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Full text of "A genealogical record of the descendants of Henry Rosenberger of Franconia, Montgomery Co., Pa"

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Henry Eosenberger 

Franconia, Montgomery Co., Pa. 






Rev. A. J. Fretz, 


With an introduction by Prof. Seward M. Rosenberger, of Quaker- 
town, Pa. 





A short account of the Rosenberger family was 
prepared by Edward Mathews, of Lansdale, Pa., 
and published in a local paper in the beginning of 
1888. This, however, pertained to only two branches 
of the family in Hatfield. 

A more extended account was written by Mr. 
Mathews at the instigation of the publisher, I. R. 
Haldeman, himself related to the family both by 
birth and marriage, and which was published by him 
in book form in 1892. The work, however, while 
giving considerable valuable and interesting history 
of the pioneers of the family, their emigration to 
America, their settlement in Montgomery county, 
accounts of the homesteads, occupations, religion, 
and immediate descendants of these pioneers, it does 
not give a complete history of the various lines or 
branches of the families in genealogical form to the 
present generation. 

A more complete history of the family being 
desired by some of the connections arrangements were 
accordingly made to revise the work and compile a 
complete history of the family to the present date and 
generation. In the preparation of the work much 
labor and research has been required. The official 
records and registry of deeds and wills at Norristown, 
Doylestown and Philadelphia have been searched, 
various persons connected with the family by ties of 
relationship interviewed, and a large correspondence 


carried on with the entire connections in Montgomery 
and Bucks counties and elsewhere in Pennsylvania, 
the far West and Canada. 

The work will be of more or less interest to the 
public generally, but more especially to those bearing 
the name of Rosenberger and their descendants. 
The family of Rosenberger has been much extended 
in Montgomery and adjacent counties, and also in 
distant portions of the United States and Canada. In 
presenting this volume the writer has endeavored to 
give the history of the family together with other 
matter of interest to the descendants that would 
otherwise have been lost. 

The author also acknowledges himself indebted 
to the many friends for kind favors received during 
the compilation of this work in the form of data, etc. 
Among those who have furnished us with consider- 
able data, to whom we express our sincere grati- 
tude, are: David Rosenberger, of Hatfield, Pa.; 
Enos L. Rosenberger. of Hiawatha, Kan.; Henry 
H. Rosenberger, of Quakertown, Pa.; A. A. Delp, 
of Lamdale. Pa.; Edward Mathews, of Lansdale, Pa. 
("History of the Rosenberger Family of Mont- 
gomery County"); Rev. Henry A. Hunsicker, ot 
Philadelphia, Pa., and others. Author. 

Milton, N. J., Sept. 8, 1899. 


The present age is one distinctively of research. 
There is an intellectual restlessness and curiousness 
manifested which impels to a seeking of more knowl- 
edge in all departments of human affairs. Some of 
this activity is spent for practical ends, some for ends 
not so plainly practical. The physicist and the 
chemist in their labratories make discoveries that may 
greatly affect industrial and economic problems. The 
historian, groping his way through partly mutilated 
records of the misty past, adds to the sum total of 
human knowledge, but his labors may to a very 
limited degree, if at all, affect human affairs at the 
present time. Yet the labors of the latter in bringing 
to light and putting on record what was in part or 
altogether forgotten are not without interest and 
value, although, as it may be, a value founded in 
large part on sentiment. 

Local history is receiving a large share of attention 
in our present era. It is probably this that has given 
stimulus to the compilation of family histories and 
genealogical records. By many Rosenberger descend- 
ants the appearance of a work which will give a 
wider knowledge of the different branches of the 
family to which they belong, and which will also 
serve to preserve the history of the family, will be 
hailed with delight. The writer must acknowledge 
that previous to his becoming interested in the first 
reunion of the family he knew very little of its 


history. That he does not stand alone in this lack is 
evidenced by these words from another member of the 
family coming to notice through a communication : 
' ' I should like to know something more of the 
Rosenberger family ; I know all too little of them." 
Preservation of and interest in family records 
with us, where prinogeniture and aristocracy do not 
obtain, is, no doubt, largely a matter of sentiment, 
but it is sentiment that is not to be despised. The 
matter flavors also to a large degree of duty, and, in 
this measure, it becomes an incumbency upon us. 
There are two extremes into which the human family 
may fall with respect to the attitude toward ancestry — 
the one that of veneration amounting to worship ; the 
other that of neglect amounting to dishonor. The 
Chinee is a type of the first extreme ; the American 
people, it is feared, are rapidly drifting into the 
other. As we fulfill the divine command to honor 
our parents we must needs become possessed of a 
lively interest in those who have gone before and 
through our parents have handed down to us those 
qualities which are priceless legacies. While we 
might desire a family history to contain fuller accounts 
of the characteristics, traits and deeds of our ancestors 
than this work does, we shall remember that there is 
no clue known to this desirable knowledge. It is 
gratifying, however, to have at hand a few bits of 
data which may be used as a framework upon which 
the fancy can build a structure. Among such facts 
we find that they left the mother country for the sake 
of liberty of conscience, that they helped to subdue 
the rugged wilderness of the new world, and that 
theirs was a religion that taught simplicity of life, 
consistency of deeds and profession, and peace with all 
men. Building upon these facts the imagination can- 


not go far wrong. We look back with our minds and 
eyes and see our father, the emigrant, with his 
family bidding farewell to home surroundings and 
friends and embarking for a foreign shore. We see 
him select a site for his home in the new country and 
then begin the erection of rude buildings for shelter. 
We see him pursue from day to day his primitive 
occupation, but with all finding time for higher 
duties as he ministers to the little flock entrusted to 
his care ; and along with all we conceive how he 
fervently blesses God for the priceless boon of liberty 
vouch-safed to him in this " Land of the Free." 

As we picture these scenes we are made aware 
that the lesson which these sturdy tillers of the soil, 
our forefathers, teaches us is not without grave import. 
In our time there is a tendency to measure success by 
the degree of refinement and luxury, possible of 
attainment. Of these they knew very little, but times 
have changed, and we rejoice that they have. We 
freely admit that it shows a commendable spirit to 
keep abreast of the times. It remains, however, that 
present conditions as contrasted with the past do not 
necessarily determine the comparative value of our 
lives. Personal worth is the truest crown of any life, 
whenever and under whatever condition it may be 

A large part of this work is simply a record of 
names and to one outside of the family might appear 
uninteresting, but to members of the family it will be 
far from meaningless. Following up this record they 
will be enabled to trace out the relations of the 
various branches of the family, and they will, no 
doubt, often be surprised to find that persons with 
whom they have had a passing acquaintance are 
bound to them by ties of kinship. Most of the fuller 


biographical sketches are of those still living or 
recently deceased. These will he of interest, as they 
reveal the many different walks in life chosen by the 
many descendants. In the light of the fact that at 
first only a few vocations were represented by the 
family these will have still more interest. When it is 
noted that at first the family was limited to one 
locality and now is spread over the whole extent of 
the United States and quite largely represented in 
Canada added interest will follow. But this part will 
be of still more value and interest to coming gener- 
ations, and we can do them a good service by giving 
our assistance in making and preserving these records 
and handing them over to posterity. 

To Rev. A. J. Fretz, the author, every one con- 
nected with the family owes a debt of gratitude. 
The preparation of a work of this character involves 
the expenditure of much time and labor, besides the 
accompaniment of many vexatious experiences. To 
the members of the family who have assisted in 
furnishing the necessary data and have helped in this 
and other ways in kindling an interest in the history 
of the family, especially to I. R. Haldeman, the 
publisher, who was the prime mover in securing the 
revision of the Rosenberger history, also acknowledge- 
ment is due. It is hoped that the work will be widely 
circulated and accomplish the end in view in its 


Seward M. Rosenberger. 

Quakertown, Pa., Sept. 20, 1899. 


In the preparation of this work it will be observed that all 
descendants are recorded in the regular order of birth, from 
the oldest down to the youngest throughout the entire con- 
nection, each generation being marked consecutively from first 
to last. The Roman numerals placed before each name are 
used to designate the generation to which they belong, as : — 
I. Henry Rosenberger (First Generation). 
II. Benjamin Rosenberger (Second Generation). 

III. Yelles Rosenberger (Third Generation ). 

IV. Benjamin Rosenberger (Fourth Generation). 
V. Elias Rosenberger (Fifth Generation), etc. 

Beginning with the first ( I ) ancestor, Henry Rosenberger, 
his children as far as known are named. Then follows Benja- 
min Rosenberger (II Generation), and his children (III Gener- 
ation) next. Yelles, probably the oldest, is followed down to 
the last of his descendants, then the second in order of birth 
of the III Generation, and so on until the end of the entire 
branch of Benjamin Rosenberger, of the II Generation, is 
reached. Then the descendants of Daniel Rosenberger, 
II Generation, is taken up and carried down in like manner 
to the last of his descendants, and so on throughout the entire 

Where marriages occur between members of the connec- 
tion the husband carries the record. In all such cases a num- 
bered reference is placed after the name and marriage of the 
wife, as for example (See Index of References No. i). In the 
list of Index of References will be found No. i, Mary A. 
Dennstedt, married Aaron R. Bock, Page — . On the page 
given in the body of the book the family record is given. 

In the General Index will be found the names of all males 
of 18 years and ove r , and the maiden names of all females of 
1 8 years and over ; also the pages on which their family record 
is given in the body of the book. 

To find family records see Index of Branches, where 
names of all that had issue of the first, second and third 
generations are given, 

Abbreviations : — D signifies died or deceased ; b born ; 
s single ; m married ; ch church ; Montg co Montgomery 
county ; twp township ; Ev Ass'n Evangelical Association ; 
Pres Presbyterian ; Luth Lutheran ; Menn Mennonite ; 
Ger Bap German Baptist ; Ger Ref German Reformed ( Re- 
formed church in the United States); Cong Congregational; 
M E Methodist Episcopal. 



The name of Rosenberger is of ancient origin in 
Germany, signifying Rosemount or Rose Castle. 
The first Rosenbergers in America probably came 
from the Palatinate, once a province of western 
Germany, bordering on the Rhine. September 20, 
1738, Hans Peter Rosenberger arrived in Philadelphia 
on a ship from Rotterdam, containing a number of 
emigrants from that country. John F. RaucheubergerK 
arrived a week later, and Erasmus Rosenberger on 
September 26, 1749. The first settler of the name of 
Rosenberger in Montgomery county was Henry 
Rosenberger, who came to the Indian Creek valley, 
in Franconia township, in 1729. In 1739 Benjamin 
Rosenberger settled in Hatfield township, where in 
that year he purchased 125 acres of land bordering the 
County Line at Line Lexington, which he held for 
five years. Daniel Rosenberger purchased another 
tract in Hatfield lying along the County Line near 
the hamlet called Hockertown in 1740. In the year 
1745 Henry Rosenberger, Jr., came in possession by 
deed of his father's plantation in Franconia township. 
John Rosenberger settled in Hatfield township and 
first bought land around where is now the borough of 
Hatfield about 1749-50. 

It is a tradition of the family that the Rosenbergers 
of Montgomery county, Pa., came from Germany, 
from a place called " Zweibrucken " (two bridges). 



It is supposed that these families that settled in 
Franconia and Hatfield townships were all related, 
and while it is certain that Daniel and John were 
brothers, it is quite evident that the four above 
mentioned were all brothers and sons of Henry 
Roseiiberger, Sr. John Shutt Rosenberger, a great- 
great-grandson of Benjamin Rosenberger, previous to 
his death is said to have related that one of his 
ancestors reached the great age of 96 years. It is not 
now certain which one of his ancestors he named as 
having reached that age. He also said that one of 
his ancestors was born on board ship or soon after 
the landing in America. It is quite certain that 
neither Benjamin or his eldest son, Yelles, reached 
the age of 96 years, therefore it must have been 
Benjamin's father, the emigrant, who was 96 years 
old at his death. This would also indicate that 
Benjamin was the son of a pioneer. It is quite likely 
that Henry Rosenberger, Sr. , the pioneer, lived to be 
96 years old, but it is not clear that any of the 
ancestors were born on the voyage over. Benjamin, 
who no doubt was the eldest, was in all probability 
born in Germany, and was a lad of from 11 to 15 
years old when he came with his father to America. 
He was born as early as about 17 14 and died about 
1777, aged 63 years or more. His eldest son, Yelles, 
was born before 1735 and died 1808, aged 73 or more. 
The time of the emigration of Henry Rosenberger, Sr. , 
is not known, but was in all probability between the 
years of 1720 and 1729. The descendants of Benjamin 
are now largely settled in Bucks county, Pa., and a 
considerable number also reside in Waterloo county, 
Ontario, Can. 

All the earlier members of these families belonged 


to the religious sect called Mennonites and worshipped 
at Franconia and Line Lexington meetinghouses. 

Since writing the above we have received a com- 
munication from Dr. M. Elizabeth Rosenberg, of 
Omaha, Neb., which may throw some light on the 
early history of the Rosenberger family in Europe. 
The letter reads as follows : 

Omaha, Neb., Sept. 19, 1899. 
Rev. A. J. Fretz, 

Dear Sir : — Forgive me for plunging right into the subject. 
My time is limited, the story is a long one, the pater's mind 
is not so strong as it used to be. I have obtained my side of 
the tree by devious ways. 

First, I will tell the story as I think it is ; then I will give 
you proofs as near as I can. 

I think we must start with Bohemia in Austria. A family 
of Rosenberg lived northwest of Vienna on a large estate. 
History mixes them up with the Hohenzollern family and the 
religious wars of Austria. Between 1611 and 1660 they were 
driven out to Switzerland, Holland, England, and lastly they 
took ship with William Penn. There must have been a father 
and nine sons. The pater (my father) is the eighth genera- 
tion from the one coming on the ship. 

Proof I. I have heard my father say (when I was small ) 
" my father was of a princely family. There was Von to the 
name ; but he, the original Von Rosenberg, had to drop it 
because no Von could travel without a permit from his king." 

Proof II. A Rosenberg living near Washingtonville, O., 
sent for father about the year 185 1 to see what their relation- 
ship might be, and this cousin said that they (he and my 
father) were the eighth generation, that the original emigrant 
was a man with nine sons, that one son went to Virginia and 
that he was from that branch. 

Proof III. My father often heard his father tell that his 
ancestors were driven out by religious persecution, that they 
hid in Switzerland in caves, thence fled to Holland and Eng- 
land, that the name was changed during the flight, and the 
Von never resumed, that a fierce battle was fought before 
their flight. 

Proof IV. There was an article in the "Boston Monthly 


Scientific " on farming from a traveler in Austria describing 
the Schwartzenberger estate. These obtained the estate after 
the flight of the Rosenberg family. Wintergan is the central 
village. The fish pond still retains its original name, Rosen- 
berg "Teuch." I do not know the date of the article. We 
and Uncle Dave Rosenberg, of Bettsville, O., have copies of it. 
The estate consists of 99 villages and 30,000 people, and about 
75,000 acres under the control of this Prince. 

Very respectfully, M. E. Rosenberg. 

The article above referred to and furnished by 
Miss Rosenberg reads as follows : 


The domain of the Schwartzenbergs' estate consists of 
99 cities and villages and 30,000 people on one farm. The 
extensive and interesting collection of products of the famous 
estate of the Prince John Adolph Von Schwartzenberg's 
pavillion in the National Exposition has led to a general 
desire among those interested in agriculture to see for them- 
selves the rich fields and perfect appointed farm establishment 
that has brought forth such a wealth of various products. 
Consequently the second excursion of a committee or jury that 
visited the farm estate yesterday was a very popular one. The 
excursionists counted to be 150 persons, and they took for 
themselves a special train at 6 a. m. In four hours' ride we 
landed there through hills and rich plains of Bohemia. The 
views, landscapes and sceneries before our sight while enroute 
was interesting and instructive. The Schwartzenbergs' domain 
lieth towards the northwest from Vienna in the direction of 
the Prague, and comprises about 75,000 acres, of which about 
40,000 acres is woodland and 20,000 acres are under cultivation, 
while 14,000 acres are covered with water, lakes, etc., the 
remainder farm yards, streets, etc. This domain has been in 
the possession of the Schwartzenbergs' since A. D. 1660, hav- 
ing been formerly in the possession of the Rosenberg family. 
The domain reverted to the Crown on the death of the last one 
of the Rosenbergs', A. D. 161 r, and was presented by the 
Crown to John Adolph Schwartzenberg at the time of A. D. 
1660. The population of the domain is in the neighborhood 
of about 30,000 people, who inhabit 99 villages, of which 
Wintergan is the residence of the Prince. The details of the 


direction of affairs of the domain would occupy too much 
space to be given at length. The prince is assisted by the 
hereditary Prince Adolph Joseph in the management of the 
estate and there is an army of officials from all directions of 
this domain. The entire domain, exclusive of the sugar mills, 
brings a yearly product of the value of 6,000,000 florins, or 
about 3 per cent, of the capital represented. There is hardly 
a limit to the variety of substance of food produced on the 
estate. Fish culture has been for 300 hundred years a great 

The Rosenberg family in the end of the fifteenth century 
stocked with fish the largest ponds for the first time. The 
large pond is still called today the Rosenberg "Teuch." 

Note. — There is no doubt that Henry Rosenberger, Sr., 
of Franconia, was the pioneer emigrant, and that he in common 
with other Mennonites fled from Germany on account of 
religious persecution. Of the earlier history of the family and 
their connection with the "princely family," the original 
spelling of the name, as suggested in the foregoing, the num- 
ber of children the pioneer had, and whether one of the sons 
emigrated to Virginia or not, we know nothing. We have 
seen Rosenberger's direct from Austria and Germany and one 
Rosenberg from Prussia. One of the former from Austria 
claimed to be of an old Austrian Rosenberger stock, and were 
Jews. The last mentioned Rosenberg, from Prussia, was also 
a Jew. Author. 


I. Henry Rosenberger is believed to have been 
the first of the name who came to Montgomery county 
as an emigrant from Germany, and was a Menuonite. 
He purchased laud in Franconia on November 14, 
1729, of James Steele, of Philadelphia. For ^30 he 
obtained 150 acres. This was situated about two and 
one-half miles west of Souderton. It covered an area 
through which flows the Indian Creek. The greater 
part was the slope toward the northwest from the 
present Soudertou and Harleysville turnpike to that 
stream, and including the site of the Meunonite 
burying ground. Within these boundaries are now 
the farm of Jacob S. Alderfer, Schueck's mill and the 
farm of Michael Swartley. The latter is the fifth 
in descent from Henry Rosenberger and owns the 
homestead. Here down in the valley of the Indian 
Creek and on its southeast side is a stone farm house 
of unusual size. It bears the date of 1809 and the 
name of John " Schwardle " in German, who was the 
grandfather of the present owner. To the north is a 
modern barn and close to hand an older one. The 
latter is the oldest building about the premises. On 
the wooden beam over the door is inscribed the name 
of Henry Rosenberger and Barbara, his wife, with the 
date of 1755. The first barn of all, in existence 
between 1730 and 1755, stood more closely adjacent 
to the banks of the stream, which was thought handy 
to wash away the manure at a time this was thought 



of little value. A stone springhouse stands 70 yards 
west of the house near the creek and bears the date of 
1793. For this distance the water for household 
purposes was carried for three or four generations. 
In the present garden, just west of the house, stood 
the humble log dwelling which sheltered the old 
Mennonite emigrant and his family. It was only one 
and one-half stories high and existed for 80 years. 

The bounderies of the wilderness tract purchased 
of Steele in 1729 were : " Beginning at corner in line 
of Christian Haldeman ; thence by same northeast 
100 perches to line of Francis Daniel Pastorias ; 
thence by same northwest 254 perches by marked 
trees ; thence by marked trees southeast 254 perches 
to beginning." This was part of 1000 acres which 
Penn's commissioners of property, Isaac Norris, James 
Logan and Thomas Griffith, had sold to Steele in 
1728. The deed was witnessed by James Robinson 
and Abraham Reiff. The Christian Haldeman here 
mentioned held a tract on the south side of the turn- 
pike, where is now the Jonas Moyer estate. 

In the list of taxables of Francouia in 1734 is 
found the name of Henry Roseuberger. In the old 
records Franconia is styled " The Dutch Township," 
and to the present day its population is almost wholly 
of German or Dutch origin. 

Nothing is known of the personality of Henry 
Rosenberger. He built a house and barn and cleared 
some land, enduring the hardships of a first settler. 
In the year 1745 he conveyed his plantation in Fran- 
conia to his son Henry. The bounderies of the deed 
of 1745 are copied from the first deed and Henry Funk 
and Christian Meyer, two Mennonites, were the 
witnesses. The son Henry paid his father ^200. 
It is not known what became of the father after con- 


veying his plantation to his son, but he probably 
remained with Henry. 

It is not known when Henry Rosenberger died. 
He was a Mennonite and one of the original wor- 
shippers at Franeonia, where he was also buried. 

The Franeonia Mennonite meetinghouse is one of 
the typical places of worship found in many localities 
of eastern Pennsylvania. A church was organized 
and a house of worship built here as early as 1730. 
The recent structure was succeeded by another in 
1892. Like all others of this people it is plain to 
austerity. Many horse sheds encompass it about. 
It is built upon an elevation from which a splendid 
view of hill and valley to the north and west may be 
obtained. This overlooks a densely populated farm- 
ing country, extending to the distant hills of Berks 
and the highlands beyond the Schuylkill. In the 
near view are the pleasant vales of the Indian Creek 
and the North Branch of the Perkiomen. On the 
northwest side of the meetinghouse lies the extensive 
burying ground, thickly dotted with marble tomb- 
stones, where repose the dead of many generations. 
This congregation is one of the strongest in 
number, having over 700 members. A communion 
service in the Spring brings out a very large attend- 
ance, and the services have a quaint interest for the 
stranger. The service, beginning at 8 o'clock in the 
morning, lasts over three hours. The women are 
seated within the two aisles, while the men occupy 
the side pews, their hats being hung on long rows of 
pegs over the aisles. In the rear vestibule, entered 
by a side door, is the women's room, where are hung 
their bonnets and extra clothing. The Scriptures 
are read in German and several preachers in turn 
exhort the congregation. The elements of the com- 


munion are handed to each member by the bishop, 
who has au assistant, meanwhile constantly exhorting. 
In time of prayer is seen a kneeling throng. The 
preacher from a hymn book reads one verse at a time 
in a sing-song tone. This is sung to an old-fashioned 
tune, sounding sweetly to the ear as it comes from the 
white-capped throng. Thus is conducted the worship 
of the followers of Menno Simons. 

We name as the children of Henry Rosenberger, 
$r. , Benjamin, Daniel, John, Henry, Jr. If there 
were daughters we have not learned of them. 


II. Benjamin Rosenberger, born in Germany ; 
died during the Revolution about 1777 ; married 
Helena . She died in 1799. Benjamin Rosen- 
berger settled in Hatfield township, Montgomery 
county, Pa., where, as early as 1739, he purchased 
125 acres on the County Line, comprising the present 
Oliver G. Morris and Frick farms at Line Lexington, 
of Ebenezer Kinnersley. This property he held until 
1 744, and it is probable that he made the first improve- 
ments there. He sold it to his son John, who only 
retained possession one year. 

Benjamin Rosenberger was of a dealing, trading, 
speculative disposition, and we find him buying and 
selling various properties in different townships all 
his life. His next purchase was a tract of land of 1 12 
acres in Hatfield, lying further southwest. This was 
86 perches by 210 in dimensions. The neighboring 
landholders were James Dunn on the southeast, Jacob 
Weirmau on the southwest, John Shooter on the 
northeast, and Edward Warner on the northwest. 
This place was bought of David Thomas for ^120. 
It had belonged to a grant of 12 10 acres made to 
Jonathan Hayes in 1705, who made the first improve- 
ments. His only son, Jonathan, had two sisters, 
Elizabeth, wife of Richard Maris, and Mary, wife of 
Evan Lewis. The daughters were the heirs after the 
death of their brother. They sold to John Williams 
in 1723, who conveyed to David Thomas in 1 73 r. 



We next find him the owner of the late Server farm, 
just north of L,ansdale, a large part of which is now 
included in that borough. This he bought at a date 
now unknown, but which Rosenberger sold to Solomon 
Sell in 1760. It comprised 106 acres and in later 
times belonged to Edward Jenkins and his son Philip. 
A little later, before 1766, he came into possession of 
a farm in Gwynedd, near Friends' Corner, later owned 
by Jonathan Lukeus. This he sold in 1776 to 
Cadwallader Foulke. In 1772 he bought a lot in 
Upper Gwynedd, comprising 50 acres, of Jonathan 
Clayton, near the present Kneedler hotel. Probably 
this had no building on it. It was sold by his heirs 
in 1 78 1 to Jacob Heisler, the tavern keeper, for ^400. 
It is supposed that he also owned a farm in Franconia, 
as his widow Helena died in that township. In the 
old deeds of Benjamin Rosenberger he is mentioned 
as a carpenter. At one time he also owned the present 
Beaver farm, near North Wales. 

The death of Benjamin Rosenberger took place 
during the Revolution, near or in 1777, after an active 
life of over 50 years in this county. Helena, widow 
of Benjamin Rosenberger, Sr.died in Franconia during 
the Summer of 1799. In her will mention is made of 
her grandchild Helena, wife of Michael Wireman, 
and great-grandchild, Anna Weirman. From her 
daughter Elizabeth, who married John Alderfer, have 
sprung many descendants in Lower Salford. The 
surviving children of Benjamin Rosenberger were five 
in number, viz: Elias (or Yellis), John, Gertrude, 
Elizabeth, Henry. 


III. Yellis Rosenberger, born at Hatfield, Mont- 
gomery county, Pa., before 1735 ; died near Perkasie 
or Sellersville, in Rockhill township, Bucks county, 
in the early Fall of 1808. His will was registered 
October 3 of that year. In this he bequeathed to 
his son Benjamin the " plantation where I now live " 
containing 130 acres, then bounded by lands of 
Andrew Schlichter and Abraham Stroud. He also 
owned fourteen acres of woodland. His daughter 
Ann received ^1000 and the other daughter, Rebecca, 
a farm in Springfield, where John Bissey lived. The 
son Henry had already received his portion. Yellis, 
or Julius Rosenberger, as he is often called in the old 
deeds, inherited the trading, money-making dis- 
position of his father, and the records of Bucks county 
show that he bought and sold many different properties 
in that county. In 1760 he bought of Henry Funk a 
plantation in Hilltown of 166 acres for ,£400, which 
he sold in 1765. Before 1773 he lived in Springfield, 
on the Saucou line, a portion of his farm being in 
Northampton county. In that year he bought a farm 
in Bedminster.on the Hilltown border, of George Roth- 
rock. In 1774 a farm of 106 acres was bought of 
Valentine Kramer, in Hilltown. In 1795 he bought 
70 acres in Rockhill of Christian Dotterer, which just 
before his death, in 1808, he sold to his son Henry. 

He had also acquired a farm of 130 acres in that 













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The Springfield farm was inherited by his son 
Benjamin, as well as the one in Rockhill. There is a 
tradition concerning a large tract of land in Rockhill, 
which, in those days, was held by non-resident owners. 
It comprised, along with arable land, much of the 
Rockhills. Several squatters had settled on this land, 
among whom was a Rosenberger. They were ordered 
to vacate, but refused, and were only dispossessed by 
a Sheriff's posse. The latter came "with a band of 
soldiers," as the story goes, in the absence of Rosen- 
berger. The women folks at home were very belliger- 
ent and prepared to scald the intruders. The Sheriff 
finally broke down the door and got possession. The 
writer has no dates as to the time of this transaction 
or which family were engaged. The children of 
Yellis Rosenberger were Benjamin, Henry, Anna, 

IV. Benjamin Rosenberger, born probably in Hatfield 
about 1758 ; died in 1824 ; married Margaret Nash. 
He lived in Saucon in his early youth, and before his 
majority was teamster in the American army of the 
Revolution. The latter part of his life he lived in 
Rockhill, Bucks county. He also owned a grist, 
saw and oil mills in Haycock and 27 acres of land. 
He reached the age of 66, his will being registered 
April 24, 1824. In this document mention is made of 
his children, as follows : Elias, Abraham, William, 
John, Jacob, Joseph, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Rachel, 

V. Elias Rosenberger, b Dec 22, 1787 ; d Dec 14, 
1829 ; m Barbara Fretz, dau of * Joseph and Maria 
(Krout) Fretz, April 4, 1809. She was b Sept 12, 
1786 ; d Sept 18, 1816. C : Joseph, Rebecca, Maria, 
Benjamin, Jacob. Elias married second wife Elizabeth 

*" Fuller Joe." 


Hunsberger. She was b Oct 29, 1790 ; died Jan 24, 
1835. C : Isaac and Henry (twins), Elias. 

VI. Joseph Rosenberger, b Dec 27, 1809. He went 
to Canada. 

VI. Rebecca Rosenberger, b Mar 4,1812; m Solomon 
Bigley. C : William, Sarah, Lizzie. 

VI. Mary Rosenberger, b in Pa Sept 30, 18 13 ; d in 
Clinton twp, Lincoln co, Ont, Can, April 21, 1892; 
m William High. He was born in Lincoln co, Ont, 
Can, Oct 1, 1807 ; d May 23, 1893. Farmer ; Men. 
C : Sarah, Annie, infant, Margaret. 

VII. Sarah High, b in Lincoln co, Ont, Feb 17, 1845 J 
m David Sievenpiper Jan 23, 1865. He was born in 
Haldimand co, Ont, Apr 15, 1842. P O Jordon, Ont. 
Farmer ; Ev Ass'n. C : Milton, William, Harvey, 
Lillie, Stephen. 

VIII. Milton Sievenpiper, b in Campden, Ont, May 
11, 1866 ; died Aug 3, 1896, at St Luke's Hospital, 
Florida, where he went for the benefit of his health. 
Fie was buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, Jackson- 
ville, Fla. Journalist ; Bap. S. 

VIII. William E Sievenpiper, born July 8, 1871 ; m 
Minnie M Hamilton Oct 6, 1897. R 94 Leeming st, 
Hamilton, Ont. Employed by Electric Light Co; 
ME. C: (IX) Harry Sievenpiper, b August 11, 
1898 ; d Sept 8, 1898. 

VIII. Harvey Sievenpiper, born Aug 8, 1875. P O 
Campden, Ont. Farmer ; Ev Ass'n. S. 

VIII. Lillie Sievenpiper, b Aug 31, 18S0. Ev Ass'n. 

VIII. Stephen Sievenpiper, b July 12, 1882. Ev Ass'n. 

VII. Annie High, born in Lincoln co, Ont, Feb 16, 
1849 ; m Edward O'Loughlin March 31, 1877. He 
died April 14, 1882. P O Campden, Ont. Farmer; 
Ev Ass'n. C: (VIII) Maggie May O'Loughlin, born 
June 16, 1878. Ev Ass'n. (VIII) William Clayton 
O'Loughlin, b Mar 16, 1880. Ev Ass'n. (VIII) Norris 
Clare O'Loughlin, born June 16, 1884. (VIII) Mary 
Ellen O'Loughlin, b July 2, 1886. 

VII. Infant son, b and d Oct 9, 1854. 

VII. Margaret High, born March 17, 1856 ; m Simon 
Houser July 20, 1880. P O Campden, Ont. Ev Ass'n. 


VI. Benjamin Rosenberger, b Dec 16, 18 14. Lived 
in Canada. 

VI. Jacob Rosenberger, b Sept n, 18 16. Lived in 

VI. Isaac Rosenberger, b June 10, 1818 ; d in 1886 ; 
ni Susanna Bishop Sept 25, 1842. She was b Aug 10, 
1820; died in 1888. Farmer; Mens. C: Henry, 
Jacob, Elias, Isaac, Abraham, Anna, Mary. 

VII. Rev Henry Rosenberger, born in Bucks co, Pa, 
July 22, 1844; married Mary Ann, dau of Jacob L 
Shattinger, December 19, 1868. P O Dublin, Pa. 
Farmer and minister. Mr Rosenberger was ordained 
to the ministry of the Mennonite church at Blooming 
Glen, Bucks co, Pa, Oct 27, 1885, where he has since 
served as one of the ministers of that congregation. 
No issue. 

VII. Jacob B Rosenberger, b about 1846 ; m Sarah 
Myers in 1873. PO Dublin, Pa. Merchant; Mens. 
C : (VIII) William M Rosenberger, b in 1875 ; Allen 
M, b 1 88 1 ; Susie May, b 1886. 

VII. Elias Rosenberger, b Aug 3, 1849 ; died Oct 29, 

VII. Isaac Rosenberger, Jr, born Sept 25, 1851 ; died 
May 26, 1856. 

VII. Abraham B Rosenberger, b March 27, 1853 ; m 
Mary Godshalk Jan 10, 1880. Farmer ; Mens. C : 
(VIII) Isaac G Rosenberger, born December 20, 1880. 
(VIII) Anna G Rosenberger, b September 19, 1882. 
(VIII) Mary Emma Rosenberger, b November 2, 1884. 
(VIII) Edward G Rosenberger, b Apr 6, 1888 ; died 
December 28, 1888. 

VII. Anna Rosenberger, by Dec 19, 1855 ; d Nov 6, 
18S8 ; m Edwin Shaddinger Nov 22, 1879. He died 
Oct 29, 1884. Farmer ; Men. C : (VIII) Henry 
R Shaddinger, b Aug 4, 1881. (VIII) Susan Shadd- 
inger, b Aug 4, 1883 ; d Feb 23, 1885. 

VII. Mary Rosenberger, b December 6, 1858 ; died 
April 6, 1880. Single. 

VI. Henry Rosenberger, b June 10, 18 18 ; m Mary 
Gotwals. Merchant ; Men. No issue. 

VI. Elias Rosenberger, born August 19, 1820 ; died 
March 5, 1842. He was subject to convulsions and 


unable to take care of himself. After the death of 
his parents he was put in the Industrial Home, where 
he died. Single. 

V. Abraham N Rosenberger, born in Bucks co, Pa, 
April 26, 1792 ; d in 1861 ; m Elizabeth Haldeman 
Oct 27, 1 8 14. She was b in Montgomery co Oct 17, 
1797 ; died Dec 23, 1846. Miller, millwright and 
farmer ; Menn. C : Susanna, Henry, Samuel, 
Hannah, Israel, Abraham, Mary, Enos, William, 
Joseph, Levi, Mahlon. 

VI. Susanna Rosenberger, b Jan 24, 181 6 ; d infant. 
VI. Henry Rosenberger, b Aug 13, 1818 ; d infant. 
VI. Samuel Rosenberger, b Oct 16, 1819 ; d about 

1879. Single. 

VI. Hannah Rosenberger, born in Upper Providence 
twp, Montg co, Dec 15, 1820 ; died Dec 10, 1885 ; 
m Israel T Place March 27, 1842. He was born in 
Montg co July 5, 1819 ; d in Hatfield twp, Montg co, 
August 22, 1895. His parents were of German 
ancestry and descended from old families well known 
in eastern Pennsylvania, having resided for several 
generations in the United States. His father, Henry 
G Place, was a prominent citizen of Montg co, and a 
personal acquaintance of Governor Francis R Shuuk, 
who occupied the Executive Chair of Pennsylvania 
from 1845 until his death in 1848. Israel Place 
received a common school education, after which he 
learned the carpenter trade, which occupation he 
followed successfully for many years. He resided 
last in Hatfield twp with his oldest daughter, Sarah A 
Gotwals, where he died. He was a Whig in early- 
life, but became a Republican upon the organization of 
the party. He always took an interest in political 
matters, though he never aspired to or held any 
important office. In religion he was a member of the 
Reformed Church. C: Sarah, Louise, Warren, Isa- 
bella, Hannah, Albert, Mary. 

VII. Sarah Ann Place, b June 10, 1843 ; d Oct 13, 
1896; m Jacob C Gotwals Dec 19, 1863. He was 
born in Montg co, Pa, Aug 14, 1838 ; d Mar 9. 1897. 
P O Phcenixville, Pa. Farmer and carpenter. C : 
(VIII) Laura Gotwals, m Anson. P O Lansdale, 


Pa. (VIM) John P Gotwals. P O Phcenixville, Pa. 
(VIII) Samuel, Warren, Albert, Edwin, Lizzie, Charles, 

VII. Louisa Place, b April 6, 1846 ; died April 1883. 

VII. J Warren Place, b Dec 13, 1S48 ; m Mary F 
Dauber Feb 10, 188 1. P O Lansdale, Pa. No issue. 

VII. Isabella Place, b July 4, 1851 ; d Sept 28, 1853. 

VII. Hannah Place, b in Montg co, Pa, August 26, 
1854 ; married Anthony B Schultz March 13, 1875. 
P O Worcester, Pa. Hotelkeeper ; Mrs S, Schwenk- 
felder. C : (VIII) Mary Ella Schultz, b Feb 5, 1876. 
(VIII) Idella P Schultz, b June 28, 1S78 ; d Feb 2, 
1891. (VIII) Emma P Schultz, b August 21, t88o. 
Dressmaker. (VIII) Alice Minerva Schultz, b Dec 2, 
1882. (VIII) Beckie Irene Schultz, b Jan 29, 1885. 
(VIII) Norman P Schultz, born December 28, 1886. 
(VIII) Stanley P Schultz, b June 3, 1889. (VIII) Cora 
P Schultz, b May 28, 1892. (VIII) Ethel P Schultz, 
born July 31, 1894. 

VII. Albert R Place, Esq, born in Upper Providence 
twp, Montg co, Pa, June 1, 1857 ; m Mary Alice 
Frederick April 11, 1883. Mr Place received his 
education in the academic department of Ursinus 
College, Collegeville, Pa, and at Washington Hall 
Collegiate Institute, Trappe, Pa. After completing 
his studies he engaged in teaching, which he followed 
continually until July 1885, at which time he com- 
menced to read law in the office of Judge Aaron S 
Swartz at Norristowu. During the time he devoted 
to teaching he was principal of the Lansdale public 
schools for a period of four years and held a like 
position in the Hatboro schools for three years. He 
received at the hands of E E Higbee, State Superin- 
tendent, a permanent teacher's certificate for the State 
of Pennsylvania. He was admitted to the Bar in 
October 1887 and during the Winter following taught 
commercial law at Pierce College of Business, Phila- 
delphia. He then began the practice of law in 
Montgomery county, Pa, having his office at Lansdale. 
In April 1889 he formed a law partnership with 
E L Hallman, of Royersford, Pa, and these gentlemen 
have practiced together up to the year 1900. They 


have conducted and still enjoy a prosperous general 
law business, and practice in all the courts of Mont- 
gomery and Chester counties and also in the Supreme 
Court of the State of Pennsylvania. 

Politically Mr Place is a staunch Republican, but 
has refrained from participation in politics, preferring 
to strictly devote himself to business in the line of his 
profession. He has served as a member of the School 
Board of Lansdale for a number, of years, is counsel 
for the boroughs of Lansdale and Souderton, and also 
solicitor of the North Wales bank, of which he was 
one of the founders and first directors. He was also 
one of the organizers of the North Penn Building and 
Loan Association of Lansdale and was its first presi- 
dent. Possessed of ability and judgment his manage- 
ment of these enterprises has proved successful. He 
was also vice president and one of the founders of 
Schissler College of Business, located at Norristown. 
In religion Mr Place was for a number of years con- 
nected with the Abington Presbyterian church, but 
later became a member of the Reformed church of 
Lansdale. He is a member of the Masonic Order, 
with which he has been connected since 1893. His 
business and professional career has been successful, 
and being founded on the corner-stones of honesty, 
integrity, ability and a determination to do thorough- 
ly whatever he undertook, his career furnishes an ex- 
ample for the emulation of young men. P O Lans- 
dale, Pa. C : (VIII) Kate Helen Place, b Feb 7, 

VII. Mary Place, b in Montg co, Pa, June 1, 1861 ; 
m Wilson Schultz Jan 3, 1880. P O Lansdale, Pa. 
C : (VIII) Scelina Schultz, b Dec 4, 1880. 

VI. Israel Rosenberger, b May 31, 1822; d at Eagle- 
ville, Montg co, Pa, June 19, 1891 ; m Elizabeth 
Reiff Dec 6, 1846. She was born in Montg co, Pa, 
July 5, 1824. Stone mason; Trinity Ref. C r Sallie. 

VII. Sallie C Rosenberger, b in Upper Providence 
twp, Montg co, Dec 14, 1847; m Horace Place 
Sept 30, 1876. P O Eagleville, Pa. Farmer. Trin- 
ity Reformed. C: (VIII) Lizzie R Place, b Aug 6, 
1878. (VIII) Howard R Place, born June 16, 1879. 


(VIII) Ira Place, born May 24, 18S0 ; died Septem- 
ber 6, 1880. (VIII) Clarence G Place, born Oct 13, 
1882. (VIII) Cora Place, b Sept 6, 1885; d July 3, 
1886. (VIII) Anna Florence Place, b Nov 23, 1888. 

VI. Abraham Rosenberger, b Jan rr, 1825; d Oct 
5, 1853; m Mary, daughter of Anthony Vanderslice, 
Feb 14, 1850. She was b Mar 1, 1825; d Feb 24, 
1888. Shoemaker; Christian ch. C : Benjamin, 

VII Benjamin H Rosenberger, born Apr 10, 1851 ; 
d Aug 4, 1S53. 

VII. Frank A Rosenberger, b at Trappe, Moutg co, 
Pa; m Ella K Geisinger June 27, 1878. R 2145 N 
21st st, Phila. Salesman. C : (VIII) Laura May 
Rosenberger, b Mar 21, 1880 ; Marguerite G, b July 

20, 18S9. 

VI. Mary Rosenberger, b Sept 17, 1827; d in 1855; 
m John O Zimmerman. He was b in Montg co; d 
Sept 1S98. Carpenter, later music teacher in Phila- 
delphia. Mr Z, Luth; Mrs Z, Bap. C : Son, Frank. 

VII. Zimmerman, d aged about 4 years. 

VII. Frank R Zimmerman, b in Montg co Nov ro, 
1852 ; m Clara L, Fauske Oct 23, 188 1. R 223 First 
ave, West Cedar Rapids, la. After the death of his 
parents he was left with a family by name of Bergey, 
near Telford, Montg co, until nearly 12 years of 
age. Carpenter and hard wood finisher; U Ev. C : 
(VIII) Mabel Lulu Zimmerman, b at Belle Plains, la, 
in 1882; Irene Mildred, b at Keuesaw, Neb, in 1S86; 
Ethel Viola, b at Cedar Rapids, la, in 1894. 

VI. Enos H Rosenberger, b in Montg co June 16, 
1830 ; m Elizabeth S Raudenbush in 1853. P O 
Kutztbwn, Pa. Teacher ; Ref. C : Mary, Horace. 

VII. Mary Marcella Rosenberger, b in Moutg co Jan 
27, 1854; m Dr Cyrus Wanner June 13, 1878. He 
died Feb 27, 1890. Physician ; Ger Ref. C: (VIII) 
Charles R Wanner, b June 24, 1879. Ger Ref. 
(VIII) Elizabeth R Wanner, b July 7, 1883 ; died Dec 

21, 1883. (VIII) Howard R Wanner, b Nov 26, 
1884. (VIII) Jesse R Wanner, b Nov 28, 1888. 

VII. Horace A Rosenberger, b 1856 ; d in 1858. 
VI. William Rosenberger, b Nov 2, 1832 ; d 1834. 


VI. Joseph H Rosenberger, b Oct 4, 1835 ; d abont 
1885; 111 Sophia T Lynch. Farmer; Pres. No issue. 

VI. Levi H Rosenberger, b Nov 22, 1839 ; m Vituria 
Schrack. She d Mar 1881. C: Elizabeth, Frank. 
Levi m second wife Mary Mull. P O Spring City, 
Pa. Teacher, scriveuer and notary public ; Luth. 

VII. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b May 9, 1869 ; m John 
H Godshall June 12, 1890. P O Spring City, Pa. 
Luth. C : (VIII) Mary R Godshall, b Apr 25, 1891 ; 
Anna R, b May 26, 1893. 

VII. Frank S Rosenberger, b at Spring City, Pa, 
Dec 4, 1S71. P O Spring City, Pa. Laborer ; Ger 
Ref. S. 

VI. Mahlon Rosenberger, b Sept 23, 1842 ; d 1844. 

V. William Rosenberger, b in Saucou twp, Lehigh 
co, Pa, in 1794; d in Rockhill twp, Bucks co, in 
1877 '> m Susanna Button in 18 17. She was b in 
1791 ; d 1866. Farmer; Menu. C: Amos, Aaron, 
Joel, William, Elias, Jacob, John, Isaac. 

VI. Amos Rosenberger, b 18 18 ; d infant. 

VI. Aaron B Rosenberger, b in Rockhill twp, Bucks 
co, in 1819 ; d Dec 28, 1898 ; m Catharine Dill 1844. 
R 2236 Fairhill st, Phila. Mr Rosenberger was Clerk 
of the Orphans' Court of Bucks county from 1861 to 
1864, elected on the Republican ticket. He is now a 
clerk and resides in Philadelphia. Ev. C : (VII) 
James Rosenberger, b 1845 '> d 1866. S. (VII) Sus- 
anna Rosenberger, b 1849. S. (VII) Lizzie Rosen- 
berger, b in Bucks co 1852 ; m Joel C Van Cleve. 
R 2236 Fairhill st, Phila. Blacksmith ; M E. C : 
Myra ; James, William, both deceased. 

VI. Rev Joel Rosenberger, b in Bucks co Aug 22, 
182 1 ; ra Mary Kindig in 1850. She was b in Hat- 
field, Pa, Dec 10, 1830. P O South Hatfield, Pa. 
Mason, bricklayer and farmer. At one time he was an 
ordained minister of the "Johnson" Menn church 
and where he preached for about seven years. He 
then began preaching for and later connected himself 
with the Evangelical Mennonites (now Mennonite 
Brethren in Christ), in which connection he preached 
for about 25 years and to which church he still be- 
longs. C : (VII) Milton Rosenberger, b 1853; d aged 


3 mos. (VII) Oliver Rosenberger, b Aug 9, 1855 ; 
m Lizzie, dau of Eli Kratz. P O Lansdale, Pa. 
Plasterer. C : Harry, Dwight, Naaman, Joel, sou (d 
unnamed). (VII) Susanna Rosenberger, b Jan ir, 
1859 ; d Aug 18, 1859. (VII) Ellamina Rosenber- 
ger, b Oct 22, 1861 ; d Aug n, 1862. (VII) Wil- 
liam Rosenberger, b Oct 17, 1865 ; d Oct 28, 1865. 
VI. William Rosenberger, b in Bucks co in 1S23 ; d 
Aug 28, 1894 ; m Eliza Fox. Farmer; Menn. C : 
(VII) Susanna Rosenberger ; m Jacob Johnson. PO 
Perkasie, Pa. Laborer ; Luth. No issue. 

VI. Elias B Rosenberger, b in Rockhill twp, Bucks 
co, Mar 5, 1826 ; m Matilda Weinberger Nov 23, 
1850. She was born in Milford, Bucks co, Mar 29, 
1831. P O Powder Valley, Pa. Carpenter; Menu. 
C : Harrison, Samuel, Enos, Adeline, Lucinda, son 
(d unnamed). 

VII. Harrison Rosenberger, b July 26, 1855 ; m Lilly 
Crawford. P O Slatedale, Pa. Merchant. No issue. 

VII. Samuel Rosenberger, b Mar 13, 1857 ; m Cin- 
derella Williams. P O Slatington, Pa. Yeoman ; 
Menu. C : (VIII) David S Rosenberger, b in 1899. 

VII. Enos Rosenberger, b Feb 24, 1859. P O Bow- 
manstown, Pa. Potter ; Menn. S. 

VII. Adeline Rosenberger, b Jan 22, 1861 ; m Daniel 
Meyer. P O Ziousville, Pa. Yeoman. Mrs M, 
Menn ; Mr M, Ref. C : Adelaide, Blanche. 

VII. Lucinda Rosenberger, b Mar 18, 1863 ; married 
Harvey Schall (d). He conducted a grocery store at 
York, Pa. R Astorst, Norristown, Pa. C : John E. 

VI. Jacob B Rosenberger, b in Rockhill twp, Bucks 
co, Pa, Jan 19, 1828 ; d at Benjamin, Pa, Aug [9, 
1897 ; m Mary Groff Nov 6, 1852. She was born in 
Bucks co Jan 20, 1830. P O Benjamin, Pa. Farmer ; 
Menn. C : Susan, Amanda, Mamie. 

VII. Susan G Rosenberger, b Sept 28, 1857 ; died 
Feb 6, 1863. 

VII. Amanda G Rosenberger, b in Rockhill twp May 4, 
1865 ; m Ephraim S Leister Nov 30, 1882. P O 
Benjamin, Pa. Farmer ; U Ev. C : (VII!) Jacob 
Warren Leister, b Oct 12, 1884 ; John Franklin, b 
Jan 11, 1887 ; George R, b Oct 14, 1895. 


VII. Mamie Rosenberger, b at Benjamin Mar 22, 
1869. P O Benjamin, Pa. U Ev. S. 

VI. John B Rosenberger, b in Rockhill twp, Bucks 
co, Dec 23, 1830; died Mar 28, 1883 ; m Lucy Ann 
Walter in 1867. She was b in Rockhill twp Dec 13, 
1840 ; d Nov 22, 1 88 1. Plasterer. Mr R, Menu ; 
Mrs R, Ger Ref. C : (VII) Harvey W Rosenberger, 
b near Perkasie, Bucks co, Feb 22, 1870 ; m Minerva 
K Henry Mar 21, 1895. P O Perkasie, Pa. Cigar- 
maker ; Luth. No issue. 

VI. Isaac B Rosenberger, b in Rockhill twp, Bucks 
co, Aug 17, 1833 I m Elizabeth Fluck Apr 26, 1856. 
She was b Nov 12, 1836. P O Perkasie, Pa. Car- 
penter ; U Ev. C : Irwin, Mary, Maggie, William, 
Susan, James, Lizzie, Frank, Nora. 

VII. Irwin Rosenberger, b Nov 6, 1856 ; d Jan 22, 

VII. Mary Ann Rosenberger, b in Bucks co Nov 12, 
1858 ; m Rev Joseph K Freed Feb 8, 1879. R 424 
Locust st, Lebanon, Pa. Minister U Ev. C: (VIII) 
Mary Jane Freed, b Oct 20, 1879 ; d Oct 23, 1879. 
(VIII) Irwin R Freed, b Jan 20, 1881. (VIII) Ells- 
worth W Freed, b Sept 7, 1883. (VIII) Chester R 
Freed, b Aug 29, 1889. 

VII Maggie Rosenberger, born in Bucks co Aug 9, 
i860. P O Perkasie, Pa. S. 

VII. William Rosenberger, b in Bucks co July 15, 
1863 ; m Ida Hockman. R 1020 Willow st, Norris- 
town, Pa. Mr Rosenberger was a fireman in the 
employ of the Reading Railway Co. On Wednesday 
evening, July 15, 1897, while his train was speeding 
near Westfield, N J, and just as he was shoveling 
coal into the furnace a water bar blew out in the 
boiler, and a cloud of steam and boiling water gushed 
upon him, frightfully scalding him. The train was 
checked and Mr. Rosenberger was carried to the ca- 
boose, where his body was covered with oil. The 
train was run on to Elizabeth, where he was taken to 
the hospital. He lived until Friday noon. Mrs R, 
U Ev. C : Raymond (d), Irene, Margaret. 

VII. Susan Rosenberger, b Sept 30, 1865 ; d Oct 8, 


VII. James Rosenberger, b in Bucks co Oct 8, 1867 ; 
m Lizzie Moyer. P O Perkasie, Pa. Green grocer ; 
Ref. No issue. 

VII. Lizzie Rosenberger, b Apr 17, 1870. S. 
VI. Frank F Rosenberger, b Aug 20, 1875 ; married 
Mamie Rotzell Dec 1897. P O Perkasie, Pa. Cigar- 
maker ; Ref. No issue (1899). 

VII. Nora Mae Rosenberger, b Nov 7, 1879. S. 
V. John Rosenberger, b in Skippack twp, Montg co, 
Nov 28, 1796; d Nov 26, 1855; m Nancy Shutt. 
Farmer ; Menu. C : Abraham, Elizabeth, John. 
John m second wife Mary Underkuffier. She was b 
Aug ir, 181 1 ; d Oct 17, 1894. Mrs R, Luth. C: 
Lena, Margaret, Henry, Isaac, Emanuel, Horace, 
Susanna, Franklin. 

VI. Abraham S Rosenberger (d) , b at Trappe, Montg 
co, Oct 16, 18 1 9 ; m Elizabeth, daughter of Rev Jos 
Cassel. School teacher and farmer ; Menu. C : 
Noah, Mary, Joseph, Catharine, Elizabeth, Barbara, 

VII. Noah C Rosenberger, born at Skippack, Pa, 
Aug 1, 1 84 1 ; m Sarah Ann Kinsey July 18, 1869. 
P O Souderton, Pa. Tailor ; Lutheran. Children : 
(VIII) Samuel Rosenberger, b Aug 11, 1870; married 
Mary Benner, of Souderton, Pa. (VIII) Elizabeth 
Rosenberger, b in 1872 ; m Leidy Frankenfield. P O 
Lausdale, Pa. C : Preston, Irenia. (VIII) Leidy 
Rosenberger ; m Maggie Christmau. C : Mary. 
(VIII) Ida Rosenberger, died small. (VIM) William 
Henry Rosenberger, b Jan 16, 1877 '< died m l8 94- 
(VIII) John Rosenberger, born February 16, 1879. 
(VIM) Amanda Rosenberger, b September 25, 1881. 
(VIM) Sallie Rosenberger, born Nov r, 1883; died 
infant. (VIII) Annie Rosenberger, born Feb 8, 1885 ; 
d infant. (VIII) Horace Rosenberger, b Jan 8, 1887. 
(VIM) Albanus Rosenberger, born November 8, 1889. 
(VIII) Bertha Rosenberger, b May 11, 1893. 

VII. Mary Rosenberger, m Joseph Wisler (d). P O 
Souderton, Pa. C : Flora. 

VII. Joseph C Rosenberry, born in Montg co, Pa, 
Sept 18, 1852; died March 1, 1899; m Kate Cassel 
Nov 21, 1874. P O Lansdale, Pa. Early in life 


he learned the carpenter trade with Benjamin F 
Frederick, of Lansdale. About 26 years ago he 
entered the employ of Heebner & Sons in the wood- 
work department, which position he retained for 
years. Later he was promoted to the position of 
superintendent of the works, which he resigned to 
engage in the coal and feed business in partnership 
with Amos Rosenberger. Three years later he re- 
entered the employ of Heebner & Sons as a salesman, 
which position he retained up to the time of his 
death, and was a valued and trusted employe. Dur- 
ing his many years residence in Lansdale he won and 
retained the highest esteem of his fellow-citizens. 
He was a member of the Borough Council for several 
years, retiring in the Spring of 1896. He was re- 
elected to that office at the Spring election of 1899 by 
a handsome vote. He was also a director of the 
North Penn Building and Loan Association. C : 
(VIII) David C Rosenberg, b Sept 20, 1875. He is 
a graduate of the Williamsport Business College and 
now clerk in the First National Bank of Lansdale. 
(VIII) Lillian Rosenberry, b Aug 25, 1877. R Ger- 
mantown, Phila. (VIII) Emma Rosenberry, b Dec 29, 

VII. Catharine Rosenberger, died Mar 27, 189S ; m 
Henry Goshow in 1876. He was born Dec 16, 1850. 
Plasterer ; Menn. C : Lizzie, Leander, Mary. 

VIII. Lizzie Goshow, born at Creamery, Pa, Jan 24, 
1879 ! married William B Scheid Sept 10, 1896. P O 
Souderton, Pa. Tobacconist ; Luth. C : (IX) R 
Jordan Scheid, b Apr 5, 1897. 

VIII. Leander Goshow, b Feb 27, 1881 ; d Aug 16, 

VIII. Mary Goshow, b June 15, 1886. 
VII. Elizabeth Rosenberger, m Jacob H Tyson. PO 
Creamery, Pa. C : Two daughters. 

VII. Barbara Rosenberger, b Feb 23, i860 ; married 
William H Nice in 1879. P O Steinsburg, Pa. 
Miller ; Ger Bap. C : (VIII) Sallie Nice, b Aug 14, 
1879. (VIII) Elizabeth Nice, b April 18, 1882; died 
March 9, 1883. (VIII) Elmer Nice, born Jan 6, 1885. 
(VIII) Melvin Nice, b May 20, 1886. (VIII) Harrison 


Nice, born June 13, 1888. (VIII) Vincent Nice, born 
Dec 23, 1891. (VIII) Ella Nice, born Oct 19, 1892. 
(VIM) John Nice, b Apr 4, 1S96. 

VII. Abraham Rosenberger, d aged 17 years. 

VI. Elizabeth Rosenberger, m Zephenia Gross (d). 
C: Mary, Kate, William. Elizabeth married second 
husband Omer Rees. P O Montgomery Square, Pa. 
C : Clara. 

VI. John Shutt Rosenberger, b at Trappe, Montg co, 
Pa, May 2, 1828 ; d Jan 27, 1891 ; married Hannah 
Adeline Williams August 25, 1853. 'She was born at 
Brier Creek, near Mauch Chunk, Pa, Jan 7, 1839. 

When a young man he learned the cabiuetmak- 
ing trade, and is said to have been one of the best. 
He enlisted in the Rebellion September r, 1864, in 
Philadelphia, in the 203rd Regiment, Company D, 
Pennsylvania, and was a volunteer in the 10th corps. 
He was in the war about one year, when it broke up. 
He was on detached services at Corps' Headquarters. 
His duties were to build and to level off the ground 
around the officers tents, and for this work he had as 
many as 300 negroes in his employ. At the second 
battle of Chapman's farm, the Rebels discovering 
General Birney and staff, began firing in that direction, 
the bullets coming thick and fast about where Mr 
Rosenberger was standing, causing him to tremble. It 
was an old saying "that whoever trembles will be the 
next to be killed. A piece of shell flew past without 
hitting him but with such force that his head was 
turned half way round and so suddenly that it 
cracked, and he had to take both hands to put his 
head in the right position again. In this battle he 
was on the reserve force and was stationed where he 
saw the whole battle. He was at another time 
detailed to make a coffin for a deserter, who, when 
taken to the grave to be shot, sitting on his coffin, 
bared his breast and pointing to the spot said, "boys, 
shoot me here," and when shot, fell stone dead in his 

It is related that when Mr Rosenberger was a 
creeping baby that his sister took him up in the third 
story of the mill in which they lived, and while she 


was sweeping the floor he crept to the door and fell 
down three stories, fortunately falling in a pile of 
shavings, and bounced like a rubber ball. The mill- 
wright, who was standing there at his work, caught 
him up and ran in the mill, and oil examining him 
found him unhurt. 

Mr Rosenberger was superintendent of L W 
Drake's sawing and planing mill at Hazleton, Pa, for 
20 years. In August 1877 he moved his family to 
Philadelphia, where he took charge of Boweby & 
Larish's sawing and planing factory in that city. 
In April 1878 he went to Bloomsbury, N J, to work 
for the same firm, who had built a factory along the 
banks of the Musconnteong. November 30, 1880, he 
moved to Washington, N J, and worked in Daniel F 
Beatty's large organ works, but owing to the condi- 
tion of his health he was forced to leave his work and 
he again moved to Bloomsbury in 1885. Having 
somewhat regained his health and receiving an urgent 
invitation to resume his position he again moved to 
Washington February 24, 1887. After holding his 
position for a short time he was advised by his 
physician to quit work. He again moved to Blooms- 
bury April 27, 1888, and resided there until his 
death. He was a member of John F Reynold's Post, 
No 66, Dept of N J, G A R, of Washington, organized 
April 26, 1882. He was a member of the M K church 
and a class leader for many years in the German M E 
church, of Hazel ton, Pa. He was also a leader of 
schools. C : William, Rosalia, John, Samson, Anna, 
Mary, Jennie, Cassie, Lillian, Elizabeth. 

VII. William A Rosenberger, b Sept 25, 1854; died 
February 25, 1855. 

VII. Rosalia Rosenberger, b at Hazelton, Pa, Mar 25, 
1857 ; m Edward Caugle Oct 23, 1880. P O Blooms- 
bury, N J. ME. C : (VIII) Harry B Caugle, born 
Apr 16, 1882 ; James C, b Oct 16, 1886 ; Lizzie W, 
b Sept 30, 1890 ; Lillian E, b May 3, 1893. 

VII. John B Rosenberger, b in Philadelphia Sept 25, 

i860 ; m Jennie Louisa Young, of Orange, N J, 
Feb 16, 1882. Mr Rosenberger is a barber and has 
worked at his trade at Bloomsbury and elsewhere for 


a number of years. After his conversion he united 
with the church, but his business required him to 
work on Sundays and which was not consistent with 
his religious sentiment in the matter. However, in 
considering the matter he thought that if he closed 
his shop on Sunday his business would be ruined, but 
being fully persuaded that it was his duty to close 
he resolved to do so. He then moved to Eastou, Pa, 
but here he did not succeed. One Saturday night 
he took the matter to the Lord in prayer, whom he 
told he could not make a living in Easton with his 
shop closed on the Sabbath and that he must have a 
position given to him the Monday following. He 
asked the Lord to direct his feet, for he knew not 
where to go. The Lord giaciously heard his prayer 
and on Monday morning his wife came to the shop 
and handed him a telegram from his sister, which ran 
thus : " John, come down at once ; important busi- 
ness. — Rose." He took the first train for Blooms- 
bury and in the afternoon returned to Easton with the 
key of the Bloomsbury barber shop in his pocket, to 
which place he removed and now conducts a success- 
ful business. He served as class leader, assistant 
Sunday school superintendent and trustee of the 
church. ME. C: (VIII) Hannah Adeline Rosen- 
berger, born Feb 14, 1883 ; George N Young, born 
Sept 9, 1888. 

VII. Samson S Rosenberger, b at Hazelton, Luzerne 
co, Pa, Feb 26, 1863 ; m Lillie V Abel Oct 3, 1889. 
P O Bloomsbury, N J. Barber. C : (VIII) Bertha 
A Rosenberger, b May 27, 1891 ; d Aug 13, 1891. 

VII. Anna M Rosenberger, b at Hazelton April 10, 
1866 ; m John Morrison, of Philadelphia, Nov 29, 
18S2. P O Washington, N J. Organ and piano 
finisher; ME. C: (VIII) Daniel Williams Morrison, 
born Sept 4, 1883 ; Joseph Samson, b Oct 19, 1885 ; 
John William, b Jan 25, 18S8 ; Anna Adeline, born 
July 24, 1897. 

VII. Mary L Rosenberger, b at Hazelton, Pa, Feb 1, 
1868 ; m S A D Vliet Feb 11, 1890. P O Blooms- 
bury. ME. C : (VIII) Frank Vliet, born May 15, 
1 89 1 ; Hannah A, b Apr 9, 1893. 


VII. Jennie Rosenberger, born at Hazelton Dec 26, 
1870 ; m Chester P Huff Aug 4, 1894. P O Blooms- 
bury, N J. ME. No issue. 

VII. Cassie L Rosenberger, born June 8, 1873 ; died 
July 6, 1873. 

VII. Lillian Rosenberger, born July 12, 1874 ; died 
April 13, 1878. 

VII. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Feb 28, 1879 ; died 
March 17, 1880. 

VI. Lena Rosenberger, b November 9, 1834 ; died 
March 24, 1848. 

VI. Margaret Rosenberger, born in Montg co, Pa, 
Dec 26, 1836 ; m Henry S Landis Apr 19, 1856. He 
was born in Franconia twp, Montg co, Sept 30, 1832. 
P O Morvvood, Pa. Blacksmith; Menn. C: Josiah, 
Mary, Annie. 

VII. Josiah Landis, b Apr 30, 1857 ; m Mary Moyer 
Jan 11, 1879. P O Morwood, Pa. Farmer; Menn. 
C : Menno, Maggie, Henry, B Harrison. 

VII. Mary Landis, born March 4, 1862 ; m Gideon 
Gehman. P O Morvvood, Pa. 

VII. Annie Landis, born Feb 11, 1864; m Samuel 
Keller. P O Morvvood, Pa. 

VI. Henry U Rosenberger, born May 3, 1839; died 
next day. 

VI. Isaac U Rosenberger, b in Northumberland co, 
Pa, Oct 6, 1840 ; m Catharine H Wasser Jan 16, 1864. 
P O Mainland, Pa. Farmer ; Ref. Children : Mary, 
William, James, Annie, Sallie, Isaac, Maggie. 

VII. Mary W Rosenberger, b Nov 26, 1864. Ref. S. 
VII. William W Rosenberger, born Feb 11, 1866. 

Painter ; Ref. P O Mainland, Pa. S. 

VII. James W Rosenberger, b April 22, 1868. P O 
Franconia, Pa. Farmer ; Ref. S. 

VII. Annie W Rosenberger, b Dec 5, 1869 ; d May 3, 

VII. Sallie W Rosenberger, b Oct 6, 187 1 ; m Horace 
Z Kerr. P O Skippack, Pa. Farmer ; Mrs K, Ref. 
No issue. 

VII. Isaac W Rosenberger, born Mar 6, 1874. P O 
West Point, Pa. Tinsmith ; Ref. S. 

VII. Maggie W Rosenberger, born Oct 21, 1876; m 


Fred H Bower Nov 6, 1897. Farmer; L,uth. C: 
(VIII) Alverda R Bower, b May 25, 1S98. 

VI. Emanuel Rosenberger, b at Trappe, Montg co, 
Pa, Sept 10, 1843 ; m Hannah Weidenmoyer Jan 16, 
1867. R 2828 N 8th st, Phila. Plasterer and cigar- 
maker ; German Ref. C : Harry, Franklin, Anna, 
Jennie, Edwin. 

VII. Harry Rosenberger, b Feb 17, 1868. S. 
VII. Franklin Rosenberger (d), b Aug 4, 1873. 

VII. Anna Rosenberger, b June 26, 1874 ; m Reuben 
Solliday June 1893. C : (VIII) Susanna Solliday, 
b Mar 24, 1894 ; Walter, b July 4, 1896. 

VII. Jennie Rosenberger, b Mar 28, 1876 ; m Irwin 
Godshall Aug 10, 1897. 

VII. Edwin Rosenberger, b Apr 22, 1878. 
VI. Horace U Rosenberger, b Sept 24, 1846 ; died 
Feb 18, 1890; m Mary Ann Gashow July 24, 1869. 
She was born June 17, 1848 ; died Feb 22, 1890. C : 
(VII) Harry G Rosenberger, b July 24, 1870; died 
Sept 29, 1870. (VII) John G Rosenberger, b Mar 15, 
1873. (VII) Horace G Rosenberger, b Feb 18, 1875. 
(VII) F'ranklin G Rosenberger, b Apr 15, 1882 ; died 
July 18, 1884. (VII) William G Rosenberger, born 
Feb 11, 1886. 

VI. Susanna U Rosenberger, born Dec 4, 1849 ; died 
Sept 9, 1891 ; m Franklin Beam Jan 20, 1872. He 
was born September 30, 1836. Farmer ; Luth. C : 
(VII) Emma Beam, born at Gwynedd Square, Pa, 
May 24, 1878. P O North Wales, Pa. Bap. S. 

VI. Frank U Rosenberger, b at Skippack, Pa, July 26, 
1852 ; m Tillie Gotwaltz Nov 1, 1873. P O Skip- 
pack, Pa. Blacksmith ; United Evan ch. C : Jacob. 

VII. Rev Jacob G Rosenberger, b in Skippack, Pa, 
Dec 25, 1875. P O Barnesville, Pa. At the age of 
6^ years he was sent to the public schools, from 
which he graduated in 1893 as valedictorian of the 
class. Shortly after graduation he entered Schuylkill 
Seminary, Fredericksburg, Schuylkill county, Pa, 
for the purpose of receiving a thorough business 
education, which he completed in the Spring of 1895. 
After leaving school he entered J M Slifer's general 
store at Lansdale, Pa, as clerk, remaining in the 


store about six months, when he felt the need of a 
still higher education, and entered Albright Collegiate 
Institute, Myerstown, Lebanon county, Pa, where he 
remained two years, graduating in the Spring of 1897. 
When in his 16th year while attending campmeeting 
at Perkasie Park, Aug 1, 1891, he was converted to 
God, not of flesh and blood, but of water and the 
spirit. Soon after his conversion he was called of 
God to the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
In 1895, at Shamokin, Pa, he was licensed to preach 
according to the rules and regulations of the Eastern 
Pennsylvania Conference of the United Evangelical 
Church. During the last year of school at Albright 
Collegiate Institute (now Albright College), he was 
stationed as minister of the United Evangelical church 
at Barnesville, Schuylkill co, Pa, which charge he 
still serves, having three flourishing congregations to 
which he ministers, viz : Barnesville, Quakake and 
Locust Valley. On June 1, 1898, he was married to 
Ella, dau of Solomon Yerger, of Gratersford, Pa. 

V. Jacob Rosenberger, b Feb 12, 1799 ; died in Bed- 
minster twp, Bucks co, Pa, Mar 10, 1883 ; m Eliza- 
beth Detweiler Mar 1824. She was b Aug 6, 1801, 
in New Britain twp ; d Feb 22, 1839, in Tinicum twp. 
Farmer ; Menn. C : Mary, John, Joseph, Jacob, 

VI. Mary Rosenberger (d), b Jan 8, 1825 ; married 
Abraham Myers (d). Farmer ; Mennonites. C : 

(VII) John Myers (d), m Mary Hockmati. Farmer ; 
Menn. C : Hannah (d), Aaron, Abraham. 

VI. John D Rosenberger, born in Bucks co July 14, 
1826 ; d Feb 21, 1891 ; m Catharine Stover May 14, 
1848. She was b Sept 12, 1827; died Sept 15, 1882. 
Farmer ; Ref. C : Mary, Gideon, Amanda, Jacob. 

VII. Mary Lizzie Rosenberger, b in Hilltown twp, 
Bucks co, April 9, 1849 ; m Henry L Scholl Mar 20, 
1877. P O Telford, Pa. Farmer ; Ger Ref. C : 

(VIII) John Andrew R Scholl, b Oct 9, 1878. Cigar- 
maker ; Ref. (VIII) Herbert Wallace R Scholl, born 
May 20, 1883. 

VII. Gideon S Rosenberger, m Adeline Funk Jan 8, 
18S0. She was born Jan 28, 1859 ; d Sept 27, 1894. 


P O Ridge, Pa. Farmer. Mr R, Luth ; Mrs R, Menn. 
C : Joseph, Minnie. 

VII. Amanda Rosenberger, born in Bucks co, Pa, 
Nov 24, 1853 ; m Dr N C E Guth Sept n, 1875. R 
527 Liberty street, Allentown, Pa. Reformed. C : 
(VIII) Herbert W Guth, b July 10, 1877. Doctor in 
Pharmacy, Allentown, Pa. (VIII) Nevin H Guth, 
b Mar 14, 1891. 

VII. Jacob S Rosenberger, b in Hilltown twp May r r, 

1856 ; 111 Ann Eliza Rosenberger Jan 15, 1878. They 
own and occupy the Wireman farm in New Britain. 
P O Chalfont, Pa. Farmer ; Ger Bap. Children : 
(VIII) Paul Rosenberger, bom and d June 17, 1879 ; 
Elmer Wellington, b June 25, 1882 ; John Arthur, 
b Aug 17, 1884 ; Jacob Wilmer, born Nov 25, 1886 ; 
Leidy Herman, b May 30, 1892. 

VI. Joseph D Rosenberger, born in New Britain twp, 
Bucks co, Feb ri, 1830 ; m Mary Ann Bryan Sept 13, 
1852. She died Dec 13. 1862. C : Eliza, Wilson, 
Menno, Laura. Joseph m second wife Johanna K 
Bryan October r, 1864. P O Perkasie, Pa. Retired 
farmer ; Menn. C : Reuben, David, Isaac, Jacob, 
Edmond, Allen, Mary, Noah. 

VII. Eliza Rosenberger, b in Bedminster twp Nov 7, 
1853 ; m Joseph Tyson. P O Dublin, Pa. Laborer ; 
Menn. No issue. 

VII. Wilson Rosenberger, b in Bucks co, Pa, Jan 31, 

1857 ; m Sue Sweigert. P O Perkasie, Pa. Shoe- 
maker ; U Evan. C : Flora, Amnion. 

VII. Menno Rosenberger, born in Bucks co Ma}' 24, 
1859 ; m Kate Alderfer. She was b July 2r, 1865. 
P O Lederachville, Pa. Farmer. C : (VIII) Alice 
Rosenberger, born July 14, 1883. Mr Rosenberger 
adoped a child named Howard (Rosenberger) Landis. 

VII. Laura Rosenberger, b in Bedminster twp, Bucks 
co, May ir, 1S61 ; m William Slight. P O North 
Cramer's Hill, N J. Painter ; Meth. C : Raymond, 
Verna, Irvin. 

VII. Reuben Rosenberger, b in Bucks co, Pa, Oct 13, 
1865 ; m Katie Moore. P O Perkasie, Pa. Painter; 
Rv Ass'n. C : Ezra Victor, Joseph Mervin, William 
Russel, Anna Elizabeth. 


VII. David Rosenberger, b in Bucks co Oct 13, 1867 ; 
m Sallie Gehman Nov 18, 1893. She was b Mar 13, 
1865. P O Perkasie, Pa. Cigarmaker ; U Evan. C : 
(VIM) Daniel Elvin Rosenberger, born Feb 23, 1895 ; 
Chester Arthur, b Feb r, 1S97. 

VII. Isaac Rosenberger, born in Bucks co, Pa, Dec 5, 
1869 ; d Oct 13, 1896 ; married Laura Crouthamel. 
P O Perkasie, Pa. Cigarmaker. U Evan. C : 
Esther Rebecca. 

VII. Jacob Rosenberger, b in Bucks co May 27, 1872. 
P O Perkasie, Pa. Cigarmaker. U Evan. 

VII. Edmund Rosenberger, b Feb 5, 1875 > d Feb 7, 


VII. Allen Rosenberger, b in Bucks co, Pa, Apr 10, 
1876 ; m Emma Wenhold in 1897. P O Perkasie, 
Pa. Cigarmaker. U Evan. No issue. 

VII. Mary Ann Rosenberger, b in Bucks co Jan 26, 
1879. P O Perkasie, Pa. Dressmaker. U Evan. 

VII. Noah Rosenberger, born July 11, 1881. P O 
Perkasie, Pa. U Evan. 

VI. Jacob D. Rosenberger, b in Tinicum twp, Bucks 
co, Dec 20, 1833 ; m Hannah G Barnes Oct 31, 1857. 
She was born Dec 3, 1838. P O Dublin, Pa. Dealer 
in farming implements. Menn. C : Daniel and Mary 
twins), Isaiah, Lizzie, Emma, John, Amanda, Fanny, 
William, Annetta. 

VII. Daniel Rosenberger, b Dec 23, 1858 ; m Anna 
Godshalk. P O Fouutainville, Pa. Farmer. C : 
Ella, Wilmer, Fannie, Oscar. 

VII. Mary Rosenberger, born December 23, 1858 ; 
married Frank Snavely. P O Lake City, Iowa. C : 
Annetta, Agnes, J Warren, Lee, Naomi. 

VII. Isaiah B Rosenberger, born Aug 25, i860 ; m 
Rachel Lewis. P O Dublin, Pa. Blacksmith. No 

VII. Lizzie B Rosenberger, b Oct 23, 1862 ; married 
Jacob L Shelly February 9, 1888. P O Levin, Pa. 
Farmer ; Menn. C : (VIII) Edith R Shelly, born 
Oct 25, 1888. (VIII) Howard R Shelly, b Sept 6, 
1890 ; died Nov 22, 1890. (VIM) Henry R Shelly, 
b Nov 1 1891. (VIII) Jacob Arthur Shelly, b Oct 19, 






VII. Emma B Roseuberger, b Sept 7, 1865 ; m John 
A Guth Dec 24, 18S8. R 38 N Spring st, Elizabeth, 
N J. Blacksmith; Pres. C: (VIII) Mabel Gertrude 
Guth, b Feb 7, 1890. (VIII) Herbert Francis Guth, 
b Aug 21, 1892 ; d May 5, 1895. 

VII. John H Rosenberger, b May 29, 1868 ; married 
Lizzie P Patten. R Haines and Chew sts, German- 
town, Pa. Teamster. C : Eleanor. 

VII. Amanda Magdalena Rosenberger, b Nov 6, 1870; 
m Hiram Anders. P O Perkasie, Pa. Hostler. C : 
Hannah, Blanche. 

VII. Fanuy B Rosenberger, b Apr 20, 1875 ; married 
Lamech F Myers, son of Jonas S Myers, of Bedmins- 
ter, Pa, Feb 17, 1894. P O Perkasie, Pa. House 
painter ; Menn. C : (VIII) Roy R Myers, b Jan 4, 
1895 ; Edith. 

VII. William F Rosenberger, b May 20, 1876. S. 

VII. Annetta B Rosenberger, b Sept 3. 1879. S. 
VI. Enos Rosenberger, b Feb 13, 1839 ; d next day. 
V. Joseph W Rosenberger, born Mar 20, 1 80 1 ; died 
Aug 3, 1875 ; m Catharine Moyer, daughter of Henry 
and Salome (Stover) Moyer, of Bucks co, Pa. She 
was born Aug 29, 1796 ; d Aug 27, 1862. Farmer ; 
Menu. Deacon at Perkasie. C : Henry, Salome, 
John, Isaac. 

VI. Henry Rosenberger, died single. 

VI. Salome Rosenberger (d), married Samuel Seiple. 
Two sous lived in Pottstown, Pa. 

VI. John Rosenberger, m Anna Yerger. LiYed in 
Missouri. C : Charles (d), Edwin, . 

VI. Isaac Rosenberger (d), m Elizabeth Crouthamel 
(d). C : Alten (d). 

V. Benjamin Rosenberger, died single. 
V. Elizabeth Roseuberger, m Henry Nonatnaker. 
C : Aaron, Elias, Charles, Henry, Maria, Elizabeth. 

VI. Aaron Nonamaker (d), m Anna Shutt (d). 
Farmer ; Luth. C : Deborah, Lizzie, Jacob, Noah. 

VII. Deborah Nonamaker, m Weiss. P O 

Perkasie, Pa. 

VII. Lizzie Nonamaker, died young. 

VII. Jacob Nonamaker, ra Clementine Crouthamel. 


P O Perkasie, Pa. Cigarmaker ; U Evan. C : 
Washington, Irwin. 

VIII. Washington Nonamaker, married . P O 


VIII. Irwin Nonamaker. P O Perkasie, Pa. Single. 

VII. Dr Noah S Nonamaker, b in Bedminster, Bucks 
eo, Pa, Mar 23, 1854 ; in Lizzie Bean Mar 15, 1883. 
P O Bedminster, Pa. Physician ; Luth. C : Annie 
Lucretia (d), Edgar Vasco, Claudius Howard (d), 
Bessie Gertrude (d), Mattie Pauline (d), Celia Helen. 

VI. Elias Nonamaker (d), married Keller. 

Carpenter. No issue. 

VI. Charles Nonamaker (d), m Stout. One 


VI. Henry Nonamaker, m Shive. No issue. 

VI. Maria Nonamaker (d), m John Deiley (d). No 
issue. Maria m second husband Peter Stout (d). 
No issue.- 

VI. Elizabeth Nonamaker (d), m Samuel Stout (d). 
C: (VII) Henry Stout. P O Doylestown, Pa. (VII) 
Amos Stout. P O Hagersville, Pa. (VII) Maria 
Stout (d). 

V. Rachel Roseuberger, m Isaac Clemmer. C : 
Jacob, Elizabeth, Kate. 

VI. Jacob Clemmer, m Deborah Clemmer. C : Lucy, 
Eliza, Kate. 

VII. Lucy Clemmer (d), m Clemmer. C: 

(VIM) Lavina Clemmer, m James Savacool (d). C: 
Raymond. Lavina m second husband William Sava- 
cool. P O Newmansville, Pa. C: Raymond, Robert, 

VII. Eliza Clemmer. Single. 

VII. Kate Clemmer, m Levi O Biehn. P O Rich- 
laud Centre, Pa. C : Flora, Deborah. 

VI. Elizabeth Clemmer (d), m Philip Nace (d). No 

VI. Kate Clemmer, m . Kate m second husband 

Isaac Yokum. C : Debbie, Henry. 

V. Margaret Roseuberger,* born in Bucks co, Pa, 
April 13, 1805 ; d March 11, 1877 ; m George Lewis 

*In her father's will her name is given as Rebecca. She 
probably had a double name. 


Sept 19, 1825. He was b 1793 ; d 1S28. One child, 
d in infancy. Margaret m second husband Henry R 
Alderfer (d), Aug 27, 1833. He was b 18 12. One 
child, d in infancy. Margaret married third husband 
Henry Harttle Oct 2, 1S38. He was b in Montg co, 
Pa, Nov 24, 1 79 1 ; d June 2, 1871. Farmer ; Pres. 
C : Annie, Elizabeth. 

VI. Annie Harttle, b Sept 7, 1839 ; m John Brierley. 
He was born in Lancashire, England, Oct n, 1839. 
P O Fairview Village, Pa. Stone mason. Children : 
(VII) Sarah Brierley, died at birth, July 4, 1870. 
(VII ) Henry Harttle Brierley, b Dec r, 1871 ; died 
July 27, 1882. 

VI. Elizabeth Harttle, b July 15, [841. P O Fair- 
view Village, Pa. S. 

IV. Henry Rosenberry,* born probably in Hilltown 
in 1 76 1 ; died Jan 1834. He was married twice, his 
first wife being Mollie Holman, said to have been 
from Milford, Lehigh county. C : John, Betsey, 
Kate, Susan, Mary. His second wife was a widow, 
Mrs Katie Kram, whose maiden name had been 
Beam (or Boehm). C: Abraham, Hannah, Nancy. 
He was not a landholder in this county, but a renter. 
Previous to his death he lived in a tenant house on 
the farm of Paul Custer, Worcester. This farm was 
purchased from the Custer estate by Benjamin Brun- 
ner in 1864, and comprised 49 acres. He left no will, 
and the administrators of his estate were his son, 
John H Roseuberry, of Skippack, and John Kratz, of 
same township. 

V. John H Rosenberry, b Apr 1, 1799; d Sept 10, 
1872 ; m Elizabeth Gotwals Nov 14, 1824. She was 
bom July 17, 1804; d in 1858. Lived in Skippack 
township and was a stock dealer. Mr Rosenberry, 
Menn ; Mrs Rosenberry, Ger Bap. C : Charles, 
Catharine, Mary, Christian, Christian, Abraham, 
Elizabeth, John, Anna, Jesse, Elizabeth, Henry. 

VI. Charles G Rosenberry, b May 20, 1825 ; married 

*Those now spelling the name Rosenberry instead of 
Rosenberger are descended also from Benjamin Rosenberger, 
of Hatfield It is said that the present spelling is only a 
modern change or variation. 


Anna Hummel, who died, leaving two children. He 
then went to Illinois, where he married again and 
had several children. Lost all trace of him since 1874. 

VI. Catharine Rosenberry, b Aug 4, 1826 ; d Jan 4, 
1890 ; m John Hagey. He was b Aug 4, 1830 ; died 
Oct 3, 1857. Watchmaker; Menn. C: Elizabeth, 
Anna. Catharine m second husband Joseph Kindig. 
C : John, Annie. 

VII. Elizabeth Hagey, b in Montg co, May 8, 1853 ; 
m Frank W Dora Sept 23, 187 1. P O Telford, Pa. 
Farmer ; Ref. C : (VIM) Allen Dora, born June 3, 
1873 ; m Clara Metzger May 27, 1893. P O Telford, 
Pa. Bricklayer; Ref. (VIII) Katie Dora, b Dec 24, 
1875. (VIII) Frank Dorn, born Apr 23, 1878. (VIII) 
Milton Dorn, bora August 21, 1880 ; d aged 5 days. 
(VIII) Erwin Dorn, b Feb 2, 1882 ; d Aug 22, 1882. 
(VIM) Reinhart Dorn, b Mar 5, 1883. (VIII) Charles 
Dorn, b Mar 3, 18S5. (VIII) Lizzie Dorn, b Nov 30, 
1887. (VIM) Vernon Dorn, b June 29, 1892. 

VII. Anna Hagey, b and d Apr 1, 1857. 

VII. John R Kindig, born May 12, 1862 ; m Franie 
Roseuberger May 25, 1885. She was b Jan 3, 1866. 
P O Hatfield, Pa/ C : (VIM) Harvey R Kindig, b 
June 4, 1886 ; died August 11, 1886. (VIII) Mary R 
Kindig, b March 23, 1889. (VIII) Harry R Kindig, b 
June 21, 1890; died Nov 22, 1890. (VIII) Emma R 
Kindig, b May 15, 1892. (VIM) Stella R Kindig, b 
Oct 2, 1893. (VIII) Frank R Kindig, born June 16, 
1897; died July 3, 1898. Mr Kindig was elected 
Director of the Poor of Montgomer}' county in 1900. 

VII. Annie R Kindig, b Dec 3, 1864 ; m Cbarles B 
Kratz May 23, 1883. P O Lansdale, Pa. C : (VIM) 
Wallace K Kratz, b Sept 10, 1884 ; C Quintin, born 
June 14, 1894. 

VI. Mary Rosenberry, b in Montg co, Pa, Feb 14, 
1828; d in Norristown, Pa, Mar 16, 1896; married 
Sylvester Lewis Oct 14, 1853. He was b in Montg 
co Sept 22, 1824 ; d in Norristown Jan 3, 1868. Mrs 
Lewis, Pres. C : (VII) James Irvin Lewis, b Feb 7, 
1854; d Mar 29, 1862. (VII) Sallie Elizabeth Lewis, 
b Oct 7, 1855 ; d July 12, 1897. S. (VII) Mary Jane 
Lewis, b in Norristown Feb 20, 1858. R 541 Kohn 


street, Norristown, Pa. Seamstress ; Pres. S. (VII) 
Ashton Lewis, born May 26, 1859 ; d Aug 23, 1859. 
(VII) Elniira Lewis, born July 7, 1867 ; m William 
Carnathan Dec 4, 1895. R 707 Astor st, Norris- 
town, Pa. Milk dealer. 
VI. Christian G Rosenberry, d in infancy. 

VI. Christian G Rosenberry, b in Montg co, Feb 5, 
1832 ; m Susanna, daughter of Peter B Hendricks, 
December 15, i860. P O Lansdale, Pa. He has 
been in the stock business for 35 years, dealing in 
horses, cattle and sheep. In 1880 he bought the 
Broadway House and stock yards at Lansdale, Pa, 
where he continued as proprietor for ten years, when 
in 1890 he sold it for $16,000, being the principal 
hotel in Lansdale. He now lives retired. C : Mary, 
Elmer, Wellington, Lizzie, Anna, Sallie, Minerva, 

VII. Mary Alice Rosenberry, born Apr 18, 1862 ; m 
Charles P Woolfinger Oct 21, 1884. P O Lansdale, 
Pa. Conductor on railroad. C : (VIII) Wellington 
P Woolfinger, b July 30, 1886. 

VII. Elmer E H Rosenberry, b Sept 27, 1863 ; was 
drowned in stone quarry May 29, 1880. 

VII. Wellington H Rosenberry, born in Skippack, 
Montg co, Pa, Jan 8, 1866 ; married Tillie Hafler, of 
Telford, in January 1901. P O Lansdale, Pa. He 
is one of the largest and heaviest carriage dealers in 
the State, and is also a dealer in live stock. He is 
widely known as a business man, and is a rising 
young politician. At the age of 24 years he was 
elected Burgess of Lansdale, Pa, and at the general 
election in Nov 1898 he was elected a member of the 
State Legislature of Pennsylvania on the Democratic 
ticket. He was again renominated by his party 
in 1900 but was defeated. On April 1, 1901, he was 
elected Chairman of the Montgomery County Demo- 
cratic Committee. 

VII. Lizzie Rosenberry, born March 1, 1868 ; m A R 
Shepherd. P O Lansdale, Pa. C : Donald, Harold, 
Richard, Ralph. 

VII. Anna Rosenberry, b May 18, 1870; m Clayton 
Alderfer. R Norristown, Pa. 


VII. Sallie Roseuberry, born Aug 7, 1873. School- 
teacher. S. 
VII. Minerva Rosenberry, b Mar 18, 1876. S. 

VI. Abraham Rosenberry, d aged 10 years. 

VI. Elizabeth Rosenberry, d in infancy. 

VI. John G Rosenberry, b in Lower Providence twp, 
Montg co, Pa, June 30, 1836 ; m Elizabeth Flores, of 
Lower Milford twp, Lehigh co, Pa, August 27, 1859. 
P O Skippack, Pa. Veterinary surgeon ; Ger Ref. 
C : Mary, Anna, Peter, John, Emma, Katie. 

VII. Mary Elizabeth Rosenberry, b Dec 21/1859; 
d Mar 31, 1S73. 

VII. Annie Marie Rosenberry, born Dec 4, 1861 ; m 
Samuel D Kinsey. P O Mainland, Pa. Farmer ; 
Ger Ref. C : Paul Nevin, Bertha Viola, Russel. 

VII. Peter Flores Rosenberry, b Apr 15, 1865 ; died 
April 15, 1883. 

VII. John Henry Rosenberry, b Feb 10, 1867. P O 
San Mates, Cal. S. 

VII. Emma Jane Rosenberry, born Nov 19, 1869 ; m 
John B Gottshall. P O Cedars, Pa. Farmer ; Ger 
Ref. C : Annie, d in infancy. 

VII. Katie Martha Rosenberry, b Aug 2, 1879. S. 
VI. Anna Rosenberry, married Joseph Rossiter (d). 
R 150 Third avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. No issue. 

VI. Jesse Rosenberry, m Elizabeth Kauffman. P O 
Skippack, Pa. C : William, Anna. 

VI. Elizabeth Rosenberry, m William Teany. C : 
(VII) Howard R Teany. R 1056 Cherry st, Norris- 
town, Pa. 

VI. Henry Rosenberry, b in 1844. He was a soldier 
in the Union Army and died while in service in 1863. 

V. Betsey Rosenberry, d young. 

V. Kate Rosenberry, d young. 

V. Susan Rosenberry, d young. 

V. Mary Rosenberry. 

V. Abraham B Rosenberger, b Feb 9, 1807 ; died in 
Montg co, Pa, Sept 21, 1876 ; m Sarah Force Oct 30, 
1834. She was b in Montg co March 13, 18 14 ; died 
Sept 21, 1878. Farmer; German Bap. C: Anna, 
Rebecca, Isaac, Hannah. 

VI. Anna Rosenberger, b Aug 21, 1835 ; m David P 


Homing Mar 12, 1856. P O Bridgeport, Kan. Ger 
Bap. C : Abraham, John, Sarah, Hannah, Anna, 
Emma, David, William. 

VI!. Abraham R Horning, b Feb 10, 1857 ; m Anna 
Numer (d). P O Redfield, Kan. Carpenter; Ger 
Bap. C : Cora Anna, Henry Everett, Eddie (d), 
Freddie (d). Abraham m second wife Mary Ruth. 
C : Alice, Nelson. 

VII. John U Horning, born Feb 17, 1859 ; m Maud 
Mackinson. P O Ocheltree, Kan. Carpenter ; M E. 
C : May Lena, Minnie Ola, Flossie Anna, Elva. 

VII. Sarah R Horning, b June 6, 186 1 ; m Jefferson 
Groom. P O Deepwater, Mo. Teacher ; Pres. C : 
Jesse, Bertha, Pearl, Emma. 

VII. Hannah M Horning, b May 12, 1864 ; m Leroy 
B Stivers October 10, 1883. P O Fort Scott, Kan. 
Wheelwright; United Br. C: (VIM) Bertha May 
Stivers (d), b July 15, 1884. (VIM) Morrison Leroy 
Stivers, born Oct 18, 1886; d July 14, 1887. (VIII) 
Frances Geneva Stivers, born November 25, 18S9. 
(VIII) Claudia Lee Stivers, b Aug 2, 189 1. 

VII. Anna May Horning, b in Illinois May 20, »868 ; 
m Richard P Sappington Dec 23, 1888. P O Wind- 
sor, Mo. Farmer; Bap. C: (VIII) Roy Frederick 
Sappington, b July 9, 1890; Earl, born Feb 7, 1894 > 
Claud, b Apr 1, 1899. 

VII. Emma Horning (d), b July 1, 1871. 

VII. David Henry Horning (d), b June 5, 1874. 

VII. William W Horning, b June 30, 1875 ; m Lydia 
R Keller Feb 22, 1899. P O Ness City, Kan. Far- 
mer ; Ger Bap. 

VI. Rebecca Rosenberger, born in Port Providence, 
Montg co, Pa, Nov 2, 1837 ; m Thomas L Griffin 
Nov 4, 1S60. P O Port Providence, Pa. Ger Bap. 
C: Tillie, Allen, Mary, Sadie, Hannah, Ida. 

VII. Tillie Griffin, b Sept 19, 1861 ; married Horace 
Smith. P O Mont Clare, Pa. Farmer ; Ger Bap. 
C : Bertha, Mary, Raymond, Florence. 

VII. Allen Griffin, b Sept ir, 1863 ; m Emma Kulp. 
P O Mont Clare, Pa. Employed in steel plant. No 

VII. Mary R Griffin, born March 5, 1866 ; m Horace 


Kugler. R 1771 Newkirk st, Phila. Machinist. C : 
Reba, Ora G. 

VII. Sadie R Griffin, b Aug 25, 1871 ; in J B Root. 
P O Port Providence, Pa. Employed by Pennsylvania 
Railroad Company. One child. 

VII. Hannah E Griffin, born Mar 30, 1874. R 1771 
Newkirk st, Phila. Stenographer ; Ger Bap. S. 

VII. Ida F Griffin, b Oct 10, 1877; d Oct 22, 1898. 
Stenographer ; Ger Bap. S. 

VI. Isaac F Rosenberger, b Sept 21, 1849 ; d Dec 2, 

VI. Hannah Rosenberger, b Jan 13, 1852 ; m George 
W March Mar 2, 1876. R 501 Astor st, Norristown, 
Pa. Builder. Mr M, Luth ; Mrs M, Bap. C : 
(VII) Eva March, b Jan 5, 1877. Luth. S. 

V. Anna Rosenberger, b in 18 10; m John Gotwals 
Jan 29, 1843. He died about 1887. Menns. C : 
Samuel, Catharine, David, John. 

VI. Samuel Gotwals, born in Montg co, Pa, Apr 19, 
1844 ! died Sept 20, 1895 I m Kate Boyer, of Norris- 
town, Pa. C: (VII) George B Gotwals, died about 
1897; aged 19 years. 

VI. Catharine Gotwals, b at Port Providence, Montg 
co, June 5, 1846 ; m George A Seidel Oct 26, 1880. 
R 506 Kohn st, Norristown, Pa. Cigar merchant ; 
Ev ch. C : (VII) Elmer Ellsworth Seidel, b July 30, 
1881 ; Rosie, b Sept 13, 1883. 

VI. David Gotwals, born in Montg co Dec 28, 1849 ; 
m Ida Fields. She d in 1891. R Phila. C: Ella; 
Katie, Alfred, William, Lafayette, all deceased. 

VI. John Gotwals, b Mar 21, 1853 ; d Jan 17, 1871. 

IV. Anna Rosenberger, m Joseph Naragary. 

IV. Rebecca Rosenberger, m Jacob Bechtel. 


III. John Rosenberger was a resident of Hatfield ; 
became the owner of the 112-acre farm in Hatfield, 
bought by his father in 1751. His eldest son Benja- 
min and grandson of Benjamin, Sr, became the 
owner in 1798. Farmer ; Menn. C : Benjamin, 
Jacob, Anna, Susanna. 

IV. Benjamin Rosenberger, born in Montgomery co, 
Pa, in 1769 ; m Elizabeth Biehn, dau of John and 
Barbara (Fried) Biehn. She was b in 1775. They 
emigrated to Canada in 1801 ; lived a little north of 
Preston on the farm where the late Henry Hagey 
resided. Farmer ; Menn. C : John, Abraham, 
Jacob, Barbara, Elizabeth, Nancy. 

V. John Rosenberger, b in Montg co in 1797 ; d in 
Canada in 1863 ; m Margaret Panuebecker, dau of 
Cornelius Paunebecker. She was born Oct 12, 1805 ; 
d March 28, 1880. Farmer, and lived on his father's 
farm north of Preston, Out ; Menn. C: Magdalena, 
Joseph, Sarah, Rachel, Nancy, Elizabeth, Cyrus, 
Cyrus, Mary, John, Anne, George. 

VI. Magdalena Rosenberger, b June 23, 1823 ; d in 
1855 ; m Samuel Burkholder about 1840. He was b 
in Hamilton, Out, in 1817 ; died 1890. Carpenter; 
Meth. C : Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary, Lemuel, John, 
Margaret, George, Rachel. 

VII. Sarah Burkholder, b in Waterloo co, Out, in 
1842 ; married Jacob Beck in 187 1. P O Doon, Ont. 
Gardener ; Christadelphians. C : Emily, Sarah, John. 



VIII. Emily Charlotte Beck, b in 1872 ; m William 
Marshall iu 1892. P O Doon, Ont. Heckler. No 

VIII. Sarah Ann Beck, b 1875 ; d July 8, 1891. 

VIII. John Frederick Beck, b 1877. P O Doon, Ont. 
Blacksmith. S. 

VII. Elizabeth Burkholder, b June 29, 1844 ; m Jacob 
H Hunsperger Dec 24, 1866. P O Haysville, Ont. 
Farmer ; Church of God. C : (VIII) Joel Huns- 
perger, born October 13, 1867. P O Haysville, Ont. 
(VIII) Fannie Hunsperger, b Apr 23, 1870 ; d May 4, 
1870. (VIII) Solomon Hunsperger, b Aug 12, 187 1. 
(VIII) Isaiah Hunsperger, born July 18, 1873. (VIM) 
Samuel Hunsperger, b Feb 7, 1875. (VIII) Emeline 
Hunsperger, born Dec 9, 1878. (VIII) Laura Huns- 
perger, b Mar 15, 1888. (VIII) Sylvester Hunsperger, 
b June 25, 1890. 

VII. Mary Burkholder, b in 1846 ; m Isaac Wismer. 
P O Preston, Ont. 

VII. Lemuel Burkholder, b in Waterloo co, Ont, in 
1848 ; m Rachel Ann Bock. She died May 20, 1889. 
P O Heusall, Ont. Farmer ; Meth. C : (VIII) Ro- 
sanna June Burkholder, m William B Smith. P O 
Preston, Ont. Cabinetmaker. (VIII) Sarah Alice 
Burkholder, died Feb 19, 1887. (VIII) Margaret Ida 
Burkholder, died Nov 17, 1886. (VIII) Annie Maud 

VII. John Burkholder, b in 1850 ; married Barbara 
Smecker. P O Fife Lake, Mich. 

VII. Margaret Burkholder, b in 1852 ; d in 1892. S. 

VII. George Burkholder, b in Oxford co, Ont, Can, 
Aug 6, 1854 ; m Lydia Karcher Nov 4, 1879. P O 
Bnrnside, Mich. Laborer ; Menn Br in Christ. C : 
(VIII) Milton Burkholder, born Sept 21, 1880. (VIII) 
Elsie Maretta Burkholder, born August 25, 1882. 
(VIII) Bruce Aden Burkholder, b June io, 1885 ; died 
Feb 5, 1887. (VIII) Hilda May Burkholder, b July 4, 

VII. Rachel Burkholder, b in 1856 ; m Daniel Gear- 
inger about 1880. P O New Dundee, Ont. 

VI. Joseph Rosenberger, b in Preston, Ont, Jan 25, 
1825 ; died Apr io, 1893 ; m Hannah Sherk in 1847. 


She was born Feb 2, 1828. Lived in Preston, Out. 
Sawyer. Mr R, Menn ; Mrs R, Meth. C : Jacob, 
Cyrus, Levi, Susanna, Mary, Sarah, Christian, Alice. 

VII. Jacob Rosenberger, b 1847 ; d Sept 27, 1885. S. 

VII. Cyrus Rosenberger, b 1849; d 1851. 

VII. Levi Rosenberger, b Feb 27, 1851 ; m Georgiana 
Winter in 1875. P O Hamilton, Out. Moulder in 
foundry; Meth. C: (VIII) William W Rosenberger, 
born Sept 4, 1876. R 94 Cannon st, Hamilton, Out. 
(VIII) George W Rosenberger, born May 30, 1879. 
(VIII) Charles H Rosenberger, b Mar 25, 1882. 

VII. Susanna Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
Aug 5, 1854 ; m John Linkert October 11, 1874. R 
Hamilton, Ont. Shoemaker ; English church. C : 
(VIII) John J Linkert, b Dec 30, 1875. Baker. S. 
(VIII) Minnie M Linkert, born April 12, 1877. (VIII) 
Edward R Linkert, born Apr 23, 1879. Shoemaker. 
(VIII) Henry W Linkert, born May 10, 1881 ; Alice 
Gertrude, b June 30, 1883 ; Carl Albert, born Jan 29, 
1886 ; Elton Percy, b July 14, 1893. 

VII. Mary Rosenberger, b 1857 ; m J°hn Cotterell. 
R 10 Green st, Guelph, Ont. Upholsterer. C : John, 
Henry, Mabel, Lillie. 

VII. Sarah Rosenberger, b in Preston, Out, Mar 28, 
1859 ; m Wellington Shupe Dec 25, 1877. PO Gait, 
Ont. Machinist; Meth. C: (VIII) Nellie Maudana 
Shupe, b Dec 20, 1878 ; Albert Edwin, born Aug 27, 
1880; Lillian Gertrude, b Sept 21, 1882. 

VII. Christian Rosenberger, b 1862 ; m Mary Gibson. 
P O Berlin, Ont. Painter. C : Louis Roy. 

VII. Alice Rosenberger, born Aug 27, 1863 ; m Eli 
Heinrich. P O Waterloo, Out. C : Carl, Gordon. 

VI. Sarah Rosenberger, b Aug 23, 1826 ; d in infancy. 

VI. Rachel Rosenberger, b near Preston, Out, June 
16, 1828 ; m Levi Bock in 1843. He was b May 20, 
1 8 15 ; died Nov 19, 1880. Farmer ; Menus. C : 
Nancy, Isaac, Aaron, Hannah, Gideon, Jacob, Cath- 
arine, Margaret, Lena, Levi, Barbara, Elizabeth. 

VII. Nancy Bock, born 1844 ; died 1890 ; m Charles 
Spreeman about 1862. He was born in Germany. 
Teamster and sawyer ; Bap. C : John, Matilda, 


Isaac, Simeon, Samuel, Nancy, Aaron, lizzie, Maggie, 
Charles, Allen, Levi, Menuo. 

VIII. John Spreeman, b in Waterloo co, Ont, Dec 26, 
1862 ; m Geraldine Godbold January 26, 1888. R 78 
Lewis street, Toronto, Out. Carpenter ; Bap. C : 
(IX) Orpha Spreeman, b Jan 16, 1889; Elma, born 
Feb 11, 1891 ; Chester, b Nov 22, 1893. 

VIII. Matilda Spreeman, b 1864 ; d 1894 ; m Jacob 
Binkley. P O New Hamburg, Ont. C : Leslie, 
LeRoy, Philip. 

VIII. Isaac Spreeman, b 1866 ; m Eliza Ann Bergey 
in 1893. P O New Dundee, Ont. Blacksmith ; 
Menn Br in Christ. C : (IX) Viola Spreeman, born 
1894 ; Herbert, b 1895 ; Cranston (d), born 1897 > 
Michael, b 1898. 

VIII. Nancy Spreeman. P O New Hamburg, Out. 

VIII. Simeon Spreeman, b 1870. 

VIII. Samuel Spreeman, b 1872 ; d 1874. 

VIII. Aaron Spreeman, b 1874. 

VIII. Lizzie Spreeman, b 1876. P O Preston, Ont. 

VIII. Maggie Spreeman, b 1878. P O New Dundee, 

VIII. Charles Spreeman, b 1879 ; d 1879. 

VIII. Allen Spreeman, b 188 1. 

VIII. Levi Spreeman, b 1883. 

VIII. Menno Spreeman, b 1885 ; d 1887. 
VII. Isaac Bock, b July 24, 1846 ; m Mary Sararas 
Jan 29, 1878. P O New Dundee, Ont. Farmer; 
Ger Bap. C : (VIII) Nathaniel Bock, born July 22, 
1879 ; Lucinda, b Mar 20, 1881 ; Eltruda, b July 11, 
1883 ; Bernice, b May 21, 1885 ; Addison, b Sept 21, 
1887 ; Maria, b Apr 9, 1890. 

VII. Aaron R Bock, b Aug 17, 1848 ; m Mary Ann 
Dennstedt Dec 22, 1874. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Veterinary surgeon ; Bap. C : (VIII) Sylva Bock, 
b June 6, 1877 ; Aggie, b Nov 28, 1880 ; Wellington, 
b Dec 21, 1882 ; Rachel, b July 4, 1894. 

VII. Hannah Bock (d), b 1850. 

VII. Gideon Bock, b in Waterloo co, Ont, in 1854 ; 
m Dianna Godbold Apr 22, 1884. P O New Dundee, 
Ont. Teamster ; Bap. C : (VIII) Nora Bock, born 
Feb 21, 1885 ; Gertrude, b Apr 2, 1888. 


VII. Jacob Bock (d), b 1856. 

VII. Catbarine Bock, b July i, 1858; m George B 
Bechtel Dec 9, 1879. P O New Dundee, Ont. Bap. 
C : (VIII) Levi Bechtel, b Nov 19, 1880 ; d next day. 
(VIII) Gilbert Bechtel, b June 8, 1882. (VIII) Merven 
Bechtel, b Aug 21, 1884. (VIII) Sylvia Bechtel, born 
June 29, 1895 ; d Au g T 4- l8 95- 

VII. Margaret Bock (d), b 1861 ; m Allan Bossen- 
berry. P O New Hamburg, Ont. C : Arthur, 

VII. Lena Bock, born 1S64 ; m Abram Willits. P O 
Roseville, Ont. C: Alvin, Lauretta (d), Archibald, 
Nora, Herbert, Ida. 

VII. Levi Bock, b 1868 ; m Annie Reid. P O New 
Dundee, Ont. C : Thomas Russell. 

VII. Barbara Bock, b at New Dundee, Ont, May 31, 
1870; m William Buck June 4, 1889. P O New 
Hamburg, Ont. Tailor ; Ger Bap. C : (VIII) Percy 
Gideon Buck, b Nov 22, 1890 ; Lilly, b Aug 4, 1894. 

VII. Elizabeth Bock, b 1862 ; m Wesley Erb. P O 
Plattsville, Ont. Bap. C : Lloyd, Laura. 

VI. Nancy Rosenberger, b June 4, 1830 ; din infancy. 

VI. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b July 23, 1832 ; married 
Duncan McShannock. P O Muskegon, Mich. C : 
Daniel, Lizzie, John, Archibald (d), Joseph, Catha- 
rine, Thomas, Mary. 

VI. Cyrus Rosenberger, born Nov 18, 1834 ; died in 

VI. Cyrus Rosenberger, born Feb 26, 1837 ; died in 

VI. Mary Rosenberger, b Dec 8, 1838 ; d in infancy. 

VI. John Rosenberger, b Mar 24, 1843 ; m Susanna, 
dau of Jacob and Catharine (Shupe) Bock. She was 
b May 11, 1840. P O Preston, Out. Engaged with 
Clare Bros in manufacturing furnaces and stoves. C : 
George, Jacob, Margaret, Joseph, Magdalena, Catha- 
rine, Elizabeth. 

VII. George Rosenberger, b May 22, 1865 ; m Annie 
Killet. P O Creston, O. Stove polisher. 

VII. Jacob Rosenberger, b Nov 30, 1867 ; m Polly 
Schoenan. P O Preston, Ont. Spinner in woolen 
mills. C : Laura, Norman. 


VII. Margaret Rosenberger, b Jan 24, 1869 ; married 
Frederick Crosbie. P O Preston, Out. Furnace 
mounter. C : Gladys, Maude. 

VII. Joseph Rosenberger, born Sept 30, 1870. P O 
Preston, Out. Engaged in Preston woolen mills as 

cloth finisher. S. 

VII. Magdalena Rosenberger, b Oct 5, 1872 ; died 
Sept 8, 1873. 

VII. Catharine Rosenberger, b May 15, 1875. 

VII. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b April 22, 1884; died 
Aug 22, 1884. 

VI. Annie Rosenberger, born Nov 18, 1845 ; died in 

VI. George Rosenberger, born April 29, 184S ; died 
in infancy. 

V. Abraham Rosenberger, born in Montg co, Pa, 
Nov 15, 1799 ; d in Wilmot tvvp, Out, Can, Jan 28, 
1883 ; m Nancy, dau of Christian and Polly (Ruth) 
Strome, Nov 15, 1822. She was b in Lancaster co, 
Pa, Dec 31, 1807 ; d Sept 10, 1880. He was taken 
with his parents to Canada when he was 6 months 
old. Farmer ; Menn. C : Mary, Elizabeth, Samuel 
(d in infancy), Abraham, Christian, Sarah, Benjamin, 
Isaac, Susanna, Lydia. 

VI. Mary Rosenberger, m Abram M Clemens. He 
was b May 26, 1820. P O Ravenswood, Ont. C : 
Sarah, Hannah, Nancy, Elizabeth, Mary, Hester, 
Lydia, Nathan, John, Benjamin, Julia. 

VII. vSarah Clemens, b Aug 23, 1841 ; d April 1883 ; 
m Alfred Simpson. P O Waterloo, Ont. Retired 
farmer. No issue. 

VII. Hannah Clemens, b Sept 1 1, 1843 ; d Feb 1870 ; 
m William Smith. Farmer. C : Alfred A, Samuel 
S, Jessie M. 

VII. Nancy Clemens, b Nov 28, 1845. S. 

VII. Elizabeth Clemens, b Jan 8, 1848 ; died Aug 2, 

VII. Mary Ann Clemens, b June 5, 1850 ; d Aug 7, 

VII. Hester Clemens, b Aug 3, 1852 ; d July r, 1863. 

VII. Lydia Clemens, b Sept 6, 1856 ; m Edward Sex- 


smith. P O Victoria, BC. C : Lena A, Clemens A, 
Harvey C, Seda P, Maude. 

VII. Nathan E Clemens, b June 8, 1859 ; m Catha- 
rine German. P O Petrolia, Ont. Farmer. C : 
Minnie G, Roy, Harry, Edna Grace. 

VII. John H Clemens, bom Feb io, 1862 ; m Sophia 
Ernst. P O Ravenswood, Ont. Farmer. C : Edwin 
A, Martin E, John Abram, Ida May. 

VII. Benjamin Clemens, b May 17, 1865 ; d Sept 17, 

VII. Julia E Clemens, born Apr 6, 1868 ; m Herbert 
Rawlings. P O Ravenswood, Out. Farmer. C : 
Walter C. 

VI. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
Apr 1829 ; d July 1878 ; m George Henry Dennstedt 
Jan 1853. H was born at Muhlhausen, Prussia, Oct 
1830 ; d at Blair, Ont, May 1890. Merchant ; Menn. 
C : Mary, Abraham, Wilhelmina, Elizabeth, Elvina, 
Isaac, George. 

VII. Mary Ann Dennstedt, born in Blaudford, Ont, 
Dec 20, 1853 ; m Aaron R Bock. (See Index of 
References No. 1.) 

VII. Abram Dennstedt, b in Blenheim twp, Oxford 
co, Ont, Jan 19, 1857 ; m Agnes Armstrong Oct 16, 
1878. P O Carberry, Man. Farmer ; Meth. C : 
(VIII) George James Dennstedt (d), b Sept 5, 1879. 
(VIII) William Dennstedt, born Feb 7, 1881. (VIII) 
Agnes Dennstedt, born Aug 17, 1882. (VIII) Ellie 
Dennstedt, born Nov 22, 1884 ; died Oct 5, 18S5. 
(VIII) Chester Dennstedt, born Nov 22, 1886. (VII!) 
Nellie Dennstedt, born Sept 24, 1888. (VIII) Lizzie 
Dennstedt, b Aug 31, 1S90. 

VII. Wilhelmina Dennstedt, born in Wilmot twp, 
Waterloo co, Ont, Oct 1857 ; m George Perry Mar 15, 
1893. P O Deloraine, Man. Farmer ; Meth. No 
issue by this marriage, but a dau by second marriage. 
C : (VIII) Jennie Smiley, b Feb 17, 1880 ; m Leonard 
M Sawyer October 13, 1897. P O Deloraine, Man. 
Farmer ; Meth. 

VII. Elizabeth Dennstedt, born in Ellis twp, Ont, 
August 13, 1859 ; m James Armstrong July 1880. R 
7th ave, Mt Pleasant, B C. Dairyman ; Meth. C : 


(VIII) Olive Elizabeth Armstrong, b July 14, 18S9 ; 

Percy Calvin, b August 7, 1891 ; Muriel Agnes, born 

Aug 24, 1895. 

VII. Elvina Dennstedt, b in Perth co, Out, May 13, 

1861 ; m William John Carson July 15, 1890. R 10th 

ave, Mt Pleasant, Vancouver, B C. Mechanic ; Meth. 
C : (VIII) James Albert Carson, born May 24, 1891 ; 
Margaret Elizabeth, b Nov 17, 1893; George Dong- 
lass, b Sept 6, 1895. 

VII. Isaac Dennstedt, born in Perth co, Out, Aug 15, 
1864. P O Carberry, Man. Small ware peddler ; 
Meth. S. 

VII. George Dennstedt, b in Perth co, Ont, March 4, 
1866. P O Vancouver, B C. Engineer ; Meth. S. 

VI. Abraham Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
Sept 3, 1 83 1 ; m Catharine Moore Oct 18, 1853. She 
was b in Waterloo co, Out, Sept 29, 1836. When a 
boy Mr Rosenberger moved with his parents to Wilmot 
twp, Ont, where his parents were pioneer settlers and 
had all the inconveniences and requisites of pioneer 
life, such as living in a log cabin in the woods with 
only a fireplace for cooking and a blanket for a door, 
and hunting, horseback riding, fishing, etc. Abram 
helped to clear many a new farm. Machinery being 
almost unknown then and schools few and inferior, 
boys were obliged to work hard, with but little 
opportunity to get an education. Abram's schooling 
consisted of about three Winter's of school. Though 
a studious pupil he had little chance of learning any- 
thing besides reading, writing and arithmetic. His 
mother taught him to read German, which he never 

In 1853 ne bought a farm of his father, where he 
lived until 1863, when he sold it and moved to Huron 
co, Ont, where he had rented the Cober farm. In 
1868 he moved to a farm of his own, where he lived 
until 1876, when he sold and bought a farm nearer 
school. In 1884 he again sold and bought a farm in 
Tuscola co, Mich, where he still resides. 

When Mrs Rosenberger was 1 1 years old her 
parents moved near Antioch, 111, where her father 


died of a fever, and soon after the family returned to 

Mr Rosenberger's whole family of eight children 
have musical talent inherited from their parents, and 
as long as a majority of them were at home they had 
a regular family choir. P O Unionville, Mich. Far- 
mer ; Menn. C : Nancy, Rachel, Lydia, Samuel,' 
Aaron, Jesse, Mary, Sarah. 

VII. Nancy A Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
Aug 25, 1854; m Thomas A Tressler, of Waterloo co, 
Sept 16, 1885. P O Muskoka, Ont. Mr Tressler 
has enjoyed some traveling, having before marriage 
been on a trip to England and afterward to Virginia. 
Since his marriage he went to British Columbia with 
the intention of locating there, but soon after 
returned to Canada and located in Muskoka, near the 
village of Trout Creek. Farmer and carpenter ; 
Christadelphian church. C : (VIII) Vida Catharine 
Tressler, born Feb 25, 1887 ; Charles Percival, born 
Aug 23, 1890. 

VII. Rachel M Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Out, 
Jang, 1856; m T G Page, of Halton co, Ont, Apr 1 1, 
1895. P O Palermo, Ont. Farmer, and reside on 
the old page homestead in Halton co, Ont. Though 
a bright scholar Mrs Page's natural ability was sew- 
ing. At 12 years she made her own dresses and did 
much of the family sewing. At 13 she left home, 
going back to Waterloo, Ont, doing housework at the 
Uncle D Cole's and going to school, and later began 
sewing at 30 cents a day, until she opened up a dress- 
making shop at New Hamburg, Out, with only 30 
cents in money. She bought a $65 sewing machine 
on time and gradually rose in her business, and after 
dressmaking in New Hamburg many years she sewed 
in Gait, New Dundee and Guelph. Three years 
before her marriage she was head mantle cutter in a 
large store in Hamilton, and some time in Dundas at 
$40 a month. Christadelphians. 

VII. Lydia L Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
June 6, 1857. P O Unionville, Mich. In 1884 she 
moved with her parents to Tuscola co, Mich, and still 
resides at home, and is engaged in dressmaking, her 


chief delight being artistic work, in which she excels. 
Before leaving Canada she united with the Evangeli- 
cal church. 

VII. Samuel Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co Oct 17, 
1859 ; m Lucy Bingaman, of Oxford co, Ont, Jan 1, 
1891. P O Pinconning, Bay co, Mich. In 1882 he 
went to North Dakota intending to locate there, but 
in 1884 returned and moved with his parents to 
Michigan. He was something of a genius and 
invented many articles in his boyhood, among them a 
water wheel, thresher, windmill, etc. Carpenter by 
trade, now farmer. Mrs Rosenberger, Men. C : 
(VIII) Clayton Rosenberger, b Feb 19, 1892 ; Verian 
John, b Mar 27, 1894 ; Vivian Jesse, b Oct 28, 1897. 

VII. Rev Aaron Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
April 26, 1862 ; m Lizzie Bingaman, of Oxford co, 
Ont, Jan 9, 1887. When first married he engaged in 
farming for two years. In 1890 he moved to Tuscola 
co, Mich, where he purchased a farm, but sold it in 
1891, and later attended school at Button, Mich, to 
prepare for the ministry of the New Mennonite church. 
On leaving school he preached in Michigan and 
Indiana as an evangelist for a year, then went to 
Waterloo co, Ont, and took charge of the Bright 
church congregation. He now resides in Berlin, Ont, 
as local preacher. From boyhood his natural talents 
were music and oratory. He had a beautiful clear 
tenor voice, and at 13 years led the tenor in singing 
school. C : (VIII) Lucy Rosenberger, born Aug 26, 
1887 ; Elmore, b Oct 10, 1890 ; Roy, b May 6, 1894 ; 
Ruth, b July 22, 1896. 

VII. Jesse A Rosenberger, born in Huron co, Ont, 
July 2, 1865 ; m Ella Daniels, of Waterloo co, Ont, 
Dec 29, 1 89 1. P O Pigeon, Huron co, Mich. In 
1892 he moved to Michigan and rented his father's 
farm. In 1895 he bought an 80-acre farm in Huron 
county, where he now resides. In stature he is tall, 
lacking not quite two inches of being as tall as his 
Grandfather Rosenberger, whose height was 6 feet 2 
inches. New Menn. C : (VIII) Vernon D Rosen- 
berger, b Oct 31, 1893 ; Nina, b May 20, 1896. 

Vli. Mary J Rosenberger, born in Huron co, Ont, 


July 6, 1868. Early in life she had strong inclina- 
tions for learning. She began going to school at 7 
years. Soon after the family moved to Michigan, 
where she made efforts to earn means with which to 
gain a higher education than the district schools 
afforded. In August 1889 she passed the examina- 
tion and received a third grade teachers' certificate, 
and in November following began teaching and 
taught four terms, then entered Caro High School in 
September 1891, remaining six months, after which 
she taught several terms. She took great interest in 
Sunday school work, in which she led the alto sing- 
ing. Before leaving Canada she joined the Evan- 
gelical church. P O Unionville, Mich. S. 
VII. Sarah J Rosenberger, b in Huron co, Ont, Dec 
14, 1870. She began going to school at the age of 6 
years, and at 10 she began to learn rapidly. In 
August 1889 she successfully passed the third grade 
teachers' examination. She then entered the Caro 
High school, where she remained six months, after 
which she taught five terms, then re-entered Caro 
High school for six months, and after leaving there 
again taught school. When quite young she took a 
course in penmanship and made a specimen of pen- 
work that was the admiration of all. She has musi- 
cal talents and is an accomplished musician. Her 
present address is South End, Ont. 

VI. Christian S Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
Nov 1, 1833; m Barbara Jones (d). C: Barbara, 
d in infancy. Christian married second wife Hannah 
Shantz May 13, 1856. She was born in Waterloo co, 
Ont, June 10, 1837 ; d Mar 1S91. P O New Dundee, 
Ont. Retired farmer ; Menn. C: Henry, Abraham, 
Maria, Rebecca, Hannah, Christian, Lucinda, Noah, 

VII. Henry Rosenberger, b Aug 23, 1857 ; d Apr 7, 

VII. Abraham Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co Jan 1 1, 

1859 ; m Lydia Tohman Sept 13, 1881. P O New 

Dundee, Ont. Farmer ; Menn Br in Christ ch. C : 

(VIII) Elma Rosenberger, born Sept 30, 1884. (VIII) 

Son, b Mar 30, 1886 ; d Dec 20, 1887. (VIII) Myra 


Rosenberger, b Sept 15, 1889. (VIII) Nora Rosen- 
berger, b April 24, 1894. 

VII. Maria Rosenberger, born in Waterloo co, Ont, 
May 9, 1861 ; m Rev Henry S Hallman Jan 18, 1881. 
P O Berlin, Ont. He was b in Waterloo eo Aug 5, 
1859. He attended the public school at New Dundee 
until old enough to assist on the farm. When in his 
"teens" he left the farm and engaged in the carpenter 
trade, and later entered the Berlin High school and 
studied at other places of education until he passed 
his examination for the teaching profession. After 
teaching two and a half years in Bruce co, Ont, he 
retired from the profession and moved to Berlin, 
where he still resides. When a young man he joined 
the River Brethren church, of which he was a mem- 
ber for some years. In 1879 he united with the 
Mennonite Brethren in Christ, of which church he is 
still an active member. In 188 1 he gave his life to 
ministry and has faithfully served the church of his 
choice up to the present time. In October 1888 the 
general conference held in Berlin, Ont, appointed 
him editor of the ' ' Gospel Banner, ' ' a position he 
still holds. C : Manilla, Abner, Nancy Ellen, borne, 

VII. Rebecca Rosenberger, b in Waterloo co, Ont, 
Apr 19, 1863. S. 

VII. Hannah Rosenberger, b in Wilmot twp, Water- 
loo co, June 23, 1865 ; m James Coleman Dec 2r, 
1886. P O Elmwood, Ont. Farmer; Meun Br in 
Christ. C : (VIII) Rosetta Coleman, b Dec 31, 1887 ; 
Milton, b July 6, 189 1 ; Gorden, b Oct 1, 1894. 

VII. Christian Rosenberger, Jr, b in Waterloo co 
Aug 11, 1867; m Phidellia Reist, of Kossuth, Ont, 
January 2, 1894. P O New Dundee, Ont. Farmer ; 
Menn. C : (VIII) Benaiah Rosenberger, b Aug 26, 

VII. Lucinda Rosenberger, b in Wilmot twp, Water- 
loo co, March 28, 1871 ; m Theodore Reist Dec 22, 
1891. P O Kossuth, Ont. Farmer; New Menn. C: 
(VIII) WilmerReist,bJan8, 1893. (VIII) Mabel Reist, 
b May 9, 1894. (VIM) Alton Reist, b June 23, 1895 ; 
d Nov 15, 1895. (VIII) Pearl Reist, b Nov 20, 1896. 








VII- Noah Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co., Ont. 
June 10, 1S75, m Lizzie Schultz Nov 4, 1896. P O 
Elkton, Mich. Farmer, Menn. Br. in Christ. 

VII- Minerva Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. 
July 19, 1S78. P O New Dundee, Ont. S. 

VI Sarah Rosenberger, b Apr 16, 1836, d July 10, 
1880, aged 44 yr. 2 m. 24 d. 

VI- Benjamin S. Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co., 
Ont. July 1, 1838, m Nancy Shantz, daughter of 
Henry Shantz, Oct 11, 1859. P O New Dundee, 
Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: Lydia, Menno, Mary, 
Leah, Eli, Nancy, Benjamin, Sara, Osia, Edwin. 

VII- Lydia Rosenberger, b June 4, i860. 

VII. Menno Rosenberger, b Sept 25, 1862, m Lucinda 
Stauffer Sept 8, 1891. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Farmer, Menn. Br. in Christ. C: (VIII) Annie 
Vera Rosenberger, Lome Stanley Rosenberger. 

VII- Mary Rosenberger, b Apr 12, 1865, m John 
H. Coleman Nov 4, 1891. P O Elmwood, Ont. 
Farmer, Menn. Br. in Christ. C: (VIII) Ina, Cole- 
man, b Oct 2, 1894. (VIII) Verna Coleman, b Jan 
27, 1897. (VJII) Nancy Coleman, b Apr 12, 1899. 
(VIII) Lydia Pearl Coleman, b Jan 21, 1901. 

VII- Eli Rosenberger, b May 7, 1870, m Clara 
Snyder Feb 5, 1896. P O Brown City, Michigan. 
Farmer, Menn. Br. in Christ. C: (VIII) Mabel Ros- 
enberger, b Feb 2, 1897. (VIII) Olive Rosenber- 
ger, b Apr 29, 1898. (VIII) Floyd Rosenberger, 
b Aug 31, 1901. 

VII- Nancy Rosenberger, b Feb 21, 1873. 

VII- Benjamin Rosenberger, b June 16, 1875. 

VII. Sarah Ann Rosenberger, b Sept 10, 1877. 

VII - Osia Rosenberger, b Aug 18, 1880. 

VII- Edwin Rosenberger, b Aug 13, 1884. 

VI. Isaac Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co., Ont. 
Jan 2, 1842, m Elizabeth Shantz, Jan 24, 1865. P 
O Plattsville, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: Hannah, 
Isaiah, Mary, Moses, Emory, Emaliue, Titus, 

VII- Hannah Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co. , Ont. 
Dec 10, 1865, m Joshua M. Shantz Nov 3, 1891. 
P O Haysville, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) 


Alberta Shantz, b Oct 2, 1898, d Mar 14, 1901. 

VII. Isaiah Rosenberger, b Aug 15, 1867, m 
Persida Shantz. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Bessie 

VII . Mary Ann Rosenberger, b Jan 24, 1870, d 
Feb 9, 1894, m Norman Shantz. 

VII - Emaline Rosenberger, b Apr 20. 1872, m Nor- 
man Shantz. C: (VIII) Mary Ann Shantz. 

VII. Moses Rosenberger, b Dec 11, 1874. 

VII. Emory Rosenberger, b Jan 17, 1877. 

V||. Titus Rosenberger, bjuly 18, 1879. 

Vl|. Elsie Rosenberger, b July 8, 1883. 

VI- Susanna Rosenberger, (b) d June 2, 1876, 

aged 32 yr. 6 mo. :6 d. S. 

V|. Lydia Rosenberger, b May 27. 1845, m Levi 
S. Shantz Mar 28, 1865. P O Phillipsburg, Ont. 
Farmer, Menn. C: Abraham, Nancy, Isaiah, 
Wendell , Barbara, (d); Susanna, Lydia, Sarah, 
Emery, Noah, (d); Hannah, (d); Hiram, (d). 

VII Abraham Shantz, b Jan 8, t866, m Mary 
Ann Wolf. Farmer, Luth. C: (VIII) Orfa, Laura, 
Theodore, Herbert, Hiram. 

Vil Nancy Shantz, (twin to Abraham), b Jan 
8, 1866, m Daniel Rudy. Wagon-maker, Menn. 
C: (VIII) Norman, (d); Clarence, Clayton, Aloin. 

VII. Isaiah Shantz, b Apr n, 1868, m Sarah 
Honderick. Merchant, Menn. 

VII. Wendell Shantz, b Mar 1, 1870. 

VII- Barbard Shantz, b Jan 27, 1872, (d). 
VIL Susanna Shantz, b Aug 14, 1874. 

VII. Lydia Shantz, b Jan 1, 1877, m Abraham 
Honderick. Farmer. C: (Vlll) Earl Honderick, 
b Aug 26, 1897. 

Vl|. Sarah Shantz, bMarg, 1879, (d). 

VII. Emery Shantz, b Oct 20, 1881. 

VH- Noah Shantz, b July 20, 1883, (d). 

V||. Hannah Shantz, . (twin), b July 20, 1883, 


V||. Hiram Shantz, b Mar 23, 1885, (d). 

V. Jacob Rosenberger, b 1803, d at Guelph, 
Ont. May 3, 1891, m Lucinda Bigelovv. Shed at 
Hespler, Ont. in 1857. Mr. Rosenberger fell heir to 


a large amount of his father's property, but in" later 
years lost nearly all of it. Farmer and Butcher, 
Methodist. C: Hettie, Elvira, Walter, Elizabeth. 

Yl- Hettie Anne Rosenberger, b in Preston, Ont. 
July 9, 1844, m Thomas Arthur Wesley Pearson 
Sept 19, 1873. Mr. Pearson was a native of Hull, 
London, England. He died after a long illness of 
ten years. P O Guelph, Ont. Ch. of Engla nd. 
C: Alice. 

VII- Alice Maud Pearson, b Sept 30, 1874. P O 
Guelph, Ont. She is the head knitter in the 
largest wollen mill in the city. She is a great lover 
of nature, and books are her constant companions. 
She is an excellent reader and has good conversa- 
tional powers, and is also passionately fond of 
music. She is a very prominent and popular 
worker in the Paisley St. Methodist church of 
Guelph, and was selected and sent as a delegate to 
the Epworth League Convention held in Toronto 
July 1897. Meth. S. 

VI. Elvira Rosenberger, b Mar 4, 1846, d 1855. 

VI . Walter Rosenberger, b Apr 1, 1849, d Apr 
18, 1883, m Harriet Bolduc, of Hespler, Ont., 
(a French lady). C: George. 

VII - George Rosenberger. 

VJ. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b 1851, m David 
Field, of Hespler, Out. P O Guelph, Ont. 

V- Barbara Rosenberger, b Jan 29, 1804, d Jan 
30, 18S5, m Daniel Rudy. He was bin Lancaster 
Co., Pa. Dec 4, 1796, d Dec 7, 1857. Went to 
Canada when a young man; settled near Doon, 
in Waterloo Co., Ont. C: George, Rebecca, 
Nancy, Daniel, Abraham, Christian, Henry, 
Benjamin, Samuel, Barbara, Jacob. 

VI . George Rudy, b Sept 23, 1S23, m Barbara 
Lichty, Mar 16, 1847. She was b Jan 2, 1825. 
P O Waterloo, Ont. Retired farmer. C: Nancy. 

VII. Nancy Rudy, b Apr 7, 1850, m John 
Kunkle May 3, 1868. He was a native of Lehigh 
Co., Pa. They resided on her father's old home- 
stead where she died Apr 14, 1887. Farmer. C: 
(VIII) Sarah Jane Kunkle, (d); Josiah, Cyrus, (d); 


Alice, Barbara, Nancy, (d); John, (d); George, 
(d); Alfred, Emma. 

VI- Rebecca Rudy, b Oct 29, 1825, m Samuel 
Shantz Mar 25, 1845, (his second wife). He was 
b Jan 16, 1811, d Jan 18, 1895. Farmer near 
Berlin, Ont., where he was the possessor of one of 

the finest farms on the Petersburg road. Menn. 

C: Daniel, Esther, Abraham, Moses, Emily, 

Josiah, Nelson, Matilda, Israel, Allen, Louisa, 
VII - Daniel Shantz, b Jan 1, 1846, d Aug/)., 1848. 

VII- Esther Shantz, b Dec 27, 1847, in Menno 
Shoemaker Nov 29, 1870. He was b Mar 8, 1845. 
P O Berlin, Ont. Carpenter, Methodist. C.- 
Samuel, Rebecca, Clara, Emma, Harvey. 

VIII- Samuel Allen Shoemaker, b Jan 6, 1872, d 
July 6, 1S93. 

VIII. Rebecca May Shoemaker, b Mar 6, 1874, m 
John Williams July 11, 1899. Farmer. C: (|X) 
Olive Esther Williams. 

VIII- Clara Elma Shoemaker, b Apr 28, 1877. P 
O Berlin, Ont. Methodist. 

VIII- Emma L,ourina Shoemaker, b Dec ^4, 1880, 
m Charles J. H. Massel Dec 26, 1900. P O Berlin, 
Ont. Baker, Methodist. C: (IX). Harold Walter 
Massel, b Oct 1901. 

VIII- Harvey Edwin Shoemaker, bjuly 24, 1886. 
P O Berlin, Ont., Cabinetmaker. 

VII. Abraham Shantz, b May 2, 1850, d Jan 23, 

1 861. 

VII . Moses R. Shantz, b Feb 13, 1852, m Rebecca 
Rickhert Jan 20, 1874. She d Dec 25, 1881. C: 
Sarah, Edwin, Lavina. Moses m second wife, 
Caroline Lipps, Oct 8, 1882. She was b Oct 29, 

1862. P O Berlin, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) Ella, 
Wesley, Dora. 

VII- Emily Shantz, b Feb 18, 1854, m Samuel C. 
Bowman Dec 9, 1873. He was b Dec 23, 1852. P 
O Brown City, Mich. Farmer, Menn. Br. in Christ. 
C: Alice, Matilda, Anna, Isaiah, Ethel, Walter, 
Nettie, Emily. 

VIII. Matilda Bowman, b Feb 23, 1875. Res. St. 


Nicholas Hotel, Springfield, 111. S. 

VIII - Anna Rebecca Bowman, b Jan 21, 1877. 
Mission worker, Menn. Br. in Christ. Res. Port 
Huron, Mich. S. 

VIII- Isaiah Bowman, b Dec 24, 1878. Res. 94 
Wendell St., Cambridge, Mass. Schoolteacher. S. 

VIII. Alice Bowman, b Sept 4, 1881. S. 

Vill. Ethel Bowman, b July 11, 1885. 

VIII Walter Bowman, b Mar 9, 1889. 

Vill. Nettie Bowman, b Feb 14, 1891. 

Vill- Emily Margaret Bowman, b Aug 27, 1899. 

VIS- Josiah Shantz, b Feb 20, 1856, d Feb 5, 1861. 

VIS. Nelson Shantz, b Aug 2, 185S, djan 18, 1861. 

Vi|. Matilda Shantz, b Oct 16, i860, m Noah E. 
Ely Feb 12, 1S79. P O Petersburg, Ont. Farmer. 
C: (VIII) Josiah, Louisa, Samuel, Edwin, Saman- 
tha, Priscilla, Milton. 

VI j. Israel R. Shantz, b Aug 15, 1863, m Elizabeth 
Schmidt. P O Berlin, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) 
Soleda, Lloyd, Samuel, Orva. 

VII. Allen R. Shantz, b in Waterloo Co., Ont. 
Sept 2, 1S65, m Louisa Detwiler Aug 10, 1888. P 
O Garstairs Alta, Canada. Lumber Mer., Post- 
master; and coal & implement dealer. C: (VIII) 
Cornelia Violet Shantz, b June 21, 1889, d Oct 6, 
18S9. Roswelljay Shantz, b May 17, 1899. 

VII- Louisa Rebecca Shantz, b Oct 2, 1867, m 
Benjamin E. Ely Mar 14, 1886. P O Berlin, Ont. 
C: (VIII) Milford, Sylva. 

VII - Simon R. Shantz, b Apr 28, 1871, m Annie E. 
Knorr Aug 30, 189 1. P O Louisa Bridge, Manitoba, 
Canada. Employed by the Waterloo Mfg. Co. at 
Winnipeg, Man., and also runs a retail butcher busi- 
ness at that place. C: (VIII) Alberta Violet Shantz, 
bjan8, 1893. (VIII) Edgar Shantz, b Apr 15, 1896, 
d Mar 11, 1897. (VIII) Bessie Luella Shantz, b Apr. 
28, 189S. (VIII) Herold Hugh Shantz, b Mar 31, 

VI . Nancy Rudy, b Oct 14, 1827, d Feb 20, 1862, m 
Aaron Ziegler Apr 11, 1854. He was b Dec 16, 
1829, d Jan 13, 1885. C: Jacob, Barbara, Sarah. 

VII - Jacob R. Ziegler, b Apr 10, 1856, m Catharine 


Koenig. P O Chippewa Hill, Ont. Farmer. C: 
(VIII) Addison, Lizzie, George. 

VII . Barbara Ziegler, b Jan 21, 1858, m Aaron 
Martin, Nov 27, 1892. P O Gorrie, Ont. Farmer, 
Menn. No issue. 

VII- Sarah Ziegler, b Oct 27, 1859, m Solomon 
Lichty Jan 21, 1885. He was b Aug 4, i86r. P 
O Waterloo, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Noah 
Lichty, bSept 16, 1883. (VIII) Nancy Lichty, b 
Dec 22, 1884. (VIII) Hettie Lichty, bMav6, 1887. 
(VIII) John Lichty, b May r 9 , 1889. (VIII) Sidney 
Lichty, b Dec 12, 1891. (VIII) A son still-born 
Sept 23, 1896. 

VI- Daniel Rudy, b July 27, 1830, d July 29, 1892, 
m Mary Ann Detweiler. Farmer. C: David. 

VII. David Rudy, b— , m Mary Ann Hewitt. P O 
Tavistock, Ont. Farmer and auctioneer. 

VI- Abraham Rudy, b Jan 2, 1833, m Nancy Shantz 
Sept 12, 1854. She wash Mays, I 835, d Aug 12, 
1857. C: Susanna, Elizabeth. Abraham m second 
wife, Mary Snyder, Oct 15, 1858. She d Dec 2, 
1897. C: Barbara, Angeline, Sophiana. 

VII - Susanna Rudy, b in Waterloo twp. Ont. Cana- 
da, July 10, 1855. m Martin M. Frey Mar 8, 1874. 
P O Waterloo, Ont. Teamster, Menn. Br. in Christ. 
C: Eliza, Abraham, Amanda, Edwin, Harvey, Elam, 
Luetta, Elsie, Lloyd. 

VIII. Eliza Ann Frey, b Jan 16, 1875, m Fred D. 
Ruland July 10, 1901. P O Mayville, N. Y. 

VIII. Abraham Frey, b Aug 19, 1876, d Dec 13, 

VIII Amanda Frey, b Mar 18, 1878. 

VIII. Edwin Frey, b Feb 9, 1880. 

VIII. Harvey Frey, b Apr 13, 1882. 

VIII. Elam Frey, b Nov 18, 18S4. 

VIII. Luetta Frey, b Apr 10, 1887. 

VIII. Elsie Frey, b Aug 5, 1890. 

VIII. Lloyd Frey, b Sept 24, 1892. 

V f I Eliza Rudy, b in Waterloo twp. Ont. Canada, 
Aug 1, 1857, m John S. Becker Oct 17, 1875. P O 
Elmwood, Ont. Farmer, Luth. C: (VIII) George 
Becker, b Aug 3, 1876. Maggie Becker, b Oct 22, 


1878. Herman Becker, b Jan 20, 1881. William 
Becker, bjune 14, 1883. Abraham Becker, b Feb 
11, 1885. Ida Becker, b Mar 3, 1887. Lucinda 
Becker, b'^Mar 13, 1889. Emanuel Becker, b Dec 
28, 1891. Alexander Becker, b Feb 24, 1894. Ed- 
na Becker, b June 13, 1896. 

VII . Barbara Rudy, b Aug 31, 1859, m Ezra S. 
Bauman Oct 15, 1878. P O Waterloo, Ont. Far- 
mer, Menn." C: (VIII) Allan Bauman, b Nov 8, 

1879. (VHD'Mary Ann Bauman, b Aug 17, 1882. 
(VIII) Sarah Bauman, b Feb 18, 1886. (VIII) Lizzie 
Bauman, b Mar 17, 1888. (VIII) Malinda Bauman, 
b Aug 16, 1893. 

VII. Angeline Rudy, b Oct 18, i860, d Feb 18, 
1891, m John M. Brubacher, Oct 4, 1881. Hewas 
b Mar 8, 1859. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Edwin 
Brubacher, b Oct 16, 1882. (VIII) Clara Brubacher, 
b June 11, 1885. (VIII) Abraham Brubacher, b Jan 
8, 1888. (VIM) Luannah Brubacher, b Dec 22, 1891. 

V||. Sophianna Rudy, b Feb 8, 1S62, mjosiah S. 
Shantz Nov 25, 1884. P O Waterloo, Ont. Far- 
mer, Menn. C: (VIII) Alvin Shantz, b Jan 30, 
1886. Elvina Shantz, b Oct 5, 1890. 

VI . Christian Rudy, b Jan 2, 1833, m Lydia Horst 
Jan 2, 1855. She was b Mar 17, 1838. PO St. 
Jacobs, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: Leah, Amanda, 
Amos, Daniel, Emma, Veronica, Lydia, Christian, 
Josiah, Susanna, Barbara. 

VII. Leah Rudy, b Aug 8, 1855, m Henry P. Mar- 
tin Jan 31, 1875. Hewas b Aug 13, 1852. P O 
Winfield, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Lydia 
Martin, bjan 18, 1876. Menn. Menno Martin, b 
Sept 7, 1877. Menn. Josiah, Jeremiah, and Ver- 
onica, (triplets), b and d Nov 24, 1878. Christian 
Martin, b Feb 6, 1880. Amos Martin, b June 6, 
1882, d Sept 1, 1883. Jonathan Martin, b Dec 30, 
1884. Boy, still-born Aug 3, 1886. Girl, still-born 
May 28, 1888. Susanna Martin, b Aug 22, 1889. 
Mary Ann Martin, b Apr 10, 1S92. Anna Martin, 
b Feb 17, 1894. Leah Martin, b Aug 29, 1897. 

VII- Amanda Rudy, b May 14, 1857, d May 24, 
1889, m Samuel Snyder May 31, 1887. He was b 


Mar 13, 1856. P O Baden, Out. Farmer, Menu- 
C: (VIM) Menno Snider, b Sept 16, 1888. 

VII. Amos Rudy, b Mar 25, 1859, d Feb 4, 1886, 
m Anna Steiner Jan 24, 1884. She was b Aug 6, 
1861, djuly 10, 1891. C: (VIII) Isaiah Rudy, b 
May 25, 1885. 

VII - Daniel H. Rudy, b Apr 24, 1861, m Nancy 
Shautz Jan 26, 1886. P O Blair, Out. Carriage- 
maker. Menn. C: (VIII) Norman Rudy, b Jan 4, 

1887, d Apr 29, 1890. Clarence Rudy, b Sept 27, 
1890. Clayton Rudy, b Nov 7, 1892. AlvinRudy, 
b Jan 15, 1895. Melvin Rudy, b Dec 27, 1897. 
Levi Rudy b May 8, 1902. 

VII . Emma Rudy, b Sept 1, 1863, m Jonathan 
Martin Nov 12, 188:. He was b Aug 8, i860. P 
O Waterloo, Out. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Jo- 
siah Martin, b Sept 28, 1883. Ephraim Martin, b 
Feb 12, 1S85. Irwin Martin, b Mar 23, 1887. 
Hannah Martin, b Dec 15, 1888. Isaiah Martin, b 
Oct 24, 1890. Malinda Martin, b Mar 5, 1892. Nor- 
man Martin, b Feb 25, 1894. Alvina Martin, b 
Mar 4, 1897. Milton Martin, b Aug 13, 1898. 

VII - Veronica Rudy, b Oct 18, 1865, m Daniel 
Ernst Apr 20, 1886. He was b Feb 3, 1865. P O 
Waterloo, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Josiah 
Ernst, b Jan 13, 1887. Nelson Ernst, b Aug 30, 

1888. Salinda. Ernst, b June 14, 1890. Noah 
Ernst, b Jan 19, 1892. Jonathan Ernst, b Dec 9, 
1893. Barbara Ernst, b Jan n, 1898. 

VII. Lydia Rudy, bjunei7, 1869. P O St. Jacobs, 
Ont. Menn. S. 

VII- Christian Rudy, b June 17, 1869, d Feb 6, 
1 87 1, (twin to Eydia). 

VII- Josiah Rudy, b Sept 21, 1871, d Oct 4, 1885. 

VII- Susanna Rudy, b July 28, 1874, d Mar 22, 


VII- Barbara Rudy, b May 13, 1 S76. Menn. S. 

VI- Henry Rudy, b in 1835, m L,ouisa Anna Meyer. 
Resided in Illinois where he died. C: Joseph, 
Elizabeth, Emily. 

VI Benjamin Rudy, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. Cana- 
da, Oct 13, 1837, d Apr 23, 1890, m Mary Ann 


Hoffman Nov 7, 1862. She was b Apr 20, 1844, in 
Waterloo, Co. Ont. d Apr 27, 1894. Farmer, 
Menn. C: William, Menno, Nancy, Sarah, Bar- 
bara, Magdalena, Eleanor, Mary. Mary, Jeremiah, 
Josiah, Hannah, Elias, Lucy. 

VII. William Rudy, b Apr 24, 1864, m Rachel 
Reist Dec 24, 1890. She was b Aug 17, 1862. P O 
Waterloo, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) Mary Etta 
Rudy, b Apr 28, 1892. Jacob R. Rudy, b Mar 9, 
1894. Martha Ellen Rudy, bjan 12, 1896. Rachel 
Ann Rudy, b May 8, 1898. Sarah Ann Rudy, 
(twin), b May 8, 1898. 

VII- Menno Rudy, b Jan 16. 1866, d Jan 17, 1867. 

VII. Nancy Rudy, b Sept 19, 1867. P O Jordan, 
Ont. S. 

VII. Sarah Ann Rudy, b in Waterloo Co. Ont., 
Dec 21, 1868, m Caleb Shelley Feb 28, 1899. P 
O Berlin, Ont. 

VII. Barbara Rudy, b Jan 19, 1870. P O 
Strasburg, Ont. S. 

VII. Magdalena Rudy, b July 31, 1872. P O 
Baden, Ont. S. 

VII. Eleanor Rudy. b Oct 6, 1874. P O 
Waterloo, Ont. 

VII. Mary Ann Rudy, b May 8, 1S77, d 
May 8, 1877. 

VII. Mary Etta Rudy, (twin), b May 8, 1877, 
d May 22, 1877. 

VII. Jeremiah Rudy, b July 24, 187S. P O 
Berlin, Ont. S. 

VII- Josiah Rudy, (twin), b July 24, 187s. 

VII- Hannah Rudy, b Mar6, 1880. 

VII. Elias Rudy, b June 13, 1882. 

VII- Eucy Ann Rudy, b Nov 3, 1884. 

VI. Samuel Rudy, b Mar 3, 1840, m Nancy Jones 
1861. She was b Apr 22, 1845. P O Berlin, Ont. 
Teamster. C: Joshua, Hannah, Jonas, Barbara, 
Samuel, Emanuel, Moses, Addison, Albert. 

VII - Joshua Rudy, b Mar 11, 1862, m Rebecca 
Spaetz. P O Waterloo, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) 
Noah, Amos, Israel, Aaron. 

VII - Hannah Rudy, b July 6, 1863, m Alexander 


Dingwall. P O Wellesley, Out. Carder and 
Spinner. C: (VIII) Martha Valeria Dingwall. Har- 
ry Alexander Dingwall. 

VII- Jonas Rudy, b Dec 21, 1864, m Louisa Thiele. 
P O Berlin, Ont. Cabinetmaker. (VIII) William, 
Anna, James. 

VII. Barbara Rudy, b June 10, 1867, m Jacob Sauer. 
P O Berlin, Out. Cabinetmaker and M'fg. of 
Parlor frames. C: Norman, Harold. 

VII- Samuel Rudy, b Sept 20, 1868, m Lizzie 
Lantz. P O Waterloo, Ont. Employed in a furni- 
ture factory. C: (VIII) Lenora, Oscar. 

VII- Emanuel Rudy, b Aug 21, 1870. P O Ber- 
lin, Ont. 

VII Moses Rudy, b Mar 18, 1875, d Mar 23, 1875. 

VII Addison Rudy, b Mar n, 1876. P O 
Berlin, Ont. 

VII. Albert L. Rudy, b Mar 26, 1888. 

VII Barbara Rudy, b June 18, 1842, m Menno E. 
Shantz Sept 18, 1864. HewasbMarir, 1841. P 
O Petersburg, Ont. Farmer. C: Nelson, Ange- 
line, Cleason. William, Maria, Clara. 

VII- Nelson Shantz, b June n, 1865, m Barbara 
Snyder. P O Petersburg, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) 
Agnes, Arthur, Lome, Cornelia. 

VII - Angeline Shantz, b Oct 6, 1867, m Samuel 
Snyder Sept 20, 1893. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Farmer. Menu. C: (VIII) Perly May, b Feb 7, 

1895. Violet Snyder, b Nov 28, 1897. Rosetta 
Snyder, b Aug 15, 1902. 

VII- Cleason Shantz, b July 28, 1870, m Maria 
Shantz Dec 19, 1894. P O Waterloo, Ont. Far- 
mer, Menn. C: (VIII) Burnice Shantz, b Jan 21, 

1896. Clinton Shantz, b Sept 18, 1897. 

VII. William R. Shantz, b Apr 3, 1872. P O 
Petersburg, Ont. 

VII- Maria Shantz, b May 28, 1876. 

VII. Clara Shantz, bjulyi, 1884. 

VI. Jacob Rudy, b 1844, m— . P O St. Antonia, 

V- Elizabeth Rosenberger, b — , m Henry Shaeffei. 
No issue. 


V. Nancy Rosenberger, b — , m John Graham. 
Res. Dundas, Ont. 

IV. Jacob Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co., Pa. about 
1770, d of cholera in Sheffield, Ont. Canada, in 
1834, m Polly Detweiler. She was bin Montg. 
Co. Pa. about 1780, d of cholera in 1834. Weaver 
and farmer. They first belonged to the Mennonite 
church, and afterwards to the German Baptists. 
They emigrated to Canada in 1822. C: John, 
Rebecca, Elizabeth, Jacob, Benjamin, Abraham, 
Henry, Joseph, Christian, Nancy, Mary, Susan. 

V. John D. Rosenberger, b Feb 4, 1800, d Feb 8, 
1884, m Nancy Harley Mar 28, 1830. She was b 
Oct 21, 1810, d Nov 25, 1871. Both born, lived, 
and died in Montg. Co. Pa. Farmer. C: Margaret, 
Sarah, Catharine, Mary, Elizabeth, Simeon, John, 

VI- Margaret Rosenberger, b Oct 23, 1830, m 
William Rahn. P O Graters Ford, Pa. C: 
Warren, Clara. 

VII. Warren R. Rahn, b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
Nov 29, 1 86 1, m Emma L. Lewis July 17, 1893. 
P O Ambler, Pa. Princ. of Schools, Luth. C: 
(VIII) Marguerite L. Rahn, b Oct 11, 1894. Janey 
L. and Jessie L. Rahn, b Jan 3, 1896. Clara Ros- 
enberger Rahn, b Jan 30, 1899. 

Vl|. Clara R. Rahn, b— . S. 

VI- Sarah Rosenberger, b June 20, 1832, d June 
5, 1880, m Aaron Reed. C: Annie, John, Clay- 
ton, Mary. 

VI I - Annie Reed, m Samuel Moore. 

VII. John Reed. P O Neiffer, Pa. 

VII. Clayton Reed. 

VII . Mary Reed, m Harry Steimnetz. 

VI- Catherine Rosenberger, b Jan 15, 1834, m 
Wilson Thomas Nov 5, 1853. P O Limerick, Pa. 
Farmer, Ref. ch. C: John, Wilson. 

Vl|. John H. Thomas, b Apr 12, 1858, m Sallie 
Kepler. Farmer, Ref. ch^ C: (VIII) Laura K. 
Thomas, b Feb 24, 1885. Katie K. Thomas, b 
Feb 28, 1890. 

VII Wilson A. Thomas, b Dec 11, 1864, m Alice 


E. Dickerson. Farmer. No issue, (1879). 

VI . Mary Ann Rosenberger, b July 1, 1836, m 
Abraham D. Alderfer. (See A. D. Alderfer Family). 

Y|. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
June 31, 1839, m Jacob L. Wartman Oct 20,' 1866. 
P O Graters Ford, Pa. Farmer, Luth. C: Sarah, 
Mary, Elizabeth. 

VII . Sarah Ann Wartman, b in Upper Providence 
twp. Montg. Co. Pa. July 16, 1869, m Abraham 
U. Rami Oct 22, 1887. P O Graters Ford, Pa. 
Farmer. C: (VIII) Raymond W. Raun, b Dec 21, 
1891. Lizzie W. Raun, b Nov 25, 1893. Jennie 
W. Raun, b June 16, 1897. Jacob Rosevelt Raun, 
b June 29, 1900. 

VII - Mary R. Wartman, b Nov 17, 1873, d Feb 
13, 1882. 

VII. Elizabeth R. Wartman, b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
Feb 28, 1875, m Maurice M. Kerr Apr 30, 1901. 
Res. 442 Beech St. Pottstown, Pa. 

VI. Simeon Rosenberger, b May 19, 1841, d May 
15, 1880, m Lydia Taylor, (d). C: John, Laura. 

V||. John Rosenberger. P O West Point, Pa. 

VII- Laura Rosenberger, b — , m— Kepler; live 
in Ohio. 

V|. John Rosenberger, b Nov 17, 1842, m Lvdia 
Jane Bucher. P O Royers Ford, Pa. C: (VII) 
John, Katie, Jennie, Mary, Martha, Arthur, 

VI . Lydia Rosenberger, b Apr 4, 1844, m Jonathan 
Christman. P O Royers Ford, Pa. C: Lizzie, 
John, Edward, Lydia, Bertha, Ida, Mamie. 

VII- Lizzie Christman, b in Frederick twp. Montg. 
Co. Pa. Mar 7, 1871, m Warren E. Peter man Apr 
22, 1893. P O Royers Ford, Pa. Evangelical. 
C: (VIII) Cora L. Peterman, b Jan 31, 1896. 
Florence M. Peterman, b Feb 10, 1895. J. Lloyd 
Peterman, b Dec 20, 1900. 

VII- John Christman, b — , m— . 

V. Rebecca Rosenberger, b Aug 16, 1801, d May 
28, 1882, m Joseph Stauffer. He was b Aug 15, 
1802, d Oct 13, 1880. Farmer near Waterloo, 
Ont. C: Elizabeth, Susanna, Mary, Nancy, Levi. 


VII. Elizabeth Stauffer, b Sept 19, 1823, d Oct 
17, 1863, m John S. Bowman Mar 3, 1846. He 
was b May 12, 1822. C: Hiram, Jonathan, Mary, 
Angeline, Rebecca. 

VII- Hiram Bowman, b — , m Elizabeth McNally. 

VII . Jonathan Bowman, m Anna Bauman. 

VII . Mary Ann Bowman, d— , m James Hannah. 

VII Angeline Bowman, m Albert Shoemaker. P 
O West Montrose, Ont. Farmer. 

VII . Rebecca Bowman, b — , m William McNally. 
Farmer in Mich. 

VII Joseph Bowman, b — . S. 

V|. Susanna Stauffer, b May 9, 1828, d Apr ;, 
1862, m Moses Echelman. He was bjuly 26, 1824. 
P O Berlin, Ont. Farmer. C: Sarah, Mary, 
Joseph, Simon, Nancy. 

VII Sarah Echelman, b Mar 13, 1846, d Mar 10, 

VII- Mary Ann Echelman, b Mar 15, 1848, m 
Menno B. Clemens, (d). P O Berlin, Ont. Far- 
mer. C: (VIII) Austin Clemens, Edgar Clemens, 
Horace Clemens. 

V 1 1 Joseph Echelman, b June 8, 1850, d June 15, 
1878, in Magdalena Clemens. C: (VIII) Oliver 
Echelman, (d). 

Vl|. Simeon Echelman, M. D., D. D. S., L. D. S., 
b at Blair, Waterloo Co. Ont. Canada, Aug 31, 
1852, m Annie Paulina de Bell Sinclair Dec 28, 
1881. Res. 421 Franklin St. Buffalo, N. Y. Den- 
tist, Baptist. C: (VIII) Carl Ferdinand Dormer 
Echelman b Oct 15, 1882. Leo Sinclair Echelman, 
b Dec 1, 1883. 

VII . Nancy Jane]Echelman, b Sept 5, 1859, d 
Sept 23, i860. 

VI. Mary Stauffer, b June 30, 1830, d May 5, 
1897, m] JacobS. Bowman Sept 7, 1847. He was 
b Oct 14, 1824! P O New Dundee, Ont. Far- 
mer. U. Br. in Christ. C: Noah, Menno, Polly, 
Eevina, Joshua. 

VII. Noah Bowman, b Aug 1, 1848, m Sarah 
Buckborough Apr 2, 1878. P O Haysville, Ont. 
Farmer, U. Br. in Christ. C: (VIII) Mervin B. 


Bowman, b Nov 26, 1880. U. Br. in Christ. 
VII - Menno Stauffer Bowman, b Aug 14, 1849, m 
Edna Henry. P O Oshawa, Ont. 

VII- Polly Bowman, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. Apr 

5, 1851, m Elias Hallman Mar 5, 1872. P O 
Washington, Ont. Farmer, U. Br. in Christ. C: 
Jessie, Edwin, Lauretta, Minota. 

VIII- Jessie Ann Hallman, b Dec 26, 1872, m Will- 
iam Richmond Oct 4, 1893. P O Washington, 
Ont. Farmer, U. Br. in Christ. C: (IX) Hilda 
M. Dickie Richmond, b Mar 2, 1897. 

VIII Edwin Hallman, b Aug ro, 1876. P O 
Washington. Ont. Farmer. S. 

VIII. Lauretta Hallman, b Sept 7, 1881. U. Br. 
in Christ. 

VIII. Minota Hallman, b Feb 27, 1888. 

VII Livia Bowman, b in Woolwick twp. Water- 
loo Co. Ont. Mar 21, 1853, m Dr. David H. 
Waugh, July 27, 1875. Res. 6 East Ave. Roches- 
ter, N. Y. Surgeon and Dentist, Presby. C: (VIII) 
Dr. Ira Luraan Waugh, b Mar 6, 1877, m Etta 
Callia Byers Nov 26, 1902. 

VIII. Lome Emmerson W. Waugh, b Jan 7, 1879, 
d Feb 1, i88r. 

Vl||. Samuel Austin Waugh, b Feb 27, 1881. 

VIII. Lola Emmerilla Waugh, b Sept r , 1883. 

VII . Joshua Bowman, b Mar 21, 1855, d Dec 

6, 1862. 

VI. Nancy Stauffer, b Jan 15, 1834, m Jonas B. 
Snyder July 16, 1850. He was b May 26, 1827. 
Farmer. C: Joseph, Susanna, Levi, Angeline, 

VII. JosephS. Snyder, b Mar 25, 1851, m Lucinda 
Snyder Apr 14, 1874. P O Bloomingdale, Ont. 
Farmer. C: Ervine, Herbert, Lillia, Alfred, Elmi- 
na, Irene, Lucy, Ion Joseph, Elenor. 

VII. Susanna S. Snyder, b Aug 13, 1852, m Will- 
iam Snyder June 18, 1884. He was b Aug 22, 
1849. P O Bloomingdale, Ont. Farmer. C: Al- 
ton, Alva, Ivan, Ina. Farmer. 

VII- Levi S. Snyder, b June 17, 1855, m Hannah 
B. Clemens Feb 26, 1880. PO Bridgeport, Ont. 


VI I . Angeline Snyder, b Apr 5, 1860, m Amos 

Horst Feb 23, 1887. Farmer. No issue. 

VII - Alice Amanda Snyder, b Oct 29, 1869, m 
Solomon Koch. P O Conestoga, Ont. Farmer. 

No issue. 

VI • Levi Stauffer, b Sept 19, 1839, m Esther, 

daughter of John and Judith (Bingeman) Snider, 
Nov 27, 1859. P O Waterloo, Ont. Farmer, and 
owns two fine farms, one the homestead of his 
father. He has been manager of the North Water- 
loo Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company for 
upwards of fifteen years, and is one of the promi- 
nent members of the United Brethren church. C: 
Matilda, Lydia, Josiah, Clementina, Alfarata, Ann- 
etta, Mary, Alfiemenia, Jessie, Lome. 

VII- Matilda Joanna Stauffer, b Sept 3, i86r, m 
Alexander Wilson. P O Ellington, Mich. Far- 
mer. C: Herbert, William, Clayton, Aithur, 

VII- Lydia Ann Stauffer, b Dec 14, 1862, m Ezra 
S. Shantz. He d May 10, 1895. P O Haysville, 
Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) Winnie, Susanna, Lome, 
(d); Burton. 

VII- Josiah Stauffer, b Sept 18, 1864, m Bella 
Wilson. Farmer. C: (VIII) Harley, Clarence, 

VII. Clementina Stauffer, b Feb :io, 1866, m 
Ephraim Groff. Resides in Iowa. C: (Vlil) Ger- 
trude, Violet, Ephiaim, Clarence, (d). 

VII- Alfrata Stauffer, b Jan 30, 1868, m James 
Mitchell. Farmer. No is^ue. 

VII- Annetta Rebecca Stauffer, b Aug 28, 1870, m 
Charles Moore. P O Unionville, Mich. Veteri- 
nary Surgeon. C: (VIII) Lome Moore. 

VII- Mary Jane Stanffer, b Sept 2, 1872. 

VII - Alfiemenia Stauffer, b July 14, 1874. 

VII- Jessie Ann Judith Stauffer, bjune 26, 1876. 

V||. Lome Levi Stauffer, b Mar 8, 1880. 

V- Jacob Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Oct. 
19, 1802, d at Corinth, Mich. Nov 12, 1881, m 
Hannah Panabecker. She was b in Penn. Apr 15, 
1810. d at Blenheim, Waterloo Co. Ont. in 1848. 


Farmer, Menn. C: John, Benjamin, David, Cor- 
nelius, Abraham, Nancy, Elizabeth, Jacob, Amos, 

VI . John Rosenberger, m Lydia Colborn. C: Mary, 
Cornelius, John. John m second wife — Turner. 
P O Grand Rapids, Mich. C: Eva, Ida. 

VII- Mar y Ann Rosenberger, b — , d — , m An- 
drew White. 

VII • Cornelius Rosenberger, b-,died in the army at 
Louisville, Ky. 

VII- John Rosenberger, d young. 

VII- Eva Rosenberger, m Arthur Seymour. P O 
Seattle, Washington. C: (VIII) Maud Seymour. 

VII- Ida Rosenberger. 

VII - Benjamin Rosenberger, b Feb 5, 1827, d Jan 
3, 1896, m Mary Ann Shugart in 1848. P O Lisbon, 
Mich. Farmer, Disciple Ch. C: David, Elizabeth, 
Hannah, Henry, George, Mary, Emma. 

VII- David Rosenberger, b— , m Rose Robine. PO 
Berlin, Mich. C: (VIII) Jennie, Myrtie, Lylie, 

VII- Elizabeth Rosenberger, b in Kent Co. Mich. 
Jan 30, 1851, m Benton Thurston June 12, 1871. 
P O Lisbon, Mich. Farmer. C: (VIII) Viola 
Thurston, b Aug 14, 1873. Vinnie Thurston, b 
Aug ir, 1875. Earl Thurston, b Aug 17, 1877. 
Hazel Thurston, b May 30, 1882. 

VII- Hannah Rosenberger, b in Kent Co. Mich. 
Mar 1853, d Feb 10, 1893, m Philip Burmaii in 
1872. C: Mamie, Birnie, Jessie. 

VII- Mamie Burman, b Nov 6, 1873, m Charles 
Whittierjune 1894. Disciple Ch. C: (IX) Myrl 
Whittier. Lyle Whittier. 

VIII- Birnie Burman, b June 11, 1877. 

VIII- Jessie B. Burman, b Jan 31, 1881, d Nov 
10, 1886. 

VII. Henry Rosenberger, m Katie Miller. P O 
Lisbon, Mich. C: (VIII) Etta, Violet. 

VII- George R. Rosenburg, b at Lisbon, Mich., m 
Mary E- Gates. P O Newaygo, Mich. Real Estate 
and Loan Agent. C: (VIII) Getty Rosenburg. 

VII - Emma Rosenburg, bin Ottawa Co. Mich. Apr 


4, 1869, m W. E. Matthews, M. D. Dec 27, 1893. 
Res. 251 N. Lafayette St. Grand Rapids, Mich. Phy- 
sician. C: (VIII) Gladys Evelyn Matthews, b Mar 1, 


VII . Mary Rosenberger, b — , m Isaac Mrdeland. C: 
(VIII) Lloyd, Clyde, Marvin, Vera. 

VI . David Rosenberger, bin Canada Jan 1, 1S30, d 
in Texas^Dec 10, 1892, m Mary Pine Mar 10, 1849. 
She was b in k Ont. Apr 6, 1831. They lived some 
time in Michigan, where he amased a fortune. He then 
engaged in manufacturing of furniture, but lost all his 
wealth by fire. In 1873 he went to Kansas and en- 
gaged in farming. 1118876 he removed to Wise Co. 
Texas; engaged in farming, and later built a mill at 
Decater, costing $25000, which, eight years later, 
was burned down. Notwithstanding these losses the 
family are now in good shape financial}*. Spiritua- 
lists C: John, Frank, Alice, Gilbert, Walter, Oselia, 
Charles, Mary. 

VII - John H. Rosenburg, b 1850, d 1851. 

VII- Fiancis Rosenburg, b at Grand Rapids, 
Mich. Jan 19, 1852, m Emeline Meyers Jan 1S78. 
She d Nov 23, 1899. P O Decatur, Texas. 
Farmer, Spiritualist. C: (VIII) Lee C. Rosenburg, 
b July 4, 1879, m Manda Rawls. David A. Ros- 
enburg, b Dec 1881. Willie W. Rosenburg, b Oct 
6, 1SS3. Amos N. Rosenburg, d infant. Libbie 
Rosenburg, b Dec 1886. May Rosenburg. Bert 
Rosenburg. Rosa Rosenburg. Maggie Rosenburg. 

VII- Alice Rosenburg, b in Kent Co: Mich. Oct 5, 
1853, m Louis E. Pillars in Wise Co. Texas in 1880. 
P O Alvord, Texas. Christian Science. No issue. 

VII- Gilbert Rosenburg, b 1855, d infant 7 Mo. 

VII- Walter Rosenburg, bin Kent Co. Mich. Mar 5, 
1859, m Kate Meyers, Nov 21, 1880. P O Decatur, 
Texas. Druggist, Spiritulist. C: (VIII) John W. 
Rosenburg, b Aug 26, 1881. Thomas J. Rosenburg, 
b Mar 23, 1884. Roy H. Rosenburg, b Sept 21, 

VII - Oselia Rosenburg, b in Kent Co. Mich. Apr 
4, 1861, m Chas. F. Sharp Jan 19, 1882. P O 
Sunset, Texas. Farmer, Meth.Ep. C: (VIII) 


Harry Edwin Sharp, b Nov 30, 1882, d Dec 16, 

1 882. Cassie Evelyn Sharp, b Apr 5, 1884. 

Meth. Ep. Charles Glen Sharp, b Aug 10, 1889, d 
July 16, 1893. Edna Sharp, b Jan 17, 1895, d 1895. 

VII- Charles EeRoy Rosenburg, b Mar 4, 1872, tn 
Eliza Wheelis in 1891. P O Decatur, Tex. Far- 
mer, Spiritualist. C: (VIII) Rubie Rosenburg, b 
Nov 5, 1 89 1. Fred Eeroy Rosenburg, b Sept 15, 
1893. David William Rosenburg, b June :y, 1896. 
Clara Rosenburg, b June 1899. 

VII- Mary Elizabeth Rosenburg, b at Council Grove, 
Kans.May 31, 1875, m J. F. Booth. Feb 24, 1893. 
P O Decatur, Tex. Farmer. C: (VIII) Mary Ka- 
tharine Booth, b Oct 6, 1894. 

VII- Mary E. Rosenburg, bin Kansas May 31, 1874, 
m James Booth Feb' 1893. Farmer in Texas. C: 
(VIII) Katie Booth." 

VI- Cornelius Rosenberger, b in Canada Dec 12, 
1831, d in Mich. 1888, in Susanna Colborn in 1S54. 
Shed June 14, 1891. Farmer, Meth. Ep. C: Mary, 
Benjamin, Lydia, Moses, Anson, Ernest. 

VII- Mary A. Rosenberg, bOct3i, 1854, d Jan 24, 
1879, m A. D. Williams in 1872. Farmer, Meth. 
Ep. C: (VIII) Olive M. Williams, b Apr 12, 1875, 
m Fred E. Mead. Inez R. Williams, b and d in 

VII- Benjamin Franklin Rosenberg, bat Gates, Mich. 
Jan 26, 1858, m Ada Jane Johnson July 28, 1881. 
P O Middleville, Mich. Farmer. C: (VIII) Ber- 
tha Bell Rosenberg, b Oct 2, 1882. S. 

VII- Eydia Rosenberg, b Apr 7, i860, m Charles 
J. Dutcher Oct 18, 1882. P O LaBarge, Mich. 
Farmer, Meth. Ep. C: (VIII) Guy T. Dutcher, b 
Oct 11, 1883. Maynard R. Dutcher, b Nov 27, 

VIS- Moses Rosenberg, b Apr 26, 1892, m Mary 
Forbes July 20, 1887. P O Middleville, Mich. 
Lumber Business. C: (VIII) Claude C. Rosenberg, 
b June 1 , 1892. 

VII- Anson C. Rosenberger, b in Gaines, Kent 
Co. Mich. Oct 8, 1866, m Ada M. Bechtel at 
Grand Rapids, Mich. Oct 17, 1888. P O Brook, 


Ind. Engaged in the Lumber Trade. C: (VII! ) 
Eva Allene Rosenberger, b Apr 15, 1891. Glen 
Rosenberger, b July 21, 1892. 
VII • Ernest Rosenberger, b Aug 26, 1879. S. 

VI. Abraham Rosenberg, b near Berlin, Out. Aug 

11, 1834, m Nancy HamacherDec 18, 185^. P O 

Reed City, Mich. Lumbering, Spiritualist. C: 

Emma, Adeline, Rose, William, Carrie, Mina, 

Judson, Hudson. 

VII Emma Rosenberg, b Sept 12, i860, m Stanley 
Rayner Feb 16, 1896. P O Tomahawk, Wis. Mil- 
ler, Spiritualists. No issue, 1898. 
VI I - Adeline Rosenberg, b Feb 1, 1861, d Oct 3, 

VII. Rose Rosenberg, b Sept 27, 1863, m George M. 
HardesDec23. 18S2. PO Traverse City, Mich. 
Lumbering, Spiritualist. C: (VIII) Vernice Hardes, 
b Nov 17, 18S3. VictorL Hardes, bjuly 16, 1896 

VII- William H. Rosenberg, bjuly 22, 1865. PO 
Reed City, Mich. Farmer. Spiritualist. S. 

VII - Carrie Rosenberg, b May 1, 1S68, m Henry B. 
Allen Jan 3, 1898. P O Reed City, Mich. He is 
a traveling Spiritualist Medium, formerly of Summer - 
land. C: No issue, 1898. 

VII- Mina Rosenberg, b Apr 1, 1870, in Reed City, 
Mich. Artist, Spiritualist. S. 

VII. Judson H. Rosenberg, b Sept 7, 1872. P O 
Torch Lake, Mich. Miller, Spiritualist. S. 

VII- Hudson T. Rosenberg, b June 14, 1874. P 
O Clyde, Mich. Telegraph Operator, Spiritualist. S. 

VI- Nancy Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co. Out. 
Canada, Dec 10, 1836, m Levi S. Kinsey Jan 15, 
1854. P O Caledonia, Kent Co. Mich. Farmer. C.- 
Florence, Clara, Ella, Virginia, Amos. 

VII - Florence Sylvia Kinsey, b in Kent Co. Mich. 
Feb 14, 1855, d Mar 29, 1879. Teacher. 

VII- Clara Climena Kinsey, b in Kent Co. Mich. 
July 16, 1857, d Apr 19, 1881. Teacher. 

VII- Ella Rosalia Kinsey, bin Kent Co. Mich. Jan 
13, i860. P O Caledonia, Mich. 

VII- Virginia Kinsey, b in Kent Co. Mich. Jan 22, 
1862, d Dec 4, 1885. 


VIE- Amos Kinsey, b Jan 25, 1870, d Feb 28, 1872. 

VI- Elizabeth Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. 
Canada, Apr 10, 1839, d Mar 8, 1893, ni Abra- 
ham Hoover Mar 10, 1869. Farmer. C: Jermina. 

VII Jermina Hoover, b in Kent Co. Mich. Aug 
2 7> r 873, m William Dochowon Jan 22, 1892. P 
O Caledonia, Kent Co. Mich. Farmer. C: (VIII) 
Homer R. Dochowon, b Dec 4, 1894. Caroline E. 
Dochowon, b Oct 14, 1898. Dovess S. Dochowon, 
b Apr 9, 1901. 

VI. Jacob P. Rosenberger, bat Dunfreis, Waterloo 
Co. Ont. June 21, 1 84 1, m Mary Rice Apr 1865. She 
d Mar 1872. He m second wife Salome Clemens, 
Oct r4, 1886. P O Caledonia. Kent Co. Mich. 
Lumber-dealer. Children by first wife: (VII) Flor- 
ence Rosenberger, b June 8, 1867, d Mar 19, 1872. 
Ina Rosenberger, b Dec 25, 1870, d May 1874. 

VI- Amos Rosenberger, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. Oct 
4, 1844, d — , m Martha E. Millard Nov 11, 1864, in 
Ottawa, Mich. P O Reed City, Mich. Manufac- 
turer, Whole-sale and Retail dealer in Lumber. C: 
William, Millard, Adela, Bert. 

VII - William M. Rosenberger, b S_*pt 6, 1865, d 
May 11, 1883. 

VII- Millaid M. Rosenberger, b Mar 19, 1868, m Flora 
C. Goodale Oct 4, 1893. P O Reed City, Mich. 
Manufacturer and dealer in Lumber. C: (VII!) Eu- 
gene A. Rosenberger, b May 31, 1895. Ralph M. 
b„ June 30, 1 90 1. 

VII Adela Rosenberger, (d). 

VII- Bert A. Rosenberger, (d). 

VI- Moses Resenburg, b in Canada, 1846, m 
Alice Williams 1869. P O Corinth, Mich. Far- 
mer. C: (VII) Myrtle Rosenburg, m Owen S. 

V. Elizabeth Resenberger, b Apr 7, 1806, d of 
cholera Aug 2, 1834, m John Bricker. He was b Feb 
15, 1805, d May 20, 1871. Farmer near Roseville, 
Ont. C: Benjamin, Abraham, Christian, Nancy, 

VI . Benjamin Bricker, b Dec 19, 1825, m Esther, 
daughter of£ George B. and Mary (Shoemaker) 













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/ NEW V ° R * , 



and 1 


Bechtel. She was b Mar 4, 1826. P O Roseville, 
Out. Farmer, and resides on the " Old Ben. Ros- 
enberger Farm." C: Elizabeth, Susanna, Abra- 
ham, Maria, Anna, Amos, Elijah, Hannah, Ben- 
jamin, Noah, Menno, George, John. 

VII - Elizabeth Bricker, b Apr 7, 1847, m Daniel 
D.| Snyder. 

VII- Susanna Bricker, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. Oct 
29, 1848, m Abraham H. Bricker, Oct 5, 1869. 
P O Yale, Mich. Farmer, Menn. Br. in Christ. C: 
Alvin, Josiah, Rosanna, Edwin, Oscar, Hattie, 

VIII Alvin Bricker, b Aug 20, 1870, m Serena E. 
Graybiel Feb 9, 1896. P O Brown City, Mich. 
Farmer. C: (IX) Glenford Allen Bricker. 

VIII- Josiah Bricker, b Apr 25, 1872, d Dec 25, 
1880. " 

VIII- Rosanna Bricker, bjan 30, 1874, m Rev. Ei- 
ward F. Gill Mar 30, 1896. P O Clarksville, Mich. 
Minister, Menu. Br. in Christ. C: (IX) Clayton S. 

VM|. Edwin Bricker, b Feb 20, 1876, m Effie May 
Graybiel Dec 12, 1900. P O Yale, Mich. Far- 
mer; Mrs. B. Menn. Br. in Christ. 

VIII. Oscar Bricker, b Sept 26, 1880. S. 

VIII - Hattie Bricker, b Mar 31, 1888. Menn. Br. in 

VIII- Orpah Bricker, b Aug 10, 1891, d Dec 14, 

VII Abraham Bricker, b Aug 28, 1850, d Apr 2, 

VII Maria Bricker, b Apr 15, 1852, m Henry 

Graaf. P O Roseville, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII; 

Benjamin Bricker. 

VII- Anna Bricker, b Feb 6, 1854, m Joseph Det- 
weiler. P OWolverton, Out. ' Miller. C: (VIII) 
Astor, , Joanna, Herbert, Bertha. 

VII- AmosBricker, bSept8, 1855, m LydiaRosen- 
berger Nov 27, 1883. P O Berlin, Ont. Implement 
Agent. C: (VIII) Nettie Bricker, b Oct 2, 1884. 
Wilton Bricker, b Aug 1885. Howard Bricker, b 
Aug 15, 1886. Horace Bricker, (twin), b Aug 15, 


1886, d Apr 10, 1900. Addie Bricker, b Nov 16, 

1888. • 

VII - Elijah Bricker, b Jan 22, 1858, m Louisa 
BurkholderOct 27, 1878. P O Yale, Mich. Farm- 
er. C: (VIII) Ira Bricker, b June 19, 1881. Ora 
Bricker, b Feb 16, 1888, d 1888. Roy Bricker, b 
Aug 16, 1887. 

VII • Hannah Bricker, b Jan 6, i860, m Ephraim B. 
Cassel Apr 5, 1881. P O New Hamburg, Ont. 
Farmer. Menn. C: (VIII) Allan B. Cassel, b May 
7, 1889. 

VII- Benjamin Bricker, b Nov 8, 1861, d Nov 25, 

VII- Noah Bricker, b Oct 8, 1862, m Susanna 
Bock. P O Roseville, Ont. 

VII- Menno Bricker, b Oct 17, 1864, m Regina 
Stepps. P O Roseville, Ont. 

VII- George Bricker, b at Roseville, Ont. Sept 24, 
1866, m Mary Ann Good Mar 13, 1889. P O Yale, 
Mich. Farmer. C: (VIII) Eden Bricker, b Jan 7, 
1892. Ruth Bricker, b Mar 1, 1895. 

VII - John Bricker, b May 17, 1869, m Christina 
Barton Mar 9, 1892. P O Roseville, Ont. Farmer 
U. B. Ch. C: (VIII) John Sanford Bricker, b June 
3, 1896, d Feb 27, 1897. Phyllis Grace Bricker, 1) 
May 23, 1898. Mildred Esther Bricker, b Aug 19, 
1891. ' 

VI- Abraham Bricker, b — , d— , aged about 16 

V|. Christian Bricker, b — , d in infancy. 

VI- Polly Bricker, b— , d in infancy. 

V- Benjamin Rosenberger, b June 20, 1806, d Oct 
18, 1880, m Sallie Strome, (d.) C: Christian, 
Lydia, Maria. Benjamin m second wife, Mary 
Woods. Farmer. C: Louisa, Menno. 

VI. Christian Rosenberger. P O Freeport, Mich. 
VI . Lydia Rosenberger, m Jacob Stauffer. P O 
Berlin, Ont. 
VI . Maria Rosenberger. 

VI- Louisa Rosenberger, m — . 

VI. Menno Rosenberger, m — . C: Son. 

VII- Benjamin Rosenberger. P O Middleville, Mich. 


Y. Abraham D. Rosenberger, bin Montg. Co. Pa, 
Apr 2, 1808, d in Huron Co. Ont. Dec 11, 1893, 
m Rebecca Eby Oct 4, 1834. She was b Apr 4, 18 14, 
d at Carlisle, Middlesex Co. Ont. Aug 29, 1879. 
Farmer and Shoemaker, Methodist. C: William, 
Simeon . Jeremiah, Isabella, Margaret, Catharine, 
Abraham, Rebecca, Francis. 

VI • William Rosenberger, b in Hulton Co. Ont. 
Oct 14, 1836, m Elizabeth Dixon Sept 11, 1861. 
She died Jan 1865. No issue. William m second 
wife, L,ucy Ann Miller, Mar 26, 1866. She died 
Jan 16, 1881. C: Arthur, Dora. William m third 
wife, Rachel Ann Groves, Sept 12, 1881. C: Mary. 
P O Nappanee, Ind. Farmer, United Br. in 

VII- Arthur Rosenberger, b in Elkhart Co. Ind. 
Jan 1, 1868, m Alice Read June 21, 1896. P O 
Nappanee, Ind. Carpenter by trade. C: (VIII) 
Howard William Rosenberger, b June 21, 1898. 

VII- Zorah Rosenberger, bin Elkhart Co. Ind. Mar 

21, 1875, m Harry L,. Unger Apr 11, 1903. P O 
Nappanee, Ind. Christ Scientist. 

VII - Mary Berneice Rosenbergei, bin Elkhart Co. 
Ind. July 12, 1886. U. Br. Ch. 

VI- Simeon Rosenberger, bat Beverly, Ont. Apr 

22, 1839, m Anna Carter Jan 26, 1863. P O St. 
Thomas, Ont. Car-builder, Methodist. C: Mary. 

VII. Mary E. R. J. Rosenberger, b Oct 20, 1864, 
m Thomas DeardenSept 16, 1889. PO St. Thomas, 
Ont. Conductor on M. C. R. Rail-road, Methodist, 
No issue, (1897). 

VI. Jeremiah Rosenberger, b in Elgin Co. Ont. 
Apr 12, 1842, m Jane Darrach Apr 20, 1868. P 
O Dayton, Ind. Miller, Methodist. C: (VII) Mar- 
garet Alice Rosenberger, b Mar 29, 1869. Bertha 
Jane Rosenberger, b May 25, 1871, djuly 29, 1872. 

VII - Edith Emily Rosenberger, b Feb 28, 1874, m 
Charles E. Summers, of Chicago, 111. June 8 ; 1897. 

VII. John William Rosenberger, b July 31, 1876. 
VII- Charles Rosenberger, b June 24, 1879, djuly 7, 


VI, Isabelle Rosenberger, b in Bayham twp. Ont. 


Oct 9, 1843, m James Walker Feb 8, 1872. P O 
Devon, Ont. Farmer. Meth. C: Robert, Abram, 
Mary, Joseph, Pearl. 

VII- Robert Eby Walker, b Feb 19, 1873, m Annie 
Gertrude Crompton. P O Crediton, Ont. Butcher. 

VII- Abram Ingram Walker, b May 21, 1876. 

VII. Mary Rebecca Blanche Walker, b Oct 9, 1878. 

VII. Joseph Henry Osmond Walker, b Nov 7, 1880. 

VII. Pearl Gladius Belle Walker, b Jan 2, 1885. 

VI . Margaret Rosenberger, bjan 2, 1846, d 1846. 

\f|. Catharine A. Rosenberger, b Oct 16, 1848, in 
Elgin Co. Ont. m Joseph Hutchinson Dec 16, 1883. 
P O Falkirk, Ont. Farmer, Methodists. C: (VII ) 
Wilfred J. Hutchinson, b Mar 14, 1885, d Aug27,i886. 
Cyrus Hutchinson, b Sept 21, 1887, d Mar 7, 1888. 
Annie Belle Hutchinson, b Mar 18, 1889. Wesley 
Homer Hutchinson, b Mar 7, 1891, died same day. 

VI. Abraham E. Rosenberger, b in Middlesex Co. 
Ont. Canada. Dec 25, 1852, m Annie Mc Alpine 
Mar 18, 1878. She d Aug 11, 1883. C: Ethel, 
Annie. Abraham m second wife, Mary Neil, July 
18, 1885. Res. 136 Carling St. London, Ont. 
Baker Confectioner, Member of Salvation Army. 
C: Jennie, Edwin, Frederick, James. 

VII. Ethel Ray Rosenberger, b Mar 17, 1880. 

VII Annie Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Aug 7, 1883, 
d Aug 15, 1883. 

VII . Jennie Louisa Rosenberger, b Apr 18, 1886, d 
Aug 17, 1886. 

VII. Edwin Neil Rosenberger, b Apr 12, 1888, d 
Nov 25, 1888. 

VII- Frederick Osmond Rosenberger, b Aug 20, 
1889, d Oct 18, 1889. 

VII James Lloyd Rosenberger, b Mar 2, 1894. 

VI. Rebecca Ann Rosenberger, b in McGillwary, 
Ont. Feb 20, 1856, m George Humble Dec 12, 
1876. P O Falkirk, Ont. Methodist. C: (VII) 
John Alvin Humble, b Feb 18, 1878. Percy Melvin 
Humble, b Feb 19, 1879. Ethel Rosella Humble, 
b Apr 24, 1880. Edith Bell Humble, b Apr 18, 
1882, dSept 15, 1882. 

VII. Whitfield Franklin Humble, bjune7, 1884. 


VII Howard Sherwood Humble, b Mar 16, 1890. 
VII- Estella Isabelle Humble, b June 13, 1893. 

VI. Francis Rosenberger, b in McGilver)- twp. Ont. 
Canada, Dec 17, 1859, m Minnie Drader Apr 25, 
1888. P O Copleston, Ont. Engineering, now a 
butcher by;trade; Methodist. C: (VII) Arilla Edith 
Rosenberger, bjuly 18, 18S9. Otta Bell Rosenberg- 
er, b Sept 27, 1891. 

V. Henry Rosenberger, b about 1 811, d of cholera 
in 1834, aged about 23 years. 

Y- Nancy Rosenberger, b May 7, 1812, m John 
StromeMar3i, 1831. He was bin Lancaster Co. Pa. 
February 12, 1810, d near Fishers Mills, Ont. on the 
"Strome Homestead," Aug 19, 1865. C: Henry, 
Abram, David, Polly, John, Aaron, Elizabeth, 
Moses, Nancy, Amos, Isaiah, Elijah. 

VI- Henry Strome b Nov 1 , 1831, m Elizabeth Mar- 
tin Aug 22, 1852. She was b Aug 2, 1834. P O 
Berlin, Ont. Builder and contractor. C: Hiram, 
Clara, Lucinda, Franklin, Almeda. John, Eliza, 
Amelia Abram. Mary, William. 

VII- Hiram Strome, bApr 27, 1853, d May 29, 


VII Clara Malissa Strome, bApr 10, 1854, m Fred- 
erick Miller. Farmer. C: (VIII) Jeremiah, Fred- 
erick, Eliza. 

VI I - Lucinda Strome, b Feb 5, 1857, m Peter Sch- 
windt. P OElmira, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) An- 
drew, Mary, Charles, (d); Melvin, (d); Dora, 
Lillie, (d); Percival, (d); Edith. 

VII- Franklin Strome, b Apr 24, 1859, m Helena 
Battenburg. P O Elmira, Ont. Carpenter. C: 
(VIII) Henry, Oscar, Florence, Harvey, Eliza, 

VII- Almeda Strome, b May 19, 1861, d Nov 15, 
1887, m John Miles. No issue. 

VII- John Henry Strome, b Oct 16, 1863. P O 
Newstadt, Grey Co. Ont. Clerk. S. 

VII. Eliza Ann Strome, b Dec 6, 1865. P O 
Berlin, Ont. Dressmaker. S. 

VI!- Amelia Strome, b Apr 23, 1868, m Simon 
BrunkSepti3, 1893. P O Berlin, Ont. Clothing 


Merchant at Berlin, afterwards Mfg. of Boots and 
Shoes at Port Elgin, in partner with T. Mtisselman 
under the firm name of "The Star Shoe Co." Mr. 
Brunk taking the road as traveling salesman for the 
firm, which position he still holds. Meth. C: 
(Vlll)Pearl E. Brnnk, b Oct 19, 1S95. Ronald H. 
Brunk, b Apr 15, 1897. 

VII- A brain Lincoln Strome, b Apr 24, 1S70. 

VII- Mary Jane Strome, b Sept 23, 1872. 

VII. William M. Strome, b May 20, 1874. 

V|. Abram R. Strome, b Mar 21, 1833, m Esther 
Martin May 15, 1855. She was b May 29, 1S31. 
P O Berlin, Ont. Contractor and builder. C: 
Jeremiah, Menno, Almeda, Mary, Merritt, Christian. 

VII- Jeremiah Strome, b Feb 27, 1856, d May 
22, 1S94, m Elizabeth Peppier. P O Berlin, Ont. 
C: (VIID Annie, Priscilla. Esther, Eva, George, 

V!|. Menno Strome, b Aug 3, 1857, m Anna Pep- 
ler. P O Berlin, Ont. Agent for sewing mach- 
ines, organs, etc. C: (VIII) Lewis, Charley Ar- 
thur, Ella, Irene, Gertrude, Viola, Mabel, Menno. 

VII- Almeda Strome, b June 10, 1S59, d May 
25, 1S60, 

VII Mary Ann Strome, b Jan 13, 1S61, d 
same da v. 

VII. Menitt Strome, b Apr 8, 1S62, d Apr 

20, l802. 

VII. Christian Strome, b Dec 3, 1S64, d next 

VI David R. Strome, b in Canada, Oct 3, 1S34, 
m Martha S. Schader Jan 15, 1856. P O Elmira, 
Ont. In early life he worked at the Carpenter 
trade about Waterloo and later at Elmira. In 
1870 he engaged in farming in Wellington Co. 
until 1895 when he retired. Ev. Ass'n. C: 
Melinda, Norman, Josiah, Annie, Alexander, 
Noah, Urias, Simon, Amanda. 

VII. Malinda Strome, b Apr 29, 1857, m John C. 
Amy Feb 5, 1S7S. He was b May 6, 1S55, d 
Nov 27, 1893. P O Elmira, Out. Farmer, Meth. 
C: (VHP Oliver Alvin Amy, b Jan 19, 1S79. 


Bertha Venetta Amy, b Sept 7, 1882. 

VII - Norman S. Strome, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. 
Oct 31, 1858, m Isabella Anderson Jan 5, 1881. 
P O Floradale, Ont. Foreman in" Planeing Mill. 
C: (VIII) James Ervin Strome, b Sept 12, 1883, d 
Sept 28, 1883. Emma Ethel Strome, b July 23, 
1884, d Apr 26, 1886. Mortford Stanley Strome, 
b Apr 13, 1SS7. Edna Pearl Strome, b Mar 24, 
1890. L,ula Vira Strome, b Oct 2, 1895, d Jan 
5. 1896. 

VII - Josiah Strome, b Sept 4, i860, d Oct 23, 1872. 

VII- Annie Strome, b July 26, 1865, m Eber 
Stickney Nov 24, 1S87. PO Creek-bank, Ont. 
Farmer, Methodists. C: (VIII) Annie May Stick- 
ney, bNov2, 1889. David Thomas Emerson Stick- 
ney, b Apr 7, 1895. 

VII- Alexander Strome, b July 1, 1869, m Harriet 
Ann Stickney Feb 21, 1894. P O Floradale, Ont. 
Farmer, Methodists. C: (VIII) Etta Winifred Stro- 
me, b June 7, 1S95. Ada Priscilla Strome, b Nov 
24, 1S97. 

VII- Noah Strome, b Apr 16, 1871, m Phoebe Stick- 
ney Nov 13, 1895. P O Pentland, Ont. Farmer. 
Meth. No issue. 

VII- Urias Strome, b Mar 29, 1874. P O Elmira, 
Ont. Teacher, Meth. S. 

VII. Simon Strome, b Oct 13, 1876. P O Elmira, 
Ont. Tailor, Meth. S. 

VII- Amanda Strome, b Nov 10, 1878, d Apr 19, 

VI. Polly Strome, b— , d— , m John Stauffer. 
Lived in Oxford Co. Ont. where she died. The 
family has since removed to Mich. C: (VII) Priscilla, 
Flora, Jared, Martha, Anna, William, and one died 

VI- John Strome, b — , d aged about 16 years. 

VI- Aaron R. Strome, b in Oxford Co. Ont. May 2, 
1842, m Catharine Sand Jan r, 1868. P O Flora- 
dale, Ont. Carpenter, Evangelical Ch. C: Milton, 
Levina, Sarah, Astor, Ezra, Aaron, Melvin, Thirly, 
Orrin, Annie. 

VII. Milton Strome, b Sept 28, 1868, m Mary Wild- 


fong. P O Berlin, Ont. Milk-deliverer. C: (Ylll) 
John, Alvin, Reginald, Olive. 

VII- Levina Strome, b Jan 31, 1 87 1 , m David Robert- 
son. P O Elmira, Ont. Farmer, Evangelical. C: 
( VIII) Ella May Robertson. 

VII - Sarah Et!.a Stroroe, b Dec 31, 1872, d Sept 21, 

VII- Astor Strome, b Nov 3, 1875. 

VII- Ezra Strome, b May 22, 1879. 

VII- Aaron Erwin Strome, b Jan 16, 1882. 

VII - Melvin Strome, b May 22, 1885. 

VII. Thirly Menerva Strome, bjune 6, 1888. 

VII- Orrin Roy Strome, b Apr 29, 1890. 

VII - Annie May Strome, b Apr 5, 1892. 

VI. Elizabeth Strome, b — , d — , m Andrew Miltz, 
(d). C: (VII) Anna, John, William, (d). 

VI- Moses Strome, b — , m Sarah Congo, (d). 
Moses m second wife, Emma Stone. P O Linwood, 

VI- Nancy Strome, b in Oxford Co. Ont. Oct 2, 
1847, m George Diebel Sept 9, 1874. P O Waterloo, 
Ont. Merchant and Mayor of Waterloo, Ont. Mrs. 
D. Meth. C: Sylvia, Emma. 

VII- Sylvia Florence Diebel, b Dec 27, 1875. PO 
Waterloo, Ont. Meth. S. 

VII- Emma May Diebel, b Apr 4, 1878. P O Water- 
loo, Ont. Meth. S. 

VI- Amos Strome, b — , m Mary Freyvogee. P O 
La Icefield, Manitoba. Merchant. 

VI- Isaiah R. Strome, b in Blenheim twp. Oxford 
Co. Ont. Canada, Oct 7, 185 c, m Mary I. Peffers 
Aug 16, 1882. P O Brandon, Man. Canada. Dry 
Goods Merchant, Presby. C: (VII) Jesse D. St- 
rome, b Feb 23, 1884. Bertha M. Strome, b Dec 
14, 1886. Ivan Roy Strome, b July 6, 1889. 
Charles M. Strome, b Sept 12, 1891. Velma Ruth 
Strome, b June 22, 1897. 

VI- Elijah Strome, m Agnes Vinson. P O Minto, 
N. Dak. Merchant. C: (VII) Rhoda Strome. 

V- Joseph Rosenberger, b 1818, d 1834. 

V- Christian D. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa. 
Feb 25, 1817, m Elizabeth Schlichter, (d). C: 


Mary, Elizabeth, Nancy, Hannah, Susannah, 
John, Magdalena, Samuel, Lydia, Priscilla, Rosetta, 
Margaret. Christian m second wife, widow Hannah 
Detvveiler, (sister to his first wife). P O Berlin, 
Ont. Retired farmer. 

VI- Mary Rosenberger, b July 9, 1839, d i860, m 
John R. Hillgartnir in 1S5S. He was b Feb 20, 1833. 
Farmer and carpenter, U. Br. Ch. C: Hannah, Ed- 

VII- Hannah Hillgartner, b in 1859, d in 1S71. 

V||. Edmund G. Hillgartner, b in Fullertou twp. 
Waterloo Co. Ont. Aug 11, i860, m Jennie Zeigh 
Forsythe May 19, 1S86. P O Brantford, Ont. 
Cong. C: (VIII) Eva Hillgartner, b Mar 13, 18S7, 
d Nov 11, 1887. 

VI. Elizabeth Rosenbergei, b Jan 29, 1S41, diSSo, 
m Jacob Lauten^chlager. C: Malinda, Isaac, Lydia, 
Rosetta, Albert, Annetta. 

VII - Malinda Lautenschlager, b— . 

VII - Issac Lautenschlager, b— , m Mary Ann Sch- 
weitzer. C: (VIII) Stanton, Roy. 

V|. Nany Rosenberger, b in Oxford Co. Ont. Feb 1, 
1843, m Louis Adolph Dec 6, 1871. P O Wallace, 
Ont. Farmer, Meth. C: (VII) Samuel Louis Adol- 
ph, b Jan 1, 1873. P O Listowel, Ont. Hardware 
Merchant, Meth. S. Johnny Adolph, b July 31, 
1875, d same day. Austin Sinclair Adolph, July 21, 
1877. Minnie Rosetta Adolph, bjuly 22, 1880, died 
next day. Milton Asa Adolph, b Oct 4. 1882. Ella 
Adolph, b Nov 3, 1883, d Jan 8, 1S84. 

VI- Hannah Rosenberger, b Feb 17, 1845, m John 
Bricker. P O Fargo, Mich. Farmer. C: (VII) 
Chester, Eusebius, Leander, Addison, Arthur, Mag- 
gie, Hannah, Minerva. 

VI- Susanna Rosenberger, b in Wilmot twp. Water- 
loo Co. Ont. May 20, 1847, m George W. Bell Jan 8, 
1867. P O Yale, Mich. Farmer and auctioneer; 
attends Meth. Ch. C: Annetta. Urias. 

VII. Annetta Bell, b July 23, 1S68, m R. G. Mc- 
Laughlin July 15, 1890. PO Yale, Mich. Travel- 
ing salesman for W T elt & Reidelsheimer Paper house, 
of Detroit, Mich. Mrs. McLaughlin when quite 


young studied music and painting; is a good music- 
ian and a fine artist; Presby. C: (VIII) Vera Bell 
McLaughlin, b Mar 27, 1892. Danna Dee Mc- 
Laughlin, b Nov 11, 1894. 
VII - Urias George Bell, b Aug 13, 1870, d Jan 
1, 1882. 

VI- John Rosenberger, b July 17, 1849, d Oct 

VI. Magdalena Rosenberger, b Aug 13, 1850, d 
Aug 1, 1878, m John W. Groh. C: Lavina, Mary. 

VII- Lavina Lauretta Groh, b in Waterloo Co. Can- 
ada, Oct 2i, 1874, m George F. Dunckel Jan 3, 
1893. P O Williamston, Mich. Farmer. C: (VIII) 
Leroy Dale Dunckel, b Nov 27, 1893. Orville Ed- 
ward Dunckel, b July 21, 1896. Claude Franklin 
Dunckel, b Oct 14, 1900. 

VII  Mary Elizabeth Groh, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. 
July 5. 1877. P O Berlin, Ont. U.B. Ch. S. 

VI. Rev. Samuel S Rosenberger, b in Wilmot, 
Waterloo Co. Ont. Mar 5, 1853, m Phebe Jane Erb 
Sept2r, 1875. P O Brown City, Mich. Farmer 
and minister of the Free Will Baptist Church. C: 
Joanna, Irvin, Maud, Isabelle, Hattie, Gordon, 

VII- Joanna May Rosenberger, b May 17. 1877, m 
Simon Bechtel. P O Brown City, Mich. Farmer, 
Menn. Br. in Christ. 

VII- Irvin George Rosenberger, b Dec 9, 1878. 

VII- Maud Rosenberger, b Sept 24, 1880, d same 

VII Isabelle Rosenberger, b Oct 3, 1882. 

VII Hattie Rosenberger, bOct6, 1885. 

VII. Gordon Rosenberger, b Nov 11, 1891. 
VII . Beaulah Rosenberger, b Oct 18, 1895. 

VI. Lydia Ann Rosenberger, b Mar 26, 1855, m 
Amos Bricker Nov 27, 1883. P O Berlin, Ont. 
(See Amos Bricker Family). 

VI- Margaret Rosenberger, b at New Dundee, Ont. 
May 10, 1857, m Rev. Isaac W. Groh Oct 12, 1880. 
P O Sherkton, Ont. Minister United Brethren Ch. 
C: (VII) Elma Groh, b Dec 10, 1881. U. Br. Ch. 
Lottie Groh, b Jan 5, 1885, djan 1899. U. Br. Ch. 


Alonzo C. Groh, b Feb 12, 1886, d Sept 25, 1886. 
Claud W. Groh, b Nov 19, 1887, d Dec 2, 1887. 
Clive L. Groh, b Nov 19, 1887, d Dec6, 1887. 

VI . Priscilla Rosenberger, b June 14, 1859, d May 
8, 1891, m Simon Thaler. Farmer. C: C VII) Geo. 
Horace Thaler, (d). Ella Sirene Thaler. Flossie 
Irene Thaler, (d). Nettie Priscilla Thaler. 

VI Rosetta Rosenberger, bin Wilmot twp. Water- 
loo Co. Ont. Jan 12, 1862, m Thomas Hummett Mar 
8,1893. P O Gait, Ont. Music-dealer, Meth. Ep. 
No issue. 

V- Mary Rosenberger, b — , m Benjamin Colburn, 
(d). C: Nancy, John, Amos, Abram, Isaac. Mary 
m second husband, Owin Dodge. P O Caledonia, 

VI . Nancy Colburn, m Isaac Stauffer. 

VI. John Colburn, m Mary Frost. 

VI . Amos Colburn, m Sarah Frost. 

YJ. Abram Colburn. 

Yf. Isaac Colburn. 

V- Susanna Rosenberger, b Dec 14, 1821, d June 
26, 1884, m Rev. Moses Erb in 1841. He was b Aug 
6, iS2i,d — . He was ordained to the ministry of 
the Mennonite Ch. Apr 14, 1854, and faithfully serv- 
ed the church until his death. C: Menno, Aaron, 

Y|. Menno Erb, bOct 16, 1842,01 EydiaBricker. PO 
Berlin, Ont. Furniture dealer. C: (VII) Malinda, d; 
Ephraim, Maggie, Archibald. 

Y|. Aaron Erb, bjan7, 1849, m Julia A. Unger. P 
O Berlin, Ont. Traveling Salesman. C: (VII) Mil- 
ton, Edna. 

VI. Moses Erb, b 1856, d 1858. 

IV- Anna Rosenberger, b about 1778, d 1841, m 
Abraham Lapp. Menu. Deacon at Line Lexington, 
Pa. Lived and died near Chalfont, Bucks Co. Pa. 
Farmer. C: John, Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, 
Elizabeth, Henry, Samuel. 

V. John Lapp, b near White Hallville, (now Chal- 
font), Bucks Co. Pa. Nov 14, 1803, d June 12, 
1883, m Anna Wisler Oct 15, 1829. She was b in 
Bedminster, Bucks Co. Pa. July 19, 1804, d at 


Line Lexington, Pa. Mar 5, 1SS0. Farmer, Menn. 
C: Abraham, Elizabeth, Samuel. Joseph, Anna, 
John, Jonas, Maria, Henry, Catharine. 
VI- Abraham Lapp, b Aug 30, 1830, d Sept 8, 

VI- Elizabeth Lapp, b Nov 5, 1831, d Dec 14, 
1888, m Abraham Moyer May 1856, (his second 
wife). He was 1) Nov 14, 1820, d Nov 1879. Farm- 
er, Menn. C: Jacob, John, Sallie, Mary, Abraham, 
and two (d). 

VII - Jacob L. Moyer, b Nov 15, 1858, m Susanna 
DiehlDec23, 1884. P OQuakertown, Pa. Farmer. 
Menn. C: (VIII) Lida Nora Moyer, b Nov 1, 1SS5. 

VII- John L. Moyer, b Nov 5, [862, m Annie M. 
Ruth Jan 27, 18S7. P O Line Lexington, Pa. 
Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Harry Moyer, b Jan 
17. 1890. Mabel Moyer, b Aug 10, 1S93. 

VII Sallie L. Moyer, b in Bucks Co. Pa. July 
2i, 1865, m John B. Garges Oct 29, 1S87. P O 
Line Lexington, Pa. Farmer, Menn. No issue. 

VII Mary L. Moyer, b Mar 8, 1867, m Isaac M. 

VII- Abraham L. Moyer, b Feb 4, 1871, d Aug 
2, 1881. 

VI- Samuel W. Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Sept 
22, 1833, m Sarah Gross Oct 16, 1856. She was 
b July 26, 1S37. P O Ayr, Neb. Farmer, Deacon 
of Mennonke Ch. C: John, Amanda, Anna, 
Emma, William, Daniel, Samuel, Mahlon, Abra- 
ham, Sarah, George. 

VII- John Lapp, b Oct 31, 1857, d Mar 18, i860. 
VII- Amanda Lapp, b Aug 4, 1859, d Aug 18, 


VII- Anna Lapp, b May 17, 1861, m John T. 
Hill Feb 9, 1879. P O Juniata, Neb. Menn. 
C: (VIII) Altie Hill, b Jan 29, 1880. Charles Hill, 
b Apr 29, 1882. Hazel Hill, I) Feb 6, 1887. 

VII - Emma Lapp, b Oct 15, 1863. d May 4, 1865. 

VII - William Lapp, b Feb n, 1S66, d Mar 11, 

VII- Rev. Daniel G. Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Apr 
29, 1867, m Ida M. Good Feb 22, 1898. P O Rose- 


land, Nebr. Farmer. He was ordained a minister 
of the Mennonite church in 1893. C: (VIII) Paul 
Andrew Lapp, b Dec 24, 189S. Titus Samuel Lapp, 
b Feb 25, 1901. 

VES- Samuel G. Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Oct 4, 
1869, m Kate Ebersole Jan 25, 1899. P O South 
English, Iowa. Farmer, and ordained minister of 
the-Menuonite church Feb 1901, and Bishop Nov 
1902. C: (VliS) Myron E. Lapp, b Oct 15, 1899. 
Ruth Lapp, b July 26, 1901. 

VH. Rev. Mahlon G. Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Feb 
4, 1872, m Sarah Hahn June 7, 1901. P O Damtari, 
Central Province, India. Missionary to India, 
Mennonite Church; ordained minister and Bishop in 
June 1901. 

Vlf. Abraham G. Lapp, bOct 18, 1874, djan 11, 

V|j. Sarah G. Lapp, b Apr 18, 1876, d Sept 1, 

Vff. George Jay Lapp, b in Adams Co. Neb. May 26, 
1879. Teacher, Menu. S., (1903). 

VJ. Joseph W. Lapp, b Bucks Co. Pa. Oct 17, 1834, 
m Hannah B. Landis Jan 16, 1861. She was b in 
Bucks Co. Pa, Mar 16, 183S. P O Chalfont, Pa. 
Farmer, Menn. C: John, Abraham, William, 
Lsaiah, Sallie, Joseph, Erwin, Elizabeth, Mary, 

VII- John J. Lapp, b Nov 27, 1861, d June 12, 

Vlf. Abraham L. Lapp, b Apr 20, 1864, dSept 26, 

VIS. William L. Lapp, b May 27, 1866, m Amanda 
M. BiedlerMay 11, 1889. Farmer, Menn. C: (VHI) 
Laura Lapp, b Oct 1891. 

VIS. Isaiati L- Lapp, bDec 8, 1867, m Kate Clemmer 
of Lansdale, Pa. Oct 1, 1892. P O Lansdale, Pa. 
Firebrick-maker, Menn. C: (VIII) Lester C. Lapp, 
b Dec 6, 1895. 

Vj|. Sallie A. Lapp, b Aug 10, 1870, m Abraham 
G. Gross Feb 25, 1893. P O Fountainville, Pa. 
Farmer, Menn. C: (VII!) Nora L. Gross, bFebi7, 
1894. Hannah L. Gross, b Sept 6, 1895. PharesL. 


Gross, b Dec 6, 1898. 

VII- Joseph "L. Lapp, b Mar 5, 1872, m Sallie S. 
Walter Oct 5, 1897. Farmer, Menn. No issue, 

VI I - Edwin L. Lapp, b July 9, 1873. 

VII- Elizabeth L- Lapp, b May 12, 1876. 

V||. Mary L. Lapp, b Dec 2, 1878. 

VII- Emma L- Lapp, b Jan 30, 1881. 

VI- Anna Lapp, b Aug 15, 1836, d May 19, 1862, 
m Samuel Hiestand in 1856. C: (VII) Emma 
Hiestand.(d). Mary, (d). 

VI . John W. Lapp, b Nov 12, 1838, d Sept 27, 
1875, m Barbara Barnes. She was b in 1842, d Apr 

9, 1890. Farmer, Menn. C: Daniel, Anna, 

VH- Daniel B. Lapp, b Apr 26, 1864, d May 1, 

VII- Anna M. Lapp, b Oct 14, 1865. m Wilson 
K. Clemmer Dec 24, 1887. P O Jenkintown, Pa. 
Painter and Decorator, Presby. C: (VIII) Horace 
L. Clemmer, b Oct 8, 1888. Mabel L. Clemmer, 
b Oct 17, 1889. Clarence L. Clemmer, b June 2, 
1892, d July 24, 1892. Abram L. Clemmer, b Dec 

10, 1894. Elizabeth Irene Clemmer, b May 19, 
1897. Mary L- Clemmer, b May 15, 1899, d Feb 
7, 1900. John L- Clemmer, b Oct 12, 1900. 

VII- Fannie B. Lapp, b Dec 20, 1867, m Tobias 
R. Clemmer. P O Hatfield, Pa. 

VI- Jonas Lapp, b Sept 6, 1840, d Dec 22, 1889, 
m Anna Ruth. 

VI- Mara Lapp, bin Bucks Co, Pa. Nov 5, 1842, 
m Abraham M. High Jan 9, 1870. He was b June 
14, 1845. P O Chalfont, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: 
William, Anna. 

VII- William L. High, b Feb 20, 1871. 
VII- Anna Lizzie High, b June 7, 1875. 

VI- Hemy W. Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. May 4, 
1844, m Lydia Gehman Dec 7, 1869. P O Salina, 
Kan. Farmer, Menn. C: Abraham, John, Lizzie, 
Anna, Clemens, William. 

VII- Abraham Lapp, b Oct 21, 1868, d Oct 24, 


VII . John G. Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Feb 27, 
1S70, m Laura J. Nuss July 30, 1893. Res. 7018 
Adams Ave. Parkside, Chicago, 111. Medical Stu- 
dent, Ref. Ch. 

VII- Lizzie Lapp, b in Pa. May 17, 1872. P O Sali- 
na, Kan. Teacher, Cong. Ch. 

VII - Anna Lapp, b in Pa. Sept 29, 1874. P OSali- 
na Kan. Teacher, Cong. Ch. 

VII- Clemens Lapp, b Mar 27, 1877. 

VII- William Henry Lapp, b Aug 23, 1882. 

VI- Catharine Lapp, b at Whitehallville, (now 
Chalfont), Bucks Co. Pa. Feb 14, 1846, m Henry 
Leatherman Dec 9, 1871. He was b Jan 13, 1845. 
P O Line Lexington, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: Anna, 
Abraham, Sallie, William, Henry, Franklin. 

VII - Anna Leatherman, b May 28, 1873. S. 
VII- Abraham Leatherman, b Sept 17, 1876. 
VIE- Sallie Leatherman, b Jan 24, 1879. 

VII - William Leatherman, b Sept 5, 1882. 
VII- Henry Leatherman, b July 20, 1884, d Sept 
17, 1884. 
VII- Franklin Leatherman, b Nov ir, 1885. 

V- Joseph Lapp, b — , m Susanna Haldeman. 
Farmer, Menn. C: Abraham, Jacob, Mary, John, 
Joseph, Rachel, Susanna. 

VI- Abraham Lapp, died aged 18 years. 

VI- Jacob Lapp, (twin to Abraham), d aged 18 

VI- Mary Lapp, b July 3, 1834, (d); m William 
G. Overholt Feb 4, i860. He was b May 4, 1832. 
P O Silverdale, Pa. Retired farmer, Menn. 
No issue. 

VI. JohnH. Lapp, m Catharine Ruth, daughter 
of Michael Ruth. P O Chalfont, Pa. Retired 
farmer, Menn. C: Ann, William, Harvey, Reuben, 
John, Susan, , , (d). 

VII- Ann Eliza Lapp, m John Detweiler. P OTrad- 
esville, Pa. 

VII- William Lapp. P O Chalfont, Pa. 

VII- Harvey Lapp. 

VSI- Reuben Lapp. 

VII - John Lapp. P O Fountainville, Pa. 



V!L Susan Lapp, m — Houck. 
VII. —Lapp. 

VII. -Lapp, (d). 

VI- Joseph H. Lapp, m Ann Eliza Clymer. P O 
Chalfont, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: Mary, Infant, 
Fannie, Franklin, Susie, Annie, Ida, Debbie', 
Emma, Edith, Howard. 

VII. Mary Lapp, m Ed. Hinkle. 

VII- Infant. 

VJj. Fannie Lapp, (d); ra Levi Shelly, P O Plum- 
steadville, Pa. Airs S. Baptist. No issue. 

VII. Fanklin Lapp, d infant. 

VIS. Susie Lapp, m William Texter. 

V3I- Annie Lapp. 

VII- Ida Lapp. 

VII • Debbie Lapp. 

VII. Emma Lapp. 

VII . Edith Lapp. 

VII- Howard Lapp. 

VS. Rachel Lapp, b in New Britain twp. Bucks Co. 
Pa. Jan 21, 1840, m Elias Shaddinger of Plumstead 
twp. Bucks Co. Pa. Nov 22, 1862. P O Garden- 
ville, Pa. Farmer. Menu. C: Susan, Priscilla, 
Mary, Millicent, Griffith, Samuel, Franklin. 

V38- Susan Shaddinger, b Oct 30, 1863, m Eman- 
uel Landis Oct 13, 1883. He died Nov 7, 1895. 
Menu. C: (Vl||) Henry Landis, bjuly 16, 1885. 
Elmer Landis, b Sept 5, 1890. Harvey Landis, b 
May 12, 1893. JohnS. Landis, b Dec 30, 1895. 

Vl§- Priscilla Shaddinger, b Nov 6, 1865, d 
Aug 6, 1870. 

VSI- Mary Shaddinger, b June 1, 1868, m Harvey 
H. BaumNovi5, 1890. P O Blooming Glen, Pa. 
Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Charles S. Bauin, b Mar 
25, 1892. WilmerS. Baum, b May 22, 1893. 
Rachel S. Baum, b Jan 30, 1896. Harold S. Baum, 
b Oct 24, 1897. Bertha May Baum, b May 31, 
[ 900. 

VII. Millicent Shaddinger, b Oct 5, 1870, m Frank W. 
Hinkle Jan 7, 1893. P O Plumsteadville, Pa. Tin- 
smith, Baptist. C: F. Walter Hinkle, b July 21, 
1894, d July 5, 1897. Claude S. Hinkle, bjan 20, 


1897. ArthurS. Hinkle, b Jan 31, 1899. 

VII. Griffith Shaddinger, bAprg, 1873. 

VII- Samuel L. Shaddinger, b Sept 1, 1875, m 
Alary A. Melcher May 25, 1899. P O Plumsteadville, 

VII. Franklin Shaddinger, b Apr 2, 1878. 

VI- Susanna Lapp, m Eli D. Nice. P O Doyles- 
town, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: Mary, Joseph, Wil- 
liam, Enos, Lizzie, Maggie, Susie, Eli, Jacob, 

VII- Mary Nice, m Peter L. Hunsberger. (See 
Peter L. Hunsberger Family). 

VII . Joseph Nice, d infant. 
VII. William Nice. S. 

VII - Enos Nice, m Worthington. P O Foun- 
tain ville, Pa. 
VII • Lizzie Nice, m Leidy Moore. 
VII - Maggie Nice, m Henry Stout. 

VII • Susie Nice, m Greable. 

VII. Eli Nice. S. 
VII - Jacob Nice. S. 
VII- John Nice. S. 

V- Abraham Lapp, m Sallie Godshall, (d). C: 
Sallie, Tobias,. Abraham m second wife, Anna, 
Myers. Farmer, Menn. No issue. 

VI. Sallie Lapp, m Joseph Kulp. P O Bedminister, 
Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: Isaac, . 

VII- Isaac L. Kulp, m Esther M. Bewighouse. P 
O Bedminister, Pa. 

VII. Kulp. S. 

VI- Tobias Lapp, (d), m Eliza Detwiler. Farmer, 
Menn. C: William, Ella. 

VII William Lapp. 

VII- Ella Lapp, m Rosenberger. P O Line 

Lexington, Pa. 

V- Jacob Lapp, b in New Britain twp Bucks Co. Pa. 
d in Hilltown, Bucks Co. Jan 17, 1895, m Esther 
Bergey. Carpenter, Menn. C: Katie, Henry, 
Mahlon, Amanda, Annie, — , Ephraim, Isaac, 

VI- Katie Lapp, b 1851, d 1872. 

VI- Henry Lapp, b Feb 20, 1853, m Susan L. 


Swartz Sept 18, 1879. P O Fricks, Pa. Harness- 
maker, Menn. C: (VII) Nelson, Stella, Agnes, 
Esther, Martha, Walter. 

VI • Mahlon Lapp, b 1856, d 1859. 

VI. Amanda Lapp, b 1859, d 1865. 

VI . — Lapp, m Henry Landis. 

VI. Ephriam Lapp. 

VI. Isaac Lapp. 

VI • Abram Lapp. 

VI. Annie Lapp, m — Hendrick. 
V- Elizabeth Lapp, b — , d — , m David Rickert. 
(See David Rickert Family). 

V- Henry Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. July 16, 
1822, d Aug 27, 1890, ra Barbara Wisler Feb 1852. 
She was b Oct 15, 1832, d Sept 12, 1894. Farmer 
near Doylestown, Pa. Menn. C: Abraham, 
Joseph, Samuel. 

VI- Abraham Lapp, b 1853. djan 5, 1854. 

VI- Joseph Lapp, b Jan 16, 1855, m Sallie Gods- 
halk Dec 8, 1877. P O Doylestown, Pa. Clerk, 
M-nn. C: (VII) Dillwyn Lapp, b Sept 19, 1883, 
d next day. 

VI- Samuel Lapp, b in Bucks Co. Pa. July 15, 
1857, m Sallie Swartley Oct 5, 1878. P O Chal- 
font, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: Lizzie, Laura. 

VI I - Elizabeth H. Lapp, b Nov 2, 1881, m Howard 
N. Wynn Dec 23, 1899. Driving a delivery wagon 
in Phila. Pa. Baptist. 

VII- Laura Lapp, b Mar 20, 1884. S. 
V- Samuel Lapp, b — , d S. 

IV- Susanna Rosenberger, bin Montg. Co. Pa. Jan 
15, 1781, d in Canada Sept 9, 1846, m Rev. Jacob 
Detweiler Dec 15, 1803. He was bin Bucks Co. Pa. 
Nov 25, 1778, d Aug 8, 1858. He run a mill near 
Line Lexington, Pa. at which place all has children 
were born, except the youngest daughter. In 1823 
they moved to Canada, where they bought a "bush" 
farm which Mr. Detweiler cleared. Here he and his 
wife died and are buried. They were members of the 
old Mennonite church of which he was a minister. 
C: John, Mary, Jacob, Susanna, Elizabeth, Benjamin, 
Annie, Enoch, Abraham, Lydia. 


V. John R. Detweiler, b Jan i, 1805, d Oct 17, 
1876, m Nancy Dodge in 1826. They resided at Port 
Elgin, Ont. C: Moses, Mary, Abraham, Nath- 
aniel, Fannie, Elizabeth, Joseph, Abigail, George, 

VI. Moses Detweiler, b Dec 21, 1826. 

V|. Mary Ann Detweiler, bOct 8, 1827, m Daniel 
Rudy. He d July 27, 1892. P OTavistook, Ont. 
Farmer. C: (VII) David Rudy. 

VI- Abraham Detweiler, b Jan 14, 1828. Res. New 
Orleans, La. 

Y|. Nathaniel Detweiler, b Mar 13, 1830, died 

VI. Fannie Detweiler, b June 4, 1833, d Apr 17, 

VI. Elizabeth Detweiler, b Dec 22, 1836, m Henry 

Burton. P O Port Elgin, Ont. 

VI . Joseph Detweiler, b July 4, 1839. P O South 
Lyons, Mich. 

VI. Abigail Detweiler, b Dec 22, 1844, m Ben- 
jamin Hilker. 

VI. George Detweiler, b Feb 15, 1846. 

V|. John Detweiler, b Dec 31, 1850. P O Harris- 
ton, Ont. 

V. Mary Detweiler, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Sept 20, 
1806, d near Roseville, Ont. July 4, 1874, m 
Samuel Snyder 1825. He was b in Franklin Co. 
Pa. Apr 29, 1801, d May 15, 1887. C: Susanna, 
Benjamin, Isaac, Nancy, Mary, Enoch, Elizabeth, 
Lydia, Sarah, Samuel, Daniel, Magdalena. 

VI. Susanna Snyder, b Feb 1, 1826, d Oct 9, 1873, 
m Jacob S. Cressman Apr 27, 1847, He was b May 
21, 1823, d June 13, 1877. Farmer. C: Mary, 
Nancy, Leah, Isaiah, Isaac, Magdalena, Susanna, 
Lydia, Emanuel, Emma, Jacob. 

VII. Mary Cressman, b Oct 2, 1848, m Henry Bauer 
May 30, 1879. He was b Aug 28, 1855. P O 
New Dundee, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) 
Lillie May Bauer, b Oct 26, 1880. Austin Bauer, 
b June 30, 1883. 

VII. Nancy Cressman, b Mar 9, 1850, d Jan 30, 


V||. Leah Cressman, b May 23, 1851, m Menno 
Rellinger Jan 1870. He was b Mar 7, 1847. P O 
New Dundee, Ont. Laborer. C: Oliver, Jacob, 

VII. Isaiah Cressman, b Feb 18, 1853, d July 5, 

VII - Isaac Cressman, b June 18, 1854, d Sept 5, 


VII - Magdalena Cressman, b July 23, 1856. PO 
Hanover, Ont. S. 

VII- Susanna Cressman, b Sept 10, 1858, m Joseph 
Miehlhausen Jan 7, 1880. He was b Mar 2, 1858. 
P O Walkerton, Ont. Wagon and Carriage builder. 
C: (VIII) Clarence Miehlhausen. Allen Emanuel 

VII- Lydia Cressman, b Jan 9, i860, in Peter Studer 
Oct 17, 1883. He was b Jan 22, i860. P O New 
Dundee, Ont. Mr. Studer died Nov 26, 1893. No 

VII. Emanuel S. Cressman, b Jan 8, 1865. PO 
Hanover, Ont. Merchant, Presby. S. 

VII- Emma Ann Cressman, b Feb 20, 1866, m Alex- 
ander Heller Oct. 26, 1887. He was b Mai 8, 1865. 
They resided at Elm wood, Out., where he had leased 
roller flour mills. On the morning of May 10, 1892, 
the boiler of the Mills exploded killing him instantly. 
P O Hanover, Ont. C: (VIII) Leroy. 

VII- Jacob Allen Cressman, b Jan 30, 1867, m Mar- 
garet McNally of Hanover, Ont. Mar 13, 1894. 
P O Hanover, Ont. In the mercantile business with 
his brother Emanuel; Presby. C: (VIII) Alexander 
Emanuel Cressman, b June 21, 1895. Rocksie 
Merle Cressman, b Apr 13, 1897. 

VI- Benjamin D. Snyder, b Aug 18, 1827, m Cath- 
arine Bechtel. She was b Sept 2, 1828. P O Pea- 
body, Kan. Farmer. C: Mary, Ephraim, Angeline, 
Elizabeth, Emeline, Isaiah, Jeremiah. 

VII - Mary Ann Snyder, b Sept 15, 1850, d Aug 
27, 1895, m Samuel Haug. Farmer in Oklahoma, 
U. S. 

VII. Ephriam Snyder, b 1852, d 1855. 

VII - Angeline Snyder, b Feb 8, 1855, d May 12, 



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1895, m John W. Meyers Dec 26, 1S72. P O 
Listowel, Ont. Merchant, Miller, Meth. C: (VIII) 
Caleb Meyers, b Nov 9, 1873, d Sept 5, 1875- 
Emaline Meyers, b Feb 21, 1S75, d Sept 1875. 
Josephus S. Meyers, b July 20, 1876. Alva Her- 
vey Meyers, b July 14, 1878, d Apr 7, 1878. 
Archie John Meyers, b July 13, 1880. Benjamin 
Homer Meyers, b July 28, 1882. Angeline Orilla 
Meyers, b June 28, 1884. Ida Alberta Meyers, b 
Sept 21, 1886. Arthur Oswold Meyers, b Oct 14, 
1888. Lillian Olive Snyder Meyers, Nov 7, 1894. 

VI j Elizabeth Snyder, b June 8, 1857, m Simon 
Reid Aug 31, 1876. P O Strasburg, Ont. Prin- 
cipal of the Public school. C: (VIII) Ella May 
Reid, b Apr 14, 1877. Elthea Reid. b Oct 5, 1S79. 
Herbert Spencer Reid, b Apr 26, i88r, d Feb 21, 
1883. Albert Elmer Reid, bDec2, 1885. Hecter 
Gordon Reid, b Feb 21, 1888. Florence Reid, b 
Nov 3, 1889. Sarah Olive Reid, b Aug 26, 1891, 
d May 24, 1892. • Alexander Roy Reid, b July 31, 

VII- Emeline Snyder, b Mar 8, 1859, m Jacob 
Dohner Julys, l8 7 8 - P O — , Kan. 

VII- Isaith B. Snyder, b Feb 27, 1861, d Feb 18, 

VII- Jeremiah B. Snyder, b July 27, 1865, m Bessie 
Donaldson. P O Waterloo, Oklahoma, U. S. Far-' 

V|. Isaac D. Snyder, b Oct 4. 1829, rnNancy Horst 
Feb 7, 1857. She was b July 21, 1834. P O Blen- 
heim, Ont. Farmer. C: Eli, Josiah, David, Sam- 
uel, Matilda, Uriah. 

VII. Eli H. Snyder, b Mar 18, 1855, d Oct 25, 1863. 

VII. Josiah H. Snyder, b June 19, 1857, d June 22, 
1 88 1. 

Vi|. David H. Snyder, b Oct 9, 1858, m Lueinda 
Shantz Apr 6, 1887. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Farmer. C: (VIII) Ida Snyder, b Feb 7, 188S. 
Mary Ann Snyder, b May 25, 1889. Allen Snyder, 
b Apr 10, 1893, d July 14, 1894. Alvin Snyder, 
b June 9, 1895. Elden Snyder, b Apr 21, 1897. 
Eden Snyder, b Oct 30, 1898, d Oct 3c, 1898. 


VII- Samuel H. Snyder, b Oct 16, 1864, m Angeline 
Shantz Sept 20, 1893. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Perley May Snyder, b 
Feb 7, 1895. Violet Snyder, b Nov 28, 1897. 

VII. Matilda H. Snyder, b June 20, 1870. S. 

VII- Uriah H. Snyder, b June 24., 1872. Farmer. 

VI. Nancy Snyder, b June 3, 1831, m Benjamin S. 
Martin Jan 25, 1859. He was b June 12, 1830. P 
O Roseville, Ont. Farmer. C: Samuel, Isaiah, 
Jesse, Amanda, Oliver, Malinda, Magdalena, 

VII- Samuel S. Martin, b May 15, 1S60, m Mary 
Ann, daughter of Christian and Barbara (Oberer) 
Loier. She was b Oct 4, 1862. 

VII. Isaiah Martin, b June 29, 1862. 
VII - Jesse Martin, b June 29, 1862. 

VII. Amanda S. Martin, b in Wilmot twp. Ont. 
Aug 19, 1864, m Elisha Schiedel at Roseville, 
Ont. in 1884. P O Port Elgin, Ont. Capitalist, 
Methodist. C: (VIII) Elmer James Schiedel, b in 

VII. Oliver Martin, b Sept 28, 1866. 

VII- Malinda Martin, b Nov 4, 1867. 

VII- Magdalena Martin, b Sept 10, 1869, d Oct 
19, 1869. 
'VII. Enoch Martin, b Oct 8, 1871. 

VI- Mary Snyder, b June 29, 1833, m Abraham 
Rudy. (See Abraham Rudy Family). 

VI . Enoch D. Snyder, b Feb 28, 1835, m Sophia 
Schwartz Oct 27, 1857. She d Apr 12, 1877. C: 
Laviua, Angeline, Susanna, Isaiah, Emanuel, 
Ezra, Clara, Lydia. Enoch m second wife, 
Priscilla Scheifley, Feb 16, 1879. P O Roseville, 
Ont. Farmer. C: Ira, Sophia, Ida, Amasa. 

VII. Lavina Snyder, b July 25, 1858, d Oct 
4, 1878. 

VII. Angeline Snyder, b Oct 6, 1859, d Apr 12, 

VI J- Susanna Snyder, b Mar 6, 1861, d Jan 4, 

VII- Isaiah Snyder, b Apr 15, 1863, m Caroline 


Cress Aug 17, 1896. PO Roseville, Ont. Farmer. 
C: (VIII) Cecil Snyder, b Oct 27, 1900. Carson 
Snyder, b Mar 27, 1902. 

VII. Emanuel Snyder, b June 29, 1867. S. 

V||. Ezra Snyder, b Feb 12, 1870. S. 

VII. Clara Snyder, b Aug 20, 1872, m Eli Rosen- 
berger. (See Eli Rosenberger Family). 

VII. Lydia A. Snyder, b Jan 31, 1874. 

Vl|. Ira Snyder, b Dec 20, 1879. 

VII- Sophia Snyder, b June 4, 1881. 

VII. Ida Snyder, b Dec 4, 1882. 

VII Amasa Snyder, b Oct 2, 1884. 

VI. Elizabeth Snyder, bFeb4, 1837, m Jonas Good 
Mar 6, i860. P O New Hamburg, Ont. Farmer. 
C: (VII) Eli, Daniel, (d); Samuel, Simeon, Abra- 
ham, Jeremiah, Almeda. 

VI. Lydia Snyder, b Jan 20, 1839, m Henry B. 
ShantzOct 20, 1863. P O Berlin, Ont, Farmer. C: 
(VII) Mary, Hannah, Daniel, Ananias, Lydia, 
Alvinia, William, Edwin, Samuel, Minerva, (d). 

VI. Sarah Snyder, b Jan 6, 1841, din 1844. 

V| . Samuel D. Snyder, b Mar 17, 1843, in Mar- 
garet Clemens June 13, 1865. P O Wardsville, 
Ont. Farmer. C: Malinda, Emeline, (d); Isaac, 
David, Sarah, Phaleria, Maggie, Alta. 

VI. Daniel D. Snyder, b Feb 26, 1845, m Elizabeth 
Bvicker Mar 31, 1868. P O Roseville, Ont. Far- 
mer. C: Lucinda, Elizabeth, Esther, Mary, Elsie, 
Melvin, Susan. 

VII. Lucinda Snyder, b Oct 1, 1869, m Albert 
Stoltz. Farmer. No issue. 

VII. Elizabeth Snyder, b July 8, 1871, m Albert 
Becker. P O Roseville, Ont. Farmer. C: (VIII) 
Alice Becker, Myrtle Becker. 

VII. Esther Laoma Snyder, b July 16, 1873, d 
May 19, 1874. 

VII. Mary Salina Snyder, b May 18, 1875. 

VII- Elsie Mina Snyder, b Dec 15, 1877, d Aug 
22, 1888. 

VII. Melvin Snyder, b Aug 19, 1880. 

VII. Susan Snyder, b Apr 17, 1883, d June 19, 


VI. Magdalena Snyder, b Mar 8, 1847, d Sept 
29, 1862. 

V- Jacob R. Detweiler, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Dec 15, 
1807, d July 2, 1885, m Anna, daughter of Isaac 
and Anna (High) Wismer. She was b in 1808, d 
Nov 5, 1871. Farmer, Menn. C: Isaac, Daniel, 
Benjamin, John, Jacob, Barbara, Barbara, Susanna, 
Christian, Enoch, Annie, Mary. 

VI. Christian Detweiler, b July 22, 1S36. P O 
Roseville, Ont. S. 

VI- Enoch W. Detweiler, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. 
Sept8, 1839, m Victoria Willits Nov 27, i860. P 
O Roseville, Ont. Farmer, United Brethren. C: 
Lavina, Rosetta, Alice, Barbara, Elsie, George, 

VII - Lavina Detweiler, b Sept 26, 1861. P O 
Hamilton, Ont. S. 

VI). Rosetta W. Detweiler, b Mar 20, 1865, m 
Emanuel Hilborn Apr 1886. P O Grand Valley, 
Ont. Miller, United Brethren. C: (VIII) Ada 
Hilborn, b Feb 18, 1888. Leslie Hilborn, b Nov 
3- 1889. 

VII - Alice Jane Detweiler, bjunei, 1867, m John 
W. Battler Apr 2, 1890. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Farmer, United Brethren. No issue. 

VII • Barbara Annie Detweiler, b Feb 18, 1869, m 
JohnMcGurn. P O Salem, Ont. C: (VIII) Maggie 
Victoria Mc Gurn. 

VII. Elsie Electia Cecelia Detweiler, b Aug 2, 1873. 
VII- George William Detweiler, b Sept 16, 1875. 
V||. Effie Detweiler, b Feb 14, 1879. 

VI- Anna W. Detweiler, bjuly 21, 1844, m Adam 
B. Cassel May 2, 1861. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Farmer, United Brethren. C: Milton, Oliver, Lavina, 
John, Jacob. 

VII. Milton D. Cassel, b May 17, 1862, d same day. 

VII - Oliver D. Cassel, bjune 16, 1863, m Barbara 
S. Geiger Aug 24, 1886. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Spinner and cardei in wool factory. C: (VIII) James 
Lloyd Cassel, bj une 15, 1887. Hattie Melissa G. 
Cassel, b Jan 6, 1890. 

VII- Lavina D. Cassel, bNov 29, 1865, m Henry H. 


Wagner Nov 15, 1891. P O New Dundee, Ont. 
Farmer, U. B.^Ch. C: (VIII) Cecil Maurice Wag- 
ner, b Dec 22, 1893. 
VII. John D. Gassel, b Sept 3. i 8 7i- 
VII. Jacob D. Cassel,(twin), b Sept 3, 1871. 

VI . Mary Ann Detweiler, b Sept 12, 1850, m Albert 
Willits Feb 2, 1872. P O Wroxeter, Ont. Farmer. 
C: Jemima, Barbara, Alberta, Jacob, Alfred, Nor- 
man, Gordon. 

V. Susanna Detweiler, b Aug 20, 1809, d July 2, 

1874, m Jacob Wismer in 1825. He was b in Bucks 
Co. Pa. June 1797, d in Huron Co. Ont. Feb 

1875. He became a cripple and made his living mak- 
ing ox yokes, rakes, axe handles and shingles. 
Menn. C: Catharine, Levi, David. 

VI- Catharine Wismer, b in Waterloo Co. Ont. 
Jan 5, 1839. 111 Henry Treffry June n, 1855. P 
O Burnside Station, Manitoba. Meth. C: Susanna, 
Phebe, Mary, Robert, Jacob, William, Margaret, 
Emma, Jacob, Catharine, Lydia, George. 

VII. Susanna Treffry, I.June 29, 1856, m Solomon 
Beck May 24, 1879. P O Burnside Station, Man. 
Farmer. Ch. of England. C: (VIII) James Beck, 
b Apr 27, 1882. Emma Beck, b Oct 21, 1S87. Eva 
Beck, b Sept 6, 1889. Phebe Beck, b Sept 5, 1892. 

VII. Phebe Ann Treffry, b Jan 16, 1858, m Henry 
Voss Jan 17, 1876. P O Burnside Station, Man. 
Farmer, Luth. C: (VIII) Catharine Voss, b Aug 
187S. Henry Voss, b June 29, 1S80. Mary Voss, 
b Dec 1, 18S3. Violet Voss, b Sept 6, 1885, d Nov 
6, 1885. Robert Voss, b Sept 21, 1S87. Norman 
Voss, bOct 24, 1 888. 

VII. Mary Ann Treffry, b Nov 2, 1859, m Thomas 
Beck Aug 17, 1882. P O Burnside Station, Man. 
Ch. of England. C: (VIII) William Beck, b Sept 
20, 1883. Charles Beck, b May 6, 1887. Eliza 
Beck, b Jan 13, 1889. 

VII. Robert John Treffry, b Dec 25, 1S61, m Cas- 
iah Elizabeth Lee Oct 24, i^88. P O Burnside 
Station, Man. Meth. C: (VIII) Jorsa Treffry, b 
Oct 23, 1889. Robert Leslie Treffry , b June 6, 
1892, d Mar 30, 1893. 


VII. Jacob Treffry, b Mar 22, 1864, d Mar 25, 1864. 

V||. William Henry Treffry, b Apr 12, 1865, m 
Anna May Kizer of Michigan, Jan 27, 1892. PO 
Burnside Station, Mass. Farmer, Meth. C: (VIII) 
Carrie May Treffry, b Jan 23, 1893. Myra Rose 
Treffry, b Jan 2c, 1895. Leroy Morris Treffry, b 
Nov 15, 1897. Blanche Kizer Treffry, b July 19, 

VII. Margaret Treffry, b July 28, 1867, m Frank E. 
Green Dec 25, 18S9. Res. 90 Hallot St. Winnipeg, 
Man. Miller, Ch of England. C: (VIII) Mabel Cath- 
arine Green, b June 23, 1892. Ivy Green , b Sept 25, 

VII. Emma Treffry, b Jan 12, 1871, m James Ache- 
son Feb 9, 1888. P O Burnside Station, Man. C: 
(VIII) Arthur Acheson b Mar 9, 1889. Martha Mabel 
Acheson, b Mar 17, 1890. Alislnese Acheson, b 
May 6, 1891. Florence Irene Acheson, b Sept 9, 

VII. Jacob Treffry, b July 13, 1873. 

VII. Catharine Treffry, b July 13, 1873, m Fred- 
erick W. Green July 13, 1892. Res. Winnipeg, 
Man. Miller. C: (VIII) Islay C. Green, b Aug 7, 
1893. d Sept 26, 1893. 

VII. LydiaA. Treffry, b Apr 30, 1876. Meth. S. 

VII. George Treffry, b Apr 9, 1879. 

V|. Levi Wismer, b in Canada Aug 10, 1840, m 
Mary J. Broderick. P O Redman, Mich. Mill- 
wright. C: (VII) Mary, William, Emma, Ella, 
Shadrach, Isaiah, Infant, Catharine, Infant, Levi. 

V|. David Wismer, b 1842, d 1844. 

V. Elizabeth Detweiler, b Oct 2, 1811, d Sept 7, 
1840, m Benjamin Snyder Feb 22, 1831. He was b 
July 4, 1808, d May 25, 1892. He was a farmer and 
resided a little west of Roseville, Ontario, where he 
owned one of the finest tracts of land in Onta-io. C.- 
Susanna, Lydia, Sarah, Nancy, David, Eliza. 

VI- Susanna Snyder, b Nov 28, 1831, d July 23, 1859, 
m John Musselman Mar 17, 1857. C: (VII) Benja- 
min Musselman. 

VI. Lydia Snyder, b May 8, 1833, m Isaac E Brick - 
erjuly 8, 1856. He was b Sept 24, 1835. P O 


Blenheim, Ont. Farmer. C: Oliver, David, Har- 
old, Benjamin, Peter, Sarah, Mary, Isaiah, Isaac, 
Lydia, Malinda, Anson. 

VI. Sarah Snyder, b Dec 4, 1834, d June 17, 1863, 
m Daniel G. Bowman, Feb 24, 1861. P O Lakeport, 
Mich. Farmer. C: (VII) Sarah Bowman, b May 
15, 1863, m Israel Cressman. P O New Dundee, 

V|. Nancy Snyder, b Nov 28, 1836, m John Wis- 
mer Sept 23, 1856. He was b Aug 11, 1835. P O 
Blair, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: Benjamin, John, 
David, Henry, Leah, Nancy, Isaiah. 

VII • Benjamin S. Wismer, b June 10, 1857, m 
Catharine Kumpf Feb 10, 1879. P O Blair, Ont. 
Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Nancy Wismer, b Jan 20, 
1880, d May 11, 1880. Sarah Wismer, b Sept 12, 
18S1, d Jan 27, 1891. Leah Wismer, b Aug 10, 
1883, d Jan 21, 1891. Mary Wismer, b Nov 22, 
1885. Catharine Wismer, b Dec 28, 1888. 

VII • John Wismer, b Apr 1859, m Susanna 
Gehman May 12, 1885. 

VII • David Wismer, b June 12, 1861, m Esther, 
Shantz Oct 1, 1889. P O Blair, Ont. Farmer, 
Menn. C: (VIII) David Elton Wismer, b Aug 11, 

VII- Rev. Henry Wismer, b Mar 23, 1863, m 
Lucinda Miller Jan 3, 1888. Farmer until 1892, 
when he entered the ministry of the Mennonite 
Brethren in Christ. C: (VIII) Harold Wismer, b 
May 27, 1 891. Russel Wismer, b Aug 12, 1893. 

VII - Leah Wismer, b Jan 28, 1865, m John R. 
Naissmith Apr 21, 1891. P O Blair, Ont. Far- 
mer. C: (VIII) John Wismer Naissmith, b Feb 3, 

VII • Nancy Wismer, b May 27, 1867, m John A. 
Gehman Oct 25, 1887. P O Freeport, Ont. Farm- 
er, Menn. 

VII. Isaiah Wismer, b Aug 28, 1870. 

VI David D. Snyder, b Aug 30, 1838. S. 
VI- Eliza Snyder, b«Mar 19, 1840. S. 
V. Benjamin Detweiler, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Nov 23, 
1 81 3, m Elizabeth Kennedy Oct 10, 1837. She was 


a native of Inverness, Scotland, where she was horn 
June 7, 1820. Mr. Detweiler when 9 years of age 
came with his parents to Canada. Soon after mar- 
riage they moved on a farm near Roseville, Ont. , 
where they resided 20 years. After farming 
several years near St Jacobs — they later located in 
Berlin, Ont. Mr. D. Menu Mrs. D. Br. in 

Christ. C: Noah, Menno, Isaac, Daniel, John, 
Sarah, Phoebe, Rebecca, Samuel, Benjamin, Mag- 
dalena, Lavina. 

VI. Rev. Noah Detweiler, b Mar 23, 1838, m 
Veronica Bush Sept 4, i860. P O Berlin, Ont. In 
early life farmer. After his conversion, when the 
Mennonite Brethren in Christ church was formed, in 
1874, he became one of its earliest ministers, and 
has done a noble work for the Master wherever he 
has labored. C: Eliza, Levina, Jemima, Sarah, 
Priscilla, Hannah, Josephine. 

VII • Eliza Detweiler, b May 18, 1 86 1 , m Samuel 
Shirk. Carpenter, Menu. Br. in Christ. C: (VIII) 
Edna Shirk. Noah Shirk. Ethel Shirk. Oliver 
Shirk, (d). 

VII Lavina Detweiler, 1) Nov 4, 1865, d Dec 22, 

VII- Jemima Detweiler, b Nov 1, 186S, m Simeon S. 
Hallman. P O Berlin, Ont. Carpenter; Mrs. H. 
Menn. Br. in Christ. 

VII- Sarah Detweiler, b Mar 20, 1871. 

VII- Priscilla Detweder, b Oct 17, 1873, d Jan 17, 

VII- Hannah M. Detweiler, b Apr 21, 1876, d Jan io, 

VII- Josephine Detweiler, b Sept 15, 1879. 

VI. Menno Detweiler, b Sept 6, 1840, in Margaret 
Rupped. He d July 6, 1892. Carriage-builder. C: 
Laura, Margaret, Eliza, John, Henry, George, 

VI- Isaac Detweiler, b Dec n, 1841, m Catharine 
Bush. P O Port Elgin, Ont. Saddler by trade. 
C: Alexander, Albert, Charles, Lillian. 

VI. Daniel K. Detweiler, b Apr 26, 1843, m Cath- 
arine Snyder. P O Wallaceville, Ont. Farmer. 


C: (VII) John, George, Jacob, Eliza. 

VI • John Detweiler, b Feb 15, 1845, m Margaret 
Dodee, (d). Blacksmith. C: (VII) William, 

VI. Sarah Ann Detweiler, b Feb 15, 1847, m Fred- 
erick W. Welz Jan 28, 1873. P O Moorefield, Ont. 
Carriage-builder. Evangelical Church. C: Lydia, 
George, John, William, Luciuda, Edwin, Martha. 

VII - Lydia Ann Welz, b Mar 27, 1875, in Perth Co. 
Ont. Canada, mOrenO. McPheeters Mar 15, 1894. 
P O Ravanna, Neb. Clerk in store, Methodist. 
C: (VIII) Ona May McPheeters, b Mar 14, 1S95. 
Harry Albert McPheeters, b Feb 13, 1897. 

VII- George Benjamin Welz, bin Grey Co. Ont. 
Aug 4, 1876. P O Brantford, Ont. Piano tuner, 
Evangelical Ch. S. 

VII- John Henry Welz, b Sept 4, 1877, d Sept 
18, 1877. 

VII- William Franklin Welz, b Sept z$, 1878. P O 
Moorefield, Ont. Tailor, Evangelical Ch. 

VII- Lucinda Welz, b Apr 19, 1880, d Aug 12, 

VII- Edwin Frederick Welz, b Dec 22, 1881. P O 
Moorefield, Ont. Tailor, Evangelical Ch. 

VII. Martha Welz, b May 4, 1885, Evangelical. 

VI- Phoebe Ann Detweiler, bin Waterloo Co. Ont. 
Jan 23, 1849, m Michael Haug Nov 10, 1867. P O 
Berlin, Ont. Agent, Menn. Br, in Christ. C: 
Benjamin, Solomon, Elizabeth. 

VII- Benjamin Mathias Haug, b May 7, 1870, d 
July 13, 1870. 

Vli- Solomon Leander Huag, b Aug 16, 1877, m 
Emma Mertz Feb 18, 1896. P O Berlin, Ont. 
Clerk in store, Methodist. C: (VIII) Harold Ross 

VII. Elizabeth Lavina Haug, b July 7, 1882, d Oct 
5, 1882. 

VI- Rebecca Detweiler, b June 11, 1852, m Isaac 
Kolb in 1873. P O Berlin, Ont. C: Benjamin, 

VII . Benjamin Leander Kolb, b Apr 21, 1874, m 
Kate VanMallsen May 2, 1896. Res. 137 Fifth St. 


Grand Rapids, Mich. Finisher'in Furniture fac- 
tory. Ref. Ch. C: (VIII) Wilhelraina Kolb, b Dec 

4, 1896. Ralph Benjamin Kolb, b Aug 12, 1898. 
VII- Magdalena E. Kolb, b Sept ir, 1877. Meth. S. 
VI- Samuel Detweiler, b May 25, 1853, m Mary A . 

Williams. P O Brantford, On!. Teamster. " C: 
Pearley, Sylvia, Maggie, Annie, Clayton, (d); 
Lavina, etc. 

V|. Benjamin Detweiler, b Apr 7, 1855, d S. 

VI Magdalena Detweiler, b Jan 23, 1857, m Ben- 
jamin M. Eby. P O Berlin, Ont. 

V|. Davina Detweiler, b Dec, 13, 1859. S. 

V. Anna Detweiler, b Mar 8, 1816, d Feb 17, 1856, 
m John C. Shantz Jan 12, 1833. He was' h Oct 23, 
1807, d.'Apr 17, 1875. C: Benjamin, Mary, Abra- 
ham, Aaron, John, Enoch, Magdalena, Menno, 
Susanna, Lydia, Nancy, Sarah. 

V|. Benjamin D. Shantz, b Aug 20, 1833, d Jan 15, 
1889, m Elizabeth Nahrgang. She was b Dec 12, 
1836, d June 4, 1894. They resided in Wadsworth, 
Mich. C: Nancy, Christopher, Mary, John, (d); 
Lydia, (d); Allen, Isaac, Isabella, Salome, Caroline, 
Minerva, Alice. 

VI- Mary Ann Shantz, b] Aug 24, 1834, m Joseph 
Nahrgang Dec 22, 1857. He was b July 26, 1834. 
P O New Hamburg, Ont. Farmer. C: Josiah, 
Barbara, (d); Ephraim, Mary, Menno, John, Nancy, 
Henry, Matilda, (d). 

VI- Abraham D. Shantz, b Mar 6, 1836, m Mary 
Treffy Oct 4, 1856. She was b Oct 4, 1836, d June 

5, 1S64. C: Nancy, Eliza, Emma, Enoch. 
Abraham m second wife, Rosina Bachert, Sept 18, 
1866. She was b Dec 9, 1838. P O Walkerton, 
Ont. Methodist, Wood-turner. C: David, Allen, 
Charles, Mary, Edythe, William, Albert, Clara. 

VII. Nancy Shantz, b Aug 18, 1857, d Oct 31, 


Vlj. Eliza Shantz, b Sept 18, 1858, d Nov 27, 1873. 

VII • Emma Anna Shantz, b Nov 24, i860, m David 
Glebe May 27, 1884. Farmer, Methodist. C: (VIII) 
Emma Nora Glebe, b June 14, 1886. Windom Glebe, 
b Aug 17, 1889. 


VII. Enoch Shantz, b Oct i8, 1862, d Jan 27, 1881. 
r VII- David Shantz, b July 21, 1867, m Annie M. 
Brigden Mar 18, 1890. Res. 715 43rd St. West 
Chicago, 111. Wholesale and Retail Meat Market, 
Methodist. C: (VIII) Charles Frederick Shantz, b 
June 10, 1891. William Shantz, still-born. Gladys 
Lilllian Shantz, b Dec 2, 1895. 

VII - Allen B. Shantz, b Jan 21, 1869, m Margaret 
E. Brierley July 6, 1898. P O Caledonia, Ont. 
Teacher, Meth. 

VII. Charles B. Shantz, b July 27, 1870. Meth. S. 

V||. MaryR. Shantz, _b Sept 30, 1872. P O Walk- 
erton, Ont. Meth. S.~ 

VII. Edythe B. Shantz. b Sept 18, 1874. P O W'Ak- 
erton, Out. Teacher, Meth. S. 

VII- William H. Shantz, b Nov 13, 1876, d Dec 14, 

Albert Shantz, b June 1878, d June 1878. 
Clara Shantz, b Aug 15, 1880, d Oct 1880. 

VI- Aaron D. Shantz, b Sept 17, 1837, d June 21, 

VI- John D. Shantz, b in Wilmot twp. Ont. Canada, 
Oct 4, 1839, m Elizabeth Steiner Feb 13, 1866. She 
wasbDec 12, 1840, djune24, 1901. P O Baden, Ont. 
Farmer, Menn. He was ordained deacon June 8, 
1879. C: Steiner, Lydia, Ezra, Annie, Sarah, 
Tobias, Elizabeth, John, Mary, Barbara. 

VII- Steiner Shantz, b Oct 20, 1866. Resides in 

VII- Lydia Shantz, b Jan 24, 1S68, djan 28, 1872. 

V||. Ezra S. Shantz, b Sept 12, 1869, m Anna 
Loucks Feb 19, 1892. P O Wakarusa, Ind. Farm- 
er. Menn. C: (VIII) John Henry Shantz, bOct 18, 
1894. Catharine Elizabeth Shantz, b Mar 7, 1897. 
Elmer Oszer Shantz, b Oct 14, 1898. 

VIE- Annie S. Shantz, b July 25, 1S71. Menn. S. 

VII. Sarah Shantz, b ]an 18. 1873. Menu. S. 

V||. Tobias Shantz, b Oct 18, 187+. Menn. S. 

VII. Elizabeth Shantz, b Aug 3, 1876. Menn. S. 

VII. John Shantz, b Dec 18, 1879. Menn. 

VII - Maryan Shantz, b Oct 7, 1881. Menn. 

VII - Barbara S. Shantz, still-born, Nov 23, 18S5. 


V|. Enoch D. Shantz, b Aug 6, 1848, m Catharine 
Ruedich. Shed—. C: John, William, Abraham, 
josiah, Philip. Enoch m second wife, Angeline 
Shoemaker. P O Walkerton, Ont. C: Maude, 
Selina, Goodwin. 

VI. Magdalena Shantz, b Mar 26, 1843. P O Bres- 
lau, Ont. S. 

V|. Menno D. Shantz, b Nov 3, 1844, m Elizabeth 
Histand Dec 30, 1873. She was b Oct 6, 1846. P 
O Baden, Ont. Engineer in Grist mill. C: (VII) 
Harvey D. Shantz, b Nov 10, 1877, d June 22, 1878. 
Amanda May Shantz, b Apr 12, 1879. Catharine 
Elizabeth Shantz, b Mar 22, 1881, d Mar 19, 1895. 
Mary Ellen Shantz, b Oct 13, 1891. 

VI. Susanna Shantz, b Mar 8, 1847, d Oct 27, 1886, 
m David Devitt Dec 15, 1879. P O Breslau, Ont. 
Farmer, Menn. C: Isaiah, Jeremiah. 

VII. Isaiah Devitt, b Dec 26, 1881. 

VII Jeremiah Devitt, b Feb 24, 1886, d Sept 1, 

V|. Lydia Shantz, b April, 1849, m Daniel Hos- 
tetler. P O Wyandotte, Ont. Farmer. C: Mary, 
Emma, Minerva, Maranda, Hannah, Rebecca, 

VI. Nancy D. Shantz, b Mar 15, 1851, m John S. 
Shantz Jan 29, 1873. He was b Dec 4, 1846. P O 
Berlin, Ont. Farmer. C: Alvin, Susanna, Linnie, 
Anson, Annetta, Laurena. 

V|. Sarah D. Shantz, b in Wilmot twp. Ont. June 
3, 1853, m Isaac C. Shantz Feb 28, 1874. P O 
Breslau, Ont. Farmer, Menn. C: Norman, Ed- 
win, Iyuanna, Mary, Edith, Sylvina, Sarah, Laura. 

VII. Norman Shantz, b Jan 23, 1875, d Apr 28, 

VII. Edwin Shantz, b Mar 28, 1876, m June 4, 1902. 
P O Breslau, Ont. Miller. 

Vl|. Luanna Shantz, b Oct 15, 1878, m Simon Baer 
Sept 17, 1902. P O Manheim, Ont. Farmer. 

VII. Mary A. Shantz, b Feb 9, 1882. S. 

VII. Edith Shantz, b Feb 10, 1884. S. 

VII. Sylvina Shantz, b July 7, 1887, djuly 17, 1901. 

VII. Sarah Shantz, b Aug 10, 1890, d Aug 13, 1890. 


VII - Laura May Shantz, b Sept 12, 1892. 

V- Rev. Enoch Detweiler, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Mar 
7, 1818, d Sept 18, 1874, m Abigail Bechtel Jan 1 8, 
1842. She was b in Montg. Co. Pa. Oct 8, 1821. 
In 1822 he came with his parents to Canada. When 
a young man he joined the Menn> mite church, and 
June 5, 1859, he was ordained to the ministry. In 
all his sermons he urged holiness of life. C: Mary, 
Jacob, George, Susanna, Leah, Aaron, Hannah, 
Noah, Daniel, Sarah. 

VI • Mary Detweiler, b June 29, 1843, m Samuel 
Hoch. P O Blair, Ont., Farmer. C: (VII) Ezra, 
(d); Ephraim, Maggie, Maria, Almeda, (d); Eliza, 

VI . Rev. Jacob B. Detweiler, b Oct 6 V 1844, m 
Harriet Shantz Mar 18, 1866. P O Didsbury, 
Alberta, N. W. T. Canada. Farmer, later employed 
in Button works, Berlin, Ont. In 1880 entered the 
ministry of Mennonite Brethren in Christ, served 
as pastor of Nottawasaga Mission until Mar 1883, 
then Berlin circuit two years, after which he was 
appointed Editor of Gospel Banner and Evangelium 
Banier by the General Conference for three years. 
After serving various other charges, in May, 1894, 
he moved to Didsbury, Alberta, N. W. T. Canada, 
where he is engaged in Mission work. His labors 
in the ministry have been eminently successful in 
bringing many souls to Christ. No issue. 

VI- Rev. • George B. Detweiler, b Jan 6, 1847, m 
Harriet Lyson of Royers Ford, Pa. Nov 27, 1870. 
P O Sherkton, Ont. When 18 he taught school, 
afterwards engaged in farming. Some years ago he 
was ordained to the ministry of the River Brethren 
church, in which calling he has proved to be very 
successful. C: Emma, Lyson, Henrietta, Irene, 
Abigail, George. 

VII - Emma Detweiler, b Oct 12, 1870, m Frank 
Cushman Dec 25, 1893. P O Sherkton, Ont. Clerk. 

VII- Lyson Detweiler, b June 6, 1872. 

VII. Henrietta Detweiler, b May 14, 1874, m B. 
O. Saylor Dec 25, 1900. P O Sherkton, Ont. 
Farmer, Presby. 


VII- Irene Detweiler, bAugi2, 1878, d Oct 18, 

VII - Anna Abigail Detweiler, b Mar 17, 1882. 

VII George Leslie Detweiler, b Apr 28, 1885. 

VI Susanna Detweiler, b Mar 22, 1849, m Abra- 
ham Kinzie Mar 8, 1868. P O Roseville, Ont. 
Farmer, Menu. C: Oliver, Henry, Ellen, Clara, 
Ira, Eden. 

VII . Oliver Kinzie, b Mar 16, 1869, m Selena C. 
Bowman Mar 8, 1898. P O Blenheim, Ont. Com- 
mercial traveler, Meth. C: (VIII) Belle Beatrice 
Kinzie, b Sept 20, 1899. 

VII- Henry Kinzie, b Mar 2, 1871. P O Rose- 
ville, Ont. Farmer. 

VII- Ellen Kinzie, b Aug 14, 1874. 

VIS - Clara Kinzie, b June r^, 1876, m Norman B. 
Snyder Dec 25, 1895. P O Didsbury, Alberta, 
Canada. Farmer. C: (VIII) Olive Pearl Snyder. 
1) May 28, 1897. Yerdella Snyder, b Sept 10, 1901, 

VII- Ira Kinzie, b June 24, 1879. Farmer. 

VII- Enden Kinzie, b Mar 15, 1886. Traveler. 

VI . Leah Detweiler, b Apr 28, 1851, d Oct 29, 1854. 

V|. Aaron B. Detweiler, b May 24, 1853, m Eliza- 
beth, daughter of John Z. and Magdalena(Schlich- 
ter) Detweiler. She was b May 26, 1853. P O 
Roseville, Ont. Farmer. C: (VII) Ida, John, 
Naomi, Norman, Orpha, Elma, Bessie. 

VI- Hannah Detweiler, b Dec 17, 1855, m David 
Huber. P O Berlin, Ont. Photographer. C: Julian, 
Herbert, Idessa, Alberta. 

VI. Noah B. Detweiler, b at Roseville, Ont. June 
3, 1858, m Mary, daughter of Jacob Y. and Nancy 
(Brubaker) Shantz, Dec 14, 1SS0. She was b May 
q, 1859. Res. Buffalo, N. Y. Engaged in the 
Button business. Christian Alliance. C: (VII) Eldon 
Detweiler, b May 10, 1885. Lenora Detweiler, b 
May 7, 1887. Lizzie Detweiler, b May 22, 1889. 
Ethel Detweiler, b Sept 3, 1890. 

VI- Daniel B. Detweiler, b Apr 10, 1850, m Aman- 
da Albright. She was b May 19, 1864, d Sept n, 
1893. P O Berlin, Ont. Agent for J. Y. Shantz & 
Son Button Co. C: (VII) Bertha May Detweiler. 


Milton Detweiler. George Franklin Detweiler. 

VI- Sarah Detweiler, b Jan 17, 1866. P O Berlin, 
Ont. Resides with her brother, Daniel, and is sin- 

V- Abraham Detweiler, b July 25, 1820, d infant. 

V- Lydia Detweiler, b Aug 22, 1824, m Philip Doerr 
Mar 2, 1856. P O Marion, Kan. Retired farmer. 
C: Jonathan, Mary, Catharine, Lydia. 

VI. Jonathan Doerr, b July 13, 1857. 

VI. Mary Doerr, b Aug 5, 1859. 

VI- Catharine Doerr, b Apr 13, 1861. 
VS. Lydia Doerr, b Aug 16, 1863. 




|||. Gertrude Rosenberger, in *Jacob Landis, Jr. of 
Franconia. Farmer and Miller, Menn. C: Magda- 
lena, etc. 

IV- Magdalena Landis, b about 1757, m Abrabam 
Nice. He was b Jan 8, 1756, d Apr 28, 181 8. 
Farmer and Miller, Menn. C: John, Abraham, 
Jacob, George, William, Philip, Joseph, Catharine, 
Tobias, Henry. 
Y. John Nice, b 1777, m Catharine R. Price. C: 

Elizabeth Nice, L 1804, m John Hagey. 

Catharine Nice, b 1806, m Henry Shugard. 

Leana Nice, b 1808, m Wm. Jacobs. 

Abraham Nice, b 1810, m Mary Price. 

Ann Nice, b 1814, ro Wm. Haney. 

John Nice, b 1816, m Salome Cressman. 

Rev. Wm. Nice, b 1822, m Sarah Hagey. 

Deborah Nice, b — , m John Jamison. 


*Son of Jacob Landis, pioneer who settled in Franconia twp. 
where he purchased a tract of land on the Indian Creek containing 
187 acres, Dec 26, 1727, from Derick Johnson. In 1734 Jacob Landis 
received a patent from the proprietary government for a tract of 150 
acres northwest of Morwood. Here he built a mill, long known as 
Nice's, later Koffel's mill. The land containing 113 acres belonging 
to the farm with messuage, gristmill, dam, race, water right, ponds, 
and all belonging thereto were granted by Jacob Landis, Sr. and 
wife Mary to their son Jacob Landis Dec 28, 1772. On Mafch 30, 
1784, Jacob Landis, Jr. and wife, Gertrude, conveyed the farm of 101 
acres and mill to Abraham Nice, who was married to Magdalena 




|||. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Feb 7, 1748, d Aug 

7, 1823, aged 75, 5, 28; m *John Alderfer, of 
Lower Salford. He was b Feb 8, 1745, d Dec 19, 
1820, aged 75, 10, 11. C: Ann, Benjamin, Fred- 
erick, Mary, Joseph, Abraham, Elizabeth, John. 

IV- Ann Aldeifer, b Mar 13, 1769, d May 17, 1861, 
aged 92, 2, \., m fHenry Lederach. He was b Jan 

8, 1766, d Sept 4, 1841. They lived on the Skip- 
pack road in Worcester township about a half mile 
above Wentz's church, where they owned a large 
farm. C: Elizabeth, Mary, Catharine, Ann, Su- 
sanna, Henry. 

V. Elizabeth Lederach, b Jan 11, 1790, d Mar 26, 
1876, m John C. Moyer. He was b Jan 11, 1790, 
d Feb 7, 1851. Farmer, Menn. C: Benjamin, 
Henry, Jacob, Joseph, Mary, Elizabeth, Katie, 
Sarah, Susanna. 

V|. Benjamin Moyer, b Nov 16, 1815, m Hannah 
Appenzeller Mar 3, 1839. She was b Feb 6, 1812, 
d Oct 14, 1889. P O Souderton, Farmer and laborer, 
Mr. M. Menn., Mrs. M. Ref. Ch. C: Annie, Cath- 
arine, William. 

VII - Annie Moyer, b Aug 4, 1840. S. 

VII • Catharine Moyer, b Sept 29, 1843, m Levi 
Nace. P O Souderton, Pa. Cigar-maker; Mr. Nace, 
Luth; Mrs. Nace, Ref. Ch. C: Emma, Jacob, 
William, Hannah, Maria, Nora, Milton, Alfred, 
Infant, Alice. 

*;Son of Frederick Alderfer, who was b in the Palatinate, Ger- 
many, May is, 1715: emigrated to America, arriving in the ship 
Samuel, Aug 11, 1732; was a redemptioner to Hans Klemmer who 
paid bis passage over. Hans Klemmer died; Alderfer had set ved his 
full time, and in 1738, Frederick Alderfer married the widow Klem- 
mer i Nee Anna Uetweiler). 

+Grandson of Pioneer Andrew Lederach. 


VIII Emma M. Nace, b Nov 10, 1S65. Ref. Ch. 

VIII. Jacob M. Nace, bjune 22, 1867. Baker, Luth. 

VU|. William M. Nace, b Oct 15, 1S69, ra SallieK. 
Allebach. She d Dec 31, 1892. Teamster, Luth. 
C: (IX) Melvin Nace, bjuly 12, 1890. 

VIII- Hannah M. Nace, b July 24, i8;i, m Samuel 
H. Freed. Luth. C: (IX) Estella Freed b July 

12, 189I. 

VIII- Maria M. Nace, b Dec 24, 1873, d June 9, 

VIII- Elnora Nace, b Aug 14, 1875. Luth. 

VI 1 1 - Milton Nace, b Feb 11, 1878. 

VIII. Alfred Nace, b Jan 28, 1880. 

VII! Alice Nace, b Dec 4, i88r. 

VII - William H. Mover, b— , m Amanda Leidy, (d). 
C: Nelson, Harvey. William m second wife, 
Maria Heaney, (NeeScholl). C: Ida, Miriam, La- 
vina, etc. 

VI- Henry Mover, d infant. 

VI- Jacob Moyer, m Anna Benner. C: Hannah. 
Mary, Gideon, (d). 

VI- Joseph Mover, d 1871, m Barbara Barns. C: 
Milton, William. 

VI- Mary Moyer, m Moses Kulp, (d). C: John, 
Elizabeth, Veronica, Anna, Mary, Amanda, Isaac. 

VII- John M. Kulp, m Sarah Rosenberger. P O 
Dublin, Pa. C: Leidy, etc. 

VII- Elizabeth Kulp, d Single. 

VI I - Veronica Kulp, m Henry Kulp. No issue. 

VII- Anna Kulp, d Mar 11, 1875, m Rudolph H. 
Mover. C: Emma, Allen, (d); Elizabeth, Ellen, 
•Leidy, (d). 

VII- Mary Ann Kulp, m Rudolph H. Moyer. 
No issue. 

VII- Amanda Kulp, m Christian M. Hockman. 

VII- I^aac Kulp, d infant. 

VI. Elizabeth Moyer, (d); mjohn Clemens. C: 
Amos, (d), Susanna. 

VI- Sarah Moyer, b— , d — , m Henry F. Myers. 

VI- Susanna Moyer, d infant. 

V- Mary Lederach, m John Bergey. C: Henry, 
Anna, Mary. 


VI. Henry L. Bergey, d Aug 7, 1900, m Hannah 

VI- Anna L. Bergey, m Abraham Kriebel. 

VI. Mary L. Bergey, d young. 

V. Catharine Lederach, m Christian Dettera. 

V. Ann Lederach, b— , d 1868, m David Kratz. 
Farmer, Menn. C: Henry, William. 

V- Susanna Lederach, m Joseph Heebner. C: 
Henry, Enoch. 

V- Henry Lederach, m Lydia Hendricks. No issue. 

IV. Benjamin Alderfer, b Oct 3, 1771, d June 18, 
1840, Elizabeth Shoemaker. She was b Oct 1, 1772, 
d Nov 17, 1840. C: Michael, John, Anna, Eliza- 

V. Michael Alderfer, m Kate Ziegler. Farmer, 
Menn. C: Michael, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Anna. 

VS. Michael Alderfer, d young. 

V|. Benjamin Z. Alderfer, b Junes, l $3 l , djuly 31, 
1899, m Sarah Harley. He was one of the most 
prominent citizens of his township. He died from 
effects of injury received in the railroad wreck at Ex- 
eter, Pa. May 12, 1899. C: Clayton, Mrs. J. Horace 
Ziegler, Mrs. M. B. Rosenberger, Milton, Ella, (d). 

Vf. Elizabeth Alderfer, (d), m Christian Alleback. 

VI. Anna Alderfer. 

V. John S. Alderfer, m Hannah Grater. C: Ab~a- 

VS. Abraham Alderfer, m Freyer. P OLeder- 

achville, Pa. 

V. Anna Alderfer, b Sept 21, 1795, d Sept 12, 
1884, m Isaac Kratz May 9, 1816. He was b Nov 
19, 1791, d Jan 23, 1873. Farmer in Lower 
Salford. Menn. C: Benjamin, John, Mary, Mich- 
ael, Isaac, Elizabeth, Annie. 

VI. Benjamin A. Kratz, b Jan 12, 1817, d Sept 
16, i860. S. 

VI. John Kratz, b Nov 9, 1819, m Margaret Ober- 
holtzer Dec 3, 1848. P 6 Elroy, Pa: Farmer. C: 
Levi, Isaac, Lizzie, Mary. 

VI. Mary K. Kratz, b Dec 14, 1821, m Dr. Henry 
Kratz Feb 11, 1844. He was b Mar 9, 1817, d 
Oct 13, 1889. Teacher, later farmer, Menn. C: 


Michael, Isaac, William, Henry. 

VI • Michael A. Kratz, b Dec 23, 1824, m Julian 
Klein Dec 9, 1847. P O Gjeen Lane, Pa. Farmer 
and Miller. C: Annie, Lizzie, Morris, Katie. 

VI. Isaac Kratz, b Sept 9, 1829, d Nov 28, 1871, 
m Catharine Klein Jan 12, 1851. Menn. C: Sen- 
orah, Sallie. 

VI- Elizabeth Kratz, b June 27, 1835, m John K. 
Shutt Jan 1, 1859. P O Harleysville, Pa. Miller, 
Menn. C: Andora, Alonzo, Jacob. 

VI- Annie Kratz, b Dec 21, 1830, m Henry Quill- 
man Dec 14, 1859. He was b Dec 14, 1836, d Sept 
30, 1875. C: Amelia, Warren, Anna. Annie m 
second husband, Jacob Kenton, (d). No issue. 

V- Elizabeth Alderfer, b in Lower Salford, Mentg. 
Co. Pa. Nov [6, 1798, m Rev. Abraham Hun- 
sicker May 30, 1816. He was b in Skippack twp. 
Montg. Co. July 31, 1793, d at Collegeville, Pa. 
Jan 12, 1872. He was a grandson of Valentine 
Hunsicker, probably the progenitor of all of the 
name in Montg. Co., who came to American in 1717. 
and about 1720 settled in what was then called Van 
Bebber, since Skippack, and now East Perkiomen 
Township. The next generation in the direct line 
was Henry Hunsicker, who was .a noted Menn - 
onite Bishop, and preached 54 years. He was the 
parent of Rev. Abraham Hunsicker, the subject 
of this sketch. His ancestors being followers of 
Menno Simon, a plain unworldly sect, most of whom 
grew up to look upon a liberal education "as of the 
world." Abraham Hunsicker enjoyed but the most 
limited educational advantages. When grownup he 
feltthe disadvantages of the want of Scholastic train- 
ing, and being of a strong natural endowment, early 
conceived the idea of reforming his religious brethren 
in reference to that subject. He was ordained a 
minister of the Mennonite church Jan 1, 1847, and 
soon after was elected a Bishop. About that time a 
Schism occurred in the Mennonite body, and Rev. 
Mr. Hunsicker was seperated from "the old school." 
In 1 85 1 a second divission took place, when he 
set about organizing a .society. He issued a pamphlet 










Aster, : p 


entitled a "Statement of Facts and Summary 
of views on Morals and Religion as related with 
Suspension from the Mennonite meeting." A copy 
of said Pamphlet may be seen in the rooms of the 
Historical Society of Penna. 

About the tiDie of his ordination, (1847), as 
Bishop of the Mennonites in the district of Skippack 
Providence, and Methatchen, he conceived the idea 
in connection with his son Henry A. Hunsicker of 
founding a Boarding School to furnish his people 
better means of education. This was accomplished 
in 1S48 by the erection of the extensive building now 
occupied by Ursinus College. In 1851, in conjunction 
with Prof. J. W. Sunderland he founded Montgomery 
Female Institute, afterward Pennsylvania Female 
College. These proceeding in the cause of education 
and other liberal views held by Mr. Hunsicker, led 
to division in the Mennonite body in the locality, 
and he proceeded at once to organize Trinity Christ- 
ian Church. The church was built in 1853. Several 
years later another church was built at Skippack- 
ville. He was of a humane and practically benevo- 
lent nature and dispensed freely what he had to 
help the poor and labored long and hard to establish 
through the church a fund for the poor. Practical 
religion born of love and good will to all was pre- 
eminently his, and that which he labored to establish. 
He was an advocate of free Communion among Evan- 
gelical Sects, and set the example in the church to 
which he ministered. He wore the plain Menn- 
onite garb while he lived, but was not prepossessed 
in its favor, holding the view that attire is a thing 
of religious liberty. He followed the teachings of 
the Divine Word as he understood them. He was 
of a mild and generous nature, and yet firm and 
uncompromising in what he -egarded as vital; so he 
may be set down as one of the genuine reformers of 
our day. In person he was tall and stoutly built, 
weighing over two hundred pounds, with a face ex- 
pressive of honesty, force and resolution; his forehead 
was massive and his temperament bilious — sanguine, 
indicating power and endurance, his complexion was 


dark but ruddy: he enjoyed good health as a con- 
sequence of a strong constitution, vivacious spirits 
and temperate living; he was eminently social, finding 
enjoyment in the company of young and old alike 
and ever giving good advice and counsel to all. Mrs. 
Kunsicker was a great granddaughter of pioneer 
Frederick Alderfer, who was born in the Palatinate, 
Germany, May 18, 1715, and emigrated to America, 
arriving Aug 11, 1832. Mrs. Hunsicker's 99th.. birth- 
day anniversary was celebrated at her home in Col- 
legeville, Pa. on the 16th. of November 1897, by a 
large gathering of her descendants. She died in 
1897, in her tooth, year. C: Ann, Benjamin, Es- 
ther, Henry, Abraham, Elizabeth, Elias, Mary, 
Kate, Horace. 

Y|. Ann Hunsicker, b July 5, i8i7,dDeci3, 1897, 
m John B. Landis. C: Elizabeth, Mary. Esther, 
Hannah, Abraham, Horace, Annie, Elias, Kate. 
Benjamin, Henry, Josephine, Lincoln. 

VII Elizabeth Landis, b 1838, m Daniel D. Bechtel. 
C: Henry, John. 

VII- Mary H. Landis, b 1840, m Samuel M. Mark- 
ley Dec 1, 1859. P O Trappe, Pa. Farmer, Ger. 
Bap. C: Elias, John, Catharine, Jacob. 

VII. Esther Landis. S. 

VII- Hannah Landis, m Charles M. Hunsicker. C: 
Sheridan, Henry, , Annie, Clayton. 

VII Abraham H. Landis, m Hallman. 

VI I - J- Horace Landis, m Lizzie Kratz. 

VII- Annie Landis, d young. 

VII- Elias Landis, d young. 

VII . Kate Landis, b at Graters For d, Pa. Sept 15, 
1850, m James A. Harley Jan 1, 1876. Res. 1848, 
N. 23rd St. Philadelphia, Pa. Ger. Bap. C: (VIII) 
Elmer Lemuel Harley, b Apr 9, 1877, dFeb2|, 1880. 
John Warren Harley, b May 26, 1879, d July to, 
1883. Jacob Linwood Harley, b Dec 1, 1881. Sales- 
man, Ger. Bap. Clarence Wilbur Harley, b Mav r, 

VII - Bejamin Franklin Landis, b May 3, 1852, m 
Lillie R. daughter of Charles Y. Heckler, Mar 20, 
1877. She d Mar 17, 1893, aged about 34 years. 


Res. 261 1. Neff St. Philadelphia, Pa. Foreman with 
M. L. Shoemaker &Co., Fertilizers Oil, Meth. Ep. 
C: (VIII) Benjamin Franklin Landis, b Feb 20, 1878. 
Lillie Mabel Landis, b July 8, 1883. Sarah Eva 
Landis, b Apr 8, 1887, d Oct 21, 1887. 

VII Henry H. Landis, m Longacre. P O 

Graters Ford, Pa. 

VII- Josephine Landis, b June 9, i860, m Peter C. 
Fritz May 9, 188). P O Royersford, Pa. Hosiery 
Mfg. Meth. Ep. No issue. 

VII > A Lincoln Landis, b — . S. 

VI- Benjamin A. Hunsicker. b Nov 13, 1819, d 
Mar 25, 1855, m Hannah Detweiler in 1841. C: 

VII. Elizabeth B. Hunsicker, b Apr 23, 1843, d in 
California, m Henry H. Grobb, (d). C: William. 
Elizabeth m second husband, Mark D. Bechtel. 

VIII. William Henry Grobb. Res. San Francisco, 

VI. Esther Hunsicker, b Jan 3, [822, m Abraham 
Detweiler, (d). C: Christian, Elizabeth. Esther 
m second husband, Gideon Fetterolf. He d 1894. 
C: Abraham, Gideon, Curtin, Horace. 

VII - Christian H. Detweiler, d aged 12 yrs. 
VII  Elizabeth Detweiler, d young. 

VII- Abraham D. Fetterolf, b June 4, 1850, m 
Sallie E. Graybill May 23, 1872. She d in 1889. 
C: Harry, Ada, Clement, Horace. Abraham m 
second wife, Bertha, daughter of Rev. John R. 
Kooken, 1901. P O Collegeville, Pa. In Coal & 
Ice business in Phila. Ref. Ch. Mr. Fetterolf 
completed his education at Freeland Seminary (now 
Ursinus College) then under the principalship of his 
brother, Dr. A. H. Fetterolf. At 16 years of age 
he taught in the public schools of Berks and Montg. 
counties for five years. In 1871 he engaged in 
mercantile pursuits in Philadelphia, being first em- 
ployed as a lumber inspector, and subsequently, under 
the firm of Fetterolf & Rosenberger, was engaged in 
the flour and feed business on Market St. He re- 
mained here in business until 1884. From 1888 to 
1890 he was a member of the firm of the Roberts 


Machine Company, of Ccllegeville, Pa., taking 
charge of its finances and general business. Mr. 
Fetterolf has held a number of public positions. He 
has always been a staunch Republican, and has taken 
great interest in local and state elections. In 1882 
he was elected justice of the Peace for the township 
of Upper Providence, and re-elected in 1887, but later 
resigned to accept a County office. As Justice of 
the Peace, he enjoyed the confidence of the people, 
and did quite an extensive business. During the time 
he acted in many trust capacities, settling a large 
number of estates of decedents and assigned estates, 
in all which he displayed signal ability. He was 
Deputy Clerk of the Courts of Montgomery County 
from 1 89 1 until he resigned to accept a more res- 
ponsible position in the House of Representatives, 
at Harrisburg. In 1885 he made his first ap- 
pearance in the House of Representatives 
in the position of Transcribing Clerk. His ability 
and faithfulness in this position was such that at the 
following session he was promoted to the position of 
Speaker's Clerk, and so served during the session of 
1887. During the session of 1889 he was again pro- 
moted, this time to the position of Journal Clerk. 
During the session of 1891 he was filling his position 
as Clerk of the Courts, and therefore was not in 
Harrisburg. In 1893 Mr. Fettetolf again received 
an appointment in the House of Representatives for 
a still more responsible position, that of Resident 
Clerk, and later was elected Chief Clerk. 

In 1892 Mr. Fetterolf was unanimously elected 
Chairman of the Republican County Committee of 
Montgomery Co. and conducted the campaign of that 
ye^r and the follow'ng year so successfully as to elect 
the entire ticket with a single exception. In this po- 
sition he developed great executive ability, and de- 
monstrated his shrewdness as a political organizer. 
In 1893 he was appointed Secretary of the State Re- 
publican Committee, in which position he served two 
years and was elected for a third term. In this posi- 
tion he has performed valuable services for his party. 

Mr. Fetterolf has been Secretary for the Perkio- 


men Valley Mutual Fire Insurance Company since 
July 1889. Ref. Ch. C: 

VIII. Harry Fetterolf, d infant. 

VJII- Ada Gertrude Fetterolf, d 1877, aged 4 yrs. 

VIII Clement G. Fetterolf, d Feb 20, 1899, aged 
20 years. 

VIII. Horace M. Fetterolf, b 1885. Student at Uni- 
versity of Penna . , (1905). 

VII Gideon Fetterolf, b ^nd d i860. 

VII. Curtin Fetterolf, b Oct 16, i860, m Maude 
Kellum Nov 7, 1888. She d Feb 21, 1891. C: 
Dorothy. Curtin m second wife, Leila A. de la 
Mesa Nov 19, 1S95. Res. New York City. Freight 
Agent of White Star Line and Red Star Line Steam- 
ers. Ger. Ref. C: (VIII) Dorothy Fetterolf, b Feb 
7, 1S91. Carlos Fetterolf, b Oct 17, 1896. 

VII - Horace G. Fetterolf, b Feb 20, 1863, m Anna 
S. Koldzkom Apr 10, 1888. P O Ambler, Pa. 
Cashier, Presby. C: (VIII) Morton H. Fetterolf, b 
June 9, 1889. Mildred E. Fetterolf, b Sept 11, 1893. 
Allen C. Fetterolf, b July 2, 1895. 

VI. Rev. Henry A. Hunsicker, b in Montg. Co. 
Pa. Nov 10, 1825, m Mary S. Weinberger Aug 23, 
1849. She was b Jan 31, 1830, d May 7, 1874. 
C: Clement, Joseph, Abraham, Flora, Alvin. 
Henry m second w'fe, Annie C. Gotwals, May 11, 
1876. Res. Q02 Chelten Ave. Philadelphia, Penn. 
C: Mary, Edna. 

Mr. Hunsicker spent his boyhood days oa his 
father's farm, and had only the limited advantages 
of the country schools of that time. In 1835 Henry 
Prizer opened a boarding school in the village of 
Trappe. He died in 1838 and was succeeded in the 
school by Rev. Henry S. Rodenbough. This was 
Mr. Hunsicker's Alma Mater. In 1848 he and his 
father founded "Freeland Seminary," an educational 
institution designed for young men and boys. He at 
once became the principal of the school, and three 
years later the proprietor. He continued as Princi- 
pal of this school until 1865, when he leased the 
school and property to A. H. Fetterolf, one of his 
assistants, for five years. During the time of his 


lease to Prof. F. he sold the school property to Rev. 
J. H. A. Bombroger, D. D., of Philadelphia, who, 
in connection with other enterprising persons, ob- 
tained a charter and founded tjrsinus College. In 
1850 Mr. Hunsicker was ordained to the ministry of 
the New(Oberholtzer) Mennonite Church. On ac- 
count of the liberal and progressive ideas in church 
work, a chism took place in 1851, which resulted in 
establishing an independent church known as Trinity 
Christians, of which Mr. Hunsicker was one of the 
founders, and for which he continued to preach until 
1875. He later connected himself with Presbyterian 
church, and is now a member of the Moravian 
church; the changes in his church relations were 
made on account of change of location. 

V!|. Clement W. Hunsicker, b May 29, 1851, m 
Lydia Miller Mar 1873. She d Apr 1891. C: 
Mamie, Alice, Irma. Clement m second wife, Flora 
Smith May 23, 1895. No issue. Res. Denver, Colo. 
Real Estate Broker. 

VIII- Mamie E. Hunsicker, b Dec 18, 1874, m 
George Fischer Oct 1892. P O Great Falls, Mon. 
C: (IX) Dorothy Fischer, b 1894. 

VIII. Alice Hunsicker, d young. 

V|||. Irma Rosalind, b Nov 1881. P O North 
Wales, Pa. 

VII - Joseph Henry Hunsicker, b Aug 16, 1853, d 
Oct 16, 1880, m Fannie Rutherford in 1875. She d 
Mar 1881. C: (VIII) Alfred R. Hunsicker, b Apr 
22, 1877. Aida Hunsicker, b Dec 20, 1879. 

VII - Abraham Lincoln Hunsicker, b Apr 8, 1856, 
d Feb 23, 1874, from accidental shooting. 

VII- Flora G. Hunsicker, b in Collegeville, Pa. Dec 
20, 1858, m Dr. James H. Hamer May 15, 1879. P 
O Collegeville, Pa. Physician, Ger. Ref. C: (VIII) 
Bertha Hamer, b May 29, 1880. Fannie Hamer. b 
Nov 10, 1881. Carrie Hamer, b Aug 18, 1885, d May 
13, 1892. James H. S. Hamer, b Nov 28, 1890. 
Caroline Cecelia Hamer, b Jan 16, 1893. Harold 
Hamer, b Sept 12, 1900. Ethel Hamer, b Aug 11, 

VII- Alvin Hunsicker, b Sept 20, 1864, m Helen T. 


Boice June 19, 1889. Res. New York. Secretary 
of Standard Oil Cloth Co. 320 Broadway, New York 
City. Presby. No issue. 

VII- Mary Anna Hunsicker, b Sept 25, 1879. Res 
902 Chelten Ave. Phila. Pa. S. 

VII EduaE- Hunsicker, L July 6, 1882. Res. 902 
Chelten Ave. Phila. Pa. S. 

VI . Abraham Hunsicker, b Jan 8, 1829, d 1890, m 
Rachel Rittenhouse. C: Annie, Mary, Newton, 
Abraham, Alice, Susan. 

VII. Annie Hunsicker, (d); m Newton Wanner. 
C: Grace, Ljllie, Abraham, Herbert. 

VII- Mary L. Hunsicker, (d); m Rev. Abraham B. 
Markley. C: Mary, Alice, Florence, and three d 

VII. Newton R. Hunsicker, (d); m Bessie D. Jones. 
C: Davis, Bertina, Garfield, (d); Rachel. 

VII . Abraham R. Hunsicker, m — . C: Abraham. 

VII- Alice Hunsicker, m Dr. John Niles. P O Car- 
bondale, Pa. No issue. 

VII- Susan Hunsicker, m Edward Laros. 

VI. Elizabeth Hunsicker, b Aug 14, 1834. d — , m 
Rev. Francis R. S. Hunsicker, D. D. in 1853. He 
was a son of Henry D. and Catharine (Shoemaker 1 ) 
Hunsicker, and was b in Montg. Co. Pa. Mar 27, 
1832. He worked on his father's farm until he was 
sixteen years old, when he taught Public School for 
two seasons, after which he w r as appointed assistant 
teacher in Common English in the Freeland Semi- 
nary- now Ursinus College-then under the Principal - 
ship of Rev. Henry A. Hunsicker. Here he spent 
about seven years, a close student and an enthusias- 
tic teacher. He held the position of Professor of 
Mathematics and History and Vice Principal for seve- 
ral years, when he was called to Carvers ville, Pa. to 
organize the Excelsior Normal Institute. Here he 
was engaged in educational work from '59-' 62 and 
'67-'84. He received the honorary degree of A. M. 
from L,aFayette in 1869, and D. D. from Ursinus in 

Dr. Hunsicker was ordained to the Gospel 
Ministery in the Trinity Christian (now Trinity 


Reformed) Church at Collegeville, Pa. in 1857; 
was Pastor of the Reformed Mennonite church of 
Germantown. Pa. '62— '66. In 1867 he united with 
the Presbytery of Philadelphia North. He was 
pastor of the Carversville and Plumsteadville Presby- 
terian churches, '70 — '84. Pastor at Junction, N. J. 
'84— '87, and Lafayette, N. J. '8;— '94, after 
which he retired from the active work of the 
ministery. His present residence is Carversville, 
Pa., where he resides retired. C: Emma, Katie, 
Lizzie, Hannah, Ettie, Claudia, Frank. 

VII Emma Hunsicker, b 1854, d 1858. 

VII. Katie Hunsicker, b 1856, d 1859. 

VII - Lizzie Hunsicker, b Jan 15, 1859, m Isaiah 
W. Closson in 1881. PO Carveisville, Pa. Farmer; 
Mrs. C. Presby. C: (VIII) Newton Closson, b in 
1885, d in 1892. 

VII- Hannah Hunsicker, (twin), b in Montg. Co. 
Pa. Jan 15, 1859, m Winfield Scott Black Nov 2, 
1881. P Clinton, N. J. Merchant, Presby. 
No issue. 

VII. Ettie Hunsicker, b 1862, 111 Willett I). Evans 
1884. School-teacher, Presby. C: (VIII) Ava 
Gould Evans, b 1886. Francis H. Evans, b 1888. 

VII. Claudia Hunsicker, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Aug 
8, 1865, m William A. Reeves Apr 12, 1888. P O 
Clinton, N. J. Bank Teller, Presby. C: (VIII) 
Austin H. Reeves, b June 9, 1889. (VIII) Mabel 
Reeves, b Oct 10, 1890. 

VII. Frank Hunsicker, b 1875, d in infancy. 

VI. Elias A. Hunsicker, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Mar 
28, 1834, m Susan F. Mover Dec 25, 1855. Res. 
1842 Master St. Phila. Pa. He was a grain merch- 
ant for 20 years opposite the Baltimore Depot, Broad 
St. Phila., at present, Life and Fire Insurance 
Agent; Presbv. C: Ella.Clavton. 

VII. Ella M. Hunsicker, b Feb 15, 1857. S. 

VII. Clayton M. Hunsicker, b Mar 25, 1860, 111 
Amelia Seigel, of Phila., Dec 5, 1893. Res. 2018 
Master St. Phila. Pa. Life and Fire Insurance 
Agent. In 1891 he was elected to the Common 
Council of the Twenty-ninth Ward, and was re- 


elected in 1895 to serve his third term. C: (VII) 
Katharine S. Hunsicker, b Mar 7, 1895. 

VI. Mary A. Hunsicker, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Nov 
6, 1836, mRev. Jared T. Preston. He d 1877. P 
O Collegeville, Pa. C: Cyrus, Frank, Lizzie. 

VII- Cyrus Preston, d young. 

VII. Frank Preston, m Lizzie Grater. C: Mary; 
Frances, , (twins). 

VII. Lizzie Preston, b 1872, m Henrv Spare. C: 
(VIII) Spare. 

VI- Catharine Hunsicker, b Jan 9, 1840, m Rev. 
Joseph H. Hendricks, D. U. Dec 21, 1S58. He 
was b in Montg. Co. Pa. Sept 21, 1834, d Nov 
1905. P O Collegeville, Pa. Mr. Hendricks was 
reared on his father's farm, and in the spring of 
1 85 1, entered Freeland Seminary, (now Lirsinus 
College), and in the fall of 1852, took charge of a 
public scbool in Milford Square, Bucks County. 
During the four consecutive winters he was a 
teacher in the public schools; he attended Freeland 
Seminary during the summer months. In February 
1856 he was appointed to the position of assistant 
teacher in Freeland Seminary, and in two years he 
was promoted to teach the higher mathematics, and 
wae made vice-principal of the instution. It was 
while engaged in these duties that at a meeting of the 
Christian Society, at Freeland, (now Ursinus Col- 
lege), held A. D. i860, he was, according to the 
usages of the church, of which he was a member, 
elected on trial to the office of the ministery. He at 
once began to attend the duties of his new position 
in connection with his school work. On June 25, 

1 86 1, he was ordained to the office of minister of 
the Gospel. The Christian Society materialized and 
was incorporated in the Spring of 1855. The society 
built for itself, in 1S54, what was styled the 
"Christian Meeting House," and the same was 
opened in the spring of 1855 for public worship. In 
February 1862, Mr. Hendricks was elected pastor of 
the Christian Society, and was installed in April 

1862. At this time the duties of this new office oc- 
cupied so much of his time that he was compelled to 


resign his position as teacher and vice principal of 
Freeland Seminary. The original Christian Society, 
subsequently Trinity Church, began as an independ- 
ent church in 1888, when it was received into formal 
fellowship with the Reformed Church in the U. S. 
The other appointments of the charge are: Trinity 
Church, Skippackville; and Ironbridge Chapel, 
Rahn Station. 

Mr. Hendricks enjoyed the distinction of having 
served the same charge longer than any other living 
pastor in Montgomery Co. He officiated at upwards 
iooo funerals. He was greatly beloved by his own 
congregation and in much demand outside of his own 
churches. He was a fluent and forcible preacher, 
speaking entirely extempore, in a rapid, earnest and 
convincing manner. In June 1 88 1, Ursinus College 
conferred on him the degree of M. A. and in June 
i8;7, the degree of D. D. C: Lizzie, Ella, Bertha, 
Abraham, Sallie. 

VII- Lizzie Hendricks, b Feb 9, i860, d Feb 29, 

Vil Ella M. Hendricks, b Sept 4, 1861, m Freeland 
G. Hobson Sept 15, 1881. P O Collegeville, Pa. 
He was b at Collegeville, Pa. Oct 13, 1857, d Jan 10, 
1906. He was educated in the public schools of Up- 
per Providence twp subsequently took a full course 
in and graduated from Ursinus College in 1876. He 
then entered the law office of Jacob V. Gotwals, at 
that time District Attorney of Montgomery Co., and 
was admitted to the bar on Oct 1, 1880. He imme- 
diately opened an office in Norristown, where he 
soon began to build up a lucrative practice, and 
where he has remained ever since. He was an elo- 
quent pleader, and was uniformly successful in the 
trial of cases. In 1888 Mr. Hobson put on foot the 
movement to organize the Norristown Title, Trust 
and Safe Deposit Company, and was made its secre- 
tary, treasurer, and trust officer. He was also foun- 
der and publisher of the Montgomery County Law 
Reporter and the author of the History of 
Providence township, and was one of the contribu- 
tors to Col. Bean's History of Montgomery County. 


Mr. Hobson was a leader in the Patriotic Order Sons 
of America, and a member of camp 267 at Iron- 
bridge, In 1893 he was elected State President, and 
at the conclusion of his term at Erie, Pa. he was the 
happy recipient of a handsome cane made from the 
hull of the old flagship Lawrence. He was a promi- 
nent member of the Valley Forge Memorial Associa- 
tion and a director of Ursinus College, Collegeville, 
Pa. He was for eight years an elder of Trinity Re- 
formed Church of Collegeville. He has been a dele- 
gate to the Classes, Synods, and General Synods of 
the Reformed Church in the United States, taking 
very active part in all these bodies. C: (Villi 
Harold Hobson, band d July 30, 1S82. Frank H. 
Hobson, b Aug 19, 1883. Anna Mabel Hobson, b 
July 27, 1885. Katharine Hobson, b Apr 29, 1889. 

VII- Bertha Hendricks, b June 24, 1864, m Rev. 
Charles E. Webler Dec 18, 1889. P O Blue Bell, 
Pa. Both graduates of Ursinus College. She of the 
collegiate and he of the Theological Department. 
Pastor of Boehms Reformed Ch., Blue Bell, -Pa. C: 
(VIII) Catharine H. Wehler, b Aug 12, [892. 

VII Abraham H. Hendricks, b Dec 21, 1866, m 
Ella T. Miller Oct 21, 1890. P O Collegeville, Pa. 
Graduated at Ursinus College, and subsequently 
studied Law and is now practicing at Norristown, 
Pa; Firm of Hendricks and Hobson, Trinity Christ- 
ian Reformed Church. C: (VIII) Miraim Elizabeth 
Hendricks, bjan3, 1892. 

VII - SallieC. Hendricks, b July 17, 1873. Graduate 
of Ursinus College, Trinity Christian Reformed 

VI- Horace M. Hunsicker, b Feb 17, 1843, ra 
Eliza Cosgrove. C: Rosaline, Alice, William. 

VII - Rosaline Hunsicker, d aged 8 yrs. 
VII- Alice Hunsicker; d young. 

VII. William C. Hunsicker. Practicing Physician 
in Phila., Pa. 

IV- Frederick Alderfer, b Nov 24, 1773, d Dec 9, 
1854, aged 81 years, m Susanna Showalter. C.- 
Elizabeth, Magdalena, John, Joseph. Frederick m 
second wife, Elizabeth Shutt, (widow), daughter of 


David and Anna (Funk)Rosenberger. C: Barbara, 
Frederick, Henry. Frederick m third wife, Anna 
Frederick. C: Isaac. 

V. Elizabeth Alderfer, b Jan n, 1802, d Aug 12, 
1878, in *David Kriebel Jan 14, 1819. He, was b 
July 19, 1783, d July 1, 1842. Farmer, Schwenk- 
felders. C: Henry, Susanna, Magdalena, Septi- 
mus, Barbara, Hannah, Elizabeth. 

VI. Henry Kriebel, b July 8, 1819, m Sarah Rahn. 
C: Septimus, etc. 

VI . Susanna A. Kriebel, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Mar 
17, 1821, d Oct 17, 1895, m William S. Moyer July 
11, 1847. He was bin Berks Co. Pa. Oct 13, 1824, 
d Feb 10, 1896. P O Bally, Pa. Shoemaker; Mr. 
M. Ev. Ass'n; Mrs. M. Menn. C: David, Septimus, 
Daniel, Enos, Wibiam, Peter. 

VII. David K. Moyer, b in Berks Co. Pa. Jan 8, 
1848, m Mary A. Grove, daughter of George and 
Nancy Giove, of Mt. Carroll, 111. Feb 24, 1874. 
She was b in Franklin Co. Pa. June tg, 1840, d in 
Iowa Oct 23, 1878. P O Mt. Carroll, 111. Cigar- 
maker; Ch. of Jesus Christ. C: (VIII) Grove Moyer, 
b Apr 24, 187;. Otto B. end Warren O. Moyer, 
(twins), b Oct 19, 1878. David m second wife, 
Josie M. Grove, (sister to his first wife), Jan 3, 
1884. She was b Nov 24, 1848. No issue. 

V5I- Septimus K. Moyer, b June 10, 1849, d Aug 
31, 1850. 

VII- Daniel K. Moyer, b Mar 16, 1851, m Hannah, 
daughter of Philip and Hannah Kriebel Mar 16, 
1893. She was b in Montg. Co. Pa. Jan 4, 1854. 
Res. 404 N. 7th St. Philadelphia, Pa. Driver and 
Collector, Menn. No issue. 

VII  Enos K. Moyer, bin Washington twp. Berks 
Co. Pa. Nov 21, 1852. Res. 2558 Philadelphia St. 
Phila. Pa. Carpenter. S. 

VII. William K. Moyer, b Feb 25, 1855, d Feb 17, 
1882, m Adelia Conrad Shiffert Nov 6, 1880. Paint- 
er. C: (VIII) Susan E. Moyer, b Feb 14, 1881. 

VII- Peter K. Moyer, bin Washington twp. Berks 

*S.m of Andrew Kriebel, b Sept 17, 1748, d Apr 17, 1830, tu 
Susauua, daughter of Abraham Yeakel, May 16, 1771. 


Co. Pa. June 9, 1859. Res. 2558 Philadelphia St. 
Phila. Pa. Clerk. S. 

Y|. Magdalena Kriebel, b Oct 21, 1822, m Isaac 

VI Septimus Kriebel, b Aug 3, 1825, d at North 
Wales, Pa. Aug 12, 1898, m Susanna Schlotterer 
Sept 23, 1851. She was b in Montg. Co. Pa. June 
16, 1828. Merchant and Farmer, Schwenkfelders. 
C: Henry, Emma, Franklin, Edwiu, William, 
Mary, Septimus. 

VII- Henry S. Kriebel, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Aug 
7, 1852, m Lizzie A. Cassel July 22. 1871. P O 
North Wales, Pa. Merchant and Farmer, Ref. Ch. 
C: Septimus, Elias, Edna, Lizzie. 

Vl||. Septimus Kriebel, b Sept 23, 1874, m 
Marion Lowery Oct 5, 1897. P O Charlotte, N. C. 
Agt. for N. Y. Oil Firm, Ref. Ch. No issue, (1898). 

VIII. Elias Wilbur Kr'ebel, b Dec 25, 1877. P O 
North Wales, Pa. Ref. Ch. S. 

VIII. Edna Kriebel, b Dec 6, 1883, d Dec 2, 1890. 

VIII. Lizzie Irene Kriebel, b Sept 16, 1888. 

VII Emma Kriebel, b July 25, 1854. P O North 
Wales, Pa. S. 

VII- Franklin S. Kriebel, b July 14, 1857, in 
Sallie A. Freed Nov 9, 1S78. She was b Nov 9, 
1859. P O North Wales, Pa. Member of firm E. 
K. Freed & Co. Merchant Millers, Baptists. C: 
(VIII) Russel Harper Kriebel, b Dec 16, 1881. 
Iona Freed Kriebel, b July 10, 1884, d Oct 17, 
1884. Mabel Francis Kriebel, b Nov 18, 1886. 
Irma F. Kriebel, b Feb 28, 1891. 

VII Edwin Kriebel, b Jan 27, 1860, d Apr 14, i860. 

VI I - William Kriebel, b Feb 5, 1861, m Annie 
Wright Nov 3, 1887. 

VII . Mary Elizabeth Kriebel, b May 30, 1864. 
P O North Wales, Pa. S. 

VII Septimus Kriebel, b Dec 26, 1866, m Mary 
Mulholland June 28, 1893. 

VI- Barbara Kriebel, b Sept 3, 1827, m Henry 
Schultz. P O Clayton, Pa. C: Frank, etc. 

VII. Frank K. Schultz. P O Clayton, Pa. 

VI. Hannah Kriebel, b Jan 5, 1829, m John Stoudt. 


VI- Elizabeth Kriebel, b Jan 18, 1832, m Jeremiah 
K. Meschter. C: Allen, etc. 
V- Magdalena Alderfer, ni Henry Landis. 
V. John Alderfer, m- 

V. Joseph Alderfer, m . 

V. Barbara Alderfer, m Wm. Eisenberg. 

V. Frederick Alderfer. 

V. Henry Alderfer. 

V- Isaac Alderfer. 

IV- Mary Alderfer, b Feb 15, 1777, djune 1, 1857. 
Menn. S. 

IV- Joseph Alderfer, b Oct 11, 1779, d Mar 6, 1863, 
m Hannah Kinsey. Shed Sept 12, 1824, aged 48 
years, 7 days. Farmer, Menn. C: Susanna, Mary, 
John, Jacob, Abraham, Hannah. 

V. Susanna Alderfer. m Jacob Tyson. C: ( VI ) 
Joseph Tyson. 

V. Mary Alderfer, 1) in 1806, d Feb 17, 1889, aged 
83 years. Menn. S. 

V. John Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Sept 5. 
1807, d Jan 10, 1884. m Eliza Detweiler Feb L830. 
She was b Feb 1813, d June 28, 1889. Farmer, 
Menn. C: Mary, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Abraham, 
Daniel, John, Michael, Henry, Benjamin, Han- 
nah, Clement. 

VI. Mary D. Alderfer, b Dec 10, 1831, d Mar 30, 
L853. S. 

V!. Elizabeth D. Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. Pa., ni 
Joseph B. Hunsbergerof Chester Co. Pa. Jan 11, 
1856. P O Yerkes, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: 
John, Milton, Daniel, Ervin, Martin, Catharine. 
Franklin, William. 

VII- John Hunsberger, b Jan 1, 1857, m Ursula 
Sherlie. P O Central City, Colo. Farmer. C: 
(VIII) Edna Hunsberger, b Mar 10, 1891. Fay 
Hunsicker, b Feb 18, 1893. Jay Hunsicker, b Nov 
26, 1898. 

VII. Milton Hunsberger, b Nov 2. 1858. d aged 
13 vears. 

VJI. Daniel Hunsberger, b Aug 31, 1860. He d 
at the age of 30 years, m Harriet Craton. C: (VII) 
Elizabeth Hunsberger. Arthur Hunsberger. Ervin 


Hunsberger, b Feb 26. 1861, d aged 1 year. 

Vll. Jacob Martin Hunsberger, b Oct 3, 1863, m 
Emma Jones Jan 1, 1887. P O Creamery, Pa. 
Parmer", Menu. C: (VII!) George J. Hunsberger, 
b Dec 26, 1887. Joseph J. Hunsberger, b June 27, 
1890. Roy Hunsberger, b Sept 30, 1892. Ada 
J. Hunsberger, b Sept 20, 1894. Susanna J. Huns- 
berger, b Dec 16, 1896, 

VII. Catharine Hunsberger, b Nov 26, 1867, d aged 
3 years. 

VII. Franklin Hunsberger, b Feb 18, l86«. d aged 
1 year. 

VII. William Hunsberger, b Oct 4, 1872. P O 
Yerkes, Pa. S. 

V|. Rebecca Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Oct 13, 
1835, d Aug 7, 1879, m William B. Fryer in 1857. 
He was I in Montg. Co. Pa. in 1834. Farmer, 
L/uth. C: John, Benjamin, Harry. 

VII. John A. Fryer, b in i860. 

V||. Benjamin A. Fryer, b Apr 24, 1863, m L&ura 
Fisher Dec 26, 1SS2. She d Sept t8, 18S9. No 
issue. He m second wife, Lover een Cle well, in 1898. 
Res. Reading, Pa. Journalist, Ref. Ch. 

VII. Harry A. Fryer, b in 1866, m Emma Allcock 
in 1893. P O Geneva, N. Y. 

VI . Abraham D. Alderfer, b in Limerick twp. 
Montg. Co. Pa. Oct 3, 1837, m Mary Ann Rosen- 
berger Apr 2, 1863. P O Rover's Ford, Pa. Ste- 
ward Montg. Co. Alms House, Meth Ep. C: An- 
nie, Elizabeth, Mary, Abraham. 

V||. Annie Alderfer, b Oct 5, 1865, d Aug 27, 1867. 

VII. Elizabeth Alderfer, b June 5, 1868, m Rev. A. 
P. Frantzjune 10, 1896. P O Newlin, Pa. Min- 
ister of the Reformed Ch. C: (VIII) Mary A. 
Frantz, b Sept 17, 1897. 

VII . Mary Alderfer, b Jan 12, 1871, d June n, 

V!|. Abraham Alderfer, b Oct 18, 1872. P O Rov- 
er's Ford, Pa. Book-keeper and Stenographer for 
Diamond Glass Co. of Royer's Ford, Pa. S. 

VI. Daniel D. Alderfer, m Sallie Fox. 

VI. John D. Alderfer, b Sept 28, 1841, d Nov 2, 


1897, in Annie Weikel. P O Trappe, Pa., C.- 
Clement, Emma, John. 

VI. Michael D. Alderfer, b Oct 9, 1842, d May 26, 
1S79, m Emma Hnnsberger. No issue. 

VI . Henry D. Alderfer, m Emma Rhoads. No issue. 

VI- Benjamin D. Aldeifer, b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
Mar 21, 1848, m Susan Frederick Feb 1, 1876. 
She died. C: J. Linwcod. Benjamin m second 
wife, Mary Snovel, Sept 24, 1881. P O Souderton, 
Pa. Notary Public and general business Age. 
Luth. No issue by 2nd marriage. 

VII- J. Linwood Alderfer, b Aug 9, 1876. S. 

VI. Hannah D. Alderfer, bin Montg. Co. Pa. Sept 
4, 1850, m Rev, Henry Leisse Apr 8, 1873. P O 
Orwigsburg, Pa. Rev. Henry Leisse was b near 
Womelsdorf, Berks Co. Pa. Aug 16, 1844. He 
graduated from Ursinus College, at Collegeville, 
Pa. in June 1872, and immediately after was ordain- 
ed and installed pastor of the Reformed Church of 
Orwigsburg, which he has faithfully and success- 
fully served. C: (VII) Elizabeth Mary Leisse, b 
Sept 27, 1875, giaduated from Orwigsburg High 
School in June 1893. Harry Ursinus Leisse, b 
Sept 14, 1877, graduated from the Orwigsburg High 
.School, with first honors, in June 1894. He then 
entered Ursinus College, from which he graduated 
in June 1899. Augustus Leisse, b Jan 19, 1883. 
Katherine Valeria Leisse, b Nov 7, 1887. Ernest 
Leisse, b July 6, 1889. 

VI- Clement D. Alderfer, b at Trappe, Montg. Co. 
Pa. Dec 9, 1853, m Emma S. Hnnsberger Aug 10, 
1880, (his brother Michael's widow). Res. 171 1 
WillingtonSt. Phila. Pa. Collector and Real Estate 
business. Ref. Ch. No issue. 

V- Jacob Alderfer, d Mar 1895, m Amelia R. Det- 
weiler. She d in 1899. Farmer, Menn. C: Joseph, 
Henry, Mary, John, Elizabeth, Catharine, Sarah, 
Philip, Jacob, Garret, Samuel, Amanda. 

V|. Joseph D. Alderfer, b Sept 22, 1833. 

VI- Henry D. Alderfer, b Nov 29, 1834, d 1891, m 
Mary Hendrick. Ref. Ch. No issue. 

VI- Mary D. Alderfer, b July 7, 1836, d young. 



VI. John D. Alderfer, b Dec 24, 1837. P O Cream- 
ery, Pa. 

VI. Elizabeth D. Alderfer, b Mar 3, 1840, d 1899, 
Jan 10, m Andrew B. Kriebel Sept 12, 1865. P O 
Kulpsville, Pa. Farmer, Schwenkf elders. C: Jacob, 
Anna, Howard, Henry, Andrew. 

VII. Jacob A. Kriebel, b Jan 24, 1866, m Emma 
Jane Frever. P O Klnpsville, Pa. Farmer, Sch- 
wenkfelders. C: (VIID William Kriebel, b Mar 16, 
1890. Xorman Kriebel, b June 28, 1893. Ralph 
Kriebel b July 13, 1896, d July 21, 1898. 

VII. Anna A. Kriebel, b Aug 17, 1868, m Irwin 
L. Reiter Jan 13. 1894. P O Kulpsville, Pa. 
Farmer, Schwenkf elders. C: (VIID Elizabeth K. 
Reiter, b May 17, 1897. Mary Reiter, b June 9, 

VII. Howard A. Kriebel, b Feb 1, 1871, m Kate 
Landes. P O Klupsville, Pa. 

VII. Henry A. Kriebel, b May 20, 1873, m Mary 
Mover. P O Hoppenville, Pa. 

VI 1 - Andrew A. Kriebel, b Jan 

"VI. Catharine D. Alderfer, b 
Jesse S. Whitman. P O Salford, Pa. 

VI. Sarah D. Alderfer, b Aug 1844, 
Marklev. P O Skippackville, Pa. 

VI. Philip D. Alderfer, b Sept 15, 1846, m Lizzie 
Akron, O. 
Alderfer, b Sept 

10, 1879, m Ella 
Dec 27, 1841, m 

m Josiah 

Ziegler. P O 

VI. Jacob D. 
Denver, Colo. 

VI. Garret D. 
m Susan Miller. 

VI. Samuel D. 
25, 1896, m 
Farmer, Menn. 
Jacob Alderfer. 

VI. Amanda D 

V- Abraham Alderfer, m 
Harrison, William, Isaac, 

18, 1848. Res. 

Alderfer, b Oct 25, 1850, d 1895, 
Farmer, Menn. 
Alderfer, b Jan 10, 1853, d Mar 
Susanna Wismer Feb 17, 1877. 
C: (VID William Alderfer, (d), 
David Alderfer, (d). 
Alderfer, b Jan 6, 1855, d 1857. 

Catharine Rahn. C: 
Rachel, Jesse, Lizzie, 

Samuel, Sallie. 
VI . Harrison Alderfer. 
V|. William Alderfer. 

P O Trappe, Pa. 


VI- Isaac Alderfer. P O Neiffers, Pa. 

VI. Rachel Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Oct 21, 
1S46, m Aaron Booz Nov 22, 1873. P O Rover's 
Ford, Pa. Carpenter, Luth. C: (VII) Anna Catha- 
rine Booz, bjuly 8, (874. S. Edith May Booz, b 
May 23, 1S82. S. Amanda M. Booz, b Apr 20, 1888. 

V|. Jesse Alderfer. 

VI- Lizzie Alderfer, m John Spreece. 

VI . Samuel Alderfer. 

V|. Sallie Alderfer, m Milton T. Miller. 

V- Hannah Alderfer, m Philip Krieble. Hed May 
9, i87i,aged 55 years, 5 mo. 3d. C: Nathaniel, 
Elizabeth, Lavina, Susanna, Mary, Hannah, Aman- 
da, John. 

VI. Nathaniel Krieble, (d). 

VI. Elizabeth Krieble, (d). 

VI. Lavina Krieble, (d). 

VI. Susanna Krieble. (d). 

VI. Mary Krieble, m Noah C. Kratz. (See Noah 
C. Kratz Family). 

VI . Hannah Krieble. 

VI. Amanda Kriebl*, (d); m George Slotter. 

VI. John Krieble, b— , m Sarah Grater. P O 
Creamery, Pa. 

IV. Abraham Alderfer, b July 21, 1782, d May 27, 
1865, aged 87 yrs. 10 mo. 6 da., m Susanna Shoe- 
maker. She was b Mar 10, 1784, d Aug 31, 1823. 
C: Benjamin, Henry, Abraham, Susanna, Elizabeth. 
Abraham m second wife, Anna Keely. She was b 
Jan 12, 1S04, d N0V5, 1890. Farmer in Franconia 
twp. Menu. C: Jacob, John, Margaret. 

V. Benjamin S. Alderfer, m Lana Nyce. C.- 
Michael, Jonas, Abraham, Benjamin, Nancy, 

VI. Michael N. Alderfer. P O Telford, Pa. 

VI. Jonas N. Alderfer, (d); m Catharine Saylor. 
No issue. 
VI. Abraham N. Alderfer. P O Rudy, Pa. 

VI- Benjamin N. Alderfer. 

VI- Nancy Alderfer, m Jacob S. Groff. 
VS. Susan Alderfer, m Henry G. Metz. 
V- Henry S. Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. 181 r, d in 


1S76, m Sarah Swartley, daughter of Abraham 
Svvartley. Farmer, Menn. C: Elizabeth, Abra- 
ham, Anna, Sarah, Samuel, Henry, Michael, Su- 
san, Milton. 
VI. Elizabeth S. Alderfer, b June 23, 1833, d Dec 
30, 1898, m Abraham Gehman, (d). No living is- 
sue. She m second husband, Abraham F. Moyer. 
No issue. 

VI. Abraham S. Alderfer, b Oct 29, 1835, djan i, 
1892, m Susan Hackman, (d). C: Edwin, Sallie. 

VII. Edwin Alderfer. S. 

VII. Sallie Alderfer, m Audrew Derstine. P O 
Sellersville, Pa. 

VI- Anna S. Alderfer, b Nov 12, 1837, mTobiasK. 
Nyce. P OSouderton, Pa. C: Willa, John, Har- 
vey, Katy, Ellen. 

VI. Sarah S. Alderfer, b Feb 27, 1840. P O Soud- 
erton, Pa. Menn. S. 

VI. Samuel S. Alderfer, b July 8, 1842, d Feb 3, 

VI. Henry S. Alderfer, b Mar 14, 1841, m Sarah 

Detweiler Nov 20, 1869. P O Souderton, Pa. 

Hay Merchant, Menn. No issue. 

VI. Michael S. Alderfer, b Oct 27, 1846, m Mary 
Orr. P O Sabetha, Kans. 

VI. Susanna S. Alderfer, b Nov 21, 1849, d in 1852. 

VI Milton S. Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Mar 2, 
1855, m Annie Swartley Jan 5, 187S. P O Souder- 
ton, Pa. Laborer, Menn. C: (VII) Harvey Al- 
derfer, b Dec 25, 1878. Harry Alderfer, (twin), 
b Dec 25, 1878, d Dec 25, 1881. John Alderfer, b 
Apr 1, 1881. Ella Alderfer, b July 9, 1883. Win. 
Alderfer, b Aug 24, 1885. Sadie Alderfer, b Sept 
3, 1887. 

V. Abraham S. Alderfer, b in Lower Salford twp. 
Montg. Co. Pa. Aug 1813, d Apr n, [896, m 
Hannah Bergey daughter of Rev. John Bergey 
about 1834 or 5. She was b in Lower Salford twp. 
Montg. Co. Pa. Feb 2, 1809, d Sept 1877. 
Farmer, Menn. C: William, John, Abram, Eliza- 
beth, Ann, Susan, Mary, Catharine, Malinda, 


VI. William B. Alderfer, d infant. 

VI John B. Alderfer, b July 13. 1839, d Oct 10, 
18S7, m Catharine Heckler Jan 5, 1867. Farmer, 
Ref. Ch. C: Romanus, Rose, Malinda, William, 
Mary, Irwin. 

VII. Romanus H. Alderfer, b Feb 2, 1868, m 
Lizzie M. Young Feb 1, 1890. P O Harleysville, 
Pa. Watch-maker, Ref. Ch. C: (VIII) Willis Y. 
Alderfer, b Sept 23, 1S92. Katie Y. Alderfer, b 
July8, 1899. Mary Y. Alderfer, b Sept 17, 1901. 

VII- Rose Malinda H. Alderfer, b June 13, 1870, m 
Isaiah Musselman Sept 1889. P O Harleysville, Pa. 
Ref. Ch. 

VII- William H. Alderfer, b Apr 10, 1872, m Abbie 
Kriebel. P O Mainland, Pa. Ref. Ch. No issue. 

VII- Mary Jane H. Alderfer, b July 18,1877. P 
O Mainland, Pa. Ref. Ch. S. 

Vl|. Irwin H. Alderfer, b Dec 8, 1879. P O 
Mainland, Pa. Ref. Ch. S. 

VI- Abraham B. Alderfer, m Lenah Alderfer. P 
O Mainland, Pa. C: Wilson, etc. 

VI . Elizabeth Alderfer, m Jacob R. Shoemaker. 

VI . Anna Alderfer, m Geo. H. Metz. 

VI. Susanna Alderfer, m Michael Land's. 

VI- Mary B. Alderfer, m Isaiah Hendricks. 

VI. Catharine Alderfer, m Henry G. Barnes. 

VI Malinda B. Alderfer, m Benjamin B. Nyce, (d); 
and second husband, Abraham C. Godshall. 

VI- Deborah B. Alderfer, b Dec 19, 1854, m 
Sylvester H. Orr Nov 13, 1880. P O Skippack, 
Pa. Justice of the Peace, Insurance and Real 
Estate business; Ref. Ch. No issue. 

V. Susanna Alderfer, b June 20, 1819, d Jan 31, 
1889, m John K. Stauffer. He was b Mar 5, l8i4, 
d Apr 29, 1875. Farmer, Menu. C: Catharine, 
Abraham, Anna, John, Susan. 

VI. Catharine A. Stauffer, b May 24, i840, m John 
G. Metz. P O Kulpsville, Pa. Farmer, Menn. 
C: Lizzie. 

VII. Lizzie Metz, b Jan 26, 1868, m Isaac C. Kulp 
Feb 9, 1889. Farmer, Menn. C: (VIII) Abraham, 
John, Wilmer. 

Henry A. Hunsick 




^> Foirn 


VI. Abraham A. Stauffer, b Apr 29, i842, m Jane 
Bossart. P O Schwenksville, Pa. Farmer, Luth. 
C: John, Lizzie, Horace, Ella, Katie. 

VII John B. Stauffer, b Nov 4. 1866, m Emma 
M. Kaye. P O Creamery, Pa. Farmer, Luth. 
C: Alfred, Ella, Katie. 

VII- Lizzie Stauffer, b Dec 1867, m Henry Tyson. 
P O Schwenksville, Pa. Farmer, Menn. Br. in 
Christ. C: Olive, Abraham, George, Lizzie, Ruth, 
Carrie, (d); Henry. 

VII- Horace B. Stauffer, m Jennie Grinley. Far- 
mer, Luth. C: Charles, Ethel, Infant, (d). 

VII. Ella Stauffer. S. 
VII. Katie Stauffer. 

VI. Anna A. Stauffer, b Sept 28, 1845, m 
Evan Koons. 

V|. John A. Stauffer, b May 7, 1853, m Hannah 
Boyer June 22, 1S77. She was b Dec 25, 1859. P 
O Skippack, Pa. Taylor, Luth. C: (VII) Maggie 
B. Stauffer, b July 22, 1877. Harvey B. Stauffer, 
b May 10, 1879. Susie B. Stauffer, b May 7, 1881. 
Annie B. Stauffer, b Mar 12, 1884. Louisa B. 
Stauffer, b Apr 8, 1887. John B. Stauffer, b Sept 
17, 1889. 

V|. Susan A. Stauffer, b Jan 31, [858, m Reuben 
Reinford. P O Schwenksville, Pa. 

V. Jacob K. Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. Pa. d— , 
m Susanna Swartley. C: Levi, Mary, Lavina, 
Anna, Susanna, Jacob, Lewis, John, Abraham, 
Lizzie, Philip. 

VI . Levi S. Alderfer, b in Lower Salford twp. 
Montg. Co. Pa. Jan 13, 1849, m Sarah M. Landis of 
Franconia. P O Lederachville, Pa. Farmer, Menn. 
C: Mary, Susan, Sallie, Harvey, Jonas, Annie, 
Levi, Abraham. 

VII. Mary L. Alderfer, b Feb 17, 1872, m Alvin C. 
Alderfer, son of George D. Alderfer, Oct 25, 1890. 
P O Harleysville, Pa. Had taught school for nine 
terms; is a director of the Sehwinksville National 
Bank, and of several other corporations. He is 
partner with M. C. Clemens, as present proprietors 
of the Harleysville Creamery, aud have for the past 

l-fij 1HE KOSENHKlUiKi; UIMcii:\ 

year conducted the same in a very successful and 
business-like manner. Alvin C. Alderfer is also 
Justice of the Peace, Surveyor, and engaged in the 
Insurance business; Menn. C: (VIII) Bertha Mfy 
Alderfer, b May 8, 189I. Sadie Alderfer, b Dec 
22, 1895. Mary Ellen Alderfer, b Dec 10, 1897. 
Alma Alderfer, b Oct 18, 1901. 

VII- Susan L. Alderfer, b Oct 18, 1874, m Abram 
M. Landis. P O Lederachville, Pa. 

VII- Sallie L. Alderfer, b Apr 2, 1877, m Joseph 
H. Hardeman. P O Mainland, Pa. 

VII- Harvey Alderfer, b Apr 6, 1879, m Lizzie 
Loux. P O Franconia, Pa. 

VII- Jonas Alderfer, b Nov 5, i88r. 

VII. Annie Alderfer, b Dec 1, 1883. 

VII. Levi Alderfer, b Oct 14, 1886. 

VII - Abraham Alderfer, b Jan 10, 1897, d Jan 1897. 

VI- Mary Ann S. Alderfer', bin Montg. Co. Pa. Jan 
18, 185 1, m Samuel R. Bergey Feb 1870. He was 
b Jan 19, rS46, in Montg. Co. Pa. P O Telford, Pa. 
Farmer, Menn. C: Susanna, Jonas, Katie, Lizzie. 

VII - Susanna A. Bergey, b May 26, 186), m L'lysses 
K. Kratz. He was b Apr 15, 1871. P O Bergev, 
Pa. C: (VIII) Mary Ann Kratz, b Aug 23, 1898. 
Abraham Kratz, b Apr 23, 1900. Sallie Kratz, b 
Oct 23, 1902. 

VII - Jonas A. Bergey, bjan 10, 1871, m Annie R. 
Landes. She was b Sept 16, 1872. C: (VIII) Abra- 
ham Bergey, b May 10, 189 + . Samuel Bergey, b 
Jan 16, 1897, d 1898. Wilmer Bergey, bjuly4, 1902. 

VII- Katie A. Bergev, b Jan 16, 1882, m Milton M. 
Conver. He was b Nov 15, 1877. C: (VIII) Ella 
May H. Conver, b Apr 15, 1898. 

VII - Lizzie A. Bergey, \, Feb 12, 1887. 

VI Lavina Alderfer, m George M. Clemens. P O 
Lederachville, Pa. 

VI- Anna S. Alderfer, m Isaac N. Clemens Nov r, 
1873. He was b Feb 27, 1852. P O Lederachville, 
Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: (VII) Lizzie A. Clemens, 
b Feb 12, 1875. Jacob A. Clemens, b Nov 1, 1876, 
d Apr 27, 1877. Garret A. Clemens, b Jan 17, 
1878, d Sept 21, 1878. Harvey A. Clemens, b Aug 


23, 1879. Isaac A. Clemens, b July 30, 1881, d 
Aug 19, 1882, Susan Clemens, b Aug 1, 1883. 
Clayton Clemens, b Jan 26, 1886, d Sept 21, 1886. 
Allen Clemens, b Oct 9, 1887. 

VI. Susan S. Alderfer, b in Monte. Co. Pa. Mar 9, 
1855, m Abraham M. Price Nov 21, 1874. P O 
Harleysville, Pa. Farmer, Ger. Bap. C: Wilson, 
Sallie, Ida, Susan, Jacob, Abraham, Katie, Lizzie, 
Elmer, Joseph, Horace, Mamie, William, Mabel, 

V||. Wilson A. Price, b Jan 1, 1876. P O Harleys- 
ville, Pa. School teacher, Ger. Bap. S. 

Vl|. Sallie A. Price, b Mar 18, 1877. P O Harleys- 
ville, Pa. Ger. Bap. S. 

VII- Ida Price, b June 20, 1878, m Rev. Emanuel N. 
Cassel May 15, 1897. P ODillinger, Pa. Minister of 
the Menu. Br. in ChiistCh. C: (VIII) Lulu Cassel, 
b June 12, 1899. 

VII.. Susan Price, b Sept 7, 1877, d Aug 10, 1892. 

VII. Jacob Price, b July 8, 1881, m Amanda H. 
Cassel Mar 23, 1902. Ger. Bap. 

VII- Abraham Price, b Mar 2, 1883. 

VII. Katie Price, b Oct 10, 1884. 

VII. Lizzie Price, b Sept 16, 1886. 

VII. Elmer Price, Aug 9, 1888, d July 24, 1889. 

VII. Joseph A. Price, b Jan 28, 1890. 

VII. Horace A. Price, b June 13, 1891. 

VII. Mamie A. Price, b Nov 12, 1892. 

VII. William A. Price, b Jan 15. 1894. 

VII. Mabel A. Price, b July 28, 1896. 

VII. Annie A. Price, b Apr 23, 1898. 

VI. Jacob S. Alderfer, m Caroline Alderfer. C: 
<VID Horace, Flora, Susan, Martha, Wilmer, 
Lizzie, Caroline, Mar v. 

VI. Lewis S. Alderfer, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Apr 1.4, 
1860, m Mary E. G. Heebner Oct 1, 1881. P O 
Lansdale, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: (VII) Alvh. H. 
Alderfer, b Aug 14, 1884, and two died infants 

VI. John Alderfer, died single. 

VI. Abraham L- S. Alderfer, b Sept 5, 1864, m 
Katie R. Bower. She was b Nov 7, 1870. P O 


Lansdale, Pa. Farmer, Menu. C: <^ VII > Stella B. 
Alderfer, b Apr 26, 1891. 

VI. Lizzie S. Alderfer, b Sept 11, 1865, m John C. 
Moyer. He was b Mar 22, 1860. P O Lederach- 
ville, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: (VII) Susan A. Mov- 
er, b Oct 19, 1885. Flla A. Moyer, b Oct 4, 1886. 
Elmer A. Moyer, b Mav 30, 1889. 

VI. Philip G. S. Alderfer, m Kate Moyer. P O 
Lederachville. Pa. 

V. Elizabeth Alderfer, b in Lower Salford, Montg. 
Co. Pa. June 6, 1815, d in Lansdale, Pa. Sept 29, 
1894, m Abraham G. Delp Dec 18, 1836. He was 
b in Franconia twp. Montg. Co. Pa. Dec 18, 1813, 
d in Lower Salford twp. Apr 5. 1893. Farmer, 
Menn. C: Abraham. 

VI- Abraham A. Delp, b in Lower Salford twp. 
Montg. Co. Pa. Aug 23, 1842, m Mary Ann Wam- 
pole Oct 13, 1864. P O Lansdale, Pa. Mr. Delp 
commenced teaching school in i860, and taught 
three winters and one summer session in Franconia 
twp. after which he taught ten winters in succession 
in Lower Salford twp., and the Harleysville school 
two summer terms. On Apr 11, 1871, he engaged 
in the auctioneer business, calling his first sale on 
that day, and has now called 3414 in a little over 26 
years. About 15 years ago he was elected a manag- 
er of the Harleysville and Lederachville turn -pike 
Road Co., and later on was promoted and appointed 
President of the Board, which position he still holds. 
About 1888 he was elected a director of the Lansdale 
Trust and Safe Deposit Co., which position he also 
holds at the present time. He also, in connection 
with his other duties, carried on farming until Sept 
18, 1894. Mrs. Delp, Luth. C: William, Howard, 

VII- WiU : am Warren Delp, b Sept 19, 1868, d Jan 
20, 1877. 

VII- Howard W. Delp, b Dec 18, 1869, m Lavina 
Allebach Oct 12, 1892. P O Lansdale, Pa. Heisa 
graduate of Pierces College, Philadelphia. Book- 
keeper for a whole-sale Clothing house in Phila. 
Luth. C: (VIII) Luther Delp, b Nov 18, 1893. 


Vl|. Mary Lizzie Delp, b June 12, 1871, d Aug 31, 

V. Anna Alderfer, b Jan 31, 1818, d Decs, 1887. 

V. Catharine Alderfer, b Oct 1, 1821, d Mar 8, 
1857, m Harman Godshall. C: Susanna. 

V|. Susanna Godshall, m Aaron Frick. C: (VII) 
Charles G. Frick. 

V. John K. Alderfer, b in Montg Co. Pa. Oct 28, 
1827, d Feb 5, 1897, m Sarah Swartley. She was b 
Nov 11, 1830, d Feb 7, 1897. Both funerals were 
held on Thursday following their death, Feb 11, 
1897, and both buried in one grave. Farmer, Menn. 
C: Amanda, Catharine, Frank, Philip, Abraham, 
John, Benjamin, Emeline, Reuben, Jacob, Henry. 

VI- Amanda S. Alderfer, b Jan 30, 1850, ro John N. 
Clemens Oct 27, 1867. He was b Apr 6, 1845. PO 
Harleysville, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: Sallie, Lizzie, 
Allen, John, Ida, Garhart. 

VII. Sallie A. Clemens, b Oct 22, 1868, d May 10, 

VII- Lizzie A. Clemens, b July 27, 1870, m Edwin 
W. KruppFeb2, 18S9. P O Franconia, Pa. 

VII. Allen A. Clemens, b Mar 24, 1872, d Jan 24, 

VII- John A. Clemens, b June 21, 1873. P O Har- 
leysville, Pa. 

VII. Ida A. Clemens, b Sept 1875, d Sept 2, 1877. 

VII. Garhart Clemens, b Nov 18, 1881. 

VI. Catharine S. Alderfer, b Mar 8, 1851, d June 14, 

VI- Frank S. Alderfer, b Mar 6, 1852, m Amanda 
Shellenberger. Res. 1440 Franklin St. Phila. Pa. 
Clerk at Penna. R. R. Presby. C: (VII) Ida, Car- 
lie, John, Dayton, (d) . 

VI. Philip S. Alderfer, b Sept 29, 1853, m Lizzie K. 
Moyer. P O Elroy, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: Katie, 
Emma, John, Lizzie. 

VI- Abraham S. Alderfer, (twin), b Sept 29, 1853, 
m Sarah Ann Moyer, daughter of Rev. Michael 
Moyer. She was b Nov 28, 1857. P O Harleys- 
ville, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: (VII) Ella M. Alder- 


fer, b Oct 10, 1876, d— . Sallie M. Alderfer, b Aug 
18, 1878. Martha M. Alderfer, b Feb 17, 1880. Alice 
Mi Alderfer, b Nov 12, 1882, d May 21, 1883. Har- 
vey M. Alderfer, b Oct 26, 1884. 

VI. John S Alderfer. b Feb 28, 1855, ra Barbara 
M. Landis. P O Franconia, Pa. Farmer, Menn. 
No issue. 

VI- Benjamin S. Alderfer, b May 15, 1858, d Sept 

24, 185S. 

VI Rmelroe S. Alderfer, b Dec 26, 1861, d Mar 

20, lSf',2. 

VI- Reuben S. Alderfer, bin Franconia twp. Montg. 
Co. Pa. Dec 13, 1863, m Mary Z. Kulp Nov 2.9, 
1SS4. V O Franconia, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C: 
(VII) Henry K. Alderfer, b Mar 22, 1888. Katie 
K. Alderfer, b Dec 24, 1898. 

VI. Jacobs. Alderfer, b Sept 27, 1867, m Mary 
D. Detweiler. P O Franconia, Pa. Farmer, Menn. 
C: Mahlon, Carrie. 

VI. Henry S. Alderfer, b Oct 28, 1871, d May 6, 

V. Margaret K. Alderfer, (d); m Peter B. Huns- 
berger. C: Abraham, Levi, Sarah. 

VI . Abraham A. Hunsberger. 

VI  Levi A. Hunsberger, (d); m Kate Godshall, 
(d); C: Mary, etc. 
VI- Sarah Hunsberger, d single. 
IV- Elizabeth Alderfer, b Aug 12, 1785, d June 

25, 1857. S. 

IV- John Alderfer, b July 27, 1789, d Jan 10, 
1864. S. 

|||. Henry Rosenberger. Lived in New Britain. 
No trace found of any of his descendants. 


||< Daniel Rosenberger, b in Europe, m Fronica- — . 
He purchased a tract of land in Hatfield, lying along 
the county line near the hamlet of Hockertown, in 
1740. His lands composed 359 acres, bought in two 
tracts and at different times. This large plantation 
bordered on the county line 1 mile, and Yz southwest; 
Within this tract are now the properties of David, 
Samuel and Henry Rosenberger; Milton Jenkins, 
John Landis, and Kile's tavern property. He pur- 
chased his first tract of land, 159 acres, in 1740, of 
Ebernezer Kinnersly, and was the upper or north- 
west side of his subsequent plantation. In 1769 he 
purchased 200 acres of George Krieble. This latter 
purchase took place only two years before his death, 
so that during nearly the whole of his life, he only 
possessed the smaller portion of the tract afterwards 
held by his posterity. 

The larger portion of this latter purchase was 
conveyed by will to Isaac, the youngest son of Dan- 
iel Rosenberger. 

Tradition says Daniel Rosenberger first settled 
near the county line where Samuel Rosenberger now 
lives, then he removed a short distance westward, 
where was the residence of Henry Rosenberger. 
Here he built a stone house in which he died. This 
upper part of his plantation was devised to his son 
David, who built a new house in 1780; the date 
stone may yet be seen in the cellar way of present 
dwelling, and bears the initials, "D. R. B.," stand- 
ing for "David Rosen Berger." David Rosenberger 
bequeathed this property to his son, Henry Rosen- 
berger. It then passed into the hands of Aaron 
Rosenberger, who sold it to Jacob Allebach, and in 
1895, it was sold at Sheriff's sale to one Pennypack- 


No information has come down to ns concern- 
ing the personality of Daniel Rosenberger. He was 
a Mennonite and worshiped at the church near Line 
Lexington, where his remains were buried. He 
made his will Aug 15, 1771, was witnessed by Valen- 
tine Ulrich, John Rosenberger, and Christian Funk, 
and was registered September 23, 1771. The 200 
acres were conveyed to his son David, and 159 acres 
to Isaac. The widow who had the singular name of 
Fronica, was to receive ^700 from her son David, 
showing that Daniel had become a comparatively 
wealthy man, for those days. C: David, Isaac, 
Ann, Mary. 


|||. David Rosenberger, d in 1829, aged about 80 
years, m Ann Funk, daughter of Rev. Christian 
and Barbara (Cassel) Funk, Mid grand -daughter of 
Bishop Henry Funk, of Franconia twp. Montg. Co. 
Pa. C: Christian, Elizabeth, Mary, Ann, Philip, 
David, Abraham, Daniel. David m 2nd wife, Bar- 
bara, daughter of John Detweiler. C: Susanna, 
John, Henry, Franey, Valentine. 

The two hundred acres bequeathed to David 
Rosenberger was bounded on the northwest by the 
cross road, now a turnpike, running from the Co. 
line to Hatfield station. It comprised the Landis 
farm, those of Henry and Samuel Rosenberger; the 
lot of David Rosenberger and the tavern property. 
At the premises of Henry Rosenberger, his great 
grandson, he continued to reside during his life. 
David Rosenberger lived to be quite an old man — 
probably over 80 years of age. Besides the patri- 
mony he received from his father in 1 77 1, he also 
acquired a farm of 78 acres in Hilltown, which he 
willed to his daughter, Fronica. The homestead of 
109 acres was conveyed to his son Henry, in 1821. 
Another farm of 78 acres, at present that of Samuel 
Rosenberger's.was conveyed to his son John by will. 
Farmer, Menn. 

IV- Christian Rosenberger, b about 1773, d 1821, 
m Elizabeth Kraut. His name appears in the re- 
cords in 1795, when he bought for ^408 123 acres 
of the Kinsey estate in Upper Gwynedd, but which 
he sold two years later. In 1797 he bought 129 
acres in Lower Providence, where he remained until 
his death. He was a wealthy man and an extensive 
landholder. His heirs, in 1826, sold a farm of 64 
acres to John Stinson, also six houses and 300 acres 


in Worcester and Providence, to various parties. 
The land was near the Germantown and Perk Omen 
Turnpike. Farmer, Menu. C: David, Jacob. 
John, Ann, Barbara, Hettie, Marie, Christian. 

V- Rev. *David Rosenberger, b May 5, 1795, d Aug 
1 8 14, m Mary Corner. She died June 1865. 
Farmer in Columbiana Co. Ohio, and minister of the 
Evangelical Association Church. C: Elizabeth, 
John, Christian, Josiah, David, Mary, George. 

VI- Elizabeth Rosenberry, b in Pa. De?c 30, tSiy, 
d near New Hampton, Mo. Jan 20, 1876, m Henry 
Gilbert. He d July 30, 1843, aged 27 yrs. Stone 
Mason, Meth. Ep. C: John, Mary, Simon, and 
Susan. Elizabeth m second husband, Leonard 
Hime. He d June 1853. Farmer, Luth. C: Rnth, 
Rachel, Leonard. Elizabeth m third husband, Henry 
Mottinger. He d at St. Joe., Mo. Oct 1864. Farmer, 
Ev. Ass'n. C: Sarah, Milton. 

VII- John W. Gilbert b in Columbiana Co, Ohio, 
Jan 28, 1838, m Eva M. Rauch Dec 30, 1862. Res. 
1419 Penna Ave. Canton, Ohio. House-mover, 
Christian Science. C: James, Perry, Irene, Edward, 
Jennie, Charles, Bert, Esie, Grace, Eva. 

VIII James E. Gilbert, b Oct 17, 1863, m Annie 

VIIL Perry Gilbert, b July 11, 1865, d Feb 16, 1884. 

VIII. Irene Gilbert, 1) Aug 26, 1866, d Oct 15, 1888. 

VIII. Edward Gilbert, b Oct 17, 1867, d Oct 16, 

VIII. Jennie Gilbert, b Sept 3, 1869, m Atlata 
Davis. P O Knox, Pa. 

VIII- Charles Gilbert, bjan 9 , 1871, m Esner. P 
O Canton, Ohio. 

VIIL Bert Gilbert, b Sept 11, 1873, d Dec 26, 

Vlll Esie Gilbert, b July 6, 1875. 

VIII . Grace Gilbert, b Sept 9, 1877. 

Vlll. Eva Gilbert, b Apr cr, 1880, d Jan 14, 1882. 

VII - Mary Ann Gilbert, b June n, 1839, m William 
Zerbe Feb 17, i860. He was bin Berks Co. Pa. and 
when 18 years of age he went to Starks Co. Ohio. 

*The names were recorded 111 the old Family Bible — Rosenberrv. 


After marriage they moved to Harrison Co. Mo. 
where they still reside. P O Martinsville, Mo. 
Farmer; Mr. Z. Luth; Mrs. Z. Meth. Ep. C: John, 
Ida, Flora, Viola, Ruth, Joseph, Henry, Sarah, 
Leonard, Jessie, Isaac. 

VIII John Edwin Zerbe, b Oct 23, 1861, m Theressa 
Congleton Feb 27, 1889. P O Martinsville, Mo. 
Farmer, Meth. Ep. C: (IX) Mary Blanche Zerbe, 
b July 9, 1891. Lewis Wm. Dean Zerbe h Aug- 13, 

VIII - Ida jane Z<erbe, ! , Ma.\ 2, 1863, m Samuel 
Hall Goucher Aug 7, 1878. P O Merriman, Neb. 
Raising stock, horses and cattle. C: Nora, Floyd, 
R. W., Zora, Ora, Meda, Leona. 

IX- Nora Ellen Goucher, b May 3, 1881, m Wm. 
Hatten, (d). P O Merriman, Neb. C: (X) Mary 
Hatten, bjan 21, 1896. Dell Hatten, b Apr 1. 1899. 
Roy Hatten, b Jan 1, 1901. 

IX- Floyd H. Goucher, b Oct 30, 1883. 

IX- R W. Goucher, b Sept 30, 1885. 

IX- Zora Etta Goucher, b June n, 1888. 

IX- Ora Ocy Goucher, b Oct 17, 1892. 

IX- Meda May Goucher. b Dec 7, 1896. 

IX. Leona Gouoher. b Dec 15, 1899. 

IX- Luebart Goucher, b Feb 24, 1902. 

VIII. Flora Ellen Zerbe, b at Alliance, Stark Co. 
Ohio, Apr 12, 1865, m John M. Crotts Feb 28. 
1895. Farmer; Mrs. Crotts, before and after mar- 
riage, has been engaged in teaching music. She has 
been devoted to that work at least for six months in 
every year for 15 years. She is also a member of the 
"Great White Ribbon Band," of the Womans' 
Christian Temperance Union. Meth. Ep. C: (IX ) 
Marian Izora Crotts, b Jan 25, 1898, d Feb 23, 

VIII- Viola Josephine Zerbe, b in Harrison Co. Mo. 
Nov 21, 1866, m Lewis Adams Mar 22, 1883. P O 
Merriman, Neb. Running a Cattle Ranch. C: (IX) 
William Earl Adams, b Jan 4, 1885. Ethel Alice 
Adams, b July 19, 1887. Edgar Adams, b Feb 9, 
1891. Infant (twin) stillborn Feb 9, 1891. Flora 

Maud Adams, b Aug 8, 1895. 


VIM. Ruth Ann Zerbe, b in Harrison Co. Mo. Sept 
21, 1868, m William Casebolt Dec 24, 1885. P 
Martinsville, Mo. Farmer. 

VIII- Joseph Lawrence Zerbe, b July 16, 1870, d 
Aug 24, 1871. 

Vii!. Henry William Zerbe, b Mar 7, 1872, d May 
25, 1893. Meth. Ep. 

VIII. Sarah Elizabeth Zerbe, b June 9, 1874, m 
Lewis Brown Dec 24, 1890. P O Bethany, Mo. 
Farmer. C: (IX) Edith Brown, b Oct 9, 1891. 
Eldbridge Brown, b May 1894, d Aug 1895. Pearl 
Brown, b Jan 25, 1898. 

VIII. Leonard Albertus Zerbe, b Oct 19, 1876, in 
Susie Burton Dec 23, 1897. P O Bethany, Mo. C: 
(IX) Inis Zerbe, b Nov 13, 1899. 

VIII. Jessie W. Zerbe, b Jan 21, 1879, d Aug 3. 

VIII. Isaac Franklin Zerbe, b Mar 21 , 1881, m 
Bessie Howard, Oct 19, 1902. P O Martinsville, 
Mo. Farmer. 

VII Simon Gilbert, b 1841. At the age of 22 years 
he enlisted in the Union Army and was killed in 
battle Sept 13, 1865, having served three years from 
date of enlistment Sept 13, 1862. 

VII- Susan Gilbert, b in 1843, d in Mich, about 1889, 
m John McLease about 1865. No issue. 

VII. Ruth Ann Hime, b in Stark Co. O. May 26, 
1850, d July 29, 1897, m Alexander Barret Needles 
in Gentry Co. Mo. July 1871. Ruth Ann Hime 
moved with her mother to Gentry Co. Mo. in 1865, 
where she remained most of the time until her mar- 
riage, when she with her husband moved to Noda- 
way Co. Mo. in the fall of 187 1. At the early age of 
17 years she professed faith in Christ and united 
with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which she 
remained a faithful member until death. P O Par- 
nellCity, Mo. Farmer, Meth. Ep. C: (VII!) Cora 
E. Needles, b Mar 8, 1872, d Mar 9, 1898. At the 
age of 15 she gave her heart to God, and joined the 
Meth Ep. Church. George W r . Needles, b Sept 14, 
1873, d July n, 1874. William A. Needles, b Apr 
8, 1875. p O Parnell City, Mo. S. Ada L. Need- 


les, b Feb 22, 1877. P O Parnell City, Mo. At the 
age of 17 she was converted and joined the Free 
Methodist Church. S. Charles S. Needles, b Mar 
27, 1S/9, djuly 11, 18S1. Elizabeth Needles, b Miy 
2, [881. She gave her heart and life to Jesus at the 
age of 16, and united with the Methodist Episcopal 
Church. P O Parnell City, Mo. S. Sarah C. 
Needles, b Oct 27, 1882. She became a disciple of 
Jesus when 15 years of age, and joined the Methodist 
Episcopal Church. P O Parnell City, Mo. S. 
Alexander E. Needles, b Oct 19, 1884. John L. 
Needles, b May 3, 1886, d Sept 26, 1886. James M. 
Needles, b Dec 2, 1887. Infant, stillborn Aug 12, 

VII Rachel Alice Hiroe, bin Stark Co. O. June 11, 

1852, m Edward William Dahlgren Dec 22, 1869. 
He was b in Galesburg, 111. Mar 4, i85i,d at Omaha, 
Neb. Dec 20, 1896. He was of Swedish descent, 
his parents having emigrated from Sweden to America 
about 1845. His maternal grandfather was a noted 
personage and Lord in Sweden. P O Merriman, 
Neb. Ranchman, Meth. Ep. C: William, Lewis, 
Frank, Arthur, Alfred, Andrew, Grace, Cecil. 

VIII William Leonard Dahlgren, b Feb 11, 1871, m 
Laura Agnes McNemel Sept 6, 1891. She was L in 
Harrison Co. Mo. Oct 22, 1876. P O Merriman, 
Neb. Farmer, Meth. Ep. C; (IX) Winifred Tessa 
Dahlgren, b June 7, 1894.. Leonard Dahlgren, b Jan 
12, 1897. Leyes Dahlgren, b Aug 3, 1898. Loal 
Dahlgren, b Feb 14, 1899. 

VIII- Lewis Edward Dahlgren, b Jan 6, 1873. P 
O Merriman, Neb. Farmer. Meth. Ep. S. 

VIII. Frank Dahlgren, b Dec 6, 1875, d Mar 6, 
1878, was burned to death. 

VIII. Arthur Dahlgren, b Dec 12, 1880. 

VIII. Alfred Dahlgren, b Aug 15, 1882. 

VIII Andrew Dahlgren, b Oct 7, 1884. 

VIII Grace May Dahlgren, b Dec 11, 1886. 

VII j. Cecil Lee Dahlgren, b Dec 14, 1890, d Mar 
10, 1897. 

VII- Leonard A. Hime, b in Stark Co. O. Sept 14, 

1853, m Martha I. Lovelace Feb 19, 1880. She d 


Feb 27, 1887. C: Hattie, Ralph, Marguriett, In- 
fant. Leonard m second wife, Martha E. Hunsick- 
er, May 9, 1889. P O New Hampton, Mo. Far- 
mer and stoek-raiser, Meth. Ep. C: Lala. 

VIII Hattie Hime, b Nov 29, 1880. Meth. Ep. S. 

Vlij Ralph Leroy Hime, b July 29, 1882. Meth Ep. 

V3II Marguriett Ann Hime, I.Feb 22, 1885. M. Ep. 

VIII. Infant, stillborn Oct 16, 1883. 

VIII Lala Elizabeth Hime, b Oct 30, 1890. 

VII Sarah Catharine Mottiuger, bOct 1856, m John 
Shultz [an 1884. P O McFall, Mo 

VII- Milton H. Mottinger, b in Stark Co. O. May 
4, 1859, m Elizabeth McKillen Sept :3, 1886. P O 
Albany, Mo. Farmer, Meth. Ep. No issue. 

VI- John C. Rosenberger, b in Pa. Oct 15, 1819, d 
in Stark Co. O. Aug 30, 1891, m Sarah Ickes. She 
was b in Pa. Mar 9, 1 82 r , d in Stark Co. O. Mar 25, 
1S96. Farmer, Ger. Bap. C: Lydia, Albert, Ed- 

VII L\dia Ann Rosenberger, b at New Franklin, 
Stark Co. O.Jan 5, 1847, m David Scott May 28, 
1868. P O Alliance, O. Farmer, Ev. Ass'n. C: 
William, Cora. 

VIII- William Edward Scott, b Dec 11, 1869, d Jan 
14, 1 87 1. 

VIII - Cora Belle Scott, b Jan 19, 1874, m Benjamin 
W. Mather Aug 25, 1895. P O Homeworth, Ohio. 
Farmer. C: (IX) Lydia Margaret Mather, b Oct 30, 
i8o>. Irene Mather, b Nov 14, 1899. 

VII Albert Rosenberger, b at New Franklin, Stark 
Co. Ohio, Oct 17, 1849, m Nancy Coyle Dec 1, 1889. 
P O Freeburgh, Ohio. Farmer, Luth. C: (VIII) 
Lydia Rosenberger, b Dec 5, 1S79. Chancy Rosen- 
berger, b Sept 19, 18S5. 

VII- Edward Rosenberger, b in Stark Co. O. May 
10, 1852. m Ellen Irwin Mar 18, 1875. P O Paris, 
Ohio. Farmer, Ger. Bap. C: Ida, Homer, Frank. 

VIII Ida M. Rosenberger, b May 20, 1877, m Chas. 
E. Ruff Apr 7, 1895. P O Homeworth, Ohio. 
Farmer, Ger. Bap. C: (|X) Glenwood Ruff. 
Howard Ruff. 

VIII- Homer F. Rosenberger, b Jan 20, 1882. 


VIII. Frank W. Rosenberger. b 1886. 

VI. Christian Rosenberger, (d); m Christena Gilbert. 
V|. josiah Rosenberger, (d); m Kate McGrayer. 

No issue. 

V|. David Rosenberger. No issue. 

VJ. Mary Ann Rosenberger, b Sept 4, 1830, d in 
Ohio Oct 26, 1867, m Owen M. Sayder Apr 5, 1849. 
He was b in Columbiana Co. O. Sept 4, 1824. C: 
May, Oscar, Ahneda, Anna, Howard, Samantha, 
Frank, Foster, Mary. 

VII May Snyder, b at New Franklin, Stark Co. O. 
in 1849, m Thomas Ross in 1875. P O St. Joseph, 
Mo. Episcopal Ch. C: (VIII) Rubena Ross, b 1876. 
Maggie May Ross, b 1878. 

VII. Oscar Snyder, b Sept 8, 1851, d at Cadiff Mines, 
Alabama, May 13, (892. He was caught by falling 
slate, from effects of which he died. 

VII. Almeda Snyder, b in Columbiana Co. O. Sept 

10, 1853, m Andrew Summers Apr 20, 1872. He 
d Aug 15, 1885. P O North Gorgetown, O. Black- 
smith, Ger. Bap. C: Ida. Lula, Howard, Anna. 
Rachel, Alvie. 

VIII. Ida May Summers, b Dec 29. 1873. d Oct 18, 

VIII. Lula Belle Summers, b Apr 8, 1875. m B. S. 
Heiss. Res. 33 Grant St. Cleveland, O. Jeweler. 
C: (IX) Archibald Warburtou Heiss. 

VIII. Howard Ellsworth Summers, b Oct 19, 1876. 

VIM Anna Mary Summers, b Jan 19, 1878. 

VIII- Rachel Christena Summers, b Oct 16, 1880. 

VIII. Alvie Andrew Summers, b Dec 23, 1885. 

VII- Ruth Anna Snyder, b Aug 17, 1855, m Frank 
Gugelman Dec 24. 1874. He was b Aug 3, 1856. 
P O Paris, O. C: (VIII) Foster O. Gugelman, b 
July 13, 1875. Charles R. Gugelman, b Apr 2, 
1877, d Oct 25, 1877. Vivian I. Gugelman, b Oct 

11, 1878. Homer C. Gugelman, b July 13, 1880. 
Harry E. Gugelman, b Jan 28, 1882. Mary B. 
Gugelman, b Mar 10, 1884. Forest A. Gugelman, 
bjune 20, 1886. May E. Gugelman, b July 22, 
1.S88. William A. Gugelman, b Dec 22, 1891. 
Ruth A. Gugelman, b Apr 27. 1894. George H. 


Gugelman, b Jan 22, 1897. 

VII. Milton Howard Snyder, b May 16, 1857. Res. 
Boliver St. Cleveland, Ohio. S. 

VII. Samantha C. Snyder, b Aug 26, 1859, m Chas. 
Harraden May 2, 1880. Res. 3505 Oak Park Ave. 
Berwyn, 111. Fire Underwriter, Baptist. C: (VIII) 
George J. Harraden, b Nov 11, 1881. Charles G. 
Harraden, b Oct 14, 1888. Maria I. Harraden, b 
Jan 8, 1902. 

VII Franklin S. Snyder, b Sept 25, 1862. P O 
Canton, Ohio. 

VII- Marv Isabella Snyder, b Sept 26, 1864, m 
Charles McMac'.cen. P O Salem, O. Ref. Ch. C: 
(VIII) Raymond McMacken, b May 9, 1883. Hazel 
McMacken, b Apr 25, 18S5. 

VII- Foster L. Snyder, b Aug 6, [867. P O 
Emporia, Kan. 

VI- George W. Rosenberry, b in Pa. Sept 8, 1831, 
ra Maria Bohecker Dec 22, 1853. P O Dayton, O. 
Conductor on the Penna. R. R. Mr. R. Meth. Ep. 
Mrs. R., Christian Ch. C: Viola, Judson, George, 
Charles, Minnie. 

VII Viola Josephine Rosenberry, b at Alliance, O. 
Dec 14, 1854, m Edwin L. Ogden May 27, 1873. P 
O Alliance, Ohio. C: Florence, Cassie, Grace, (d). 

VII- Judson M. Rosenberry, b Aug 30, 1858, d Feb 
10. 1859. 

VII • George L. Rosenberry, b in Alliance, Ohio 
May 6, i860, m Maggie E. Croft Dec 16, 1890. P 
O Alliance, Ohio. Employed in the tool room of 
the Morgan Engineering Co; Presby. C: (VIII) 
Harry Walter Rosenberry. Edwin C. Rosenberry. 
Bertha May Rosenberry. 

VII • Charles S. Rosenberry, b in Alliance, O. 1863. 
Res. 17 Clifton St. Cleveland, Ohio. S. 

VII- Minnie F. Rosenberry, b in All'ance, O. Oct 
21, 1869. Res. Alliance, O. 

V- Jacob Rosenberger, b Aug 19, 1797, d Apr n, 
1 83 1, m Mary Detweiler Dec 12, 1820. She was b 
June 19, 1799, d about 1848. Lived in Lower 
Providence twp Montg. Co. Pa. Farmer, Menn. 
C: Susanna, John, Catharine, Elizabeth, Mary, 


Jesse, Jacob, Benjamin. 
VI. Susanna Rosenberry, bjan6, 1822. 
VI. John Rosenberry, b and d Dec 28, 182;:. 

VI. Catharine Rosenberry, b Nov 16, 1823, d Apr 
18, 1900, m Henry G. Delp Dec 7, 1845. He died 
Apr 19, 1884. Farmer, Menn. C: Emeline, Anna, 

VII. Emeline R. Delp, b Mar 24, 1847, d Aug 6, 
1901, m Isaac B. Kulp Dec 13, 1867. C: Mary, 
Katie, Harry, Irwin, Emma, Frank. 

VIII. Mary Ellen Kulp, m Charles Bechtel. P O 
Limerick, Pa. C: (IX) Clarence, Hannah, Henry, 
Elmer, Elsie. 

VIII- Katie Kulp, m Henry Allebach. C: (IX) 
Iva, Wilmer, Ethel. 

VIII. Harry Kulp, b May 15, 1873, m Etta Alderfer 
Dec 25, 189;. P O Harleysville, Pa. Farmer. C: 
(IX) Blanch A. Kulp, b Oct 23, 1898. Frank A. 
Kulp, b Oct 18, 1902. 

VIII- Irwin Kulp, m Laura Ganghorn Dec 1902. 

VII! Emma D. Kulp, b Nov 27, 1880, m Isaiah B. 
Clymer Apr 22, 1902. Butcher, Menn. Res. Phila. 

VIII. Frank D. Kulp, b Aug 26, 1886. Res. Phila. 
Pa. Machinist, Menn. S. 

VII- Annt Elizabeth Delp, bjuly 18, [850, d Apr 
23, 1887, m Hiram Steltz Sept 1873. P O Potts- 
town, Pa. C: Katie, Henry, Sarah, Hiram. 

VIII. Katie Laura Steltz, (d). 

VIII. Henry Wilson Steltz, b Sept 20, 1875, m Em- 
ma Seasholtz May 5, 1900. P O New Hanover, 
Pa. Miller, Luth. C: (IX) Edna May Steltz, b 
Aug 24, 1900. Rufus Melvin Steltz, h July 28, 1901, 
d Sept 27, 1901. Harvey Elwood Steltz, b June 24, 

VIII Sarah Agnes Steltz, m Frank Hunsberger. P 
O Frederick, Pa. 

VIII. Hiram Edwin Steltz. S. 

VII - Hannah R. Delp, b Jan 21, 1857, m Henry K. 
Kratz Oct 16, 1880. P O Kulpsville, Pa. Farmer, 
Menn. No issue. 

VI. Elizabeth Rosenberry, bDec 15, 1824, m George 

hv.' THE k<»km;ki;<.ki; his roRl 

F. Shuler Feb 16, 1856. P O Sterling, 111. Re- 
tired farmer. C: Ann, John, Emma, Mary. 

VII- Ann Eliza Shuler, b Nov 30, 1856, m Ferris 
H. Landis Dee 23, 1875. P O Sterling, 111. Far- 
mer, Luth. C: (VIII) Frank Fred Landis, b Jan 6, 
1877. Harvey Shuler Landis, b Oct 28, 1878, d Feb 
14, 1896 Cora Elizaheth Landis, b Dee 5, 1880. 
Bertha May Landis, b Oct 2, 1882. Arthur Roy 
Landis, b Fe'<. 2, 1885. Ida Susan Landis, b Aug 8, 
1886. Walter Emanuel Landis, b July 9, 1890, d Jan 

14, 1892. John Irvin Landis, b Nov 15, 1891, d Jan 

15, 1892. Verne Ruth Landis, b July 27, 1893. 
Martha Anna Landis, bjune 11, 1896. 

VII John Franklin Shuler, b Apr 15, 1858, d Jan 
30, 1861 . 

VII Emma Shuler, b Apr 26, (865, m Christian F. 
Miller Mar 5, 1895. P O Sterling, 111. Farmer. C: 
(VIII) Elizabeth Ruth Miller, b Feb 5, 1896. 

VII- Mary Shuler, b Apr 26, 1867. PO Sterling; 
111. S. 

VI- Mary Rosenberry, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Dec 6, 
1825, m Ephraim D. Hendricks in 1848. He was b 
in Montg. Co. Pa. 1824. P O Cavvker City, Kan. 
Tailor, Menu. C: Allen, Benjamin, John, Charles. 

VII- Allen R. Hendricks, bin Lancaster, Pa. Aug 
29, 1849, m Susan Moyer Sept 23, 1873. She was b 
Apr n, 1853. P O Sterling, 111. Druggist. C: 
( VIII) Olive Logan Hendricks, b May 10, 1876. Leon 
Sumner Hendricks, b Mar 21, 1880, d Jan 25, 1883. 
Lester Blaine Hendricks, b Feb 8, 1886. Leroy 
Russel Hendricks, b May 8, 1890. 

VII- Benjamin Franklin Hendricks, b in Lancaster 
Co. Pa. Mar 16, 1851, m Lillian Emma Peck Aug 
29, 1876. P O Savanna, 111. Superintendant of 
City Schools, Savanna, 111. C: (VIII) Earl Leslie 
Hendricks, b Mar 7, 1880. Clyde Peck Hendricks, 
bApr6, 1884. Hazel Dell Hendricks, b May 14, 
1888. Paul Merton Hendricks, b May 14, 1888, 
d June 14, 1890. 

VII- John R. Hendricks, b at Sterling, 111. May 9, 
1855, m Mollie A. Swartley June 17, 1875. P O 
Smithville, Ark. Formerly teacher, present occupa- 


tion medicine. C: (VIII) Eldon Beethoven Hen- 
dricks, b July 18, 1877. Milicent Mozart Hendricks, 
b May 19, 1880. Gretrude Haydn Hendricks, b Feb 
zg, 1884, d Nov 29, 1886. Myrtle Weber Hendricks, 
b Apr 19, 1889. 

VII- Charles R. Hendricks, b Aug 29, 1859, m Em- 
ma Mar <:olf Mar 27, 1883. P O Cawker City. Kan. 
Farmer, Ref. Menn. C: (VIII) Clyde Hendricks, b 
1884. Pearl Hendricks, b 1886. Mabel Hendricks, 
b 1888. Amy Hendricks, b 1891. Gertrude Hen- 
dricks, b 1893. Ruth Hendricks, b 1*9'). 

VI- Jesse Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa. May 1, 
1827, m Esther Heim June 2, 1850. Shed Dec 12, 
1871, in Wis. C: Amos, several d infants, and 
Jesse. Jesse m second wife, H. Jane Holcomb. P 
O Iola, Kan. Shoemaker, Farmer, Nurseryman, 
Baptists. C: Franklin. 

VI! . Amos Rosenberger, b May 29, 1852, m Ella 
Thurber. P O Kansas City, Mo. Instructor in a 
business college, at 1214 Main St. 

VI I - Jesse L- Rosenberger, bat Lake City, Minn. Jan 
6, i860. He graduated from the University of 
Rochester, (N. Y.) in 1888, receiving the degree of 
A. B. and afterwards that of A. M. In 1889 he 
graduated from the Chicago College of Law, and in 
1891, received the degree of L. L. B. from Lake 
Forest University Oct 7, 1889, he was admitted to the 
bar of the State of Illinois. Since the latter date, he 
has been, and is still, practicing law in Chicago. 
He is also now publishing what is called "Rosen- 
berger's Law Monthly," primarily a business man's 
law journal. He is also author of a volume of 
"Street Railway Law," and of one entitled 'Law 
for Lumbermen; office 1005 Opera House Bldg. 
Chicago, 111. Baptist. S. 

VII- Franklin H. Rosenberger, d Aug 1, 1900. S. 
VI- Jacob Rosenberry. b Aug 30, 1828. m Mary 

Schlichter. She d without issue. Jacob m second 
wi'fe, Emma Schlichter. C: Frank. Mary, Jacob, 
Harry, Isaac. Jacob m third wife, Mary Barclay. 
P O Fagleysville, Pa. Farmer. C: William, Fred- 
crick. John. Maggie, Robert, Joseph. 


VII. Frank Rosenberry, b Nov 1, 1858, in Marx- 
Madden. Res. 2507 Tulip St. Phila. Pa. Salesman 
and Book-keeper; Mrs. R. Catholic. C: ( VIII > Fran- 
cis Rosenberry. 

VII. Mary Rosenberry, b about I860, d young. 

VII. Jacob Rosenberry, b about 1862, in Lizzie, 
Moury. P O Neiffer, Pa. Farmer, Ger. Ref. C: 
(VIII) Emily, Sadie. Alonzo. 

VII. Harry Rosenberry, b 1866. Res. 2 507 Tulip 
St. Phila. Pa. Moterman. S. 

VII. Isaac Rosenberry , b 1868, m Kehl. P () 

Pcnnsburg, Pa. Huckster, Luth. C: (VIII) Stella, 
Frances. Cassie, Henry. 

VII. William Rosenberry, b June 30, 1871. P () 
Fagleysville, Pa. Fanner, Ref. Ch. 

VII. Frederick Rosenberry, b May 7, L873. 

VII. John Rosenberry, b June 1875. Ref. Ch. 

VII. Maggie Rosenberry, b Oct 20, 1877, d 1894. 

VII. Robert Rosenberry. 

VII. Joseph Rosenberry. b June 1883. 

VI- Benjamin F. Rosenberry, b in Lower Provi- 
dence twp. Montg. Co. Pa. Mar 5, 1830, m Angeline 
Wear at Canton, Ohio, Feb 4, 1851. P O Argos, 
Ind. C: Mary, Emma, Amanda, John, James. 

VII- Mary Rosenberry, bin Stark Co. Ohio, Nov 
2, 1 85 1, m James H. Watson Feb 14., 187 1. P O 
Argos, Ind. Meth. Ep. C: John. 

VIII- John Hunter Watson, b Nov 4, 1871, m Amy 
Chapman. Res. 131 8. West Monroe St. Chicago, 
111. Printer, Meth. Ep. C: (IX) J. Howard Watson, 
b Aug 8, 1893. Paul C. Watson, b Feb 15, 1896. 
Nina Winona Watson, b Aug 25, 1898. 

VIII Janette Watson, b July 3, 1873, d Mar 6, 

VIII. Homer Watson, b Nov 27, 1877, m Clara 
Bucher. Res. 617 Prairie St. Elkhart, Ind. 

VIII. B. F. Watson, b June, i, 1882. PO Argos, 
Ind. Clerk, Meth. Ep. 

VIII. Howard Watson, b Dec 27, 1886, d Jan 7, 

VIII. Mildred Watson, b Apr 24, 1889, Meth. Ep. 

Jacob H. Rosenberg, M. D 


VIII- Paul Watson, b Aug 24, 1893, d next day. 

VII  Emma Rosenberry, bMariS, 1854, d — . 

VII Amanda Rosenberry, b in Stark Co. Ohio, June 
13, 1856, m L. N. Shedd, (d), in 1878. P O Argos, 
Ind. Meth. Ep. C: (VIII) Louisa Gertrude Shedd, 
b Mar 14, 1880. Eva Angeline Shedd, b June 16, 
1882. Amanda m second husband, J. C. Gordon, in 
1892. Ex-School teacher. 

VII - J°hn Franklin Rosenberry, b Mar 5, 1858, 
d— . 

VII - James Harvey Rosenberry, bMay4, 1872, d — . 

VJj . Susan Rosenberger, d aged 13 years. 

V. Rev. *John Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
May 21, 1801, din North Georgetown, Ohio, Mar 
17, 1853, m Elizabeth Z., daughter of Jacob Hun- 
sicker, ofSkippack, Pa. Dec 26, 1824. She was b 
May 26, 1798, d in Osage City, Kansas Dec 24, 
1887. Farmer and Minister, first of the Menn., and 
in after life of the Evangelical Association. At the 
annual session of the Conference of the Evangelical 
Association Church in Pa. in 1838, he was licensed 
to preach and was sent as an assistant to travel the 
Lancaster Circuit, and in 1839 as an assistant on the 
York Circuit. The work of the church at that time 
was more on the order of Missionary work, with 
much traveling, and constantly, every day preach- 
ing, with many hardships to endure, and small 
salaries. He having a wife and six children, 
his small capital sank $400. which forced him to 
locate in 1840, when he and his family moved to 
eastern Ohio, then a new country, where other 
members of his father's family had preceeded him. 
He bought a farm of So acres and supported his 
family by farming, still continuing to preach on Sun- 
day the balance of his life, and died in 1853, honored 
by all that knew him. C: Jacob, Annie, Elizabeth, 
Sarah, Isaac, John, Barbara, David, Maria. 

VI. JacobH. Rosenberg, M. D., b inLower Provi- 
dence twp. Montg. Co. Pa. Oct 17, 1825, m Mary 
Ann Caudels, daughter of George and Elizabeth 

*In 1838 he changed hi* mune'from Rosenberry to Rosenberger. 
Jn I860 his children further changed the name to Rosenberg. 


A 1 unen Caudels, Oct 31, 1847. She was b Nov 17, 
1828, d vSept 2, 1880. Res. 1626 Burdette St. Oma- 
ha, Neb. 

Dr. Rosenberg was converted Jan 9, 1837, and 
joined the Evangelical Association. In Aug 1843, 
at the Ohio Conf. of the Ev. Ass'n. Church, he was 
licensed to the "Local Ministry." He taught dis- 
trict schools, and preached on Sundays. In 1853, 
'54, '55, the Pittsburg Conf. Ev. Ass'n. sent him to 
travel as preacher on their circuits in Armstrong, 
Jefferson, Clarion and Venango counties of Pa., and 
1856 to 1864 the Ohio Conf. sent him to travel and 
preach on the missions and circuits in the counties of 
Wood, Lucas, Henry, Wyandott, Pickaway, Fair- 
field, and Wayne, Ohio; and Lenawee and Monroe 
counties, Michigan. His voice for public speaking 
finally failed totally and in 1864 he located and enter- 
ed and graduated from the Eclectic Medical Institute 
of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1869, and has practiced med- 
icine successfully from that time to the present, 

Dr. Jacob H. Rosenberg educated himself after 
marriage by much planning and economy. He reads 
Greek, Latin and Hebrew, giving the translation 
very readily and rapidly. He is now a member of 
the Methodist Episcopal Church. C: Sarah, Frank, 
Mary, Emeline. 

VII- Sary Ann Rosenberg, b Nov 9, 184&, d Oct 
8, 1849. 

VII- Frank J. Rosenberg, M. D. bat Columbianna, 
Ohio, Aug 16, 1850, m Anna M. Case, of Wyandott 
Co. Ohio, Mar 17, 1873. P O Lexington, Neb.- 
Mr. Rosenberg was educated in Upper Sandusky 
High School and Northwestern Normal, Adrian, O. 
He studied medicine and graduated at the E. M. I. 
Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1873, and took Post Clinical 
Course at Bellevue Hospital College, N. Y. in 1881, 
and a P. G. course in the P. G. School of Medicine, 
London, England, in 1891, and has since been en- 
gaged in the practice of his profession. Meth. Ep. 
C: (VIII) Claud C. Rosenberg, b Apr 14, 1874. 
Meth. Ep. S. Roy Paul Rosenberg, b Jan 14, 


1878, djuly 1891. Meth. Ep. Ralph E. Rosen- 
berg, b May 24, 1881. Earl H. Rosenberg, b Sept 
24, 1884. Meth. Ep. Bulah Vere Rosenberg, b 
Jan 29, 1890. 

Vl|. Mary Elizabeth Rosenberg, b in Venango Co. 
Pa. Aug 20, 1855. In 1895 she entered the Eclectic 
Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, and graduated 
in 1897. She is now a regular practicing physicial, 
m Carl O. Nelson Jan 30, 1901 . He was b in Sweden 
Sept 26, 1S61. Res. 1626 Burdette St. Omaha, 
Neb. His occupation is that of Painter and Decora- 
tor. He became a naturalized citizen of America in 
Oct 1 90 1. Meth. Ep. 

VI I - Emeline Rosenberg, b June 9, i860, d Aug 13, 
1 861. 

V|. Annie Rosenberg, b Dec 26, 1826, d Jan 1887, 
m John Yanhorn Dec 1847. 

V|. Elizabeth Rosenberg, b Dec 26, 1826, d Sept 26, 

V|. Sarah Ann Rosenberg, b Mar 28, 1829, m Isaac 
Packerjuly2, 1852. He d Jan 1884. Millwright, 
Meth. Ep. C: Rosetta, Webster, Frank, Mary, 
Jane, Laura, John. 

VII  Rosetta A. Packer, b Dec 16, 1854, m Kimble 
Thomas. P O Turney, Mo. C: (VIII) Daniel 
Thomas, (d). Laura Thomas. Nellie Thomas. 
Perley Thomas. Maudie Thomas, (d). Earl 

VII - D. Webster Packer, b at Salem, Ohio, Sept 18, 
1855. P O Platte City, Mo. Farmer and stock- 
raiser, Christain Ch. S. 

VII. B. Frank Packer, bat LaSalle, 111. Apr 24, 
1859. P O Platte City, Mo. Farmer and Stock- 
raiser, Christian Ch. S. 

VII- Mary Ann Packer, d i860. 

VII - Jane Packer, d 1864. 

Vij. Laura Packer, b in Leavenworth, Kan. Mai i, 

1863, m Levi S. Deever Oct 23, 1895. Res. 1301 
Kansas Ave. Topeka, Kan. Farmer, United Br. Ch. 

VII- John H. Packer, b Sept ir,i870. Res. 1559 N 

19th. St. Omaha, Neb. Electric Engineer, Meth. 
Ep. Single. 


VI . Isaac H. Rosenberg, b Oct 3r, 1831, d Mar 17, 

VI. John H. Rosenberg, M. D. b Apr 5, 1833, d 
Feb 1889, m Elizabeth L. Dundore July 27, 1858. 
Physician and minister of the United Brethren Ch. 
No issue. 

VI. Barbara Rosenberg, b Mar 24, 1835, in Montg. 
Co. Pa. d in Osage City, Kan. Nov 30, 1874, 111 Ben- 
jamin Packer Feb 24, 1853. He was b Oct 26, 1831, 
(1 near Alliance, Ohio, Nov 30, 1855. Carpenter and 
Millwright. Mr. Packer, Quaker; Mrs. Packer, 
Ev. Ass'n. and later U. B. in Christ. C: Edwin. 

VII. Edwin B. Packer, M. D., b near Mt. Union, 
Ohio, May 27, 1855. He was but an infant six 
months old when his father died, and his mother 
then took him to his grandmother Elizabeth Rosen- 
berg, who raised him, living at Bloomville, Napolion, 
Broken Swords, and Sycamore, Ohio, the first 12 
years of his life; then, at the age of 12 years he went 
to Blairistowu, Iowa, where he remained 3 years and 
attended school occasionally. At 15 he went to Kan. 
and worked a short time. In 1869 he made his home 
in Osage City, and followed his trade, that of a Car- 
penter, and also did some surveying for railroads, 
clerking and coal mining. In 1875 he attended Pane 
University, Lecompton, Kan. The years 1877, '78, 
'79, '80, were spent in teaching, employing his time 
at various things during vacation. He was married 
to Mary E. Ferris, of Lecompton, Kan. June 16, 
1878. In 1880 he attended Medical Lectures from the 
Preceptorship of Dr. John H. Rosenberg, (d), and 
graduated in June 1882, and located in practice in 
Osage City on the 15 day of the same month, at which 
place he still lives and practices his profession; Pres- 
by. C: (VIII) Ada Packer, b June 4, 1879, d June 
27, 1880. Pearl Packer, b Nov 18, 1880. 

VI. David H. Rosenberg, M. D., bat Skippaekville, 
Montg. Co. Pa. May 19, 1837, m Catharine Dundore 
May 19, 1859. P O Mascotte, Fla. Dr. Rosenberg- 
spent most of his time in Seneca Co. Ohio, but after- 
wards, on account of his health, he removed to 
Florida, where he is now strong and hearty, with 


abundance of various tropical fruits growing in his 
groves, ripe fruit every day of the year and with his 
practice as physician and Surgeon is joyful and hap- 
py. He was also a minister of the Ev. Ass'n. Ch. 
but is now member of Meth. Ep. Ch. C: John, 
Sarah, Joseph. 

VII . John B. Rosenberg, M. D. b at Napoleon, 
Henry Co. Ohio, Mar 25, 1863, m Clara Eckert Nov 
18, 1896. P O Clermont, Fla. Physician, Unitar- 
ian. No issue, (1897). 

V!|. Sara Lou Ella Rosenberg, b in Crawford Co. 
Ohio, July 26, 1865, m Rev. John H. Martin Sept 7, 
1890. "P O Winter Park, Fla. He was b at Tiffin, 
Ohio, Mar 13, 1867. Part of his boyhood was spent on 
a farm. He was converted at the age of 14 years 
under the labors of Rev. J. A. Hensel of the Ohio 
Conference Evangelical Association. He spent sev- 
eral years in a shop where he learned wood carving, 
cabinet making and the construction of wood-work in 
all forms, and drafting. He then attended Heidel- 
berg University at Tiffin, Ohio. In Sept 1890, he 
went to Florida, taught school one year, and n Aug 
1892, entered the ministry of the Methodist Episco- 
pal church, and stationed at Winter Park, Florida, 
where he is just (1898) completing a full term pas- 
torate of five years. C: (VIII) Rosella Esther Mar- 
tin, b Sept t, 1 89 1. 

VII Joseph Scudder Rosenberg, b at Bettsville, 
Ohio, Jan 2t, 1870, m Libbie Buhler. Superinten- 
dant Cigar Factory, 3rd St. Philadelphia, Pa. C: 

(VIII) Russel Rosenberg. Joseph Rosenberg. Eva- 
lyn Rosenberg. 

VI- Maria Rosenberg, b Oct n, 184.0, d Oct 18, 

1 841. 

V- Anna Rosenberger, bin Montg. Co. Pa. Jane 20, 
i8'>5, d in Hilltown, Bucks Co. Pa. Dec 7, 1893, 
m Samuel D. Heckler. He was b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
Oct 1,1803, din Hilltown, Bucks Co. Pa. May 1, 
1884. Farmer, Ev. Ass'n. C: Ann, George, Elias, 
Hetty, David, Jacob, Aaron, John, Samuel, 
Frank, Amanda. 

VI- Ann Eliza Heckler, b 1S25, d 1848. 



VI. George Heckler, b 182;, d 1857. 

VI- Elias Keckler, b 182S, m Angeline Garber. 
She d Dec 3, 1856. No issue. Elias tri second wife, 
Margaret Rebecca Gerhart. P O Fricks, Pa. Far- 
mer, Evangelical Ch. C: Emma. 

VII - Emma Heckler, b in Hilltown, Bucks Co. 
Pa. Dec 26, i860, m John Van Ommeren June 6, 
1878. He was b Dec 8. 1853, at Tngen Province 
Genlderland, Netherlands. P O Quakertown, Pa. 
Attorney at Law, Ref. Ch. C: TVIII) Henrietta 
VanOmmeren, b Oct 16, 187c;, d Apr 3, 1886. 
Lottie Mabel VanOmmeren, b May [4, £883. 

VI Hester Ann R. Heckler, b Feb 20, 1830, d 
at Ashbourne, Pa. July 1, 1886, m George W. Ma- 
Gargal, about 1861. He was b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
Res. Bethlehem, Pa. Builder; Mr. M. Baptist, 
Mrs. M. Meth. Ep. C: Samuel, Annie, Harvey, 
Emma, Hester. 

VII - Samuel H. MaGargal, b in Rockhill twp. 
Bucks Co. Pa. Jan 4, 1863, m Laura L. Garner, of 
Leidytown, Pa. vSept 13, 1883. P O Ashbourne, 
Pa. Lumber business: Mrs. M. Baptist. C: (VIII) 
Shelden G. MaGargal, b Aug 10, 1888. Infant 
daughter, b Mar 4, 1900, d Mar 8, 1900. 

VII- Annie L. MaGargal, b Sept 12, 1864, m Wm. 
A. Crouthamei Dec 25, 18S4. P O Souderton, Pa. 
Tailor. C: (VIII) George M. Crouthamei, b July 8, 
1S86. Alvin H. Crouthamei, b Sept 15, 1888. 
William R. Crouthamei, b Dec 14, 1891. 

VII- Harvey G. MaGargal, b Apr 1867, m Lizzie 
Myers. Res. 1304 Butler St. Phila. Pa. C: (VIII) 
Russell MaGargal, b Oct 1887. Earl MaGargal, b 
Nov 1888, d Dec 1891. Harvey MaGargal, bOct 1 891 . 

VII- Emma R. MaGargal, b 1871, m Frank Evans 
in 1892. P O Bridgeport, Conn. 

VII- Hester J. MaGargal, b 1872, m John M. Hun- 
sberger 1891. P O Souderton, Pa. C: (VIM) 
Harold, Lola, (d); - — . 

VI- David R. Heckler, b 1831, m Amanda Kimble. 
P O Hagersville, Pa. Farmei. C: Anna, Sarah. 

VII - Anna M. Heckler, m John Harrison. 

VII. Sarah J. Heckler. 


VI. Jacob R. Heckler, b 1833. m Lydia Baringer. 
P O Perkasie, Pa. Retired farmer, Evangelical. 
C: Ellen, Pierson, Amelia, Leidy, Henry, Levi, 
Sinniah, Ida, Franklin, Alice, Emma. 

VII Ellen Jane Heckler, d Jan 18, 1890, mjohnB. 
Neff. No issue. 

VII . Pierson Heckler, d infant. 

VII, Amelia Heckler, m Joseph Hunsberger. P O 
Fricks, Pa.' Farmer. C: (VIII) Irwin, (d); Ida, d 
1893. Leidy, Lauraetta, Harvey, Ella, Howard. 

VII. Leidy Heckler. P O Ambler, Pa. 

Vl|. Henry B. Heckler, m Eliza A. Fiester. 

VII- Levi Heckler, d infant. 

VII Sinniah Heckler, m Max Fuechsel. 

VII . Ida Heckler, m Benjamin Hedrick. 

VII. Franklin B. Heckler, m Sabina Proctor. P O 
Perkasie, Pa. 

Vl|. Alice Heckler, m Roscoe Beisel. 

VII- Emma Heckler, d Aug 11, 1896. 

VI. Aaron R. Heckler, b Oct 28, 1835, m Sophia 
R. Rosenberger Dec 4, 1888. P O South Hatfield, 
Pa. Retired farmer, Ev. Ass'n. C: Annie, Em- 
ma, Sophia, Lizzie, Mary. 

VII- Annie Amanda Heckler, b Aug 25, i860, m 
Abraham K. Fretz Oct 15. 1881. P O Hatfield, Pa. 
Farmer, Ev. Ass'n. C: (VIII) Mary A. Fretz, b 
Sept 3, [882. Aaron M. Fretz, b Feb 15, 1SS7. 
William Fretz. Sophia Fretz. 

VI I - Emma R. Heckler, b Oct 2, 1863, m Rev. S. 
K. Heebner Feb 15, 1888. He d at Lincoln City, 
Del. Oct 16, 1893. He graduated at the North 
Western College, 111. , also of Chicago Musical College, 
and at the New York Institute of Phrenology; minis- 
ter of the Meth. Ep. Church. C: (VIII) Mabel 
Beatrice Heebner. John Wesley Heebner. 

VII- Sophia Ida R. Pleckler, b Nov 16, 1868, m 
Joseph W. Koffel. C: Sophia, Samuel, Joseph, 

VII- Lizzie May D. Heckler, b Oct 3, 1870. Ev. 
Ass'n. S. 

VII - Mary Ellen R. Heckler, b Jan 11, 1873, m 
Harry B. Godshall. P O Souderton, Pa. 


VI. Samuel Heckler, b 1838, d 1841. 

V|. John R. Heckler, b in Bucks Co, Pa, Nov 3, 
1840, m VictoriaS. Fluck Oct 12, 1861. P O Per- 
kasie, Pa. Mr. Heckler has lived in Hilltown twp 
fifty years, and a paitofthe time he has been en- 
gaged in farming although beginning at the age of 17 
years he taught school for four successive terms. 
Since coming to Perkasie, Pa. he has been engaged 
as local representative of agricultural implements and 
fertilizer companies. Ref. Ch. C: William, Calvin, 
Allen, Nari. 

Vl|. William Franklin Heckler, d infant. 

VII. Calvin F. Heckler, b June 12, 1864, m Anna 
Burner. P O Quakertown, Pa. He is a member 
of the Philadelphia Bar. Ref. Ch. No issue, ( 1 897 ) . 

VII. Allen Henry Heckler, b Aug 6, 1866, m Lizzie 
Hunsberger, of Souderton, Pa. Carpenter in the 
employ of the Phila. and Reading- R. R. Co. Ref. Ch. 

VII. Nari F. Heckler, b Feb 4, 1873, in Lorene 

VI. Samuel R. Heckler, b 1842, m Rebecca Kim- 
ble. P Lansdale, Pa. Fanner, United Ev. C: 
Sophia, Abel, Howard. 

VII. Sophia Heckler, b Apr 15, 1867, m Frank W. 
Krupp Apr 15, 1889. P O Lansdale, Pa. Painter, 
United Ev. C: (VIII) Elvie Krupp, b Apr 4, 
1890. Infant, stillborn 1891. Rebecca B. Krupp, 
b Oct 22, 1893. 

VII- Abel Heckler, b Mar 9, 1869, m Amanda Kulp. 
P O Hatfield, Pa. Carpenter, U. Ev. 

VII. Howard Heckler. S. 

VI. Mary Amanda Heckler, b in Bucks Co. Pa. 
July 13, 1844, m Charles Massinger July 1, 1867. P 
O Chalfont, Pa. Charles Massinger was b in Kaiser- 
lautern Rhiuepfals, Bavaria, Aug 17, 1832, son of 
Jacob and Catharine Wenzel Massinger. He emi- 
grated to America, landing in New York City July 
4, 1850. He located in Hilltown twp. Bucks Co. Pa. 
where he engaged in farming until 1854, then from 
1854 to 1865 he traveled over many parts of the 
United States, going as far west as the Rocky Moun- 
tains. In 1865 he revisted his native countrv. Prior 


to 1867 he was engaged at various times in gold 
mining operations at Pike's Peak, but in that year 
he returned to Bucks Co. Pa. and settled in New 
Britiau twp. where he engaged in farming until his 
death which occurred Feb 24, 1900. He was finan- 
cially successfully, and was the owner of several fine 
farms in Bucks Co. Meth. C: Charles, Eber, 
Wesley, Omray, William, Katie. . 

VII. Dr. Charles Jerome Mass'inger, b in Bucks Co. 
Pa. Aug 31, 1868, m Alfaretta, daughter of Capt. 
James and Mary Chester, of Goshen, X. J. June 4, 
1891. P O Collingswood, X. }. Phvsician, Presby. 
C: (VIII) James Chester Massinger, b Oct 27. 1892. 
Charles Massinger, b Aug 30, 1895. 

VII. Eber Massinger, b Jan 20, 1870, m Mary 
Arnold Snyder Apr 4, 1894. P O Phoenix ville, Pa. 
Veterinary Surgeon, attends Meth. Ch. Xo issue. 

VII. Dr. Wesley Massinger, b Aug 16, 1871. P 
O Chalfout, Pa. Physician. 

VII. Dr. Omray Lester Massinger, b in Bucks Co. 
Pa. Nov 30, 1873. P O Bridgeport, Conn. Physi- 
cian and Surgeon, Meth. 

VII. William Massinger, b Oct 18, 1877. P O 
Chalfont, Pa. 

VII. Katie Mabel Massinger, b Sept 11, 1S80. 

VI. Frank R. Heckler, b in Hilltown twp. Bucks 
Co. Pa. Oct 27, 1848, m Maggie H. Mover Mar 4, 
1871. P O Fricks, Pa. Farmer, U. Evangelical. 
C: Melvin, Ward, Mary. 

VII. Melvin M. Heckler, b Mar 27, 1873. School 
teacher, U. Evangelical. S. 

VII- Ward M. Heckler, b May 26, 1875. m KateR. 
Hedrick. P O Fricks, Pa. Farmer. C: (VIID 
Stanley H. Heckler. 

VII. Mary Ellen Heckler, b Sept 17, 1881. 

V. Barbara Rosenberry, b July 15, 1807, m James 
Owen. C: (VI) Owen, (d); Maria, (d); Aaron and 
Charles (twins), David. 

V- Esther Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. May 10, 
1 8 10, d in Phila. Pa. Sept 18, 1877, m Jacob Wis- 
rner. He was b Feb 23, 1799, d in Phila. Pa. Apr 
19, 1871. Produce dealer. Mr. Wismer, Meth. Ep. 


Mrs. Wismer, Reformed. C: Maiy, Joseph, Ann, 
Barbara, Emma, Henry, Charles, Jacob, Esther, 
Allen, Franklin. 

VI- Mary Ann Wismer, bin Phila. Jan 8, 1830, m 
Frederick Theilacker Feb 6, 1848. He was b in 
Wurtemburg, Germany, came to the United States 
when six years of age; d Feb 27, 1864. Meth. C: 
Charlotte, William, Christian, Anna, Esther, Mary, 

VI!. Charlotte Theilacker, m Antone F. Miller. 
Res. 2715 Girard Ave. Phila. Pa. Cigar manufacturer. 
C: (VII!) Alice, Lottie, Frank. 

VII - William J. Theilacker, b Feb 14, 1850, m— . 
C: Mary, William. 

VII Christian F. Theilacker, b Mar 12, 1851, d 
Mar 23. 1 85 1. 

VII. Anna E. Theilacker, b 1853. d 1S54. 

VII- Esther A. Theilacker, b 1854, d 1856. 

VII- Mary E Theilacker. b Nov 28, 1855, m Mah- 
lon E. Roust. C: (VIII) Mattie Foust. 

VII- Samuel S. Theilacker, b May 27, 1868. 

VI- Joseph Wismer, d 1832. 

VI- Anna K. Wismer, b 1833, d 1848. 

VI • Barbara A. Wismer, b 1835, d 1838. 

VI- Emma M. Wismer, b Jan 14, 1837, m Henry 
Fetters Jan 14, [856. He d Aug 12, 1886. C: 
James, Esther, Charles. Wilhelmina, Milton, Jacob, 
Clifford, Walter, Mary, Ella. 

VII - James Fetters, b Jan 16, 1S57. 

VII Esther A. Fetters, b and d Aug 1S58. 

VII. Charles Fetters. 1) Sept 13, 1859. 

VII. Wilhelmina Fetters, b Sept 25, 1862, m Chas. 
H. Rover Apr 20, 1889. C: < VW J Wilhelmina, 

VII. Milton A. Fetters, b Feb 6, 1865, m Clara 

VII. Jacob W. Fetters, b Sept 27, 1868. Res. 1326 
Palmer St. Phila. Pa. Salesman, Meth Ep. 

VII. Clifford Fetters, b Oct 19, 1870. Meth Ep. 

Vil. Walter Fetters, b and d 1870. 

VII. Mary E. Fetters, b Sept 20, 1892. Meth. Ep. 

VII. EllaM. Fetters, b Mav 29, 1876. 


VI. Henry Wismer. b Aug 21. 1839, d Apr 1874, 
m Kate Siveaney. C: Hester, Drusilla. 

VI. Charles R. Wismer, b Nov 7, 1841. m Eliza 
Shuman Dec 1, 1867. Res. 2i22 Marshall St. Phila. 
Pa. Clerk, Ref. Ch. C: (VII; Laura A'. Wismer, 
1) Nov 17, 1869, d July 10, 1888. Charles E. Wis- 
mer, b July 12, 1872. 

VI. Allen Wismer, b 1844, d 1846. 

VI. Jacob Wismer, b Jan 7, 1847, m Mary C. Sill 
July 28, 1870. Res. 1422 Savery St. Phila. Pa. 
C: (VIS) Lillian, Amice. 

VI. Esther Wismer, b 1847, d 1848. 
VI- Franklin Wismer, b 1851, d 1856. 

V. Maria Rosenberry, b Aug 17, 1812, d Nov 17, 
1^-79, m Jacob Munk Aug 1842. He was b in 
Stutgart, Germany, d at Alliance, Ohio, in 1872. 
It is stated that he worked in printing office in 
early life, but later was a farmer. Ev. Ass'n. C: 
Elizabeth, Mary, Anaie, Joseph, Ephraim, Edward, 

VI Elizabeth Munk, din infancy. 

VI- Mary A. Munk, b in Columbiana Co. O. Nov 
25, 1844, m Valentine Lorentz Sept 19, 1S78. P O 
Alliance, O. Farmer, Meth. Ep. C: Evangeline, 
Charles, Mary, Edward. 

VII . Evangeline Lorentz, b Aug 22, 1879. 

VII Charles V. Lorentz, b Oct 12, 1880, d Dec 
19, 1882. 

VII - Mary Estella Lorentz, b June 2, 1882. 
VII. Edward Peicival LorenU, b July 22, 1884. 

VI- Annie Munk, m Samuel C. Greenwalt. C: 

VII. Elizabeth Greenwalt, m Harry McKean. P O 
Yuma, Arizona. 

VI. Joseph Amasa Munk, M. D., was born on a 
farm in Columbiana County, Ohio, November l c ), 
1847. At the age of five years his family moved to 
Salem, Ohio, and four years later to a farm near the 
village of Mt. Union, Ohio, where he spent several 
years of farm life in work and play and going to a 
district school. 

During the late civil war the bows of his neigh- 


borhood, feeling the patriotic spirit of their elders, 
organized a company for military drill of which he 
was elected captain. In the summer of 1864 he de- 
termined to join the Union army and after gaining 
his father's consent enlisted in Co. I, 1.78th (). V. I. 
and with his regiment was immediately assigned to 
active duty in the field. He served as private through 
several campaigns both east and west and in June 
1865, at the close of the war and while yet under 18 
years of age, received his discharge and was muster- 
ed out of the service. 

After returning home he became a student of 
Mount Union college and after attending school one 
year he left college to study medicine with Dr. I). H. 
Rosenberg at Bettsville, Ohio; and in 1869 graduated 
from the Electric Medical Institute in Cincinnati, 

He first located at Lindse> , < >hio, but soon de- 
cided to go west and located next in Chillicothe, Mo. 
in 1871. Here he practiced medicine ten years; but 
not being satisfied with his opportunities moved to 
Topeka, Kansas, in 18S1 and bought a partnership 
with Dr. P. I. Mulvane. The firm of Drs. Mulvane 
& Munk did a successful business during its eleven 
years of partnership. In 1891 the firm dissolved by 
mutual consent, the senior partner Dr. Mulvane 
moving to Chicago where he retired from active 
practice, and in 1892 Dr. Munk moved to Dos Ange- 
les, California, where he has since lived. 

During his early years of practice he spent his 
leisure time finding out what else he could do believ- 
ing that no man knows what all he can do until he 
tries. His love of nature and natural science often 
took him to the fields and woods. He studied taxa- 
dermy and many mounted specimens of birds and 
small animals ornamented his office. He devoted 
some time to music and composed a number of songs 
that were published in sheet form by John Church & 
Co. of Cincinnati and glees, choruses and anthems 
were contributed to books edited by Prof. H. S. Per- 
kins and published by Lyon & Healy of Chicago. 
After leaving Chillicothe he discontinued writing 


music as his time v\ as full}' occupied by his profession. 
In Topeka, as a diversion, he joined the Modoc Club 
a musical organization composed exclusively of men 
and limited to thirty members. The club was organ- 
ized in 1876 and under the able leadership of its per- 
manent president Major T. J. Anderson prospered 
greatly and is in a flourishing condition at Lhe present 
time. The club is in demand at Grand Army gath- 
erings and public meetings and has traveled and sung 
from Boston to San Fransisco. 

Soon after moving to Topeka he became interest- 
ed with h's brothers in the range cattle business near 
Willcox, Arizona where they started a cattle ranch in 
1S82. In 1884 he made his first trip to Arizona and 
was so much impressed by what he saw that after re- 
turning home he tried to find out what had been 
written on that far away land. In his search for 
Arizona books he found a copy of Hinton's Hand- 
book of Arizona which contained a list of a dozen or 
m< re other Arizona books, copies of all of these 
books were procured and since that time he has been 
a constant collector of Arizoniana. In 1900 he pub- 
lished his Arizona Bibliography which contains near- 
ly 1,000 titles. During the past five years he has 
more than doubled his collection and expects soon 
to publish a second, revised and enlarged edition 
which will contain more than 2,000 titles. 

During the past twenty \ ears he has made fre- 
quent trips to Arizona and the southwest and regards 
Arizona as the greatest wonderland in America. He 
is familiar with ranch life, has visited its many 
natural wonders and pi ehistoric ruins and has studied 
its fascinating climate — all of which is described in 
his new book of Arizona Sketches that is just out. 

He has been a regular contributor to current 
medical literature during the past thirty years and 
has written for the local press on hygiene and other 
health subjects. He has been a member of the Ec- 
lectic Medical societies of the several states in which 
he has lived and was elected Vice President of the 
National Eclectic Medical Association in 1876. He 
is the present Dean of the Los Angeles Eclectic Poli- 


clinic, a post graduate school of medicine that was 
opened last year. 

He married Emma S. Beazell of Webster, Pa. 
January 9th, 1873. One child was born, a daughter, 
which died in infancy. 

He is a republican in politics and Methodist 
in religion. 
VI- E. Henry Monk, M. D., b near Georgetown. 
Ohio, Apr 12, 1S49, m Lillian Hoag in 1874. P O 
Nevada, Iowa. Dr. Monk was educated bt Mt. Union 
College, and graduated, taking his Degree of M. D. 
at the American Medical College in St. Louis after 
which he settled in Story Co. Iowa, in the practice 
of Medicine. Soon after he reached the legal age for 
admission to the iites of Masonry he entered Colum- 
bia Lodge 292; changing his residence to the county 
seat, bis membership was transferred to Nevada 
Lodge, No 99, where he entered into full member- 
ship as a Master Mason June 7, 1873. He has been 
an active member of that Lodge for more than 20 
years and has perhaps vouches for as many petitioners 
as has any other member. He has filled numerous 
offices and ably performed his full share of work on 
committees and on the floor. He holds membership 
and office in three times three chapters where he fills 
his chair promptly when not professionally absent. 
He has held the office of Health offices for the past 
ten years. Mrs. Munk is a graduate of Carthage 
College, 111., and is City Librarian. She is also a 
linieal descendant of Elder William Brewster the 
spiritual leader of the Plymouth Colony, Mass. 1820, 
that came to America on the Mayflower, also of Rev. 
John Rebinson, pastor of the Pilgrims at Lyden, 
Holland. She is a charter member of Abigal Adams 
chapter of the "Daughters of the American Revolu- 
tion," and eligible to membership in Society of Colo- 
nial Dames. Meth. Ep. C: (VII) Grace Monk, b 
Dec 23, 1S75. P O Nevada, Iowa. Schoolteacher. 
VSl Edward Brewster Monk, b Dec 26, 1887. 
VI. Edward Rosenberry Monk, the third son of 
Jacob and Maria Munk, (nee Rosenberry. ) was 
born January 31st, 1851, in Columbiana County, 


Ohio, and with the family a few years later removed 
to Alliance. Ohio. He received his earlier education 
in the Union schools, and later entered Mt. Union 

During the time required to complete a classical 
course at college, he taught school at various places 
each winter term in order to obtain funds to carry 
him through the remaining terms of the college year. 
Notwithstanding the time thus taken from his college 
work in teaching, by applying himself continuously 
by night study while teaching and long hours of 
stuHy while in college, he finished the four years 
course pi escribed in the college curriculum to obtain 
a classical degree in the short time of three years, 
and was graduated during the month of July 1872, 
\>y obtaining the degree of Bachelor of Arts. At a 
later date the same college conferred upon him the 
degree of Master of Arts, he having pursued a Post 
Graduate course of study including law and the 
scinences. After spending a two months vacation in 
the eastern states, he entered the law department of 
the University of Michigan, located at Ann Arbor, 
Michigan, October first of the same year. But 
being in want of sufficient funds to complete the 
college course, he entered the law office of Judge 
Kent at Detroit, Mich., to prepare himself for the 
coming annual examination to be held by the Su- 
preme Court of Michigan at the April Term, and by 
continuing what had now become almost a habit of 
studing long hours, continuing often into the small 
hours of the night, his preparation was duly com- 

The examination was held on the 29th day of 
April, 1873, at a session of the Michigan Supreme 
Court, composed of Chief Justice Christiancy, Thos. 
M. Cooley, author of Cooley's Blackstone, Judge 
Kent, a nephew of the Illustrious Chancellor Kent, 
and the author of Kent's Commentaries, and Judges 
Cambell and Walker, who together composed the 
Michigan Supreme Court, and who were all present 
and participated in the exhaustive quizzing of the 
applicants for admis.Mon to the Bar. 


Mr. Monk passed a most satisfactory examina- 
tion and was duly congratulated by this august body 
of eminent men that composed the Michigan Supreme- 
Court, upon his success and thereupon ordered that 
a license to practice in all the courts of the state as 
an attorney, solicitor and counselor at law be issued 
to him. he receiving his license to practice law just 
seven months from the time that he commenced his 
law course of study, and matriculation at the Mich. 
University, an achievement that has seldom if ever 
been surpassed. 

Mr. Monk being again out of funds, and it requir- 
ing funds to properly open a law office, he accepted 
the position of Superintendent of Sehoolsat Nevada, 
Iowa, that fortunately was offered to him at this time. 

Having conducted the schools with success 
during the school year and having thus obtained the 
funds required, heopened a law office at Des Moines. 
Iowa, and being aided by the kind assistance of 
Chief Justice C. C. Cole, of the Iowa Supreme 
Court, the officers of the Citizens National Hank, 
and other clients, he obtained at once quite an ex- 
tensive law practice, and successfully conducted a 
number of important suits in the various courts of 
the state. 

During the year 1877 . a good opening offering, 
he together with his brother. \V. C. Monk, removed 
to St. Louis, Mo., and opened law offices with the 
object of making real estate and corporation law a 
specialty. They continued in business together with 
much success until 1882, when by over-application 
his constitution was completely broken down, and 
on the recommendation of his physician he proceeded 
to seek the benefits of a milder climat. and out door 
life in Arizona. 

Arriving in Southern Arizona, he at once saw 
an opening to obtain his object and in cooperation 
with his brothers located a cattle ranch, gaining the 
control of a large body of government land, by locat- 
ing upon the land and building cabins and stocking 
the same with cattle and horses, at the same time 
locating and appropriating and developing all the 


water consisting of springs that were to be found on 
the land and thus in time they secured control of a 
large tract of land, about twenty miles square, 
located near the railroad with good shipping facili- 
ties, and although they experienced considerable 
trouble with the rustlers (cattle thieves) and Indians, 
the business venture has been a success from the 
start. During the years of 1882 to 18S4, the Apache 
Indians under Geronimo made a number of raids 
from San Carlos Reservation into Southeastern Ari- 
zona, and on into Mexico, and moie than once 
passed by or through the Monk Cattle Range that 
the Monk Brothers had located near Bowie, Arizona. 
These Indians after fruitless effort on the part of Gen. 
Crook to stop their raiding through the country, 
such raids always resulting in the massacre of many 
ranchmen, miners and cowboys living in the territory, 
Gen. Miles, who succeeded Gen. Crook in command 
of the troops in Arizona after a long chase, finally 
succeeded in capturing the Apache Chief Geronimo 
and his followers and brought the whole band number- 
ing about 300, composed of bucks, squaws and 
children, to Bowie Station on the S. P. R. R. from 
which point they were at once shipped by rail to Ft. 
Sill and other points located in the East, where the 
influence of civilization has to some extent enlighten- 
ed and christianized the band. Since the removal 
of this band of Indians, no further trouble has been 
experienced from the Indians, although at the San 
Carlos Indian Agency and Reservation, there are 
now living not less than 6000 or 7000 Indians who 
are still supported more or less by the United States 

But with the removal of these Indians our 
troubles were not yet ended, for within a few months 
numerous bands of Rustlers (cow and horse thieves) 
infested this border country between 'Arizona and 
Mexico, and many stattling and unlawful incidents 
might be told ot thier murders, train robberies and 
depredations and injuries inflicted upon the ranch 
men located near this border country joining Mexico, 
on the South. 


During the years 1884, 5 and 6 the crimes com- 
mitted in this section of the country by the Rustlers 
had become so numerous and atrocious that the 
cowmen, miners and freighters united together and 
determined to inaugurate a reform in the administra- 
tion of the laws. To accomplish this purpose, they 
concluded to nominate a reform ticket to be voted 
upon at the next election. At the head of this 
ticket, Mr. Monk was nominated for the office of 
County Judge, together with prominent cowmen 
for Prosecuting Attorney and Sheriff. After a most 
exciting canvass and election, the opposition ticket 
was badly snowed under, and the Cowboy Judge and 
his cowboy friends elected by a large majority. 

From the time that Judge Monk entered upon 
his duties as Judge of the roughest and toughest 
section of Southern Arizona, the cow thieves and 
Rustlers received all that was coming to them. Some 
were killed by the sheriff and his deputies; soi 
were hung by the Vigilance Committee, and some 
were sent to the penitential y and law and order was 
soon established in this section of the territory. He 
served with much success during his term of office 
and was re-elected for a second term, and at the ex- 
piation of this time, Tombstone and Cochise Co., 
Arizona, was as peaceable and orderl) 7 as any section 
located in the Eastern states. 

During the year 1893, there being a vacancy in 
the United States L,and Office at Tucson, Arizona, 
Judge Monk was appointed Receiver of the U. S. 
Land Office at Tucson by President Cleveland, and 
this office he held and filled with credit to himself 
and the Government for the term of four years. 
During his term of office many of the Government 
Reservations upon which the various Army Posts and 
Forts had been located and then abandoned were open- 
ed up for settlement both at private sale and public 
auction . These Public Sales were sometimes conduct- 
ed under adverse circumstances, as an instance might 
be given the sale at Old Fort Grand Reservation. This 
Reservation is located on both banks of the San Pedro 
River, and on account of heavy and continued rains 


the river overflowed its hanks, and washed away all 
the bridges crossing the river For many miles in each 
direction from the old fort. As it was impossible h; 
those wishing to bid orally that were on the opposite 
side of the banks noon which the sale was held by 
him the written bid of the would-be-purchaser 
carefully wrapped around a weight and this weight 
was attached to a cord and sent across the river, and 
the award to the highest bidder was returned in the 
same manner to the successful man, and although 
rather tedious work, most of the old fort was dis] 
ed of before the sale was ended. 

At this time Gov. Hughes of Arizona, appointed 
Judge Monk a Regent of University of Arizona, tl 
school being quite small and not very successful but 
under the new administration and the employment of 
new and efficient corps of professions, the University 
within a few years incroased so rapidly in efficiency 
and attendance, that many new departments have 
been established, new buildings have been erected, 
and a fund sufficient provided to insure its continued 
future success. 

Under his appointment by the Commissioners of 
the United States Land Office, as Disbursing Agent 
of the Land Office, and his appointment as Civil Sei - 
vice Examiner for Arizona by the Government, togeth- 
er as manager of the Monk Bros. Ranch, as well as 
his other duties pertaining to the Laud Office and the 
University, he had his time fully engaged, and in 
fact, his health again having failed, he determined 
to again make a change for his future field of labor, 
and after visiting a number of places, and cities in the 
West, he determined that Los Angeles was by far 
the most prosperous and possessed all those attractions 
most desirous to establish a permanent home. Hav- 
ing determined to remove to Los Angeles, California, 
before doing so, however Judge Monk concluded to 
spend some mouths in seeing the Old World and in 
June 1900, sailed from New York on the Steamship 
Furst Bismark, Hamburgh-American Line for 
France; He landed as Cherbough and spent a few 
days in Paris visiting the Exposition and greatly en- 


joyingthe many and to him then strange sights and 
attractions to be found in the one Paris of the world. 

In succession he visited Switzerland, crossed the 
Alps, twice, once by Simplon Pass, and once across 
the Alps by way of the Trete Noire Pass, traveling 
on and sailing over the Northern Lakes of Italy, 
thence to Milan and along the Riviera to Monte Carlo, 
visiting the Casino, the largest gambling halls in the 
world, where b) ? placing a five franc piece on the 
Roulette table, he won fifty, and on the same day 
and hour many players lost their all, and to these 
life became a burden because they were never able 
to redeem the fortune they had lost. For but a few 
men or women (the women gamble the same as the 
men) can say that they are the "one who broke the 
Bank at Monte Carlo." Thence he traveled down 
the east coast of the Mediterranean from Genoa to 
Rome, the old capitol of Italy, wherein are to be 
found still standing the old walls and the Collsseum 
of the old Roman Empire, thence south to Naples, 
on to Pompeii and to the top of Mt. Vesuvius. 
Thence across Italy to Florence to the famous Cam- 
panile, thence over to Venice, the city built on a 
thousand islands, with canals for streets and gon- 
dolas to convey the people across the city, engaging 
a gondola he passed the Bridge of Sighs that crosses 
one of the canals; visiting the Grand Square of St. 
Mark, St. Mark't: Church, the wonder among the 
churches of Europe, and other points of interest. 
Thence he traveled north through Germany to Ober- 
ammergau where the famous Passion Play is seen 
for a 'season every ten years. 

The following extract, taken from the old parish 
records of Oberammergau, will explain the origin of 
the play in that village: 

"In the year 1633 the pest raged so fearfully 
that in the parish of Kohlgrub (three hours from 
here) there were only two couples left, and a man 
named Casper Schuchler, coming here to visit his 
wife and child, fell by the roadside and was buried. 

"From that day to the eve of Simon and 
Jude, a period of three weeks, eighty-four people 

Joseph A. Munk, M. D. 


died of the plague; accordingly, eighteen burghers, 
assembling from the village of Oberammergau, vow- 
ed that once in ten years they would present in living 
pictures the Passion of Jesus Christ. From that 
instant the plague ceased, and those who were ill 
instantly recovered." 

This vow has, with few exceptions when pre- 
vented by war, been faithfully observed every 
ten years. 

Not less than 5000 strangers visit the town every 
week that the play lasts, during the summer months 
of the year and are amply repaid for the expense and 
inconvenience involved in making the journey. 

After spending a very pleasant time in Munich, 
a typical city of German}- and the richest city in 
Germany in its various treasuries of art, he passed 
through Austria to Vienna and was present at the 
annual celebration of the Emperor's Birtbday, and 
witnessed the grandest illumination of a city that has 
possibly ever taken place. 

Thence he traveled north through the city of 
Dresden and in which reside not less than 50,000 peo- 
ple who speak the English language, although in 
the very midst of German culture. Thence on to 
Berlin the capital of Germany. He had often heard 
and read of linden Strassa (unter den linden) and 
imagined its immense big linden trees shading the 
street, but in fact, found a very scraggy and stunted 
lot of linden trees lining the streets for some dis- 
tance, and the Strassa is far from being what could 
be called clean and attractive to visitors. 

From Berlin he traveled west to Wiesbaden, a 
great German watering place. Then to Beibrick on 
the Rhine and passing down the Rhine on a fine 
saloon steamer for a twelve hour daylight ride down 
the River past Bingen on the Rhine on to Bonn, be- 
tween which points the interest of the Rhine scenery 
surpassing that of Europe or America for varigated 
and attractive features. 

Passing through Mayence to Heidelberg, the 
home of the famous old Heidelberg University, he 
proceeded tc the city of Stuttgart, the capital of 


Wirtemberg, the place of his father's nativity, with 
the object in view to obtain whatever information 
that he could discover as to his ancestors on his 
father's side. 

After a somewhat hasty and unsatisfactory in- 
vestigation by inquiring of a number of persons 
bearing the name of Monk or Munk residing in 
Stuttgart and the village of Constadt, nearby, as to 
facts relating to his ancestors, or any facts connected 
with their early history. He became satisfied that 
in the earlier genealogy of the family, his great 
grandfather emigrated from England to Germany, 
changing the spelling of the name from the English 
Monk to the German Moonk or Munk, the German 
u having the same sound as the o or oo in the 
English. Acting upon the knowledge obtained, he 
as well as other members of the family have changed 
the spelling of the name from Munk to Monk, al- 
though it is even yet uncertain as to the correct 
spelling of the name. 

From this place Judge Monk proceeded to 
Cologne, thence through Belgium to Brussels, and 
to the battlefield of Waterloo; thence to Amsterdam 
through Holland across the channel to England, 
Scotland and Ireland, to South Hampton and thence 
by the Steamship New York, American Line, back 
to New York. 

The following year finds the Judge taking a 
winter's trip through Mexico, spending most of the 
time in the City of Mexico, with short trips to Vera 
Cruz and other points of interest in the country. 
Then a summer trip through Alaska, to Sitka, pass- 
ing by the Muir Glacier and climbing the Davidson 
Glacier and on his return trip pass'ng through 
Juneau, to Skagaway, and White Pass, back to 
San Francisco. These with side trips to Yellowstone 
Park, Yosemite Valley and the Grand Canon of the 
Colorado, have provided him with the recreation 
and rest that his health demanded, and with renewed 
energy and strength he has located and opened a law 
office in the Citj* of 'Los Angeles, California, where 
he has sufficient business to keep him well employed. 


From the time the Judge reached the age of 
twenty- one he has been connected with the various 
secret orders, having joined the Knights of Pythias, 
the order of Elks and the various Masonic bodies. 
In Masonry he passed through the degrees of the 
Blue Lodge, the chapter, the council, the Command- 
ry, and the Shriners, and is now a member of Los 
Angeles Commandry, and Malaikah Council of the 
Mystic Shrine of Los Angeles. 

He is a member of Christ Episcopal Church of 
the city, a member of the Los Angeles Country Club, 
the Jonathan Club, and the California Club, each 
club being the owners of magnificent club rooms in 
the city, and thus providing the opportunity for 
many years denied him by his residence in Arizona, 
that of the association with highly cultivated and 
educated people, and to live in an atmosphere per- 
meated with the latest knowledge of Art, Literature, 
Science and Religion, as well as the enjoyments per- 
taining to the social life of a city of two hundred 
thousand people, and blessed with the finest climate 
in the world. 

VI. William C. Munk. 

V. Christian Rosenberry, b Nov 21, 1818, m Aman- 
da Leidy. (V!) Henrietta, Mary, Josephine, Na- 
poleon, (d); Theodore, (d). 

IV. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Aug 17, 1775, d 1821, 
m David Shutt. C: Jacob, David, Mary, Nancy. 
Deborah. Elizabeth m second husband, Frederick 
Alderfer. Nov 5, 1807. C: Barbara, Frederick. 
Henry. (See Frederick Alderfer Family). 

V. Jacob Shutt, m . C: Samuel, etc. 

V. David Shutt, (d); m . 

V. Mary Shutt, m — Keyser. 

V. Nancy Shutt, m John Rosenberger. (See John 
Rosenberger Family ) . 

V. Deborah Shutt, m Abraham Groff. 

IV- Mary Rosenberger, b about 1777, m Christian 
Wismer. He was b Dec 17, 1767, d Oct 11, 1852. 
Farmer in Skippack twp. Montg. Co. Pa. Menu. 
C: Jacob, Abraham, Barbara, Henry, David, Eliza- 
beth, Ann, Mary, Hannah, Christian. 


V. Jacob Wismer, b June 10, 1795, d 1852, m Mary 
Detweiler. Farmer. C: Jacob, Christian, Isaac, 

V. Rev. Abraham Wismer, b May 15, 1797, d Oct 
15, 1877, m Susanna Kolb. She d 1855. Farmer, 
minister and Bishop of the Mennonite Church. C: 
Henry, Susanna, David, Abraham. 

V. Barbara Wismer, b Aug 12, 1798, m John Con- 
ner; moved to Ohio, he died soon after. No issue. 
Barbara m 2nd time to Abraham Bean. No issue. 

V. Henry Wismer, b Aug 13, 1800, d May 26, 1884, 
m Hannah Bean. She d 1824. C: John, Kate. 
Henry m second wife, Catharine Detweiler. C: 
Samuel, Christian, Mary, Anna, Eliza, Barbara, 

V- David Wismer, b Apr 5, 1802, d 1876, m 
Hannah Shutt. Farmer, River Brethren. C.- 
Joseph, Maria, Sarah, Hannah, Daniel, Hester. 

V- Elizabeth Wismer, b Apr 14, 1804, d S. 

V- Ann Wismer, b June 14, 1808, m Michael 
Bean. Farmer, Menn. C: Henry. 

V- Mary Wismer, bApr 21, 1810, d S. 

V- Hannah Wismer, b June 13, 1814, d small. 

V. Christian Wismer, b Apr 13, 1817, (d); m 
Mary Cassel Dec 3, 1837. Farmer and deacon of 
the River Brethren Church at Silverdale, Bucks Co. 
Pa. C: Susanna, Sarah, Elizabeth, Jacob, Mary, 
Joel, David.* 

IV- Ann Rosenberger, m Joseph Kulp. No issue. 

IV- Philip Rosenberger, b in Hatfield, Pa. Nov 20, 
1781, d Jan 1835, m Mary Landis Mar 29, 1808. 
She was b Mar 15, 1783, d near Trappe, Pa. in 
1840. He removed to Lower Providence, where he 
bought property as early as 181 1. He aftei wards 
lived near the Perkiomen Bridge, on a farm of 91 
acres bought of his father in 1815. Farmer, Menn. 
C: Samuel, Christian, Elizabeth, Maria, Philip. 

V. Samuel L. Rosenberger, b in Lower Providence 
twp. Montg. Co. Pa. June 21, 1809, d at River 
Styx, Medina Co. Ohio July 2, 1871, m Sarah 

*For complete history of Christian and Mary (Rosenberger) 
Wismer, see Wismer Family History. 


Bertclet in 1836 or 37. She was b in Skippack, 
Montg. Co. Pa. in 181 7, d at River Styx, Ohio, 
Oct 5, 1 86 1, Farmer, New Menn. C: Philip, Jacob, 
Mary, Eliza, Sarah, Samuel, Hannah, Alvan, 
Abraham, Harvey. 

VI. Philip Rosenberger, b 1838, d Mar 7, 1892, at 
Forest, Ont. Canada, m Carrie Kilhiner. Dentist. 
P O Forest, Ont. C: (VII) Elmer, b 1861. Alice, 
Ada, Frank, Daisey, d Mar 7, 1S91. 

VI- Jacob Rosenberger, b 1839, m — . P O Ver- 
milion, Ind. 

VI . Mary Rosenberger, b 1841, m W. Mapes. P 
O Fulton. Mich. No issue. 

VI- Eliza Rosenberger, b in Medina Co. Ohio, Jan 
12, 1842, m Henry Walton of St. Marys, Ont. Mar 
23, 1865. He was an Englishman by bitth, and d 
Mar 18, 1878. P O Kimball, Ont. Farmer, 
Episcopalian. C: Sarah, John, Mary, Samuel. 
William, Jeanette, Eliza. 

VI 9 - Sarah Walton, bat Downie, Ont. Feb 2, 1866; 
was a public school teacher eight years, m Robert 
Young, of Waubuno, Ont. Mar 1, 1892. P O 
Waubuno, Ont. Farmer, Presby; Mrs Young, Ep- 
iscopalian. C: (VIII) William Walton Young, b Dec 
10, 1892. 

VII- John Harvey Walton, b June 1, 1867. Sailor, 

VII- Mary Walton, b June 14, 1869. Taught 
school three years, m William G. McBean Mar 27, 
1889. P O Waubuno, Ont. Farmer, Mr. McB., 
Presby; Mrs. McB., Episcopalian. C:(VIII) Eleanor 
Walton, McBean, b Sept 10, 1890. Harry Wallace 
McBean, b May 1 1 , 1892. 

VII. Samuel Walton, b Feb 14, 1871. P O Kim- 
ball, Ont. Farmer, Presby. 

VII. William Walton, b Dec 9, 1S72. P O Kim- 
ball, Ont. Farmer. 

VII- Jeannette Walton, b Oct 22, 1874. School 

VII- Eliza Walton, b June 2, 1877. Teacher. 

VI- Sarah Rosenberger, b Dec 19, 1844, m Harri- 
son H. Kindig. P O Fulton, Mich. 


VI. Samuel C. Rosenberry, b in Medina Co. Ohio, 
Feb 27, 1 8+6, m Mary Amelia Hitchcock Sept 30, 
1866. P O Fulton, Mich. Farmer, Ref. Ch. C: 
Marvin, Alice, Bertha, Eva, Ada, Harry, Walter, 

• VII- Marvin Bristol Rosenberry, b at River Styx., 
Medina Co. Ohio, Feb 12, 1868, m Kate A. Land- 
fair, Sept 2, 1897. In October [868 his parents re- 
moved to Wakeshma township, Kalamazoo Co. 
Michigan, where he worked on the farm in the sum- 
mer time and attended school in the winter. At the 
age of 17 he entered the Michigan State Normal at 
Ypsilanti Oct 1, 1890. After having attended the 
State Normal School three years, and taught school 
two years, he then entered the Law Department of 
the University of Michigan graduating with the class 
of 1898; commenced practice of law at Wausau Aug- 
ust 1893, and on Jan 1 , 1895, formed a partnership, 
doing business at the present time as Bump, Kreutz- 
er & Rosenberry, Wausau, Wisconsin. Epis. Ch. 
C: (VIII) Florence Amelia Rosenberry, b Nov 23, 
1898, d July 25, 1902. Katharine Rosenberry, b Oct 
10, 1901. 

VII- Alice Emeline Rosenberry, b June 29, 1870. 
P O Fultcn, Mich. Ref. Ch; m Herman Stofflet 
May 7, 1902. 

VII- Bertha H. Rosmherry, b Sept 1, 1872, m Jason 
Harrison Mar 2, 1898. P O Yicksburg, Mich. 
Tinner, Mrs. H. Ref. Ch; C: (VIII) Aelen E. Harr- 
ison, b Feb 1899. Norma Harrison, b Jan 1902. 

VII- Erva Rosenberry, b Apr 3, 1875, m Alfred L- 
Hitchcox May 13, 1899. 

VII- Ada Estella Rosenberry, b Aug 19. 1877, m 
John H. Stofflet Nov 2, 1897. P O Vicksburg, 
Mich. Evangelical. C: (VIII) Mary Catharine 
Stofflet, b 1898. Anna Beryl Stofflet, b 1899. 

VII- Harry Lloyd Rosenberry, b Jan 31, 1880, d 
Aug 25, 1900. 

VII - Walter Samuel Rosenberry, b Aug 3, 1882. 
Teacher in Wisconsin. 

VII. David Dudley Rosenberry, b Nov 7, 1884. 
VI- Hannah Rosenberrv, b in 1847, d in infancy. 


VI. Henry Rosenberry, b in 1849, d in infancy. 

VI. Alvan J. Rosenberry, M. D. ( b at River Styx, 
Ohio, Oct 2, 1851, m Martha Petty Sept 25, 1878. 
P O Oak Park, 111. Physician, Presby. C: (VII) 
Edith E. Rosenberry, b Aug 12, 1879. Bertolet P. 
Rosenberry, b Sept 26, 1881. Alvan A. Rosen- 
berry, b Dec 25, 1883. 

VI. Abraham Bertelot Rosenberrb, M. D. b in 
Montville tvvp. Medina Co. Ohio, Sept 12, 1S54, m 
Kate V. Walton, of Bloomington, 111. Aug 5, 1880. 
She d Nov 14, 1886, ra second wife, Kate L. Board- 
man, of Grand Falls, N. Dak. Mar 26, 1890. P O 
Arbor Vitae, Wis. 

Dr. Rosenberry lived on the farm in his native 
place until 1871, when he went to Michigan, worked 
on farms, went to school, taught school, and one 
term boarded around the district — worked at carpen- 
ter trade in summer. In spring of 1875 he attended 
Michigan State Normal School at Ypsilanti, also the 
year '75 and '76; graduated from shoit course in 
1876 and taught as principal of small graded school 
at Port Sanilae, Mich, during the school year of 
'76 and '77. In the fall of 1877 he returned to the 
Michigan State Normal School and graduated May 
30, 1878, from the full English course. He then 
had charge of the graded school at Menominee, Mich- 
igan, three years, from 1878 to 188 1. In the fall of 

1 88 1 he entered the second year of the Medical coui se 
in the department of medicine and surgery at the 
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. In fall of 

1882 he entered the senior class at Rush Medical 
College, Chicago, and received the degree of M. D. 
Feb 20, 1SS3. Practiced at Peshtigo, Wis. and 
Sheboygan, Wis; then moved to Oconto, Wis. and 
in Jan 1889 to Harrison, Wis. and Apr 1894 to 
Arbor Vitae, Wis. 

Dr. Rosenberry has been a member of the Ma- 
sonic Order since 1881. He united with the Presby. 
Church in 1876, — affiliated with the Congregational 
Church in 1884. C: (VII) Kate Louise Rosenberry, 
b Dec 25, 1890, d Aug 13, 1891. Ruth Bertolet 
Rosenberry, bjan6, 1893. Elizabeth May Rosen- 


berry, b Dec 18, 1896, d May 31, 1897. Louisa 
Rosenberry, b Jan 12, 1899. 

VI. Harvey Lyman Rosenberry, M. D., b at River 
Styx, Medina Co. Ohio, Sept 14, 1857, m Lillie 
Belle Fowler Aug 5, 1884. PO Wausau, Wis. 

Dr. Rosenberry, resided on the old homestead 
until the age of 14, then removed to Kalamazoo Co. 
Michigan. At the age of 18 he entered the State 
Agricultural College, worked his way through, 
graduated Aug 16, 1881. He then entered the 
office of Dr. J. F. Baldwin, Columbus, Ohio; at- 
tended one course of lectures at the Columbus Med- 
ical College and a second course at the Starling Med- 
ical College of the same city and graduated from the 
later institution Feb 28, 1883. He then located at 
Malaga and Miltonsburg, Ohio, removed from there 
July 15, 1891, to Menominee, Michigan, and May 
15, 1894, he removed to Wausau, Wisconsin, where 
he has since resided and practiced his profession. 
Presbv. C: (VII) Amy Fowler Rosenberry, b Dec 
19, 1885. Sarah Maria Rosenberry, b July 26, 
1888. Ella May Rosenberry, b Aug2, 1892. ' 

V. Christian Rosenberger, b Aug 29, 1811, d aged 

V. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Oct 30, 18 14, d Apr 
25, 1879, m Henry Weikel. He was b in Montg. 
Co. Pa. Jan 6, 1812, d Mar 12, 1895. Farmer. 
Ref. Ch. C: John, Harriet, Emma, Harry. 

VI. John R. Weikel, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Feb 12, 
1846, m Mary Jennings Nov 25, 1871. P O Fair- 
view Village, Pa. Farmer and Justice of the Peace. 
C: (VII) Bessie J. Weikel, b Dec 24, 1872. Harry 
Weikel b Mar 31, 1876, d Apr 23, 1876. Hattie J. 
Weikel, b June 10, 1877. Edith J. Weikel, b July 
17,1882. J. Randal Weikel, b Oct 21, 1885. De- 
Witt Clarence Weikel, b Mar 7, 1894. 

VI- Harriet Weikel, b Nov 22, 1851, m Peter B. 
Frank. P O Fairview Village, Pa. C: (VII) Harry, 
Ida, Bertha. 

VI- Emma Weikel, b Mar 22, 1854, d Nov 17, 1873. 

VI- Harry Weikel, b Apr 24, 1856, d Aug 30, 


V- Maria Rosenberger, b June 17, 1818, m John 

V- Philip L- Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa. 
June 20, 1820, m Mary Suell Oct 10 , 1844. She 
was b Dec 25, 1819, d in 1892. P O Lower Provi- 
dence, Pa. At the age of twelve years Mr. Rosen- 
berger's father died, after which he lived part of the 
time with his mother until he was seventeen, then 
learned the plastering trade, after which he went west 
with his cousin Daniel Rosenberger, to Ohio, which 
was then considered the far west. After a few years 
stay, he came east and married, and with his wife 
returned to Ohio, where they remained a number of 
years, when they again came east, and soon after 
purchased where he now resides — continuing at his 
trade for a few years, aftei which he purchased 
more land and settled down to farming. Ger. Bap. 
C: Sarah, Mary, Melissa, Alice, Ida. 

Y|. Sarah Aleen Rosenberger, b in Tiffin, Ohio, 
July 13, 1845, m Theodore S. Dome June 16, 1868. 
He died July 3, 1879. C: William, Mary, Malissa, 
Walter. Sarah m second husband, H. Wilson Sei- 
bert, Feb 3, 1887. Res. 536 George St. Norristown, 
Pa. Miller, Ger. Bap. No issue. 

VII- William G. Dome, b Mar 20, 1869, d Nov 
ii, 1871. 

VII. Mary Edith Dome, b Mar 4, 1871. Res. 536 
George St. Norristown, Pa. S. 

VII. Malissa Jennie Dome, b Jan 24, 1873. Res. 
536 George St. Norristown, Pa. S. 

VII. Walter R. Dome, b Oct 25, 1875. Res. 536 
George St. Norristown, Pa. S, 

VI- Mary Eliza Rosenberger, b in Tiffin, Ohio, in 
1847, m Philip Markley. P O Lower Providence, 
Pa. Farmer, Miller, Ger. Bap. C: (VII) Iva, 
Markley. Philip Markley. 

VI . Malissa J. Rosenberger, b near Bloomville, O., 
in 1850, m Rev. A. R. Thompson, (d). P O Col- 
legeville, Pa., was a minister of the Reformed Ch. 
C: (VII) Arthur, Royer, Warren, Ida, Lawrence, 
Eva, Ada, Albert. 

VI- Alice C. Rosenberger, b 1852, m Abraham D. 


Carrel, (d). Res. 212 E. Main St. Norristown, Pa. 
Harrite. C: (VII) Pamella, Stuart. 
VI. Ida E. Rosenberger, bin Montg. Co. 1862. S. 

IV- David Rosenberger. babout 1784, (d); ra Cath- 
arine Delp. He lived in Lower Providence on the 
farm adjoining Philip Rosenberger, where his father 
had built a house for him. He could not keep the 
place, and was sold out at auction. He once said; 
they sold me out so clean they tookall but my Bible. 
He removed up along the Perkiomen and died there. 
Menn. C: Abiaham, Adam, Elizabeth, Barbara, 
Daniel, Ann, Mary, Catharine, Philip. 

V- Abraham Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Xov 
23, 1805, d at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. 
Mary Coe, near Arcadia, Hancock Co. Ohio, Apr 
20, 1889, m Sarah Gehman. She was b in Bucks Co.. 
Pa. in 1807, d in Medina Co. Ohio, Mar 16, 186.7.. 
Fanner, Menn. C: Catharine, Samuel, Mary, 

VI. Catharine Rosenberger, b 1832, d Sept 4, 1848. 
VI. Samuel Rosenberger, b Aug 26, 1X35.. P o 
Fiudley, O. 

VI. Mary Rosenbeger, b in Montg. Co. Pa. Aug -23. 
1838, m Ebenezer Coe Sept 24, 1 -S 5 7 . P () Arcadia, 
Oh'ie. Farmer, Ger. Bap. C: Sarah, William. 
Mabel, John. 

VII. Sarah Ellen Coe, b Nov 27. 1858, d Oct 10, 
1391, m George Wise Xov 26, 1877. C: (VIII) 
Robert A. Wise. Mary K. Wise, Arthur J, Wise. 
Phebe Ellen Wise. Alma Bell Wise. 

VII. William Coe, b Oct 20, 1862, m Eleanor Ring 
Nov 5, 1884, C: (VIII) Mary Eva Coe, b Mar 20, 
1886, d Apr 7, 1886. 

VII. Mabel Coe, b Feb 21, 1872, m John C, Fisher 
Dec 24, 1891. C: (VIII) Ralph D. Fisher. . 

VII. John Coe. 

VI. Sarah Rosenberger, b 1845. d Mar 16, 1869, 
m Adam Martin Xov 9, 1865. C: <VII) Ida Martin, 
b Sept 3, 1868, d June 29, 1873, 

V- Adam Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa. 1S07, 
d at Salem Centre, Ind. Feb 14, 1876, m Mary 
Oberholtzer. Ger, Bap. later Menn. C: Rebecca, 


Abraham, Daniel, Jacob, Sarah, Isaac, John. 

\f|. Rebecca Rosenberger, b May 21, 1836, d Dec 
22, 1897. S. : 

VI . Abraham Rosenberger, b in Seneca Co. Ohio 
July 3, 1837, d Dec 12, 1865, m Catharine Eckard 
d at Spring Lake, O. She d at Fort Pierre, Dak. 
Sept 29, 18S3. Carpenter, Meth. Ep. C: Mary, 

VIS- Mary E. Rosenberger., b at Fremont, Ind. Nov 
8, 1859, in George E. Brooks Feb 14, 1878. P O 
Pleasant Lake, Ind. Farmer. C: (VIII) Earl A. 
Brooks, b Nov 20, 1880, m Delia Shrimplini Apr 26, 


VII). Lloyd Er Brooks, b Dec 23, 18S2, -d July 5, 
188.5. CiarenceS. Brooks, b Jan 23, 1887. Hugh 
E. Brooks, b Oct 13, . 1891. Esther I. Brooks, b 
Feb .8, 1897. 

VII- Samuel E. Rosenberger, h at Orland, Ind. 
Mar 12, 1863, m Alice Easthan Mar 13, 1SS9. 
She was b in Lincoln Co. Ky.. P O Butterfly, 
Neb. Farmer, C: (VIII) Meredith Aimer Rosenber- 
ger, b in Leadville, Colo. Aprs, 1890. Stella Rosen- 
berger, b in Ashby., Ind. Jan 21, 1896. 
<V|. Daniel Rosenberger, ,.b in Seneca Co. Ohio, Feb 
27, 1839, d in Kent Co. Mich. Dec 26, 18.89, m 
Julia, daughter of Ira and Mary , J. Anway . at 
Kinderhook, Branch Co. Mich. May 6, 1866. P © 
Kent City, Mich. Mr. Rosenberger enlisted in Co. 
G. 30th. Ind. Inf. Sept 24, 1861, for three years; 
was discharged Sept. 29, 1864, and re-enlisted in C«>. 
K. 152nd Ind. Vol. Inf; was appointed Sergeant in 
Co. K. May 23, 1S65, served until the close obthe war 
and was discharged at Charleston, W. Ya. Aug 30, 
1865. He served, as Justice of the Peace for eight 
successive years in Tyrone twp. Kent Co. Mich. C: 
Adam, Ira. , 

VII - Adam J. Rosenberger, b May 21, 1867,. m 
Myrtie Stark Oct 20, 1895. He spent some time in 
the lumber woods, and on. the rivers running logs, 
later engaged in farming. Wesleyan Meth. C; 
(VIII) Charles Allen Rosenberger, b Apr 27, 1897. 

VII. Ira V. Rosenberger, b May 4, 1877. Pie 



graduated in the common schools at the age of 16, 
receiving a teachers certificate. Farmer, Wes- 
l;yan Meth. 

VI. Jacob C. Rosenberger, b at Arcadia, Ohio, Sept 
11, 1841, m Elizabeth Eckard Oct 22, 1865. She was 
b— , d at Geneva, Nebraska, Sept 21, 1872. P O 
Pleasant Lake, Ind. Contractor and builder. C: 
Ella. Robert. 

VII. Ella I. Rosenberger, b at Union Hill, Ind. 
Dec 18, 1866, m Charles E. Freese June 21, 1885. 
P O Woodstock, 111. C: (VIII) Leo S. Freese, b 
Aug 2, 1889, at Grand Ledge, Mich. L. Fern 
Freese, b Mar 23, 1891, at Elkhart, Ind. 

VII - Robert E. Rosenberger, b at Flint, Ind. June 
18, 1869, m Alice Campbell June 16, 1897. P O 
Bay Shore, Mich. Clerk. C: (VIII) Howard Camp- 
bell Rosenberger, b June 16, 1898. Margaret E. 
Rosenberger, b Jan 31, 1900. 

VI- Sarah Rosenberger, b 1843 d aged 9 months. 

VI- Isaac Rosenberger, b Dec 28, 1845. P O Hart, 
Mich. S. 

VI . John Rosenberger, b in Williams Co. Ohio, 
June 26, 1849, m Martha M. Warburton of Quincy, 
Mich. Nov 2i, 1869. P O West Olive, Mich. C: 
Charles, Nellie, Mary, Jacob, Glen, Carl. 

VII . Charles Lester Rosenberger, b May 13, 1871. 

VII - Nellie Virginia Rosenberger, b June 5, 1873, 
m Charles Anys. P O Port Sheldon, Mich. Mac- 
hinist. C: (VIII) Virma E. Anys, b Sept 18, 1891. 
Harry J. Anys, b Aug 21, 1893, d Oct 14, 1894. 
Leroy Anys, b Feb 24, 1895. Clyde Anys, b Dec 
26, 1896, d Apr 26, 1897. 

VII- Mary Ethlyn Rosenberger, b July 17, 1875, 
m George Peabody of Oceana Co. Mich. Farmer. 
C: (VIII) Laura Edith Peabody, b Dec 8, 1894. 
Charles Warburton Peabody, b Sept 11, 1897. 

VII Jacob Clyde Rosenberger, b Feb 2, 1879. 

VII- Glen Lerov Rosenberger, b Aug 26, 1881, d 
Apr 3, 1883. 

VII. Carl Hendricks Rosenberger, b Nov 28, 1884. 

VI • Mary Rosenberger, b in Williams Co. Ohio, 


Jan 23, 1853, m Charles Young Dec 9, 1872. 
Blacksmith. C: Angus, Alma, John, Rebecca, 
Isaac. Mary m 2nd husband, Isaiah Rowe, Oct 8, 
1889. P O Hart, Mich. Farmer, U. B. Ch. C: 
Emma, Magdalena, Ezra, Amanda, Sarah. 

VIS- Angus Young, b Sept 19, 187+. P O Mars- 
field, Wis. 

VII- Alma Young, b Aug 31, 1877, m Albert 
Butler. P O Tigris, Mich. 

VII- John Young, b Sept 5, 1879; was a soldier, 
troop E. , 13th Cav. Fort Keogh. Mont. 

VII- Rebecca Young, b Sept 8, 1S83, m Charles 
Baxter July 22, 1899. P O Ferry, Mich. Farmer. 
C: (VHI) Albert W. Baxter, b Aug 3, 1900. 
Charles W. Baxter, b Aug 15, 1901. 

VII- Isaac Young, b Oct 18, 1884. 

VII- Emma E. Rowe, b Aug 11, 1890. 

VII- Magdalena Rowe, b and d Mar 15, 1892. 

VII- Ezra T.. Rowe, b Apr 25, 1893. 

VI I - Amanda Rowe, b and d Apr 5, 1895. 

VII- Sarah Irene Rowe, b Sept 19, 1897. 

V- Elizabeth Rosenberger, m Peter Roth. C: Elias, 
David, Abraham, Nancy, Catharine. 

V- Barbara Rosenberger, b Montg. Co. Pa. Feb 20, 
1808, d at Telford, Pa. Jan 27, 1896, m Christian 
B. Shelly. He was b in 1805, dat Milford Square, 
Pa, Mar 31, 1883. Farmer and Weaver, Menn. 
C: Reuben, Jonas, Lewis, John, Philip, Tobias, 
Moses, Kate. 

VI. Rueben Shelly, b Mar 31, 1838, d May 31, 
1896, m Fannie Price. Ger. Bap. C: Louis, Mary, 
Wallace, etc. 

VII- Louis P. Shelly. 

V|j. Mary P. Shelly. Res. 4314 Terrace St. Phila. 
Pa. S. 

VIS- Wallace P. Shelly. 

VI- Jonas Shelly, b in Bucks Co. Pa. June 3, 1839, 
111 Susan Fretz Mar 30, 1861. P O Harbine, Neb. 
Farmer, Meth. Ep. C: Charles, John, Elmer, Am- 
anda, Henry, Milton, Anna. 

VII- Charles Dayton Shelly, b Mar 24, 1862, d Feb 
1, 1864. 


VII. John Shelly, h Dec 24, 1863, d Feb 18, 1864. 

VII. Elmer E. Shelly, b Feb 9, 1865, d July 18, 

VII. Amanda E. Shelly, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Mar 
10, 1868, m Herman Ziegenhain in Jefferson Co. 
Neb. in [885. Meth. Ep. C: (VIII) William Henry 
Ziegenhain, b Jan 6, 1887. Albert Ziegenhain, b 
Apr 8, 1889. Chester A. Ziegenhain, b Aug 12, 
1890. Harry Earl Ziegenhain, b Sept 17, 1892. 
Leslie Ziegenhain, b Aug 14, 1894, d Oct 25, 1894. 
Zella Ziegenhain, b Jan n, 1896. 

VII. Henry F. Shelly, b Apr 26, 1874. 

VII. Milton Shelly, b Jan 20, 1876. 

VII- Anna Mary Shelly, b A pi 13, 1879, d Aug 
18, 1S80. 

VI- Lewis R. Shelly, b Oct 20, 1840, d Dec 5, 
1892, m Catharine Musselman, daughter of Samuel 
Musselman, Apr 8, 1865. She d Mar 23, 1897. 
Farmer, Menn. C: James, Ida, Lizzie, Harvey, 

VII. Rev. James M. Shelly, b Mar 3, 1866, m 
LauiaL. Hoover, of New Holland, Lancaster Co. 
Pa. Aug 18, 1888. P O Steelton, Pa. Minister 
of the United Brethren church, and has served at the 
following places, viz: Hummelstown, 1889 — '91; 
Florin, Lane. Co. 1891 — '94; Pottstown, Pa. 1894 — 
'96; Steelton, Pa. 1896. C: (VII) Ivan Shelly, b 
June 30, 1889. Russel Shelly, b Aug 31, 1890. 
Ethel Shelly, b Sept 8. 1893. 

VII- Ida M. Shelly, bjune 13, 1868, m G. Frank 
Dieterly Sept 22, 1902. P O Milford Square, Pa. 
Farmer, Menn. 

VII - Lizzie M. Shelly, b June 9, 1871, m John D. 
Hunsperger. P O Milford Square, Pa. Miller. 
C: Russel, Flossie, Frank. 

VII- Harvey M. Shelly, bFeb4, 1877. 

V||. Mamie Shelly, b July 22, 1882. 

VI John R. Shelly, b in Milford twp. Bucks Co. 
Pa. Mar 15, 1842, m Susanna M., daughter of Hen- 
ry M. Diehlof Herford, Bucks Co. Pa. Oct 6, 1S66. 
Res. 4312 Terrace St. Manayunk, Phila. Pa. Mr. 
Shelly in early life learned Blacksmithing, afterwards 


puddling and later on engaged in farming for some 
time. He then started in the Produce business at 
4312 Terrace St, Manayunk, Phila. Pa., where he 
still resides. Menn. C: 

VII. Henry D. Shelly, b Mar 17, 1868, d Nov 26, 

VII. Katharine D. Shelly, b June 17, 1871. P O 
4312 Terrace St. Manayunk, Pa. Dressmaker, 
Menn. S. 

VII- Anna D. Shelly, b June 11, 1874, d Jan 20, 

VII. Elizabeth D, Shelly, b Oct 3, 1875. Res. 4312 
Terrace St. Manayunk, Pa. Stenographer, Menn. 

VII. George D. Shelly, b Oct 23, 1S77. Res. 4312 
Terrace St. Manayunk, Phila. Pa. Stenographer 
and Book-keeper, Menn. S. 

VII. Susanna D. Shelly, bOct2i, 1879, d Feb 4, 

VII. Moses D. Shelly, b Oct 10, 1881, d Feb 12, 

VH. Augeline D. Shelly, b Aug 2, 1883. 

VI. Philip R. Shelly, ni Lavina Shutt. P O Pres- 
ton, Neb. 

VI Tobias R. Shelly, ro Annie Berlin. P O Lans- 
ing, Kan. Engaged in Mdse. business, Meth. Ep. 
No issue. 

VI. Moses R. Shelly, b atMilford Square, Pa. Sept 
10, 1849, m Augeline Shellenberger Sept 6, 1873. 
P O Telford, Pa. Merchant, Ref. Ch. No issue. " 

VI Kate R. Shelly, b at Milford Square, Bucks 
Co. Pa. Feb 21, 1851, m Charles Z. Moyer July 6, 
1872. P O Hillegas, Pa. Farmer, Menn. C.- 
Elmer, Lizzie, Henry, Martha, Moses, Tobias. 

VII- Elmer S. Moyer, b July 5, 1S73, d Feb 17, 

VH- Lizzie S. Moyer, b Oct 25, 1874, d Dec 8, 

VII- Henry S. Moyer, b Mar 25, 1877. P O Hille- 
gas, Pa. Farmer, Menn. S. 

VII- Martha S. Moyer, b Dec 24, 1880, m Oliver 
Stoudt Nov 6, 1897. P O Pleasant Run, Pa. C: 


(VIII) Minnie Stoudt, b 1S98. 
VII - Moses Moyer, b Apr 14, 1887. 
VIS. Tobias Moyer, b Feb 26, 1890. 

V. Rev. Daniel Rosenberger, b Aug 25, 1815, d 
Nov 1, 1876, m Elizabeth Sidel Hartsough Sept 1, 
1839. She was b Dec 22, 1818, d at their home 
near West Independence, Hancock Co. Ohio, July 
27, 1852. C: David, Isaac, Israel, Jemima, Abra- 
ham, Edward, Elhanon. Daniel m second wife, 
Hannah Boastater, May 29, 1853. Farmer and 
minister of the German Baptist Ch. C: Jacob, Alice. 

VI. David Sidel Rosenberger, b Sept 10, 1840; 
enlisted in the army and was killed in the battle of 
Chickamagua Sept 20, 1863. 

VI. Rev. Isaac J. Rosenberger, b near Tiffin, Ohio 
Apr 20, 1842, m Mary Ann Workman Mar 14, 1867. 
P O Covington, Ohio. Traveling Evangelist of 
the German Baptist Brethren Ch. 

VI. Israel Hartsough Rosenberger, b at Tiffin, 
Smeca Co. Ohio, Apr 8, 1844, m Margaret Susan 
Ebersole Oct 10, 1867. P O Townwood, Ohio. 
In early life he taught school, and is at present en- 
gaged in farming. Ger. Bap. C: (VII) Frank D. 
Rosenberger, b Nov 6, 1869, In June 1891 he com- 
pleted the commercial course at Mount Morris 
College, Mt. Morris, 111. Soon after he obtained a 
position in the Bank at Leipsic, O. 

VII- Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Apr 18, 1876. She 
graduated in the Normal English course with the 
class of '97 of Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa. 

VII. Ella Rosenberger, b Jan 13, 1878. She com- 
pleted the High School course in the McComb, O. 
High School with the class of '97 and took a literary 
course at Juniata College. 

VI. Jemima Rosenberger, b in Hancock Co. Ohio. 
Apr 25, 1846, m Rev. Joshua J. Workman in 
1865. He d in 1889. P O Loudonville, Ohio. 
Minister, Ger. Bap. C: Edward, Ellis, William, 
Edith, Etta, Jesse, Grace, Eva, Morgan. 

VII. Edward C. Workman, b 1866, d 1871. 

VII. Ellis Workman, b 1868, m Sophia Coble. P 
O Eoudonville, O. Farmer, Ger. Bap. and L,uth. 


C: (YIEj-) Seth, Morton, Thercsse. 

VI!- V\ illiam T. Workman, b 1871, m Rosa Boner P 
O. Loudonville, O. Farmer, Ger. Bap. C: < VIII > 
Helen Pearl d. 

VII- Edith M. Workman, b 1873, m Rev. H. M. 
Barwick. P. O. West Alexandria, O. Minister 
Ger. Bap. 

VII- Etta Workman, b 1876. Jesse C. Workman, 
b 1879. Grace M. Workman, b 1880.. Eva M. 
Workman, b 1883. Morgan J. Workman, b 1886. 

VI- Dr. Abram S. Rosenberg-er, b in Hancock Co., 
Ohio, May 8, 1848. He assisted his father on the 
farm, helping- to clear a portion of it, and attend- 
ed the district school during- the winter. When 18 
years old he entered Oberlin College, Ohio, and in 
1868 commenced the study of medicine at Findlay, 
O. He graduated from the Cleveland (Ohio) 
Homeopathic Hospital College, in 1870, commenc- 
ed the practice of medicine in Carey, Wyandott 
county, O., in April of the same year and remain- 
ed there until the fall of 1872, when he moved to 
Leipsic, Putnam county, O. Here he engaged in 
an extensive practice, having to do most of his trav- 
eling on horseback, the country being new and 
roads bad. In the spring of 1878 he removed to 
Coving-ton, Miami Co., where he has since main- 
tained a good practice. He m Sabrina Workman, 
of Loudonville, O. April 13, 1871. She d April 
4, 1891. C: Charles, Bertha, Clarence. He m sec- 
ond wife, Elizabeth H. Delp, of Montg. Co. Pa., 
August 15, 1893. 

Dr. Rosenberger was elected to the ministry of 
the German Baptist church in 1880 and serves the 
church as a minister as well as his professional 
work allows. 

VII- Charles Lee Rosenberger, b Sept. 11, 1873. 

VII- Bertha Rosenberger, b Sept. 1, 1875. 

V|j. Clarence Rosenberger, b Feb. 11, 1885, d June 
12, 1885. 

VI- Rev. Edward Hartsough Rosenberger, b in 
Washington twp., Hancock Co. Ohio, Oct. 19, 1849, 


m Jennie Wickham, Feb. 25, 1875, P. O. McComb, 
O. Farmer and minister, German Baptist. C: 
VII- Everett Rosenberger, b Dec. 21, 1875, d Aug. 
21, 1876. (VII- Jesse Rosenberger, b Jan 24, 1879. 

VI \. Harvey Rosenberger, b May 1'^, 1882. 

VII- Hetty Rosenberger, b Sept." 7, 1896. 

VI- Elhanon Rosenberger, b Oct. 21, 1851, d Aug-. 
17, 1861. 

V|. Jacob. Boastater Rosenberger, b July 27, 1859, 
m Anna Weaver. M second wife Florence Shell- 
house, P. O. Ada, Ohio. 

VI- Alice Mary Rosenberger, b in Hancock Co.,0., 
Dec. 30, 1863, m Nathan C. Butler, June 1, 1884. 
Res. 628 St. Hanna St., Cleveland, O. Taught 
school '81-'94. Finished classical course at Ohio 
Normal University, Ada, Ohio, 1897, and be^an 
the study of medicine at Cleveland Homeophathic 
Medical College, graduated 1900. Ch of Christ. 

V- Ann Rosenberger, M. Christian Hunsberger, C: 
Elizabeth, Sarah, David, Mary, Kate, Ephraim. 

VI- Elizabeth Hunsberger. 

V|. Sarah Hunsberger, m Abraham Ziegler, C: 

VII. Ellen Ziegler, m Irvin Moll, P.O.Lansdale,Pa. 

VI. David R. Hunsberger, P. O. Hatfield, Pa. 

V|. Mary Hunsberger, m Samuel Detweiler. No 
issue. M second husband Isaac Oberholtzer. 

VI- Kate Hunsberger. 

V|. Ephraim Hunsberger. 

V- Mary Rosenberger, b Apr. 14, 1820, m Peter O. 
Stover, June 3, 1838. He d Feb. 1, 1892. Butcher. 
Menns C: Catharine, John,- Margaret, Adam, Bar- 
bara, Joseph, Mary, Peter, David, Charles, Lydia, 
William, Philip. 

V|. Catharine Stover, b Mar. 10, 1839, d 1842. 

VI. John Stover, b Oct. 12, 1840, d 1842. 

V|. Margaret Stover, b May 27, 1842, m Joseph 
Benner, Merchant, Menns C: Isaac, Peter, Joseph, 

V|. Adam R. Stover,b Nov. 10, 1844, d June 3,1872, 
m Sarah Hemsing. Soldier in Civil War. C: Amelia, 
Uriah. Ellwood, Sallie. 


V|. Barbara Stover, b Feb. 14, 1840, m Enos Freder- 
ick, C: Enos. 

V|. Joseph Stover, b Apr. 10, 1847, m Susan Matz 
in 1867. She d 1884, P. O. Malcomb, Ohio. Far- 
mer, Ger. Bap. C: Mamie, Susan, David. 

VI. Mary Stover, b July 3, 1849, m Albert Peter- 
man C, Joseph. Harry, Alice. 

VJ. Peter Stover, b Nov. 1, 1851, m Sallie A. Alla- 
bach. Res. Phila. River Brethren C. Henry, 
M arietta, William, Peter, Lizzie, Charles. 

VI . David Stover, b Apr. 15, 1854, m Mary A. 
Schmidt, Res. Phila., Pa., Ger. Bap. C: Mary, 
John, deceased, Florence, Maggie, Rebecca, deed., 
Charles, Emma, David, Sarah deceased, Ellen. 

VI- Charles Stover, b Mar.23, 1850, m- -C: Bessie. 

VI- Lvdia Stover, d infant. 

VJ. William Stover, b 1859, d 1861. 

VJ. Philip R. Stover, b Mar. 3, 1861, m Sarah J. 
Shilling- in 1882. Res. Ohio. C: Albert deceased, 
Mary, Charles deceased, John deceased, Chester. 

V- Catharine Rosenberger, m Isaac Bilger. 

V- Philip Rosenberger, was thrown from a colt, 
broke a leg from effects of which he died aged 15 

* V- Elizabeth Rosenberger, b June 18, 1803, d Oct. 
21, 1884, m Peter Roth. He was b July 31, 1788, "d 
Jan. 5, 1856. Farmer in Bucks Co., Pa., Menn C: 
Elias, David, Abraham, Anna, Catharine, Daniel, 

V|. Elias R. Roth, b in Bucks Co.. Pa., Sept. 17, 
1823, d Mar. 25, 1899, m AnnaFravel, Nov. 5, 1853. 
She was b near Bath, Pa., Jan. 27, 1826, d Nov. 14, 
1884. Weaver and Farmer, River Brethren. C: 
William, Edward. 

V||. Dr. William F.Roth, b near Telford, Pa., Oct. 
23, 1856, m Hannah Detweiler, Aug. 23, 1877, P.O. 
Manheim, Pa. Practicing physician at Manheim, 
Lancaster, Co., Pa., where he conducts a private 
institute, making a specialty of the treatment and 
radical cure of cancer without the knife and allied 
growths. C: Emma, Elizabeth, Anna, Palmer,Stella, 
Wilbur, Dorothy, Wallace. 


VIII- Emma L. Roth, b June 30, 1879, d Apr. 13, 

VIII- Elizabeth Roth, b Mar.22, 1881, m Dr. Pius A. 
Noll, May 13, 1899, P.O. Manheim, Pa. Physician. 
C: IX- Richard Montgomery Noll, b Jan. 8, 1900. 
William Russell Noll, b Feb. 15, 1901. Minnie 
Catharine Noll, b Apr. 13, 1903. 

VHI- Anna May Roth, b Sept. 28, 1882, m Henry 
Grebe. Residence 109 Dauphin St., Phila., Pa. C: 

IX- H. Wallace Grebe. 

,1!! H. Palmer Roth, b Jan. 14, 1886. 

VIII. Stella Roth, b Jan. 3, 1890. 

V|||. Wilbur F. Roth, b Apr. 23, 1893. 

VHI- Dorothy M. Roth, b Oct. 27, 1896. 

VIII- Wallace O. Roth,b Dec. 5, 1900, d July 6,1901. 

VII. Edward Roth, b Oct. 25, 1861, d May 27, 1864. 

VI- David R. Roth, b Apr 15, 1825, d Oct 10, 1901, 
m Matilda Harr, blacksmith, Menu. C: Francis, 
Elizabeth, Mary, Amanda, Milton. 

VI I . Francis Roth, d young - . 

VII- Elizabeth Roth, d young-. 

VII Mary H. Roth,m Abraham Derstine, P.O. Tel- 
ford, Pa. 

VII Amanda H. Roth, b 1864, m Chas Freed, Ger. 
Ref. C: Clayton, Roscoe. 

VII. Milton H. Roth, m Sallie Benner. 

VI- Abraham R. Roth, b July 4, 1827, d Apr 13, 
1879, m Barbara A. Oberholtzer, Aug 9, 1856. 
Farmer, Menn. C: Henry, Isaiah, Abraham, Mahlon, 
Mary, Emeline, Harvey. 

VII. Henry O. Roth, b June 10, 1857, d Feb 1861. 

VII- Isaiah O. Roth, b Jan 29,1860,m Kate Souder, 
P. O. Telford, Pa. C: Harry de'cd, Elsie dec'd, 
Erma, Edna. 

VII- Abraham O. Roth, b Nov 19, 1861, m Kate 
Alderfer, June 16, 1882. Two da} T s after marriage, 
he took his newly made wife to her parents, and as 
he was returning to his home he was caught by a 
wreck train and instantly killed. 
VII- Mahlon O. Roth, b Dec 1, 1862, m Katie Der- 
stine, P. O. Dansdale, Pa. C: (VIII) Andrew, 
Laura, Annie deed. 












VII. Mary L. Roth, h Oct 19, 1870, m Edwin B. 
Bergey, ce'cd. C: Edwin dec'd. She m 2nd hus- 
band Abraham Rut'h. 

VII- Emeline O. Roth, b July 22, 1874, d Oct 1874. 
VH Harvey O. Roth, b Nov 25, 1875, d 1876. 

VI. Anna R. Roth, b Mar 17, 1829, d Nov 22, 1856, 
m Adam Kleinkauf C: (VII' Joseph Kleinkauf, b 
Feb 22, 1S57, d infant. 

V|. Catharine R. Roth, b Julv 18, 1833, d May 31, 
1899, m Isaac N. Billg-er, Oct 6, 1855. He was b 
June 29, 1833, d Jan 21, 1902. Blacksmith, Luth. 
C: Amanda, Allan, Lizzie, Katharine, Willie. 

VII- Amanda R. Billg-er, b Julv 4, 1856, m William 
Bradbury, Mar 11, 1876, Res. 4937 N. 5th St. Phila. 
Pa. Weaver. C: Charles, Agnes. 

VHi- Charles W. Bradburv, b Julv 13, 1877, d Jan 
14. 1905. S. 

VIII. Agnes M. Bradburv, b Feb 11, 1879, m Clin- 
ton E. Sauers, Aug 4," 1898. Painter. C: (|X) 
Charles, Clinton, Mildred. 

VII Allan R. Billger, b Jan 23, 1858, was twice 
married. No issue. Luth. 

VII- Lizzie R. Billger, b Aug 14, 1861, d July 15, 
1885, m Charles Yearling. C: Katie, Mamie. 

VII. Katharine R. Billger, b Nov 25, 1865. 

VII. Willie Billger, b Sept 17, 1869, d Apr 26, 1878. 

V|. Daniel R. Roth, b Jan 31, 1835, d Feb 4, 1901, 
m Catharine Ann Dorn, June 14, 1862. Farmer 
and assessor of Franconia Twp., Montg., Co., for 
19 years. Menno. C: Lizzie, Enos, Henrv, William. 

VII- Lizzie D. Roth, b Mar 24, 1863, m Samuel M. 
Richards, June 4, 1902, P. O. Zieglerville, Pa. 
Butcher. Luth. No issue. 

VII- Enos D. Roth, b Feb 1, 1867, d may 19, 1871. 

VII Henry D. Roth, b July 27, 1870, P. O. Fran- 
conia, Pa. Poultrvman. 

/|| William D: Roth, b Mar 3, 1877, m Ida Delp, 
P. O. Telford, Pa. Creameryman. 

VI- Peter Roth, last known of him he was in Ohio, 
married, but no issue. 

IV- Abraham Rosenberger, b 1788, d aged about 
80 yrs, m Margaret Detweiler, (sister to his father's 


second wife. ) He lived in Upper Providence Twp. 
Montg\, C. The Mennonite church was built on 
one corner of his land. Farmer. Menno. C: David, 
Jesse, Hannah, Fannie, Margaret, Abraham, Joseph, 
Samuel, Mary, Henry, Barbara, Bettsv. 

V- David Rosenberger. b Jan 7, 1809, d Doc 7, 1882, 
m Catharine Long-acre, Dec 31, 1837. She was b 
in Montg. Co. Pa., Oct 19, 1813, d Dec S, 1893. He 
inherited his father's farm which is now occupied 
by his son J. Warren Rosenberger. Farmer. Menno. 
C: Mary, Margaret, Hannah, Abraham, Davis, 
Joseph, Henry. 

VI- Mary Rosenberger, b in Lower Providence 
Twp. Montg. Co. Pa., Dec 21, 1838, m Samuel H. 
Hallman, of Upper Providence Twp. Montg. Co. 
Pa., Jan 26, 1862. He was b July 15, 1836, P. O. 
Mont Clare, Pa. Carpenter. Wife Menno. C: Sallie, 
David, Katie, Fannie, Harry, Joseph, George. 

VII. Sallie Hallman, b Feb 22, 1863, m Jonas R. 
Umstad, Jan 16, 1883, P. O. Mont Clare, Pa. Ma- 
chinist. C: (VIII- ) Angeline R. Umstead, b July 
5, 1884, Harrv U. Umstead, b Nov 8, 1885, Samuel 
H. Umstead, b June 28, 1887. 

VII- David R. Hallman, b 1865, d 1872. 

Yl|. Katie Hallman, b Oct 16, 1866, m William C. 
Rosenberger, Feb 13, 1890, P. O. Skippack, Pa. 
Mrs. R Ger. Bap. C: ( VIII ) Allen H. Rosenberry, 
b Dec 29, 1890, Edwin Rosenberry, b Julv 12, 1892. 
Winfield Rosenberry, b Apr 20, lS94,~Mary H. 
Rosenberrv, b May 4, 1896, William H. Rosenberrv, 
b Mar 12, 1899, d 1900. 

VIS- Fannie Hallman, b Aug 16, 1S68, m Alfred 
Nichols, mar 15, 1895, Res. 310 Righter St. Wissa- 
hickon, Pa. Printer. Ger, Bap. C: (VHI ) Warren 
H. Nichols, b and d Aug 1896. Marv Nichols, b 
Sept 30, 1897. Alfred C. Nichols, b Dec 12, 1899. 

VII. Harry R. Hallman, b Feb 1, 1872, m Marv 
Lindauer, Apr 16, 1896, P. O. Spring City, Pa. 
Slater. C: (VIII) Charles H. Hallman, b July 18, 
1897, Robert H. Hallman, b Sept 9, 1901. 

VIS- Joseph Warren Hallman, b Jan 14, 1875, P. O. 
Mont Clare, Pa. Roll Turner. 


VII- George J. Hallman, b July 8, 1877, m Florence 
Speece, Mar 18, 1899. She was b Feb 4, 1880, P. 
O. Port Providence. Pa. Carpenter. She Ger. 
Bap. C: (VIID Helen. 

VI- Margaret Rosenberger, b Feb 21, 1841, d Feb 
11, 1887, m Job Cox, P. O. Oaks, Pa. Farm laborer. 
She Menno. C: Catharine, Mary. 

VII. Catharine Cox, b in Montg. Co. Pa., July 29, 
1867, m Benjamin H. Famous, Mar 13, 188'), P. O. 
Port Providence, Pa. Farmer, Ger. Bap. C: (VIII) 
Frank C. Famous, b June 1, 1890, d Apr 10, 1891. 
Frances F. Famous, b Sept 21, 1892. Martha W. 
Famous, b Aug- 28, 1894. 

VSI- Mary Cox, b in Montg. Co. Pa., Jan 6, 1863, m 
Abraham H. Jones, Dec 23, 1882, P.O. Yerkes, Pa. 
Farmer. Menno. C: (VIII) Susie C. Jones, b Oct 

3, 1884, Ger. Bap. S. Charles C. Jones, b July 17, 
18S6. Catharine C. Jones, b Aug- 17, 1888. David 
C. Jones, b Dec 2, 1890. Abraham C. Jones, b May 

4, 1893. 

VI- Hannah Rosenberger, b Oct 1, 1845, m Milton 
V. Detweiler, in 1875, P. O. Oaks, Pa. Far- 
mer, Ger. Ref. C: David, Frank, Joseph, Catharine, 


VII. David R. Detweiler, b Oct 30, 1875, d Feb 17, 
1895. S. 

VIS- Frank R. Detweiler, b July 25, 1877. Brick- 
layer at Webster, Pa. Ref. ch. S. 

VII- J- Warren Detweiler, b Aug 20, 1879, P. O. 
Oaks, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. S. 

VII- Catharine R. Detweiler, b May 25, 1881, P O. 
Oaks, Pa. Ref. Ch. S 

VSI- Mary Lizzie Detweiler, b Mar 7, 1883, d Oct 9, 

VI. Abraham Rosenberger, b May 16, 1847, d 1849. 

VII- Davis Rosenberger, b Oct 22, 1849, d Apr 4, 

VI- Joseph Warren Rosenberger, b at Yerkes, 
Montg. Co. Pa., Sept 19, 1852, m Ida F. Kratz, 
daughter of Jonas and Elanora B. (Fryer) Kratz, 
Feb 9, 1876, P. O. Yerkes, Pa. Formerly farmer 
and owned the old homestead, of Abraham and 


Margaret Rosenberger, his grandparents and which 
he sold in 1900 to -. He is now engaged as 

clerk. Menno. C: (VII) Katharine K. Rosenber- 
g-er, b June 15, 1881, P. O. Yerkes, Pa. Steno- 
grapher and Typewriter. S. 

VI- Henry L. Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa., 
Aug 19, 1858, m Hannah R. Schwenk, Jan 5, 1884, 
P. O. Kirkwood, Alachna, Co. Pla. Farmer. 
Presby. C. ( VII ) Edith M. Rosenberger, b Feb 7, 
1886, d May 10, 1886. Eugene D. Rosenberger, b 
Feb 10, 1889. Lena Rosenberger, b Aug 15, 1893. 
Bertha Rosenberger, b Apr 10, 1895. 

V- Jesse Rosenberger, b - d— young. 

V- Hannah Rosenberger, b Mar 9, 1813, m Jacob 
Kulp, dec'd, Res. 312 Righter St. Wissahickon, 
Phila. Pa. Carpenter, United Ev. Ch. C: Margarei, 

VI . Margaret Kulp m Samuel Longacre, Res. 
Righter St. Wissahickon, Pa. Carpenter, U. Ev. 
Ch. C: Gilbert, Katie, Isaac, John, Harry, Infant, 

VI!- Gilbert Longacre, m Agnes Ken worthy, dec'd, 
Res. Wissahickon, Pa. Printer, Bap. C: Horace, 
Earl, Gilbert. 

VII Katie Longacre, dec'd. 

VII Isaac Longacre, dec'd. 

Vlj. John Longacre, m — , Res. Wissahickon, 
Pa. Printer, Catholic. C: Gilbert, Margaret. 

VII- Harry Longacre, d single. 
VII- Hiram Longacre. 

V|. Abraham Kulp, d aged 15 months. 

V- Frances Rosenberger, m Christian S. Moyer, 
1836. He d 1886. Farmer, Menno. C: David, 

V|. David R. Moyer, b Jan 28, 1837, d Feb 7, 1876, 
m Anna Clevenstine, 1861. Wheelwright, Meth. 
Ep. C: Wilhelmina, Eliza, Samuel. 

VII- Wilhelmina Moyer, b June 21, 1862, P. O. 
Toronto, Ont. S. 

YM Eliza C. Moyer, b July 20, 1862, m H. Irvin 
Moyer, Sept 29, 1887, P. O. Perkasie, Pa. Clerk, 
Ger. Bap. C: 'VIII-') Marion V. Moyer, b 1889. 


Joseph N. Mover, b 1892. 
VSB- Samuel A. Mover, b Alar 2D, 1869, P. O. Al- 

burtus, Pa. S. 

VJ. Abraham R. Mover, b 18+0, d 188:., m Wilhel- 
mma Snyder. 

V- Margaret Rosenberger, m Abraham Hunsicker, 
P. O. Fairbanks, Fla. No issue. 

V- Abraham Rosenberger, b 1818, d 1894, m Mary 
Yerkes. No issue. M 2nd wife Susan Peters. Ger. 
Bap. No issue. 

V- Joseph Rosenberg'er, b — d 1897, m Sarah Adams. 
Stone mason. United Ev. C: Sarah, Josephine, 
Benjamin, Joanna, Amanda, Albert, Lizzie. 

VI- Sarah Jane Rosenberg-er, d single. 
VJ. Josephine Rosenberger, d infant. 

VI- Benjamin Franklin Rosenberg-er, b Apr 1853, 
m Annie Ashenfelter, Feb 6, 1875, Res. 1208 At- 
lantic St., Phila. Pa. Carpenter. U. Ev. C: Sarah, 
Abraham, Bertha, Annie, Henry, Ida, William, 
Clara, Minerva, Charles, Joseph. 

VU- Sarah Stella Rcscnterger, blS75, m Thomas 
Richard. Aug 1893, Res. 3171 Germantown Ave. 
Phila. Pa. "Huckster. Mr. R Catholic, Mrs. R 
U. Ev. C: <Vill) Stella May Richard. 

VII- Abram Rosenberger, b Oct 14, 1S77. 
Vjj. Bertha Rosenberg-er, b Dec. 

VII- Annie Jane Rosenberger, b Sept 4, 1882. 

VIS- Henry Franklin Rosenberger, b Sept 15, 18S4. 

Vil- Ida May Rosenberger, b Sept 18, 1886. 

VII- William Albert Rosenberger, b Dec 1888. 

VII. Clara Rosenberger, b Jan 17, 1890, d Dec 1895. 

VII- Minerva Rosenberger, b Feb 1, 1892, d May 1, 

VII- Charles Fred Rosenberger, b Nov 28, 1893, d 
Mar 21, 1897. 

VII- Joseph Rosenberger, b Dec 31, 1895. 

VS- Joanna Rosenberger, b at Roxborough, Pa., 
June 12, 1855, m Henry R. Evans, Jan 16, 1875. 
He was b Jan 12, 1851, d Sept 7, 1887. Carpenter. 
C: Elva, Edna, Joanna. M second husband Samuel 
Baugh, Feb 17, 1893. He was b Aug 28, 1836. 
Res. 328 Hall St. Phcenixville, Pa. Employed in 


Restaurant. No issue. 
V||. Elva Maud Evans, b at Mingo, Pa., Oct 28, 
1881, m Reuben Dibsdale, Aug- 6, 1899, P. O. - - C: 
(VIII) Samuel Reuben Uibsdale. 

VI- Edna Mabel Evans, b Nov 27, 1885. 

VJ. Amanda Rosenberger, m Abraham Barlow, P. 
O. Phoenixville, Pa. Carpenter. C: Joseph, Sarah, 
Annie, Lydia, 

VII- Joseph Barlow, d infant. 

j||. Sarah Barlow, m William Sweeney. C: (VIII ) 
Eva, Esther. 
VII- Annie Barlow, S. 
V||- Lydia Barlow, S. 
VI- Albert A. Rosenberger, b Jan 5, 1862, m Ella 

A. Gerhart, Dec 5, 1885. P. O. Lansdale, Pa. 
Blacksmith. C: (VII) Jennie G. Rosenberger, b 
Mar 5, 1886, d Nov 2, 1901. Verna G. Rosenber- 
ger, b Oct 26, 1894. Violet G. Rosenberger, b- 

VI- Lizzie Rosenberger, d infant. 

V- Samuel D. Rosenberger, b in Moutg. Co., Pa , 
June 15, 1819, d Feb 22, 1871, m Lydia Bickhart. 
She was b in Montg. Co., Pa., in 1833. Farmer. 
Methodist. C: Mary, Henry, Abraham, Hannah, 
Howard, Annie, Samuel. 

VI. Mary B. Rosenberger, b Mar 20, 1855, m James 

B. Hause, Jan 1, 1879. He d Feb 12, 1897. Res. 
413 Riley St. Roxborough, Phila. Pa. Luth. No 

VI- Henry B. Rosenberger, b in Upper Provi- 
dence Twp. Montg. Co., Pa., Dec 25, 1856, m Hattie 
Kenworthy, Oct 9, 1887. Res. 366 Riley St. Rox- 
borough, Phila. Pa. Gardner. Prot. Ep. C: ( VII > 
Samuel Lewis Rosenberger, b July 18, 1888. 

VII Laura Rosenberger, b Nov 9, 1890. 

VII- Walter Rosenberger, b May 4, 1893. 

VI- Abraham B. Rosenberger, b Dec 17, 1857, d 
Sept 8, 1858. 

VI- Hannah B. Rosenberger, b Aug 23, 1859, d 
June 20, 1875. 

V|. Howard B. Rosenberger, b Oct 18, 1863, m 
Emma Rosenberger, Sept 27, 1898, Res. 2453 N. 31st 
St. Phila. Pa. Motorman. C: (VII) Ida Rosenber- 


ger, b Aug- 1 1902. 

VI- Annie B. Rosenberger, b Mar 9, 1855, m Walter 
Silverwood, Apr 17, 1888. Res. 4b2 Conarroe St. 
Roxborough, Phila. Pa. Merchant. Meth. Ep. 
C: (VII I Mary Emma Silverwood, b and d Apr 1889. 
Myrtle Silverwood, b Mar 22, 1895. Helen Silver- 
wood, b Aug 17, 1899 

V| Samuel B. Rosenberger, b Nov 8, 1870. Res. 
451 Krams Ave. Roxborough, Phila. Pa. Weaver. 

V- Mary Ann Rosenberger, de'cd, m John Kepler. 
Euth. C: Hannah, Abraham. 

VI- Hannah Kepler, de'cd. m Wells Moore. C: 
I VII ) Lulu, Alice, 

Vj. Abraham Kepler, d young. 
V- Henry Rosenberger, d young. 
V- Barbara Rosenberger, d young. 
V- Bettsey Rosenberger, d young. 
IV- Daniel Rosenberger, d young. 

IV- Susanna Rosenberger, b Jan 17, 1793, d Aug 
22, 187b, m John Rickert, April 6, 1813. He was 
b May 28, 1783, d Jan 7, 18b7. Farmer in Bucks 
Co., Pa. Menno. C: Barbara, David, Daniel, 
Catharine, Henry, John, Fann}-, Abraham, Tobias, 
Valentine, Joseph. 

V- Barbara Rickert, b 1814, d — , m William 
Strouse. No issue. 

V- David Rickert, b Sept 1, 1815, d — , m Eliza- 
beth Lapp. Farmer. Menno. C: Mary, Susanna, 

VI- Mary Rickert, m John Ruth, P. O. Line Lex- 
ington, Pa. C: Allen. 

VI Susanna Rickert, m Abraham H. Fretz, P. O. 
Hatfield, Pa. Farmer. Menno. C: (VII) Sarah, 
Ellen, dee'd, Ida, Emma, David, Susanna, Anna. 

VI- Abraham Rickert, m Lydia Johnson. C: Jacob, 
David, Harvey. Abraham m 2nd wife Sallie Ros- 
enberger, P. O. Ashbourne, Pa. 

VII- Jacob C. Rickert, m Sarah Krewson, P. O. 
Ashbourne, Pa. 

VII. David E. Rickert, d single. 

VII- Harvev J. Rickert, P. O. Ashbourne Pa. S. 


V. Daniel Rickert, b Jan 28, 1817, d - - . M Amelia 
Swartley. C: John, Henry, Sarah. Daniel m 2nd 
wife, Catharine Shisler. Farmer. C: Daniel, &c. 

V|. John Rickert, dec'd, m 

V|. Henry Rickert, dec'd, m . 

Vj. Sarah Rickert, m - - Deiterly. 

VI- Daniel S. Rickert, P. O. Perkasie, Pa. 

V- Catharine Rickert, b Apr 11, 1819, <1 . M 
Joseph Fretz, July 15, 1845. He was b in Bucks 
Co., Pa., Dec 11, 1803; d Dec 4, 1880. Mr. Fret/, 
was a great grandson of the pioneer Christian Fretz, 
of Tinicurn Twp. Bucks Co., Pa. He was a farm- 
er and owned and lived all his lifetime on a part of 
the homestead purchased by his grandfather Abra- 
ham Fretz, in Bedminster Twp. now owned by his 
son, Anthony R. and (Juincy A. Fretz. Mr. Fretz 
was a man of perhaps more than ordinary intelli- 
gence, a very observing man and a great reader. 
Menno. C: Allen, Ouincy, Joseph, Susan, Anthony, 

V|. Allen W. Fretz, b March 5, 1846, d--, mMary 
E. McFarland, July 3,. 1870. She was b in Mon- 
treal, Canada, Dec 8, 1845. Res. Easton, Pa. 

VI!. Rilla Alice Fretz, b Apr 9, 1871. 

V|j. J. Titus Fretz, b Feb 2, 1873. 

VII. Wilson Shurtz Fretz, b June 19, 1875. 

V||. Charles J. Fretz, b Mar 22, 1877. 

VII. Delbcrt B. Fretz, b Dec 28, 1879. 

V|| Merrill Linn Fretz, b Dec 17, 1881. 
Robert A. Fretz, b May 26, 1883. 
|. Mamie Fretz, b Feb 15, 1886, d May 8. 1887. 
Quincy A. Fretz, b in Bucks Co., Pa., July 18, 
1847,~m Catharine Yeakel, of Hilltown, Pa. She 
was b May 27, 1847. P. O. Bedminster, Pa. Farm- 
er. Menno. C: (VII) Alice Y. Fretz, d an infant. 

V!- Joseph Titus Fretz, b May 5, 1849, d Apr 27, 
1870, aged 20 v., 11 m., 22 d. 

VI Susan Fretz, b June 7, 1852, m Mahlon Essig, 
of Arcadia, Hamilton Co., Ind., June 22, 1884, P. 
O. Arcadia, Ind. Farmer. Mrs. Essig Menno. C: 
Yl|. Infant daughter, born and died Apr 11, 1886. 
VII. Emma Mabel Essig, b July 8. 1887. 


VI- Anthony R. Fretz, b Feb 19, 1856, m Ella Bar- 
ron, P. O. Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. C: ( VII I 
Morris D. Fretz, b Mar 5, 1883. Chester A. Fretz, 
b Alar 26, 1885. Joseph E. Fretz, b Aug- 6, 1886. 
Ada M. Fretz, b Oct 8, 1888. Jennie E. Fretz, b 
Nov 9, 1890. Lila E. Fretz, b Apr 30, 1892. R. 
Lloyd Fretz, b Nov 12, 1893. Alma B. Fretz, b 
June 7, 1896. 

VI. Ella R. Fretz, b Oct 22, 1862. S. 

V. Henry Rickert, dec'd, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 
1, 1821, m Mary Hendricks, Jan 1844. She was b 
in Bucks Co. Pa., Aug- 15, 1824, P. O. Wads worth, 
O. Farmer. Menno. C: Susan, Jacob, Allen, 
Maria, Amanda, John, Emma, Henry, Harvey. 

V|. Susan Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Jan 14, 

1845, m John S. Hartzell, Sept 16, 1871, P. O. 
Wadsworth, O. Luth. C:<VII) Nelson Hartzell, 
b Julv 16, 1872, P. O. Wadsworth, O. Wood work- 
er. iVIl' Lloyd J. Hartzell, b Oct 25, 1872, P. O. 
Wadsworth, O. Mechanic. Ref. Ch. (\f|| ) Elmer 
Wallace Hartzell, b Sept 22. 1879, P. O. Wads- 
worth, O. Luth. 

VI- Jacob H. Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Oct 23, 

1846, m Adeline Frankenfield, Sept 26, 1874. She 
was b in Lehigh Co. Pa., Nov 7, 1850, P. O. Wads- 
worth, O. Drayman. Ref. Ch. C: (VII) Ida Mae 
Rickert, b Jan 17, 1876, P. O. Wadsworth, O. 
Music teacher. Ref. Ch. (VII ) Delia Mabel Rickert, 
b Sept 25,1877, P. O. Wadsworth, O. Ref. Ch. 

VI- Allen H. Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 20, 
1848, m Mary K. Friedt, P. O. Wadsworth, O. 
Farmer. Menno. C: (VII ) William Henry Rickert, 
b May 6, 1875. Menno. Elizabeth Gertrude Rickert, 
b Apr 1, 1877. Menno. Laura Josephine Rickert, 
bMar27,1887. CharksAllenRickert,b Aug 12,1893. 

VI- Maria Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Mar 12, 
1851, m Jeremiah Loehr, Nov 14, 1874, P. O. Blake, 
O. Farmer. Luth. C: (VII ) Freddie R. Loehr, b 
Nov 4, 1876, d Apr 12, 1881. Nettie May Loehr, b 
Sept 17, 1879. 

VI- Amanda Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Sept 20, 
1853, m Martin G. Honder, Apr 9, 1881. He was 


b in Lancaster Co. Pa., May 5, 1853. P. O. Wads- 
worth, ( ). Merchant. Menno. C: i VII I Charles 
H. Honder, b Feb 21. 1882. Clerk. 

VII- Harvey C. Honder, b Mar 20, 1884. 

VII- Freddie R. Honder, b Oct 9, 1890. 

YJ. John Rickert, b in Medina Co., Ohio, Jan 27, 
1857, m Hannah M. Good, Mar 20, 1881, P. O. 
Wadsworth, O. Stationary engineer. M. E. Ch. 
C: (VII) Verna Rickert, b Jan 13, 18S7. Meth Ep. 

VI- Emma Rickert. b in Medina Co., O., 1860, m 
John B. Drissel. of Phila. Pa., Dec 25, 1895. He- 
was b in Bucks Co. Pa , June 26, 1853, P. O. Wads- 
worth, O. Carpenter. Mr. D. Luth. Mrs. D. Menno. 

Y|. Henry Rickert, b in Medina Co., O., May 17, 
1862, d Oct 1, L891, m Ida Fritz, June 1889. C: 
CYH) Hazel Rickert, b June 9, 1890. 

V|. Harvey Rickert, b in Medina Co., O.. Mar 3, 
1865, m Lizzie Kindig, of River Styx, O., Nov 21, 
1891, P. O. Wadsworth, (). Farmer. Menno. C: 
(VII) Ruth Rickert. 

V. John Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Sept 11, 1823, 
d 1899, m Eliza Fretz, Nov 9, 1851, P. O Medina, 
O. Farmer. C: Sarah, Valentine, Mary, Abraham, 
John, Ella, Ida. 

Yj. Sarah Rickert, b June 30, 1863, d July 1853. 

V|. Valentine F. Rickert, b in Ohio Sept 17, 1854, 
m Lewie Henry, Dec 12, 1879. She d 1887, P. O 
Medina, O. Farmer. C: (V|) James Rickert, b 
1880. (VII) Clare Rickert, b 1882, d 1883. C Vil > 
Carl Rickert, b 1883. (VII) Lewie Rickert, b 1886, 
m 2nd wife Minnie Thompson, 1891. She d 1898. 
m 3rd wife Alice Bateman, 1901. 

VI- Mary Susan Rickert, b Oct 13, 1857, m Reuben 
Yoder, Feb 25, 1882, P. O. Dixon, 111. Farmer. C: 
(VII) Ida Yoder, b Mar 2, 1884, d 1901. 

VI. Abraham F. Rickert, b Oct 18, 1859, m Addie 
Reece, Sept 26, 1890, P. O. Medina, O. C: (VII > 
Hazel Rickert, b Mar 17, 1892. 

VII- George Rickert, b Oct 2, 1894. 

VI- Sarah Rickert, b in Medina Co., O., Apr 
18, 1862, m Georg-e McCleary, Mar 4, 1896. He 
d May 19, 1898, P. O. Dixon, 111. Farmer. 


VI. John Rickert, b May 10, 1864, d July 2, 1888. 

VI- Ella K. Rickert b in Medina Co , O , Sept 30, 
L867, m Sherman Hill, May 29, L894, P O. Medina, 
O Farmer 

VI Ida Eliza Rickert, b Mar LI, 1871, m Henrv 
Sieiner, Dee 19, 1895, P. O Sterling-, O Dealer iii 

V Fanny Rickert, b Nov 13, 1826, d— , m Henry 
Musselman He was b in Bueks Co. Pa., July 27, 
1821, d Dec 11, 1851 C: Catharine, Susan. 

VI- Catharine Musselman, in- — Rothrock, P. O. 
Doylestown, Pa 

VI Susan Musselman, m Charles Painter, P. O. 
Ouakertown. Pa 

V. Abraham Rickert, b Oct 19, 1828. M Eliz ibeth 
Smith, Dec 19, 1853. P. (). Plumsteadville, Pa C: 
Jonas, Martha, Albert, Isaac, Daniel, David, Eli. 

VI Jonas S. Rickert. b Nov 16, 1854. d May 3, 18(>6. 

V|. Martha S. Rickert, b July 12, 1856, m Reuben B. 
Detweiler, (his second wife) June 24, 1882, P. O. 
Bucking-ham, Pa. Farmer. Menuo. C: (VII) 
Theodore R. Detweiler,. b July 12, 1883, Elizabeth 
R. Detweiler, b Oct 30, 1884, David R. Detweiler, b 
May 10, 1886, Valentine R. Detweiler, b June 8, 
1887, Katie R. Detweiler, b Sept 7, 1888, d Feb 2, 
1890, Charles R. Detweiler, b June 14, 1892, Clayton 
R. Detweiler, b Nov 26, 1894, Anna Mary Detweil- 
er, b Jan 18, 1896, Harvey R. Detweiler", b Aug 5, 
1897, Sallie R. Detweiler, b Aug 10, 1899. 

VI. Albert S. Rickert, b June 20, 1859, d 1866. 

V|. Isaac S. Rickert, b June 14, 1866, m Mary J. 
Sames, P. O. Souderton, Pa. 

VI- Daniel S. Rickert, b Mar 25, 1867, m Tillie 
Sames, P. O. Souderton, Pa. 

V|. David S. Rickert, b June 30, 1833, m Sallie 
Sanies, Jan 20, 1894, P. O. Jenkintown. Laborer. 
Luth. C: (VII) Maria S. Rickert, Dec 18, 1895, 
Russel S. Rickert, b Apr 14, 1898. 

V|. Eli S. Rickert, b Apr 29, 1870, m Hildah M. 
Myers, Oct 17, 1891, P. O. Pipersville, Pa. C: (VII) 
Raymond M. Rickert, b Nov 18, 1893, Abraham M. 
Rickert, b Nov 29, 1896. 


V- Tobias Rickert, b Dec 24, 1830, d — , m Hester 
Landis, de'cd. Farmer. Menno. C: Lizzie, William, 
Susan, Franie, Mary. 

y|. Lizzie Rickert, m Cartv. 

Y|. William Rickert, . 

V|. Susan Rickert, m Black. 

V|. Franie Rickert, m Fry. 

Y|. Mary Rickert, m Pross. 

V- Valentine Rickert, b July 13, 1832, d Sept 17, 
1892, m Elizabeth Drissel, Jan 8, 1853. She was b 
Jan 19, 1833. Farmer in Bucks Co., Pa. Menno. C: 
Salome, John, Kate, Sallie, Susan, Allen, Lizzie, 
Clara, Valentine. 

VI. Salome Rickert, b Jan 2, 1856, d 1862. 

VI. John Quincy D. Rickert, b Mar 8, 1857, m 
Christiana Meyers. She was b Aug- 21, 1858, P. O. 
Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Ref. C: (VII) William, 
Valentine, Ouincy. 

VI. Kate D. Rickert, b Nov 26, 1859, m William H. 
Meyers, P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menno. C: 
(VII) Valentine, Lincoln, Isaac de'cd, Lizzie. 

VI. Sallie D. Rickert, b. Nov. 20, 1861, m Jacob W. 
Meyers, 1880, P. O. Dublin, Pa. Carriage-builder. 
Menno. C: (VII) Frank, Lizzie, Clara, Emma. 

V|. Susan D. Rickert, b Jan 21, 1864, m John K. 
Alderfer. Sept 19, 1885, P. O. Garisville, Pa. 
Farmer. Menno. C: (VII) Irwin, Lizzie, Mahlon. 

VI- Allen D. Rickert, b Feb 21, 1866, m Katie H. 
Derstine, Feb 24, 1887, P. O. Milford Square, Pa. 
Farmer. Menno. C: (VII) Bertha D. Rickert, b Aug 
14, 1890, Clara D. Rickert, b June 26, 1894, Joseph 
D. Rickert, b July 16, 1898. 

VI- Lizzie D. Rickert, b May 19, 1868, m Henry H. 
Hartman, Dec 20, 1890, P. O. Milford Square, Pa. 
Blacksmith. Ref. Ch. C: (VII) Philip R. Hart- 
man, b Apr 1892, d 1892. 

V|. Clara D. Rickert, b July 14, 1870, m John F. 
Detweiler. Farmer. Menno. C: (VII) Anna, Ida, 

VI. Valentine D. Rickert, b Aug- 30, 1872, m Ella 
Bergey, P. O. Perkasie, Pa. Laborer. Ref. Ch. 
C: (VII) Allen B. Rickert. 


V. Joseph R Rickert, b in Bedminster Twp., Bucks 
Co., Pa., Jan 4, 1835, m Alice Jones, daughter of 
Joseph M. and Ann Grier Jones, Feb 1, 1862, P. O. 
Carversville, Pa. Harness maker and carriage 
trimmer. Presby. C: Luella, Anna. 

V|. Luella Rickert, b Oct 25, 1863, P. O. Carvers- 
ville, Pa. Dressmaker. Presby. S. 

VI. Anna B. Rickert, b Sept 22, 1866, P. O. Carv- 
ersville, Pa. Dressmaker Presby. S. 

IV- John Rosenberger, b about 1798, d — , m Sarah 
Detweiler. He was one of the executors of his 
father's will, and settled on part of the old home- 
stead and lived and died there. Farmer. Menn. 
C: Martin, Barbara, David, Samuel, Joseph, Mary, 

V. Martin Rosenberg-er, b Feb 14, 1819, d in 1895, 
m Esther Berg-ey. Farmer. Menn. C: John, Mary, 
Benjamin. Lizzie, Frank, Sallie. 

/|. John B. Rosenberg-er, b July 25, 1842, d May 5, 
1895, M Mary G. Fetterolf in 1864, P. O. Lans- 
dale, Pa. He was the founder of the Lansdale Re- 
publican and later conducted a news-store and res- 
taurant in Lansdale, Pa. Luth. C: Rebecca, Frank, 
George, John, Jerome. 

VII- Rebecca Rosenberger, b Aug 7, 1864, m 
William T. Ewing, July 5, 1883, P. O. Lansdale, 
Pa. Episcopal. C: C VIII > William T. Ewing, b 
July 20, 1884, Mary Winifred Ewing, b Mar 2,1887, 
Beatrice Rav Ewing, b Jan 5, 1891, Rebecca Claire 
Ewing, b Jan 15. 1896. 

VII Frank Rosenberger, b Nov 9, 1865, m Matilda 
G. Beck, Jan 22, 1895, Res 1436, Columbia St., 
Phila., Pa. Caterer. 

VII- George F. Rosenberger. 

VII John F. Rosenberger, b Julv 5, 1871. m Linda 
Pennich, June 23, 1897. P. O. Lansdale, Pa. Sta- 
tioner and bookseller. Ref. Ch. 

VII • Jerome F. Rosenberger, b at Hatfield, Pa., 
May 9, 1874, m Ella T. Ziegler, Jan 2, 1893. She 
was b June 21, 1874, P. O. Lansdale, Pa. Employ- 
ed on R. R. Luth. C: (VIII) Mary Rosenberger,"b 
Apr 1, 1894, d Nov 10, 1895, Ella Rosenberger, b 


Sept 27, 1895. 

Y|. Mary Rosenberger, d young-. 

V|. Benjamin Rosenberger, d single. 

VI- Elizabeth Rosenberger, m Benjamin Ruth. 

VI. Frank Rosenberger, de'cd, m - - .' No issue. 

VI- Sallie Rosenberger, m John B. Clemens. C: 
Esther, Martha, John. 

Vl|. Estber Clemens, m — - Moyer. 

V- Barbara Rosenberger, b Apr 1, 1820, m Henry 
B. Fretz, Oct 9, 1842. He d May 6,1903. Farmer. 
Menn. C: Sarah, Abraham, Susanna, Sylvester, 
Mary, James. 

VI- Sarah Ann Fretz, b Nov 29, 1844, m James 
Garis, March 21, 1874. Luth. C: i VII ) Pearson 
Garis, b and d 1875, Mary E. Garis, 1) 1881, d 1882, 
Warren Garis, b 1877, d 1898, Sylvester Garis, b 
March 19, 1883. 

V|. Abraham J. Fretz, b Apr 9, 1847, m Mary 
Handle. She d Feb 1, 1873. C: Franklin, William. 
He m 2nd wife, Susan A. Yoder, Jan 24, 1874. She 
d Jan 21, 1891. C: Ephriam, Laura, Cora, Maliuda, 
Martha, Bertha. He m 3rd wile, Mrs. Emeline J. 
(Newhart) Gilbert. Nov. 15, 1892, Res 2550, N 7th 
St., Phila., Pa. C: Barbara, Elnora. 

VII- Franklin H. Fretz, b 1869, d 1895. 

VII- William H. Fretz, b July 7, 1872, m Margaret 
Iunis, Oct 21,1891. Presby. " C: VIII William W. 
Fretz, b Dec 31, 1S92, Charles H. Fretz, b Nov. 4, 
1894, Robert I. Fretz, b Sept 10, 1896. 

VII- Ephriam Y. Fretz, b Dec 22, 1874, m Susan H. 
Benner, Oct 27, 1898. C: (VIII) Abraham B. Fretz, 
b May 3, 1900, Walter B. Fretz, b Sept 10, 1901, 
Irma B. Fretz, b Dec 12, 1903. 

VII Laura Y. Fretz, b Sept 21, 1876, d April 22, 
1300, m Orlando L. Rice, March 14, 1899. C: VIII) 
Orlando Rice, b and d April 19, 1900. 

VII- Cora Y. Fretz,- b Oct 12, 1877, d Feb 8, 1902, 
m John G. Bell, Sept 21, 1900. C: (VIII; Elsie,de'cd. 

VII Malinda Y. Fretz b May 30, 1880, m Jacob A. 
Detweiler, Nov. 15, 1902. 

VII- Martha Fretz, b Feb 23, 1883, d 1883. 

VII- Bertha Fretz, b -Nov 7. 1887, d 1888. 


VII- Barbara N. Fretz, b April 26, 1894. 
Vli- Elnora N. Fretz. 

VI- Susanna Fretz, b April 14, 1850, m Addison 
Reinhart. 1868." Farmer. Ger. Bap. C: v YiS ^ Alice 
Reinhart, b April 17, 1869, m J. Y. Gross, Sept 13, 
1892. C:-(VIIU Ethel Gross, b 1894, Elnora Gross, 
b 1896, James A. Gross, b 1897, Cora Gross, b 1900, 
Russell Gross, b 1902. 

Vli. Ervvin Reinhart, b 1871, d 1872. 

VII- Nelson Reinhart, b Aug- 24, 1872, m Kate 

VI I- Clinton Reinhart, b Dec 12, 1874. 

Vli- Mabel Reinhart, b June 25, 1885. 

VI Sylvester R. Fretz, b Nov 5, 1854, d Oct 17, 
1899, m Laura G. Yerg-er, Aug 23, 1882. C: (VII) 
Amanda N. Fretz, b Mar 25, 1884, d 1884. Arthur 
S. Fretz, Dec 26, 1886. 

VI- Mary Amanda Fretz, b Aug 31, 1857, S. 

V| James H. Fretz, b Sept 10, 1862, d Nov 6, 1881. 

V- David D. Rosenberger, b about 1833, d Apr 
1876, m Elizabeth Rosenberger, about 1845. Far- 
mer. Menu. C: John, Mary, Abner, Samuel, 
Katie, Maggie. M 2nd wife Catharine Clemmer 
and 3rd wife Lydia Bitting. No issue. 

VI. John R. Rosenberger, b Sept 18, 1846, m Char- 
lotte J. VanHorn, Dec 9, 1873, P. O. Meridan, 111., 
R. R. Agent and Telegraph Operator. C: Faye, 

Vli- Faye Rosenberger, b at Pawpaw, 111., Nov 
17, 1874,' m Albert L. Stevenson, Dec 10, 1895, P.O. 
Ohio, 111. Barber. C: (VIII) Merton, Floyd Steven- 
son, b Oct 27, 1896. Hazel L. Stevenson, b— — 

VII- Georgia Floy Rosenberger, m B. S. Sweet, P. 
O. Kangley, 111. 

V|. Mary Rosenberger, b Feb 13, 1849, m Isaac 
Hagey, 1869, Res. 1008 W Orleans St. Phila. Pa. 
Carpenter. Meth. Ep. C: Ella, Katie, Harvey, 
Jacob, Mary, Isaac. 

VII- Ella N. Hagey, b 1872,' m Frank Baird, P. O. 
Norristown, Pa. Car Inspector. Luth. 

VII- Katie Hagey, b 1875. Luth. 

VII- Harvey Hagey, b 1878, Meth. Ep. 


VII. Jacob G. Hag-ey, b 1880. Mcth. Ep. 
VII. Mary Hagey, b 1884. Meth. Ep. 
VII- Isaac Hag-ey, b 1886. Meth. Ep. 

VI- Kate C. Rosenberger, b in Franconia Twp. 
Montg. Co., Pa., Apr 6, 1852, m Charles W. Keck, 
May 7, 1872, P. O. North Wales, Pa. Ger. Kef. 
Ch. C: Wilson, Maggie, Edwin, Lillian, Charles, 
Bertha, Florence, Elsie, Abner. 

VII Wilson D. Keck, b Mar 1, 1873, in Bucks Co., 
Pa., P. O. North Wales. Carpenter. Baptist. 

VII- Maggie Idella Keck, b Jan 7, 1875, d Mar 22, 

VII. Edwin F. Keck, b at Hatfield, Pa., Apr 2, 
1877, m Clara M. Lukens, July 2, 1896, P. O. North 
Wales, Pa. Cigarmaker. Meth. Ep. C: (VIII) 
Kathryn E. Keck. 

VII- Lillian M. Keck, b Jan 26, 1879. Ref. Ch. 

VII. Charles R. Keck, b Aug 9, 1881, d Nov 20, 

VII Bertha S. Keck, b July 29, 1883, d Oct 1, 1896. 

VII- Floeanus R. Keck, b Mav 4, 1885. 

Vl| Elsie C. Keck, b Dec 14,"l889, d Nov 10, 1891. 

VII- Abner W. Keck, o May 30, 1893. 

VI- Margaret Rosenberger, m Theodore Harden- 
felt, P. O. North Wales, Pa. C: Oscar, Vernon. 

VI- Samuel Rosenberger, b 1858, m Lizzie Renner, 
P. O. Fountainville, Pa. Farmer. C: VIII Oscar, 
Warren, Clarence, Pearl, Emma. 

VI- Abner W. Rosenberger, b Sept 2. 1862, m 
Emma S. Kulp, Dec 13, 1885, P. O. Skippack, Pa. 
Merchant. Ref. Ch. No issue. 

V- Samuel Rosenberger, dee'd, m Lana Wile, went 
to Illinois. C: Sallie, Jennie, Elizabeth, &c 

V. Joseph Rosenberger, b June 9, 1828, d Feb 21, 
1885, m Mary Shutt, dee'd. No issue. M second 
wife Mary Nace. Laborer. Menn. C. 

V|. James Rosenberger, b Sept 13, 1859, m Emma 
Gerhart, P. O. Sellersville, Pa. Cigarmaker. C: 
(V||) Stella Rosenberger. 

V- Sarah Rosenberger, d aged 16 years. 

|V- Henry Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co., 1800, d 
1865, m Sallie Landis, in 1819. She was b in Bucks 


Co., d 1860. He lived on the old hoinest:ad til 
near the close of his life, when he bought a ten 
acre-lot in Hilltown, where he died. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: George, David, Aaron, Josiah, Simon, 

V- George Rosenberger, M. D., b Mar 3, 1823, d 
Mar 18**4, in Lizzie Trively, from whom he was 
divorced. No issue. He m 2nd wife— — . No 
issue. He was a surgeon in the army and after 
leaving- the army he located near Ouincy, 111., where 
he died. 

V- David Rosenberger, b 1825, m Mary Ann, dau. 
of Philip Swartley, in 1852. C: Lyman, Josiah, 
Monroe. Jeannetta, Jermina. David m 2nd wife 
Catharine Swartley, (nee Haldeman) P. O. Lans- 
dale, Pa. Parmer. Ger. Bap. 

VI- Lyman Rosenberger, b Jan 14, 1854, m Sallie 
Barndt, she d 1874. C: Sallie. Lyman m 2nd wife 
Lizzie Ann Clemens, Res. Harleysville, Pa. Cream- 
ery man fur some years. C: Wellington, Harry, 

VII- Sallie Rosenberger, b - — , Wellington Rosen- 
berger, b Apr 18, 1877, Harry Rosenberger, b July 
3, 1879, Stella Rosenberger, b Nov 17, 1880. 

Vj. Josiah Rosenberger, d infant. 
Yl- Monroe Rosenberger, d infant. 
VJ. Jeanne Lta Rosenberg-er, d infant. 
VI- Jermina Rosenberger, b Feb 28, 1862, m Isaiah 
Rosenberger. (See Isaiah Rosenberger Familv. I 

V- Aaron Rosenberger, b 1827, m Mary Detweiler, 
dec'd P. O. Mase, Ariz. C: Henry, Reuben, Josiah, 
Mary, Lizzie. 

VI- Henrv D. Rosenberger, M. D., b in Hatfield, 
Montg. Co., Pa., Feb 8, 1852, m Mary A. Allebach, 
dau. of Jacob M. Allebach, of Skippack, Montg. 
Co., Dec If), 1875, P. O. Manheim, Pa. Physician. 
One child, ('|fl> Emma E- Rosenberger, b in Bucks 
Co., Pa., Apr 17, 1877. She graduated in Hatfield 
Twp: Montg. Co. Pa., public school, being the first 
graduate from that district in the spring of 1893. 
She then took two years at North Wales Academv, 
North Wales, Pa., one year in Perkasie high school 


and two spring- sessions at the State Normal School, 
Millersville, Pa. and is now teaching. 

Y|. Reuben D. Rosenberger, m Mary Seibrick, 
Res. Arizona. 

\f|. Josiah Rosenberger, P. (). Yates Center, Kan. 

VI- Mary Rosenberger, m John Seibrick, P. (). 
Burlington, Iowa. 

VI- Lizzie Rosenberger, m Newton Seals, P. O. 
Moscow, Idaho. 

V- Josiah Rosenberger, b L829, d 1850. S. 

V- Simon Rosenberger, M. D., b Apr 1, 1831, m 
Catharine Hillegas, Oct 25, 1853. She d Aug 26, 
1882. When about 19 years old he went to Phila- 
delphia and learned the drug business and studied 
medicine, graduating in 1853. He practiced nudi- 
cine in Frenchtown.N. J until 1861, removed toPhila 
and established the old and popular drug store, locat- 
ed at the corner Seventh & Oermantown Ave., and 
soon thereafter became the most popular and suc- 
cessful physician in the northern portion of the 
city. In 1863 he was commissioned assistant Sur- 
geon in the army in the 2nd P. V. Heavy Artillery. 
After leaving the army he again practiced in Phila- 
delphia until 1886 he went to California locating at 
Pasadena where he died Dec 1899. Congressman. 
C: Emma, Edmund, William. 

V3- Emma E. Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co., Pa , 
Oct 31, 1854, m Edward J. Paine, Oct 29, 1879, P. 
O. Carversville, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. C: (VII) 
Fannv, E. Christian, Robert, William, Frederick. 

Y|. Edmund S. Rosenberger, M. D., b in Phila. 
Pa., Dec 9, 1856. He learned the drug business 
with his father and studied medicine, graduating 
in 1877. He engaged in the drug business in Phila- 
delphia and practiced about 15 years. In the sum- 
mer of 1892 he went to California and associated 
with his father in the drug business and practice of 
medicine in Pasadena. He m Olive B. Townsend. 
C: ( VII > Earnest T. Rosenberger, dee'd. 

VI- William D. Rosenberger, b at Frenchtown, N. 
J., Feb 18, 1861, m Esther E. Kolb, Dec 27, 1892. 
After quite extensive travels in every State and 


Territory in the United States, also Cuba, Mexico, 
Van Cc uvers Island and Canada, crossing- several 
states on horseback, going- by steamboat on Miss- 
issippi from St. Paul to New Orleans— over the 
great lakes to Buffalo and Quebec, traveling over 
15,000 miles by railroad, and enjoying a season of 
cow-boy life on the western plains, he returned, 
completed his studies, graduated from Baltimore 
College of Pharmacy, and about 1887 engaged in 
the drug business at the stand established by his 
father at the corner of Seventh and Germantown 
Ave., at which place he still confines. No issue. 

V Enos L. Rosenberger, b in Hatfield, Pa., m 
Elizabeth Detweiler. She was b in 1841, P. O. 
Hiawatha, Kansas. Hotel keeper. River Brethren. 
C: Marietta, Ellen, Sallie, Eillie, Ida, Bessie, 

V!- Marietta Rosenberger, d aged 12 yrs. 

V|. Ellen Rosenberger, m George Haldeman, 
Res. S23 Cambria St., Phila., Pa. Contractor and 
builder. Baptists. 

VI- Sallie Rosenberger. P. O. Hiawatha, Kansas. 
Baptist. S. 

VS- Lillie Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co., Pa., Feb 
2, 1868, m Benjamin F. Ever, Sept., 1891, P. O. 
Manhattan, Kansas. Professor of Physics and 
Electrical Engineering at the State Agricultural Col- 
lege at Manhattan, Kansas. Baptists. C: (VII) 
daughter, b Nov 11, d Nov 25, 1892, Donald B. 
Eyer, b Jan 27, 1898, Helen F. Ever, b Sept 27, 1901. 

Y|. Ida Rosenberger, m Prof. J. W. Sparklin, P. 
O.Hiawatha, Kansas. Professor of music. 

Y|. Bessie Rosenberger, P. O. Hiawatha, Kansas. 
Teacher in public schools. Baptist. S. 

VI- Mamie Rosenberger. Teacher. Baptist. S. 

V- Henrv Rosenberger, d from effects of falling 
into a tub of hot soap, aged 5 yrs. 

IV- Fronica Rosenberger, b Aug 15, 1801, d Sept 
20, 1832, m Abraham Rosenberger, grandson of 
John Rosenberger. (II, Abraham Rosenberger 
family. ) 

IV- Valentine Rosenberger, d aged 15 years. 


|||. Isaac Rosenbcrg-er, b Nov 30, 1751, d July 30, 
1830, ni Christian, adopted daughter of Rev. John 
Funk. She d Mar 8, 1821. He was probably the 
youngest son of Daniel and received the lower por- 
tion of the plantation, comprising - 159 acres, and as 
a consideration the amount of ^20 and 18 shillings 
were paid. The tract is now most occupied by the 
fine farm of Milton Jenkins, comprising* 135 acres. 

Here, surrounded by shade trees, are excellent 
farm buildings of modern construction, The farm 
is watered by a creek, flowing souchward, which 
joins the other branches of the Neshaminy south of 
Line Lexington. Near the present dwelling are two 
old houses, relics of the past, one of stone, the 
other of logs. The latter was built before the Rev- 
olution, or perhaps about 1772. It was the dwell- 
ing of Isaac Rosenberger. He afterwards erected 
a stone house and a barn adjoining. In 1810 he 
purchased 22 acres adjoining on the southern side, 
and had in all 170 acres. After his death the farm 
was sold to Martin Rosenberger, and by him con- 
ve3 T ed in 1831 to Isaac Rosenberger, Jr. In 1855 
the old homestead was sold to Milton Jenkins, the 
present owner. Farmer. Menn's. C: Henry, Jacob 
Isaac, Anna. Elizabeth. 

IV- Henry Rosenberger, b Oct 1, 1775, d Sept 10, 
1846, m Hannah Detweiler. She was b Dec 17, 
1778, d May 2, 1857. Farmer. Menn's. C: Mary, 
Christiana, Hannah, Samuel, Sally, Jacob. 

V- Mary Rosenberger, b about * 1806, d 1866, m 
William Kratz. (See William Kratz family.) 

V- Christiana Rosenberg-er, b Jan 12, 1808, d July 
12, 1891, m Martin Rosenberger. (See Martin 
Rosenberger family. 

"Judcje Monk, the Ranchman of Arizona." 



V- Hannah Rosenberger, m Stutz. No issue. 

V. Samuel Rosenberger, b 1812, d Oct 1843, m 

Annie Krout. She was b 1812, d June 22, 1839. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: Henry. 

VI- Henry K. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 
18, 1842, "m Westanah Auble, Sept 11, 1804, at 
Wadsworth, Ohio. P. O. Needles, Cal. Farmer. 
Christian Ch. C: Andrew, Annie, Magg-ie, Clara, 
Thomas, Bessie. 

VII - Andrew Fretz Rosenberg-er, b at Wadsworth, 
Ohio, Sept 30, 1865, m Mary Amelia Dynes, Nov 
2, 1901, Res. 1708, Melrose St., Chicago, 111. Min- 
ing and Mining Investments. 

VII- Annie Rosenberger, b Mar 18, 1867, m George 
B. Galbraith, Aug 25, 1887, P. O. Jansen, Neb. 
Nurseryman. Christian Ch. C: (VIII) infant, b 
and d Apr 7, 1889, (V[||) Clarence J. Galbraith, b 
Apr 16, 1891, (VIII ) Margaret Westanah Galbraith, 
b Mar 22, 1896. 

V 3 2 - Maggie Rosenberger, b Apr 9, 1869, m Ora H. 
Hardy, Oct 10, 1895, P. O. Fairbury, Neb. Rail- 
road employee. Christian Ch. C: (VIII) Lela B. 
Hardy, b Jan 31, 1899. 

VII- Clara E. Rosenberger, b at Wadsworth, Ohio, 
Nov 16, 1877. Stenographer. Christian Ch. 

VII- Thomas H. Rosenberger, b Bower, Neb., May 
25, 1882- Mining Engineering. 

V[|. Bessie Rosenberger, b at Bower, Neb., May 5, 
1885. Christian Ch. 

V- Sallie Rosenberger, d June 11, 1844, m Martin 
Detweiler. Farmer. Menn's. C: infant, infant, 
Kate, Hannah, Susan, William, Samuel, Enos, 

VI- Kate Detweiler, m Jacob Harr. 

VI- Hannah Detweiler, m John Buckheimer, de'cd, 
m 2nd husband, Garret Landis. 
V|- Susan Detweiler, m Gaorge Henry. 
VI- William R. Detweiler, d single. 
VI- Samuel R. Detweiler. 
V|. Enos R. Detweiler. 

VJ. Henry R. Detweiler, b May 28, 1844, m Maggie 
Swartley, Jan 17, 1873, P. O. Chalfont, Pa. Labor- 


er. C: ( V 1 1 > Horace, El hi, Laura. 

V- Jacob D. Rosenberger, b Nov 2s, 1819,d Jan 21, 
1892, m Eliza Swartley, Dec 23, 1843. Farmer in 
Bucks Co., Pa.; was quite wealthy, Ger. Bap. C: 
Henry, Albert, Mary, William. Sarah. Hannah, 
Jacob, Ann, Isaiah, Alphens, Amanda, Artemus, 

V|. Henrv Franklin Rosenberg-er. b Oct 5, 1844. m 
Amanda E. Kline, Sept 5, 186'), Rts. Chew Street. 
Allentown, Pa., graduate Kutztown Normal School 
and has been a school teacher since 1863. C: Robert. 

VII- Robert Fulton Kline Rosenberger, b July 1, 

VI- Albert S. Rosenberger, b Nov 2, 1845, d 1846. 

VI- Marv M. Rosenberger, b Feb 6, 1847, m Jac< b 
B. Snyder, May 12, 1867. He d Nov 10, 1868. C: 
Jacob M. Married 2nd husband Jacob Fellmac, 
June 1871, P. O. Hattield, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Bap. 
C: Carrie, Katie, Isaiah, Frank. 

VII Jacob R. Snyder, b Nov 1, 1868, m Ida Het- 

V||. Carrie Ida Fellman, b Dec 9. 1872, d Jan 2 ( », 

VII- Katie R. Fellman, b at Bridgetown, Bucks 
Co. Pa., Dec 24, 1873, m Frank W. Munzinger, 
Nov 14,1891, P.O. S. Hatfield, Pa. Farmer. G. Bap. 
C: (VH|) Marv Edna Munzinger, b Nov 17, 1S'>2. 
(VIII) Sainuef Munzinger, b Jan 21,1895. VIII 
Rosa Ellen Munzinger, b Jan 7, 1897. VIII » Howard 
Munzinger, b May 23, 1899. ( VII! ) Sara Elizabeth 
Munzinger, b Apr 20, 1901. 

VII- Isaiah Fellman, b Mar 6, 1876, d Mar 3, 1887, 

VII- Frank Fellman, b June 21, 1878, d Feb 10, 

V|. William F. J. Rosenberg-er, b Nov 29, 1848, m 
Wilhelmina Shellenberger, Res. 1507 Cumberland 
St. Phila. Pa. Owns Farr farm near ReirFs corner. 
C: (VII) Wilson, d infant, Paul, d infant, Henry, 

VI- Sarah J. Rosenberger, b Nov 27, 1851, m John 
M. Kulp, P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. C: Leidv, 



VII- Leidy R. Kulp, b Aug 1871, m Hannah Cope, 
P. O. Souderton, Pa. Farmer. Kef. Ch. Two 
children deceased. 

VII- Mary FUen K. Kulp, b July 23,1873, m Henrv 
H. Mohr. Wire fence builder. ~Menn's. C: (YJH) 
vSallie, Mary. 

Vjj- Hannah E. Rosenberger, b Feb 17, 1853, in 
Aaron Mover, July 12. 1881, P. O. Harleysville, 
Pa. Farmer. Cer. Bap. C: (Vll> Jacob, dec'd, 
Eliza, dec'ct, Hannah, Aaron, Emma, Ellen. 

VI- Jacob Rosenberg-er, b and d 1855. 

V|. Ann Eliza Rosenberger, b Aug 4, 1856, m 
Jacob S. Rosenberger. (See Jacob S. Rosenberger 
Family. ) 

V|. Isaiah Rosenberger, b Apr 11, 1858, m Jermina 
loosen berger, Res. Phila. Pa. No issue. 

V|. Alphens Rosenberger, b June 5, 1861, d June 
2, 1862. 

V|. Amanda Rosenberg-er, b June 5, 1861, d 
June 12, 1862. 

VI- Artemas Rosenberg-er, b May 10, 1863, m Mary 
Ann, dau. of Jos. G. Hendricks", Nov 22, 1884, P\ 
(). Souderton, Pa. Farmer. C: ( VII >. Joseph Wesle}'' 
Rosenberger, b Nov 5, 1885. Fannie E- Rosenber- 
ger^ May 1, 1888. Jacob H. Rosenberger, b Feb 
2, 1891. Rufus W. Rosenberger, b Feb 18, 1863. 
Howard T. Rosenberger, b Nov 10, 1895. 

VI- Susan Rosenberger. b Mav 16, 1866, m William 
1). Kratz, Jan 2, 1882, P. O. Silverdale. Pa. Far- 
mer, (xer. Bap. C: (VII ) Lucretia, dec'd, Jacob, 
Lavina, Henry, Artemas. 

IV- Jacob Rosenberger, b about 1780, m Catharine 
Rickert. Farmer. Menu's. C: Daniel, Barbara, 
Christiana, Mary. 

V- Daniel Rosenberger, m Elizabeth Stover, 1824. 
Farmer. Meun's. C: Joseph, Catharine, Leah, 
Henry, Amos, Samuel. 

VI- Joseph Rosenberger, b 1825, d 1880, m Nancy 
Derstine, Farmer. C: Amanda, Amos, Titus. 

VII- Amanda Rosenberger, m James Schock. 

V!|. Amos D. Rosenberger, b 1852, m Barbara D. 
Detweiler, she d Feb 1'), 1898. C: Andrew, John, 


William. Amos m 2nd wife Susan B. Frederick, 
(nee Godshall) Nov 24, 1900, P. O. Silverdale, Pa. 
Carpenter and farmer. Menn's. 

VBI9- Andrew D. Rosenberger, b Nov 9, 1875, m 
Tillie D. Bechtel, May 25, 1895, Res. North Da- 
kota. Carpenter. Mean's. C: (IX) Clarence U. 
Risenberg-er, b June J ,1897. Cora Rosenberger, b — , 
Paul Rosenberger, . 

VSil- John D. Ro enberger, b 188n, m Lizzie Hun- 
sicker, Jan 31, 1903, P. O. Silverdale, Pa. 

VH|. William D. Rosenberger, b 1S84. 

VII- Titus D. Rosenberger, b in 1854, d 1890. m 
Anna Mover, P. O. Blooming- Glen, Pa. C: (Vlll) 
Samuel M. Rosenberger, (VIII) William M. Rosen- 
berg-er, (VIII) AnnaM. Rosenberger, (VIII) Christian 
M. Rosenberger dec'd. 

VI- Catharine Rosenberger, b 1829, d 1872. S. 

V|- Leah Rosenberger, b June 30, 1835, m Charles 
D. Haldeman, in 1855, P. O. Hatfield, Pa, Far- 
mer. Menn's. C: Harvey, Elizabeth, Isaiah. 

VII- Harvey R. Haldeman, b Oct 5, 1857, m Sallie 
Cope, Res. 2600 Jessup St. Phila. Pa. Expressman. 
C (VIII) Charles Haldeman, b Oct 1, 1879. John 
Haldeman, b Nov 2, 1887. Flora Idella Haldeman, 
b Aug 3, 1889. Harvey Haldeman, b May 20, 1891. 
Lillie Viola Haldeman, b Sept 20, 1893. 

VII- Elizabeth Haldeman, b and d 1865. 

VII- Isaiah R. Haldeman, b Feb 4, 1868, m Kate 
C. Rosenberger, dec'd, Oct 5, 1890. C: Ella, Eva. 

Isaiah m 2nd wife Anna Rosenberger. He attend- 
ed public school until 14 years of age, when he en- 
tered the Lansdale, (Pa.) Reporter office to learn 
the art of printing. Four years later, or after serv- 
ing an apprenticeship, he was employed on the 
Harle} T sville News (then in its infancy) at $1.50 
and board per week, and later was promoted to 

After being employed on that paper for over three 
years he took a position as foreman on the Ambler 
(Pa.) Gazette and later was employed on the Phila- 
delphia Press, but lost his position by a strike of 
the Typographical Union in that office one year 


later. He was again employed in the Harleysville 
News office as foreman, the paper than being owned 
by the A. E. Dambly estate, of Skippack, Pa., and 
about one year later, on May 8, 1892 purchased the 
establishment from the estate. He was also foun- 
der of the Harleysville and Hatfield Beneficial and 
was elected treasurer of the former in 1894. 

Air. Haldeman is a self-made man in every sense 
that the word implies. He started in life with 
nothing - but good health and plenty of ambition and 
he worked himself up by careful attention to every 
detail of business both as an employee and employ- 
er. He saved his money which he invested in a 
building and loan association until he possessed 
S300. This formed the nucleus capital with which 
he started in the newspaper business. 

After entering the newspaper business he took an 
active part in local politics and his paper was the 
only one in Montgomery county that came out for 
Quay in his memorable fight for control of the 
State Republican organization at a time when the 
Senator's fight was a seemingly hopeless one. 

Mr. Haldeman was elected an alternate delegate 
from the seventh Congressional District to the Re- 
publican National Convention held at St. Louis in 
1896 and was appointed a member of the County 
Executive Committee during the same campaign. 

He is also a member of the Republican County 
Committee. C: (VII) Ella C. Haldeman, b Aug 8, 
1892. Eva Haldeman, b Julv 22, 1895. 

VI. Henry S. Rosenberger, "b Oct 21, 1838, d in 
Philadelphia Julv 14, 1891, m Mary Ann Beidler, 
in 1861. She was b Oct 23, 1841," Res. Phila. Pa. 
Menn's. C: (VII) Allavesta E. Rosenberger, b Nov 
7, 1862. Dressmaker. Meth. Ep. 

( VII ) Catharine Rosenberger, Nov 7, 1865. Seams- 
tress. Meth. Ep. 

( Vl| ) Emma Rosenberger, b Sept 4, 1866, m Howard 
B. Rosenberger. (See Howard B. Rosenberger 

(VII) Minerva Rosenberger, bApr9, 1868. Seams- 
tress. Meth. Ep. 


(VII) Charles Henry Rosenberger, b Mar 14, 1877, 
d Jan 5, 1895. 

(Vl|) Annie Rosenberger, b June 16, 1879, d Mar 

(Vl|) Ida Rosenberger, b July 5, 1881. Address of 
all Cor. 12th and Diamond Sts. Phila. Fa. 

VI- Ainos Rosenberger, b — , d — . 

VI- Samuel Rosenberger, b — , d — . 

V- Barbara Rosenberger, b in Hatfield Township, 
Montg. Co. Pa., Dec 27, 180<>, d Nov 30, 1842, m 
Rev. George Landis, mar 28, 1820. He was b in 
Richland Twp. Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 20, 17 ( >6, d Aug 
38, 1881. Farmer and minister. He preached lir-t 
at Flatland Mennonite church, and later at Perka- 
sie, Pa. C: Jacob, Ephraim, George, John. 

VI- Jacob Landis, b July 7, 1822, d 1894, m Susan 
Krout. Farmer. Mcnn's. C: John, Henry, Levi, 
Manuel, Mary, Susan. Jacob m second wife— 

C: Ezra, Samuel, Lydia, Rosa 

VI- Ephraim R. Landis, b in Haycock Twp. Bucks 
Co. Pa., Dec 13, 1824, m Catharine Rosenberg-er, 
Nov 5, 1854, P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Mean's. 
C: George, William, Mary, John, Reuben, Katie, 

VII- George Landis, b Aug 23, 1855, d Nov 13, 

VIJ. William R. Landis, b Feb 22, 1857, m Amanda 
Campbell. Dec 25, 1883. She was b Mar 17, 1S(>2, 
P.O.Dublin, Pa. Farmer. C: (VIII) Willie H. 
Landis, b Sept 16, 1883. Elbert E. Landis, b Oct 
26, 1886. 

Vl|. Marv R. Landis, b Aug 17, 1859, m Abraham 
C. Moyer,' Nov 20, 1879, P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: ( VIII ) Lillie L. Moyer, b Aug 14, 1881. 

Vl|. John R. Landis, b Mar 22", 1862, d Aug 12, 

VII- Reuben R. Landis, b Oct 12, 1864, m Lizzie M. 
Mover, Jan 30, 1886, P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: (VIII; Elmer M. Landis, b Mar 11, 1887. 
Stella M. Landis, b Apr 22, 1889. Annie Landis, b 
Apr 12, 1892. Katie Landis, b Sept 16, 1894. 

VII- Katie R. Landis, b in Bucks Co. Pa., June 16, 


1867, m Franklin L. Alderfer, Jan 8, 1887. He was 

b in Montg-. Co. Pa., Oct 11, 1864, P. O. Dublin, 

Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: (VI jD Cora L. Alderfer, 

b Jan 17, 1888, Horace L. Alderfer, b May 29, 1889. 
Vi|. Emma R. Lan lis, b Jan 5, 1870, m Edward 

Heacock, in 1887, P. O. Fountainville, Pa. Farmer. 

Menn's. C: (Vll|) Willis Heacock, b Feb 2, 1888. 

Katie Heacock, b Sept 27,1889. Bessie Heacock, b 

July 18. 1891. Mamie Heacock, b Nov 10, 1893. 

Claude Heacock, b Aug- 11, 1896, d Mar 11, 1897. 

Warren Heacc ck, b Dec 30, 1897. 
VJ. George R. Landis, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Nov 2, 

1828, m Barbara Mover, daughter of William A. 

and Sarah (Clemmerj Moyer, Nov 18,1860. She was 

b Mar 1840, P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. 

C: Sarah, Daniel, William, John, Samuel. 
VH- Sarah Landis, b 1861, m Daniel O. Landis, in 

1880, P. O. Silverdale, Pa. Farmer. C: (Y|||) 

Abraham, Barbara, Ida, Samuel. 

V|3. Daniel M. Landis, M. D. b in Milford Twp. 
Bucks Co., Apr 17, 1864, m Lizzie Hedrick, in 1889. 
In March 1881 he was sent to the Ouakertown hig-h 

school. In the winter of 1882 he resided with his 
uncle Dr. S. C. Mover and attended the Lansdale 
higrh school. His residence there no doubt had 
something to do with his future profession. In the 
fall of 1883 he began teaching and taught for three 
successive winters. In the spring of 1884 he went 
one course to the North Wales Academy- In the 
summer of 18S6 he took the studv of medicine with 
his uncle and in the fall of the year entered Hahne- 
man Medical College, of Phila., where he gradu- 
ated in April 1839 as doctor of medicine and doctor 
of Homeopathic Medicine. He at once located at 
Perkasie, where he is still practicing his profession. 
Mennfe. C: (Vll[) Jovcelin Landis, b May 2, 1892, 
d Julv 16, 1892. 

V||. William M. Landis, b July 4, 1869, m Salome 
Detweiler, Nov 10. 1892, P. O. Garisville, Pa. Far- 
VII- John M. Landis, b Sept 25, 1876, P.O. Dublin. 
VH. Samuel M. Landis, b Nov 15, 1884. 


Y|. John Landis, b Mar 25, 1832, d 1876, m Deborah 
King - . 

V- Christiana Rosenberger, d Sept 25, 1875, m Oil- 
man Kulp, Feb 13, 1829. He was b 1807, d 1882. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: Jacob, Isaac, Mary, Catharine, 

Y|. Jacob R. Kulp, b Mar 14, 1831, m Mary Kulp, 
P. O. Hatfield, Pa. Farmer. C: Henry, Oilman, 

VI. Isaac R. Kulp, b Dec 4, 1832, m Mary Ober- 
holtzer, Oct 4, 1857, P. (). Hatfield, Pa. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: Catharine, Christine, Dilman, Mary, 
Ellamina, Esther. 

VII- Catharine Kulp, b Aug- 31, 1860, d 1866. 

VII- Christine Kulp, b Oct 9, 18f)3, m Henry S. 
Weirman, Jan 5, 1883. C: (VIII) Charles. 

VII Dilman Kulp, b Jan 13, 1866, m Clara J. Ger- 
hart, May 28, 1887. Printer. Ger. Ref. C: (VIII) 
Elmer, Estella, &c. . 

VII- Marv L. Kulp, b 1867, d 1877. 

VII Ellamina Kulp, b and d June 1869. 

VII Esther Kulp, b Dec 18, 1871, d - - . 

VI- Mary Ann Kulp, b June 12, 1834, m Henry M. 
Kulp, 1859. Farmer. Menn's. C: (VII) Isaac K. 
Kulp, b Mar 21, 1865. 

V|- Catharine Kulp, b Apr 13, 1836. d Aug 12, 
1878, m Samuel G. Leidy, de'cd. C: Mary, Lydia. 

VII- Mary A. Leidy, m VanBuren Lutz, de'cd. No 
issue. M 2nd husband, John A. Fluck. No issue. 

V||. Lydia A. Leidy, m Frank Leidy. 
VI- Elizabeth Kulp, b June 28, 1848, d Apr 22, 
1885, m Charles E- Ball. No issue. 

V- Mary Rosenberger, m Abraham Gehman. C: 
Jacob, Catharine, Annie, Elizabeth, Maria. 

Y|. Rev. Jacob R. Gehman, de'cd, m Maria Rosen- 
berger. . 
V|- Catharine Gehman, . 

VI- Annie Gehman, m Henry R. Swartley. 
V|. Elizabeth Gehman . 

V|. Maria Gehman . 

IV- Isaac Rosenberger, Jr., b 1782, d May 1, 1853, 
m Susan Detweiler. She d 1847. Owned the later 


S.tong farm from 1806 to 1833, then removed to old 
ancestral home, now owned b} T Milton Jenkins. C: 
Magdalene, Martin, Mary, Isaac, Joseph, Sarah, 
Elizabeth, John, William. Isaac m 2nd wife, Eliz- 
abeth Benner. She d Dec 19, 188b. Farmer. Merns. 
V- Mag-dalena Rosenberger, d in infancy. 

V- Martin D.Rosenberger,b in Montg.Co.,Pa.,May 
2-1, 1805, d in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan 5, 1887, m Sarah 
Sellers, Aug- 2, 1832. Farmer. Menu's. C: 
Susanna, Isaac, Mary, William, Franklin, Harvey. 
Martin m 2nd wife Elizabeth Geil, Apr 9, 1844. C: 
Aaron, Sarah, John. 

VI- Susanna Rosenberger, b Oct 17, 1833, d- - , m 
Daniel Stout. C: Martin. John, Edward, Frank, 
Lizzie, William. 

VI- Isaac Rosenberg-er, b Oct 16, 1834, d Apr 17, 

VI- Mary Ann Rosenberger, b Mar 24, 1836, m 
John McClintock, de'cd. C: < VII > Alexander, de'cd, 
Albertus, John, George, Martin, de'cd, Grant, dec'd, 
Charles, de'cd, Mary, de'cd, Lysander. 

VI- William H. Rosenberger, b Nov 2, 1837, m 
Maria Maurer, P. O. Hilltown, Pa. C: Lizzie, 

VII- Lizzie Rosenberger, b Aug 22, 1858. 
VII- Orvilla Rosenberger, b July 5, 1871. 

VI- Franklin B. Rosenberger, b Aug 20, 1840, m 
Wilhelmina Ruth, P. O. SanAntonio, Texas. C: 
(VIII > Ella, de'cd, Maggie, Lizzie. 

VI- Harvey Rosenberger, b and d 1842. 

VI- Aaron G. Rosenberger, b June 3, 1845, d Aug 
6, 1845. 

VI- Sarah Elizabeth Rosenberger, b July 2, 1847, m 
Abraham Rickert, Jan 8, 1889, P. O. Hilltown, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. No issue. 

V|- John G. Rosenberger, b Jan 27,1849, m Wilhel- 
mina Beyer, Apr 12, 1873, P. O. Hilltown, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: Harvey, Laura, William. 

VII- Harvey B. Rosenberger,' b May 20, 1874. 
VII- Laura Rosenberger, b June 1, 1876. 

VII- William B. Rosenberger, b Dec 21, 1883. 

V- Mary Rosenberger, b at Line Lexington, Pa., 


Jan 4, 1804, d.June 12. 1864, m Michael Snyder, ■-. 
lie was b Jan 23, 1804, d Jan 29,1867. Farmer. 
Luth. C: Simon, Elizabeth, Isaac, William, 
Susanna, Wilhelmina. 

V|. Simon R. Snyder, d 1895, m - . C: Martha, 
Ella, Emerson, Maziere. M 2nd wife Sarah. - 

Vlf. Martha Snyder, m Edgar Hull, de'cd. C: YtJ! ) 
Truman, Preston. 

VIS. Ella Snyder, m (). Eldridge. 

Vi- Elizabeth Snyder, m Thomas Landis, de'cd. 
C: VIS Clinton. Shepherd, Charles, Gerald, Alfred, 
Toledo, Mary. 

VH- Isaac K. Snyder, - . 

V|. William R. Snyder, b Feb 2. 1836. M Emily 
L. Ruck. May 8, 1869, res 2326 X. 19th St.. Phila. 
C: Simon, Harriet, Flora, Susie. Wesley, Marion. 

VII- Simon L. Snyder, b June 10, 1870, d Sept 22, 

VII Harriet L. Snyder, b Oct 2d, 1872, Pes. 2544 
N. 16th St.. Phila., Pa. S. 

VII- Flora M. Snyder, b Oct 4, 1S74, d Sept 14, 

VI!. Susie I. Snyder, b Dec 6, 1876, d Sept 16, L879. 

VII. Wesley A. Snyder, b Mar 24, 1882. 

VII. Marion H. Snyder, b Feb 12, 1886. 

VI Susanna Snyder, m Oliver G. Morris. P. O. Line 
Lexington, Pa. C: { VII) Charles, Norman, Mary. 

VI- Wilhelmina Snyder, b June 24. 1844, m Jacob 
C. Yost, Mav 7, 1864, P. O. Wayne, Pa. Presbv. 
C: Willard, Delia. 

VII- Willard S. Yost, b Apr 27, 1865. 
VII- Delia Irene Yost, b Nov 10, L867. 

V- Isaac D. Rosenberger, b Mar 10, 1814, d Dec 8, 
1896, m Eve Shellenberger. Jan 8, 1837. She vers 
b July 23, 1817, d Jan 6,1868. Farmer. Ref Ch. 
C: Isaac, John, Elias, Levi, Mary, Noah. Isaac m 
second wife, Jerusha Lefferds, Jan 22, 1870. He 
was formerly a Justice of the Peace in Hatfield. 

VI- Isaac S. Rosenberger, 1) near Hatfield, Montg\ 
Co., Pa., Nov 20, 1838, d July 25, 1899, m Sarah 
Hargrave in 1864, daughter of John Harg-rave, of 
Doylestown, Pa. During his younger days he taught 


school, later entered the foundry business as book- 
keeper for Abram Cox. of Philadelphia. On July 
17, 1864, he enlisted in Co. B, 31st Reg- P. H. 
Guards to protect the City and State. After his 
discharge he returned to Philadelphia and engaged 
in the grocery business. In 1866 he moved to 
Punxsutawney, Pa., and made his home, doing a 
very prosperous business in general merchandise in 
which he had been engaged until a short time be- 
fore his death. He was an aecive member and work- 
er in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church from his 
advent in Punxsutawney, and was a member of the 
Masonic Fraternity for thirty-live years, originally 
of Girard Lodge, No. 214. of Philadelphia, and lat- 
erly of John VY. Jenks Lodge, No. 35, of Punxsu- 
tawuev. Pa. He was also a member of the Inde- 
pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Isaac S. Rosen- 
berger was a man of excellent qualities. He was 
honorable with his dealings with his fellow-men, 
loyal to his friends and a good neighbor. C: Mary, 
Ella, William. Charles, Noah, Levi. Anna, Watson. 

VII - Mary Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Apr 9, 1865, 
m Lou Pantall, Aug- 8, 1887, P. O. Punxsutawney, 
Pa. Cashier in Bank. Cum. Presby. No issue. 

VII- Ella Eve Rosenberger, b Nov 2. 1866, m Isaac 
L. Smith. Aug 24. 1892. P. O. Punxsutawney, Pa. 
Cum Presby. No issue. 

Vf|. William Isaac Rosenberger. b at Punxsutaw- 
nev. Jefferson Co., Pa., Oct 4, 1868, m Maude 
Stiver, Nov 4, 1903, P. (). Punxsutawney, Pa. 
When quite voting he attended the public schools 
and clerked in his father's store until he was 17 
years of age, when he entered the employ of the 
Coal and Iron Co. stores at Walston and was em- 
ployed by them for thirteen years. Tiring of the 
mercantile business he went into the lumber busi- 
ness with A. M. Armstrong and had a very success- 
ful business, Mr. Armstrong- retiring- from the 
Penna. field and Mr. Rosenberger succeeding-. Mr. 
Rosenberger is a prominent member of the Knights 
of the Golden Eagle, being District Grand Chief 
of Jefferson Co., and a member of Mahoning Castle, 


No. 266, for 17 years. No issue. 

V|j. Charks G. Rosenberger, b May 10, 1870, m 
Laura McCulloug-h, Oct 19,1892,Res. 2015, N. 18th 
St., Phila., Pa. Clerk in grocery store. 

VI I- Noah N. Rosenberger, b Jan 0, 1874, m Ada 
Bley, Jan 9, 1896, Res. 7th and Fairmount Aye., 
Phila., Pa. Clerk in grocery store. C: Vfl! 
Elizabeth, Charles, Anna, Arthur. 

Vlj. Levi L. Rosenberger, b Nov 11, 1876, m Sarah 
Hauck, P. (). Rossitter, Pa. 

V||. Anna Paul Rosenberger, b Mar 12, 187'). 

VII- Watson T. Rosenberger, b Sept 26, 1880, Res. 
Washington, D. C. Soldier in U. S. Arm v. 

V|. John S. Rosenberger, (twin) b Nov 20, 1838, d 
Aug 4, 1855. 

VI Elias S. Rosenberger, b Feb 1, 1840, d Apr 10, 

VI. Levi A. Rosenberger, b Dec 29, 1S42, mAmanda 
Crator. On July 15, 1S05, as he was driving a 
horse and carriage to market in Philadelphia the 
g-irth on the horse became loose and the animal be- 
came frightened and started to run away. His son 
Walter who was with him jumped out and escaped 
injury, but Mr. Rosenberger was thrown violently 
to the pavement. He was taken to St. Mary's 
Hospital where he died in the evening. He served 
in the late civil war as a Sergeant in Co. D, 104 
Regiment Pa. Vol. He was captured by the rebels 
in 1862 but after a short captivity was paroled and 
rejoined the regiment. He was selected to blow up 
the Magazine of Battery Gregg, a strong sand fort 
in the rear of Fort Wagner on Morris Island. He 
was the first President Survivors Association, 104th 
Pa. Vol. and was very efficient in promoting its 
interests. C: Randle, Isabella, Walter. 

VII- Randle C. Rosenberger, M. D. b Mar 4, 1873, 
m Etta Schoch, Sept 25, 1899, Res. 2330 N. 13th St. 
Phila. Pa. Physician. 

VII • Isabella Rosenberger. 

Vlj. Walter L. Rosenberger, b Nov 12, 1878, Res. 
Phila. Pa. Wholesale Drugs. 

VI- Mary E. Rosenberger, b Aug 9, 1845, d Sept 


14, 1873, m Charles Diehl. C: Alary, Isaac. 

V!- Noah N. Rosenberger, b Juae 4,i8J>2, m Amanda 
Kcilar, Sept 1875, Res. 2231 N. 30th St. Phila. Pa. 
M;inutaciurer of cotton and Woolen goods. Ref. 
Ch. C: (VII) Alverda C. Rosenberger, b Ma)- 21, 
187b, ( V!l ) Stewart K. Rosenberger, b Nov 29, 1882, 

ViS ) Estella K. Rosenberger, b Nov 29, 1887, (VIS I 
Russell K. Rosenberger, b Apr 24, 1895. 

y. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Mar 6, 1815, d Nov 
17. 18-^3, m John Elkhart, Nov 27. 183'.. He was 
b June 28, 181 1. d May 13, 1856. Farmer. Luth. 
C: Susanna, Mary, Elmina, Ann, Oliver. Elizabeth 
m 2nd husband Michael Snyder. 

V|- Susanna Eckhart, b Apr 5, 183S, d Ozt 20, 
1896, m Leidy Scheip, Dec 25, 1855. P. O. Chal- 
font. Pa. Merchant and farmer. Ref. Ch. C: Mary, 
George, Ella. John, Infant. 

VI3- Mary R. Scheip, b May 19, 1858, d Feb 1859. 

VII- George C. Scheip, b Dec 27, 185", d Sept 1862. 

VH Ella M Scheip, b Apr 26, 1867, a Nov 4. 1896, 
m Erwin T. Johnson, M D , Mar 11, 1886 P. O. 
Hilltown, Pa. Practicing physician. Ref. Ch. C: 
I V 2 1 1 ) Susanna, Margaret, Raymond. 

V||. John S. Scheip, b and d Jan 1868. 

VI Mary C. Eckhart. b June 14, 1840, d Apr 24, 
1883, in Lee M. Fluek. P. O. Souderton, Pa. C: 
Ar tenuis, &c. 

Vf. Elmina Eckhart, b Aug 25, 1842, m Samuel G. 
Kerns. P. O. Chalfont, Pa. Luth. C: Franklin, 
Willard, Oliver. 

VIS- Franklin P. Kerns, m Anna Toy. 

Vil- Willard Kerns, d young. 

VII- Oliver P. Kerns. " S. 

VI- Ann E. Eckhart, b Apr 4, 1868. S. 

VI- Oliver P. Eckhart, b Jan 27, 1852, d 1870. 

V- Joseph Rosenberger, d Mar 31, 1877, m Mary 
Ruth. She d July 21, 1881. Farmer and merchant. 
He was prominently identified with township and 
count}' affairs, yet in no sence of the word a poli- 
tician. He was also a director of the Dovlestown 
Bank. Menn's. C: Henry, William, Susanna, 
Emma. Anna, Isaac, Joel, Aaron, Elizabeth, Charlee. 


VI- Henry Rosen berg cr, b 1837, d 1846. 
V!. William Rosenberger, deceased, 

VJ. Susanna Rosenberger, b Oct 4, 1839. 1906 in 

Reuben Alderfer, dec'd. Farmer, Menn's. C: 
Laura, Stanley. 
V||- Laura Alderfer, m Samuel L. Rosenberger. 

VII- Stanley Alderk-r, d inlant. 

VI- Emma Rosen berger, b Aug 21, 1841, d 1886, m 
Abram Hunsberger, dec'd. No issue. She m 2nd 
husband William Souder. No issue. 

VI- Anna M. Rosenberger, b Feb 12, 1844, m 
Mahlon H. Myers. Feb l.\ 1864. P. O. Perkasie, 
Fa. Merchant. Cer. Ref. C: I VII > Emma L.Myers, 
b Nov 10, 1864, <1 Feb 28, 1869 A daughter still- 
born 1870. A son stillborn 1873. 

VI- Isaac R. Rosenbergergcr, b July 15. 1846, m 
Harriet Brunner, daughter of William Brunner, of 
Chalfont, Pa., Dec 4, 1866. She was b Feb If), 
1848. Mr. Rqsenberger spent his early life on his 
father's farm during the summer months and at 
the district school in the winter season, until he 
was 15 years of age. From that time until he ar- 
rived at the age of 21 years he performed such 
work as was necessary upon the farm, in the store 
and lumber yard. After that he worked a farm on 
his own account for himself and in 1872 he located 
at C >lmar and engaged in the wholesale and retail 
Hour, feed, coal, hay and phosphate business. Here 
he conducted business alone until 1881, when he ad- 
mitted his brother, Charles R., as partner. In 1885 
the Rosenberger Brothers extended their business 
by building a large warehouse at Doylestown and 
later at Buckingham, Northeast Penn Railroad, 
where they are engaged in the same trade as at Co- 
mar. C: Mary, Harrington, Flora, Ella, Charles, 

VII- Mary Alice Rosenberger, b Apr 12, 1868, d 
Sept 29, 1881. 

VJI- Harrington Rosenberger, b Oct 27, 1869. P. 
O. Colmar, Pa. 

V||, Flora Estella Rosenberger, b June 4, 1871, d 
Jui e 20, 1876, 


VII- Ella Blanche Rosenberger, b Mar 4, 1873, m 
\\ ilscn D. Godshall. P. O. Lansdale, Pa. C: I VI II I 
Leon Godshall, b Apr 27, 1895. 

Vl|. Charles Grant Rosenberger, b Dec 4, 1874. P. 
(). Colinar, Pa. 

V S i - William Rosenberger, b Sept 20, 1877. 

VI- Joel Rosenberg-er, b May 24, 1848, m Sal lie 
Mover, Apr 30, 1872. She was b Jan 19, 1854. 
Res. 851 N. 5th St., Phila., Pa. Boarding- House. 
Presbv. C: Vil Joseph M. Rosenberger, b Aug 
17,1873. (V||) Howard Norman Rosenberger, b 
May 5. 1877, d Aug 5,1877. < VII > Rae Elizabeth 
Rosenberg-er, b Dec 22, 1878. 

VI- Aaron Rosenberger, (.twin) b May 24, 1848, d 

Vi- Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Mar 10, 1850, m 
Edward Jones. P. O. Richboro, Pa. Merchant. 
Presby. C: I VI I ) Mary, Cora. 

VI- Charles R. Rosenberger, b Feb 28, 1854, m 
Amanda Fluek. P O Colmar, Pa Partner with 
his brother Isaac. C: 'VII' Lizzie, Bertha, Elnora, 
Raymond, Grace, Blain, Daisv, Marie 

V- Sarah Rosenberger, b --," d Sept 1871, m Jacob 
Ruih. Pie d in Pnila., Nov 20, 1865. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: Aaron, Isaac, Susanna, Mary, Eliza- 
beth. Henry, Sarah. 

V!- Aaron' Ruth, b Jan 11, 1829, d July 1, 1873, m 
Mary Jacquemin, 1857. She was b in Louisville, 
Ky., in 1840. d at Decatur, 111., Aug 13, 1878. 
Merchant. Mr. Ruth Menn. Mrs. Ruth Catholic. 
C: Lillie, Sallie, Martineaux, Hettie, Joseph, Annie, 

VII. Lillie Ruth, b in 1858, d in 1887. 

VII- Sallie Ruth, d young. 

VI!- Martineaux Ruth, d young. 

VJj. Hettie Ruth, d young. 

VII- Joseph L. Ruth, b ' at Decatur, 111., Oct 6, 
1863, P. (). Taconv, Phila., Pa. Iron moulder. 
Free Thinker. S. 

VII. Annie Ruth, b Dec 12, 1866, m H. W. Measell, 
Res. 82, First Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 

VII- Sadie Ruth, b May 16,"l869, P. O. Lexington, 


Ky. Teacher. (Sister Alma) at St. Catharines 
Academy, Lexing-toa, Ky. Catholic. 

VI- Isaac Ruth, b in Bucks Co., Pa., Sept 30, 1831, 
m Missouri High, June 20, 1861, Res. 6819, Letter- 
ly St., Phila., Pa. Bricklayer. Episcopalian. C: 
Jacob, Harry, Morris, Samuel, Hannah, Frank. 

VII- Jacob Ruth, b Nov 24, 18b3, rn Kate Y<,unj>\ 
She d June 2, 1893. Res. 1814 Letterly St.. Phila., 
Pa- C: (VIM) Elmer A. Ruth, b June 23, 1886, 
Harry S. Ruth, b Oct 1(>, 1888, Jacob Wesley Ruth, 
b Dec 2, 1890. 

Vf|. Harry Ruth, b July 12, 1865, d July 1, 1870. 

VII- Morris Ruth, b Oct 4, 1868, m Mary Bradley. 
Res. 1814 Letterly St., Phila., Pa. C: ( VSII ) Kate 
Ruth, b Apr 9, 1891, Morris Ruth, b July 23, 1896. 

VII- Samuel Ruth, b Jan 27, 1871, d Mar 1, 1871. 

Vlj- Hannah Ruth, b Jan 27, 1873, m Charles C. 
Curry. Res. 3955 Lawrence St., Phila. , Pa. C: 
i Villi Charles C. Curry, b Jan 5, 1893, d Feb 11, 
1893, Hannah Ruth Curry, b Jan 27, 1894, Esther 
M. Curry, b Aug- 31, 1897. 

VII- Frank Ruth, b Jan 1, 1879, Res. 1814 Letterly 
St., Phila., Pa. 

V|. Susanna Ruth, b Apr 20, 1833, d Mar 7, 1871, 
m Charles Heller. May, 1854. C: Frank, Emma, 
Ell wood, Cornelius. 

VII Frank Heller, P. O. Tacony, Pa. 

Vlj. Emma Heller, m Thompson. 

VII- Elwood R. Heller, b Nov. 1, 1865, m Jennie T. 
Byers, Oct 20, 1896, Res. 834 N 26th St., Phila., Pa. 
Stone cutter. Presby. C: ( VIM) Elwood Heller, b 
Mar 23, 1897. 

VII- Cornelius Heller. 

VI. Mary A. Ruth, b Sept. 22, 1834, d Nov., 1857, 
m Joseph Swartley. 

VI. Elizabeth Ruth, b Apr 13. 1837, d Oct 12, 1857, 
m Samuel W. Hines. 

V|. Henry Ruth, b Sept 10, 1839, m Mary B. Chal- 
lis, 1873, Res. 2216 N 10th Phila., Pa. No issue. 

VJ. Sarah Ruth, b Sept 10, 1841, d July 3, 1857. 

V- William D. Rosenberger, dee'd., m Malinda 
Me 1 .ar}',dec , d. Merchant. Mr. Rosenberger Quaker. 

Judge H. R. Monk, Clubman, of Los Angeles, Cal. 


Astor, Leno* 



C: (VI 1 William, others died infants. 

V. John Decatur Rosenberger, b Dec 29, 1820,d Dec 
29, 188..), m Elizabeth Johnson, dec'd. C: Ellwood. 
John m second wife Isabelle McCormick, June 12, 
1864. Produce merchant. Presbv. C: Alonza, Mary. 

VI. Ellwood J. Rosenberg-er, b in Phila., Pa., Aug- 
29, 1854, m Martha S. Eckman, May 8, 1877, P. O. 
Munith, Mich. Employed by Grand Trunk R. R. 
Co. Meth Ep. C: < VH) Prank W. Rosenberg-er, b 
June 3, 1881, Marguerite A. Rosenberg-er, b Oct 1, 
1883, Mary E. Rosenberg-er, b Aug- 10, 1885, d Sept 
ID, 1899, Grace G. Rosenberg-er, b Oct 1, 1887. 

VI- Alonzo Potter Rosenb^rg-er, b Sspt 6, 181)5, m 
Katharine Myers, Nov 4, 1896, P. O. Ogontz, Pa. 
President of the Whiting- & Rosenberg-er Co., Phila., 
Pa. Prot. Ep. No issue. 

V|. Mary E. Rosenberger, b Nov 17, 1874, P. O. 
Jacksonville, Fla. Prot. Ep. S 

IV Anna Rosenberger, m - Swenk. C: John, 

Isaac, Abraham, Elizabeth, Christiana 

|V- Elizabeth Rosenberg-er, m Henry Wireman. C: 
Michael, Martin, Isaac, Sophia, Catharine, Chris- 
tiana, Annie, Elizabeth. 

V- Michael Wireman, m Catharine Wisler. C: 
Eliza, Henry, John, Martin, Isaac, Jacob, Abra- 
ham, .Catharine, Sophia, Michael. 

V- Martin Wireman, d s. 

V- Isaac Wireman, m - - Delp. C: Sophia, Eliz- 
abeth. He m 2nd wife, Barbara Stauffer. C: Wm. 

V- Sophia Wireman. S. 

V- Catharine Wireman, b Apr 6, 1898. d Apr 28, 
1S77. M Peter Hines, Dec 13.LS27, b Dec 16, J8ol, 
Feb 7, 1844. Farmer. Menn's. C: Eliza. Samuel, 
Henry, Joseph, Sophia, Mary. 

VI- Eliza Hines, b Nov 3, 1828, P. O. Chalfont,Pa. 
Vj. Samuel W. Hines, b Aug- 7, 1830, m Elizabeth 

Ruth, Apr 18, 1856. C: Clara. Samuel m 2nd wife, 
Susan Garner, Dec 31, 1864, P. O. Lansdale, Pa. 
Shoemaker. Baptists. C: Emma, Mary, Toleda, 
George, Thomas, Frank, Ada, Laura. Mr. Hines 
enlisted in the 4th Reg-iment, Company G, P. R. V. 
C, May 29,' 1861, for the term of three years. He 


was promoted to 5th sergeant, and participated in 
the following battles, viz: Mechanicsville, June 2f>, 
1862; Gaines Hill, June 27, L872, Charles City, Cross 
Roads, June 30,1862; Malvern Hill, July 1,1862; 2nd 
Hull Run, Aug- 2. L862; South Mountain. Sept 14, 
1862; Antietam, Sept 17,1S(,2; Fredericksburg, Dec 
13, 1862, and Floyds Mt., Western Virginia, May 
1S()4. In none of the battles did be receive so much 
as a scratch. He was mustered out of service June 
17, 1864. 

VII- Clara Hines, b Mar 20, 1857, d Oct 17, 1857. 

VU- Emma Hines, b Apr 7, 1869,m J.H. Meredith, 
P. O, I v viand, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. No issue 
I L899 . 

VII Mary Hines, b Dec 11, 1S7(>, m J. W. Boorse. 
P. (). Lansdale, Pa. Clerk. Mrs. Boorse Baptist. 
C :.( VIII) Ella Boorse, b Oct 3, 1893, VHI) Bertha 
Boorse, b June 19, 1895, Vfil Frank Boorse. b Dec 
22, 1896, (VIII) Charles Vincent Boorse, b Sept 8, 

VII Toleda Hines, b Aug 2, 1874, m Philip S. 
Fry, Res. 1231 Firth St., Phila., Pa. Clerk. Bap- 
tists. No issue (1899). 

V||. George Meade Hines, b Dec 12, 1875, d Dec 
25, 1875. 

VII- Thomas Wesley M. Hines, b Nov 24, 187b, d 
Aug 25, 1877. 

VII- Frank Magilton Hines, b June 18, 1878. 

V||. Ada Hines, b Dec 20, 1880. 

VII- Laura G. Hines, b Oct 29, 1882, d July 7,1890. 

VJ. Henry W. Hines, b in Bucks Co., Pa., Aug 3, 
1832, m Christiana Garner, Dec 15, 1856. She d 
Oct 2, 1855. C: Edward, Watson, Estella. Willie. 
Henry m 2nd wife, Priscilla Garges, May 18, 1872, 
P. O. Chalfont, Pa. Wheelwright and undertaker. 
Baptists. C: Albert. 

V||. Edward G. Hines, b Nov 9, 1857, m Sallie 
Barnard Benson, of Phila., Pa., June 9, 1886. Res. 
916 N. 15th St., Phila., Pa. Traveling salesman. 

V||. Estella Hines, b Oct 22, 1860, m Wilson W. 
Delp, Nov. 5, 1891. 

VII- Willie Hines, b May 2, 1865, d July — , 1865. 


VII. Albert G. Hines. b Dec 23, 1875. 
VI Joseph Hines, b in Bucks Co., Oct 6, 1834, m 
Cordelia Garner, P. O. Lansdale, Pa. 

VI- Sophia Hines, b in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan 2, 1837, 
m George Shellenberger, of Hatfield Twp., Montg - . 
Co., Pa., Dec 24, 1859. He was b Jan 31, 1839, d 
Oct 12, 1890. Ger. Ref. Ch. C: Leidy, Wilson, 
Amanda, Milton, Infant, Elmer, Laura, Emma. 

VII- Leidy Shellenberger, b Aug- 2, 1861, m Mary, 
daughter of Joseph Detweiler, Oct 11, 1SS4, P. O. 
Hatfield, Pa. Ger. Ref. C: (VIII) Frank Shellen- 
berger, b Mar 10, 1885, Stella Shellenberger, b Feb 
3, 1888, Arthur Shellenberger, b Dec 31, 1891, 
Joseph Shellenberger, b Jan 2, 1894, Emma Shell- 
enberger, b Aug- 2b, 1895, Elmer D. Shellenberger, 
b Sept 12, 1898. 

Vl| Wilson Shellenberger, b July 7, 1863, P. O. 
Hatfield, Pa. Ger. Ref. S. 

V||. Amanda Shellenberger, b June 29, 1866, P. O. 
Hatfield, Pa. Ger. Ref. S. 

VII- Milton Shellenberg-er, b Jan 16, 1870, m Mary 
Ford, Oct 26, 1895, Res. Phila., Pa. Ger. Ref. No 

VII- Infant b and d 1873. 

VII- Elmer Shellenberger, b June 1, 1874, P. O. 
Hatfield, Pa. Ger. Ref. 

VII. Laura Shellenberg-er, b and d 1881. 

VII. Emma Shellenberger, b Dec 4, 1878, P. O. 
Hatfield, Pa. Ger. Ref. 

VI. Mary Hines, b Sept 18, 1839, d July 11, 1855. 

V- Annie Wireman, m John Apple. 

V- Christiana Wireman, m Francis Davis. C: ( VI) 
Carmine, Angeline. 

V- Elizabeth Wireman, m John McKinney. C: 
Rebecca, Elizabeth, Jacob, Mary and others. 


|!l Ann Rosenberger, m Michael Kolb. C: Helena, 
Isaac, Barbara. 

IV- Helena Kulp, m Michael Weierman. Res. 
Hatfield, Pa. C: (V) Elizabeth Weierman. (V) 
Magdalena Weierman. 

IV- Isaac Kulp, 

IV- Barbara Kulp, m Jacob Geisinger. C: iV> 
Henry Geisinger. 

V- Michael Geisinger. 


|||. Mary Rosenberger, b about 1758, d Jan 23, 
1805, m Valentine Kratz, son of John Valentine 
Kratz, who was of a noble and titled family, of 
Switzerland, that through persecution and exile 
lost their birthright. The family were driven 
to Alsace and later John Valentine Kratz emigrat- 
ed to America, arriving on the ship "Friendship" 
October 16, 1727. (See Kratz History. ) 

IV- Ann Kratz, b Nov 17, 1778, d Oct 24, 1822. S. 

IV- Daniel Kratz, m - - Geist. Lived near Ro- 
chester, N. Y., where he died without issue. 

IV- Valentine Kratz, b Feb 5, 1783, d Oct 29, 1865, 

m Boyer, (widow, nee Christman). She d 

Oct 24, 1822. C: Jonas, Valentine, Mary, Ann, 
George. Valentine m 2nd wife, Mary Detweiler, 
(widow.) She d Mar 6, 1866. Farmer in Freder- 


ick Twp., Montg-. Co. Menn's. C: Jacob, Rebecca. 
Daniel, Sarah. Esther, Hannah. 

l¥. Abraham Kratz, b Aug- 25, 1785, d Feb 11, 
1870, m Elizabeth Cassel. She d Nov 9, 1861. Far- 
mer in Skippack Twp. Menn's. C: Mary, John, 
Jacob, Lydia, Abraham, Daniel, Elizabeth, Catha- 

IV. John Kratz, b Apr 27, 1788, d Oct 21, 1820, m 
Catharine Detweiler. She d Mar 8, 1864. Lived 
in Skippack Twp. C: Henry, Jacob. 

!¥. Isaac Kratz, b Nov 13,1790, d July 13, 1868, m 
Catharine Hunsicker. She d Aug- 24, 1864; Far- 
mer. Menn's. C: Valentine, William, Ann, 
Marg-aret, Elizabeth, Catharine, Mary, Isaac. 

SV David Kratz, b Mar 14, 1792, d Jan 27, 1872, 
m Ann Lederach. She d Sept 0, 1868. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: Henrv, William. 

IV. William Kratz, b 17 ( >3, d 1834, m Man- 
Rosen berger, in 1820. She d 1866. Lived in Hill- 
town, Bucks Co. Weaver, Menn's. C: Jesse, 
Samuel, Henry, David, Sarah, Hannah. 

V- Jesse Kratz. b Oct 8, 1821, m Susanna Heisland, 
Oct 20, 1844. P. O. Perkasie, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. 
C: Abraham, William, Mary. Lizze, Albert, David, 
Henry, Susan, Jesse, Annie, Marcus. He m 2nd 
wise Catharine Freed. She d 1897. 

V- Samuel R. Kratz, b Oct 18, 1824, m Elizabeth 
Hunsberger, 1853. P.O. Hebron, Neb. Farmer. 
Ger. Bap. C: William, Emma, Sarah, George, 
Mary, Isaiah, Hannah, David, Elmer, Jacob, 
Amanda, Eohriam, Anna, Samuel, Lvdia, Cornelius. 

y. Henry R. Kratz, b Feb 2<>. 1827,* m Sarah Delp. 
She d 1865. C: Mary, Clayton, William, Catharine. 
He m 2nd wife Levina Pluck. Farmer, Hatfield, 
Pa. Ger. Bap. C: Harry, Ella, Martha. 

y. David Kratz, d young. 

V. Sarah Kratz, b Sept 25, 1831, d Mar 29, 1S77. 
m Valentine Kratz 1852. He d — . Farmer. Menn's. 
C: Mary, Allen, William, Abraham, Valentine, 
Tobias, Henry, Sarah, Emma, Laura. 

V- Hannah Kratz, d young". 

IV. Jacob Kratz, b June 24, 1798, d Ang 25, 1881, 


m Mary Stover. She was b 1800, d Feb 13,1887, 
Farmer < n his father's farm. Menn's. C: John, 
Rachel, Eli. Mary, David, Hannah. For complete 
records of Valentine and Mary I Rosenberger 
Kratz, s^e Kratz Family History. 


||. John Rosenberger, b L724,d 1808. In "Fricks" 
graveyard lies the body of Johannes Rosenberger, 
I) 1724, (1 1808, aged 84 years. During his lifetime 
he purchased many hundred acres of land. His 
ambition was to give a farm to each of his children. 
The site of Hatfield village and station was owned 
by him. His lands extended from thence to the 
Franconia line and even beyond. They covered an 
extremely level territory, with extensive meadows. 
In the northern end of Hatfield village and close to 
the eastern side of the railroad are the modern 
farm buildings formerly belonging to Enos Krieble. 
Here was the site of the old homestead of John 
Rosenberger. The old log house stood there until 
1884 and was torn down and the old barn was de- 
stroyed by fire. At the upper road crossing of the 
brook, on the western side, may be seen a depres- 
sion or hole in the bank, about which trees of con- 
siderable size are growing. This was the site of a 
grkt mill, which was built before the Revolution. 
The land on which it was built was purchashed by 
him in 17b ( > and the mill built soon after. It was 
the first mill erected in this region. It was torn 
down by Peter Conver in 1820. The place where 
stood the old mill is now on the premises of William 
Delp. The lands of John Rosenberger was com- 
prised of at least 308 acres purchased before the 
Revolution and at later periods he purchased sev- 


cral hundred more. The farms now owned by 
Jacob Kulp, William Delp, Knos Krieble, John 
Rosenberger, John Kindig - , Jacoby Ott, J Wireman, 
Abraham Gehman J. D. Gehmati, besides smaller 
lots of the villag-e of Hatfield, belonged to John 
Rosenberger. John Rosenberger was twice married, 
his lirst wife's name was Barbara and his second 
wife's name was Christiana, maiden names unknown. 
He was a Mennonite and was one of the four trus- 
tees to whom was deeded the lot where stands the 
Line Lexing-ton Mennonite Meeting-house. C: 
Martin, Abraham, John, Benjamin, Daniel, Henry, 


\\\. Martin Rosenberger. b about 1753, d July 1781, 
m Elizabeth - — . He became a miller and to him 
his father sold 77 acres in 177<>. He died when a 
young man, leaving four minor children. Pie made 
his will February 1781, in which the mill and plan- 
tation were ordered to be rented until his youngest 
child was eighteen, then to be sold and proceeds 
divided between the widow and four children. His 
real estate was sold to Peter Conver in 1799. The 
old mill property has been owned since 1874 by 
William Delp. C: John, Elizabeth, Mary. 

IV- John Rosenberger lived at Mt. Bethel, Pa. 

|\f. Elizabeth Rosenberger, - . 

IV. Mary Rosenberger, . 

IV. Rosenberger, . 




|||. Abraham Rosenberger. M Margaret Morris. 
To Abraham was conveyed in 1794, 144'- acres in 
Franconia, which was another portion of land 
bought of theClibborn Wilson estate by John Rosen- 
berger in 1790. It is now the farm of John Loux. 
C: John, Mary. Anne, Elizabeth. 

|V. John Rosenberger, b Sept 4, 1801, d Feb 17, 
1848, m Elizabeth Swartz. She d Sept 15, 1828. 
C: Abraham, Mary, Jonathan. John m 2nd wife 
Elizabeth Eckhart. Farmer in Bucks County, Pa. 
Menn's. C: George, Sarah, Levi, Elizabeth, John. 

V- Abraham Rosenberger, d infant. 

V- Mary Rosenberger, d single. 

V- Jonathan Rosenberger, 1) in Montg. Co. Pa.. 
Dec 13, 1827, d Nov IS, 1902, m Fanny Hager. 1851. 
She d May 28, 1897. Merchant. " Ret". Ch. C: 
Infant, Edwin, Harvey, Franklin. 

VI- Edwin H. Rosenberger. b in Bucks Co. Pa., 
May 7, 1858, m Lillie Amelia Patton, Aug- 21, 1880, 
Res. 2320 N. Hancock St., Phila. Pa. Reporter on 
the Philadelphia Evening- Bulletin Staff. Metho- 
dist. C: (VII) Emerson Matthews Rosenberger, b 
Sept 20, 1884, Elva Sarah Rosenberger, b June 27, 
1890, Mary Sadie Rosenberger. 1) Sept 24. 1893. 

VI- Harvey Rosenberger. b Apr 7, 1861, d 1893, m 
Louisa T. Dietz. Ref. Ch. C: (VII) Laura Rosen- 
berger, b June 7, 1889. 

VI Franklin H. Rosenberger, b 1853, d 1895, m 
Carrie Le Feber. C: ( VII > Fanny dee'd, Marion. 

V- George Rosenberger, b Feb 3, 1805. Res. Beth- 
lehem, Pa. 

V. Sarah Ann Rosenberger, b Mar 16, 1S37, m 
Lewis Ahlum. P. O. Keller's Church, Pa. 

V- Levi Rosenberger, b Jan 11, 1843, d 1844. 


V- Elizabeth Rosen berger, b May 16, 1845, d — , m 
Andrew Roth, dee'd. 

V- John E. Rosenberger, b Apr 28, 1847, m Emma 
lluusberger. P. O. Rich Hill, Pa. 

IV. Mary Rosenberg-er, m Andrew Swartz. C: 
Jacob, Aaron. .Morris, Peter, Mary, Lizzie. 

\f. Jacob Swartz, d — , m Hannah Delp. C: iVlJ 
Milton, P. O. Line Lexington, Pa. 
y. Aaron Swartz, d — , m . No issue. 
y. Morris Swartz, m — . 

V. Peter Swartz, d — , tn Eliza tlrunner. 
y. Mary Swartz, d single. 

y. Lizzie Swartz, m Isaiah Leidy, P. O. Line Lex- 
ington, Pa. C: Helen. 

Vj. Helen Leidy, m Philip C. Swartley. 

(y. Anna Rosenberger, m Valentine Clemmer. C: 
Levi, Peg-g'ie, Abraham. 

V. Levi Clemmer, d — , m Lavina Ott. No issue. 

V. Peggie Clemmer, m Abraham Ruth. C: Wilhel- 
mina, Valentine, etc. 

Vj. Wilhelmina Ruth, m Franklin B. Rosenberger. 

VI- Valentine Ruth. 

\f. Abraham R. Clvmer, m Katie Althouse, dee'd. 
C: - - ,- - . He m 2nd wife, - - , P. O Fricks, 
Pa. C:Kate. 

V|. Kate Clvmer, m Samuel Leatherman, P. O. 
Line Lexington, Pa. C: 

IV Eli/.ai.eth Rosenberger, m John Hunsicker, C: 
Mrs. Abraham, Witeman, Airs. Henry Kooker. 


|||. John Rosenberger, Jr., b May 3, 1755, d Sept 
18, 1832, m - - . Menu's. John Rosenberg- 

er, Jr., bought a farm in Hatfield, on the borders 
of Francoma, of Jacob Reed, in 1793. The next 
day after purchase he conveyed 50 acres to his 
brother Daniel. John Rosenberger was succeeded 
in ownership of his farm by his son Samuel. The 
farm is now owned by Abraham Gayman, a grand- 
son of Samuel Rosenberger. This line farm has a 
deep depression near the Franconia line, which is 
quite in contrast with the plain country of Hatfield. 
The banks are very steep and high and through 
it Hows a rivulet westward to the Skippack. C: 
John, Samuel, Mary, Barbara. 

IV- John Rosenberger, b in Hatfield, Pa., Apr 12, 
1790, d Sept 12, 1873, m Mary Hockman, Jan 22, 
1826, daughter of Henrv and Barbara (Fretz) 
Hockman. She was b in * Bucks Co., Feb 22, 1800, 
d Oct 11, 1845. Farmer. Menn's. C: Elizabeth, 
Catharine, Mary, John; Henry, Samuel, Abraham. 
Sarah, Nancy, William. John m 2nd wife, Cathar- 
ine Oberholtzer, widow of John Swartz. 

V. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Jan 13, 1827, d - - , m 
John Anders, dec'd. C: Henry, Josiah, Catharine, 

V- Catharine Rosenberger, b in Hilltown Twp., 
Bucks Co., Pa., July 28, 1828, m Ephriam R. 
Landis. (See Ephriam R. Landis family.) 

V. Mary H. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct 
7, 1830, d Mar 1895, m David H. Anders. Dec 3, 
1859, Res. Phila., Pa. Professor of Music. Presby. 
C: Horace. 

V|. Horace R. Anders, b Skippack, Montg. Co., 
Pa., Sept 16, 1860, Res 2145 N Camac St., Phila., 


Pa. Teacher of music, piano and organ, also lead- 
er or bandmaster, and first sergeant of the band of 
the First Brigade, National Guards of Penna., and 
as such he is on duty on all great military occas- 
ions, going- into camp for one week every year. His 
band is also engaged every year for a period of 12 
to 15 weeks, giving concerts at Asbury Park or 
some other seaside resort or public park in or near 
Philadelphia. Presby. S. 

Rev. John H. Rosenberyer, b Jan 7, 1832, m 
Annie Clemmer, Nov 20,1856, Hatfield, Pa Farmer. 
He was ordained to the ministry of the Mennonite 
Church at Line Lexington, Oct 28, 1884. C: Mary, 
Lizzie, Sue, Harry, Emma, Kate, Ella, Levi, John, 

VS. Mary C. Rosenberger, b Sept 12, 1857, m Win. 
K. Godshall, Oct 13, 1877. C: (VI!) Henry R. 
Godshall, b Jan 22, 1878, Annie E. Godshall, b 
Dec 22, 1879, John F. Godshall, b Aug 23, 1881, 
Wellington R. Godshall, b July 23, 1883, Edwin M. 
Godshall, b June 19, 1885. d Aug 27, 1886, Mamie 
R. Godshall, b Dec 7, 1886, Lavina Godshall, b 
Aug 1, 1888. 

VI- Lizzie C. Rosenberger, b July 3, 1859, m Henry 
F. Hendricks, Oct 13, 1883, P. O. Beattie, Kans. 
Farmer. Ger. Bap. C: ( V3I > Mamie Hendricks, b 
Mav 8, 187*, Elnur Hendricks, b Dec 10. 1884, 
Raymond Hendricks, b Mar 11, 1887. 

V|". Sue C. Rosenberger; b Mar 15, 1862,m John M. 
Myers, Dec 11, 1886, P. O. Silverdale, Pa. Farm- 
er." Menn's. C: (VII) Ottomar R. Myers, b Feb 
28, 1888, Titus R. Myers, b Jan 9, 1891, Edna R. 
Mvers, b Sept 13, 1893, Mabel R. Myers b July 18, 
1896. Ella R. Myers, b Dec 12, 1898." 

VI Harry C. Rosenberger, b Aug 8, 1864, m Mary 
E. Lapp, May 8, 1887, P. O. Hilltown, Pa. Farmer. 

V|. Emma C. Rosenberger, b Oct 16, 1866, d Dec 
23 1866. 

VI. Kate C. Rosenberger, b Dec 8, 1S67, d Sept 22, 
1895, m I. R. Haldeman. (See I. R. Haldeman 


V|. Ella C. Rosenberger, b June 24, 1869, m Harry 
M. Heckler, P. <). Harleysville, Pa. 

VI- Levi C. Rosenberger, b Apr 30, 1873, tn Martha 
Lapp, P. (). Lansdale, Pa. 

VI. John C. Rosenberger, b Feb 21, 1876. 

VJ. Annie C. Rosenberger, b Nov 30, 1878, ra I R. 
Haldeman. See I. R. Haldeman family. | 

V. Rev" Henry II. Rosenberger, b Feb 23, 1834, d 
- , m Mary Friek, Oct 31,1857. Farmer. He was 

ordained to the ministry of the Brethren church at 
Silverdalc, Pa., 1877, and Bishop in 1886. C: John, 
Abraham, Frany, Kate, Sarah, William, Henry. 

Yi- John F. Rosen herder. 1, Aug 28, 1861, d Feb 
26, 1863. 

VJ. Abraham F. Rosenberger, b Nov 28, 1863, d 
July 22, 1865. 

VI. Frany Rosenberg-er, b Jan 3 1866, m John R. 
Kindig. C: (VII ' Harvey R. Kindig, b and d 1886. 

VI Kate Rosenberger, b Sept 18, 1868, d |ulv 19, 

VI. Sarah Rosenberger, b Mar 3, 1871. 

V| William F. Rosenberger, 1> June 6, 1874, m 
Sallie Henning-, P. O. Kulpsvillc, Pa. 

VI- Henry F. Rosenberger, b [une 15, 1877. 

V. Rev. Samuel H. Rosenberger, b Feb 11, 1836, 
m Elizabeth I). Stover, Nov 12, 1859. She d Sept 
21, 1877. P. O. Hatfield, Pa. Farmer and minis- 
ter of River Brethren Ch. C: Mary, Milton James, 
John, Henrv, Rachel, Catharine, Samuel. 

VI. Mary Rosenberger, b Jan 4, 1861, d Feb 13, 

Y|. Milton Rosenberger, b Feb 8, 1863, m Clara 
McKennedy, Apr 20, 18S6, P. (). White Cloud, 

VI- James Rosenberger, b Oct 18, 1864, d Feb 27, 

VI- John Rosenberger, b Aug 20, 1867, m Susan 
Kckert. C: ( VII > Stella, Edna, Harry. 

VI. Henry Rosenberger, b Nov 14, 1869. 

VJ. Rachel Rosenberger, b Dec 10, 1872, m John 
Ziegenfuss, 1892. P. O. Perkasie, Pa. Cigar Manu- 
facturer. Luths. C: (VII) Irwin d young, Howard 


(1 young - , J. Oliver, Norman. 

VI- Catharine Rosen berg-er, i> Alar 3, 1S74, d Sept 
IV, 1875. 

VJ. Samuel Rosenberger. b May 14. 1875, m Mary 
Landes. P. O. Tel lord. Pa. 

V- Abraham H. Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa., 
May 29, 1838, m Anna S. Kulp. N<-v 29, 1868. C: 
. VI J«>nn K. Rosenberger, b Nov 29, 1872, d July 
29, 1873. Erwin K. Rosenberger, b Nov 29. 1872. d 
July 25. 1873. (twins.) Sallie K. Rosenberger, b 
June 18, 1874. Katie K. Rosenberger, Mar 17, 
1879. Anna Mary K. Rosenberger, b May 28, 1882, 
Carrie K. Rosenberger, b Dec 29. 1884. 

V- Sarah Ann Rosenberger, b June 23. 1840, in 
Enos Landes, Aug 30, 187*>. P. O. Reserve, Kans. 
Parmer. Ger. Bap. C: (VI William H. Landes, b 
June 25, 1878. Eilen J. Landes, b Dec 20, 1880. 
Marv E. Landes, b May 7, 1884. 

V- Nancy Rosenberger. b Apr 7. 1842. d Feb 27, 

V- William Rosenberger, b Aug 3, 1844, d 1845. 

IV- Samuel Rosenberger, dec'd, m Alary Swartz. 
Farmer. Alenn's. C: Elizabeth, Alaria. John. 

V- Elizabeth Rosenberger, dec'd, m David D. 
Rosenberger. (See David D. Rosenberger family, i 

Y- Maria Rosenberger, m Rev. Jacob Gehman, 
dec'd. C: Abraham, Catharine. 

VI'. Abraham R. Gehman. P. O. Hatfield, Pa. 

V|. Catharine Gehman, m Enos Hackman, dec'd, 
P. O. Hatfield, Pa. 

V- John S. Rosenberger, b in Montg-. Co , Pa., 
July 25, 1824, d Oct 15. 1861, m Katharine Ruth, 
dec'd. No issue. John m 2nd wife, Margaret 
Gehman. She was b Sept 4, 1833, d Alar 31, 1860. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: Kate, Alary. 

V|. Kate G. Rosenberger, 1) Sept' 18, 1857, d Nov 
b, 1883, m Jacob L. Reiff, Nov 17, 1877, P. O. 
Bechtelsville, Pa. C: (VII I Howard R. Reiff, b Dec 
15, isso. Jacob Reiff, b May 28, 1883, d Oct 3, 1883. 

VI • Alary Ann Rosenberger, b in Alontg. Co., Pa., 
July 30, 1859, m Henry K. Alder fer, Feb 9, 1878, 
P. 6. Souderton. Pa. " Farmer. Menn's. C: VII) 


Enos Alderfer, b Nov 28, 1878, John Alderfer, b 
Feb 22, 1880, d July 7, 1880, Allen Alderfer, b 
May 11, 1881, Lizzie Alderfer, b Mar 7, 188 +, Henry 
Alderfer, b Jan 11, 1886, Hiram Alderfer, b April 
28, 1888, Jacob Alderfer, b Oct 24, 1890, d Oct 19, 
1891, Frank Alderfer, b Feb 3, 1895, Clara Alder- 
fer, b Mar 5, 1898. 

IV. Mary Rosenberger, tn John Allebach. Farm- 
er. Menu's. C: John, Samuel. 

V. John Allebach, m - - . Probably no issue. 
V- Samuel Allebach, m - - . Have issue. 

|V- Barbara Kosenberg-er, m Samuel H. Delweiler. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: Nancy, Elizabeth, John. 

V- Nancy Detweiler, b — , m Jacob L. Mover, P. 
O. Souderton, Pa. Retired farmer. Menn's. C: 
Samuel, Levi, Jacob, Mary, David, John, Amanda, 
Mathias, Ephraim. 

VI- Samuel D. Mover, b Feb 9, 1846,m Mary M. 
Mover, P.O. Morwood, Pa. Menu's. C: { VII) Anna 
M. 'Mover, b Sept 27,1874. Ella Mover, b May 
24, 1878. John M. Mover, b Nov 7, 1881. 

VI- Levi D. Moyer, b June 7, 1848, d Apr 16, 1855. 

V|. Jacob I). Mover, b Jan 27, 1851, m Mary B. 
Auchev. She was b May 21, 1856, P. O. Hatfield, 
Pa. Farmer. C: (VII) David A. Mover, b Nov 18, 
1880, d Mar 16, 1882. Anna Mary Mover, b Aug 
17, 1883. Ida Mover, b May 8, 1887. Jacob Moyer, 
b Sept 23, 1893. 

V|. Mary D. Mover, b Dec 2, 1852, m Noah M. 
Mover, Dec 5, 1874, P. O. Morwood, Pa. Farmer. 
Menn'c. C: VII Minerva Mover, b July 26, 187*.. 
Erwin Moyer, b Apr 2b, 1878." Barbara Moyer, b 
Nov 11, 1882. Jacob Moyer, b Mar 23; 1884. Anna 
Moyer, b Feb 13,1887. Mary Moyer.b Dec 16, 1889. 
Flora and Laura Mover, (twins) b Aug 1, 1893. 

VI- David D. Moyer. b May 7, 1855, m Sarah Ann 
Detweiler, Dec 20, 1879. She was b Apr 29, 1860, 
P. O. Franconia, Pa. Menn's. C: (VII) Annie D. 
Moyer, b Oct 12, 1882. Jacob D. Moyer, b June 
20, '1885, d June 15, 1886. Henry D. Moyer, b Apr 
15, 1887. Katv D. Moyer, b Sept 14, 1889, David 
D. Mover, b Mar 16, 1892. John D. Moyer, b Jan 


31, 1895. 

V|. John D. Mover, b Feb 15. 1857, m Mary Ann 
S. daughter of Daniel Detweiler, Dec IS. 1880. She 
was b Apr 27, 1858, d Apr lo. 1891, P. O. Harleys- 
ville. Pa. Menn's. C: VII J Katie Ann D. Mover, 
b Oct 26, 1882. Vincent Mover, b Oct 2''. 1885. 
Emma Mover, b Mar 9. 1890." 

V|. Amanda D. Mover, b Nov 2U. 1859, d Sept 9. 

Vl-Mathias D. Mover, b Dec 17, 1862, d Mar 21. 

VI- Ephriam D. Mover, b Oct in, 1865. d Mar 12. 

V- Elizabeth R. Detweiler, b Sept 5, 1819, d Oct 
31. 1852. m David H. Kulp, Jan 14, 1848. He died 
Nov 18. 1892. Farmer. Menn's. C: Samuel, 
Sarah. John. 

VI- Samuel D. Kulp, b Aug- 4. 1849. 

VI Sarah Ann D. Kulp, b Apr 2, 1852, m Jacob H. 
Kulp, Jan 11, 1879, P. (). Souderton, Pa. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: i VII I Harvey K. Kulp, b May 28, 1881. 
David K. Kulp, b May 10, 1884, d Apr 30, 1888. 
Katie K. Kulp, b Apr 4, 1887, d Aug- 24, 1887. 

V|. John D. Kulp, b Oct 25, 1852, d Sept 21, 1853. 

V- John R. Detweiler, P. O. Souderton, Pa. 


III Benjamin Rosenberger, b in 1761, d in 1332, ik — . 
To H i tn was conveyed the homestead now owned by 
Abraham Moyer, and other lands. This was sold 
to him in 17 ( M in two lots of 57 and (>8 acres. The 
lirst lot of the Moyer farm was part of the 109 acres 
obtained by patent in 1770. The 68 acres was be- 
low the line of the turnpike, and was part of the 9o 
acres sold by Alexander Foreman to John Rosen- 
berger and continued to him by the executors of the 
Warner estate in 1759, and a later date owned and 
subdivided by Tobias Shull. Upon this he built 
the village of Hatfield. The remaining 27 acres 
had been sold to Martin Rosenberger. In 1831 
Benjamin conveyed the homestead to his son Ben- 
jamin Rosenberg-er, Jr., for /,'1400, stipulating 
that he should have home and maintenance the re- 
mainder of his life. In 1833 the farm was sold to 
John Rosenberg-er, miller, of Hilltown. The sub- 
sequent transfers have been: 1856 to William S. 
Strunk; 1861 to Henry Rosenberger; 1866 to Tobias 
Hangev; 1872 to Enos Kriebel, then to - - Hoot, 
then to Abraham Mover present owner. Menn's. 
C: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Benjamin, Nancy. 

IV- Abraham Rosenberger, b July 1, 1 792, d Aug- 
30, 1832, m Fronica Rosenberger, daughter of 
David Rosenberger. Farmer. Menn's. C: Bar- 
bara, Susanna, Benjamin, Jonas, Tobias. 

V- Barbara Rosenberger, m Jacob Fry. Family in 
Ohio. Ger. Bap. 

V- Susanna Rosenberger; b Dec 20, 1823, d Oct 11, 

V- Benjamin R. Rosenberger, b Mar 9, 1826, m 
Sarah Frick, Nov 9, 1845, Res. 2218 Marshall St., 
Phila., Pa. Laborer. Ger. Bap. C: Amanda, 











John, Mary, Elizabeth, Willamina, Emma, Ida, 


V|. Amanda Rosenberger. b Sept 16, 1847, Res. 
2218 Marshall St., Phila. Pa. Ger. Bap. S. 

V|. John F. Rosenberg-er, b Dec 16, 184'). Grocer 
in Phila., Pa. S. 

VI- Mary Ann Rosenberger, b Aug - 22, 1852. 
River Brethren. P. (). Souderton Pa. S. 

VI Elizabeth Rosenberger, b Apr 11, 1855, m 
Oliver Althouse, P. O. Souderton, Pa. Hotel keep- 
er. C: (VII 1 Laura, Stella. 

VI- Willamina Rosenberger; b Feb 21, 1860, d in- 

VI- Emma Rosenberger, b Dec 15, 1862, m John 
Cope, Res 2218 Marshall St., Phila., Pa. Horse 
dealer. No issue. 

VI. Ida Rosenberger, b Aug 6, 1864, d Jan 17,1886, 
m Lincoln Kaler. C: (VII 'Viola Kaler, b Sept 2<>, 

V!- Allen Rosenberger, b Aug 10, 1867, m Ada 
Parklev, Res b533 Main St., Phila., Pa. Grocer. 

VII- Clifford Allen Rosenberger. b July 24, 189b. 

V- Tobias Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co,, Pa., Jan 
24. 1829, m Barbara Wagner, Nov 1850. She was 
b Sept 25, 1829, d June 8, 1888, P. O. Hatfield, Pa. 
Retired farmer. Ger. Bap. C: Sarah, Jacob. Jonas, 

VI Sarah Ann Rosenberger, b June 9, 1851, m 
Abraham W. Kulp, June' 29, 1872, P. O. Hatfield, 
Pa Farmer. Ger. Bap. C: (V|l) Maggie Kulp, b 
Nov 6, 1872, d Aug 2, 1873; Susan Kulp, b May 11. 
1874, d May 13, 1874; Jacob Kulp, b June 3, 1875, d 
June 4, 1879; Mary Ellen Kulp, b Sept 10, 1877, 
Ger. Bap; Wilson Kulp, b Sept 25, 1879; Sarah Ann 
Kulp, b Oct 6. 1881; Amanda Kulp, b Aug 6, 1884; 
Barbara Elizabeth Kulp, b June 24, 1886; Isaac 
Tobias Kulp, b Julv lo, 1888; Maria Kulp, b Aug 
20: 1890, d Aug 22, 1890; Emma Kulp, b Aug 4, 

VI- Jacob W. Rosenberger, b Jan 27, 1853, m 
Amanda Kratz, Oct 13, 1883, P. O. S. Hatfield, Pa. 
Farmer. Ger. Bap. No issue. 


V|. Jonas W. Rosenberger, b Feb 5, 1855, d Apr 8, 
1890, m Leanna Seheetz, Juno 8, 1878. Employed 
on railroad and later at Snyder's Mill, where he 
was killed by the cars, while crossing 1 the track 
with a plank. C: (VII Katie Rosenberger, b Mar 
17, 1880; William S. Rosenberger, b Dec 4, 1882. 
Mary Ellen Rosenberger, b Aug 14, 1885; Jacob 
Rosenberger, b and d Mar 12, 1887; Sallie Amanda 
Rosenberger, b Mar 1'), 1889. 

VI- Mary Ellen Rosenberger, b Apr 15, 1S. : K, m 
Rev. William B. Fretz, Nov 27, 1879, P. ( ). Hat- 
field, Pa. Tinsmith and minister. He was or- 
dained to the ministry of the German Baptist Breth 
church at Hatfield, Pa., in 1889, where he has 
since served as one of the ministers. No issue. 

V- Jonas Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov lr< s 
1831, m Elizabeth Gottshalk, Jan 1854. She was b 
May 23, 183b, Res. 2243 Uermantown Ave., Phila.. 
Pa. Laborer. Moravian. C: Franklin, Davis, 
Irvin, Dillman. 

V|- Franklin Rosenberger, b Julv 30,1855, m Sallie 
Pane, Res. 2433 Reese St., Phila., Pa- Employed 
in wood and willow ware store. Moravian. C: 
(VII' Mary Rosenberger. 

VI- Davis Rosenberger, b Sept 23, 1857, d Mar 15, 
1880, m Mary Kriebel. Farmer. No issue. 

VI- Frvin Rosenberger, b Mar 5, 1861, m Emma 
Hatfield, Res. Phila., Pa. Employed in saw fac- 
tory. C: (VII i Ada, Stella, Elmer,* Viola, Ethel. 

V|. Dillman Rosenberger, b Apr 20, 1869, m Isabel- 
la Smith, Nov 27, 1894, Res. 32 N. 13th St., Phila., 
Pa. Salesman in wholesale paper store. Moravian. 
No issue. 

IV- Isaac Rosenberger, d Aug 18(>f>, from effects of 
a fall from the barn floor into the yard below, break- 
ing his neck. M Catharine Ruck. Farmer. Menn's. 
C: Ann, Benjamin, John, Mary, Catharine, Amos. 

V- Ann Rosenberger, d — , m Joseph Landis. No 

V- Benjamin Rosenberger, b Aug 30, 1829, d Aug 
7, 1891, m Sophia Derr, dee'd. Mrs. Rosenberger 
Menu. C: Emeline. 


Vj. Emeliue Rosenberger, b Apr 11, 1856. m Win. 
Fisher, P. O. Hatfield, P&.. C: VI! Irwin Fisher, 
b Dec 11, 1875; Clarence Fisher, b Aug- 24. 1884. 

V- John Rosenberger, b Jan Id. FS33. m Mary 
Weaver, Sept 1855, Res. Phila., Pa. Carpenter. 
C: (VI) Edward Rosenberger. b 1856, d 1885. S. 

V. Mary Rosenberger, d infant. 

V- Catharine Rosenberger, d — , in William Reif- 
inger. Wheelwright. C: Emma, Clarence. 

tfj. Emma Reifing-er, m George Pierce, P. O. 
Rovers ford. Pa. 

VJ. Clara Reitinger, b Julv 9, 1871. m Samuel B. 
Meyers, Dec 29, 1892, P.O.Royersford, Pa. Presby. 
C: (VII I Catharine R. Me vers, b Aug 6, 1893; Verna 
P. Meyers, b Oct 8, 1896! 

V- Amos Rosenberger, m Jennie Leister. P. O. 
Penllyn. Pa. Farmer. C: «"y|, Wilbur. Alviu. 

IV. Jacob Rosenberger, d single. 

IV- Benjamin Rosenberger, b 1802, d 1874, m 
Susanna, daughter of Abraham and Anna (Clem- 
mer) Gehman, 1828. She was b 1808, d 1892. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: Abraham, Benjamin. Henry. 

y. Abraham Rosenberger. b 1828, d aged 22 years. 

V- Benjamin G. Rosenberger, b in Montg. Co., Pa., 
1831, m Rachael, daugmter of Abraham Benner, 
1853, P. O. North Wales, Pa. Fruit grower. 
Metm's, C: Susanna, Sarah, Abraham, Elizabeth. 

V|. Susanna Rosenberger, b 1854, d infant. 

Y|. Sarah Rosenberger, b 1856, m Joseph Bustard, 
P. O. Cedars, Pa. Farmer. C: i VII Elizabeth, 
George, Arthur, Wellington, Benjamin, Mabel, 
Joseph dee'd, Sallie dec'd. 

Y|. Abraham B. Rosenberger, b July 26, I860, 
Res. 447 Magnolia St. Phila. Pa. Teamster for 
P. & R. R. R. Co. Christian Ch. S. 

Vj. Elizabeth Rosenberger, b 1862, m JohnWeikel, 
P.O. North Wales, Pa. Engineer in feed and 
flour mill. Luth. Mrs. W. Meth. Ep. C: VII 
Esther, George, Anna, Sarah, Caroline. 

V- Henry G. Rosenberger, b 1834, d infant. 

IV. Nancv Rosenberger, m Abraham Wireman. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: Barbara, Nancy, Katie, John, 



V.Barbara Wireman, dec'd, m Samuel Gehman, 
dec'd. Farmer. Menn's. 

V- Nancy Wiremen, m Ahram Rulli. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: Katie, Benjamin, Daniel. Anna. 

VI. Katie Ruth, m Isaac Young-, P. (). Hatfield, 
Pa. Bricklayer. Ger. Bap. C: Ahram, Isaac, Lizzie, 
Fannie, Annie, Amelia, Milton, Martha, Marv, 
Sallie, Katie. 

VII- Abraham Young - , m Amanda Fosbenner, P. 
(). Line Lexington, Pa. 

VII- Isaac Young 1 , in - — , P. (). Schwenksville, Pa. 

V 1 1 - Lizzie Younj^, m Abraham Snyder, P. (). Hat- 
field, Pa. 

VII- Fannie Young, m Samuel Souder, P. (). Hat- 
field. Pa. 

VII - Annie Young, m 

VII- Amelia Young - . Single. 

VII- Milton Young, deceased. 

VII- Martha Young - . Single. 

VII- Mary Young. Sin^K-. 

VII- Sallie Young - . 

Vlj. Katie Young. 

VI- Benjamin Ruth, d . m Elizabeth Rosen berger. 
C: Clayton, Esther. 

VII- Clayton Ruth, m -. 

VII- Esther Ruth, m Jonas Landis. 

V|. Daniel Ruth. Single. P. O. Hatfield, Pa. 

VI- Anna Ruth, m Rev. Benjamin C. KrUpp. He 
was b Mar 12, 1857. Minister of the Ev. Ass'n. Ch. 
C: ( VIK Lillie Krupp, dec'd; Jennie Krupp, dec'd; 
Annie Krupp; Ruth Krupp. 

V- Katie Wireman, m Philip Richenbach. Mason 
and hotel keeper. Mrs. R. Menn. C: Fannie, 

VI Fannie Richenbach, m Lewis Cowell, P. O. 
Lansdale, Pa. 

VI- Mathias Richenbach, m - -, P. O. North 
Wales, Pa. 

V- John Wireman, Sr. m Angeline Stillwagon, P. 
O. Hatfield, Pa. C: Henry, John, Annie, Charles. 
V|- Henry S. Wireman, b . m Christine Kulp, 


Jan 5. 1883. She was b Oct 9, 1863, P. O. Hat- 
field, Pa. Produce merchant. C: 'VII) Charles 
Wi reman, b Nov 17. 1884. 

V|. John Weierman, m Mary Schantz, dec'd, sec- 
ond wife Annie Price, P. ( ). Hatfield, Pa. 

V|. Annie Weierman. m Amos Stettler. C: i VII ' 
Stettler, d small. 

VI- Charles Weierman, m Sliffer, Res. 4th 

and Dauphin St. Phila. Pa. 

V- Abraham Weierman, m Sybilla Wagner, Far- 
mer. Menu's. C: Lizzie, Jacob. Samuel, - , . 

VI- Lizzie Weierman, m — — . 

V!- Jacob Weierman, P. (). Norristown, Pa. 
VI- Samuel Weierman, dec'd, m Lizzie Hecker. 
Farmer. C: 'VII 1 Susie, m — , ( VII > Bertha, S. 

VI- Weierman, died single. 

VI- Weierman, died single. 


HI Daniel Rosenberger, It in Montg. Co,, about 
1 7 * > S . <1 1830, m Sophia Wiereman. Farmer. Menn"s. 
To Daniel was conveyed in 1790 h>r /. 400twolots, 
one of 51)4 acres, and one of 25 acres. The first 
was the upper portion of the lOSJacresof his father's 
estate, obtained by patent in 177i>. h is now the 
farm <»t Rev. John Rosenberger. a Mennonite 
preacher. His large and commodious house stands 
on the hank overlooking" the meadow below, through 
which (lows the brook, the water of which turned 
the old mill of his ancestors. The other, or smaller 
tract obtained by Daniel from his father, was in 
Franconia, bought in 17h ( ) fromthe Clibborn Wil- 
son estate. Farmer. Menn's. C: John, Martin. 
Jacob, Daniel, Elizabeth, Lena, Nancv, Barbara. 

|y. John Rosenberger, b , d , m Beatrice 
Stover. No issue. 

IV- Martin Rosenberger. b Sept 24, 17'KS, d Oct 
19, 1866, in Christiana Rosenberger, daughter of 
Henry Rosenberger. Farmer. K\ . Ass'n. CrHannah, 
Sophia, Jacob. Henry, Christiana. Daniel, Martin. 

Y. Hannah R. Rosenberger. 1) Feb (>, 1S2K, d Feb 
23, 1854. m Charles Dreisbach. 

V- Sophia R. Rosenberger, b Feb 3, 1831, in Aaron 
R. Heckler. 

V- Jacob Rosenberger, b 1834, m Elizabeth 
Snyder, in 1861, P. O. Kulpsville, Da. C: Mary, 
( Hiver. Annie. 

VI- Marv Rosenberger, bin L863,mOswinPfleiger, 
in 1883, Res. Williams St. South Bethlehem, Pa. 
Employed in rolling mill. Luth. No issue. 

VI Oliver S. Rosenberger. b in 1875. 

Y|. Annie Rosenberger, b in 1877. 

V- Henry R. Rosenberger, b , d young. 



V- Christiana R. Rosenberger, h . <1 . Single. 

V- Daniel l\\ Rosenberger, b in Montg*. Co. Pa., 

Sept 1. L844, m Sarah Hendricks, in 1866, P. < ). 

Hatfield, Pa. Parmer. Hjv. Meth. C: Annie. Josiah, 

Jacob, Daniel, Sallie, Mary. 

VJ. Annie Rosenberg-er, b Sept 13, I8»7,m William 
Sturzebeeker, P. O. Lansdale, Pa. 

VJ. Josiah Rosenberg-er, b in Franconia township, 
Monty. Co. Pa., Feb 12. 1870, P.O. Colraar, l'a. 
Carpenter, Methodist. S. 

YJ. Jacob Rosenberger, b in Hatfield Tup., May 
13. 1875. 

VI Daniel Rosenberger, b Nov 19, 1877. 

V|. Sallie Rosenberger, b June 14, L879. 

V|. Marv Rosenberger, b Any 14. 1881. 

V- Martin Rosenberger, b — , d 

|V- Jacob \Y. Rosenberger, 1> in Montg". Co., Dec 
t». 18 19, (1 Jan »., 18 l H, m Elizabeth Swartlev, Nov 
2<». 1836. Mr. Rosenberger received a common 
school education. In early life he engaged in the 
manufacture of various articles ol utility and orna- 
ment. For many years he was extensively engaged 
in the manufacture of wooden seives used by powder 
manufacturers to sift the powder. He later engaged 
in farming and on retiring from that vocation en- 
gaged in making brooms and all kinds ol bric-a- 
brac for his grand children. He was of such a na- 
ture that he could not content himself without some 
useful employment, although afflicted with a pe- 
culiar ailment since his 35th year, since which tin e 
he had few hours in which he was entirely free 
from pain, or able to do hard work, yet notwith- 
standing- all that, he was a remarkably well pre- 
served man up to his old aye. Menu's: C: Anna, 
Marv. Abraham, Daniel, Jacob, Elizabeth, Catha- 
rine, Sarah. 

y. Anna Rosenberger, b Aug 9, 1837, d Nov 15, 

V. Marv Rosenberger, b Apr 3, 1841, m Michael 
Swartley. < See Michael Swartly Family, i 

V. Abraham S. Rosenberger, 1> in Hatfield Twp. 
Montg. Co. Pa., Aug 19, 1843, m Catharine C. Alle- 


bach, Oct 3, L868, P. O. Hatfield, Pa. Mr. Rosen- 
berger was given a good education. ( >n leaving 1 
the township schools at the ag"e oi 15 years, he took 
a course at Kulpsville Seminary for two winters. 
He then took one term at the Carversville Normal 
Institute and a short teachers preparatory course 
at Pottstown under Robert Crinkshank. He then 
went into the world to make his own war and for 
ten successive terms taught school. In 1869 he 
settled in Hatfield Twp. and in 1S72 bought a farm 
which he has since successfully conducted. Mr. 
Rosenberger has always been a very active Repuli- 
can and has held office of a local nature for many 
vears. . He was a school director for one term and 
in 1890 was a delagate to the Republican State Con- 
vension at Harrisbury. Pa. A few years after sett- 
liny in Hatfield township he was elected assessor 
and filled that post for eighteen consecutive years. 
In L889, after serving 12 vears as assessor he was 
re-elected to this office for three vears and received 
every vote that was polled at that election. 

His long term as assessor, has made Mr. Rosen- 
berger acquainted with almost every man. woman 
and child in the district, and familiar with every 
lot of ground, its dimensions and ownership. 

Mr. Rosenberger has been a very considerable 
collector of books on a wide range ofsubjebts, and 
possesses a good working library. He isaconstant 
reader and one of the intelligent and well informed 
jnen of his community. He is a close student of 
public questions, as well, and familiar with county, 
state and national issues. Although he never serv- 
ed an apprenticeship in the mechanical arts, yet he 
evinces marked inventive genius as an artisan. He has 
invented, draughted and constructed many devices 
and machines of merit which, however, he made no 
efforts to have patented. Menn's. C: David, Mary, 
Harvey, Jacob, Allen, Edwin, Erwin, Lizzie. 
VI- David A. Rosenberger, b Aug 8, 1869, d Aug 
16, 1869. 

VI- Mary Ellen Rosenberger, b Apr 16. 1871. M 
Fred H. Hunsberyer, P. O. Souderton, Pa. Farm- 


er. C: (VII' Alvin Merton Hunsberger, b Jan 5, 
1899, d Aug 4, 1902. 

V| . Harvey A. Rosenberger, b Sept 14, 1872. S. 

Y|. Jacob A. Rosenberger, b Aug 18, 1876, d Nov 
24, 1881. 

V|. Allen Rosenberger, b . 

VI- Edwin A. Rosenberger. b May 26, 1881, <1 Aug 
12, 1882. 

V|- Erwin A. Rosenberger, b July 27, 188b. 

V|. Lizzie Martha Rosenberger, b Oct 4. 1*87. 

V- Daniel S. Rosenberger. b in Montg*. Co. Pa., 
Jan 29, 1847, m Catharine, daughter of Rev. Abel 
Horning, Oct 16, 1869. She was b Feb 19. 1859, 
P.O. Earlington.Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: Wallace, 
Lizzie, Marv, Katie, Abel, Emma. Jacob. Eva. 

VI . Wallace H. Rosenberger, b Jan 25. L873, m 
Addie D. Detweiler. P. O. Telford, Pa. Foreman 
in Telford Standard Hay Baling Co. C: VII < Wil- 
mer D. Rosenber-er. b Feb 13, 1895. Maria D. 
Rosenberger. b May 15, 1897. 

VI- Lizzie H. Rosenberger, b May 25, 187*), m 
Benjamin G. Alderfer, P. O. Telford, Pa. Miller. 
C: VBI Nobe A'derfer, b Feb 1, 1899. 

VI Marv H. Ro enlerger. b Nov 26, 1S77. S. 

VI Katie H. Rosenberger. b May 2=>. LS7<>. 

V|. Abel H. Romii: crger. b Sept 21, 1880. 

Vj . Emma H. Rosenberger, b June 21, 1883. 

V|. Jacob H. Ro-cni.erger. b May 28, 1886. 

V!- Eva II. R- senberger, b Feb 14. 1892. 

V- Jacob S. Rosenberger. b Ian 30, l<S5o. m Anna 
G. Heebner. Dec 7. 1S78. P. O. Souderton, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: (VI) Lilly H. Ro-enberger, 
b Dec 17. 1879. Horace H. Rosenberger, b Sept 
15. 1881. Raymond Rosenberger. b Apr 9. 1883. 
Jacob H. Rosenberger, b Aug 2, 1885. Edwin H. 
Fo enberger, b Feb 2. 1888. Annie H. Rosenberger, 
bjan5, 1890. d Apr 2'». 1890. Clayton H. Rosen- 
berger. b March 1^. 1891. Maine H. Rosenberger, 
b Sept 6. 1893. 

V- P^lizabeth Rosenberger, b Nov 20, 1853. m Jonas 
Hunsberger. Dec 4, 1888. P.O. Kulpsville.Pa. Far- 
mer. Menn's. C: (VI) Lizzie R. Rosenberger, b 


May 24, 1890. Edgar R. Rosenberger, b Nov 24, 
1893, d 1893. 

Y- Catharine Rosenberger, b fulv 27, 1855, m Aaron 
L. Gehman, 1877. P. O. New Britain, Pa. Far- 
mer. Menn's. C:<VI> Harvey Gehman, b 1879. 
Clarence Gehman, b L881. Allen Gehman, b 1888. 
Erwin Gehman, b 1891. 

V- Sarah Ann Rosenberger, b fan 30, 1858, d Feb 
12, 1871. 

IV- Daniel Rosenberger, b Mar 4, 1813, d Mar 17, 
1896, m Mary Benner. Cabinet maker. No issue. 

IV- Elizabeth Rosenberger, <1 aged 30 years, m 
John Frick. He was b in 1801, d L833. Parmer. 
Menn's. C: Sarah. Sophia, Levi. 

V- Sarah Frick, 1> Feb 25. 1825. m Benjamin Ros- 
enberger. 'See Benjamin Rosenberger family. J 

V- Sophia Frick, b Levi Godshall. Oyster 
stand/ Mrs. Godshall Bap. C: William, Minnie, 
Ida, Tillie, Lucinda, Levi. 

V|. William Godshall. S. 
\f|. Minnie Godshall, m Daniel Smith. 
VJ. Ida Godshall, m David Thomas. 
V|. Tillie Godshall, m Harry Champion. 

VI- Lucinda Godshall, in Harry Sehimnel. 
V- Levi Frick, d young - . 

IV- Magdalena Rosenberger, b in Montg Co., 
Pa., May 7, 1805, d Apr 14, 1892, m Daniel Feeder, 
in 1829. He was b in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan 9, L8U9. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: Oliver. Sophia, Levi. William. 

V- Oliver Feeder, b in Bucks Co., Pa., in 1836, m 
Matilda Cooper, in 1860, P. O. Pricks. Pa. C: VI) 
Charles Feeder, b — , d — , aged about 10 years; VI ) 
Rechina Feeder, b — , d — , aged about 7 years. 

V- Sophia Feeder, b in Bucks Co., Pa., in 1839. S. 

V- Levi Feeder, b Aug 9, 1841, m Emma Ott, Oct 
1865, P. O. Souderton, Pa. Cigar maker. Ref. 
Ch. C: William, Sophia, Magdalena, Anna, Elnora, 

VI- William F. Reeder, b June 12, 1866, m Maggie 
E. Wendel, Dec 1887, Fes. 925 Richfield St., Phila., 
Pa. Printer. Ref. Ch. C: ( V1D Walter Feeder, b 
Apr 7. 1890. 


V|. Sophia A. Reeder, b Apr 30, 1868, d June 25. 

VI- Magdalena Reeder, b Apr 4, 1873, m Edward 
C. Hagey, Oct 30, 1894, P. O. Souderton, Pa. 
Harness maker. Ref.Ch. C: (VII) Stanley Hag-ey, 
b May 8, 1896, d 1896; Howard Hagey, bAug 27, 
1S97, d May 12, 1898; LeRoy Hagey, b Nov 11, 
1898; Lester Hagey, b Dec 5, 1899. 

VI. Anna E. Reeder, b Mar 10, 1875, d Mar 19, 

VI. Elnora Reeder, b Sept 2, 1878. 

Vj EmmaO. Reeder, b Jan 31, 1884. 

V. William Reeder, b — , 1844. 

IV- Xancv Rosenberger, b Apr 12, 1816, d Aug 10, 
1876, m George Gehman, Dec 22, 1839. He was b 
in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov 5. 1818, d Sept 19, 1893. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: William, Tobias, David. 

William R. Gehman, b July 23,, 1842, d Mar 25, 
1903, m Eliza Freed, b Sept 10, 1841, P. O. Bloom- 
ing Glen, Pa. Menn's. C: Salome, Harvey, Allen, 

VS. Salome F. Gehman, b Mar 7, 1864, m William 
Yoder. Ref. Ch. C: 'VII' Ella, Stella, Bertha; 
\\ alter. George. Russell, Elizabeth, Anna. 

VI. Harvey F. Gehman, b Nov 9, 1865, d in 1869. 
VI. Allen F. Gehman. b Mar 6, 1871, m Sue 

Derstine, P. O. Blooming Glen, Pa. Ref. C: 
i VII i Florence. 

Vi- George F. Gehman, b Mar 15, 1874, m Anna 
Coleshreiver, P. O. Quakertown, Pa. Luth. C: 
( V!!> Ella May Gehman, d in infancy. 

V. Tobias R" Gehman, b in Montg. Co., Pa., Oct 
14, L846, m Maria M. Hedrich, Jan 7, 1871, P. (). 
Silverdale, Pa. Farmer. Mennonite Deacon at 
Blooming Glen, Pa. C: Dianna, Minerva. Emma. 
Sallie, Aquilla. 

Yjj. Dianna H. Gehman, b Sept 16, 1874, m Jacob 
G. Musselman, Oct 15, 18 ( KS, P. O. Silverdale, Pa. 
Wheelwright. Menn's. C: ( VII > Sadie G. Mussel- 
man, b July 1, 1901, d July 6, 1901. 

VI- Minnie H. Gehman, b Sept 22, 1876, m Wilson 
G. Detweiler. Oct 16, 1897. He was b Apr 19,1871 , 


P. O. Blooming Glen, Pa. Laborer. Menu's. C: 
i V|| i Florence G. Detweiler, b Mar 31, 1900. 

VI- Sallie H. Gehman, b Feb 26, 1882. 

V|. Aquilla H. Gehman, b Dec 1, 1891. 

V- David R. Gehman, b Feb 12, 1852, m Elizabeth 
A. Detweiler in 1876. Menn's. C: Sallie, Laura, 

VI- Sallie D. Gehman, b Nov 13, 1S77. 
Y|. Laura D. Gehman, b Jan 16, 1882. 
V|. Blanche D. Gehman, b Feb 20, 1897. 

|V- Barbara Rosenberger, b -, <1 — , m Christian 
Allebach. Farmer. Menu's. C: Susanna, David. 

V- Susanna Allebach, b , m Schlotter, 

dec'd. She m 2nd husband, Enos Derstine, P. O. 
Tel lord. Pa. 

V. David Allebach, dec'd. 


|||. Henrv Rosenberger, b about 1751, d in 1824, m 
Ann — . To Henry was conveyed the farm now 
owned by Jacob v Ott. formerly A. H. Rosenberger's. 
He afterwards removed from Hatlield to Rockhill, 
where he died in the spring of 1824. The Ott farm 
was sold to a Shelienberger, perhaps as early as the 
beginning of this century. In his will, registered 
on May 15, 1N24, he ordered his plantation sold. C: 
John, Henry, Margaret, Elizabeth, Mary, Nancy, 
Catharine, Daniel. 

|V- John Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co., Mar 2, 
1772, m Catharine Keiper. She was b Feb 7, 1771, 
d June 14, 185M. Farmer. Menu's. C: Elizabeth, 
Henry, Hannah, Sophia, Abraham, Nancy, Mary, 
Catharine, - — . 

V Elizabeth Rosenberger, b June 9, 1794, d July 
2 ( », 1882, m Abraham Hunsberger. He was b Dec 


16, 1789, d Dec 31, 1853. Farmer. Menn's. C: 
Isaac, Kate, John, Nancy, Abraham, Jacob, Chris- 
tian, Henry, Mary, Elizabeth. 
Y|. Isaac Hunsberger, d infant. 

VI- Kate Hunsberger, b Mar 7, 1810, d Jan 19,1854, 
m Henrv Sweisford. C: Man-, Elizabeth, Amanda, 
Caroline. Kate, Emma. 

VII- Mary Sweisford, m Samuel Faust. 
Ylj. Elizabeth Sweisford, m John Shaner. 
VII- Amanda Sweisford, m John Marklev. 

VII- Caroline Sweisford, b Feb 22, 1840,' m Henry 
Schwenk, June 13, 1868. P. O. Red Hill, Pa. 
Farmer. Ref. Ch. C. ( VIII ) Sallie, Harry, Josiah. 

V||. Kate Sweisford, m John Erb. 

VII- Emma Sweisford, m Gcorg-e Streeper. 

V|- John R. Hunsberg-er, b in Montg. Co., Pa., 
Aug' 9, 1818, d there Sept 20. 1893, m Maria Ober- 
holtzer. Oct 24, 1841. She was b in Washington 
Twp., Pa., July 20, 1815, d Dec 22, 1851. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: Isaac, Isabella, Amanda. John m 2nd 
wife, Isabella Fox, Nov 4, 1854. She was b Oct 8, 
1813, d July IS. 18'*i,. 

V||- Isaac O. Hunsberger. b in Montg. Co., Pa., 
July 11, 1844, m Sarah M. Gottshall. P. ( ). Fred- 
erick. Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: Henry, Lizzie, 
William. Ephriam, Franklin, Maggiejohn, Bertha. 

VIIJ. John G. Hunsberger. b Nov 16, 1870. d Mar 
18, 1871. 

Vlii- Lizzie G. Hunsberger, b in Mont. Co., Pa , 
Jan 11, 1873, m James Calvin Wood, 1890. P. O. 
Finland. Pa. Farmer. Mr. Wood Ref. Ch.; Mrs. 
Wood, Menu. C: IX > Rufus H. Wood, b Jan 5, 
1892: Irwin H. Wood, b Sept 2,1894; John H.Wood, 
1) Jan 21, 1895; Calvin 11. Wood, b Aug 16, 1896; 
Einma H. Wood, b Jan 28, 1898, d May 8, 1898; 
Maggie H. Wood, b May 17, 1899- 

V|||. William G. Hunsberg-er, b July 1, 1875, m 
Katie M. Richard. Mar 24, 1900. P. O. Frederick, 
Pa. Engineer. Menn's. 

VIII- Ephriam G. Hunsberger, 1) Mar 31, 1877, m 
Alice R. Grubb, Dec 19, 1896. P. O. Frederick, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: < |X Clarence Hunsberger. 1> 


July 3, 1898; Charles Raymond G. Hunsberger, 1> 
Apr 14, 1902, d Sept 5, 1902. 

V| 1 1 Franklin G. Hunsberger, b Nov 7, 1878. 

VII! Maggie G. Hunsberger, b Jan 26, 1881, m 
Ammon R. DeLong. P. O. Spring Mount, Pa. 

VH|. John G. Hunsberger, b Feb 2<>, 1883. 

VIII- Bertha G. Hunsberger, b June 30, 1885. 

VII- Isabella Hunsberger, b Nov 6, 1846, d fan 12, 

V|l- Amanda O. Hunsberger, b in Montg. Co., Pa., 
July 2(>, 184S, m Charles Benner. P. (). Frederick, 

VI- Nancy Hunsberger. b in Montg. Co.. Pa., 
Oct 18. 1819, mjohn C. Stauffer, Oct 20, 1848. P. 
O. Bechtelsville, Pa. Farmer and miller. Alenn's. 
C: Edwin, Henry, Elizabeth, Sarah, Emma. 

VII- Edwin H. Stauffer, b Mar 22, 1851, m Lavina 
Bechtel, July 10, 1875. P. O. Bechtelsville, Pa. 
Farmer. Mcnn's. C: Olivia, Wiiliam. 

V|||. Olivia Stauffer, 1> Apr 17, 1879, m Morris 
Grot", June 8, 1899. Res. Reading, Pa. 

V|||. William Stauffer (twin) b Apr 17. 1879. 

VII- Henry H. Stauffer, b [an 22. L853, m Minerva 
Oberholtzer, Oct 14, 1877." P. O. Bechtelsville, Pa. 
Miller and creamervman. Mcnn's. No issue. 

VII- Elizabeth H. Stauffer, b Aug 28, 1856, m, July 
28, 1885, William Conrad. P. O. Bechtelsville, Pa. 
Dealer in furniture and undertaker. Mr. Conrad 
Kef. Ch.; Mrs. Conrad Menn. C: i VIII John Con- 
rad, b Apr 2. 1887. 

VII- Sarah H. Stauffer, b Aug 29, L861, m William 
J. Ritter, Julv 28, 1881. He d atPottstown, Pa.,—. 
Landlord." C: VIII Elmer Ritter. b Feb. 1882; 
Florence Ritter. b Nov 2, 1885; Annie Eftie Ritter, 
b June 8, 1891. Sarah m 2nd husband, John Baker, 
— . Res. 260 W T alnut St., Pottstown, Pa. Supt. 
of Life Insurance Agency. Luth's. 

VII. Emma H. Stauffer, b Sept 22, 1863, m Noah S. 
Borneman. dee'd.. Apr 18, 1884. Res. 209 Swede 
St., Norristown, Pa. Dentist. Menn's. C: VMS 
Walter S. Borneman, b Sept 6, 1894, d— 1895; 
Annie S. Borneman, 1) Apr 20, 1897; May S.,b Sept 


10, 1901. 

VI. Abraham Hunsberger, b in 1821, d 1889, m 
Catharine Bartolet, about 1844. She was b 1825, 
d 1889. Farmer. Menu's. C: Man', Sarah, Sam- 
uel, Abraham, Kate, Henry, Lizzie, Ephriam, John, 
Amanda, Emma. 

VII- Mary Hunsberg-er, b — 1848, d aged about 12 

' VI!- Sarah B. Hunsberger, b in 1848, d in 1887, m 
William B. Mover, dec'd. Mr. Mover Luth.; Mrs. 
Mover Menn. C: William. Sarah m 2nd husband, 
- Clayton. C: Annie. 

VII!. William Mover, b in Montg. Co., Pa., Mar 
8, 1868, m Sallie'K. B. Fox, Aug 3, 1889, P. O. 
Frederick, Pa. Cigarmaker. Luths. C: ('X) Warren 
Ellsworth F. Mover, bjan 23, 1890; infant daugh- 
ter stillborn Aug 28, 1899. 

VIII. Annie H. Clayton, b — 1871, d Dec 29, 1898, 
m Jonas Rawn. C:(|X) Sallie Bardman Rawn, 1) 
May 16, 1888. 

V|j. Samuel Hunsberger, b Sept 23, 1850, m Re- 
becca Gottshall. P. O. Zieglersville, Pa. 

VII- Abraham B. Hunsberger, b Dec 14, 1852, m 
Lucinda Kehs, Jan 16, 1875. P. O. Perkasie, Pa. 
Laborer. United Ew Ch. C: (VIII) Katie K. 
Hunsberger, b in 1875, d Feb 4, 1883; Oliver K. 
Hunsberger. b Feb 24, 1877, d Feb 13, 1882; Abra- 
ham K. Hunsberger, b July 13, 1878, d 
Feb 5, 1883; Howard K. Hunsberger, b Apr 13, 
1880, Mary Elizabeth K. Hunsberger, b Jan 19, 
1882, d Fel) 2, 1883; Miriam K. Hunsberger, b 
Feb 19, 1884. d May 13, 1886; Minnie Minerva K. 
Hunsberger, b Oct 26, 1886; Elsie K. Hunsberger, 
bOct 28, 1888, d June 10, 1891; Raymond K. 
Hunsberger,!) July '25, 1890; Edna Florence K. 
Hunsberger, b Julv 25, 1892; John Henry K. Huns- 
berger. b May 19, '1895, d Sept 5, 1896. " 

VJI Kate Hunsberger, b June 5, 1855, m Jonathan 
B. Gilbert. Dec 23, 1876. P. O. Frederick, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: Annie, Irwin Katie, Elmer. 

V(||. Annie Maria Gilbert, b Mar 1, 1878, m Wm. 
J. Little. C: <|X) Lloyd Little. 


VIII Irwin Gilbert, b July 26, 1879. 

VIII Katie Gilbert, b Aug 4. 1882. 

VIII. Elmer Gilbert, b July 29, 1890. 

Y|l. Henry B. Hunsberyer, b Dec 8,1856, m Lizzie 
B. Markely, Feb 14. 1880. P. (). Royersford, Pa. 
Laborer. Menu's. C: VIII Sarah Ella Hunsberg- 
er, b Feb 8, 1881, Menu.; Horace Markley Iiun's- 
berger, b Apr 8, 1886, Anna Laura Hunsberger, b 
June 5, 1890. 

VII- Lizzie Hunsberger, b 1859, m Benjamin Yern. 

VI! - Ephraim Hunsberger, b 1861, m Lizzie Neidig. 
P. (). Richland Centre, Pa. 

VI). John Hunsberger, b 18f>5, m Lizzie Tyson. P. 
(). Schwenksville, Pa. 

VI I - Amanda Hunsberger, b 1865,m Henry Grubb. 
P. (). Obelisk, Pa. 

VH-Emma Hunsberger, b 1867, m Mahlon Pryer. 
P. O. Anise. Pa. 

V|- Rev. Christian R. Hunsberger, b in Montg. 
Co. Pa., May 3, 1823, m Fanny I). Van Possen, 
Nov 22, 1846." She was b Nov 6," 1824, d Apr 13, 
1881. P. O. Creamery, Pa. Parmer. He was or- 
dained to the Ministry in Upper Skippack Menno- 
nite church 1878. C: Elizabeth, John, Susan, 
Katharine. Abraham, Hannah. Christian, Jacob, 
Pannie, Henry. Mary, Emma, Isaac. 

VII- Elizabeth Hunsberger, b Dec 18, 1847. S. 
• V'l- John Hunsberger, b Apr 5, 1849, d June 5, 
1 85 1 . 

VII- Susan Hunsberger,b Peb 9,1851, tnJohn May- 
berry, Oct 2. 1897. P. O. Creamery. Pa. Laborer. 

VII. Katharine Hunsberger, b in Monty-. Co. Pa., 
Nov 22, 1852. m Henry A. Ruth, in 1874. P.O. 
Creamery, Pa. Laborer. Menn's. C: 'VIII 1 Sallie 
H. Ruth, b July l ), 1875. d same day. Jacob H. 
Ruth, b May 20, 1876, d May 21, 1876. Christian 
H. Ruth, b July 10, 1877, d Aug 26, 1878. William 
H. Ruth, stillborn Apr 2, 1880. Henry H. Ruth, b 
June 2, 1881. Daniel H. Ruth, b Apr 16, 1883, d 
Jan 12, 1885. Benjamin H. Ruth, b Nov 23, 1884. 
Mary H. Ruth, b Sept 3, 1885. Abraham H. Ruth. 

Isaac S. Rosenberger 



^Astor, rUden 



b July 2, 1887. Lizzie H. Ruth, b Nov 28, 1888. 
Melvin H. Ruth, b Aug- 17, 1890. Harvev H. Ruth, 
b Nov 19. 1891. John H.Ruth, b Nov 2b, 1892. 
Wilson H. Ruth, b July 21, 189-. 

VII- Abraham V. Hunsberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa., 
Apr 30, 1854, m Hannah G. Bergev, Dec 15, 1877. 
P.O. Creamerv, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C: (VIII ) 
Mary B. Hunsberg-er, b Feb 24, 1879. P. O. Cream- 
erv, Pa. Brethern Church. S. Samuel B. Huns- 
berger, b Feb 25, 1880. P. O. Kulpsville, Pa. 
Katie B. Hunsberger, b Julv 29, 1881. Abraham 
B. Hunsberger, b July 7, 1883, d July 14, 1883. 
Lizzie B. Hunsberger, b Dec 23,1884." Henry B. 
Hunsberger, b Jan 12, 1888. 

V(|. Hannah Hunsberger, b Aug 2, 1855. P. O. 
Creamery, Pa. Menn. S. 

Vl|- Christian Hunsberger, b Jan 6, 1857, m Mary 
Kulp, May 11, 1878. Res 530 W York St. Phila. 
Pa. Piano mover. Menn's. C: Sallie, Mary, Lvdia, 
Harvey, Ella. 

VIII- Sallie Hunsberger, b inSkippack Twp. Montg. 
Co. Pa.. Apr 25, 1879, m Howard R. George, Sept 
28. ISMS. Res 530 W York St. Phila. Pa. 

VIII- Mary Hunsberyer, b Jan 2b, 1881. Res 530 
W York St. Phila. Pa. S. 

VIM- Lvdia Hunsberger. b Mar lb, 1883. Res 53b 
W York St. Phila. Pa. 

VIII. Harvev Hunsberger, b May 24, 1885. 

VIII- Ella Hunsberger, b Feb 3, 1887. 

VII- Jacob Hunsberger, b Feb 27. 185'), m Lizzie 
Drey. Res Moore St. Norristown, Pa. 

VII- Fannie Hunsberger, b Nov 20, 1860. Res 545 
Swede St. Norristown. Pa. S. 

V!l- Henry Hunsberger, b Feb 4,1862, d June 1862. 

V|| Mary Hunsberger, b Apr 11, 1863. P. O 
Creamerv, Pa. S. 

VII- Emma Hunsberger, b in Montg. Co. Pa., Nov 
18, 1865, m William Prizer, in 1S87. P.O. Col- 
legeville, Pa. Farmer. One child stillborn in 1S95. 

VII- Isaac Hunsberger, b Apr 5, 1868, d Sept 27, 
1 868. 

VI- Henry Hunsberger, died infant. 


V|. Mary Hunsberg'er, died infant. 

VI- Elizabeth Hunsberger, b in Montg. Co. Fa., 
July 12, 1830, m Elias B. Brendlinger, Oct 13, 1850. 
He was b in Earl Twp. Berks Co. Pa., July 13, 
1826, d in Montg-. Co. Pa.. Aug 13, 1893. P.O. 
Frederick, Fa. Mr. F>. Luth. Mrs. Menn. C: 
Mary. Jacol). Missouri. Samuel, Lizzie, Kate, 
Morris, Abraham, Emanuel. 

VII- Mary A. Brendling-er, b in Montg. Co. Fa., 
July 16, 1851, m Amos B. Oberholtzer, Nov 16, 
L872. F. C). Bechtelsville, Fa. Farmer. Luth. 
C: Elmer, Morris, Martha, Henry, Annie. 

VI9I- Elmer B. Oberholtzer,!) Mar 31, 1874, m Cora 
T. Ehst, Feb 7, L899. F. (). Bechtelsville, Fa. 
Farmer. Menn's. 

VIII- Dr. Morris U. Oberholtzer, b Sept 15. 1875, 
m Lizzie Gotshall, Scot 5, 1898. F. O. Red Hill. 
Pa. Physician. 

VIII. Martha B. Oberholtzer, b Dec 2*.. 1X7'). died 
Aug lo, isso. 

VIII Henry B. Oberholtzer, b July is, L881, d Apr 
16, L883. 

VIII- Annie B. Oberholtzer, b June 1 ( >, 1886. 

VII- Jacob EL Brendlinger, b Apr 2, 1S53. 

VII- Missouri E. Brendlinger, b Dec 7, 1S54, m A. 
J. Stetler. P. O. West Point, Pa. Luth. 

VII- Emanuel H. Brendlinger, l> Mar 21, 1S57, m 
Lavina Leidv, Feb 28, 1880. Res Norri^town, Fa. 
Luth. C: VIII Elizabeth Brendlinger, b Feb 1, 
1881. Luth.; E. Leidv Brendlinger. i> Sept 7, 1S ( )5. 

Vl|. Samuel Brendlinger, b July 2 l ». 1861. P.O. 
Perkiomenville. Pa. Luth. 

Vli- Lizzie H. Brendlinger, b Aug 17, 1863, m 
John F. Mensch, Sept 6, 1890. F. (). Obelisk. Fa. 
Farmer. Luths. C: C VIII ^ Mabel M. Mensch, b 
May 10, 1891; Elias B. Mensch, b Sept 7, 1893; 
William R. Mensch, b Jan 12, 1896; Clark Mensch, 
b June 30, is«»,s : Mary L- Mensch, b Aug 1, 1899. 

VII. Kate H. Brendlinger, b Oct 28, 1K<>5, d Apr 
25, 1886, m Jacob Boyer, Mar 27, 1886. Luth. No 

VII Morris H. Brendlinger, b Sept 13, 1867. Res 


Norristown, Pa. Luth. 

V|| Abraham H. Brendlinger, b Nov 17, 1868, m 
Kate E. Renninger, Auy 19, 1890. P. (). Obelisk, 
Pa. Farmer. Luths. C: CVlll > Alice M. R. Brend- 
linger. b Sept 19,1891; Katie L.R.Bendlinger.b Sept 

27, 1892; Charles W. R. Brendlinger, b Oct 7, 1894. 

V- Henry K. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co., Dec 
1800, d Sept 11, 1872, m Elizabeth Gerhart. C: 
Thomas, Isaac. John. Henry m 2nd wife Sarah 
Hartranft. She was b Dec 29^ 1811, d Feb 21, 1889. 
Farmer. He Alenn, wife Luth. C: Mary, Henry. 
Sarah, Lewis. 

V|. Thomas G. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa.. 
July 2. 182b, m Rebecca Dillinger, Nov IS, 1851. 
P. (). Milford Square, Pa. Farmer. Luths. C: 
Daniel, Henry, Dianna, Sarah, Charles, Samuel. 
Thomas. Alary. 

VII- Daniel Rosenberg-er, b Dec 12. 1853. m Noem- 
ma Shearer, 1875. P. (). Milford Square, Pa. Far- 
mer. Luths. 

VJj. Henry Rosenberger, b Aug 15, 1856, m Alary 
Sarver, Dec 14, 1889. P. (). Quakertown, Pa. Team- 
ster. Luth. C: CVlll i Florence Rosenberger, b 
June 12. 1891; William Jacob Rosenberyer, b Auy 
15. 1893. 

VII- Dianna Rosenberger. b July 7, 1858, d Sept 
12, 1860. 

Vi(. Sarah Rosenberger, b Feb 4. 1860. P. (). Mil- 
ford Square, Pa. Cig-armaker. Luth. 

VII- Charles Rosenberger, b June 16, 1862, d Mar 

28, 1865. 

VII- Samuel Rosenberger, b Alar 11, 1805, m Alice 
Deily, Dec 27, 1888. Farmer. Luths. 

VII- Thomas Rosenberger, b Nov 7, 1868, m Ida 
Backensto, Jan 9, 1897.' P. O. Milford Square, Pa. 
Farmer. Luth. 

VI- Mary Rosenberger, b Alar 12, 1872, m Wilson 
O. Heaney, July 18, 1895. P. O. Milford Square. 
Pa. Cigarmaker. Luths. C: « VII • Esther Ruth 
Heaney! b Nov 12. 1896. 

VI- Isaac G. Rosenberger, b in Bucks. Co. Pa., July 
7, 1829, m Hannah Bartholomew, 1857. P.O. Per- 


kasie, Pa. Farmer. Reformed Church. C: Henry, 
John. Annie. Isaae m 2nd wife, Maria Kinsey, 
Sept 27, 1862. Three children deceased. Isaae m 
3rd wife, Maria Kehs. June 10, 1871. No issue. 
On August 2'). 1905 Mr. Rosenberger while in the 
act of pitching rye from the overhead in his barn 
stepped on a hoard which broke and he fell to the 
thresh Moor below, receiving interna] injuries from 
which he died August 30, 1905. 

VII - Henry B. Rosenberger, b Au^- 27, 1857, m 
Annie L. Kinsey. She was b July ,•-, 1858, d Feb 
23, 1902. P.O. Perkasie, Pa. Cigarmaker. Kef. 
Ch. C: I VIII ) Clara K. Rosenberger, b May 3, 1880, 
d Nov 2, 1887; Mary Ellen Rosenberger. b May 7. 
1883; William Henry Rosenberger, b June 13. 1887; 
Ida Florence Rosenberger, b June 11, 1890: Emma 
Irene Rosen herder, 1> Sept 6, 1894; Elmer Rosen- 
berger, b May 27. 1900. Henry m 2nd wife, Annie 
]■]. [vvle, Dec'19, 1904. 

V||. 'John B. Rosenberger. 1) July 16, 1859, d -. 

Vl| • Annie 15. Rosenberger. b in Pucks Co. Pa., 
Aug 1<>, I860, m Isaae K. McCrork, Jan 2". 1881. 
P.O. Sellersville, Pa. Carpenter. Ref. Church. 
C: Elmore, Carrie. Miriam, daughterstillborn, Isaac. 

VIII. Rlmore R. McCrork. b Aug 1 1. 1 Shi. m Estella 
K. Fillman, Sept 13, 1902. She was b in Dublin, 
Bucks Co. Pa.. Au»- 5. 1884. P. O. Sellersville. 
Printer. Mr. C. Ref. Mrs. C. Luth. C: IX Clyde 
Alton McCrork. b Nov 27, 1906. 

VH|. Carrie R. McCrork, b Dee 17, 1884; Miriam 
Esther R. McCrork, b Jan 4, is«>2, d Oct 5. 1896; 
daughter stillborn, Jan 1<>, 1895; Isaac R. McCrork, 
b Jan lo, IS')*. 

VI- John G. Rosenberger, b , d— . Single. 

V|. Mary A. Rosenberger, bin Buck-> Co. Pa., Apr 
1, 1840, m Aaron U. Schoch, Jan 24,1874. P.O. Mi'- 
ford Square, Pa. Luths. C: ( VII > Infant stillborn. 
Apr 23, 1875. 

VII. Howard R. Schoch, b Oct IS. 187<». 

VJ. Henry II. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa., 
Dec 2 ( C 1844, m Fjvina AI. Mover, Oct 8, 1870. P. 
O. Ouakertown, Pa. Cigarmaker. Menn's. C: 


Seward, William, Daniel. 

VI i - Seward M. Rosenberg-er, b in Mil ford Square 
Bucks Co. Pa., Aug- 9, 1872, m Emma Sell, daugh- 
ter of William B. Sell, of Spinnerstown, in 1896. 
P. (). Quakertown, Pa. When 12 years of age Mr. 
Rosenberger began working - on a farm in the neigh- 
borhood, attending the public school of the village 
for five months in the year. Being devoted to his 
books, he made the best of these short terms and at 
age of 1<>, was granted a teacher's provisional cer- 
tificate. At the beginning of the term of 1888-89, 
he started the work of teaching, taking charge of the 
public school at Geryville, Bucks Co. Pa. The fol- 
lowing two terms he taught at Spinnerstown, and 
then for three terms the Milford Square grammar 
school, all in Milford, Bucks County. During these 
years he availed himself of the advantages which 
the Normal school of the district, located at West 
Chester offered, attending the spring sessions. Dur- 
ing the term of lS'H-95, be had charge of the studv 
room at the Normal, in the meantime pursuing his 
studies. Entering the senior class next term, he 
graduated in the Elementary course. Before com- 
pleting the work of the course, he had been elected 
to the principalship of the schools of Quakertown 
Pa. and entering upon his duties at the opening 
of the term of 1895-1896. He is devoted to the 
(.ailing which claims him and is eminentlv success- 
ful in it. He is actively identified with the various 
educational interests of this county, having served 
as vise president of the Annual Teacher's Institute 
and as president of the Principals Association of the 
county, besides doing work on important com- 
mittees. He has from his early years been deeply 
interested in religious activities. While attending 
Normal sceool, hewas active in the work of the Y. 
M. C. A. At present he is a trustee of the Menno- 
nite church at Quakertown and is active in Sundav 
school and Young People's Association work. For 
two vears he was assistant editor of the Mennonite, 
the organ of the church of his choice. C: I V|{| 
Arthur Rosenberger, b Sept 6, 1898; Willard S. 


Rosenberger, b May 10, 1890. 

Vl|. William Henry Rosenberger, b Mar 24, 1877. 
Clerk. Menn. 

Vl|. Daniel Webster Rosenberger, b Mar 3, 1884. 

VI- Sarah Amanda Rosenberger, d unmarried. 

V|. Lewis Rosenberg-er, d Jan 1898. S. 

V- Abraham Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Nov 
L9, L810, d Mar 8, 1875, m Mary Roth, Apr 19, 
1835. She was b in Rockhill Twp., May 27, 1811. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: John, Henry, David. Abra- 
ham, Chatharine, Frank. 

V|. John R. Rosenberger, b Feb 25, 1836, d Apr 
24, 1858. S. 

VI- Henry R. Rosenberger, b Julv 2<>, 1838, m 
Mary Loux, Apr 23, 1863. P.O. Mil ford Square, 
Pa. Farmer. Menn. C: Mahlon, Lizzie, Harvey, 
Emma. Mary, Clara, Annie, Merino. Ellen, Andrew. 

VI!. Mahlon Rosenberg-er, b Sept 9, 1864, in Erne- 
line Shelly, Apr 14, 1888. P. O Spinnerstown, 
Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: VIII Aaron S. Rosen- 
berger, b Feb 23, 1889; Ida May Rosenberger, l> 
Sept 8, 1890; Oscar S. Rosenberger, b Jan 30, 1892; 
Clayton S. Rosenberger, b Mar 2, 1894; Mabel S. 
Rosenberger, b Aug 25, 1895; Mary S. Rosenberger, 
b Aug 5, 1897. 

VII Lizzie Rosenberg-er, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Feb 
20, 1886, m Aaron \\ . Sweinhart, Jan It), 1891. P. 
( ). Niantic, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: VIII > Jennie 
R. Sweinhart. b Mar 8, 1892; Calvin R. Sweinhart, 
b Julv 5, 1894; Melvin R. Sweinhart. b March 25, 

VS3- Harvey L. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa., 
June 22, 1867, m Ella Nora Renner, Feb 6, 1891. 
P. (). Telford, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: VHI > Paul 
R. Rosenberger, b Feb 5, 1896. 

VII- Emma Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa.. Nov 
4, 1868, m Oliver M. Keiser, June 4, 1892. P. O. 
Milford Square, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: I Vill < 
Elmer R. Keiser, b Apr 7, 1873; Austin R. Keiser, 
b Feb 22. 1897. 

VII* Mary J. Rosenberger, b Au<r 11, 1870, m John 
A. Roth, Jan 13, 1894. P. O. Milford Square, Pa. 


Farmer. Menn's. C: i VI 1 1 I Florence R. Roth, b 

Jan 27, 1897. 

VII- Clara Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Oct 
16, 1872, m Samuel W. Bauman, Apr 8, 1893. P. 
C). Congo, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: < VIII > Emma 
R. Bauman, b Feb 26, 1894; Henry K. Bauman, b 
J.une 24, 1895; Harvey R. Bauman, b Feb 26, 18 ( >7. 

VI I • Annie Rosenberg-er, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Sept 
29, 1874, m Eugene D. Roeder, Dec 19, 1896. P. 
O. Spinnerstown, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. 

V|j- Menno S. Rosenberg-er, b Mar 9, 1877. 
Ellen Rosenberger, b Oct 16, 1879. 
Andrew F. Rosenberger, b Feb 28, 1883. 

Vi- David R. Rosenberger, b Alar 7, 1842, m Sarah 
Bauman, Apr 3, 1870. ' P. O. Milford Square, Pa. 
Farmer and Miller. Menn's. C: ( Vl|j Leo B. 
Rosenberger, b July 11, 1872; Jennie B. Rosenber- 
g-er. b Sept 11, 1873; David B. Rosenberger, b Aug 
3, 1877; Elmer B. Rosenberger, b Apr 3, 1879; El- 
mira B. Rosenberger, b Mar 3, 1882, d Oct 22, 1891. 

Vj. Abraham R. Rosenberger, b May 7, 1845, d 
Nov 10, 1869, m Elizabeth George, deceased. Far- 
mer. Menn's. C: Emanuel, Abraham. 

VII- Emanuel G. Rosenberger, b June 11, 1868, m 
Emma Imhof, Nov 29, 1897. P. O. Argus, Pa. 
After death of his father he was adopted by his 
Grandfather Abraham Rosenberg-er, who died 
several years later. He remained with his grand- 
mother until 18, then served an apprenticeship as 
machinist, which he followed a short time. He 
then took a business course at Peirce Business Col- 
lege graduating- in class 1890. Menn's. 


Abraham G. Rosenberger, b Feb 1870, 


Bertha Sherm. in 1892. P. O. New Britain, Pa. 
Farmer. Luths. C: ( VIII ^ Wilson S. Rosenberger, 
b Nov 13, 1892; Flora S. Rosenberger, b Oct 22, 
1894; Melvin S. Rosenberger, b Nov 22, 1897. 
VJ. Catharine R. Rosenberger, b Apr 12, 1850, m 
John Miller, in 1878. P.O. Milford Square, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: ( VII > Franklin R. Miller, 1) 
Oct 14, 1878, m Sallie Rosenberg-er, Dec 23, 1899. 
P. O. Milford Square, Pa. Luth. 


VII- AlvinR. Miller, b May 15, 1880; Nelson R. 
Miller, 1) Feb 22, 1887; Alice R. Miller, b Mar 
1S8 ( ); Freddie R. Miller, b Feb lo, 1891. 

VI . Frank R. Rosenberger, b Mar 30, 1852, m 
Emma Bergey, Mar 3, 1877. P. (). Milford Square, 
Pa. Farmer'. Menn's. C: (VII) Reno B. Rosen- 
berg-er, b Apr 22, 1878. Schoolteacher; James A. 
Garfield Rosenberg-er, b July 16, 1881; John B. 
Rosenberg-er, b June 25, 1883. 

V- Hannah Rosenberger, m David Mumbauer. Ref. 
Ch. C: Peter, Joseph, John, Henry, Hannah, 
Angeline. P. O. Spinnerstown-, I 'a. 

V- Sophia Rosenberger, m David Bealer. Luth. 
C: Josiah, John, Henry, Malinda, Sarah. 

V- Nancy Rosenberger, deceased, m Peter Kline, 
deceased. Mr. K. Luth. Mrs. K. Men. C: Infant, 
infant, Edward, Josiah, Infant, Willoughby,Peter. 

VI- Edward R. Kline, b Aug 8, 1832, d Aug 24, 
1887, m Caroline Gerhart, July 8, 185e. She died 
July 3. 1888. Carpenter and cigarniaker. lie Luth. 
She Ger. Ref. C: Oliver. Mar v. 

VII- Oliver Kline, b Feb 28, 1859, m L-ydia Leidy. 
Aug 7, 1878. P.O. Telford, Pa. Cigarniaker. Luth. 

VII- Mary Kline, b Mar 23, 1865, m William H. 
Shaw. Dec 25, 1888. P. O. Quakertown, Pa. Cigar- 
marker. Luth. 

VI. Josiah Kline, b 1837, . 

VI- Willoughby Kline, b 1<S41. d young-. 

Vi- Peter R. Kline, b Jan S, 1S42. m Mary Ram- 
bo, May 21, 1865. Res 2319 N 6th St. Phila. Pa. 
Produce merchant. Menn's. C: Horace, Emma, 
Laura, Clara. Mahlon, Paul, Mamie, Eva. 

VI I - Horace F. Kline, b Aug 2. 1865, m Laura 
Morris. Res Phila. Pa. Clerk. 

VII- Emma J. Kline, b Mar 12. 1867, m Charles O. 
Kruger. Phila. Pa. 

VII. Laura Kline, b Feb 28, d Nov 14, 1871. 
VII Clara Kline, b Jan 29, 1875, m John Shell v. 
Vlj Mahlon R. Kline, b Mar 30, 1877, m Ida Barto. 
VII. Paul R. Kline, b Sept 19, 1880. 

VII- Mamie R. Kline, b Sept 7, 1882. 
VII- Eva R. Kline, b May 14. 1888. 


V- Mary Rosenberger, deceased, m Christian Doll, 
deceased. Soldier in war of 1812. Farmer. Ref. 
Ch. C: Washing-ton, Elizabeth, Mary, Jesse, 

VI- Washington Doll, d, m Anna Musselman, d. C: 

VI- Elizabeth Doll, b in Bucks Co., Nov 5, 1824, d 
June 7, 1892, m Samuel Diehl, Nov 23, 1845. She 
was a faithful wife and mother, cheerfully sharing 
the struggles of earlier years to secure the best op- 
portunities for advancement of her children and by 
a firm faith in the redeeming love of our Heavenly 
Father, she exemplified her christian faith to the 
end. Samuel Diehl, before marriage was a shoe- 
maker, but later engaged in teaching- school, farm- 
in:.'- and keeping store. Res 70S* Linden St. Allen- 
town, Da. Mr. D. Luth. Mrs. Ref. Ch. C: Tilgh- 
man, Mahlon, Leanna, Milton, Oliver. 

V!!. Tilghman Diehl, b in Bucks Co. Pa., May 21, 
1847, m Kosina A. Schall, June 1873. Res Allen- 
town, Pa. Air. Diehl attended the public schools 
at Ouakertown, Seidersville and Allentown until 
14 years of age, when he was apprenticed to learn 
the printer s trade in the office of Rev. S. K. Brobst. 
He had hardly finished his apprenticeship when he 
was placed in charge of the accounts of the various 
publications of the establishment. At the same 
time he was called upon to read proof and assume 
other similar duties. In 1872 he was taken into 
partnership by Rev. Brobst and till the end of 1876 
when the latter died, the firm title was S. K. Brobst 
& Co. The founder's son then became partner, the 
firm name changing to Brobst, Diehl & Co., this 
arrangement continuing several years, when the 
subject of this sketch by purchase became the sole 
owner of the establishment, which is now publish- 
ing three periodicals and a list of books of nearlv 
30 titles and also conducting a general book and 
stationary store. Luths. C: Edward, John, Samuel, 

VJjj. Edward I. Diehl, b July 11, 1874, m Mary E. 
Snvder, Sept 17, 1896. He graduated from Allen- 


town High School, had a position in his father's 
store for some years, then passed a civil service ex- 
amination successfully and entered as clerk in the 
post office at Allentown, Pa. C. (|X) Henry Diehl, 
b July 18, 1897. 

V|||." John F. Diehl, b Aug- 5, 1875, m Lillie Troxell, 
Oct 4, 1898. P. (). Allentown, Pa. Luths. 

Vll|. Samuel L. Uiehl, b Dec 3, 1S77. Res Jenkin- 
town. Pa. Jeweler. S. 

Vl||. M. Caroline Diehl, b Sept 12, 1S7 ( >. Graduated 
Allentown High School. Res Allentown, Pa. S. 

V||. Mahlon Diehl. b Oct 30, 1848, d May 31, 1892, 
m Mrs. Mary L. Tavener (nee Booth) in 1886. 
After leaving- school he learned the trade of ma- 
chinist in an iron foundry at Allentown. He later 
began the study of medicine with Dr. S. S. Apple, 
of Allentown, Pa., and later entered the Medical 
Department of the University of Pennsylvania from 
which he graduated in 1874. He located at Jeddo, 
Luzerne Co. Pa., as company physician of a large 
coal mining district. He later became physician 
at Leisenring, Fayette, Co. PaJ, where he found a 
field of activity beyond his strength. In 1886 he 
built a tine home and engaged in cattle raising in 
addition to the care of his large practice until he 
succumbed to an attack of pneumonia. No i' sue. 

VII- Leanna Diehl, b Mar 1851-, m Henrv J. Horn- 
beck, in 1869. He d Sept 30, 1898. Res 509 Linden 
St. Allentown, Pa. Mr. Hornbeck enlisted during 
the Civil War in the 47th Pennsylvania Regiment 
and was advanced to be quartermaster Serg-eant of 
the same, which position he held at its disbandment 
and for the greater part of his three years term, as 
such he participated in the varous marches and en- 
gagements of the regiment in Virg-inia, South 
Carolina (battle of Pocotaligo ) ; the Red River 
campaign in Louisiana, the period of guard duty 
at Key West. After the close of the war he became 
accountant and book keeper for iron works at Al- 
lentown, Emaus and Fullerton successively in the 
latter position as chief his of department in the Mc- 
Kee and Fuller car wheel and foundry works. Luths. 


C: Mamie, Bessie, Harry. 

VIII- Mamie Hornbeck, "b Mar 2, 1870, d May 2, 

VIII. Bessie Hornbeck, b Oct 2S. 1879. She is an 
honor graduate of the Allentown College for Women 
and counts among - her accomplishments a gift for 
painting, which promises, if cultivated, fine artis- 
tic results. 

VIII. Harry Hornbeck, b Aug 6, 1881. He attended 
the Allentown grammar school and is now book- 
keeper in the Lehigh Trust and Safe Deposit Co. 

VII". Milton Diehl, b Sept 7, 1852, d Mar 13, 1853. 

VJI Oliver Diehl, M. D., b in Cmakertown, Pa., 
June21, 185b, m Sarah Hester Williams, Phila. Pa., 
Oct 11, 1882. Res 6326 Burbridge St. Phila. Pa. 
While an infant his parents removed to Seidersville, 
Pa. and from there to Allentown, Pa. When six 
years old he entered the public schools at the latter 
place. At fourteen years of age he left school to 
enter the employ of the Lehigh Valley Railroad 
Co., at Allentown station, learning telegrapy and 
serving in various capacities in the offices of the 
Company until 1877 when he left the employ of the 
company to enter the Jefferson Medical College at 
Philadelphia, Pa. He had previously prepared him- 
self for the course in medicine by devoting hisspare 
moments to study and by taking advantage of op- 
portunities offered by practitioners of Allentown to 
witness operations and to study cases of diseases. 
He was graduated from the Jefferson Medical Col- 
lege in the spring of 1879 and shortly afterwards 
secured an appointment as house physician at St. 
Mary's Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., where he spent 
a year. After leaving this hospital he passed the 
examination for entrance into the Navy and was 
commissioned an Assistant Surgeon on July 6th, 
1880. His first duty was on board the U. 'S. Re- 
ceiving Ship "St. Louis," at League Island, Pa., 
from which he was transferred to the U. S. Receiv- 
ing Ship "Franklin." at Norfolk, Va. He then 
served successfully at the Recruiting Rendezvous 

Phila., ayain on the "St. Louis" and then at the 


Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., making" the Sum- 
mer practice cruise in 1883 on hoard the U. S. S. 
"Constellation." In July 1883 he was promoted to 
the rank of Passed Assistant Surgeon and in Sep- 
tember 1883 was ordered to the U. S. S.'"Quinne- 
baug - " on the European Station, serving until 1<S,S(> 
when he was ordered home and to duty at the U. 
S. Naval Hospital, New York. From there he was 
transferred to the Naval Hospital and Home at 
Philadelphia, serving 1 there for three years he was 
ordered in Jan 1890 to the U. S. S. '"Baltimore" 
which vessel went into commission at Cramps Ship- 
Yard at Phila., where she had just been completed 
and was commanded by Capt. Winiield S. Schley 
(now Rear Admiral). However, on the way to 
Chile the "Baltimore" stopped at Montevideo for 
coal and it so happened that the Surgeon of the U. 
S. S. "Essex," then in that port was taken ill and 
was invalided home. Surgeon Die hi was 
ordered by cable to succeed him on the "Essex" and 
finished his cruise in that vessel on the South At- 
lantic station, coming home on her in the spring of 
1893. He was then ordered to the Naval Hospital 
Philadelphia where he served until April IK 1 )? when 
he was ordered to the Monitor "Terror" havinj:; in 
the meantime been promoted to the rank of Surgeon. 
The "Terror" was one of our ships serving in the 
late war with Spain. After the destruction of the 
"Maine" and while preparations were being made 
for the conflict which was now regarded as inevita- 
ble she was ordered to New York to protect that 
Port. In the latter end of March she was ordered 
to Key West and on the commencement of hostili- 
ties went to Havana and was stationed at Cardenas, 
Cuba, to maintain the eastern end of the block- 
ade. Shortly after her arrival she captured as 
prices the following - Spanish vessels viz steamers 
"Guido" and "Bolivar, "schooners "Tres Hermanas" 
and "Mascoto." From this point she went with 
Admiral Sampson's Squadron to the eastward in 
search of Cervera's Squadron and took part in the 
bombardment of San Juan; Porto Rico. After re- 


turning - to Key West she again did blockade duty 
off Havana and other Cuban Ports and later on 
joined General Miles' expedition to Porto Rico ly- 
ino- at Ponce and Guanica at which Ports she was 
of valuable assistance to the Army in aiding- the 
landing of the troops and stores. In September 
the "Terror" was ordered North and went into re- 
serve at Norfolk, Ya. Surgeon Diehl was then 
ordered to the U. S. S. "Michigan" on the North- 
western Lakes where he is serving at the present 
time. Luths. C: VIII Mary Winifred Diehl, b 
September 16, 1887, d May 15, 1889; Oliver Roland 
Diehl, b July 7, 1890. 

V|. Mary Doll, b in Bucks Co. Pa., in 1830, d Apr 
20, 1891, m Gotlieb Kraft, in 1856. He was b in 
Saxon v, Germany, Feb 18, 1810, d in Bucks Co. 
Pa., Feb 3, 1876. Laborer. Mr. Kraft Luth, Mrs. 
Ref. Ch. C: Lizzie, Herman, Frank, Annie, Luc v. 

VII- Lizzie Kraft, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Oct 1, 1861, 
m Charles Murray, Dec 6, 1884. P. O. Warring- 
tun, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. C: (VIII' Mabel May 
Murray, b May 2 ( ), 1887; Charles Roy Murray, b 
Nov 17, 1893. 

VjS. Lucy Kraft, b in Bucks Co. Pa., June 13, 1866, 
m Erwin H. Woodring. Nov 19, 1891. P. (). Mil- 
ford Square. Pa. Luths. No issue 

VII Frank Kraft. 

Vlj. Annie Kraft, m - Stauffer. 

Vjj. Harman Kraft, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Jan 23, 
1872, m Rosana K. Ford. Aug 3, 1893. P. O. Edi- 
son, Pa. Luths. C: i VIII' Charles Walter Kraft, 
b Aug 29,1894; Leo Franklin Kraft, b Feb 23, 1897. 

VI Jesse R. Doll, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 20, 1831, 
m Mary Beams, Sept 27, 1851. P. (). Ouakertown, 
Pa. Plasterer. Ref. Ch. C: Sarah, Jesse. 

V!|. Sarah Jane Doll, b Oct 25, 1852, d Feb 28, 

VII- Jesse B. Doll, b in Ouakertown, Bucks Co. Pa., 
Sept 29, 1875. Res 1021 Spring Garden St. Phila. 
treasurer and secretary of Maws Homo-Allo-Pathic 
Chemical Co. Phila. Pa. Ref. Ch. Single. 

VJ. Charles R. Doll, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Aug 25. 


1835, (1 Sept 23, 1898, m Elizabeth Swenk, dee'd, 
Oct 31, 1S57. C: Edwin, Elizabeth. Charles m 
second wife Amanda Maugle, (nee Althouse) Jan 
19, 1867. She was b Sept 8, 1839. P. (). Quaker- 
town, Pa. Cij^ar Manufacturer. Ger. Ref. C: 
Lillie, Charles, Mary, John. 

VII- Edwin S. Doll, b Apr 4, I860, d fan 17. 1884. 

VII. Elizabeth Doll, l> fan IS, 1866, d Feb 2, 1866. 

VII- Lillie Estella Doll, b Mar 10, 1868. P. O. 
Somerton, Pa. School teacher. Ger. Ref. S. 
VII- Charles Monroe Doll, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Nov 
1,1869. P. (). Ashbourne, Pa. Station Agent. 

VII- Mary Martha Doll, b June 4. 1871, d Oct 20, 

VII. John Eugfene Doll, b in Bucks Co. Pa., July 8, 
1875. P. O. Somerton. Pa. Station Agent. 

V- Catharine Rosen herder, m Samuel Keiper. Ref. 
Ch. C: ( VI) John, Sylvester, Solomon, dee'd, Georg-e 
dee'd. P. O. Spinnerstown, Pa. 

V- - Rosenberger, tn Joseph Balliet, moved to 
Oil City, Pa., thence to someplace in Missouri. ('• 
Josiah, Abraham. William, Loranda. 

IV- Henry Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 
23, 1778, d Feb 1. 1869, aged 90 years, 1 m >nth and 
8 days, ni Anna Derstine. She was b \hx 16, l"S4,d 
June (>, 1X47. Farmer. Menu's. C: Catharine, 
Samuel, Mary. Anna. 

V- Catharine Rosenberger, b June 18, 1807, d July 
31, 1893, m Samuel Ziehen fuss, lie was b Jan 11. 
L809, d Nov 11, 1894. Farmer. Luths. C: Sarah, 
Lucyetta, Henry, Levina, Flias. Samuel, William. 

VI- Sarah Ann Ziehen fuss, b Feb 22, 1834, m 
Henry H. Freed. Oct 8, 1854. P. O. Richland 
Centre. Pa. Carpenter. Luth. C: Samuel, Jonas, 
Albanas, Amandus, Fucyetta, Wilson. Matilda. 
Jacob, Sylvanus, William, Katie, Sallie, Isaac. 

VII- Samuel Z. Freed, b Nov 10, L856, m Lizzie 
Nicholas. P. O. Dovlestown, Pa. Lawyer. Luths. 
C: (VIII) John, Henry. 

VII Jonas Edwin Freed. Mar 2. 1858, m Annie 
Frankentield. Res 244 ( > Harold St. Phila. Pa. Clerk 
P. & R. Railroad Co. Luths. C: 'VIII) Harry. 


Allison, Wilson. 

VII. Albanas Z. Freed, b Aug- 18, 1859, m Sallie 
Frederick. P. O. Richland Centre, Pa. Cigar- 
maker. Luths. 

VI!. Amandus Z. Freed, b Aug- 30, 1861, d Mar 12, 

VII Lucvetta Z. Freed, b Mar 15, 1863, m John 
Hillegas.' P. O. Church Hill, Pa. Farmer. Luth. 
C: (VIII) Jacob, Carrie. 

VII. Wilson Z. Freed, b Oct 17, 1865, m Lillie Ann 
Hope. Res 143 Liberty St. N. Y. Telegraph Opera- 
tor. Luth. 

Vlj. Matilda Z. Freed, b Dec 24, 1866. m Amandus 
Stoneback. P. O. Richland Centre, Pa. Carpenter. 
Luths. C: (VIII) John, Florence, Annie, Miriam, 

t'ij. Jacob Z. Freed, b Nov 17, 1868, in Bucks Co. 
Pa. P. O. Richland Centre, Pa. Bricklayer. Luth. 

V!!- Sylvanus Z. Freed, b Nov 16, 1870, m Lydia 
Housekeeper. P. O. Richland Centre, Pa. Car- 
penter. Luth. C: Villi Albert. Carrie, Elmer, 

VII- William Z. Freed, bjan 26, 1873. P. ( >. Rich- 
land Centre, Pa. Farmer. Luth. 

VII. Katie Z. Freed, b Dec 10, 1874, m Elmer 
Weaver. P. O. Passer, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. C: 

Vlil I Harlem Weaver. 

Vlj Sallie Z. Freed, b July 13, 1877. P. O. Perka- 
sie. Pa. Luth. 

VII- Isaac Z. Freed, b Aug 27, 1880. P.O. Richland 
Centre. Pa. Bricklayer. Luth. 

VI- Lucvetta Zie gen fuss, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Nov 16, 
1835. m'Lewin Deaterly, Oct 20, 1859. P. O. Line 
Lexington, Pa. Tailoring. Luths. C: Lizzie, Katie, 

VII- Marv Elizabeth Deaterly. b in Dublin. Pa... 
Dec 18, 1891, m Eli Frankenfield, Nov 15. 1SSS. P. 
(). Line Lexington, Pa. Tailor. Luths. C: 'VIM 
Rodman Frankenfield. b May 16, 1890; Sadie Fran- 
kenfield, b July 30, 1892;Clara D. Frankenfield. b 
July 6, 1894. 

Vlj. Katie Minerva Deaterly, b Nov 30, 1873. d 


Feb 5, 1894. 
VII- Ida Violetta Deaterly, b Aug- 1, 1879. 

VI- Henrv R. Ziegenfuss, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Aug 
1, 1837, m Elmina O. Lynn, Feb IS, 1870. Res S. 
Bethlehem, Pa. Retired. Luth. C: Minnie. 

VII- Minnie C. Ziegenfuss, b Dec 8, 1870, m W. H. 
Redline, Nov 6, 1890. Res 618 Ontario St. South 
Bethlehem, Pa. Merchant. Luths. C:<VIII' Edith 
E., Esther L, Infant deceased. 

V|. William Ziegenfuss, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Jan 
20. 1840, m Elizabeth Margaret Rothrock, Aug 16, 
1S70. Res 427 Pawnee St. S. Bethlehem. Pa. Car- 
penter. Luths. C: Jennie, Robert. Cora. Charles. 

VII- Jennie Catharine Ziegenfuss. b July ( >, 1871, 
m Howard S. Miller, Aug- 13, 1892. Res 1004 Ferry 
St. Easton, Pa. Grocervman. Ref. Ch. C: (VIII ) 
Dwigrht Everett Miller." b Aug 20, 1893; Luella 
Olg-a Miller, b Jan 17, 1895. 

VII- Robert William Ziegenfuss, b Apr 15. 1873. 

VII- C ( >ra Levina Ziegenfuss, b Au:>- 8, L880. 

VII- Charles Samuel Ziegenfuss, b June 28, 1888. 

VI . Levina Ziegenfuss, b in Bucks Co. Pa.. Aug 
15, 1S42, m John S. Stover, Nov 8, 1866. He died 
Jan 31, 1891. Res 522 Alaska St. So. Bethlehem. 
Pa. Luths. C: < VII Catharine Susan Stover, b 
Apr 9,1867,d July 4,1877; Ida Levina Stover, b Sept 
2'J, 1868, d June 15, 1877; Samuel Addison Stover, 
b Apr 23, 1876, d June 10, 1S77; Harrv Arthur 
Stover, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 5, 1878. " Res 522 
Alaska St. South Bethlehem, Pa. A foreman in 
Warren Silk Mills, So. Bethlehem. Pa. 

VI- Rev Samuel A. Ziegenfuss, U. U., bnearOuak- 
ertown, Bucks Co. Pa., Dec 12. 1S44, m Man- E. 
Himmelwright, Oct 21, 1875. Dr. Ziegenfuss re- 
ceived his education in public schools and Quaker- 
town Normal and Classical school, Pennsylvania 
College, Gettysburg and Muhlenberg College, Al- 
lentown, Pa., from which institution he graduated 
in 1870, and from the Lutheran Theological Semi- 
nary, Philadelphia in 1873. He was ordained to 
the office of ministry in the Lutheran church by the 
Ministerium of Pennsvlvania in the ^ame year, a 

William I. Rosenberger. 


few days after graduation from the Seminary. His 
first charge was at Sellersville Pa., where he 
labored successfully from June 1S73 to Nov 1876. 
when he accepted a unanimous call from the Bath 
and Howertown charge in Northampton Co. Pa. 
He continued his labors in this charge until Jan 
1892. when he followed an urgent call from St 
Michael's Lutheran church Germantown, Philadel- 
phia, where lie still labors. He has succeeded in 
building one of the finest Lutheran Churches in 
Philadelphia, the chancel arrangement being ex- 
ceptionally well arranged. In all of his charges 
new church buildings were erected. He received 
the degree of I). D. from his Alma Mater in 1896. 
Dr. Zieg-eufuss has rilled many positions of honor 
and trust in the church. He is a member of the 
Board of Trustees of Muhlenberg College, and 
Secretary of the Board since 1886, member of the 
Board of Directors of the Theological Seminary of 
Philadelphia, and secretary of its executive com- 
mittee. President of the Philadelphia English 
Conference, of Ministerium of Pennsylvania. Res 
i)i)71 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. No 

Yj. Elias Zieg'enfuss, bin Richland Twp. Bucks co, 
Pa. Dec 29, 1847, m Amelia D. Mohr, Oct 9, 1886, 
P. O. Richlaud Centre Pa, Cigarmaker, Luths. 

V- Samuel Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa. Feb 
27. 1809, d Mar 3, 1875, m Marv Licev. Nov 11, 
1834. She was bin Bucks Co. Sept IS, 1813, d 
Nov 28, 1895. Weaver and farmer Bucks Co. 
Menn's. C: Anna, Christian, Marietta. John, Sarah. 
Alvin, Henry, Samuel, Mahlon. 

Vj. Anna Eliza Rosenberger, b Jan 31, 1836. C: 
Clara. Anna Eliza m Levi Means. Oct 9, 1875. P. 
O. Blooming Glen, Pa, Ger Ref. church. 

V||- Clara Rosenberger,!) Jan 1867. m Michael S. 
Althouse, b Jan IS, 1887, P. O. Blooming Glen 
Pa. C: (VIII) Emerson Althouse, b Jan 22,1888; 
Warren Althouse, b Mar 15, 1890; Romanus Alt- 
house. 1) Feb 28, 1892; Raymond Althouse, b Jan 
17. 1894. 


VI- Christian L. Rosenberger, b Oct 27, 1838, m 
Magdalena Mover, She- was b in Bucks Co. Fa. Oct 
1, 1843, (1 Apr 27, 1880. C: Anna, William, Elmer, 
Lizzie, Harvey, Samuel, Catharine. Christian m 
second wife Sarah Ann Fretz, in 1888. P. O. /ion 
Hill, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. 

V||. Anna Mary Rosenberg-er, b Sept 14. 1866. 

V|J. William Henry Rosenberger, b A1114- 9, LS68, m 
Alice Schliier, in 1890. P. O. Centre Valley, Pa. 
Butcher. Menu. C: 1 VIII ' Violet Rosenberger, 1) 
Feb s, 1891; Mildred Rosenberger, 1) Mar 9, 1895. 

V||. Elmer Rosenberger, bJan25, 1871, mElemina 
Young. P.O. Zion Hill, Pa. Parmer. Menu's. 
C: (VIII) Henry Rosenberger, b Nov 23, 1889. 

Yl|. Lizzie Rosenberger, b Apr 10, 1875. 

VII - Harvey Rosenberger, b Aug 14. 1S77. 

V||. Samuel Rosenberger, b Feb 28, 1873, d Apr 
21, 1873. 

VII- Catharine Rosenberger, b Apr 4, 1880, d Sept 
10, 1880. 

VJ. Marietta Rosenberger, b June 24, 1842, d Mar 
17, 1883, m Levi L. Fretz. 

See Levi L. Fretz family. > 

V|. John L- Rosenberger, b Sept 3, 1843, m Jlester 
Gross, May 31, 1*7'). P. O. Richland Centre, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: 1 VII ' Mamie dee'd, Laura 
dee'd, Lottie dee'd, Jennie. 

V|. Sarah Rosenberger, b Apr 6, 1845, d Oct 16, 
1870, m Jacob H. Myers, Nov 28, 1868. P. O. Dul- 
lin, Bucks county, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. C: 
(VII) Rosella Myers, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Feb 12, 
1870, m Elmer S. Umstead, Jan 25, 1890. P. O. 
Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Bap. C: YHj Laura 
Valeria Umstead, b Apr 26, 1891; Jacob Warren 
Umstead, b Dec 22, 1892; Aaron Linford Umstead, 
b Jan 23, 1895; Delia Alberta Umstead, b Apr 1, 
1897; Fietta Elizabeth Umstead, b Nov 6, 1899; 
Anna Mae Umstead, b May 19, 1901. 

V|. Alvin L. Rosenberger, b Feb 25, 1847, married 
Amanda Smith. Milford Square, Pa. C: Mamie, 
Estella, Emma, Sallie. 

VII . Mamie Rosenberger, m Milton Erdman. 


V|. Henrv L. Rosenberger, b in Bucks Co. Pa., 
Nov 2b. 1849, m Katie S. Himmelwright, Dec 24, 
1874. She was born June 27, 1854, d Nov 2b, 1891. 
P. O. Spinnerstown, Pa. Farmer. Luths. C: i VII 
Carrie Rosenberger, b Sept 1. 1875. Luth. S.; Peter 
Rosenberger, b June 7, 1878. Luth. S.; Elmer 
Rosenberger, b Sept 26, 1881. Luth.; Lillie Rosen- 
berger, b Nov 2. 1885. 

V|. Samuel L. Rosenberg-er. b in Bucks Co. Pa., 
Jan 24, 1853, m Laura R. Alderfer, Feb 11, 1883. 
P. (). Hilltown, Pa. Merchant. Menn's. C: . VII * 
Mabel A. Rosenberg-er, b Feb 11, 1884; Susie A. 
Rosenberger. b Dec 2<>, 1885; Florence A. Rosen- 
berg-er, b July 8, 1892, d Nov 15, 1896; Anna Belle 
Rosenberg-er. b May 2, 18')!). 

VI- Mahlon L. Rosenberg-er. bApr 1. 1857, d single. 

V- Mary Rosenberger, m Peter Zieg-enfuss. Far- 
mer. Luths. C: Angeline, John. Mary, Amanda. 
Sophia, Peter, Sallie, Lizzie, Kate. Emma. William. 

V!- Angeline Zieg-enfuss, m Reuben Crouthamel. 
I'. C). Sehlichtersville, Pa. C: < VII Henrv, Peter, 
Ella. etc. 

V|. John Zieg-enfuss, d S. 

VI- Mary Zieg-enfuss, m Jonas Hillpot, dec'd. C: 
Peter. John, Savilla, Emma, Charles, dec'd. 

VI- Amanda Ziegenfuss, m Aaron Dubbs. P. < ). 
Trumbauersville, Pa. C: Henry, Emma, Cora. 
Charles, Carrie, Ella. John, etc. 

}j\. Sophia Zieg-enfuss. m Milton Wolf, dec'd. C: 
James, Charles. Annie, Sophia. M 2nd husband 
Edward Carroll. C: Walter. 

V|. Peter Zieuenfuss. b Apr 5, 1847, m Lizzie Alt- 
house, Dec 20. 1866. She was b Jan 2, 1847. P. O. 
Silverdale, Pa. Farmer. Luth's. C: Thomas, 
Frank, Annie, William, Albert, Elmer. Laura, 

VU Thomas Ziegenfuss. b Feb 22. 1868, m Sallie 
Seiple. P. (). Sellersville, Pa. Artesian Well- 
driller. Luths. C:  VIII ' Frank, Lillie. Thomas, 
ICd win. 

VII. Frank Ziegenfus>. b Feb 4. 187o, died Dec 21. 


VII - Anna Maria Ziegenfuss, 1> Jan 5, 1S72. in 
Charles B. Knig-ht, Mar 5, L891. P. O. South 
Bethlehem, Pa. P. & K. conductor. Luth. C: 
i VIII > Gertrude, Knight. 

VII- William Henrv. Ziegenfuss. b Nov 6, 1S74. m 
Ella Cilbert. P. ("). Perkasie, Pa. Cigarmaker. 
Luth. C: VIII Charles Ziehen fuss. 

Yll- Albert Ziehen fuss, b Apr 24. 1S77. m Annie 
Hettenbach, Feb 22, 1899. P.O. Sellersville, Pa. 
Cigarmaker. Luth. 

VII- Elmer A. Ziegenfuss, b May 24, L879, d Mar 
s. 1883. 

Yll- Laura Ziegenfuss, b May IS, 1882. 

V|l- Lizzie Ziegenfuss, b May .>i>, 1885. 

VI Sallie Ziegnfuss, b Sept <>. 1S4 ( >, m Geo E. 
Buyer. Oct 14, 1871. Res 7t)H Market St, Camden, 
N.J. Painter. Luth. C: Walter, David. Laura, 
Bertha, Sarah, George, Herbert, Mary, Lillie. 

VII. Walter Curtis Boyer, b Dec 8, 1S72, d Apr 17, 
1S75. David Arthur Boyer, b Nov 8. 1S74, d Dec 
30, 1878. Laura Amanda Boyer, b Feb 26. 1877, 
m Samuel S. Conver, Oct 19,*1898. P.O. Lans- 
dale. Pa. Architect. Ref. Ch. 

VII- Bertha Lizzie Boyer, b Sept 24, 1879, m Her- 
man W. Koehler, Mar 18, 1899. Six weeks after 
marriage Mr. Koehler was killed by a train on X. 
P. R. R. while delivering goods in a wagon along 
with his brother and sister aged 5 and 9 years re- 
spectively. Baker. Luths. 

VII. Sarah Ann Boyer, b Dec 29, 1881, d June 31, 
1882; George Edgar Boyer, b June 1(» 1S83; Her- 
bert Boyer, b June 10 1884, d Jan 12, 1885; Mary 
Emma Boyer, b Dec 11, 1887; Lillie Erma Dover, b 
Nov 14. 1890. 

VI- Lizzie Ziegenfuss, m Alfred Mover, dee'd. C: 
Ervin, Lizzie, m 2nd husband Daniel Hoffman. P. 
(). Richland Centre, Pa. Cigarmaker. Luth No 

VII. Erwin Mover, M 

V|- Katie Ziegenfuss, dee'd, m Revere Heist. P. 
O. Tylersport, Pa. Cig-armaker. Luth. No issue. 

VI- Emma Ziegenfuss. d. m Daniel .Hoffman. C: 


VII) Harry Hoffman. P. O. Richland Centre. Pa. 
VI . William H. Ziehen fuss, d young-. 
V. Anna Rosenberger, m Reuben Cope. Removed 
to Iowa. 

IV- Elizabeth Rosenberger, b — , d — , m Samuel 
Stauffer. C: Samuel, John, Henry, Abraham, 

V- Samuel Stauffer, b — , d — , m — . C: Isaac, etc. 

VI- Isaac Stover, P. (). Lansdale, Pa. 

V. John Stauffer, m -. C: fYl) William Stauffer, 
P. 0. Brick Tavern, Pa. 

V. Henry Stauffer, m — . C: Henry and 5 daugh- 

V|. Henry Stauffer, P. O. Zion Hill, Pa. 

V. William Stauffer. 

|V- Margaret Rosenberger, m John Freed. C: 
Joseph, Samuel. 

V- Joseph Freed, m . C: Maria, Dr. — . 

VI- Maria Freed, m Abraham Gerhart, dec'd. P. 
(). Perkasie, Pa. No issue. 

VI. Dr. - Freed, V. S., P. O. Perkasie, Pa. 

IV- Mary Rosenberger, m Jacob Coffel or ( Hoffel). 

IV- Catharine Rosenberger, m George Uiehl. Pot- 
ters. Menns. C: ( V- ) Henry, Samuel, dec'd, George, 
John dec'd, Joseph, Ann. 

|V- Daniel Rosenberger, m — . C: Henry, Sauiuel. 

IV- Anna Rosenberger, b Oct 27, 1785, d June 9, 
LS67. m Michael Derstine. He was b Julv 11, 177<>, 
d May 27. 1841. Farmer. Menns. C: Hannah, 
Catharine, Elizabeth, Abraham, Ann, Henry. 

V Hannah Derstine, b Sept 22, 1808, d May 7,1891, 
m, Jesse Springer. He d July 5, 1889. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: Debv, Abraham, Elizabeth, Franklin, 

VI- Debv Ann Spring-er, b June 27, 1839, m David 
S. Angeny. Rosa, Frank, Lillie, Charles. 

VII- Rosa Angeny, m John H. Miller. 

V||. Frank An gen v, m Rosa Me vers, P. O. Lans- 
dale. Pa. 

VII- Lillie Angenv. m Abraham M. Hunsberger, 
P. (). Hilltown, Pa. 


VII- Charles H. Ang-eny, P. O. Dublin, Pa. S. 

YJ- Abraham D. Spring-er. b Dec lu, 1842, ra 
MaryE. Ang-eny, May 26, 1874, P. (). Hilltown,Pa. 
Blacksmitle. Presby. C: Flla, Harry, Laura. 

Vjj. Ella M. Springer, ra Ed. Crouthamel. 

VH- Harry Spring-er, b Oct ( ). 1878. 

VJj. Laura Spring-er, 1) Aug 11, 1880. 

V| Elizabeth Springer, Oct 1846, d 1863. 

VI- Franklin Springer, b Jan 31, L849, in Hannah 
Mover, P. O. Hilltown, Pa. 

C: 'VII- ' Ida Springer, m George Tice. 

VII- Clara Soringer. 

VI. Charles H. Springer, b Sept 22. 1851, d Oct 3, 
1891, m Maggie King. C: (VII- I Elsie K. Springer. 

V- Catharine Derstine, b in Bucks Co., Pa Feb 28, 
181o, d Dec 12, 1874, m John Licey. Dec 6, 1831. 
He was b in Bucks Co, Pa , Sept" 20, 17 ( )8, d at 
River Styx, Ohio, Nov 14, 188o. Farmer. Menn's. 
C: Alvan, Levi, Elizabeth, Kate, Margaret. Maria, 
Amanda, Sophia. 

VJ. Hon Alvan D. Licev, b in Bucks Co, Pa, Sept 
13, 1832, m Martha Wilson, dee'd, Oct 1 ( >, 1857. 

Hon Alvan D. Licey is a farmer and attorney at 
Law, was a merchant from his youth until Jan 1, 
1864. In the spring of 1S4 ( ) he removed from Dub- 
lin Bucks Co, Pa, with his parents, brothers and 
sisters to Wadsworth township, Medina Co, Ohio. 
Here he served as clerk in a stere at Rher Styx, 
from September 1850 to April 1852. He then en- 
gaged as a clerk in a large Mercantile establish- 
ment at Akron, Ohio, remaining there until March 

1856 when he entered the mercantile business on 
his own account at River Styx and continued in the 
business until January 1, 1864. He was selected 
Justice of the Peace for Guilford township in April 

1857 and served 18 years. 

He employed his leisure time in the study of law 
and was admitted at ColutnLu;, Ohio by the Su- 
preme Court in 1870 and has practiced law ever 
cince in connection with his farm. He was a mem- 
ber of the State Board of Equalization in 1870 and 
1871. In 1879 he received the nomination by the 


Republican party as a candidate for Representative 
to the Ohio Legislature and was elected by the 
largest majority ever given any candidate in 
Medina count v. Pie was renominated in 1881 and 
re-elected by an increased majority. His school 
life terminated at the ag-e of 12 years. P. (). River 
Styx, Ohio, C: Desdemona, Ilzaide, John, Kate. 

VIJ- Desdemona L. Licev. 1» in Medina Co. Ohio, 
Apr 19, 185':), m W. S. Rowley, M. D. Res 27 Dun- 
ham a ve, Cleveland, Ohio. 

VII- Hzaide D. Licey, b June 11, 1861, m Morton 
Shontz. Res 104 Falor St. Akron, Ohio. Plasterer 
and contractor. C: < VIII > Alvan W. Shontz. 

V!|- John (). Licey, b Apr 11, 1864, m Adella Nis- 
wender. P. O. Norfolk, Neb. Attorney at Law. 

VII- Kate D. Licey, b Aug 27, 1866, m Lester Bee- 
;:an. Res Cleveland, Ohio. Chewing- Gum Manu- 

VI. Levi S. Licev, b in Bucks Co. Pa,, Feb 25, 1834, 
(1 at River Styx, Ohio, Feb 1 ( ), 1899, m Mary Kop- 
pelberg-er, Jan 1, 1863. P. O. River Styx," Ohio. 
Merchant. He was in the service of the State of 
Ohio on Governor Brough's Staff, commissioned as 
a Lieutenant and did service in the State of Ohio 
only, during- the latter part of the Civil War. C: 

VH. Dora Maude Licey, b Apr 12, 1867, m Jay 
Bissell. P. (). Wadsworth, O. C: (VIII ) Ula, Percey. 

V|. Elizabeth Licev, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Apr 28, 
1836, m Joshua Waltz, Aug 24, 1856. P. O. Wind- 
tall, O. Farmer. Ger. Kef. C: Mania, Alvan, 
Nelson, Famelia 

Vfl- Manta Catharine Waltz, b June 13, 1857, d 
May 1 1, 1858. 

VII, Alvan L. Waltz, M. D. b Oct 18, 1858, m 
Minnie Rose, 1888. Res 526 Prospect St. Cleve- 
land, O. Physician. Disciple Ch. C: ( VIII > Leon, 
Claude, Ray. 

VIS- Nelson R. Waltz, b Apr 14, 1860, m Delia 
Wiger. P.O. Medina, O, Employed in factory. 
Disciple Ch. C: VIII- Ernest, May. 

VII- Famelia Waltz deceased. 


V|. Catharine Ann Licey, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Oct 
14, 1837, m Noah H. Kindig-. Aug- 1, 1858. P. (). 
Union City, Mich. Farmer. Cong. Ch. C: Milton, 
Charles, Ida, John, Homes, Melvin, Sadie. 

VII- Milton Del field Kindig, b May 22, 1859, m 
Cela Rockwell. P. O. Copemish, Mich. Employee 
of Manistee and Northeastern R. R. Cong. Ch. C: 

VIM ) Clemmie. Elsie, Ethel. 

V|| Charles Hibbart Kindig, b Jan 18, 1862, d Dec 
24. 1881. 

VII- I(la Kindig. 1) Sept 30, 1863, m Charles Mar- 
shall. P. O. Hickory Corners, Mich. Farmer. 

VII- John Licey Kindig, 1> Apr 15, 1866, m Ida 
Watkins. P. ( ). Athens. Mich. Employee of a 
large saw mill. C: i VIII ' Mary, Noah 

VII- Romeo Rettig Kindig, b Nov 28, 1868, rri 
Millie Rickert. Res 8 Meridan St. Cleveland, O. 

VII- Melvin Kindig, b Oct 18, 1877, d May 4, 1883. 

VII- Sadie Kindig, b Nov l c >, 1S7 ( », m Joseph B. 
Morris. P. O. Union City, Mich. 

VI- Margaret Licey, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Feb 3, 
1839, tn Joseph Kriebel, May 2, 1861. P. (). Union 
City, Mich. Farmer. C: Nancy, Rui'us, Millard, 
Myrta, Clyde, Frank, Alvan, Jennie. 

V'||. Nancy Kriebel, b Nov 1. 1861, m Nathaniel 
Fretz. Dec 29, 188b. P. O. Pratt, Kan. Teacher. 
Cong. Ch. C: (VIII) Earl. Daisy, Glen, Ada. 

VII. Rufus S. Kriebel, b June. 3* 1863, m Isabelle 
Bole, djuly 27, 1892. C: (VIII) Hazel, Mabel. Fern 
dec'd, Bennie. 

VII • Millard D. Kriebel, b June 16, 1865, m Nettie 
Moon. P. O. Union City, Mich. Carpenter. C: 
(VIII) Ruth, Blanche. 

V|| Myrta Kriebel, b Dec 14, 1866, m Fremont 
Howard, dec'd. P. O. Union City, Mich. Farmer. 

VII. Frank E. Kriebel, b July 5, 1871, m Jennie 
Guilford. P. O. Burlington, Mich. Farmer. 

VII. Alvan C. Kriebel, b May 28, 1873, m Lizzie 
Norton. P. (). Union City, Mich. Railroading. 

VII- Jennie Kriebel, b Feb 26, 1876. m C. DeWitt 
Parlin. P. O. Union City, Mich. Teaching. 


VI- Maria Licey, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Jan 1, 1843, 
m Charles H. Stevens, Aug 20, 1864. P. O. King- 
sley, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. C: Rosabelle, Al- 
mon, Anna, Ralph. 

VJj. Rosabelle Stevens, b Feb 18, 1866, m Clarence 
Graves. Sept 30, 1890. P. O. Tompkinsville, Pa. 
Farmer. Baptists. C: < Vl|l > Charles Adelbert 
Graves, b Sept 3, 1892. 

VII- Rev. Almon Odell Stevens, b Apr 21, 1868, m 
Laura B. Waters, May 0, 1896. P. O. Pontiac, 
Mich. Congregation al Minister. C: (VIII 1 Ralph 
Waters, b Oct 7, 18')7. 

VI 1 1 - Anna Estella Stevens, b Aug 10, 1869. P. O. 
Kingslev. Pa. Baptist. Single. 

V5I- Ralph Henry Stevens, b Feb 5, 1872, m Sara 
A. Wilmarth, May 20, 1896. P.O. Cohoes, N. Y. 
Ass't. Supt. <>f the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 

VI- Amanda Licey, b in Bucks Co. Pa.. Jan 18, 
1X45, m F. H. Lyons; in 1872. P. O. Poe, O. Far- 
mer. C: (VII) Chloe N. Lyons, b July 17, 1872; 
John W. Ly>r.s, b Nov 16, 1S74; Dee F. Lyons, b 
Oct 30, 1876; Dora B. Lyons, b Sept 21, 1881; Ray 
Lyons, b Dec 18. 1882; Jennie Susan Lyons, b Apr 
25, 1884; Lucy May Lyons, b Aug 18, 1886. 

VI- Sophia Licey, b in Medina Co. O., Aug 5, 1852, 
m Frank P. Walling. P. (). Toledo, O. C: VII > 

V. Elizabeth Derstine, b d July 9, 1882. S. 

V. Abraham Derstine, b July 20, 1814. d -, m 
Nancy Fell man. C: Henry. 

V!- Henry Derstine. P. <"). Dublin, Pa. 

V. Ann Derstine, b Dec 10, 1816, d Sept 18, 1878. S. 

V. Henry Derstine, 1) in Bucks Co. Pa., Feb 10, 
1819, m Susan Ziegler, Feb 16, 1840. P. (). Hat- 
held, Pa. Gentleman. Evangelical. C: Laura, Ida, 
Harry, Granville. 

VI- Laura Ziegler Derstine, b in Bucks Co. Pa., 
Nov 16, 1850, m George 'W. Marter, Oct 2. 1873. 
Res 3713 Brown St. Phila. Pa. Mr. Marter was b 
in Philadelphia Oct 2. 1S40. Attended the public 
schools of his native city. In Jul)' 1863 he enlisted 
among the emergency men for Gettysburg. When 


L6 years of age he left the school and went into 
business. Later entered the Hahnemann Medical 
College from which he g-raduated and practiced 
medicine for a number of years. His health failing 
from overwork, he turned his attention to the law, 
for which he had an especial liking. He is a mem- 
ber of the Philadelphia Bar and also of New York 
and entitled to practice at the Bar of the Supreme 
Court of the United States. He is a past officer of 
all branches of the Masonic order, up to and includ- 
ing- Knights Templar. He is also a member and 
active worker in the Presbyterian church and Sun- 
day school. C: (VII) Henry D. Marter, b May 27, 
1877, d Nov 10, 1877; Leona M. Marter, b Apr 15, 
1882, d Nov 14, 1885; Stanley Zane Marter, b Jan 
19, 1886; Ethel Virg-inia Marter, b Sept 13, 1889. 

VI- Ida Derstine, b May 20, 1856, m Dr. M. B. Dill. 
P. O. Perkasie, Pa. Physician. C: Gertrude, Nel- 
lie, Harry, Irwin, Ruth." 

V!- Harry Derstine, d in infancy. 

VI- Granville Lewis Derstine, d" in infancy. 

V- Joseph Derstine, m Sophia Sehrauger. P. O 
Hilltown, Pa. C: Susan. 

VI- Susan Derstine, b — . Singde 


|||. Catharine Rosenberg-er, b 1750, d May 1835, 
m Abraham Allebach about 17(>9. The latter ob- 
tained in 1776 from his father-in-law the farm east 
of Hatfield station now owned by Jacob Kulp. Here 
there is an old stone house, perhaps built by him. 
The farm was a long narrow strip extending- from 
the Cowpath to Beaver Run comprising- 101 acres. 
The farm was sold to Isaac Rosenberg-er in 17%. 

Abraham Allebach died in middle life by yellow 
fever contracted while on a trip to Philadelphia in 


17 ( M. C: Abraham, John, Christianna, Benjamin, 
Mary, Sussanna, Lizzie, Barbara, Catharine. 

IV- Abraham Allebach, b 1770, d — , m - -. C: 
Jesse, etc. 

V- Jesse Allebach dec'd, m . C: Amos, etc. 

VI Amos O. Allebach, P. O. Lansdale, Pa. 

IV- John Allebach, . 

IV- Christiana Allebach,- -. 
IV- Benjamin Allebach, - 

JY- Mary Allebach, m Jacob Cope. No issue. 2nd 

husband Brown. No issue. 

|V- Susanna Allebach, m David Ruth. C: David. 
Y David Ruth, 3117 Linden St. Phila. 
IV- Lizzie Allebach, m Benjamin Rosenberger. 
IV- Barbara Allebach, m John Wasser. 

IV- Catharine Allebach, b Oct 15, 1784, d Aug- 25, 
1S42, m Joshua Detweiler, Oct 5, 1803. He was b 
July 3, 1781, d July 21, 1841. Farmer, later sold 
medicine. Funkite, later Ger. Bap. C: John, Mary, 
Elizabeth, Sarah, Catharine, Jacob, Abraham, 
Susanna, Margaret, Anna. 

V. John Detweiler. b 1805, d infant. 

V- Mary Detweiler, b 1806, m Frederick Geisen- 
hoffer. C: I VI ) Jacob. 

V- Elizabeth Detweiler, b 1808, d infant. 
V- Sarah Detweiler, b 1810, m Frederick Hartman. 
No issue. 

V. Catharine Detweiler, b 1812, d 1881, m John 
Jacob Leitenberger, 1837. C: John, Mary. 

VI. John G. Leitenberger, b Feb 7, 1838, m Eva 
Mary Krauter. C: (VII I John, Frederick, Lewis, 
Catharine, Emma, Emanuel, Ernest, Eva. 

VI Mary C. Leitenberger, b June 27, 1842, m Fred 
J. Rentlinger, Sept 3, 1863. Res 412 Dickerson St.- 
Phila. Pa. Engraver. Luth. C: (VII) John, Freder- 
ick, Anna, Charles, Marv, Emma, Bertha, Edward. 



fj Rev. Henrv Rosenberger, b Dec 2, 1725. d isi) ( ), 
m Barbara Oberholtzer in 1745. She was b 1726, <1 
Feb 5, 1765. In 1745 Henry Rosenberg-er became 
the owner of the old homestead of his father Henry 
Rosenberger, Sr. in Franconia for which the son 
Henry paid ^200. Henry Rosenberg-er also owned 
a farm in New Britain, Bucks Co.. which he pur- 
chased from Christian Miller, deed bearing date of 
April 13, 1775, containing- 100 acres for which he 
paid j£(>66. This property he sold and conveyed 
to his son-in-law Mark Fretz, of New Britain, May 
5, 17S4. At this time (1784) Henry Rosenberg-er 
seems to have been a resident of Franconia, as the 
deed of Henry Rosenberg-er to Mark Fretz, reads 
"Henry Rosenberger, of Franconia Twp., etc. That 
he atone time lived in New Britain township where 
he owned other land, is ce.tain. On Sept 2'), 1774 
he bought 2'*^ acres of John Benner, situated at 
the Neshaminy Creek, adjoining lands of Thomas 
Barton and the said Henry Rosenberger and which 
he sold to John Redline, of New Britain township, 
July- 13, 1790 for ,-/.T75. At this time he must have 
lived in New Britain, as indenture to Redline reads 
'•Henry Rosenberger, of New Britain township and 
Elizabeth being his second wife, maiden name un- 
known. No issue bv her. April 15, 1774, "Henry 
Rosenberger, of New Britain township," bought of 
Theophules Reese, 140 acres, adjoining William 
Davis, Thomas Barton and David Morg-an and sold 
it to Jacob Miller, April 6, 17 ( )5. 

It is said that Henry Rosenberger lived in New 
Britain township about a mile N. E. from the Line 
Lexington Mennonite church, that his farm adjoin- 
ed the township line of Hilltown on the N. W. and 
on the N. E. by a public road. His farm was for 
many years owned by George Scheip. who sold a 
part of it to Aaron S. Swartley. 


Henry Rosenberg-er was a Mennonite minister and 
served as such at the Franconia Meeting-house dur- 
ing- the time of the Revolution. C: Gertrude, Anna, 
Abraham, Elizabeth, Barbara, Maria, Magdalena, 
Sou, Daughter, Sarah. 

\\\ Gertrude Rosenberger, b May 4, 1745, d small. 

»- -^, -^. ^fe. o ^&>- ' , ^- -^ ^*® 



HI- Anna Rosenberger, b Feb 5, 1748, m Michael 
Leatherman. Menns. C: Henry, Jacob, Ann. She 
in 2nd husband John Loux, sou of Peter Loux, who 
came to Bedminster in 1737, bought 170 acres of 
land on the Deep Run. He was b in Bucks Co. Dec 
23, 175(). d May 1820. They lived and died in 
Plumstead Twp. on the farm owned by Enos F. 
Huns' e-ger. Mr. Loux Ref. Mrs. Loux Menn. C: 
John. Catharine, Peter, Abraham. 

IV. Henrv Leatherman, d 1815, m Elizabeth dau. 
of Mark Fretz, son of pioneer Christian Fretz, of 
Tinicum Twp. Bucks Co. Pa. See Fretz family 
history, 1 7<)7. She was b 177<>, d 1867. Farmer. 
Menns. C: Abraham, John, Jacob, Henry, Catha- 
rine, Samuel. 

IV- Jacob Leatherman, b 1778, m Elizabeth Over- 
holt. Farmer. Menns. John, Anna, Abraham, 
Elizabeth, Jacob. Barbara, Joseph, Mary, Samuel. 
(Sec Overholt family history. 

!V- Anna Leatherman, m John Delp. No issue. 

IV- John Loux. 1) in Bucks Co. Pa.. Oct 1782, m 
Susanna Delp. Apr 21, 1808. She was b Mar 7, 
1787. Carpenter. Menns. C: George, Charles, 
Eliza. Magdalena, Sarah. 

V. Georg-e W. Loux. b in Bucks Co. Pa., Feb 20, 
1812, d in Monroe Co. Pa., Mar 18, 1880, m Catha- 
rine Alg-ard, (nee Wagner) dee'd. C: Ephraim, 
Catharine. Georg-e m 2nd wife Sabina Kachline. 


Feb 1849. She was b July 31, 1827. Ref. Ch: C: 

William, Aaron, Delilah, Emma, Charles, Ells- 
worth, Reuben. In early life drove team from Eas- 
ton to Philadelphia. He was employed as under- 
steward of the Bucks County Almshomse for six 
years, afterwhich he engaged in farming for some 
years. In 1857 he rented a tannery at Jacobsburg - , 
Pa. and operated it until 1864, when lie removed to 
Effort, Monroe Co. Pa., where he bought a tannery 
which he operated until his death. He was instru- 
mental in building the first church (Reformed | at 
Effort. One of his mottoes to his children was, "Do 
not blemish the name of Loux, by your character, 
but live an honest, industrious, sober, christian life." 
Ref. Ch. 

VI- Ephraim Loux. b in Bucks Co. Pa., Sept 23, 
1843, m SabinaTrein, Oct 27, 1866. P.O. Nazareth, 
Pa. Manufacturer of cigar boxes. Moravians. C: 
Harrison, Charles, Anna, Marv, John, Edward, 
Walter, Nellie. 

Vl|. Harrison George Loux.b Nov 2, l.S<>7. 

VII- Charles William Loux, b Dec 4. 1868, m Helen 
A. Giersch, July 20, 1890. Res. Pittsburg-, Pa. 
Clerk ( Stenographer and typewriter) Presby. C: 

VIII Frances Willard Loux, b July 21, 1894; Neal 
Dow Loux. b Nov (,, 1 895; Wendell Phillips Loux, 
b June 13, 18 l >7. 

V|| Anna L. Loux, b Feb 8, 1870, d 1893. 

Vlj . Marv C. Loux, b Julv 26, 1871. 

VII- John D Loux. b Jan 9, 1875, d 1896, 

VII. Edward S. Loux, b Oct 29, 1879. 

VII Walter H. Loux, b May 7. 1881. 

VII. Nellie M. Loux, b Oct'27, 1884. 

Vf. Catharine Loux, b June 20, 1845, m William 
Shupp, Nov 16, 1867. P. (). Effort, Pa. Farmer. 
Mr. S. Luth, Mrs. S. Ger. Ref. C: Emma, Louisa, 
Oscar, Amos, Charles, Ida, David, William, Annie, 

VII- Emma J. Shupp, b April 21, 1868, m Roger 
W.Altemose. Julv 26, 1886. C: CVIIIO Alice, Edna 
dec'd, Miles, Floyd. 

VII - Louisa Shupp, b June 11, 1870, m Edwin Ser- 


foss. Sept 4,' 1886, P. (). Effort, Pa. Luths. C: 

VIII 1 William, Nettie, Florence, Anna, 

VII- Oscar Shupp, b May 19, 1872, d 1878. 

VII- Amos Shupp, b Mar 22, 1874, m Lucetta Zaca- 
rias, July 16, 1890. C: ( VIII- > Annie, Floyd. 

VII. Charles Shupp, b May 31, 1876. 

VII- Ida S. Shupp, b Sept 21. 1878, m William Din- 
stel, Nov 19, 1895, P. O. Effort, Pa. 

VII. David F. Shupp, b Feb 21, 1881. 

VII- William H. Shupp, b July 12, 1883. 

VII. Annie A. Shupp, b Aug- 25, 1885, d 1887. 

VII. Edwin L. Shupp, b July 16, 1887. 

V|. William K. Loux, b in Bucks Co; Pa., Feb 17, 
1850, rn Maragaret A. Moser, May 11, 1872, P. O. 
Kiegelsville, Pa. Tanner. Ref. * Ch C: Daisy, 
William, Lena, Raymond, Clara, Charles, Laura. 

Vl|- Daisy G. Loux, b May 26. 1874, m Charles S. 
Young, June 16, 1894. C: i VIII- ) Floyd E. Young, 
b Aug 6, 1895. 

VII- WilHam C. Loux, b Apr 16, 1876, d 1883. 

VII- Lena M. Loux, b Apr 24, 1882. 

VII- Raymond W. Loux, b Aug 27, 1884. 
- jf II Clara M. Loux, b Aug 23, 1886, d 1891. 

VII. Charles A. Loux, b Apr 19, 1889. 

Vli- Laura G. Loux. b July 4, 1891. 

VI . Aaron Loux, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Apr <>, 1854, 
m Lucinda Everitt, Dec 28, 1878. P. O. Effort, Pa. 
Ref. Ch. C: (VII-) Emma. Annie, Minnie. 

V|. Delilah Loux, b Nov 8, 1864, m John Dailey, 
C: • VII- i Helen Dailey. 

VI- Emma Loux, b May 22, 1867, m John A. Dold, 
Sept 6, 1886. P. O. 247 Mt. Vernon Ave, Camden, 
N. I- In paid Fire Dept. Presby. C: VIII) 

George T. Dold. 
VI- Charles Loux, b Feb 2, 1861, d 1862. 
VI- Ellsworth Loux, b Aug 19, 1869, d 1878. 
V|. Reuben Loux, b June 22, 1872, m Mary Kelly. 

Res. 247 Mt. Vernon Ave, Camden, N. J. Lo- 
comotive fireman. C: CVII') Pearl Loux, b Aug 18, '96. 
V- Charles Loux. b Dec 29, 1815, m Frances West, 

Sept 28,: 1841. Infant. 
V- Eliza Loux, b Aug 25, 1818, m Joseph M. Lan- 


dis Mrs. L. Menn. C: Samuel, Peter, Catharine, 
Elizabeth, Sarah. Mary. Morris. Susan. 

VI- Samuel Landis, b Sept 23, 1839. 

VJ. Peter L. Landis. 1) in Bucks Co, Pa., Sept 22, 
1841, m Anna Culp, Feb 1866. Hiawatha, Kansas. 
Removed to Elkhart, Ind, and from there to Brown 
Co, Kans in 1869 where they located on a farm of 
16o acres. They own 2 other farms, in oil 40 acres 
of good laud. C: Alice, Eliza. Charles, Norman. 
Hester, Martha, Myron, Arthur. 

Vli Alice I. Landis, b Nov 30, 1869, m Joseph H. 
Smith. Dec 25. 1888. P. (). Robinson. Kans. Far- 
mer. C: 'VI!!- 1 Charles. Grace, Anna, Walter, 

VH Eliza J. Landis. b June 20, 1872. 

VI I Charles U. Landis. b Apr 18, 1876. 

VJf. Norman Landis. b May 20. 1878. 

Vjj. Hester M. Landis. b July 7. 1880. 

VII- Martha A. Landis, b Oct 2. 1,882. 
V||. Myron B. Landis. b Aug 27. 1885. 
VII . Arthur Landis, b Sept 2*, 1888. 

VI. Catharine Landis, b Sept H>, 1843, m 
Worthing-ton. P O. Dublin, Pa. 

VI- Elizabeth Landis, b Oct 17, 1845, m -Rig-el. 

VI- Sarah Landis, b Dec 31, 1847, m- —Cox. 

V|- Mary Landis, b Sept 3, 1856, m John Bishop. 
P. O. Dublin, Pa. 

VI- Morris Landis, b Jan 13, 1858, d- 

V|. Susan Landis, b June 10, 1S57, m Levi A Res- 
sler, Apr 6, 1876. C: (VII- ) Sarah, Christian, Mag-- 
dalena, Eliza, Joseph, Noah, Levi. 

V- Magdalena Loux. m— -Ernst. C: Sarah Re- 
becca, Susanna, John. 

Vi- Sarah Ernst, m— -Morris, dee'd. 

VI- Rebecca Ernst. S. 

VB- Susanna Ernst, m Jerry Alg-ard. C: I VII 
Sallie. Ida, Mamie, Stella. 

VI- John Ernst, dee'd, m - 

V. Sarah Loux, b Dec 26, 1821, d June 21. 1879, m 
Christain Henning. He d Mar 12, 1892. No issue. 

IV- Catharine Loux. m Isaac Delp. C: John, 





V. John L. Delp, b Jan 28, 1808, d June 17, 1875, 
m Anna Delweiler. She d Feb 26. 1879. Carriage 
builder. Mr. D. Baptist, Mrs. D. Menn. C: Abra- 
ham, George, Samuel. 

V(. Abraham D. Delp, b July 26, 1831, m Adeline R. 
Supplee, Nov 11, 1858. P. O. Bridgeport, Pa. 
Clerk. Baptist. C: Jennie. Catharine. 

VII- Jennie S. Delp. Teacher. Baptist. 

VII- Catharine A. Delp. Baptist. 

V| . Georg-e Delp, single. 

V|. Samuel D. Delp. m -. C: Frank. 

V- George Delp, b in Bucks Co., Nov 27, 1811, m 
Catharine Ruth, dee'd, C: Sarah. George m 2nd 
wife Catharine Gehman, Dec 20, 1835. She d 1879. 
Blacksmith. Menns. C: Mary, Catharine, Lavina, 

VI- Sarah Delp. b Feb 1, 1834, d 1865, m Henry 
R. Kratz. 

VI . Mary A. Delp, b Nov 24, 1837, m Isaac K. 
Bergey, Sept 2 l >, 1857. P. O. Blooming G'en, Pa. 
Shoemaker. Menns. C: James, Anna, Clayton, 

Vl|. James D. Bergev, b Apr 8, 1858, m Caroline 
Fretx. Apr 14, 1877." P. ( ). Blooming Glen, Pa. 
Blacksmith. C: VliS Mary, Ella. 

VI!- Anna C. Bergey, 1) Dec 26, 1861, m Henry Det- 
weiler. Menns. C: (VIII) Cora. Elmer, Warren, 

VII Clayton D. Bergev, b Mar 31, 1878. 

VIS Minerva Bergey, b Sept 8, 1880, d 1885. 

V|. Catharine Delp," b Mar 1, 1839, d — , m Samuel 
Mover. C: VII > Lydia dee'd. 

V|." Lavina Delp, b Mar 14, 18 + 1. m Samuel Al- 
ganl, dee'd. No issue. 

VI- Samuel Delp, b Dec 9.1842, m Amanda Sampey 
dee'd. C: - — . He m 2nd wife Sarah Sarnpev. C: 

VI! Ella. 

JV- Peter L<>ux. b June 27, 178<>. d July 24, 1871, m 
Rebecca Atherholt, Mar 6, 1814. She d Sept 28. 
1S34. C- John, Christian, Samuel, Anna. Peter 
m 2nd wife Anna Overholt, May 12, 1836. She was 
b May 15. 1801, d Sept 15, 1888. Farmer on old 


Loux homestead Plumstead Twp. Menn. C: Marv. 

V- John A. Loux, 1) Nov 19, 1815," d Jan 1. 1894, in 
Hannah Jacoby, May 30, 1841. She d Mar I 1 ). 
L844. C: Amanda. He m 2nd wife Rachel High, 
Feb 1, 1848. C: William, Emeline. In early life 
carpenter, later engaged in mercantile business at 
Dublin and later at Pipersville for some years, then 
retired to the farm. He also followed surveying 
many years, was County Auditor and was Justice 
of the Peace for over 45 years. Menu. 

Y|. Amanda Loux, m John F. Raus. C: (\J\\ Fan- 
nie Raus, b Feb 1. 1868, m 

VJ. William Loux. d young". 

yj. Emeline Loux. m Daniel L. Dennett. 

V. Christian Loux, b Oct 15, 1817, d Jan IS. 1896, 
m Barbara Trumbower. C: 'VI 1 Albert, Samuel, 
John, Hannah, Clinton, Mary. 

' V- Samuel Loux. 1> Oct 25, 1820, d 1S47, m Mary 
Kidney. C: Oliver. 

V|. Oliver K. Loux, b 1846, d 1893, m Sallie Mc- 
Allister. C: (VII) Willie. 

V- Anna Loux, b Oct 11, 1822, d Apr 21. 1833. 

V. Mary Loux, b in Ducks Co. Fa.. Mar 3, 1837, d 
1899, in' Ivios F. Hunsberger, Nov 5, 1859. P. O. 
Plumsteadville, Pa. Farmer. Minns. C: Anna, 
Sarah, Emma, Peter, Harvey. 

V?. Anna L. Hunsberger. 1) Feb '2<>, 1861, d Mar 
29, 1863. 

VI- Sarah L. Hunsberirer, b Nov 11,1862, died Apr 
8, 1863. 

VI- Emma L. Hunsberj£er, b lune 12, 1864, m S. 
W. Gross, Oct 1888. P. ( ).' Plumsteadville, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. No issue. 

Vf. Peter L Hunsberger, b Nov 9, 1869, tn Mary 
Nice, Jan 19, 1893.- P. O. Plumsteadville. Pa. Far- 
mer. Menns. C: ( Vil Walter Hunsberger, b Feb 
1, 1S94; Ruth Hunsberger, b Nov 28, 1895. 

V|. Harvey D. Hunsberger, 1) Oct 8, 1873, m Annie 
F. Myers, Oct 5, 1895. P. O. Plumsteadville, Pa. 
Farmer. Menns. C: (}f\\) Willis Hunsberger, b 
June 30, 1896. 

!V- Abraham Loux, b in Ducks Co. Pa., Apr 12, 


1789, d Apr 11, 1867, m Mary Hofford, about 1814. 
She was b in Bucks Co. Pa., Jan 30, 1796, d Nov 
24. 1864. Farmer and carpenter Mrs. Loux Ref. 
Ch. C: Joseph, Rachel, Abraham, Charles, John, 

V. Joseph H. Loux, b 1816, d 1881, m Lvdia Hock- 
man. C: 

VI. Aaron Loux, P. O. Dublin. Pa. 

V- Rachel Loux. b 1817, d 1891. Single. 

V- Abraham Loux. 1) 1822, d 1848. Single. 

V- Charles Loux, b 1825, d 1893, m Margaret Sine. 

V- John D. Loux, b Dec 28. 1839. P.O. Doyles- 
town, Pa. Superintendent of cemetery lor twenty- 
five years. 

V. Oliver Loux. b 1842, d 1844. 

|||. Abraham Rosenberg-er, b May 2, 175U, d young - . 


|||. Elizabeth Rosenberg-er, b Dec 19, 1752, d Jan 
10, 1847, in Mark Fretz, son of pioneer John Fretz, 
of Bedminster, Bucks Co. Pa., May 11. 1773. He 
was bDec 1750, d Feb 24, 1840.. Lived in New 
Britain Twp. Bucks Co., on the place known as 
"Curlev's Mill", which he purchased of his nephew 
John Fretz, of Warwick, in 1792. The tract con- 
sisted of 130 acres to which he added until he own- 
ed several hundred acres. Farmer and miller. He 
was a Menu. mite and deacon at Line Lexington. C: 
Barbara, Maria. Elizabeth, Infant, Henrv, Infant, 

IV- Barbara Fretz, b Apr 21, 1775. d in Brazoria 
Co. Texas. June 10, 1840, m John Sliver. Brick- 
mason. Meth.Ep. C: Elizabeth Sliver, b 1798, d 
1840, m Rev. William Denver. Meth. Ep. 

IV- Maria Fretz, b Nov 16, 1778, d 177'». 

iV. Elizabeth Fretz. b Jan 27, 1781, d Nov (». 1849, 


m Rev. John Geil, Apr 22, L802. He was b Apr 9, 
1778. Weaver by trade, later farmer in New 
Britain. He was ordained to the ministry of the 
Mennonite church at Line Lexington about 1810, 
where he served for 55 years. C: Jacob, Barbara, 
Elizabeth, Mark, Catharine, Mary, John, Anna, 

|Y- Daughter b 17HS, buried Jan 6,1875. 

IV- Henry Fretz, b June 24, 1787, d June 9, 1874, 
m Elizabeth Beidler, May 14, 1809. She was b 
Apr 10, 1787, d Dec 24, 1852. Lived on his father's 
homestead in New Britain. Farmer and miller. C: 
Susan, Christian, Eliza, Henry, Mark. 

IV- Daughter b 178 ( ), d unnamed. 

IV. Mark Fretz, b Jan 9. 1799, d Sept 5, 1800. 
For complete records of Mark and Elizabeth 

Rosenberger) Fretz, see Fretz family history. 



(|| Barbara Rosenberger, b Jan <>, 1755, <] 1832, m 
Daniel Rickert. Farmer. Menus. C: Henry, Daniel, 
Abraham, Isaac, Leanna. Anna. 

IV. Henry Rickert, m Barbara Wismer. She was 

b Apr 15, 1785, d 1851. C: Daniel, Isaac, Samuel, 
Catharine, Barbara, Frances, Henry, Jacob, Eliza- 
V- Daniel Rickert, m— -. No issue, m 2nd wife 

V- Isaac Rickert, m— — . 

\f. Samuel Rickert, d young - . 

V- Catharine Rickert, m Seneca Armitage. C: 

V- Barbara Rickert, b 1806, d Aug 17, 1869. m 
John Sherm. He wash Alsace France 18)8, d June 
18, 1889. Farmer. Luths. C: Elizabeth, Catha- 
rine, Marv, William, Sarah, Barbara, John, Mag- 


dalena, Fannie, Noah, Abbie. 

V{. Elizabeth Sherm, d young*. 

V!- Catharine Sherm, m Charles King-, dec'd. Far- 
mer. Luths. C: Mary, John, Sarah, Maggie, 
Ellen. Charles. 

VII - Mary Ann King, m Geo. Slifer, dec'd, tn 2nd 
husband George Willower. 

V||. John F. King. P. O. Hilltown, Pa. 

Vj| Sarah E. King, b Dec 10, 1859, m Chas. S. 
Kletzing Sept 28, 1878. P. O. Hilltown, Pa. Far- 
mer. Luths. C: I Vlil- ) Harvey K. Kletzing, b 
Aug 3, 1879. Luth. Willis K. "Kletzing, b Jan 9, 

VII- Maggie King, m Charles Springer. 

VJj. Ellen King, m Grier Shearer. 

Vlj. Charles S. King, m Mary Benner, 

Vj- Mary Ann Sherm, m Enos Weiss. P. O. 
Schlichters, Fa. Carpenter. Farmer. Luth. C: 
William, Sallie, Irvin, Abbie. 

V||. William Weiss, m Lizzie Eckert. 

Vj!.. Sallie Weiss, m Jacob Dettra. 

VH- Irvin S. Weiss, b Sept 24, 1868, m Cora Z. 
Dubbs, Apr 16, 1892. P. O. Sellersville, Pa. 
Cigarmaker. Ret", ch. C: (VIII ) Frank F. Weiss, 
b July 20, 1893, William R. Weiss, b Oct 18, 1894, 
d Aug 28, 1895, Bertha M. Weiss, b Mar 15, 1897.. 

VII . Abbie Weiss, m Amandus Wenhold. 

Vj. William H. Sherm, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Nov 30, 
1839, m Elizabeth L. Barndt, Mar 31, 1866. P. O. 
Chalfont, Pa. Mr. Sherm in early life taught 
school lor eight years, alter which he engaged in 
farming. He has also served as school director for 
lifteen years, was County Auditor three years from 
1887 to 1890, township Auditor for three }*ears, and 
judge of election. Luth's. C: Maggie, Alice, Neri, 

VJj. Maggie B. Sherm, b June 21, 18(-7, in Frank 
8. Hairtzell, Jan 28, 1888. P. O. Ashbourne, Pa. 
Milk dealer. Luth's. C: <V1!I) Willie, Stanley, 
Fr;'uk, Lizzie, Neri 

V||. Alice B. Sherm, b Dec 27, 1869, m Aaron S. 
Overpeck, Feb 11, 1892. P. O. Forest Grove, Pa. 


Merchant. Luth's. C: (VIII) Lizzie. 

VI! Neri B. Sherm, b Feb 26, 1872, d Dec 6, 1889. 

VII. Hannah B. Sherm, b Nov 12, 1881. 

V|. Sarah Sherm, b m Enos G. Detweiler, Oct 18, 
1860. P. O. Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: 
John, William, Anna, Enos, Irwin, Alfred, Phares, 
Emma, Elizabeth, Edwin. 

V|| John F. Detweiler, b June 16, 1863, m Anna 
Eliza Lapp, Mar 26, 1885. She was b Dec 22. 1862. 
P. O. New Britain, Pa. Ger. Kef. C: i VIII Cla- 
rence L. Detweiler, b Sept 9, 1886, Uriah L. Det- 
weiler, b Oct 26, 1887, John R. Detweiler, b Apr 1, 
1889, d Aug- 17, 1889, Sarah L. Detweiler, b Aug 
18, 1890. 

VII William H. Detweiler, b June 16, 1863, m 
Mary A. Weisel, May 6, 1886. P. (). New Britain, 
Pa. " C: 'VIII) Katie w - Detweiler, b Apr 30, 1887, 
Sallie W. Detweiler, b Oct 21, 1889. 

VII Anna Barbara Detweiler, b July 24, 1865, m 
Levi S. Mover. 

V||. Enos S. Detweiler, b Oct 3, 1869, d Apr 13, 
. 1883. 

YH- Irwin S. Detweiler, 1) Mar 5, 1872, m Anna 
Mary Swartley. P. O. Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. 
Ger." Ref. C: (VIII) Bertha dec'd. 

VIE. Alfred S. Detweiler Nov 5, 1873. S. 

Vfl- Phares S. Detweiler, b Nov 26 1875, d July 11, 

V|| Emma B. Detweiler, b June 30, 1878, d Oct 
30, 1878. 

V||. S. Elizabeth Detweiler, b Sept 7, 1876. 

VII- Edwin Detweiler, b Sept 14, 1880, d May 1, 

VI. Barbara Sherm, m Eli Crouthamel. P. O. 
HLltown, Pa. Farmer. Luth. C: Oscar, Emma, 

VII- Emma Crouthamel. m Oscar Wismer. 

VII- Oscar Crouthamel, m — . , P. O. Hilltown, Pa. 

VII Warren Crouthamel, single. 

V|. John Sherm, m Caroline Savacool. P. O. Chal- 
font, Pa. Farmer. Luth. C: Minerva, Harvey, 
Wilhelmina, Jacob, Martha, Frank, Lizzie, Willie. 


VI]. Minerva Sherm, m Henry Hedrick. P. O. 
Silverdale, Pa. Tailor. Luth. No issue. 

VII- Harvey Sherm, single. 

VII- Wilhelmina Sherm, m Samuel D. Campbell. P. 
O. Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. Luth. 

VII- Jacob Sherm, m Crissie Moll. P. O. Perkasie, 
Pa. Cigarmaker. 

VII- Martha Sherm, dec'd, m George Moll. P. O. 
Chalfont, Pa. 

VIII- Harvey S. Moll. 

VII Frank Sherm, single. 
VII- Lizzie Sherm, single. 
VII- Willie Sherm, single. 

VI- Magdalena Sherm, b in Bucks Co. Pa., m Mon- 
roe L. Trumbore. P. O. Chalfont, Pa. Carpenter. 
Luth. C: Bertha, Clara. 

VII- Bertha Trumbore, b Mar 23, 1872, m Abraham 
G.Rosenberger. P.O. Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. Luth. 
C: (VII!) Wilson, Flora. 

VII- Clara Trumbore. P. O. Chalfont, Pa. Single. 

VI. Fannie Sherm, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Feb 16, 
1848, m Adam Leininger, in Boone Co. Iowa, Oct 
20, 1868. P. O. Boone, Iowa. Farmer. Luth. C: 
John, Abbie, Emma, Mary, Fred, Minnie, Nellie, 

VII- !<>hn W. Leininger, b Aug 13, 1870, d Dec 18, 

VII- Abbie C. M. Leininger. b Mar 26, 1872, m W. 
C. Granville, Oct 27, 1889. Res 214 Walnut St. E. 
Los Angeles, Cal. W T ood and coal business. C: 
i VIII) William A. F. Granville, b in Iowa, Mar 7, 
1890; Fannie M. L. Granville, b in Cal., Feb 13, 
1892; Annie E. Granville, b in Cal., Aug 6, 1894, d 
Aug 27, 1894. 

VII- Emma D. R. Leininger, b Sept 17, 1873, m 
Eric Ericson, Jan 6, 1895. P. O. Boone, Iowa. Com- 
pany bridge builder. C: ( VIII > Annie C. Ericson, b 
June 19, 1895; Carl O. Ericson, b Feb 9, 1897. 

VII. Mary L. M. Leininger, b June 25, 1877, m Al- 
bert Mondt, July 14, 1895. P. O. Boone, Iowa. 
Buttermaker. C: (VIII) Fannie L. Mondt, b Feb 
28, 1896, d next day. 


V|l- Fred Leininger, b Feb 20, 1*7 ( ). 

VII- Minnie A. K. Leininger, b Dee 18, 1880, m 
Harry G. Mondt, Apr 2<>, 1897. P. (). Boone, Iowa. 

VII- Nellie II. F. Leining-er, b Oct 28, 1883. 
Vj|. Fannie M. G. Leining-er, b Aug is, 1891, d Sept 
2'), 1891. 

V| . Noah Sherm, d young. 

VI- Abbie R. Sherm, b in Bucks Co. Fa., Sept 1, 
1853, m Adam Martin, Nov 14, 1874 F. (). Chal- 
font, Fa. Farmer. Deacon Luth. Ch. C: Infant 
d, Reuben, Flora, Alice, Bertha, Walter, Edward, 

VII- Reuben A. Martin, b May 1, 1880. 

V|j. Flora E. Martin, b Feb' 13, 1882, m F. L. 
Vi I Alice S. Martin, b Feb 18, 1884. 
VJg. Bertha M. Martin, b Apr 13, 1886. 
V82- Walter S. Martin, b Dec 22, L889. 
VJj. Edward II. Martin, b Jan 18,1892, June 1892. 
VJi. Jennie T. Martin, b Nov 30, 1895, 

V- Franey Rickert, b— , d — , m - - Delp. No issue. 
M 2nd husband Michael Hunsberger, dee'd. Far- 
mer. Luth. C: Eliza, Emma. 

VI- Eliza Hunsberger, m John Craw. Res Mana- 
yunk, Pa. No issue. 

V]. Emma Hunsberger, m John Rosenberger. P. 
O. Rich Hill, Pa. 

V- Henry Rickert, m Mary Harmer. Res (German- 
town, Pa. Mason. Methodist. C: Mary, Samuel, 

Vi- Mary Rickert. m Andrew McParland. 

V|. Samuel Rickert, m~ — . Res Germantown, Pa. 

VI- Lizzie Rickert, m George Afflick. Res German- 
town, Pa. 

V. Jacob Rickert, dee'd, m Rachel Shaffer, dee'd. 
Mason contractor. Baptists. C: Mary, Eli, Eliza, 
Ellen, Fannie, Jacob. 

VI. Mary Ann Rickert, dee'd, m William Smith. 
C: Bertha, Laura, Martha. 

VII. Bertha Smith, m — Ellis. 

VII. Laura Smith, m Charles Wisler. 


VII- Martha Smith, m . 

VI- Eli Rickert, m 

V|. Eliza Rickert. Single. 
VI. Ellen Rickert. m 

VI . Fannie Rickert. Single. 

V|. Jacob Rickert. Single. 

V. Elizabeth Rickert, m John Bircks. Res. 231 
Haines St. Germantown, Phila, Pa. Retired Gard- 
ner. Universalist. C: Rebecca, Louisa, Josephine, 
Minerva, John, Lizzie. 

V|- Rebecca Bircks, m . P.O. Louisville, Ky. 

VI- Josephine Bircks, m Jacob Fretz dec'd. C: I VII ) 
James Garfield Fretz. 

VI John Bircks, m . 

VI- Lizzie Bircks. d m 

V- John Rickert, m . C: William, Abbie. 

V- William Rickert, m 

VI- Abbie Rickert. d. Teacher. S. 

IV- Daniel R. Rickert, 1) Nov 4, 1792. d Mar 7, 
1869, m Elizabeth Kulp, June 23, 1818. She was b 
in Bucks Co, Pa., Aug 21, 1793, d in 1864. Far- 
mer. Menus. C: Isaac, Jacob, Daniel. 

V- Isaac Rickert, b in Bucks Co, Pa , Apr 7, 1819, 
m Anna G. Stauffer. Jan 9, 1858. P. O. Dublin, 
Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C: Anna, Lizzie, Daniel, 
Amanda. Sarah. 

V]. Anna S. Rickert, died at birth. 

VI Lizze S. Rickert. b May 23, 1863. S. 

V| Daniel S. Rickert, b Sept 26, 1864, m Martha 
B. Schwenk. Apr 9, 1898. P. O. Dublin, Pa. Far- 
mer. Menns. C: ( VIL Clayton S. Rickert, b Feb 
8, 1899. 

VI- Amanda S. Rickert, b Nov 2b, 1867, m Henry 
L. Wisraer. P. (). Dublin. Pa. Farmer. Menu's. 
C: VII Mabel, Edna. 

VI- Sarah S. Rickert died at birth. 

V- Jacob K. Rickert. b in Bucks Co, Pa., Feb 10, 
1821, d m Mary M. Newhard, June 28, 1847. She 
died Jan 2<>, 1858. C: Hiram, Daniel, Jacob, m 
second wife Eliza A Hoffman, Aug- 18, 1859. P. 
(). Weissport, Pa. Farmer and Merchant. Ev. 
Ass n. 


VI. Hiram Rickert, b Mav 22, 1848, m Ida Howe, 
in 1874. P. O. Weissport, Pa. Children: ( VII J 

Harry Rickert, b Oct 27. 1875, Miles Rickert, b 
Mar 11, 1877. 

VI- Daniel F. Rickert, b Sept 1, 1850, m Margaret 
Campbell, in 1879. P. < ). Weissport, Pa. Painter. 
C: (VII) Robert R. Rickert, b Aug 15, 1886. 

V- Daniel K. Rickert, bin Bucks Co, Pa., Sept 15, 
1825, died -m Hannah Myers, Dec 21. 1851. 

She was 1> May 17. 1826. Farmer. Menn's. C: 
Aaron, Elizabeth, Lydia, Sophia, Susanna, Catha- 

V|. Aaron M. Rickert, b Jan 31, 1852, died m 

Catharine M. Sell, in 1873. She was born in 1851. 
P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C:  VII » 
Lillie Jane Rickert, b Feb 5, 1874. 

VII Hannah Louisa Rickert, b June is. 1876. 

VII Daniel S. Rickert, b Nov 3o, 1877. 

VII- Barbara Ella Rickert, Feb 24, 1879. 
VII- Peter Rickert, b July 28, 1880. 

VII. Menno Rickert, b Oct 5, 1881. 
VII. Katie May Rickert, b Nov 9, 1882. 

V|. Elizabeth Rickert, b June 2(>. 1854, d May 6, 

VI. Lydia A. Rickert, b Feb 13, 1856, d Oct 21. 


V!. Sophia Rickert, b Aug- 16, 1858, d Oct 27. 1862. 

VI. Susanna Rickert, b Feb 8, 1865. d Jan 25, 1873. 

V|. Catharine Rickert, b Aug- 16, 1868, m William 
Powell in 1886. 

|V- Abraham Rickert, d — , m Katie Ruth, (widow 
of his brother Isaac). Farmer. Menns. C: Kate, 

V. Kate Rickert, b June 26, 1837, d Mar 14, 1868, 
m William M. Mover P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. 
Menns. C: Marv. Hannah, Sarah, Abraham, David. 

VI. Marv Ann 'Moyer, b Feb 29, 1855, m William 
C. Moyer. Mar «). 1876. P. O. Blooming Glen, Pa. 
Farmer. Menns. C: ( V||) Elmer Moyer, b Dec 19, 
1876; Delia Mover, b Mar 7, 1879: Eugene Moyer, 
b Apr 2, 1880; Clara Mover, b Apr 22,1884; Selena 
Moyer, b Aug 11. 18S6; Norman Mover, June 17. 



Yi- Hannah R. Morer, b Apr 14, 1857, m Henry 
G. Mover, Jan 20, 1877. P. O. Blooming- Glen, Pa. 
Farmer. Mentis. C: VII Annie Jeanetta Mover, 
b Apr 7, 1887; Isaac Erwin Mover, b May 2, 1881 ; 
William Oscar Mover, b Apr 11, 1884; Henry 
Warren Moyer, b July 18, 1887; Sarah Elizabeth 
Mover, b June 15. 1889; Mary Alice Mover, b Sept 

VI- Sarah Elizabeth Mover, b Sept 18, 1858. 

V|. Abraham Mover, b Nov 25, 1859, d Dec 26, 

\f|. David R. Mover, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Mar 4. 
1861, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Clvmer, Mar 3, 
1887. P.O.Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menns. C: VII 
Sadie C. Mover, b Oct 15, 1888; Ida H. Mover, b 
Jan 17. 1892] d Feb 2, 1892. 

V- Magdalena Rickert. b — , m William M. Mover, 

husband of her sister Kate I Apr 25, 1869. P." ( ). 
Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menns. C: Catharine, Wilson, 
Samuel. William. 

V|. Catharine Moyer, b Mar 9, 1870, m Tyrus M. 
Mover. P. (). Blooming- Glen, Pa. 

VI Wilson R. Mover, b~June 2, 1872. 

V!- Samuel R. Mover, b Nov 15, 1875. 

VI*. William Henry Mover, b Sept 16, 1877. 

IV Isaac Rickert. "b May 9, 1797, d June 5. 1832, 
m Kate Ruth. Farmer. Menns. C: David, Abra- 
ham. Isaac. Daniel, Henry. 

V- David Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., — . d — . m 
Lavina Funk, dau. of Isaac and Mary I Bechtel I 
Funk, and widow of Jacob Swartz. Res 1250 Hunt- 
ingdon St. Phila. Pa. Farmer. Menns. C: Isaac, 

V|. Isaac F. Rickert. b in Bucks Co. Pa., m Lavina 
Fretz, daughter of Henry and Mary Fretz, dec'd. 
P. (). Dublin. Pa. Farmer. Menns. C: Clayton, 
William. Marv. 

V|| D. Clayton Rickert. b Mar 28, 1874. m Catha- 
rine Lapp, daughter of Joseph Lapp, Nov 27. 1899. 
P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. 

V||. William Henry Rickert, b Nov 15, 1877. Res 


1250 Hunting-don St.. Phila. Pa. Engraver. 

VII. Mary E. Rickert, b Sept 25, 1889. 

V|. Mary A. Rickert. b in Bucks Co. Pa., m Enos 
Fretz, Dec 3, 1873. He was b Jan 16,1845. Res 
1250 West Huntingdon St. Phila. Pa. Provision 
dealer. No issue. 

V. Abraham Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., d in Ohio, 
m Mary Ann Fretz, dec'd. Farmer in Medina Co. 
O. Menns. C: Allen, Catharine, Sarah, Henry. Levi, 
David, Abraham, Barbara, Amelia. 

Y| . Rev. Allen Rickert, b Dec 21, 1848, m Sarah 
Lehman, Jan 4, 1873. P. O. Columbiana, O. Far- 
mer. Menn. Ordained minister Nov 13, L892. C: 
(VH) Edwin, Lizzie, Edith, Harvey, Margaret, 

VI- Catharine Rickert, b May 7. 1850. S. 

VI Sarah Rickert, b Nov 24, 1851. S. 

V|. Henry F. Rickert, 1) Sept 10, 1853, m Sarah 
Markley, Nov 13, 1875. P. O. River Styx. O. Far- 
mer. C: 'VII) Uriah, Rilla, Clarence, Mary. 

V| Levi F. Rickert, b Mav 2«». 1856, m Alice C. 
Custer, Oct 2, 1886. P. O. River Stvx, O. Farmer. 
C: (VII) Mabel. 

. V|. David Rickert, b Ang 19, 1858, m Eva M. 
Heath, Jan 13, 1883. Carpenter. On June 12, 1891, 
while working on a new barn, he fell from the 
building into the basement fracturing his skull 
iiom which he died the next morning. C:(VH) 
Dick, Nellie 

V|. Mary Rickert, b Jan S, 1861, m David (label, 
Dec 21, 1882. 251 Marcev Ave. Cleveland, Ohio. 
Cong'l. C: (VII) Charles.' 

V|. Abraham Rickert, b Apr 3, 1863, m Eva M. 
Heath, (his brother David's widow.; 

Vf. Barbara Rickert, b Apr 3, 1870, m Abraham 
H. Rohrer, Mav 20, 1891. P. O. River Styx, Ohio. 
Farmer. C: (VII) Percy, Gladys, David. 

V|. Amelia Rickert, b Apr 8, 1872, m Rome R. 
Kindiu-, Jan 12, 1895. 251 Marcev Ave. Cleveland. 

V. Rev. Isaac Rickert, dee'd, m Salome Cross. Far- 
mer and minister of the Doylestown, Pa., Merino- 


nite church. C: Lizzie, Isaiah. 

VI- Lizzie Rickert, m Harvey Myers, Jan 20, 1883. 
P. O. Gardenville, Pa. Farmer/ Menns. C: (VII) 
Bertha, Isaac Laura, Ezra. 

V|. Isaiah Rickert, m Emma Mack. 

V- Daniel Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., Feb 9, 1825, 
m Christina Hunker, Feb 5, 1846. She was b in 
Germany June 12, 1822, d May 23, 1888. Shoe- 
maker, later farmer. Mrs. R Luth. C: John, Catha- 
rine, Isaac, Sarah, David, Emanuel, Daniel, Emma, 

VI- John Rickert, m — Kyle. P. O. Wadsworth, O. 
V|. Catharine Rickert, m Park Pelton. P.O. Poe, O. 
VI- Isaac H. Rickard, b in Westmoreland Co. Pa., 

Oct 10, 1848, m Caroline Jane Kennedy, Dec 30, 
1875. She was b in Medina Co. O., May 8, 1856. 
P. O. Chippewa Lake, O. Manufacturer of drain 
tile, brick and hollow brick. C: (VII) Inza Rickard, 
b Oct 15, 1876; Charley Emanuel Rickard, b Oct 12, 
1878; Delbert Herman Rickard, b Aug- 29, 1881; 
Edith Rickard, b Oct 6, 1883; Howard Isaac Rick- 
ard, b Nov 5, 1889; Clarence Don Rickard, b Feb 
11, 1891; Stanley Boyd Rickard, b Dec 7, 1893. 

VI- Sarah Rickert, b — , m Henry Koppes. P. O. 
Chippewa Lake, O. 

VI- David Rickert, b — , m - -. P. O. Wads- 

worth, O. 

VI- Emanuel H. Rickert, b in Medina Co. O., Nov 
14. 1857, m Anna E. Williams, Sept 28, 1882. P.O. 
Dixon, 111. Shipping- Live stock. Luth. C: (VII) 
Clark W. Rickert, b July 14, 1885. 

VI- Daniel Rickert, Jr., b — , m Lizzie Hoover. P. 
O. Wadsworth, O. 

VI- Emma Rickert, m [ean Tinstman. P.O. Poe, O. 

V|. Abraham Rickert, b — . P. O. Wodsworth, O. 

V- Henry Rickert, b Dec 22, 182 c >, m Elizabeth 
Hunsberger, Mar 27, 1853. She d Dec 18, 1888. P. 
O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: Mary, Catha- 
rine, Levi, Enos, Reuben, Rosa, Mahlon, Magda- 
lena, Salome. 

VI- Mary Ann Rickert, b Jan 6. 1854, d Apr 1886, 
m John H. Barnes. C: Lizzie, Bertha, Daniel. 


Vl|. Lizzie Barnes, deceased. 

Vj|. Bertha May Barnes. 

VII. Daniel W. Barnes, m Laura Renner, Oct L890. 
P. O. Fresno, Cal. 

VI- Catharine Rickert, b Sept 21, 1855, d Feb 20, 

V|. Levi Rickert, b Julv 18, 1857, d Mar 10, 1866. 

VI- Enos Rickert, b Feb 2, 1859, d Apr 3, 1862. 

V|- Reuben H. Rickert, b in Bucks Co. Pa., June 
11, 1863, m Lavina Leatherman, (nee Heacock,) 
Feb 25, 1899. P. O. Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Menns. 

VI  Rose Emma Rickert, b Sept 2, 1866, m Samuel 
Yoder, Nov 19, 1887. P. O. Blooming- Glen, Pa. 
Farmer. Menns. C: (VII) Anna Valeria Yoder, b 
Sept 9, 1888; Florence May Yoder, b Jan 0, 1802; 
Norman Yoder, b Aug- 20," 1895. 

V|. Mahlon H. Rickert, b Mar 10, 1870, m Delia E. 
Strohm, Feb 21, 1891. P. O. Dublin. Pa. Clerk. 
Ref. Ch. C: (VII) Jacob L. Rickert, b Dec 12, 1892; 
Mary G. Rickert, b June 27, 1894; Henrv S. Rickert, 
b Nov 10, 1895; Alton G. Rickert, b Dec 6, 1896; 
Reuben James Rickert, b Mar 13, 1899. 

VI Mag-dalena Rickert, b Apr 8, 1873, m Bert 
Smith. P. O. Blooming Glen. Pa. Tailor. Menns. 
C: (VID Walter Smith, b Mar 27, 1892. 

VI. Salome Rickert, b Nov 21, 1875, m Harrv H. 
Moyer, Oct 14, 1895. P. O. Elroy, Pa. Merchant. 
Menns. C: (VII) Eva R. Moyer/ b Dec 14, 1897; 
Lloyd R. Moyer, b Mar 14, 1899. 

IV- Leanna Rickert, m John Watts. No issue. 

IV- Catharine Rickert, m Jacob Rosenberger. 

HE Maria Rosenberger, b Aug 6, 1757, d Jan 14, 

|||. Magdalene Rosenberger, b Dec 18, 1759, d 
1808, m John Schwardle. 

(See John Schwardle Family.) 

|||. A son b 1761, d unnamed. 

|||. A daughter b 1762, d unnamed. 

115 Sarah Rosenberger, b Jan 24, 1765, d Apr 6. 
1849, m Philip Schwardle. 

(See Philip Schwardle Family.) 

Dr. Olivt- r Diehl 






The first reunion of the Rosenberger family was 
held in Perkasie Park, Bucks County, Pa., on Thursday, 
August 10, 1899. 

The weather in the early morning was rainy, and fears 
were entertained that the rain would interfere with the 
attendance. However, while o'er head the clouds hung 
dark and broken, it ceased to rain, and the descendants 
began to arrive, in vehicles of every description, from 
the surrounding districts of Bucks and Montgomery 
Counties, while the incoming trains brought hundreds' 
more, until upwards of 1,500 descendants of the pioneer 
Henry Rosenberger were present. The arrangements 
of the reunion were in charge of a committee who had 
been engaged for some lime in the work of preparation, 
and the exercises were signally successful. 

Included in the gathering were representatives of 
the family from Bucks, Montgomery and Lehigh Coun- 
ties, and Philadelphia, while several came from distant 
states in the West and Canada. 

The exercises began at 10:30 a. id., when the chair- 
man, Prof. Seward M. Rosenberger, of Quakertown, 
Pa., mounted the platform in the auditorium of the 
park and introduced Prof. Howard Freed, of Lansdale. 
Pa., as the first participant, who rendered a pleasing 
piano solo. This was followed by singing "All Hail 
the Power of Jesus' Name, 11 and a fervent prayer was 
then offered by Rev. G. YV. Hengen, of Perkasie, Pa., 
after which Prof. S. M. Rosenberger, of Quakertown, 
Pa., delivered the address of welcome, to which Rev. S. 
A. Ziegenfuss, D. D., of Germantown. Pa., responded in 
an appropriate address in which he cited his connection 
with the family and congratulated the committee on 
the success of the undertaking. 

Miss Ella Geller, a promising young vocalist, of 
Lansdale. Fa., favored the audience with a vocal solo, 


and Miss Stella Rosenberger, of Philadelphia, rendered 
an excellent piano solo. 

The memorial address, prepared by A. R. Place, 
Esq., of Lansdale, Pa., \v;is read by Dr. Daniel M. Lan- 
dis. of Perkasie, Pa., Mr. Place, just having been treated 
for an affection of the throat, his physician would not 
permit him to use his voice. The address was one of 
the best productions of the day. 

The exercises of the forenoon were closed by sin" - - 
ing that patriotic hymn, "America.' 1 

At 2 o'clock, the audience which had been consid- 
erably increased by later arrivals, again gathered in the 
auditorium and the exercises Eor the afternoon were 
opened h\ singing •'Nearer My God to Thee," after 
which a piano duct was rendered by Miss Stella Rosen- 
berger and Howard Freed. The chairman then intro- 
duced Samuel Z. Freed, Esq., of Doylestown, Pa., who 
delivered an address. He was followed by an address 
byProf. A. V. K. Kront. M. A., of Philadelphia. Misses 
Mabel and Susie Rosenberger, of 1 [illtown, Pa., rendered 
a piano duet, and .1. V. Ommeren, Esq., of Quakertown, 
Pa., addressed the audience briefly in the absence of F. 
G. Hobson, Esq., of Collegeville, Pa., who was an- 
nounced on the program as one of the speakers, but 
failed to be present. 

.Miss Ella Geller sang another solo, after which the 
historical address was delivered by Kev. A. J. Fretz, of 
Milton, X. J. 

At the close of the exercises the (juestion of hold- 
ing future reunions of the' family came up for con- 
sideration, and it was moved and carried to hold a 
reunion of the family every five years. 


The second reunion of the Rosenberger family was 
held on Thursday, August 11, 1904, when about 1,000 
descendants of the pioneer Bishop Henry Rosenberger 
gathered in Perkasie Park, Bucks Co., Pa. The day 
did not open auspiciously, and the threatening skies 
kept many away. In the afternoon the large pavilion 
was well filled. 

A short program was rendered in the forenoon. 
Prayer by Rev. S. A. Stopp, of Doylestovvn, Pa. Dr. 
D. M. Landis extended the welcome of the town and 
committee to the visiting relatives. Prof. S. M. Rosen- 
berger responded to the words of welcome. James A. 
Rosenberger, of Milford Square, delivered an oration 
lauding the virtues of the ancestors, and emphasizing 
the need of cheerful devotion to duty and right. Miss 
Nora Rosenberger, of Perkasie, gave a touching read- 
ing, which was sympathetically received by the audi- 
ence. Addresses in the afternoon were delivered by J. 
Ralphus Freed, Esq., of Doylestown. in the English 
language, and Frank R. Rosenberger, of Milford 
Square, in German. The addresses were replete with 
happy allusions and sparkling thoughts. A trio was 
rendered by W. B. Rosenberger's family and a number of 
instrumental selections were rendered by the Misses 
Susie and Mabel Rosenberger, of Hilltown. The music- 
al renditions greatly delighted the audience. The his- 
torical sketch prepared by Rev. A. J. Fretz, the family 
historian, was read by the president of the Association. 
At a business session the officers of the Association 
were re-elected to serve the next reunion — 1907. They 
are Prof. S. M. Rosenberger, President; I. R. Haldeman. 
Secretary; Frank Rosenberger, Treasurer; Dr. D. M. 
Landis. Isaac Rosenberger and Harvey Landis, Execu- 
tive Committee. 



The gentle reminder of the editor that he has about 

completed the manuscript for the Rosenberger Family 
History, and that the lasi article in the form of a vale- 
diction would therefore be expected without much 
further delay, urges me to fulfill a promise which I 
made some time ago, and which I have not forgotten. 
Many of us have no doubt awaited the appearance of 
this work with a great deal of interest. Various matters 
have transpired within recent years to awaken our 
expectations to a greater or less degree, so that any one 
connected with the Rosenberger family, would, from 
time to time, find his feelings agitated, his hopes excited 
and his desires deepened, as these matters relating to 
the history of the family took more definite shape. 

The very first announcement from the Editor call- 
ing our attention to the fact that the publication of a 
history of the pioneers and descendants of the Rosen- 
berger family would be undertaken, could not fail to 
awaken a responsive chord in the heart of every living 
member who happens to be in any way connected with 
the family. And every subsequent announcement of 
the intended project, had the effect to increase our 
interest and augment our sympathy in behalf of the 

But this favorable regard reached its highest point, 
(in our judgment ) in the very successful RoSENBEKGEB 
Family Reunion, held at Perkasie Park in the summer 
of 189'.). Such an outpouring of people must certainly 
have exceeded the most Banguine expectations of the 
committee who arranged for the re-union, and demon- 
strated in no uncertain tones the attitude of the de- 
scendants to their family history. 

The preparation and Completion of such a history 
is necessarily fraught with a great deal of labor, research 


and patience. We are deeply sensible and fully appre- 
ciate the greatness and accuracy of the work done by 
the Editor in gathering, compiling and arranging the 
historical data of this family, tracing our lineage and 
making it possible for us to see the line of our particular 
descent from, and our relations to the parent stem. It 
is an intricate and yet withal an interesting study. 

As we scan the pages of this volume, we learn a great 
many things that we had not known before. We gain 
a better insight into our family history, appreciate the 
more fully the noble deeds, the pioneer work, the glori- 
ous achievements, the arduous self-denials, the worthy 
examples and goodly heritage handed down to us by 
our fathers. Our eyes are opened and our hearts are 
impressed as Ave ponder the character of our ancestors 
in their integrity, uprightness, honesty and manly 
virtues. Such consideration and reflection cannot fail 
to incite us in constantly putting forth the great*-' 
efforts to prove ourselves the worthy descendants of 
noble sires. What man hath done man can do. ! - 
would be idle folly, therefore, for any one (o presume 
to rest on the laurels of his progenitors. 

'"Let us, then, be up and doing, 
With a heart for any fate: 
Still achieving, still pursuing, 
Learn to labor and to wait." 

While we may reasonably expect thai ail our 
kindred will make themselves the possessors of at least 
one copy of this valuable history, (for its price is cer- 
tainly placed within the reach of each one) we, at the 
same time hope that they will not only give tin 1 volume 
a place on their library shelves, but will study its pages 
and acquaint themselves with its facts. The character 
of the work stamps it largely as a book of reference, 
one that needs to be consulted repeatedly, in order to 
be rightly understood and properly appreciated. Fre- 
quent recurrences to its pages, and a constant looking 
up of its events and names will till the mind with a 
proper knowledge of our genealogy, and enable us to 
speak intelligently concerning the matters thai 
related to us so closely. 


It is a work, therefore, no! of passing value and 
present interesl only, bul one that grows upon us as 
time passes on, ami will prove a, treasure even to our 
succeeding generations. 

T have already written enough and ought to say 
farewell, but before doing so finally, let me impress the 
thought: How will our lives compare with the lives of 
our forefathers ? Will the world be the better because 
we have lived in it ? Will our children and children's 
children rise up to call us blessed, because we have not 
lived in vain, and because we have made the best use of 
our talents, and have been faithful, devoted and true to 
our Divine Lord and Master ? We thus leave a good 
example behind us and pass from the scenes of this life 
into the blessedness of the life beyond. With these 
thoughts we lay our pen down as we write a last and 
an affectionate farewell. 

Germantown, Philadelphia. Pa. 
July 30, 1900. 



Page 66 read Alvin Rudy, not Aloin. 

66 •• Barbara Shantz, not Barbard. 

69 " Noah E. Eby. not Ely. 

69 " Benjamin E. Eby. not Ely. 

TT " Eschelman. not Echelman. 

77 - VI. Elizabeth Stauffer, not VII. 

74 •• VI. Barbara Rudy, b. 1842, not VII. 

75 " Eerman, not Farmer Snyder. 

80 •• VI. Benjaman Bosenberger. not VII. 

80 " VIII. Mamie Buiman. not VII. 

80 " Bose Babine, not Bobine. 

81 " W. B. Matthews, nut W. E. 

82 " Moses Bosenberg, b. 1802, not 1892. 
82 " May Forbes, not Mary. 

84 " Doress S. Dochowon, not Dovess. 

91 " Montford S. Strome, not Mortford. 

" 92 " Freyvogel, not Freyvogee. 

" 97 " John L. Lapp, not John .1. 

" 106 " Matilda H., Snyder, b. June 10. 

112 " Margaret Bupple, not Bupped. 

" 116 " Enoch D. Shantz, b. 1841, not 1848. 

" 123 " Henry D. Kratz, not Dr. 

" 126 " Arrived August 11, 1732, not 1832. 

" 138 " Fay and Jay Tlunsberger. not Hunsicker. 

" 138 " VIII. Elizabeth and Arthur II unsberger, not 


" 140 " Michael D. Alderfer, b. 1843, not 1842. 

" 170 " Gelderland, not Genlderland. 

" 173 " financially successful, not successfully. 

" 175 " M. Kate Sweaney, not Siveany. 

" 182 " Grant Reservation, not Grand. 

" 183 " corps of professors, not professions. 

". 205 " Menn's, not Menno. 

" 207 " VI. David Bosenberger, not VII. 

" 208 " Menn's. not Menno. 

" 210 " VII. Edna M. Evans, not VI. 

" 224 " M. Christiana, adopted daughter of Rev. John 










en. 1 



Alderfer, Abnil 


123. 139 


Alderfer. Malinda 15. 


142. 143, 144, 


Margaret K. 




141, 143 





A brahara 









Mary B. 






Mary A. 




123. 149 







144, 14(5 


Michael 140, 142 











Philip 141, 148 





140, 1 12 












141, 144 


Reuben S. 









Clement D. 



Samuel D. 



Daniel D. 



sarah 141, 143 



I >eborah B. 








138, 141 




143, 144 







13<>, 148 


Bergey, Anna L. 






Henry L. 



Frank S. 



Bricker. Benjamin 




1 3r> 


Clemmer, Elizabeth 






J acob 



Garret D. 






Hannah D. 



Colburn, Abram 
















138, 140 






140, 143 








Delp, Abraham A. 






Detweiler, Aaron J 5. 





145, 149 






123, 138 





.John 139, 141 


147, 150 





























Levi S. 



Daniel 112, 



Lewis S. 







112. 148 








Rev. Enoch 









J age 

6 Detweiler, George 



riebel. Magdalena 



Rev. George R. 









Susanna A 





5 L 

app, Abraham 



Jacob R. 






Rev. Jacob 15. 






John I!. 















Henry W. 



La vina 












Magdalen a 






Mary 103, 

109, 117 








John W. 






John II. 









Rev. Noali 



Joseph W. 



Noah R. 









Joseph IE 










113, 119 
















6 Eib, Aaron 

9.") « 

Samuel \Y . 




95 6 



6 G 

>twals. Catharine 








5 L 

iderach, Ann 














6 II 

arttle, Annie 











6 II 

iinsicker, Ann 


t; M 

oyer, Benjamin 



Ren ja miu A. 












Elias A. 


















Rev. Henry A. 


6 N 

onamaker, Aaron 



Horace M. 






Mary A. 





6 K 

ratz, Annie 




















6 N 

ice, Abraham 









Mary K. 



Rev. William 



Michael A. 



jsenberij-, Abraham 


6 K 

riebel, Barbara 


6 Rosenberger, Aaron R. 






Abraham N. 






Abraham 3 

, 60 





Abraham S, 




37, 57, 



5 Rosenberger, Abva'm 
Abraham E. 
Benjamin 27, 

Christian D. 
76, 84, 93 
Ilettie A. 
Horace V. 
Isaac B. 
Isaac U. 
.In cob 15. 

.Jacob 42, 66, 

.lacob D. 
.lacob P. 
John s. 
John I). 

Joseph 26, 

Joseph D. 
Joseph W. 
Levi II. 

Lydia 66, 76, 












45, 86 

75, 88 

63, 86 






59, 67 






52, 93 

45, 65 

r- - 



53, 75 

45, 57 


86, 91 

:>*, 94 

en. Page 

Posenberger, Margaret 40 

to, 94 

Mary 26, 31,42,58, 76, 











Rev. Samuel S 








Rosen berry 



Charles G. 

Christian G. 





John II. 

John G 


Rosenburg, Moses 
Rudy, Abraham 



< Ihristian 


< leorge 





Shantz, Abraham D. 

Benjamin I). 




83; 93 
26, 51, 88 

65, 75 

66, 93 

31, 33, 87 
Abraham B. 50 









»5 Shautz, Enoch 



6 £ 

a utter, Anna 



6 John D. 





6 Lydia 



John A. 


6 Magdalen a 





(5 Mary A. 





6 Menno 



Susan A. 


6 Nancy D. 

116 6 



6 Sarah' I). 

nt; 6 

Strom e, Aaron 



6 Susanna 



Abram lb 


6 Snyder, Benjamin 





6 Daniel 



David K. 


6 Elizabeth 





6 Enoch I). 





6 Isaac 1). 





6 Lydia 




Isaiah li. 


6 Mary 





6 Nancy 






6 Sarah 





li Susanna 





ismer, Catharine 


<"> Stauffer, Abra 








6 Eckhart, El mine 

6 Mary C. 

6 Susanna 

6 Fretz. Abraham J. 





Allen W. 
Anthony R. 
Ella R. 
Mary A. 
Quincy A. 
Sarah A. 

6 Heckler, Aaron lb 


Ann E. 
David lb 
Frank lb 
Hester A. 
Jacob lb 
John R. 
Mary A. 
Samuel lb 


7 Ilime. Until A. 



6 Ilines, Eliza 



6 Henry W. 



6 Joseph 



6 Samuel 



6 Sophia 



6 Hunsberger, David K 

. 21 12 


6 Ephraim 



6 Kate 



♦5 Mary 



6 Sarah 


2 lit 

4 Kulp, Barbara 



4 Helena 



4 Isaac 



6 Landis. Ephraim 



6 George R. 



6 J acob 



6 John 



ti Monk, Edward R. 



6 Dr. E. Henry 



6 Munk. Anne 



6 Dr. Joseph A, 



6 Mary A. 



6 William C. 











Rickert, Abraham 



Rosenberger, Christian 159 








( -atharine 





















Rev. Daniel 









J ohn 






Joseph R. 



Rev. David 







159, 200 








Rosenberg, Annie 



David 206 

01 q ooi 








Dr. David H. 



Rev. Edward II. 



Dr. Frank J. 



Edmund s. 



Isaac H. 






Dr. Jacob H. 






Dr. John H. 




192, 197 

Dr. John B. 


241. 239 


Joseph S. 






Dr. Mary E. 




203, 237 


Sarah A. 




1116, 2(10 


Rosenberger, Aaron 










Klhvood J. 







222. 238 



21 >5 


Enos L. 



Dr. Abram S. 



Franklin II. 



Abner W. 



Franklin B. 









Albert A. 













Alonzo P. 




207, 227 






208. 2-25 





Henry L. 






Henry B. 







220, 224 





Dr. Henry D. 



Ann E. 



Henry K. 



Annie B. 



Henry F. 







Henry S. 






Howard B. 







194, 223 


Barbara 197, 


23i ) 


I ia Y. 






196, 234 


Benjamin F. 



Rev. Isaac J. 















Carl H. 



Isaac D. 



Charles L. 




Ilaac B. 



Charles R. 



Israel II. 




1 53 







5 Rosenberger, Jacob 
R .lacob 
7 .Jacob C 

6 -Jacob ]'.. 
6 .lacob 1). 
4 Jacob 
6 .lames 

6 .Ifsse 

7 . 1 esse L. 
6 .Jemima 
fi Joanna 
6 Joel 
I; John 

4 John 
C) John B. 
6 John R. 

5 John I). 

6 .Jolin G. 

5 Rev. Jolin 

6 Josiah 
6 Joseph W. 

5 Joseph 209. 

6 Josepli 
6 Kate C. 
fi Leah 

6 Levi A. 
fi Lillie 

7 Lydia A. 
6 Lyman 
6 MalissaJ. 
6 Mary 159,189, 

196, 206, 219 

4 Mary 

5 Mary 202,211,224, 

6 Mary B. 
6 Man A. 

6 Mary 

7 Mary E. 
fi Mary E. 

3 Mary 
fi Mamie 
5 Maria 
fi Margaret 
5 Margaret 

5 Martin 
7 Nellie V. 
fi Noah N. 

4 Philip 

6 Philip 

5 Philip L. 

6 Reuben D. 






7 R 

(senberger, Robert E. 196 

189, 196 


Samuel L. 





194, 22*1 



Samuel E. 




Samuel D. 




Samuel B. 





220, 225 




189, 193 


194,226, 233 

21 h l, 224 












158, 196 











233. 238 







William D. 




William F.J. 




William D. 



ti Rosenberry, Dr. A. 

15. 191 



Ada E. 


221 1. 2:57 


Alice E. 




Dr. Alvin J. 


221 1 











Renjamin F. 




Bertha H. 












Charles S. 


193, 194 






154, 161 





232. 233 














George L. 

161 1 

195, 196 






Dr. Harvey L. 














200, 21 17 






















Dr. Marvin B. 




Minnie F. 




Samuel C. 




Viola J. 




Gen. Page 

7 Rosenberry, Walter 190 

7 William 164 

6 Roth, Abraham I?. 204 

6 Anna 11. 205 

6 Catharine 205 

(5 Daniel R. 205 

6 David R. 204 

6 Elias R. 203 

6 Peter 205 

6 Ruth, Aaron 239 

6 Elizabeth 240 

6 Henry 240 

6 Isaac 240 

6 Alary A. 240 

6 Susanna 240 

6 Shelly, John R. 198 

6 .Jonas 197 

6 Kate R. 199 

6 Lewis R. 198 

6 Moses R. 199 

6 Philip R. 199 

t5 Reuben 197 

6 Tobias II. 199 

H Stover, Adam 202 

»} Barbara 203 

6 Charles 203 

Gen. Page 

6 Stover. David 203 

6 Margaret 202 

6 Mary 203 

6 Peter 203 

6 Philip R. 203 

6 Weikel, Harriet 192 

6 John 192 

5 Wirenian. Annie 243 

5 Catharine 241 

5 Christiana 243 

5 Elizabeth 243 

5 Isaac 24 l 

5 Michael 241 
5 Wismer, Rev. Abraham 188 

5 Ann 188 

5 Barbara 188 

6 Charles R. 175 
5 Christian 188 

5 David 188 

6 Emma M. 174 
6 -Henry 175 

5 Henry 188 

6 Jacob 175 
5 Jacob 188 
I) Mary A. 174 






4 Allebacli, Abraham 



< lehman, David 1!. 


6 Amos 



I Manna II. 


4 Barbara 



George F, 


4 Benjamin 



Laura I). 


4 Catharine 



Minnie II. 


5 David 





5 Jesse 



William Lt. 


5 .John 



(i.xlshall, Ida 


4 John 





4 Lizzie 





4 Mary 





5 Samuel 

25 1 


Iluusherger. A bra 

lam 271 

5 Susanna 



Itev. Christian 


4 Susanna 





6 Anders. Catharine 

251 » 


Jolln Lt. 


6 Henry 





6 Horace lt. 

251 1 




6 Nathaniel 



Kulp, Samuel I). 


r> Clemmer, Levi 



Sarah Ann 


5 Peggie 



Kline. I'M ward 

281 » 

5 Clymer, Abraham 



Eeter It. 

28< ) 

6 Kate 



Leitenberger, .Join 

i 299 

5 Derstine. Abraham 



Mary C. 


5 Ann 



Licey, 11 on. Alvin 

D. 294 

5 Catharine 

2! 14 




5 Hannah 



Catharine A. 


5 Henry 





5 Joseph 

25 is 


Levi S. 


5 Detweiler, Catharine 





5 Elizabeth 





5 John II. 





5 Mary 



Moyer, David D. 


5 Nancy 



Jacob D. 


5 Sarah 



John D. 


6 Doll. Charles it. 



Mary D. 


6 Elizabeth 





6 Jesse Lt. 



lieeder, Elnora 


6 Mary 





6 Washington 





5 Frick, Sarah 





5 Sophia 





6 Gehman, Abraham 





(5 Allen F. 



William F. 


6 Catharine 











6 Reihnger, Clara 



Rosenberger, ( 


?e 248 






262, 280 

6 Itichenbach, Fannie 260 


Harry C. 







248, 265 


Rosenberger, Abraham 248 


Rev. Henry 




Abraham H. 









Henry K. 




256, 279 


Henry H. 



Abraham S. 



Henry R. 









Abel H. 



Henry L. 






Horace H. 



Alvin L. 















Isaac G. 






J acob 

262, 265 



249, 293 



263, 265 


Anna E. 



Jacob W. 









Annie 249, 262, 263 




248, 250 



254, 268 

262. 268 







253, 259 









256, 258 


John H. 







252, 257 


Benjamin G. 



John L. 




250, 259 




266, 286 


Jonas W. 



Catharine R. 

















253, 265 


Christian L. 



Levi C. 






Lilly H. 




263, 265 



251, 265 





Magdalen a 




266, 293 











David R. 












Edwin H. 







249, 250 




253, 265, 268 




257, 293 


Elizabeth 249 

266, 293 


Mary 250 

, 203 

281, 291 


Ella C. 





253, 257 





258. 262, 


264, 265 



257, 265 

275, 276 








Erwin A. 




253. 28( I 






259, 267 


Frank R. 



Oliver S. 




248, 258 







6 Rosenberger, Ray 



1,'i'V. Samuel II. 




Samuel L. 



259, 290 
Seward M< 
Sophia R. 
Sue ('. 
Thomas G. 
Wallace II. 
William F. 

6 Ruth, Anna 

6 Benjamin 

6 Daniel 

6 Katie 

6 Valentine 

() AVilhelmina 

5 Swartz, Aaron 

5 Jacob 

5 Lizzie 

5 Morris 

5 Peter 

5 Stauffer, Henry 

5 John 

5 Samuel 


miiiul 265 


261 i 
2i id 
2 11* 

(Jen. Va,g( 

5 Stan Her, William 293 

6 Springer, Abraham I>. 294 
6 Charles II. 294 
6 1 tcby 293 
6 Franklin II. 294 

5 Wireman, Abraham 261 

6 Annie 261 

5 Barbara 261 

6 IlenryS. 260 
6 Jacob 261 

5 John 260 

6 John 261 

5 Katie 260 
Nancy 260 

6 Samuel 261 
6 Ziegenfuss, Amanda 291 
6 Angeline 291 
4 Elias 289 
6 Emma 292 
6 Henry R. 2ss 
6 Katie 292 
6 Levina 288 
6 Lizzie 292 
6 Lucyetta 287 
6 Mary 291 
6 Peter 291 
6 Saliie 292 
6 Rev. Samuel A. 288 
6 Sarah A. 286 
6 Sophia 291 
6 William 288 







5 Delp, George 



Rickert, Barbara 


5 John L. 



Daniel B. 


4 Fretz, Barbara 



Daniel K. 


4 Elizabeth 





4 Henry 





4 Leatherman, Anna 





4 Henry 





4 Jacob 





4 Lonx, Abraham 





4 Catharine 





5 Charles 

303, 307 




5 Christian 



Rev. Isaac 


5 Eliza 





5 George W. 





4 John 



Jacob K. 


5 John A. 





5 John D. 





5 Joseph H. 



Rosenberger, Anna 


5 Magdalena 





5 Mary 





4 Peter 



Rev. Henry 


5 Samuel 





5 Sarah 





4 Rickert, Abraham 





5 Abraham 


A Genealogical Record 


Swartley Family, 

— OF- 

Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pa, 










The Swartley Family 


Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pa, 

The brothers John, Jacob and Philip Schwardle were 
born at Eppingen, in Necker, grand duchy of Baden. 

John Schwardle, at the age of 18, emigrated to 
America in the ship "Minerva, 1 ' from Rotterdam, 
arriving in Philadelphia, September 30. 1772. He was 
a "Redemptioner, 1 ' and his passage to America was 
paid by Rev. Henry Rosen berger, in whose service he 
continued for three years. 

Philip Schwardle came to America sibout 1782. He 
was probably a resident of Montgomery Co. for some 
time, but later located in Bucks Co. where lit' became a 
prosperous farmer. 

It is not known to the writer when the brother Jacob 
Schwardle came to America. He lived and died in 
Bocks Co., where he located in the year 1781. 

It is also evident that a sister by name of Annn. also 
came to America, married Jacob Krout. They lived in 
Bedminster, on the Deep Run. at the place known as 
"Krouts Mill.'* 



I. Anne Schwardle,* b. August 7, 1748; d. January 
12, 1818. She probably came from Germany with her 
brothers; ni. Jacob "Grout" (Krout). He was b. Oct. 
1740: d. May '27, 1800. In 1786, he became possessed 
of two tracts of land which his father, Henry Kraudt, 
purchased of William Allen, in Bedminster on the 
Deep Run, at the place now known as "Krout's Mill." 
The first tract, consisting of 91 acres, was purchased in 
1750, and the other of 194 acres purchased in 1762. 

Jacob also purchased 500 acres of the Ebenezer Large 
tract in 1775. and in 1786 conveyed one-half of it to 
his brother Henry. Jacob erected a mill on this 
homestead tr;ict and purchased a few acres adjoining 
to accomodate his race. By will dated March 10, 
1796 and proven July 10, 1800, Jacob Crout of 
Bedminst°r. miller, devised various legacies and life 
interests to his wife Anne; his plantation and mill 
property to his sons, Henry and Jacob, equally, when 
the latter should arrive at age; they paying out some 
£200, &c. The residue of his estate to his five 
daughters. Menus, C: Anna, Elizabeth, Esther, Henry, 
Susanna. Jacob. Mary, 

*The name later changed to Swartley. 



II. Anna Krout, b. Feb. 9, 1770; d. — ; m. Christian 
Leathennan, April 25, 1793. He was b. October 23. 
1769; d. April 25, 1815. Farmer on Deep Run. where 
Morris Many ard now resides. Menu's. C: Jacob. John. 
Joseph. Susanna. Mary, Anna, Esther, Anna. 

III. Jacob Leatherman. b. January 23, 1794; d. — ; 
m. Barbara Hocknian. Menu's. C: Anna. Christian, 
Susanna. Jacob. Maria. Levi, Leah. 

IV. Anna Leatherman. m. Absolem B. Arnold. C: 
( V ) Leidy, Harry. 

IV. Christian Leatherman, b. March IS. 1820; d. 
April 2. 1895; m. Sarah Hager, October 1(5. 1849. She 
d. March 4. 1864. Merchant. Grer. Ret'. C: Amanda. 
Emma. Sabina, Elizabeth. El'vin, Lydia, Renminbis. 
< Ihristiana, Wilhelmina. 

V. Amanda Leatherman. b. 1850; d. 1851. 

V. Emma Leatherman. b. December 4. 1851: in. 
Peter Shearer. 

V. Sabina Leatherman. b. Jan. 18. 1853: m. Oliver 
J. Kratz, Dec. 23, 1876. Res.. Philadelphia. Pa. Ger. 
Ref. C: (VI) Howard. Lottie. Roy. Blanche. 

V. Elizabeth Leatherman. b. 1854: d. 1857. 

V. Elvin Leatherman. I). November 2. 1855: d. — . 

V. Lydia Leatherman, b. Mar. 31, 1857: m. Stephen 
Horn. Res. Philadelphia. 

V. Remandns Leatherman. b. July 6. 1859: m. — . 
Res., Philadelphia. 

V. Christiana Leatherman, b. December 25. 1861; 
ui. Arch L. Forkner. \lv^.. New Mexico: 

V, Wilhelmina Leathennan. b. March 1, 1864: m. 
Charles X. Cressman. P. 0., Qnakertown, Pa. 

IV. Susanna Leathennan. b. Bucks Co.. Pa., Dec. 13. 


1828; d. March 17. 1902; in. Benjamin A. Hendricks, 
Dec. 31, 1848. He was b. in Bucks Co., Oct. 26, 1821; 
d. April 18, 1902. Real estate broker. Ger. Ref. (': 
Mary, Amanda, John, Minerva. 

V. Mary Hendricks, in. Charles Ruth, dec'd. 

V. Amanda Hendricks, m. Fred Brownsworth, dec'd. 

V. John L.Hendricks, b. Nov. 27,1 848; m. Mary A. 
Schell, August 21. 1871. Res., 1688 Sydenham St., 
Philadelphia, Pa. Conveyancer. Baptist. C: Minerva, 
Laura. Benjamin, Howard. John, Charles. 

VI. Minerva B. Hendricks, l». August 7, 1872: m. 
Win. C. Bechtold, October 12. 1898. 

VI. Lanra M. Hendricks, b. January 26, 1876; m. 
Evan Johnson. April 3, 1900. 

VI. Benjamin A. Hendricks. Jr., b. October 12. 1879. 
VI. Howard L. Hendricks, b. February 8, 1883. 
VI. John W. Hendricks, b. May 24. 1887. 
VI. Charles W. Hendricks, b. July 10 1889. 
V. Minerva Hendricks, m. Milton Funk. 

IV. Jacob Leatherman, m. Jane Carver. Hotel- 
keeper. Presbyterian. C: Lizzie, Delia, Zackery, Etta, 
Anna, < Iharles. 

V. Lizzie Leatherman. m. Thomas Smith. 
V. Delia Leatherman, m. Owen Kratz. 

V. Zackery Leatherman, m. Mary K. Kratz, 1871. 
Res.. 2284 South 16th St., Philadelphia. Presbyterian. 
C: (VI) Delia. Edgar. 

V. Etta Leatherman, dec'd. 

V. Anna Leatherman. dec'd. 

V. Charles Leatherman, dec'd. 

IV. Maria Leatherman, b. February 5, 1826; d. April 
7, 1898; m. John A. Detweiler, December 1, 1844. He 
was b. May 9, 1828; d. May 10. 1905. Carpenter, 
farmer. Mennonites. C: Elizabeth, Jacob, Albert, 
Joseph. Granville. 

V. Elizabeth L. Detweiler, b. December 15, 1845; 
m. Levi S. Godshall. Res., Philadelphia. 

V. Jacob L. Detweiler, b. February 5, 1847; m. 
Elizabeth B. Hunsberger, December 18, 1869. P. 0. 
Perkasie, Pa. Carpenter and Builder. Menu's. C: 
Mary, Isaac. 

VI. Mary Ann Detweiler, b. August 20. 1870; d. 


April 13, 1895; m. Edmond L. Rogers. Ref. Church. 
C: (VII) Esther, Oliver. 

VI. Isaac H. Detweiler, b. June 28, 1872; m. Eliza- 
betii Nuugesser, December 5, .1890; P. 0. Perkasie, Pa. 
Cigar-maker; Lath's. 

V, Albert L. Detweiler, b. January 5, 1852; m. 
Susanna Yost; res., 1220 Columbia Ave.. Pliila. 

V. Joseph L. Detweiler, b. March 3, L854; in. 
Salome Stout. 

V. Granville L. Detweiler, b. January 19, L863; m. 
Mabel Pascoe. 

IV. Levi H. Leatherman, b. December 20, 1831; m. 
Minerva Fretz. August 5, 1855. She d. April 4. 1906. 
Res. 2336 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.; carpenter; 
Lutheran; C: Granville, Harvey, Ella, Howard. Flora. 

V. Granville Leatherman, b. Jan. ^3. 1857: d. 1861. 
V. Harvey Leatherman, b. April 18, I860; d. 1861. 
V. Ella Leatherman, b. February 22, 1863; in. Barry 

E. Kratz, March 30, 1893; res.. 34 N. Franklin St., 
Allentown. Pa. Salesman. Presby. C: (VI)'Edith M. 
Kratz, b. Jane 14, 1893, d. 1897: Myrlle L. Kratz, b. 
January 28, 1896: Helen M. Kratz. b. June 28. 1898. 

V. Howard Leatherman, b. October 1, 1868; m. Alice 
Houlihan; res., 2507 North Colorado St.. Philadelphia, 

V. Flora Leatherman, b. February 4. 1871; m. 
Harvey D. Groff, May 11, 1892: res., 2331'. X. 13th St.. 
Philadelphia, Pa.: Ref. ch.; C: (VI) Florence Groff. b. 
March 3, 1893; Ethel Groff, b. Sep 1 ember 20. 1895; 
Howard L. Groff, b. July 3, 1898. d. 1904; John R. 
Groff. b. November 19, 1902. 

IV. Leah Leatherman, b. May 23, 1834. Res., 2334 
N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Meth. Ep. S. 

III. John Leatherman, b. October 15. 1795: m. 
Barbara Overholt; she was 1). August 8. 1708. Farmer: 
Menu's. C: Jacob, Martin, Mary. Elizabeth. Barbara. 
Nancy, Sarah. 

IV. Jacob O. Leatherman, d.: m. Elizabeth Myers. 
Farmer; Menu's; C: Rev. John, Martin. Samuel. Eliza- 
beth. Abraham d.. David d., Anna d.. Jacob d. 

IV. Martin Leatherman, m. Nancy Myers; P. 0. 
Jit'ilmiuster. Pa. Farmer: Menu's. C: John, Eli d. 


IV. Mary Leatherman, m. John Detweiler, d.; farmer. 
Menn's. < ': Peter <L Jacob d., Anna. 

IV. Elizabeth Leatherman, in. Joseph Gr. Overholt. 
He was b. January 2<>. L832; P. ().. Perkasie, Pa.. R,. 
F. I). "J. Farmer; Menn's. C: Barbara, Abraham. 

V. Barbara L. Overholt, b. December 3, 1867; m. 
Harvey K. Smith, April 16, 1896; P. 0., Plumsteadville, 
Pa. Farmer. 

V. Abraham L. Overholt, b. May 13, 1882. 

IV. Barbara Leatherman m. Abraham K. High.; P. 
().. Dublin, Pa.; farmer; Menn's. 0: John. &c. 

IV. Nancy Le;ilherman, d.; m. Abraham Kulp, P. 0., 
Bedminster, Pa.; farmer; Menn's. C: Mary, Annie. 
John, A braliam, Barbara, d. 

IV. Sarah Leatherman, d. young.* 

III. Joseph Leatherman, b. March 8, 1798: d, March 
10, 1861; m. Esther Kulp, 1821. Sin- was b. April 20, 
1801, d. September 28, 1872. Removed to Wayne Co., 
Ohio, spring of 1840, where they died; farmer, Menn's. 
(': Enfant, Mary, Aaron. Isaac, Ann. Esther, Fannie, 
Infant, Infant. 

IV. Mary Leatherman, b. July 10, 1823; d. Nov. 17. 
1853; m. Samuel Flager, 1844; farmer. C: (V) A sun 
d. infant. 

IV. Aaron Leatherman, b. August 2, 1825, m. Susan 
Drissel; farmer; Menu. ('.: (V) Esther, dec'd, infant 
son, dec'd, John. 

IV. Isaac Leatherman, b. October 21, 1827: m. 
Rachel Shaum, October 26. 1848. She was b. March 
24, 1831; d.J uly 6, 1889. Farmer. Menn's. C.:(V) 
Sarah, Esther, Benjamin, Joseph. Enos, Samantha, 
biise, Henry, Irwin. Maggie. William. Lewis. Reuben, 
1 >ora. 

IV. Ann K. Leatherman, b. December 9, 1829; d. 
September 8, 1887; m. Ernst A. Salathee, 1857. Fie 
was b. in Prance, May 25. 1829; painter. She was 
a Menn. C: (V) Alice. Henrietta, Charles, Franklin. 
Edward, Esther. 

IV. Esther Leatherman. b. February 6, 1832; m. 

"See Wismer History, pages 100-102, tor more complete 


Rev. Peter Y. Landis. Farmer and minister of the 
Mennonite church in Wayne County, Ohio. C: (V) 
Mary. Esther, William, Emma. Joseph. 

IV. Fannie Leathermau, b. April 14, 1834; d. Janu- 
ary 28, 1849.* 

III. Susanna Leathermau. b. Julv 27. 1800; d. Sep- 
tember 10, 1853; m. Abraham Fretz, January 20. 1820. 
He d. July 19, 1874: farmer; Menu's. C: Anna, Mary, 
Elizabeth, Levi, Susanna. David. 

IV. Anna Fretz, b. September 24, 1821: d. --; m. 
Andrew Swartz, dec'd. Farmer. Mennonites. C: (V) 
Mahlon, Jacob. 

IV. Mary Fretz. b. October 1, 1823: d. — : m. John 
Funk. 1852; farmer; Menu's. C: (V) Daughter b. and 
d. 1860. Samuel Funk, b. 1861 : d. 1881 . 

IV. Elizabeth Fretz, b. July 20. 1820: d. -;m. 
Abraham H. Bewighouse, deceased 1854. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: Pierson. 

V. Pierson F. Bewighouse, b. May 14. 1858; m. 
Laura Stover. 188J. P.O.. Bedminster, Pa. 

IV. Levi L. Fretz. b. September 24. 1829; d. August 
2. 1891: m. Mary Myers. 1860. She died 1861. No 
issue. He m. second wife, Marietta Rosenberger, Oct. 
15, 1864. Farmer. Menu's. C: Sarah, Anna, Mary, 

V. Sarah E. Fretz, b. April 8. 1867; d. June, 1867. 
V. Anna R. Fretz. I>. June 1, 1809; m. Edward M. 

Bernd, November 29. 1894. P. ().. Spinnersville, Pa. 
Ref. ch. C: (VI) Milton Fretz Bernd, b. April 11, 
1897: d. August 21. 1897. 

V. Mary A. Fretz, b. Mav 25, 1872: m. Clayton F. 
Myers, March 5, 1892. P. O!, Perkasie, Pa. Carpenter 
ami cigar-maker. Menu's. 

V. Maggie R. Fretz. . b. December 23, 1870; m. 
Walter Godshall, December 25, 1897. Res.. 27 Ridge- 
wood Ave.. Alleghany City, Pa. 

IV. Susanna Fretz, b. October 3. 1833; d. 1834. 

IV. David L. Fretz. b. October 7. 1836; m. Alary 
Overholt, 1859. She died 1897. C: Abraham, Johri, 

*For complete records of Joseph Leatherman's (b. I7US) 
family, see Fretz History, pages l 2 ( ,M-2 ( ,is, 


Amanda. David in. second wife, — . P. 0., Sun- 
dale. Pa. Fanner. Menu's. 

V. Abraham 0. Fretz, b. July 1. L862; m. Lizzie N. 
Freed. December 22, 1883. I'. 0., Doylestowu, Pa. 
C: (VI) Man Fretz. b. July 12, L889. 

V. John O. Fretz, b. March 4, L865; m. Hannah E. 
Funk. September 26, 1885. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. 

V. Amanda Fretz, b. March 25, 1868. S. 

III. Mary Leatherman, b. May 23. 1S02; d. April 24, 
1864; in. Christian Fretz, October 24, L824. lie was 
b. January L3, 1801; d. September 5, L875. He was a 
farmer of large means, a man of thriving energy, a 
director of the Doylestown Bank, and an honored 
member of the Mennonite ch. C: Ely, Abraham, 
Eliza, Mary. 

IV. Ely Fretz, b. September 9, 1825; m. Mary Meyers 
in L850. She was b. October is. L830;d. March 20, 
L894. I'. 0., Bedminster, Pa. He is a prosperous 
farmer, a director of the Sellersville Bank, and a 
prominent member of the Second Mennonite church at 
Deep Run. C: Allen, Lncinda, Emeline, Mahlon, 
Francis, Barbara, Susan. Mary. 

V. Rev. Allen M. Fret/, b. December 12, 1853; m. 
Sarah Leatherman, September 18, 1880. She d. March 
21, 1882. An infant son died soon after birth. Allen 
m. second wife. Anna Rittenhouse, of Campden, Out... 
March 5, 1884. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. 

When sixteen year- old, Allen attended the Mennon- 
ite Seminary at VVadsworth, Ohio. He subsequently 
attended one term at the Excelsior Normal Institute, 
at Carversville, Pa., after which he taught eleven terms 
working on his father's farm during the summer 

In the fall of 1882 he accepted the nomination of 
the Republican party as a candidate for the State Legis- 
lature, but with the rest of the ticket was defeated. 

In 1883 he was called to the ministry and was 
ordained by Bishop Moses Gottshal, October 13, 1883, 
and installed pastor of Second Mennonite church at 
Deep Run. 

He was one of the originators of the Mennonite, an 
English paper published in the interest of his denomi- 


nation, and of which lie was the assistant editor for 
many years. 

On November 24, 1892, he was ordained to the office 
of bishop by Rev. William S. Gottshall. assisted by 
Rev. J. S. M<>yer. at Deep Run, Pa., and has the 
spiritual oversight as bishop of the Deep Run and 
Souderton churches. 

At Souderton a substantial edifice was erected of 
which he was elected pastor February 9. 1893. He has 
also organized and is conducting successful missions at 
Perkasie and Leidytown. C: (VI) Jacob Rittenhouse 
Pretz, b. July 22. 1886. Is a successful teacher. 

VI. Ely R. Fretz. b. November 27. 1888. Teacher. 

VI. Viola Fretz. b. March 22. 1891. 

VI. Allen R. Fretz, b. October 11. 1893. 

VI. Agnes R. Fretz. b. August 18, 1896. 

VI. Osmund Philemon Fretz. b. March 22, 1899. 

V. Lucinda Fretz. b. August 5. 1855. m. Edward S. 
Yost. 1874. P. 0., Garden ville. Pa. Harness-maker. 
Menu. C: William. Stella, Emma. 

VI. William F. Yost. b. November 15. 1874. m. 
Martha Fretz. of Canada, .lime. 1899. 

VI. Stella Y«»st. b. April 28, 1884. 

VI. Emma Yost. b. May. 1890. 

V. Emeline Fretz. b. December 14. 1S57: m. Henry 
D. Detweiler. P. 0.. Souderton. Pa. Carpenter. Menu's. 

V. Mahlon M. Fretz, b. August 12. 1859; m. Amanda 
Fretz. December 22. 1883. P. 0.. Bedminster, Pa. 
Farmer. Menu's. 

V. Francis M. Fretz, b. May 25, 1863; in. Maggie 
Fretz, of Canada. March 3. 1886. P. <).. Bedminster, 
Pa. Farmer. Menu's. ('.: (VI) Martha Fretz. b. 
August 3(>. 1887. 

V; Barbara Fretz, b. May 20, 1866; m. Irvin Wasser. 
April 21. 1888. P. 0., Bedminster. Pa. Fanner. 
Menn's. <'.: Mary, Clarence, Susan. Mahlon, Francis. 
Katie, Liliie, dec'd. 

V. Susan M. Fretz, b. Dec. 1. 1869; m. Abraham S. 
Moyer, December 1,1894. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. 
Menu. ('.: i VI | Alvin Mover, b. October 18. 1900. 

V. Mary Etta Fretz, l>. December 1. 1869; m. Jacob 
M. Landis'. February 21. 1891. P. ()., Richlandtown. 


Pa. Parmer. Menu's. C: (VI) Carrie Landis, b. 
December 6, 1892; Harry. 

IV. Abraham Fretz, b. December 10, 1829; d. De- 
cember 13, 1870. S. 

IV. Eliza Aim Fretz, It. April 1. is:!"/: in. Reuben 
Stover, 1854. He d. March 25, 1871. P. 0., Bedmin- 
ster, Pa. Menu. < '.: Louisa. 

V. Liiiiis;i Stover. I). ls.V>: m. John S. Bissey, 
26, L873. P. O.. Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Lutli. C: 
( 'lara. A I vm. Sadie, Alma. 

VI. dura S. Bissey, b. Feb. 22, 1877; m. Warren 
Fretz, September 16, 1896. C: (VII) Dorothy Fretz. 

VI. A Mil S. Bissey, b. December 22, L879. 

VI. Sadie S. Bissev, b. October 30, L882. 

VI. Alma Bertha "Bissey, b. October 23, 1888. 

IV. Mary Fretz, b. October 18, 1842; d. : m. John 
M. Fretz, M irch 2, 1871. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. 
Farmer. Menu's. < '.: Elmer, John. 

V. Elmer Grranl Fretz, I). Jr ary 25, 1872; d. Dec. 

12. 1876. 

V. .John Clarence Fretz, b. Augusl 1"). 1878; m -'. 
P. ().. Bedminster, Pa. 

III. Anna Leal lierman. b. September 21. 1804; d. 
June 30, 1805. 

III. Esther Leatherman, b. October 27. 1806; d, — ; 
in. John Be wighouse, dec'd, October 21, 1824. Farmer. 
Menu's. ('.: Maria. Isaac. Sarah. Rachel, Catharine. 
Fannie. Esther. 

IV. Maria Bewighouse, b. August 25, 1825; m, 
Joseph Beidler. 

IV. Isaac Bewighouse, b. June 13, 1827; m. Sarah 
Benner. Farmer. Menu's. C: John, Anna. 

V. John B. Bewighouse. b. May 30, 1855, m. 
Minerva S. Myers. January 31. 1877. P. 0., Plum- 
steadville, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C: Esther, Sarah, 
Isaac, Anna. 

V. Anna Bewighouse, m. Fred Bearley. 

IV. Sarah Bewighouse, b. September 14. 1829; d. S, 

IV, Rachel Bewighouse, b. January 1, 1832; cl. Oct. 
6, 1874; m. Allen Crouthamel. C.": Elmer, Esther, 

IV, Catharine Bewighouse, b. December 1<>. 1834s 





in. Isaac P. Meyer, March 7. 1.868. P. 0., Doylestown, 
Pa. Merchant. Menu's. C: Susan, El wood. 

IV. Fannie Bewighouse, I). April 12, 1836; m. John 
Crouthamel. C: Harvey, William. 

IV. Esther Bewighouse, b. December 27, 1844; m. 
Joel Reiner. C; 'Rebecca, George. 

III. Anna Leatherman. b. April 15. 1809; d. October 
14. 1883; m. Isaac K. Fretz, Oct. 1. 1833." He was b. 
Dee. 16, 1805; d. July 7, 1882. Farmer. Menn's. He 
led the singing in Brick Mennonite church, Deep Run, 
for nearly twenty years. C: Abraham. William, 
Magdalena. Sarah, John. Maria, Annie, Isaac. 

IV. Abraham L. Fretz. b. September 6. 1834: m. 
Leanna Urr, January 2, 1856. P. 0.. Bedminster, Pa. 
Retired farmer. Menn's. C; Adina. Samuel. 

V. Adina Fretz. b. February 11. 1861; d. February 
20, L867. 

V. Samuel O. Fretz. b. Dec. 7. 1862; m. Minerva 
Stout, February 13, 1886. P. ().. Bedminster, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn. C: (VI) Nero Stoat Fretz. b. May 
27. 1888. 

IV. William L. Fretz. b. May 13, 1837; d. August, 

IV. Magdalena Fretz. b. July 19, 1839; d. August. 

IV. John L. Fretz. b. January 13, 1841: in. Mary 
Ann S. Kratz, December 16, 1863. she d. 1870. C: 
(V) Isaiah K. Fretz. b. December 26. 1864: d. Septem- 
ber 11, 1865. Emma J. Fretz. b. January 27. 1866; d. 
March 27, 1868. Isaac K. Fretz. b. December 14. 

1867; d. 1869. John m. second wife, — . C: John 

d. infant. He m. third wife, Sarah A. Leicy, 1875. 
P. 0., Bedminster. Pa. Farmer. C: (V) Horace L. 
Fretz, b. November 27, 1879. 

IV. Sarah Fretz, b. 1843: d. 1847. 

IV. Maria Fretz. b. March L9, 1846; m. Henry K. 
Hockman. P. 0., Bedminster, Pa. Carpenter. Menu's. 
C: Lillie. William. Ella, Clinton. 

V. Lillie Hockman. b. 1867; d. 1872. 

V. William H. Hockman. b. December 17. L869. 
V. Ella Hockman. b. January 22. 1874; m. Enos S. 



V. Clinton Hockman, b. May 25, L885. 
IV. Anna L. Frelz. 1). October 19, 1848; in. John B. 

IV. Isaac L. Fretz, b. January 30. 1851; m. Minerva 
Meyers, 1875. She d. June, 1906. P. 0., Quakertown, 
Pa. Teamster. Ger. Ref. C: Mary, Grace. 

V. Mary Lizzie Fretz, m. Jacob S. Moser, April 4, 
1900. P. 0., Quakertown, Pa. Liveryman. Luth. 
C: (VI) George F. Moser. 

V. Grace A. Fretz. 

II. Elizabeth Krout, m. Christian Rosenberger". 



Esther Krout, b. December 18, 1778; cl. August 

12, 1864. Single. 



II. Henry Krout, b. June 28, 1781; d. February 6, 
1849; m. Susanna Kramer. Farmer on the old Krout 
homestead. Menn's, later Luth. C: Henry. 

III. Henry F. Krout, b. June 13, 1814: d. January 
30, 1893; m. Mary Maust. She d. January 26, 1869. 
Farmer in Bed minster, Pa. Luth. C: Isaac, Reuben. 
Sophia, Amos, Lucinda, Saloma, Samuel. 

IV. Isaac Krout, d; m. . 

IV. Reuben Krout, m. -. Res.. Philadelphia, Pa. 

IV. Sophia Krout, m. P. Wildonger. 
IV. Amos Krout. d. No issue. 
Lucinda Krout, m. J. Garris. 
Saloma Krout, m. C. Crouthamel. 
IV. Samuel M. Krout, b. February 6, 1856: m. 
Emma S. Nichols, November 15, 1879. P. ()., Bed- 
minster, Pa. Farmer. Luth. C: Herman, Elsie. Clara, 
Howard. Erwin, Henry. 



II. Susanna Krout,* b. January 25, 1784; d. April 
IT). 1864; m. Jacob Beidler, December 8, 1807. He 
was b. October o. 1776; d. February 8. I860. In early 
life learned the weaving and carpenter trades but later 
engaged in farming. He lived in Bedminster, on a farm 
adjoining the English meeting-house, now owned by 
his grandson, Nathan S. Beidler. Menu's. C: Annie, 
Aaron, Elizabeth, Henry, Nathan. Jacob, Christian, 
Susanna, Joseph. 

III. Annie Beidler, d.; m. Samuel Stover, d. C: Su- 
san, d., Eliza. 

Ill Aaron Beidler, d.; m. Susanna Kratz, d. C.j 
Irene, Minerva. Louis <1., Lizzie d. 

Ill, Elizabeth Beidler, d.: m. Isaac Kratz, d. C: 
Susanna, Mary d., Jacob, Henry, Isaac. John, A. bra? 
ham (1.. David d. 

III. Henry Beidler, d.; m. Sarah Sammons, d. C.j 

III. Nathan C. Beidler. d.; m. Mary Krout, d. C: 
Aaron d., Mary, Jeremiah, Susanna, Jacob, Ann, 
Sarah. He m. seoond wife, Elizabeth Swartley. 

Ill, Jacob Beidler, d.; m. Mary Ann Funk, d. C: 
Joseph d.. Augustus. William d., Francis, Emma, 
John d., David, George. 

Ill, Christian Beidler, d. small. 

Ill, Susanna Beidler, d.; m. Jacob Fretz, d. C: 
Emma, Mary d., Reed, Rachel, Abraham d., Lizzie, 
Susan d., Philip, Anna d. 

III. Joseph Beidler, m. Maria Bewighouse. C.j 
Susanna d., Israel, Samuel d., Mary d., Anna, Sarah d. 

*For complete records of descendants of Susanna (Krout) 
Beidler, see Beidler Family History. 



II. Jacob Krout, b. June 7, L786; d. October 8, 
1850; m. Elizabeth Swartley. Miller, lived at what is 
known as Krout's mill, in Bedminster township, Bucks 
Co., Pa. Mean's. C: Philip, Henry, Anna, Sarah, 
Elizabeth, Jacob. 

III. Jacob Krout, b. in Bucks Co.; d. 1885; m. 
Catharine Stout. Miller at the old homestead. C: 
Elizabeth. Susanna, Catharine, Philip. Joseph, Lavina, 
Sarah. Mary. 

IV. Elizabeth Krout, b. January 31, 1832; m. Aaron 
Heacock. January 11, 1862. He was b. September 12, 
1831. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Pump-maker. Menu's. 
C: Anna, Lavina, Sarah, Edward, Catharine. 

V. Anna Mary Heacock, b. January 29, 1863. S. 

V. Lavina Heacock, b. in Bucks Co., March 14, 
1864; m. Joseph F. Leatherman, November 29, 1884. 
He was b. March 11, 1862; d. July 26, 1888. Cream* 
eryman. Menu's. C.: Bessie, Asher. Joseph. Lavina 
m. second husband. Reuben H. Rickert. (See Reuben 
H. Rickert Family. ) 

VI. Bessie Naomi Leatherman. b. October 12, 1885. 
VI. Asher H. Leatherman, b. December 1, 1887. 

VI. Joseph Foster Leatherman, b. January 6, 1889. 

V. Sarah E. Heacock, b. July 8, 1865; m. John F. 
Leatherman, January 19, 1887. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. 
Manager of Creamery. Menu's. C: (VI) Walter 
Leatherman, b. January 10, 1892. Arthur Leatherman, 
b. October 2, 1894. Roy Leatherman. b. May 20, 1898. 

V. Edward Heacock. I). January 17. 1867; m. Emma 
R. Landis, 1887. P. ().. Fountain ville, Pa. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: (VI) Willis Heacock. b. February 2. L888. 
Katie Heacock. b. September 27. 1889. Bessie Heacock, 

16 s\V.\i; : U,Y FAMILY HISTORY. 

b. July is. 1891. Mamie Heacock, l>. November 10, 
1893. ' Claude Heacock, b. August II. L896; d. March 
11. 1897. Warren Heacock, b. December 30, 1897. 

V. Catharine Heacock, I). December 29, L868; m. 
Jonas S. Hunsberger, April 24, 1890. P.O., Dublin, 
Pa. Parmer. Menn's. C: (VI) Philip R. Hunsberger, b. 
January 3, 1893. Earl Hunsberger, b. April 9, 1895, 
Paul S. Hunsberger, l>. December 2, 1897. 

IV. Siis;iiiii;i Krout, died single. 

IV. Catharine Krout, m. Martin Keeler. I*. 0., 
Bedminster, Pa. 

IV. Philip S. Krout, m. Hannah Strohm. P. (>.. 
Bedminster, Pa. 

IV. Joseph S. Krout, m. Emma Campbell. P. (>.. 
Perkasie, Pa. 

IV. Lavina Krout, b. April 21, 1845; m. Henry M. 
Musselman. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. Ref. cli. C: Philip, 
Mary, Joseph, I lenrv, Samuel. 

V.' Philip K. Musselman, b. Jul} 26, 1864, m. 
Catharine Rush. Eief. ch. 

V. Mary C. Musselman, b. November 23, 1865; m, 
Jesse C. Landis, May 7. 1881. Ref. ch. C: < VI ) 
Bertha, Arthur, dec'd, Howard, Walter. 

V. Joseph K. Musselman, b. September 22, 1867; m. 
Laura E. Shive, June 2, 1891. Ref. ch. 

V. Henry K. Musselman, b. October 9, 1871; m. 
Edith Monrer, June 4, 1892. Ref. ch. C: (VI) 
Florence. Llovd. 

V. Samuel K. Musselman, b. 1875; d. 1875. 

IV. Sarah Krout, l>. April '21, INI.""); m. John Keyser, 
September 20. 1873. P. ().. Telford, Pa. C: Edna. 

V. Edna Kevser. I). — ; ni. William H. Grerhart, 
October 29, 1892. C: (VI) Pearl, Cora, William, 
Roy, dec'd. 

IV. Marv Ann Krout, (twin to Sarah) b. April 21, 
1845; in. James Gerhart. I\ ().. Colmar, Pa. No 

III. Henry S. Krout. I,, in Bucks Co., Pa., April 1.0, 
1810; d. March 30, 1888; m. Rachel Fretz, November 
2,1835. She d. December 11. 1855. They lived near 
Line Lexington eight years, then moved to the home- 
stead of the Krout family on the Deep Run. where six 


more years were spent tilling the soil that had been 
cultwated for more than a century by the paternal 
ancestral line. While residing here they purchased 
and occupied the Kramer farm, on the east branch of 
Perkiometi Creek. From this home the wife and 
mother, was called to precede the resl of the family 
circle and join the great majority beyond this shadowy 
vale. A truly pious mother, her chief care was to 
bring up her children in the nurture and admonition 
of the Lord. Menu's. ('.: Jacob, Martin. Abraham, 

IV. Jacob F. Krout, b. Oct. 29, is: 1 .!). P. 0., Bedmin- 
ster, Pa. Farmer and nurseryman. Owns and occupies 
the homestead farm of his father. Menu. Single. 

IV. Martin F. Krout, b. November 3, 1838; d. April 
20, 1876; m. Rebecca Andrews, of River Styx. Ohio, 
October 2, 1864. In 1862 he wen! to Medina Co., Ohio, 
where he engaged in farming until his de ith. C: .lames. 

V. .lames II. Krout, 1). April 30, 1866. 

V. William A. Krout. 1». April 20, 1871; m. llattie 
M. Coulter. December 22, 1892. P. ()., River Styx, 
01, io. Blacksmith. 

IV. Abraham V. K. Knmt. A. M.. Ph. 1).: b. in 
Bucks To.. Pa., February "2. 1843. At the age of 19 
he entered the North Wales Institute to obtain a more 
thorough education than the public schools afforded. 
In the Ball of 1862. he began teaching, and taught 
successfully in the Deep Run, Rocky Ridge. Algards, 
Sellersville, ami Plum stead ville schools. In 1868, he 
took charge of the West Bethlehem schools, Lehigh 
county, and in 1 s«i* » accepted the principalship of the 
Co|i|a.\ schools, same county, lie remained here until 
1883, when he took the position of accountant ami 
cashier tor the Coplay Iron Co., which he held until 

October, 1888. In the tall of 1889 he took charge of 
the Borough schools of Emlenton, Venango Co.. Pa. 
He next assumed the principalship and supervision of 

the scl Is of the Borough of Lehighton, on the 

Lehigh. In 1876 he appeared before the State Hoard 
ot Examiners, passed the examination and was granted 

a Normal Certificate as teacher of Didactics. 


In 1877, Franklin and Marshall College conferred 
upon 1 1 1 m the honorary degree of A. M. He has been 
a member of the Pennsylvania State Teachers Associa- 
since 1877, and an active member of the Torry 
Botanical Club, of Columbia College, New York city, 
since October, 1881. Having made his permanent 
home in Coplay, he became the first Justice of the 
Peace of that borough and continuously held the office 
from 1869 to 1890. He was secretary of the town 
council thirteen years. The judges of the Courts 
frequently appointed him to serve on road juries and 
commissions and (here are few townships in Lehigh 
comity in which be was not called upon to execute 
these appointments. Being a member of the Reformed 
church he took an active interesl in founding Trinity 
Congregation al Coplay in 1872. He served as deacon 
and was for many yea - civ tan of the Consistory. 
He was Superintendani of the Sunday-School for 
eighteen year.-. Alter leaving Coplay he became Supers 
inteiidant of the public schools of the historic town of 
Wyoming, Luzerne <'o.. Pa. This was followed by a 
call from the Tierce Business College, through Dr. 
Thomas M. Pierce, its principal and founder, which he 
accepted. From there he went to the Temple College, 
Rev, Russell H. Con well. President. Here he organized 
the business department of the school which was by 
far the most successful department of any in the 
college. He was elected Vice-President of Union 
College, 91G Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Ph., June. 
1896, and was for some time in direct charge of 
the commercial department of this institution. He 
took a two years course in Biology at the University 
of Pennsylvania, and the remainder of his leisure time 
was spent in the Academy of Natural Sciences. He 
contributed his entire herbarium of American and 
European plants to the Academy collection. He is 
also a member of the Botanical, the Biological and the 
Microscopical sections of the Academy. He m. Mary 
C. Mover. October 1, 1868. He is now ( L906 I Super- 
vising Principal of Grlenolden, Pa., borough public 
schools. C.! Mabel, Jacob. Clarence, Helen. 

V, Mabel Olivia Krout, b. December 25, 1871, 


V. Jacob Henry Krout, b. in Montgomery County, 

May 16, 1874. He attended the public schools of 
Coplay, Pa., and graduated from the High School in 
that borough. In 1890 he accepted the position of 
Weigh-master and time-keeper for the Coplay Iron Co* 
In fall of 1891, he :vas one of the teachers in White- 
hall township, Lehigh Co. In the spring of 1892 he 
entered the Junior class of the Bloomsburg State 
Xorimil School and Literary Institute. Bloomsburg. 
Pa., graduating with class honors in the spring of 
1893. In 1893 to 1894 he taught in Bucks County 
and in 1894 to 1895 taught the Grammar School at 
Coplay. During vacation periods and the intervening 
years between 1895 and 1899 has been connected with 
commercial houses in Philadelphia in various capacities. 
Graduated from L T nion Commercial College. Philadel- 
phia, in 1SU7. 

Upon the organization of the Philadelphia Division of 
the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company, at 
Philadelphia, August, 1899. accepted position in the 
Reading Terminal Building. 12th and Market streets. 
Philadelphia, and is still with the company, holding a 
responsible financial position. En October, 1904, he 
matriculated in the Law Department of the University 
of Pennsylvania, as a special student. He was elected 
a member of the Pennsylvania German Society, which 
hold their annual meetings at Germantown, commemo- 
rating the founding of Germantown, Pa., and beginning 
of German emigration to America. Member of Phila- 
delphia Lodge, No. 13. I. (). 0. F.. Odd Fellows 
Temple, Phila. P. <").. Glenolden, Pa. Presby. S. 

V. Clarence A. Krout. b. Mav 3. 1883: d. September 
12. 1883. 

V. Helen Rachel Krout. b. November 5. 1885. 

IV. .John H. Krout, b. June 20. 1845: d. March 22. 
1888. Merchant, ft. Cath. S. 

Ill, Anna Krout. b. 1812: d. June 22. 1889; in. 
Samuel liosenberger. Anna m. second husband, 
Abraham Fretz. No issue. 

III. Sarah Krout, m. Henrv Licev. C: Sarah, 

IV. Sarah Ann Licev. m. - Stout. C: Henrv. 
— . Sarah m. second husband. John L. Fretz. 


V. Henry Stout. P. ().. Dublin, Pa. 
IV. Lict'v. m. Michael Renner. 

III, Elizabeth Krout, m. Joseph Hendricks. C.J 

IV. Mary A. Hendricks, d. February 3, 1880; m. 
Abraham H. Fretz. runner. Menu's. C: (V) Eliza- 
beth, Henry, dec'd, Joseph, William. Mary. 

III. Jacob R. Krout, b. August 10, 1822; d. January 
16, 1906; m. Salome Dotterer. Fanner, teacher, miller. 
auctioneer. No issue 



II. Mary Krout, m. Isaac Kolb. C: (III) Martin, 
Isaac, Anna, wife of Henry Harley. 



I. John Schwardle, b. at Eppingen, in Necker, 
grand duchy of Baden, Germany, in 17o4: d. 1S17: m. 
Magdalena Rosen berger. He emigrated to America, 
arriving in Philadelphia, September 30, 177*2. in the 
ship "Minerva." from Rotterdam. 

John Schwardle's passage to America was paid upon 
his arrival at Philadelphia, by Rev. Henry Ftosenberger, 
who thus acquired the right of his services for the 
term of three years, as provided by the laws of that 
period. He came to Franconia and worked faithfully 
upon the Indian Creek farm, and found favor in his 
master's eyes as a worthy young man. moreover, he 
found favor with the daughter Magdalena. and after 
obtaining his freedom, they were married. He was 
well rewarded for he obtained a good wife, and inherited 
a fine farm, which he transmitted to his descendants, 
who hold a large portion of it to the present time. 

In the will of John Schwardle mention is made that 
Abraham got eighteen acres; Joseph, eighty acres (now 
the Jacob Alderfer farm); and Philip the homestead 
with one hundred and nine acres. Menu's. ('.: Jacob. 
John, Abraham, Joseph. Henry. Samuel. Philip, Eliza- 
beth, Mary. 



II. Jacob Swartley, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., 
1780; d. 1834; in. Catharine Meyer. She was b. Febru- 
ary 28, L782; d. L869. Fanner. Menu. Buried at 
Franconia Mennonite church. C: Anna, Magdalena, 
John, Catharine, Henry, Jacob, Christian, Susanna, 
Abraham, Infant, Joseph. 

III. Anna Suartlev. 1>. in Montgomery Co., Pa., 
1803; d. there Julj 29, 1838; ni. John George Ernst, 
December 2, 1823. He was b. in Eppingen, Baden, 
Germany, October 6, L799; emigrated to America, May, 
1817, landing al Philadelphia, in September of thai 

year. Itfot having the n '\ to pay his passage over, 

he was bound to a farmer in Lancaster Co., Pa., named 
Hauser, for a term of three years' to earn his passage 
over. !l" was a nail maker by trade, but after coming 
to America his principal occupation was farming* 
They at tirsl lived in Mill Creek. Lancaster Co., Pa., 
froiu i they moved aboitl 1827, to Montgomery 

Co., Pa. In earlv life they identified themselves with 
the Reformed 'Mertrtortites, otherwise known as 

•lie -rites," and he was for a number of years a 
minister among them, until refusing longer to advocate 
their peculiar tenets, he was excommunicated, and after- 1 
Wards united' .With '•original'- Mennonite church. In 
L842, Mr. Eriisl removed to Lancaster County, Pa.. 
where he died in 1881. 0.: Samuel. Jacob, Catharine, 
Susan, Mary, 

IV. Samuel Ernst,, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa.. April 6, 
1825; m. Elizabeth Zimmerman, August 22, 1848. She 
(1. August b jr>. L900. They began housekeeping at his 
father's mill property", which he had rented, and in April 
following they moved to a farm six miles west, upon 








// ' )RK 


Astor, Lenox and TWden 


Which they ejected grist and saw mills, residing there 
until March, 1862, when they removed to a farm in 
Salisbury township. After disposing of the farm and 
mill property, Mr. Ernst organized a singing class at 
Millwood, Lancaster Co., Pa., and conducted it for 
several years, exercising the class in mnsic to both 
German and English hymns on Sunday afternoons. 
This lead to his purchasing a printing outfit and 
publishing the "Waffenlose Waechter' for nearly 
eighteen years. They removed to Olathe. Kansas, 
where they now reside on a farm of 400 acres, and were 
influential in establishing the u First Mennote Church" 
in Johnson Co., Kansas. P. 0., Olathe. Kansas. C: 
Eleazer, Menno, Anna. Susan, Gamaliel. 

V. Eleazer Israel Z. Ernst, b. June 27. 1849: m. 
Mary G. Zook. 1874. P. 0., Olathe, Kans. General 
organizer of the Labor Exchange movement and 
manager of the Freedom Colony work, and has been 
actively engaged in the reform field for over seventeen 
years. In 1888 he started out as a devoted and deter- 
mined reformer, first as an agitator,, writer, lecturer 
and organizer in the alliance and political ranks, for 
nearly four years, but being rather apt to follow 
practical lines for the sake of true principles he found 
that party politics was only a plan to fool working 
people while the knaves get the benefits. Hence every 
theory which any agitator or reformer presented to the 
public, was investigated until at last the correct system 
for honest labor to adopt was found in DeBernardi's 
Labor Exchange, as presented in his book, "Trials and 
Triumph of Labor." This completely covers every 
thing else and clear minds can readily see that this is 
the only possible plan to follow in order to get exact 
justice for all. Mr. Ernst was editor and publisher of 
the "Progressive Thought 1 for about ten years, and 
expects to again take up that work in the near future. 
He has also otherwise been variously engaged as farmer 
and carpenter, &c. Menu's. ('.: Phineas, Bertha, Leo. 
Oliver. Olive, lva. 

VI. Phineas John Ernst, b. November 3,1875; m. 
Mary Gehman, August 6, 1898. P. 0., Olathe, Kansas. 
Fanner. <\: ( VII ) Helen Ernst, b. November 22. 1000. 

24 sW.UM'iJ-.Y FAMILY IlIs'iolM . 

VI. Bertha M. Ernst, I). December 17. 1879; <l. 
September 1 I. 1880. 

VI. Leo Samuel Ernst, 1.. March 31, 1881; d. August 
14. L881. 

VI. Oliver D. Ernst, b. February 2, I SSI: d. August 

21, 1886. 

VI. Olive Katharine Ernst. I.. September 24, 1888. 
Menu. S. 

VI. Iva X. Lizabeth Ernst. 1,. January L2, 1891. 

V. Menno Simon Ernst, d. infant. 

V. Anna Elizabeth F. Ernst, b. April LO, 1856; d. 
September 22, 1891; m. Elias F. Wanner. September 
10,1877. Farmer. Menn's. C. f Lillian, Alice, Mary. 

VI. Lillian Ann Wanner. 1.. April 28, 1878; in. Hen- 
ry Knabe, 1904. I'. 0., Gardner. Kansas. Presby. 

' VI. Alice May Wanner, b. August 31, 1880; in. 
Aaron Allison. September 1. 1906. 

VI. Mary E. Wanner. 1». February -2 1. 1885; d. July 

22, 1885. 

V. Sus;ni Ernst, <1. young. 

V. Gamaliel X. Ernst, b. May 27, L861; in. Sarah 
Gockley, 1886. P. <>.. Olathe, Kansas. Mr. E., Menu. 
Mrs. K.. Ger. Ref. C.: ( VI i Martin Otto Ernst, b. 
October 17. 1887. Paul S. Ernst. I.. January 1. 1894. 

IV. JacobS. Ernst, b. .June 13, 1828; d. February, 
1907; ni. Barbara M. Wenger. I'. <).. Chambersburg, 
Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C: Fannie. George, Samuel, 
Noah, Jacob. 

V, Fannie Ernst, m. Joseph 13. Lehman. P. <).. 
Chambersburg, Fa. C: George. Jacob, John, Levi, 


V. Rev. George W. Ernst, m. Mattie Koutz. P. O.. 
Chambersburg, Fa. C: Jacob, Annie, David, Freddie. 

V. Samuel W. Ernst, m. Margaret Burkholder, F. 
<).. Greencaslle, Fa. C: Daniel. Barbara, Frank. 

V. Noah Ernst, b. in Lam-aster Co.. Fa.. March 30, 
1858; m. Lizzie W. Lehman. DecemW '20. 1879. She 
d. October 4, 1901. P. O., Keedysville. Md. Creamerv- 
man. United Brethren. C: Lillie, Amnion. Frances. 
Harry, Ira, Paul. 


VI. Lillie M. Ernst, b. November 26, 1880; m. H. K. 
Zimmerman, November 2. 1904. P. 0.. Keedysville, 
Md. United Brethren. C: (VII) Cecil May Zimmer- 
man. I). September 1, 1005. 

VI. Amnion L. Ernst, b. February 11. 1883. P. 0.. 
Lehmaster, Pa. Creamervman, United Brethren. 

VI. Frances Ernst, b. April 29. 1885. P. 0., Troy, 
N. Y. Hospital nurse. United Brethren. 

VI. Harry Laban Ernst, b. August 1. 1888. P. 0.. 
Hagerstown, Md. Creamervman. United Brethren. 

VI. Ira Sankey Ernst, b. December 4. 1894. United 

VI. Paul Adanlphns Ernst, b. January 27. 1901. 

V. Jacob W. Ernst, m. Hockersmith. P. 0., 

Williamson. Pa. 

IV. Catharine Ernst, b. March 7, 1830; d. March. 
1906; m. Jonas Wenger. Farmer. Menu's. C: 
Samuel, Fianna. George. Mary. Levi. Fannie, dec'd. 
Abram. Susan. 

IV. Susan Ernst, b. September 21. 1831: d. 1873. S. 

IV. Mary Ernst, b. February 4. 1833; d. 1904; m. 
Jolin Grodshall. Farmer. Menu's. I'.: iVt Susan. 
Katie. &c. 

III. Magdalena Swartley, b. November 1. 1804: d. 
October 24. 1876: m. Henry X. Landis, February -.2. 
1829. He was b. January 20. 1804; d. August 28, 
1889. <'.: Abraham, Jacob. Anna. Henry, Esther. 

IV. Abraham Landis. 1). March 26, 1830; d. October 
20, 1888; m. . C: Allen. 

V. H. Allen Landis. Train dispatcher. Harrisburg, 

IV. Jacob S. Landis. b. September 13. 1831 : m. - — . 
lie-.. Lancaster, Fa. <'.: Annie. Alice. Frank, John, 
Emma. Harry, Omer, W illis. 

V. Annie Landis, m. Emanuel Etesh. P. 0.. Bird-in- 
Hand, Pa. 

V. Alice Landis. in. Aldus llirsh. 

V. Frank Landis. 

V. John Landis. P. ().. Waynesboro, Pa. 

V. Emma Landis. dec'd. 

V. Harry Landis. 

V. ( )mer Landis. 


V. Willis Landis. P. 0., 161 S. 9th SI.. Newark, 
X. .1. 

IV. Aiimi S. Landis, m. John H. Light, 1877. He 
d. 1901. Res., 549 W. Chestnut St.. Lancaster, Pa. 

Xo issue. 

IV. Dr. Henry S. Landis, b. 1836; d. October 18, 
ISDN. Physician. S. 

IV. Esther C. Landis, m. Hon. Andrew N. Frantx. 
Res., 283 E. Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. Fanner. 

III. John Swartley, d., aged about 20 years. 

III. Catharine Swart lev. I>. in Montgomery Co., Pa., 
February 22, L808; d. November 23, 1S49; m. George 
Maiuha. September, 1832. He was b. in Baltim >re 
Co., Md., October 2, 1800; d. in Lancaster Co., Pa., 
April 16, 1850. Contractor, builder and farmer, and a 
minister of the lief. Menn. ch. C.l Elizabeth, Catha- 
rine. Sarah. Henry. Jacob, Joseph. George, Susanna. 

IV. Elizabeth Mancha, b. June 13, 1833; d.  -; m. 
Abraham F. Front, P. ().. Quarryville, Pa. C: 
Christian. Edwin, Naomi. Alice. Emma, Frank, Susan. 
Sarah, Abraham. 

V. Christian Front, d. : in. -, CV: (VI) Barton, 

V. Edwin Trout. P. ().. Christiana. Pa. 
V. Naomi Front, m. James Watson. I'. < ).. keiser, 
VV. A a. 

V. Alice Trout, m. Daniel Landis. dec'd. 

V. Emma Trout, d. single. 

V. Frank Front. P. <).'. Keiser. \Y. Va. 

V. Susie Trout, d. single. 

V, Sarah Trout, d,; m. Clyde Campell. 

V. Abraham Trout, F. <).. Quarryville, Pa. 

IV. Catharine Mancha, b. November 21, 1834: d. 
June 1'.*. 1899; in. Henry M. Dougherty, January 20, 
1861. He was b. in Lebanon Co.. Fa., February 22, 
1836. P. <).. Blue Hill. Kansas. Teacher. Ref. 
Menn. C: George, Lillie, Frank. 

V. George E. Dougherty, b. in Lancaster Co.. Pa.. 
March 23. 1802: m. Rosa B. Getty, September 19, 
1882. Pies., 118 W. Eighth Ave'., Topeka, Kans. 
Prop'r "Dougherty's, the Actual Business Training 


School," Topeka, Kans., and publisher of "Dougherty's 
Brief Sb >rthand," a system of wliicli he is the author. 
Meth. Ep. C: (VI ) Gladys Mercy Dougherty, b. Octo- 
ber 5. L890. Floyd Ralph Dougherty, b. June 29, 

1893: d. October 3.' 1903. 

V. Lillie Dougherty, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa.. Janu- 
ary 10. 1864; m. Harvey L. Groff. December 14. 1866. 
P.' 0.. Millersville, Pa. Employed at Millersville State 
Normal School. C: (VI) George Prantz Groff, b. Octo- 
ber 22, 1889. Benjamin Harold Groff. b. February 23. 

V. Frank Dougherty, b. May 4. 1865: in. Phebe J. 
McAninch. June 9. 1895. P." 0., Blue Hill, Kans. 
Farmer. C: (VI) Roscoe F. Dougherty, b. November 

4. 1898. Harry F. Dougherty, b. November 1, 1900. 
Reuben E. Dougherty, b. September 25. 1902. 

IV. Henry Swartley Mancha, b. in Montgomery Co., 
Pa.. September 28, 1837: m. Carolyn Virginia Stevens, 
daughter of Richard and Annie E. Stevens, of Talbot 
Co.. Md., December 4. 1872. She was b. September 19. 
1851. P. 0.. Glen Burnie, Md. Civil engineer, attor- 
nev-at-law. member of the Annapolis (Md. ) bar. treas- 
urer of the Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of A. A. to 
Maryland, commissioner of the State Bureau of Immi- 
gration. &c. C: Henry. Mark. Earl. Maude. Lulu. 
George. Infant. Richard. Joseph. Carolyn. 

V. Henry Howard Mancha. b. March 11, 1874. U. 

5. Treasury Dept., Washington, I*. C. 

V. Mark Mancha. b. March 16, 1876: d. September 
10. 1876. 

V. Earl Mancha. b. March 26, 1878: d. same day. 

V. Maude Washington Mancha. b. February 22, 
1880. P. 0., Glen Burnie. Md. Tea. her. 

V. Lulu Blanche Mancha. b. October 17. 1882; m. 
James L. Siple. June 2s. 1905. 

V. George F. Mancha. 1). October 28, L883. Res., 
Washington, D. C. Life Insurance. 

V. Infant, b. July 9, lSsr, : d. July L2, L88p. 

V. Richard P. Mancha. b. February 8. ISSN: d. 
August 10, 1889. 

V. Joseph Franklin Mancha, !.. Aug isl L9, L890. 

y, Carolvn Stevens Mancha. b. January 28. 1893. 


IV. Dr. Jacob S. Mancha, b. in Montgomery Co., 
Pa., September 24, 1839; m. Elizabeth Murphy,' L873. 
She d. January 20, L892. Res., 710 Edgeware Road, 
Los Angeles, Cal. Phvsician. Graduate of University 
Medical School, New' York City. Mrs. M., Roman 
Cath. C: B?njamiii, Matthew, Elizabeth. 

V. Benjamin E. Mancha, I). June 30, 1875. lies., 
Australia. S. 

V. Matthew T. Mancha, b. October 18, 1880. 
V. Elizabeth M. Mancha. I>. January 15, 1892. 

IV. Joseph Franklin Mancha. I». in Lancaster Co., 
Pa., June L0, L841 ; d. at Claremont, Va., December 29, 
L889; m. Elizabeth Zug, April 26, 1866. In L874 he 
located in Dover, Del., and engaged in real estate. 
Ahout issi lie purchased about 17.0(10 acres on the 
.lames river, in Virginia, which he succeeded in coloniz- 
ing chiefly by northern emigrants. He founded 
Claremoni in his colony, and induced the Atlantic & 
Danville R. R. Co., to make a terminus there. It is an 
inland seaport, with considerable shipping, and is a 
thrifty incorporated borough. Mr. Mancha was also 
originator and owner of the Petersburg and Norfolk 
steamboat line. He was a thorough business man 
and a prominent Mason. Episcopal. C: Raymond, 

V. Raymond Mancha, b. at, Ridgely, Md., April •,'•'). 
1869; in. Delia Adelaide Stringfellow, November 28, 
1900. lies.. 197 Parker St., Detroit, Mich. Manufac- 
turer of -tore furniture and show cases. Episcopal. 
C: (V) Raymond Mancha, Jr., b. November 27, 1002. 

V. Lula Mancha, b. 1871; d. 1874. 

IV. Rev. George S. Mancha, b. in Lancaster Co., 
Pa., M '-iv 14, 1843; m. Elizabeth Blank. September 7, 
1875. P. 0., Glen Elder, Kansas. Fanner. Taught 
school in Maryland, Illinois. Pennsylvania and Kansas 
about thirty years, then Located at Glen Elder, Kansas. 
1878, on a 320-aere section of land. He was ordained 
to the v of the Ref. Menu, church in L886. C: 
Ira. Grace, Lillian. 

V. Ira E. Mmcha. b. at Sterling, III.. Jmie 6, 1878 
P. ().. Glen Elder, Kansas. Farmer. S. 

V. Grace F. Mancha. b. November 1. 1880. Taught 


school live years; in. Archibald Odell, July 0. 1905. 
P. 0.,' Glen Elder, Kansas! Farmer. 

V. Lillian K. Maiicha. 1». Jan. 25. lsso. Teacher. 

IV. Susanna Mancha. b. August 19. 1845; d. 1851. 

IV, John Valentine Maiicha, b. March 28, 1847; m. 
Lola E. Stevens. September 7, 1892. P. <).. Claremout, 
Va. Real estate agency, surveying, &c. Episcopal. 
C: (V) Catharine I. Mancha, deed. John V. Mancha. 
b. December 26. 1900. Dorothy Carolvn Mancha. I». 
October 10. 1903. 

III. Henry Swartley, in. Nancy Urich (nee Bishop). 
<'.: Benjamin. He m. second wife. Christiann Wie- 
gonost. C: Amanda. 

IV. Benjamin Swartley. m. Emma Greider. He was 
killed by accidental discharge <'f his gnu while hunt- 
ing. C: Benjamin. Harry. 

V. Benjamin Swartley. P. 0.. Si eel ton, Pa. 
V. Harry Swartley. P. 0., Steel ton, Pa. 

IV. Amanda Swartley; m. Elini Hostetter. P. ().. 
Florin, Pa. C: (V) Elizabeth Eostetter. 

III. Jacob M. Swartley. b. October 1. 1812; d. De- 
cember 15, 1867; m. Margaret Delp. January IS. 1835. 
She was b. May 31. 1810; d. November 20, 1871. <'.: 
Susanna. Rachel, George, Noah, Abrsmi, Jacob, Jonas. 

IV. Susanna Swartley, b. February 28, 1830; d. June 
14. 1808. S. 

IV. Rachel Swartley. b. July 12. 1837; d. February 
26. 1840. 

IV. George Swartley. b. May 5, 1839; d. August 20. 
1860. S. 

IV. Noah Swartley. b. December 12, 1840; m. 
Salinda P. Frick. December 7. 1879. Res., 547 W. 
Chestnut St.. Lancaster. Pa. Retired farmer. No 

IV. Abraham Swartley. b. March 30, 1*44: m. Maria 
Dun lap. Res.. Lancaster, Pa. Dealer in dried meat. 
C: Irene. d., d. 

IV. Jacob Swartley. b. November 9, 1845; m. Lizzie 
Gerhart; d. November 10. 1901. P. 0., Sterling, 111. 

IV. Jonas Swartley. b. May 31, 1842; d. December 

31, 1886. s. 

III. Christian Swartley, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa.. 


November 14. 1814; d. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Septem- 
ber 8, 1881; ra. Catharine Ruber, June r 4, 1840. She 
was 1). in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 24, L815; d. February 
11,1895. Farmer, lief. Menu's. C. :. Susanna, Eliza- 
beth, Magdalena. 

IV. Susanna Swartley, 1). December 8, 1841; d. 
April 17. 1843. 

IV. Elizabeth Swartley, b. September 13, 1844; d. 
May (). 1877; m. John B. Mayer. C: Katie. La, &c. 

V. Katie Mayer, m. John Frit/. P. ().. Lampeter, Pa. 
V. Irn S. Mayer. Res. Philadelphia, Pa. 

IV. Magdalen?) Swartley, b. at Chestnut Hill, Lan- 
caster Co.. Pa., December 23, 1846; m. Elias S. Nolt, 
March 8, 1868. P. <).. Moimtville, Pa. Fanner. Ref, 
Menu's. ('. Lizzie. Christian, Eliza, Ezra, Harrison. 

V. Lizzie C. Nolt, b. September lg, L869; m. Eli N. 
Stauffer, November 2, L897. He d. in 1900. Fanner. 
Baptist. C.: (VI) Maggie Stauffer, l». September 1, 
1899. Elizabeth Stauffer, b. June 28, 11)01. 

V. Christian 8. Nolt, b. February 22, 1S71: in. Lizzie 
Sprenkle, December 6, J 896. P. 0„ Moimtville, Pa. 
Farmer. Ref. Menu. C: (VI) Frank S. Nolt, b. May 
23, 1898. Edith S. Nolt. b. November 20, 1900 

Marl? Nolt, b. .1: 22. 11)02. Ruth Nolt. b. December 

31. |903. 

V. Elias F. Nolt, b. February 7. 1876; m. Amelia 
Stehman, January 24. 1899. P. ()., Moimtville. Pa. 
Farmer. C: (VI) Eva Nolt. I.. January 31, 1901. 
Maude Nolt. I.. November 10, 1003. Willis Nolt, 1> 
January 22, 1000. 

V, Ezra, Nolt. b. November 3. 1879; m. Clara 
Weaver, November 27, 1902. P. 0.. Moimtville, Pa. 
Farmer. C: (VI) Lloyd W. Nolt. b. April 5, 1905. 

V, Harrison S. Nolt, b. May 26, 1888. 

III. Susanna Swartley, m. George Trout. C: Jacob, 
Henry, George. Susan, Benjamin, Annie. 

IV. Jacob S. Trout, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., 1834; 
d. March 14. 1801; m. Fannie E. Miller, November 18, 
1852. Shed. April 18, 1888. Farmer. Ref. Menu. 
C: Anna. Catharine. Jacob. John. George. 

V. Anna A. Trout, b. September 20. L854; in. John 
E. Herr, October 16, 1SS3. P, 0., Landisville, Pa. 


C: (VI) John T. Herr, b. January 28, 1886. Jacob 
Henry Herr, b. August 25, 1893.' Anna T. Herr, b. 
July 13, 1890; d. March 3, 1892. 

V. Catharine M. Trout, b. April 29, 1856; d. Octo- 
ber 21, 1856. 

V. Jacob M. Trout, b. March 22, 1858: m. Mary C. 
Stauffer, March 19, 1887. P. 0., Landisville, Pa. 

V. Dr. John H. Trout, b. October 26, 1860; in. Effie 
Petrie, February 21, 1891. Res.. 6th and Broadway, 
Los Angeles, Cal. Physician. No issue. 

V. George M. Trout, b. May 25, 1868; m. Estella 
Adair, 1903. Res., 990 Poplar St., Memphis, Tenn. 

IV. Henry Trout, M. D., dec'd. 

IV. George Trout. 

IV. Susan Trout, m. Isaac Groff. No issue. 

IV. Benjamin Trout. 

IV. Anna Trout. 

III. Abraham Swartley, b. October, 1819; d. July, 
1870; m. Mary Stirgemalt, 1850. She d. 1893. Farmer. 
Ref. Menu. C: Edwin. Catharine, Annie. M. K., 
Sue, Christian, Albert, Hallie, George. Naomi. Abraham. 

IV. Edwin Swartley. b. 1851; <1. 1851. 

IV. Catharine Swartley, b. 1853; d. 1853. 

IV. Annie Swartley, b. 1854. Res., 6 North Queen 
St., Lancaster, Pa. 

IV. M. K. Swartley, b. 1854: m. Granville Smith, 

IV. Sue M. Swartley, b. March 1. 1856; m. Samuel 
K. Landis, 1878. Res., 588 Plum St., Lancaster, Pa. 
Ref. Menu's. C: Eva, Mary. Walter, Fannie. Harry, 
Abraham, Jacob, Ada, Florence. Samuel. 

V. Eva S. Landis, b. 1879. Single. 

V. Mary S. Landis, b. 1880; m. Harry Beam. P.O., 
Bayonne, N. J. 

V. Walter S. Landis, b. 1882; m. Martha Hoversti.-k. 
1903. P. 0., Lancaster. Pa. Watch-maker. C: (VI) 
Elizabeth, Harry. 

V. Fannie S. Landis. b. 1883. S. 

V. Harry S. Landis, b. 1885. P. ().. Lancaster, Pa. 

V. Abrani G. Landis. b. and d. 1887. 


V. Jacob If. Landis (twin), b. and d. 1887. 

V. Ada S. Landis, b. 1890. 

V. Florence E. Landis, b. 1893. 

V. Samuel V. Landis. b. 1900. 

IV. Christian II. Swartley, 1). 1857; in. Lizzie 
Dillinger. P. ().. Landisville, Pa. 

IV. ' Albert W. Swartley, b. 1861. P. 0., Lancaster, 

IV. Hallie A. Swartley, b. 1863; d. 1898. 

IV. George T. Swartley, b. 1804; d. 1867. 

IV. Naomi Swart lev. b. 1864: d. 1866. 

IV. Abraham E. Swartley, b. 1866; m. Jennie 
Stough, 1886; d. 1887. P. 0., Lancaster, Pa. Machin- 
ist. C: (V) May Swartley. 

IV. Emma V. Swartl.-v. (twin), b. 1866; m. Roland 
Naugle. I ssi. P. ().. Keading, Pa. Machinist. C: 
(V) Casia, Guardus, Reginal, Clyde. Guy, Harold. 

III. Joseph Al. Swartley, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., 
September 3, 1823; d. in Ohio, July 19, 1897; m. Mag- 
dalena Denlinger, December 15, 1846. She d. June 
17. 1903. Farmer. Kef. Menu. C: Jacob, John, 
Mollie, Amos, David, Joseph. 

IV. Jacob 1). Swartley. b. October 16, 1847; m. 
Emma Delp, April, 1875. P. O., Sterling, 111. Florist. 

IV. John D. Swartley, b. October 5, 1849; m. I la 

, 1898. P. 0., Peoria. 111. Cabinet-maker. C: 

(V) Martha. 

IV. Mollie A. Swartley, b. September 16, 1852; m. 
John R. Hendricks. 

IV. Amos I). Swartley, b. September 21, 1855; m. 
Hettie Monk, 1879. P. 0., Osborne, 0. Meth. C: 
Gertrude, Mamie. 

V. Gertrude Swartley. m. Daniel Gov. P. 0., Xenia. 
Ohio. Embalmer. Meth. 

V. Mamie Swartley. P. 0., Dayton, 0. Stenogra- 
pher. Meth. 

IV. David D. Swartley, b. October 27, 1858; m. Lucy 
Gingrich, April, 1881. P. 0., Green Cone Springs, Fla. 
Merchant. C: (V) Phares L. Swartley. 

IV. Joseph P. Swartley, b. 1861; m. Mary F. Bow- 
man. 1899. P. 0.. Osborne. Ohio. Menu. C: (V) 
Joseph Swartley. 



II. John Swartley, 1). al)out 1783: m. Catharine 
Delp. Farmer in Bucks Co. Menu's. C: Magdalena, 
George. Elizabeth. 

III. Magdalena Swartley, b. in 1804-5: d. December, 
1869; m. Joseph S. Fretz in 1822. He was 1). Novem- 
ber 10, 1794; d. December 7, 1854. Farmer in Bed- 
minster. Menu. C: Catharine, Aaron. Elizabeth, 

IV. Catharine Fretz. b. April 2, 1824: m. Francis 
Scheetz, 1844. P. 0.. Norristown, Pa. Merchant. 
Grer. Bap. C: Mahlon. Remandns. 

V. Mahlon F. Scheetz. b. 1846; m. Annie E. Stver. 
1873. P. 0.. Norristown. Pa. C: (VI) Mamie. Katie. 

V. Remandus Scheetz. b. 1847; m. Lizzie Harley, 
February 16, 1887. P. 0.. Norristown. Pa. Merchant. 
C: (VI) Gertrude Scheetz. b. February 13. 1888. 

IV. Aaron Fretz, dec'd. b. October 19, 1828: m. 
Sarah A. Longacre. February 8. 1851. Blacksmith. 
C: Joseph. Albert. Fannie, Kate. Mary. 

V. Joseph Fretz. b. August 21, 1853: d. November 
30.1876: m. Anna M. Neal. Mav. 1S75. Miller. C: 
( VI ) Sarah Fretz. b. March 8. 1876. 

V. Albert Fretz. b. January 18. 1855: m. Annie 
Hoffman. February. 1876. Shed. August 7. 1887. <'.: 
(VI) David Fretz.' b. January 18. 1887. Albert m. 
second wife. Clara Graves. November 24. 1888. 

V. Fannie Fretz. b. October 1. 1856: m. H. C. 
Messenger, December 24. 1884. Hardware merchant. 

V. Kate Fretz. 1». June 25. is:,7. m . Charles Bevan. 
Nov. 15,1884. Fanner. Presby. C: (VI) Maud, Sarah. 


V. Mary Fretz, b. March 20, 1863. Presby, S. 

IV. Elizabeth Fret/, b. October 11. 1830; m. George 
Mcintosh, 1851. P. ().. Doylestown, Pa. Carpenter. 
Baptist. C: Frank, Fred. Herbert; 

V. Frank Mcintosh, b. February 21, 1852; m. Maria 
A. LaRue, March 2, 1881. At the age of eighteen lie 
filtered the office of the Bucks County Intelligencer, 
and has ever since been identified with the newspaper 
business as printer, proof-reader, and editor. C: (VI) 
Raymond, Russel. 

V. Fred Mcintosh, b. February 27, 1855; d. October 
1. 1881 : m. Lizzie Shade. C: ( VI ) Fred, Bertha, dee'd. 

V. Herbert Mcintosh, b. January ril>. 1857. Edu- 
cated in the public schools of Doylestown. Doylestown 
English and Classical Seminary, Lafayette College^ and 
Brown University, Providence. I». I. In February, 
1888, he was admitted in the courts of the common- 
wealth of Massachusetts. 

IV. Edwin Fretz, b. May 25, 1832. Res., Philadel- 
phia, Pa. Printer. 

III. George Swartley, d. infant. 

III. Elizabeth Swartley, d. --; m. Joseph Young, 
formerly editor of the "Old Morning Star, 1 ' of Doyles- 
town. Fa. C: John, Kate. 

IV. John Young, d. Hail issue. 

IV. Kate Young, in. Martin Rindlaub. Publisher 
of a paper in Wisconsin. 








II. Abraham Swartley, b. November 2, 1785; d. De- 
cember, 1872; m. Elizabeth Grehman. She was b. 1787. 
Farmer in Montgomery County. Menu's. C: Mary. 
Annie, Sarah, John, Elizabeth, Samuei, Catharine, 
Hannah, Magdalena, Tobias. 

III. Mary Swartley, m. Jacob Kulp. Farmer. 
Minn's. C.: John, Eliaabeth, Hannah, Abraham, 

IV. John S. Kulp. b. June 10, 1834; d. September 
15, 1865; m. Sarah Landis, dec'd. Farmer. Menu's. 
C: Mary, Abraham. Lizzie, Anna. 

V. Mary E. Kulp, b. August 16, 1857; m. Henry M. 
Clemmer, 1878. P. 0., Telford, Pa, Farmer. Menu's. 
C: Elmer, Sallie, John, Annie, Maggie. 

VI. Elmer K. Clemmer, b. January 28, 1879; m. 
Katie Bergey. P. 0., Telford, Pa. Menn's. C.:(VII) 
Raymond Clemmer. 

VI. Sallie Clemmer, b. September 30. 1880; m. 
Harvey C. Freed. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. Menn's. C: 
(VII) Edna dec'd, Mary. 

VI. John K. Clemmer, b. February 9. 1883; d. 1892. 

VI. Annie Clemmer, b. October 5, '1885; d. 1891. 

VI. Maggie Clemmer, b. December 19, 1S89. 

V. Abraham L. Kulp, b. September 7, 1859; m. 
Fietta Becker. P. 0., Telford, Pa. 

V. Lizzie Kulp, b. August 31, 1862; m. George 
Yerger. P. 0., Telford, Pa. 

V. Annie Kulp, b. October 21, 1865, d. December 9, 
1890; m. John Musselman. C: (VI) Warren Mussel- 

IV. Elizabeth Kulp. b. --; d. July 28, 1864; m. 
Abraham F. Mover. He was b. October 14, 1820. P. 


0., Franconia, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C: Tobias, 
Mary, William, Abraham, Elizabeth, Emeline, Kate. 

V.' Tobias K. Mover, b. November 1, 1849; m. Kate 
(I. Roth (nee Alderfer) April 7, 1888. Fanner. 
Menn's. C: I VI ) Abraham A. Mover. 

V. Mary K. Mover, b. June 9, 1851; m. George H. 
Ruth, 1873. Menu's. C. : (VI) Elizabeth dec'd. Henry, 
Abraham. Vincent, Emma. 

V. William K. Mover, b. January 1, 1853, in. Mary 
T. Mover, January 1, 187(5. Farmer. Menu's. C.: 
(VI) Sallie, Lizzie. ' 

V. Abraham K. Moyer, b. December 1, 1854; m. 
Mary Nice, November 11, 1876. Farmer. Menu's. 
('.: (VI ) Lizzie Mover, b. September 25, 1877. 

V. Elizabeth K. Moyer, b. September 1, 1857; m. 
Henry M. Nice, January 20,1877. Farmer. Menu's. 
C: (VI) Ellen, Abraham. Katie. 

V, Emeline K. Mover, b. February 23, 1860; 
m. Hiram Clemmer, January 23, 1880. Fanner. 
Menu's. C: (VI) Lizzie, Abraham dec'd, Laadau, Hi- 

V. Catharine K. Mover, b. October 9, 1861; m. Abra- 
ham A . Grpff, 1 883. Miller. Menu's. C: (VI) Annie, 


IV. Hannah Kulp, m. Jacob Nice. 
IV. Abraham Kulp. 

IV. Mary Kulp, 1). February 28. 1888; d. April 9, 
1878; m. Jacob T). Stover, March 5. 1859. P. 0., Tel- 
ford. I 'a. Farmer. Menu's. C: Elizabeth, Henry, 
Hannah. Abraham, Mary, Catharine, Jacob. 

V. Elizabeth k. Stover, b. 1859; m. Reuben Moyer, 
dec'd. River Br. C: (VI) Jacob dec'd. Irwin dec'd, 

V. Henry K. Stover, b. 1801; m. Hannah Fulmer. 
P. ()., Souderton, Pa. Meth. 

V. Hannah K. Stover, b. February 24, 1863; m. Aa- 
ron Hart zell. P. ().. Qnakertown, Pa. Harness-maker. 

V. Abraham K. Stover, b. August 11. 1S(}5; m. Clara 
Earing. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. Cigar-maker. 

V. Mary K. Stover, b. October 20, 1867; m. Benja- 
min K. Wile. Heel. 1890. Farmer. C: Jacob. Annie. 


V. Catharine K. Stover, b. February 21, 1870; ni. 
Henry Blank. P. 0., Telford. Pa. 

V. Jacob K. Stover, b. April 7. 1873: ni. Charlotta 
Soudef. P. 0.. Telford. Pa. Farmer. < '. : (VI) Jennie. 

III. Annie Swartley. d.: m. William Ziegler, d. No 

III. Sarah Swartley. d. 1869: m. Henry S. Alderfer. 

III. John Swartley married Sallie Shoemaker. P. ().. 
Fiieks. Pa. C.:(IV) Samuel. Silas. Mary. Elizabetb, 

IV. Samuel Swartley m. Annie Bidel. 
IV. Silas Swartley m. \\ inters. 

IV. Mary A. Swartley m. Jonas A. Kulp. P. 0.. Lone 
Elm. Kans. Farmer. 

IV. Elizabeth Swartley m. Jonas Ber^ey. 

IV. ( 'atharine Swartlev m. Willi nu H. Grehman, Dec. 
16,1865. P. 0., Morwood, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. 
C: (V) Ida. r — . Samuel. Vincent, Nelson. 

III. Elizabeth Swartlev. b. February '27. 1819; d. 
June 0. 1892; m. Jacob \\ . Rosen herger. 

III. Samuel (t. Swartlev. I), in Montgomery County, 
Pa.. August 11. 1821; d. March 12, 1887; in. Catharine 
Rieff, January 4. 1849. She was b. January 28, 1821. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: William, Mary, George, Abra- 
ham, Reuben, Samuel. 

IV. William R. Swartley, b. 1850; d. infant. 

IV. Mary R. Swartley, b. August, 1851; d. Septem- 
ber, 1851. 

IV. George R. Swartley, b. August 1. 1853; m. Sallie 
Keller, November 29, 1873. She d. 1894. C: Ellen. 
Harry, William. Katie. He m. second wife, Annie 
Sholl (nee Hesler), January 11, 1896. P. (>.. Earling- 
ton. Pa. Farmer. Lutb. C: Al vesta. 

V. Ellen K. Swartlev. b. January 23, 1870: in. 
Wilson Nice, October 11.' 1896. P. 0.', Elroy, Pa. 

V. William Swartley, b. March 14. 1877. 

V. Harry Swartlev, b. December 5, 1879. 

V. Katie Swart I py, b. October 14. 1881. 

V. A I vesta 11. Swartlev. I). January 9, 1897. 

IV. Abraham R. Swartlev. b. November 14. 1854; 
m. Adeline Z. Godshall, December 11. 1871',. P. ().. 
Earlington. Pa. Farmer. C: 'V) Emma deed, 


Franklin. Mary, Martha, Samuel. Minnie, Paul, 

IV. Reuben K. Swartley, b. September 1. 1856: d. 

IV. Samuel R. Swartley, b. July 10, 1858; m. Lizzie 
A. Krafcz, Nov. 22, 1879.' P. ().. Line Lexington. Pa. 
Teacher. Menu's. C: (V) Minerva, Estella, Nora. 

III. Catharine Swartley. S. 

ill. Hannah Swartley, dec'd; m. Joseph Johnson, 
dec'd. C: Benjamin, Elmina, Lizzie, Caroline, Andora, 

IV. Benjamin Johnson. 

IV. Elmina Johnson, b. February, 1847; d. 1878; m. 
Zacharia Reed, 1867. P. ().. Kulpsville, Pa. Cattle- 
dealer, i Ref. ch. C: (V) Wilson Reed, b. Dec. 13, 
1868; m. Emma Meyer. P. 0., Telford, Pa. C: (VI) 
Sadie tieed. 

V. Svlvanus Reed, b. August 30, 1870; d. 1870. 
V. Elizabeth Reed. b. February 22, 1872. 

V. Titus Reed, b. May 20, 1ST I. 

V. Harvey Heed, b. November 11, 1876, d. 1877. 

V. Sophia Reed, b. April 15, L878. 

IV. Lizzie Johnson, b. November 13, 1854; d.; m. 
Samuel Homing, 1872. P. ().. Telford, Pa. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: (V) William, Katy dec'd, Joseph. 

IV. Emilia Johnson, m. Howard Yocum. 

IV. Caroline Johnson, m. Enos Detweiler. 

IV. Andora Johnson, m. C. Frank Barndt. 

III. Magdalena G. Swartley, b. July 20, 1830; m, 
James H. Price, December 1, 1849. He was b. October 
3,1821. Shoemaker and farmer. Menn's. C: Edwin, 
Elizabeth, Ann. Mary, Rheinhart, Lincoln, Ellsworth, 
Sal lie. 

IV. Edwin S. Price, b. January 31. 1851; m. Lizzie 
M. Nice, June 4, 1881. P. 0., Hamlin, Kans. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: ( V ) Maggie N. Price. 

IV. Elizabeth S. Price, b. December 2, 1802; m. 
Josiah Anders. P. 0., Pawnee City, Nebraska. 

IV. Annie S. Price, b. September 1, 1854; m. Frank- 
lin 0. Barndt. P. 0., Sabetha, Kans. Farmer. Lutli. 
C: (V) Robert. Harvey, Lewis, John, Frank. Mary, 
Annie. Laura. 


IV. Mar v Price. 1). August 21, 13-30: m. Henry M. 
Benner, January 29, 1882. P. 0., Hamlin. Kansas. 
Menu's. C: (V) Kmraa, Eli.'. James. 

IV, Rheinhart S. Price, b. at Harleysville, Pa.. De- 
cember 15, 1859; m. Eva Metz, 1885. P. ().. Hill City, 
Kansas. Farmer. No issue. 

IV. Lincoln S. Price, b. Jane 7. 1863; in. Eva J. 
Myers, June 17, 1886. P. 0.. Oneida. Kans. Farmer. 
Christian cli. 

IV. Ellsworth S, Price, b. August 11, 1865; ra. 
Bettie M. McGee, February 28, 1891. P. 0., Falls City, 
Xeb. In lumber yard. Christian Ch. C: (V) Grant. 

IV. Sallie S. Price, b. September 11, 1868. P. 0., 
Axtel, Kans. 

III. Tobias Swartley, dec'd.; in. Magdalena Delp. 
Killed on railroad. Menn's. C: Jonas, James. Allen. 
Katie, John. 

IV. Jonas Swartley. m. Hannah Shoemaker. 

IV. James D. Swartley, m. Mary Allebach. P. 0.. 
Franconia, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C.: ( V ) Lizzie Swart- 
lev, b. August 15, 1888. 

' IV. Allen D. Swartley, b. December 2. 1 857, m. Marv 
C. Rittenhouse, October 25, 1879. P. ().. Lansdale, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: ( V) Irvin, Jacob. Warren dec'd., 
Allen. Eve, Mary. 

IV. Katie Swartley, m. Jacob C. Beidler. P. 0., Har- 
leysville, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C; M try <h>r\\. Irvin, 
John. Wilmer dec'd. Ellen. 

IV. John Swartlev. dec'd. 



II. Joseph Swartley. m. Catharine Rein*. C: Elias, 
Catharine and others d. young. 

III. Elias Swartley. m. Stiner. 

Ill, Catharine Swartley, dj, Benjamin Allebach. 


II. Henry Swartley, m. Barbara Delp. Lived in 
Bucks County. No issue. 



II. Samuel Swartlev. m. Annie Johnson, lie was 
killed by an accident. Fanner. Menu. C: John, 

III. John Swartlev, m.  — Tyson. 

III. Barbara Swartlev, b. 1816; d. L901; m. Henry 
Smith, 1836. Carpenter. Menu's. C: Susanna, Levi, 
George, Henry, Addie. Barbara m. second husband, 
John Snovel. No issue. 

IV. Susanna Smith, b. 1837; m. Philip D. Svvartley. 
IV. Levi Smith, b. 1838. P. 0., Reno, Nev. 

IV. George Smith, b. 1839; d. 1893; m. Emma 
Logan. Res., 2151 Newkirk St., Philadelphia. C: 
Harry, Alfred, Howard. 

IV. Henry Smith, b. 1843; m. Mary Richenson. 
Res.. 4047 Prairie Ave., Chicago, III. C.: (V) Nellie 
Smith dec'd. 

IV. Emma Smith, b. 1844; d. 1861. 

IV. Eliza Smith, b. 1852. S. 

IV. Addie S. Smith, b. August 19. 1800; m. Frank 
P. Bloom, January 4, 1879. P. 0., Pricks. Pa. Farmer. 
Ref. ch. C: (V) Edward, Emma dec'd, Sally dec'd, 
Horace, Stella, Ramon dec'd. Mabel. Ida, Wellington 
dec'd, Laura, Cleveland. Hairy, Blanche, Edna dec'd 


II. Philip R. Swartley, b. January 2, 1795: d. July 
30, 1880; m. Annie C. Shoemaker. October 11, 1818. 
She was b. in Chester County, Pa.. April 27. 1800; d. 
December 11, 1882. Farmer! The old homestead of 
his father with 109 acres was devised to him. Menu. 
C: Catharine. Jacob, Mary, Elizabeth. Anna, Fannie. 
John. Michael, Sarah, Elmina. Philip. 

III. Catharine Swartley, b. August 5. 1819: d. Octo- 
ber 30, 1896; m. John H. Kulp, January 7. 1844. He 
was b. February 10. 1809; d. January 24,*18S7. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: Philip. Sarah. Anna. Elizabeth. 

IV. Philip S. Kulp, b. July 27, 1845; m. Sophia D. 
Bishop, December 19, 1868. P. O., Souderton, Pa. 

IV. Sarah S. Kulp, b. December 4, 1846; m. Benja- 
min C. Kratz, November 30, 1867. P. 0.. Bergey, Pa. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: (V) Ulysses, Katie, John, Abra- 
ham. Sallie. 

V. Ulvsses K. Kratz. b. July 9, 1869; m. Susanna A. 
Bergev, January 16, 1897. C: (VI) Mary Kratz, 1). 
August 22, 1899. 

V. Katie K. Kratz, b. July 27. 1873: m. Janirs S. 
Barndt, 1894. C: (VI) Wellington, Benjamin dee'd. 

V. John Kratz. b. and d. 1875. 

V. Abraham Kratz. b. July 21. 1876. 

V. Sallie K. Kratz. b. .hme 22. 1878; m. .lames B. 

IV. Anna S. Kulp, b. January 18, 1850; m. Abraham 
H. Rosenberger, 18(58. 

IV. Elizabeth S. Kulp. b. October 18, 1854: m. 
Daniel C. Kratz. September 2, 1875. P. 0., Hendricks. 
Pa. Farmer. Miller. Menu's. C: (V) Harvey, Katie. 


III. Jacob S. Swart lev. I>. in Montgomery County, 
Pa., August 16, 1821 ; d. October 24, L867; m. Elizabeth 
Cassel, January 27, 1850. She was b. September 6, 
1830. Fanner and miller. Menu's. C: Jesse, [saac, 
Jacob. Abraham, Wellington, Mary. John. Henry. 

IV. Jesse C. Swartley, b. December 11, 1850; d. May 
25, 1856. 

IV, Isaac C. Swart lev. b. February 5, 1854; m. Ella 
M. Hendricks. November 4, 1880. 1\ ('.)., North Wales, 
Pa. Boot and shoe dealer. Kef. ch. C: Marvin, 
.lames dec'd. Leola. 

IV. Jacob C. Swartley, b. December 22, 1855; m. 
Martha Hunsicker.. P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. 

IV. Abraham C. Swartley, b. August 16, 1858; m. 
Agnes Munro, October 6, 1892. Res., 2716 Edgeley 
St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Carriage-builder. Baptists. C: 
(V) Stanley M. Swartley. 

IV. Wellington C. Swartley, b. July 3, 1860; m. M. 
Ella Haldeman, October 13, 1885. Res., 2402 l'rank- 
f'ord Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant. Ref. ch. C: 
(V) Bessie .M.. Edna H. 

iV. Mary A. Swartley. b. April 25, 1863. S. 

IV. John C. Swartlev. b. September 14, 1865; m. 
Agnes Darlington, October 24, L900. P. ()., Doyles- 
town, Pa. He was educated in the public schools, the 
State Normal School at Millersville, Pa., and graduated 
from the Law Department of the University of Penn- 
sylvania in 1893. He was admitted to the Philadelphia 
bar in June. 1893, and to the Bucks County bar in the 
August following. In 1897 he was elected district 
attorney, serving with ability for three years. On 
January 1, 1903, he was appointed assistant U. S. 
Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. 
C: (V) John C, Margaret D. 

IV, Henry C, Swartley, b. November 27, 1867; m. 
Charlotte Ernst, August 27, 1902. Druggist. C: (V) 
Charlotte C. Swartlev. 

III. Mary Swartley, b. February 5, 1824; d. April 8, 
1858; m. George Reiff. C: Philip, Mary, Anna. 

IV. Philip S. Reiff. b. March 8, 1845; m. Sarah B. 
Wisler, December 10, 1864. She d. October 15, 1884. 
No issue. He m, second wife, Amelia H. Barndt, 


January 2, 1886. P. 0., Telford, Pa. Lath. C: (V) 
Lizzie dec'd, Wellington dec'd. 

IV. Mary S. Rsiff, b. October 8, 1846; d. November 
25, 1872; m. Henry Hedrick, January 23, 1839. C: 
Lizzie, Mary. 

V, Lizzie R. Hedrick, b. August 12, 1870; in. 
Clinton Kramer. C: (VI) Alice, Oscar, Annie. 

V. Mary Hedrick, b. April, 1872; d. November, 

IV. Anna S. Reiff, b. September 22, 1819; m. Henry 
Hedrick, (second wife), May 10, 1873. P. ()., Line 
Lexington, Pa. C: Kate, George, Henry, Harvey, 
Harriet, Elmer, Wellington, Valeria. 

V. Kate R. Hedrick, b. October 25, 1874; m. Ward 
M. Heckler. C: (VI) Stanley. 

III. Elizabeth Swartley, b". August 24, 1826; d. July 
6, 1895; m. George Reiff.' He d. March 18, 1888. No 

III. Anna Swartley, b. April 22, 1828; d. ; m. 

Daniel Haring. 

III. Fannie Swartley, b. March 14, 1830; m. Jonas 
L. Mover, September 17, 1853. P. 0., Pranconia, Pa. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: Philip, Magdalena, Elizabeth, 
Anna, Fannie, Jacob, William, Jonas, Nathaniel, 
Catharine, John. 

IV. Philip S. Moyer. b. July 27, 1851; d. April, 

IV. Magdalena S. Moyer, b. November 28, 1855; m. 
Enos D. Detweiler, December 15, 1877. P. ()., Sellers- 
ville, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: (V) Jonas M. Det- 

IV. Elizabeth Moyer, b. June 17, 1859. 

IV. Anna S. Moyer, b. November 13, 1858; m. 
Edwin K. Moyer, November 6, 1886. P. 0.. Silverdale, 
Pa. Farmer. Ev. Ass'n. C: (V) Lizzie, Miriam. 

IV. Fannie S. Moyer, b. September 5, 1860; m. 
Isaiah Keller. P. 0., Franconia, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. 
C: (V) Bertha, Ervin. 

IV. Jacob S. Moyer, b. March 7, 1862; m. Mary 
Derstine. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. 
C: (V) Stella, Alvin, Lay ton, Maggie, 


IV. William S. Moyer, b. December 6. 1863; d. 181 1. 

IV. Jonas S. Moyer, b. May 25, 1865; m. Mattie 
Del]!. Publisher "Hatfield Invincible." Ger. Bap. 

IV. Nathaniel S. Mover, 1). February 22, L867; m. 
Erania Alderfer. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. Farmer. Menu's, 
C: (V) Martha, Preston. 

IV. Catharine S. Mover. 1). July 22, 1871. 

IV. John S. Moyer, b. March 8, 1873. 

III. John Swart I. 'v. 1). October 7. L831; d. 4ugttst, 
L884; in. I Ian nali Art man. P. 0., Oak Park, III. 

III. Michael Swartley, b. October 18, 1833; d. 1905: 
in. Mary Rosenberger. I'. <).. Franconia Square, Pa. 
Farmer on the pioneer Rosenberger homestead. Menu's. 
('.: Lizzie, Annie. Jacob, John. Mary, Henry. 

IV. Lizzie l». Swartley, b. November 23, L861; m. 
Henry T. Daub. January 12, 1884. P. ()., Morwood, 
Pa. Farmer. Menu's. ' C.:(V) Mary S. Daub, b. L884; 
SallieS. Daub. b. 1886, d. L887; Clayton S. Daub, b. 
L891, d. 1893; Lizzie S. Daub. b. July 25, L893. 

iV. Anna Swartley, b. March 12,1863. Menu. 

IV. Jacob If. Swartley, b. July 11. 1865; m. Lizzie II. 
Derstine, 1889. P. 0., Sellersville, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. 
('.: (V) Elmer, Howard. Noah. 

IV. John li. Swartley, b. January 9, 18G8; m. Sallie 
K. Cassel, February 0. 1892. P. 0., Franconia Square, 
Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C: (V) Mamie. 

IV. Mary Swartley, b. November 20. 1869; d. June 
"il. 1870. 

IV. Henry Swartley. b. February 28, 1878. 

III. Sarah Swartley, b. May 2, 1836; Menu. S. 

III. Elmina Swartley, b. November 24, 1839; d. 
September 14. I860. 

III. Philip S. Swartley, b. January 20, 1843; d. ; 

m. Lydia A. Swartley. Farmer. Menn's. C: Mary, 
Ella, [da, Emma, Harvey, Lillie, Sadie, Erwin. 

IV. Mary Swartley, b. 1805; in. Jacob Clymer. P. 
().. Line Lexington, Pa. 

IV. Ella Swartley, b. 1807; m. Rhine Haring. P. O., 
B( at tie. K'ans. 

IV. Ida Swartley', b. 1809; m. Joseph Reed. P. 0.. 
Pottstown. Pa. 


IV. Emma Swartley, b. 1870; m. Edmund Richardson. 
P. 0.. Lansdale, Pa. 

IV. Harvey Swartley, b. 1873; m. Tillie Krupp. P. 
0., North Wales, Pa. ' 

IV. Lillie Swartley, dec'd, b. 1875. 

IV. Sadie Swartley, dec'd, b. 1878. 

IV. P. Erwin Swartley, b. 1880. 


II. Elizabeth R. Swartley, b. about 1799; in. John 
Ehst. (J.: Abraham, Samuel, Marv. Elizabeth, Catharine* 

III. Abraham Ehst, b. March 28, 1817; m. Susanna 
0. Moyer, November 28, 1841. P. 0., Clayton, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C. : Elizabeth, John, Henry, Abraham, 
Susanna, David, Jacob. 

IV. Elizabeth Ehst. b. July 17, 1842; d. October 14, 
1865; m. Levi 15. Moyer. C: (V) Tobias. 

IV. Rev. John M. Ehst. b. March 14, 1844; m. Susan 
S. Gehman, October 29, 1867. P. ().. Clayton, Pa. 
farmer and minister in Menu, church. C: Abraham, 
Lizzie. Susan. Man . 

V. Abraham G. Ehst. 1). September 19, 1869; m. 
Kate B. Lambs. October 1, 1892. C: < VI ) John L. Ehst. 

V. Lizzie G. Ehst, b. December 5, 1870; m. Joseph 
C. Beidler, 1891. C: (VI) Harvey E. 

V. Susan G. Ehst. b. September 8, 1872. 

V. Mary G. Ehst, b. February 3, 1875. 

IV. Henry M. Ehst. m. Elmira D. Mest, 1808. P. 
().. Bar Harbor, Maine. C: (V) Eli, Henry. 

IV. Abraham M. Ehst, d. infant. 

IV. Susan Ehst. b. 1854: d. 1870. S. 

IV. David M. Ehst. b. July 13, 1858; m. Alice Meas, 
December 22, 1877. P. 0., Bethlehem. Pa. Carpenter. 
Ref. church. No issue. 

IV. Jacob M. Ehst. b. in Berks County, Pa., March 
21. 1861; m. Lydia Harpel, October 25, 1884. P. 0., 
Gilbertsville, Pa. Farmer. Luths. C: (V) Marv H. 
Ehst, b. September 28, 1885. Henry H. Ehst, b. May 
17, 1887. Lawrence H. Ehst, b. August 10, 1889. 
Laura 11. Ehst. b. August 10, 1889. Katie H. Ehst. b, 
December 17. 1891. 

Samuel Ernst, Wife an J Children 



Aster, Lenox anc 


III. Samuel Ehst, in. Mary Brubacker. P. 0., Seville, 
Ohio. Farmer. Mean's. C: John, Lizzie, Susan, Sarah. 
Mary, Levi, Barbara, Anna. 

Hi. Mary Ehst, d. m. Isaac L. Bowman. Parmer. 
Menu. C: (IV) Jacob dec'd, John dec'd, Josiah, 

III. Elizabeth Ehst, d. m. Samuel Landis, d. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: Elizabeth, Mary, Samuel, Henry dec'd, 
Catharine dec'd, Emma, David, Susan, Amanda, Tobias, 

IV. David E. Landis, b. December 18. 1851; m. Sarah 
L. Bechtel, October 26, 1876. P. 0., Rock Glen, Pa. 
Proprietor Black Creek greenhouse. Menn's. C: (V) 
John. Laura, Samuel, David, William, Florence, George, 

III. Catharine S. Ehst, b. September 16, 1825; d. 
May 3, 186S; m. Jacob B. Bechtel, September 2, 1819. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: Lizzie, John, Emma, Catharine. 

IV. Lizzie Bechtel, b. in Berks County, Pa., August 
21, 1851; m. W. H. B. Schoenly, October 31, 1871. He 
d. March 11, 1901. Prothonatary. Luth. Mrs. S. 
Menu. C: Harvey, Katie, Mamie, Laura, Emma, 
Elizabeth. William. 

V. Harvey B. Schoenly, b. June 1, 1873; m. Maria 
Thomas. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Book-keeper. Luth. 

V. Katie B. Schoenly, b. October 18, 1871. 

V. Mamie Schoenly, b. February 21, 1877. 

V. Laura B. Schoenly, b. December 3, 1880; m. 
Irwin Sullivan. P. 0., Boyertown, Pa. Machinist. Luth. 

V. Emma Schoenly, b. June 9. 1882. 

V. Elizabeth Schoenly, b. December 10, 1883. 

V. William B. Schoeiily. b. July 13, 1889. 

IV. John E. Bechtel, b. in Berks County, Pa., March 
3, 1852; m. Elizabeth B. Bower, October 27, 1877. P. 
0., Gabelsville, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: (V) Allen 
B. Bechtel, b. August 11, 1879; Menn. Henry B. 
Bechtel, b. July 25, 1880; Menn. David B. Bechtel, 
b. May 21, 1881; d. June 20, 1881. Barbara B. Bechtel, 
stillborn, February 10, 1883. Annie Lizzie B. Bechtel, 
b. September. 15, 1887; Menn. Katie Ada Bechtel, b. 
August 9, 1891. 


IV. Emma Bechtel, b. November 1, 1858; d. m. 
Daniel G. Gabel, 1880. Farmer. Menu's. C: (V) 
Elmer B. Gabel, b. December 27, 1881; d. January 29, 
1902. Daughter, d. Infant, 

IV. Catharine Bechtel, b. February 22, 1857; d. m. 
Solomon Good, 1886. Farmer. Menn's. C: Annie, 

V. Annie B. Good. m. John Kolb. P. 0., Spring 
City, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: (VI) Elmer G. Kolb. 

V. Bertha B. Good, m. Jacob Huber. P. 0., Spring 
City, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. 


II. Mary Swartley, b. in Montgomery County, Pa., 
May 1, 1801; a. April 4, 1869; m. John Clemmer. He 
was b. December 9, 1795; d. July 16, 1857. Farmer in 
Montgomery County, Pa. Menu's. C: Elizabeth, 
Abraham, John, Josiah, Mary, Susanna, Joseph, Henry, 

III. Elizabeth Clemmer, b. November, 1820; m. 
Henry Bergey. Moved to Canada. C: Oliver, Chris- 
tian, Mary. Margaret, Sarah. 

IV. Oliver Bergey. P. 0.. New Dundee, Out, 

III. Abraham Clemmer, b. 1823; d. — ; m. Elizabeth 
Swartley. C: Sarah, John, Mary. He m. second wife. 
Sophia Bechtel. C: Henry. He m. third wife. Nancy 
BechteL C: Abraham, Fietta. 

IV. Sarah Clemmer, dec'd. 

IV. John Clemmer, m. Wenger. 

IV. Mary Clemmer, dec'd. 

IV. Henry Clemmer, m. Mary Hagev. P.O., Fran- 
con ia Square. Pa. No issue. 

IV. Abraham Clemmer. m. Marv Derstine. P. 0., 
Elroy, Pa. C: (V) Etna Clemmer. ' 

IV. Fietta Clemmer, m. Freed. 

III. John S. Clemmer, b. March, 1825; d. 1875; m. 
Eliza Mover, November, 1850. C: (IV) Adeline Clem- 
mer, b. 1852; d. 1857. Eliza Clemmer, b. and d. 1858. 
John m. second wife, Margaret Godshall. Merchant 
tailor. Later proprietor of Washington Hotel, Ger- 
mantown, Pa. C: (IV) John G. Clemmer. 

III. Rev. Josiah Clemmer, b. May 1, 1827; d. June 
28, 1905; m. Sarah Kolb, November 9, 1851. She was 
b. August 26, 1832; d. November 8, 1883. Farmer. 
He was ordained to the ministry of the Mennonite 


church at Franconia M. H., November 9, 1860, and 
Bishop, December 1, 1867, and up to the time of his 
deatli served as pastor with diligence and faithfulness 
to the cause of the Redeemer. C: Jacob, Susanna, 
Mary, John, Sarah, Josiah, Jonas, Hiram. 

IV. Jacob K. Clernmer, b. January 6, 1854; d. Janu- 
ary 13, 1890; m. Catharine D. Benner, 1872. Menn's. 
C: Sarah, Elizabeth, John. 

V. Sarah B. Clemmer, b. May 16, 1873; m. John 0. 
Han sell. Ref. church. 

V. Elizabeth B. Clemmer, b. June 12, 1876. 

V. John B. Clemmer, b. June 3, 1883. 

IV. Susanna Clemmer, b. October 29, 1855; m. Sam- 
uel D. Derstine, September 15, 1877. P. O., Hatfield, 
Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: (V) Sallie C. Derstine, b. 
1878; d. 1879. Howard C. Derstine. b. 1879; d. 1880. 
Irwin C. Derstine, b. October 11, 1881. Mary L. Der- 
stine. b. August 14, 1884. Josiah C. Derstine. b. 
September 12, 1889. Emma C. Derstine. b. July 1, 
1891. Hiram C. Derstine, b. June 6, 1893. Susanna 
Derstine. b. and d. 1895. Edna C. Derstine. b. Decem- 
ber 6, 1896. 

IV. Mary Clemmer. b. December 27. 1857; d. July 
27, 1880; ,„. Charles S. Brunner. C: (V) Hiram, Kate, 
Sallie. Harvey, Mary. Barbara decM, Lydia, Susan dec'd. 

IV. John K. Clemmer, b. September 1, 1861; m. 
Lizzie Freed. P. ()., Spring Mount, Pa. C: (V) 
Elmer Clemmer. 

IV. Sarah Clemmer, b. 1864; d. 1882. S. 

IV. Josiah K. Clemmer, b. June 1, 1867; m. Ella 
Hunsberger. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. C: (V) Harvey, 
Clayton, William. 

IV. Jonas K. Clemmer, b. August 9, 1870; m. Laura 
V. K. Loudenslager. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. Weaver. 
Menu's. C: (V) Katie, Elwootl, Viola. 

IV. Hiram K. Clemmer, b. January 24, 1874; d. 
Mav 10. 1894. 

III. Mary Clemmer. 

III. Susanna Clemmer. 

III. Joseph Clemmer, d. small. 

III. Henry Clemmer, m. Mary Ruth. C: Joseph, 
Tobias, Henry. Abraham, Michael. 



IV. Joseph Clemmer, in. Hannah Landis. P. ()., 
Hatfield, Pa. 

IV. Tobias Clemmer, m. Fannie Lapp. 

IV. Henry Clemmer, m. Ella Mover. 

IV. Abraham Clemmer, m. Katy Buyer. 

IV. Michael Clemmer, b. November 11, 1872; m. 
Lizzie K. Moyer, September 21, 1895. P. 0., Souder- 
ton, Pa. Clerk. Menn's. C: (V) Willis M. 

III. Annie Clemmer, b. February 12, 1838; m. Rev. 
John H. Rosenberger. 


I. Jacob Schwardle, b. about L759, in Eppingeu, in 
Necker, grand duchy of Baden, Germany, emigrated to 
America prior to 1781: m. Hester - -. He located in 
the northern portion of Bedminster in 1781, where on 
November 30th of that year, he purchased of Nicholas 
Kline, a tract of 50 acres, to which he added by pur- 
chase 33 acres adjoining on April 5,1804. These two 
tracts comprised a long narrow strip of laud fronting 
on the Ridge road, at the present site of the "Elephant" 
tavern, and extended downward about 200 perches, on 
the southwest side iif the present road from the Deep 
Run Presbyterian church to the "Elephant. 1 ' Menu's. 
Buried at the Tohickon church. C: Martin, John, 
Henry, Michael. 



II. Martin Swartley. d. aged about 71 years; m. 
Magdalena Delp, daughter of John Del p. of New- 
Britain, Bucks County, Pa. She d. aged about 79 years. 
Farmer. Menu's. C: Elizabeth, John, Martin, Mag- 
dalena, Barbara, Henry, Anna, Aaron. 

III. Elizabeth Swartley, b. in Bucks County, Pa., 
June 20, 1818; d. February 5, 1897; m. Nathan C. 
Beidler, August 28, 3851. He was b. February 22, 
1814: d. August 10, 1888. Farmer. Menu's. C: Mary, 
Elizabeth. Emma, Nathan, Barbara. 

IV. Mary Magdalena S. Beidler, b. in Bucks County, 
Pa., Mav 0, 1852: m. Dr. R. H. Andrews. October 7, 
1875. Res., 2321 Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 

Dr. Reuben H. Andrews, b. in Bucks County, Pa., 
January 20, 1850. In early life he worked on the farm, 
attending district school in winter. When 18 years of 
age he attended for a short time the Excelsior Normal 
Institute at Carversville, with the object of preparing 
for teaching. He taught his first term of school at 
Upper Sellersville, then spent a term at the Keystone 
State Normal School at Kutztown. This was followed 
by another term of teaching in Bedminster township. 
About the same time he commenced the study of med- 
icine under the tutorship of Dr. Moses Rice, of Hagers- 
ville, and later of Dr. J. H. Krause, 6f Plunisteadville. 

In the spring of 1814, he graduated from the medical 
department of the University of Pennsylvania, and at 
once entered upon the duties of his chosen profession 
at Kulpsville. Pa., where he soon gained a liberal 

In the spring of 1870. he moved to Lansdale, Pa., 
where he erected a dwelling. While here engaged in 


the active duties of his profession, Ue conceived the idea 
of publishing a monthly medical journal, "The Medical 
Summary," the firsl number of which was issued in 
March, 1879. En 1881, he bought a half interest in 
"The Lansdale Reporter," and erected a building as a 
home and office for the printing establishment. 

In the spring of 1884, he sold his practice and dwell- 
ing, and bought a property in Philadelphia, where he 
lived a year, and then sold it and returned to Lansdale, 
and built one of the finest residences in that section at 
the time. Having purchased the other half interest in 
the "Reporter" and printing business, he conducted it 
himself about a year, then sold it, and soon afterward 
moved to Philadelphia, where he since devotes almost 
his entire time to the medical journal, doing only a 
select practice. The "Medical Summary" is a national 
journal with an edition of over 10.000 copies annually, 
and circulates in every section of the country. Baptist. 
C: Lotta. Florence. Beatrice, Russell. 

V. Lotta Grace Andrews, h. February 24, 1877. 
Graduated from Bryn Mawr College, 1902, and was ad- 
mitted as a medical student at the Woman's Medical 
College, of Philadelphia. Baptist. 

V. Florence Mabel Andrews, b. January 4, 1879; m. 
Walter B. Newman, November 5, 1902. Res., 4627 
Green St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Baptists.^ C: (VI) Walter 
Andrews Newman, b. January 24. 1905. 

V. Beatrice L. Andrews, b. December 12, 1885. 

V. Russell H. Andrews, b. May 27, 1894; d. Februarv 
16, 1895. 

IV. Elizabeth S. Beidler. b. July 8, 1854; m. B. F. 
Shearer. October 7. 1875. P. 0., Dublin, Pa. Mer- 
chant, Presbyterian. C: (V) William K. Shearer, b. 
April 4. 1877; d. 1877. Gertrude H. Shearer, b. July 
30, 1879. Herbert B. Shearer, b. July 21, 1883. 

IV. Emma Beidler. b. July 30, 1855; m. Clinton 
Frankenfield. November 21. 1874. P. O., Dublin, Pa. 
Merchant, Luth. C: (V) Howard B. Frankenfield, b. 
March 4.1 876. Mds. Luth. S. Evaline Frankenfield, 
b. September 5. 1881 ; d. 1882. Oscar R. Frankenfield, b. 
June 27. 1883. B. Bertram Frankenfield. b. July 3, 1885. 


IV. Nathan S. Beidler. b. December 4, 1857; m. 
Lillian Kochersperger. September 15, 1881. Res.. Phil- 
adelphia, Pa. Merchant. C: (V) Nathan P. Beidler. 
b. June 18. 1883; d. 1883. Lillian Beidler, b. July 30, 
1885; d. 1885. Leon K. Beidler, b. October 6, 1886. 

IV. Barbara Beidler. b. September 15, 1862; m. Ed- 
ward Hafler. December. 9, 1886. P. 0., Perkasie, Pa. 
Farmer. Meth. ('.: (V) Nellie Hafler. b. August 28, 
1887. Warren Hafler. b. May 5. 18811: d. 18S9. James 
Hafler. b. and d. March 15. 1890. Elizabeth Hafler, b. 
February 25, 1891. Frederick Hafler, b. February 20, 
1893; d. 1893. Edward Hafler. b. May 18, 1894. 

III. Martin D. Swartley. b. December 29, 1821: d. 
aged 75 years; in. Barbara Landis, December 8, 1844. 
She was b. February 14. 1825. Farmer. Menn's. C: 
Henry, Edward. Francis. Annie. Joseph. Sophia. Milton, 
Magdalena, Abraham. Levi. Nathan, Harvey. 

IV. Henry Swartley. b. February 4, 1846; m. Catha- 
rine Sheverer, April 14. 1866. P. 0., Roxborough, 
Philadelphia, Pa. Policeman. Luth. C: (V) Wilson, 
Morris. Clara. Alice, Kate, Susan. Jennie, Mamie, Bella. 

IV. Edward Swartley, b. February 1. 1847; m. 
Lavina Sheffer. 

IV. Martin Swartley, Jr.. b. April 2. 1849; m. Caro- 
line Wittrock, April 27, 1873. She d. 1903. C: Ida. 
Morris, Elsie. He m. second wife. Mary Welsh. Res., 
240 Delmar St., Roxborough, Philadelphia. Pa. Flor- 
id. Meth. Ep. 

V. Ida Swartley, b. February 14. 1875; m. Theodore 
Book. Meth. Ep, 

V. Morris Swartley. b. January 22. 1877; m. Jennie 
Struse. Meth. Ep. C: (VI) LeRoy, Clark. 

V. Elsie Swartley, b. August 14, 1883. S. 

IV. Francis P. Swartley. b. August 1,1851; m. : 

P. 0., Collegeville, Pa. 

IV. Annie Swartley. b. August 20, 1853; m. Wm. 
Xace. Res., Roxborough, Philadelphia. 

IV. Joseph P. Swartley, b. June 12, 1855: m. Kate 
Levering. Res., Roxborough. Pa. 

IV. Sophia Swartley, b. April 7, 1857; m. Abraham 


IV, Milton Swartley, b. November 13, 1858; m. - 
Byers. P. 0., Fairview, Pa. 

IV. Magdalena Swartley, b. August 10, 18(50; m. 
Thomas Leaser. Res., Roxborough, Pa. 

IV. Abraham Swartley, b. March 10. L862; in. Emma 
Whitehead. P. 0., Roxborough, Pa. 

IV. Levi Swartley, b. March 10. 1864. Res., Rox- 
borough, Philadelphia. Pa. S. 

IV. ' Nathan Swart lev. b. February 8, 1866. Res., 
Roxborough, Pa. S. 

IV. Harvey Swartley. b. Ma\ 8, 1868; d. May 17, 1871. 

III. John D. Swartley, m. Phebe Knipe. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: Mary, Km ma. Jesse, Jonathan. Martin, 
Maggie, Enos. 

IV. Mary Swartley, m. Charles Woodruff. 
IV. Emma Swartley. in. Enos Dura, cl. 

IV. Jesse Swartley. m. Maggie Morgan. P. ().. 
Hilltown, Pa. 

IV. Jonathan Swartley, m. E. Nace. 

IV. Martin Swartley. in. Ella Fiilmer. P. <).. Chal- 
tont. Pa. 

IV. Maggie Swartley, m. Henry \\. Detweiler. P. 
()., Chalfont, Fa. 

IV. Enos Swartley. m. - Nace. P. 0., Hatfield, 


III. Magdalena D. Swartley, in. Dr. Enos Mover. 
C: Alfred, Sallie, Simon, Maggie, Enos. 

IV. Alfred Mover, dee'd, m. Hannah Goshan. 

IV. Sallie Moyer. m. John Beck. P. ().. Hilltown, 

IV. Simon Moyer, dee'd, in. Hendricks. 

IV. Maggie Moyer, in. Allen Hunsherger. P. 0., 
Hilltown, Pa. 

IV. Enos Moyer. m. Kate Fisher. P. ()., Blooming 
Glen, Pa. 

III. Barbara 1). Swartley. m. Henry Swartley. (See 
his family history. ) 

III. Henry D*. Swartley, h. December 12, 1825: d. 
September 6, 1900; m. Marv H. Hunsicker, December 
16, 1S47. She was b. November 12, 1824; d. January 
26, 1900. Farmer and drover. Ger. Bap. C: Francis. 
Milton, Emma. 


IV. Francis P. Swartlev. b. September 19, 1848; d. 
April 11. 1849. 

IV. Milton IT. Swartley. b. April 25, 1850; d. Febru- 
ary 13, 1869. 

IV. Emma Jane Swartlev, b. November 16, 1S57; m. 
Dr. John R. Umstead, November 16, 1880. lies.. 807 
W. Main St.. Norristown, Pa. Physician. Presby. 
C: (V) Harry Guy Umstead, b. April 29, 1882; d. Au- 
gust 18. 1882. Wilford LeRoy Umstead, b. July 15, 
1883. Katharine Helen Umstead. b. December K>. 

III. Anna D. Swartlev, b. December 12, 1825: d. 
March 12. 1904; m. Samuel M. King, February 19, 
1852. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Cabinet-maker. Baptists. 
C: Amanda. Oliver. Milton. 

IV. Amanda King, b. December 9. 1852: d. October 
29. 1861. _^ 

IV. Oliver S. King, b. Julv 22. 1855: m. Susan 
Bergey, August 25.1877. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. 
Menu. C: Annie, Sallie, Samuel. Flora. Harvey. 

V, Annie King, m. George Albright. 
V. Sallie King. m. Irvin Kline. 

V, Samuel B. King. 
V. Florence King. 
V. Harvey King, dec'd. 

IV. Milton S. King. b. April 2. 1S57: d. September 
29, 1883: m, Jane Wile, December 25, 1882. 
III. Aaron D. Swartlev. m. Elizabeth Reaker. 



II. John Swartley, b. about L800; d. about IS;!-'): 
m. Hannah Wisler. He was a ''tobacconist' 1 and 
farmer. On April 1, 1828. bis brother. Henry Swart- 
ley, conveyed to him a small trad of land in Bedmin- 
ster, apparently a pari of the lather Jacob's purchase 
of 1804, on the Ridge road. On April 1. 1825, he 
purchased eight and one-hall' acres on the Swamp road, 
in Bedminster, near Hagersville, where he thereafter 
lived and died. In 1830 he purchased of his brother 
Martin that part of the homestead conveyed by Jacob 
and Hester to their sou Martin in 1823. Menu's. C: 
Catharine, Elizabeth. Magdalena, Jacob, Henry, John. 

III. Catharine Swart lev. d.: b. February 24, 1824; in. 
Enoch Russell, dec'd. She m. second husband, Isaac 

III. Elizabeth Swartley. b. in Bucks County, October 
10, 1825, d. at Manheim, Lancaster County, Pa., Octo- 
ber 2, 1905: m. Rev. Isaac Detweiler, M. D., December 
24. L848. He was b. in Bucks County, Pa., June 3, 
1828; d. at Manheim, Pa.. August 15. 1904. Physician. 
He was also a minister of the "Brethren"* church for 
over forty years. C: Mary. Isaac Hannah. Elizabeth, 

IV. Mary Detweiler, b. June 18, 1857; d. at five 

IV. Isaac Detweiler, b. June 18. 1857; d. infant. 

IV, Hannah Detweiler. b. at Silverdale. Bucks 
Countv, Pa.. March 2. 1860; m. William F. Roth, M. 
D. (See Dr. W. F. Roth Family.) 

IV. Elizabeth Detweiler, b. September 30, 1862. 

*"River Brethren." 

Samuel Ernst Family of Fuur Generations 





m. Peter L. Kreiss, M. D., September 11, 1880. He 
was I), in Montgomery County, Ph., November 12. 1857. 
P. 0.. Perkasie, Pa. Dr. Kreiss graduated from Hahn- 
em mil Medical College of. Philadelphia in 1881, ami 
located at Silverdale, Pa., ami began the practice of his 
profession. Two years later lie removed to Florida. 
Lancaster County, Ph., where he practiced until 1886, 
when he located at Manheim, same county, where he 
followed his chosen profession until April, 1891, when he 
removed to South Perkasie. Bucks Co., Pa., where he 
has since followed his profession with success. United 
Brethren ch. C: (V) Isaac D., Joseph D., Sallie D. 

IV. Sarah Detweiler, b. September 29, 1864: m. Rev. 
Amos Z. Myers, April 5, 1887. P. 0., Hazleton, Pa. 
He was b. in York County. Pa.. May 16. 1866. He 
received his education in the public schools. Taught 
school a short time, then held a clerkship, and later 
engaged in real estate and insurance business. Believ- 
ing himself called of God to the ministry, he united 
with the Baptist church and was ordained October 29, 
J 896. His first pastorate was Old Grethsemane church, 
Allen's Mills. Pa., and Richardsville, Pa., jointly, where 
about two successful years were spent, when he received 
a call to Philipsburg. Pa., which lie accepted and where 
he labored six years. His pastorate here was also emi- 
nently successful, and its abiding results are still appar- 
ent. His present field of labor is the First Baptist 
church, of Hazleton. Pa., of which he took charge 
September 1, 1904. C: (V) J. H. Vincent Myers, b. 
Jaunary 5. 1889. Alma Ruth Myers, b. June 26, 1894. 

III. 'Magdalena Swartley, b. April 15, 1827; m. John 
Kratz, deed. <'.: Marv. Hannah. Amanda. John. 

IV. Mary Ann S. Kratz, 1). January S. 1S4C. d. 1870; 
in. John L. Fret/.. 

IV. Hannah Kratz. m. Tobias 0. Landis. C: John 

iV. Amanda Kratz. d. young. 

IV. John Kratz. d. young. 

III. Jacob W. Swart lev. b. October 1.8, 1828; m. 
Susanna S. Histaml. December 25, 1852, daughter of 
Rev. Jacob Histand. She was b. October 3, 1831. Res., 
733 George St., Norrislown, Pa. Painter and merchant. 



Menu's. ('.: Amanda, John, William, Franklin, Sulome, 
Mary, Wilson. S\ Ivester, [da. 

IV. Amanda Swartley, b. Mav 27, L854; d. July 21, 

IV. John II. Swartley, b. April 8, 1856; d. December 
28, 1861. 

IV. Win. II. H. Swartley, b. November I. 1857; m. 
Christann M. Gross, January •-"- , . 1887. I'. <>.. Doyles- 
town, Pa. Farmer. Menn. <'.:|V) Harvey G. Swart- 
ley, b. January 14,1888. Mahton -G. Swartley, l>. Sep- 
tember 8, 1890. Lydia <i. Swartley, b. November 8, 
1893; d. February 28, L895. William Henry G. Swart- 
ley, b. M:i\ 24, 1896. Samuel Jacob (i. Swartley, I). 
January 19, 1898. Alvin <J. Swartley, l>. Augusi 27, 
L899. 'Minis II. Swartley, b. Augusi |. 1901. Ray- 
mond ti. Swartlev, b. Vugnsl 13, 1904. 

IV. Franklin II. Swartley, I.. December 18, 1859; .1. 
February '.. 1862. 

IV. Salome II. Swartley, b. April 16. 1863; in. John 
K. Bemesderfer. I'. 0., Norristown, Pa., 733 George St. 
Photographer l>\ trade. Janitor, liapti^ts. ('.: (V) 
Laura L. Bemesderfer, b. January 25, 1893. Baptist. 
I. ''nil S. Bemesderfer, b. February 9, 1896. Calvin S. 
Bemesderfer, b. March 15. 1899; d. November, 2, 1903. 

IV. Marv Jane H. Swartley, b. February 27, 1866; 
d. May I3,"l867. 

IV. Wilson H. Swartley, b. in Montgomery County, 
I'm.. Mar.h 24, 1868; m. Kmina Hibbs, March 23, 1893. 
P. O.. Doylestown, Pa. Manufacturer of cider and 
vinegar. Ref. ch. < '.: ( V i Sylvester Swartley, b. June 
19,1895. Anna Swartle.y, b." October 2, 1896, Lillian 
Swartley, b. February 15, 1898. Elizabeth Swartlev. 
1). December 27, 1899. Flora Swartlev. I». July 15, 
1901. Susan Swartlev. I.. December 7. 1903. 

IV. Sylvester II. Swartlev. I., at Collegeville, Pa.. 
May 2, 1872; m. Ida Knepper, December 24, 1895. Res., 
635 Corson Si.. Norristown, Pa. Master painter and 
paper-hanger. Luth. C. : t V ) Either K. Swartley, b. June 
19, 1897. Wesley K. Swartley, b. March 31, 1899. 
Mabel K. Swartlev. b. February" 0, 1901. 

IV. Ida II. Swartley, b. February is. |S71; m. John 
II. Conk. December 24, 1898. P. <>.. Buckingham, Pa. 



runner. Lnths. <'.: (V) Lawrence S. Cook, b. Sep- 
tembers, 1899; d. August 20, 1900. Wilbur S. Cook, 
I.. December 17, 1900. William S. Cook, b. January 
16, 1902. Susanna S. Cook, b. December 28, 1 *.»o:i. 
Julia I,. Cook, b. April L3, 1905; .1. -Ink 7. L905. 

III. Henry W. Swartley, I.. -Inn," TA. 1830; «l. : m. 
Salome Hunsicker. P.O., Yerkes Station, Pa. Wheel- 
w right. Ref. ch. No issue. 

III. John W. Swartley, k October 26, 1832; m. 
Jennie Keasey, July L8, 1865. I'. 0., Fayette, [owa. 
Farmer. ( '.: Frank, Art Inn-. I llaude. 

IV. Frank Wm. Swartley, b. May 81, 1867; m. Carrie 
A. Fleming, April 24, 1895. C: (V) Lloyd F. Swartley, 
I.. October 24, L900. Harold Swartley, b. December 24, 

IV. Arthur M. Swartley, k May 30, 1870. S. 
IV. Claude M. Swartley, k Ma\ 27, 1876. S. 




II. Henry Swartley, m. Elizabeth Hockman;d. 1820; 
m. second wife, Elizabeth Kulp. <'.: Barbara. 

III. Barbara Swartley, th. Dr. - Poley, of Norris- 
town, Pa. <'.: Cyrus, Frank, Lizzie, Grate. 


II. Michael Swartley, d. lM'J; m. Catharine Delp. 
Farmer. Menn's. <'.: Henry. John. 

III. Elenry Swartley; m. Barbara D. Swartley. (his 
cousin.) He was employed ;it the Sumneytown, Pa., 
powder mill, where he was killed by an explosion. <'.: 
Jacob, William, . 

III. John Swartley, l». December Mi. 1815; d. Novem- 
ber 16, 1871; m. Annie Ruth, December 1*.'. 1841. >\i<' 
was b. July 1822; d. December 22, 1900. Laborer. 
Menn's. C: Margaret, Elizabeth, Catharine, Sallie. 

IV. Margaret Swartley, l>. November :!<». ISC': d. 
June 16, 1 S i:i. 

IV. Elizabeth Swartley, i>. September, hll; in. Hugh 
Keller. P. 0., Allentown, Pa. Laborer. .Menu's. »'. : 
Bertha. Elizabeth, Diivid, \\ illiam, Lizzie. 

V. Bertha Keller, d. 

V. Elizabeth Keller, d. 

V. David Keller, d. 

V. William Keller, in. Jacoby. C: (VI) Mil- 
dred, Elva. 

V. Lizzie Keller, m. Ambrose Cope. C: (VI) Jacob 
d, Lulu. Harry, Walter, Clayton. 

IV. Catharine Swartley. I>. August 26. 1847; m. 
Alexander Gordon. P. ().. Cape May, N. J. 

IV. Sallie Swartley. 1). August 9, 1857; m. Samuel 
Lapp. (See Samuel Lappfamily.) 


I. Philip Schwardle, b. in Eppingen, in Necker, 
grand duchy of Baden, Germany, October 28, 1764, 
came to America about 1782; m. Sarah Rosenberger, 
daughter of Rev. Henry Rosenberger, and sister to 
Magdalena, wife of his brother, JohnSchwardle. There 
is a tradition in the family that John Schwardle came 
to America and married Magdalena, daughter of Henry 
Rosenberger, and that he wrote to his younger brother, 
Philip Schwardle, in Germany, to come to America, 
saying that Henry Rosenberger had another daughter 
for him. and accordingly he came and married the 
younger daughter. Sarah. 

Philip Schwardle was probably a resident of Fran- 
conia township, Montgomery County, for some years. 
About 1790 he settled in New Britain. Bucks County., 
where he became a large land owner. He d. September 
23, 1840. Menu's. C: Elizabeth, Henry, John, Jacob, 
Mary, Philip. Abraham, Samuel. Sarah. 



II. Elizabeth Swart lev, b. Ma\ 19, 1788; d. Novem- 
ber 14. 1873; m, Jacob Krout, 


II. Henrj Swartley, m. Sarah Pine. Farmer in 
Bucks County, Pa. Menu's. C: Sarah, Amelia, Eliz- 
abeth, Philip, Henry, Catharine, Anna. 

III. Sarah Swartley, d - ; in. David Rickert, d — . 
III. Amelia Swartley, dec'd; m. Daniel Rickert. 

ill. Elizabeth Swartley, dec'd; m. Abraham Clemmer. 

III. Philip R. Swartley, dec'd; m. Mary Gpdshall. 
C: Catharine. 

IV. Catharine Swartley, m. Daniel Gross. 

III. Henry II. Swartley, m. Anna Gehman. 1*. ().. 
Line Lexington, Pa. C: Sal lie. 

IV. Sallie A. Swartley, b. August 27. 1858: in. John 
S. Ruth. 

III. Catharine Swartley, dec'd: m. John Ruth. Sr. 
P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. C: William, Amanda, 
Henry, Sallie, Mary. 

IV. William Ruth, d; m. Clymer. No issue. 

IV. Amanda Ruth. m. Jacob Bergey. 

IV. Henry Ruth. S. 

IV. Sallie*' Ruth, d. S. 

IV. Mary Ruth, m. Daniel M. Bishop. 

III. Anna Swartley. d; m. Tyson Detweiler. 

Descendants of john swartley 
son of philip schwardle. 


II. John Swartley, b. June 8, 1792; d. March 14, 
1856; m. Mary Moyer, daughter of Jacob Moyer, of 
Springfield, Bucks County, in 1814. She was b. Octo- 
ber 9. 1795; d. April 10, 1872. Farmer. Menu's. C: 
Jacob, Sarah, William, Magdalena, Joseph, John, Levi, 

III'. Jacob M. Swartlev. b. April 15, 1816; d. 1885; 
m. Aima Ruth, 1839.' She was b. 1820. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: Mary, Lizzie, Susan, Lydia, Mahlon, 
Henry, William, John, Anna, Charles. 

IV. Mary Swartley, b. 1840; d. young. 

IV. Lizzie Swartley. b. 1841; m. - Daubert. 

IV. Susanna Swartley. b. May 26, 1843; in. Isaac R. 
Heckler. October 6, 1861. P. ()., Montgomery Square, 
Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C. : Annie, Ellen. Mahlon. 
Hannah, Laura, Susie. 

V. Annie Heckler, b. September 6. 1862; m. Jesse 
Cassel, November 18, 1880. P. ().. Montgomery Square, 
Pa. Farmer. Menn's. C: (VI) Alice, Isaac, Anna, 
Wilmer, Owpu, Frank, Elva dec'd, Florence. 

V. Ellen Heckler, b. and d. Juno 9, 1864. 

V. Mahlon Heckler, b. October 20, 1805; in. Emma 
Boehner, November 30, 1887. P. 0., Montgomery 
Square, Pa. Farmer. Luth. ('.: (VI) Bertha, William. 
Florence, Isaac. 

V. Hannah Heckler, b. September 12, 1869; m. 
Charles S. Buck. October 2. 1886. P. ()., North Wales, 
Pa. Carpenter. Luth. C: (VI) Laura. William. 

V. Laura Heckler, b. July 10, 1873; m. Charles 
Shepherd. September. 25. 1890. P. 0., Centre Square, 
Pa. Fanner. Meth. C: (VI) Le Roy, Russell, dec'd. 

V. Susan Heckler. 


IV. Lydia A. Swartley, b. 1845; m. Philip S. Swartley. 

IV. Mahlon Swartley, b. 1847; m. Godshail. 

P. 0., North Wales, Pa. No issue. 

IV. Henry Swartley, b. 1849; m. . 

IV. William Swartley, b. 1858; m. . 

IV. John W. Swart'lev, b. 1856; m. . P. 0., 

North Wales, Pa. 

IV. Anna Swartley, b. 1858; d. young. 

IV. Charles Swartley, b. 1861; d. young. 

III. Sarah Swartley i b. September 28, 1818; d. Janu- 
ary 7, 1901; m. Abraham Kratz, November 25, 1839. 
He (1. May 9, 1880. Farmer. Menu's. C, John, WiL 
Ham, Mary. Henry. Levi, Abraham, Oliver, Jacob. 

IV. John S. Kratz. I>. February 1, 1841; m. Angelina 
R, Godshalk, November 18, 1869'. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. 
Farmer. Menu's. ('.: (V) Abraham dec'd, Jennetta, 
Harvey, William, Mary, Sarah, Ella, Howard, Ida dec'd, 

IV. William S. Krai/, b. October 28, 1846; m. Sallie 
Clymer. C: Delia, Wellington dec'd. Howard dec'd, 
Frank dec'd. Irene dec'd, Ge >rge, Edwin dec'd, Abel 

IV. Mary A. Kratz, b." May 15. 1847: d. February 14, 
1887; m. Levi Clymer, dec'd.' Farmer. C: (V) Wilmer, 
Mattie, Arthur. 

IV. Henry S. Kratz, b. October 19, 1849; m. Anna 
Bishop dec'd. O: (V) Oliver. Henry m. second wife, 
Annie Fehnel, 1881. P. 0., Petersville, Pa. Ger. Ref. 
C: (V) Clara. Charles, Jennie, Elsie, Lillian. 

IV. Levi Kratz. b. June 12, 1851; d. 1865. 

IV. Abraham Kratz, b, January 15, 1853; m. Jennie 
Markley. P. 0.. Chalfont, Pa. Ger. Ref. C: (V) 

IV. Oliver Kratz, b. June 12, 1855. Student at 
Cornell University, was drowned while out bathing 
June 3, 1877. 

IV. Jacob Kratz, b. August 10. and d. Sept. 12, 1859. 

III. William Swartley, b. April 15, 1821; d. April 
17,1875. Was blind thirty-eight years. S. 

III. Magdalena Swartley. b. September 28, 1824; <l 
April 7, 1893; m. Henry Ruth, 1843. Farmer. Menu's, 
C: John, Joseph. 


IV, John S. Ruth, b. August 20, 1845: in. Sallie A. 
Swartley. P. 0.. Lansdale, Pa. Agent. Menn's. C: 
Frank. Henry. John m. second wife, Annie Slifer. 

V. Henry' L. S. Ruth, b. October 24. 1875: m. Carrie 
A. Kindig, April 5, 1897. Ives.. 23d and G,reen Sts., 

V. Frank S. Ruth, b. December 29, 1877: d. March 
23, 1895. 

IV. Joseph S. Ruth. )). March 24, 1848: in. Sallie A., November 25, 1873. P. 0.. Line Lexington, Pa. 
('.: (V) Lizzie dec'd, Elmer, Leidy, Maggie decM, Flora, 
Stella dec'd, Dora dec'd. 

III. Joseph Swartley, b. December 7, 1820: d. March 
26, 1892; m. Mary Ruth. C: William. John. He m. 
second wife. Kate Gehman. No issue. Hi' m. third 
wife, Rebecca Krout. C: Anna. 

IV. William R. Swartlev, in. Sarah Allebach. P. 0., 
Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Ref. <'.: (V) Howard. 
Bertha. Melvin dec'd. Alma. Earl. 

IV, John li. Swartlev. b. February 25. 1857: m. 
Hat-tie Rich. 1895. P.O.. Halstead. 'Ivans. Farmer. 
Metli. Fp. <'.: (V) Blanche Swartlev. b. L896. 

IV, Anna M. Swartlev. m. Irwin S. Detweiler. 

III. John M. Swartlev. b. September IS. 1829: d. 
September 24, 1900; m. Elizabeth Mover. October 18. 
1853. Farmer. Menn's. C: Mary, Amanda. Oliver. 
William. John. Emma, Lizzie, Elmer. John m. second 
wife. Mary Lantz ( nee Mover. ) 

IV. Mary A. Swartlev. b. January 5. 1855; d. July 
12. 1873. 

IV. Amanda Swartlev. b. April 1.9, 1856; d. June 22, 
1878; m. A. G. Ruth. No issue. 

IV, Oliver J. Swartlev. b. November 15. 1857; d. 
August 30. 1885. 

IV. William M. Swartlev. b. April 24. 1860; m. Ella 
Clymer, January 13. 1886. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. 
Ger. Ref . C: (V) Ethel Swartlev. b. July 8. 1888. 
Arthur Swartlev. b. March 19. 1893. 

IV. John Swartlev. b. November 19, 1861; in. Laura 
Scholl, April 7. 1891. F. <>.. Chalfont, Pa. Clerk. 
Meth. Fj). No issue. 


IV. Emma Swartley, b. November 24, I S(>:i : a. April 

19, 1878. 

IV. Lizzie Swartley, l>. May II. 1 S * > r> ; <|. February 
5, 1884. 

IV. Elmer Swartley, b. June 25, 1873; d. 1899: m. 

III. Levi M. Swartley, b. April Y 1832; m. Lydia H. 
Myers, December 2, I860. P. O., Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: Mary, Isaac, Ella. 

IV. Mary Aim 'Swartley, b. September 22. 1862; m. 
Abraham L. Garges. P. 0., Chalfont. Pa. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: (V) Annie S. Garges, 1). October 24, L888. 
Howard S. (Jaruvs. b. February 24, 1891. Lydia S. 
Garges, l>. June 21. 1893. 

IV. Isaac M. Swartley, b. January 16, 1865; m. M. 
L. Mover. P. <).. Line Lexington, Pa. Fanner. Menu's. 
C: (V) Bertha M. Swartley. b. Augusi 2 I. 1890. Har- 
vey M. Swartley, b. Januarv 17. 1890; d. February 17,' 

IV. Flla M. Swartley. b. Augusi MH. 1873; in. Henry 
Rosenberger. <'.: Laur-.i. 

III. Mary Swart lew I). May Y L835; d. January 2, 
1888; in. Win. G. 'Moyer, 'December, I860. P.' ().. 
Chalfont. Pa. Mr. Mover in early life taught school. 
and afterwards engaged in farming. He has served as 
township auditor and school director for a number of 
years. Menu's. C: Emma, Levi, Abraham, William. 
Menno, Harvey. 

IV. Emma Moyer, b. December 17, 1801; d. June 
9, 1881. 

IV. Levi Mover, b. Mav 22. 1864; m. Anna Detweiler. 
P. 0., Chalfont', Pa. Farmer. Menu's. C: (V) Wil- 
liam, Sarah. Hannah. Mary, Irene, Enos, Eva, Norah. 

IV. Abraham S. Moyer, b. November 7. 1866;'m. 
Susie M. Fretz. December 1. 1894. P. O.. Chalfont. 
Pa. Farmer. C: (V) Alvin Mover, b. October 18. 1900. 

IV. William Mover, b. November 28, 1868. S. 

IV. Menno Mover, b. November 18, 1870; in. Annie 
Souder. February 20. 1890. P. ().. Lansdale, Pa. Teach- 
er, later merchant. ('.: (V) Evelyn, Elizabeth. 

IV, Harvey S. Moyer, b. March 16. 1877: ni. Mary 
Johnson. P. ()., Lansdale, Pa. 


II. Jacob Swartley, b. December 9, 1790; d. July 6, 
1881; m. Mary Funk, November 19, 1820. She d. 'Oc- 
tober 10, 1880. Farmer. Menu's. C: Sarah, Eliza. 
John, Mary, Jacob. Sophia, Susanna. 

III. Sarah Swartley., b. 1823; d. infant. 

III. Eliza Swartley, b. March 3. 1824; d. January 19, 
1890; m. Jacob D. Rosenberger. 

III. John F. Swartley, b. July 29, 1820. Farmer in 
Laporte County. lud. In January, 1893, he went to 
Washington, D. C. to spend the winter. On January 
23, he was found dead in his room at his hotel, having 
been asphyxiated bv gas. Christian ch. S. 

III. Mary Ann Swartley. b. July 29. 1820. (twin); 
in. Valentine Clynier, dee'd. C: Elmira, Sallie, Mary. 
Jacob. Emma. 

IV. Elmira Clymer, b. December 5, 1849; m. William 
C. Knipe, March 15, 1875. P. O., Bethlehem, Pa. 
Carpenter. Meth. Ep. C: (V) Walter W. Knipe, b. 
September 21, 1870. Clara M. Knipe, b. October 8. 1879. 

IV. Sallie Clymer. m. Wm. S. Kratz. C: (V) Dora. 
Delia. Wellington dee'd. Howard dee'd, Frank dee VI, 
Irene dee'd, George, Edwin. Abel. 

IV. Mary Clymer, m. Aaron M. Kratz. P. 0., Lans- 
dale. Pa. 'Merchant. Ger. Kef. C: (V) A. Wesley 
Kratz, b. May 10, 1880. 

IV. Jacob Clvmer. m. Emma Everhart. P. ().. Nor- 
ristown, Pa. C.: (V) Birdie Clvmer. 

IV. Emma E. Clvmer. b. April 7. 1859; m. Wm. G. 
Brand, May 5, 1884 P. ().. Chalfonl. Pa. Clerk. 
lief. ch. ('.: (V) Two infants stillborn. 

III. Jacob Swartley, b. 1828; d. infant. 

III. Sophia Swartley, b. February 7. 1S32: m. Rev. 


Henry A. Price. Pebnisiry 9. 1851. P. 0., Harlevsville, 
Pa. Farmer. Ger. Bap. Ordained minister, 1867. C: 
Sarah. Mary, John. 

IV. Sarah Price. I>. .Inn miry 31. 1852; m. Henry S. 
Han-, November 20. 1875. P. 0., Telford, Pa. Miller 
ami farmer. Grer. Bap. No issue. 

IV. Mary Price, I). January 31, 1852; m. William A. 
Reed, December 20, 1S~.: J >. P. 0., Kulpsville, Pa. Farmer. 

C: (V) Mary Reed, b. Angus! 25, 1883. William R I, 

b. May II. 1 890. 

IV. John Price, b. June ft, 1854; m. Marj Bradley, 
April I. 1876. 

III. Susanna Svvartley, l>. November 7, 1835; m. John 
L. Frick. He d. September 9, 1873. Merchant. Minn's. 
C: Isabella, Mary, Francis. Jacob, Sarah. 

IV. Isabella Frick, b. December 30, 1855; m. .lames 
M. Hartzell. I'. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Miller. C: (V; 
Laura, Elsie. Jenuie, Blanche. 

IV. Mary A. Frick. I>. December 80 1855; .1. infant. 

IV. Francis . I. Frick. b. October 23. 1859; in. [da M. 
Barndt. P. 0., Fricks. Pa. C: (V) John II. VnrU. 

IV. Jacob W. Frick. b. November 24, 1861. 

IV. Sarah F. Frick. b. September 11). 1865; m. T. R. 

Hartzell. P. ().. Fulmar. Pa. 0.: (Vi Raym 1 dee'd, 

Lela, Pearl. 

III. Daughters h. 1 S1 1 ami 1843: d. infants. 



II. Mary Swartley, d.; m. Andrew Wise. C: Sarah. 

III. Sarah Wise, m. George Hanes. P. 0.. Line 
Lexington, Pa. 

Dr. R. H. Andrew* 

■-•' YORK 

>i Aster, Lenox and Tk 


II. Philip Swartley, b. in Bucks County, Pa., Febru- 
ary 28, 1799; d. 1869; m. Mary Smith. She was b. in 
Plumstead, Bucks County, 1799; d. 1876. Farmer. 
Menn's. C: George, Henry, Levi, Philip. Susanna, 
Sarah. Mary. Eliza, Aaron. 

III. George Swartley, b. in Bucks County, Pa.. July 
12. 1820: m. Catharine Funk. November 8, 1842. She 
was b. March 25, 1824. P. 0., Colmar. Pa. Fanner. 
Menn's. C: Oliver, Mary, Jacob. 

IV. Oliver Swartley, b. 1845: d. 1853. 

IV. Mary Swartley, b. Februarv 24, 1852; m. Fran- 
cis P. Sheip. October 2\ 1ST:}.' P. 0., Colmar. Pa. 
Farmer. Ger. Bap. C: (V) Alma E. Sheip. b. March 
29. 1875. Arthur B. Sheip. b. December 22. 1ST*'.. 

IV. Jacob F. Swartley. b. 1855: m. Saraji M. Geil. 
November 6, 1888. P. 0., New Britain. Pa. Farmer. 
C: (V) Catharine Swartley. 

III. Henry Swartley, b. March 24. 1822: ra. Sarah 
Mover. January 10. 1847. She was b. February 28, 
1825. P. 0.. Line Lexington, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. 
C: Lavina, Abraham. Ann. Sallie. 

IV. Lavina M. Swartley, b. November 14. 1848; in. 
Isaac F. Funk. December 9, 1875. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. 
Farmer. Menn's. C: (V) Violetta, I ter. 

IV. Abraham M. Swartley, b. November 6, 1854; m. 
Annie M. Meyers, March 28, 1885. C: (V) Mary M. 
Swartley, b. 'December 15, 1886; d. Angus! 5, 1887. 
HVurv 'M. Swart lev. b. December 9, 1890. Sadie M. 
Swartley, b. March' 9, 1892. Viola Swartley. 

IV. Ann Eliza Swartley, b. November 30, 1859; m. 
Henry F. Moyer, Now-mber IS. 1SS2. P. 0., Line Lex- 
ington, Pa. *'.: (V) Martha, Laura dee'd, Harvey. 


IV. Sallie J. Swartley, b. December 26, 1801; m. 
David R. Funk, January 24, 1885. P. ()., Chalfont, 
Pa. Farmer. Baptists. C: (V) Howard. 

III. Levi S. Swartley, b. April 7. 1824; d. May 20, 
1802; in. Catharine Haldeman, November 5, 1848. 
Merchant. <'.: Daniel. Eiiialine, Philip, Mary. 

IV. Daniel Swartley, d. infant. 

IV. Emaline Swartley, b. June 4, 1851; m. Jonas IL 
Frederick, October 8, ' 1870. P. 0., Souderton, Pa- 
Shoemaker and merchant. River Bre. cli. C. : Milton. 
Harvey, Fmnia. Willie. 

V. Milton S. Frederick, b. June 7, 1872; m. Leanna 
Moyer, 1892. P. 0., Souderton, Pa. C: (VI) Viola 
Frederick, b. December 13, 1892. 

V. Harvey S. Frederick, b. June 29, 1875. 

V. Emma Frederick, b. October 31, 1878. 

V. Willie S. Frederick, b. February 24, 1892. 

IV. Philip Swartley, b. February 19, 1853: in. Clara 
E. Cressman, July 8. 1877. P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. 
Farmer. Menu's. ('.: (V) Wilmer, Jacob, Katie. 
I toward, Frank. 

IV. Mary M. Swartlev, b. July 19, 1854; d. December 
3, 1881; m.' Samuel C. Mover. M. D., April 25, 1874. 
P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. Physician. C: (V) Eleonora S. 
Mover, b. May 20, 1876. William S. Moyer, b. January 
8, 1*880; d. Mav 27, 1880. John S. Moyer. b. June 11. 
1881 ;d. August 18, 1881. 

III. Philip Swartley, b. November 12, I825;d. 1894. S. 

III. Susanna Swartley, b. March 23, 1829; m. Jacob 
K. Alderfer. 

III. Sarah Swartley, b. November 11, 1830; d. Febru- 
ary 7, 1897; m. John K. Alderfer. 

III. Mary Swartley dec'd, b. December 9, 1833; m. 
David Rosenberger. 

III. Eliza Swartlev, b. August 15, 1838; m. Lewis 
Sleifer, November 15, 1857. P. 0., Quakertown, Pa. 
Retired. Menn's. C: Mary, Annie, John, Lewis. 

IV. Mary J. Sleifer, b. January 17, 1859; d. June, 

IV. Anna E. Sleifer, b. October 30, 1860; m. John 
S. Ruth. 


IV. Joli n B. Sleifer, b. November 1, 1864; m. Ida 
Weaver. P. 0., Lambertville, N. J. Grocer. Menn's. 
C: (V) Leon, Vera, John. 

IV. Lewis Sleifer. b. June 19, 1870. Res., Philadel- 
phia, Pa. Clerk. Menu. 

III." Aaron S. Swart ley, b. February 7. 1841; m. Mary 
Leidy, 1863. P. 0., Chalfont, Pa. Farmer. C: Oscar, 
Amelia, Rosa, Anna, Elmer, Linford. 

IV. T. Oscar Swartley, b. 1864; d. 1875. 

IV. Amelia G. Swartley, b. 1867. 

IV. Rosa E. Swartley, b. February 28, 1872; m. 
Frank S. Walton, October 3, 1896. Res., 1304 Lippin- 
cott St., Philadelphia, Pa. Baptist, ft: (V) Mary 

IV. Anna M. Swartley, b. 1875; m. Harvev Kratz, 
1897. P. 0., Hatfield, Pa. 

IV. Elmer A. Swartley, b. 1877. 

IV. Linford Q. Swartley, b. 1883. 



II. Abraham Swartley, b. — : d. November 17, 1879; 
m. Anna Delp. Farmer. Menu. C: Henry, Philip, 
Abraham, Sarah. He m. second wife, Barbara H1111- 
sicker. C: Isaac, John, Anna, Sarah. 

III. Henry D. Swartley, d - ; m. Sarah Clymer. 
Farmer. C: Abraham, Philip. Henry, Annie, Sallie. 

IV. Abraham 0. Swartley, m. Mary A. Detweiler. 
P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. 

IV. Philip C. Swartley. b. July 15, I860; m. Helen 
Leidy. P. 0., Line Lexington, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. 
C: (V) Warren deo'd', Elizabeth, Margaret, Edmund, 
Paul dec'd. 

IV. Henry C. Swartley. in. Lizzie Moyer. P. ()., 
Line Lexington, Pa. 

IV. Annie Swartley, m. Milton S. Alderfer. 

IV. Sallie Swartley, m. David B. Beidler. 

Ml. Philip D. Swartley, m. Susanna Smith. C: 
George, Edward, Ida. 

IV. George H. Swartley. Res.. 801 M. St., N. W., 
Washington, D. C. 

IV. Edward Swartley. d. 

IV. Ida Eugenie Swartley, d. 

III. Abraham Swartley, m. Mary Ann Ott, d. C.J 

Charles. He m. second wife, Keck. C: Lizzie, 

Katie. &c. 

III. Sarah Swartley. d. young. 

III. Isaac Swartley, d. young. 

III. John Swartley, d. Single. 

III. Anna Swartley, m. Levi Hengy. 

III. Sarah Swartley. d.; m. Joseph Hengy. or Hyer ? 


II. Samuel Swartley, m. Barbara Ruth. Farmer. 
Menu's. C: Philip. Sarah, Abraham, Rebecca, Eli, 
Mary, Susan. 

III. Philip R. Swartley, m. Mary A. Kindig, Septem- 
ber 19, 1857. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. Menn's. C. : Mary, 
Samuel. John, Leidy, Sallie, Margaret, Sophia, Emma. 

IV. Mary E. Swartley. b. January 8. 1859; m. Wm. 
B. Mover. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. C: (V) Rinia, Henry, 
Mary. Samuel. Walter, William. 

IV.' Samuel K. Swartley, b. August 28, 1860; m. 
Jennie B. Mover. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. C: (V) Wil- 
liam. Annie. 

IV. John K. Swartley. b. January 1, 1862; m. 
Amanda Hunsberger. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. C: (V) 
Lillie, Bertha. 

IV. Leidy K. Mover, b. October 27, 1863; m. Katie 
Young. P. 0.. Lansdale. Pa. 

IV. Sallie K. Swartley, b. July 21, 1865: m. Frank 
Clymer. P. 0., Lansdale. Pa. C: (V) Wellington, 
Howard. Mabel. 

IV. Margaret K. Swartley, b. June 6, 1867: m. Ed- 
ward Blum. C: (V) Alice." 

IV. Sophia K. Swartley. b. March 7, 1869: m. Oscar 
Carver. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. C: (V) Henry dec'd. 

IV. Emma K. Swartley, b. January 3, 1872; m. 
Hiram E. Fluck. P. 0., Lansdale. Pa. C: (V) Philip 

III. Sarah Swartley, m. Cressman. 

III. Rebecca Swartley, m. Henry Zeigler. 

III. Eli Swartley, m. Hunsberger. 

III. Abraham Swartley, d. young. 

III. Mary Ann Swartley, d. Single. 

Ill, Susan Swartly, m. Bechtel. 



II. Sarah Swartley, d. 1888; m. John Price. He was 
b. 1799; d. 1886. School teacher, afterwards secretary 
of Line Lexington Fire Insurance Co., of which lie was 
the founder. Dunkard. C. : Philip, Daniel, Jonathan. 
William, George, Sarah, Lavina, Mary. 

III. Philip Price, d. young. 
III. Daniel Price . 

III. Jonathan Price. P. 0., Lansdale, Pa. S. 

III. William Price, b. May 16, 1837; m. Mary A. 
Ackerman. P. 0., Line Lexington. Pa. Secretary of 
Line Lexington Fire Insurance Co. C: Mary. 

IV. Mary Price, m. E. K. Musselman. P. 0., Lans- 
dale, Pa. C.: (V) Florence. 

III. George Price. 

III. Sarah Price, m. Joseph McCracken. P. 0., 
North Wales, Pa. 

III. Lavina Price, m. Henry Robinson. 

III. Mary Price. 












Bechtel, Allen B. 



Clemmer, Susanna 












Detweiler, Albert L. 



Henry 13. 



Elizabeth L. 



John E. 









Granville L. 


3 Beidler, Aaron 









Jacob L. 






Joseph L. 











3 Ehst. A brahan 






Abraham G. 














• > 







Mary M. 






Nathan C. 






Nathan S. 



Henry M. 









Bewighouse, Anna 



Jacob M. 



( atharine 



Rev. John M. 






Lizzie G. 





5 ' 










John 13. 















Ernst. Anna E. E. 



Clemmer, Abraham 










Eleazer I. Z. 












Gamaliel Z. 






Rev. George W. 







Jacob S. 






Jacob W. 



•la col) K. 













John S. 






Jonas K. 



Samuel W. 






Fretz. Aaron 



Rev Josiah 



Abraham o. 



Josiah K. 









Abraham L. 















5 Fretz, Rev. Allen M. 


I Johnson, Caroline 










7. 12 





Anna I!. 








.") Kratz. Abraham 


















Henry S. 




7. 33 


Katie K. 



Eliza Ann 




59, 66 











Ulysses K. 









Francis M. 


2 Kront, Anna 



Grace A. 






Horace L. 



Abraham F. K. 



Isaac L. 






John O. 






John C 






John L. 


















Levi L. 









Henry F. 



Maggie R. 



Henry S. 



Mahlon M. 













7. 10 





Mary 7. ( .t. 

12, 33 


Jacob F. 



Samuel 0. 



Jacob II. 



Heacock, Anna 



Jacob R. 






James H. 






John II. 






Joseph s. 



(Sarah E. 





5 Heckler. Annie 



Mabel 0. 






Martin F. 






Mary A. 









Hedrick, Kate 



Philip S. 



Lizzie R. 






Hendricks, Amanda 






John L. 












Mary A. 












Hockman, Clinton 









William A. 



William 11. 


5 Kulp. Abraham L. 



Johnson, Andora 












T ( .t 





4 Kulp, Elizabeth 

35, 41 


Mancha. Elizabetli 


4 John S. 



George F. 


5 Mary E. 



■lev. George S. 


4 Mary 



Grace E. 


4 Philip S. 



Henry s. 


4 Sarah S. 



Henry II. 


4 Landis, Abraham 



Ira E. 


4 Anna S. 



Dr. Jacob S. 


4 David E. 



John V. 


4 Esther C. 



Joseph F. 


5 Eva B. 





5 Fannie S. 



Lulu B. 


4 Dr. Henry S. 



Matthew T. 


4 Jacob S. 



Maud \V. 


5 Mary S. 





5 Walter S. 



Moyer, Abraham K. 


4 Leatherman, Aaron 



Abraham S. 


4 Anna 





3 Anna 





4 Ann K. 





4 Barbara 





4 Christian 



Fannie S. 


5 Christiana 



Harvey S. 


5 Delia 



Jacob S. 


5 Ella 



John S. 


4 Elizabeth 



Jonas S. 


5 Emma 





4 Esther 





3 Esther 





4 Fannie 





5 Howard 



Tobias K 


4 Isaac 



William S, 


3 Jacob 



Nolt, Christian S. 


4 Jacob 



Elias F. 


3 John 





3 Joseph 





4 Leah 





4 Levi H. 



Overholt, Abraham L 


5 Lizzie 



Barbara L. 


5 Lydia 
4 Maria 



Price, Anna 






4 Martin 





4 Mary 



Elizabetli S. 


3 Mary 





4 Nancy 





5 Sabina 





4 Susanna 





5 Zachery 



Lincoln S. 


4 Leicy, .Sarah A. 



Mary 39, 

70, 76 

5 Mancha, Benjamin E 





4 Catharine 













5 Heed, Elizabeth 



Swartley, Claude 

M. 61 

5 Sophia 



David I). 


5 Titus 





4 Reiff, Anna S. 





4 Mary S. 





4 Philip 8. 




33, 37, 43 

1 Schwarale, Anne 


53, 58,64 

l Jacob 




37. 62 

1 .Tolin 




16, 63 

l Philip 




44, 68 

5 Schoenly, Emma 



Elmer A. 


5 Harvey P>. 





5 Katie 



Emma 32, 45 

, 56, 57. 75 

5 Laura 





1 Sleifer, Anna E. 





4 John U. 





4 Lewis 





4 Sniilli. Addie 



Frank \V. 


4 George 



( i eo r»c 


4 Henry 





l Levi 





5 Stover, Abraham 




1 1 any 

29, 37 

5 Catharine 




29, 56, 61 

5 Hannah 


62, 64, 71. 7 1 

5 I [en r v K. 





.") .la coli K. 




42, 11.55 

3 Swartley, Aaron 



64, 66, 74 

4 Abraham 29 







3 Abraham 





12. 68 

2 Abraham 





22, 69 

4 Abraham R. 



Jacob 29 

12. 59, 65 

4 Abraham < '. 




Jacob 29,32 


4 Albert \V. 





4 Allen I). 



. Jesse 


4 Amanda 






32, 42, 44 

3 Amelia 


61, 66, 67, 75 

4 Amelia 




33, 58, 65 

4 Amos B. 




37, 40, 44 

4 Ann 


56, (57, 69 

3 Anna 22,43, 







4 Anna 






29, 39 

4 Annie 







3 Annie 



J oseph 

32, 67 

4 Benjamin 





5 Benjamin 





3 Barbara 







3 Catharine 







58, 64 




4 Catharine 





25, 33 

3 Christian 


38, 56, 59, 66 

4 Christian 




30, 56 




4 Swartley, Margaret K. 

35, 42, 68, 
37, 42, 

68, 75 

2 Martin 

3 Martin D 

4 Martin 

3 Mary 

4 Mary 

64, 67 

2 Mary 

3 Michael 
2 Michael 

4 Nathan 
4 Xoah 

2 Philip 

3 Philip 

4 Philip 
4 Peahen R. 
4 Sallie 
4 Salome II. 
4 Samuel 
3 Samuel G. 

2 Samuel 

3 Sarah 44,64,66.72, 

44, 64, 72, 






Swartley, Sarah 









55, 75 

55, 56 




69, 72 


Sue M. 





29, 30, 65 



30, 70, 72 







Sylvester H. 
















William H. II. 





64, 66 

72, 74 






AVilliam R. 


74, 75 


AVilliam M. 




Wilson H. 




Trout, Dr. Henry 




Jacob S. 






74, 75 

62. 74. 7 
