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19  15 












1  st  Edition  Compiled  by  Committee  Two, 
MRS.  S.  T.  MARETT.  Chairman. 


2nd  Edition  Compiled  by  Committee  Five, 

MRS.  W.  J.  NORTHEN,  Chairman. 


3rd  Edition  Compiled  by  Committee  One, 






Recipe  for  a  Happy  Day. 

"Take  a  little  dash  of  cold  water, 

A  little  leaven  of  prayer, 
A  little  bit  of  sunshine  gold 

Dissolved  in  morning  air. 

Add  to  your  meal  some  merriment, 
Add  thought  for  kith  and  kin. 

And  then  as  a  prime  ingredient, 
A  plenty  of  work  thrown  in. 

Flavor  it  all  with  essence  of  love. 

And  a  little  dash  of  play. 
Let  the  dear  old  Book,  and  a  glance  above 

Complete  the  well  spent  day. 



Committee  No.  1 

Adkins,  Mrs.  W.  H. 
Akin,  Mrs.  E.  G. 
Barker,  Mrs.  W.  Hal. 
Bardwell,  Mrs.  R.  N.  R. 
Battle,  Mrs.  Richard 
Bell,  Mrs.  T.  P. 
Benson,   Mrs.   Marion 
Bloodworth,  Mrs.  C.  J. 
Burton,  Mrs.  O.  E. 
Byrd,   Mrs.   C.   P. 
Cannon,  Mrs.  Jason 
Castle,  Mrs.  Augustus 
Castleberry,  Mrs.  D.  A. 
Culpepper,  Mrs.  S.  G. 
DeFoor,  Mrs.  C.  L. 
Dinkins,  Mrs.  S.  C. 
Everett,  ]\Irs.  J.  A. 
Fennell,  Mrs.  H.  G. 
Foster,  Mrs.  Louise  Spalding 
Gault,  Mrs.  J.  T. 
Green,  Mrs.  Allison 

Wilson,  Mrs. 

Hagan,  Mrs.  John 
Hancock,  Mrs.  W.  J. 
House,  Mrs.  C.  Y. 
Kellam,  Mrs.  J.  F. 
Lakin,  Mrs.  E.  C. 
Lawton,  Mrs.  J.  P. 
Lenney,  Mrs.  W.  E. 
Lewis,  Mrs.  George 
McCall,  Mrs.  H.  A. 
Pace,  Mrs.  J.  Powers 
Perryman,  Mrs.  Virgil 
Ponders,  Mrs. 
■Ryley,  Mrs.  S.  T. 
Scott,   Mrs.  R.  J. 
Sims,  Mrs.  Hattie 
Singleton,  Mrs.  Nellie  L. 
Spalding,  ]\Irs.  A.  T. 
Spalding,   Mrs.   Albert  Jr. 
Stanley,  Mrs.  W.  P. 
Stover,  Mrs.  J.  A. 
Watters,   Mrs.   J.   G. 


Akin,  Mrs.  E.  G.  Cole,  Mrs.  Roy  N.,  Newnan,  Ga. 

Anderson,    Mrs.    H.    W.  Collin,    Miss    Carrie 

Anderson,   Mrs.  W.   P.;   S.   C.  Collinsworth,    Mrs.    S.   A. 

Armistead,   Mrs.  Wm.  Collinsworth,   Mrs.  H.  S. 

Atkinson,    Mrs.    Spencer    R.  Cone,  Mrs.  E.  H. 

Austin,   Mrs.  Tom  Connally.    Mrs.    E.    L. 

Bagley,   Mrs.  Henry   C.  Council,    Miss    Evelyn, 

Bagley,   Miss   Helen  Jackson,   Miss. 

Baird,    Mrs.   J.   B.  Cox,   Mrs.   R.   F. 

Baker,    Mrs.   Estelle   Garrett  Crawford,  Mrs.  J.-M. 

Baker,    Mrs.    P.    H.  Crenshaw,  Mrs.  W.  T. 

Baker,   Mrs.  W.  A.,  Griffin,   Ga.       Crichton,   Mrs.   Logan   M. 

Bardwell,   Mrs.   R.   N.   R.  Crouch,    Mrs.    R.    O. 

Barker,    Mrs.    Brader  Grififin,    Ga. 

Barker,   Mrs.  W.  Hal  Daniel,    Mrs.    Robert 

Barnes,   Mrs.   Edw.  H.  DeFoor,   Mrs.   C.  L. 

Barnes,    Mrs.    M.    B.  Dean,   Mrs.  L.  G.,  Eufaula,  Ala. 

Barnwell,   Mrs.  Chas.  F.  Dinkins,    Mrs.   S.   C. 

Battle,    Mrs.    Richard  Dodd,   Mrs.   Phillip 

Bell,  Miss  Ada  C.  Dull,    Mrs.    S.    R. 

Benson,    Mrs.    Chas.  Dunlap,  Mrs.  Edgar 

Benson,  Mrs.  Marion  Dunn,   Mrs.   B.   H. 

Buehl,    Mrs.    A.    B.  Dunn,  Mrs.  Will 

Bickers,     Mrs.    D.    H.,    Greens-       Dunwody,   Mrs.   R.   G. 

boro,   Ga.  Durant,    Mrs.    Edward 

duBignon,  Mrs.  Chas.  Dykes,  Mrs.  W.  F. 

Binder,    Mrs.    Christopher,  Ellis,   Mrs.   W.   D. 

Stone    Mtn.,    Ga.  Elsas,   Mrs.   Benj. 

Bleckley,   Mrs.   Haralson  Ericson,   Mrs.   E.  N. 
Boyd,   Mrs.  W.  R.  Plainfield,  N.  J. 

Brooks,    Mrs.   Kate,  Erwin,   Mrs.   Peter 

Quitman,  Ga.  Fairman,   Mrs. 

Brotherton,   Mrs.  H.   P.,  Fall.   Mrs.   M.  A. 

East   Point,   Ga.  Farris,   Mrs.   Lucy 

Brown,   Mrs.   George  Fennell,   Mrs.  H.  G. 

Brown,   Mrs.   L.  N.  Fitzhugh,    Mrs.   C   W., 
Brown,  Mrs.  N.  A.  Pine    Blufif,  Ark. 

Broyles,  Mrs.  Arnold  Forrester,  Mrs.  George 

Burnett,  Mrs.  W.  Gordon  Fort,   Mrs.  Charles 

Burton,  Mrs.  O.  E.  Foster,  Mrs.  Louise  Spalding 

Burwell,   Mrs.  B.  L.  Foster,  Mrs.  W.  E. 

Callaway,    Mrs.  Thomas    M.  Frazier,    Mrs.   J.    D. 

Cannon,    Mrs.   Jason  Fuller,   Mrs.  George 

Carroll,    Mrs.    E.    H.  Fuller,    Miss    Annie    M., 

Carroll,   Mrs.  W.   R.,  Gordon,  Mrs.  Arthur  H. 

East   Point,  Ga.  Gray,   Mrs.  H..  Barnesville,  Ga. 

Carter,  Mrs.  J.  D.  Greene,  Mrs.  Allison 

Caruthers,  Mrs.  J.  Y.  Griffin,   Mrs.  A.   P., 
Cason,  Mrs.   Marie   Bowen  Stone  Mtn.,  Ga. 

Cassin,  Mrs.  Minnie  Hillyer  Hagan,   Mrs.  John 
Cater,  Mrs.  C.  T.,  Quitman,  Ga.      Hamilton,  Mrs.  D.  B.,  Rome,  Ga. 

Cheatham,  Mrs.  R.  C.  Hancock.  Mrs.  W.  L. 

Clarkson,   Mrs.  Fanny  Hawkins,   Mrs.  Will 

Coates,   Mrs.   George  Headen,    Mrs.   T.   O.. 
Cobb,   Mrs.   Irwin  East   Point,  Ga. 

Cobbs,  Mrs.  H.  L.  Hill.    Mrs.    John 

CONTRIBUTORS,  Continued. 

Hobl)s.  Mrs.  Arthur 

Hook.    Mrs.    Stephen 

Hopkins,    Mrs.    John    R. 

House,  Mrs.  C.  Y. 

Hoyt,   Mrs.  L.  M. 

Hynds,    Mrs.   Henry 

Inman,   Mrs.  Hugh 

Irwin,  Mrs.  C.  B.,  Graham,  N.  C. 

Jarnigan,   Mrs.  W.   C. 

Jervey.    Mrs.    Ed 

Johnson,  Mrs.  Mary  Goggan 

Jones,  Mrs.  Mary  Turner, 

Augusta,   Ga. 
Jones,  Mrs.  Sam  D. 
Kellam.    Mrs.   ].,  F. 
Kennedy,    Mrs. 
King,  Mrs.  J.  Chester, 
King,    Mrs.    Porter 
Lakin,   Mrs.  E.  C. 
Landrum,    Mrs.    W.    W. 
Lawton,   Mrs.  J.   P. 
Lewis.  Mrs.  George 
Lippold,    Mrs.    Charles 
Lipscomb,    Mrs.    M.   A., 
Athens,   Ga. 

Lumpkin,   Mrs.   Samuel 

Mabry,   Mrs.   J.   S. 

Mansfield.  Mrs.  W.  C. 

Manson,  Mrs.  P.  F. 

Marett,  Mrs.  S.  T. 

Mariott,    Mrs.    C.    M.,   Alabama. 

Martin,  Mrs.  Edmund 

Martin,  Mrs.  William  W. 

May.    Mrs.    Clarence 

McBride.   Mrs.  W.   C, 
Newnan,  Ga. 

McCall,    Mrs.    Howard 

McCall.    Mrs.   J.    G. 

McCall.   Mrs..  Quitman,   Ga. 

McCarty.    Mrs.    George 

McCullough.   Mrs.  John 

McElroy.    Mrs.   W.    R. 

McKeldin.   Mrs.   J.   R. 

McKenzie,   Mrs.  J.   C, 
East    Point,   Ga. 

Meador,  Mrs.  C.  D. 

Meador,    Mrs.   Frank    B. 

Millard.    Mrs.   Junius 

Miller,   Mrs.   Carlton 

Miles.    Mrs.   J.  Allen. 
Charleston,    S.    C. 

Moore.    Mrs.    George    P. 

Moore.  Mrs.  J.  L.,  Hampton,  Ga. 

Morris.  Mrs.  Annie  E. 

Morris,  Mrs.  G.  T. 

Myers,  Mrs.  Frank,  Sr. 

Neal,  Mrs.  L.  G. 

Nesbitt,    Mrs.,    Marietta,    Ga. 

Nichols.   Mrs.  H.   M. 

Northen,   Mrs.   Charles 

Northen,  Mrs.  Wm.  J. 

Nunnally.   Mrs.  Charles 

Oglesby.  Mrs.  A.  G. 

Olive,  Mrs.  Lucy  L., 

Pace.   Mrs.  J.  Powers 

Paine,   Mrs.  G.   E. 

Paxon,   Mrs.   Eliza   H. 

Parrott,    Mrs.    Sanford 

Ferryman.    Mrs.  V.   E. 

Ponder,   Mrs.  J.   D. 

Pope,   Mrs.  W.  B. 

Pou,  Mrs.  Edgar.   Madison,  Ga. 

Powell,   Mrs.   Mike, 

Newnan,  Ga. 
Prior,    Mrs.   W.   H., 

Greensboro,   Ga. 
Probasco,  Mrs.  John  B. 
Prout,    Mrs.   W. 'A., 
Rea,  Mrs.  J.  R. 
Reed,   Mrs.    Mary 
Rehm,  Mrs.  H.  C. 
Rice,   Mrs.  Frank   P. 
Rice,  Mrs.  T.  B., 

Greensboro,  Ga. 
Robinson,  Mrs.  W.  C. 
Rosser.  Mrs.  Luther  Z. 
Rountree.    Mrs.   J.   B., 

Quitman.   Ga. 
Ruse,   Miss  Emmie 
Ryley,   Mrs.   S.  T., 

Lexington,  Ky. 

Sciple,  Mrs.  George 
Scott,  Mrs.  J.  S. 
Scott,  Mrs.  R.  J.  _ 
Scoville,  Miss   Eliza 
Scruggs,  Miss  Maude 
Scruggs.  Miss   Ruby 
Sims.    Mrs.    Hattie 
Singleton,  Mrs.  N.  L. 
Smart,   Mrs.  A.  G. 
Smith,  Mrs.  S.  E. 
Snook,  Miss  Gladys 
Spalding.  Mrs.  A.  T. 
Spalding.  Mrs.  Albert,  Jr. 
Spalding,  Mrs.  John  S. 
Spalding,   Mrs.  W.  T. 
Stanley.  Mrs.  Walter  P. 
Steele.  Mrs.  A.  B. 
Stewart.  Mrs..  Marietta,  Ga. 
Stigen,  Mrs.  Berger  A. 
Stover,    Mrs.  J.  A. 
Tanner.  Mrs.  A.  M. 

CONTRIBUTORS,    Continued. 

Terrell,  Miss  Mae. 
Thomas,  Mrs.  E.  G. 
Thrash,  Mrs.  E.  C. 
Tidwell,  Mrs.  Albert 
Turman,  Mrs.  Robert 
Turner,  Mrs.  Charles 
Van  Dyke,  Mrs.  A.  H. 
Van   Rensellaer,   Mrs.   W. 
Walcott,    Mrs.   Charles, 

Grififin,  Ga. 
Walker,  Mrs.  Irvin  C. 

Newnan,  Ga. 
Walker,    Mrs.   W.   A., 

Milledgeville,  Ga. 
Watson,  Mrs.  L.  D. 
Waiters,  Mrs.  J.  G. 
Waiters,    Mrs.   J.   W., 

Albany,  Ga. 

Westmoreland,   Mrs.   George 
Wheeler,  Mrs.  A.  E. 
White,  Mrs.  J.  C. 
Whitney,   Mrs.   Ella   G. 
Wilder,    Mrs.   D.    R. 
Williamson,   Mrs.  Banks, 

Burlington,  N.  C. 
Wills,   Mrs.  J.  W. 
E.  Wilson,   Mrs.  Harry 

Witcher,  Mrs. 
Witcher,   Miss   Lois 
Wood,  Mrs.  L.  S. 
Woodward,  Mrs.  Park 
Woodward,  Mr.  Park 
Wolff,   Mrs.   Bernard 
Wooley,   Mrs.  Vassar 
Wylie,   Airs.   Bun 
Young,    Mrs.   C.  W. 
Yow,   Mrs.  E.   M. 



Appetixers 38 

Bread 16 

Beverages 87 

Cakes  and  Icing 67 

Candy 85 

Desserts 59 

Fish  and  Oysters II 

Frozen  Creams  and  Ices 78 

Meats  and  Entrees 25 

Miscellaneous \  ...  52 

Pirkles 55 

Poultry 32 

Salads 40 

Sauces r 45 

Soups 7 

Vegetables 48 


"O,  a  very  fine  thing  is  a  good  education. 

And  a  very  fine  matter  is  good  legislation, 

But  to  keep  people  healthy,  contented  and  quiet, 

'Tis  a  sine  qua  non  to  begin  with  their  diet." 

The  meats  for  soups  should  be  put  in  cold  water  and  the 
salt  added  toward  the  last.  If  put  in  at  first  the  meat  is 
toughened  and  juices  retained.  Be  careful  to  remove  all 
scum  and  boil  slowly.  For  thickening  use  CAPITOLA 
flour  rubbed  smooth  in  water  or  milk.  If  you  wish  the  soup 
dark  in  color,  use  browned  flour.  Herbs  used  for  seasoning 
soups  are :  sage,  thyme,  tarragon,  mint,  sweet  basil,  parsley, 
bay  leaves,  cloves  and  mace.  Allspice  and  celery  seed  are 
used  in  some  soups  to  a  great  advantage.  Nearly  all  vege- 
tables are  used  in  soups.  The  white  of  an  egg  is  an  ex- 
cellent clarifier  for  stock. 

Cream  of  Aspsu'agus  Soup. 

Open  one  can  of  asparagus ;  use  water  from  the  can  and 
add  to  it  one  bay  leaf,  one  onion,  salt  and  pepper,  also 
stalks  of  asparagus  after  cutting  off  tips,  reserved  to  add 
later.  After  boiling  ten  minutes  strain  through  a  colander. 
In  a  separate  vessel  make  a  cream  sauce  of  one  heaping 
tablespoonful  of  CAPITOLA  flour  rubbed  into  one  table- 
spoonful  of  melted  butter ;  add  one  pint  of  sweet  milk.  Stir 
constantly  to  keep  from  lumping.  Add  stock  to  this.  Be- 
fore serving,  heat  asparagus  tips  and  put  in  mixture. 

Mrs.  B.  H.  Dunn. 

Bean  Soup. 

Take  dried  white  beans,  wash  and  pick  carefully ;  cover 
with  cold  water  and  boil  until  beans  are  soft.  Add  more 
water  as  it  boils  away.  Mash  the  beans ;  add  as  much  wa- 
ter as  you  want  soup,  tablespoonful  of  butter,  salt  and 
pepper  to  taste.  Mrs.  J.  C.  White 


Six  pounds  of  beef  and  bone ;  cut  up  the  meat  and  break 
the  bones ;  add  two  quarts  of  cold  water  and  simmer  slowly 
five  hours.  Strain  through  a  fine  sieve,  remove  every  par- 
ticle of  fat ;  add  a  little  extract  of  onion  and  some  chopped 
parsley,  or  leave  out  the  onion  if  preferred. 

Mrs.  W.  C.  Robinson. 

WEAR-EVER  ALUMINUM  UTENSILS  are  sanitary  and 
economical.     King  Hardware  Co. 

Dumplings  for  Soup. 

One  cup  of  CAPITOLA  flour,  one-fourth  teaspoonful  of 
salt,  one  teaspoonful  of  baking  powder,  sieved  together. 
Add  one-third  cup  of  finely  chopped  suet,  lard  or  butter, 
and  enough  milk  to  make  a  stiff  dough.  Form  in  dum- 
plings size  of  marbles,  drop  into  soup,  cover  and  boil  ten 
minutes.  Mrs.  A.  T.  Spalding. 

Gumbo  Soup. 

Take  a  chicken  and  fry  half  done,  then  pour  over  it  three 
quarts  of  v^ater.  Add  two  dozen  pods  of  okra  fried,  two 
slices  of  broiled  or  fried  middling  meat,  half  a  cabbage, 
chopped  fine,  half  a  dozen  tomatoes,  a  little  minced  onion, 
a  pod  of  red  pepper,  a  sprig  of  parsley  and  salt  to  taste. 
Thicken  with  browned  CAPITOLA  flour. 

Mrs.  Ellen  G.  Whitney. 

Gumbo  File  (Creole). 

Gumbo  file  can  be  made  either  of  chicken  and  oysters, 
veal  and  oysters,  or  crabs  and  shrimp.  Cut  up  the  chicken 
or  veal  as  for  a  stew,  salt  and  pepper  it,  put  a  large  table- 
spoonful  of  lard  in  your  cooking  vessel,  let  it  get  hot  be- 
fore putting  in  seasoned  chicken  or  veal ;  let  this  fry  for 
about  fifteen  minutes,  then  add  an  onion  cut  in  small  pieces, 
also  a  very  small  piece  of  garlic.  When  it  is  fried  (not 
brown)  add  a  large  tablespoonful  of  CAPITOLxA.  flour  and 
let  it  brown,  then  pour  in  the  juice  of  the  oysters  and 
enough  of  the  hot  water  to  make  gumbo  for  four  in  family, 
pour  in  the  water  a  little  at  a  time  and  stir  the  whole  so 
that  the  flour  will  not  remain  in  lumps.  Then  put  in  the 
seasoning — salt,  black  and  red  pepper  (not  cayenne),  a  tn- 
blespoonful  of  chopped  parsley,  a  sprig  of  thyme  and  one  or 
two  bay  leaves  and  four  or  five  cloves.  Let  the  whole  boil 
about  two  hours  and  a  half.  Fifteen  minutes  before  serv- 
ing put  in  two  or  three  dozen  oysters.  Let  them  boil.  When 
about  to  serve,  remove  the  vessel  to  the  back  of  the  stove, 
where  it  will  keep  hot,  but  not  boil ;  add  about  half  a  table- 
spoonful  of  file,  if  it  is  fresh.  Take  a  pinch  of  file,  sprinkle 
in  with  the  left  hand  while  you  stir  with  the  right  hand. 
In  that  way  you  will  avoid  lumps  of  file.  Let  all  stand  for 
five  minutes,  but  do  not  let  it  boil.  It  is  then  ready  to  be 
dished.  Take  out  the  bay  leaves  before  sending  to  the 
table.     At  table  serve  a  spoonful  of  rice  in  each  soup  plate. 

Mrs.  M.  B.  Barnes. 

KING  STEEL  RANGES  have  stood  the  test  of  years. 
For  Sale  by  King  Hardware  Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

Marrow  Dumplings  for  Clear  Broth. 

10  grams  beef  marrow,  2  eggs,  4  grams  salt,  Yz  tablespoon 
chopped  parsley,  100  grams  dry  bread  crumbs.  Melt  mar- 
row over  fire,  stir  till  foamy,  add  eggs,  bread  crumbs,  par- 
sley and  salt  to  taste.  Form  dumplings  with  teaspoon,  put 
in  broth,  let  boil  about  four  or  five  minutes.  This  is  an  old 
Swedish  recipe. 

Comparison  of  Weights. 

1  German  pound,  500  grams ;  1  English  pound,  400  grams. 
1  English  pound,  16  ounces.         Mrs.  Birger  A.  Stigen. 

Mock  Turtle  Soup. 

Take  three  pounds  of  neck  mutton,  cover  it  with  half  a 
gallon  of  water,  cook  until  tender,  put  in  allspice  and  cloves 
and  flavor  with  sherrp  wine.  Serve  with  the  meat  cut  in 
small  dice.  Mrs,  George  Sciple. 


Break  an, egg  in  a  bowl  and  beat  into  it  a  little  more 
than  one-half  cupful  of  CAPITOLA  flour  and  one-fourth 
teaspoonful  of  salt.  Work  the  dough  with  the  hands  until 
it  becomes  smooth.  Sprinkle  a  moulding  board  with  flour 
and  roll  the  dough  as  thin  as  possible.  It  should  be  like 
a  wafer.  Let  it  lie  upon  the  board  for  five  minutes,  then 
roll  it  up  loosely,  and  with  a  sharp  knife  cut  in  slices  about 
one-third  of  an  inch  thick.  Spread  these  little  pieces  and 
let  them  dry  for  half  an  hour  or  more. 

Put  on  the  stove  a  large  sauce  pan  containing  two  quarts 
of  boiling  water.  Add  a  tablespoonful  of  salt  and  after 
turning  noodles  into  the  water,  cook  them  rapidly  for 
twenty-five  minutes.  Turn  into  a  colander  and  drain.  Add 
noodles  to  any  soup  desired,  boil  five  minutes  and  serve. 

Noodle  Soup. 

Add  noodles  to  beef  or  any  other  broth  after  straining. 
They  are  excellent  in  broth  of  chicken  left  after  cooking  for 
salad.  Mrs.  S.  S.  Wood. 

Oyster  Soup. 
Beat  in  a  tureen  2  eggs,  1  heaping  tablespoonful  of  to- 
mato catsup,  1  heaping  tablespoonful  of  Worcestershire 
sauce,  red  pepper  and  salt  to  taste ;  on  the  stove  put  pot 
with  large  spoonful  of  butter ;  enough  CAPITOLA  flour  to 
thicken ;  after  flour  is  brown  pour  on  oyster  yater  or  hot 


GLASS  MEASURING  CUPS  are  a  necessity  to  the  suc^ 
cessful  cook.    King  Hardware  Co. 

water  of  the  quantity  you  wish  to  make.  When  all  this  is 
well  boiled  put  in  oysters  and  let  cook  well,  but  not  too 
long.  Heat  tureen  and  when  oysters  are  read}^  pour  the 
contents  of  pot  on  mixture  in  tureen. 

Mrs.  Mary  Goggan  Johnson. 

Terrapisi  Soup. 
Take  three  terrapins,  cut  open  and  clean  them,  then  scald 
the  shells,  scrape  them,  and  put  into  a  pot  with  four  quarts 
of  water ;  boil  until  tender,  then  take  out  and  pick  to  pieces. 
Place  the  meat  again  in  the  water.  Add  pepper  and  salt  to 
taste.  Fry  a  small  piece  of  fat  pork,  chop  it  fine,  and  add 
to  the  soup.  Thicken  with  browned  flour,  CAPITOLA; 
then  add  a  teaspoonful  of  mace  and  one  of  allspice.  When 
done  add  the  juice  of  two  lemons,  one  cup  of  claret.  If  the 
soup  is  not  a  rich  brown  from  the  flour,  brown  a  little  sugar 
for  coloring.  Mrs.  Spencer  R.  Atkinson. 

Cream  of  Tormato. 
To  one  can  of  tomatoes  add  half  pint  of  water,  let  stew, 
then  strain  through  sieve,  season  with  salt,  pepper,  butter 
and  afew  drops  of  onion  juice ;  thicken  with  one  table- 
spoonful  of  CAPITOLA  flour  which  has  been  rubbed 
smooth  with  a  little  cold  water.  Add  half  teaspoonful  of 
soda  to  prevent  curdling.  Let  one  quart  of  milk  reach  boil- 
ing point  and  mix  just  before  serving.  Chopped  parsley  im- 
proves flavor.  Mrs.  Will  Dunn. 

Vegetable  Soup. 

Over  a  large  soup  bone  or  soup  meat,  pour  two  gallons  of 
cold  water  and  boil  before  putting  in  the  vegetables.  Into 
this  add  one-half  head  of  finely-chopped  cabbage,  two  or 
three  turnips,  a  few  pods  of  okra,  two  large  white  potatoes 
cut  fine,  a  few  stalks  of  celery  and  some  parsley.  After  this 
has  boiled  three  or  four  hours  salt  to  taste  and  thicken 
with  a  heaping  teaspoonful  of  CAPITOLA  kour  rubbed 
smooth  with  water.  Some  might  prefer  it  strained,  while 
others  like  the  vegetables.  Mrs.  C.  G.  Lippold, 


"This  dish  is  too  good  for  any  but  anglers  and  very  honest 
men." — The  Complete  Angler. 

"Now  if  you  are  ready,  oysters  dear,  we  can  begin  to  feed." — 
The  Walrus  and  the  Carpenter. 

"Master,  I  marvel  how  the  fishes  live  in  the  sea?"  "Why,  as 
men  do  a-land ;  the  great  ones  eat  up  the  little  ones."— Pericles. 

To  cook  fish  properly  is  very  important,  as  no  food  per- 
haps is  so  insipid  if  carelessly  cooked.  It  must  be  well  done 
and  properly  salted.  A  good  rule  to  go  by  is  the  following: 
Allow  ten  minutes  to  the  first  pound  and  five  minutes  to 
each  additional  pound.  For  example:  If  you  have  a  fish 
weighing  five  pounds,  boil  it  thirty  minutes.  By  pulling  out 
a  fin  you  may  ascertain  whether  it  is  done  or  not.  If  it 
comes  out  easily  and  the  meat  is  opaque  white  the  fish  has 
boiled  long  enough.  Salt  fish,  if  possible,  several  hours 
before  cooking.  This  applies  to  both  baked  and  fried  fish. 
Heat  the  salt,  and  it  will  penerate  to  the  bone  more  read- 
ily.    Always  put  fish  on  to  cook  with  hot  water. 

To  Broal  Fish. 

Clean,  wash  and  wipe  dry.  Split  so  that  when  placed  flat 
the  backbone  will  be  in  the  middle,  or  take  the  bone  out. 
Sprinkle  with  salt  and  aly  inside  down  upon  a  buttered 
broiler  over  a  clean  fire  until  it  is  nicely  colored.  Then 
turn.  When  done  put  upon  a  hot  dish,  butter  plentifully 
and  pepper.    Put  a  hot  cover  over  it  and  send  to  table. 

Crab  Stew. 

One  dozen  hard-shelled  crabs  (boiled),  three  pints  milk, 
one  tablespoon  butter,  half  tablespoon  thyme,  one  table- 
spoon Worcestershire  sauce,  one  tablespoon  Durkee's  salad 
dressing,  salt  and  pepper  to  taste. 

Directions :  Put  milk  in  stew  pan  on  stove  and  add  but- 
ter. Put  thyme,  sewed  or  tied,  in  cloth  or  sack,  in  milk. 
Put  in  a  cup  the  Worcestershire  sauce  and  Durkee's  dress- 
ing, and  fill  cup  quickly  with  milk,  stirring  it  rapidly,  and 
then  pour  it  over  the  crab  meat.  Then  put  meat  in  stew 
pan  with  milk  when  boiling,  but  be  sure  there  is  no  shell 
or  dark  piece  of  crab  meat.  Stir  well,  and  when  it  again 
comes  to  a  boil  have  the  yolk  of  eggs  mixed  with  a  little 
CAPITOLA  flour  and  a  little  milk  ready.  Pour  this  into 
the  stew  pan  with  crab  meat,  etc.,  and  stir  rapidly  for  a  few 
minutes.  Take  out  bag  of  thyme  before  serving,  and  season 
with  salt  and  pepper  to  taste.  Park  Woodward. 


A  Fine  Line  of  BATH  ROOM  FIXTURES.  King  Hardware 
Co.,  53  Peachtree  Street. 

Deviled  Crabs. 

Boil  12  hard  crabs,  remove  meat  and  mince.  To  2  ounces 
cracker  crumbs,  add  2  hard  boiled  eggs  chopped  fine,  1  tea- 
spoon tuobasco,  1  tablespoon  Worcestcrsliire  sauce,  1  small 
pod  red  pepper,  a  little  chopped  parsley  and  onion,  salt, 
juice  2  lemons,  and  butter  size  of  an  egg;  make  moist  and 
rich  with  cream  and  2  well  beaten  eggs.  Fill  the  cleaned 
crab  shells  with  mixture,  put  crumbs  over  top,  brown  in 
hot  oven.  Louise  Spalding  Foster. 

Broiled  Finnan  Haddie. 
Wash  and  wipe  fish,  lay  in  dripping  pan,  flesh  side  down 
cover  with  cold  water  and  stand  one  hour.  Drain,  cover 
with  boiling  water,  let  stand  15  minutes,  drain  and  wipe 
dry.  Brush  over  with  soft  butter  and  broil  15  minutes  over 
a  silow  fire  and  spread  generously  with  Maitre  d'Hotel  but- 
ter. Mrs.  John  Hagan. 

Fish  Sauce  No.  1. 

Use  bastings  left  from  baking  fish  and  add  to  it  the  juice 
of  half  of  a  lemon,  two  tablespoonfuls  of  tomato  catsup, 
one  tablespoonful  of  Worcestershire  sauce,  dash  of  tobasco 
sauce  and  a  bit  of  chopped  parsley.      Mrs.  C.  L.  DeFoor. 

Fish  Sauce  No.  2. 

With  one-fourth  of  a  bottle  of  Durkee's  salad  dressing 
mix  one  tablespoonful  of  Worcestershire  sauce,  dash  of  to- 
basco sauce,  one  tablespoonful  of  vinegar  and  two  hard- 
boiled  eggs  chopped  fine.  Mrs.  B.  H.  Dunn. 

Green  Peppers  with  Salmon  Filiing. 

Flake  one  can  of  salmon,  add  one-fourth  of  a  teaspoonful 
of  salt,  2  tablespoonfuls  of  chipped  gherkins,  2  tablespoon- 
fuls of  chopped  olives,  2  tablespoonfuls  of  chopped  capers  ; 
remove  seeds,  membrane  and  stem  end  from  several  large 
peppers  and  soak  in  salt  water,  mix  gherkins,  olives,  ca- 
pers and  salt  with  salmon,  add  enough  mayonnaise  to  hold 
it  together,  cut  the  peppers  lengthwise,  fill  with  the  mix- 
ture,  garnish  and  serve.  Mrs.  W.  B.  Pope. 

Lobster  a  !a  Newburg. 
Either  fresh  or  canned  lobster  may  be  used.    To  one  can 
of  lobster  use  three  tablespoonfuls  of  butter,  salt  and  pep- 
per to  taste,  one-half  of  a  grated  nutmeg,  one  small  teacup- 
ful  of  best  Sherry,  2  tablespoonfuls  of  CAPITOLA  flour, 


O'CEDAR  MOPS  are  a  household  necessity.     King  Hard- 
ware Co.,  53  Peachtreo. 

yolks  of  2  eggs  and  1-  pint  of  sweet  milk  or  cream.  First 
make  a  cream  sauce  of  flour,  butter  and  cream,  j)our  sauce 
over  the  well-beaten  yolks  of  two  eggs,  add  other  ingre- 
dients, lobster  last.  Let  whole  heat  thoroughly  and  serve 
on  toast.  Mrs.  B.  H.  Dunn. 

Minced  Oysters. 

One  quart  of  oysters  cut  fine,  j4  pound  of  butter,  4  eggs 
well  beaten,  salt  and  red  pepper  totaste ;  a  little  onion  juice, 
34  teaspoon  nutmeg;  put  all  on  stove  and  when  it  gets  hot 
add  cracker  crumbs  to  thicken,  cook  until  thoroughly  heat- 
ed. Put  in  oyster  shells  or  Ramikins,  with  cracker  crumbs 
or  a  small  piece  of  butter  on  each,  and  bake  brown.  Serve 
very  hot.  Mrs.  D.  B.  Hamilton,  Rome,  Ga. 

Oyster  Omelet. 
One  cup  oyster,  1  tablespoon  butter,  1  tablespoon  CAPI- 
TOLA  flour,  ^^  teaspoon  salt,  3  eggs.  Cook  oysters  until 
plump,  drain  and  to  the  liquor  add  enough  milk  to  make  1 
cupful.  Melt  the  butter  in  a  saucepan,  add  flour,  salt  and 
a  sprinkle  of  pepper.  Stir  constantly,  adding  1  cup  of  liquor 
and  milk.  Add  to  this  the  eggs  well  beaten  separately. 
Turn  into  a  hot  buttered  omelet  pan,  cook  slowly.  When 
well  puft'ed  and  browned  underneath,  place  pan  where  it 
will  finish  cooking  on  top.  Spread  oysters  on  half  of  ome- 
let, fold,  turn  on  hot  platter,  and  garnish  with  parsley. 

Mrs.  C.  W.  Young. 

Oyster  Patties. 

Make  a  very  rich  puff  paste  and  bake  in  patty  pans,  bake 
smaller  patties  to  be  used  as  covers,  when  baked  turn  out 
on  a  large  platter  till  your  oyster  filling  is  ready.  Set  the 
oysters  on  to  boil  in  their  own  liquor,  add  a  piece  of  butter 
and  a  little  cream,  beat  the  yolks  of  two  eggs  with  a  little 
salt  and  pepper,  remove  the  oysters  from  ihe  fire,  stir  in  the 
beaten  egg,  bake  about  five  minu,tes,  se^^e  hot.  Boil  and 
skim  the  liquor  before  putting  in  the  Oysters, 

Mrs.  William  Worth  Martin. 

Croquettes  of  Oyster^ 

Put  in  a  stew  pan  two  qiTas;ts  of  Qysters  with  a  little 
broth  pepper,  ground  mtace  aud  two  ounces  of  butter ;  boil 

POLISH  (lOe). 


IDEAL  FIRELESS  COOKERS  are  a  modem  necessity. 
King  Hardware  Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

two  minutes,  drain  on  a  sieve,  let  cool  a  little  and  save  the 
liquor ;  then  slice  (not  chop)  the  oysters ;  make  a  white 
roux  with  two  ounces  of  butter,  a  tablespoon  of  chopped 
shallots,  and  an  ounce  of  flour,  diluted  with  half  a  pint  of 
the  oyster  liquor ;  stir  and  boil  five  minutes.  Add  four 
egg  yolks,  a  little  red  pepper,  the  sliced  oysters,  and  chop- 
ped parsley,  stir  constantly  and  boil  three  minutes  longer, 
and  then  turn  into  a  basin  to  cool,  spread  pulverized  crack- 
ers on  the  table,  divide  the  preparation  into  pieces  the  size 
of  an  egg,  roll  in  crackers  and  with  the  blade  of  a  knife 
give  them  a  rectangular  shape,  making  them  an  inch  thick. 
Dip  in  beaten  eggs,  roll  in  crackers  again  and  fry  brown 
in  plenty  of  clear,  hot  lard.  Dish  up  on  a  folded  napkin, 
garnish  with  fried  parsley  and  quartered  lemons. 

Mrs.  Haralson  Bleckley. 

Oysters  Stuffed  with  Mushrooms. 

For  two  dozen  large  oysters  use  3^  cup  finely  chopped 
mushrooms,  1  tablespoon  bread  crumbs,  4  tablespoons 
sweet  milk,  1  tablespoon  each  butter  and  lemon  juice,  white 
1  ^SS>  V^  teaspoon  salt,  a  tiny  pinch  of  pepper.  Simmer 
bread  crumbs  and  milk  together  very  gently  for  ten  min- 
utes, add  mushrooms  and  butter,  remove  as  soon  as  it  bub- 
bles, and  stir  in  the  beaten  white,  lemon  juice  and  season- 
ing; let  cool.  Wipe  oysters  dry;  sprinkle  with  salt  and 
pepper,  roll  in  cracker  crumbs,  and  spread  the  stufifing  upon 
12  of  them.  Lay  the  other  12  upon  these,  press  carefully 
together,  skewer  with  wooden  s.ticks,  dip  into  beaten  egg, 
roll  in  salted  and  peppered  cracker  crumbs,  lay  in  frying 
basket  and  cook  a  rich  brown  in  boiling  COTTOLENE. 

Mrs.  W.  B,  Pope. 

Salmon  Croquettes. 

One  can  of  salmon,  one  cup  of  cream  or  milk,  one  cup 
mashed  potatoes,  two  tablespoons  butter,  one  tablespoon 
CAPITOLA  flour,  three  eggs,  one  pint  of  crumbs,  pepper 
and  salt  to  taste,  chop  salmon  fine,  mix  flour  and  butter 
well  together.  After  cream  comes  to  a  boil  add  butter 
and  flour  and  boil  for  a  moment ;  then  add  salmon,  potato, 
pepper  and  salt ;  into  this  mixture  stir  two  or  three  eggs 
well  beaten".    When  cold  shape  into  croquettes  and  fry. 

Mrs.  V.  E.  Ferryman. 


HOUSEHOLD  PAINT  in  all  colors.    King  Hardware  Co., 
53  Peachtree  St. 

Planked   Shad. 

Heat  plank  while  preparing  fish ;  split  down  back,  re- 
move back  bone,  lay  it  down,  skin  side  on  board,  sprinkle 
with  pepper  and  salt  and  cover  it  with  butter.  Bake  for  30 
minutes,  remove  from  oven,  place  upon  platter,  garnish 
with   parsley. 

Airs.  Henry  C.  Bagley. 

Charleston  Shrimp  Pie. 

Cover  bottom  of  baking  dish  with  stale  bread  crumbs, 
put  over  them  bits  of  butter,  then  a  layer  of  shrimps,  a 
layer  of  crumbs,  butter,  etc.,  until  dish  is  full.  Melt  heap- 
ing teaspoon  of  butter,  stir  into  it  1  heaping  teaspoon 
CAPITOLxA.  flour,  and  into  this  stir  slowly  1  cup  hot  water. 
Let  come  to  boil,  season  wuth  salt,  pepper  and  plenty  of 
butter,  pour  over  mixture  in  dish,  put  in  oven,  bake  'till 
brown.     Fresh  shrimp  are  best. 

Mrs.  J.   P.  Lawton. 

When  to  Eat  the  Var'ous  K:nds  of  Fish. 

Fresh  salmon  is  best  in  May.  Pickerel  and  black  bass 
from  September  to  January.  Pike  is  best  from  January 
to  April.  Carp  from  October  until  April.  Shad  from 
March  until  May.  Trout  all  the  year  round.  Lobster  from 
May  until  September,  and  oysters  from  September  until 

POLISH  (10c). 


Here  is  bread  which  strengthens  man's  heart,  and  is  therefore 
called  the  stafif  of  life. — Henry. 

The  three  important  requisites  to  the  making  of  good 
bread  are :  Good  flour,  good  fresh  yeast  and  strength  and 
endurance  to  knead  or  work  it  well.  No  book  can  alone 
teach  the  art.  Experience  is  the  school  from  which  we 
must  gain  our  best  knowledge.  First  of  all  we  must  have 
good  flour.  Good  flour  adheres  to  the  hand,  and  is  of  a 
creamy  tint,  bad  flour  has  a  dingy  blue  tint  and  will  not 
adhere  to  the  hand.  When  bread  is  set  to  rise  cover  tight- 
ly, set  in  a  warm  place  in  winter.  When  it  is  worked  for 
the  last  time  allow  it  to  rise  to  its  full  capacity,  so  as 
to  avoid  cracked,  split  and  broken  loaves.  The  oven  for 
baking  bread  should  be  rather  quick  and  the  heat  reg- 
ular, in  order  to  penetrate  the  dough  without  causing  the 
outside  to  get  hard.  The  oven  door  should  be  kept  closed 
until  the  dough  becomes  firm,  as  the  cool  air  is  very  in- 
jurious to  bread.  As  soon  as  the  bread  is  well  soaked  take 
from  the  pan  and  put  where  the  air  can  pass  around  it. 
If  you  like  the  crust  crisp  do  not  cover  the  bread.  If  a 
soft  crust  is  preferred  wrap  the  loaves  in  a  thick  cloth 
while  hot.  If  bread  is  cut  while  warm  a  hot  knife  must 
be  used.  Let  all  loaves  be  thoroughly  soaked ;  to  tell 
when  they  are  done  run  a  skewer  into  the  center.  If  it 
comes  out  free  from  dough  the  bread  is  done.  Bread 
should  bake  an  hour  if  the  loaves  are  large. 

Brown  Bread. 

Two  cups  yellow  cornmeal,  1  pint  milk,  ^  teaspoon  salt, 

1  cup  rye  meal,  ^  cup  molasses,  2  teaspoons  baking  pow- 
der, 1  egg,  mix  all  dry  ingredients,  add  molasses,  egg  and 
milk  to  form  a  batter,  pour  into  a  well-greased  mould  hav- 
ing a  tight-fitting  cover  and  steam  four  hours. 

Msr.  E.  M  .Yow. 

Boston   Brown   Bread. 

Two  small  cups  cornmeal,  2  cups  unsifted  Graham  flour, 

2  cups  sweet  milk,  3/2  cup  water,  1  cup  molasses,  1  level 
teaspoon  soda,  1  teaspoon  yeast  powder,  }^  teaspoon  salt, 
mix  well,  putting  soda  in  last,  after  dissolving  it  in  milk 
or  water.  Pour  into  a  five-pound  pail  and  after  covering 
tightly  set  into  a  pan  of  water,  also  covered,  and  boil  four 
hours.    Take  care  that  the  water  does  not  boil  fow.    Grease 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER— It  stands  the  test  on  hot  cakes. 

the    pail    inside,    having    the    bottom    covered    with    well- 
greased  paper  to  keep  loaf  from  sticking. 

Mrs.  Carlton   Miller. 

Soft  Egg  Bread. 

One  quart  milk,  1/2  pint  meal,  1  teacup  boiled  rice,  1 
heaping  spoon  butter,  3  eggs  beaten  light.  Bake  in  deep 

Mrs.  J.  Powers   Pace. 

Excellent  Com   Bread. 

Two  cups  meal,  1  cup  sweet  milk,  2  eggs,  1  heaping  table- 
spoon CAPITOLA  flour,  1  heaping  teaspoon  lard,  little 
salt,  and  2  teaspoons  baking  powder. 

Mrs.  Hattie  Sims. 

Virginia  Com  Bread. 

One  pint  cornmeal,  10  eggs,  1  teaspoon  baking  powder, 
1  cooking  spoon  of  lard,  whip  the  eggs  lightly,  add  the 
meal,  lard,  salt  and  baking  powder,  then  a  pint  of  boiling 
hot  water,  stirring  constantly.  Bake  immediately  in  a  hot 

Mrs.  Spencer  R.  Atkinson. 

Graham  Bread. 

Set  the  sponge  to  rise  over  night,  using  milk  instead  of 
water,  and  adding  for  every  3  quarts  CAPITOLA  flour  a 
cup  of  molasses.  In  the  morning  add  a  little  salt  and 
enough  flour  to  make  a  dough  just  thick  enough  not  to  be 
moulded.  Put  in  baking  tins  to  rise,  and  when  light  bake 
in  a  moderate  oven.  Do  not  mould  at  all.  Graham  bread 
should  be  made  soft.  Moulding  spoils  the  bread,  making 
it  hard,  dry  and  chippy. 

Mrs.  E.  H.  Carroll. 

Nut  Bread. 

Two  cups  Graham  flour,  2  cups  white  CAPITOLA  flour, 
1  egg,  1/^  cups  sweet  milk  1  cup  brown  sugar  4  teaspoons 
baking  powder,  1  teaspoon  salt,  1  cup  nuts.  Let  stand  20 
minutes  and  bake  1  hour. 

Mrs.  Mary  Reed. 

Salt-Rising  Bread. 

Scald  ^  cup  of  meal  with  ^  cup  of  milk,  cover  and  let 
stand  in  a  warm  place  over  night.     Next  morning  add  1 


Use  BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  in  your  cakes. 

pint  of  warm  water,  salt  and  light  5^2  teaspoon  of  soda, 
CAPITOLA  flour  enough  to  make  a  stifif  batter,  also  1 
tablespoon  of  lard.  Put  in  a  warm  place  to  rise,  then 
make  into  pones  and  when  they  have  risen  bake  in  a 
moderate  oven. 

Mrs.  George  McCarty. 

Steamed  Bread.  No.  L 
Two  cups  sweet  milk,  1  cup  sour  milk,  y^  cup  molasses, 
salt,    teaspoon   soda ;    3   cups    cornmeal,    1    of   CAPITOLA 
flour,  1  t^^,  a  little  shortening — steam  3  hours. 

Miss  Mae  Terrell. 

Steamed  Bread.  No.  2. 
One   cup   meal,    1^   cups   CAPITOLA  flour,    1    cup   mo- 
lasses, 1  cup  buttermilk,  1  ^^%,  1  teaspoon  soda,  1  of  salt. 
The  flour  should  be  sifted  before  it  is  measured.     Steam 
from  3  to  4  hours. 

Mrs.  W.  C.  Mansfield. 

Thomas  Bread. 
One  tumbler  sweet  milk,  2  eggs  well  beaten,  salt  to  taste, 
2  teaspoons   melted   butter,   2   teaspoons   sugar,   a   dessert 
spoon  of  yeast  powder,  CAPITOLA  flour  to  make  a  stiii 

Miss  Mary  Robarts,  Marietta,  Ga. 

Beaten  Biscuit.  No.  \. 

One  quart  of  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  tablespoon  of  lard,  -ut- 
ter the  size  of  a  walnut,  a  very  small  pinch  of  soda,  1  cup 
sweet  milk,  a  pinch  of  salt.     Beat  till  dough  blisters. 

Mrs.  W.  A.  Hemphill. 

Beaten  Biscuit.  No.  2. 

Sift  a  teaspoon  salt  into  1  pound  CAPITOLA  tlour,  Yi, 
pound  lard,  use  ^  water  and  milk,  to  make  stiff  dough, 
beat  until  it  blisters. 

Mrs.  Arnold  Broyles. 

Buttermilk  Biscuits. 

One  quart  CAPITOLA  flour,  2  teaspoons  yeast  powder, 
1  tablespoon  lard,  Yz  tablespoon  salt,  Ya  tablespoon  soda,  1 
tablespoon  sugar,  enough  buttermilk  to  make  stifif  dough. 
Knead  well,  roll  ^  inch  thick,  cut  out,  bake  in  quick  oven. 

Mrs.  T.  O.  Headen. 


USE  BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  in  your  desserts. 

Cracker  Biscuit. 

To  each  quart  CAPITOLA  flour  use  a  heaping  tablespoon 
lard,  1  even  tablespoon  baking  powder  and  sufficient  milk 
or  water  to  make  stiff  dough.  Beat  with  an  iron  beater 
until  the  dough  is  soft  and  blisters.  After  rolling  doughy 
inch  in  thickness  cut  the  biscuit  the  desired  size  and  prick 
with  a  fork.  Bake  in  a  quick  oven.  The  dough  should  be 
beaten  until  it  is  perfectly  smooth. 

Mrs.  Nesbitt,  Marietta,  Ga. 

Sour  Cream  Biscuit. 

Sift  1  teaspoon  salt  and  1  of  soda  with  1  quart  CAPI- 
TOLA flour,  1  pint  of  sour  cream,  beat  an  egg  and  add  to 
the  cream,  mix,  roll,  cut  and  bake  as  quickly  as  possible. 

Mrs.  L.  N.  Brown. 

Sweet  Potato  Biscuit. 

One  pint  mashed  potato,  2  tablespoons  sugar,  2  table- 
spoons milk,  a  tablespoon  lard,  Yz  teaspoon  soda,  CAPI- 
TOLA flour  sufficient  to  make  a  soft  dough. 

Mrs.  Robert  Daniel. 


Three  eggs,  1  quart  CAPITOLA  flour,  2  teaspoons  bak- 
ing powder,  1  teaspoon  soda,  satl,  tablespoon  each  of  butter 
and  lard,  buttermilk  to  make  a  thick  batter. 

Mrs.  D.  H.  Bickers. 

Cream  Muffins. 

One  pint  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  pint  cream,  3  eggs  beaten 
separately,  small  quantity  of  salt.     Bake  in  quick  oven. 
^  Mrs.  N.  A.  Brown. 

Wheaten  Muffins. 

One  pint  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  pint  sweet  milk,  5  eggs 
beaten  separately,  1  large  tablespoon  lard,  a  pinch  of  salt, 
stir  in  whites  of  eggs  last,  bake  in  hot  tins. 

Mrs.  J.  M.  Crawford. 


One  Fleischman  yeast  cake,  1  cup  mashed  Irish  potatoes, 
1  cup  water  from  boiled  potatoes,  1  cup  sugar,  1  tablespoon 

POLISH  (10c). 

BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER— It  stands  the  test  on  hot  cakes. 

salt.  To  mix  dissolve  yeast  cake  in  3^  cup  tepid  water, 
mix  all  ingredients  together,  set  in  warm  place  for  24  hours, 
afterwards  put  in  a  jar  and  set  in  refrigerator.  To  make 
rolls:  To  1  quart  of  CAPITOLA  flour  add  1  cup  of  the 
yeast  mixture,  a  medium  sized  boiled  mashed  Irish  potato, 
1  tablespoon  each  lard  and  sugar  and  1  teaspoon  salt.  If 
dough  is  not  sufficienth^  soft,  add  a  little  of  the  potato 
water.  Roll  out  thin,  cut  in  any  desired  shape,  let  stand 
3  hours  before  baking. 

Mrs.   Sam'l   Lumpkin. 

Light  Rolls. 

(Level  measurements.) 

Flour,  23^  to  3  cups;  fat  (lard  or  butter),  3  tablespoons; 
Fleischman's  yeast,  3^  cake ;  salt,  1  teaspoon ;  sugar,  1  table- 
spoon ;  lukewarm  water,  ^  cup ;  sweet  milk,  ^     cup. 

1.  Dissolve  yeast  in  lukewarm  water.  2.  Sift  2]/^  cups 
CAPITOLA  flour  (once  sifted)  into  mixing  bowl.  3.  Add 
fat  to  flour,  cutting  it  in,  until  the  mixture  looks  like  meal. 
4.  Measure  salt  and  sugar.  Add  milk,  then  add  yeast,  dis- 
solved. 5.  Add  all  this  liquid  to  flour  mixture,  and  more 
flour,  if  necessary,  to  make  a  soft  dough.  6.  Knead  until 
smooth ;  put  into  a  greased  bowl,  and  let  stand  until  it  dou- 
bles its  bulk  (3  hours)  in  a  warm  place  (80  deg.  F.  or  over). 
8.  Knead  a  second  time,  make  into  rolls  and  let  stand  until 
they  double  in  bulk  again.     9.  Bake  in  hot  oven. 

Mrs.  J.  Y.  Carutbers. 

Parkerhosise  Rolls. 

Three  pints  sifted  CAPITOLA  flour,  2  level  tablespoons 
lard,  2  level  teaspoons  salt,  2  level  teaspoons  sugar,  1  pint 
sweet  milk,  2  cakes  Fleischman's  yeast.  Dissolve  the  yeast 
in  warm  (but  not  hot)  milk ;  mix  flour,  lard,  sugar  and  salt 
together,  add  the  milk  and  yeast.  Set  to  rise  in  warm  place 
for  an  hour  and  a  quarter.  Make  into  rolls,  and  when  risen 
(about  three-quarters  of  an  hour),  bake.  Grease  rolls  with 
melted  buter.  Mrs.  Banks  Williamsorv 

Sweet  Rolls. 

Make  a  rich  biscuit  dough  of  CAPITOLA  flour,  spread 
with  butter  and  sprinkle  with  sugar.  Roll  and  cut  an  inch 
thick,  and  lay  flat  in  the  biscuit  pan.     Bake  quickly. 

Mrs.  Hugh  Inman. 

BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER— It  stands  the  test  on  hot  cakes. 

Tea  Rolls. 

Three  teaspoons  baking  powder,  1  good  teaspoon  sug- 
ar, 1  light  teaspoon  of  salt,  1  egg,  1  cup  (more  or  less)  of 
sweet  milk ;  mix  CAPITOLA  flour,  salt,  baking  powders  as 
for  biscuit  dough.  Stir  sugar  into  beaten  egg,  then  pour 
into  flour  using  milk  enough  to  make  into  soft  dough.  Cut 
with  largest  biscuit  cutter,  grease  with  butter  and  fold  over, 
and  brush  all  with  butter  and  bake.  Three  cups  of  flour  for 
this  quantity  is  usually  enough. 

Mrs.  Edmund  Martin. 


One  cup  sugar,  1  heaping  tablespoon  lard,  2  eggs,  2  cups 
CAPITOLA  flour,  2  teaspoons  baking  powder,  1  cup  sweet 
milk,  y2  teaspoon  salt.  Mix  as  for  cake  and  bake  in  slow 
oven.  Mrs.  R.  C.  Cheatham. 

Waffles  No.  L 

Four  eggs  beaten  separately,  one  quart  milk,  a  piece  of 
buter  size  of  an  egg,  melted ;  three  teaspoons  baking  pow- 
der, a  little  salt  and  CAPITOLA  flour  enough  to  make  a 
good  batter.  Mrs.  Stephen  Hook. 

Waffles  No.  2. 

Three  pints  of  CAPITOLA  flour,  three  eggs  well  beaten 
(separately),  salt  to  taste,  one  tablespoon  lard,  two  tea- 
spoons cream  of  tartar,  one  of  soda ;  mix  with  sweet  milk^ 
and  bake  with  quick  heat.  Mrs.  Tom  Austin. 

Charleston  Waffles. 

One  heaping  cup  cold  hominy,  1  heaping  cup  CAPITOI-# 
flour,  1  large  spoon  lard,  salt,  1  pint  buttermilk.  Mash  Iipm- 
iny  fine,  melt  lard  and  mix  thoroughly  with  hominy;  add 
salt  to  taste,  disolve  soda  in  three  large  spoons  boiling  wa*"- 
ter  ,and  beat  same  into  the  butermilk,  add  to  the  homtcty 
lard,  slowdy  stirring  all  the  time  until  smooth  ;  last,  stir  hf 
flour  when  sifted  and  beat  until. free  from  all  lumps.  Ba^ 
in  hot  wafifle  irons.  Mrs.  J.  P.  Lawtoa, 

Charleston,  S*  C'. 

Waffles  Without  Eggs. 

1^4  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  1>4  cups  buttermilk,  Y^  mp 
coid  water,  salt  to  taste,  1  teaspoon  soda.  Make  a  smoCJt^ 
paste  of  the  flour  and  milk.    Dissolve  soda  in  the  water  and 


Use  BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  in  your  cakes. 

add  to  the  paste.  If  it  appears  too  thick,  add  a  little  cold 
water  to  thin  it,  the  thinner  the  batter,  the  lighter  the  waf- 
fles. Have  irons  smoking  hot  on  both  sides.  No  waffles 
surpass  these.  Mrs.  P.  F.  Manson. 

Rice  Waffles. 

One  cup  of  rice  boiled  tender  and  beaten  into  one  quart 
sifted  CAPITOLA  flour,  three  eggs  well  beaten  and  stirred 
in  the  above,  one  small  teaspoon  of  soda,  a  teaspoon  salt. 
Mix  into  a  batter,  using  buttermilk.  Bake  quickly.  Butter 
and  serve  hot.  Mrs.  Charles  Fort. 


Three  eggs  well  beaten,  one  pint  sweet  milk,  a  pinch  of 
salt,  a  tablespoon  baking  powder,  half  cup  lard  or  butter, 
CAPITOLA  flour  enough  to  make  the  consistency  of  pound 
cake  batter ;  bake  in  greased  pie  pans  and  cut  in  eight 
pieces.  You  can  use  sour  milk  and  a  scant  teaspoonful  of 
soda.  This  batter  is  unsurpassed  for  waffles,  muffins  or 
battercakes.  Mrs.  Stewart,  Marietta,  Ga. 

Graham  Gems. 

Two  cups  Graham  flour,  three  tablespoons  CAPITOLA 
flour,  134  cups  water,  two  teaspoons  sugar,  the  same  of  bik- 
ing powder,  mix  well  together  and  bake  in  well  greased 
gem  pans  in  a  hot  oven.  Mrs.  N.  A.  Brown. 

Mennonite  Toast. 

Beat  three  eggs  well,  add  a  pint  sweet  milk  and  a  pinch 
of  salt,  cut  slices  an  inch  thick  from  a  loaf  of  baker's  bread, 
remove  crust,  dip  slices  into  the  egg  and  milk,  fry  like 
doughnuts  in  very  hot  COTTOLENE  till  a  delicate  brown, 
butter  and  serve  with  powdered  sugar.     Serve  hot. 

Mrs.  J.  P.  Rea,  Lancaster,  Pa. 


Mix  the  following  ingredients  with  warm  water;  2  eggs, 
2  teaspoons  of  sugar,  one  of  salt,  a  piece  of  lard  size  of  an 
egg,  three  tablespoons  of  yeast,  one  quart  CAPITOLA 
flpur.  When  light,  roll  out  the  dough  in  strips  about  the 
length  and  width  of  your  hand,  spread  with  buter  and  roll 
in  the  form  of  a  pocketbook.  Place  in  tins  well  buttered, 
as  soon  as  light  and  bake  a  pretty  brown. 

Mrs.  Louisa  N.  Brown. 

.^__^ 23 

BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER,  the  best  spread  for  braed. 


One  cup  CAPITOLA  flour,  one  cup  sweet  milk,  one  egg-, 
one  tablespoon  lard,  one  teaspoon  salt ;  whip  egg  and  melted 
lard  together,  add  salt,  then  flour,  one-half  cup  milk,  and 
beat  about  five  minutes  ;  then  add  other  half  cup  milk,  mix 
well,  bake  in  moderately  hot  oven.  This  quantity  makes 
six  mufliins.  Miss  Carrie  Collin. 

Egg  Pop-Overs. 
Three  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  3  cups  sweet  milk,  3  eggs — 
beat  eggs  tw^enty  minutes — add  milk  and  flour.     Bake  in 
cups.  Mrs.  Lucy  Farris. 

Delicious  Puffs. 

One  pint  sweet  milk,  2  eggs  beaten  separately  until  very 
light,  one  pinch  salt,  ^  of  a  pint  of  CAPITOLA  flour.  Add 
whites  of  eggs  just  before  baking,  and  bake  c[uickly. 

Mrs.  Annie  E.  Morris. 

Quick  Sally  Lunn. 
One  cup  sugar,  half  cup  butter,  stir  well  together  and 
then  add  two  eggs,  put  in  one  good  pint  sweet  milk  and 
CAPITOLA  flour  enough  to  make  a  batter  almost  as  stiff 
as  cake ;  add  three  teaspoons  baking  powder,  bake  and  eat 
Avhile  hot,  with  butter.  Mrs.  R.  G.  Dunwody. 

One  cup  of  sifted  CAPITOLA  flour,  one-half  cup  of  cold 
water,  2  eggs,  1  tablespoon  of  melted  buter  (measured  be- 
fore melted),  a  little  salt.  Beat  yolks,  put  in  water  and  but- 
ter, pour  this  in  flour.  Beat  well,  add  beaten  whites  last. 
If  they  blister  the  lard  is  too  hot,  if  not  crisp  lard  is  not  hot 
enough,  or  there  is  too  much  flour  used.  Add  a  tiny  bit  of 
water  if  too  stiff.  Wipe  off  iron  often  with  soft  paper.  Keep 
iron  hot.  Mrs.  Wm.  J.  Northen. 


Take  two  eggs,  beat  without  separating,  as  light  as  possi- 
ble, add  a  teaspoon  of  salt  and  wet  up  as  much  CAPITOLA 
flour  as  will  roll — they  should  be  quite  stiff — take  small  bits 
of  dough,  not  larger  than  a  teaspoon  bowl,  roll  them  in  the 
hand  till  quite  round,  then  roll  as  thin  as  possible  and  fry 
in  sweet  lard.  Mrs.  R.  F.  Nesbitt. 

POLISH  (10c). 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER,  the  standard  of  purity. 

Plain  Wafers. 

One  pint  milk,  one  teaspoon  salt,  two  large  spoons  of  but- 
ter and  CAPITOLA  flour  enough  for  a  very  thin  bater. 
Bake  thoroughly.  Mrs.  W.  W.  Landrum. 

Sweet  Wafers. 

Five  eggs  (not  beaten),  5  tablespoons  buter,  1  cup  sugar, 
two  heaping  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  cook  in  moderately  hot 
irons  and  roll  very  quickly.  Mrs.  J.  C.  Greenfield. 

Wheat  Drop  Cakes. 

One  pint  cream,  5  eggs  well  beaten,  a  pinch  of  salt,  CAPI- 
TOLA flour  enough  for  a  thin  batter,  bake  in  gem  cups, 
buttered,  and  in  a  hot  oven  fifteen  minutes. 

Mrs.  H.  L.  Cobbs. 

Baking  Powder. 

One  pound  of  cream  of  tartar,  ^  pound  of  soda  and  ^ 
pound  of  CAPITOLA  flour,  sift  four  times,  as  the  ingre- 
dients must  be  well  mixed.  Mrs.  D.  M.  Dunwody. 


"Upon  what  meat  doth  this  one  Caesar  feed,  that  he  has 
grown  so  great?" 

"There's  no  want  of  meats,  sir;  portly  and  curious  viands 
are  prepared  to  please  all  kinds  of  appetites. — Messenger. 

It  is  very  essential  that  we  understand  how  to  select 
meat.  Beef  should  be  a  bright  red  in  color,  fine  grained 
and  smooth,  and  when  pinched  with  fingers  should  be  ten- 
der. The  choicest  pieces  for  roasting  are  the  sirloin  and 
middle  ribs. 

Veal  must  be  firm  and  dry,  fine  grained  and  delicate  pink 
in  color. 

Mutton  is  good  when  the  flesh  is  dark  red  in  color,  close 
grained,  firm  and  juicy,  the  fat  firm  and  white. 

Pork:  If  young  the  lean  will  break  when  mashed  with 
fingers,  if  the  rind  is  rough  and  hard  it  is  old.  This  meat  is 
more  liable  to  disease  than  any  other  animal  meat.  The 
person  doing  the  marketing  should  be  particular  to  buy 
from  reliable  butchers  and  some  one  known  to  purchaser. 
If  the  meat  is  clammy  the  pork  is  bad.  If  the  fat  has  ker- 
nels in  it  the  pig  has  been  measly.  If  the  flesh  is  very  red 
it  signifies  scarlet  fever.  Pork  is  the  driest  and  fattest  of 

Venison  must  be  fat,  else  it  is  unfit  for  use. 

The  success  of  roasting  depends  on  the  heat  of  the  fire. 
Meat  placed  in  a  cool  oven  loses  its  juices  and  the  result  is 
a  tough,  tasteless  roast;  whereas  if  the  oven  is  hot  the 
pores  of  the  meat  are  immediately  closed  and  the  juices  re- 
tained. The  oven  should  be  hottest  when  the  meat  is  first 
put  in,  so  that  the  surface  will  be  quickly  crisped.  When 
the  oven  is  too  hot  to  hold  the  hand  in  a  moment,  it  is  then 
ready  for  the  meat.  The  time  required  for  roasting  will 
vary  according  to  thickness  of  roast,  about  fifteen  or  twen- 
ty minutes  allowed  to  pound.  In  preparing  a  roast  it  should 
first  be  washed  in  pure  water,  then  thoroughly  dried  with  a 
clean  towel,  placed  in  a  baking  pan  without  any  seasoning ; 
lay  some  pieces  of  suet  or  cold  dripping  under  it,  but  no 
water  should  be  put  in  the  pan,  for  this  has  a  tendency  to 
soften  the  outside  of  the  meat,  the  steam  preventing  the 
crispness  so  desirable.  It  should  be  frequently  basted  with 
its  own  drippings  and  seasoned  when  partly  cooked. 

In  cooking  lamb,  pork  and  veal  the  fire  should  be  slower 
and  the  meat  cooked  until  it  leaves  the  bone  and  is  nicely 
browned  without  burning.    An -onion  sliced  on  top  of  roast 


TOLEDO  STEAM  COOKERS  cook  a  whole  meal  over  one 
gas  flame.     King  Hardware  Co. 

gives  a  nice  flavor,  especially  to  pork,  the  onion  being  re- 
moved before  serving. 

Drawing  pieces  of  fat  pork  through  the  upper  surface  of 
meat  is  called  larding  and  is  done  with  a  larding  needle, 
which  can  be  procured  from  house  furnishing  stores. 

Stewing  meat  should  be  put  in  boiling  water,  closely 
covered  and  slowly  boiled.     When  tender  season. 

Salt  meats  must  be  covered  with  cold  water  and  slowly 
boiled,  requiring  about  thirty  minutes  to  the  pound  after 
boiling  has  commenced.  If  very  salty  it  should  be  soaked 
over  night  or,  pour  off  first  boiling  water  and  place  in  sec- 
ond boiling  water.  After  the  boiling  starts  the  pot  should 
never  stop  simmering. 

When  meats  are  found  frozen,  if  thawed  by  placing  in 
warm  water  or  before  the  fire,  it  will  certainly  spoil  them 
and  render  them  unfit  for  use.  The  only  way  to  thaw  is 
by  putting  them  in  cold  water.  This  should  be  done  in  time 
to  have  them  well  thawed  before  cooking. 

Roast  Beef. 

Remember,  the  chief  point  in  roasting  beef  is  to  have  the 
oven  well  heated  when  meat  is  first  put  in.  This  prevents 
the  escape  of  the  juices.  Take  a  rib  piece  or  loin  roast  of 
seven  pounds  or  eight,  wipe  it  thoroughly  all  over  with  a 
clean  wet  cloth,  lay  in  baking  pan,  and  baste  well  with  but- 
ter or  suet  fat.  Set  in  oven.  Baste  frequently  with  its 
own  drippings,  which  will  make  it  brown  and  tender.  When 
partly  done,  season  with  salt  and  pepper,  as  it  hardens  any 
meat  to  salt  it  when  raw  and  draws  out  its  juices  ;  then 
dredge  with  sifted  flour  to  give  it  a  frothy  appearance.  It 
will  take  a  roast  of  this  size  about  two  hours'  time  to  be 
properly  done,  leaving  the  inside  a  little  rare  or  red — half 
an  hour  less  would  make  the  inside  quite  rare.  Remove  the 
beef  to  a  heated  dish,  set  where  it  will  keep  hot ;  then  skim 
the  drippings  from  all  the  fat,  add  a  tablespoonful  of  sifted 
CAPITOLA  flour,  a  little  pepper  and  a  teacupful  of  boiling 
water.  Boil  up  once  and  serve  hot  in  a  gravy  boat.  Some 
prefer  the  clear  gravy  without  the  thickening.  Serve  with 
mustard  or  grated  horseradish.  Mrs.  A.  H.  VanDyke. 

Baked  Hash. 

One  can  of  roast  beef  or  its  equal  in  cold  roast ;  one  cup 
boiled  potatoes,  chopped  fine ;  one-half  cup  cracker  crumbs, 
one-half  cup  butter,  onion  to  taste,  one-half  cup  water,  a 

. 27 

KING  BEE  OIL  COOK  STOVES  have  many  points  of  su- 
periority.     Ask  us  about  them.  King  Hardware  Co. 

little  salt  and  pepper.    Grease  pan  and  bake  until  brown. 

Mrs.  W.  P.  Anderson. 
Westminster,  S.  C. 

Barley  Beef. 

Take  four  or  six  pounds  of  the  round  of  the  beef,  put  in 
a  cooking  vessel  on  back  of  the  stove,  with  very  little  wa- 
ter; add  salt,  pepper,  cloves  and  allspice;  let  it  simmer  four 
or  five  hours  ;  serve  hot.  Mrs.  Harry  W.  Anderson. 

To  Cook  Round  Steak  So  It  Will  Be  Tender. 

Beat  into  the  steak  just  as  much  CAPITOLA  flour  as  it 
will  take  up,  put  into  a  hot  skillet  with  a  little  lard,  brown 
quickly  on  each  side,  then  fill  skillet  with  hot  water ;  season 
with  salt,  black  pepper  and  paprika  ;  cover  with  a  lid  and  let 
cook  over  a  very  slow  fire  for  at  least  two  hours. 

Mrs.  Banks  Williamson,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Hamburger  Steak. 

Is  made  of  round  steak,  chopped  extremely  fine  and  sea- 
soned with  salt  and  pepper.  You  may  grate  in  part  of  an 
onion  or  fry  with  onions.  For  invalids  scrape  the  steak  in- 
stead of  chopping.  Mrs.  George  Lewis. 

Swiss  Steak. 

Use  the  desired  amount  of  best  cut  round  steak,  not  less 
than  two  inches  thick.  Beat  into  this  1  cup  CAPITOLA 
flour  sifted  wuth  1  teaspoon  baking  powder.  Use  salt  and 
pepper  and  beat,  turning  from  side  to  side  until  all  flour  is 
used.  Have  saucepan  very  hot  with  a  little  fat  in  it :  In 
this  brov/n  steak  on  both  sides,  then  pour  in  boiling  water 
till  vessel  is  half  full.  Cover  close  and  let  simmer  for  two 
hours.  This  may  be  used  plain  or  with  onion,  tomato,  or 
pepper  sauce  added  when  served. 

Mrs.  C.  F.  Cator,  Quitman. 

Sauce  for  Broiled  Steak. 

1  can  tomatoes,  1  large  onion,  1  heaping  tablespoon  but- 
ter, 1  dozen  large  olives  (chopped),  1  cucumber  pickle,  1 
tablespoon  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  salt,  large  pinch 
cayenne.  Slice  onion,  fry  till  light  brown,  add  flour  and  let 
brown  slightly.  Add  tomatoes  which  have  been  boiled  and 
pressed  through  sieve.  Lastly  put  in  chopped  olives,  pickle, 
pepper  and  salt.     Serve  hot. 

Mrs.  W.  A.  Baker,  Grift'in,  Ga. 


ESTATE  and  VESTA  GAS  STOVES  use  very  little  fuel  for 
work  don.e    King  Hardware  Co. 

Roast  Leg  of  Lamb. 

Take  a  leg  of  lamb,  wipe  carefully,  roast  two  or  three 
hours  ;  season  and  serve  hot  with  the  following  mint  sauce : 

Two  tablespoonfuls  finely  chopped  mint  (green),  one  des- 
sert spoon  of  moist  sugar,  three  or  four  tablespoons  of  vin- 
egar. Put  the  mint  into  a  basin,  add  the  sugar  and  pour 
over  a  little  warm  water,  sufficient  to  dissolve  the  sugar; 
cover  and  let  cool,  then  add  the  vinegar ;  stir  well  and  pour 
over  a  little  warm  water,  sufficient  to  dissolve  the  sugar; 
cover  and  let  cool,  then  add  the  vinegar ;  stir  well  and  pour 
into  a  saucepan.  Mrs.  Edgar  Dunlap. 

Veal  Loaf. 

Three  pounds  of  veal,  3  eggs,  34  <^up  butter,  1  teaspoon 
black  pepper,  2  teaspoons  salt,  ^  pound  ham,  3  tablespoons 
cream,  1  teaspoon  onion  juice,  ^  teaspoon  allspice,  2  tea- 
spoons sage,  Yz  cup  fine  bread  crumbs.  Grind  veal  and  ham 
very  fine,  beat  eggs  without  separating  until  light,  and  melt 
butter.  Mix  veal,  ham,  crumbs  and  seasoning  well  togeth- 
er; add  eggs,  and  when  well-mixed,  the  cream  and  melted 
butter.  Mix  thoroughly,  press  into  a  mold  previously  wet 
with  cold  water  and  turn  out  carefully  into  a  flat  baking 
pan.  Bake  for  two  hours  in  a  moderate  oven,  basting  occa- 
sionally with  melted  butter.  Mrs.  John  A.  Morris. 

Pressed  Veal. 

Take  a  knuckle  of  veal  and  boil,  when  tender  chop  fine ; 
salt  and  pepper  and  add  a  little  thyme  and  one  cup  of  the 
meat  liquor ;  then  put  in  a  mold  and  press.  When  cold  serve 
for  tea  or  lunch.  Mrs.  Harry  W.  Anderson. 

Veal  or  Poultry  Stuffing. 

Three  cups  stale  bread  crumbs,  1  teaspoon  salt,  Yi  tea- 
spoon white  pepper,  2  tablespoons  chopped  parsley,  1  cup 
finely  chopped  suet  or  butter,  1  o:^^.  Sage  or  onions  may  be 
added  if  liked.  Mrs.  Frank  B.  Meador. 

Creamed  Brains. 

Half  cold  chicken,  two  sets  brains,  one  can  mushrooms, 
make  one  pint  white  sauce,  add  one  wine  glass  sherry,  one- 
quarter  of  a  nutmeg,  cayenne  and  salt  to  taste,  put  diced 
chicken  and  minced  brains  in  sauce,  mushrooms  last.  Serve 
in  ramekins,  timbales  or  chafing  dish. 

Mrs.  Charles  Northen. 


KING  BEE   ICE  CREAM   FREEZERS  are  the  quickest 
freezing  on  the  market.    King  Hardware  Co. 

Brain  Fritters. 

Take  1  cup  of  sweet  milk,  1  tablespoon  CAPITOLA 
flour,  1  of  butter,  and  make  a  thick  cream  sauce.  Beat 
in  4  eggs  and  1  tablespoon  of  onion  juice,  strain  in  2  sets 
of  brains,  after  being  well  cleaned,  salt  and  pepper,  drop 
in  hot  COTTOLENE  and  fry.  Miss  Emmie  Ruse. 

Calf's  Head  or  Hog's  Head. 

Boil  head  until  the  meat  slips  easily  from  the  bone,  make 
a  dressing  of  the  brain,  four  hard-boiled  eggs,  a  dessert 
spoonful  of  chopped  onion,  butter,  pepper  and  salt  to  taste. 
Thicken  this  and  pour  over  the  meat.  The  brains  should  be 
well  boiled  before  mixing  with  eggs.  You  may  add  mush- 
rooms,  sherry   or   Worcestershire   sauce. 

Mrs.   Will   Green. 

To  Boil  a  Ham. 

A  blade  of  mace,  a  few  cloves,  a  sprig  of  thyme  and  two 
bay  leaves.  Soak  ham  well  in  large  quantity  of  water 
for  24  hours,  then  trim  and  scrape  very  clean ;  put  into  a 
large  stew  pan  with  more  than  sul^cient  water  to  cover  it ; 
put  in  mace,  cloves,  thyme  and  bay  leaves.  Boil  four  or 
five  hours  according  to  weight ;  when  done  let  it  become 
colld  in  liquor  in  which  it  was  boiled,  then  remove  rind 
carefully  without  injuring  the  fat;  press  cloth  over  it  to 
absorb  as  much  of  the  grease  as  possible.  It  is  always 
improved  by  setting  into  the  oven  for  nearly  an  hour,  till 
much  of  the  fat  dries  out,  and  also  makes  it  more  tender. 
Shake  some  bread  raspings  over  the  fat ;  serve  cold,  gar- 
nished with  parsley.  Mrs.  J.  D.  Carter. 

Pilau,  Fine  for  Camping  Tours. 

Take  equal  parts  of  venison,  turkey,  quail,  duck  and  a 
small  amount  of  middling  meat;  boil  together;  when 
thoroughly  cooked  remove  all  bones,  skin  and  gristle. 
Mince  the  meat,  season  with  butter,  salt  and  small  red 
peppers  ;  add  some  well-cooked  rice  and  cook  all  together 
till  it  is  the  consistency  of  Brunswick  stew.  A  little  all- 
spice may  be  added  if  liked.  Dr.  W.  Z.  McElroy. 


Take  any  kind  of  lean  beef,  cut  it  up  and  stew  as  you 
would  for  hash.  Add  canned  or  fresh  tomatoes,  one  onion 
or  a  little  garlic,  butter,  salt  and  pepper  to  taste.     Cook  all 


CROWN,  KING  BEE  and  BLACK  KING  HOSE  are  the 
very  best  of  their  kind.    King  Hardware  Co. 

together  until  perfectly  done.  Cook  spaghetti  in  salt  wa- 
ter until  done,  then  drain  off  water,  put  a  layer  of  spaghet- 
ti in  baking  dish,  then  a  layer  of  meat  preparation,  then 
one  of  cheese  and  so  on  until  the  dish  is  filled.  Serve  hot. 
Boiled  rice  can  be  used  instead  of  spaghetti. 

Mrs.  William  Turpin  Spalding. 

Brunswick  Stew,  No.  1. 

Four  chickens  (nice  fat  hens),  one  calf  liver,  half  dozen 
cans  tomatos,  4  cans  corn,  lYz  pounds  good  butter,  half- 
gallon  sweet  milk,  1  lot  of  dry  pod  pepper,  salt.  Put  chick- 
ens and  liver  in  water  with  a  lot  of  pepper  to  suit  taste. 
You  want  it  hot,  but  not  too  much  (you  will  have  to  learn 
this  by  experience).  Boil  until  meat  leaves  bones;  then 
separate  meat  from  bones.  Put  with  liver  in  wooden  ves- 
sel, and  chop  fine  with  chopping  knife  or  grind  in  sausage 
mill.  Then  put  back  in  same  liquor  cooked  in,  adding  all 
other  ingredients,  and  boil  to  right  consistency.  After  add- 
ing corn  and  milk  you  will  have  to  keep  continually  stir- 
ring with  woden  paddle  to  keep  from  scorching,  as  it  is 
very  easily  scorched.  Salt  to  taste.  It  takes  about  three 
hours  to  boil  down  after  all  ingredients  are  in.  The  above 
amount  is  enough  for  about  a  dozen  people.  A  pint  of  port 
wine  added  just  before  it  is  served  improves  it. 

Park  Woodward. 

Brunswick  Stew,  No.  2. 

Cook  3  pounds  veal,  1  hen,  1  pound  calf's  liver  until  well 
done,  then  cut  fine;  add  2  large  cans  tomatoes,  2  cans  corn, 
4  or  5  large  onions,  salt  and  pepper  to  taste  and  cook  well 
together.     Add  Worcestershire  sauce  if  liked. 

Mrs.  Charles  Turner. 

Braised  Sw^eetbreads. 

Well  wash  the  sweetbreads,  soak  in  cold  water  for  an 
hour,  blanch  for  ten  minutes  and  press  slightly  until  cold; 
then  cut  away  the  sinewy  fat  and  lard  them.  Place  in 
stew  pan  with  vegetables  and  stock  and  cover  with  greased 
paper;  braise  carefully  from  twenty  to  thirty  minutes. 
Take  up  and  put  into  the  oven  to  brown  the  bacon ;  strain 
the  gravy  and  reduce  to  a  good  glaze.  Dish  the  sweet- 
breads on  a  block  of  fried  bread  and  pour  the  glaze  over  it. 
Garnish  with  a  mixture  of  cooked  ham  or  tongue,  truf- 
fles and  mushrooms,  cut  in  large  dice  and  warmed  in  a 
little  of  the  glaze.  Mrs.  P.  H.  Baker. 


CLOTHES  HAMPERS  and  BASKETS  of  all  kinds.  King 
Hardware  Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

Cold  Meat  Rolls. 

Chop  fine  any  scraps  of  cold  meat,  chicken,  beef  or  ham, 
season  well,  add  enough  gravy  or  butter  to  moisten,  form 
in  rolls  the  size  of  the  finger.  Make  a  short  dough  of  1 
pint  flour,  1  teaspoon  yeast  powder,  J/2  teaspoon  salt,  1 
generous  tablespoon  lard.  Roll  thin,  cut  in  strips,  fold 
about  the  meat  rolls,  keep  shape  regular  and  bake  in  quick 
oven.  Mrs.  R.  F.  Cox. 


"  'Stufifed  with  all  honourable  virtues.'  Much  Ado  About  Noth- 

"Let's  carve  him  as  a  dish  fit  for  the  gods — not  hew  him  as  a 
carcass." — Julius  Caesar. 

Roast  Turkey. 

Pick  and  draw  with  care,  wash  in  several  waters,  wipe 
dry.  In  the  next  to  last  rinsing  water  put  a  teaspoonful  of 
baking  soda.  Oftentimes  the  inside  of  a  fowl  is  very  sour, 
especially  if  not  freshly  killed.  Soda  is  cleansing  and  cor- 
rects the  acidity  that  we  sometimes  taste  in  the  dressing 
when  the  fowls  are  not  fresh.  After  rinsing  with  soda 
water  dry  well  inside  and  out,  rub  some  salt  on  inside,  then 
stuff  the  breast  and  body  with  a  good  fowl  dressing;  sew 
up  the  turkey  with  a  strong  thread,  tie  the  legs  and  wings 
to  the  body,  rub  it  well  all  over  with  soft  butter,  sprinkle 
well  with  salt  and  pepper,  dredge  with  a  little  CAPITOLA 
flour,  place  in  a  dripping  pan,  pour  in  cup  of  boiling  wa- 
ter, cover  entirely  with  a  nice  brown  paper  well  greased, 
set  in  oven.  Baste  the  turkey  often  , turning  it  around 
occasionally,  so  that  every  part  will  be  uniformly  baked. 
When  pierced  with  a  fork  and  the  liquid  runs  perfectly 
clear,  the  turkey  is  done.  Serve  with  cranberry  sauce.  The 
garnishes  for  turkey  are  fried  oysters,  slices  of  lemon,  par- 
sley or   force   meat  balls. 

Turkey  Dressing. 

Cut  the  brown  crust  from  slices  or  pieces  of  stale  bread 
until  you  have  as  much  as  the  inside  of  a  pound  loaf,  put  it 
in  a  suitable  dish,  and  pour  tepid  water  (not  warm,  for 
that  makes  it  heavy)  over  it,  let  stand  one  minute,  as  it 
soaks  very  quickly.  Now  take  up  a  handful  at  a  time  and 
squeeze  it  hard  and  dry  with  both  hands,  placing  it  as  you 
go  along  in  another  dish.  This  process  makes  it  very  light. 
When  all  is  pressed  dry,  toss  it  all  up  lightly  through  your 
fingers.  Now  add  salt  and  pepper,  about  a  teaspoonful, 
also  a  teaspoonful  of  powdered  savory,  the  same  amount 
of  sage,  or  the  green  herb  minced  fine,  add  a  half-cup  of 
melted  butter  and  a  well-beaten  egg,  work  thoroughly  all 
together  and  it  is  ready  to  stufi"  the  fowl  with.  It  is  much 
improved  by  adding  a  pint  of  oysters  without  their  beards. 

Turkey  Gravy. 
When  you  put  the  turkey  in  to  roast,  put  the  neck,  heart, 
liver  and  gizzard  into  a  stew  pan  with  a  pint  of  water;  boil 
until  they  are  quite  tender,  take  from  water,  chop  the  heart 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER,  the  best  spread  for  braed. 

and  gizzard,  mash  the  liver  and  throw  away  the  neck,  re- 
turn the  chopped  heart,  gizzard  and  liver  to  the  liquor  in 
which  they  were  stewed ;  set  to  one  side,  and  when  the 
turkey  is  done  this  should  be  added  to  the  gravy  that 
dripped  from  the  turkey,  having  first  skimmed  off  the 
fat  from  the  surface  of  the  dripping  pan  ;  set  it  all  over  the 
fire,  boil  three  minutes  and  thicken  with  flour.  It  will  not 
need  brown  flour  to  color  the  gravy. 

Chicken  Croquettes,  No.  L 

One  chicken  about  3^  pounds,  boil  and  put  through  a 
meat  chopper,  make  a  cream  dressing,  using  two  table- 
spoons of  butter,  two  tablespoons  CAPITOLA  flour  (heap- 
ing), put  in  a  saucepan  and  let  melt  till  hot  and  smooth,  add 
one  and  a  half  cups  of  hot  sweet  milk,  pour  on  chicken, 
season  with  chopped  parsley,  pepper,  salt  and  lemon  peel 
(grated),  make  into  shapes,  crumb,  dip  in  egg  crumb  again 
and  fry  in  hot  COTTOLENE  till  a  pretty  brown.  Serve 
hot.  Mrs.  S.  R.  Dull. 

Chicken  Croquettes,  No.  2. 

Put  one  pint  cream  (or  milk)  to  boil,  rub  three  table- 
spoons butter  to  same  of  CAPITOLA  flour  to  a  cream  and 
add  to  boiling  milk,  stirring  constantly,  also  add  three  well- 
beaten  eggs.  Above  mixture  must  be  very  thick,  and  if  not 
thick  enough  add  more  flour.  When  done  set  away  to 
cool.  Boil  chicken,  chop  fine,  add  a  pair  of  cooked  sweet- 
breads, well  chopped,  and  three  hard  boiled  eggs ;  mix 
when  cold  and  season  highly  with  one  bunch  of  chopped 
parsley,  one  or  two  slices  chopped  onion,  salt,  red  pepper 
and  celery  salt.  Set-  away  in  cool  place  and  in  short  time 
roll  in  shape  in  cracker  crumbs,  fry  in  boiling  COTTO- 
LEN7.  Re  sure  to  have  grease  deep  enough  to  cover.  Deep 
sauce  pan  best  to  use.  Mrs.  Ed  Jervy. 

Chicken  Cutlets. 

Take  one  large  fowl,  boil  in  water  to  cover,  with  a  pinch 
of  onion,  carrot,  half  a  bunch  of  thyme  and  parsley,  a  little 
cloves  and  grated  nutmeg.  When  tender  take  off  and  cool. 
Chop  rather  fine,  add  three  tablespoons  blanched  almonds 
chopped,  one  cup  French  peas,  season  with  lemon  juice, 
salt  and  pepper.  Rub  four  tablespoons  of  CxA.PITOLA 
flour  with  two  of  butter  and  cook  in  a  sauce  pan  without 
browning.     Then  add  a  cup  of  rich  milk,  half  teaspoon  of 


USE  BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  in  your  desserts. 

salt,  and  a  dash  of  white  pepper,  stir  and  cook  sauce  until 
rather  thick,  mix  with  the  chicken  mixture,  cool  and  when 
very  cold  form  into  cutlets,  small ;  dip  in  beaten  egg  and 
stale  bread  crumbs  and  fry  in  deep  fat.  Serve  with  mush- 
room  sauce.     This  quantity  serves   twelve  people. 

Mrs.  E.  C.  Thrash. 

Chicken  a  la  King. 

Three  cups  cooked  chicken,  1  cup  mushroms,  2  table- 
spoons each  butter  and  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  pint  cream,  2 
pimentos,  3^  green  pepper. 

Sauce — 1  cup  butter,  yolks  3  eggs,  1  tablespoon  lemon 
juice,  1  teaspoon  onion  juice,  3^  teaspoon  paprika. 

Cut  chicken  in  cubes,  pimentos  and  pepper  fine,  and 
mushrooms  in  small  pieces.  Melt  butter  in  frying  pan, 
add  pepper  and  mushrooms,  cook  3  or  4  minutes,  stir  in 
flour,  cook  until  frothy,  add  cream,  stir  until  it  thickens, 
add  chicken  and  pimentos,  cover  pan  and  set  over  hot  wa- 

For  Sauce :  Cream  buter,  beat  into  it  the  yolks,  lemon 
and  onion  juice  and  paprika ;  put  this  into  the  hot  chicken, 
stirring  until  eggs  thicken  a  little.     Serve  on  toast. 

Mrs.  Thomas  M.  Callaway. 

Chicken  Mousse. 

Three  cups  of  strong  stock,  strained ;  one  box  gelatine 
dissolved  in  two-thirds  pint  of  water,  yolks  of  6  eggs  well 
beaten,  1  small  glass  sherry,  3  cups  shredded  chicken,  3 
cups  whipped  cream,  whites  of  9  eggs.  Mix  starch  and  gel- 
atine ;  when  this  begins  to  congeal  pour  over  the  beaten 
yolks  of  eggs,  add  sherry,  a  little  salt  and  red  pepper,  to 
taste,  then  cream,  beating  quickly,  then  egg  folded  in 
lightly,  sprinkle  in  chicken.  Mould  in  small  cups  or  moulds, 
set  in  cold  place  to  congeal.  Serve  with  mayonnaise  on 
lettuce  leaf.     This  will  serve  twenty  people. 

Mrs.  Philip  Dodd. 

Chicken  on  Pineapple. 

Prepare  and  broil  your  chicken  just  as  when  you  serve 
it  on  toast,  using  pineapple  in  place  of  toast.  Heat  pine- 
apple well  before  placing  the  chicken  on  it. 

Mrs.  Sam  D.  Jones. 

Chicken  Parsa. 

Cut  one  boiled  hen  and   two   one-pound  cans  of  mush- 


Use  BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  and  you  will  be  satisfied. 

rooms  together.  Make  a  cream  dressing  of  3  cups  sweet 
milk,  2  tablespoons  CAPITOLA  flour  and  lump  of  butter. 
Add  two  teaspoons  Worcestershire  sauce,  the  grated  rind 
of  one  lemon  and  salt  and  pepper  to  taste.  Pour  over  the 
meat  and  mushrooms  and  serve  hot  in  ramekins  or  tim- 
bales.     Brains  may  be  used  instead  of  chicken,  if  desired. 

Mrs.  D.  B.  Hamilton,  Rome,  Ga. 

Roast  Young  Chicken. 

One  young  chicken  (frying  size),  one  can  of  mushrooms, 
one-third  glass  port  wine,  2  tablespoons  Worcestershire 
sauce,  1  tablespoon  vinegar,  half  a  lemon,  juice  and  rind, 
5  drops  onion  extract,  5  tablespoons  butter,  1  patty  of  all- 
pork  sausage,  a  dash  of  cayenne  pepper,  salt  to  taste.  Open 
chicken  in  the  back,  put  in  covered  pan  on  top  of  stove  with 
all  ingredients  except  mushrooms,  cook  slowly.  When 
nearly  done  thicken  gravy,  add  mushrooms,  uncover  and 
put  in  oven  to  finish.  Baste  frec[uently  with  gravy  until 
thoroughly  done  (nearly  two  hours).  Garnish  with  pars- 
ley. A  bit  of  minced  parsley  ma}^  be  added  to  gravy,  which 
improves  the  flavor. 

Mrs.  W.  C.  Jarnagin. 

Steamed  Chicken  With  Mushrooms. 

Take  half-grown  chickens  and  put  in  a  covered  boiler 
and  steam  four  or  five  hours.  After  they  have  steamed 
until  almost  tender  add  one  can  of  mushrooms,  cayenne 
pepper  and  salt  to  season  and  a  heaping  tablespoon  of  but- 
ter and  one  cup  of  sherry  wine.  Brown  a  few  moments 
and  serve.  Old  chickens  cooked  this  way  will  be  as  ten- 
der as  birds.  Mrs.   Charles   Northen. 

Chicken  Souffle. 

Ivielt  one  tablespoon  butter  in  a  sauce  pan,  stir  into  it  one 
heaping  tablespoon  CAPITOLA  flour,  add  slowly  one  tea- 
cup of  milk,  dash  of  cayenne  pepper,  half  teaspoon  salt, 
tablespoon  lemon  juice,  some  chopped  parsley,  or  a  table- 
spoon of  onion  juice  may  be  added  last.  Pour  this  over 
3  well-beaten  yolks  of  eggs,  add  one  cup  of  finely  cut  chick- 
en, put  back  on  the  stove  and  cook  for  a  moment  or  two. 
Remove   from  the   fire,  add   the   three   well-beaten   whites 

POLISH  (10c). 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER— you  can  risk  it  on  your  biscuit. 

of   eggs,   pour   all    into   a   pudding   dish,   and   bake   fifteen 
minutes.     Serve  at  once.  Mrs.  Spencer  R.  Atkinson. 

Chestnut  or  Celery  Stuffing  for  Poultry. 

One-half  pint  fine  bread  crumbs,  one  pint  shelled  and 
boiled  French  chestnuts,  or  celery  chopped  fine.  Salt  pep- 
per and  chopped  parsley  to  season ;  one-half  cup  melted 
butter.  Mrs.   Eliza   H.    Paxon. 

Chicken    Dressing. 

One  loaf  of  stale  bread,  2  eggs,  2  tablespoons  butter,  1 
small  onion,  pepper  and  salt  to  taste.  Cut  away  all  brown 
crust  from  bread,  place  loaf  in  bowl,  covering  with  cold 
water,  and  allowing  it  to  stand  until  bread  is  moist.  Then 
drain  and  squeeze  out  all  water  possible  from  loaf.  Slice 
onion  very  fine,  put  with  butter  in  skillet  over  slow  fire, 
being  careful  to  prevent  onion  browning.  When  it  is  ten- 
der put  bread  into  this,  and  add  the  eggs,  pepper  and  salt. 
Stir  until  eggs  are  thoroughly  mixed  and  cooked. 

Mrs.   L.   D.   Watson. 

German  Dressing. 

Make  a  plain  egg  bread,  about  1  quart  of  meal,  and 
bake.  Remove  the  crust  and  to  inside  add  5  eggs,  1  pound 
seeded  raisins,  3  apples  (quartered  and  sliced),  ^4  pound 
butter;  salt  and  pepper  (white)  to  taste.  If  after  mixing 
you  find  too  stiff  moisten  with  stock  in  which  duck  or 
goose  has  been  steamed.     This  is  very  fine. 

Mrs.  Phil  Dodd. 

Oyster  Stuffing  For  Poultry. 

One-half  pint  fine  bread  crumbs,  1  pint  small  raw  oys- 
ters, picked  and  washed.  Salt,  pepper  and  chopped  parsley 
to  season;  one-half  cup  melted  butter. 

Mrs.  Charles  Benson. 

Chafing  Dish  Birds. 

Dress  and  salt  two  dozen  birds  in  chafing  dish  pan,  breast 
up,  on  each  of  which  place  a  lump  of  butter  and  piece  of 
red  pepper  pod  (take  out  the  seed).  After  the  butter  has 
melted  add  a  quart  of  mushrooms,  a  quart  of  port  or  sherry 
and  juice  of  two  lemons.  Let  the  birds  cook  in  this  liquor 
two  or  three  hours.  Then  remove  the  birds  and  to  one-half 
pint  of  milk  add  a  tablespoon  or  two  of  CAPITOLA  flour, 

y^ ^ 

Use  BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  and  you  wUI  be  satisfied. 

pour  this  into  the  liquor,  which  makes  a  delicious  gravy, 
pour  over  the  birds.    Serve  on  toast. 

Mrs.  Clarence  May. 
Stuffed  Birds. 

Prepare  birds  as  for  baking.  Pour  two  tablespoons  vin- 
egar to  six  birds,  sprinkle  salt  and  pepper  to  taste,  one- 
quarter  pound  of  butter  sliced  and  laid  over  birds.  Set  in 
hot  oven,  baste  with  gravy.     Stuff  with  all-pork  sausage. 

Mrs.  George  Brown. 


"Variety's  the  spice  of  life  that  gives  it  all  its  flavor." — Cowper. 

Canape  de  Sardines. 

Cut  oblong-  lengths  of  toast,  spread  them  with  grated 
parmesan  or  switzer  cheese;  lay  a  boneless  sardine,  with  a 
square  of  lemon  on  it,  over  each ;  garnish  with  alternate 
rows  of  chopped  olives,  bird's-eye  peppers  and  whites  of 
hard  boiled  eggs.  Grate  yolks  of  hard-boiled  eggs  over  all. 
Dress  with  mayonnaise  if  liked.  Mrs.  S.  T.  Marett. 


Spread  Russian  caviar  (which  can  be  bought  tinned)  on 
slices  of  round  or  diamond-shaped  toast  or  bread ;  garnish 
with  chopped  beets  and  chopped  parsley,  making  a  circle 
of  red  surrounded  by  a  circle  of  green.  Chopped  hard- 
boiled  eggs  may  be  used.  Mrs.  B.  H.  Dunn. 

Cheese  and  Peanut  Butter  Sandwiches. 

One  pound  of  grated  cheese,  one  glass  of  peanut  butter, 
juice  of  two  lemons,  one-fourth  of  a  teaspoonful  red  pep- 
per, two  teaspoonfuls  salt  and  enough  hot  water  to  make 
it  thin  enough  to  spread  on  well-buttered  bread. 

Mrs.  W.  A.  Walker,  Milledgeville,  Ga. 

Cheese  Relish. 

\y2  pound  cream  cheese  run  through  meat  chopper  or 
grate,  1  box  gelatine,  dissolve  in  cold  water,  just  barely 
wet,  then  set  in  hot  water  until  dissolved;  1  level  teaspoon 
salt,  dash  of  red  pepper,  2  teaspoons  sugar  ^^  cup  salad 
dressing.  Cream  all  above  ingredients  well  together,  then 
add  4  pickles  or  green  pimento  and  1  small  box  red  pimento, 
cut  fine  and  mold.  Mrs.  H.  Gray,  Barnesville,  Ga. 

Chicken  and  Ham  Canape. 

Toast,  lean  boiled  ham  sliced  very  thin,  a  cup  of  cold, 
boiled  or  roasted  chicken,  neufchatel  cheese,  stuffed  olives. 
Take  heart-shaped  pieces  of  toast,  spread  over  each  a  thin 
layer  of  the  neufchatel  cheese.  Over  the  cheese  put  a  thin 
slic  of  ham,  trimmed  neatly  to  exactly  cover  the  prepared 
toast.  Mince  and  pound  the  cooked  chicken  with  a  table- 
spoonful  of  butter,  a  little  prepared  mustard  and  a  dash  of 
cayenne.  Spread  a  layer  of  this  preparation  on  top  of  the 
ham  and  decorate  with  slices  of  stuffed  olives. 

Mrs.  J.  Cheston  King, 


PORCH  SWINGS  from  $3.50  to  $10.00.  King  Hardware  Co., 
53  Peachtree  St. 

Cucumber  Sandwich. 

Put  thin  slice  of  cucumber  between  slices  of  bread,  cov- 
ered with  mayonnaise  dressing.  Miss  Bagley. 

Sardine  Sandwiches. 

Drain  and  skim  the  fish  and  rub  into  a  paste,  working  in 
gradually  a  teaspoonful  or  so  of  melted  butter,  pepper, 
lemon  juice  and  a  little  French  mustard.  Butter  thin  slices 
of  bread,  spread  with  the  paste  and  double  each  slice  upon 
the  mixture.  Mrs.  Frank  P.  Rice. 

Spanish  Pepper  Sandwiches. 

Put  thin  slice  of  cucumber  between  slices  of  bread,  cov- 
ered each  slice.  Pour  liquid  from  peppers,  run  them 
through  a  chopper,  salt  to  taste  and  then  spread  mixture 
between  prepared  slices  of  bread.      Mrs.  William  Foster. 

POLISH  (10c). 


"To  make  a  perfect  salad  there  should  be  a  spendthrift  for  oil, 
a  miser  for  vinegar,  a  wise  man  for  salt,  and  a  madcap  to  stir  the 
ingredients  and  mix  them  well  together." — Spanish  Proverb. 

Asparagus  Salad. 

Use  canned  asparagus,  the  best ;  throw  in  cold  water, 
drain,  serve  on  lettuce  leaves  with  French  dressing. 

Mrs.  Bun  Wylie. 

Bemana  Salad. 

Take  ripe  bananas  whole  from  the  skins,  roll  in  mayon- 
naise, then  in  finely  chopped  nuts  of  all  kinds,  and  serve  on 
a  crisp  lettuce  leaf. 

Mrs.  Estelle  Garrett  Baker, 

Celer  yand  Almond  Salad. 

One  large  bunch  of  celery,  three-quarters  of  a  pound  of 
blanched  almonds.  Cut  celery  and  nuts  in  small  pieces  and 
mix.  Dressing:  One  well  beaten  egg,  one  even  teaspoonful 
of  salt,  one  teaspoonful  of  corn  starch,  one  teaspoonful  of 
white  pepper,  one-half  teaspoonful  of  mustard,  three  tea- 
spoonfuls  of  sugar;  dissolve  all  in  a  little  white  wine  vin- 
egar and  let  it  come  to  a  boil ;  stir  in  piece  of  butter  the 
size  of  an  egg;  when  cold  beat  in  a  cup  of  sweet  cream. 

Mrs.  Charles  F.  Barnwell. 

Cheese  Salad  No.  1. 

One  and  one-half  pints  thick  cream  whipped  very  stiff; 
add  cup  or  more  yellow  grated  cheese,  nine  olives  (stuffed 
ones  preferred)  chopped,  shred  one  bell  pepper,  dissolve 
iy2  tablspoons  of  Knox's  gelatine  and  add,  when  cool, 
using  as  little  water  as  possible  in  dissolving;  salt  and 
cayenne  pepper  to  taste ;  pour  in  mould.  Serve  with  mayon- 
naise on  lettuce  leaves.  Mrs.  L.  R.  McKeldin. 

Cheese  Salad  No.  2. 

One  pint  whipped  cream,  whipped  very  stiff;  add  cup  or 
more  yellow  grated  cheese,  9  olives  (stuffed  ones  prefer- 
red), chopped,  shred  1  bell  pepper,  dissolve  1>^  tablespoons 
Knox's  gelatine  and  add  when  cool,  using  as  little  water 
as  possible  in  dissolving;  salt  and  cayenne  pepper  to  taste; 
pour  in  mould.     Serve  with  mayonnaise  on  lettuce  leaves. 

Mrs.  Irvin  E.  Walker. 

Cherry  Salad. 

Blance   %   pound   almonds,   seed    1    quart   can   of   white 


LIQUID  VENEER  is  thefinest  furniture  polish.  King  Hard- 
ware Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

cherries.  Place  an  almond  in  each  cherry,  letting  the  end 
of  nut  protrude ;  place  eight  cherries  on  white  lettuce 
leaves.     Serve  with  French  dressing. 

Mrs.  Mary  Turner  Jones. 

Chicken  Salad. 

Put  one  large  hen  on  to  cook  in  boiling,  salted  water ; 
when  tender  allow  it  to  cool,  cut  in  blocks,  rejecting  gris- 
tle and  skin ;  chip  fine  four  medium-sized  heads  of  celery ; 
add  half  a  pint  of  capers,  one-half  pint  of  whipped  cream, 
2  teacups  of  mayonnaise,  cut  up  10  olives.  Mix  all  thor- 
oughly, leaving  mayonnaise  and  cream  until  just  before 
serving.  Keep  cold  and  serve  on  lettuce  leaves  or  in  large, 
ripe  tomatoes  on  lettuce  leaves.  Mrs.  A.  G.  Smart. 

Newnan  Corn  Salad. 

Chop  fine  1  large  cabbage,  18  ears  of  corn  (or  4  cans 
corn),  4  large  onions,  8  green  bell  peppers,  4  red  bell  pep- 
pers, Yi  pound  mustard,  1  pound  brown  sugar,  4  large 
bunches  celery,  Yz  cup  of  salt,  vinegar  to  cover.  When 
nearly  cooked  add  2  teaspoons  tumeric.  It  is  done  when 
the  green  peppers  turn  brown.     Seal  in  air  tight  jars. 

Mrs.  W.  E.  Foster. 

Euclid  Salad. 

Select  nice  red  beets,  not  too  large,  scoop  out  the  centers. 
They  should  be  boiled  first.  Fill  with  neufchatel  cheese, 
mixed  with  pimento,  cut  in  small  pieces ;  olives  chopped 
fine;  add  salt  and  pepper  to  taste,  and  enough  mayonnaise 
to  make  smooth  and  creamy.  Serve  on  lettuce  leaf  with  a 
bit  of  mayonnaise  on  top ;  6  beets,  1  cheese,  1  box  pimentos, 
a  few  olives  will  be  enough  for  filling  the  beets. 

Mrs.  Edgar  Pou,  Madison,  Ga. 

Fruit   Salad. 

One  box  gelatine,  7  cups  water,  1  cup  sugar,  1  small  can 
white  cherries,  1  can  pineapple,  2  oranges,  2  lemons.  When 
gelatine  is  cool,  add  fruit.  Some  of  the  fruit  juice  may  be 
used  in  dissolving  gelatine.  Pour  in  flat  pan  and  when 
congealed  cut  in  l)locks  and  serve  on  lettuce  leaf  with 
mayonnaise.  Mrs.  L.  G.  Neal. 

POLISH  (10c). 

- 42      ■ 

KING  SCREEN  DOpRS  and  WINDOWE  keep  cat  flies 
and  mosquitoes.     King  Hardware  Co. 

Ginger  Ale  Scilad. 

Two  tablespoons  granulated  gelatine,  2  tablespoons  cold 
water,  ^  cup  boiling  water,  2  cups  ginger  ale,  Yx  cup  lemon 
juice,  2  tablespoons  sugar,  1  cup  skinned  and  seeded  Mal- 
aga grapes,  1-3  cup  each  of  chopped  celery  and  apple,  2 
tablespoons  chopped  Canton  ginger,  4  tablespoons  shredded 
pineapple.  Soak  gelatine  in  cold  water,  dissolve  in  boiling 
water;  add  ginger  ale,  lemon  juice  and  sugar.  When  mix- 
ture begins  to  set,  add  the  rest  of  the  ingredients,  turn  into 
molds  and  chill.     Serve  on  lettuce  leaves  with  mayonnaise. 

Mrs.  Walter  P.  Stanley. 

Grape  Fruit  Salad. 

Put  grape  fruit  on  ice;  just  before  serving  cut  out  core 
and  with  spoon  remove  pulp  and  serve  on  heart  lettuce 
leaves  with  French  dressing.     Have  thoroughly  cold. 

Mrs.  Ashby  Purse. 

Maraschino  Cherry  Salad. 

Stuff  maraschino  cherries  with  blanched  almonds  ;  serve 
on  leaves  of  heart  lettuce  with  mayonnaise  dressings. 

Mrs.  John  R.  Hopkins. 

Potato  Salad. 

Boil  five  or  six  good  sized  Irish  potatoes.  When  cold 
cut  in  pieces  about  the  size  of  dice ;  to  this  add  one  bunch 
of  celery,  cut  in  the  same  size ;  one  good-size  onion  chop- 
ped fine  and  two  bell  peppers  cut  in  small  pieces.  Mix  all 
together  with  French  dressing,  enough  to  moisten  the  mix- 
ture thoroughly ;  sprinkle  in  celery  seeds  and  add  more 
salt,  if  needed.  Serve  in  white  cabbage,  after  scooping  out 
the  center  of  cabbage  enough  to  put  in  the  salad.  Put  it 
in  a  dish  of  lettuce.  '  Mrs.  Will  Hawkins. 

Shrimp  Salad. 

Make  first  the  following  Russian  dressing:  Two  large 
tablespoons  Chile  sauce,  2  chopped  bell  peppers,  liquid  from 
1  large  tablespoon  mustard  pickles,  1  chopped  dill  pickle, 
Worcestershire  sauce  to  taste,  mix  with  1  pint  mayonnaise, 
pour  over  3  pints  cooked  shrimps  and  mix  well.  Place  on 
ice,  let  stand  until  ready  to  serve.  Serve  on  lettuce,  with 
spray  of  celery,  a  few  olives  and  slice  or  two  of  tomatoes. 

Mrs.  John  B.  Probasco. 

_^ 43 ^^ 

WATER  COOLERS  in  every  kind  and  size.     King  Hard- 
ware Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

Shrimp  and  Celery  Salad. 

Either  fresh  or  canned  shrimp ;  the  same  quantity  of 
crisp  celery,  cut  in  half-inch  pieces.  Mix  and  let  stand  in 
the  following  dressing  for  two  hours :  Two  teaspoonfuls 
olive  oil,  two  tablespoons  lemon  juice,  one-half  teaspoon 
(level)  of  salt,  pinch  of  cayenne  pepper,  one-fourth  tea- 
spoon (level)  dry  mustard,  one  teaspoon  (level)  powdered 
sugar.  Drain,  pile  loosely  on  white  hearts  of  lettuce ; 
crown  with  mayonnaise  and  serve  very  cold. 

Mrs.  Edward  H.  Barnes. 

Shrimp  and  French  Pea  Salad. 

If  canned  shrimps  are  used,  take  2  cans,  prepare  them 
by  washing  well  in  cold  water,  dry  and  remove  intestinal 
vein  running  down  center  of  back,  break  them  in  3  or  4 
pieces,  reserving  whole  seven  of  the  most  perfect  ones. 
Saturate  broken  shrimp  with  French  dressing.  Drain  liquor 
from  1  can  French  peas,  saturate  with  French  dressing,  let 
stand  one  hour.  Then  drain  both  shrimp  and  peas,  toss 
together  and  mix  with  mayonnaise.  Serve  in  dish  sur- 
rounded by  endive  or  heart  lettuce,  garnish  with  whole 
shrimp  and  over  all  sprinkle  finely  chopped  parsley. 

Mrs.  J.  G.  Watters. 

Frozen  Tomato  Salad. 

Six  firm  tomatoes,  1  cucumber,  2  ripe,  solid  peaches,  1 
apple,  tiny  bit  onion,  1  sweet  pepper;  shred  all  together. 
Pour  over  all  1  package  lemon  gelatine  made  up  with  one 
cup  boiling  water.  Set  on  ice  to  become  firm.  Serve  with 
mayonnaise.  Mrs.  O.  E.  Burton. 

Turkey  Salad. 

Use  one  quart  of  turkey  that  has  been  on  ice  and  is  thor- 
oughly cold,  cut  in  cubes,  cut  enough  tender  celery  to  make 
a  quart,  mix  with  turkey,  add  salt  and  pepper,  have  ready 
half  of  a  pound  of  Jordan  almonds,  blanched,  add  them  to 
the  turkey  and  celery,  put  on  ice  till  mayonnaise  is  made. 
Put  the  yolks  of  two  eggs  in  cold  bowl,  acid  one-half  tea- 
spoonful  of  salt,  one-half  teaspoonful  of  mustard,  a  dash  of 
red  pepper,  add  olive  oil  very  slowly,  stir  one  way  only  till 
you  have  used  one  and  one-half  cups  of  oil,  add  the  juice  of 
one  lemon,  when  finished  put  over  salad  and  serve  on  let- 
tuce leaf.  Mrs.  S.  R.  Dull. 

' 44 

DOZEY  GLASS  CHURNS  enable  you  to  make  fresh  but- 
termilk at  home.    King  Hardware  Co. 

Vegetable  Salad. 

One  pint  cold  peas,  1  pint  cold  snap  beans,  1  pint  cold 
butter  beans,  3  beets,  chopped  fine  ;  1  chopped  cucumber. 
Slice  tomatoes  over  top  and  serve  on  lettuce  leaves,  with 
French  dressing.  Miss  Gladys  Snook. 

Vegetable  Salad. 

The  best  time  to  make  this  salad  is  right  after  a  mid-day 
dinner  in  the  summer  time  when  you  have  had  several  dif- 
ferent kinds  of  vegetables.  Let  nice  ripe  tomatoes  form 
the  basis  of  the  salad.  These  should  be  carefully  peeled  with 
a  sharp  knife  vand  cut  up  in  bits  about  the  size  of  a  chest- 
nut. Add  two  or  three  tablespoons  of  snap  beans  or  green 
peas,  about  the  same  amount  of  Irish  potatoes,  diced,  an"d 
a  slice  of  onion  cut  fine.  Other  vegetables,  such  as  but- 
ter beans,  may  be  used  in  the  place  of  one  of  the  above. 
Boiled  beets  give  a  dash  of  color  which  is  pretty  when  you 
haven't  the  tomatoes.  Make  a  good  French  dressing  and 
pour  over  salad,  mixing  carefully  so  as  not  to  break  the 
pieces.  Put  in  a  cool  place  and  serve  on  lettuce  leaves. 
Mayonnaise  may  be  used  if  preferred  to  French  dressing. 

Mrs.  Minnie  Hillyer  Cassin. 

Waldorf  Salad. 

One  and  one-half  cups  pecans,  one  cup  hard  apples,  not 
chopped  too  fine,  one  and  one-half  cups  chopped  celery.  Put 
enough  salad  dressing  to  mix  it  and  when  ready  to  serve 
put  lettuce  leaf  in  salad  plate  and  pour  one  or  two  table- 
spoons of  dressing  over  it.     Do  not  chop  pecans  too  fine. 

Mrs.  Edward  Durant. 


"It  is  tlu-  bounty  of  nature  that  we  live,  but  of  philosophy  that 
we  live  well."— Seneca. 

The  sauce-maker  who  is  successful  must  pay  strict  atten- 
tion to  details,  for  upon  them  rests  the  delicate  flavor  so 
desirable.  Nothing  but  the  choicest  materials  must  be  used. 
The  taste  of  stale  and  inferior  ones  cannot  be  disguised 
by  profusely  seasoning  as  some  cooks  imagine.  To  make  a 
good  sauce  of  the  proper  consistency,  having  the  ingre- 
dients so  proportioned  that  the  presence  of  no  particular 
one  is  perceptible,  is  an  accomplishment  of  which  any 
housewife  may  well  be  proud.  The  sweet  sauce  is  to  the 
pudding  and  similar  dessert  what  the  sauce  picmante  is  to 
meats — it  adds  the  finishing  touch  to  the  latter  and  accen- 
tuates the  savoriness  of  the  dish  it  accompanies. 

Cranberry  Sauce. 

Pick  a  quart  of  cranberries,  wash  and  drain  and  put  to 
boil  in  a  sauce  pan  with  half  a  teacupful  of  water.  Stew 
slowly,  stir  often  till  thick.  Take  from  the  fire,  strain 
through  a  sieve,  sweeten  abundantly  with  granulated  sug- 
ar ;  wet  a  mold  with  cold  water,  pour  in  the  sauce  and  set 
away  in  a  cool  place  to  get  firm,  then  turn  out  in  a  glass 
bowl.  Eat  with  roast  turkey,  ducks,  geese  and  game  of 
any  kind.  Never  sweeten  while  cooking,  it  injures  the 
color.  Mrs.  R.  J.  Scott. 

Cream  Salad  Dressing. 

Two  tablespoons  butter,  one  tablespoon  CAPITOLA 
flour,  one-half  cup  vinegar,  one  cup  sw^eet  milk,  one  tea- 
spoon sugar,  one  teaspoon  salt,  one-half  teaspoon  mustard, 
a  little  pepper,  yolks  of  two  eggs.  Mix  the  butter  and 
flour  together,  heat  it  a  little,  add  vinegar,  salt,  mustard, 
sugar  (if  liked);  let  this  boil,  then  add  milk;  let  this  all 
boil  then  pour  into  the  yolks  of  eggs ;  stir  fast. 

Mrs.  Charles  Nunnally. 

Cream  Dressing,  for  Ssdads,  Tomatoes,  Lettuce,  Etc. 

Yolks  8  eggs,  2.  tablespoons  dry  mustard,  2  tablespoons 
sugar,  a  very  small  quantity  of  cayenne  pepper.  Beat  these 
ingredients  together  until  perfectly  smooth.  Add  one  pint 
of  cream  and  cook  in  double  boiler  until  as  thick  as  desired, 
then  add  1  pint  of  scalding  vinegar  and  cook  again  until 
thick  as  cream.  When  perfectly  cold  add  a  little  salt  to 
taste.  Mrs.  L.  G.  Dean,  Eufaula,  Ala. 


KING  PADLOCK  and  NIGHT  LATCHES  keep  out  bur- 
glars.    King  Hardware  Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

Chili  Sauce. 

Twenty-four  ripe  tomatoes,  8  onions,  6  peppers,  8  coffee 
spoonfuls  of  salt,  1  tablespoon  each  of  cinnamon,  allspice 
and  cloves.  Boil  all  together ;  seal  while  hot.  Add  8  table- 
spoons each  of  nutmeg  and  sugar  if  preferred. 

Mrs.  Sanford  Parrott. 

French  Dressing  (Used  for  All  Vegetable  Salads). 

One  salt  spoonful  of  salt,  one  salt  spoon  half  full  of  white 
pepper,  a  dash  of  paprika,  three  teaspoons  of  olive  oil  and 
one  teaspoon  of  vinegar  or  lemon  juice.  If  you  like  the 
flavor  of  onion  rub  bottom  of  bowl  with  a  slice  of  onion. 

Mrs.  George  W.  McCarty. 

Mayonnaise  Dressing. 

Two  eggs  (yolks  only),  1  pint  oil,  V2  teaspoon  salt,  V2  tea- 
spoon dry  mustard,  dash  cayenne  pepper,  juice  of  one  large 
lemon ;  have  oil  and  eggs  cold.  Put  eggs  in  bowl  with  salt, 
pepper  and  mustard,  beat  with  Dover  egg-beater  until  stiff'. 
Add  oil  slowly  at  first.  Dressing  soon  begins  to  thicken, 
and  then  oil  can  be  added  much  faster.  When  half  the 
quantity  is  used  add  some  lemon  juice,  then  rest  of  oil  and 
lemon  juice,  until  all  is  used.  Mrs.  Albert  Spalding. 

Plum  Sauce. 

Cover  plums  with  water  and  boil  till  tender.  Drain  oft' 
juice  and  to  5  pounds  plums  add  3  pounds  sugar,  1  cup  vin- 
egar, 1  teaspoon  black  pepper,  1  teaspoon  all  kinds  of  pre- 
ferred spices.  Boil  30  minutes.  Juice  can  be  used  for 
making  jelly.  Mrs.  W.  A.  Baker,  Griffin,  Ga. 

Salad  Dressing  No.  1. 

Take  two  hard-boiled  eggs,  lay  them  into  cold  water 
until  quite  cold,  put  the  yolks  into  a 'small  bowl,  mash  the 
eggs  very  fine,  add  the  yolks  of  two  raw  eggs,  one  large 
tablespoon  of  dry  mustard,  a  very  little  cayenne  pepper. 
Stir  this  well,  always  one  way ;  when  well-mixed  add  a 
very  little"  sweet  oil,  stirring  all  the  time.  After  this  is 
mixed  well  put  in  more,  very  little  at  a  time,  until  you 
have  used  a  third  of  a  bottle,  then  add  a  large  spoonful  of 
vinegar,  then  more  oil,  using  in  all  two-thirds  of  a  bottle 
of  oil,  then  another  spoonful  of  vinegar.  When  mixed  it 
must  be  very  light  and  a  good  color.  Set  it  on  the  ice  for 
two  or  three  hours.  Not  more  than  twenty  minutes  before 
using  the  salad  mix  it  and  prepare  for  the  table  by  putting 
%vith  the  meat  about  half  of  the  dressing;  stir  it  up  well. 

KING  BEE  and  GURNEY  REFRIGERATORS  are  buJlt  for 
small  ice  consusnption.    King  Hardware  Co. 

then  turn  on  to  the  meat  one  wine  glass  full  of  vinegar ; 
stir  this  up  well,  it  will  turn  the  chicken  very  white.  If  it 
requires  a  little  more  salt  add  it  now.  Place  the  chicken 
in  the  center  of  a  flat  dish  large  enough  to  lay  the  lettuce 
or  celery  around  the  meat.  Wipe  the  lettuce  as  dry  as  you 
can  and  lay  it  around  the  meat  with  a  spoon ;  put  the  rest 
of  the  dressing  on  the  lettuce  or  celery. 

Mrs.  Junius   Millard. 

Tar  tare  Sauce. 

Half  a  pint  of  mayonnaise,  3  olives,  6  cucumbers,  1  small 
onion,  chopped  fine  ;  add  to  this  half  cup  of  cider  vinegar ; 
mix  well.  Mrs.  John  Hill. 

Salad  Dressing  No.  2. 

Melt  4  tablespoons  burter  in  a  sauce-pan,  add  1  table- 
spoon CAPITOLA  flour,  rub  smooth,  then  add  1  cup  fresh 
sweet  milk  and  let  this  mixture  boil  up.  Have  ready  three 
well  beaten  eggs,  to  which  have  been  added  1  tablespoon 
sugar,  1  teaspoon  salt,  1  heaping  teaspoon  dry  mustard  and 
1  pinch  cayenne  pepper.  (It  is  well  to  mix  these  dry  in- 
gredients together  before  adding  to  eggs  to  prevent  lump- 
ing) ;  beat  thoroughly  with  eggs,  and  add  fi  cup  vinegar. 
Add  all  this  to  the  boiling  milk,  and  stir  constantly  until  it 
begins  to  thicken  like  boiled  custard,  which  will  be  from  3 
to  5  minutes.  This  will  keep  for  two  weeks  in  a  cool  place. 
When  wanted  for  use  add  whipped  cream  to  taste. 

Mrs.  Lucy  L.  Olive,  Stone  Mountain,  Ga. 

Ante-Bellum  Tomato  Catsup. 

Wash  and  mash  tomatoes  and  strain  through  sieve.  To 
every  gallon  of  juice  add  1  quart  of  vinegar,  2  tablespoons 
of  ground  mustard,  2  of  ground  pepper,  2  of  salt,  2  of  whole 
allspice,  and  2  of  cloves.  Then  add  2  large  onions  cut  very 
fine,  3  pods  green  pepper  cut  fine  and  1  teacup  sugar.  Boil 
until  thick,  adding  more  vinegar  if  necessary. 

Mrs. A.  P.  Grift'en,  Stone  Mountain,  Ga. 

Brown  Tomato  Sauce. 

Brown  three  tablespoons  of  butter  with  a  slice  of  onion. 
Add  four  tablespoons  of  CAPITOLA  flour  and  stir  and 
cook  until  well  browned.  Then  add  one  cup  of  rich  brown 
stock,  highly  seasoned,  and  a  half  a  cup  of  tomato  puree. 
When  boiling  add  salt  and  pepper  as  needed  and  a  half  cup 
o  fwhipped  cream.  Serve  with  cutlets  of  veal  or  baked 
fish.  Mrs.  Bernard  Wolfe. 


"Simple  diet  is  best,  for  many  dishes  bring  many  diseases." 

Have  all  vegetables  as  fresh  as  possible,  trim  carefully 
and  put  in  cold  water  for  at  least  half  an  hour  before  cook- 

Baked  Beans. 

One  quart  navy  beans,  two-thirds  cup  molasses,  dimes' 
worth  of  salt  pork,  1  tablespoon  salt,  pepper  to  taste,  H 
spoon  mustard.  Soak  beans  over  night  in  cold  water.  Par- 
boil them  in  salted  water,  very  slowly,  four  hours.  Put  in 
bean  pot  alternately,  a  layer  of  beans,  pork,  molasses,  with 
the  pepper  and  mustard.     Bake  slowly  five  hours. 

Mrs.  A.  E.  Wheeler. 

Baked  Cabbage. 

One  head  of  cabbage  boiled  in  salt  water  till  tender,  take 
out  and  chop  fine — three  eggs  well  beaten,  add  about  half 
a  cup  of  sweet  milk,  a  litle  butter  and  black  pepper,  pour 
over  cabbage  and  bake.  Mrs.  E.  G.  Thomas. 

Com  Fritters. 

Maek  a  batter  of  2  tablespoons  CAPITOLA  flour,  2  eggs, 
1  tablespoon  milk,  1  teaspoon  butter,  season  with  salt  and 
pepper,  and  into  this  mix  one  can  of  corn.  Drop  by  spoon- 
fuls into  boiling  COTTOLENE.  Mrs.  E.  G.  Akin. 

Fresh  Com  Timbal. 

Grate  1  dozen  ears  of  corn,  then  beat  the  yolks  of  4  eggs 
and  mix  with  corn ;  season  with  salt  and  a  little  pepper, 
and  then  stir  in  the  beaten  whites  of  the  eggs.  Put 
mixture  in  buttered  timbal  cups  and  steam  for  fifteen  or 
twenty  minutes.  The  timbal  cups  should  be  placed  in  pan 
of  water  and  covered  and  the  steaming  done  in  the  oven. 

These  timbals  are  very  delicious  served  with  creamed 
fresh  lima  beans.  Mrs.  Benj.  Elsas. 

Corn  and  Tomatoes. 

To  six  large  peeled  tomatoes  add  one  medium  size  onion, 
a  teaspoon  sugar,  small  piece  butter,  salt  and  pepper  to 
taste  and  a  pinch  of  soda.  Chop  the  onions  and  tomatoes 
and  add  about  one  quart  of  green  corn.  Cook  till  done ; 
garnish  with  rings  of  green  pepper.  Mrs.  H.  C.  Rehm. 

Eggplant  Fritters. 

One  medium  size  eggplant  peeled,  boiled  and  mashed,  1 


TENNIS  RACKETS,  BALLS  and  NETS.      King  Hardware 
Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

egg,  1  tablespoon  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  butter,  sea- 
son with  salt  and  pepper.  Mix  all  ingredients  together, 
drop  in  spoonfuls  in  bt)iling  COTTOLENE. 

Mrs.  H.  G.  Fennell. 

Stuffed  Egg  Plant.  No.  1. 

To  1  egg  plant  add  4  hard-boiled  eggs  chopped  fine,  1 
tablespoon  butter,  salt  and  pepper  to  taste.  Cut  out  inside 
pulp,  place  in  salt  water  1  hour,  then  place  in  fresh  water 
enough  to  cover,  boil  until  tender,  mash  up  and  add  all  the 
above  ingredients ;  replace  in  skins,  cover  with  cracker 
crumbs  and  bake  until  a  light  brown  color.    Serve  hot. 

Mrs.  E.  L.  Connally. 

Stuffed  Egg  Plant.  No.  2. 

•  Par  boil  large  egg  plant  in  boiling,  salted  water  10  min- 
utes. When  cold,  cut  in  half  lengthwise,  scrape  out  center, 
leaving  walls  of  the  vegetable  ^  inch  thick.  Chop  pulp 
fine,  add  to  it  a  small  cup  minced  chicken,  j^  cup  minced 
ham,  %  cup  bread  crumbs,  a  tablespoon  melted  butter, 
salt  and  pepper  to  taste.  Mix  well ;  add  enough  soup  stock 
to  make  stiff  paste  and  fill  the  hollow  sides  with  this.  When 
full  and  rounded  high,  sprinkle  with  bread  crumbs,  lay 
halves  in  bake  pan,  pouring  3  cups  of  soup  stock  around 
them.  Bake  nearly  an  hour,  basting  every  10  minutes.  Re- 
move egg  plant,  thicken  gravy  left  in  pan  with  browned 
CAPITOLA  flour,  boil  up  once,  stirring  constantly,  and 
pour  same  about  the  base  of  the  halved  egg  plant. 

Mrs.   Frank   P.   Rice. 

Green  Peas  and  Sweetbreads  in  Timbales. 

Soak  your  sweetbreads  and  shred  them,  place  them  with 
small  canned  French  peas  in  a  vessel  and  stir  lightly,  pour 
in  a  little  water,  cook  and  add  cream  sauce  and  serve  in 
timbales.  This  can  be  made  the  same  way  with  brains  in- 
stead of  sweetbreads. 

Mrs.  George  Sciple. 

Stuffed  Green  Peppers. 

Boil  2  pounds  round  steak  until  thoroughly  done.  Then 
grind  fine  and  season  highly  with  peper,  salt  and  a  little 
lemon  juice;  add  2  bunches  of  celery,  cut  fine,  and  2  well 
beaten  eggs.  Moisten  with  a  very  rich  thick  cream  sauce  ;  put 
into  the  peppers,  cover  with  grated  cracker  crumbs  and 
butter,  and  brown  in  hot  oven.     It  is  better  to  set  the  pep- 


out turnmg.     Price,  $L25.     King  Hardware  Co. 

pers  in  a  pan  with  about  an  inch  of  water  in  the  bottom. 
Chicken  ma}-  be  substituted  for  the  steak. 

Mrs.  Logan  ]\L  Cri'chton. 

Hopping  John. 

One  pound  bacon,  1  pint  red  peas,  1  pint  rice.  First  put 
on  peas,  when  half  boiled  add  bacon.  When  peas  are  done 
throw  in  the  rice  (well  washed)  boil  ^  hour,  then  put  on 
back  of  stove  to  steam  as  when  boiling  rice  alone.  Put 
1  quart  of  water  on  peas  at  first  and  if  it  boils  away  too 
much  add  little  hot  water.  Season  with  salt  and  pepper. 
In  serving  put  the  rice  and  peas  first  in  the  dish,  and  the 
bacon  on  top. 

"Skipping  Kate,"  another  Charleston  dish,  sister  to  Hop- 
ping John,  is  made  like  it,  using  grits  instead  of  rice. 

Mrs.  J.  Allen  Miles,  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Okra  Fritters. 

Two  cups  cold  boiled  okra,  1  egg,  1  tablespoon  CAPI- 
TOLA  flour,  1  level  teaspoon  butter,  salt  and  pepper  to 
season.     Stir  all  together,  fry  in  boiling  COTTOLENE. 

Mrs.   S.   C.   Dinkins. 

French  Peas  V\/Ith  Lamb  Chops. 

Hollow  out  a  Vienna  loaf  of  bread,  lill  with  hot  French 
peas,  serve  in  chop  dish  dressed  with  parsley,  stack  chops 
around  the  loaf  with  bone  end  up.  Dress  hones  with  chop 
papers.     Serve  ver}^  hot.  JMrs.  A.  G.  Oglesby.' 

Caramel   Potatoes. 

Boil  sweet  potatoes  in  salted  water.  Peel  and  cut  in 
rather  thick  slices  ;  dip  each  slice  into  melted  butter  then 
roll  it  in  a  stilT  syrup  of  melted  brown  sugar  and  water, 
put  in  the  oven  to  glaze.  Mrs.  W.  W  .Landrum. 

Yams  A  la  Marshmallows. 

Select  8  medium  potatoes,  wash,  place  in  boiler,  with 
water  enough  to  cover.  Boil  until  thoroughly  done,  re- 
move, peel,  wash,  and  prepare  as  follows :  Pour  into  po- 
tatoes this  mixture :  2  well  beaten  eggs,  1  cup  sugar,  1 
cup  sweet  milk,  1  teasjoon  vanilla,  heat.  Put  all  into 
baking  dish,  or  casserole,  bake  until  brown.  Cover  over 
top  with  marshmallows  and  brown  a  light,  rich  color. 

(Mrs.)  Marie  Bowen  Cason. 


All  kinds  of  ATHLETIC  GOODS.     King  Hardware  Co., 
53  Peachtree  St. 

Cold  Slaw. 

Cut  cabbage  very  fine,  cook  together  1  egg  well  beaten. 
1  teaspoon  sugar,  salt  and  pepper,  1  teaspoon  butter,  ^/^  cup 
vinegar,  to  consistency  of  cream,  pour  on  cabbage  and 
set  aside  to  cool.  Mrs.  E.  G.  Thomas. 


Break  the  spaghetti  into  salted,  boiling  water,  let  boil 
until  tender  and  drain.  Into  a  granite  boiler  put  a  tablespoon 
of  butter,  cut  a  small  onion  into  shreds,  fry  in  the  butter 
until  a  light  browm,  add  a  quart  can  of  tomatoes,  season 
with  pepper  and  salt,  and  if  acid,  add  a  pinch  of  soda. 
Cook  to  a  sauce  and  pour  over  spaghetti.  Then  add  a  half 
green  pep])er,  cut  fine,  a  dash  of  tobasco  and  54  pound 
of  cheese  cut  into  dice.  Stir  often  and  as  soon  as  cheese 
melts  set  over  hot  water  until  ready  to  serve. 

Mrs.  Fanny  Clarkson. 

Stuffed  Squash. 

Take  the  small-sized,  scalloped  squash,  cut  off  top.  scrape 
out,  leaving  shell  unbroken.  Cook  pulp,  seasoning  well  with 
butter,  salt  and  pepper  to  taste.  Fill  shells  with  this,  add- 
ing bread  crumbs,  finishing  top  with  crumbs  snd  small 
piece  of  butter.     Bake.  Mrs.  W.  T.  Crenshaw. 

Baked  Tomatoes. 

Select  as  many  tomatoes  as  you  need,  cut  ofif  stem  end 
and  remove  pulp.  Fill  with  macaroni  which  has  been 
boiled,  grated  cheese  and  a  little  of  the  juice  of  tomatoes  ; 
season  with  pepper  and  salt.  Add  a  small  lump  of  butter 
to  each  tomato.     Bake  in  moderate  oven  ^  hour. 

Mrs.  Kennedy. 

Stuffed  Tomatoes. 

Take  smooth,  round  tomatoes,  allowing  one  for  each  per- 
son, chill  thoroughly.  With  a  sharp  knife  cut  oft"  a  thin 
slice  from  the  top.  Scoop  out  tomato  with  spoon  or  dull 
knife.  Take  cjuarter  of  a  chopped  onion  for  each  tomato, 
some  chopped  celery,  green  pepper,  bread  crumbs  and  Jic 
inside  of  tomato.  Season  highly  with  salt,  pepper,  ^  tea- 
spoon of  good  sauce  and  pinch  of  baking  powder,  mixing 
these  ingredients  thoroughly.  Fill  tomatoes  almost  full, 
covering  them  with  the  cut-oft"  slice.  Place  in  pan  con- 
taining a  cup  of  water,  bake  for  20  minutes.  Serve  on 
lettuce  leaves.  Mrs.  W.  Gordon  Burnett. 


"Now  good   digestion   wait   on   appetite,   and   liealth   on   both." 
— Shakespeare. 

Salted  Almonds. 

Pour  boiling  water  over  almonds,  let  stand  several  min- 
utes ;  blanch,  wipe  and  place  where  they  will  drp ;  put  a 
lump  of  butter  in  a  pan  on  top  of  stove,  stir  in  the  alrnonds 
and  when  they  are  thoroughly  glazed  place  in  the  oven  and 
color  delicately.  Take  out,  spread  on  white  paper  and 
sprinkle  freely  with  fine  table  salt ;  eat  cold.  Peanuts  are 
delicious  prepared  the  same  way. 

Mrs.  Peter  Erwin. 

Cheese   Fosidis,  or   English   Monkey. 

One  cup  milk,  1  tablespoon  butter,  1  cup  fine  bread 
crumbs,  2  cups  finely  grated  cheese.  First  put  in  butter, 
then  cheese,  then  milk,  then  bread  crumbs.  When  hot  add 
2  well-beaten  eggs.  Stir  the  eggs  in  slowly,  and  do  not 
let  it  boil  up  after  adding.  Cook  slowly  for  alpout  2  minutes. 
Season  with  salt  and  pepper  and  serve  on  saltines. 

Miss  Bagley. 

Scalloped  Cheese. 
Take  3  slices  of  bread,  well-buttered,  first  cutting  ofif 
the  brown  outside,  grate  fine  ^  pound  of  any  good  cheese, 
lay  the  bread  in  layers  in  a  buttered  baking  dish.  Sprinkle 
over  it  the  grated  cheese,  salt  and  pepper  to  taste.  Mix 
4  well-beaten  eggs  with  3  cups  milk,  pour  it  over  the  bread 
and  cheese.  Bake  in  a  hot  oven.  This  makes  an  ample 
dish  for  6  people.  Mrs.  John  A.  Morris. 

Cheese  SoufHe.  No.  1. 

Three  tablespoons  CAPITOLA  flour,  3  tablespoons  but- 
ter, 3  eggs,  1  cup  milk,  1  cup  grated  cheese,  seasoning  to 
taste.  Blend  butter  and  flour  in  a  sauce  pan,  add  milk 
and  stir  until  boiling;  cook  3  minutes.  Stir  in  cheese  and 
yolks  of  eggs  beaten  until  thick.  Fold  in  the  stifliy-beaten 
whites  of  eggs  and  bake  in  a  greased  dish  about  25  minutes. 
Serve  quickly  as  it  soon  falls.  Mrs.  E.  M.  Yow. 

Cheese  Souffle.  No.  2. 

Melt  2  tablespoons  butter,  add  3  tablespoons  CAPITOLA 
flour  and  stir  until  well  blended ;  pour  on  gradually,  stirring 
constantly,  ^  cup  sweet  milk.  Bring  this  to  boiling  point, 
add  y^  cup  grated  cheese,  Yz  teaspoon  salt,  a  few  grains 
cayenne.    Remove  from  stove  and  add  the  yolks  of  2  well- 


ERS.    King  Hardware  Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

beaten  eggs,  fold  in  whites  beaten  stiff  and  dry.  Put  mix- 
ture in  pan  of  hot  water  or  double  boiler  and  cook  until 
firm  throughout.  Serve  on  crackers  or  squares  of  wdiite 
bread.  Mrs.  W.  A.  Prout,  Ba'rnesville,  Ga. 

Cheese  Straws, 

Six  heaping  kitchen-spoons  each  of  CAPITOLA  flour 
and  grated  cheese,  2  tablespoons  butter  melted,  after  meas- 
uring, a  little  grated  nutmeg,  a  very  little  cayenne  pepper, 
sW'Cet  milk  enough  for  a  thick  dough.  j\Iix  well,  roll  thin, 
cut  in  straws  ;  bake  in  biscuit  pan.  Mrs.  S.  E.  Smith. 

A  Deliciouss  Jam. 

Take  1  cup  of  large,  fine  raisins,  seed  them,  and  put  in  a 
sauce  pan  with  1  quart  of  cold  water.  Let  this  boil  until 
the  mixture  is  reduced  to  a  pint,  then  add  4cups  of  cran- 
berries and  2^'2  cups  of  sugar.  Boil  until  it  becomes  the 
consistency  of  jam.  Mrs.  George  W.  McCart3^ 

Orange  Straws. 

Rind  of  1  orange  sliced  in  strips,  boil  tender ;  mix  cup  of 
the  water  that  orange  has  been  boiled  in  and  1  cup  of  sugai", 
put  strips  in  and  boil.  When  tender  take  out  and  roll  in 
powdered  sugar.  Airs.  M.  A.  Fall. 

Pear  Conccrvo. 
Good  pound  of  green  pears,  1  pound  of  sugar,  2  quarts 
of  cranberries,  1  pound  of  raisins  (seedless),  2  oranges; 
wash  berries,  peel  pears  and  cut  up  hne,  use  skin  on 
oranges,  only  seed  each  and  cut  in  pieces.  Put  .  il  togciher 
and  boil  until  tender.  About  Yz  hour,  be  careful  not  to 
burn.  This  conserve  is  very  good  to  serve  w^ith  any  kind 
of  meat.  Mrs.  E.  N.  Erickson,  Plaintield,  N.  J. 

Tomato  Jelly. 

Three-fourths  box  gelatine,  y^,  cup  cold  water,  1  can 
tomatoes,  Yz  onion,  1  stalk  celery,  2  tablespoons  tarragon 
vinegar,  1  bay  leaf,  2  cloves,  dash  cayenne  pepper.  Soften 
the  gelatine  5  minutes  in  the  cold  water;  cook  together 
the  other  ingredients,  except  the  vinegar,  10  minutes  ;  add 
the  vinegar  and  softened  gelatine  and  stirr  well  until  dis- 
solved, then  pass  through  a  sieve  fine  enough  to  keep  the 
seeds  back.  Pour  into  a  mold  and  set  in  a  cool  place  to 
form.     English  walnuts  may  be  added  if  liked. 

Mrs.  John  A.   Morris. 

• 54 

OUR  ENAMELED  WARE  is  all  first  quality.    King  Hard- 
ware Co.,  53  Peachtree  St. 

Welsh  Rarebit. 

One  pound  grated  cheese,  1  tablespoon  tobasco  sauce,  1 
tablespoon  Worcestershire  sauce,  1  egg,  butter  size  of  egg. 
Put  in  butter  first,  then  grated  cheese ;  after  well  melted 
put  in  egg,  stir  fast  and  then  add  1  glass  of  beer.  Stir 
briskly  until  smooth  and  consistency  of  cream. 

Mrs.  J.  B.  Ponder. 


Ax  Jar  Pickles. 

One  gallon  vinegar,  2  pounds  sugar,  2  l)oxe_s  mustard,  2 
ounces  white  mustard  seed,  2  ounces  each  kind  of  spice, 
2  dozen  small  onions,  2  ounces  turmeric,  salt  to  taste.  Mix 
carefully  together,  as  you  gather  fresh  and  tender  vege- 
tables each  morning  wash  and  drop  them  into  the  above 
mixture  in  a  large  jar.  Small  melons,  beans,  tomatoes, 
cauliflower,  cucumbers,  gherkins  and  very  tenderest  corn 
mav  be  used.  If  the  mixture  begins  to  ferment  add  a  little 
sug'ar.  ^liss  Nannie  McCall,  Quitman,  Ga. 

Brandied  Cherries. 

Select  large  cherries,  pick  carefully,  wash  and  steam. 
Take  glass  jars  and  place  an  inch  layer  of  granulated  sugar 
in  the  bottom.  Then  add  a  layer  of  fruit  and  so  on  m 
alternate  layers  until  the  jars  are  well-filled  and  tightly 
packed.  Fill  to  the  top  with  white  rum.  See  that  it  fills 
every  crevice.  Screw  on  the  tops  of  the  jars  and  place 
them  in  a  vessel  with  cold  water  coming  nearly  to  the  tops 
of  them.  Set  on  the  stove  and  let  water  come  gradually  to 
a  boil.  Boil  >4  hour.  Remove  when  cool,  tighten  tops 
and  put  in  a  cool,  dark  place. 

Mrs.  William  J.  Armistead. 

Brandy  Peaches. 

One  pound  of  fruit  to  1  pound  of  sugar,  >4  pint  of  water 
to  every  3  pounds  of  sugar.  Peel  fruit;  when  syrup  is 
boiling  hot  put  in  the  peaches.  Allow  them  to  remain 
until  thoroughly  scalded  then  put  on  a  slab  to  cool.  Look 
the  syrup  until  it  begins  to  rope,  then  take  off  and  let  cool. 
When  cool  add  equal  quantities  of  the  syrup  and  white  rum, 
then  the  fruit;  seal  in  jars.  Mrs.  George  Brown. 

Cabbage  Pickles. 

Pull  the  cabbage  to  pieces,  leaf  by  leat ;  put  mto  a  bowl 

over  night,  a  layer  of  cabbage  and  a  layer  of  salt.    Next  day 

wash  off  all  the  salt  you  can.     Have  boihng  2  quars  of 

vinegar,  1  pint  of  sugar  with  spices  to  taste.     Put  the  cab- 

bage^n  jars,  or  a  large  stone  jar  is  better,  pour  boilmg 

vinegar  over  them,  cover  tightly  while  hot.     Don  t  cut  the 

leaves  until  ready  to  put  on  the  table. 

leaves  unu  y  ^^^^^  McCall,  Quitman,  Ga. 

Corn  Salad  Pickle. 

(Five  Quarts.)  .      ,  o 

Eighteen  ears  green  corn,  /^  pound  Coleman  s  mustard,  2 


FAMILY  SCALES  in  all  kinds  and  sizes.    King  Hardware 
Co.,  53  Peachtree. 

pounds  brown  sugar,  4  large  onions,  2  green  peppers,  2  red 
peppers,  Yz  cup  salt,  1  large  cabbage,  2  quarts  hot  vinegar, 
2  bunches  celery.  Cut  off  corn  and  scrape,  chop  all  vege- 
tables and  mix  together.  Cook  till  peppers  turn  brown, 
color  with  1  cup  tumeric.     Put  in  jars  while  hot  and  seal. 

Mrs.  J.  W.  Watters,  Albany,  Ga. 

Cucumber  Pickles. 

Use  those  that  are  tender  and  of  quick  growth.  Place 
any  number  of  small  cucumbers  in  a  stone  crock,  cover 
with  a  strong  brine ;  let  stand  3  days  then  draw  off  brine 
and  cover  with  clear  water ;  drop  in  a  piece  of  alum  the 
size  of  a  walnut ;  let  stand  24  hours.  Put  1  gallon  of  vine- 
gar, 1  tablespoon  each  of  whole  black  peppers  and  cloves 
on  stove  and  when  hot  drop  in  a  few  cucumbers  at  a  time. 
When  they  are  thoroughly  hot  pack  in  jars  and  cover  with 
fresh  vinegar  with  a  little  sugar  and  a  few  cloves  added. 

Mrs.  Kate  Brooks,  Quitman,  Ga. 

Sweet  Peach  Pickles. 

Take  firm  peaches,  drop  them  into  scalding  water  made 
very  strong  with  soda.  This  causes  skin  to  slip.  Scald  a 
minute  or  two  then  rub  with  a  rough  cloth  until  clear  of 
skin.  Drop  them  into  cold  water  while  waiting  for  vine- 
gar. Take  1  quart  of  vinegar  and  1  pint  of  sugar,  let  come 
to  a  hard  boil,  then  drop  in  the  peaches ;  allow  them  to  boil 
2  minutes.  Put  them  in  jars  and  pour  boiling  vinegar  over 
them.  Put  in  cloves  as  you  fill  can  while  hot.  This  makes 
an  elegant  firm  pickle.  Mrs.  Albert  Tidwell. 

Spiced   Pears. 

To  8  pounds  of  fruit  put  6  pounds  of  sugar,  3  pints  of 
vinegar,  2  tablespoons  cloves,  1  tablespoon  cinnamon.  Make 
the  syrup  and  put  in  fruit ;  boil  the  fruit  until  tender,  put 
in  a  jar;  pour  syrup  over  it  and  seal. 

Mrs.  S.  H.  Collinsworth. 

Sliced  Tomato  Pickle. 

One  peck  green  tomatoes,  6  large  onions  sliced  thin,  1 
pound  brown  sugar,  2  red  pepper  pods,  2  tablespoons  each 
black  mustard  seed,  white  mustard  seed  and  celery  seed,  1 
handful  allspice,  1  heaping  teaspoon  prepared  horse  radish 
wet  in  water,  3^  teacup  dry  mustard  mixed  with  vinegar. 
Cut  tomatoes  in  thin  slices,  let  stand  over  night  in  salt,  wash 
thoroughly  in  2  or  3  waters  next  morning,  add  other  in- 


ROGERS   1847  SILVER  WARE  wears  like  Sterling  and 
costs  much  less.     King  Hardware  Co. 

gredients,  cover  the  whole  until  tender  with  3^  gallon 
vinegar.  Mrs.  Banks  Williamson,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Sweet  Tomato  Pickles.  No.  1. 

Slice  tomatoes  and  put  in  brine  for  3  or  4  days,  then  soak 
in  fresh  water,  scald  in  lime  water,  take  up  and  pour  cold 
water  on,  then  weigh  to  every  2  pounds  tomatoes  1  pound 
sugar  and  1  pint  vinegar.  Add  allspice,  ginger  and  cloves 
to  taste.    When  juice  boils  put  in  tomatoes  and  boil  ^  hour. 

Mrs.  Louise  Spalding  Foster. 

Sweet  Tomato   Pickles.   No.   2. 

Peel  and  slice  1  peel  of  green  tomatoes,  sprinkle  with 
salt  and  let  stand  over  night.  To  1  gallon  of  vinegar  add 
1/^  pounds  of  sugar,  2  tablespoons  white  mustard  seed,  }4 
teaspoon  celery  seed  and  a  little  allspice.  Put  all  on  stove, 
when  hot  add  tomatoes  and  cook  very  slowly  till  tender. 
Onions  may  be  added  if  liked.  Mrs.  Albert  Tidwell. 

•  Mostard  Vegetable  Pickle. 
Take  fresh  vegetables,  such  as  small  white  onions,  arti- 
chokes, young  snap  beans,  green  tomatoes,  cucumbers,  etc., 
cover  with  salt  water  and  let  stand  for  3  days ;  remove 
from  brine,  cover  with  vinegar,  let  stand  for  3  days  longer, 
then  remove  from  vinegar  and  put  into  following  mixture : 

1  gallon  vinegar,  1  pound  each  ground  mustard  and  white 
mustard  seed,  2  ounces  tumeric,  1  teaspoon  grated  nutmeg, 

2  tablespoons  each  cinnamon,  ginger  and  allspice,  1  table- 
spoon each  ground  black  pepper  and  cloves,  a  good  dash 
of  cayenne,  4  tablespoons  celery  seed,  4  teasups  brown 
sugar,  1  teacup  horse  radish.  Mix  thoroughly,  let  stand 
2  or  3  days  before  using.  Mrs.  J.  D.  Frazier. 

Wa":ermelcn  Pickles.  No.  1. 
Peel  and  slice  rind  in  size  for  pickling.  Soak  12  hours 
in  weak  lime  water  then  12  hours  in  fresh  water,  then  boil 
tender  in  ginger  tea.  To  1  pound  of  fruit  put  ^  pound 
sugar.  Put  in  the  boiler  and  cover  with  vinegan ;  drop  in 
cloves,  mace  and  cinnamon.  Boil  until  a  straw  will  go 
through,  but  don't  let  fruit  cook  soft. 

Mrs.  J.  G.  McCall. 

Watermelon  Pickles.  No.  2. 

Pare  watermelon  rind  until  less  than  ^4  oi  an  inch  thick. 
Boil  in  clear  water  until  tender  enough  to  pierce  with  a 


KNIVES,  SPATULA.       King  Hardware  Co. 

straw.  Keep  well  covered  with  water  while  boiling.  When 
tender  remove  from  water,  cover  well  with  white  vinegar. 
To  each  quart  of  vinegar  add  5  cups  sugar.  Tie  in  a  thin 
white  cloth  1  teaspoon  whole  spice,  3^  teaspoon  cloves,  1 
stick  cinnamon  and  cook  with  pickle.  If  syrup  boils  down 
too  much  add  more  vinegar  and  sugar. 

Mrs.  J.  L.  Moore,  Hampton,  Ga. 


"No  soil  upon  earth  is  so  dear  to  our  eyes, 
As  the  soil  we  first  stirred  in  terrestial  pies." 

O.  W.  Holmes. 
"An't  please  your  Honour,"  quoth  the  peasant, 
"This  same  dessert  is  very  pleasant." 

— Pope. 


One  cup  of  shortening,  lard  and  butter  mixed,  or  all  lard. 
Three  cups  of  CAPITOLA  flour,  a  little  salt;  sift  the  flour, 
add  the  salt  and  rub  in  the  shortening.  Use  enough  water 
or  sweet  milk  to  hold  all  together;*  handle  as  little  as  pos- 
sible. Roll  from  you.  One-third  of  this  quantity  is  suf- 
ficient for  1  pie.  All  biscuit  dough  and  pastry  is  improved 
by  placing  in  the  refrigerator  an  hour  or  more  before  using. 

Chocolate  Pie. 

Grate  Yz  tea  cup  of  chocolate,  put  in  sauce  pan  with  cup 
hot  water,  butter  size  of  an  ^^^,  1  teaspoon  vanilla,  1  cup 
sugar,  beaten  yolks  of  2  eggs,  2  tablespoons  corn  starch, 
dissolved  in  as  much  water.  Mix  well,  cook  until  thick, 
stirring  constantly.  Pour  into  pie  shells  and  let  cool.  Make 
meringue  of  the  whites  of  2  eggs  beaten  stiff  with  2  table- 
spoons powdered  sugar.     Spread  on  pie  and  brown  slightly. 

Miss  Ruby  Scruggs. 

Individual  Pies. 

Roll  rich  pastry  very  thin,  cut  with  biscuit  cutter,  bake 
in  quick  oven.  Cook  down  fresh  apple  sauce  until  it  is 
almost  candied,  spread  about  3^  inch  thick  on  the  baked 
pielettes  and  sprinkle  grated  cheese  over  top.  Serve  hot 
or  cold.  Mrs.  T.  O.  Headen,  East  Point,  Ga. 

Lemon  Custard  Pie. 

Twelve  ounces  CAPITOLA  flour,  6  ounces  lard.  Mix 
with  ice  water  and  teaspoon  salt,  8  heaping  teaspoons  corn 
starch  dissolved  in  nearly  cup  of  milk,  then  pour  on  2 
pints  boiling  water,  put  on  fire  and  stir  briskly  until  clear ; 
add  2  cups  sugar,  4  ounces  butter,  beaten  yolks  4  eggs, 
rind  and  juice  2  large  lemons.  Cook  until  sufficiently  thick. 
Meringue — Whites  4  eggs  and  4  tablespoons  pulverized 
sugar.  This  makes  4  pies.  Bake  crust  separate ;  pour  on 
custard  filling,  then  meringue  and  put  in  stove  long  enough 
to  brown.  Mrs.  Robt.  L.  Turman. 

Mock  Mince  Pie. 

One-half  cup  syrup,  ^4  cup  water,  y^,  cup  vinegar,  1  cup 



takes  less." 

sugar,  1  cup  bread  crumbs,  1  cup  chopped  raisins,  ^  cup 
currants,  teaspoon  cloves,  teaspoon  cinnamon,  tablespoon 
butter,  tablespjoon  suet.  Stew  all  together  until  thick. 
When  cool  add  3  apples  chopped  fine,  put  between  crusts, 
bake  and  serve  with  cream.  Mrs.  Albert  Tidwell. 

Pumpkin  Pie. 

Have  the  pumpkins  boiled  until  you  can  mash  them ;  then 
use  4  cups  of  the  strained  pumpkin,  6  eggs,  3  cups  sugar. 
Beat  with  the  eggs  1  cup  butter,  2  cups  sweet  milk,  5  tea- 
spoons cinnamon,  2  teaspoons  ginger,  3  teaspoons  allspice, 
1  nutmeg.  The  pastry  is  made  of  CAPITOLA  flour  in 
water,  lard,  etc.    Do  not  put  top  on  pie. 

Mrs.  Howard  McCall. 

Strawberry  Meringue  Pie. 

Stew  berries  with  sugar,  mash  through  a  sieve,  add  to  the 
beaten  white  of  an  egg.  Bake  a  rich  pie  crust,  spread  the 
berries  on  it,  brown  and  serve.  Mrs.  D.  R.  Wilder. 

Basket  Pudding  (Pretty  for  Easter). 

Bake  sponge  cake  in  a  long  sheet  and  cut  in  inch-wide 
strips,  when  cool  enough  to  handle  weave  these  into  a 
basket,  running  a  long  thin  strip  across  the  top  for  a 
handle,  on  which  tie  a  few  jonquils  and  ferns.  Fill  with 
frozen  cream,  moulded  into  eggs,  and  serve  with  hot  cara- 
mel sauce,  filled  with  English  walnuts.  Sauce — Melt  one 
pound  of  maple  sugar  in  ^  teacup  of  hot  water ;  add  1  cup 
brown  sugar  and  boil  until  thick ;  season  with  vanilla  and 
add  1  cup  nut  meats.  Mrs.  Sam  D.  Jones. 

Bread  Pudding. 

Materials — One  loaf  bread  (remove  crust)  4  eggs,  1  pint 
sweet  milk,  a  good  pinch  of  salt.  Beat  eggs  together  until 
very  light.  Add  milk.  Crumble  bread  into  the  mixture, 
lastly,  put  in  salt.  Dip  a  cloth  in  hot  water,  wring  partially 
dry  then  sift  CAPITOLA  flour  on  one  side  to  keep  pudding 
from  leaking.  Having  tied  mixture  in  this  cloth  place  in 
boiling  water  and  boil  steadily  for  3  hours.  Eat  with  but- 
ter and  sugar  sauce.  We  often  add  currants,  raisins  or 
fresh  apples  to  the  above.  This  receipt  has  been  in  the 
Tripp  family  of  Beaufort,  S.  C,  for  60  years,  and  is  most 
delicate  and  delightful.  Mrs.  W.   D.   Ellis. 


The  best  cooks  use  BLUE  RIBBON   FLAVORING  EX- 
TRACT.    "Best  and  takes  less." 

Batter  Pudding. 

One  quart  boiling  milk,  5  tablespoons  CAPITOLA  flour, 
and  5  tablespoons  milk  mixed  together ;  5  eggs  beaten  sep- 
arately. Whites  beaten  stiff,  then  mix  with  batter  and 
last  the  boiling  milk.  Bake  15  or  20  minutes.  Serve  with 
hard  sauce.  Sauce — Two  cups  of  sugar,  1  cup  of  butter 
beaten  to  a  cream.  Mrs.  Henry  Hynds. 

Delmonico  Pudding. 

One  pound  marshmallows,  quartered,  1  cup  pecan  nuts, 
cut  small,  small  bottle  Maraschino  cherries,  cut  in  two ;  soak 
this  over  night  in  12  teaspoons  sherry  wine ;  1  pint  cream 
whipped  with  tablespoon  powdered  sugar.  Just  before 
serving  fold  cream  into  fruit ;  put  cherries  on  top. 

Mrs.  Allison  Greene. 

An  Excellent  Pudding. 

One  quart  sweet  milk,  3  tablespoons  corn  starch,  1  tea- 
spoon lemon  extract,  sugar  to  taste,  a  pinch  of  salt.  Let 
milk  come  to  a  boil ;  mix  corn  starch  with  a  little  cold 
milk,  add  this  and  other  ingredients  to  hot  milk,  boil  3 
minutes.  Take  from  fire  and  stir  in  well-beaten  whites  of 
3  eggs.  Mrs.  P.  T.  Manson. 

Feather  Pudding. 

Four  eggs  beaten  separately,  Yz  cup  of  CAPITOLA  flour, 
2  tablespoons  sugar,  1  pint  sweet  milk  made  into  blanc 
mange.  Stir  in  yolks  when  blanc  mange  is  cold.  Stir  in 
whites  last.  Bake  in  pan  in  double  boiler.  Serve  with 
sauce;  flavor  to  taste.  Mrs.  J.  S.  Mabry. 

Kiss  Pudding. 

One  quart  milk,  4  eggs,  5  tablespoons  CAPITOLA  flour, 
Yi  cup  sugar.  Put  milk  on  stove  in  double  boiler,  beat 
yolks,  sugar  and  flour  together,  thinning  with  a  little  milk. 
Put  1  teaspoon  baking  powder  in  this.  When  the  milk 
has  come  to  boiling  point  pour  slowly  into  the  eggs,  stir- 
ring constantly.  The'n  put  back  on  stove,  cook  until  thick 
enough;  stir  incessantly  to  keep  from  lumping.  Bdat 
whites  of  eggs  to  stiff  froth;  put  in  4  tablespoons  sugar. 
Flavor  this  and  custard  to  taste.  Mrs.  J.  S.  Mabry. 

Marshmallow  Pudding. 

Put  1  tablespoon  gelatine  in  1  gill  cold  water,  heat  till 
dissolved,   add   another   gill   cold   water,    se   taside.     Beat 


Blue   Ribbon   Flavoring   Extract,   the  successful   result  of 
twenty  years. 

whites  4  eggs  stiff,  add  gradually  1  pint  sugar  and  gelatine 
alternately.  Flovor  with  orange  or  any  desired  flavoring. 
Divide  into  3  parts,  coloring  one  part  pink.  Line  square 
mould  with  paper,  spread  on  bottom  one  part  white  mix- 
ture, sprinkle  over  it,  finely  chopped  English  walnuts  and 
candied  pineapple,  then  spread  pink  part,  sprinkling  nuts, 
etc.  over  it,  then  other  white  part.  When  congealed  in- 
vert into  a  dish  and  serve  with  whipped  cream. 

Mrs.  S.  T.  Ryley,  Lexington,  Ky. 

Montreal  Pudding. 

One  pound  bread  crumbs,  3  pounds  sugar,  6  eggs,  1  pint 
milk,  1  pound  raisins,  Yz  pound  pecans.  Mix  well  and 
steam  3  hours.  Miss  Maude  Scruggs. 

Nesselrode  Pudding. 

Make  a  custard  of  3  eggs,  2>4  cups  sugar,  1  pint  sweet 
milk.  When  this  is  cold  add  1  quart  whipped  cream,  freeze 
slightly,  add  Yz  pound  English  walnuts  chopped  fine,  Y^ 
pound  crystalized  cherries,  cut  up ;  Ya  pound  citron  or  pine- 
apple shaved.  When  all  is  nearly  frozen  add  nearly  a 
tumbler  full  of  sherry.  Mrs.  W.  R.  Stovall. 

Orange  Sponge  Pudding. 

Cut  5  or  6  oranges  in  small  pieces  and  place  in  a  pudding 
dish  ;  pour  over  them  1  cup  sugar.  Then  make  a  boiled 
custard  of  1  pint  milk,  yolks  of  3  eggs,  ^  cup  sugar,  and 
1  large  tablespoon  corn  starch.  Pour  this  on  the  oranges ; 
make  a  meringue  of  the  whites  of  3  eggs  and  3  tablespoons 
pulverized  sugar ;  pour  on  oranges,  put  in  stove  and  brown 
lightly.  Mrs.  George  Westmoreland. 

Plum  Pudding. 

Five  eggs,  1  cup  sugar,  Y^  pound  suet,  4  cups  grated 
bread  crumbs,  2  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  2  even  teaspoons 
soda,  1  cup  milk,  1  teaspoon  each  of  cloves,  cinnamon  and 
allspice,  2  pounds  raisins  dredged  with  a  little  flour. 
Put  in  a  well-greased  mould  with  a  securely  fastened  top, 
Boil  for  3  hours.  The  water  should  be  boiling  the  whole 
time.  Mrs.  J.  B.  Baird. 

Prune  PLtdc^'.ng. 

Take  al)out  30  prunes  that  have  been  thoroughly  cooked, 
seed  and  chop  fine.  Beat  whites  of  6  eggs  to  stiff  broth, 
sweeten  to  taste,  then  beat  in  prunes  by  dropping  in  few 


Use  ore  teaspoon  BLUE  RIBBON  FLAVORING  EX- 
TRACT to  one  quart  of  material. 

at  a  time ;  put  in  pan,  set  in  another  pan  with  hot  water  in 
it  and  put  in  stove  for  about  20  minutes,  or  until  pudUing 
leaves  the  pan.  Then  take  up  as  you  would  a  cake,  only 
use  a  plate  the  second  time  so  the  top  of  the  pudding  will 
be  up.  Serve  with  boiled  custard.  Can -use  pecans  or 
almonds   with  prunes,  pound  the  nuts. 

Mrs.  George  Coates. 

Snow  Pudding. 

First  Part — Whites  4  eggs,  beaten  stiff,  4  level  table- 
spoons sugar,  1  teaspoon  vanilla  or  lemon,  1  wineglass 
sherry  or  other  cooking  wine  or  whiskey.  Put  these  in- 
gredients into  the  well-beaten  whites  and  stir  lightly  with 
a  fork. 

Second  Part — One  pint  rich  cream  beaten  until  like  bat- 
ter, add  4  tablespoons  sugar,  1  teaspoon  vanilla  or  lemon, 
1  wineglass  sherry  or  other  wine.  Pour  both  parts  in  one 
bowl,  mix  with  fork  lightly.  This  quantity  fills  a  soup 
tureen.     Serve  in  small  glasses  as  it  is  very  rich. 

Mrs.  P.  F.  Manson. 

Strawberry  Pudding. 

Line  a  pudding  mold  with  sponge  cake,  macaroons  and 
strawberries.  Pour  over  a  pint  of  rich  milk  or  cream  and 
steam  2  hours.  Serve  with  whipped  cream,  sweetened  and 
flavored  with  sherry.  Miss  Emmie  Ruse. 

Apple  Charlotte. 

Have  bowl  cold  and  break  into  it  1  white  of  an  egg,  put 
in  cup  of  powdered  sugar,  1  tablespoon  granulated  sugar. 
Take  1  large  mellow  apple,  grate  into  eggs  and  sugar  and 
beat  for  >^  hour  with  kitchen  spoon.  Then  put  in  cup  of 
pecans,  some  crystallized  cherries  and  malaga  grapes.  Take 
3^  pint  thin  cream,  flavor  with  1  tablespoon  sherry  and  pour 
over  charlotte.  Mrs.  R.  N.  R.  Bardwell. 

Apple  Float. 

One  pint  stewed  (fresh)  apples,  whites  2  eggs.  Whip 
eggs  to  stiff  froth,  add  to  this  a  tablespoon  apples  beaten 
in  until  all  of  the  apples  are  used.  Flavor  with  vandla  ; 
serve  with  whipped  cream.  Mrs.  Carrie  Colhns. 

Apple  Fritters. 

Four  large,  sour,  sound-cooking  apples,  peeled,  cored  and 
cut  each  in  4  slices.    One  glass  sherry,  2  tablespoons  sugar. 


For  quality,  purity  and  strength  use  BLUE  RIBBON 

Place  slices  of  apples  in  bowl,  with  sugar  and  wine,  cover 
with  plate ;  set  aside  to  steep  2  hours,  then  dip  each  slice 
into  batter  and  fry  in  boiling  COTTOLENE  to  a  light 
brown  ;  serve  with  sugar. 

Mrs.  John  Schaffner  Spalding. 

Stuffed  Apples. 

Peel  and  core  the  apples  and  put  them  in  a  vessel  with  a 
little  water  and  steam  until  done.  Mince  equal  parts  of 
raisins  and  English  walnuts  (or  any  nuts  desired\  soak- 
awhile  in  sherry  then  stuff  the  apples  with  this  and  serve 
with  whipped  cream.  Mrs.  Vassar  Woolley. 

Apple  Tapioca. 

One  cup  granulated  tapioca,  1  cup  sugar,  4  cups  cold 
water,  6  large  apples,  1  pint  cream.  Soak  tapioca  with 
half  of  water  for  one  hour,  then  put  in  porcelain  kettle, 
add  rest  of  water  and  cook  until  clear  as  jelly.  Add  sugir, 
boil  a  few  minutes  and  take  from  stove.  Into  this  mix 
the  finely  chopped  apples,  pour  in  pan,  bake  until  apples 
are  tender.     Serve  wth  cream,  plain  or  whipped. 

Mrs.   A.    T."  Spalding. 

Eevnana  Fritters. 
Beat  3  or  4  bananas  to  a  cream.  Add  1  egg,  1  cup  CAPI- 
TOLA  flour,  in  which  1  level  teaspoon  baking  powder  has 
been  sifted ;  1  salt  spoon  of  salt  and  about  ^  cup  sweet 
milk,  or  enough  to  make  a  drop  batter;  1  teaspoon  lemon 
juice  may  also  be  added.  Beat  until  thoroughly  mixed.  Dip 
a  clean  spoon  in  the  fat  and  use  it  to  shape  the  fritters  ;  do 
not  make  them  too  large.  Fry  in  boiling  COTTOLENE, 
drain  on  soft  paper.  Sprinkle  with  powdered  sugar  or  serve 
with  lemon  juice.     Serve  while  hot. 

Mrs.  J.  Cheston  King. 

Cafe  Parfait. 

One  pint  milk,  2  eggs,  1  heaping  teaspoon  sifted  CAPI- 
TOLA  flour,  not  cmite  a  pint  ofsugar ;  make  custard  and 
let  it  cool,  then  add  1  quart  cream  ;  pour  over  this  whipped 
cream  and  6  tablespoons  strong  black  coffee. 

^Irs.  Charles  du  Bignon. 

Cream  Balls. 

Two  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  2  teaspoons  baking  powder, 
1  egg,  1  cup  sugar,   1  cup  swet  milk   (half  milk  and  half 


BLUE  RIBBON  FLAVORING  EXTRACT  in  a  dozen  dif- 
ferent  flavorings. 

water  can  be  used),  butter  size  of  egg.  Bake  in  small  round 
gems  ii:  rather  quick  oven.  With  a  hot  knife  split  each 
ball  and  place  inside  a  teaspoon  of  following:  One  teacup 
milk,  1  egg,  sugar  to  taste,  1  teaspoon  corn  starch  moistened 
with  cold  milk.  Cook  till  thick,  flavor  with  vanilla  or  any 
preferred  flavoring.  Dust  the  balls  with  powdered  sugar. 
Mrs.  Mary  Turner  Jones,  .".ugusta,  Ga. 

Cream  Puffs. 

Melt  half  a  cup  of  butter  in  1  cup  hot  water,  and  while 
boiling  beat  in  1  cup  CAPITOLA  flour,  then  take  off  the 
stove  and  cool.  Stir  in  3  eggs,  one  at  a  time,  without  beat- 
ing ;  drop  quickly  in  baking  pan  and  bake  about  20  minutes 
in  moderate  oven.  For  the  cream  mix  y^  pint  milk,  1  egg,  3 
tablespoons  sugar  and  2  large  tablespoons  CAPITOLA 
flour;  boil  same  as  any  other  cream  and  flavor  to  taste. 
When  puffs  are  baked  open  the  side  and  fill  with  the  cream. 

Mrs.  J.  W.  Wills. 


Two  eggs,  1  cup  butter  (melted  after  measuring),  1^ 
cups  sugar,  }^  teaspon  soda  dissolved  in  2  teaspoons  hot 
water,  1  teaspoon  each,  cinnamon,  allspice,  cloves  and  nut- 
meg, 3  cups  sifted  CAPITOLA  flour,  1}4  cups  seeded  raisins. 
Mix  thoroughly,  drop  from  a  teaspoon  (hot  heaped)  in 
biscuit  pan  which  has  been  dredged  with  flour. 

Mrs.  E.  H.  Cone. 

Orange  Marmalade. 

Wash  6  oranges,  4  lemons,  cover  with  water  and  boil 
until  they  can  be  pricked  with  a  straw.  Take  the  fruit 
out  of  the  water  and  when  cool  halve  and  quarter,  peel 
the  skin  and  take  all  seeds  out  from  the  pulp.  Cut  the 
rinds  in  thin  strips  and  return  them  with  the  pulps  to  the 
water  in  which  the  fruit  was  boiled,  adding  equal  parts  of 
sugar.     Cook  until  thick  like  marmalade. 

Mrs.  Frank  Myers,  Sr. 

Pineapple  Sponge. 

Dissolve  1  package  of  plain  gelatine  in  as  little  water  as 
possible  ;  make  syrup  of  1  cup  water  and  1  cup  sugar  while 
this  is  boiling,  to  the  dissolved  gelatine,  and  to  the. whole 
add  1  can  grated  pineapple.  Place  on  ice  and  when  it  be- 
gins to  congeal  stir  in  1  pint  whipped  cream.  Pour  into 
a  brick-shaped  pan  and  when  cold  turn  out  and  slice  as 
you  would  ice  cream. 

Mrs.  Charles  Waters  Fitzhugh,  Pine  Bluff',  Ark. 


BLUE  RIBBON  EXTRACT.    Rich  in  flavor.  "Best  and 
takes  less." 

Snow  Flake  Souffle. 

One  pint  cream,  2  eggs,  whites  only;  1  can  pineapple,  1 
cup  grated  cocoanut.  Whip  cream,  sweeten  to  taste,  add 
beaten  whites.  Cut  pineapple  into  small  cubes  and  line 
the  bottom  of  a  dish  with  them.  Pour  over  them  the 
beaten  mixture  and  sprinkle  on  top  the  cocoanut. 

Mrs.  Vassar  Wooley. 


Two  scant  tablespons  butter,  2  heaping  tablespoons 
CAPITOLA  flour,  2  tablespoons  sugar,  1  cup  sweet  milk, 
4  eggs.  Beat  flour  and  butter  together,  add  gradually  the 
milk  which  has  been  allowed  to  come  to  a  boil.  Cook  this 
mixture  8  minutes,  stirring  constantly,  then  add  well- 
beaten  yellows  and  sugar ;  put  aside  to  cool.  When  ready 
to  bake  stir  in  well-beaten  whites,  pour  into  a  buttered 
pudding  dish  and  bake  for  30  minutes.  When  done  leave 
stove  door  open  a  few  minutes  before  dish  is  taken  out. 

Sauce — One-half  cup  water,  1  cup  powdered  sugar,  ]/% 
cup  cream,  4  tablespoons  wine  or  vanilla.  Beat  butter  to 
a  cream,  add  sugar  gradually,  beating  all  the  time.  When 
light  and  creamy  add  slowly  wine  and  then  cream.  Place 
bowl  in  a  vessel  of  hot  water  and  stir  until  smooth. 

Mrs.  Porter  King. 

Strawberry  Shortcake. 

To  one  rich  pie  crust  add  1  tablespoon  sugar  and  1  ^^%. 
Bake  like  hoe  cake,  split  and  butter ;  1  ciuart  sweetened 
berries  crushed  (a  few  having  been  reserved),  and  spread 
between  and  on  top  of  crust  when  partly  cooled.  When 
ready  to  serve  pour  over  this  a  pint  of  cream  sweetened 
and  whipped  until  stifif,  then  the  whole  berries  on  top. 

Mrs.  Porter  King. 

Old-Fashioned  "Tipsy  Squire"  Minus  the  "Tipsy." 

Two  or  2y2  medium  slices  of  any  good  plain  cake,  3  table- 
spoons nut  meats  (preferrably  English  walnuts  or  pecans), 
1  tablespoon  seeded  raisins,  1  glass  boiled  custard  flavored 
to  taste  with  vanilla  (instead  of  brandy).  Arrange  cake, 
nuts  and  raisins  in  layers  in  individual  dish,  a  short  while 
before  serving,  over  this  pour  the  custard.  Whipped  cream 
added,  or  all  whipped  cream,  with  a  red  cherry  makes  a 
very  rich  desert  if  desired. 

Mrs.  Roy  N.  Cole,  Newman,  Ga. 


"Too  good  for  human  nature's  daily  food." — Emerson.     _ 

General  Directions  for  Mixing  Cake. 

First.  Cake  Without  Butter — Beat  the  yolks  of  eggs  un- 
til light  and  thick,  add  sugar  gradually,  beating  all  the  time, 
then  liquid  flavoring  and  sifted  flour,  the  latter  mixed  with 
baking  powder.     Fold  in  last  the  well-beaten  whites. 

Second.  Cake  With  Butter — Cream  the  butter  until 
light,  add  the  sugar  gradually,  beating  until  light  and 
creamy,  then  the  well-beaten  yolks  and  flavoring.  Beat  in 
alternately  the  liquid  and  sifted  flour,  the  latter  mixed  with 
the  yeast  powder.  After  this  stir  in  lightly  the  beaten 

Notes  on  Cake  Making. 

Spices  when  called  for  must  be  ground  finely  and 
thoroughly  mixed  together.  Fruits  and  nuts  must  be  cut  in 
small  pieces  and  dredged  with  flour  before  adding  to  batter. 
Blanch  almonds,  remove  seeds  from  raisons,  dates,  etc., 
before  measuring.  Line  loaf  cake  pans  with  buttered 
paper,  fruit  cakes,  use  several  thicknesses  of  paper.  When 
cutting  fresh  cake  use  a  hot  knife,  as  this  prevents  crumb-  • 

Time  Table  for  Baking  Cakes. 

Sponge  cake,  ^  of  an  hour.  Fruit  cake,  3  and  4  hours, 
according  to  size.  Pound  cake,  1  hour.  Small  cakes,  cookies, 
etc.,  10  to  15  minutes. 

Notes  on  Baking  Cakes. 

Cakes  without  butter  should  have  a  quicker  oven  than 
those  of  same  size  containing  butter.  To  test  the  tem- 
perature of  the  stove,  sprinkle  a  little  flour  inside  and  shut 
the  door  for  about  3  minutes.  If  at  the  end  of  that  time 
it  is  a  light  rich  brown,  the  cake  may  be  put  in,  but  if 
burned  the  heat  must  be  reduced.  Insert  a  clean  broom 
straw  into  middle  of  cake  to  test.  If  done,  the  straw  will 
come  out  clean. 

N.  B.— In  the  following  recipes,  unless  otherwise  speci- 
fied, sweet  milk  and  granulated  sugar  are  used. 

General  Directions  for  Boiling  Icing. 

One  cup  granulated  sugar,  with  water  to  dissolve,  let 
boil  until  it  strings  when  poured  from  spoon,  pour  it  over 
well-beaten  white  of  1  egg,  beat  until  cold.     Always  cover 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER,  the  standard  of  purity. 

the  saucepan  in  which  sugar  is  boiling.  This  will  keep  it 
from  forming  crystals  on  sides  of  pan.  Add  a  few  drops 
of  lemon  juice  to  whiten.  A  pinch  of  cream  of  tartar  is  an 
improvement   also. 

Amalgamated  Fruit  Cake. 

Whites  6  eggs,  2  cups  sugar,  1  cup  butter,  ^  cup  milk, 
3  cups  CAPITOLA  fiour  sifted  twice,  1  good  teaspoon  bak- 
ing powder.  Mix  according  to  general  directions  for  cake 
.with  butter.     Bake  in  3  layers. 

Filling — Yolks  6  eggs,  2  cups  sugar,  1  cup  butter,  1  cup 
each,  seeded  raisins,  English  walnuts,  almonds,  and  grated 
cocoanut.  Beat  eggs  and  sugar  together,  add  butter,  cook 
until  it  thickens.  Prepare  fruit  and  nuts  as  per  directions, 
add  to  hot  mixture.  Keep  filling  in  vessel  of  warm  water, 
while  putting  between  layers.  Spread  a  thin  coating  of 
jelly  on  each  layer  before  putting  in  filling.  Finish  while 
cake  is  warm. 

Mrs.  Charlotte  Binder,  Stone  Mountain,  Ga. 

Angel  Food  Cake. 

Eleven  eggs,  whites  only,  1^^  cups  sugar,  1  cup  CAPI- 
TOLA flour,  1  teaspoon  cream  of  tartar,  1  teaspoon  vanilla  ; 
add  little  salt  to  whites,  beat  to  stifif  froth.  To  this  add 
sugar  which  has  been  sifted  9  times,  then  the  flour,  sifted 
8  times,  the  last  time  with  the  cream  of  tartar  added.  Next 
add  vanilla,  stirring  while  putting  batter  in  pan.  Bake 
from  40  to  50  minutes  in  a  pan  that  has  never  been  greased. 

Mrs.  G.  E.  Paine. 

Apple  Sauce  Cake  With  Apple  Icing. 

One-half  cup  butter,  1  cup  brown  sugar,  1^  cups  CAPI- 
TOLA flour,  Yz  teaspoon  soda,  a  little  salt,  a  little  nutmeg, 
Yz  teaspoon  cloves,  1  cup  raisins,  1  cup  unsweetened  apple 
sauce.  Cream  butter  and  sugar,  add  spices,  salt  and  chopped 
raisins.  Mix  apple  sauce  with  soda  which  has  been  dis- 
solved with  a  little  warm  water,  add  this  and  the  flour  to 
the  above  mixture.     Bake  40  or  SO  minutes. 

Apple  Icing — One  cup  pulverized  sugar,  white  1  ^^%,  1 
large  apple,  1  teaspoon  vanilla.  Beat  ^g^  with  i^  the  sugar 
until  stiff.  To  this  add  the  pared  and  grated  apple,  beat 
well,  add  rest  of  sugar  and  vanilla.  Beat  again  and  spread 
on  cake.  Mrs.  Bessks. 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER,  the  standard  of  purity. 

Bible  Cake. 

Half  pound  of  Judges  5:25,  the  same  of  Jeremiah  6:20, 
one  tablespoon  of  1  Samuel  14 :25,  three  tablespoons  Jere- 
miah 17:11,  Yz  pound  each  of  1  Samuel  30:12  and  Nahum 
3:12  (chopped),  2  ounces  of  Numbers  17:8  (blanched  and 
chipped),  1  pound  of  1  Kings  4:22;  season  to  taste  with  2 
Chronicles  9:9.  One  tablespoon  of  Romans  4:5,  3  table- 
spoons of  Judges  4:19.  Beat  the  1st,  2nd  and  3rd  ingredi- 
ents named  to  a  cream,  add  the  4th  one  at  a  time,  still  beat- 
ing, then  5th,  6th  and  7th,  still  beating.  Next  add  8th,  9th, 
10th  and  11th,  having  previously  mixed  them  together;  last 
of  all  12th.     Bake  in  a  slow  oven  IJ^  hours. 


One-half  pound  butter,  ^  pound  sugar,  1  tablespoon 
honey,  3  eggs,  ^  pound  raisins,  ^  pound  figs,  2  ounces 
almonds,  blanched,  1  pound  flour,  spices  to  taste;  1  teaspoon 
yeast  powder,  3  tablespoons  milk.  Beat  first,  second  and 
third  ingredients  to  a  cream,  add  the  fourth  one  at  a  time, 
still  beating  them;  fifth,  sixth  and  seventh,  still  beating; 
eighth,  ninth,  tenth  and  eleventh,  having  previously  mixed 
them  together;  last  add  twelfth.  Bake  in  slow  over  1^ 
hours.  Mrs.  D.  B.  Hamilton,  Rome,  Ga. 

Blackberry  Cake. 

Two-thirds  cup  of  butter,  l^X  cups  sugar,  2-3  cups  butter- 
milk, 2  heaping  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,   1   teaspoon  soda 
butter.     In  double  boiler  cook  to  thick  cream, 
cloves,  cinnamon,  allspice,  last  add  beaten  whites  of  4  eggs. 
Bake  in  layers. 

Filling — Beat  2  eggs,  add  1  cup  sugar,  1  cup  sv/eet  milk 
in  which  stir  teaspoon  corn  starch  or  flour,  add  tablespoon 
directions  for  fruit  cake.     Bake  slowly  3  or  4  hours. 

Mrs.  D.  H.  Bickers. 

Chess  Cakes. 

One  pound  butter,  yolks  of  12  eggs,  1  pound  brown 
sugar,  cinnamon,  nutmeg  and  sherry  to  taste.  Cream  but- 
ter and  sugar,  add  well-beaten  yolks,  then  powdered  cinna- 
mon, nutmeg  and  sherry.     Bake  in  pie  shells. 

Mrs.  Banks  Williamson. 

This  recipe  has  been  used  for  nearly  100  years  in  the  Holt 
family  of  Burlington,  N.  C. 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  denotes  purity. 

Black  Chocolate  Cake. 

One  cup  grated  chocolate,  ^  cup  brown  sugar,  Yz  cup 
milk;  cook  thick,  then  take  from  stove,  add  yolk  1  ^%^  and 
1  teaspoon  vanilla.  While  this  is  cooling  cream  1  cup  sugar, 
1  cup  butter,  3  eggs  beaten  separately  ,add  1  teaspoon  soda 
dissolved  in  Yz  cup  strong  cold  coffee  and  2  cups  CAPI- 
TOLA  flour.  Then  beat  in  chocolate  mixture.  Bake  in  lay- 
ers, put  together  with  white  icing. 

Mrs.  Thomas  M.  Callaway. 

Devil  Cake. 

Cake  Batter — Onehalf  cup  butter,  1  cup  brown  sugar,  2 
^gg'Sj  Yi.  cup  milk,  2^  cups  flour,  1  level  teaspoon  soda. 

Custard — One  cup  brown  sugar,  Yz  cup  grated  chocolate, 
Yz  cup  milk,  yolk  1  ^^^,  1  teaspoon  vanilla ;  boil  this  custard 
until  thick  and  set  aside  to  cool.  Mix  cake  as  per  directions 
for  cake  with  butter,  leaving  out  the  soda.  Add  the  cold 
custard  to  cake  batter,  then  the  soda  dissolved  in  a  little 
water,  bake  in  loaf  pan,  cover  with  marshmallow  icing. 

Icing — Two  cups  sugar  boiled  with  ^  cup  water  until  it 
spins,  drop  in  34  marshmallows,  boil  up  again.  Pour  this 
over  beaten  whites  2  eggs,  beat  until  thick. 

Mrs.   W.   C.   Carroll. 

Drop  Cake. 

One  cup  butter,  XYz  cups  sugar,  4  eggs,  XYz  tablespoons 
hot  water,  3^4  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  soda,  1 
cup  chopped  nuts  (any  kind),  Y'^  cup  each  raisins  and  cur- 
rants, Y  tumbler  sherry  wine.  Mix  as  per  directions  for 
cake  with  butter,  dissolving  soda  in  hot  water.  Use  half 
the  flour,  then  stir  in  fruit  and  nuts  and  remaining  flour. 
Drop  on  buttered  paper  and  bake. 

Mrs.  Edmund  Martin. 

Fruit  Cake. 

One  pound  butter  beat  to  a  cream,  add  gradually  1  pound 
sugar,  1  pound  CAPITOLA  flour,  12  eggs  (leave  out  2 
whites  for  icing),  2  pounds  each  currants  and  raisins,  % 
pound  citron,  flour  the  fruit,  Y^  ounce  each  mace,  nutmeg, 
cinnamon  and  cloves,  1  ounce  allspice.  Lastly  add  1  tea- 
spoon soda  dissolved  in  1  tablespoon  of  molasses. 

Mrs.  T.  B.  Rice,  Greensboro,  Ga. 

Fruit  Cake. 

One  and  one-half  pounds  butter,   1>^   pounds   sugar,   18 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  denotes  purity. 

^§■§"5)  1^  pounds  CAPITOL  A  flour,  2  pounds  each  raisins, 
mixed  nuts  and  currants,  1  pound  each  dates,  prunes  and 
fig's?  Yi  pound  citron,  2  tablespoons  each  mace,  cinnamon 
and  cloves,  1  tumbler  brandy,  1  teaspoon  soda.  Mix  as  per 
dirfections  for  fruit  cake.    Bake  slowly  3  or  4  hours. 

Mrs.  Robert  L.  Turman. 

Gold  Cakes  for  Left  Over  Yelks. 

One-quarter  cup  butter  ^  cup  sugar,  yelks  5  eggs,  ^  cup 
milk,  1  cup  CAPITOLA  flour,  1^^  teaspoons  baking  pow- 
der, ^  cup  chopped  nut  meats.  Cream  butter,  add  sugar 
gradually,  add  yelks  of  eggs  beaten  until  thick  and  lemon 
colored,  then  nuts.  Mix  and  sift  iiour  and  baking  powder, 
and  add  alternately  with  milk  to  the  first  mixture.  Bake  in 
individual  tins.     This  quantity  maeks  2  dozen  small  cakes. 

Mrs.  N.  L.  Singleton. 

Jam  Cake. 

One-half  cup  butter,  1  cup  sugar,  3  eggs,  3  tablespoons 
sour  milk,  X^A  cups  flour,  1  teaspoon  soda,  1  teaspoon  each 
nutmeg  and  cinnamon.  Mix  as  per  directions  for  cake  wath 
butter,  adding  1  cup  strawberry  jam  the  last  thing.  Bake 
in  2  layers,  put  together  with  boiled  icing.  A  cup  of  nuts 
is  an  improvement.  Mrs.  A.  B.  Buehl. 

Japanese  Cake. 

Make  an  ordinary  cup  cake  batter  and  divide  it  in  half. 
Bake  the  first  half  in  two  layers.  In  the  other  half  mix 
the  following  ingredients :  1  cup  seeded  raisins  chopped 
fine,  1  teaspoon  each  cinnamon,  allspice  and  cloves  and  a 
little  brandy.  Make  two  layers  of  this.  Filling:  Cook  to- 
gether 1  large  grated  cocoanut,  juice  and  rind  2  lemons,  2 
cups  sugar  and  1  cup  boiling  water.  When  this  begins  to 
boil,  add  2  tablespoons  corn  starch,  which  has  been  wet 
with  a  little  cold  water,  stir  and  cook  until  very  thick. 
Spread  this  between  layers,  alternating  the  plain  and  fruit 
layers.  Mrs.  J.  C.  McKenzie, 

East  Point,  Ga. 

Lady  Baltimore  Cake. 

One  pound  butter,  1  pound  sugar,  i/<  pint  milk,  8  eggs,  1 
pound  flour.  Mix  as  per  directions  for  cake  with  butter, 
bake  in  layers  and  put  together  with  following  filling: 
Filling— Three  cups  sugar,  4  eggs,  3^  teaspoon  tartaric  acid, 
1   teaspoon  vanilla,  a   few  drops  almon  dextract,   1   pound 

.       • 72 

BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  denotes  purity. 

raisins,  1  pound  English  walnuts.  Add  enough  water  to 
sugar  to  dissolve  it,  boil  until  it  ropes.  Mix  yolks  of  eggs 
with  tartaric  acid,  pour  hot  syrup  over  this,  beating  con- 
stantly. Add  chopped  raisins  and  nuts  and  the  two  extracts. 
Add  last  the  well  beaten  whites,  mix  thoroughly  and  spread 
between  layers.  Mrs.  George  Fuller, 

Little  Girl's  Doll  Cake. 

Two  tablespoons  butter,  2  tablespoons  sugar,  1  egg,  1 
tablespoon  milk,  1  cup  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  yeast 
powder.  Mix  according  to  general  directions  for  cake  with 
butter.  Annie  Mary  Fuller. 

Pecan  Cake  No.   1. 

One-half  pound  butter,  1  pound  sugar,  }4  pint  whiskey,  6 
eggs,  1  pound  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  soda,  2  tea- 
spoons cream  of  tartar,  1^  pounds  raisins,  1  quart  pecan 
nuts,  1  grated  nutmeg.  To  Mix — Follow  general  directions 
for  mixing  cake  with  butter,  adding  grated  nutmeg  after 
flour.  Cut  raisins  and  nuts,  dredge  with  flour,  add  last, 
pour  mixture  in  loaf  pan  and  bake  like  fruit  cake. 

Mrs.  W.  R.  Stovall. 

Pecan  Cake  No.  2  . 

One-half  pound  butter,  1  pound  sugar,  6  eggs,  1  glass 
brandy,  1  pound  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  soda,  2  tea- 
spoons cream  of  tartar,  2  pounds  raisins,  1  heaping  quart 
pecan  nuts,  1  cup  grated  chocolate,  1  grated  nutmeg.  Mix 
as  per  directions  for  cake  with  butter,  and  bake  slowly  like 
fruit  cake.  Mrs.  Jason  Cannon. 

Mountain  Pound  Cake. 

One-half  pound  butter,  1  pound  sugar,  5  eggs,  1  cup  milk, 
1  pound  flour,  2  teaspoons  baking  powder,  1  teaspoon  vanil- 
la. Mix  as  per  directions  for  cake  with  butter.  If  desired 
add  to  the  butter  either  ^  pound  of  citron,  raisins  or 
huckleberries.  Mrs.  W.  R.  Boyd. 

Pound  Cake  No.  1. 

Descended  through  four  generations  of  housekeepers,  be- 
ginning "befo'  de  war"  in  Charleston,  S.  C. 

One  pound  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  pound  sugar,  Vs  pound 
butter,  10  eggs,  3^  teaspoon  baking  powder,  ;^  cup  sherry 
wine,  y2  teaspoon  baking  powder,  ^  cup  sherry  wine,  ^2 
teaspoon  each  vanilla  and  lemon  extract.    Cream  butter  un- 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  churned  fresh  every  day. 

til  light,  add  sugar  gradually,  beating  until  light,  add  to 
this  yolks  of  eggs  one  at  a  time,  beating  constantly;  add 
wine,  ^  teaspoon  each  vanilla  and  lemon  extract.  Cream 
butter  until  light,  add  sugar  gradually,  beating  until  light, 
add  to  this  yolks  of  eggs  one  at  a  time,  beating  constantly ; 
add  wine,  flavoring  and  flour  and  baking  powder,  sifted  to- 
gether three  times ;  add  stiff  beaten  whites  of  eggs,  beat  all 
ten  minutes.  Bake  two  hours  in  mderate  oven.  Ice  with 
and  whites  2  eggs. 

Mrs.   Mike  Powell,  Newnan,  Ga. 

Pound  Cake  No.  2. 

1  pound  butter,  1  pound  sugar,  10  eggs,  ^  cup  water,  1 
pound  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  yeast  powder,  J4  tea- 
spoon vanilla,  juice  ^  lemon.  Mix  as  per  directions  for 
cake  with  butter.    Bake  in  loaf  pan,  slowly. 

Mrs.  W.  P.  Anderson,  Westminster,  S.  C. 

Ribbon  Cake. 

White  Part — One  cup  butter,  2  cups  sugar,  1  cup  milk,  4 
cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  scant  teaspoon  soda,  2  teaspoons 
cream  of  tartar,  8  eggs,  whites  only.  Yellow  Part :  >^  cup 
butter,  2  cups  sugar,  1  cup  milk,  8  eggs,  yolks  only,  3  cups 
flour,  2  scant  teaspoons  soda,  4  teaspoons  cream  of  tartar, 
Yz  pound  citron,  \]/2  pounds  raisins.  Mix  according  to  di- 
rections for  cake  with  butter,  bake  in  layers,  put  together 
with  boiled  icing,  alternating  the  white  and  yellow  layers. 
For  icing :  Three  cups  sugar,  whites  3  eggs,  1  cup  boiling 
water,  cooked  and  mixed  according  to  directions. 

Mrs.  S.  T.  Marett. 


Ribbon  Cake  No.  2. 

White  Part :  Whites  8  eggs,  1  cup  butter,  2  cups  sugar, 
3  cups  CAPITOLA  flour  (sifted  tv/ice),  1  cup  sweet  milk,  1 
teaspoon  of  soda,  2  teaspoons  cream  of  tartar,  1  teaspoon 
vanilla.  Dark  Part:  Yolks  8  eggs,  3  cups  CAPITOLA 
flour,  1  cup  sweet  rhilk,  2  teaspoons  6oda,  4  teaspoons  cream 
tartar,  ^  cup  butter,  1  teaspoon  cloves,  1  teaspoon  cinna- 
mon, 1  nutmeg,  grated,  1  pound  of  raisins  (cut  raisins  in 
two,  1  pound  citron  (chopped  fine)  ;  bake  in  layers  and  use 
following  icing :      Icing :    Whites  of  6  eggs,  2  pounds  sug- 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  churned  fresh  every  day. 

ar,  1  grated  cocoaniit,  alternate  the  layers  in  making  the 
cake.     Makes  two  large  cakes. 

I\Irs.  Will  L.  Hancock. 

Sally  White  Cake. 

One  pound  CAPITOLA  flour,  iy2  pounds  sugar,  ^  pound 
butter,  12  eggs,  2  small  cocoanuts  or  1  large  one,  2  pounds 
citron  cut  very  thin  and  chopped  fine,  2  pounds  almonds, 
blanched  and  run  through  meat  chopper,  1  wine  glass  wine, 
1  wine  glass  brandy,  2  teaspoons  grated  nutmeg,  1  teaspoon 
ground  mace,  2  teaspoons  ground  cinnamon,  1  heaping  tea- 
spoon baking  powder. 

Mrs.  C.  B.  Irwin,  Graham,  N.  C. 

Silver  Cake. 

One  cup  butter,  3  cups  confectioner's  sugar,  8  eggs, 
whites  only,  1  cup  milk,  3  cups  flour,  2  teaspoons  yeast 
powder.  Flavor  with  vanilla.  Mix  as  per  directions  for 
cake  with  butter.    Bake  in  loaf  pan  in  moderate  oven. 

Mrs.  W.  A.  Hemphill. 

Sponge  Cake. 

Six  eggs,  1  cup  sugar,  1  cup  CAPITOLA  flour,  juice  1 
lemon.  Beat  yolks  and  sugar  as  per  directions  for  cake 
without  butter,  add  lemon  juice  and  flour,  beating  all  the 
time.  Add  pinch  of  salt  to  whites,  beat  to  stifif  froth  and 
fold  in  batter.  Bake  in  ungreased  aluminum  pan  45  min- 
utes. Put  cake  in  oven  hot  enough  to  brown  paper  in  five 
minutes.  Turn  out  back  light  after  first  15  minutes  of  cook- 
ing. In  30  minutes  take  out,  turn  pan  on  face  and  let  stand 
until  cold.  Mrs.  B.  M.  Boykin. 

Hot  Water  Sponge  Cake. 

Four  eggs,  2  cups  sugar,  }^  cup  Isoiling  water,  2  cups 
CAPITOLA  flour,  2  teaspoons  yeast  powder,  1  teaspoon 
vanilla.  Mix  and  bake  according  to  general  directions  for 
cake   without   butter.  Mrs.   Arthur   Hobbs. 

Sponge  Cake. 

Twelve  eggs,  1  pint  Cx-\PITOLA  flour,  1  pint  sugar,  1 
level  teaspoon  salt,  1  heaping  teaspoon  Royal  Baking  Pow- 
der, 1-3  teaspoon  each  vanilla  and  lemon.  Beat  yolks  well. 
Beat  whites  stifif.     Add  sugar  sliowly  to  whites ;  next  add 


BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER  churned  fresh  every  day. 

the  well  beaten  yellows.  Sift  flour,  salt  and  baking  powder 
three  times  and  fold  into  the  other  ingredients,  add  flavor- 
ing. Bake  in  a  slow  oven.  When  it  leaves  pan  and  won't 
stick  to  straw,  it  is  done. 

Mrs.  W.  C.  McBride,  Newnan,  Ga. 

White   Cake. 

Three  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  2  cups  sugar,  2-3  cups  but- 
ter, 2-3  cup  cold  water,  1  teaspoon  baking  powder.  Add 
last  unbeaten  whites  of  5  eggs. 

Mrs.  W.  H.  Prior,  Greensboro,  Ga. 

My  Grandmother's  White  Cake. 

One  cup  butter,  2  cups  sugar,  12  eggs,  whites  only;  3^ 
cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  ^  teaspoon  soda,  1  teaspoon  cream 
of  tartar.  To  mix :  Cream  butter  and  flour,  beat  whites 
and  sugar  together,  mix  all,  adding  soda  and  cream  of  tar- 
tar last.     Bake  slowly.  Annie  Kate  Barnes. 

White  Layer  Cake. 

One  cup  butter,  2>^  cups  sugar,  1  cup  milk,  8  eggs,  whites 
only,  3  cups  flour,  ^  cup  corn  starch,  2  teaspoons  yeast 
powder,  1  teaspoon  vanilla.  Mix  according  to  directions 
for  cake  with  butter,  bake  in  layers,  put  together  with 
caramel  icing.  Mrs.  Charles  F.  Barnwell. 

Boston  Cookies. 

One  cup  butter,  1>^  cups  sugar,  3  eggs,  V/2  tablespoons 
hot  water,  3>4  cups  flour,  1  teaspoon  soda,  Yi  teaspoon  salt, 
1  teaspoon  cinnamon,  1  cup  chopped  nut  meats,  1  cup  chop- 
ped and  seeded  raisins.  Cream  butter,  add  sugar  gradually, 
then  eggs  well  beaten,  add  soda  dissolved  in  hot  water  and 
one-half  the  flour  mixed  and  sifted  with  salt  and  remaining 
flour.  Drop  by  spoonfuls  on  greased  pan,  bake  in  moderate 
oven.  Mrs.  Thomas  M.  Callaway. 

Lazy  Doughnuts. 

One-half  cup  sugar,  2  eggs,  1  cup  sour  milk,  6  level  tea- 
spoons melted  COTTOLENE,  >4  teaspoon  soda.  Stir  as 
stift"  as  possible  with  CAPITOLA  flour.  Drop  from  a  tea- 
spoon ill  boiling  COTTOLENE  and  fry  brown.  Dip  spoon 
in  COTTOLENE  each  time  before  filling. 

Mrs.  H.  P.  Brotherton,  East  Point,  Ga. 


If  it's  the  BLUE  PACKAGE  BUTTER,  it's  the  best. 

Soft  Ginger  Bread — Aunt  Marion's  Recipe. 

Six  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  6  eggs,  V/i  cups  of  molasses, 
1>2  cups  sugar,  1  cupful  butter  and  lard  mixed,  1  cup  but- 
termilk. Beat  eggs  separately,  beat  yolks  with  sugar, 
cream  butter,  make  batter  stifif  enough  to  drop  from  spoon 
on  hot 'pan.     Raisins,  citron,  currants  may  be  added. 

Mrs.  M.  A.  Lipscomb,  Athens,  Ga. 

Old  Fashioned  Ginger  Bread. 

Two  cups  butter,  3  cups  brown  sugar,  6  eggs,  2  cups  mo- 
lasses, 1  cup  milk,  5  cups  CAPITOLA  flour,  1  teaspoon  soda, 
ginger  to  taste,  grated  rind  2  lemons.  Put  butter,  sugar, 
molasses  and  milk  on  stove  to  get  warm.  Add  beaten  eggs, 
soda  dissolved  in  little  warm  water,  ginger,  lemon  rind  and 
flour.    Bake  in  any  desired  shape.  Mrs.  L.  M.  Hoyt. 

Soft  Ginger  Cake. 

One  cup  plantation  molasses,  1  cup  sugar,  1  cup  shorten- 
ing, 1  heaping  teaspoon  soda,  2  heaping  teaspoons  ginger. 
Mix  all  together,  put  over  fire,  let  come  to  a  boil.  Take 
from  fire,  stir  in  3  tablespoons  buttermilk  and  1  egg.  Add 
CAPITOLA  flour  to  make  a  soft  dough. 

Mrs.  Brader  Barker. 

Tea  Cakes. 

Six  tablespoons  melted  butter,  8  tablespoons  sugar,  2 
eggs,  4  tablespoons  milk,  2  tablespoons  yeast  powder,  flavor 
to  taste,  CAPITOLA  flour  to  make  soft  dough.  Mix  ac- 
cording to  general  directions,  roll  thin,  bake  in  quick  oven. 

Mrs.  L.  H.  Collinsworth. 

Walnut  Wafers. 

One-half  pound  brown  sugar,  y2  pound  walnut  meats 
(slightly  broken,  but  not  chopped),  3  even  teaspoons  CAP- 
ITOLA flour,  54  teaspoon  baking  powder,  1-3  teaspoon  salt, 
2  eggs.  Beat  eggs  and  sugar,  salt,  flour,  last  nut  meats. 
Drop  small  spoonful  on  buttered  pans  and  bake  brown.  Re- 
move from  pans  as  soon  as  baked. 

Mrs.  Arthur  H.  Gordon. 

Caramel  Filling. 

One  cup  brown  sugar,  scant  one-fourth  cake  of  chocolate, 


If  it's  the  BLUE  PACKAGE  BUTTER,  it's  the  best. 

butter  size  of  an  ^^g,  2  teaspoons  vanilla,  cok  until  stiff 
enough  to  spread.  Mrs.  Marion  Benson. 

Chocolate  Filling. 

Put  ]/>  cup  of  butter,  1  cup  milk,  2  cups  sugar  on  stove, 
beat  together  1  whole  tgg  and  put  in  enough  chocolate  to 
make  a  nice  brown  and  mix  with  ether  ingredients  on 
stove  and  cook  until  thick  enough,  scirring  all  the  time. 
Before  putting  the  chocolate  in  the  egg  dissolve  in  a  little 
of  the  milk.  Mrs.  E.  C.  Lakin. 


One  pound  of  raisins,  lA  pound  of  currants,  ^  pound  of 
citron,  ^  of  a  teaspoonful  each  of  the  spices  you  like,  one 
tablespoon  of  butter,  yolks  of  6  eggs,  beat  the  eggs,  add 
spices,  butter  and  fruit  (cut  fine),  then  half  a  glass  of  whis- 
key, cook  this  in  a  double  boiler  eight  or  ten  minutes  or  till 
eggs  are  cooked.     Put  between  the  layers  of  cake. 

Mrs.  John  McCullough. 

Lemon  Filling. 

Yolks  5  eggs,  juice  and  rind  2  lemons,  1  tablespoon  but- 
ter, 1  cup  sugar,  cook  in  double  boiler  to  a  jelly.     Beat. 

Mrs.  W.  A.  Baker,  Griffin,  Ga. 

Marshmallow  Filling. 

One  and  one-half  cups  of  sugar,  ^  cup  of  boiling  water, 
boil  together  until  clear  and  thick,  pour  over  whites  of 
three  well-beaten  eggs,  then  stir  in  ^  pound  of  marshmal- 
lows  until  dissolved.    Put  between  layers  when  coolr. 

Mrs.  J.  F.  Kellam. 

Pineapple  Filling. 

Strain  juice  from  grated  pineapple.  Cook  with  one  cup 
sugar  until  it  strings,  stir  in  pineapple,  pour  this  over  well- 
beaten  whites  of  2  eggs,  beat  until  thick. 

Mrs.  Harrv  Wilson. 

POLISH  (iOc). 


"Then  farewell  heat  and  welcome  frost." — Merchant  of  Venice. 
"But  then  my  fare  was  all  so  light  and  delicate; 
It  would  not  bear  a  bite — no  not  a  munch — 
But   melted   away   like   ice." — Hood. 

Before  beginning  see  that  the  freezer  is  clean  and  sweet. 
Scald  the  can,  lid  and  dasher  thoroughly.  Adjust  the  can 
and  dasher  properly  before  putting  in  any  ice  and  salt.  Chip 
the  ice  in  fine  pieces,  the  finer  the  better,  mix  coarse  rock 
salt  thoroughly  with  the  chipped  ice  in  the  proportion  of 
three  parts  of  ice  to  one  of  salt,  then  fill  the  tub  of  freezer 
to  top  and  keep  it  full  during  the  freezing  process.  Turn 
the  crank  slowly  until  the  mixture  is  thoroughly  chilled, 
then  turn  steadily  and  quickly  till  it  is  hard  to  turn.  See 
that  the  hole  near  the  top  of  the  tub  is  always  open.  The 
can  of-  freezer  should  never  be  filled  more  than  two-thirds 
full  of  the  mixture  to  be  frozen.  After  the  cream  is  frozen 
and  dasher  removed  push  down  the  salt  and  ice,  put  new 
ice  and  salt  in,  cover  with  an  old  piece  of  carpet  and  set 
away  one  or  two  hours  to  ripen. 

Bavarian  Cream. 

One-half  box  gelatine,  one  can  sliced  pineapples,  one  cup 
sugar,  one  pint  cream,  one  cup  cold  water,  squeeze  in  some 
lemon,  dissolve  gelatine  in  the  water,  cook  pineapple  and 
sugar  a  little  (only  enough  to  dissolve  sugar  well).  When 
cool  beat  in  gelatine,  whip  cream,  add  all,  heat  until  thick. 
Put  on  ice  or  in  cold  place.  Peaches,  oranges,  raspberries 
or  any  kind  of  fruit  may  be  used.  Serve  with  whipped 
cream  flavored.  Miss  Annie  B.  Northen. 

Caramel  Ice  Cream  No.  1. 

Make  a  custard,  using  ^  gallon  of  milk,  4  eggs,  2  table- 
spoons CAPITOLA  flour,  and  1  cup  sugar,  cook  until  thick- 
ened and  set  aside  to  cool.  Put  1  cup  white  sugar  in  a  hot 
skillet  and  let  scorch  until  a  dark  brown  color,  add  1  cup 
cold  water  and  stir  until  a  thick  syrup.  Add  this  when 
cold  to  the  custard,  then  add  one  pint  of  pure  cream,  flavor 
with  vanilla  and  freeze.  Mrs.  George  W.  Forrester. 


If  it's  the  BLUE  PACKAGE  BUTTER,  it's  the  best. 

Caramel  Cream  No.  2. 

For  half  gallon  of  caramel  cream,  brown  ly,  cups  white 
sugar,  put  3  pints  of  milk  on  to  boil  in  a  double  boiler,  when 
milk  comes  to  a  boil  take  2  eggs  and  beat  yolks  with  half- 
cup  of  CAPITOLA  flour,  pour  slowly  this  scalding  milk  on 
the  eggs,  stir  all  the  time,  then  put  back  on  the  stove,  put 
in  the  sugar  that  has  been  jjrowned,  cook  till  it  thickens, 
pour  into  vessel  to  cool,  scald  one  pint  of  cream  and  stir  in- 
to the  custard  after  it  has  been  poured  into  vessel,  beat  the 
whites  of  two  eggs  to  a  stiff  froth  and  stir  in  custard.  If 
not  sweet  enough  add  a  little  sugar.  Flavor  to  taste.  When 
the  browned  sugar  is  put  in  the  milk  it  will  get  hard,  but 
after  standing  a  while  it  wall  dissolve.     Freeze. 

Mrs.  Luther  B.  Rosser. 

Charlotte  Russe. 

One  quart  rich  cream  sweetened  to  taste,  flavor  with 
sherry  wine,  put  into  a  bowl  and  churn  with  a  syllabub 
churn,  have  ready  a  flat  dish  with  a  sieve  over  it  and  as  the 
froth  rises  skim  ofT  and  put  in  sieve  to  drain.  Take  half 
pint  of  milk,  1  ounce  of  gelatine,  put  it  on  the  fire  until 
gelatine  is  dissolved.  The  yolks  of  2  eggs,  2  tablespoons 
sugar  stirred  into  the  milk  and  cook  until  the  consistency  of 
custard,  pour  into  a  bowl  and  as  it  begins  to  congeal  stir 
into  the  whipped  cream.  Have  ready  a  glass  bowd  lined 
with  sponge  cake  or  lady  fingers,  pour  in  the  cream  and 
place  on  ice.  Mrs.  R.  L.  Burwell. 

Charlotte  Russe  No.  2. 

One  pint  cream,  ><  pint  milk,  1-3  box  gelatine,  sugar  and 
flavoring  to  taste.  Dissolve  gelatine  in  milk,  add  wdiipped 
cream,  sugar  and  flavoring.  Line  a  long  cake  or  bread  thi 
with  sponge  cake,  cut  thin,  and  pour  the  above  mixture  in 
center.    When  cold  turn  out  on  dish  and  serve. 

Mrs.   Fairman. 

Charlotte  Russe  No.  3. 

One  quart  cream,  >4  pint  milk,  fi  box  Knox's  gelatine, 
3^  pound  sugar,  3  eggs,  vanilla;  dissolve  gelatine  in  milk 
over  fire.  Beat  yolks  very  light  and  add  sugar.  To  this 
add  alternately  whites  of  eggs  and  cream,  each  being  whip- 
ped very  stifl'.     Last  of  all  add  gelatine  and  vanilla. 

Miss  Ada  C.  Bell. 


BLUE   RIBBON   EXTRACT— the  highest  quality.   "Best 
and  takes  less/' 

Cafe  Au  Parfait. 

Six  ounces  whole  coffee — freshly  roasted  if  possible — 
1^  pints  rich  syrup,  4  egg  yolks,  1  pint  cream.  If  the 
coffee  is  not  freshly  roasted  heat  it  and  then  pour  the  boil- 
ing syrup  over.  Let  stand  in  a  warm  place  until  the  flavor 
is  extracted,  then  strain  and  to  this  hot  mixture  add  the 
beaten  yolks  and  cook  in  the  double  boiler  until  it  thickens. 
Strain  immediately  into  a  bowl  set  in  ice,  beat  until  cold, 
then  add  the  cream  previously  beaten  to  a  stiff  froth,  beat 
the  two  lightly  together,  and  put  in  a  mould  or  freezer 
packed  in  ice  and  salt  for  a  couple  of  hours.  Do  not  turn 
as  for  ice  cream.  Let  freeze  two  hours.  Serve  in  parfait 
glasses  with  a  spoonful  of  whipped  cream  on  top. 

Mrs.  A.  B.  Steele. 

CofiFee  Frappe. 

Mix  together  1  pint  cream,  1  cup  moderately  strong  cof- 
fee, sweeten,  whip  with  syllabub  churn,  skim  froth,  putting 
it  in  mold,  pack  mould  in  ice  and  salt  for  about  two  hours. 
Serve  in  glasses. 

Delmonico  Cream. 

One  quart  cream,  2  quarts  milk,  3  cups  sugar,  1  table- 
spoon each  rennet  and  vanilla ;  put  milk  on  stove,  let  it 
get  just  w^arm,  take  off,  add  rennet  and  let  cook,  flavor; 
pour  all  together  and  freeze. 

Mrs.  Edgar  Dunlap. 

Frozen  Eggnog. 

Twelve  eggs,  16  tablespoons  sugar,  16  tablespoons  brandy 
or  rum,  1  quart  whipped  cream ;  freeze. 

Mrs.  Irwin  Cobb. 

Fruit  Ices. 

The  foundation  of  all  fruit  ices  should  be  one  quart  of 
water  to  one  pound  of  sugar  boiled  five  minutes.  This 
gives  a  finer  grain  than  the  uncooked  sugar.  This  is  a 
broad  rule  for  all  ices.  The  juice  of  one  lemon  improves 
nearly  all  fruit  except  raspberries.  It  is  best  to  press  fruit 
through  a  sieve.  After  adding  the  fruit  to  the  boiled  syrup 
strain  through  a  cloth  and  then  freeze.    When  the  mixture 


BLUE  RIBBON  VANILLA  flavors  perfectly  any  dessert. 

is  frozen  and  dasher  removed  a  meringue  made  of  the  beat- 
en white  of  one  eg-gf  and  tablespoon  of  powdered  sugar 
may  be  added.  This  makes  the  mixture  light  and  creamy. 
By  following  this  we  can  make  ices  of  nearly  all  the  fruits. 
There  are  many  combinations  of  fruit  juices,  as  pineapple 
and  orange,  orange  and  strawberry,  grape  and  cherry. 

Mrs.  H.  M.  Nicholes. 

Macaroon  Ice. 

Toast  or  dry  2  dozen  macaroons  in  stove,  roll  fine,  beat 
half  of  them  into  1  quart  of  whipped,  flavored  and  sweet- 
ened cream.  Put  in  mold,  or  individual  molds,  set  in  ice 
and  salt  for  several  hours.  Sprinkle  with  other  half  of 
macaroon  crumbs  before  serving.  Mrs.  H.  M.  Tanner. 

Manhattan  Punch. 

Juice  2  dozen  lemons,  1  dozen  oranges,  1  can  grated 
pineapple,  1  quart  Jamaica  rum,  1  quart  strong  green  tea, 
mix  well,  sweeten,  use  fruit  coloring  and  freeze.  Serve  with 
whipped  cream  and  crystallize.  This  quantity  fills  a  two 
and  a  half  gallon  freezer.        Mrs.  R.  O  .Crouch,  Grififin,  Ga. 


Take  3  pints  of  very  rich  cream,  sweeten  and  flavor  to 
taste,  then  whip  very  stiff,  take  ^  pound  cr^'stallized  cher- 
ries chipped  up,  1  can  pineapple  cut  into  small  pieces,  shave 
34  pound  citron,  pack  all  into  your  freezer ;  put  in  a  layer 
of  whipped  cream,  then  a  layer  of  mixed  fruit,  until  all  is 
used.  Pack  closely  and  let  stand  six  hours.  This  quantity 
will  serve  18  people.  Mrs.  George  W.  Forrester. 

Maple  Mousse  No.  1. 

Seven  egg  yolks,  1  cup  maple  syrup  on  stove,  come  to  a 
boil,  pour  gradually  into  beaten  eggs,  stirring  constantly, 
return  to  double  boiler  and  stir  until  thick  enough  to  cling 
to  spoon,  set  in  pan  of  ice  water  until  perfectly  cold,  beat 
1  pint  of  sweet  cream  to  froth,  beat  this  into  other  mix- 
ture, put  in  can  sealed  over  top  with  greasy  cloth,  pack  in 
ice  and  salt.    Do  not  freeze,  but  mould  quicklv. 

Mrs.  J.  S.  Scott. 

Maple  Mousse  No.  2. 

Be^t  yolks  8  eggs  until  thick  and  light,  pour  over  them 


BLUE  RIBBON  VANILLA  made  from  fmest  vanilla  beans. 

1  cup  boiling  hot  maple  syrup,  return  to  fire  in  double 
boiler,  stir  and  cook  until  thick  enough  to  mash  the  spoon, 
add  Yz  teaspoon  granulated  gelatine  soaked  in  one-eighth 
glass  of  water ;  stand  the  mixture  in  ice  water,  beat  until 
cold  and  light,  mix  gently  with  1  pint  stiff  beaten  cream. 
Turn  into  mold,  following  usual  directions  for  freezing 
mousse.  Mrs.  H.  M.  Nicholes. 

Maple  Parfait  No.  1. 

Yelks  8  eggs,  ^  cup  maple  syrup  cooked  togethed  until 
the  spoon  coates ;  take  off  and  whip  until  cold,  add  1  pint 
beaten  cream.  Pack  in  ice  and  let  sit  for  12  hours. 

Mrs.  D.  B.  Hamilton,  Rome,  Ga. 

Maple  Parfait  No.  2. 

Into  a  double  boiler  put  ^4  cup  maple  syrup,  add  the  beat- 
en yolks  6  eggs  and  cook  until  thick.  When  cold  stir  in 
1  pint  whipped  cream,  put  in  freezer  and  pack.  Takes  six 
hours  to  freeze.  Mrs.  Irvin  E.  Walker. 

MarshmaMow  Charlotte. 

Cut  Yz  pound  marshmallows  and  3^  cup.  English  walnut 
meats  in  pieces.  Cut  1-3  cup  Maraschino  cherries  in  pieces. 
Beat  1  cupful  heavy  cream  until  stiff  and  add  2  tablespoons 
powdered  sugar,  Y  teaspoon  vanilla  and  ^  tablespoon 
granulated  gelatine  dissolved  in  3  tablespoons  boiling  wa- 
ter. When  cream  mixture  begins  to  thicken,  add  marsh- 
mallows,  nut  meats  and  fruit.  Turn  into  a  mold  first  dip- 
ped in  cold  water  and  chill.  Remove  from  mold  and  garnish 
with  strips  of  iVngelica  and  Maraschino  cherries. 

Mrs.  L.  D.  Wat«on. 

Marshmallow  Parfait. 

Cook  Yz  cup  sugar  and  >^  cup  water  until  mixture  threads, 
pour  gradually  into  stiffly  beaten  whites  of  .i  cj^gs,  beat 
thoroughly,  then  cool.  Cut  in  halves  1  cup  cherries  2nd 
roll  in  powdered  sugar.  Whip  ?  cupo  heavy  cream  until 
stiff",  reserve  one  cup  cream  and  pour  the  rest  iiJo  the  q^^ 
mixture;  add  cherries  and  flavor  with  Medeira  or  sherry 
wine.     Pack  in  ice  4  hours. 

Orange  Sauce:  Beat  until  light  yolks  3  eggs  and  1-3  cup 
sugar,  squeeze  into  this  juice,  1  large  lemon.  Cook  in  dou- 
ble vessel  until  thick;  when  cool  stir  in  the  cup  of  reserved 


Everything  in  HARDWARE.    King  Hardware  Co., 
53  Peachtree  Street. 

cream  well  beaten.    Keep  cold  and  pour  over  parfait  when 
served.  Mrs.  Geo.  P.  Moore. 

Orange  Mousse. 

One  and  one-third  tablespoons  gelatine,  1-3  cup  cold  wa- 
ter;  let  stand.  One-third  cup  boiling  water,  1  cup  sugar,  3 
tablespoons  lemon  juice,  1  cup  orange  juice.  When  thor- 
oughly chilled  whip  with  egg  beater.  Then  add  whites  of 
3  eggs  well  beaten  and  2  cups  whipped  cream.  When  all  is 
thoroughly  beaten  together  place  in  mould  on  ice.  Serve 
with  boiled  custard  and  garnish  with  sliced  orange. 

Mrs.  J.  B.  Rountree,  Quitman. 

Pineapple  Sponge. 

One  package  gelatine,  1  cup  hot  water,  1  cup  sugar,  1  can 
grated  pineapple,  1  pint  cream.  Dissolve  gelatine  in  little 
cold  water,  make  syrup  of  sugar  and  hot  water,  add  while 
boiling  to  gelatine,  then  beat  in  pienapple.  Place  on  ice  and 
when  it  begins  to  congeal,  stir  in  1  pint  whipped  cream, 
pour  in  to  brick  shaped  pan,  when  cold  turn  out  and  slice  as 
you  would  ice  cream. 

Mrs.  Charles  Waters  Fitzhugh,  Pine  Blufif,  Ark. 

Strawberry  Sherbet. 

One  quart  berries,  washed  and  strained,  1  pint  water  and 
1  pound  sugar,  put  in  freezer  and  when  half-frozen  add  1 
pint  rich  cream.  Mrs.  Charles  Walcott,  Grififin,  Ga. 

Strawberry  Mousse. 

Mash  1  quart  ripe  strawberries  through  a  fine  sieve,  add 
1  cup  sugar,  and  J4  box  gelatine  that  has  been  dissolved  in 
^  cup  water;  let  this  stand  until  it  thickens,  stir  till  it 
cools,  whip  1  quart  of  thin  cream,  fold  into  the  gelatine  and 
berries.  Fill  a  mold  with  mixture,  fasten  on  cover,  bind 
over  top  strip  buttered  muslin  and  bury  for  several-  houds 
in  ice  and  salt.  Mrs.  William  Worth  Martin. 

Violet  Mousse. 

Soak  one  box  of  gelatine  in  }i  cup  of  water  one-half  hour, 
then  dissolve  over  hot  water,  whip  one  pint  of  cream,  add 
gelatine,  two-thirds  cup  sugar  and  one  teaspoon  violet  ex- 
tract, one  teaspoon  sherry,  stir  from  bottom  to  top  till 
cream  thickens,  color  a  delicate  lavender,  turn  into  a  mold 

POLISH  (10c). 

previously  wet  with  cold  water,  put  a  thin  sheet  of  greased 
paper  over  cream  with  greased  side  up,  put  on  cover  of 
mold,  pack  in  salt  and  ice,  freeze  two  hours,  turn  out  and 
garnish  with  candied  violets.  Mrs.  C.  E.  Thrash. 

Ice  Cream  Without  Freezer. 

Use  a  1  pound  coffee  can,  with  a  tight  lid,  sweeten  and 
flavor  cream,  put  into  can  with  a  piece  of  paper  over  it  and 
put  top  on  securely.  Set  into  another  larger  can  and  pack 
with  fine  crushed  ice  and  salt.  Cover  with  newspaper,  let 
stand  one  hour.  Cut  down,  beat  with  spoon,  cover  and  pack 
again,  and  in  another  hour  it  is  well  frozen. 

Mrs.  Fanny  Clarkson. 

BLUE  VALLEY  BUTTER— you  can  risk  it  on  your  biscuit. 


We  should  be  kcerful  how  we  encurridge  luxuries.  It  is  but 
a  step  forard  from  hoe  caik  to  plum  puddin',  but  it's  a  mile  and  a 
half  by  the  nearest  road  when  we  have  to  go  back  again. — Josh 

Granulated  sugar  is  preferable  for  making  candy.  It 
should  not  be  stirred  while  boiling ;  cream  of  tartar  should 
not  be  added  until  syrup  begins  to  boil ;  butter  should  be 
put  in  when  candy  is  almost  done.  Falvors  are  more  deli- 
cate when  not  boiled  in  candy  but  added  afterward. 

Chocolate  Fudge. 

Three  cups  of  sugar,  1^  cups  of  rich  sweet  milk,  1  table- 
spoonful  of  butter,  cook  this  mixture  slowly  until  it  begins 
to  boil,  then  put  into  it  nearly  a  half  of  a  cake  of  Walter 
Baker's  chocolate,  grated,  cook,  constantly  trying  a  little 
of  it  in  a  cup  of  cold  water.  It  is  done  when  the  candy 
forms  a  little  soft  ball  in  th^  bottom  of  the  cup.  When 
taken  from  the  fire  it  must  be  beaten  until  perfectly  cream- 
ed and  begins  to  be  heavy,  then  pour  in  a  buttered  plate, 
and  when  cool  cut  in  little  blocks.  Miss  Nell  Fuller. 

Cooked  Fondant. 

For  cooked  creams  take  two  cupfuls  of  granulated  sugar, 
water  enough  to  wet  thoroughly,  which  will  be  about  two 
tablespoonfuls,  put  the  sugar  and  water  on  in  an  unstained 
porcelain  pan,  and  let  it  boil  without  stirring  until  it  reach- 
es the  thread  degree,  i.  e.,  until  a  thread  will  form  from  the 
drops  from  a  spoonful  of  the  candy,  pour  out  upon  a  marble 
slab  and  work  with  a  wooden  paddle.  First  stir  around 
with  the  paddle,  when  begins  to  cream,  work  with  the  pad- 
dle and  hands  until  the  fondant  is  perfectly  smooth  and 
without  grains.  It  can  be  made  into  rolls  and  sliced  off  or 
worked  into  any  desired  form.  This  may  be  kept  for  a 
week  or  more  in  cold  weather  if  coevred  with  waxed  paper. 

Mrs.  H.  G.  Fennell. 

Cocoanut  Cauidy. 

Three  cups  sugar,  1  cup  water,  pinch  salt,  1  small  cocoa- 
nut,  freshly  grated.  In  hot  weather  boil  till  crackles ;  in 
cold  weather  don't  cook  quite  so  much.  When  sugar  and 
water  and  salt  boil  well  pour  over  cocoanut  and  beat. 

Mrs.  Richard  Battle. 


POLISH  (10c). 

Cream  Fruit  Roll. 

Take  a  small  piece  of  fondant  which  has  been  colored  and 
roll  out  very  thin.  The  piece  when  rolled  should  be  large  as 
a  biscuit.  Have  ready  some  chopped  nuts,  citron  and  raisins, 
work  these  together  with  a  small  piece  of  fondant,  roll  un- 
til about  size  of  a  fingej",  place  in  the  first  piece  of  fondant, 
rolling  the  latter  around  the  former.  Have  ready  some 
chocolate,  which  has  been  dissolved  by  shaving;  place  in 
double  boiler,  or  over  the  steam  of  a  kettle,  putting  in  a  few 
shavings  of  parafTine.  Stick  a  long  hatpin  into  the  roll  and 
dip  it  into  the  chocolate.  Place  on  waxed  paper,  cut  into 
thin  slices.  The  fondant  must  be  kept  very  cold  while  be- 
ing used.  If  it  becomes  sticky  place  in  the  refrigerator,  or 
out  in  the  cold  air.  Mrs.  Gordon  W.  Burnett. 

Cream  Candy. 

Take  two  heaping  cups  of  granulated  sugar,  one  wine 
glassful  of  vinegar  and  one  tumbler  of  water,  boil  one-half 
hour,  flavor  with  vanilla  and* pull  like  molasses  candy. 

Mrs.  J.  D.  Ponder. 

Fruit  Candy. 

One  pund  of  raisins,  2  pounds  of  almonds,  %  pound  of 
citron,  ^  pound  of  figs,  blanch  the  almonds,  cut  the  raisins 
and  figs  fine,  shave  citron,  dissolve  4  cups  of  sugar  with  a 
little  water,  add  1  cup  of  sweet  milk  or  cream  and  a  tea- 
spoonful  of  buter,  cook  till  thick,  which  will  take  about 
fifteen  minutes,  remove  from  fire,  add  fruit  gradually,  beat 
thoroughly,  wet  a  napkin,  pour  candy  into  it  and  roll  up. 
When  cold  slice  thin  like  cake.    Flavor  with  vanilla. 

Mrs.  J.  D.  Frazier. 

Stuffed  Figs  or  Dates. 

Take  a  small  piece  of  fondant  about  the  size  of  a  marble 
and  color  delicately  pink  or  green  with  fruit  coloring.  Have 
ready  some  chopped  raisins,  citron  and  nuts,  putting  as 
much  into  the  fondant  as  it  will  hold.  Fill  out  the  date  or 
fig  to  its  natural  size,  leaving  only  a  peep  of  the  coloring 
showing.  Mrs.  W.  Gordon  Burnett. 


"I  drink  to  the  general  joy  o'  the  whole  table." — Macbeth. 

Blackberry  Drink. 

Boil  y2  gallon  of  blackberries  in  a  gallon  of  water  until 
the  berries  are  soft.  Strain  and  sweeten  while  hot,  add 
lemon  to  taste.  Delicious  in  warm  weather,  iced  and  a  ^'hin 
slice  of  lemon  in  each  glass.  Mrs.  Fanny  Clarkson. 

Claret  Punch. 
Two  quarts  strong  lemonade,  1  cniart  claret,  1  pint  bottle 
Apolinaris  water.     Mix  all,  pour  over  a  block  of  ice. 


Allow  two  teaspoonfuls  of  grated  chocolate  to  each 
breakfast  cup  of  milk  and  w-ater,  put  the  chocolate  into  a 
porcelain  saucepan,  add  equal  quantities  of  milk  and  wa- 
ter, bring  to  a  boil,  simmer  six  or  eight  minutes,  strain  and 
serve.  Mrs.  W.  Hal  Barker. 

Drip  Coffee. 

Use  Marian  Harland  coffee  pot  and  best  quality  of  Mocha, 
Java  and  Maricaibo  coffee,  ground  fine.  One  tablespoonful 
of  coft'ee  to  each  cup  of  boiling  water.  Pour  back  and 
forth  two  or  three  times  until  desired  strength  is  secured. 
Do  not  let  boil.     Serve  immediately  wath  good  cream. 

N.  B. — Be  sure  and  keep  the  coff'ee  pot  clean  and  well 
aired.  Mrs.  C.  D.  ]\Icador. 

Fruit  Punch. 

The  strained  juice  of  four  dozen  lemons,  two  dozen  or- 
anges and  one  large  pineapple  grated  and  strained,  one  gal- 
lon of  weak  tea  ;  mix  these  and  add  sugar  to  taste= — not  too 
sw^eet.  When  about  ready  to  serve,  place  large  piece  of  ice 
in  punch  bowd,  pour  in  this  fluid  and  let  stand  till  thor- 
oughly cold.  Just  before  serving  add  a  quart  bottle  of  mar- 
aschino cherries  and  a  quart  of  apollinaris  or  any  carbo- 
nated lithia  water.  '  Mrs.  J.  C.  Greenfield. 


Roll  the  lemon  till  soft,  use  three  lemons  to  one  quart  of 
water,  squeeze  out  every  drop  of  juice,  sweeten  to  taste. 
When  wine  is  used  take  two-thirds  of  water  and  one  of 
wine,  or  reject  the  wine  and  add  sliced  pineapple  and  mar- 
aschino cherries.     A  little  soda  added  is  liked  by  many. 

Mrs.  C.  Y.  House. 

POLISH  (10c). 


Allow  one  teaspoonful  of  tea  to  each  pint  of  water,  scald 
and  dry  the  teapot,  while  hot  put  in  the  tea,  which  should 
be  tied  in  a  small  cheese  cloth  bag,  if  a  tea  ball  is  not  used, 
let  stand  for  three  or  four  minutes  without  boiling,  pour 
off  and  serve  hot,  use  freshly  boiled  water.  Make  the  tea 
stronger  if  it  is  to  be  iced.  Mrs.  J.  A.  Stover. 

Red  Rock  Punch. 

Amount  to  serve  25  guests  :  One  pineapple,  6  oranges, 
8  lemons,  1  pint  maraschino  cherries,  1  pound  tea,  1  pound 
sugar,  4  quarts  Red  Rock.  Crush  fruit  or  grind  in  meat 
chopper,  cover  with  sugar  and  let  stand  four  hours ;  press 
out  juice,  put  in  large  lump  ice,  add  cherries,  tea  and  Red 
Rock  just  before  serving.  Mrs.  John  Hagan. 



Don't  light  the  hurners  of  your  gas  raiiKe  till  you're  ready  to  cook.  The 
flame  should  be  bluish,  which  shows  proper  and  economical  air  mixture 
through    ports    at    front. 

The  big  burner  is  for  fast  cooking  or  when  a  large  vessel  is  used.  The 
other  top  burners  are  for  ordinary  use.  The  simmering  burner  is  quite  useful 
when    food    has    been    raised    to   boiling   point   on    the   other    burners. 

In  using   the   oven,    remember   it's    hottest   at    the    top,   because    heat    rises. 

To  roast  meat,  have  the  oven  hot  with  both  burners  on,  then  place  the 
meat  inside  broiler  oven  close  under  the  flame,  leaving  door  open,  bear  the 
meat  all  over  thus,  to  hold  the  juices  in.  Extinguish  one  burner,  lower  the 
meat  close  the  door.  When  roast  is  half  done,  add  salt  and  pepper  and  turn 
it  over  to  cook  on  other  side.  Flour  may  be  added  at  this  time,  to  brown  for 
gravy.  Allow  15  to  20  minutes  to  the  pound  for  beef,  etc.,  and  25  minutes  to 
the  pound  for  pork,  veal,  lamb.  Don't  boil  the  roast  beforehand.  Don  t  use 
a  roaster  or  top  on  the  pan.  Cook  poultry  same  way,  except  in  oven.  When 
done,   joints    will    break. 

Cookies  and  small  cakes  should  be  baked  quickly.  Heat  the  oven  10 
minutes.     Then  put  them  in  near  top  of  oven. 

For  baking  layer  cakes,  heat  oven  2  minutes,  place  layers  on  top  rack  and 
turn  down  both  burners  one-fourth.     Bake  15  to  20  minutes  with  this  heat. 

Bread  baking  takes  from  45  to  60  minutes,  according  to  size  of  loaf.  Bread 
should  be  placed  about  three  inches  from  bottoni  ot  oven,  after  oven  has 
been  heated  10  minutes.  Reduce  heat  one-half  when  bread  goes  in  About 
five  minutes  before   bread  is  done,   turn  oflf  oven  heat   and   let   it   finish  baking. 

For  loaf  cake  baking,  use  bright  tin  pan  Heat  oven  two  minutes  with 
both  burners.  Fill  cake  pan  about  half  (allowance  for  rising)  Put  cake 
on  rack  second  from  bottom  and  turn  out  one  burner.  Reduce  the  remaining 
burner  one-fourth.  Cook  straight  through  with  this  heat  Call  our  demon- 
strators   for   other   directoins    about    cooking   fruit    cakes    and   pound    cakes. 

To  broil  steak,  heat  oven  10  minutes,  put  meat  on  wire  rack  as  near 
under  flame  as  possible  without  burning  and  turn  every  ^wo  or  ^hree  min- 
utes. Leave  broiler  oven  door  open  to  keep  meat  from  catching  fire,  bteak 
should   not  be   broiled   beyond  point   where   it   is    fluffy   and   juicy. 

A  neglected  gas  range  is  like  anything  else;  it  becomes  defective.  Proper 
care   is    important. 

Keep  the  drip  tray  clean  by  washing  frequently.  Now  and  then  scrub 
it   with  a   stifl  brush   and   some   good   sand   soap. 

Clean  too  burners  in  two  quarts  hot  water  to  one  tablespoon  of  soda, 
or  in   a   strong   solution   of   lye   and   hot   water.     Dry   by   lighting   gas   a   minute. 

\fter  oven  is  used,  leave  door  open  to  dry  air  inside  and  prevent  rvist 
While  range  is  warrn  wipe  burners  and  oven  with  cheesecloth  moistened 
with   three^parts   cookikg   oil   and   one   part   kerosene,   or   with   unsalted   grease. 

If  anything  gets  out  of  order  about  your  gas  range  or  any  other  gas 
appliance  in  your  home,  our  services  are  at  your  command.  Call  Main  4y4D 
or   Atlanta   252. 









Bell  Phone  60 

Atlanta  51 


The  Best  In  The  World 

Use  Spotless  Cleanser 
Cost  Only  5  Cents 

Packed  in  one  pound  cans — Cleans  Pots,  Pans,  Wood- 
work, Floors,  Bath  Tubs,  Sinks,  Etc.  Contains  no 

The  Lustre  Box  Polish 
Price  10  Cents 

Packed  in  handsomely  ornamented  tin  boxes — polishes 
Silver,  Brass,  Aluminum,  Windows,  Mirrors. 

Cleans  White  Shoes  Beautifully.  It  has  no  equal. 
Contains  No  Acids. 

•   Bristol,  Tennessee. 

All  Retail  Grocery  Stores  Carry  These  Goods. 


Hid  is  the  Purest  and  Daintiest  Preparation  Ever  Produced  to 
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Hid  is  a  most  wonderful  achievement.  It  is  a  very  simple  cream  pre- 
paration that  has  the  power  to  destroy  absolutely,  instantly  and  harmlessly, 
all  odor  of  the  body  emanating  form  perspiration  or  any  other  cause. 

No  longer  is  it  necessary  to  be  embarrassed  by  the  unpleasant  odor  of 
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from  refined  people. 

Hid  is  a  white,  greaseless  cream  of  velvet  smoothness,  that  is  to  be  rub- 
bed gently  into  the  skin,  under  the  arms,  between  the  toes,  or  any  part  of 
the  body  emanating  an  unpleasant  odor.  Hid  will  instantly  purify  and 
deodorize.  Hid  is  a  pure  deodorant.  It  simply  deodorizes,- that  is,  neu- 
tralizes the  body  odor;  leaves  the  skm  pure  and  fresh  smelling.      Price  25c 

^''%''  Jacobs*  Pharmacy,   Atlanta,  Ga. 


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Your  Gas  Range 

Makes  Cookery 

An  ART 

It  surrenders  to  your  absolute  con- 
trol the  precise  degree  and  shade 
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That  heat  iseuen,  steady, econom- 
ical, well -distributed,  easily  con- 
trolled, clean  and  labor-saving. 

Adjust  the  heat  to  its  task,  and 
your  whole  attention  is  free  for 
other  important  details.     :      :      ; 

For  suggestions,   call  our  demonstrators, 
Main  4945  or  Atlanta  252 

Our  new  models  of  ranges  will 
interest  you.  See  them  in  our 
show  rooms,  Marietta  street.