that  the  Arabs  read  Aristotle  without  extending 
his  theory  of  the  origin  of  life  to  their  wide  sur- 
vey of  Nature. 

We  take  from  Guttler  the  following  passages 
regarding  the  Spanish  philosophers: 

The  Arabic  philosophers  in  Spain  threw  into  a 
stronger  light  the  natural  connection  between  the  in- 
organic and  the  organic  world.  In  Avempace's  (Ibn- 
Badja)  treatise  there  are  said  to  exist  between  men, 
animals,  plants,  and  minerals,  strong  relations  which 
bind  them  into  a  single  and  united  whole.  Through 


various  grades  of  development,  the  liuman  soul  rises 
from  the  level  of  the  instincts  which  it  shares  with 
animals  to  the  "acquired  intellect,"  wherein  it  frees 
itself  more  and  more  from  the  material  and  the  po- 
tential. The  "acquired  intellect"  is  only  an  elimina- 
tion of  the  "active  intellect,"  or  the  Godhead,  and 
thereby  it  is  possible  to  identify  in  the  last  stage  of 
recognition  the  subject  with  the  object,  the  thought 
with  the  existence. 

Avempace,  as  he  was  known  in  Europe,  died 
in  1138.  He  was  succeeded  by  Abubacer  (Ibn- 
Tophail),  who  died  in  1185. 

Abubacer  was  also  a  poet,  and  he  handled  an 
analogous  theme  in  an  Oriental  romance  upon 
the  birth  of  the  *  Nature-man' : 

There  happens  to  be  under  the  equator  an  island, 
where  Man  comes  into  the  world  without  father  or 
mother ;  by  spontaneous  generation  he  arises,  directly 
in  the  form  of  a  boy,  from  the  earth,  while  the  spirit, 
which,  like  the  sunshine,  emanated  from  God,  unites 
with  the  body,  growing  out  of  a  soft,  unformed  mass. 
Without  any  intelligent  surroundings,  and  without 
education,  this  "Nature-man,"  through  simple  ob- 
servation of  the  outer  world,  and  through  the  combi- 
nation of  various  appearances,  rises  to  the  knowledge 
of  the  world  and  of  the  Godhead.  First  he  perceives 
the  individuals,  and  then  he  recognizes  the  various 
species  as  independent  forms ;  but  as  he  compares  the 
varieties  and  species  with  each  other,  he  comes  to  the 
conclusion  that  they  are  all  sprung  from  a  single  ani- 


mal  spirit,  and  at  the  same  time  that  the  entire 
animal  race  forms  a  single  whole.  He  makes  the  same 
discovery  among  the  plants,  and  finally  he  sees  the 
animal  and  plant  forms  in  their  unity,  and  discovers 
that  among  all  their  differences  they  have  sensitive- 
ness and  feeling  in  common ;  from  which  he  concludes 
that  animals  and  plants  are  one  and  the  same  thing. 

Transition  to  the  Literal  Interpretation 
OF  Genesis 

In  the  middle  of  the  twelfth  century  was  be- 
gun the  translation  of  the  works  of  the  Arabs 
into  Latin.  In  1209  the  Church  Provincial  Coun- 
cil of  Paris  forbade  the  study  of  these  Arabic 
writers  and  included  Aristotle's  Natural  Phi- 
losophy in  the  interdict,  although  Albertus  Mag- 
nus and  Thomas  Aquinas  endeavored  to  uphold 
the  orthodoxy  of  Aristotle  against  the  preju- 
dices which  the  heretical  glosses  of  Arabic  writ- 
ers had  raised  against  him.  The  Church  de- 
nounced as  heresy  all  diversity  of  opinion  and  all 
attempts  to  revive  the  evolution  idea  on  the  basis 
of  new  observation,  and  great  naturalists,  even 
down  to  the  time  of  Buffon  at  the  close  of  the 
eighteenth  century,  were  forced  to  recant  or  to 
revise  their  publications  under  very  strict  censor- 
ship by  the  faculties  of  theology. 


Da  Vinci  (1452-1519) 

Among  such  interdicted  observations  were 
those  of  the  new  science  of  pala;ontolog>%^  in 
which  the  incomparable  Leonardo  da  Vinci  was 
a  pioneer.  As  cited  by  Lyellr* 

It  was  not  till  the  earlier  part  of  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tury that  geological  phenomena  began  to  attract  the 
attention  of  the  Christian  nations.  At  that  period  a 
very  animated  controversy  sprang  up  in  Italy,  con- 
cerning the  true  nature  and  origin  of  marine  shells, 
and  other  organised  fossils,  found  abundantly  in  the 
strata  of  the  peninsula.  The  celebrated  painter  Leo- 
nardo da  Vinci,  who  in  his  youth  had  planned  and 
executed  some  navigable  canals  in  the  north  of  Italy, 
was  one  of  the  first  who  applied  sound  reasoning  to 
these  subjects.  The  mud  of  rivers,  he  said,  had  cov- 
ered and  penetrated  into  the  interior  of  fossil  shells 
at  a  time  when  these  were  still  at  the  bottom  of  the 
sea  near  the  coast.  'They  tell  us  that  these  shells  were 
formed  in  the  hills  by  the  influence  of  the  stars ;  but 
I  ask  where  in  the  hills  are  the  stars  now  forming 
shells  of  distinct  ages  and  species?  and  how  can  the 
stars  explain  the  origin  of  gravel,  occurring  at  dif- 
ferent heights  and  composed  of  pebbles  rounded  as 
if  by  the  motion  of  running  water ;  or  in  what  man- 
ner can  such  a  cause  account  for  the  petrifaction  in 
the  same  places  of  various  leaves,  sea-weeds,  and  ma- 
rine crabs  ?' 

1  Compare  Osborn:  Palaeontology.  Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  20,  p.  681. 

2  Charles  Lyell:  Principles  of  Geology,  1877,  vol.  1,  pp.  30,  31. 


As  early  as  the  middle  of  the  fifteenth  century 
Leonardo  recognized  in  sea-shells  as  well  as  in 
the  teeth  of  marine  fishes  proofs  of  ancient  sea- 
levels  on  what  are  now  the  sunmiits  of  the 
Apennines.  Successive  observers  in  Italy,  notably 
Fracastoro  (1483-1553),  Fabio  Colonna  (1567- 
c.  1645)  and  Nicolaus  Steno  (1638-c.  1687),  a 
Danish  anatomist,  professor  in  Padua,  advanced 
the  still  embryonic  science  of  palgeontology  and 
set  forth  the  principle  of  comparison  of  fossil 
w^ith  living  forms.  But  these  anticipations  of  some 
of  the  well-known  modern  principles  were  com- 
pelled to  defer  to  prevailing  religious  or  tradi- 
tional beliefs. 

It  is  difficult  to  believe  that  Leonardo  da  Vinci 
did  not  exert  a  strong  influence  upon  the  natural 
philosophy  of  his  times.  Colvin  says  of  him:^ 

History  tells  of  no  man  gifted  in  the  same  degree 
as  Leonardo  was  at  once  for  art  and  science.  .  .  . 
The  thirst  for  knowledge  had  first  been  aroused  in 
him  by  the  desire  of  perfecting  the  images  of  beauty 
and  power  which  it  was  his  business  to  create.  Thence 
there  grew  upon  him  the  passion  of  knowledge  for  its 
own  sake.  In  the  splendid  balance  of  his  nature  the 
Virgilian  longing,  rerum  cognoscere  causas,  could 
never  indeed  wholly  silence  the  call  to  exercise  his  ac- 
tive powers.  ...  A  hundred  years  before  Bacon, 
say  those  who  can  judge  best,  he  showed  a  firmer 

^Sidney  Colvin:  Leonardo  da  Vinci.  Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  16,  pp. 


grasp  of  the  principles  of  experimental  science  than 
13acon  showed,  fortified  by  a  far  wider  range  of 
actual  experiment  and  observation.  Not  in  his  actual 
conclusions,  though  many  of  these  point  with  sur- 
prising accuracy  in  the  direction  of  truths  estab- 
lished by  later  generations,  but  in  the  soundness,  the 
wisdom,  the  tenacity  of  his  methods  lies  his  great 
title  to  glory.  Had  the  Catholic  reaction  not  fatally 
discouraged  the  pursuit  of  the  natural  sciences  in 
Italy,  had  Leonardo  even  left  behind  him  any  one 
with  zeal  and  knowledge  enough  to  extract  from  the 
mass  of  his  MSS.  some  portion  of  his  labours  in  those 
sciences  and  give  them  to  the  world,  an  incalculable 
impulse  would  have  been  given  to  all  those  enquiries 
by  which  mankind  has  since  been  striving  to  under- 
stand the  laws  of  its  being  and  control  the  conditions 
of  its  environment, — to  mathematics  and  astronomy, 
to  mechanics,  hydraulics,  and  physics  generally,  to 
geology,  geography,  and  cosmology,  to  anatomy  and 
the  sciences  of  life. 

Bruno  {154<S-1Q00),  Suarez  (1548-1617) 

But  not  for  almost  another  hundred  years  was 
this  scientific  impulse  to  burst  its  bounds,  when 
the  nascent  spirit  of  inquiry  claimed  its  first  mar- 
tyr in  the  person  of  the  great  Italian  philoso- 
pher of  the  Renaissance,  Giordano  Bruno.  It 
is  a  striking  coincidence  that  the  same  year 
(1548)  witnessed  the  birth  of  the  most  extreme 
rationalist  and  the  most  extreme  conservative 
among  the  theologians  in  science:   Suarez  the 


conservative  checked  the  whole  tide  of  evolution- 
ary thought  of  Aristotle  and  previous  theologians 
and  formulated  the  special-creation  idea  that 
dominated  both  theology  and  science  until  the 
time  of  Darwin;  Bruno  the  rationalist  main- 
tained the  natural  philosophy  of  Aristotle,  of 
Lucretius,  and  of  the  Arabs,  and  in  a  measure 
developed  a  natural  philosophy  of  his  own,  ad- 
herence to  which  finally  cost  him  his  life  at  the 
stake  (1600).  Bruno  was  the  last  exponent  of 
the  idea  of  Evolution  along  Greek  ideas  of 
thought;  the  long  period  of  the  direct  influence 
of  Greek  philosophy  on  theology  ended  with  him. 
Giordano  Bruno  was  born  near  Nola  in  the 
village  of  Cicala.  Little  is  known  of  his  life; 
christened  Fihppo,  he  took  the  name  Giordano 
on  entering  the  religious  order  of  the  Dominicans 
at  Naples,  in  his  fifteenth  year.  A  treatise  on  the 
ark  of  Noah  is  attributed  to  him.^  In  his  biology 
Bruno  imbibed  the  diverse  influences  of  the 
Greeks,  of  Lucretius,  of  Arabic  philosophy,  and 
of  Oriental  mysticism,  and  evolved  a  highly 
speculative  and  vague  system  of  natural  philoso- 
phy. From  the  physics  of  the  Stoics  he  derived 
the  idea  that  all  living  beings  had  a  greater  or 
less  share  of  the  Universal  Force,  a  force  which 
leads  to  steps  corresponding  in  the  world  of  or- 
ganized beings  to  a  gradated  scale  of  develop- 

1  See  Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  4,  p.  686. 


ment  (like  the  scale  of  Aristotle,  or,  later,  of 
Bonnet,  in  which  each  form  was  a  starting-point 
for  the  next).  Therefore  Bruno  saw  in  plants 
the  latent  forces  of  the  generation  of  animals ;  in 
stones,  the  collective  kinds  of  plants ;  in  man,  the 
whole  lower  creation.  Guttler  traces  Bruno's 
philosophy  to  Nicolas  of  Cusa  and  characterizes 
it  as  monistic.  Lange  and  Erdmann  more  accu- 
rately speak  of  his  system  as  pantheistic. 

In  profession,  but  not  in  method,  Bruno  was 
scientific.  He  followed  Aristotle,  and  forestalled 
Bacon,  in  teaching  induction,  one  of  his  chief 
maxims  being  that  ^'the  investigation  of  Nature 
in  the  unbiassed  light  of  reason  is  our  only 
guide  to  truth''  Bruno's  admirers  have  recently 
claimed  for  him  anticipation  not  only  of  the 
method  of  Bacon  but  of  the  'perfection'  doctrine 
and  the  theory  of  monads  of  Leibnitz,  and  point 
out  in  his  physical  teachings  the  theory  of  the 
center  of  gravity  of  planets,  of  the  elliptical  or- 
bits of  comets,  and  the  perfect  sphericity  of  the 

By  selecting  certain  passages  from  his  profuse 
writings  we  may  credit  Bruno  with  teaching 
some  elements  of  the  evolution  idea;  but  we 
must  first  see  how  such  special  passages  are  en- 
larged by  others,  in  order  to  reach  Bruno's  real 
conceptions.  In  estimating  his  originality,  we 
must  be  familiar  with  Greek,  Arabic,  and  Orien- 


tal  writings,  from  which  he  drew  as  an  omnivo- 
rous reader.  Some  of  the  passages  quoted  by 
Brinton  and  others  give  a  very  misleading  idea 
of  the  real  extent  of  Bruno's  grasp,  for  we  un- 
consciously read  into  them  our  present  knowl- 
edge, as  where  he  says:  "The  mind  of  man  dif- 
fers from  that  of  lower  animals  and  of  plants, 
not  in  quality  but  in  quantity.  .  .  .  Each  indi- 
vidual is  the  resultant  of  innumerable  individ- 
uals. .  .  .  Each  species  is  the  starting-point  for 
the  next.  .  .  .  No  individual  is  the  same  today 
as  yesterday." 

Bruno,  with  Aristotle,  finds  that  this  eternal 
change  is  not  purposeless,  but  is  ever  toward 
the  elimination  of  defects;  hence  his  alleged  an- 
ticipation of  the  optimism  of  Leibnitz  and  of  the 
theory  of  the  perfectibility  of  man.  As  to  'mat- 
ter' and  'form,'  we  again  find  him  following 
Aristotle  in  some  passages ;  with  him,  form  seems 
to  stand  for  the  ultimate  law  of  the  objective 
universe,  yet  matter  is  not  complete  in  its  forms, 
because  "Nature  produces  its  objects  not  by  sub- 
traction and  addition,  but  only  by  separation  and 
unfolding.  Thus  taught  the  wisest  men  among 
the  Greeks;  and  Moses,  in  describing  the  origin 
of  life,  introduces  the  universal  efficient  Being 
thus  speaking:  'Let  the  earth  bring  forth  the  liv- 
ing creature ;  let  the  waters  bring  forth  the  living 
creature  that  hath  life' — as  though  he  said — 'let 


matter  bring  them  forth.'  "  But  we  find  an  im- 
portant departure  from  Aristotle  where  Bruno 
conceives  of  matter  not  as  potential  but  as  actual 
and  active. 

There  is  thus  great  room  for  difference  of  opin- 
ion as  to  how  far  Bruno  was  an  evolutionist  in 
our  sense,  and  we  find  different  authors  taking 
different  standpoints  according  to  their  greater 
or  less  appreciation  of  the  essential  elements  of 
the  evolution  idea.  Lasson  holds  that  Bruno  was 
a  follower  of  Empedocles  and  therein  a  prophet 
of  Darwinism,  in  the  capacity  of  perfection  and 
the  unity  of  development  of  organic  life.  Krause, 
in  his  biography  of  Erasmus  Darwin,  maintains 
that  Bruno  held  merely  to  the  identity  of  the 
human  and  the  animal  souls,  without  actually 
conceiving  their  unity  of  origin. 

Here  again  Aristotelianism  enters  into  Bru- 
no's thought,  for  while  he  conceived  all  Evo- 
lution as  based  on  endless  changes  in  matter, 
he  describes  this  movement  simply  as  the  out- 
ward expression  of  an  indwelling  soul.  This  in- 
telligence is  displayed  in  three  grades,  which 
correspond  with  the  steps  in  the  scale  of  devel- 
opment, because  we  are  free  to  suppose  that  "to 
the  sound  of  the  harp  of  the  Universal  Apollo 
(the  World  Spirit),  the  lower  organisms  are 
called  by  stages  to  higher,  and  the  lower  stages 
are  connected  by  intermediate  forms  with  the 

126        FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

higher.  .  .  .  Every  species  is  first  shown  in  Na- 
ture before  it  passes  into  hfe,  thus  each  becomes 
the  starting-point  for  the  next;  as  in  the  expan- 
sion of  the  form  of  the  embryo  there  is  an  un- 
broken continuity  into  the  species  of  man  or 
beast."  At  other  points  he  speaks  as  if  this  soul 
or  intelhgence  was  conceived  in  a  dualistic  sense, 
for  he  says:  "The  perfecting  power  of  intelh- 
gence does  not  rest  upon  another  or  upon  more, 
but  upon  the  whole." 

In  geology,  Bruno  appears  as  a  uniformi- 
tarian,  and  describes  the  gradual  changes  in  Na- 
ture, not  as  cataclysmal,  but  as  following  their 
natural  course.  Thus,  he  argues  against  the  short 
six  thousand  years  of  the  Biblical  chronology. 
This  was  also  not  original  with  Bruno;  for  he 
was  preceded  in  the  tenth  century  by  Arabic  ge- 
ologists, as  seen  in  the  quotation  from  Avicenna. 
It  is  highly  probable  that  Bruno  drew  upon  the 
Arabs  for  many  other  of  his  scientific  ideas. 

Finally  we  may  quote  a  passage  from  Bruno's 
satire.  Cabala  of  the  Pegasan  Horse,  published 
in  1585,  a  dialogue  between  Sabasto  and  Onorio, 
in  which  Bruno  affirms  the  Oriental  doctrine  of 
metempsychosis  and  explains  his  views  of  the  de- 
velopment of  organic  life.  He  first  compares  the 
animal  and  human  intellect  and  contrasts  mon- 
keys with  men  in  their  absence  of  tool-bearing 
hands.  Speaking  of  the  tongue  of  the  parrot  as 


fitted  to  utter  any  sort  of  sound,  he  says  that  the 
parrot  lacks  perception  and  memory  equal  and 
akin  to  man's;  he  touches  upon  the  instincts  of 
the  parrot  and  opposes  the  idea  that  they  are 
altogether  different  from  the  intelligence  of  man ; 
then  he  passes  on  to  say  that  the  lower  animals 
are  directed  by  an  unerring  intelligence,  yet  that 
this  is  not  identical  with  the  efficient  universal  in- 
telligence which  directs  and  causes  all  to  under- 
stand. Thus,  "above  all  animals  there  is  an  active 
sense;  that  is,  one  which  causes  all  different  sen- 
sations, and  by  which  all  are  actually  sensitive; 
and  one  active  intellect,  the  one,  that  is,  which 
causes  all  different  understanding  and  by  which 
all  are  actively  intelligent."  He  goes  on  to  say 
that  out  of  the  same  corporeal  material  are  made 
all  bodies,  and  then  occurs  the  following  para- 
graph :  "I  add  this — 'that  through  diverse  causes, 
habits,  orders,  measures,  and  numbers  of  body 
and  spirit,  there  are  diverse  temperaments  and 
natures,  different  organs  are  produced,  and  dif- 
ferent genera  of  things  appear.'  " 

Francisco  Suarez  was  almost  the  last  emi- 
nent representative  of  Scholasticism.  Mivart,  in 
his  Genesis  of  Species,  places  him,  among  the 
post-mediaeval  theologians  of  high  authority,  as 
one  "who  has  a  separate  section  in  opposition  to 
those  who  maintain  the  distinct  creation  of  the 


various  kinds — or  substantial  forms — of  organic 

We  thus  derive  the  erroneous  impression  that 
Suarez  should  be  classed  with  Augustine  and 
Aquinas  as  a  teacher  of  creation  by  evolution; 
but  Huxley  in  a  brilhant  article^  completely  dis- 
misses this  enrolment  with  the  Evolutionists,  and 
sets  him  up  as  a  rigid  Special  Creationist.  He 
was,  in  fact,  the  third  great  theologian  to  treat 
of  Creation,  and  yet,  as  he  differed  radically  in 
his  interpretation  of  Genesis  from  both  Augus- 
tine and  Aquinas,  he  may  be  considered  one  of 
the  founders  of  the  special-creation  view  as  or- 
thodox teaching  upon  the  origin  of  species — the 
teaching  which  more  than  any  other  has  led  to 
the  schism  among  the  philosophers  of  Xature. 
Mivart  quotes  a  number  of  passages  showing  that 
Suarez  gave  this  matter  considerable  thought. 
As  was  later  done  by  Linnaeus,  Suarez  pointed 
out  that  there  might  be  some  new  or  post-crea- 
tion species  which  were  generated  by  the  com- 
mingling of  original  species;  he  considered  the 
mule  and  the  leopard  as  instances  of  this  kind, 

Huxley  also  shows  that  Suarez  devotes  a  spe- 
cial treatise,  Tractatus  de  Opere  sex  Dierum,  to 
the  discussion  of  all  the  problems  which  arise 
out  of  the  literal  Mosaic  account  of  Creation;  he 

IT.  H.  Huxley:  Mr.  Darwin's  Critics.  The  Contemporary  Re- 
view, 1871. 


here  reviews  the  opinions  of  Philo  and  Augustine 
upon  these  questions  and  distinctly  rejects  them. 
He  suggests  that  the  failure  of  Aquinas  to  con- 
trovert Augustine's  interpretation  arose  from  his 
deference  to  the  authority  of  Augustine,  and  he 
maintains  that  the  'day'  of  Scripture  was  a  nat- 
ural day  of  twenty-four  hours,  not  a  period  of 
time  as  Augustine  considered  it;  he  further  de- 
clares that  the  entire  work  of  Creation  took  place 
in  the  space  of  six  solar  days.  Huxley  concludes : 

As  regards  the  creation  of  animals  and  plants, 
therefore,  it  is  clear  that  Suarez,  so  far  from  dis- 
tinctly asserting  derivative  creation,  denies  it  as  dis- 
tinctly and  positively  as  he  can;  that  he  is  at  much 
pains  to  refute  St.  Augustin's  opinions ;  that  he  does 
not  hesitate  to  regard  the  faint  acquiescence  of  St. 
Thomas  Aquinas  in  the  views  of  his  brother-saint  as 
a  kindly  subterfuge  on  the  account  of  Divus  Thomas ; 
and  that  he  affirms  his  o^\Tl  view  to  be  that  which  is 
supported  by  the  authority  of  the  Fathers  of  the 

Mivart  replied^  to  Huxley  that  while  Suarez 
rejected  Augustine's  view  as  to  the  fact  of  crea- 
tion, he  testifies  as  to  the  validity  of  the  princi- 
ples on  which  the  doctrine  of  derivative  creation 
reposes.  Yet  Mivart  is  not  able  to  controvert 
Huxley's  exposition  of  Suarez's  real  opinions;  he 

iMivart:  Lessons  from  Nature,  1876,  p.  447. 


does  controvert  Huxley's  statement  that  Suarez 
is  a  leading  authority,  and  quotes  Cardinal  Nor- 
ris  and  others  upon  the  views  of  Augustine,  Al- 
bertus  Magnus,  and  Thomas  Aquinas  to  the 
effect  that  these  teachers  are  still  the  standards 
upon  these  questions. 

The  truth  is  that  all  classes  of  theologians  de- 
parted from  the  original  philosophical  and  Aris- 
totelian standards  of  some  of  the  Fathers  of  the 
Church,  and  that  Special  Creation  became  the 
universal  and  orthodox  theologic  teaching  from 
the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  to  the  middle  of  the 
nineteenth  century. 

The  Awakening  of  Science 

Before  speaking  of  the  philosophers  who  now 
became  the  custodians  of  the  evolution  idea  and 
of  the  speculative  writers  of  the  sixteenth  and 
seventeenth  centuries,  let  us  glance  for  a  moment 
at  the  general  advance  of  knowledge. 

Universities  in  Europe  were  founded  at  the 
beginning  of  the  twelfth  century,  following  those 
established  by  the  Arabs;  Oxford  was  founded 
at  the  beginning  of  the  thirteenth  century.  We 
have  described  above  (pp.  119-20)  the  rudi- 
ments of  palaeontology  and  of  geology  as  they 
appeared  in  Italian  universities  of  the  fifteenth 
and  sixteenth  centuries  and  in  the  brilliant  mind 
of  Leonardo  da  Vinci. 


During   a   long   i:)eriod   all   naturalists   were 
simi)ly  compilers.  Among  these  compilers  were 
Clusius,  Rondelet,  Belon;  finally  we  find  Con- 
rad   Gesner    (1516-1565)    writing   a   complete 
bibliography  of  zoologj^  and  leading  the  natural- 
ists of  the  sixteenth  century.  About  this  time 
Cesalpin  (1519-1603)  wrote  of  vegetable  anat- 
omy, and  there  sprang  up  in  Padua  the  School 
of  Anatomy  of  Vesalius  (1514-1564) ,  Fallopius, 
and  his  pupil  Fabricius,  who  in  turn  taught  the 
immortal  Harvey.  In  1619  Harvey  discovered 
the  circulation  of  the  blood  and  founded  embry- 
ology. The  systematic  classification  of  animals 
and  plants  then  arose  as  a  distinct  branch  in  the 
writings  of  Ray  (1628-1704),  Tournefort,  and 
Magnol.  Ray  was  the  precursor  of  Linnseus.  In 
the  second  half  of  the  seventeenth  century  and 
beginning  of  the  eighteenth,  the  study  of  the 
smaller    organisms    began    with    Leeuwenhoek, 
Malpighi,  and  Swammerdam.  "We  owe  to  this 
period,"   says   St.   Hilaire,   "the   foundation  of 
Microscopy;  Anatomy  enriched  and  joined  to 
Physiology ;  Comparative  Anatomy  studied  with 
care ;  Classification  placed  on  a  rational  and  sys- 
tematic basis."  It  was  these  sciences,  especially 
the  rise  of  clearer  ideas  on  the  nature  of  species, 
which  first  gave  speculation  upon  Evolution  its 
modern  trend,  bringing  up  the  origin  and  the 
mutability  of  species  as  two  great  central  ques- 


During  these  two  progressive  centuries  there 
were  three  classes  of  writers  who  contributed 
more  or  less  directly  to  the  foundations  of  mod- 
ern Evolution,  before  its  open  exposition  by  Buf- 
fon:  first,  the  Naturalists,  among  whom  few 
speculative  questions  were  in  vogue,  who  were 
nevertheless  really  building  up  the  future  mate- 
rials of  thought;  second,  the  Speculative  Evo- 
lutionists, who  gave  a  free  rein  to  thoroughly 
unsound  ideas  upon  the  origin  of  species  and  re- 
vived many  of  the  early  Greek  notions ;  third,  the 
great  Natural  Philosophers,  such  as  da  Vinci, 
Francis  Bacon,  Descartes,  Leibnitz,  Hume,  end- 
ing with  the  later  German  school  led  by  Kant, 
Lessing,  Herder,  and  Schelling. 

Influence  of  the  Natural  Philosophers 

It  is  a  very  striking  fact  that  the  basis  of  our 
modern  methods  of  studying  the  evolution  prob- 
lem was  established  not  by  the  early  naturalists 
nor  by  the  speculative  writers,  but  by  the  nat- 
ural philosophers,  especially  da  Vinci,  Bacon, 
and  Descartes.  They  alone  were  upon  the  main 
track  of  modern  thought.  It  is  evident  that  they 
were  groping  in  the  dark  for  a  working  theory 
not  only  of  the  interpretation  of  Nature  but  of 
the  evolution  of  life,  and  it  is  remarkable  that 
they  clearly  perceived  from  the  outset  that  the 


point  to  which  observation  should  be  directed  was 
not  the  past  but  tlie  present  mutabihty  of  spe- 
cies, and  further,  that  this  mutabihty  was  simply 
tlie  variation  of  individuals  on  an  extended  scale. 
Thus  Variation  was  brought  into  prominence  as 
the  point  to  which  observation  should  be  directed. 
This  is  one  of  the  contributions  of  the  natural 
philosophers  to  the  history  of  the  evolution  the- 
OTV.  It  seems  to  have  sprung  up  afresh  out  of 
the  advances  in  biology  of  the  previous  century, 
for  it  was  something  which  is  not  found  among 
the  Greeks.  It  was  Bacon  who  pointed  out  the 
evidence  for  Variation  in  animals  and  plants, 
and  the  bearing  of  this  upon  the  production  of 
new  species  and  upon  the  gradations  of  life. 
Leibnitz  took  a  second  step  in  indicating  that  the 
evolution  of  life  was  a  necessary  part  of  a  sys- 
tem of  cosmic  philosophy,  and  although  wholly 
at  sea  in  his  theory  of  Evolution,  he  added  to  the 
evidence  for  it  by  giving  examples  of  gradations 
of  character  between  living  and  extinct  forms,  as 
proofs  of  the  universal  gradation  or  connection 
between  species.  Thus  among  these  philosophers 
we  are  astonished  to  find  pointed  out  the  grada- 
tions of  animal  types,  the  facts  of  variation,  and 
the  bearing  of  these  facts  upon  the  production  of 
new  species,  also  the  analogy  between  artificial 
selection  practised  by  man  in  producing  new 
forms  and  the  production  of  new  forms  in  Na- 


These  were  original  departures  toward  mod- 
ern biology,  in  which  these  writers  were  thor- 
oughly logical  and  sound  and  where  they  were 
laying  foundations  for  those  observations  which 
finally  led  to  the  establishment  of  the  evolution 
theory.  Yet  it  must  not  be  inferred  that  the  evo- 
lution of  life  was  a  very  prominent  element  in 
their  philosophy ;  it  was  rather  a  by-product  and 
a  matter  of  secondary  interest. 

In  the  larger  aspect  of  their  teaching,  namely, 
in  the  broad  question  of  Evolution  itself  as  the 
law  of  the  universe,  they  found  abundant  inspi- 
ration in  Greek  literature.  Bacon  did  not  put 
forth  a  general  evolution  system  of  the  universe ; 
Descartes  and  Leibnitz,  who  were  the  first  to  do 
so,  drew  from  Greek  poetry  and  philosophy,  and 
this  is  true  also  of  all  the  later  philosophers.  Kant 
and  the  later  German  philosophers  drew  not  only 
from  these  sources,  but  from  suggestions  found 
in  contemporary  science,  from  Linnaeus  and  es- 
pecially from  Buffon.  It  is  very  probable  also 
that  careful  search  among  the  earlier  naturalists 
would  reveal  an  anticipation  of  some  of  the  prob- 
lems which  are  set  forth  in  Bacon  and  Leibnitz. 

Their  first  great  gift,  as  we  have  said,  was  in 
establishing  the  right  trend  to  observation ;  their 
second  gift  was  the  outcome  of  their  battle  for 
the  principle  of  natural  causation  versus  super- 
naturahsm.  From  Bacon  to  Kant,  who,  it  is  true, 


wavered  in  advocating  this  principle,  this  was  a 
theme  of  the  first  rank;  that  is,  the  operation  of 
natural  causes  in  the  world  rather  than  of  the 
constant  interference  of  a  Creator  in  his  works. 
In  the  doubts  which  were  felt  as  to  natural  cau- 
sation, we  see  proofs  of  the  close  relations  be- 
tween the  Church,  the  State,  and  Science,  and 
that  this  principle,  as  well  as  that  of  Evolution, 
was  under  the  ban  of  unorthodoxy. 

Francis  Bacon  (1561-1626) 

Three  centuries  elapsed  between  Roger  Bacon 
(1214)  and  Francis  Bacon  (1561),  the  pro- 
ponent of  the  inductive  scientific  method. 

Francis  Bacon  thought  lightly  of  Greek  sci- 
ence and  of  Arabian  philosophy.  He  strongly 
condemned  the  reverence  for  them  as  a  bar  to 
progress,  and  in  his  sweeping  criticisms  was  far 
too  severe,  as  in  the  following  passage*/ 

Nor  must  we  omit  the  opinion,  or  rather  proph- 
ecy, of  an  Egyptian  priest  in  regard  to  the  Greeks, 
that  they  would  forever  remain  children,  without  any 
antiquity  of  knowledge  or  knowledge  of  antiquity; 
for  they  certainly  have  this  in  common  with  children, 
that  they  are  prone  to  talking,  and  incapable  of  gen- 
eration, their  wisdom  being  loquacious  and  unpro- 
ductive of  effects.  Hence  the  external  signs  derived 

'^Novum  Organum,  Book  I,  Ixxi. 


from  the  origin  and  birthplace  of  our  philosophy  are 
not  favorable. 

He  was  especially  severe  upon  Aristotle,  in 
whom  he  undoubtedly  found  his  famous  princi- 
ples of  induction.  He  failed  to  appreciate  Greek 
suggestiveness,  and  little  foresaw  the  influence 
it  was  destined  to  exert  in  framing  modern  Evo- 
lution. He  points  out  the  art  of  indication,  an 
*art'  which  substantially  implies  the  use  of  the 
working  hypothesis : 

For  indication  proceeds  (1)  from  experiment  to 
experiment,  or  (2)  from  experiment  to  axioms, 
which  may  again  point  out  new  experiments.  The 
former  we  call  learned  experience,  and  the  latter  the 
interpretation  of  Nature,  Novum  Organum,  or  new 
machine  of  mind. 

That  Bacon,  as  early  as  1620,  fully  grasped 
the  wealth  of  knowledge  which  could  be  gained 
from  observation,  experiment,  and  induction  is 
shown  repeatedly  in  the  course  of  his  works. 

Bacon  was  one  of  the  first,  if  not  the  first, 
to  raise  the  problem  of  the  mutability  of  species 
as  possibly  a  result  of  the  accumulation  of  varia- 
tions; this  is  shown  in  the  following  passages, 
which  bear  especially  upon  the  question  of  spe- 
cies. He  speaks,^  in  the  first  place,  of  variations 
of  an  extreme  kind: 

1  Novum  Organum^  Book  II,  Section  29. 


In  the  eiglitli  rank  of  prerogative  instances,  we 
will  place  deviating  instances,  such  as  the  errors  of 
nature,  or  strange  and  monstrous  objects,  in  which 
nature  deviates  and  turns  from  the  ordinary  course. 
For  the  errors  of  nature  differ  from  singular  in- 
stances, inasmuch  as  the  latter  are  the  miracles  of 
species,  the  former  of  individuals.  Their  use  is  much 
the  same,  for  they  rectify  the  understanding  in  op- 
position to  habit,  and  reveal  common  forms.  For 
with  regard  to  these,  also,  we  must  not  desist  from 
inquiry,  till  we  discern  the  cause  of  the  deviation.  The 
cause  does  not,  however,  in  such  cases  rise  to  a  regu- 
lar form,  but  only  in  the  latent  process  toward  such 
a  form.  For  he  who  is  acquainted  with  the  paths  of 
nature,  will  more  readily  observe  her  deviations ;  and 
vice  versdy  he  who  has  learned  her  deviations  will  be 
able  more  accurately  to  describe  her  paths. 

Having  thus  spoken  of  deviations  or  varia- 
tions, and  of  the  necessity  of  understanding  the 
normal  type  in  order  to  detect  the  variation,  also 
of  the  desirability  of  studying  the  cause  of  the 
variation,  Bacon^  proceeds  to  assert  that  it  is  pos- 
sible for  man  to  produce  variations  experimen- 
tally, and  shows  that  living  objects  are  well 
adapted  to  experimental  work: 

They  differ  again  from  singular  instances,  by  be- 
ing much  more  apt  for  practice  and  the  operative 
branch.  For  it  would  be  very  difficult  to  generate  new 
species,  but  less  so  to  vary  known  species,  and  thus 


produce  many  rare  and  unusual  results.  The  pas- 
sage from  the  miracles  of  nature  to  those  of  art  is 
easy;  for  if  nature  be  once  seized  in  her  variations, 
and  the  cause  be  manifest,  it  will  be  easy  to  lead  her 
by  art  to  such  deviation  as  she  was  first  led  to  by 
chance ;  and  not  only  to  that  but  others,  since  devia- 
tions on  the  one  side  lead  and  open  the  way  to  others 
in  every  direction. 

In  the  above  passage  Bacon  points  out  that  in 
artificial  selection  we  take  advantage  of  the 
chance  variations  of  Nature  and  accumulate 
them.  In  the  next  passage  he  points  out  the  pres- 
ence of  transitional  forms  in  Nature  between 
two  types  (Section  30)  : 

In  the  ninth  rank  of  prerogative  instances,  we  will 
place  bordering  instances,  which  we  are  also  wont  to 
term  participants.  They  are  such  as  exhibit  those 
species  of  bodies  which  appear  to  be  composed  of  two 
species,  or  to  be  the  rudiments  between  one  and  the 
other.  They  may  well  be  classed  with  the  singular  or 
heteroclite  instances;  for  in  the  whole  system  of 
things,  they  are  rare  and  extraordinary.  Yet  from 
their  dignity,  they  must  be  treated  of  and  classed 
separately,  for  they  point  out  admirably  the  order 
and  constitution  of  things,  and  suggest  the  causes  of 
the  number  and  quality  of  the  more  common  species 
in  the  universe,  leading  the  understanding  from  that 
which  is,  to  that  which  is  possible.  We  have  examples 
of  them  in  moss,  which  is  something  between  putres- 
cence and  a  plant ;  in  some  comets,  which  hold  a  place 


between  stars  and  ignited  meteors;  in  flying  fishes, 
between  fishes  and  birds;  and  in  bats,  between  birds 
and  quadrupeds. 

Bacon  also  observed  "that  plants  sometimes 
degenerate  to  the  point  of  changing  into  other 
plants,"  but  so  far  as  I  know  gave  no  grounds  of 
support  for  this  opinion.  These  quotations  show 
that  even  at  the  beginning  of  the  seventeenth  cen- 
tury the  mutability  of  species  was  a  live  ques- 
tion which  was  being  more  or  less  discussed,  and 
that  mutability  was  seen  in  its  modern  bearings 
upon  Evolution. 

Bacon  went  further,  and  in  his  Nova  Atlantis 
we  find  that  he  projects  the  establishment  of  a 
scientific  institution  to  be  devoted  to  the  prog- 
ress of  the  natural  sciences,  for  experiments  upon 
the  metamorphoses  of  organs  and  observations 
upon  what  causes  species  to  vary,  and  for  re- 
searches which  would  reveal  the  manner  in  which 
species  had  multiplied  and  become  diversified  in 
a  state  of  Nature.  After  three  centuries  this 
project  is  materializing  so  that  one  of  our  new 
experimental  stations  might  well  be  called  the 
Baconian  Institute  of  Experimental  Evolution. 

The  central  idea  of  the  grand  evolution  of  life 
is  frequently  implied  rather  than  clearly  ex- 
pressed in  Bacon's  writings.  He  differed  from 
Descartes  and  later  philosophers  in  proposing 


the  method  by  which  the  natural  system  of  the 
universe  could  be  ascertained,  rather  than  in 
speculating  upon  the  system  itself. 

If  we  are  to  judge  Bacon  himself  by  his  max- 
ims and  aphorisms,  no  place  would  be  too  high 
for  him;  but  judging  him  by  his  actual  re- 
searches and  practices,  and  carefully  estimating 
his  real  influence  upon  posterity,  we  must  place 
him  below  the  physiologist  Harvey  (1578-1657) , 
discoverer  of  the  circulation  of  the  blood,  whose 
brilliant  application  of  the  inductive  method  in 
science  he  is  said  to  have  ignored. 

Descartes  (1596-1650) 

Rene  Descartes  threw  off  the  yoke  of  scho- 
lasticism in  France,  as  Bacon  had  in  England. 
His  thought  took  an  entirely  different  turn, 
rather  the  philosophical  than  the  scientific.  In 
his  Principes  de  la  Philosophie,  published  in 
1637,  he  cautiously  advanced  his  belief  that  the 
physical  universe  is  a  mechanism,  and  that  as 
such  it  is,  or  finally  will  be,  explicable  upon 
physical  principles. 

Notwithstanding  the  elaborate  disguise  which  fear 
of  the  powers  that  were  led  Descartes  to  throw  over 
his  real  opinions,  it  is  impossible  to  read  the  Prin- 
cipes de  la  Philosophie  without  acquiring  the  convic- 
tion that  this  great  philosopher  held  that  the  physi- 


cal  world  and  all  things  in  it,  whether  living  or  not 
living,  have  originated  by  a  process  of  evolution, 
due  to  the  continuous  operation  of  purely  physical 
causes,  out  of  a  primitive  relatively  formless  matter. 
As  Buffon  has  well  said:  "L'idee  de  ramener  I'ex- 
plication  de  tons  les  phenomenes  a  des  principes 
mecaniques  est  assurement  grande  et  belle,  ce  pas  est 
le  plus  hardi  qu'on  pent  f aire  en  philosophic,  et  c'est 
Descartes  qui  I'a  f ait."^ 

Buffon  credits  Descartes  with  taking  here  the 
most  daring  step  possible  in  philosophy,  in  at- 
tempting to  explain  all  things  upon  principles  of 
natural  law.  There  is  no  doubt  that  at  the  time 
Descartes  took  this  step  it  required  even  greater 
moral  courage  than  his  to  break  away  from  the 
prevailing  dogmas  as  to  Special  Creation.  In 
a  passage  upon  creation,  which  Huxley^  aptly 
terms  a  singular  exhibition  of  force  and  weak- 
ness, Descartes  wavers  between  his  conviction  as 
to  the  true  order  of  things  and  the  prevailing 

He  marks  the  difference  between  the  natural 
order  of  gradual  development  and  the  unnatural 
doctrine  of  sudden  creation,  which  at  the  time 
had  become  the  prevailing  and  prescribed  teach- 
ing. Further,  he  intimates  that  all  things  are  or- 
dered by  natural  laws: 

lEnc.  Brit.:  Evolution,  vol.  10,  p.  31.  Huxley's  and  Sully's  ex- 
position in  9th  edition  is  retained  by  Mitchell. 


All  the  same,  if  we  can  imagine  a  few  intelligible 
and  simple  principles  upon  which  the  stars,  and 
earth,  and  all  the  visible  world  might  have  been  pro- 
duced (although  we  well  know  that  it  has  not  been 
produced  in  this  fashion),  we  reach  a  better  under- 
standing of  the  nature  of  all  things  than  if  we  de- 
scribe simply  how  things  now  are,  or  how  we  believe 
them  to  have  been,  created.  Because  I  believe  I  have 
discovered  such  principles,  I  shall  endeavour  to  ex- 
plain them. 

Leibnitz  (1646-1716) 

Gottfried  Wilhelm  Leibnitz,  the  first  of  the 
great  philosophers  of  Germany,  advocated  in  his 
writings  two  ideas  which  exerted  a  great  but 
partly  misleading  influence  in  biology.  The  first 
was  his  doctrine  of  Continuity,  and  the  second, 
his  doctrine  of  Perfectibility  in  the  Monads.  The 
law  of  Perfectibility  is  said  to  have  been  sug- 
gested by  Bruno,  but  as  applied  to  the  animal 
creation  certainly  came  more  or  less  directly  from 
Aristotle.  It  is  surprising  to  find  how  Leibnitz' 
principle  of  Continuity  adapted  itself  to  the  idea 
of  evolution  of  organic  beings.  In  part  from  ob- 
servations of  his  own,  and  probably  in  part  in- 
fluenced by  Aristotle,  Leibnitz  expressed  as  fol- 
lows the  principle  of  Continuity  as  applied  to 
life:  "All  natural  orders  of  beings  present  but 
a  single  chain,  in  which  the  different  classes  of 


animals,  like  so  many  rings,  are  so  closely  united 
that  it  is  not  possible  either  by  observation  or 
imagination  to  determine  where  one  ends  or  be- 

He  was  very  familiar  with  both  Bacon  and 
Descartes,  and  by  the  former  had  probably  had 
his  attention  called  to  the  matter  of  Variation. 
Huxley  quotes  from  the  Protogce  (xxvi)  a  pas- 
sage which  proves  that  Leibnitz  also  had  his  own 
thoughts  and  observations  upon  the  mutability  of 
species.  He  is  speaking  of  the  fossil  Ammonites 
related  to  the  living  nautilus,  and,  after  noting 
the  infinite  variations  in  their  shells  and  the  gra- 
dations which  are  presented  among  these  forms, 
says  :^ 

Some  are  surprised  that  there  are  to  be  seen  every- 
where in  rocks  such  objects  as  one  might  seek  for  in 
vain  elsewhere  in  the  known  world,  or  certainly,  at 
least,  in  his  own  neighborhood.  Such  are  the  horns  of 
Ammon  [Ammonites],  which  are  reckoned  a  kind  of 
Nautilus,  although  they  are  said  to  differ  always 
both  in  form  and  size,  sometimes  indeed  being  found 
a  foot  in  diam.eter,  from  all  those  animal  natures 
which  the  sea  exhibits.  Yet  who  has  thoroughly 
searched  those  hidden  recesses  or  subterranean 
depths  ?  And  how  many  animals  hitherto  unknown  to 
us  has  a  new  world  to  offer  ?  Indeed  it  is  credible  that 
by  means  of  such  great  changes  [of  habitat]  even 
the  species  of  animals  are  often  changed. 

i/6id.  Translation  of  Latin  text. 


His  principle  of  Continuity,  which  is  very  close 
to  the  modern  conception  of  Evolution,  was  in 
another  passage  expressed  as  follows — showing 
conclusively  that  he  held  very  positive  views  as 
to  the  evolution  of  life  and  even  of  the  gradual 
ascent  of  man  through  species  linking  him  with 
the  apes: 

All  advances  by  degrees  in  Nature,  and  nothing 
by  leaps,  and  this  law  as  applied  to  each,  is  part  of 
my  doctrine  of  Continuity.  Although  there  may  exist 
in  some  other  world  species  intermediate  between 
Man  and  the  Apes,  Nature  has  thought  it  best  to 
remove  them  from  us,  in  order  to  establish  our  supe- 
riority beyond  question.  I  speak  of  intermediate  spe- 
cies, and  by  no  means  limit  myself  to  those  leading 
to  Man.  I  strongly  approve  of  the  research  for 
analogies ;  plants,  insects,  and  Comparative  Anatomy 
will  increase  these  analogies,  especially  when  we  are 
able  to  take  advantage  of  the  microscope  more  than 
at  present. 

In  such  passages  he  appears,  like  Bacon,  to  have 
especially  directed  research  to  those  natural  gra- 
dations between  species  which  have  become  the 
pillars  of  Evolution. 

Leibnitz'  doctrine  of  Force  as  the  ultimate 
reality  aUied  him  to  Descartes ;  he  regarded  the 
animal  and  even  the  human  body  as  machines, 
even  in  their  smallest  parts.  But  his  speculative 
teachings,  as  in  part  a  revival  of  Aristotle's,  cer- 


tainly  had  an  entirely  different  trend  from  those 
of  Bacon  and  Descartes.  He  stimulated  the 
speculations  of  Diderot,  Maupertuis,  Bonnet, 
Robinet,  and  others  of  the  speculative  writers; 
his  principle  of  Continuity  doubtless  directly  or 
indirectly  influenced  the  natural  philosopher 
Goethe.  In  short,  he  founded  a  'school'  with  his 
continuity  doctrines,  and  his  philosophy  ruled  the 
schools  of  Germany  for  nearly  a  century.^ 

In  those  days  of  few  printed  books  and  con- 
centrated thought,  scattered  suggestions  gen- 
erated into  opinions  and  theories.  They  are  the 
minor  features  of  the  environment  of  the  evolu- 
tion idea.  Thus  we  find  Spinoza  (1632-1677) 
taking  ground  similar  to  that  of  Leibnitz,  but 
more  firm,  in  regard  to  natural  causation:  "The 
natural  laws  and  principles  by  which  all  things 
are  made  and  some  forms  are  changed  into  others, 
are  everywhere  and  through  all  time  the  same." 
About  1661,  it  is  believed,  Spinoza  composed  his 
SJiort  Treatise  on  God,  on  Man,  and  His  Well- 

The  term  "Nature"  is  put  more  into  the  fore- 
ground in  the  Treatise,  a  point  which  might  be  urged 
as  evidence  of  Bruno's  influence — the  dialogues, 
moreover,  being  specially  concerned  to  establish  the 
unity,  infinity  and  self-containedness  of  Nature ;  but 

iCompare  W.  R.  Sorley:  Leibnitz,  Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  16,  pp.  386-90. 


the  two  opposed  Cartesian  attributes,  thought  and 
extension,  and  the  absolutely  infinite  substance  whose 
attributes  they  are — substance  constituted  by  in- 
finite attributes — appear  here  as  in  the  Ethics.^ 

To  Pascal  (1623-1662)  was  attributed  by 
Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire  a  thoroughly  evolutionistic 
view  as  to  the  origin  of  animals  and  plants;  yet 
diligent  search  by  other  authors  has  failed  to  lo- 
cate this  in  any  of  his  writings.  In  the  close  of 
a  treatise  upon  optics  Newton  (1642-1727) 
pointed  out  the  uniformity  of  structure  which 
pervades  all  animal  types.  Hume  (1711-1776) 
also  concluded  that  the  world  might  have  been 
generated  rather  than  created  by  the  activity  of 
its  own  inherent  principles,  and  Leslie  Stephens 
points  out  that  he  also  considered  the  principle 
of  the  ^survival  of  the  fittest.' 

But  the  final  and  the  fullest  expression  of 
Evolution  in  philosophical  literature  is  found  in 

Kant  (1724-1804) 

Emmanuel  Kant  was  born  seventeen  years 
after  Bufi:*on  and  Linn^us,  and  therefore  thought 
and  wrote  after  natural  history  had  made  very 
great  advances.  The  ideas  of  selection,  adapta- 

lA.  S.  Pringle-Pattison :  Spinoza.  Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  25,  p.  689. 


tion,  environment,  and  inheritance,  which  are  at- 
tributed to  him  as  original  by  Haeckel,  are  also 
found  in  the  works  of  Euffon.  Buffon's  most 
extreme  views  were  expressed  between  1760  and 
1770,  while  Kant's  extreme  views  were  expressed 
between  1757  and  1771. 

We  owe  to  Schultze  a  very  full  exposition  of 
all  the  passages  in  the  writings  of  the  great  Ko- 
nigsberg  philosopher  which  bear  upon  the  evolu- 
tion theor^^  In  his  earlier  years  Kant  published 
a  work  (1755),  entitled  Universal  Natural  His- 
tory and  Theory  of  the  Heavens,  embracing  an 
attempt  to  reconcile  ^^ewton  and  Leibnitz,  or  Na- 
ture from  the  mechanical  and  teleological  stand- 
points. At  this  time  he  was  attracted  by  the 
mechanism  of  Lucretius.  Haeckel  points  out  that 
in  this  work  Kant  took  a  very  advanced  position 
as  to  the  domain  of  natural  causation,  or,  as 
Haeckel  terms  it,  'mechanism  in  the  domain  of 
life,'  while  in  his  later  work  (1790) ,  his  Criticism 
of  the  Teleological  Faculty  of  Judgment^  he 
took  a  much  more  conservative  position.  In  the 
former,  he  considers  all  Nature  under  the  domain 
of  natural  causes,  while  in  the  latter  he  divides 
Nature  into  the  'inorganic,'  in  which  natural 
causes  prevail,  and  the  'organic,'  in  which  the  ac- 
tive teleological  principle  prevails.  There  was, 
therefore,  in  Kant's  later  work  a  cleft  between 
primeval  matter  and  the  domain  of  life;  for  in 


the  latter  he  assumed  the  presence  of  final  causes 
acting  for  definite  ends.  As  Haeckel  says:^ 

After  having  quite  correctly  maintained  the  ori- 
gin of  organic  forms  out  of  raw  matter  by  mechani- 
cal laws  (in  the  manner  of  crystallization),  as  well 
as  a  gradual  development  of  the  different  species 
by  descent  from  one  common  original  parent,  Kant 
adds,  "But  he  (the  archaeologist  of  Nature,  that  is 
the  palaeontologist),  must  for  this  end  ascribe  to  the 
common  mother  an  organization  ordained  purposely 
with  a  view  to  the  needs  of  all  her  offspring,  other- 
wise the  possibility  of  suitability  of  form  in  the 
products  of  the  animal  and  vegetable  kingdoms  can- 
not be  conceived  at  all." 

We  cannot  here  follow  out  all  the  reasons  for 
Kant's  change  of  view  from  his  earlier  to  his 
later  years ;  we  simply  see  that  he  was  appalled 
by  the  impossibility  of  human  investigation  ever 
reaching  an  explanation  of  the  laws  which  have 
governed  the  derivation  of  all  organic  beings, 
from  polyps  to  men;  he  declared  that  this  doc- 
trine (of  Evolution)  was  compatible  with  the 
mechanical  conception  of  Nature,  although  no 
natural  science  can  attain  it;  it  would  therefore 
remain  a  daring  flight  of  reason.  In  a  striking 
passage  on  the  limits  of  our  knowledge,  he  says  :^ 

'^The  History  of  Creation^  1892,  vol.  I,  p.  108. 

2See  Haeckel:  The  History  of  Creation,  vol.  I,  1892,  p.  109. 


It  is  quite  certain  that  wc  cannot  become  suf- 
ficiently acquainted  with  organized  creatures  and 
their  hidden  potentialities  by  aid  of  purely  mechani- 
cal natural  principles,  much  less  can  we  explain 
them ;  and  this  is  so  certain,  that  we  may  boldly  as- 
sert that  it  is  absurd  for  man  even  to  conceive  such 
an  idea,  or  to  hope  that  a  Newton  may  one  day  arise 
able  to  make  the  production  of  a  blade  of  grass  com- 
prehensible, according  to  natural  laws  ordained  by 
no  intention ;  such  an  insight  we  must  absolutely  deny 
to  man. 

As  Haeckel  observes,  Darwin  rose  up  as 
Kant's  Newton,  for  he  offered  an  explanation 
of  the  production  and  of  the  development  of 
those  very  structures  and  adaptations  in  Nature, 
which  remained  wholly  unexplained  until  1858. 
Haeckel  expresses  evident  disappointment  at 
Kant's  position;  yet  this  position  may  be  re- 
garded as  raising  Kant  higher  in  the  scale  of 
science,  if  not  of  philosophy.  If  he  could  not 
even  conceive  of  any  natural  law  whereby  these 
beautiful  adaptations  of  Nature  could  be  ex- 
plained, he  was  not  justified  in  making  a  bold 
assumption  of  the  existence  of  such  a  law.  The 
feeling  that  Newton  and  other  physical  philoso- 
phers had  supplied  the  inorganic  world  with  its 
regulating  principles  would  have  made  it  logical 
for  Kant,  like  Descartes,  to  carry  his  reasoning 
a  step  further  into  the  world  of  life.  But  his  logic 


and  philosophy  were  held  back  by  his  scientific 
instinct  for  evidence,  and  evidence  was  then 
wholly  lacking,  for  even  the  explanation  offered 
by  Lamarck  was  not  available. 

Kant  was  undoubtedly  familiar  with  the  writ- 
ings of  Buff  on  and  Maupertuis ;  he  alludes  to 
them  both,  and  in  his  second  work,  prepared  in 
1757  but  not  published  until  much  later,  it  is  evi- 
dent that  his  standpoint  toward  Evolution  was 
very  similar  to  that  of  Buff  on  in  what  we  call  his 
'middle  period.'  Later,  in  1763,  he  parallels 
Buffon  in  tracing  back  all  the  higher  forms  of 
life  to  simpler  elementary  forms.  As  to  the  origin 
of  man,  he  traces  the  changes  produced  in  man 
by  migration,  differences  of  climate  and  the  like, 
and,  like  Buffon,^  the  principle  of  'degeneration' 
(denaturee)  from  originally  and  perfectly  cre- 
ated types  of  species.  In  1771  he  also  brings 
man  into  the  ranks  of  Nature,  and  alludes  to  his 
former  quadrupedal  attitude,  here  agreeing  with 
Buffon  and  Helvetius.  In  his  study  upon  the 
races  of  man  we  also  find  that  he  expresses  the 
principle  of  survival  of  the  fittest,  as  applied  to 
groups  of  organisms,  very  much  in  the  form 
in  which  it  had  been  stated  by  Buffon.  In  this 
connection  he  quotes  Maupertuis.  He  also  sees 
the  force  of  accidental  variation  and  artificial 

1  As  pointed  out  in  Chapter  IV,  Buffon  first  advanced  belief 
in  the  mutability  of  species  in  the  year  1761,  when  he  used  the 
terms  denaturee  and  degeneration. 


selection  in  the  production  of  certain  external 

Kant's  comprehensive  view  of  cosmic  Evolu- 
tion and  his  hesitation  as  to  the  problem  of  causa- 
tion are  summed  up  in  the  following  remarkable 
passage  (1790) ,  quoted  by  Haeckel:^ 

It  is  desirable  to  examine  the  great  domain  of 
organized  beings  by  means  of  a  methodical  compara- 
tive anatomy,  in  order  to  discover  whether  we  may 
not  find  in  them  something  resembling  a  system, 
and  that  too  in  connection  with  their  mode  of  gen- 
eration, so  that  we  may  not  be  compelled  to  stop 
short  with  a  mere  consideration  of  forms  as  they  are 
— which  gives  us  no  insight  into  their  generation — 
and  need  not  despair  of  gaining  a  full  insight  into 
this  department  of  Nature.  The  agreement  of  so 
many  kinds  of  animals  in  a  certain  common  plan  of 
structure,  which  seems  to  be  visible  not  only  in  their 
skeletons,  but  also  in  the  arrangement  of  the  other 
parts — so  that  a  wonderfully  simple  typical  form, 
by  the  shortening  and  lengthening  of  some  parts, 
and  by  the  suppression  and  development  of  others, 
might  be  able  to  produce  an  immense  variety  of 
species — gives  us  a  ray  of  hope,  though  feeble,  that 
here  perhaps  some  result  may  be  obtained,  by  the 
application  of  the  principle  of  the  mechanism  of 
nature,  without  which,  in  fact,  no  science  can  exist. 
This  analogy  of  forms  (in  so  far  as  they  seem  to 
have  been  produced  in  accordance  with  a  common 
prototype,    notwithstanding    their    great    variety) 

'^Loc.  cit.,  pp.  106-7. 


strengthens  the  supposition  that  they  have  an  actual 
blood-relationship,  due  to  derivation  from  a  com- 
mon parent;  a  supposition  which  is  arrived  at  by 
observation  of  the  graduated  approximation  of  one 
class  of  animals  to  another,  beginning  with  the  one 
in  which  the  principle  of  purposiveness  seems  to  be 
most  conspicuous,  namely  man,  and  extending  down 
to  the  polyps,  and  from  these  even  down  to  mosses 
and  lichens,  and  arriving  finally  at  raw  matter,  the 
lowest  stage  of  nature  observable  by  us.  From  this 
raw  matter  and  its  forces,  the  whole  apparatus  of 
Nature  seems  to  have  been  derived  according  to  me- 
chanical laws  (such  as  those  which  resulted  in  the 
production  of  crystals)  ;  yet  this  apparatus,  as  seen 
in  organic  beings,  is  so  incomprehensible  to  us,  that 
we  feel  ourselves  compelled  to  conceive  for  it  a  dif- 
ferent principle.  But  it  would  seem  that  the  archae- 
ologist of  Nature  is  at  liberty  to  regard  the  great 
Family  of  creatures  (for  as  a  Family  we  must  con- 
ceive it,  if  the  above-mentioned  continuous  and  con- 
nected relationship  has  a  real  foundation)  as  hav- 
ing sprung  from  the  immediate  results  of  her  earliest 
revolutions,  judging  from  all  the  laws  of  their  mech- 
anisms known  to  or  conjectured  by  him. 

What  a  connecting  link  between  all  past  and 
future  evolutionary  thought  lies  in  this  great 
passage!  We  can  trace  the  influence  upon 
Emmanuel  Kant  of  every  earlier  philosopher 
from  Aristotle  down,  as  well  as  of  the  leading 
naturalists  of  his  own  times,  and  recognize  the 
problems  which  have  faced  every  later  one. 


Lessing   (1729-1781),  Herder   (1744-1803) 

Lessing's  views  of  cosmology  included  the 
doctrine  of  a  law  of  development  w^hich  embraced 
all  Nature  and  which  led  him  also  to  the  idea  of 
a  graduated  scale  of  organisms. 

Johann  Gottfried  Herder  was  a  student  of 
Kant  in  Konigsberg  between  1762  and  1764.  We 
have  seen  that  Kant's  earliest  contribution  to 
the  idea  of  Evolution  was  pubhshed  in  1755,  so 
that  it  is  probable  that  Herder  came  under  the 
influence  of  Kant's  earlier  views.  As  shown  by 
Barenbach,  who  has  made  a  special  study  of  this 
side  of  his  philosophy  in  his  Herder  als  V organ- 
ger  Darwin  s.  Herder  was  less  cautious  than  his 
master,  and  appears  almost  as  a  literal  prophet 
of  the  modern  natural  philosophy. 

In  a  general  way  Herder  upholds  the  doctrine 
of  the  transformation  of  the  lower  and  higher 
forms  of  life,  of  a  continuous  transformation 
from  lower  to  higher  types,  and  of  the  law  of 
perfectibility.  "Every  combination  of  force  and 
form,"  he  says,  "is  neither  stability  nor  retro- 
gression, but  progress.  Take  off  the  outer  shell 
and  there  is  no  death  in  Nature.  Every  distur- 
bance marks  the  transfer  to  a  higher  type."  In 
his  Ideen  zur  Geschichte  der  Menschheit,  pub- 
lished in  Tubingen  in  1806,  we  find  the  following 
passage : 


A  certain  unity  of  type  pervades  all  the  different 
forms  of  life,  like  a  main  type  which  can  display  the 
widest  variations.  Similarities  of  external  and,  still 
more,  of  internal,  structure  pervade  all  the  land  ani- 
mals and  are  repeated  in  man.  The  amphibia,  birds, 
fishes,  insects,  water  animals,  depart  in  widening 
degrees  from  this  main  type,  which  is  lost  in  the 
plant  and  inorganic  creation.  Our  vision  reaches  no 
further,  but  all  these  transfers  render  it  not  im- 
probable that  in  the  series  of  extinct  forms  the  same 
type,  in  a  ruder  and  simpler  form,  may  have  pre- 
vailed. We  can,  therefore,  assume  that,  according 
to  their  nearness  to  man,  all  beings  have  their 
greater  or  less  likeness  to  him,  and  that  the  nature 
of  all  life  seems  to  conform  to  a  main  single  plas- 
ticity of  organization. 

We  see  here  that  Herder  clearly  formulated 
the  doctrine  of  unity  of  type  which  prevailed 
among  all  the  evolutionists  of  the  period  immedi- 
ately following. 

Schelling   (1775-1854) 

Friedrich  Wilhelm  Joseph  Schelling  at  the 
age  of  twenty  published  his  Ideen  zur  einer 
Philosophie  der  Natur,  Here  he  first  unfolded 
his  ideas  of  the  philosophy  of  Nature,  Kant 
having  spoken  of  the  science  of  Nature.  One 
section  of  his  philosophy  was  followed  and  de- 
veloped  by   Oken,   but    Schelling  was   greatly 


admired  also  by  Kielmeyer,  and  he  undoubtedly 
exercised  great  influence  upon  Goethe.  Isidore 
St.  Hilaire  pays  him  a  high  tribute,  and  speaks 
at  length  of  the  admiration  felt  for  Schelling  in 
France ;  he  places  him  midway  between  the  gen- 
eral philosopher,  typified  by  the  more  metaphysi- 
cal writers,  and  the  philosopher  of  natural  ob- 
jects, such  as  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire.  Schelling 
independently  arrived  at  the  conclusion  of  Kiel- 
meyer that  all  the  functions  of  life  are  but  the 
diverse  modifications  of  a  single  force. 

We  here  meet  with  a  natural  culmination  of 
the  progress  of  the  evolution  idea  among  the 
natural  philosophers,  caused  by  the  departure  of 
Schelling  and  Herder  from  induction  and  ob- 

Schelling's  method  was  purely  deductive,  and 
he  sought  in  deduction  the  main  sources  of 
human  knowledge.  At  the  point  of  empiricism, 
where  according  to  Cuvier,  science  ends,  he  held 
that  true  science  begins.  By  this  he  meant,  that 
if  the  human  reason  can  question  and  answer 
upon  its  own  existence  and  upon  its  relations  to 
the  Creator,  it  can  also  answer  upon  all  creation ; 
it  can  comprehend  and  reconstruct  the  order  of 
the  universe.  "To  philosophize  upon  Nature,  it  is 
to  create  Nature." 

Because  the  hypothesis  springs  from  the  mind 
and  is  merely  tested  by  experiment,  he  places  the 


direct  fruits  of  hypothesis  or  deductive  science 
above  inductive  science.  This  might  be  termed  a 
reversion  to  Greek  natural  philosophy  or  meth- 
ods of  thought  brilliant  but  unproductive  of 
fixed  results. 

Successively  the  natural  philosophers  Des- 
cartes, Leibnitz  and  Kant  laid  afresh  secure 
foundations  for  the  idea  of  evolution  of  life,  in- 
cluding that  of  man  himself,  and  paved  the  way 
for  the  natural  philosophy  of  Linnaeus  and  of 
Buffon,  who  during  the  second  half  of  the  eigh- 
teenth century  in  turn  laid  the  true  foundations 
in  observation  for  the  work  of  Darwin  in  the 
second  half  of  the  nineteenth  century. 



Die  Idee  der  Metamorphose  ist  eine  hochst  ehrwiirdige, 
aber  zugleich  hochst  gefahrliche  Gabe  von  oben.  Die  fiihrt 
ins  Formlose,  zerstort  das  Wissen,  lost  es  auf. — Goethe. 

These  speculative  views  [Lamarck's]  had  already  been, 
in  a  great  degree,  anticipated  by  Delametherie  [de  Maillet] 
in  his  Telliamedf  and  by  several  modern  writers,  so  that 
the  tables  were  completely  turned  on  the  philosophers  of 
antiquity,  with  whom  it  was  a  received  maxim,  that  created 
things  were  always  most  perfect  when  they  came  first  from 
the  hands  of  their  Maker,  and  that  there  was  a  tendency  to 
progressive  deterioration  in  sublunary  things  when  left  to 
themselves — 

omnia  fatis 

In  pejus  ruere,  ac  retro  sublapsa  referri. 

So  deeply  was  the  faith  of  the  ancient  schools  of  phi- 
losophy imbued  with  this  doctrine,  that  to  check  this  uni- 
versal proneness  to  degeneracy,  nothing  less  than  the  re- 
intervention  of  the  Deity  was  thought  adequate ;  and  it  was 
held,  that  thereby  the  order,  excellence,  and  pristine  energy 
of  the  moral  and  physical  world  had  been  repeatedly  re- 
stored.— Lyell. 


The  Speculative  Evolutionists:  Duret,  Kircher,  de  Mail- 
let,  de  Maupertuis,  Diderot,  Bonnet,  Robinet,  Oken — The 
Great  Naturalists:  Linnaeus,  Buffon,  Erasmus  Darwin. 

BESIDES  the  great  natural  philosophers  be- 
tween the  times  of  Bacon  and  of  Kant  who 
regenerated  the  evolution  idea  on  the  sound  basis 
of  observation,  we  distinguish  during  the  latter 
part  of  the  seventeenth  and  the  w  hole  of  the  eigh- 
teenth century  two  other  classes  of  evolutionists : 
first,  the  speculative  writers  from  Duret  to  Oken, 
partly  philosophers,  partly  naturalists,  partly  of 
other  professions,  who  resuscitated  some  of  the 
crude,  as  well  as  some  of  the  valuable  scientific, 
hypotheses  of  the  Greeks ;  and  second,  the  great 
naturalists  of  the  eighteenth  century,  who,  with 
the  philosophers,  laid  the  real  foundations  of  the 
modern  evolution  idea. 

The  Speculatrte  Evolutionists  (1609-1851) 

Not  yet  complete  are  the  lists  of  purely  specu- 
lative writers  who  toyed  with  the  evolution  idea. 
Among  the  curiosities  of  evolution  literature 
may  be  included  the  works  of  Duret,  the  mayor 



of  a  town  in  France,  also  of  Kircher  and  Bon- 
nami,  two  priests.  Of  greater  interest  are  the 
speculations  of  Maupertuis,  a  mathematician 
and  astronomer ;  of  Diderot,  the  political  writer ; 
of  Bonnet,  the  eminent  naturalist  and  author  of 
the  'evolution'  (emboitement)  of  the  germ  hy- 
pothesis; of  de  Maillet,  French  consul  at  Leg- 
horn; of  Bobinet,  one  of  the  popular  scientists 
of  his  time;  and  finally  of  Oken,  professor  of 
natural  history  in  the  University  of  Zurich  dur- 
ing the  first  third  of  the  nineteenth  century. 

Some  surprise  may  be  felt  at  my  placing  Oken 
in  this  group,  for  his  Physio-Philosophie  and  his 
Ur-Schleim  Theorie  are  considered  by  some  to 
raise  him  high  as  a  prophet  of  Modern  Evolu- 
tion. Yet  Oken  is  a  fair  exponent  of  the  errors 
of  purely  speculative  evolution ;  in  his  'sea-foam' 
and  'spontaneous  generation'  vagaries  we  find 
him  drawing  from  such  an  ancient  and  imagina- 
tive authority  as  Anaximander.  In  fact,  when 
we  analyze  his  contributions  we  find  that  they 
actually  represent  the  last  survivals  of  Greek 
Evolution  with  a  veneer  of  eighteenth-century 
observation.  When  we  read  him  through  and 
through  we  see  that  he  is  about  as  truly  an 
anachronism  as  old  Claude  Duret  of  1609. 

This  is  more  or  less  true  of  all  these  specu- 
lators. They  were  not  actually  in  the  main  move- 
ment of  evolution  discovery;  they  were  either  out 


of  date  or  upon  the  side  tracks  of  thought.  They 
can  be  sharply  distinguished  from  both  the 
naturahsts  and  natural  philosophers  of  the  eigh- 
teenth century  in  the  fact  that  their  speculations 
advanced  \v  itiiout  the  least  support  of  observa- 
tion and  without  the  least  deference  to  inductive 
canons.  Several  of  them  were  very  popular 
writers,  and  unchecked  speculation  was  so  much 
their  characteristic  that  they  undoubtedly  re- 
tarded the  development  of  the  true  evolution 
idea  by  drawing  ridicule  upon  all  genuine  search 
for  a  naturalistic  explanation  of  the  phenomena 
of  life. 

We  find  them  reviving  Greek  ideas  as  to  abio- 
genesis  or  the  spontaneous  origin  of  life  in  dif- 
ferent forms,  as  well  as  in  metamorphoses  and 
transformations,  hardly  less  sudden  and  fantas- 
tic than  those  of  Empedocles.  Another  source  of 
their  authority  is  the  highly  imaginative  natural 
history  hteratuie  of  the  Middle  Ages.  In  all  this 
chaff  there  is  of  course  some  wheat,  as  is  some- 
times the  case  in  speculation  unhindered  by  ob- 
servation. Lines  of  suggestion  coming  near  to 
modern  thought  upon  heredity  are  found  espe- 
cially in.  the  essays  of  Maupertuis,  who  drew 
from  Democritus  and  Anaxagoras.  De  Maillet 
outlined  a  theory  of  'transmission  of  acquired 
characters'  in  a  crude  form  similar  to  that  of 
Empedocles'  suggestion  regarding  the  origin  of 


the  segmented  vertebrae  of  the  backbone.  Rob- 
inet  conceived  Evolution  on  a  large  scale,  bor- 
rowing a  mistaken  interpretation  of  Aristotle. 
Oken  stated  somewhat  more  distinctly  than  had 
been  done  previously  the  hypothesis  of  the  cel- 
lular origin  of  life.  As  Bonnet  was  the  contem- 
porary of  Buffon,  and  Oken  lived  thirty  years 
later  than  Lamarck,  the  study  of  this  specula- 
tive group  carries  us  well  beyond  the  period  in 
which  the  sound  foundations  of  Modern  Evolu- 
tion were  laid  by  the  natural  philosophers  and 
great  naturalists. 

Buret  (         -1611),  Kircher  (1601-1680) 

Some  of  the  early  biological  literature  of  the 
seventeenth  century,  as  pointed  out  by  Ducasse 
and  Varigny,  is  quaint.  Thus  Claude  Duret  in 
his  Histoire  Admirable  des  Plantes  (1605)  is  a 
direct  transformationist.  Among  other  remark- 
able tales  he  describes  and  figures  a  tree,  "not,  it 
is  true,  common  in  France,  but  frequently  ob- 
served in  Scotland"  (  a  country  which  the  Mayor 
evidently  considered  so  remote  that  his  observa- 
tion would  probably  not  be  gainsaid)  ;  from  this 
tree  leaves  are  falling;  upon  one  side  they  strike 
the  water  and  slowly  transform  into  fishes,  upon 
the  other  they  strike  land  and  turn  into  birds. 
Father  Bonnami  was  another  writer  of  similar 


comedies.  In  the  latter  part  of  the  century  ap- 
peared the  Mundus  Suhtcrrancus^  of  Father 
Kircher,  full  of  'authentic  observations'  of  the 
same  stamp;  the  worthy  priest  describes  orchids 
giving  birth  to  birds  and  even  to  very  small  men ; 
this  occurs  when  they  touch  the  ground,  where  a 
sort  of  fecundation  occurs  by  the  spermaticus 
humor  super fluus  humo  sparsus — uhi  congressu^ 
foetus  est. 

De  Maillet  (1656-1738) 

Benoit  de  Maillet  did  not  pause  long  over  the 
dry  facts  within  the  reach  of  contemporary 
natural  science  in  his  famous  Telliamed,  In  his 
earlier  years,  before  this  book  was  written,  we 
learn  that  he  was  a  careful  student  of  geology 
and  palaeontology  and  that  he  perceived  the  true 
nature  and  origin  of  fossils,  as  he  may  have  done 
by  recourse  to  the  Italian  pioneers  of  palaeon- 
tology. This  in  itself  entitles  him  to  considerable 
credit,  when  we  remember  that  at  the  time  there 
were  wide  differences  of  opinion  regarding  fos- 
sils. Natural  theology  found  in  them  proofs  of 
the  universal  deluge,  while  such  an  acute  thinker 
as  Voltaire,  who  scoffed  alternately  at  religion 
and  science,  claimed  that  the  shells  on  the  moun- 
tain-tops had  been  thrown  aside  by  pilgrims  on 

1  Amsterdam,  1678,  2  vols. 


their  journeys  to  Rome,  and  that  petrified  fishes 
were  the  remains  of  their  unfinished  repasts. 

It  was  probably  his  readings  among  the 
Greeks,  as  well  as  his  own  pal^ontological  and 
geological  studies,  which  gave  de  Maillet  his  cen- 
tral hyphothesis  that  all  terrestrial  animals  had 
their  origin  in  marine  forms  by  direct  descent; 
that  birds  were  derived  from  flying  fishes,  lions 
from  sea-lions,  and  man  from  Vhomme  marin,  the 
husband  of  the  mermaid !  De  Maillet  soberly  col- 
lected all  the  mythical  narratives  of  the  mermaid, 
which  were  abundant  in  the  literature  of  that 
period,  then,  reasoning  that  the  mermaid  must 
have  espoused,  he  derived  man  from  the  meta- 
morphosis of  her  husband. 

These  extravagant  ideas  are  mingled  with  the 
rudiments  of  a  biological  principle,  for  de 
Maillet,  in  every  case,  endeavors  to  explain  this 
metamorphosis  or  transformation  by  the  influ- 
ences of  environment  and  habit.  The  aquatic 
organism  finds  its  way  upon  land;  there  its  new 
surroundings  of  air  and  herbage  and  its  efforts 
to  accommodate  itself  are  followed  by  a  series  of 
modifications.  In  modern  terms,  'it  acquires  new 
characters.'  The  rash  proto-Lamarckian  feature 
of  de  Maillet's  views  is,  that  he  believes  these 
modifications  take  place  within  the  short  period 
of  a  single  life ;  they  are  then  transmitted  to  the 
descendants,  which  do  not  revert  to  the  aquatic 


form.  Thus  he  transforms  into  birds  the  flying 
fishes  :^ 

Driven  out  of  the  water  by  the  ardor  of  the  chase 
or  by  pursuit,  or  carried  by  the  wind,  they  [flying 
fishes]  might  have  fallen  some  distance  from  the 
shore  among  plants,  which,  while  supplying  them 
with  food,  prevented  them  from  returning  to  the 
water.  Here,  under  the  influence  of  the  air,  their  an- 
terior fins  with  their  raised  membranes  transformed 
into  wings,  barbules,  and  feathers,  the  skin  became 
covered  with  down,  the  ventral  fins  became  limbs,  the 
body  was  remodelled,  the  neck  and  the  beak  became 
elongated,  and  the  fish  discovered  itself  a  bird. 

Huxley  speaks  as  if  scant  justice  had  been 
done  to  de  Maillet,  but  we  must  infer  that  he  has 
not  thoroughly  examined  the  fantastic  metamor- 
phoses of  which  the  above  is  a  moderate  example. 
St.  Hilaire  more  critically  and  justly  says: 

Quant  a  De  Maillet,  qui  fait  naitre  les  oiseaux  des 
poissons  volants,  les  reptiles  des  poissons  rampants, 
et  les  hommes  des  tritons,  ses  reveries,  en  partie 
renouvelees  d'Anaximandre,  ont  leur  place  marquee, 
non  da,ns  I'histoire  de  la  science,  mais  dans  celle  des 
aberrations  de  I'esprit  humain. 

His  fantastic  hypotheses  of  transformism  were 
expounded  in  1749  and  republished  in  1755;  the 

^Telliamedy  1755,  vol.  2,  pp.  166-7. 


letters  of  the  title  of  his  book  reversed  those  of 
his  own  name — Telliamed,  ou  Entretiens  d'un 
philosophe  indien  sur  la  diminution  de  la  Mer 
avec  un  missionaire  fran^ais.  The  argument  is 
sustained  in  a  dialogue  which  is  of  a  thoroughly- 
devout  character,  de  Maillet  endeavoring  to  show 
that  his  system  conforms  to  the  teachings  of 
Genesis.  He  interpreted  the  days  of  Genesis  as 
so  many  gradual  periods  or  epochs,  holding  that 
the  first  period  of  life  was  preceded  by  a  univer- 
sal deluge,  and  that  the  origin  of  life  began  with 
the  gradual  recession  of  the  sea  from  the  earth. 
Here  re-enters  the  favorite  Greek  doctrine  of 
pre-existing  germs.  These  germs  were  predeter- 
mined as  to  the  forms  to  which  they  should  give 
rise,  but  only  those  forms  developed  to  which  the 
gradually  changing  environment  was  favorable. 
Thus,  the  lower  forms  of  life  appeared  while  the 
waters  were  still  in  excess,  while,  as  the  waters  re- 
ceded, higher  and  higher  forms  arose.  But  the 
scene  of  development  was  invariably  the  sea ;  the 
germs  gave  rise  to  no  land  forms  direct,  but  land 
forms  were  always  developed  by  transformation 
from  marine  forms.  Thus,  all  organisms  were  ar- 
ranged in  two  series:  first,  the  aquatic  and  ma- 
rine, springing  directly  from  the  germs;  and 
second,  the  terrestrial  and  aerial,  arising  by 
metamorphosis  from  the  marine.  In  these  trans- 
formations de  Maillet  was  not  embarrassed  by 


the  fixity  of  characters  or  by  the  fact  that  no 
such  metamorphoses  had  ever  been  witnessed. 

Yet  in  all  this  fiction  we  find  buried  two  sug- 
gestions of  value.  De  Maillet  claims  for  the  sci- 
entist the  right  to  search  into  Nature  direct  for 
her  secrets.  He  finds  in  the  world  proofs  that  the 
days  of  Genesis  were  great  epochs  of  time,  and 
he  suggests  in  his  metamorphoses,  absurd  as  they 
are,  the  idea  of  the  modification  of  organisms  by 
environment  and  habit,  and  the  transmission  of 
these  modifications  to  the  descendants;  in  other 
words,  he  advocates  the  'transmission  of  acquired 
adaptations'  and  is  in  a  limited  sense  a  precursor 
of  Erasmus  Darwin  and  of  Lamarck. 

De  Maupertuis  (1698-1759) 

Peter  Louis  Moreau  de  Maupertuis  was  a 
French  mathematician  and  astronomer  of  consid- 
erable reputation  in  his  day.  As  one  of  the  most 
prominent  members  of  the  eighteenth-century 
French  circle  in  Berlin,  he  was  elected  president 
of  the  Berlin  Academy  in  1746. 

His  contributions  to  the  evolution  idea  are 
pointed  out  by  Perrier.^  We  see  in  them  the  in- 
fluence of  Leibnitz,  and  learn  that  the  reputation 
of  Maupertuis  suffered  from  his  having  bor- 
rowed other  ideas  of  the  German  philosopher  in 

1  Edmond  Perrier:  La  Philosophie  Zoologique  avant  Darwin. 


a  paper  which  he  advanced  upon  the  conserva- 
tion of  energy  doctrine.  In  an  obscurely  printed 
article,  Systeme  de  la  Nature:  Essai  sur  la  For- 
mation  des  Corps  Organises  (1751),  which  has 
been  unearthed  in  the  course  of  the  present  dili- 
gent search  for  all  the  prophecies  of  Evolution, 
we  find  that  Maupertuis  had  an  original  theory 
as  to  the  nature  of  living  matter;  that  he  ad- 
vanced an  hypothesis  of  generation  by  heredity 
very  similar  to  the  pangenesis  of  Darwin,  and 
also  a  theory  of  the  origin  of  new  species.  He  did 
not  anticipate  the  'evolution'  or  emboitement  of 
Bonnet,  but  advanced  an  hypothesis  of  trans- 
formism,  based  upon  the  idea  that  all  material 
particles  are  in  some  degree  invested  with  the 
psychical  properties  of  the  higher  organisms — 
in  other  words,  the  monistic  idea.  By  this  as- 
sumption of  the  investment  of  non-living  matter 
with  the  properties  of  living  matter,  he  was  in  a 
position  to  readily  derive  the  latter  from  the  for- 
mer and  to  directly  unite  the  animate  and  inani- 
mate worlds.  He  does  not  enter  into  detail  as  to 
the  origin  of  life,  but  somewhat  on  the  lines  of 
Democritus  and  of  Buff  on,  who  had  published  his 
similar  'theory  of  generation'  five  years  earlier 
(1746),  he  carries  us  a  step  farther  in  his  ideas 
of  'pangenetic'  heredity  (sections  xxxiii-xli) : 

The  elementary  particles  which  form  the  embryo 
are  each  drawn  from  the  corresponding  structure 


in  the  parent,  and  conserve  a  sort  of  recollection 
(souvenir)  of  their  previous  form,  so  that  in  the  off- 
spring they  will  reflect  and  reproduce  a  resemblance 
to  the'parents.  ...  If  some  of  the  particles  happen 
to  be  missing,  an  imperfect  being  is  formed.  .  .  .  If 
the  elements  of  the  different  species  are  united,  a 
hybrid  is  produced.  ...  In  some  cases  a  child  re- 
sembles one  of  his  ancestors  more  than  even  its  par- 
ents ;  in  this  case  we  may  suppose  that  the  material 
particles  conserve  more  strongly  the  habits  they  pos- 
sessed in  the  ancestral  form. 

De  Maiipertuis  thus  gives  us  an  hypothesis 
which  resembles  both  the  'pangenesis'  of  Darwin 
and  the  'perigenesis'  of  Haeckel.^ 

These  principles  of  individual  reproduction 
and  of  'reminiscence'  heredity  enable  de  Mau- 
pertuis  to  explain  readily  the  origm  of  new  spe- 
cies, and  here  again  we  find  a  striking  anticipa- 
tion of  one  modern  doctrine  of  the  cause  of 
fortuitous  variation  (section  xlv) : 

We  can  thus  readily  explain  how  new  species  are 
formed  ...  by  supposing  that  the  elementary  par- 
ticles may  not  always  retain  the  order  which  they 
present  in  the  parents,  but  may  fortuitously  produce 
differences,  which,  multiplying  and  accumulating, 
have  resulted  in  the  infinite  variety  of  species  which 

1  In  Haeckel's  Perigenesis  of  the  Plcn'tidules,  we  have  a  theory 
of  heredity  based  upon  the  assumption  that  the  material  heredi- 
tary particles  preserve  a  power  of  repetition  of  former  states 
analogous  to  that  witnessed  in  memory. 


we  see  at  the  present  time.  The  modifications  arising 
from  different  habits  cause  the  varieties  thus  formed 
to  be  sterile  inter  se;  thus  these  new  species  are  kept 

Evolution,  according  to  this  hypothesis,  ad- 
vances by  fortuity,  by  the  chance  combinations 
of  hereditary  elements  which  produce  new  char- 
acters. Divergence  is  continued  and  fostered  by 
physiological  isolation. 

Diderot   (1713-1784) 

Denis  Diderot  must  also  be  ranked  as  one  of 
the  speculative  contributors  to  the  theory  of  the 
origin  of  species.  This  famous  man  of  letters  of 
the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century  became  an 
opponent  of  the  teleological  teaching  of  the  day. 
He  is  believed  to  have  contributed  to  D'Hol- 
bach's  Systeme  de  la  Nature^  which  was  charac- 
terized as  the  Bible  of  Atheism.  The  passages 
quoted  below,  however,  indicate  that  Diderot  was 
a  theist. 

Perrier  points  out  {loc.  cit.)  that  it  was  an 
essay  published  in  1751  by  de  Maupertuis,  under 
an  assumed  name,  which  called  forth  Diderot's 
Pensees  sur  V Interpretation  de  la  Nature,  pub- 
lished in  1754.  He  leaves  aside  the  question  of 
the  nature  of  inorganic  material  particles,  and 
begins  his  system  by  endowing  all  organic  parti- 


cles  with  a  sort  of  rudimentary  sensibility,  which 
impels  them  to  constantly  change  their  position 
in  search  of  the  most  favorable  position — a  form 
of  the  attraction  and  repulsion  doctrine  of  Em- 
pedocles  applied  to  organic  particles: 

The  animal  is  a  sj^stem  of  different  organic  mole- 
cules, which,  impelled  by  sensations  similar  to  those 
of  obtuse  and  vague  touch — sensations  which  have 
been  imparted  to  them  by  Him  who  created  matter 
in  general — have  combined,  until  each  has  found  the 
position  most  suitable  to  its  form  and  to  its  repose. 

This  position,  says  Perrier,  may  be  changed  by 
the  innumerable  disturbances  caused  by  an  ac- 
cess of  new  particles  which  have  not  yet  obtained 
their  repose. 

Diderot  proceeds  by  asking  whether  plants  and 
animals  have  always  been  what  they  now  are; 
then,  continuing  in  a  spirit  similar  to  that  of  Des- 
cartes, he  revives  the  Anaxagorean  doctrine  of 
pre-existent  germs  in  a  modified  form: 

Even  if  Revelation  teaches  us  that  species  left  the 
hands  of  the  Creator  as  they  now  are,  the  philosopher 
who  gives  himself  up  to  conjecture  comes  to  the  con- 
clusion that  life  has  always  had  its  elements  scattered 
in  the  mass  of  inorganic  matter ;  that  it  finally  came 
about  that  these  elements  united;  that  the  embryo 
formed  of  this  union  has  passed  through  an  infini- 
tude of  organization  and  development;  that  it  has 
acquired,  in  succession,  movement,  sensation,  ideas. 


thought,  reflection,  conscience,  emotions,  signs,  ges- 
tures, articulation,  language,  laws,  and  finally  the 
sciences  and  arts ;  that  millions  of  years  have  elapsed 
during  each  of  these  phases  of  development,  and  that 
there  are  still  new  developments  to  be  taken  which 
are  as  yet  unkno\\Ti  to  us. 

The  hypothesis  of  Diderot  does  not  imply  his 
advocacy  of  an  'internal  perfecting  tendency,' 
for  his  particles  do  not  arrange  themselves  in  any 
predetermined  order.  It  is  rather  a  form  of  the 
survival  of  the  fittest  theory,  applied  not  to  entire 
organisms  but  to  the  particles  of  which  they  are 
composed.  Blind  and  ceaseless  trials,  such  as  those 
imagined  by  Empedocles,  Democritus,  and  Lu- 
cretius, are  made  by  these  particles,  impelled  by 
their  rude  sensibility.  As  a  sequel  of  many  fail- 
ures, finally  a  favorable  combination  is  formed, 
which  persists  until  a  recombination  is  rendered 

I  have  met  another  passage  by  Diderot,  which 
Morley,^  not  know^ing  of  Empedocles'  hypothe- 
sis of  the  survival  of  the  fittest,  speaks  of  as  an 
anticipation  of  a  famous  modern  theory,  refer- 
ring of  course  to  Darwin's  'natural  selection.' 
This  is  especially  valuable  because  it  affords  an- 
other conclusive  proof  that  the  idea  of  the  'sur- 
vival of  the  fittest'  must  actually  be  traced  back 
to  Empedocles,  six  centuries  before  Christ,  as 

iMorley:  Diderdt  and  the  Encyclopcedists,  1878,  vol.  1. 


narrated  in  the  present  volume.  The  passage  on 
^selection'  is  contained  in  an  imaginary  dialogue 
upon  the  teleological  view  of  Nature  between 
Professor  Saunderson  and  a  minister  of  religion : 

I  may  at  least  ask  of  you,  for  example,  who  told 
you — you  and  Leibnitz  and  Clarke  and  Ne\vi:on — 
that  in  the  first  instances  of  the  formation  of  animals, 
some  were  not  without  heads  and  others  without 
feet?  I  may  maintain  .  .  .  that  all  the  faulty  com- 
binations of  matter  disappeared,  and  that  those  only 
survived  whose  mechanism  implied  no  important  mis- 
adaptation  (contradiction),  and  who  had  the  power 
of  supporting  and  perpetuating  themselves. 

Bonnet  (1720-1793) 

Charles  Bonnet,  a  Swiss  naturalist,  was  in  no 
modern  sense  an  evolutionist,  although  he  was 
long  known  as  such  in  quite  another  sense.  He 
derived  the  term  evolution  from  the  Latin  verb 
e-volvo  to  characterize  his  remarkable  theory  of 
life,  which  was  an  adaptation  to  embryology  of 
Leibnitz'  philosophy  of  ^continuity.'  The  term 
became  a  nomen  nudum  when  the  doctrine  of 
'evolution'  replaced  that  of  *epigenesis,'  and  was 
finally  taken  up  by,  and  applied  as  appropriate 
to,  our  modern  doctrine  of  embryonic  develop- 

We  may  recall,  in  passing,  the  great  and  pro- 
longed discussions  during  the  eighteenth  and  the 


early  part  of  the  nineteenth  centuries  between 
the  ^evolutionist'  and  'epigenetic'  school  of  em- 
bryonic development,  as  absorbing  an  immense 
amount  of  time  and  energy  and  diverting  the  at- 
tention of  naturalists  from  the  greater  problem 
of  the  genesis  of  species. 

When  we  examine  Bonnet's  'evolution  or  ex- 
pansion of  the  invisible  into  visibility'  and  ab- 
sence of  hereditary  generation  in  the  strict  sense 
of  the  term,  we  find  it  difficult  to  believe  that 
Cuvier,  and  many  other  eminent  naturalists, 
were  among  Bonnet's  supporters.  Erasmus  Dar- 
win, on  the  other  hand,  was  among  his  opponents, 
and  we  see  in  his  Zoonomia}  the  following  quaint 
criticism  of  Bonnet's  extravagant  hypothesis: 

Many  ingenious  philosophers  have  found  so  great 
difficulty  in  conceiving  the  manner  of  the  reproduc- 
tion of  animals,  that  they  have  supposed  all  the 
numerous  progeny  to  have  existed  in  miniature  in 
the  animal  originally  created.  .  .  .  This  idea,  be- 
sides its  being  unsupported  by  any  analogy  we  are 
acquainted  with,  ascribes  a  greater  tenuity  to  or- 
ganized matter,  than  we  can  readily  admit;  .  .  . 
these  included  embryons  .  .  .  must  possess  a  much 
greater  degree  of  minuteness,  than  that  which  was 
ascribed  to  the  devils  that  tempted  St.  Anthony;  of 
whom  ^0,000  were  said  to  have  been  able  to  dance  a 
saraband  on  the  point  of  the  finest  needle  without 
incommoding  each  other. 

^Zoonomia,  vol.  1,  xxxix,  iii,  1. 


We  become  more  charitable  in  judging  Bonnet 
as  a  man  of  science  when  we  learn  that,  begin- 
ning in  1740,  while  associated  with  Reaumur  in 
the  University  of  Geneva,  he  made  a  series  of 
admirable  observations  and  original  discoveries, 
such  as  those  upon  'parthenogenesis'  in  the 
aphides  or  tree  lice,  the  mode  of  reproduction  in 
the  bryozoa,  the  respiration  of  insects,  and  that 
it  was  the  unfortunate  failure  of  his  eyesight  in 
1754  which  turned  him  from  observation  to  spec- 
ulation. His  speculations  were  as  unsound  as  his 
observations  had  been  sound  and  valuable. 

Bonnet,  in  1764,  published  his  Contemplations 
de  la  Nature,  and  in  1770  his  Paling enesie  Phi- 
losophique,  ou  idees  sur  Vet  at  passe  et  sur  Vet  at 
futur  des  etres  vivans.  The  latter  work  is  dedi- 
cated "to  the  friends  of  Truth  and  of  Virtue, 
who  are  mine." 

Bonnet  found  his  inspiration  in  the  law  of  Con- 
tinuity of  Leibnitz,^  and  along  different  lines  of 
reasoning  he  reached  the  same  conclusion  as  that 
of  the  great  German  philosopher,  that  no  such 
thing  as  generation,  in  the  strict  sense  of  the 
term,  occurs  in  Nature.  Leibnitz'  principle  of 

1  Bonnet's  metaphysical  theory  is  based  on  two  principles  bor- 
rowed from  Leibnitz — first,  that  there  are  not  successive  acts  of 
creation,  but  that  the  universe  is  completed  by  the  single  original 
act  of  the  divine  will,  and  thereafter  moves  on  by  its  own  in- 
herent force;  and  secondly,  that  there  is  no  break  in  the  continu- 
ity of  existence.  The  divine  Being  originally  created  a  multitude 
of  germs  in  a  graduated  scale,  each  with  an  inherent  power  of 
self-development. — Enc.  Brit.,  vol.  4,  p.  211. 


Continuity  he  expands  into  th^  idea  that  all  crea- 
tion forms  a  continuous  chain,  echelle  des  etres, 
from  the  mineral  up  to  the  top  of  the  animal 
world.  In  the  present  order  of  life  there  are  no 
successive  acts  of  creation,  as  is  generally  be- 
lieved by  those  who  attempt  to  adapt  the  dis- 
coveries of  palaeontology  to  the  Mosaic  account. 
The  universe  moves  on  by  its  own  internal  forces, 
and  the  whole  of  organic  life  was  contained  pre- 
formed in  the  germs  of  the  first  beings.  Life 
thus  forms  a  scale  of  absolutely  unbroken  indi- 
viduals; the  varieties  form  links  from  species  to 
species;  the  first  term  of  this  chain  is  the  atom, 
the  last  is  the  most  elevated  of  cherubim;  the 
chain  is  not  broken  by  death,  for  the  individual 
is  the  bearer  of  all  future  germs.  Here  we  find  an 
adumbration  of  the  'immortality  or  continuity  of 
the  germ-plasm'  in  relation  to  the  death  of  the 

Added  to  this  principle  of  Continuity  is  an 
Aristotelian  'internal  perfecting  principle,'  which 
causes  these  germs  to  pass  from  the  mineral  to 
the  plant,  from  the  plant  to  the  animal,  from  the 
animal  to  man.  In  these  transformations  Bonnet 
does  not  seem  to  have  been  deterred  by  his  ana- 
tomical knowledge,  nor  to  have  in  the  least  de- 
gree embodied  the  ideas  of  transformism  which 
were  at  the  same  period  being  advanced  by  Buf- 
fon;  he  believes  that  the  appearance  of  higher 


forms  is  simply  the  unfolding  of  pre-existing 
germs,  and  not  due  to  evolution  by  modification, 
nor  to  the  appearance  of  new  lower  forms  by 

Why  does  not  Evolution  produce  animals 
wholly  unfit  for  their  environment?  This  diffi- 
culty is  met  by  Bonnet's  assumption  that  as  the 
whole  future  life  was  predetermined,  so  is  the 
whole  order  of  the  inorganic  universe.  There  can, 
therefore,  be  no  possibility  of  an  animal  or  plant 
appearing  out  of  its  proper  environment. 

Bonnet  belonged  to  the  cataclysmic  school,  be- 
lieving that  the  globe  had  been  the  scene  of  great 
revolutions,  and  that  the  chaos  described  by 
Moses  was  the  closing  chapter  of  one  of  these; 
thus,  the  creation  described  in  Genesis  may  be 
only  a  resurrection  of  animals  previously  exist- 
ing. Bonnet  formulated  his  echelle  des  etres  or 
scale  of  ascending  life  in  a  manner  which  sug- 
gests, not  the  branching  system  of  Lamarck,  but 
the  continuous  links  of  a  chain  in  which  the 
higher  types  are  simply  connected  with  the  lower 
in  direct  continuity.  It  is  the  old  scale  of  Aris- 
totle enlarged  and  defined  by  more  modern  ter- 

Robinet  (1735-1820) 

J.  B.  Rene  Bobinet  was  another  of  the  specu- 
lative group.  In  liis  two  works — De  la  Nature, 


published  in  1766,  and  Considerations  philo- 
sophiques  sur  la  gradation  naturelle  des  formes 
de  Vetre,  published  in  1768 — he  advances  a  re- 
markable evolutionary  structure.  He  denies  all 
distinction  between  the  organic  and  inorganic, 
and  reaches  an  'echelle  des  etres'  which  embraces 
all  things.  Influenced  by  Leibnitz'  law  of  Con- 
tinuity, he  supposes  that  Nature  has  an  aim  or 
constant  tendency  toward  the  perfection  of  each 
type;  since  the  beginning  her  aim  has  been  to 
produce  man,  and  the  higher  apes  appear  as  the 
last  efforts  of  Nature  before  she  succeeded  in 
making  man.  It  is  unnecessary  to  add  that  Robi- 
net  was  a  daring  speculator.  He  claimed  that 
one's  first  steps  should  be  guided  by  facts,  but 
that  beyond  this,  man's  reason  and  intelligence 
should  not  be  trammelled  by  observation  or  by 
experiment,  but  should  advance  free  from  induc- 

Robinet  sees  in  man  the  chef-d'oeuvre  of  Na- 
ture. All  the  variations  exhibited  in  the  lower 
forms  of  animals,  from  the  original  prototype 
upward,  are  to  be  regarded  as  so  many  trials 
which  Nature  meditates  upon;  not  only  the 
orang-outang,  but  the  horse,  the  dog,  even  miner- 
als and  fossils — are  not  these  experiments  of  Na- 
ture? But  man  is  for  the  time  only  the  last  of 
the  series ;  beings  more  perfect  may  replace  him 
at  any  time.  Robinet  departs  so  early  from  ob- 


servation  to  hypothesis  that  he  may  be  placed  as 
one  of  the  most  extreme  and  irrational  of  this 
group.  His  work,  De  la  Nature,  is  one  of  the 
greatest  curiosities  of  natural  history  literature ; 
he  gives  a  long  and  serious  catalogue  of  stones 
and  other  inorganic  objects  which  bear  acciden- 
tal and  remote  resemblances  to  the  various  bodily 
organs  of  man  and  the  lower  animals.  These  are 
figured  and  seriously  described,  together  with 
monsters  of  various  kinds  and  mermaids  well 
authenticated,  as  some  of  the  early  trials  of  Na- 
ture in  the  attempt  to  produce  man. 

In  one  of  his  general  principles — namely,  that 
of  Continuity — liobinet  was  sound.  Like  Leib- 
nitz and  unlike  Bonnet  and  de  Maillet,  he  was  a 
uniformitarian.  Nature,  he  says,  never  advances 
by  leaps.  He  applies  this,  however,  to  the  origin 
of  life,  and  says  there  is  no  break  between  the  or- 
ganic and  inorganic.  The  law  of  Continuity  ap- 
plies to  germs  of  inanimate  as  well  as  of  animate 
matter — ^these  germs  are  capable  of  developing 
into  every  possible  form;  thus,  all  matter  is  liv- 
ing and  there  is  only  one  kingdom — the  Animal 
Kingdom.  The  germs  develop  from  the  simplest 
to  the  most  complex,  and  animals  thus  arising 
form  a  continuous  chain  of  beings,  of  which  the 
first  link  is  a  prototype  of  the  utmost  simplicity. 
Germs,  we  see,  being  infinitely  small  and  placed 
far  beyond  the  reach  of  experimental  affirmation 


or  denial,  are  the  favorite  field  of  the  speculations 
of  all  these  philosophers. 

There  is  no  idea  of  filiation  or  of  Evolution  in 
the  true  sense  in  Robinet's  system  of  a  gradual 
change  of  a  lower  form  into  a  higher;  all  the 
lower,  intermediate,  and  higher  forms  are  held 
to  be  the  direct  products  of  the  germs  of  Na- 
ture. In  sexual  reproduction,  for  example,  the 
two  parents  do  not  produce  these  germs,  but  are 
simply  the  bearers  of  them,  and  generation  con- 
sists merely  in  placing  these  germs  under  cir- 
cumstances in  which  they  can  develop. 

Ohen'^  (1776-1851) 

Lorenzo  Oken  approached  the  problems  of 
life  with  certain  preconceived  notions  of  how 
things  ought  to  be;  as  half  metaphysician,  half 
naturalist,  it  is  evident  that  most  of  his  conclu- 
sions were  reached  purely  a  priori,  Haeckel  ex- 
travagantly writes  in  his  praise  that  "no  doctrine 
approaches  so  nearly  to  the  natural  Theory  of 
Descent,  newly  established  by  Darwin,  as  Oken's 
much-decried  'Natur-philosopJiie'  "  Yet  in  his 
cellular  conception  of  the  primordial  forms  of 
life,  Oken  was  anticipated  in  part  by  Buff  on,  by 
the  elder  Darwin  and  by  Lamarck;  as  has  been 

^  Oken  was  born  at  Baden  and  was  educated  at  Wurtzburg;  he 
was  later  Professor  in  the  University  of  Ziirich. 


said  in  his  sea-slime  theory,  he  follows  so  j)rimi- 
tive  a  naturalist  as  Anaximander ;  and  in  judg- 
ing of  his  supposed  anticipation  of  the  cell  doc- 
trine of  Schleiden  and  Schwann  (1838) ,  we  must 
keep  in  mind  the  stress  that  is  laid  throughout  all 
his  philosophy  upon  the  spherical  form  of  his 
metaphysical  'All.'  The  skull,  for  example,  he 
believed  to  be  one  of  these  manifestations  of  the 
archetypal  sphere;  it  is  not  surprising  that  he 
conceived  the  cell  as  a  sphere. 

There  is  thus  room  for  wide  differences  of 
opinion  about  Oken;  his  writings  are  such  com- 
pounds of  apparent  sense  and  actual  nonsense, 
that  only  by  selecting  and  putting  together  cer- 
tain favorably  read  passages,  can  we  accord  him 
the  rank  Haeckel  claims  for  him  as  a  prophet, 
whereas  if  we  review  as  a  whole  his  elements  of 
'physio-philosophy,'  it  appears  that  his  prophe- 
cies of  one  page  are  capable  upon  the  following 
page  of  interpretation  as  the  vaguest  specula- 
tions and  absurdities. 

Oken  pubhshed  his  outline  of  the  Grundriss 
der  NaturpliilosoiMe  in  1802,  the  same  year  in 
which  Lamarck  and  Treviranus  independently 
outlined  their  principles  of  biology  and  evolu- 
tion. Oken's  work  is  certainly  not  to  be  men- 
tioned in  the  same  breath  with  theirs,  from  the 
modern  standpoint.  His  work  upon  generation 
• — Die  Zeugung — appeared  in  1805,  containing 


his  UrSchleim  ( ?  protoplasm)  and  vesicular  cell 
theory.  His  Lehrhuch  der  Naturphilosophie  ap- 
peared in  1810,  a  year  after  Lamarck's  Philoso- 
phie  Zoologique;  again  Oken  suffers  severely  by 
comparison.  Lamarck's  approaches  a  work  of 
science,  Oken's  is  a  tissue  of  speculation.  In  es- 
timating Oken  further,  we  must  remember  that 
he  is  a  follower  of  the  purely  speculative  school 
of  Schelling,  and  that  Schelling's  method  was  to 
rapidly  abandon  scientific  induction  for  deduc- 
tion, and  to  pass  to  the  interpretation  of  Nature 
from  a  subjective  standpoint.  Oken's  writings 
show  that  he  was  consistent  in  this  method,  and 
Erdmann  recalls  that  Oken's  conversion  of  the 
whole  of  philosophy  into  the  philosophy  of  Na- 
ture is  a  carrying  out  of  what  Schelling  merely 
touched  upon. 

It  is  in  the  famous  Ur-Schleim  doctrine  that 
Oken's  admirers  erroneously  read  notions  of  the 
original  protoplasmic  and  cellular  basis  of  all 
life,  and  in  which  it  is  said  he  saw  the  fundamen- 
tal substance  out  of  which  by  differentiation  life 
has  arisen.  According  to  Oken,^  every  organic 
thing  has  arisen  out  of  slime,  and  is  nothing  but 
slime  in  different  forms.  This  primitive  slime 
originated  in  the  sea,  in  the  course  of  planetary 
evolution.  The  origin  of  life  (generatio  origi- 
naria)   occurred  upon  the  shores,  where  water, 

^See  Tulk's   translation  of  the  Elements   of  Physio'philoso'phy, 
1847,  Pt.  Ill,  pp.  185-7. 


air,  and  earth  were  joined.  The  Ur-Schleim  as- 
sumed the  form  of  microscopically  minute  blad- 
ders, and  Nature  has  for  its  unit  an  infinity  of 
these.  Each  of  these  bladders  has  an  outer  dense 
envelope  and  a  fluid  internal  content.  This  'in- 
fusorium,' as  he  calls  it,  has  the  form  of  a  sphere, 
and  is  developed  in  the  following  manner:  it  is 
first  an  aggregate  of  an  almost  infinite  number 
of  organic  points ;  as  the  result  of  the  oxydizing 
process,  the  original  fluid  form  is  replaced  by  a 
vesicle  with  a  flowing  interior  and  firm  periph- 
ery; in  this  are  united  the  three  life  processes  of 
feeding,  digestion,  and  respiration.  The  whole 
organic  world  consists  of  infusoria,  and  both 
plants  and  animals  are  simply  its  modifications. 
Generation  by  heredity,  according  to  Oken,  is 
the  synthesis  or  bringing  together  of  organic 
spheres;  as  with  Robinet,  it  is  the  sjTithesis  of 
germs,  and  with  de  Maupertuis  and  Diderot,  the 
synthesis  of  particles.  As  to  the  origin  of  life, 
like  the  Greeks  Oken  imagined  that  the  combina- 
tion of  these  infinitely  numerous  mucous  points 
or  infusoria,  composed  of  carbon  mixed  in  equal 
quantities  with  water  and  air,  found  its  most  fa- 
vorable conditions  at  the  junction  of  sea  and 
land.  "All  hfe,"  he  says,  "is  from  the  sea;  the 
whole  sea  is  alive.  Love  arose  out  of  sea-foam." 
In  one  passage  he  says:  "If  new  individuals  orig- 
inate, they  could  not  originate  directly  from  oth- 


ers,  but  they  must  be  redissolved  into  the  Ur- 

Oken  also  includes  man  and  offers  an  hy- 
pothesis of  the  origin  of  man  entirely  inconsist- 
ent with  any  form  of  cell  doctrine,  when  he  says 
that  man  also  is  the  offspring  of  some  warm  and 
gentle  seashore,  and  probably  rose  in  India, 
where  the  first  peaks  appeared  above  the  waters; 
that  a  certain  mingling  of  water,  of  blood 
warmth,  and  of  atmosphere,  must  have  con- 
joined for  his  production;  and  that  this  may  have 
happened  only  once  and  at  one  spot. 

When  we  consider  that  this  absurd  passage 
was  allowed  to  stand  in  a  work  translated  in 
1847,  long  after  Buffon's,  E.  Darwin's,  and  La- 
marck's speculations  upon  the  origin  of  man  had 
been  published,  it  shows  that  Oken  as  a  thinker 
was  not  only  an  early  Greek  survival,  but  that  he 
entirely  ignored  the  contemporary  progress  of 
natural  philosophy  in  the  works  of  Goethe  and 
the  contemporary  progress  of  zoology  in  France 
and  England.  In  another  passage  (p.  192)  he 
says,  entirely  oblivious  as  well  of  his  Ur-ScJileim 
as  of  his  previous  statements:  "Man  has  not 
been  created,  but  developed.  So  the  Bible  itself 
teaches  us.  God  did  not  make  man  out  of  noth- 
ing; but  took  an  elemental  body  then  existing,  an 
earth-clod  or  carbon;  moulded  it  into  form,  thus 
making  use  of  water;  and  breathed  into  it  life. 


namely,   air,   whereby   galvanism,   or  the   vital 
process  arose." 

The  Great  Naturalists    (1707-1788) 

Early  in  the  eighteenth  century,  or  eighty-one 
years  after  the  death  of  Bacon,  were  born,  only 
four  days  apart,  Linnaeus  and  Buffon,  the  first 
of  the  great  naturalists  of  western  Europe. 
Twenty-four  years  later  was  born  Erasmus  Dar- 
win, who  shares  with  Lamarck  the  honor  of  set- 
ting forth  the  first  comprehensive  view  of  the  evo- 
lution of  the  entire  living  world,  including  man. 

Linnceus  (1707-1778) 

In  the  environment  of  the  idea  of  Evolution, 
Linnseus  may  be  considered  not  as  a  positive  but 
as  one  of  the  negative  factors,  as  founding  the 
'school  of  facts'  of  which  Cuvier  was  later  the 
distinguished  leader,  and  as  extending  the  spe- 
cial creation  idea  to  the  innumerable  species  of 
plants  and  animals  which  he  named.  Linnaus 
had  been  preceded  as  a  systematic  classifier  by 
Wotton  in  1552,  one  of  the  last  of  the  Aristote- 
lian zoologists;  by  Gessner  of  the  same  period, 
one  of  the  first  zoologists  who  shook  off  the  tra- 
ditions of  Aristotle;  by  Aldrovandi  in  1599;  by 
Sperling  in  1661;  by  Ray    (1628-1705),  who 


first  clearly  pointed  out  the  two  criteria  of  a  spe- 
cies as  permanence  of  form  and  of  appearance 
and  non-fertility  with  other  species;  and  by  a 
number  of  dry,  descriptive  writers,  who  worked 
upon  the  larger  groups  of  animals  and  plants. 

But  the  actual  turning-point  to  modern  sys- 
tematic zoology  and  botany,  following  the  His- 
toria  Animalium  of  Aristotle,  was  the  great  work 
of  Linnseus,  the  Systema  Naturce,  the  first  edi- 
tion of  which  appeared  in  1735.  This  was  a  work 
of  transcendent  genius,  for  throughout  the  ani- 
mal and  plant  world  Linnaeus  clearly  preceived 
and  described  the  fundamental  relationships  and 
differences  between  genera  and  species  which 
were  ultimately  destined  to  be  grouped  afresh 
into  the  great  branching  tree  of  life  as  distin- 
guished from  the  scale  of  life  of  all  previous 
writers.  The  binary  system  of  nomenclature 
therein  proposed  was  a  mere  medium  for  the  ex- 
pression of  his  broad  conceptions  of  the  relation 
of  animals  and  plants  to  each  other — for  exam- 
ple, Homo  sapiens,  giving  the  genus  and  species 
together.  'Species'  were  in  his  mind — at  least  in 
this  early  period  of  his  thought — the  units  of  di- 
rect creation ;  each  species  bore  the  impression  of 
the  thought  of  the  Creator,  not  only  in  its  exter- 
nal form  but  in  its  anatomical  structure,  its  fac- 
ulties, its  functions;  and  the  final  purpose  of 
classification  was  to  consider  all  these  facts  and 


to  arrange  all  animals  and  plants  in  a  natural 
system  according  to  their  greater  or  lesser  like- 
ness to  each  other. 

Linnaeus  took  a  broad  view  of  the  true  basis 
of  classification  upon  general  structure  and  kin- 
ship, a  view  which  was  expanded  and  developed 
by  Cuvier.  As  Perrier^  observes  in  his  admirable 
critique  of  Linnseus,  he  adopted  the  aphorism  of 
Leibnitz,  Natura  non  facit  saltum;  to  him  every 
species  was  exactly  intermediate  between  two 
others:  "We  reckon  as  many  species  as  issued  in 
pairs  from  the  hands  of  the  Creator."  These  were 
his  earlier  views  in  all  his  writings  between  1735 
and  1751,  in  which  the  sentence  7iullce  specice 
novce  often  recurs,  expressing  his  idea  of  the  ab- 
solute fixity  of  species  from  the  period  of  their 
creation  as  described  in  Genesis,  the  only  change 
being  that  of  the  extension  in  numbers,  not  of 
variation  in  kind. 

Linnseus,  however,  enriched  by  collections  of 
animals  and  plants  from  many  parts  of  the 
world,  was  too  close  an  observer  to  continue  to 
hold  this  idea  of  the  absolute  fixity  of  species, 
and  in  1762  we  find  his  interpretation  of  Nature 
somewhat  altered;  this  is  of  particular  interest 
because  of  the  hypothesis  which  he  advanced  in 
somewhat  the  following  terms  to  explain  the 
origin  of  new  species : 

iLa  Philosophie  Zoologique  avant  Darwin,  1886,  pp.  34,  35. 


All  the  species  of  one  genus  constituted  at  first 
[that  is,  at  the  Creation]  one  species — ah  initio 
unam  cons  tit  uerint  speciem;  they  were  subsequently 
multiplied  by  hybrid  generation,  that  is,  by  inter- 
crossing with  other  species. 

He  was  thus  inclined  to  admit  a  gi-eat  increase, 
by  intercrossing,  of  species  more  or  less  recent 
in  origin,  arising  by  hybridity,  and  losing  their 
original  perfection  of  type.  He  elsewhere  sug- 
gested that  a  certain  degree  of  degeneration  may 
be  a  result  of  the  influences  of  changed  climate 
or  environment. 

In  the  last  and  thoroughly  revised  edition  of 
the  Sy sterna  Naturce,  which  appeared  in  1766, 
thirty-one  years  after  the  original  edition,  we  no 
longer  find  the  fundamental  proposition  of  his 
earlier  works,  nullce  specice  novce.  This  change  of 
view  as  to  mutability  was,  however,  of  a  very 
mild  character  in  comparison  with  the  very  radi- 
cal views  as  to  the  mutability  of  species  under  the 
action  of  changed  environment  which  Buff  on  was 
expressing  about  the  same  time,  for  in  1755  we 
find  an  early  expression  by  this  great  French 
naturalist  as  to  mutability  and  even  the  larger 
idea  of  evolution  of  species. 

Buff  on  (1707-1788) 
George  Louis  Leclerc  Buffon  may  be  called 
the  naturalist  founder  of  the  modern  application 


of  the  evolution  theory  to  the  interpretation  of 
actual  facts  of  comparative  anatomy,  zoology, 
and  palaeontology .  He  did  not,  like  Erasmus 
Darwin  and  Lamarck,  erect  an  evolution  system 
of  life.  It  is  true  also  that  his  conception  of  the 
principle  of  Evolution  changed  during  three  pe- 
riods of  his  life;  it  is  difficult  to  gather  from  his 
conflicting  statements  exactly  what  his  opinions 
were,  yet  we  may  say  without  exaggeration  that 
he  laid  the  basis  of  modern  Evolution  in  syste- 
matic zoology  and  botany. 

We  claim  this  for  Butf on,  because  he  was  the 
first  to  point  out,  on  a  broad  scale,  the  mutabil- 
ity  of  species  in  relation  to  changes  of  environ- 
ment. Moreover,  he  advanced  beyond  the  Greek 
evolutionists  and  natural  philosophers  of  the 
eighteenth  century  in  first  working  out  a  definite 
theory  of  the  causes  of  the  mutability  of  species. 
His  writings,  which  cover  the  widest  range  of 
subjects,  from  cosmogony  down  to  some  of  the 
minutiag  of  zoology,  undoubtedly  exercised  a 
great  influence  in  England  and  in  Europe.  He 
sowed  the  seed  of  suggestion  in  some  passages, 
which,  it  is  true,  were  mostly  speculative,  and 
these  seeds  germinated  in  the  minds  of  the  later 
German  natural  philosophers  and  among  Buf- 
fon's  naturalist  contemporaries,  while  ripening 
and  bearing  fruit  in  his  successor,  Lamarck,  and 
others,  both  in  France  and  England.  Bufton's 


suggestiveness  was  one  of  his  chief  merits.  It 
sprang  from  an  imagination  which  Diderot  eulo- 
gized: "Heureux  le  philosophe  systematique  a 
qui  la  Nature  aura  donne  comme  autrefois  a  Epi- 
cure, a  Lucrece,  a  Aristote,  a  Platon,  une  imagi- 
nation forte."  This  imagination  made  and  un- 
made Buffon,  for  it  touched  alike  his  soundest 
and  unsoundest  speculations. 

In  his  early  period  Buffon  shared  the  views  as 
to  the  fixity  of  species  of  his  great  contemporary 
Linnaeus;  in  an  early  edition  of  the  Histoire 
Naturelle  we  find  him  using  almost  the  exact 
words  of  Linnaeus:  "In  animals,  species  are  sep- 
arated by  a  gap  which  Nature  cannot  bridge 
over.  .  .  .  We  see  him,  the  Creator,  dictating 
his  simple  but  beautiful  laws  and  impressing 
upon  each  species  its  immutable  characters." 

It  is  therefore  interesting  to  contrast  these  two 
leading  naturalists  of  an  heroic  period  in  zo- 
ology— the  one  the  founder  of  the  view  of  clas- 
sification as  a  fixed  system  of  the  divine  order  of 
things  and  the  ne  plus  ultra  of  botany  and  zo- 
ology, the  other  the  founder  of  the  directly  op- 
posed view  of  classification  as  an  invention  of 
man  and  of  the  laws  governing  the  relations 
of  animals  and  their  environment  as  the  chief 
end  of  science.  Linnaeus  opened  his  Systema 
Naturce  with  the  statement  that  the  true  great- 
ness of  man  consists  in  his  observing,  reasoning, 


and  forming  conclusions,  but  the  main  tendency 
of  his  own  work  was  to  carry  his  conclusions  only 
to  the  point  of  distinguishing  between  the  sepa- 
rate forms  of  life,  namely,,  genera  and  species, 
not  to  speculate  or  to  theorize  as  to  the  causes  of 
these  distinctions.  Buffon  held  that  the  first  aim 
of  science  was  to  describe  exactly,  and  to  deter- 
mine particular  facts,  but  that  we  must  devote 
ourselves  to  something  higher;  namely,  to  com- 
bine and  generalize  upon  the  facts,  and  to  judge 
particular  causes  in  the  light  of  the  more  general 
causes  of  Nature. 

Thus,  Linnaeus  and  Buffon  were  the  founders 
of  two  distinct  schools.  Linnaeus  was  upheld  by 
Cuvier  and  all  the  systematic  writers  upon  genera 
and  species;  Buffon  was  upheld  by  Lamarck, 
Treviranus,  Goethe,  and  St.  Hilaire.  The  influ- 
ence of  Linneeus  among  his  contemporaries  was 
vast^ — far  greater  than  that  of  Buffon.  The  two 
men  were  compared  to  the  disadvantage  of  the 
latter,  and  Buffon  has  been  charged  with  jeal- 
ousy of  the  great  Swede ;  certainly  Buff on's  suc- 
cessor, Cuvier,  was  very  reluctant  to  adopt  the 
Linn^ean  system  of  naming  species,  and  as  late 
as  the  year  1806  used  the  French  vernacular  for 
fossil  forms. ^  The  reason  why  the  works  of  Lin- 
naeus were  more  influential  is  obvious,  for  his 
genius  as  an  observer  and  classifier  yielded  a 

iSee  Osborn:  Proboscidea  Memoir,  Chap.  V. 


'system  of  nature'  in  complete  accord  with  the 
philosophical  spirit  and  biological  knowledge  of 
his  day,  while  Buffon's  evolutionary  ideas  were 
in  advance  of  his  day  and  were  incapable  of 
proof  in  the  existing  stage  of  knowledge. 

Krause^  points  out  that  as  early  as  1755  Buf- 
fon  found  in  comparative  anatomy  many  diffi- 
culties in  the  special  creation  theory: 

The  pig  does  not  appear  to  have  been  formed 
upon  an  original,  special,  and  perfect  plan,  since  it 
is  a  compound  of  other  animals ;  it  has  evidently  use- 
less parts,  or  rather  parts  of  which  it  cannot  make 
any  use — toes  all  the  bones  of  which  are  perfectly 
formed,  and  which,  nevertheless,  are  of  no  service  to 
it.  Nature  is  far  from  subjecting  herself  to  final 
causes  in  the  formation  of  her  creatures.^ 

In  always  looking  for  a  purpose  or  design  in 
every  part,  Buff  on  continues^;  "We  fail  to  see 
that  we  thus  deprive  philosophy  of  its  true  char- 
acter, and  misrepresent  its  object,  which  con- 
sists in  the  knowledge  of  the  'how'  of  things,  the 
way  in  which  Nature  acts."  This  thought  was 
reiterated  by  Goethe. 

In  1761  we  find  that  Buffon  had  advanced  to  a 
belief  in  the  frequent  mutability  of  species  under 
the  direct  action  of  environment:  "How  many 
species,  being  perfected  or  degenerated  {'dena- 

lErnst  Krause:  Erasmus  Darmin,  1880,  pp.  147,  148. 
^Histoire  Naturelle,  1755,  t.  V,  pp.  103-4. 


turees')  by  the  great  changes  in  land  and  sea,  by 
the  favors  or  disfavors  of  Nature,  by  food,  by 
the  prolonged  influences  of  climate,  contrary  or 
favorable,  are  no  longer  what  they  formerly 
were''  Again  he  says:  "One  is  surprised  at  the 
rapidity  with  which  species  vary,  and  the  facility 
with  which  they  lose  their  primitive  characteris- 
tics in  assuming  new  forms." 

We  are  tempted  to  translate  the  term  'dena- 
turees'  by  our  modern  term  'evolved,'  since,  as  we 
see  above,  Buffon  embraced  in  it  the  two  modern 
ideas  of  development  {'perfectionnement')  and 
degeneration  {'degeneration).  But  this  would 
convey  a  broader  conception  than  seems  to  have 
been  at  any  time  in  his  mind ;  for,  by  the  express 
use  of  'denaturees,'  he  gives  us  an  insight  into 
the  limits  of  his  conception.  He  could  not  wholly 
shake  off  the  Linngean  idea  that  each  species  was 
originally  a  special  type,  as  impressed  by  the 
Creator,  containing  some  ineffaceable  and  per- 
manent characters,  and  that  variation  consisted 
in  the  departure  from  these  natural  and  original 
characters.  For  example,  he  was  deeply  im- 
pressed with  the  fixity  of  specific  type  impres- 
sion among  the  larger  animals,  such  as  the  quad- 
rupeds, believing  them  to  be  comparatively  in- 

Throughout  Buffon's  writings  we  find  this 
wavering  between  the  literalism  of  Genesis  and 


the  counter  evidence  of  zoology;  it  is  sometimes 
expressed  in  paragraphs  which  closely  follow  one 
another,  wherein  it  is  difficult  to  decide  whether 
Buffon  is  ironical  or  not.  Some  passages  are  cer- 
tainly written  in  irony.  Referring,  in  one  in- 
stance, to  his  idea  of  unity  of  type,  he  seems  to 
imply  that,  in  creating  animals,  the  Supreme  Be- 
ing employed  only  a  single  idea,  and  at  the  same 
time  varied  it  in  every  possible  manner:^ 

It  is  generally  admitted  that  man,  the  quadruped, 
the  whale,  the  bird,  the  reptile,  the  insect,  the  tree, 
the  plant  take  food,  grow,  and  reproduce  by  the  same 
law.  The  form  of  all  that  breathes  is  nearly  the  same ; 
in  dissecting  the  ape  we  could  compare  its  anatomy 
with  man's.  .  .  .  This  anatomical  plan  is  always  the 
same,  always  followed  from  man  to  ape,  from  ape  to 
quadrupeds,  from  quadrupeds  to  whales,  from  whales 
to  birds,  to  fishes,  to  reptiles.  .  .  .  When  we  wish  to 
extend  it  and  pass  from  what  lives  to  what  vege- 
tates, we  see  this  plan,  which  had  not  varied  from  the 
beginning  except  by  delicate  gradations,  alter  grad- 
ually from  reptiles  to  insects,  from  insects  to  worms, 
from  worms  to  zoophytes,  from  zoophytes  to  plants. 
.  .  .  The  very  ones  whose  form  seems  to  us  most  per- 
fect— that  is,  most  closely  approaching  our  own — 
the  apes,  appear  together  and  require  attentive  eyes 
to  distinguish  one  from  another,  because  it  is  less  to 
form  than  to  size  that  the  distinction  of  an  isolated 

iBuffon:  Histoire  Naturelle.  Vol.  XIV  (1766)  of  1st  edition, 
pp.  27-30.  See  Appendix,  p.  412,  of  Charles  Darwin  by  Henshaw 


species  is  attached;  and  man  himself,  though  a 
unique  species,  infinitely  different  from  all  those  spe- 
cies of  animals,  having  only  a  mediocre  height,  is  less 
isolated  and  has  more  neighbors  than  the  large  ani- 
mals. We  shall  see  in  the  account  of  the  orang- 
outang that  if  we  paid  no  attention  to  anything  but 
the  shape,  we  could  equally  well  regard  this  animal 
as  the  first  of  the  apes  or  the  last  of  the  men,  be- 
cause, with  the  exception  of  the  soul,  he  lacks  noth- 
ing at  all  that  we  have,  and  because  he  differs  less 
from  man  in  body  than  he  differs  from  the  other  ani- 
mals to  which  we  have  given  the  same  name  of  "ape." 

As  to  the  unity  of  type  which  pervades  certain 
families,  he  says,  in  effect,  that  if  we  reason  out 
this  matter,  we  find  that  the  fundamental  idea 
of  the  family  in  classification  is  remote  commu- 
nity of  origin  for  the  man  and  the  ape,  as  well 
as  for  the  horse  and  the  ass.  The  ass  is  a  degen- 
erate horse ;  the  ape  is  a  degenerate  man.  In  car- 
rying this  back  to  its  logical  extreme,  we  are 
forced  to  admit  that  these  animals  sprang  from 
a  common  source — from  one  animal,  which,  in 
the  succession  of  time,  has  produced,  either  by 
perfecting  itself  {se  perfectionnant)  or  by  de- 
g-eneration,  all  the  races  of  other  animals. 

Then  follows  a  passage^  that  is  unmistakably 
ironical : 

Mais  non,  il  est  certain,  par  la  revelation,  que  tous 

11763,  t.  IV,  p.  383: 


les  animaux  ont  egalement  participe  a  la  grace  de  la 
creation,  que  les  deux  premiers  de  chaque  espece  et 
de  toutes  les  especes  sont  sortis  tout  formes  des  mains 
du  Createur,  et  I'on  doit  croire  qu'ils  etaient  tels 
alors,  a  peu  pres,  qu'ils  nous  sont  aujourd'hui  repre- 
sentes  par  leurs  descendants. 

It  is  this  tour  de  face  of  opinion  and  this 
change  from  earlier  to  later  views,  doubtless  un- 
der the  influence  of  the  Faculty  of  Theology  at 
the  Sorbonne,  which  have  led  different  writers  to 
present  such  widely  different  opinions  as  to  Buf- 
fon's  share  in  the  development  of  the  evolution 
idea.  M.  de  Lanessan  claims  for  Buffon  the  lead- 
ing position  as  an  evolutionist  which  is  usually 
accorded  to  Lamarck;  other  writers,  such  as  Isi- 
dore St.  Hilaire  and  Haeckel,  assign  him  a 
much  less  important  position;  St.  Hilaire  shows 
clearly  that  his  opinions  marked  three  periods. 
Quatrefages  hardly  realizes  the  great  influence 
exerted  by  the  writings  of  Buffon's  middle  pe- 
riod, when  his  views  as  to  the  mutabihty  of  spe- 
cies were  most  extreme.  De  Lanessan,  his  great- 
est admirer,  believes  that  he  has  anticipated  not 
only  Lamarck  in  his  conception  of  the  action  of 
environment,  but  Darwin  in  the  struggle  for  ex- 
istence and  survival  of  the  fittest.  There  is  no 
doubt  that  in  some  passages  Buffon  questioned 
not  only  the  fixity,  but  even  the  reality  of  genera, 
species,  families,  and  other  taxonomic  divisions; 


also  that  in  his  speculative  moments  he  wrote  of 
the  chain  of  organic  life  from  the  zoophytes  to 
the  monkeys  and  man,  thus  borrowing  from  Aris- 
totle and  suggesting  Bonnet  and  his  famous 
scale.  Buffon  illustrates  the  direct  influences  of 
environment  in  the  changes  observed  in  the  dif- 
ferent races  of  men  as  connected  with  differences 
of  climate.  He  carefully  traces  the  modifications 
which  are  due  to  the  domestication  of  various 
wild  animals.  He  speaks  of  the  formation  of  new 
varieties  of  animals  by  artificial  selection,  and 
shows  that  similar  results  may  be  produced  in 
Nature  by  migration,  thus  having  in  mind  the 
'geographical  segregation'  law  later  developed  by 

The  chain  of  ideas  of  the  struggle  for  exist- 
ence, the  survival  of  the  fittest,  and  the  elimina- 
tion of  the  least-perfected  species,  the  contest 
between  the  fecundity  of  certain  species  and  their 
constant  destruction,  are  all  clearly  expressed  in 
various  passages.  Thus  we  find  Buffon  (1788) 
anticipating  Malthus"  (1798)  in  the  following 
passage : 

1  Moriz  Wagner:  Die  Entstehung  der  Arten  durch  rdumliche 
Sonderung,  Basle,  1889. 

2  Thomas  Robert  Malthus  (1766-1834)  published  his  famous 
work,  An  Essay  on  the  Principle  of  Population  as  it  affects  the 
Future  Improvement  of  Society,  in  1798,  while  Buffon  made  the 
last  addition  to  his  Histoire  Naturelle  in  1788.  As  another  in- 
stance of  continuity  it  is  interesting  to  recall  the  obligation  Dar- 
win expresses  to  Malthus. 


Le  cours  ordinaire  de  la  nature  vivante,  est  en 
general  tou jours  constant,  tou jours  le  meme;  son 
mouvement,  tou  jours  regulier,  roule  sur  deux  points 
inebranlables :  Tun,  la  fecondite  sans  bornes  donnee 
a  toutes  les  especes ;  I'autre,  les  obstacles  sans  nombre 
qui  reduisent  cette  fecondite  a  une  mesure  determinee 
et  ne  laissent  en  tout  temps  qu'a  peu  pres  la  meme 
quantite  d'individus  de  chaque  espece. 

Again,  his  idea  of  the  extinction  of  the  least- 
perfected  species  is  shown  in  the  following  pas- 
sage, also  quoted  by  de  Lanessan: 

Les  especes  les  moins  parfaites,  les  plus  delicates, 
les  plus  pesantes,  les  moins  agissantes,  les  moins 
armees,  etc.,  ont  deja  disparu  ou  disparaitront. 

Buffon  not  only  observed  the  negative  influ- 
ences of  environment  in  the  reduction  of  num- 
bers in  certain  species  and  in  the  disappearance 
of  imperfect  types,  but  also  its  positive  action  in 
the  production  of  new  characters.  Here  we  come 
upon  the  third  and  main  feature  of  what  may  be 
called  Buffon's  theory  of  the  factors  of  Evolu- 
tion, namely,  the  direct  action  of  environment  in 
the  modification  of  the  structure  of  animals  and 
plants  and  the  conservation  of  these  modifications 
through  heredity.  He  especially  applied  this  fac- 
tor to  explain  the  origin  of  new  species  in  the 
New  World  of  America. 

It  is  amusing  to  the  modern  zoologist  of  Amer- 


ica,  familiar  with  the  great  antiquity  and  autoch- 
thonous origin  of  many  kinds  of  animals  and 
plants,  to  note  that  Buffon,  in  common  with  all 
his  contemporaries,  always  conceived  of  the  New 
World  as  not  only  new  in  point  of  discovery,  but 
as  new  in  its  zoological  evolution.  He  illustrated 
his  ideas  as  to  the  direct  action  of  environment 
in  saying  that  Old  World  types,  finding  their 
way  into  the  New  World,  w^ould  there  undergo 
modifications   sufficient  to   cause   us   to   regard 
them  as  new  species ;  and  in  this  connection  Buf- 
fon,  in  opposition  to  the  general   cataclysmal 
teaching  in  the  geology  of  his  period,  expresses 
the  uniformitarian  idea  that  Nature  is  in  a  grad- 
ual but  continuous  state  of  transition,  and  that 
man  must  consider  and  observe  changes  which 
are  going  on  in  his  own  period  in  order  to  under- 
stand what  has  gone  on  in  the  past  and  what  will 
happen  in  the  future. 

It  is  with  such  uniformitarian  passages  as 
these  that  Buffon  inspired  later  writers  to  con- 
sider the  great  problem  of  Evolution.  He  may 
be  said  to  have  asked  all  the  questions  and  to 
have  stated  all  the  problems  which  were  to  be  an- 
swered or  to  be  solved  in  the  course  of  the  suc- 
ceeding century.  It  is  in  this  suggestiveness  that 
we  find  his  chief  merits.  As  St.  Hilaire  says, 
his  glory  lies  in  what  he  prepared  for  his  succes- 
sors, in  his  creation  of  a  philosophy  of  compara- 


tive  zoology,  his  views  of  community  of  origin, 
laws  of  geographical  distribution,  extinction  of 
old  species,  and  successive  apparition  of  new 

In  order  to  be  fair  to  Buffon's  followers,  we 
must,  however,  test  the  breadth  of  his  concep- 
tion by  his  application  of  it  to  the  actual  succes- 
sion of  forms  of  life;  and  here  we  find  in  numer- 
ous passages,  as  pointed  out  by  Quatrefages, 
that  his  conception  was  very  limited  and  that  he 
lacked  the  courage  of  his  convictions. 

First,  after  having  maintained  in  his  first  pe- 
riod the  extreme  special  creation  view,  and  in 
his  second  period,  especially  between  1761  and 
1766,  the  extreme  transmutation  view,  he  re- 
turned finally  to  the  moderate  view,  that  species 
were  neither  fixed  nor  mutable,  but  that  specific 
types  could  assume  a  great  variety  of  forms. 

Second,  in  his  theory  of  the  causes  of  Evolu- 
tion, considering  temperature,  climate,  food,  and 
capillarity  as  the  three  causes  of  change,  altera- 
tion, and  degeneration  of  animals,  he  did  not 
employ  the  terms  heredity  or  transmission  of  ac- 
quired characters,  although  it  is  evident  that 
these  factors  were  implied.  In  other  words,  Qua- 
trefages points  out,  Buffon  did  not  follow  his 
theory  into  its  details. 

Third,  he  also  failed  to  reach  the  phyletic  or 
branching  idea  of  Evolution.  In  this  connection 


it  may  be  recalled  that  the  science  of  palaeontol- 
ogy was  then  unborn  and  that  the  succession  of 
species  in  the  rocks  was  undreamed  of.  He  ex- 
pressly says  that  the  'filiation'  and  genealogy  of 
species  furnish  a  problem  beyond  our  reach: 

Nous  ne  pourrions  nous  prononcer  plus  affirma- 
tivement  si  les  limites  qui  separent  les  especes,  ou  la 
chairie  qui  les  unit,  nous  etaient  mieux  connues ;  mais 
qui  peut  avoir  suivi  la  grande  filiation  de  toutes  les 
genealogies  dans  la  nature?  II  faut  etre  ne  avec  elle 
et  avoir,  pour  ainsi  dire,  des  observations  contempo- 

Fourth,  Buffon's  ideas  regarding  the  physical 
basis  of  heredity  are  very  similar  to  those  of 
Democritus,  and  certainly  contain  the  basis  of 
the  conception  of  the  pangenesis  theory  of  Dar- 
win, for  he  supposes  that  the  elements  of  the 
germ-cells  were  gathered  from  all  parts  of  the 
body.  He  does  not  expressly  speak  of  the  trans- 
mission of  acquired  characters  as  a  logical  part 
of  his  theory  of  heredity,  but  such  transmission 
was  undoubtedly  in  his  mind,  although  not 
clearly  formulated  as  by  Lamarck. 

Buff  on  thus  left  untouched  many  problems  for 
his  successors,  even  prior  to  the  period  of  Charles 
Darwin,  namely,  Erasmus  Darwin,  Lamarck, 
and  Goethe. 


Erasmus  Darwin  (1731-1802) 

Erasmus  Darwin,  grandfather  of  the  great 
naturahst,  is  one  of  the  most  interesting  figures 
in  our  present  history.  In  his  volumes  of  verse 
we  find  that  he  is  one  of  the  poets  of  the  evolution 
idea,  following  Empedocles  and  Lucretius  and 
followed  by  the  greater  poet  Goethe.  His  early 
writings  were  the  Botanic  Garden  and  Loves  of 
the  Plants,  two  volumes  of  verse  completed  and 
published  about  1790,  and  his  Zoonomia,  a  large 
medico-philosophical  work  published  in  1794.  In 
the  Temple  of  Nature,  of  the  year  1802  memo- 
rable for  coincidences,  published  after  his  death, 
he  gives  in  poetical  form  the  ideas  which  had  ma- 
tured during  the  last  ten  years  of  his  life. 

We  owe  to  Ernst  Krause  a  careful  study  of 
the  works  of  Eramus  Darwin,  originally  pub- 
lished in  Kosmos,  and  subsequently  translated 
into  English  with  a  biography  of  Erasmus  Dar- 
win written  by  Charles  Darwin.  Krause,  how- 
ever, in  his  admirable  biography,  fails  to  give 
Darwin's  predecessors  sufficient  credit;  his  ideas, 
it  is  true,  were  partly  gathered  from  his  own 
notes  as  a  physician  and  as  a  lifelong  observer  of 
Nature,  but  they  indicate  also  a  very  careful 
reading  of  Leibnitz,  as  in  his  allusion  to  the 
change  of  genera  in  the  Ammonites ;  to  Buff  on, 
as  in  ideas  connected  with  the  struggle  for  ex- 


istence  and  variations  under  artificial  selection; 
to  Linnaeus,  Blumenthal,  and  others;  as  to  the 
origin  of  life,  he  drew  poetically  from  the  Greeks, 
especially  from  Aristotle,  limiting  spontaneous 
generation,  however,  to  the  lowest  organisms. 
The  Greeks  also  gave  him  the  fundamental 
idea  of  Evolution,  for  he  says,  "This  idea  of 
the  gradual  formation  and  improvement  of  the 
Animal  world  seems  not  to  have  been  unknown 
to  the  ancient  philosophers."  His  general  phi- 
losophy of  Nature,  as  under  the  operation  of 
natural  laws  rather  than  of  the  supernatural,  he 
himself  in  the  Zoonornia  attributes  to  David 
Hume.  His  view  of  the  origin  of  adaptations  or 
of  design  in  Nature  was  thoroughly  naturalistic ; 
he  believed  that  adaptations  had  not  been  spe- 
cially created,  but  that  they  had  been  naturally 
and  gradually  acquired  by  powers  of  develop- 
ment planted  within  the  original  organisms  by 
the  Creator. 

Passages  from  TJie  Temple  of  Nature  indicate 
that  in  his  latest  writings  Darwin  was  a  firm 
evolutionist  even  as  to  the  descent  of  man,  and 
that  he  had  advanced  considerably  beyond  the 
tentative  views  expressed  many  years  before  in 
the  Zoonomia  and  Botanic  Garden.  Krause  has 
selected  many  of  these  passages  from  the  Temple 
of  Nature,  Erasmus  Darwin's  epic  of  Evolu- 
tion, opening  with  his  presentation  of  the  Greek 


doctrine  of  the  spontaneous  origin  of  life,  which 
we  have  seen  revived  during  the  eighteenth  cen- 
tury in  so  many  extravagant  forms,  but  which 
Darwin  restricts  to  the  lowest  organisms: 

Hence  without  parents,  by  spontaneous  birth, 
Rise  the  first  specks  of  animated  earth. 

Organic  life  beneath  the  shoreless  waves 
Was  born  and  nurs'd  in  ocean's  pearly  caves; 
First  forms  minute,  unseen  by  spheric  glass, 
Move  on  the  mud,  or  pierce  the  watery  mass ; 
These,  as  successive  generations  bloom. 
New  powers  acquire  and  larger  limbs  assume ; 
Whence  countless  groups  of  vegetation  spring. 
And  breathing  realms  of  fin  and  feet  and  wing. 

Then,  in  the  transition  from  sea  to  dry  land, 
came  the  amphibious,  and  finally  the  terrestrial, 
forms  of  life.  Gradually  new  powers  are  ac- 
quired. In  these  metamorphoses,  Darwin  does  not 
revive  the  fancies  of  such  writers  as  de  Maillet, 
but  illustrates  his  views  by  changes  such  as  those 
seen  in  the  development  from  the  tadpole  to  the 

Passing  on,  he  speaks  of  cross-fertilization, 
and  finally  reaches  the  central  problem  of  the 
origin  of  man,  in  several  lines  of  which  he  antici- 
pates the  work  of  his  grandson,  Charles  Darwin. 
We  here  find  a  very  interesting  section  in  this 


\nomia}  In  this  chapter  he  combats  Bonnet's 
apctrine  of  emboitcmcnt  or  Evolution,  and  de- 
ir)nds  the  idea  of  individual  development  by  suc- 
pgssive  additions  of  parts  to  the  embryo,  but  in 
im  original  formation  of  the  embryo  he  rejects 
tha  pangenesis  theory  of  BufFon,  that  is,  of  the 
of  ri^S^^i^^  o^  1^^^  parts  from  the  two  parents. 
jQus^'^se  organic  particles  he  [Buffon]  supposes 
fjn^e  ist  in  the  spermatic  fluids  of  both  sexes,  and 
in  sii^^^y  ^^^  derived  thither  from  every  part  of 
inff  ^ody,  and  must  therefore  resemble,  as  he  sup- 
(jgses,  the  parts  from  whence  they  are  derived." 
le  substitutes  for  this  a  theory  of  his  own,  of  the 
addition  of  parts,  which  takes  little  account  of 
che  law^s  of  heredity. 

The  individual  life  begins  or  develops,  as  all 
life  originally  began,  from  a  single  filament.^ 
"Shall  we  conjecture,"  he  says,  "that  one  and  the 
same  kind  of  living  filament  is  and  has  been  the 
cause  of  all  organic  life?  ...  I  suppose  this  liv- 
ing filament,  of  whatever  form  it  may  be,  whether 
sphere,  cube,  or  cylinder,  to  be  endued  with 
the  capability  of  being  excited  into  action  by  cer- 
tain kinds  of  stimulus."  This  irritability  and  ex- 
citability is  the  first  step  in  Darwin's  concep- 
tion of  Evolution.  It  is  that  whereby  animals 
and  plants  react  to  their  environment,  causing 

^  Zoonomia,  vol.  1,  xxxix. 

"^Compare  the  cell  theory  of  Schlelden  and  Schwann. 


changes  in  their  own  structure,  these  changes  be- 
ing transmitted  to  their  offspring. 

In  this  chapter  upon  Generation  {i,  e.,  Hered- 
ity), he  throws  out  a  wealth  of  suggestion  and 
inquiry  which  indicates  a  thorough  appreciation 
of  the  problems  which  were  yet  to  be  solved,  as 
well  as  of  the  broader  aspects  of  Evolution.  He 
touches  upon  embryology,  comparative  anatomy, 
the  coloring  of  animals,  artificial  selection,  and 
treats  environment  almost  in  its  broadest  sense. 

We  may  briefly  follow  the  outline  of  his  argu- 
ment for  Evolution  in  the  Zoonomia  of  the  year 
1794.  He  says,  in  effect,  that  when  we  revolve  in 
our  minds  the  metamorphoses  of  animals,  as 
from  the  tadpole  to  the  frog;  secondly,  the 
changes  produced  by  artificial  cultivation,  as  in 
the  breeds  of  horses,  dogs,  and  sheep ;  thirdly,  the 
changes  produced  by  conditions  of  climate  and 
of  season,  as  in  the  sheep  of  warm  climates  being 
covered  with  hair  instead  of  wool,  and  the  hares 
and  partridges  of  northern  climates  becoming 
white  in  winter:  when,  further,  we  observe  the 
changes  of  structure  produced  by  habit,  as  seen 
especially  in  men  of  different  occupations ;  or  the 
changes  produced  by  artificial  mutilation  and 
prenatal  influences,  as  in  the  crossing  of  species 
and  production  of  monsters ;  fourth,  when  we  ob- 
serve the  essential  unity  of  plan  in  all  warm- 
blooded animals — we  are  led  to  conclude  that 


they  have  been  ahke  produced  from  a  similar  hv- 
ing  filament. 

Having  thus  discussed  some  of  the  most  ob- 
vious arguments  for  mutability,  he  proceeds  to 
speculate  upon  the  causes  of  these  changes: 

All  animals  undergo  perpetual  transformations; 
which  are  in  part  produced  by  their  own  exertions 
.  .  .  and  many  of  these  acquired  forms  or  propen- 
sities are  transmitted  to  their  posterity.  [Italics  my 

This,  so  far  as  I  know,  is  the  first  clear  and 
definite  statement  of  the  theory  of  the  transmis- 
sion of  acquired  characters  considered  as  one  of 
the  causes  of  Evolution.  We  will  now  continue  to 
examine  Darwin's  argument,  and  later  will  illus- 
trate his  application  of  his  theory  of  causation. 

He  proceeds  to  discuss  the  wants  of  animals, 
arranging  them  first  under  the  head  of  sexual 
characters,  as,  for  example,  horns  and  spurs  de- 
veloped for  purposes  of  combat  and  of  procuring 
the  females.  Thus,  the  horns  of  the  stag  have  not 
been  developed  to  protect  him  from  the  boar,  but 
from  other  stags ;  he  here  misses  the  idea  of  the 
sexual  selection  of  the  horns  developed  as  orna- 
ments to  the  male.  Other  organs,  he  says,  are  de- 
veloped in  the  search  for  food;  for  example, 
cattle  have  acquired  rough  tongues  to  pull  oif 


the  blades  of  grass.  Of  these  and  similar  acquisi- 
tions he  says: 

All  which  seem  to  have  been  gradually  produced 
during  many  generations  hy  the  perpetual  endeavour 
of  the  creatures  to  supply  the  want  of  food,  and  to 
have  been  delivered  to  their  posterity  with  constant 
improvement  of  them  for  the  purposes  required, 
[Italics  my  own.] 

The  idea  of  protective  coloring  he  thus  defi- 
nitely unfolds:  "There  are  organs  developed  for 
protective  purposes,  diversifying  both  the  form 
and  colour  of  the  body  for  concealment  and  for 

He  closes  his  long  argument  by  pointing  out 
the  close  descending  gradations  in  Nature  from 
the  higher  to  the  lower  forms,  and  the  substan- 
tial similarity  between  the  animal  and  vegetable 
kingdoms  in  their  modes  of  generation  or  repro- 
duction, and  concludes  as  follows: 

From  thus  .  .  .  considering  in  how  minute  a  por- 
tion of  time  many  of  the  changes  of  animals  above 
described  have  been  produced;  would  it  be  too  bold 
to  imagine,  that  in  the  great  length  of  time,  since  the 
earth  began  to  exist,  perhaps  millions  of  ages  before 
the  commencement  of  the  history  of  mankind,  .  .  . 
that  all  warm-blooded  animals  have  arisen  from  one 
living  filament,  which  the  great  First  Cause  en- 
dued with  animality,  with  the  power  of  acquiring 


new  parts,  attended  with  new  propensities,  directed 
by  irritations,  sensations,  volitions,  and  associations ; 
and  thus  possessing  the  faculty  of  continuing  to  im- 
prove by  its  own  inherent  activity,  and  of  delivering 
down  those  improvements  by  generation  to  its  pos- 
terity, world  without  end ! 

If  we  analyze  this  statement,  which  strikingly 
reminds  us  of  the  closing  paragraph  in  his  grand- 
son's Origin  of  Species,  we  see  that  it  involves: 

First,  a  clear  idea  of  the  evolution  of  all  forms 
of  life  from  a  single  filament  or  minute  organic 
mass — as  we  should  express  it  today,  a  minute 
mass  of  protoplasm. 

Second,  that  this  evolution  has  occupied  mil- 
lions of  years  and  has  been  controlled  not  by 
supernatural  causes  but  by  natural  causes. 

Third,  the  directing  or  adaptive  power  to 
which  he  alludes  has  sprung  from  efforts  to  meet 
new  needs  in  the  course  of  changing  environment. 

Fourth,  it  is  clear  from  the  context  that  by  the 
term  'inherent  activity,'  Darwin  does  not  allude 
to  an  internal  perfecting  principle  such  as  we 
find  originated  with  Aristotle,  but  that  the  power 
of  improvement  rests  with  the  animal's  own  ef- 
forts, the  effects  of  these  efforts  upon  the  body 
being  transmitted  by  heredity. 

Fifth,  he  does  not  build  a  branching  or  phy- 
letic  system  of  Evolution,  as  did  Lamarck,  but 
simply  leaves  this  part  of  the  system  out,  and 


passes  on  to  illustrations  of  the  causes  and  prin- 
ciples of  trans formism. 

Darwin  seems  to  realize  that  he  will  be  charged 
with  irreverence  in  thus  substituting  the  idea  of 
Evolution  for  that  of  Special  Creation;  he  meets 
this  by  establishing  his  evolution  hypothesis  upon 
a  basis  of  natural  causation  or  secondary  causes. 

As  pointed  out  above,  his  fundamental  theory 
in  the  origin  of  new  adaptations  is  what  has  since 
been  called  'archsesthetism'  by  Cope.^  Accord- 
ing to  this,  growth  is  stimulated  by  irritability 
and  sensibility,  or — in  Darwin's  language^ — in 
the  passage  upward  from  the  original  filament : 

The  most  essential  parts  of  the  system  .  .  .  are 
first  formed  by  the  irritations  above  mentioned  [hun- 
ger, thirst,  etc.],  and  by  the  pleasurable  sensations 
attending  those  irritations,  and  by  the  exertions  in 
consequence  of  painful  sensations,  similar  to  those  of 
hunger  and  suffocation.  ...  In  confirmation  of 
these  ideas  it  may  be  observed,  that  all  the  parts  of 
the  body  endeavour  to  grow,  or  to  make  additional 
parts  to  themselves  throughout  our  lives. 

I  have  carefully  searched  for  these  passages, 
and  find  a  most  striking  confirmation  of  Charles 
Darwin's  well-known  sentence:  "It  is  curious 
how  largely  my  grandfather,  Doctor  Erasmus 

1  E.  D.  Cope:  Origin  of  the  Fittest,  1887,  pp.  405-21. 
^  Zoonomia,  vol.  1,  xxxix. 


Darwin,  anticipated  the  views  and  erroneous 
grounds  of  opinion  of  Lamarck  in  his  Zoono- 
mia.''  Among  the  passages  abov^e  quoted,  and  in 
those  following,  we  find  the  whole  framework 
and  even  in  part  the  very  language  of  Lamarck's 
Four  Laws. 

Erasmus  Darwin  again  illustrates  his  theory 
of  progressive  modification  as  seen  in  the  evolu- 
tion of  Man:^ 

As  labour  strengthens  the  muscles  employed,  and 
increases  their  bulk,  it  would  seem  that  a  few  genera- 
tions of  labour  or  of  indolence  may  in  this  respect 
change  the  form  and  temperament  of  the  body.  .  .  . 
Add  to  these  the  various  changes  produced  in  the 
forms  of  mankind,  by  their  early  modes  of  exertion 
.  .   .  which  became  hereditary. 

In  the  succeeding  pages  he  also  applies  the  law 
of  transmission  of  acquired  adaptations  to  the 
lower  animals ;  for  example,  the  snout  of  the  pig, 
the  trunk  of  the  elephant,  the  rough  tongues  of 
cattle,  and  beaks  of  birds,  "seem  to  have  been 
gradually  produced  during  many  generations  by 
the  perpetual  endeavour  of  the  creatures  to  sup- 
ply the  want  of  food,  and  to  have  been  delivered 
to  their  posterity  with  constant  improvement  of 
them  for  the  purposes  required." 

As  regards  the  origin  of  plants,  he  at  one  point 

^Zoonomia,  vol.  1,  xxxi,  xxxix. 


mentions  the  suggestion  of  Linngeus:  "From 
hence  [single  hving  filament],  as  Linnseus  has 
conjectured  in  respect  to  the  vegetable  world,  it  is 
not  impossible,  but  the  great  variety  of  species  of 
animals,  which  now  tenant  the  earth,  may  have 
had  their  origin  from  the  mixture  of  a  few  natural 
orders."  Elsewhere  he  speaks  of  plants  as  having 
arisen  in  the  contest  for  light  and  air.  He  carries 
the  idea  of  sensibility  and  irritability  into  plant 
life,  and  his  theory  of  plant  evolution  is  similar  to 
that  of  animal  evolution. 

Erasmus  Darwin  was,  however,  fully  con- 
scious of  the  limitations  of  his  theory  of  the  origin 
of  adaptations,  for  in  speaking  of  protective  col- 
oring he  says:^  "The  final  cause  of  these  colours 
is  easily  understood,  as  they  serve  some  purposes 
of  the  animal,  but  the  efficient  cause  would  seem 
almost  beyond  conjecture."  The  same  problem  of 
adaptation  we  have  seen  propounded  by  Kant  at 
about  the  same  period:  "How  can  purposeful 
forms  of  organization  arise  without  a  purposeful 
working  cause?  How  can  a  work  full  of  design 
build  itself  up  without  a  design  and  without  a 
builder?"  Of  course  we  do  not  know  whether 
Darwin  had  this  suggested  to  him  by  Kant,  but 
it  is  exceedingly  interesting  to  see  him  so  clearly 
state  the  two-thousand-year-old  problem  of  'fit- 
ness' which  his  grandson  later  largely  solved. 

^Zoonomia,  vol.  1,  xxxix. 


While  this  chapter  on  Generation  is  a  com- 
paratively small  part  of  the  Zoonornia,  we  learn 
that  the  volume  as  a  whole  attracted  much  atten- 
tion at  the  time.  The  Scottish  philosopher  James 
McCosh  read  the  work  while  a  student  in  Edin- 
burgh. There  it  made  a  considerable  sensation, 
and  was  critically  examined  and  opposed  by 
Thomas  Brown,  M.D.,  in  a  critique^  devoted 
chiefly  to  the  principles  of  psychologj^  and  phys- 
iology of  heredity  found  in  Darwin's  volume, 
with  less  attention  to  evolutionary  ideas.  Pas- 
sages like  the  following  show  that  Erasmus  Dar- 
win exposed  himself  to  a  line  of  criticism  similar 
to  that  which  Charles  Darwin  applied  to  the  theo- 
ries of  Lamarck: 

As  the  earth,  to  a  considerable  depth,  abounds 
with  the  recrements  of  organic  life,  Dr.  Darwin 
adopts  the  opinion,  that  it  has  been  generated,  rather 
than  created;  the  original  quantity  of  matter  hav- 
ing been  continually  increased,  by  the  processes  of 
animalization,  and  vegetation.  This  production  of 
the  causes  of  effects  he  considers,  as  affording  a  more 
magnificent  idea  of  the  infinite  power  of  the  Crea- 
tor, than  if  he  had  simply  caused  the  effects  them- 
selves; and,  if  the  inconceivable  be  the  source  of  the 
magnificent,  the  opinion  is  just.  It  is  contrary,  how- 
ever, to  all  the  observations,  which  prove  the  proc- 
esses of  animal,  and  vegetable  growth,  to  be  the  result 

^Thomas  Brown:  Observations  on  the  Zoonomia  of  Erasmus 
Darwin,  M.D.,  Edinburgh,  1798,  pp.  432-3,  464-7. 


of  new  combinations  of  matter,  previously  existing; 
and  it  is  also  in  direct  opposition  to  the  opinions, 
which  Dr.  Darwin  has  himself  advanced.   .   .   . 

Dr.  Darwin  seems  to  consider  the  animals  of 
former  times,  as  possessing  powers,  much  superior  to 
those  of  their  posterity.  They  reasoned  on  their 
wants :  they  wished :  and  it  was  done.  The  boar,  which 
originally  differed  little  from  the  other  beasts  of  the 
forest,  first  obtained  tusks,  because  he  conceived 
them  to  be  useful  weapons,  and  then,  by  another 
process  of  reasoning,  a  thick  shield-like  shoulder,  to 
defend  himself  from  the  tusks  of  his  fellows.  The 
stag,  in  like  manner,  formed  to  himself  horns,  at 
once  sharp,  and  branched,  for  the  different  purposes 
of  offence,  and  defence.  Some  animals  obtained  wings, 
others  fins,  and  others  swiftness  of  foot;  while  the 
vegetables  exerted  themselves,  in  inventing  various 
modes  of  concealing,  and  defending  their  feeds,  and 
honey.  These  are  a  few  of  many  instances,  adduced 
by  Dr.  Darwin,  which  are  all  objectionable,  on  his 
own  principles ;  as  they  require  us  to  believe  the  va- 
rious propensities,  to  have  been  the  cause,  rather 
than  the  effect,  of  the  difference  of  configuration.  .  .  . 

If  we  admit  the  supposed  capacity  of  producing 
organs,  by  the  mere  feeling  of  a  want,  man  must 
have  been  greatly  degenerated,  or  been  originally  in- 
ferior, in  power.  He  may  \Nash  for  wings,  as  the  other 
bipeds  are  supposed  to  have  done  with  success ;  but  a 
century  of  wishes  will  not  render  him  abler  to  take 
flight.  It  is  not,  however,  to  man  that  the  observa- 
tion must  be  confined.  No  improvements  of  form  have 
been  observed,  in  the  other  animals,  since  the  first 
dawnings  of  zoology ;  and  we  must,  therefore,  believe 


them,  to  have  lost  the  power  of  production,  rather 
than  to  have  attained  all  the  objects  of  their  desire. 

This  critique,  together  with  an  article  upon 
''Cause  and  Effect,"  won  for  Doctor  Brown  the 
professorship  of  moral  philosophy  in  the  Univer- 
sity of  Edinburgh.  We  see,  therefore,  in  Great 
Britain,  as  in  France,  that  the  adherents  of  the 
evolution  idea  found  the  spirit  of  the  universities 
strongly  hostile.  As  we  pass  from  man  to  man  in 
these  outlines  of  the  evolution  idea,  selecting  cer- 
tain paragraphs  and  ignoring  all  the  contempo- 
rary literature,  we  must  not  lose  sight  of  the  fact 
that  the  major  weight  of  scientific  as  well  as  the- 
ologic  opinion  was,  throughout  all  this  period, 
upon  the  side  of  Special  Creation.  For  one  argu- 
ment like  Erasmus  Darwin's  upon  the  side  of 
gradual  development,  there  were  hundreds  upon 
the  side  of  the  sudden  creation  of  species. 

Nevertheless  we  may  attribute  to  Erasmus 
Darwin,  under  the  influence  of  David  Hume,  a 
full  conception  of  the  idea  of  Evolution  as  op- 
posed to  Special  Creation  in  the  divine  order  of 
the  universe  :^ 

The  late  Mr.  David  Hume  .  .  .  concludes  that 
the  world  itself  might  have  been  generated,  rather 
than  created;  that  is,  it  might  have  been  gradually 
produced  from  very  small  beginnings,  increasing  by 

^Zoonomia,  xxxix,  IV,  8. 

218        FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO   DARWIN 

the  activity  of  its  inherent  principles,  rather  than  by 
a  sudden  evolution  of  the  whole  by  the  Almighty 
fiat. — What  a  magnificent  idea  of  the  infinite  power 
of  the  Great  Architect!  The  Cause  of  Causes! 
Parent  of  Parents!  Ens  Entium! 

For  if  we  may  compare  infinities,  it  would  seem  to 
require  a  greater  infinity-  of  power  to  cause  the  causes 
of  effects,  than  to  cause  the  effects  themselves. 

That  this  theistic  view  of  creation  by  Evolu- 
tion won  the  attention  and  support  of  natural 
philosophers  is  sho^^^i  by  the  following  statement 
attributed  to  the  Reverend  James  iMcCloud  in 
the  year  1818:' 

Progressive  evolution  is  the  universal  plan.  Every- 
thing which  we  meet  in  the  world  around  us,  matter 
and  mind,  every  individual  and  all  congregated 
masses,  begin  their  course  as  germs  and  unfold  in 
slow  progression.  .  .  .  The  faculties  of  all  intelli- 
gent creation,  all  that  ^^ou  call  mind,  all  that  you 
call  heart,  are  framed  for  an  interminable  series  of 
evolutions.  ...  It  is  not  mainly  the  mould  of  this 
mighty  frame  of  tilings  which  establishes  it,  it  is  the 
fact  that  creation  is  eternall}^  unfolding  new  re- 
sources and  presenting  itself  under  successive  and 
amazing  combinations  of  which  no  creature  in  the 
universe  had  imagined  it  capable. 

^See  Creation   by  Evolution,  edited  bv   Frances   Mason,   1928, 
p.  23. 


Ainsi,  la  nature,  toujours  agissante,  toujours  impassible, 
renouvelant  et  variant  toute  espece  de  corps,  n'en  pre- 
servant  aucun  de  la  destruction,  nous  offre  une  scene  im- 
posante  et  sans  terme,  et  nous  montre  en  elle  une  puissance 
particuliere  qui  n'agit  que  par  necessite. — Lamarck. 

Wir  konnen  bei  Betrachtung  des  Weltgebaudes  in  seiner 
weitesten  Ausdehnung,  in  seiner  letzten  Teilbarkeit  uns  der 
Vorstellung  nicht  erwehren,  dass  dem  Ganzen  eine  Idee 
zum  Grunde  liege,  wornach  Gott  in  der  Natur,  die  Natur 
in  Gott  von  Ewigkeit  zu  Ewigkeit  schaffen  und  wirken 
moge.  Anschauung,  Betrachtung,  Nachdenken  fiihren  uns 
naher  an  jene  Geheimnisse.  Wir  erdreisten  uns  und  wagen 
auch  Ideen;  wir  bescheiden  uns  und  bilden  Begriffe,  die 
Analog  jenen  Uranfangen  sein  mochten. — Goethe. 


A  Question  of  Priority — Lamarck — Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire 
— Discussion  between  Cuvier  and  St.  Hilaire — Goethe — 
Cuvier — Treviranus — Bory  de  St.  Vincent — Isidore  St. 
Hilaire — Naudin. 

THE  movement  toward  placing  Evolution 
upon  a  truly  observational  or  inductive  basis, 
begun  by  Buffon,  continued  throughout  the  first 
half  of  the  nineteenth  century.  There  were  scat- 
tered observation  and  speculation  upon  the  filia- 
tion and  transmutation  of  species.  There  was  a 
rapid  extension  of  the  sciences  of  geology,  pa- 
Iseontology,  zoology,  botany,  and  comparative 
anatomy.  Nature  in  each  of  these  great  branches 
manifested  the  evolution  principle,  but  in  none 
was  the  evidence  so  strong  and  cumulative  as  to 
overcome  arguments  and  ecclesiastical  influence 
on  the  conservative  side.  Consequently  the  move- 
ment steadily  declined  toward  the  middle  of  the 
nineteenth  century,  and  notions  of  the  fixity  of 
species  had  a  stronger  foothold  than  ever  in  the 
teachings  of  the  great  masters  of  zoology  like 
Cuvier  and  Agassiz. 


222        FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

A  Question  of  Priority 

First  we  must  consider  an  important  step  in 
the  history  of  the  evolution  theory;  that  is,  the 
relation  of  Erasmus  Darwin  to  Lamarck.  We 
shall  see,  in  treating  Lamarck,  that  the  parallel- 
ism between  the  line  of  reasoning  of  these  two 
men  is  very  striking.  They  use  not  only  the  same 
illustrations  but  almost  the  same  language,  and 
by  putting  together  various  passages  from  Dar- 
win's writings  we  can  reconstruct,  almost  verba- 
tim, the  four  principles  of  Lamarck.  Darwin's 
Zoonomia  was  published  in  1794,  while  Lamarck^ 
in  the  same  year  adopted  Buffon's  maturer  and 
more  conservative  views,  as  shown  in  the  follow- 
ing statements : 

All  the  individuals  of  this  nature  are  derived  from 
similar  individuals,  which  altogether  constitute  the 
entire  species.  ...  If  there  exist  many  varieties 
produced  by  the  action  of  environment  [circon- 
stancesl,  these  varieties  do  not  at  all  change  the  spe- 
cies [ces  varietes  ne  denaturent  point  les  especes] . 

It  was  not  until  1801,  seven  years  after  the  pub- 
lication of  the  Zoonomia,  that  Lamarck  pub- 
lished his  theory  of  the  mutability  of  species.  This 
theory  had  two  main  features,  namely,  that  ani- 

'^Recherches  sur  les  Causes  des  principaux  Faits  physiques,  1794, 
4th  pt.,  686,  p.  214. 


mals  were  evolved,  not,  as  Euffon  supposed,  by 
the  direct  external  action  of  environment,  but 
by  environment  acting  upon  internal  structure 
through  the  nervous  system,  and  by  the  trans- 
mission of  the  modifications  thus  produced.  As 
regards  the  origin  of  plants,  Lamarck  believed 
with  Buff  on  that  they  were  evolved  by  the  direct 
action  of  environment.  Lamarck  nowhere  makes 
any  allusion  to  the  Zoonomia,  and  de  Lanessan 
has  pointed  out  that  he  also  pays  very  scant 
tribute  to  Buffon,  though  there  is  the  strongest 
internal  evidence  that  Lamarck  was  largely  influ- 
enced by  the  writings  of  Buffon's  second  period. 
How  shall  we  explain  this  coincidence  or  ap- 
parent plagiarism?  We  must  adopt  one  of  two 
alternatives.  One  is,  as  later  in  the  famous  and 
quite  as  closely  parallel  Wallace-Darwin  case, 
that  both  naturalisjts  arrived  independently  at  the 
same  conclusions,  influenced  alike  by  the  writ- 
ings of  Linnseus  and  the  earlier  writings  of  Buf- 
fon, also  by  their  own  observations  upon  Nature ; 
or,  we  must  suppose  that  Lamarck  borrowed 
freely  from  Darwin  without  giving  him  credit. 
We  should  hesitate  before  adopting  the  latter 
alternative,  when  we  consider  that  the  inter- 
change of  thought  between  the  two  countries  was 
not  so  constant  as  at  present,  also  that  Erasmus 
Darwin's  views  were  buried  rather  obscurely  in 
a  great  quarto  mainly  devoted  to  medicine  and 


in  two  long  didactic  poems.  Again,  we  must 
note  that  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire,  while  crediting 
Goethe,  Buff  on,  and  others  with  having  partly 
anticipated  Lamarck,  and  giving  a  very  complete 
bibliographical  description  of  the  subject,  no- 
where mentions  Erasmus  Darwin.  It  does  not 
seem  probable  that  Darwin's  work  could  have 
been  used  by  Lamarck  and  have  remained  wholly 
unknown  to  St.  Hilaire.  The  dates  and  the  points 
of  internal  evidence,  however,  in  a  measure  seem 
to  justify  the  suggestion  of  Charles  Darwin  and 
the  very  strong  suspicion  of  Doctor  Krause  that 
Lamarck  was  familiar  with  the  Zoonomia  and 
made  use  of  it  in  the  development  of  his  theory. 
M.  Charles  Martins,  the  chief  biographer  of 
Lamarck,  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  the  great 
French  astronomer  Laplace  (1749-1827)  sup- 
ported Lamarck  in  the  doctrine  of  the  transmis- 
sion of  acquired  adaptations,  even  as  applied  to 
the  origin  of  the  mental  faculties  of  man;  and 
in  the  passages  quoted  by  Martins  to  sustain  this 
point,  we  have  evidence  that  both  Laplace  and 
Lamarck  anticipated  Herbert  Spencer.  We  have 
seen  that  the  general  doctrine  of  transmission  of 
acquired  characters  was  a  very  ancient  one,  orig- 
inating among  the  Greek  natural  philosophers. 
It  had  been  expressed  in  France  by  others — by 
de  Maillet,  for  example.  The  most  important 
testimony  in  favor  of  Lamarck's  originality  is 


his  own;  it  is  in  a  very  striking  passage  in  the 
introduction  of  the  second  edition  (1835)  of  his 
Aniviaux  sans  Vertehrcs  (pp.  2,  3),  Lamarck's 
latest  work.  He  says: 

I  set  forth  my  general  theory.  It  deserves  close  at- 
tention ;  and  as  far  as  possible,  men  should  determine 
how  far  I  am  well  founded  in  all  that  I  have  written. 
I  have,  in  fact,  advanced  a  general  theory  upon  the 
origin  of  life  and  upon  its  modes  of  manifestation, 
upon  tlie  origin  of  the  faculties,  upon  the  variations 
and  phenomena  of  organization  of  different  animals, 
— a  theory  consistent  in  its  principles  and  applicable 
to  all  cases.  It  is  the  first,  so  it  seems  to  me,  which 
has  been  presented,  the  only  theory,  therefore,  which 
exists^  because  I  do  not  know  any  work  which  offers 
another  theory  based  upon  such  a  large  number  of 
principles  and  considerations.  This  theory  of  mine 
recognizes  in  Nature  the  power  to  produce  some  re- 
sult, in  fact,  all  the  results  we  see.  Is  it  well  estab- 
lished? Certainly,  it  seems  to  me  so;  and  all  my  ob- 
servations tend  to  confirm  it.  Otherwise  I  would  not 
publish  it.  It  rests  with  those  who  do  not  accept  it  to 
substitute  another,  with  equally  wide  application,  or 
with  a  still  wider  application  to  the  facts.  But  this 
I  hardly  believe  to  be  possible. 

From  this  statement  it  seems  that  we  have  sat- 
isfactory evidence  that  Erasmus  Darwin  and 
Lamarck  independently  evolved  their  views,  and 
this  is  further  confirmed  by  a  careful  reading  of 
Lamarck's  first  exposition  of  his  theory  in  his 


work  of  1802.  This  has  very  httle  similarity  with 
Darwin's  form  of  statement  or  language,  al- 
though it  embodies  essentially  the  same  theory. 
To  Huxley's  rather  pointed  question,  "It  would 
be  interesting  to  know  what  was  the  occasion  of 
Lamarck's  change  of  view  between  1779  and 
1802,"  we  may  answer  that  this  change  was  prob- 
ably due  to  the  change  of  his  studies  from 
botany  to  zoology,  for  it  was  upon  the  influence 
of  habit  as  observed  in  animal  life,  especially  in 
degeneration  and  development,  that  his  theory 
was  developed. 

Lamarck'  (1744-1829) 

Jean  Baptiste  Pierre  Antoine  de  Monet,  other- 
wise known  as  the  Chevalier  de  Lamarck,  was, 
according  to  his  biographer,  a  man  of  great 
physical  and  moral  courage;  he  distinguished 
himself  by  an  act  of  singular  bravery  in  the 
army.  Receiving  an  injury,  he  re-entered  life  as 
a  doctor.  He  was  first  attracted  to  botany  by  the 
rich  flora  observed  during  his  military  service 
near  Monaco.  Coming  to  Paris,  he  gained  Buf- 
fon's  attention,  and  became  an  intimate  friend  of 
his  household.  His  Flore  frangaise,  written  in  six 
months,  was  printed  under  Buffon's  direction 
and  passed  through  many  editions;  this  was  a 
systematic  work,  an  adaptation  of  the  system  of 

1  Compare  A.  S.  Packard:  Lamarck,  the  Founder  of  Evolution. 

FROM  LAMARCK  TO   ST.   HILAIRE       227 

Linmuus  to  the  flora  of  France.  He  seems  to  have 
been  gifted  with  the  power  of  exceptionally  rapid 
observation,  with  great  facility  in  writing,  and 
with  unusual  powers  of  definition  and  descrip- 

At  the  age  of  forty-nine  Lamarck  was  trans- 
ferred, under  the  Directory,  to  a  zoological  chair 
in  the  Jardins  des  Plantes,  where  he  was  espe- 
cially placed  in  charge  of  the  invertebrates ;  at  the 
same  time  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire  was  appointed  to 
the  care  of  the  vertebrates.  Lamarck  took  up  the 
study  of  zoology  with  such  zeal  and  success  that 
he  almost  immediately  introduced  striking  re- 
forms in  classification.  The  early  fruits  of  his 
zoological  studies  were  not  only  a  series  of  very 
valuable  additions  to  the  classification  of  animals, 
such  as  the  divisions,  Vertebrata  and  Inverte- 
brata,  and  the  groups,  Crustacea,  Arachnida,  and 
Annelida,  but  the  rapid  development  of  a  true 
conception  of  the  mutability  of  species,  and  of 
the  great  law  of  the  origin  of  species  by  descent. 

His  devotion  to  the  study  of  the  small  forms 
of  life,  probably  with  inferior  facilities  for  work, 
gradually  deprived  him  of  the  use  of  his  eyes, 
and  in  1819  he  became  completely  blind.  The 
last  two  volumes  of  the  first  edition  of  his  His- 
toire  Naturellc  des  Animaux  sans  Vcrtchrcs, 
which  was  begun  in  1815  and  completed  in  1822, 
were  carried  on  by  dictation  to  his  daughter,  who 


showed  him  the  greatest  affection;  after  Lamarck 
was  confined  to  his  room,  it  is  said  she  never  left 
the  house.  Lamarck  was  thus  saddened  in  his  old 
age  by  extreme  poverty  and  by  the  harsh  recep- 
tion of  his  transmutation  theories,  in  the  truth  of 
which  he  felt  the  most  absolute  conviction. 

Lamarck,  as  the  founder  of  the  complete  mod- 
ern theory  of  descent,  is  the  most  prominent  fig- 
ure between  Aristotle  and  Darwin.  One  cannot 
compare  his  PhilosopJiie  Zoologique  with  all 
previous  and  contemporary  contributions  to  the 
evolution  theory,  or  learn  the  extraordinary  dif- 
ficulties under  which  he  labored  and  that  this 
work  was  put  forth  only  a  few  years  after  he  had 
turned  from  botany  to  zoology,  without  gaining 
the  greatest  admiration  for  his  genius.  No  one 
has  been  more  misunderstood,  or  judged  with 
more  partiality  by  over  or  under  praise.  The 
stigma  placed  upon  his  writings  by  Cuvier,  who 
greeted  every  fresh  edition  of  his  works  as  a 
'nouvelle  folie,'  and  the  disdainful  allusions  to 
his  theory  by  Charles  Darwin  (the  only  writer 
of  whom  Darwin  ever  spoke  in  this  tone)  long 
placed  him  in  the  light  of  a  purely  extravagant, 
speculative  thinker.  His  PhilosopJiie  Zoologique 
of  1809  attracted  but  little  attention  until  Comte 
appreciated  its  value  in  his  own  PhilosopJiie 
Positive.  However,  as  a  fresh  instance  of  the  cer- 
tainty with  which  men  of  genius  finally  obtain 


recognition,  it  is  gratifying  to  note  the  admira- 
tion which  has  been  accorded  to  him  in  Germany 
by  Haeckel  and  others,  by  his  countrymen,  and 
by  a  large  school  of  American,  English  and  Ital- 
ian writers  of  the  present  day;  to  note,  further, 
that  his  theory  of  causes  was  finally  taken  up 
and  defended  by  Charles  Darwin  himself,  and 
that  it  forms  the  very  heart  of  the  biological  sys- 
tem of  Herbert  Spencer. 

None  the  less,  it  is  now  a  question  under  dis- 
cussion whether  Lamarck's  factor  of  the  trans- 
mission of  acquired  adaptations  is  a  factor  in 
Evolution  at  all!  If  it  prove  to  be  no  factor,  La- 
marck will  sink  gradually  into  obscurity  as  one 
great  figure  in  the  history  of  opinion.  If  it  prove 
to  be  even  an  indirect  factor,  as  in  the  modern 
hypothesis  of  'organic  selection,'  he  will  rise  into 
a  more  eminent  position  than  he  now  holds — into 
a  rank  not  far  below  Darwin's. 

The  development  of  Lamarck's  views  was,  as 
we  have  seen  above,  apparently  coincident  with 
his  turning  from  botany  to  zoology.  His  route  of 
observation  lay  along  comparative  zoology  and 
botany,  as  in  after  years  Goethe's  lay  along  the 
comparative  anatomy  and  morphology  of  plants 
and  animals.  It  seems  that  the  most  speculative  of 
all  his  writings  were  his  earlier  physical  treatises. 
One  of  these  early  works  was  his  Rccherches 
sur  les  Causes  des  principaux  Faits  plnjsiques. 


written  in  1776  and  presented  to  the  Academy 
in  1780,  but  not  published  until  1794  (the  date 
of  the  Zoonomia) ,  Here  Lamarck,  as  we  have 
seen,  affirms  his  belief  in  the  immutability  of 
species  and  strong  disbelief  in  the  theory  of  the 
spontaneous  origin  of  life,  saying  that  all  the 
physical  forces  we  know,  combined,  cannot  form 
a  single  organic  being  capable  of  reproduction. 
All  individuals  in  organic  life  descend  from  other 
individuals  altogether  similar,  which  taken  to- 
gether constitute  the  entire  species.  It  is  certain 
from  this  that  in  1776  Lamarck  held  views  simi- 
lar to  those  of  his  master,  Buffon,  in  his  third  pe- 
riod. It  is  possible  that  prior  to  1794  his  own 
opinions  had  become  modified,  but  that  he  had 
left  his  original  manuscript  unchanged  for  pub- 

In  his  Ht/drogeologie,  published  in  1802,  he 
developed  his  uniformitarian  ideas  in  geology 
and  proposed  the  term  'biology'  for  the  sciences 
of  life.  It  is  in  the  preface  of  this  work  that  he 
speaks  of  projecting  a  'Physique  terrestre'  to  in- 
clude three  parts :  Meteorologie,  Hydrogeologie, 
and  Biologie.  The  first  and  last  sections  were 
never  completed. 

In  the  year  1802  also  appeared  his  RechercJies 
sur  V Organisation  des  Corps  vivans,  in  which  he 
first  sketches  his  evolution  theory.  This  work  was 
particularly  upon  the  origin  of  the  living  body. 


upon  the  causes  of  its  development,  and  upon  its 
progressive  composition.  It  is  important  to  note 
that  in  this  work  he  projects  a  scale  of  life  some- 
what similar  to  that  of  Bonnet  and  of  Aristotle. 
This  shows  that  at  that  time  the  history  of  life 
presented  itself  to  his  mind  as  a  vertical  chain  of 
masses  of  organisms,  not  of  species ;  so  far  as  ap- 
pears, he  had  not  then  developed  the  branching 
idea  which  he  expressed  in  the  word  embranchC' 
meiit.  This  chain  he  puts  forth  to  show  the 
^de gradation^  or  downward  stages  or  gradations 
from  the  highest  to  the  lowest  forms,  indicating 
the  march  of  Nature  in  its  progressive  develop- 
ments. Here  and  elsewhere  Lamarck  acknowl- 
edges his  indebtedness  to  the  Greeks,  especially 
to  Aristotle.  Two  main  principles  are  brought  out 
in  this  work  anticipating  his  later  theory  of  the 
causes  of  Evolution:  first,  it  is  not  organs  which 
have  given  rise  to  habits,  but  habits,  modes  of 
life,  and  environment  which  have  given  rise  to 
organs ;  this  is  illustrated  by  the  blindness  of  the 
mole,  by  the  presence  of  teeth  in  mammals,  and 
the  absence  of  teeth  in  birds.  His  second  principle 
is,  that  life  is  an  order  and  condition  of  things  in 
the  parts  of  all  bodies  which  possess  it,  which  ren- 
ders possible  all  the  organic  movements  within. 

1  We  do  not  find  the  word  'evolution'  in  Lamarck ;  he  used  the 
word  degradation  in  the  sense  of  steps  or  stages  {changement  in- 
sensible et  confinu)  and  the  word  'gradation'  (Lat.  gradus)  in  the 
sense  of  evolution.  See  pp.  19,  20. 


There  is  no  evidence  in  this  work  of  the  year 
1802  that  Lamarck  had  seen  Darwin's  Zoonomia, 
The  parallelism  with  the  Zoonomia  comes  out 
much  more  prominently  in  Lamarck's  most  im- 
portant speculative  work,  Philosophie  Zoolo- 
gique,  published  in  1809,  in  which  his  earlier 
views  are  developed  and  expanded.  This  is  char- 
acterized by  a  clear  and  beautiful  style  and  by  a 
logical  development  of  the  argument,  in  which 
Lamarck's  whole  scheme  of  Evolution  is  grad- 
ually unfolded.  His  theory  was  never  developed 
beyond  this  point,  although  he  restated  it  in  a 
more  condensed  form  in  the  introduction  to  his 
Histoire  Naturelle  des  Animaua:  sans  Vertehres 
between  1815  and  1822. 

The  Philosophie  Zoologique  shows  that  three 
truths  had  now  come  to  him  from  his  labors  in 
botany  and  zoology,  and  presumably  from  his 
wider  readings  of  earlier  writings  of  Buffon,  of 
Linnseus,  and  of  the  Greeks,  to  whom  he  makes 
allusion.  These  are,  first,  the  certainty  that  spe- 
cies vary  under  changing  external  influences; 
second,  that  there  is  a  fundamental  unity  in  the 
animal  kingdom;  third,  that  there  is  a  progres- 
sive and  perfecting  development.  Among  the  di- 
rect influences  of  environment  he  cites  the  cases 
of  the  supposed  influence  of  water  upon  plants 
and  upon  the  lower  animals ;  the  influence  of  air 
in  forming  the  entire  respiratory  system  of  birds ; 

FROM  LAMARCK  TO  ST.   HIL.\IRE       233 

the  influence  of  light  upon  plants,  directly  upon 
the  coloring  of  animals,  and  upon  the  develop- 
ment and  degeneration  of  eyes ;  and  the  influences 
of  heat.  The  main  influences  come  under  the  law 
of  use  and  disuse,  for  he  believes  that  Nature 
effects  her  changes  not  directly  but  through  the 
reaction  of  animals  to  their  environment.  He  thus 
differs  widely  from  Buff  on:  *'Lack  of  employ- 
ment of  an  organ  becoming  constant  under  the 
influence  of  certain  habits,  gradually  impover- 
ishes the  organ  and  ends  by  causing  it  to  dis- 
appear entirely." 

In  the  discours  preliminaire  of  the  Philosophie 
Zoologique,  Lamarck  outlines  his  work  as  di- 
vided into  three  parts.  The  first  is  to  treat  of  the 
subject  in  general,  of  methods  of  research,  of 
artificial  distinctions  raised  by  man  in  classifica- 
tion, of  the  real  meaning  of  the  term  'species,'  of 
the  proofs  of  the  'de gradation'  of  organization 
from  one  end  to  the  other  of  the  animal  scale,  of 
the  influences  of  environment  and  habit  as  causes 
favoring  or  arresting  the  development  of  animals, 
of  the  natural  order  and  classification  of  animals. 
In  this  first  section  is  to  be  expanded  his  whole 
theory  of  Evolution,  which  we  will  examine  later. 
In  the  second  part  he  considers  the  essential  phe- 
nomena and  physiological  conditions  of  life,  of 
'orgasme'  and  irritability,  of  the  peculiarities  of 
cellular  tissue,  of  the  conditions  of  spontaneous 


generation.  This  section  covers  what  we  would 
now  term  the  general  principles  of  biology.  The 
third  part  is  devoted  to  the  development  of  the 
nervous  system,  sensation,  action,  and  intelli- 
gence, including  a  theory  of  the  origin  and  for- 
mation of  the  nerves,  and  of  the  development  of 
i^iental  faculties  and  ideas,  lower  and  higher; 
here  he  treats  of  the  relation  of  the  mind  of  man 
to  that  of  the  lower  animals. 

Lamarck's  general  philosophy  of  Nature 
comes  forth  here.  As  a  follower  of  Descartes^ 
he  is,  first  of  all,  an  advocate  of  the  search  for 
secondary  causes,  as  opposed  to  arrest  with  su- 
pernatural causation.  He  believes  that  we  see  in 
Nature  a  certain  order  originally  imposed  by  its 
Author,  which  is  manifested  in  the  successive 
development  of  life ;  we  thus  study  natural  forces 
and  Nature  abandoned  to  its  laws.  In  this  sense 
we  see  Nature  creating  and  developing  without 
cessation  toward  higher  and  higher  types.  Exter- 
nal conditions  do  not  alter  this  order  of  develop- 
ment, but  give  it  infinite  variety  by  directing  the 
scale  of  being  into  an  infinite  number  of  branches. 
Lamarck  denied,  absolutely,  the  existence  of  any 
'perfecting  tendency'  or  entelechy  in  Nature  and 

^Descartes'  "principal  purpose  was  to  explain  the  whole  vis- 
ible world,  including  the  physical  structure  of  man,  in  accord- 
ance with  fixed  laws  derived  from  the  simplest  facts  of  form  and 
motion.  It  was  a  philosophy  of  evolution  as  opposed  to  creation." 
J.  H.  Bridges:  The  New  Calendar  of  Great  Men,  1920,  p.  528. 


regarded  Evolution  as  the  final  necessary  effect 
of  surrounding  conditions  on  life.  Thus,  in  his 
teleology,  he  adopted  the  modern  standpoint.  In- 
stead of  suggesting  that  animals  had  been  cre- 
ated for  a  certain  mode  of  life,  he  supposed  that 
their  mode  of  life  had  itself  created  them:  wings 
were  not  given  to  birds  to  enable  them  to  fly,  but 
they  had  developed  wings  in  attempting  to  fly. 

In  his  discussion  of  the  ascending  gradations 
of  life,  beginning  with  the  simplest  and  ending 
with  the  most  complex  organisms  of  both  the  ani- 
mal and  vegetable  kingdoms,  he  is  thus  freely 
translated  :^ 

In  considering  the  natural  order  of  animals,  the 
very  positive  gradation  which  exists  in  the  increasing 
complexity  of  their  organization,  and  in  the  number 
as  well  as  in  the  perfection  of  their  faculties,  is  very 
far  removed  from  being  a  new  truth,  because  the 
Greeks  themselves  fully  perceived  it;  but  they  were 
unable  to  expose  the  principles  and  the  proofs,  be- 
cause they  lacked  the  knowledge  necessary  to  estab- 
lish it.   .  .  . 

In  consideration  of  this  gradation  of  life,  there  are 
onlv  two  conclusions  which  face  us  as  to  its  origin : 

Tlic  conclusion  adopted  up  to  today:  nature  (or 
its  Author)  in  creating  animals  has  foreseen  all  pos- 
sible sorts  of  circumstances  in  which  they  would  be 
destined  to  live,  and  has  given  to  each  species  a  con- 

'^Philosophie  Zoologiqne,  1873,  vol.  1,  chap.  VIII,  p.  271;  vol.  1, 
chap.  VII,  p.  263.  Compare  Hugh  Elliot's  translation,  1914,  pp. 
130,  126. 


stant  organization,  as  well  as  a  form  determined  and 
invariable  in  its  parts,  which  forces  each  species  to 
live  in  the  places  and  climates  where  it  is  found,  and 
there  to  preserve  the  habits  which  we  know  belong 
to  it. 

My  personal  conclusion:  nature,  in  producing 
successively  all  the  species  of  animals,  and  commenc- 
ing by  the  most  imperfect  or  the  most  simple  to  con- 
clude its  labor  in  the  most  perfect,  has  gradually 
completed  their  organization;  and  of  these  animals, 
while  spreading  generally  in  all  the  habitable  regions 
of  the  globe,  each  species  has  received,  under  the  in- 
fluence of  environment  which  it  has  encountered,  the 
habits  which  we  recognize  and  the  modifications  in  its 
parts  which  observation  reveals  in  it. 

The  first  conclusion  (Special  Creation),  he 
goes  on  to  say,  is  one  which  has  been  held  by 
nearly  every  one  up  to  the  present  time.  It  at- 
tributes to  each  animal  a  constancy  of  structure, 
and  parts  which  have  never  varied  and  will  never 
vary.  To  disprove  the  second  conclusion  (grada- 
tion), he  continues,  it  is  necessary  to  prove  that 
each  point  upon  the  surface  of  the  globe  never 
varies  in  its  nature,  climate,  exposure,  elevation, 
and  so  forth. 

The  belief  in  the  uniformity  of  past  and  pres- 
ent changes  was  the  next  great  factor  in  the  de- 
velopment of  Lamarck's  theory.  It  arose  from 
his  contemplation  of  the  data  of  geology  in  con- 
nection with  those  of  biology,  as  was  afterward 


the  case  with  Darwin  in  so  marked  a  degree.  In 
geology  he  was  an  ardent  advocate  of  the  doc- 
trine of  uniformity,  as  against  the  cataclysmal 
school.  The  main  principles  are  laid  down  in  his 
Hydrogeologie  (p.  67) ,  that  all  the  revolutions  of 
the  earth  are  extremely  slow.  "For  Nature,"  he 
says,  "time  is  nothing  and  it  is  never  a  difficulty; 
she  always  has  it  at  her  disposal,  and  it  is  for  her 
a  power  without  bounds,  with  which  she  makes 
the  greatest  things  like  the  least.  .  .  .  For  all  the 
evolution  of  the  earth  and  of  living  beings,  Na- 
ture needs  but  three  elements — space,  time,  and 
matter."  Lamarck,  unhke  Buffon,  did  not  touch 
cosmogony;  but  in  his  observations  upon  geology 
he  learnt  the  first  of  all  lessons,  that  in  specu- 
lating upon  the  past  we  should  not  regard  it  as 
a  period  of  catastrophe,  that  the  true  method  of 
study  is  to  observe  the  steady  march  of  Nature 
at  the  present  time,  for  its  present  operations 
suffice  to  explain  all  the  facts  which  we  observe 
in  all  its  past.  This  led  Lamarck  to  the  extreme 
of  denying  all  catastrophes  in  geology  and  all 
leaps   or   sudden  transitions   in  living   Nature. 
*'Nature,"  he  repeats,  "to  perfect  and  to  diver- 
sify animals  requires  merely  matter,  space,  and 

After  this  review  of  Lamarck's  self -education, 
intellectual  equipment,  and  the  influences  of  his 
collateral  studies,  we  come  to  his  theory  of  the 


factors  and  nature  of  the  evolution  of  life,  which 
he  first  expressed  in  the  Philosophie  Zoologique 
of  1809  and  fully  formulated  later  in  the  His- 
toire  Naturelle  (1815-22)  into  the  four  well- 
known  propositions: 

Premiere  loi. — La  vie,  par  ses  propres  forces, 
tend  continuellement  a  accroitre  le  volume  de 
tout  corps  qui  la  possede,  et  a  etendre  les  dimen- 
sions de  ses  parties,  jusqu'a  un  terme  qu'elle 
amene  elle-meme.  (Life  by  its  own  forces  tends 
continually  to  increase  the  volume  of  every  body 
that  possesses  it,  as  well  as  to  increase  the  size  of 
all  the  parts  of  the  body  up  to  a  limit  which  it 
brings  about. ) 

JDeuxieme  loi, — La  production  d'un  nouvel 
organe  dans  un  corps  animal,  resulte  d'un  nou- 
veau  besoin  survenu  qui  continue  de  se  faire  sen- 
tir,  et  d'un  nouveau  mouvement  que  ce  besoin 
fait  naitre  et  entretient.  (The  production  of  a 
new  organ  or  part  results  from  a  new  need  or 
want,  which  continues  to  be  felt,  and  from  the 
new  movement  which  this  need  initiates  and 
causes  to  continue.  [This  is  the  psychical  factor 
in  his  theory,  which  Cope  later  termed  Archses- 

Troisieme  loi. — Le  developpement  des  organes 
et  leur  force  d 'action  sont  constamment  en  raison 
de  I'emploi  de  ces  organes.  (The  development  of 
organs  and  their  force  or  power  of  action  are 


always  in  direct  relation  to  the  employment  of 
these  organs.  [At  another  point  he  expands  this 
into  two  sub-laws:  "In  every  animal  which  has 
not  passed  the  term  of  its  development,  the  more 
frequent  and  sustained  employment  of  each 
organ  little  by  little  strengthens  this  organ,  de- 
velops it,  increases  it  in  size,  and  gives  it  a  power 
proportioned  to  the  length  of  its  employment; 
whereas  the  constant  lack  of  use  of  the  same 
organ  insensibly  weakens  it,  deteriorates  it,  pro- 
gressively diminishes  its  powers,  and  ends  by 
causing  it  to  disappear."  This  is  now  known  as 
the  Law  of  Use  and  Disuse,  or  Kinetogenesis.]) 

Quatrieme  loi. — Tout  ce  qui  a  ete  acquis, 
trace  ou  change,  dans  I'organisation  des  individus, 
pendant  le  cours  de  leur  vie,  est  conserve  par  la 
generation,  et  transmis  aux  nouveaux  individus 
qui  proviennent  de  ceux  qui  ont  eprouve  ces 
changements.  (All  that  has  been  acquired  or  al- 
tered in  the  organization  of  individuals  during 
their  life  is  preserved  by  generation,  and  trans- 
mitted to  new  individuals  which  proceed  from 
those  which  have  undergone  these  changes.) 

In  his  earlier  work  the  fourth  law  was  first 
expressed  by  Lamarck  as  follows  :^ 

All  that  Nature  has  caused  individuals  to  acquire 
or  lose  by  the  influences  of  circumstances  to  which 
they  have  been  long  exposed,  and  consequently  by  the 

^Philosophie  Zoologique,  1873,  vol.  1,  pp.  235-6. 


influence  of  the  predominant  employment  of  a  cer- 
tain organ,  or  by  that  of  the  continued  lack  of  use  of 
such  a  part — all  this  Nature  conserves  by  generation 
to  the  new  individuals  which  arise,  provided  that 
these  acquired  variations  [change ments]  are  com- 
mon to  both  sexes,  or  to  those  which  have  produced 
these  new  individuals. 

This  law  is  now  known  as  'the  inheritance  of  ac- 
quired characters/  or  better,  to  revive  Lamarck's 
original  idea  expressed  in  the  word  changements, 
we  should  call  it  the  theory  of  inheritance  of  ac- 
quired changes,  variations,  or  adaptations. 

This  transmission  theory  of  Lamarck  is  seen 
to  be  substantially  similar  to  that  of  Erasmus 
Darwin,  and  to  depart  from  that  of  Buffon,  for 
Lamarck  does  not  follow  Buffon  in  supposing 
that  environment  alone  directly  produces  changes 
in  animals,  either  in  their  form  or  organization. 
On  this  point  he  says  :^ 

Circumstances  influence  the  form  and  organiza- 
tion of  animals.  .  .  .  But  I  must  not  be  taken  liter- 
ally, for  environment  can  effect  no  direct  changes 
whatever  upon  the  form  and  organization  of  animals. 

In  the  Philosophic  Zoologique  he  summarizes 
his  own  environmental  doctrine  as  follows:^ 

Great  changes  in  circumstances  bring  about 
changes  in  the  wants  of  animals.  Changes  in  their 

^Loc.  cit.y  I,  p.  223.  ^Loc.  cit.,  I,  pp.  223-4. 


wants  necessarily  bring  about  parallel  "changes  in 
their  actions.  If  the  new  wants  become  constant  or 
very  lasting,  the  animals  form  new  habits.  ...  If 
new  circumstances  becoming  permanent  in  a  race  of 
animals  have  given  them  new  habits,  there  will  result 
the  preferred  use  of  such  a  part  and,  in  certain 
cases,  the  total  lack  of  use  of  such  a  part  as  has  be- 
come useless. 

He  illustrates  his  theory  in  advancing  proofs 
that  it  is  not  the  organ  which  gives  origin  to  the 
habit,  but  the  habit  which  gives  origin  to  the 
organ,  and  points  out  examples  of  the  effects 
of  use  and  disuse.  He  refers  all  rudimentary 
structures  to  disuse,  such  as  the  embryonic  teeth 
of  the  whale-bone  whales  which  had  recently 
been  discovered  by  St.  Hilaire,  the  eyes  of  the 
mole  and  of  the  Proteus,  the  blind  salamander  of 
the  Austrian  caves.  He  is  inconsistent  with  his 
own  theory  when  he  says  that  the  organ  of  hear- 
ing has  been  developed  everywhere  by  the  direct 
action  of  vibrations  of  sound.  Again,  he  explains 
the  development  of  the  webbed  feet  of  birds  by 
their  being  attracted  to  swamp  ground  by  hun- 
ger and  making  efforts  to  swim  by  spreading  the 
toes,  the  skin  being  thus  stretched  between  them. 

His  conception  of  the  initial  causal  relation  of 
the  desires  and  wants  of  animals  is  illustrated  in 
the  following  paragraphs:^ 

^Histoire  Naturelle,  1835,  vol.  1,  p.  167. 


I  conceive  that  a  Gasteropod  mollusc,  which,  as  it 
crawls  along,  finds  the  need  of  feeling  the  bodies  in 
front  of  it,  makes  efforts  to  touch  those  bodies  with 
some  of  the  foremost  parts  of  the  head,  and  sends  to 
these  every  time  quantities  of  nervous  fluids,  as  well 
as  of  other  liquids ;  I  conceive,  I  say,  that  it  must  re- 
sult from  this  reiterated  afflux  toward  the  points  in 
question,  that  the  nerves  which  abut  at  these  points 
will,  by  slow  degrees,  be  extended.  Now,  as  in  the 
same  circumstances  other  fluids  of  the  same  animal 
flow  also  to  the  same  places,  and  especially  nourish- 
ing fluids,  it  must  follow  that  two  or  four  tentacles 
will  appear  and  develop  insensibly  under  those  cir- 
cumstances, on  the  points  referred  to. 

As  illustrating  the  sensitiveness  of  lowly  or- 
ganized animals  to  the  action  of  environment,  he 
cites  a  series  of  his  observations  upon  the  primi- 
tive fresh-water  Hydra  when  moving  about  in 
search  of  light. 

Numerous  other  examples  are  given  of  the 
supposed  origin  of  other  parts  of  the  body, 
among  which  we  may  summarize  his  hypothesis 
of  the  evolution  of  mammals  and  of  the  origin  of 
the  hoof  in  mammals:^ 

All  mammals  sprang  from  saurians,  more  or  less 
similar  to  our  crocodiles.  They  first  appeared  under 
the  form  of  amphibian  mammals  with  four  feebly  de- 
veloped limbs.  These  primitive  forms  divided  in  the 
manner  according  to  which  they  fed.  Some,  accus- 
toming themselves  to  browse  upon  shrubs,  became  the 

^Philosophie  Zoologique,  1873,  vol.  I,  pp.  252-3;  vol.  II,  pp. 


source  of  the  ungulates.  Advancing  upon  the  earth, 
they  experienced  the  need  of  having  longer  limbs, 
their  toes  became  elongated,  and  the  habit  of  resting 
upon  their  four  feet  during  the  greater  part  of  the 
day  has  caused  a  thick  horn  to  arise,  which  envelops 
the  extremity  of  the  toes  of  their  feet.  The  other 
mammals  remained  amphibious,  like  the  seals. 

He  also  explains  the  origin  of  the  horns  in  the 
ruminant  animals  by  the  efforts  which  they  have 
made  to  butt  their  heads  together  in  their  periods 
of  anger;  thus  has  been  formed  a  secretion  of 
matter  upon  the  forehead.  The  types  of  rumi- 
nants that  have  been  exposed  to  the  attacks  of 
carnivorous  animals  have  been  obliged  to  flee 
and  have  thus  acquired  the  habit  of  making  very 
rapid  movements;  thus  have  been  formed  the 
types  of  gazelle,  deer,  and  so  forth.  Such  crude 
illustrations  certainly  could  not  predispose  his 
contemporaries  in  favor  of  his  theory. 

He  was  still  less  happy  in  his  account  of  the 
loss  of  the  limbs  of  snakes  :^ 

The  serpents  having  taken  up  the  habit  of  moving 
along  the  earth  and  concealing  themselves  among 
bushes,  their  bodies,  owing  to  repeated  efforts  to  elon- 
gate themselves  and  to  pass  through  narrow  spaces, 
have  acquired  a  considerable  length  out  of  all  pro- 
portion to  their  width.  Since  long  feet  would  have 
been  very  useless,  and  short  feet  would  have  been  in- 
capable of  moving  their  bodies,  there  resulted  a  cessa- 

^Loc.  cit,  I,  pp.  244^5. 

^44        FROM  THE  GREEKS  TO  DARWE^ 

tion  of  use  of  these  parts,  which  finally  caused  them 
to  totally  disappear,  although  they  were  originally 
part  of  the  plan  of  organization  in  these  animals. 

It  is  eyident  that  Lamarck  was  forced  to  giye 
such  unnatural  illustrations  as  these,  because, 
shut  off  as  he  was  from  experiment  and  further 
obseryation,  they  were  the  only  ones  which  came 
within  his  range  of  imagination;  with  all  their 
absurdities,  they  present  a  semblance  to  the  ex- 
pressions of  some  modern  writers. 

In  his  theory  of  heredity,  Lamarck  postulated 
the  inmiediate  inheritance  of  acquired  modifica- 
tions, which  we  haye  learned  today  is  the  crucial 
fallacy  in  his  whole  system.  He  did  not  expand 
Buffon's  theories  in  regard  to  the  physical  basis 
of  transmission.  He  brings  out  the  results  which 
spring  from  free  intercrossing,  showing  that  ac- 
cording to  his  theory,  in  the  union  of  indiyiduals 
which  haye  been  subjected  to  different  enyiron- 
ments,  the  effects  of  enyironment  would  be  neu- 
tralized, whereas  the  crossing  of  indiyiduals  which 
had  been  subjected  to  the  same  enyironment 
would  hasten  and  perpetuate  the  transmission  of 
similar  effects.  To  this  principle  he  refers  the 
fact  that  accidental  changes  induced  by  the  habits 
of  men  are  not  perpetuated,  since  they  do  not  oc- 
cur in  both  parents,  whereas  the  formation  of  dis- 
tinct races  in  widely  different  parts  of  the  world 
is  due  to  the  uniformity  of  their  environment. 


Lamarck  foresaw  the  great  difficulties  which 
would  arise  in  classification  from  his  theory  of 
the  filiation  and  mutability  of  all  animal  and 
plant  types,  and  he  fully  grasped  the  immediate 
bearings  of  his  theory  upon  the  definition  of  spe- 
cies. He  v/rites:  "Nature  exhibits  to  us  indi- 
viduals succeeding  each  other,  but  the  species 
among  them  have  only  a  relative  stability,  and 
are  only  temporarily  invariable."  Quatrefages 
remarks  that  he  does  not  clearly  distinguish  be- 
tween species,  races,  and  varieties. 

The  definition  of  species  was  in  Lamarck's 
time  the  test  of  the  creed  of  the  naturalist.  Isi- 
dore St.  Hilaire,  in  the  Histoire  Naturelle  Ge- 
nerale,^  gives  us  an  interesting  outline  of  the  his- 
tory of  these  definitions,  beginning  with  that  of 
Linna?us,  including  Buffon's  earlier  and  later 
definitions  and  Cuvier's  later  definitions;  La- 
marck's is  admirable: 

A  species  is  a  collection  of  similar  individuals 
which  are  perpetuated  by  generation  in  the  same  con- 
dition as  long  as  their  environment  does  not  change 
sufficiently  to  bring  about  variation  in  their  habits, 
their  character,  and  their  form. 

Certainly  no  better  definition  of  a  species  could 
be  given  today. 

We  have  seen  that  Lamarck's  final  conception 

III,  1869,  p.  410. 


of  filiation,  or  the  idea  of  the  branching  {em- 
branchement)  of  life,  had  not  been  reached  in 
1802,  in  which  year  he  gives  a  vertical  scale  of  the 
succession  of  groups  of  animals  quite  similar  to 
that  which  had  been  developing  on  the  false  con- 
ception of  phylogeny  from  the  time  of  Aristotle. 
It  is  interesting,  therefore,  to  place,  side  by  side, 
his  first  scale  of  1802  with  that  of  1809  below, 
also  with  the  progressive  table  of  1815  {Histoire 

Une  colonne  vertebrale,  faisant  la  base 
d'un  squelette  articule. 



Speciaux  jusqu'a  Leur  Aneantissement 

Nota. — La  progression  de  la  degradation  n'est  nulle  part 
reguliere  ou  proportionnelle;  mais  elle  existe  dans  Tensemble 
d'une  maniere  evidente. 

1.  Les  Mammaux 

2.  Les  Oiseaux 

3.  Les  Reptiles 

4.  Les  Poissons 

5.  Les  Mollusques 

6.  Les  Annelides 

7.  Les  Crustaces 

8.  Les  Arachnides 

9.  Les  Insectes 

10.  Les  Vers 

11.  Les  Radiaires 

12.  Les  PoljT)es 

Point   de   colonne  vertebrale;    point   de 
veritable  squelette. 






Serie  des  Animaux 

Serie  des  Animaux 


.  Ascidiens. 










In  1802  he  expressly  speaks'  of  the  shaded  gra- 
dation in  the  complication  of  organization,  not 
as  a  lineal  series  of  species,  or  even  of  genera,  for 
he  says  such  a  series  does  not  exist.  But  he  speaks 
of  "a  series  quite  regularly  gradated  in  its  prin- 
cipal masses;  that  is  to  say,  in  the  principal 
known  systems  of  organization.  Such  a  series  in 
this  case  certainly  offers  lateral  ramifications  in 

^Recherches  sur  VOrganisation  des  Corps  vivans,  1802,  p.  39. 


many  directions,  the  extremities  of  which  are 
truly  isolated  points."  This  early  conception  of 
the  principle  of  divergence  in  Lamarck's  mind 
may  be  comj)ared  to  a  fir-tree  with  a  single  cen- 
tral stem  and  radiating  branches.  He  says,  in 

Such  a  natural  series  has  recently  been  denied, 
and  some  have  substituted  for  a  gradated  series  a 
reticulated  series,  in  which  animals  and  plants  are 
spread  out  as  upon  a  map.  Such  a  reticulated  series 
has  seemed  sublime  to  some  modern  writers,  and  Her- 
mann has  attempted  to  add  probability  to  it.  But 
those  who  study  more  profoundly  the  organization  of 
living  bodies,  and  occupy  themselves  less  exclusively 
with  the  consideration  of  species,  will  see  that  this 
view  will  have  to  be  entirely  abandoned. 

Lamarck's  later  (1809)  conception  of  the  tree 
of  life,  not  as  radiating  from  a  single  central 
stem,  but  as  branching  from  the  roots  into  larger 
and  smaller  stems,  so  far  as  we  know  was  the 
first  of  the  great  phyletic  trees,  the  construction 
of  which  has  since  occupied  so  large  a  portion  of 
the  energy  of  zoologists  and  has  been  carried  to 
the  farthest  extreme  by  Haeckel. 

In  his  second  table  Lamarck  derives  the  fishes 
from  the  molluscs ;  but  in  a  third  table,  published 
in  1815,  while  it  is  of  the  same  branching  charac- 
ter, he  declares  that  he  can  no  longer  connect  the 

'^Loc.  cit.,  pp.  40,  41. 


vertebrates  at  any  point  with  the  invertebrates! 
He  therefore  places  them  by  themselves,  with- 
out attempting  to  filiate  them.  The  third  table, 
therefore,  represents  Lamarck's  latest  views. 

His  true  conception  of  phylogeny  or  animal 
ascent  and  descent  grew  out  of  his  appreciation 
of  the  fact  that  many  forms  of  life  had  become 
extinct : 

Those  who  have  carefully  examined  large  collec- 
tions of  species,  are  aware  how  they  shade  into  each 
other,  and  that  when  we  find  species  which  are  ap- 
parently isolated,  it  is  only  because  we  have  not  yet 
obtained  the  intermediate  forms.  I  do  not  wish  to 
say  that  existing  animals  form  a  simple  and  evenly 
graded  series,  but  that  they  form  a  branching  series, 
irregularly  gradated,  the  gaps  having  been  filled  by 
lost  forms.  It  follows  that  the  species  which  terminate 
each  branch  of  the  series  are  related,  upon  one  side 
at  least,  with  others  which  shade  into  them.^ 

As  early  as  1802  he  held  that  affinities  indicate 
community  of  parentage  and  that  it  is  necessary 
to  prove  that  the  series  which  constitutes  the  ani- 
mal scale  resides  essentially  in  the  distribution  of 
the  principal  masses  which  compose  it  and  not  in 
that  of  the  species  or  even  of  the  genera.  As  we 

'^Philosophie  Zoologique,  vol.  I,  chap.  3.  This  very  significant 
passage  indicates  that  Lamarck  had  a  perfectly  clear  conception 
of  the  principle  of  Evolution  in  its  modern  sense.  This  alone  en- 
titles him  to  the  attribution  by  Packard  (1901)  of  "founder  of 
evolution."  It  is  to  be  valued  quite  apart  from  his  special  theory 
of  the  causes  of  Evolution  which  we  now  know  as  'Lamarckism.' 


see  in  the  above  tables,  Lamarck's  attempts  at 
reconstructing  the  tree  of  hfe  were  crude,  but 
considering  the  infancy  of  palaeontology  and  the 
entire  absence  of  embryological  knowledge,  his 
speculations  appear  more  to  his  credit.  He  sup- 
posed that  mammals  passed  through  amphibious 
mammals  back  to  saurians  similar  to  crocodiles. 
The  seals  or  aquatic  mammalia  gave  rise  to  the 
Unguiculates  or  clawed  animals,  and  when  the 
claws  became  too  long  the  Carnivores  made  ef- 
forts to  retract  them.  Some  primitive  mammals 
did  not  leave  the  water  at  all  but  lost  their  limbs 
and  became  the  Cetacea. 

It  is  strange  that  Lamarck  grasped  the  true 
idea  of  extinction  of  the  lower  types,  but  not  of 
the  higher  types.  He  could  not  credit  the  extinc- 
tion by  any  of  the  forces  of  Nature  of  such  per- 
fect forms  as  the  Mastodon  or  the  Palgeotherium 
recently  described  by  Cuvier,  but  he  believed  that 
they  had  probably  been  exterminated  by  man  or 
that  these  species  might  still  be  found  alive  else- 
where. He  thoroughly  believed  in  the  extinction 
of  lower  types — for  example,  of  the  Molluscs — 
and  that  the  lower  types  had  given  way  to  the 
higher,  the  ranks  of  the  lower  types  being  con- 
stantly replenished  by  incessant  creation  of  the 
lowest  forms. 

As  animals  progressed,  new  forms  were  con- 
stantly arising  in  the  primitive  scale.  One  of  the 



strongest  objections  which  Lamarck  had  to  meet 
— one  which  shows  that  his  theory  of  transmuta- 
tion excited  a  lively  discussion  at  the  time,  as 
Darwinism  did  afterward — was  the  persistency 
of  certain  lower  types.  When  Geoffroy  St. 
Hilaire  brought  back  his  rich  collections  of  mum- 
mied cats  and  other  animals  from  the  tombs  of 
Egypt,  and  it  was  found  that  these  were  identi- 
cal with  the  actual  living  representatives  of  the 
same  species  and  that  these  species  had  existed 
without  variation  between  two  and  three  thou- 
sand years,  it  was  considered  very  strong  evi- 
dence against  the  transmutation  theory.  La- 
marck replied  that  in  Egypt  there  had  been  sub- 
stantially no  change  of  environment,  that  both 
the  soil  and  the  climate  had  remained  the  same 
during  that  great  period ;  such  being  the  case,  no 
new  habits  had  been  imposed  upon  animals,  and 
the  persistence  of  their  characters  was  therefore 
readily  explained. 

It  is  also  noteworthy  that  Lamarck,  adopting 
for  animals  the  indirect  action  of  environment  on 
habit,  adopted  for  plants  a  theory  of  the  direct 
action  of  environment,  in  the  absence  of  any  ner- 
vous system  whereby  these  organisms  could  re- 
spond to  external  stimuli.  He  thus  coincided  with 
Buffon  in  regard  to  plant  evolution.  He  cites 
numerous  instances  of  rapid  modification  by 
drought,  by  change  of  habitat,  by  cultivation, 


and  concludes:  "All  is  effected  by  changes  un- 
dergone in  the  nutrition  of  the  plant,  in  its  meth- 
ods of  absorption,  and  in  its  transpirations,  in 
the  quantity  of  caloric,  light,  air,  and  humidity; 
finally,  in  the  superiority  which  certain  of  its 
vital  movements  can  take  on  over  others."  In  his 
transfer  from  the  study  of  botany  to  zoology, 
Lamarck's  interests  seem  to  have  been  wholly 
weaned  from  the  study  of  plants.  He  does  not 
show  the  least  glimmering  of  the  ideas  of  the 
struggle  for  existence  among  the  plants,  and  does 
not  by  any  means  enlarge  Buffon's  ideas  upon 
this  subject. 

In  his  speculations  upon  the  origin  of  life,  La- 
marck at  first  seems  to  have  rejected  the  doctrine 
of  abiogenesis,  but  later  (1802)  he  placed  at  the 
base  of  his  scale  of  degradation  progressive  the 
origin  and  continuous  generation  of  the  lowest 
forms  of  life  out  of  inorganic  matter. 

He  believed  that  by  little  masses  of  gelatinous 
matter,  brought  together  by  attraction,  a  tissu 
cellulaire  was  formed,  containing  gases  and  vital 
movements;  that  these  little  forms  of  life  were 
the  original  inhabitants  of  the  globe;  moreover, 
that  spontaneous  generation  of  these  organisms 
was  still  going  on.^ 

In  the  waters  of  the  ancient  world,  and  at  the  pres- 
ent time,  very  small  masses  of  mucilaginous  matter 

lOken's  similar  theory  was  not  advanced  until  1805. 


were  collected.  Under  the  influences  of  light,  certain 
elements,  caloric  and  electric,  entered  these  little 
bodies.  These  corpuscles  became  capable  of  taking  in 
and  exhaling  gases ;  vital  movements  began,  and  thus 
an  elemental  plant  or  animal  sprang  into  existence. 
Possibly  higher  forms  of  life,  such  as  infest  the  in- 
testines, originate  in  this  way.  Nature  is  thus  always 

After  studying  Lamarck  and  finding  out  how 
much  there  is  of  great  value  in  his  system,  we 
have  to  record  that  he  exerted  astonishingly  lit- 
tle influence  upon  the  thought  of  his  time,  and, 
in  France  at  least,  was  followed  by  only  a  single 
writer  until  revived  by  Comte.  It  appears  that 
Goethe  never  knew  of  Lamarck's  philosophy. 
This  was  partly  due  to  the  stigma  which  was 
placed  upon  the  transmutation  theory  and  to  the 
strong  opposition  to  Lamarck's  doctrine  by  Cu- 
vier,  the  most  influential  naturalist  of  the  time. 
As  Lamarck  retired  from  active  life  after  the 
loss  of  his  eyesight,  he  became  a  less  and  less 
known  figure;  he  could  take  no  direct  part  in 
spreading  his  doctrines  and  he  left  the  arena  of 
discussion  open  to  Cuvier  and  St.  Hilaire. 

Lamarck,  as  a  naturalist,  exhibited  exceptional 
powers  of  definition  and  description,  while  in  his 
philosophical  writings  upon  Evolution  his  specu- 
lation far  outran  his  observations,  and  his  theory 
suffered  from  the  absurd  illustrations  which  he 



brought  forward  in  support  of  it.  It  was  such 
examples  as  the  method  of  evolution  of  the  snakes 
that  gave  Lamarck's  critics  their  opportunity  of 
throwing  all  his  ideas  into  ridicule;  and  from 
some  of  these  brief  illustrations  his  critics  spread 
the  impression  that  he  believed  animals  acquired 
new  organs  simply  by  wishing  for  them.   His 
really  sound  speculation  in  zoology  was  also  in- 
jured by  his  earlier  and  thoroughly  worthless 
speculation  in  chemistry  and  other  branches  of 
science.  Another  marked  defect  was  that  La- 
marck was  completely  carried  away  with  the  be- 
lief that  his  theory  of  the  transmission  of  ac- 
quired characters  was  adequate  to  explain  all  the 
phenomena.  He  did  not,  Hke  his  contemporaries, 
Erasmus  Darwin  and  Goethe,  perceive  and  point 
out  that  certain  problems  in  the  origin  of  adap- 
tations were  still  left  wholly  untouched  and  un- 
solved. Believing  that  he  saw  a  great  evolution 
factor,  and  applying  it  to  organic  nature,  he  was 
blind  to  its  deficiencies  and  to  every  other  factor, 
and  sought  to  establish  it  as  a  sufficient  explana- 
tion of  every  change  in  the  animal  world.  His 
arguments  are,  in  most  cases,  not  inductive,  but 
deductive,  and  are  frequently  found  not  to  sup- 
port his  law,  but  to  postulate  it.  Another  defect 
was  his  limited  conception  of  natural  environ- 
ment, in  which  he  was  inferior  to  his  contem- 
porary, Treviranus.  Treviranus  and  St.  Hilaire 


enlarged  upon  Buffon's  view  of  environment, 
while  Lamarck  did  not.  The  greatest  gap  in  his 
reasoning  has  become  obvious  since  his  time, 
namely,  the  assumption  that  acquired  adapta- 
tions are  immediately  inherited;  this  he  took  for 
granted  and  never  endeavored  to  demonstrate. 

None  the  less  we  must  close  by  placing  La- 
marck in  the  first  rank  of  the  predecessors  of 
Darwin.  He  was  the  first  naturalist  to  become 
profoundly  convinced  of  the  great  law  of  grada- 
tion and  to  place  it  in  the  form  of  a  system;  he 
suffered  social  and  scientific  ostracism  for  this 
conviction,  but  maintained  and  repeated  his  argu- 
ments to  his  death-bed.  There  is  a  pathetic  strain 
in  the  avertissement  to  his  Animauoo  sans  Ver- 

Avant  d'atteindre  le  terme  de  mon  existence,  j'ai 
pense  que,  dans  un  nouvel  ouvrage,  susceptible  d'etre 
considere  comme  une  seconde  edition  de  mon  Systeme 
des  aniviaux  sans  vertebres,  je  devais  exposer  les 
principaux  faits  que  j'ai  recueillis  pour  mes  lemons 
.  .  .  ainsi  que  mes  observations  et  mes  reflexions  sur 
la  source  de  ces  faits. 

Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire   (1772-1844) 

Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire,  another  of  the  distin- 
guished French  naturalists  of  the  early  part  of 
the  nineteenth  century,  was  long  a  colleague  of 

256        FROM  THE  GREEKS  TO  DARWm 

Lamarck  in  the  Jardin  des  Plantes.  After  the 
Revolution  the  Museum  National  d'Histoire 
Naturelle  was  under  a  corps  of  professorial  di- 
rectors. A  joint  letter,  signed  by  Lamarck  "for 
director"  and  by  Geoffroy,  "Professor  and  Sec- 
retary of  the  administration  of  the  Museum  of 
Natural  History,"  reveals  the  keen  desire  of 
these  great  naturalists  for  evidence  regarding  the 
origin  of  species.  This  letter^  was  written  on  Jan- 
uary 30,  1796,  to  the  naturalist  Rembrandt  Peale 
at  Philadelphia,  inviting  the  interchange  of  lit- 
erature and  natural  history  specimens  and  re- 
questing "all  the  works  appearing  on  Natural 
History  in  the  United  States." 

Give  us  leave.  Sir,  to  call  your  attention  on  the 
subjects  wich  we  desire  to  receive  first.  Those  enor- 
mous bones^  wich  are  found  in  great  quantity  on  the 
borders  of  the  Ohio.  The  exact  knowledge  of  those 
objects  is  more  important  toward  the  Theory  of  the 
earth,  than  is  generally  thought  of.  .  .  .  We  also 
desire  some  species  of  quadrupeds  of  your  climates. 
They  have  some  conformity  with  those  of  the  ancient 
continent.  They  are  even  been  confounded  with  one 
another.  Nevertheless  we  think  they  differ  as  to  their 
species.  ...  It  would  be  interesting  to  know  what 
degeneration  their  transplantation  has  produced  on 

iNow  in  possession  of  the  author. 

^Referring  to  the  American  mastodon  discovered  at  Big  Bone 
Lick,  Kentucky,  which  at  the  time  excited  the  wonder  of  the  sci- 
entific world. 


their  economy.  They  would  lead  us  to  a  more  exact 
knowledge  on  the  nature  of  the  species  and  even  of 
the  species  in  general.  .  .  . 

We  cannot  read  the  works  of  Geoffroy  St. 
Hilaire  without  perceiving  that  he  was  by  birth 
a  philosopher  and  by  adoption  a  naturalist.  Al- 
though his  theory  of  the  causes  of  the  transmuta- 
tion of  species  was  profoundly  different  from  that 
of  Lamarck,  he  belonged  to  the  Buffon-Lamarck 
school  of  evolutionary  thought,  as  opposed  to 
the  special-creation  school  of  Cuvier;  in  sup- 
port of  his  school  he  came  into  wide  celebrity 
by  the  famous  discussion  of  1830  in  the  French 
Academy  of  Sciences.  He  added  largely  to  the 
evidences  of  'filiation'  and  contributed  several 
entirely  original  theoretical  'factors'  of  transfor- 
mation; nevertheless  there  is  in  all  his  writings 
an  undercurrent  of  doubt  as  to  the  extent  of  the 
law  of  degradation.  He  was  not  a  radical  evolu- 
tionist like  Lamarck.  Perrier,  Quatref ages,  and 
the  younger  St.  Hilaire  have  carefully  studied 
his  opinions  and  history.  St.  Hilaire  was  a  pupil 
of  Buffon,  but  as  a  thinker  he  mainly  acknowl- 
edges his- debt  to  the  German  natural  philoso- 
phers and  especially  to  Schelling  in  his  researches 
upon  the  philosophy  of  Nature,  although  he  does 
not  follow  Schelling  in  his  advocacy  of  the  supe- 
riority of  the  deductive  method. 


St.  Hilaire's  method  was  professedly,  though 
not  actually,  inductive.  Ideas,  he  said,  should  be 
directly  engendered  by  facts.  His  conceptions 
were  often  a  priori,  but  his  demonstrations  were 
always  a  posteriori.  In  his  speculation  upon 
Evolution,  we  see  that  St.  Hilaire  was  by  no 
means  always  consistent  with  his  method,  but 
was  very  largely  influenced  by  certain  classes  of 
facts  which  came  under  his  direct  observation, 
and  reasoned  from  these  to  laws  touching  facts 
of  quite  a  distinct  character.  Goethe  says  of  him: 
"He  recalls  Buffon  in  some  points  of  view.  He 
does  not  stop  at  Nature  existing  or  achieved ;  he 
studies  it  in  the  germ,  in  its  development,  and 
in  its  future.  He  projects  the  idea  of  unity,  which 
Buffon  had  just  touched  upon." 

There  were  three  branches  of  study  in  which 
St.  Hilaire  was  most  deeply  interested:  first, 
comparative  anatomy;  second,  teratology  or  ab- 
normal development;  and  third,  what  came  to 
be  known  as  philosophical  anatomy  when  he 
finally  embodied  it  in  the  Philosophie  Anato- 
mique,  published  in  1818.  This  was  the  work  so 
greatly  admired  by  Goethe.  The  narrower  range 
of  his  studies,  the  dominating  influence  of  his 
'unity  of  type'  principle  and  the  sudden  de- 
partures from  type  seen  in  his  teratological  stud- 
ies shaped  the  growth  of  St.  Hilaire's  limited  and 
peculiar  view  of  Evolution. 

Geoffroy  has  been  mistakenly  spoken  of  as 


the  philosophical  successor  of  Lamarck.  It  is 
rather  true  that  he  took  up  the  general  doctrines 
of  transformism  at  the  point  where  Lamarck 
could  no  longer  defend  them.  As  a  remarkable 
coincidence,  Buffon,  Lamarck,  and  Geoffroy  all 
became  transformists  at  the  same  age  of  life. 
The  younger  St.  Hilaire  shows  very  clearly,  as 
do  Quatrefages  and  Perrier,  that  he  was  more 
properly  the  disciple  and  expounder  of  Buffon. 
He  denied  the  inheritance  of  adaptations  or 
modifications  acquired  by  habit  which  formed 
Lamarck's  central  thought,  and  maintained  that 
the  direct  action  of  environment  was  the  sole 
cause  of  transformation,  always  regarding  organ- 
isms as  comparatively  passive  in  their  milieu. 
Thus  he  found  it  necessary  to  greatly  differen- 
tiate and  extend  Buffon's  conception  of  environ- 
ment, especially  on  its  chemical  atmospheric  side, 
attributing  very  marked  results  to  its  influence 
upon  the  respiratory  functions,  as  in  his  account 
of  the  evolution  of  the  crocodiles  from  the  sau- 
rians.  It  was  between  1825  and  1828  that  Geof- 
froy published  his  memoirs  upon  the  fossil  teleo- 
saurs  of  Caen,  and  connected  them  by  theoreti- 
cal descent  with  the  existing  gavials.^  Changing 
environment  and  respiration  were,  he  believed, 
the  chief  factors  in  this  transformation:^ 

^Recherches  sur  de  grands  Sauriens  trouv4s  a  Vetat  fossile. 
Paris,  1831. 

^Influence  du  monde  ambianf  pour  modifier  les  formes  animates. 
Mem.  Acad.  Sci.,  XII,  1833,  pp.  63-92.  See  pp.  76,  79. 


Le  monde  ambiant  est  tout-puissant  pour  une  al- 
teration dans  la  forme  des  corps  organises.  .  .  .  La 
respiration  constitute,  selon  moi,  une  ordonnee  si 
puissante  pour  la  disposition  des  formes  animales, 
qu'il  n'est  meme  point  necessaire  que  le  milieu  des 
fluides  respiratoires  se  modifie  brusquement  et  forte- 
ment,  pour  occasioner  des  formes  tres  peu  sensible- 
men  t  alter  ees. 

This  led  him  directly  to  an  anticipation  of  the 
^survival  of  the  fittest'  or  'natural  selection'  hy- 
pothesis of  Darwin.  The  atmosphere,  acting 
upon  the  pulmonary  cells,  brings  about  "modifi- 
cations which  are  favorable  or  destructive  {'fu- 
nestes' ) ;  these  are  inherited,  and  they  influence 
all  the  rest  of  the  organization  of  the  animal  be- 
cause if  these  modifications  lead  to  injurious 
effects,  the  animals  which  exhibit  them  perish 
and  are  replaced  by  others  of  a  somewhat  differ- 
ent form,  a  form  changed  so  as  to  be  adapted  to 
{a  la  convenance)  the  new  environment.'"  This 
is  a  very  striking  statement  of  a  principle  of 
heritable  variation  due  to  the  influences  of  en- 
vironment, and  of  the  survival  or  extinction  of 
types  according  to  the  adaptive  or  inadaptive 
character  of  the  variation.  Perrier  italicizes  this 
passage  and  points  out  its  anticipation  of  Dar- 

Another  highly  characteristic  feature  of  Geof- 
froy's  theory  was  that  he  included  in  it  what  has 


recently  been  termed  'saltatory  evolution'  and 
strongly  opposed  Lamarck's  fundamental  prin- 
ciple that  all  transformation  is  extremely  slow. 
It  is  evident  that  this  idea  was  suggested  to  him 
by  the  sudden  transformations  observed  in  his 
studies  of  congenital  abnormalities.  This  enabled 
him  to  maintain  the  principle  of  Evolution  with- 
out demonstrating  the  existence  of  intermediate 
stages.  The  absence  of  connecting  links  and  in- 
termediate forms  had  begun  to  be  a  stumbling- 
block  to  evolutionists;  where,  it  was  asked,  was 
evidence  of  a  transition  between  amphibians  and 
reptiles,  and  between  reptiles  and  birds?  This 
also  enabled  Geoffroy  to  avoid  a  difficulty  he 
himself  raised,  that  characters  of  new  forms  of 
life  would  not  be  maintained  pure,  owing  to  the 
blends  of  interbreeding;  these  sudden  saltations 
or  leaps  from  type  to  type  secured  the  necessary 
physiological  isolation.  Geoffroy  thus  anticipated 
the  now  famous  'mutation  theory'  of  Hugo  de 

As  a  rapid  transformationist,  Geoffroy  was 
not,  however,  an  imitator  of  de  Maillet,  who,  we 
remember,  believed  in  the  transformation  of  adult 
forms.  St.  Hilaire  denied  the  possibility  of  these 
rapid  leaps  in  the  adult  condition,  and  believed 
that  they  took  place  mainly  in  the  embryonic  or 
germinal  condition,  where  the  underlying  causes 
of  sudden  transformation  were  profound  changes 


induced  in  the  egg  by  external  influences — acci- 
dents, as  it  were,  regulated  by  law.  As  it  involved 
rapid,  as  well  as  gradual,  transformation,  St. 
Hilaire's  system  did  not  always  require  the  ex- 
istence of  intermediate  hnks.  For  instance,  he 
advanced  as  an  hypothesis  the  fantastic  sugges- 
tion that  the  first  bird  might  have  issued  directly 
from  the  egg  laid  by  a  reptile,  and,  as  a  bird 
could  not  be  fertiUzed  or  intercrossed  by  its  rep- 
tilian relatives,  the  new  characters  could  not  be 
suppressed  by  intercrossing: 

It  is  evidently  not  by  an  insensible  change  that  the 
inferior  types  of  oviparous  vertebrates  have  given 
rise  to  the  superior  organization  of  the  group  of 
birds.  An  accident,  within  the  range  of  possibility, 
and  not  very  great  in  its  original  production,  but  of 
an  incalculable  importance  in  all  its  effects,  has  suf- 
ficed to  produce  in  all  parts  of  the  body  the  condi- 
tions of  the  bird  type. 

Finally,  his  attitude  toward  transformism, 
as  explaining  all  forms  of  life,  was  much  less 
positive  and  sweeping  than  Lamarck's.  His  view 
of  degradation  may  be  summed  up  in  this  sen- 
tence: "Species  vary  with  their  environment,  and 
existing  species  have  descended  by  modification 
from  earlier  and  somewhat  simpler  species."  He 
admitted  that  the  question  to  be  decided  by  fu- 
ture palasontological  research  is  whether  "the 


living  forms  of  today  have  descended  by  a  suc- 
cession of  generations,  and  without  break,  from 
the  extinct  forms  of  the  antedihivian  period."  He 
looked  for,  and  found,  within  his  own  reach, 
proofs  and  evidence,  in  embryology,  in  the  his- 
tory of  metamorphoses  and  in  teratology.  Not 
even  in  speculation  did  he  trace  back  all  forms 
of  life  to  a  simple  prototype ;  in  filiation,  or  what 
is  now  known  as  phylogeny,  he  thus  narrowed 
Lamarck's  wide  field  of  conjecture. 

Discussion  betaveen  Cuvier  and 
St.  Hilaire^ 

Into  the  higher  region  of  generalization,  which 
Goethe  took  up  only  to  abandon,  few  naturahsts 
dared  to  stir.  The  followers  of  Linnaeus  showed 
themselves  weakest  w^here  they  attempted  deduc- 
tion, and  we  have  contrasted  the  soundness  of 
Cuvier's  comparative  anatomy  with  the  worth- 
lessness  of  his  speculation.  The  Buffon  school 
came  into  ridicule  because  of  some  of  the  wild 
hypotheses  in  their  earlier  books,  for  neither 
Buffon  nor  Lamarck  knew  when  to  apply  the 
curb.  Excessive  speculation  brought  a  reaction. 
After  Kielmeyer,  SchelHng,  and  Goethe,  there 

iPor  a  full  account  of  this  famous  discussion  see  Perrier's 
Philosophie  Zoologique  avant  Darwin.  It  is  also  frequently  al- 
luded to  in  the  Histoire  Naturelle  G&n^rale  by  the  younger  St. 
Hilaire.  It  was  immediately  hailed  by  Goethe  as  a  triumph  of 
principles  to  which  he  had  devoted  his  life. 


was  a  return  to  the  older  methods  of  simple  ob- 
servation and  record.  As  we  have  seen,  this  was 
partly  justified  by  the  fact  that  the  whole  phi- 
losophy of  the  speculative  writers,  and  much  of 
that  of  Buffon  and  Lamarck,  was  deductive, 
rather  than  inductive.  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire 
sought  to  revive  speculation  and  place  it  upon 
the  true  inductive-deductive  basis  in  his  Philoso- 
phie  Anatomique,  but  he,  too,  finally  failed. 

Beginning  February  15, 1830,  matters  came  to 
a  crisis:  St.  Hilaire  read  before  the  Academy  of 
Sciences  at  Paris,  in  the  name  of  Latreille  and 
himself,  a  report  upon  the  investigations  of  two 
young  naturalists.  The  conclusions  reached  in  the 
report  were  advanced  in  support  of  Geoffroy's 
chief  doctrine  of  the  universal  unity  of  plan  of 
composition;  this  was  his  central  life  thought, 
leading  him  to  emphasize  the  resemblances  rather 
than  the  differences  between  animals,  and  to  lay 
the  foundations  of  what  we  now  call  'parallelism' 
or  convergence  in  development.  In  this  case  he 
was  illustrating  his  principle  by  the  supposed 
analogy  or  parallelism  between  the  organization 
of  some  cephalopod  molluscs  and  the  vertebrates. 
It  seemed  to  Cuvier  that  these  conclusions  con- 
stituted a  direct  attack  upon  himself,  and  this 
brought  on  a  discussion  of  the  questions  which 
had  been  marking  a  widening  gap  between  the 
opinions  of  the  two  great  schools  founded  re- 


spectively  by  Linnseus  and  Buffon.  Cuvier  re- 
plied by  a  criticism  of  the  position  of  St.  Hilaire 
as  to  this  'unity  of  plan,'  and  rightly  sought 
to  demonstrate  that  there  were  several  distinct 
plans  of  animal  organization.  He  carefully  ana- 
lyzed the  arguments  brought  forward,  and 
showed  conclusively  that  in  the  types  cited  by  St. 
Hilaire  the  organs  in  their  position  gave  evi- 
dence simply  of  analogy  and  of  resemblance,  not 
of  a  real  unity  of  plan;  that  these  molluscs  led 
to  no  other  types.  Further,  he  said  that  St. 
Hilaire's  method  contained  nothing  new  and  that 
it  reverted  simply  to  the  views  of  Aristotle. 

In  following  the  details  of  this  controversy,  we 
see  that  Cuvier  was  entirely  correct  in  his  ana- 
tomical facts,  and  more  or  less  wrong  in  his  prin- 
ciples; while  St.  Hilaire  was  wrong  in  his  facts, 
and  right  in  the  principle  wliich  he  advocated. 
The  effect  was  to  drive  Cuvier,  who  issued  from 
this  famous  discussion  with  the  greater  eclat, 
into  the  extreme  position  of  recommending  nat- 
uralists to  confine  themselves  solely  to  the  expo- 
sition of  positive  facts  without  attempting  to 
draw  from  them  philosophical  inductions.  This 
sharp  issue,  therefore,  exerted  a  retarding  in- 
fluence upon  the  progress  of  inquiry  into  Evo- 
lution; for  Cuvier,  in  his  brilliant  lectures  in 
the  College  de  France,  threw  increased  weight 
against  the  method  and  teachings  of  St.  Hilaire, 


as  he  had  previously  done  against  those  of  La- 

Goethe   (1749-1832) 

Johann  Wolfgang  Goethe,  the  poet-natural- 
ist, perceived  the  law  of  transmutation  as  a 
naturalist,  as  an  anatomist,  as  a  botanist,  as  a 
philosopher,  and  as  a  poet.  His  brilliant  early- 
achievements  in  science  afford  a  striking  illus- 
tration of  the  union  of  imagination  with  a  pas- 
sion for  observation  and  generalization  as  the 
essential  characteristics  of  the  naturalist. 

In  these  characteristics  of  genius  as  a  biologist 
he  ranked  above  Lamarck  and  Geoffroy,  but 
when  he  took  his  journey  into  Italy  the  poetic 
instinct  began  to  predominate  over  the  scientific 
and  science  thereby  lost  a  disciple  who  would 
have  ranked  among  the  very  highest,  if  not  the 
highest.  Of  this  time  Goethe  says:  "I  have  aban- 
doned my  master  Loder  for  my  friend  Schiller, 
and  Linnaeus  for  Shakespeare."  Yet  Goethe,  in 
the  midst  of  poetry,  never  lost  his  passion  for 
scientific  studies.  He  seems  to  have  felt  instinc- 
tively that  what  contemporary  science  needed 
was  not  only  observation  but  generalization.  He 
showed  his  own  power  of  scientific  generaliza- 
tion in  his  famous  studies  upon  the  metamor- 
phoses of  plants,  and  in  his  perception  in  1790 


(later  independently  reached  by  Oken  and 
Owen)  of  the  vertebrate  nature  of  the  skull, 
which,  indeed,  was  only  a  part  of  his  contribu- 
tion to  comparative  osteology  and  anatomy. 

As  a  student  in  Leipzic  and  Strasburg  he  came 
under  the  influence  of  Bacon,  Spinoza,  Bruno 
and  Kant;  he  was  familiar  with  Linnaeus  and 
with  the  great  French  and  German  anatomists 
of  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century.  He  op- 
posed the  dominance  of  Linnaeus  as  to  the  fixity 
of  species  in  the  following  terms : 

The  conviction  that  everything  must  be  in  exist- 
ence in  a  finished  state,  if  one  is  to  bestow  upon  it 
proper  attention,  had  completely  befogged  the  cen- 
tury ,  .  .  and  so  this  way  of  thinking  has  come 
down  as  the  most  natural  and  most  convenient  from 
the  seventeenth  to  the  eighteenth,  and  from  the  eigh- 
teenth to  the  nineteenth  century.  .  .  .^ 

Goethe  partly  anticipated  Lamarck  as  an  evo- 
lutionist in  his  Metamorphoses  of  Plants,  but, 
unlike  his  French  contemporary,  he  did  not 
formulate  a  system,  although  he  made  the  most 
substantial  contributions  to  the  scientific  evi- 
dences of  the  theory  of  descent  versus  fixity.  It 
is  astonishing  that  Goethe  never  came  across  the 

iPor  this  and  other  Goethe  citations  see  Albert  Bielschowsky: 
The  Life  of  Goethe,  vol.  Ill,  1912,  pp.  83,  88,  95-6.  We  are  in- 
debted to  Albert  Bielschowsky  for  a  masterly  review  of  Goethe 
the  naturalist  and  to  Professor  William  A.  Cooper  of  Stanford 
University  for  a  splendid  translation. 


works  of  Lamarck;  this  circumstance  Haeckel 
truly  calls  a  tragic  loss  to  science,  for  Goethe 
would  have  made  the  ignored  and  buried  evolu- 
tionary principles  of  the  Philosophie  Zoologique 
known  to  the  world.  Goethe's  inspiration  was  un- 
doubtedly drawn  partly  from  Buifon;  he  also 
imbibed  the  Greek  influence,  and  in  his  general 
view  of  Nature,  expressed  in  his  Gott  und  Welt, 
we  see  the  ideas  of  God  working  in  Nature  and 
of  the  unity  of  the  development  process.  This 
he  also  brought  out  in  the  dialogue  between 
Thales  and  Anaxagoras  in  the  WalpurgisnacJit, 
Here  is  unfolded  the  conception  of  the  uniform- 
ity of  past  and  present  processes  in  geology  and 

It  is  not  surprising  that  Goethe  was  appre- 
ciated in  France  and  that  he  was  highly  praised 
by  Isidore  St.  Hilaire.  In  Cuvier  we  find  the 
following  allusion  to  his  essays  on  comparative 
anatomy:  "One  finds  in  them,  with  astonishment, 
nearly  all  the  propositions  which  have  been 
separately  advanced  in  recent  times."  Richard 
Owen,  somewhat  later,  wrote  that  Goethe  had 
"taken  the  lead  in  his  inquiries  into  Comparative 
Osteology,"  and  Carus  said:^ 

If  we  go  back  as  far  as  possible  into  the  history  of 
the  labors  undertaken  with  the  view  to  arrive  at  the 

^Preface  to  Transcendental  Anatomy, 


philosophic  conception  of  the  skeleton,  we  find  that 
the  first  idea  of  the  metamorphosis  of  the  osseous 
forms ;  that  is,  that  all  forms  are  but  modifications, 
more  or  less  traceable,  of  one  and  the  same  type ;  this 
idea  belongs  to  Goethe. 

Quite  independently  of  either  Cuvier,  La- 
marck, or  Geoffroy — in  fact,  twenty-five  years 
before  the  FUlosophie  Zoologique  of  1809  was 
published — Goethe  made  a  brilliant  anatomical 
discovery  in  the  separation  of  the  two  bones  com- 
posing tiie  upper  jaw  of  man,  which  he  correctly 
interpreted  as  proving  man's  anatomical  kinship 
and  unity  of  type  with  the  higher  animal  world. 
He  arrived  at  this  discovery  by  comparison 
of  animal  and  human  skulls  of  different  ages. 
Against  the  opinion  of  the  most  celebrated 
anatomists  of  his  time— Blumenbach,  Camper, 
and  Sommering— he  expressed  his  conviction  of 
the  consistency  of  the  osteological  type  in  ani- 
mals, ''from  the  simplest  to  the  more  complex, 
from  the  small  and  cramped  to  the  huge  and  ex- 

The  harmony  of  the  whole  makes  every  creature 
what  it  is,  and  man  is  man  by  the  form  and  nature 
of  his  upper  jaw  as  well  as  by  the  form  and  nature 
of  the  last  phalanx  of  his  little  toe.  Then  again  every 
creature  is  but  a  tone,  a  modulation,  of  a  great  har- 
mony, which  must  be  studied  as  a  whole  and  in  all  its 


grandeur;  otherwise  each  individual  part  is  but  a 
lifeless  letter.^ 

Thus  Goethe  was  the  first  to  remove  the  sup- 
posed anatomical  barrier  between  man  and  the 
apes  and  to  declare  his  belief  in  the  ascent  of 
man  from  the  animal  kingdom.  Stimulated  by 
the  physiognomic  studies  of  Lavater  and  aided 
by  Loder  at  Jena,  also  by  Merck,  he  wrote  of  his 
great  discovery: 

In  accordance  with  the  teaching  of  the  Gospel  I 
must  hasten  as  quickly  as  possible  to  inform  thee 
[Herder]  of  tlie  good  fortune  tliat  has  come  to  me. 
I  have  discovered — neither  gold  nor  silver,  but  some- 
thing that  gives  me  unspeakable  joy — the  os  inter- 
maxiLlarC'  in  man ! 

He  gave  a  superb  poetic  interpretation"  to  the 
influence  of  habit  upon  the  shape  and  form  of 
this  intermaxillary  bone: 

Thus  by  the  animal's  form  is  its  manner  of  living 

determined ; 
Likewise  the  manner  of  life  affecteth  every  creature, 
Moulding  its  form. 

This  was  Goethe's  interpretation  of  the  adaptive 
influence  of  habit  on  form,  and  of  the  relation  of 
individual  development  or  ontogeny  to  the  past 

^Letter  to  Knebel,  November  17,  1784. 
^Metamorphose  der  Tiere,  W.,  iii,  90. 


history  of  life,  a  principle  which  on  his  arrival  in 
Weimar  he  applied  to  the  plant  world — for  bot- 
any fascinated  him  no  less  than  osteology.  In 
1790  appeared  his  Vcrsuch,  die  Mctavior phase 
dcr  Pflanzen  zu  erJddren,  in  which  he  revealed 
to  the  scientific  world  an  idea  of  creative  power 
continuing  in  operation,  but  decades  passed  be- 
fore the  scientific  world  recognized  the  value  of 
his  conception. 

When  Goethe  came  out  with  his  work  in  1790  it 
was  little  noticed:  indeed,  scientists  came  near  con- 
sidering it  an  aberration.  To  be  sure,  there  was  an 
error  at  the  bottom  of  it,  but  such  a  one  as  only 
genius  can  commit.  Goethe's  only  error  consisted  in 
allowing  his  treatise  to  be  published  almost  half  a 
century  too  soon,  before  there  were  any  botanists 
who  were  able  to  study  it  and  under.stand  it.^ 

Thus  the  germ  of  the  idea  of  Evolution  and  the 
proof  of  this  idea  through  comparative  anatomy 
and  embryonic  development  were  contained  in 
Goethe's  first  scientific  writings  and  discoveries 
between  the  years  1781  and  1790.  This  was  prior 
to  the  publication  of  the  Zoonomia  of  Darwin 
and  long  prior  to  Lamarck's  Philosophie  Zoolo- 
gique.  It  is  not  an  exaggeration  to  say  that 
Goethe  was  the  first  to  conceive  Evolution  in  the 
modern  sense  of  the  term  and  that  his  transfer 

'Mliller:  Goethe's  letzte  litcrarifiche  TUtighcit,  p.  54. 


from  science  to  literature  retarded  the  demon- 
stration of  the  evolution  law  by  half  a  century. 

The  'unity  of  type'  hypothesis,  especially  in 
the  structure  of  the  back-boned  or  vertebrated 
animals,  which  exercised  such  a  potent  influence 
in  Europe,  was  developed  in  Goethe's  mind  a 
few  years  later,  namely,  in  1796;  this  was  the 
conception  which  formed  the  chief  basis  of  his 
idea  of  Evolution  :^ 

Thus  much,  then,  we  have  gained,  that  we  may 
assert,  without  hesitation,  that  all  the  more  perfect 
organic  natures,  such  as  fishes,  amphibious  animals, 
birds,  mammals,  and  man  at  the  head  of  the  list,  were 
all  formed  upon  one  original  type,  which  varies  only 
more  or  less  in  parts  which  are  none  the  less  perma- 
nent, and  which  stiU  daily  changes  and  modifies  its 
form  by  propagation. 

With  him,  this  unity  of  type  was  broadly 
based  upon  his  own  observations  and  was  chiefly 
a  generalization  of  his  own.  This  led  him  to  a 
correct  explanation  of  half -developed  or  vestigial 
structures,  such  as  the  os  intermawillare,  which 
are  among  the  strongest  evidences  of  the  law  of 
Evolution.  He  thoroughly  understood  the  rela- 
tions of  the  anatomy  of  man  to  that  of  lower 
forms,  and  speaks  of  vestigial  structures  as  fol- 

iGoethe:  (Euvres  d'histoire  naturelle  (French  trans,  by  Mar- 
tins), 1837,  p.  66. 


lows:  "These  structures,  which  in  lower  organ- 
isms are  developed  in  stronger  measure,  and  in 
man,  in  spite  of  his  higher  organism,  are  not 
wholly  lost."  It  was  this  interpretation,  as  a 
working  hypothesis,  which  led  to  Goethe's  most 
brilliant  achievement  in  comparative  anatomy 
above  described,  namely,  his  prediction  of  the 
discovery  of  intermaxillary  bones  in  man.  This 
raised  a  storm  of  opposition  among  contem- 
porary anatomists  which  now  seems  hardly  cred- 
ible, in  spite  of  which  Goethe  succeeded  in  veri- 
fying his  prediction. 

Thus,  Goethe  stepped  from  observation  to 
generahzation  and  from  generalization  to  the 
working  hypothesis,  which  he  turned  into  use  as 
the  guide  to  fresh  research.  He  advanced  upon 
the  truly  modern  scientific  method;  yet  he  al- 
ways preserved  the  proper  balance  between  ob- 
servation and  generalization.  He  said  that  if  he 
had  once  held  Kant's  conception  of  lineal  descent 
or  filiation,  as  deduced  by  reason,  and  could  have 
undertaken  lines  of  inquiry,  nothing  would  have 
prevented  him  from  carrying  out  its  proofs. 

He  was  superior  to  all  of  his  three  contem- 
poraries— Lamarck,  St.  Hilaire,  and  Trevira- 
nus — in  his  realization  that  certain  problems 
were  very  far  from  solution;  in  a  work,  written 
in  1794-95  but  not  published  until  long  after- 
ward, he  remarked  that  "the  question  for  future 


naturalists  will  be  to  determine  how,  for  instance, 
cattle  got  their  horns,  and  not  for  what  they  are 
used."  He  thus,  with  Kant,  felt  the  gap  in  the 
lack  of  a  natural  explanation  for  the  origin  of 
purposive  structures. 

Goethe's  theory  of  the  causes  of  Evolution,  so 
far  as  formulated,  had  the  spirit  of  Aristotle 
combined  with  that  of  Buff  on  and  Lamarck  and 
is  beautifully  expressed  in  the  passage  Haeckel 
selects  from  his  Metamorphosis  of  Animals 

All  members  develop  themselves  according  to  eternal 

And  the  rarest  form  mysteriously  preserves  the  prim- 
itive type. 
Form  therefore  determines  the  animal's  way  of  life, 
And  in  turn  the  way  of  life  powerfully  reacts  upon 

all  form. 
Thus  the  orderly  growth  of  form  is  seen  to  hold 
Whilst  yielding  to  change  from  externally  acting 

In  his  Metamorphoses  of  Plants,  published  in 
1790,  we  find  Goethe's  ideas  of  filiation  or  de- 
scent clearly  expressed.  He  here  derives  all 
plants  from  a  single  original  form,  and  all  the 
elaborate  structures  of  the  plant  from  the  leaf. 

iThis  contains  the  Aristotelian  'matter  and  form'  notion,  to- 
gether with  a  perception  of  the  factors  of  Lamarck  (4th  line)  and 
of  Buffon  (6th  line). 


He  called  his  theory  'Bildung  und  UmbildungJ 
or  'Formation  and  Transformation.'  Morj^hol- 
ogy  was  Goethe's  favorite  study,  and  upon  trans- 
formation depended  all  his  ideas  of  the  descent 
theory.  Phyletic  series  and  the  methods  of  ascer- 
taining them  were  wholly  unknown  to  him,  but 
structural  series,  or  the  modifications  of  a  primi- 
tive type  or  archetype,  exhibited  successively  in 
the  lower  and  higher  types  of  plants  and  in  the 
lower  and  higher  types  of  animals,  were  clearly 
perceived,  and,  as  we  have  seen  above,  they  led 
Goethe  to  a  thoroughly  philosophical  interpreta- 
tion of  structures  in  all  stages  of  Evolution,  in 
the  three  phases  of  development,  balance,  and 

The  'Urbild,'  or  primitive  type,  was  composed 
of  the  internal  original  common  characters — as 
we  would  say,  the  *stem  characters' — lying  at  the 
base  of  all  forms,  and  these  original  structures 
were  preserved  by  heredity.  The  preservation  of 
this  hereditary  type  was  opposed  by  a  continu- 
ous progressive  development,  somewhat  in  the 
Aristotelian  sense,  and  this  was  necessitated  by 
the  adaptive  reactions  of  the  organism  to  the 
outer  world.  The  hereditary  type  is  the  centripe- 
tal structural  force,  or  specification,  while  pro- 
gressive development  is  the  centrifugal  structural 
force,  or  metamorphosis.  Goethe  prized  highly 
the  conception  of  these  two  opposed  forces,  which 


we  now  know  as  heredity  and  variation,  or  in- 
heritance and  adaptation. 

Goethe's  interest  in  science  remained  unabated 
to  the  close  of  his  life.  As  remarked  by  Biel- 

It  is  admitted  in  many  quarters  that  at  least  near 
the  end  of  his  life  Goethe  arrived  at  a  clear  concep- 
tion of  the  idea  of  descent,  and  that  in  the  last  scien- 
tific work  of  his  life,  his  review  of  the  remarkable 
controversy  between  Cuvier  and  Geoffroy  de  Saint- 
Hilaire,  he  gave  expression  to  the  idea  by  placing 
himself  uncompromisingly  on  the  side  of  the  latter. 
But  if  that  is  true  it  is  no  less  true  that  these  ideas 
had  long  been  his  own,  for  we  have  his  testimony: 
"This  event  is  for  me  one  of  altogether  incredible 
value,  and  I  have  a  right  to  rejoice  that  I  have  finally 
lived  to  witness  the  general  victory  of  a  cause  to 
which  I  have  devoted  my  whole  life,  and  which  is  pre- 
eminently my  cause." 

The  movements  of  scientific  thought  were  to 
him  of  far  more  importance  than  political  events, 
as  we  learn  from  an  account  by  Soret,  quoted  by 
Haeckel,^  of  Goethe's  reaction  in  his  eighty-first 
year  to  the  famous  discussion  between  Cuvier 
and  St.  Hilaire  described  above: 

Monday,  Aug.  2d,  1880. — The  news  of  the  out- 
break of  the  revolution  of  July  arrived  in  Weimar 
today,  and  has  caused  general  excitement.   In  the 

iBielschowsky:  The  Life  of  Goethe,  1912,  vol.  Ill,  p.  110. 
^The  History  of  Creation,  1892,  vol.  I,  pp.  89-90. 


course  of  the  afternoon  I  went  to  Goethe.  "Well,"  he 
exclaimed  as  I  entered,  "what  do  you  think  of  this 
great  event?  The  volcano  has  burst  forth,  all  is  in 
flames,  and  there  are  no  more  negotiations  behind 
closed  doors."  "A  dreadful  affair,"  I  answered ;  "but 
what  else  could  be  expected  under  the  circumstances, 
and  with  such  a  ministry,  except  that  it  would  end 
in  the  expulsion  of  the  present  royal  family.^"  "We 
do   not  seem  to   understand   each   other,   my   dear 
friend,"  replied  Goethe.  "I  am  not  speaking  of  those 
people  at  all ;  I  am  interested  in  something  very  dif- 
ferent. I  mean  the  dispute  between  Cuvier  and  Geof- 
froy  de  Saint  Hilaire,  which  has  broken  out  in  the 
Academy,  and  which  is  of  such  great  importance  to 
science."  This  remark  of  Goethe's  came  upon  me  so 
unexpectedly  that  I  did  not  know  what  to  say,  and 
my  thoughts  for  some  minutes  seemed  to  have  come 
to  a  complete  standstill.  "The  affair  is  of  the  utmost 
importance,"  he  continued,  "and  you  cannot  form 
any  idea  of  what  I  felt  on  receiving  the  news  of  the 
meeting  on  the  19th.  In  Geoffroy  de  Saint  Hilaire 
we  have  now  a  mighty  ally  for  a  long  time  to  come. 
But  I  see  also  how  great  the  sympathy  of  the  French 
scientific  world  must  be  in  this  affair,  for,  in  spite  of 
the  terrible  political  excitement,  the  meeting  on  the 
19th  was  attended  by  a  full  house.  The  best  of  it  is, 
how^ever,  that  the  S3mthetic  treatment  of  nature,  in- 
troduced into  France  by  Geoffroy,  can  now  no  longer 
be   stopped.    This   matter   has    now   become   public 
through  the  discussions  in  the  Academy,  carried  on 
in  the  presence  of  a  large  audience ;  it  can  no  longer 
be  referred  to  secret  committees,  or  be  settled  or  sup- 
pressed behind  closed  doors." 


CuviER   (1769-1832) 

Georges  Cuvier,  the  junior  of  Lamarck  by  a 
quarter  of  a  century,  the  successor  of  Linnaeus 
and  of  Buff  on,  was  the  greatest  zoologist  of  his 
day  and  exerted  an  unparalleled  influence  upon 
European  thought.  Although  the  leading  op- 
ponent of  the  doctrines  of  Lamarck  and  of 
Geoffroy  in  particular,  and  of  the  methods  of 
thought  which  were  surely  leading  to  the  demon- 
stration of  the  mutability  versus  fixity  of  species, 
he  nevertheless  demands  a  place  in  this  history 
because  the  new  science  of  palaeontology  which  he 
founded  was  destined  to  overthrow  all  the  prin- 
ciples to  which  he  devoted  his  great  talents. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  in  forming  his 
personal  philosophy  Cuvier  reversed  the  order 
taken  by  Linnaeus,  Lamarck,  and  Geoffroy  St. 
Hilaire;  for,  starting  with  views  very  similar  to 
the  most  advanced  held  by  Buffon  upon  the 
mutability  of  species,  he  arrived  at  a  point  as 
conservative  as  the  early  position  of  Linnaeus, 
insisting  upon  the  fixity,  not  only  of  species,  but 
of  varieties.  His  definition  of  a  species  was  of  the 
kind  destined  to  prevail  until  1858:  ''All  the  be- 
ings belonging  to  one  of  these  forms  {perpet- 
uated since  the  beginning  of  all  things  [that  is, 
the  Creation] )  constitute  what  we  call  species'^ 
[Italics  my  own.] 


As  head  of  the  illustrious  Ecolc  des  Fails,  he 
laughed,  and  set  his  pupils  laughing,  over  the 
^Philosophy  of  Nature,'  characterizing  it  as  7a 
tete  de  la  tetc'  It  is,  however,  strange  that  when- 
ever Cuvier  left  his  anatomical  and  palaontologi- 
cal  studies  for  speculation,  he  was  exceptionally 
unsound;  in  his  embryology  he  believed  in  'evo- 
lution' versus  *epigenesis' ;  in  his  Discours  sur  les 
Revolutions  sur  la  Surface  du  Globe  (1825),  he 
advocated  the  doctrine  of  catastrophism  versus 
uniformitarianism.  As  geology  began  to  yield 
increasingly  positive  evidence  of  great  successive 
waves  of  life,  of  the  extinction  of  older  animal 
types  and  the  arrival  of  new  unheralded  types, 
he  was  forced  to  abandon  his  original  theory  of  a 
single  creation.  As  the  chief  founder  of  compara- 
tive anatomy  and  palaeontology,  he  introduced 
the  modern  conception  of  palaeontology  as  past 
zoology.  He  first  described  Anchitherium  and 
pointed  out  its  resemblance  to  the  horse ;  this  is  a 
form  which,  perhaps,  more  than  any  other,  is  to- 
day part  of  the  most  convincing  fossil  testimony 
of  Evolution,  yet  Cuvier  failed  to  see  in  it  proofs 
of  the  'filiation'  hypothesis  he  was  opposing.  In 
fact,  according  to  Deperet,^ 

the  ideas  of  Cuvier  on  the  transformations  of  the 
terrestrial  faunas  in  geological  times  may  be  summed 

1  Charles  Deperet:  Les  Transformations  du  Monde  Animal. 
Authorized  translation  edited  by  F.  Legge  in  "The  International 
Scientific  Series,"  vol.  XCIV,  1909,  pp.  U,  15. 


up  in  the  following  points:  (1)  successive  faunas  are 
entirely  or  almost  entirely  different  from  one  an- 
other ;  (2)  their  extinction  results  from  sudden  revo- 
lutions, that  is  to  say,  subsidences  of  the  earth's 
crust,  followed  by  invasions  by  the  sea  of  continents 
once  dry;  (3)  other  revolutions  resulting  in  the  up- 
heaval of  mountain  chains  have  again  cast  back  the 
waters  and  allowed,  on  the  foundation  of  the  dried 
bottom  of  the  sea,  the  constitution  of  continental  soils 
favourable  to  the  expansion  of  new  terrestrial  faunas ; 
(4j)  these  new  faunas  are  not  created  on  the  spot, 
but  come  from  distant  regions,  their  migration  from 
which  has  become  possible  owing  to  temporary 
bridges  between  continents. 

Deperet^  regards  as  unjustifiable  the  attribu- 
tion to  Cuvier  of  successive  creations: 

Nowhere  in  the  work  of  Cuvier  is  the  word  [suc- 
cessive] "creation"  to  be  met  with,  and  we  have  only 
to  read  attentively  the  Discours  sur  les  Revolutions 
du  Globe  to  see  that  in  the  mind  of  the  illustrious 
scholar  it  was  simply  a  question  of  the  invasions  of 
new  animal  forms  suddenly  arriving  from  distant  and 
unknown  countries.  Here  the  idea  is  fundamental 
enough  to  warrant  its  quotation :  "Moreover,  when  I 
maintain,"  says  Cuvier,  "that  the  beds  of  rock  con- 
tain the  bones  of  several  genera  and  the  friable  strata 
those  of  several  species  which  no  longer  exist,  /  do 
not  assume  that  a  new  creation  was  n&cessary  to  pro- 
duce the  existing  species.  I  simply  say  that  they  did 

'^Loc.  cit.i  pp.  lS-14. 


not  exist  in  the  same  places,  and  must  have  come 
there  from  elsewhere.  Suppose,  for  instance,  that  a 
great  irruption  of  the  sea  were  to  cover  the  continent 
of  New  Holland  with  a  mass  of  sand;  it  would  bury 
in  it  the  corpses  of  kangaroos,  phascolomes,  dasyures, 
perameles,  flying  phalangers,  echidnae,  and  ornitho- 
rhynci,  and  would  entirely  destroy  the  species  of  all 
these  genera,  since  none  of  them  exist  in  other  coun- 
tries. Let  this  same  cataclysm  turn  into  dry  land  the 
numerous  small  straits  which  separate  New  Holland 
from  the  continent  of  Asia,  and  it  will  open  up  a 
passage  to  rhinoceroses,  buffaloes,  horses,  camels, 
tigers,  and  all  the  other  Asiatic  animals,  which  will 
thus  people  a  land  where  they  were  until  then  un- 

.  .  .  To  Cuvier  must  be  ascribed  the  honour  of 
having  stated  wuth  admirable  clearness  and  exactness 
the  highly  important  and  fruitful  hypothesis  of  the 
renewal  of  faunas  by  migration. 

The  school  of  Cuvier,  however,  went  beyond 
its  master,  and  Alcide  d'Orbigny,  d'Archiac,  and 
Louis  Agassiz  confirmed  the  theories  of  Cuvier 
on  the  fixity  of  species  and  the  almost  complete 
renewal  of  successive  faunas.  The  views  of  d'Or- 
bigny may  be  sunamed  up  as  follows  :^ 

From  the  first  to  the  latest  epoch  of  the  animated 
world  we  see  appear  at  all  points  of  it,  at  one  and  the 

^Charles  Deperet:  Les  Transformations  du  Monde  Animal. 
Authorized  translation  edited  by  F.  Legge  in  "The  International 
Scientific  Series,"  vol.  XCIV,  1909,  p.  18. 


same  time,  a  great  multitude  of  different  species  be- 
longing to  all  branches  of  the  animal  kingdom,  of 
which  there  are  no  signs  in  the  preceding  periods. 
The  first  creation  shows  itself  in  the  Silurian  stage. 
After  its  annihilation  through  some  geological  cause 
or  other,  a  second  creation  took  place  a  considerable 
time  after  in  the  Devonian  stage,  and,  twenty-seven 
times  in  succession,  distinct  creations  have  come  to 
repeople  the  whole  earth  with  its  plants  and  animals 
after  each  of  the  geological  disturbances  which  de- 
stroyed everything  in  living  nature.  Such  is  the  fact, 
certain  but  incomprehensible,  which  we  confine  our- 
selves to  stating,  with  endeavouring  to  solve  the  su- 
perhuman mystery  which  envelops  it. 

Cuvier's  scientific  and  political  prestige  was 
almost  unbounded.  His  discoveries  and  recon- 
structions of  extinct  animals  were  considered 
brilliant.  A  favorite  of  Napoleon,  he  was  able  to 
build  up  a  great  school  in  the  Jardin  des  Plantes 
and  exert  his  political  influence  in  keeping  the 
*transformists'  out  of  position.  He  was  followed 
by  De  Candolle,  the  botanist,  by  De  Blainville, 
the  palaeontologist,  by  Dumeril,  the  invertebrate 
zoologist,  and,  in  Germany,  by  Vogt  and  Bronn. 
The  great  English  anatomist  and  palaeontolo- 
gist, Richard  Owen,  shared  partly  Cuvier's  views 
and  partly  those  of  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire.  Cu- 
vier's greatest  disciple  was  Louis  Agassiz,  bril- 
liant in  many  fields  of  research  and  generaliza- 


tion,  but  stout  opponent  to  the  very  end  of  all 
doctrines  of  transformism. 

Treviranus   (1776-1837) 

Gottfried  Reinhold  Treviranus,  a  prominent 
German  naturalist  and  contemporary  of  La- 
marck and  Goethe,  has  the  distinction  of  having 
defined  'biology'  as  the  science  of  living  Nature, 
in  1802.  It  is  an  interesting  coincidence  that  both 
he  and  Lamarck  independently  felt  the  need  of  a 
comprehensive  term  for  the  principles  underlying 
botany  and  zoology,  and  that  they  proposed  it  in 
the  same  year.^ 

Huxley  has  also  placed  Treviranus  beside  La- 
marck as  one  of  the  founders  of  the  evolution 
theory;  but  a  careful  study  of  Treviranus'  chief 
work — Biologie,  oder  Philosophie  der  lebenden 
Natur — does  not  justify  our  ranking  these  two 
men  together.  In  the  other  extreme,  Treviranus, 
as  an  evolutionist,  has  been  too  widely  ignored. 
He  is  not  named  by  any  of  the  French  writers; 
his  own  countryman,  Haeckel,  has  clearly  set 
forth  his  position,  but  places  him  below  Oken, 
the  chief  exponent  of  transcendental  anatomy. 
We  may  therefore  give  a  rather  full  statement  of 
his  views.  His  Biologie  was  published  in  the  same 
year  as   Lamarck's   first  essay  of   1802   upon 

iSee  note,  p.  65. 


gradation,  but  in  the  preface  of  his  last  work — 
Erscheinungen  und  Gesetze  des  Organischen 
Lehens,  which  was  pubhshed  in  1830 — Trevira- 
nus  states  that  he  had  reached  his  conclusions  in- 
dependently of  and  prior  to  Lamarck.  Even  in 
this  case  we  cannot  claim  for  Treviranus  great 
originahty;  for  in  his  conception  of  Evolution  he 
does  not  advance  very  far  beyond  the  standpoint 
reached  by  Buffon  in  his  middle  period,  and  he 
appears  to  us  rather  as  a  very  careful  student 
and  compiler  not  only  of  Buffon  but  of  Leib- 
nitz, Kant,  and  Schelling,  all  of  whom  suggested 
more  or  less  clearly  the  transmutation  theory, 
also  of  Linnaeus,  Harvey,  and  Blumenbach.  He 
had,  moreover,  the  advantage  of  the  new  palae- 
ontology of  Cuvier  and  of  the  travels  of  Hum- 

His  point  of  approach  to  Nature  is  that  of 
the  German  natural  philosophers.  He  places  life 
upon  the  chemical  and  mechanical  basis,  and  in 
his  introduction  enters  upon  the  one  side  a  vig- 
orous protest  against  the  purely  speculative  work 
— die  Trdume  und  Visionen — probably  having  in 
mind  his  worthy  predecessor  Bonnet  and  others 
whom  I  have  placed  in  the  speculative  group.  On 
the  other  side,  he  protests^  against  the  dry  sys- 
tematic work  which  Linnaeus  had  left  to  pos- 

^Biologie,    oder   Philosophie   der   lebenden   Natur,    1802,    vol.    I,   pp. 



terity — his  terms  without  his  genius — a  botany 
and  zoology  devoid  of  all  higher  generalizations : 

An  author  can  have  no  sadder  and  more  spirit- 
killing  duty  than  the  reading  and  writing  of  com- 
pilations. The  teachings  of  Natural  Science  have  long 
been  standing  isolated  like  the  pyramids  in  the  des- 
erts of  Egypt,  as  if  the  value  of  Natural  History 
were  not  rather  the  application  than  the  mere  pos- 
session of  facts.  What  have  Botany  and  Zoology  been 
hitherto,  but  a  dry  register  of  names,  and  what  man 
who  has  not  lost  his  sense  for  higher  work  can  find 
time  for  these  gymnastics  of  memory?  But  once  re- 
gard systematic  work  as  a  part  of  Biology,  and  no- 
menclature as  a  means  rather  than  as  an  end,  and 
both  take  their  place  in  science,  contributing  to  the 
whole  in  which  the  intellect  of  man  perceives  the  unity 
and  harmony  of  Natural  Law.  Even  the  work  of 
Linnaeus,  as  it  does  not  reach  the  highest  point,  is 
mere  construction.  The  author  will  give  opinion  and 
theory  a  place  in  this  work,  but  he  is  far  from  those 
who  give  their  dreams  and  fancies  a  reality  and  per- 
manence, believing  that  his  own  theories  may  perish, 
and  hoping  to  direct  the  current  of  thought  in  Biol- 
ogy to  adapt  itself  to  Nature,  and  not  to  make  Na- 
ture adapt  herself  to  the  current  of  thought.  Let  us 
not  direct  the  stream  of  Nature,  but  be  directed  by 
her.  Let  us  publish  a  work  w^hich  will  collect  the  nu- 
merous thoughts  lying  scattered  throughout  the  writ- 
ings of  Natural  History,  and  this  generalization  will 
have  greater  value  than  all  the  descriptions  of  new 


Treviranus  thus  ranges  himself  with  the  school 
of  Buffon,  Lamarck,  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire,  and 
Goethe,  as  against  the  school  of  Linnseus  and 
Cuvier.  He  believes  it  possible  to  discover  the 
philosophy  of  Nature,  and  his  whole  work  is  writ- 
ten in  an  admirable  spirit.  In  the  succeeding  in- 
troductory chapters  upon  the  interpretation  of 
living  Nature,  he  considers  the  importance  of 
biology,  its  fundamental  principles,  possible  sys- 
tems, methods  of  experimental  biology,  as  well 
as  the  use  of  the  hypothesis — that  is,  the  working 
hypothesis — as  the  essential  weapon  of  progress 
toward  the  truth.  He  defines  biology  as  "the  study 
of  the  different  forms  and  appearances  of  organic 
life,  of  the  conditions  and  laws  under  which  these 
exist,  and  of  the  causes  by  which  they  are  kept  in 
operation."  He  points  out^  that  every  part  of  the 
organism  is  subservient  to  the  whole,  that  Nature 
never  builds  up  one  organ  or  system  of  organs 
without  causing  others  to  suffer  reduction.  This 
is  equivalent  to  the  'lot  de  balancemenf  of  St. 
Hilaire,  or  the  modern  law  of  ^compensation  of 
growth,'  the  deficiency  of  one  part  being  made 
up  by  the  greater  development  of  another.  He 
also,  as  clearly  as  Lamarck,  perceives  the  causal 
relation  between  function  and  structure.  In  his 
conception  of  natural  environment,  he  wuth 
Schelling  perceives  that  every  class  of  animals 

"^Loc.  cit.,  p.  58. 


exerts  upon  living  Nature  influences  similar  to 
those  exerted  in  the  animal  or  plant  by  their 
organs  and  systems  of  organs  upon  each  other. 

He  has  two  chief  thoughts  in  regard  to  envi- 
ronment: first,  the  influences  of  life  upon  life, 
and  of  life  upon  Nature;  and  second,  the  con- 
stant revolutions  of  life  and  climate.  He  says 
that  the  wider  the  limits  reached  by  the  action  or 
by  the  incidence  or  impact  of  environment  upon 
the  living  organism,  so  much  higher  the  grade 
of  the  organism  must  be.  The  lowest  rudiments 
of  life — vita  minima — are  those  in  which  the  ac- 
tion of  environment  falls  with  least  specializa- 
tion, and  these  rudiments  mark  the  transition  to 
lifeless  matter.  This  conception  of  environment, 
as  the  action  and  reaction  of  life  upon  Nature 
and  of  life  upon  life,  he  amplifies  in  connection 
with  the  law  of  Buffon  and  Malthus  that  the 
struggle  for  existence  consists,  not  only  in  re- 
production, but  in  reproduction  increasing  in 
quantity  according  to  the  destructive  influences 
of  surrounding  life.  An  animal  must  have  more 
progeny  as  the  number  of  its  enemies  increases. 

We  thus  see  that  Treviranus  breathed  the 
spirit  of  the  most  philosophical  of  his  predeces- 
sors and  was  essentially  modern  in  his  method. 
We  therefore  expect  to  find  an  equal  breadth  of 
view  in  his  treatment  of  the  problems  of  animal 
descent  or  phylogeny.  Here  we  are  disappointed. 


for  we  find  only  another  proof  of  the  insuperable 
difficulties  under  which  these  early  evolutionists 
labored,  in  the  comparatively  limited  knowledge 
they  possessed  of  the  forms  and  successions  of 
life.  As  soon  as  Treviranus  departs  from  these 
first  principles  of  biology  and  undertakes  an  ap- 
plication of  these  principles  to  a  theory  of  devel- 
opment of  animal  life,  he  becomes  more  and  more 
speculative,  and  shows  himself  even  more  fan- 
tastic than  Lamarck  in  his  approach  to  the  truth. 

In  his  conception  of  the  processes  of  Evolu- 
tion, we  see  him  erroneously  translating  Buf- 
fon's  term  'denaturee,'  by  ^degeneration' ;  for  he 
means  by  *  degeneration'  exactly  what  we  now 
term  adaptation  or  modification,  by  the  action  of 
external  formative  forces — in  other  words,  both 
development  and  degeneration — whereas  Buff  on 
in  the  w^ord  denaturee  implied  modification  by 
climate  of  an  originally  perfect  type.  His  theory 
of  the  causes  of  Evolution  is  very  similar  to  that 
of  Buffon,  as  he  traces  degeneration  solely  to  the 
influences  of  varying  external  conditions,  and 
this  he  believes  to  be  the  modifying  factor  in  sin- 
gle organisms.  The  perpetual  changes  in  living 
surroundings  bring  about  constant  changes  in 
the  organization  of  the  body. 

In  the  course  of  these  changes  old  species  are 
destroyed  and  new  ones  take  their  places.  He 
brings  out  clearly  the  idea  of  the  direct  action  of 


environment  in  the  elimination  of  species,  groups, 
and  families,  but  does  not  assign  this  as  a  cause 
of  the  origin  of  adaptations.  Thus,  many  species 
become  extinct,  while  others  become  diminished 
in  numbers.  Man  himself  exhibits  the  direct 
modifying  influence  of  his  environment  by  wide 
variations  in  his  structure.  The  history  of  the 
older  geological  periods  is  given  us  in  the  suc- 
cession of  fossils.  Here  Treviranus  added  to  the 
work  of  Cuvier  the  idea  of  progressive  modifica- 
tion in  time,  an  idea  which  Cuvier  never  adopted. 
Continuing  to  extend  his  evolution  theory,^  we 
find  that  he  believed  in  abiogenesis,  that  every 
form  of  life  can  be  produced  by  physical  forces 
in  one  of  two  ways :  either  by  coming  into  being 
out  of  formless  (inorganic)  matter,  or  by  the 
modification  of  an  already  existing  form  by  a 
continued  process  of  shaping. 

.  .  .  Wherever  Nature  has  exerted  her  building 
forces  she  has  brought  forth  Autochthones,  living 

.  .  .  qui  rupto  robore  nati. 
Compositive  luto,  nullos  liabuere  parentes. 

Wherever  like  conditions  prevailed,  of  climate,  earth, 
water,  atmosphere,  and  a  similar  geographical  posi- 
tion, these  Autochthones  were  similar,  and  the  species 

^Biologic,  oder  PhUosophie  der  lebenden  Natur,  1802,  vol.  Ill, 
p.  224. 


which  developed  from  them  remained  similar  as  long 
as  the  environment  was  unaltered.  But  in  studying 
the  form  of  any  particular  country,  it  is  very  hard 
to  determine  which  forms  are  native  or  autochtho- 
nous, and  which  have  spread  into  the  country  by  mi- 
gration from  other  countries. 

He  then  proceeds^  to  propose  anachronistic 
theories  of  the  abiogenetic  origin  of  these  Au- 
tochthones : 

But  how  did  these  species  arise?  Were  they  born 
fully  formed,  like  Aphrodite,  from  sea-foam?  Or  as 
simple  zoophytes?  They  could  only  have  arisen  by 
the  development  from  generation  to  generation  of 
similar  forms;  these  primitive  forms  are  the  Encri- 
nites,  Pentacrinites,  Ammonites,  and  other  zoophytes 
of  the  Old  World,  from  which  all  organisms  of  the 
higher  classes  have  arisen.  Each  species  has  its  period 
of  growth,  of  full  bloom,  and  dechne;  the  latter  is 
a  period  of  degeneration.  Thus,  it  is  not  only  the 
great  catastrophes  of  Nature  which  have  caused  ex- 
tinction, but  the  completion  of  cycles  of  existence, 
out  of  which  new  cycles  have  begun.  Thus,  in  Nature, 
all  is  in  a  state  of  flux  and  transfer ;  even  man  has 
not  reached  the  highest  term  of  his  existence,  but  will 
progress  to  still  higher  regions,  and  produce  a  nobler 
type  of  being. 

These  sentences  show  that  Treviranus  did  not 
add  anything  to  the  main  theory  of  transmuta- 

^Loc.  city  pp.  225-6. 


tion,  although  a  strong  advocate  of  it.  His  ideas 
upon  descent  are  much  less  clear  and  accurate 
than  those  of  Lamarck ;  and  in  his  views  of  the 
spontaneous  origin  of  some  of  the  higher  forms 
of  life,  as  shown  in  the  sentences  last  quoted,  he 
is  very  far  afield.  Haeckel  is  mistaken  when  he 
states  that  Treviranus  refers  to  the  lowest  or- 
ganisms in  the  term  'zoophytes,'  for  Treviranus 
couples  with  this  term  such  complex  forms  as 
crinoids  and  ammonites.  As  to  the  factors  of 
Evolution,  he  does  not  advance  beyond  Buifon, 
and  in  his  general  conception  he  virtually  takes 
the  position  held  much  earlier  by  Goethe,  for  he 
thus  summarizes  his  views: 

In  every  living  being  there  exists  the  capability  of 
an  endless  variety  of  form-assumption ;  each  possesses 
the  power  to  adapt  its  organization  to  the  changes 
of  the  outer  world,  and  it  is  this  power,  put  into  ac- 
tion by  the  change  of  the  universe,  that  has  raised 
the  simple  zoophytes  of  the  primitive  world  to  con- 
tinually higher  stages  of  organization,  and  has  in- 
troduced a  countless  variety  of  species  into  animate 

BoRY  DE  St.  Vincent   (1780-1846) 

Bory  de  St.  Vincent  would  seem  to  have  been 
the  only  loyal  successor  in  1  nee  of  Lamarck, 
of  whom  he  was  thirty-six  yeai  the  junior.  Like 
his  leader,  he  was  both  a  natU  ilist,  and,  for  a 


while,  an  army  officer.  In  the  former  capacity,  he 
was  for  a  time  with  the  expedition  of  Naudin. 
Quatrefages  has  given  the  following  sketch  of 
his  views : 

In  several  papers,  but  especially  in  the  article 
*  Creation'  of  the  Dictionnaire  Classique  de  VHis- 
toire  Naturelle,  of  which  he  was  the  editor,  he 
developed,  in  more  than  one  point,  the  doctrines 
of  Buff  on  and  of  Lamarck,  and  drew  from  them 
conclusions  which  belonged  to  himself. 

Bory,  inclining  toward  Buffon's  theory  that 
new  or  modified  species  should  be  found  in  new 
worlds,  postulates  the  spontaneous  daily  forma- 
tion of  new  species,  not,  it  is  true,  upon  our  con- 
tinents, which  have  for  a  long  time  been  peo- 
pled with  both  animals  and  plants,  but  only  in 
countries  considered  by  him  less  ancient  in  for- 
mation. He  cites,  for  example,  the  island  of 
Madagascar,  which  he  believes  to  have  only  re- 
cently issued  from  the  sea,  under  the  influence  of 
volcanic  forces.  According  to  him,  this  island 
contains  more  "polymorphic  species  than  all  the 
terra  fir  ma  of  the  Old  World."  On  this  relatively 
modern  soil  he  says  species  are  not  yet  fixed. 
Nature,  in  hastening  to  constitute  the  types, 
seems  to  have  neglected  to  regulate  the  acces- 
sory organs.  On  the  other  hand,  in  the  continents 
more  anciently  formed,  the  development  of 
plants  has,  perforce,  followed  an  identical  route 


for  an  incalculable  number  of  generations.  The 
plants  have  thus  become  arrested  in  their  types, 
and  do  not  present  the  variations  so  frequent  in 
new  countries. 

Bory  thus  introduces  a  new  idea  in  his  hy- 
pothesis of  the  fixation  of  specific  characters  by 
the  action  of  a  long  series  of  ancestors  placed 
under  constant  conditions.  According  to  him, 
this,  so  to  speak,  is  habit  exercising  its  powers, 
not  only  on  individuals,  but  even  on  species. 
But  in  this  conception,  without  being  apparently 
aware  of  it,  he  places  himself  in  formal  contra- 
diction to  Lamarck,  the  master  of  w^hom  he  pro- 
claims himself  a  disciple.  We  have  seen,  in  fact, 
that  in  the  opinion  of  Lamarck,  all  organized 
forms  were  being  constantly  modified  according 
to  new  needs,  and  it  follows  that  each  generation, 
through  the  inheritance  of  acquired  adaptations, 
was  separated  more  and  more  from  its  ancestors. 
While  with  Bory  heredity  would  have  as  its  re- 
sult the  fixation  of  characters,  with  Lamarck  it 
is  constantly  causing  them  to  vary,  by  accumu- 
lating the  little  difi^erences  acquired  in  each  gen- 
eration. In  this  point  of  view  Bory  must  be  re- 
garded as  an  aberrant  disciple  of  Lamarck. 

Bory's  idea  of  the  fixation  of  characters  by 
heredity  was  subsequently  taken  up  and  enlarged 
by  his  countryman,  Naudin. 


Isidore  St.  Hilaire   (1805-1861) 

Isidore  St.  Hilaire,  son  of  Geoffroy,  serves  us 
as  a  mirror  of  the  further  recession  of  opinion 
from  transmutation  in  France  and  the  cumula- 
tive influence  of  Cuvier.  The  tide  of  hostile  influ- 
ence in  the  absence  of  direct  evidence  was  setting 
too  strongly  against  any  form  of  the  evolution 
doctrine,  and  we  find  the  son  taking  a  still  more 
conservative  position  than  that  of  his  father, 
whom,  nevertheless,  he  loyally  defended. 

He  advanced  a  theory  of  'the  limited  variabil- 
ity of  species'  (rather  than  of  the  mutability)  in 
his  classic  work,  Histoire  Generale  et  Particuliere 
des  Anomalies  de  VOrgamsation,  1832-7,  and  in 
his  Histoire  Naturelle  Generale  des  Regnes  Or- 
ganiques.  He  was  undoubtedly  swayed  by  the 
difficulty  of  finding  positive  evidence  for  trans- 
formation, and  further  by  the  negative  evidence 
of  the  stability  of  species  afforded  by  the  rich 
collections  of  mummied  animals  brought  back 
from  Egypt.  Thus  in  his  theory  he  dwelt  upon 
the  limited  variability  rather  than  the  mutability 
of  species,  believing  in  transmission  only  to  the 
point  of  forming  a  new  race.^ 

iThis  is  fully  set  forth  in  his  Histoire  Naturelle,  vol.  II,  1859, 
p.  431.  The  Introduction  Historique  (vol.  I,  pp.  1-123)  to  this 
work  is  an  extremely  valuable  review  of  the  origin  and  progress 
of  natural  history  among  the  Hebrews,  Chinese,  Persians,  Egyp- 
tians, Greeks  and  Romans,  and  in  modern  time  down  to  the  nine- 


At  the  conclusion  of  his  review  of  the  history 
of  opinion  upon  transmutation  in   France,  he 
gives  it  as  his  own  opinion  that  characters  are 
neither  actually  fixed  nor  variable,  both  depend- 
ing upon  the  fixity  or  the  variability  of  environ- 
ment. New  characters  are  the  resultant  of  two 
forces:  first,  the  modifying  influence  of  new  sur- 
roundings; second,  the  conserving  influence  of 
heredity.  When  the  former  predominates,  varia- 
tions result,  such  as  are  seen  among  primitive 
peoples   and   in   the   domestication   of   animals. 
These  variations  among  wild  animals  extend  to 
modifications  of  color  and  external  characters, 
but  in  domestication  the  differences  are  much 
more  marked.  So  much  for  changes  going  on  at 
the  present  time.  As  to  past  time,  the  'theory  of 
limited  variability'  links  itself  with  that  of  *filia- 
tion,'  or  descent  from  analogous  forms,  as  op- 
posed to  the  'successive  creations'  of  Cuvier's 
school  or  of  migration  of  existing  species  from 
other  quarters  of  the  globe.   He  concludes  by 
saying,  very  guardedly,  that  this  acceptance  of 
the  transmutation  theory  rests  upon  the  actual 
very  limited  state  of  evidence. 

It  is  another  striking  coincidence  that  in  the 
very  period  (1854-62)  in  which  this  despairing 

teenth  century;  it  includes  a  full  exposition  of  the  philosophis 
anatomique  of  the  school  of  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire  and  Schelling. 
Published  only  five  years  before  the  Origin  of  Species,  it  con- 
tains no  mention  of  the  evolution  concept. 


passage  was  published  by  Isidore  St.  Hilaire  the 
Origin  of  Species  appeared  (1859)  from  the 
mind  and  pen  of  Charles  Darwin.  Thus  the  last 
stages  of  the  decline  of  the  main  'transmutation' 
movement  in  France  were  coincident  with  its 
sudden  and  final  revival  and  establishment  in 

Naudin   (1815-1899) 

Charles  Victor  Naudin,  distinguished  French 
botanist,  is  the  last  of  the  French  precursors  of 
Darwin.  He  followed  Lamarck  in  the  general 
transmutation  doctrine,  although  he  offered  quite 
a  different  theory  of  the  causes  of  transmutation. 

In  an  article  entitled  "Philosophical  Consid- 
erations upon  Species  and  Varieties,"  in  the 
Revue  Horticole  (1852,  p.  102),  Naudin  put 
forth  his  views  upon  the  origin  of  species,  which 
were  published  with  some  reluctance  by  the  edi- 
tors of  that  journal  because  of  their  supposed 
heretical  character,  the  theory  of  'transmutation' 
then  being  at  the  height  of  its  unpopularity. 
Quatrefages  has  outlined  Naudin's  views  very 
carefully,  yet  we  cannot  perceive  with  him  any 
evidence  that  Naudin  anticipated  the  selection 
theory  of  Darwin. 

Naudin  does  not  speculate  upon  the  origin  of 
life.  He  bases  his  belief  in  transmutation  upon 
'unity  of  type,'  as  proof,  not  of  a  preconceived 


plan,  but  of  a  common  parentage.  From  common 
sources  existing  species  have  issued  through  long 
intermediate  series,  and  the  sum  of  their  analo- 
gies and  differences  represents  their  greater  or 
less  remoteness  from  each  other  and  from  the 
common  source.  From  relatively  few  primordial 
types  Nature  has  given  birth  to  all  the  organ- 
isms which  people  the  globe.  He  quite  literally 
follows  Lamarck's  conception  of  filiation  as  a 
branching  system,  but  he  widely  departs  from 
Lamarck  as  to  the  causes  of  Evolution.  With 
Goethe  he  sees  in  living  organisms  a  'plasticity,^ 
which  renders  them  susceptible  to  direct  modifi- 
cation by  environment  and  opposes  the  conser- 
vative power  of  atavism,  or  hereditary  transmis- 
sion of  type.  As  with  Bory  de  St.  Vincent,  he 
believes  that  the  younger  primitive  types  pre- 
sented greater  'plasticity,'  but  that  with  advanc- 
ing ages  the  forces  of  heredity  accumulated  and 
became  stronger. 

Behind  that  'plasticity'  and  'atavism,'  how- 
ever, Naudin,  somewhat  after  the  Aristotelian 
conception  of  the  creation  of  form  in  matter, 
places  a  higher  power — 'Finality' — a  mysterious 
force,  which,  he  says,  some  would  call  'fatality' 
and  others  'providence,'  the  continuous  action  of 
which  upon  beings  determines  the  form,  size, 
and  duration  of  each  species  in  relation  to  the 
order  of  things  of  which  it  forms  a  part.  The 


natural  species  is  a  product,  then,  of  atavism 
and  of  finality.  By  finality,  Naudin  evidently 
does  not  imply  an  internal  perfecting  tendency 
in  Nature,  but  rather  a  continuous  controlling 
principle  above  the  reign  of  secondary  causes. 
Naudin  evidently  felt  the  need  of  something  be- 
hind natural  law  in  the  production  of  the  adap- 
tations of  Nature. 

The  following  most  interesting  passage  in 
Naudin's  paper,  quoted  below,  is  that  in  which 
Quatref ages  and  Varigny  believe  that  this  author 
anticipated  the  theory  of  natural  selection : 

We  do  not  think  that  Nature  has  made  her  species 
in  a  different  fashion  from  that  in  which  we  proceed 
ourselves  in  order  to  make  our  variations.  To  tell  the 
truth,  we  have  practised  her  very  method.  When  we 
wish,  out  of  some  zoological  or  botanical  species,  to 
obtain  a  variety  which  answers  to  such  or  such  of  our 
needs,  we  select  (choisissons)  out  of  the  large  num- 
ber of  the  individuals  of  this  species,  so  as  to  make 
them  the  starting-point  of  a  new  stirp,  those  which 
seem  already  to  depart  from  the  specific  type  in  the 
direction  which  suits  us ;  and  by  a  rational  and  con- 
tinuous sorting  of  the  descendants,  after  an  unde- 
termined number  of  generations,  we  create  types  or 
artificial  species,  which  correspond  more  or  less  with 
the  ideal  type  we  had  imagined,  and  which  transmit 
the  acquired  characters  to  their  descendants  in  pro- 
portion to  the  number  of  generations  upon  which  our 
efforts  have  been  bearing.  Such  is,  in  our  opinion, 


the  method  followed  by  Nature,  as  well  as  Ijy  our- 
selves. She  has  wished  to  create  races  conformable  to 
her  needs;  and  with  a  comparatively  small  number 
of  primitive  types,  she  has  successively,  and  at  dif- 
ferent periods,  given  birth  to  all  the  animal  and  veg- 
etable species  which  people  the  earth. 

We  cannot  find  in  this  passage  clear  proof  of 
anticipation  of  Darwinism.  As  Darwin  himself 
observed : 

I  declare  I  cannot  see  a  much  closer  approach  to 
Wallace  and  me  in  Naudin  than  in  Lamarck — we  all 
agree  in  modification  and  descent.  .  .  .  But  I  can- 
not find  one  word  like  the  struggle  for  existence  and 
natural  selection.^ 

The  survival  of  the  fittest,  as  due  to  the  posses- 
sion of  favorable  variations,  was  evidently  not 
in  Naudin's  mind ;  still  less  is  it  in  his  system  of 
Evolution  as  explained  above.  A  very  careful 
reading  of  this  passage  shows  that  in  the  com- 
parison of  methods  pursued  by  man  and  by  Na- 
ture, his  emphasis  is  plainly  not  upon  the  natural 
selection  but  upon  the  natural  succession  of 
types.  Man  causes  types  to  succeed  each  other 
artificially;  Nature  also  causes  types  to  succeed 
each  other;  he  does  not  say  that  Nature  selects 
the  fittest  types.  A  single  passage  like  this  is 
often  very  misleading ;  we  must  always  study  the 

iLi/e  and  Letters.  Letter  to  Hooker,  Dec.  23,  1859. 


author's  whole  context.  A  century  earlier  Buffon 
had  much  more  clearly  expressed  the  idea  of  the 
survival  of  the  fittest  species  of  plants. 


Es  ist  fiir  Menschen  ungereimt,  aiich  nur  einen  solchen 
Anschlag  zu  fassen,  oder  zu  hoffen,  dass  noch  etwa  dereinst 
ein  Newton  aufstehen  konne,  der  auch  nur  die  Erzeugung 
eines  Grashalms  nach  Naturgesetzen,  die  keine  Absicht 
geordnet  hat,  begreiflich  machen  werde,  sondern  man  muss 
diese  Einsicht  dem  Menschen  schlechterdings  absprechen. 
— Kant. 

Charles  Darwin  has  declared  his  belief  that,  before  leav- 
ing England  for  the  memorable  voyage  in  the  Beagle,  he 
was  quite  indifferent  to  any  speculations  upon  the  subject 
of  evolution — and  this  in  spite  of  his  admiration  for  his 
grandfather's  Zoonomia  as  a  literary  production. — Judd. 

When  I  was  on  board  the  Beagle  I  believed  in  the  per- 
manence of  species,  but,  as  far  as  I  can  remember,  vague 
doubts  occasionally  flitted  across  my  mind.  ...  I  was 
much  struck  with  certain  facts  in  the  distribution  of  the 
organic  beings  inhabiting  South  America,  and  in  the  geo- 
logical relations  of  the  present  to  the  past  inhabitants  of 
that  continent. — Darwin. 


The  Evolution  Theory  during  the  First  Half  of  the 
Nineteenth  Century — The  Embryologists :  Meckel,  von 
Baer,  Serres — The  Followers  of  Buff  on:  Herbert,  von 
Buch,  Haldeman,  Spencer — The  Progressionists:  Cham- 
bers, Owen — The  Selectionists:  Wells,  Matthew,  Wallace 
— State  of  Opinion  in  the  Mid-Century — Charles  Darwin — 
Darwin  and  Wallace  in  1858. 

WITH  Bory  de  St.  Vincent,  the  younger 
St.  Hilaire  and  Naudin,  the  original  evo- 
lutionary movement  among  the  naturalists  of 
France,  which  had  begun  with  Buifon  and  ex- 
tended over  nearly  a  hundred  years,  came  to  a 

In  the  meantime,  from  the  early  part  of  the 
nineteenth  century,  the  seed  sown  in  France  and 
Germany  had  been  scattering.  In  England,  on 
the  Continent,  and  in  America,  the  evolution  idea 
found  here  and  there  a  friend  who  passingly  re- 
stated, or  slightly  expanded,  views  already  ex- 
pressed by  Buff  on,  Lamarck,  Goethe,  or  Trevi- 
ranus.  Some  original  ideas  also  sprang  up  in  out 
of  the  way  quarters  and  have  been  unearthed 
from  their  hiding-places  since  the  theory  has  been 
established;  we  must  place  them,  as  it  were,  in 
an  alcove  of  this  history,  because  they  certainly 



had  little  or  no  direct  connection  with  the  main 
development  of  the  evolution  idea;  they  were 
not  put  forth  as  part  of  a  general  system,  and 
exerted  no  influence  upon  either  Darwin  or  Wal- 
lace, with  whom  the  direct  observation  of  Na- 
ture was  the  potent  force.  In  Darwin's  own 
library,  now  conserved  in  Cambridge  University, 
the  idea  of  the  fixity  of  species  reigned  supreme, 
especially  in  his  personal  copy  of  Cuvier's  works, 
to  which  Judd^  refers  as  follows : 

Among  the  books  in  Darwin's  library  ...  is  a 
copy  of  the  fifth  edition  of  the  translation  of  Cuvier's 
"Essay,"  bearing  the  date  of  1827,  and  I  think  there 
can  be  no  doubt  that  this  book  was  one  of  those  con- 
stituting the  little  library  of  reference  in  the  chart- 
room  of  the  Beagle,  where  Darwin  worked  and  slept. 
Nor  can  there  be  any  hesitation  in  concluding  that 
with  the  contents  of  this  book  he  would  be  thoroughly 

.  .  .  The  views  of  Cuvier  at  that  date  were  re- 
garded as  not  less  authoritative  in  geology  than  they 
were  in  zoology,  and  in  the  introduction  to  his  mag- 
num opus,  the  "Ossemens  fossiles,"  the  opinions  of 
the  great  comparative  anatomist  were  pronounced 
with  no  uncertain  note.  He  contended  that  each  geo- 
logical period  must  have  been  brought  to  a  close 
through  the  sweeping  out  of  existence,  by  a  great 
cataclysm,  of  all  plant-  and  animal-life,  this  being 
followed  by  the  creation  of  a  perfectly  new  assem- 

iJohn  W.  Judd:  Charles  Darwin's  Earliest  Doubts  Concerning 
the  Immutability  of  Species.  Nature,  November  2,  1911. 

DARWIN  305 

blage  of  living  beings.  Cuvier's  teaching  was  made 
as  widely  known  in  this  country  as  it  was  on  the 
Continent,  for  Jameson  issued  a  number  of  editions 
of  a  translation  of  the  famous  introduction,  under 
the  title  of  "An  Essay  on  the  Theory  of  the  Earth" ; 
and,  as  von  Zittel  justly  remarks,  "Cuvier's  cata- 
strophic theory  was  received  with  special  cordiality 
in  England."  13y  none  certainly  was  it  adopted  more 
unreservedly  than  by  Darwin's  teachers  and  friends, 
Henslow  and  Sedgwick. 

Darwin,  in  his  Historical  Sketch  of  the  Prog- 
ress of  Opinion,  and  Haeckel,  in  his  Schopfungs- 
geschichte,  have  outlined  the  views  of  these  mis- 
cellaneous contributors  to  the  evolution  theory. 
The  most  surprising  thought  raised  by  a  review 
of  the  original  works  and  of  the  passages  quoted 
by  the  above  authors  is  that  so  many  naturalists 
came  near  the  theory  and  were  neither  captured 
by  it  nor  drawn  on  to  its  further  serious  expo- 
sition as  the  key  to  the  history  of  life.  Only  one 
writer  between  1809  and  1858  came  out  in  a 
really  vigorous  and  sustained  defense  of  the  evo- 
lutionary system  of  the  Universe.  This  was  the 
then  unknown  author  of  the  Vestiges  of  Crea- 

We  are  now  familiar  with  the  main  sources  of 
suggestion  and  can  consider  some  of  these  writ- 
ers more  critically  than  did  Darwin  or  Haeckel, 

iRobert  Chambers.  See  pp.  312-16. 


from  the  standpoint  of  originality.  It  would  be 
interesting  to  know  whether  Wells,  for  example, 
who  so  clearly  set  forth  a  natural  selection  the- 
ory in  1813,  had  seen  any  of  the  other  'anticipa- 
tions' which  have  been  quoted.  So  with  the  other 
'selectionists,'  Matthew  and  Naudin.  There  was 
a  series  of  original  writers  who  independently 
approached  Evolution  upon  the  embryological 
side,  such  as  Meckel,  von  Baer,  and  Serres. 

Others  advocated  or  independently  advanced 
the  laws  of  geographic  variation  suggested  by 
Buffon,  of  modification  due  to  the  direct  action 
of  environment  under  the  influence  of  wide  geo- 
graphical distribution.  Among  these  were  Her- 
bert von  Buch,  Haldeman,  and  Schaaffhausen 
the  anthropologist.  We  find  a  partial  revival  of 
Goethe's  doctrines  by  the  botanists  Schleiden  and 
Lecoq.  Lamarckism  found  very  few  followers. 

The  Greek  idea  of  pre-existent  germs  of  spe- 
cies was  revived  by  Keyserling.  The  Aristotelian 
notion  of  an  internal  impulse  or  tendency  to- 
ward progression  was  more  or  less  clearly  revived 
by  Chambers  in  the  Vestiges  of  Creation  and  by 
Richard  Owen  in  his  essay.  Nature  of  Limbs. 

Other  writers  who  expressed  a  more  or  less 
positive  belief  in  the  mutability  of  species  were 
Virey^  in  1817,  Grant^  in  1826,  Rafinesque^  in 

^Article,  "Especes,"  Diet.  d'Hist.  Naturelle  de  Deferville. 
^Edinburgh  Philosophical  Journal,  vol.  XIV,  p.  283. 
^New  Flora  of  North  America,  1836,  pp.  6,  18. 

DARWIN  307 

1836,  Dujardin'  in  1843,  d'llalloy'  in  1846. 
ChevreuP  and  Godron,'  in  1846  and  1847,  ad- 
vanced views  somewhat  similar  to  those  of  the 
younger  St.  Hilaire.  We  note  also  the  anatomist 
Joseph  Leidy  in  1850,  the  botanist  T.  Unger  in 
1852,  Cams  and  Schaaffhausen'''  in  1853,  Lecoq 
in  1854.^ 

The  eminent  German  botanist  Sachs  has  shown 
how  the  botanists  Brown,  Nageli,  and  Hofmeis- 
ter  were  approaching  the  mutability  theory. 

The  Embryologists 

Let  us  first  glance  at  the  embryologists,  who 
developed  the  law  of  recapitulation  of  ances- 
tral history  in  the  embryonic  and  foetal  stage 
of  all  organisms. 

Meckel  (1781-1833),  t;o7i  5a^r  (1792-1876), 
Serres   (1786-1868) 

Meckel  follow^ed  Wolff  (1735-1794)  in  the 
series  of  German  founders  of  embryology.  Wolff 
had  emphasized  the  transmutations  of  structure, 

^Ann.  d.  Sc.  Nat.,  Se  ser.,  t.  IV,  p.  279. 

^Bulletirm  de  VAcadimie  Roy.  Bruxelles,  t.  XIII,  p.  581. 

^Consid^.rations  Generates  sur  les  Variations  des  Individus. 
Mem.  d.  1.  Soc.  Roy.  et  Centr.  d'Agriculture,  1846,  p.  287. 

4Z)e  VEspece  et  des  Races.  Mem.  d.  1.  Societe  d.  Sciences  de 
Nancy,  1847,  p.  182.  Published  as  a  separate  book  in  1859. 

^Verh.  d.  Naturh.  Ver.  d.  Preus.  Rhein,  Ueber  Bestdndigkeit 
und  Umwandlung  der  Arten,  Bonn,  1853. 

^Etudes  s.  I.  Geographie  Botanique  de  VEurope,  Paris,  1854, 
p.  199. 


so  that  from  seeds  on  the  one  side  and  eggs  on 
the  other  came  the  many  and  diverse  organisms. 
Meckel  more  clearly  anticipated  von  Baer  in 
1811,  in  the  passage:  "There  is  no  good  physiolo- 
gist who  has  not  been  struck,  incidentally,  by  the 
observation  that  the  original  form  of  all  organ- 
isms is  one  and  the  same,  and  that  out  of  this  one 
form,  all,  the  lowest  as  well  as  the  highest,  are 
developed  in  such  a  manner  that  the  latter  pass 
through  the  permanent  forms  of  the  former  as 
transitory  stages." 

Von  Baer,  in  1834,  in  a  lecture  entitled  "The 
Most  General  Laws  of  Nature  in  all  Develop- 
ment," maintained  that  "only  in  a  very  childish 
view  of  nature  could  organic  species  be  regarded 
as  permanent  and  unchangeable  types,  and  that 
in  fact  they  can  be  only  passing  series  of  genera- 
tions, which  have  developed  by  transformation 
from  a  common  original  form."^ 

Serres^  enlarged  the  arguments  of  Meckel  and 
showed  that  the  missing  links  in  the  chain  of 
Evolution  may  all  be  discovered,  if  we  seek  them, 
in  the  life  of  the  embryo.  When  we  compare  ani- 
mals that  have  arrived  at  their  complete  devel- 
opment, we  find  many  differences  between  them; 
but  if  we  compare  them  during  their  successive 
stages  of  Evolution,  we  see  that  these  differ- 

IHaeckel:  The  History  of  Creation,  1892,  vol.  I,  p.  112. 
2Pr4cis  d'Anatomie  Transcendante,  1842,  p.  90. 


ences  were  preceded  by  resemMances ;  that,  in 
fact,  comparative  anatomy  is  an  arrested  em- 
bryology, and  embryology  a  transitory  compara- 
tive anatomy. 

The  Followers  of  Buffon 

Among  those  who  took  up,  more  especially,  the 
ideas  of  Buffon  and  Linnaeus,  was  the  Reverend 
W.  Herbert,  in  his  work  on  the  Amaryllidacece, 
1837,  in  which  he  declares  that  "horticultural  ex- 
periments have  established,  beyond  the  possibility 
of  refutation,  that  botanical  species  are  only  a 
higher  and  more  permanent  class  of  varieties"; 
that  single  species  of  each  genus  were  created  in 
an  originally  plastic  condition,  and  that  these 
produced,  by  intercrossing  and  by  variation,  all 
our  existing  species.  He  thus  takes  a  point  mid- 
way between  Linnaeus  and  Buffon. 

Von  Buck  (1773-1853) 

Another  Buffonian  was  Christian  Leopold  von 
Buch,  a  well-known  naturalist  and  geologist.  We 
find  that  in  1825  he  is  struck,  like  Humboldt, 
with  the  problem  raised  by  the  geographical  dis- 
tribution of  plants;  unlike  the  great  traveler,  he 
does  not  hesitate,  but  proceeds  to  solve  it.  He 
says  :^ 

lEssay  translated  in  1836  as  Physical  Description  of  the  Canary 
Islands.  See  Haeckel:  The  History  of  Creation,  1892,  vol.  I,  pp. 


The  individuals  of  genera,  on  continents,  spread 
and  widely  diffuse  themselves,  and  owing  to  differ- 
ences of  localities,  nourishment,  and  soil,  form  vari- 
eties ;  and  in  consequence  of  their  isolation  and  never 
being  crossed  by  other  varieties  and  so  brought  back 
to  the  main  type,  they,  in  the  end,  become  a  perma- 
nent and  distinct  species.  Then,  perhaps,  in  other 
ways,  they  meet  with  other  descendants  of  the  orig- 
inal form — which  have  likewise  become  new  varieties 
— and  both  now  appear  as  very  distinct  species,  no 
longer  mingling  with  one  another.  Not  so  on  islands. 
Being  commonly  confined  in  narrow  valleys,  or  within 
the  limit  of  small  zones,  individuals  can  reach  one 
another  and  destroy  every  commencing  production 
of  a  permanent  variety. 

We  find  in  von  Buch  a  clear  conception  of  the 
force  of  geographic  isolation  or  segregation, 
which  had  been  observed  by  Buffon,  as  we  have 
seen;  his  theory  of  Evolution  is  also  that  of  the 
direct  action  of  environment,  advocated  by  Buf- 
fon  and  St.  Hilaire. 

Haldeman   (1812-1880) 

In  1844  Haldeman  gave  a  full  discussion  of 
the  arguments  for  and  against  the  *Lamarckian 
hypothesis,'  in  a  paper^  entitled  Enumeration 
of  the  Recent  Fresh-water  Mollusca  which  are 
Common  to  North  America  and  Europe,  He 

"^Bost.  Journ.  Nat.  HisU  184S-4. 

DARWIN  311 

wrote,  apparently,  from  Lyell's  exposition  of 
Lamarck,  rather  than  from  the  original  author 
himself.  He  inchned  strongly  to  the  transmuta- 
tion theory,  although  hesitating  to  offer  a  direct 
opinion.  As  to  the  causes  of  modification,  he 
ignores  Lamarck's  special  theory  of  the  trans- 
mission of  acquired  characters,  and  tends  rather 
to  adopt  Buffon's  factor  of  the  direct  action  of 
the  environment. 

Spencer  (1820-1903) 

Herbert  Spencer  appeared  as  one  of  the  few 
out-and-out  evolutionists  before  the  publication 
of  the  Origin  of  Species.  In  his  articles,  Illogical 
Geology  and  The  Development  Hypothesis,  he 
strongly  contrasts  the  difficulties  of  the  special 
creation  hypothesis  with  the  arguments  for  de- 
velopment, and  as  already  pointed  out  (p.  22) 
in  his  Nebular  Hypothesis  he  argues  in  favor  of 
^'creation  by  evolution."  He  does  not  enter  into 
the  question  of  the  factors  or  causes  of  Evolution, 
although  such  passages^  as  the  following  might 
be  interpreted  as  showing  his  inclination  to 
Buffon's  theory  of  the  direct  action  of  the  en- 
vironment : 

Any  existing  species — animal  or  vegetable — when 
placed  under  conditions  different  from  its  previous 

^The  Development  Hypothesis,  1852. 


ones,  immediately  begins  to  undergo  certain  changes 
fitting  it  for  the  new  conditions.  .  .  .  There  is  at 
work  a  modifying  influence  of  the  kind  they  assign 
as  the  cause  of  these  specific  differences. 

The  Progressionists 

Robert  Chambers,  Richard  Owen,  and  in  a 
measure  Louis  Agassiz,  should  be  classed  as 
'Progressionists.'  The  first-named  has  been  thus 
aptly  classified  because  of  his  belief  in  an  'internal 
perfecting'  or  'progressing'  principle. 

Chambers   (1802-1871) 

In  1844  appeared  in  England  The  Vestiges  of 
the  Natural  History  of  Creation,  the  only  vol- 
ume wholly  devoted  to  Evolution  in  the  half -cen- 
tury between  the  Philosophie  Zoologique  of  1809 
and  the  Origin  of  Species  of  1859.  Published 
anonymously,  it  was  attributed  to  Robert  Cham- 
bers because  of  his  liberal  views  and  considerable 
knowledge  of  geology.^ 

Although  intelligently  and  reverently  writ- 
ten, the  Vestiges  met  a  scathing  reception  from 
the  reviewers  upon  the  score  of  false  science  and 
infidelity.  We  may,  in  part,  excuse  the  author 
for  preserving  the  somewhat  invalorous  incog- 

lln  1884,  in  publishing  the  12th  edition  of  this  work,  the  editor, 
Alexander  Ireland,  gave  an  account  of  the  authorship,  as  there 
was  no  longer  any  reason  for  concealing  it. 

DARWIN  313 

nito,  when  we  read  in  the  North  British  Review: 
"Prophetic  of  infidel  times,  and  indicating  the 
unsoundness  of  our  general  education,  the  Ves- 
tiges has  started  into  public  favor  with  a  fair 
chance  of  poisoning  the  fountains  of  science,  and 
sapping  the  foundations  of  religion."  The  great 
sensation  which  this  book  caused  and  its  rapid 
sale  through  ten  editions  in  nine  years  (1844- 
1853)  are  proof  that  the  truth  of  Evolution  was 
ready  to  burst  forth  like  a  volcano  and  that  the 
times  were  ripe  for  Darwin.  The  volume  was  the 
strongest  presentation  of  the  scientific  evidences 
for  Cosmic  Evolution  versus  Special  Creation 
which  had  appeared;  it  was  even  stronger  and 
broader  than  the  Philosophie  Zoologique  of  La- 
marck. We  find  that  the  author  begins  with  the 
solar  system;  his  middle  point  is  the  origin  of 
life  from  inorganic  matter,  and  his  final  point  is 
man  as  the  highest  development  of  the  animal 
kingdom.  Of  man's  origin  he  says:^ 

The  idea  that  any  of  the  lower  animals  were  con- 
cerned in  the  origin  of  Man,  is  usually  scouted  by  re- 
flecting persons  as  derogatory  to  human  dignity. 
.  .  .  Our  children,  it  may  be  said,  are  the  represen- 
tatives of  the  first  simple  and  impulsive  men  of  the 
earth;  the  lower  animals  represent  the  earlier  pre- 
human stages  of  life.  The  right  conception  of  the 
case  is,  that  in  these  stages  we  are  not  to  look  for 

^Vestiges  of  Creation,  1884,  pp.  234-6. 


what  is  venerable,  but,  on  the  contrary,  for  what  is 
humble  and  elementary.  We  are  to  expect  but  the  pri- 
mitice  of  man's  masterful  life — something  not  even 
ascending  to  the  dignity  of  "the  infant  mewling  in  its 
nurse's  arms."  If  thus  prepared,  we  should  experi- 
ence no  shock  on  hearing  that  the  human  form  was 
preceded  genealogically  by  others  of  humbler  aspect. 
A  deep  moral  principle  seems  involved  in  the  history 
of  the  origin  of  man.  He  is  the  undoubted  chief  of  all 
creatures,  and  as  such  may  well  have  a  character  and 
destiny  in  some  respects  peculiar  and  far  exalted 
above  the  rest;  but  it  appears  that  his  relation  to 
them  is,  after  all,  one  of  kinship. 

The  work  shows  the  author's  thorough  famil- 
iarity with  Buffon,  Erasmus  Darwin,  Lamarck, 
St.  Hilaire,  and  Series.  In  the  first  edition  of 
1844  (p.  174),  he  rejects  Lamarck's  hypothesis 
of  the  origin  of  adaptations  by  the  choice  of  the 
animal,  "which  has  incurred  much  ridicule  and 
scarcely  ever  had  a  single  defender,"  on  the 
ground  that  the  arbitrary  modification  of  form 
by  the  needs  of  the  animal  could  never  have  led 
to  the  unities  and  analogies  of  structure  which 
we  observe. 

On  the  previous  page  he  advocates  (without 
credit)  St.  Hilaire's  modification  of  BufTon's 
hypothesis  of  the  direct  action  of  environment. 
Light,  heat,  the  chemical  constitution  of  the  at- 
mosphere, he  says,  "may  have  been  the  imme- 

DARWIN  315 

diate  prompting  cause  of  all  those  advances  from 
species  to  species  which  we  have  seen,  upon  other 
grounds,  to  be  necessarily  supposed  as  having 
taken  place";  he  continues  that  these  ideas  are 
merely  thrown  out  as  hints  toward  the  formation 
of  a  just  hypothesis  which  will  come  with  ad- 
vancing knowledge.  He  considers  these  natural 
laws  as  instruments  in  working  out  and  realizing 
all  the  forms  of  being  of  the  original  Divine 

These  philosophic  views  were  more  definitely 
expressed  in  the  tenth  edition,  which  appeared 
in  1853.  Here  (p.  155)  he  gives  as  his  final  opin- 
ion that  the  animal  series  is  the  result,  first,  of  an 
impulse,  imparted  by  God,  advancing  all  the 
forms  of  life,  through  the  various  grades  of  or- 
ganization, from  the  lowest  to  the  highest  plants 
and  animals;  this  is  the  Aristotehan  'internal 
perfecting  principle'  somewhat  modified  by  mod- 
ern theology.  As  this  first  'perfectmg'  impulse 
might  manifestly  produce  types  not  at  all  fitted 
to  their  environment,  the  author  adds  a  second 
impulse,  tending  to  modify  organic  structures  in 
accordance  with  their  environment,  food,  nature 
of  the  habitat,  and  meteoric  agencies,  and  thus 
to  produce  the  'adaptations'  of  the  natural  phi- 

This  progressive  advance  of  plants  and  ani- 
mals with  modification  would  also  leave  a  gap  at 


the  bottom  of  the  scale.  To  fill  this  gap,  the  au- 
thor, like  Lamarck,  supposes  that  there  is  a  con- 
tinuous spontaneous  generation  of  the  lowest 
forms  of  life,  of  primordial  nucleated  vesicles, 
the  meeting-point  between  the  organic  and  in- 
organic ;  this  generation  he  believes  to  be  an  elec- 
tro-chemical operation. 

Owen  (1810-1892)^ 

Richard  Owen,  Darwin's  junior  by  a  year, 
whose  death  marked  the  last  of  the  old  school, 
was  the  leading  comparative  anatomist  of  the 
w^orld  in  the  period  after  Cuvier,  with  whom  he 
studied.  He  was  not,  however,  a  scientific  suc- 
cessor of  Cuvier  in  a  strict  sense,  but  followed 
also  St.  Hilaire  and  Oken  in  transcendental 
anatomy  and  in  a  guarded  acceptance  of  the 
transmutation  theory.  From  Oken  and  Goethe 
he  developed  his  famous,  but  now  wholly  dis- 
carded, 'archetypal'  theory  of  the  skull,  as  de- 
rived from  the  modifications  of  several  successive 
vertebrae;  the  idea  of  perfect  archetypal  type 
forms  as  ancestral  to  modern,  degenerate,  or 
vestigial  types  seems  also  to  have  been  his  central 
thought  in  connection  with  Evolution. 

The  vast  range  of  Owen's  knowledge  in  com- 

iSee  Osborn:  Richard  Owen  and  the  Evolution  Movement. 

DARWIN  317 

parative  anatom3%  osteology,  and  palaeontology 
brought  within  his  view  series  of  animal  struc- 
tures in  all  stages  of  usefulness,  and  especially 
those  which  were  transitory  or  vestigial  in  exist- 
ing species  and  functional  or  well-developed  in 
extinct  species.  Thus  in  his  essay  on  The  Nature 
of  Limbs,  in  1849,  he  wrote  (p.  86)  :  "The  Arche- 
typal idea  was  manifested  .  .  .  long  prior  to  the 
existence  of  those  animal  species  that  actually 
exemplify  it."  In  the  same  work  we  find  the  fol- 
lowing passage:  "To  what  natural  laws  or  sec- 
ondary causes  the  orderly  succession  and  pro- 
gression of  such  organic  phenomena  may  have 
been  committed  we  as  yet  are  ignorant."  This 
was  a  revival  of  the  Aristotelian  concept  of 
*form'  and  'matter.'  Again,  in  1858,  in  his  ad- 
dress before  the  British  Association,  he  spoke  of 
the  axiom  "o/  the  continuous  operation  of  crea- 
tive power,  or  ordained  becoming  of  living 
things'' — ^indicating  that  his  belief  in  the  discov- 
ery of  natural  law  was  limited  by  his  belief  in 
the  continuous  operation  of  a  supernatural  law. 
He,  however,  cited  the  Apteryx,  a  wingless  bird 
of  New  Zealand,  with  its  excessively  degenerate 
wings,  as  shaking  our  confidence  in  the  theory  of 
Special  Creation. 

It  thus  appears  that,  prior  to  the  publication 
of  Darwin's  work,  Owen  was  an  evolutionist  to 
a  limited  degree,  somewhat  in  the  manner  of 


Buff  on;  that  is,  in  holding  to  the  production  of 
many  modern  species  by  modifications  chiefly  in 
the  nature  of  degeneration  from  older  and  more 
perfect  types.  There  is  no  evidence  whatever  that 
he  was  an  evolutionist  in  the  large,  comprehensive 
sense  of  Lamarck. 

In  1859,  upon  the  publication  of  the  Origin  of 
Species,  Owen  took  an  unfortunate  position  of 
hostility  to  the  evidences  for  the  natural  causes 
of  Evolution  which  Darwin  sought  to  establish, 
and  at  the  same  time  claimed  that  he  had  long 
held  a  belief  in  transmutation.  In  the  preface  of 
his  Anatomy  of  Vertebrates,  published  in  1866, 
we  find  the  following  statement : 

With  every  disposition  to  acquire  information  and 
receive  instruction,  as  to  how  species  become  such,  I 
am  still  compelled,  as  in  1849,  to  confess  ignorance 
of  the  mode  of  operation  of  the  natural  law  or  sec- 
ondary cause  of  their  succession  on  the  earth.  But 
that  it  is  an  'orderly  succession,'  or  according  to 
law,  and  also  'progressive,'  or  in  the  ascending 
course,  is  evident  from  actual  knowledge  of  extinct 

He  then  goes  on  to  say  that  the  basis  of  belief 
in  the  succession  and  progression  of  species  was 
laid  in  three  ways,  namely,  by  the  demonstration 
of  the  unity  of  plan  as  shown  in  special  and  gen- 
eral homologies  (Vicq  d'Azyr  and  St.  Hilaire), 

DARWIN  319 

by  the  comparison  of  embryonic  stages  of  higher 
animals  with  the  adult  forms  of  lower  animals 
(Meckel,  von  Baer),  and  by  the  succession  of 
[extinct]  species  in  time.  In  some  of  his  lectures 
he  is  said  to  have  held  that  a  limited  degree  of 
degeneration  is  due  to  disuse.  He  concludes : 

How  inherited,  or  what  ma}^  be  the  manner  of 
operance  of  the  secondary  cause  in  the  production  of 
species,  remains  in  the  hypothetical  state  exemplified 
by  the  guess-endeavours  of  Lamarck,  Darwin,  Wal- 
lace, and  others. 

Toward  the  end  of  his  life  Owen  apparently 
relaxed  this  attitude  of  hostility  toward  modern 
Evolution,  for  in  discussing  Platy podosaurus^  he 
says  r 

One  may  also  conjecture,  on  the  derivative  hy- 
pothesis, that  the  higher  class  of  Vertebrates,  as 
represented  by  the  low  ovoviviparous  group  now  lim- 
ited to  Australasia,  may  have  branched  off  from  a 
family  of  Triassic  Reptilia  represented,  and  at  pres- 
ent known  only,  by  the  fragmentary  evidences  of 
such  extinct  kinds  as  that  which  forms  the  subject  of 
the  present  communication. 

iQuart  Journ.  Geol.  Soc,  vol.  XXXVI,  1880,  p.  423. 

^Letter  to  author  from  Doctor  Robert  Broom.  Doctor  Broom 
also  writes  (July  28,  1928):  "I  had  a  letter  from  Owen  in  1890— 
two  years  before  his  death — in  which  he  quite  approved  of  a  sug- 
gestion of  mine  that  the  thickened  epithelium  on  the  jaws  of 
early  mammalian  foetuses  probably  represented  the  remains  of  a 
honey -sucking  beak  in  the  ancestral  young.  The  theory  may  be 
quite  wrong,  but  certainly  shows  that  Owen  in  1880-1890  thought 
in  terms  of  Evolution." 

320        FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

The  Selectionists 

The  modern  theory  of  natural  selection  was 
expressed  first  by  Doctor  W.  C.  Wells,  in  1813, 
then  by  St.  Hilaire  the  elder,  then  by  Matthew 
in  1831,  and  finally,  with  considerably  less  clear- 
ness, by  Naudin  in  1852. 

Wells   (1757-1817),  Matthew   (       ?      ), 
Wallace  {1S2S-191S) 

Darwin  gives  us  references  to  the  two  English 
writers.  That  of  Wells  is  the  first  statement  of 
the  theory  of  the  survival,  not  simply  of  fittest 
organisms,  as  understood  by  previous  writers, 
such  as  Buff  on  and  Treviranus,  but  of  races  sur- 
viving because  of  their  possession  of  favorable 
variations  in  a  single  character. 

Wells'  paper,  read  before  the  Royal  Society 
in  1813,  was  entitled,  An  Account  of  a  White 
Female,  part  of  whose  Skin  resembles  that  of  a 
Negro;  it  was  not  published  until  1818.^  He  here 
recognizes  the  principle  of  natural  selection  as 
applied  to  the  races  of  men  and  to  the  explana- 
tion of  the  origin  of  the  dark  coloring  of  the  skin 
in  the  negro  races  of  Central  Africa.  In  Darwin's 
words  :^ 

iSee  his  Two  Essays  upon  Dew  and  Single  Vision. 
^Origin  of  Species^  last  edition:  An  Historical  Sketch. 

DARWIN  321 

After  remarking  that  negroes  and  mulattoes  enjoy 
an  immunity  from  certain  tropical  diseases,  he  ob- 
serves, firstly,  that  all  animals  tend  to  vary  in  some 
degree,  and,  secondly,  that  agriculturists  improve 
their  domesticated  animals  by  selection ;  and  then,  he 
adds,  but  what  is  done  in  this  latter  case  "by  art, 
seems  to  be  done  with  equal  efficacy,  though  more 
slowly,  by  nature,  in  the  formation  of  varieties  of 
mankind,  fitted  for  the  country  which  they  inhabit. 
Of  the  accidental  varieties  of  man,  which  would  occur 
among  the  first  few  and  scattered  inhabitants  of  the 
middle  regions  of  Africa,  some  one  would  be  better 
fitted  than  the  others  to  bear  the  diseases  of  the  coun- 
try. This  race  would  consequently  multiply,  while  the 
others  would  decrease ;  not  only  from  their  inability 
to  sustain  the  attacks  of  disease,  but  from  their  in- 
capacity of  contending  with  their  more  vigorous 
neighbours.  The  colour  of  this  vigorous  race  I  take 
for  granted,  from  what  has  been  already  said,  would 
be  dark.  But  the  same  disposition  to  form  varieties 
still  existing,  a  darker  and  a  darker  race  would  in  the 
course  of  time  occur ;  and  as  the  darkest  would  be  the 
best  fitted  for  the  climate,  this  would  at  length  be- 
come the  most  prevalent,  if  not  the  only  race,  in  the 
particular  country  in  which  it  had  originated." 

This  is  certainly  the  most  complete  of  all  the 
anticipations  of  Darwin's  theory  of  natural  se- 

In  1831  Patrick  Matthew  published  a  work 
entitled  Naval  Timber  and  Arboriculture.  It 
contained,  in  an  appendix,  a  brief  statement  of 


a  theory  of  the  origin  of  species,  of  which  Dar- 
win says  :^ 

The  differences  of  Mr.  Matthew's  views  from  mine 
are  not  of  much  importance:  he  seems  to  consider 
that  the  world  was  nearly  depopulated  at  successive 
periods,  and  then  restocked;  and  he  gives  as  an  al- 
ternative, that  new  forms  may  be  generated  "without 
the  presence  of  any  mould  or  germ  of  former  aggre- 
gates" [abiogenesis] .  I  am  not  sure  that  I  under- 
stand some  passages ;  but  it  seems  that  he  attributes 
much  influence  to  the  direct  action  of  the  conditions 
of  life.  He  clearly  saw,  however,  the  full  force  of  the 
principle  of  natural  selection. 

Mr.  Matthew  was  not  satisfied  with  this  hand- 
some recognition  of  his  priority  and  is  said  to 
have  placed  on  a  subsequent  title-page,  after  his 
name,  "Discoverer  of  the  principle  of  Natural 

In  1855  appeared  an  article^  by  Alfred  Rus- 
sel  Wallace,  "On  the  Law  which  has  regulated 
the  Introduction  of  New  Species."  This  con- 
tains a  very  strong  argument  for  the  theory  of 
descent,  as  explaining  the  facts  of  classification, 
of  distribution,  and  of  succession  of  species  in 
geological  time  during  the  great  changes  upon 
the  earth.  Wallace  at  this  time  showed  himself 

'^Loc.  cit. 

^Annals  and  Magazine  of  Natural  History,  September,  1855. 
Republished  in  1870  in  Contributions  to  the  Theory  of  Natural 
Selection.  A  Series  of  Essays.  Macmillan  &  Co.,  London. 

DARWIN  323 

a  strong  and  fearless  evolutionist,  although  he 
had  not  apparently  arrived  at  his  subsequent  se- 
lection theory  of  the  causes  of  change/ 

State  of  Opinion  in  the  Mid-Century 

In  all  that  has  passed  in  these  chapters  the 
anti-evolutionists  have  been  kept  in  the  back- 
ground, yet  they  formed  the  great  working  ma- 
jority in  numbers  and  scientific  influence.  By 
considering  only  the  evolutionists  we  have  wholly 
lost  the  perspective  of  opinion  in  the  mid-cen- 
tury. This  perspective  must  be  regained  in  order 
to  appreciate  the  revolution  of  thought  brought 
about  by  Darwin. 

The  very  apologetic  tone  in  which  Darwin 
himself  confessed  to  Hooker,  Lyell,  and  Gray,  in 
turn,  his  nascent  belief  in  the  mutability  of  spe- 
cies, proves  that  he  did  not  consider  this  evolu- 
tionary belief  as  an  enviable  or  altogether  desir- 
able possession.  "I  formerly  spoke,"  Darwin 
wrote,  "to  very  many  naturalists  on  the  subject 
of  Evolution,  and  never  once  met  with  any  sym- 
pathetic agreement.  It  is  probable  that  some  did 
then  believe  in  Evolution,  but  they  were  either 
silent  or  expressed  themselves  so  ambiguously, 
that  it  was  not  easy  to  understand  their  mean- 
ing." Later,  after  the  publication  of  the  Origin, 
Darwin  longed  to  "convince  Hooker,  Lyell,  and 

^See  Osborn:  Impressions  of  Great  Naturalists. 


Huxley  that  species  are  mutable,"  and,  in  reply- 
to  Huxley's  somewhat  guarded  acceptance  of 
his  descent  theory,  he  wrote  that  "like  a  good 
Catholic  who  has  received  extreme  unction,  I  can 
now  sing  'nunc  dimiftis.'  "  Think  now  of  con- 
vincing this  high  priest  of  Evolution! 

In  America,  the  great  botanist  Asa  Gray  was 
one  of  the  first  to  espouse  Darwin's  cause.  In 
France,  which  we  have  found  to  be  the  home  of 
the  modern  theory  for  nearly  a  century.  Evolu- 
tion came  as  an  unwelcome  returning  exile.  As 
in  England,  opinion  had  finally  become  settled 
upon  the  fixity  of  species.  A  proffered  transla- 
tion of  the  Origin  was  contemptuously  rejected 
by  a  publishing  firm  in  Paris.  Darwin  craved  an 
open-minded  audience,  which  was  almost  impos- 
sible to  find  on  the  Continent.  "Do  you  know  of 
any  good  and  speculative  foreigners  to  whom  it 
would  be  worth  while  to  send  my  book?"  he  wrote 
to  Huxley. 

This  is  all  by  way  of  evidence  of  the  well- 
known  fact  that  aU  the  progress  which  had  been 
made  in  the  long  centuries  we  have  been  consid- 
ering was,  for  the  time,  a  latent  force.  The  evo- 
lution idea,  with  the  numerous  truths  which  had 
accumulated  about  it,  was  again  almost  wholly 
subordinate  to  the  special  creation  idea. 


Lijell  (1797-1875) 

Charles  Lyell,  the  great  geologist,  who  influ- 
enced the  mind  of  Darwin  far  more  than  any  of 
his  other  predecessors,  believed  in  natural  cau- 
sation as  part  of  his  doctrine  of  uniformity.  He 
had  been  teaching  that  "as  often  as  certain  forms 
of  animals  and  plants  disappeared,  for  reasons 
quite  unintelligible  to  us,  others  took  their  place 
by  virtue  of  a  causation,  which  was  quite  beyond 
our  comprehension."  He  had  carefully  studied, 
and  rejected,  the  Lamarckian  explanation.  The 
first  edition  of  his  Principles  of  Geology  is  of 
historic  interest  and  importance,  because  a  copy 
of  it  was  taken  by  young  Darwin  on  the  Beagle, 

Citations  such  as  the  following^  most  clearly 
express  LyelFs  attitude  toward  the  evolution 
idea  of  Lamarck,  or  as  much  of  Lyell's  real  opin- 
ion as  he  was  wilhng  to  put  into  print,  because 
there  can  be  little  doubt  that  he  was  at  heart  an 
evolutionist : 

The  name  of  species,  observes  Lamarck,  has  been 
usually  applied  to  "every  collection  of  similar  indi- 
viduals, produced  by  other  individuals  like  them- 
selves." .  .  . 

In  order  to  shake  this  opinion,  Lamarck  enters 
upon  the  following  line  of  argument.  The  more  we 

iCharles  Lyell:  Principles  of  Geology,  1832,  vol.  II,  pp.  3,  7, 
18,  27. 


advance  in  the  knowledge  of  the  different  organized 
bodies  which  cover  the  surface  of  the  globe,  the  more 
our  embarrassment  increases,  to  determine  what 
ought  to  be  regarded  as  a  species,  and  still  more  how 
to  limit  and  distinguish  genera.  .  .  . 

Although  important  changes  in  the  nature  of  the 
places  which  they  inhabit  modify  the  organization 
of  animals  as  well  as  vegetables,  yet  the  former,  says 
Lamarck,  require  more  time  to  complete  a  consider- 
able degree  of  transmutation,  and,  consequently,  we 
are  less  sensible  of  such  occurrences.  Next  to  a  di- 
versity of  the  medium  in  which  animals  or  plants  may 
live,  the  circumstances  which  have  most  influence  in 
modifying  their  organs  are  differences  in  exposure, 
climate,  the  nature  of  the  soil,  and  other  local  par- 
ticulars. These  circumstances  are  as  varied  as  are 
the  characters  of  species,  and,  like  them,  pass  by 
insensible  shades  into  each  other,  there  being  every 
intermediate  gradation  between  the  opposite  ex- 
tremes. .   .   . 

The  theory  of  the  transmutation  of  species  .  .  . 
has  met  with  some  degree  of  favour  from  many  natu- 
ralists, from  their  desire  to  dispense,  as  far  as  pos- 
sible, with  the  repeated  intervention  of  a  First  Cause, 
as  often  as  geological  monuments  attest  the  succes- 
sive appearance  of  new  races  of  animals  and  plants, 
and  the  extinction  of  those  pre-existing.  .  .  . 

If  we  look  for  some  of  those  essential  changes 
which  would  be  required  to  lend  even  the  semblance 
of  a  foundation  for  the  theory  of  Lamarck,  respect- 
ing the  growi:h  of  new  organs  and  the  gradual  oblit- 
eration of  others,  we  find  nothing  of  the  kind.  .  .  . 

DARWIN  327 

Charles  Darwin   (1809-1882) 

It  is  impossible  in  the  brief  limits  of  these 
outlines^  to  give  Darwin  his  true  relief,  that  is,  in 
proportion  to  his  actual  work  and  influence  as 
compared  with  his  predecessors,  and  it  is  diffi- 
cult to  say  anything  about  him  which  has  not 
been  as  well  or  better  said  before.  We  can,  how- 
ever, ask  two  questions  which  connect  him  with 
this  history  and  which  can  be  brought  into  a 
stronger  hght  than  has  been  done  hitherto.  First, 
how  much  did  Darwin  owe  to  the  evolutionists 
who  went  before  him?  Second,  what  was  the 
course  of  his  own  changing  opinion  upon  the 
causes  of  Evolution? 

As  to  the  first,  he  owed  far  more  to  the  past 
than  is  generally  believed,  or  than  he  himself  was 
conscious  of,  especially  to  the  full  and  true  con- 
ception of  the  evolution  idea  which  had  already 
been  reached,  to  the  nature  of  its  evidences,  and, 
to  some  extent,  to  the  nature  of  its  causes.  Al- 
though anticipated  by  others,  Darwin  conceived, 
and  worked  out,  the  theory  of  natural  selection. 
What  he  owed  to  no  one  came  from  his  genius 
as  an  observer  and  from  his  wonderful  applica- 
tion of  the  inductive  method  of  search  after  nat- 
ural laws.  Like  Lamarck  alone,  among  all  his 

iSee  also  Impressions  of  Great  Naturalists,  vol.  II  of  Biolog- 
ical Series. 

328        FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

predecessors,  Darwin  was  early  fired  with  the 
truth  of  the  idea  and  was  equally  ready  to  suffer 
social  and  scientific  ostracism  in  its  pursuit. 

Second,  I  may  endeavor  to  trace  the  influences 
which  moulded  Darwin's  earlier  and  later  opin- 
ions ;  how,  starting  with  some  leaning  toward  the 
theories  of  modification  of  Buff  on  and  Lamarck, 
he  reached  an  almost  exclusive  belief  in  the  pow- 
ers of  his  own  principle  of  'natural  selection,' 
and  then  gradually  reverted  to  Buffon's  views 
of  the  direct  action  of  the  environment  and  to 
Lamarck's  theory  of  the  transmitted  effect  of 
habit  as  well,  until  in  his  maturest  writings  he 
embraced  a  threefold  causation  in  the  origin 
of  species:  namely,  as  first  and  most  important, 
the  Darwin- Wallace  factor  of  natural  selection; 
second,  as  of  considerable  importance,  the  E. 
Darwin-Lamarck  factor  of  the  inheritance  of  the 
effects  of  use  and  disuse;  third,  as  still  of  some 
importance,  the  Buffon  factor  of  the  direct  ac- 
tion of  the  environment.  Yet  he  independently 
reached  each  of  these  factors,  chiefly  through  his 
own  observations  and  partly  through  contempo- 
rary observers,  rather  than  through  the  argu- 
ments advanced  by  their  authors.  All  this  con- 
nects Darwin  with  the  past,  not  by  way  of  di- 
minishing his  lustre,  but  of  doing  the  past  justice. 

And  now  a  word  as  to  the  method  of  observa- 
tion and  induction  which  enabled  him,  in  a  single 

DARWIN  329 

lifetime,  to  leap  along  over  the  progress  of  cen- 
turies. The  long  retention  of  his  theory  from  pub- 
lication marks  the  contrast  of  his  caution  with 
the  impetuousness  of  Lamarck.  He  sought  a  hun- 
dred facts  and  observations  where  his  predeces- 
sors had  sought  one ;  his  notes  filled  volumes,  and 
he  stands  out  as  the  first  evolutionist  who  worked 
*upon  true  Baconian  principles.'  It  was  this  char- 
acteristic which,  combined  with  his  originality 
and  marvelous  power  of  generalization,  won  the 
battle  for  the  evolution  idea. 

As  Canon  Kingsley  wrote  to  Maurice:  "Dar- 
win is  conquering  everywhere,  and  rushing  in 
like  a  flood  by  the  mere  force  of  truth  and  fact." 
When  his  grandfather,  Erasmus  Darwin,  held 
back  at  the  inadequacy  of  his  own  theory  to  ex- 
plain the  origin  of  adaptation  in  color,  he  dis- 
played the  rare  scientific  temper  which  was 
transmitted  to  the  grandson.  Krause  has  pointed 
out,  what  is  in  fact  most  obvious,  how  largely  the 
thoughts  and  temperaments  of  these  elder  and 
younger  evolutionists  of  the  same  family  ran  in 
parallel  lines;  they  seemed  to  have  inborn  ten- 
dencies to  look  at  Nature  in  the  same  way. 

Another  cause  of  Darwin's  triumphant  success 
where  all  others  had  failed  was  his  living  at  a 
time  when  the  storehouse  of  facts  was  fairly 
bursting  for  want  of  a  generalization;  the  prog- 
ress in  every  branch  of  natural  history  since  La- 


marck's  time  had  been  prodigious.  Again,  even 
this  combination  of  temperament  and  circum- 
stance might  have  failed  but  for  Darwin's  rare 
education  direct  from  Nature  upon  the  voyage 
of  the  Beagle.  He  had  gained  little  or  nothing 
from  the  routine  methods  of  education  in  school 
and  university,  as  we  learn  in  his  own  words: 
"My  scientific  tastes  appear  to  have  been  cer- 
tainly innate.  ...  I  consider  that  all  I  have 
learnt  of  any  value  has  been  self-taught.  .  .  . 
My  innate  taste  for  natural  history  strongly  con- 
firmed and  directed  by  the  voyage  of  the 
Beagle''  Humboldt's  Personal  Narrative  and 
Herschel's  Introduction  to  the  Study  of  Nat- 
ural Philosophy  aroused  his  enthusiasm.  His  nat- 
ural taste  for  geology,  chilled  by  earlier  teachers, 
was  revived  during  an  excursion  with  Professor 
Sedgwick,  from  whom  he  learned  "that  science 
consists  in  grouping  facts  so  that  general  laws 
and  conclusions  may  be  drawn  from  them."  This 
was  in  1831 ;  upon  his  return  from  the  excursion 
he  entered  upon  his  'Voyage.' 

His  training  for  such  an  undertaking  had  been 
slight,  and  when  we  read  what  he  saw  during 
these  three  years,  between  the  age  of  twenty-two 
and  twenty-five,  we  realize  the  greatness  of  his 
genius.  The  procession  of  life  in  time  had  al- 
ready come  passingly  before  him.  He  now  learnt 
for  himself  the  great  lesson  of  uniformity  of 
past  and  present  causes,  that  for  Nature  'time  is 

DARWIN  331 

nothing.'  The  rocks,  the  fossils,  the  hfe  of  the 
continents  and  islands  passed  before  his  mind 
like  a  panorama  of  that  grand  history  which  had 
come  singly  and  in  fragments  to  every  evolution- 
ist preceding  him. 

Only  a  few  decades  back,  Humboldt  had  taken 
a  somewhat  similar  journey  in  South  America 
and  had  written: 

This  phenomenon  [the  distribution  of  plants]  is 
one  of  the  most  curious  in  the  history  of  organic 
forms.  I  say  history,  for  in  vain  would  reason  forbid 
man  to  form  hypotheses  upon  the  origin  of  things; 
he  still  goes  on  puzzling  himself  with  insoluble  prob- 
lems relating  to  the  distribution  of  beings. 

The  same  phenomena  came  to  Darwin's  mind 
as  the  greatest  and  most  pressing  for  solution, 
and  he  returned  from  this  voyage  determined  to 
solve  the  problem  of  the  origin  of  species  by  in- 
duction. There  were  but  two  theories  to  choose 
from — the  special  creation  theory  and  the  trans- 
mutation theory.  He  took  them  up  with  an  open 

Now  let  us  see  how  the  full-grown  evolution 
idea  came  to  him.  There  is  no  evidence  that  he 
read  any  of  the  literature  we  have  been  consid- 
ering ;  he  was  from  the  first  an  original  observer 
and  naturalist  rather  than  a  natural  philosopher 
or  student  of  causes.  At  the  age  of  eighteen,  while 
in  the  University  of  Edinburgh,  he  formed  the 


acquaintance  of  Doctor  Grant,  who,  on  one  oc- 
casion, burst  forth  into  high  praise  of  the  doc- 
trines of  Lamarck.  Darwin  had  even  earlier  read 
the  Zoonomia,  but  without  receiving  any  effect 
from  it.  "Nevertheless,"  he  says,  "it  is  probable 
that  the  hearing,  rather  early  in  life,  such  views 
maintained  and  praised,  may  have  favoured  my 
upholding  them  in  a  different  form  in  my  Origin 
of  Species,''  It  is  very  evident  from  all  Darwin's 
criticisms  of  Lamarck  that  he  never  studied  him 
carefully  in  the  original,  so  that  all  he  owed  at 
this  time  to  his  grandfather  and  to  Lamarck  was 
the  general  idea  of  the  evolution  of  life.  Later, 
however,  he  took  with  him  on  the  Beagle  Lyell's 
Principles  of  Geology,^  in  which  Lamarck's  doc- 
trines are  admirably  set  forth  and  fully  discussed, 
so  that  there  is  little  doubt  that  the  problem  of 
transformation  was,  after  all,  most  strongly 
brought  to  him  by  Lamarck  indirectly  through 
Lyell's  able  treatment. 

In  1834,  during  the  voyage,  Darwin  was  still 
a  special  creationist,  yet  the  problem  of  mutabil- 
ity haunted  him,  as  it  was  brought  home  by  the 
strong  evidences  of  change  which  met  him  on 
every  side.  He  says:^ 

I  had  been  deeply  impressed  by  discovering  in  the 
Pampean    formation    great    fossil   animals    covered 

iThe  first  volume  appeared  in  1830,  the  second  in  1832;  Dar- 
win's voyage  lasted  from  1831  to  1836. 

^Life  and  Letters,  last  edition,  authorized  ed..  No.  604,  1896, 
vol.  I,  p.  67. 

DARWIN  333 

with  armour  like  that  on  the  existing  armadillos; 
secondly,  by  the  manner  in  which  closely  allied  ani- 
mals replaced  one  another  in  proceeding  southwards 
over  the  Continent ;  and  thirdly,  by  the  South  Ameri- 
can character  of  most  of  the  productions  of  the  Gala- 
pagos archipelago,  and  more  especially  by  the  man- 
ner in  which  they  differ  slightly  on  each  island  of  the 
group,  none  of  the  islands  appearing  to  be  very  an- 
cient in  a  geological  sense.  It  was  evident  that  such 
facts  as  these,  as  well  as  many  others,  could  only  be 
explained  on  the  supposition  that  species  gradually 
become  modified ;  and  the  subject  haunted  me.  But  it 
was  equally  evident  that  neither  the  action  of  the 
surrounding  conditions,^  nor  the  will  of  the  organ- 
isms^ (especially  in  the  case  of  plants)  could  account 
for  the  innumerable  cases  in  which  organisms  of 
every  kind  are  beautifully  adapted  to  their  habits 
of  life — for  instance,  a  woodpecker  or  a  tree  frog 
to  climb  trees,  or  a  seed  for  dispersal  by  hooks  or 
plumes.  I  had  always  been  much  struck  by  such  adap- 
tations, and  until  these  could  be  explained  it  seemed 
to  me  almost  useless  to  endeavour  to  prove  by  indirect 
evidence  that  species  have  been  modified. 

It  was  after  his  return  in  1837  that  Darwin 
opened  his  first  note-book  for  the  collection  of 
facts  which  bore  in  any  way  on  variation  in  ani- 
mals and  plants  under  domestication  and  in  Na- 
ture. He  says:  *'I  worked  on  true  Baconian  prin- 
ciples, and  without  any  theory  collected  facts  on 
a  wholesale  scale,  more  especially  with  respect  to 

iRe  here  refers  to  Buffon's  factor. 

2He  here  refers  to  and  misconceives  Lamarck's  factor. 


domesticated  products,  by  printed  inquiries,  by 
conversation  with  skilful  breeders  and  gardeners, 
and  by  extensive  reading."  This  is  the  most  de- 
liberate and  rigid  instance  of  the  application  of 
the  inductive  method  which  we  have  met  with  in 
our  whole  study  of  the  contributors  to  the  evo- 
lution theory. 

Darwin  soon  perceived  the  force  of  artificial 
selection  as  the  secret  of  man's  success  in  form- 
ing useful  races  of  animals  and  plants;  and  in 
October,  1838,  while  reading  Malthus  on  popu- 
lation, the  idea  of  selection  in  a  state  of  Nature 
first  occurred  to  him  as  the  result  of  the  struggle 
for  existence,  or  rather  for  life,  between  differ- 
ent individuals  and  species.  Four  years  later  he 
briefly  set  down  his  views,  and  in  1844  he  allowed 
himself  to  write  out  his  progress.  He  had  already 
reached  the  main  line  of  argument  of  his  Origin 
of  Species,  including  the  now  familiar  tripod  of 
his  theory — Struggle,  Variation,  and  Selection; 
he  had  also  reached  his  principle  of  sexual  selec- 
tion, yet  under  the  influence  of  the-  French  evo- 
lutionists he  "attached  somewhat  more  weight  to 
the  influence  of  external  conditions  in  producing 
variation,  and  to  the  inheritance  of  acquired  hab- 
its than  in  the  ^Origin.'  "^ 

At  this  time  Darwin  naturally  began  to  look 

iSee  Life  and  Letters,  1896,  vol.  I,  pp.  375-6.  This  was  Huxley's 
observation  upon  this  essay  in  reply  to  a  request  for  a  criticism 
from  the  editor.  This  essay  should  be  published. 

DARWIN  335 

into  the  literature  of  the  subject  and  was  read- 
ing Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire.  He  carefully  read 
and  abstracted  Haldeman's  arguments  for  and 
against  the  development  theory.  He  studied  the 
botanist  de  Candolle  upon  the  effects  of  geo- 
graphical distribution  and  Brown  upon  varia- 
tion. He  was  somewhat  fearful  lest  he  should  be 
classed  with  Lamarck.  He  wrote  to  Hooker 
(January  11,  1844)  : 

...  I  have  been  now  ever  since  my  return  en- 
gaged in  a  very  presumptuous  work,  and  I  know  no 
one  individual  who  would  not  say  a  very  foolish  one. 
I  was  so  struck  with  the  distribution  of  the  Gala- 
pagos organisms,  etc.,  and  wath  the  character  of  the 
American  fossil  mammifers,  etc.,  that  I  determined 
to  collect  blindly  every  sort  of  fact  which  could  bear 
in  any  way  on  what  are  species.  ...  At  last,  gleams 
of  light  have  come,  and  I  am  almost  convinced  (quite 
contrary  to  the  opinion  that  I  started  with)  that 
species  are  not  (it  is  like  confessing  a  murder)  im- 
mutable. Heaven  forfend  me  from  Lamarck  nonsense 
of  a  "tendency  to  progression,"  "adaptations  from 
the  slow  willing  of  animals,"  etc. !  But  the  conclusions 
I  am  led  to  are  not  widely  different  from  his ;  though 
the  means  of  change  are  wholly  so. 

In  another  place  he  wrote:  "Lamarck's  work  ap- 
peared to  me  to  be  extremely  poor;  I  got  not  a 
fact  or  idea  from  it." 

By  1856  Darwin  had  sent  Hooker  his  manu- 


scripts.  He  had  also,  as  a  matter  of  greatest  in- 
terest to  us  in  the  development  of  his  views, 
swung  entirely  away  from  any  sympathy  with 
the  theories  of  Buffon  and  Lamarck,  and  had 
reached  the  extreme  position  as  to  the  powers  of 
natural  selection  which  he  continued  to  hold  for 
some  years.  Several  passages  show  this  :^ 

External  conditions  (to  which  naturalists  so  often 
appeal)  do  by  themselves  very  little.  How  much  they 
do,  is  the  point  of  all  others  on  which  I  feel  myself 
very  weak.  I  judge  from  the  facts  of  variation  under 
domestication,  and  I  may  yet  get  more  light.  .  .  . 
The  formation  of  a  strong  variety  or  species  I  look  at 
as  almost  wholly  due  to  the  selection  of  what  may  be 
incorrectly  called  chance  variations  or  variability. 

Of  the  powers  of  natural  selection  he  wrote 
to  Lyell  in  1859:  "Grant  a  simple  Archetypal 
creature,  like  the  Mud-fish  or  Lepidosiren,  with 
the  five  senses  and  some  vestige  of  mind,  and 
I  believe  natural  selection  will  account  for  the 
production  of  every  vertebrate  animal."  But  he 
was  more  cautious  in  publication,  for  in  the  first 
edition  of  the  Origin  of  Species,  which  appeared 
in  the  same  year,  he  said:  "I  am  convinced  that 
Natural  Selection  has  been  the  main  but  not  ex- 
clusive means  of  modification." 

The  contrast  between  Darwin's  selection  the- 

^Letter  to  Hooker,  Nov.  23,  1856. 



ory  of  adaptation  and  Lamarck's  inheritance 
theory  of  adaptation  is  shown  in  the  following 
passages : 

The  giraffe  lives  in  dry,  des- 
ert places,  without  herbage,  so 
that  it  is  obliged  to  browse  on 
the  leaves  of  trees,  and  is  con- 
tinually forced  to  reach  up  to 
them.  It  results  from  this  habit, 
continued  for  a  long  time  in  all 
the  individuals  of  its  species, 
that  its  fore  limbs  have  become 
so  elongated  that  the  giraffe, 
without  raising  itself  erect  on 
its  hind  legs,  raises  its  head 
and  reaches  six  metres  high 
(almost  twenty  feet). — La- 
marck: Philosophie  Zoologique, 
1809,  vol.  I,  p.  256,  See  Pack- 
ard's Lamarck,  His  Life  and 
Worky  1901,  p.  351. 

So  under  nature  with  the 
nascent  giraffe,  the  individuals 
which  were  the  highest  brows- 
ers, and  were  able  during 
dearths  to  reach  even  an  inch 
or  two  above  the  others,  will 
often  have  been  preserved;  for 
they  will  have  roamed  over  the 
whole  country  in  search  of 
food.  .  .  .  Slight  proportional 
differences,  due  to  the  laws  of 
growth  and  variation,  are  not 
of  the  slightest  use  or  impor- 
tance to  most  species.  But  it 
will  have  been  otherwise  with 
the  nascent  giraffe,  considering 
its  probable  habits  of  life;  for 
those  individuals  which  had 
some  one  part  or  several  parts 
of  their  bodies  rather  more 
elongated  than  usual,  would 
generally  have  survived.  These 
will  have  intercrossed  and  left 
offspring,  either  inheriting  the 
same  bodily  peculiarities,  or 
with  a  tendency  to  vary  again 
in  the  same  manner;  whilst  the 
individuals,  less  favoured  in  the 
same  respects,  will  have  been 
the  most  liable  to  perish. — Dar- 
win: Origin  of  Species.  Last 
edition,  authorized  edition,  No. 
604,  1896,  vol.  I,  p.  277. 

In  the  use  of  the  word  'chance,'^  Darwin  re- 
calls to  mind  the  old  passage  in  Aristotle  of  the 
two  alternatives  in  our  views  of  Nature.  Dar- 

^His  meaning  in  the  use  of  the  word  *chance'  was  not  the  ordi- 
nary one.  Loc.  cit.,  p.  164:  "I  have  sometimes  spoken,"  etc. 


win's  standpoint  was  different  from  either;  by 
*ehance  variations'  he  refers  to  those  occurring 
under  unknown  laws,  not  under  the  'blind  for- 
tuity' of  Empedocles,  nor  under  the  'progressive 
principle'  of  Aristotle.  He  found  no  evidence  for 
an  internal  perfecting  principle.  In  connection 
with  the  first  edition  of  the  Origin  he  wrote  :^ 

The  so-called  improvement  of  our  Short-horn 
cattle,  pigeons,  etc.,  does  not  presuppose  or  require 
any  aboriginal  "power  of  adaptation,"  or  "principle 
of  improvement."  ...  If  I  have  a  second  edition,  I 
will  reiterate  "Natural  Selection,"  and,  as  a  general 
consequence,  "Natural  Improvement." 

He  mistakenly  attributed  to  Lamarck  the  view 
held  by  the  author  of  the  Vestiges,  when  he  dis- 
avowed holding  "the  Lamarckian  or  Vestigian 
doctrine  of  'necessary  progression,'  that  is,  of 
progression  independent  of  conditions."  This  is 
further  shown  in  his  correspondence^  concerning 
Nageli;^  "I  am,  however,  far  from  agreeing  with 
him  that  the  acquisition  of  certain  characters 
which  appear  to  be  of  no  service  to  plants,  offers 

iLetter  to  Lyell,  Oct.  25,  1859. 

^Life  and  Letters.  Letter  to  Victor  Carus,  Nov.  10,  1866. 

SNageli,  a  distinguished  German  botanist,  believed  that  he 
found  in  his  studies  of  the  Evolution  of  plants  proofs  of  the  ex- 
istence of  an  internal  perfecting  principle  in  life,  by  which,  inde- 
pendently of  all  outside  agencies,  the  Plant  Kingdom  is  constantly 
tending  to  a  higher  degree  of  perfection.  These  views  were  pub- 
lished in  1865.  Somewhat  similar  views  have  been  advanced  by 
Baer,  Kolliker,  and  others. 

DARWIN  339 

any  great  difficulty,  or  affords  a  proof  of  some 
innate  tendency  in  plants  toward  perfection." 
This  standpoint  is  further  brought  out  in  Dar- 
win's very  interesting  correspondence  with  Asa 
Gray  upon  the  evidence  for  design  in  Nature:  "I 
cannot  think  that  the  world,  as  we  see  it,  is  the  re- 
sult of  chance;  and  yet  I  cannot  look  at  each  sep- 
arate thing  as  the  result  of  Design.  To  take  a 
crucial  example,  you  lead  me  to  infer  that  you 
believe  'that  variation  has  been  led  along  certain 
beneficial  lines.'  I  cannot  believe  this."^  Again: 
*'I  must  think  that  it  is  illogical  to  suppose  that 
the  variations,  which  natural  selection  preserves 
for  the  good  of  any  being  have  been  designed."^ 
In  still  another  passage:^  "I  am  inclined  to  look 
at  everything  as  resulting  from  designed  laws, 
with  the  details,  whether  good  or  bad,  left  to  the 
working  out  of  what  we  may  call  chance.  Not 
that  this  notion  at  all  satisfies  me." 

This  makes  sufficiently  clear  Darwin's  opin- 
ions at  this  time  upon  the  theories  of  all  his  pred- 
ecessors except  one,  namely,  St.  Hilaire.  Hux- 
ley, in  his  early  correspondence  upon  the  Origin 
of  Species,  tried  to  convince  Darwin  of  the  pos- 
sibility of  occasional  rapid  leaps  or  changes  in 
Nature,  analogous  to  those  which  St.  Hilaire 
had  advocated,  although  Huxley  probably  did 

'^Life  and  Letters.  Letter  to  Asa  Gray,  Nov.  26,  1860. 
2Loc.  cit.  Letter  to  Asa  Gray,  Sept.  17,  1861  (?). 
^Loc.  cit.  Letter  to  Asa  Gray,  May  22,  1860. 


not  have  this  author  in  mind  nor  contemplate  any- 
great  extremes  of  transformation.  Darwin  held 
to  his  original  proposition,  handed  down  from 
Leibnitz,  'Natura  non  facit  saltum,'  concluding: 
"It  would  take  a  great  deal  more  evidence  to 
make  me  admit  that  forms  have  often  changed 
by  saltum''^ 

The  idea  of  natural  selection  came  to  Darwin 
in  the  year  1838  through  the  suggestion  of  Mal- 
thus,^  who,  in  turn,  had  probably  borrowed  it 
from  Buff  on.  He  was  at  the  time  unaware  of  any 
of  the  distinct  anticipations  of  his  theory.  His 
attention  was  called  to  Naudin's  paper  in  1859; 
to  Matthew's  article  in  1860;  to  that  of  Wells  in 
1865.  Some  one,  also,  called  his  attention  to  Aris- 
totle and  Empedocles.  It  is  possible  that  his  eye 
may  have  caught  the  passage  in  St.  Hilaire  sug- 
gesting the  idea,  without  his  conscious  recollec- 
tion of  it.  The  strong  passage  in  Erasmus  Dar- 
win's poem  may  also  have  survived  in  his  mem- 
ory. Yet  as  far  as  Darwin  knew,  the  idea  of  the 
'struggle  for  life'  came  first  from  Malthus;  it 
grew  upon  him  in  reading  de  Candolle,  W.  Her- 
bert, and  Lyell,  of  whom  he  said,  "Even  they 
have  not  written  strongly  enough."  The  force  of 
this  'struggle'  gradually  intensified  itself  in  his 
mind  to  a  point  where  he  believed  it  was  such  that 

"^Life  and  Letters.  Letter  to  Hooker,  February,  1860. 
2See  Impressions  of  Great  Naturalists,  1928,  pp.  77-9. 

DARWIN  341 

not  merely  the  entire  adaptive  form  of  the  ani- 
mal, but  even  a  slight  adaptive  variation  in  a 
single  character,  would  turn  the  scale  in  favor  of 
survival!  This  was  during  the  period  of  his  ex- 
treme faith  in  the  natural  selection  factor,  which 
reached  its  highest  point  about  1858.  He  grad- 
ually^ receded  from  this  extreme,  as  shown  in  a 
letter  to  Victor  Cams  in  1869:  *'I  have  been  led 
...  to  infer  that  single  variations  are  of  even 
less  importance,  in  comparison  with  individual 
differences,  than  I  formerly  thought."  He  here 
refers  to  the  aggregate  of  distinction  between 
two  forms. 

This  reaction  was  accompanied  by  a  slow 
change  of  mind  toward  the  Lamarckian  factor 
of  the  inheritance  of  the  effects  of  use  and  disuse. 
This  was  brought  about,  apparently,  not  through 
a  renewed  study  of  the  Philosophie  Zoologique, 
but  by  Darwin's  own  observations  upon  the  do- 
mesticated animals,  especially  in  his  records  of 
structures  which  were  developing  and  degenerat- 
ing entirely  apart  from  the  main  course  of  the 
artificial  selection  of  breeders,  as  well  as  from  the 
weight  of  utility  or  usefulness  in  the  scale  of  sur- 
vival in  Nature.  He  may  have  been  influenced 
also  by  the  thorough  Lamarckism  of  Herbert 
Spencer,  although  this  does  not  appear  in  the 
Life  and  Letters. 

Darwin's  gradual  recession  from  his  exclusion 


of  the  Buffon-St.  Hilaire  factor  also  evidently 
began  in  course  of  the  preparation  of  his  great 
work  upon  'variation.'  He  was  influenced  by  his 
own  wider  range  of  observation,  and,  later,  by 
the  observations  of  Wagner,  of  Allen,  and  oth- 
ers. As  early  as  1862  he  wrote  to  Hooker:^ 

I  hardly  know  why  I  am  a  little  sorry,  but  my 
present  work  is  leading  me  to  believe  rather  more  in 
the  direct  action  of  physical  conditions.  I  presume 
I  regret  it,  because  it  lessens  the  glory  of  natural 
selection,  and  is  so  confoundedly  doubtful.  Perhaps 
I  shall  change  again  when  I  get  all  my  facts  under 
one  point  of  view,  and  a  pretty  hard  job  this  will  be. 

Fourteen  years  later  Darwin  had  positively  in- 
cluded Buffon's  factor  of  the  direct  action  of  en- 
vironment among  the  causes  of  Evolution.^  In 
1876  he  wrote  to  Moriz  Wagner:^ 

When  I  wrote  the  'Origin,'  and  for  some  years 
afterward,  I  could  find  little  good  evidence  of  the 
direct  action  of  the  environment ;  now  there  is  a  large 

^Life  and  Letters.  Letter,  Nov.  24,  1862. 

20ne  of  the  author's  correspondents  [C.  H.  Ward]  believes 
that  Darwin's  change  of  mind  toward  the  Buffonian  and  La- 
marckian  factors  is  overstated  in  the  present  volume.  As  to  Buf- 
fon,  Darwin  wrote  to  Semper  Nov.  26,  1878: 

"When  I  published  the  sixth  edition  of  the  Origin  ...  I  went 
as  far  as  I  could,  perhaps  too  far  in  agreement  with  Wagner; 
since  that  time  I  have  seen  no  reason  to  change  my  mind." 

In  regard  to  the  Lamarckian  factor,  Darwin's  mind  never 
changed  so  far  as  to  lessen  the  supreme  importance  he  attached  to 
natural  selection. 

^Life  and  Letters.  Letter  to  Wagner,  Oct.  13,  1876. 


body  of  evidence,  and  your  case  of  the  Saturnia  is 
one  of  the  most  remarkable  of  which  I  have  heard. 

In  1878  he  fully  included  Wagner's  theory  as 
one  cause  of  origin  of  species,  through  the  direct 
action  of  environment  in  the  same  country  or 
through  geographical  isolation/  In  1877  also  he 
had  written  to  Morse  r  "I  quite  agree  about  the 
high  value  of  Mr.  Allen's  works,  as  showing 
how  much  change  may  be  expected  apparently 
through  the  direct  action  of  the  conditions  of 
life."  There  is  thus  no  doubt  that  the  idea  of  nat- 
ural selection,  as  almost  the  sole  factor,  came  to 
a  climax  in  Darwin's  mind  and  then  gradually 
appeared  less  supremely  important  and  exclu- 
sive. In  preparing  his  work  on  Variation,'  the 
importance  of  the  problem  of  heredity  came  be- 
fore him,  and  in  writing  to  Huxley,  in  1865,^  he 
gives  a  *brief '  of  his  point  of  view  at  the  time,  in 
concisely  stating  what  a  working  theory  of  hered- 
ity should  embrace: 

The  case  stands  thus :  in  my  next  book  I  shall  pub- 
lish long  chapters  on  bud-  and  seminal-variation,  on 
inheritance,  reversion,  effects  of  use  and  disuse,  etc. 
I  have  also  for  many  years  speculated  on  the  different 
forms  of  reproduction.  Hence  it  has  come  to  be  a 
passion  with  me  to  try  to  connect  all  such  facts  by 
some  sort  of  hypothesis. 

'^Life  and  Letters.  Letter  to  Semper,  November  30,  1878. 
^Loc.  cit.  Letter  to  Morse,  April  23,  1877. 
^Loc.  cit.  Letter  to  Huxley,  May  27,  1865  (?). 


Here,  again,  Darwin  reached  independently 
an  hypothesis  of  heredity  known  as  'pangenesis' 
which  had  been  already  formulated  by  Buffon, 
Maupertuis,  and  foreshadowed  by  Democritus 
and  Hippocrates.  Concerning  Buffon's  unex- 
pected anticipation,  he  wrote  to  Huxley  (1865?) , 
to  whom  he  had  submitted  his  manuscript : 

I  have  read  Buffon :  whole  pages  are  laughably  like 
mine.  It  is  surprising  how  candid  it  makes  one  to  see 
one's  views  in  another  man's  words.  .  .  .  Neverthe- 
less, there  is  a  fundamental  distinction  between  Buf- 
fon's views  and  mine.  He  does  not  suppose  that  each 
cell  or  atom  of  tissue  throws  off  a  little  bud. 

Among  Darwin's  last  words  upon  the  factors 
of  Evolution  are  those  in  the  sixth  edition  of  the 
Origin  of  Species}  In  the  modification  of  spe- 
cies he  refers  as  causes,  successively  to  his  own, 
to  Lamarck's,  and  to  Buffon's  factor  in  the  fol- 
lowing clear  language: 

This  has  been  effected  chiefly  through  the  natural 
selection  of  numerous,  successive,  slight,  favourable 
variations ;  aided  in  an  important  manner  by  the  in- 
herited effects  of  the  use  and  disuse  of  parts;  and 
in  an  unimportant  manner — that  is,  in  relation  to 
adaptive  structures,  whether  past  or  present — by  the 
direct  action  of  external  conditions,  and  by  variations 
which  seem  to  us  in  our  ignorance  to  arise  spon- 

11880,  p.  424. 

DARWIN  345 

Later,  in  the  Descent  of  Man^  he  speaks  of  the 
effects  of  use  as  probably  becoming  hereditary, 
showing  that  he  still  did  not  consider  the  evi- 
dence so  convincing  as  that  relating  to  disuse. 
"The  chief  agents  in  causing  organs  to  become 
rudimentary  seem  to  have  been  disuse,  at  that 
period  of  life  when  the  organ  is  chiefly  used  (and 
this  is  generally  during  maturity),  and  also  in- 
heritance at  a  corresponding  period  of  life."  It 
should  be  repeated  that  these  decided  changes  of 
opinion  were,  in  part,  a  tacit  acceptance  of  work 
done  elsewhere,  especially  in  Germany,  rather 
than  the  direct  outcome  of  Darwin's  own  obser- 
vations. In  part  they  certainly  reflected  his  own 
observations  and  maturer  judgment. 

Darwin  and  Wallace 

Finally,  we  record  the  most  striking^  of  all  the 
many  coincidences  and  independent  discoveries 
in  the  history  of  the  evolution  idea.  Darwin's 
long  withholding  of  his  theory  from  publication 
between  1837  and  1858  came  near  costing  him 
his  eminent  claims  to  priority,  for  in  the  latter 
year  Alfred  Russel  Wallace  had  also  reached  a 
similar  theory.  By  the  happy  further  coincidence 
of  a  friendship  which  always  remained  of  the 

11881,  p.  32. 

^For  details  see  Osborn:  Impressions  of  Great  Naturalists  (vol. 
II  of  this  series),  1928,  pp.  40-1,  77-9. 


most  generous  order  Wallace  sent  his  freshly- 
completed  manuscript  to  Darwin.  But  for  his 
friends  Hooker  and  Lyell,  Darwin  would  even 
then  have  held  back  his  work;  by  their  coopera- 
tion, two  modest  papers  appeared  in  the  Journal 
of  the  Linncean  Society ^^  which  had  been  read  to 
the  Linnsean  Society  July  1,  1858.  The  first  con- 
sisted of  Darwin's  letter  of  1857  to  Asa  Gray  and 
extracts  from  a  manuscript^  sketched  by  Dar- 
win in  1839  and  copied  in  1844,  from  the  second 
part,  entitled  "On  the  Variation  of  Organic  Be- 
ings in  a  State  of  Nature ;  on  the  Natural  Means 
of  Selection;  on  the  Comparison  of  Domestic 
Races  and  True  Species."  The  second  consisted 
of  the  paper  by  Wallace,  written  in  February, 
1858,  entitled  "On  the  Tendency  of  Varieties  to 
depart  indefinitely  from  the  Original  Type." 
The  line  of  thought  in  these  two  papers  is  closely 
but  not  precisely  parallel,  as  shown  in  these  col- 

Darwin  Waixace 

There  is  in  Nature  a  struggle  The  life  of  wild  animals  is  a 

for  existence,  as  shown  by  Mai-  struggle   for   existence   ...  in 

thus  and  De  Candolle.  which    the    weakest    and    least 

perfect  must  always   succumb. 

Rapid   multiplication,   if  un-  Even  the  least  prolific  of  ani- 

checked,  even  of  slow-breeding  mals  would  increase  rapidly  if 

animals  like  the  elephant  .  .  .  unchecked. 

Great    changes    in    the   envi-  A  change  in  the  environment 

ronment  occur.  may  occur. 

iVol.  Ill,  no.  9,  August  20,  1858,  pp.  45-62. 
^This  MS.  "was  never  intended  for  publication,  and  therefore 
was  not  written  with  care." 

DARWIN  347 

Darwin  Wallace 

It  has  been  shown  in  a  for-  (No    cause    of   variation    as- 

mer  part  of  this  work  that  such  signed.) 

changes  of  external  conditions  Varieties    do    frequently    oc- 
would,  from  their  acting  upon  cur  spontaneously, 
the  reproductive  system,  prob- 
ably    cause     the     organisation  All  variations  from  the  typi- 
...  to  become  plastic.  cal    form    have    some    definite 

Can  it  be  doubted  that  .  .  .  effect,    however    slight,    on    the 

any  minute  variation  in  struc-  habits  or  capacities  of  the  in- 

ture,  habits,  or  instincts,  adapt-  dividuals.  Abundance  or  rarity 

ing  that  individual  better  to  the  of  a  species  is  dependent  on  its 

new  conditions,  would  tell  upon  more    or    less    perfect    adapta- 

its  vigor  and  health?  tion.  If  any  species  should  pro- 

In  the  struggle  it  would  have  duce  a  variety  having  slightly 
a  better  chance  of  surviving;  increased  powers  of  preserving 
and  those  of  the  offspring  who  existence,  that  variety  must  in- 
inherited  the  variation,  be  it  evitably  in  time  acquire  a  su- 
ever  so  slight,  would  also  have  periority  in  numbers, 
a  better  chance. 

Remarkable  as  this  parallelism  is,  it  is  not  com- 
plete. The  line  of  argument  is  the  same,  but  the 
point  d'appui  is  different ;  that  is,  Darwin  had  in 
mind  variations.  Wallace  had  in  mind  varieties, 
and  there  is  a  great  biological  difference  between 
the  two  concepts.  Darwin  dwells  upon  vari- 
ations in  single  characters,  as  taken  hold  of 
by  selection;  Wallace  mentions  variations,  but 
dwells  upon  full-formed  varieties,  as  favorably 
or  unfavorably  adapted.  It  is  perfectly  clear  that 
with  Darwin  the  struggle  is  so  intense  that  the 
chance  of  survival  of  each  individual  turns  upon 
a  single  and  even  slight  variation.  With  Wal- 
lace, varieties  are  already  presupposed  by  causes 
which  he  does  not  discuss,  a  change  in  the  envi- 
ronment occurs,  and  those  varieties  which  hap- 


pen  to  be  adapted  to  it  survive.  There  is  really  a 
wide  gap  between  these  two  statements  and  ap- 
plications of  the  theory. 

A  further  striking  feature  in  this  parallelism 
of  thought  is  that  Wallace,  like  Darwin,  first 
caught  the  suggestion  of  the  struggle  for  ex- 
istence from  reading  Malthus. 

Unlike  Darwin,  Wallace  conserved  his  earlier 
views  entire;  he  remained  a  rigid  natural  selec- 
tionist, and  incorporated  the  extreme  views  of 
Darwin  upon  the  importance  of  variations  in  sin- 
gle characters.  As  one  of  the  leaders  of  thought 
in  contemporary  Evolution,  Wallace  belongs 
chiefly  to  the  after-Darwin  period. 

This  closes  the  main  history  of  the  evolution 
idea,  from  the  earliest  period  of  Greek  thought 
to  the  full  pronouncement  of  the  idea  in  the 
Origin  of  Species  in  1859.  In  another  volume. 
Impressions  of  Great  Naturalists,  the  Darwin 
story  is  told  more  fully. 


After  my  prolonged  restudy  of  the  entire 
twenty-four-century  period  of  evolution  thought 
I  am  more  than  ever  impressed  with  the  evidence 
of  continuity  in  the  development  of  the  great 
central  idea  of  Evolution  as  first  expressed  in  my 
early  course  of  lectures  at  Princeton  in  the  year 
1890.  The  main  difference  between  the  modern 
idea  of  Evolution  and  the  Greek  idea  is  not  due 
to  any  essential  difference  between  the  Greek 
mind  and  the  modern  mind,  except  in  favor  of 
the  former;  it  is  due  to  the  incalculable  growth  of 
our  knowledge,  which,  whether  we  will  or  not, 
forces  the  principle  of  Evolution  upon  us  as  the 
most  comprehensive  law  of  Nature  that  has  been 

When  we  compare  Aristotle's  Historia  Ani- 
malium  of  the  fourth  century  b.  c.  with  the  stu- 
pendous volumes  of  research  of  the  present  day, 
which  set  forth  in  minutest  detail  the  principles 
of  anatomy,  physiology  and  biology — branches 
to  which  Aristotle  devoted  merely  a  few  lines  or 
sentences  of  exposition — we  realize  the  wide  con- 
trast and  wonder  the  more  that  the  Greeks,  with 
their  comparatively  meagre  and  limited  knowl- 
edge, came  so  near  the  truth. 



Now  that  we  are  in  a  position  to  bring  together 
all  the  evidences  of  the  continuity  of  evolution 
thought,  our  difficulty  lies  in  choosing  the  via 
media  between  an  overestimate  and  an  underesti- 
mate of  the  anticipation  by  the  Greeks  of  modern 
thought.  First,  we  must  not  put  the  wine  of  mod- 
ern discovery  into  the  old  bottles  of  the  Greek 
concepts.  As  we  ascend  from  the  'formless 
masses'  of  the  thought  of  Empedocles  to  the  full 
concept  of  Evolution  by  Lamarck  and  into  its 
fuller  expression  by  Charles  Darwin,  we  must 
ourselves  look  forward  to  the  future  time  when 
new  and  more  intensive  knowledge  may  render 
the  conceptions  of  Lamarck  and  Darwin  as 
youthful  and  immature  as  those  of  Empedocles 
and  Aristotle  appear  to  us  today. 

The  idea  of  Evolution  in  the  sense  of  progress 
or  advance  of  less  perfect  to  more  perfect  living 
organisms  may  have  been  rooted  in  the  cosmic 
'movement'  of  Heraclitus  but  it  seems  more 
probable  that  it  arose  from  the  direct  observation 
and  comparison  of  living  organisms,  including 
man,  since  all  the  illustrations  of  the  rudimen- 
tary concept  advanced  by  such  authors  as  Em- 
pedocles, Thales,  Anaximander,  and  their  fol- 
lowers are  drawn  from  life;  they  are,  as  far  as 
they  go,  scientific  rather  than  philosophical  or 
metaphysical.  They  reveal  the  curious  and  in- 
quiring scientific  mind  that  is  always  seeking  a 


natural  rather  than  supernatural  or  metaphysical 
explanation.  In  other  words,  Greek  interpreta- 
tions of  the  initial  i)assage  from  the  inorganic  to 
the  organic  world,  of  the  origin  of  life,  of  com- 
petition and  the  struggle  for  existence,  of  the 
origin  of  adaptations,  are  from  the  beginning 
naturalistic,  although  eventually  they  become 
philosophical  and  constitute  an  important  part 
of  the  Greek  philosophy  of  Nature. 

Nevertheless,  the  philosophical  environment 
of  the  evolution  idea  is  seen  gradually  shaping 
itself  in  a  better  understanding  of  the  relations 
of  Design  and  of  Causation,  while  the  natural- 
istic environment  is  seen  expanding  step  by  step 
with  the  biological  sciences.  Two  of  Aristotle's 
philosophical  principles,  lying  midway  between 
physics  and  metaphysics,  have  exerted  a  pro- 
found and  very  misleading  influence  even  down 
to  the  present  day.  I  refer  first  to  his  'perfecting 
tendency,'  which  led  Leibnitz  and  all  his  natural- 
istic and  speculative  followers  away  from  the 
search  for  a  natural  cause  of  Adaptation;  why 
seek  for  a  natural  cause  of  Adaptation  through 
experiment  and  observation  when  we  philosophi- 
cally assume  such  a  cause  in  an  'internal  perfect- 
ing tendency'?  The  second  philosophical  prin- 
ciple of  Aristotle,  embodied  in  his  idea  of  'unity 
of  type,'  also  exerted  a  deterrent  influence  on 
observation  and,  as  finally  developed  in  the  mind 


of  Geoffrey  St.  Hilaire,  of  the  philosophical 
anatomists,  and  of  Richard  Owen,  was  advanced 
as  a  compromise  between  Evolution  and  the 
much  more  recent  doctrine  of  Special  Creation. 

Nowhere  among  the  Greek  philosophers  and 
biologists  is  the  idea  of  Special  Creation  of  ani- 
mal and  plant  forms  by  a  great  designing  First 
Cause  even  suggested;  the  relatively  late  devel- 
opment of  such  a  concept  is  attributable  to  west- 
ern theological  thought  only. 

Abiogenesis,  or  the  direct  transition  from  the 
inorganic  to  the  organic,  is  seen  to  have  had  a 
host  of  friends,  nearly  to  the  present  time,  in- 
cluding, besides  all  the  Greeks,  Lucretius,  Au- 
gustine, de  Maillet,  Buffon,  Erasmus  Darwin, 
Lamarck,  Treviranus,  Oken  and  Chambers.  The 
difficulty  of  origin  has  been  avoided  by  the  as- 
sumption of  primordial  minute  masses,  which  we 
have  seen  developed  from  the  *sof t  germ'  of  Aris- 
totle to  the  Vesicles'  and  'filaments'  of  Buffon, 
Erasmus  Darwin,  Lamarck,  Oken,  and  finally 
into  our  primordial  protoplasm.  Again,  the  rudi- 
ments of  the  monistic  idea  of  the  psychic  prop- 
erties of  all  matter,  foreshadowed  by  Empedo- 
cles,  are  seen  revived  by  de  Maupertuis  and 
Diderot.  Then  we  have  seen  the  difficulty  of  ori- 
gin removed  one  step  back  by  the  *pre-existent 
germs'  of  Anaxagoras,  revived  by  de  Maillet, 
Robinet,  Diderot  and  Bonnet. 


To  the  inquiry  as  to  where  hfe  first  appeared 
we  find  the  answer  "in  the  sea"  given  by  Thales, 
Anaximander  and  de  Maillet;  "between  sea  and 
land"  is  the  answer  of  Anaximenes,  Diogenes, 
Democritus  and  Oken;  "from  the  earth"  is  the 
soHtary  reply  of  Lucretius.  Man's  origin  and  de- 
scent were  always  of  the  first  interest  to  the 
Greeks.  The  idea  of  his  slow  development  is  sug- 
gested by  the  crude  observation  of  Anaximander 
and  takes  its  more  scientific  form  in  Lucretius, 
Bruno  and  Leibnitz. 

For  the  succession  of  life  we  have  followed  the 
ascending  scale  of  Aristotle,  Bruno,  Leibnitz  and 
others,  until  Buffon  realized  its  inadequacy  and 
Lamarck  substituted  the  simile  of  the  branching 
tree.  Of  man  as  the  summit  of  the  scale  and  still 
in  process  of  becoming  more  perfect  in  his  en- 
dowments, we  learn  from  Empedocles,  Aristotle, 
Robinet,  Diderot,  Erasmus  Darwin,  Lamarck 
and  Treviranus. 

The  struggle  for  existence  we  have  traced  to 
Anaximander  and,  more  clearly  in  its  bearing 
upon  feeding  and  propagation,  to  Empedocles 
and  Lucretius.  Buffon  and  Malthus  greatly  de- 
veloped it  afresh,  while  Erasmus  Darwin,  Tre- 
viranus, de  Candolle  and  others  gave  it  its  mod- 
ern form. 

Of  the  greatest  moment  of  all  is  our  pursuit  of 
the  eternal  problem  of  Adaptation,  first  as  it 


presented  itself  to  Empedocles,  Democritus  and 
Anaxagoras,  and  second,  as  it  became  connected 
with  Causation  in  the  minds  of  Aristotle,  Buff  on, 
Kant,  Erasmus  Darwin,  Goethe  and  Charles 
Darwin.  Around  the  solution  of  this  problem  we 
have  seen  center  the  development  and  clarifica- 
tion of  four  conceptions:  environment,  struggle 
for  existence,  variation,  survival  of  the  fittest. 

We  have  seen  first  how  ideas  of  Adaptation  in 
immutable  types  were  recast  into  the  grander 
Adaptation  in  mutable  types  under  changing  en- 
vironment, and  how  the  full  modern  conception 
of  Adaptation  arose  slowly  through  philosophi- 
cal anatomy  and  embryology  as  pursued  by  Buf- 
fon,  Kant,  Erasmus  Darwin,  Lamarck,  Goethe, 
Treviranus,  Geoffroy  and  Serres.  The  signifi- 
cance of  degeneration  and  of  vestigial  structures 
meanwhile  grew  clear  in  the  interpretations  of 
Sylvius,  Buffon,  Kant,  Goethe  and  Lamarck. 

Adaptation  as  arising  from  trial  and  error, 
that  is  through  fortuitous  combinations  and  acci- 
dental variations  in  relation  to  the  survival  of 
the  fittest,  is  found  to  be  one  of  the  most  ancient 
scientific  ideas  of  which  we  have  record  in  his- 
tory. It  is  seen  to  follow  two  lines.  The  first  is 
the  survival  of  the  fittest  forms  or  types  of  life 
as  conceived  by  Empedocles,  considered  either 
as  a  whole,  or  as  a  collection  of  similar  individ- 
uals, or  as  a  'variety,'  in  modern  terms.  This  we 


have  seen  originate  with  Empedocles  and  receive 
the  support  of  Epicurus  and  Lucretius,  and 
much  more  recently  of  Hume,  Diderot  and 
others.  In  its  relation  to  modern  evolution,  we  see 
it  brought  out  afresh  by  Buffon,  Malthus,  Kant, 
Wells,  Matthew  and  Wallace. 

The  second  line — that  of  fortuitous  fitness  in 
certain  organs  as  expressed  by  Aristotle — is  that 
perfected  by  Charles  Darwin,  namely,  the  sur- 
vival of  types  favored  by  the  possession  of  some 
fortuitously  adaptive  combination  of  parts  or  of 
some  favorable  variation  in  a  single  organ.  This 
conception  we  also  trace  from  Diderot  through 
Aristotle  back  to  Empedocles;  but  it  is  appar- 
ently a  spontaneous  and  independent  discovery 
as  we  find  it  in  Buffon  and  Helvetius,  who  trans- 
mit it  to  Erasmus  Darwin.  Finally,  it  is  again 
rediscovered,  or  grandly  evolved  by  induction 
and  observation,  by  Charles  Darwin,  who  raises 
it  to  its  present  magnitude  as  the  central  prin- 
ciple of  Selection  in  the  living  world. 

The  Lamarckian  concept  of  the  origin  of 
Adaptation  through  the  hereditary  transmission 
of  acquired  adaptations  also  arose  among  the 
Greeks,  in  the  form  of  a  definite  doctrine,  as 
shown  in  its  discussion  by  Aristotle  and  by  Plato. 
Doubtless  it  was  thus  handed  down  to  de  Maillet, 
Buffon,  Erasmus  Darwin,  who  first  gave  it  its 
full  expression,  Lamarck,  who  made  it  the  foun- 

356        FROM  THE   GREEKS  TO  DARWIN 

dation  stone  of  his  entire  theory  of  Adaptation, 
and  Laplace,  who  supported  Lamarck  in  his  con- 
ception. Herbert  Spencer,  too,  erected  the  trans- 
mission of  individual  adaptations  into  a  really 
central  position  in  his  philosophy.  With  this  is 
associated  closely  the  concept  of  adaptation  to 
new  conditions  arising  from  the  wants  and  needs 
of  animals,  first  expressed  by  Aristotle  (p.  78) 
and  erected  by  Cope  into  the  theory  of  Archges- 

Whereas  the  early  Greeks  conceived  of  the 
sudden  abiogenetic  origin  of  man,  the  idea  of 
human  ascent  with  modification  gradually  fol- 
lowed. In  Aristotle's  Physics  the  adaptations  of 
the  human  teeth  are  discussed  as  if  they  had  a 
natural  and  gradual  rather  than  sudden  origin. 
Since  the  interest  of  the  Greeks  centered  around 
man,  Greek  research  was  early  directed  to  the 
comparison  of  adaptations  in  man  and  the  lower 
animals.  Aristotle  discussed  the  resemblances 
and  differences  between  man  and  the  apes  of  the 
Mediterranean  region  as  they  were  known  in  his 
period.  Partly  due  to  the  influence  of  Greek 
speculation  is  the  recognition  of  man's  relation 
to  other  primates,  as  developed  by  Bruno,  Leib- 
nitz, Buifon,  Kant,  Herder.  Bruno  perceives  the 
importance  of  the  tool-bearing  hands,  and  most 
interesting  is  the  suggestion  by  Buffon,  Helve- 
tius  and  Erasmus  Darwin  that  the  exceptional 


powers  of  opposition  of  the  thumb,  rendering  its 
bearers  fittest  to  survive,  may  have  originated  as 
a  happy  accident. 

Environment  as  a  transforming  factor  was  ap- 
parently observed  late,  for  we  have  seen  it  first 
develop  in  the  writings  of  Bacon,  de  Maillet, 
Buffon,  Kant,  Erasmus  Darwin,  Lamarck,  Tre- 
viranus,  Geoffroy,  St.  Vincent,  von  Buch  and 
others.  Variation  is  of  seventeenth  century  ori- 
gin, at  least  when  considered  partly  as  evidence 
of,  partly  as  a  factor  in.  Evolution ;  we  have  seen 
it  treated  by  Bacon,  Leibnitz,  Maupertuis,  La- 
marck and  Geoffroy,  terminating  with  its  full 
exposition  in  the  first  half  of  the  century  as  a 
link  of  Darwinism. 

It  is  impossible  to  condense  into  a  few  sen- 
tences like  the  above  all  of  the  ancestral  and  suc- 
cessive stages  in  the  innumerable  ideas  which 
clustered  around  the  concept  of  Evolution.  The 
reader  will  be  greatly  aided  by  the  Index,  both 
of  pre-Darwinian  authors  and  subjects,  which 
has  been  most  carefully  prepared.  The  Hst  of 
authors  alone  is  as  interesting  as  it  is  formida- 
ble, including  as  it  does  the  names  of  Abubacer, 
^schylus,  Agassiz,  Albertus  INIagnus,  Aldro- 
vandi,  Anaxagoras,  Anaximander,  Anaximenes, 
Aristotle,  Augustine,  Avempace,  Avicenna,  the 
two  Bacons,  Blumenbach,  Bonnet,  Bruno,  Buf- 


fon,  Chambers,  Colonna,  Comte,  Cope,  Cuvier, 
Darwin  (Erasmus  and  Charles),  D'Archiac, 
D'Azyr,  da  Vinci,  de  Blainville,  de  Candolle,  de 
Maillet,  de  Maupertuis,  Democritus,  Deperet, 
Descartes,  Diderot,  Diogenes,  Dioscoridus,  Du- 
jardin,  Dumeril,  Duret,  Empedocles,  Epicurus, 
Erigena,  Fracastoro,  Galen,  St.  Hilaire  (Geof- 
froy,  Isidore),  Goethe,  Gregory,  Haldeman, 
Helvetius,  Heraclitus,  Heraphilus,  Herbert, 
Herder,  Hippocrates,  Hofmeister,  Humboldt, 
Hume,  Kant,  Keyserling,  Kielmeyer,  Kircher, 
Lamarck,  Laplace,  Lavater,  Leeuwenhoek, 
Leibnitz,  Leidy,  Lessing,  Linngeus,  Loder,  Lu- 
cretius, Lyell,  Malthus,  Matthew,  Meckel,  Mi- 
vart,  McCloud,  Nageli,  Naudin,  Newton,  Oken, 
Owen,  Philo,  Plato,  Pliny,  Polybus,  Preaxago- 
ras,  Pyrrho,  Quatrefages,  Rafinesque,  Reamur, 
Robinet,  Roscellinus,  St.  Vincent,  Schaaff- 
hausen,  Schleiden,  Schwann,  Serres,  Socrates, 
Sophocles,  Spencer,  Sperling,  Spinoza,  Steno, 
Strato,  Suarez,  Swammerdam,  Sylvius,  Thales, 
Theophrastus,  Treviranus,  Unger,  Vesalius,  Vol- 
taire, von  Baer,  von  Buch,  Wallace,  Wells,  Wil- 
liam of  Occam,  Wolff,  Wotton,  Xenophanes. 

Each  of  the  above  hundred  and  twenty-five 
writers  took  some  part  in  either  the  advancement 
or  the  retardation  of  the  evolution  idea.  Through- 
out the  Middle  Ages  and  up  to  the  times  of 
Francis  Bacon  and  da  Vinci,  natural  philoso- 


phers  were  largely  mere  copyists  of  Greek  con- 
cepts and  discoveries,  but  with  Bacon  himself 
and  from  his  time  onward  there  began  to  be  orig- 
inal and  valuable  additions  to  the  evolution  con- 
cept. The  subjects  along  which  the  great  idea 
advanced  may  also  be  followed  alphabetically  as 
set  forth  in  the  Index  as  part  of  the  current  terms 
of  modern  biology;  these  include  abiogenesis, 
adaptation,  affiliation,  analogy,  anatomy  in  all 
its  branches,  archasthetism,  archetype,  ascent 
and  descent  of  life  and  man,  atavism,  atomism, 
balance,  biogenesis,  biogenetic  law,  biology,  bot- 
any in  several  branches,  branching  evolution, 
catastrophism,  causation,  cell  doctrine,  chance, 
classification,  climate,  coloration,  compensation, 
cosmic  evolution,  creation  in  all  its  manifesta- 
tions, deduction,  degeneration,  degradation,  de- 
sign, development,  divergence,  dualism,  economy 
of  growth,  emhrancliement,  embryology  ( several 
theories),  entelechy,  epigenesis,  evolution  in  all 
its  aspects,  experimentalism,  extinction,  fecun- 
dity, filament,  fihation,  finality,  fixity,  form  {vs, 
matter),  fortuity,  force,  function,  generation, 
genesis,  geographic  distribution  and  isolation, 
germ  theory,  gradation,  habit,  heredity,  homol- 
ogy, human  hand,  induction,  inheritance,  inter- 
maxillary bone,  irritability,  kinetogenesis,  La- 
marckism,  materialism,  mechanism,  metempsy- 
chosis,   migration,    milieu,    mind,    modification, 


monism,  movement,  mutability,  mutation,  muti- 
lation, naturalism,  nature,  nomenclature,  ontog- 
eny, order  in  nature,  organs,  origin  of  life,  origin 
of  man,  origin  of  species,  palaeontology,  pangene- 
sis, parthenogenesis,  perfecting  principle,  phy- 
logeny,  plasticity,  predetermination,  prepotency 
of  characters,  progression,  reasoning,  recapitula- 
tion, respiration,  reversion,  saltation,  scale  of 
life,  selection  (artificial,  natural,  sexual),  sensi- 
bility, special  creation,  species,  speculation,  spon- 
taneous generation,  structure,  struggle  for  ex- 
istence, successive  creations,  survival  of  fittest, 
teleology,  teratology,  theologj^  transformation, 
transformism,  transmission  of  acquired  charac- 
ters, transmutation,  type,  uniformitarianism, 
unity  of  plan,  use  and  disuse,  variability,  varia- 
tion, variety,  wants  of  animals. 

As  pointed  out  in  the  concluding  chapter  on 
Charles  Darwin,  and  as  more  fully  explained  in 
the  succeeding  volume  of  this  series  {Impressions 
of  Great  Naturalists),  these  anticipations  of 
Evolution  were  largely  unknown  to  Darwin  and 
had  relatively  little  influence  on  his  mind ;  it  was 
from  his  own  observation  and  original  powers  of 
generalization  that  the  great  principle  of  animal 
and  plant  evolution  was  finally  given  to  the 
world  with  convincing  and  irresistible  evidence. 



In  order  to  bring  out  the  chronologic  significance  of  the  pub- 
lications cited  the  dates  of  publication  have  been  emphasized. 
In  order  to  save  repetition  each  work  has  been  entered  only  once, 
under  the  first  citation.  Further  references  may  be  checked 
back  to  the  first  entry. 


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Abiogenesis,  17,  18,  20,  30,  36, 
177,  352;  Abubaccr,  117;  Al- 
bertus  Magnus,  106;  Anax- 
agoras,  94;  Anaximander,  48; 
Anaximenes,  50;  Aristotle,  76; 
Augustine,  106,  109;  Cham- 
bers, 313,  316;  Democritus.  94; 
E.  Darwin,  203,  204;  Einpedo- 
cles,  52,  56;  Epicurus,  91; 
Erigena,  106;  Greek  doctrine, 
32,  37;  influence  on  evolution 
idea,  31 ;  lonians,  51 ;  La- 
marck, 233-4,  252-3;  Lucre- 
tius, 91^5;  Matthew,  322; 
Oken,  252;  Parmenides,  94; 
physicists,  51 ;  Roscellinus, 
106;  St.  Vincent,  292;  specu- 
lative evolutionists,  161;  the- 
ory abandoned,  38;  Trevira- 
nus,  289-90;  William  of  Oc- 
cam, 106. 

Abubacer,  15,  115;  abiogenesis 
('Nature-man'),    117-8. 

Adaptation,  34,  44,  351;  Anax- 
agoras,  59,  60;  Aristotle,  10, 
34,  61,  71,  74;  Buffon,  147; 
Democritus,  34,  59;  E.  Dar- 
win, 203 ;  Empedocles,  56,  59 ; 
Greek  studies,  65,  68,  101, 
353-6;  Lamarck,  314;  princi- 
ple, 17;  recapitulation,  49. 
See  Archa^sthetism,  Bioge- 
netic Law,  Darwinism,  La- 
marckism.  Transmission  of 
Acquired  Characters. 

^schylus,  63-4;  poet  of  evolu- 
tion, 63,  93;  volume,  63,  71, 

Affiliation  between  Organisms, 
17;  Lamarck,  249. 

Agassiz,  13;  disciple  of  Cuvier, 
281,    282;    fixity,    281;    oppo- 

nent of  transformism,  283; 
progressionist,  312;  recapitu- 
lation of  adaptations,  49. 

Agrigentum,  52,  55;  school  of 
medicine,  67. 

Albertus  Magnus,  130;  abio- 
genesis, 106;  support  of  Aris- 
totle, 118. 

Aldrovandi,  systematist,  185. 

Allen,  342;  influence  on  Dar- 
win, 343. 

Analogy  in  Structure,  71 ;  Aris- 
totle, 78. 

Anatomy,  Democritus,  57,  58; 
first  written  work,  67;  Greek 
studies,  45,  62,  65,  67,  349; 
history,  33;  philosophers,  258, 
295;  practitioners,  67,  97; 
schools,  131 ;  transcendental- 
ists  (Geoffroy,  Oken,  Owen), 
316.     See  Man   (kinship). 

Anaxagoras,  15,  43,  51,  59-62, 
63,  64,  71,  76,  161;  abiogene- 
sis, 94;  adaptations,  59,  60, 
353 ;  causation,  60 ;  design,  44, 
59,  60;  dualism,  60;  germ  doc- 
trine, 171,  352;  human  hand, 
61;  mind  vs.  matter,  61,  62; 
origin  of  life,  60,  62,  99. 

Anaximander,  10,  15,  43,  45, 
46-9,  50,  64,  160,  181,  350;  abi- 
ogenesis, 48;  movement,  100; 
origin  of  life,  47,  48,  99,  353, 
of  man,  48;  survival,  48;  theo- 
ries, 46;   transformation,  49. 

Anaximenes,  15,  43,  49-50;  abio- 
genesis, 50;  causation,  49-50; 
origin  of  life,  50,  353. 

Anthropology,  Greek  studies, 

Antiquity,  reverence  for,  25. 




Aquinas,  114,  129,  130;  exposi- 
tion of  Augustine,  113;  Greek 
science,  107;  support  of  Aris- 
totle, 118. 

Arabic  Science  and  Philosophy, 
12,  122,  114-18;  Avicenna, 
115;  Greek  graft,  97;  history 
of  movement,  107,  115;  in 
Spain,  107-8;  opposition  to 
Bible   chronology,  126. 

Archaesthetism,  Aristotle,  78 ; 
Cope,  212,  238,  356;  E.  Dar- 
win, 212;  Lamarck,  238.  See 
Wants  of  Animals. 

Archetypal  Skull  Theory 
(Goethe,  Oken,  Owen),  316. 

Aristotelianism,  Arabian  phase, 
107;  Bruno,  124-6;  influence 
in  natural  science,  16,  in  the- 
ology, 107;  Spanish  period, 

Aristotle,  15,  25,  36,  41,  43,  61, 
68-88,  97,  105,  106,  112,  122, 
124,  162,  185,  203,  228,  246, 
265,  274,  275,  337,  340;  abio- 
genesis,  37,  76;  adaptation, 
34,  61,  354;  anticipation  of 
modern  theories,  71-3,  75; 
Arabian  indebtedness,  115, 
116;  atavism,  36;  church  i»- 
terdict,  118;  design,  79,  87; 
development  theory,  34,  35, 
94 ;  dualism,  88 ;  economy  of 
growth,  34;  epigenesis,  35,  42; 
evolution,  90 ;  experimental 
method,  77;  form,  matter,  78, 
79,  81,  83,  124-5,  274,  297, 
317;  fortuity,  83^,  355;  four 
causes,  80;  induction,  24,  77, 
128,  136;  influence  on  early 
church,  88;  influences,  76;  in- 
ternal perfecting  principle, 
76,  81-2,  102,  142,  211,  306, 
338,  351;  interpretation  of 
Empedocles,  55 ;  movement, 
89;  mutilations,  75;  natural 
causation,  74;  naturalist,  11, 
71-87;  order  of  creation,  100; 
origin  of   life,   99,  352;  pre- 

eminence, 68;  prepotency  of 
characters,  36;  revival  by 
Leibnitz,  144;  scale  of  life,  10, 
11,  19,  76,  78,  79,  87,  97,  123, 
177,  197,  231,  353;  school,  89; 
sensibility,  78;  speculations, 
31;  studies,  33,  69-70,  71,  82; 
survival  of  fittest,  10,  73-4, 
87,  355;  theories,  10,  176;  vol- 
umes, 69,  72,  75,  79,  81,  82, 
83,  115,  118,  186;  unity  of 
type,  351;  von  Baer's  law,  37; 
wants  of  animals,  78,  356. 
Artificial  Selection,  299;  Bacon, 
138;  BuflFon,  197,  203;  Dar- 
win, 333-4;  E.  Darwin,  208; 
Kant,  151. 
Ascent  of  Life,  18;  Aristotle, 
78-9,  87;  BufFon,  205.  See 
Echelle  des  Etres,  Scale  of 
Ascent  of  Man,  353,  356;  hand 
development,  61 ;  Helvetius, 
Asclepiads,  dissection,  70. 
Atavism,  36,  72,  297 ;  opposition 

by  Naudin,  297,  298. 
Atomism,  doctrine  of  Democri- 

tus,  91. 
Attraction  and  Repulsion,  Dide- 
rot, Empedocles,  Perrier,  171. 
Augustine,    15,    130;   causation, 
110,  112,  113;  Greek  influence, 
106;  interpretation  of  Gene- 
sis,   11,    106;    on    intellectual 
freedom,    27;    origin   of   life, 
109;    special    creation    views, 
109,  110,  129. 
Avempace,  15,  115,  117. 
Avicenna,  115,  126;  Latin  trans- 
lation,   107  J    unif  ormitarian- 
ism,  115-6. 

Bacon,  Francis,  3,  9,  15,  29,  108, 
132,  134,  135-tO,  143,  145,  159, 
267;  artificial  selection,  138; 
experimental  evolution,  137- 
39;    induction,   25,    123,    135; 



mutability,  136;  reasoning, 
329;  relative  position,  14.0; 
scale  of  life,  14-4;  transitional 
forms,  138-9;  variation,  133, 
136-7 ;  views,  25,  28,  333 ;  vol- 
umes, 2,  135,  136,  139. 

Bacon,  Roger,  113-U,  135;  ex- 
perimental science,  114.;  Greek 
science,  107;  investigation  of 
nature,  114. 

Balance,  Balancement,  34;  Goe- 
the, 275;  loi  de  b.  (Geof- 
frey), 286.  See  Economy  of 

Barenbach,  volume,  153. 

Bastian,  dispute  with  Tyndall, 

Bible,  106,  110,  126;  Book  of 
Job,  63;  Bruno's  opposition, 
126;  Philo's  interpretation, 
105-6,  129.     See  Genesis. 

Bielschowsky,  on  Goethe,  267, 
276;  volume,  276. 

Biogenesis.  37;  Augustine,  109. 

Biogenetic  Law,  49,  307; 
Meckel,  308,  319;  von  Baer, 
36,  308,  319. 

Biology,  46,  236,  349;  Aristotle, 
75 ;  derivation  of  words,  65-6 ; 
development,  32-6 ;  history,  6 ; 
in  ancient  Greece,  62-8;  La- 
marck's principles,  233-4; 
Leibnitz,  142;  term  defined, 
(Lamarck)  230,  (Trevira- 
nus)  283,  286. 

Blumenbach,  anatomist,  203, 
269,  284. 

Bonnami,  speculations,  160; 
transformist,   162-3. 

Bonnet,  15,  162,  173-7,  179,  284; 
catastrophism,  177;  echelle 
des  etres,  20,  123,  176,  177, 
196,  197,  231;  emhoUement, 
36,  160,  168,  173,  207;  evolu- 
tion, 174,  177;  influence  of 
Leibnitz,  145,  175-6;  internal 
perfecting  principle,  176;  par- 
thenogenesis, 175;  predeter- 
mination,    177;     pre-existent 

germs,  352;  speculation,  160; 
volume,  175. 

Botany,  26,  221;  Greek  studies, 
44;  Lamarck,  226. 

Branching  Kv(;lution,  19;  I^a- 
marck,  211,  231,  353;  Linnaus, 
186;  modern  concej)tion,  20. 

Bridges,  J.  H.,  on  Descartes, 

Brinton,  on  Bruno,  124. 

Bronn,  282. 

Brooks,  W.  K.,  adaptations,  56; 
translation  of  Plato,  73;  vol- 
ume, 73. 

Broom,  Robert,  Owen  on  evo- 
lution, 319. 

Brown,  botanist,  307;  variation, 

Brown,  Thomas,  on  E.  Darwin, 

Browning,  Darwinism,  63. 

Bruno,  15,  107,  121-7,  267;  Aris- 
totelianism,  124-6;  evolution- 
ist, 29,  107;  form,  matter, 
124-5;  induction,  123;  influ- 
ences, 122;  martyr,  121,  122; 
method  of  interpretation,  25; 
movement,  125;  natural  phi- 
losophy, 122-7;  perfectibility, 
142;  rationalist,  121,  122; 
scale  of  life,  122-3,  125-6, 
353;  studies  of  man,  353,  356; 
uniformity,  126;  volume,  126. 

Buckley,  T.  A.,  translation  of 
^schylus,  63. 

Buffon,  9,  15,  16,  26,  118,  132, 
141,  146,  156,  162,  185,  221, 
222,  224,  230,  232,  233,  245, 
257,  264,  274,  278,  284,  286, 
291,  303,  314,  336,  342;  adap- 
tation, 147,  354;  ascent  of 
man,  205,  356;  cell  doctrine, 
180;  change  of  views,  200; 
comparison  with  Kant,  150, 
with  Linnaeus,  190-2;  contri- 
bution to  evolution,  199-200; 
cosmogony,  192,  237;  degener- 
ation, 34,  150,  {dinaturee) 
193,  288;  design,  192;  environ- 



ment,  147,  196,  197,  198,  223, 
255,  259,  310,  311,  328;  factor 
in  evolution,  333;  fixity,  193, 
196;  geographic  segregation, 
197,  310;  influence,  189,  on 
Bory,  292,  on  Goethe,  268,  274; 
heredity,  147,  200,  201;  inter- 
pretative evolution,  188-201; 
modification,  197,  328,  344; 
mutability,  150,  188,  189, 
192-3,  223;  origin  of  man, 
184;  pangenesis,  207,  344; 
plant  evolution,  223,  251-2; 
population,    206,    287;    rank, 

189,  196;  scale  of  life,  197; 
school,  191,  257,  259,  263,  265, 
309-12;  selection,  146-7,  340, 
(artificial)   203;  species,  188, 

190,  193;  special  creation, 
195-6,  200;  speculation,  190; 
struggle  for  existence,  196, 
202,  287,  353;  survival  of  fit- 
test, 150,  196,  198,  205,  300, 
320,  355;  theories,  168,  200, 
206,  352,  356;  transformism, 
176,  259;  transmission  of  ac- 
quired characters,  200,  201, 
240,  244,  355;  transmutation, 
200;  uniformitarianism,  199; 
unity  of  type,  194-5;  varia- 
tion, 193,  306;  volume,  197. 

Camper,  anatomist,  269. 

Carus,  16,  307,  341;  apprecia- 
tion of  Goethe,  268-9 ;  volume, 

Catastrophism,  199;  Bonnet, 
177;  Cuvier,  279,  304-5;  op- 
posed by  Lamarck,  237. 

Causation,  87;  Anaxagoras,  60; 
Aristotle,  78;  Augustine,  112; 
Darwin,  86;  Democritus,  59; 
E.  Darwin,  209,  214;  Emped- 
ocles,  52,  54;  Epicurus,  90; 
Heraclitus,  51;  Kant,  151-2, 
214;  Parmenides,  51;  prob- 
lems, 102;  Xenophanes,  50. 
See  Natural  Causation. 

CeU  Doctrine,  Buffon,  E.  Dar- 

win,    Lamarck,    180;     Oken, 
Schleiden,  Schwann,  181. 

Cellular  Tissue,  Lamarck,  233, 
252;  Oken,  252. 

Chambers,  Robert,  16;  abiogen- 
esis,  313,  316,  352;  cosmic  evo- 
lution, 313;  evolution  theories, 
314-16;  internal  perfecting 
tendency,  306,  312,  315 ;  modi- 
fication, 315;  origin  of  man, 
313-14;  reception  of  theories, 
312-13;  volume,  305,  306,  312, 

Chance,  Darwin's  use,  337-8. 
Compare  Fortuity. 

Characters,  infantile  recapitu- 
lation, 49;  stem,  275. 

Chevreul,  16,  307. 

Church,  opposition  to  science, 
107,  108,  118,  121,  122,  196;  in 
science,  105;  influence  of  Aris- 
totle, 88;  orthodoxy,  135. 

Citations,  abiogenesis,  204,  289- 
90;  adaptation,  56,  74;  Anax- 
agoras, 60-1 ;  Anaximander, 
47;  attraction  and  repulsion, 
171;  Augustine,  111;  biology, 
7;  Bonnet's  embryology,  174; 
causation,  148,  151-2;  com- 
pensation, 72;  continuity,  144; 
creation,  95-6,  192;  degenera- 
tion, 158;  Descartes,  104;  en- 
vironment, 240;  Erigena,  112; 
evolution,  21 ;  experimental 
science,  114;  fecundity  of  spe- 
cies, 198;  fixity,  222,  267;  Goe- 
the, 104,  220,  276;  gradation, 
235-6;  Greek  science,  40,  66; 
growth,  212;  human  hand,  61; 
higher  generalization,  285;  in- 
heritance, 75 ;  interpretation 
of  Empedocles,  53;  Kant,  302; 
Lamarck  theories,  225;  limit 
of  knowledge,  148-9;  meta- 
morphosis, 158;  modification, 
213;  monism,  58;  mutability, 
143,  209,  332-3;  natural  selec- 
tion, 298-9;   nature,   220;   on 



Cuvier,  279-80,  304-5;  on 
Darwin,  302;  on  da  Vinci, 
120-1;  on  Deinocritus,  57;  on 
E.  Darwin,  215-17;  organs, 
242-3;  palaeontology,  geology, 
115-6,  119,  266;  phyletic  tree, 
248;  Promethean  gift,  64; 
permanence  of  species,  302; 
science  vn.  theology,  27,  28; 
Sophocles,  66;  Spanish  phi- 
losophers, 116-17;  survival  of 
fittest,  198;  transformism, 
165;  transitional  forms,  138- 
9;  unity  of  type,  154,  194-5, 
272;  variations,  137;  wants  of 
animals,  242. 

Classification,  233;  BuflFon,  190; 
Cuvier,  187;  Lamarck,  227; 
Linnaeus,  186-7,  190;  Wallace, 

Climate,  influence  on  man,  150. 
See  Environment. 

Colonna,  Fabio,  palaeontologist, 

Coloration,  E.  Darwin,  208,  210, 
214;  Lamarck,  233. 

Colvin,  Sidney,  encyclopaedist, 

Comparative  Anatomy,  26,  221 ; 
Cuvier,  279;  E.  Darwin,  208; 
early  Greek,  65;  Geoffroy, 
258;  Serres'  relation  to  em- 
bryology, 309;  Sicilian  School 
of  Medicine,  67.  See  Anat- 
omy, Goethe,  Man. 

Compensation  of  Growth,  71; 
Aristotle,  72;  Treviranus, 
286.     See  Balancement. 

Comte,  revival  of  Lamarck,  228, 

Continuity,  Goethe,  145;  Leib- 
nitz, 142,  144,  173,  175;  Ro- 
binet,  179. 

Cooper,  William  A.,  translator, 

Cope,  archaesthetism,  212,  238, 
356;  volume,  212. 

Cosmic  Evolution,  Chambers, 
313;  Kant,  151-2. 

Cosmogony,  30,  46 ;  Goethe,  268. 
See  Creation. 

Cottcrill,  on  Augustine,  110, 
111;  volume,   109. 

Creation,  Cuvier,  280-1 ;  Goethe, 
271;  Gregory  of  Nyssa,  108; 
Leibnitz,  175;  Spencer,  22, 
311.  See  Special  Creation, 
Successive  Creations. 

Cuvier,  13,  26,  155,  191,  245,  264, 
269,  278-83,  286,  289,  316;  ap- 
preciation of  Goethe,  268; 
catastrophism,  279,  304-5; 
change  of  views,  279;  classifi- 
cation, 187;  creation,  280-1; 
defense  of  emboitement,  36; 
definition  of  species,  278;  dis- 
cussion with  St.  Hilaire,  257, 
263-6,  276-7;  estimate  of  De- 
mocritus,  58;  founder  of  pa- 
laeontology, 278,  284;  fixity, 
221,  278,  281;  nomenclature, 
191 ;  opposition  to  Lamarck, 
228,  253;  prestige,  282;  rea- 
soning, 263;  status  as  evolu- 
tionist, 257,  278;  supporter  of 
Bonnet,  174;  school  of  facts, 
185,  279,  281-3,  295;  theories, 
279-80;  volume,  279,  304. 

D'Archiac,  disciple  of  Cuvier, 

Darwin,  Charles,  7,  16,  17,  46, 
82,  156,  168,  196,  201,  202,  212, 
215,  228,  304,  305,  327-48,  350; 
anticipation,  5,  72,  204;  causa- 
tion, 86;  chance,  337-8,  339; 
change  of  views,  341-2,  344- 
5;  contrast  with  Lamarck, 
337;  descent  theory,  180;  de- 
sign, 339;  environment,  342-3; 
fixity,  304;  heredity  problems, 
343;  historic  position,  8-9; 
indebtedness  to  predecessors, 
4,  327;  induction,  327;  influ- 
ences, 325,  328,  330,  332,  335, 
C40,  341,  342,  343;  interpreta- 
tion of  Naudin,  299;  Kant's 
Newton,     149;     modification. 



344;  mutability,  323-4,  332-3; 
opinion  of  Lamarck,  228,  229, 
335;    opponent    of    saltation, 
340;  opposition,  14;  pangene- 
sis, 65,  169,  201,  344;  parallel- 
ism of  thought  (Wallace),  6, 
345-8;  permanence  of  species, 
302;  selection,  296,  (artificial) 
333-4,     (natural)     322,     327, 
328,  336,  340,  341,  343,   (sex- 
ual)  334;  struggle  for  exist- 
ence,   334,    340-1;     survival, 
355;  theories,  23,  73,  260,  328; 
Wells's     theories,     320;     uni- 
formity, 330;  use  and  disuse, 
345;  variation,  334,  342,  343, 
347;   volumes,   211,   295,   296, 
318,   320,   332,   334,   338,  341, 
342,    344,    345,    348;    voyage, 
325,  330-4. 
Darwin,  Erasmus,  9,  16,  26,  167, 
189,  201,  202-18,  224,  225,  254, 
314,  329,  340;  abiogenesis,  203, 
204,   352;   artificial   selection, 
208;  causation,  209,  211,  212, 
214,   354;  cell   doctrine,    180; 
coloration,  208,  210,  214;  com- 
parative anatomy,  208;  cross 
fertilization,  204 ;  embryology, 
207,    208;    environment,    208; 
evolution,  185,  203,  206,  217- 
18,  (word)  21;  filament,  209, 
210,  211,  352;  generation,  207- 
14;  hand,  205;  indebtedness  to 
predecessors,  4,  9,  202-3;  ir- 
ritability,    212;     Lamarckian 
theory,  206 ;  modification,  206, 
213;  mutability,  209;  mutila- 
tions, 208;  opposition  to  Bon- 
net,  174;  origin  of  life,  207, 
of   man,   184,  204-5,  of  spe- 
cies,  210-11,   214;   perfecting 
tendency,  210-11 ;  poet  of  evo- 
lution,   63,    202;    population 
checks,   206;   relation  to  La- 
marck,   222;    selection    (sex- 
ual), 209;  struggle  for  exist- 
ence, 205-6,  353;  survival  of 
fittest,  205,  355,   356;   trans- 

f ormism,    212 ;    transmission, 
209,   213,  240,   355;   unity  of 
type,  208 ;  use  and  disuse,  328 ; 
volumes,    174,    202,    203,    207, 
208,   212,  213,  214,   217,  222, 
223,  224,  232,  271,  332;  wants 
of  animals,  209-10,  211,  213. 
Darwinism,  Darwinismus,  antic- 
ipation, 5,  14,  23,  88,  251,  299; 
Bruno,  125;  Empedocles,  55; 
Geoffroy,  260;  reception,  324; 
versified    by    Tennyson    and 
Browning,  63. 
Da  Vinci,  119-21,  130,  132. 
D'Azyr,  Vicq,  33;  unity  of  plan, 

De    Blainville,    palaeontologist, 

De  CandoUe,  botanist,  282;  ge- 
ographic    distribution,     335 ; 
struggle    for    existence,    340, 
Deduction,  264;  Greek  method, 
24,  42;  Lamarck,  254;  Schel- 
ling,  155-6, 182,  257.  See  Rea- 
Degeneration,  32,  80,  193,  195, 
226,  318,  354;  defined,  22,  34; 
Goethe,  275;  history,  34,  35; 
Kant,     150;     Linnaeus,     188; 
Owen,   319;   Treviranus,  288. 
See  Denaturee. 
Degradation,  defined,  23;  Geof- 
froy, 257,  262;  Lamarck,  231, 
233,  246. 
Degraff,  discoverer  of  ovum,  36. 
D'Halloy,  16,  307. 
D'Holbach,    Bible    of    atheism, 

De  Lanessan,  196,  198,  223. 
De  Maillet,  15,  179,  204;  antici- 
pation of  Lamarckism,  164; 
contribution  to  evolution,  167; 
environment,  164-5;  habit, 
164-5;  interpretation  of  Gen- 
esis, 166,  167;  modification, 
164;  origin  of  life,  166,  352, 
353,  of  species,  164;  recogni- 



tion  of  fossils,  163;  specula- 
tion, 160;  transforraism,  161., 
261;  transmission  of  acciuircd 
characters,  161,  22i,  355;  vol- 
umes, 163,  165,  166. 

De  Maupertuis,  15,  150,  161, 
167-70;  fortuity,  169-70;  gen- 
eration, 183;  influence  of 
Leibnitz,  145;  monism,  352; 
origin  of  species,  168,  169; 
pangenesis,  168-9,  344;  specu- 
lation, 160;  survival  of  fittest, 
150;  transformism,  168. 

Democritus,  15,  34,  43,  51,  65, 
67-9,  62,  71,  73,  75,  83,  90, 
161,  168,  172;  abiogenesis,  94; 
atomism,  91 ;  comparative 
anatomy,  57,  68;  contribution 
to  evolution,  59;  fortuity,  67, 
74;  heredity,  201 ;  influence  on 
Epicurus,  91 ;  materialism,  67, 
88;  monism,  58;  opponent  of 
design,  57,  59,  91 ;  origin  of 
life,  59,  353;  pangenesis,  344. 

Denature  ( c  ) ,  Buff on's  term, 
193,  288;  defined,  23. 

Deperet,  on  Cuvier,  279-81 ;  vol- 
umes, 279,  281. 

Descartes,  15,  29,  104,  132,  134, 
139,  140-2,  143,  145,  171,  234; 
contribution  to  evolution,  156; 
doctrine  of  force,  144;  mech- 
anism, 140;  natural  causation, 
141 ;  opponent  of  special  cre- 
ation, 141,  234;  volume,  140. 

Descent  Theory,  19,  22;  Dar- 
win, 180;  E.  Darwin,  203; 
Goethe,  267;  Lamarck  (found- 
er), 228;  Oken's  anticipa- 
tion, 180;  Wallace,  322.  See 
Ascent,  EchcUe  des  Etres, 
Phylogeny,  Scale  of  Life. 

Design,  44,  65,  84,  87;  Anax- 
agoras,  44,  59,  60;  Aristotle, 
79,  87;  Buffon,  192;  Darwin, 
339;  Democritus,  69;  Goethe, 
192;  opposed  by  Democritus, 
57,  by  Lucretius,  93-4;  Plato, 
44;  problem  in  causation,  102; 

Socrates,  W.     See  Teleology. 

Development,  80,  193,  226;  ab- 
normal, see  Teratology;  Did<'- 
rot,  171-2;  Goethe,  275; 
Haldeman,  335;  history  of 
theory,  35;  hypothesis,  22;  in- 
dividual, see  Ontogeny;  I>a- 
marck,  232;  parallelism  in, 

DeVries,  mutation  theory,  261. 

Diderot,  15,  170-3;  attraction 
and  repulsion,  171;  develop- 
ment of  organisms,  171-2; 
generation,  183;  germ  theory, 
352;  influence  of  Leibnitz, 
145;  man's  supremacy,  353; 
monism,  352;  on  imagination, 
190;  opponent  of  design,  170; 
survival  of  fittest,  172-3,  355; 
speculation,  160;  volume,  170. 

Diodes,  anatomist,  67. 

Diogenes,  43;  origin  of  life,  60, 

Dioscoridus,  naturalist,  97. 

Dissection,  Asclepiads,  70;  ini- 
tiation, 67;  practice,  33, 
(Aristotle)   71. 

Divergence,  Maupertuis,  170. 
See  Branching  Evolution, 

Doctrine  of  Derivation,  22. 

D'Orbigny,  disciple  of  Cuvier, 
281 ;  successive  creations, 

Draper,  volume,  116. 

Driesch,  volume,  81. 

Dualism,  30;  Anaxagoras,  60; 
Aristotle,  88. 

Dujardin,  16,  307. 

Dumeril,  invertebrate  zoologist, 

Duret,  160;  speculation,  159; 
transformist  (direct),  162; 
volume,  162. 

Earth   Slime,  60,  62;   Empedo- 

cles,  99.     See  Ur-Srhlrim. 
Echelle  des  Etres,  Bonnet,  20, 



123,  176,  177,  196,  197,  231. 
See  Scale  of  Life. 

Ecole  des  Faits.     See  Schools. 

Economy  of  Growth,  law,  33-4. 
See  Balancement. 

Eleatics,  43,  64;  school,  50-1. 

Emhoiteinent,  36;  Bonnet,  160, 
168,  207. 

Embranchement,  Lamarck,  234, 
246.  See  Branching  Evolu- 

Embryology,  17,  250,  263;  Bon- 
net, 173,  see  Emboitement; 
Cuvier,  279;  E.  Darwin,  207, 
208;  embryologists,  307-9; 
Empedocles,  52;  growth  of 
science,  36;  schools,  174. 

Empedocles,  15,  43,  51,  52-7,  61, 
63,  71,  73,  83,  86,  90,  125,  161, 
172,  340;  abiogenesis,  52,  56; 
adaptation,  59,  353;  attrac- 
tion and  repulsion,  171;  blood 
studies,  67;  causation,  52,  54; 
father  of  evolution  idea,  52, 
350;  fortuity,  52-3,  55,  74, 
101,  338;  interpretation  by 
Lucretius,  53-4,  91-4;  La- 
marckism,  55-6;  man's  su- 
premacy, 353 ;  materialism, 
88;  monism,  352;  mythology, 
53;  natural  selection,  54-5; 
origin  of  life,  52,  54,  99;  poet 
of  evolution,  202;  principles, 
100-1;  struggle  for  existence. 

test,  54-5,  88,  91,  95,  101,  172, 
354;  syngenesis,  36. 

Entelechy,  234;  Aristotle,  79. 

Environment,  17,  80,  233,  306, 
357;  Buffon,  147,  188-9,  196, 
197,  198,  223,  255,  259,  310, 
311,  328,  342;  Darwin,  342-3; 
de  Maillet,  164-5,  167;  effect 
on  species,  192-3;  E.  Darwin, 
208;  Geoffroy,  259,  310,  314; 
Lamarck,  223,  231,  232-3, 
240,  242,  244,  251;  living,  287; 

St.  Hilaire,  295;  Spencer,  311- 
12;  Treviranus,  286-7,  288-9; 
value  in  evolution,  32;  von 
Buch,  310. 

Epicurus,  15,  43,  90-1;  abio- 
genesis, 91;  causation,  90;  in- 
fluence of  Democritus,  91; 
materialism,  88 ;  mechanism, 
88-91;  monism,  88;  revived 
by  Lucretius,  91-3;  school,  43, 
45,  90;  survival  of  fittest,  95, 

Epigenesis,  35-6,  42,  173,  279; 
Aristotle,  35;  Harvey,  72. 

Erasistratus,  43,  89. 

Erdmann,  106;  Bruno,  123. 

Erigena,  112-13;  abiogenesis, 
106;  gradual  creation,  112-13. 

Evolution,  58,  180;  Anaximan- 
der,  47;  anticipation,  44; 
Aristotle,  10,  90;  Augustine, 
110;  Bonnet,  174,  177;  Buffon, 
200,  206;  central  ideas,  144; 
contribution  of  Aristotle,  75, 
of  Bruno,  123-7,  of  Democri- 
tus, 59,  of  geology,  279,  of 
Goethe,  271-2,  of  Greece,  10, 
11,  39-102,  136,  of  Linnaeus, 
185,  of  Lucretius,  96-7,  of 
miscellaneous  writers,  218, 
303-27,  of  natural  philoso- 
phers, 132-56;  definition,  20, 
23;  Descartes,  234;  E.  Dar- 
win, 203,  206,  217-18;  eigh- 
teenth century,  159-218; 
emergent  (Morgan),  61;  Em- 
pedocles, 52,  56;  environment 
of  idea,  145;  exponents,  34; 
Fathers  and  Schoolmen,  11; 
first  use  of  term,  35;  four  es- 
sential features,  79-80;  Geof- 
froy, 258;  history,  3-5,  7-17, 
19-27,  31,  32,  51,  221,  222, 
303-4,  350-1,  358-9;  hostility 
to,  18,  36,  37,  108,  118,  122, 
161,  217,  265,  294,  318-19,  323- 
4;  Hume,  146;  indebtedness, 
29,  77;  Kant,  150;  Lamarck's 
laws,  231,  238-9,  350;  law  of 



Nature,  17-23,  30,  3i9;  Leib- 
nitz, 144;  movements,  13-14, 
303;  modern,  131;  nomencla- 
ture, 20-3,  173,  231;  of  man, 
63;  of  species,  188;  of  types, 
195;  periods,  14-10;  poets,  (53, 
93,  202;  renaissance,  9;  Robi- 
net,  162;  saltatory,  201;  sci- 
entific interpretation,  23-7; 
Spencer,  22;  Treviranus,  284, 
288;  von  Baer's  law,  30-7. 
See  Plant  Evolution. 

Experimental  Science,  Aris- 
totle, 77;  F.  Bacon,  137-9;  R. 
Bacon,  114;  da  Vinci,  121. 

Extinction,  of  organs,  243;  of 
species,  289;  of  types,  250. 

Fathers  and  Schoolmen,  11,  108- 
14;  interpretation  of  Genesis, 

Fecundity  of  Species.  See  Pop- 

Filament,  352;  E.  Darwin,  209- 

Filiation,  15,  22,  33,  180,  221; 
Buffon,  201 ;  Cuviers  opposi- 
tion, 279;  defined,  23;  Geof- 
frey, 257,  203;  Goethe,  274^5; 
Lamarck,  24.5,  240,  297;  Nau- 
din,  297;  St.  Hilaire,  295. 
See  Descent,  Embranchement, 

'Finality,'  Naudin,  297-8. 

Fixity,  of  characters,  167, 
(Bory,  Naudin)  293;  of  spe- 
cies, 20,  221,  278,  (Agassiz) 
281,  324,  (Buffon)  190,  193, 
(Cuvier)  278,  (Darwin)  304, 
(Goethe)  207,  (Lamarck) 
222,  (Linnaeus)  187,  207. 

Force,  Descartes,  Leibnitz,  144. 

Form,  Matter,  81,  80;  Aris- 
totle, 01,  78,  79,  80,  83,  124^5, 
297,  317;  Bruno,  124-5;  Goe- 
the, 274;  Owen,  317. 

Fortuity,  83-4,  355;  de  Mauper- 
tuis,  109-70;  Democritus,  57, 

74;  Empedocles,  52-3,  65,  74, 
101,  338;  in  early  Greece,  64- 
6;  problem  in  causation,  102. 

Fossils,  biological  study,  32; 
early  theories,  120,  103-4; 
evidence,  279;  studied  by 
Darwin,  331,  da  Vinci,  119- 
20,  de  Maillet,  103,  Trevira- 
nus, 289,  Xenophanes,  50. 

Fracastoro,  palaeontologist,  120. 

Function(s),  change  of,  80; 
Greek  speculations,  67;  or- 
ganic life,  72;  relation  to 
structure,  286. 

Galen,  33,  43,  45,  67,  90,  97;  in- 
termaxillary  bone,   34. 

Generation,  Buffon,  168;  de 
Maupertuis,  183;  Diderot, 
183;  E.  Darwin,  207-14; 
Oken,  183;  Robinet,  180,  183. 
See  Abiogenesis,  Biogenesis, 
Epigenesis,  Pangenesis,  Par- 
thenogenesis, Perigenesis, 

Genesis,  27,  105,  193;  inter- 
pretation, 106,  107,  112,  (Au- 
gustine) 11,  (Bonnet)  177, 
(de  Maillet)  166,  107,  (Lin- 
naeus)   187,   (Suarez)    11. 

Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire,  13,  15,  10, 
33,  155,  191,  224,  227,  241,  251, 
253,  254-6,  260,  209,  273,  278, 
282,  280,  314,  335,  342;  anat- 
omist (philosophical)  258,354, 
(transcendental)  310;  Buf- 
fonian,  257,  259;  Darwinism, 
200;  degradation,  257,  202; 
discussion  with  Cuvier,  257, 
203-0,  270-7 ;  environment, 
259,  310,  314;  filiation,  257; 
Lamarckian,  257;  mutation, 
201;  principle  of  balance- 
ment,  34,  280;  natural  selec- 
tion, 200,  340;  reasoning,  258, 
204;  saltation,  201,  339; 
school,  295;  survival  of  fit- 
test, 200;  transformation, 
257,    259-02;     transmutation, 



257;  unity  of  plan,  264-5,  318, 
of  type,  258,  351;  volumes, 
258,  259,  269. 

Geographic  Distribution,  de 
Candolle,  335;  von  Buch, 
309-10;  Wallace,  322. 

Geographic  Isolation,  Buffon, 
197,  310;  von  Buch,  310; 
Wagner,  197. 

Geology,  26,  221,  236 ;  contribu- 
tion to  evolution,  30,  279; 
Goethe,  268. 

Germ(s),  Anaxagoras,  171; 
Greek  doctrine,  166;  order  in 
Nature,  87;  origin  of  life,  99, 
352;  pangenetic  theory,  65; 
pre-existent,  306,  352;  Robi- 
net,  179. 

Gessner,  systematist,  185. 

Godron,  16,  307. 

Goethe,  9,  13,  16,  104,  184,  191, 
201,  220,  224,  254,  263,  266- 
78,  283,  286,  291,  303,  306;  ap- 
preciation, 4,  268-9;  archety- 
pal theory,  316;  balance,  275; 
causation,  354;  continuity, 
145 ;  contribution  to  evolution, 
271-2;  Cuvier-St.  Hilaire  dis- 
cussion, 263,  276-7;  degener- 
ation, 275;  design,  192;  devel- 
opment, 275;  economy  of 
growth,  34;  filiation,  274-5; 
fixity,  267;  form,  274;  Geof- 
froy,  258;  ignorance  of  La- 
marck, 253,  268;  influence  of 
habit  in  form,  270 ;  influences, 
155,  267,  268;  intermaxillary 
bone,  35,  269,  270,  272-3;  met- 
amorphosis, 158;  morphology, 
275-6;  origin  of  organs,  274; 
ontogeny,  270-1 ;  poet  of  evo- 
lution, 63,  202;  scientist,  229, 

266,  267,  271,  276;  structure, 
272  (skull)  267,  (vestigial) 
273;  transmutation,  266;  unity 
of  type,  269-70,  272 ;  volumes, 

267,  268,  270,  271,  272,  274. 
Good,  John  Mason,  translator, 


Gradation,  133,  231;  defined,  22; 
Lamarck,  235-6,  247,  255. 

Grant,  16,  306. 

Grant,  Dr.,  332. 

Gray,  Asa,  323,  324,  339,  346. 

Greece,  Greeks,  232;  character- 
istics, 62;  environment  for 
evolution,  31,  42;  legacy,  98- 
102;  science  and  philosophy, 
7,  8,  10,  11,  13,  30,  39-102,  105, 
134,  135,  224,  349-57. 

Gregory  of  Nyssa,  15;  creation, 
106,  108. 

Guttler,  creation,  112;  on  Bru- 
no, 123;  on  Spanish  philoso- 
phers, 116-7;  volume,  109. 

Habit,  233;  de  Maillet,  164-5, 
167;  Goethe,  270;  Lamarck, 
226,  231,  241,  328;  St.  Vin- 
cent, 293. 

Haeckel,  6,  147,  149,  151,  196, 
268,  274,  276;  adaptations, 
49;  Greek  philosophy,  45; 
Kant,  148;  opinion  of  Anaxi- 
mander,  46,  of  Lamarck,  229, 
of  Oken,  180-1,  of  Trevira- 
nus,  283,  291 ;  perigenesis,  169; 
phylogeny  (tree),  248;  vol- 
umes, 148,  305,  308,  309. 

Haldeman,  16,  306,  310-11;  de- 
velopment theory,  335;  modi- 
fication, 311;  on  Lamarckism, 
310-11;  transmutation,  311. 

Hale,  use  of  'evolution,'  21. 

Hand,  Human,  adaptation,  68; 
E.  Darwin,  205 ;  factor  in  de- 
velopment, 61,  356. 

Harvey,  131,  140,  284;  epigene- 
sis,  72;  inductive  method,  25; 
law,  37. 

Helvetius,  150;  ascent  of  man, 
205;  opposable  thumb,  356; 
survival,  355. 

Henslow,  305. 

Heraclitus,  15,  43,  51,  71,  75; 
causation,    51;    fixed    order. 



100;  movement,  350;  perfecti- 
bility, 100. 

Heraphilus,  43,  89;  anatomy, 

Herbert,  W.,  16;  origin  of  spe- 
cies, 309;  plant  evolution,  309; 
struggle  for  existence,  340. 

Herder,  9,  15,  132,  153-4,  155; 
influence  of  Kant,  153;  per- 
fectibility, transformation, 
153;  unity  of  type,  154,  356; 
volume,  153. 

Heredity,  17;  Buffon,  147,  200, 
201;  Darwin,  343;  de  Mau- 
pertuis,  168-9;  fixation  of 
characters,  293;  Goethe's  con- 
ception, 275-6 ;  physical  basis, 
201;  St.  Hilaire,  295;  theories, 
65,  75;  transmission,  36,  72, 
297.  See  Atavism,  Generation. 

Herschel,  volume,  330. 

Hippocrates,  75,  97;  anatomy, 
67;  pangenesis,  344. 

Hofmeister,  botanist,  307. 

Homology  in  Structure,  33; 
Aristotle,  71. 

Hooker,  323,  346;  Darwin  let- 
ters, 335,  336,  342. 

Humboldt,  284;  volume,  330; 
voyage,  331. 

Hume,  David,  15,  132,  203,  217; 
generation,  146;  survival  of 
fittest,  146,  355. 

Huxley,  6,  12,  141,  226,  324,  343, 
344;  opinion  of  de  Maillet,  165, 
of  Suarez,  128,  of  Treviranus, 
283;  saltations,  339;  transla- 
tion of  Leibnitz,  143. 

Induction,  6,  15,  16,  25,  26,  32, 
156,  264;  Aristotle,  24,  77,  87, 
123,  136;  F.  Bacon,  24,  25, 
123,  135,  136;  Bruno,  123; 
Darwin,  327,  334;  Geoff roy, 
258;  growth  of  method,  8; 
Harvey,  25;  Mayo,  25. 

Inheritance,  Buffon,  147; 
Goethe,  275-6;  of  habit,  35. 
See  Heredity,  Transmission. 

Intermaxillary  Bone,  Galen,  34- 
6;  Goethe,  35,  269,  270,  272-3; 
significance,  269;  Vesalius,  34. 

Internal  Perfecting  Principle, 
102,  172,  206,  211,  298,  312; 
Aristotle,  81-2,  306,  338,  351; 
Bonnet,  176;  Chambers,  306, 
315;  Darwin  refutation,  338; 
E.  Darwin,  210-11;  Greek 
theory,  102;  Kolliker,  Niigeli, 
von  Baer,  338.  See  Entelechy. 

lonians,  43,  45,  50,  64 ;  abiogene- 
sis,  51. 

Irritability,  E.  Darwin,  212; 
Lamarck,  233. 

Judd,  John  W.,  Cuvier's  posi- 
tion, 304-5;  Darwin,  302;  vol- 
ume, 304. 

Kant,  15,  29,  46,  132,  134,  146- 
62,  159,  267,  284;  artificial  se- 
lection, 151 ;  causation,  147, 
151-2,  214,  354;  change  of 
views,  148;  citation,  302;  con- 
tribution to  evolution,  156; 
cosmic  evolution,  151-2;  filia- 
tion, 273;  influence  on  Her- 
der, 153;  influences,  152; 
man's  anatomical  kinship, 
356;  mechanism,  147-8;  origin 
of  man,  150,  of  organs,  274; 
perception  of  Nature,  30,  154; 
survival  of  fittest,  150,  355; 
teleology,  147-8;  variation, 
151;  volume,  147. 

Keyserling,  pre-existing  germs, 

Kielmeyer,  nature  philosophy, 
155,  263. 

Kinetogenesis.  See  Use  and  Dis- 

Kingsley,  329. 

Kircher,  speculation,  160;  trans- 
formism,  163;  volume,  163. 

Krause,  6;  studies  of  Bruno, 
125,  of  Darwin,  329,  of  E. 
Darwin,  202,  203,  206,  224; 
volume,  192. 



Lamarck,  4,  13,  16,  46,  150,  162, 
167,  181,  189,  191,  196,  201, 
213,  215,  236,  256,  257,  259, 
263,  265,  266,  267,  269,  273, 
274,  278,  283,  286,  288,  291, 
299,  303,  314,  327,  329,  332, 
336,  350;  abiogenesis,  252-3; 
adaptations,  314,  354;  antici- 
pated, 65,  72,  164;  apprecia- 
tion, 4,  228-9;  biology  (word), 
65-6,  230;  branching  system, 

19,  177,  211,  353;  cell  doctrine, 
180;  cellular  tissue,  233;  cita- 
tion, 220;  classification,  227, 
233;  coloration,  233;  degrada- 
tion, 231,  233,  246-7;  descent 
(founder),  228;  development, 
35,  232;  discredited  by  Dar- 
win, 335,  338;  early  views, 
230;  environment,  231-3,  240, 
242,  244;  extinction  of  tj^jes, 
250;  filiation,  245,  297;  fixity, 
222;  four  principles,  222; 
gradation,  235-6,  247,  255; 
habit,  226,  231,  233,  241;  in- 
fluence of  Buffon,  189;  influ- 
ence on  Bory,  292;  irritabil- 
ity, 233;  modification,  328, 
344;  mutability,  222-3,  227, 
245;  origin  of  life,  252, 
352,  of  man,  184,  of  organs, 
231,  241,  242,  of  species,  227, 
250;  plant  evolution,  223, 
251-2;  philosophy  of  nature, 
234;  reasoning,  254;  scale  of 
life,  231;  species,  233,  245; 
status  as   evolutionist,   9,   19, 

20,  185,  229,  249,  253-5;  struc- 
ture, function,  286;  survival, 
251;  systematist,  226;  teleol- 
ogy, 235;  theories,  23,  225, 
229,  233,  254,  337;  transform- 
ism,  259;  transmission,  6,  224, 
229,  240,  244,  254,  259,  311, 
328,  333,  355;  transmutation, 
228,  251,  296;  uniformitarian- 
ism,  230;  unity  of  type,  232; 
use  and  disuse,  233,  241,  328, 
341;  variation,  232,  293;  vol- 

umes, 65,  222,  223,  224,  225, 
226,  227,  228,  229,  230,  232, 
233,  235,  238,  239,  240,  241, 
242,  247,  249,  255,  268,  271, 
312,  313,  341;  wants  of  ani- 
mals, 240-1,  242. 

Lamarckism,  23,  249,  306,  342; 
E.  Darwin,  206;  Empedocles, 
55-6;  Goethe,  274;  Haldeman, 
310-11;  LyeU's  attitude,  325- 
6,  332. 

Lange,  critic,  on  Bruno,  123;  on 
Democritus,  55 ;  on  Greek  phi- 
losophy, 44,  45;  on  Lucretius, 

Laplace,  46 ;  transmission  of  ac- 
quired adaptations,  224,  355. 

Lasson,  on  Bruno,  125. 

Lavater,  270. 

Lawrence,  Sir  William,  use  of 
'biology,'  66;  volume,  66. 

Lecoq,  16,  306,  307. 

Leeuwenhoek,  131 ;  discoverer 
of  spermatozoon,  36. 

Leibnitz,  15,  29,  132,  134,  142- 
6,  147,  202,  284;  anticipated 
by  Bruno,  124;  aphorism,  187; 
continuity,  142,  144,  173,  175; 
contribution  to  evolution,  133, 
156;  creation,  175;  force,  144; 
influence,  142,  145,  167,  175-6, 
178;  man's  kinship,  356,  ori- 
gin, 353 ;  mutability,  143 ;  per- 
fection chain,  20,  123,  142, 
351;  scale  of  life,  144,  353; 
school,  145 ;  unif  ormitarian- 
ism,  179;  volume,  143. 

Leidy,  16,  307. 

Leonard,  Wm.  EUery,  transla- 
tor, 58,  92. 

Lessing,  15,  132;  law  of  devel- 
opment, 153;  scale  of  life, 

Lewes,  Aristotle's  work,  77. 

Linnaeus,  16,  26,  128,  131,  134, 
146,  156,  185-8,  203,  223,  227, 
232,  245,  263,  266,  267,  278, 
284;    contrast    with    Bufifon, 



190-2;  defeneration,  34,  188; 
fixity,  187,  267;  mutability, 
188;  school,  185,  191,  2(>3,  265, 
309-12;  species,  186,  188,  193; 
systematist,  12,  186,  226;  va- 
riation, 143;  volume,  186,  188, 

Loder,  master  of  Goethe,  266, 

Loi  de  Balancement.  See  Bal- 

Lucretius,  15,  42,  43,  91-7,  122, 
172;  abiogenesis,  94-5,  352; 
Epicurean,  90;  indebtedness 
to  predecessors,  91-2;  inter- 
pretation of  Empedocles,  53- 
4,  93;  mechanism,  93,  94,  147; 
monism,  68;  origin  of  life,  92- 
3,  95-6,  353;  poet  of  evolu- 
tion, 63,  93,  202;  revival  of 
materialism,  88,  93;  struggle 
for  existence,  353;  survival  of 
fittest,  95,  354;  tribute  to 
Greeks,  40;  volumes,  92,  93, 
95;  Zeller,  94. 

Lyell,  323,  325-6,  336,  338,  346; 
da  Vinci,  119;  degeneration, 
158;  development,  21;  expo- 
sition of  Lamarck,  311,  325-6, 
332;  natural  causation,  325; 
struggle  for  existence,  340; 
transmutation,  22;  uniform- 
ity, 325;  volumes,  22,  119,  332. 

Malthus,  355;  population,  206, 
287,  334,  340;  struggle  for  ex- 
istence, 340,  348;  volume,  197. 

Man,  anatomical  kinship,  195, 
269,  270,  272,  356;  Greek  re- 
search on,  7,  98;  influences  in 
evolution,  150;  Lamarck's 
studies,  230-1;  migration,  150, 
295;  structure,  289;  suprem- 
acy, 79,  81,  178.  See  Ascent 
of  Man,  Origin  of  Man. 

Martins,  Charles,  biographer, 
224,  272. 

Materialism,  conception  of  Na- 
ture, 43;  Democritus,  57;  ex- 

ponents, 88;  Greek  phase,  44, 
45;   school   of   Epicurus,   90. 

Matter,  Form.  See  under  Form. 

Matthew,  Patrick,  16,  320,  321, 
340;  abiogenesis,  322;  selec- 
tion, 306,  322;  species,  322; 
survival,  355;  volume,  321. 

Maurice,  329. 

Mayo,  induction,  25. 

McCloud,  James,  evolution,  218. 

McCosh,  James,  215. 

Mechanism,  Descartes,  140;  Epi- 
cureans, 88,  89,  91;  Kant, 
147-8;  Leibnitz,  144;  Lucre- 
tius, 93,  94,  147. 

Meckel,  embryologist,  16,  36, 
306,  307;  biogenetic  law,  308, 

Merck,  270. 

Metempsychosis,  Bruno,  126. 

Migration,  eflfect  on  man,  150, 

Milieu.   See  Environment. 

Milton,  Special  Creation,   12. 

Mind,  conceptions  of,  62;  co- 
ordination with  hand,  68;  vs. 
matter,  61. 

Mitchell,  Stoics  and  Epicureans, 

Mivart,  on  Special  Creation, 
129;  on  Suarez,  128;  volume, 

Modern  Evolution,  Lamarck, 
249;  periods,  15-16. 

Modification,  17,  20,  75,  356; 
Buffon,  197,  328,  344;  Cham- 
bers, 315;  Darwin,  344;  de 
Maillet,  164;  E.  Darwin,  206, 
213;  Haldeman,  311;  La- 
marck, 328,  344;  Owen,  318; 
Treviranus,  289. 

Monads,  Leibnitz  theory,  123, 

Monism,  30,  352;  defined,  58; 
Democritus,  58;  Epicurus,  88; 
Lucretius,  58. 

Moore,  Aubrey,  on  Augustine, 

More,  H.,  use  of  'evolution,'  21. 



Morgan,  Lloyd,  emergent  evo- 
lution, 61. 

Morley,  volume,  172. 

Morphology,  Goethe's  theories, 
275-6.  See  Structure. 

Morse,  letter  from  Darwin,  343. 

Movement,  Anaximander,  100; 
Aristotle,  79-80,  89;  Bruno, 
125;  essence  of  mutability, 
100;  Heraclitus,  350.  See  En- 
telechy.  Mutability. 

Miiller,  volume,  271. 

Mutability,  26,  131,  133,  278; 
anticipation,  307;  Bacon's 
perception,  136;  Buffon,  150, 
188,  189,  192-3,  223;  Darwin, 
323-4,  332-3;  E.  Darwin,  209; 
early  trend,  139 ;  Greek  ideas, 
100-1;  Lamarck,  222-3,  227, 
245;  Leibnitz,  143;  Linnaeus, 
188;  St.  Hilaire,  294-5. 

Mutation,  65;  de  Vries,  261; 
Geoff roy,  261.  See  Fortuity. 

Mutilation,  artificial,  208;  inher- 
ited, 75. 

Mythology,  conception  of  Na- 
ture, 43;  Greek  phase,  44; 
suppressed  by  Lucretius,  94-5. 

Nageli,  307;  internal  perfecting 
principle,  338. 

Natural  Causation,  29,  30,  88; 
Anaximander,  47 ;  Anaxim- 
enes,  49-50;  Aristotle,  74; 
Augustine,  110;  Descartes, 
141;  E.  Darwin,  211,  212; 
Greek  perception,  30,  44; 
Kant,  147;  Lyell,  325;  nat- 
ural philosophers,  134^5 ;  Spi- 
noza,  145;  Thales,  46. 

Natural  Philosophy,  9,  15,  27- 
31,  132-56;  Bacon,  135-40; 
contribution  to  evolution,  29, 
132-5;  Descartes,  140-2;  Her- 
der, 153—4.;  indebtedness  to 
Greek  science,  134;  interpre- 
tation of  Nature,  15,  16,  24-7; 
Kant,  30,  146-52,  154;  Kiel- 
meyer,    155,    263;    Lamarck, 

234;  Leibnitz,  142-6;  Lessing, 
153;  Oken,  154,  180-4. 

Natural  Selection,  16,  23,  172; 
Darwin,  327,  328,  336,  34], 
343;  Empedocles,  54r-5;  Geof- 
froy,  260;  history  of  idea, 
340;  Matthew,  306,  322;  Nau- 
din,  298-9,  306;  Wells,  306, 
320-1.  See  Selection. 

Naturalism,  conception  of  Na- 
ture, 43;  Greek  phase,  44,  62; 
Strato,  89. 

Naturalists,  The  Great,  185- 
218;  contribution  to  evolu- 
tion, 132,  159. 

Nature,  anticipation  and  inter- 
pretation, 1-38;  design  in, 
84 ;  duality,  86 ;  Linnaean  clas- 
sification, see  Linnaeus :  philos- 
ophy, see  Natural  Philosophy ; 
operation,  84-5.  See  Natural 
Causation,  Order. 

Naudin,  15, 16,  296-300,  303,  340; 
atavism,  297,  298;  expedition, 
292;  filiation,  297;  'finality,' 
297-8;  fixation  of  characters, 
293;  natural  selection,  306; 
origin  of  species,  198-9,  296; 
'plasticity,'  297;  transmuta- 
tion, 296;  type  succession, 
298-9;  unity  of  type,  296-7. 

Newton,  147,  149;  uniformity, 

Nicholas  of  Cusa,  Bruno's  phi- 
losophy, 123. 

Nomenclature,  Cuvier,  191; 
Linnaeus,  186. 

Norris,  Cardinal,  130. 

Oken,  15,  50,  154,  180-5;  cell 
doctrine,  162,  181;  descent 
theory,  180;  generation,  183, 
252;  interpretation  of  Na- 
ture, 182;  origin  of  life,  182, 

183,  184,    352,    353,    of   man, 

184,  of  species,  159,  160;  rela- 
tive rank,  6,  181-2;  skull 
structure,  267,  316;  transcen- 


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dental  anatomy,  283,  31C; 
Ur-Schleim  theory,  182-i; 
volumes,  160,  180,  181,  182. 

Ontogeny,  Goethe,  270-1. 

Order  in  Nature,  81,  8M);  Her- 
aclitus,  100;  vs.  fortuity,  84. 

Organs,  origin  of,  Goethe,  274; 
horns,  209;  Kant,  274;  La- 
marck, 241,  242. 

Orientals,  characteristics,  62, 
98;  metempsychosis,  126. 

Origin  of  Life,  18,  352-3;  Anax- 
agoras,  60,  62;  Anaximenes, 
50;  Augustine,  109;  by  devel- 
opment, 21 ;  contribution  of 
geology,  30;  de  Maillet,  166; 
Democritus,  59;  Diogenes,  50; 
E.  Darwin,  207;  Empedocles, 
52,  54;  Greek  research,  99; 
Lamarck,  252;  Lucretius,  92- 
3,  95-6;  Oken,  162,  182-3; 
Robinet,  179;  Thales,  46; 
Xenophanes,  50-1.  See  Abio- 
genesis.  Biogenesis,  Cell  Doc- 
trine, Ur-Schleim  Theory. 

Origin  of  Man,  31,  49,  353;  An- 
aximander,  47-8;  Buffon,  184; 
Chambers,  31.3-14;  E.  Dar- 
win, 184,  204-5;  Greek  stud- 
ies, 45,  64;  Kant,  150;  La- 
marck, 184;  Oken,  184;  Xe- 
nophanes, 50-1. 

Origin  of  Species,  27,  131,  174, 
211,  343;  Darwin,  328,  331, 
343,  (volume)  295,  296,  312, 
318,  323,  324,  .332,  334,  336, 
338,  339,  342,  344,  348;  de 
Maillet,  164;  de  Maupertuis, 
168,  169;  E.  Darwin,  210-11, 
214;  Herbert,  309;  investiga- 
tion, 256:  Lamarck,  227,  250; 
Linnaeus,  188;  Matthew,  322; 
Naudin,  296;  New  World, 
198-9;  Owen,  318-19;  St. 
Vincent,  292-3;  speculations, 
132;  Suarez,  128;  Treviranus, 

Osborn,  volumes,  62,  98,  106, 
191,  323,  327,  345,  348. 

Owen,  13,  16,  316-19;  anatomy, 
316;  appreciation  of  Goethe, 
268;  degeneration,  319;  form, 
matter,  317;  internal  jjcrfect- 
ing  princii)le,  3()<);  riKMlifica- 
tion,  318;  oi)p()n('nt  of  Dar- 
win, 318;  origin  of  species, 
318-19;  progressionist,  312; 
skull  structure,  267,  316-17; 
special  creation,  317;  trans- 
mutation, 318;  unity  of  plan, 
318,  351-2;  views,  282;  vol- 
ume, 318. 

Packard,  estimate  of  Lamarck, 
249;  volume,  226. 

Palaeontology,  26,  163,  176,  221; 
contribution  to  evolution,  20; 
Cuvier  (founder),  278,  279; 
da  Vinci,  119-20;  Owen,  317; 
rudiments,  119-20,  130,  201, 
250.  See  Fossils. 

Pangenesis,  Aristotle,  75;  Buf- 
fon, 201,  207;  Darwin,  169, 
344;  de  Maupertuis,  168; 
Greek  anticipation,  65;  theo- 
rists, 344. 

Parallelism  of  Thought,  6;  Dar- 
win-Wallace, 223,  345-8;  La- 
marck-E.  Darwin,  223,  225-6, 
232;  struggle  for  existence, 

Parmenides,  43,  71 ;  causation, 
51;  origin  of  man,  51, 

Parthenogenesis,    Bonnet,    175. 

Pascal,  25;  GeofiFroy's  interpre- 
tation, 146. 

Pasteur,  38. 

Peale,  Rembrandt,  256. 

Perfectibility,  Perfecting  Prin- 
ciple, 80,  178,  350;  Aristotle, 
77,  82,  142;  Bruno,  123,  124, 
142;  Herder,  153;  Leibnitz, 
20,  123,  142. 

Perigenesis,  Haeckel,  169. 

Peripatetics,  43,  89. 

Perrier,  170,  257,  259;  attrac- 
tion  and    repulsion,    171;    on 



Geoff roy,    260;    volume,    167, 
187,  263. 

Philo  of  Alexander,  interpreta- 
tion of  Bible,  105-6,  129. 

Phylogeny,  33,  263;  branching 
tree,  248;  Treviranus,  287-8. 

Physicists,  43,  51-88;  anticipa- 
tion of  evolution  idea,  51. 

Plant  Evolution,  Buff  on,  223, 
251-2;  E.  Darwin,  214;  Her- 
bert, 309;  Lamarck,  223, 

Elasticity'  of  Organisms,  Nau- 
din,  297. 

Plato,  43,  55,  61,  76,  77,  105; 
Aristotelian  philosophy,  76- 
7;  design,  44;  final  cause, 
113;  transmission  of  acquired 
characters,  73,  355. 

Pliny,  naturalist,  98;  volume, 

Polybus,   anatomist,   67. 

Population,  Buffon,  198,  287; 
checks,  206;  Malthus,  197, 
287,  334;  Treviranus,  287. 

Post-Aristotelian  School,  43, 

Pouchet,  38. 

Preaxagoras,  43;  pupil  of  Aris- 
totle, 89. 
Predetermination,  Bonnet,  177; 

Naudin,  297. 
Prepotency,  of  characters,  36; 

of  parent  stock,  72. 
Progressionists,  312-19. 
Pyrrho,  43. 
Pythagoreans,  43. 

Quatrefages,  196,  200,  206,  245, 
257,  259;  Naudin's  views,  296, 
298;  St.  Vincent's  views, 

Rafinesque,  16,  306. 

Ray,   criteria   of   species,    186; 

systematist,  131,  185-6. 
Reaumur,  175;  defense  of  em- 

boitementf  36. 
Reasoning  Methods,  Bacon,  123, 

135,  329,  333;  Darwin,  328-9, 
331,  333-4;  Goethe,  273;  Lin- 
naean  school,  263;  speculative 
writers,  264.  See  Deduction, 
Induction,   Schools. 

Recapitulation  of  Ancestry  in 
Foetus.  See  Biogenetic  Law. 

Respiration,  Geoffroy's  factor 
in  transformism,  259-60. 

Reversion.  See  Atavism. 

Robinet,  15,  177-80;  conception 
of  evolution,  162;  continuity, 
179;.  generation,  180,  183; 
germs,  179,  183,  352;  influence 
of  Leibnitz,  145;  perfecting 
tendency,  178,  353;  scale  of 
life,  177,  178;  speculation, 
160,  178-9;  uniformitarian- 
ism,  179;  volumes,  177,  178, 

Romanes,  interpretation  of 
Aristotle,  68,  81. 

Roscellinus,  abiogenesis,  106. 

Sachs,  botanist,  307. 

St.  Hilaire,  Geoffroy.  See  Geof- 

St.  Hilaire,  Isidore,  16,  196,  199, 
257,  259,  294-6,  303,  307;  ap- 
preciation of  Goethe,  268; 
definition  of  species,  245;  de 
Maillet,  165 ;  environment, 
295;  filiation,  295;  fixity,  294- 
5;  heredity,  295;  tribute  to 
Schelling,  155;  volumes,  245, 
263,  294. 

St.  Vincent,  Bory,  16,  291-3, 
303;  abiogenesis,  292;  fixa- 
tion of  specific  characters, 
293;  habit,  293;  origin  of  spe- 
cies, 292-3;  successor  of  La- 
marck, 291. 

Saltation,    Geoffroy,    261,    339; 
Huxley,  339 ;  opposed  by  Dar- 
win, 340. 
Sandys,   John   Edwin,  encyclo- 
paedist, 98. 
Scale  of  Life,  19,  186, 353;  Aris- 



totle,  10,  11,  19,  76,  78,  79,  87, 
97,  123,  177,  197,  2'M;  \Unmvt, 
20,  123,  176,  177,  196,  197,  231 ; 
IJruno,  122-3,  125-6;  Butfon, 
197;  Lamarck,  231;  Leibnitz, 
14i;  Lcssing,  153;  Robinct, 
177,  178.  See  Ascent,  Descent, 
Echelle  des  Etres. 

Sceptics,  43. 

Schaaffhausen,   16,  306,  307. 

Schelling,  15,  29,  132,  154-6, 
263,  284,  295;  living  environ- 
ment, 286-7;  nature  philoso- 
phy, 151—5;  reasoning,  155, 
182,  257;  relative  position, 
155;  volume,  154. 

Schleiden,  Schwann,  cell  doc- 
trine, 181,  207,  306. 

Schoolmen.  See  Fathers. 

Schools,  Buffon,  191;  Cuvier 
(Ecole  des  Fails),  185,  279, 
281-3,  295;  Linnsean,  185,  191. 

Schultze,  exposition  of  Kant, 

Science,  awakening,  130-2 ; 
Bruno,  123-7;  church  hostil- 
ity, 11,  107,  108,  118,  121,  122, 
130,  196;  contribution  to  evo- 
lution, 23-7,  265;  da  Vinci, 
119-21;  Egyptian,  67;  expo- 
nents, 131;  extension,  15,  31, 
32;  fallacies,  12;  Greek,  45, 
62-8,  98-102;  in  Arabia,  97, 
115;  indebtedness  to  natural 
philosophers.  29 ;  orthodoxy, 
135;  systematists,  131.  See 
Arabian  Science,  Greek  Sci- 

Sedgwick,  305. 

Selection,  355 ;  artificial,  see  Ar- 
tificial Selection;  BuflFon,  146- 
7,  340;  exponents,  133,  320- 
3;  organic,  229;  Darwin,  296, 
322,  327,  328,  333-4,  336,  340, 

341,  343;  E.  Darwin,  209.  See 
Natural  Selection. 

Semper,    letters    from    Darwin, 

342,  343. 

Sensibility,    Aristotle,    78;    Di- 

derot, 170-1.  See  Irritability. 

Serres,  1(>,  306,  314;  embryology, 
308-9,  354;  volume,  308. 

Singer,  Charles,  biology,  7-8; 
experimental  science  (Ba- 
con), 114;  CJreek  science,  10, 
66-7;  volumes,  7,  (Hi,  (JH,  114. 

Socrates,  43,  7(1;  basis  of  Aris- 
totle's philosophy,  76-7;  de- 
sign, 44. 

Siimmering,  anatomy,  269. 

Special  Creation,  11,  12,  14,  20, 
21,  110-11,  217,  313,  324,  331; 
Buffon,  195-6,  200;  domi- 
nance, 130;  E.  Darwin,  212; 
exponents,  34,  352;  rejection 
by  Aristotle,  81,  by  Augustine, 
110;  Lamarck,  236;  'Miltonic 
HjT)othesis,'  12;  Owen,  317; 
opposed  by  Descartes,  141, 
by  Spencer,  311;  problems, 
128-9;  status  in  seventeenth 
century,  11;  Suarez,  121,  128. 

Species,  defined,  245,  278,  325; 
fecundity,  see  Population; 
fixity,  see  Fixity;  genesis,  12; 
Linnaeus,  186,  188,  193;  mi- 
gration, see  Migration;  sta- 
bility, 294,  302,  312;  succes- 
sion, 322;  term,  233;  tran- 
sitional forms,  138-9.  See 
Origin  of  Species,  Variabil- 
ity, Variation. 

Speculation,  Buffon,  190;  evo- 
lutionists, 132,  159-185;  Schel- 
ling, 182;  writers,  13,  15. 

Spencer,  Herbert,  16,  55,  56, 
311-12;  environment,  311-12; 
evolutionist,  22,  311;  La- 
marckism,  224,  229,  341,  356; 
volume,  22. 

Sperling,  systematist,   185. 

Spinoza,  29,  267;  natural  causa- 
tion, 145. 

Spontaneous  Generation.  See 

Steno,  Nicholaus,  anatomist, 



Stoics,  43;  philosophy,  88-9; 
physics,  122. 

Strato  of  Lampsacus,  internal 
principle,  89;  naturalism,  89. 

Structure  (s),  adaptive,  85-6; 
analogy  in,  71,  78;  basis  of 
Linnaean  classification,  187; 
Empedocles,  161-2;  heredity 
changes,  208;  homology  in, 
71;  origin  of  theory,  82;  pur- 
posive, 82;  relation  to  func- 
tion, 286;  skull,  267;  teeth,  74; 
uniformity,  146;  unity  in  spe- 
cial creation,  236;  vertebrate, 
56,  272;  vestigial,  32,  272, 
273,  354.  See  Intermaxillary 
Bone,  Morphology. 

Struggle  for  Existence,  299, 
348,  353;  ancient  parallel,  53; 
BuflPon,  196,  202,  287;  Dar- 
win, 334,  340-1;  E.  Darwin, 
205-6;  Malthus,  340,  348; 
theorists,  340. 

Suarez,  12,  105,  121,  127-30;  in- 
terpretation of  Genesis,  11, 
108,  121-2,  128;  origin  of  spe- 
cies, 128;  problems  of  crea- 
tion, 128-9. 

Successive  Creations,  176;  Cu- 
vier's  school,  12,  280-2,  295; 
Lucretius,  95-6. 

Survival  of  Fittest,  17,  85-6,  88, 
299,  354-5;  Anaximander,  48; 
antiquity,  5,  65;  Aristotle,  10, 
73-4,  87;  Buffon,  150,  196,  198, 
205,  300,  320;  de  Maupertuis, 
150;  Diderot,  172-3;  E.  Dar- 
win, 205;  Empedocles,  48,  54, 
55,  88,  91,  95,  101,  172;  Epi- 
curus, 95;  Geoffroy,  260; 
Greek  science,  100;  Hume, 
146;  Kant,  150;  Lucretius, 
95;  Treviranus,  320;  Wells, 

Swammerdam,  131 ;  defense  of 
emboitement,  36. 

Sylvius,  354;  criticism  of  Ve- 
salius,  34. 

Syngenesis,  36. 

Taylor,  translation  of  Aristotle, 

Teleology,  30,  59;  Anaxagoras, 
60;  Diderot,  173;  Greek  phase, 
44;  Kant,  147-8;  Lamarck, 
235;  opposed  by  de  Mauper- 
tuis, 170,  by  Epicurus,  90-1, 
by  Lucretius,  94.  See  Design. 

Tennyson,  poet  of  evolution,  63, 

Teratology,  263;  Geoff  roy's 
studies,  258,  261. 

Thales,  10,  15,  17,  41,  43,  45, 
350;  origin  of  life,  46,  352. 

Theology,  influence  of  Milton, 
12,  of  science,  11;  theologians, 
103-156;  views  of  creation, 
27;  vs.  science,  11,  107,  108, 
118,  121,  122,  130,  196. 

Theophrastus,  43;  pupil  of 
Aristotle,  89;  works,  89. 

Thompson,  D'Arcy,  Aristotle, 
69-70;  Greek  science,  10;  nat- 
ural science,  47;  volumes,  7, 

Thumb,  Opposable,  Buffon,  E. 
Darwin,  205,  356;  Helvetius, 

Tissu  Cellulaire.  See  Cellular 

Transformation,  15,  294;  Anax- 
imander, 49;  Bacon,  29;  Bon- 
nami,  162-3;  defined,  23;  de 
Maillet,  164,  261;  Duret,  162; 
Geoffroy,  257,  261-2;  Herder, 
153;  in  development,  79; 
Kircher,  163;  speculative  evo- 
lutionists, 161.  See  Trans- 

Transformism,  Transformisme, 
22;  Buffon,  176,  259;  defined, 
23;  de  Maupertuis,  168;  E. 
Darwin,   212;    Geoffroy,   259. 

Transmission  of  Acquired  Char- 
acters, 6,  23,  35,  355-6;  Aris- 
totle, 72-3;  Buffon,  200,  201, 
240,  244;  de  Maillet,  161,  167, 
224;    E.    Darwin,    209,    213; 



Greek  theory,  224;  Lamarck, 
6,  224s  229,  2i0,  244,  254,  25!>, 
311,  328,  333;  Laplace,  224; 
Plato,  73;  Spencer,  224.  See 

Transmutation,  221;  BufiFon, 
200;  defined,  22;  Geoffroy, 
257;  Goethe,  266;  Haldeman, 
311;  in  England,  296;  in 
France,  294^6,  296;  Lamarck, 
228,  251,  296;  Lyell,  22;  Nau- 
din,  296;  Owen,  318;  theory, 
284,  316,  331.  See  Mutability. 

Treviranus,  9,  181,  191,  254, 
273,  283-91,  303,  353;  abio- 
genesis,  289-90,  352;  basis  of 
life,  284;  compensation  of 
growth,  286;  contribution  to 
evolution,  283,  284,  288;  defi- 
nition and  use  of  'biology,' 
65-6,  283,  286;  environment, 
286-7,  288-9;  parallelism  of 
thought,  6;  phylogeny,  287- 
8;  population,  287;  progres- 
sive modification,  289,  354; 
species,  289,  290-1 ;  structure, 
286,  289;  survival  of  fittest, 
320;  variability,  variety,  291; 
volumes,   283,  284,   289. 

Tyndall,  discussion  with  Bas- 
tian,  38. 

Tj-pe,  evolution,  195.  See  Unity 
of  Type. 

Unger,  T.,  16,  307. 

Uniformitarianism,  179;  Avi- 
cenna,  115-^;  Bruno,  126; 
Buffon,  199;  Darwin,  330; 
Goethe,  268;  Lamarck,  230, 
237;  Lyell,  325;  Newton,  146. 

Unity  of  Plan,  d'Azyr,  318; 
GeoflFroy,  264-5,  318;  Owen, 
318.  See  Unity  of  Type. 

Unity  of  Type,  72,  269;  Aris- 
totle, 351;  Buffon,  194,  195; 
E.  Darwin,  208;  GeofFroy, 
258,  351-2;  Goethe,  269-70, 
272;  Herder,  154;  Lamarck, 
232;   Naudin,   29(>-7. 

Ur-Srhhim,  50,  61;  Oken's  the- 
ory,  160,  182-4. 

Use,  Disuse,  239;  Darwin,  3t5; 
E.  Darwin,  328;  Lamarck, 
233,  239,  241,  328,  341. 

Variability,  limitation,  294-6; 
Treviranus,  291, 

Variation,  17,  32;  Bacon,  29, 
136-7;  Brown,  335;  BuflFon, 
193,  306;  central  problem  in 
evolution,  133;  Darwin,  334, 
342,  343,  347;  Kant,  151;  La- 
marck, 232,  293;  Leibnitz, 
143;   von   Buch,   310. 

Variety,  of  species,  Treviranus, 
291;   Wallace,  347. 

Varigny,  interpretation  of  Nau- 
din, 298. 

Vesalius,  intermaxillary  bone, 

Virey,  16,  306. 

Vogt,  282. 

Voltaire,  fossils,   163-4. 

Volumes,  references,  /Eschylus, 
63,  71,  97;  Anaximander,  47; 
Aristotle,  55,  61,  69,  72,  75, 
79,  81,  82,  83,  115,  118,  186; 
Bacon,  25,  28,  135,  136,  139; 
Barenbach,  153;  Bible,  63; 
Bielschowsky,  267,  276;  Bon- 
net, 175;  Bridges,  234; 
Brooks,  56,  73;  Bruno,  126; 
Buckley,  63;  BuflFon,  190, 
192,  194,  197;  Carus,  268: 
Chambers,  305,  306,  312,  313; 
Cotterill,  109;  Cuvier,  279, 
304;  Darwin,  211,  295,  296, 
312,  318,  320,  323,  324,  332, 
334,  336,  338,  339,  341,  342, 
344,  345,  348;  de  Maillet,  163, 
165,  166;  Deperet,  279,  281; 
Descartes,  140;  d'Holbach, 
170;  Diderot,  170;  Draper, 
115;  Driesch,  81;  Duret,  162; 
E.  Darwin,  21,  174,  202,  203, 
207,  208,  212,  213,  214,  217, 
222,  223,  224,  232,  271,  332; 
Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  57, 



68,  98,  107,  119,  120,  122,  140- 
1,  145,  146,  175;  Geoffroy, 
258,  259,  269;  Goethe,  267, 
268,  270,  271,  272,  274;  Gutt- 
ler, 109;  Haeckel,  148,  305, 
308,  309;  Herder,  153;  Her- 
schel,  330;  Hippocrates,  67; 
Humboldt,  330;  Judd,  304; 
Kant,  147;  Kircher,  163; 
Krause,  192 ;:  Lamarck,  65,  222, 
223,  224,  225,  226,  227,  228, 
229,  230,  232,  233,  235,  238, 
239,  240,  241,  242,  247,  249, 
255,  268,  271,  312,  313,  341; 
Larousse,  22;  Lawrence,  66; 
Leibnitz,  143 ;  Lewes,  77 ;  Lin- 
naeus, 186;  Livingstone  (ed.), 
98;  Lucretius,  40,  53,  58, 
92,  93,  95;  Lyell,  21,  119, 
325,  332;  Malthus,  197;  Ma- 
son (ed.),  218;  Matthew,  321; 
Mivart,  127;  Moore,  110; 
Morley,  172;  Muller,  271; 
Murray,  20,  22;  Oken,  160, 
180,  181,  182;  Osborn,  62,  98, 
106,  191,  323,  327,  345,  348; 
Owen,  318;  Packard,  226; 
Pascal,  25;  Perrier,  167,  187, 
263;  Pliny,  98;  Polybus,  67; 
Robinet,  177,  178,  179;  St. 
Hilaire,  245,  263,  294;  Schel- 
ling,  154;  Serres,  308;  Sing- 
er, 66,  68,  114;  Spencer,  22; 
Taylor,  83 ;  Theophrastus, 
89;  Thompson,  68,  69;  Tre- 
viranus,  65,  283,  284,  289; 
Wagner,  197;  Ward,  194; 
Zeller,  43,  45. 

Von  Baer,  embryologist,  16,  36, 
306;  biogenetic  law,  36,  308, 

Von  Buch,  16,  306;  Buffonian, 

309,  310;  geographic  distri- 
bution and  isolation,  309-10; 
variation,  310. 

Wagner,  Moriz,  342;  geographic 
isolation,  197;  theory,  343; 
volume,  197. 

Wallace,  16,  17,  320,  328;  classi- 
fication, 322;  descent  theory, 
322;  direct  observer,  304; 
distribution,  322;  natural  se- 
lection (co-discoverer),  6, 
345-8;  succession  of  species, 
322;  survival,  355;  varieties, 

Wants  of  Animals,  Aristotle, 
78,  356;  E.  Darwin,  209-10, 
211,  213;  Lamarck,  240-1, 
242.  See  Archaesthetism. 

Ward,  C.  H.,  on  Darwin,  342; 
volume,  194. 

Wells,  16,  340;  natural  selec- 
tion, 306,  320-1;  survival  of 
fittest,  320,  355. 

V/iliiam  of  Occam,  abiogenesis, 

WolflF,  16;  transmutation,  307. 

Wotton,  systematist,  185. 

Xenophanes,  15,  43,  50-1;  cau- 
sation, 50;  origin  of  life,  50-1, 
of  man,  50-1;  study  of  fos- 
sils, 50. 

Zeller,  interpretations  of  Anax- 
agoras,  60-1,  of  Democritus, 
58,  of  Empedocles,  55,  of 
Epicurus,  90,  of  Lucretius, 
93,  94;  Greek  studies,  41, 
44,  45;  volume,  43. 

Zoology,  26,  221;  Lamarck's 
studies,  226,  227. 



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