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This Guide, the first ever published of the Museum, 
has been very hastily prepared, partly to meet the 
needs of visitors to the Exposition, but especially in 
commemoration of the celebration of the semi-cen- 
tennial of the Museum. Its existence is due to several 
circumstances. The establishment of the chair of 
Biology and Geology in the College in 1900 made 
new demands, and opened up new opportunities for 
the Museum. Examination revealed the fact that 
the collections were exceedingly rich in material for 
illustrating the class work in those subjects, but in 
such a condition as to be hardly available. To make 
this matter of use it was found that an almost com- - 
plete rearrangement of the Museum would be neces- 
sary. Believing that such a rearrangement would not 
only meet the needs of the College classes, but from an 
educational standpoint greatly enhance the value of the 
collections tothe visiting public, as well as put the 
Museum in line with the methods of the leading 
museums of the world, the desired rearrangement 
was begun in October, 1901. The lack of unit 
eases, or of any elasticity in the shelving, and in 


many cases the fact that specimens had been 
mounted to the floor or walls of cases, instead of on in- 
dividual mounts, prevented an arrangement of the new 
series in anything like systematic order. However, 
rather than wait until new cases could be built or the 
S¥old ones remodeled for which purpose funds were not 
at hand, the rearranged series are being temporarily 
’ gathered together in the most convenient manner, in 
° the hope that a more systematic arrangement may be 
* worked out later. Considerable time must elapse be- 
2D ’ fore the specimens in each series can be properly 
° mounted and supplied with full descriptive labels ; 
and it is to bridge over this gap and to render in the 
meanwhile the new arrangement somewhat intelligible 
“to the visiting public that this Guide has been 
“ prepared. 

November, 1901. 





The Museum of the College of Charleston cele- 
brates in 1901 its fiftieth anniversary, having been 
formally opened tothe public in November, 1851. 
Its beginning really dates much further back, as the 
nucleus of the present Museum had previously ex- 
isted in the form of the collections of the old Liter- 
ary and Philosophical Society. In the last part of 
the first half of the nineteenth century these had been 
deposited in the Medical College They consisted 
mainly of minerals, aud a few birds and quadrupeds, 
the latter in too poor a condition to be preserved. 
Some of the specimens in the Museum bear dates as 
early as 1827. Charleston had long been the center 
of a coterieof nature lovers, many of whom had 
rendered distinguished service to the canse of science. 
Such names as Elliott, Holbrook,* Audubon, Bach- 
man, and ascore of others lent a luster to the culture of 
Charleston society at that day. Then came Louis 
Agassiz who focused the interest in natural history into 
a museum of natural history, the Charleston Museum. 
Rooms were appropriated at the College, and in July, 
1850, the remains of the old ‘*Museum of Charleston’”’ 
were removed from the Medical College to their new 


home. Prof. Francis 8. Holmes was elected Curator 
of the new Museum on the 25th of November, 1850. 
At this time large and valuable contributions of skins 
of birds and quadrupeds, of fossils, shells, reptiles, 
fish, and insects, were made by Dr. Bachman, Mr. 
John Audubon, Prof. M. Tuomey, then the Geologi- 
eal Surveyor of South Carolina, and Prof. Holmes, 
the Curator. Private citizens also contributed many 
valuable and unique specimens. Indeed the list of 
these early contributors would be a notable one, the 
specimens showing the names of many distinguished 
travelers, both from this country and Europe, who 
gave liberally of the treasures they had gathered. 
Sea captains turned over the curious things they had 
garnered from the sea, and the Museum grew apace. 
The Museum was opened to the public in November, 
1851; on which occasion Prof. Louis Agassiz deliv- 
ered an address in the College chapel to a large au- 
dience. Rev. Dr. Bachman opened and closed the 
services with prayer. In 1861 large accessions were 
made to the conchologica] and paleontological depart- 
ments by James H. Couper, Esq., of St. Simons 
Island, Georgia, and by the Misses Annelly of the 
city of Charleston. 

During the latter part of the war of Secession, the 
minerals, fossils, shells, and other small specimens 
were removed into the interior of the State, as were 


also the originals of the figures illustrating the work on 
the ‘‘Quadrupeds of North America,’’ by Audubon and 
Bachman, which had been presented to the Museum 
by those gentlemen. The records, books, papers, and 
three or four boxes of valuable specimens in natural 
history were destroyed by fire, the act of incendiary 
negroes, together with the valuable library of the 
curator, Prof. Holmes. In 1865, the specimens con- 
tained in some two hundred large cases were brought 
back, and on June Ist, 1866, the Museum was again 
opened to visitors. 

In 1869, Prof. Holmes resigned and was succeeded 
by Dr. Gabriel Manigault. For thirty years, until 
his death in October, 1899, Dr. Manigault continued 
as the curator, the collections growing steadily and 
rapidly under his hand. Everywhere there is evidence 
of his painstaking care in the hundreds of well 
mounted skeletons, the cases, shelving, and mounts of 
the specimens, much or most of which are the work 
of his hand. In his last years he planned and carried 
into execution the opening of a new department, that 
of archeology. In 1900, a chair of Biology and 
Geology was established in the College, to which the 
writer was appointed, being appointed at the same 
time Curator of the Museum. 


Through all the ages nature has ever been an 
object of worship and revereuce, of admiration and 
wonder, rather than of scientific study. Indeed the 
sciences of geology and biology to which the term 
natural history is often restricted can claim an anti- 
quity of but little over one century. First came the 
random descriptions of travelers, yielding a store- 
house of facts and fancies about the more striking 
plants and animals, and paving the way for the first 
step in a, scientific study of nature’s forms—the group- 
ing of the forms already known, according to real or 
supposed similarities. This proved the foundation 
stone of the sciences of zodlogy and botany. This 
was followed by the days when the sole ambition of 
the majority of naturalists was to discover and name 
some new form. The text-books of that day became 
simply classified. lists of names, and the museums be- 
came simply classiffed displays of natural objects. 
Thus were gathered a mass of facts ready for the next 
step. That step was, first, the realization that the re- 
semblances forming the basis of classification were 
due to actual relationship. Then followed the reali- 
zation that instead of living forms being unchangable 


‘¢ medals of creation,’’ every plant and animal, and 

every part of each, was the sequel of historical events 
running back to the beginning. Then men began to 
leave the mad hunt for something new and rare, and, 
turning to the everyday forms about them, seemed to 
see an interrogation point in every bone and sinew of 
every animal they met. ‘They forgot to hunt for new 
birds when they began watching the marvelous trans- 
formation of a hen’s egg intu a chicken. Instead of 
nature being full of paradoxes, a museum of curiosi- 
ties, each of which rivaled its neighbors in grotesque- 
ness, with seemingly no purpose in existence except 
to excite the wonder of men, they found they had 
been looking at the wrong side of a tapestry, as it 
were, and it only needed a change in the point of 
view to see nature revealed as a beautiful de- 
sign, and all the parts, that, considered by themselves, 
seemed so grotesque, to be but necessary parts of one 
figure. They found enough to make them believe 
that every form in nature was a response to the slow 
action of the laws and forces to which had been com- 
mitted the working out of the*design. And so to- 
day men value forms, not because they are new 
or old, but only as they add to a better understanding 
of the design and purpose of nature asa whole. To- 
day men are studying the forms of nature not alone 
for themselves, but for light on the laws and forces 


which produced those forms, with the hope of learn- 
ing the great general laws and principles of nature. 
Nature study is yet in its infancy. The laws in 
biology or geology that can be considered as proven are 
comparatively few, but a host of hitherto unsuspected 
relations have been revealed, and these lend a new 
snterest to the whole study. One of the pleasantest 
features of the new point of view is that the phases 
of life that are to-day largely absorbing the interest 
of the savant, are those that prove of most interest to 
the tyro. The text books have been quick to seize 
the opportunity, and the latest and best books in 
zoology and botany to-day are almost entirely de- 
voted to topics that formerly were briefly dismissed 
in a chapter, often added as an appendix. The Mu- 
seum has been slower in giving space to the newer 
views of life and nature, partly from its conservative 
character, and partly from the difficulty of repre- 
senting relations involving action by the use of stuffed 
skins of dead animals, or dried and pressed plants. 
This Museum, because of the lack of stimulus in that it 
was not used for illustrating class work has up to the 
present year made no attempt to illustrate the ecology, 
comparative morphology, history, or economics of 
plants or animals, and only to a slight extent has it 
illustrated their classification. The introduction of the 
study of biology and geology in the College curricu- 


lum in the past year, however, has rendered it neces- 
sary or desirable that the material used to illustrate 
the present day treatment of those studies be gathered 
together for ready consultation. To do this has meant 
a nearly complete rearrangement of the Museum. 
Such a rearrangement as stated above was begun in 
October of this year (1901). 

Some of the objects to be sought in the rearrange- 
ment are as follows : ; 

That every specimen on display should teach some 
lesson, or should be a necessary part of a series teach- 
ing some lesson. A corollary of this is that every 
specimen that does not teach something should be re- 
moved from the display collections to some place ac- 
cessible to students, but where it need not inflict 
itself upon the public. A sevond corollary is that_ 
every specimen should be accompanied by descriptive 
labels, and whatever else, such as photographs, dia- 
grams, maps, etc., may be necessary to make clear 
the lesson it is to teach. This means that the former 
often monotonous succession of related forms, or oc- 
casional unmeaning association of unrelated forms, will 
be replaced by small series, each grouped about some 
central idea, with the group as a whole as well as 
the individual specimens labelled and explained. 

In the second place the attempt will be made to 
follow the pedagogical precept ‘‘ From the known to 


the unknown,’’ by the use vf some untechnical word 

or some object already well known to the observer, 
to connect his previous knowledge with the idea to 
be illustrated. Thus: ‘*‘The Cormorants’’ on a label 
means more to mest people than +‘ Phalacrocoracidae’’ 
does; it is, therefore, given the prominent place on 
the family label. 


The collections of the Museum will be found 
grouped under the following heads: Geology, Bot- 
any, Zodlogy, Anthropology. And under these 
heads the collections will be grouped in the following 

Descriptive series, illustrating the meaning of terms 
used in describing objects in that division. 

Synoptical series, showing examples and the dis- 
tinguishing characters of the principal subdivisions 
of the larger groups. 

Systematic series, showing in greater detail the 
classification of objects in each class. | 

Morphological series, displaying the external forms 
of objects, their internal structure or anatomy, and 
their minute structure or histology. 

Historical series, revealing the stages in the de- 
velopment of the individual—ontogeny, or of a branch 
or family—phylogeny, or of life as a whole; this in- 
cludes embryology, the metamorphosis of animals, 
paleobiology, ete. 

Distributional series, This series, intended to show 
the natural occurrence or distribution of forms, in- 
cludes most of the exotic animals of the Museum. It 


also includes the different series of local or regional 


Ecological series. Here are exhibited the actions of 
the animal and plant as a whole; its habits; and its re- 
lations to other forms, whether as friends or enemies, 
or as prey, to its physical surroundings, as tempera- 
ture, humidity, etc.—in general to its environment. 

Economic series, including the plants, animals, 
minerals, and rocks of use to man, with often the 
methods of obtaining and utilizing them. 



Composition of the earth: 
Descriptive mineralogy. . 
Systematic mineralogy. . 
Seek formation... ...... 
Systematic lithology.... 

Form of the earth.......... 

Structure of the earth........ 

History of the earth : 

Characteristic rocks of dif- 
ferent periods........ 
Characteristic life at dif- 
Seren periods. ........ 








Economie series: FAtall Case 
Metals and ores......... Geology 107 (a) 
Processes and products... (c) 
Building and architectu- 

ral stones. . 0.504.) A Ke 107 (a) 
wribeba i) 5 Mesa er om, ik +s 107 (a) 
Geis ee ely as ‘ 107 (a) 
Miscellaneous ..... ..... Re 107 (a) 


Descriptive series........... (a) 

Synopsis of orders........... Synoptical 43 

Systematic series: The Bilt-. 

more, Elliott, Ravenel, and Holmes Ginllgeeas 
other herbariums Agassiz 

Morphological series : 

Types of roots, shoots, etc. (a) 

Historical series: evolution of sex, (a) 

paleobotany, etc.......... (a) 

Distributional series: local col- 

ORIEN iru ated sot (c) 
Plant societies...... (c) 
Geographical diatatarlint (c) 
Vertical distribution. ..... (c) 

Keological series: dispersal of 

P2084 5 ck Rye ie (a) 

Flowers and insects...... (c) 


Hall Case 
Light relation of plants. . (a) 
Struggle for existence.... (c) 
Carnivorous plants...... (c) 
Economic series: 
Seeds and grains........ (a) 
Fruits and berries....... (a) 
Woods and timber...... (c) 
Leaves, roots, and other 
Se ee ee (c) 
-Medicinal plants........ (c) 
Insects injurious to plants. (a) 

Synoptical series : 

Orders of Invertebrates Synoptical 42 

Orders of Craniata....... ¢< 4] 

Families of Mollusea.....Invertebrates 56 
Systematic series : 

Mammals of North Amer- 

EN Matas ot alta ace Wats Tiolmes 17-34 
Birds of North America.. Agassiz 71-81 
NEE DOs o's, dea te ww Geology 108-110 
eee ( 109-110 
mevortebrates...... ..... Invertebrates 51-62 
Morphological series: 
Systematic osteology..... Agassiz Galleries 

Homologies of principal 
bones of type forms... Holmes N. Gallery 


Halt Case 
Special homologies: skulls Holmes N. Gallery 
Special homologies: limbs af én 
Special homologies: teeth Agassiz 86 
PREhOL YS Er ea Poa a (c) 
Anatomy, human....... (a) 
Anatomy, comparative. . . (c) 
Skin, and its modifica- 
OnE As sa ST Tt Agassiz 88 
Sex di-morphism........ 
Adaptations, (see Ecologi- 
cal series)... Abie. 
Skeletons of domesticated 
pRMAIS. 3s Sy hy aes 87 
Historical series : 
Ontogeny : 
Types of eggs...... Holmes 16: 
Embryology of verte- 
brates... .... hos ag 16 
Metamorphosis of in- 
vertebrates .....'. ay 16 
Metamorphosis of ver- 
teDTALEB. 6b 6 os 3 16 

Phylogeny : 
Phylogeny of inverte- 
brate groups ..... + 29 
Phylogeny of verte- 
brate groups..... (c) 

Bemeemiolory... 2.2... 2s. 
Development of organs. . . 
Nearly extinct birds..... Agassiz 
Recently extinct birds.... 2. 
Distributional series: ygeo- 
graphical distribution 
South American province. a 
Australian province...... ? 
Kurasian province....... hi 
gemiean province........ af 
Oriental province........ ay 
Local collections........ 
Vertical distribution..... 
Ecological Series: adaptations 
for self defense......... Holmes 
Mimicry and - protective 
a fs 
Homes of animals ...... Invertebrates 
Adaptations for care of 
es Pe eS gs 
Adaptations ‘for securing 
i a eee ( Holmes 

| Agassiz 
Adaptations to  environ- 

Locomotion of animals... Agassiz 

Struggle for existence’... . 
Light relations of animals cs 



Hall Case 
Economic series : 
Edible series among inver- | 
tobrates i. 2's 24254 (a) 
Game birds and fishes... . (b) 
Animals yielding furs, : 
feathers, skins, etc.... (b) 
Pearl shells, etc......... (a) 
Archeology : 
A TOY BORE, SSG et Anthropology (e) 
Functional series........ iy (a) 
Geographical series... .. | e (c) 
PP VOUGIDY 5 3's 41s. seas Ae e* — 125 
ORVTUNN So ios ws SE thee a | 
Greece and Rome....... é 125 
BME a5 5 5s a4 oa sn coe a 
SAE. go. cS 8 ok See Entrance Hall 15 
Ethnology : 
Functional series........ Anthropology 
Geographical series...... a 

Representative man. 
Representative men of 
South Carolina..,.... f 
Representative men of 
France, Rome, etc.... s 



(a) The material for these series is in the main at 
hand, but at this writing has not been arranged. 

(b) These series are at present left in the regular syste- 
matic series, but are distinguished by the marked labels. 

(c) These series are still in the initiatory stage, and 
will not be put on display until a larger amount of 
material has been gotten together. 

The above outline has been prepared to meet the 
most immediate needs of the classes in Biology and 
Geology. It is capable of almost unlimited expan- 
sion, as the necessary material can be secured and 
the necessary time found for its arrangement and 
labelling. As will be evident from the case refer- 
ences, at the time this Guide goes to press the new 
seriesin Botany exist only in plans, and in Geology 
the full exposition of the material on hand must be 
delayed until funds warrant completing the cases in 
the gallery. Meanwhile selections to indicate the 
scope of the different series are being prepared and 
will be shown as far as the present cases will permit. 

In the same way examination of many of the new 
series will reveal that the present Museum specimens 
serve only as a nucleus, around which it is hoped to 
gather much new material, eventually serving to 
illustrate quite fully a large number of the principles 
of natural history. 


The only objects at present on the lower floor of 
the Entrance Hall are the bones of the large whale 
formerly on display in the Museum. It was dis- 
placed by the much smaller but more perfect specimen 
in the gallery of Agassiz Hall. This specimen must 
have had a length in the flesh of over 60 feet. 

To the right of the first flight of stairs is a slab of 
Triassic sandstone from the Connecticut valley, show- 
ing large footprints. Thousands of such footprints 
have been found, and for a long time were supposed 
to be those of birds. Later it was found that they 
were made by huge reptiles with many bird-like 
characters, called the Dinosauria. The pelvis and 
hind limbs were much like those of the ostrich, while 
in many species the fore limbs were so small propor- 
tionally as to be of little use for locomotion. Certain 
of this group were the largest Jand animals known, 
the Atiantasaurus being sixty to. one hundred feet 

Fossil Bones from Charleston.—The mention of ele- 
phants usually carries the mind to Africa or Asia, but 
the extensive mining of phosphate near Charleston 
has revealed that at an early date, probably before 


the coming of the red man, the vicinity of Charleston 
was, one might almost be tempted to say, overrun 
with the mammoth, the mastodon, the equally huge 
mylodon, the horse, and many another form that would 
cause surprise, or in many cases consternation, should 
one of them wander down the streets of the present 
city. At asomewhat earlier date Charleston and its 
vicinity were under the sea, and a sea swarming with 
whales, with manatees, with sharks many times as 
large as any to be found here now; in fact, many of 
the teeth indicate fish sixty to eighty feet long. (See 
Case 31.) 

New Accessions.—At the right, as the top floor is 
reached, is a case in which is placed new material not 
as yet distributed among the collections. Many of 
the specimens are transferred immediately to the col- 
lections upon their arrival. In such cases attention is 
called to the new material by means of the bulletin 

Historical.— Across the hall is a case devoted to 
historical relics of Charleston and the State. On the 
opposite walls are a large leather back turtle and the 
jaws of asperm whale. Note the large teeth and 
compare with the jaws of the Right or Greenland 
- whale in Agassiz Hall, 


This hall contains on-the main floor the North 
American Mammals, with a few special series illus- 
trating animal life. The south gallery contains the 
Biltmore Herbarium. The north and west gallery 
contain mammalian skeletons, showing general hom- 
ology of the bones. The hall is named from Prof. 
Francis 8S. Holmes, the first curator of the Museum. 

At the right, as one enters this room, is a small box 
containing the pieces of a human fossil skull. The 
rest of the skeleton is in the British Museum. This 
is one of the fewinstances of an actual human petri- 
faction. The bones are those of a Carib killed in 
battle over two hundred years ago and preserved in 
modern limestone forming on the coast of Guadaloupe 
at that time. 

Metamorphosis.—To the right, beyond the stairs to 
the gallery, is a case containing the beginning of a 
series illustrating the metamorphosism of animals. It 
is hoped in time to build up a most interesting series 
along this line. At the top is the beginning of a 
series illustrating the various types of eggs of animals, 
varying from the large ostrich egg to the minute eggs 
of insects, 


- The north end of this room contains the seals and 
their relatives. Here are to be found representatives 
of nearly all of these forms to be found along the 
North American coasts. The Pinnipedia, as they are 
known scientifically, are carnivorous mammals adapted 
for life in the water. Clumsy on the land they are 
thoroughly at home in the sea, which they leave but 
seldom and only for short times. Their food is fish, 
mollusks, and crustaceans. Many of them are strictly 
Arctic, while others are found well down in the tem 

perate belt. 

Seal Family. —The family of seals and two sea lions 
in the cases at the end of the room belong to the 
eared group of seals, those shown all being confined 
to the Pacific coast. They are polygamous, the males 
greatly exceeding in size the females. This is well 
shown in the family of seals, where the male is not 
only about three times as large as the female, but in 
life roars like a bull, in strong contrast to the female 
which bleats like a sheep. 

Sea Lion.—The Stellars sea lion grows to be LO or 
12 feet long and to have a weight of from 1200 to 
1500 pounds. ‘The fur seals are the ones so exten- 
sively killed for their fur on the Prybilov Islands, 
Alaska, and which have nearly involved onr govern- 
ment in serious trouble. They are now rapidly be- 
coming extinct. | | 


Walrus.—The walrus here shown is the Atlantic 
species. Note in the skeleton that the long tusks are 
the greatly enlarged upper canines, the incisors being 
wanting. These the animal uses in digging up mus- 
sels and to assist in climbing apon the ice, or on the 
land. The walruses are closely related to the seals 
just described. Ranging up to 12 feet long, they 
weigh from a ton to a ton anda half. Less closely 
related are the three other forms in the Museum, 
which are known as the earless seals. The little one 
in the case with the polar bear is the common harbor 
seal. -[t was captured in the harbor here, a fact of 
interest since it had not before been found so far 

Seal.—The harp seal is more strictly northern in 
range. These, as are the harbor seals, are much 
hunted for their skins and oil, though they do not have 
the fine soft coat of underfur that gives the fur seal 
its great value. 

Seal.—The hooded seal in the lower case south of 
the steps to the gallery may be mentioned here. They 
are readily distinguished by the large movable mus- 
cular bag on top of their heads. The hood is found 
only on the male. Like the last it is an Arctic spe- 
eles. They are from 6 to 8 feet long and will weigh 
from 500 to 900 pounds, 


Bears.—Next to the sea lion is the bear case. 
Here is the black bear, the only bear found in EKast- 
ern North America, though it ranges all over the 
continent. It issubject to some variation, of which 
the Cinnamon bear, so called, is the most marked. 
Back of them is the Grisly, the most formidable of 
the bears and perhaps the most dangerous of the wild 
animals of America. Those who have read Mr. 
Seaton-Thompson’s delightful description of the gris- 
ly bear in the ‘“‘ Story of Wahb’”’ will need no 
introduction here. 

Polar Bear.—Then comes the Polar bear in the case 
just in front. This is probably the largest of the bears. 
It ranges through the Arctic regions of North 
America, Europe, and Asia, usually keeping near the 
coast, and often being found on the ice far from land. 
They are good swimmers, a fact of great help to them 
in picking up a living in that region. With this one 
are placed the Arctic wolf and the harbor seal, two of 
his neighbors of the far north. Note the white color 
of the land animals, the dull color of the seal, in each 
rendering them inconspicuous in their usual environ- 

Bison Family.—In the north side of the large case in 
the centre of the room is the family of bison or 
buffalo, as they are often called. Though formerly 


ranging nearly or quite to the Atlantic seaboard, and 
though as late as 1870 millions of these animals 
ranged the western plains, by 1888 they had been 
practically exterminated. There still remain a herd 
of twenty on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake, 
about £00 in Yellowstone Park, 75 in a private herd 
in Texas, 200 in a private herd at Cavalli, Mont., 
and a few others in Zodlogical gardens and private 
herds. In captivity they have been successfully 
crossed with polled Angus cattle. 

Elk Family.—In the south end of the same ease is 
the family of the American elk or wapiti. They 
live in the north and northwest part of the United 
States and northward to the 57th parallel. They 
live in small families of six or seven in the woods, 
feeding on grass and young shoots. The hide is 
valuable because it does not harden after getting 

Eastern Deer.—Just east of the last is the case of 
Eastern deer, containing the common Virginia deer 
and the Caribou or American reindeer. It is 
believed that the latter is the same as the well known 
reindeer of Europe, so invaluable to the Laplanders 
and others of that continent, though it has not been 
domesticated in this country. 


Western Deer.—In the next case are shown the 
white-tailed variety of the Virginia deer and the long- 
eared mule deer. The latter inhabits the sides of 
the mountains. 

Dogs.—In the next case are the dogs. Here is the 
common wolf which is, or has been found, all over 
North America, northern Europe, and northern Asia. 
The cayote, or howling wolf, is abundant in the west. 
Here are also the common foxes, both the grey and 
red, or, as it is sometimes called, the cross, silver, or 
black fox. As indicated by the common names the 
latter is widely variable in color. It occurs in 
Europe as well as in this country. 

Rodents. —The next case is of interest as contain 
ing nearly all the non-domesticated animals that we 
meet in ovr daily life, or in our trips to the country. 
They all belong to the order Rodentia, the rodents or 
gnawing animals. Here are the rats and mice that 
infest our houses, the cotton rats and field mice, and 
many others. MHere‘are the squirrels and gophers, 
the chipmonks and woodehucks or ground 'hog. In 
front is the beaver group and one of the trees they 
have cut off for building their dain. Here are the 
pouched gophers, with their large cheek pouches, 
opening outside the mouth. The porcupines are 
represented by one species, and the hares by several. 


Notice that all have the long sharp-edged incisors and 
no canines. 

The floor case at the right contains a miscellaneous 
collection of fossils, most of them being from the vi- 
cinity of Charleston. 

Weasel Tribe.— Beyond the rodent case are the car- 
nivorous animals grouped together as the weasels. 
Most of the animals are of value for their fur. Here 
are the minks, sable, weasels, otters, skunks, and the 
larger forms—the fishers, wolverines, and badgers. 

Cats.—The next case contains the cats, of which 
the most important is the puma. This cat ranges all 
over the American continent, and has figured abund- 
antly in the annals of the early settlers, under the 
names of panther, painter, catamount, cougar, and 
in recent contemporary history it has occupied a 
prominent place in the public eye under the name of 
Rocky Mountain lion. The wild cat shown above is 
still abundant in the swamps about Charleston. 

History of the Ammonites.—This case has been pre- 
pared as a sample illustrating how museum material 
can be used to tell a story. It is designed to illus- 
trate the rise, reign, and decline of the ammonite 
group of shells. During the so-called Reptilian Age 
the ammonites flourished in great abundance, thou- 
sands of species having been described, many of them 


of great size. The specimens show their appearance 
at the dawn of geological time as straight shells with 
simple concave partitions or septa; their gradual 
development into bent, then curved, then coiled 
forms; then the change from simple to highly corru- 
gated septa, with other changes ; their period of 
prominence; and finally their decline, when they again 
assume the straight forms of their youth, though 
maintaining the internal structure of the adult. At 
the end of the Tertiary they become suddenly ex- 
tinct, and are to-day represented only by one of the 
early type forms which survived—the Nautilus. 

Rocky Mountain Goat, ete.—This case contains some 
of the hoofed animals to be met with in the Rocky 
Mountain region. Here is the long-haired goat, and 
the much better known big horned sheep. This is 
the animal about which such tales are told of marvel- 
lous leaps from perpendicular cliffs, the truth or fal- 
sity of which does not yet appear to be settled to the 
satisfaction of everybody. With them is the prong- 
horned antelope, the only antelope found on this con- 
tinent. The antelopes stand between the goats and 
the deer, differing from the latter, among other things, 
in that the horns are hollow and perennial. They 
are among the most graceful of animals. 


Animal Life: Self-Protection.—In the case on the left 
of the gallery stairs will be noted, at the top, various 
animals whose protection consists of spines all over, 
the globe fish, the pin-cushion fish, and others, the 
hedge-hog that would make an ugly mouthful for a 
fox, the lizard commonly known as the horned-toad 
the sea-urchin, and so on down the line. Other 
animals depend upon the thickness and strength of 
their outside covering, as do the turtles in general, 
but especially the box turtle shown here, which 
can not only withdraw into his shell, but can close 
that shell up completely, till he is as snug as a bug in 
arug. The crabs are protected by their thick armor, 
and most. of the mollusca secrete a hard shell into 
which they withdraw in time of danger. Many of 
the animals best adapted for offense find the same 
weapons of use in defense; teeth, claws, and other 
parts may come handy at times. The rattlesnake 
shown not only has poisoned fangs but a bony rattle 
— that often wards off danger. Many animals take ad- 
vantage of mistaken identity to escape danger; thus 
the hog-nosed snake, or hissing adder, a harmless 
snake, is usually let alone under the impression that 
he belongs among the poisonous group of snakes; the 
lizards and salamanders as a class are generally let 
alone because of their resemblance to snakes. Some 
insects escape because birds learn that they are not 


goud to eat. Such forms are apt to be brightly col- 
ored so that birds cau recognize them before sticking 
their bills into them. Strangely enough numerous 
cases are known where edible species when not abund- 
ant have found safety in assuming the colors and 
markings of the inedible forms,as is shown by the three 
butterflies. In a vast number of cases animals escape 
because of their resemblance to their surroundings. 
The little green parrot keeps among the green foliage 
of the trees; the ducks are white beneath so that they 
cannot be seen by fish below against the white sky, 
and dark above so that larger birds above cannot see 
them when looking down into the dark depths of the 
water. The white Ptarmigan is one of a class of 
animals that spend their winters in snow-covered 
areas, during which time they are white, but become 
ash-colored in summer. Notice the Arctic animals 
in general that live on the land. The desert grouse, 
like the horned toad, dresses in a livery of grey. 
Notice the two crustaceans shown; do you think you 
could see the big fellow on a gravelly bank? You 
have doubtless looked many a time at the large moths 
shown against the bark without seeing them. These 
resemblances among insects are the rule rather than 
the exception, as note the grasshopper. Sometimes 
this resemblance to particular objects is most striking, 
as in the case of the little pupa on the twig, or the 
3 3 


common walking sticks which commonly pass as 
branches of the twig on which they are standing. 
The East Indian butterfly, shown in the middle front 
of the case, is one of the most striking illustrations of 
the extent to which this protective resemblance is 
often carried. The resemblance to a leaf does not 
need pointing out. 

Animal Life: Securing Food.—The case on the right 
shows sume of the ways animals have of getting food. 
On the top shelves are a series of birds, showing 
how the different classes of birds are adapted to dit- 
ferent kinds of food or different methods of obtaining 
it. Notice that the woodpecker has not only a stout 
bill for digging the worms and grubs out from under 
the bark of trees, but his feet are specially adapted 
for clinging to the perpendicular face of the tree. 
The kingfisher has a large bill for catching fish. The 
hawk, as a type of-the birds of prey, has not only a 
hooked beak for tearing his prey, but stout claws 
for seizing it. The duck has webbed feet for swim- 
ming and the flat spoon-like bill for digging up the 
mud. Notice the long, slender, curved bill of the 
humming bird for getting the nectar of flowers, and 
the medium-sized bill of the blue bird for worms and 


The birds are not the only animals that have no teeth 
with which to seize their prey, as is illustrated by 
the snapping turtle. Here isa type of the Carni- 
vores, armed with powerful limbs for the chase, 
powerful claws and large canines for seizing and 
holding the pr2y when caught up with. Here is 
a type of the herb-eating animals armed with long 
sharp-edged incisors for cropping grass or shoots. 
The squirrel uses similar teeth for gnawing into nuts 
for the meat. The crab has powerful clawed arms, 
with one of which he anchors himself, while with 
the other he seizes his prey. 

Here is a black snake that crushes his victims in 
the coils of his body, and in a sense the bears might 
be put in the same class. Next to him is the copper- 
head snake that uses poison in securing his food, and 
in the same class comes the scorpion and tarantula. 
The Fish show many modifications. Here is the sting- 
ray, generally reputed to be poisonous, because of 
the danger of blood poisoning setting in from the 
slime covering the sting and the ragged and unclean 
eut made. The shark has to turn over on his 
back to seize objects near the surface, while the form 
back of it has a broad duck-like bill for digging in 
the mud. On the other side are two illustrations of 
a class of animals known as parasites, that live on 
the food prepared by other animals. The tape-worm 


is one of the parasitic forms living in man. The 
lamprey eel has a round mouth armed with teeth like 
a diamond drill, with which it bores its way into 
the bodies of otner fish and lives on their flesh. 

The remora illustrates commensalism, that, is, the 
association of animals of different kinds, in which the 
two live in harmony and often to their mutual advan- 
tage. The remora attaches itself to a shark by the 
disk on its head and is carried about for weeks, only 
leaving its host to make sudden dashes off for food. | 


This hall, which up to the last part of this 
year, has formed the entrance hall, at present con- 
tains series illustrating the types of elements, mine- 
rals, and rocks composing the earth, and examples of 
most of the orders of plants and animals. It has 
just been started and it will take some time to com- 
plete it, but it is hoped that when completed it will 
illustrate by means of mounted specimens, dissections, 
charts, etc., the important characteristics of all the 
orders of animals and plants, as well as the composi- 
tion of the earth. The series begins at the further 
door and proceeds to the right. The first case starts at 
the top with a sample of an aérolite, commonly known 
as a meteor or shooting star. Then come the most 
common elements of the earth as far as obtainable, 
with squares back of each to indicate its relative 
abundance in the earth’s crust. Next come the most 
abundant minerals. Below is given a short series 
indicating the basis of classification of minerals. 
In the case on the opposite side of tne door 
are examples of the -different classes of rock. 
The next case displays examples of the classes and 
orders of plants, beginning at the lowest, arranged 


according to Coulter. Then come the inverte- 
brates, and in the last case the vertebrates, the ar- 
rangement in the last two cases following the classi- 
fication of Parker and Haswell. ‘This series, when 
properly labeled up, should form a key to the syste- 
matic collections of the Museum. 

On the walls are shown the only well mounted fish 
possessed by the Museum, a group representing the 
struggle for life, horns of the American and European 
elks, and busts of eminent naturalists. It is planned 
to use this room as a lecture room in Biology. 


At this writing almost nothing has been done to- 
ward the rearrangement of this room except to re- 
move most of the geological material formerly stored 
here and to gather here some of the invertebrate ma- 
terial scattered elsewhere. 

The plans for this room contemplate a cleaning, 
labeling, and remounting of the corals; the prepa- 
ration of drawer cases so that material not to be dis- 
played or now in storage can be made available to 
students or others interested ; and the preparation of 
the following series, among others, for exhibition: 

Syroptical series of families of mollusca. 

Complete series of the marine, freshwater, ard land 
shells of South Carolina. 

Small series illustrating the more interesting and 
typical shells of other provinces, as the Pacific Coast 
of the United States, ete. 

Distributional series showing vertical range. 

Life series showing growth and development of 
well known forms, ete. 

Economie series, edible series, with maps showing 
their distribution, etc. 

Shells yielding mother-of-pearl, pearls, shells used 
for the manufacture.of buttons, ete. 


Shells of historic, poetic, or other interest. 

The arrangement of similar series in the other 
branches of the invertebrates, as far as the material — 
will permit. | 

The Museum is very rich in mollusea, and has many 
interesting and valuable specimens in the other 
branches of the invertebrates, though it would appear — 
from the labels that much valuable material, especially 
in the line of insects, had been lost through the rav- 
ages of museum pests. 

Homes and Home Life.—On the left as we pass from 
this room is a case showing the homes and home life 
of animals. Here are types of bird nests, the nests 
built of rushes on the ground, the tiny humming 
bird’s nest high up ina tree, the swallow’s nest of 
sticks glued together and plastered to the inside walls 
of achimney. The long hanging nest of the oriole 
calls attention to the general rule that birds colored 
to resemble their surroundings usually build open 
nests, while those that are brightly colored build such 
nests that the birds will be hidden when they are 
sitting on the eggs. 

Then come the nests of insects. Here are the 
nests of the hornets or paper wasps, as a type of the 
communal insects, and a nest of the mud-dobber as 
one of the insects living alone. Here is the nest of 
the trap door spider and other forms. A few forms 


show adaptation for the defense of the young, as the 
marsupials, which’ have the large pouch on the abdo- 
men for the reception of the young (see Australian 
case.) Then come a series showing sex dimorphism, 
or differences in the sexes. The ducks and fowls 
show this most prominently, and in many insects it is 
earried still further, in many forms one sex being 
winged while the other is wingless, etc. Hardly a 
beginning has been made in this series, which it is 
hoped may be developed into several most interesting 


This hall, named after Professor Louis Agassiz, to 
whom in a large measure the Museum owes its exist- 
ence, contains on the south side the collection of North 
American birds, and on the north side cases illustrat- 
ing geographical distribution, morphological adapta- 
tions to varions functions, ete. 

Light Relations of Animals.—At the right as we 
enter this room is a small case containing the hegin- 
ning of aseries to illustrate the light relations of 
animals. Here are blind fish from eaves, which, pre- 
ferring the darkness, have lost the use of their eyes. 
With them is the mole who has little use for his small 
eyes well covered by his fur. Here are the fireflies 
as a type of the animals with the power of yielding a 
phosphorescent glow. Many fishes and the lower 
marine forms possess this in a high degree. Below 
is the owl with his large eyes prepared to catch the 
faintest amount of light. But notice in the hawk 
owl, or daylight owl, that when an ow! takes to flying 
in the daytime, it also assumes the appearance of a 
day flying bird. And on the other hand the night - 
parrot from New Zealand illustrates the fact that when 
one of a class of day fliers becomes nocturnal, it comes 


to resemble the owls or night flying forms. Here are 
insects with large compound eyes, the starfish with 
eyes at the end of his rays, ete. 

Entering the room we come first to the systematic 
collection of North American birds. The game birds 
and the dates between which they are in season are 
being indicated on the labels. 

Diving Birds.—The first case at the right contains 
the diving birds, which belong to the Order Pygopo- 
des. It contains the auks, loons, grebes, puffins, etc. 
Most of these are Northern birds. They are quick 
divers, and can swim under water for a considerable 
distance, but are scarcely able to walk at all on land. 
Though the wings are usuaily very short, some of 
them fly well. 

Birds of Prey.—Then come the birds of prey, or 
birds of the order Raptores. Here are the eagles, 
hawks, and falcons, while in the lower case are the 
vultures, and the owls or nocturnal birds of prey. 
Asa rule the birds of prey which are world-wide in 
their distribution live on birds and mammals which 
they capture alive. The vultures live on carrion. 
The owls feed on small mammals at night. Here is 
the symbol of the republic, the bald eagle. 

Swimmers.—Turning back to the left, the case at 
the end of the room contains the short winged swim- 
ming birds, the ducks, geese, and swans, all making 


up the family Anatidae of the order Lamellirostres. 
Many of these birds are rapidly disappearing before 
the ‘‘sportsman.’’ 

Wading Birds.—The next case contains the wading 
birds of the orders Herodines and Alectorides, in- 
cluding the herons, cranes, egrets, rails, bitterns, etc. 
Many of these birds, notably the egrets, have been or 
are being rapidly killed off to supply the demands of 

Pigeons, Swifts, Shore Birds, Fowls.—In the next case 
are the rest of the wading birds, known as the shore 
birds, making up the order Limicole. Here are 
the plovers, sandpipers, snipes, the killdeer, and 
other well-known game birds. The tip-up bobbing 
along the edge of small pools of water, the plover 
flying along the shore or picking up worms, are fa- 
miliar to all. Below them in the same case are the 
fowls or birds of the order Gallinacei, the most valu- 
able birds of all from a purely economic, or, shall I 
say, gastronomic standpoint. Here is the wild tur- 
key, and in this order belongs our common barnyard 
_ fowl, though it is not a native of North America. 
Here are the grouse, partridge, quail, and prairie 
chicken. Strict game Jaws in many of the States is 
all that is preventing the practical extermination of 
many of this group. . The wild turkey formerly oc- 


curred all over the United States and Mexico. It 
was first taken to Europe in 1524, was domesticated 
there, and now occupies much of its former habitat 
as a domesticated fowl. On the top shelf at tne left 
are the Columbine, or pigeons and doves. On the 
_ top shelves on the right are birds of the order Cypse- 
lomorphee, the swifts, goat-suckers, and the midget- 
like humming birds. Here are the night hawk and 
the whippoorwill, noted for its characteristic night 

Perchers.—The next case contains seyeral hundred 
of the little birds that make up a large part of bird 
life of the average landscape. They are the birds of 
our gardens, fields, and woods, which give an undertone 
of melody to the roadsides and fences. These are the 
Passers or perching birds. Here are the sparrows, a 
single family that comprises about one-seventh of all 
the species of birds in the United States; here are 
warblers, the chickadees, the wrens, the creepers and 
nutthaches, the vireos and shrikes, the wax-wings 
and swallows, the tanagers and orioles, the crows 
and blackbirds and jays, the fly-catchers, the cour- 
ageous king-bird, the pewees, and the water-loving 

Woodpeckers.—The small case directly in front con- 
tains the woodpeckers belonging to the order Picariz. 


The Gull and his Relatives.—Then come the long. 
winged swimming birds of the order Longipennes, 
the gulls, petrels, and terns, that used to occupy such 
a large place in any coastwise picture. 

‘= Cormorants and Pelicans.—Below are the pelicans, 
gannets, cormorants, and the long-necked snake-bird 
of the order Steganopodes. The floor cases contain 
eggs and nests. 

Struggle for Existence.—The south side of the large 
case separating the two parts of this room contains a 
series illustrating the struggle for existence as exem- 
plitied in bird life and typified in the plaster figures. 
Here are kites picking up their dinners of shells; two 
of the groups suggest the dangers to which the birds 
are subject before they see daylight, and often, as 
seems probable in these cases, they are destined never 
to have that privilege. But should they escape the 
dangers of youth, their life-insurance rates are ren- 
dered high by the constant prospect of falling prey 
to some fox or hawk, as suggested in the groups to the 
right and left. On the east side of this case are illus- 
trated some of the birds that have become extinct, 
from the hugh moa of New Zealand, probably the 
largest bird that ever existed. to the much smaller 
birds of the Jurassic age, when birds had teeth. Some 
twenty species of moas have been found in New Zea- 


land, of which the skeleton here belongs to the largest 
type, which often had a reach of fourteen feet. The 
dodo, of which a cast of the head is shown, was a 
large ungainly bird, resembling a hugh fledgling 
pigeon, that became extinct on the island of Mau- 
ritius some 250 years ago. A number of skeletons of. 
striking forms of birds are also shown here. 

Series Illustrating Geographical Distribution.—This 
series occupies the long case in the north part of this 
hall and the six cases east and westof it. ‘The laws 
governing the distribution of animals are reducible to 
three very simple propositions. Every species of 
animal is found in every part of the earth having 
conditions suitable for its maintenance, unless— 

‘‘(a). Its individuals have been unable to reach 
this region, through barriers of some sort; or— 

‘‘(b). Having reached it, the species is unable to 
maintain itself, through lack of capacity for adapta- 
tion, through severity of competition with other 
forms, or through destructive conditions of environ- 
ment; or— 

‘(¢). Having entered and maintained itself, it has 
become so altered in the process of adaptation as to 
become a species distinct from the original type.’’— 
(Jordan. ) 

For land animals the barriers may be oceans, moun- 
tains, large rivers, heat, and cold. The continents 


and temperature limit the sea forms. The sea and 
water falls are among the barriers to fresh water 

The way the brown rat, introduced into this coun- 
try about 1775, crowded out the black rat, which in 
turn had, when introduced in 1544, crowded out the 
native rats, gives a good illustration of species unable 
to hold their ground. The English sparrow is fur- 
nishing us other examples. 

Many islands furnish examples of the operation of 
the third law. | 

As a result of the operation of these laws through 
past time we find the present distribution of animals 
such that it is possible to divide the earths surface 
up into three realms: The Australian, comprising 
Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, New Guinea, 
and the neighboring islands; (2) the South American 
realm, comprising South America, the West Indies, 
and North America to the frost line; (3) the North- 
ern realm, divisible into four provinces: North Amer- 
ican, including the rest of North America; African, 
including Africa south of the Desert of Sahara, south- 
ern Arabia, and Madagascar, though the last is some- 
times set off by itself ; the Oriental, comprising Asia 
south of the Himalaya and Sulaiman mountains, to- 
gether with the neighboring islands; and the Eura- 
sian, including all Europe, and the rest of Asia and 
Africa. | 


Characteristic Australian Animals.-~The Australian 
realm has been called a sort of biological mnseum. 
Its forms are almost all peculiar to itself, but similar 
to forms that flourished elsewhere over the globe many 
geological ages ago. It is like an old fashioned vil- 

lage, shut off from the rest of the world, still pre- 
_ serving the fashions of a forgotten age. Its mam- 
mals are nearly all either egg-layers or pouched 
animals, of which our opossum is the only outside 
representative. ‘The former is represented in the 
case by the little duck-bill, with its web feet and 
broad bill like a duck. It lays eggs and suckles its 
young. The pouched animals are well illustrated in 
the osteological series, and are represented here by 
one of the smaller kangaroos. 

The birds are as peculiar as the mammals. Most 
swans are white, but the Australian swan is black. 
The large almost wingless emu has a coating more 
nearly resembling hair than feathers. Then above is 
the apterix or kiwis, whose egg weighs a quarter as 
much as does the bird. Numerous parrots and cockatoos 
enliven parts of the region, while the birds of para- 
dise are perhaps the most beautiful birds in the world. 
Upon the top shelf stand a pair of lyre-birds, which 

Gould in his ‘‘ Birds of Australia’’ suggests are so 
typical that they deserve to be made the national bird 
of that continent. 



Characteristic South American Animals.—The Neo- 
tropical or South American realm is the richest of all 
in species, because of its isolation, its varied conditions, 
and its past geological history. It contains more 
than half of all the vertebrate families of the world, 
and more than one-fourth of these families occur no- 
where else. The order of edentates is the most 
characteristic one here. It was formerly represented 
in this area by many huge forms, though the present 
day survivals are small. Of these we have shown 
the armadilla with his bony coat of mail, within 
which he can roll himself in time of danger. At other 
times he will be found burrowing in the sand _ hills 
like a rabbit. Upon the shelf at the back are two of | 
the ant-eaters, with their long toothless snouts through 
a small hole in the end of which they protrude their 
sticky tongues after ants. Below them is the family 
of sloths. Notice how their feet are adapted to a 
life spent in constantly hanging to the under side of 
a branch. The ancestors of these animals were 
among the largest of known mammals. The South 
American monkeys differ much from the: Old World 
types, as shown by the prehensile tailed monkeys and 
the interesting little marmosets that go skipping about 
the trees like squirrels. The camels have four rep- 
resentatives on this side of the Atlantic, of which two 
are shown here, the lama, which has long been of 


great value to the Peruvians as a beast of burden 
and for its meat and wool, and the alpaca, from the 
wool of which the well-known alpaca cloth is made. 
Valued on the same account is the little chinchilla 
that furnishes the delicate chinchilla fur. Among his 
interesting relatives here are the capybara, the largest 
of the order of rodents, and the well known guinea pig. 
Allied to the true pigsis the peccary shown here. 
Among the beasts of prey the puma seen among the 
North American series is a native of South America as 
well and the juguar shown here will fall but little short 
of the royal Bengal tiger of India in power and fierce- 
ness. He is restrieted to South America and is often 
compelled to lay down his life for his skin, which on 
account of its markingsis highly valued. The ocelot 
and other cats are good climbers, often following 
birds to their nests. Five-sixths of the birds of this 
region are said not to occur elsewhere. There are 
nearly 400 species of humming birds, where we have 
one. Here are the huge condors, the largest of flying 
birds, and the king condor in the other case, with his 
brightly colored head. Here is the resplendent or 
paradise trogan, or quezal, probably the most beauti- 
ful bird in America. Living only at altitudes above 
5,000 feet, itis very rare. It is of interest as being 
the sacred bird of the ancient Mayas and the national 
bird of Guatemala, appearing on the coat of arms and 


on the stamps. Inearly days its plumes were exacted 
as taxes by the Aztec chicfs. 

In this realm lives the anaconda and boa constric- 
tors, the largest of sea serpents, turtles, alligators, 
crocodiles, and huge lizards. Its richness in fish and 
insects is beyond the power of description. Yet 
strange to say, with all its broad grassy pampas it had 
no native cattle, horses, sheep, goats, or antelopes. 

Characteristic African Animals. —The few examples 
we have give but little idea of the richness of this 
province. ‘Two-thirds of its mammals and three- 
fifths of its birds do not occur elsewhere. The lofty 
giraffe, the hyena, and some other forms are repre- 
sented in the osteological series. The zebra is one of 
the interesting types from Africa, and of the 
eighty or more antelopes we have the koodoo and 
gemsboc, that so often figure in the hunters’ tales. 
Here lives the elephant, the African rhinoceros, 
the hippopotamus—the largest of land animals—lins, 
leopards, and jackals, but we note the lack of tigers, 
wolves, foxes, bears, wild oxen, deer, sheep, goats, 
camels, moles, and true pigs, all of which occur in 
the adjacent regions. Among the birds shown the 
most interesting perhaps is the snake-eating secretary 

Madagascar is sometimes classed as a separate realm, 
called the Lemurian realm, because of many species 


of lemur there and especially one unspecialized or 
primitive type. Some of the islands of this neigh- 
borhood have seen a number of old fashioned birds 
become extinct within the last few centuries. 

Characteristic Oriental Animals.—Of the many large 
forms to be found in the Oriental region, including 
the elephant, tiger, lion, ete., there are shown the 
Indian rhinoceros and Malay tapir. That the so- 
ealled horn of the former is structually simply a com- 
pact mass of hairs does not seem to be generally 
known. With it he roots up trees. I[t is from the 
jungle fowl of this region that our common domestic 
fowl comes, as well as our peacock and the fancy 
pheasants. The region abounds in beautiful birds 
and butterflies. 

Characteristic Eurasian Animals.—N otwithstanding 
the enormous land area included in this realm, the 
majority of its plants and animals are identical 
throughout. Not only that, but there is so great 
similarity between the fauna of this region and the 
North American realm that they are often united into 
one. Though this region has few peculiar forins at 
present, in comparatively recent geological times it 
was the home of many of the huge animals or their 
ancestors, that characterize the African and Oriental 
realms. The camels, of which one is shown, belong 


to this realm. The chamois is one of the typical spe- 
cies. The great bustard shown is said to be the larg- 
est bird of Europe. The hedgehog, one of the typi- 
cal forms of this area, has been putin the self-de- 
fence case. 

The North American forms have already been 
studied. | 

The three wall cases on the north side of the room 
illustrate the morphology of the teeth and skin and 
adaptations to various modes of locomotion. 

Teeth.—The case at the right contains various types 
of teeth. Compare the skull of the lion with one of 
the herb eaters. The first, a carnivorous animal, has 
inconspicuous incisors, but large prominent canines 
for holding and tearing his prey. Then come the 
molars with irregular, narrow, and sharp edges that 
pass each other like the blades of scissors. Turning 
to the herb eater we find the incisors prominent, with 
sharp cutting edge, and frequently the upper set 
wanting, as in the cow and sheep. (See the next 
case.) The canines are wanting or small. The mo- 
lars are numerous and with the tops flat but ridged 
like a grindstone for grinding up the vegetable mat- 
ter. A moment’s reflection will show that man’s 
teeth are intermediate in type, a fact that is usually 
advanced in favor of the argument that he is by na- 
ture adapted for a mixed diet. 


Teeth first appear in “sea-urchins, forming what is 
ealled Aristotle’s lantern. The univalve shells carry 
their teeth on their tongue. 

Many of the fish have teeth all over their mouths. 
The rays have the roof of the mouth paved with a 
sort of cobblestone-like teeth for crushing shells. 
Many forms have no teeth, as the sturgeon among 
fishes. None of the amphibia except the frogs have 
teeth. Theant-eater and related forms among the 
mammals have no teeth. The elephant tusk shown 
is an upper incisor; he has no iower. The tusk of 
the walrus is a canine. ‘The teeth of the horse, both 
ancient and modern, of the mylodon, the saw-fish, 
mastodon, mammoth, and many others will be noted. 

Adaptations for Locomotion.—First come the fixed 
forms, such as the barnacle and oyster, practically all 
of which swim freely when young. Then come the 
swimming forms, from the minute forms that swim 
by the rapid motion of cilia to the swimming verte- 
brates, the fishes with the different types of tail, the 
turtle with his broad fins, the webbed footed birds, 
mammals like the otter, and the more fish-like mam- 
mals, such asthe porpoise, ete. Then come the digging 
forms that live in the ground, like the mole, with its 
broad forepaws. Then come the creeping forms, the 
gasteropod, snake, caterpillar, thousand-leggea worm, 
earthworm, etc. The running forms include animals 


from the ungainly turtle and alligator to the quick- 
footed lizard among reptiles. The running birds have 
powerful legs, and wings too short for flight; even 
the ground birds have comparatively small wings and 
feet adapted for the ground. They walk or run, in — 
contrast with the perching birds that hop along on 
the ground. The mammals vary in running ability 
up to or beyond the deer shown. Notice that, as 
shown, the swift forms run on the toes, while others, 
like the bear, put the whole foot down. The ieaping © 
forms from the grasshopper to the kangaroo agree in 
the unusual development of the hind legs. In the 
climbing forms that follow, the adaptation is most 
noticeable in the character of the hand or foot, as in 
the sloth; the woodpecker has two toes pointed for- 
ward and two pointed backward, to give him a hold. 
The monkey can not only grasp with his hands and 
feet but with his tail as well. The cat and squirrel 
have the claws adapted for clinging to the rough bark 
of trees. Lastly come the flying forms, of which the 
buzzard with its long wings and its power of sustained 
flight is one of the best examples. Notice the adap- 
tations of animals of other classes, all agreeing in 
having the bones very light, usually hollow. The 
flying birds have the keeled breast-bone for the at- 
tachment of the powerful muscles needed for flight. 
The bat spreads a skin between his fingers, a method 


followed by an ancient group of reptiles that used to 
fly. The flying forms among the invertebrates are also 
illustrated. There are also shown the forms that, 
like the flying squirrel and flying-fish, are enabled to 
take advantage of the inertia of the air to take short 
flights. © 

In the back of this case are shown two groups. At 
the right are nearly all the common domestic animals, 
as they look in their bones, from the horse to the eat. 
At the left are a few skeletons of nearly extinct ani- 
mals, such as the buffalo and wild turkey. 

Modifications of Skin.—The next case illustrates 
some of the modifications of skin. It should be re- 
called that the teeth shown in the last case but one 
are modifications of the skin. Here are shown, be- 
sides some interesting examples of simple skin, such 
as that of the elephant and the whale, the latter full 
of boring shells, the exoskeleton of sponge, star-fish, 
sea-urchin, crab, insects, shells, ete. Then come such 
modifications as the hair of mammals, the feathers of 
birds, the scales of fish and reptiles, the nails, hoofs, 
claws, and horns of mammals. The bony scales of 
the alligator, the carapace of turtles, the rattle of the 
rattlesnake, the beaks of birds and turtles, the quills 
of the porcupine, ete. 

Returning past the west side of tha central case, 
we find several additional illustrations of adap- 


tations of animals for obtaining food. Of most 
interest here is the giraffe, whose long neck is thought 
to have developed through his reaching for the upper- 
most twigs of an umbrella-like tree that mainly forms 
his food, by the gradual starving out of the short- 
necked ones during seasons of drought, and the ten- 
dency of the longer necked survivors to have long- 
necked young. The great ant-eater, that because of 
the character of his food gets along without teeth is 
another interesting form. He uses his long sticky 
tongue to get the ants out with and breaks them up 
against some ridges in the roof of his mouth. Notice 
how his fore feet are adapted for digging up the ants. 

Rare Birds.—A. few of the rare birds of North 
America are shown in the small case at the right in 
leaving this room. The snowy egret has been sacri- 
ficed at the altar of fashion and has now almost dis- 
' appeared. The ivory-billed woodpecker has always 
been a rare bird. The wild pigeon as late as 1878 
flew in flocks that darkened the sky for miles in sec- 
tions of the country that to-day have not seen one for 
years. Through the slaughter of millions every year 
the wild pigeon has become only a memory. 


At present this room contains a case each of birds, 
fossils, and plants, and two cases each of fish, rep- 
tiles, crustaceans, etc., and minerals, with some 
mammals, skeletons, ete. Temporarily at least, it 
is planned to keep the fish and reptiles in this room, 
to occupy the cases on the east and north side. The 
rest of the vases it is planned to devote to geology. As 
previously stated, this plan does not give case room for 
all the geological material already on hand, much 
of which is stored in other parts of the College build- 
ing. Thepresent plans contemplate the preparation 
and exhibition of a few picked specimens to illustrate 
the character of the series, to be shown later when 
the funds will allow of completing the cases in the 
gallery. The following series are projected : 

Descriptive mineralogy. This will illustrate the 
different physical and chemical properties of mine- 
rals, such as the modes of crystalization, color, 
cleavage, etc.; and the different groups according to 
their chemical composition, the last to be in two series: 
one of these, illustrated by the case containing minerals 
with phosphorus, is to show the minerals containing the 
common metals or other elements of value, as iron, 


zine, lead, etc., to serve as a theoretical basis for the 
study of the ores; the other series is to follow the 
usual method of classification according to the acidic 
element contained. 

Series illustrating the occurrence and formation of 

Series illustrating the formation rocks. 

Classification series of rocks. 

Series showing by models the form of the earth, 
etc., including relief maps of the types of topography, 
and series illustrating the derivation and development 
of those forms. 

Series illustrating, by means of charts, models, 
photographs, etc., the way the rocks lie in the earth; 
in brief, illustrating what is commonly called struc- 
tural Geology. 

Charts showing the distribution of the land and 
water surfaces of the earth at different geological 

A series of rocks illustrating the typical character 
of described rocks at type localities. | 

Upright cases containing samples of the borings 
made at Charleston, so arranged as to show at a 
glance the depth of any sample and the geological 
formation to which it belongs. 

A series showing the types of fossils characteristic 
of the different geological ages, periods, etc. 


Special and as complete series as possible of the 
local fossils. 

A series showing the different ores from which 
each of the metals are obtained, accompanied by maps 
and other graphic representations to show the fro- 
portion of the metalin each ore, the localities at 
which each of the ores is mined, ete. 

‘Series illustrating the various steps in the mining 
and metallurgy of the different metals, with speci- 
mens, as far as possible, illustrating the appearance 
of the ore at different stages, the other materials used 
in the process, and the by-products and waste, and 
with charts and photographs exhibiting the remaining 
phases of the process. 

Similar series for building stones and fuels. 

A collection of gems, showing the gem in the 
rough and when cut, and also the appearance of the 
same mineral in its more massive form; models of 
the crystalline form, ete. 

It is hoped that the second edition of this Guide 
will be more than a prospectus for this department. 


The wing in which this hall is situated was de- 
stroyed by the earthquake of 1886. When rebuilt 
it was under the personal supervision of Dr. Mani- 
gault, and this floor was designed specifically for mu- 
seum purposes. The difference in the results is too 
marked to need comment. The new hall was de- 
voted to man and his works, and a beginning was 
made towarda collection of objects of archeology and 
art. Here also a beginning was made by the former 
Curator in the system of descriptive labels and illus- 
tration, which will be continued by the present Cura- 
tor. The presence of such labels here will lessen the 
need of the Guide in this department, though here, 
as much or more than in the other departments, the 
material by its suggestiveness could be made the sub- 
ject of volumes of description and history. 

At the left of the door hangs a portrait of Dr. 
Manigault, after whom the hall is named. Then come 
cases showing the prehistorical archeology of South 
Carolina and America, and material illustrating the 
ethnology of races. At present this material Jacks 
arrangement; its description will therefore be de- 
ferred to later editions of the Guide: 


Along the west and north walls of this room are 
examples of bas-reliefs found in the ruins of the cities 
of Assyria. The striking, human-headed, winged 
bulls and lions with their supernumerary legs are 
found at the portals of the palaces. The other pieces 
in low relief shown on the walls are typical of the 
carved slabs of alabaster or limestone found forming a 
wainscoting some cight feet high around the brick 
walls of the buildings. | | 

The next object of interest is the copy of the fa- 
mous Rosetta stone. It was discovered in 1799 by 
Napoleon’s officers during the French occupation of 
Egypt in an excavation made at Fort St. Julian, near 
Rosetta. It dates from 195 B. C. Its interest lies 
in the fact that it contained a decree in the Greek, 
the clemotic, and the hieroglyphics, which ultimately, 
through the labors of Champollion and others, led to 
the deciphering of the early history of Egypt as 
contained in the hieroglyphics. The casts of early 
Egyptian rulers give a good idea of early Egyptian 
art and of the ethnological features of the race at that 
time. ‘The case at the end contains a mummy and 
mummy cases. On the right are reproductions of 
ancient Greek vases that will especially interest art- 
ists and lovers of the ceramic art. They are from 
the celebrated terra-cotta factory of Copenhagen. 
Then come casts from the originals in Yucatan of the 


remains of the decoration of an ancient Mexican 

Around the walls, in addition to the pieces of 
general statuary, all belonging to the recent past and 
present centuries, are twenty well made busts from 
Paris representing some of the distinguished charac. 
ters of Roman and French history, and near them are 
casts of five South Carolina worthies who figure in 
American history—Calhoun, McDuffie, the two gen- 
erals Pinckney, and Col. Francis K. Huger, who 
attempted the rescue of Lafayette, when imprisoned 
in the Austrian fortress of Olmiitz. 


Returning through the Hall of Geology, there will 
be noted a fine example of the moose and a skeleton 
of the same. It is hoped ultimately to move this 
mount to the main floor of Holmes Hall. 

The Whale.—The object of most interest in the 
gallery of Agassiz Hall is the skeleton of the Green- 
land whale. This whale wandered into Charleston 
harbor January 7, 1880, and led to a whale hunt 
under most unusual circumstances. The hunt lasted 
nearly all day, being joined in by ail sorts of craft, 
even the harbor tugs lending a hand, and the ferries 
going out of their way to give their passengers a view 
of the struggle. The blowing of the factory whistles 
toward evening announced the death of the whale. 
It was then towed over to Sullivan’s Island where 
the remains were visited by thousands. ‘The total 
length in the flesh was 41 feet and 6 inches. It was 
said by those who knew to have been a young whale. 
The mounting is by Dr. Manigault. 

The upper part of the case in the center of the 
hall contains skeletons of the sea-going mammals, in- 
cluding the dugong, seals, etc. 



In the north gallery are skeletons of the single and 
double humped camels, of the mule, deer, ete. In 
the south gallery are the priceless Elliott herbarium 
and many other valuable herbariums, and much other 
matter placed there pending its further arrangement. 
It is hoped in the near future to have new dust and 
insect proof cases made for the herbariums and the 
other specimens of type and figured specimens in 
which the museum is exceedingly rich. 

The gallery in the Hall of Invertebrates at present 
contains only some odd specimens stored in the large 
case from which the bison group has just been re- 


Gallery of Holmes Hall.-—This gallery contains at 
present, at the south end, the Biltmore herbarium 
and the nucleus of the economic collection in botany, 
and, at the north end, the series of large skeletons 
which will be used to show the homologies of the 
principal bones. 


To find the reference to any specimen refer in the Index to 
the title of case in which it occurs: 


Adaptations for loCOMOLION...........: sees seeeerees sense eeneneens 55 
PPPPORT ANIMNAIS,- CHATACLELISLIC....... scscrsnrcccccdsescsccccnsocs see 52 
oto 5a dd vin cae nonin os ce bc Cpnng = se Agentneprarent np sian 42 
Me Rte > SECUTING [00d .............ccccsecseeccncsons cd's een 34 
Self-protection TEM cods aiatncecaies atic scaans ravines on cane cane 32 
eco dind iy a> 4 rb o0 cee ae Vans ssvves essences tee epaneea os 20, 62 
I aos occ li ince cteesdcesandety. cadgacccstesege dae pun vas 31 
Australian Animals, characteristic...............ccscsseessseesees 49 
Ne nn. ts pswetedd bublbcwbed did enk weed daeesnlsecuce dts 27 
OMOEA TNICTICS.....- «2.20; coccces secoss cecccacenccces ecves 42 
Pras Of prey...:........ Melas Ae acsothe See Seah ae Sck Us tan ace 43 
Eo Sh) oat een ness cnaccesoneccnans ce setnccvecvhedecedeaee P| 
dso cas -sccoxsersts odct eadencdeceseversvcsécoseecseareene 16, 65 
oer or eo acs flv dcechccceccvetet acess cadgacvaccessene 30 
EE MU MODIS OF.) 0.....c5c0ce-scnvdscscucvcevcaveses ot oodeccsep 15 
he San paca dien ana ducisceducacet eth igen 14 
DG i eceecececsccccceucece Sicsuesmaresatioascte iss cioluacceeas 39 
BEEMTETIE TUIIC, PCLICANIG. ...0...0scceccscercccccocdsccncncess eoancece 46 
ci cy n'ai cebamendkdsecavdtseteaaes adivvnucndees availecns 28 
a ey A liao Se ebg cueedead Wa@twbas le nerecevecec 29 
iol inci iieuesssonsdrcccaten > aowcensiecbicns beers 43 
Es oo 2...» Teueivucswaseageded souptins caccsaipe sancesers 29 
ied cieabicmlvguie dp ebide oiaein dvb} tive Welneienh senidasoos 28 
a 95 2s, 5.5) Wag au ad decay aban ede ble Udo s do Madde vata’ 22 
rasian animals, Characteristic.............ccccccccscesscacesceese 538 
meemmemones 1rOm Charleston ::/...00260..ceccccedbsccscaccccsesess. 22 
loa osc co asiip nas'nnanndunedagacaces ides re USS ae 24 
ao, Cae No avec cecsauhs avevsévessscanevecScs cecposce 65 
Geographical GiStr1DULION..........ccceeeereeeeeseeeseeeanseeeeeseeres 47 
As ia cnat canhas. dass avevosenséveceds Pe DO A IE eer 15, 59 
Te Ness cunt guantaver menue deaeierenaadned 58 
MNIELIIIA TCIALIVES, TNE... ......00pscncecccnsccaccecee-decensecese 46 
ieee cas ie ccleeleessecescenscenas’ Fe ated ated all nant ba 59 
IEC PATCH... occ cceccacescccoctcecsnncccoeseseresarecsncacse 39 
Historical (of museum)............... Aid Ann waatis oe nite ant awn Ge 6 
ET CIG8S Joc oo cicccl.-nccccoccrenesctcsct croc succevccestoctecesece 23 
History of ammonites...... ate Seca yn ee a Oa Be hice 

Holmes Tall... Sasccinsnaseciexteeee MDE OS ccvondcsekeuenucwas nee 24 

cg eri 8 OF outa aise = nal ta heaps py te ee ae aes ee 66 
Homes and WOME Wiel. isch. doy env Seco che oust ea aGs anactas ounaeenie 40 
PRPEFOCUCLOPY inirevana. soneveveqscuin evealetdanons hiwedhinne poate enn 9 
Tnvertebrates.cssc).écciccdsscacdesaheever Abe Ateeeequete siete ete .88, 39 
Light relations of amimals.....0...s.04/stovsdetsins os cco 42 
Mammals of North America..............ccccccsecece  evee pe 24 
Manigault hall...... dua whdensZanae ne iv guenses keeeemsas oaseaeer naan 62 
Whe taniOr pl Ogie cc nine iivsicess capnes 0006. abscess ckarusctws Oe ae 24 
MAR TROT 0 0'nocencackiavcxnngs teotadendudbanneties,Seneeaaer ee mn 63 
WOW ACCCESIOIIG 606 sic ccdcseceasswveee’d vs Weceee seus Ore ieeuhees eee 23 
Oriental animals, CharacteristiC...........ccsceerccecseee: secveeves 58 
PPO TE lok: Ciodkcnsdi'c cbucaveocatcs Veckewesad duck cust ada edie: bacelcde nnn 45 
PAPCONS) CLG .ociue ccctes cxccevernses th wid vnp dep bak abe Shue Sune en 44 
Polar bear Liane Oh caante aie becca aaa - dubnnsns'skuisbiensSecee cones aaeeannne 27 
TUTE TOLLE 0. ccc dccavic cc siphons dhcastabin oe tle cxee nie auekie ae ean 58 
Rock ¥ MOUNTAIN BOL. sens eds cscs aedunece Dep as lasabauapse tsar 31 

SERRE ic cles in newachouie tc uiheealoest ates mire alien noua ee hee hb hpeeer aan 31 
BEAMATTAU ces cdc rine dbpna'sovueaphanntendoutdnecuas Gu'astaaweetie tera 29 
BES OULL SLOMG «nso cain cops sca nn a bakoes wudns oeehe ee Acestddan es 63 
Se re a etek cokink ner beech i Wel dea dda soba eokue etd aot teal nn 26 
eevend Pea Th ook sn cot he ee eR, ke eb ea le oben ae 25 
BS, SAND oo sac aiid nino ce ba Nadie vate wee ee CU AGES a et cubeeecLeeee ee 25 
MAP NE osha Dues a eds coche Dates tol sbea Reeve eek cal Dee hence eee 39 
SEIN, MIOGIMERELONB 40! concn. soc sese ns cceusneacsd aawis aseeaebenn cee a7 
South American animals, characteristic............ccceeeeeeee 50 
Struggle for existence ............ceceeeeee ee ecacivebwse ds lots Grae 46 
SwiMMers........s0s- ( asiwadidaduws ena vedeue deh eee eak ss ceet Guta ud aun aaa 43 
RUMOR TAG a aise wcsvncadus non cs caadaemeems dita yerea eee 37 
TORCH. CHA DbOF OMe vescnsaciasevenns bavinvereud nes vans sence eee 54 
A RTABGLG BATOSONE so iics idiscccccscces ‘doeeoudbecesevs sooner 22 
MM DC COTIOR. sci linncsssts sane ousas ant pucod euxenbeenngeyeatind ae 37 
WraGi ne DITGB. sewescatevien siveredivncads spas canto sibel ante clon ne 44 
WV LEB asec ude cdsaeddnevetdlobusuuadeuded dabadadanaaidadnwdddee mee 26 
Weasel tribe .i.cccadecicenscccacacacsbecen cove Mbsetee beak Maaneeeee 80 
Whale, in entrance...... . dn asehinoy.aidnidein Veena Somoes basa eeteneannnne 22 

in APasais TAL 2... isc.cscdckoass satas en bears ooh nee eee 65 
Winged bull and Hom, ..o.c 2s disk scone cdcsuna ceva 63 
WW GODDECK STS, va santos scscescsucraccy voantenr supinvnybwean di) MERA 45 

Zoology......+ pawn une cote en weeds ey skits po lBEELGerelelyade dfdegdeb)) UME 



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