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JOHN C. WEAVER, Consulting Editor 

BENNETT Soil Conservation 

CRESSY Asia's Lands and Peoples 

CRESSY Land of the 500 Million: A Geography of China 

FINCH, TREWARTHA, ROBINSON, AND HAMMOND Elements of Geography: Physical and 

FINCH, TREWARTHA, ROBINSON, AND HAMMOND Physical Elements of Geography (a 
republication of Part I of the above) 

POUNDS Europe and the Mediterranean 

RAISZ General Cartography 

TREWARTHA An Introduction to Climate 

TREWARTHA, ROBINSON, AND HAMMOND Fundamentals of Physical Geography 

WHITBECK AND FINCH Economic Geography 

VERNOR C. FINCH was Consulting Editor of this series from its inception in 1934 to 1951. 


Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin 


Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin 


Associate Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin 


of physical 



Copyright 1961 by the McGraw-Hill Rook Company, Inc. 
Portions of the material in this book have been taken from 
Physical Elements of Geography by Vernor C. Finch, Glenn 
T. Trewartha, Arthur H. Robinson, and Edwin //. Hammond, 
copyright 1957 by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.. 
copyright 1936, 1942, 1949, by Vernor C. Finch and Glenn T. 
Trewartha. Printed in the United States of America. All rights 
reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in 
any form without permission of the publishers. 

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 61-8661 


Chap. 1, Bradford Washburn. Chap. 2, Royal Canadian 
Air Force. Chap. 3, Spence Air Photos. Chap. 4, Soil 
Conservation Service, USD A. Chap. 5, Spence Air 
Photos. Chap. 6, Kirk H. Stone. Chaps. 7, 8, and 9, 
Standard Oil Co. (N.J.). Chap. 10, Westinghouse 
Photo. Chap. 11, Hamilton Rice Expedition of 1924- 
1925. Chap. 12, George A. Grant, National Park 
Service. Chap. 13, Standard Oil Co. (NJ.). Chap. 14, 
Royal Canadian Air Force. Chap. 15, F. P. Shepard. 
Chap. 16, Royal Canadian Air Force. Chap. 17, U.S. 
Forest Service. Chap. 18, H. Suito. Chap. 19, Oliver 
Iron Mining Company. 


The surface of the earth is a complicated 
combination of a great many things. Some 
of these are the natural features, such as the 
land, air, vegetation, soil, and water. Man 
lives within this complex natural environ- 
ment, and, according to his interests and 
his knowledge, he takes it into account in 
planning and carrying out his activities. 

If a person travels over the earth, he will 
observe that the various physical features 
change from place to place: it is warmer 
here; it rains more often there; the land sur- 
face is relatively smooth in one place, moun- 
tainous in another; and so on. To appreciate 
and understand the character of the differ- 
ences and similarities of the earth's surface 
from place to place, he must turn to the 
study of physical geography, the body of 
knowledge that deals with the description 

and interpretation of the physical features 
of the surface zone of the earth. 

In general, the description and interpreta- 
tion of the myriad interrelationships among 
the physical elements of the earth is properly 
called earth science. Earth science includes 
many fields of systematic investigation. Physi- 
cal geography is the segment which studies 
the elements that man finds significant in 
his use of the earth; in this respect, physical 
geography is the study of man's natural en- 
vironment. In particular it concentrates upon 
the manner in which the environment differs 
from place to place and upon the reasons for 
the differences. 

Man studying the earth has been likened 
to a curious ant upon a patterned rug. Be- 
cause of the ant's diminutive size and limited 
range of vision it cannot easily comprehend 



the broad arrangements of the different 
colors. To develop a clear description and 
interpretation of the general pattern, the ant 
would need to employ several scientific 
techniques, such as careful observation, data 
reduction, the development of systematic 
classifications, and mapping. The physical 
earth is like a patterned rug, albeit a rela- 
tively large and complex one. But rather 
than being simply a uniform surface on 
which the only thing that changes from 
place to place is the color of the fibers, the 
earth's surface zone is made up of many 
different elements, ranging from air tempera- 
tures to the flatness of the land, each with 
its own more or less complex pattern. 

Through the scientific study of physical 
geography the student will become aware 
that there are both striking similarities and 
fundamental differences in the physical en- 
vironment from place to place. He will learn 
of the great and important variations in the 
surface forms of the land, from the broad 
patterns of the continents to the smaller 
irregularities that complicate the local scene. 
He will come to appreciate the general char- 
acter and movements of the great mass of 
water that not only floods the great depres- 
sions of the earth but also exists on and 
beneath the surface of the land. He will 
become acquainted with the nature and 
behavior of the atmospheric film which en- 
velops the earth and acts as a transporting 
and distributing agent for life-giving energy 
and water. He will find also that the mate- 
rials and forms of the earth's solid crust and 
th^ behavior of the gaseous envelope are all 
interrelated, and that they, together with 
organic life, combine to produce yet other 
patterns such as those of soils and natural 
vegetation. In fact he will find that the pat- 


terns of the several physical elements are all 
interrelated and that their spatial relation- 
ships are at once simple and complex. 

To study scientifically the elements of the 
physical environment, one must consider 
the physical processes involved in their 
interaction in place; this is necessary back- 
ground for an understanding of the place to 
place variation of each physical element. 
One of the purposes of this book is, how- 
ever, to focus attention, as much as is pos- 
sible in a survey treatment, on the areal 
distributions and functional interrelation- 
ships of the physical elements over the 
earth's surface. In this it strives to emphasize 
the basic locational aspects of these matters. 
Thus the broad earth patterns of variation 
and their interrelationships are stressed, with 
less emphasis placed upon the mechanics of 
process independent of place. It is hoped 
that this will enable the student to obtain 
in a direct manner that appreciation of the 
earth as a physical environment without 
which he cannot be considered properly 
informed as a tenant. 

Although this briefer book has been 
organized and written afresh, much of its 
content is based upon materials in the more 
comprehensive Physical Elements of Geogra- 
phy by Finch, Trewartha, Robinson, and 
Hammond. The selection of materials has 
been made to fit a one-semester, one-quarter, 
or two-quarter introductory college survey 
course in the fundamentals of physical geog- 
raphy. In every case the degree of general- 
ization has been kept at a high level, with 
the focus on general world patterns and their 
interrelationships. In some sections of this 
book a completely different approach has 
been taken from that in the earlier book, 
and recent materials have been included. 

Introduction ix 

A number of new illustrations have been 
prepared and procured, but many are taken 
from the larger book. 

The student and the instructor will note 
that there are no chapter outlines or review 
questions. It is the authors' opinion, and 
they feel it to be the judgment of many 
instructors, that to include such materials is 
to subvert an important part of the learning 
process. The good student finds them use- 
less, and the mediocre student is likely to 
grasp them as straws without going through 
the essential learning process of formulating 
them for himself. For the student who wishes 
to range further, brief bibliographies are 
appended at appropriate places. 

The authors acknowledge a debt to both 
their colleagues and their former students. 

At the University of Wisconsin most of the 
physical science departments, among them 
the Department of Geography, offer one- 
semester survey courses as well as year- 
length courses. Each of the authors has 
taught the survey course in physical geogra- 
phy and by contact with the students has 
become familiar with the capabilities of 
those who take such a course with little or 
no background in the subject. Colleagues in 
the Department of Geography and in other 
departments of the earth sciences have been 
helpful in many ways. 

Glenn T. Trewartha 
Arthur H. Robinson 
Edwin H. Hammond 



CHAPTER i The earth: basic facts and mapping 1 

CHAPTER 2 The varieties of surf ace form 28 

CHAPTER 3 How surface form develops 42 

CHAPTER 4 Plains 72 

CHAPTER 5 Surfaces rougher than plains 98 

CHAPTER 6 The margins of the land 120 

CHAPTER 7 Introduction to climate; air temperature and solar 

energy 134 

CHAPTER 8 The circulation of the atmosphere: winds and pressure 1 55 

CHAPTER 9 Precipitation 171 


xii Contents 

CHAPTER 10 Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 188 

CHAPTER 11 Classification of climates and their distribution; the 

tropical humid climates 209> 

CHAPTER 12 The dry climates 223 

CHAPTER 13 Humid mesothermal climates 235 

CHAPTER 14 Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 253 

CHAPTER 15 Water and the seas 277 

CHAPTER 16 The waters of the land 292 

CHAPTER i? Natural vegetation 317 

CHAPTER is Soils 334 

CHAPTER 19 Mineral resources 359 

APPENDIX A selected list of United States topographic quad- 
rangles 391 

1 Average annual precipitation 

2 Climates of the earth (front end paper) 

3 Terrain of the earth 

4 Lithic regions 

5 Natural vegetation 

6 Distribution of soils 

7 Distribution of population 

8 Agricultural types and regions 

9 Surface temperature regions of the continents 

INDEX, 395 

of physical 


The earth: 

basic facts 

and mapping 


The earth is almost a true sphere, with a 
radius of nearly 4,000 miles and a surface 
area of about 197 million square miles. The 
earth rotates steadily, and for some time the 
surface has maintained its position relative to 
the axis of rotation. The opposite, or anti- 
podal, points on the surface that lie in the 
axis of rotation are called the earth poles; an 
imaginary line encircling the surface midway 
between the poles is called the equator. 

The greatest departure of the earth from 

sphericity is a flattening in polar areas and a 
correspondent bulging in equatorial regions. 
The polar radius is about 13.5 miles shorter 
than an equatorial radius. Yet given the size 
of the earth, this spheroidal deformation is 
small: it would amount to less than Vio in. 
on a ball 5 ft in diameter. None of the other 
departures from sphericity is even this great, 
for the highest mountain projects only about 
5.5 miles above the general level of the sea, 
and the greatest ocean depth is less than 


7 miles below sea level. The almost perfect 
smoothness of the earth's surface relative to 
its size may be illustrated this way: on a true 
reduction of it with a diameter of 1 ft, the size 
of an ordinary desk globe, one could hardly 
feel any roughness. On such a globe the peak 
of Mount Everest, approximately 29,000 ft 
above sea level, would be less than Woo in. 
above the general surface of the globe. 

The exterior of the earth nonetheless con- 
sists of markedly different substances. Most 
of the solid surface is covered with water 
that has an average depth of more than 2 
miles. Only a little more than 29 per cent of 
the solid material protrudes above the water 
surface, and this but slightly, since the aver- 
age elevation of the land surface above the 
water is only about % mile (Fig. 1.1). Over- 
lying both the solid and liquid surfaces is a 
mixture of gases, the atmosphere. The distri- 
bution of the land and water surfaces is not 
symmetrical, especially in terms of an equa- 
torial division. A separation of the earth into 
hemispheres by the equator finds twice as 

much land in the Northern Hemisphere as in 
the Southern. The total area of the exposed 
solid surface is about 57 million square miles, 
equal to about nineteen times the area of the 
United States. Upon this surface the entire 
human population of the earth resides and 
endeavors to secure a living. Because of its 
physical geography, i.e., its natural variation 
from place to place, there are large parts of 
the land area which, for one reason or another, 
are ill suited to intensive human occupation 
or use. 

The polar flattening and the equatorial 
bulging of the earth indicate it is plastic 
since this is the sort of deformation that would 
occur in any nonrigid sphere as a consc- 
quence of gravitational force and the _centrif- 
ugat force resulting; from its^rolajtion. The 
outer zone of this plastic ball, the surface 
crust, apparently consists of adjacent segments 
that vary slightly in the average density of 
the rock types of which they are composed. 
The continental segments are thought to be 
made of rocks that together are slightly less 

FIG. 1.1 Cumulative graph showing the relative amount of land and 
water surface on the earth and the average elevation and depth of the solid 
surface in relation to sea level. Note that most of the earth's surface is 
water and that most of the land lies beneath the sea. 


.Average elevation of land (approximately 0.5 mile) 


veraae depth of ocean 

approximately 2.5 miles 

50 100 150 


FIG. 1.2 The inferred distribution of densities 
of the solid materials of the earth's crustal zone. 

dense (average density approximately 2.7) 
than those that form the crustal sections 
underlying the ocean basins (average density 
approximately 3.0). It is because of this dis- 
crepancy that the continents stand slightly 
higher, it is believed. The various crustal 
segments or blocks are thought to float, so to 
speak, on the subsurface in balance, a state 
called isostasy (Fig 1.2). Yet the relative ver- 
tical position of the materials that form the 
segments is transitory since the density rela- 
tionships are constantly being disturbed by 
such events as the removal of material from 
the continents by streams and its deposition 
in the oceans. The variances that result ap- 
pear to be regularly counteracted by the slow 
movement of the more plastic material 
thought to exist beneath the earth's crust. 
This, together with still other forces, results 
in the bending, breaking, and warping of the 
materials of the crust. These in turn cause 
the minor surface irregularities of lesser mag- 
nitude, such as the mountain masses and 
depression areas on the continents and within 
the ocean basins. The detailed unevenness of 
a surface made up of mountains, hills, and 
plains is of critical local and regional signifi- 
cance to diminutive man. 

Yet it must be emphasized that the most 
important fact of the earth's form is its almost 
perfect sphericity. A large proportion of the 
fundamental processes that together cause 
natural variations in the surface from one 
place to another are direct or indirect con- 
sequences of this simple fact of spherical 
form. For example, the variation in the receipt 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 3 

of energy from the sun and all its conse- 
quences such as air temperature, precipita- 
tion, and the circulation of the atmosphere 
and the oceans, to name but a few of the 
elements of physical geography are directly 
attributable to the earth's being a rotating 
spherical body. In order, then, to understand 
many important things about the earth, a 
person must be thoroughly familiar with the 
geometric properties of the sphere, the circle, 
and the arc. 

Any intersection of a plane and a sphere 
results in a circle that contains 360 degrees. If 
an intersecting plane includes the center of 
the sphere, the circle is termed a great circle; 
it is the largest that can occur on a sphere 
and divides it into hemispheres. (The equator 
is the great circle the plane of which is per- 
pendicular to the earth's axis of rotation.) 
There can be an infinite number of great 
circles and they have the significant property 
that they all bisect one another (Fig. 1.3). 

F I G . 1 . 3 A great circle lies in a plane that 
passes through the center of a sphere; 
consequently a great circle divides a sphere into 
hemispheres. A sphere can have any number of 
great circles arranged in an infinite number of 
ways, and they will all bisect one another. These 
concepts apply to the earth since it is a sphere. 


The course along the arc of a great circle is 
the most direct route from one place to an- 
other on the curved surface and is thus anal- 
ogous to the straight line on a plane as the 
shortest distance between two points. One 
degree of arc distance along a great circle on 
the earth is about 69 statute miles or 60 
nautical miles. Any other circle on the earth 

is a small circle, and arc distances along small 
circles are shorter in miles. 

These simple geometric consequences of 
the earth's shape and size will repeatedly be 
found to underlie the complex facts of physi- 
cal geography that appear in the balance of 
the book. 


This rotating sphere, the earth, is also a 
planetary satellite of the sun, around which 
the earth revolves in an orbit some 93 million 
miles from it. 

The earth rotates at an almost constant 
speed, and the time required for the surface 
to rotate once in relation to the sun is desig- 
nated as 1 day. During each rotation most of 
the surface successively turns toward and 

away from the sun. The greater part thus 
experiences a period of light and energy 
receipt and a period of darkness and energy 
loss. Most places, therefore, pass twice 
through the boundary between light and dark, 
the circle of illumination, which is a great 
circle, once at dawn and again at sunset. 
The eastward rotation of the earth deter- 
mines the direction in which the sun, moon, 

FIG. 1.4 Relation of the inclination and parallelism of the earth's axis 
to the periods of the year. The observer of this perspective drawing is far 
outside the earth's orbit and slightly above the plane of the ecliptic. 
Compare with Fig. 1.8, which shows views of the earth in the plane of the 
ecliptic at the time of the solstices. 

and stars appear to move across the sky and 
affects other earth phenomena of far-reaching 
consequence, such as the general circulation 
of the atmosphere and oceans, which will be 
studied later. 

The earth revolves around the sun in a 
slightly elliptical orbit. In the course of its 
revolution, it moves faster when it is closer 
to the sun. The average time required for the 
earth to complete one circuit of its orbit is 
designated as a year. During this period the 
earth rotates in relation to the sun approxi- 
mately 365 V4 times, thus determining the 
number of days in the year. Primarily because 
of slight variations in the speed of the earth 
along its orbit, the time interval between 
successive complete rotations relative to the 
sun is not constant. The average rotational 
day is arbitrarily divided into 24 hr of con- 
stant duration. 

All points in the earth's orbit lie in a plane, 
which includes the sun, called the plane of 
the ecliptic. The axis of the earth's rotation is 
inclined about 66% from this plane (or 
23^6 from perpendicular to it). This angular 
inclination is nearly constant, and moreover 
the axis at any time during its orbit is parallel 
to the position that it occupies at any other 
time (Fig. 1.4). This is called the parallelism 
of the axis. 

The inclination of the^ earth's axis and its 
parjdlelism, together withjhe earth^s,srTapc, 
its "rotation, and its revolution about the sun, 
causesevcral earth phenomena that are^of 
vital importanccjo^hysical geography. Some 
otthese are (a) thedistribution over the earth 
of the rccciptofsplar^nergy, (b) the^changing 
of the seasons, (c) thechanging lengths j)fday 
and mgh^juxd (d) the generajinajinej^ in 
which the atmosphere and oceans circulate. 
These matters and other related ones will be 
discussed more fully in their connection with 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 5 


Coordinate system The earth's form 
and its movements are also significant as the 
bases upon which man has developed the 
system he uses to determine and describe 
position and relative location on the earth's 
surface. On an ordinary sphere there is 
neither beginning nor end, no natural point 
or line of reference from which to begin to 
measure the relative positions of other points. 
If it were not for its systematic motions and 
planetary relations, the earth also would have 
no natural point or line from which to meas- 
ure distance or direction. But the fact of rota- 
tion establishes the geographic poles of the 
earth, and these serve as reference points for 
the coordinate system by means of which 
directions and locations are determined. 

The system is similar to the familiar rectan- 
gular-coordinate system on ordinary graph 
paper, modified to fit the spherical earth. An 
infinite number of small circles is conceived 
parallel to the equator, as illustrated in Fig. 
1.5. All, including the equator, are called 
parallels, and the earth directions east and 
west are determined by their orientation on 
the surface. Since each of the small circles is 
parallel to the equator, every point on a given 
parallel will be the same distance from the 
equator, the same distance from the North 
Pole, and the same distance from the South 
Pole. The distance of a point from the 
equator or one of the poles is called latitude 
in the earth's coordinate system and is ex- 
pressed by identifying the parallel on which 
the point is located. 

Of course a statement of latitude is not 
enough to locate a point since a parallel is a 
circle, and the point could be anywhere on 
it. Position east or west on a parallel, called 
longitude, may be determined by reference to 
a different system of circles arranged per- 

FIG. 1.5 Arrangement of the parallels in the 
earth's coordinate system. The parallels establish 
the directions east and west and provide a method 
for designating positions north and south. Only a 
few of the infinite number possible are shown here. 

pendicular to the parallels. In a plane, or 
flat, coordinate system these lines are also 
parallel to one another, but on the spherical 
earth they must converge and intersect at the 
poles; they are, however, equally spaced on 
any parallel. These great circles are called 
meridians, and the earth directions north and 
south are determined by their orientation on 
the surface, as shown in Fig. 1.6. In practice 
each meridional great circle is halved at the 
poles to form opposite pairs of semicircular 
meridians extending from pole to pole. 

Latitude In numbering the earth's co- 
ordinate system, the great circle formed by 
each pair of meridians is divided into quad- 
rants, the points of division being the poles 
and the two intersections with the equator. 
Each meridional quadrant is divided into 90 
of latitude, and the numbering of the latitude 
proceeds from the equator (0 Lat) to each 
pole. Location along a meridian is established 
by noting the intersection of it by a partic- 
ular parallel. Thus latitude is reckoned from 


the equator northward to the North Pole on 
any meridian and, in the same way, from the 
equator to the South Pole. Consequently the 
terms low, middle, and high latitudes refer to 
the values of the numbering system; for ex- 
ample, the lower latitudes are those areas 
near the equator. 

The lengths of the degrees of latitude are 
not quite identical along a meridian. On a 
sphere each arc unit of a great circle has the 
same length, of course, but the earth is not 
quite a true sphere. The latitude of a point 
is determined by observing, at the point in 
question, the angular difference between the 
horizon and some celestial body, such as 
Polaris (the North Star) or the sun (Fig. 1.7). 
A degree of latitude is, therefore, the distance 
north or south a person must move along a 
meridian in order to observe 1 change in 
this angle. Because of the flattening in the 
polar regions, a traveler must go farther along 
a meridian there to obtain a change of 1. 

FIG. 1.6 Adding the meridian system to the 
parallel system provides for an infinite number of 
coordinate intersections specifying the location of 
any and all points on the earth. The meridians 
themselves establish the directions north and south 
and provide a method for designating positions 
east and west. 




FIG. 1.7 The relation between (1) the curvature 
of the earth's surface (in this case north-south), 

(2) the angle above the horizon of Polaris, and 

(3) the latitude. 

The first degree of latitude from the equator 
covers a distance of 68.7 miles, while the 
first degree from either pole is 69.4 miles 
long. Each degree of latitude is divided into 
60 minutes ( ' ), each minute into 60 seconds 
( " ). One minute of latitude is very nearly 1 
nautical mile, or about 1.15 statute miles, 
and one second of latitude is about 101 ft. 
The length of the meter, the standard of dis- 
tance measurement in the metric system, is in 
theory one ten-millionth of the meridional 
quadrant, the distance from the equator to 
the pole. 

Commonly only a few of the infinite num- 
ber of meridian and parallel circles are shown 
on maps, such as those of the multiples of 5 
or 10. Often, however, four particular par- 
allels in addition to the equator are indicated 
because they have special significance. These 
are the parallels of approximately 23^6 N 
and S Lat and of 66% N and S Lat. They 
are important because the sun appears at dif- 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 7 

ferent angular elevations above the horizon in 
different regions. The parallels of 23% N 
and S are called the Tropics of Cancer and 
Capricorn, respectively. They mark the limits 
of the zone near the equator within which 
the sun ever appears directly overhead. The 
parallels of 66% N and S are called the 
Arctic and Antarctic Circles, respectively. 
They mark the limits of the polar area in each 
hemisphere within which the sun ever ap- 
pears above the horizon continuously for 24 
hr or more, or, at the same time in the 
opposite hemisphere, remains below the hori- 
zon for 24 hr or more (Fig. 1.8). 

Longitude Longitude is reckoned east or 
west along the parallels, but there is no par- 
ticular meridian marked by nature (as the 
equator is for specifying latitude), from which 
a system of specifying longitude may be 
started. All meridians are exactly alike, and 
any one of them could be designated as the 
zero meridian (0Long). In fact, for several 
centuries each important country numbered 
a meridian that lay within its own borders as 
0Long. So much confusion resulted that, 
in the year 1884, the meridian passing 
through Greenwich Observatory at London, 
England, was chosen by international agree- 
ment as 0Long. It is called the prime 
meridian. It intersects the equator in the Gulf 
of Guinea at a point which has the distinc- 
tion of having 000'00"Long and O'OO'OO" 
Lat. This point is, then, the point of origin 
of the earth's coordinate system. The degrees 
of longitude in each parallel are numbered 
east and west to 180, the meridian opposite 
the prime meridian; together the two merid- 
ians (0 and 180) make a great circle. 

The circumference of each parallel is less 
than that of a great circle in the ratio that is 
given graphically by the lengths in Fig. 1.9. 
Since each parallel, whatever its circumfer- 
ence, is divided into 360, it follows that the 



FIG. 1.8 The angular relationship between the direction of the sun's 
earth-striking energy and points on the earth's surface changes during the 
year, and thus so does the sun's apparent position in the heavens. For 
example, on December 21 a person on the Tropic of Capricorn would see 
the sun directly overhead (90 above the horizon) at noon; on the same day 
a person on the Arctic Circle would see the sun on the horizon; i.e., the 
rays would be tangent (at elevation) to the earth's surface. The segments 
of the sun's surface shown here to scale represent only about one two- 
hundredth of its circumference; consequently for practical purposes they 
have almost no curvature. 

higher the latitude, the less will be the dis- 
tance represented by 1 of longitude. The 
length of 1 of longitude along the equator, 
a great circle, is 69.17 miles, which is about 
the same length as an average degree of lati- 
tude. At 30 N or S Lat the length of a de- 
gree of longitude is 59.96 miles, at 60 it is 
34.67 miles, at 80 it is 12.05 miles, and at 
the poles it is, of course, nil. 

Determining Latitude and Longitude Any 
point on a perpendicular-coordinate system 
may be designated by establishing its ordinate 
and abscissa values; consequently, any point 
on the earth's surface may be located pre- 
cisely by determining its latitude and longi- 
tude, i.e., that it lies at the intersection of a 
certain parallel and a certain meridian. Thus 
if a person were to say that the dome of the 
National Capitol at Washington was located 
at 3853'23"N Lat and 77 00'33"W Long, 

FIG. 1.9 Comparative lengths of the parallels 
in relation to the length of a great circle, as shown 
by the line designated as 0Lat (the equator). 
Note that the sixtieth parallel is half as long as the 









-10 C 

he would have stated its position on the 
earth to within some 10 paces. 

The latitude of a place, i.e., its position in 
the north-south direction, is determined by 
instrumental observation of the vertical angle 
at that place between the horizon and a dis- 
tant celestial body. The earth is so small rela- 
tive to its distance from the stars (including 
the sun) that for all practical purposes the 
rays of light from a celestial body intercepted 
by the earth are parallel. Since the quadrant 
of latitude is divided into 90 and since the 
curvature along one-fourth of a meridian 
great circle also covers 90 of arc, a differ- 
ence in arc position along a meridian will be 
exactly matched by the change in angular 
height of a celestial body. For example, at the 
North Pole Polaris is almost overhead; there- 
fore its angular height above the horizon is 
90, and the latitude of the North Pole is 
90 . Similarly, if Polaris could be seen from 
the equator, it would appear almost on the 
horizon, that is, at an angular elevation 
of 0; and at 45 N Lat it appears halfway 
between the zenith and the horizon. Figure 
1.7 illustrates these relationships. They may 
be summarized by stating that the arc dis- 
tance in degrees of latitude between two par- 
allels on the earth is the difference in the 
angular heights above the horizon of a given 
celestial body as observed in the meridional 
direction at the two points. 

The use of stars other than Polaris to de- 
termine latitude complicates matters some- 
what since corrections must be introduced to 
take into account the fact that other celestial 
bodies do not lie on the extension of the 
earth's axis of rotation, but tables are avail- 
able to provide the necessary data. 

The longitude of a place, i.e., its position 
in the east-west direction, is determined by 
observing the solar, or sun, time difference 
between that place and some other point of 
known longitude. Since the earth rotates 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 9 

through 360 in approximately 24 hr, it turns 
through about 15 in 1 hr, irrespective of 
latitude. Consequently, if it is 10:00 A.M. at 
one point and noon at another, 30 of longi- 
tude separates them. To observe one's local 
solar time is relatively easy; noon is the in- 
stant when the sun appears to cross the ob- 
server's meridian, i.e., when it reaches its 
highest point (zenith) in its daily course across 
the sky. This instant of time may then be 
compared with the solar time of some other 
known place by means of a chronometer (an 
accurate clock) that is keeping the time of the 
other place, or by instantaneous electronic 
means. The difference in time may easily be 
converted to degrees of longitude at the rate 
of 1 hr= 15 Long. Solar time will be further 
discussed later in this chapter. 


The relative location of places may be 
stated in directional terms as well as by iden- 
tifying their latitudes and longitudes. The ex- 
pression of direction on the earth is somewhat 
complex since it is a sphere and its coordinate 
system is spherical instead of rectangular. 

Earlier it was seen that the path along a 
great circle is geometrically the most direct 
course between points on the earth, analogous 
to the straight line on a plane. Since the 
directions at any point on the earth are de- 
fined by the orientation of the parallels and 
the meridians, and since these are on a 
spherical surface, it follows that directional 
relationships change from place to place on 
the earth. Consequently one. can describe the 
"beginning direction" of the great-circle 
course from point to point; but elsewhere 
along the course the angular relation between 
the coordinate system and the particular great 
circle will change, unless the great-circle 
course is along a meridian or the equator. 
Direction from one place to another is speci- 
fied by stating the angle between the meridian 



The compass points east of north ( The compass points west of north 

20 15' -- 

FIG. 1.10 Lines of equal magnetic declination (isogonic lines) in the 
United States in 1960. Only at points along the agonic line (0 declination) 
does the needle of the magnetic compass parallel the meridian. 
Elsewhere a correction must be applied to the reading. 

((renfralized ftom a map by the f..V. Coast and Geodetic Survey.) 

and the great circle at the starting point, 
either as a compass bearing, e.g., NE, or as an 
azimuth, the angle between the meridian and 
the great circle, usually expressed in degrees 
reckoned clockwise from north, e.g., NE= 
45 az. The precise determination of azimuth 
requires astronomical observation to establish 
the direction of the reference meridian. 

When the direction of the meridian can- 
not be determined astronomically, various 
mechanical devices or the more familiar mag- 
netic compass may be used to find it. The 
needle of the compass aligns itself with the 
forces emanating from that great magnet the 
earth. Unfortunately, however, the positions 
of the magnetic north and south poles are not 
opposite one another and do not coincide 
with the geographical poles. The magnetic 
poles are even subject to slight changes of 

position. In consequence, only in limited 
areas does the magnetic needle parallel the 
meridian; at most places the needle rests at an 
angle with the meridian. The angle varies 
considerably from place to place, and the 
magnitude of the variation at any point is 
called the compass declination of the point. 
Figure 1.10 shows the lines of equal compass 
declination in the United States. East of the 
agonic line, where declination is nil, the com- 
pass has a west declination. In some parts of 
the frequented oceans the compass declination 
is as much as 30 to 40, and in the polar re- 
gions it shows very wide variations. 


The spherical-coordinate system, consist- 
ing of latitude and longitude measurements 

with their directional derivatives, is the 
fundamental basis for establishing relative 
location on the earth. Yet for bounding small 
areas or locating specific positions on the land 
it is often inconveniently complicated, as well 
as subject to errors of definition and instru- 
mentation. Consequently, in order precisely 
to designate parcels of land for administra- 
tive purposes, other methods are necessary. 

Metes and bounds The world's most 
widely used method prevalent in most of 
Europe and in some early-settled areas of 
North America, for instance is known as 
metes and bounds. In this an arbitrary point is 
designated as a point of beginning, for ex- 
ample, a projecting rock, an iron stake, a 
tree, or some other identifiable point on the 
land. The land segment is then bounded by 
a line extending from the starting point in a 
given compass direction for a certain distance, 
then in another direction for a specified dis- 
tance, and so on back to the point of begin- 
ning. This system has often led to dispute 
over property lines because the marked points 
on the ground have been lost. Moreover, the 
stated distances and directions have some- 
times been measured inexactly, as in parts of 
Texas, where some of the early Spanish land 
grants were supposedly stated in such units 
of distance as the length of a lariat rope and 
how far a horse could walk in a given time. 
In most parts of the world the bounding 
lines do not enclose rectangular parcels of 
land, so that the subdivision of the land does 
not produce any consistent pattern of shapes 
oriented to the cardinal compass directions. 

This lack of coordination is plainly ap- 
parent in the road patterns of many long- 
settled areas that were not subjected to any 
systematic plan of land subdivision prior to 
settlement. This may be seen in detailed 
maps of parts of North America, such as 
New England and Texas. In some localities 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 11 

of eastern North America the present small 
parcels of land are subdivisions of grants 
made by European rulers to noblemen or to 
the sponsors of settlement projects. In some 
sections, such as French Canada and French 
Louisiana, the present landholdings do have 
a pattern of rectangularity but are very long 
and narrow. Their narrow frontage is upon a 
river, and their length extends perpendicular 
to the river regardless of its course. Even 
some of the counties of the Province of 
Quebec have much the same shape. They 
were established at a time when river front- 
age was a most prized possession but the 
land of the interior had little value. 

Rectangular survey In contrast, this 
essentially haphazard practice was not used 
in a large part of the United States and much 
of Canada, which were settled after a govern- 
mental subdivision of the land based on a 
rectangular-survey system. This system was 
applied to almost all the regions lying to the 
west of the earlier-settled eastern seaboard. 
In this system the boundaries of public and 
private lands are often described in detail by 
metes and bounds but in relation to a network 
of essentially north-south and east-west lines. 
These include selected meridians called prin- 
cipal meridians and parallels called base lines 
(Fig. 1.11). They have had the effect of 
dividing the land into essentially rectangular 
blocks. The locations of the blocks are indi- 
cated by numbered townships and ranges 
(Fig. 1.12). 

The ranges are 6-mile-wide strips of land 
running north and south, each numbered to 
the east or to the west of a particular principal 
meridian. Each range is divided into a tier of 
townships by east-west lines 6 miles apart, 
each township being numbered north or south 
from a base line. Each survey township is 
thus supposed to be 6 miles square. By this 
system any township can be located by refer- 






FIG. 1.11 The principal meridians and base lines which govern the 
land-survey system of most of the United States, except Texas and the 
Atlantic Coast states. The fine-dotted lines surround the areas governed 
by each principal meridian; some of these areas are large, some small. 

FIG. 1.12 The system of designating 
government-survey townships by township and 
range numbers with respect to given principal 
meridians and base lines. The shaded township is 
T2N, R3E. 






Tl N 

Tl S 


R3W R2W RIW RIE 6 R 2E 2 R3E 

Ji 8 


ence to its township and range numbers, e.g., 
township 2 north, range 3 east, usually 
written T2N, R3E (Fig. 1.12). 

The usual survey township is further di- 
vided into 36 sections, each approximately 
1 mile square, or 640 acres in area, whose 
corners are marked on the ground. The sec- 
tions are numbered, beginning at the north- 
eastern corner and ending at the southeastern, 
as shown in Fig. 1.13. In addition, the section 
is divided into quarter sections, each con- 
taining 160 acres, and these are further 
divided into quarters of 40 acres each, com- 
monly called "forties." The quarter sections 
and the forties are indicated by the points of 
the compass (Fig. 1.14). 

Because the meridians naturally converge 


















12 J 

























1 /IN 

25 Q - 




























FIG. 1.13 The standard system of numbering 
used for the sections within a township. This 
township isT7N, R1E. 

northward, because straight base lines cannot 
also be true east-west, because errors occur 
in surveying, and because there are some- 
times lakes or streams at critical points, many 
corrections and other allowances have had to 
be made by men using the rectangular-survey 
system to subdivide land. Moreover, the loca- 
tions of the section corners and the quarter- 
section corners were in the past marked by a 
stake, stone, mound, tree, or other device; 
but too often these were impermanent fea- 
tures, and many of them are now difficult to 

Civil towns or other units of political 
administration may or may not coincide with 
government townships, which exist for pur- 
poses of survey location. In thinly settled 
districts the civil towns often are large enough 
to include two or more government town- 
ships or parts of townships. In other areas 
one government township may be divided 
into two or more small civil towns. The 
boundaries of civil towns, villages, and mu- 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 13 

nicipalities also are subject to change by 
appropriate legislation, but the government- 
survey townships remain. 

Wherever such a basic survey framework 
has been employed it has left an indelible 
imprint on the landscape, a pattern of patch- 
work rectangularity easily seen from the air 
and on air photographs. It is even reflected 
in the road maps of much of the United 
States and Canada since the minor roads and 
even the field boundaries tend to be oriented 
with the cardinal directions. 

In recent times other kinds of rectangular- 
coordinate grid systems have been developed 
to designate location on detailed military and 

FIG. 1.14 Parts of sections are described and 
located by quarter sections, designated by the 
compass position of each part in its section. The 
40-acre tracts ("forties") within quarter sections 
are similarly described and located. For example, 
the shaded area (a forty) would be designated as the 
NE'A of the SW/4 of, say, Sec 20, T44N, R5E, 
followed by either the principal meridian to which 
the range number referred or the administrative 
district, e.g., county and state, in which the area is 
located. A forty may be divided in quarters just as 
sections and quarter sections are. 

660 1320 2640 




civil maps, in lieu of the "geographical" 
latitude-longitude system. Their character- 
istics and uses are explained in technical 
manuals and treatises on map use and 


The movements of the earth relative to the 
sun cause, at each place on the earth, a vari- 
ety of changes such as those of night and day 
and the seasons. The regularity of these 
movements provides the basis for the system 
of time and the differences of time from 
place to place. 

There are two distinct ways of reckoning 
time, by clock and by calendar. From one 
midnight to the next is a calendar day 
regardless of the clock time that elapses. On 
the other hand, 24 clock hours are also called 
1 day, and the records of the two time-telling 
systems must sometimes be adjusted or they 
will conflict. 

Clock time Clock time, as already indi- 
cated, is reckoned from the apparent motion 
of the sun and is called solar time or sun time, 
with noon on any day determined by the 
instant the sun reaches its zenith. Because 
the earth does not revolve around the sun at 
a constant speed, the clock interval between 
successive noons at any place varies a bit 
during the year. So for convenience an aver- 
age is used, called mean solar time. Until 
about a century ago each locality kept its 
own time; i.e., noon was when the sun ap- 
peared directly over the local meridian. But 
with the development of rapid mobility this 
became inconvenient, and most of the world 
adopted a system of standard time. 

The standard-time system, in general, allo- 
cates to 24 zones running north and south, 
each 15 of longitude in width, the mean 

solar time of the central meridian of each 
zone. All places within a zone then maintain 
the same clock time although this may depart 
from solar time by as much as % hr. Changes 
of clock time are then necessary only when 
crossing the boundary of a zone, and each 
change is exactly 1 hr. Because the earth 
rotates toward the east a timepiece is set for- 
ward, e.g., from 12:00 to 1:00, in traveling 
east, and backward, e.g., from 12:00 to 11:00, 
in traveling west. In practice, these zones 
are commonly bounded not by meridians but 
by irregular lines, the locations of which are 
subject to administrative changes dictated by 
local convenience. Figure 1.15 shows stand- 
ard-time zones of the United Stages. In the 
whole system the 24 zones should each 
extend from pole to pole and each differ from 
prime meridian (Greenwich) time by an inte- 
gral number of hours, but in practice the 
arrangement is not quite so simple. Most 
countries follow the general plan, but some 
have not yet adopted standard time at all, and 
a few countries employ the time of meridians 
that are not multiples of 15 and therefore 
do not differ from Greenwich time by exact 

Calendar time Calendar time is reck- 
oned by specifying that one rotation relative 
to the sun represents one day, and the year 
is the period required for the earth to com- 
plete one revolution around the sun, which 
is, as previously stated, the time required for 
approximately 365^4 rotations. This system 
presents no problem if someone remains at 
one place on the earth; but if he travels all 
the way around the earth he will obviously 
either subtract or add one rotation, depending 
upon which direction he goes. It will then 
become necessary for him either to add or 
subtract a day so that his calendar will match 
those that have remained at one place. The 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 15 

FIG. 1.15 Standard-time zones of the United States as of 1960. 

(Interstate Commerce Commission.) 

total elapsed clock time is, of course, not 
affected, but by calendar time a day is a rota- 
tion, not 24 hr. 

This may be illustrated by imagining an 
airplane sufficiently fast to fly in an east-west 
direction around the earth in exactly 24 hr. 
If the flier starts westward from, say, Chicago 
at noon on a Monday the tenth of the month, 
his ground speed westward will exacdy cancel 
the eastward rotation of the earth. To him 
the sun will have no apparent motion; it will 
remain in the noon position in his sky for 24 
hr. The earth will rotate under him and he 
will "return" to Chicago the same (to him) 
noon. In other wojds, although 24 hr has 
elapsed, he will not have experienced a solar 
day. On the other hand, for persons on the 
ground a night will have intervened, and it 
will be noon of Tuesday the eleventh. The 
flier will therefore have "lost" a calendar 

day. If he had flown from Chicago eastward 
instead, he would have experienced a mid- 
night over Spain (6 hr later), noon of another 
day over central Asia (12 hr after leaving), 
a second midnight over the Pacific Ocean 
(18 hr after leaving), and would have returned 
at noon of his second calendar day, in spite 
of the fact that he had been traveling only 
24 hr. According to his solar calendar it 
would be Wednesday the twelfth, while to 
those who stayed at the starting point it 
would be Tuesday the eleventh. The traveler, 
therefore, would have "gained" a solar day. 
If a person travels slowly and thus cancels 
or adds the 1 solar day over a longer period, 
the case is the same. Unless he sets his cal- 
endar ahead 1 day when making a circuit of 
the earth westward or sets it back when 
traveling eastward, his calendar will be off by 
1 day on his return. 



To avoid the confusion that would result 
from individual choice of where to reset the 
calendar, an international date line has been 
designated. It is located along the 180th 
meridian, with some small deviations agreed 

upon so that island groups and land areas will 
not be divided inconveniently. By designation 
of this line as the meridian where the calendar 
day "begins," no calendar correction is 
necessary except when one crosses it. 



Maps, as scientific devices, represent graph- 
ically the relative locations of many kinds of 
phenomena. They are used in several fields 
of learning, especially in earth sciences. For 
the student of geography the map is an essen- 
tial tool, the medium for recording factual 
observations and their derivatives so that lo- 
cational relationships and changes from place 
to place may be studied. 

Maps are so nearly infinite in variety that 
they almost constitute a scientific "language" 
in themselves. To interpret them readily one 
must understand the important types of maps 
and their qualities. To that end the student 
needs to obtain considerable familiarity with 
three fundamental aspects of all maps. These 
are (a) the scale, that is, the size of a map 
representation relative to the size of that part 
of the earth which it represents, (/;) the nature 
of the system of projection employed in trans- 
forming the spherical surface of the earth to 
the flat surface of the map, and (c) the mean- 
ings of the various symbols or devices used to 
show the things represented on the map. 

Scale A reduction of the earth on a 
globe is the form of earth representation re- 
quiring the least interpretation. The dimen- 
sions of the globe may be measured, and 
their relation to the dimensions of the earth 
may be expressed as a ratio, called the scale 

of the globe. For example, the earth has in 
fact a diam of about 500,000,000 in., so that 
if someone has a large globe with a diam of 
50 in., then the ratio of the globe distance 
between any two places to the same real dis- 
tance on the earth is as 50 is to 500,000,000, 
or more simply, as 1 is to 10,000,000, com- 
monly written 1 : 10,000,000. This means that 
1 unit on the globe represents 10,000,000 
units on the earth. The scale is independent of 
the units of measure, but the same units must 
be used on each side of the scale. The scale 
may be expressed as a fraction 1/10,000,000 
in this case and called the representative 
fraction, or RF for short. 

Maps, like globes, always have a scale 
relationship to the parts of the earth that they 
represent. Usually it is given in the form of 
the RF; occasionally it is expressed verbally, 
as for instance, "One inch represents one 
mile." But most often the scale is shown by 
means of a measured line showing the map 
lengths of earth units, as in Figs. 1.13 and 

Maps are sometimes described as being 
large-scale or small-scale. The larger the part 
of the earth mapped on a given size sheet, 
the smaller will be the RF which tells its 
scale; that is, the larger will be the number 
in the denominator. Therefore, small maps 
of large earth areas are called small-scale 
maps, and, in reverse, large maps of small 
earth areas are called large-scale maps. Any 

map showing the entire earth or any major 
part of it is termed a small-scale map, while 
a topographic map, as described later, is 
classed as a large-scale map. 

The student should bear in mind one es- 
sential difference between the interpretation 
of the scale of a globe and that of a flat map. 
The scale of a globe, no matter how small, 
may properly be applied to it in all parts and 
in all directions, but the indicated scale never 
applies equally in all directions on a map. (A 
reason for this difference will appear below.) 
On very large scale maps this inequality may 
be ignored, but its importance increases as 
the scale of a map becomes smaller. 

Globes and map projections Reducing 
the earth with maps to help the geographer 
see its variations as some other scientists 
enlarge their objectives with microscopes 
is the job of the cartographer, or map maker. 
He may do this in two ways: he may simply 
make a reduced global representation of the 
spherical earth, or he may make his represen- 
tation on a plane surface, such as a sheet of 
paper, by a systematic process of transforma- 
tion called map projection. 

A globe provides a reduced but otherwise 
undeformed framework for a map, since the 
geometry (earth measure) of the sphere has 
been changed only in scale, and direction 
and distance relationships remain in strict 
proportion to those of the earth. Yet a globe, 
in spite of this obvious advantage, has several 
disadvantages. Among the more serious are 
that (a) only a portion (less than half) of the 
globe can be seen at one time, (b) if it is large 
enough to show much detail, it is bulky and 
unwieldy, (c) its curved surface is difficult to 
measure on, and (d) it is expensive to repro- 
duce. Most of the mechanical difficulties do 
not hold for a plane-surface map. It can be 
seen all at once, it is relatively easy to handle 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 17 

or store, measuring on it is easy, and infor- 
mation can easily be printed on its surface. 
For these reasons flat maps on plane surfaces 
are greatly preferred to curved maps on 
spherical surfaces. 

In geometric transformation dissimilar sur- 
faces are said to be applicable if one can be 
bent into another without modifying the 
geometric relationships among the points on 
the surface. Thus a cylinder or a cone may 
be cut and laid out flat to form a plane, and 
neither distance nor directional relationships 
across the surface will be changed. A spher- 
ical surface and a plane surface are not appli- 
cable, however. The bending required to 
transform one to the other must involve 
stretching and shrinking. This unavoidably 
results in changing the distance and direc- 
tional relationships among points on the 
earth represented on a flat map. Yet the other 
advantages of a flat map projection listed 
above far outweigh the disadvantages pro- 
duced by the stretching and compression. 


For more than 2,000 years men concerned 
with maps have been devising ways of dis- 
tributing the changes in distance and direc- 
tion on them so that the distance-direction 
alterations may be allowed for by the user. 
In some instances it can be done in such a 
way that for particular uses the distribution 
of error becomes a definite advantage, as in 
certain kinds of navigational maps. There is 
an unlimited number of ways in which the 
alterations can be arranged. The majority of 
the widely used map projections have one or 
more specific useful characteristics, each of 
which is called a property. A property is 
some attribute of the spherical surface that 
has either been strictly retained or usefully 
modified in the transformation process. For 



example, a projection may retain on the map 
the same relative sizes of areas as on the 
earth. There are several important properties, 
and some projections can combine several of 
them; some projections have no such useful 

The only two properties which can exist 
all over a projection are those known as (a) 
equivalence or equal-area, and (b) conform- 
ality or orthomorphism. They are mutually 
exclusive; i.e., they cannot exist together in 
the same system of projection. 

Equivalence A projection is said to be 
equal-area when the alteration is so arranged 
that at any point the maximum stretching in 
one direction is balanced by a reciprocal 
compression in the perpendicular direction. 
The consequence is that the area of any 
region on the map is shownjcorrccdy jnjsla.- 
tion to the area of any other region. The 
equal-area quality is extremely useful_jn 
many aspects of geographical study, foirjf 
correct area relationships are np^retained the 
sfii9enfis likely to make incorrect inferences 

re SH^SJP^~?l^5?l^ s ' Because of the 
jnescapable stretching and compression, the 
scale jhojvin^linear_or disja^ic^jdatjon^lujgs 
will vary from place to place on the projec- 

Over most of an equal-area projection the 
scale is different in different directions at 
each point, and this condition causes shapes 
of areas, even small ones, to be deformed. 
Indeed, equivalent projections always deform 
shapes, in some instances to a very large 
degree. Various equivalent projections arrange 
the scale departures in different ways so that 
the inescapable deformation of angles (shapes) 
may be concentrated in the less used por- 
tions of the map. The map reader must 
be alert to make allowance for this. Figure 
1.16, the equal-area map projection used for 

many of the world maps in this book, shows 
how the deformation of shape has been con- 
centrated in particular areas. 

Conformality The property of con- 
formality is of particular importance in the 
use of such maps as topographic and navi- 
gational charts. To obtain this quality the 
stretching and compression is arranged in 
such a way that, whatever the distance or 
linear scale may be at any point on the pro- 
jection, it is the same in all directions at that 
point. Since it is impossible to have the same 
scale at every point on any flat map, and 
since on conformal projections the scale 
must be uniform in every direction at each 
point, it follows that the scale must change 
from point to point. The larger the area rep- 
resented, the greater this variation will be; 
on maps of the whole earth it is not unusual 
for the scale to be several times greater at one 
place than at another. Consequently, the rela- 
tive sizes of areas must vary in different parts 
of the projection. In other words, a conformal 
projection must exaggerate or reduce areas 
relative to one another. When the scale is 
consistent in every direction at a point, earth 
directions (the compass rose) will be truly 
shown. This quality makes conformality use- 
ful for maps on which directions from points 
are important, as for example, maps used for 
navigation, surveying, or plotting wind direc- 
tions. Although proper angles will occur at 
each point on a conformal projection, the 
great-circle directions (and their azimuths or 
bearings) between places far from one another 
will usually not be correctly shown. Sim- 
ilarly, shapes of small areas will be well rep- 
resented on conformal projections, but shapes 
of large areas will be considerably deformed, 
as they are on all projections. 

Other properties Another property of 
considerable utility is that retained by those 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 19 

.0 80 100 120 140 160 ISO 






FIG. 1.16 The flat polar equal-area projection used for many of the 
world maps in this book, showing the areas where the shape deformation 
has been concentrated. The darker the shading, the more the shape 

projections that are called azimuthal. This is 
the quality of showing correct azimuths from 
one particular point to every other point. 
This can be combined with another property, 
equidistance, which is the quality of showing 
correct (uniform) scale distances from one 
point to all other points. Such projections 
are useful in plotting radii and in figuring 
distances and directions of travel that follow 
great-circle routes, as for example, radio 

There are many other properties or qual- 
ities, but most of them are limited to one 
projection. Thus there is a projection which 
shows all great-circle arcs as straight lines 
(gnomonic); another shows rhumb lines, or 
lines of steady and true bearing, as straight 
lines (Mercator); while several show east- 
west directions as parallel anywhere within 
the representation. The properties of a pro- 

jection may not be indicated in its name, and 
one must then turn to a treatise on cartography 
to find a description. One should never study 
a large area mapped on a small-scale map 
without an understanding of the distance- 
direction alterations introduced by the 
method of projection. 


Maps are employed to show the areal dis- 
tribution of many kinds of things, and there 
are consequently many kinds of symbols. In 
a general way the kinds of maps and their 
symbols may be arranged in four groups, but 
the groups are neither all-inclusive nor even 
quite mutually exclusive. The groups are (a) 
maps employed to show areal extent, shape, 
or outline, (b) maps for showing patterns of 
arrangement, (c) maps intended to convey an 



impression of relative land elevation or sur- 
face relief, and (d) maps employed to show 
the areal distribution of numerical values of 
actual or relative quantity. 

In the first group may be included all those 
familiar maps containing lines, shading, and 
color that show the extent or boundaries of 
areas classified upon the basis of some kind 
of unity. These may be countries or other 
political divisions, or areas of similar geo- 
logic formation, climate, landscape compo- 
sition, or any other natural unity. In the 
second group may be found maps showing 
patterns of drainage, city streets and roads, 
other means of transportation, communica- 
tion, and the relative distribution of towns 
and cities. In the third group are the maps 
that employ lines or shading arranged to 
produce the effect of light and shadow and 
thus simulate the land form. 

The fourth group includes many kinds of 
maps with symbols, such as dots or squares 
denoting area, and cubes or spheres indicat- 
ing volume. Each of these symbols is intended 
to express the existence of some numerical 
value in a specific locality on the earth's sur- 
face. In a sense such maps function as two- 
dimensional, or spatial, graphs. To a degree 
their usefulness is in inverse proportion to 
the size of the areal units for which the 
values are shown. Thus a few dots or squares, 
each representing a large unit of value and 
covering a large area, show generalities. On 
the other hand, many symbols, each repre- 
senting a small unit of value and distributed 
properly within small units of area, show the 
details of a distribution. 

Most such maps and their symbols are self- 
explanatory; if some are not, their specific 
quality may be determined by reference to 
the legend which usually accompanies a map. 
Care must be exercised by the map reader, 

however, not to "read into" a map a greater 
degree of accuracy or precision than is war- 
ranted by its symbols or scale. Except on 
very large-scale maps, all information pre- 
sented must be generalized, i.e., simplified in 
some way. For example, many of the maps 
in this book show distribution of such things 
as climatic regions, soil areas, and land-form 
differences by shading areas differently or by 
separating areas with lines; yet such shading 
and lines frequently represent only average 
conditions. Similarly, coast lines, civil bound- 
aries, roads, wind-direction lines, average 
rainfall amounts, and other information must 
be greatly simplified on maps. This is neces- 
sary for two reasons: first, details cannot be 
represented on small-scale maps; second, the 
fundamental facts and patterns of distribu- 
tions are not so apparent when unnecessary 
detail is included. 

Isarithms One frequently used carto- 
graphic device employed to show distributions 
of quantity on maps are the successive lines, 
each of which is drawn through all points 
that have the same numerical value. Such 
lines are called isarithms (Gr. isos, equal + 
arithmos, number). When they represent rel- 
ative values expressed as ratios, such as the 
number of persons per square mile or the per 
cent of land in crops, the lines are sometimes 
called isopleths or simply isolines. 

Isarithms are used to show distributions of 
many elements of geography, and these 
isarithms are sometimes named by combining 
the prefix iso with a term derived from 
the type of data. Hence one speaks of iso- 
therms (temperature), isobars (air pressure), 
isobaths (water depth), and many others. 

An isarithmic map is often employed, 
especially on large-scale maps, to show the 
surface irregularities of the land. Its isarithms 
are isohypses (Gr. hypos, elevation), com- 

FIG. 1.17 A clay mound in a tank showing 
(a) the marked positions of successive water levels 
with a 1-in. interval between each, and (b) the 
positions of the water levels (contours on the 
mound) as viewed from directly above, i.e., as they 
would appear when mapped. 

monly called contours. A contour is a line 
that passes through points that have the same 
elevation above sea level on the surface of 
the earth. The general idea of contour lines 
and the significance of their spacing and 
irregularities may be made clear by a simple 
illustration. The concepts thus explained 
may then be extended to the interpretation of 
the patterns of other kinds of isarithms. 

If in an open tank we mold, from clay or 
some plastic material, an oval mound 6% in. 
high that slopes steeply at one end and gently 
at the other, and if exactly 6 in. of water is 
permitted to flow into the tank, then only 
% in. of the mound will protrude above the 
water level. With *a sharp point the position 
of the water upon the mound can be marked. 
The water level can then be lowered by 1-in. 
stages and the water position at each stage 
successively marked on the mound. The 
marks will appear as contour lines on the 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 21 

mound, the lowest being everywhere 1 in. 
above the bottom of the tank, the next 2 in., 
and so on to the sixth, as represented in Fig. 
1. 17 a. If the mound is viewed from directly 
above, as a map is, the arrangement of the 
lines will be that of Fig. 1.176. From such a 
pattern of lines certain conclusions may be 
drawn which may be universally applied to 
the interpretation of contour and other 
isarithmic maps. Most important of these are 
that where the slope is steep the lines are 
close together, and that where the slope is 
gentle the lines are more widely spaced. On 
our little model the contour lines have a ver- 
tical separation of 1 in. This is called the 
contour, or isarithmic, interval. The numbers 
on the individual lines show the elevations 
the lines represent. 

Few hills in nature are so smooth as this 
mound, and the example may be made more 
real by introducing a pair of gullies or 
troughs on its side (Fig. 1.1 8a). If the sub- 
mergence is then repeated, and the lines re- 

FIG. 1.18 (a) The effect that surface 
irregularities have on isarithms. (b) Whenever 
contours or isarithms cross sloping troughs 
(valleys) or ridges (spurs) the apexes of their bends 
point upslope and downslope, respectively. 



drawn, the contour lines will enter each 
gully, cross its bottom, and come out its 
other side. If the pattern of the lines, as 
viewed from above, is transferred to a map, 
the arrangement will be like that shown in 
Fig. 1.186. From the arrangement of these 
lines other general conclusions become ap- 
parent. One is that when a contour, or any 
isarithm, crosses a valley or trough in any 
sort of distribution, it does so by a loop, the 
closed end of which points in the upslope 
direction. Between the two gullies is a ridge. 
On the contour map of the mound the con- 
tour lines that emerge from the gullies and 
pass over the ridge appear to loop so that 
their bends point in the downslope direction. 
An illustration of these principles is Fig. 1 .19, 

which shows "natural" contour lines marked 
on hill slopes as a result of wave work per- 
formed in a reservoir at different stages in the 
lowering of the water level. 


For some 200 years man has been making 
detailed large-scale maps of the land which 
have helped him slowly extend his knowledge 
of the character of the earth's surface. These 
maps, called topographic maps, are a pre- 
requisite to the scientific study of the earth's 

For a very much shorter time man has also 
been able to take precise photographs of the 
earth. The air photograph is somewhat like 

FIG. 1.19 "Natural" contours on emerging slopes. Wave-cut lines on 
slopes result from the intermittent withdrawal of water from an 
irrigation reservoir. (Taylor-Rochester.) 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 23 

FIG. 1.20 Highly generalized map of topographically mapped areas of 
the world. The black areas show regions generally covered by medium- and 
large-scale topographic maps. 

the topographic map since both are record- 
ings of existing conditions. By the recogni- 
tion of different tones of dark and light and 
various tonal patterns on a photograph, one 
is able to identify many of the physical and 
cultural elements of geography. With the aid 
of a stereoscope, overlapping air photographs 
may be studied in three dimensions. The un- 
generalized and realistic appearance of the 
earth's surface in air photographs makes them 
a useful aid in revealing and understanding 
the complexities of geography. But the air 
photograph is not the same as a map, since it 
records everything a camera "sees," whereas 
the map is a result of a process of human 
selection and interpretation. 

Many of the world's topographic maps are 
made from air photographs by analyzing both 
their geometric properties (photogrammetry) 
and the earth's image on them (photo inter- 
pretation). The air photograph thus consti- 

tutes a mapping tool as well as an interpretive 
companion of the topographic map. The 
detailed knowledge of any part of the earth 
is gained, in part, from its maps and its air 
photographs; consequently a knowledge of 
how well the earth has been mapped and 
photographed indicates generally how much 
is known about its various parts. (Figures 
1.20 and 1.21 show the extent of world 
coverage.) Yet it should be remembered that 
maps and photographs of some areas are old, 
of poor quality, or difficult to obtain, so that 
generalizations about man's knowledge of the 
earth based on its mapping and photograph- 
ing must be made with care. 

Almost all of the United States has been 
photographed from the air at least once, 
many parts of it several times. Most of the 
photographs are at a scale of about 3 in. to 
1 mile (1 : 20,000); and since the photographs 
overlap one another, there is a tremendous 

The earth: basic facts and mapping 25 

United States were available in 1956. (U.S. Geological Survey.) 

number of them. Topographic maps made by 
the U.S. Geological Survey and other govern- 
mental agencies are now available for more 
than half the area of the United States (Fig. 
1.22). The standard United States topographic 
map includes a quadrangle either of 015' or 
07W of latitude and longitude. They are 
commonly printed at scales of 1 : 62,500 
(approximately 1 in. to 1 mile) and 1 : 24,000 
(approximately 2^ in. to 1 mile). Some maps 
are printed at other scales. 1 

The topographic maps are printed in three 
or four colors, each showing a class of in- 
formation. In black are generally shown those 
features that may be called cultural, i.e., pro- 

1 The Map Information Section of the U.S. Geological Sur- 
vey, Washington 25, D.C., regularly publishes up-to-date 
indexes of the status of topographic mapping and air pho- 
tography and the agencies from which the maps and photo- 
graphs are available. 

duced by man, such as roads, houses, towns, 
place names, boundary and rectangular- 
survey lines, and the parallels and meridians. 
In blue are printed all water features, both 
natural and man-made, such as streams, 
marshes, drainage ditches, lakes, and seas; 
their various subclasses are distinguished by 
appropriate symbols also in blue. Areas 
covered by timber or woodland are sometimes 
shown in green. The contour lines, the num- 
bers, and the other symbols related to the 
elevation of the land surface are printed in 
brown. In recent years tonal shading has been 
applied to many topographic maps, including 
some of those of the U.S. Geological Survey, 
in order to enhance the visual impression of 
the terrain. A portion of such a map is 
shown in Fig. 1.23. 

Each map is provided with a place tide, a 
scale, and a statement of the contour interval 




F I G . 1 . 2 3 A portion of one of the modern topographic maps of the U.S. 
Geological Survey with terrain shading. These are among the best 
topographic maps made anywhere. 

used on that map. The contour interval em- 
ployed is usually either 10, 20, 50, or 100 ft. 
On the maps of extremely flat land, intervals 
as small as 5 ft, or even 1 ft, are used; but 
on maps of rugged mountains, intervals are 
sometimes as much as 250 ft. Both the scale 
and the contour interval of each map must 
be ascertained before correct interpretations 
of the map can be made, 

Facility in interpreting maps and air photo- 
graphs comes only with experience. In the 

chapters to follow, the nature and arrange- 
ment of many of the land forms to be de- 
scribed can be made much clearer and more 
realistic if use of the text is supplemented by 
selected topographic maps and air photos. It 
is hoped that some of these will be available 
to the reader, and that he will learn to read 
them so that they may contribute to his 
understanding of land forms in the natural 
environment. A representative list is given in 
the appendix. 

The earth: basic fads and, mapping 27 


Chamberlin, Wellman: The Round Earth on Flat Paper, National Geographic Society, Wash- 
ington, D.C., 1947. 

Greenhood, David: Down to Earth, 2d ed., Holiday House, Inc., New York, 1951. 

Monkhouse, F. J., and H. R. Wilkenson: Maps and Diagrams, Methuen & Co., Ltd., London, 

Robinson, A. H.: Elements of Cartography, 2d ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1960. 

U.S. Department of Defense: Interpretation of Aerial Photographs, TM 5-246, 1942. 


The varieties 
of surface 


The earth upon which man lives is char- 
acterized by a great and often pleasing variety 
of surfaces. High lands and low, level ex- 
panses and steep slopes, plains, tablelands, 
hill lands, and mountains are arranged in 
endless combinations. Because there are so 
many types of surfaces, it may seem that they 
are distributed over the earth without order 
and that an understanding of their nature 
and arrangement, or even a systematic descrip- 


tion of them, is beyond the ability of the 
beginning student. Actually, however, the 
land surface is quite capable of objective, 
specific, and, if desired, quantitative de- 

If many small areas are carefully compared 
in order to determine precisely how the land 
form of each is unlike that of the others, 
there is soon accumulated a long list of 
specific differences in the terrain samples. 

And if this list is analyzed, it becomes ap- 
parent that the many differences may be 
grouped under the four major headings of (a) 
slope, (b) surface material, (c) arrangement, 
and (d) dimensions. That is, the differences 
between any two sections of the land surface 
may be expressed in terms of these four 
major topics. 

Slope Slope refers simply to the incli- 
nation of the land surface at a particular spot 
Normally any section of the surface measuring 
a few miles across is made up of many small 
bits of sloping land, each one differing from its 
neighbors in steepness. Steep slopes, gende 
slopes, and slopes of intermediate steepness 
may all be present in a single area. However, 
there is a great difference between one area 

The varieties of surf ace form 29 

and another in the predominance of each of 
these major slope classes. For example, a 
section of the Texas coastal plain near 
Houston may be 95 per cent occupied by 
very gentle slopes, while in a section of hilly 
southwestern Wisconsin only 30 per cent of 
the area may be gently sloping, with inter- 
mediate and steep slopes occupying the 
greater part of the area (Fig. 2.1). It is doubt- 
ful that any other bit of information could 
tell as much about the fundamental contrast 
between these two regions. The figures not 
only suggest the contrasting appearance of 
the areas but also hint at important differences 
in the usefulness of the land. 

Surface material Most of the earth's 
land surface is covered with relatively fine- 

F I G . 2 . 1 An example of contrast in slope, (a) is from the Driftless Area 
of southwestern Wisconsin, (b) from coastal plain near Corpus Christi, Texas. 

(From U.S. Geological Survey topographic sheets: Boaz, Wis., and Petronilla, Tex.) 


B c 

v <*& 


I I Soil 


I . . . '."1 Swamp 


F I G . 2 . 2 An example of contrast in nature of surface material, (a) is 
from rolling prairies of northwestern Missouri, (b) from morainic plains of 
northern Minnesota, (c) from southern Alaska. (From U.S. Geological Survey 

topographic sheets: Bethany, Mo., Ely, Minn., and Seward A-8, Alaska.) 

particled mineral matter with some partially 
decomposed organic debris mixed in. Where- 
ever such soil (using the term in a very broad 
sense) does not make up the surface layer, it 
is a fact worth knowing. Surfaces of bare 
bedrock, of loose sand, of cobbles and 
boulders, of permanent ice, and of standing 
water are fundamentally different from soil 
surfaces, in appearance and feel as well as in 
origin and function. The character of the 
bedrock many feet below the surface and the 
chemical and detailed physical properties of 
even the surface layers do not as a rule be- 
long in a list of terrain elements. But clearly 
the gross physical nature of the surficial ma- 
terials cannot be omitted from a terrain de- 
scription without running the risk of serious 
misrepresentation. It would, for example, be 
futile to attempt a characterization of Finland 
or of much of northern and eastern Canada 
without mentioning almost at the outset that 
standing water and exposed bedrock together 
probably occupy as much or more of the area 

than is covered by soil. The icecap of Ant- 
arctica, the sand-dune seas of the Libyan 
Sahara, and the great coastal marshes of 
South Carolina and Georgia all owe much of 
their distinctive character to their unusual 
surface materials (Fig. 2.2). 

Arrangements Arrangements are the 
relative positions of features within an area. 
Streams, ridge crests, peaks, areas of gentle 
slope, steep bluffs, and exposures of bare 
rock are all set upon the land surface in dis- 
tinctive groupings that vary from place to 
place. Some of these arrangements, or patterns, 
may be best seen from an airplane or on a 
map. In some regions pattern is one of the 
most striking of all characteristics, especially 
where it departs from the usual treelike ar- 
rangement of valleys or streams and the 
divides between them. The remarkably par- 
allel arrangement of ridges in the middle belt 
of the Appalachians between central Pennsyl- 
vania and northern Alabama, the random 
dotting of small isolated volcanic hills on the 

The varieties of surf ace form 31 

^^<L_ Ridge crests 

F I G . 2 . 3 An example of contrast in pattern of ridge crests and summits, 
(a) is in the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin, (b) in the Appalachian 
Ridge and Valley region of central Pennsylvania, (c) in an area of volcanic 

Cones in SOUth central Oregon. (From U.S. Geological Survey topographic sheets: 
La Fatge, Wi\., Orbiwnia. Pa., and Newherry Crater, Ore.) 

J 3' 

plains of south central Oregon, and the aim- 
less maze of lakes, swamps, and streams in 
northeastern Minnesota are indispensable to 
any meaningful description of these regions 
(Fig. 2.3). The patterns distinguish the char- 
acter of the terrain; they are highly signifi- 
cant clues to the geological history of the 
region; and they are clearly reflected in other 
geographical patterns, such as those of soils, 
of native vegetation, and of agricultural utili- 
zation of the land. 

Vertical arrangements are also significant, 
especially profiles, a profile in this sense being 
the change of slope or gradient along a given 
line. Included here are such characteristics as 
the cross-section forms of valleys; the even- 
ness, jaggedness, or presence of deep clefts 
in major mountain crests; and the various 
changes in gradient of streams from their 
headwaters down to their mouths. Regional 
contrasts in these are sometimes striking and 
important (Figs. 2.4, 2.5). The student of 

FIG. 2.4 The continuously high crest line of the Sierra Nevada of 
California (a) contrasts sharply with the deeply serrated crest of the Cascade 
Range in Washington (b). The openings near the ends of the lower profile 

are railroad tunnels. (From Army Map Service series V502: Fresno and Wenatchee 


01234 5 Miles 

Vertical exaggeration 3.3 X 1 



Vertical exaggeration 3.3x1 

FIG. 2.5 Example of contrasting transverse profiles in areas of high 
relief, (a) is from Basin and Range province in Nevada, (b) from Colorado 
Plateaus in northern Arizona, and (c) from Rocky Mountains of Idaho. 

(From U.S. Geological Survey topographic sheets: Sonoma Range, Nev., Diamond Creek, 
Ariz., and Lolo, Idaho.) 

earth history finds cross-section profiles of 
valleys and divides and the longways profiles 
of streams especially valuable, for they may 
sometimes be used to determine previous up- 

lifts of the earth's crust in an area, earlier 
variations in the volume of its streams, and 
the effects of the nature of the rocks upon 
the processes of erosion. These examples 

FIG. 2.6 Example of contrast in texture, or spacing of valleys and 
ravines. The patterns are similar, but the textures are strikingly different, 
(a) is from Badlands of southwestern South Dakota, (b) from central 

Missouri. (From U.S. Geological Survey topographic sheets; Cuny Table East, S. Dak., 
and Nehon, Mo.) 


Valleys and Ravines 

The varieties of surf ace form 33 


1 2 


FIG. 2.7 Contrasting local relief in two areas of rough lands, (a) is from 
Missouri Ozarks, (b) from Appalachians in central West Virginia. 

(From U.S. Geological Survey topographic sheets: Round Spring, Mo., and Bald Knob, W. Va.) 

will suggest that profiles of the terrain may 
relate also to other aspects of geography, in- 
cluding utilization of the land by man. 

Dimensions Dimensions give scale to 
the characterization. Without a knowledge of 
such numerical values as the height of 
ridges, the width and depth of valleys, the 
spacing of streams, and the size of patches of 
gently sloping land, it is impossible to visu- 
alize a landscape that is being described. 

Important among the dimensions in the 
horizontal plane are the spacings of valleys, 
ridges and streams, and the widths of patches 
of gentle and steep slope, of bodies of water, 
and of patches of particular kinds of material. 
Areas similar in other characteristics are 
sometimes strikingly different in horizontal 
dimensions (Fig. 2.6). Areas in which widths 
and spacings of features are relatively large 
are spoken of as coarse-textured; those in 
which horizontal dimensions are small are 

In the vertical direction, the dimensions of 
the terrain of a limited area are given by 

various expressions of local relief, or differ- 
ence in elevation. For a general expression of 
local relief, the difference in elevation between 
the highest and lowest points in the small area 
is sometimes used. Or a figure may be used that 
indicates the average or prevalent height of 
crests above the adjacent valley bottoms in 
the area. The relief along crest lines, on local 
uplands, and along valley floors or streams 
may also be of interest. Local relief is a char- 
acteristic of considerable descriptive value, 
suggesting at once something of the scale of 
features and the degree of irregularity within 
the area being considered (Fig. 2.7). If the 
local relief in an area is only 50 ft, it is evi- 
dent that the surface must be either nearly 
flat or marked by only small roughnesses. 
But a local relief of 5,000 ft immediately sug- 
gests a landscape of considerable grandeur, 
though without specifying what form its great 
features may take. When combined with data 
on slopes and profiles, local relief is one of 
the most revealing of all generalized expres- 
sions of terrain character. 



In the preceding paragraphs it has been 
suggested that a land surface, even a com- 

sidering it in terms of specific characteristics. 
Many can be described in quantitative terms, 
others with reasonable precision by words or 
diagrams. A complete and systematic descrip- 
tion of the land surface of an area employs 

plex one, can be effectively analyzed by con- all available techniques verbal, numerical, 



cartographic, and pictorial in order to 
speak objectively, precisely and clearly. With 
such specific and systematic information, it 
becomes possible to compare, characteristic 
by characteristic, any one bit of the earth's 
surface with any other bit. 

When large numbers of terrain samples 
from all over the world are so compared, 
certain combinations of major characteristics 
occur again and again in widely separated 
places. Given these similarities, a number of 
distinct types of terrain that may be recog- 
nized whenever they occur, and that together 
make up the entire surface of the continents, 
may be defined at least in the general terms 
of a few major characteristics. They are com- 
parable to the climatic types defined in later 


The scheme of land-form types to be used 
here is based upon similarities and differences 
with respect to three major characteristics: 
relative amount of gently sloping land, local 
relief, and generalized profile. On the basis 
of the first two characteristics alone we may 
distinguish among (a) plains, having a pre- 
dominance of gently sloping land, coupled 
with low relief, (b) plains with some features of 
considerable relief, also dominated by gently 
sloping land but having moderate to high 
local relief, (c) hills, with little gently slop- 
ing land and with low to moderate relief, 
and (a) mountains, which have little gently 
sloping land and high local relief. 

The second group, plains with some fea- 
tures of considerable relief, may be further 
subdivided on the basis of whether the exist- 
ing large amount of gently sloping land 
occurs in the lower part of the profile or in 
the upper part. If most of the gently sloping 

land lies at relatively low levels, with steep 
slopes rising above it, the surfaces may be 
designated plains with hills or mountains. If, 
on the other hand, most of the nearly level 
land lies relatively high, with canyon walls or 
long lines of bluffs (escarpments) drop- 
ping down from it, the surfaces may be called 
tablelands. If the relief is slight or if the 
amount of gently sloping land is not large, 
this profile distinction is less fundamentally 
significant, so it is not used here as a basis 
for subdividing plains, hills, and mountains. 
Figures 2.8 and 2.9 give examples of the 
principal terrain classes. Figure 2.10 shows 
schematically how the classes are defined. 

It must be fully realized that within each 
of these five major classes of land surfaces, 
which have been defined in terms of only two 
or three characteristics that seem particularly 
important to visualization or to utility, there 
exists a vast variety, based upon differences 
in other characteristics. Some plains, for in- 
stance, are conspicuously flat and swampy, 
others are rolling and well-drained, and still 
others are simply broad expanses of smooth 
ice. Similarly, some mountains are low, 
smooth-sloped, and arranged in parallel 
ridges, while others are exceedingly high, 
with rugged, rocky slopes and great glaciers 
and snow fields. The subdivision that has 
been outlined is intended to bring out only 
the most striking contrasts among land sur- 
faces and to provide a general basis for sys- 
tematic discussion of land surfaces and their 
origin as well as the general surface character 
of the various continents. 



Plate 3 shows the distribution of the 
major land-form classes over the earth. In 

The varieties of surface form 35 

FIG. 2.8 Examples of the three smoother 
classes of terrain: (a) rolling plains in 
southwestern Iowa; (b) Canyon de Chelly National 
Monument in northeastern Arizona, a remarkably 
clear-cut example of a tableland; (c) Hopi Buttes 
near Winslow, Arizona, a plain with hills and 

mountains, [(a) Soil Conservation Servur; (b) and 
(c) Speme Air Photon] 



FIG. 2.9 Examples of the two rougher classes of terrain: (a) an 
extensive hill land, the Lammerlaws, in the southern part of South Island, 
New Zealand, and (b) high mountain country in the Alaska Range. 

[(a) White\ Aviation Photograph; (b) Knit If. Stone.] 

The varieties of surf ace form 37 

addition to the five classes defined above, 
several significant subclasses have been 
shown. The conspicuously flat plains have 
been distinguished from the more irregular 
ones, the mountains of particularly high re- 
lief have been separated from the rest, and 
the few broad icecaps of the world have 
been shown by an entirely separate symbol. 
The following table, which was derived 
directly from Plate 3, shows that the major 
types of land surfaces are neither equal in 
total extent nor evenly distributed among the 
continents. The more irregular types of plains 
are especially widespread, suggesting that 
conditions favoring the development of such 
surfaces have been common in late geologic 
time. On the other hand, the generation of 
tablelands and flat plains requires sets of 
circumstances that have not occurred so 
widely. It will be seen later that each of these 
kinds of surfaces demands rather specific and 
limited circumstances to arise at all. 

FIG. 2.10 How the principal classes of terrain 
are defined and how they are related to each other. 


The world's land-form pattern is undenia- 
bly complex. However, a study of Plate 3 and 
other maps of surface form reveals broadly 
systematic arrangements and general similari- 
ties and variations among the continents that 
help to reduce the apparent chaos. 

Percentage of Continental and World Land Areas Occupied 
by Major Land-surface Types 

Eurasia Africa New Antarctica World 

nmcrica nmcnca *-* \ \ 


Flat plains 







Rolling and 

irregular plains 














Plains with hills 

or mountains 














Low mountains 







High mountains 











Percentage of 

world area 










A useful starting point in considering the 
world pattern is the cordilleran belts, the 
great bands that contain most of the world's 
major mountain systems together with various 
basins and lands of lesser roughness. The 
principal cordilleran systems form a nearly 
continuous ring about the Pacific Ocean 
Basin and thrust a long arm westward through 
southern Eurasia to the Atlantic. Sometimes 
they are described as a group of three arms 
radiating from a "knot" in the Pamir region 
of the Afghanistan-U.S.S.R. frontier (Fig. 
2.11). Thus both of the Americas and Eura- 
sia have long cordilleran segments running 
along one side of the continent, forming for 
each an immense "backbone" to which the 
less rugged remainder of the continent is at- 
tached. Africa and Australia lack such well- 
marked cordilleran bands, though in each of 
them there is a relatively rough zone running 
from north to south through the eastern part 
of the land mass. 

In the Americas and Eurasia there is, 
toward the Atlantic margin, secondary rough 
land, less rugged than the cordilleran belt 
opposite it. Between the two rough belts lie 
the most extensive plains of these three con- 
tinents. In Africa and Australia the pattern is 
more patchy, with large areas of plains inter- 
mingled with areas of moderate roughness 
comparable to the secondary rough lands of 
the cordilleran continents. The Antarctic 
Continent is so largely covered by ice that 
little is known of the form of its bedrock sur- 
face except that it is in part ruggedly moun- 
tainous. It is believed possible that the 
"continent" beneath the ice may actually 
involve more than one land mass. 


North America North America is a 
roughly average continent in the proportional 
occurrence of the various types of land form. 
Along its western side is a broad and com- 

F I G . 2.11 The great cordilleran belts of the world are all interconnected. 
They may be considered as three great arms radiating from the Pamir knot, 
two of them embracing the Pacific Ocean Basin, the third reaching westward 
across southern Europe. 



['.'."".'.1 OTHER HIGHLANDS 

plex cordilleran belt that occupies most of 
Alaska, more than a quarter of Canada and 
the United States, and all but an interrupted 
east-coastal strip in Mexico and Central 
America. In the United States and northern 
Mexico, where it achieves a width of about 
1,000 miles, the cordillera is made up of 
loosely linked mountain strands separated by 
extensive basins and tablelands, considerable 
parts of which do not drain to the sea. North 
and south of this section it becomes narrower 
and more continuously rough. 

The extensive secondary rough land of 
North America includes the Ozark-Ouachita 
and Appalachian-New England areas, irregu- 
lar margins of the great Canadian Shield, and 
the major portion of the Arctic Islands. Most 
of this area is made up of hills and low 
mountains, but in the eastern Arctic the rug- 
gedness becomes extreme and icecaps be- 
come prominent. Greenland accounts for 
nearly one-tenth of the world's area of icecap. 

The North American plains lie between 
these two bands of rougher land, with a fur- 
ther extension along the Atlantic Coast in the 
southeastern United States. The interior 
plains, with significant exceptions, are irregu- 
lar and rise gradually toward the west, reach- 
ing elevations of 3,000 to 6,000 ft at the base 
of the Rocky Mountains. The northern sec- 
tions are notable for their abundant lakes 
and swamps. The southeastern plains are low 
and frequently marshy near the coast, rising 
and becoming better-drained and more 
irregular inland. 

South America South America is simi- 
lar to North America in having a western 
cordillera, secondary rough lands to the east, 
and extensive plains between. However, the 
nature of the three parts is strikingly different. 

The South American cordillera, the Andes, 
is higher, more continuous, and much nar- 

The varieties of surf ace form 39 

rower than that of the northern continent, its 
greatest width being no more than 500 miles. 
Except in the extreme north and south there 
are no real breaks in the mountain wall, and 
in the central section the elevation of the 
divide continuously exceeds 10,000 ft for a 
distance of 2,000 miles. In the widest central 
section are broad basins at great elevation, 
strongly resembling those of the high uplands 
of Tibet. 

The secondary rough land is in two sec- 
tions, separated by the lower Amazon plains. 
The northern and smaller section, known as 
the Cuiana Highlands, is largely a loose 
array of groups and ranges of low mountains 
rising from the plains. The much larger 
Brazilian Highlands are a great platform that 
rises gradually from the Amazon lowlands 
toward the southeastern margin, where it 
drops abruptly to the sea. Most of the rough 
part of this section is along the high south- 
eastern edge; the interior parts are upland 
plains and tablelands. 

The plains of South America occupy 
nearly half the continent and form the major 
part of the drainage basins of its three greatest 
river systems, the Orinoco, the Amazon, and 
the Paraguay-Parana. They lie at low eleva- 
tions and contain (especially the southern 
basin) larger areas of flat land than are found 
in North America. The plains reach broadly 
to the Atlantic near the river mouths, and on 
the west abut directly, at low elevation, 
against the foot of the Andes. Only in the 
extreme south is there a more elevated sec- 
tion, the Plateau of Patagonia, a counterpart 
for the High Plains of North America. 

Eurasia Eurasia is by far the largest, the 
roughest, and the most complex of the con- 
tinents. Less than one-third of its area is plain, 
and that is split into numerous pieces. Like 
the Americas, it may be regarded as having a 



cordillera, a secondary rough land, and inter- 
vening plains, but these are vastly different 
in form, position, and proportion from those 
in the New World continents. 

The Eurasian cordillera covers nearly half 
of its land mass. In the west, from Spain to 
western Iran, it is of moderate width, and is 
composed of loosely linked mountain systems 
separated by broad, low basins, some drowned 
by the sea, and broken by numerous low, 
transverse gaps such as the valley of the 
Rhone River and the straits of the Bosporus 
and Dardanelles. Two strands of mountains, 
completely separated from the rest by the 
narrow straits of the Mediterranean, form the 
Atlas Mountains of northwest Africa. In the 
Middle East the basin levels become higher 
and the low breaks disappear. In and just 
beyond the Pamir knot the mountains surge 
to extreme heights and begin the fanwise 
spreading that carries the cordillera into all 
parts of eastern Asia. This section of the con- 
tinent, with its tangled ranges and huge inter- 
montane basins, is the most complex and 
extensive cordilleran area in the world. The 
belt even continues into the sea along the 
rugged island chains of Indonesia and Japan 
and hurdles the Bering Sea to join with the 
backbone of the Americas. Along the northern 
margin of the cordillera are a number of areas 
of hills, low mountains, and tablelands, the 
largest being the extensive upland of central 

The principal plain of Eurasia occupies 
much of the northwestern quarter of the con- 
tinent. Like the plains of South America this 
great wedge of smooth land lies at low ele- 
vations, even to the very foot of the cordil- 
leran ranges. As in North America the north- 
ern part of the plain contains many lakes and 
swamps. The flat lowland of northwestern 
Siberia is the most extensive swampland in 

the world. The dry southeastern part of the 
plain does not drain to the open ocean but 
to the immense salt lakes called the Caspian 
and Aral Seas. In addition to this most ex- 
tensive plain, Eurasia possesses several others 
of considerable size, most notably those of 
Iraq, of north India and Pakistan, and of 
north China and Manchuria. 

The secondary rough land of Eurasia is 
small and divided, occupying the Scandina- 
vian Peninsula and much of the British Isles 1 . 
It is largely open hill-and-low-mountain 
country, though in Norway it achieves con- 
siderable elevation. The Ural Mountains form 
a curious and unique isolated north-south 
band of rough country in interior Russia. 

The Arabian and Indian Peninsulas are an 
element in Eurasian geography that has no 
counterpart, for location, in the Americas. 
These peninsulas, lying beyond the cordil- 
lera, are both tilted platforms, highest on the 
west, that bear some resemblance to the 
Brazilian Highlands and are even more closely 
related to sections of Africa. The Arabian 
Peninsula may in all respects be considered 
a detached fragment of Saharan Africa, just 
as the African Atlas is a detached strip of 
Europe. There is little to distinguish its sur- 
face from that of northeastern Africa, which 
faces it across the Red Sea. Peninsular India 
is higher and more irregular, much like 
southeastern Brazil and parts of west central 

Africa Africa differs from the three con- 
tinents already discussed in that it has no true 
cordilleran backbone. High mountains are 
scarce. Surfaces smoother than hill lands 
make up nearly three-quarters of the total 
area. From the southern Sahara southward, 
Africa may be regarded as a series of broad, 
shallow basins separated by somewhat higher 
swells or thresholds. Generally speaking, the 

basin surfaces are largely plains, while the 
swells are commonly hill-studded plains or 
are carved into hills or low mountains. The 
long line of swells that traverses eastern 
Africa from north to south is especially high 
and in many places rugged and broken. The 
detached block of Madagascar is somewhat 
similar to the rougher sections of this swell. 
This central and southern part of Africa is 
moderately elevated (principally to the south 
and east), and the outer swells drop with 
varying degrees of abruptness to the sea or to 
relatively narrow coastal plains. 

Saharan Africa is generally lower than the 
southern part of the continent. It is largely 
plain and low tableland, with several areas of 
hilly or mountainous terrain. The trough of 

The varieties of surf ate form 41 

the Red Sea and the rugged swell adjacent 
to it separate the Sahara from the similar 
Arabian peninsula. 

Australia Australia somewhat resembles 
northern Africa, being largely low-lying and 
smooth-surfaced. Along the eastern margin of 
the continent runs a swell of moderate eleva- 
tion and roughness, the closest approach to 
an Australian cordillera. As in northern 
Africa, most of the interior is dry, and con- 
siderable areas of it do not have through 
drainage to the sea. 

By way of contrast, New Zealand is dis- 
tinctly cordilleran, with predominantly rough 
terrain that also characterizes the Indonesian 
and other islands north and northeast of Aus- 
tralia along the same general structural line. 



surface form 


The shortness of man's span of life led 
ancient peoples into a false idea of the per- 
manence of the natural features of the earth's 
surface. Since little change could be seen, 
even over a space of several generations of 
mankind, it was natural to think of the land- 
scape as essentially "given" and unchanging. 
Only along certain river courses and sea coasts 
and near unusually active volcanoes could 
significant changes he noticed, and these 

could be regarded as exceptions, perhaps as 
willful acts of the gods. 

But even now, when something is known 
of both the vast reaches of geologic time and 
the extreme changeability of land surfaces, 
man's short life is a poor yardstick with which 
to measure and understand the rates of earth- 
shaping events. It is like trying to express the 
distance from the earth to the moon in 
inches: the resulting numbers are so large 

they are meaningless. It is difficult to realize 
how much can be accomplished over millions 
of years of geologic time by the almost imper- 
ceptibly slow processes that can be seen at 
work today. Yet a simple computation shows 
that a canyon 1,000 ft deep could be cut in 
no more than a million years by a stream 
eroding its bed at the modest rate of just over 
1 in. per century. In the history of the earth's 
surface development, there has been abundant 
time for slow processes to alter the surface 
greatly and repeatedly. The lands in their 
present form are in no way permanent but 
represent only a momentary stage in a long 
and complex history of change. 

The natural processes that have produced 
and are producing alterations of the terrain 

How surf ace form develops 43 

are in a general way known and understood, 
though there is much yet to be learned about 
the details of their workings. It is convenient 
to group them into two major sets: (a) those 
that move, or locally change the composition 
of, the rocky crust of the earth (tectonic 
processes), and (b) those that move material 
about from place to place over the surface, 
picking up here and depositing there (grada- 
tional processes). These two sets of happen- 
ings go on at the same time and, as will be 
seen, commonly work in opposing directions. 
The land surface at any moment in earth his- 
tory therefore indicates the existing state of 
affairs in a never-ending war between tec- 
tonics and gradation. 


Nature of the crust The rocky outer 
shell of the earth was originally termed the 
"crust" of the earth because it was thought 
to enclose a completely molten interior. 
Although it is now believed that most of the 
interior is not liquid but very dense solid 
material, the term has been retained to refer 
to the thin outermost layer composed of the 
familiar types of rocks that occur at the sur- 
face (Fig. 3.1). These crustal materials are 
much less dense than those of the layers be- 
neath. The crust probably averages less than 
20 miles in thickness, and is much thinner 
beneath the ocean floors than under the 

Especially important to the development 
of surface form is the fact that the crust, 
although it seems very rigid, is actually not 
so in relation to the tremendous forces that 
attack it. Furthermore, the layers immediately 
beneath it, which are evidently extremely hot 

and dense solid-rock materials, are capable 
of very slow flowage or other deformation, 
much like an exceedingly stiff or viscous 

FIG. 3.1 Internal structure of the earth. The 
heavy outer line represents the crust, too thin to 
be shown otherwise. 

20 mi. 


F I G . 3 . 2 A portion of a folded rock structure that has been exposed in 
a stream valley. (U.S. Geolv^ual Smvey.) 

liquid. This combination of relatively weak 
crust and somewhat unstable underpinning 
makes possible the deformation of the crust, 
provided there are forces strong enough to 
produce it. Since there is abundant evidence 
that the crust has in fact been warped, 
buckled, and shattered, it is clear that such 
forces do exist though little is yet known of 
their nature or causes. 

Movements of the crust Examination 
of the existing structure and arrangement of 
rock layers at or near the surface of the earth 
indicates clearly that over the long reaches 
of geologic history the crust has been sub- 
jected to almost every conceivable sort of 
bending, breaking, uplift, and depression. 
Rock strata originally laid down as horizontal 
sheets of sediment on the shallow sea floor 
are now found gently inclined, warped into 
broad domes and basins, or thrown into 
gigantic wrinkles such as would be obtained 

by jamming an immense carpet against an 
unyielding wall (Fig. 3.2). In places the crust 
has broken under the stress, and the sections 
on the two sides of the break have slipped 
vertically or horizontally relative to one 
another. When bending or breaking, sections 
of the crust have been raised or lowered, so 
that, for example, rocks containing fossil sea 
life may be found thousands of feet above 
the present sea level. Almost everywhere 
rocks are more or less shattered as a result of 
having been subjected to severe stresses at 
some time in the near or distant past. 

Examples of crustal movement A few ex- 
amples may give a clearer picture of the 
variety of crustal movements that can occur. 

The American Middle West is an excellent 
case of relatively simple and gentle warping 
of the crust. Here between the Appalachian 
and Rocky Mountains, the rock strata, mostly 
ancient marine sediments, have been cast into 

a series of shallow domes and basins. Rarely 
are the beds inclined at angles of more than a 
few degrees. However, because of the long 
distances involved, a single stratum may ap- 
pear at the surface in one locality, only to 
descend to a depth of several thousand feet 
below the surface a few hundred miles away. 
Much of the warping appears to have oc- 
curred long ago in geologic time. Even con- 
sidering its gentle deformation, this area must 
be regarded as one of the more stable parts 
of the earth's crust. 

The central strip of the Appalachians dis- 
plays much more intense disturbance of the 
crust. Rock strata similar in age and nature 
to those in the Middle West have been folded 
into a remarkable series of long, nearly paral- 
lel wrinkles measuring thousands of feet in 
height and several miles from crest to crest. 

In many mountainous areas, such as the 
Alps, the Himalayas, and parts of the Rockies, 
folding of the rocks has been still more 
vigorous and so complicated by fracturing of 
the crust as to produce a jammed and broken 
structure of bewildering complexity (Fig. 3.3). 
In some of these areas it is estimated that the 
crust has been shortened by several tens of 
miles by horizontal compression and buckling. 

How surf ace form develops 45 

In some places folding appears to have 
been less significant than breaking and dis- 
placement (faulting) of the crust. Prominent 
fractures (faults) develop, and over a long 
period of time vertical or horizontal slippages 
may occur repeatedly along them. By this 
means large blocks of the crust may be 
raised, lowered, or moved horizontally tens, 
hundreds, or thousands of feet relative to 
adjacent sections (Fig. 3.4). The towering 
east face of the Sierra Nevada Range of Cali- 
fornia owes its great height to large-scale up- 
ward movement of the mountain block along 
a series of faults that follow the eastern base 
of the range (Fig. 3.5). Many of the smaller 
ranges of Nevada and western Utah are raised 
or tilted fault blocks, as is the high Wasatch 
Range that rises immediately behind Salt 
Lake City. In eastern Africa an extensive 
series of trenchlike valleys has been formed 
by movements along parallel faults in such 
fashion that long strips of the crust have been 
left depressed between higher blocks to 
either side. The Red Sea and the Dead Sea 
occupy northerly parts of this valley system 
(Fig. 3.6). 

It should not be thought that large-scale 
folding or faulting occurs in single swift 

FIG. 3.3 Simple and complex deformation of the crust, (a) shows 
simple open folding in the Appalachian Ridge and Valley region in West 
Virginia and Pennsylvania, (b) shows combined folding and compressional 
faulting in the Rock Mountains of southeastern Idaho, [(a) After U.S. 

Geological Survey Geological Folio 1 79; (b) after U.S. Geological Survey Professional 
Paper 238.] 

A. Simple folding 


R. Comnlex fnldinff and faultinff 



FIG. 3.4 Development of a normal fault in 
stratified rock: (a) the strata before faulting; 
(b) fault, showing direction of displacement and 
the fault scarp (cliff); (c) modification of the fault 
scarp by erosion. (V. C. Finch.) 

cataclysms. Instead the movements proceed 
very slowly, sometimes intermittently or even 
jerkily. During historical times it has been 
possible to record some crustal movements, 
but none has been extreme in size. The coast 
of the Baltic Sea, for example, has been 
rising at a rate of about 3 ft per century, 
while the outer part of the Mississippi River 
Delta in Louisiana is apparently sinking at a 

similar rate. On the other hand, displacement 
along fault lines is often sudden, the result 
of an abrupt giving way to stresses that have 

FIG. 3.5 The rugged eastern face of the Sierra Nevada in California is 
a dissected fault scarp. Mount Whitney, at right, rises nearly 8,000 ft above 
the gentle slopes in the foreground. (Spenct Air Photos.) 

built up over a considerable time. These 
sudden movements often produce strong 
vibrations, or earthquakes, that may travel 
long distances through the crust. Yet observed 
fault displacements in single earthquake- 
producing movements rarely exceed a few 
inches, and never more than a few tens of feet. 
In the violent San Francisco earthquake of 
1906, the maximum observed displacement 
was 21 ft, indicated by the horizontal offset 
of a road. It must be remembered, of course, 
that however small or slow folding and fault- 
ing are, the time available for their operation 
is great. It is clear that processes of the order 
indicated by these examples can produce 
immense changes in the crust if they are 
enabled to proceed over a period of a few 
million years. 

Molten material in the crust Nor- 
mally both the crust and the layers of mate- 
rial beneath it are in the solid state in spite 
of the high temperatures that prevail below 
the surface. Yet repeatedly during geologic 
history, large masses of material in the deeper 
crust or immediately beneath the crust have 
become molten and forced their way toward 
the surface. The complex reasons why these 
molten masses develop are not well under- 
stood, though the masses are known to come 
into being most frequently in areas of active 
crustal deformation. 

The upward movement of the molten 
materials and the various phenomena that ac- 
company that movement are collectively 
known as vulcanism. Cases are given off, 
water in the ground is boiled into steam, and 
the molten rock forces its way upward, partly 
by melting the rocks above it and partly by 
passing through fractures. The various rising 
materials sometimes reach the surface, caus- 
ing the often spectacular events known as 
volcanic activity (extrusive vulcanism). Most 

How surface form develops 47 

of the molten material cools and hardens 
again into solid rock before reaching the 
surface (intrusive vulcanism). 

In extrusive vulcanism much rock material, 
as well as quantities of gases and steam, 
is forced out onto the surface of the earth. 
Some is emitted rather quietly as molten rock 
or lava; some is vigorously blown out in 
solid form, in particles varying from fine dust 
to large boulders. Some volcanoes character- 
istically erupt in a series of explosions, often 
of tremendous force. This happens when the 
vent of the volcano has been sealed over by 
quick-hardening lavas, allowing extreme 
pressures to build up underneath. Vesuvius 
is a familiar example of an explosive volcano. 

F I G . 3 . 6 An immense system of fault valleys 
(grabens, or rift valleys) extends through much of 
east Africa and neighboring areas. 

(From Machatschek and others.) 





FIG. 3.7 The volcano Parfcutin, Mexico, in 
violent eruption. Typical steep-sided cinder cone. 

(American Museum of Natural History.) 

Krakatau, in Indonesia, and Katmai, in 
Alaska, have created two of the greatest ex- 
plosions of human record: each mountain 
nearly destroyed itself by blasts of unbeliev- 
able violence. As would be expected, the 
percentage of solid material, or ash, in the 
products ejected by explosive volcanoes is 
high (Fig. 3.7). On the other hand, many 
volcanoes emit slow-cooling lavas that have 
less tendency to plug the vents. Such erup- 
tions are quieter and often produce a much 
lower percentage of ash. The volcanoes of 
Hawaii are of this type. 

Effects of crustal disturbances Both 
crustal movement and vulcanism produce 
two quite different sets of results that are im- 
portant to the development of surface form. 
First, each immediately and directly pro- 
duces irregularities in the surface. But further, 
each invariablv leaves behind an arrangement 


of diverse rock materials in the crust, a rock 
structure, upon which die surface-sculpturing 
forces will thereafter have to work. In the 
long run the second effect is the more far- 
reaching. The surface irregularities are soon 
destroyed or altered beyond recognition by 
the sculpturing processes, while the rock 
structures, reaching deep into the crust, may 
persist for eons, always modifying, through 
their variations in resistance, the activities of 
the sculpturing processes that are at work 
upon them. 

Geologic structure, indeed, is important to 
the development of land form largely because 
of differences in the rate at which the various 
structured rock materials yield to sculptur- 
ing. Some rocks are much more resistant 
than others, and hence will continue to stand 
firm when neighboring materials have been 
eroded away. Areas where resistant rocks are 
at the surface will tend to remain as heights 
and ridges, while weak-rock areas will be 
eroded to valleys and lowlands. 

The pattern of strong and weak rocks at 
the surface is largely set by the structure, and 
therefore by the history of crustal disturbance. 
Areas where the crust has been stable nor- 
mally show simpler structures and simpler 
patterns of surface geology than areas where 
the crust has been strongly deformed or in- 
vaded by molten materials. Layered rocks 
that have been tilted or folded will occur at 
the surface in bands of varying thickness and 
pattern,' with different bands displaying dif- 
fering degrees of resistance. Intrusive rocks, 
those that have cooled and hardened from a 
molten state without reaching the surface, 
will occur in masses, sheets, and fingers of 
varying sizes, that commonly differ from the 
surrounding rocks in resistance. They can 
affect the course of surface sculpture only 
when the rocks overlying them have been 

How surface form develops 49 

stripped away (Fig. 3.8). This may be long 
ages after the vulcanism which placed them 

Although movements of the crust are 
largely responsible for the major differences 
that exist in the elevation of the surface, the 
forms that occur on the elevated or depressed 
sections are often not direct results of crustal 
disturbance. For as soon as crustal disturb- 
ance begins to produce any irregularity of 
the surface, the sculpturing forces go to work 
on it, cutting into the raised sections and 
depositing in the low. Therefore by the time 
the crustal movement is completed, the sur- 
face may have been powerfully modified by 
surface sculpture, and may bear little resem- 
blance to the surface form that would exist 
had there been no erosion or deposition. A 
glance at Fig. 3.3, for example, reveals a 
striking lack of correspondence between the 
form of the present mountain surface and the 
shape of the underlying folds. 

Only where crustal disturbance has been 
so recent and so rapid that the sculpturing 
forces have been utterly unable to keep pace 
do* land forms occur that can be said to be 
distinctly tectonic in their origin. Some of 
the more striking examples of this are (a) 
volcanic cones, produced by the accumula- 
tion of ash and lava about an active vent, (b) 
extensive lava plains, formed by the emission 
of quantities of highly fluid, slow-cooling 
lavas, (c) fault scarps, which are cliffs resulting 
from large vertical fault displacements, and (rf) 
smooth domes, swells, and similar features, 
usually small, that indicate relatively rapid 
and recent folding. Usually even these forms 
show a certain amount of gullying and other 
modification by streams, glaciers, or gravity. 
Strongly sculptured counterparts of them are 
much more common. 

But technically produced surface forms, 

F I G . 3 . 8 A vertical sheet of intrusive rock 
(a dike) that stands in relief because it is more 
resistant to erosion than the rocks on either side 
of it. Near Spanish Peaks in southern Colorado. 

(U.S. G?fll<>Mal Sun<ry.) 

like all others, are, by geologic time scales, 
short-lived. It is probable that even a great 
mountain range can be destroyed by the sur- 
face forces in no more than 20 to 40 million 
years, and the major portion of the destruc- 
tion would occur in the first few million. 
Rock structures, on the other hand, as long 
as they are not stripped away by surface 
erosion, will last indefinitely. The folded 
structure of the Appalachians is perhaps 250 
million years old, that of the Scottish High- 
lands perhaps twice as old. Numerous gen- 
erations of surface forms have developed and 
vanished on these structures, but always their 
development has been strongly affected by 
the nature and arrangement of the underlying 
rocks, that is, by the structure that was 
formed so long ago. 

World pattern of crustal disturbance 
There are vast differences from place to place 
over the earth in how much the crust has 
been disturbed in past times and in how 
active it is now. Some areas appear to have 
suffered strong and repeated disturbance over 
a long span of geologic time and are still 



FIG. 3.9 The principal earthquake regions of the world. (After Uet.) 

active. Others have not undergone anything 
more severe than mild warping for hundreds 
of millions of years. Still others indicate, by 
their disordered structures involving ancient 
rocks, that they were active zones in times 
past, but show no evidence of recent 

The location of areas of past deformation 
may be determined from geological maps that 
show disordered structures of various ages. 
Areas of present disturbance can be located 
by the occurrence of earthquakes (Fig. 3.9) 
or volcanic activity (Fig. 3.10), by significant 
changes in level along coasts, and also simply 

FIG. 3.10 The principal volcanic regions of the world. (After Karl Sapper, Vulkankunde..) 

by the occurrence of mountains or other 
features of high relief (Plate 3). These maps 
all show the areas of greatest disturbance in 
late geologic time to be especially concen- 
trated in the cordilleran bands that encircle 
the Pacific Ocean Basin and extend across 
southern Eurasia. In earlier geologic time 
several other areas were active, notably parts 

How surf ace form develops 51 

of the Atlantic borderlands. Especially stable 
sections of the crust include central North 
America, interior South America, parts of 
northern Europe, and much of Africa and 
Australia. The reasons for this pattern of 
crustal disturbance are not well understood 
as yet and will not be discussed here. 



Any process that can pick up soil or rock 
material at some point on the earth's surface 
and move it somewhere else can thereby 
change sculpture the surface form. Where 
the picking up (erosion) occurs, the surface 
is lowered; where the material is subsequently 
laid down, the surface is raised. In a com- 
plex combination, such erosion and deposi- 
tion work upon surfaces and structures modi- 
fied by crustal disturbances, and the diverse 
forms of the land surface are produced. 

The specific natural agents that are able to 
move surface materials are several: running 
water (both in streams and in thin unchan- 
neled sheets), glacier ice, the wind, waves, 
and currents in lakes or the sea, and gravity. 
Gravity, an erosional and depositional agent 
in its own right, is also significant in the 
working of the other agents. The result is 
that when material is picked up and moved 
by any agent, it most commonly comes to 
rest at a lower elevation than where it began. 
The long-run effect is for higher parts of the 
surface to be lowered by erosion and low 
sections to be raised by deposition, thus re- 
ducing the over-all surface irregularity. The 

surface may be locally roughened for a while 
by the cutting of erosional valleys in uplands; 
but eventually, through the widening of the 
valleys and the lowering of the high ground 
between them, the surface becomes relatively 
smooth. It is for this reason that the agents 
working at the surface are often called the 
gradational agents. 


Processes of rock breakdown None of 
the gradational agents is able to accomplish 
much in working against solid, massive bed- 
rock. All are far more effective if the material 
to be moved is in the form of relatively fine 
grains or particles. But even coarse chunks 
are more easily moved than unbroken rock. 
Therefore the processes by which rock is 
rotted and broken, collectively referred to by 
the somewhat misleading term weathering) 
are very important preliminaries to the work 
of surface erosion. 

There are two interrelated groups of proc- 
esses that contribute to rock breakdown. One 
is simply mechanical breaking of the rock, or 
disintegration. The other is chemical altera- 
tion of the rock substances, or decomposi- 


FIG. 3.11 Jointing in granite. Joint planes 
commonly occur in sets, all the members of which 
have the same directional trend. The sets may be 
vertical, inclined, or horizontal. 

(U.S. Gfologual Survey.) 

tion. The two go on at the same time and 
actually aid one another; for on the one 
hand, cracking of rock makes for easier pene- 

F I G . 3.12 Angular rock debris covering 
surface of ground at 11,000-ft elevation in the 
Beartooth Range, Montana. At these high altitudes, 
low temperatures favor mechanical weathering by 
freezing water but inhibit chemical weathering. 


tration of chemical agents (chiefly water), and 
on the other hand, decomposition rots and 
weakens rock masses so that they can be 
more easily broken. 

Mechanical breaking Rocks are broken 
mechanically in several ways. Much breaking 
occurs far beneath the surface as a result of 
stresses produced by crustal deformation, 
heating, cooling, and compaction. Thus most 
rocks are found to be shot through with 
small cracks (joints), and some are quite 
shattered, by the time they are exposed to 
the surface by erosional stripping (Fig. 3.11). 
Then near the surface the rocks are attacked 
by other agents. Tiny plant roots invade 
crevices and pore spaces and crack the rocks 
by the tremendous pressures they exert as 
they grow. Water freezes in similar openings 
and exerts breaking pressures as it expands 
upon changing to ice. Bits are loosened from 
the surface by the impact of moving frag- 
ments on stream beds, by the blasting of 
wind-blown sand, by slides and avalanches, 
and by extreme heating under forest fires or 
where lightning strikes. Some maintain that 
extreme day-to-night temperature changes, 
especially in desert areas, may cause enough 
irregular expansion and contraction to strain 
rocks to the breaking point, but this is de- 
batable. Mechanical breakup therefore may 
be found occurring everywhere, though most 
intensively where strong crustal deformation 
has taken place, where tree roots are abun- 
dant, and where alternate freezing and thaw- 
ing is frequent (Fig. 3.12). 

Chemical decomposition Rocks are chem- 
ically decomposed principally by water con- 
taining in solution various substances, notably 
carbon dioxide, that increase its chemical ag- 
gressiveness. These substances are in part 
given off by plant roots, in part released dur- 
ing the decay of organic remains on and in 

surface form develops 53 

the soil, and in small part carried down by 
rain water from the atmosphere. One would 
naturally, and correctly, expect chemical de- 
composition to be most rapid where water is 
abundant, and least active where water is 
scarce or is frozen much of the time. High 
temperatures keep water unfrozen and also 
favor rapidity of chemical reaction. Hence 
the humid tropics should be most favored 
realms for chemical decomposition, while in 
the deserts, the polar areas, and the high- 
mountain zones decomposition should be 
slow. The truth of this is demonstrated by 
the prevalence, in humid regions, of a cover 
of fine-particled soil and partially decomposed 
rock at the surface (Fig. 3.13). But in dry 
and very cold areas such a cover is usually 
patchy and thin, and the angular fragments 
produced by mechanical breaking are more 
in evidence, not because they are more abun- 
dant there than elsewhere, but simply because 
they are not covered by finer debris. 

Rock resistance There are many kinds 
of rocks, and they react variously to the at- 
tacks of the disintegrating and decomposing 
agents. These differences stem from the 
chemical composition of the rock materials 
and the size and arrangement of the grains or 
particles of the rock. 

Rocks are made up of particles of various 
substances called minerals, each of which 
has its own well-defined chemical composi- 
tion and physical properties. Some minerals 
are soluble or otherwise unstable chemically 
under conditions that are common near the 
earth's surface. These, of course, are especially 
liable to decomposition. Other minerals are 
highly stable chemically under normal sur- 
face conditions and thus resist decomposi- 
tion. Some minerals are physically hard and 
difficult to break. Others are easily crushed 
or split. 

-- ' 

1% " " ' 


f , 

M i . 3 . 1 3 bearocK grading up war a into 
weathered rock and soil. 

Since rocks differ in the minerals of which 
they are composed, they differ in their 
resistance to attack. Those that are made up 
largely of unstable minerals are easily decom- 
posed, while those that contain chiefly stable 
or hard minerals resist breakdown. Also im- 
portant are the arrangement and size of the 
mineral grains. In some rocks the grains are 
intricately interlocked and closely spaced, so 
that breakage is resisted and water penetra- 
tion is slow. In others the particles are loosely 
cemented or are in the form of poorly joined 
plates or sheets, so that they readily break or 
split. Water penetrates easily into porous 
rocks, thus speeding the rotting process. 

Though space does not permit a lengthy 
discussion of specific rock types and their re- 
sistance, a few examples will illustrate the 
subject. The common rock limestone is made 
up largely of the mineral calcite, which under 
surface conditions is quite soluble. Thus 
limestone decomposes rapidly in humid areas. 
In dry regions, however, chemical attack is 
less active, and the dense, tight texture of 
many limestones tends to protect them against 
disintegration, so that in the desert limestone 
is often a relatively resistant rock. Granite is 



made up of coarse grains of the minerals 
quartz and feldspar. Quartz is hard and chem- 
ically very stable. Feldspar, on the other 
hand, is hard but decomposes fairly readily. 
Thus in humid climates the feldspar grains 
decompose to become clay, and the quartz 
grains fall apart but retain their identity as 
grains of sand. Even in dry regions granite, 
being somewhat porous, is easily penetrated 
by what little water there is. This causes 
slight rotting on the surfaces of the feldspar 
grains, which weakens the bonds that hold 
the rock together and furthers disintegration. 

Sandstones are usually composed of grains 
of quartz cemented by some other substance. 
If this substance is a weak material, such as 
clay or iron oxide, the sandstone may disin- 
tegrate readily. Or if the cement is a soluble 
substance, such as calcite, the sandstone is 
easily rotted. Some sandstones have been 
cemented by silica, chemically the same as 
quartz, and these (called quartzites if the 
cementing is especially firm) are perhaps the 
most resistant of all common rocks, chem- 
ically and mechanically and in all envi- 

The importance of differences in rock re- 
sistance as they affect surface sculpture has 
already been suggested. Where nonresistant 
rocks outcrop at the surface, rock breakup is 
relatively rapid, and erosion and valley de- 
velopment can proceed swiftly. In areas of 
resistant-rock outcrop, materials small enough 
to be moved are produced only slowly and 
sparingly. Erosion is hindered, the cutting of 
valleys and general lowering of the surface 
lags, and the area comes in time to stand 
above its surroundings because of the staunch- 
ness of its foundation. This is differential or 
selective erosion, an important control of sur- 
face sculpture. 



It is convenient, for purposes of study, to 
divide the work of any sculpturing agent into 
three parts. The first, erosion, includes the 
detaching and picking up of material from its 
original position. The second, transportation, 
is the carrying of the material from the place 
of erosion to the place where it is to be 
deposited. The third, deposition, is the laying 
down of the material at the end of the trans- 
portation line. To a degree this division of 
processes is somewhat artificial, for it is often 
difficult to say precisely where one ends and 
the next begins. It is also difficult to draw a 
fine line separating rock weathering and 
erosion. However, each of the processes is 
governed by its own set of laws, and for this 
reason it is valuable to consider them as dis- 
tinct from one another. 

Each of the sculpturing agents works in its 
own way, with its own peculiarities and 
therefore with its own results. Thus, for ex- 
ample, running water has a strong tendency 
to become narrowly channeled, while glacier 
ice, especially if very thick, is less subject 
to channeling, and wind and gravity are still 
less so. Hence running water is the prime 
producer of well-defined valleys; the other 
agents work more broadly. The sizes of 
particles that will be picked up, transported, 
and deposited by running water or by wind 
depend closely upon the velocity at which 
either of these agents is moving. This makes 
for marked place-to-place differences in 
erosive power, selectiveness in sites of deposi- 
tion, and a high degree of sorting by size 
among the deposited materials. Ice and 

gravity, on the other hand, have no particular 
mechanism for sorting materials by size. Their 
deposits are notably jumbled mixtures of all 
sizes of particles and chunks. Because of such 
differences, it is important to consider the 
work of the agents separately. 


Occurrence and importance A con- 
siderable part of the water that falls on the land 
surface as precipitation runs downslope across 
the surface in response to the pull of gravity. 
While it may start moving as a thin sheet of 
water on the slopes, it is always seeking the 
lowest place and the easiest line of flow. There- 
fore it soon becomes concentrated in well- 
defined channels, which progressively join 
with other channels to form larger and larger 
streams. Because there are few parts of the 
earth's surface where there is no running 
water, there are few landscapes that do not 
show the effects of its sculpturing activity. It 
must be rated, along with gravity, as one of 
the most important of the sculpturing agents. 

Water erosion Apart from the work of 
waves, which will be considered later, water 
erodes by four principal means: (a) the im- 
pact of raindrops striking against a bare soil 
surface, (b) the striking against the stream 
bed of solid particles that are already being 
carried, (c) the force of eddying currents in 
the moving mass of water, and (d) the dis- 
solving of material with which the water 
comes in contact. High velocities of flow, 
such as will develop where there are steep 
gradients and deep waters, increase the force 
of particle impact and also the amount of 
eddying, and hence increase erosional power. 
A cover of vegetation on the surface protects 
the soil against raindrop and particle impact 
and decreases the speed of flow, thereby 

How surface form develops 55 

tending strongly to protect the surface against 
erosion. Rains of the heavy-downpour type 
are productive of great amounts of surface 
runoff* in a short time, and thus are especially 
favorable to erosion. 

Other factors affecting the erosive power 
of running water are the size, cohesiveness, 
and solubility of materials available for it to 
move. As the size decreases from boulders 
through gravel to very fine sand and coarse 
silt, the ease of erosion becomes steadily 
greater. Fine silts and especially very fine 
clays, however, are surprisingly difficult to 
erode, because of the strong tendency of the 
tiny, flat particles to cling tightly together. 

Hence conditions especially favorable to 
rapid erosion are heavy downpours of rain, 
surfaces bare of vegetation, steep gradients, 
and materials that are soluble or that are 
largely of fine-sand-coarse-silt size. Least 
favorable are infrequent and gentle rains, a 
thick cover of vegetation, flat surfaces, and 
either unusually coarse or exceedingly fine 

Transportation by running water 
Particles that have been dislodged from the 
stream bed are transported in several ways 
(Fig. 3.14). Materials too heavy to be raised 
from the bottom may simply be rolled or 
shoved along by the force of the current and 
the impact of other particles. Somewhat 
smaller grains are thrown up into the current 
and carried downstream until they settle, 
strike the bottom, bounce up again, and so 
proceed by a series of leaps. The finest par- 
ticles are so light that they can be kept off the 
bottom entirely by the force of the churning 
eddy currents. Material in solution is, of 
course, indistinguishable from the water itself. 
In terms of the mode of transport it is pos- 
sible to distinguish a bed load that is rolled 



Finest particles 
carried in 

Coarser particles 
bounced along 
near bottom 

Coarsest material 
shoved and rolled 
along bottom 

FIG. 3.14 Ways in which solid materials are transported by running water. 

or bounced along the bottom, a suspended 
load carried in the body of the stream, and 
a load carried in solution. 

The ability of a stream to transport eroded 
material depends upon the volume of water 
and upon the speed of flow. Naturally a large 
stream has a greater carrying capacity than a 
smaller one. But with a given amount of 
water, a difference in the speed of flow has 
a profound effect upon the amount and size 
of material that can be moved in the various 
ways. As the velocity increases, the amount 
of solid material that can be transported in- 
creases manyfold, and larger and larger par- 
ticles are shifted from the bed load up to the 
suspended load. A sluggish stream may move 
clay as suspended load, and small amounts 
of silt and fine sand as bed load. A swift 
stream, on the other hand, may move even 
coarse sand in suspension and may be able 
to roll sizable boulders along the bottom. It 
should be noted that although clay is rather 
difficult to erode, it is the easiest of all solid 
materials to transport. Also, the carrying of 
material in solution is not affected by velocity, 
but only by the chemical condition of the 

Deposition by water Deposition is 
simply the end of transportation. Wherever 
the carrying power of a stream is reduced 
below the degree necessary to handle the 

existing load, some of that material will drop 
out. Since carrying power depends upon 
speed and volume, deposition results from a 
reduction of either speed or volume. Slowing 
of a stream occurs at places where the gra- 
dient becomes less or where the stream flows 
into a lake or the ocean, both common occur- 
rences. Decrease in stream volume in a down- 
stream direction is less common, but often 
occurs in dry areas. There a stream may 
receive little nourishment from the surround- 
ing desert, while losing much water through 
evaporation to the atmosphere or soaking 
into the ground. 

As carrying power is reduced, the first 
materials to be discarded are the coarsest 
parts of the bed load, followed by the re- 
mainder of the original bed load and the 
coarser particles from suspension. The finer 
suspended load, especially clay, will remain 
in suspension even at very low speeds. Dep- 
osition of clay requires that the water be 
virtually at rest. 

Development of valleys Because run- 
ning water is so readily channeled, much of its 
erosional activity is concentrated along nar- 
row lines of flow. The result is that the prin- 
cipal work of water erosion is the cutting of 
valleys. To be sure, thin sheets of water 
moving down slopes also do some stripping 
of surface soil, but under natural conditions 

How surf ace form develops 57 

this work is small compared with that accom- 
plished by the channeled flow. 

In stream beds the erosional force is di- 
rected chiefly downward, so that valley 
deepening is the principal erosional effect. 
However, such downcutting cannot go on 
indefinitely. The mouth of a stream cannot 
be lowered as long as the sea or lake level 
does not change, and the rest of the stream 
bed cannot be cut below the level of the 
mouth, or baselevel. The result is that as ero- 
sion continues, the gradient of the stream 
becomes gentler, first near the mouth and 
then successively farther and farther upstream 
(Fig. 3.15). But as the gradient decreases, 
the speed of flow, and hence the cutting 
power, also decreases, so that erosion be- 
comes progressively less active and eventually 
almost ceases, except perhaps for solution. 
The lower reaches of the stream normally 
reach this condition first, the headwaters last. 

In an actively eroding stream there may be 
significant irregularities in gradient, with 
falls and rapids intervening between gender 
stretches, as a result of different rates of ero- 
sion on rocks of differing resistance (Fig. 
3.16). In time, however, these features are 
evened out and the gradient becomes smooth. 

As a valley is being deepened, runoff water 

-Ultimate level of erosion 

FIG. 3.15 Idealized development of a stream 
profile. Lower reaches of stream achieve gentle 
gradients first, resulting in concave profile. 

flowing down its sides becomes channeled 
and cuts secondary or tributary ravines that 
flow into the main valley. As time goes on 
these become more numerous and extend 
themselves headward into the upland areas 
between the principal valleys (Fig. 3.17). If 
runoff water is abundant, this may happen 
rapidly, but if runoff is slight because of 
dryness, flatness, or porous and absorbent 
surface materials, tributary development may 
be very slow. 

Stream deposits Deposits left by streams 
take the form of thin sheets of material, usu- 
ally rather well sorted by size and distinctly 
layered. Any stream-deposited material is 
called alluvium. If the stream is flowing in a 
well-defined valley, the alluvium is deposited 
in the valley bottom as a long, flat strip that 
becomes thicker and broader as deposition 
continues. In time of flood the stream will 
often spread out over the entire strip, for 

FIG. 3.16 Effects of rock resistance upon stream profile. Weaker rocks 
erode more rapidly and allow stream to achieve gentle gradients, while 
resistant outcrops, because they yield more slowly and are undercut from 
below, develop steep gradients, rapids, and falls. 


Rapids and falls 



F I G . 3 . 1 7 As a gully grows in length by headwdul er ubiun, tributary 
gullies branch from its sides and grow in like manner. (F. W. Lehman^ 
g. Railroad Company.) 

which reason such a deposit is called a 
floodplain. If deposition occurs where the 
stream is not in a valley, the deposit will take 
the form of a broad, flat, fan-shaped sheet, 
across which the stream channel may shift 
rather freely. Such a deposit, if made on dry 
land, is called an alluvial fan (Fig. 3.18). If 
laid down in water at the mouth of a stream, 
where it is normally flatter and more marshy, 
it is known as a delta. 

Alluvial materials, except for clays and 
very coarse debris, are easily reworked and 
re-eroded, especially at floodtimes, when the 
streams are particularly powerful. For this 
reason stream channels on alluvial surfaces 
are continually being altered and shifted. If 
the stream is a steep one that is depositing 
sand and gravel, it tends to develop a wide, 
shallow channel, choked with many sand 

bars and low islands (braided channel). If 
the stream is sluggish and is flowing on silty 
materials, it tends to develop a very winding 
(meandering) course, with looping bends that 
are continually changing form and are occa- 
sionally cut off from the main stream (Fig. 
3.19). Between these two extremes are many 
intermediate types. Channels on alluvial fans 
and on deltas commonly branch in a down- 
stream direction, spreading out from the head 
of the deposit. Alluvial- surf ace streams will 
be more fully discussed in the next chapter. 


Gravity as an earth-moving agent 

Streams and glaciers flow in direct response 
to the pull of gravity, and the ways in which 
they move earth materials are conditioned by 
the fact that gravitational force is always 

present everywhere. Indeed, the force of 
gravity is well known as a contributing factor 
in the operations of all other gradational 
agents. But the work of gravity as an essen- 
tially independent gradational agent in its own 
right is much less familiar, and its importance 
was in the past grossly underestimated. 

Just as gravity's pull urges water or ice to 
flow, so also does it exert a continuous down- 
ward pull on the layer of weathered and 
broken materials that blankets the surface. 
That layer, of course, is rarely a fluid mass; 
it is rather an agglomeration of rigid particles 
and chunks of various sizes, each particle 
being supported by those beneath it. But if 
in any way the support is undermined or 
weakened or if the material of the layer be- 
comes lubricated, as it may through satura- 

How surface form develops 59 

tion with water, then gravity can act. The 
surface mantle moves downslope, either par- 
dele by particle or in large masses. Such 
movements are collectively referred to as 
mass movement or mass wasting. 

How and where mass movements 
occur Removal of support for the surface 
materials is commonly caused by active ero- 
sion at the foot of the slope (or of a section of 
the slope). This may be accomplished by a 
swift downcutting stream, a valley glacial 
tongue, a stream on an alluvial plain widen- 
ing its channel during floodtime, or by waves 
cutting at the base of a coastal bluff. By all 
of these processes slopes become oversteep- 
ened, support for the upper part of the slope 
becomes insufficient, and that upper part 
slips down. 

F I G . 3 . 1 8 A small and steep alluvial fan in Nevada. The apex of the fan 
lies at the mouth of the gully from which the fan material was eroded. 

(Jo/in C. Weaver.) 




F I G . 3 . 1 9 A sluggish stream on a floodplain commonly exhibits a pattern 
of shifting meanders. A stream moving and depositing quantities of sand 
and gravel often develops a complex system of intertwined, shallow, 
sand-choked channels. Streams cutting on bedrock characteristically show 
relatively narrow channels of irregular pattern. (From U.S. Gwhgual Survey 

topographic sheets: Fairbanks D-1 , Alaska, Fairbanks C-7, Alaska, and Fairbanks A-4, 

One circumstance favorable for this is 
present when the lower part of the slope is 
based upon rock materials that are weaker 
and more easily weathered and eroded than 
those above. This results in oversteepening, 
sometimes to the point where the resistant 
rocks above come to stand in cliffs, or may 
even overhang the receding slope beneath. 
Another favoring factor is the presence of 
slanting joints or other fracture planes in the 
rocks, slippery clay layers in the subsoil, or 
other such features: all may serve as surfaces 
along which the "hanging" hillside material 
may break away or slip down. Often nowadays 

man plays a part by making excavations in 
places where they undermine slopes. 

Saturation of the ground is especially likely 
to occur and cause mass movement as a result 
of long-continued rains or the melting of 
quantities of snow. It is not surprising, then, 
to find that actual flowing of the surface 
mantle occurs rather frequently in areas that 
have a pronounced rainy season and in areas 
that experience a rapid seasonal thaw, but 
infrequently elsewhere. 

Kinds of mass movements Mass move- 
ments differ from one another in the amount 
of material moved, the sizes of particles 

involved, and the form and speed of the 

On steep slopes the motion is likely to be 
rapid, sometimes extremely so, and may 
involve materials of every conceivable size, 
including immense boulders. These rapid 
movements may involve a single rock or a 
huge mass of material. They are often pro- 
duced by the gradual erosional undermining 
of a steep slope, on the side of which is poised 
a mantle of soil and weathered or jointed 
rock. Often the dislodgment of the particle 
or mass is triggered by some particular occur- 
rence such as a heavy rain, the entry of water 
into a joint or a separation between layers as 
a lubricant, a slight earthquake, or some 
excavation by man. The particle or mass 
breaks loose, falls, rolls or slides down the 
slope, and comes to rest near the base. Some 

How surface form develops 61 

such landslides and rock falls achieve tre- 
mendous size and may be highly destructive 
(Fig. 3.20). Most, however, are small and 

Saturation of soil by heavy rain or melting 
may result in actual flowage of the soil like a 
thick liquid. Commonly the saturation be- 
comes significant only in a limited area on a 
given slope, and usually in a clayey subsoil 
layer. Eventually the material of the layer be- 
comes highly plastic, and a patch or tongue 
of it begins to flow, usually at a slow but vis- 
ible rate, carrying the surface layers along 
with it. Occasionally such earthflows are 
very large, but usually they are small and 
move only a few yards before losing much 
of their water content and coming to rest 
(Fig. 3.21). 

In high-latitude and high-altitude areas, 

FIG. 3.20 The Gros Ventre landslide of 1925, near Jackson Hole, 
Wyoming, produced an immense scar on the mountainside and temporarily 
dammed the creek flowing in the valley below. (U.S. Forest Service.) 



FIG. 3.21 Earthflow resulting from rain saturation of the ground on a shaly hill slope in 
eastern Ohio. The lower slope shows turf bulges resulting from flowage beneath the sod; the upper 

Slope shOWS tension Cracks. (U.S. Soil Conservation Srtvttr.) 

the deeper ground may remain frozen for 
some time after the surface layers have thawed. 
The water from melting cannot escape down- 
ward by infiltration, so the surface layers be- 
come so wet as to be jellylike. The soil may 
then ooze slowly downhill over an entire ex- 
tensive area of sloping land. This process is 
known as solifluction. 

The most widespread, continuous, and 
hence most important of all forms of mass 
movement is, oddly enough, the slowest and 
least evident of all. This form, called creep, 
is not a single process, but rather the sum 
total of all processes by which individual soil 
particles can be moved a fraction of an inch 
downhill. There are many such causes. The 
filling of cracks, burrows, or root cavities 
comes mostly from the uphill side. The 
growth of frost crystals lifts particles and 
then upon melting permits them to settle 
downhill. Soil expands or swells when it is 

wetted, heated, or frozen, and contracts 
again when it dries, cools, or thaws. Such 
expansion and contraction is greatest in the 
downhill direction because of gravity. Soil is 
forced downhill by the prying action of 
wind-blown trees and shrubs or by the 
weight of walking animals. In these and 
other ways the soil on all slopes is slowly 
and steadily moved downward, grain by 
grain. Though the movement itself is imper- 
ceptible because of its slowness, its results 
are visible in various forms (Fig. 3.22). 

Importance of mass movement Aided 
only by unchanneled rain wash, mass move- 
ment must accomplish all of the gradational 
activity there is on the slopes and uplands 
that lie between stream beds. And since these 
have a total area many times as large as that 
of the stream beds themselves, the accom- 
plishment is great. 

The swifter and more localized forms of 

FIG, 3.22 Common evidences of creep: 
(a) moved joint blocks; (b) trees with curved 
trunks; (c) downslope bending and drag of 
fractured and weathered rock; (d) displaced posts, 
poles, etc.; (e) broken or displaced retaining walls; 

(f) roads and railroads moved out of alignment; 

(g) turf rolls downslope from creeping boulders; 
(h) stone line near base of creeping soil. 

^C. F. S. Sharpe, Landslide's and Related Phenomena, 
Columbia University Press, Mew York, 1934. Reproduced by 
permission of author and publishers.) 

mass movement, such as landslides and earth 
flows, usually leave behind obvious marks on 
the surface. Normally there is a sunken scar 
on the upper slope where the material has 
broken loose, and at the lower end of the 
scar a jumbled, humpy accumulation of the 
debris that has come down (Figs. 3.20, 3.21). 
Where prominent cliffs occur, chunks and 
blocks often break loose singly, and fall and 
roll to the base of the slope. Often they ac- 
cumulate there in large quantities, forming 
what is known as a talus slope (Fig. 3.23). 

These rapid and concentrated forms of 
mass movement are important chiefly in 
mountainous and hilly areas where steep 
slopes prevail. In many of those areas they 
undoubtedly account for a large part of the 
transfer of debris from the slopes to the valley 
bottoms, where it may be carried away by 
streams or ice tongues. It is because of their 
concentrated occurrence that they are less 
important, in total result, than the more un- 
obtrusive creep, which occurs everywhere a 

How surface form develops 63 

weathered mantle lies on even a gentle 

Creep, however, does not produce well- 
defined landforms. It urges the entire mantle 
downslope. Instead of forming scars and 
localized accumulations, it serves to drive 
back the entire expanse of a slope. The ma- 
terial that has crept down may be carried 
away by streams or other transporting agents, 
or it may accumulate in a thickening sheet, 
gentling the lower part of the slope and 
masking it against further weathering and 
erosion. Creep probably has most relative 
importance in humid areas that have a thick 
mantle of weathered material and a well- 
established cover of vegetation. Under such 
conditions creep can proceed at a significant 
rate, but surface erosion outside of the stream 
beds is negligible. Here, then, creep may be 
the chief means of modifying the slopes be- 
tween streams. On the other hand, where the 

F I G . 3 . 2 3 An extensive talus slope at the foot 
of a cliff. Bear tooth Range, Montana. 



vegetation cover is sparse or open, surface 
erosion by rainwash is much more important, 
though creep will still occur. 


Definition of glaciers Glaciers are not 
simply inert masses of ice and snow but 
rather accumulations of ice so thick that they 
actually move in response to gravity. The 
movement is much in the manner of the flow 
of very viscous liquids, like the traditional 
"molasses in January." Rates of movement 
of glaciers rarely exceed a fraction of an inch 
per day, though exceptional rates of several 
feet per day have been recorded. 

Since ice must become 150 to 200 ft thick 
before it will begin to flow, glaciers form 
only where there is the possibilty of an un- 

F I G . 3.24 Nysne Glacier, Peary Land, 
northern Greenland. Note the collecting basins 
from which the glacier tongue flows and the 
surface markings that indicate the flowing 
movement. Ridges of ice-deposited debris 
(moraines) border the ice tongue, and a braided 
stream of meltwater flows across the sand it has 
washed out from the ice margin. 

(Geodetic Institute, Copenhagen, copyright.) 

usual accumulation of ice carrying over from 
year to year. If more snow falls during a cold 
season than can be melted during the follow- 
ing summer, then the unmelted residue is 
added to the accumulation of the next year. 
The old, buried snow changes gradually into 
solid ice under the effects of compression 
and partial melting and refreezing. In a rel- 
atively short time a great thickness can be 
built up. Such circumstances are most often 
encountered in areas having unusually heavy 
winter snowfall but short and cool summers. 

Antarctica and Greenland have most of 
the existing ice-covered area of the earth. 
Elsewhere glaciers are confined to the moister 
and colder mountain regions. Dryness and 
summer heat are enemies of glacier develop- 
ment, and many high mountain ranges and 
even some large areas within the polar circles 
have no glaciers because of snowfall insuffi- 
cient to last out the summer. 

The ice in a glacier will always move, in 
the main, downslope and away from the 
center of thickest accumulation, following 
the paths of least resistance (Fig. 3.24). As it 
spreads beyond the region of accumulation 
into neighboring areas of lower elevation, 
warmer and longer summers, or less snowfall, 
its outer margins are attacked by melting. 
The ice will continue to spread until its edge 
reaches the point of balance between the rate 
of movement and the rate of melting. There- 
after, as long as conditions do not change, 
the edge of the glacier remains in the same 
place, though the ice is in continuous move- 
ment from the source to the edge. If climatic 
conditions change so that the supply of ice is 
lessened or melting is increased, the glacier 
begins to shrink under the attacks of melting. 
If melting is decreased or the ice supply is 
increased, the edge of the glacier advances 
until it reaches a new point of equilibrium. 

How surf ace form develops 65 

FIG. 3.25 Extent of former continental glaciers in North America and 
Eurasia. (After Flint.) 

Former continental glaciers If glaciers 
had not once been more extensive than they 
are now, they would be of little interest as 
sculptors of the land, for the surfaces beneath 
the glaciers are effectively hidden. However it 
is well known that at times during the last 
million years glaciers of tremendous size have 
spread over large parts of the Northern Hem- 
isphere continents. In North America they 
originated to the east and west of Hudson 
Bay and covered, at one time or another, all 
of Canada and the northeastern and north 
central United States. In Eurasia they devel- 
oped in the Scandinavian highlands and 
spread over most of northern Europe and 
northwestern Siberia. Most of eastern Siberia 
and much of Alaska were not glaciated in 
spite of their coldness, probably because of 
insufficient snowfall (Fig. 3.25). 

Outside of the areas of these continental 
ice sheets there was, at the same time, a gen- 
eral expansion of glaciers in high mountain 
valleys all over the world. The Rocky Moun- 
tains in the western United States, for ex- 
ample, which now are almost bare of glaciers, 
were heavily glaciated, much as the Alps and 
high Himalayas are now. There were no con- 
tinental glaciers in the Southern Hemisphere 
except on Antarctica because there are no 

large land masses in the upper middle lati- 
tudes where they could have grown. 

Why such immense glaciers developed 
during this great ice age, or Pleistocene 
period, is not at all clear. Unquestionably 
climatic changes in the direction of cooler 
summers and greater snowfall were involved, 
but the reason for these changes lies in the 
realm of theory. 

Even the course of glacial history is most 
imperfectly known. It is generally believed 
that ice sheets formed, spread, fluctuated, 
and finally melted away several times (pos- 
sibly four) during the Pleistocene period. 
The last major expansion reached its maxi- 
mum not far from 20,000 years ago, did not 
finally disappear from the northern edge of 
the United States until perhaps 8,000 years 
ago, and reached approximately its present 
state only about 5,000 years ago. This last 
glaciation fell well within the period when 
man had become widely established over the 
earth, and must have had profound effects 
upon his existence. By the time the last ice 
sheet had vanished, history had reached the 
early stages of the sedentary civilizations of 
Babylon and Egypt. 

The effects of glaciation were widespread 
and complex. The surfaces actually covered 



by the ice were modified by erosion and 
deposition, and were also evidendy consider- 
ably depressed by the weight of the ice, rising 
again when the ice melted. Valleys and plains 
adjacent to the ice received deposits of debris 
carried from the glacial edge by meltwater. 
Throughout the world sea levels were greatly 
lowered as more and more water became tied 
up in the ice sheets, only to rise again as the 
glaciers wasted away. Accompanying the 
whole affair was a complex series of climatic 
changes, affecting not only the glaciated areas 
but much of the rest of the world as well. 
The study of all of these events and their 
history and interrelation is still in its infancy, 
and undoubtedly there are yet many fascinat- 
ing discoveries to be made. 

Erosion by glaciers The investigation 
of how glaciers erode and deposit is greatly 
complicated by the fact that it is almost im- 
possible to see just what is happening under- 
neath glaciers now in existence. Much of our 
notion of how glaciers rework the surface is 
inferred from the forms left behind on sur- 
faces from which the ice has lately melted 
away. Hence our knowledge has grown slowly, 
and there are strong differences of opinion, 
especially with regard to how glaciers erode. 

Apparendy glaciers can erode in three ways. 

First, and probably the most important by 
far, is the process known as plucking or 
quarrying. In this the plastic ice molds itself 
about particles of the weathered mande or 
blocks of bedrock and then drags them out 
of place as the ice mass moves on forward 
(Fig. 3.26). Quarrying is most effective where 
the surface materials are loose or jointed. A 
second erosional technique is that of grind- 
ing or abrasion. Quarried rocks that are 
partly imbedded in the lower surface of the 
ice are dragged across bedrock outcrops like 
grains on a giant sheet of sandpaper, scrap- 
ing and gouging as they go. Grooved and 
polished rock surfaces testify to the work of 
this process, though it is no doubt much less 
effective than quarrying. Third, and least 
important, is a bulldozerlike shoving effect at 
the front of the ice. Probably this process is 
significant only locally, as, especially, where 
the ice edge readvances over loose heaped-up 
debris dropped earlier. 

Undoubtedly the greatest effect of glacial 
erosion is the stripping of the weathered 
mantle from the surface over much of the 
area covered. There is also active quarrying 
of strongly jointed or conspicuously weak 
bedrock. Projecting crags are removed or 
reduced in size. Bottleneck valleys oriented 

FIG. 3.26 How a glacier erodes by plucking and abrasion. 

Abrasion by debris 
dragged over surface 

How surface form develops 67 

Material melting from surface > 
and edge of ice 

Lodgement of material beneath ice 

FIG. 3.27 Near its edge, an ice sheet suffers melting on both upper 
and lower surfaces. Thus some of the debris it contains is lodged beneath 
the ice, and the rest is deposited at the edge. 

in the direction of ice movement seem espe- 
cially liable to strong erosion. But generally 
speaking the extensive and thick continental 
ice sheets were not strongly channeled, so 
that their erosional work was inclined to be 
patchy, producing irregular depressions 
rather than integrated valleys. Erosion by 
glacial tongues in mountain valleys is, of 
course, confined to the bottom and lower 
sides of the valleys. 

Transportation by glaciers Glaciers 
are highly competent transporting agents, 
able to carry material of all sizes, including 
immense boulders. The debris eroded by the 
glacier itself is concentrated near the base of 
the ice. But valley glaciers may also carry 
quantities of material that has been dumped 
onto their surfaces by mass movement or 
washed down the valley sides. This material 
is concentrated near the surface, though some 
may reach considerable depth in the ice be- 
cause of later covering by snow. 

Deposition by glaciers A glacier de- 
posits its load by melting away from it. Melt- 
ing occurs toward the edges or outer margin, 
of the ice, and works both upward from the 
ground and downward from the upper sur- 
face (Fig. 3.27). 

As a result of melting on the lower surface, 
the debris carried in the lower part of the ice 
is lodged beneath the glacier. Melting down- 

ward from above exposes more and more 
debris on the surface of the ice, so that some 
mountain- valley glaciers are almost com- 
pletely obscured near their lower ends by a 
thick cover of rock and sand. This debris is 
deposited along the edges of the glacier as 
the ice melts. 

There is no mechanism for selectivity in 
either the transporting or depositing process. 
Therefore glacial deposits are commonly 
jumbled mixtures of material varying in size 
from clay to huge boulders (Fig. 3.28). By 
this they can usually be easily distinguished 
from water-laid deposits, which almost always 
show some degree of sorting and layering 
(Fig. 3.29). 

Glacial deposits are called moraines. Those 
believed to have been laid down by lodgment 
beneath the ice are ground moraines; those de- 
posited along the ice edge are marginal 
moraines. The material itself is called till 

Moraines will be found throughout the 
glaciated area, for at some time or other 
every part of the area covered by the ice will 
have been in the vicinity of the glacial margin. 
However, within this area, the till will have 
been unevenly distributed in patches, heaps, 
ridges, and blankets of unequal thickness. 
The deposits will normally be thickest in 
valleys, "downstream" from sources of easily 
eroded material that furnish quantities of till, 



F I G . 3 . 2 8 An exposure of glacial till showing the unassorted clay, 
pebbles, and boulders of which it is composed. (Wisconsin Geological Survey.) 

and in the outer parts of the glaciated area. 
Deposits will be thin or absent on hilltops, 
in areas of especially resistant rock, and in 
the source regions of the ice. 

Meltwater flowing from the ice margin 
may carry out quantities of finer debris, to 
deposit it as alluvium across plains or in 
valley bottoms. Such deposits, called out- 
washy are not strictly glacial, but outwash 
and till deposits are both commonly included 
under the general term of glacial drift. 

Till deposition modifies in varying degree 
the landscapes over which it is laid down. 
The resulting forms depend upon the thick- 
ness and stoniness of the till and upon the 
form of the underlying surface. Characteristic 
moraine features will be discussed farther on, 
but one point may be mentioned here. The 
tendency of moraine deposition to be irreg- 
ularly heaped and to be concentrated in 
valleys has the effect of obscuring old drain- 

age lines and of leaving behind an irregular 
surface of rises and depressions without any 
well-organized valley system. Thus glacial 
deposition tends to destroy existing stream 
channels and to produce irregular, "pock- 
marked" surfaces. It was noted above that 
glacial erosion has somewhat similar effects. 
Because there is a significant difference in 
age between glacial deposits from the early 
Pleistocene and those from the late Pleisto- 
cene, there is also a considerable difference 
in the freshness and degree of preservation 
of the surface features that the ice produced. 
Those formed by the later ice sheets are gen- 
erally clearly defined and little-altered. Those 
formed during the middle and early Pleisto- 
cene are commonly so changed by stream 
erosion and mass movement as to be unrecog- 
nizable. Only the distinctive character of till 
deposits reveals the glacial history of these 
"old drift" areas. 


Where and how wind works The wind 
is a much less important producer of surface 
forms than are water, gravity, and ice. This 
is true principally because the wind can erode 
only under certain limited conditions. In par- 
ticular, the wind is almost powerless to erode 
unless the surface is nearly bare of vegetation, 
and then can erode only if the surface ma- 
terial is fine and dry. For this reason the work 
of the wind is confined to the deserts or 
semideserts and to those few areas in humid 
regions, such as beaches, river beds at low 
water, and, nowadays, plowed fields, where 
there is little plant cover. 

Where it is able to work, the wind erodes, 
transports, and deposits in much the same 
manner as running water, except that there is 
little channeling. Erosion is accomplished by 
the force of eddy currents near the surface 
and by the impact of particles already being 
carried (sand-blasting effect). The wind moves 
material by rolling or bouncing it along the 
ground or by carrying it in suspension. 
Deposition occurs where surface irregularities, 
including vegetation, check the speed of the 
wind near the ground, or where the wind 
velocity decreases simply because of the 
atmospheric-pressure pattern. Rain falling 
through the dust-laden air will often carry 
most of the suspended material down with it. 

The wind can rarely move material larger 
than coarse sand. Sand is carried as "bed 
load" of the air stream, that is by rolling or 
bouncing, and seldom rises more than a few 
feet above the ground. Silt and clay can be 
carried in suspension, and thus may reach 
great heights and may travel long distances. 
Fine red soil traceable to the plains of western 
Oklahoma has, for example, been observed 
to fall on the decks of steamers in the Atlan- 

How surface form develops 69 

tic. Because it remains close to the ground, 
sand usually does not move far from its 
source region. Finer material, on the other 
hand, may be spread as a thin blanket over 
a huge expanse downwind from its place of 

Wind erosion Erosion by the wind, like 
that by ice, tends to be widespread or patchy 
rather than channeled. Thus it may lower the 
surface rather uniformly over a broad area 
without producing any pronounced surface 
forms. On occasion it scours out shallow de- 
pressions in favored places where the vegeta- 
tion has been destroyed, where the material 
is especially loose and fine, or where the 
velocity is increased by a natural botdeneck. 
A common occurrence is for the wind to 
winnow out the finer particles from mixed 
surface material, leaving behind a coarse- 
textured gravelly or stony cover (Fig. 3.30). 

Wind deposition The deposition of 
fine suspended material is so broad and un- 

FIG. 3.29 A cut through an outwash plain, 
showing sand and gravel washed free of clay and 
rudely stratified according to size. 

(Wisconsin Geological Survey.) 



FIG. 3.30 The pebbles and sand-blasted rock 
fragments of an unusually coarse wind-sorted 
surface cover on the floor of Death Valley, 

California. (Eliot Blackwelder.) 

concentrated that it modifies the surface 
strongly only if it continues for a long time 
and leaves a very thick layer. Most of the ex- 
tensive deposits of silty, unlayered, buff- 
colored, limy material called loess, common 
in the middle western United States, eastern 
Europe, and north China, are believed to 
have originated as wind-blown silt. 

By contrast, sand is usually deposited in 
heaps rather than smooth sheets, and thus 
sand deposition does produce distinct land 
forms. These features, called dunes, are com- 
mon in some desert regions and along many 

F I c; . 3 . 3 1 A wave breaking. (F. P. S 


Occurrence Like that of winds, the 
work of waves and currents is narrowly con- 
fined. Along the thousands of miles of the 
world's coasts and lake shores, however, this 
work is a prime factor in shaping the surface 
forms. Though waves and currents also occur 
in the open seas, they can erode only along 
the shore and in shallow water where their 
activity can reach to the bottom. It should be 
emphasized that the currents being discussed 
here are not the slow, large-scale, world-wide 
drifts set up by prevailing winds and water- 
density differences. These are instead local, 
relatively swift movements that occur along 
the shores and in narrow inlets as a result of 
winds and tides. Such currents may reach 
velocities of several miles per hour, and are 
quite able to pick up and move loose sand or 
fine debris. 

Wave erosion The largest part of the 
actual erosion, however, is accomplished by 
waves. When a wind-driven wave enters 
shallow water, it drags on the bottom, 
steepens to a sharp crest, and finally breaks 
or pitches forward in a plunge of water and 
foam (Fig. 3.31). In large storm waves tons 
of water (and sometimes sand and rock as 
well) are flung forward and downward, strik- 
ing against the shore or the shallow bottom 
with tremendous violence. Under favorable 
conditions the erosive force generated is prob- 
ably as great as any found in nature. The 
water flung toward the shore is then drawn 
again seaward by gravity, flowing beneath 
oncoming waves as an undertow current. 
These currents are sometimes strong enough 
to move out quantities of material loosened 
by the breaking wave. 

Where the water maintains a depth of 10 
to 20 ft close to the shore, waves will not 
break until they are almost to the land. Their 

How surface form develops 71 

erosional force is then spent against the land 
itself, driving it back and cutting sea cliffs. If, 
on the other hand, the water becomes shallow 
far out, the principal wave breaking occurs a 
long distance from shore and the force of 
erosion is expended against the bottom, 
deepening the water at that point and casting 
some of the loosened debris up ahead of the 
breakers in the form of a bar. 

Transportation and deposition Ma- 
terial dislodged by waves or fed into the 
water by streams is carried by wave-generated 
or tide-generated currents either outward into 
deeper and quieter water, or along the shore 
until it reaches a sheltered spot. That carried 
outward is deposited to form a shelf of sed- 
iment that tends to build slowly seaward. 
Fine material may be carried far out and 
spread thinly over vast areas of deeper water. 
Material is carried along the shore chiefly by 
zigzag in-and-out movements produced by 

FIG. 3.32 The zigzag path of a pebble under 
the combined forces of oblique waves, undertow, 
and longshore current. 

waves that strike the coast at an oblique 
angle (Fig. 3.32). In storms these currents 
may be remarkably strong, and quantities of 
sand may be moved along until they reach 
the sheltered waters of a bay or the protected 
lee of an island or projection of the coast. 
There the sand is dropped in the form of a 
bar or beach. 


Finch, V. C., G. T. Trewartha, A. H. Robinson, and E. H. Hammond: Physical Elements of Geog- 
raphy, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1957. 

Flint, R. F.: Glacial and Pleistocene Geology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957. 
Gilluly, J., A. C. Waters, and A. O. Woodford: Principles of Geology, 2d ed., W. H. Freeman & 

Company, San Francisco, 1959. 
Leet, L. D., and S. Judson: Physical Geology, 2d ed., Prentice- Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 

N.J., 1958. 
Lobeck, A. K.: Geomorphofagy: An Introduction to the Study of Landscapes, McGraw-Hill Book 

Company, Inc., New York, 1939. 
: Geological Map of the United States (with text), C. S. Hammond fc Co. Inc., New 

York, 1941. 
Longwell, C. R., and R. F. Flint: Introduction to Physical Geology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 

New York, 1955. 
Sharpe, C. F. S.: Landslides and Related Phenomena, Columbia University Press, New York, 


Thornbury, W. D.: Principles of Geomorphology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1954. 
Wooldridge, S. W., and R. S. Morgan: An Outline of Geomorphology: The Physical Basis of 

Geography, 2d ed., Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., London, 1959. 




Plains were defined in Chap. 2 as surfaces 
consisting predominantly of gentle slopes, 
with low relief. The detailed features of 
plains result from recent operations of the 
various surface-sculpturing agents, but for 
plains to exist at all a specific set of con- 
ditions able to produce low relief and much 
gentle slope must have existed sometime in 
the past. 

High relief is the result of either crustal 
disturbance that has raised parts of the sur- 
face above their surroundings or the cutting 
of deep valleys in an upland surface. But for 
valleys to be cut deeply, the upland surface 
must be far above the baselevel of erosion, 
and the usual way it has gotten there is by 

uplift of the earth's crust. So it is generally 
true that high relief requires preceding crustal 
disturbance and that without it relief will be 
low. As has already been suggested, many of 
the world's most extensive plains lie in areas 
where the crust has been stable in late geo- 
logic time. 

However, low relief can occur in areas of 
disturbed crust if a broad surface has been 
uplifted so recently that valley cutting has 
not yet gone very far. Much of the upland of 
central and southern Africa fits this condi- 
tion. Also, some depressed sections of the 
crust have low relief because they have served 
as receptacles for extensive and smoothing 
deposition. Examples are the Central Valley 

of California, the Ganges Plain of north India, 
and the Mesopotamian plains of Iraq in the 
Middle East. 

For two reasons gentle slopes usually ac- 
company low relief. One is that on low- 
relief surfaces streams usually have gentle 
gradients and therefore cut down slowly. 
This gives ample time for surface erosion and 
mass movement to keep most valley sides from 

Plains 73 

becoming very steep. Second, with so little 
valley deepening, valley floors often begin to 
widen out while there is much upland still 
uncut by tributaries. Where this has happened 
most of the surface is occupied either by valley 
floors or by smooth uplands and is therefore 
predominantly gentle in slope, even if the 
valley sides happen to be steeper than average. 



Characteristics and varieties The 

majority of plains owe their surface de- 
tail chiefly to the erosional work of streams, 
aided by slope wash and mass movement. 
The distinguishing characteristic of these 
plains is widespread integrated systems of 
stream valleys. The differences among indi- 
vidual stream-sculptured plains are definable 
in terms of the size, spacing, cross-section 
form, and pattern of these valleys and of the 
divides between them. 

Differences in tributary development also 
provide an excellent basis for making dis- 
tinctions among stream-sculptured plains. 
Some plains are crossed only by a few major 
valleys, with broad, almost uncut uplands 
between them. Tributaries of any consider- 
able length are few, though there may be 
fringes of short ravines along the sides of the 
principal valleys. A plain having these char- 
acteristics is sometimes said to be "youthful," 
not because of its age in years, but because 
reduction of the upland has hardly more 
than begun (Fig. 4. la). 

On other stream-cut plains the landscape 
is occupied by a close network of valleys and 

FIG. 4.1 The ideal stages in the development 
of a land surface by stream erosion, from youth 
(a) through maturity (b) to old age (c). The dashed 
white line indicates the baselevel toward which the 
streams are working. (V. C. Finch.) 

tributaries. The original upland surface is 
gone, or nearly so, and the surface is made 
up largely of sloping valley sides (Fig. 4.16). 



A rolling, dissected plain of this kind is 
termed "mature," for the valley system is 
fully established, though much gradational 
work still remains to be done. 

These differences in degree of tributary 
development are partly a matter of the 
amount and effectiveness of surface runoff. 
Some surfaces pass quickly into maturity, 
while others remain youthful almost indefi- 
nitely. Characteristics favoring slight runoff 
and therefore slow tributary development and 
the maintenance of youth are marked flatness 
of the upland, porous and absorbent surface 
material, a protective blanket of vegetation, 
and light or gentle rains. On the other hand, 
a sloping upland, fine and impervious surface 
material, sparse vegetation, and torrential 
rains favor much runoff, rapid tributary 
growth, and quick achievement of maturity. 

A good case of a persistently youthful sur- 
face is the High Plains of western Kansas, 
Oklahoma, and Texas. Here the original sur- 

face was extremely smooth, the material is 
rather porous, there has been a dense cover 
of sod, and the climate is semiarid. The area 
has been exposed long enough for one to ex- 
pect that erosion would have made consider- 
able headway, but instead valleys are few, 
and most of the surface remains as if un- 
touched (Fig. 4.2). Somewhat similar condi- 
tions exist in the plains of southern Russia. 

On the other hand, rolling, typically mature 
plains occupy large sections of the American 
Middle West, especially in southern and 
western Iowa, northern Missouri, and eastern 
Kansas and Nebraska (Fig. 4.3). The more 
advanced erosion here is probably due not to 
greater age, but to a more rolling initial sur- 
face, easily eroded surface material (much of 
it loess), and, possibly, to more frequent 
heavy rains. 

Valley form and size Stream-sculptured 
plains also exhibit great differences in the 
cross-section forms of their valleys, especially 

F I G . 4 . 2 The remarkably smooth surface of the High Plains in southwestern Kansas, an old 
depositional plain upon which stream erosion has made little headway. 

Plains 75 

FIG. 4.3 The rolling surface of a mature plain in northwestern Missouri. 

in the width that the valleys have achieved. 
Thus, for example, in the southern half of 
Illinois valleys are narrow and relatively 
steep-walled, while in much of southwestern 
Missouri, central Oklahoma, and north cen- 
tral Texas valleys are extremely wide, their 
smooth floors occupying the major portion of 
the land area. 

Like tributary development, the width of 
valleys in plains is largely controlled by time 
and the rate of erosion (Fig. 4.4). As erosion 
proceeds, valley walls are worn back by 
wash and creep, and the valleys widen at the 
expense of the higher ground between them. 
Valley widening, like tributary development, 
is strongly affected by the amount of surface 
runoff and the ease of erosion of the surface 
material. If there is little runoff, valley wid- 
ening will have to depend almost wholly on 
creep, and thus will be slow. 

Even in youthful and in mature plains 
there may be some large valleys that have be- 
come quite wide, though by definition valley 
floors occupy a small percentage of the total 
area of such surfaces. But once the tributary 
net is complete and the original upland de- 

stroyed, then valley widening and reduction 
of the height of divides become the chief 
erosional processes. Valley floors expand 
until they make up the larger part of the area. 
Divides become smaller, lower and less con- 
spicuous, and finally the entire surface is re- 
duced to a low level and erosion practically 
ceases. Such a surface is said to be in the 
stage of "old age," and is given the rather 
misleading name peneplain, which means 
almost a plain (Fig. 4.1c). Small hills or 
mountains that are the last remnants of dis- 
appearing divides are common features on 
plains in advanced stages of erosion. From 

F I G . 4 . 4 A stream that cuts down rapidly 
relative to the rate of valley widening develops a 
narrow, steep-sided valley. Slow downcutting 
permits valley widening to open up a broad, flaring 

Valley widening slow relative to 
valley deepening 

Valley deepening slow relative to valley widening 



FIG. 4.5 Spencer Mountain, a monadnock on the partially redissected 
old-age erosion surface of the Appalachian Piedmont, near Gastonia, 
North Carolina. (V. C. Finch.) 

the example of isolated Mount Monadnock 
in New Hampshire, the name monadnock is 
given to these last vestiges of former height 
(Fig. 4.5). 

Patterns of streams and divides As a 

general rule, tributary streams develop at 
open acute angles to the main stream. This 
gives to the stream system a branching pattern 

FIG. 4.6 Random dendritic stream patterns develop where there are no 
strong local contrasts in rock resistance (a). If the original surface has a 
pronounced slope, the branching pattern is drawn out in a downslope 

direction (b). (From Army Map Service series 1:250,000: Charleston and Moab sheeh.) 

like that formed by the limbs of a tree. If the 
surface on which the streams develop is 
gently inclined, the branches may be spread 
broadly as on an oak, while if the inclination 
is steeper, they may be drawn out lengthwise 
as on a poplar. But they are still treelike, or 
to use a technical word that means the same, 
dendritic (Fig. 4.6). 

If the stream pattern is not dendritic, it 
usually means one of two things. Either (a) 
there was some striking peculiarity of the 
slope on which the streams formed, as when 
streams radiate from a center like a new 
volcanic cone or a dome, or (b) there are 
strong local variations of rock resistance. 

Effects of rock resistance The effect 
of local variations in rock resistance is simply 
to favor the development of valleys in places 
where the rock materials are most easily 

Plains 77 

weathered and eroded. The resulting valley 
pattern will not be dendritic but will instead 
conform to the pattern of rock weakness. 
This is most strikingly developed in hilly 
and mountainous lands, where relief is high, 
and features are on a large scale (Fig. 4.7). Yet 
even on plains some streams have achieved an 
unusual angular pattern by developing along 
prominent systems of joints where weather- 
ing is rapid. Roughly parallel stream patterns 
also form sometimes on plains that cut across 
the edges of upturned rock layers of con- 
trasting resistance. 

More important for plains, though, are the 
effects of rock structure upon the broader 
pattern of major divides and valley systems. 
Broad patches or bands of relatively resistant 
rock tend to stand out as areas of higher 
ground in which valleys are narrower and 

FIG. 4.7 Stream patterns affected by structure: (a) parallelism resulting 
from erosion on parallel bands of rock of contrasting resistance; (b) 
angularity imposed on dendritic pattern by erosion on strongly jointed rocks. 

(From Army Map Service series 1:250,000: Charlottesville and Lake Champlain sheets.) 




Escarpment i 



FIG. 4.8 Form and structure of cuestas. Example at left is sharp and 
regular. Dissected form at right is more typical, especially in humid regions. 

less advanced in their development than else- 
where. Patches and strips of weak rocks ad- 
vance more rapidly toward old age, and be- 
come lowlands or elongated valley systems. 
The development of alternating strips of 
higher, rougher land and lower, smoother 
land is very common, occurring almost any- 
where that there are gently inclined sedimen- 
tary strata of varying resistance. Central and 
southeastern North America, northern France, 
and southern Great Britain are among the 
regions in which this type of development 
occurs. The higher and rougher belts, devel- 

F I G . 4.9 Northern France is a structural basin 
in which the rock strata dip generally toward Paris 
from all sides. Erosion on this structure has 
produced rings of cuestas with escarpments facing 
outward. (V. (,. Finch.) 

oped where the resistant strata outcrop, are 
termed cuestas. Usually they have quite 
abrupt escarpments along their higher margins 
(Figs. 4.8, 4.9). 

Erosional plains in dry lands Ero- 
sional plains in dry lands differ from those in 
humid areas chiefly in the extent to which 
certain kinds of features occur. These differ- 
ences from the humid areas stem from slow 
weathering, streams that flow only when it 
rains, and a surface unprotected by vegeta- 
tion in dry lands. 

Most of the sculpturing there takes place 
during the rare heavy rains. Absence of vege- 
tation and the prevalent thinness of the 
weathered mantle favor runoff*, and the bare 
surface is readily attacked by erosion. 
Quantities of debris are stripped from the 
slopes and carried down the many ravines 
and gullies into the valleys and basins below. 
But the material is usually dropped without 
being carried far, for once the rain ceases 
and the stream leaves the area, the stream 
dwindles, losing its carrying power. 

Thus it is that desert plains are likely to 
have unusually rocky and roughly gullied 
slopes and uplands, and on the other hand, 
lowlands that are more or less thickly covered 
with alluvium and therefore smooth. These 
features give desert plains their distinctive 


General characteristics Most of the 
world's smoothest plains are the surfaces of 
extensive deposits laid down by water. Some 
of these deposits have been dropped by 
streams along their courses or at their mouths. 
Others have accumulated upon the floors of 
lakes or on shallow sea bottoms, and have 
become exposed through a change in water 
level or an uplift of the land. In all kinds, 
the materials are normally well-sorted, 
layered, and loose. 

Such plains are flat, but they are not truly 
featureless. Stream channels are nearly always 
present. Usually there are also various slight 
swells and depressions, and the latter often 
contain shallow lakes or marshes. Streams 
shift their channels readily in the loose sedi- 
mentary materials, so that scars of abandoned 
channels are almost as characteristic as active 

Floodplains Alluvial deposition is re- 
sponsible for the flat bottomlands that are so 
characteristic of the floors of gentle-gradient 
valleys. Sluggish flow and, in some instances, 
decreasing volume render the streams in such 
valleys incapable of carrying all the sediment 
load fed to them by their tributaries, and 
excess sediment is deposited along the valley 
bottom as a floodplain. Under normal low- 
water conditions a stream on a floodplain is 
confined to a definite and somewhat wander- 
ing channel. But during periods of heavy 
runoff this channel may prove inadequate to 
carry the vastly increased discharge from the 
tributaries, and the stream then overflows its 
banks and spreads in a thin sheet over much 
or all of the floodplain surface. 

Sandy materials and braided channels 
Stream channels on alluvium are extremely 

Plains 79 

changeable because of the ease with which 
the loose material may be eroded (Fig. 3.19). 
A relatively swiftly flowing stream, able to 
move sand and gravel, has a tendency to de- 
velop a very wide, shallow channel which 
the stream entirely covers at high water. In 
the channel are many shifting sand bars, 
around which are branching and rejoining 
threads of deeper water and swifter current. 
At low water only the deeper threads of the 
channel carry water; the rest of the bed is 
exposed (Fig. 4.10). This is the classic 
braided channel, widely seen in sediment- 
charged streams emerging from mountain 
valleys, flowing from the margins of glaciers, 
or passing through areas of loose, coarse, 
sedimentary materials. Excellent examples of 
braided channels are provided by most of the 
larger streams of the High Plains east of the 
Rocky Mountains, such as the Platte, the 
Arkansas, and the Canadian Rivers. 

Silty floodplains and meandering channels 
At the other end of the scale are the silty 
floodplains of slow-flowing streams. Here the 
stream channel is narrower and more sharply 
defined, and usually exceedingly sinuous, or 
meandering (Fig. 4.11). Its loops and bends 
change form rather rapidly; individual loops 
are often cut off entirely by the stream's 
breaking through the narrow neck of land at 
the base of the curve. 

During floods silt-depositing streams of this 
type characteristically drop the major part of 
their load immediately as the waters leave the 
deep channel and begin to spread across the 
plain. This results in the formation of slightly 
raised strips of ground along the sides of the 
channel. These low swells, called natural 
levees, provide the highest, best-drained, and 
most useful land on the floodplains (Fig. 
4.12). The lower lands behind them are 
poorly drained and sometimes permanently 



FIG. 4.10 The braided channel of the Rio Grande in northern New 
Mexico. During flood the entire belt of channels and sandy islands will be 
covered with water. (Spence Air Photos.) 

swampy. The scars of abandoned channels 
and cutoff meander bends, each with its own 
natural levees, are common features over most 
of the floodplain surface. The great plain of 
the lower Mississippi is the most extensively 

FIG. 4.11 The floodplain of a meandering 
stream, showing cutoffs and scars formed by 
shifting of the channel. Laramie River, Wyoming. 

(J. R. Balsky, U.S. Geological Sunxy.) 

studied floodplain of the silty type, but 
smaller examples are numerous. 

Between the wide braided channels on the 
one hand and the narrower channels that 
freely meander on the other are many inter- 
mediate types, usually showing rather wide, 
shallow beds with numerous sand bars, swing- 
ing but not looping courses, and an absence 
of natural levees. 

Use of floodplains Because they are flat, 
are developed on loose and relatively fine 

F I G . 4 . 1 2 A cross-section diagram illustrating 
typical floodplain features. The highest ground is 
along the natural levees. 

Natural levees 


Plains 81 

material, and have easy access to water, flood- 
plains are often eagerly sought as agricultural 
lands. Sometimes, though by no means 
always, their soils are more fertile than the 
older soils on the neighboring uplands. How- 
ever, floodplain agriculture is always beset by 
the problem of floods, with their destructive- 
ness to crops, buildings, and livestock. Even 
excepting actual floods, much of the land is 
likely to be permanently swampy or subject 
to waterlogging by heavy rains. While these 
problems can be attacked by various flood- 
control and drainage programs, such measures 
are expensive and not always worth the cost 
and effort they involve. 

Alluvial terraces After a floodplain has 
been formed, the stream's gradient, its volume 
of flow, or the amount of sediment load being 
fed into it may change in such a way that the 
stream starts eroding once again. It will then 
cut down into its earlier deposit, leaving only 
shelflike remnants along the valley sides. Such 
alluvial terraces are very common. In some 
valleys several terrace levels may be seen, in- 
dicating that the stream has repeatedly 
changed its activity from deposition to ero- 
sion (Fig. 4.13). 

Alluvial terraces have many of the advan- 
tages of floodplains, without the dangers of 
flood and poor drainage. Therefore they often 
serve as agricultural lands or as the sites of 
towns or of transportation routes. However, 
they tend to be less well-watered and, because 
their soils are older, less fertile than the bot- 
tomlands themselves. 

Deltas Deltas, as previously stated, are 
the plains formed by alluvial deposition at the 
mouths of streams. Here the stream's velocity 
is checked as it enters the body of standing 
water. The sediment load is dropped on either 
side of the principal line of flow and often also 
in a bar opposite the open end of the channel. 

FIG. 4.13 Development of alluvial terraces by 
renewed downcutting in an older deposit of 
alluvium. Natural levees border the present stream 

Course. (V. C. Finch.) 

By continued deposition the delta grows both 
outward and laterally. Often the channel 
divides around the bar at its mouth, and each 
branch extends itself seaward as the delta 
grows. In this way the stream acquires nu- 
merous branching outlets, known as dis- 
tributaries, and the delta becomes complex 
and fan-shaped (Fig. 4.14). 

Most large deltas are composed chiefly of 
silt and fine sand, and show some of the 
characteristics of silty floodplains. Natural 
levees are often well-developed, and meander- 
ing channels are common. Swift streams en- 
tering a lake or the sea may build sandy 
deltas. These commonly have relatively steep 
gradients and display braided and shifting 
channels. They are essentially alluvial fans 
built in the sea instead of on the land. 

Some deltas reach great size. Those of the 
Mississippi, the Nile, the Volga, and the Gan- 
ges, for example, all exceed 100 miles in 
width (Fig. 4.15). That of the Yellow River 
(the Hwang Ho) is a plain more than 300 
miles wide. Many deltas, though large, are 
not conspicuous on the map because they are 
built in the ends of large arms of the sea. The 
Colorado, Sacramento-San Joaquin, and 
Tigris-Euphrates deltas are examples (Fig. 

Not all streams form deltas. Many lack the 
necessary sediment load. Others enter the sea 
where the water is too deep or wave action 
so strong that the sediment is spread broadly 


-'7 Bar developing, 
; / initiating formation 

Early stage 
of distributary 

FIG. 4.14 Characteristic features of a delta plain. 

over the sea bottom without building up to 
the surface. The St. Lawrence and the Congo 
both deposit most of their load in interior 
basins and reach the sea with too little sedi- 
ment to produce deltas in the deep waters 
that they enter. 

Deltas, like floodplains, are sometimes use- 

F I G . 4.15 Delta outlines and channels. 

ful agricultural lands because of their flat- 
ness, their water supply, and often their 
fertility. But, they are also subject to floods 
and often contain much swampy land (Fig. 
4.17). The natural levees may offer the only 
delta land that can be used without diking, 
draining, or pumping. Yet useless delta land 

Plains 83 

can be reclaimed, as the Netherlands has 
shown. Most of that country lies on the great 
combined delta of the Rhine and the Maas 
Rivers and several smaller streams. Much of 
it was originally either swamp or shallow sea 
floor. Now, by means of centuries of dike 
building, pumping, and flushing out of salt, 
huge areas of highly productive land have 
been virtually created there by man (Fig. 
4.18). Indeed, the Netherlands serves as a re- 
markable example of what can be done in 
reclamation of deltas when the demand for 
land is sufficiently intense and the initiative 
and the necessary technical knowledge are 

Alluvial fans The alluvial fan is similar 
to the delta as a spreading form developed 
by a stream dropping its load because of an 
abrupt checking of the velocity. But with the 
alluvial fan the break in speed is the result of 
a sudden decrease in the stream's gradient: 
most fans are formed by streams emerging 
from steep mountain canyons onto plains or 
flat valley floors. The material dropped is 
largely the coarser bed load of gravel, sand, 
and sometimes coarse silt. The large frag- 
ments are dropped first, near the mouth of 
the canyon. 

Like most other sand-moving streams, those 
that form alluvial fans commonly have wide, 
shallow, braided channels. They continually 
choke themselves with debris and shift from 
one side to the other, so that the deposit 
takes on the shape of a spread fan (or half 
of a low, flat cone) with the apex at the 
mouth of the canyon. The surface of the fan 
bears the marks of many diverging sandy 
channels, most of them dry (Fig, 4.19). 

Piedmont alluvial plain Some alluvial 
fans are only a few yards across; the broadest 
ones extend out several tens of miles from the 
mountain front. At the foot of an elongated 

F I G . 4 . 1 6 An arm of the sea once reached 
through San Francisco Bay into the heart of the 
Central Valley of California. The combined delta of 
the Sacramento, San Joaquin, and other rivers that 
drain the valley has been built in the head of this 
embayment, far from the open sea. 

mountain range many fans may develop side 
by side, eventually growing together to form 
an extensive gently sloping alluvial apron or 
piedmont (foot-of-the-mountain) alluvial 
plain (Fig. 4.20). Most of the southeastern 
part of the Central Valley of California is a 
plain of this type. Much of Los Angeles 
stands on a similar plain that has been built 
out into the sea from the mountains north of 
the city. Alluvial fans and aprons surround 
most of the small ranges of Nevada and 
western Utah. 

The High Plains that stretch eastward 
from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and 
New Mexico into Kansas, Oklahoma, and 



P| Old land 

FIG. 4.17 I he Mississippi River Delta has fringing areas of salt-marsh 
grass and reeds, belts of wooded swamp, and strips of tilled levee lands. 
Note that the* levee lands grow narrow downstream and disappear. (V. C. Fiwh.) 

FIG. 4.18 The extent of reclaimed land in the 
Netherlands in relation to the area of the Rhine 
River delta. 

CD Old land 


2S3 New tends 

the 2tt 

Texas owe their remarkably smooth upland 
surface to alluvial deposition. During suc- 
cessive uplifts of the mountains great quan- 
tities of alluvium were eroded and spread 
eastward as a piedmont alluvial plain of 
enormous size. More recently the streams 
crossing the plains have begun to erode and 
have cut valleys in the surface, but only at 
wide intervals, so that there are still broad 
expanses of smooth upland remaining (Fig. 
4.2). A similar plain, but almost uncut, lies 
to the east of the Andes in eastern Bolivia, 
western Paraguay, and western Argentina. 

Lake plains and coastal plains The 
areas of plain which are former lake bottoms 
or portions of shallow sea bottom from which 
water has disappeared are many. Lakes are 
short-lived, by the scale of geologic time, for 
they are inevitably subject to filling by 
washed-in sediment or to draining by down- 

Plains 85 

F I G . 4 . 1 9 I nese large alluvial Tans at tne eastern root OT tne sierra 
Nevada of California are beginning to merge, forming a piedmont alluvial 

plain. (Spemr An Photos.) 

cutting of the outlet. Other lakes disappear 
as a result of increasing dryness of the 
climate. So it is not surprising that there are 
many lake beds not now occupied by lakes. 
Similarly, small uplifts of the land or lower- 
ings of the sea level, both of which have 
occurred frequently, expose strips of surface 
that were formerly parts of the sea bottom 
just offshore. 

On lake bottoms and coastal sea bottoms 
sediment is likely to be spread broadly and 
evenly, sometimes to a considerable thick- 
ness. Thus their surfaces tend to become 
quite smooth, with only a very gentle slope 
away from the shore. Certain plains of this 
origin are among the most featureless sur- 
faces in existence (Fig. 4.21). Because they 
are usually low-lying, stream erosion is slow 
and shallow. Swamps or shallow lakes may 
occur in the slightly lower sags in the sur- 
face. Around the margins of the plain there are 

often beaches, terraces, or other features that 
indicate the position of the former shorelines. 
The outer part of the southeastern plains 
of the United States, along the south Atlantic 
and Gulf Coasts, is one of the more exten- 
sive examples of a surface lately emerged 
from the sea. It is low, flat, sandy, and 
swampy, with only feeble stream erosion 
(Figs. 4.22, 4.23). The area farther inland 

F I G . 4 . 2 A piedmont alluvial plain is formed 
by the growing together of many extensive alluvial 
fans at the foot of a mountain range. 

FIG. 4.21 The extremely level surface of a 
glacial-lake plain near Saginaw, Michigan. 
(V, C. Finch.) 

was also once covered by the sea, but has 
been exposed long enough and is now far 
enough above baselevel that erosion has 
made strong headway. Many other coasts of 


the world have strips of emergent sea bot- 
tom along them, but most of these are rela- 
tively narrow. The margins of Hudson Bay, 
especially the southwestern, show remark- 
ably broad belts of low, flat, poorly drained 
land marked by innumerable parallel lines of 
raised beaches. These are apparently the re- 
sult of a rather rapid but irregular rise of the 
land following the melting of the last con- 
tinental glacier. 

The exposed floors of former lakes are 
also common, and some are very extensive. 
Some of the largest known are in North 
America. Large parts of northwestern Min- 
nesota and the eastern Dakotas, and most of 
southern Manitoba are occupied by a flat 
plain that represents the bottom of a huge 
lake, larger than any of the present Great 
Lakes, that existed near the end of the Pleis- 
tocene period. 

F I G . 4 . 2 2 The flat, marshy surface of the Florida Everglades, part of a 
relatively new plain not yet dissected by streams. (V. C. Finch.) 

Plains 87 

F I G . 4 . 2 3 A flat but well-drained section of the West Gulf Coastal 
Plain in Texas. (V. C. Finch.) 

This body of water, which is known as Lake 
Agassiz, came into being when the north- 
ward-flowing drainage of the area was 
dammed by the edge of the melting ice sheet. 
At present the surface is nearly featureless, 
with the Red River cutting slightly into the 
lowest part and several sets of low beach 
ridges visible around the margins. There are 
several smaller plains of similar origin in the 
north central part of the continent (Fig. 

Another set of lake plains exists in the 
Basin and Range province of Nevada and 
surrounding states. These represent the beds 
of lakes that existed in the extensive struc- 
tural basins of that area during times when 
the climate was moister than it is now. This 
probably occurred more than once during 
the late Pleistocene and possibly at least once 
since the Pleistocene. Two of these lakes, 
named Bonneville and Lahontan, occupied 
extensive areas in western Utah and western 
Nevada, respectively. Great Salt Lake is a 
shrunken remnant of Lake Bonneville, and 
the Bonneville Salt Flats, famous for auto- 

mobile speed trials, are part of the former 
lake floor. 

Among the larger lake plains elsewhere in 
the world are part of the smooth elevated 
basin of the Congo River, and several basins 
along the southern margin of the Sahara 
Desert, including that containing the remnant 
Lake Chad. 

FIG. 4.24 Map of the plain of glacial Lake 
Agassiz, with the plains of other ice-margin lakes 
that existed at various times during the wastage of 
the Wisconsin ice sheets. Also shown are some of 
the spillways through which these lakes drained 
when their normal drainage was blocked by the ice. 





Glacial modification of the surface 

Nearly a third of the continental area of the 
world was occupied by ice at one time or 
another during the Pleistocene period. How- 
ever, not all of that area is now characterized 
by distinctly glacial land forms. Only in 
those sections covered by ice in late Pleis- 
tocene time (called Wisconsin in this conti- 
nent) are the glacially produced features 
well enough preserved to give distinctive 
character to the surface. The older glaciated 
surfaces have been so modified by running 
water and mass movement that their glacial 
history can be inferred only from the pres- 
ence of material recognizable as till. 

Surfaces glaciated in Wisconsin time are 
shown in Fig. 3.25. The land forms of these 
areas are quite varied, and not all of the 

FIG. 4.25 Areas of late glacial deposition 
commonly display numerous lakes, swamps, and 
wandering streams. 

areas are plains. However, there do exist 
throughout recurrent types or associations of 
features that reflect the patchy, irregular, un- 
channeled erosional and depositional activity 
of the great ice sheets. A significant part of 
that activity involved virtual obliteration of 
the old stream courses and the production 
of a surface in which there were many shallow 
enclosed depressions and few continuous 
valleys. For this reason lakes, swamps, and 
aimlessly wandering streams are found almost 
everywhere in the lately glaciated country, 
though they are rare in stream-eroded land- 
scapes. It is these features that are the most 
obvious and impressive novelties to a person 
coming into glaciated country for the first 
time (Fig. 4.25). 

Most of the area of glaciated plains is 
dominated by depositional features. Only in 
scattered sections is the drift so patchy or so 
lacking that bedrock surfaces scoured by 
erosion are broadly exposed. These appear 
to be chiefly in areas where the bedrock is 
especially resistant and where the original 
surface was relatively rough. 

Till surfaces Since the major portion 
of the glaciated surface is depositional, it 
will be well to consider some of the char- 
acteristic features of drift-covered surfaces. 
These assume many forms because of dif- 
ferences in (a) the roughness and shape of 
the surface on which the drift was laid down, 
(b) the thickness of the drift, (c) the amount 
of rock, sand, and clay in the drift, and (d) 
the specific local conditions of deposition. 

Effects of till deposition Except where the 
original surface was unusually smooth, the 
deposition of till usually had the effect of 

making the surface smoother than it was. 
Till was deposited thickly in the valleys and 
only thinly on the hilltops. If the original 
terrain had slight relief, the till might com- 
pletely obscure the older forms, producing 
an entirely new surface. If, on the other 
hand, the original terrain was hilly or the 
drift rather thin, the old hilltops may be 
still visible as elements in the landscape, 
even though they are thinly covered with till 
(Fig. 4.26). This kind of partial control of 
the surface form by preglacial bedrock 
features is common in the northern United 
States, Canada, and Scandinavia. Where it 
occurs, lakes and swamps are especially 
likely to be found along the larger old- 
stream valleys that are now only partly filled 
by drift. An excellent example is the chain 
of lakes at Madison, Wisconsin. 

Where the deposition of till has been the 
controlling factor in shaping the landforms, 
the surface is ordinarily smoothly undulating 
to moderately rolling. Steep and angular 
slopes are rare; features are usually rounded, 
and bedrock outcrops are few (Fig. 4.27). 
Some of the clayey or silty till surfaces, such 
as those in northeastern Illinois, north cen- 

F I G . 4 . 2 7 The undulating surface of a till plain. ( 

, C Bitfttl ot stffijoth swtofi fcy i 

F I G . 4 . 2 6 The effects of glacial deposition 
vary with the roughness of the buried surface and 
the thickness of the drift. (V. C. Finch.) 

tral Iowa, and the eastern Dakotas, are among 
the smoother sections of the continent. Stony 
and gravelly till sustains steeper slopes and 
hence normally displays more irregular sur- 
faces than fine till. 

Distinctive surface features of till 
deposits Among the more distinctive 
features of till surfaces are the marginal 
moraines, the strips of thicker drift that ac- 
cumulated along the edge of the ice sheet 
when the margin remained long in one place. 
Here debris was dropped as at the end of a 

srows/w Geological Survn.) 



FIG. 4.28 Small kettle ponds surrounded by boulder-strewn knobs in a 
marginal moraine near Whitewater, Wisconsin. (V. C. Fimh.) 

great conveyor belt, partly by the ice melt- 
ing from around it, partly by being washed 
over the edge of the glacier by melt water. 

Marginal moraines usually appear in the 
landscape as bands of somewhat rougher, 
higher, and often stonier land than that to 

FIG. 4.29 The unusually rough, knobby 
surface of the Kettle Moraine, in eastern Wisconsin. 

(John R. Raiutall.) 

either side (Fig. 4.28). Some are narrow, 
low, and inconspicuous; others are broad 
strips of knobby, pitted, lake-strewn country 
that can hardly fail to be noticed by the 
traveler. In the United States one of the 
most conspicuous is the high, rugged Ketde 
Moraine of eastern Wisconsin, formed be- 
tween two tongues, or lobes, of the late 
Pleistocene glacier (Fig. 4.29). Another is 
the broad series of moraines in western Min- 
nesota that forms a belt of unusually rough 
knob-and-kettle surface 25 to 50 miles in 
width. An important group of European 
moraines can be traced as a belt of irregular 
lake-dotted country that extends from Den- 
mark through north Germany and Poland to 
the vicinity of Moscow. Narrower but very 
prominent moraines also cross southern 
Finland from west to east. 

Many till plains exhibit elongated ridges 
and grooves that extend in the direction of 
ice movement. In some areas these take the 

form of low, streamlined hills of drift that 
are called drumlins (Fig. 4.30). The origin 
of such features is not well understood, 
though it probably involved the riding of 
the ice over old moraine deposits or over 
material lodged beneath the ice by melting. 
Recent investigations, especially in Canada, 
have disclosed that linear features of this 
kind are much more widespread than was 
formerly thought. 

The lakes and swamps that are common 
to most till surfaces are simply collections 
of water in the low sags and depressions in 
the drift surface. They are most abundant 
where the surface is especially rough because 
of marginal-moraine deposition or the pres- 
ence of an irregular preglacial surface under- 
neath. Most of the lakes are shallow. Nearly 
all are destined for early disappearance be- 
cause of filling by sediment and swamp 
debris as well as rapid lowering of the out- 
lets by erosion of the unconsolidated drift. 

Outwash surfaces Outwash surfaces 
can occur both within and beyond the limits 
of the area covered by the ice. Meltwater 
streams may carry debris tens or hundreds 
of miles from the ice margin to deposit it in 

Plains 91 

the form of floodplains along established 
valley bottoms or as fans and sheets across 
smooth plains. 

With one significant exception* the features 
of outwash surfaces are those common to 
other alluvial plains of comparable type. 
The surfaces are usually conspicuously flat 
and exhibit various patterns of stream 
channels (Fig. 4.31). Since the finer silts and 
clays are normally carried in suspension 
clear out of the area of origin, the outwash 
deposits in the vicinity of the ice margin are 
usually sands and gravels, reasonably well 
stratified. A peculiarity of some outwash 
surfaces is the existence of sizable depres- 
sions, often rather steep-sided, and usually 
containing lakes or swamps. These are not 
normal alluvial features, but are found prin- 
cipally in outwash plains laid down within 
the glaciated area. During wasting away of 
the glacier, individual masses of stagnant ice 
are left in front of the retreating glacial 
margin, to be largely or completely buried 
in outwash. Eventually the mass melts away 
from beneath the deposit, and the surface 
sags down into the space it occupied. 

Outwash deposits are widespread about 

F I G . 4 . 3 A drumlin on the till plain of central New York. Its shape 
indicates that the ice movement was from right to left. (U.S. Geological Survey.) 



FIG. 4.31 The nearly flat surface of an outwash plain. (Wisronsin 

the former glacial margins and throughout 
the glaciated areas. A few areas have received 
unusually thick and extensive deposits be- 
cause of conditions that favored the pouring 
of large amounts of meltwater into a re- 
stricted space. Southern Michigan, for ex- 
ample, received outwash from glacial tongues 
to the west, north, and east, and is notable 
for such deposition (Fig. 4.32). The Baltic 
Coast of Denmark, Germany, and Poland 
received quantities of outwash that was 
trapped between the ice front to the north 
and higher ground to the south. 

Glaciated surfaces with little drift 
Some glaciated surfaces have little drift. 
They occur principally in the rougher parts 
of the crystalline rock regions of Canada, 
Scandinavia, and Finland. In these areas the 
thin preglacial soil cover was extensively re- 
moved, especially from the higher spots, and 
the resistant bedrock yielded little new 
drift. Locally, shallow basins were excavated 
in the bedrock, and lakes now occupy them. 
Patchy drift was deposited in the low spots, 
but especially on the uplands the naked 
bedrock has been left exposed (Fig. 4.33). 
These bare rock surfaces were in many 

places crudely smoothed by the action of the 
ice, and often show grooves or scratches that 
indicate the direction in which rocks were 
dragged across them by the glacier. Joints, 
fault lines, and other bands of weaker ma- 
terial show especially clearly because they 
have been etched out by selective erosion. 

Ice-scoured surfaces of this kind are gen- 
erally of low human utility because of their 
thin, stony, and patchy soils, their irregular 
surfaces, and the large amounts of standing 
water. Rapids and falls provide some useful 
water-power sites, and valuable mineral de- 
posits have been discovered in some of these 
areas of ancient rocks, but for the most part 
they offer little to man. 


How solution affects the surface Rel- 
atively limited areas of the world's plains 
owe their surface form primarily to the work 
of agents other than running water or mov- 
ing ice. The most significant are those show- 
ing the effects of subsurface solution and 
those modified by wind action. 

Plains 93 




Marginal moraines 
Outwash plains and 

valley trains 
==} Glacial lake deposits 

Undifferentiated drift of 

earlier glaciations 
| | Driftless regions 




FIG. 4.32 The pattern of arrangement of the drift deposits in the Great 
Lakes region. (Reproduced by permission of F. T. Thwaites.) 

Subsurface solution is highly significant dissolving the rock. In time the mass be- 
only in regions underlain by relatively pure comes honeycombed with cavities, some of 
limestones. Water in the ground makes its them of cavernous size. This weakens the 
way along joints and between layers of the structure of the rock, and parts of it collapse, 
limestone and enlarges these openings by If breakdown occurs near ground level, the 



F I G . 4 . 3 3 The rounded uplands and rock basins of an ice-scoured 
surface in northern Canada, where vegetation is scant. Note the different 

elevations Of the lakes. (Royal Canadian Air Force.) 

surface sinks down, forming a depression, or 
sinkhole (Fig. 4.34). 

Solution features Sinkholes are of all 
sizes, but those in plains areas are usually 
no more than a few feet or at most a 
few tens of feet in depth, and from a few 
yards to a large fraction of a mile in diameter 
(Fig. 4.35). They may have openings at the 
bottom through which surface water can es- 
cape to underground passages. But some- 
times the opening becomes stopped with clay 
and other debris, so that a small lake is 

These depressions are the most distinctive 

feature of topography in which solution has 
played a part. Where they are closely spaced 
and small, the surface strongly resembles 
morainic topography. In addition, however, 
solution areas commonly have strikingly few 
surface streams. A small stream will run on 
the surface for a short distance and will then 
disappear into a sink opening or small hole, 
pursuing the rest of its course underground. 
In many depressions and valleys streams 
emerge from caves or springs, sometimes 
diving again into the ground some distance 

Sizable areas of solution-marked plains 

FIG. 4.34 Sinkholes and their relation to solution cavities beneath the surface. (V. C. Finch.) 

occur in northern and northwestern Florida; 
smaller areas are numerous and widespread. 
Several highly spectacular solution land- 
scapes of high relief exist in various parts of 
the world, most notably in western Yugo- 
slavia, but these cannot be classified as 


Occurrence and characteristic ero- 
sional features Wind-shaped plain sur- 
faces are largely confined to the dry parts of 
the world. Even there the effects of wind 
action are usually less important than the 
work of water. Except for the few great seas 
of sand dunes, wind-produced features are 
mostly minor details on surfaces sculptured 
principally by water. 

Wind erosion produces three kinds of 
noticeable features. Some broad, shallow, 
enclosed depressions that cannot be other- 

Ptains 95 

wise explained are attributed to wind erosion 
resulting from destruction of the vegetation 
by some local cause. These features, called 
blowouts, are common in arid and semiarid 
regions. Also attributable to the wind are 
the various polished, etched, and curiously 
formed bedrock features produced by sand- 
blasting during strong winds. The most ex- 
tensive products of wind erosion are the 
gravel plains left behind by the selective re- 
moval of fine particles from the surface layers 
of mixed alluvium. This "desert pavement" 
occupies broad areas in most of the world's 
dry lands (Fig. 3.30). 

Depositional features The only pro- 
nounced surface forms directly attributable 
to deposition by the wind are sand dunes. 
They have developed chiefly from thick 
alluvial deposits of lowland basins and in 
some instances from the residual weathering 
products of sandstones (Fig. 4.36). 

Where sand is thick and abundant, dunes 
commonly form as series of great waves sim- 

F I G . 4.35 Limestone plain with numerous small sinkholes, some 
containing ponds. Near Park City, Kentucky, south of Mammoth Cave. 

(IL Ray Scott, National Park Concessions, Im., (ourtesy Kentucky Geological Sun>ey.) 


F I G . 4 . 3 6 The billowing, wind-rippled forms of one of the small patches 
of sand dunes in the American desert. Death Valley National Monument. 

(George A. Grant, National Patk Service.) 

ilar in form to waves in the sea. However, 
where strong winds may come from various 
directions, these waves are distorted into 
pyramids and other more complex forms. 
Where the sand is less plentiful, dunes are 
usually separated from one another, some- 
times forming almost perfect crescents 
(barchans) with the horns pointing downwind. 

FIG. 4.37 Common types of sand dunes. In 
all the examples shown, the prevailing direction of 
strong winds is from left to right. 

Long, peaked ridgelike forms (seifs) are also 
common (Fig. 4.37). Many dunes, especially 
the smaller ones, are moved along progres- 
sively by the wind, not as a mass but grain 
by grain. Roads, irrigated fields, and even 
towns, in the Sahara and elsewhere, have 
been engulfed by moving dunes. 

Perhaps because of the striking forms and 
movements of dunes, it is a common belief 
that most deserts are largely covered by them, 
but this is not true. Dunes are rather rare in 
the Americas, and even in the Old World 
they occupy a minority of the desert lands 
(Fig. 4.38). 

Dunes also occur as features of sandy sur- 
faces in humid lands, especially adjacent to 
beaches. Usually, however, they do not move 
far from their place of origin, but tend to be 
confined by the growth of vegetation. 

The deposition of wind-blown loess (page 
70) may serve to cover the land with an 

Plains 97 





FIG. 4.38 Extensive areas of sand dunes are largely confined to the 
deserts of the Eastern Hemisphere continents. 

extensive blanket of silt several inches or 
even many feet thick (Fig. 4.39). But the 
smooth-surfaced loess accumulations, unless 
they are unusually thick, do not greatly 
change the form of the preexisting terrain, 
unlike sand deposits. Because of the relative 
ease with which loess is eroded, and because 

FIG. 4.39 Loess deposits are widespread in 

the United States. (From C. F. Marbut. U.S. Department 
of Agriculture. ) 

of its propensity for maintaining steep slopes, 
areas of thick loess are nonetheless com- 
monly rather strongly dissected by streams, 
and in places have become quite picturesque 
(Fig. 4.40). 

F I G . 4 . 4 An eroded and slumped hillside in 
deep loess in central Nebraska. 

ill CHAPTER 5 

than plains 



Basic nature; tectonic background 

Hill and mountain lands are distinguished 
from other types of surfaces by the fact that 
the majority of their slopes are too steep to 
be described as gentle. In addition, most hill 
lands have local relief of several hundred 
feet, and the relief of mountains is still 


As previously mentioned, high relief can 
develop only if parts of the area are built or 
carried far above their surroundings by crustal 
deformation or vulcanism, or if the entire 
area is brought so far above the baselevel of 
erosion that streams can cut deeply into the 
surface. In either instance tectonic activity 
of considerable strength is necessary. So it 
is no surprise to find that the world's moun- 
tains occur in strongly disturbed parts of the 

Furthermore, a considerable amount of 
the disturbance must have occurred late in 
geologic time; otherwise the surface irregu- 
larities would already have been smoothed 
out by gradation. In most mountain areas 
major crustal disturbance appears to have 
taken place several times, with long intervals 
between. In these instances the present 
mountains are simply the latest of several 
generations that have existed in one place. 
Thus, for example, the first (and strongest) 
crustal deformation in the Appalachian 
Mountain region took place some 250 million 
years ago, but the mountains produced at 
that time were soon destroyed. An unknown 
number of generations of mountains have 
come into existence and been destroyed in 
the area since then, and the present ones are 
not more than a few million years old. The 
latest disturbance was a broad, rather modest 
upwarping of the old complex structures, 
with carving out of the existing forms by 
differential erosion. 

Steep slopes naturally accompany high 
relief. Streams that have far to go in order to 
reach baselevel commonly achieve steep 
gradients and cut down rapidly, producing 
steep-sided, often canyonlike valleys. As 
suggested earlier, a predominance of steep 
slopes is rather rare in areas of low relief, 
where slow downcutting is more the rule. 
Hills of low relief usually require unusual 
conditions for their development, conditions 
that favor concentrated runoff and especially 
swift erosion. Thus such hills are especially 
likely to develop in dry areas, limestone 
areas, and loess areas. 

It is worth emphasizing that extensive 
areas of hills are rarely if ever simply worn- 
down mountain lands. Where mountains 
have been worn down to moderate relief, 
their valleys have ordinarily been so widened 
by erosion and mass wasting that only widely 

Surfaces rougher than plains 99 

separated clumps or lines of high-standing 
remnants are left. Broad expanses of hills 
such as the Ozarks and the hills of eastern 
Kentucky and West Virginia have been 
formed by the cutting of a close network of 
narrow valleys in extensive masses of the 
crust that have been only moderately up- 
lifted. The relief has not, in late geologic 
time, been appreciably larger than it is now. 

Sculpturing The sculpturing of rough 
lands is accomplished by the same agents 
that shape the surface features of plains. It is 
therefore not necessary to recapitulate the 
principles of surface development but only 
to consider their application to these surfaces 
of higher relief and predominantly steeper 

Mountain and hill lands are all carved out 
of masses of the crust that have been lifted 
up or built up significantly by crustal defor- 
mation or vulcanism. The forms taken by 
the various ranges, groups, ridges, valleys, 
and peaks depend first upon the nature of 
the gradational agents and the form and 
geologic structure of the mass on which they 
have to work. Most mountain forms are 
erosional; that is, they are produced by such 
processes as stream cutting, mass movement, 
and glacial quarrying. Only the occasional 
uneroded fault scarps, volcanic cones, lava 
flows, and alluvial features are exceptions. 



Valley forms and patterns The ma- 
jority of streams in rough lands are still cut- 
ting down rapidly. Their gradients are steep 
and irregular, with many rapids and falls. 
Because valley deepening is going on actively, 
there is no chance for valley floors to open out; 
so the cross sections are commonly V-shaped. 
Where the rocks are especially resistant to 


*' J u . 5 . l I he Black uanyon of Gunnison 
River, Colorado, a narrow gorge cut by an 
active stream in resistant rock. (W. 7.' Lee, U.S. 

Geological Survey.) 

weathering, valley widening is so slow in 
comparison to deepening that a slitlike gorge 
develops (Fig. 5.1). Where rocks are weaker 
and stream gradients gentler, valley sides are 
much less steep, provided there is enough 
surface runoff or mass movement to wear 
them back. 

In those rough lands where erosion has 
proceeded for a long time, the principal 
streams have attained gentle gradients and 
their valleys have begun to widen and to 
develop open floors. Many of the tributary 
valleys, however, are still steep and V-shaped. 
Eventually the continued widening of the 
principal valleys tends to parcel the rough 
land into separated masses and spidery 
ridges. Such areas are likely to offer much 
more usable land and somewhat easier paths 
of access than those in which erosion is less 
far advanced. 

As in plains, the pattern of valleys and 
ridges will be dendritic unless there are pro- 
nounced local variations in rock resistance 


or peculiarities in the arrangement of original 
slopes (Fig. 5.2). However, because com- 
plex rock structures and irregular arrange- 
ments of slopes on the original uplands are 
almost the rule in mountainous areas, depar- 
tures from the dendritic pattern are common. 
And because the relief is great, these pecul- 
iarities are more obvious and more significant 
than they are in plains (Fig. 4.7). 

Slopes, peaks, and ridges The steep 
slopes of hills and mountains favor rapid 
wash and active mass movement on the valley 
sides. Landslides, avalanches, and sudden 
floods are not uncommon. On especially 
steep, rocky mountainsides sizable blocks of 
rock, dislodged by weathering and ice wedg- 
ing, roll or fall down the slopes, accumulat- 
ing in steeply inclined piles or fans called 
talus or scree (Fig. 3.23). Hillside soils are 
characteristically thin and stony because of 
the continual stripping of the surface by 


Most peaks and ridges are simply what 
has been left after the cutting of adjacent 
valleys. Their pattern is determined by the 
pattern of the streams. Sometimes this 
arrangement is strongly conditioned by varia- 
tions in the resistance of the rocks, with 
ridges and peaks upheld by outcrops of un- 
usually resistant rock. In a few mountain 
areas many or all of the individual high 
peaks are volcanic cones. 

In erosional mountains, as in stream-eroded 
plains, upland divides are continuous and 
high during the earlier stages of development. 
In time, however, the divides become nar- 
rowed to relatively sharp crests and from then 
on are subjected to irregular lowering. 
Notches appear at the heads of major valleys 
and then at tributary heads (Fig. 5.3). As the 
number and depth of the notches increases, 
the divides change from continuous high 

Surfaces rougher than plains 101 

ridges to lines of well-defined peaks separated 
by lower gaps or passes. The existence of 
such gaps may be highly important to the 
location and relative ease of transport routes 
through a mountainous area. 

Some areas of hills or mountains are re- 
markable for the close spacing and extreme 
sharpness of their gullies, ravines, and ridges. 
Such intricacy of sculpture is fairly common 
in dry lands, where the surface is not pro- 
tected by vegetation and gullying is the rule. 
In a few regions of the world there are hill 
lands of almost incredible ruggedness and 
complexity, The famed Badlands of the 
western Dakotas are an excellent example 
(Fig. 5.4). These have been carved out of 
weakly cemented, easily eroded sandy silts in 
a semiarid climate. Small-scale features of 
the same sort can often be seen on dirt fills 
and old mine dumps that have been allowed 
to remain for years without a plant cover. 

Effects of structure The form and the 
rock structure of the upraised mass of the 
crust can have strong effects upon the moun- 
tains or hills that are carved from it. These 
effects are seen sometimes in the form and 
pattern of major features and sometimes in 
relatively minor details of slope and crest. 

Where crustal disturbance or volcanic out- 
pouring has occurred very rapidly and 
recently, the shape and pattern of the up- 
lifted section of the crust is clearly visible in 
the form and outline of the mountain mass 
itself. One of the most striking examples is 
to be seen in the Sierra Nevada of California. 
This great range is sculptured from an im- 
mense tilted fault block nearly 400 miles 
long. The precipitous fault scarp, in places 
more than 8,000 ft high, faces eastward, and 
the tilted surface of the block slopes more 
gently toward the west (Fig. 3.5). Both 
slopes have been deeply cut by streams and 

FIG. 5.2 Aerial view in the Allegheny hill region 
of West Virginia shows it to be a stream-dissected 
upland with a dendritic valley pattern. (John L. Rnh. 

(btithw of the "GmRwphual Review," Amentan 
(irtifriapfiual Sot iti \ of New York.) 

valley glaciers, but the general form and the 
size of the range are those of the block. 
Such fault-block ranges are not uncommon, 
though few are as large as this one. Other 
ranges and groups of mountains and hills 
show forms and outlines produced directly 
by rapid and recent folding or doming. 

More commonly, however, uplift occurs 
so slowly that by the time it is completed the 
upraised mass has already been strongly 
eroded, so much so that the resulting moun- 



FIG. 5.3 Brown Pass, a saddle-shaped notch in Glacier National Park, 
Montana. The white arrow point touches the crest of the pass, which crosses 
the Continental Divide. Note talus slopes at foot of cliffs at right. 

(National Park Service.) 

tains or hills bear little direct relationship to 
the form of the uplift except in general extent 
and outline. In these cases the complete struc- 
ture of the mass can be deduced only by 
inference from what is left of it. Often the 
amount eroded away is larger than the bulk 
of the mountains or hills that remain. 

It was mentioned earlier in this chapter 
that in most rough lands there is evidence 
that uplift has occurred repeatedly and that 
the present mountains and hills are not the 
first ones to exist. In these situations it is 
almost a rule that the earlier disturbances 
were the most violent and complex, and that 
the later ones tended to be simply broad 

general uparchings of relatively modest 
height. But these upwarped masses are still 
rooted on the older and much more com- 
plex structures, which not infrequently 
include rocks of high resistance. As a result, 
differential erosion becomes very important 
in determining patterns of ranges and valleys 
within the broadly upwarped area. 

Some of the most remarkable examples of 
the effects of structure are found in the 
Appalachian Highlands of the eastern United 
States. The present mountains are the result 
of erosion on a broadly upwarped section of 
the crust in which are some very old and 
complex structures. The western part of the 

highlands is underlain by nearly horizontal 
rock strata. Since, within a limited area, there 
are not great differences in rock resistance, 
the valley patterns are dendritic, and the 
entire area is carved into a jumble of hills 
and low mountains (Figs. 2.90, 5.2). The 
easternmost section of the highlands is de- 
veloped on a highly complex structure, but 
one in which the ancient rocks involved do 
not vary much in resistance. Here again the 
mountains display a typical dendritic pattern 
(Fig. 5.5). Between these two areas, however, 
is a long belt of layered rocks that were in 
ancient times thrown into a remarkable series 
of long, parallel wrinkles. The layers now 
,outcrop in parallel bands and vary greatly 
in resistance. Erosion on this structure has 
etched out valleys along the bands of weaker 
rock, leaving the edges of the resistant 

Surfaces rougher than plants 103 

strata standing in relief as long ridges (Figs. 
5.6, 5.7). Somewhat similar features are 
found in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkan- 
sas and in the Jura of eastern France. 

Less striking, though not less significant, 
effects of structure are common. Thus, for 
example, most of the ranges of the Rocky 
Mountains of Wyoming and Colorado owe 
their present height above their surroundings 
to the superior resistance of their rocks, 
which are the roots of earlier, folded moun- 
tain structures. 

Rock structure has many effects upon the 
smaller features of rough lands, just as it 
does in plains. Resistant outcrops stand out 
as ridges and peaks or form ledges and cliffs 
on the hillsides (Fig. 5.8). Joints, fault lines 
and nonresistant outcrops become sites of 
rapid erosion and therefore serve to localize 

F 1 . 5 . 4 The intricately dissected terrain of the Badlands of western 
South Dakota. 



FIG. 5.5 The Irregular, peaked ridges and eroded basins of the 
southern Blue Ridge, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina. 

(National Park Service.) 

valley cutting. Scarcely a slope, a crest, or a 
stream course fails to show at least some 
effect of the underlying rock structure. 

FIG. 5.6 Series of diagrams in chronological 
sequence to illustrate the erosional development of 
linear ridges. (V. c. Finch.) 


Mountain glaciers Large areas of hill- 
and-low-mountain lands in northern North 
America and northwestern Europe were 
completely overrun by the continental ice 
sheets of the Pleistocene period. The higher 
mountains in those areas, as well as else- 
where in the world, supported large glacial 
tongues in their valleys; indeed, many still 
do. Both continental and valley glaciers had 
significant effects upon the land forms, and 
the still-existing glaciers are significant forms 
in themselves. 

From their broad, snow-covered areas of 
accumulation on the upper slopes and 
especially in the valley heads, mountain 
glaciers extend far down the valleys into the 
zone of melting. The tiny, almost extinct 
glaciers of the western United States rarely 
exceed a mile in length, but in the Rocky 
Mountains of Canada and in the Alps glacial 

Surfaces rougher than plains 105 

tongues 5 to 10 miles long are common. 
Some of the largest valley glaciers are in 
southern Alaska and the Himalayas, where 
lengths of 20 to more than 50 miles are re- 
corded (Fig. 5.9). 

The upper parts of mountain glaciers are 
often concave in form, with snow-covered, 
sometimes smooth surfaces. Toward the lower 
ends, however, the snow cover melts away in 
the summer, exposing a rather rough surface 
deeply slashed in places by open cracks or 
crevasses, especially at sharp turns in the 
valleys and where the gradient abruptly in- 
creases. Wastage of the ice by melting and 
evaporation uncovers masses of rock debris 
^contained within the glacier, so that the 
lower" ends of many glaciers are almost ob- 
scured by a cover of rubble. 

Effects of continental glaciation 
Mountain and hill areas that have been over- 
ridden by continental ice sheets appear to 
have suffered much the same kinds of modi- 
fication experienced by glaciated plains. The 
ice tended, in general, to smooth the surface 
by eroding away crags, projecting peaks, and 
small spurs, and by depositing drift in the 
valleys and ravines (Fig. 5.10). In a few 
places, where valleys were oriented in the 
direction of glacial flow, the ice was able to 
erode conspicuously in moving through the 
bottleneck. As in plains, the drift-clogged 
valleys are often the sites of numerous lakes 
and swamps. The northern Appalachians 
and the Adirondacks in New York State, the 
uplands and mountains of New England, and 
most of the Laurentian highlands of eastern 
Canada are rough lands that have been 
modified by overriding continental glaciation. 

Effects of valley glaciation While 
broad ice sheets have the general effect of 
smoothing the topography, valley glaciers 
have quite the opposite effect, for their work 

FIG. 5.7 Winter aerial view along one of the 
parallel ridges of the Appalachian Ridge and Valley 
region in Pennsylvania. The resistant stratum that 
forms the ridge dips sharply to the left. The 
Susquehanna River cuts through the ridge, 

forming a water gap. (Famhild Aerial Survyi, Inc.) 

is restricted to the valleys themselves. Within 
each valley they work vigorously, clearing 
weathered rock and talus from the valley 
bottom and sides, plucking in jointed bed- 
rock, scouring on rock projections, and dump- 
ing their transported load farther down the 
valley and along the sides of the ice tongue. 
Thus the walls of glaciated mountain valleys 
are commonly steeper and freer of debris 
than are those of typical stream-cut valleys. 
Valley floors often descend in a series of 



FIG. 5.8 View northward along the eastern front of the Rocky Mountains 

near Denver, Colorado. Massive crystalline rocks at extreme left. In center are outcrops 

and long hogback ridges on steeply inclined sedimentary strata. Mesa in 

right background is capped by an old lava flow. (T. s. levering, U.S. Geokgual Survty.) 

FIG. 5.9 Head of Susitna Glacier in central Alaska. Several tributary glaciers, descending 
from high snowfields, join to form a large glacial tongue in the foreground. Note the many 
cirques at the glacier heads, the crevasses at sharp turns and in steeper sections of the 
glaciers, and the prominent medial and lateral moraines in the foreground. (Bradford Wuhburn.) 

Surfaces rougher than plains 107 

FIG. 5.10 Keuka Lake, one of the Finger Lakes, rests among the 
smooth-sloped glaciated hills of western New York. Contrast with 

Fig. 16.5 (XYSPIXConururce, Albany, JV.Y.) 

FIG. 5.11 Head of a glaciated mountain valley. A large cirque in 
background, with precipitous rock walls and a small remnant glacier. 
Characteristic stepped-down valley profile with lakes and waterfalls. 

(Hilttnan, from Glacier National Paik.) 



steps, and are marked by lakes strung like 
beads along a cord, some of them occupying 
shallow depressions in the bedrock, some 
dammed by moraines. Rapid weathering and 
wearing back of the bare, steep valley walls 
may reduce intervening divides to jagged, 
knife-edged ridges. Many valley heads look 
as though they had been excavated from the 
mountain masses by tremendous scoop 
shovels. Such steep-walled valley heads are 
termed cirques (Fig. 5.11). 

This combination of abrupt slopes, sharp 
peaks and ridges, much exposed rock, 
numerous lakes, and prominent moraine 
ridges gives to valley-glaciated mountains a 
particularly spectacular quality, which is 
enhanced if there are still large glaciers and 
snow fields present (Fig. 5.12). It is true that 
many of these characteristics are sometimes 
found in mountains that have been subjected 
to especially vigorous stream erosion but 
never glaciated. But the recurring combina- 

F I G . 5.12 Valley-glaciated mountains of the alpine type. Note the large 
abandoned lateral moraine in the foreground, indicating that the glacier was 
once larger than it is now. Mount Athabasca, Alberta, Canada. 

(Canadian I'acijii Railway Co.) 

don of such features, and most significantly 
the presence of lakes and moraines, is the 
special mark of mountain glaciation. Nearly 
all of the truly great and high ranges of the 
earth display glacial features, some of modern 
development, some dating from the Pleisto- 
cene. Those ranges in which the glacial 
features are especially rugged and in which 
living glaciers still exist are often termed 
alpine mountains. 


Occurrence While many of the world's 
rough lands are carved out of rocks that 
have originated through vulcanism, rel- 
atively few mountains have actually been 
constructed primarily by volcanic activity. 
The map of volcanic regions shows that 
volcanoes are largely confined to Central 
America, parts of the Andes, certain of the 
Atlantic islands, Italy and Sicily, eastern 
Africa, and the island chains of the western 
and northern Pacific. The majority of the 
great mountain systems, including the 
Rockies, the Alps, and the Himalayas, are 
nonvolcanic, although there is evidence of 
local activity in past times. Yet nearly all of 
the volcanic areas do lie in the mountain 
belts. The same strong crustal disturbances 
that have led to the development of the 
great mountain systems have undoubtedly 
favored the formation of molten pockets 
near the base of the crust and have provided 
the zones of weakness through which these 
materials have escaped to the surface. 

Volcanic cones Strictly speaking, the 
truly volcanic mountains are the cones that 
have been built up by the accumulation of 
lava and ash about eruptive vents. Such 
cones form as essentially isolated features, 
ranging in size from insignificant hillocks to 
magnificent peaks thousands of feet high and 

Surfaces rougher than plains 109 

several miles in diameter. As a general rule 
the cones formed by explosive eruption in- 
volving ash are steep-sided, while those 
formed by the effusion of slowly hardening 
lavas are very broad and gentle. Paricutin 
(Fig. 3.7) and Vesuvius are examples of the 
former, the Hawaiian volcanoes of the latter 
(Fig. 5.13). However, the majority of cones 
are actually made up of layers of both lava 
and ash, and so are intermediate between the 
two extreme varieties. Fujiyama, the beauti- 
ful dormant volcano of central Japan, is a 
composite cone of this type (Fig. 5.14). 

Fresh volcanic cones are usually smooth 
and symmetrical in form and display one or 
more well-defined craters, but erosion soon 
destroys this perfection. Once the volcano 
has ceased to be active, its crater is breached 
by ravines and its flanks become scarred and 
irregular. Mount Hood, Mount Rainier, and 
the other great peaks of the Cascade Range 
in the northwestern United States have all 
been dissected and roughened in varying 
degree by the work of both streams and 
glaciers (Fig. 5.15). Eventually, extinct 
cones become so reduced that they can 
scarcely be recognized for what they are. 
Occasionally destruction of a cone is hastened 
by explosion or collapse that destroys the top 
of the cone, leaving an immense depression 
(caldera) larger than any normal crater. 
Crater Lake in Oregon occupies a caldera of 
this kind (Fig. 5.16). 

In some areas volcanic cones are so closely 
grouped in clusters or lines that they form 
mountain ranges or groups by themselves. 
The high-peaked and almost continuous 
range that extends the entire length of the 
island of Java, for example, is made up 
almost entirely of volcanic cones. Much more 
commonly, however, the cones are incidental 
features in areas of complex mountains formed 


F 1 G . 5 . 13 The great "shield" volcanoes on the island of Hawaii. The 
summit of Mauna Loa (13,018 ft), with several craters, in the foreground; 
the broad cone of Mauna Kea (13,784 ft) in the background. The largest 
crater shown is 2 miles long and nearly 2 miles wide. 
(Official U.S. Navy photograph.) 

F I G . 5 . 1 4 The symmetrical cone of Fujiyama 
rises more than 12,000 ft above Suruga Bay and its 
bordering alluvial plains. (If. Suite.) 

chiefly by crustal deformation. Thus, for ex- 
ample, the cones of the Cascade Range and 
of the Andes have been constructed on top 
of or among mountains formed by the erosion 
of complex upraised masses of lava, ash, and 
various older rocks. 

Erosional mountains developed on 
volcanic materials Where thick and ex- 
tensive accumulations of lava and ash have 
been upraised and deeply dissected, the re- 
sulting mountains, though composed of vol- 
canic materials, are actually erosional features 
and do not owe their form directly to the 
vnlranir activitv. Much of the San Juan 

Surfaces rougher than plains 111 

FIG. 5.15 Mount Hood, Oregon, is an extinct composite volcanic cone, 
deeply eroded by water and ice. (U.S. Forest Service.) 

FIG. 5.16 Crater Lake, Oregon, occupies a deep caldera formed by the 
collapse and destruction of the upper part of a great volcanic cone. Wizard 
Island (foreground) is a younger cone formed later. (National Park Service.) 



FIG. 5.17 I he Abajo Mountains in eastern 
Utah. This mountain group is a dissected intrusive 
mass (laccolith) about 6 miles in diameter and 
rising nearly 4,000 ft above the uplands of the 

Colorado Plateaus. (W. ftom, U.S. Geological Survey.) 

Mountains of southwestern Colorado, the 
most extensive mass in the Southern Rockies, 
is carved in this way out of old volcanic 

Small intrusions sometimes form domelike 
bulges on the surface. These too are attacked 
by erosion and are sculptured into isolated 
peaks or small groups of mountains. Navajo 
Mountain, northeast of the Grand Canyon, 
is such a feature as yet but slightly dissected. 
The Henry Mountains, La Sal Mountains, 

FIG. 5.18 Agathla Peak, a great volcanic 
neck in northeastern Arizona. (American Museum of 

Natural Histmy.) 

and Abajo Mountains of eastern Utah have 
been more deeply carved into rugged moun- 
tain groups (Fig. 5.17). Because of the 
superior resistance of their rocks, the fillings 
of volcanic vents and the last remnants of 
small intrusive domes sometimes remain 
standing as striking towers after the surround- 
ing materials have been eroded away 
(Fig. 5.18). 



Large areas of the continents are occupied 
by surfaces in which much gentle slope and 
relatively high relief are combined. These 
surfaces would, indeed, be plains, were there 
not certain widely spaced features on them 
having steep slopes and considerable height 
or depth. The distinction has already been 
drawn between those surfaces in which relief 
is provided chiefly by canyons or cliffs fall- 
ing away below a smooth upland (tablelands) 

and those in which spaced hills or moun- 
tains rise above an extensive plain (plains 
with hills or mountains). 

Since smooth surfaces usually imply a 
dominance of gradational processes and since 
high relief cannot occur without significant 
uplift of a part of the crust, it is clear that 
these rough-and-smooth surfaces are combi- 
nations in origin as well as in configuration. 
Commonly the smooth plain and the inter- 
rupting irregularities must be accounted for 
by quite separate series of events. 


Origin Tablelands, with their relatively 
smooth uplands and deep, steep-sided valleys, 
are like youthfully dissected plains in which 
the valleys are unusually deeply cut. Such 
deep cutting requires that the original sur- 
face shall have been lifted far above base- 
level. Thus most tablelands have originated 
as plains of various kinds that have in rel- 
atively late time been uplifted or built up far 
enough to permit deep dissection by streams. 

However, preservation of the upland sur- 
face against dissection during such deep 
cutting requires that tributary development 
be unusually slow. Hence the conditions that 
retard tributary growth (a) flatness, (b) 
porous and absorbent surface materials, (c) a 
solid vegetation cover, (J) light rains, and 
(e) resistant surface strata are even more im- 
portant to the existence of tablelands than to 
the maintenance of youthful plains. It is not 
mere coincidence that most tablelands are 
found in rather dry areas. Nor is it surpris- 
ing that many tablelands are capped by 
nearly horizontal strata of unusually resistant 
rock or by sheets of porous gravel. 

Characteristics The detailed features of 
tablelands are chiefly products of recent 
gradational activity and are not fundamentally 
different from features already discussed in 
connection with plains and rough lands. The 
uplands may be typical stream-eroded plains 
the details of which depend upon rock struc- 
ture and history. Many, having developed 
under dry climates on nearly horizontal rock 
strata of varying resistance, show features 
typically produced by those conditions. 
Narrow, steep- walled ravines, low cliffs and 
ledges, small, flat-topped mesas, and rocky 
terraces combine to give such uplands the 

Surfaces rougher than plains 113 

appearance of being miniatures of the larger 
tablelands of which they are a part. Other 
uplands show features of alluvial or glacial 
deposition. Still others are capped by lava 
flows or ash deposits. 

Canyons and cliffs are so characteristic of 
tablelands as to demand special attention. 
The existence of canyons is favored by the 
very factors responsible for tablelands in gen- 
eral. Late, strong uplift of the surface favors 
rapid downcutting. The conditions that favor 
preservation of the upland also inhibit valley 
widening. So the valleys become deep but 
not wide, and canyons and gorges are the 
result. Their excessively slitlike appearance 
is, of course, something of an illusion; rarely 
are they as deep as they are wide. (Fig. 5.19). 

The lines of cliffs (escarpments) that form 
the margins of many tablelands usually origi- 
nate either as canyon sides or as fault scarps, 
though some are formed by differential erosion. 
They are worn back by erosion and mass move- 
ment but retain their steepness. In time they 
may retreat many miles from their original 
position. As they do so, the tableland surface 
becomes smaller and smaller and eventually 
disappears entirely. Usually the escarpment 
is highly irregular, with many ravines and 
projections (Fig. 5.20). Often fragments of 
the tableland are detached from the main 
mass by erosion and form spectacular flat- 
topped hills (mesas or buttes) and columns 
in front of the escarpment. Such features are 
called outliers (Fig. 5.21). 

The upland surfaces of tablelands are in 
many places smooth enough to be easily 
traversable, even to serve as agricultural land. 
However, they are often rather dry, and may 
be too far above the streams to irrigate. The 
canyons and escarpments may provide major 
obstacles to transportation and may even 
make access to the uplands unduly difficult. 



7 1 / 2 miles 




FIG. 5.19 Cross-section profiles of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado 
River at Powell Memorial and of the canyon of the Little Colorado River 
about 2 miles above its mouth. Vertical and horizontal scales are the same. 

(From I/.S. Gtalogital Sun>ey topo^taphii \hffti Grand Canyon National Park, east half.) 

Occurrence The principal tablelands of 
North America, all in the western part of the 
continent, differ in rock structure and in the 
manner in which they have developed. The 
several tablelands about the Colorado River 
in Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado 
are strongly uplifted erosional plains on 
gently warped rock strata. The climate is dry, 
but a number of large streams emerging from 
the more humid mountains round about have 
cut profound canyons as they cross the up- 

land (Fig. 5.22). In parts of eastern Washing- 
ton and Oregon are tablelands carved out of 
thick and extensive accumulations of highly 
porous lava. Again the climate is dry, and 
there is little local runoff. Canyon cutting is 
accomplished by streams from the surround- 
ing mountains. Just east of the Rocky Moun- 
tains in the northern United States and 
Canada is a broad area of tableland with 
only modest relief. The smooth, grass- 
covered upland is an ancient piedmont 

F I G . 5 . 2 The ragged edge of an 
escarpment that is being driven back by erosion. 
Painted Desert, northeastern Arizona. 

(Sfance Air Photo*.) 

F I G . 5 . 2 1 A small mesa (right) and several 
buttes in Monument Valley, Arizona. These are 
detached outliers of a neighboring tableland. 

(American Mu&tum of Natural History.) 

Surfaces rougher than plains 1 15 

FIG. 5.22 The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona. I he 
portion of the canyon visible here is cut in nearly horizontal sedimentary strata. 
Resistant layers form the cliffs, weak strata the gentler slopes. (National Park Service.) 

alluvial plain of unusual extent. More 
recently it has been trenched by streams 
coming out of the Rockies. 

Other significant tablelands are the sand- 
stone and lava-capped uplands of interior 
southern Brazil, the low somewhat cuesta- 
form plateaus of southern Russia, and the 
broad, stony cuestas (hammadas) of the 
northern Sahara. 


Modes of development In contrast to 
tablelands, plains with hills or mountains 

owe their large relief to steeply sloping 
features that rise above the more extensive 
plain surface. As in tablelands, the high 
relief requires that tectonic action shall have 
raised at least part of the area above its sur- 
roundings or above baselevel, while the 
broad plains indicate active gradation. 

There are at least two very different se- 
quences of events that combine tectonics and 
gradation in such a way that plains sur- 
mounted by hills or mountains are produced. 
In the first, a generally mountainous area 
is reduced by erosion to the stage of early 
old age, in which only a few mountain rem- 
nants are left standing upon an erosional 



FIG. 5.23 Near the western edge of the Appalachian Piedmont, 
numerous small monadnocks remain standing upon an erosional plain 
developed on crystalline rocks. This is Big Cobbler Mountain in northern 

Virginia. (John L. Ruh. Courtesy of the "Geogiaphical Review, " American Geographical 
Society of Neiv Yotk.) 

plain. The second sequence produces spaced 
mountains upon an original plain by the rais- 
ing of fault blocks, the building of volcanic 
cones, or other localized tectonic disturbances. 

Erosional varieties Early in this chap- 
ter it was stressed that erosion of a mountain- 
ous area does not simply produce lower but 
still continuous mountains. Instead, the 
valleys widen at the expense of the moun- 
tains between them, eventually becoming 
very broad and merging with one another to 
form a low-level plain of irregular outline. 
For a long time, however, there may remain 
standing upon such a plain numerous steep- 
sided ridges, isolated peaks, and small groups 
of hills. 

Mountain-studded terrain of this origin 

occurs in parts of the eastern fringe of 
the Appalachians between Virginia and 
Georgia (Fig. 5.23). Glaciated varieties are 
found in parts of southern New England, the 
western Adirondacks, and in many sections 
of the extensive ancient-rock shield of cen- 
tral and eastern Canada. Similar terrain 
occurs in eastern Sweden and northern 
Finland. The most extensive areas of 
erosionally developed hill-studded plains are 
found on the hard-rock uplands of central 
Africa, where the remnants are often quite 
small and isolated. Much the same develop- 
ment has occurred in northeastern Brazil and 
in the eastern Guiana Highlands north of the 
Amazon plains (Fig. 5.24). 

Tectonically produced varieties Sur- 

Surfaces rougher than plains 117 

faces that have followed the second sequence 
of development are more widespread. In the 
majority of examples the mountains have 
been produced by faulting or folding, though 
there are a number of limited areas of plains 
dotted with volcanic cones. 

As already suggested, the mountains, 
whatever their tectonic origin, are attacked 
by erosion as soon as they begin to appear, 
so that they are rarely purely tectonic forms. 
In many instances it is clear that the moun- 
tains that now exist have been greatly re- 
duced from their original size. Thus the 
plain has expanded at the expense of the 
mountains, and the surface represents the re- 
sult of a combination of both of the 
sequences of development. 

One of the world's more extensive plain- 
and-mountain areas is the Basin and Range 
province, which occupies much of the south- 
western United States and nearly all of 
northern Mexico. From southern Oregon to 
Mexico City this landscape of dry plains and 
rather small but rugged mountain ranges ex- 
tends without a break and with only a mod- 
erate degree of internal variation. Most of 
the ranges are believed to have originated as 
raised and tilted fault blocks. Some of these, 
especially near the northwestern corner of 
the region, are fairly fresh and undissected. 
Most, however, are strongly eroded and re- 
duced in size, much of the debris of their 
destruction having been deposited on the 
plains between them (Fig. 5.25). Some show 
evidence of more than one major period of 
tectonic disturbance. A few volcanic moun- 
tains exist, but they are numerous only at 
the southern end of the region, in central 
Mexico. In that section are hundreds of 
cones, ranging from cinder hillocks to the 
majestic and snow-capped Popocatepetl. 

It cannot now be determined how smooth 

o :jw 



., "' ' ' . -' [ "' *"-& 

'**" ""*" ft " ' ' 

: ! 

FIG. 5.24 Remnant hills left standing upon 
an erosional plain developed on crystalline rocks in 
British Guiana. (D. Holdtid&. Courtew oftht 

"Gro^iaphiuil Review," American Geographical Society of 
Jfew York.) 

a plain existed in the Basin and Range 
province before the fault blocks and cones 
were formed. It is clear, however, that nearly 
all of the individual plains there have recently 
been extended and smoothed by erosion of 
the mountains on their margins and by 
deposition of alluvium on their floors. Many 
are enclosed depressions, in the lowest parts 
of which are salt-covered flats or temporary 
saline lakes (Fig. 5.26). 

Much of the Middle East, especially Iran 
and Afghanistan, closely resembles the Basin 
and Range province in topography and de- 
velopment. In central Asia, Tibet, and the 
central Andes of South America are surfaces 
displaying features of the same kinds but on 
a grander scale. The latter two areas are 
among the world's highest: even the basin 
floors stand at elevations of 10,000 to 16,000 
ft, and the summits of the ranges often 
exceed 20,000 ft. 

Because of the discontinuity and wide 
spacing of their peaks and ranges, plains 
with hills or mountains rarely offer serious 
hindrance to through transportation. Where 
conditions of soil, water, and climate are 



^-u^.''^^''.' 1 ' '" 

FIG. 5.25 Deeply eroded ranges alternate with smooth basin floors in 
the Mojave Desert of southeastern California. (Spence Air Photos.) 

favorable, these plains also furnish agricul- 
turally valuable land. Unfortunately, large 
areas of this kind of terrain, such as the 
Basin and Range province aad the Middle 

FIG. 5.26 Extensive salt flat on floor of 
enclosed basin in Basin and Range province. 
Clayton Valley, near Silver Peak, Nevada. 

(C. I). Walcott, U.S. Gfologiial Survey.) 

East, are excessively dry. Yet the alluvial 
fans, basin fillings, and occasional flood- 
plains in these areas of dryness sometimes 
provide possibilities for irrigation. Water 
from the adjacent mountains may be con- 
ducted to the alluvial surfaces by means of 
ditches, or it may soak into the porous 
alluvium where it can be reached by shallow 

Surfaces rougher than plains 119 


Atwood, W. W.: The Physiographic Provinces of North America, Ginn & Company, Boston, 1940. 
Cotton, C. A.: Volcanoes as Landscape Forms, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1952. 
Fenneman, N. M.: Physiography of Eastern United States, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 

New York, 1938. 
: Physiography of Western United States, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 

Finch, V. C., G. T. Trewartha, A. H. Robinson, and E. H. Hammond: Physical Elements of 

Geography, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1957. 
Flint, R. F.: Glacial and Pleistocene Geology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957. 
Lobeck, A. K.: Geomvrphology: An Introduction to tfte Study of Landscapes, McGraw-Hill Book 

Company, Inc., New York, 1939. 

Thornbury, W. D., Principles of Geomorphology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1954. 
Wooldridge, S. W., and R. S. Morgan: An Outline of Geomorphology: The Physical Basis of 

Geography, 2d ed., Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd, London, 1959. 


The margins 
of the lands 

+j . i . 


That the continents end and the oceans 
begin at the shore line is obvious. But if the 
statement is changed to "the continental plat- 
forms end and the ocean basins begin at the 
shore line," it is no longer true. Along most 
continental shores the sea bottom does not 
drop off immediately to great depths. Instead 
it usually falls away gradually until it reaches 
depths of 400 to 600 ft and then plunges 
steeply to the floor of the deep-sea basin 
(Fig. 6.1). The shallower, gently sloping 
zone is a part of the continental mass both 
in form and geologic structure, and is called 
the continental shelf. Its steep outer margin, 

the continental slope, is the true edge of the 
continent. Widths of the continental shelf 
vary from less than a mile to as much as 400 
miles. The widest shelves are commonly 
found adjacent to low-lying plains on the 
continents (Fig. 6.2). Mountainous coasts, 
on the other hand, are often bordered by 
narrow shelves or by none at all. 

As will be seen below, the shore lines of 
the world have, in late geologic time, re- 
peatedly shifted their positions across the 
continental shelves and the lower margins of 
the present land areas. The existing shore 
lines have only recently been established. 

The margins of the lands 121 

Depth at edge of shelf 
400 to 600 ft 

FIG. 6.1 Relation of continental shelf and continental slope to shore line and ocean floor. 

ISO 120 90 60 30 30 60 90 120 ISO 180 

FIG. 6.2 World map of continental shelves. 


Erosion and deposition by waves and cur- their mark upon the features of the coastal 

rents, deposition by streams and glaciers of zones. More important, however, have been 

the adjacent lands, organic accumulations, large changes in the relative levels of land 

and various tectonic happenings have all left and sea, for it is these changes that have 



actively moved the shore lines about and 
thus greatly influenced their pattern. 

A change in the relative levels of land and 
sea can be produced in two quite different 
ways. First, the land itself can be raised or 
lowered by crustal movement. Second, the 
sea surface can be raised or lowered, either 
by a change in the amount of water in the 
oceans or by a tectonic alteration of the total 
volume of the basins in which the oceans 
rest. These things have all happened fre- 
quently and on a large scale in relatively re- 
cent time, producing two kinds of changes 
in the position of the shore line, (a) If the 
land rose or the sea level sank, the shore 
line migrated seaward across the continental 
shelf, (b) If the land sank or the sea level 
rose, the shore line moved landward. 

The changes in sea level that accompa- 
nied the formation and disappearance of the 
great Pleistocene ice sheets were especially 

FIG. 6.3 Map of the Red Sea and its 
surroundings, showing the relation of its outline to 

major fault lines. (After Machatschck.) 

significant for the earth as a whole. Since the 
water that formed the glaciers originally 
came from the sea and was returned to the 
sea when the ice melted, the sea level sank 
as each ice sheet grew, and rose again as the 
ice melted. When the last glaciation was at 
its maximum, the sea level is believed to 
have been nearly 400 ft lower than it is now, 
thus exposing as dry land vast areas of what 
is now continental shelf. Thereafter the water 
surface rose irregularly, probably reaching 
its present level no more than a few thousand 
years ago. Tectonic raising and lowering of 
some coastal lands, especially in the Far 
North and around the Pacific rim, have oc- 
curred even more recendy. 

As a result of these events, the present 
position of the shore line has been only re- 
cently attained; indeed, in some places the 
shore is still shifting because of change of 
level of the land. The effects of these move- 
ments of the shore line may be clearly seen 
in the present outlines of certain coasts and 
in various features repeatedly encountered in 
the coastal zones. 

Bays The majority of bays and gulfs are 
the result of a rising of sea level. In some in- 
stances a section of the continent has been 
carried below the level of the sea by warp- 
ing, folding, or downfaulting. The Red Sea, 
Persian Gulf, and Gulf of California are 
major arms of the sea that occupy such struc- 
tural depressions (Fig. 6.3). Some broader 
bordering seas, such as Hudson Bay and part 
of the Gulf of Mexico, may have resulted at 
least in part from gentler downwarping of 
sections of the continental margin. But most 
of the innumerable indentations of the coasts 
have been formed by the drowning of ero- 
sional topography by a rising sea level. It is 
not surprising to find such features so widely 

The margins of the lands 123 

distributed, since the large rise of sea level 
during the melting of the last continental 
glacier was world-wide. 

A general rise of sea level or a broad tec- 
tonic depression of the land permits the 
establishment of a new shore line upon what 
was previously the land surface. This new 
shore line assumes the position of a contour 
line upon the former land surface. Its out- 
line, when first established, follows all of the 
wanderings of that contour line and thus re- 
flects the form of the drowned surface. 

If the submerged surface was a smooth al- 
luvial slope, its contours were regular, and 
the new shore line is similarly regular. But 
if the surface was an erosional surface, as is 
more often true, its contours were probably 
highly irregular, and the shore line resulting 
from its drowning is also irregular. The sea 
penetrates the valleys, forming bays, while 
the higher divides remain above water as 
peninsulas or headlands. Individual embay- 
ments resulting from submergence are called 
drowned valleys. Those at the mouths of 
rivers are called estuaries. 

Drowned valleys; estuaries If the gra- 
dients of the valleys drowned are very 
gentle, the resulting embayments reach far 
into the land, while the drowning of steeply 
pitching valleys produces only relatively 
short indentations. The form and pattern of 
the bays follow the form and pattern of the 
valleys that have been drowned. Thus some 
bays are dendritic, others are simple and 
parallel, and still others are highly irregular. 

An especially fine example of an estuarine 
shore line is the Atlantic Coast of the United 
States in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and 
North Carolina (Fig. 6.4). There, through 
the drowning of a dendritic system of broad 
river valleys having particularly gentle gra- 

F I G . 6 . 4 The middle Atlantic Coast of the 
United States exhibits a remarkably fine 
development of estuaries. 

dients, estuaries of unusual size and length 
were produced. 

Other strikingly estuarine coasts occur in 
northwestern Spain, Greece and western 
Turkey, western Ireland and Scotland, 
southern China, and southern Japan. The 
coasts of New England, Nova Scotia, and 
Newfoundland show an interesting variation 
on the usual estuarine pattern, an unusual 
complexity of outline resulting from the 
drowning of an irregular glaciated surface 
rather than a stream-eroded land (Fig. 6.5). 

The extensive stretches of the world's 
coast lines that are not impressively estuarine 
are still rarely, if ever, completely free of 
existing or former estuaries. Most of these 
coasts are characterized by relatively steep- 
gradient valleys that yielded only small 
estuaries. And even these have been filled in 




FIG. 6.5 The drowned glaciated shore line of 
Casco Bay, Maine, has many islands, rocky 
peninsulas, and narrow inlets. 

many instances by the deposits of the swift- 
flowing streams. Thus, for example, the 
Pacific Coast of the United States, though it 
has but few large estuaries, abounds in sedi- 
ment-filled valley mouths that were formerly 
small bays formed by the rise of sea level. 

Fiords Several mountainous coasts of 
the world have large numbers of narrow, 
deep, and spectacularly steep-walled bays, 
some of which penetrate unusually far into 
the land. These magnificent estuaries, known 
by the originally Norwegian name fiord, are 
ice-scoured mountain valleys drowned since 
their formation (Fig. 6.6). The extreme depths 
found in many fiords suggest that there must 

F I G . 6 . 6 A characteristic fiord landscape on 
the Norwegian coast. (Kirk H. si<w.) 


have been glacial erosion below even the 
lowered sea levels of glacial times. The prin- 
cipal regions of fiords are the coast of Nor- 
way, Greenland, northern Labrador and 
the eastern Arctic Islands, British Columbia 
and southern Alaska, southern Chile, and the 
west coast of South Island, New Zealand 
(Fig. 6.7). All of these are in the higher 
middle latitudes, where, at least during the 
glacial period, many valley glaciers descended 
to the sea. 

Cliffs and terraces Coastal cliffs and 
terraces are largely the product of waves. 
Wherever the water on exposed coasts 
deepens rapidly to seaward, waves break 
directly against the shore, sometimes with 

F 1 G . 6 . 7 The f iorded coasts of Norway, 
southern Chile, and British Columbia and southern 

Alaska are similar in pattern. 









The margins of the lands 125 

FIG. 6.8 Profile of the features on a shore line that is being subjected to wave erosion. 

great force. Through this attack the shore is 
undercut and driven back, producing a sea 
cliff. Then, as the cliff is worn back, it leaves 
behind at its base an erosional shelf sloping 
gently seaward just below the sea surface. 
The material eroded from the cliff face is 
dragged out across this shelf by the return 
flow from the breaking waves and is deposited 
in deeper water at its outer edge. As the shelf 
is widened by erosion at its inner edge it is 
also extended seaward by deposition at the 
outer margin. In this way a marine terrace is 
cut and built by the waves (Fig. 6.8). Because 
of local inequalities in the rate of erosion, 
there are often many pinnacles and rocky 
islets left behind on the widening erosional 
terrace as the cliff retreats (Fig. 6.9). 

In many places sea cliffs and marine ter- 
races have been either submerged or left 
high and dry by changes of relative levels of 
land and sea. Submerged terraces are com- 
monly hard to identify because they have 
been obscured by later deposition. Cliffs and 
terraces that have been exposed above sea 
level, on the other hand, are common and 
often prominent features of the world's coastal 
belts. Some coasts display a whole series of 
such terraces, rising like steps from the pres- 
ent shore. Most elevated terraces are eroded 
to some extent, and some have been warped 
by tectonic action. There is reason to believe 
that the world-wide changes of sea level dur- 
ing the Pleistocene sometimes brought the 
sea surface well above its present level, and 

that many of the lower terraces, at elevations 
of less than 300 ft, were cut at those times. 
Beaches and bars On protected sec- 
tions of the coast, even on exposed coasts 

F I G . 6 . 9 A wave-cut cliff and detached rocky 
islets on the exposed coast of Anacapa Island, 
Channel Islands National Monument, California. 

(Rogrt 'Ml, Motional Paik.Senwr.) 




that are not too frequently swept by destruc- 
tive storm waves, gentle wave action tends to 
move sand or gravel onto the shore, forming 
beaches. Along a smooth and low coast, the 
beaches may form a continuous strip many 
miles in length. On irregular coasts, however, 
the sediment is concentrated in the bays, the 
projecting points often being swept clear and 
subjected to active erosion. Through this 
erosion of headlands and the accumulation 
of beaches in the coastal indentations, an 
irregular shore line is gradually straightened 
by wave action (Fig. 6.10). 

Debris that is moved parallel to the shore 
by obliquely striking waves and the currents 

they generate continues to shift until it comes 
to an angle in the shore line, to the sheltered 
or deep waters of a bay, or to a protected 
position between a close-in island and the 
shore. At such a place it is dropped, making 
a ridge or embankment upon the bottom. 
With the aid of waves that occasionally strike 
them from seaward, these deposits may in 
time be built up to or above the water sur- 
face, forming a bar or projecting spit (Fig. 

Along coasts where shallow water causes 
the waves to break far from shore, long strips 
of sand, called offshore bars, are formed just 
inside the line of breakers. Such bars may 

F I G . 6 . 1 A sandy beach has been deposited in this sheltered bay, 
while the headland beyond has been swept clear by wave action. Cape 

Sebastian, Oregon (On-^ini State Highway Commission.) 





FIG. 6.11 Characteristic types and locations 
of bars, spits, and beaches. 

touch the land at projecting points, but else- 
where they are separated from it by shallow 
lagoons. Occasional breaks through the bars 
are kept open by the scouring of tidal cur- 
rents. The lagoon behind a bar is gradually 
filled by stream deposition and marsh growth, 
so that the offshore bar may eventually be 
joined to the mainland. 

Offshore bars are unusually well developed 
along the south Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of 
the United States, where they are not far 
from being continuous. Many of the famous 
beach resorts, such as Atlantic City, Palm 
Beach, Miami Beach, and Galveston, are built 

The margins of the lands 127 

on these bars and are reached from the main- 
land by bridges or causeways. In North 
Carolina broad estuarine lagoons (sounds) 
are enclosed by an especially far-flung 
cordon of offshore bars, the outermost point 
of which is Cape Hatteras, famous for the 
number of ships that have been driven 
aground on its sandy shoals (Fig. 6.12). 

Coral reefs Several types of organisms 
that thrive in shallow waters are able to 
change shore lines, largely through depositing 
remnants of their own structures. Most of 
these are only locally important because their 
growth is restricted to small areas of pro- 
tected waters. Only the minute marine ani- 
mals called corals, which can survive even 
on exposed coasts, achieve great significance. 

The shallow waters of many tropical coasts 
are characterized by reefs of limestone com- 
prised principally of the crumbled skeletal 
structures of colonies of corals. Most coral 

FIG. 6.12 Offshore bars and sounds along the 
coast of North Carolina. 



FIG. 6.13 Coral reefs and sandy islets enclose a quiet lagoon in Wake 
Islands, a small atoll in the central Pacific. Shallow reefs show as light-colored 
submerged areas ringed with white strip of heavy surf, best seen in right 

foreground. (OJfirial U.S. Navy photograph.) 

reefs form as narrow fringes along the coasts. 
Fringing reefs grow with such rapidity in 
some clear, shallow, warm waters that they 
build a shore line seaward in spite of wave 
and current erosion. Under certain conditions 
corals grow abundantly in shallow waters 
some distance from shore, and their deposits 
form a barrier reef which is separated from 
the mainland by a broad lagoon (Fig. 6.13). 
Of this nature is the great reef that for 1 ,000 
miles parallels the northeast coast of Aus- 

Some small reef-encircled islands, mostly 
volcanic, seem to have undergone slow sub- 
mergence while the coral fringe about them 
has continued to grow. Such encircling reefs 
now appear at the surface as low, more or 

less complete coral rings, called atolls, which 
enclose shallow lagoons (Fig. 6.14). 

Coasts and harbors There are many 
significant relationships between coastal char- 
acteristics and human activities, chiefly those 
involving navigation and the development of 
harbors. Clearly the configuration of the 
shore line and of the bottom close to shore 
are factors that must be taken into account in 
locating or improving ports or channels. 

It must be kept in mind, however, that a 
port is a result of human need and work, 
rather than a feature of physical geography. 
The value of a harbor depends upon its own 
physical characteristics but even more upon 
whether it is located where a harbor is needed. 
Of course where the need for a port exists, 

the character of the coast may go far to deter- 
mine the amount of work and money that 
must be expended in order to develop the 
necessary shelter, depth of channel, and dock- 
ing facilities. 

A deep and well-protected bay in a place 
that is well connected with a productive or 
populous hinterland is a resource of incal- 
culable value. It is only natural that many 
significant ports have developed on estuaries 
and fiords or in waters sheltered by reefs, bars, 
or offshore islands. However, some of the 
most commodious and sheltered bays are of 
almost no value as harbors because the land 
behind them is unproductive, sparsely popu- 
lated, or inaccessible. One example is the 
magnificent fiords of southern Chile, almost 
unused because they are backejd by a wild, 
storm-swept, mountainous, and nearly un- 
inhabited land. 

On the other hand, some of the world's 
busiest ports have been developed where no 
natural harbor existed, because the hinterland 
required a shipping and receiving facility for 
its products and imports. The harbor of Los 
Angeles and to an even greater degree that of 
Callao, the port for Lima, Peru, are largely 
man-made; at both places long breakwaters 
have been built to protect an otherwise ex- 
posed section of coast. At London, Rotter- 
dam, Bremen, and Hamburg, shallow estu- 
aries have been heavily dredged to provide 
sufficient entrance depth, and basins that can 
be closed off by lock gates have been exca- 
vated to provide docking space unaffected by 
the excessive rise and fall of the tides. 

Islands The existence of isolated masses 
and bits of land surrounded by the seas, oc- 
curring sometimes in groups or strings and 
sometimes quite alone in midocean, has never 
failed to stir man's interest and curiosity. It 
is hard to avoid feeling that such peculiar 

The margins of the lands 129 

features, strangely rising from the open sea, 
must have some unique and startling mode 
of origin. Yet this is a false notion, for the 
processes that produce islands are not differ- 
ent from those that produce high-standing 
features on the continental masses themselves. 
Some islands, such as the British Isles, the 
islands of eastern Denmark, Ceylon, the Arc- 
tic Islands of Canada, Vancouver Island, and 
such islands off eastern North America as 
Prince Edward, Cape Breton, Nantucket, and 
Long Islands, appear to be no more than 
portions of the continental masses that have 
been isolated from the mainland by the 
drowning of erosional channels. The channels 
may well have been cut during low stands of 

FIG. 6.14 How atolls are believed to develop: 

(a) fringing coral reefs about mountainous islands; 

(b) growing coral deposits keeping pace with 
submergence, forming encircling reef; (c) 
mountainous islands submerged, with only rings of 
coral remaining, (V. c. Finch.) 



sea level in glacial times and then drowned 
during the postglacial rise of sea level. 

Other islands, however, have come into 
being as the mountain peaks and ranges on 
the continents have, that is, by some kind of 
tectonic disturbance. Some are raised or 
tilted fault blocks. Thus originated Santa 
Catalina and neighboring islands off southern 
California, the several islands of the Gulf of 
California, and, in a more complex manner, 
the islands of Tasmania and Madagascar. But 
by far the greatest number of islands have 
originated as volcanic cones built up from 
the sea floor, as complex folded, faulted, and 

eroded masses similar to most of the con- 
tinental mountain systems, or as combinations 
of the two. Associated as they thus are with 
significant tectonic activity, it is hardly sur- 
prising that so many islands are rugged and 

Isolated volcanic islands are very common, 
especially in the western Pacific. There the 
ocean floor is dotted with dozens of great 
cones, some of which rise above the sea sur- 
face, some of which are entirely submerged. 
These include not only the currently active 
cones, such as those of the Hawaiian Islands, 
but also the many more inactive, eroded 

FIG. 6.15 The Marshall Islands are coral atolls which have formed about 
the summits of thickly clustered volcanic cones that rise more than 15,000 ft 
from the ocean floor in the west central Pacific. (From "Depth Curve Chart of the 

Adjacent Seas of Japan." Maritime Safety Agency, Tokyo, 1952.) 



Depth contours at 
intervals of 500 fathoms 


0106,000 it 

0r 6.000ft 

FIG. 6.16 Map of depths in the Atlantic Ocean. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge 
and several lesser ridges may be clearly distinguished, along with their 
associated islands. 



cones, such as those of Tahiti, Samoa, Pon- 
ape, and Truk. As previously mentioned, 
some of the cones have slowly become sub- 
merged, leaving on the surface only low-lying 
islands or atolls that have been maintained 
by the continuing growth of a cap of coral 
atop the sinking peaks. Midway, Wake, 

Bikini, and Eniwetok are of this type (Fig. 
6.15). Other isolated volcanic islands occur 
in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. In the 
Atlantic several of these, including the 
Azores, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, 
are cones built along the great Mid- Atlantic 
Ridge, the complex, faulted, structural swell, 

FIG. 6.17 The Kuril Islands, stretching northeastward from Japan, are 
a typical island arc, with an associated trough, or deep. (From '"Depth d 

Chart of the Adjacent Seas of Japan," Maritime Safety A^emy, Tokyo, 1952.) 



Depth contours 

(in fathoms) 

similar in size to a continental cordilleran 
belt, that runs almost squarely down the 
middle of the Atlantic Ocean Basin from 
north to south (Fig. 6.16). 

Complex folded and faulted islands most 
commonly occur off the coasts of similarly 
structured mountainous parts of the conti- 
nents. Among these are most of the islands 
of the Mediterranean, including Corsica, 
Sardinia, Sicily, and Crete, and many others, 
such as Borneo, Newfoundland, and Kodiak. 

Many curving strings of islands, known as 
island arcs, festoon the borders of the conti- 
nents, especially in the western Pacific. These 
include the lesser West Indies, the Aleutians, 
the Kurils, the Ryukyus, the Marianas, and 

The margins of the lands 133 

such larger masses as Japan, the southern 
islands of Indonesia, and the eastern Philip- 
pines (Fig. 6.17). These island chains are in 
part volcanic and in part complex folded 
structures. In most instances they are bor- 
dered on their seaward side by ocean-bottom 
trenches of tremendous depth. They are 
known to be among the most active tectonic 
zones on earth, and appear to represent sites 
where deformation is proceeding actively be- 
cause of lateral compression of the crust. In 
many respects they correspond closely to 
certain of the great curving continental moun- 
tain systems, such as the Himalayas, the Alps- 
Carpathians, and the northern Andes. 


Finch, V. C., G. T. Trewartha, A. H. Robinson, and E. H. Hammond: Physical Elements of 

Geography, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1957. 
Johnson, D. W.: Shore Processes and Shoreline Development, John Wiley &. Sons, Inc., New 

York, 1919. 

Kuenen, P. H.: Marine Geology , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1950. 
Shepard, F. P.: Submarine Geology, Harper 8c Brothers, New York, 1948. 
Steers, J. A.: Tlie Coastline oj England and Wales, Cambridge University Press, New York, 


Thornbury, W. D.: Principles of GeonwrpJwlogy, John Wiley 8c Sons, Inc., New York, 1954. 
Wooldridge, S. W., and R. S. Morgan: An Outline of Geornorphology: The Physical Basis of 

Geography, 2d ed., Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., London, 1959. 


to climate; 
air temperature 
and solar energy 

Man permanently occupies only the solid, 
or land, part of the earth's surface, not the 
liquid, or sea, part. Yet in a sense he does carry 
on his activities at the bottom of a sea a sea 
of air hundreds of miles deep which surrounds 
the solid-liquid earth. This envelope of 
atmosphere is not to be thought of as some- 
thing above or beyond the earth proper; it is 
just as integral a part of the planet as the 
land and water, and just as important a part 
of the total human habitat. Man and all other 
land animals, as well as the plant life from 
which most animals draw their sustenance, 


are greatly influenced by their atmospheric 
environment, which varies greatly from one 
part of the earth to another. 

The atmosphere is very largely a mixture 
of two gases, nitrogen and oxygen, but other 
minor gases in it chief among them water 
vapor are the greatest influences on the 
atmospheric conditions experienced by man. 
Thus water vapor, which on very hot, humid 
days may comprise as much as 4 per cent of 
the volume of surface air, is the source of 
moisture for clouds and all forms of precipi- 
tation. This same gas is the principal absorber 

Introduction to 

of solar energy and of radiated earth energy 
as well, and so it greatly influences temper- 
ature distribution over the earth. 

The conditions of the atmosphere are ex- 
pressed by the terms weather and climate. 
Weather refers to the atmospheric condition 
over a brief period of time, such as an indi- 
vidual day or week. In contrast, climate is a 
composite of the varieties of day-to-day 

climate; air temperature and solar energy 135 

weather over a considerable number of years. 
Among the other constituents of the earth's 
natural equipment, such as terrain, native 
vegetation, soils, water, and minerals, climate 
ranks high as a cause of regional variations in 
productive capacity. In addition climate 
directly affects the character of such other 
natural features as vegetation cover, soil, 
drainage, and to a lesser degree terrain. 


Weather and climate are described in terms 
of several familiar elements, chief of which, in 
their effects on the earth's living things, are 
the above-mentioned temperature and precipi- 
tation. A third element, winds, while by no 
means equal in importance to temperature 
and precipitation, has risen .in rank since air 

transport has become common. The three are 
the principal ingredients which comprise 
climate. It is their combination in varying in- 
tensities and amounts which causes climates 
to differ so greatly over the earth and thus 
leads to great differences in regional produc- 
tivity and in man's use of land. 


But what causes the climatic elements to 
vary so much from one part of the earth to 
another and from one season to another? The 
answer is to be found in the operation of the 
climatic controls. Each of the climatic elements 
temperature, precipitation, and winds also 
functions as a control over the other elements; 
indeed, winds are actually far more important 
as a control than as an element of climate. 
Other climatic controls are solar energy, air 
masses and fronts, altitude, mountain barriers, 
the great semipermanent centers, or cells, of 
high and low pressure, ocean currents, and 
atmospheric disturbances of various kinds. It 
is these controls, themselves acting in differ- 

ent combinations and with variable intensities, 
that give rise to the areal and seasonal differ- 
ences in temperature and precipitation which 
in turn result in the great variety of climates 
characterizing this planet. 

Although the goal of the discussion of 
climates is to make clear the world pattern of 
climates, it is believed that a description of 
types of climates and their distribution over 
the earth will be more intelligible if it is ap- 
proached through preliminary analysis of the 
individual climatic elements and the more 
important climatic controls. Such is the con- 
tent of this and the three chapters which 





Solar energy, which expresses its influence 
most directly upon temperature distribution, 
is the prime control of climate. So there ap- 
pears to be good reason for beginning a dis- 
cussion of climates with a description of solar 
energy its distribution, how it heats the 
atmosphere, and the way it functions to pro- 
duce the great variety of temperatures which 
characterize the different latitudes and regions 
of the earth. 

Earlier it was pointed out that temperature 
acts both as an element and as a control of 
climate. As a control it affects the density and 
hence the weight of the air, resulting in differ- 
ences in atmospheric'pressure. These pressure 
differences in turji determine the rapidity and 
direction of airflow. Temperature differences, 
therefore, are a ^ main cause of the earth's 
wind systems. Temperature of the air is also 
a major determinant both of the atmosphere's 
capacity for moisture and of its buoyancy, 
and hence is closely related to the processes 
of condensation and precipitation. 

As an element of climate temperature is at 
least coequal in rank with precipitation, and 
its distribution over the earth is a feature of 
the highest geographical importance. But be- 
fore temperature distribution can be under- 
stood and appreciated it is necessary to 
understand the distribution of solar energy 
and how this energy is converted into atmo- 
spheric heat. 


The sun is the single important source of 
heat for the earth's atmosphere. From this 

star, whose surface is estimated to have a 
temperature of about 10,000 Fahrenheit (F), 
energy streams outward in all directions into 
space. 1 The earth, over 90 million miles dis- 
tant, intercepts less than one two-billionth of 
the sun's energy output, yet this small frac- 
tional part is responsible for maintaining the 
atmospheric processes. Energy from the sun, 
called solar radiation or insolation, is trans- 
mitted to the earth in the form of very short 
waves, a part of the energy being visible as 
light. But there are some wavelengths of solar 
radiation which are too short, and others that 
are too long, to be seen by the human eye. 


Disregarding for the moment the effects of 
an atmosphere and its clouds, the amount of 
solar energy, in other words, climatic energy, 
that any latitude on the earth's surface receives 
depends largely upon two factors: (a) the in- 
tensity of solar radiation, or the angle at which 
the rays of sunlight reach the various parts 
of the earth's spherical surface, and (b) the 
duration of solar radiation, or length of day- 

Because an oblique solar ray is spread out 
over a larger surface than a vertical one, it 
delivers less energy per unit area. An oblique 
ray is weaker also because it has passed 
through a thicker layer of scattering, absorb- 
ing, and reflecting air (Fig. 7.1). Outside the 
tropics, therefore, winter sunlight is much 
weaker than that of summer. For example, in 

1 Throughout the book the Fahrenheit (F) scale commonly 
used in the United States and England will be employed to 
express temperature degrees, except where it is noted spe- 
cifically that degrees centigrade (C) are being used. 

Introduction to 

Sun's rays 

F I G . 7 . 1 An oblique ray, (a), delivers less 
energy at the earth's surface than a vertical ray, 
(b), because an oblique ray'S energy passes ! 
through a thicker layer of absorbing and reflecting 
atmosphere and then Is spread-over a larger 

late December at Madison, Wisconsin, located 
at 43 N, the noon sun is only 23V6 above 
the horizon, whereas in late June 'it has an 
elevation there of 70^, and thus Madison is 
colder in winter. For the same reasons, the 
daylight period is characterized by a sun 
much more intense at noon than in the early 
morning or late afternoon hours*. 

As regards duration of solar radiation, it 
would seem to be enough to say that the 
longer the sun shines, i.e.', the longer the day, 
the greater the amount of solar energy re- 
ceived, all other conditions being equal (fol- 
lowing table; Fig. 7.2). Thus it is quite under- 
standable that in the middle latitudes sum- 
mer temperatures are much higher than those 
of winter; it is not only because in summer 
the sun's rays are less oblique but also be- 
cause days are much longer in summer. 

climate; air temperature and solar energy 137 

Since on any one day both the length of 
day and the angle of the sun's rays are equal 
all along any parallel of latitude, all parts of a 
parallel (allowing for differences in the trans- 
parency of the atmosphere) receive identical 
amounts of solar energy in a whole year as well 
as on any day. Similarly, different parallels re- 
ceive unlike amounts of solar radiation, the an- 
nual amount decreasing from equator to poles. 
Thus if solar energy were the only control of 
weather and climate, all places in the same 
latitude would have identical climates. 
Although all such places certainly are not 
identical in climate, the strong temperature 
resemblances within latitude belts testify to 
the dominant, even though not exclusive, 
rank of sun control. 

Earth and sun relations The rotation 
and revolution of the earth and the inclina- 
tion and parallelism of its axis were discussed 
in Chapter 1. It remains to be analyzed how 
these earth motions and axis positions act to 
produce the changing lengths of day and 
varying angles of the sun's rays, which in 
turn are the causes of the seasons. 

The equinoxes: spring and fall Twice 
during the yearly period of revolution, on 
March 21 and September 23, the sun's noon 
rays are directly overhead, or vertical, at the 
equator (Fig. 7.2). At these times, therefore, 
the circle of illumination, marking the posi- 
tion of the sun's tangent rays, passes through 
both poles and consequently cuts all the 
earth's parallels exactly in half. One-half of 
each parallel (180) consequently is in light 

Extremes in Length of Day for Different Latitudes (in hours and minutes) 

Latitude (degrees) 







66 ! /2 

Longest day 
Shortest day 











(N. HEM.) 

6 Months 


(N. HEM.) 

6 Months 


r /o wionii 

~*~ **% * Day 

. ^fc\o\ ^SiB^pi 

6 Months 



F I G . 7 . 2 At the equinoxes, when the sun's vertical rays are at the 
equator, the circle of illumination cuts all the parallels in half, and days and 
nights are equal in length over the entire earth. At this time insolation 
decreases regularly from equator to poles (Fig. 7.4b). At the times of the 
solstices the sun's vertical rays have reached their greatest poleward 
migration. The circle of illumination cuts all the parallels (except the 
equator) unequally, so that days and nights are unequal in length except at 
latitude (Fig. 7.4c, d). 

and the other half in darkness at these times. 
Since the path described by any point on the 
earth's surface during the period of rotation 
is coincident with its parallel of latitude, days 
and nights are equal (12 hr each) over the 

entire earth. Because of this fact the two 
dates March 21 and September 23 are called 
the equinoxes. (Equinox is derived from Latin 
words meaning equal night.) At these times 
the maximum solar energy is received in 

Introduction to 

equatorial latitudes; the solar energy received 
diminishes regularly toward either pole, 
where it becomes zero. / 

The solstices; summer and winter On 
June 22 the earth is approximately midway in 
its orbit between the equinoctial positions, 
and the North Pole is inclined 23^ toward 
the sun (Fig. 7.2). As a result of this axial 
inclination, the sun's rays are shifted north- 
ward the same number of degrees, so that the 
noon rays are vertical at the Tropic of Cancer 
(23 ^N), and the tangent rays in the Northern 
Hemisphere pass over the pole and reach the 
earth 23% of latitude beyond it, at the 
Arctic Circle (66!/2N.). In the Southern 
Hemisphere the tangent rays do not reach the 
pole but terminate at the Antarctic Circle, 
23^ short of it. Thus while all parts of the 
earth north of the Arctic Circle are experienc- 
ing constant daylight, similar latitudes in the 
Southern Hemisphere (poleward from the 
Antarctic Circle) are entirely without sunlight. 
On June 22 all parallels, except the equator, 
are cut unequally by the circle of illumina- 
tion, those in the Northern Hemisphere hav- 
ing the larger segments of their circumferences 
toward the sun so that days are longer than 
nights. These longer days, plus a greater 
angle of the sun's rays, make for a maximum 
receipt of solar energy in the Northern Hem- 
isphere at this time. Summer, with its associ- 
ated high temperatures, is the result, and 
north of the equator June 22 is known as the 
summer solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere 
at this same time, all of these conditions are 
reversed, nights being longer than days and 
the sun's rays relatively oblique, so that solar 
radiation is at a minimum and winter condi- 
tions prevail. 

On December 22, when the earth is in the 
opposite position in its orbit from that of 
June 22, it is the South Pole that is inclined 

climate; air temperature and solar energy 139 

23% toward the sun. The latter's noon rays 
are then vertical over the Tropic of Capricorn 
(23% S), and the tangent rays pass over the 
South Pole to the Antarctic Circle 23^ 
beyond (66% S). Consequently, south of 
66% S there is constant light, while north of 
66% N there is no sunlight. All parallels of 
the earth except the equator are cut un- 
equally by the circle of illumination, with 
days longer and sun's rays more nearly ver- 
tical in the Southern Hemisphere. This, 
therefore, is summer south of the equator 
but winter in the Northern Hemisphere 
(winter solstice), where opposite conditions 

Effects of the atmosphere upon incom- 
ing solar energy The total effect of the at- 
mosphere upon a beam of sunlight passing 
through it is to reduce its intensity by amounts 
varying with latitude, the seasons, and cloudi- 
ness (Fig. 7.3). The atmosphere weakens solar 

FIG. 7.3 Only about one-half (51 per cent) of 
the incoming solar radiation passes through the 
atmosphere and heats the earth's surface. Another 
14 per cent is absorbed by the atmosphere. Some 
35 per cent of the solar energy is scattered and 
reflected back to space, and thus has no effect on 
heating either the earth's surface or its atmosphere. 


Reflected to space 

by (a) clouds 
-29 (6) earth 


Absorbed by 

Absorbed by 



energy through (a) selective scattering, 
chiefly of the short waves of blue light, by 
very small obscuring particles, (b) diffuse re- 
flection of all wavelenjgths by larger particles, 
such as cloud droplets, and (c) absorption of 
selected wavelengths, chiefly by water vapor 
concentrated in the lower strata of the atmos- 
phere. The scattering and reflecting processes 
operate to send a part o/ the solar radiation 
they effect back to space, but some of it 
reaches the earth's surface as diffuse daylight. 

Quantitatively, it is estimated that about 
35 per cent of the solar radiation reaching 
the outer limits of the air layer is returned to 
space by scattering and reflection from clouds, 
small dust particles, and molecules of air, and 
by direct reflection from the earth's surface. 
This has no part in heating either the earth or 
its atmosphere. Fourteen per cent of the solar 
radiation is absorbed directly by the atmos- 
phere, most of it by the water vapor. The 
remaining 51 per cent reaches the earth's sur- 
face either as direct sunlight or as diffuse 
daylight, is absorbed by it, heats it, and 
eventually heats the atmosphere as well. 

Thus only some 65 per cent of the solar 
radiation (14 per cent absorbed by the atmos- 
phere directly, and 51 per cent absorbed by 
the earth's surface) is available for heating the 
atmosphere. Also, and equally significant, 
the atmosphere receives several times as 
much energy from the heated earth's sur- 
face as it does from direct absorption of solar 


As the previous discussion has indicated, 
the belt of maximum solar radiation swings 
back and forth across the equator during the 
course of a year, following the shifting rays 

of the sun, with the two variables angle 
of sun's rays and length of day largely determ- 
ining the amount of solar energy received at 
any time or place. 

Distribution from pole to pole Assum- 
ing a cloudless sky, solar radiation for the 
year as a u'lwle is highest at the equator and 
diminishes with regularity toward the poles; 
and the Northern and Southern Hemispheres 
share equally in the annual amounts of solar 
energy received (Fig. 7.4). This distribution 
has important climatic consequences. Chief 
of these is that average air temperatures for 
the year are highest in the tropics, or low 
latitudes, and decrease toward the poles. 

At the time of the equinoxes, disregarding 
again the effects of clouds, the latitudinal dis- 
tribution of solar radiation is similar to that 
for the year as a whole. There is a maximum 
of solar radiation at the equator and a mini- 
mum at each pole. This fact also has impor- 
tant climatic implications. For it is in the 
equinoctial seasons of spring arid fall, when 
the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are 
receiving approximately equal amounts of 
solar energy, that temperature conditions in 
the two hemispheres are most nearly alike. 
Similarly, pressure, wind, and precipitation 
conditions, and as a result the over-all weather 
situation, are more in balance to the north 
and south of the equator than at other times. 
Finally, world temperature, pressure, wind, 
and precipitation-distribution patterns for 
spring and fall bear close resemblances to 
those for the year as a whole. 

At the time of the two solstices when the 
sun's noon rays are vertical 23V& poleward 
from the equator and the length of day increases 
toward one pole, the latitudinal distribution 
of solar radiation is very asymmetrically de- 
veloped. The summer hemisphere receives 
two to three times as much as the winter 

Introduction to climate; air temperature and solar energy 141 

hemisphere (Fig. 7.4). 2 Latitudinal distribu- 
tion of solar radiation at the surface of the 
earth shows a broad maximum in the belt of 
latitude that extends from about 30 to about 
40, while latitude 60 receives as much as or 
more than the equator. It is not surprising, 
therefore, that the highest surface-air temper- 
atures in summer occur over the land masses 
of the lower middle latitudes (30 -40) and 
not at the equator. 

During the course of a year the zone of 
maximum solar radiation shows a total lati- 
tudinal displacement of more than 60 (Fig. 
7.4<:, </), which must have important effects 
upon seasonal temperatures, rainfall, pres- 
sure, and winds. It is significant also that the 
latitudinal solar-radiation gradient (the rate of 
change in solar radiation) is much steeper 
in the winter hemisphere than in the summer 

The characteristics of solar-radiation dis- 
tribution at the times of the solstices, which 
are the extreme seasons of summer and winter, 
provide the basic explanations for many of 
the earth's larger features of weather and cli- 
mate, (a) Marked north-south migration of 
the temperature, wind, and precipitation belts 
follows a similar migration of solar-radiation 

2 By summer hemisphere is meant the hemisphere that has 
summer. Thus the Northern Hemisphere would be the 
summer hemisphere in July, and the Southern Hemisphere 
would be the summer hemisphere in January. 

FIG. 7.4 Latitudinal distribution of the 
maximum values of solar energy at the earth's 
surface. For the year as a whole and at the two 
equinoxes, solar energy is symmetrically 
distributed in the Northern and Southern 
Hemispheres. There is a maximum in equatorial 
latitudes and there are minima at the North and 
South Poles. At the solstices solar energy is very 
unequally distributed, with the summer 
hemisphere receiving two to three times the 
amount of the winter hemisphere. 





















: ^ 





1 A 




6) EQUlf 













^ SO 
ME 2 








- - 





- & 


































-90 -70 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 
Latitude, degrees 



belts, (b) Warm-to-hot summers occur in the 
lower middle latitudes where solar radiation 
reaches a near maximum for the summer 
hemisphere, (r) There are much steeper 
temperature gradients in the winter hemi- 
sphere than in the summer hemisphere, the 
temperature gradients paralleling solar-radia- 
tion gradients, (d) Greater storminess and 
weather variability occur in the winter 

Annual distribution of solar radia- 
tion for representative latitudes The 
yearly solar-radiation patterns (curves) for 
the different latitudes can be arranged in three 
general groups, those for low, middle, and 
high latitudes (Fig. 7.5). (a) In the low, or 
tropical, latitudes between the Tropics of 
Cancer and Capricorn, solar radiation is high 
and varies little throughout the year. This 
accounts for the constant year-round heat of 
the tropics. Since during the course of a year 
all regions between the two tropics are passed 
over twice by the vertical rays of the sun, the 
annual solar-radiation curve for low latitudes 
contains two weak maxima and two slight 
minima, (b) The middle-latitude curve, on the 
other hand, has a single maximum, but as in 
the tropics, solar radiation at no time declines 

FIG. 7.5 In the very low latitudes close to the 
equator the amount of solar energy received is 
large and varies little throughout the year. In the 
middle and higher latitudes there are large 
seasonal differences in the receipt of solar energy. 

Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June [ July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec 

to zero. The great seasonal contrasts in solar 
radiation are reflected in similar large seasonal 
contrasts in temperature, (c) The regions 
poleward from the Arctic and Antarctic 
Circles also have but one maximum and one 
minimum period of solar radiation. But un- 
like the other latitudes there is a portion of 
the year when direct sunlight is completely 
absent. For this reason, the high-latitude, or 
polar, solar-radiation curve does decline to 
zero. Also, seasonal contrasts in solar radia- 
tion are marked, and temperature contrasts 
are strong. 



Thus far the discussion has been con- 
cerned largely with the latitudinal distribu- 
tion of solar energy, the single important 
source of atmospheric heat. Now the com- 
plexities of how the heating of the atmosphere 
occurs will be explored. 

Sun energy is in the form of such short 
wavelengths that only relatively small amounts 
(around 14 per cent, as we have seen) can be 
absorbed directly by the earth's atmosphere, 
chiefly by the water vapor in it. Three to 
four times as much gets through to the earth's 
surface and is absorbed by it and heats it be- 
cause the solid-liquid surface is capable of 
absorbing the short-wave solar energy more 
readily than the atmosphere is. Thus the 
heated earth's surface becomes a radiator of 

Because the earth's temperature is lower 
than that of the sun, earth radiation is com- 
posed of longer wavelengths and so is much 
more readily absorbed by the atmosphere 

Introduction to 

than short-wave solar radiation. As a con- 
sequence the atmosphere receives most of its 
heat indirectly from the sun and directly from 
the earth's surface, which has served to con- 
vert the solar energy into more readily ab- 
sorbable earth radiation. It is obviously 
necessary, therefore, to understand how dif- 
ferent kinds of earth surfaces react to solar 
energy and the contrasting temperatures that 
they acquire as a result, before specific dis- 
cussion of heating and cooling the atmos- 
phere is begun. 

The greatest contrasts in temperature are 
between land and water surfaces, although 
land surfaces of different shades (snow, light 
sand, green fields, and forests) also will differ 
in temperature by reason of their unlike re- 
flection and absorption of solar energy. 

Land and water contrasts For a num- 
ber of reasons a land surface without snow 
heats (and cools) more rapidly than a water 
surface even when both receive similar 
amounts of solar energy. Most importantly, 
the fluid character of water causes vertical 
and horizontal currents, tides, and waves to 
distribute the energy received from the sun 
throughout a large mass. Similarly, when a 
water surface begins to cool, the surface 
water becomes heavier and sinks, to be re- 
placed by warmer, lighter water from below. 
Both kinds of distribution make for slower 
temperature change in water than on the 
solid land surface. 

A supplementary, although less important, 
factor is that water is more transparent than 
land. The sun's rays are able to penetrate a 
water body to considerable depths, and in 
this way also to distribute energy throughout 
a somewhat larger mass. On the other hand, 
the opaqueness of land concentrates the sun 
energy close to the surface, which results in 
comparatively rapid and intense heating. This 

climate; air temperature and solar energy 143 

concentration likewise permits the land area 
to cool more rapidly than a deeply wanned 
water body. 

Also of some significance is the fact that 
the specific heat of water is higher than that 
of land. In other words, it requires only one- 
third to one-half as much energy to raise a 
given volume of dry earth by one degree as 
it does an equal volume of water. 

Thus it becomes evident that land- 
controlled, or continental, climates should be 
characterized by large daily and seasonal ex- 
tremes of temperature, becoming alternately 
hot and cold, whereas ocean-controlled, or 
marine, climates should be more moderate, 
with only small seasonal and daily temper- 
ature changes. 


Now that there has been discussion of the 
distribution of solar energy over the earth, 
the contrasting reactions of land and water 
surfaces to this solar energy, and the fact that 
the air receives most of its energy directly 
from the earth's surface and only indirectly 
from the sun, it is appropriate to proceed 
with an analysis of the processes involved in 
heating and cooling the atmosphere. 

Absorption of solar radiation As in- 
dicated previously, the earth's atmosphere is 
capable of absorbing only about 14 per cent 
of the short-wave solar energy that enters it. 
Moreover, while most of the absorption oc- 
curs in the more humid lower atmosphere, it 
takes place well above the immediate surface 
layer. As a consequence this absorption is 
not very effective in heating the air very close 
to the ground. This is evident from the fact 
that on a clear winter day the air may re- 
main bitterly cold in spite of a bright sun. 

Conduction The solid earth (without a 
snow cover), being a much better absorber of 



solar radiation than air, attains a higher tem- 
perature during the daylight hours. But when 
two bodies of unequal temperature are in 
contact with one another, energy in the form 
of heat passes from the warmer to the colder 
object until they both attain the same tem- 
perature, a process called conduction. By con- 
duction, therefore, the layer of air resting 
upon the warmer earth becomes heated. Yet 
air is a poor conductor, so that heat from the 
warmed layer in contact with the earth's sur- 
face is transferred very slowly to those above, 
unless there is some air movement. 

Heating of the air by conduction is pri- 
marily a daytime and a summer process. An 
opposite process, cooling by conduction, 
occurs under opposite conditions. That is, 
just as a warm earth on a summer day heats 
the air layer next to it by conduction, so a 
cold land surface on a winter night, chilled 
through energy losses to space by earth 
radiation, cools the air by conduction. But in 
general, conduction is a relatively unimpor- 
tant factor in heating and cooling the whole 

Earth radiation The surface of the earth 
without a snow cover readily absorbs short- 
wave solar energy and is heated by it. As a 
consequence the heated earth becomes a 

FIG. 7.6 The greenhouse effect of the earth's 
atmosphere. The glass in the roof and sides of the 
greenhouse, like the atmosphere, is relatively 
transparent to the short-wave solar energy but 
relatively opaque to the long- wave earth radiation. 

radiating body giving off* heat in the form of 
long-wave earth radiation. In this the atmos- 
phere is importantly involved, for while it is 
able to absorb only about 14 per cent of the 
short-wave solar radiation, it can absorb up 
to 90 per cent of the long-wave earth radia- 
tion. The atmosphere thus acts like a pane of 
glass in a greenhouse or automobile, letting 
through much of the incoming short-wave 
solar energy but greatly retarding the escape 
of the heat, or long-wave earth radiation. 
This is called the greenhouse effect of the at- 
mosphere (Fig. 7.6). Its total influence on 
climate is to maintain surface-air tempera- 
tures considerably higher than they otherwise 
would be, and to prevent great extremes in 
temperature between day and night. The fact 
that it is chiefly the atmosphere's water vapor 
which is effective in absorbing earth radiation 
is illustrated by the rapid night cooling in 
deserts, where the dry air and cloudless skies 
permit a rapid escape to space of heat radiated 
from the earth. 

Radiation of heat from the earth's surface 
upward through the atmosphere toward space 
is a continuous process. During the daylight 
hours and up to about midafternoon, how- 
ever, more energy is received from the sun 
than is radiated from the earth, with the re- 
sult that surface-air temperatures usually 
continue to rise. But during the night, when 
receipts of solar energy cease, a continued 
loss of energy through earth radiation results 
in a cooling of the earth's surface and a con- 
sequent drop in air temperature. 

Being a better radiator than air, the ground 
indeed becomes cooler than the air above it 
during the night. When this happens, the 
lower layers of atmosphere lose heat by radia- 
tion to. the colder ground as well as upward 
toward space. This process is particularly 
important during the long nights of winter 

Introduction to 

when, if the skies are clear and the air is dry, 
the loss of heat is both rapid and long- 

If a snow cover mantles the ground, cool- 
ing is even more pronounced, for most of the 
incoming solar radiation during the short day 
is reflected by the snow and thus does not 
heat the earth's surface. At night the snow, 
which is a poor conductor of heat, allows 
little energy to come up from the soil layer 
below to replenish that lost by radiation from 
the top of the snow surface. As a result, the 
snow surface becomes extremely cold, and 
then so does the air layer resting upon it. 

Water, like land, is a good radiator, but as 
has been indicated, the cooled surface waters 
keep constantly sinking to be replaced by the 
warmer water from below. Extremely low air 
temperatures over water bodies are therefore 
impossible until they are frozen over, after 
which they act like a land surface. 

Humid air or a cloudy sky tends to pre- 
vent rapid earth radiation, so that air temper- 
atures remain higher and frosts are less likely 
on humid nights, especially when a cloud 
cover prevails. In contrast, there are authentic 
cases in the dry air and under the cloudless 
skies of Sahara, of day temperatures of 90 
having been followed by night temperatures 
slightly below freezing. When clouds cover 
the sky, all the earth radiation is completely 
absorbed at the base of the cloud sheet, 
which reradiates a part of it back to the earth 
so that cooling of the earth is retarded. Water 
vapor likewise absorbs and reradiates out- 
going terrestrial energy, but not so effectively 
as liquid or solid cloud particles. 

Warming the atmosphere by heat of 
condensation A large amount of the solar 
energy which reaches the earth's surface is 
consumed in evaporating water (changing it 
into a gas). This converted solar energy con- 

climate; air temperature and solar emrgy 145 

sequently is contained in the atmosphere's 
water vapor in latent or potential form. When 
condensation occurs and the water vapor is 
returned to the liquid or solid state this latent 
energy is again released into the atmosphere 
and heats it. This heat of condensation is a 
principal source of heat energy for the atmos- 


The heat acquired by the atmosphere by 
absorption of solar energy, conduction and 
radiation processes, and condensation is 
transferred from one part of the atmosphere 
to another by vertical and horizontal 

Vertical transfer Vertical transfer of 
heat results from convectional (vertical) cur- 
rents, mechanical turbulence, and eddy 
motions in the atmosphere. When surface air 
is heated, it expands in volume and conse- 
quently becomes less dense. Hence it is 
forced upward by the surrounding colder, 
denser air which at the surface flows toward 
the warm source. Such circulation is called a 
convectional system. Warm surface air, ex- 
panded and therefore less dense, is like a 
cork that is held under water, i.e., unstable 
and inclined to rise. Vertical circulation, 
whether by thermal convection, turbulence in- 
duced by rough terrain, or eddy currents, is 
the most important method of distributing 
the heat acquired by the surface air through 
the higher layers of the atmosphere. 

Horizontal transfer Horizontal transfer 
of heat, which is accomplished by winds, is 
called advection. For the earth as a whole 
this is the most important means of heat 
transfer. Advection by winds causes many of 
the earth's day-to-day weather changes, as 
well as the storminess of winter climates in 



the middle latitudes. For instance, in the 
Northern Hemisphere middle latitudes a 
south wind usually means unseasonably high 
temperatures, as almost everyone who lives 
there knows. In this case the wind acts as the 
conveyer of heat from lower latitudes where 
solar radiation is greater and higher temper- 
atures are normal. Such an importation of 
southerly warmth in winter results in mild 
weather, with melting snow and slushy streets. 
In summer, several days of south wind may 
result in a heat wave, with maximum temper- 
atures over 90. 

In a similar way, north winds from colder, 
higher latitudes, or from the cold interiors of 
continents in winter, bring lower temper- 
atures. These cold importations are particu- 
larly effective where there are no mountain 
barriers to block the wind movement. In 
central eastern North America where low- 
lands prevail, great masses of cold polar air 
pour down over the Mississippi River Valley 
at irregular intervals, occasionally carrying 
severe freezing temperatures even to the 
margins of the Gulf of Mexico. Large-scale 
horizontal transfer of temperature conditions 

likewise may result from winds moving on- 
shore from large bodies of water. 


Since the mean temperature of the earth as 
a whole gets neither colder nor warmer, it is 
clear that the heat lost by the earth through 
radiation to space is identical in amount with 
the energy received from the sun. But this 
balance does not hold for individual latitudes. 
In the low latitudes, equatorward from about 
37, the incoming solar energy exceeds the 
outgoing earth energy, whereas poleward 
from latitude 37 exactly the reverse is true. 
This means there would be a constant in- 
crease in the temperatures of low latitudes 
and a constant decrease in the temperatures 
of the middle and higher latitudes if there 
were not a continuous transfer of energy from 
low to high latitudes of the earth. But this 
transfer is accomplished by the winds and 
the ocean currents. In fact, in the unequal 
latitudinal distribution of solar and terrestrial 
radiation is to be found the ultimate cause 
for the earth's atmospheric circulation and 
for much of its weather. 



The average temperature of any month, 
season, year, or even long period of years, is 
determined by using as a basic unit the mean 
daily temperature, which is the average of the 
highest and the lowest temperatures recorded 
during the 24-hr period. 

The daily march, or cycle, of temperature, 
obtained by plotting the temperature for each 

hour of the day, chiefly reflects the balance 
between incoming solar radiation and out- 
going earth radiation (Fig. 7.7). From about 
sunrise until 2 : 00 to 4 : 00 P.M., when energy 
is being supplied by incoming solar radiation 
faster than it is being lost by earth radiation, 
the daily temperature curve usually rises 
(Figs. 7.7, 7.8). Conversely, from about 
3 : 00 P.M. to sunrise, when loss by terrestrial 
radiation exceeds receipt of solar energy, the 
temperature curve usually falls. 

Introduction to climate; air temperature and solar energy 147 

Max. temperature 

Mm. temperature 

8 10 Mt. 

FIG. 7.7 The march of incoming solar 
radiation and of outgoing earth radiation for the 
daily 24-hr period at about the time of an equinox, 
and their combined effects upon the time of daily 
maximum and minimum temperatures. 

In marine locations the daily temperature 
curve is relatively flat in appearance, there 
being only a modest difference between day 
and night. By contrast, in continental, or 
land-controlled, climates the amplitude of the 
daily temperature curve is much greater. Im- 
portant modifications of the symmetrical 
daily temperature curve are frequently im- 
posed by the presence of a cloud cover 
which obstructs both incoming and outgoing 
radiation, or by the importation of tempera- 
ture by winds. 

The annual march, or cycle, of temperature, 
obtained by plotting the mean temperature 
for each month, reflects the increase in insola- 
tion (and hence heat accumulated in the air 
and ground) from midwinter to midsummer 
and the corresponding decrease from mid- 
summer to midwinter. Usually the reaching 
of temperature maxima (and minima) lags 30 
to 40 days behind the periods of maximum 
(and minimum) insolation. This seasonal tem- 
perature lag may be even greater over oceans 
and along windward coasts in middle lati- 
tudes, where August may be the warmest 
month and February the coldest. Normally, 
marine locations have annual temperature 
curves, just as they have daily curves, with a 
much smaller amplitude or range than those 
of continental locations. 



Dec. 22, 1924 

Sunset 4-21 

pm > 





Daily march of insolation 
at Madison, Wis , on clear 
days in summer and 
winter Expressed in 
calories per cm 
per mm 

6 p.m. 

FIG. 7.8 Daily march of temperature (a, b) 
and of insolation (c) on clear days in winter and 
summer at Madison, Wisconsin. The total solar 
energy recorded was 3'/4 times as great on June 23 
as on December 22. Note that temperature lags 
behind insolation. South winds prevented normal 
night cooling on December 22. 


Vertical decrease with altitude Num- 
erous observations made during mountain, 
balloon, and airplane ascents have shown that 
under normal conditions there is a general 
decrease in temperature with increasing eleva- 
tion. The rate of decrease is not uniform, 
varying with time of day, season, and loca- 
tion, but the average is approximately 3.6 







B- Average conditions 
C-Ona summer day 

Decrease in 

temperature more 

rapid close to 

warm earth than 


FIG. 7.9 

20 30 40 50 
Temperature, F 

60 70 

for each 1,000-ft rise (Fig. 7.9). The fact that 
air temperature generally is highest at low 
elevations close to the earth's surface and de- 
creases with altitude is a clear reflection of 
the fact that most of the atmospheric heat is 
received directly from the earth's surface and 
only indirectly from the sun. 

Inversions Temperature inversions are 
said to exist when the temperature increases 
with distance from the earth instead of decreas- 
ing. Such reversed temperature conditions can 
exist in the lowest layer of the atmosphere 
next to the earth's surface, or they can be 
found at altitudes of several thousand feet 
above the surface. 

Surface inversions Surface temperature in- 
versions, one of the commonest and most 
readily observed kinds, originate from cool- 
ing of the lowest layers of air at night when, 
as described earlier, the land surface cools 
more rapidly than the air. The lowest air 
layer is chilled by radiation and by conduc- 
tion of the heat of the air to the adjacent 
cold ground. This air layer thereby becomes 
colder than the air farther removed from the 
earth's surface (Fig. 7.9). 

Local, diurnal, surface (ground) inversions 
of a few score or hundred feet in depth are 

well-known nighttime phenomena of the 
cooler seasons. Ideal conditions for these in- 
versions are (a) long winter nights, which 
have a relatively long period when outgoing 
earth radiation exceeds incoming solar radia- 
tion, (b) a clear sky, under which loss of heat 
by terrestrial radiation is rapid and not re- 
tarded by a cloud cover, (c) cold, dry air that 
absorbs little earth radiation, (d) calm air to 
keep much mixing from taking place and thus 
to help the surface stratum become very cold 
by conduction and radiation, and (e) a snow- 
covered surface, which, owing to reflection 
of solar energy, heats little by day and, being 
a poor conductor, retards the upward flow of 
heat from the ground below the snow cover. 
Some of the deepest, most extensive, and 
most persistent surface inversions are those 
which prevail over the snow-covered northern 
parts of North America and Eurasia in winter. 
A very close relationship also exists between 
surface temperature inversions and frost and 
fog, since the same conditions are favorable 
for all. 

During a surface temperature inversion, 
when the coldest, densest air is at the surface, 
the air is stable or nonbuoyant, that is, not 
inclined to rise. Such a condition, therefore, 
is opposed to the formation of precipitation. 

Above-surface inversions Inversions also 
occur in the free atmosphere well above the 
earth's surface. They are usually a result of 
the settling and warming of air in a large 
semistationary anticyclone (high-air-pressure 
system). Such above-surface inversions act to 
hinder the upward movement of air currents, 
and consequently they are opposed to the 
formation of rainfall. Some of the most ex- 
tensive and well-developed above-surface 
inversions are found in the eastern and cen- 
tral parts of the great subtropical anticyclones 
and their trade-wind circulations, and these 

Introduction to climate; air temperature and solar energy 149 

regions characteristically have dry climates. 
(These regions will be considered in detail in 
the next chapter.) 

Surface inversions and air drainage 
Although surface temperature inversions are 
common over flattish land surfaces, they are 
most perfectly developed in low spots or 
topographic depressions. This results from 
the fact that the cold surface air, because of 
its greater density, moves downslope into the 
low areas where it collects in the form of 
pools (Fig. 7.10). This downslope movement 
of cold air is known as air drainage. It is 
well known that the first frosts in fall and the 
last in spring occur in bottomlands, and that 
on a clear, cold night valleys and depressions 
experience the lowest temperatures. 

Frost and its distribution Frost is 
simply a temperature of 32 (freezing tem- 
perature) or below. The period between the 
last killing frost in spring and the first in fall 
is known as the growing season. Thus 
throughout the middle latitudes frost is most 
serious as a menace to crops in spring and 
fall, or at the beginning and end of the 
growing season; in subtropical areas such as 
Florida and California midwinter frosts are 
critical because of the active growth of sensi- 
tive crops during their normally mild winters 
(Fig. 7.11). 

Ideal conditions for killing frost are those 
which favor rapid and prolonged surface 
cooling, namely, importation of a mass of 
dry, cool, polar air, followed by a calm, clear 
night during which the temperature of the 
surface air is brought below the freezing 
point through radiational cooling. With the 
air temperature already low but still above 
freezing, the following loss of heat by earth 
radiation is all that is required to reduce the 
temperature of the surface air below freezing. 
If the late afternoon temperature of the cool, 

FIG. 7.10 Cold surface air, because it is 
denser, tends to settle in lower places. This 
drainage of the cold, dense air into depressions 
makes frost and fog more common in low places 
than on adjacent slopes. 

northerly air is not much over 40, and skies 
are clear and air calm, killing frost is likely 
during the following night. But even when 
conditions are generally favorable for a kill- 
ing frost over an extensive area, the destruc- 
tive effects upon plant life are usually local 
and patchy in distribution. This is chiefly a 
matter of terrain irregularities and air drain- 
age, with most frost damage restricted to the 
lower lands. This is why sensitive crops such 
as fruit and vegetables are commonly planted 
on slopes rather than in valley bottoms. 

Protection against killing frost For small- 
scale vegetable gardeners or fruit growers the 
simplest and most effective means of protec- 
tion against frost is to spread over the crop 
some nonmetallic covering such as straw, 
paper, or cloth. Such a covering tends to re- 
tard the heat loss by radiation from the ground 
and the plants. The function of the cover is 
not to keep the cold out but the heat in. But 
this method is not suitable for protecting ex- 
tensive orchards, so in such places as the 
valuable citrus groves of California and 
Florida small oil heaters are commonly used 
to prevent a bad freeze. Such heaters, well 
distributed among the fruit trees, are kept 
burning for several hours during those night 




"Cf V) 

2 ' ~ 


<y flj 

dj <JJ 



rc O 

2 & I 

*= ^ 

Introduction to climate; air temperature and solar energy 151 

FIG. 7.12 


(After Shaw. Brunt and Others) 

hours when the lowest temperatures are to be perature distribution over the earth is repre- 

expected. sented on maps by isotherms, lines connect- 

Horizontal distribution of temperature ing places with the same temperature (Figs. 

over the earth; isothermal maps Tern- 7.12, 7.13). All points on the earth's surface 

FIG. 7.13 


(After Show, Brunt and Others) 




through which any one isotherm passes have 
identical average temperatures. In Figs. 7.12 
and 7.13 temperatures of all locations have 
been reduced to the temperatures that would 
prevail if the locations were at sea level, 
by use of the formula which indicates an 
average vertical change of about 3.6 in 
temperature for each 1,000-ft change in alti- 
tude. If the temperatures recorded by widely 
distributed stations in a great variety of loca- 
tions were not so reduced to eliminate the 
effects of altitude, the complications in the 
isotherms caused by hills and mountains 
would make the maps so confusing that the 
general world patterns of temperature distri- 
bution would be difficult to observe. 

One very conspicuous feature of the tem- 
perature maps is that the isotherms have a 
strong east- west alignment, roughly follow- 
ing the parallels of latitude. This is not sur- 
prising, given the fact that, except for dif- 
ferences in the transparency of the atmos- 
phere, all places in the same latitude receive 
identical amounts of solar energy. This east- 
west course of the isotherms simply illustrates 
that solar energy is the single most important 
control of the broadscale temperature distri- 
bution over the earth. 


As already indicated, for the year as a whole 
the highest average temperatures are in the low 
latitudes where the largest amounts of solar 
energy are received; the lowest average tem- 
peratures are in the vicinity of the poles, the 
regions of least solar energy. Within a broad 
belt some 40 wide in the tropics, or low 
latitudes, the temperature differences in a 
north-south direction are small and the 

thermal conditions are relatively uniform. It 
is chiefly in those latitudes poleward from 
20 -25 N and S, chiefly the middle and 
higher latitudes, that the average annual tem- 
peratures decrease rapidly toward either pole. 

Isotherms tend to be straighter and also 
more widely spaced in the Southern Hemis- 
phere where oceans predominate. The 
greatest deviations from east-west courses are 
where the isotherms pass from continents to 
oceans. This is caused by the contrasting 
heating and cooling properties of land and 
water surfaces and by the effects of ocean 
currents. Next to solar energy, land and 
water distribution is the most important con- 
trol of temperature distribution. Cool ocean 
currents off the coasts of Peru and northern 
Chile, southern California, and southwestern 
Africa cause equatorward bending of iso- 
therms. Similarly, warm currents in higher 
latitudes cause isotherms to bend poleward, a 
condition most marked off the coast of north- 
western Europe. 

January and July average tempera- 
tures For the earth in general, January and 
July are the months of seasonal extremes of 
temperature, and the temperature maps for 
these two months (Figs 7.12, 7.13) illustrate 
significant features of seasonal temperature 

(a) From a comparison of the two maps it 
is obvious that there is a marked north-south 
shifting of the isotherms, and thus temper- 
ature belts, between July and January, follow- 
ing the north-south migration of sun's rays 
and the belt of maximum solar energy, (b) 
This shifting is much greater over continents 
than over oceans because of the greater 
seasonal extremes of temperature over land 
masses, (c) The highest temperatures in both 
January and July are over land areas, and 
much the lowest temperatures in January are 

Introduction to 

over Asia and North America, the largest 
land masses in the middle and higher lati- 
tudes, (d) In the Northern Hemisphere the 
January isotherms bend equatorward over 
the colder continents and poleward over 
the warmer oceans, whereas in July exactly the 
opposite condition prevails, (e) No such 
seasonal temperature contrasts between land 
and water are to be found in the Southern 
Hemisphere, for there large land masses are 
absent in the higher middle latitudes. (/) 
The lowest temperatures in January are over 
northeastern Asia, the leeward side of the 
largest land mass in higher middle latitudes. 
The next lowest temperatures are over Green- 
land and North America, (g) North-south 
temperature gradients (rates of horizontal 
temperature change), like solar-energy grad- 
ients (Fig. 7.4), are steeper in winter than in 
summer. Steep gradients, represented by 
close spacing of the isotherms, are particularly 
conspicuous over the Northern Hemisphere 
continents in January. 

Annual range The difference between 
the average temperatures of the warmest and 

climate; air temperature and solar energy 153 

coldest months is the annual range of tem- 
perature. The largest annual ranges are over 
the Northern Hemisphere continents, which 
become alternately hot in summer and cold 
in winter (Fig. 7.14). Ranges are never large 
(a) near the equator, where insolation varies 
little, or (b) over large water bodies, which 
explains why ranges are everywhere small in 
the middle latitudes of the Southern Hemis- 
phere. In general, they increase toward the 
higher latitudes, with the increase much 
more marked over the continents than over 
the oceans. 

Air temperature and sensible temper- 
ature Correct air temperature can be 
obtained only by an accurate thermometer 
properly exposed. The instrument must not 
be in the sun; otherwise it receives energy not 
only from the surrounding air but also from 
the absorption of solar energy. It also should 
be protected against direct radiation from 
the ground and adjacent buildings. 

Sensible temperature is the sensation of 
temperature that the human body feels, as 
distinguished from actual air temperature re- 

F I G . 7.14 Average annual ranges of temperature are smallest in low 
latitudes and over oceans. They are largest over continents in the middle 
and higher latitudes. 



corded by a properly exposed thermometer. 
Unlike a thermometer, which has no temper- 
ature of its own, the human body is a heat 
engine, generating energy at a relatively fixed 
rate when at rest. Anything, therefore, that 
affects the rate of loss of heat from the body 
affects physical comfort. Air temperature, of 
course, is one important factor, but so also 
are wind, humidity, and sunlight. Thus a hot 
day that is humid is more uncomfortable 
than an equally hot day that is dry, since 
loss of heat by evaporation is retarded more 
when the air is humid. A hot day with a 
good breeze feels less oppressive than a still 
hot day because of increased evaporation. A 

windy cold day feels uncomfortable because 
the loss of heat is speeded up by greater 
evaporation. A sunny day in winter feels less 
cold than it actually is, owing to the body's 
absorption of solar energy. Cold air contain- 
ing moisture particles is particularly penetrat- 
ing because the skin becomes moist and 
evaporation results, and further loss of heat 
results from contact with the cold water. Be- 
cause of all this sensitiveness to factors other 
than air temperature, the human body is not 
a very accurate thermometer. This should 
always be remembered in considering world, 
regional, and local temperatures and their 
effects on human beings. 


The circulation 
of the 
atmosphere: ^ 

and pressure 


The film of air which envelops the solid- direction essentially horizontal to the earth's 
liquid earth is in motion almost everywhere surface, is known as wind. Air is set in motion 
at all times. Such movement, when it is in a by differences in its density which cause 




variations in the weight or pressure of the 
atmosphere at the same altitude. 

As climatic elements affecting living things 
on the earth's surface, atmospheric pressure 
and winds are of small importance compared 
with temperature and precipitation. This is 
especially true of pressure. Winds do affect 
sensible temperatures and rates of evapora- 
tion, and winds of high speed may be gen- 
uinely destructive. Nevertheless, the funda- 
mental reason why winds and pressure are 
considered in this book is that they are es- 
sential keys to an understanding of tempera- 

ture and precipitation distribution over the 
earth. The basic importance of atmospheric 
pressure is that pressure differences generate 
winds. And the fundamental and very impor- 
tant climatic functions of winds are (a) the 
maintenance of a heat balance between the 
high and low latitudes, in spite of a constant 
low-latitude excess and high-latitude defi- 
ciency of radiant energy, and (b) the transport 
of water vapor from the oceans to the lands 
where the water vapor may condense and fall 
as rain. 


The downward pressure (weight) of the air 
is measured by a barometer. This weight at 
sea level is balanced against the weight of a 
column of mercury 29.92 in., or 762 mm 
(millimeters), in length having the same cross- 
sectional area. The more air pressure, the 
higher the mercury rises in the tube. Until 
about 1914 it was customary to report pres- 
sure in units of length (inches, millimeters, 
or centimeters of mercury). Since then a new 
measuring unit, called the millibar (mb), has 
come into general use by the weather services 
of the world. Since Vio in. of mercury is 
equivalent to 3.4 mb, sea-level atmospheric 
pressure may be expressed as 29.92 in., 760 
mm, or 1013.2 mb. 

Any map representing atmospheric pres- 
sure at sea level shows at once that pressure 
is not uniform over the earth but varies with 
latitude and also from one region or locality 
to another. The variations can be classified 
in two general types of pressure systems: (a) 

high-pressure systems, called anticyclones or 
highs, and (b) low-pressure systems, called 
cyclones, depressions, or lows. 

At present there is no simple and adequate 
explanation for the average annual or seasonal 
arrangement of high- and low-pressure sys- 
tems over the earth, nor for the moving cells 
of high and low pressure that appear on the 
daily weather map. Some highs and lows 
appear to have their origin in temperature 
characteristics of the air. Thus, cold air 
being denser and heavier than warm air, it is 
not surprising for low air temperatures some- 
times to be the cause of high pressure and 
for high temperatures to result in low pres- 
sure. Examples of high-pressure systems pro- 
duced by low surface temperatures are the 
extensive highs over central and eastern 
Eurasia and northern North America in 
winter. Similarly, heat-induced lows are to 
be found over such superheated locales as 
the Pakistan-northwestern India area and the 

Conversion scale 

948 956 964 

Millibars I . t . I . i . I . i 
Inches I ' r "'l 1 ' 1 ! * f n'l'l 



. I . 

988 996 


1004 1012 1020 

i I . l . I i I . I . 

1028 1036 


28.0 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 29.0 

9.2 9.4 

9.6 9.8 

1 T j r 




1 r i i 

0.6 0.8 


The circulation of the atmosphere: winds and pressure 157 
southwestern United States in summer appears to be associated instead with mechan- 

(Figs. 8.3, 8.4). 

More numerous and widespread, however, 
are pressure systems, both high and low, 
whose immediate and direct cause is not 
surface- temperature differences. Their origin 

ical processes involving such factors as cen- 
trifugal force, surface friction, and the 
blocking effects of highlands which lie 
athwart the paths of extensive and deep air 


Vertical distribution Since air is very 
compressible, there is a rapid decrease in air 
weight or pressure with increasing altitude. 
The lower layers of the atmosphere are most 
compressed, or densest, because the weight 
of all the layers above rests upon them. For 
the first few thousand feet above sea level the 
rate of pressure decrease is about 1 in., or 34 
mb, of pressure for each 900 to 1,000 ft. As 
higher altitudes are reached, the air rapidly 
becomes much thinner and lighter, so that at 
an elevation of 18,000 ft. one-half the atmos- 
phere by weight is below the observer, al- 
though a rarefied atmosphere extends to a 
height of several hundred miles. 

Horizontal distribution at sea level 
Just as temperature distribution is repre- 
sented by isotherms, so atmospheric pressure 
distribution is represented by isobars, that is, 
lines connecting places having the same at- 
mospheric pressure at a given elevation. On 
the isobaric charts here shown (Figs. 8.3, 
8.4), all pressure readings have been reduced 
to sea level to eliminate the effects of altitude 
on pressure. Most pressure-distribution charts 
represent sea-level pressures, although the 
need for understanding upper-air flow has in 
recent years caused the development of pres- 
sure charts for higher levels, usually for about 
10,000 ft (750 mb) and 18,000 ft (500 mb). 

Where isobars are closely spaced, there is 
a rapid horizontal change in pressure in a 
direction at right angles to the isobars. The 

rate and direction of the change is called the 
pressure gradient. Where isobars are widely 
spaced, the pressure gradient is weak. 

The arrangement of average sea-level pres- 
sures is reasonably well generalized and por- 
trayed by both the idealized isobaric chart 
(Fig. 8.1) and the meridional profile of pres- 

F I G . 8.1 Arrangement of zonal sea-level 
pressure. Except in the higher latitudes of the 
Southern Hemisphere, the pressure zones, or 
belts, are in the nature of cells of low or high 
pressure arranged in latitudinal bands. 


S U B 1>R P I (XA L HJ G H 











Seasonal profiles of 

sea-level pressure 

from 60 N to60S. 

in January and July 

_L ( after Mmtz and Dean) 



FIG. 8.2 Profiles of sea-level pressure from 
60N to 60S averaged for all longitudes, at the 
time of the extreme seasons. Equatorial low, 
subtropical highs, and subpolar lows are 
conspicuous features. Note the seasonal 
north-south movements of the pressure belts, 
following the sun. 

sure (Fig. 8.2). Both figures suggest that 
pressure, averaged for all longitudes, is 
arranged in zones resembling belts. The so- 
called belts are more accurately described as 
centers, or cells, of pressure, arranged in 
latitudinal bands. The belted arrangement is 
more conspicuous in the relatively homo- 
geneous Southern Hemisphere, where oceans 
prevail. This suggests that two features of the 

FIG. 8.3 


great Northern Hemisphere continents their 
highlands which obstruct the free flow of the 
atmosphere and their great seasonal temper- 
ature changes have much to do with the 
origin and arrangement of pressure cells. 

The most noteworthy features of the gen- 
eralized world pattern of sea-level pressure 
can be derived from Figs. 8.1 and 8.2. (a) 
The dominant and key element is the series 
of high-pressure cells which form irregular 
belts of high pressure at about 25 -30 N 
and S. These are the subtropical highs. Their 
origin is not fully understood, but certainly it 
is mechanical or dynamic, not thermal, (b) 
Between the belts of subtropical high pres- 
sure is the equatorial trough of low pressure. 

(c) Poleward from the subtropical highs, 
pressure decreases toward either pole, with 
minima being reached in the vicinity of 
65 N and S. At these latitudes are the sub- 
polar centers, or troughs, of low pressure. 
Their origin is not so clear, but it is due 
more to mechanical than to thermal causes. 

(d) Poleward from about latitude 65 data are 
so scanty that the pattern of pressure distribu- 


The circulation of the atmosphere: winds and pressure 159 

FIG. 8.4 


tion is not well known. It is generally assumed 
that fairly shallow surface highs of thermal 
origin occupy the inner polar areas. 

If one were to inspect a weather map of 
the earth for a single day, the above-described 
arrangement of zonal surface pressure would 
not be so evident. This would suggest that 
the generalized cells and zones of surface 
pressure are, partly at least, in the nature of 
statistical averages of complicated day-to-day 
systems of moving highs and lows. 

Sea-level pressure distribution in January 
and July, the extreme seasons Figures 8.3 
and 8.4 illustrate some of the features of 
seasonal pressure distribution which are of 
the greatest significance climatically, (a) Pres- 
sure belts and cells, like those of temperature, 
migrate northward with the sun's rays in July 
and southward in January. This is most 

readily observed in Fig. 8.2, which shows 
the meridional profiles of pressure. In gen- 
eral, pressure is higher in the winter, or cold, 
hemisphere, (b) The oceanic subtropical 
highs are best developed over the eastern sides 
of the oceans and tend to be weaker toward 
the western sides, (c) The subpolar low in the 
Southern Hemisphere is very deep, i.e., char- 
acterized by very low pressure, and forms a 
continuous circumpolar trough in both Janu- 
ary and July, but the subpolar low in the 
Northern Hemisphere consists of individual 
pressure cells which are much more seasonal 
in character, being strongest in winter, (d) In 
January a strong thermal cell of high pressure 
develops over the cold continent of Eurasia, a 
weaker one over smaller and less frigid North 
America. In July these same continents, now 
warm, develop weaker thermal lows. 


Large-scale vertical and horizontal move- 
ments of air are required to correct the un- 
balanced distribution of energy which results 

from latitudinal inequalities in the amount of 

incoming solar, and outgoing earth, radiation. 

Wind and the pressure gradient As 



29.9 30.0 30.1 In. however, the actual flow of air from high to 

low pressure is very oblique, or indirect. 

Deflection by earth rotation On a 
nonrotating earth, air set in motion by pres- 
sure differences would simply flow along the 
pressure gradient at right angles to the isobars. 
But on a rotating earth where meridians and 
parallels are constantly changing direction, 
winds have an apparent deflection from the 
gradient direction so that they cross the 
isobars at an oblique angle. Over land sur- 
faces, where friction is relatively great, the 
surface winds make an angle with the isobars 
of 20 to 40. Over the oceans, where friction 
is much less, the angle may be as low as 10, 
and in the free atmosphere several thousand 
feet above the earth's surface, winds nearly 
parallel the isobars, the angle being as low as 
1 to 3. 

In the Northern Hemisphere earth rotation 
causes all winds to have an apparent deflec- 
tion to the right of the gradient direction; in 
the Southern Hemisphere the apparent de- 
flection is always to the left (Fig. 8.6). This 
rule will not appear to be true when tested, 
however, unless it is kept in mind that one 
must always face in the direction the wind is 
blowing in order to observe the proper de- 
flection. Deflective force of earth rotation in- 
creases with increasing latitude, i.e., toward 
either pole; only at the equator is it absent. 

Wind direction Winds are always 
named by the direction from which they come. 
Thus a wind from the south, blowing toward 
the north, is called a south wind. The wind 
vane points toward the source of the wind. 
Windward refers to the direction from which 
a wind comes, Leeward refers to that toward 
which it blows. Thus a windward coast is 
one along which the air is moving onshore, 
while on a leeward coast winds move off- 
shore. When a wind blows more frequently 

1013- 1016- 1019+ Mb 
FIG. 8.5 Pressure gradient is the rate and 
direction of pressure change. Gradient is 
represented by a line drawn at right angles to the 

noted previously, air is set in motion by differ- 
ences in air density which result in horizontal 
differences in air pressure. Wind, therefore, 
represents nature's attempt to correct pressure 
inequalities. The rate and direction of pressure 
change, or pressure gradient, largely deter- 
mines the speed and general direction of the 
wind. There are two fundamental principles 
which control the relationship between pres- 
sure and winds: 

1. The rate of airflow, or speed of the 
wind, depends upon the steepness of the 
pressure gradient (rate of pressure change). 
When the gradient is steep, with isobars 
closely spaced, airflow is rapid. When the 
gradient is weak, with isobars widely spaced, 
the wind is likewise weak. Calms prevail 
when pressure differences over extensive 
areas are almost, or quite, nil. 

2. The direction of airflow is from high to 
low pressure, or down the gradient (Fig. 8.5). 
This is just as natural as the well-known fact 
that water, following the law of gravitation, 
runs downhill. Because of earth rotation, 











The circulation of the atmosphere: winds and pressure 161 

60 bars with the lowest pressure at the center is 
a cyclone. When the highest pressure is at 
the center, such a system is an anticyclone. 
In a cyclone, or low-pressure system, the air- 
flow is from the margins toward the center. It 
is a converging-wind system. The deflective 
force of earth rotation causes the converging 
air to move anticlockwise north of the 
equator and clockwise south of it. In an anti- 
cyclone air flows from the center toward the 
margins, so that it is a diverging-wind system, 
clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and 
anticlockwise in the Southern (Fig. 8.7). 

F I G . 8 . 7 A much idealized representation of the 
earth's surface winds. Airflow is from the east in the 
low latitudes and from the west in the middle latitudes. 




FIG. 8.6 Apparent deflection of the planetary 
winds on a rotating earth. Double-line arrows 
indicate wind direction as it would be developed 
from pressure gradient alone. Solid-line arrows 
indicate the direction of deflected winds. 

from one direction than from any other, it is 
a prevailing wind. On the daily weather map 
wind arrows fly with the wind. 

Cyclonic and anticyclonic circulations 
As indicated earlier, sea-level-pressure 
patterns are commonly cellular in character 
and appear on an isobaric chart as systems of 
closed isobars. Such a system of closed iso- 



Horse latitudes 
Trop. easterlies 

I.T.C. and 


Horse latitudes 









Zonal pattern From the meridional 
profile of pressure (Fig. 8.2) or from the ideal- 
ized sketch showing arrangement of pressure 
belts (Fig. 8.1), the principal elements of the 

earth's zonal surface-wind system can be 
readily visualized (also Fig. 8.7). From the 

1 The term surface wind refers to the lower few thousand feet 
of the atmosphere. 



subtropical highs at about 25 -30 N and S 
surface winds flow both from north and south 
toward the low-pressure trough near the equa- 
tor. Earth rotation deflects these two air 
streams into oblique easterly winds appropri- 
ately designated as the tropical easterlies. They 
are also known as the trade winds: northeast 
trades north of the equator and southeast 
trades to the south of it. 

Poleward from the subtropical high- 
pressure ridge in each hemisphere, winds 
flow downgradient toward the subpolar lows. 
They are turned by earth rotation so that 
they have a general west-to-east movement. 
These are the middle-latitude westerlies: 
southwest in the Northern Hemisphere and 
northwest south of the equator. 

Poleward from about 65, where weather 
observations are few, the nature of the sur- 
face-wind system is uncertain. It seems prob- 
able, however, that easterly winds prevail. 

To summarize zonal surface winds, there is 
a predominance of easterly winds in the low 
latitudes, or tropics, and a prevalence of 
westerly winds in the middle latitudes. 

Between the converging trades, in the 
vicinity of the equatorial trough of low pres- 
sure, is a zone of variable and weak winds. 
This transition belt between the two trades 
has various names: intertropical convergence 
zone (ITC), doldrums, and equatorial belt of 
variable winds. Here, in some seasons and 
over extensive longitudes, equatorial westerly 
winds are in evidence. At other times and 
places here, easterly flow prevails. 

In the intermediate area between the diverg- 
ing trades and middle-latitude westerlies, 
fairly coincident with the crests of the sub- 
tropical highs located at about 25 -30 in 
each hemisphere, is still another belt of weak 
and variable winds, the horse latitudes. 

Seasonal contrasts The concept of a 

simple, zonal arrangement of winds as pre- 
viously described is a satisfactory introduc- 
tion to surface winds. It is not, however, 
adequate for portraying a number of features 
of the atmospheric circulation which have 
important climatic significance, such as 
seasonal surface winds. For instance, a some- 
what more realistic representation of die sur- 
face winds in the extreme seasons, winter 
and summer, is shown by Figs. 8.3 and 8.4. 
Here a zonal belted arrangement of winds is 
not so conspicuous. More prominent are the 
spiraling cyclonic and anticyclonic circula- 
tions around individual cells of low and high 
pressure. Most striking are the large systems 
of divergent anticyclonic circulation around 
the subtropical high-pressure cells. These 
systems dominate in both January and July. 
The equatorward branches of anticyclonic 
circulation are the tropical easterlies, or trade 
winds; the poleward branches are the middle- 
latitude westerlies. Close observation of Figs. 
8.3 and 8.4 reveals a north-south shifting of 
the wind systems, comparable to such shift- 
ing of temperature belts, following the 
seasonal course of the sun. 

Notable in January are the well-developed 
converging cyclonic circulations around the 
expanded and deepened subpolar cells of low 
pressure over the North Atlantic and North 
Pacific Oceans. Equally important winter 
climate features are the anticyclonic circula- 
tions around the seasonal cells of high pres- 
sure over the cold land masses of Eurasia and 
North America. These diverging-wind sys- 
tems are the winter monsoons. A well- 
developed center of low pressure with con- 
verging cyclonic circulation is conspicuous 
over the heated continent of Australia, south 
of the equator. 

In July the cyclonic circulations over the 
North Atlantic and North Pacific are weaker, 

The circulation of the atmosphere: winds and pressure 163 

but over heated Asia and North America 
there are extensive cyclonic circulations with 
converging winds developed around low- 
pressure cells. These are the well-known 
summer monsoons. 

Zones and areas of average horizontal 
divergence and convergence From the 
preceding analysis of the surface winds, it 
becomes clear that there are certain zones 
and areas where the surface winds converge, 
or tend to meet along a line or at a center. 
There are others where the winds diverge, or 
move away from a common line or center of 
origin. Where surface winds converge, there 
has to be an escape of the air through up- 
ward movement, a condition which favors 
condensation, the development of storms, and 
associated clouds and precipitation. By con- 
trast, where winds diverge, there must be a 
downward movement of air from aloft (sub- 
sidence) to compensate for the divergent sur- 
face flow. Since such subsidence heats and 
dries the air, divergence and subsidence are 
opposed to the development of storms and to 
the formation of clouds and precipitation 
(Fig. 8.8). 

Divergence and subsidence Some prom- 
inent and best developed of all the zones of 
subsidence and divergence are the zones of 
divergence associated with the subtropical 
anticyclones located at about 25 -30 north 
and south of the equator. These zones are 
not continuous around the earth, for the 
oceanic cells of high pressure are strongest 
toward the eastern sides of the oceans. There 
subsidence is best developed and deserts are 
conspicuous features of the adjacent lands. 
Toward the western sides of the oceans 
where the subtropical anticyclones, and thus 
divergence and subsidence, are weaker, humid 
climates are likely to prevail. Surface diver- 
gence is likewise strong in the winter anti- 

Convergence and 

Divergence and 

FIG. 8.8 Where surface winds flow toward 
each other, or converge, there is a resulting upward 
movement of air. Where surface winds move apart, 
or diverge, there must be a settling or subsidence of 
the air. 

cyclones over northern and eastern Asia and 
over northern North America. 

Convergence and ascent Most prominent 
of all the extended lines of wind convergence 
is that located between the Northern Hemis- 
phere trades and the Southern Hemisphere 
trades in the general vicinity of the geo- 
graphic equator, the previously mentioned 
intertropical convergence zone (ITC). 

There are other zones of convergence as- 
sociated with the subpolar troughs, or cells, 
of low pressure where the westerlies flowing 
poleward from subtropical latitudes meet air of 
polar origin. These zones appear to be less 
continuous both areally and temporally than 
the ITC. Much of the convergence appears to 
occur in the individual moving cyclonic storms 
which are numerous in these latitudes, espe- 
cially over the oceans. Seasonal areas of conver- 
gence, associated with thermally induced 
lows, are to be observed over southern and 
eastern Asia and interior North America 
in July. 




Tropical easterlies, or trade winds 

The easterly winds which move obliquely 
downgradient from the subtropical anti- 
cyclones toward the equatorial trough of low 



pressure, roughly between latitudes 20 -25 
and 5-10 in each hemisphere over the 
oceans, probably got their other name, trade 
winds, from their prevailingly fair weather 
and steadiness of flow (Fig. 8.7). Yet, the 
trades are now known to be neither as uni- 
formly steady in direction and speed nor as 
full of fair weather as was formerly thought. 

Over the eastern parts of the oceanic trades, 
where the subtropical anticyclone and its 
subsidence are strong, storms are few, winds 
steady, cloud and rainfall meager, and fair 
weather prevails. But in the western parts, 
where the anticyclone and the accompany- 
ing subsidence are weaker, atmospheric dis- 
turbances are more numerous, the trades less 
constant, and cloud and rainfall more prev- 
alent (Fig. 8.9). 

There are likewise important weather con- 
trasts within the trade winds in a north-south 
direction. Toward their poleward margins, 
which are close to the centers of the sub- 
tropical highs where subsidence is strong, the 
trades are characterized by dry weather and 
much sunshine (Fig. 8.9). Here the air is said 
to be stable, for it lacks buoyancy, that is, it 
is disinclined to rise, and is opposed to the 

FIG. 8.9 The circulation pattern around a 
subtropical anticyclone with general areas of 
stability and instability shown. The eastern end of 
the cell is much more stable than the western. The 
poleward parts of the trades are more stable than 
the equatorward parts. 

r ' 

weak. V \ 

Air neutral 
or % " 

unstable - B ^ / 

(wet) ^(TRADES) 

.^Airtinstable x 
-* (wet) ^ 

formation of rainbringing storms. But very 
gradually as the trades move equatorward 
and westward from their source in the sub- 
tropical highs, they are importantly modified 
in ways which create an atmospheric environ- 
ment more favorable for the development of 
clouds and rainfall. One such modification 
occurs as the winds, in passing over great ex- 
panses of tropical ocean, take on large addi- 
tions of moisture through evaporation. A 
second modification of great climatic signifi- 
cance is a consequence of the trade winds 
having left a region of strong divergence and 
subsidence in the subtropical anticyclones and 
gradually approaching the equatorial trough 
of low pressure where horizontal convergence 
and lifting, and so instability of the air, are 
characteristic. Here atmospheric disturbances 
are more common, convectional overturning 
of the air easier, and clouds and rainfall more 
abundant. Thus it is that the trades are likely 
to be dry, fair-weather winds in their pole- 
ward and eastern oceanic parts, while their 
western and equatorward sections are char- 
acterized by more weather disturbances, 
cloud, and precipitation. 

But even in these rainier parts of the 
tropical easterlies or trades the air ordinarily 
is not so buoyant and unstable as it is in 
equatorial latitudes close to the ITC, or 
where equatorial westerlies prevail. As a con- 
sequence, in the absence of highlands, the 
total annual rainfall is not excessive. 

Winds of the intertropical convergence 
zone Winds are very complex in the vicinity 
of the equatorial trough of low pressure, 
which in the mean is located close to the 
geographic equator but in the extreme sea- 
sons may shift 10 to 15 to the north and 
south over the continents (Fig. 8.7). Air move- 
ment is usually light, and it is variable both 
in speed and direction. Calms are frequent. 

The circulation 

At some times and places airflow is from the 
west (equatorial westerlies), at other times and 
places from the east. As a rule this region 
between the trade winds is characterized by 
much horizontal convergence and associated 
rising air, so that the atmosphere is buoyant 
and unstable. Only slight lifting is required 
to trigger off strong vertical air currents, re- 
sulting in cumulonimbus clouds of great 
height, capable of producing heavy, showery 
rains. Convergence and ascent of air cannot 
be continuous, however, for all days are not 
rainy. Probably, therefore, the convergence 
and lifting are concentrated in the numerous 
weak disturbances which infest these areas 
close to the ITC. 

Winds of the subtropics The latitudes 
from 25 to 30 are close to the centers of 
great anticyclonic circulations around zonally 
arranged cells of high pressure. The poleward 
branch of this anticyclonic circulation is the 
middle-latitude westerlies; the equatorward 
branch is the tropical easterlies or trades. 
Thus these latitudes the subtropics, or horse 
latitudes are the transition area between the 
diverging surface trades and westerlies. As 
noted earlier, such divergence must be accom- 
panied by a slow settling of the air, or sub- 
sidence, and both divergence and subsidence 
are opposed to the formation of clouds and 
precipitation. So the centers of the subtropical 
anticyclones are characterized by much fair 
weather and meager rainfall. 

Like the equatorial trough of low pressure, 
the centers of the subtropical anticyclones 
are characterized by light winds coming from 
a variety of directions, and by frequent calms. 
However, the two regions are quite unlike in 
their general weather conditions, the former 
being a region of horizontal convergence, 
numerous atmospheric disturbances, and 
much showery rainfall, the latter an area of 

of the atjnosphere: winds and pressure 165 

horizontal divergence, few disturbances, and 
generally fair weather. 

In reality the horse latitudes are not alto- 
gether similar in weather throughout (Fig. 
8.9). Toward the western margins of each 
oceanic anticyclone there is less atmospheric 
subsidence than in the center and eastern 
parts, so that while the latter are character- 
istically dry, the western parts have a moder- 
ate amount of cloud and precipitation. This 
is how it develops that the eastern parts of 
the subtropical oceans and adjacent (western) 
parts of continents have dry and subhumid 
climates, while the western parts of sub- 
tropical oceans and their bordering land 
areas have humid climates. 

The variable westerlies of middle lati- 
tudes The stormy westerlies of the Northern 
and Southern Hemispheres move obliquely 
downgradient from the centers of subtropical 
high pressure to the subpolar lows. They are 
located from roughly 35 -40 to 60 -65 
(Fig. 8.7). Here the airflow is highly variable 
in speed and direction. At times, especially in 
the winter, the westerlies blow with gale force; 
sometimes mild breezes prevail. Although 
the winds are designated as westerlies, west- 
erly being the direction of most frequent and 
strongest winds, they do blow from all points 
of the compass. 

The variability of these winds in both 
direction and strength is largely the result of 
the procession of storms cyclones and anti- 
cyclones which travels from west to east in 
these latitudes. The storms, with their local 
systems of converging and diverging winds, 
tend to disrupt and modify the general west- 
erly air currents. Moreover, on the eastern 
sides of Asia, and to a lesser degree North 
America, the continental wind systems called 
the monsoons tend to modify the westerlies, 
especially in summer. It is in the Southern 



Hemisphere, where in latitudes 40 -65 
land masses are largely absent, that the stormy 
westerlies can be observed at their maximum 
and least interrupted development. Over these 
great expanses of ocean, winds of gale strength 
are common in summer as well as winter. The 
westerlies of the Northern Hemisphere, where 
the great land masses with their seasonal 
pressure reversals cause the wind systems to 
be much more complex, are considerably less 
boisterous in summer than in winter. 

The poleward margins of the westerlies 
near the subpolar troughs of low pressure are 
particularly subject to great surges of cold 
polar air in the winter season. A sinuous line 
of discontinuity known as the polar front 
separates the cold, dry, polar air from the 
warmer and more humid mass coming from 
the subtropics as westerlies and is the zone 
of origin for a great many middle-latitude 
cyclones and anticyclones. It follows, there- 
fore, that the poleward margins of the west- 
erlies are more subject to stormy, variable 
weather than are the subtropical margins. 
The polar front and the accompanying belt 
of storms migrate with the sun's rays, retreat- 
ing poleward in summer and advancing 
equatorward in winter, so aperiodic storm 
control of weather in the middle latitudes 

should be most pronounced in the winter 

Winds of the polar regions As pre- 
viously indicated, the few and poorly dis- 
tributed aerological observations in the higher 
latitudes beyond about 65 make an adequate 
description of the polar wind systems impos- 
sible at this time, but would appear to indicate 
that wind from an easterly direction generally 


Up to this point atmospheric circulation in 
the lower atmosphere has been emphasized. 
But some features of climatic distribution, 
especially as it is related to precipitation, are 
affected by the airflow at higher elevations as 
well. The topic of general circulation, includ- 
ing both high-level and low-level winds, will 
be briefly considered at this point so that 
some of the larger distribution features of 
world weather and climate may be better un- 
derstood. It must be borne in mind, however, 
that important elements of the general circu- 
lation remain controversial. 

The necessity for a general circulation of 
the atmosphere to compensate for the un- 

F I G . 8.10 Schematic representation of the general circulation. In both 
the low and the high latitudes the atmospheric circulations resemble that of 
a convectional system, with the surface flow moving toward lower latitudes; 
the opposite prevails aloft. In the middle latitudes the circulation is more 
complex, and its features are not so well understood. In general, this 
intermediate region appears to be a meeting place of contrasting air streams 
from high and low latitudes. 




;. 60* ' 


The circulation of the atmosphere: winds and pressure 167 

equal distribution of solar energy over the 
earth between poles and equator has been 
described earlier. It has also been said that 
winds and ocean currents are the means by 
which the excess of energy received in the 
tropics is carried to the deficit regions farther 
poleward. One might, then, readily conceive 
of the atmospheric circulation as being in the 
form of a gigantic convectional system with a 
direct meridional flow, aloft from warm 
equator to cold poles, at the surface from cold 
poles to warm equator. But on the rotating 
earth, with its surface composed of continents 
and oceans with contrasting frictional and 
heating properties, such a simple direct con- 
vectional circulation between equator and 
poles could not exist. The one that actually 
prevails is much more complex, so much so 
that no acceptable unified theory of the gen- 
eral circulation now exists. 

In its simplest form, the atmospheric circu- 
lation between equator and poles is usually 
represented as broken down into three smaller 
meridional circulations, tropical, middle-lati- 
tude, and polar (Fig. 8.10). In the low lati- 
tudes equatorward from about 30, and also 
in the high latitudes poleward from about 
65, the evidence suggests circulations which 
resemble that of a convectional system. In 
both there is, on the average, an oblique 
movement of air equatorward at the surface 
and poleward aloft. Deflective force of earth 
rotation causes the surface winds to be 
easterly (trades and polar easterlies) and 
those at higher levels to be westerly. Such a 
circulation requires an upward movement of 
air in equatorial latitudes and likewise in the 
vicinity of latitude 60. Similarly, there is a 
settling of the upper air both in subtropical 
latitudes and near the poles. 

It is principally in the middle latitudes 
(3 5 -60) that the nature of the circulation 
pattern is most complex and controversial. 






E \ 

\ W 

$\ \ > /Z 







F I G . 8 . 1 1 A pole-to- pole cross section of the 
planetary winds up to about 8 or 9 miles above the 
earth's surface. E = tropical easterlies, or trades; 
W = westerlies; x = average location of the jet 
stream; w = the somewhat doubtful belt of 
equatorial westerlies; e = polar easterlies. 

(From Flohn.) 

Here, apparently, much of the necessary 
north-south heat exchange occurs in the form 
of irregular invasions of cold polar air moving 
equatorward and of warm surges of tropical 
air moving poleward. In these latitudes, both 
at the surface and aloft, the air movement is 
prevailingly from the west, but wind and 
weather are both highly variable, a result of 
the frequent, alternating passage of cyclones 
and anticyclones, accompanied by shifts in 
wind direction and marked changes in tem- 
perature. These cyclones and anticyclones 
are associated with the alternating thrusts of 
cold and warm air, which in turn accomplish 
the required heat exchange. It is significant, 
also, that only in the middle-latitude cell of 
meridional circulation do the surface winds 
flow poleward, and hence in an opposite 
direction from those of a convectional circu- 
latory system, in contrast to those of the 
polar and tropical cells on either side. Be- 
cause of this, there is a zone of divergence on 
the equatorial side of the middle-latitude 
westerlies, as well as a zone of frequent con- 
vergence in their other parts, a fact that has 
important consequences in weather and 

The preceding analysis and Fig. 8.11 show 


FIG. 8.12 Jet-stream map for January in the 
Northern Hemisphere, showing average positions 
and speeds in miles per hour at an elevation of 

about 35,000 ft. (From Naming) 

that a west-to-east circulation prevails through- 
out most of the earth's atmosphere. This 
westerly flow is often obscured at the earth's 
surface, of course, by the frictional effects of 
terrain irregularities and by numerous atmos- 
pheric disturbances in the form of storms. 
Also, there are at least two important excep- 
tions to this general west-to-east movement 
of the earth's atmosphere. The first and prin- 
cipal one is the east-to-west flow in most of 
the low latitudes. The tropical easterlies, or 
trades, of these latitudes may reach heights 
of about 6 miles near the equator. Poleward 
from the equator they decline rapidly in 
depth until they cease to exist at about 30 N 

The jet stream, upper-air waves and 
surface weather A relatively spectacular 
feature of the atmospheric circulation, whose 
existence has been made known only recently, 


is the jet stream (or streams). The jet resembles 
a meandering fast-flowing river. It travels at 
speeds of 100 to 150 miles per hour, moving 
from west to east at elevations of 20,000 to 
40,000 ft (Fig. 8.12). Its position shifts north 
and south with the seasons, but its average 
location is between 30 and 40. Even 
though the jet stream and the high-level 
westerly winds of which it is a part are essen- 
tially zonal (east-west) in character, they do 
develop north-south oscillations, or waves, of 
enormous length. 

It is known that the jet stream and these 
waves are closely associated with surface 
weather conditions. For example, the waves 
on the jet are directly related to the horizon- 
tal expulsion of great masses of polar and 
tropical air. When the jet stream is unusually 
sinuous, these north-south thrusts of air 
masses are strong and frequent. During such 
periods storms are numerous and weather is 
very changeable in the middle latitudes. Less 
variable and stormy conditions prevail when 
the jet is characterized by few and weaker 
oscillations. Well-developed middle-latitude 
cyclones extend upward into the jet-stream 
waves, and may have their origin in these 
waves. At least such storms intensify when 
they are positioned underneath the jet, and 
the jet stream appears to have the effect of 
steering the cyclonic disturbances across the 
earth's surface. It seems reasonable, therefore, 
that cyclonic rainfall should be concentrated 
underneath the jet stream. 


Some effects of the earth's surface upon 
surface winds which have been mentioned 
incidentally in the previous discussion can 
now be usefully amplified. 

The circulation of the atmosphere: winds and pressure 169 

Latitudinal shifting of the wind belts 

Because of the parallelism and inclination of 
the earth's axis, the sun's vertical noon rays 
shift during half the annual period of revolu- 
tion from 23^ N (summer solstice) to 
231/2 S (winter solstice), a total of 47, as 
noted previously. But the belt of maximum 
solar energy actually undergoes a latitudinal 
shift of 60 to 70. Following this north- 
south migration of solar energy comes a 
similar shift in temperature belts, largely sun- 
controlled, and in pressure and wind belts, 
in part thermally induced. The north-south 
shifting of wind belts is by no means so sim- 
ple a thing as it may appear to be from this 
description, for it varies in amount and 
rapidity from one part of the earth to another 
because of the variations in the earth's surface. 
Over the oceans and along coasts where the 
latitudinal shift of winds is more readily 
observable, the total migration is not great, 
usually not much over 10 to 15. Over con- 
tinents, on the other hand, where seasonal 
temperature changes are greater, the total 
latitudinal shift of winds, as well as pressure, 
is also greater. In general, there is a lag of a 
month or more behind the sun. But the time 
lag is considerably less over land than over 

latitudes affected by more than one wind 
belt The north-south shifting of the wind 
belts is especially significant in those latitudes 
lying between two wind systems having un- 
like weather conditions, as for example, 
between a converging and a diverging system. 
Such latitudes are encroached upon by one of 
the contrasting wind systems and its weather 
conditions at one season, by the other wind 
system and its weather at the opposite season. 
Two such latitudes will be noted (Fig. 9.12). 

1. Latitudes 5 to 15 north and south of 
the equator lie between the equatorial con- 
vergence zone (ITC) with its unstable air, 

numerous atmospheric disturbances, and 
abundant rainfall, and the subtropical zone 
of divergence and subsidence where stable 
air and few disturbances result in meager 
rainfall. These latitudes experience weather 
associated with the ITC and its disturbances 
at the times of high sun (summer); but in the 
season of low sun (winter) the fair, dry 
weather of the divergence zone of the sub- 
tropical anticyclones and their trade winds 
prevails. A wet summer and a dry winter are 
the results. This seasonal variation in weather 
is not so conspicuous along the eastern side 
of a continent where the anticyclone is weaker 
and the air less stable. 

2. Latitudes 30 to 40 are located between 
the dry subtropical anticyclones and the 
middle-latitude westerlies with their numer- 
ous rainbringing cyclones. Drought associated 
with anticyclonic subsidence and divergence 
is characteristic of summer, while in winter 
there is adequate precipitation from cyclonic 
storms in the westerlies. This seasonal rain- 
fall variation in latitudes 30 -40 is confined 
largely to the eastern side of oceans and the 
adjacent western side of continents where the 
subtropical anticyclone is well developed and 
the air stable. 

Monsoon winds Winds which reverse 
their direction of flow during the course of a 
year and prevailingly blow from land to sea 
in winter and from sea to land in summer are 
called monsoon winds. Commonly this seasonal 
reversal of wind direction in a monsoon is at- 
tributed to the unequal heating of land and 
water surfaces. 

In winter, for example, a large continent 
in middle latitudes is colder than the sur- 
rounding sea surface, so that the air over the 
land is colder and denser and the atmospheric 
pressure higher (Fig. 8.3, eastern Asia). As a 
consequence there is a flow of surface air 
from land to sea. Because this winter mon- 



soon originates over a cold land mass, it is 
dry, cold, and stable and therefore resists 
upward movement which might result in 
cloud and precipitation. 

In summer, by contrast, the land air is 
warmer and less dense than that over the sea, 
with atmospheric pressure lower over the 
land. As a consequence surface air flows 
from sea to land (Fig. 8.4, eastern Asia). This 
summer monsoon originates over the sea, and 
usually over relatively warm waters. Thus its 
humidity content is high, with the conse- 
quence that it provides an atmospheric 
environment favorable for the development of 
atmospheric disturbances capable of produc- 
ing cloud and rainfall. The following illus- 
trates the above-described causation sequence 
of monsoon systems: 

Winter land cold with high pressure 
surface winds from land to sea. 

Summer land warm with low pressure 
surface winds from sea to land. 

Monsoon winds are climatically significant 
chiefly because of their effects upon temper- 
ature and precipitation conditions of those 
parts of continents where they prevail. 

Ideally, monsoons should produce a climate 
characterized by seasonal extremes of both 
temperature and precipitation, with winters 
that are cold and dry and summers that are 
warm and wet. Actually, the effects, as well 
as the origin and nature, of monsoon winds 
have been greatly simplified in the preceding 
description. For example, much of the 
seasonal wind reversal to be observed in 
tropical lands well exemplified in southern 
Asia, northern Australia, and tropical Africa 
is more a consequence of the latitudinal 
shifting of wind belts following the sun 

than it is the unequal heating of land and 
water (Figs. 8.3, 8.4). It is chiefly the mon- 
soons of middle latitudes, such as those in 
eastern Asia and in eastern North America, 
that owe their origin to land-water thermal 

Moreover, neither the winter nor the 
summer monsoons consist of a steady, un- 
interrupted flow of air. Both are infested with 
a variety of atmospheric disturbances which 
interrupt the onshore and offshore flow of air 
and at times even reverse its direction. These 
are the same atmospheric disturbances which 
produce the abundant summer, and the more 
modest winter, precipitation in the monsoon 
currents. Spells of weather are characteristic 
of both monsoons. 

Land and sea breezes Like monsoons, 
land and sea breezes are wind reversals that 
have their origins in the unequal heating of 
land and water surfaces. But these wind re- 
versals have a daily periodicity, not the 
seasonal one of the monsoons. At night the 
land's greater coolness results in an offshore 
breeze; by day the heated land causes the 
wind to flow onshore. Universally the effects 
of the sea breeze are felt for only a few miles 
inland, and this only in the warmer seasons 
of middle latitudes. Along tropical coasts the 
daily sea breeze is not limited to any season. 
Modest temperature and rainfall effects are 
produced by the sea breeze. Along coasts 
high daytime temperatures may be appreciably 
reduced by the cooler sea or lake air moving 
onshore. It is believed, also, that the sea 
breeze may have some generating effect on 
thunderstorm activity, thereby increasing the 
total precipitation along littorals (coastal 




Only in the invisible, or gas, form is water 
an integral part of the atmosphere; it is then 
referred to as water vapor or as humidity. 
The water vapor in the atmosphere varies in 
quantity from place to place and also from 
time to time, hut always comprises only a 
small part of the total atmosphere. If all of 
the water vapor in the air were condensed to 
the liquid form and evenly distributed over 
the earth as rain, it would form a layer only 
about 1 in. deep. Nevertheless, water vapor 
is by far the most important gas in the atmos- 
phere as far as weather and climatic phenom- 
ena are concerned, for several reasons, (a) 
The amount of moisture in the air is directly 
related to precipitation possibilities, (b) The 
more water vapor in the atmosphere, the 

more stored-up energy available for the growth 
of atmospheric disturbances which produce 
rainfall, (c) Water vapor is the chief absorber 
of both solar radiation and energy radiated 
from the earth, and therefore regulates tem- 
perature, (d) The relative amount of water 
vapor affects the human body's rate of cooling 
and hence its feeling of heat and cold, i.e., 
the sensible temperature. 
Evaporation-condensation cycle and 
sources of water vapor The water vapor 
in the air is derived from water in the liquid 
or solid form through the process of evapora- 
tion. In reverse, condensation occurs when 
water vapor is changed to the liquid or solid 
state to form clouds. The condensed water 
or ice may then fall on the earth's surface as 




precipitation. Among the several gases of the 
air, only water vapor condenses to form 
a liquid (water) or a solid (ice) within the 
range of atmospheric temperatures. 

The principal source of atmospheric 
humidity is the oceans which cover nearly 71 
per cent of the earth's surface. By winds the 
water vapor evaporated from the oceans is 
carried in over the continents. Indeed, most 
of the continental precipitation is derived 
from moisture from over the oceans. How- 
ever, a portion of the atmosphere's humidity 
is derived from evaporation which occurs 
over the continents evaporation from the 
moist soils, the vegetation cover, and from 
inland bodies of water. 

The evaporation-condensation-precipita- 
tion cycle is constantly in progress as water 
vapor is added to the atmosphere by evapora- 
tion and removed by condensation-precipita- 
tion (Fig. 16.3). Over the oceans evaporation 
exceeds precipitation; over the continents 
precipitation is in excess of evaporation. But 
these differences are equalized by (a) the dis- 
charge of rivers and glaciers into the oceans, 
and, to a much greater extent, by (b) the 
transfer of land-evaporated moisture seaward 
in the great streams of continental air. 

Latent energy in water vapor Energy 
in the form of heat is required to change ice 
(solid) into water (liquid), and water into 
water vapor (gas). The unit of heat energy, 
the calorie (cal), is the amount of heat re- 
quired to raise the temperature of a gram (g) 
of water one degree centigrade (c). It takes 
79 cal to convert 1 g of ice into 1 g of water 
at freezing temperature. A much greater 
quantity of heat, 607 cal, is required to evap- 
orate 1 g of water (change it to water vapor) 
at freezing temperature. Thus, water vapor 
must contain more potential energy than 
water or ice. This energy stored up in water 

vapor is called latent heat. For the most 
part it is transformed solar energy which has 
been used in the process of evaporation. 

If energy is consumed in the process of 
evaporation, then, conversely, energy in the 
form of heat must be released into the atmos- 
phere v/hen water vapor is condensed into 
the liquid or solid state to form clouds. This 
latent heat of condensation furnishes one of 
the principal ways in which the atmosphere 
is heated. On a cloudy night when conden- 
sation is in progress, the liberated heat acts 
to retard the normal night cooling. The heat 
of condensation is likewise a principal source 
of energy for the growth and development of 
storms, especially thunderstorms, hurricanes, 
and other tropical disturbances. Thus it plays 
an important role in causing precipitation 
and in determining its distribution. 

Evaporation heat consumed 

Solid Liquid 

(ice) (water) 

Condensation heat released 


(water vapor) 

Atmospheric humidity The amount of 
water vapor that air can hold depends almost 
wholly upon air temperature. Air that is 
warm is able to contain much more water 
vapor than air that is cold. Moreover, capacity, 
the maximum amount of water vapor that a 
given volume of air can hold at a given tem- 
perature, increases at an increasing rate as 
the temperature rises. This is made clear by 
the following table and by Fig. 9.1. Thus, 
if the temperature of 1 cu ft of air is in- 
creased by 10F, from 30 to 40, the mois- 
ture capacity is advanced only 1 grain, while 
a similar 10 increase from 90 to 100 in- 
creases the capacity 5 grains. So it is evident 
that the warm air of the tropics has a far 
greater moisture capacity than has the cold 
air of the subarctic and polar regions. Like- 

Precipitation 173 

wise, warm summer air is able to contain 
much more water vapor than cold winter air 
is. These facts have important climatic impli- 
cations, for they help to explain the meager 
precipitation of the polar regions compared 
with the abundant rainfall of equatorial lati- 
tudes, as well as the greater precipitation in 
summer than in winter over the middle- 
latitude continents. 

Distribution of humidity The water- vapor 
content of the air (expressed as specific 
humidity, absolute humidity, or vapor pres- 
sure) normally is highest near the earth's sur- 
face and decreases rapidly upward. Such a 
vertical distribution is to be expected since 
the earth's surface is the source of the atmos- 
phere's humidity and temperatures normally 
are higher at low elevations. Half the water 
vapor in the air lies below an altitude of 
6,500 ft. 

In a north-south direction, or along a 
meridian, water-vapor content is highest in 
the low latitudes near the equator and de- 
creases poleward (Fig. 9.2). This also is as- 
sociated with temperature distribution. As a 
general rule, winds arriving from tropical 
latitudes, especially from oceanic sources, 
contain an abundance of water vapor, and so 


D 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
Temperature F 

FIG. 9.1 The capacity of air to contain water 
vapor not only increases as the temperature of the 
air rises, it increases at an increasing rate. 

are conducive to large-scale condensation 
and precipitation. By contrast, air derived 
from cold polar sources and some conti- 
nental areas is low in water-vapor content 
and hence too dry to yield much precipitation. 
Relative humidity Relative humidity 
refers to the amount of water vapor in the air 
(absolute or specific humidity) compared 
with the greatest amount that the air could 
contain at the same temperature (its capacity). 
Relative humidity is always expressed in the 
form of a fraction, ratio, or percentage. For 
example, air at 70 has the capacity of con- 
taining 8 grains of water vapor per cu ft. If it 

Maximum Water-vapor Capacity of 1 Cu Ft of Air at 
Varying Temperatures 

degrees Fahrenheit 

Water vapor, 

Difference between 
successive 10 
intervals, grains 






)A . 







J?n - 





x \ 



f 16 








- 10 M 

</j 12 - 








8 1 

9 8 - 







' 6 y 

4 - 






y ' 

- 2 
- n 



(relative humidities IQQ%) 

North South 

Latitude, degrees 

FIG. 9.2 Zonal distribution of the water-vapor 
content of the air. Specific humidity is highest in 
the vicinity of the equator and decreases toward 
the poles. There is a northward displacement in 
July and a southward displacement in January 
because of the shift of temperature belts. Specific 
humidity at each latitude is higher in summer than 

in Winter. (From Haurwitz and Austin.) 

actually does contain 6 grains, then it is only 
three-fourths saturated, and its relative humid- 
ity is 75 per cent. When the relative humidity 
reaches 100 per cent the air is said to be 

The relative humidity of an air mass can 
be altered in two ways, (a) by a change in 
the amount of the water vapor in the air, or 
(b) by a change in the temperature of the air 
and hence its capacity. The following table 
shows how air which is saturated (relative 
humidity 100 per cent) at 40 acquires suc- 
cessively lower relative humidities simply by 

leu ft 

3 grains 

40 F 
(1 grain 0.002 ounce) 


80 F 



Relative humidityv 

17^ 91% 
1 X 

/ leu ft 


/ 1 cu ft \ 



leu ft \ 

% grain 


1/2 grain 

10 grains 


40 F 

80 F 

FIG. 9.3 Absolute and relative humidity. 

an increase of its temperature, the water- 
vapor content remaining unchanged. Various 
humidity relationships are also illustrated by 
Fig. 9.3<z and b. Figure 9.3a shows the 
changing capacity for water vapor of a cubic 
foot of air under three different temperature 
conditions. Figure 9.36 shows the same 
cubic-foot samples as Fig. 9.3a ? but with 
varying relative humidities. 

Since relative humidity is an important 

degrees Fahrenheit 


Absolute humidity, 


Relative humidity, 
per cent saturated 


Precipitation 175 


90 70 60 50 

Latitude, degrees 


40 50 60 7090 

FIG. 9.4 Zonal distribution of relative humidity. Note that the 
north-south distribution of relative humidity is quite different from that of 
specific humidity (Fig. 9.2). 

determinant of the amount and rate of evap- 
oration, it is critical in determining the rate 
of moisture and heat loss by plants and ani- 
mals, including human beings. Consequently 
it importantly affects the sensible temperature 
and therefore human comfort. Relative 
humidity is also closely related to the devel- 
opment of clouds and precipitation. Air that 
is close to the saturation stage requires only 
a minimum amount of cooling to bring about 
condensation and the formation of clouds. 
On the other hand, air with low relative 
humidity requires a large amount of cooling 
in order to form clouds and cause rainfall. In 
desert regions the relative humidity is usu- 
ally so low that only rarely is the air cooled 
enough for rain clouds to form. 

Meridional distribution There is a strong 
maximum of relative humidity near the 
equator, from which there is a decline pole- 
ward to minima located at about 25 N and S 
(Fig. 9.4). Subsidence of deep air masses at 
these latitudes of the subtropical anticyclones 
is the cause of the reduced relative humidity. 
Here are located some of the earth's most ex- 
tensive deserts. Poleward from the subtropics, 
the relative humidity again increases as the 
temperature declines, and a second pair of 
maxima are located in the higher middle 
latitudes (about 60 N and S). During the 
daily period of 24 hr, relative humidity of air 
near the ground is everywhere usually highest 
in the cool early-morning hours and lowest 
in the warm midafternoon. 


Origin If nonsaturated air is subjected to 
progressive cooling and its capacity for 
moisture thereby reduced, a temperature is 
eventually reached at which the air is sat- 
urated with moisture (relative humidity 100 
per cent), even though the total amount of 

water vapor has remained unchanged. This 
critical temperature is called the dew point. 
If the air is then cooled below the dew point, 
the excess water vapor, over and above what 
the air can contain at this lower temperature, 
forms as minute globules of water (if the tern- 



1. Ground-inversion fog 

ild air FOG Temperature inver 
'///////////////////// S 

2 Advection fog 

F I G . 9.5 Common types of fog and ways in 
which they form. 

perature is above 32) and possibly tiny ice 
crystals (if below 32). When this has 
happened, condensation has taken place. As 
an example, air with a temperature of 80 
and containing 8 grains of water vapor per 
cu ft has a relative humidity of 73 per cent 
(table, p. 173). If this air is gradually cooled 
and its capacity tor water vapor thus lowered, 
it eventually reaches its dew point, 70, the 
temperature at which it is saturated. Further 
cooling results in condensation and the re- 
lease of latent heat, the varying amount of 
condensation that occurs at the different tem- 
peratures reached reflecting the changing 
water-vapor capacity of the air. It bears re- 
peating that an equivalent cooling of warm 
air and of cold air does not result in the 
same amount of condensation (table, p. 173). 
Most large-scale condensation, including 
the formation of all precipitation, is a conse- 
quence of the reduction of air temperature 
below the dew point. When the relative 
humidity of any mass of air is high, only a 
slight amount of this cooling is required be- 
fore the dew point is reached and condensa- 


tion begins. Condensation, therefore, depends 
upon two variables: (a) the amount of cool- 
ing, and (b) the relative humidity of the air. 

Surface condensation The temperature 
of shallow layers of surface air may be lowered 
below the dew point, resulting in condensa- 
tion, by direct cooling through conduction 
arid radiation of heat to a cold earth surface 
or by the mixing of two air masses having 
unlike temperatures and humidities. Ap- 
preciable rainfall probably never results from 
these cooling processes; rather, such forms of 
condensation as dew, white frost, and fog are 
the consequences. In a description of world 
climates such surface condensation is not of 
great importance. 

Fog Fog, by far the most climatically im- 
portant of the several forms of surface con- 
densation, can develop in a variety of ways. 
One of the commonest types of land fog, 
known as radiation or ground-inversion fog, 
results from the cooling, by radiation and 
conduction processes, of shallow layers of 
quiet air overlying a chilled land surface 
(Fig. 9.5). Clear nights with little wind favor 
the development of such fog. Also, it is most 
prevalent and becomes deepest in valleys and 
depressions where, as a result of air drainage, 
the colder, heavier air collects. Being char- 
acteristic of the cooler night hours, radiation 
fog is usually short-lived, for it tends to dis- 
sipate with sun heating during the day. But 
in the vicinity of large industrial cities where 
sulfurous condensation nuclei are numerous, 
it is likely to be more persistent, as well as 
denser. Such a combination of smoke, auto- 
mobile exhaust fumes, and fog is known as 

Another very common kind of fog is the 
advection fog which develops in moving, rather 
than quiet, air. Fogs of this kind are formed in 
mild, humid air as it moves over a colder 

surface and is chilled by radiation and con- 
duction (Fig. 9.5). They are very common 
over oceans, especially in summer, along sea- 
coasts and the shores of large inland lakes, 
and over middle-latitude land surfaces in 
winter. They are particularly prevalent in the 
vicinity of cool ocean currents. In the in- 
teriors of continents advection fogs are com- 
monly associated with a poleward flow of 
mild, humid air from low latitudes over a cold 
and snow-covered surface. In general, advec- 
tion fogs are less local in development than 
the simple radiation type, and they tend to 
persist for longer periods of time. Thus days 
as well as nights may remain shrouded by them. 

Distribution of fog. Generalization about 
fog distribution is not easy. Yet without much 
doubt fog is more common over oceans than 
over continents, and it is more frequent over 
oceans in middle and higher latitudes than 
over those in the tropics. On the continents 
the coastal areas have the greatest number of 
days with fog. In the United States fog days 
are most frequent along the Pacific Coast 
and the North Atlantic seaboard and over 
the Appalachian Highlands. The least foggy 
area is the dry interior of the western countiy. 

Condensation in the free atmosphere: 
clouds and associated precipitation Of 
incomparably greater climatic importance 
than surface condensation in the form of dew, 
white frost, and fog is cloud condensation 
occurring well above the earth's surface, for 
all of the earth's precipitation originates in 
clouds. Clouds of great vertical thickness, 
capable of yielding moderate or abundant 
precipitation, are the product of one atmos- 
pheric process almost exclusively, viz., cool- 
ing as a result of expansion in upward- 
moving, thick air masses. 

When air rises, no matter what the cause, 
it expands because there is less weight of air 

Precipitation 177 

upon it at the higher altitudes. For example, 
if a mass of dry air at sea level rises to an 
altitude of about 18,000 ft, the pressure upon 
it is reduced by one-half, and consequently 
its volume is doubled. Thus 1 cu ft of sea- 
level air would occupy 2 cu ft if carried to 
that altitude. To make room for itself as it 
ascends and gradually expands, this air has 
to displace other air. The work of displacing 
the surrounding air requires energy, and this 
necessary energy is taken out of the rising air 
mass in the form of heat, resulting in a lower- 
ing of its temperature. Conversely, when air 
descends from higher altitudes, it is com- 
pressed by the denser air at lower levels. Work 
is done upon it, and its temperature conse- 
quently is raised. It is obvious, therefore, that 
rising air cools, while descending air is 
warmed. This is spoken of as adiabatic tem- 
perature change. 

The rate of cooling resulting from the 
ascent of dry or nonsaturated air the dry 
adiabatic rate is constant and is approxi- 
mately 5.5 per 1,000-ft change in altitude. 
This rate of cooling of ascending air is con- 
siderably greater than the normal rate of tem- 
perature decrease with increasing elevation 
(about 3.6 per 1,000 ft) called the lapse 
rate. These two rates, the adiabatic rate and 
the lapse rate, should be clearly distinguished 
as being very different things, for one repre- 
sents the cooling of a rising and therefore 
moving mass of air, while the other represents 
the change in air temperature that would be 
recorded by a thermometer carried up through 
the atmosphere by a balloon or airplane. 

It bears repeating that this process of cool- 
ing, by expansion within rising air currents, 
is the only one capable of reducing the tem- 
perature of thick and extensive masses of air 
below the dew point. It is the only process, 
therefore, which is capable of producing con- 



densation on such a large scale that abundant 
precipitation results. There is no doubt that 
nearly all the earth's precipitation is the result 
of expansion and cooling in rising air cur- 
rents. The direct result of cooling due to 
ascent is clouds. 

Conditions affecting the buoyancy of 
air Since nearly all of the earth's precipita- 
tion originates in thick clouds that are a 
consequence of cooling in ascending air, the 
conditions which promote or hinder such 
upward movement are of prime importance. 

Stability As previously suggested, when 
air resists vertical movement and tends to 
remain in its original position it is said to be 
stable. Normally an air mass is most stable 
when dry and colder air underlies warmer air. 
The denser air below the lighter air makes 
upward movement difficult. Thus, in highly 
stable air abundant precipitation is less likely 
to occur. However, even stable, nonbuoyant 
air may be forced to rise, cool, and produce 
cloud and rainfall, as when an air stream is 
obstructed by mountains or hills or when two 
air streams converge and come into conflict. 

Atmospheric stability is promoted in at 
least two ways. If an air mass is chilled at its 
base through loss of heat by radiation and 
conduction to a cold underlying surface, the 
density of the lower air is increased, and so 
the stability is also increased (Fig. 9.6). A 
surface temperature inversion, therefore, is an 
instance of stability. Another way a mass of 
air can develop stability is by subsiding and 
spreading laterally (horizontal divergence). 
This process of stabilization occurs in high- 
pressure anticyclonic systems. 

Instability When air does not resist up- 
ward vertical displacement but, on the con- 
trary, has a tendency to move upward from 
its original position, a condition of instability 
prevails. In such buoyant air upward vertical 
movement is made easy, and clouds and pre- 
cipitation are likely. Instability is character- 
istic of warm, humid air in which there is a 
rapid vertical decrease in temperature, i.e., 
a steep lapse rate, and humidity. 

Instability is developed in an air mass when 
it is warmed and humidified in its lower 
layers by moving over a warm earth's surface 

FIG. 9.6 Atmospheric stability and instability. When the lapse rate 
exceeds the abiabatic rate, instability prevails. When the reverse is true, the 
air is stable. 



I 4921 
JF| ,-38 1 3281 

2 5^,2 1640 
kl [40 Q 























S. \ 


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 


Temperature, F. 

Precipitation 179 

(Fig. 9.6). Instability is likewise promoted in 
a thick air mass when it is forced to rise. 
Hence the air in any converging-wind sys- 
tem, such as a cyclonic storm, is likely to 
become unstable. Or again, when humid air 
that is originally mildly stable is forced to 
rise over mountain barriers or over colder 
wedges of air, the resulting condensation may 
add so much heat to the ascending air that it 
becomes buoyant and unstable. Then it con- 
tinues to rise with accompanying heavy pre- 
cipitation. Precipitation occurring in unstable, 
buoyant air is likely to be heavy and showery 
in character, and usually is associated with 
thick cumulus clouds (Fig. 9.7). Unstable air 
will continue to rise until it reaches air layers 
having temperature and density similar to 
its own. 



FIG. 9.7 Cloud formation in the forced ascent 
of air which is stable in one case and unstable in 
the other. In stable air, which is nonbuoyant, the 
clouds are not so thick in a vertical dimension, and 
the resulting precipitation will probably be lighter. 



Although all precipitation originates in 
clouds, by no means do all clouds yield pre- 
cipitation. This is because the condensed 
water or ice particles which form clouds are 
too small to fall to the earth's surface. To 
produce precipitation the myriad of tiny cloud 
droplets must be forced to combine to form 
drops of sufficient size and weight to reach 
the surface. 

Rain, which is much the commonest and 
most widespread form of precipitation, results 
from cloud condensation in ascending air at 
temperatures either above or below freezing 
(Fig. 9.8). Some of the earth's rain certainly 
originates as ice and snow particles formed 
at temperatures below 32, which subse- 
quently melt as they fall through the wanner 
atmosphere closer to the earth's surface. 

The most common form of solid precipita- 
tion is snow. Its fundamental form is the 
intricately branched, flat, six-sided crystal 
which occurs in an almost infinite variety of 
patterns. Numbers of these crystals matted 
together comprise a snowflake. Snow must 
develop from condensation taking place at 
temperatures below freezing, and on the 
average it takes about 1 ft of snow to yield as 
much water as I in. of rain. 

Data on the amount and distribution of 
snowfall are very scant for much of the earth. 
Snow occasionally falls near sea level in 
subtropical latitudes, but it does not remain 
on the ground; farther equatonvard it is not 
recorded at low elevations. A winter snow 
cover durable enough to last for a month or 
more does exist at low elevations in the 
interior and eastern parts of Eurasia and 
North America poleward from about 40. 


. * . t ,_ 

^7'r*mfc,,, r , '-^w',. ^v <o , "^vfcr = fiK-_ >^^ " f# "*' f*^* * '-XT*, 


- ; ': ; ; ^-':'t---^^i- '.;,:>-::; .?# 

"'-. ;;,;, ..,. '. ^Cv'^;;-^ ----. ^V.r^-;-.. 

, . , 

FIG. 9.8 Very generalized representation of the forms and elevations of 
the principal cloud types. 

In low and middle latitudes a permanent 
snow cover is characteristic only of elevated 
areas, with the height of the snow line, or 
limit of perpetual snow, declining poleward. 
Thus in the deep tropics permanent snow is 
.usually found only at elevations over 15,000 
ft, but at 60 N in Norway snow remains on 
the ground throughout the year at an eleva- 
tion of about 3,500 ft. 

Sleet and hail are other forms of solid pre- 
cipitation. They occur only very occasionally 
and are restricted in their distribution; thus 
their total climatic significance is minor. Sleet 
is frozen raindrops. Hail, which falls almost 
exclusively in the violent thunderstorms to 
be described in the next chapter, is ice lumps 
which are larger than sleet. 


Since almost all precipitation originates in 
ascending air which is cooled by expansion, it 
is essential, for an understanding of precipita- 
tion distribution over the earth, to be familiar 
with the causes for the ascent of thick and 
often extensive masses of air. Therefore three 
principal kinds of atmospheric lifting and 
their associated precipitation will be noted. 
But it should be emphasized that none of 
these three ordinarily exists in pure form: 
most precipitation is a consequence of the 
combined effects of more than one type of 
atmospheric lifting. 

Orographic precipitation Even a hasty 
observation of a precipitation map of the 
earth shows that many areas of above-average 
precipitation are coincident with highlands 
(Plate 1). This is at least partly the result of 
the forced ascent of air currents whose course 
is obstructed by hills or mountains. In addi- 

Precipitation 181 

don, convectional updrafts caused by strong 
solar heating along some mountain slopes 
increase precipitation in highlands. Since 
water vapor is largely concentrated in the 
lower layers of the atmosphere, even the 
modest upthrust of air masses caused by a 
highland of moderate elevation may be suffi- 
cient to induce important rainfall effects. 
Rainfall produced this way is called oro- 
graphic precipitation. Noteworthily, it is con- 
centrated on the windward side of a highland 
where the lifting effect on the approaching 
winds is concentrated; the lee side where the 
air is descending and warming is much drier 
(Fig. 9.9). 

Convectional precipitation Convec- 
tional preclpiation is associated with strong 
vertical updrafts of air and with the towering 
cumulonimbus thunderstorm clouds which 
the updrafts produce. Such rapidly ascending 
air currents are likely to develop when 
humid air containing much latent heat is 
subjected to strong surface heating. Such a 
condition often prevails on a hot summer 
afternoon when the earth's surface has be- 
come unusually warm through solar heating. 
The heated surface air expands, becomes less 
dense, and, like an inflated toy balloon, is 
inclined to move upward. 

Strongly heated surface air creates a general 
environment favoring such convectional over- 
turning of the atmosphere, so it is not sur- 
prising that this type of precipitation is most 

FIG. 9.9 Precipitation conditions on windward 
and leeward slopes of highlands. 

Prevailing drift 

Leeward slopes 
/ "ram shadow" 
i arid to semiand 



common in tropical latitudes, and that there, 
as well as in the middle latitudes, it is con- 
centrated in the warmer months of the year 
and the warmer hours of the day. Yet it has 
been observed that much convectional rain- 
fall does not have the distribution which 
would be expected if widespread surface 
heating were the single cause. Instead, the 
convectional activity is organized in character 
and appears to develop only in certain areas. 
One favored area is the vicinity of highlands, 
where orographic effects supplement those of 
surface heating. More common is the moving 
area of organized convectional activity associ- 
ated with an extensive atmospheric disturb- 
ance in which a general horizontal convergence 
of air streams lifts the air and increases its 

Convectional overturning has a cellular 
pattern of local ascending and descending air 
currents which are small in horizontal dimen- 
sions. Consequently the cumulonimbus clouds 
marking the tops of the ascending warm 
currents, while very thick in a vertical direc- 
tion, are not areally extensive, and are fre- 
quently isolated and distinct, with patches of 
clear sky between. Therefore convectional 
rainfall is usually in the form of locally heavy 
showers which do not last long. Long-con- 

tinued, steady rains falling from a uniformly 
gray overcast are not characteristic. 

Horizontal convergence in extensive 
atmospheric disturbances In any zone or 
area of horizontal wind convergence an up- 
ward movement of air must occur, with con- 
sequent cooling. In the heart of the tropics, 
where the converging air streams usually are 
similar in temperature and density, the up- 
ward movement of air is commonly in the 
form of vertical convective currents which 
result in showery rainfall. But outside the 
tropics horizontal wind convergence usually 
produces a conflict between air masses of 
contrasting temperature and density, with the 
cooler, denser air providing an obstacle over 
which the warmer, lighter air is forced to 
ascend (Fig. 9.10). The boundary between 
such unlike air masses is called a front. 

Some of the most commonly occurring 
convergence areas of the earth are those 
associated with the great variety of extensive, 
moving atmospheric disturbances, one such 
disturbance being the cyclonic storm of 
middle latitudes. In parts of the earth atmos- 
pheric disturbances are so numerous that for 
a month or a year their paths can appear on 
mean-pressure and mean-wind charts as 
average lines of horizontal wind convergence. 

FIG. 9.10 The origin of precipitation along a front. Here the warmer 
and less dense air cools because of expansion as it ascends over a wedge of 
cooler, denser air. 

Earth's surface 

The zone of convergence between the trades 
(ITC) and the zones of convergence in the 
North Atlantic and North Pacific lows in 
winter may be partly of such origin. 

Since in middle-latitude cyclones and 
along their fronts the air commonly rises 
obliquely over mildly inclined surfaces of 
colder air, the cooling of the rising air is less 
rapid than in vertical convectional currents. 
As a result, precipitation in cyclones is char- 
acteristically less showery and heavy than 
convectional rainfall, and is inclined to be 
steadier and longer-continued. The dull, gray, 
overcast skies and prolonged precipitation 
which result in some of the most unpleasant 
weather in the cooler months in middle 
latitudes are usually associated with cyclonic 
storms; and most of the long-lasting, mild 
winter precipitation of lowlands in the middle 
latitudes is cyclonic or frontal in origin. But 
by no means is all the precipitation in a 
convergent system of the mild and prolonged 
kind, for not infrequently there is enough 
initial upthrust of air along a front to make 
it so unstable that intermittent showery rain 
may result. 


Even an incomplete description of the pre- 
cipitation of a region requires taking note of 
at least three features: (a) the annual amount 
of precipitation, (b) the seasonal distribution 
of the annual total, and (c) its dependability, 
or conversely, its variability. 

Amount It is estimated that if the total 
annual rainfall were spread evenly over the 
earth's surface, it would form a layer about 
39 in. deep. Actually precipitation is distrib- 
uted very unevenly, for there are extensive 

Precipitation 183 

areas that receive less than 5 in. and there are 
a few spots that receive over 400 in. (Plate 1). 

Seasonal distribution The seasonal 
distribution of precipitation is as important as 
amount. The fact that Omaha, Nebraska, 
receives 30 in. of rainfall annually is no more 
significant than the fact that 17 in. (58 per 
cent of the annual total) falls during the warm 
months from May to August and only 3 in. 
(11 per cent) falls during the cold period 
from November to February. Seasonal distri- 
bution of precipitation is of greatest impor- 
tance in the middle latitudes where the 
winter is a dormant season for plant growth 
imposed by low temperatures. In the tropics 
where frost is practically unknown except at 
higher elevations, rainfall is effective for plant 
growth no matter what time of year it falls. 
In the middle latitudes, however, only the 
part of the annual precipitation which falls 
during the frost-free season is effective, so 
that in severe climates it is desirable to have 
a strong concentration of rainfall in the 
warmer months when plants can use it. 

Variability Data on the dependability 
or reliability of the annual or seasonal precipi- 
tation express its variability as well, and are 
scarcely less important than those concerned 
with amount and seasonal distribution (Fig. 

~~ Variability of precipitation may be defined 
as the deviation from the mean computed 
from 35 years or more of observations. In 
humid climates the annual variability is 
usually not greater than 50 per cent on either 
side of the mean; i.e. the driest year can be 
expected to have about 50 per cent of the 
normal value, the wettest year 150 per cent. 
In dry climates these values vary between 
about 30 and 250 per cent. Thus it is a 
general rule that variability increases as the 
amount of rainfall decreases. Variability of 





N 80 

60 40 20 
N. Latitude 

20 40 60 
S Latitude 

80 S 

FIG. 9.11 Zonal distribution of precipitation. 
The amount for any latitude represents the average 

for all longitudes. (From Brwh and Hunt.) 

precipitation must be taken into consideration 
when agricultural plans are made, for it must 
be expected that there will be many years 
when the precipitation is less than the average. 
In semiarid and subhumid climates where crop 
raising normally depends on a small margin 
of safety from failure, rainfall variability is of 
utmost concern. Moreover, the agriculturist 
in such regions must bear in mind that nega- 
tive deviations from the mean are more 
frequent than positive ones; that is, a greater 
number of dry years are compensated for by 
a few excessively wet ones. In dry climates 
and other climates as well, variability of 
seasonal and monthly rainfall amounts is even 
greater than that for annual values. 



Average annual precipitation amounts 

A glance at Plate 1 makes it obvious that the 
distribution of annual precipitation is very 
complicated. No simple explanation for this 
will suffice, but fundamentally two things 
are involved. They are (1) the nature of the 
air itself, especially its varying humidity and 
stability, and (2) the distribution over the 
earth of influences on vertical movement of 


the air, which include (a) the principal zones 
of horizontal convergence and divergence, 
(b) atmospheric disturbances, (c) thermally 
induced convectional overturning, and (d) 
highland barriers. The nature of the air as 
regards its moisture content is chiefly deter- 
mined by its place of origin: maritime or 
continental, as well as tropical or high-lati- 
tude. Some of the controls, for example the 
zones of horizontal convergence arid diver- 
gence, are relatively zonal (having an east- 
west alignment) in their influence. Others, like 
the distribution of land and water and of 
highlands, operate to modify zonal controls. 

Zonal features of annual rainfall dis- 
tribution Some of the most fundamental 
facts about world rainfall distribution may be 
presented in the form of a meridional profile 
of the precipitation means for the different 
parallels. Such a profile is shown in Fig. 9.1 1. 
It suggests the existence of a strong primary 
maximum of rainfall amounts in the vicinity 
of the ITC. Belts of lower rainfall are char- 
acteristic of subtropical latitudes, where anti- 
cyclonic diverging-wind systems and vertical 
subsidence are relatively strong. Poleward 
from the subtropics rainfall increases again 
so that secondary, or lower, maxima are 
indicated for latitudes 40 -50 N and S. 
These are the middle-latitude convergences 
with their numerous cyclonic storms. Pole- 
ward from about 50 -55 precipitation de- 
clines sharply; minima of 10 in. and less 
characterize the very high latitudes where 
low temperatures, low moisture content, and 
subsidence are characteristic (Fig. 9.12). 

Nonzonal features of annual rainfall 
distribution An analysis of Plate 1 and of 
Fig. 9.13, which attempts to generalize the 
features of precipitation on a hypothetical 
continent, reveals that precipitation amounts 

Precipitation 185 




























o g 


c c 














CL (/) Q) 

ol o 

"c g 




ght summe 

Summer re 
Vmter dryn 

(O (/) 






ight winter 

Winter ra 
jmmer dry 

r 8 ! 

^ S 








FIG. 9.12 Schematic cross section through the atmosphere along a 
meridian, showing the main zones of horizontal convergence and ascent, and 
of divergence and subsidence, together with associated precipitation 
characteristics: (a) during the Northern Hemisphere summer; (b) during the 
Northern Hemisphere winter; (c) zones of precipitation. It must be 
emphasized that many nonzonal features of precipitation distribution cannot 
be adequately represented on this type of diagram. (Fn>m -SWr/r /v//, 

Introduction to Mefeorohgy, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1958.) 

vary not only in a latitudinal direction, or 
zonally, but also longitudinally. Thus the 
typical areas with below-average precipitation 
(arid, semiarid, and subhumid) are asym- 
metrically developed in the tropics and sub- 
tropics, for such areas are concentrated in the 
western and central parts of the large land 
masses. These are the regions of strong hori- 

zontal wind divergence and vertical sub- 
sidence associated with the stable eastern 
end of the subtropical anticyclones. Cool 
ocean currents along the tropical and sub- 
tropical west coasts serve to intensify the 

In the middle latitudes the dry and sub- 
humid low-rainfall areas are located toward 









- Precipitation 



FIG. 9.13 The distribution, on a hypothetical 
continent, of the four great moisture regions, 
based largely upon annual amounts of 

precipitation. (From Ttwrnthwaite.) 

the centers of the continents, which are 
farthest removed from the oceanic sources of 
moisture supply. 

Abundant rainfall conditions extend across 
the entire breadth of the continents in the 
low latitudes close to the equator, with 
somewhat heavier precipitation characterizing 
the eastern and western oceanic margins. 
This equatorial zone of abundant rainfall is 
less wide in the western part of a continent, 
where the subtropical anticyclone is strong, 
than in the east, where the anticyclone is 
weaker, the coastal waters are warmer, and 
the tropical easterly winds are onshore. In 
the large middle-latitude continents humid 
conditions are to be found both to the east 
and the west of the drier continental interiors. 

Variations in seasonal distribution 
Total precipitation in oceanic areas is not 

only greater than over the lands but is also 
less seasonal in concentration. Land masses, 
with their tendency to strong summer heating, 
associated thermal convection, and onshore 
summer winds, are likely to have more of 
their annual precipitation concentrated in 
summer. Over large land masses in middle 
and higher latitudes the cold-season anti- 
cyclone with its diverging winds also makes 
for dry winters. 

In the vicinity of the equator where the 
ITC prevails at all seasons, rainfall not only 
is abundant but also falls throughout the 
year; i.e., there is no dry season (Figs. 9.12, 
9.14, 9.15). Farther away from the equator, 
from about 5 -10 out to 15-20, rainfall 
becomes more seasonal as it decreases in 
amount, with a marked dry period in the 
low-sun season, or winter. The high-sun 
period, or summer, is wet (Figs. 9.12, 9.15). 
This sequence of high-sun rainfall and low- 
sun drought is associated with the latitudinal 
shifting of the zones of convergence and 
divergence following the sun (Figs. 9.12, 
9.15). These latitudes are affected by the 
ITC at the time of high sun, but feel the 
effects of the subtropical anticyclone and 
divergence at the time of low sun. This area 
of winter drought does not extend to the 
east side of the continent where the sub- 
tropical anticyclone is weaker. 

In the subtropical, or lower middle, lati- 
tudes at about 30 -40 are areas, restricted 
to the western side of the continents and 
usually of limited extent, where summer is 
the season of precipitation deficiency and 
winter is wet (Fig. 9.15). Here, because of 
latitudinal migration of pressure and wind 
systems following the sun, the stable eastern 
limb of a subtropical anticyclone controls 
the weather in summer, and cyclones associ- 
ated with the middle-latitude convergence 
zone prevail in winter (Figs. 9.12, 9.15). 


Precipitation 187 

16.0 in. 

65.1 in. 

FIG. 9.14 The change in the features of the 
annual rainfall profiles in tropical latitudes, from 
the equator to about 30 N, in Africa. The stations 
are arranged according to latitude, with 
Nouvelle-Anvers (New Antwerp) closest to the 

In the middle latitudes poleward from 
about 40 there is usually no dry season, 
some precipitation falling at all times of the 
year (Fig. 9.15). Yet this is not to say that all 
seasons have equal amounts. It is in the 
interiors of the great continents that the 
seasonal precipitation maximum and mini- 
mum are most emphatic and most consistent. 
Here summer, with its warmer air of higher 
moisture content, is usually the wettest season. 
As explained earlier, the drier winter is related 
to the lower temperatures and the anticyclonic 
wind system of that season. 

FIG. 9.15 Seasonal rainfall distribution on < 

hypothetical continent. (From Thornlhwaite.) 









In summer) 



The climate in a locality or region is a 
generalization of the day-to-day weather pre- 
vailing there. And the weather of an area is 
closely identified with the air masses which 
prevail there and with the atmospheric dis- 
turbances, known commonly as storms, which 
develop there. 

Those areas which experience almost ex- 
clusively one type of air mass are likely to 


air masses 
and fronts 

have relatively uniform weather. Such areas 
are the central Sahara in summer and the 
upper Amazon River Basin at all times of the 
year. But much of the earth's surface is 
affected by more than one air mass, and this 
causes changeable weather. In some parts of 
the earth the change from control by one air 
mass to control by another is largely seasonal 
in effect, while in others, especially the middle 


Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 189 

latitudes, rapidly shifting air masses with 
striking temperature and humidity contrasts 
may produce highly changeable weather even 
within a short period of a few days. 

The zone of contact between unlike air 
masses, where air streams of contrasting 
temperature and humidity converge, is called 
a front, as stated earlier. These frontal zones 
of converging air are the breeding area for 
atmospheric disturbances of various kinds. 

Consequently it is along air-mass boundaries, 
or fronts, that weather changes are concen- 
trated and much of the earth's precipitation 
is developed. 

Thus some understanding of air masses, 
fronts, and atmospheric disturbances and the 
relationship between them is essential to an 
appreciation of the world pattern of climates 
the discussion of which follows this 



An air mass is defined as an extensive body 
of air whose temperature and humidity char- 
acteristics are relatively uniform in horizontal 
directions. An air mass develops whenever 
the atmosphere remains in contact with an 
extensive and relatively uniform area of the 
earth's surface for a sufficiently long period 
for the properties of the air to become similar 
to those of the surface. These areas where air 
masses develop are called source regions. 

The earth's principal source regions occur 
where the surface is relatively uniform and 
where, in addition, the wind system is a 
divergent one. In regions of convergence un- 
like temperatures are brought close together, 
so that thermal contrasts are great. Anti- 
cyclonic circulations, therefore, provide the 
most ideal source-region conditions. The 
snow-covered arctic plains of Canada and 
Siberia in winter, large areas of tropical ocean, 
and the hot, arid Sahara in summer are good 
examples of source regions. 

As a rule air masses do not remain in their 
source regions but sooner or later move out 
to invade other areas whose weather they in 
turn affect. Moreover, the moving air itself is 

affected by its new surface environment, so 
that it slowly changes in character. 

When air streams of unlike temperature 
converge, as they do in low-pressure centers, 
fronts are usually present. In the tropics, 
however, where air temperatures are relatively 
uniform, genuine density fronts are infrequent 
even in the presence of wind convergence. 

When air masses having different temper- 
ature and humidity characteristics come 
together, they do not mix freely with each 
other. They tend, rather, to maintain a fairly 
distinct sloping boundary surface between 
them, the warmer and therefore less dense air 
mass being forced aloft over the wedge of 
colder air (Fig. 10.1). This sloping surface is 
called either a front or a surface of discontinu- 

F I G . 10.1 Three-dimensional representation 
of an atmospheric front. 



ity. Where a surface of discontinuity, or front, 
in the free atmosphere intersects the earth's 
surface, a surface front is formed. 

Surface fronts are not lines but rather zones 
varying from 3 to 50 miles in breadth, which 
usually bring observably marked changes in 
temperature and humidity as they pass. In- 
deed, the location of fronts and the nature of 
the contrasting air masses on either side of 
them are of great importance in weather fore- 
casting, for along fronts a great many storms 
and associated weather changes originate. 

It is unusual for a front to remain very 
long in a stationary position. Usually one of 
the unlike air masses it separates is more 
active than the other and advances into the 
latter's domain. As a consequence the posi- 
tion of the front is shifted. When the warmer 
air mass is more aggressive and advances 
against the cold air, there is an active upward 
movement of the lighter warmer air over the 
wedge of colder denser air (Fig. 10.2). This is 
a warm front. When the colder air is the 
aggressor, it underruns the warmer air and 
forces it upward. This is a cold front. How 
the two differ in their effects on weather will 
be considered in later discussion of middle- 
latitude cyclones. 


Any classification of air masses must be 
based primarily upon the characteristics of 
their source regions. For this reason air 
masses are designated by the name or ab- 
breviated name of the source region. The 
source regions fall naturally into two great 
groups: those of high latitudes, or polar 
regions (T 3 ), and those of low latitudes, or 
tropical regions (T). It is largely in the high 
and the low latitudes that there are large 
areas of relatively homogeneous surface con- 
ditions and relatively light air movement. 

F I G . 1 . 2 (a) A warm front; (b) a cold front. 

(U.S. Weather Bureau.) 

The middle latitudes are the scene of intense 
interaction between the polar and tropical air 
masses and generally lack the uniform con- 
ditions essential to a source region (Figs. 
10.3, 10.4). 

The air-mass classification may be further 
refined by dividing both the polar (F) and 
the tropical (7") groups into continental (c) 
and maritime (m) subgroups. This results in 
four main types of air masses: polar conti- 
nental (c/ 3 ), polar maritime (mF), tropical 
continental (cT), and tropical maritime (mT). 
The types correspond generally to moisture 
and temperature differences. Thus polar air 
masses are characteristically colder than 
tropical air masses, while maritime air is usu- 
ally more humid than continental air. 

All of these four main air-mass types may 

180 150 120 90 60 30 

120 EAST 150 180 

- mb Isobar 

AIR MASS SYMBOLS T- Tropical P- Polar m- Mantima c - Continental 
W - Warmer than, K - Colder than, underlying surface t - Stable aloft u - Unstable aloft 

FIG. 10.3 Air masses and fronts in January. (Ftom Haum<itz and Au\Hn.) 
F I G . 1 . 4 Air masses and fronts in July. (From Haurwih and Austin.) 

180 150 120 90 60 30 

30 60 90 120 150 180 

ISO 150 WEST 120 90 60 30 

AIR MASS SYMBOLS T- Tropical P. Polar m Maritime c- Continental 
W Warmer than, K Colder than, underlying turfece. t - Stable aloft u - Unstable aloft 



be modified in important respects as they 
move away from their source regions and 
travel over parts of the earth's surface which 
are unlike their source regions (Figs. 10.3, 
10.4). The air mass will become actually or 
potentially more buoyant and unstable, and 
so inclined to rise and produce rain, (a) when 
it is warmed at the base by passing over a 
warm land or water surface (Figs. 10.3, 10.4, 
symbol k), (b) when it is humidified from 
below while passing over a water surface as 
a consequence of large-scale evaporation 
from the water, or (c) when it is forced to rise 
as a result of wind convergence, as in a 
cyclonic system (symbol u). Nonbuoyancy 
and stability, on the other hand, result when 
the air mass is (a) cooled from below as it 
travels over a cooler surface (symbol w) or 
(b) when it subsides or sinks as a conse- 
quence of wind divergence (symbol s), as in 
an anticyclone. These principles of air-mass 

FIG. 10.5 North American air masses and 
their source regions. 

modification will be used later in describing 
world climates and their temperature and 
precipitation characteristics (Fig. 10.5). 



An atmospheric disturbance may be thought 
of as an extensive wave, eddy, or whirl of air 
existing within any of the earth's great wind 
systems. As observed on a daily weather map 
of the earth through their isobar and wind 
patterns, these disturbances are character- 
istically so numerous and widespread that 
they tend to obscure the lineaments of the 
general atmospheric circulation. The circula- 
tion is somewhat analagous to a river so full 
of minor whirls and eddies that it is difficult 
to distinguish the main current. 

Atmospheric disturbances are of great im- 

portance to weather and climate because 
many of them are accompanied by cloud and 
precipitation. In fact atmospheric disturbances 
cause a great deal of the earth's precipitation 
and have important temperature effects as 
well. They travel in the general direction of 
the wind system in which they exist, so that 
in some latitudes they move from west to east 
and others from east to west. 


Of principal importance in producing the 
frequent, erratic, day-to-day weather changes 
characteristic of middle and high latitudes 
are the moving cyclones and anticyclones 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 193 

which fill the westerly wind belts. In these 
parts of the world the fickleness of the weather 
is proverbial, so it is not surprising that 
weather-forecasting services are most neces- 
sary and, indeed, best developed here. 

No two disturbances are exactly alike, and 
storms differ from region to region, so that 
the generalizations concerning cyclones and 
anticyclones which follow must not be ex- 
pected to fit any particular storm in all 

Nature and size Cyclones, the low- 
pressure disturbances commonly called lows 
or depressions, and anticyclones (highs) are 
chiefly characteristic of the regions of air- 
mass conflict within the belts of westerly 
winds, and consequently are best known in 
latitudes 30 -70. 

These disturbances are represented on sur- 
face weather maps by series of closed con- 
centric isobars, roughly circular or oval in 
shape (Figs. 10.6, 10.7). In the cyclone the 
lowest pressure is at the center, and pressure 
increases toward the margins; in the anti- 

F I G . 1 . 6 A model cyclone (Northern 
Hemisphere) showing arrangement of isobars, 
wind system, warm and cold air masses, and 
surface fronts. 









FIG. 10.7 


A model anticyclone (Northern 

cyclone the pressure is highest at the center 
and decreases outward. No definite difference 
in pressure distinguishes lows from highs; 
pressure difference between them is entirely 
a relative thing. 

Normally there is a pressure difference of 
10 to 20 mb, or several tenths of an inch, 
between the center and the circumference of 
a low. In highs the pressure difference be- 
tween center and margins is likewise variable, 
but commonly it is somewhat less than in 
lows. It is a general rule that both cyclones 
and anticyclones are less well developed, 
have smaller internal differences in pressure 
and weaker pressure gradients, and travel 
more slowly in summer than in winter. 

There are great variations in the size of 
these storms, but on the whole they spread 
over huge areas, sometimes as large as one- 
third of the United States, or 1 million square 
miles, although most of them are smaller. 
Diameters of 500 to 1,000 miles are common. 
Such storms are extensive rather than 

Direction and rate of movement Cy- 
clones and anticyclones in middle latitudes 



are carried along in a general west- to-east 
direction by the system of westerly winds in 
which they exist. That is not to say, however, 
that storms always move due eastward. To be 
sure, they follow different routes, just as they 
vary in concentration from region to region. 
But in spite of these vagaries in direction 
the general eastward progress is maintained. 
It is easy to understand, therefore, why a 
weather forecaster in the middle latitudes 
bases his prediction upon weather conditions 
to the west, rather than on those to the east, 
of his station. The storms to the east already 
have passed; those to the west are 

Cyclones and anticyclones vary in rate of 
movement both with the season and with in- 
dividual storms; in general the highs are 
somewhat slower than the lows. In the 
United States cyclones move eastward across 
the country at velocities averaging 20 miles 
an hour in summer and 30 miles an hour in 
winter; in winter a well-developed low char- 
acteristically requires 3 to 5 days for the 
transcontinental journey across the United 
States. In summer, when the whole atmos- 
pheric circulation is slowed down and storm 
speeds are reduced, the contrasts between 
cyclones and anticyclones are less pro- 
nounced. As a consequence, warm-season 
weather is less changeable, and atmospheric 
disturbances are less vigorous. 

Just as temperature, pressure, and wind 
belts shift poleward in summer and equator- 
ward in winter, following the seasonal move- 
ments of the sun's rays, so also do the storm 
tracks. This helps to explain why there are 
fewer and weaker storms over the lower 
middle latitudes in summer than in winter. 

Origin It is very likely that middle- 
latitude cyclones have more than one type of 
origin. Many such storms appear to have 

their beginnings as wavelike disturbances 
along air-mass fronts, i.e., where winds of 
contrasting temperature and density converge. 
Consequently, regions of strong horizontal 
temperature contrasts and of air-mass con- 
vergence favor cyclonic development. Also 
most, if not all, fully developed middle- 
latitude cyclones appear to extend upward 
from the surface and make connection with 
an upper-level trough in the high westerlies 
and the jet stream they include. This seems 
to suggest that cyclone origin is associated 
with disturbances on the jet stream, although 
the precise nature of the connection is not 
clear, as indicated in the earlier discussion of 
the jet stream. As stated then, it is certain that 
cyclones strengthen underneath the jet, and 
their courses appear to be steered by it. 

There appear to be at least two quite dif- 
ferent types of anticyclones. The rapidly mov- 
ing cold anticyclone is essentially a mass of 
cold polar air (cP) which originates over a 
cold surface in higher latitudes. This anti- 
cyclone is the product of heat transfer by 
conduction and radiation processes from the 
air to the cold surface. Understandably such 
anticyclones are chiefly a phenomenon of the 
middle and higher latitudes and are most 
common and intense over continents in the 
winter season. The slowly moving warm 
anticyclone is especially characteristic of the 
subtropics and poleward margins of the 
tropics, and of the lower middle latitudes in 
summer (cTand mT). Its origin is not well 

Structure of a model cyclone A cy- 
clonic storm frequently begins as a wave or 
indentation along a surface front (Fig. 106). 
As the frontal wave deepens the storm grows 
in size and intensity, and extensive cloud and 
precipitation areas develop. The six stages 
shown in Fig. 10.8 illustrate the life history 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 195 

C " :: " v Cold air n .- :1 :; 1L . 


Warm air 


Cold air 

Warm air 



Warm air 

Warm air 

Warm air 

F I G . 1 . 8 Six stages in the life cycle of a frontal-wave cyclone: 
(b) shows the beginning of a small horizontal wave along the front. In (c) the 
wave development has progressed to the point where there is a definite 
cyclonic circulation with well-developed warm and cold fronts, (d) shows a 
narrowed warm sector as the more rapidly advancing cold front approaches the 
retreating warm front. In (e) the occlusion process is occurring, the cyclone has 
reached its maximum development, and the warm sector is being rapidly 
pinched off. In (f) the warm sector has been eliminated; the cyclone is in its 
dying stages, and is represented by only a whirl of cold air. (V.S. Weather Butran. 

of a cyclone. A prime feature of such a dis- 
turbance is the fact that wind, temperature, 
cloud, and precipitation are not the same 
throughout it. 

Normally a cyclone is made up of two 
contrasting air masses. To the south and 
southeast there is a poleward tongue of 
warm, humid, southerly air which originated 
in lower latitudes (Fig. 10.9). Enveloping 
this warm tongue of tropical air on its 
western, northern, and eastern sides are 
colder, drier, polar air masses. The zone of 
conflict between the tropical and polar air is 

the front. Along most parts of this front the 
less dense tropical air is ascending over a 
mildly inclined wedge of polar air. This lift- 
ing of the warm air is the cause of many of 
the clouds and much of the precipitation in 
the storm. That part of the extended front 
lying ahead, or east, of the advancing tongue 
of warm air is the warm front, while that to 
the rear, or west, of the warm air is the cold 
front. In the later stages of the cyclone the 
cold front overtakes the warm front, result- 
ing in a narrowing, and eventually a pinch- 
ing out, of the tongue of warm air at the sur- 


'////.'/ 'SS '//V/'/S. //'//////,'///// 




FIG. 10.9 Structure of a model cyclone: 
ground plan (b) and vertical sections (a and c) of a 
fully developed wave cyclone in the middle 
latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. 

face. The cyclone then becomes a whirl of 
cold air and the storm is said to be occluded 
(Fig. 10.8). 

Wind systems Unlike the violent and 
destructive winds of tornadoes and hurri- 
canes, the winds in middle-latitude cyclones 
and anticyclones are usually only moderate 
in speed. Of much greater importance than 
the speed, anyway, is the horizontal direc- 
tion and vertical nature of the air movement. 

Wind system of the cyclone As previously 
stated, the cyclone is a converging system of 
surface winds with the lowest pressure at the 
center, in which, because of the deflective 
force of earth rotation, the winds cross the 
isobars at an oblique angle, forming an in- 
ward spiral which in the Northern Hemis- 
phere has a counterclockwise rotation. (Figs. 
10.6, 10.10). 

To the converging movement of air much 


of the weather in a cyclone can be attributed. 
It is convergence, as previously indicated, that 
leaves the air in the cyclone only one way 
to escape, through upward movement, and 
makes the storm a region of ascending air, 
with all of the favorable implications this 
has for the development of clouds and 

The nature of the ascent itself is of great im- 
portance because throughout much of the cy- 
clone the upward movement of air is not the 
rapid vertical ascent that occurs in a thunder- 
storm. The ascent is rather a slower gliding of 
warmer air up over a mildly inclined wedge 
of colder, denser air. Thus the resulting 
clouds are not likely to be the towering 
cumulus type; instead extensive sheets of 
flattish cloud forming a uniformly gray over- 
cast are the rule. 

Changes in wind direction with the passage 
of a cyclone Because the cyclone's wind 
system is a converging one, the winds to the 
east, or front, of the storm's center must be 
easterly, while to the rear, or west, of the 
center the airflow must be from the west. 
Easterly winds in middle latitudes, therefore, 
often foretell the approach from the west of a 
cyclonic storm with its accompanying cloud 
and rain; westerly winds, by contrast, indi- 
cate the retreat of the storm center and the 
coming of clearing weather. 

If the cyclone center passes to the north of 
a weather station, placing the observer in the 
southern parts of the storm, the wind shift 
from easterlies on the front to westerlies on 
the rear will be accompanied by a southerly 
flow of air (Fig. 10.11). Under these condi- 
tions weather will be relatively warm, the 
cloud and precipitation may be less persistent, 
and in winter rain is as likely as snow. But 
when the storm center travels south of the 
station northerly winds are characteristic, 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 197 

F I G . 1 . 1 A well-developed wave cyclone over eastern United States. 
This weather-map representation should be compared with the ground plan 
of the model cyclone in Fig. 10.9. 

temperatures are relatively low, the cloud 
cover (deck) more lasting, and snow is more 

Wind system of the anticyclone The anti- 
cyclone's wind system is opposite in all re- 
spects to that of the cyclone: pressure is 
highest at the center, so surface winds flow 
outward, or diverge, from the center, and 
there must be a compensating downward, or 
subsiding, movement of air to feed the sur- 
face flow (Figs. 10.7, 10.12). (Earth rotation 

causes this diverging flow to have something 
of a clockwise whirl in the Northern Hemis- 
phere.) This slow subsidence in an anti- 
cyclone is as important as ascent of air is in 
a cyclone. Subsidence causes anticyclonic air 
to be stable and nonbuoyant, so that above- 
surface temperature inversions are developed 
and the whole environment becomes opposed 
to precipitation. 

Precipitation in cyclones and anti- 
cyclones As the preceding discussion has 



suggested, cyclones and anticyclones are as 
unlike in precipitation as in their wind sys- 
tems, cyclones being much more favorable 
for it because with their upward movement 
of air, cooling by expansion occurs and 
cloud and rain result. By contrast, the diver- 
gence and subsidence in an anticyclone 
operate to make it an area of generally fair 
weather. It should be remembered, to be 
sure, that not all cyclones are rainy, for the 
rising air in them may be too dry to permit 
abundant condensation. 

Most of the precipitation that falls on low- 
lands in middle latitudes owes its origin 
either directly or indirectly to cyclonic storms. 
Although in the warmer months much of the 
rainfall may be showery and convective in 
nature, a large part of even this precipitation 
is organized in character and occurs in as- 
sociation with cyclonic systems. 

Since in a cyclone, as previously stated, 
warm and less dense air commonly glides up 
over a mildly inclined wedge of cooler, denser 
air, cooling of the lifted air is not very rapid, 
with the consequence that much cyclonic 
rainfall is moderate in its rate of fall. But be- 
cause the cyclone is extensive, and the slow 

FIG. 10.11 Veering and backing wind shifts 
as a cyclonic storm approaches and passes an 




lifting of the warm air is thereby widespread, 
its precipitation is likely to be of relatively 
long duration and to cover a wide area. 
Fairly steady precipitation is as typical of 
cyclonic weather as the dull, gray, uniformly 
overcast skies from which the rain falls. 

However, the likelihood of precipitation 
and its nature and origin are not the same in 
all parts of a cyclone. In general the eastern, 
or front, half where convergence is greater is 
cloudier and rainier than the western, or rear, 
half. In winter lows, snow is more common 
in the colder northern and northeastern parts 
than in the warmer southern parts. 

The most extensive area of general pre- 
cipitation is usually found in association with 
the above-surface warm front. As Fig. 10.9 
shows, here, to the east, northeast, and north 
of the storm center, warm southerly air flows 
up over a gently inclined wedge of colder air 
and widespread cloud and precipitation are 
the result. Along the cold front, usually 
positioned to the south and southwest of the 
storm's center, is a second region of active 
air ascent with accompanying precipitation. 
Here cold northwesterly air underruns the 
warm southerly air and lifts it. But here, be- 
cause the sloping surface of the cold air is 
steeper than along the warm front, the rise of 
the warm air is more rapid. As a consequence 
cold-front precipitation is likely to be some- 
what more vigorous but of shorter duration 
than precipitation along the warm front. 
However, where the air to the rear, or west, 
of the cold front is from maritime sources, as 
it is along west coasts in middle latitudes, 
showery rainfall in the cool, moist polar air 
may extend for some distance to the rear of 
the surface cold front. In the warmer months 
thunderstorms may occur along both fronts, 
but they are more common and likely to be 
stronger along the cold front. 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 199 

4:30 A. M. PST 

5: 30A.M. MST 


7:30 A. M. EST 


o Clear Cloudy 
o Partly cloudy F=Fog 
R = Ram S=Snow 
Arrows fly with the wind 


January 18, 1940 

F I G . 1 . 1 2 A well -developed cold anticyclone in winter. This cold 
anticyclone moved into the United States from the arctic plains of Canada as 
a mass of cold, stable, polar continental (cP) air. St. Joseph, Missouri, 
experienced a minimum temperature of 21 below zero, Galveston, Texas, 
on the Gulf of Mexico a minimum of 15 above zero. Such southward 
thrusts of polar air are essential elements of the moisture-balancing and of 
the heat-balancing mechanisms of the earth. (U.S. Weather Bureau.) 

During the warmer seasons some showery 
convective rainfall may also occur within the 
warm sector of southerly airflow to the south 
of the cyclone center, where it is not as- 
sociated with either a warm or a cold front 
(Fig. 10.9). 

Temperatures associated with cyclones 
and anticyclones Simple rules of wide ap- 
plication are difficult to make concerning the 
temperature effects of cyclones and anti- 
cyclones. Yet some generally applicable state- 
ments may be made on these effects. 

Since anticyclones develop in both cold 
polar air and warm subtropical air, they may 
bring either very cold or very hot weather. 
Indeed the coldest weather in winter and the 
hottest in summer are usually associated with 
anticyclones. Also, the anticyclone is char- 
acteristically accompanied by clear skies, 
which adds to its tendency to produce 
seasonal temperature effects. During the long 
winter nights in middle latitudes the lack of 
clouds permits a rapid loss of heat from the 
earth; thus a cold anticyclone at such times 



115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 

FIG. 10.13 Illustrating a warm anticyclone 
which is relatively stagnant over southeastern 
United States. Such a weather-map condition 
produces unseasonably warm weather over the 
central and eastern parts of the country. 

may cause subzero temperatures (Fig. 10.12). 
But the same clear skies in summer, when 
days are relatively long, permits of strong 
solar heating, so that at this time a warm 
anticyclone of subtropical origin is accom- 
panied by high daytime temperatures 
(Fig. 10.13). 

By contrast, the cloud cover which usu- 
ally accompanies a cyclone tends to reduce 
night cooling in winter and daytime heating 

FIG. 10.14 Characteristic arrangement of 
isotherms in a winter cyclone over the central and 
eastern United States in winter. 

in summer, so that less extreme temperatures 
prevail. However, since the cyclone is com- 
posed of unlike air masses, temperatures may 
vary greatly in different parts of an individual 
storm. Where northerly winds prevail (cP air) 
as they do to the northeast, north, and west 
of the cyclone center, relatively low tempera- 
tures are to be expected (Fig. 10.14). Where 
the air flow is from the south (cT or mT air) 
as is commonly the case to the south of the 
storm center, relatively high seasonal tem- 
peratures are the rule. 


The very essence of middle-latitude 
weather, which to a high degree is under the 
control of a procession of eastward-moving 
cyclones and anticyclones, is its irregular, or 
aperiodic, changeability. The averages of 
such weather elements as temperature and pre- 
cipitation for a month or a year give a very 
atypical and lifeless picture of the climate 
unless supplemented by use of the daily 
weather map where the various weather 
episodes induced by cyclones and anticyclones 
are represented. Especially in the colder 
months weather variability reaches peak 
strength (Figs. 10.15, 10.16, 10.17). Nor is 
it absent in summer, although it is weaker 
and sun control producing regular diurnal 

FIG. 10.15 Barograph and thermograph 
traces showing the approach and retreat of a 
middle-latitude cyclone. 


12 p.m. 


12 p.m. 


--Arrival of cold front 

with wind shift 

from S.E. to N.W. 

Approach of storm | Retreat of storm 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 201 




Feb. 6 

Feb. 7 

Feb. 8 

Feb. 9 

Feb. 10 

Feb. 11 

Feb. 12 | Feb. 13 



















( ^** 







































--- :a " 






^*^ z 





















" & 








FIG. 10.16 Barograph and thermograph traces of a week of winter 
weather at a middle-latitude station. Note the marked pressure changes 
indicating the passage of well -developed cyclones and anticyclones with their 
contrasting air masses. The temperature belt (as bounded by the dashed lines) 
rises as pressure falls and sinks when the pressure rises. (From Ward.) 

change is very important then. It should also 
be repeated that the weather conditions of 
cyclones and anticyclones described above 
are idealized, and individual storms vary 
greatly in the weather patterns they produce. 
For instance, cyclonic weather is by no 
means identical in various parts of the middle 
latitudes. Even within the United States, 
cyclones produce relatively different weather 
patterns along the Pacific Coast from 

those they produce over the interior and 
eastern parts. 

Cyclone tracks and their concentra- 
tions All parts of the middle latitudes, as 
well as those parts of tropical and high lati- 
tudes which border the middle latitudes, 
are affected by moving cyclones and anti- 
cyclones, but not to the same degree. 
Cyclones, for example, cross some extensive 
areas more frequently than others, and as a 

FIG. 10.17 Barograph and thermograph traces of a week of summer 
weather at a middle-latitude station. Note the relatively flat barograph curve 
indicating weak cyclonic-anticyclonic control. Regular daily temperature 
changes induced by sun control are more conspicuous than those 
nonperiodic changes associated with the contrasting air masses of cyclones 
and anticyclones. (From Waul.) 




> Principal tracks of extra-tropical cyclones 

> Principal tracks of tropical cyclones 

FIG. 10.18 Showing, in greatly simplified form, the principal regions of 
cyclonic -storm concentration in both middle and low latitudes. 

(From Sverse Fetter ssen, Introduction to Meteorology, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, 
Inc., New York, 1958.) 

consequence weather in the former areas is 
more variable. 

Figure 10.18 shows in a generalized fashion 
the principal cyclonic tracks of the earth. In 
observing them, it should be remembered 
that the weather effects of such extensive dis- 
turbances are felt well beyond the path of 
their centers. 

The United States and adjacent parts of 
Canada have the distinction of being the 
world's continental area with the most 
cyclonic activity. This may be because North 
America east of the Rocky Mountains is a 
region of numerous well-developed fronts re- 
sulting from the clash of polar and tropical 
air masses which move freely across extensive 
lowlands from arctic to tropical latitudes. All 
parts of the United States east of the Rockies, 
except possibly peninsular Florida, have an 
abundance of cyclonic weather. But it is in 
the northeastern parts of the United States 

and adjacent sections of Canada, where there 
is a distinct bunching of cyclone tracks, that 
cyclonic disturbances are most numerous in 
North America. 



Not until recently has it been appreciated 
how importantly large atmospheric disturb- 
ances affect the weather and climate of the 
tropics. Earlier it was assumed that the diurnal 
and seasonal course of the sun controlled the 
weather in the low latitudes to an unusual 
degree and so produced the regularity that is 
monotonous compared with the variety and 
irregularity of weather characteristic of middle 
latitudes. But while the effect of weather dis- 
turbances is not so marked in the tropics as in 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 203 

Because they involve air convergence, these 
tropical disturbances do produce clouds and 
precipitation, most of it of a showery nature 
falling from cumulonimbus clouds, and this 
is their principal climatic effect. The progress 
of most weak tropical disturbances can in- 
deed be best detected by the moving areas of 
organized cloud and rainfall which they 


FIG. 10.19 Weak tropical disturbances of the 
summer period in southern Asia. Such 
disturbances are responsible for much of summer 
precipitation in this region. 

the middle latitudes, it is by no means absent. 
Unfortunately, however, the variety of dis- 
turbances which produce the modest aperiodic 
weather changes in the tropics are not yet 
satisfactorily understood, and discussion of 
them must reflect this fact. 


Most of the extensive tropical disturbances 
appear to be relatively mild (Fig. 10.19). 
Their organized pressure and wind systems 
are frequently difficult to distinguish on the 
daily surface-weather map, and some exist 
only as above-surface phenomena. Numerous, 
very weak disturbances appear to be concen- 
trated in the vicinity of the ITC, where they 
may move in either an easterly or a westerly 
direction, depending on the general direction 
of airflow. Others are characteristic of the 
deep trade winds, where they move in a gen- 
eral east-to-west direction. The temperature 
effects of such tropical disturbances are small 
and usually a consequence of their produc- 
tion of increased cloudiness, which in turn 
reduces the amount of incoming solar energy. 

In addition to these numerous weak dis- 
turbances, which are responsible for much of 
the weather and rainfall in the low. latitudes, 
there are very likely disturbances of all degrees 
of intensity there. Certain it is that there are 
a few of a much more violent nature, and 
that the most violent of all is the hurricane, 
or typhoon (Fig. 10.20). These severe vortex 
storms, however, are of much less climatic 
significance than the weak disturbances, for 

F I G . 1 . 2 A West Indies hurricane, with the 
barograph trace of this storm as recorded at 
Miami, Florida. 



they are far less frequent and characteristic of 
much more restricted areas. Moreover, since 
hurricanes originate and mature only over 
the sea, the land areas that feel their concen- 
trated effects are mostly only coasts and 

Differences from middle-latitude cy- 
clones The violent and destructive hurri- 
cane resembles a middle-latitude cyclone in 
having a central area of low pressure, a con- 
verging vortex system of winds, and a rel- 
atively widespread area of clouds and rain. 
But it also differs in a number of respects. 
(a) The isobars of the hurricane are more 
symmetrical and more nearly circular, (b) 
Pressure gradients are much steeper, so that 
winds are stronger. Wind speeds in the storm 
must reach at least 75 miles an hour for it to 
be a genuine hurricane, (c) Rains are inclined 
to be more torrential and somewhat more 
evenly distributed about the center, (d) Tem- 
perature distribution around the center is 
relatively similar in every direction. Cold and 
warm sectors and surface fronts are absent. 
(e) There are no sharp wind shifts within the 
violent parts of the storm. Instead, the winds 
develop a perfect spiral whirl, with strong, 
vertically ascending currents around the 
center, or core. (/) The storms are most 
numerous in the warm months of late sum- 
mer and fall, rather than in winter, and where 
frequent may give rise to a fall maximum of 
rainfall, (g) Each has a relatively calm, rain- 
less center of descending air 5 to 30 miles in 
diameter, called the eye of the storm, (h) This 
tropical cyclone has no anticyclone companion. 

Although variable in size, the hurricane is 
smaller than the cyclone of middle latitudes, 
having a diameter of about 100 to 400 miles. 
But its winds may reach such destructive 
speeds as 90 to 130 miles per hour, resulting 
in tremendous damage to shipping and coastal 

settlements, and loss of life by drowning is 
by no means rare. A considerable part of this 
loss of life and property is due to two things: 
great avalanches of sea water piled up and 
driven onshore by the gale winds, and ex- 
cessive rainfall and resulting floods that 
accompany the storm. 

Origin and concentration There is no 
generally accepted theory of the origin of 
hurricanes. But it is clear that they develop 
only over warm water, probably 82 or 
higher. Summer and fall, when they are most 
numerous, is the period when the ITC is 
farthest from the equator. Many apparently 
have their beginnings as weak disturbances 
which subsequently mushroom into the in- 
tense and dreaded hurricane. 

Severe tropical cyclones appear to occur 
occasionally over the warmer parts of most 
tropical oceans, but not in close proximity to 
the equator, and probably nowhere in the 
South Atlantic. There are a number of areas 
of marked concentration of these storms (Fig. 
10.18). These are (a) the China Sea, the 
typhoons of which affect particularly the 
Philippines, southeastern China, and southern 
Japan; (b) the Arabian Sea and the Bay of 
Bengal, on either side of peninsular India; 
(c) the Caribbean Sea, the hurricanes of which 
are felt in the West Indies, Yucatan, and the 
southeastern United States; (d) the eastern 
North Pacific in the region west of Mexico; 
(e) the South Indian Ocean east of Madagas- 
car; and (/) the tropical waters both north- 
east and northwest of Australia. 


General characteristics A thunderstorm 
is an intense convectional shower accom- 
panied by lightning and thunder. In its ma- 
ture stage it is characterized by several 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 205 

15,000 ft ..-vxl^-Jk: \- 

Key to diagram of cumulonimbus cloud 

A- Anvil top 

B-Dark area 

C-Roll cloud 

C u -Advance cumulus clouds 

D-Down drafts 

U -Up drafts 
R- Primary rain area 
R'-Secondary area 
W-Wind direction 

FIG. 10.21 Vertical section through a thunderstorm and its cumulonimbus cloud. 

chimneys of vigorously ascending warm air, 
each surrounded by compensating cooler 
downdrafts. This strong turbulence is evi- 
denced in the seethings and convulsions that 
can be observed in the awesome cumulo- 
nimbus cloud, or thunderhead (Fig. 10.21). 

Since rapid, vertical upthrusts of air com- 
monly accompany high surface temperatures, 
it is not surprising to find thunderstorms 
most numerous in the warmer latitudes of the 
earth, in the warmer seasons in the middle 
latitudes, and in the warmer hours of the day. 
Heat and thunderstorms are closely related. 

But heat is not the only requirement for 
thunderstorm development. The warm air 
must also be relatively rich in water vapor, 
for abundant heat of condensation released in 

the rising air is the principal source of energy 
for the storm. Indeed, the intensity of the 
storm depends very largely upon this supply 
of latent energy. Without exception the phe- 
nomena commonly associated with thunder- 
storms torrential local rain, hail, violent 
squall winds, lightning, and thunder are 
directly related to vigorous convectional over- 
turning in warm, humid air. 

Most thunderstorms appear to occur in 
connection with some weather control which 
favors an upward movement of air. This may 
be a terrain obstacle or, more commonly, the 
general convergence that is present in most 
extensive atmospheric disturbances of the 
low-pressure variety. Because of the latter, 
much thunderstorm activity is organized in 



character, and shifts position with the prog- 
ress of the general disturbance of which it is 
a part. In middle-latitude cyclones thunder- 
storms are commonly concentrated in the 
vicinity of fronts, especially vigorous cold 
fronts, where upward movement of air is in- 

Precipitation As indicated earlier, rain- 
fall in thunderstorms is likely to be more 
vigorous but of shorter duration than rainfall 
associated with cyclones. A cumulonimbus 
cloud is so small in area that it quickly drifts 
by and the rain ceases. One speaks of thunder- 
showers rather than thunder rains. This 
downpouring nature of the precipitation is 
related to (a) the more rapid ascent of air in 
thunderstorms than in most cyclones (a rise 
of at least 2,400 ft per min must occur), and 
(b) the higher temperature and thus higher 
specific humidity of the air in the summer 
season when thunderstorms are prevalent. 
The vigorous and local nature of thunder- 
storm rainfall, plus the fact that in middle 
latitudes it is concentrated in the growing 
season, has important economic consequences, 
some beneficial, others not. 

Hail Occasionally hail, the most destruc- 
tive form of precipitation, is developed in very 
intense thunderstorms. Fortunately it occurs 
in only a few, and usually falls only in 
restricted areas or belts in any particular 
storm. When convection is most vigorous 
and air is ascending at a rate of 25 to 50 
miles an hour or more, raindrops caught in 
the upward-surging currents are carried up 
into atmospheric regions of below-freezing 
temperatures, so that on mixing with snow 
they freeze as globules of cloudy ice. These 
ice pellets then may fall a long distance from 
the high freezing level through a great thick- 
ness of subfreezing cloud layers, striking and 
capturing supercooled water droplets and 

snow crystals on the way and thus growing 
into hailstones. When the strong upward- 
moving currents are temporarily halted, such 
hailstones fall to earth, often doing serious 
damage to crops and such structures as 
greenhouses, and occasionally even killing 
livestock in the fields. 

Although hail falls only in conjunction 
with thunderstorms, hail and thunderstorms 
are not similarly distributed. For example, hail 
is practically unknown in the tropics where 
thunderstorms are most numerous, and is 
rare in the warmer, subtropical parts of the 
United States, such as Florida and the Gulf 
Coast, where thunderstorms are at a maximum. 
Hail and hail damage in the United States 
are startlingly local in distribution but occur 
most frequently over parts of the Rocky 
Mountains and the Great Plains. 

Lightning, thunder, and squall winds 
Three other common phenomena of thunder- 
storms need brief comment: lightning, 
thunder, the squall wind, or thunder squall. 
Lightning results from the disruption of rain- 
drops, with consequent development of static 
electricity, in rapidly ascending air currents. 
Like hail, therefore, it is largely confined to 
the vigorous convectional storms which are 
most numerous in the warm season. As rain- 
drops in a storm grow larger and larger, their 
limit of cohesion is eventually passed, and in 
the vigorous updrafts of air they begin to 
break up. Then droplets with contrasting 
electrical charges become concentrated in 
different parts of a cloud. The lightning flash, 
usually from one part of a cloud to another 
but sometimes from cloud to earth, serves to 
equalize these unlike electrical charges. The 
thunder is produced by violent expansion of 
the air caused by the tremendous heat of the 

Probably not more than 1 per cent of 

Atmospheric disturbances; air masses and fronts 207 

lightning flashes reach the earth's surface. 
Yet in the United States several hundred per- 
sons lose their lives each year as a result of 
lightning, and twice as many are injured; and 
fire losses due to lightning amount to millions 
of dollars annually. Some of the greatest 
losses result from the kindling of forest fires. 

The thundersquall is the strong, outrush- 
ing mass of cool air just in front of a thunder- 
storm (Fig. 10.21). Its speed at times attains 
hurricane violence; thus it may do serious 
damage. The force of the squall is due in 
part to the cool air which has been brought 
down from aloft with the mass of falling rain 
and spreads out in front of the storm, under- 
running the warm air. 

Tornadoes Very occasionally, severe 
thunderstorm activity, of the sort that occurs 
in association with well-developed cold fronts 
and squall lines, may be accompanied by 
scattered tornadoes, the most violent and 
destructive of all atmospheric disturbances. 
But spectacular and awesome as it is, the 
tornado is of minor consequence in world 
climates. Its distribution is limited to a few 
regions, its occurrence is infrequent, and the 
width of its destructive path usually does not 
exceed */2 mile. 

Distribution of thunderstorms Taking 
the average of their occurrence at all longi- 
tudes, thunderstorms are found to be most 
numerous near the equator and decrease in 
frequency poleward (Fig. 10.22). Beyond la- 
titudes 60 -70 thunderstorms are few. This 
distribution reflects chiefly the general decline 
in air temperature from equator to poles 
and the associated decline in the humidity 
content of the atmosphere. But air temper- 
ature is not the only control of their distri- 
bution, for while thunderstorm frequency de- 
clines sharply between latitudes and 20, 
temperatures drop little if at all. Thus the 

strong equatorial maximum is also a conse- 
quence of the convergent nature of the air- 
flow and its deep humidification near the 
equator. The marked falling off in thunder- 
storm frequency away from the equator re- 
flects decreasing humidity and increasing sub- 
sidence and horizontal divergence as the 
subtropical anticyclones are approached. 

Greater frequency of thunderstorms over 
land areas than over oceans in similar lati- 
tudes is to be expected because of the higher 
summer temperatures of the former. Some 
equatorial land areas record over 100 days 
with thunderstorms during the year; a few 
places even experience 200 such days. 

In the United States the fewest thunder- 
storms are experienced in the Pacific Coast 
states, which are dominated by stable anti- 
cyclonic air masses in summer (Fig. 10.23). 
There are two regions of maximum occur- 
rence: (a) the subtropical Southeast, and (b) 
the Rocky Mountain area in New Mexico, 
Colorado, and Wyoming. The eastern Gulf 
Coast region in the United States is the most 
thundery area outside of the tropics, having 
70 to 80 days per year with thunderstorms. 
In this region heat and humidity combine to 
produce an environment ideal for the develop- 
ment of convective overturning. 

FIG. 10.22 Latitudinal distribution of the 
average number of days per year with 
thunderstorms, averaged for all longitudes. 

(From Brooks.) 

60 50 40 30 20 

10 20 30 40 50 



FIG. 10.23 Distribution of the average number of days per year with 


Blair, Thomas A., and Robert C. Fite: Weather Elements, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Engle- 
wood Cliffs, N.J., 1957. 

Kendrew, W. G.: Climatology, 2d ed., Oxford University Press, London, 1957. 

Kimble, George H. T: Our American Weather, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 

Koeppe, Clarence E., and George C. DeLong: Weather and Climate, McGraw-Hill Book Com- 
pany, Inc., New York, 1958. 

Miller, Arthur Austin: Climatology, E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., New York, 1943. 

Petterssen, Sverre: Introduction to Meteorology, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New 
York, 1958. 

Riehl, Herbert: Tropical Meteorology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1954. 

Taylor, George F.: Elementary Meteorology, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1954. 

Trewartha, Glenn T.: An Introduction to Climate, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New 
York, 1954. 

Watts, I. E. M.: Equatorial Weather, University of London Press, Ltd., London, 1955. 




of climates 

and their 


the tropical 

humid climates 

In the preceding chapters temperature and 
precipitation, the two elements which in 
combination largely determine any climate, 
have been analyzed, and their distributions 

have been described. In addition, the effects 
of the great controls of climate on temper- 
ature and precipitation have been examined. 
It has been seen how the climatic controls 




determine regional variations in the amount, 
intensity, and seasonal distribution of both 
temperature and precipitation, resulting in 
changeful combinations of these two great 
climatic elements. In this manner are created 
the great variety of climates, which will now 
be described. 1 

Because of the exceedingly numerous com- 
binations of temperature and precipitation 
that exist on the earth, it becomes necessary, 
in order to appreciate the general world 
pattern of climate, to reduce the great variety 

of regional and local climates to a relatively 
few large groups and types having important 
characteristics in common. This reduction is 
essentially accomplished through classifica- 
tion, a process common to all sciences. 

1 Since ocean currents are a climatic control of at least 
modest significance, even if not as important as the controls 
already studied, it is suggested that the student acquaint 
himself with the world patterns of the oceanic circulation 
before proceeding to a study of the climatic types and their 
distribution in this chapter and Chaps. 12 through 14. For 
this discussion see Chap. 15, pp. 277-291 ff. 


A climatic region is any portion of the 
earth's surface over which the broad climatic 
characteristics are similar, though not neces- 
sarily identical. Similar climatic regions, that 

FIG. 11.1 Locations of the five great climatic 
groups on a hypothetical continent of relatively low 
and uniform elevation. 






is, areas with similar climates, are found in 
widely separated parts of the earth (Plate 2). 
But they are commonly found in correspond- 

F I G . 11.2 Locations of the types of climate, 
which are subdivisions of the climatic groups, on a 
hypothetical continent of relatively low and uniform 

Classification of climates and their 

ing latitudinal and roughly corresponding 
continental locations, which suggests that 
there is order and system in the origin and 
distribution of the climatic elements. The cor- 
respondence indeed makes possible the gather- 
ing of the numerous climatic regions into a few 
principal climatic groups (Fig. 11.1) and 
climatic types (Fig. 11.2), each type compris- 
ing a number of separate regions. 

Plate 2 shows that a recognizable world 
pattern of climatic distribution exists, for 
there the several climatic regions comprising 
a type are seen to fairly repeat each other in 

distribution; the tropical humid climates 211 

terms of latitudinal and continental locations. 
Nor should the existence of the pattern be 
surprising: the greatest controls of climate are 
in the distribution of solar energy and the 
general circulation of the atmosphere, both 
with clearly distinguishable world patterns. 

In Figs. 11.1 and 11.2 an attempt is made 
to show in diagrammatic form the climatic 
arrangement as it might appear on a hypo- 
thetical continent of relatively low and uni- 
form elevation. The continent is designed to 
show typical positions and arrangements of 
the climatic types and groups divorced from 

Classification of Climates* 


A. Tropical humid climates 

B. Dry climates 

C. Humid mesothermal climates 

D. Humid micro-thermal climates 

E. Polar climates 

//. Highlands 


I. Low latitudes (the tropics) 

1. Tropical wet (Af, constantly wet) 

(Am, monsoon variety) 

2. Tropical wet-and-dry (Aw) 

3. Low-latitude dry climates 

. Low-latitude desert (BWh, arid) 
b. Low-latitude steppe (BSh, semiarid) 

II. Middle latitudes (intermediate zones) 

4. Middle-latitude dry climates 

a. Middle-latitude desert (BWk, arid) 

b. Middle-latitude steppe (BSk, semiarid) 

5. Dry-summer subtropical (Cs) 

6. Humid subtropical (Co) 

7. Marine (Cb, Cc) 

8. Humid continental climates 

a. Humid continental, warm summer (Da) 

b. Humid continental, cool summer (Db) 

9. Subarctic (Dc, Dd) 

III. High latitudes (polar caps) or high altitudes 

10. Tundra (ET) 

11. Icecap (Ef) 

Not divided into distinct types 

* Temperature and precipitation data for representative stations are presented in 
tables accompanying the text for each type of climate. 



peculiarities associated with individual real 
continents by reason of their size, shape, and 
surface configurations. 

In a study of the text materials on groups 
and types of climate to follow, continuing 
reference should be made to Figs. 11.1 and 
11.2 as well as to Plate 2. In addition, Fig. 
11.2 and Plate 2 should be compared, be- 
cause the resemblances between them are 

The plan of climatic classification employed 
in this book is a simplified and otherwise 
modified version of the well-known Koppen 
system, which uses letter symbols to desig- 
nate climates. Five great climatic groups are 
recognized, and each of these is subdivided 
into a relatively few climatic types. In the 
book the groups and types are named, and 
the corresponding Koppen symbols follow 
each name in parenthesis. Since the two clas- 
sifications are similar but not identical, the 

symbols indicate only comparable climates, 
and should not be understood to imply 
complete agreement. 

The five groups of climate (Fig. 11.1) are 
as follows: In the low latitudes near the 
equator is a winterless region with adequate 
rainfall. This group is called the tropical 
humid climates (A). Poleward From this group 
and extending far into the middle latitudes are 
the dry climates (B). The humid middle lati- 
tudes with their seasonal contrasts in temper- 
ature are divided into two climatic groups, 
one in which the winters are short and mild, 
the humid mesothermal climates (C), and the 
other in which they are severe and long, the 
humid microthermal climates (D). Finally, in 
the higher latitudes are the summerless polar 
climates (E). 2 The outline of climatic classifi- 
cation is presented in more detail in the 
preceding table. The tropical humid climates 
will be considered first. 


The tropical humid climates (A) form a 
somewhat interrupted belt 20 to 40 wide 
around the earth astride the equator (Fig. 
11.1, Plate 2). This belt is distinguished 
from all other humid areas of the earth by 
the fact that it is constantly warm; in other 
words, it lacks a winter. On its poleward 
margins the group of tropical humid climates 
may be terminated either by diminishing 
rainfall or by decreasing temperatures. Usually 
it merges with dry climates in the western 
and central parts of continents (Fig. 11.1). 
On the more humid eastern sides it extends 
poleward until a season of cold develops. 
(The accepted boundary is where the average 
temperature of the coolest month falls below 
64.) Highlands, with their low temperatures, 

are responsible for the principal interruptions 
in the belt of tropical humid climates over 
the continents. 

Normally the tropical humid climates form 
a wider belt and thus extend farther poleward 
along the eastern side of a continent than 
toward the west side. This reflects the facts 

2 The Koppen definitions of the five great climatic groups 
are as follows: 

A temperature of coolest month over 64.4 (18C) 

B potential evaporation exceeds precipitation 

C temperature of coldest month between 64.4 (18 C) 

and 26.6 (-3C) 
D temperature of coldest month under 26.6 ( 3 C); 

wannest month over 50 (10C) 
E temperature of warmest month under 50 (10C) 
The Koppen designations for types of climate will be 
noted and explained as the types are defined in the discussion. 

Classification of climates and their 

(a) that the air is more stable in the eastern 
than the western part of an oceanic subtrop- 
ical anticyclone, and (b) that the ocean water 
is cooler along the western tropical coasts. 

Since temperatures are constantly high, the 
two principal types of climate within the 
tropical humid group are distinguished from 

distribution; the tropical humid climates 213 

each other on the basis of the annual distri- 
bution of precipitation. One type, tropical 
wet, has abundant rainfall throughout the 
year with no marked dry season. The second 
type, tropical wet-and~dry 9 usually has less 
total rainfall, and there are a distinctly wet 
and a distinctly dry season. 



(a) Uniformly high temperatures and (b) 
heavy precipitation distributed throughout 
the year, so that there is no marked dry 
season, are the two most distinguishing char- 
acteristics of the tropical wet (Af) type of 
climate. 3 When typically located, it is found 
astride the equator and extending out 5 or 
10 on either side, but the latitudinal spread 
may be increased to 15 or even 25 along 
the eastern margin of a continent (Fig. 11.2). 
Tropical wet climate is sometimes called 
the tropical rainforest climate. This climate 
is closely associated with the doldrums, 
or intertropical convergence zone (ITC), 
where weak rain-generating disturbances are 
numerous and the air is unstable (Fig. 11.3). 
Characteristically, tropical wet climate is 
bounded by the tropical wet-and-dry type on 
its poleward side. Along the wetter eastern 
margins of continents, however, it usually ex- 
tends farther poleward to make contact with 
the humid subtropical climate, one of the 
humid mesothermal group of climates of 
middle latitudes (Fig. 11.2). 

Geographical location The Amazon 
River Basin in northern South America and 
the Congo River Basin and Guinea coast in 
central and western Africa are the two largest 
contiguous areas with tropical wet climate 

3 In the Koppen system / = moist (feucht) throughout the 
year: no month with less than 2.4 in. of rain. 

(Plate 2). A third extensive but not con- 
tiguous area includes much of the East Indies, 
the Philippine Islands, and the Malay Penin- 
sula in tropical southeastern Asia. There are 
smaller areas of tropical wet climate in eastern 
Central America, the windward parts of some 
islands in the West Indies, western Colombia, 
the coastal lowlands and slopes of sections of 
eastern Brazil, and eastern Madagascar. 


Annual and seasonal temperatures 

Lying as areas with the tropical wet type of 
climate commonly do, athwart the equator, 
and consequently in the belt of maximum 
insolation, it is to be expected that tempera- 
tures will be uniformly high, and yearly 
averages do usually lie between 77 and 80 
(following table). Moreover, since the sun's 
noon rays are never far from a vertical posi- 
tion, and since days and nights vary little in 
length from one part of the year to another, 
the annual-insolation curve remains not only 

FIG. 11.3 Locations of tropical wet (Af), 
tropical wet-and-dry (Aw), and dry (B), types of 
climate on the zonal profile of sea-level pressure. 

I. T. C. 


Climatic Data for Representative Stations with Tropical Wet Climate 




Singapore, Malay Peninsula 





80.8 81.5 81.1 81.0 












6.9 7.2 6.7 6.8 







Nouvelle-Anvers, the Congo 





78.1 79.2 78.4 76.5 












5.6 6.2 6.1 6.3 







high but also relatively constant, with the 
result that there is little seasonal variation in 
temperature (Fig. 11.4). 

Annual temperature range The an- 
nual temperature range, or difference between 
the average temperatures of the warmest and 
coolest months, is usually less than 5, and 
it may be only 1 of 2 on islands and along 
coasts. It is not the high monthly- temperature 
averages but rather this constant succession 
of hot months uniform, monotonous, with 
no relief from the heat that characterizes 
the tropical wet climate. Thus, the average 
July temperatures of many nontropical Amer- 
ican cities, such as Charleston, South Caro- 
lina, with 82; Galveston, Texas, 83; and 
Montgomery, Alabama, 82, may equal, or 
even exceed by a few degrees, those of the 
hottest months at stations near the equator. 

Daily temperatures The daily, or 
diurnal, range of temperature (difference be- 
tween the warmest and coolest hours of the 
day) is usually 10 to 25, several times 
greater than the annual range. For example, 
at Bolobo, the Congo, the average daily range 
is 16, while the annual range is only 2. 

During the afternoons the thermometer ordi- 
narily rises to temperatures varying from 85 
to 93 and at night sinks to 70 or 75. It is 
commonly said that night is the winter of the 

During the day the heat, even though not 
extremely high, combines with slight air 
movement, intense light, and high relative 
humidity to produce an atmospheric condi- 
tion with low cooling power. It is oppressive 
and sultry; the sensible temperature is very 

Even the nights actually give little relief 
from the oppressive heat. Rapid nocturnal 
cooling is riot to be expected where there are 
such excessive humidity and abundant cloudi- 
ness. The cooling is usually sufficient, how- 
ever, to cause surface condensation in the 
near-saturated air, so that radiation fogs and 
heavy dew are common. 

Daily march of temperature Figure 
11.5 shows the daily march of temperature 
for the extreme months at a representative 
station within tropical wet climate. The graph 
illustrates a temperature regime in which sun 
is almost completely in control. There is a 

Climatic Data for Calicut, India, a Representative Monsoon 
Rainforest Station (Am) 


F M 


M J 






D Yr 




79.8 81.6 


83.1 78.5 






78.3 79.5 




0.2 0.6 


9.5 35.0 






1.1 118.6 

Classification of climates and their distribution; the tropical humid climates 215 

marked diurnal regularity and periodicity 
about the changes, temperatures rising to 
about the same height each day and falling 
to about the same level each night, so that 
one 24-hr period almost duplicates every 
other. Irregular invasions of cool air, a feature 
common in the middle latitudes, are rare. 



Amount Rainfall, as has been said, is 
both heavy and distributed throughout the 
year, there being no distinctly dry season 
(table, p. 214; Fig. 11.4). Indeed, taken as a 
whole, tropical wet climate is coincident with 
the belt of the world's heaviest precipitation 
(Plate 1). Ward estimates the average an- 
nual rainfall of the doldrum belt to be in the 
neighborhood of 100 in., with less over the 
continents and more over the oceans. In this 
area close to the equator conditions are ideal 
for rain formation. The air is warm, humid 
up to great heights, and unstable. Horizontal 
wind convergence with a consequent lifting 
of the air prevails. Rain-generating atmos- 
pheric disturbances are numerous. The result 
is an abundance of cumulus cloud and 
showery rainfall. 

,, .. ,. 


FIG. 11.4 Average monthly temperatures and 
precipitation amounts for a representative station 
with a tropical wet climate (Af). Monthly 
temperatures are much more uniform than 
monthly amounts of precipitation. 

Seasonal distribution Although there 
is no genuinely dry season in tropical wet 
climate where it is developed in its standard 
form, it should not be inferred that the rain- 

F I G . 11.5 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest 
and coolest months at a representative station with tropical wet climate (Af). 
Diurnal solar control is almost complete, as shown by the regular daily rise 
and fall of temperature. 

Temp. Day 5 







FIG. 11.6 Average monthly temperatures and 
precipitation amounts for a representative tropical 
wet station where the monsoon control is strong 


fall is evenly distributed throughout the year. 
Some months and seasons, while far from 
being dry, are still less wet than the rainiest 
(Fig. 11.4). In the rainier months precipita- 
tion falls on a large majority of the days, al- 
though there are usually a few days with 
none. Fewer rainy days and less rain on each 
day are characteristic of the less wet seasons. 
Precipitation varies much more throughout 
the year, and from one year to the next, than 
does temperature. 

In some areas with tropical wet climate, 
rainfall is not so well distributed throughout 
the year, and a short moderately dry season 
even exists, usually at the time of low sun, 
or winter. Such a modified form of tropical 
wet climate is sometimes referred to as a 
monsoon subtype (Fig. 11.6). On Plate 2 

it is designated by the symbol Am, the m 
standing for monsoon. 

Nature and origin of the rainfall Most 
of the precipitation originates in towering 
cumulus clouds of great vertical thickness, 
and is in the form of heavy showers of rela- 
tively short duration, frequently accompanied 
by lightning and thunder. More thunderstorms 
occur here than in any other latitudinal belt 
of the earth. There is relatively little rainfall 
of the steady continuous type falling from a 
uniformly gray overcast. Apparently, more 
rain comes during the warm afternoon and 
early evening hours when solar heating makes 
the humid air more unstable and buoyant, 
but night rains are by no means infrequent. 

To what extent the tropical showers are 
the result of random thermal convection as- 
sociated with daytime surface heating is con- 
troversial. Almost certainly, however, most of 
the rainfall is associated with extensive travel- 
ing atmospheric disturbances in which 
horizontal convergence of air streams creates 
an environment favoring vigorous convec- 
tional currents. As a consequence the shower 
activity is usually organized in belts or areas 
which coincide with the moving disturbances, 
and so shifts position from one day to another. 
Showers so developed may occur at night as 
well as day, although usually in a somewhat 
weakened condition. Because most of the 
shower activity takes place in conjunction 
with extensive disturbances, rainfall occur- 
rence does not have the daily regularity so 
characteristic of temperature. Instead there 
are likely to be spells of prevalently showery 
days followed by others in which little or no 
rain falls. Thus, while the irregular, nonperi- 
odic daily weather element is by no means as 
strong here as in the middle latitudes, it is 
certainly not absent as far as rainfall is 

Classification of climates and their 


Although approximately 10 per cent of the 
earth's land surface has tropical wet climate, 
by no means does this part of the land con- 
tain a similar proportion of the earth's popu- 
lation. Also the earth's tropical wet areas have 
wide variations in population densities. The 
New World tropics are far emptier than those 
of the Old World. 

Tropical wet is the most lavish and prolific 
of all climates. There is no dormant season 
for plant growth imposed either by a season 
of cold or a season of drought, so plants 
grow more continuously and rapidly than in 
any other climate. Since plants provide the 
ultimate food resource for human beings, this 
would seem to suggest a potential maximum 
food production within the rainforest areas. 
An offsetting factor, however, is the handicap 
which this climate is believed to impose upon 
the health, comfort, and general well-being of 
the people who live in it. Numerous tropical 
diseases, among them malaria, sleeping sick- 
ness, yellow fever, and tropical dysentery, 
have been veritable scourges to the inhabitants 
of the low latitudes. By some the constant 
heat and humidity are considered to be 
obstacles to the maintenance of mental and 
physical vigor. Nevertheless, there is now a 
growing hope that modern hygiene and san- 
itation in association with improved medical 
care, together with electrical refrigeration 
which permits better food preservation, may 
greatly reduce the hazards and discomforts 
associated with living in a tropical climate. 

Aside from the problem of human living 
conditions, the low-grade residual soils of 
tropical wet climate offer a serious counter- 
balance to the bountiful climatic environ- 
ment for plants by making difficult the growth 

distribution; the tropical humid climates 217 

of crops other than the deep-rooted bush and 
tree crops. The strong leaching effects of 
the abundant and warm rains continuing 
throughout the entire year leave the soil de- 
ficient in mineral plant foods and in organic 
material. A very few years of cropping is 
enough to exhaust the topsoil, so that the 
native agriculturist is forced to migrate or at 
least to shift his fields. On the other hand, 
these same soils which are deficient in min- 
eral plant foods are coarsely granular in 
structure, so that they are friable and easy to 
till. This characteristic recommends them to 
the native agriculturist who operates with rel- 
atively ineffective tools. 

No other climate produces such a dense 
growth of large trees, so that no other forest 
region of the earth provides such a store- 
house of wood and lumber, although the ex- 
ploitation of this resource is associated with 
many obstacles. To the agricultural setder who 
is obliged to clear the land, this forest is much 
more of a handicap than a resource, of course. 

Given the advantages arid the disadvantages 
of the tropical wet regions, the value of the 
plentiful unoccupied land there for future 
settlement is an actively debated question, 
although there is more optimism at present 
about the future of these areas than at any 
previous time. Of the earth's three most ex- 
tensive types of land with low or modest 
population densities the cold, the dry, and 
the humid tropics the last appears to possess 
the greatest potentialities for future settlement. 


As previously stated, tropical wet-and-dry 
climate (Aw) 4 differs in two principal respects 

4 In the Koppen system w = dry season in winter, or low- 
sun period: at least 1 month with less than 2.4 in. of rain. 



TYPE Tropical Wet and Dry (Savanna) Aw 

PLACE Champoton, Mexico 

N D 

FIG. 11.7 Average monthly temperatures and 
precipitation amounts for a representative station 
with a tropical wet- and -dry climate. 

from tropical wet climate: (a) it usually has 
less total precipitation, and (b) rainfall is un- 
evenly distributed throughout the year, there 
being a distinctly wet and a distinctly dry 
season. These climatic contrasts result in re- 
placement of the dense forest cover typical of 
areas near the equator by open forest and 
tree-studded grassland in the wet-and-dry 
climate, which is sometimes called savanna 


On the hypothetical continent of Fig. 11.2, 
tropical wet-and-dry regions lie on the pole- 
ward and interior sides of the tropical wet 
climate, and between it and the dry climates. 
This arrangement is also shown in Fig. 11.3. 
Toward the rainier eastern side of a continent 
the wet-and-dry climate commonly makes 
contact on its poleward side with the humid 

subtropical type of climate of the middle 

The typical latitudinal location of the 
tropical wet-and-dry climate is from about 
5 -10 to 15 -20, and it may extend still 
farther poleward on the eastern side of a con- 
tinent. This places wet-and-dry in an inter- 
mediate position between the ITC and its 
unstable air masses on the equatorial side, 
and the subtropical anticyclones with their 
stable subsiding and diverging air masses on 
the poleward side (Fig. 11.3). During the 
course of the year, with the north-south shift- 
ing of the sun and the pressure and wind 
belts, latitudes 5 to 15 are encroached upon 
by the wet ITC and its rainbringing disturb- 
ances at the time of high sun, and by the 
drier parts of the trades and the subtropical 
anticyclones at the time of low sun. The re- 
sult is rainy summers and dry winters. 

Geographical location It becomes 
evident from a comparison of Plate 2 and 
Fig. 11.2 that most of the extensive areas 
with tropical wet-and-dry climate are actually 
located on the individual continents in ap- 
proximately the positions suggested in the 
analyses of type location just preceding. The 
llanos of the Orinoco River Valley in 
Colombia and Venezuela and the adjacent 
parts of the Guiana Highlands in northern 
South America, the campos of Brazil south 
of the equator in the same continent, the ex- 
tensive Sudan north of the Congo River 
Basin and the veld south of it in Africa, the 
great wet-and-dry area in northern Australia, 
and that in tropical southern and southeastern 
Asia all are situated approximately as rep- 
resented on the hypothetical continent (Fig. 
11.2). Most parts of these representative areas 
lie between latitudes 5 -10 and 15 -20 
and have a tropical wet climate on their 
equatorward sides, a dry climate or a humid 
subtropical climate on their poleward frontiers. 

Classification of climates and their distribution; the tropical humid climates 219 

Climatic Data for Representative Stations with Tropical 
Wet-and-Dry Climate 





M I 

./ A S 





Timbo, Guinea (1040'N) 






77 73 

72 72 72 











6.4 9.0 

12.4 14.7 10.2 





Cuiaba, Brazil (IS'SCXS) 






78 75 

76 78 82 











2.1 0.3 

0.2 1.1 2.0 






The temperature differences between trop- 
ical wet-and-dry climate and tropical wet 
climate are not great. Constantly high tem- 
peratures are still the rule in tropical wet- 
and-dry, for the noon sun is never far from 
a vertical position, and days and nights 
change little in length from one part of the 
year to another. In general, yearly temper- 
ature ranges are somewhat greater than in 
typical rainforest regions but still small, usu- 
ally over 5 but seldom exceeding 15 (Fig. 
11.7). These slightly larger ranges may result 
from the fact that the high-sun months are 

often slightly hotter and the low-sun months 
are slightly cooler than in regions nearer the 
equator (Figs. 11.7, 11.8). 

Not infrequently the hottest period occurs 
just before the time of highest sun and the 
rainy season, which come together. Tropical 
wet-and-dry climate, like tropical wet, shows 
a remarkable diurnal regularity in its daily 
march of temperature (Fig. 11.8), reflecting 
the dominance of sun control. 

Amount of rainfall Since regional tem- 
perature variations are not great within the 
wet tropics, rainfall is a more critical element 
in setting apart the several climatic types of 
the low latitudes. Characteristically, 40 to 

FIG. 11.8 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest 
and coolest months at a station with tropical wet-and-dry climate (Aw). Note 
the strong dominance of diurnal solar control and the weakness of any 
nonperiodic control by atmospheric disturbances. 




60 in. of rain falls a year in regions with 
wet-and-dry climate, less than in regions with 
tropical wet climate. But since the wet-and- 
dry climate usually occupies transitional belts 
between the constantly wet and the constantly 
dry climates, there naturally is considerable 
contrast between the amounts of rainfall on 
its equatorward and poleward margins. As a 
general rule there is a decrease poleward. 

Seasonal rainfall It is not the total 
amount of precipitation which chiefly dif- 
ferentiates the two climates of the humid 
tropics; it is rather the fact that there is much 
more seasonal variation of precipitation in the 
wet-and-dry than in the wet climates (Fig. 
11.7). This contrast between the two types is 
principally due to their latitudinal locations. 
As previously stated, the tropical wet type is 
constantly in or near the ITC where atmos- 
pheric disturbances are numerous and there 
is a large-scale ascent of warm, humid, un- 
stable air masses; the wet-and-dry type, on 
the other hand, is on the margins of the ITC 
and therefore in an intermediate position be- 
tween it and the dry settling air masses of the 
subtropical anticyclone and the poleward 
margins of the trades. 

The seasonal distribution of rainfall in 
tropical wet-and-dry climates is a complex 
subject in itself, of course, which an example, 
the Sudan of Africa north of the equator, will 
be used to clarify. 

As the sun's vertical rays move northward 
from the equator after the spring equinox, 
their thermal effects cause pressure and wind 
belts to shift in the same direction but a 
month or two behind in time. Thus the ITC 
with its unstable air masses and heavy rains 
gradually shifts northward over the Sudan, 
and convectional showers and thunderstorms 
begin to occur there in March and April. The 
rainfall continues to increase in amount until 

July or even August, when the ITC reaches 
its maximum northward migration. With the 
southward retreat of the ITC following the 
sun the rains decline in amount, until by 
October or November the dry, subsiding, 
stable air masses associated with the subtrop- 
ical anticyclone and poleward margins of 
trades are prevailing over the Sudan, and 
drought grips the land. The lengths of the 
wet and dry seasons are variable, depending 
upon distance from the equator. 

There is no abrupt boundary between the 
constantly wet and the wet-and-dry climates, 
but a very gradual transition from one to the 
other (Fig. 9.14). Thus on the equatorward 
margins of the wet-and-dry regions the rainy 
season persists for almost the entire year, 
while on the poleward margins it is short. 
Conversely, on the dry poleward margin the 
period of absolute drought may last several 
months, while on the rainy margin, where 
wet-and-dry climate makes contact with trop- 
ical wet climate, there may be no month 
absolutely without rain. For emphasis it bears 
repeating that the rainy season closely coin- 
cides with the period of high sun and the 
dominance of converging, unstable air masses, 
whereas the dry season is identified with the 
period of low sun when stable, diverging, 
and subsiding air masses prevail. In short, 
rainfall follows the sun. 

Seasonal weather During the rainy 
season tropical wet-and-dry weather is identi- 
cal with that of tropical wet regions. Cloud 
of the cumulus type is abundant, and spells 
of showery rainfall with frequent thunder- 
storms are numerous. In the low-sun, or dry, 
season, on the other hand, the weather is like 
that of the deserts. The humidity becomes 
very low so low that the skin is parched 
and cracked. (Yet the dry season is welcomed 
after the humid, oppressive heat of the rainy 

Classification of climates and their distribution; the tropical humid climates 221 

period.) During the dry season the landscape 
is parched and brown, the trees lose their 
leaves, the rivers become low, the soil cracks, 
and all nature appears dormant. Smoke from 
grass fires and dust fills the air, so that vis- 
ibility is usually low. 

Rainfall reliability Rainfall in the trop- 
ical wet-and-dry climate, besides being sparser 
and more seasonal than in tropical wet climate, 
is less reliable: there is wider fluctuation in 
the amount from year to year (Fig. 11.9). 
One year may bring enough rain to flood the 
fields, rot the crops, and increase the ravages 
of injurious insects and fungi; the following 
year there may be even more severe losses 
from drought. 


Tropical wet-and-dry climate characterizes 
close to 15 per cent of the earth's land area. 
On a map showing the distribution of the 
earth's inhabitants, many of the wet-and-dry 
areas are conspicuous because of their dearth 
of people. This is especially true of the ex- 
tensive wet-and-dry regions of the New World 
and of Australia. Peninsular India is the most 
striking exception, for there human life is 
abundant. Portions of the African Sudan and 
of the upland wet-and-dry areas of eastern 
Africa are intermediate in their population 

Although temperatures are constantly high 
in tropical wet-and-dry climate, the fact that 
there is a dormant season imposed by drought 
makes the productiveness of wet-and-dry 
climate considerably less than that of tropical 
wet climate. The smaller total amount of pre- 
cipitation and its undependability emphasize 
this contrast. 

FIG. 11.9 Variations In amounts of annual 
rainfall over a 20-year period at Nagpur, India, a 
station with tropical wet-and-dry climate. Large 
annual variations in precipitation are characteristic 
of this type of climate. 

Reflecting the reduced climatic energy, the 
vegetation cover is one of tall, coarse grasses 
with scattered trees, and of open forest with 
grass, instead of the dense evergreen forest 
that characterizes the tropical wet climate. 
Much of the woodland is of little value com- 
mercially, and the mature natural grasses are 
too tall, coarse, and unnutritious to support 
an important grazing industry. To the native 
agriculturist the tough-grass sod offers a more 
formidable obstacle than, does the luxuriant 

Little is known about the mature soils of 



the wet-and-dry climate, but generally they 
appear to be leached and infertile. There is 
some evidence that they are even inferior to 
those that develop under the tropical rain- 
forest. As in most regions of infertile or dif- 
ficult soils, the fresh, young, unleached 
alluvial surfaces are the most attractive sites 
for cultivation. 


In tropical latitudes on several continents, 
especially Africa and South America, there 
are extensive upland areas, possessed of many 

of the normal characteristics of tropical wet 
and tropical wet-and-dry climates but also 
differing, chiefly in their somewhat lower 
temperatures, which are the result of modest 
altitude. Some of these uplands, such as those 
of eastern Brazil and of eastern Africa, are 
among the best-developed tropical areas, for 
the lower temperatures make them more at- 
tractive to agricultural settlers. These uplands 
are included within the general wet-and-dry 
type of climate but on Plate 2 are set apart 
from the more standard lowland variety by a 
light stippling. (Climatic modifications im- 
posed by altitude are discussed in Chap. 14.) 


The dry 


Definition; desert and steppe types A 

dry climate (B) may be defined as one in 
which the annual water losses by evaporation 
from soils and vegetation potentially exceed 
the annual water gains by precipitation. In 
other words, there is a rainfall deficiency, 
and as a result there is no surplus of water to 
maintain a constant ground-water supply, so 
that permanent streams rarely originate within 
dry-climate areas. 

Since the amount of water lost through 
evaporation increases with temperature and 
thus is greater in warm climates than in cold 

ones, the amount of annual rainfall dis- 
tinguishing between dry and humid climates 
must also vary; that is, warm dry climates 
can have more annual rainfall than those 
which are cool. 

Two types of dry climate are commonly 
recognized: (a) the arid, or desert, type and 
(b) the semiarid, or steppe, type. In general 
the steppe is a transitional belt surrounding 
the desert and separating it from the humid 
climates beyond (Fig. 11.2). The boundary 
between arid and semiarid climates is some- 
what arbitrary, but in the Koppen system it 




is defined as one-half the amount of annual 
rainfall separating steppe from humid climates. 

Type location Of all the climatic groups 
dry climates are the most extensively devel- 
oped over the continents, occupying over 
one-quarter of the earth's land surface. As 
Fig. 11.2 and Plate 2 show, they are to be 
found both in the tropics (including the sub- 
tropics) and in the middle latitudes. 

In the tropics dry climates are concentrated 
between about latitudes 15-20 and 30, 
which are influenced by the subtropical anti- 
cyclones. Here the dry climates character- 
istically are shifted away from the eastern 
side of a continent toward its western and 
central parts, an asymmetry reflecting the fact 
that subsidence and atmospheric stability are 
greater in the eastern part of an oceanic sub- 
tropical anticyclone than along its western 

In the middle latitudes drought conditions 
are best developed in the deep interiors of 
the great land masses, areas which feel the 
effects of a cold anticyclone in winter and 
which are also farthest removed from the 
oceanic sources of moisture. 


Since dry climates exist in a wide range of 
latitudes, their average annual temperatures 
vary a great deal. Some dry climates are hot, 
others cold, still others intermediate in aver- 
age annual temperature. On the other hand, 
dry climates at any latitude are generally 
characterized by seasonal temperatures that 
are more severe than the average for the lati- 
tude. In other words, summers in dry climates 
are likely to be notably warm or hot and 
winters notably cool or cold as compared 
with the summers and winters of humid 
climates in the same latitude. Large annual 
ranges of temperature are therefore repre- 
sentative. Such seasonal extremes and large 

annual ranges are related to the leeward and 
interior locations of most dry climates, and 
to their prevailingly clear skies and dry 

Even more striking than these annual 
ranges are the large daily ranges of temper- 
ature in dry climates, where the cloudless 
skies and relatively low humidity permit an 
abundance of solar energy to reach the earth 
by day and allow a rapid loss of earth energy 
at night. In deserts large diurnal ranges are 
also associated with the meager vegetation 
cover, which permits the dry, barren surface 
to become intensely heated by day. 

Precipitation and humidity Rainfall 
in the dry climates is always meager, and in 
addition so extremely variable from year to 
year that even the low average is not to be 
depended upon (Fig. 12.1). Significantly also, 
there are more years when rainfall is below 
the average than above, for it is the occasional 
humid year which tends to lift the average. It 
is a general rule, worthy of memorization, 
that dependability of precipitation usually 
decreases with decreasing amount; thus (a) 
meagerness and (b) unreliability of rainfall 
seem to go together. 

With a few exceptions, relative humidity is 
low in the dry climates, 12 to 30 per cent 
being usual for midday hours, and conversely, 
potential evaporation is characteristically 
high. Thus there is little cloudiness, and the 
amount of sunshine is great: direct sunlight, 
as well as that reflected from the bare, light- 
colored earth, is blinding in intensity. 

Absolute humidity, on the other hand, is 
by no means always low, for desert air in 
warm and hot climates usually contains a 
considerable quantity of water vapor, even 
when the air is far from saturated. 

Winds Dry regions are usually windy 
places, there being little friction between the 
moving air and the low and sparse vegetation 

The dry climates 225 

FIG. 12.1 Rainfall variability is normally at a maximum in dry and 

SUbhumid Climates. (From Biel, Van Roven, and others.) 

cover. In this respect dry regions are like the 
oceans. The daylight hours, when surface 
heating and convective overturning are at a 
maximum, are especially windy; nights are 
much calmer. 

Because of the strong and persistent day- 
time winds, desert air is often murky with 
fine dust which fills the eyes, nose, and 
throat, causing serious discomfort. Much of 
this dust is carried by the winds beyond the 
desert margins to form the loess deposits of 
bordering regions. The heavier, wind-driven 
rock particles, traveling close to the surface, 

are the principal tool of the wind in sculptur- 
ing the land forms of the deserts themselves. 
Geographical classification The 
already-explained division of dry climates 
into desert and steppe types is supplemented 
in the classification of climates employed 
here by recognition of two great geographical 
divisions related to temperature contrasts. 
They are (a) the dry climates of the tropical 
and subtropical low latitudes, or the hot 
steppes and deserts, and (b) the dry climates 
of the middle latitudes, or the cold (in winter) 
steppes and deserts. 



As indicated earlier, low-latitude dry 
climates (BWh and BSh) 1 owe their origin 
chiefly to the stabilizing effects of the sub- 

1 In the Koppen system, W = desert ( Wustc), S = steppe, 
and h = hot (heiss): annual temperature over 64.4 (18C). 

sidence and horizontal wind divergence as- 
sociated with the subtropical anticyclones 
(Fig. 11.3). It was also pointed out that since 
subsidence and divergence are concentrated 
in the eastern and central parts of an oceanic 
anticyclonic cell, drought conditions ordi- 



narily do not extend over to the eastern 
margins of a continent (Fig. 11.2). 

Along west coasts in these tropical and 
subtropical latitudes, by contrast, drought 
conditions reach down to the sea margins 
and even far beyond over the ocean. Here 
the drought-producing effects of strong sub- 
sidence in the eastern parts of an oceanic 
anticyclone are augmented by those of the 
cool ocean currents with upwelled water 
which characteristically parallel tropical west 
coasts. The cold water acts to chill and 
stabilize the surface air and to intensify the 
aridity, so that along these west coasts dry 
climates may be carried 5 to 10 farther 
equatorward than normal. Indeed it appears 
to be a general rule that while tropical humid 
climates extend unusually far poleward along 
the eastern sides of the continents (eastern 
Brazil, eastern Central America, and eastern 
Madagascar), tropical dry climates are carried 
equatorward beyond their normal latitudes 
along the western littorals (western Peru and 
western Angola in southwestern Africa). 


Annual amount and dependability 

The deserts of low latitudes are the most 
nearly rainless regions of the earth. Here the 
persistent anticyclonic control consistently 
holds at bay the rainbringing disturbances that 
attempt to encroach from north, south, and 

east. In the steppes that usually surround the 
deserts, the same disturbances are present 
often enough to add appreciably to the total 

Probably most of the tropical desert has an 
annual rainfall below 10 in., and extensive 
areas receive less than 5 in. In parts of the 
Chilean desert no rain may fall for 5 to 10 
years in succession. Over the steppe lands 
10 to 25 in. of rain is more common. 
Actually, averages are of little value in pro- 
viding a correct impression of the year-by-year 
amount or the seasonal distribution of desert 
and steppe rainfall, for it is not only small 
but also undependable in amount, and un- 
certain in its time of occurrence. As an illus- 
tration, no rain fell at Iquique in northern 
Chile during a period of four years; then in 
the fifth year one shower provided 0.6 in., 
which made the average annual rainfall for 
the five-year period 0.12 in. 

In the dry tropics, as in the humid tropics, 
most of the rainfall is of the showery convec- 
tive type which falls from cumulus clouds. It 
is chiefly in the poleward parts of the low- 
latitude dry climates, which lie closest to the 
cyclone tracks of middle latitudes, that wide- 
spread general rains falling from a gray over- 
cast are likely. 

Seasonal distribution In the deserts, 
where total annual rainfall is so meager, it is 
almost useless to speak of a seasonal distribu- 

Climatic Data for Representative Stations in Low-latitude Deserts 

J F M A M J J A S N D Yr Range 

Jacobabad, Pakistan 

Temp. 57 62 75 86 92 98 95 9.2 89 79 68 59 79 41 

Precip. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 1.0 1.1 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 4.0 

William Creek, Australia 

Temp. 83 83 76 67 59 54 52 56 62 70 77 81 68 31 

Precip. 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 5.2 

The dry climates 227 

Climatic Data for a Representative Low-latitude Steppe Station with 
High-sun Rainfall 

F M 


Kayes, Sudan 

Temp. 77 81 89 94 96 91 84 82 82 85 83 77 85 

Precip. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 3.9 8.3 8.3 5.6 1.9 0.3 0.2 29.1 



Climatic Data for a Representative Low-latitude Steppe Station with 
Low-sun Rainfall 

,/ F M A M J J A S O N D Yr Range 

Benghazi, Libya 

Temp. 55 57 63 66 72 75 78 79 78 75 66 59 69 24 

Precip. 3.7 1.8 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 2.1 3.1 12.0 

tion or to distinguish wetter and drier seasons. 
This is less true of the steppe climate, where 
annual rainfall is greater. As a rule, those 
steppes lying on the poleward margins of a 
tropical desert and therefore closest to the 
dry-summer subtropical climate 2 (in northern- 
most Africa, for example) receive their max- 
imum rainfall in winter, or the time of low 
sun, when the cyclonic belt has shifted 
farthest equatorward (Plates 1, 2). By con- 
trast, those steppes situated on the equator- 
ward borders of the tropical desert and there- 
fore adjacent to tropical wet-and-dry climate, 
such as parts of the Sudan, experience most 
of their rainfall in summer, or the time of 
high sun. This is the season when the ITC 
and its disturbances are displaced farthest 
poleward (table, p. 227: compare data for 
Benghazi and Kayes). 

As might be expected cloudiness is meager 
and sunshine abundant in dry climates. In 
the Sonora desert of northwestern Mexico 
and adjacent parts of the United States, about 
75 per cent of the possible sunshine is ex- 

2 Dry-summer subtropical, or Mediterranean, climate will 
be considered in detail in the next chapter. 

perienced in winter and 90 per cent in the 
other seasons. The blinding glare of direct 
and reflected sunlight is a characteristic 


Seasonal temperatures It has been 
pointed out earlier that dry climates as a 
group are characterized by large seasonal and 
diurnal extremes of temperature. In the low- 
latitude dry climates specifically, scorching, 
dessicating heat prevails during the period of 
high sun. Average hot-month temperatures are 
usually between 85 and 90, and those of the 
winter season between 50 and 60 (Fig. 12.2). 
Thus an annual range of 25 to 30 or even 
more is to be expected. Such relatively large 
seasonal differences are not to be found in 
any other tropical climates. They reflect the 
greater seasonal extremes of solar energy 
here, as well as the clear skies, low humidity, 
and sparseness of vegetation. 

Daily temperatures The temperature 
difference between day and night (diurnal 
range) may equal or even exceed that between 
winter and summer. Midday readings of 100 



TYPE L ow Latitude Desert (BWh) 


PLACE Aswan, Egypt 

























Preci pita 




Not a p prec 
mi i i 




FIG. 12.2 Average monthly temperatures for 
a low-latitude desert station with an interior 
location. Note the relatively large annual range for 
the tropics. 

to 110 are common in summer, and over 
130 has been recorded (Fig. 12.3). At Yuma, 
Arizona, the daily maximum exceeded 100 
on 80 consecutive days in one summer, except 
for 1 day. On summer nights the temperature 
may drop to 75 or 80, a welcome relief 
after the parching daytime heat, but still rela- 
tively warm. 

During winter midday temperatures are 
pleasantly warm, averaging 65 to 75, while 
nights are distinctly chilly, the minimum 
temperatures dropping to 45 to 55. Occa- 
sionally, light frosts are experienced in the 
tropical deserts. Thus, diurnal ranges of 25 
to 35 are characteristic. 

Daily weather Weather in the tropical 
dry climates is dominated by a diurnal regu- 
larity, which bespeaks solar control (Fig. 
12.3). For any locality one day is markedly 
like another, with temperature rising to about 
the same level during the period of afternoon 

FIG. 12.3 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest 
and coolest months at a station with low-latitude desert climate (BWh). The 
station, at Yuma, Arizona, is located in the subtropics rather than in the real 
tropics, so that while diurnal sun control is dominant, there is some 
evidence of nonperiodic cyclonic, or air-mass, control also. 


Day 5 





The dry climates 229 

heat and falling to nearly the same minimum 
at night. Some nonperiodic variety in weather 
is added in the more marginal parts, where 
disturbances bring spells of showery or rainy 
weather on the low-latitude frontier in sum- 
mer and the poleward frontier in winter. The 
poleward margins likewise experience some 
nondiurnal temperature variations derived 
from passing middle-latitude fronts accom- 
panied by invasions of polar air. 


The previously mentioned extension of 
drought conditions to tropical west coasts 
produces an unusual subtype of desert along 
several tropical coasts paralleled by cool 
ocean currents a desert with cool marine dry 
climate (Bn). 3 The locations of these deserts 
are shown on Fig. 12.4. The normal features 
of low-latitude dry climates hot summers, 
large annual and daily temperature ranges, 
low humidity, and meager cloudiness are 
strikingly modified in these locations. 

Temperature Along these cool- water 
desert coasts average summer-month temper- 
atures are 10 to 20 below those of interior 
locations. For example, the hottest month at 
Callao on the Peruvian coast has an average 
temperature of only 71 (as does July at 
Madison, Wisconsin); Port Nolloth in south- 
western Africa has 60 (as does July at 
Archangel, U.S.S.R.). The result is daily and 
annual temperature ranges which are only a 
third to a half as great as at interior locations. 
Observation of the table of climatic data for 
Lima, Peru (p. 330), and comparison of Figs. 
12.2 and 12.3 with Figs. 12.5 and 12.6 will 
illustrate these contrasts. 

Precipitation and fog Rainfall along 
these cool tropical desert coasts is exceedingly 

3 In the Koppen system n = frequent fog (Ntbet). 

FIG. 12.4 Distribution of coo! marine dry 
climates (Bn) in the tropics. Here fog is prevalent. 
Characteristically this subtype of low-latitude dry 
climates is located along coasts paralleled by cool 
ocean currents. 

low, even lower than in much of the interior 
desert, because of the combined effects of two 
drought makers, (a) the stable eastern end of 
an oceanic subtropical anticyclone, and (b) 
the cool coastal water. For a distance of 
nearly 2,000 miles along the desert coasts of 

FIG. 12.5 Average monthly temperatures for 
a marine desert station located on a tropical west 
coast paralleled by a cool ocean current. 
Temperatures are abnormally low and the annual 
range is very small. Compare with Fig. 12.2. 

TYPE Cbo/ Marine Dry C/imate (Bn) 















. - 

\ + 




J F M A 

M J 

J A 


N D 



Temp. Day 5 




FIG. 12.6 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a 
low-latitude desert station located on a tropical west coast paralleled by a 
cool ocean current. Note the abnormally low average temperatures and the 
small daily ranges. Compare with Fig. 12.3. 

Peru and northern Chile, annual rainfall is 
held to about 1 in. 

But although precipitation is meager, fog 
and low stratus clouds are abundant, so that 
the persistent sunshine so common to most 
deserts is greatly reduced, especially in winter. 
At Swakopmund in southwestern Africa fog 
is recorded on 150 days of the year. Much of 

the surface fog is attributable to the chilling 
effects of the cool water upon air moving 
landward from the sea. The gray overcast 
aloft is associated with the strong temperature 
inversion produced by subsidence in the anti- 
cyclone. At times a drizzle falls from the 
stratus cloud. 

Climatic Data for a Representative Desert Station on a Cool-water Coast 

J F M A M J J A S O N D Yr Range 

Lima, Peru 

Temp. 71 73 73 70 66 62 61 61 61 62 66 70 66 12 

Precip. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 1.6 



Deserts and steppes in the middle latitudes 
(B Wk and BSk) 4 are usually found in the deep 

4 In the Koppen system k = cold (kalt): average annual 
temperature below 64.4 (18C). 

interiors of the great continents far from the 
oceans, which are the principal sources of the 
atmosphere's water vapor (Fig. 11.2; Plate 2). 
Significantly also, the driest regions usually 
have a basin configuration. Thus the aridity of 
some interior parts of the two great Northern 

The dry climates 231 

Hemisphere continents is intensified by their 
being largely surrounded by highland barriers 
that block the entrance of humid maritime air 
masses. Indeed, where high mountains closely 
parallel a coast, as in western North America, 
arid climates approach relatively close to the 
sea. The winter thermal anticyclone likewise 
acts to reduce the precipitation of the colder 

Although tropical dry climates character- 
istically extend down to the ocean margins 
on the leeward (western) side of a continent, 
the leeward side of a continent in the mid- 
dle-latitude westerlies (here the eastern side) 
may be far from dry, as in eastern North 
America and Eurasia, for example. This 
shifting of middle-latitude dry climates inland 
from the east coast is associated with (a) the 
presence along the eastern side of a large con- 
tinent in the westerlies of air masses which 
are humid and not too stable, and (b) rain- 
generating cyclonic storms. Owing to an un- 
usual combination of circumstances, dry 
climates do reach the east coast in Argentine 
Patagonia, but this is the exception. There 
the land mass is so narrow that all of it lies 
in the rain shadow of the Andes, where 
descending currents make for drought con- 


The interior location on large continents 
of most middle-latitude dry climates assures 
their having relatively severe seasonal tem- 
peratures and consequently large annual 
ranges. However, because they have such a 
wide latitudinal spread (15 or 20 in both 
North America and Asia), it is difficult to 
speak of typical temperature conditions, for 
the conditions are very different on their 
equatorward and poleward margins. Yet for 
any given latitude temperatures are severe. 

TYPE Middle Latitude Sieppe (BSk) 

PLACE Laram/e, Wyoming 






FIG. 12.7 Average monthly temperatures and 
precipitation amounts for a representative station 
having a middle-latitude steppe climate. 

Summers are inclined to be warm or even hot, 
and winters are correspondingly cold (Figs. 
12.7, 12.8; table, p. 232). Diurnal ranges 
are large for the same reasons noted previously 
for tropical steppes and deserts (Figs. 12.3, 
12.8). Patagonia in Argentina is again some- 
what the exception. There the narrow land 
mass and the cool waters offshore result in 
temperatures that are more marine than con- 
tinental, so that summers are unusually cool 
and winters relatively mild. 


Probably no parts of middle-latitude deserts 
are so rainless as the most arid tropical des- 
erts, and some precipitation, in all likelihood, 
falls every year. Unlike the dry climates of 
low latitudes, these of middle latitudes receive 
a part of their total precipitation in the form 
of snow, although the amount is small and 


Climatic Data for Representative Stations in Middle-latitude Steppes 





M J J A 







Williston, North Dakota 






53 63 69 67 












2.1 3.2 1.7 1.7 






Quetta, Pakistan (5,500 ft) 






67 74 78 75 












0.3 0.2 0.5 0.6 






Urga, Mongolia (3,800 ft) 






48 58 63 59 












0.3 1.7 2.6 2.1 






the snow cover is of variable duration, de- 
pending chiefly on latitude. 

Again, it is not easy to generalize about 
the seasonal distribution of precipitation. Cer- 
tainly much the larger parts of the middle- 
latitude dry climates, located as they are in 

the deep interior of a large land area, have the 
characteristic continental strong summer max- 
imum and strong winter minimum (Fig. 12.7; 
table, p. 232, data for Williston). However, 
along western subtropical margins where the 
subtropical anticyclone strengthens in sum- 

F 1 G . 12.8 Dally maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest 
and coolest months at a station with middle-latitude steppe climate. Note 
the relatively stronger nonperiodic air-mass control, especially in January. 







The dry climates 233 
Climatic Data for Representative Stations in Middle-latitude Deserts 









0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.6 4.8 


Santa Cruz, Argentina 

59 58 55 48 41 35 35 38 44 49 53 56 47.5 
0.6 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.9 6.1 

Turfan, Smkiang, China (-56 ft) 

13 27 46 66 75 85 90 85 74 56 33 18 56 
No data 

Fallon, Nevada (3,965 ft) 
31 36 41 50 56 65 74 72 61 51 40 32 50.6 



mer, a reversed situation, with a winter 
maximum, may prevail (table, p. 232, data 
for Quetta). 

As in the dry tropics, precipitation amounts 
vary so greatly from year to year in middle- 
latitude dry climates that the average is not 
to be depended upon. This unreliability of 
precipitation is most serious in the semiarid 
steppe lands, which are marginal between 
agricultural and grazing economies. During a 
series of relatively humid years crop yields 
may be bountiful, but drought years with 

associated crop failures and lean incomes are 
bound to follow, so that agriculture is a pre- 
carious occupation (Fig. 12.9). 

The weather element Although sun 
control, with its diurnal regularity of weather, 
remains strong (Fig. 12.8), it is by no means 
as dominant as in the dry tropics. Traveling 
cyclones and anticyclones are fairly numerous, 
and these disturbances induce nonperiodic 
episodes of alternating cold and warmth, rain 
and fair weather. 


Dry climates, as previously stated, are char- 
acteristic of over one-quarter of the earth's 
land surface more land than any other 
climatic group occupies. It is unfortunate that 
such an unproductive climate should be so 
extensively distributed because for the most 
part dry lands are coincident with great blank 
spaces on the world-population map, like 
parts of the wet tropics and nearly all of the 
cold polar and subarctic lands. Indeed, these 
three climates the dry, the cold, and the 
constantly hot offer the greatest obstacles to 

a large-scale redistribution of population on 
the earth. 

Owing to the insufficiency and extreme 
year-to-year variability of the rainfall in dry 
climates, it appears that a large part of the 
earth's land surface is doomed to remain 
relatively unproductive. Recent successes 
attained in artificially producing rainfall 
by cloud-seeding methods and in converting 
sea water into fresh water have created a 
heightened optimism concerning expanded 
utilization of the dry lands. Yet no large- 


FIG. 12.9 Wide fluctuations during a period of 
5 years in the location of the boundary separating 
dry from humid climates in the interior United 
States east of the Rocky Mountains. (From Kendall.) 

scale increase in dry-land agriculture seems 
likely to result from these methods of creat- 
ing new water sources within the near future. 
It would appear, then, that the expansion 
of settlement in lands with dry climates will 
be associated with (a) an increased use of 
irrigation methods and (b) the further devel- 
opment and greater use of drought- resistant 
plants and their cultivation by dry-farming 
methods. But again, it is hard to be optimistic 
about the promise that either of these methods 
holds for opening up extensive areas of dry 
land for future agricultural settlement. 


The niggardly climate is responsible for a 
sparse vegetation cover which has relatively 
low resource value. Some deserts are almost 
barren wastes, practically devoid of plants 
having economic value. Other deserts have a 
thin mantle of widely spaced woody shrubs 
with some short desert bunch grass, but even 
the grazing value of this vegetation is very 
low. Over the desert area of the southwestern 
United States, for instance, more than 75 
acres are required to supply natural forage for 
one steer. In the semiarid regions, short, 
shallow-rooted, widely spaced grasses prevail, 
and this steppe vegetation has a considerably 
higher grazing value than has the desert 
shrub; i.e., it is capable of supporting more 
livestock per unit area. This grass, the great- 
est natural asset of the steppes, forms the 
basis for a grazing industry, but grazing is an 
economy which is able to support only a small 

Soils are of little consequence in deserts 
largely because the deficient rainfall makes it 
impossible to use them for agricultural pur- 
poses. Soils of the tropical steppes appear to 
be inferior to those of the steppes in middle 
latitudes, where the very modest amount of 
leaching and the humus (organic material) 
derived from the root mat of the grasses make 
for dark fertile soils of high resource value. 
Unfortunately this admirable soil resource of 
middle-latitude semiarid lands cannot be 
exploited to anything like its capacity because 
of the precipitation handicap. Thus, although 
the humid margins of some middle-latitude 
steppes have been brought under the plow, it 
appears that the meager and unreliable rain- 
fall will go on tending to keep the larger part 
of the world's steppe lands out of cultivation 
and in natural grasses in the future. It is the 
old story of fruitful soils and prolific climates 
seldom being areally coincident. 






In the tropics, where temperatures are 
constantly high, climates are distinguished on 
the basis of rainfall contrasts and seasons are 
designated as wet or dry. But in the middle 
latitudes temperature becomes coequal with, 
in places even superior to, rainfall as an aid 
in differentiating climates (excepting the mid- 
die-latitude dry climates, of course), and the 
dominant seasons are designated as winter 
and summer. Here the dormant season for 

plant growth is usually the season of low 
temperature, not of drought. Thus it is that 
in the humid middle latitudes there are two 
great groups of climate which are distin- 
guished from each other on the basis of 
temperature: the milder humid mesothermal 
(C) which will be considered in this chapter, 
and the more severe humid micro thermal (D). 
Since winters in mesothermal climates must 
be relatively mild, the three types compris- 



FIG. 13.1 Locations on a hypothetical 
continent of the three mesothermal (C) types of 

ing this group are found only where severe 
and long-continued winter cold is precluded. 
They are, as a consequence, restricted to two 
locations: (a) the equatorward margins of the 
middle-latitude continents where the latitude 


ensures winter mildness, and (b) marine loca- 
tions farther poleward on the windward or 
western side of a continent (Figs. 11.1, 13.1). 
Two of the mesothermal climates, dry-summer 
subtropical and humid subtropical, occupy the 
first of the type locations mentioned above, 
while the third, marine climate, is typically 
found in the second (Fig. 11.2). 

Throughout the discussion of middle- 
latitude climates to follow it should be borne 
in mind that in the middle latitudes the 
changeableness of the weather is a striking 
characteristic. It should be remembered that 
as the natural region of conflict for contrast- 
ing air masses expelled from the tropical and 
polar source regions, the middle latitudes are 
/ones of horizontal air convergence, and that 
as a consequence, cyclonic storms and fronts, 
with their accompanying weather changes, 
are numerous. 



For land areas as a whole it is common for 
summer to have more rainfall than winter, 
even where winter is far from being dry: it is 
a general rule that rainfall follows the sun. 
Consequently, where seasonal rainfall distri- 
bution is reversed, and winter is not only 
wet but summer is also dry, a most unusual 
climatic condition is present. Actually, a 
unique climatic condition is present, for 
dry-summer subtropical, or Mediterranean, 
climate (Cs) 1 has the distinction of being the 
earth's only type of humid climate in which 
the seasons of heat and drought coincide. 

This climate with its bright and sunny 
weather, blue skies, relatively few rainy days, 

1 In the Koppen system s = dry season in summer. 

and mild winters, and its usual association 
with abundant flowers and fruit has quite 
deservedly acquired a glamorous reputation. 
The distinctive features of the type are 
marked, and not easily forgettable, and they 
are duplicated with notable similarity in the 
five regions where this climate occurs, viz., 
the borderlands of the Mediterranean Sea, 
southern California, central Chile, the south- 
western tip of Africa, and parts of southern 


Mediterranean climate characteristically is 
located on the tropical margins of the middle 
latitudes (30 -40) along the western side of 
a continent (Fig. 11.2; Plate 2). Situated thus 
on the poleward slopes of the subtropical 
high, it is intermediate in location between 

the dry subsiding air masses of the sub- 
tropical anticyclone and the rainbringing 
fronts and cyclones of the westerlies. With 
the north-south shifting of wind belts during 
the course of the year, these Mediterranean 
latitudes are joined to the dry tropics at one 
season and to the humid middle latitudes at 
the other season. Tropical constancy there- 
fore characterizes them in summer, middle- 
latitude changeability in winter. Emphatically, 
this Mediterranean, or dry-summer subtrop- 
ical, type is a transitional climate between the 
low-latitude steppe and desert, and the cool, 
humid, marine climate farther poleward. 

In addition the Mediterranean climate, 
confined as it usually is to the western side of a 
continent roughly between latitudes 30 and 
40, in summer feels the especially strong 
subsidence characteristic of the eastern limb 
of an oceanic anticyclone. 

In both central Chile and California, 
mountains terminate the type abruptly on the 
land side. The farthest poleward extent of 
southern Africa and southwestern Australia 
carries them barely to Mediterranean latitudes, 
so that on these continents the dry-summer 
subtropical climate occupies southern and 
southwestern extremities rather than distinctly 
west-coast location. Only in the region of the 
Mediterranean Sea Basin, which is an im- 

Humid mtsothermal climates 237 

portant route of winter cyclones, does this 
type of climate extend far inland; there it 
prevails inland for 2,000 miles or more, this 

most extensive development being responsible 
for the climate's regional name. 

The interior and the eastern margin of a 
continent, where the summer anticyclone is 
relatively weak and where there is a tendency 
toward a monsoon wind system, are not con- 
ducive to the development of Mediterranean 
climate, especially its characteristic seasonal 
rainfall regime. 


Winter temperatures It is for its char- 
acteristically mild, bright winters with their 
pleasant living temperatures that Mediter- 
ranean climate is deservedly famed. People of 
the colder, higher latitudes seek it out for 
comfortable winter living. Absence of severe 
winter cold is to be expected here because of 
both the subtropical location and the prox- 
imity to the sea on the windward western 
side of the continent. Usually the winter 
months have average temperatures between 
45 and 55, with coastal locations somewhat 
milder than those inland (Figs. 13.2, 13.3). 
During midday hours the temperature com- 
monly rises to 60 or even higher; at night 
it may drop to 40 or 45 and at times even 

Climatic Data for Representative Dry-summer Subtropical Stations 

D Yr 


Red Bluff, California (interior) 







75 82 80 73 












0.5 0.0 0.1 0.8 





Santa Monica, California (coast) 







63 66 66 65 












0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 





Perth, Australia (coast) 







57 55 56 58 












6.9 6.5 5.7 3.3 






TYPE Dry Summer Subtropical (Mediterranean) CSa 

IN - PLACE Athens. Greece 


FIG. 13.2 Average monthly temperatures and 
precipitation amounts at an interior station north of 
the equator having a Mediterranean climate with a 
hot summer ( 

reach freezing (Fig. 13.4). Alternating spells 
of cooler and of warmer weather result from 
the advection of air from higher and from 
lower latitudes which is brought by the 
moderately frequent cyclonic storms of winter. 
Frost It is not because of its frequency and 
severity that frost (which was discussed gen- 
erally in Chap. 7) is so much dreaded in 
these regions of sensitive fruit and vegetable 
crops, but rather because of its infrequency. 
It is this infrequency that tempts the farmers 
to take a chance on the frost hazard, with the 
result that on occasion large losses are 
sustained. The growing season is ordinarily 
not quite the whole year, for frosts do oc- 
casionally occur during the 3 winter months; 
but they usually occur on only a few nights, 
and rarely are they severe freezes (Fig. 13.4). 
Never does the thermometer remain below 
freezing during the daytime hours. For ex- 


ample, during a period of 41 years at Los 
Angeles, California, near the Pacific Coast, 
there were 28 in which no killing frost 
occurred and the growing season was 12 
months long, whereas at Sacramento, away 
from the coast, the temperature usually drops 
below 32 on several winter nights each year. 
Such frosts as do occur in the Mediter- 
ranean climate are generally the result of an 
invasion of cool cP air followed by further 
surface night cooling. Especially in Mediter- 
ranean climates, the freezing temperatures are 
confined to a shallow layer of cold surface 
air which tends to collect in low places. Thus 
preparations for frost are not extensive but 
sensitive crops are characteristically planted 
on slopes. Also, oil heaters occasionally 
are lighted in citrus groves in order to pre- 
vent frost damage. 

FIG. 13.3 Average monthly temperatures and 
precipitation amounts at a coastal station south of 
the equator having a Mediterranean climate with a 
cool summer (Csb). 

TYPE Dry Summer Subtropical (Mediterranean) Csb 

IN - PLACE Sant/ago.Chile 


Humid mesothermal climates 239 








FIG. 13.4 Temperature conditions at an interior dry-summer 
subtropical station (Csa). Note the hot summer and the large diurnal range 
of temperature. Solar control is dominant in summer, but irregular, 
nonperiodic air-mass control is conspicuous in winter. 

Summer temperatures On the basis of 
varying intensity of the summer heat as de- 
termined by proximity to the coast and cool 
water, two subdivisions of Mediterranean 
climate are recognized, the hot-summer sub- 
type (Csa) and the cool-summer subtype 
(Csb). 2 Along coasts, particularly those 
bordered by cool ocean currents, average 
summer-month temperatures are low for the 
latitude, usually between 65 and 70 (Fig. 
13.3). Elsewhere summer months are warm 
to hot, commonly 75 to 80 (Fig. 13.2). In 
the cool marine location daytime temperatures 
may reach only into the 70s and the diurnal 
range is small. Night fog and low stratus 
clouds are frequent. By contrast midday 
summer temperatures in the hotter interiors 
commonly reach 85 to 90, sometimes even 

2 On Plate 2 the Koppen designations Csa and Csb are 
used; a = temperature of warmest month above 71.6 
(22 C), and b temperature of wannest month below 71.6. 

100 (Fig. 13.4). The dry summer heat of 
interior stations in California, for instance, 
greatly resembles that of a tropical steppe or 


Amount As a general rule Mediter- 
ranean climate errs on the side of having too 
little rather than too much rainfall. Much of 
the area where this climate prevails just 
escapes being semiarid, and the normal 15 to 
25 in. of annual precipitation in this climate 
justifies its being designated as subhumid 
rather than genuinely humid. It is usually 
bordered by steppe climate along its equator- 
ward margin, so that it is driest along this 
frontier and rainfall amounts increase pole- 
ward. Thus San Diego in southernmost 
California receives only 10 in. of rain; Los 
Angeles, less than 100 miles farther north, 
15 in.; and San Francisco, about 250 miles 


FIG. 13.5 The precipitation of dry-summer 
subtropical climate, concentrated in the cooler 
months, originates chiefly in cyclonic storms. 

still farther north, 20 in. With increasing 
distance from the influence of the subtropical 
anticyclone, rainfall mounts. The general 
deficit in water and the variation in rainfall 
amounts from year to year are reflected in the 
large-scale use of irrigation water. Most of 
the modest rainfall on lowlands originates in 
cyclonic storms or along fronts, disturbances 
which are characteristic features of the 
middle-latitude westerly winds (Fig. 13.5). 

Seasonal distribution To an unusual 
degree the year's rainfall is concentrated in 
the cooler half of the year (Figs. 13.2, 13.3). 
Winter characteristically is the rainiest of the 
4 seasons, while summer is desertlike in char- 
acter. Thus at Los Angeles over three-quarters 
of the year's rain comes during the 4 months 
from December to March and only 2 per cent 
from June to September. The rainfall regime, 
therefore, is that of the deserts in summer 
and that of the cyclonic westerlies in winter 
when rain is relatively abundant. 

This seasonal alternation of drought and 
rainfall is, as previously indicated, a conse- 
quence of the north-south migration of the 
planetary winds and rainfall belts following 
the course of the sun. A poleward shifting of 
the sun in summer brings these subtropical 
latitudes along west coasts under the influ- 
ence of the stable eastern margin of a sub- 


tropical anticyclone. Subsiding and diverging 
air, a near absence of atmospheric disturb- 
ance, and cool ocean water along the coast 
all conjoin to produce aridity (Fig. 13.6). In 
winter, by contrast, when the sun and the 
wind and rainfall belts have reached their 
southernmost limits, these same latitudes 
largely escape the effects of the anticyclone, 
and instead are encroached upon by the 
westerlies with their cyclonic storms and 
frontal systems (Fig. 13.5). 

Seasonal weather Although winter is 
the rainy season in dry-summer subtropical 
climate, it is by no means so dismal and 
gloomy as it is farther poleward along the 
coast in the marine climate. More often than 
not these subtropical latitudes lie on the 

FIG. 13.6 The drought of summer in 
dry-summer subtropical climate is the result of 
stable air which originates in the eastern end of a 
subtropical oceanic anticyclone. 




equatorward margins of most of the passing 
cyclonic storms, so that sunshine is abundant 
even in winter, and long-continued periods 
of cloud and rain are not characteristic. 
Nevertheless, since cyclones are most frequent 
in winter, it is to be expected that nonperiodic 
weather changes in both precipitation and 
temperature will be at a maximum during 
that season. The periodic diurnal rise and 
fall of temperature following the daily course 
of the sun is modified by the irregular impor- 
tation by the cyclonically induced winds 
from south and north of alternating spells 
of warmer and cooler weather (Fig. 13.4). 
Short periods of cloudy, rainy weather sepa- 
rate others that are bright and sunny. Even 
in winter, however, it is common for these 
subtropical latitudes to experience 50 to 70 
per cent of the possible sunshine. 

Summer weather is less fickle and change- 
able than that of winter because cyclonic 
control is largely lacking. With the sub- 
tropical anticyclone dominating and sun con- 
trol imposing a diurnal regularity upon the 
weather, one day is much like another and 
clear cloudless skies and bright sunny weather 
are the rule (Fig. 13.4). In interior California, 
for instance, midsummer months have over 
90 per cent of the possible sunshine. 

Snowfall In all Mediterranean regions 
snow is so rare on the lowlands that it is 
something of an event when it does fall. Over 
the lowlands of central and southern Cali- 
fornia, for example, annual snowfall averages 
less than I in., and it is absent along the 
coast from San Luis Obispo southward. On 
adjacent highlands in Mediterranean regions, 
however, a moderate to heavy snow cover 
may be present, and meltwater from it pro- 
vides an invaluable source of irrigation for 
the nearby drier lowlands. 

Humid mesothermal climates 241 



This, the most restricted of all the principal 
climatic types, embracing less than 2 per cent 
of the earth's land surface, is nevertheless 
one of the most unusual and alluring. Its 
abundance of sunshine, fruit, and flowers; its 
mild and relatively bright, sunny winter 
weather offering resort and outdoor-sport 
attractions; and its blue skies and even 
bluer waters create for the Mediterranean 
climate a reputation and renown far out of 
proportion to its small area. The Mediter- 
ranean realm is attractive as a winter play- 
ground for peoples from more severe climates 
especially, for here snow, ice, and frigid tem- 
peratures are left behind, and much out-of- 
doors living can be enjoyed throughout even 
the coolest months. The proximity of the sea 
is a further, year-round attraction. Certainly, 
in providing amenities conducive to pleasant 
living, climate looms large among the realm's 

In the dry-summer subtropical climate is 
found a unique combination of elements, some 
of which make for high agricultural productive 
capacity, and some of which have the opposite 
effect. Particularly the temperature elements 
long, warm-to-hot summers with abundant 
sunshine; mild, bright winters; and an almost- 
year-round frost-free season underlie the 
high agricultural potentialities of this climate. 
The Mediterranean realm and the humid 
subtropical realm, which will be studied 
next, approach the bountiful temperature 
regime of the tropics more nearly than any 
other part of the middle latitudes. This close 
approach to tropical temperature conditions, 



combined with their lying within the middle 
latitudes and profiting by proximity to the 
markets of these latitudes, gives to these two 
realms a considerable part of their distinctive 
character. In them is permitted the develop- 
ment of certain heat-loving or frost-sensitive 
crops, some of a luxury type citrus, figs, 
viniferous grapes, rice, sugar cane, cotton 
which can be grown in few other parts of the 
middle latitudes. The subtropical climates 
likewise allow the production of out-of-season 
vegetables and flowers for the markets of 
regions farther poleward, where a season of 
severe cold imposes a long dormant period. 
The possibility, within the Mediterranean 
realm specifically, of utilizing the middle- 
latitude winter as an active growing season 
offers unusual agricultural opportunities. 

On the other hand, (a) the relatively meager 
total precipitation and (b) the long summer 
drought place definite climatic limitations 
upon production within the Mediterranean 
realm. This total water deficiency and its 
heightening in the warm months make 
summer, in spite of its abundant heat, a 
naturally dormant season. The relatively 
meager total precipitation and the arid 
summers also tend to place limitations upon 
the kinds of crops grown, causing emphasis 
on drought-resistant perennials, such as the 
olive and the vine, and on those annuals 
which mature quickly, such as barley and 
wheat. The large-scale development of irriga- 
tion within the Mediterranean realm is evi- 

dence of the people's attempt to overcome 
the handicap of the dormant summer and 
provide a year-round growth for crops, and 
to take away the limitations on kinds of crops. 

It is fortunate, since there is a season of 
drought, that it occurs in summer, i.e., that 
the usual 15 to 25 in. of rain is concentrated 
in the cooler months of the year when evapo- 
ration is at a minimum. If the same modest 
amount fell during the hot summer, when 
evaporation is excessive, much less of it 
would be effective for plant growth and the 
climate would be semiarid. 

The modest precipitation and the summer 
drought produce a vegetation cover char- 
acterized by woody shrubs and widely spaced, 
stunted trees; in some Mediterranean regions 
scattered patches of desert bunch grass are 
also present. This plant cover is of some 
value for grazing, particularly of sheep and 
goats. But only on the higher hill lands and 
the mountain slopes are the forests of gen- 
uine commercial value, the stunted trees and 
the bushes of the valleys and the lower slopes 
being useful chiefly as checks to erosion. 

Because of the widespread occurrence of 
hill land in this realm, mature residual soils are 
not extensively developed. On the slopes 
soils are inclined to be thin and stony, and 
to a considerable extent they remain uncul- 
tivated. It is the young alluvial soils of the 
valleys which are the attractive sites for 
cultivation. . 



Humid subtropical climate (Ca), 3 the other 
subtropical climate in the mesothermal 

3 In the Koppen system a = temperature of the warmest 
month over 71. 6 (22C). 

group, differs from dry-summer subtropical 
climate in three principal ways: (a) it is char- 
acteristically located on the eastern rather 
than on the western side of a continent, (b) it 

has more total precipitation, and (c) its pre- 
cipitation is concentrated in the warmer 
months, although in most areas winter is by 
no means dry. 


As previously stated, the two subtropical 
climates are similar in latitudinal location, 
both lying on the tropical margins of the 
middle latitudes roughly between 30 and 
40, a fact which in itself would make for 
climatic likeness (Fig. 13.1; Plate 2). It is the 
dissimilar location of the humid subtropical 
climate on the eastern side of a land mass 
(Fig. 11.2) which fosters climatic difference. 
Thus the subtropical east-side location favors 
more rainfall than occurs on the subtropical 
west coast, for the east side of a continent in 
these latitudes feels the effects of the weaker 
western end of a subtropical oceanic anticy- 
clone, where the air varies from being mildly 
stable to actually unstable. In addition, along 
the subtropical eastern side of a large conti- 
nent, where the anticyclone is relatively weak, 
there is a tendency for humid, onshore mon- 
soon winds to prevail in summer. The associ- 
ated advection of tropical heat and humidity 
in turn favors summer precipitation. 

These subtropical east coasts are paralleled 
by warm ocean currents originating in tropi- 
cal latitudes, whose general effect is to stimu- 
late the rain-making processes. This contrasts 
with the cool currents and their stabilizing 
effects along west coasts. 

Although both subtropical types of climate 
lie on the tropical margins of the middle 
latitudes, they are flanked by quite unlike cli- 
mates to north and south. Thus, while the 
dry-summer subtropical characteristically 
passes over into dry climate on its equator- 
ward side, humid subtropical is bounded by 
tropical humid climates on that frontier. Sim- 

Humid mesothermal climates 243 

ilarly, dry-summer subtropical usually merges 
into mild, rainy marine climate on its pole- 
ward side, while, in Asia and North America 
at least, humid subtropical makes contact 
with severe continental climate on the north. 


Summer temperatures In many of its 
temperature characteristics humid subtropical 
climate resembles its west-side counterpart. 
Both are mild climates, lacking long and 
severe winter cold, and characterized by a 
long growing season without killing frost. 
Still there are significant contrasts. 

Completely lacking in the humid sub- 
tropics are the cool-summer coastal climates 
which are so characteristic of the subtropical 
west sides where cool ocean currents prevail. 
Along the subtropical east sides, coast as well 
as interior, the summer heat is like that of the 
humid tropics, with the average temperature 
of the warmest month reaching 75 to 80 
(Fig. 13.7). This rather resembles the situa- 
tion at inland stations in Mediterranean cli- 
mates. But there is a difference, for in the 
humid subtropics the air is so moist that the 
heat is sultry and oppressive, while dry 
desertlike heat is more the rule in warm 
Mediterranean climates. Because of the 
humid atmosphere with more cloud, night 
cooling is usually less marked in the humid 
subtropics, so that the diurnal range of tem- 
perature is somewhat less than at interior 
locations in its west-side counterpart (com- 
pare Figs. 13.4 and 13.8). 

Winter temperatures In these subtrop- 
ical latitudes winters must be mild, but there 
are important regional variations (Fig. 13.7). 
Thus in subtropical eastern Asia the large- 
ness of the continent causes average January 
temperatures of 40 and even lower, while in 
Argentina and Australia the coldest month 



TYPE Humid Subtropical (Caf) 

IN - PLACE Tokyo, Japan 


. . 

J J A S N D 

FIG. 13.7 Compare with Fig. 13.2. Seasonal 
rainfall distribution contrasts strikingly in the two 
subtropical types. 

may be 10 warmer. The annual range of 
temperature is only moderate, but again it 
varies from region to region: only 23 at 
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 32 at Montgomery, 
Alabama, and over 40 at Shanghai, China. 
The larger the land mass, the colder the 
winters and the larger the annual ranges. 

Midday temperatures in winter are likely 
to be pleasantly warm (50 to 60) and on 
many more than half the winter nights the 
thermometer remains above freezing (Fig. 
13.8). But the passage of cyclonic storms 
with their accompanying southerly and 
northerly winds results in irregular spells of 
warmer and colder weather, the latter often 
very uncomfortable because of the inefficient 
heating systems characteristic of many homes. 

Frost It is to be expected that the grow- 
ing season, or the period between killing 
frosts, will be long, usually from 7 or 8 

FIG. 13.8 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest 
and coolest months at a humid subtropical station. Note the strong periodic 
(solar) control in summer. By contrast, winter shows stronger nonperiodic 
(air-mass) control. 

Humid mesothermal climates 245 

Climatic Data for Representative Humid Subtropical Stations 

./ F M A M J J A S O N D Yr Range 

Charleston, South Carolina 






73 79 82 81 












3.3 5.1 6.2 6.5 







Shanghai, China 






66 73 80 80 












3.3 6.6 7.4 4.7 






Rosario, Argentina 






56 49 51 52 












1.8 1.5 1.0 1.5 






months up to the entire year. In the Asiatic 
and North American humid subtropics, which 
are bordered on the north by harsh conti- 
nental climates, winters are more severe and 
killing frosts much more frequent than in 
their Southern Hemisphere counterparts 
where broad continents are lacking to pole- 
ward. In the southeastern United States pro- 
tective east-west highland barriers are lack- 
ing, so that strong thrusts of cold northerly 
air sweep unhindered from the Arctic to the 
Gulf of Mexico, resulting in occasional spells 
of severe cold. Temperatures as low as 10 
have been recorded along the ocean margins 
of all of the northern Gulf states (Fig. 13.9). 


Amount The total annual rainfall is 
more abundant (30 to 60 in.) in the humid 
subtropics than in the dry-summer subtropics. 
This contrast is to be expected, given the fact 
that the subtropical east side is affected by 
the weaker western part of a subtropical anti- 
cyclone and a warm ocean current parallels 
the coast, while cold water and the stable 
east side of a high-pressure cell dominate the 
subtropical west side. 

To be sure, there are variations in rainfall 
amounts within the humid subtropics. As a 
rule rainfall decreases inland, so that the 

driest parts are usually along the western 
margins where humid subtropical climate 
makes contact with steppe climate (Fig. 11.2). 
Nature and origin Much of the summer 
precipitation is of the local showery type as- 
sociated with convective overturning and fall- 
ing from cumulus clouds. Strong heating of 
the invading maritime air over the warm land 
surface operates to make the air unstable and 

FIG. 13.9 Weather controls giving rise to a 
spell of severe subfreezing night temperatures in 
the American humid subtropics. A cold anticyclone 
advancing southward from arctic Canada as a 
mass of cold c/*air produced a minimum 
temperature of 20 at New Orleans and 8 at 
Memphis. The isotherm of 20 approximately 
coincides with the south Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. 



buoyant, so that it is ripe for precipitation. 
Thunderstorms are numerous, the south 
Atlantic and Gulf margins of the United 
States having an unusually large number. 
However, most of the showery rain appears 
to occur in conjunction with extensive, though 
weak, atmospheric disturbances. As a result 
the showers and thunderstorms are organized 
in character, occurring in belts or areas, and 
the shower areas move with the disturbance 
that generates them. Random convective 
showers are less common, and in spite of the 
prevailing heat all days are not showery. 

Winter precipitation, by contrast, is more 
general and widespread in character, and 
convective showers are infrequent. In this 
season the land surface, being colder than 
any maritime tropical air moving landward, 
chills this air at its base and makes it stable 
and nonbuoyant. It is not inclined to rise un- 

F I G . 1 3 . 1 A common weather type of the 
summer season in the humid subtropics of Asia. 
Weak cyclonic storms are responsible for a consid- 
erable part of the summer precipitation. The area 
of precipitation has a stippled shading. (From 

Japanese weather map.) 


less forced upward by terrain barriers or by 
colder, denser air along a front. Most of the 
winter precipitation occurs in association 
with well-developed cyclonic storms and falls 
from a dull, gray, uniform cloud deck. Snow 
occurs now and then when a vigorous winter 
cyclone takes a course which carries it well 
equatorward, but it rarely stays on the ground 
for more than a few days. 

Seasonal distribution Over most of the 
humid subtropics precipitation occurs 
throughout the year and there is no season of 
genuine drought, in contrast to the situation 
in the dry-summer subtropics along the west 
side of a continent (Fig. 13.7). As a rule 
more rain falls in the warmer parts of the 
year when the air contains the most moisture 
and the warm land increases the instability of 
the surface air. Yet winter is far from being a 
dry season in most areas. It is chiefly in parts 
of the humid subtropics of Asia, where the 
dry winter monsoon is best developed, that 
winter may be a genuinely dry season. 

Seasonal weather Irregular, non- 
periodic weather changes are usually less 
marked in the humid subtropics than they 
are farther poleward, where the conflict be- 
tween air masses is more marked and cyclonic 
storms more numerous. In summer when the 
storm belt is farthest poleward, irregular 
weather changes are at a minimum (Fig. 13.8). 
The sun largely controls the weather and so 
a diurnal regularity of temperature is a char- 
acteristic feature; humid, sultry days are the 
rule. Frequent spells of showery weather ac- 
companying weak disturbances alternate with 
short periods of several days in which no 
rain falls (Fig. 13.10). To an unusual degree 
the weather resembles that of the wet tropics. 

Late summer and fall are the dreaded hur- 
ricane season, and, although these storms are 

not numerous, their severity more than makes 
up for their infrequency. Sunny autumn days 
furnish delightful weather, although the 
equatorward-advancing cyclonic belt pro- 
duces a gradually increasing number of gray, 
cloudy days and begins to import unseason- 
able temperatures as winter approaches. 

In winter the belt of cyclonic storms is 
farthest equatorward, so that irregular weather 
changes are more frequent and extreme. The 
arrival of tropical air masses may push the 
day temperatures to well above 60 or even 
70, only to be followed by northerly winds 
of polar origin which may reduce the tem- 
perature as much as 30 within 24 hr, result- 
ing occasionally in severe freezes. Bright, 
sunny winter days are distinctly pleasant and 
exhilarating out of doors. Spring again sees 
the retreat of the cyclonic belt and the grad- 
ual reestablishment of regular, diurnal sun 
control (Fig. 13.8). 


Without doubt the humid subtropical is 
the most productive climate of the middle 
latitudes. Temperature and rainfall here 
combine to produce the closest approach to 
humid tropical conditions outside the low 
latitudes. The bountiful temperature regime 
of the Mediterranean realm, which was dis- 
cussed earlier in this chapter, is, as indicated 
then, closely duplicated in this other sub- 
tropical climate. But the more abundant pre- 
cipitation of the humid subtropics, in con- 
junction with the lack of a genuinely dry 
season, makes this realm potentially more 
productive climatically than its subhumid 
counterpart. To be sure, its sultry tropical 

Humid mesothermal climates 247 

summers are far from being ideal for human 
comfort, but they are nonetheless excellent 
for a luxuriant plant growth. 

The abundant climatic energy, expressed 
in rainfall as well as temperature, induces an 
equally abundant vegetation, usually of 
forests, although in regions of more modest 
precipitation grasses may replace trees. 
Grasses are particularly prevalent in the 
westernmost parts of the American humid 
subtropics, in the Argentine Pampa, and in 
parts of Uruguay. The character of the forests 
varies so greatly among the humid subtropical 
regions that generalizations are difficult to 
make. Trees grow more rapidly in the humid 
subtropics than they do in other climates of 
the middle latitudes, so that natural or arti- 
ficial reforestation is a quicker process than it 
is farther poleward. 

The mature forest soils of the humid sub- 
tropics are characteristically of low fertility, 
which tends to offset seriously the effects of 
the realm's climate; and it seems like a geo- 
graphic imperfection of first magnitude that 
the most productive climate of the middle 
latitudes should be associated with such in- 
fertile mature soils. The soil inferiority is not 
surprising, however, considering the high 
leaching power of the climate and the low 
humus-producing character of the forest veg- 
etation. The red and yellow soils of the 
humid subtropics generally resemble those of 
the wet tropics, although the humid subtropical 
soils are not so completely leached. Under 
cultivation they deteriorate rapidly. 

Where grasses replace forests, as they do 
in the subhumid portions of the subtropics, 
the soils are darker in color and much more 
productive. The lower rainfall results in less 
leaching, and the grasses provide a greater 
abundance of organic matter. 





Unlike the other two mesothermal climates, 
the marine, or maritime, type (Cb) 4 owes its 
mildness not to subtropical location but to its 
position on the windward, or western, side of 
a continent in the westerly winds (Fig. 13.1). It 
has a position which is poleward of the two 
subtropical types, extending from about 40 to 
60 or even beyond and thus actually reach- 
ing relatively high latitudes. But even these 
latitudes can be temperate where winds from 
the sea rather consistently carry onshore the 
generally mild oceanic conditions and add to 
them the effects of the warm ocean currents 
which characteristically parallel the western 
margins of middle-latitude continents. An ex- 
tensive development of this marine type on 
the eastern, or leeward, side of a large con- 
tinent in middle latitudes is, of course, im- 
possible. Even Japan, an island group, is 

4 In the Koppen system b = temperature of warmest 
month below 7 1.6 (22 C). 

continental rather than marine in its temper- 
ature characteristics. 

Where mountains closely parallel west 
coasts, as in western North America, Scandi- 
navia, and South America, the marine climate 
does not extend far inland. But where exten- 
sive lowlands prevail, as in western Europe, 
the oceanic effects penetrate much deeper 
(Plate 2). 

On its equatorward margins marine climate 
normally makes contact with the dry-summer 
subtropical type. On its poleward side it 
passes over into the subarctic or the tundra 
type (Fig. 11.2, Plate 2). 


Since during much the larger part of the 
year marine climate has its temperatures 
brought to it from the ocean by the westerly 
winds, it is not surprising to find that large 
seasonal extremes of temperature are absent 
(Fig. 13.11). Summers are likely to be rela- 

Climatic Data for Representative Marine Stations 





M J J A 






Valentia, Ireland 






52 57 59 59 












3.2 3.2 3.8 4.8 4.1 





Seattle, Washington 






55 60 64 64 












1.8 1.3 0.6 0.7 






Paris, France 






56 62 66 64 












2.1 2.3 2.2 2.2 






Hokitika, New Zealand 






50 47 45 46 












9.8 9.7 9.0 9.4 






Humid mesothermal climates 249 

lively cool and winters mild, considering the 
latitude, and the annual range is small. 

Summer temperatures In having a 
cool summer the marine climate resembles the 
oceanic littorals of the Mediterranean realm, 
but is quite in contrast to most parts of the 
two subtropical climates with their greater 
summer heat. Average summer-month tem- 
peratures of about 60 to 65 are 5 or 10 
lower than are those of the continental inter- 
ior in similar latitudes. Only occasionally are 
midday temperatures uncomfortably warm 
(Fig. 13.12). 

Winter temperatures Winter isotherms 
show a strong tendency to parallel the coast 
line, with temperatures decreasing inland from 
the sea evidence that the land-water control 
is stronger than latitude especially in winter. 
Thus, compared with stations at the same 
latitudes but in the interior of the continent, 
the winter mildness is much more striking 
than the summer coolness (Fig. 13.12). For 
example, while Seattle is only 5 cooler than 
Montreal in July, it is 27 warmer in January. 

Frost Freezing temperatures are more fre- 
quent and more severe than in the dry-summer 

TYPE Marine (Cb) 

IN - PLACE Dub/in. Ire/and 



FIG. 13.11 Temperature and rainfall char- 
acteristics of a lowland marine station in western 
Europe. Note the small range of temperature 
and the modest amount of precipitation well 
distributed throughout the year. 

subtropical climate farther south (Fig 13.12). 
Still, the growing season is long considering 
the latitude, 6 to 8 months being character- 

F I G . 13.12 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest 
and coldest months at a marine station on the Pacific Coast of Canada. Note 
the small diurnal range, especially in winter when skies are prevailingly cloudy. 





istic of the American North Pacific Coast 
region. At Paris, France, frost normally occurs 
only on about half the nights during the 3 
winter months. However, winter usually is 
severe enough to produce a dormant season 
for plant life. During occasional cold spells 
the temperatures may remain constantly be- 
low freezing for several days in succession. 
Such cold spells occur when there is a west- 
ward and southward thrust of polar continen- 
tal air from the interior of the continent (Fig. 

While irregular temperature variations are 
by no means as striking in these marine 
climates as they are in the continental inte- 
riors, still the passage of cyclones and anti- 
cyclones, with the resulting changes in wind 
direction, is bound to cause some degree of 
weather variability (Fig. 13.12). 

FIG. 13.13 Weather controls favoring unsea- 
sonably low winter temperatures in western Europe. 
A cold anticyclone to the north and east is deliver- 
ing cold cP air to the regions west and south of 

its Center. (From Kcndrew.) 


Annual amount Marine climates are 
humid, and there is usually adequate precipi- 
tation in all seasons (Fig. 13.11). However, 
depending upon the amount of relief, the 
total varies greatly from region to region. 
Where lowlands prevail, as they do in western 
Europe, rainfall is only moderate, usually 25 
to 35 in. per year, but the humid marine 
climate extends well inland; where highlands 
are present, as in Chile and western North 
America, there may be heavy precipitation on 
the windward slopes, but eastward from the 
mountains dry climates prevail. 

Snow Snow is more common than in the 
subtropical climates of the humid mesother- 
mal group, but on lowlands it ordinarily lies 
on the ground for only 10 to 15 days during 
the year. On highlands, however, snowfall is 
heavy, and a deep snow cover persists for 
several months. Such mountain snowfields 
have in the past created numerous valley 
glaciers, the erosion effects of which have been 
responsible for the characteristically irregular 
fiorded coasts of Norway, southern Chile, and 
British Columbia. 

Annual distribution Sufficient precipi- 
tation at all seasons and no marked period of 
drought are typical of the marine climate 
(Fig. 13.11). Normally there is no dormant 
season imposed upon vegetation because of 
rainfall deficiency. Both in the most definitely 
marine locations and in those parts lying 
closest to the dry-summer type, winters com- 
monly are rainier than summers, although 
a summer month is really dry only in a few 

Origin Over lowlands, where oro- 
graphic effects are absent, the precipitation 
is chiefly frontal, or cyclonic, in origin. Much 
of it falls as long-continued steady but light 
rain from a gray, leaden overcast (Fig. 13.14). 

Humid mesotkermal climates 251 

Because of the general lack of high tempera- 
tures, thunderstorms are few, but showery rain 
is nevertheless fairly common in the fresh 
westerly maritime air following the passage of 
a cyclonic center. 

As previously stated, the total precipitation 
on lowlands is only modest or moderate in 
amount; but the number of days on which rain 
falls is unusually high. This can only mean 
that the precipitation is usually light or mod- 
erate in its rate of fall. Thus, while Paris 
receives only about 23 in. of precipitation a 
year, this amount is spread over 188 rainy 

As might be expected, the amount of cloud 
is great, the marine climate being one of the 
earth's most cloudy types. Dark, gloomy, 
overcast weather is very common. Over ex- 
tensive areas in western Europe cloudiness is 
greater than 70 per cent, the sun sometimes 
remaining hidden for several weeks in succes- 
sion, especially in winter and fall. 

The weather element Since numerous 
cyclonic storms, each with its accompanying 
converging system of winds and its cloud 
deck, cross these marine west-coast areas, 
nonperiodic weather changes are a dominant 
feature of the climate (Fig. 13.12). Fall and 
winter, in spite of mild temperatures, are 
stormy seasons, so that periods of gloomy, 
dripping cyclonic weather are frequent (Fig. 
13.13). Spells of bright, sunny anticyclonic 
weather associated with cP air masses are the 
exception, but when they do occur this cli- 
mate is likely to experience its most severe 

As spring advances, cyclones become fewer 
and sunshine more abundant. The air is still 
cool, but the sun is strong; thus in western 
Europe, for example, late spring is acclaimed 
the most delightful season. Summer tempera- 
tures make for a sense of physical well-being, 

F I G . 1 3 . 1 4 A strongly occluded storm in 
western Europe, producing light but steady and 
widespread rainfall, a low cloud ceiling, and low 
visibility. Most of the cyclones which affect west 
coasts in middle latitudes are in an advanced stage 
of occlusion. Such storms, while they produce 
much cloud, yield only a modest amount of 
precipitation over lowlands. 

and where sunny days are numerous, as in 
the American Pacific Northwest, a more 
pleasant summer climate would be hard to 
find. When cloudy, rainy days do occur in 
summer, they may be unpleasantly chilly. 


Two of the most significant climatic ele- 
ments affecting the potential productivity of 
the marine realm are (a) its unusually long 
frost-free season, considering its latitude, and 
(b) its relatively mild winters. To be sure, there 
is a marked dormant season imposed by kill- 
ing frosts, so that the growth of sensitive and 
of out-of-season crops characteristic of both 



the dry-summer subtropics and the humid 
subtropics is excluded from this realm. Never- 
theless, the frost-free period of 6 to 8 months 
and the relatively mild winters permit many 
cereal crops to be sown in fall, and animals 
can graze out of doors nearly 1 2 months, if 
not the entire year. Large-scale storage of 
animal feeds for winter use is therefore much 
less necessary than in the more severe con- 
tinental climates. 

Somewhat offsetting the advantages of the 
mild winters and the long frost-free season in 
marine climate is the deficiency of summer 
heat. Just as the winters are marine, so also 
are the summers. Thus, while warm-month 
temperatures of 60 to 65 are ideal for human 
comfort, and may represent the optimum con- 
ditions for physical activity as well, they are 
not ideal for many crops; for instance, they 
may be too low for the best growth of some 
grain crops, especially maize. On the other 
hand, grass finds almost ideal conditions here, 
so that pastures are usually excellent and hay 
and forage crops thrive. 

The adequate amount of rainfall and the 
fact that there is no season of marked drought 
are climatic assets of the first magnitude for 
crop growth generally. Another asset is the 
dependability of the precipitation year in and 
year out which is reflected in high uniformity 
of crop yields. 

In these mild, humid, west-coast regions 
the original vegetation cover was chiefly forest, 

and because of the hilly and mountainous 
nature of large parts of the realm, trees still 
cover extensive areas. In the North American 
marine region, for instance, is the earth's 
finest coniferous (needle-leaf) forest, the 
world's principal source of high-grade soft- 
wood lumber. In Europe the original forest 
was composed largely of broadleaf deciduous 
trees, with oaks predominating. Conifers 
occupied chiefly the highland and sandy areas. 
Here, however, centuries of occupance by 
civilized peoples have resulted in a removal 
of the forest cover from the plains, and even 
that of the highlands has been greatly modi- 
fied. Forests of the Southern Hemisphere 
marine regions are moderately dense and 
luxuriant, but they are composed of species 
most of which produce inferior lumber. 

The podzolic forest soils which are rather 
characteristic of lowlands with this type of 
climate are the best of the world's forest soils. 
They are by no means the equal of the dark- 
colored grassland soils, for they have been 
moderately leached and the supply of organic 
matter from the forest cover is not abundant. 
On the other hand, they are distinctly better 
than the red and yellow soils of the wet trop- 
ics and subtropics. Under constant cultivation 
they deteriorate, to be sure, but less rapidly 
than the other light-colored soils, and with 
less care and attention they can be kept in 
good condition and fitted for a variety of 




polar, and 





The humid microthermal climates (D) stand 
in contrast to the humid mesothermals by 
reason of having (a) a colder winter, (b) a 
longer-lasting snow cover, (c) a shorter frost- 

free season, and (d) a greater annual range of 
temperature. In other words, the microther- 
mals are more severe than the temperate 
mesothermals. This greater severity results 
primarily from locational differences in both 




latitude and position on the continents, that 
is, from the facts that the humid microthermal 
climates lie poleward from the subtropical 
types and occupy more interior and leeward 
locations on the great land masses than the 
marine climate (Fig. 11.1; Plate 2). 

These specific locational differences suggest 
the basic locational facts about the micro- 
thermal climates, that they are land-controlled 
and can develop only in large continents in 
the higher middle latitudes, and thus are 
confined exclusively to the Northern Hemi- 
sphere, only Eurasia and North America being 
able to produce them. Of the Southern Hem- 
isphere continents, South America alone 
extends poleward far enough to permit the 
development of severe climates; but the nar- 
rowness of that land mass south of latitudes 
35 -40 prevents genuinely extreme seasonal 
conditions in spite of the latitude. 

Microthermal climates are excluded from 
the western, or windward, side of the two 
Northern Hemisphere continents because of 
the dominance there of maritime air masses. 
They occupy, instead, the interiors of these 
continents and extend down to tidewater on 
their leeward or eastern sides where, in spite 
of proximity to the sea, modified continental 
conditions prevail. 

Unlike the mesothermal climates, those of 
the microthermal group have temperature 
regimes which differ substantially from one 
another largely in the degree of summer heat 
and winter cold. Here, moreover, there are no 
strongly contrasting seasonal rainfall regimes. 
Therefore, the general aspects of microthermal 
climates as a group will be discussed before 
the individual types of climate are analyzed. 


Because they extend through a wide range 
of latitude, there are marked temperature 

contrasts within the regions classed as humid 
microthermal. However, these climates are 
sure to have relatively severe seasons for any 
particular latitude, so that annual ranges are 
large. The winter cold is more characteristic 
and distinctive than the summer heat, but 
summers are warm for the latitude. Further- 
more, the seasons are not only extreme but 
also variable in temperature from one year to 
another. In marine climate one year's winter 
is likely to be much like another's, but wide 
departures from the normal seasonal tempera- 
ture are characteristic of severe continental 

Effects of a snow cover on tempera- 
ture In the microthermal, polar, and high- 
land climates and, indeed, only in these 
climates the snow cover is of sufficiently 
long duration to have a marked effect upon 
winter temperature. In these climates once a 
region is overlain by such a lasting white 
snow mantle, the ground itself underneath 
the snow cover has little influence upon air 
temperature: sunlight falling upon the snow 
is largely reflected back to space continually, 
so that little of the solar energy is effective 
in heating the ground and then the atmos- 
phere. Moreover, while loss of energy by 
earth radiation goes on very rapidly from the 
top of a snow surface, the low conductivity 
of snow tends, as long as the snow lasts, to 
retard the flow of heat upward from the 
ground to replace that which is lost. Clearly, 
then, the total effect of a lasting snow cover 
is markedly to reduce winter temperatures. 
On the other hand, the snow cover operates 
to keep the soil underneath the snow warm 
and prevents deep freezing. 


Annual precipitation in most lowland re- 
gions of microthermal climate errs on the side 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 255 

of being too meager rather than too great. 
Well over half the area of such regions has 
under 20 in., and the area with more than 
40 or 45 in. is very limited. Considering both 
the latitudinal and geographical locations of 
microthermal climate, this modest amount of 
precipitation is to be expected. Characteris- 
tically the amount declines (a) from the sea 
margins toward the interior, and (b) north- 
ward with the decline in temperature and 
specific humidity. 

Although winter is not without precipita- 
tion, summer is normally a season of a strong 
precipitation maximum in microthermal cli- 
mates, and this concentration of much of the 
year's precipitation in the warmer months is 
as distinct a hallmark of continental climates 
as their severe winters and large annual ranges 
of temperature. 

This seasonal distribution is related to the 
following conditions: (a) Low temperatures 
make the specific humidity, or reservoir of 
water vapor in the atmosphere, markedly 
lower over the continent during the winter 
than it is in summer when temperatures are 
much higher, (b) During winter the settling 
air in the continental seasonal anticyclone is 
also conducive to low specific humidity, and 
makes for increased stability of the atmos- 
phere as well, (c) The continental anticyclones, 
which develop over the colder, more northerly 
parts of the land masses in winter, are areas of 
diverging air currents, and thus antagonistic 
to the development of fronts and cyclones. 
This applies particularly to the more severe 
microthermal climates, such as the subarctic, 
where the winter anticyclone is best devel- 
oped. In summer, although cyclones may be 
fewer and weaker, they can, nevertheless, 
penetrate deeper into the continents, (d) 
Convection is at a minimum during the winter 
months, for at that season the cold snow sur- 

face tends to increase the stability of air 
masses. In summer, on the other hand, the 
warm land surface has a tendency to make 
unstable the air masses moving over it. (e) 
Consequent upon the seasonal extremes of 
temperatures and hence of pressure, a tend- 
ency toward a monsoon system of winds is 
developed, which leads to an outflow of dry, 
cold cP air in winter, and to an inflow of trop- 
ical maritime air with high rainfall potentiali- 
ties in summer. 

The occurrence of these conditions making 
for drier winters and wetter summers is a 
fortunate thing, for in severe climates with a 
short frost- free season it is of the highest 
importance for crop agriculture that rainfall 
be concentrated in the warm growing season. 
This is especially true where the total amount 
of precipitation is relatively modest, as it is 
over extensive areas within this group of 
climates. In the tropics, where it is constantly 
hot, it matters not at all when the rain falls, 
and even in the subtropics winter rainfall is 
effective for plant growth. But in the micro- 
thermal climates, where the severe winter 
creates a completely dormant season for 
plants, it is essential that periods of sufficient 
heat and sufficient rainfall to foster growth 


Two principal types of climate are included 
within the microthermal group: (a) the humid 
continental climate, including both warm- 
summer and cool-summer subtypes, and (b) 
the subarctic climate. The first type, an im- 
portant agricultural climate, characteristically 
lies on the equatorward margins of the sub- 
arctic type, which itself occupies such high 
latitudes that agriculture ceases to be of great 





Humid continental climate, as might be 
expected, has interior and lee location in both 
North America and Eurasia, with a latitudi- 
nal spread of 10 to 20 extending from about 
40 on the south to 50 -60 on the north 
(Fig. 11.2; Plate 2). But there are differences 
in location on the two continents. In Eurasia, 
where lack of mountain barriers on the west 
side allows the oceanic air to enter freely, this 
climate is positioned both to the west and to 
the east of the dry interior, while in North 
America it lies only to the east of the dry cli- 
mates. In both eastern Asia and eastern North 
America humid continental climate is bor- 
dered by subarctic climate on the north and 
humid subtropical on the south. But in 
Europe and western Asia it meets Mediter- 
ranean and dry climates on its southern 

It may seem somewhat surprising that this 
land-controlled climate should extend east- 
ward to the ocean margins in both Asia and 
North America, but not if it is remembered 
that the prevailing west-to-east atmospheric 
circulation in these latitudes makes deep and 
persistent entrance of maritime air on the lee, 
or east, side unlikely. 


Seasonal temperature Summers that 
vary from warm in the south to cool on the 
northern frontier, and winter always cold but 
actually varying more in degrees of tempera- 
ture, are characteristic of humid continental 
climate. Depending largely on latitudinal 
location, the average July temperature may 
vary from 75 or even more (in the south) to 
65 (in the north). The January average shows 
a much greater variation: from zero or below 

in the north to 25 or above in the southern 
parts. As a consequence, the annual range of 
temperature is everywhere large, and it in- 
creases both to the north and with distance 
from the sea. At Peoria, Illinois (41N), for 
example, the January and July averages are 
24 and 75, so that there is an annual range 
of about 50. But at Winnipeg, Canada, at 
about 50 N, the comparable figures are 4 
and 66 and the range is 70. Similarly, New 
York City on the Atlantic Coast has a range 
of 42, while Omaha, Nebraska, at a com- 
parable latitude but inland, records 55. 

In correspondence to the varying tempera- 
ture regime, the growing season changes in 
length from south to north, approaching 200 
days on the southern margins and declining 
to about 100 days on the subarctic side. 

Seasonal gradients Summer and winter 
present remarkable contrasts in the rate of 
change in temperature in a north-south di- 
rection (Fig. 14.1). In the cold season the 
isotherms are much more closely spaced than 
in summer, so that in the central and eastern 
United States, for instance, the temperature 
gradient is two to three times as steep in 
January as in July. Thus sudden and marked 
temperature changes associated with shifts in 
wind direction are much more likely in winter 
than in summer. 


Amount and seasonal distribution 

Modest amounts of annual precipitation, with 
a seasonal concentration in summer, are the 
rule in the humid continental climate as in 
the humid microthermal group as a whole 
(pp. 261, 263). With increasing distance from 
the sea, the total amount of precipitation 
declines as the inner frontier where humid 
continental makes contact with dry climate 


Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 

is approached, as well as a greater annual 
range of precipitation, with winter becoming 
more of a dry season. An example of this 
range is Omaha, Nebraska, which receives 
29 in. of rain a year: in July it receives 4.7 
in., in January only 0.7. 

Another feature of the less humid interior, 
especially in the United States and central 
Europe, is a shift of the precipitation max- 
imum to early summer, so that June is wetter 
than July. 

Winter precipitation Cool-season pre- 
cipitation is largely frontal or cyclonic in 
origin. In North America, mTGult air masses 
move poleward up the Mississippi River 
Valley with no relief obstacles to interfere, 
being chilled and thus stabilized by the cold 
land surface. Occasionally the tropical air may 
flow poleward at the surface as far north as 
Iowa and the southern shores of the Great 
Lakes. More commonly, however, it comes into 
conflict with colder, heavier air masses before 
reaching so far inland and is forced to ascend 
over them, and widespread frontal precipitation 
results. The North American continental cli- 
mate, therefore, has a moderate amount of 
winter precipitation. The amount increases 
eastward as the ocean is approached, until 
along the Atlantic seaboard winter is equally 
as wet as summer. In northeastern Asia where 
the outward-flowing winter monsoon is 
stronger, raTair is unable to advance so far 
poleward, so that winter precipitation in 
northern China and Manchuria is very meager; 
for example, Peking, which receives 25 in. a 
year, has 9.4 in. in July, and only 0.1 in. in 

A portion of the winter precipitation is in 
the form of snow, and a permanent snow 
cover, varying from a few weeks to several 
months in duration, is typical (Fig. 14.10). 
In those parts of the northeastern United 
States and southeastern Canada where winter 



FIG. 14.1 Surf ace- temperature gradients in 
microtherma! climates are much steeper in winter 
(a) than in summer (ft). 

cyclones are particularly numerous and well 
developed the Great Lakes region, the St. 
Lawrence River Valley, northern New Eng- 



land, and the Canadian Maritime Provinces 
snow becomes very deep. Thus northern New 
England and northern New York have more 
than 7 ft of snowfall during an average winter, 
and the snow cover remains on the ground for 
more than 4 months. 

Summer precipitation While steady, 
long-continued cyclonic rain falling from a 
gray overcast is not absent in summer, more 
common by far is showery rainfall, much of 
it associated with lightning and thunder. This 
is because the warmer, more humid summer 
air has been made buoyant and unstable by 
heating from below while passing over a 
warm land surface. For example, 75 to 90 
per cent of the summer rainfall at Madison, 
Wisconsin, occurs in association with 
thunderstorms. Yet even most of the con- 
vective showers and thunderstorms of summer 
occur in conjunction with some form of exten- 
sive atmospheric disturbance such as a front 
or a weak cyclonic storm. 

The nonperiodic weather element In 
no other type of climate are rapid and marked 
nonperiodic weather changes so characteristic 
as in the humid continental, for it is here 
that the conflict between polar air masses and 
tropical air masses reaches a maximum 

This nonperiodic control of weather is 
strongest in the cold season, when the sun, 
accompanied by the jet stream and the storm 
belt, has retreated farthest south. At this 
season, with weather conditions dominated 
by moving cyclones and anticyclones associ- 
ated with the invading, rapidly shifting air 
masses and the fronts along their boundaries, 
the daily rise and fall of temperature with the 
sun is often obscured by larger nonperiodic 
oscillations (Figs. 14.7, 14.9). The central 
and eastern United States, which are freely 
open to the movements of air masses both 
from north and south, are regions of unusual 

storminess; storm control is less marked in 
eastern Asia. 

In summer throughout the humid conti- 
nental regions, air masses show weaker tem- 
perature contrasts and move less rapidly, so 
that fronts are fewer and weaker, and the 
weather is somewhat more diurnally regular 
and sun-controlled (Fig. 14.7). 

Special seasonal weather types The 
normal cycle of middle-latitude weather 
changes with the passage of a well-developed 
cyclone, as well as the normal effects of the 
associated anticyclone, was described in 
Chap. 10. But at the same time it was pointed 
out that there is almost an infinite variety of 
weather variations related to these storms in 
these latitudes, depending upon the season, 
the size and intensity of the atmospheric dis- 
turbance, the nature of the air masses involved 
in the storm, the track followed by the storm, 
and the contrasting patterns of high-level 
atmospheric circulation. 

As a consequence of this great variety of 
weather combinations no universally satis- 
factory classification of types of weather has 
ever been developed. Yet even the layman is 
aware that there are some weather types 
which are sufficiently distinctive to have been 
given names. Warm wave, cold wave, 
Indian summer, blizzard, and January thaw 
are such, and much more numerous are the 
unnamed ones. Furthermore, it is certain that 
no real comprehension of humid continental 
climate is possible without an appreciation 
of the variety of weather types which in com- 
bination produce the seasonal climates. But 
this requires more than a layman's effort; in- 
deed, this requires a study of the daily 
weather map in conjunction with a firsthand 
observation of weather conditions. 

A very few of the numerous weather types 
characteristic of humid continental climate 
are shown in Figs. 14.2 to 14.5. These 

F I G . 1 4 . 2 A common winter weather type. 
Here a cyclone traveling on a northern track is pro- 
ducing cloudy, mild weather and light precipitation 
over extensive areas of the north central United 
States. Temperatures shown are for 1:30 A.M. 

sketches of synoptic weather charts of parts 
of North America are worthy of careful study. 

Winter, the season of strongest temperature 
gradients and of greatest air-mass contrasts, is 
the period of greatest weather variety. 

A well-developed anticyclone arriving from 
arctic Canada as a mass of fresh cP air may 
produce bitterly cold weather, even subzero 
temperatures (Fig. 10.2). This sharp drop in 
temperature brought by the northwest wind 
is the well-known cold wave. Blizzardlike 
conditions with violent winds may even usher 
in the anticyclone if it is characterized by un- 
usually steep pressure gradients. But if an in- 
vading cold anticyclone is composed of 
modified mP air from west of the Rocky 
Mountains, skies will be clear and temper- 
atures only moderately low; and this control 
produces some of the finest winter weather. 

A deep cyclonic storm, especially if it 
originates in the Texas area and takes a route 
northeastward across the country, is more 
than likely to bring extensive and heavy 
snowfalls to the humid continental climates 
of the Mississippi River Valley and the East 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 259 

(Fig. 14.3). If the vigorous cyclone travels a 
more northerly route, the weather will be 
milder and the rain area more extensive. A 
weak low following a route to the north of 
the Great Lakes may bring generally gray, 
overcast weather but only very modest 
amounts of rain or snow (Fig. 14.2). But 
these are only a few of the far more numerous 
weather types which in combination produce 
the winters of humid continental climates. 

In summer, temperature gradients are 
weaker, air-mass contrasts less striking, and 
the weather element, as controlled by passing 
atmospheric perturbations, is altogether less 
well developed. But while sun control and 
diurnal regularity are stronger than at other 
seasons, this period of high sun is by no 
means lacking in nonperiodic weather irregu- 
larities. A somewhat stagnant anticyclone to 
the south and east may envelop the humid 
continental area of the United States in a 
prolonged heat wave with a succession of 
days when the daily temperature maxima rise 
to between 90 and 100 (Fig. 14.4). Such a 
heat wave may be suddenly brought to an 

F I G . 1 4 . 3 A well-developed winter storm 
originating in the Texas area and moving northeast- 
ward across the United States. Such storms are 
likely to bring heavy precipitation, much of it in the 
form of snow. 




FIG. 14.4 A July heat wave a summer 
weather typeover the central and eastern United 
States. Temperatures shown are the maxima for 
the 12 hr preceding. Tropical southerly air from a 
warm subtropical anticyclone controls the weather. 

end by the passage of a V-shaped cyclonic 
storm with a well-developed cold front and 
associated cold-front thunderstorms. Then, 
following the passage of the cold front with 
its strong convectional activity, there may be 

F I G . 1 4 . 5 A spring weather type. Here a cold 
anticyclone advancing southward as a mass of cold 
iPa\r with northwest winds carries low tempera- 
tures well into the subtropics and results in a severe 
spring freeze in the north central states. 

several days of delightfully cool weather, as 
an anticyclone with air of polar origin dom- 
inates the weather. 

Spring and fall, the transition seasons, 
witness a more even struggle between storm 
and sun control. First the one and then the 
other is in the ascendancy, so that there is 
something of an oscillation between summer 
and winter conditions. Mild, warm days in 
April and early May, with a regular diurnal 
rise and fall of the thermometer resembling 
summer, may be followed by a reestablish- 
ment of winter conditions, as a passing 
cyclone lays down a snow cover and the 
following invasion of cP air drops the tem- 
peratures to an unseasonable frost (Fig. 14.5). 
Continental climates are particularly famous 
for the fickleness of their spring weather. 

Autumn brings some of the loveliest days 
of the entire year but likewise some of the 
rawest, gloomiest weather. Bright, clear 
weather, with warm midday temperatures and 
crisp, frosty nights, comes with anticycionic 
control. A reestablishment of hot-wave gra- 
dients with south winds in October and No- 
vember, after severe frost and perhaps even 
snow have been experienced, may cause a 
temporary return of summer conditions, re- 
sulting in those much-cherished spells of 
warm weather with hazy, smoky atmosphere 
known as Indian summer. But well-developed 
cyclonic storms of this season may bring raw, 
gray days with chilly rain, and occasionally 
they produce a temporary snowy winter land- 
scape as early as October. 


Two principal subdivisions of humid con- 
tinental climate are here recognized: (a) the 

TYPE Humid Continent I -Warm Summer (Da) 

IN - PLACE Peoria. III. 





Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 

less severe warm-summer subtype (Da), and 
(b) the more extreme cool-summer subtype 
(D6). 1 The latter is characteristically located 
farther poleward, that is, on the northern 
side of the warm-summer subtype (Fig. 11.2). 

As Plate 2 shows, the warm-summer sub- 
type is to be found in three far-separated 
locations, the central eastern United States, 
central Europe, and eastern Asia. The cool- 
summer subtype is likewise represented in 
North America, Europe, and Asia. 

Temperature and precipitation In the 
warm-summer subtype summer months are 
only 5 to 10 warmer than in the cool- 
summer subdivision, but this is sufficient to 
make for marked differences in their agricul- 
tural potentialities (following table). More- 
over, the frost-free season of 5 to 6 months in 
the warm-summer climate is shortened to 3 
to 5 months in the other (Figs. 14.6 and 

Summers in warm-summer areas are likely 
to have so many uncomfortably hot and 
humid days that human comfort is better 



FIG. 14.6 Data of a station representing the 
warm-summer subtype of humid continental climate. 
A large annual range of temperature and concen- 
tration of precipitation in the warm season 
are characteristic. 

1 In the Kcippen system a = temperature of warmest 
month above 71.6 (22 C), and b = temperature of wann- 
est month below 71.6. 

served by the cooler summers farther north, 
even though they may offer more handicaps 
to agriculture. Winter temperatures, however, 
are usually 15 to 20 colder in the cool- 

Climatic Data for Representative Stations in the Humid Continental 
Warm-summer Subtype (Da) 


Peoria, Illinois 






62 71 75 73 












3.9 3.8 3.8 3.2 






New York City 






60 69 74 72 












3.4 3.4 4.1 4.3 






Bucharest, Rumania 






61 68 73 71 












2.5 3.3 2.8 1.9 






Peking, China 






68 76 79 77 












1.4 3.0 9.4 6.3 









Day 5 




FIG. 14.7 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest 
and coldest months for a station with humid continental warm-summer 
climate. Nonperiodic air-mass control is conspicuous, especially in winter. 

TYPE Humid Continental- Cool Summer (Db) 

IN - PLACE Montreal, Canada 

J F M A 

N D 

summer areas, and subzero temperatures and 
long spells of cold weather are more common 
there (Figs. 14.6-14.9). 

The two subtypes are not conspicuously 
different in amount and seasonal distribution 
of precipitation. However, in those parts 
farther north a larger part of the winter pre- 
cipitation is in the form of snow, and as 
a consequence the snow cover is more dur- 
able and long-continued there (Fig. 14.10). 

FIG. 14.8 The cool-summer subtype of humid 
continental climate. Note the large annual range 
of temperature. At this station there is an absence 
of any seasonal concentration of precipitation, a 
feature characteristic of the northeastern United 
States and adjacent parts of Canada where winter 
cyclones are numerous. 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 263 


Day 5 









FIG. 14.9 The cool-summer subtype of humid continental climate. Note the very large and irregular 
temperature changes, evidence of strong air-mass control associated with cyclones and anticyclones. 

Climatic Data for Representative Stations in the Humid Continental 
Cool-summer Subtype (Db) 

J F M A M J J A S O N D Yr Range 

Madison, Wisconsin (marginal in location) 






58 67 72 70 












3.7 3.4 3.5 3.3 






Montreal, Canada 






55 65 69 67 












3.1 3.5 3.8 3.4 







Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 






53 62 66 63 












1.9 2.0 2.8 2.9 






Harbin, Manchuria 






56 66 72 69 












1.7 3.8 4.5 4.1 










FIG. 14.10 




Climatically the humid continental realm is 
less bountiful than the humid subtropics, 
chiefly because of the shorter growing season 
and the cooler summer. This deficiency of 
heat tends to exclude many of the more sen- 
sitive crops and those requiring a long period 
between frosts. Greater dependence upon 
quick-maturing annuals is the result. Again 
in comparison with the subtropics, there is a 
shorter period during which animals can 
forage for their food and a much longer one 
during which they must be protected against 
the cold and fed from feeds stored in barns, 
silos, and granaries. 

A further climatic handicap grows out of 
the fact that over extensive areas rainfall is 

only modest in amount, and is inclined to be 
undependable. The relatively wide fluctua- 
tions in crop yields from year to year reflect 
these disadvantages. But the seasonal concen- 
tration of the precipitation in the period of 
greatest heat somewhat compensates for 

The original vegetation cover was largely 
forest in the more humid sections and prairie 
grass in the less humid parts. In their virgin 
state the prairies provided some of the earth's 
finest natural grazing land. Almost all of the 
prairie land has long since been brought 
under cultivation, however, for it is some of 
the world's best agricultural land. The forests 
of the more humid sections of the realm were 
various in nature. Thus a representative 
north-south cross section of the forests would 
show conifers predominating toward the 
northern margins of the realm, with mixed 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 265 

forests and purer stands of deciduous broad- 
leaf trees prevailing farther south. Without 
doubt the virgin forests of the humid conti- 
nental realm were among the finest and most 
extensive of the earth. For decades they were 
the world's principal source of lumber, and 
they are still important producers. But, be- 
cause they were composed of such superior 
lumber trees and readily accessible, they have 
suffered rapid cutting. Much of the forest 
was removed by settlers in search of farm 
land; in less desirable agricultural regions the 
great lumber companies logged off the forest 
and left behind a desolate cutover country. 

Soils in the humid continental climates 
show wide variations in quality. Under the 
broadleaf forest podzolic soils have developed 
which, although of only average quality, are 
still the best of the forest soils. Farther north 
in the coniferous region, poor, gray soils, the 
true podzols, prevail. In the less humid sec- 
tions of the realm, where prairie grasses pre- 
dominated, are to be found some of the 
earth's finest soils. There the lower rainfall 

results in less leaching, and the grasses pro- 
vide an abundance of organic matter, so that 
the soils are high in soluble minerals and 
dark in color. Such excellent soils help to 
compensate in part for the less abundant and 
also less reliable rainfall of these sections. 

Considerable areas in both the North 
American and European sections of the realm 
have been subjected to recent glaciation by 
continental ice sheets. In the parts of such 
areas where the relief is relatively great or the 
bedrock resistant, as, for example, in New 
England, northern New York State, and parts 
of Norway, Sweden, and Finland, ice erosion 
has been dominant, so that soils are thin and 
stony and lakes are numerous. In other parts 
where ice deposition prevailed, the drainage 
lines have been disrupted, so that both lakes 
and swamps are numerous, and a rolling and 
somewhat patternless terrain arrangement of 
rounded hills and associated depressions is 
characteristic. Here, although the soils may 
be deep, they vary greatly in composition and 



Subarctic climate (Dc, Dd), 2 the most severe 
of the humid microthermal climates, is char- 
acteristically located in the broad northern 
parts of Eurasia and North America between 
about latitudes 55 and 70 N. On its northern 
margins, approximately at the poleward limit 
of forest growth, it makes contact with polar 
climate. On its equatorward side it is bordered 
by either humid continental or dry climate 
(Fig. 11.2, Plate 2). 

2 In the Koppen system c = cool summers, with only 1 
to 3 months above 50 (10C); d = cold winters, with the 
temperature of the coldest month below -36.4 (-38C). 


Long and bitterly cold winters, very short 
summers with brief intervening falls and 
springs, and unusually large annual ranges 
these are the prime temperature character- 
istics of subarctic climate (Fig. 14.11). Sub- 
arctic thus is land-controlled climate at its 
maximum development. 

Winter Winter, by reason of both its 
length and its severity, dominates the climatic 
calendar. Frosts may arrive in late August, 
and ice begins to form on ponds in Sep- 
tember. At Yakutsk, Siberia, the average 
monthly temperature drops 37 (from 16 to 



Climatic Data for Representative Subarctic Stations 

./ F M A M J J AS O N D Yr Range 




Fort Vermilion, Alberta, Canada (58'27'N) 











10 -4 
0.5 0.4 

-4 -2 
1.3 0.9 


Moose Factory, Canada (5116'N) 

28 42 54 61 59 51 39 22 5 
1.0 1.8 2.2 2.4 3.3 2.9 1.8 1.1 1.1 

Yakutsk, Siberia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (6521'N) 
_46 -35 -10 16 41 59 66 60 42 16 -21 -41 
0.9 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.1 2.1 1.7 2.6 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.9 








21) between October and November. 
Within an extensive area in northeastern 
Siberia, near the center of the great thermal 
winter anticyclone, the average January tem- 
perature is below 50 and minimum Jan- 
uary temperatures of 76 and lower have 
been recorded. At Oimyakon, Siberia, the 

F I G . 1 4 . 1 1 A cool summer, a severe winter, 
a large annual range of temperature, and modest 
precipitation concentrated in summer are char- 
acteristic of subarctic climate. 

TYPE Subarctic (Dc) 

IN- PLACE Moose Factory, Canada 





cold pole or region of lowest minimum tem- 
peratures, the thermometer has fallen as low 
as 95 below zero. However, these are the 
extremes in subarctic winters, for over most 
of the North American and European sectors 
average January temperatures of zero to 15 
below are the rule. It is common, however, 
for the average temperatures of 6 or 7 months 
to be below freezing. The low temperatures 
combined with the long daily period of dark- 
ness (which is, obviously, partly responsible 
for them) make the winter weather depressing 
and hard to bear. 

Summer The striking characteristic of 
the period of warmth in the subarctic is 
its briefness rather than its coolness. Typically 
the warmest month, July, has an average tem- 
perature in the 60s, which is no lower than 
that of many stations in marine climates 
farther south. Moreover, it is not uncommon 
for midday temperatures to reach 80 and 
above (Fig. 14.12). But July's modest warmth 
is very brief, for June and August averages 
are between 50 and 60, and May and Sep- 
tember are in the 40s. As a rule the period 
between killing frosts is only 2 to 3 months 
in length, and many stations experience freez- 
ing temperatures even in July and August in 
some years. 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 267 


Day 5 



i I 



FIG. 14.12 Data from a subarctic station in Canada. Note the 
unusually strong nonperiodic air-mass control of temperature changes in 
winter. Summer shows greater diurnal regularity. 

Somewhat compensating for the briefness 
of summer is the unusually long period of 
daylight in these higher latitudes. Thus at 
60 N June days have an average 18.8 hr of 
possible sunshine. 


The characteristically meager annual pre- 
cipitation, usually amounting to no more than 
15 to 20 in., is related to (a) the great breadth 
of Eurasia and North America in subarctic 

latitudes, (b) low temperatures and associated 
low specific humidity, and (c) the well-devel- 
oped thermal anticyclone of the colder part 
of the year with its settling air and diverging 

The year's precipitation is concentrated in 
the warmer months when the humidity con- 
tent of the air is highest and atmospheric 
stability is least (Fig. 14.11). The especially 
low winter temperatures and the strong winter 
anticyclone mentioned above both operate to 



F I G . 1 4 . 1 3 A type of subarctic winter weather. A well-developed 
cyclone accompanied by strong winds and extensive snowfall prevails over 
the subarctic and tundra region of northeastern Canada. A cold anticyclone 
is conspicuous over northernmost Canada. 

inhibit the processes making for precipitation. 
Over northeastern Siberia winters are espe- 
cially dry, the precipitation ratio of the 
wettest summer month to the driest winter 
month being more than 10: 1. 

To a very great extent the year's precipi- 
tation originates in extensive disturbances, 
such as fronts and cyclonic storms. Thunder- 
storms are few. Disturbances are numerous 
enough at all seasons to give rise to marked 
nonperiodic weather changes, although in 
winter there is much settled anticyclonic 
weather (Figs. 14.2, 14.3). 


In spite of the fact that the subarctic realm 
is one of the most extensive of the earth's 
geographic realms, it is also one of the least 
productive. Like the dry lands and parts of 

the wet tropics, the subarctic realm is coinci- 
dent with relatively blank areas on the world- 
population map. The extractive industries, 
such as hunting, fishing, mining, and logging, 
which rank high in relative importance, are 
capable of supporting only a meager pop- 
ulation. The landscape, therefore, is one 
composed predominantly of natural features: 
man has left but a modest imprint. 

In productive capacity the realm is funda- 
mentally handicapped by its niggardly cli- 
mate, which sets very definite low limits 
upon agricultural development, the primary 
difficulties being associated specifically with 
(a) the briefness of the summers and (b) the 
relatively low summer temperatures. At pres- 
ent commercially successful agriculture is not 
likely in regions where the frost-free season is 
shorter than 80 or 90 days, and this condi- 
tion prevails in all except the most southerly 
portions of the subarctic realm. 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 269 

Subarctic Eurasia and North America are 
largely covered by primarily coniferous virgin 
forests. In their immensity and monotony 
these subarctic forests are like the sea, and 
travelers are impressed with their emptiness 
and silence. Even animal life is sparse. Coni- 
fers usually occupy in the neighborhood of 
75 per cent of the forest area, with such 
deciduous trees as the birch, poplar, willow, 
and alder comprising most of the remainder. 

Yet neither in the size of the trees nor in 
the density of the stand is the subarctic 
forest impressive, and in the ice-scoured 
Canadian subarctic extensive areas of lake, 
swamp, and bare rock are even practically 
without forest. As a result the subarctic 
forest does not represent nearly so great a 
potential supply of forest products as its area 
might seem to indicate. Most subarctic timber 
is more valuable for firewood and pulpwood 
than for good lumber. Moreover, the inacces- 
sibility of these northern forests to world 

markets severely reduces their resource value. 

An impoverished soil environment is char- 
acteristic of the subarctic realm, and this 
infertile soil, combined with a climate of low 
potentialities, causes the subarctic lands to 
offer what appear to be almost insurmount- 
able difficulties to the agricultural settler. 
The needles from the coniferous forest pro- 
vide a very meager supply of organic material 
for the soils, and the ground water, high in 
organic acids derived from the raw humus, 
leaches the soil minerals excessively. 

Ranking after climate and soils as a third 
handicap to agricultural settlement within the 
subarctic realm is deficient drainage. Poorly 
drained land is prevalent, partly because of 
the permanently frozen subsoil which exists 
throughout the higher latitudes of the realm. 
Over most of subarctic North America and in 
Scandinavia, Finland, and western Soviet 
Russia the abundance of lakes and swamps is 
a consequence of continental glaciation. 



As the tropics lack a cool season, so do the 
polar climates (E) lack a genuine warm season. 
While monotonous heat characterizes the low 
latitudes, in the polar regions monotonous 
cold prevails. 

Polar climates are confined to the high 
latitudes of the earth, largely poleward of 
latitude 60. The poleward limit of forest 
growth is commonly accepted as the equator- 
ward boundary of polar climates, and over 
the great continents this vegetation boundary 
coincides approximately with the 50 iso- 
therm (line of 50 average temperature) for 
the warmest month. Here during much of the 

winter the sun is constantly below the hori- 
zon, so that darkness prevails and cold is in- 
tense and long-continued. Moreover, while 
in summer the sun may never set and con- 
stant daylight prevails, the sun is never far 
above the horizon, and its oblique rays 
deliver little energy at the earth's surface. 

In the Southern Hemisphere the only ex- 
tensive nonoceanic area with polar climates is 
the Antarctic Continent, the approximate 
center of which is at the South Pole. Since 
the Arctic is almost a landlocked sea, except 
for the frozen ocean, the polar climates there 
are confined to the northern borders of 
Eurasia and North America and to the island 
continent of Greenland. 



TYPE Tundra (ET) 




PLACE Barrow, Alaska 





































FIG. 14.14 Data of a tundra station at a 
severe continental location. Note the large annual 
range of temperature and the meager precipitation. 


Polar climates may be divided into two 
types, tundra and icecap, with the warmest- 
month isotherm of 32 serving as the bound- 
ary between them. Where the average tem- 
perature of all months is below freezing 
(32), vegetation is absent and a permanent 
snow-and-ice cover prevails. Such locations 

have icecap climate. Where 1 or more months 
in the warmer period has an average temper- 
ature above 32 (but not over 50), there is 
tundra climate. 


Tundra climate (.ET) 3 on land areas is al- 
most exclusively limited to the Northern 
Hemisphere, for in the Southern Hemisphere 
oceans prevail in those latitudes where tundra 
climate normally would develop. The most 
extensive tundra areas are the Arctic Ocean 
margins of both Eurasia and North America 
and the coastal borders of Greenland (Fig. 
11.2, Plate 2). 

Temperature A long cold winter and a 
very short and cool summer are the rule in 
tundra climate (Fig. 14.14). With the average 
temperature of the warmest month between 
32 and 50 by definition, even the warmest 
months are raw and chilly, resembling March 
and April in southern Wisconsin, or January 
in the Gulf states. Killing frosts may occur at 
any time, although it does not freeze on most 
July nights (Fig. 14.15). The continuous but 
weak summer sun frees the land of its snow 
cover for a few months, but the subsoil re- 
mains frozen, so that the surface remains 

3 In the Koppen system T warmest month below 50 
(10C) but above 32 (0C). 

Climatic Data for Representative Tundra Stations 




Sagastyr, Siberia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (73 N, 124E) 


_34 -36 -30 -7 15 32 41 38 33 6-16 -28 
0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.3 1.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 



Upernivik, Western Greenland (73N, 56 W) 


-7 -10-6 6 25 35 41 41 33 25 14 1 
0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 0.5 



Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 271 

FIG. 14.15 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the 
warmest and coldest months at a tundra station in Greenland. 

wet and poorly drained. Tundra vegetation 
consists of lichens, mosses, sedges, and 

Precipitation Given the low tempera- 
tures of these high latitudes, the modest pre- 
cipitation, usually less than 10 or 15 in., is 
not surprising. Likewise anticipated is the 
concentration of the year's precipitation, 
nearly all of it cyclonic in origin, in the 
warmer months of the year when the humid- 
ity content of the air is highest (Fig. 14.14). 
The meager winter snowfall is dry and pow- 
dery in character, so that the strong winds 
sweep the level surfaces bare and concen- 
trate the snow in depressions and on the lee 
side of low eminences. It has been estimated 
that 75 to 90 per cent of the surface of the 
Arctic tundra lands is nearly free of snow at 
all seasons. 


Icecap climate (Ef),* the least well-known 
of the earth's climatic types, is characteris- 
tically developed over the great permanent 
continental ice sheets of Antarctica and 
Greenland and over the perpetually frozen 
ocean in the vicinity of the North Pole. 
Only fragmentary climatic data have been 
obtained from these deserts of snow and ice 
where the average temperature of no month 
rises above freezing. 

Temperature The average annual tem- 
peratures of the icecaps are without doubt 
the lowest for any part of the earth. At 
Eismitte, located at nearly 10,000 ft elevation 

4 In the Koppen system F = warmest month below 32 



Climatic Data for an Icecap Station (EF), Eismitte (Wegener), 
Interior Greenland (7054'N, 4042'W, 9,941 ft) 







J A 


N D 




-42 - 
No data 






12 1 

-8 -32 

-46 -37 



on the ice plateau of interior Greenland, 
average winter-month temperatures are be- 
low 40 and the warmest month is about 
12 (preceding table). During 9 months the 
averages are below zero. In all probability 
temperatures in inland Antarctica are even 
more severe. 

Precipitation If little is known about 
temperature conditions of icecap climates, 
still less information is available about gen- 
eral weather conditions and precipitation. 
Certainly annual precipitation is meager 
(under 5 in., water equivalent), and all of it 
falls in the solid form. It appears to originate 
in cyclonic storms that pass over the ice 
plateaus or skirt their margins. One year at 
Eismitte, Greenland, there were 204 days 
with precipitation, and there was no con- 
spicuous seasonal concentration. 


There is no such thing as a highland type 
or clearly distinct types of climate. Instead, 
mountains exhibit an almost endless variety 
of climates depending on contrasts in altitude 
and in exposure to sun and winds. The val- 
ley contrasts with the exposed peak; wind- 
ward slopes differ from leeward slopes; and 
southern exposures are unlike those facing 
north. And each of these climatic contrasts 
is in turn multiplied, as it were, by differences 
in latitude and continental location. 

The resulting great complexity of the 
variety of climates within highlands has 
caused them to be grouped together under a 
single designation on Plate 2. Generally re- 
gions characterized by an elevation above 
4,000 or 5,000 ft are included: lower regions 
are not so climatically different from the sur- 
rounding lowlands that they need to be 
differentiated from them. 


At low elevations the minor changes in air 
pressure from day to day, or from season to 
season, cannot be directly perceived by the 
human body. But the very rapid decrease in 
the atmosphere's weight with increasing ele- 
vation and the related very low atmospheric 
pressure that prevails on high mountains and 
plateaus cause the pressure element to be 
genuinely important in highland climates. 
Physiological effects (faintness, headache, 
nosebleed, nausea, weakness) of decreased 
pressure aloft are experienced by most people 
at altitudes above 12,000 or 15,000 ft. 
Sleeplessness is common and exertion is dif- 
ficult. Yet mountain sickness is usually a 
temporary inconvenience that passes away 
after a week or so of residence at high 


Solar energy Intensity of sunlight in- 
creases with elevation in the cleaner, drier, 
thinner air of mountains. This is to be ex- 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 273 
Climatic Data for a Highland Station in the Tropics 



N D 


Quito, Ecuador (9,350 ft) 

Temp. 54.5 55.0 54.5 54.5 54.7 55.0 54.9 54.9 55.0 54.7 54.3 54.7 54.7 0.7 
Precip. 3.2 3.9 4.8 7.0 4.6 1.5 1.1 2.2 2.6 3.9 4.0 3.6 42.2 

pected, since dust, clouds, and water vapor, 
the principal scattering, reflecting, and 
absorbing elements of solar radiation in the 
atmosphere, are concentrated at lower eleva- 
tions. On a clear day probably three-fourths 
of the solar energy penetrates to 6,000 ft, 
but only one-half to sea level. This greater 
intensity of sunlight at high altitudes has an 
important effect upon soil temperature, and, 
both directly and indirectly, upon plant 

Air temperature Most important of the 
climatic changes resulting from increased 
elevation is the decrease in air temperature 
(on the average, about 3.6 per 1,000-ft rise, 
as stated earlier) which occurs in spite of the 
increased intensity of solar energy. Quito, 
Ecuador, on the equator at an elevation of 
9,350 ft (preceding table), has an average 
annual temperature of only 55, which is 
25 lower than that of the adjacent Amazon 
lowlands. Because the rare air at Quito is 
incapable of absorbing and retaining much 
solar energy, the air remains chilly. Yet for 
the same reason the sunlight itself is strong. 
The climate is therefore one of cool shade 
and hot sun. 

Importance of vertical change The verti- 
cal rate of temperature change along moun- 
tain slopes is several hundred times greater 
than the winter north-south horizontal grad- 
ient over continental lowlands, a fact that 
has important consequences. In the tropics, 
where the lowlands are characterized by 

continuous and oppressive heat, the cooler 
highlands may be so attractive to settlers that 
in some regions they become the centers of 
population concentration. Such is the case 
in much of Latin America. There is a strik- 
ing vertical zonation not only of contrasting 
climates but also of agricultural and vegeta- 
tion belts between tropical lowlands and 
highlands (Fig. 14.16). Thus in tropical 
valleys where there is a luxuriant rainforest 
such heat-requiring crops as rubber, bananas, 
and cacao thrive. Somewhat higher they may 
give way to an economy based on coffee, tea, 
maize and a variety of food crops. On the 
still higher and cooler slopes middle-latitude 
cereals and potatoes become more important, 
as does the grazing of animals, the natural 
pastures for which are terminated along their 
upper margins by the permanent snow fields. 

By contrast, highlands in middle latitudes 
are less attractive climatically and have fewer 
vertical zones of contrasting vegetation and 
agriculture (Fig. 14.16). Here even the low- 
lands are none too warm, so that any reduc- 
tion in temperature with altitude, resulting 
in a cooler summer and a shorter growing 
season, materially reduces the opportunities 
for agricultural production. 

Diurnal and seasonal temperatures The 
thin, dry air characteristic of mountains and 
high plateaus permits not only the entry of 
strong solar radiation by day but also the 
rapid loss of earth energy at night, resulting 
in rapid heating by day and rapid cooling 



18,000 ft 


. . . Upper altitude limit* 



Lower altitude limits 


/ \ 

Zone of 


/ \ 



/Snow line \14,600 

Zone of Alpine - 


/ i Pine \nilft 



/ fir \ 

7/\rm nf 


/ Broadleaf-trees \1 1,400 


A"' 800 1 Zone of 


/Wheat 10,100^ 





/Maize and beans 9,900 \ 

Xsnow linc\9 200 



*. /-Apples 8,200 \ 

Tierra Fria or 

/ \ 

Zone of 

/ \ 

zone of the 

/ Spruce \7,500 

and dwarf 


/ Manioc 6600 \ 

/- Fir and pine \6,500 
j~Complete forest cover "^\t2QO 

JL.., Wheat and apples-------------- 6'000--------X 


/ Sugarjand bananas S^OO 


/Ssti!s--B55; HJjpl 1 


4,000 / 

f Coffee 5,000 

Tierra Templada 

/ Darle y Rye 'i$-\ 

I u/u o->t anrl fliir ll ftflfl ., .I,.II,,M 


nirn 1 Afif\ 

or zone of 



3,000 / - 

2000 / 

raran.nlantatinne n IAA 


/- Maize 2,500 



Rubber and banana plantations 1,300 
Coffee* i;oOO 

.Tierra Caiiente 



tropical crops\ 

/ J 


FIG. 14.16 Vertical temperature zones and the altitude limits of certain 
crops and types of vegetation on a tropical mountain (left) and a 
middle-latitude mountain (right). (From Sapper.) 

by night. Thus large diurnal ranges of tem- 
perature are characteristics of highland cli- 
mates (Fig. 14.17). 

At high altitudes in tropical highlands this 
results in numerous days on which night 
freezing and daytime thawing occur, and this 
frequent and rapid oscillation between the 
two has a marked effect upon vegetation and 
soil characteristics. The great temperature 
difference between day and night in tropical 
highlands stands in contrast to the very 
small difference between the average temper- 
atures of the warmest and coldest months, 
or the annual range. One of the distinctive 
features of high plateaus and mountains in 

the tropics is this combination of a large 
daily and a small annual range of temperature. 
Although the thermometer stands lower on 
a tropical mountain than it does on an ad- 
jacent lowland, the two locations are alike 
in having uniform daily and monthly mean 
temperatures and small annual ranges. 
Monotonous repetition of daily weather be- 
longs alike to tropical highlands and plains 
(Figs. 11.5, 14.17). For instance, at Quito 
the temperature difference between the 
warmest and coolest months is only 0.7, 
which is very similar to the difference in the 
Amazon lowlands in the same latitude (Fig. 
14.18). Mexico City at 7,474 ft has an aver- 

Climatic Data for a Representative Highland Station in Middle Latitudes 

J F M A M J J A S O N D Yr Range 

Longs Peak, Colorado (8,956 ft) 

Temp. 23 22 26 33 41 51 55 55 48 39 31 24 37 33 

Precip. 0.7 1.2 2.0 2.7 2.4 1.6 3.6 2.2 1.7 1.7 0.9 0.9 21.6 

Humid microthermal, polar, and highland climates 275 


Day 5 





AREQUIPA, PERU, 7550 ft 


FIG. 14.17 Daily maximum and minimum temperatures of the 
warmest and coldest months at a tropical mountain station located at a 
moderate altitude. Note the diurnal regularity of temperature change 
indicating sun control. Diurnal range is greater in July, the dry season, when 
the least cloud is present. 

age annual temperature 17 below that of 
Veracruz, in the same latitude but on the 
coast; yet their annual ranges are almost 
identical 11.5 and 11 respectively. One 
climatologist has tersely described this tem- 
perature relationship between lowlands and 
highlands as follows: "The pitch changes; 
the tune remains the same." 

Highland climates in the tropics are unique 
among cool or cold climates in having a 
small annual range of temperature. 

Farther away from the equator the annual 
range characteristic of highlands increases in 
magnitude, another similarity to lowlands. In 
fact, the annual range for highland stations 
and lowland stations in similar latitudes is 
approximately the same. 


Precipitation is heavier in highlands than 
on the surrounding lowlands, as was ex- 

plained in the discussion of orographic pre- 
cipitation in Chap. 9. This is a fact of great 
importance, especially in dry climates. There, 
no matter what the latitude, this heavier pre- 
cipitation (including snowfall) of highlands is 
critical. Not only are settlements attracted to 
the humid slopes and to the well-watered 
mountain valleys, but streams, descending 
from the rainier highlands, carry the influence 

FIG. 14.18 A comparison of the annual 
marches of temperature at Iquitos, a tropical lowland 
station in Peru, and at Quito, a tropical highland 
station in Ecuador. Note the generally lower tempera- 
ture at Quito. On the other hand, a small annual 
range of temperature is characteristic of 
both stations. 

70 9 

QUITO, ECUADOR. 0.10 S., 9350 feet 

Annual march of temperature 




of highland climate far out on the dry low- 
lands. There the mountain waters (including 
meltwater from the snow fields) are put to 
multiple uses irrigation, power development, 
and, in some places, transportation. 

In addition, mountains in regions of 
drought, because they are ?f islands" of heavier 
precipitation, are likewise islands of heavier 
vegetation cover, and sometimes of more 
abundant agricultural production as well. In 
both arid and semiarid lands, highlands are 
likely to bear a cover of forest in contrast to 
the meager grass and shrub vegetation of the 
surrounding drier lowlands. 


On exposed mountain slopes and summits, 
where the effects of ground friction are re- 
duced, winds are strong and persistent. By 
contrast, protected mountain valleys may be 
particularly quiet areas. In general, highland 
areas are particularly subject to numerous 

local winds and accompanying weather, oc- 
casioned by the great variety of relief and 
exposure present. Common in valleys and 
along heated slopes is the upslope wind by 
day, when convection is at a maximum, and 
the downslope wind at night. Where well- 
developed cyclonic storms are present, as in 
the middle latitudes, the passing low-pressure 
system may induce a downslope wind, non- 
diurnal in character, known as the foehn or 
chinook. Such winds are characterized by 
great dryness and unseasonable warmth. 

In highlands the weather changes within a 
24-hr period are likely to be greater than on 
adjacent lowlands. Violent changes from hot 
sun to cool shade, from chill wind to calm, 
from gusts of rain or possibly snow to intense 
sunlight these give the daily weather an 
erratic nature. Even in the tropics the complex 
sequence of weather within a day stands in 
marked contrast to the uniformity of the 
average daily and monthly temperatures. 


Blair, Thomas A.: Climatology: General and Regional, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 

N.J., 1942. 

Critchfield, Howard J.: General Climatology, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1960. 
Haurwitz, Bernhard, and James M. Austin: Climatology, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 

New York, 1944. 
Koeppe, Clarence E., and George C. De Longe: Weather and Climate, McGraw-Hill Book 

Company, Inc., New York, 1958. 

Miller, Arthur Austin: Climatology, 8th ed., E. P. Button & Co., Inc., New York, 1954. 
Trewartha, Glenn T: An Introduction to Climate, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New 

York, 1954. 
Trewartha, Glenn T.: The Earth's Problem Climates, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 

Wis., 1961. 


Water and 
the seas 


Of all the substances that are familiar to 
nan, probably none is more vital, more 
ibiquitous, or more changeable under ordi- 
lary conditions than water. Water covers 
nore than two-thirds of the solid earth, 
t occurs in quantity beneath the solid sur- 
ace, and it is a normal constituent of the 
itmosphere above the surface. Unlike any 
)ther substance that occurs commonly near 
he earth's surface, water may occur as a 
iolid, liquid, or gas within the range of tem- 
>eratures that are normal there. 


It is sometimes convenient to refer to all oc- 
currences of water on, above, or beneath the 
earth's surface collectively as the hydrosphere, 
in analogy to the atmosphere) or gaseous 
envelope of the earth, and the lithosphere, or 
solid crust of the earth. The term is not 
wholly satisfactory, for the three "spheres" 
interpenetrate one another. In this book, 
therefore, it has been felt proper to discuss 
much of that portion of the hydrosphere 




which is ice as a part of the lithosphere, and 
most of that which is vapor as a part of the 
atmosphere. However, because water may 
pass freely from one place and form of 
occurrence to another, it is also valuable to 
consider the hydrosphere in its entirety as a 
distinct set of closely interlinked phenomena. 
The fact that consideration of the hydrosphere 
has, almost of necessity, been somewhat frag- 
mented in this book in no way denies the im- 
portance or the fundamental unity of the 
hydrosphere. Instead it emphasizes the fact 
that each element of the earth's physical 
geography exists not by itself but in close re- 
lationship with the others, so that even in a 
survey study the individual elements cannot 
and should not be treated in complete 


It would be difficult to overemphasize the 
importance of water in physical geography. It 
is one of the three major elements of weather 
and climate; it is the prime agent of degrada- 
tion and aggradation; and it is an indispensa- 
ble ingredient of the natural environment for 
the existence of life. Its place in the organic- 
complex is well summarized as follows: 

"Where there is life there must be water. There is 
no organism today, plant or animal, which is not 
highly dependent on it. ... A seed will not sprout 
without water. Indeed the cells which make up a 
seedling ... are largely water. Water has a basic role 
in the formation of the protein molecule, the funda- 
mental material for all living matter, plant and ani- 
mal. No less than light it is essential to photosyn- 
thesis, the biochemical process by which . . . plants 
obtain the principal raw materials for their growth. . . . 
Apart from fat, the tissues of all animal bodies are 
70 to 90 per cent water." * 

1 Edward A. Ackerman, Water Resources in the United 
Slates, reprint 6, Resources for the Future, Inc. 1958, p. 2. 

Man, being an animal organism, must of 
course have water to sustain his own life and 
to produce those organisms he uses for food. 
To these uses, man has added a long list of 
others. In our modern industrial and com- 
mercial society a large supply of water, far 
beyond that needed for drinking and for 
nourishing plants and other animals, has be- 
come a virtual necessity. There is no more 
important economic resource, and to meet all 
the demands on this resource a large, con- 
tinuous supply must be available. 

Even if the water held in chemical bond 
in the materials of the deep interior is ignored, 
there is a vast amount of water in the hydro- 
sphere. In the outermost 3 miles of the earth 
there is three times as much water as all 
other substances put together, and six times 
as much as the next most abundant com- 
pound, feldspar. 

As the table (p. 279) shows, most of the 
water near the earth's surface is in the great 
ocean reservoir. Less than 8 per cent exists 
elsewhere. An exceedingly small portion is 
in the atmosphere as vapor, as cloud-forming 
droplets, or as ice particles, and the re- 
mainder occurs as liquid or ice on and 
beneath the ground surface. 


The hydrologic cycle Practically all 
the water near the surface of the earth is in 
some sort of vertical motion, a result of a 
vast, continuous distilling process called the 
hydrologic cycle. (Though not named there, 
the hydrologic cycle was briefly discussed in 
relation to precipitation in Chap. 9.) Wher- 
ever water and the requisite energy meet, 
some of the water evaporates and enters the 
altmosphere. This happens at the soil surface, 

Water and the seas 279 

Approximate Distribution of the Waters of the Earth in Cubic Miles of 
Liquid Equivalent* 

In the lithosphere: 

Above sea level 1,085,000 

Below sea level to a depth of 2^ miles 1,255,000 

In the subcrustal zone 19,400,000 

On the lithosphere: 

In soil, plants, and animals 3,400 

In lakes and streams 53,000 

In icecaps and glaciers 3,200,000 

In the ocean basins 315,000,000 

In the atmosphere: 

In solid, liquid, and vapor 3,600 

Total 340,000,000 

* Estimated from various sources. 

the surfaces of plants and animals, and the 
water surfaces of lakes and streams, but 
mostly at the ocean surface. Insolation is the 
ultimate source of energy for these processes, 
which together are called evapotrampiration. 
As a constituent of maritime air masses the 
vapor thus fonned moves with the advec- 
tional and convectional currents of the atmos- 
phere, wherein it condenses, sometimes as 
dew, but mostly aloft as water droplets or ice 
particles. Some of these coalesce and fall as 
precipitation. A portion returns to vapor 
again before it reaches the earth's surface. 
The rest falls directly back into the ocean 
reservoir or onto the land surface. 

Much of the water that falls on the land is 
destined to return ultimately to the ocean 
reservoir, but its movement in that direction 
is not likely to be direct. Some falls upon 
lake or stream surfaces and thus starts back 
immediately, while some is shed on the 
ground and must find its way to a stream. In 
either case some of this surface water will be 
evaporated again before it returns to the 
ocean. The stream, responding to the pull of 

gravity, may flow either toward the ocean or 
toward some enclosed basin on the land. In 
such a basin it may collect as a salt lake, 
from which it either evaporates again or sinks 
beneath the land surface. Where there is no 
such topographic interruption to its return to 
the ocean, the surface water continues on its 
way, sometimes being delayed in a fresh- 
water lake or swamp but always moving 
downward. On the way some may leave the 
stream by sinking into its bed. 

A portion of the water that falls on the 
land neither evaporates again nor enters a 
stream, but instead sinks downward into the 
soil. Some of this is taken up by plant roots, 
passed upward through the stems, and evap- 
orated from pores in the leaves, a process 
known as transpiration. A fraction may move 
upward by capillary force, but some con- 
tinues downward to become part of the 
ground-water, i.e., the water that saturates the 
cracks and pore spaces of the regolith (un- 
consolidated surface material) and bedrock 
to the bottom of the fracture zone. Within 
this reservoir it moves in response to the pull 



FIG. 15.1 The principal aspects of the hydro- 
logic cycle. 

of gravity either directly or indirectly as a re- 
sult of pressure differences, and consequently 
it may move laterally as well as vertically 
within the ground. Some of the ground-water 
reservoir discharges directly into the ocean, 
below sea level, but by far the larger part 
drains by seepages and springs to feed the 
streams and rivers that flow back to the 

If, instead of summarizing the general 
functioning of the hydrologic cycle, a person 
tries to follow the history of a specific mass 
of water during a long period, he finds many 
complications. For example, a molecule may 
start life anew. A minute amount of new 
water escapes from the hot interior; this adds 
to the supply at the surface, since it is be- 
lieved that none is lost to space. Again, some 
of the water may become locked up in ice 
masses or in mineral crystals, or be trapped 
in the pore spaces of sedimentary rocks being 
formed at the bottom of the sea, there to re- 
main for uncounted years or perhaps even 
whole geologic eras. It may thus be held out 
of circulation for a time and consequently 
change to a small degree the relationship 
among the quantities of water in the surface 
portion of the hydrosphere enumerated in the 
preceding table. However, this does not 
greatly affect the short-term geographical 
operation of the hydrologic cycle, i.e., the 
movement of water via evaporation and pre- 

cipitation from the sea to the land and back 
which is diagrammatically illustrated in 
Fig. 15.1. 

Variations over the earth The varia- 
tions over the earth in the performance of 
the hydrologic cycle are very complicated as 
a result of the variations of all the factors 
that cause weather and climate to differ from 
place to place and from time to time, plus 
the variations of vegetation cover, soil and 
bedrock character, saltiness of water surfaces 
and many other factors. Nevertheless, some 
geographical generalizations are possible. It 
is estimated that some 60,000 cubic miles of 
water is evaporated into the atmosphere each 
year, the larger amount of it equatorward of 
the middle latitudes because the energy 
supply from the sun is greater there. In the 
higher latitudes, poleward from about 38, it 
is thought that the total precipitation exceeds 
the evaporation. Thus there must be a net 
zonal transfer of atmospheric water from the 
lower to the higher latitudes that is compen- 
sated by return ocean flow. 

Unfortunately, the measurement of the 
amount of water that evaporates from the 
land and sea surface is not as easy as the 
measurement of precipitation. Consequently 
an accurate world map of the distribution of 
actual evapotranspiration amounts cannot yet 
be made. When it is, it will bear a strong 
resemblance to a map of world precipitation. 
On the other hand, evaporation from the 
water surfaces of subtropical latitudes no 
doubt exceeds that from water surfaces in 
other parts of the earth, as a consequence of 
the greater surface receipt of insolation and 
the divergent surface airflow characteristic of 
these regions. 

At any given latitude those land areas that 
have more water on the surface or in the soil 

and a denser vegetation cover will furnish 
proportionately more water to the atmosphere. 
Likewise, the clearer, windier, and warmer 
an area, the greater will be the possibility of 
transfer. Thus the climatically dry land areas, 

Water and the seas 281 

generally being clear, windy, and warm, have 
a high potential evapotranspiration, but, be- 
cause of having little surface or soil water 
and meager vegetation, naturally have a rel- 
atively low actual rate. 



The land surfaces upon which man lives 
and from which he derives the greater part of 
his sustenance in reality occupy what may 
seem a surprisingly small fraction of the 
whole surface of the globe. Nearly 71 per 
cent of the earth is covered by the oceans, 
and all of the land masses are completely 
surrounded by water, forming huge islands 
in the continuous sea. Moreover, the wide 
sea is also deep, its volume being many 
times as great as that of the portions of the 
continents that lie above sea level. It is the 
sea, not the land, that is the prevalent en- 
vironment on the earth, foreign though this 
is to the human point of view. Though man 
does not live in the sea, he has much to do 
with it, for it serves him as a route of trans- 
port, as a source of food and, increasingly, 
of minerals, as a modifier of his climate, and 
as a partitioner of his lands. A study of the 
earth as the home of man cannot properly 
neglect so great and so significant a part of 
that earth. 


Sea water is a substance of highly complex 
composition. To be sure, only 3.5 per cent 
of the substance, by weight, is anything but 

pure water, and the greatest part of this 
small amount of impurity is common salt 
(sodium chloride) which is present in solu- 
tion, with most of the small remainder being 
dissolved salts of magnesium, calcium, and 
potassium. But there are minute quantities of 
an immense number of other substances so 
many that a complete listing here is impos- 
sible. Most of these impurities have probably 
been brought into the sea at a very slow rate 
by streams, though some may be derived 
from other sources. Since evaporation leaves 
the salts behind, a gradual concentration of 
soluble materials in the sea is occurring. 

The degree of concentration of dissolved 
salts, called the salinity of the water, varies 
somewhat from place to place, being affected 
principally by the relative rate of precipita- 
tion and evaporation. Heavy rainfall lowers 
the surface salinity by dilution; strong evap- 
oration raises the salinity by removal of 
water and concentration of salts. 

The highest salinities in the open sea are 
found in the dry, hot subtropics, where evap- 
oration is great. Nearer the equator salinities 
decrease because of heavier rainfall. In the 
cooler middle latitudes salinities are relatively 
low because of the decrease in evaporation 
and the considerable rainfall. But the varia- 
tions are small in the open sea, generally less 
than 5 per cent on either side of the mean. 



In coastal waters and nearly enclosed seas, 
on the other hand, the salinity often departs 
greatly from the mean. In hot, dry, nearly 
isolated seas such as the Red Sea and 
Persian Gulf, the salinities reach very high 
figures because the water in them is subject 
to strong evaporation but cannot mix freely 
with less saline waters from the depths of the 
open sea. On the other hand, in the neigh- 
borhood of the mouths of large rivers or in 
nearly enclosed seas into which large rivers 
flow, such as the Black Sea and the Baltic 
Sea, the dilution by fresh water reduces the 
salinity to relatively low figures. 

The mean density of sea water is slightly 
higher than that of pure fresh water because 
of the presence in sea water of dissolved 
salts, and the density becomes greater with 
increasing salinity, as well as with decreasing 
temperature. Therefore very saline or very 
cold surface water tends to sink and to be 
replaced by water from beneath. Thus in 
middle-latitude waters, where winter cooling 
of the surface is extreme, there commonly 
occurs during the winter an "overturning," 
with the chilled surface waters becoming 
cold enough to sink, while slightly warmer 
waters from below come to the top. Where 
warm and cold surface waters meet, the 
colder sinks beneath the warmer. 



Waves are the smallest and most localized 
of the several kinds of movements in which 
the ocean waters are involved. Most waves 
are originated by the wind, though they may 
continue to travel beyond the area stirred by 
the wind and long after the wind has ceased 
to blow. The importance of waves lies 
chiefly in their effect upon the operation of 

seagoing ships and, more pertinent to the 
present discussion, in their function of 
eroding along the coasts and distributing the 
eroded material. 

In deep waters, with low or moderate 
wind velocities, wave movements are smoothly 
progressive, with each water molecule de- 
scribing essentially a circle as the wave im- 
pulse passes. The water rises on the front of 
the wave, moves forward as the crest passes, 
drops down the rearward slope, and moves 
backward in the succeeding trough (Fig. 15.2). 
However, with high wind velocities the crest 
of the wave is tipped forward and breaks, 
forming a whitecap. 

The height of waves in the open sea 
appears to depend upon the velocity of the 
wind, the length of time the wind has blown, 
and the distance the wind has driven the 
waves across the surface. Up to a certain 
point, the height becomes greater with in- 
creasing values of each of these controls. 

Near the shore, where the depth of water 
decreases, an approaching wave is slowed by 
friction from below. The crest rises, steepens, 
and finally crashes forward as a breaker, 
which may hurl tons of water against the 
bottom or, if close enough inshore, against 
the land (Fig. 3.31). It is here that the 
erosional effect of the waves, which was 
described in Chap. 3, is greatest. 


Nearly all shores of the open seas ex- 
perience the distinct periodic rises and falls 
of sea level known as the tides. Like most 
familiar natural phenomena, they have been 
known and studied from very early times, 
and along the way have become a symbol of 
the certainty and inflexibility of natural 
processes. But understanding of how and 
why the tides vary from place to place has 

Wafer and the seas 283 

Forward at 
crest of wave 

Backward in 
trough of wave 

FIG. 15.2 How a water particle moves in a circle during the passage of 
a wave in the open sea. 

been slow in coming, and even now it is not 
securely grasped. The basic factors that pro- 
duce the tides are not especially obscure, but 
the actual mechanism of tidal activity on the 
earth is exceedingly complex. A full discus- 
sion of the causes of the tides is beyond the 
scope of this book, but they will be briefly 
summarized here. 

The moon and the tides The principal 
tide-producing forces are (a) the gravitational 
attraction of the moon and (b) the centrifugal 
force of the earth's revolution about the 
center of gravity of the earth-moon system. It 
may be shown that the first of these forces is 
directed toward the moon and is strongest 
on the side of the earth toward the moon, 
while the second force is directed away from 
the moon and has the same strength at every 
point on the earth. At the center of the earth 
the two forces are in balance. On the side 
toward the moon, the lunar attraction exceeds 
the centrifugal force, producing a net pull 
toward the moon. On the opposite side of 
the earth, the centrifugal component exceeds 
the gravitational, producing a net force di- 
rected away from the moon (Fig. 15.3). As 
the earth rotates within this field of forces, 
the waters of each small area of the oceans 
are subjected to successive pulls away from 

the center of the earth which reach maximum 
strength at intervals of about 12 hr, 25 min, 
the time it takes for earth rotation to carry a 
point on the surface from a position facing 
the moon to a position opposite the moon. 

Because the seas are not continuous but 
form a series of interconnected basins of 
many shapes and sizes, the tides do not 
actually behave as simple progressive bulges 
moving westward on the earth as it rotates 
toward the east. Instead, this type of move- 
ment appears to be combined with various 
oscillatory or swashing movements of the sort 
that may be produced by tilting or swinging 
a basin full of water. Each major ocean basin 
and bordering sea has its own pattern and 
style of tidal movement, and movements set 
up in each of two adjacent seas may, in the 
zone between them, interfere with and affect 
one another. The result is extreme variety 
from place to place in height of successive 
tides, intervals between tides, amount of rise 
and fall, and various associated phenomena. 

In most places there are two high tides per 
day, at approximately the expected 12 hr, 25 
min interval, and the amount of change is 
usually a few feet. Along most Atlantic 
shores successive high tides are roughly of 
equal height, while in the Pacific every second 









Centrifugal force of revolution 
of Earth Moon system (directed 
away from Moon ) 

Gravitational attraction 
of Moon (directed toward 

FIG. 15.3 The principal forces involved in the production of tides. 

high tide is distinctly lower than the preced- 
ing one (Fig. 15.4). On some shores, notably 
parts of southern Asia and the Caribbean 
and Gulf Coasts of North America, there is 
but one high tide per day. 

Tidal range The average difference in 
water level between low and high tide at a 
given place is called tidal range. Common 
tidal ranges on exposed coasts vary from 5 to 
10 ft. In sheltered waters, such as the Gulf 
of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, the range 
is usually less than 2 ft; and in nearly en- 
closed seas, such as the Mediterranean and 
the Baltic, the tides are so slight as to be 
negligible. In a few localities, mostly in 
funnel-shaped bays and estuaries, remarkably 
high ranges occur, increasing toward the 
head of the inlet. Liverpool has a range of 
29 ft, and the head of the Bay of Fundy, 

Nova Scotia, sometimes experiences tides of 
more than 50 ft. 

The sun sets up tides in precisely the 
same manner as the moon; however, these 
solar effects are much weaker, and in fact 
appear not as separate tides but simply as 
modifications of the lunar tides. At times of 
new moon and full moon, when the earth, 

FIG. 15.4 The intervals and amounts of rise 
and fall of the tide at Honolulu during a 48-hr 
period. Note the alternation of smaller and larger 
tidal rises. 



lg h Q h 6 h 12 h 18 h 2 4 h 




i MM nun 


1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 


April 22 

/ \ 

April 23 

/ v 




^ /\J 



^ X-, 

Afltr H A. Marm*r 

Water and the seas 285 

moon, and sun are nearly in line, sun and 
moon tides reinforce one another, producing 
unusually high tidal ranges. These tides, 
referred to by the misleading term of spring 
tides, recur every 2 weeks. At intervening 
times, when the sun and moon tides are at 
odds with one another, unusually low tidal 
ranges, called neap tides, occur. 

Tidal phenomena are important to the use 
and development of harbors. Currents of 
considerable strength are often set up by the 
tides in narrow inlets and bays, and these 
may cause hazards to the handling of ships 
in harbor entrances and about docks. In 
ports where the tidal range is large it is 
sometimes necessary to construct docking 
basins with lock gates to maintain water 
levels high enough to keep moored vessels 
afloat at low tide, as well as to decrease the 
inconveniences of change of level in loading 
and unloading. 


The waters of the oceans, even if wave 
movements are neglected, are not stationary, 
but take part in a broad system of continu- 
ous circulation that involves practically the 
entire water mass. The pattern of movement 
is three-dimensional, but the deeper parts of 
the system will not be considered here. 

Much the larger part of the surface move- 
ment of ocean waters is in the nature of 
a slow, relatively inconspicuous transfer, at 
an average rate of 2^4 miles per hour, that 
affects only shallow depths. The slowest 
movements are more correctly spoken of as 
drifts, in contrast to the deeper and more 
rapidly flowing currents that sometimes attain 
velocities two or three times the above 
average. Such rapid currents are usually con- 
fined to localities where discharge takes place 
through narrow channels. An example is the 



40 d 



FIG. 15.5 Generalized scheme of ocean 

Florida Current, which achieves velocities of 
4 to 6 miles per hour in making its exit from 
the Gulf of Mexico through the narrow strait 
between Florida and Cuba. 

General scheme Except for the polar 
seas, there is a tendency for all the great 
oceans to exhibit similar general patterns of 
surface currents and drifts. This is because 
surface ocean currents are fundamentally re- 
lated to the direction of the prevailing wind, 
though temperature and salinity differences 
and the shape and depth of the ocean basins 
also affect the pattern. 

The most conspicuous elements of the 
circulation of surface waters are great, closed 



elliptical whirls about the subtropical oceanic 
high-pressure cells (Fig. 15.5). The trade 
winds on the equatorward sides of the sub- 
tropical highs in both hemispheres tend to 
drift the surface waters westward before them 
across the oceans in what is known as the 
Equatorial Current. (There are really two 
equatorial currents, separated in the eastern 
part of the oceans by a minor countercurrent 
setting toward the east.) Checked in its west- 
ward progress by a continent, the Equatorial 
Current is divided, part of it flowing north- 
ward and part of it southward. Because of 
the rotational deflection and the trend of the 
coast line, and because of the wind direction 
around the western end of the subtropical 
high, the warm poleward-moving current 
gradually is bent more and more to the east. 

At about latitude 40 the warm surface 
waters move slowly eastward across the 
ocean as a west-wind drift. In the eastern 
part of the sea the drift divides, a part of it 
being carried by the winds equatorward along 
the coast until it again joins the Equatorial 
Current and thus completes the low-latitude 
current circuit. In the Northern Hemisphere, 
however, a considerable portion of the west- 
wind drift is carried poleward by the stormy 
southwesterlies, its relatively warm waters 
washing the west coasts of the continents and 
eventually entering the Arctic Ocean. The 
Arctic, compensating for this receipt of 
warm water, produces an outward flow of 
cold water that passes down the western side 
of the ocean into the middle latitudes. In 
the Southern Hemisphere much of the west- 
wind drift continues clear around the earth 
in the unbroken belt of ocean that occupies 
the southern middle latitudes. 

It should be emphasized that this picture 
of surface currents and drifts is greatly sim- 
plified, for superimposed upon this general- 

ized average pattern are numerous eddies and 
surges, together with changes in direction 
and strength of currents following the seasonal 
shifts and reversals of winds. 

Yet if the idealized pattern is compared with 
a somewhat generalized map of actual sur- 
face currents, it will be seen to correspond 
fairly closely (Fig. 15.6). In the Atlantic and 
Pacific Oceans the subtropical whirls, west- 
wind drifts, and Arctic currents are clearly 
distinguishable. In the Indian Ocean, though, 
only the Southern Hemisphere pattern is well 

Warm and cool currents If it is kept 
in mind that poleward-drifting surface waters, 
since they come from lower latitudes, are in- 
clined to be warmer than the surrounding 
waters, while those from higher latitudes are 
likely to be cooler, the following generaliza- 
tions will be understandable. In the latitudes 
equatorward from about 40 warm ocean 
currents tend to parallel the eastern sides of 
continents, cool ocean currents the western 
sides. In the latitudes poleward from about 
40 the reverse is more often the case, warm 
ocean currents affecting the western sides of 
land masses, and cool ones the eastern sides. 
Along east coasts (western sides of oceans), 
therefore, there is likely to be a convergence 
of contrasting currents, while along west 
coasts currents tend to diverge. 

A part of the cool water along west coasts 
in lower latitudes those of Peru and northern 
Chile, northwest and southwest Africa, and 
southern California, for instance is the re- 
sult of upwelling from depths of several 
hundred feet along the coast. In these areas 
equatorward-moving winds from the sub- 
tropical whirls drive the surface waters 
toward lower latitudes and away from the 
land. Colder water from below, therefore, 
rises to replace the surface water. 

Water and the seas 287 

Warm currents 
Cool currents 

/ ry ' / / $3 { T^ ' "*> 
(WEST/ WIN!}/ DRIFT,- , ' f . 

FIG. 15.6 Surface currents of the oceans. (After G. Schott.) 


Surface temperatures of the seas range 
from about 28.4, which is the approximate 
freezing point of sea water, to about 86. 
This is a much smaller range of values than 
is experienced on the lands, very low tem- 
peratures not being present in the seas (unless 
temperatures of the polar ice be included). 
In addition, changes in the temperature of 
the sea surface during the year are remarkably 
small, amounting to no more than 2 to 7 in 
tropical waters and 9 to 15 in the upper 
middle latitudes; and variation in the surface 
temperature between day and night is no 
more than a fraction of a degree. This con- 
siderable variety of temperatures, combined 
with the slight change from day to day and 
the only modest variation during the entire 
course of the year, constitutes a fact of great 
importance to the earth's climate. 

The heating process The chief process 

by which the sea is heated is absorption of 
radiation from the sun and the atmosphere; 
cooling of the sea is accomplished largely by 
radiation from the surface and by evapora- 
tion of water from the surface. Since incom- 
ing radiation decreases from the tropics 
toward the poles, and since the greatest cool- 
ing of the seas by radiation occurs in the 
higher latitudes, especially during the winter, 
it is not surprising to find that the ocean 
temperatures follow essentially a latitudinal 
pattern (Fig. 15.7). The tropical seas are 
warm, with only small variations from place 
to place. Poleward of the tropics, however, 
temperatures fall off rapidly with increasing 

The fact that the sea-surface isotherms do 
not strictly follow the parallels of latitude in- 
dicates, of course, that radiation, which does 
have a clear latitudinal pattern, is not the 
only control. Prevailing air temperatures 
have an effect also, particularly in lowering 





FIG. 15.7 Surface temperatures of the oceans. (After G. Schott.) 

sea temperatures near the eastern coasts of 
the continents in the middle latitudes during 
the winter. 

Much more important, however, is the cir- 
culation of ocean water in the great surface- 
current systems previously described, by 
which warm water is brought into the middle 
latitudes on the western sides of the oceans and 
moved across to the eastern sides, and by 
which cool water is brought equatorward on 
the east sides of the subtropical oceans and 
on the opposite sides in the high latitudes. 

The effects of these movements of the 
ocean waters may be seen in Fig. 15.7. As 
there shown, the average sea temperature on 
the coast of southern Japan, washed by a 
warm current, is nearly 10 warmer than 
that in southern California, in the same lati- 
tude but washed by a cool current reinforced 
by upwelling. Between Labrador, flanked by 
a cold Arctic current, and the northern part 
of Ireland, in the path of the warm west-wind 
drift, the difference is more than 15 in Au- 
gust, and during the winter it is nearly twice 

Ocean temperatures and climate 

While the relationships between the oceans 
and the various climatic elements have been 
discussed earlier in the book in the chapters 
dealing with specific climates, certain of the 
more significant connections may conven- 
iently be recalled and treated generally here. 

Because of the great width of the oceans, 
air masses passing across them are in contact 
with the water surface for considerable 
periods of time. This gives the surface layers 
of the atmosphere a good opportunity to as- 
sume temperatures that are approximately 
those of the sea surface itself, or at least the 
temperature of the air will tend toward that 
goal. When air that has been so modified by 
a long sea crossing passes onto an adjacent 
continent, it carries the sea temperatures 
along with it. 

Since the ocean temperatures tend to be 
relatively mild and to change but little from 
winter to summer, a corresponding mildness 
is a distinguishing characteristic of the tem- 
peratures of those land areas into which sea 
air is regularly carried. This effect is especially 

noticeable on west coasts in the middle lati- 
tudes, where the prevailing onshore move- 
ment of marine air imparts much warmer 
winter and cooler summer temperatures than 
are characteristic of the interiors or eastern 
sides of the continents. Thus at San Fran- 
cisco the average temperature of the warmest 
month is only 60, and that of the coldest 
no lower than 49. 

The more or less foreign temperatures 
brought by ocean currents to any given 
latitude are variously reflected in coastal cli- 
mates. Thus in northwestern Europe, where 
westerly winds carry the effects of the warm 
North Atlantic Drift far into the continent, 
coastal temperatures in January are 30 to 40 
warmer than the average for those latitudes. 
Where currents of contrasting temperatures 
converge, as along the middle-latitude east 
coasts of Asia and North America, the sharp 
gradient in sea temperature is to a small 
degree reflected in a similarly abrupt gradient 
in air temperature along the coast. Cool-water 
coasts in the subtropics are often foggy be- 
cause warm air from over the ocean proper 
is chilled to below the condensation point by 
passing over the cool current near the shore. 


The myriad forms of life that exist in the 
sea may, for present purposes, be divided 
into three major groups according to their 
mobility. Most familiar are the free-swimming 
forms, which include the larger fish, Crus- 
tacea, and sea mammals that are able to move 
about over considerable distances in search of 
food. A second group is made up of the 
sessile forms, those plants, shellfish, corals, 
etc., that are more or less permanently at- 
tached to the bottom. The third and perhaps 

Water and the seas 289 

least familiar group is the plankton. These 
are small, sometimes microscopic organisms, 
both plant and animal, that, either because 
they have no means of locomotion or because 
they are so very small, are incapable of self- 
determined movements of any significant 
scale. Instead, they drift with the water in 
which they live. 

Plankton The plant plankton are the 
most fundamental source of food for sea life 
in general. The animal plankton and all 
other forms of sea creatures feed either 
directly upon these tiny plants or include in 
their food other sea animals which do feed 
upon the plants. Remove the plant plankton 
from the sea and all other forms of life would 
soon perish. Thus where the plant plankton 
are concentrated, there also will be found the 
greatest numbers of sea animals, feeding upon 
the plants or upon one another. Any localized 
conditions favoring the concentration of 
plant plankton will tend to concentrate 
animal plankton, fish, shellfish, and sea 
mammals as well. 

The needs of plant plankton are the same 
as those of plants in general: light, and cer- 
tain mineral and organic nutrients. The first 
requirement confines them to the surface 
layers of the sea, into which light can pen- 
etrate. The second is manifest chiefly in a 
need for constant replenishment of the 
nutrients, to make up for the supply that has 
been removed from the waters by the earlier- 
existing generations of plankton. 

This renewal of nutrients must come largely 
from the waters below. Hence any process 
that brings deeper water to the surface will 
favor the maintenance of a dense plankton 
growth. This is significantly accomplished 
by (a) turbulent mixing of water by wave 
action in shallow coastal waters, (b) upwelling 
of cold waters along subtropical west coasts, 



FIG. 15.8 The principal commercial fisheries are found in the cool seas 
of the Northern Hemisphere, especially along the broader continental 

and (c) winter overturning of waters in the 
higher middle latitudes. The surface waters in 
areas where one or more of these processes 
occur appear to be the centers of plankton 
concentration and therefore of sea life 

Fish and sea mammals Following the 
pattern of occurrence of plankton, fish appear 
to be relatively strongly concentrated on the 
continental shelves, in areas of upwelling, 
and in waters of the higher latitudes. The 
great commercial fisheries line the margins of 
the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, 
where fish exist in unparalleled abundance 
and where there are also populous markets 
on the adjacent lands (Fig. 15.8). In these 
waters occur such species as the herring, 
cod, haddock, halibut, mackerel, salmon, 
sardine, tuna, and menhaden. Herring, the 
most important of all food fish, occur here in 
great numbers and sometimes in remarkable 
concentration. In the same areas are found 

other forms of sea life including oysters 
and other shellfish, crabs and sponges that 
are also valuable to man. 

The corresponding waters of the Southern 
Hemisphere also appear to be rich in sea life, 
but the large human populations that are the 
other necessary component of commercial 
fisheries are wanting. Also, certain of the 
most abundant fish of the Northern Hemis- 
phere are not found in southern waters, 
though conditions are favorable for them. 
Herring have been introduced into the 
Southern Hemisphere in recent years and 
appear to be thriving. 

It is commonly believed that the tropical 
seas are generally less densely populated by 
fish than are the cooler waters of the globe. 
Yet while this may be true, the disparity is 
not as great as once thought; at least the re- 
source is sufficient to permit many peoples 
of the tropical coasts to derive much of their 
living from the sea. It seems clear that in the 

warm waters of the low latitudes there is a 
much greater variety of species than in the 
higher latitudes, but that the number of indi- 
viduals in any single species is likely to be 
much smaller. There are, for example, no 
known tropical counterparts of the tremen- 
dous schools of herring and of sardines that 
are found in cooler waters. Interestingly 
enough, similar contrasts between tropics, 
with more species, and middle latitudes, 
with more individuals per species, character- 
ize both the animal and plant kingdoms on 
the lands. 

Most of the large sea mammals, such as 
the whales and seals, stay in no one latitu- 
dinal area but are wanderers, ranging from 
Arctic to Antarctic. Since they, like fishes, 
live chiefly upon fish or plankton, they too 

Water and the seas 291 

seek out the areas where these are concen- 
trated. Because of their value for furs, skins, 
or oil, many of these animals have been ruth- 
lessly hunted and their numbers greatly re- 
duced, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. 
The whale fishery is now largely in Antarc- 
tic waters, and the Arctic fur-seal fishery is 
closely regulated to prevent extinction. 

The "deserts" of the sea are the interiors 
of the great subtropical high-pressure whirls. 
In these areas the high evaporation and low 
rainfall lead to unfavorably high salinities, 
and these saline surface waters converge and 
sink. There is a low supply of nutrients at 
the surface, and therefore the plankton pop- 
ulation is low, and there is no basis for sus- 
tenance of a significant population of fish. 


The waters 
of the land 

The occurrence and properties of 
water Excepting the water that lies below 
sea level beneath the continents and that 
portion presently locked up in glaciers, only 
about 0.3 per cent of the earth's water is on 
or within the land. This tiny fraction of the 
total amount of water, moreover, is the only 
fresh, liquid water available to the organic 
life of the continents, including the life of man. 

There are variations over the earth in the 
occurrence of this water of the land, and, 
because water has extraordinary properties 
and is, indeed, indispensable to organic life, 
a great share of the differences in physical 


environment from place to place is a direct 
consequence of these variations. 

Water is one of the few naturally mobile 
substances on the earth, and in consequence 
it functions as a great conveyor, moving 
massive amounts of material from one place 
to another on the land. It can do this because 
(a) water can dissolve a larger number of 
substances in larger amounts than any other 
agent, and (b) its high specific gravity and 
internal friction enable it to pick up and 
transport materials easily. 

Dissolving power Pure water scarcely oc- 
curs in nature, for as soon as liquid water 

forms in the atmosphere it dissolves carbon 
dioxide and becomes weak carbonic acid. 
When this acid then reaches the surface of 
the earth, it instantly begins to dissolve other 
compounds, and these move with the water, 
either downward or across the land surface. 
Because of this uniquely high solvent power 
of water billions of tons of dissolved ma- 
terials are constantly in transit. Also, this 
quality is ultimately responsible for the chem- 
ical characteristics of the sedimentary rocks 
mantling most of the earth the rocks which 
provide sustenance, in the form of mineral 
foods, for a large share of the organic com- 
plex on the land, again through the medium 
of solution. The land form itself is even in 
large measure a result of this solvent quality, 
for a considerable share of the processes of 
gradation is carried on through the medium 
of solution. 

Movement of solids Water is also the 
primary agent moving solids over the surface: 
it is estimated that roughly three times as 
much material is moved in suspension in 
running water as is carried in solution in it, 
and atmospheric and glacial transportation 
of suspended material is considerably smaller. 
The high surface tension of water allows it to 
be held in the regolith by capillary force, the 
more finely divided solid aggregate being able 
to retain more water than the coarser. This 
makes the mass become "liquid" and poten- 
tially mobile. Thus water, functioning with 
the force of gravity, acts as an important 
agent in the mass movements of the land. 

An accurate summation of the total trans- 
port activity that may be ascribed to the direct 
and indirect action of water is beyond our abil- 
ity, but the estimates that have been made of it 
probably lie in the correct order of magni- 
tude. It is reasonable to suppose that an 

The waters of the land 293 

annual average of some 250 to 300 tons of 
solid sediment and 80 to 100 tons of dis- 
solved material per square mile of the earth's 
land surface are transported to the ocean by 
water. No doubt a much larger amount is 
simply moved, i.e., temporarily picked up 
and deposited again on the land, shifted 
laterally through mass movements, or merely 
relocated vertically in the regolith. Certainly, 
moving water is the most universal and sig- 
nificant agent affecting the ever-changing 
land surface. 

The distribution over the land surface of 
the earth of these activities of water varies in 
somewhat direct proportion to the quantities 
of water available on the land. Although 
many other factors are involved at each local- 
ity, a map of average annual precipitation 
portrays the basic pattern of the variations in 
the activity of water as an agent in the move- 
ment of materials. 

Water as a resource Simply as a vis- 
ible and invisible constituent of his natural 
environment that affects his comfort and en- 
joyment water is, of course, of great interest to 
man, but man's concern is greater than that. In 
the first place, the very existence of life 
requires water, and consequently, little if any 
life can exist where only negligible quantities 
of it are available. But beyond this, water, 
while only one of a long list of minerals used 
by man, exceeds all others in the urgency of 
its need and in the quantity used. 

Increasing needs Until recently a relatively 
small amount of water was required to supply 
the consumptive needs of man and the other 
land-based organisms needs that are clearly 
the most important but do not require large 
quantities. Beginning with the Industrial 
Revolution, however, water steadily in- 
creased in significance, until today it is cer- 








Estimated total 
United States water use 






1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 

FIG. 16.1 Estimated total United States' water 
use from 1900 to 1955, in billions of gallons per 

day (B.G.D). (Bated upon estimate of the U.S. Department 
of Com met ce in the ff !955 Annual Report of Re\ource<i for 
the Future," 1955). 

tainly the most used material in our complex 
modern life. Quite apart from its uses in 
place, that is, for such things as outdoor rec- 
reation and surface transportation, it is sought 
and utilized for a large variety of home and 
industrial needs. It is our major industrial 
and home solvent, coolant, and waste carrier; 
virtually all manufactured electricity requires 
water; and almost all industrial production 
requires amazing amounts of it. For example, 
a steel mill uses perhaps 65,000 gallons of 
water for each ton of steel it produces; each 
gallon of gasoline requires some 10 gallons 
of water for its preparation, and at least 
2,000 gallons of water is used in producing 
each pound of rayon. As the population of 
the earth grows and industrial and irrigation 
needs increase, the use of water is increasing 
at a considerably faster rate than population. 

Figure 16.1 shows, for example, that in the 
United States the requirements for water 
have increased more than five times since 
1900, although the population has little 
more than doubled. 

Withdrawal and nonwithdrawal. When 
water is made use of in place, the uses are 
classed as nonwithdrawal; when it is diverted 
from its source the uses to which it is put 
fall in the category of withdrawal. 

Water for withdrawal use must meet rather 
stringent purity requirements, and for most 
purposes it must be fresh (free of objection- 
able mineral content); and only the water 
precipitated from the atmosphere is generally 
of that quality. Thus regions of abundant 
precipitation usually, although not always, 
have ample sources of fresh water close at 
hand, and inhabitants may use it lavishly; 
in dry regions, on the other hand, sources 

FIG. 16.2 Estimated withdrawal use of water 
in the United States in 1950, in billions of gallons 
per day (B.G.D.). Water used for hydroelectric power 
is not included. The municipal value includes water 
supplied to industry from municipal water works; 
the industrial value is that obtained from private 

Sources Only. (From l/.S. Geolv&ical Survey Cinulat 775, 




Industrial Irrigation Municipal Rural 

are not ample and it may not be used 
lavishly, which is a fact of critical significance. 
The actual amount of withdrawal water 
used by man naturally varies from place to 
place, depending in part upon this varying 
availability and in part upon technologic 
development and density of human occu- 
pance. The total amount used is a meaning- 
less figure, but some idea of the magnitude 
may be gained from knowing that the aver- 
age domestic use of water in the United 
States is nearly 65 gal per person per day, 
and that even the most primitive living con- 
ditions anywhere on earth require at least 5 

The waters of the land 295 

gal per person per day. Although domestic 
use always has the highest priority, it accounts 
for only a minor portion of the total amount 
used. Withdrawal uses for irrigation, in- 
dustry, and steam-power production require 
vastly more. 

Withdrawal supplies are obtained from the 
surface water in streams and lakes, and from 
the ground water that exists below the sur- 
face of the land. Surface water is by far the 
more important supplier since it is usually 
easier to obtain. The proportion obtained 
from each source for the United States is il- 
lustrated in Fig. 16.2. 


As indicated in the preceding chapter, in 
the operation of the hydrologic cycle some 
of the water that results from precipitation 
spends part of its stay on the land as surface 
water, either in temporary storage close to 
the surface or as running water in the streams 
that drain a watershed; the remainder departs 
from the surface by evapotranspiration proc- 
esses or by sinking to lower depths to be- 
come incorporated in the ground- water 
reservoir; and in turn, some of the water in 
the ground-water reservoir drains into the 
surface water. Figure 16.3 shows in a dia- 
grammatic fashion these important rela- 

In considering these relationships, it should 
be borne in mind that the timing of the hydro- 
logic cycle is a complex matter, Thus, since 
the hydrologic cycle is in continuous opera- 
tion, it is difficult to estimate the volumes of 
water that are in each segment of the cycle 
at any one time. Also, it is known that there 
are significant variations in (a) the total 

amount of water involved in the operation of 
the cycle at particular times, (b) the propor- 
tions in each part of the cycle at specific 
times, and (c) the annual regime, i.e., the 
timing of the functioning of the cycle, during 
a year. Yet just as the variations of the cli- 
matic elements result in geographical patterns, 
so are there general spatial patterns in the 
functioning of the cycle. Our knowledge of 
these is much scantier; nevertheless, they 
constitute a fundamental part of the physical 
geography of the earth. 


If a person were able to add with accuracy 
the amounts of water that at a particular time 
were (a) in the ocean reservoir, (b) in the 
ground-water reservoir, (c) in the atmospheric 
reservoir, and (d) actually in the process of 
draining off the land, and if he then com- 
pared this sum with the total amount of 
water on the earth, he would find that there 








FIG. 16.3 Some of the major relationships of the surface-water portion 
of the hydrologic cycle. 

was a significant residual unaccounted for. 
The difference consists of the surface water 
that is temporarily held in storage on and in 
the upper portion of the land, including (a) 
the water in the regolith above the saturated 
ground-water reservoir, (b) the water in ice 
and snow on the surface, and (r) the water in 
the tissues of plants and animals. Some of 
the surface water is always in such storage 
on and in the land, for shorter or longer 
periods; this water in storage is always dis- 
tributed unevenly over the earth; and at each 
place the amount varies from time to time. 

The study of this storage-water balance of 
the earth is very complicated. There are 
good records of the areal and seasonal distri- 
bution of precipitation from which the stored 
water is derived; but there are not good 
records of the amounts in other portions of 

the cycle which, if taken together and sub- 
tracted from precipitation distribution, would 
show how the storage remainder is distributed. 
Nevertheless, enough is known to indicate 
the general pattern. 

Figure 16.4 shows in a generalized fashion 
the average distribution by latitudinal zones 
of water temporarily detained on the land. 
The figure might be said to show the lati- 
tudinal variation of the "average wetness" of 
the land. The symmetrical distribution shown 
there for the two hemispheres is to be ex- 
pected, but the latitudinal variations within 
a hemisphere show well the effects of (a) the 
heavy precipitation of the tropics, and (b) the 
marked effects in the higher middle latitudes 
of lessened evaporation at all seasons and of 
the storage of snow and ice in winter. 

The variations during the year of the 

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 

North latitude South latitude 

FIG. 16.4 General distribution of the amount 
of water detained in temporary storage on and 
near the surface of the land at various latitudes, 
expressed in depth per unit area. Values are the 
averages of computed monthly totals. Since the 
storage water of one month may be carried over to 
the next, the graph does not reveal the total 

amount Of water involved. (Data from van Hylckania.) 

amount of water detained on and in the land 
areas at the various latitudes also are sym- 
metrical; i.e., similar latitudes have similar 
variations. Figure 16.5 shows diagram- 
matically for each latitude the season of the 
year when most water is detained. In the 
higher latitudes late winter and spring are 
the seasons of maximum storage, since win- 
ter evaporation approaches nil because of 
low temperatures, causing a large volume of 
water to be locked up in snow and ice. 
In the lower latitudes the maximum occurs 
during and shortly after the wet season. 


Sources and measurement The drain- 
age in streams, called surface runoff, comes 
from three immediate sources: (a) the rainfall 
that remains after losses due to evapotranspi- 
ration and infiltration, (b) the water released 
from storage, and (c) the water that emerges 
from the underground (ground-water) reser- 
voir. Considerable variation from place to 

The waters of the land 297 

place and from time to time occurs both in 
amounts of runoff and in the proportion 
supplied by each source. Short-term minor 
variations result from individual storms, 
while seasonal differences result from varia- 
tions in the regimes of annual precipitation 
and the release of storage water. The propor- 
tion of runoff that is discharged from the 
ground-water reservoir is subject to the least 

The annual runoff of a watershed (a land- 
form drainage area) is measured by the dis- 
charge accomplished by its streams, which is 
expressed as a volume per unit of time. The 
total annual volume may then be divided by 
the drainage area to obtain a quotient that 
may be expressed as a depth of water, just as 
precipitation is expressed, and annual aver- 
ages of these values may be mapped. It 
should be borne in mind, however, that maps 
of average annual runoff provide an even 
more generalized picture of variations from 
place to place than maps of average annual 
precipitation, since the volume of runoff for 

FIG. 16.5 Highly general diagram of the 
season of maximum water detention on the land at 
the various latitudes in the hemispheres. 

(From van Hylckama.) 


DE (N and S) 







- N 



x x 









Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter 
solstice equinox solstice equinox solstice 



an area can only be obtained from a point, 
viz., a stream-gauging station, and the total 
runoff is then equally apportioned to all 
parts of the watershed. Consequently, a map 
of runoff shows only the general pattern of 
variation, not the actual amount that drains 
at every point. Figure 16.6 is a map of the 
average annual runoff of the United States. 
The major differences shown on a map of 
annual runoff are, of course, associated with 
variations in annual precipitation, as a com- 
parison with a precipitation map will show. 
Stream flow Much of the time surface 
runoff is largely fed by emerging ground 
water. However, the ground-water propor- 
tion of runoff is lower at the time of rainfall 
or snow melt. Then, when there is a large 
supply of water on the land surface, it follows 
die pull of gravity and most of it quickly 
collects in channels. One recognized list- 

ing of these channels separates those that 
contain flowing water only a portion of the 
time and those that do so continuously; the 
former, if they contain water with some reg- 
ularity, are called intermittent streams; the 
latter are termed permanent streams. 

Generally, the variations in stream flow are 
tied closely to variations in precipitation, 
evaporation, infiltration, and storage-water 
release; and the interrelations vary from place 
to place and from time to time. 

Unchannelized movement of water in a 
thin layer over a surface, called sheet wash, 
occurs when the accumulation of water on 
a sloping surface is greater than the channel- 
ing and water-infiltering capacity of the sur- 
face forms and materials. Heavy rains and 
snow melt, relatively gentle slopes, and a 
surface material with a slow infiltration 
capacity, such as a "tight" clay or frozen soil, 

FIG. 16.6 The average annual runoff in the United States. (Generalized 
from a map by the U.S. Gcokgual Survey.) 



C23 2.5-5 


The waters of the land 299 

favor sheet wash. Where there is not enough 
slope to draw off the water, it simply collects 
as temporary "standing water" in swamps, 
marshes, and shallow lakes. 

Regime of runoff As everyone knows, 
creeks and rivers fill up after a heavy rain. But 
there is a lag between the time of rainfall and 
the rise of stream levels, resulting from the 
facts that (a) it takes time for the surface flow 
of water to reach the streams, and (b) a share 
of the water filters downward and then moves 
laterally to seep out again where runoff 
channels have cut below the temporarily 
water-filled upper soil layers. This water 
moves more slowly because of friction. 

Since all this direct surface runoff increases 
after a rain, and drainage from the under- 
ground reservoir fluctuates relatively little, 
one might expect that the annual runoff 
regime would likewise reflect seasonal varia- 
tions in precipitation amounts. But the 
annual variation in runoff is much more 
closely regulated by the release of storage 
water, and peak runoff generally is associated 
with the period of peak storage. In the tropics 
this period nearly coincides with the rainy 
season, but for a large part of the middle and 
higher latitude areas this period is around the 
time of the spring equinox in each hemisphere. 

Figure 16.7 is a composite graph illustrat- 
ing the average regime of runoff for two areas 
in Ohio. As winter wanes and spring advances, 
temperatures, and consequently evaporation, 
are still relatively low, and the top layer of 
soil is likely to be frozen. Rainfall and 
storage water from melting snow contribute 
considerable direct surface runoff. As tem- 
peratures rise farther and plants begin to 
grow, an increasing proportion of the pre- 
cipitation and storage water is subtracted 
through evapo transpiration. Thus, even 
though the precipitation reaches a maximum 

FIG. 16.7 Twenty-five-year (1921-1945) 
combined averages of the precipitation and total 
runoff as measured at the Hocking and Mad Rivers, 
near Athens and Springfield, Ohio, showing the 
proportions of the total runoff supplied from direct 
surface runoff and from ground water. 
(From U.S. Geological Survey.) 

in the summer, surface runoff decreases, and 
ground water, an equalizing influence, pro- 
vides an increasing proportion. In the autumn 
the decrease of both plant growth and air 
temperatures allows an increase in direct sur- 
face runoff as well as a steady replenishment 
of the ground-water reservoir. The concen- 
tration of surface runoff in the early part of 
the warming season tends to increase pole- 
ward; floods and soggy ground are common 
springtime phenomena in the areas of humid 
climates in the middle and higher latitudes. 

Factors affecting the amount of annual 
runoff Figures 16.6 and 16.9 show for the 
United States and the world, in a highly 
generalized fashion, the annual amount of 
runoff as determined in the manner outlined 
on page 297. 

Climatic factors It is clear from these 


?0* 60* 0* 40^ 30* 20 

FIG. 16.8 Relationship of the average annual 
total runoff to average annual total precipitation on 
the land per unit area according to latitude. The 
vertical difference between the two represents the 
loss through evapotranspi ration. North latitude is to 
the left. (From L'vovich and Drozdov.) 

maps that over the world as a whole, aver- 
age annual runoff tends to vary directly with 
precipitation, the ultimate source of surface 
runofT. But some variations result from dif- 
ferences in the nature of the precipitation. 
Where rainfall occurs primarily in the form 
of heavy or very frequent showers, a greater 
proportion of the fall will immediately be- 
come runoff because other factors come into 
play, such as a decrease in the rate of ground 
infiltration, as a consequence of saturation or 
compaction of the soil. 

Water held in storage near the surface, as 
well as that which percolates down to the 


ground-water reservoir, is merely delayed, 
not lost as a potential source of runoff; on 
the other hand, any water that is evaporated 
is lost. Consequently total runoff is the 
amount of precipitation minus the loss due 
to evapo transpiration. 

Because potential evapotranspiration is 
primarily a function of temperature one would 
expect, other things being equal, that the 
lower latitudes would have low runoff in 
proportion to their precipitation, and this 
general relationship obtains to a degree. But 
as Fig. 16.8 shows, actual runoff is heavy in 
the tropics in spite of the high evapotranspira- 
tion there, because rainfall is proportionately 
even heavier. The subtropical areas, because 
of their generally high temperatures and low 
precipitation, are zones of low annual runoff. 
The middle and higher latitudes, where 
evaporation rates are relatively low, have the 
highest ratios of annual runoff to annual 

Land-surface effects The land surface, in- 
cluding the bedrock on which it has devel- 
oped, adds complexity to the general pattern 
of annual runoff that basically results from 
the climatic pattern. This is primarily a re- 
sult of variations in permeability. Large areas 
of the continents are covered with surface 
materials that permit rainfall quickly to per- 
colate to considerable depths, where the 
water is beyond the reach of plant roots and 
the evaporation process. This water becomes 
a part of the ground-water reservoir and 
eventually feeds into streams. Thus surfaces 
underlain by pervious lavas and limestones 
are capable of absorbing rapidly vast quanti- 
ties of water, and these areas are commonly 
notoriously low in surface-runoff amounts. 
Also, sandy areas and the alluvial plains, 
small and large, which fringe many moun- 
tainous areas, particularly in dry climate 

0* 10* 20* 30* 40* 50* 60* 

areas, are likely to have porous surface ma- 
terials, and thus low runoff. On the other 
hand, there are many areas of very low 
permeability in marginal sections of dry cli- 
mates that have unusually low runoff amounts 
for quite a different reason. The collection of 
the water in surface depressions here may 
allow a large proportion to fall victim to 
evaporation. In general, there is likely to be 
more variability in annual runoff from place 
to place in the dry areas of the earth than 

World map of annual runoff The world 
map of average annual runoff (Fig. 16.9) is 
necessarily crude because stream gauging, 
from which it is derived, is not widespread, 
nor have such data been gathered for long 
periods. Nevertheless, the pattern displayed 
is not likely to be far from reality. 

The map shows certain general relation- 
ships that are to be expected; for example, 
the areas of copious precipitation generally 
have the heaviest runoff. Such areas are of 
two major types: (a) the areas of heavy 
tropical rainfall where runoff is high despite 
the high evapotranspiration, and (b) the 
areas of marine climates where relatively 
heavy precipitation is combined with cool 
temperatures. In many of the latter areas the 
precipitation is augmented by orographic 

The waters of the land 301 

precipitation, but not always: the lowlands of 
Europe stand out as high runoff zones in 
spite of moderate amounts of precipitation. 
Low runoff zones extend into humid climatic 
areas well beyond the climatic dry boundaries, 
for in many of the moister areas precipitation 
comes in the high-sun season and much of it 
is quickly lost to evapotranspiration. Notable 
also are the rapid transitions from regions of 
high to low runoff. Rapid gradients are 
characteristic of maps of runoff at any scale 
(Fig. 16.6). 

The world map and the following table, 
derived from the data used to prepare the 
map, show that the continents differ greatly 
in runoff amount. It will be seen that South 
and North America are the most favored and 
that Australia is the least. 

Lakes, swamps, and marshes Surface 
runoff, in the course of its movement in re- 
sponse to gravity, is, as previously mentioned, 
sometimes delayed enough for quiet, sluggish 
bodies of water to result. If such water bodies 
are shallow enough to allow vegetation to 
grow through the thin layers of water, they 
are called swamps, marshes, or boglands. 
Where water in them exists in an unbroken 
sheet, they are called lakes or ponds. By 
definition any such body of water, as distin- 
guished from a stream, must lie in a basin- 

Annual Runoff by Continent 


Average annual runoff, inches* 

South America 

North America 











11 Estimate by M. I. LVovich. 

like depression of the land surface. How any 
particular low-lying area of this type may 
have come to be is not the major interest 
here, but the fact that the majority are created 
by only a few kinds of processes helps to ac- 
count for their location. 

Regions of occurrences The majority of 
lakes, swamps, and marshes occur in regions 
of the world where the degradational and 
aggradational processes have not for the 
moment, since basins, like all other land 
forms, are transitory been able either to fill 
the basins with solid materials or integrate 
them into "normal" stream channels. The 
most obvious examples of such areas are 
those that have been subject to recent glacia- 
tion, especially continental. In large areas in 
northern North America and Europe there 
are literally tens of thousands of major and 
minor basins that are perennially or inter- 
mittently inundated by sluggish surface water. 
Swarnps and marshes are also common in 
these areas. Many lakes occur on floodplains 
along the courses of sluggish meandering 
streams where new surface patterns are con- 
tinually being formed by gradational proc- 
esses. Similar swampy areas are found in 
coastal areas of unusually gentle pitch. In all 
these kinds of areas the drainage of the land 
is poor; that is to say, whatever the amount 
of surface runoff may be, the rate is slow 
enough that there is an abundance of stand- 
ing water. 

In some areas underlain by soluble lime- 
stone (karst areas), the sinks may intersect 
the saturated ground-water zone and so con- 
tain lakes, or the free drainage of the sinks 
may have become plugged so that water col- 
lects in them. Many limestone areas, on the 
other hand, show little or no surface water 
even in streams, their drainage being primarily 
beneath the surface. 

The waters of the land 303 

In dry regions most basins, whether formed 
by tectonic or gradational process, are not 
filled to overflowing by the meager surface 
runoff; hence they are not quickly integrated 
into stream drainage. These are bolsons, or 
basins of interior drainage, which may con- 
tain temporary lakes. Tectonic forces, espe- 
cially deformation, have created numerous 
lake basins, including some of the more nota- 
ble of the world. Lakes Tanganyika and 
Nyasa in Africa, as well as the Dead Sea, are 
examples of lakes that have developed in 
great down-dropped trenches (Fig. 3.6). 

The occurrence of lakes in a surface-runoff 
system in humid areas changes the character 
of both the water and the runoff process. 
Silts brought into a lake by stream flow are 
deposited in the quieter water, so that water 
leaving a lake is usually clear. Water flowing 
out of a lake also tends to have a more uni- 
form temperature, and its mineral and organic 
character has usually been affected by the bio- 
logical processes at work in the lake. 

But the most significant effect of a lake 
upon the runoff process is its regulation of 
the rate of flow; a lake acts as a reservoir, 
collecting and detaining water during times 
of heavy surface runoff and releasing it later 
at a more uniform rate. This is of great 
utility to man in at least two ways: (a) it re- 
duces both the incidence and severity of 
downstream flooding, and (b) it raises the 
volume of the stream, at the time of mini- 
mum flow, above what it would otherwise 
be. The maintenance of higher volume is in 
many ways advantageous to water supply for 
withdrawal uses, and even more so for non- 
withdrawal uses. Two of the nonwithdrawal 
uses, the production of hydroelectric power 
and navigation, are generally limited by the 
minimum flow the former by its volume, 
the latter by its depth. 



FIG. 16.10 Highly generalized diagram of the Tennessee River 
drainage basin, showing the numerous reservoirs which have been 
integrated into the scheme of natural surface runoff. Projects of this nature 
are being carried out in many parts of the world where surface runoff is 

Subject tO great fluctuation. (Norman J. W. Thrower.) 

Man-made basins Where natural lake 
basins are absent in the scheme of surface 
runoff* and regulating effects are still desir- 
able, man may construct artificial basins. A 
steadily increasing number of these reservoirs 
is being constructed in those surface runoff 
areas where the regime is characterized by a 
large range between maximum and minimum 
flow. In the aggregate these constitute, with- 
out doubt, the most notable man-made 
change that is reflected in the maps of his 
physical environment (Fig. 16.10). 

Man-made lake basins are subject to the 
same forces as natural basins. Thus, although 
man can easily prevent the outlets from erod- 
ing deeper and draining the reservoir, it is 
difficult to control the silt content of the in- 
flow in order to prevent the lake from filling 

with solid material. To do this requires care- 
ful planning and regulation of the land use 
in an entire drainage basin, and such a com- 
plex, long-range program is not easily accom- 
plished except with governmental aid. 


The large quantities of water required for 
withdrawal use by modern urban and indus- 
trial centers are in some instances obtained 
from wells and springs, but usually from 
large lakes, large rivers, or small streams the 
drainage of which is stored behind dams to 
create municipal reservoirs. Only about one 
out of four of the principal American cities 

obtains its water supply from wells. Most of 
the remainder, especially the large cities, use 
surface water. Indeed, over half of the com- 
munities in the United States having more 
than 10,000 inhabitants are supplied from 
surface water. 

As the cities of the world grow in size the 
problems of obtaining sufficient surface water 
also grow. For example, New York City uses 
about 1 billion gal of water per day, and, 
because it is not located near a large lake or 
a usable river, must obtain this tremendous 
supply from a variety of areas. New York 
City depends on seven different stream water- 
sheds that gather water from a combined 
area of about 2,000 square miles, an area 
half again as large as Rhode Island (Fig. 
16.11). The water is taken from more than 
1,000 streams, small and large; it is stored in 
27 artificial and natural reservoirs, some of 
which are as far as 120 miles away; and it is 
brought to the city by means of more than 
350 miles of aqueducts and tunnels (Figs. 
16.11, 16.12). 1 

In many areas of the world cities have 
grown up without an adequate, easily obtain- 
able, supply of surface (or ground) water, 
and water must be brought great distances by 
aqueduct. For example, Los Angeles brings 
water from the Owens River-Mono County 
area on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada, 
nearly 300 miles away, and from the Colo- 
rado River on the California-Arizona border. 
In some parts of the world sea water is dis- 
tilled, but this is costly: the unit cost of dis- 
tilling is directly related to the mineralization 
of the source water, and sea water has from 

1 Anastasia Van Burkalow, "The Geography of New York 
City's Water Supply: A Study of Interactions," Geographical 
Review, vol. 49, 1959, pp. 369-386. 

The waters of the land 305 

32,000 to 36,000 parts per million of total 
dissolved solids. In the light of present tech- 
nology it appears that, even with atomic or 
solar energy providing the power requirement, 
it will be cheaper for some time yet to trans- 
port fresh water great distances than to distill 
sea water. 

Surface water differs from ground water in 
a number of important respects as a resource. 
Generally, surface water is less mineralized 
than the ground water of the same region, 
because surface water is derived in part from 
the runoff of rain water which has not been 
so long in contact with the minerals of the 
ground. However, surface water is likely to 
contain larger quantities of sediment and 
organic matter, including bacteria, than 
ground water. For this reason many cities 
find it necessary to purify and filter their 
water supplies. For example, nearly half the 
population of the United States uses water 
that has been treated in some way. Water 
used for irrigation must not have too high a 
mineral content, and many industrial uses, 
ranging from boilers to canning, require water 
having specific mineral qualities. 

The large industrial and municipal with- 
drawal uses of water occasion complex prob- 
lems of pollution when the effluent (the water 
that has been used) is returned to surface 
drainage. This affects recreation and wildlife, 
as well as communities downstream that may 
also use the surface water. Surface drainage 
through streams and lakes is related also to 
other water uses which are matters of great 
public concern, such as soil erosion, flood 
control, power production, and inland trans- 
portation. Out of these varied uses of surface 
water grow conflicts of human interest which 
lie beyond the scope of physical geography. 

A Middletown / New 




- OldCroton 
N ew Croton 
ooooooooo Delaware 


- East Delaware 

I West Delaware 

':\AT:L^mT : L C:-. OCEIA N 

20 30 40 

74T< - : :GiEOGR. REV,, JULY., 1959. / 

FIG. 16.11 Map showing the situation of the sources of New York 
City's water supply. Watershed areas are bounded by the shaded line and 
reservoirs are shown in black. The Cannonsville Reservoir, the site of which 
is shown in Figure 16.12, is indicated by the stippled black. (Adapted from 

map in Geographical Review.) 

The waters of the land 307 



Wherever more water is supplied to the sur- 
face than immediately runs off or is evapo- 
rated, the remainder sinks beneath the sur- 
face of the land. Generally, water beneath 
the surface is called ground water, as dis- 
tinguished from surface water. Yet, as indi- 
cated in the preceding discussion of surface 
water, a portion of the water that seeps 
downward does not go far, but instead is 
stored temporarily in the upper section of 
the ground. Much of this water never pene- 
trates deeper, and may shortly be lost by 
evapotranspiration processes or in runoff. 
This water was considered, for purposes of 
explaining surface water, as part of it. More 
accurately, however, this water near the sur- 
face, at least in humid areas, is in a sort of 
transition stage between surface water, ground 
water, and atmospheric water. Its ground- 
water aspects will be considered now. 

Water responds to the forces of gravity 
and molecular attraction. The former pulls 
water directly downward and acts indirectly 
through atmospheric pressure. Molecular 
attraction, through surface tension and capil- 
larity, causes water to adhere to surfaces in a 
thin film or creep into crevices and tiny 
channels in the regolith, and so to remain 
suspended in spite of the force of gravity. As 
a volume of water moves downward from 
the surface of the ground, a portion is left 
behind as a consequence of molecular attrac- 
tion. The upper portion of the ground is 
therefore commonly damp, although by no 
means saturated. On account of (a) the inter- 
action of the forces of gravity and molecular 

FIG. 16.12 Site ot the Cannonsville Reservoir 
and dam (white line) before construction. (Board of 

Water Supply of the City of New York.) 

attraction, (b) the amounts of water available, 

(c) the unevenness of the land surface, and 

(d) the vertical variations among the surficial 
materials, several zones or layers of ground- 
water character are observed. 

Zones Figure 16.13 illustrates the sev- 
eral different recognizable sections in the 
earth's reservoir of ground water. Each is a 

FIG. 16.13 Zones of subsurface water 
occurrence. In many places not all the zones occur; 
in some places none occur. 



zone into which ground water may move 
during its stay in the ground-water portion 
of the hydrologic cycle. Water from im- 
mediate precipitation, from melting snow, or 
from the surface runoff of some other area first 
passes into the zone of soil water. This 
upper section of the regolith usually consists 
of finely divided materials having a large 
admixture of organic substances. This zone 
can absorb a considerable quantity of water 
and retain it for a time until it passes into 
another stage of the hydrologic cycle, by 
evaporation directly, or through the roots 
and transpiring surfaces of plants. 

Water that enters the zone of soil water in 
excess of the amount that can be retained 
there, may percolate through and into the 
intermediate zone, which is below the reach 
of most plant roots. Here surface tension 
causes the water to adhere to the surfaces of 
rock particles and the sides of cracks and 
other openings. Although these voids may 
be temporarily filled during a time of heavy 
ground- water recharge, usually they are not. 
Air also circulates among these spaces. 

The intermediate zone and zone of soil 
water above it are collectively called the 
zone of aeration. As a consequence of the 
circulation of air in the zone of aeration, 
water may be removed by evaporation, caus- 
ing some fluctuation of the amount of water 

The downward-moving water that does 
not remain in the zone of aeration enters the 
zone of saturation, where all the pore spaces, 
cracks, and other openings among the parti- 
cles of the regolith or the bedrock are filled 
with water. 

The top of the saturated zone, or the con- 
tact surface between the zones of aeration 
and saturation, is called the water, or ground- 
water, table. Immediately above the water 

table and thus at the bottom of the zone of 
aeration is a zone called the capillary fringe. 
Here surface tension holds the water above 
the saturated zone in interconnected voids or 
"tubes" that are so small that water cannot 
drain out of them. These extend some dis- 
tance into the zone of aeration. Water may 
creep upward from the water table into the 
capillary fringe, but the fringe is primarily 
supplied from above by the downward move- 
ment of the water. The thickness of the cap- 
illary fringe depends upon the sizes of the 
voids; the smaller they are the thicker it will 
be. Thus, in sandy areas the thickness may 
be a foot or less, while in clay areas it may 
be three or more feet. The capillary fringe is 
significant because it often brings a source of 
water within reach of deep-growing plant 

The water table . If the land were 
suddenly to become transparent so that the 
water table at the surface of the saturated 
zone could be seen, it would be noted that it 
undulates in much the same way that the 
land surface does. It would be apparent, 
however, that its configuration is more sub- 
dued than that of the land surface; that is, 
the water table actually coincides or even in- 
tersects with the surface in some low places 
or valleys. Although it rises beneath hills 
it is proportionately farther from their surfaces 
at their summits. 

There is no need here to go into detail 
concerning the physical laws governing the 
movements of ground water, but one factor 
that basically accounts for much of the con- 
figuration of the water table is worth con- 
sidering. In order for water to flow, either 
above or below ground, it requires a slope, 
and the rate of flow varies with the slope. 
The slope of the water table is called the 
hydraulic gradient, and it is expressed as the 

Hydraulic gradient=^/ 
= slope of the ground 
water table 

FIG. 16.14 The hydraulic gradient. 

ratio of the head (vertical height or "fall" of 
the water) to the horizontal distance between 
the intake and discharge points, i.e., the points 
where water enters and leaves the table (Fig. 
16.14). Therefore, if a constant rate of flow is 
specified, the greater the distance between the 
place where the water enters the ground and 
where it discharges, the higher the head must 
be. Consequently, water in the saturated zone 
near a discharge point can escape with little 
head, while that farther away will pile up 
higher until the rate of addition to the satu- 
rated zone balances the rate of flow. 

As the rate of addition to the saturated 
zone changes from time to time the elevation 
of the ground- water table changes significantly 
being higher during periods of net ground- 
water recharge and lower during periods of 
net discharge (Fig. 16.15). The regime of 
surface runoff considered on page 299 is 
likely to be strongly correlated with the ele- 
vation of the water table but with somewhat 
of a lag, since it takes time for the water to 
move through the ground. 

Factors which affect the occurrence of 
ground water Ground water near the land 
surface is vitally significant just in the fact 
that almost all land vegetation derives its 
sustenance from this water and the minerals 
dissolved in it. In many rural areas and in 

The waters of the land 309 

some municipalities it is a primary source of 
water for domestic use; and in some places, 
where surface-water supplies are scarce, it 
even provides much if not all the water used 
for irrigation and stock raising. Consequently 
the character of the water and the variations 
of the depths and thicknesses of its several 
zones are matters of great importance in 
physical geography. The number of variables 
involved is very large, and only a few of the 
more important relationships can be suggested 
here. The elements of first rank that affect 
the character of the ground-water reservoir 
in any place are (a) the precipitation and 
evaporation in an area, (b) the porosity of the 
water-bearing materials, and (c) their 

FIG. 16.15 Fluctuations in the level of the 
ground-water table and their effects upon streams 
and vegetation. 











Precipitation and Evaporation The major 
influences on the occurrence of ground water 
are generally precipitation and evaporation. 
The heavier the precipitation and the less 
the evaporation, the more water is likely to 
percolate downward to enter the saturated 
zone, and consequently the higher the ground- 
water table is likely to be. It is these two 
factors that, in combination, maintain the 
ground-water table in some areas at such a 
level that it commonly intersects the undula- 
tions of the land surface, creating numerous 
lakes, swamps, and streams. In such areas 
the zone of aeration is likely to be thin even 
in the higher and drier land. Of course, as 
local relief becomes higher, the zone of aera- 
tion becomes thicker beneath the hilly areas 
because of the greater lateral drainage .of the 
water of the saturated zone. In dry climates 
and areas where meager precipitation occurs 
at a time of high temperatures, the water 
table is likely to be buried deeply every- 
where except in the deepest valleys. 

Porosity The term porosity refers to the 
ability of the regolith and bedrock to absorb 
variable quantities of water in response to 
the force of gravity. This depends upon 
many factors, but primarily upon the abun- 
dance and the size and shape of the spaces 
within the materials. Unconsolidated or 
loosely cemented sands and gravels, some 
limestones and lavas, and greatly fractured 
bedrock are porous because the sum of the 
spaces between the particles is large. 

Permeability The term permeability in- 
cludes porosity but refers to the ease with 
which water can move. Permeability, or con- 
versely impermeability, depends primarily on 
molecular attraction, which, acting mainly 
through surface tension, tends to retard the 
movement of water. The average size of the 
particles in a mass affects the amount of sur- 

face area inversely; namely, the smaller the 
particles, the larger the total surface area. 
The larger the surface area, the greater the 
volume of water that can be held by surface 
tension; hence, fine-textured materials tend 
to be relatively impermeable. For example, 
the surface area of the particles in a given 
volume of clay may be five thousand times 
that of the same volume of gravel, making 
the permeability of the gravel much the 
greater, while the porosity of the two ma- 
terials is the same. 

The permeability of the upper surface ma- 
terial (the soil) is in general independent of 
the average size of the particles in the regolith 
of which it is composed. Instead, the perme- 
ability of the soil is greatly affected by its 
content of organic material, and in general, 
the more organic material there is, the more 
water the zone of soil water can absorb and 

Rock formations and deposits which hold 
large supplies of water and allow it to move 
easily are called aquifers. These may range 
from fractured but otherwise solid rocks to 
those with many pore spaces, such as sand- 
stone, that allow water to move. The most 
permeable formations are beds of gravels and 
loose sands. These are relatively widespread 
since they are normal products of the grada- 
tional processes. 


Source and timing of recharge The 

ground-water reservoir in any area is re- 
charged primarily from two sources: (a) 
direct infiltration from precipitation, and (b) 
infiltration from streams and other bodies of 
water that receive drainage from other areas. 
There are important regional contrasts in the 

relative dominance of these suppliers and in 
the time when most recharge occurs. 

Since precipitation is the ultimate supplier 
of almost all the water on the land, it might 
be surmised that recharge from that source 
would ordinarily occur at the time of highest 
amounts of precipitation; but it is more com- 
plicated than that. Over much of the earth 
the maximum precipitation occurs during the 
time of high sun when air temperatures, in- 
cident sun energy, and vegetation growth are 
all at a maximum; therefore, much of the 
precipitation that occurs during this period 
is los,t through evapotranspiration. Conse- 
quently maximum recharge of the ground 
water occurs, rather, when the balance of 
these factors is favorable for it. This depends 
primarily upon the timing of the climatic 
elements, particularly precipitation and 

Regional variations In humid areas re- 
charge usually begins and reaches a maxi- 
mum in the early part of the rainy season. 
Here, where the rainy season generally coin- 
cides with high sun, the increasing temper- 
atures soon turn the tide in favor of losses 
by evapotranspiration, so that even where 
amounts of rainfall increase to a maximum 
during summer, the recharge of the ground 
water tends to decrease. Only in the humid 
tropics where potential evapotranspiration 
rates are relatively constant and in the humid 
mesothermal areas with low-sun precipitation 
does maximum recharge ordinarily coincide 
with the time of maximum precipitation. 

The recharge of ground water in arid 
regions follows a similar regime, closely tied 
to the annual variations in precipitation 
amounts. But there is one major difference 
between arid and humid regions with respect 
to recharge: recharge in humid areas usually 
occurs locally, that is, where the precipita- 

The waters of the land 311 

tion occurs, while the recharge area in arid 
regions is commonly displaced from the area 
of precipitation. The scanty precipitation at 
low elevations of arid regions is quickly lost 
by evaporation, but that which falls on the 
cooler, higher areas is not so subject to loss 
by evaporation and there is usually more of 
it. Thus it collects in stream channels and 
flows to the edges of the uplands, where it is 
likely to encounter marginal alluvial deposits 
made up mostly of highly permeable gravels. 
The water quickly sinks and while doing so 
also moves laterally beneath the surface, 
sometimes for considerable distances. 

Effluent and influent streams Water 
that enters the ground and moves beneath 
the surface as ground water must ultimately 
leave the ground water. It may do so in two 
ways: by emergence into the surface-water 
supply or by evapotranspiration. In humid 
areas the loss of water from the saturated 
zone is usually by outflow to streams; in dry 
areas the loss is more often by direct 

Streams may be classed as either effluent 
or influent in their relationship to ground 
water. Effluent streams are those that are fed 
by a water table above their level; here the 
stream channel intersects the water table, 
and water drains into it from the ground- 
water reservoir. Influent streams are those 
from which water feeds into the ground; here 
the water table lies beneath the bottom of 
the stream channel (Fig. 16.16). The streams 
of humid climatic regions tend to be effluent 
streams, and because of the steady addition 
of outflowing ground water, tend to increase 
in volume downstream; dry-land streams 
tend to have opposite characteristics. A small 
stream that is situated where its valley is 
in a variable relationship with the fluctuating 
water table, changes from time to time, being 






FIG. 16.16 Cross sections of an influent and 
an effluent stream. 

effluent when the water table is high and 
being influent, or even drying up entirely, 
when the water table is low. 

Springs Where ground water discharges 
onto the surface instead of at or below the 
level of a flowing stream, a spring exists. A 
spring may flow either continuously or inter- 
mittently, and its water may be either cold or 
warm, hard or soft (page 313). 

Springs result from a variety of conditions 
involving the position of the water table, the 
configuration of the land surface, and the 
nature and structure of the rock materials. 
Figure I6.\7a illustrates the occurrence of 
springs on the sides of a valley which has 
eroded below the usual level of the water 
table. Springs of this type are common, and 
often they are the main water sources for 
small brooks at the headwaters of rivers. If 
the level of the water table is lowered after a 
period of protracted drought, such a spring 
will cease to flow until the water table is 
again raised by the downward seepage from 
further rains. 

Figure 16.176 illustrates the site of a spring 

caused by the movement of water downward 
through porous formations and then hori- 
zontally along the top of an impervious layer. 
Permeable formations of gravels, sandstones, 
or other porous materials underlain by com- 
pact shales often produce many such springs 
in an area. Figure 16.17r illustrates how 
water from a wide area of rocks, even rocks 
of low water- holding capacity, may converge 
upon a spring site that results from a fault. 



Ground waters are not used as a source of 
water supply to the extent that surface waters 
are. Nevertheless, the ground-water reservoir 
is extensively utilized, especially (a) where 
surface supplies are limited or have unde- 

F I G . 16.17 Some of the many possible 
conditions of surface, material, and structure that 
are related to the occurrence of springs. 


sirable qualities, and (b) in smaller cities and 
villages, in suburban areas, and on farms. 
The approximate proportions of ground 
waters and surface waters taken for the major 
withdrawal uses in the United States are 
shown in Fig. 16.2. 

Almost no water is free from dissolved or 
suspended material, but the nature and 
quantity of such materials varies widely from 
region to region. Ground water ordinarily 
has been filtered through the earth, sometimes 
for many years, before it again comes or is 
brought to the surface; it is therefore rela- 
tively free from mud and other suspended 
materials. On the other hand, ground water 
commonly contains dissolved minerals, and 
some of these, such as sulphur or iron, may 
impart to water a disagreeable taste or render 
it unfit for certain industrial processes. Some 
minerals give tonic, laxative, or other me- 
dicinal qualities to the water. 

Among the most abundant of the soluble 
salts found especially often in ground water 
are compounds of calcium (lime), sodium, 
and magnesium. In desert regions, for in- 
stance, seepage waters are commonly charged 
with compounds of these elements and other 
salts to a degree that retards or prevents their 
use. In the United States these are known as 
alkali waters. In humid regions most of the 
readily soluble sodium compounds have long 
since been removed from the upper portion 
of the ground. However, limestones and 
lime-cemented sediments furnish calcium and 
magnesium compounds which, although they 
do not much affect the taste of water, give it 
a quality which does affect its domestic and 
industrial utility. 

The amount of mineral in solution usually 
is expressed in terms of the parts of dissolved 
mineral per million parts of water (ppm). 
Regions underlain mainly by crystalline 

The waters of the land 313 

rocks or by highly siliceous sands or sand- 
stones may contain as little as 5 or 10 ppm. 
These are the naturally soft waters. Water 
containing as much as 60 ppm still is con- 
sidered soft, but if water contains more than 
120 to 180 ppm it is considered hard water. 
In regions of lime-containing sedimentary 
rocks, well waters in common use contain 
300 to 500 ppm and, in a few places, as 
much as 700 to 800 ppm. Hard waters, if 
not "softened," may cause serious problems 
in the home and in certain industrial proc- 
esses. This is because of their chemical re- 
actions and especially the formation of un- 
desirable precipitates. It is estimated that 
use of hard water for municipal supply costs 
the homeowner well over $100 per year 
directly and indirectly. The ground waters 
that supply some 10 per cent of the urban 
population in the United States are twice as 
hard as the surface waters used for that pur- 
pose (160 ppm compared with 80 ppm, 

The use of wells and spring waters 
Throughout the world there are no doubt 
thousands of farmhouses and not a few vil- 
lages that are located upon sites originally 
chosen, long ago, because spring water was 
found there. Large numbers of these springs, 
most of them on valley slopes, still are flow- 
ing and still supply water. Yet the substitu- 
tion of tilled crops for forest and grassland 
has tended to increase the rate of runoff and 
so to decrease the proportion of the precipi- 
tation that infiltrates. The consequent lower- 
ing of the water table has had the effect of 
rendering the supply of spring water less de- 
pendable, and at the same time the growth 
of population has tended to make this source 
of supply less adequate and more subject to 
pollution. In the more heavily occupied areas 
the withdrawal of ground water by artificial 



means (wells) has also greatly depleted the 
ground-water supply. 

Kinds of wells Wells are holes that pene- 
trate below the water table where ground 
water may drain into them from an aquifer 
and then be brought to the surface. Formerly, 
many wells were made by simply digging a 
hole below the level of the water table, and 
they seldom were many feet deep. Millions 
of such dug wells still are in daily use in 
nearly all parts of the world, although this 
shallow and open construction makes them 
particularly subject to surface pollution. 
Since most dug wells cannot easily be ex- 
tended far below the water table, the normal 
rising and falling of the water table with 
periods of recharge and discharge makes 
them also a relatively undependable source 
of water supply. 

A driven well is obtained by forcing a 
point (a pointed length of pipe with screened 
holes in it) into the ground, adding succes- 
sive sections of pipe in the process. If the 
point enters an aquifer, the water will enter 
the holes and may be pumped out. Since the 
pipe forms a casing all the way to the aquifer, 
there is less likelihood of pollution than in 
the case of a dug well. But driven wells are 
usually shallow also, and can only be put 
down in unconsolidated materials. 

A drilled well is made by boring a hole 
into the bedrock until a bedrock aquifer is 
pierced. The hole is cased, at least in its 
upper portion. The hole may be drilled 
until the rate of flow of water into it provides 
the supply desired. Ordinarily only drilled 
wells extend very far beneath the surface and 
merit the term deep wells. 

The quantity and the quality of water 
from deep wells depend upon the nature of 
the aquifer and its structural relationships. If 
the wellhole terminates in a thick, porous 

aquifer such as a porous sandstone, it may 
provide an abundant and continuous supply 
of water. Where the rock beneath a locality 
is the massive crystalline type, the water yield 
may be continuous but not abundant, since 
such bedrock has little pore space. The rate 
of flow into a well in dense rock is sometimes 
increased by using explosives at the bottom 
of the hole to shatter the surrounding rock 
and thus make numerous crevices through 
which the water may flow. However, some 
hard crystalline rocks are so low in water 
content that no operation can bring about 
enough flow to justify the very high cost of 
drilling deep wells in them. Shale rocks, 
although not hard, are commonly compact, 
impervious, and dry, but they are usually 
closely associated with other sedimentary 
rocks which are porous. 

Wells in regions of fractured limestones 
draw water primarily through fissures, such 
as joints and other fractures that have been 
enlarged by solution, and they may yield 
abundant supplies. On the other hand, since 
the water may enter the system of fissures 
directly from the surface drainage, some of it 
through sinkholes, it may not have the bene- 
fit of much natural filtering, and therefore 
possibly be polluted when withdrawn. It may 
be little safer than the surface waters of the 
region, which have at least been exposed to 
the bacteria-destroying power of sunlight. 

Effects of wells on water table The surface 
of the ground-water reservoir (the water 
table) is in a natural state of equilibrium 
with respect to its discharge and recharge. 
These rarely remain constant, and the water 
table rises and falls in response to their natu- 
ral fluctuations, but the rises and falls offset 
each other, over a period of time. When man 
extracts water from the reservoir, he upsets 
this natural balance by adding an unnatural 

pRI.6l.NAL;. WATER. JA^LE*.':- 

FIG. 16.18 Development of a cone of depres- 
sion around a well. When withdrawal exceeds the 
rate of movement, the cone will ultimately reach 
the bottom of the well. 

discharge. The water table therefore falls 
until a new balance is reached, either by an 
increase in recharge or a decrease in natural 
discharge. When water is withdrawn from a 
well at a rate greater than lateral movement 
of ground water can supply it, a cone of 
depression forms around the well, and as 
long as the withdrawal exceeds the rate that 
water can be supplied, the cone steadily 
deepens and grows laterally (Fig. 16.18). 
Obviously, if discharge continues to be faster 
than the lateral movement of water, the cone 
will deepen until it reaches the bottom of the 
well. The cone may even intercept the cones 
of other wells, reducing their yield; but in 
any case the natural discharge will be de- 
creased somewhere. The gradual lowering of 
the water table involved will, of course, in- 
crease the costs of pumpage. If the well is 
located near the sea, the development of the 
cone may reverse the direction of ground- 
water flow, causing salt water to move toward 
the well, as has happened in numerous places. 
Artesian wells Any well in which water 
rises above the level of the tapped aquifer is 
commonly referred to as an artesian well. 
Formerly, the term was restricted to wells 
that flowed freely without pumping. Artesian 
wells are possible under any one of several 
sets of conditions of underground structure, 

The waters of the land 315 

two of which are illustrated in Fig. 16.19. 
But the favorable situation must include the 
following conditions: (a) the aquifer must be 
of some permeable material; (/;) the aquifer 
must outcrop, or be exposed at the surface, 
in a region of sufficient precipitation to fill it 
with water; (c) the formation must dip beneath 
a capping layer of some impermeable material 
such as shale; (d) it must lead toward a 
region where the land surface is lower than 
it is at the exposed end of the pervious for- 
mation; and (e) there must be partial con- 
striction (or total blockage) of exit sufficient 
for the water that collects in the higher por- 
tion of the aquifer to be placed under pres- 
sure. Water will then rise in a well, or even 
flow from the opening, as long as the rate of 
recharge exceeds the rate of loss through 
withdrawal from the well and natural seep- 
age. In a few regions saucerlike structural 
basins contain aquifers which outcrop at the 
edges of the basin and incline from all sides, 
underneath other rocks, toward its center, 
where artesian water may be had in abun- 
dance. Artesian conditions also occur on a 
smaller scale in constricted layers of gravel 

FIG. 16.19 (Above) A structural artesian 
condition such as that described in the northern 
Great Plains of the United States. (Below) A local 
artesian condition that might occur in an area of 
glacial deposition. 

Saturation level in aquifer^ 


c Elevation of swamp 


r v .v. .r...-L . . 

i < "f *F~'V$&*iW afo * 1 ffi?' ' ?; v G RAti E L- ;< *'l*T??^:i 



FIG. 16.20 The great artesian basin of 

Australia. (From Jame\ E. Collier.) 

or sand, called lenses, in the otherwise 
clayey drift of glacial deposition. 

Notable artesian structures underlie some 
areas of truly great extent. One is the northern 
Great Plains region of the United States. 
There porous formations, especially sand- 
stones, outcrop at considerable elevation 
near the Rocky Mountains and incline east- 
ward, under suitable capping layers, toward 
the lower plains. They yield artesian waters 
far out in the eastern part of the Dakotas. 
Parts of the dry lands of Australia also are 
blessed with artesian structures. One of these 
structures is deservedly called the great 
artesian basin (Fig. 16.20). 

The effect of excessive artificial discharge 
through wells drilled into artesian structures 
is ultimately similar to the effect of with- 
drawal upon the level of the water table. 
Thousands of flowing wells in the Dakotas 
and hundreds in Australia, because of care- 
less waste of water through them, have de- 
creased the pressures in both regions until 
many wells now require pumping, and the 
flow of others is much reduced. 


Kuenen, P. H.: Realms of Water, translated by May Hollander, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New 
York, 1955. 

Langbein, Walter B., et al.: Annual Runoff in the United States, U. S. Geological Survey Cir- 
cular 52, 1949. 

McGuiness, C. L.: The Water Situation in the United States with Special Reference to Ground 
Water, U. S. Geological Survey Circular 114, 1951. 

Thomas, H. E.: The Conservation of Ground Water, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New 
York, 1951. 

Thornthwaite, C. W., and J. R. Mather: "The Water Balance," Publications in Climatology, 
Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, vol. 8, no. 1, 1955. 

U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Water," Yearbook of Agriculture, 1955. 

van Hylckama, T. E. A.: "The Water Balance of the Earth," Publications in Climatology, 
Drexel Institute of Technolocrv. Philadelnhia. vol. Q. no. 2. 1.Q5fi. 




The plant cover which varies greatly in 
kind and in density from region to region 
over the earth is one of the most striking 
features of the land surfaces, for the visual 
landscape is to a significant degree the prod- 
uct of the vegetation mantle. Forested areas 
stand in marked contrast to grasslands; the 
green woodland in leaf gives a totally dif- 
ferent scenic effect to that provided by the 
somber grove which has shed its leaves; and 
some woods of middle latitudes which are 
spectacular in their beauty during the period 
of rich and varied autumn colors are beauti- 

ful in an entirely different way in spring. 
Indeed, natural vegetation takes high rank 
among those elements which serve to differ- 
entiate regions in appearance and attractive- 
ness, and for this aesthetic contribution 
alone is a feature of great geographic 

But in addition to its aesthetic qualities, 
native vegetation has important resource 
value. In the preagricultural stage of human 
development it was the only source, besides 
animal life, of the essentials for food and 
clothing. Since then, as civilization has ad- 



vanced and population multiplied and spread, 
the original vegetation over huge areas of the 
continents has been consumed or destroyed, 
leaving behind a greatly altered landscape 
consisting of a modified vegetation cover, as 
well as human settlements, tilled fields, and 
other signs of land utilization. Nevertheless, 
even in this twentieth century forest products, 
in the form of lumber, fuel, and pulp, and 
natural pasture lands for animal grazing con- 
tinue to make an important contribution to 
economic well-being. As a resource in 
another form, the enduring attraction of 
woods and forests with their wildlife gives 
many of the most popular summer and winter 
playgrounds their special lure. 

Since the natural vegetation is an expres- 
sion of the whole physical environment, and 
reflects the integration of all environmental 
conditions, past as well as present, it likewise 
serves as an indicator of the potentialities of 
an environment for human use; thus the 
suitability of a soil for certain types of farm- 
ing is often clearly shown by the density and 
composition of the vegetation cover. More- 
over, even in those parts of the earth where 
the original vegetation has long since disap- 
peared and agriculture is of long standing, 
the soil continues to bear the imprint of the 
type of plant cover under which it developed. 


The character of the earth's present cover 
of natural, or wild, vegetation reflects chiefly 
the present physical environment, whose 
principal conditioning elements are climate, 
soils, and organisms. Unlike animals, plants 
do not have the power of locomotion, cannot 
construct shelters, and do not generate heat; 

so they are unable to escape the effects of 
the surrounding environment to the same 
degree. All the factors of the environment act 
collectively and simultaneously upon plants, 
and the action of any one element is condi- 
tioned by all the others. 

In part, however, the present cover of veg- 
etation is the product of time processes and 
not only the previously mentioned occur- 
rences of human history, but also evolutionary 
process involving modifications and regional 
shiftings of plants which result from past 
environmental changes. 

Climatic effects In its broader pattern, 
the distribution of natural vegetation over 
the earth reflects present climatic conditions 
more strikingly than the effects of any 
other single factor. Plant geographers have 
long recognized this fundamental relation- 
ship, which is evidenced by the approximate 
agreement between general climatic character- 
istics, on the one hand, and the general 
characteristics of vegetation, on the other. 
This relationship, moreover, extends deep 
into the past. Vegetation, being basically 
dynamic, not static, has responded to long- 
term changes in world climate: when climate 
has changed in the past so has the world 
pattern of vegetation. 

But because world climates have been 
stabilized now for at least several millenniums, 
the present arrangement of the great vegeta- 
tion grouping represents a relatively enduring 
situation. In this grouping the areally extensive 
vegetation types, corresponding to the major 
types of climate, are called climaxes or plant 
formations. Illustrations of important climaxes 
are the tropical rainforest of the constantly 
wet low-latitude climates and the coniferous 
(needle-leaf) forests of the subarctic climates. 
"The climax communities are considered to 
be the highest types of vegetation that can 

develop under the different aspects of climate, 
and are in dynamic equilibrium with the 
climate." l 

Heat and water are the two climatic ele- 
ments that most importantly affect plant 
growth and vegetation characteristics. No 
plants can live entirely without water, and 
for every species of plant there appear to be 
three critical temperatures: (a) lower and (b) 
upper limits beyond which it cannot exist, 
and (c) an optimum temperature in which it 
grows most vigorously. 

Different species resist cold in different 
ways. Some adjust by halting certain func- 
tions during the period of low temperatures. 
This may be evidenced by a marked external 
change, such as occurs in fall when certain 
trees and shrubs shed their leaves to remain 
bare in winter. These are the previously 
mentioned deciduous (seasonally leaf-shed- 
ding) plants, so called to distinguish them 
from the evergreens, those plants that retain 
some foliage through the year. In the tropics, 
lacking a cold season, seasonal leaf fall where 
it occurs is induced by a dry season. Most 
coniferous trees belong to the evergreen 
group, and lapse into a dormant period 
without an apparent outward change. In 
some species of plants the vegetative parts 
are caused to die by the cold season, and the 
plant is perpetuated only by a seed which is 
resistant to cold. These are the annuals, and 
they stand in contrast to perennials, whose 
vegetative parts live on year after year. 

Water, taken in at the roots of plants, is 
the principal ingredient of sap, in which 
mineral matter in solution is carried to all 
parts of the plant. Transpiration of water 
takes place through the leaves, the process 
being associated with chemical changes by 

1 Stanley A. Cain, Foundations of Plant Geography, Harper 
& Brothers, New York, 1944, p. 11. 

Natural vegetation 319 

which the sap ingredients are prepared for 
assimilation by plant tissues. 

Plants that are at home in wet climates or 
in wet, swampy locations are called hygro- 
phytes. These plants usually have long and 
relatively fragile stems containing a minimum 
of woody fiber, and leaves are large and usu- 
ally thin. Roots are likely to be shallow. The 
banana tree, characteristic of the wet tropics, 
is a hygrophyte. At the opposite extreme are 
the xerophytes, which are adapted to drought 
conditions. The roots of xerophytes are deep 
or widespread, which increases the depth or 
area from which water can be obtained, while 
stems are likely to be short and strong. 
Leaves are smaller and thicker, their stomata 
(openings for transpiration) fewer to protect 
them against rapid transpiration; leaves may 
even be replaced by thorns. A hairy under- 
cover is common. A thick, corky bark or a 
coating of wax may further protect against 
transpiration. Certain desert species one 
being the fleshy-stemmed cactus adapt 
themselves in a different way, viz., by accum- 
ulating supplies of water within their vegeta- 
tive structures. 

Soil and organisms Although climate, 
especially through temperature and precipita- 
tion, sets the broader outlines of the earth's 
vegetation groupings, modifications and 
variety within the larger plant formations are 
usually the result of secondary factors, chiefly 
soil and organisms. 

Soil is not a completely independent element 
of the environment, for general soil character 
is greatly influenced by climate as well as by 
the vegetation cover. But nonclimatic factors 
such as the nature of the bedrock, quality 
and depth of parent soil materials, drainage 
conditions, angle of slope, and exposure 
cause many regional and local variations in 
soils; and it is these variations which cause 



much of the variety within the larger climaxes 
of vegetation. The soil environment specifi- 
cally modifies plant life chiefly through its 
temperature, chemical composition, and water 

Further variety is added to the vegetation 
mantle through the effects of organisms 
effects achieved in a variety of ways. Man, one 
of the more important organisms, has left a 
strong mark. Thus overgrazing, involving other 
animals but also fostered by man, may change 
the native vegetation of a region, as it has, 
in all probability, on the North American 
Great Plains; and man-set fires have been a 
major modifier of vegetation over extensive 
areas. Indeed, over extensive parts of the 
earth, man, as previously stated, has so 
greatly modified the original vegetation 
through his use of the land that at present it 
bears little resemblance to what it was in its 
native state. Other kinds of organism influence 
are associated with the work of pollinating 
insects and the relations between hosts and 

Classification of the earth's vegetation 
The classification and brief description of the 
earth's native vegetation which follows is 
plant geography in its broadest aspects an 
attempt to describe the principal plant as- 
sociations, show their relationships to the 

environmental complex, and indicate their 
world distribution (Plate 5). 

The broad outline of plant geography here 
presented is possible because of the fact that 
in spite of the incursions of man over 
extensive areas covering scores and even 
hundreds of thousands of square miles the 
vegetation cover maintains a considerable 
degree of similarity, provided the climatic 
environment is fairly homogeneous. Even 
more impressive, similar environments on 
widely separated continents appear to have 
plant formations which are much alike in 
general aspect, even though they are not 
composed of identical species. Thus the 
plants found in the tropical rainforests of the 
Amazon River Basin in South America and 
in the Congo River Basin in Africa are fairly 
similar in general appearance and type; and 
the same plant similarity exists in the grass- 
lands of Argentina, the United States, and 
Hungary. Thus, on a basis of common phys- 
ical needs, certain plants genetically unrelated 
to one another repeatedly grow in inter- 
mingled fashion in similar environments. 

It is these plant associations, prevailing 
over extensive areas and occupying char- 
acteristic physical environments, that are the 
topic to be emphasized in this chapter. 


No widely accepted geographical classifica- 
tion of the earth's plant cover has as yet been 
evolved, partly because of a lack of reliable 
information on the nature of the vegetation 
mantle over extensive areas. The classifica- 
tion that follows of the great plant asso- 
ciations into classes and types of natural 
vegetation is therefore tentative in char- 

1. Forest associations 

a. Tropical forests 

(1) Tropical rainforest 

(2) Lighter tropical forest (including 
semideciduous, deciduous, scrub- 
and-thorn forest) 

b. Middle-latitude forests 

(1) Mediterranean woodland and 

(2) Broadleaf forest 

(a) Deciduous 

(b) Evergreen 

(3) Needle-leaf or coniferous forest 

(4) Mixed broadleaf-needle-leaf forest 

2. Grassland associations 

a. Tropical grasslands (wooded savanna 
and savanna) 

b. Middle-latitude grasslands 

3. Desert shrub 

4. Tundra 

Plant geographers commonly recognize 
four principal classes of natural vegetation: 
(a) forests, (b) grasslands, (c) desert shrub, 
and (d) tundra, which is composed chiefly of 
herbaceous plants other than grass. Without 
doubt the distribution of these major classes 
of vegetation over the earth's land areas is 
environmentally controlled, largely the result 
of climate in fact, but it is by no means 
easy to make broad generalizations about the 
specific qualities of the environment of each 

As a general rule forests are characteristic 
of relatively humid climates. Because of its 
deep or extensive root system, the tree is 
better able to tap deep-lying supplies of 
water than grass, so that how precipitation is 
distributed through the year is not as impor- 
tant to trees as to grass. Normally trees 
do not thrive in climates with cold, dry 
winters where there is a prevalence of strong 
or continuous winds, with resulting excessive 

Grassland associations dispute the posses- 
sion of the land with woodland and are likely 
to prevail where the environment discourages 
luxuriant tree growth. Thus, in the middle 
latitudes grasslands occupy drier climates 
than do forests. A winter climate that is cold, 
dry, and windy does not adversely affect 
grasses as it does trees. But in the tropics 

Natural vegetation 321 

grasslands and woodlands appear to occupy 
a wide range of climates, and trees and grass 
are frequently intermingled. Admittedly, the 
origin of tropical grasslands is a highly con- 
troversial question. 




Tropical rainforest The most luxuriant 
type of woodland community, the tropical 
rainforest, is the climax vegetation of trop- 
ical lowlands and slopes where rainfall is 
heavy and well distributed throughout the 
year, there being no marked dry season. Dis- 
tribution of this type of forest is imperfectly 
known. Certainly the Amazon River Basin, 
in northern South America, and west cen- 
tral Africa are the two largest areas of tropical 
rainforest, although it is found along many 
rainy coasts and on numerous islands in the 
tropics as well (Plate 5). 

The tropical rainforest has three principal 
characteristics: (a) A great variety of different 
species of trees is present, in contrast to most 
middle-latitude forests, where one or at most a 
few species may form almost solid stands. But 
rainforest trees, although species are numerous, 
are rather similar in appearance, (b) There 
exists a strong vertical stratification in the 
forest, the many species arranging themselves 
in several groups, each having a particular 
height limit (Fig. 17.1). The result is a forest 
with a number of tree tiers, each with its 
own height level and each lower one reflect- 
ing an increasing tolerance for the shade 
imposed by the canopy above, (c) The num- 

2 In addition to their previously stated classification as 
deciduous and evergreen (p. 319), trees are classified as either 
(a) broadleaf or (b) needle-leaf (coniferous). Some broadleaf 
trees are evergreen, some deciduous; coniferous trees (coni- 
fers) are predominantly evergreen. 


FIG. 17.1 Tropical rainforest in the Amazon 
River Basin of Brazil. Note the density of the stand 
and the variability in the size and height of 

individual trees. (Hamilton Rice Expedition of 

her of lianas, other kinds of climbers, and 
epiphytes, is unusually large. The giant 
lianas have the appearance of great cables 
interlacing the branches of the forest crown 
and binding the individual trees together. 

External and internal appearance In ex- 
ternal appearance the rainforest presents a 
richly varied mosaic of many shades. The 
mature leaves are a deep green, but young 
leaves are highly colored, resembling autumn 
foliage in middle latitudes. The result is a 
forest in which the fresh green of middle- 
latitude woodlands is absent. Just as the 
climate exhibits little seasonal change, so 
does the vegetation: there is no general 
dormant period when the forest is bare of 
foliage. Different species drop their leaves at 
different times, and trees without leaves may 
be observed at any time. 

Viewed internally, the tropical rainforest is 
seen to be composed of trees which vary 
greatly in height and diameter growing close 
together. Trunks are rather slender and have 
branches only near the top. The bark is thin 


and smooth. The mass of vines and creepers 
appears almost to suffocate the trees that 
support it. Because of the heavy shade pro- 
duced by the almost impenetrable canopy of 
tree foliage, the undergrowth is usually not 
dense. The typical jungle with its thick un- 
dergrowth generally occurs just in areas 
where light reaches the forest floor, as along 
rivers and coasts or in abandoned clearings. 

Lighter tropical forest The lighter 
tropical forest includes a variety of woodland 
vegetation types semideciduous, deciduous, 
scrub, and thorn whose distinctive char- 
acteristics and precise distributions are 
not well enough known to permit local- 
izing them individually on a small-scale, 
generalized vegetation map such as Plate 5. 
As a rule, where soils and drainage do not 
interfere, tropical rainforest gives way at its 
climatic limits to semideciduous and decidu- 
ous forest, and as rainfall continues to decline 
this in turn passes over to wooded grassland 
and finally to scrub-and-thorn woodland 
and desert shrub. 

Compared with the rainforest, the lighter 
tropical forest is composed of small trees 
widely spaced, with a dense undergrowth of 
shrubs or grass (Fig. 17.2). Also, more of the 
trees are deciduous in character. Not all 
species are leafless during the drier dormant 
season, but enough are to make the season of 
drought the time when contrast with the rain- 
forest is most marked. 

The scrub-and-thorn forest found in parts 
of the lighter tropical forest varies in density 
from an open, parklike growth of low stunted 
trees and thorny plants to dense thickets of 
the same. The trees composing this dry forest 
are small in diameter, rarely exceeding 1 ft. 
No other type of tropical forest equals this 
forest in tolerance of physical conditions. 

Utilization of tropical forests Although 

tropical forests occupy nearly 50 per cent of 
the earth's total forest area, they at present 
only supply the limited needs of local popu- 
lations and furnish to world commerce small 
quantities of special-quality woods, such as 
dyewoods and cabinet woods, Nevertheless 
these low-latitude forests, especially the trop- 
ical rainforest, represent one of the world's 
great potential timber sources. The problems 
involved in their utilization labor supply, 
sanitation, the need for new logging tech- 
nologies, how to utilize the great variety of 
species composing the tropical forestare 
serious, but none appears to be insur- 

Natural vegetation 323 

Mediterranean broadleaf evergreen 
woodland and shrub The Mediterranean 
broadleaf evergreen woodland and shrub is 
characteristic of subtropical locations with 
mild rainy winters and long, dry, and usually 
hot summers. The largest region of this 
forest is the Mediterranean borderlands; 
smaller areas exist in California, middle Chile, 
southern Australia, and the Cape Town 
region in southernmost Africa. It is an un- 
usual woodland, for seldom are trees broad- 
leaf and evergreen and at the same time 
adapted to serious summer drought. Instead 

FIG. 17.2 Lighter tropical forest (semideciduous) in central Africa. The 
trees are sufficiently far apart that they do not create a dense shade. Coarse 

grasses mantle the forest floor. (Aawican Geographical Society.) 



FIG. 17.3 Mediterranean woodland In California. An open stand of 
dwarf oak and shrub. (U.S. Forest Service.) 

of dropping their foliage in the dry season, 
as trees of many tropical deciduous forests 
do, the trees in this woodland adjust to 
drought through protective devices thick 
bark and small, thick leaves with hard shiny 
surfaces which reduce the loss of water by 

Where climatic and soil conditions are 
most favorable, the Mediterranean woodland 
consists of low, or even stunted, widely 
spaced trees with thick trunks and gnarled 
branches (Fig. 17.3). Between the trees the 
ground is partly covered by bush vegetation 
or bunch (tufted) grass. Seemingly more 
widespread is a vegetation cover consisting 
largely of shrubs and bushes in which there 
may be stunted trees. The chief economic 
importance of this bush thicket lies in its 
protection of slope lands from the injurious 
effects of rapid runoff. 

Temperate broadleaf forest Within 
the more humid parts of the middle latitudes 
are found two great groups of forests: (a) 

forests of broadleaf trees, and (b) forests of 
needle-leaf trees, or conifers. Over large 
areas these trees are mixed in conifer-broad- 
leaf forests. As a general rule, but with im- 
portant exceptions, the coniferous forests 
occupy the colder locations and thus are 
usually on the poleward side of the broadleaf 
woodlands. In regions of porous, sandy soils 
where water is deficient, and on steep moun- 
tain slopes where soils are thin or rocky and 
temperatures lower, conifers may supplant 
broadleaves even in the lower middle latitudes. 
Temperate broadleaf forests vary widely in 
composition, the dominant tree species dif- 
fering from one region to another. In some 
areas, especially along their poleward 
margins, there are numerous conifers among 
them so many, in fact, that some plant 
geographers designate such forests as mixed 
rather than broadleaf (Fig. 17.4). In the 
eastern United States two general broadleaf- 
forest areas are distinguished: (a) a north- 
eastern area including northern Wisconsin 

and Michigan, New York, and southern New 
England, where birch, beech, and maple pre- 
dominate but there is a large infusion of 
hemlock and other conifers; and (b) a central 
and southern area lying south of the first 
and terminating at the northern and western 
boundary of the sandy Atlantic and Gulf 
Coastal Plain (Fig. 17.5). In this latter forest, 
which was originally the finest and most ex- 
tensive area of broadleaves anywhere in the 
world, the broadleaves oak, chestnut, hickory, 
and poplar predominate, but the coniferous 
pines become prominent toward the Coastal 
Plain margins. The greater part of the original 
American broadleaf-forest belt, lying as it 
does in an environment eminently suited for 
agriculture, has now been cleared and turned 
into farm land. 

Natural vegetation 325 

By far the greater part of the temperate 
broadleaf forest is deciduous in character, 
the trees dropping their leaves in fall and re- 
maining without foliage during the winter 
season (Fig. 17.4). Except in the dormant 
season, this forest is rather uniformly bright 
green in color. Along the humid subtropical 
margins of the middle latitudes evergreen 
broadleaf forests are to be found, but these 
are not nearly so extensive in the middle 
latitudes as the deciduous variety. These sub- 
tropical forests, in many respects akin to 
those of the wet tropics, occur principally in 
southern Japan and in southern and south- 
eastern Australia. 

Needle-leaf forest Coniferous trees are 
predominantly evergreen, the addition and 
fall of the needles being continuous rather 

FIG. 17.4 Broadleaf deciduous forest (oak and hickory) in northern 
Indiana. Much of this type of woodland occupied potentially good agricultural 
land, and as a consequence was destroyed in the process of settlement. 

flf.S. Deharfment of Agriculture.} 



Wettern larch and 
western white pina 

FIG. 17.5 Natural-forest types of the United States. (U.S. Forest Service.) 

than confined to any particular period or 
season. Unlike broadleaves, the needles of 
conifers are xerophytic in character, so that 
shedding is not necessary to protect against 
a cold or a drought season. On the whole, 
the crowns of coniferous forests do not in- 
tercept so much sunlight as the crowns of 
broadleaf woodlands, and yet less sun actually 
reaches the earth in coniferous forests, be- 
cause (a) they lie predominantly in higher 
latitudes where there are longer periods of 
low sun, and (b) they are never without 
foliage. As a result there are usually less 
surficial vegetation, a minimum of bacterial 
activity, and smaller accumulations of humus 
in the soil. 

Subarctic conifers Conifers are most ex- 
tensively developed in the severe subarctic 
regions of North America and Eurasia, where 
they form wide and continuous east-west 
forest belts stretching from coast to coast 
(Fig. 17.6). The name taiga has been given 

to the subarctic coniferous forests. On their 
northern frontiers they make contact with the 
tundra, a region thoroughly hostile to trees. 
The Eurasian taiga forms the largest single 
continuous forest area on the earth (Plate 5). 
Conifers (larch, spruce, fir, pine) predom- 
inate in the taiga, although broadleaf trees 
(alder, willow, aspen, birch, mountain ash) 
are scattered throughout, individually as well 
as in thickets or clusters. Species are few in 
number. Trees are small in size, usually not 
over 1 \k ft in diameter, and growth is slow 
(Fig. 17.7). On the shaded forest floor vege- 
tation is meager, mosses and lichens being 
the most common plant forms, and some- 
times even these are stifled by the thick 
blanket of slowly decomposing needles. Little 
organic matter is made available to the soil, 
for needle leaves are a poor source of humus 
to begin with, and the low temperatures and 
deep shade act to retard decomposition and 
discourage the activity of soil fauna. 

Natural vegetation 327 

F I G . 1 7 . 6 In many parts of ice-scoured subarctic Canada the coniferous- 
forest COVer is thin and patchy. (Royal Canadian Aii Force.) 

Conifers in lower middle latitudes South 
of the great belts of subarctic conifers are 
other, less extensive areas of needle trees 
which are more valuable forest regions (Plate 
5). This is because they are composed of 
larger trees and superior timber species, and 
also are more accessible. 

In western North America broken belts of 
conifers extend southward from the taiga 
following the rainier highland chains the 
Pacific Coast mountains and the Rocky 
Mountains to beyond the Mexican border 
(Fig. 17.5). These forests of the American 
Pacific Coast states, western Canada, and 
Alaska constitute the most extensive area of 
fine coniferous forest anywhere in the world. 
Large trees, dense stand, good-quality timber 
all contribute to this high rank (Fig. 17.8). 

East of the Rockies conifers extend south- 
ward from the taiga into southeastern Canada 

FIG. 17.7 Side view of subarctic coniferous 
forest in Canada. Note the small diameter of many 

Of the trees. (U.S. Forest Sen>ice.) 



seems somewhat out of place, for rainfall is 
abundant, and the growing season long. 
However, the poor, sandy, droughty soil and 
the high evaporation are offsetting factors, 
creating an environment that is generally 
hostile to broadleaf varieties. Open, parklike 
character, with the ground covered by a 
mantle of coarse grasses or low shrubs, is 
typical. During the last few decades this 
southern pine forest has been one of the 
principal sources for American lumber, al- 
though the peak of its production has been 
passed (Fig. 17.10). Extensive areas of low- 
grade cutover land are now one of the most 
conspicuous features of the southern pine 
region. On the poorly drained floodplains of 
the Coastal Plain, pines give way to a con- 

F I G . 17.8 Interior view of Douglas fir forest in 
the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Trees 
are tall, of large diameter, and form a dense stand. 

(U.S. F&rest Service.) 

and the northern portions of the northeastern 
tier of American states Minnesota, Wis- 
consin, Michigan, New York (the Adiron- 
dacks), and much of Maine. The most valu- 
able timber trees from this eastern forest have 
been removed, leaving behind extensive areas 
of cutover waste-land of little value. South of 
the taiga in Eurasia valuable coniferous forests 
occupy the slopes of the Alps, the Carpathians, 
and other highland regions, as well as certain 
sandy areas of coastal and outwash plains. 

The southern pine forest of the Atlantic 
and Gulf Coastal Plain in the United States, 
separated from the northern conifers by an 
extensive broadleaf forest, is composed of 10 
different species of pine, of which the long- 
leaf pine is most abundant (Plate 5; Fig. 17.9). 
Climatically this subtropical needle-tree forest 

FIG. 17.9 Southern pine forest of the United 
States, composed of longleaf, loblolly, and slash 
pines, typical of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. 

(U.S. Forest Service.) 

Natural vegetation 329 


Each dot represents 
IO.OOO acre-s 

FIG. 17.10 Distribution of land with timber large enough to be 
currently merchantable. It does not include second growth cut primarily for 
chemical distillation, firewood, posts, ties, mine props, etc. (U.S. Forest Service.) 

trasting type of forest composed of such trees 
as the tupelo, red gum, and cypress. 


Tropical grasslands: wooded savanna 
and savanna There is at present too little 
reliable information on the various types and 
gradations of tropical grasslands and their 
distribution to permit a satisfactory classifica- 
tion and mapping. Therefore the various 
low-latitude grasslands, or savannas, are here 
grouped together under one general heading. 
The reader should be forewarned, however, 
that this grouping must not be interpreted to 
indicate uniformity of species and appearance. 
There are open savannas, with only occasional 

trees, and there are others in which trees or 
shrubs are so numerous that it is difficult to 
decide whether the vegetation is more prop- 
erly classified as grassland or woodland. 
There is also regional variety in the height 
and spacing of the grasses. 

Until recently tropical grasslands were be- 
lieved to be definable as the climax, or plant 
formation, of areas where precipitation was 
intermediate between the heavy year-round 
rainfall of the tropical rainforest and the con- 
stant drought of the desert. But this climatic 
explanation has been seriously questioned in 
recent years. It now seems doubtful whether 
tropical grasslands are a plant formation in 
equilibrium with a specific type of climate at 
all. Since with declining rainfall tropical rain- 
forest frequently gives way to semideciduous 



FIG. 17.11 Tall, coarse grass, studded with low trees, in the wooded 
Savanna Of Africa north Of the equator. (American Geogtaphical Society.) 

and deciduous forest, and finally to scrub-and- 
thorn forest, perhaps a tropical-grassland 
climate is nonexistent. Thus it has been 
fairly well established that the tropical grass- 
lands of Latin America are fairly coincident 
with areas of flattish or slightly rolling terrain 
where, because of the mild relief and an im- 
permeable subsoil, drainage is poor. In such 
areas the vegetation may be subjected to 
standing water in the rainy season and a 
parched soil at other times, and repeated 
burnings may help in establishing and ex- 
panding the grasslands. 

Character of vegetation Savannas of both 
the wooded and the open variety are com- 
mon. As previously stated, the trees are few 
and widely scattered in some places, while in 

others they are so numerous they form 
thickets (Fig. 17.11). Clumps of trees inter- 
mingled with patches of open grassland also 
are a very common arrangement. Throughout 
the tropical grasslands dense forests usually 
occupy the river floodplains. Tall trees are 
not absent from tropical grasslands, to be 
sure, but low and dwarf varieties are more 
common. Usually they have twisted and 
gnarled trunks, a thick corky bark, and 
leathery leaves. 

Savanna grasses are variable in height. In 
Africa there are high savannas where the 
grasses range from 5 to 15 ft in height, but 
these do not seem to exist in Latin America. 
Much more common are the tall bunch grass 
(1 to 2 ft high) and the short bunch grass 

(under 1 ft high). Both grow in slender tufts 
with much hare earth between individual 
tufts, so that the grass may occupy not more 
than 60 per cent of the soil surface. The 
blades of mature savanna grasses are stiff and 
leathery, and only the fresh young shoots are 
palatable to most grazing animals. Among 
the natives of tropical grasslands it is a com- 
mon practice to burn off the grasses in the 
dry season in order to make room for new 
growth at the beginning of the rains. 

Middle-latitude grasslands The grass- 
lands of middle latitudes appear to be the 
climax vegetation of subhumid and semiarid 
regions, and in this they stand in contrast to 
the savannas of the tropics. An additional 
contrast is the general absence of trees in the 
grasslands of middle latitudes, except along 
their contact zones with forest and in the 
vicinity of streams. 

FIG. 17.12 (From map by ./. Richard Carpenter.) 

Natural vegetation 331 

In the grasslands of interior North America 
east of the Rocky Mountains three large sub- 
divisions are recognized: (a) the short grass 
occupying much of the semiarid Great Plains, 
(b) the transitional mixed-grass prairie coin- 
ciding with a somewhat more humid belt to 
the east of the short grass, and (c) the tall- 
grass prairie, or true prairie, typical of the 
better-watered lands between the mixed 
prairie and the eastern forest (Fig. 17.12). 
This tall-grass prairie originally extended 
eastward as far as western Indiana in the 
form of a wedge driven into the forest. West 
of the Rockies, there still exist extensive areas 
of short bunch grass in parts of Washington, 
Oregon, Idaho, and California. Almost all of 
the original prairie of interior North America 
east of the Rockies has been converted into 
agricultural land of high quality. Originally, 
the native wild grasses in this region attained 




Snort -grass plains 
0:1 Mixed -grass prairie 
Tall -grass prairie 



heights of 3 to 8 ft, and were intermingled 
with many colorful flowering plants. 

Although North American grasslands have 
been subdivided into several groups and 
their distributions shown on Fig. 17.12, this 
same degree of detail has not been possible 
for the remainder of the earth's middle- 
latitude grasslands. For this reason, on 
Plate 5 all middle-latitude grasslands have 
the same legend. This should be interpreted 
to mean that insufficient information is avail- 
able to permit a more detailed system of 
classification and of distribution similar to 
that for North America. 


Deserts A few deserts or parts of deserts 
are extensive areas of rocky plain or sand 
and almost wholly without plant life. But 
most arid regions of both low and middle 
latitudes have some vegetation, even though 

FIG. 17.13 Desert shrub, chiefly sagebrush, 
in Nevada. This type of vegetation cover is of little 

Value for grazing. (John C. Weaver.) 

it is sparse. It may be low bunch grass, with 
widely spaced bushes, or fleshy water-storing 
plants such as cacti; but much more com- 
monly it is the perennial xerophytic shrub. 
In the United States, for instance, the latter 
type of vegetation predominates over a large 
part of the area west of the Rockies, inter- 
rupted here and there by bunch grass, or, at 
higher elevations, by forests. Rainfall over 
much of this region is under 12 in. per year. 

The perennial shrubs of desert areas grow 
far apart, with much bare soil showing be- 
tween them a response to low rainfall (Fig. 
17.13). Growth is very slow. Desert shrubs, 
exemplified by such American types as sage- 
brush and creosote bush, are physiologically 
equipped through special forms of roots, 
stems, and leaves to withstand drought. Some 
are deciduous, others evergreen in character. 

Unlike the perennial shrub, the desert 
annuals do not show drought-resistant char- 
acteristics. Their stems and leaves are del- 
icate, roots are thin and relatively shallow, 
and flowers are conspicuous. They adapt to 
drought through a very short life cycle: the 
dormant seeds germinate after a shower, the 
plant grows and makes its seed rapidly, the 
plant dies forthwith. 

The vegetation of the desert proper is 
scanty and pale green, and so stands in con- 
trast to the rich verdant color and luxuriance 
of vegetation around oases, where water is 
abundant a contrast that is striking when, 
as frequently, almost knife-edge boundaries 
separate the two. 

Tundra Genuine tundra is composed 
largely of such lowly forms as mosses, lichens, 
and sedges, the whole of this vegetation in- 
completely covering the ground. In places 
there is much bare, stony soil with only the 
most meager plant life. On the southern 
margins of the tundra, where it merges with 

the taiga or coniferous forest, the vegetation 
cover is more complete, and stunted and 
creeping forms of trees and bushes are con- 
spicuous. Grasslands exist on the marine 
margins of the tundra. 

The coldness and acid character of tundra 
soil retards water absorption, and in the long 
winter period of physiological drought the 
soil moisture is locked up in solid form; so 
most tundra plants appear xerophytic, having 
stiff, hard, leathery leaves with thick cuticle. 
The short period between frosts makes the 
vegetative period in the tundra as short as 2 
months, or less, and for this reason plants are 

Natural vegetation 333 

compelled to hurry through their vegetative 
cycle. Even so, many of them are frozen while 
still in flower or fruit. 

Dry tundra is composed principally of 
lichens interspersed with coarse, grasslike 
sedges the predominance of lichens result- 
ing in a dull, gray landscape tone. Wetter 
flooded areas along streams and shallow 
basins on higher ground are characteristically 
moss swamps. The southward-facing drier 
slopes are flower oases, where in summer 
brilliant colors are in evidence in a great 


Borchert, John: "The Climate of the Central North American Grassland," Annals of the Associ- 
ation of American Geograpturs* vol. 40, 1950, pp. 1-39. 
James, Preston E., and Clarence F. Jones (eds.): "Plant Geography," in American Geography: 

Inventory and Prospect, Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, N. Y., 1954. 
Kiichler, A. W.: "A Geographic System of Vegetation," Geographical Review, vol. 37, 1947, 

pp. 233-240. 
Rand McNally & Company: "World Natural Vegetation," colored map in Goode's World Atlas, 

Chicago, 1960, pp. 16-17. 
Richards, P. W.: The Tropical Rainforest: An Ecological Study, Cambridge University Press, 

New York, 1952. 
Schimper, A. F. W.: Plant Geography upon a Physiological Basis, English translation, Oxford 

University Press, New York, 1903. 

U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Climate and Man," Yearbook of Agriculture, 1941. 
U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Grass," Yearbook of Agriculture, 1948. 
U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Trees," Yearbook of Agriculture, 1949. 
U.S. Government Printing Office: "Natural Vegetation," Atlas of American Agriculture, sec. E, 

Weaver, John E.: The North American Prairie, Johnsen Publishing Company, Lincoln, Neb., 

, and Frederic E. Clements: Plant Ecology, 2d ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 

New York, 1938. 



The nature and significance of soil 

The outermost rocks of the earth's crust are 
continuously being decomposed by mechanical 
and chemical weathering processes, and as a 
consequence, most areas are covered by the 
thin layer of more or less finely divided material 
called the regolith. Some of this is residual, 
that is, it accumulates on top of the bedrock 
from which it forms; while some of it is 
moved by agents and deposited in other areas, 
for example as loess, glacial drift, or alluvium. 
In any case, most of the earth's land surface 
is covered with exposed, loose rock debris; 
only in limited localities does the bare bed- 
rock protrude or ice cover the surface. 


Except when frozen, this superficial mantle 
of regolith is relatively porous, so that air 
and water circulate between the mineral par- 
ticles. The top of the layer, being exposed to 
sunlight, is regularly bathed with energy, 
and the interaction of all the components 
supports various forms of life, adding yet 
another element to its character. This 
exceedingly thin layer where the solid, liquid, 
and gaseous inorganic and organic ingredients 
are integrated is called "soil." Only when all 
of these components are present is the mix- 
ture true soil. 

In most places this complex, life-supporting 
veneer extends downward from the surface 

only a few feet. In this narrow zone where 
inorganic and organic materials interact, in- 
numerable processes are continually at work 
developing layers, or horizons, with different 
chemical and mechanical characteristics. A 
vertical slice through a particular soil cutting 
through the soil horizons is called the profik 
of that soil. 

It would be difficult to overemphasize the 
significance of soil. The variety of chemical 
elements on which human life depends are 
primarily needed in the form of organic com- 

Soils 335 

pounds, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, 
and vitamins; and these come from the soil 
either by way of plants man consumes directly 
or as animal products derived from plants. 
Some areas are covered with soils that under 
natural conditions can support a large and 
healthy human population, but the reverse 
seems to be true of even larger areas. If the 
qualities of a soil are nutritionally deficient, 
so will be the food derived from it, and con- 
sequently the health of people who attempt 
to subsist upon that food. 


The soil anywhere represents a stage in a 
continuing evolutionary process, and its 
characteristics develop as a result of the in- 
teraction of many controls. The individual 
controls vary in their effects and relative im- 
portance from place to place, and some of 
the variations are quite systematically arranged 
over the earth, such as those deriving from 
climatic factors, while others are not, such as 
those primarily dependent upon the character 
of the bedrock or the land form. The general 
world pattern of soil regions is more subject 
to internal variation than the pattern of cli- 
matic variation because some of the important 
soil controls do not exhibit a patterned dis- 
tribution. The jnajor controls that combine 
to produce a soil are parent material, climate, 
living organisms^- land form, and time. 

Parent material Each kind of rcgolith 
and there are many kinds, such as the sed- 
iments of old lake bottoms, the accumulation 
of glacial drift, the new alluvium on flood- 
plains and deltas, aeolian deposits of volcanic 

ash and loess, and, especially, the residual 
mantle weathered in place from bedrock 
contains a combination of mineral ffrains^ff 
particular chemical character which have 
weathered to a particular array of jfragmcnt 
sizes. Although theprocesses of dfjY f> ^p nM>nf 
may impart ne\vjcharactcristics to the soil, 
they arc not likely to erase complctelYjhe 
distinctive effects deriving from this parent 
materiairSome regoliths may modify rapidly, 
whereas others may be highly resistant to 
change Some are highly complex aggrega- 
tions of mineral compounds; others arc 

The fragment sizes derived from the 
weathering of the parent material ^aie Q 
great importance because they affect the 
degree to which water and air^canj:irculate 
in the sofT layer. The importance of the min- 
eral content lies in the. fact that the cKemicai 
character of the soil is largely the source of 
the soil's fertility. A mineral element not in 
the parent material will be missing from the 



soil. Thus the parent material may be 
thought of as a limiting factor with respect 
to some of the soil's mechanical and most of 
its nutrient characteristics. 

Climatic factors Soil formation is in- 
fluenced both directly and indirectly by the 
climate. Climate directly affects the rate of 
weathering of rocks and the amount of water 
percolating through or evaporating from the 
soil. Prevailingly high temperatures promote 
rapid weathering and other chemical changes 
in the soil, while cold temperatures slow 
them; and alternating seasons of rain and 
drought develop soil compositions and colors 
differing from those of continuously rainy 
regions. Water more prevalent, of course, 
in humid regions than in dry lands acts to 
remove the lime and other soluble salts from 
the soil. 

Climate also affects the soil character in- 
directly through its influence upon the 
organic content of the soil. Most organisms 
can flourish only within certain temperature 
and moisture ranges, and partly as a conse- 
quence of such restrictions, there are definite 
zones of plant life on the earth. The vegeta- 
tion has, in turn, a marked effect on, soil 
character, and as a result, soil forms vary 
with the different organic forms they support. 
Because the vegetation of an area is depend- 
ent to some degree upon the climate for the 
form it takes, the soil of the area also is con- 
trolled by the climate. 

Plants and animals Various kinds of 
organisms and their tissues affect the soil 
character in a variety of ways. For example, 
when plants and animals die their remains 
become a part of the soil complex, and the 
microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi, 
etc.) in the soil are primary agents affecting 
the manner in which the decomposition of 
plant and animal remains takes place. Some 

microorganisms also can change atmospheric 
nitrogen into a form that can be utilized by 
plants. The soil is modified by burrowing 
organisms and plant roots because by pen- 
etrating the soil they add to its porosity. 
Deep-rooted plants too, bring minerals up 
from the subsoil and hold them in their 
tissues; when the plants die and decay, these 
minerals are returned to the upper soil layers. 

Land form Slope characteristics are im- 
portant factors in soil formation because 
slope differences affect, sometimes greatly, 
the moisture and air conditions within the 
soil and, even more significantly, the rate of 
its surface erosion. Maximum soil develop- 
ment will most likely take place on undulat- 
ing but well-drained uplands with free under- 
drainage and only slight surface erosion. On. 
such sites surface materials are removed at a 
rate slow enough to allow a relatively deep 
penetration of the effects of the soil-forming 
processes. Soils formed under such circum- 
stances become fully developed and possess 
well-defined profiles. The soils of steep 
slopes, on the contrary, generally fail to de- 
velop these characteristics because acceler- 
ated surface erosion restricts the profile 
development in several ways, such as thin- 
ning the horizons and restricting the vegetative 
cover and consequently lessening the organic 
content. Soils of poorly drained or marshy 
areas develop quite different profiles, but 
in these cases it is primarily because they re- 
main waterlogged and air cannot penetrate 

Time Because the other soil-forming 
processes do not proceed at the same rates 
in different environments, time is not a con- 
stant control either. Thus there is no specific 
length of time in which a soil develops its 
own particular characteristics. Some may 
reach a condition of relative balance in a 

comparatively short period, possibly in a few 
hundred years or even much less; others 
may require thousands of years. 

If the usual soil-forming processes of an 
area have been locally restricted in any way, 
the profiles will show the effects of these 
modifications. Since there are a great many 
ways in which this can happen, it is to be 
expected that some soils of a region will not 
have the typical mature profile. In fact, in 
many regions there is little, if any, mature 

Soils 337 

soil. Because farming modifies a soil, it is 
also likely that nearly mature soils are re- 
stricted to untouched soils. Many regions of 
high agricultural development have remain- 
ing only a few scattered remnants of the 
virgin soils. On the other hand, it is impor- 
tant to keep in mind that the immature soils 
of an area commonly have distinctive qual- 
ities closely related to those of the actual or 
hypothetical mature soil of that region. 


The soil cover varies from one place on 
the earth to another, so that generalizations 
regarding the geographical occurrence of soils 
on the basis of similarities in their qualities 
and profile characteristics may be made in 
much the same way atmospheric phenomena 
are categorized, leading to a system of cli- 
matic types, groups, and regions. Because 
the factors affecting the formation of soil 
vary systematically from place to place just 
as the climatic controls do, the soils of the 
earth also vary systematically. In order to un- 
derstand the world pattern of soil regions, it 
is first necessary to define and describe the 
essential characteristics that make one soil 
similar to another but different from a third. 
The more important of these are (a) fertility, 
that is, the chemical characteristics affecting 
nutritional quality, (b) texture and structure, 
or the sizes and arrangements of the in- 
organic particles, (c) organic components, 
both plant and animal, included as integral 
parts of the soil, (d) water and air relation- 
ships, (e) color, and (/) soil profile. 

Fertility All plants and animals living 

on land, including man, ultimately obtain 
their sustenance from the soil. Animals are 
nourished by plants or by other animals 
which feed on plants, and plants obtain from 
the soil the elements required for their photo- 
synthetic construction of carbohydrates and 
their biosynthetic production of protein and 
other essential foods. 1 

Many chemical elements are required to 
sustain life; but some are needed in relatively 
large amounts, such as oxygen, carbon, 
hydrogen, nitrogen, sodium, calcium, potas- 
sium, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, 
and iron, while others are required only in 
very small amounts, such as manganese, 
copper, zinc, iodine, and boron. Although 
some are supplied directly from the air as 
gases, others are obtained through the water 
in the soil, others, such as nitrogen, are 
supplied through the organic material in the 
soil, and still others, such as the metallic 
elements calcium, potash, and phosphorus, 
are derived from the soil's inorganic matter. 

1 W. A. Albrecht, "Soil Fertility and Biotic Geography," 
Geographical Review, vol. 47, 1957, pp. 87-105. 



The available supply of the critical chemical 
elements is referred to as a soil's fertility. 

The earth's crust, and consequently the 
soil, is in large measure composed of only a 
few elements, with the other life-giving ele- 
ments occurring relatively rarely. The most 
abundant components, which constitute the 
bulk of the soil, are the elements oxygen, 
silicon, aluminum, and iron as they are com- 
bined in the common minerals and their 
weathered derivatives. The major fertility 
elements, excepting carbon and nitrogen, are 
provided from the same source. 

Reduction of fertility and remedies 
The supply of essential minerals in a soil 
may be reduced in several ways: by erosion; 
by excessive use, or overcropping; and, 
especially, by leaching, the dissolving of 
elements by water percolating downward. In 
arid regions the rate of removal of the fertility 
elements by leaching is low. In fact, the ac- 
cumulation of soluble minerals in the soil 
may be large enough to be even harmful. In 
humid regions, however, the loss by leaching 
is generally heavy. The slowness with which 
chemical elements are supplied by natural 
processes often results in soils of humid 
lands being deficient in one or more of the 
critical elements. The deficiency may be 
partially remedied in several ways: by ap- 
propriate mineral fertilizing; by fallowing, 
leaving the land idle so that natural decom- 
position provides an additional supply; and 
by manuring, returning a major proportion 
of the plant growth to the land in the form 
of animal excreta and plant refuse. 

Factors affecting fertility Plants obtain 
their mineral nutrients only from the supply 
of minerals dissolved in the water in the soil. 
The transfer is made by means of an ion ex- 
change between the plant roots and the solu- 

tion. 2 Each plant species has a certain set of 
nutrient requirements, and a plant's ability^to 
obtain these nutrients as well as the soil's 
capacity to make them available assuming 
that the elements are in the soil is greatly 
affected by the soil solution. 

One of the more important indicators of 
the availability of nutrients, but by no means 
a complete index of a soil's potential, is the 
acidity or alkalinity of the soil. With all 
other aspects being favorable, this does pro- 
vide an indication of the kinds of plants that 
will grow in a particular soil and the food 
elements the plants will contain. In some 
localities organically derived acids and 
abundant rainfall tend to reduce the avail- 
ability of the basic compounds as well as to 
remove those compounds from the soil by 
leaching. The soil solution then is likely to 
have an acid reaction favorable to the pro- 
duction of excessive amounts of bulk carbo- 
hydrates, such as starches, sugars, fats, and 
cellulose, as compared to the nutritionally 
more significant proteins. In less humid 
regions, where there is less leaching, soils 
normally have a neutral or somewhat alka- 
line reaction, and there is likely to be a 
greater supply of calcium, magnesium, and 
the other essential elements conducive to the 
production of proteins as well as car- 

It is apparent that the most universal factor 
affecting the fertility of a soil is the degree of 
leaching to which the soil is subjected. This, 

2 The processes by which a plant obtains its nourishment 
are very complex and as yet not completely understood. A 
root takes in water from the soil by capillary pressures and 
the osmotic pressures of the solution. The soil's nutrient 
value is dependent upon the exchange of the plant's ions 
(electrically charged particles in solution) for the nutrient ions 
available on the surfaces of the soil particles in contact w ; ' K 
the root. 

Soih 339 

in turn, depends largely upon the rainfall, 
though also, to some extent, on temperature, 
vegetation, and other factors. Thus humid 
regions tend to have less fertile and more 
acid soils than do dry regions. 

Texture and structure Assuming favor- 
able climatic conditions, of course, the produc- 
tivity of a soil depends upon several physical 
characteristics in addition to its inherent fer- 
tility. Among the more important are its tex- 
ture, or the proportional sizes of the various 
inorganic particles, and its structure, the 
manner in which these particles tend to 
clump or aggregate. 

Texture The inorganic particles of a soil 
commonly occupy nearly one-half the volume 
of the upper part of the profile, and most of 
the chemical reactions within a soil, such as 
those that make nutrients available to plants, 
take place on the surfaces of the particles. 
The smaller the soil particles, the more 
specific surface, or total surface per unit 
mass, there will be. Consequently, the re- 
activity of a soil, which is the soil's ability to 
react chemically and thus provide an ionic 
food supply, varies in direct proportion with 
the specific surface (Fig. 18.1). The sizes of 
the particles also affect markedly the move- 
ments of water and air within a soil. Very 
large particles, which allow free drainage, 
have poor water retention, making soils dry 
out quickly after rains. Conversely, very 
small particles inhibit drainage and air 

Particle sizes are grouped in classes rang- 
ing from sands (the largest) to clays. The 
table shows the class limits assigned by soil 

Since the inorganic mass of a soil usually 
contains fractions from more than one class, 
various combinations of percentages are given 








(Sands Silts Clays) 

FIG. 18.1 The general relationship between 
the specific surface of a soil and its chemical 

specific names, loam being the general term 
assigned to combinations that include moder- 
ate amounts of all three (Fig. 18.2). The most 
significant fraction of a soil as far as reactivity 
is concerned is the clay because clay particles 
are the smallest. In addition to the sand, silt, 
and clay particles, however, there are very 
much smaller particles of either organic or 
inorganic origin called colloids. The role of 
colloids in the physical and chemical proc- 
esses of the soil is known only imperfectly, 
but it is suspected that one of their functions 
is the formation of gelatinous films on soil 
particles that affect the clumping of the 

The soil's texture usually varies from 

Texture Classes 


Diameter, mm 


2.0 to 0.05 


0.05 to 0.002 


Less than 0.002 


IOO 9O dO 7O 6O SO 4O 3O 2O IO O 
PER CENT SAND (2.O to O.O5 mm) 

F I G . 1 8 . 2 The textura! triangle used by the 
soil scientists of the U.S. Department of Agri- 
culture. In order to find the textural class, the 
percentages of sand, silt, and clay are entered on 
the appropriate scales and the hatch lines are 
followed to the intersection of the three lines. 

horizon to horizon. Downward-moving water 
may wash with it the smaller particles, mostly 
the clay and colloidal fractions, and thus 
reduce their proportion in the upper part. 
This mechanical removal is called eluviation. 
The load removed by eluviation may be de- 
posited lower in the profile. Such charging of 
a layer with fine particles from above is called 
illuviation. Because this shifting of particles 
is accomplished by moving water, the soils 
of humid lands tend to be eluviated as well 
as leached. 

Structure Not all the important physical 
characteristics of a soil depend only upon its 
texture. For example, soils that consist largely 
of clay particles are not necessarily compact 
and impervious to water and air, as might be 
expected. Instead, in many clayey and silty 
soils the individual particles are arranged 
together in tiny clumps, which, as a result, 
have some of the physical characteristics as- 
sociated with larger particles. This property 
of a soil, its structure, is beneficial for the 


soil's productivity because it may permit 
considerable pore space to develop. Thus an 
internal structure can develop in which the 
pore space among the structural units avail- 
able for air, water, and root penetration is 
much greater than in a soil of the same tex- 
ture but with a less favorable structure (Fig. 
18.3). In some soils the amount of pore 
space may be less than 20 per cent of the 
soil volume, whereas in highly structured 
clays it may exceed 60 per cent. Most agri- 
cultural soils include amounts of pore space 
comprising from 35 to 50 per cent of the soil 
volume. * 

Good structural arrangements including a 
high percentage of pore space commonly are 
found in soils of fine texture that have con- 
siderable organic content, but sandy soils are 
essentially without structure, with each sand 
particle acting as an individual unit. A 
favorable structure is promoted by the pres- 
ence of lime, colloids, and organic material 
that form gluey films which help the soil 
particles to stick together. On the other 
hand, a good soil structure may be destroyed 
by improper treatment. 

Organic components The organisms 
and partially decomposed organic matter 

FIG. 18.3 Individual particles in a soil with a 
structure may be arranged in clumps, thus 
affecting the pore space. 

make the soil complex essentially different 
from raw regolith. Dead organic matter de- 
rived from plant and animal tissues provides 
the major food- for bacteria, fungi, and proto- 
zoa. These soil microorganisms, which may 
constitute so large a part as to total 1,000 Ib 
per acre, perform many useful functions: 
they rot organic matter; they promote good 
soil structure; they make nitrogen available 
to the plants; and they produce antibiotics 
that promote the quality and health of plants. 

The organic fraction of the soil is con- 
stantly being used by the plants, but under 
natural conditions a fresh supply of raw 
organic matter is added each year to the soil. 
Partially decomposed plant remains are 
called humus. In the natural course of soil 
variation from place to place some soils 
have relatively small amounts of humus and 
others are richly supplied. Some, such as 
peat soils, are made up largely of slightly de- 
composed organic matter which has not yet 
reached the condition of humus. 

The part played by the humus and the 
living microorganic population within the 
soil in maintaining soil quality includes the 
following: (a) the organic material, when 
dissolved, directly supplies food for plants, 
including nitrogen and some quantities of 
the essential mineral elements, such as cal- 
cium, magnesium, and phosphorus; (b) the 
dead organic tissues are the major food source 
for the living microorganisms of the soil, 
which in turn affect the health and quality of 
the higher forms of organic life supported by 
the soil; (c) the process of organic decompo- 
sition yields complex organic acids which 
contribute to further weathering of mineral 
matter; (d) the humus has a high water-hold- 
ing capacity, which helps the soil retain a 
supply of water for the soil solution and 
at the same time retards the leaching of dis- 

Soils 341 

solved minerals until the plants can use 
them; (e) the humus promotes the develop- 
ment of a structure favorable to water and air 
circulation, plant cultivation, and root 

Nitrogen is essential to plant growth and 
protein production. The supply in the air 
is not directly available to plants, but is 
transformed, largely through the work of 
microorganisms, into the soluble form of 
nitrates which the plants can use. 

The activity of the higher forms of life, 
such as many kinds of insects and, especially, 
earthworms, is extremely favorable for soils. 
Insects are responsible for a considerable 
portion of the processing of plant residue 
into humus; together with worms they affect 
the porosity of soil with their burrows and 
galleries; and they do extensive transporting 
and overturning of the soil. The several 
million earthworms which may inhabit an 
acre of soil can bring as much as 20 tons of 
material to the surface in a year. This is an 
important aid in the vertical mixing of the 
soil materials. 

Water and air relationships Although 
the proportions vary from soil to soil, per- 
haps 50 per cent of the volume of an average, 
good-quality surface soil consists of inorganic 
particles, organic materials, and living organ- 
isms; water and air circulating within the pore 
spaces make up the remainder of the complex. 
Water and the gases of the air take part in the 
inorganic and organic chemical reactions that 
occur in the soil, and hence are just as much in- 
tegral constituents of soil as the solids. Al- 
though plants derive their food from the soil 
solutions, only a few types of plants are able to 
thrive in soils in which the pore space is al- 
ways filled with water; most of them require 
soils containing both air and water. 

Forms of occurrence of water The water 





FIG. 18.4 Forms of soil water. Stippled areas 
indicate individual soil particles or structural units; 
blackened margins, water; and white areas, air 

in the soil is supplied by the atmosphere. 
Even in regions that are nearly rainless, there 
is a molecular film of water on the surfaces 
of the soil particles that is called hygroscopic 
water (Fig. 18.4). It adheres firmly, does not 
move from one place to another, and is very 


resistant to both evaporation and the absorb- 
ing power of plant roots. 

Soil particles that are moistened more fre- 
quently have thicker films of water, called 
capillary water (Fig. 18.4). This water, which 
also tends to be held upon the soil particles 
by surface tension, is absorbed by the soil 
colloids, causing them to swell and giving 
them their jellylike consistency. The capillary 
film does not fill the pore spaces, thus allow- 
ing the soil air to circulate. Capillary water, 
with its dissolved materials, is readily ab- 
sorbed by plant roots. 

When the supply of capillary water is 
abundant, it moves slowly downward under 
the pull of gravity. When the supply is 
diminished by plant use or direct evaporation, 
it may move horizontally, or even creep up- 
ward, under the pull of its own surface ten- 
sion. In fine-textured soil, water may move 
in this fashion with relative ease, although in 
periods of extreme drought it may not do so 
fast enough to furnish plants with a sufficient 
water supply. In soils of coarse texture, both 
the usual supply and the movement of capil- 
lary water are limited. 

Immediately following a rain the pore 
spaces of a soil may be filled with water dis- 
placing the air. In this condition there is 
water in excess of that which can be held to 
the soil particles by surface tension, and the 
surplus will move downward to the saturated 
zone of ground water. This is called free or 
gravitational water. 

Variations hi soil-water supply Other 
things being equal, the regional variations in 
the supply of soil water depend directly upon 
the ratio of precipitation to evapotranspira- 
tion. Where precipitation is relatively high in 
proportion to evapotranspiration, there will 
be more gravitational water and hence more 
leaching. Less gravitational water may be ex- 

pected where precipitation is low and 
evapotranspiration is high. There may be 
other complicating factors, however, such as 
the intensity of precipitation, or the water- 
retention ability of the ground cover. Never- 
theless, in general, the humid areas of the 
earth are regions of net downward water 

In sites where the ground-water table coin- 
cides with the land surface, or in localities 
where there is an impervious layer in the 
subsoil, there may be a more or less perma- 
nent supply of gravitational water near the 
surface. This creates a waterlogged or 
swampy soil in which most cultivated plants 
will not grow. Where free drainage condi- 
tions exist, the gravitational water continues 
downward, quickly in soils of coarse texture 
or open structure and slowly in those fine 
and compact. In arid regions gravitational 
water may move downward only for a few 
feet, carrying with it dissolved salts, and the 
water may then be lost through evapotranspi- 
ration. In this way lime and other salts may 
accumulate in definite horizons of dry-land 
soils, while in humid-land soils they are 
leached out and carried away in the under- 

Soil color Because the soil color is sig- 
nificant as an indicator of physical or chem- 
ical conditions, many soils have color terms 
as parts of their names. Among the commonest 
colors found in soil horizons are shades of 
red, brown, and yellow caused by the different 
forms, degrees of hydration, and concentra- 
tions of the oxides of iron and aluminum 
usually forming a considerable proportion of 
the inorganic fraction of soils. Black and 
dark-brown colors in soils usually, but not 
always, denote considerable organic content. 
Gray layers in an otherwise dark soil indi- 
cate poor drainage and waterlogging. While 

Soils 343 

in some humid regions a whitish color may 
show a lack of the iron oxides and organic 
matter, the same color in arid regions may 
denote a harmful concentration of soluble 
salts. In many soils two or more color-forming 
ingredients are present, giving rise to inter- 
mediate colors, such as yellowish-brown and 
grayish-brown. It is commonly assumed 
with good reason that the darker soils are 
more productive than the light-colored ones 
(red to white). 

Soil profile It was previously noted that 
soils are characterized by an internal vertical 
arrangement of layers, or horizons, with dif- 
ferent thicknesses and different chemical and 
physical properties. These are designated as 
A, B, and C horizons, reading from the top 
down. The thicknesses of the horizons vary 
greatly, so that in some types of soil the 
horizons are thin and in others so thick and 
irregular that, for purposes of better descrip- 
tion, each horizon is further subdivided as 
A!, A 2 , A 3 , etc. (Fig. 18.5). 

The horizons within a profile are distin- 
guished from one another in texture, struc- 
ture, and so on. In the A horizon organic life 
and debris is most abundant, but some soils 
have only a thin surface layer of the organic 
material. In humid regions the A horizon is 
characterized generally by leaching and 
eluviation and is left poorer in soluble sub- 
stances and coarser in texture as a result. 
The B horizon may be, in contrast, one of 
illuviation and also a zone of nutrient enrich- 
ment. In it may be deposited some of the 
materials carried in solution from the layer 
above. The C horizon is the little-changed 
parent material from which the solid fraction 
of the soil derived. 

Pan layers One of the commoner and 
less desirable features of a soil profile is that 
known as a pan layer. This is a dense, im- 





Black to dark brown, 
mellow silt loam, 10 to 
20 inches deep, high 
in organic matter 

Yellowish brown, silt 
loam, low m lime 

Grayish yellow 
silt loam 

Horizon of lime 

Parent material- 
glacial drift high 
in lime 


Loose forest litter 
Black peaty leaf mold 
Gray sandy humus 

Loose whitish gray 
sand, sometimes of a 
fluffy appearance 
Lower limit irregular 

Brown sand, irregularly 
cemented into sandy 
hardpan or a stony 
layer of coffee brown 

Loose yellowish sand 
with spots and streaks 
of brown 

Grayish yellow 
loose sand 

FIG. 18.5 The characteristic elements within 
the profiles of two different soils. 

penetrable zone that interferes with root 
penetration and water movement and is un- 
favorable from the point of view of soil use 
and management. Pan layers develop as a 
result of a variety of factors, but the usual 
causes are excessive gravitational water in 
humid regions and precipitation of carbonates 

in dry regions, both of which result in a 
strongly illuviated or even cemented horizon. 
There are many kinds of pan layers grouped 
into several general types; only the most im- 
portant can be mentioned here: 3 

1. Claypan is a compact layer of unce- 
mented clay resulting either from a high con- 
centration of clay in the original subsoil or 
from illuviation. Claypans are relatively wide- 
spread, occurring in very smooth or flat lands 
of arid regions and of the humid middle lati- 
tudes. Because the nutrients in ciaypans do 
not differ much from those of the soils in 
which the ciaypans occur, the aspects which 
limit crop productivity are mostly poor 
permeability and other unfavorable physical 

2. Hardpan is a layer of chemical cementa- 
tion, the commonest kind being the iron 
oxide crust, or laterite, which occurs widely 
in humid tropical soils in a variety of phys- 
ical forms. Other hardpans, which are not so 
widespread as those in the tropics, occur in 
humid areas of the middle and high latitudes 
and also in several warmer regions. The 
latter, sometimes called caliche, are the result 
of calcareous cementation. Generally, hard- 
pans are unfavorable to plant growth, some- 
times because of their relatively low nutrient 
qualities, but primarily because their density 
prevents root and water penetration. 



As the foregoing discussion of the com- 
ponents of soils and the factors involved in 
their development has indicated, a soil is 
similar to a living organism: some of its char- 
acteristics are, in a sense, hereditary, such as 

those derived from its inorganic ancestry 
(parent material), while others have devel- 
oped more as a result of environmental 
factors. Although the soil-forming controls of 
climate and organisms (especially vegetation) 

3 Eric Winters and Roy W. Simonson, "The Subsoil," 
Advances in Agronomy, vol. 3, 1951, pp. 31-45. 

generally tend to produce dominant soil 
characteristics, the numbers of different com- 
binations of important qualities that can occur 
is very large. Consequently, there are a great 
many kinds of soils, and in order to consider 
how they vary from place to place it is nec- 
essary to classify them. Fortunately, the soil 
scientist has devised a system that may be 
used to study their geography, or their syste- 
matic variation over the earth. 

The basic unit in the classification is the 
soil series. Each series includes all soil bodies 
that have closely similar horizons and pro- 
files developed from similar parent material. 4 
Several soil series may differ in detail but 
may yet have the same number and arrange- 
ments of horizons in their profile. Such a 
collection of related soil series is called a 
great soil group. There are less than 100 
great soil groups, and each may be assigned 
to one of three soil orders, the highest cate- 
gory in soil classification. 

The three orders are zonal, intrazonal, and 
azarial. Zonal soils include all those soils that 
have well-developed and mature profile char- 
acteristics largely resulting from the dominance 
of climate and vegetation among the soil- 
forming controls. Intrazonal soils also have 
clearly developed profiles, but unlike those 
of zonal soils their profiles reflect the domi- 
nance of some other more localized soil- 
forming factor, such as poor drainage or a 
particular parent material. Azonal soils, such 
as are found in dune sand or recent alluvium, 
do not have much profile development. Fig- 
ure 18.6 illustrates for portions of the United 
States how the various categories in the 
classification system can be mapped. 

4 There are hundreds of soil series, and each can be fur- 
ther subdivided into types, usually on the basis of surface 
textural differences, and the types into phases, on the basis 
of some quality significant in their utilization. 

Soils 345 


In order to study the general pattern of soil 
variation over the earth, it is desirable to 
recognize regional soil associations that 
show primarily the broad effects of the major 
soil- forming controls. Some of these controls 
vary over the earth in a relatively systematic 
fashion, such as climate and vegetation, but 
others do not, such as parent material and 
land form. Consequently, the characteristics 
of the zonal soils are used to describe the 
major soil regions. It is to be expected that 
azonal and intrazonal soils may commonly 
occur within such regions, and to the degree 
they do, the broad generalizations are less 
applicable than one would wish. 

Basic categories The many great soil 
groups of the zonal order have here been 
sorted into eight general categories to which 
have been added the categories of alluvial 
soils (azonal), because alluvial areas are sig- 
nificant regions of human use, and the moun- 
tain soils, because mountainous areas show 
tremendous internal variety in soils, as in 
climate. The following outline shows the 10 
basic categories: 

1 . Soils of the humid lands 

a. Latosolic soils 

b. Podzolic-latosolic soils 

c. Podzolic soils 

d. Podzol soils 

e. Tundra soils 

2. Soils of the subhumid lands 

a. Chernozemic soils 

b. Chernozemic-desertic soils 

c. Desertic soils 

3. Other soils 

a. Alluvial soils 

b. Complex soils of areas of high local 







Gray brown 
podzohc soils 
Red and yellow 
podzolic soils 

Prairie soils 
Chernozem soils 
Chestnut soils 
Dry sands 

Bog and half bog soils 
Alluvial soils 

Antigo silt 
oam, slop- 
ing phase 

Kennan stony 
fine sandy loam 

Onamia fine 
sandy loam 

Kennan fine 
sandy loam 


FIG. 18.6 Soils maps of different scales show different degrees of 
detail in the classification of soils. The lower left-hand map shows the soil 
series (identified with names such as "Antigo") and some of their types and 
phases. The right-hand map shows the great soil groups; the top map shows 
the soil orders. Note the area covered on one map in relation to the scale on 

the adjacent map. (Generalized from map\ of the U.S. Department of Agriculture 
Wisconsin Sail Survey.) 

The eight classes of zonal soils are shown on 
a hypothetical continent in Fig. 18.7 in order 
to clarify their typical positions and arrange- 
ments. Similarly, Fig. 18.7 is intended to 
show in a highly schematic manner the rela- 
tionship between climate (with its commonly 
associated vegetative cover) and these broad 

regional soil categories. The diagram repre- 
sents a land mass extending northward from 
the equator to the high latitudes and grading 
from a humid east to an arid west. 

Differences between humid and dry 
land soils Fundamental differences exist 
between zonal soils found in humid lands 






Soils 347 






















' FOREST AND """" 





FIG. 18.7 Highly generalized relationship between major climatic zones 
and broad descriptive soil categories. 


and those found in dry lands. The soils of 
humid lands have generally developed under 
natural vegetations of forest or woodland in 
areas of generous precipitation. In such 

regions organic matter is incorporated only 
slowly and there is a net downward move- 
ment of soil water. Therefore, the mature 
soils of humid regions as a whole are much 



leached and relatively infertile, prevailingly 
light-colored, usually acid, and characterized 
by a comparatively low content of organic 
matter. From a fertility standpoint they tend to 
support bulky plant life that has a high con- 
tent of carbohydrates in comparison with the 
protein and mineral content. 

The soil-forming processes and the pro- 
files that result in warm humid regions are 
notably different from those in cool humid 
regions. The dominant factors affecting the 
development of soils in the humid tropical 
and subtropical regions are abundant pre- 
cipitation and warm temperatures, which 
combine to produce a latosol. 5 In these soils 
the basic soil minerals and even silica are 
dissolved and leached away, leaving a con- 
centration of reddish iron and aluminum 
oxides in both the A and B horizons. In the 
higher latitudes, on the contrary, the dom- 
inant factors are abundant moisture associ- 
ated with cool temperatures, which combine 
to produce a podzol. In podzols iron and 
aluminum are removed from the A horizon 
and deposited in the B horizon. Silica, left 
behind in the A, forms a relatively light gray 
horizon beneath a dark surface layer of 
humus and above the brown B horizon. In- 
termediate between these lower and higher 
latitudinal areas the soils show some of the 
effects of both the latosolic and podzolic 

Soils of the drier lands are not greatly 
leached, because of the lack of water, and 
consequently have a considerable, and in 
some places excessive, content of soluble 
alkaline compounds. Calcium and magnes- 

5 The term latosol is preferred by the soil scientist to the 
term laterite, which is now more often reserved for certain 
extreme clayey concentrations rich in iron and aluminum 
oxides that are commonly associated with latosols. 

ium may be plentiful in these soils, and they 
are likely to have a neutral or basic reaction. 
Where there is enough moisture, they are 
likely to support a less woody, grassy vegeta- 
tion, with a high mineral and protein ratio in 
proportion to the carbohydrates. Because of 
the high evaporation characteristic of these 
areas, an actual horizon of lime concentra- 
tion often develops. Although there are some 
significant differences between the soils of 
the warm dry regions and those of the cool 
dry regions, these differences are not so 
marked as are those between the soils of the 
very arid or desert regions and the subhumid 
margins of the dry regions. The typical 
desertic soil of the very dry region is light- 
colored, high in saline or alkaline minerals, 
and low in organic matter, while the cherno- 
zemic soil of the barely subhumid region is 
black or dark brown in color, neutral or 
moderately alkaline, and high in organic 

The world pattern of soil distribution is 
shown in a generalized way on Plate 6. 
Several circumstances act to exclude detailed 
charting on a map such as this, including the 
following: (a) There is no abrupt change 
from one soil category to another, as there 
usually is not from one climatic type to 
another, but rather there tends to be a gradual 
transition. (/;) The small scale of the map 
necessitates drawing only a general picture of 
the soil variations, in spite of the*fact that 
the details of soil distribution are highly com- 
plex, (c) Large areas of some of the conti- 
nents, especially in the lower latitudes, are 
not completely surveyed, (d) The categories 
are made up largely of great soil groups in 
the zonal order, but in many areas intrazonal 
and azonal soils abound and are intimately 
linked with the zonal soils. 


Podzol and tundra soils The typical 
zonal soils of the higher-latitude regions that 
have humid climates are the podzol and 
tundra soils. Podzols occur in areas covered 
largely by forest vegetation, while tundra 
soils lie in the more poleward treeless areas. 
Tundra soils are generally associated closely 
with areas of tundra climate, while podzols 
are found mostly in the cool-summer micro- 
thermal and subarctic climatic regions. Like 
the associated climatic areas, these soil cate- 
gories are essentially confined to the Northern 

The mature podzol develops under a needle- 
leaf or mixed broadleaf-needle-leaf forest. 
The relatively low temperatures, combined 
with the substantial forest litter, retard bac- 
terial action. The spongy, often soggy, dark 
layer of raw humus, or half-decomposed 
organic remains, that accumulates becomes 
highly acid as the result of fermentation, 
similarly affecting the downward-moving soil 
solutions. The strong acidity is unfavorable 
to earthworms and other small, burrowing, 
soil-mixing organisms. Partly for this reason 
there tends to be a comparatively sharp sepa- 
ration between the layer of raw surface humus 
and the horizon beneath it (Fig. 18.8). More- 
over, the strongly acid solutions remove 
much of the iron and aluminum from the A 
horizon, making it appear as if it had been 
bleached to a grayish-white color. Conse- 
quently, beneath the layer of raw humus, the 
A horizon is strongly leached and through 
eluviation has lost most of its clay and finer 
constituents. It is, therefore, generally infertile 
and nearly structureless (Fig. 18.8). The B 
horizon is strongly illuviated, typically brown, 
and may contain a pan layer. In large sections 

Soih 349 

of Europe and North America, the C horizon 
is composed of sandy glacial drift. 

Unimproved podzols are poor soils for 
most farm crops. As a consequence of culti- 
vation and cropping, the supply of organic 
matter is soon lost, and the grayish surface 
soil requires lime, fertilizer, and good manage- 
ment to keep it productive. Although some 
food plants for man can be grown on typical 
podzols, much of their nutrient productivity 
for humans must be obtained by way of 
animals that are better able to subsist on the 

FIG. 18.8 Profile of a podzol soil in Ontario. 
Note the typical heavy leaching of the lower A 
horizon and the strongly illuviated B horizon. 

(G. A. Hills, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests.) 


FIG. 18.9 Profile of a podzolic forest soil. 
Compare this with Fig. 18.8. Note that in this 
gray-brown podzolic soil the organic matter is 
better mixed and the effect of bleaching in the A 
horizon is not so marked. (G. A. Hills. Ontario 

Department of JMndt and Forests.) 

vegetative production of these soils. Good 
yields of some grasses, potatoes, oats, rye, 
and numerous vegetables are obtained from 
finer-textured podzols after lime and fertilizers 
are applied. 

In the treeless region of the tundra soil 
profiles show evidence of excessive moisture, 
because of the low rate of surface evaporation 
in the cold climate and the permanently 
frozen subsoil. A brown peaty surface layer 
is commonly underlain by a grayish horizon 
that is characteristically plastic or even fluid. 
A large part of the tundra is poorly drained 


and consists of bog and hummocky marsh- 
land, making the soils similar in some re- 
spects to the glacial marsh and bog soils 
found in middle latitudes, many of which are 
now drained and cultivated. Large areas of 
the tundra cannot be drained, however, and 
thus are unsuited to tillage, supporting but a 
sparse natural vegetation useful only as nat- 
ural pasture. 

Podzolic soils The group of podzolic 
soils is characteristically found in those 
regions of the world that have broadleaf 
deciduous forests and humid microthermal 
climates. Thus they usually lie equatorward 
of the true podzols. As in the podzols, there 
is a dark surface layer of organic material 1 
to 3 in. deep in the virgin podzolic soil, but 
because the warmer temperatures permit 
more bacterial action, this layer is neither so 
matted and soggy nor so acid as that of the 
podzols. Moreover, the organic material 
derived from a broadleaf forest contains more 
lime, potash, and other basic elements than 
does that from a needle-leaf forest, making 
these soils more fertile. The A horizon of the 
podzolic forest soil is leached but is neither 
so impoverished nor does it appear so 
bleached as in the podzol soil (Fig. 18.9). It 
generally is grayish-brown because of the 
presence of a brown hydroxide of iron and 
some organic matter. The quantity of organic 
material decreases downward, and the B 
horizon is commonly a lighter yellowish- 
brown and denser than the A horizon be- 
cause the B horizon has been illuviated. As 
in the podzols, the C horizon is the little- 
changed parent material of the soil. 

The podzolic forest soils generally have 
better structures than other forest-land soils, 
keep their structures better under cultivation, 
and respond more readily to the application 
of lime and organic fertilizers. The humus is 

better distributed in the upper soil horizons 
than in the podzols, because earthworms and 
other soil organisms thrive under the less 
acid conditions. 

Podzolic soils occur in some of the in- 
tensively cultivated agricultural lands of the 
world, such as the northeastern United States, 
northwestern Europe, and several other re- 
gions of smaller size. These are areas of great 
agricultural diversity, and one of the more 
distinctive characteristics of the podzolic 
soils is their suitability for a wide variety of 
crops: hay and pasture, small grains and 
corn, vegetables, root crops, and many others. 

Soils associated with podzol and pod- 
zolic soils In the areas of podzol and 
podzolic soils are numerous other soils that 
are not zonal. Some are azonal soils such as 
fertile river alluvium or more infertile sands 
and gravels, the latter resulting from accumu- 
lations such as sandy glacial outwash or from 
the abandoned shore deposits of temporary 
glacial lakes. Even more widespread are intra- 
zonal soils resulting from poor drainage, such 
as the soils formed in the depressions of 
glaciated plains or in other marshy or boggy 

The poorly drained soils (bog soils) are 
high in organic matter derived from the re- 
mains of grasses, sedges, and other marsh 
plants. Where underlain by clays and loams, 
these soils may be made productive with 
artificial drainage. Other poorly drained in- 
trazonal soils (planosols) develop on extensive 
flat or gently sloping uplands (Fig. 18.6). 
Here poor drainage causes the formation of 
an eluviated and acid A horizon underlain 
by a dense pan layer. 

There are also many soils with immature 
or imperfectly developed profiles found in 
areas subject to podzolic processes, especially 
in glaciated areas. Recent alluvial deposits 

Soils 351 

and ice-scoured and stream-eroded slopes 
comprise large total areas of soils with ab- 
normal or immature podzolic profiles. In the 
glaciated regions of North America and 
northern Europe there are also considerable 
areas of rocky ground containing what is 
called a lithosol, a stony, azonal soil. 

Latosolic soils Not as much is known 
about the character and distribution of the 
various soils of the tropical areas as about 
the soils of the middle latitudes. It is ap- 
parent that the vegetative cover has more 
internal variety; the soils also show great 
variety, ranging from darker grassland soils 
to forest-land soils showing latosolic 

The term latosol is applied to those soils 
in which high temperatures and abundant 
precipitation are the dominant soil-forming 
controls. Weathering commonly extends to 
considerable depths, and the chemical activity 
is intense. This sometimes so modifies the 
parent materials that there may be little sim- 
ilarity between the chemical nature of the 
soil and that of the inorganic mass within 
which it has formed (Fig. 18.10). The pro- 
files are unusually deep, sometimes extend- 
ing downward more than 10 ft, and the 
horizons are poorly differentiated. The soils 
are low in silica, have a relatively high clay 
content, and are high in the oxides of iron 
and aluminum, making most of them reddish 
or yellowish. In some there has developed a 
material called laterite, a claylike material 
especially rich in the oxides of iron and 
aluminum that develops into hardpans or 
crusts. Being highly leached, latosols are 
generally infertile, and they are not usually 
capable of sustained cropping without heavy 
fertilization. Many, however, are granular 
and very porous and are, therefore, capable 
of being tilled immediately after heavy rains; 


FIG. 18.10 Profile of yellowish red latosol 
formed from a coarse-grained metamorphic bed- 
rock parent material (gneiss) northwest of Rio de 
Janeiro, Brazil. Latosol profiles are typically deep 
and commonly do not have as much horizon 
differentiation as podzols. There is some darkening 
of the thick A horizon by organic matter. Plant 
roots extend to depths below 5 ft in this soil. 

(Roy W. Simonson, U.S. Soil Conservation Service.) 

some are highly resistant to erosion but sub- 
ject to drought. 

At first glance it seems remarkable that the 
generally infertile latosols should be able to 
support such abundant natural vegetation as 
tropical rainforest and yet be so unproductive 
of other kinds of plants. This no doubt re- 
sults from the close interrelation between the 
natural forest vegetation and the soil. Woody 
vegetation is mostly carbohydrate (cellulose) 
and the deep roots of the trees bring to the 


surface at least small amounts of mineral 
nutrient elements from underlying sources. 
When the portion above ground dies and 
decays, some of these elements are returned 
to the surface soils, thus providing a small 
continuous supply so long as the forest 
exists. When this cyclic movement of mineral 
nutrients is interrupted by clearing and culti- 
vation, the nutrients are quickly depleted. 

Latosols are not well suited to shallow- 
rooted protein crops that draw heavily on 
soil fertility in the surface layers. They sup- 
port crops that utilize the intense tropical 
sunlight and abundant rains for the produc- 
tion and storage of cellulose, starches, sugars, 
fats, and other carbohydrates. Those tropical 
latosolic soils that support grass are commonly 
more deeply weathered and less fertile than 
the corresponding middle-latitude soils. Like 
many other tropical soils they are likely to be 

There arc many intrazonal and azonal 
soils included in the tropical areas. For ex- 
ample, there are those intrazonal soils result- 
ing from poor drainage and those with an 
unusually limy parent material, In the azonal 
category belong the thin, stony, immature 
soils of steep slopes, the porous sands with- 
out profile development, the recent deposits 
of volcanic ash, and, especially, the recent 
deposits of floodplains and deltas. The rate 
of alluvial accumulation is often too rapid to 
permit the development of mature profile 
characteristics, yet in many instances tropical 
alluvial soils are, where adequately drained, 
more productive agriculturally than the more 
mature latosols with which they are associated. 

Podzolic-latosolic soils Even though 
the podzolic-latosolic soils are the dominant 
zonal soils in only a few general areas (Plate 
6), they do occur in areas of considerable 
agricultural importance, such as the south- 

eastern United States and China. As a result 
of latosolic processes the upper horizons are 
composed of considerably weathered, brown- 
ish clays and loams, while on the other hand, 
as a result of podzolic processes the thin 
upper horizon of moderate organic content 
is underlain by a leached zone above the 
thick, acid, latosolic B horizon of red or 
yellow material. 

The fertility rating of these soils is not 
high, but with fertilization and careful 
management they are productive. Under 
cultivation the colors of the red and yellow 
subsoils usually predominate, because crop- 
ping quickly uses the small reserve of organic 
matter, and tillage tends to intermingle the 
A and B horizons. Podzolic-latosolic soils 
are especially subject to the loss of the upper 
horizon through rapid erosion. 


Chernozemic soils Previously it was 
pointed out that there is considerable cor- 
relation between the occurrence of humid 
climates and forests, on the one hand, and 
between subhumid climates and grasslands, 
on the other. It is not possible, however, to 
draw a clearly defined boundary line dividing 
the dry from the humid lands that will also 
coincide with a line separating forest and 
grasslands. Nevertheless, limited soil moisture 
and grass vegetation produces soils that are 
very different from those that develop under 
conditions of more soil moisture and forest 

In subhumid regions, where there is 
enough moisture to support luxuriant grass, 
the periodic growth and death of part of the 
root system introduces organic matter into 
the soil and hence results in a regular auto- 
matic incorporation of a large organic frac- 
tion at depths of several inches to three 

Soils 353 

or four feet. Because these chernozemic soils 
are less leached than any of the soils pre- 
viously considered, they are correspondingly 
higher in available calcium, magnesium, and 
other soil bases and nutrient elements; thus 
they are more fertile than soils developed 
under more humid conditions. The horizon 
characteristics in the profiles of the soils of 
subhumid areas are not so sharp as in the 
soils of humid lands in the middle and higher 

The zonal soil known as prairie is found in 
the more humid margins of the chernozemic 
areas, occurring widely in the United States, 
Russia, and South America. This soil has 
formed in a sufficiently humid climate so that 
leaching has lowered the supply of available 
bases to the point where the soil reaction is 
neutral or even slightly acid. The upper 
horizons have a fine granular structure and 
are very dark brown. Both these qualities are 
derived from abundant and deep accumula- 
tions of organic matter originating in the 
thick-grass sod. The typical mature soil is 
found on rolling interfluves where the nat- 
ural vegetation of prairie grasses was best 
established. Because of its quality and cli- 
matic location, prairie soil is among the most 
productive of soils. In the United States it 
developed mainly in regions where the parent 
material is older glacial drift along with con- 
siderable quantities of loess to add to its fer- 
tility. The rich Corn Belt chernozemic soils 
of central Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri are 
mostly prairie soils. On steep slopes, espe- 
cially along the margins of streams, fingers of 
woodland originally projected into the grass 
prairies. On such sites podzolic soils 

The zonal soil known as chernozem (a 
Russian word meaning black earth), from 
which the general category is named, is par- 



ticularly fertile. In the middle latitudes, it 
formed in association with shorter prairie 
and steppe grasses and under sufficiently low 
precipitation (about 20 in. in the United 
States) that an abundance of lime and alka- 
line minerals remains. In fact, in chernozems 
and the soils of drier regions, calcium car- 
bonate accumulates in a definite zone; the 
drier the region the nearer to the surface the 
horizon of lime accumulation will be. The A 
horizon has a high organic content, is black 
or very dark brown (Fig. 18.11), and has a 

FIG. 18.11 Profile of a chernozem formed 
from glacial till in South Dakota. The A horizon 
extends to a depth of a little over a foot, while the 
B horizon extends to a depth of nearly 2% feet. The 
white spots in the B and C horizons are carbonate 
accumulations that commonly occur in dry-land 

SOilS. (Roy W. Sinumson, U.S. Scil Conservation Service.) 

granular, porous structure. Upon tillage it 
crumbles into a fine seedbed with a large 
capacity for retaining capillary water. Both 
organic and fertility reserves are high. In gen- 
eral there is no better soil than chernozem 
for grains and other extensive high-protein 
field crops that draw heavily upon soil 

In regions of subhumid tropical grasslands 
there are also some dark-colored soils classed 
as chernozemic, but these contain less abun- 
dant organic matter because long-continued 
high temperatures hasten decomposition, 
even under subhumid conditions. Thus the 
tropical chernozemics are clayey, plastic, and 
less favorable for tillage. Some chernozemic 
soils, such as the black soils of central India, 
are derived from the weathering of basic igne- 
ous rocks; they owe their color and fertility to 
the unusual mineral content of the parent 

Chernozemic-desertic soils In a tra- 
verse from the less arid to the more arid sec- 
tions of subhumid lands a change occurs in 
the character of the soils. The chernozemic- 
desertic soils of the drier sections are affected 
by the decreased precipitation in several 
ways. The soils have developed under a 
grass vegetation less luxuriant and deep- 
rooted than that in the chernozemic zone, 
and the grass cover provides a less abundant 
supply of organic material. The humus is in- 
termingled with a powdery surface soil that 
lies above a subsoil of a somewhat coarse 
and lumpy structure. The slight precipitation 
and the high rate of evaporation of soil 
moisture also results in a horizon of accumu- 
lated lime or other alkaline substances rela- 
tively near the surface (1 to 2 ft), and in 
some localities the lime is so abundant that it 
forms a pan layer in the soil. Brown or 
reddish-brown is the prevailing color. 

In general, chernozemic-desertic soils are 
easily tilled, and are well adapted to culti- 
vation, if irrigated. The fact that these soils 
are predominantly used for livestock grazing 
rather than cultivation is caused by the 
deficiency of precipitation rather than by the 
deficiencies of the soils. 

Desertic soils Because they develop 
under sparse vegetation, usually widely 
spaced shrubs, desertic soils are low in organic 
content, making the lighter colors predom- 
inate, with the reds, browns, yellows, and 
grays of weathered rock minerals widely ex- 
posed (Fig. 18.12). The characteristic colors 
are occasionally lightened by the accumula- 
tion of whitish alkaline substances near or 
upon the soil surface. Although desertic soils 
are characteristically low in nitrogen, they 
are likely to contain considerable supplies of 
other nutrient elements. 

It is to be expected that the larger parts of 
the great deserts contain no mature soils. In- 
stead, there are patches of bare rock, ex- 
panses of desert gravels covered with the 
pebbles remaining after deflation, tracts of 
dune sand, and areas of immature soil result- 
ing from the recent and rapid growth of 
alluvial fans. Alluvial soils are the most 
widely cultivated in arid lands partly because 
their situations allow them to be more easily 
irrigated. But parent materials in deserts often 
contain so many decomposed rock fragments 
that they may be well supplied with soluble 
minerals, and if abundant water is available 
for irrigation they may be made agriculturally 


In the discussion of the plan of classifying 
and regionalizing the diversity of the earth's 
soil cover, two basically nonzonal categories 
were included: alluvial soils and the soils of 

Soils 355 

areas of high local relief. Little characteriza- 
tion can be applied to the soils of high-local- 
relief areas because of the complexities intro- 
duced by variations in slope and climate 
which in turn induce great variety in vegeta- 
tive cover. In any case, the soils of these 
areas are not widely used. From the point 
of view of human use alluvial soils are far 
more important. 

As a class, alluvial soils probably support 
a larger proportion of the world's population 
than any other single kind of soil. However, 
it is difficult or impossible to generalize to 
any great extent about these azonal soils be- 

FIG. 18.12 Profile of a desertic soil. A 
sierozem (near-desert soil) formed on alluvial 
deposits in Nevada. Although the regolith is deep, 
horizon differentiation is low. (Roy W. Simomon, U.S. 
Soil Conservation Service.) 

i %*A*' 



cause the specific characteristics of an alluvial 
soil body are largely those typical of the 
regolith in the area where the specific alluvial 
parent material originated. Consequently, the 
textures may range from sands through silts 
to clays; the colors may range from the light 
hues of the desertic soils to the dark shades 
of the chernozemic soils; and the soils may 
be more or less rich in plant nutrients. How- 
ever, all are generally free of stones and are 
easily cultivated. 

Most of the great soil categories previously 
described also include alluvial soils associ- 
ated with the mature zonal soils, and in 
many instances the alluvium constitutes the 
most prized lands. Not all alluvial soils are 
productive, however, because they may be 
too wet or too dry, they may occur where the 
growing season is too short, or they may be 
subjected to frequent flooding. In those Far 
Eastern areas where rice is grown in alluvial 
paddy lands, the alluvial soils are probably 
more generally utilized than elsewhere in the 
world. Most of Japan's productive land, for 
example, is alluvial but in units too small to 
be shown on the world map. Almost all of 
Egypt's dense agricultural population sub- 
sists on the production from alluvial soils. 
On the other hand, the tropical alluvial soils 
of some parts of central Africa are at present 
little used, but in this case one reason for not 
using the soils is that the lands are infested 
with the tsetse fly. 


Even though erosion is a normal process, 
it can be greatly accelerated when unnatural 
soil conditions are created by tilling and 
grazing the land. Erosion results in the loss 
of the finer fractions and the upper horizons 
of mature soils at a much faster rate than 

normal development processes can replace 
them, thus destroying the natural relationship 
among the soil components (fertility, texture 
and structure, organic content, water, and 
air). Because the application of ever-increasing 
amounts of bulk-producing, artificially de- 
rived chemicals to stimulate plant growth is 
a costly method of countering the effects of 
erosion, the most modern practice is to culti- 
vate the land in ways that reduce the losses 
by erosion to a minimum. 

Not all kinds of soil are equally subject to 
destructive erosion. Some soils, such as some 
latosols or eluviated sandy soils, might per- 
haps benefit by a faster removal of surface 
soil, thus exposing the less weathered minerals 
and less leached layers underneath. But 
these soils, because of their high porosity, are 
among those least subject to rapid erosion. 
On the other hand, some of the dark-colored 
soils that have considerable organic accumu- 
lations in the upper horizons, are highly sub- 
ject to erosion, as are certain of the forest 
soils, such as many of those in the podzolic- 
latosolic category. 

Causes and kinds of erosion Soil 
erosion occurs primarily as a result of rain- 
drop impact, washing by running water, and 
blowing winds. The principal means whereby 
tillage and grazing may accelerate the normal 
rate of erosion are the loosening of the soil 
by cultivation and the removal of the protec- 
tive cover of vegetation. The rate at which a 
soil may be eroded depends upon the textural 
and structural conditions of the soil, the con- 
ditions of climate, particularly the number of 
intense rainstorms per year, and the degree 
of land slope. The extent to which soil erosion 
has progressed in the United States is shown 
in Fig. 18.13. 

One of the most widespread and least 
noticed kinds of erosion on tilled land is the 

Soils 357 



(25 to 75 per cent of lost, 



than 75 per ctnt of topsoil lost, may 
numerous or gullies. 

in of low 

fMany small no! be shown at this 

on from 1934 reconnaissanct trosion survey of the United 
and other soil conservation surveys by the Soil 

FIG. 18.13 Generalized distribution of the extent of soil erosion by 

Wind and Water in the United States. (From a map by U.S. Soil Conservation 

sheet wash that occurs during rainstorms and 
results in the removal of a uniform thin frac- 
tion of the soil. This is particularly harmful 
because it removes the finer and more nutri- 
tionally useful of the soil particles first, some 
in solution and some in suspension, resulting 
in fertility erosion. In some kinds of soil, 
especially in compact clays and silts under- 
lain by looser materials, gullying may become 
deep. This process, if left unchecked, can 
destroy both topsoil and subsoil beyond all 
hope of repair. The damage may spread from 
the eroded upland soil to the adjacent low- 
land soils, which can be ruined by being 
buried under accumulations of the coarser 
and less fertile alluvial products of the 


In subhumid plains great damage may re- 

sult from wind erosion on surfaces laid bare 
by plowing or by overgrazing of livestock. 
The powdery soil exposed on the bare sur- 
faces may be removed to a depth of several 
inches by a single windstorm. 

Conservation It certainly is not pos- 
sible to stop losses by wind and water 
erosion entirely; these have gone on since 
the world began. However, it is possible to 
reduce the rate of destructive erosion brought 
about by careless human disturbances of the 
natural balance of the soil components. A 
program of planned soil conservation would 
include (1) the return to permanent forest or 
permanent grass of those lands in which 
erosion has progressed so far as to destroy 
the value of the land for tillage, and (2) the 
protection, through proper tillage and 

crop production so that they may continue to 
be productive. Among the recommended 
methods of protection are (a) the construc- 
tion of dams or obstructions to erosion in 
gullies already formed; (b) the plowing and 
tilling of land in strips along contour levels 
so that furrows will be arranged at right 
angles to the land slope, thus reducing the 

cropping practices that provide the most 
nearly continuous protective vegetative cover. 
Above all, the consciousness of everyone 
must be awakened to the need for soil pro- 
tection and the disastrous consequences to 
the world's rapidly increasing population 
that may arise from the needless waste of this 
fundamental source of nutrition. 


Albrecht, W. A.: "Soil Fertility and Biotic Geography," Geographical Review, vol. 47, 1957, 

pp. 87-105. 
Hole, F. D.: "Suggested Terminology for Describing Soils as Three-dimensional Bodies," 

Proceedings of the Soil Science Society of America, vol. 17, 1953, pp. 131-135. 
Simonson, Roy W.: "Changing Place of Soils in Agricultural Production," Scientific Monthly, 

vol. 81, 1955, pp. 173-182. 

Stallings, J. H.: Soil Conservation, Prentice- Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1957. 
U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Soils and Men," Yearbook of Agriculture, 1938. 
U.S. Department of Agriculture: "Soil," Yearbook of Agriculture, 1957. 
Simonson, R. W., "What Soils Are," pp. 17-29. 
Russell, M. B., "Physical Properties," pp. 31-38. 
Richards, L. A., and S. J. Richards, "Soil Moisture," pp. 49-60. 
Allaway, W. H., "pH, Soil Acidity, and Plant Growth," pp. 67-79. 
Dean, L. A., "Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility," pp. 81-85. 
Broadbent, F. E., "Organic Matter," pp. 151-157. 
Clark, F. E. "Living Organisms in the Soil," pp. 157-165. 

Winters, E., and Roy W. Simonson; "The Subsoil," Advances in Agronomy, vol. 3, 1951, pp. 



Minerals as resources In addition to 
the many phenomena at the surface of the 
earth that directly contribute to man's exist- 
ence as a living organism, there occur, deeper 
in the shell of the earth, many substances 
that man has learned to use to his material 
advantage. These are those elements and 
their compounds, either inorganic or organic 
in origin, that are loosely classed as mineral 
resources, or more simply, minerals. They 
are employed in a variety of ways: as sub- 
stances from which to fashion tools and other 
useful objects, as sources of energy, as ma- 
terials for road building, and so on, almost 
without end. At man's present stage of devel- 

opment the list of mineral resources is long, 
and it continues to grow each year at an in- 
creasing rate as he learns at an increasing 
rate to use these substances he finds in the 

To divide the mineral resources according 
to the use to which each is put would not be 
completely satisfactory, for many of them 
serve a variety of needs. Thus the entire class 
of minerals consists of three major categories 
only partly based on use: (a) those used pri- 
marily as fuels, i.e., as sources of energy, (b) 
those used primarily because they are metallic, 
and (r) nonmetallic minerals not used pri- 
marily as fuels. 




Many minerals are relatively abundant but 
widely dispersed in the earth's crust and 
regolith, occurring in relatively small quanti- 
ties in any one locality. To collect a mineral 
from this dispersed state is costly, and it is 
justified only when the specific value of the 
mineral is extraordinarily high. Consequendy, 
man is usually interested only in those places 
of occurrence where the mineral content has 
somehow become sufficiently concentrated to 
form what is called a deposit. Thus the 
geography of mineral deposits, that is, the 
facts of their distribution and of related phe- 
nomena is an item of considerable concern. 

Few people realize how rapidly the de- 
pendence of civilization upon mineral re- 
sources has grown in recent decades how 
different the present is, in this respect, from 

even the recent past. Since the beginning of 
the twentieth century more minerals have 
been extracted from the earth's outer crust 
than in all previous history. Yet it may be 
asserted that the known supply is actually in- 
creasing. This apparent paradox lies in two 
facts: (a) As already suggested, a resource 
does not just exist, but in a very real sense is 
created by man. For example, coal and the 
radioactive minerals have existed much longer 
than man has; yet they became resources 
only when man learned to use them, (b) Man's 
scientific understanding and technical skill, 
like his capacity to utilize minerals, are in- 
creasing at an increasing rate. Consequently, 
he is both continually finding new supplies 
and able to use more efficiently those of 
which he now knows. 


Mineral sources of energy Of all the 

things that make life today different from life 
in the past, perhaps none is so significant as 
man's use of the large supplies of energy 
available to him in the solid earth. The 
power sources he has tapped, up to the pres- 
ent, are primarily coal, petroleum, and nat- 
ural gas, and all three come from the solid 
earth. Of course, man uses many other 
sources of power, ranging from falling water 
to wood, but he depends primarily upon the 
mineral fuels. Although the time when solar 
and other forms of nuclear energy will sup- 
plant the mineral fuels seems to be coming 
steadily closer, the use of mineral fuels is 
still increasing and will, no doubt, for some 
time to come. 

Through growth processes, some of the 

sun's energy is "built into" the tissues of all 
living plants and animals. Then, in the 
normal course of events, this energy is lib- 
erated after death as a consequence of de- 
composition processes. For example, heat is 
often liberated when oxygen combines chem- 
ically with decomposing substances. But if 
the complete decomposition of an organic 
material is prevented, it becomes a potential 
source of usable quantities of heat that can 
be obtained by inducing combustion later. 
The use of firewood is an example of the use 
of such a source of energy involving only a 
short delay. Coal, petroleum, and natural 
gas are sources of such energy that have 
been stored a long time. At certain times 
in the geologic past, conditions seem to have 
retarded decomposition of organic forms, and 

simultaneously to have allowed vast amounts 
of them to accumulate and be transformed 
into coal, petroleum, and gas. 

The occurrence of deposits of these 
materials, called "fossil" fuels, required the 
interaction of a large number of physical 
phenomena, and as a result considerable 
parts of the earth are deficient in deposits of 
these substances, and other regions have 
large supplies of one or even all three. 


Origin of coal Coal is sedimentary rock 
derived largely from the unoxidized remains 
of plant tissues. The carbon-bearing tissues 
were preserved from ordinary decomposition 
by their submergence in swamp waters and 
their subsequent burial and compaction by 
layers of clays, sands, and limes; and the 
burial ultimately made these beds of organic 
material members of a series of horizontal 
sedimentary rocks. From this sedimentary 
origin, two points of significance about coal 
beds and their coal may be inferred. First, 
the original attitude of swamp accumulations 
being nearly horizontal, as may be observed 
in modern swamps, many coal beds still are 
essentially horizontal, a condition that sim- 
plifies the problem of mining. Second, since 
individual swamps seldom have covered vast 
areas, single beds of coal are not of great 

In addition, some coal beds show evidence 
of diastrophic disturbance after their creation, 
and this commonly has involved a more 
complete metamorphism that has changed 
the ratios among the various constituents 
(carbon, gases, water, ash, etc.), a change that 
markedly affects their utility. 

Although most coal beds are relatively 
small, the same is not necessarily true of coal 

Mineral resources 361 

fields, or areas of coal beds. In some areas 
conditions favorable to coal formation must 
have existed widely and for long periods. In 
these regions large and small swamps 
flourished, dried up, and their organic ac- 
cumulations were buried by earthy sediments 
at the same time that other swamps were 
coming into existence nearby. If subsidence 
of an entire area took place, newer swamps 
may have formed above the remains of the 
older but separated from them by layers of 
inorganic sediments. In some coal fields the 
beds are widely distributed in area and in 
vertical sequence. 

Since coal occurs among other rock layers, 
it is possible, by studying the general rock 
structure, to determine the probable extent of 
a coal field or region and, by means of test 
borings, to discover the number and relative 
thicknesses of the coal beds in its various 
parts. Thus geologists can approximate with 
fair accuracy the potential supply (reserve) in 
a given field, a given country, and even in the 

Classes of coal Classes of coal differ 
greatly from region to region and sometimes 
even within the same field, and only four of 
the more significant will be mentioned here. 
All coal was initially similar to the first class, 
which is peat, the partially preserved, 
crumbled, and blackened organic remains 
that may be seen in present-day swamps and 
bogs. The other forms of coal represent suc- 
cessive stages in the transformation of peat 
that results from compression and the loss of 
water and gases (Fig. 19.1). Thus a second 
class, somewhat more compact than peat, is 
the crumbly brown coal called lignite. 
Further transformation additional losses of 
volatile constituents and corresponding in- 
creases in the relative content of fixed carbon 
' produces a "soft" black class of coal called 





H r O,N 


Matter or Ash 

FIG. 19.1 Stages in the metamorphosis of vegetable material into coal 

Of various types. (After Ntwbern.) 

Evolved gases 

C0 2f CO, H 2 0, 

CH 4l etc. 

bituminous. There is an almost endless list of 
slightly different grades of bituminous coal, 
the most widely used class. Further compres- 
sion still, often associated with warping and 
faulting, and sometimes heating produces the 
class of "hard" coal called anthracite, which 
is mostly carbon. 

One of the most significant distinctions 
among the various bituminous coals is based 
upon suitability for the manufacture of coke 
to be used in the blast-furnace extraction of 
the metal iron from its ore, the only means 
of recovering iron in large quantities used at 
present. Coke for use in the blast furnace is 
mainly the hard carbon that remains after the 
volatile constituents have been driven off and 
is prepared by roasting bituminous coal in 
special ovens. But the metallurgical require- 
ments of coke are so stringent that only a 
small proportion of the world's bituminous 
deposits can be used to produce it. Conse- 
quently, the areas where iron can be pro- 
duced economically are seriously restricted. 

Coal is mined in many ways, depending 
upon the structural and situational relation 
of the beds to the earth's surface to which 

the coal must be brought. In some areas the coal 
seams (beds) occur so close to the surface that 
they may be mined in open pits after the re- 
moval of only a few feet of the covering 
earth or rock known as overburden (Fig. 
19.2). In others the beds may be reached 
only by mine shafts of great depth. In some 
localities the seams have become easily ac- 
cessible as a result of the exposure, by degra- 
dation, of outcrops of coal among the other 
rocks of valley walls (Fig. 19.3). In regions of 
more complicated rock structure, coal beds 
once horizontal may have been variously 
deformed, and therefore present different 
degrees of accessibility (Fig. 19.4). 


There is a vast amount of still-unnamed 
coal in the world: present estimates of the 
total minable reserve, which are probably of 
the right order of magnitude, total several 
trillion tons, enough for many hundreds of 
years at the present rate of use. But the re- 
serve is very unevenly distributed among the 
land areas (Fig. 19.5); and because coal is 
the principal source of power in manufactural 


FIG. 19.2 Giant furrows turned by power shovels in the process of strip 
mining in southern Illinois. The 4-ft-thick bed of coal exposed in the bottom 
of the trench will be mined out before the next furrow is turned. 

industry and in the production of electricity, 
as well as necessary for the smelting of iron, 
the location of these major deposits in rela- 
tion to the world centers of heavy manufac- 
ture, present and future, is a matter of critical 

Three general features of its distribution 
are geographically significant: (a) almost all 
the known minable reserve lies in the North- 
ern Hemisphere; (b) this reserve is about 
evenly divided between North America and 
Eurasia; and (c) more than four-fifths of the 
total is estimated to lie within the boundaries 
of only three nations: the United States (ap- 
proximately two-fifths of the total), the 

U.S.S.R. (approximately one-third), and 
Communist China (approximately one-tenth). 1 
A considerable proportion of the rest of the 
Northern Hemisphere reserve (approximately 
one-eighth of the total) occurs in the several 
countries of western and central Europe. It 
should be noted that the continent of Europe, 
not including the U.S.S.R., ranks first in coal 
production, slightly ahead of both the United 
States and the U.S.S.R. 

Thus the known coal reserves are relatively 
concentrated within a few national areas; but 

1 E. Willarcl Miller, "World Patterns and Trends in Energy 
Consumption," Journal of Grography, vol. 58, 1959, pp. 

ISO 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 

Mineral resources 365 

40 20 20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160 I8O 


FIG. 19.5 General representation of the world distribution of estimated 
coal reserves. The sizes of the circles are in proportion to the reserves 
believed to lie within the boundaries of national areas. Countries possessing 
less than one-half of one per cent of the world total are not included. 
(A ft tt Miller and other*.) 

posits, namely the ancient rocks of the 
Canadian Shield and the Appalachian Pied- 
mont, the western sections of the cordilleran 
region, and the relatively recent sedimentary 
rocks of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal mar- 
gins. The two major producing areas are the 
Appalachian Province and the eastern region 
of the Interior Province. 

Tht Appalachian Province Much the most 
important among the coal fields of the conti- 
nent is that of the Appalachian hill region. It 
is comprised of two principal subdivisions: 
(a) a large section of little-folded rocks with 
numerous beds of bituminous coal that ex- 
tends from northwestern Pennsylvania through 
Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ten- 
nessee, into northwestern Alabama, and (b) a 
small, highly folded section containing an- 
thracite in the Ridge and Valley region of 
northeastern Pennsylvania. 

The bituminous section includes numerous 
workable beds of coal of good quality, some 
of which are of the character required for the 
manufacture of blast-furnace coke. The de- 
posits are largely found within the limits of 
the dissected Appalachian hill country, and 
they are noted for the ease with which they 
are mined. The coal beds, traversed by in- 
numerable deeply incised stream valleys, are 
often exposed along the valley walls (Fig. 
19.4). The abundance, accessibility, and high 
quality of these bituminous coals give the 
Appalachian field first importance in America 
and perhaps in the world. More than three- 
fourths of the coal output of the continent is 
obtained from this field, including most of 
the coal used in the eastern and northeastern 
industrial districts, as well as most of the 
American export coal. 

The anthracite occurs on the eastern 

Mineral resources 365 

ISO 160 140 120 100 60 40 20 

*0 20 tO 4 SQ S0 100 120 WO !O 1*0 

100 80 40 SO 

40 " " G~~20 40 6Q 100 (20 i*0 160" ISO 

FIG. 19.5 General representation of the world distribution of estimated 
coal reserves. The sizes of the circles are in proportion to the reserves 
believed to lie within the boundaries of national areas. Countries possessing 
less than one-half of one per cent of the world total are not included. 
(Aftft Miller and ofhen.) 

posits, namely the ancient rocks of the 
Canadian Shield and the Appalachian Pied- 
mont, the western sections of the cordilleran 
region, and the relatively recent sedimentary 
rocks of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal mar- 
gins. The two major producing areas are the 
Appalachian Province and the eastern region 
of the Interior Province. 

The Appalachian Province Much the most 
important among the coal fields of the conti- 
nent is that of the Appalachian hill region. It 
is comprised of two principal subdivisions: 
(a) a large section of little-folded rocks with 
numerous beds of bituminous coal that ex- 
tends from northwestern Pennsylvania through 
Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ten- 
nessee, into northwestern Alabama, and (b) a 
small, highly folded section containing an- 
thracite in the Ridge and Valley region of 
northeastern Pennsylvania. 

The bituminous section includes numerous 
workable beds of coal of good quality, some 
of which are of the character required for the 
manufacture of blast-furnace coke. The de- 
posits are largely found within the limits of 
the dissected Appalachian hill country, and 
they are noted for the ease with which they 
are mined. The coal beds, traversed by in- 
numerable deeply incised stream valleys, are 
often exposed along the valley walls (Fig. 
19.4). The abundance, accessibility, and high 
quality of these bituminous coals give the 
Appalachian field first importance in America 
and perhaps in the world. More than three- 
fourths of the coal output of the continent is 
obtained from this field, including most of 
the coal used in the eastern and northeastern 
industrial districts, as well as most of the 
American export coal. 

The anthracite occurs on the eastern 






FIG. 19.6 The principal coal deposits of North America, showing the 
distribution of major classes of coals. 

margins of the Appalachian hill region in an 
area that has been subjected to extreme fold- 
ing, which means much greater cost and dif- 
ficulty of mining. Anthracite mining has been 
steadily declining, and now provides less 
than 5 per cent of the nation's coal production. 
The Interior Province Like the Appalach- 
ian bituminous section, the Interior Province 
is abundantly provided with coal deposits, 
and again the coal generally is bituminous, 
but not of coking quality. The several areas 
of the Province are known, respectively, as 
(a) the eastern region (Illinois, Indiana, and 
Kentucky), (b) the northern region (Michi- 
gan), (c) the western region (Iowa, Missouri, 
Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas), and (a) 
the southwestern region (Texas). Of these, 
the eastern region is by far the greatest pro- 

ducer. In the eastern and northern regions 
the rocks have broad synclinal (saucerlike) 
structures, and in the former, the coal beds 
of the middle portion are so deeply buried 
under younger rocks that they are difficult to 
reach. Therefore, mining is practiced mainly 
about the margins of the field. 

Other areas The Rocky Mountain prov- 
ince is made up of many fields spread from 
southern Montana to New Mexico, and in- 
cludes abundant deposits in Wyoming, Col- 
orado, and Utah. Coal of all grades occurs, 
but most of it is bituminous quality. 

The Great Plains province includes areas 
extending from Wyoming and the Dakotas 
into southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. In 
its eastern sections the coal is lignite, but in 
the western sections the coal is higher quality. 

The Great Plains province ranks far below the 
eastern fields in production. Even the small 
fields in the Canadian Maritime Provinces 
produce more coal than the Canadian Great 
Plains province. 

The Pacific Coast fields are made up of a 
few deposits, namely, those of Alaska, Van- 
couver Island, and the Puget Sound region. 
The Alaskan deposits have more future than 
present value. 

Coal is not abundant in eastern Canada 
either. It is a matter of great concern to Can- 
ada that its most populous and industrially 
developed region, which lies between Lake 
Huron and the city of Quebec, is practically 
devoid of coal. The best and most used 

Mineral resources 367 

deposits, including some coking coal, are 
found near Sydney, on the northern coast of 
Nova Scotia. These supply a local iron and 
steel industry. 

Central and western Europe The 
area comprising central and western Europe 
contains numerous coal deposits that extend 
in a relatively narrow zone from Great 
Britain eastward across the Low Countries 
and Germany into Poland and Czechoslovakia 
(Fig. 19.7). As previously stated, central and 
western Europe ranks first in the world in 
coal production if the output of all its coun- 
tries is totaled and compared with the out- 
puts of other major coal-producing areas. In 
total coal reserves this area ranks third 

FIG. 19.7 The major coal deposits of central and western Europe. 






' V 




among the continents; but even though most 
of its supply is bituminous and thus gen- 
erally high-grade, it is likely that the total 
European bituminous resource is little more 
than one-half as great as that available in 
North America. In addition, North America 
has nearly seventy-five times as much lower- 
grade coal. 

The principal European coal deposits are 
so distributed that they fall within the bound- 
aries of several European countries, the in- 
dustrial advancement of which may be attrib- 
uted in part to the availability of these sources 
of fuel. The leading nations in both produc- 
tion and proved reserves of good-quality coal 
are Germany, the United Kingdom, and 
Poland. Czechoslovakia, the Low Countries, 
France, and Spain are all second-rank pro- 
ducers, far below the first three named. An 
indication of the wide availability of coal in 
Europe is the fact that coal is produced in 
more than 20 countries. Yet only the United 
Kingdom and Germany have large deposits 
of the coking-quality coal required for the 
smelting of iron ore. 

Great Britain British coal fields occur in 
numerous regions in England, Scotland, and 
Wales, and only two parts of the island are 
more than a few miles removed from one or 
more of these fields, which contain mostly 
bituminous coal (Fig. 19.7). Associated with 
each of the major British coal fields is an in- 
dustrial district; and some of the fields, 
especially those of south Wales, are close to 
the sea and well situated for the export of 
coal. Also, the quality of British coal is gen- 
erally high. However, the remaining beds are 
becoming increasingly difficult to mine, 
greatly increasing the cost of production. 

Continental fields The coal fields of 
western continental Europe are numerous, 

but none covers as much area as the greater 
of the fields in North America. The more im- 
portant fields and most of the better grades 
of coal lie in an east-west belt through the 
center of the continent. The ancient crystal- 
line rocks of Scandinavia and Finland to the 
north of that belt and the much disturbed 
rocks of the mountain systems and of the 
Mediterranean Sea Basin to the south of it 
include either no coal or only small and un- 
important fields. The various fields include 
coals of many types, among them the low 
grades of coal and even peat which are much 
more used in continental Europe than in 
Great Britain or the United States. 

The western end of this important and 
productive zone extends from northern 
France across central Belgium and into 
Germany, its most productive portion lying 
in the Ruhr River Valley, just east of the 
Rhine. This field is of particular importance 
because it has long been the center of the 
heavy iron and steel industries of Germany 
and because it contains a reserve of coking 
coal reputed to be larger than any other in 
continental Europe. Nearby is the coal field 
of the politically famous Saar region. The 
eastern end of the central European coal belt, 
the major deposits of which lie in East 
Germany and especially in Poland and ad- 
jacent portions of Czechoslovakia, is also 
highly productive. 

The leading individual coal producers are 
West Germany in the western section and 
East Germany and Poland in the eastern sec- 
tion of this European area. Their combined 
output rivals those of the United States and 
the U.S.S.R. 

The U.S.S.R. The coal fields of Soviet 
Russia are numerous and widely distributed, 
but most of the large reserve of good-grade 

Mineral resources 369 



FIG. 19.8 The major coal deposits of the U.S.S.R., eastern and 
southern Asia. 

coal is in Siberia (Fig. 19.8). The total pro- 
duction is approximately equal to that of the 
United States. 

Neither of the great industrial regions in 
and about Moscow and Leningrad is adjacent 
to local supplies of good coal, although there 
is lignite near Leningrad, and the Moscow 
region includes a large area with coals of 
subbituminous and lignite grades. Rather, the 
Donets River Basin in southern European 
Russia is first in industrial importance: it 
supplies the heavy industry of the southern 
region, and some is shipped to the Moscow 
industrial center. This greatly folded area 
yields some anthracite and much bituminous 
coal, being valued especially for its coking 
coal, which is not generally abundant in the 

The Kuznetsk Basin of southern central 
Siberia is second in importance at present. It 
is the source of fuel for a growing industrial 
district, and some of its coal (supplemented 
from Karaganda) moves more than 1,400 
miles west to the iron and steel center of 
Magnitogorsk in the southern Ural Mountain 
region. The Kuznetsk region is estimated to 
be tremendously rich in high-quality reserves; 
indeed, it is thought to be second only to the 
Appalachian coal fields in the United States. 
The Karaganda field, located midway between 
the Kuznetsk and Ural areas, is third in 

There are smaller coal fields on the flanks 
of the Ural Mountains, in the region west of 
Lake Baikal, and far to the east in Siberia. In 
the isolated forest areas of northern Siberia 



After L Dudley Stamp 

FIG. 19.9 The principal coal fields of southern 
Africa and Australia. 

are extensive coal deposits whose boundaries 
and reserves are imperfectly known. 

Eastern and southern Asia In eastern 
and southern Asia there are widely distrib- 
uted deposits of coal, with Communist China 
seeming to have by far the greatest amount, 
although estimates are perhaps based upon 
insufficient evidence (Fig. 19.8). Coal is 
found in many parts of China, but the greatest 
deposits are in north China and Manchuria. 
The provinces of Shansi and Shensi in north 
China seem to have the largest reserves of 
good quality. The coal fields of Manchuria 
support a considerable industrial development 
and are especially valuable because they con- 
tain good coking coal. As Communist China 
continues to grow industrially, coal produc- 
tion will also rise. Even currently, China is 
no doubt the fifth largest producer after the 
United States, the U.S.S.R., Germany, and 
Great Britain. 

Other Asiatic countries that have important 
coal supplies are India and Japan. Those of 
India, located in the northeastern part of the 
Deccan Plateau about 150 miles inland west 
of Calcutta, are now being much used in the 
iron and steel industries of the same region. 
The reserve of coal is large, but the supply 
of coking coal is limited. Unfortunately for 
industrial Japan, the reserve of coal in that 

country is relatively small and scattered, and 
many of the beds are badly faulted. The 
most productive field is that in northern 

South America, Africa, and Australia 
Hardly 3 per cent of the world's coal reserves 
is contained in South America, Africa, and 
Australia together. This small amount is un- 
evenly distributed with Africa and Australia 
having the most and being about equally 
endowed; South America has very little. 

The major field in Australia is near the 
east coast of New South Wales, a principal 
center of population (Fig. 19.9). Because of 
its abundance, good quality, and accessibil- 
ity, Australian coal is the leading reserve in 
the Southern Hemisphere, but the total re- 
serve is not comparable with that of the larger 
fields of the Northern Hemisphere. 

The African coal reserve is not quite so 
large as that of Australia, but the present 
production meets the requirements of South 
Africa. The deposits are located in the south- 
eastern part of the continent, mostly in the 
Union of South Africa (Fig. 19.9). 

South America has the misfortune to be, 
of all the continents, least well endowed with 
coal. But there are a few small bituminous 
deposits in the Andes of Colombia and Peru 
and on the coast of central Chile, and there 
is some low-grade coal in southern Brazil. 


The mineral fuels petroleum and natural 
gas, though relatively recent additions to 
man's energy resources, are important ones. 
Petroleum is a liquid that can be transported 
easily, in or out of pipes; the energy avail- 
able from it is greater than that available 
from coal; and a large variety of lubricants 
and other useful compounds is available 

from it as well. Just the cleanliness, compact- 
ness, and convenience of petroleum as a fuel 
and the fact that new machines are continually 
being devised for using the products de- 
rived from it have made petroleum a critical 
item in the resource inventories of modern 
nations. Natural gas, a lighter hydrocarbon 
usually associated with petroleum, is fast be- 
coming a major source of energy. It, too, is 
easily transported in pipes. 

Structural associations Petroleum, nat- 
ural gas, and asphalt, another substance re- 
lated to petroleum, are presumably of organic 
origin, but they have been so long included 
in the rocks they are found in that no trace 
of any organic antecedents is clearly discern- 
ible. These hydrocarbons, which probably 
originated from small marine organisms whose 
remains were somehow prevented from com- 
plete decomposition, are only found in sedi- 
mentary rocks. Oil-and-gas-bearing rocks 
occur in a considerable variety of structural 
associations of different geologic ages. Like 
coal, however, the rocks are not found among 
ancient crystalline rocks of pre-Paleozoic 

Easily obtainable oil and gas saturate the 
pore spaces of permeable rocks, especially 
sandstones and limestones, just as the pore 
spaces are filled elsewhere by ground water. 
Structures containing petroleum are com- 
monly overlain by others saturated with 
water. This tends to place the oil under 
pressure and concentrates it in limited de- 
posits, called pools, in some form of structural 
pocket or trap from which the oil and gas 
cannot escape. The most numerous of these 
are the tops of anticlines that are capped by 
shales or other impervious rocks which pre- 
vent the oil and gas from floating upward 
and escaping. Many other kinds of traps 
occur into which the petroleum has migrated 

Mineral resources 371 

from surrounding areas because of the pres- 
sure exerted by the denser ground water. 

Oil and gas are obtained by drilling through 
the impervious capping rocks (Fig. 19.10). 
When the petroleum is under considerable 
pressure it may be forced upward violently, 
but in other cases, and even eventually from 
such gushers, the oil must be raised by pump- 
ing. Moreover, since the oil is contained in 
the small pore spaces in the pervious rock, 
much of it exists as a film of oil clinging to 
the rock particles, and not all of it can be re- 
covered by pumping. Even with the most im- 
proved methods a considerable portion of the 
original oil remains in the ground when the 
expenditure for pumping becomes un- 

There is less significant difference among 
varieties of petroleum than among coals. 
Most petroleum contains a variety of hydro- 
carbons that may be partially separated by 
distillation and then compounded in almost 
any combination desired. 


Because of the nature of its occurrence, it 
is more difficult to estimate the quantity of 
producible reserves of oil that still exist than 
reserves of coal. Recent estimates indicate the 
amount remaining in the earth as perhaps 
1,250 billion barrels, not counting large 
amounts in shales and tar sands. 2 As with 
coal, almost all of this is concentrated in the 
Northern Hemisphere, and the United States 
and the U.S.S.R. are well endowed, but there 
the similarity ends. The Middle East has per- 
haps half the world's reserve, while Europe 
has very little. Also, concentration of oil is 
much greater than that of coal. Even though 

2 E. Willard Miller, "World Patterns and Trends in Energy 
Consumption," Journal of Geography, vol. 58, 1959, pp. 



FIG. 19.10 One of many types of geologic structures in which 
petroleum is entrapped. Note the relation between the locations of several 
wells and the nature of their products. Some such anticlinal structures are 
concealed by overlying strata. 

the major reserves of coal are concentrated in 
a few areas, there are numerous deposits, 
throughout the world, that can more or less 
adequately supply nonindustrial needs, as 
previously noted. This is not nearly so true 
of petroleum. Indeed, two circles with radii 
of a little less than 2,000 miles and with 
centers approximately at 35 N Lat and 50 E 
Long in the Eastern Hemisphere and at 
20 N Lat and 85 W Long in the Western 
Hemisphere would outline areas that prob- 
ably contain some three-quarters of the 
world's known reserves. 

As a consequence, trade in petroleum is far 
more important than trade in coal, and the 
relative locations of producing areas and con- 
suming areas are items of extreme geograph- 
ical significance. 

Western hemisphere The United States 
is endowed with several regions in which 
petroleum and gas occur in great volume, 
and the production and consumption of these 

fuels in the United States far exceed those of 
any other country. In recent times productive 
deposits have also been discovered in Canada, 
and the regions bordering the Caribbean are 
likewise important producers of petroleum, 
especially for export to less favored areas. 
Each of these regions includes a number of 
subdivisions. Some of the included structures 
contain both oil and gas, some yield oil but 
not much gas, and others yield gas alone. 
The several regions are shown in Fig. 19.11. 
Mid-continent, Gulf Coast, and California 
The mid-continent region includes several 
widely scattered fields including hundreds of 
pools in Kansas, Oklahoma, central and 
western Texas, southeastern New Mexico, 
southern Arkansas, and northern Louisiana. 
This region has been producing for many 
years. Many of its deposits have been ex- 
hausted, but new ones have been discovered, 
and the practice of deeper drilling has reached 
oil in lower and older rocks. Gas is abundant 

in this region also, and pipelines now carry it 
to industrial consumers far to the north and 

The Gulf Coast region includes numerous 
pools found in many locations in the rocks 
of eastern Texas, Louisiana, and Missis- 
sippi. In some areas the deposits are associ- 
ated with a large number of salt domes, or 
mounds underlain by rock salt. The deposits 
also extend out into the continental shelf, 
and considerable offshore development is 
taking place, although the cost of such re- 
covery is, of course, much greater than on 

Mineral resources 373 

The mid-continent and Gulf Coast regions 
have long been the most productive in the 
United States and contain its greatest proven 
reserves, with the Gulf Coast region estimated 
to have the largest proportion of the nation's 
total reserves. 

They are followed by the California region, 
which includes oil and gas fields in a belt 
that extends from the environs of Los Angeles 
northward. The California region is also 
highly productive; as a state California ranks 
second only to Texas in importance. 

Other regions of the United States The 
Rocky Mountain region is comprised of many 

FIG. 19.11 The principal oil-and-gas-producing regions of the Western Hemisphere. 



fields distributed over a large area which is 
mainly in Wyoming, although it extends 
northward into Montana, south into Colo- 
rado, and eastward into North Dakota. Pro- 
duction is increasing in this area, but it is far 
behind that of the above regions. The eastern 
interior region includes several fields of 
minor importance located in Ohio, Indiana, 
Illinois, and Michigan. The greatest pro- 
ducer here is the field located in southeastern 
Illinois and adjacent Indiana. 

The first oil and gas field to be developed 
on a modern scale was in the Allegheny 
region of Pennsylvania, and it was for many 
years the most productive area in the world; 
but it has now declined to minor significance. 
The petroleum has long been noted for its 
superior quality as a source of lubricating oils. 

The question of how long the United States 
can maintain its present abundant petroleum 
production is not capable of assured answer. 
A feverish search continues for new pools 
and for new structures in all areas where the 
occurrence of petroleum is a possibility. Tens 
of thousands of new wells are drilled an- 
nually, and the proven reserves of the coun- 
try have been increasing a little each year. 
But for several years the United States' im- 
ports of petroleum and its products have ex- 
ceeded exports, and the demand continues 
to increase rapidly. The need for conservative 
practices in the production and use of these 
essential products is evident. 

Canada. Until recently oil production in 
Canada was restricted to small amounts pro- 
duced in Ontario in the section north of 
Lake Erie, in southern Alberta, and in the 
Mackenzie River Basin west of Great Bear 
Lake. But with discoveries in the vicinity of 
Edmonton in central Alberta, Canadian pro- 
duction and reserves have increased. Recent 
estimates indicate that Canadian reserves and 

production are ahead of Indonesia and 
Mexico and exceeded only by the United 
States, Venezuela, the U.S.S.R., and the 
Middle Eastern countries. There is, more- 
over, every reason to believe that Canadian 
status in the world oil situation will continue 
to rise. Most of the production occurs in 
Alberta, with some in British Columbia to 
the northwest and in Saskatchewan and 
Manitoba to the southeast (Fig. 19.11). 

The Caribbean Included in the Caribbean 
region are several areas of considerable im- 
portance. Chief among them is that located 
in northern South America, mainly in the 
Maracaibo and Orinoco River Basins of 
Venezuela but including smaller areas in 
Colombia and the island of Trinidad (Fig. 
19.11). Venezuela has perhaps 6 to 8 per 
cent of the world's known reserves, and has 
regularly ranked next after the United States 
among the countries of the world in produc- 
tion. A second productive area, located in 
eastern Mexico, near Tampico and Tuxpan, 
yielded abundantly early in the present cen- 
tury, but it has now passed the peak of 
its productivity. 

South America beyond the Caribbean 
borders gives some evidence of widespread 
occurrence of petroleum, but only Argentina 
and Peru have significant production. 

Eastern Hemisphere Because of the 
extreme fragmentation of the oil-producing 
areas in the Eastern Hemisphere by national 
boundaries, the casual observer may not 
realize that the major producing deposits 
there are as localized as those of the Western 
Hemisphere. Although some oil and gas is 
known in many localities in Europe, Asia, 
Africa, and Australia, the region of large 
present output is confined to an area centered 
in the Middle East and extending north into 
the U.S.S.R. (Fig. 19.12). The only other 

Mineral resources 375 




FIG. 19.12 The principal oil-and-gas-producing regions of the Eastern Hemisphere. 

area that produces a significant amount is great importance of oil in the Middle East con- 
Indonesia, and its production is less than 5 tribute to the explanation of why so many 

per cent of the hemisphere's total. 

problems of world politics and economic 

Middle East Several facts related to the strategy originate in or near this part of Asia. 



The petroleum deposits there are located in 
several political subdivisions near the Persian 
Gulf, mainly in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and 
Kuwait (Fig. 19.12). Moreover these areas, 
taken together, produce about two-thirds as 
much oil as the United States, most of which 
is destined for export to the great consuming 
area of Europe. Finally, the proven reserves 
of the region are perhaps half the world's 
known supply, as previously stated. 

U.S.S.R., Europe, and others The U.S.S.R. 
has been rapidly increasing its petroleum and 
natural gas production. It now rivals Vene- 
zuela as a petroleum producer second to 
the United States; and although the out- 
put of the U.S.S.R. is perhaps one-third 
that of the United States, its potential 
reserve seems to be larger. 3 The major pro- 
ducing areas of the U.S.S.R. are adjacent to 
the Ural and Caucasus Mountains and the 
Caspian Sea. Of several fields in this region 
those near the Middle Volga River and west 
of the Ural Mountains, Baku (at the eastern 
extremity of the Caucasus Mountains), 
Grozny (north of the Caucasus), and Turk- 
istan are the most productive. 

Europe, outside the U.S.S.R., is one of the 
great petroleum-consuming areas, but within 
its area it produces less than 3 per cent of 
the world's total. The leading production is 
still in the Ploesti area of Romania in south- 
eastern Europe; there is much smaller, but 
locally significant, production in West Ger- 
many, Austria, France, and the Netherlands. 

Eastern and southeastern Asia contain 
widely scattered deposits from Sakhalin 
southward, the most important being in the 
Indonesian region, especially Sumatra, British 
Borneo, and New Guinea. 

Petroleum has long been produced in 
Egypt, and is now being produced in the 

3 ibid. 

western part of north Africa in Algeria and 
the Sahara, but southern Africa, like Australia, 
has no known deposits of significance. 


Although liquid petroleum, coal, and nat- 
ural gas are the most widely used mineral 
fuels today, they are not the only mineral 
sources of energy upon which man may draw. 
For example, the petroleum that exists in oil 
shales and tar sands is already being used. 
Yet these sources are expensive because the 
material must be quarried or mined and then 
treated before the crude oil it holds can be 
obtained. Moreover, no very reliable esti- 
mate of the total potential energy available 
from these sources has yet been made. It is 
known that the supplies are large, perhaps 
considerably more than those of liquid petro- 
leum. Nonetheless, nearly three-fourths of the 
remaining supply of energy obtainable from 
fossil fuels is in the form of coal. 

Because of the rapidly increasing produc- 
tion and consumption rates of the fossil fuels, 
other mineral sources, such as the nuclear 
energy from uranium and thorium are already 
being developed; and the total energy poten- 
tially available from these sources is enor- 
mously greater than that from the remaining 
fossil fuels. Consequently, it appears more 
accurate to predict that the future of mineral 
sources of energy will be different from the 
past than to say it will be dim. 


Metals and modern civilization 

Among the many elements available in the 
earth's crust are some such as iron, copper, 
or aluminum that are called metallic. Man 
learned early that the use of these metallic 

elements was greatly advantageous in many 
ways, and the development of civilization 
and the course of human events have been 
strongly influenced by variations in the 
occurrence of metallic resources from place 
to place and by the differing abilities of 
people to put these endowments to use. 

The early use of metals was largely con- 
fined to such forms as utensils, weapons, 
tools, and sewers. Since the Industrial Rev- 
olution, however, the employment of metals 
has increased a thousandfold. Modern blast 
furnaces produce in a day now more iron 
than was produced in a year 200 years ago; 
and the power-driven machines that are the 
major use of metals today made man a mobile 
being and have increased his productivity 
and efficiency beyond the wildest expecta- 
tions of even 100 years ago. The changes 
wrought by the use of metals are indeed 

Metals are sometimes used in the pure 
state, as, for example, copper or gold, but 
usually they are mixed to produce an alloy 
that has more desirable characteristics. Bronze, 
a mixture of copper and tin, and brass, a 
mixture of copper and zinc, are examples of 
alloys with which man has long been familiar. 
But by far the most important alloys are the 
steels, made by mixing other metals with iron, 
without which modern high-speed metal- 
working machines and efficient technologic 
processes would be impossible. 

A few metals that are used for a variety of 
purposes and in large quantities, such as 
copper, aluminum, and, especially, iron, may 
be thought of as fundamental resources. Thus, 
so much iron is required, and it is of such 
comparatively low specific value, that the pos- 
session of a domestic supply of iron ore is con- 
sidered along with a supply of coal or 
petroleum a matter of major economic im- 

Mineral resources 377 

portance by the great nations. Other metals, 
such as chromium or tungsten, are used in 
relatively small quantities, and although they 
may be economically important to a partic- 
ular region, they can hardly be called basic 
mineral resources. The limited quantity re- 
quired, coupled with high specific value, 
enable these and similar metals to move freely 
in the channels of international trade, unless 
tariffs and restrictive trade regulations are im- 
posed to prevent it. In a sense, the whole 
world draws upon the same sources of supply 
of these metals. 

Physical associations of metallic min- 
erals An ore is a deposit of a metallic min- 
eral (or one of its chemical compounds) suf- 
ficiently concentrated so that it is profitable to 
use it. Some metals, such as copper, oc- 
casionally occur in the native state. But 
more often the metallic elements are found in 
chemical combination with other elements, in 
such forms as sulphides, sulphates, oxides, 
or carbonates, from which they must be set 
free by processes of reduction called smelt- 
ing. Usually the desirable minerals are also 
intermingled with some quantity of unwanted 
rock material, called gangue, from which 
they must be separated by mechanical means. 

The local concentration of metallic min- 
erals is a result of the workings of a variety 
of natural processes that can be grouped in 
three general categories: (a) igneous activity, 
(b) weathering, and (c) sedimentation. Com- 
pounds of chromium, nickel, copper, lead, 
zinc, and tin are examples of metals com- 
monly found in association with crystalline 
igneous rock masses. They may become con- 
centrated within the mass itself during its 
cooling and crystallization, or they may have 
intruded or have been chemically precipi- 
tated from circulating ground waters in the 
rock zone adjacent to the cooling mass. 



Weathering processes, the second category, 
produce concentrations of metallic ores in sev- 
eral ways: (a) The decomposition of rock 
masses in the normal course of events may 
involve a desirable chemical change, for ex- 
ample, in the transformation of the unusable 
silicate of aluminum to the usable ore of alumi- 
num, a hydrous oxide called bauxite, (b) Un- 
desirable components may be simply removed 
by leaching, thereby concentrating the re- 
mainder, for example, as when the removal 
of a large portion of the silica from an iron 
formation concentrates the iron oxide, (c) A 
mineral may be leached from one zone and 
precipitated in a more usable form at a lower 
level, an example of which is the transforma- 
tion of the insoluble sulphide of copper into 
the soluble sulphate. 

Finally, in the alluvial process useful min- 
erals are transported by running water, and 
because of their relative weight may become 
concentrated as placer deposits in the present 
or former beds of streams. For example, a 
majority of the world's tin supply comes from 
placer deposits. 

In general, no matter how the ultimate con- 
centration of a usable ore came about, it began 
in the majority of instances by the segregation 
of elements that occurs as a result of heat 
and pressure in rock masses. It is not surpris- 
ing, therefore, that ores containing metallic 
minerals are commonly associated with re- 
gions of igneous activity or where the proc- 
esses of metamorphism have been accompanied 
by great pressure and the development of 
heat. Although there are some notable excep- 
tions, it is broadly true that the great areas of 
technically undisturbed sedimentary rocks 
are poor in the ores of metals an exactly 
opposite relationship from that regarding the 
occurrence of the mineral fuels. 


Iron is usually found in some chemical com- 
bination, the more important ones being the 
oxides named hematite, magnetite, and 
limonite, and the carbonate named siderite. 
The oxides are particularly abundant, and 
they are scattered widely but thinly through 
a large part of the regolith and give its com- 
mon red, brown, and yellow colors to it, but 
ordinary regolith has not enough iron per 
unit volume to make it an ore, that is, to 
give it the at least 30 to 35 per cent of the 
metal most ores of iron must contain under 
present economic conditions. Iron-bearing 
minerals, such as hematite and magnetite, 
contain as much as 70 per cent of iron, but 
deposits seldom consist solely of these min- 
erals; instead the iron content of a mass is re- 
duced by the occurrence of associated gangue 
minerals, especially silica. 

Iron deposits of the world Iron is 
more abundant than any other metallic min- 
eral except aluminum, and iron deposits 
occur widely, so that no large area of the 
earth is far removed from iron-ore supplies. 
The supply is sufficient for many years to 
come. Among the outstanding deposits, 
measured by their present contributions to 
the world's iron industries, are those of the 
United States, Canada, Venezuela, the west- 
ern European countries, the U.S.S.R., and 
India. There are many other places where 
deposits of potential future significance occur. 
But since at present iron must be separated 
from the ore by the use of coke, it is impor- 
tant to consider in what parts of the world 
these two ingredients are found close together. 

The distribution of the world's populated 
plains is such that they contribute to the 
commercial supremacy of the areas tributary 

to the North Atlantic Basin which is the only 
region in which abundant deposits of iron 
ore and coking coal are known to be closely 
associated. This area includes the eastern 
United States, the countries of northwestern 
Europe, and the U.S.S.R. In them are the 
present world centers of heavy iron and steel 
manufacture, as well as many other industries 
that depend on cheap iron and steel. Some 
of the world's greatest reserves of iron ore 
are in Brazil and India, but Brazil has almost 
no coking coal, and India has only a limited 
supply. China apparently has large reserves 
of excellent coal but no known supply of ore 
of comparable importance. With respect to 
the basic raw materials for iron and steel 
manufacture the endowment of the United 
States has indeed been fortunate. 

Western Hemisphere In the Western 
Hemisphere there are several regions of un- 
usual present and potential future iron-ore 
production. Outstanding are those associated 
with the crystalline rocks of the Canadian 
Shield, both in the United States and Canada. 

United States: Lake Superior district The 
United States has the most renowned iron 
deposits, those of the Lake Superior district 
(Fig. 19.13). These ores are mostly hematite 
of high quality, and those mined until recent 
years were very rich, the average iron content 
being 50 per cent or over. They were con- 
centrated by ground-water action, and some 
of the deposits were so near the surface that 
they could be easily mined by power shovel 
(Fig. 19.14). The Lake Superior district has 
been the most productive iron-ore deposit in 
the world, and this region has supplied the 
bulk of the ore used in the steel industry of 
the United States. But the reserves of easily 
mined, high-quality ore are limited, and al- 
though they are not about to be depleted, an 

Mineral resources 379 

alternative ore, taconite, is now being used. 

Taconite is the parent iron formation in 
the Lake Superior district, an iron-bearing 
silica rock, from which in some areas the 
richer ores were derived through the removal 
of silica by leaching. Because its iron content 
is only about 25 per cent, such low-grade ore 
is not suitable for direct shipment. Instead, 
the taconite must be beneficiated, that is, 
artificially concentrated. It is first quarried, 
then crushed and processed into a concen- 
trate containing some 60 per cent iron. 

The relation of the Lake Superior ores to 
regions of manufacture and market is fortu- 
nate. The Great Lakes, with the canals con- 
necting Lakes Superior and Huron, provide a 
deep waterway almost from the mine to the 
very margin of the Appalachian coal field 
and the heart of the American industrial 
region. Iron deposits are found elsewhere in 
the United States than in the Lake Superior 
district, but the reserves are limited. The 
most used deposit is in Alabama, where iron 
is mined in the same district with the coal 
and limestone required in the smelting 
(Fig. 19.15). 

Iron ore moves so cheaply by water that 
large supplies of foreign ores move to meet 
abundant coal upon the eastern seaboard of 
the United States for smelting there. Most of 
these continually growing imports come from 
other North or South American sources, 
chiefly from Venezuela and Canada, which 
together supply more than three-quarters of 
the total. 

Canada and Latin America Canada in- 
cludes the larger part of the Canadian Shield, 
but until recently it was not known to con- 
tain such large and easily mined ore deposits 
as those in the Lake Superior district of the 
United States. Now, considerable deposits 







FIG. 19.13 The major Western Hemisphere iron deposits. The insets 
show the locations of those in the Lake Superior and Labrador districts. 

are being mined in the western Ontario region 
in districts northwest and northeast of Lake 
Superior. A most important and productive 
recently discovered ore deposit lies in the 
Knob Lake-Schefferville district in the eastern 
part of the shield, in the boundary area be- 
tween Quebec and Labrador some 360 miles 

from the north shore of the Gulf of Saint 
Lawrence (Fig. 19.13). This seems to be one 
of the world's great reserves; much of the ore 
is hematite with an iron content exceeding 
60 per cent, and open-pit mining is practiced. 
Venezuela supplies a large share of the iron- 
ore imports of the United States. The deposits 

Mineral resources 381 

FIG. 19.14 Mining ore in an open pit in northern Minnesota. Open-pit 
ore of high quality is no longer abundant in the Lake Superior district. 

(Oliver Iron Mining Company.) 

of high-grade ore are located near the lower 
Orinoco River, so that the ore is easily 
moved by water to the smelting centers of 
the eastern United States. 

Other Latin American deposits are located 
in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, and Cuba. 
The Brazilian deposits lie some 200 miles 
north of Rio de Janeiro in the crystalline 
rocks of the Brazilian plateau. They contain 
iron minerals of the highest quality some 
hematite, some magnetite and they rank 
near the top of the world's great and rich re- 
serves of iron ore. Their utilization is just 

Eastern Hemisphere Throughout the 
Eastern Hemisphere are many known iron 
deposits, many of which now produce 
abundantly for local consumption (Fig. 

FIG. 19.15 Distribution of essential minerals 
in the Birmingham, Alabama, industrial region. 



19.16). But only a few appear to rank among 
the major world reserves. 

Western Europe The iron industries of 
western Europe depend primarily upon 
European sources of ore. As in North 
America, the greatest centers of iron manu- 
facture are located in or close to the princi- 
pal coal fields; but only in a few places are 
the ore and coal found together, and one or 
the other must usually be transported. Al- 
though some of the countries contain both 
iron ore and coking coal, the numerous 
boundaries of western Europe have politically 
fragmented some of the more important de- 
posits, and much of the ore, especially the 
high-grade ore, must move in international 
trade to reach the principal smelting centers. 
The large iron resources are in France and 

Sweden. Sweden has less iron than France, 
but the iron is superior in quality. Other im- 
portant ore deposits are in England, Germany, 
and Spain. Those of Germany and England 
provide low-grade ore for local processing, 
but those of the northern part of Spain, a 
country of little coal, provide ore for export, 
especially to England. 

The iron ores of France include the largest 
single iron reserve in western Europe and 
one of the large ones of the world. They are 
found in the northeastern part of the country 
in the province of Lorraine, and extend across 
the boundary into Luxembourg and slightly 
into Belgium (Fig. 19.17). The Lorraine ores 
are mainly limonite, a hydrous oxide of iron, 
and are of relatively low quality, averaging 
only about 25 to 35 per cent in iron content. 

FIG. 19.16 The major Eastern Hemisphere iron deposits. 



Mineral resources 383 

However, they lie near the German, Belgian, 
and French coal fields and the great industrial 
market of Europe. 

The iron ores of Great Britain have been 
greatly depleted. The remaining ores are 
scattered, of different kinds, and mainly of 
low grade. It has long been the practice of 
British smelters to supplement the domestic 
supply with imported ores. Nevertheless, 
Britain has a supply of domestic low-grade 
ores sufficient for many years. They are closely 
associated with supplies of coal and limestone. 

The iron ores of Sweden are noted for their 
high quality. They are mainly magnetite and 
average 55 to 65 per cent iron. High-quality 
ore is obtained in central Sweden, but the 
largest deposits are situated in the crystalline 
rocks of the far northern part of the country 
in the Kiruna district. Since there is almost 
no coal and but relatively little iron manu- 
facture in Sweden, much of the ore is 
exported to other European countries. 

U.S.S.R. and others The iron ores of the 
U.S.S.R. include large reserves, the most im- 
portant of which are found in three localities. 
These are Krivoi Rog in the southern Ukraine, 
the Kerch Peninsula in the Crimea, and 
Magnitogorsk, near the southern end of the 
Ural Mountains. The Krivoi Rog deposit is 
the richest and normally the most productive. 
It is located about 300 miles west of the Donets 
coal basin, and thus contributes to the 
Ukrainian region of heavy industry. The ores 
at Magnitogorsk are used in association with 
the coal from several small deposits farther 
north in the Ural region, but especially with 
the coal of the distant Kuznetsk and Karaganda 
fields in Siberia. Smaller iron-ore deposits in 
Siberia, such as that at Gornaya Shoriya 
south of the Kuznetsk coal field, are becom- 
ing more important in the growing industries 
of the eastern U.S.S.R. 

FIG. 19.17 Location of the great Lorraine 
iron-ore field of France in relation to nearby coal 

The iron ores of India constitute the only 
major deposit elsewhere in the Eastern Hemi- 
sphere. It lies adjacent to the principal coal 
field of the country in the Deccan Plateau 
about 150 miles west of Calcutta. 

Throughout the other areas of Africa, Asia, 
and Australia, iron-ore deposits are known to 
exist in many places. Some of them now pro- 
duce in sufficient quantity to provide for local 
industry, as for example do those of southern 
Australia, southern Africa, and Manchuria. 
Also, it is probable, since iron is generally 
widespread, that in localities as yet imper- 
fectly explored other, and perhaps more sig- 
nificant, resources will be found. 



For the fabrication of finished products, the 
modern industrial world does not use much 
iron in the state in which it comes from the 
blast furnace. Instead, iron is compounded 



with various other metals and nonmetals to 
make steels, which are, as already stated, the 
most important alloys. Many of these ferroal- 
loying elements including such metals as 
nickel or tungsten and the nonmetals, carbon 
and silicon are used to make the desirable 
mixtures, but the two in greatest demand are 
manganese and chromium. 

The mixing of these materials with iron 
imparts special qualities to the steel renders 
it stainless, or makes it hard or tough, or 
gives it the ability to hold a cutting edge at 
high temperatures, and so on. These prop- 
erties are so important that the major alloy- 
ing metals are in great demand, although 
they are not needed in large quantities. The 
one most used, in terms of quantity, is 
manganese, which is used in the manufacture 
of all steel; about 13 Ib of manganese is 
used in making each ton of steel in the United 
States. Next to manganese in terms of 
quantity used are chromium and nickel, in 
that order. 

More than 70 nations produce ores of the 
alloying elements, and generalizations con- 
cerning the rank of the producers and distri- 
bution of the product are difficult. The major 
known deposits of manganese are in the 
U.S.S.R., which has in the southern Ukraine 
and in Georgia the world's largest known 
reserves. Other major producers are India, 
the Union of South Africa, Ghana, Brazil, 
and Morocco. The largest reserves of chro- 
mium are in southern Africa, Turkey, the 
U.S.S.R., and the Philippines. Canada is the 
world's greatest nickel producer. 

Although the United States produces a 
greater number of alloying elements than any 
other nation, and leads in the production of 
several, virtually all its supplies of the most 
used three manganese, chromium, and 
nickel must be imported. 


The list of metals other than iron used in 
the modern arts and industries is very long, 
and even summary descriptions of the uses 
and regions of occurrence of all cannot be 
included in this book. So comment will be 
restricted to a few that illustrate some of the 
many complexities of the geography of 

A great variety of earth conditions is favor- 
able to the occurrence and discovery of the 
ores of metals, but it is worth repeating that 
the principal world regions of mineralization 
are those where crystalline rocks are at or 
near the surface or where there have been 
recent crustal disturbances or igneous activ- 
ity. Even this general rule has notable excep- 
tions an apparent one being the deposits 
of lead and zinc ores associated with sedi- 
mentary rocks. Examples of these are the 
lead and zinc deposits of southwestern Mis- 
souri, southwestern Wisconsin, and adjacent 
Illinois, and those of Belgium and Poland. 
Another exception of great importance is the 
occurrence of the ore of aluminum, bauxite. 

Aluminum Aluminum, an even more 
abundant element than iron, is a common 
and widely distributed constituent of the 
regolith. On the other hand, only in relatively 
few places are there rich deposits of the ore. 
Varieties of bauxite are of different origins, 
but it seems clear that some are derived from 
sedimentary clays that have been changed 
through long-continued leaching by ground 
water. Others are known to have been de- 
rived by a process of natural beneficiation of 
igneous rocks that originally were low in iron 
and silica; of such origin are the limited de- 
posits of the Ouachita Mountain region of 

Major deposits of bauxite are known to 

exist in many parts of the world: northern 
Australia, British Guiana, Brazil, Ghana, 
Surinam, Jamaica, the East Indian region, 
China, and the U.S.S.R. Large reserves also 
exist in Hungary, Yugoslavia, and France, 
and they provide abundantly for European 
consumption. The United States, on the 
other hand, must import much of the ore it 

Copper Second to iron in amount pro- 
duced, copper is quite the opposite of iron 
and aluminum in its occurrence: whereas the 
other two are widespread in the crust of the 
earth, copper is not. But the occurrence of 
copper ore conforms to the generalization re- 
peated earlier; namely, it is found in regions 
of crystalline rock or in areas of recent 
tectonic activity. Because copper is the basis 
of the modern electrical world it is much 
sought after, and a deposit yielding as little 
as 1 per cent of the metal is considered a 
usable ore. 

The largest known reserves are located in 
three general regions, western North America, 
western South America, and south central 
Africa, in that order; among them they ac- 
count for some three-quarters of the known 
copper resource. None of the great industrial 
nations, except perhaps the U.S.S.R., is self- 
sufficient in copper production. 

In North America, which produces ap- 
proximately a third of the world's copper, 
the copper reserves are located primarily in 
the western cordilleran sections of the United 
States and Canada. Other known deposits 
are in the Canadian Shield area of northern 
United States and southern Canada. South 
American copper, in the cordilleran region of 
that continent also, is concentrated in Chile 
and southern Peru, the former having per- 
haps the greatest single known deposit. In 
Africa copper is located in the Katanga 

Mineral resources 385 

Province of the southern Congo and in adja- 
cent Northern Rhodesia. Copper reserves else- 
where in the world are small, although those 
of the U.S.S.R. are estimated to be perhaps 
one-fourth as great as those of North America. 


A survey of metallic minerals can at best 
mention only a few of the many used today 
in modern industry, so it is impossible to 
treat in detail here the major known areas of 
their present and potential supply. However, 
some of these areas and the bases of their 
world importance are noted below. 

The Canadian Shield The Canadian Shield 
is highly productive of metallic minerals and 
has large possibilities for future discoveries. 
From its ancient crystalline rocks are obtained 
not only rich iron ores but a wealth of other 
metals. These include most of the world's 
supply of nickel and large amounts of gold, 
silver, cobalt, copper, uranium, and others. 
Important discoveries are made in this exten- 
sive region each year, and the exploitation of 
mineral resources is one of the principal 
industries that has attracted people there. 

The American cordilleran region The 
American cordilleran region, from Alaska to 
Cape Horn, is also an area noted for the 
abundance and variety of its mineral products. 
At least half the world's copper is found here 
in deposits as far separated as Chile, Peru, 
Arizona, Montana, and Alaska. Gold, silver, 
lead, and zinc are sufficiently abundant that 
Mexico, the United States, and Canada hold 
high rank in the production of each of them. 
The Andean countries of South America are 
important producers of platinum, tin, and 
tungsten, and have an appreciable output of 
other metals. It was the gold of this region 
that gave impetus to its conquest by Spain. 

Central and southern Africa and other 



regions In central and southern Africa the 
crystalline rocks include several productive 
mineral regions. Within that vast area are 
The Rand, the world's leading gold-producing 
district, and such important centers in the 
production of copper as those of the Katanga 
in Northern Rhodesia and the adjacent Congo. 
There are also districts producing chromium, 
manganese, and uranium, and important 
localities from which most of the world's 
diamonds are mined. 

Other mineral regions of world renown 
may only be mentioned. Among them are the 
following: (a) Areas of igneous and crystalline 
metamorphic rocks in southern and western 
Australia which have yielded gold, silver, 
lead, zinc, and minor quantities of other 
metals, (b) The crystalline rocks of the high- 
lands of eastern South America, in Brazil and 
the Guianas. In addition to deposits of iron 
ore and bauxite, these highlands yield impor- 
tant quantities of manganese, gold, and 
precious stones. They are known also to con- 
tain deposits of several other metals which 
are as yet little developed, (c) A large region 
of crystalline rocks in eastern Asia. They ex- 
tend from Korea on the south to the shores 

of the Sea of Okhotsk on the north, and 
thence westward in southern Siberia. From 
this region is obtained a large part of the 
gold that makes the U.S.S.R. one of the lead- 
ing producers of that metal. The region con- 
tains large areas that are as yet little explored 
geologically, (d) The highlands of south- 
eastern Asia. From them are now obtained 
the larger part of the world's tin, tungsten, 
and several other metals, (e) The cordilleran 
region of southern Europe and the Med- 
iterranean borderlands. In it are included im- 
portant centers in the production of several 
metals. (/) The Ural region of the U.S.S.R. 
It may once again be observed that the 
world's principal centers of actual and poten- 
tial production of the metallic minerals are 
those associated with igneous or crystalline 
rocks, in contrast to those regions which are 
comprised mainly of sedimentary rocks. 
Despite the fact that the regions of sedimen- 
tary rocks contain the world's supplies of 
mineral fuels and certain of the ores of iron, 
aluminum, lead, and zinc, they are, in gen- 
eral, poor in the ores of other metallic 


Modern use of nonmetals Man has 

used the nonmetallic minerals of the earth's 
crust longer than he has used either the 
metallic minerals or the mineral fuels. He 
very early learned to fashion implements and 
utensils from stones and appreciated the value 
of rock in the construction of many things. 
Rock is still widely used today, but in 
markedly different ways and in vastly greater 

Some nonmetallic minerals are used in 
their natural states, while others pass through 
processes of industrial manufacture and ap- 
pear as components in goods having hundreds 
of uses. Rocks, sands, clays, salts, abrasives, 
fertilizers, gems-, and many others make up 
the long list. Most of them are found in 
a variety of grades. Nonmetallic minerals are 
essential qualities of the natural equipment of 
regions, and no limited portion of the earth 

contains all of them; indeed, there are few 
regions, if any, that contain all of even the 
most essential. 

Because of the great number of these sub- 
stances and the variety of their occurrences, 
many cannot be discussed in this brief treat- 
ment. Only those considered relatively essen- 
tial and those required in great quantity 
such as the compounds and elements used in 
large amounts by the chemical industries and 
the rock, sands, limes, and clays used in the 
construction and manufacturing industries 
can be included. 

Salt and its sources Salt, sodium chlor- 
ide, is one of the common rock minerals, and 
it is widely used in great volume as a food, a 
food preservative, and a basic raw material 
from which industry derives a number of the 
useful compounds of sodium and chlorine. 
Owing to its solubility in water, it is not 
abundant in the zone of free ground-water 
circulation in humid climates, but inexhaus- 
tible supplies are available for human use 
from the following sources: (a) the sea, which 
contains 2% lb of salt for every 100 Ib of 
water; (b) natural brines, which are the waters 
of ancient seas that saturate deeply buried 
sedimentary rocks cut off from ground-water 
circulation; (c) deposits of rock salt, called 
evaporites, which probably resulted from the 
evaporation of water in the arms of ancient 
seas or in former arid interior drainage basins 
(these deposits now are sedimentary rocks 
deep underground, where they are protected 
by other sediments from the solvent action of 
ground water); and (d) the present limited 
surface incrustation of salt in interior drain- 
age basins in dry climates. Salt is found in so 
many places that few parts of the world are 
without some local supply. 

For industrial uses salt is obtained largely 
by mining rock salt or by the pumping of 

Mineral resources 387 

brines, either natural brines or those pro- 
duced by pumping water down to bodies of 
rock salt. The industrial regions of North 
America are supplied from abundant reserves. 
Thick beds of rock salt underlie large areas 
in central and western New York, northeastern 
Ohio, southeastern Michigan, and peninsular 
Ontario. Other large reserves are found in 
the buried salt domes of the Louisiana and 
Texas Gulf Coast, in deposits in central 
Kansas, and at various places in the south- 
western states. 

The industrial centers elsewhere in the 
world likewise are well provided with salt. 
There are large deposits in western England, 
central Germany, Austria, and the southern 

Sulphur Sulphur, especially in the form 
of sulphuric acid, has many uses in modern 
industry. It is variously used in connection 
with the manufacture of steel, oil, paper, 
rayon, rubber, and explosives, and in other 
chemical industries. It has long been obtained 
from pyrite (a mineral containing iron and 
sulphur) and from deposits associated with 
recent volcanic activity, and is mined from 
these sources in Italy, Spain, Japan, and 
Chile. In the United States the principal de- 
posits occur in the Louisiana and Texas Gulf 
Coast area. There native sulphur is recovered 
by means of wells through which superheated 
steam is pumped underground to the sulphur 
beds, causing molten sulphur to be returned 
to the surface. Alternatively, industrial sul- 
phur is recovered from oil-refinery opera- 
tions, and is a by-product of the smelting of 
certain mineral ores in which the metals are 
chemically combined with sulphur. Such are 
certain ores of iron, copper, and zinc. 

Mineral fertilizers Continuous crop- 
ping and accelerated erosion remove the ele- 
ments of soil fertility faster than they can be 



resupplied by natural processes in the soil. 
The most needed nutrients, moreover 
calcium, nitrogen, potash, and phosphorus 
are among those especially susceptible to 
depletion. The volume of agricultural pro- 
duction can be increased markedly in areas 
of initial or induced low soil fertility, how- 
ever, by adding these elements, especially 
the last three. For each of the four, there are 
known mineral deposits which are drawn 
upon for the manufacture of fertilizers. 

Calcium Calcium, in the form of calcium 
carbonate, is readily available in the lime- 
stones of many regions. The other three are 
much less abundant, and notable deposits of 
them are considered to be resources of great 

Nitrogen Nitrogen is the most abundant 
element in the atmosphere, but it is largely 
unavailable to plants in the gaseous form: it 
must be combined to form a soluble nitrogen 
compound. Most natural inorganic nitrogen 
compounds are soluble in water and so are 
quickly lost when water seeps downward in 
the soil. The great need for nitrogen com- 
pounds for fertilizer (and for industrial use) 
led to the discovery of ways of producing 
such compounds from the nitrogen in the 
atmosphere. This is now accomplished in a 
number of ways, and synthetic nitrogen pro- 
duction has practically superceded its pro- 
duction from natural sources. Until recently, 
however, the principal source was mineral 
deposits in arid lands, chiefly those in the 
Atacama Desert in northern Chile which are 
accumulations from ages of seepage and sur- 
face evaporation. 

Potash Potash 4 is obtained in small 

4 Potash is a term generally used to refer to simple potas- 
sium-bearing compounds, such as potassium carbonate (lye), 
potassium hydroxide, or potassium oxide. 

quantities from the ashes of wood, seaweed, 
and other substances, but the principal com- 
mercial sources are deposits of complex min- 
erals. Large deposits are located in western 
Europe, mainly in central Germany and in 
Alsace in northeastern France, where, until 
recently, the greater part of the world's supply 
has been obtained from mines 1,000 ft or 
more beneath the surface of the earth. De- 
posits of potash minerals are known to exist 
in many areas; in the United States there is 
a very large reserve in New Mexico. 

Phosphorus Phosphorus is an indispensa- 
ble constituent of all living cells, the prin- 
cipal mineral sources of which occur as 
calcium phosphates, mainly in rock form. 
This rock is believed to have been formed 
from the alteration of limestone by the chem- 
ical action of ground water which had first 
passed through ancient accumulations of bird 
and fish remains. 

Valuable beds of phosphate rock usually 
occur as local pockets in limestone strata, 
and useful deposits exist in several parts of 
the world. The principal sources for Europe 
are located near the Mediterranean Coast of 
Africa in Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. The 
United States is largely supplied from exten- 
sive beds in western Florida and central 
Tennessee. Other great reserves are known 
to exist in the Northern Rocky Mountain 
region of the United States, in the U.S.S.R., 
and in some of the islands of the Pacific 

Sand, lime, gypsum, and clay Sand is 
used in vast quantities in construction as an 
ingredient of concrete, mortar, and plaster. 
Also it is the chief raw material in the man- 
ufacture of glass, and it shares with clay and 
calcium compounds a place of great impor- 
tance as a raw material of industry generally. 

Lime (calcium carbonate that has been 
calcined, i.e., heated to drive off the carbon 
dioxide) and clay are required in the manu- 
facture of cement; gypsum (calcium sulphate) 
is widely used in plaster materials; and clay 
is basic to the brick, tile, and pottery 

These substances are of common occur- 
rence. There are, for example, river sands, 
beach sands, wind-blown sands, sands in 
glacial deposits, and pure sandstones. There 
are unconsolidated marls, soft chalks, and 
other limestones as source materials from 
which lime may be obtained. Deposits of 
gypsum and anhydrite (anhydrous calcium 
sulphate) are relatively common. There are 
river clays, marine clays, residual clays, and 
shale rocks. Indeed, not many regions are 
without one or more of these minerals. 

However, qualities differ, and needs for 
particular grades of these minerals often can- 
not be supplied locally or even regionally. 
Glacial-lake clays are good enough for the 
manufacture of ordinary brick and tile, but 
other uses have more particular requirements. 
Pottery clay especially must be pure and 
burn white in the kiln. It is usually found in 
residual deposits where it has weathered 
from coarsely crystalline feldspars. Good 
grades of glass sand, free from iron and clay, 
may be sought hundreds of miles from the 
centers of glass manufacture. Therefore, some 
regions gain advantage from particular nat- 
ural endowments suited to particular require- 
ments. Some, indeed, have achieved inter- 
national fame through their products. Such 
are the regions of pottery clays in southern 
England, northern France, or Bavaria. 

Crude rock Many kinds of crude rock 
are used in large quantities in architectural 
and engineering structures; and some form' 

Mineral resources 389 

of cut stone, crushed rock, or gravels of 
stream or glacial origin that will serve these 
purposes is found in many parts of the earth. 
Thus it may seem that rock, in this broad 
sense, is one of the universal items of regional 
equipment, like the air. That, however, is 
not true. Some regions are endowed with 
large quantities or with rock of unusual 
quality; others have none at all. 

Indeed, a few regions of considerable size 
are practically devoid of any kind of rock. 
Among these are the great deltas of the world, 
where silt covers hundreds of square miles 
and rock is buried to great depths. Much 
larger still are certain plains of older alluvium 
or regions of deep loess accumulation. Among 
these are the loess-and-alluvium-covered 
Pampa of Argentina and similar areas in the 
American Corn Belt, where older glacial 
drift and loess cover the rock strata deeply. 
In these regions are localities that do not 
even have any crude rock or gravel with 
which to surface roads. 

Where crude rock does exist, it seldom 
moves far from its place of origin unless it 
has some particular quality to recommend it 
to a wider market, because crude rock is 
heavy and of low value. Regions in which 
rocks of special quality abound, however, 
have a valuable resource, especially if they 
also are near a large market for stone. Such 
a region is New England. There, in a region 
of igneous intrusion and metamorphosed 
sediments, beautiful and massive granites, 
slates of parallel cleavage, and excellent 
marbles all are produced near a good market. 
The even-textured and easily worked gray 
limestones of southern Indiana have a na- 
tional market, and some other stones of unique 
quality, such as the statuary marble of Italy, 
have practically world-wide markets. 



Leet, L. Don, and Sheldon Judson: Physical Geology, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 

1958, chap. 20. 

Miller, E. Willard: "Mineral Regionalism of the Canadian Shield," Canadian Geographer, no. 

13, 1959, pp. 17-30. 
: "World Patterns and Trends in Energy Consumption," Journal of Geography, vol. 58, 

1959, pp. 269-279. 

Pratt, Wallace E., and Dorothy Good: World Geography of Petroleum, American Geographical 

Society and Princeton University Press, New York, 1950. 

Riley, C. M.: Our Mineral Resources, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1959. 
Smith, J. Russell, M. Ogdon Phillips, and Thomas R. Smith: Industrial and Commercial 

Geography, 4th ed., Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New York, 1955. 
Van Royen, W., and Oliver Bowles: "The Mineral Resources of the World," Atlas of the 

World's Resources, vol. 2, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1952. 
Zimmerman, E. W.: World Resources and Industries, rev. ed., Harper 8c Brothers, New York, 



A selected list 

of United States 



The topographic quadrangles indicated be- 
low have been selected from those published by 
the United States Geological Survey because 
they illustrate in map form certain of the land- 
surface types discussed in the text. Some of the 
types discussed, ice-scoured plains, for ex- 
ample, are not clearly illustrated in any of the 
quadrangles now published and are therefore 
omitted from the list. 

Because of the great progress made during 
the last two decades in accuracy of representa- 
tion, recently published sheets have been se- 
lected wherever possible. To provide uniformity 
and to afford adequate-sized samples of the 
terrain, the selection has been largely confined 
to sheets on the scales of 1 : 62,500 or 1 : 63,360. 
Scales other than those are noted where chosen. 
In some instances two or three quadrangles are 



required to show adequately the terrain type in 
question. Such quadrangles are listed as a 

In recent years the Geological Survey has 
begun issuing a number of sheets in shaded 
relief as well as in contour editions. Because of 
the excellence of these maps and their clarity 
of terrain representation, they are especially val- 
uable for teaching purposes. Quadrangles for 
which shaded-relief editions are available are 
marked with an asterisk in the list below. 

All the quadrangles listed may be obtained 
from the United States Geological Survey, 
Washington 25, D.C. 




Binger, Okla. (dendritic dissection) 
Carlinville, 111. (dendritic dissection) 
Florence West, S.C. (upland swamps) 
Sandon, Kan. (flat; dissected edge) 


Marlow, Okla. (early mature) 
Oxford, N.C. (mid mature) 
Chatham, La. (late-mid mature) 
Wiergate, Tex.-La. (late mature) 


Fredonia, Kan. (two well-marked escarpments) 
Epes, Ala. (ragged escarpment) 
Denmark and New Albany, Miss, (eroded, low) 
Fond du Lac, Wis. (clean, glaciated escarpment) 



Clarksdale, Miss, (meander scars) 
Davis Island, Miss.-La. (meanders, cutoffs, 


Fairbanks C-l and Fairbanks D-l, Alaska (me- 
anders, cutoffs, braided channels) 
Augusta, Mo. (narrow floodplain, bluffs) 


Wabasha, Minn, (well-defined low terraces) 
*Ennis, Mont, (high terraces) 


Hahnville, La. (inner part large delta) 
East Delta, La. (margin large delta) 
Mount Vernon, Wash, (small delta) 
Bouldin Island and Isleton, Calif, (diked delta 


*Ennis, Mont, (well-defined fan) 
Santaquin, Utah (several small fans) 
Cucamonga and San Bernardino, Calif, (pied- 
mont alluvial plain) 

Unionville, Nev. (pied, alluvial plain; many fan 


Grand Forks, N.D. (flat) 
Wheaton, Minn, (beach ridges) 
Merrill, Mich, (slightly dissected) 
Perrinton, Mich, (margin and outlet) 


Limerick, Ga. (low, swampy) 
Lake Drummond, Va.-N.C. (broad swamp) 
Nixonville, S.C. (swampy; low terrace) 
White Lake, N.C. (terrace, upland swamps) 



Gilman, Wis. (undulating; swampy; small mo- 
Perry, la. (smooth; well-drained) 

Lastrup, Minn, (undulating) 
Beaver Dam, Wis. (drumlins) 


Vergas and Pelican Rapids, Minn, (broad rough 


Noonan, N.Dak. (broad moraine) 
Alma, Mich, (narrow and low; lake plain) 
Arrowsmith, 111. (smooth, clayey moraine) 


Three Rivers, Mich, (with moraine) 
Schoolcraft, Mich, (pitted; with moraine) 
Delavan and Manito, 111. (broad; terraces; sand 

Saponac, Me. (esker) 


Interlachen, Fla. (large sinks, lakes) 
*Mammoth Cave, Ky. (sinkholes on plains and 

in hills) 
Glendale, Fla. (swampy depressions, surface 

Holt, Fla. (solution valleys, springs) 



*Ashby, Neb. (clumped sand hills) 
Crescent Lake, Neb. (low sand hills) 
Ogilby, Calif, (strip of live dunes) 
Holland, Mich, (large coastal dunes) 


Utica, Neb. (smooth depositional surface; dis- 
sected edges) 

St. Francis, Kan. (depositional surface; much 

Broken Bow SW, Neb. (1:24,000) (sharply 

Appendix 393 


* Dutchman Butte, Ore. (high relief; mature) 
Round Spring, Mo. (moderate relief; mature) 
Sparta, Wis. (moderate relief; late mature) 
Cuny Table West, S.Dak. (1:24,000) (bad- 


*Orbisonia, Pa. (smooth monoclinal ridges) 
*Waldron, Ark. (irregular monoclinal ridges) 
*Maverick Spring, Wyo. (1:24,000) (eroded 

structural dome) 
Navajo Mountain, Utah- Ariz, (laccolith; joint 

control of erosion) 


Hurricane, Utah (relatively undissected scarp) 
Mount Whitney, Calif. (1 : 125,000) (high dis- 

sected scarp) 

Mount Tom, Calif, (high dissected scarp) 
Logan, Utah (1 : 125,000) (high straight scarp) 


*Old Speck Mountain, Me. (smoothed slopes) 
*Monadnock, N.H. (smoothed knobs; ponds; 

*Ithaca West, N.Y. (1 : 24,000) (smooth slopes; 

West Point, N.Y. (smoothed forms; lakes; water 


Cordova C-3 and Cordova C-4, Alaska (large 

glaciers; medial moraines) 
Seldonia D-l and Seldonia D-2, Alaska (ice 

field and many ice tongues) 
Mount Rainier, Wash. (1:125,000) (radial 

system on volcanic cone) 
Fremont Peak, Wyo. (largest system in U.S. 




Mount Goddard and Mount Tom, Calif. 

(cirques, troughs; moraines; hornlike peaks) 
*Holden, Wash, (troughs; small cirques; small 

*Holy Cross, Colo, (cirques; troughs; moraine 

Glacier National Park, Mont. (1:125,000) 

(cirques; troughs; sharp peaks and ridges; 



Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif, (cones; 


Amboy Crater, Calif, (cinder cone; flow) 
*Umnak, Alaska (1:250,000) (huge caldera; 

glaciated cones) 



Hatch Point, Utah (broad upland; cliffs; 


*Portage, Mont, (low; narrow valleys) 
Grand Canyon National Park, Ariz. (2 sheets) 

(great canyon) 
Mouth of Dark Canyon, Utah (several canyons) 


Boot Mesa and Agathla Peak, Ariz, (escarpment 
and many outliers) 

The Spur, Utah (escarpment and outliers) 

*Anvil Points, Colo. (1:24,000) (high, dis- 
sected escarpment) 

Promontory Butte, Ariz, (high, dissected escarp- 



*Warm Springs, Ga. (residual ridges; rolling 


Greenville, S.C. (residual mountain; rolling 


Saponac, Me. (residual mountains; glaciated) 
Cooperton, Okla. (exhumed granite knobs) 


* Antelope Peak, Ariz, (isolated peaks; pedi- 

Sonoma Range, Nev. (1 : 125,000) (basin and 

*Bray, Calif, (volcanic cones on plains) 

Ship Rock, N.M. (volcanic neck; dikes) 



Kilmarnock, Va. (branching estuaries; bottom 


Empire and Coos Bay, Ore. (large estuary) 
Foley and Ft. Barrancas, Ala.-Fla. (large 

branching estuary) 
Boothbay, Me. (drowned glaciated coast) 

FIORDS (all sheets have bottom contours) 

Kodiak B-6 and Kodiak C-6, Alaska (basins; 
sills; moraines) 

Seldovia B-2 and Seldovia C-2, Alaska (branch- 

Blying Sound D-8, Alaska (large; sill; glaciers) 


Orick, Calif, (cliffs; bay bars; beach) 
Pt. Reyes, Calif, (high cliffs; rocky islets) 
Suffolk and Smithfield, Va. (3 terrace levels) 
Limerick, Hinesville, and Glennville, Ga. (3 
terrace levels) 


Edgartown, Mass. (1 : 31,080) (bay bars; hook) 
Eureka, Calif, (large bay bar; inlet) 
Toms River, N J. (offshore bar; inlets) 
Potrero Cortado, Tex. (broad, duned offshore 


Abrasion by glaciers, 66 
Adiabatic cooling, 177 
Advection, 145-146 

temperature effects of, 145-146 
Advection fog, 176-177 
Africa, land-form pattern, 40-41 

rift valleys, 45, 47 

sand-dune areas, 97 
Agassiz, Lake, 86-87 
Agents of gradation, 5 1 
Agonic line, 10 
Air drainage, 149 

relation to frost, 149 
Air masses, 188-192 

classification, 1 90- 1 92 

distribution, 191 

in middle latitude cyclones, 195-196 

source regions, 189 
Air photographs, 22-26 

world coverage, 24 
Alluvial fans, 58-59, 83-84, 118 
Alluvial soils, 345, 355-356 
Alluvium, 57 

Aluminum, 384-385 
American cordillera, ores in, 385 
Animals in soil formation, 336 
Annual surface runoff, 298 
Annuals, 319 
Antarctic Circle, 7 
Anthracite, 362, 364, 365, 369 
Anticyclone, cold, 159 
middle-latitude, 192-202 

origin, 194 

temperature effects, 199-200 

types, 194 

wind system, 193, 197 
subtropical, 158 
thermal, 159 

Anticyclonic circulation of subtropics, 165 
Appalachian coal province, 365-366 
Appalachian Highlands, 45, 49, 99, 101-105 
Aquifer, 310, 314, 315 
Arc of great circle, 3-4 
Arctic Circle, 7 

Arrangement as characteristic of land form, 30-33 
Artesian wells, 315-316 




Atmosphere, capacity for water vapor, 172-173 

circulation, 155-170 

composition, 134-135 

disturbances, 192-208 

heating and cooling processes, 143-146 

warming by heat of condensation, 145 

zones, of convergence, 163 

of divergence, 163 
Atmospheric disturbances, middle-latitude, 192-202 

tropical, 202-204 

Atmospheric stability and instability, 178-179 
Atolls, 128-130, 132 
Australia, land-form pattern, 41 
Azimuth, 10 

Azimuthal map projection, 19 
Azonal soils, 345, 346, 352 

Badlands, 101 

Barchans, 96 

Bars, coastal, 125-127 

offshore, 126-127 
Base lines in survey system, 11-14 
Baselevel, 57 

Basin and Range province, 87, 117-118 
Bauxite, 384 
Bays, 122-124 
Beaches, 125-127 
Bed load of streams, 55-56 
Bituminous coal, 362, 365, 369 
Blowouts, 95 
Bog soil, 351 
Bonneville, Lake, 87 
Braided channels, 58, 60, 79-80, 83 
Brazil, iron deposits, 381 
Brazilian Highlands, 39 
Broadleaf forest of middle latitudes, 324-325 
Buttes, 113-114 

Calcite, 344 

Calcium for fertilizer, 388 
Calderas, 109, 111 
Calendar time, 14-16 
California, Central Valley, 83 
Canada, 374 

petroleum, 372-373 
Canadian iron deposits, 379-380 
Canadian Shield, ores, 385 
Cancer, Tropic of, 7 

Canyons, 99-100, 113-115 

Capillary fringe, 307-308 

Capricorn, Tropic of, 7 

Caribbean petroleum field, 373-374 

Cascade Range, 109-111 

Caverns, 93-94 

Channels (see Stream channels) 

Chernozem soil, 353 

Chernozemic-desertic soils, 345, 354-355 

Chernozemic soils, 345, 353-354 

Chromium, 384 

Circle of illumination, 4 

Cirques, 106-108 

Classification, of climates, 209-212 

of soils, 344-346 
Clay, in soil, 339-340 

for industry, 388-389 
Claypan in soil, 344 
Cliffs, coastal, 124-125 
Climate, classification, 209-212 

controls, 135 

definition, 135 

dry, 223-234 

dry-summer subtropical, 236-242 

effects on vegetation, 318-319 

elements of, 135 

highland, 272-276 

humid continental, 255-265 

humid subtropical, 242-247 

icecap, 271-272 

polar, 269-272 

relation to soil occurrence, 347 

in soil formation, 336 

subarctic, 265-269 

tropical humid, 212-222 

tropical wet, 213-217 

tundra, 270-271 
Climatic groups, 210-212 
Climatic regions, 210-212 
Climatic types, 209-212 
Climax vegetation, 318 
Cloud cover, effects on air temperature, 145 
Cloud forms, 180 
Clouds, formation, 177-179 
Coal, classes, 361-362 

coking, 362 

constituents, 361-362 

mining, 362 

origin, 361 

world reserves, 362-363 

Index 397 

Coal regions, central and western Europe, 363, 367- 

eastern and southern Asia, 370 

North America, 364-367 

South America, Africa, and Australia, 370 

U.S.S.R., 368-370 
Coastal features, 120-133 

bays, 122-124 

beaches and bars, 125-127 

cliffs and terraces, 124-125 

coral reefs, 127-128 

harbors, 128-129 

islands, 129-133 
Coastal plains, 84-86 
Coking coal, 362, 365, 368, 369 
Cold front, 190 
Colloids in soil, 339, 340 
Color of soil, 343 
Compass, declination of, 10 
Compass bearing, 10 
Condensation, 175-179 

heat of, 172 

origin, 175-176 

Cones, volcanic, 47-51, 109-112, 117, 130, 132-133 
Conformal map projection, 18 
Coniferous forest, 325-329 

in subarctic, 326 
Conservation of soil, 357-358 
Continental land-form patterns, 38-41, Plate 3 
Continental shelf, 120-122 
Continental slope, 120-121 
Contour, 20-22 
Contour interval, 21 
Controls of climate, 135 
Convergence, intertropical, 163 
Coordinate system, 5-8 
Copper, 385 

Coral reefs, 127-130, 132 
Cordilleran belts, 38, 51 

of individual continents, 38-41 
Craters, volcanic, 109 
Creep, 62-64 
Crust of earth, 2-3,43-51 

deformation, 43-51 

density, 3 

disturbances of, effects, 48-49 
world pattern of, 49-51 

faulting, 44-49 

folding, 44-49, 103 

molten material in, 47-48 

Crust of earth, movements, 44-47 

nature, 2-3, 43-44 
Cuestas, 77-78 
Currents, ocean, 285-287 
Cyclone, middle-latitude, 192-202 

air masses, 195-196 

appearance, 193 

isotherms, 200 

movement, 193-194 

occlusion, 195-196 

origin, 194 

precipitation, 197-199 

relation to jet stream, 168 

structure, 194-196 

temperature effects, 199-200 

tracks, 201-202 

weather associated with, 200-201 

wind shift, 196-198 

wind system, 196-197 
tropical, 203-204 

tracks, 202 

Date line, international, 16 

Deciduous plants, 319 

Declination of compass, 10 

Decomposition of rocks, 51-53 

Deflection of winds, 160-161 

Deltas, 58, 81-83 

Dendritic stream pattern, 76-77, 100-101 

Deposition, essential nature, 54-55 

by glaciers, 67-69 

by water, 56-58 

by waves and currents, 71 

by wind, 69-70 
Deposits, of glaciers, 67-68, 88-92, 105-109 

of streams, 57-58, 79-84, 91-92 

of waves and currents, 71, 125-127 

of wind, 69-70, 95-97 
Desert climate, 223, 228-230, 233 
Desert pavement, 95 
Desert shrub, 332 
Desert vegetation, 332 
Desertic soils, 345, 355 
Deserts, erosional plains, 78 
Differential erosion, 54 
Dike, intrusive, 49 

Dimensions as characteristics of land form, 33 
Direction on earth, 5-6, 9-10 
Disintegration of rocks, 51-52 



Disturbances, atmospheric, 192-208 

tropical, 202-204 
Doldrums, 161-162 
Domes, structural, 44, 49, 112 
Drainage (see Surface water) 
Drift, glacial, definition, 68 

nature and deposition, 67-68 
surface features, 88-92, 105 
Drifts and currents, oceanic, 285-287 
Drowned valleys, 123-124 
Drumlins, 90-91 
Dry climates, 223-234 

cool marine variety, 229-230 

definition, 223 

location, 224 

in low latitudes, 225-230 

in middle latitudes, 230-234 

precipitation, 224 

soils, 234, 346-348 

temperature, 224 

vegetation, 234 

winds, 224-225 
Dry lands, erosional plains, 78 
Dry realm, resource potentialities, 233-234 
Dry-summer subtropical climate, 236-242 

fronts, 238 

location, 236-237 

precipitation, 239-240 

snow, 241 

soils, 242 

temperature, 237-239 

vegetation, 242 

weather, 240-241 
Dry-summer subtropical realm, resource potentialities, 

Dunes, 70, 95-97 

Earth, area, 1,2 
average elevation, 2 
coordinate system, 5-8 
density of crustal segments, 2-3 
departure from sphericity, 1 
directions on, 5-6, 9-10 
distance from sun, 4 
form, 1 

internal structure, 2-3, 43 
location on, 5-14 
movements, 4-5 
orbit, 5 

Earth, polar flattening, 1 

radius, 1 

relation to celestial bodies, 4-5 

revolution, 5 

size, 1 

surface materials, 2, 29-30 
Earth flows, 61-63 
Earth-sun relations, 137-139 
Earthquakes, 46-47, 50-51 
Eastern Hemisphere, iron deposits, 381-383 

petroleum regions, 374-376 
Ecliptic, plane of, 5 
Effluent streams, 311, 312 
Elements, of climate, 135 

elements in soils, 337, 338 
Eluviation in soil, 340 
Equal-area projection, 18 
Equatorial westerlies, 165, 167 
Equidistant projection, 19 
Equivalent map projection, 18 
Erosion, differential or selective, 54 

essential nature, 51, 54 

by glaciers, 66-67 

by running water, 55-57 

of soil, 356-358 

by water, 293 

by waves and currents, 70-71 

by wind, 69 
Escarpments, of cuestas, 78 

in tablelands, 113-114 
Estuaries, 123-124 
Eurasia, former continental glaciers, 65 

land-form pattern, 39-40 

sand-dune areas, 97 
European petroleum fields, 376 
Evaporation, effect, on ground water, 310, 311 

on surface water, 296-301 
Evaporation-condensation cycle, 172 
Evapotranspiration, 300 

definition, 279 

general distribution, 280-281 
Evergreen vegetation, 319 
Extrusive vulcanism, 47-48 

Fans, alluvial, 58-59, 83-84, 118 

Fault-block mountains and valleys, 45-47, 101, 116- 


Fault scarps, 45-47, 49, 101, 113 
Faulting of crust, 44-49 

Index 399 

Ferroalloys, 383-384 

Fertility in soils, 337-339 

Fiords, 124 

Fish, 289-291 

Fisheries, 290-291 

Flat polar quartic equal-area projection, 19 

Floodplains, 57-58, 79-81, 91 

Fog, 176-177 

Folding of crust, 44-46, 48-49, 103 

Forests, climate, 321 

coniferous, 325-329 

lighter tropical, 322 

middle-latitude, 323-329 

temperate broadleaf, 324-325 

tropical, 321-323 

types, 321-329 
France, iron deposits, 382 
Freezing of water as rock-breaking agent, 52 
Front, 182, 188-190 

cold, 190 

occluded, 196 

warm, 190 
Frost, 149-151 

in dry-summer subtropical climate, 238 

in humid subtropical climate, 244-245 

in low-latitude dry climates, 228 

in marine climate, 249-250 
Fuels, fossil, 360-376 

mineral, 360-376 

Gas (see Petroleum and natural gas) 
General circulation of atmosphere, 166-168 
Glacial drift (see Drift) 
Glacial landforms, cirques, 106-108 

drumlins, 90-91 

fiords, 124 

glacially modified plains, 88-92 

glaciated valleys, 66-67, 105-109 

lakes, 88-92 

moraines, 67-68, 88-91, 106-109 

in mountains, 104-109 

outwash surfaces, 91-92 
Glaciated areas, lakes in, 303 
Glaciation, in humid continental realm, 265 

Pleistocene, 65-66, 68, 88, 104, 122, 125 

effects on sea level, 122, 125 
Glaciers, 64-68, 88, 104-109 

continental (Pleistocene), 65-66, 88-93, 105, 122 

deposition by, 67-68, 88-92, 105-109 

Glaciers, erosion by, 66-67, 92, 105-109 

mountain valley, 104-106 
effects, 105-109 

movement, 64 

nature and development, 64 

transportation by, 67 
Globes, 17 

Gradational agents, 51 
Gradational processes, 43, 51-71 
Gradient of valleys, 57 
Granite, weathering, 53-54 
Graphite, 362 
Grasslands, 329-332 

climate, 321 

middle-latitude, 331-332 

tropical, 329-331 

Gravity as gradational agent, 51, 58-64 
Great Britain, iron deposits, 383 
Great circle, 3, 9 
Great Salt Lake, 87 
Greenhouse effect of atmosphere, 144 
Greenwich time, 14 
Ground water, 307-316 

discharge and recharge, 310-312 

hardness, 313 

hydraulic gradient, 309 

in hydrologic cycle, 278-280 

minerals in, 313 

movement, 308, 309 

occurrence, 309-310 

pollution, 314 

as resource, 312-316 

solution by, 92-95 

springs, 312, 313 

zones, 307-308 

Ground-water table (see Water table) 
Growing season (see Frost) 
Guiana Highlands, 39 
Gulf coast petroleum field, 372-373 

Hail, 181, 206 

Harbors, 128-129 

Hardness of water, 313 

Hardpan in soil, 344 

Hawaiian Islands, 48, 109-110, 130 

Heat of condensation, 145, 172 

Heating and cooling processes, conduction, 143-144 

earth radiation, 144-145 
Hematite, 378 



High Plains, 73-74, 79, 83-84 
Highland climates, 272-276 
Hills, 34-35, 37-38, 98-112 

characteristic features, 99-104 

definition, 34, 38 

distribution, 35, 38-41, Plate 3 

effects of structure in, 101-104 

glaciated, 105 

origin and development, 98-99 

stream-eroded, 99-104 
Hogback ridges, 106 
Horizon in soils, 335, 336, 343, 345 
Horse latitudes, 162, 165 
Humid climates, soils, 346-348 
Humid continental climate, 255-265 

glaciation, 265 

location, 255-256 

precipitation, 256-258 

snow cover, 257 

soils, 265, 347, 349-351 

subdivisions, 260-263 

temperature, 256 

vegetation, 264-265 

weather types, 258-260 
Humid continental realm, resource potentialities, 


Humid mesothermal climates (see Mesothermal cli- 

Humid microthermal climates (see Microthermal cli- 
Humid subtropical climate, 242-247 

frost, 244-245 

location, 243 

precipitation, 245-246 

soils, 247 

temperature, 243-245 

vegetation, 247 

weather, 246-247 

Humid subtropical realm, resource potentialities, 247 
Humidity (see Water vapor) 
Humus, 341 
Hurricane, 203-204 
Hydraulic gradient, 308-309 
Hydrologic cycle, 278-281, 295-296, 308 
Hydrosphere, 277-278 
Hygrophytes, 319 

Icecap climate, 271-272 

Icecaps, distribution, 35, Plate 3 

Ice sheets, continental, 65-66, 88-93, 105, 122 

Illuviadon, 340 
Inclination of earth, 5 
India, iron deposits, 383 
Industrial Revolution, 293, 377 
Influent streams, 311, 312 
Insolation (see Solar energy) 
Instability, 178-179 
Intermittent streams, 298 
International date line, 16 
Intertropical convergence, 161-165 
Intrazonal soils, 345, 346, 352 
Intrusive vulcanism, 47-48 
Inversions of temperature, 148-149 
Iron deposits, 378-383 

Brazil, 381 

Canada, 379-380 

Eastern Hemisphere, 381-383 

France, 382 

Great Britain, 383 

India, 383 

Lake Superior, 379, 380 

Latin America, 379-381 

Lorraine, 382 

Sweden, 383 

U.S.S.R., 383 

Venezuela, 380-381 

Western Europe, 382-383 

Western Hemisphere, 379-381 
Isarithm, 20-22 
Isarithmic interval, 21 
Island arcs, 132-133 
Islands, 129-133 
Isobaric charts, 158-159 
Isobars, 157 
Isogonic lines, 10 
Isoline, 20 
Isopleth, 20 
Isostasy, 3 

Isothermal charts, 151-153 
Isotherms, 151 

Jet stream, 168 

Joints in rocks, 52, 66, 77, 93, 103 

Katanga, 385, 386 
Kettle Moraine, 90 

Lagoons. 127-128 

Index 401 

Lake plains, 84-87 

Lake Superior iron deposits, 379, 380 

Lakes, 301-304 

effect on runoff, 303 

formerly existing, 84-87 

on glaciated plains, 88-92 

man-made, 304 

occurrence, 303 

on solution-marked plains, 94 
Land form, in soil formation, 336 

world pattern, 34-35, 38-41, Plate 3 

(See also Land-surface form) 
Land-surface form, 28-133 

characteristics, 28-33 

development, 42-71 

varieties, 28-41 
Land surfaces, characteristics, 28-33 

types, 33-38 

distribution, 34-35, 38-41, Plate 3 
Landslides, 61-63 
Lapse rate, 177 
Latent energy, 172 
Laterite, 348, 351 

Latin American iron deposits, 379-381 
Latitude, 5-7 

determination, 8 

lengths of degrees, 6-7 
Latosolic soils, 345, 351-352 
Lava, 47-49, 109-112, 114 
Leaching, in ore-deposit formation, 378 

in soils, 338, 342 
Leeward, 160 
Levees, natural, 79-82 
Lightning, 206-207 
Lignite, 361-362 
Lime, accumulation in soil, 343, 348, 354 

industrial, 388 
Limestone, solution features, 93-95 

weathering, 53-54 
Limonite, 378 
Lithosphere, 277-278 
Loam, 339-340 
Local relief as characteristic of land form, 

Loess, definition, 70 

surface features, 96-97 
Longitude, 5-8 

determination, 8 

lengths of degrees, 7-8 
Lorraine iron deposits, 382 

Los Angeles water supply, 305 
Low-latitude dry climates, 225-230 

frost, 228 

location, 235-236 

precipitation, 226-227 

temperature, 227-228 

weather, 228-229 

Magnetic poles, 10 

Magnetite, 378 

Manganese, 384 

Map Information Section of U.S. Geological Survey, 


Map projections, 17-19 
Map scale, 16-17 
Maps, topographic, 22-26 

varieties, 19-20 

March of temperature, daily and seasonal, 146-147 
Margins of lands, 120-133 
Marine climate, 248-252 

frost, 249-250 

location, 248 

precipitation, 250-251 

soils, 252 

temperature, 248-250 

vegetation, 252 
Marine climatic realm, resource potentialities, 251- 


Marshes (see Swamps) 
Mass movement, 59-64 

causes, 59-60 

importance and results, 62-64 

kinds, 60-62 

Mass wasting (see Mass movement) 
Mature erosion surfaces, 73-75 
Mean solar time, 14 
Meandering channels, 58, 60, 79-80 
Mechanical breaking of rocks, 51-52 
Mediterranean climate (see Dry-summer subtropical 


Mediterranean woodland, 323-324 
Mercator projection, 1 9 
Meridians, 6 
Mesas, 113-114 
Mesothermal climates, 235-252 

location, 235-236 

soils, 347 

Metallic minerals, 376-386 
Meter length, 7 



Metes and bounds, 7, 8 
Microorganisms in soil, 341 
Microthermal climates, 253-269 

location, 253-254 

precipitation, 254-255 

soils, 347 

temperature, 254 

effects of snow cover on, 254 
Midcontinent petroleum field, 372-373 
Middle East petroleum fields, 374-376 
Middle-latitude dry climates, 230-234 

location, 230-231 

precipitation, 231-233 

temperature, 231 

weather, 233 

Middle-latitude forests, 323-329 
Middle West, American, structure, 44-45 

surface features, 74-75, 88-92 
Minerals, coal, 361-370 

as components of rocks, 53-54 

ferroalloys, 383-384 

for fertilizers, 387-388 

as fuels, 360-376 

iron, 378-383 

natural gas, 370-376 

nonferrous, 384-386 

nonmetallic, 386-389 

petroleum, 370-376 

resistance to weathering, 53-54 

as resources, 359-360 

salt, 387 

sulphur, 387 
Mississippi River, delta, 46, 81, 84 

floodplain, 80-81 
Moisture regions, 186 
Molten material in crust, 47-48 
Monadnocks, 75-76, 116 
Monsoons, 162-163, 169-170 
Moraines, 67-68, 88-91, 106-109 

marginal, 89-90 

of mountain- valley glaciers, 105-109 
Mountains, 34-35, 37-38, 98-112 

alpine, 108-109 

characteristic features, 99-112 

definition, 34, 38 

distribution, 35, 38-41, Plate 3 

effects of structure in, 101-104 

fault-block, 45-47, 101, 117-118 

glacial features, 104-109 

origin and development, 98 

Mountains, slopes, peaks, and ridges, 100-101 
soils, 355 

stream-eroded, 99-104 
volcanic, 109-112, 117 

Natural gas (see Petroleum and natural gas) 
Natural levees, 79-82 
Natural vegetation (see Vegetation) 
Necks, volcanic, 112 
Needleleaf forest, 325-329 
Netherlands, 83-84 
New York City water supply, 305-306 
New Zealand land forms, 41 
Nickel, 384 
Nitrogen in soil, 341 
Nitrogen sources, 388 
Nonferrous metals, 384-386 
North America, former continental glaciers, 65 
land-form pattern, 38-39 

Occlusion, 195-196 

Ocean drifts and currents, 285-287 

Ocean temperatures, 287-289 

Offshore bars, 126-127 

Oil (see Petroleum) 

Oil shale, 371, 376 

Old-age erosion surfaces, 75-76, 115-116 

Ores of metals, 377-378 

aluminum, 384-385 

concentration, 377 

copper, 385 

ferroalloys, 383-384 

iron, 378-383 

nonferrous, 384-386 

regions of occurrence, 385-386 
Organic matter in soils, 340 
Outliers, 113-114 
Outwash, glacial, nature and deposition, 68-69 

surface features, 91-92 

Pamir knot, 35, 38, 40 

Pan layers in soil, 343-344 

Parallelism of earth's axis, 5 

Parallels, 5 

Parent material, 335 

Patagonian plateau, 39 

Pattern as characteristic of land form, 30-31 

Index 403 

Peat, 361-362 
Peneplain, 75 
Perennials, 319 
Permanent streams, 298 
Permeability, of regolith, 310 

of soil, 310 

Petroleum and natural gas, structural associations, 

world reserves, 371 
Petroleum regions, California, 372-373 

Canada, 374 

Caribbean, 373-374 

Eastern Hemisphere, 374-376 

European, 376 

Gulf Coast, 372-373 

midcontinent, 372-373 

Middle East, 374-376 

U.S.S.R., 374-376 

Western hemisphere, 372-374 
Phosphate rock, 388 
Phosphorus sources, 388 
Photographs, air, 22-26 
Piedmont alluvial plains, 83-85 
Placer ore deposits, 378 
Plains, 34-36, 72-97 

alluvial, 57-58, 79-84 
piedmont, 83-85 

coastal, 84-86 

definition, 34, 38, 72 

distribution, 35, 38-41, Plate 3 

with features of considerable relief, 34, 112-118 

glacially modified, 88-92 

glaciated, with little drift, 92 

with hills or mountains, 34-36, 38, 112, 115-118 
definition, 34, 38 
distribution, 35, 38-41, Plate 3 
erosional varieties, 116 
origin, 112, 115-118 
tectonic varieties, 116-118 

lake bottom, 84-87 

origin, 72-73 

outwash, 91-92 

with solution features, 92-95 

stream-eroded, 73-78 

till, 88-91 

water-laid, 79-87 

wind-shaped, 95-97 
Plane of ecliptic, 5 
Plankton, 289-291 
Planosol soil, 351 

Plant formations, 318-319 

(See also Vegetation) 
Plants in soil formation, 336 
Plateaus (see Tablelands) . 
Pleistocene glacial period, 65-66, 68, 88, 104, 122, 


Plucking by glaciers, 66 
Podzol soils, 345, 349-350 
Podzolic-latosolic soils, 345, 352-353 
Podzolic soils, 345, 350-351, 353 
Polar climates, 269-272 
Polar front, 166 
Polar highs, 158 
Poles, geographical, 1, 10 

magnetic, 10 
Pollution, of ground water, 314 

of surface water, 305 
Pore space in soils, 340 
Porosity of regolith, 310 
Potash sources, 388 
Prairie, 331-332 
Prairie soil, 353 
Precipitation, 171-187 

amounts, 183 

characteristics, 183-184 

of convective origin, 181-182 

in cyclones, 183 

distribution, 184-187 

in dry climates, 224 

in dry-summer subtropical climate, 239-240 

effect, on ground water, 310 
on surface water, 296-300 

forms, 179-181 

frontal, 182-183 

in highland climates, 275-276 

in humid continental climate, 256-258 

in humid subtropical climate, 245-246 

in low-latitude dry climates, 226-227 

in marine climate, 250-251 

in microthermal climates, 254-255 

in middle-latitude cyclone, 197-199 

in middle-latitude dry climates, 231-233 

origin, 181-182 

orographic, 181 

seasonal, 186-187 

in subarctic climate, 267-268 

in thunderstorm, 206 

in tropical cyclone, 204 

in tropical wet climate, 214-216 

variability, 183 



Precipitation, in weak tropical disturbances, 203 
Pressure, 155-161 

distribution, horizontal, 157-159 
seasonal, 158-159 
vertical, 157 

in highland climates, 275-276 
importance, 155-156 
measurement, 156 
origin of differences, 156-157 
relation to winds, 159-160 
Pressure gradient, 157, 159-160 
Prime meridian, 7 
Principal meridians, 11-14 
Profile, as characteristic of land form, 31-32 

in soil, 335, 343 
Projection, azimuthal, 19 
conformal, 18 
equal-area, 18 

flat polar quartic, 1 9 
equidistant, 19 
- Mercator, 19 
Properties of map projections, 17-19 

Quarrying by glaciers, 66 
Quartzite, resistance, 54 

Radius of earth, 1 
Rain, 179 

Rainfall (see Precipitation) 
Rainforest, tropical, 321-322 
Ranges in survey system, 11-14 
Reactivity of soils, 339 
Rectangular survey system, 11-14 
Red Sea, nature of basin, 45, 47, 122 

salinity, 282 

Reefs, coral, 127-130, 132 
Regolith, 334, 335 

permeability, 310 

porosity, 310 

Relative humidity, 173-175 
Relief, factors affecting, 72-73, 98-99 

local, 33 

Representative fraction (RF), 16 
Resistance of rocks, 53-54, 77-78 
Revolution of earth, 5 
Rift valleys of Africa, 45, 47 
Rock salt, 387 

Rock structure, definition and origin, 48-49 

effects on gradation, 77-78, 92, 100-104, 112, 113 
Rocks, breakdown, 51-54 

characteristics and types, 53-54 

petroleum in, 371, 372 

resistance, 53-54, 77-78 
Rocky Mountains, 45, 65, 103-106, 109, 111-112 

glaciation, 65, 104-105 
Roots, effectiveness in rock breaking, 52 
Rotation of earth, 4-5 
Rurioff (see Surface water) 
Running water, deposition by, 56-58 

erosion by, 55-57 

as gradational agent, 54-58 

hills and mountains shaped by, 99-104 

plains shaped by, 72-84 

transportation by, 55-56 

(See also Streams) 

Salinity of sea water, 281-282 

Salt, 387 

Sand, for industry, 388-389 

in soil, 339-340 
Sand dunes, 70, 95-97 
Sandstone, weathering, 54 
Savanna, 329-331 

Savanna climate (see Tropical wet-and-dry climate) 
Scale on maps, 16-17 
Scarps, fault, 45-47, 49, 101, 113 
Scottish Highlands, 49 
Sculpturing processes, 51-71 
Sea breeze, 170 
Sea cliffs, 124-125 
Sea-level changes, 121-125 
Sea water, composition and salinity, 281-282 

density, 282 

surface temperatures, 287-289 
Seas, 281-291 

coastal features, 120-133 

drifts and currents, 285-287 

islands, 129-133 

life forms, 289-291 

surface salinity, 281-282 

surface temperature, 287-289 

tides, 282-285 

waves, 70-71, 282 
Sections in survey system, 12 

Sedimentation, forma don of ore deposits by, 377-378 
Seifs, 96 

Index 405 

Sensible temperature, 153-154 

in tropical wet climate, 214 
Sheet wash, 298 

of soil, 357 

Shelf, continental, 120-122 
Shore lines, 121-124 

(See also Coastal features) 
Siderite, 378 

Sierra Nevada Range, California, 45-46, 101 
Silt in soil, 339-340 
Sinkholes, 94-95 
Sleet, 181 
Slope, as characteristic of land form, 29 

continental, 120-121 
Slopes, gentle, origin, 73 

steep, origin, 99 
Small circle, 4 
Snow, 179 

in dry-summer subtropical climate, 241 
Snow cover, 181 

effects on atmospheric temperatures, 145 

in humid continental climate, 257 

in microthermal climates, 254 
Soil creep, 62-64 
Soils, alluvial, 345, 355-356 

bog, 351 

chemical elements, 337 

chernozemic, 345, 353-354 

chernozemic-desertic, 345, 354-355 

classification, 344-346 

colloids, 339, 340 

colors, 343 

components, 337-344 

conservation, 357-358 

desertic, 345, 355 / 

in dry climates, 234, 346-348 

in dry-summer subtropical climate, 242 

effects on vegetation, 319-320 / 

eluviation, 340 S 

erosion, 356-358 */ 

fertility, 337-339 y 

formation, 335-337 / 

horizons, 335, 336, 343, 345 

in humid climates, 346-348 

in humid continental climate, 265 

in humid subtropical climate, 247 

humus, 341 

illuviation, 340 

latosolic, 345, 351-352 

leaching, 338, 342 

Soils, in marine climate, 252 

maturity, 337 

microorganisms, 341 

organic components, 340 

pan layers, 343-344 

phases, 345, 346 

planosol, 351 

podzol, 345, 349-350 

podzolic, 345, 350-351, 353 

podzolic-latosolic, 345, 352-353 

pore space, 340 

prairie, 353 

profile, 335, 343, 345 

reaction, 338, 348 

reactivity, 339 

series, 345-346 

sheet wash, 357 

significance, 335 

specific surface, 339 

structure, 340 

in subarctic climate, 269 

texture, 339-340 

in tropical climate, 217 

in tropical wet-and-dry climate, 221-222 

tundra, 345, 349-350 

water, 341-343 

wind erosion, 357 
Solar energy, 136-146 

absorption by atmosphere, 143 

distribution, 136-139, 140-142 
factors determining, 136-137 

effects of atmosphere on, 139-140 

gradients, 142 

heating earth's surface by, 142 

in highland climates, 272-273 

land and water reactions to, 142-143 

nature, 136 

Solar radiation (see Solar energy) 
Solar time, 5, 14 
Solifluction, 61-62 
Solution, in land-form development, 55, 92-95 

by water, 293 

Source region for air masses, 189 
South America, land-form pattern, 39 
Specific humidity, 173 
Specific surface of soils, 339 
Spits, 126-127 
Springs, 312 

Stability, atmospheric, 178 
Standard time, 14-15 



Steppe climate, 223 

Stream channels, braided, 58, 60, 79-80, 83 

gradient, 57 

meandering, 58, 60, 79-80 

pattern, 30, 58, 60, 76-77, 79-80 
Stream-eroded plains, 73-78 
Stream flow, 298-299 
Streams, channels, 57-58, 60, 79-80, 83 

deltas, 58, 81-83 

deposition by, 56-58 

deposits, 57-58, 79-84, 91-92 

erosion by, 55-57 

gradient, 57 

intermittent, 298 

pattern, 30-31, 58, 60, 79-80, 83 

permanent, 298 

(See also Running water) 
Structure, of earth, 2-3, 43 

geological (see. Rock structure) 

in soils, 340 
Subarctic climate, 265-269 

soils, 269 

vegetation, 269 
Subarctic forest, 326 

Subarctic realm, resource potentialities, 208-209 
Submergence, coastal, 122-125 
Subpolar lows, 158 
Subsidence, atmospheric, 148-149, 163 

relation to temperature inversions, 148-149 
Sulphur, 387 

Surface of discontinuity, 189 
Surface material, as characteristic of land form, 29-30 

moving, 54-55 
Surface water, 295-306 

in hydrologic cycle, 295-296 

impurities, 305 

as resource, 304-306 

runoff, 297-304 

climatic factors, 299 

computation, 297 

by continents, 301 

effects of land surface on, 300 

by latitude, 300 

regime, 299 

stream flow, 298-299 

of United States, 298 

water bodies in, 301-304 

of world, 299-302 

storage, 295-297 
Survey, rectangular system, 11-14 
Suspended load of streams, 55-56 

Swamps, 301-304 

on floodplains and deltas, 79-84 
on glaciated plains, 88-89, 91 
on lake and coastal plains, 85-86 

Sweden, iron deposits, 383 

Tablelands, 34-36, 38, 112-115 

characteristic features, 113-114 

definition, 34, 38 

distribution, 35, 38-41, Plate 3 

escarpments, 113-114 

occurrence, 114-115 

origin, 112-113 

uplands, 113 
Taconite, 379 
Taiga, 326 

Talus slopes, 63, 100, 102 
Tar sands, 371, 376 
Tectonic processes, 43-5 1 
Temperature, 134-154 

advection, 145-146 

annual range, 153 

as climatic control, 136 

as climatic element, 136 

daily and seasonal march, 146-147 

distribution, 151-154 
geographical, 147-148 
temporal, 146-147 

in dry climates, 224 

in dry-summer subtropical climate, 237-239 

effects on, of cloud cover, 145 
of humid atmosphere, 145 

in highland climates, 273-275 

in humid continental climate, 256 

in humid subtropical climate, 243-245 

January and July, 152-153 

in low-latitude dry climates, 227-228 

in marine climate, 248-250 

in microthermal climates, 254 

in middle-latitude anticyclone, 199-200 

in middle-latitude cyclone, 199-200 

in middle-latitude dry climates, 234 

sea surface, 287-289 

effects on climate, 288-289 

sensible, 153-154 

in subarctic climate, 265-267 

in tropical wet-and-dry climate, 218-219 

in tropical wet climate, 213-214 

vertical transfer, 145 

Index 407 

Temperature changes, effectiveness in rock break- 
ing, 52 

Temperature gradient, 142, 153 
Temperature inversions, 148-149 
Temperature range in tropical wet climate, 213-214 
Temperature zones in highland climates, 274-275 
Tennessee River drainage basin, 304 
Terraces, alluvial, 81 

coastal or marine, 124-125 
Terrain types (see Land surfaces, types) 
Texture, as characteristic of land form, 32-33 

of soils, 339-340 
Thermal anticyclones, 159 
Thorium, 376 
Thunder, 206-207 
Thundersquall, 207 
Thunderstorms, 204-208 

distribution, 207-208 

origin, 204-206 

precipitation, 206 
Tidal currents, 285 
Tides, 282-285 

causes, 282-284 

occurrence, 282-285 
Till, glacial, nature and deposition, 67-68 

surface features, 88-91 
Till plains, 88-91 
Time, calendar, 14-16 

geologic, 42-43, 49 

Greenwich, 14 

in soil formation, 336 

standard, 14-15 
Topographic maps, 22-26 

world coverage, 23 
Tornado, 207 

Townships in survey system, 11-14 
Trade winds, 161-164 

atmospheric disturbances in, 164 

weather in, 164 
Transportation of earth materials, 54-56, 67, 69, 71 

by glaciers, 67 

by running water, 55-56 

by waves and currents, 71 

by wind, 69 
Tributary valleys, development, 73-74, 113 

pattern, 76-77 
Tropical cyclone, 203-204 
Tropical disturbances, 192-203 
Tropical easterlies, 161-164 
Tropical forests, 321-323 

utilization, 322-323 

Tropical grasslands, 329-331 
Tropical humid climates, 212-222 

upland variety, 222 
Tropical rainforest, 321-322 

Tropical-rainforest climate (see Tropical wet climate) 
Tropical wet climate, 213-217 

location, 213 

precipitation, 214-216 

soils, 217, 347, 348, 351-352 

temperature, 213-214 

vegetation, 217 

weather, 214, 216 
Tropical wet-and-dry climate, 217-222 

location, 218 

precipitation, 219-221 

soils, 221-222, 347, 348 

temperature, 218-219 

vegetation, 221 

weather, 220 
Tropical wet-and-dry realm, resource potentialities, 


Tropical wet realm, resource potentialities, 216-217 
Tropics, weather, 202-203 
Tundra climate, 270-271 
Tundra soils, 345, 349-350 
Tundra vegetation, 332-333 
Typhoon (hurricane), 203-204 

U.S.S.R., coal deposits, 368-370 
iron deposits, 383 
petroleum fields, 374-376 

United States, soil erosion, 357 
soils, 346 

Uranium, 376 

Valleys, drowned, 123-124 
fault-block, 45-47, 116-118 
glaciated, 66-67, 105-109 

stream-eroded, development, 56-57, 74-76, 99-100 
form and size, 74-76, 99-100, 113-114 
gradient, 57 
pattern, 76-78 

Variability of precipitation, 183-184 
Vegetation, 317-333 
annual types, 319 

causes of regional variations, 318-320 
classification, 320-321 



Vegetation, deciduous, 319 

desert, 332 

in dry climates, 234 

in dry-summer subtropical climate, 242 

effects, of climate, 318-319 
of organisms, 320 
of soils, 319-320 

evergreen, 319 

formations, 318 

in humid continental climate, 264-265 

in humid subtropical climate, 247 

landscape qualities, 317-318 

perennial types, 319 

in soil formation, 336, 347, 349, 350, 352-355 

in subarctic climate, 269 

in tropical wet climate, 217 

in tropical wet-and-dry climate, 221 

tundra, 332-333 
Vegetation climax, 318 
Venezuela, iron deposits, 380-381 
Vesuvius, 47, 109 
Volcanic activity, 47-48 
Volcanic ash, 48-49, 109-110 

Volcanic cones, 47-51, 109-112, 117, 130, 132-133 
Volcanic necks, 112 

Volcanoes, 47-51, 109-112, 117, 130, 132-133 
Vulcanism, 47-51, 109-112 

extrusive, 47-48 

intrusive, 47-49 

Warm front, 190 
Water, capillary, 342 

cyclical behavior, 278-281 

dissolving power, 293 

erosion by, 293 

general occurrence, 277-281 

gravitational, 342-343 

ground (see Ground water) 

hygroscopic, 342 

importance to rock weathering, 52-53 

need for, 293-295 

nonwithdrawal, 294, 303 

properties, 292 

as resource, 293 

runoff (see Surface water) 

of seas, 281.-282 

in soils, 341-343 

surface (see Surface water) 

uses, 293-295 

Water, withdrawal, 294, 305 
Water balance of earth, 296-297 
Water-laid plains, 79-87 
Water supply of cities, 304-305 

treatment, 305 
Water table, 307, 308 

cone of depression, 315 

configuration, 308 

effect of wells on, 314 

fluctuations, 309, 315 

in soil, 343 
Water vapor, 171-175 

absorption by, of earth radiation, 144-145 
of solar energy, 139-140, 142 

capacity of air for, 172-173 

effects on climate, 171 

functions, 134-135 

latent energy, 1 72 

sources, 172 
Waves, 70-71, 282 

and currents as gradational agents, 70-71 
Weather, definition, 135 

in dry-summer subtropical climate, 240-241 

in highland climates, 276 

in humid continental climate, 258-260 

in humid subtropical climate, 246-247 

in low-latitude dry climates, 228-229 

in tropical latitudes, 202-203 

in tropical wet-and-dry climate, 220 
Weathering, chemical, 51-53 

formation of ore deposits by, 377-378 

resistance to, 53-54 

selective, 53-54 
Wells, petroleum, 371-372 

water, 314-316 
Westerlies, equatorial, 165 

middle-latitude, 161-162, 165-166 
Western European iron deposits, 382-383 
Western Hemisphere, iron deposits, 379-381 

petroleum regions, 373 
Whales, 290-291 
Winds, anticyclonic, 161 

as climatic control, 155-156 

as climatic element, 155-156 

convergence, 163 

converging system, 161 

cyclonic, 161 

deflection by earth rotation, 160-161 

deposition by, 69-70 

divergence, 163 

Index 409 

Winds, diverging system, 161 
.doldrums, 161-162 
in dry climates, 224-225 
of earth's surface, 161 
erosion by, 69, 357 
general circulation, 166-168 
as gradational agents, 69-70, 95-97 
in ITC, 164-165 
in January and July, 162-163 
latitudinal shifting, 169 
in middle-latitude anticyclone, 193, 197 
in middle-latitude cyclone, 193, 195-197 
middle-latitude westerly, 161-162 
of middle latitudes, 165-166 
monsoons, 162-163, 169-170 
polar, 166 
prevailing, 161 
relation to pressure, 159-160 
seasonal, 162-163 
of subtropics, 165 

Winds, surface features produced by, 95-97 

terrestrial modifications, 168-170 

trade, 161-164 

in tropical cyclone, 204 

tropical easterlies, 161-164 

in tropics, 163-165 

zonal pattern, 161-162 
Windward, 160 

Xerophytes, 319 

Youthful erosion surfaces, 73-75, 113 

Zonal soils, 345, 346 
Zone, of aeration, 307-308 
of soil water, 307-308