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General Report 



Anniversary and Convention 


Theosophical Society 

Held at Adyar 
December 23rd to 29th, 1927 


Adyar, Madras, India 
Indian Book Shop, Benares 



I. The Presidential Address ..... 1 

II. The Headquarters . . . . . .23 

Treasurer's Report . . . . .25 

III. Sectional Report . . . . .39 

T.S. in America . . . . .41 

England ...... 44 

India . . . .51 

,, Australia . . . . - .55 

Sweden . . - .60 

New Zealand . . . .61 

The Netherlands . . . . .63 

France . . . .67 

Italy (Not Received} . . . .71 

Germany . . .73 

Cuba 78 

Hungary . . . .90 

Finland ...... 93 

Russia (Outside Russia) . . . .96 

Czechoslovakia . . . - .99 

South Africa . . . - .102 

Scotland . . - - 104 

Switzerland (Not Received) . . .107 

Belgium . . - - - - 109 

Dutch East Indies ..... Ill 

Burma ...... 115 

Austria ...... 119 

ff Norway ...... 122 

Egypt (Not Received) . . . .127 

,, Denmark ...... 129 

ff Ireland ...... 131 

Mexico . . . ... 133 


T.S. in Canada . . . . . .135 

Argentina . . . . . .140 

Chile . . . . . .143 

Brazil (Not Received} . . . .147 

Bulgaria ...... 149 

Iceland ...... 150 

,, Spain (Not Rewiuetf) .... 153 

Portugal ..... 155 

Wales ...... 160 

Poland (Not Received} . . . .161 

Uruguay ...... 163. 

,, Porto Kico (Not Received} .... 165 

,, Koumania ...... 167 

,, Yugoslavia ...... 170 

Ceylon . . . . . .172 

IV. Unsectionalised > _ . . . . 177 

China . . . . . . .179 

All-India Federation of Young Theosophists . . 185 

Singapore Lodge ...... 188 

T.S. Federation in Egypt . . . . .193 

Central America and Colombia .... 195 

V. The T.S. Outposts in the Wilderness . . . .199 

Nairobi Lodge . . . . . .201 

Barbados Lodge, T.S. . . . . .205 

Canadian Theosophical Federation . . . 207 

Theosophical Activities in Greece .... 210 

VI. The Adyar Library 213 

The Adyar Library . . . . . .215 

V1T. Books Published during 1927 . . . . .221 

Vlll. Subsidiary Activities . . . . . .225 

The Brahma vidy a Ashrarna .... 227 

Theosophical World University .... 228 

Theosophical World-University Association . . 234 

Theosophical Educational Trust .... 235 

" Krishnashram " 238 

The Olcott Panchaina Free Schools . . - 240 


Report . . . . . . .244 

The Round Table in Australia . . . .250 


The Order of the Brothers of Service . . . 252 

international Fellowship in Arts and Crafts . . 253 

T.S. Muslim Association ..... 256 
Association of Hebrew Theosophists . . . 259 

Abstract of thu Report of the T. 8. Employees Co- 
operative Credit Society ..... 261 
Report of the Adyar Co-operative Stores Ltd. . . 263 

Theosophical Medical League .... 265 
IX. The T.S. Memorandum of Association . . .267 

X. General Council and Officers for 192728 . . .281 

XL Minutes of the General Council, T.S. . . . 288 





Once more from the Chair to which you re-elected me for the third 
time in 1921 I bid you a warm and glad welcome to the Central 
Headquarters in the physical world of our Masters' Theosophical 
Society. We have come to the last half-year of my term of office, and 
I render to you my report of the ever-spreading activities of our beloved 
Society. But you will join me first in our annual invocation to Those 
who arc our Guides, leading us from the unreal to the Real, from 
darkness to Light, from death to Immortality : 

May Those who are the embodiment of Love Immortal, bless with 
Their protection the Society established to do Their Will on earth ; may 
They ever guard it by Their Power, inspire it with Their Wisdom, and 
energise it by Their Activity. 

The Coining of the World-Teacher 

The outstanding event of the year for those of our members who 
believe in the Hierarchy and in its immemorial relationship with our 
world, is, of course, the completion of the long preparation for the 
Coming of the World-Teacher, beginning in 1909, by His own announce- 
ment that Ho had chosen the body of one then a child, which, if he 
should prove to be worthy of the choice when he grew to manhood, He 
would use " on My approaching visit to your world ". Shortly after 
that statement the child came to Adyar, with his father, a widower, 


and his younger brother. The two young boys were made my 
wards, and after some difficulties, I sent them to England and they 
were privately educated there. When the time was ripe, the special 
preparation of the body took place in California and Italy, and 
finally in Holland, where in August of the present year, 1927, such 
part of the consciousness of the World-Teacher as could manifest 
within the limitations of a human physical body descended and abode 
in him, taking up the human consciousness into wondrous association 
with the Divine Life. I, who have known him from a little child, and 
have served him to my utmost ability, now have become his devoted 
disciple and still serve him wherever I can. 

The Society has suffered two great losses, one by the calling Home 
of Dr. Mary Rocke, who suddenly passed away from heart failure on 
board ship, travelling in the same vessel with our little party. The 
second, by the call which came to Sir Sadashivier, the noble retired 
Judge of the High Court, Madras, who had consecrated all his time, 
after he had left the Bench he adorned, in visiting the villagers of the 
Presidency, in the company of his devoted and able wife, teaching them 
in their own vernacular Hinduism in the light of Theosophy, and using 
his high intelligence to purify and broaden their faith. 

I mentioned last year that the cxternalisation of our First Object in 
the practical manifestation of the Fellowship of Faiths had been 
advanced by the foundation in the United States of a similar movement, 
started there within a few weeks of our own Convention ; I may add 
that this year in London the pioneers of that movement visited England, 
and held two very successful meetings in the City Temple, London, a 
famous Nonconformist building, rendered illustrious by the names of 
Moncure D. Conway, Mr. John Robertson, the Rev. Mr. Campbell, and 
others. It has ever been a centre of light and leading. Two very 
successful meetings were held there in the early summer and autumn ; 
in the first, each speaker expounded his own faith ; in the second, he 
spoke on what he regarded as the most valuable characteristics of 
Christianity. A London journal made the quaint remark that in many 
places of worship we heard attacks on other religions, but never before 
had been heard appreciations of different religions by each other. 

The World University, the synthesising aspect of our Second 
Object, has continued its unobtrusive and useful work in its three centres 


in Adyar, London, and in a considerable group in Java. A new centre 
ia Holland has been opened, and one in France. The writing o Text- 
books is going on. Dr. Cousins is still the ever-active head of the studies, 
and his energy seems to increase every year. His cultural work is most 
useful, especially in the prominence he gives to the wonders of Indian 
painting and sculpture. Mrs. Cousins adds her remarkable powers to the 
uplifting of music in Madras. 

The preparations for the Revival of the Mysteries, the practical 
side of our Third Object go steadily forward. 

Our International Lecturers 

Fruk. Dijkgraaf, who had resigned from the General Secretaryship 
of the Netherlands Section after years of most efficient and devoted 
work, has been appointed one of our international lecturers for Dutch, 
German and English-speaking countries. Also, for the same area, 
I have appointed Heer Vigevcno, who is doing specially useful service 
in Germany. Such lecturers from abroad give a great impulse to 
Theosophical activities in other countries, and often remove misconcep- 
tions due to ignorance. 

Adyar Day 

Once more we have to express our grateful thanks to Mr. Fritz 
Kunz and Dr. Ernest Stone for the exercise of their organising talents 
on behalf of Adyar Day. 

The Auditor's Summary shows that in 1924, 

Adyar received $ 1711-64 

1925 $5071-13 

1926 $ 6800-00 

1927 $ 7000-00 

$ 20,582-77 

Truly a noble gift to the Headquarters from a single Section. 
The clerical and other work has been done by voluntary helpers, with a 
single exception, due to the heavy work for the Order of the Star 


done by Dr. Stone. The little notice sent mentions that the idea 
originated with Mmo. Manziarly, and was taken up by Mr. Fritz 
Kunz that tireless worker for the United States. The Committee, 
in addition to these two, has been : Mary S. Rogers, Alma Kunz- 
Gulick, Harry J. Budd, Anna M. Brinkley. May I once more pay 
the tribute of thanks to all who have so helped " Our Masters 
Land ". 

The U.S.A. Headquarter* 

We must warmly congratulate the General Secretary and the 
Theosophical Society in the United States, on their great achievement 
of completing their Headquarters at Wheaton within a year ; I laid the 
foundation-stone last summer (1926), and the building and gardens were 
opened this year. Dr. and Mrs. Arundale, who were the guesta of 
honor at the Convention of'-this year, speak enthusiastically of the 
beauty and convenience of the new Centre. 

Dr. and Mrs. Cousins 

These tireless workers, one of whom is the creator of the Brahma- 
vidyashrama, and the other the founder of the Indian Women's Associa- 
tion, are leaving for a tour round the World, that will take about a 
year and a half. Dr. Cousins will give a course of lectures at Yale 
University and at the University of Tokyo, and who knows at what 
others. We shall miss them badly, but thoy have promised to write 
for New India, and, I hope, also for The Theosopldxt. This last 
note does not belong to what is now last year. But thanks to the 
speech being late in appearing, I shamelessly insert it here, in the 

Charters up to the end of 1927 

The number of Charters granted from the commencement of the 
Society to the end of 1926 was 2,519. In 1927, 89 now Charters were 
granted, raising the number to 2,608. 6,538 diplomas to new members 
were issued, being 305 more new members than in 1926. 

Lodges and Members 


National Societies 

No. of 



the year 



T S. in The United States 





, England 





, India ' 





, Australia 





, Sweden 





, New Zealand ... 





, Holland 





, France 





, Germany 




No Report 


, Cuba 





, Hungary 





, Finland 





Russian T. S. outside 









,, South Africa ... 





,, Scotland 





, Switzerland 
, Belgium 





No Report 


, Dutch East Indies 



28 f' 


, Burma 





, Austria 





, Norway 





Egypt * 


, Denmark 





, Ireland 





, Mexico 





, Canada 










, Brazil 





, Bulgaria 





, Iceland 





, Spain 
, Portugal 




No Report 








, Poland 
, Uruguay 
Porto Rico 





No Report 
No Report 







, Ceylon 




Nou-Sectioualized Countries ... 




Canadian Theosophical Federa- 





Federation of the Lodges of the 

T.S. in Egypt 




Grand Total 





1 This number includes 109 Lodges and 680 members and 299 new members of 
the All-India Federation of Young Theosophists. 
* See below for'statistics. 


Our National 8ooitie 

United States. A remarkable advance is reported, the visit of the 
President being credited with the bringing back to the Society of a 
large number who had dropped out. The net gain in membership for 
the year is 639. The event of the year is the finishing and dedication 
in August of the new headquarters building at Wheaton. The work of 
placing literature on Theosophy in public libraries reported last year has 
been carefully carried on. Three hundred libraries were thus supplied. 
The Theosophical press shows an advance on last year. Increased 
interest in Theosophy by young people is reported. 

England. New members numbered 672, thus wiping out the 
deficit in the number of enrolments in the previous year. The President 
was in England for several months and presided at the Annual Conven- 
tion in June. At this Convention a resolution was passed expressing 
the desirability of having a European Congress annually or biennially. 
(This has been adopted by the Council of the European Federation, 
which has decided to have a Congress annually in some European 
country ) Dr. Arundale and Shrimati Rukmini Devi, Mr. J. Krishna- 
murti and Bishop Wedgwood were also present at the Convention. In 
June I delivered a series of lectures in the Queen's Hall on 4i The New 
Civilisation," and Mr. Jinarfljadasa lectured in the same hall on "The 
Divine Vision ". 

I was happy to be able to dedicate the fine and commodious new 
premises of the Manchester Lodge on July 5. Bayswatcr (London) 
Lodge has made a new departure in forming an Art Group to draw 
together those members who are artists and art-lovers, and to stimulate 
and encourage the presentation of Truth as Beauty. Interesting 
dramatic performances have been given under the auspices of this Lodge. 
During the year nearly a hundred special courses of lectures were 
delivered in connection with various Lodges and Centres. Students' 
week-ends were held in a number of places. 

The General Secretary visited the United States of America for a 
lecture tour, and he records his happy recollections of the kindness 
shown to him by the American members. 

The work of the Theosophical News Bureau in England 
goes on. 


India. A spirit of: alertness and increase of life are reported. 
Dormant members have decreased by halt'. Membership stands at 5,536, 
a considerable increase on last year. Educational work in connection 
with the Section is winning increased recognition, and is beneficially 
influencing general education, especially in regard to the treatment of 
children in schools. The work for the uplift of Indian women is 
progressing, and brings an added strength to the Society through the 
co-operation of women and men in the work of the Section. 

The All-India Federation of Young Theosophists received charters 
for 11 Lodges during the year, making a total of 63 chartered Lodges, 
with a regular membership of 2,034 and 84 associates. Organised 
activity has bcon particularly evidenced in Maharashtra, the United 
Provinces, Gujerat and Kathiawar, also in the Madras area where local 
Federations are being formed. The Lodges have been active along 
cultural and social service lines, and yeoman service was rendered to the 
victims of the floods in Gujerat. 

Australia. This virile Section sots a pace nil its own. The broad- 
casting station 2GB has a splendid record of work, and its field of use- 
fulness is growing. It keeps it? programmes up to a high standard and 
caters specially for children. Through this wise general appeal the 
prejudice against Thcosophy has largely broken down. Bishop Lead- 
boater has twice spoken over the radio with great effect. Australia has 
given an example to the whole Society in the raising of funds for work. 
It shows confidence in ago by giving Bishop Leadbeater youth to train 
and a place to train thorn in, and it shows its confidence in youth in 
having the youngest General Secretary. 

Sweden. Thirty-seven new members wore admitted during the 
year. The Thoosophical Bookshop supplies the public with books on 
all kinds of idealistic subjects. I presided at the Convention in August. 

New Zealand. The General Secretary, touring as National 
Lecturer, reports steady progress, and notes tho enthusiasm and 
devotion of many small country Lodges. There is an increase of 
71 members. The various movements connected with the Section are 
all working harmoniously. A group of visitors from Australia helped 
to make tho Convention a groat success. 

The Netherlands. The General Secretary has been released in 
order to work up the European Federation and its Congress in Brussels 


next summer. The new headquarters building at Amsterdam is nearing 
completion. The National Council will share the building with the 
Amsterdam Lodge. The Theosophical Order of Service has done much 
good work. The Young Thcosophists have now eleven local groups. 
The central office in Utrecht does both national and international work. 
The members carry on meditation, study and action, and arc earnest 
and reliable. 

France. France reports a year of steady progress. Eight new 
Lodges have been 'established, and there has been a net gain of 198 
members. Three Lodges are dormant. Mr. Jinarfljadasa presided 
at the Annual Convention, and his lectures wore a source of much 
inspiration and strength. Work of outstanding importance is being 
carried on by the publishing department. Many books have been 
produced and sales arc steadily increasing, much to the satisfaction of 
tho General Secretary, who regards this as one of the best means of 
propaganda among the educated public. A branch of the Theosophical 
World-University Association was founded. 

Italy. Italy sends no lleport. 

Germany. Germany reports the formation of thirteen new Lodges 
and a stirring of new life and enthusiasm largely through tours by 
Mr. Jose Vigeveno of Amsterdam and Mr. John Cordes of Vienna. 
Deep gratitude is expressed for his self-sacrificing labour, and the 
Section has appointed him its National Lecturer. I presided at the 25th, 
semi-jubilee, Convention in Hamburg. My public lectures at Hamburg 
and Berlin will be published by Mr. Pieper who, continues his useful 
activities in this line. Lack of funds and lecturers had greatly 
hampered the Section's work, but this year sees it once more firmly 
established, with every promise of future growth and activity. 

Cuba. Cuba has a very satisfactory story to tell. She has 
released a whole new potential Section from her ranks, yet remains 
strong and actually larger. Nine Lodges, with 234 members, branched 
off to form the Central American Federation under a Presidential 
Agent. Cuba has also been responsible for the development of tho 
Latin American Theosophical Federation. Five Sections have joined 
it, and they plan a Congress in Havana in 1928. 

Hungary reports that the past year has been one of the most 
eventful in the history of the Section. The Theosophical Order of 


Service and the Round Table have been reorganised, and the Young 
Theosophists carry on very useful activities. The greatest difficulty 
to be contended against is the lack of funds, the result of the extreme 
post-war poverty of the Nation. French members sent a generous 
donation to meet the most urgent requirements, and the Theosophical 
Society in Wales made a gift of books. A succession of visitors, 
including myself, are stated to have given great help and stimulus by 

Finland. I had the pleasure of flying to Finland in August. 
The Section is developing its work along cultural lines, and is going to 
erect a new headquarters building. Mrs. Adair's visit from Adyar 
aroused widespread interest in Indian art, on which she lectured with 
original paintings as illustrations. Other activities were helped by a 
number of visitors, .such as Bishop Wedgwood, Madame Poushkine 
and Miss Naomi Magge. 

Russia. The Russian Theosophical Society, whose members are, 
under present political circumstances, outside Russia, ends a most 
interesting Report. It is everywhere Shanghai, San Francisco, and 
most of the countries of Europe have at least one Lodge each. Many 
activities are in operation, and books and a little magazine in Russian 
are printed. In Tientsin (China) the Lodge runs a regular popular 
university with evening courses. These scattered Lodges carry on a 
very effective work for internationalism chiefly through the General 

Czechoslovakia reports that the work of the year has largelj 
consisted in efforts towards the consolidation and adjustment of th< 
activities of the Section, rendered nocossary by the secession of man] 
members in 1925. The first Convention since the reorganisation wa; 
held in June, and an Executive Committee was elected. Financial 
assistance has been given to the Section by the European Federation. 
I visited Prague during the year. The General Secretary records help 
given by visitors from other Sections. 

South Africa reports steady progress. Membership has increased 
by ninety. The first Lodge building in Africa is being erected in 
Pretoria. Durban and Cape Town hope to follow suit. The 
Rt. Hon. V. S. Srinivasa Sastri, P.C., the representative of India in 
South Africa, has delivered lectures under the Society's auspices to 


large audiences. These have helped to create a spirit of tolerance and 
goodwill towards Indians in South Africa. Nairobi Lodge has joined 
the Section, and it is hoped that a Lodge will shortly be formed in 
Lourenco Marques in Portuguese East Africa. A tribute is given to the 
good work done by Captain and Mrs. Ransom. 

Nairobi Lodge, mentioned above, sends a separate Report which is 
interesting in its association with India in the fact that books in Urdu, 
Hindi and Gujcrati, which are languages of India, as well as in English, 
have been sold. 

Scotland has not much to say about numbers, but emphasises work 
through dramatic performances in various parts of the Section. 
Discussion as a propaganda activity is also being tried. The young 
people promise well for the future. 

Switzerland sends no Report. 

Belgium has increased its membership by 45. I visited the 
Section during the year an'd gave two lectures. The Section has 
realised a long-cherished wish in the purchase of a house to be used as 
National Headquarters. This was made possible by the generosity of 
many of the members. The Section has advanced towards the fulfil- 
ment of its ideal of spreading spiritual enlightenment in Belgium and 
congratulates itself on the fact that the next Convention of the Euro- 
pean Federation will be held in its territory. 

Netherlands- [ndies. The most important event recorded for the 
year was Bishop Leadbeator's tour in November of 1926, when he 
visited the island Lodges on his way to Benares. This was his third 
visit, and as usual hia presence evoked everywhere love and enthusiasm. 
Steady progress is being maintained in the various activities. Malang 
opened its new Lodge building at the Annual Convention, adding 
another to the large number of important Lodges who own their own 
premises. There are several magazines published in the Dutch, Malay 
and Javanese languages. 

Burma records much good work and progress, also very helpful 
visits from Bishop Leadboater and Mr. Yadunandan Prasad. These 
helped to dissipate certain shadows of prejudice on the matter of the 
World-Religion which had hung in the air from the previous year. 

Austria reports the visits of Bishop Wedgwood and myself. 
Members of the Section are doing good work in other countries, and 


members of other Sections, such as Mrs. Rathonyi, Miss Wanda 
Dynowski and Miss A. C. Bell, have paid helpful visits. An Action 
Lodge has been created which has taken up propaganda work. 

Norway sends no Report. 

Denmark reports my visit. Work is carried on in the face of 
difficulty and some disharmony, but the membership steadily increases. 
Lecturing to other societies continues successfully. It is hoped that 
the Broadcasting Bill introduced into the Danish Parliament will soon 
be passed. This gives every society which is fighting for ideals the 
right to broadcast, and will, if passed, enable the Danish Section of 
the Theosophical Society to resume its former work in this way. The 
Summer School continues its good service. 

Ireland. This Section still labours under difficulties, mainly 
material. Dublin and Belfast are the principal centres, but public 
work is done also in Cork and Derry, and a new Centre has been 
established at Coleraine. The quarterly magazine is doing good work 
in relating the folk-lore of Ireland to the Ancient Wisdom. English 
friends have helped the Section in finance and also by lecture visits. 

Mexico reports that no marked progress o spread of the 
Theosophical movement can at present be looked for, owing to the 
" unfavourable political and economic conditions of the country ". 
Nevertheless the General Secretary reports that the work has at least 
maintained the level of former years. Headquarters have been estab- 
lished in a suitable building in pleasant surroundings. 

Canada reports much misunderstanding of the World Religion and 
of the announcements at Ommen in 1925. There is a decrease in 
membership through lapses. The Toronto travelling library is doing 
good work. Individual members arc active in the field of literature. 
The death is reported of the author, Michael Sherk, of Toronto Lodge, 
and of the essayist and musician, Francis Gricrson. 

The Canadian Federation of Young Theosophists has u tale of 
excellent work to tell along various lines. The Summer School run by 
Sirius Lodge is arousing the interest of non-Theosophists, and is to be 
a permanent organisation. The North-West Federation has purchased 
26 acres of land, which it calls " Indralaya,'* on Orcas Island, 
Washington, where it hopes to establish a permanent Theosophical 
community and camping place for visiting members. The Federation 


had visits from Bishop Arundale, Shrimati Rukmini Devi, and other 
well-known Theosophists. A book centre has been built up, and a 
.magazine is in contemplation. All this is very satisfactory, and I 
sincerely congratulate the Federation. 

Argentina reports good growth in the ninth year of the Section's 
life. While curiosity seekers have dropped out, new workers have 
come in. The bi-monthly magazine goes to all the Spanish-speaking 
countries. The Theosophical Library Association is particularly active, 
and co-ordinates all the subsidiary activities. 

Chile reports general approval in the Section of the scheme for 
the formation of Latin-American Theosophical Federation. Much 
interest is taken by members in the new methods in education and the 
scheme for the establishment of the Theosophical World-University. 
The Section has bcnefitted by the generous bequest of the greater 
part of the estate of Mr. M. Yuraszech, and gratitude is expressed 
for this. 

Brazil. The General Secretary resigned owing to ill-health, but 
was requested to be permanent Honorary President. Mr. J. Mesquita 
was appointed in his place. Money is being collected to build 
headquarters. Meantime roomier premises have been found. Lodges 
are working efficiently and steadily. A Branch of the Theosophical 
Order of Service has been started. S. Paulo Lodge is marked by well 
organised activity. It publishes a magazine and runs a Theosophical 
College with 280 students, some in residence. The residential section is 
vegetarian. The Damodar Lodge, besides doing fine propaganda and 
social work, runs a school for poor children. The translation of The 
Secret Doctrine into Portuguese is proceeding. 

.Bulyaria is progressing steadily, and her members show a spirit of 
unselfish service. Lecturing is the main activity. At the consecra- 
tion of a Lodge's new promises (the gift of the upper storey of a house 
by a member) a priest of each of four different faiths (Greek Church, 
Muhammadan, Jewish and Liberal Catholic) gave their blessing. After 
the ceremony, the priest of the Greek Church mentioned how moved 
he was to see in this act the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy, the 
reunion of the faiths and the communion of the Holy Spirit. Though 
he was afterwards forced to deny this, it was published in all- the 


Iceland announces growth and extension in all ways. The visit 
of the Vice-President was a great help. The number of members has 
doubled, and is now 366. There are three lecturers besides the General 
Secretary. Eight subsidiary societies, including the Young Theo- 
sophists, carry on effective activities. 

Spain again sends no report, but we are aware from other sources 
that there are signs of increasing activity in the Peninsula, and that 
two groups of students, associated with the Brahmavidya Ashrama at 
Adyar, are at work in Madrid and Barcelona. I hope next year will 
bring a cheering report. 

Portugal still finds itself hampered by political conditions, but the 
Section carries on a ;t peaceful penetration ". The Fraternal League (a 
charitable organisation) and the National League for the Protection of 
Animals, movements carried on by Theosophists, are doing much useful 
work. The outstanding event of the year was the visit of Mr. and 
Mrs. Jinarajadasa, when large audiences gathered to hear lectures on 
Theosophical topics. 

Wales. During tho year, the Section purchased its own head- 
quarters building for Theosophical and allied activities. A Trust has 
been formed to hold the property. Mr D. Jeffrey Williams has been 
appointed National Organiser and Publicity Secretary. An effort has 
been made by the Section to establish May 18 as Goodwill Day 
throughout the world. 

Poland sends no report. 

Uruguay reports much consolidation and re-organisation. As a 
result the financial outlook is better and the future very promising. 
New activities of tho Lodges have included musical and ait evenings. 
Members have visited the jails for juveniles. One Lodge devotes itself 
to visiting and aiding the sick. There is great solidarity among the 
Lodges, and work is laid out on seven lines, each member choosing a 
line : education, social affairs, arts and sciences, religion and philo- 
sophy, philanthropy, administration and finance. 
Porto Rico sends no Report. 

Rumania. Work here is much handicapped by the political 
situation. Touch is kept with isolated members who are supplied with 
boj3ks by the Bucharest Lodge. Transylvania hopes for recognition as 
part of the Section in order to get permission to meet. The growth in 


this district is admirable. Strong Lodges have developed from the 
parent one. The Section has a difficult work in bridging the gulf 
between the various nationalities and cultures. 

Yugoslavia presented me with a coat of the National costume 
during my visit in August, and derived much pleasure from my wearing 
it at my public lecture. In spite of natural deductions, the membership 
has increased by ten per cent, and the Section has now members in 
thirty different towns. A quarterly magazine is published, and books 
are slowly coming-out in the indigenous language. The Order of 
Service is active. 

Ceylon reports a net gain of 35 members, though there is a net loss 
of one Lodge. The Youth Lodge is developing dramatic performances. 
Funds arc being steadily collected for a headquarters building. 
Mr. H. Frei, who has done much good work for the cause of Theosophy 
in Ceylon during the last 25 years, resigned the General Secretaryship 
on leaving the island in June. ..Mr. N. K. Choksy takes bis place. 


China. Hong Kong Lodge keeps up its good work, all activities 
showing growth and effectiveness. The members arc generous, one 
family giving the headquarters hall. Regular publicity is secured by 
clever use of the daily press. Many leaflets are distributed. Work is 
done among the army and navy and by correspondence. The book 
department has done very good service. 

A Chinese Lodge has budded off from the Hong Kong Lodge. It 
works through the Chinese language, and uses its own members for 
class-room and platform work. The officers are all Chinese and a 
Chinese library is being collected. A lecture-practice class is carried on. 

Shanghai Lodge has nearly doubled its membership. It keeps up 
a good headquarters with many activities. " First Steps in Theosophy " 
has been published in Chinese. This is very good. We need Chinese 
Lodges and Chinese books. For China, though so ancient, has a future. 
Miss Arnold's splendid and lonely work is bearing fruit. 

Singapore Lodge, after trying affiliation with the Netherlands- 
Indies Section, reverted to Adyar for linguistic reasons. The Locjge 
owes its success to Bro. J. H. Ruttonjce of Hong Kong, who has much 


helped it in the matter of rooms and in a gift of 133 books. The Lodge 
entertained Dr. Rabindranath Tagore when he passed through on his 
way to Java. 

Japan. Mahayana Lodge has been actively working since October, 
after an interval of inactivity due to the ill-health of the chief workers 
and the death of Dr. Emma Erskine Hahn. The booklet " Information 
for Enquirers " has been translated into Japanese for early publication. It 
is hoped that a book on Theosophy in Japanese will be published in 1928. 

Egypt. After last year's stormy period, work is proceeding 
quietly in an atmosphere of brotherhood. Two members of the Lodge 
have translated At the Feet of the Afsater into Arabic, and this has 
been published. Visitors moving East or West occasionally call, 
notably last year Bishop Arundale and Shrimati Rukmini Devi. 

T.S. Outposts in the Wilderness 

Greece resumed her activities by founding the Plato Lodge in 1923- 
Now there are five Lodges and 700 members. They hare nice head- 
quarters at Athens, with a good library and useful activities. A little 
deputation came to me in Paris, and gave me a coat, beautifully em- 
broidered by Greek ladies. 

Barbados Lodge reports a quiet yet busy year. 

The Adyar Library 

During the year Dr. C. Kunhan Raja has filled the office of 
Director. A thorough and systematic re-arrangement of the Western 
Section was completed, and the same is being done in the Eastern 
Section. The library has grown steadily in materials and in public 
usefulness. Many valuable books have been added both by purchase and 
gifts. The students of the Brahmavidya Ashrama make good use of the 
library. Many additions have been made to the manuscript department. 

Brahmavidya Ashrama 

The Principal's Report shows that one of the outstanding features 
of the session has been a course of synthetical studies of the Will by 


various memuers of the Ashrama, this being an attempt to carry out a 
suggestion made by the Chohan K. H. to Mr. A. 0. Hume in 1882. 
Schopenhauer's Philosophy of the Will was presented by a German 
student, Fraulein S. Leidtke. Dr. Handy of the Bishop Museum, 
Honolulu, gave a course of lectures which was practically an adjustment 
of the principles of Ethnology to Theosophical fundamentals. Other 
valuable courses are in progress, also a study group. Associated 
Ashramas are being formed in other parts of the world through the 
enthusiasm of members who have been at Adyar, and realised the value 
of the Ashrama's special work. 

The Theosophical World -University Association 

An Indian section of this international association was formed 
early in the year, and has local groups working in all the areas of the 
country. The members are kept in touch with the movement by pamph- 
lets and circular letters. Thus the idea of the future World-University 
is being spread. Sections in Great Britain, America, Java, France, 
Holland are also busily at work spreading ideas on the new education. 

The Theosophioal Educational Trust 

The Trust continues its excellent work, though lack of funds 
hampers its activities. The National College at Adyar continues to 
grow in popularity and strength. Madanapalle has started a girls' 
hostel, and it has been decided to make the school and college entirely 
residential. The Theosophical School at Allahubad reports rapid 
developments, and now owns thirteen acres of land and two buildings. 
The National Girls' School at Coimbatore has been dropped owing to 
lack of support, but the Girls' School at Mangalore has been affiliated. 
The Narmada English School at Shukiatirth is no longer affiliated, and 
the Montessori School at Adyar has been closed. 

Oloott Panohama Free Schools 

Work is carried on in these schools in a spirit of happy service, 
and the inspector reports satisfactory conditions. Personal hygiene 


receives much attention, and the Adyar Baby Welcome helps greatly in 
this respect. 

The Round Table 

Australia reports a substantial gain in membership and much real 
and consistent work. Five new centres have been established and 
almost all report some increase. 

Order of the Brothers of Service 

This Order continues to serve various activities with its usual and 
most commendable spirit of self-sacrifice. The work done by the Order 
has been of incalculable value especially to education in India. 

International Theosophioal Order of Service 

Much progress in many countries has been made by this Order 
under the enthusiastic guidance of Captain Max Wardall, and his scheme 
for working the Order in the United States of America should be care- 
fully studied with a view to its adaptation to suit the needs of varying 

Women'! Indian Association 

The Association has now 70 Branches and 3,600 members. Good 
work is being done everywhere for women and children, especially in 
educational reform and in the movements for the abolition of child 
marriage and the devadasi system. Most of the women now prominent 
in public life, such as the Deputy President of Madras Legislative Council, 
arc members of the Association. Its magazine Stri Dharma is a valuable 
asset to international sisterhood as it is quoted by ex-changes abroad. 

League of Parents and Teachers 

The League reports widespread and effective activities, but 
like many another useful organisation reports a heavy loss on the 


physical plane through the death of Sir T. Sadasivier who was its 

International Fellowship in Arts and Craft* 

The Secretary reports an encouraging amount of activity during 
the year. Numbers of small groups and centres have sprung up, 
each with its own independent and often original activities, and 
many members are working with and inspiring other organisations. 
Mr. Jinarfljadasa's new book, Art as Will and Idea, has been of great 
service to students. Reports have been received from 25 countries of 
activities carried out chiefly along the lines of community singing, 
dramatic art, and training in handicrafts. An exhibition was arranged 
at the Theosophical Order of Service Camp at Oinmen in August. In 
order to avoid overlapping it has been decided to incorporate the 
Fellowship in the reorganised Theosophical Order of Service as the 
nucleus of its art section. 

T.8. Mualiin and Auooiatlon 

The T. S. Muslim Association, so splendidly helped by Professor 
H. C. Kumar, is at work in the vital task of drawing the two great 
communities into closer accord. 

Association of Hebrew Theoaophiftta 

The Association of Hebrew Theosophists is spreading Theosophy 
most usefully in Judaism. 

Theoiophioal Society Employees' Go-operative Oredit Society, Adyar 

This Society fills a special place in the domestic arrangements of 
Adyar, and is going on satisfactorily. 

Theoaophloal Medical League 

This League was constituted at Ommen in August with the view to 
preparing the ground for the creation of a new medical science " touched 


and transformed by the new spiritual current which flows from the 
Theosophical movement ". Membership is open to all who sympathise 
with the Theosophical objects, and who have a legal qualification to 
practise medicine, surgery and obstetrics, or any branch of these, and to 
certificated nurses and masseurs. The League has already fifteen 
National Secretaries. 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

The Income and Disbursement Account of our Adyar Headquarters 
for the year ending 31st October, 1927, shows a considerable excess of 
expenditure over receipts, balanced fortunately, by the surplus carried 
forward from the preceding year, the final result being a small debit 
balance of Rs. 39-0-2. The actual figures are as follows : 

Expenditure ... Rs. 78,892 15 2 = 6,069 at Rs. 13 

per 1* 
Income ... 74,020 8 7 = 5,694 

Deficit ... 4,872 67=,, 375 

Less Surplus from 1925-6 4,833 6 5 = 372 

Debit Balance to new 

Account ... ,, 39 2 = 

Compared with our budget for the year the expenditure has kept 
fairly close to budget limits, the excess on five or six accounts being 
equalized by savings on other accounts. Individual accounts do not 
require special notice, with tho exception, perhaps, of Construction and 
Repairs Account which exceeds the amount allowed in the budget 
(Rs. 20,000 = 1,538) by Rs. 2,995-2-3. The expenditure is made 
up as follows : 

Rs. 8,828 12 Repairs to roof and verandahs in Lead- 
beater Chambers, 

,, 1,373 6 Sanitary Installation at Besant Gardens, 
,, 3,457 10 New Charcoal Shed and Improvements at 


4,247 9 Alteration to Street Lights, 
., 958 13 6 Drainage, Compound Wall near Alsace 

Grove, etc., 
,, 4,128 15 9 Sundry Repairs to Buildings. 

Rs. 22,995 2 3 = 1,769. 


All the above have been necessary improvements. Further heavy 
expenditure will await us in the coming year, as only one-third of the 
roof of Leadbeatcr Chambers has been completed and the remaining two- 
thirds have now to be taken in hand. 

Our statement of Disbursements includes throe items which could 
not appear in our budget : 

(1) Rs. 1,1*8-8-2 (= 88) Loss on " Ilie Golden Book of the 
T.S.," the cost of production having exceeded the original estimate. 

(2) Rs. 1,117-0-0 (=86) Reserve for Isolation Hospital, 
which is a transfer from Donations of the gift by Mr. W. L. Chiplonkar, 
Akola, set aside for the above purpose. 

(3) Us. 1,429-1-0 (= 110) Reserve for Electrical Installation, 
appropriated from the profit made by our Electrical and Engineering 
Department, in order to increase the reserve for the replacement of the 
battery and of machinery to the round sum of Rs. 3,000. 


Rent and Interest Account. Our income of Rs. 20,395-5-2 
( = 1.569) denotes a decrease of Rs. 1,872 compared with the pre- 
ceding year. It is due to the fact that we had a smaller number of visitors 
from abroad, only few of the rooms in Blavatsky Gardens and Lcadbeater 
Chambers having been occupied during the greater part of the year. 

Garden Produce realized Rs. 16,352-11-9 (= 1,258), which 
beats all previous records. The sale proceeds are derived from : 

Cocoanuts ... ... ... Rs. 3,634 15 9 

Sapotas ... ... ... 5,289 11 9 

Pineapples ... ... ... 647 7 6 

Firewood (Casuarinas) ... ... 2,575 6 3 

Oranges ... ... ... 1,985 7 6 

Bananas ... ... ... 351 13 

Mangoes ... ... ... ,, 1,268 3 

Papais ... ... ... 58 11 9 

Plants ... ... ... 93 

Sundries ... ... ... 448 2 

Rs. 16,352 11 9 


The income from Sapota trees, planted ten years ago, has again 
increased by Rs. 1,006, this fruit yielding now a steady, good income. 
We also had a good Mango and Orange season, while Cocoanuts have 
suffered from the failure of the monsoon last autumn and from the 
continued drought throughout the summer of 1927, which has also had 
a disastrous effect on our Casuarina plantations. About 2,200 trees, 
among them a few fine old spcimcns, died and have to be cut down and 
sold for firewood, leaving many a gap for which we are sorry. The 
proceeds come to about Rs. 5,000, of which amount Rs. 2,000 were paid 
in old account (part of Rs. 2,575-6-3 shewn above), while the balance 
of Rs. 3,000 will benefit the year 1927-8. 1926-7 has been an 
exceptional year and we cannot expect a similar result in 1927-8. 
It is very satisfactory, however, that in all likelihood the income from 
Garden Produce will always be in excess of the expenditure for pro- 
ductive gardens, even if this excess does not amount to the record 
figure of Rs. 6,648 of the present year. 

The Electrical and Engineering Department Account closes with a 
profit of Rs. 4,125-15-2 (=317), of which amount we have placed 
Rs. 1,429-1-0 on reserve for replacement of battery, etc., as mentioned 
above. The profit of this Department being mainly derived from 
current supplied to, and work done for, the Society it really goes to 
reduce the cost of lighting and of construction and repairs. Thanks to 
Mr. Zuurman's capable management this Department is able to undertake 
all work in connection with building, repairs, furnishing and electricity. 

Fees and Dues Account. Rs. 23,522-11-7 (= 1,809) also shows 
a record figure. This amount does not, however, refer wholly to the 
year under review, but includes dues for preceding years, received 
during 1926-7, as follows : 

Account 1925 and 1926 ... Rs. 3,825 14 10 (= 294) 
1927 ... ... 19,69612 9 (= 1,515) 

Rs. 23,522 11 7 

About Rs. 20,000 (roughly 1,500) may, with our present 
membership, be considered our annual income from Section Dues under 
the new scheme on the basis of 10/ of the dues received by the 
Sections. It is evident that this does not represent a great advance 


on the former scale of Eight Annas for each member, for with a member- 
ship of 43,000 (the figure shewn in the Report of 1926) the Adyar 
dnes would amount to Its. 21,500, provided each member paid his dues, 
even leaving the higher scale for members attached directly to Adyar 
out of consideration. In the case of most of the Sections 10% 
amounts to less than Eight Annas per member ; only in a few cases is 
there a slight excess, notably in the case of America, contributing 
Rs. 4,862-14-9 (the largest contribution) for 8,520 members. The new 
scheme is certainly more equitable than the old one, especially as 
affecting Sections suffering from an adverse currency, who now pay at 
the rate of 10% in the currency of their own country. 

Donations have brought in Rs. 9,623-12-11 (= 740) as follows : 
Rs. 1,117 from Mr. C. W. Chiplonkar, Akola, set 

aside for an Isolation Hospital, as men- 
tioned above ; 
4,537 ic Adyar Day " collection from American 

1,906 2 9 "Adyar Day" other 

2,063 10 2 Sundry Donations. 

Rs. 9,623 12 11 

With regard to the amount of Rs. 4,537 from the American Section 
it must be mentioned that the total gift sent by them for " Adyar Day " 
amounted to Its. 19,337 (= 1,487), distributed as follows : 
Rs. 5,000 to Adyar Library, 

,, 4,537 ,, Adyar Headquarters, as shewn above, 
,, 4,500 ,, Theosophical Educational Trust, 
,, 4,000 ,, the Order of the Brothers of Service, 
1,000 ,, the Olcott Panchama Free Schools, 
,, 300 ,, the Women's Indian Association, 

Rs. 19,337 

a very great and welcome help to all these institutions. 

Wo take this opportunity to express our appreciation and hearty 
thanks to all who have so generously helped us with donations. 



We have been able to increase our Endowment Fund, which had 
been dwindling for some years, from Rs. 1,03,664-15-7 in the beginning 
of the year to Us. 1,06,842-8-11 (= 8,219) at its close, thanks largely 
to the " Adyar Day " gift of Rs. 5,000 from America, as stated above. 
Our Library abstract shows the following figures of income and 
expenditure : 

Income ... ... Rs. 14,941 14 6 (= 1,149) 

Expenditure ... 11,764 5 2 (= 905) 

Surplus Income ... Rs. 3,177 9 4 

representing the increase of Endowment Fund. 

Contrary to expectation we have been able to tide satisfactorily 
over an unpromising year. Financial difficulties, however, lie ahead of 
us, for according to our budget for the coming year we require no less 
than Rs. 25,000 (= 1,923) in donations for the upkeep of Headquarters 
and of the Adyar Library. We trust that our appeal for help will 
evoke response, that this report and our balance-sheet will be read and 
studied in order to get a clear idea of our financial position, and that 
through " Adyar Day " and other gifts our needs will again be 
provided for. 

Hon. Treasurer. 








To Contribution to Adyar Library 


Office Salaries 



,, Servants' Wages ... 




Garden Expenses : 

Productive Gardens ... ... Rs. 9,704 6 7 
Unproductive (Flower) Gardens ... 6,138 5 y 
Roads, Fences, etc. ... ... 701 5 




Printing and Stationery 

Telegrams and Postages 




Lighting and Water Expenses 



Taxes ... ... ..... 


,. Construction and Repairs 




,, Establishment Charges 




Adyar Bulletin 



Olcott Cottage (Gulistan), Ootacamund ... 




Miscellaneous Expenses 




To be carried ... 












By Bent and Interest ... ... ... 





,, Garden Produce 





,, Electrical and Engineering Department ... 





,, Fees and Dues : 

Rs. A. p. 

U. S. America ... 

.. 4,862 14 9 


... 664 4 3 


... 2,748 10 4 


.. 228 13 10 


... 167 6 7 


... 40 

India (1926) 

... 1,608 6 

(1927) ... 

... 1,937 




... 28 4 


... 1,041 11 4 

New Zealand 

... 497 11 5 

South Africa 

... 255 2 


... 967 8 


... 1,259 2 7 

France (balance of 1926) ... 

... 139 10 1 

(1927) ... 

... 319 6 10 


... 121 12 8 


... 72 16 


... 636 6 

Norway (1926) ... 

... 106 10 8 

(1927) ... 

... 106 2 9 

Denmark (lv*26) 

... 144 9 2 

Iceland (1926) ... 

... 176 2 2 

(1927) ... 

... 179 3 11 


... 161 5 

Austria (1926) ... 


(1927) ... 

... 73 

Yugoslavia (1926) 

... 40 10 


... 42 1 5 


... 74 6 

Belgium (1926) ... 

23 8 11 

(1927) .. 

... 37 10 7 

Spain (1925 and 1926) 

... 384 11 10 

(1927) ... 

... 42 


... 72 

Russian Section, outside Russia 

... 27 12 6 

Cuba (1925} 

... 361 4 

(1926) ... 

... 399 12 

(1927) ... 

... 436 


... 265 9 10 


... 181 7 

20,888 10 8 

To be carried ... 







Carried over 
To Furnishing 

Vice-President's Office 
LOBS on Golden Book of the T.S. 
Reserve for Isolation Hospital 
,, Electrical Installation 







3106 October, 1927 

Hon. Treasurer, T.S 


FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31sT OCTOBER, 1927 (Continued) 


Carried over ... 
Argentine (1926) 
Brazil (1925) ... 

(1926) ... 

(1927) ... 
Unattached to National Sections 

By Donations as per Treasurer's Report 

Credit-Balance from 1925-26 ... 

fl Deficit carried forward to new Account 

Re. A. P. 

20,888 10 8 

304 14 2 

207 8 

73 3 4 

66 9 8 

183 11 

633 14 2 

174 10 

1/jOO 4 8 












Audited and found correct. 


Certified Auditor. 










To General Fund (Capital) 




Adyar Library Fund : 

Value of Books and MSS. 


Endowment Fund 




,, Adyar Library Building Fund : 




Balance on 1st November, 1926 ... 



4 per cent Interest ... 



Subba Row Medal Fund : 



Balance on 1st November, 1926 ... 



4 per cent Interest 




2 699 

Propaganda Fund : 

Balance on 1st November, 1926 ... 



4 per cent Interest ..." 



Electrical Installation Reserve Account : 


Balance on 1st November, 1926 ... 



Transfer from Income and Disbursement 

Account ... 



Theatre and Lecture Hall Reserve Account : 


Balance on 1st November, 1926 ... 


4 per cent Interest 



Isolation Hospital Reserve Account : 



Donation by Mr. W. L. Chiplonkar, Akola 






81** October, 1927 


Hon. Treaturer. 







By Adyar Library Books and MSB. 


5 per cent War Bonds 1929/47 : 

Rs. 45,200 at 95 and par ... 


6 per cent Government Bonds 1932 : 

Rs. 45,000 at 102fc 


* per cent Government Bondg 1934/37 : 

RB. 10,000 at 94 



fv Immovable Property Account : 

Balance on 1st November, 1926 ... Rs. 4,52,700 O 

Purchase of land in Ootacamund ... 932 4 



Movable Property 



Electrical Installation 


Electrical and Engineering Department : 

Outstandings and Stock of Materials ... 




Shares in Triplicane Urban Co-operative Society ... 



, f Adyar Co-operative Stores ... 



Indian Bank, Ltd,, Madras, Fixed Deposit 



Chartered Bank, Madras, Fixed Deposit 



Imperial Bank of India, Madras, Current Acct. 




Cash In hand 



,, Sundry Debtors and Creditors 



Income and Disbursement Account : 

Deficit carried to new Account 





Audited and found correct. 


Certified Auditor. 










To Salaries 



Purchase of Books and Manuscripts 




Copy i ng Manuscripts 




P, Fire Insurance Premium 



! Bookbinding 




: Furnishing 



Stationery and Postages 




,, Miscellaneous Expenses 
Balance to New Account : 






Value of Books and MSS. ... 


Endowment Fund 










81at October, 


Hon. Treasurer 









By Balance on 1st November, 1926 : 

Yalue of Books and Manuscripts 


Endowment Fund 







4 per cent Interest on Rs. 1,03,665 



Contribution by T.S. 


U.S. America " Adyar Day " gift 


n Donations 



,, Sale of Library Publications 







Copying and Transcript Charges 







Audited and found correct. 


Certified Auditor. 



To tlie President, Theosophical Society. 

This year has been the most strenuous we have ever known in 
America. We have been fortunate in having an increased number o 
lecturers from abroad and our building programme has been additional 
to our usual Theosophical work. 

Our visitors who have made extensive lecture tours included 
the President, Dr. Arundale and General Secretary Mr. Gardner. 
Mr. Krishnamurti and Mr. Rajagopal also spent several months in the 
United States. 

The coming of the President had a very marked effect upon 
membership. Several hundred persons whose membership had lapsed 
applied for reinstatement. The net gain in membership during 
the fiscal year closing June 30th was six hundred and thirty-nine 
as against only one hundred and seventy.eight in the previous 
fiscal year. 

Our Headquarters building at \Vheaton, the cornerstone of which 
was laid by Dr. Besunt in August, 1926, has been completed and was 
dedicated by Dr. Arundale in August, 1927. Perhaps a brief detailed 
description of the building will be of general interest as it is the type of 
building said to represent the last word in building construction in this 
country. The material is brick, stone, steel and concrete with some 
wood used for doors, casings, etc. It is therefore practically fireproof. 
It is designed for a combined office building and residence and special 
attention was given to light and ventilation. No part of the building is 
without abundant light and the direct rays of the sun enter each room. 
The south wing contains the offices on the first and second floors. Two 
large vaults for records and valuables were built into the south wing 
and at the extreme southern end is the library, two stories high, 
extending the entire width of the building. The north wing contains 


the living apartments and drawing room, while the west wing is devoted 
to kitchen, dining room, garage, etc. An artesian well supplies water 
to the building and pipes carry the water to all parts of the grounds to 
supply abundant moisture to plants and trees in dry seasons. The 
building is equipped with the latest devices for saving time and labor. 
One machine softens the water for the laundry in the basement, whero 
other machines do both the washing and the ironing. A " Frigidaire " 
in the basement, operated by electric current, manufactures ice in 
abundance. Both th'e water and the heating systems are automatic. 
The lowering of the water in the pressure tank turns on the electric 
current that operates the pump and the falling of the temperature in 
the building increases the flow of fuel oil under the boilers. No coal or 
wood is used for fuel. Gas only is used for cooking. An intramural 
telephone system connects the offices with each other so that information 
needed in one office can be obtained from any other office without either 
party leaving his desk. Conversations may be carried on between 
various offices simultaneously without interference or confusion. For 
example, the Messenger office may be consulting the book department 
about an advertisement while the Secretary-Treasurer's office may be 
asking the bookkeeper's office for certain information. Electric calls 
connect each room in the living wing with the centre of the building. 
The essentials kept in mind in designing the building were business 
efficiency, fresh air, abundant sunshine and control of the temperature 
within the building. 

During the past year we have stressed our public library work, 
keeping one experienced and expert worker continuously occupied in 
travelling over the country, placing free books in any public library 
that would accept them and agree to keep them displayed. Unless the 
library showed a co-operative spirit, or if the board of control was at 
all hostile, the books were not given because experience has shown that 
when those in authority are unfriendly the books are not catalogued and 
are generally put out of sight in some obscure place. In the twelve 
months three hundred libraries were thus supplied with Thcosophical 

The Theosophical Press continues to grow with the expansion of 
the Society and each year the sales are an advance over the previous 


There has been a marked increase in the number and the interest of 
the young people in Theosophy during the year. Mr. Ray W. Harden, 
the new head of the Round Table, who has had many years o experi- 
ence in working with children, has taken the field with excellent results 
and we are looking forward to a year of considerable Theosophical 
growth among the young people. 

In general, America has never had a more active and interesting 
year of Theosophical life and with the President and Mr. Krishnamurti 
coming for the Star Camp in May and, we hope, for our Annual 
Convention, there can be no doubt of the continued high tide of spiritual 
upliftment and the consequent beneficent reaction in the growing 
strength and influence of the Theosophicul Society in America. 


General Secretary. 


To the Preside n.t, Theosopliical Society. 

The following statistics cover the period 1st November, 1926 to 
31st October, 1927 : 

Total number of members mum ... ... 5,150 

Total number of Lodges (including Associated Lodges) ... 161 
Total number of Centres (including Associated Centres) ... 53 
Number of members admitted ... ... ... 672 

Number of members resigned ... ... 170 

lapsed ... ... 256 

transferred ... ... 30 

died ... ... 40 


Number of new Lodges formed ... ... ... 9 

Number of Lodges dissolved ... ... ... 2 

Number of Centres formed ... ... ... 11 

Number of Centres become Lodges ... ... 6 

Number of Centres dissolved ... ... ... 10 

Your Visit. During the year we have had the inestimable privilege 
of your presence among us for several months, and have also been 
favoured by visits from the Vice-President and Mrs. Jinarajadftsa, 
Mr. Krishnamurti, Bishop and Mrs. Arundale, and Bishop Wedgwood. 
Your own four lectures in the Queen's Hall on " The New Civilisation " 
drew large and attentive audiences, and as they have since been printed 
in book form it is hoped they will reach a wide public. We are 
indebted also to Mr. Jinarajadasa for his three lectures on the Divine 
Vision given in the Queen's Hall in May, an experiment which proved 
a very great success. The Vice-Presidcnt has certainly established 
himself in the hearts of the British public who are accustomed to attend 
Theosophical lectures in the Queen's Hall. During the year we also 


had the pleasure of having with us Mr. Aria, the Recording Secretary 
of the T.S., whose visit to this country, his first, I believe, has left a 
very happy memory. 

My American Tour. A long standing promise was fulfilled this 
year when at the invitation of the American Section I visited the U.S.A. 
and carried out a lecturing tour in that vast country. It was a great 
pleasure to me to meet so many of our American members and I brought 
back with me many happy recollections of their kindness personally and 
of the earnest desire of the American members that their Section should 
take its rightful place in the Theosophical family. 

The Annual Convention for 1927, held June 5th, Gth, 7th, at the 
Queen's Hall, London, over which you presided, will be remembered 
for its happy atmosphere and stimulating helpfulness. With us also 
were Mr. Krishnamurti, Bishop Wedgwood, Dr. and Mrs. Arundale, 
and many other distinguished visitors from abroad. Most unfortunately 
Mr. Jinarajadasa was detained by illness in Harrogate. 

Dr. van der Leeuw gave the opening lecture on The Mystic and 
the Occultist and spoke with clarity, wide vision, and from obviously 
profound experience. He brought us nearer to the world of reality 
than is usually possible by lecturing alone. In the afternoon the 
representatives of other countries rose at roll-call to give and acknow- 
ledge greetings, and you spoke on the duties of tolerance and good-will 
amongst members. Professor Marcault guve the Blavatsky Lecture, a 
contribution to the psychology of the Intuition which all those 
interested in the subject would be wise to read and consider carefully, 
as it covers a wide field and represents the view of the intuition which 
is being emphasized in the Theosophical World University work. It 
may be of interest to record here that Bishop Wedgwood's Blavatsky 
Lecture of 1926, on The Distinctive Contribution of Theosophy to 
Christian Ihought^ has been very widely distributed, among the copies 
sent out 500 having gone especially to clergymen and ministers of 
religion in this country. On the Saturday evening there was Commu- 
nity Singing and an invigorating greeting from Dr. Arundale, who arrived 
that day from Australia. Sunday was given over to allied activities, 
and your first Queen's Hall lecture entitled The New Civilisation. 

On Monday morning the large hall of the British Medical Association 
was overcrowded and, in addition, an overflow meeting in another hall 


near by listened by loud speaker to two of the addresses given. You 
then explained that the Fellowship of Faiths was an extension of the 
first object oF the Society, as the World University was an extension of 
the second, and the Mysteries of the third. The Fellowship is no new 
religion, but an expansion of consciousness in religious thought, the 
recognition of the One Life worshipped under various forms. Bishop 
Wedgwood mentioned various ways by which we could prepare for 
the restoration of the Mysteries, through ritual work in the Liberal 
Catholic Church arid Co-Masonry, and by the conscious training and 
deliberate use of our own astral and mental faculties, so that co- 
operation with the work of the Devas might become possible. Professor 
Marcault spoke of the Mysteries of Knowledge, and the need for us 
to train the intuitive faculty in order to make ready for the study of 
the " science of liberation," which he considered to be the basic science 
of the World University. 

A Garden Party at West* Side House, Wimbledon, so friendly and 
hospitable that even a shower could not spoil our pleasure, filled the 

The closing meeting on Monday, after a charming programme 
arranged through the Arts League of Service, was addressed by 
Mr. Krishnamurti, who spoke with characteristic dignified simplicity on 
the search for the Heal, the search for Happiness. Dr. Arundale, with 
his incomparable forcefulness in no way abated, stirred his audience to 
a fuller appreciation of the vital needs of the moment, and you concluded 
with a magnificent appeal to Theosophists to go out into the world and 
remould it so that the Great Plan of the Elder Brothers should be more 
nearly realised on earth. 

In one meeting after another the wider vision of life had been 
emphasised, and your final appeal to make the Unseen, and yet the 
Real, more evident in daily life sent those of our members who were 
fortunate enough to be present back to their Lodges, filled with some 
of the " burning earnestness " of our leaders. 

Theosophy in Europe. The following Motion was submitted to the 
Convention during its business session on June 4th, 1927, by 
Bishop Wedgwood : 

That this Convention of the Theosophical Society in England, 
believing that in the shaping of a new Social Order the Theosophical 


teachings are of paramount importance, strongly urges upon the 
European Federation of Theosophical Societies the desirability of hold- 
ing a Theosophical Congress annually, or biennially (as provided 
formerly in the Federation Rules) in a different European country. 

It is satisfactory to know that the Motion has been adopted by the 
Council of the European Federation, T.S., who have decided to hold a 
Congress of the Society annually in one or other of the European 

Theosophical News Bureau. Having proved its usefulness by its 
twelve-months' work during one of the busiest years this National 
Society has known for some time, an office of the Bureau has been 
opened in Paris, through which the Secretary who now resides in 
France, will he concerned more particularly with the Continental Press. 
The work of the Bureau in England will bo carried on as part of the 
administrative work of the National Headquarters. 

Manchester Lodge. The; Manchester Lodge began a new era of 
activity in that great city by entering into possession of their tine and 
commodious Lodge premises known as Ward Hall, Victoria Park, on 
July 5th, 1927, when you dedicated the Lodge Rooms and addressed a 
large meeting of members. The Lodge is indeed to be congratulated on 
securing such a remarkably fine property. The number of Lodges that 
own their Rooms, usually in conjunction with a residential house and 
garden, is constantly increasing. The value to the efficiency of all the 
local Theosophical activities is inestimable and the spirit of helpfulness 
and brotherhood is warmly fostered in the Lodge that has its own home 
centre and from which to work. 

Drama. Many of our members have felt that, with the beginning 
of the Society's second half-century, the time has come for some special- 
isation within the Lodges, which, up to the present have necessarily 
been concentrating on propaganda and study. Such a step towards 
group-work on special lines has been taken by the Bayswater (London) 
Lodge which has formed itself into an Art Group for the purpose of 
drawing together those members who are artists or art-lovers and of 
creating facilities for art-expression within the Society and of stimulat- 
ing and encouraging the presentation of Truth us Beauty. The Lodge 
also endeavours to link up and establish friendly relations with existing 
Art Societies, which it is hoped will prove helpful in increasing the 


sympathetic recognition of Theosophy. Already a number o interesting 
performances have been given under the auspices of this Lodge, and it 
is proposed that they be continued throughout the coming winter in the 
Mortimer Hall, where the portable stage has been transferred from the 
Upper Hall and fixed permanently, with suitable lighting equipment, in 
the Lower Hall. 

The Work of Members. I cannot allow the opportunity, offered 
by this Report, to pass without expressing appreciation of the steady 
work done week after week by Lodges, Centres, and many of our 
members individually. The success of the Society in this country, in 
the ultimate, depends upon the individual member who, by his study of 
the truths of Theosophy, and his attempt to live them, becomes a centre 
of spiritual help to his follows in the Society and in the outer world. 
It would be easy to cite many instances of the working of this spirit of 
helpfulness and brotherhood among our members during the year. The 
results are chronicled, necessarily baldly, month after month, in our 
11 News and Notes " : healthy Centres formed in parts of the country 
where the word Theosophy had never before been heard ; quiet Centres 
bursting forth as flourishing Lodges through the self-sacrifice and 
devotion of a few energetic members. One individual effort in particular 
I would recall to your memory, the scheme set on foot by one generous 
and thoughtful member whereby an increasing number of the more 
advanced Theosophical books are placed in the hands of people who, in 
some cases, could not have afforded to buy them, and in others, have 
vainly sought for mjyiy years just the enlightenment shed by that 
special book. Everywhere such gifts have met with real .appreciation. 
National Lecturers. During the past year nearly a hundred special 
courses of lectures, varying from a few days to several weeks, have been 
delivered in connection with the work of Lodges and Centres. Such 
courses, each carried on for a definite period, have been found of great 
value wherever held. 

Mortimer Halls. On Sunday evenings throughout the year, 

Theosophical lectures are given and are well attended. 

Literature. The following new booklets have been published (at 

nine-pence per dozen) during the year : The Path to Happiness ; 

Theosophy and Christianity, by Annie Besant, D.L. ; Theosophy and the 

Coming Race. 


Orange posters for announcing Lodge Lectures are now greatly in 
demand all over the country and are proving an effective method a 
advertising. Sizes of posters vary from lOin. X8in. to 30in.X20in. This 
year we have also used a thousand very large orange posters dealing, the 
one with Reincarnation and the other with Theosopfiy, which, wherevear 
displayed by Lodges, create great interest* 

Fifty-two book-boxes are in use in Lodges and Centres. Each box 
contains approximately thirty-five of the best known books dealing with 
Theosophy, and is useful as providing the nucleus of the Lodge Library. 
The demand for fortnightly booklets is greatly on the increase ; 
in- six months nearly five thousand have been dispatched to enquirers in 
response to about seven hundred applications. A point of interest is 
that many pass on their booklets to friends and further names follow, 
'In one instance a single booklet went the round of twelve people, 

Students' Week Ends were held in the South, during Easte* 
week at Paignton, in Devonshire ; in the North at Kiplin Hall 
(Yorkshire) during September ; in the Midlands at Crich during May ; 
in London at the Theosophical World University Centre dnrincr the 
Christmas week-end, and also during the week following the National 
Society's Convention in June. 

These are greatly appreciated by all those attending and the 
numbers have varied from fifty and upwards. The attractive features 
of several has been that all are together as a house party for some days 
and the delightful and harmonious spirit prevailing has been very marked. 
Among the lecturers visiting the gatherings were yourself, Dr. 
Arundale, Professor Marcault, Mr. James Scott, Miss Charlotte Woods, 
Miss Clara Codd, Mrs. Stevenson Howell, Major C. F. J. Galloway, 
myself and Mrs. Gardner, and members of the Science Group and other 

Special Lectures were given in the Queen's Hall, five being 
given by yourself in June and October, and three by the Vice-President 
in May. We had also the privilege of three lectures from Dr. van der 
Leeuw on The Conquest of Illusion, given this month in the Mortimer 

You were also good enough to visit Leeds, Bradford, Manchester 
Liverpool, Nottingham and Bristol, and the Vice-President visited 
Sheffield, Liverpool, Manchester, Bath, Birmingham, and Harrogate. 


Miss Wanda Dynowska toured the country for three weeks in 
April and May. Her visit was greatly appreciated. 

Dr. Arundale on his way from America to India gave us a lecture 
in the Friends' Hall, his subject being " America : Her Power and 
Purpose ". 

With affectionate greetings from us all to you and our brethren, in 
Convention assembled. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

The outstanding feature of the year ending 30th September has 
been a spirit of alertness among our members. Although our Lodges 
have not yet overcome many of their difficulties, there is, generally 
speaking, a cheerful and optimistic tone throughout the Society in India. 
We feel that we are receiving a new life, that we are going forward 
and are getting ready for more strenuous work. 

Although the increasing communal tension has unfortunately 
engrossed most of the attention of our people at present, it is at the 
same time driving the serious-minded amongst us to find out a solution 
of the troubles which are threatening to grow into a serious deadlock. 
The better mind of the country is anxious to bring about peace and 
goodwill between Hindus and Musalmans and is slowly beginning to 
appreciate the practical advantages of the proper Theosophical attitude 
towards different religions and our characteristic spirit of tolerance. 

The T. S. Muslim League organised by the Vice-President in 1924 
is awaiting the touch of a new and more vigorous life, though it has 
not been quite inactive. Some of its members have been constantly 
lecturing on Islam and have been placing the results of their Islamic 
studies before the public through the Section Magazine and other 
Theosophical journals. Its membership needs the addition of much 
further strength and we are hoping to enlist the sympathy of a larger 
number of non-Theosophist Musalmans to make it more serviceable at 
the present juncture. 

Membership. Our membership in the main body stands at 5,536 as 
against 5,029 last year. Among the All-India Federation of Young 
Theosophists, however, there is a sudden drop from 1722 to 680. 
Perhaps the chief reason for this large decrease is as hiuted by the 
Secretary in his report for the previous year that a system of 


Provincial organisations which will mow effectively control Provincial 
areas and maintain a close relationship with the Headquarters has not 
yet developed. In the main branch of the Indian Section, however, 
there is a very satisfactory increase of 507, although when we include 
the number of Young Thoosophists our total membership comes down to 
6,216 against 6,751 shown last year. The number of new admissions in 
the main body is 809 against 018 in 1926 and in the Youth Federation 
299 as against 91. ,0ur losses due to resignations come to 26 as against 
44 last year and the toll of " dormant members " is only 210 as against 
468 in the previous year. 

Lodges and Centres. The number of Lodges is 329 as against 334 
last year. This seeming decrease of five is really due to the fact that 
seven Lodges have been transferred during the year to the newly formed 
National Society in Ceylon. Our Centres are also reduced from 30 to 
25 this year. 

Federations and Lodges. The number of "autonomous" Feder- 
ations remains the same as last year. The various Federations into 
which the Indian Section has been sub-divided aro showing signs of 
better organisations and greater activity. As with the Indian Section 
so with the Federations the paucity of funds greatly hampers the 
efficiency of work, but judging from the increasing interest which our 
members now take in our common work it is expected that the much- 
needed financial support will be more readily and ungrudgingly given in 
future. In South India there is a growing tendency in favour of 
strengthening the Federations by amalgamating the smaller areas 
together. Some Federations are trying to increase the activities of 
their Lodges in vigour and depth. There are happily a few strong and 
well-conducted Lodges in every Federation area which are setting 
an example to weaker Centres in establishing a deeper understanding 
of our teachings by encouraging serious study along with efforts in 
the direction of public propaganda. There is also a growing tendency 
among the Lodges to have a permanent building of their own. 

Field Work. For the success of our work in this vast country 
and for the proper understanding of the message of Theosophy, it is 
essential that we should have a very much larger number of efficient 
lecturers both in English and the different Indian Vernaculars. That 
has been the weakest point in our organisation for a large number of 


years. In the South our veteran Joint General Secretary, Brother 
T. Ramachandra Rao, with his lieutenants has, as usual, done solid work- 
in the North Mrs. Huidekopcr and Brothers B. Sanjiva Rao, 
H. C. Kumar, Harjivan K. Mehta and Panda Baijnath have been 
extremely helpful in this direction. 

The Section is much indebted to Brother Abdul Karim who kindly 
made a long lecturing tour in North India. His thoughtful presentation 
of Islam in the, light of Theosophy was highly appreciated by his 
audiences. We need many more Musalman friends like him to help us in 
interpreting the beauties of the great Islamic faith to the Indian public. 

Our Ex-General Secretary, the late Sir T. Sadasivier, whose 
recent death has caused a tremendous loss to our Section, was almost 
always touring in South India. He carried conviction to the hearts of 
the people by his wide scholarship and deep earnestness, and by his 
great devotion and high character. May the Peace of the Eternal 
abide with him. 

Publicity and Propaganda. Lack of necessary funds has also stood 
in the wav of a wider publicity and a good supply of propaganda 
literature which is so essential for placing before the people Theosophical 
truths and the practical solution they afford of the many problems 
troubling us in India. At the last Fair at Hardwar an attempt was 
made to approach the large number of Hindu Pilgrims that had gather- 
ed there and it is hoped that such experiments will also be tried in 
future at several other important Centres of pilgrimage in India. Most 
of our Federations are publishing their own Magazines in their respective 
Vernaculars and by this means the message of Theosophy is being 
carried to those who do not know English. 

The Sectional Magazine, Theosophy in India, has been very much 
improved and, we are given to understand, is being more and more 

The Indian Book Shop. The Bookshop which is the handsome gift 
of the President to the Indian Section, has under the capable manage- 
ment of Mr. Venugopal shown a certain amount of profit, although 
since the change of its character from a branch of the T.P.H. at Adyar 
it has had to contend against serious difficulties. There is a large stock 
of pamphlets that we are selling at very much reduced prices in order 
to encourage the Lodges in freely distributing them among the public. 


Our Educational Work is winning greater and greater recognition 
and is increasing in efficiency as our workers are gaining more experience. 
What is more, its influence is spreading among other institutions as they 
are gradually introducing our methods regarding the treatment 
of children. 

The Women's Movement is progressing every year under the 
auspices of our Indian Women's Association, and there is a considerable 
accession of strength to the T. S. in India as our ladies are sharing with 
men the great inspiration of Theosophy. The presence of our energetic 
Joint Secretary, Mrs. B. Fadmabai Rao, as one of the Chief Executive 
Officers of our Section is a sure guarantee of the lead which Indian 
women will soon give us in the Thcosophical Society in India. To her 
I owe a deep debt of gratitude for the advice and help she has always 
un-grudgingly given me. 

It is for the first time that throughout the whole of the year under 
report our Section was deprived of the inestimable privilege of your 
presence in this country which is so dear to your heart and for which 
you have so tirelessly worked and mean to continue to work. The 
absence of our beloved Krishnaji and our respected Vice-Presidcnt and 
of other leaders from the country has also been very keenly felt. But 
I trust, dear President, your children in India have, on the whole, 
done fairly well to deserve your confidence and the blessings of the 
Great Brotherhood whose service is the highest ambition of the members 
of the Theosophical Society. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Tlieosopliical Society. 

I have the honour to send you the following report of the 
Australian Section of the Theosophical Society for the year ended 
30th September, 1927. 

Statistics. The total membership for the Australian Section for 
the year under report is 1,562. 177 new members were admitted, but 
on the other hand 204 were lost to us by death, resignation and lapsed 
subscriptions, The number lost during the year is high, but Lodges 
have for years been carrying many inactive members who have been 
deleted from the roll since our dues have been increased. Though we 
cannot claim the high number formerly reported these members are 
mainly active and we carry little dead wood. 

The Thirty-second Annual Convention was held in Sydney at Easter 
and never before has this Section had such a remarkable gathering 
which planned so purposefully and well the campaign of work to be 
done in the service of the Masters. With Bishop Arundale in the Chair 
and Bishop Leadbcater ever ready to offer his wise counsel, all delegates 
were welded into a united body each intent on using his best judgment 
in the cause of Theosophy. Large issues were put before the Conven- 
tion and important decisions made, chief of which was the adoption of 
the Active Service Fund. Bishop Leadbeater's talks all urged the 
necessity for a virile patriotic spirit, and the General Secretary outlined 
a striking policy for Australia, including a plea for government by the 
wise and a larger all-Australian outlook. 

A new feature of the Convention was the answering from many 
different points of view of a pithy Questionnaire covering a number of 
debatable Theosophical conceptions, an instructive and humorous 

Section Officers. We rejoiced exceedingly that we had the 
opportunity o re-electing Bishop Arundale as General Secretary. 


The Revs. Byron Casselberry and Harold Morton were elected Joint 
Assistant General Secretaries, the position of the former being taken 
later by Miss Muriel Beaufoy and still later by Mr. Henry Frei, 
late General Secretary of the Ceylon Section. Mr. Houstone and 
Mrs. A. E. Dempster were elected respectively as Treasurer and 
Assistant Treasurer, and Miss M. K. Neff was re-elected as National 

Finances. The Active Service Fund inaugurated by the foresight 
of the General Secretary is worthy of detailed report. This Section 
decided on a large programme of public work, and in order to finance. 
its activities Bishop Arundale made an arresting appeal to members to 
subscribe 1,000 half-crowns per week, calling those who responded 
44 the Happy Thousand ". The amount thus derived from this source 
during this year is being apportioned as follows : 

Theosophical Broadcasting Station 2,600 

" 80 Years Young Fund " ... ... 1,300 

Section (including magazines) ... ... 1,200 

Star ... ... ... ... 1,000 


While a regular income of 1,000 half-crowns weekly is a splendid 
achievement, it is doubly appreciated because it is the donation of the 
many and not of the few, a fact which keeps tho united spirit of the 
Convention prominently before all. Tho inclusion of tho Order of the 
Star is only for the convenience of members who belong to both or- 
ganisations so that there may be only one appeal for funds. To carry 
on this fund each year will enable us continually to enlarge our scope 
of work, and the sacrifices made by members for this common purpose 
aid the team spirit so vital to our work, 

The Theosophical broadcasting Station 2G.B. has a splendid 

record of work and is now entering on a still greater career. Standing 
always for noble citizenship, culture, right education and brotherhood 
it has fought down tho ignorant prejudice against Thcosophy, and the 
Society is being recognised and more respected for its practical and 
disinterested idealism. A large public is being reached, for besides the 


broadcasting of Theosophical and Star lectures, Anglican and other 
Churches arc co-operating, and, which is of great importance to the 
Commonwealth, a refined and cultured programme is broadcast espe- 
cially for the children. Special efforts have been made by the manager, 
Mr. A. E. Bennett, to keep the music at a high level so that the public 
can always rely on having a first class musical programme from 2G. B. 
Committees in each capital arc drawing up plans for the establish- 
ment at a later date of relay Stations to be erected when finances 

Lodge Activities. In Sydney we have had the aid of the Rt. Rev. 
G. S. Arundalc, Professor and Mrs. Wood, Dr. J. J. van der Leeuw and 
Dr. P. K. Roest for series of public lectures. Twice during the year 
Bishop Leadbeator himself spoke in the Adyar Hall, on White Lotus 
Day about Madame Blavatsky and on the President's Birthday about 
Dr. Besant. These talks were all broadcast and the following extract 
from the public press is worthy of report : 

SloWj very distinct i grammatically perject and with wonderful 
pronunciation, 1 cannot help feeling that here is a voice that 
should be heard more often. What a pleasure it would be if 
all the voices were like J3ishop Leadbeaters. The first person 
that <joes over with a voice like that is go\ny to be famous in 
radio realms. 

Lodges. Charters have been issued for three new Lodges, Kew, 
Babinda, and Manly. A new Centre has been formed at Canberra, 
the Federal Capital of Australia, which promises to be an im- 
portant influence in the future, and another in the Dawson Valley, 

It is unnecessary to report individually on the work of each Lodge. 
We are as a Section carrying out big plans for the whole of Australia 
and the strength of the Section is in the support which all parts give to 
the greater plan. 

National Lecturers. Miss Neff has since Convention travelled 
extensively over the vast spaces of Australia and broken much new 
ground. Unfortunately the strain of constant lecturing has been too 
severe and she has been forced to resign the office of National Lecturer. 
This is a great loss to Australia, but our loss will mean some other 
Section's gain, for she is always a tireless worker. 


Mrs. Mason-Beatty has done valuable work in Queensland ; as a 
well-known member of many public organizations she carries the 
message of Theoeophy to large numbers who would otherwise not be 

World Federation of Young Theosophists. Miss Clare Tracey has 
organized the work of the young Theosophists and co-operated always 
with the Round Table. These two movements have done excellent 
work for the youth of Australia. 

Particularly are we glad to see the way in which adult members 
are resigning their posts in favour of the young people in order that, 
they may be free for larger and more strenuous duties on behalf of the 

Publicity. Each month Advance ! Australia and The Australian 
Theosophist are published ; the former devotes itself " without fear or 
favour " to the interests of Australia, and the latter is more particularly 
for members. The circulation of these magazines is 2,500 and 1,150 
respectively. Seven numbers of The Australia-India League Bulletin 
were printed until the appearance of the New India Weekly. One 
thousand copies were printed. The Bulletin was posted to all State and 
Federal legislators in the Commonwealth and undoubtedly created a 
sentiment in favour of India and the Home Rule movement. 

No pamphlets have been printed this year as our interests have 
centred principally upon Advance ! Australia. 

Dr. Mary Rocke. We desire to put on record our appreciation 
of the splendid work done by the late Dr. Mary Rockc in the service 
of the Masters. Having resided in Sydney for a number of years she 
earned the love and respect of all who worked for her. 

The lit. Rev. C. W. Leadbeater. Australia has again been 
honoured with the presence of Bishop Leadbeater. The great master- 
pieces of his labour are the young people who come to him for training 
and leave him later as efficient and devoted workers in the Masters' 
cause. Such a group is now gathered at Hie Manor and they are an 
example to us of the unity which Their workers endeavour to maintain. 
May Australia prove itself worthy of his presence. 

In conclusion I would say that this year has been one of 
consolidation. Bold ventures were inaugurated last year and this 
year they have been established on stable foundations. Much public 


work has been done but of greater value than all this is the deter- 
mination to work according to the Masters' plans for the uplift of the 

On behalf of this Section I have the honour to lay at your feet the 
uttermost love and loyalty of your many obedient servants. 

Acting General Secretary. 


To the President, TKeosopldcal Society. 

I have much pleasure in forwarding you my report of the activities 
of the [Swedish Section for the year ending October 31st 1927. 

Statistics. During the year 37 new members have been admitted. 
Our Section has now a total membership of 1,094 and 43 Lodges. Our 
magazine, Teosofisk 'lidskrift, is published in 10 numbers a year with 
36 pages in each issue. The members receive it free of charge. 

Annual Convention. Dr. Annie Besant, our venerable President, 
presided at our Convention held during August at her Scandinavian 
tour. It was a great event for all of us and I need not mention 
that her visit was a big success. 

The General Secretary was unanimously re-elected for another year. 

Lodges. The membership is not very large but we have compa- 
ratively many Lodges scattered all over our big country. The Lodges 
are joined together in districts for inner work and propaganda. 

Literature. Our Theosophical Bookshop, " Studio," is doing 
very good work. It is run on a broad and tolerant basis supplying 
the public with books on idealistic subjects. 

Propaganda. The regular propaganda with public lectures has 
been going on as usual. 

This report carries with it sincere and heartfelt love and gratitude 
to our deeply beloved President. 


General Secretary* 


To the President, Theosopliical Society. 

I have the honour and pleasure of submitting to yon a brief 
Report of the Activities of the New Zealand Section for the year 
ending 31st October, 1927. 

Statistics. New members 71, re-joined 8, transferred from other 
Sections 1, resigned 14, passed away 5, lapsed 112, transferred to other 
Sections 7, number of members on the register 1,198, active members 
972, and active Lodges 19. 

Annual Convention. The Thirty-first Annual Convention was held 
in Christchurch in the new Hall of the local Lodge on the 29th and 
30th December, 1920. The lit. Rev. J. R. Thomson, President of the 
H. P. 13. Lodge, was elected to the Chair, and gave the Opening 
Address. The success of the Convention was due not only to the 
friendly co-operation of visiting members from all parts of the 
Dominion, but largely to the inspiration and help derived from the 
presence of Professor and Mrs. Ernest Wood, the Rev. Edward 
Branscombe and the Rev. Lawrence Burt all from Australia. At this 
Convention, the method of voting was slightly amended, and the Annual 
Dues were raised by unanimous consent from 7/6 to 10/- 

Publicity. Theosophy in New Zealand continues to be a useful 
means of propaganda. It is sent free to members, and there is a long 
list of exchanges. It is pleasing to note that there is a slight increase 
in the number of subscribers. 

Miss Selene Oppenheimer visited many of the Lodges in the North 
and South Islands, and did excellent work on the lecture platform 
shortly before her departure for England early in the month of July. 

As National Lecturer, I have already visited seventeen of the 
Lodges, and find that all is going well. Many of the country Lodges, 
although small in numbers, are strong in devotion and enthusiasm. 


Vasanta Farm. This farm, consisting of 114 acres, was donated to 
the Society sixteen years ago, and during that time it has been success- 
fully worked by its present manager, Mr. Colin Macdonald. A 
bungalow on the farm has been partly furnished, and is let to members 
who are in need of a holiday. 

Vasanta School. This garden school, situated amidst beautiful 
surroundings, and with a new open-air school-room, is making excellent 
progress under the care of its Principal, Miss M. Faram and her 
Assistant, Miss E. Brooke-Smith. Miss Faram is a friend and co- 
worker of Miss Darroch who was in charge of the School at the time 
of my last report, but was obliged to relinquish her post owing to 
continued ill-health- The attendance at the School is now 34, as 
against 27 last year. 

Kindred Movements. The various organisations associated with the 
T.S. are all working together in perfect harmony under Leaders 
who recognise that each movement has its part to play in the Great 
Plan, and is necessary to the perfection of the whole. 

With loyal and affectionate greetings from the members in 
Zew Zealand. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Miss Dykgraaf, our former General Secretary, in handing over 
her function to me on September 19th, left me in charge of the Annual 
Report of our Section October 1st, 1926 September, 30th 1927. 

In drafting it I have felt that I could hardly make an adequate 
statement on the general condition of our Section. Especially after 
having started on my visits to the Lodges and Centres I have found 
that it is only by getting personally into touch with our members all 
over the country, that I shall be able to know what the general attitude 
of mind is. 

With regard to the life-side of our Section I cannot therefore give 
you any valuable information. 

I can only give you facts as follows : 

Lodges and Centres. Three more Lodges and three new Centres 
were formed during the year. 

The Federations of Lodges at the Hague, Amsterdam and " het 
Gooi " have continued their co-operation for special purposes, the Lodges 
themselves however keep full autonomy and each of them works in its 
own area ; a Federation of Lodges and Centres was newly formed at 

We have now 46 Lodges and 22 Centres. 

Membership. We lost 234 members during the year : 20 deceased ; 
29 were transferred to other Sections ; 36 were cancelled after repeated 
attempts to get some kind of response to our various appeals ; 
149 resigned, most of them because they disagreed with the policy 
of our leaders especially with regard to the Statement, very likely 
owing to misunderstanding. I shall make every attempt to clear up 
whatever miscomprehension existing on the subject. This seems the 


more urgent as many of those who resigned wore among our best and 
oldest members, and while I feel that we have to respect their point of 
view as soon as it is based on honest conviction, yet it seems important 
to try and keep their co-operation for our Section. 

Owing to this loss of 234 we can only state an increase of 77 
although 311 new members joined our ranks. 

On September 30th, 1927, the total number was 2,832. 

Change of Constitution. As a consequence of the International 
changes of constitution we had to adapt ours to the new conditions. We 
succeeded in doing so but as change of name would have involved too 
many legal and other difficulties we had to stick to our old name : T.S., 
Section of the Netherlands. 

One important improvement with regard to the work of the General 
Secretary is the appointment of an Assistant Secretary who tako.s 
charge of the organising part of the work. 1 may add to this that we 
have been fortunate in finding one of qur very efficient and devoted 
young co-workers willing to fill this place. 

Our book-year will henceforth run from January 1st to December 

Convention. We had the great privilege of having both our 
President, Dr. Besant and our Vice-President, Mr. Jinarajadasa, as 
guests of our Convention. Dr. Besant's address to members, her 
public lecture on "The New Civilization' 5 as well as Mr. Jimirajadasa's 
interesting talks in answer to various questions were highly appreciated. 
We all felt what an exceptional occasion this was and in our hearts 
lived the fervent wish that for many a year to come the splendid co- 
operation between President and Vice-President may continue and be the 
inspiring and guiding force in oar Society. 

I am sure for most of us the one shadow that lay over this 
Convention was the fact that it was the last at which Miss Dykgraaf 
was among us in her function as General Secretary. We owe her 
our heartfelt gratitude for her devoted and effective work during 
nine years. 

New Headquarters. The plans for our new Headquarters have 
now reached such stage that it is possible in co-operation with the 
P. C. Meuleman Foundation to start on the building in the immediate 


The new building will arise by the side of our new E.S. Hall ; it 
will consist of three parts : one for the Secretariat and the Library, 
one- for the Theosophical Bookshop and one for the National Council 
who will share its localities with the Amsterdam Lodge. We hope that 
within ten months our now quarters will be ready for us. 

Many are the financial sacrifices that our members have made to 
get us so far, many more will have to be asked from them. We are 
however convinced that our appeal will not be in vain. 

Propaganda. Our propaganda department has continually to face 
the difficulty lying in the small number of speakers who are able to give 
sufficient time to this work. We shall have to find ways by which this 
situation may be improved. We may safely say however that the 
interest in Theosophy in our country is constantly growing. And no 
wonder ! We are so highly privileged in having within our frontiers 
two powerful spiritual centres of an international character, that we 
cannot but expect such influence to permeate the whole of our little 

Library. The Library is showing a constant growth ; it is looking 
forward to its new quarters where extension of its activities will be 

Publishing House. Our Publishing House is doing efficient work 
and is steadily developing. 

Order of Service. The Order of (Service is doing very efficient 
work outside as well as inside our Section. Its area has extended itself 
by the formation of local groups which are forming links with all sorts 
of social work. 

The Order took a large share in preparing the Congress of the 
International Order of Service last August and was greatly helped by a 
donation of grounds extending over 20,000 square metres for the 
purpose of holding all sorts of camps. Large groups of young people 
have been camping there during summer. 

Young Tlieosophists. The Young Theosophists have now formed 11 
local Groups whose leaders work in close mutual contact. 

A Central Office was formed in Utrecht, a kind of clearing-house 
for national as well as international work. 

Three lines of activities arc followed : Meditation, Study and 
Action and we may say that the work is in serious and reliable hands. 


I have now been in office for almost three weeks too short a time 
to judge whether I shall be able to do the work as it ought to be done, 
but long enough to know that I love it and can devote myself to it with 
all my heart. I can only hope I shall be found worthy of it. 


General Secretary. 


.To the President, Theosophical Society. 

I respectfully beg to submit a report of the activities of the French 
Section for the year 19261927. 

During that period eight Lodges have been established : Krishnaji 
in Esch sur Alzctte, L'Aurore Guyannaise, in Cayenne, Socrate in 
Paris, Bonlieur in Toulouse, Unite in Nogent Lc Perreux, Agama in 
Koyan, Sagesse in The Havre, Evolution in Moycuvre la Grande. 

On the other part three Lodges have become dormant : Krishnamurti 
in Paris, Ilypatie in Paris, Caritas in Le Havro. 

During the year 420 members have been admitted, but 222 have 
died, been transferred, havo resigned or were dropped, thus making the 
nett gain 198. The number of our active members stands at 3,456. 

The Theosophical work has progressed normally in our Section 
during the year 1926-1927, and has not been hampered by a long 
absence of the General Secretary lasting from 28th of November, 1926 
to 20th February, 1927 thanks to the devotion of the Headquarter's 
Office staff and the good care of the Assistant General Secretary, 
Mr. Point. 

The slight excitement which arose after the Star Congress in 1926 
had no evil consequences and was even useful in strengthening the 
complete harmony existing in the French Section of the T.S. 

Madlle. Crfcile Bayer undertook in February and March, 1927, 
a long tour, in order to visit our Lodges. Her presence, together with 
the confidence inspiring quality of her speeches and lectures, of which 
she delivered quite a number, have had the best results and won her the 
sympathy of all. 

During the month of March and again in June, the General 
Secretary proceeded to Spain to fulfil a task apportioned by 


our President, and had the opportunity of drawing closer the ties 
of Brotherhood which link so closely the members of the two 

Our National Convention was this year postponed to the 3rd 
Sunday of April in consequence of the arrival in France of our dear 
Vice-President, Mr. Jinarajadasa, who remained a week in Paris from 
the 22nd to the 28th of April and presided the Convention meetings 
with great authority and perfect tactfulness. This Convention was 
rendered particularly attractive by the rare quality of the speeches and 
lectures, and the large number of M. T. S. who attended it, pome coming 
from the farthest end of the country. I consider as specially worthy of 
praise the opening and closing speeches of Mr. Jinarajadasa, in which 
were embodied some very important pieces of advice. Mr. Marcault 
had come from England to give his assistance as lecturer and translator, 
in both of which capacities he showed his mastery. A lecture given by 
Madame David Noel brought before our public a very interesting sketch 
of her last stay in Tibet. 

Two of our members, Madame Canudo and Mr. du Mas have this 
winter done very good pioneer work in Itoyan, and have, before their 
departure from that town, laid the basis for the foundation of a new 
Lodge there, the name of which appears in the above list. 

A bookbinding workshop has been established in the basement of 
our Headquarters and is chiefly busy with the binding of the books of 
our lending library. It is run by volunteers, all M. T. S. and has 
proved highly efficient and useful, as the excessive prices now charged 
by the professional bookbinders would not allow our Library to make 
both ends meet. 

An Association for the Theosophical University has also been 
founded. It is under the leadership of our Brother Monod Herzen and 
the high authority of Mr. Marcault. 

I cannot close this report without praising once more the work of 
our Publishing Department styled La Famille Thfosophique and Les 
Editions Adyar so efficiently managed by our Mr. Bondonneau. Quite 
a number of books have been published this year, of which the appended 
list gives a summary. In addition several books have been reprinted. 
The turn over reaches a high figure and the sales are in steady increase. 
These favourable results are so much more interesting for us that the 


propaganda through books is by far the best means at our disposal to 
bring our teachings before the educated public . 

We look forward with the greatest confidence to the next 
Presidential election, and we can assure our dear and revered President 
that her re-election is certain without the shadow of a doubt, as far as 
our Section is concerned, and will be carried practically unanimously. 

I feel that our members are at one with me in expressing to the 
Members and Delegates assembled at the Convention, our most heartfelt 
wishes and brotherly greetings. 


General Secretary* 



To the President^ Theosophical Society. 

Once more I have the great pleasure to submit to you the Annual 
Report of the T. S. in Germany for the year ending September 30, 1927. 


Membership on October 1st, 1926... ... 608 

New members ... ... ... 223 

Left or dropped off ... >>B 27 

Died ... ... ... ... 2 

Transferred to other Sections ... ... 3 

Transferred from other Sections ... 2 

32 833 


Total number on October 1st, 1927 ... 801 

The following Lodges were founded : Wiedergcburt, Karlsruhe ; 
Bruderschaft, Wesel ; Bruderschaft, Essen ; Teutonia, Lunen ; Annie 
Besant, Berlin ; Parzival, Landsberg a. Warthe ; Adyar, Frankfurt 
a. M ; Shanti, Darmstadt ; Bruderschaft, Mannheim ; Wahrheit, Duis- 
burg ; Rote Erde, Dortmund ; Ojai, Hamburg ; Leadbeater, Bonn. 

The following Centres have been established : Waldan i. Schles. 
at Allenstein ; at Koln. 

The following Lodges have been dissolved : Freiheit, Gottingen ; 
Blavatsky-Olcott, Dusseldorf ; Parzival, Nordhausen. 

The Centre at Danzig has been dissolved. 

The Lodge " Gluck Auf " has been transferred from Dinzlaken to 

We have at present 42 Lodges and 3 Centres to which 725 
members belong, the rest of 76 being unattached member^. 


This is tho highest number reached since the reorganisation of the 
T.S. in Germany in 1913. 

Activities. The reports from the Lodges show that they have been 
active during the whole year as far as the often very difficult outer 
condition (lack of means for propaganada, of suitable lecturers and 
rooms) have made it possible. The new Lodges in Western Germany 
promise to become excellent centres of work and enthusiasm. 
Mr. Robert Syring who has founded the Lodge at Karlsruhe has been 
giving public lectures in different places. Every year he is holding a 
Theosophical Summer School at Lieber zell i. Baden, where members 
from different Theosophical organisations meet and try to live in the 
spirit of real brotherhood and mutual understanding. Mr. Syring has 
been for years a prominent member of the International Theosophical 
Fraternity, founded by Dr, Fran/ Hartmann, but has left it and joined 
the T.S. because he has found in the latter more tolerance than in the 
first one. Ho is well known in the Theosophical world in Germany as 
a writer and lecturer. 

On Christmas the Young Theosopbists at Jscrlohn have made a 
distribution of presents to 50 of the poorest children there. 

In January Mr. Jose Vigeveno (Amsterdam) lectured at Essen, 
Wesel and Lohberg. Mr. John Cordes gave public lectures at 
Hamburg, Berlin and Hanover in January and February. 

In February Mr. Vigeveno made his big tour and gave public 
lectures at Dinsburg, Dortmund, Koln, Bonn, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, 
Mannheim and addressed members at Bastatt whore Mr. Syring lives. 
This lecture tour has been extremely successful. Though it was made 
just during the carnival, the halls were crowded everywhere. The first 
results were Study Classes in the different places held by Messrs. Piepcr, 
Heidmann, Bremer and Syring. Tho second rosult was the founding of 
6 Lodges and 1 Centre out of these Study Classes with about 200 
members, that is nearly 10 per cent of those who had attended 
Mr. Vigevcno's public lectures in February. He went to the different 
places in Juno to hand the Charters over to the Presidents of the 
Lodges, as I was still in Italy to recover from a long and serious illness. 
We cannot be thankful enough for what he has done for the T.S. in 
Germany in giving his time, energy and enthusiasm and last, not 
least, paying all the heavy expenses of the lecture tour himself. 


To show our gratitude, our Committee has appointed him as National 

The last year has brought another far reaching event : your public 
lectures at Berlin and Hamburg. Not only that the halls in both places 
were crowded and that at Berlin about five hundred people could get 
no more seats, but the response of the public and the press has been 
exceedingly sympathetic. At Berlin a Study Class has been formed as 
one of the good results of your lecture. The way is free for more 
lectures, and I do hope most earnestly that you will put into your 
programme of 1928 two successive public lectures at Berlin. The 
result for our work would bo invaluable in its importance. 

Two years ago, I wrote in my Annual Report : " It would be a 
very great help indeed if prominent international lecturers of the T.S. 
could include Germany in their programme and spend with us a few 
months. The interest in Theosophy is growing rapidly in our country, 
but we need lecturers who are able to present it in genuine form." 
(THE GENERAL REPORT OF THE T.S. 1925, p. 86.) The result of 
your and Mr. Vigevcno's lectures shows that 1 was right in saying 

The 25tli Jubilee Convention at Hamburg from August 19th-21st. 
After your public lecture at Berlin in the big hall of the former 
Herrenhaus (the German House of Lords) on August 18th and your 
address to members on August 19th in the morning, you went to 
Hamburg to preside over our Jubilee Convention. Though there were 
less members present than in other years, we were from the beginning 
united in a spirit of joyousness and thankfulness to have you again in 
our midst. Your inspiring addresses made a very deep impression at 
Hamburg too, your public lecture on August 20th was very well 
attended by a deeply interested public. Your Berlin and Hamburg 
lectures will be published in German with the title " Vortrage in 
Deutschland von Dr. Annie Besant," by Mr. Pieper in his Ring- 
Verlag. Some of these lectures as well as some newspaper cuttings 
about your public lectures will be published in the November issue of 
our magazine, Theosophisches Strelen. Those who have been at our 
Jubilee Convention will never forget the love, wisdom and strength 
that yon have poured out over us to enable us to do our work better and 
better. The words you have said about Germany's capacities and it 


future will make our task so much easier than it has been during the 
last years, and I am sure that the work will grow rapidly now. 

Literature. Since October, 1926, Mr. Ernest Pieper has published 
German translations of the following books : 

1. Mabel Collins. Light on the Path and Karma. 

2. Dr. Annie Besant. A Study on Karma* 

3. Dr. Annie Besant. The Riddle of Life. 

4. Dr. Annie Besant. Religion and Music. 

5. C. Jinarajadasa. First Principles of Theosophy. 

6. C. W. Leadbeater. The Masters and the Path. 

1. C. W. Leadbeater. Talks on " At the Feet of the Master". 

8. C. W. Leadbeater. Rents in the Veil of Time. 

9. C. W. Leadbeater. Ancient Ideals in Modern Freemasonry. 

10. Awaken, Ye Children of the Light. 

11. The Spirit of the Unborn. 

12. J. Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master. (Popular 


13. Wodehouse. The Taking of a body by the World Teadier. 

14. Itajagopalacharya. Order of the Star, Information for 


Then he has published three pamphlets of the Liberal Catholic 
Church, its Principles and its Liturgy. 

The Star Group at Berlin has published one of your Queen's Hall 
Lectures, 1925, about the Coming of the World-Teacher as a pamphlet. 

All these publications are of the greatest importance, because there 
aro many people in Germany very much interested in Thcosophical 
literature, but not able to read it in English. 

After you had left Hamburg for Copenhagen on August 22nd, 
Mr. Vigeveno gave there a public lecture with lantern slides in the 
overcrowded big hall at the Curiohaus where our Jubilee Convention 
had been held. Here too a Study Class has been organised which is 
held by Mr. Boyken, our Hon. Secretary, and attended by more than 
hundred people, this is about 20^ of those who attended the lecture. 

When I look back over the first twenty-five years of the history of 
the T. S. in Germany, I see a splendid beginning during the first ten years 
under the most capable leadership of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, then, in 1913, 
the heavy blow of the founding of the Anthroposophical Society, later 


on the complete isolation during the war and a weakening of our work 
through these terrible years and the following revolution and inflation, 
but .at the same time, since 1919, the coming into contact again with 
Adyar and other National Societies, many proofs of understanding and 
love from them, even material help of different kinds. The small 
group of members which had remained in the T. S. faithful to its spirit 
of brotherhood, faithful to the Masters Who embrace all nations and 
people in Their love, hud for years a very hard task to reorganise the 
National Society and its Lodges, to stand the many misunderstandings 
.caused by the suspicion and mistrust which had grown through the ex- 
periences of the war. 

Slowly but steadily all the difficulties have been mastered. Since 
Mr. Jinarajadasa's visit at our Convention at Weimar in 1923 and 
your first visit at our Convention at Hamburg in 1924, our National 
Society began to recover and to grow in strength and capacity, though 
for some years the membership diminished again, as we had to revise 
radically our lists of membership. But now, at the beginning of our 
second twenty-five years of existence, I think I can say without any 
exaggeration that our National Society is again established on a firm and 
sound basis, and will do more and more important work for the T. S., 
for Germany and for the world at lar<re. As we have been able to 
overcome the difficulties of the last 25 years, we are not afraid of 
possible difficulties during the next twenty-five years. 

I have most gladly seconded Mr. Gardner's proposal to re-elect you 
as President for the next seven years, and I am sure that the great 
majority of the members in Germany will do the same. May the T. S. 
have you still as President for a very long time, and may Germany 
fulfil its glorious destiny as you have shown it so wonderfully to us 
this year ! 


General Secretary. 


To the President^ Theosophical Society. 

For the second time I have the pleasure and honour of submitting 

to you an Annual Report of the T.S. in Cuba. 

Since the date of the former, much has been done, not only in 

connection with the re-organisation of our National Society, to enable 

it to carry on its enhanced activities, but also in the obtcntion of 

material results towards the development and aggrandizement of our 

movement and the Thcosophication of our country. 

I shall now proceed to give you a brief statement of the work 

done, touching only the most important subject : 

Lodges: 1926 1927 Increase 

Active Lodges ... 21 34 13 62^ 

New Lodges ... ... 2 15 13 750^ 

Centres : 

Active Centres ... 25 25 

Centres converted into Lodges 4 4 

Afembers : 

Active Members ... 414 620 206 67^ 

Finances : 

Incomes ... ... $2,600-10 $4,426-78 $1,826-65 60^ 

Expenditures ... ... $2,401-13 $3,608-79 $1,207-06 66^ 

Superavit ... ... $62-97 $817'99 $755'02 770% 

Annual Dues, remitted to Adyar. $456*82 ] $456'82 

Adyar Day, Contribution to Adyar. 142-00 $142-00 

New Headquarters. Several months ago we moved to new, better 

headquarters in the heart of the City and in the best Office building. 

1 Note : On September 30, 192P, our National Society was in arrears, as no 
Annual Dues had oeen remitted to Adyar for 1925 nor for 1926, and the sum of 
$456-82 includes Annual Dues for 1925, 1926 and 1927, and also lo/o for the World 
Congress Fund. 

T.S. IN CUBA 79 

We are now trying to move to larger premises, with plenty of room 
for our Offices, as the present quarters are insufficient to hold them, 
and. also to be able to deliver public lectures to as large an audience as 

Records. Our records of Lodges and members have ulso been 
improved, and an individual card system adopted whereby it is possible 
to instantly locate any member, whether active or inactive. 

We have also adopted the practice of giving to each member a 
membership card, when paying their annual dues. 

Accounting. One of the most important accomplishments has been 
the reorganisation of the Accounting System, to such an extent that for 
the first time in tlie History of our Section^ we are able to know exactly 
what we have. A voucher system has been introduced, as many 
accounts have been opened as required, and the best and latest account- 
ing principles have been adopted, making it possible to prepare complete 
and detailed Balance Sheets and to know exactly where we stand. 

Departments. Putting in practice the wise principle of the sub- 
division of work, the various activities have been grouped under 7 
Departments, i.e.. Management, Propaganda, Publicity, Magazine, 
Library, Foreign Affairs and Co-Related Movements. I attach hereto 
a chart showing the distribution of work. 

Each Department is in charge of a different member, with authority 
to select his own helpers, and although all the Departments are to carry 
on the work along the lines given by the National President, they have 
sufficient autonomy to take whatever initiatives they may deem con- 
venient to the movement. 

Circular Letters to Lodges. Circulars are frequently mailed now 
to all the Lodges, and in some instances to each one and every of the 
active members, suggesting new plans and activities, and stimulating 
the work in general. In this manner interest is kept alive, and every 
Lodge and member is maintained " on the job". 

Joint Meetings of Lodges. Throughout the year it has been re- 
commended to Lodges located in the same town, to hold joint meetings 
as frequently as possible, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and 
brotherhood amongst their members, and so far results have proven 
most satisfactory and in general a better feeling of good will and 
co-operation is being developed. 


lours. In order to gain personal contact with the largest 
possible number of members, and a better acquaintance with plans 
of the National President and their own projects, tours have been 
made to the majority of the towns where wo have T. S. Lodges. To 
that end, the writer was successful in obtaining from the Railroad 
Company, a free pass for all the railroads of the Island, and in this 
manner it has been possible to travel more extensively in spite of the 
fact that our Travelling Fund is very limited. Very shortly these 
tours will be resumed, on a larger scale and combined with public 
lectures, and no doubt they will largely contribute to the popularization 
of our teachings. 

Special Conference of November 17th. So as to meet personally 
the Presidents of the various Lodges, and in order that they could know 
in details what the plans of the National President were, and at the 
same time be able to put forth their suggestions and their own plans, a 
special Conference of Lodges' Presidents was called for November 17th. 
Dr. Besant kindly consented in writing a special message for this 
meeting, and another one For the people of Cuba, and they greatly 
contributed to its success. Through this Conference a better under- 
standing was attained, and also a more intelligent co-operation. 

Public Lectures. On occasion of the return of the writer from 
New Orleans, where he went, together with other members, to greet 
Dr. Besant, a special meeting was held by all the Havana Lodges, and 
the audience, which included non-members, was addressed on Theo- 
sophical subjects. This was the largest meeting so far held in our 
Section, there being about 400 people. Also on November 17th and 
May the 8th, and on July the 2nd, public meetings wcro organized, all 
of them attended by a very large audience, specially that of November 
17th, where we had about 500 people. This meeting was most important, 
because, for the first time in the history of our Section, a theosophical 
meeting was held in our Academy of Sciences, which in Cuba is 
equivalent to the Sorborne in France. That of July the 2nd, the eve 
of our Annual Convention, was also held at the same place, and very 
wide publicity was given by the press to it. 

Special Lodge Meetings. In order to awake enthusiasm and to 
attract indifferent members, also ex-members, the writer has been 
suggesting to the various Lodges to hold special meetings on the 

T.S. IN CUBA 81 

occasion o the anniversary of their organization. Most of the Lodges 
have followed the suggestion, and they have all reported most satisfactory 

Annie Besant Medal. This medal, created to be awarded to the 
Lodge securing in the course of the year the largest number of members, 
has been won this year by a Lodge which has added 35 new members 
to its list. The writer feels contident that this incentive will operate 
wonders in the coming year. 

Book Department. A Department has been organized to sell 
Theosophical books to members and non-members at low prices. So 
far sales have attained a satisfactory volume, and we intend to push 
this Department not only to render a positive service to those who buy 
Theosophical books, but also to obtain a reasonable profit for the 

History of our Section. Wo are gathering information to write 
the history of our Section, from its organization to date. To that end, 
we have been asking from the various Lodges to send us their own 
histories, and already have quite a number of them. We will also use 
Annual Reports, minutes of meetings hold by the Sectional Council and 
Conventions, and any other documents available. Very likely this 
History will be published in a Silver Book wo intend to print when 
holding our twenty-fifth Convention, in 1929, with many other interest- 
ing details. 

Statistics. Much of the preliminary work for the writing of said 
History has been done, with the preparation of statistics showing the 
growth of our Section from the date of its organization, covering 
Incomes and Expenditures, Lodges, members, Magazine, etc., etc. They 
have all been published in the body of the Annual Keport submitted by 
the writer to the twenty-third Annual Convention, which appears in our 
July Magazine. I am attaching to this Report to you a number of them, 
with some Charts, from which it will be possible to notice how our 
Section has grown. 

Sectional Magazine. The name has been changed to Revista 
Teosofica Cubana, and we arc making arrangements to have it sold at 
the newspaper stands to the public in general. 

We have decided to give to our Magazine a wider scope, and a 
more flexible organization, so as to roach people connected with other 


movements working for the welfare of humanity, though it be in ways 
and manners different to ours, and to that end new Sections have been 
created to advocate for the Order of the Star, Masonry, Education, -Boy 
Scouts, Physical Culture, Spiritualism, Science, etc., etc., making a total 
of 25 new Sections, in addition to the regular Theosophical writings. 
Naturally, all subjects related with the said movements will be treated 
from the Theosophical view-point, whenever possible, or at least on the 
grounds of mutual respect and tolerance. 

It is hoped that this now organisation will gain us the good will of 
all those connected with the aforesaid movements, who will contribute, 
to get a wider circulation for our Magazine. We have already had 
letters from two of our prominent public men, non-members, one from a 
former Vice-President of the Republic, and the other from the loader 
of the most important political party who is now President of the 
Senate of the Republic and a Presidential candidate, praising our project 
and endorsing the Theosophiciil movement. 

The writer has also received a letter from Dr. Besant approving 
the said project, and advising she was sending it to Ihe Theosophist so 
that it may reach other National Societies. 

Spiritualism. The writer has been trying to make a gentleman's 
agreement with the President of the Cuban Spiritualistic Society, where- 
by better good will be fomented between members of his organization 
and those of the T. S. in Cuba, as during the past lack of understanding 
and a certain spirit of animosity and criticism on the part of members 
of the T. S. in Cuba had led to create a feeling of natural resentment 
on the part of the spiritualists. The writer does not see any reason 
why if spiritualists in Cuba believe in Karma, Reincarnation, Evolution, 
and some others of the main Theosophical teachings, even if not exactly 
as we Theosophists put them forth, there should not be at least fraternal 
relations and good will between all. To that end, efforts are being 
made to secure the co-operation of the highest types of spiritualists in 
Cuba, in order to popularize those teachings in which there are no 
discrepancies, leaving aside those that might bring some friction or 
discussion. If these negotiations succeed, we might get a good number 
of additional workers, as it might be said that one-third or more of the 
total population of Cuba, either practises or believes in Spiritualism, 
more or less intensely. 

T.S. IN CUBA 83 

Circular Letters to Other National Societies In order to streng- 
then bonds of brotherhood with other National Societies, and at the same 
time, effect a kind of exchange of plans and activities, we have started 
sending out to all of them a Monthly News Letter, giving a resume* of 
our activities, and putting forth our projects. We have also asked the 
various General Secretaries to appoint a member in their respective 
headquarters to keep us posted on similar lines, Mr. Arundale having 
given to those members the name of " Theosophical Embassadors ". 
This exchange of plans will no doubt bear good fruits to this and other 

Classification of Members. Heretofore the practice had been 
followed of definitely dropping from our lists those members not paying 
their annual dues. We have decided to put these members on a list of 
" Inactive members," with the privilege of becoming active members 
automatically when paying their pending dues. In this manner the link 
is not broken, and apathic members, or those who for some reason have 
been unable to pay, always have the door open to return to activity. 

Anniversary Month. The American T. S. adopted at their Annual 
Convention of 1926, a resolution to celebrate the 17th of November as 
the Anniversary Day, this resolution having been adopted about the 
same time that the same idea was suggested to members in Cuba, in 
August, 1926. We have finally adopted a resolution whereby the whole 
month of November will be considered by us as the Anniversary Month, 
of the Month of Offering, and a special effort will be made in it to raise 
the largest possible amount to be devoted to propaganda and to unfore- 
seen expenses, such as Travels, etc. Of course, on the 17th of November 
we will hold, as usual, special celebrations ; but the idea is to have in 
our National Society something similar to the Month of Offering in the 
Order of the Star. 

Order of Servers. In order to cope with special conditions pre- 
vailing in our National Society, the writer thought it advisable to create 
an " Order of Servers," on certain basis. This Order is now being 
reorganized and vitalized, and very effective results are expected from it. 
May be that eventually this Order will be merged into the International 
Theosophical Order of Service, which we will try to organize in Cuba. 

Synchronical Meditation. Trying to unify thought currents from 
members of our National Society, and at the same time prepare 


mentality of the Cuban people "to receive Theosophical teachings, the 
writer has organized a synchronical or joint meditation all over the 
Island, and groups are being formed so as to have the largest possible 
number of members meditating on the same subject at the same time 
throughout the country, also when rising and at noon. Subjects for 
study and meditation arc 12, one for each month, including Karma, 
Reincarnation, Power of Thought, Brotherhood, etc. Once this 
meditation is in full operation, no doubt wonderful results will be 
obtained in prepariag the public mind for Theosophy. 

New Bye-Laws. Our Bye-Laws have been totally changed, so as. 
to avoid certain difficulties we had experienced in the past, and at the 
same time to organize our Society on a wider basis, enabling it to take 
care of the increased .activities and of the greater development to bft 
attained through the intense campaign we are beginning you make to 
Theosophize the whole country. 

The main changes introduced have been : 

The name of our Society has been changed to The Theosophical 
Society in Cuba : the General Secretary has also now the title of 
National President ; the National Council is composed of 13 members, 
12 elected by Conventions and the National President ex-offLcio, and 
also all Presidents of Lodges are members ex-officio, but without vote ; 
the headquarters have been entirely separated from all Lodge meetings ; 
the National Council may now hold meetings at the various towns of 
the Island, instead of in Havana City only as well as our Annual 
Conventions ; the procedure for the election of the National President 
has been changed, giving Lodges and members opportunities to propose 
their candidates, which function was heretofore limited only to the 
Council ; the secret vote method has been adopted for all elections ; all 
Government's rulings connected with Societies have "been embodied in 
the new Bye-Laws, to avoid any legal troubles, with the result that 
Government's officials have praised this, stating that the only Bye-Laws 
in the country made according to the Law are those of our National 
Society ; the accounting system has been reorganized ; our Fiscal year 
has been changed to make it more in accordance with that of the 
International Theosophical Society ; dues have been raised to $3 per 
annum, instead of $2 as heretofore, or an increase of 50/, and we have 
adopted the " family dues " whereby wives, unmarried daughters and 

T.S. IN CUBA 85 

sons under 21 years of age of all active members shall have to pay only 
50% of the regular dues, or $1/50 a year ; and we have also adopted the 
" Life Dues," whereby members paying $75'00 shall be exempted from 
paying any other dues for the rest of their life ; and finally, the 
reorganization of Centres has been included in the Bye-Laws, in addition 
to other details of secondary importance. 

A translation of the Bye-Laws, which have just been approved by 
our Government, will be prepared and forwarded to you, for your 
final sanction. 


By the above you may have seen that the organization work 
during the year has been great and far reaching. 
Let us see now the results so far obtained. 


Lodges on October 1, 1926 ... ... ... 34 

Transferred to Presidential Agency 

for Central America ... ... 9 

Merged into other Lodges ... ... 2 


New Lodges organized during the year ... ... 14 

Classified as Inactive, for non-payment of 

annual dues ... ... ... ... 2 

Total Active Lodges on September 30, 1927 ... 35 


Centres on October, 1, 1926 

New Centres organized during the year ... ... 25 

Converted into Lodges ... ... ... 4 

Total Active Centres on September 30, 1927 ... 21 



Active Members on October 1, 1926 : 

Affiliated ... ... ... 729 

At Large ... ... ... 6 


Decrease : 

Dead ... ... ... 3 

Resigned , ... ... ... 10 

Transferred : 

To American Section ... 1 
To Presidential Agency ... 234 


Removed to Inactive File : 

Affiliated ... ... 129 

At Large ... mmm 5 


Affiliated ... ... 616 

At Large ... ... 4 



Increase : 

New Members during the year : 

Affiliated ... ... 251 

At Large ... ... 3 


Removed from Inactive to Active File ... 7 
Rejoined the Society ... 6 



Total Active Membership on September 30, 1927 ... 620 

By the above you will observe that on September 30, 1927, 
we have : 

Active Lodges ... ... ... 35 

Active Centres ... ... ... 21 

Active Members ... ... ... 620 

T.S. IN CUBA 87 

During the year we have remitted to Headquarters in Adyar the 
following amounts : 

$ Rs. A. P. 

Annual Dues for 1925 and 1926 ... 279-83 761 
Annual Dues for 1927 ... ... 176-99 481 

456-82 1,242 
Adyar Day ... ... ... 142-00 394 8 

Total ... 598-82 1,636 8 

In Annual dues for 1927 is included the 1% for the World 
Congress Fund. 

By the above you will observe that in the course of a year we 
have covered Annual dues to Adyar for three consecutive years. This 
was the result of the fact that our National Society was in arrears, and 
we have succeeded in covering all indebtedness with the headquarters, 
although the amount to pay was $456*62, or Us. 1,242. 

Theosophiral College. The first steps are being taken to have the 
first Theosophical College organized in Cuba. 

Annual Convention. Our last Anual Convention was a culmina- 
tion of the work done during tho year. Happiness, co-operation, good 
will and enthusiasm reigned, and all past troubles arid difficulties were 
eradicated. "\V"c might say that it was the best and most fruitful 
Convention we have ever held. 

Radio Station. Our National Society has been lucky enough to be 
the second one to acquire a broadcasting Station, which will soon be in 
operation. This Station covers at present ono half of the territory of 
Cuba, but we hope that it will be possible to make it reach the whole 

Presidential Agency for Central America. One of the main achieve- 
ments has been the organization of the Presidential Agency for Central 
America, to which were transferred 9 Lodges and 234 members. In 
spite of this, our National Society has at present more Lodges than in 
October, 1926, and we might say that it also has more members, as 
the 129 members removed to the Inactive File were in almost its 
totality already inactive in 1926, and should have been deducted from 


the 735 members appearing on that date which would leave a balance 
of 606 active members, whereas we have at present 620 active members 
for Cuba alone. 

Latin- American Theosophical Federation. But the greatest achieve- 
ment has been, in our opinion, the organization o the Federation of 
Latin-American National Societies. 

The project of the Bye-Laws was made by us, and it deserved the 
approval of Dr. Besant, and has been already accepted by four National 
Societies, i.e., Fbrto llico, Chili, Argentine and Uruguay, which 
leaves the Federation practically organized. We feel confident that 
Mexico, Brazil and the Presidential Agency for Central An*irica will 
also enter the Federation, which will enable us to combine ^ . fforts 
and resources in the Theosophication of the whole Latin America. 

Four National Societies, viz.. Argentine, Chili, Porto Rico and 
Cuba have already agreed to hold the First Congress in the City of 
Havana, in 1928. 

The writer is endeavouring to obtain from Mr. Jinarajadasa to so 
combine his trip to South America to make it possible for him to act as 
Chairmen of the said Congress, and it is to be hoped that he may sec his 
way clear to do so. The tentative date has been fixed for June, 1928, 
but the definite date will be fixed according to Mr. Jinarajadasa's 
reply. 1 

The Future He/ore Us. The complete reorganization of our 
National Society, which has been practically completed ; the intensifica- 
tion of the propaganda work, which already started ; the greater 
enthusiasm that is being noticed amongst members ; the enhancement of 
the collective conscience of our National Society, through the ample, 
tolerant and broad-minded plan of co-operation with all the useful 
movements of our country, which has been prepared ; the improvements 
in our National Magazine ; the organization of the different departments 
to carry on the complex work of our Headquarters ; the goal fixed to 
our members for next years' work, calling for a 100% increase in our 
Lodges and membership ; and finally the possibility of being honored by 
the visit of some of our great leaders, Mr. Jinarajadasa and perhaps 

1 The tour which was planned has been cancelled. The General Secretary for 
Chile, who is in charge of the arrangements, has notified me that the cost of travel 
from India to South America and back cannot be met, though efforts were made to 
collect the sum necessary. G. J. 



Dr. Besant and Bishop Leadbeater, to whom we have invited to come if 
they can so arrange it when coming next year to America, makes the 
writer foresee one of the brightest futures that has ever offered to any 
of our National Societies, which would make it a useful unit in the 
Latin American Theosophical Federation, and an efficient instrument 
in the hands of the Masters for the happiness and welfare of our 



General Secretary. 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

I beg to submit my report which covers the period November 1, 
1926 October 31, 1927. 

The past year was one of the most eventful in the history of the 
T.S. in Hungary. The transferring of the Headquarters from its old 
premises in the Esztcrhazy n. to the new quarters VI. Drflibiib u. 20 in 
November, 1926, marked the beginning of a more active life in the 
Society, helped by the larger lecture room, holding about 100 people. 

Regular General Meetings were once a week on various Theosophi- 
cal subjects, by different lecturers, apart from the Lodge-meetings 
devoted to special study. 

Propaganda Meetings were arranged every Sunday from December 
till the end of April. These meetings were very well attended and 
several people joined the Society. 

Kindred Movements. fct The Thoosophical Order of Service " was 
reorganised under the leadership of Chief Brother Mrs. E. do Hild. 
Meetings were hold with the ceremony twice a month. The new Chart 
introduced this year at in men by Capt. Max Wardall will be a great 
help in organising the different activities of the Order. 

" The Hound Table " has been reorganised by Chief Knight 
Mrs. E. de Alimsy. The meetings were held twice the month always 
ceremoniously with addresses by different members of the Round Table. 

"The Young Theosophist" under the leadership of Mr. A. de 
Riithonyi have changed their objects before purely practical now study- 
ing the principles of Theosophy and holding lecture classes. 

" The Order of the Star " reorganised by Mr. A. Reisch arranged 
several meetings and did useful propaganda work. 

" The Arpad Group " and " The Music Group " under the leader- 
ship of Mr. and Mrs. de Takach have done much useful work. 


All these kindred movements function as Lodges of the T.S. 


Library. Through lack of funds, we had to give up subscribing 
for foreign magazines and could not add to our library any of the new 
books recently issued. 

Publishing Activity. Members have translated several books, but 
cannot be printed through lack of funds. 

Finance. The financial position of the T.S. in Hungary is positively 
distressing. This situation is chiefly due to the low membership fees 
which had to be adopted because of the extreme poverty of the whole 
^Nation in consequence of the sore mutilation of the country. 

Donations. A donation of valuable books and pamphlets was 
received from the T.S. in Wales. A generous donation of 1,000 Francs 
was recently sent by the T.S. in Franco, to cover the most urgent needs 
of the T.S. in Hungary. 

Visitors. We had the honour of receiving Bishop Wedgwood in 
November, 1926 our first visitor in the new Headquarters for a short 
visit. This event was a turning point in the life of the Society 
which received from him great help and stimulus for the work. 
Hev. 0. S. Price our faithful friend and helper has visited our 
Section twice giving several lectures and talks to members ; his 
help is greatly appreciated by all. Mr. John Cordes visited us 
three times and his lectures were also much appreciated, so were 
those of Miss Wanda Dynowska and Miss Catherine Bell. Wo 
had the very great privilege of receiving Dr. Besant on the 3rd of 
September this year. Her wonderful understanding and sympathy with 
the needs and difficulties of our country, won the love and gratitude not 
only of the members but of all who heard her or read about it in the 
newspapers of the country. Her inspiring presence has given us 
strength and courage to face the difficulties in our uphill work. Mr. J. It. 
Aria's short visit was also a great help to us. His lectures on peace 
made a great impression. 

General Secretary. At our Annual Convention held the 24th of 
Juno, our former General Secretary Prof. R. Niidler resigned his office, 
which he held for 17 years and I was elected General Secretary with 
113 votes out of 174. Wo owe Prof. Niidler hearty thanks and gratitude 
for the true impartiality and brotherly love with which he presided over 
the Society all these years. 


Lodges. We had at the beginning of the year which has just 
elapsed 13 Lodges. During the year 3 new Lodges were formed and 2 
dissolved. We have now 14 active Lodges. 

Membership. We think that one of our chief duties is to form a 
strong nucleus of good Theosophists, eager to learn and serve, therefore 
we strictly applied our by-laws and removed all those members from the 
roll, who besides not paying their dues for several years, show no longer 
interest in the teachings of Theosophy and take no part whatever in 
Theosophical work; 

Previous total members ... ... ... 403 

New members in 1926-1927 ... ... 57 

Resignations ... ... 37 

Members lapsed and removed ... 90 

,, expelled ^ ... ... 2 

,, died ... ... 6 

Transferred from Hungary ... 6 


Total Membership ... ... ... 319 

We have thus decreased in number but I think we gained in quality 
and efficiency. 

May our united efforts put aside all prejudices and misunder- 
standings and may we all join in harmonious service in the work which 
the Masters expect from us. 

With heartiest greetings to the Convention and with tho expression 
of our deep love and gratitude to our dear and revered President. 


General Secretary, 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

I have the honour of submitting to you the Annual Report of the 
activities of the Finnish Section for the period October, 1926 to 
October, 1927. 

Statistics. No new Lodges have been formed during the year, and 
none has ceased to exist, wherefore the number of Lodges is the same 
as it was the previous year or 23. 

The membership in September, 1926 ... 616 

New members admitted during the year ... 43 

Members resigned ... ... ... 34 

Members died ... ... ... 2 

Members transferred to Sections abroad ... 5 


Total increase during the year ... 2 

Total membership 1st October, 1927 ... 618 

Released from membership fees ... ... 30 

Total number of paying members ... 588 

Annual Convention. The Twentieth Convention, held at the 
Society's Headquarters in Helsinki (Helsingfors) the 15th 17th April, 
was very well attended, and its most important decision was the erecting 
of a new Headquarters building of brick, 5 storeys high, instead of the 
old wooden and brick buildings, which are staying there now. A few 
lectures were delivered during the Convention. The Convention went 
on very peacefully and harmoniously. 


Publishing Activity. Four books and four pamphlets were 

Magazine. Teasofi (12 numbers a year, 352 pages). 

Propaganda Activity has been carried out in a somewhat smaller 
degree this year than before, because our national lecturer, Miss Helmi 
Jalovaara was away a great deal of the year and our accidental 
lecturers had not time to replace her. These accidental lecturers, 
Mr. A. A. Saarnio, Mr. A. Vcsentera and Mr. N. Rauvala, lectured 
each in several places. Most lectures have been held in Helsinki 
(Helsingfors), where a special Committee has arranged all the small Thco- 
sophical festivals there and procured the performers of the programmes 
(singers, musicians, lecturers, etc.) Some of our Lodges have arranged 
one Lodge meeting a month public for interested people, - having a 
special for the public appropriate programme. Many Lodges have also 
arranged one or more times a year public Theosophical entertainments 
with lecture, song, music, -recitation, etc. In Oulu and Kotka some 
Lodge members have given some Theosophical lectures in their local 
people's high schools. 

Visitors. This year our Section has had the great fortune of being 
visited by several well-known, able Theosophical workers and leaders. 
First came Mrs. Alice Adair, the fine apostle of Indian art, with a 
multitude of Indian paintings, many about 2,000 years old, and held 
art exhibitions both in Turku (Abo) and in Helsinki (Helsingfors), 
which exhibitions aroused a lively interest amongst the public and 
especially amongst the artists. She also lectured for members about 
Indian art in both places in a most beautiful way, being much appre- 
ciated by the members. She stayed in Finland for about 10 days in 

Next came Bishop J. I. Wedgwood in the middle of February and 
stayed for six days. He helped us in many ways exceedingly well and 
radiated out power and strength. 

He gave excellent instructions in Co-Masonry and Liberal Catholic 
Church work and delivered a very well attended public lecture in Helsinki 
(Helsingfors) about "New Ideas in Religion". He also lectured 
several times for members in Helsinki and once in Turku (Abo). Miss 
Noomi Magge, the Star Representative of Sweden, who accompanied 
Bishop Wedgwood on his way from Stockholm to Finland and back to 


Stockholm, spoke to members of the Star both in Turku (Abo) and in 
Helsinki (Helsingfors), and succeeded very well in arousing the interest 
of the members towards more activity and work for the Star-idea. 

Then came Mrs. B. Poushkine, the able Star worker from London 
in the beginning o March and stayed here for some days, lecturing also 
to the Star members here. 

Lastly came you, our dear and loved President, to our capital town 
the 26th August flying by the air, accompanied by two American 
members, Mr?, and Mr. Logan. You formed the acme in the line of 
,our visitors. You landed on our northerly shores as a white bird from 
higher regions bringing with you good Messages from spiritual worlds. 
Your world-wide fame had in spite of the rain brought together at the 
landing place thousands of devoted people and a troop of girl-scouts, all 
eagerly waiting to give you a hearty welcome. Hands and hats waved, 
flowers rained and heart? greeted you joyously and triumphantly. To a 
thousandfold crowd of eagerly listening people you gave out your noble 
messages with your clear voice, in your intelligible, convincing manner. 
\ou gave new ideas, splendid teachings, and lifted your audience for a 
moment to a higher world, full of peace and happiness. The newspapers 
of our Capital took a favourable position, all mentioning your arrival, 
your work, etc., and reproducing pictures of you from different 
occasions. And your inner work here was certainly of a still greater 
importance thun your outer. All members present felt that they had 
got so very much from you and that those days were the greatest days 
in the history of our Section. Our joy and gratitude was extreme. 
We saw that our great Mother had not abandoned her remote children. 

Although our Section has not increased with more than two new 
members during the year, we are nevertheless conscious that the interest 
of the great public in Theosophical things has increased considerably and 
that members now, after your visit, are more eager than ever before to 
do anything of use and to work for our Movement. The passed year 
therefore is in many ways a fortunate year, and we look forward with 
glad hopes. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Once more the first words of my report express to you the deepest 
gratitude and the unswerving loyalty and love of us all. 

During this year the " R. T. S. outside Russia " has steadily 
increased in strength and in number. 

Statistics. We have lost 2 Lodges in Bulgaria *' The White 
Lotus " and the " Temple of Search of Truth," because members had to 
leave the place and seek work elsewhere ; they are dissolved but we have 
at the same time 3 new ones : the Blavatsky Lodge in Shanghai, which 
has attached itself to the " R. T. S. outside Russia " and 2 new Lodges : 
one in San-Francisco, California ; the other in Harbine, Siberia, the 
part of Siberia which is now Chinese. Thus we end the year with 12 
Lodges and 15 Centres spread all over the world. Now we are 300 
members, but there are hundreds of outsiders asking for books and 
information. There is a big correspondence on this account. 

Convention. Our First Annual Convention took place in Prague, 
in November, 1926. It was a very harmonious and enthusiastic Conven- 
tion. On this occasion the General Secretary lectured in the local 
Popular University. 

Our Second Convention was held in August, near Bruxelles, this 
year 1927, which gave us the opportunity of having many delegates 
going afterwards to Ommen. It was very alive, reports of excellent 
work done m all Lodges and useful schemes of work outlined for the 

Propaganda. During this year the General Secretary visited the 
Russian Lodges and Centres in Paris, London, Bruxelles and Prague, 
lecturing a great deal. Miss C. Helmboldt, Vice-P resident, has lectured 
in Paris, Lausanne and Bruxelles. Mine. B. Poushkine has made a 


big tour through Europe, visiting Germany, Finland, Esthonia and 

Publishing Activity. Our little magazine Vestnik is appearing 
regularly in spite of financial difficulties. Our Lodge Yaroslav-the- 
Wise (in Yugoslavia) has issued 2 pamphlets : Occultism and Esoteri- 
cism in Religion, by Dr. A. Kamensky. In Reval was issued the 
Brotherhood of Religions, manual, by Dr. Annie Besant. 

Subsidiary Activities. Besides our special Theosophical work, we 
have started many subsidiary activities : the Order of Service, the Round 
.Table, Educational Groups, the Golden Chain, the Slavonic Cultural 
Union for Brotherhood, Art-Groups. They work in Keval, Prague, 

In Prague, under the able leadership of Countess de Suzor, the 
Slavonic League has made great progress, uniting with the Arts and 
Crafts group and working through art and beauty. Many outsiders of 
diverse nationalities have joined, professors, writers, artists, social 
workers, students, some having a high social situation, as for instance, 
the President of the Czecho-Polish Club and the Head of the Red 
Cross in Czechoslovakia. 

In Tientsin a regular popular University with evening courses has 
been started by the Lodge. 

In Genera, the Order of Service has held a Peace-Conference, 
inviting speakers from different peace-movements. Russian and Swiss 
members worked in very friendly co-operation to organise the Confer- 
ence which was a success. 

In Paris, the Lodge opened a reading-room for workmen and 
classes for children. 

1 do not mention the Order of the Star, which is an independent 
and very active organisation with its own magazine. All our T. S. 
members, with a very few exceptions, arc practically members of 
the Star. 

International Activities. I must mention also our international 
activities. As we are spread in many lauds, we have opportunities to 
help other Sections, especially in times of difficulties. For instance our 
members are working for Esthonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Switzer- 
land, and in other countries. The General Secretary on her tours 
generally lectures for other Sections (Belgian, French, Swiss). This 



year she was asked to lecture in the World-University in London 
during the Students-week and to give a lecture in the " Palais Mondial " 
in Bruxelles, the subject being " Universal Religion ". 

We try now to enlarge our publishing activities and we look with 
joyful hope into the future. 

We send our loving greetings to the brethren assembled at the 
Convention in Adyar and to beloved India. 


^ meral Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

When the great part of members of T. S. in Czechoslovakia 
separated themselves from Adyar on account of the proclamation of 
Dr. Annie Besant, in Ommen in 1925, of the Coming of the World- 
Teacher, and founded, " The Society for Mystical Studies," the smaller 
part remained faithful to the Mother Society to which they belonged 
since 1909. 

After this important date September 11, 1925, our Section was 
living for two years under the consolidation of the internal activities, 
especially of the adjustment of the Statutes and other matters. And so 
also was changed the title from T. S. in Bohemia into T. S. in Czecho- 
slovakia. We principally encountered economical difficulties, then all 
possessions like the library, etc., were taken by the majority of members, 
who joinod the late General Secretary, Mr. J. Bedrnicek, who left the 
T.S., Adyar. 

In these circumstances we were substantially helped by the 
Federation of European Sections of T. S. which supplied us with 20 
which were used to buy a type-writer and other things. 

The tirst important step we can call the first Convention, which 
took place at Mor. Ostrava on 26th June, 1927, where all question of 
administration and ideas were dealt with and where the Executive 
Committee were elected : 

Josef Skuta, General Secretary ; Josef Parchansky, Hon. Secretary ; 
Emilie Parchanskti, Assistant Hon. Secretary ; Frant Repecky, 
Treasurer ; Vaclav Cimr, Oskar Beer, Frant Novtik, Albert Karsai, 
Josef Drobisz, Josef Kaczynski ; Michalik Frant, Loznov Bohdan, 
Auditors of Accounts. 

An event of the most importance was the visit of our dear 
President Dr. A. Besant to Prague on September 1st, 1927, where in 


the midst of her admirers she gave a lecture. We arc very thankful 
to her for the mental encouragement which she offered us by her 
presence and her lofty example. What a wonderful example she gave 
us by her admirable action in her eighty years of age. 

Her Eightieth Birthday was commemorated by 3 public lectures, en- 
titled " Dr. A. Besant and her World-Importance " in which the General 
Secretary explained her immense work, social, literary and spiritual. Let 
us express on this occasion the wish of our Section that our honoured 
President may enjoy good health for many years to come and may 
masterfully lead the T. S. towards its great aims for which it was. 
established by its great Founders. 

Of great importance on the public and internal life was also the 
visit of Miss C. W. Dijkgraaf who was accompanied by Miss Glen- 
Walker. In clear and simple words, from the Theosophical point of 
view, she dealt with the problems of daily life and of the Coming of the 
World-Teacher. They have- done a great deal of work in the way of 
re-establishment of our Section and we shall bo grateful to them. 
During their visit 5 public lectures took place, in addition to 2 
lectures for members and three private. In Varnsdorf, Prague, Brno 
and Mor. Ostrava, Miss Glen Walker also had an address in the 
Anglo-Czech Club in Mor. Ostrava. 

I am glad to state that Miss Wanda Dynowska, General Secretary 
for Poland, also visited our country. She held 2 public lectures which 
were well attended, and one private lecture. 

Mme. A. Kamensky, General Secretary for Outside Russia, also 
visited Prague and addressed a small audience on the " Cultural Slavonic 
Brotherhood ". 

Besides this Prague was visited by the following guests : Miss Bell 
and Mr. A. Schwarz of Adyar. 

Statistics. Memberships in 7 Lodges, as was supplied to the 
Convention, is following : Mor. Ostrava : Blavatska : 26 ; Karvinnti : 
Jutrazenka : 17 ; Horni Sucha : Przebudzenie : 13 ; Michalkovice ; 
Komensky : 13 ; Varnsdorf : Adyar : 12 ; Prague : Arjuna : 7 ; Brno : 
St. Alban : 8 ; total members : 96. 

Activities. The principal activity consisted principally of public 
lectures of which there were 22, in addition to 74 lectures for members 
and 2 debating meetings. 


Co-operation. Wo co-operate with " Gas " Czechoslovak Teetotalers 
Union, in which Mr. Parchansky our member is very active. In this 
Society lectured the General Secretary on the "New Man" in the 
Esperanto Club in Prague also Mr. V. Cimr lectured on " The 
Thcosophy ". The closest co-operation exists with the- Order of 
the Star. 

The Order of Service just started with us and Mr. Beer was en- 
trusted with its lead. We hope that it will well prosper. The first 
work they have on their hands is to prepare the book : At the Feet of 
the Master for the Blind and other works of smaller importance. 

In the enclosed map of Czechoslovakia the places where the Lodges, 
T. S., Adyar, have been established. 

I also enclose a list of Lodges and ask you to supply me with the 
Charters for all of them. 

This is the visible work of our Section, described in general terms, 
which I lay at the Feet of our Great Leaders with faithfulness and 

Jos. SKUTA, 

General Secretary. 


To the President,' Theosophical Society. 

There has been steady progression, the membership increasing, and 
the attendance of the public at lectures indicating a growing desire on 
the part of thinking men and women to relate themselves more vitally to 
life in its manifold phases. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom did excellent work 
whilst here, and we shall reap the benefit of their wide experience in 
Theosophical matters. There is manifest in the Lodges of the Section 
a desire to acquire permanent homes and to this end some have started 
building schemes. The Pretoria Lodge has actually started building, 
the Durban Lodge hopes to follow suit shortly, Cape Town is working 
quietly in the same direction. The appointment of the lit. Hon. V. S. 
Srinivasa Sastri, P.C., to South Africa has had a marked effect on public 
opinion, and his charming personality and eloquence} of speech is 
creating a new spirit of tolerance and goodwill towards our Indian 
brothers. Ho has linked himself in no uncertain way with the 
Society, and has already given several addresses under its auspices. 
The audiences composed of men and women of every religion and walk of 
life ; Bishops, clergy, professors and students being present. Hundreds 
have been turned away. The tide is turning and a change of heart is 
manifesting itself. Nairobi has linked up with the Section, two new 
Lodges have been granted Charters, one particularly being worthy of 
notice our Brotherhood Lodge in Cape Town. It is composed for the 
most part of "coloured members". The word u coloured " in South 
Africa refers not to the full blooded native races, but to those of mixed 
colour. We welcome this as a definite step in the direction of a realis- 
ation of our first object. There is every hope that a Lodge will soon 
be started in Lorenco Marques in the Portuguese Territory contiguous 
to the Union. Healing Groups are being started in several centres. 
These are not only doing good work, but are creating centres of force 


in the Lodge itself, which are bearing fruit. Mrs. Gowland, late 
General Secretary for Uruguay, is now a member of this Section, and 
with her husband, is doing good and useful work. 

The membership at 31st December, 1926, was 425. There have 
been 90 additions and 10 cessations (4 by death, 2 by transfer, 4 by 
resignation) up to the time of writing this report, so that the 
membership now is 505 all in good standing. 

C. E. GYDE, 
General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

On April 3>0th, 1927 (the close of our financial year) \ve had 783 
active members on our roll. During the year 63 now members joined, 
and 2 were transferred to us from other National Societies. Our losses 
were 24 through resignation and 4 through death, while 13 were 
suspended and 6 transferred away from us. Our membership shows a 
gain of 18 as compared with the previous year. 

One new Lodge, the Scottish Astrological, has been chartered, and 
one Lodge, the Virya, returned its Charter, as the members wished to 
unite with tl\e Aberdeen Lodge in the same town. One new Centre has 
been formed at Newburgh. This Centre is the only visible result of 
much Propaganda work done in Fife. An effort in the Border towns 
met with little success. Indeed our indefatigable Propaganda Secretary 
gives it as her opinion that we need more workers and new methods 

We had visiting lecturers from England, Wales and China, and 
we had the great pleasure of welcoming again to Headquarters our 
old friend Professor Marcault, whose address on " The University of 
the New Ago " was much appreciated. Bishop Wedgwood's five 
days visit to Glasgow and Edinburgh was a groat joy, and his address 
to members at Headquarters on " The Way to the Masters " was a 
memorable one. 

Our social gatherings on White Lotus Day, the 1st of October, 
the 17th of November, and the 17th of February were particularly 
happy occasions when games and tableaux had a prominent place. 

The Orpheus Lodge continued its line dramatic work. Under the 
auspices of this Lodge Masefield's " Pompey the Great" was produced 
in Edinburgh, and members of the Lodge helped the Indian Dramatic 
Association to produce Tagore's " Sacrifice ". The dramatic side of the 
work is being developed by other Lodges. In Edinburgh a mystery 
play by Miss Macphail proved a great success. 


The Northern District Conference was held at Forfar in September, 
when there was a good discussion on " What Theosophy means to us m 
various departments of life ". The great value of this annual Confer- 
ence lies in the fact that it brings together the members of the scattered 
Northern District. The first Eastern District Conference was held at 
Headquarters in January, the two subjects of discussion being " How 
to Thcosophize Scotland," and " The Efficient Worker ". No definite 
conclusion was reached, but there was a general feeling that new 
methods must be tried and that more attention should be paid to 
Artistic and dramatic presentations of Theosophical truth. 

We had the great joy of having you in the chair at our Seventeenth 
Annual Convention, which was held in Edinburgh, on July 2nd and 3rd, 
and was a most happy and successful one. It was a great privilege to 
have indicated to us the main line of work for the immediate future an4 
the inspiration to carry it out given to us by our President* 

It only remains to mention the bright and keen circles of yonng 
people who are among the greatest assets of our National Society. 

We send loving greetings to the Fifty-second Convention. 


General Secretary. 




To the President, Theosophical Society. 

The number of our members, at the 15th of May, 1927, amounted 
to 420, against 375 in 1926, that is, a gain of 45 members. During 
the year 70 new members have been received, but 25 lost : in this 
number, we count 6 Russian members, who have now to be considered 
as belonging to the Russian Section outside Russia. 

Last July, Dr. Besant gave, in the " Palais des Academics," two 
splendid lectures on the " Coming of the World Teacher," and " The 
Three World Movements ". They deeply impresssd the public, and 
have been sympathetically commented on by the press. Bishop 
Wedgwood was so kind as to give us two lectures, the tirst on 
" The Meaning and the Reality of the Spiritual Life," the second on 
" Meditation, as Aid in the Spiritual Development ". 

Several University Professors have spoken from our platform : 
Prof. Kreglinger, on " Steps of Religious Evolution," Prof. Mahaim 
on " The Social Duty," Prof. Dumont on " The Upanishads and the 
Vedanta ". Dr. Kamensky, the devoted General Secretary of Russia, 
spoke on " Religions and Universal Religion," and on " Occultism ". 
The Rabbi of Brussels, Dr. Berman, lectured on " Modern Streams in 
Jewish Thought ". Several of our members gave lectures on various 
subjects : " The Ancient Mysteries and the Feeling of the Divine," 
" The Religious Feeling and its Numerous Forms," " The Kingdom of 
Heaven," "The Caves of Ajanta," "The Occult Aspects of Art," "The 
Contradistinctions of the Modern World," etc. Some of the lectures 
had lantern-slides. All were well attended. 

The course of lessons on Theosophy, given every Wednesday, 
alternately by Mile. Orban and Mr. Polak, were attentively followed, 
and gave us a good number of new members. 


Tho Bulletin Theosophiqite, a quarterly, continues to link the 
members together. 

The " Lotus Day," and, for the first time, the " Adyar Day ," 
have been held with the usual ceremony and devotion. 

Besides our usual general and Branch nuttings, we have had once 
a month, friendly social meetings which have done much to bring the 
members more closely together. 

Thanks to the generosity and selflessness of many o our members, 
a long cherished wish has been fulfilled : a house has been bought in 
one of the nicest parts of Brussels, 51 Rue du Commerce, which will be- 
used next spring as Headquarters of the T. S. in Belgium. Tho 
necessary money for the purchase, about 350,000 francs, has been 
partly given, partly lent without interest or with 4/ Q interest. During 
the first three years, the T. S. will occupy only a part of the house ; the 
rest will be let ; the rent thus obtained will be amply sufficient to pay 
the interests and even to begin a sinking fund ; after that time, we shall 
see whether our own resources will allow us to keep the whole house 
for the use of the Society. 

In Ghent, the Lodge " Vrede " has bought a ground in the centre 
of the town, and will also have its own house early in 1928, thanks to 
the generosity of its President, Mme. Huybrechts. 

As you see, the Belgian T. S. has made laudable efforts to increase 
its efficiency and to better fulfil its mission of spiritual enlightenment 
in Belgium. That is why we look forward with confidence to the future. 
At the last T. S. Council of the European Federation of the 
T. S., held in Ommcn, it was decided that there should be a European 
Convention of the T. S. every year, and that the next Convention will be 
held in Belgium next summer (1928), probably immediately before 
the Star Congress in Ommen. 

We consider this decision as a reward for our efforts, and a 
promise of greater unfoldment in the future. 

We tender to our beloved President, and to our Brethren, our best 
regards and wishes at this Fifty-second Convention of the T. S. 

General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

There has been an increase o 286 new members this year, a 
larger number than we have over booked in any previous year. 
However, we saw ourselves also compelled to struck out 206 names of 
our list of membership, owing to their being too much in arrears with 
their annual dues. With the ordinary coming and going of membership 
our total membership at the 1st of October, 1927, amount to 2,028, 
viz., 1,018 European, 824 Javanese and 186 Chinese. 

The most important event of the year in the life of the Dutch East 
India Section has been the so highly appreciated tour of Bishop C. W. 
Lcadbeater in November, 1926, who on his way from Sydeny to Benares 
Convention visited our Island-Lodges : Makassar Lodge in Celebes, 
several Lodges in Java, and Medan Lodge in Sumatra. Besides much 
Co-Masonic, Round Table and L. C. C. work, we had quite a number of 
most interesting question-meetings for the T. S. Lodges ? It has been a 
great privilege to welcome once again our revered Teacher here in our 
Section, after twelve years passing since last time we had the honour to 
meet him in our midst. Having visited our Section three times already, 
Bishop Lcadbeater knows the country and its people by direct contact 
and there is little wonder how it comes that ail members in this country 
belong amongst his most loyal adherents. Much do we owe him and 
we hope much love dc we give him. A motor-tour was made all over 
the length of Java from Socrabaia to Batavia, visiting several Lodges 
successively. His work, assisted by Messrs. Harold Morton, Theodore 
St. John and Capt. It. B. Clarke, has stimulated and inspired us tc 
increased labour in several departments of our Movement. 

The Annual Convention has been held this time at Malaug, * 
hill-place in the eastern part of Java, and it was visited by some 20( 
delegates from all Lodges. There was the inauguration of the newl] 


erected local Lodge-building most of the larger Lodges here now occupy 
their own Lodge-building and harmony and goodwill prevailed. Tho 
Convention was presided by Messrs A. G. Vreede and A. J. H. van 
Leeuwen while the General Secretary was prevented to be present. In 
spite of the necessity to alter much of the original programme, because 
some lecturers had to be cancelled, the lecturers not being able to be there, 
so that other ones had to take their places the proceedings are reported 
as having been quite satisfactory. Again we have enjoyed the usual 
reduction of 50/ on railway fares for all members visiting the 

Our Magazines are doing well now. The official one, Tkeosofie in 
Ned. Indie is edited in two languages Dutch and Malay and is the 
principal link between the Section's Council and the General Secretary 
with the Lodges and members at large. For students there is tha 
Theosofisch Maandblad (Dutch), which periodical now, this year for the 
first time during its existence of 26 years, is covering its own expenses. 
There is also a similar periodical published in Malay, which, we hope, 
next year will reach the same status, viz., leaving no more deficits ; it is 
called Pewarta Theosofie. Besides there is an other monthly paper, 
published in the Javanese language and edited by the Solo Lodge, T. S., 
which periodical, by name Koemandang Tlieosofie, is doing really good 
work. It will be noticed that wo have to publish magazines in at least 
three different languages, but this only solves part of the problem for 
Chinese, Sundanese and Madurese not to speak of the innumerable 
lesser ones are three other vernaculars which urgently want their 
own magazines, when we only could find the editors and the means 
therefor. * 

Our linguistic difficulties havo been increased by the affiliation of 
the Singapore Lodge to our Section, the people there speaking English, 
and consequently we have mutually agreed that the above-named Lodge 
be affiliated directly to Adyar again as has been the case before. 

The Young Theosophist Movement here was started some four years 
ago and is growing slowly but steadily, there being a special Youth 
Branch in most of the important Lodges in the Section. These Youth 
Branches, though part of the Lodge, have completely their own manage- 
ment and are autonomous, independent of the Lodge-Council. This 
arrangement proves most satisfactory for this country, because the 


Youth-branches are not strong enough to stand quite alone and in this 
way they can profit of all facilities the Lodge can provide for. 

The Publishing House " Minerva," continued its most useful work 
of spreading our literature and is now succeeding in getting our books 
sold in ordinary bookshops also. There are book-depots in the most 
important Lodges where all books are sold at the same prices as charged 
for in the main-office in Batavia. A list o newly issued publications is 
given separately. 

Theosofisch Steunfonds is still doing most useful work as an 
instrument for the financial support of our different activities. Several 
loans were given and indeed the whole, of its working-capital amounting 
to 32,000 guilders has been used all year round. This fund is intended 
to give support to every enterprise that is promoting Brotherhood and 
consequently is connected with the whole of the wider Theosophical 
Movement and has given its services to several branches of our work for 
humanity, every one of them if funds permit receiving a loan for a 
certain fixed time only. Because no loans are granted without certainty 
that the enterprise is based on sound foundations, this Fund has become 
a kind of guarantee for every new financial enterprise -that is started as to 
the reliability of its investments. When this Fund grants a loan to one or 
other of the Theosophical enterprises, it is a guarantee to other investors 
and also to people who prefer to give free donations but want to know 
how the money is used that the thing has been duly organised and is safe. 

Theosophical World University Association in Dutch East Indies 
was started April llth, 1926, being formed by joining together into one 
single organisation of the four till then separately working educational 
movements in Java. A full report has been delivered elsewhere, so be it 
sufficient here to mention only that this report covers the work of the 
year in 15 schools, all managed by our Association, with 15 European 
and 42 Indonesian teachers and nearly 2,000 pupils. The Training 
College for Teachers, till now established at Weltevrcden (Batavia), is 
now removed to a splendid new site in a healthy hill-place, Lembang, 
near Bandoeng. We were lucky enough to be able there to buy a hotel 
in quite good condition, with considerable grounds still unoccupied and 
now wo hope that this may become the place where the Theosophical 
World University once might have its future home also. A very 

beautiful spot indeed. 


Theosophical Order of Service has had its Third Annual Meeting 
here on the 18th of April, 1927. A full report has been sent in elsewhere 
and for this occasion it will be sufficient to mention that the activities of 
this Order here are growing steadily. Both International and National 
Correspondence Leagues have a good number of correspondents here and 
they are well organised now ; Secretary is Mrs. J. Brug-de Geldcr, 
Tandjonglaan 14, Weltevreden (Java). A branch of the International 
Fellowship in Arts and Crafts has been started, its Secretary being 
Mr. W. S. Bitter, Poerworedjo (Java). Our Labour Exchange did 
very useful work in bringing employers and employed together. 
Several members of the T. 0. S. have also done good work in outside 
activities as : Peace Movements, Protection of Animals, Anti-Vivisection, 
Abolishment of Intoxicating Drinks and of Opium. The Muslim League 
has issued a second publication, viz., " Mysticism in Islam," which 
already has proved to be highly appreciated by several Indonesian 
students and adherents of -Islam Faith. It is published at a moderate 
price, so that it might be possible that this pamphlet may reach many 
followers of Muhammad's great Religion. 

The Theosophical work is thus extending considerably and ever 
more workers 'are wanted, while the same small band of devoted workers 
has to take the heaviest burden in everyone part of it. But several new 
workers are coming to the front now though also several of the old 
ones leave for Holland now and the fruits of all our labours show 
themselves in a slowly but surely improving attitude of the general 
public notably the newspapers towards us and the Theosophical 
Society. So in conveying the kind greetings and love from all members 
of the Dutch East Indian Section, T. S., I can report at the same tiim 
that " all's well " in our movement here. 

General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosopliical Society. 

On the 1st of October, 1926, the number of members on the roll 
was 387. There were 43 new admissions during the year. 2 transferred 
to another Section, one member passed away, and 192 were placed in 
the Suspense list. At the end of September, 1927, we have 235 active 

Bro. Shew Frasad of Maymyo who died in September, 1927, was 
a source of great strength to the Section and his Lodge. Bro. K. G. 
Vaidyanathan, a valuable member, has gone to Bombay to serve in a 
wider sphere, the Fellowship school. Our task is still to interest the 
Burmese Buddhists in Theosophy ; some headway has been made to 
remove prejudices or misimpressions by carrying on propaganda in 
Burmese. The 4 active Lodges of this province are in Rangoon, Maymyo, 
Mandalay and Pyinmana ; the rest are more like Centres with an earnest 
member in their midst. 

Our Convention was held at Rangoon on the 5th, 6th and 7th 
October, 1926. Our esteemed Y ice-President of the Society, Bro. 
JinarftjadAsa presided. We have recorded in our last year's report the 
useful work done by him and Mrs. Jinarajadasa during their sojourn 
in Burma for 5 weeks. He admitted into the T,S. 7 new members and 
spoke to them of the privilege of coming into the Society. He gave us 
the following fine message : 

It goes without saying that Burma anil Buddhism are synony- 
mous. It is true that there are now in Burma, born as citizens of 
Burma, Hindus, Muhammadans, Christians, Chinese and others. ^ But 
taking the civilisation as a whole, it has certain marked characteristics 
which are Burmese. 

Every one who comes to Burma has noted a wonderful charm, 
due partly to the temperament of the people, and partly to the joyous 
spirit of Buddhism, which has developed in the Burman to an unusual 


extent. While life is certainly sorrowful for all, it seems in many ways 
less sorrowful to the Burrnan, because he has been trained to gain out 
of life many charms. Whereas the Indian temperament when at leisure 
is apt to go deep into philosophical thoughts of importance, the Burman 
has managed in his leisure to gain a sense of happiness and peace 
combined. It is this quality which radiates, or rather did radiate, once 
upon a time everywhere, from the platforms of Pagodas especially. I 
am quite aware how sometimes, since ease has been exaggerated, that 
work begun is never properly completed because the character gets tired 
of effort. On the other hand, it is a gain that the character should re- 
cognise that life is not for work so much, as that work is for life. 

It is quite possible for the Burman to be thoroughly up-to-date, 
in touch with the piethods of the twentieth century civilisation, and yet 
so moderate the pressure of life on him as to retain that peculiar 
Buddhist charm, which is inseparable from the Burma of old days. I 
hope that with the combined culture of India and Burma, and adding 
what elements can be found from the other religions, Burma will remain 
always that place where the sunshine seems softer, and where the trees 
seem to wave with an added grace. 

The Bt. Rev. Bishop Leadbeater and 3 brothers of his party from 
Australia visited us in December, 1926, for 5 days, on their way to 
Benares. His gracious pres'cnce at Olcott Lodge was uplifting to us ; 
he gave lucid explanations of questions put to him at members' meetings. 
He spoke of the World-Mother, of the objects of the Liberal Catholic 
Church which were not for converting people of other faiths, and he 
urged the Buddhists to carry out the precepts of the Lord Buddha. 

Brother Yadunandan Prasad gave us a welcome and refresh- 
ing visit in April, 1927. He gave four public lectures in 
Rangoon on The World Teacher, Theosophy and Science, Some Thoughts 
on Education, A Travel through Europe and an address on Krishnaji to 
members and another address to students. These addresses were very 
much appreciated, as also the film which he brought of the Star 
Congress of 1926 at Ommen. He also gave similar public lectures at 
Mandalay, Maymyo and Pyinmana. 

Bro. A. Rangaswamy Iyer, President of the Madura T. S. Lodge 
also visited us with his son and gave lectures on Sanatana Dharma 
and the New Age, The Message of Buddhism, The World- Teacher in 
Our Midst and other lectures. The Rangoon Lodge hall has been 
fairly used for public lectures both by members as well as other 
speakers. Lectures were on Our Duty to Children, How Shall We Serve, 
Whom Shall We Serve, Ideals in Education, Co-operative Housing, 

T. S. IN BURMA 117 

Bahaism, Organizations like the Star, Fellowship of Teachers, Youth 
Improvement Society and The Surma Humanitarian League, the 
Rangoon Literary Club have made use of the hall for their activities. 
Maymyo Lodge, on account of its energetic Secretary, Bro. Rajagopal, 
provided well-attended public lectures on the World-Teacher, Mysticism, 
JRe-incarnation, The 'Teachings of Islam, Theosophy and Buddhism, 
Protestant Hinduism, etc. Dr. Mullan, Bro. Kyaw Hla, Bro. Dorabjee 
have kept up Theosophy in Mandalay. Bros. Naganathan, amidst other 
work, has rendered valuable help in keeping up the Section office. 

Bhikku U Kondanna returned from Benares in March and 
addressed other Bhikkus in a few Kyaungs on the coming of the World- 
Teacher. Bhikku U Withokda takes interest in the Rangoon Lodge 
studies. A very young Buddhist aged only 5, Mg. Tun Nyun, gave 
in the Rangoon Lodge two sermons on Lord Buddha's Teachings with 
quotations in Pali. 

The General Secretary, in conjunction with several Bhikkus in 
Rangoon, has organized a series of lectures on Buddhism which are 
given in Burmese by Bhikku Ledi U Sadila which are well attended 
and appreciated by the Buddhists. 

For the Buddhist Shrine at Adyar a sum of Rs. 1,200 
has been collected from the Burmese Buddhists by the General Secre- 
tary with the co-operation of Bhikku U Withokda and Brothers Wales 
and Vcrhage in Rangoon ; through Brothers Kyaw Hla and Dorabjee in 
Mandalay and through Dr. Brahaspathi in Promu. 

The President's Birthday, The T.S. Anniversary Day, Bishop 
Leadbeater's Birthday, Adyar Day and White Lotus Day have been 
celebrated as usual by the Lodges by holding devotional meetings and 
getting up small subscriptions for charity. Prayers of all Religions 
are now regularly recited every Sunday at Olcott Lodge and on special 
occasions at public gatherings. Olcott Lodge maintains its regular 
contribution to the Public Purposes Fund. 

The name of the Section Magazine has been changed from The 
Message of Theosophy to Towards Burma's Glory and special attention 
is paid to the Burmese portion thereof. 

Taking up the excellent suggestion of Bishop Arundale Burma 
Section is providing a humble contribution to the 80 years Young Fund. 
The sum, expected to be realized, would be about Rs. 1,600. 


Wo conclude in the noble words of her great colleague on the 
special occasion of the President's 80th birthday and 20 years of sagacious 
leadership, " if it be the Will of the Great White Brotherhood whose 
chief servant and Representative she is, it is our most earnest desire and 
prayer that she whom we so love and trust will continue to lead us on 
our Upward Path for twenty years yet to come. We lay our homage 
at^ her feet and we invoke upon her head the richest blessing of those 
illustrious Masters whom she has so long and so faithfully served." 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Statistics. Great events cast their " Light " before, and thus the 
past year (looking back on it with the insight gained since) seems to 
have been solely filled with the endeavour worthily to prepare for your 
coming to our beloved Vienna. The various activities leading up to it 
were started, naturally all unconsciously of your forthcoming visit, 
because we hardly dared to hope that you could spare the time for 
Central Europe, you never having been here during the fifteen years of 
the existence of this National Society. The effects of your presence 
among us (if only for a day and a half even) will make themselves felt 
in the figures of our next year's report, I am sure, and will show a 
great advance on this year's. The number of our active Lodges is : 10 
(last year 14) and of our active members 441 (461 last year) the 92 
newly joined inclusive. 

Activities. But your visit was heralded, as it were, by the moment- 
ous stay amongst us, during a short week in November last, bv Bishop 
Wedgwood, whose tourm'e covered practically the same ground as yours 
and vitally helped us to link us up closely with Warsaw and Budapest, 
ably seconded by the labours amongst us of Capt. Brice, Miss Betty 
Vidler, Akos de R;ithonyi and his mother, who is the General Secretary 
for Hungary, and Miss Wanda Dynowska, General Secretary for 
Poland. Before turning to the assistance rendered to us by Miss Bell, 
I must mention another vital stimulus reaching us from abroad : the 
publication in German of a series of the great masterpieces of our 
literature by Ernst Pieper, Ringverlag, Dtisseldorf, Germany. That 
we are thus blessed from abroad is surely the Karmic fruit of us having 
rendered help abroad, to wit : Andor Steinacker at Eerde, Ommen. 
Blanca Schlamm at Huissen, Elly Kastinger and Kitty VcrstSndig at 
Benares, Liesl Herbatschek at Allahabad, of Franz Pfeiffer and other 


Viennese members gladly doing yeoman service at the Star Camp 
alongside their Dutch and German confreres who, with a sprinkling of 
English, were largely responsible for the smooth working of that huge 
organism. My own itineraries in Germany and Hungary and those of 
Ernst Brouer, now of Berlin, may also have contributed to increase the 
influx of " Life Theosophical " into Vienna, which stream of force lead 
up to the climax of you yourself putting in an appearance on the 
platform of the largest hall of our capital, before a crowded and highly 
appreciative auditorium. 

Doing so much independent work abroad, one need not bo surprised 
if our members have shown great initiative at home as well. To have 
given the impetus to creative activities has undoubtedly been the result 
of Miss Bell'a labours among us. Her presence was due to your kind 
motherly forethought, you knowing the writer to be over-worked by too 
many responsibilities. The upshot of our members awakening to their 
own executive responsibilities was first of all the organizing of the 
Order of the Star as a separate and roally independent " Verein," 
taking advantage of the much more liberal political conditions now 
prevailing in Vienna itself, the cityfathers of which managed at last to 
emancipate the city from ecclesiastical supervision of its own affairs. 
Mr. Andor Steinacker's leadership in this has been duly recognised in 
that he is now the National Organiser of the Star and as such works, I 
am very glad to state, with ever increasing vigour as well for the well- 
being of the Austrian Section of the Theosophical Society, which in its 
turn works as heartily as the Order of the Star itself to spread the 
message of Krishnaji's " Kingdom of Happiness ". Quite a batch of 
lecturers have been active last season, foremost among whom Hans 
Walther Schiff, may be mentioned, ably seconded by Mrs. Elsa Lorsy- 
Stephani, who took also the arduous translation work off my shoulders 
and earned already laurels also in Ommen, Berlin, Hamburg. 
Mr. Fritz Schleifer and Prof. Hans Hiiber were active in the province, 
and were specially concerned in helping a newly founded peasant Lodge, 
which threatened to be swamped right away by orthodox intolerance of 
"friendly neighbours". Golden strains of love link our city centres 
with the Waidhof en community, whose marvellous activities attracted 
visits from many a member of our Executive, Dr. Walther Klein and 
Dr. Richard Weiss among them. The fact of public opinion being thus 


imperceptibly but effectively permeated with our ideals was proved, I 
venture to submit, by the widespread and friendly notices of the local 
press anent your presence, and the lengthy reports since your departure. 
Our public lectures will in consequence be better frequented even than 
last year's, I am sure, to further which happy event an Action Lodge 
has been created, which has been honoured by the distinguished patro- 
nage of no less a person than Bishop Arundale himself. As a tangible 
result of your influence may be mentioned the fact that some 300 
people handed us on special slips their names and addresses, 
and the Action Lodge is already arranging to keep the interest 
awakened not only going but to still further increase it, where 
possible. That your coming coincided with the happily completed 
refitting of our Headquarters and library inclusive, has to be booked to 
the credit of Obcrbaurat Korner, whose intuition timed his inspired activi- 
ties with truly marvellous precision, backed as it was, by his most self- 
sacrificing energy. 

In conclusion, I beg to prophesy that we shall faithfully steer the 
course you sot for us in spite of possibly dirty weather ahead, and ever 
herald your message for peace by trying our best to link up all Teuton 
peoples by bonds of mutual help and trust, and by spreading the ideals 
of noble motherhood, thus assisting advanced egos who will acclaim with 
glee Krishnaji's " Kingdom of Happiness," and with that to help to 
establish the real Brotherhood of Angels and of Men. 

May you, the Herald of the thousand years of Peace, who have 
been young for eighty years already, guide our beloved Society far into 
the millennium with unabating vigour ! 

General Secretary. 



To the President, Tlieosopliical Society. 

This Year's , Report, like those of the last few years, has little to 
tell of great undertakings within the small Norwegian Section of the 
T.S. It is a Report to show, that wo exist, and that we are cherishing 
hopes for the future. 

The work of the Section has been much hampered this year on 
account of illness among the active workers, and propaganda, in con- 
sequence thereof, has not been what it used to be, and what we wished 
it to be. Much to our own regret, we have had to cut out the public 
lectures in Oslo from our programme. Those lectures have always been 
much appreciated by the public, and we therefore do not like to be 
without them. 

What has been lost in one field of activity, however, has been made 
up for in another. Throughout the whole year many attacks have been 
launched against the T.S. due to the propaganda about the World- 
Teacher. These attacks, which have been partly of a rather vulgar and 
unsympathetic nature, have appeared in newspapers all over the 
country, and have brought replies from Dr. Lilly Hcber on behalf of 
the Star Movement, while Mr. Kai Normann, Mr. Ernst Nilsen and 
I myself, have defended the Society, stating its objects and work, and 
also giving its relation to and attitude towards the Star. The opportu- 
nity, thus offered for the spreading of our ideas, has been used to a 
great extent, and we have been able to reach a larger public, than any 
lecture-attendance could possibly provide. 

The visit of the President became a very groat success. The Press, 
both before her arrival and during the visit, showed very much interest 
in her person and works, and the general tone of the various articles 
was distinctly respectful. Both Press and public seemed to be rather 
struck with awe and reverence for the President herself. Really, the 

T. S. IN NORWAY 123 

word Theosophy was on everybody^' lips, and we felt quite popular as 
members of the T.S. a great and new experience, indeed. 

To the members themselves, it was a never to-be-forgotten event 
to see and to hear the President. Many years of longing were realised 
to most, although by reason of the shortness of the visit, the members 
failed to get the privilege of the more intimate relationship with the 

After her departure the calm was broken, and from opposing 
quarters including Anthroposophists and orthodox clergy alike, severe 
attacks wore hurled both against the President, the T.S. and Theosophy 
as a teaching. In the Press as well as in public lectures, these attacks 
were launched. The press-attacks appeared in the most widely circulated 
papers throughout the country, and my own answers, consisting of 3 
articles, therefore, were printed in the same papers. 

In like manner the Press was a very good means for giving publi- 
city to the movement for the spreading of peace by the prayer of peace 
sent out through the Order of Service. An article of mine, entitled 
" War or Peace " appeared first in one of the leading papers in Oslo, 
and went afterwards through a good many of the most prominent local 
newspapers throughout the country. Thus this bit of peace-work has 
been known in practically all parts of our wide-spread country, and 
many a friendly and sympathetic respond has reached me in direct 
answer to the article. 

Besides the visit of the President, our Section has been favoured 
this year with two other remarkable visits. In February the Rt. Rev. 
J. I. Wedgwood was with us for about a week, and now in these very 
days, we have had Mr. D. Rajagopal on a brief visit. The visit of 
Bishop Wedgwood WHS likewise a very successful visit. The Press was 
friendly and polite, the public interested and for the members his visit 
was a means of great inspiration and stimulus to continued efforts for 
the Theosophical movement. The members have the hope soon to get 
opportunity of a happy return of the Bishop's visit. 

The visit of the Organizing Secretary of the Star, Mr. Rajagopal, 
came very early after the visit of the President, the Press, having in 
fresh memory the brilliancy of the President and their own respect and 
awe for the wisdom of the aged, was not so interested in this visit as 
in the earlier visits this year. The Press was however friendly and 


very much impressed over the personality of Mr. Rajagopal, over the 
sincerity and intelligence in his manner of delivering the message 
about Mr. Krishnamurti. But the whole Press stated, there was 
nothing new in the message. The President had told them all these 
things beforehand ! 

Then in looking at the other parts of the work here, some of the 
Lodges are doing good work and keep faithfully the Theosophical Fire 
burning. One small Lodge has been dissolved this year. The President 
of the Lodge passed away, and there was no other member at hand to 
keep the Lodge alive. 

The Publishing Office is in the hands of the Section, but, because 
of the continued economical depression in the country, which influences 
the finances of all Idealistic movements, works under very restricted 
finances, and has been able to print only some small pamphlets. 

However, we are alive in the Theosophical Field and keep the 
Fires once lit burning, and do whatever we can to spread the message 
of the Brotherhood of Religions, which is, I think, the most attractive 
message in this country. 

At our Convention in August, a proposal was carried to the Govern- 
mont and Department of Education about reforms in the teachings of 
History. The proposal was brought forward by one of our most energetic 
workers in the Social and political field, Mrs. Ingeborg Boye. The 
content of the proposal was, that the teaching of History in the Schools 
ought to lay more stress upon the more peaceful aspect of historical 
events, instead of glorifying war and bloodshed. 

The proposal was after Convention supported by other move- 
ments, working for peace. 

The Convention agreed with my view, that the T.S. may 
at any given time appear in the outer world, not only with 
propaganda for Theosophy, but as in the case with this proposal to the 
Government, as a movement, which takes interest in the welfare of the 
greater community as well as in the enlightenment of manhood, both 
outside and inside the T.S. 

Much of the opposition and enmity towards the T,S. may be 
weakened, when the world sees, that Theosophists not only as the 
saying goes are thinking on their own perfection, but also consider it 
the duty of the Society to keep an eye to the needs of the world. 

T. S. IN NORWAY 125 

Membership : 

Membership the 1st of October, 1926 ... ... 270 

New members and reinstated ... ... 19 


Passed away ... ... ... 4 

Resigned ... ... ... ... 7 

Dropped ... ... ... ... 17 


Total ... 261 

The Magazine Norsk Teosojisk Tidskrift has this year been 
issued qua rterly. The editor is Mr. Erling Havrevold. 

On behalf of the Section I beg to send you and to the members 
assembled in Convention our most loyal and affectionate greetings. 


General Secretary. 



To the President of the Theosophical Society. 

I have hereby the honour to submit to you the Annual Report of the 
Danish Section of T.S. (1926-1927) : 

New lodges founded ... ... ... 2 

Lodges dissolved ... ... ... ... Q 

Active lodges ... _ ... ... 12 

New members ... ... ... ... 94 

Members resigned or dead ... t ... 10 

Total membership, October, 31st.... ... ... 614 

When I, a year ago, drew up my last GENERAL REPORT, I felt induced 
to say that the insecurity of time had put its stamp upon our work in 
whole, and I regret very much having to state that we still have the 
same difficulties in keeping up the temper of the Theosophical work in 
Denmark. Tho diverging points of view within the circle of members, 
which I last time termed as a " passing disharmony," are still present, 
and I am constantly on the outlook for ways and means which might 
settle the difficulties. 

Nevertheless, the work is carried on, we give lectures to strongly 
interested audience all over the country, and to members of different 
Societies in the capital and its neighbourhood. This work causes a steady 
increase of membership of our Society, while the resignation is caused 
chiefly by the difficult social conditions. 

The chance of resumption of the broadcasting of Theosophical 
lectures is still uncertain, but the Board of Section has done its very 
best to this end, through the organization of radiosenders, mentioned in 
THE GENERAL REPORT of last year. A bill has been introduced to the 
Danish Parliament a bill giving the right of emitting by radio to every 
organization fighting for ideal aims. The bill will, according to my 
judgment, soon be passed. 


The editors of the periodical : Tidskrift for Teosofi, state a 
constant increase of subscribers, and our Sectional Paper : Thesophia 
does its work satisfactorily as a means of communication between the 
Board of the Section, the Lodges, and the members. 

The summer school at Nakskov has worked as previously, and has 
given encouraging results. 

Two new Lodges, the " Leadbeater Lodge " and the " Herning 
Lodge " have been founded in the course of the year. 

An exceedingly important impulse to our work was given to us 
through our dear indefatigable President's visit to Copenhagen in 
August, an event which was not only an experience never to-be-forgotten 
to all the members, but also a very important help to the Board of the 
Section in its work to widen the breach in the prejudices which our 
local intellectual aristocracy still nourish towards Theosophical Teaching. 

Moreover, the presence of our President did very much towards 
making the Theosophical knowledge popular and known in Denmark. 

On behalf of the Danish Section, and on my own account I send 
our heartiest greetings to you, our dear President, and to all the 
assistants at the Headquarters. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

On the occasion of forwarding my Annual Report of the Theosophical 
Society in Ireland, I wish to assure you of our loyal support and great 
love and veneration for yourself. 

The epoch-making events in the Theosophical world, during the 
past year, have had very little outward effect in this country and the 
support accorded to our Society continues to be disappointing. 

The general well-being of the country has been worse than ever, 
and is reflected in the fact that a large number of our members are too 
harassed to study and work for our cause and an increasing number 
failed to pay their subscriptions. 

Our principal Centres continue to be Dublin and Belfast but public 
lectures continue to be given in Cork and Derry, as weU as at these 
two places and we have also established a Centre at Coleraine. 

Besides local lecturers, we have been greatly helped by visitors 
who gave lectures at these places, particularly by Miss Browning, 
Mrs. Yates, Mr. Bosman, Mrs. Sharpe and Bishop Pigott and we are 
very grateful for their help, as well as for the financial help which 
we continue to receive from kind friends in England. 

Some of our members concentrate on study groups ; others are 
taking an active part in outside philanthrophic work and the task of 
Theosophising life has been further promoted, during the past year, by 
the establishment of Co-Masonry and the Liberal Catholic Church 
in Ireland. 

We continue to publish our quarterly magazine, Theosophy in 
Ireland^ which whilst failing to attract general support, is doing good 
work in relating to our great folk-lore to the Ancient Wisdom. 

I very much regret that I cannot offer a better record of work done 
during the past year, as some token of appreciation of the inspiration 


we have all derived from your leadership ; I can only express the 
hope that our next record will be better and that the fruit of our work 
may prove how much we appreciate your teaching. 

Praying that you may long be spared to guide and inspire us. 

General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

I have the honour of rendering, herewith, report about the work 
accomplished by the Mexican Section during the last Theosophical year. 

My report differs but little from the one rendered last year as far 
as Lodge work, membership, propaganda, etc., is concerned. An obstacle 
to any marked progress or spread of our movement has to be looked for 
in the fact that no incisive change took place during the past year in 
the unfavorable political and economical conditions of the country and 
which, therefore, have continued to exercise their retarding influence. 
Nevertheless, I am in a position to state that, generally speaking, our 
work has progressed normally and that it has, at least, maintained 
itself at its level. 

Perhaps the most conspicuous event of the year was the change of 
our quarters to our present address at the " Cuauhtemoc Building " at 
Calle de Ocampo No. 3, where we have found more spacious and in 
every respect more suitable quarters. They comprise the offices of the 
General Secretary, a spacious hall suitable for lectures and Lodge 
meetings, a small library, an ante-room and another small hall, set 
apart specially for the E. S, I am convinced that our new quarters 
are much better suited as well for preparing our future work, because 
we have now reason to be satisfied with the outer aspect of the domicile 
of the Society without, of course, claping to aspire to obtain our own 
building some day. 

So that during the year, a noticeable progress has been scored as 
far as the outer form is concerned and I hope that before long I may be 
in a position to report the same concerning inner progress ; after all, 
among us, a fact which has become a settled conviction with the great 
majority of our members, will no doubt make its beneficent influence 
felt very noticeable before long. 


At present the number of our Lodges amount to 29, and the total 
membership of the Section to 341. 

I trust with all my heart that the Theosophical Society will con- 
tinue under your wise guidance and that the sphere of your beneficent 
action will continue to spread wider and wider in the world, while at 
the same time I would tender You in the name of our members and my 
own the most sincere assurance of our loyalty and love. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

The Dominion of Canada antedates the Theosophical Society by 
eight years, and has this year celebrated its sixtieth year with national 
and popular rejoicings. In the stock-taking which naturally accompanied 
the celebration, the extraordinary resources of Canada, its advantages of 
soil and production, its forests and fisheries, its mines and oil fields, and 
its maritime situation, combined with a climate which has always con- 
tributed to the development of the hardiest races, were all seen to point 
to a national future beyond anything discoverable elsewhere on earth. 
What the Theosophical Movement may do for an incipient nation by 
aiding it to bo free of the burden of priestcraft and sacerdotalism, and 
the organized religion which, as a Master has well said, is responsible 
for more than two-thirds of the evils that pursue humanity, may well be 
considered, and is surely the task which the T. S. in Canada has to 
shoulder. Nothing but the strictest neutrality on the part of the 
Society can ever secure success in this, and it has been felt necessary to 
renew the protest already officially made against the imposition of a World 
Religion with a set of dogmas presented for acceptance to the General 
Secretaries. This could only be done on the authority of an unanimous 
membership, and it is not easy to believe that the members would stultify 
themselves by adopting a measure directly in antagonism with the 
Constitution of the Society which refuses the yoke of dogma of any kind, 
and provides utter freedom for all who join its ranks. Canada is a demo- 
cratic country, and is not in sympathy with either the domination of 
Facism or of Bolshevism, or the tyranny of personal leadership. The 
Theosophical Society appear in recent years to have abandoned its demo- 
cratic tendencies. This mistake has been adverted to mildly enough by 
Mr. Krishnamurti in his address, " Who Brings the Truth ? " in which 
he points out that personal leaders die and their followers form sects. 


*' You will then begin to have ceremonies, to invent phrases, dogmas, 
systems of beliefs, creeds, and to create philosophies. If you build great 
foundations upon me, the individual, you will be caught in that house, 
in that temple, and so you will have to have another Teacher to come 
and extricate you from that temple, pull you out of that narrowness, 
in order to liberate you ; but the human mind is such that you will 
build another temple around him, and so it will go on." We scarcely 
expected to receive such support for our Canadian views, but the truth 
is the truth wherever it is spoken, and we trust this will be given the 
support due to a fundamental policy. 

We have suffered in Canada for proclaiming this very doctrine, 
and I have been accused of abusing and antagonizing Mrs. Besant 
because I have consistently held this position. I, or any General Secre- 
tary, would have just as much right as Mrs. Besant to proclaim, say, 
Mr. William Kingsland, the author of Scientific Idealism, Rational 
Mysticism, Our Infinite Life, The Esoteric Basis of Christianity, 
and other outstanding books, as an Arhat and one to be followed as a 
Leader in the Society. In fact, I would not be likely to do as much 
harm, since fewer people would attend to my announcement, as far 
as the neutrality of the Society is concerned, although, on the other 
hand, no one has been mentioned who could have a greater influence 
for good through his books. It is a mistaken loyalty that permits anyone 
to sap the foundations of the Society for the sake of promoting the 
cult of any Teacher. Mrs. Besant took this view when she expelled the 
whole German Section for its allegiance to the late Dr. Rudolph Steincr. 
And yet he had as good a right to do what he did as any one has to 
exploit another teacher in a similar or even more influential way. 

The true policy is to allow liberty to all, but to give preference in 
the Society to none. Individual members can do as they please. The 
wrong begins when the Society is committed to the support of any 
Leader or policy. Mr. Krishnamurti has pointed out the danger and 
I am glad he has done so. 

The effect of the propaganda which has been forced upon the Society 
has been as marked in Canada as anywhere. Even membership has fallen 
from 562 in 1926, to 503 in 1927 at the close of the year on June 30. 
The decrease is largely fropi the inactive list, those who failed to pay 
their dues during the year just ended. These are much affected by public 

T. S. IN CANADA 137 

opinion which was decidedly hostile to the idea o a new Christ publicly 
proclaimed. The public are not unexpectant of a new Saviour, but they 
look for one who will come in humility and meekness, who will win his 
way by his wisdom and his power, bearing the signs spoken of tl*e Christ, 
as they were given to the disciples of John the Baptist " the blind 
receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the 
deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached 
unto them." The Gospel of Happiness, that we should all wear good 
clothes and be happy, is only a mockery to the poor toiling masses of 
.our so-called civilization whose misery is their poverty, for whom good 
health is impossible by reason of their diet, whose minds are degraded 
inexpressibly by the materialistic education to which they are subjected. 
In The Key to Theosophy, chapter xii, these things are spoken of, but 
Madame Blavatsky is no longer an authority in the Theosophical Society, 
and I heard lately of a member (not in Canada) being expelled on 
account of persisting in holding a Secret Doctrine Class. Such things 
do not attract tho public to our ranks, but we hope to outlive this era, 
and survive till the time when real Theosophy shall be welcomed every- 
where. It has never yet had a proper presentation to the musses. 
There is a stirring in the Valley of Dry Bonos of the Churches, however, 
as the arraignments by such men as Dean Inge and Bishop Barnes in 
England, and the preaching of such men as Rev. Dr. Robert Norwood 
in New York indicate. The common people hear these men gladly, and 
they are taking the common sense estimate of sacramentalism and 
sacerdotalism in general, which will eventually give real Theosophy its 
due opportunity. 

Canada has suffered also from some of the Cuckoo movements 
which, unable to build nests of their o\vn, deposit their eggs in the 
Theosophic nest, and look to the Society and its members for succour 
and support. One of these has threatened to split the T. S. in Canada 
in two, but the wiser members do not fear his terrifying prophecies, 
which appear to be based on those of the Pyramid prophets who announce 
that on May 29 next will begin an eight-year period of \var and desola- 
tion, ending with Armageddon ! 

A kindred movement to that of the Theosophical Society is making 
great headway both in England and America, and it is not without 
strength in Canada. The adhesion of Sir Oliver Lodge and of Sir 


Arthur Conan Doyle to Spiritualism has widened the influence of this 
cult to a tremendous extent. The Canadian Magazine, a conservative 
periodical, this year published serially Sir Arthur's story, " The Land 
of Mist," which is really an account of Spiritualistic phenomena as 
developed by Richct, the French savant in Paris, and other mediumistic 
incidents, all very striking, and with illustrations of the materialization 
of Homo Pithecanthropus and other wierd manifestations. Happiness 
is no antidote for this kind of thing ; Spiritualists are steeped in every 
sort of satisfaction and content as far as mere enjoyment can carry them, 
so that a Gospel qf Happiness can offer them nothing new. 

The Canadian General Executive at a meeting in August determined 
to assist in the development of the Travelling Library activity started 
by the Toronto Theosophical Society. In a country as sparsely settled 
as Canada with a stretch of 3,858 miles between Halifax and Vancouver, 
it can be understood that it is only through books that propaganda can 
be effectively sustained. As far as it has been put into operation these 
travelling libraries have given much satisfaction and promise to be 

The Canadian Theosophist has been our chief activity during the 
year, and its impartiality and freedom of speech have made it popular 
among those who value these qualities. Mr. James M. Pryse has been a 
frequent contributor during the yoar, and among other things his testi- 
mony that Madame Blavatsky's ring is now worn by Mrs. Besant and not 
by Mrs. Tingley as has been alleged, is of general interest. Mr. Pryse, 
as one of Madame Blavatsky's most valued assistants, is a modest but 
gifted occultist. 

Members of the Society in Canada have been responsible for several 
interesting books published during the past twelve months. Mrs. Fred 
B. Housser of the Toronto Society, issued a study of the Canadian Art 
movement under the title, An Art Movement in Canada, which hag 
attracted the attention of critics far and near. It is a most interesting 
piece of work. Dr. Lionel Stevenson, of the Vancouver Lodge, now on 
the staff of the University of California, published through the Mac- 
millans, An Appraisal of Canadian Literature, a delicate piece of 
criticism, which has been highly commended and which gave due recog- 
nition to the special strain of mysticism in Canadian literature. Mr. 
A. M. Stephens, another Vancouver member, published his second volume 

T. S. IN CANADA 139 

of poems, The Land of Singing Water, which contains some exquisite 
work, and is altogether of a high order. The Blavatsky Institute of 
Toronto published a reprint of T. E. Willson's Ancient and Modern 
Physics, which has been out of print for a number of years. This is 
indispensable to the student. A pamphlet which has attracted much 
attention here is Mr. William Kingsland's drastic analysis of the report 
of Society for Psychic Research on Madame Blavatsky in 1885. This 
scathing criticism should be in the hands of every Theosophist. 

Among the deaths of the year wore those of Michael G. Sherk, the 
author of a volume of historic interest, Pen Pictures of Ta,rly Pioneer 
Life in Upper Canada. It deals with the Province of Ontario, as it 
is now called, and of the district largely settled by Germans in Waterloo 
County, where Kitchener (formerly Berlin) is situated. Mr. Sherk 
was a member of the Toronto Lodge. Another death is that of Francis 
Grierson, the distinguished essayist and musician, well-known in Toronto, 
who formed one of a party with Colonel Olcott and Madcme Blavatsky 
at the Eddy homestead in Northern New York on a certain occasion. 

There will bo no opposition in Canada to your re-election as 
President next year. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Tlieosoplncal Society. 

The Argentine Section has entered into a new epoch, which I 
venture to classify as one of greater order, activity and cohesion of the 
elements composing it. 

If the number of Lodges, Groups and Members of the previous 
year be compared with that of the present year it will appear as if we 
have lost ground. A more careful examination will however show that 
this is not so. A number of fictitious Lodges and Groups have dis- 
appeared or in other words only those members have lapsed who 
entered our Society in order to please their friends or through mere 
curiosity or because they believed that they would find a community of 
supermen free from all defects. 

Although the characteristic of this country is indifference which 
leads to no-co-operation and facility in criticizing, generally speaking 
wo have observed that the number of workers has increased considerably. 

The General Secretary and the Sectional Council, as a whole, have 
set a good example, doing methodically and with perseverance and love 
the important work which each and sill are responsible for. 

During this last year the Council has held 16 ordinary meetings 
and 4 extraordinary ones nearly all were attended by full gathering 
of the councillors. In the latter meetings the Rules of the Section 
have been reformed and given a larger scope, greater cohesion and 
gravity. The reformation is now awaiting the approval of two-thirds of 
the votes of the Presidents of Lodges before putting them into practice. 
Those persons who occupy the different official posts are always 
on the watch to prevent the Society being perturbed by adverse 
elements which unfortunately abound and insiduously infiltrate into our 
ranks with intentions to weaken them or to prey upon the members' 
vitality. Several serious conflicts have arisen relating either to 


internal or external affairs but the General Secretary has faced them 
all as he should oven though it has meant, in certain cases, personal 

Our official Magazine Teosofia en el Plata is published regularly 
every two months and on the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of our 
beloved President we edited a special number which has doubtless been 
seen in Adyar and its value recognised. In all the Spanish speaking 
countries our magazine is much appreciated. 

As regards the number of Lodges, Groups, Regular Members and 
Members attached to these Headquarters, all of the Argentine Section, 
the following schedule will give a clear idea of the general state as well 
as the detail movement of the membership. 

Statistics. Lodges, 18 ; Members in year 1926, 403 ; Members in 
year 1927, 385 ; Gains, 34 ; Losses, 52. 

In addition to these members, there are 3 members at large, i.e., 
attached directly to this Headquarters. 

Besides the number of Lodges, Groups, etc., that meet in this Capital 
there is an Institution that is autonomous although dependent from 
the Section, namely the Argentine Thcosophical Library Association. 
It is open every day and on Sundays public propaganda lectures are 
.given. Moreover here several other allied institutions carry on their 
activities, namely, Liberal Catholic Church, The Star of the East, 
Co-Masonry Study Groups and the E. S. T. The Library Association 
is at present in a flourishing condition due largely to the activity of 
several devoted members of the Order of Service. 

We are at present collecting the votes of all the F. T. S. for the 
next election of the President of the Theosophical Society. This is 
necessarily a slow operation because this Section comprises the 
Argentine, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay countries that are situated 
several days' journey apart. However wo hope to be able to send all 
the votes collected by 1st of November and we have every confidence 
that Dr. Besant will be re-elected. 

The proposed visit of Mr. Jinarajadasa has stirred up great interest 
and we regret that it has been impossible to carry it out. We will 
however wait for his next trip to Europe and will then request him 
to come over to South America. There is not the slightest doubt that 
such a visit would do a great deal of good to the cause in this continent. 


The amount of fees that has been collected this year including 
the annual and entrance fees is $1,775'00 paper dollars. As is usual 
we are sending 10/ to the Internationa] Headquarters, namely $177*50 
paper dollars which is equivalent to 15-12-4. 

We are in the most cordial relations with all the other Sections 
although we regret that the larger part of the magazines outside this 
country do not take the interest in us as frequently as we do about them. 

On the 18th of this month the Ninth Convention of this Section 
was held in perfect order and complete harmony. At that meeting it 
was unanimously , decided to send a telegram giving our greetings and 
loyal support to our beloved President. This telegram was despatched 
on the day following the Convention. 

After perusing this Annual Report there arises any indication 
that you consider would be useful we should be glad to receive same 
and would endeavour to comply with it to the best of our ability. 

With this suggestion I will conclude and respectfully salute my 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

It is my privileged duty to give you in the following lines a general 
idea o the activities of the Theosophical Society of Chile during the 
term between the 1st September, 1926, date of my last Report, and the 
31st August, 1927. 

Before entering fully upon the subject, I desire to express to you, 
our great President, our profound admiration for your Theosophical 
labours and for your efforts for the furtherance of the Grand Ideals of 
the New Era ; to repeat the gladness with which we endeavour to co- 
operate towards their speedy accomplishment, realizing that they are in 
accordance with the sublime Plan of Evolution ; that they are inspired 
by the Masters of Wisdom, of Whom you are the authorized speaker ; 
the object of which is the realization of Brotherhood, which should be 
the chief motto of the Theosophical Society. 

Lodges. The following charters have been issued : 
Logia Loto Blanco, in Angol. 
Logia Kut Humi, in Valdivia. 

The Logia Punta Arenas has been left in abeyance ; consequently 
the status is as follows : 

Last year the Lodges numbered ... ... 15 

Now Lodges formed ... ... 2 

Dormant ... ... - 1 




Members. On same date last year our members numbered 260 

Have been enrolled ... ... ... 41 

Have been reincorporated ... ... ... 3 


Have retired by being erased from roll ... ... 43 

There remain ... ... ... ... 261 

The number of members have not increased because Lodges in 
general have been stricter as regards rolls. 

Of the Centres of study mentioned in last Report, that of Angol 
alone has developed into a Lodge. Two new Centres have been formed 
in Coquimbo and Puerto Montt. Of the former mentioned in last 
Report, those of Curanilahue and San Fornando alone continue their 
ordinary activities. 

Activities. The Lodges have continued their ordinary work of 
study and diffusion of our teachings. Several public lectures have been 
delivered throughout the country : press articles have been published for 
the extension of our doctrines ; the White Lotus Festival has been 
becomingly celebrated and also the Social Anniversary ; and in several 
cities training courses have been formed for mental improvement after 
the methods of our friend Mr. Ernest Wood, in his work entitled 

I have to state that several brethren amongst us have had the 
opportunity of travelling over our extensive territory and neighbouring 
countries, taking advantage of these opportunities to deliver public and 
private lectures, thus bringing about an increased unity and brother- 
hood. Amongst these travels I do not wish to pass over in silence 
that carried out by Madame Elcira C. de Armengolli to the city 
of Mendoza, Argentine Republic, whore this lady carried out some 
very useful activities for brotherhood, and which originated after- 
wards the visit of the dear brother Carlos A. Stoppel, a prominent 
member of that country, and finally the tour which it was my privilege 
to make to Bolivia, where the most fraternal relations were commenced, 
and where determined efforts are being made to establish new Lodges. 

T. S. IN CHILE 145 

Latin American Theosophical Federation. The scheme o our 
Cuban Brethren has merited on our part the most cordial acceptance, 
and we arc disposed to give it our fullest and best support ; for we 
perceive that the union and approach of: Latin American countries form 
part of the Grand Plan of the Masters. 

Sectional Organ. OUT Sectional publication La Recista.Teosofica 
Chilena has increased its circulation to 2,000 copies, its pages to 32, and 
has considerably improved its appearance. Its general plan of work is 
the same as pointed out in our previous Keport ; in addition to which we 
expect that the Revista will, as time passes, become a more important 
bond of union between Latin American countries. 

Book-Selling. We are pleased to state that the saloof Theosophical 
books has corresponded with our best expectations ; we hope to increase 
its development by the formation of department especially devoted to 
the extension of foreign literature and publications. 

Alatias Yaraszeck. I desire to publicly record hereby the gratitude 
of the T. S. in Chile towards Mr. M. Yuraszeck, of Puerto Montt, who 
has bequeathed by will the greater part of his estate to the Society and 
its Lodges. 

Visits. Tho longing to receive the external help of some of our 
leaders is still very strong amongst us. We have not presumed to 
extend an invitation to visit us to yourself, well knowing how arduous 
are your m^ny duties. However, in conjunction with some other 
South American Sections, we have extended one to our beloved Vice- 
President, Mr. C. Jinarajadasa, who has kindly accepted and whom we 
expect during the next year. We have also invited Mrs. Annie 
M. Gowland and Mr. Ernest Wood. 

Oilier Activities. I must point out the interest evinced by a group 
of our members for the Educational Problem. Two organizations have 
been lonned. One is under the name of Associacion de la Nueva Educa- 
cion, the aim of which is to work for the propagation in the country of 
the New Education Fellowship principles, and in aid of which it is 
expected that people outside of the T.S. will in future take a more 
prominent part. It publishes quarterly the magazine La Nueva Era, 
of which 1,500 copies are printed, and whose acceptance is daily increas- 
ing. The other bears the name of Associacion de la Universidad 
Theosofica Mundial, whose President, Mr. Carlos Parrau, is one of our 

* 19 


Society's most efficient and active members. The object of this 
organization is to work tor the extension of your grand scheme of the 
World Theosophical University. 

The diffusion of Naturism and its teachings also has the hearty 
co-operation of our members. Brother Isamel Valdes ha? opened a 
Naturist Restaurant in Santiago, which has served as an important means 
of propagating these ideas. Mr. Demetrio Salas, of La Serena, is also 
doing active work in this direction, besides publications and other 

The Order' of the Star, the Women's Protective Legion and many 
other movements of a social character, such as Boy Scouts, Societies for 
the Protection of Animals, etc., are fields which offer a wide scope for 
the disinterested and altruistic activities of many of our best members. 

Our teachings have lately been the object of systematic attacks on 
the part of different members of the Catholic Church. I hope that in the 
future, as heretofore, our members will maintain in their replies and 
controversies, in these emergencies, the lofty respect due to all, and also 
the forbearance and brotherhood which should be the distinctive 
marks of all true Theosophists. 

In short, the year may termed normal : I believe the progress has 
been rather in quality than in number, as the improvement attained by 
numerous brethren, by their spirit of patient and persevering work, is 
worthy of commendation, and inspired by our Grand Ideal of Service 
and Brotherhood. 


General Secretary. 




To the President, Theosophical Society. 

The chief characteristic of our Theosophical work here during the last 
year (1st October, 1926 to 1st October, 1927) is lecturing. Our General 
Secretary has visited almost all the towns of our small country, giving 
in each of them courses of three or four lectures on different subjects. 
The activity in the capital of Sofia was going on with great regularity 
and vigour. Our ideas are gaining more and more hearing in the 
midst of the general intelligent people. We are sorry that our pub- 
lishing work is very limited, because of the low exchange. 

It is with great joy that I mention the following fact. One of 
our brothers presented as gift to the Lodge he belongs to one storey 
of his private house. When it was to be opened, there were invited 
to give their blessings four priests of the churches Greek-Orthodox* 
Jewish, Muhammadan and Liberal Catholic. All of them came, and 
did their duty at the same time one after the other, before many 
visitors. At the end of the service, the Orthodox priest, moved by 
the strange and new act, spoke how thankful he is of the good luck 
to see fulfilled one of the oldest prayer of his church the reunion 
of the Faiths and Communion in the Holy Spirit. I am sorry tc 
add that afterwards he was forced to deny the fact, but the act did 
its public service. About it a note was published almost in all papers, 

This year we have 35 new members, and the whole active mem- 
bership is 201. 

We arc thankful to some 47 brethren who are so good as to help 
us by giving 10% of their income, and so our Section is sure for its 
good standing. May the Great Ones in Whose Name they offer this 
sacrifice bless them. 

On behalf of the Bulgarian brethren I have the honour to send 
sincere greetings to the Revered President as also to the Society all 
over the World. 


General Secretary. 


7o the President, Theosophical Society. 

I have the honour of submitting to you the Annual Report of the 
Icelandic Section of the T.S., this time covering the period from 
April 1, 1926 to October 1, 1927. 

Statistics. According to the Rules of our Section the members 
have to pay their Annual dues before the end of March every year. On 
the 1st of April, 1926, we had 316 members. During the year 26 
members joined, 2 died, 4 resigned and 2 dropped out. 

The total membership, April 1, 1927 ... 333 

Suspended members ... ... ... 33 

Active members ... 300 

On May 3, a New Lodge was founded at Isafjordur, a town in the 
western part of Iceland. From May 1 to October 1, 38 members 
joined and 5 dropped out, so the total membership on October 1 is 366. 

Propaganda. During the winter Gr<*tar Fells, Kr. Sig. Kristjans- 
son and Halldur Sigurdsson gave some public lectures. I gave also 
26 lectures at different places in the country. Most of them were on 
the Coming of the World-Teacher and they were exceptionally well 
attended so I had to repeat some of them. 

Clubs and Study Groups. During the winter season the following 
Clubs and Groups kept on working : The Band of Servers, the Inter- 
national Corresponding League, the English Club, the League of 
Information, the Sewing Club, the League for the Federation of Nations 
and the Federation of Young Theosophists. Most of these Groups form 
a Branch of the Theosophical Order of Service, of which the Organising 
Secretary is Mrs. Martha Kalman. 

Literary. The Icelandic translation of the book At the Feet of 
the Master was quite sold out, so we had it reprinted this year. In 

T. 8. IN ICELAND 151 

December last we issued the first printed number of our Magazine, 
Gangleri. Till then we had only typewritten it. We have got about 
1,000 subscribers, of whom more than two-thirds are not T.S. members. 

The Vice-President's Visit. The visit of Mr. Jinarftjadasa was a 
great event in the history of the T.S. movement here. For years we 
had hoped that one of our loaders would some day come to our country 
and at last our hope was realized. The Vice-President remained with 
us for 18 days. He visited most of our Lodges and gave a number of 
lectures at T.S. meetings and also in public. The newspapers had 
many articles about him, all written iu a friendly and sympathetic tone. 
The T.S. movement in Iceland will derive very much good from his 
visit, and I extend our hearty thanks to you, dear Dr. Besant, for giving 
your sanction to his going to our country. 

Conclusion. The last year has been one of the most prosperous 
years, since the foundation of our small Section : At T S. meetings 
we have had about 80 lectures delivered by our members and 35 public 
lectures. Our Magazine, formerly typewritten, is being printed now, a 
now Lodge was founded and the members who joined were almost twice 
as many as those who joined each of the former years. And last not 
least we had the visit of our Vice-President. It is perhaps worth 
mentioning that this happy year of ours is the seventh year of the 
existence of our Section. 

In conclusion permit me to extend to you the assurance of our 
reverence and gratitude. 


General Secretary. 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

With my most sincere fraternal greetings and highest proof of my 
homage of admiration and respect, I submit the report of the Portuguese 
Theosophical Society to you, referring to the year running from the 
1st of October, 1926, till the 30th of September, 1927. 

The Theosophic work done at the meetings of the Lodges, meetings 
in common for lectures and Theosophic courses and general propaganda 
were once more disturbed and interrupted, as in former years, by a 
political and social agitation that lasted for more than 2 months ending 
in the serious revolutionary movement in February of this year. 

Though the sharp periods of such things be generally short, it 
certainly caused the rights of the meeting? to be suspended and the 
prolonged censure prevented the expansion of human thought and ideas. 
Notwithstanding, as soon as normal peace was established, and 
with the authority of the military government, we resumed our peaceful, 
penetrating, fraternal movement of spreading Theosophical light which 
is so necessary to illumine human minds in this country. 

Membership. During the year more than 42 members were 
admitted and 1 was readmitted ; 3 members died and 1 5 resigned ; there 
being an increase of 25 in comparison with last year. 

Active members on the 1st of October, 1926 ... 280 

Members admitted until 30th September, 1927 ... 42 

readmitted until 30th September, 1927 ... 1 


Members resigned ... ... ... 15 

,, deceased ... ... ... 3 


Total active members ... 305 


Lodges. Once more the attempt to develope the Theosophic 
Movement in Oporto failed and the " Fraternidade Lodge " that had 
been refounded was dissolved for want of members, but we are going to 
try once again in that city. 

In compensation 3 of our Lodges were founded in Lisbon during 
the present year which are indicated in the adjoining map. 

They are : Count S. Germain, H. Olcott and Lcadbeater, the 
latter being removed to the city of Lagos, in the province of Algarve 
at south of Portugal. 

There are therefore 11 Lodges that form the National Section of 
the T.S. 

As to the number of the Centres of Theosophic study, there are 
actually 4 as shown by the adjoining map, but they have not really 
given the result that was expected. 

It has become necessary to develop a greater propaganda in the 
provinces, which the Directing Council thinks of doing next spring, 
initiating visits to various cities and villages with an oral propaganda. 

Spreading Theosophic knowledge throughout Portugal, it is in- 
teresting to know that, though the number of the members in Society 
is small, the ideas are much spread throughout the population. 

This may partly be explained by the apathy of the population 
though the backwardness of the general culture and the economical 
crises that these people arc crossing and everyone is refraining from 
making expenses and paying subscriptions. 

I believe that the number of persons interested in Theosophy is 
great though there are only 305 members inscribed in the Society. 

Owing to the same economical crises, we cannot make a greater 
propaganda with books and words. 

The Work of the Lodges. The work on ethics, cosmogony and 
anthropography predominates in the Lodges, there being a great number 
of hearers but very few lecturers. The latter, overtaxed with 
Theosophic work, rarely frequent the Theosophic school to be able to 
make the deep study which it requires. A great limiting Karma is raised 
before the Theosophic heralds in Portugal. But there is a constant 
individual struggle that shall overcome all difficulties. 

General Meetings. On Friday in the room hired by the T 4 S., 
general meetings are held by the members of the Society, the programme 


being the following : (1) Lecture once a month ; (2) Lessons on 
Theosophy and a meeting of the Order of the Star. 

There is a gathering of about 60 persons. 

This year we are going to inaugurate a complementary course of 
Theosophic study to substitute the elementary one that took place. 

Theosophic Propaganda. The Isis review is published but it has a 
great economical struggle to keep itself up. 

This year is a new edition of 1,000 copies of propaganda 
pamphlets Reincarnation ; it was not possible to publish any more. 

The Theosophic publications continue to be in great demand, which 
are published by the Editor Teixeira of this city, which are translated 
from vulgarised Theosophic works, Korma, Theosophy, The Seven 
Principles of Man, Man ami His Bodies, Invisible Helpers, Clair- 
voyance, Ancient Wisdom. 

The Society's Head Ojfice. This problem continues to be without 
any solution that will deserve a special study of the Council, because its 
need greatly opposes the development of the Society. At present the 
General Meetings are held in a hired room that contains from 100 to 
120 persons and the Lodges meet in private- houses, excepting the 
Maitreya Lodge which has its own quarters. 

Activities. The National League for the Protection of Animals, 
the activity of the T.S., in free development, there being about 1,500 
members. Its animal post of help is developed, giving any attendance 
at any hour, for it has a permanent nurse. Up to the 30th of June 
last year about 700 consultations, treatments and operations were made. 
A subscription is being got up, which is going on rather slowly, for 
the building of a new station of the league that will be opened in 
Lisbon, but there is a great need of money among the compassionate 
ones. The League has several delegations in the provinces and has 
founded another institution at Delagoa Bay which has developed and has 
now about 500 members. 

The <4 Fraternal League," to which I referred in the report of 
last year, has about 300 members and many valuable donors, so that 
it has been able to give ample assistance to many poor persons 
and has distributed more than 20,000 escudos in alms, about 200 

The Round Table is being now organised. 


Great Theosophic Movements. Of the three great Theosophic 
movements I hope to begin the World University next year, the 
organization of which I am studying. 

A small but devoted group is going to organize a Liberal Catholic 
Church that will reunite persons of devotional spirit, but who will have 
to struggle against a very strong reaction of the Catholic clergy that 
always tries to thwart the Theosophic ideas. 

The Visit of the Venerable Vice-President of the Theosophical 
Society. The most important fact for the Portuguese Theosophical 
Society, which the report of this year has to mention, was the visit of 
the venerable Brother C. Jinarajadasa and his wife Mrs. Dorothy 
Jinarajadasa which took place from the 22nd to the 25th of last 

It was the first time that the Portuguese Theosophists had the 
chance to be in contact with one of the most eminent Directors, I 
can affirm without any exaggeration, that visit marked a new era in 
Theosophical life in Portugal. 

Though their visit was short in this country three days and a half, 
and there being the holiday period that interrupted the Theosophical work 
and many brothers absent from the city, it is certain that the majority 
of the brothers appeared in a body, the two lectures that took place and 
always found in the various visit to the activities the realization of faith 
and admiration that the Theosophical ideal arouses in the Portuguese 

That dear chief gave two lectures, one devoted to the T.S. and Order 
of the Star, in a fine room which wo hired, in the presence of about 400 
persons and another public lecture in the Hall of the Portuguese 
Geographical Society, which is considered the hall of honour, in the 
presence of about 2,000 persons that heard him with great respect 
without the slightest interruption. 

The interest aroused by that lecture was great, and all the press 
referred to it, even the attitude of a contrary Catholic newspaper was 
actually benevolent, compared with the violent aspects which it assumes 
when it tries to impose its belief on any point of view that is not of its 
dogma. This first visit of our dear chief C. Jinarajadasa and his 
charming wife was then registered in Gold Letters in the annals of the 

T. 8. IN PORTUGAL 159 

Before concluding I must say that in the Convention of this 
Society held on the 1st of April last I had the honour to be re-elected 
General Secretary for three years more and by unanimous votes. 

I must also say that a new project of statutes was discussed and 
approved of by a majority to govern this national Section of the T.S. 
in future, and that this project translated into English accompanies this 
report, to be examined by you and by the Convention of the T.S. and if 
it be worthy of approval to put into force. 

With my fraternal greetings will you deign Madam to accept my 
homage of highest esteem, consideration in which all the Directing 
Council join. 


General Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

During the year we have purchased our own Headquarters building 
at 10, Park Place, Cardiff, for 2,500. 

It was decided to keep, the premises entirely for Theosophical and 
kindred activities, and to endeavour to raise sufficient funds from these 
to meet the necessary expenses for upkeep. This has involved many 
changes and re-arrangements of the premises, which as a result is 
becoming a more useful centre for the work of the Masters. In addition 
to the Cardiff Lodge T.S. Lecture Room, (seating about 100), there is a 
Co-Masonic Temple, a small Oratory for the Liberal Catholic Church, 
the National Library and Offices, a Star Room a Refectory, a Rest 
Room for Members, a small E.S. Room, and one for Young Theo- 
sophists. Miss A. BankB^ and Miss L. Harry continue to occupy the 
top flat as resident F.T.S. 

The Welsh Theosophical Trust has been formed for holding the 

Another important step has been the appointment of Mr. David 
Jeffrey Williams as National Organiser, Lecturer and Publicity 
Secretary for Wales. His practical experience as a miner and his 
devotion to the cause of Animals are amongst his qualifications for 
this post. 

An effort to establish " Goodwill Day lf on May 18th throughout 
the world has been made. 

Three new Lodges have been formed, at 1, Port Talbot, 2. Llanelly, 
3. Pontypridd, and a Centre at Anglesey. Forty-eight members joined 
during the year. 

We were again very fortunate to have our President, Dr. Annie 
Beaant, to preside over our Sixth Annual Convention which was held at 


General Secretary. 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

I have pleasure in sending you the report of our activities during 
the year 1926-7. 

Due to the absence of the National President, Sister A. M. Gowland, 
actually in South Africa, and due to the resignation of the National 
Secretary few months after having been elected, I have been appointed 
to replace him. This young Section needed to be consolidated and 
duly organized, therefore the chief efforts during the last months aimed 
at this important object. 

Considerable work has been done in a short time, so that to-day 
our offices are in order, the financial situation is more favourable, and 
our prospects for the future are very promising. 

We had to change locality moving offices and abode of several 
Lodges to another house in a centric place, and with the necessary 
commodities. There will be inaugurated the Public Theosophical 
Library for which we have plenty of books and magazines. 

The official magazine, El Mensajero, has been suspended tore- 
organize it, and to give to it financial stability. 

A reform of the by-laws of the Section according to the require- 
ments of the moment is being studied. 

The Lodges of the Section have been working normally, developing 
generally different activities. 

The inclination for the Arts, principally for Music, is the dominant 
characteristic, having had interesting meetings with commented music, 
recitation, etc. 

One Lodge devoted herself to the visit and aid of the sick in the 
hospital. Another is sending a Commission to the jail of the minors to 
give good counsels and to distribute books. 


There have been made excursions to the country ; festivals of 
Naturalists, and Sunday meetings dedicated to the children have 
been attended. 

It is a great pleasure for me to point out the harmony prevailing 
among members of the Lodges, which is reflected in the collective 
harmony of the Section. There is a spirit of solidarity, and the feeling 
for co-operation is growing stronger. 

I have suggested, and it has been accepted by the Council, to form 
seven great divisions or Theosophical groups of action, of Education, 
Social Affairs, ^Sciences and Arts, Philosophy and Religions, Philan- 
thropy, Propaganda, Administration and Finances, respectively, with 
the view that each member of the Section should join the group or 
groups with which he finds himself more in harmony, each group having 
possibility for forming sub-groups to facilitate or extend the sphere of 

The initiative which is recent already began to be realized, having 
been organized groups of Arts, Sciences, Education and Philanthropy. 

We aspire that Theosophy should not be merely a field of study, 
investigation, spiritual development, but also a focus of higher powers 
which should crystallize in useful deeds for human improvement in our 
daily life. 

We are sending herewith the statistical data corresponding to the 
Uruguay Section. 

New Lodges formed during the year ... ... 2 

Lodges dissolved during the year ... ... 

Total number of active Lodges ... ... 12 

New members during the year ... ... 34 

Members-reentered during the year ... ... 9 

Members lost, dead, transferred ... ... 40 

Total number of active members ... ... 166 

With our best wishes for the progress of the T. S., and for your 
happiness, greets you your brother and faithful servant. 

General Secretary. 



To the President. Theosophical Society. 

There are now ten Lodges divided as follows : 

Four in the Capital (Bucarest), meeting from time to time in the 
T. S. room in Mme. Popp's House, Strada Vasile Conta No. 8. 

There is a dormant Lodge in Targoviste, 5 Lodges in Transylvania. 

There are about 170 Fellows, of which some 50 are in Bucarest. 

The General Secretary^ elected until April, 1929, is Mme. Helena 
Komniciano, of 1'Union Mondialo de la Femme, 17, Boul. H<*lvetique, 
Geneva. She holds a position in this organisation, which is working for 
World-Peace ; she delegates her powers to Mme. J. Popp-Bragadir, who 
is resident in Bucarest. Mme. Honmiciano is much admired and respected 
in Roumania. She is expected there this month (November) for a visit. 

The Vice-Presidents are Mons. M. Nenitescu of 4, Strada 
Dorobantilor, and Mme. H. Lazar, of Turda, Bucarest. 

Our movement is naturally affected by the political, economic and 
social difficulties of the country as a whole. There is a good deal of 
political unrest owing to the unfavourable state of relations with 
Hungary ; and as most of the newly-formed Lodges are on former 
Hungarian territory, where a " state of siege " still exists, work there 
is hampered by the difficulties involved in getting permission to hold 
meetings of over 5 persons. The Press is censored, strong military 
garrisons are maintained in the newly-annexed towns, and the movements 
of foreigners are rigidly controlled, limited periods of residence only 
being allowed. I personally was told I must leave by 30th November. 

Events have placed the town of Bucarest in the position of the 
Capital of the New Roumania, whence the whole country is administered, 
and whence officials are sent to govern the newly-acquired provinces. 
The formation of a strong Centre there is an object worth some 
trouble and sacrifice, as it could favourably affect the whole of the 


country and produce tolerance and brotherhood where now there is racial 
antagonism and fear. 

The Bucarest Headquarters has been asked by various Lodges in 
Transylvania to inform the Authorities that they form part of the T.S. 
in Ronmania, thus leading to the permission to meet being granted 
them. A useful little issue of News and Notes is made from Bucarest 
half yearly, as well as occasional summaries of lectures, etc., all of which 
help to keep isolated members in touch. There are one or two F.T.S. 
in almost every large town in Rou mania who are able to obtain books 
from Bucarest. .- 

There has been some re-arrangement of the Bucarest Lodges, so 
as to provide for beginners, for students and active workers. 

All members joined in a festival meeting for Dr. Besant's birthday. 
A public lecture on " The Appearance of a New Spiritual Teacher " was 
given in French to F.T.S, and the public at the Mai^on des Francais 
on 18th October by Mr. Bertram, and was well received. 

Transylvania. The growth here is admirable. Starting with a 
Parent Lodge, the Transylvania, the following Lodges have grown up 
around it : Cluj (Kolosvar), and within the last year, Arad, Oradea 
(Grosswaerdein), Temesvar (Timisoara) all formerly Hungarian towns. 
In Arad, in particular, a Theosophical lecture is sure of a very warm 
welcome, especially if he can introduce a note of beauty into his 
addresses. Mine. Marguerite Jombart is the President. 

In Temesvar Mr. Silviu Russu is the President, and the Lodge 
members are Hungarian, Roumanian and German. The Lodge was 
formed in the presence of the undersigned, on llth September. The town 
was one of the strongholds of Hunyadi Janos. 

The Lodge in Oradea suffers from its proximity to the Hungarian 
frontier, but has Roumanian members in good positions. 

The new Lodges formed during the past year are largely due to the 
eloquence and energy of Dr. Pall Gabor, of Turda. His lectures have 
attracted thought lul people of all kinds. 

Groups. There are Groups in Ploesti, under the leadership of 
Mr. P. Timmennann, and in Chisinau, led by Miss D. Belovodsky. 

The great mission of the T. S. in Roumania seems to be to bridge 
over the gulfs arising from varying culture and traditions separating 
its present citizens. Will the older culture of the Hungarians ever 

1\ S. IN ROUMANIA 169 

blend with the Latin traditions o the Roumanians ? Or would it be 
better for Hungary's lost provinces to be restored to her by some sort of 
peaceful agreement. So mixed up are the Hungarians, Roumanians, 
Saxons, Swabians, etc., in Transylvania that, whoever held power, there 
would always be large minorities, consequently some discontent. The 
Roumanians are feverishly building schools for the spreading of their 
language and Latin culture, whilst the Hungarians, assisted by the 
Roman Catholic Church, have held, at least one huge gathering for the 
purpose of pledging themselves to preserve their culture by all possible 
means. Is there not a grave danger of another conflagration, as 
Dr. Besant pointed out in London on 2nd October ? Perhaps Theosophy 
and the Star alone can prevent this calamity. 

For the (General Committee. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Devotion and loyalty to you, our beloved Chief ! I have the honour 
to submit to you the report of the Yugoslav Theosophical Society cover- 
ing the period qf October 1st, 1926 to October 1st, 1927, respective to 
December 5th A.c. It is the day Miss C. W. Dijkgraaf and her Secretary, 
Miss J. Glen- Walker have left our country. May be that I ought to 
report just after having experienced their inspiration. 

Miss Dijkgraaf evoked your spiritual presence so vividly that we 
all lived through the glory of your Light. Few only did it a month 
ago when publicly celebrating on October 2nd A.C. your 80th Birthday 
Anniversary and having your picture beautifully ornatcd on the platform. 
She realised in Yugoslavia too, u the deep and warm feeling that tills 
our hearts for you, our wise and loving President." 

So, we shall have in a month you unanimously elected our President 
for ever. Yugoslav Section resolved it already at her Annual Conven- 
tion on October 1st A.c. May you far in the future nobly represent 
the Theosophical Society in the world as you always do. 

History. In this year Yugoslavia got a red letter day. On 
September 2nd our three delegates presented to our reverend President 
a national coat as an anniversary souvenir. The whole Yugosjavia as 
well as the neighbour countries appreciated tho most friendly gesture 
of our great President in putting the " coha " on to go on the platform 
at the Vienna lecture and sending to tho writer an inexpressibly kind 
letter from Paris, dated September 10th A.c. It is published in our 
sectional Magazine Theosopliy, Vol. I, No. 2, tho whole of which we 
dedicated to our revered President. There is also a picture in it 
representing Dr. Annie Besant in Yugoslav national dross. This kind 
of readiness, our beloved Mother, to help your children in Yugoslavia in 
donating to them the mentioned photograph of you is again one of many, 
many kindnesses we owe to you and we have to gratefully thank 
you as Yugoslavia is doing it most sincerely. 


Statistics. In Yugoslavia there arc now nine Lodges and two 
Centres. One Centre ceased to work on account o the death of its Chief, 
but a new one was established to continue the work though in another 

From last year's report the number of 140 members increased 
though 2 are dead, 5 left our country, 7 resigned and 18 were placed 
on the suspended list. On October 1st our Section numbers 143 active 
members, and to-day on December 5th, 1927, there are 156 in 30 different 
towns, all desiring Dr. Annio Besant to remain permanently our 

The Annual Convention was the last of our 448 meetings (in the 
regular period of one year) where all gathered people again expressed 
the unanimity to renew the promise given to their great President as a 
gift for the next yeur too, i.e., the keeping of genuine harmony m the 
Society as well as outside of it. 

Activities. The activity of the Section has been during the last 
year chiefly devoted to sectional editions. On Holy Saturday Theosophy 
and the Theosopliical Society , To Those Who Seek the Truth, appeared 
as our first printed edition. For May 25th we issued Krishnaji's At 
the Feet of the Master. Those two pamphlets wore followed by our 
Sectional Quarterly. Owing to the idea of our wise President it just 
happened to meet the first number on the day of her election, July 6th. 
Expressing to the European Federation our hearty gratitude for kindly 
helping our publication itom we shall endeavour to continue it. 

The strengths brought by one of our members who was helped 
to attend the Congress of the Theosophical Order of Service have in- 
fluenced our Chief Brother to be able to link successfully with it some 
of the kindred societies. They joined to make propaganda for the 
Great Silence Day. The school children and the army people celebrated 
it officially and the Women Movement ex prirata but publicly dedicating 
a special meeting to the " Solemn two Minutes of Silence ". 

May this spark enlighten Yugoslavia to be led by you, our very 
Illustrious Brother and Most Beloved Mother, to the Vision of the 
World Wide " Holy Eucharist of Silence". 


General Secretary. 


To the President, TheosopMcal Society. 

The Tlieosophical Society in Ceylon, which existed as a part of 
the Indian Section, became a separate National Section as on and 
from 1st October, 1926. 

Membership. There were 74 Founding Members on the Koll and 
eight Lodges. During the year 35 new members joined ; of these 5 
are unattached members. Our total membership then stands at 109 
as on the 30th September, 1927. 

Lodges. The Section started with 8 Lodges. In August last two 
new Lodges, the Saraswathi Lodge and the Besant Lodge, were formed. 
As against this three Lodges are inactive. The following are the 
Lodges of the Section, at present : 

Service Lodge ; Lanka Lodge ; Maitreya Lodge (inactive) ; Asoka 
Lodge (inactive) ; Olcott Lodge ; Hope Lodge ; Saraswathi Lodge ; 
Viriya Lodge (inactive) ; Besant Lodge ; Youth Lodge. 

Although three Lodges are inactive some of their individual 
members atudy Theosophy and endeavour to infuse the spirit of 
brotherhood and friendship into their surroundings and their life. 
Some of their members are doing work through other organisations, 
such as the Scout Movement and the Soical Service League, and a 
Buddhist Sunday School. 

The Youth Lodge holds out good hope of being a Centre round 
which our membership will grow best. 

Activities. A Dramatic Branch has been formed by the Members 
of the Youth Lodge. "The Krotona Ritual" and "The Post Office" 
were staged by the Youth Lodge in conjunction with members of other 
Lodges. Some of the other Lodges are engaged in the study of 
Theosophical book?. 

The Saraswathi Lodge has started Educational Classes in English 
and Short-hand for those who are not in a position to pay fees. 

T. S. IN CEYLON 173 

The Society inaugurated a series of Sunday-Afternoon Social 
Gatherings as from February, 1927, at the Thcosophical Library, Borella. 
The main item of the Social Afternoon is a short address on any subject 
of human interest and welfare. The wide platform has appealed to 
many and the speakers have been both members as well as non-members. 
These mooting!* have been a great success and it may be said that 
through these gatherings there has been formed a strong Centre for the 
diffusion of the ideals of Theosophy. It has also helped to correct some 
misconceptions as to what the Society stands for. 

The Social Committee organised six socials during the year on 
various occasions of importance. They were successful in infusing a 
better sense of comradeship among the members and their friends. Each 
such Social has attracted a larger attendance than the previous one. They 
are distinctly popular and deserve encouragement. 

Quarterly Members' Meetings were held from April, 1927, to bring 
together the members of the various Lodges comprising the Section. 

Many of our members take an active part in movements promoting 
Brotherhood and Social Reform. 

Visitors. The lit. Rev, G. S. Arundale and Mrs. Arundale, 
Mr. A. E. Ellis (one time a lecturer in the Brahmavidya Ashrama) and 
Mr. F. Gordon Pearce visited Colombo in the course of the year. All 
three of them gave Public Lectures, during the brief stay. Mr. Ellis' 
stay was longer than that of the others and so his visit was the most 
useful from the point of view of the Society. His public lectures on 
Phrenology. Character Building and allied subjects attracted much 
attention from the various Societies to whom his services were lent. 

Headquarters. Our greatest need to-day is a Headquarters where- 
in we can gather together the various activities which exist to-day at 
different places. As it iy, our work is carried on in different places, 
and at private residences. A Headquarters of our own will lead to a 
better co-ordination of our work. 

The Building Fund Committee, have so far, been able to collect 
Rs. 7,046'92 nett, including Bank Interest. Of this amount Rs. 1,101 
was derived from a Benefit Night kindly given by Messrs. Madan 
Theatres Ltd. at their Elphinstone Picture Palace. The members were 
largely responsible for the sale of tickets for this benefit night and they 
thus helped materially towards increasing our Building Fund. It is felt 


that a strong steady effort must be made in the ensuing year to increase 
the Fund. Rs. 5,000 of the collection have been placed in the Savings 
Deposit Account at the Eastern Bank at an interest of 3% per annum. 

The Sectional Journal. The Ceylon Theosophical News has been 
continued throughout the year. It was? issued monthly when we 
started it in July, 1925, but now it has had to be made into a quarterly 
magazine because the cost of its more frequent publication was dis- 
proportionate to the funds at our disposal. 

Library and Book Depot. The Library taken over by the Section 
on November I/ 1926, was begun with 96 volumes, 55 presented by the 
heirs of the late Mr. P. D. Khan and 41 on loan from Mrs. Mary Lane, 
F.T.S. The total number of volumes is now 348, acquired partly by 
purchase and partly by gifts of books and money from members and 
others. During the year 20 non-Fellows of the Theosophicul Society 
have become Library Members of whom 4 have joined the Society. 

The Book Depot shows a turn over of over Us. 500. It has helped 
the Library by supplying books at cost and promises to become a source 
of revenue to the Section in the near future. 

General. Our first General Secretary Mr. H. Frei resigned the 
post as from 30th June, 1927, as he was leaving the Island. Wo take 
this opportunity of expressing the, gratitude of the Section for the mani- 
fold services rendered by him during his 25 years' connection with the 
Theosophical movement in the Island, and especially for his generous 
financial support in its various activities. 

We have to record with great regret the passing away of a great 
Theosophist, Mrs. Marie Musseus Higgins, in July, 1926. She laboured 
for 35 years in the cause of women's education in Ceylon and the 
Musseus College for Buddhist Girls is a living testimony of her devotion 
and zeal in the work of her Master. 

In conclusion we tender our thanks to all those members who have 
rendered services to the Society in various forms and capacities. Had 
it not been for their co-operation in the humblest tasks, often uninterest- 
ing and irksome and involving sacrifice of time, money and personal 
comfort, it would not have been possible to carry on the work of the 
Section. It is earnestly hoped that the members will in the coming 
year dedicate themselves anew to help on the work of the Society, and 
more particularly of their respective Lodges. The duty of each member 

T. S. IN CEYLON 175 

to the Society cannot be put better than in the words of one of its 
distinguished Founders, Madame H. P. Blavat&ky : 

" No member should set too groat value on his personal progress 
. . but must be prepared rather to do as much altruistic work as 
lies in his power. He should not leave the whole of the heavy burden 
and responsibility of the Theosophical movement on the shoulders of the 
few devoted workers. Each member ought to feel it his duty to take 
what share he can in the common work and help by every means in his 


General Secretary. 




To the President, Tlieosophical Society. 

Members. During the year under review, we gained 11 new 
members, making the total 44. The continued unsettled conditions in 
China, with the resulting economic depression, which has compelled 
many to leave the colony, accounts for the reduction in our numbers, in 
addition to which, two members passed away and two resigned. Three 
members are unattached, having left the colony, though still paying 
annual dues. 

Officers. At the Annual Election Meeting in June, the following 
Officers were elected : 

President : Bro. Malcolm Manuk. Vice-President : Bro. John 
Russell. Hon. Secretary : Mrs. Mabel May. Hon. Treasurer : Bro. Burjor 
M. Talati, B.A. Hon. Librarian, Book-steward and Propaganda 
Secretary : Bro. Herbert E. Lanepart. 

Committee : Bro. David Gubbay, Bro. Wei Tat, B.A., Bro. Wong 
Man Keung, Bro. Maurice Minney, Bro. Lee Tinsik 

Meetings. Altogether 127 meetings were held, comprising Public 
Lectures, Members Meetings, Devotional Meetings, Star Meetings and 
Self-Preparation Group Meetings. From May to September no Public 
Lectures were given, but the Committee met every week and bathing 
picnics were arranged, which were well attended by members and 
friends. During that time, at the instigation of the Vice-President, a 
syllabus was drawn up for the remaining three months of the year, 
giving a list of forthcoming public lectures and much other information. 
Owing to the influence of the President, we now hold the public lectures 
in a very attractive room in Messrs. Lane, Crawford's Restaurant, 
though we are still greatly indebted to our devoted Parsee friends, 


Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ruttonjee for the use of the Lodge promises for 
all other purposes, with electric light, etc., entirely free of charge. 

Lecturers. Of the Public Lectures, only a few were given by the 
President, owing to his absence in Shanghai and Australia during the 
greater part of the year. The remainder were given by the Vice- 
President, the Propaganda Secretary, the President of the Chinese 
Lodge, one of the Lodge members and the following visitors : 

Rev. Oscar Kollerstorm, Bro. N. S. Rama Rao (who gave six 
lectures), Dr. and Mrs. Handy (who gave two), Lieut. Myers and 
Miss Dorothy Arnold who gave one each. 

Finances. The main sources of our income are the usual monthly 
membership dues of $1 and the collection from our Sunday lectures. 
The former, though not so regular as one would like it to be, is still 
quite satisfactory when the prevailing depression is taken into considera- 
tion, while the latter, which has only just been introduced, has proved 
quite successful, though the greater part of it is taken up by the 
incidental expenses of the public lectures. 

Although we are not dependent on the generosity of a few members 
or supporters, still we cannot call the Lodge self-supporting because our 
Lodge and lecture rooms are not paid for. 

Some of our Chinese members having been transferred to the newly 
established Chinese Lodge, their dues are collected by that Lodge. Still, 
we are greatly indebted to them for their ready response to the various 
subscription lists opened, and it was mainly through them that we were 
able to send 21 to Ommen on account of the Star Self-Denial Fund. 

The untiring efforts of our Hon. Propaganda Secretary has also 
enabled us to subscribe another 21 to the " 80 Years Young Fund " 
and Rs. 45 to " Adyar Day ". 

Publicity and Propaganda. All our public lectures were sum- 
marised by the Propaganda Secretary and published in the four principal 
English newspapers, who were all liberal with their space. From 300 
to 700 copies of their reprints weekly were distributed among the general 
public. Copies were sent to outports and all Far-Eastern Lodges. 

In addition, a large number of propaganda leaflets and pamphlets 
were distributed among the Army and Navy (of which there has been 
a great influx owing to the trouble) and which may bear fruit on the 
return of the troops to their homes. 

CHINA 181 

In answer to attacks on Bishop Leadbeater and Mrs. Besant in a 
local newspaper, the Propaganda Secretary replied by a number of 
letters in the " Correspondence " column, and effectively silenced our 
opponents. The whole controversy lasted about six weeks and thus gave 
the Society a large amount of publicity and the public a good deal of 

Booksales and Library. The Book sale department did very good 
work, the total orders for books (mostly from T.P.H., Adyar) amounting 
to 78. A stock of books for sale is kept at the Lodge, and a selection 
taken to the lecture room on Sundays. The Library, however, could 
have been used more extensively. 

Adyar Bulletin. The total number of Adyar Bulletin required for 
our Lodge next year is 27. 

Address : MRS. MABEL MAY, 

P. 0. Box 632, lion. Secretary. 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Membership. The Chinese Lodge was established on November 9th, 
1926, with fourteen members, some of whom were old members of the 
Hongkong Lodge. By the end of May, 1927, when the year's work 
was closed for the summer holiday, the membership had increased to 36. 
Many friends had expressed their desire to join the Society though they 
had not yet formally signed their applications. About seven months 
before the official formation of the Chinese Lodge, a Chinese Section 
was formed, and weekly lectures were given to an average audience 
of about 30 people. During the half year a very successful attempt 
had already been made to present Theosophy to our Chinese brethren 
in the Chinese language. Most of the lectures were delivered by Bro. 
Wei Tat, B.A., President of the Lodge, and by Bro. Manuk, 
interpreted by Bro. Wei Tat. The lectures dealt in general with the 
Outline of Theosophy, Reincarnation, Karma, Life After Death, Thought 
Power, At the Feet of the Master, The Masters and the Path, Universal 
Brotherhood, etc. Lectures on the Order of the Star in the East, and 



on the Coming of the World-Teacher were also given. A big and 
successful social function was held during that embryonic period of our 
Lodge, and the publication of the Presidential Address of Bro. Wei 
Tat in the local papers at last introduced our Lodge to the outer \vorld. 
On the 9th of November, 1926, on the occasion of the establishment 
of the Chinese Lodge, a very impressive ceremony was held in which 
the President of the Lodge received the Charter of the Society from 
Bro, Manuk, Presidential Agent for China. Tn his reply to Bro. 
Manuk's address, Bro. Wei Tat declared emphatically, "This is the 
beginning of a long and continuous life of active service and aclf- 
sacrifice, service devoted to our country China in particular and to the 
whole world at large. The aims before us will be the dissemination of 
Light and Truth throughout the length and breadth of China, the 
realization of that ideal of Brotherhood among her sons, and the 
recovery and revival of her marvellous philosophy in the light of 
Theosophy not only for the vitalization of the Taoidt and Confucian 
religions but for the fertilization of th;- world field of thought . . . " 
Lectures. During the seven months of activity following the for- 
mation of the Lodge, 28 lectures were given, one of which was kindly 
delivered by Bro. Rama Rao, who passed Hongkong on his way to 
India. Tho inspiring lecture of Bro. Rama Rao instillrd into the Cliincsp 
Lodge a new spirit for service and now strength for spiritual attainment. 
The remaining lectures were generally undertaken by Bros. Manuk, 
Wei Tat and other members of the Lodge. 

Oi'<?<t'iization. For the administration of the Lodge, the following 
officers were elected for the year by the members : President : Wei 
Tat. Secretary: Wong Man Kcnng. Committee: Bros. Lee Tinsik, 
Tsoi Wai Yat, Chu Man Chi, Peter Kwok, Chunkin Liu, and Wan 
Ping Ching. 

Finances. The income of the Lodgd depends on the monthly 
subscriptions of tho members, and outside donations. The monthly 
subscription of each member is fifty cents ; but they wore not 
collected for the whole year, as no necessity for expenses was felt 
during the year. However, Bro. Wei Tat succeeded in obtaining for 
the Society outside donations amounting to $370'00 of which $50 had 
been transferred to the Ommen Fund in support of the Order of 
the Star. 

CHINA 183 

Present Activities. At present our Lodge has a large number of 
active and enthusiastic workers. A Chinese Library has been formed, 
and a " Lecture-practising Class " is being successfully carried on. A 
New-Thought Centre has also been formed by a few members for mental 
and spiritual development. 

Future Prospects. The future of the Chinese Lodge is a most 
promising one. Tt has been found that Chinese people of all classes 
and religions, Taoists, Confucianists, Buddhists, and Christians, respond 
to the Message of Theosophy very readily, and show a very urgent 
demand for our Theosophical literature. To-day the number of 
members is steadily increasing, and the attendance of our lectures is 
also becoming large. It is hoped that when adequate propaganda 
pamphlets have been prepared and distributed among the Chinese, we shall 
easily increase? our membership to a hundred or more. A mighty effort 
will also be made to introduce the Order of the Staramong the Chinese 
Brothers, and to spread the Messages of the World-Teacher in ('hina. 

Co-operation with the Hongkong Lodge. Our Chinese Lodge has 
been co-operating with the Hongkong Lodge in giving weekly English 
lectures at the tea room of Messrs. Lane, Crawford & Co., Ltd. During 
this winter term tho President of our Chinese Lodge has already given 
to large audiences a series of lectures on the religions of China, namely, 
Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. 

Address : WONG MAN KEUNG, 

No. 7, DUDUKLI, STREET, Hon. Secretary. 


To the President^ Theosophical Society. 

During the year 26 new members joined the Lodge. 2 resigned, 
nnd 4 left China, making the total membership 44. 

A Lodge Itoom was taken at 12 Nanking Road, the Library was 
installed there, and classes and lectures were held. Monthly lectures 
were given from October, 1926, until the middle of January, 1927, and 
from then until the end of May fortnightly. 


The financial year closed on June 30th, when the books showed a 
balance in hand of $253*47. 

The translation had been completed into Chinese of First Steps 
in Theosophy, and a thousand copies had been printed, which it 
was hoped would find a ready sale as the price was purposely kept 
very low. 

Address: P. AYRTON, 

49, AVENUE ROAD, President. 



7^0 9 he President, Theosophiral Society. 

The All-India Federation of Young Theosophists has completed the 
fourth year of its existence, the period under review being one o slow 
but steady progress. It also marks the second year of its closer 
relationship with the National Society while retaining its autonomy in 
the management of its own affairs. It continues to bo affiliated to the 
World Federation of Young Theosophists. 

Coiutitution. The Constitution and llules evolved gradually bV 
the Young Theosophists themselves as a result of their previous year's 
experience and as finally passed at the, Benares Young Theosophists' 
Convention held in December, 1926, w<>re found to he simple and most 
conveniently workable while giving at the same time the greatest 
unfettered scope for free self-expression on the part of its constituent 
Lodges and Centres. Organised activity has been much in evidences 
especially in such provinces as Maharashtra, U.P., Gujarat and 
Kathiawar besides the Madras City and Suburban areas where Local 
Federations as provided for in Rule 30 of the Constitution, have been 
in process of formation. 

Headquarters. As before, the Central Headquarters of the 
Federation continued to be located at Adyar and its close proximity 
to the International Headquarters of the Parent Society has undoubted- 
ly helped to draw the necessary vitality for an effective spread of it 
to the distant corners of our vast country. The Headquarters Office 
was being managed by the Joint General Secretaries assisted hy a 
whole-timed worker. 

Lodges. At the end of our last official year wo were reported to 
be having 104 Lodges and 7 Centres on our rolls although only 52 
Lodges and 4 Centres (or about 50;/; of them) were mentioned as 
having maintained their relationship with the Headquarters by sending 
reports of their activities, etc.. at regular intervals. During the year 
under review 11 Lodges have been chartered and 2 Centres have 
been formed. Out of the 11 Lodges chartered, 6 were already men- 
tioned as having been formed during the last year although not chartered. 


We have now 109 Lodges and 9 Centres on our rolls. 43 Lodges and 
Centres have been in constant touch with us, sending in their reports, 
etc. The comparatively small increase in the number of its Lodges 
and Centres is not only indicative of the general lull in the 
country so far as organised Theosophical activity is concerned but it also 
p'roves the necessity for a large number of enthusiastic and capable 
Youths forthcoming to serve as honorary Youth Lodge Organisers in 
their respective areas. However, looking at the work that these existing 
Lodges and Centres have been doing during the year there is nothing 
to despair ; for much useful service has been rendered by some of the 
active ones to the peoplo of the locality in several areas. For example 
the Action Youth Lodge of Surat, the Bilimora Lodge, and Ahmedabad 
Youth Lodgo, to mention a few out of the many others, have done 
yeomen service to the sufferers of Gujarat on account of heavy and 
devastating floods. Bombay, Poona, Bhavnagar, Madanapallo and 
Benares, as usual, have been very lively centres of Thoosophical and 
allied activities. Stray members here and there, have been doing 
propaganda work. First Aid work, drawing, painting and music 
classes, weekly study classes, manuscript magazines, camp-fires, 
excursions, relief work such as Hospital-visiting, Jail-visiting, etc., 
have been the most popular of the activities of our Youth Lodges 
amongst others. A few Lodges in North India have also very closely 
co-operated with movements such as the T.S. Order of Service, Order 
of the Round Table, Order of the Star, The Boy Scouts movement and 
so on, and have done much useful work. 

Membership. Last year, we had 1,767 members on our rolls of 
which 45 were full members of the Indian Section. The Federation 
issued 269 Diplomas during the year under review making the total 
strength 2,036. We lost one by death tmd one by definite resignation. 
We have also to add to that number 39 Fellows of the T.S. who joined 
the Federation as Associate members. We have, therefore, 2,034 
Regular members of the Federation and 84 associate members. The 
whereabouts of a large majority of the old members are not traceable 

d ue to as has already been observed by our predecessor the centres 

themselves being inactive and in not a t'ow cases almost completely 
dormant. With the organization of Local Federations and with much 
intensive activity on the part of our Lodges and workers here and there, 


we hope that the coining year will witness much co-ordinated activity 
and the coming into active membership again of most of the old members. 

Magazine. The Yonny Tlteosophist continued to be the Official 
Organ of the Federation and it was being ably edited from Bombay 
by Bro. Sunder P. Kabadi. Our heartiest thanks go out to him for all 
the trouble that the editing and publishing of the journal have entailed 
him on account of the highly unsatisfactory state of its finances. We 
hope that the Young Theosophists will see to it during the coming year 
that the, magazine is made really self-supporting. It rests entirely 
with the members to make it more interesting and financially stronger. 

" 80 Years Young Fund." The greatest event in the life of the 
Federation during the year under review has undoubtedly been the 
work in connection with this " FUND ". The response to our 
President's appeal made from on board s.s. Ranpura on August 4th, for 
a total collection of Rs. 1,000, has been indeed marvellous. The 
Headquarters got certain small button-hole Flags and Stamps both 
bearing the bust photographs of Dr. Annie Besant made for sale in aid 
of the " FUND ". Lodges and members have, shown real enthusiasm in 
collecting monetary contributions to the u FUND " as also in selling 
these Flags and Stamps. So far about Ks. 600 have been collected and 
before the end of December we hope that the expected one thousand 
will be realized. What is of greater importance is not the amount 
itself but the enthusiasm to demonstrate our Love, Reverence, and 
Gratitude to two of our Elder Brothers that the appeal of our beloved 
President has stimulated. 

Conclusion. A great work lies ahead of us. True, the year has 
witnessed the Tdeal becoming the Real to those who have had the 
visions to see ; but the glory lies in the conscious surrender of our all to 
Him who is the Lord and who in His infinite compassion has once again 
chosen to walk as Man among men and by so perfecting our organization 
as to be a most efficient channel for spreading His Gospel of Love and 
Happiness. Glorious is the opportunity of the Young nay not of the 
body alone but of the spirit as well to co-operate in His work. The 
Call is there ; who will rally round it ? 


General Secretaries. 


To the President^ Theosophical Society. 

Greetings to you and to all our brothers and sisters gathered at 

the Annual Convention ! On behalf of the Singapore Lodge, T.S. I 
submit to you my report for the year 1926-27. 
Statistics : 

Total active members on 30th September, 1926 ... 12 

New members ... ... ... ... 7 

Transfers from othtM> Sections ... ... 2 

Less : 

Deceased ... ... ... ... 1 

Resigned ... ... .. 2 

Placed on inactive list ... ... ... 2 

Actual total membership ... ... 16 

It is interesting to note that while we have a small membership 
several nationalities and almost all religions are represented in our 

A Historical Sketch. It may not be out of place if I begin to give 
you an account of how the Singapore Lodge, Theosophical Society, was 
formed in the year 1911 and a Charter was obtained on 1st August of 
that year. But till April, 1925, very little work seems to have been 
done, it being left to Bro. M. Fones to keep even the name alive. 
During April, 1925, Professor Kulkarni of the Gwalior College, Central 
India, paid a visit to Singapore on his return home, after a world tour. 


As a result the. Lodge was again revived, and meetings began to be held 
regularly on Sunday mornings with a very small membership. In 
March, 1926, it was considered desirable to apply to the Registrar of 
Societies to exempt the Lodge from registration so that work may be 
pushed forward more vigorously and systematically. On 12th May, 
1926, the advice of exemption was received. On llth September, 1926, 
Mr. J. H. Ruttonjee of Hong Kong made a generous offer to the 
committee to place at their disposal a spacious room in his offices. The 
committee accepted the offer on the, understanding that it is to serve as 
n Town Branch of the Lodge. Although the room was ready early in 
the beginning of this year yet we could not make use of it through the 
lack of funds until 3rd of March, 1927, when it was officially opened 
by our President Bro. M. Fones. The sincere thanks of the Lodge are 
due to Mr. J. fl. Kuttonjee who not only gave the free use of the room 
but also presented 133 books to the library and donated a sum of $200 
for general work and furniture. Much appreciation must be accorded 
to his representative Mr. Phiroze Mistry who has assisted much and 
is ever ready to help the Lodge. 

The Lodge used to be attached to no Sectional Society till towards 
the end of 1925 when it was thought advisable to seek connection with 
the Java Section in view of the nearness to their Headquarters and 
the possibility of being able to get into personal touch with some of 
their members who constantly pass through Singapore on their way 
to and from Java. The language, Dutch, however proved to be a 
stumbling block in the way, as our members could not make any use 
of their periodicals and bulletins. At the Annual General Meeting, it 
was resolved, therefore, that the Lodge sever its connection with the 
Java Section on account of the linguistic difficulties and re-transfer it 
to Adyar Headquarters. The Java Section was written to and the 
official consent was duly received from the General Secretary of the 
Dutch East Indies and confirmed by the Acting Recording Secretary at 
Ad>ar on 13th August, 1927. Once more it is attached to Headquarters 
and now for bettor progress and service ! 

Committee Meetings. During the year the Committee consisted of 
Brothers M. Fones (President), J. R. Naidu (Vice-President), Ou Lock 
Heng (Secretary), P. Mistry (Treasurer and Librarian), C. R. Menem 
and J. M. Janse.n. 


Eleven of these meetings were held during the year for the 
transaction of various kinds of business. 

Credit Balance on 30-12-26 ... ... 36-28 

Cash receipts during 1st January to 30th 
September, 1927 : 

Miscellaneous ... ... ... 301-05 

Entrance Fees and Headquarters Dues 57-00 
Library donations ... ... 95-00 

Books and Pictures Sales ... ... 61 '52 


Cash payments during 1st January to 30th 

September, 1927 : 

Miscellaneous ... ... ... 327-04 

Entrance Fees and Headquarters Dues 

to Adyar ... ... ... 63-24 

Library Books., ... ... 86-60 

Books and Pictures Sales Account ... 61'58 


('ash Balance in hand ... ... 12-39 

Books and Pictures in hand ... ... 6-76 


Meetings. Study classes were held uninterruptedly every Sunday 
mornings. The book Talks on " At the Feet of the Master " was chosen 
for special study and practically the whole of it has been carefully read 
and discussed in conjunction with Talks on the Path of Occultism in 
the course of the year. 

Since the opening of our Town Branch at 3 Finlayson Green we 
hold regular public meetings on Thursday evenings when lectures of 
following titles were delivered : " What is Theosophy," " The Law 
of Cause and Effect," "On Moods," "Theosophy," "On Values," 
" Brotherhood," " What is Theosophy," " Spirit Messages from Rudolf 
Valentino," " How I Became a Theosophist," ' What I Find in Theo- 
sophy," " Sacred Fire," " Discrimination," " Reincarnation," " Life 


after Death," "Talismans," "Unity in Diversity," " Theosophy and 
Theosophical Society," and some Thursdays were entirely devoted to 
Questions and Answers classes, for the members, visitors and .enquirers. 
These attracted quite a number of interested people and it is a pleasure 
to watch the slow but gradual growth of the fundamental truths of 
Theosophy among them by their attitude of mind and intelligent dis- 
cussions which we encourage at the close of every lecture. 

The Order of tho Star in the East, under a separate organisation 
having Bro. K. Subramanyam and Bro. T. Pakiry as the Representative 
and Secretary are doing some good work. There are ten Star members 
and two meetings were held on the llth and 28th of every month. 

Special meetings were held on the occasions of the White Lotus 
Day, Dr. Annie Besant's Birthday, The Wesak Day, The Fifty-first 
Anniversary of the T. S. and an invita:ion extended to Dr. R. Tagore 
on 24th July, 1927, during his visit to Singapore at the Town Branch 
where he was garlanded and a letter of welcome was read to him. He 
replied in suitable words and expressed his sympathy towards the 
Society and our work for Universal Brotherhood. 

Propaganda. Being a small body of students the Committee gave 
proper consideration as to the advantages and dangers of wielding this 
weapon. We should, therefore, exorcise tact and careful measures 
regarding this particular kind of work so as to avoid an overwhelming 
tide of undue public criticism and ridicule. When our Lodge is 
sufficiently strong to withstand this we will then carry out vigorous 
items of the programme. We are satisfied for the present to enlist the 
help of tho local newspapers to publish from time to time short 
announcements of lectures and the welcome to our Free Reading Room. 
Pamphlets and summary of lectures arc distributed to enquirers. We 
are groatly indebted to the Hong Kong Lodge and Bro. H. E. Lancpart 
for sending us copies of theee pamphlets and lectures. On the 12th 
September of the current year a free Short-hand Class was started under 
this work and a number of deserving students have availed themselves 
of this opportunity. Social function such as teas and picnics are 
organised to create an atmosphere of practical brotherhood among 
members and friends. 

I regard the Library as a collection of silent and most patient of 
propagandists and yet the most effective part of our work. It is still 


far from adequate and I hope that any of oar brothers and sisters who 
have spare copies of any useful books for disposal will remember us. 

Outlook. It has been decided at a Committee Meeting to get up a 
Theosophical Quarterly Magazine in the course of the next year. Its 
name shall be Rays of Truth. It will contain 80 pages or so of reading 
matter devoting chiefly to Theosophical or Universal subjects. If funds 
are forthcoming and all arc well we hope to bring out the first copy 
by January next when we shall like to hear from prospective subscribers 
and we now invite writers for their co-operation by voluntarily sending 
us from time to time any interesting article for publication. Please 
address all correspondence re this to the Editor, Rays of Truth 3 B, 
Finlayson Green, Singapore. 

Most Beloved President and Members of the Council, I beseech 
you to remind lecturers who are on their way out East, whenever 
possible, to make a point to call at Singapore and give a series of 
lectures on some fundamental truths of the World Religion, for I 
believe and can assure you that their trouble will not be in vain, 
provided sufficient time can be given for public arrangements 

Singapore has awakened to the importance of general education 
and every year hundreds of children are turned away simply because 
there is no accommodation in the local schools. The Governor in Council 
recently called attention to this great need. There is no reason why a 
school like the Olcott or Besant School cannot be run in Singapore 
even with profit as some of the private schools are doing here without 
any outside help. What an opportunity awaits those who are keen on 
educational work ! 

Closing this Report with my best fraternal greetings. 

Address : On LOCK HENG, 

No. 3, FINLAYSON GREEN, Hon. Secretary, 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

\ beg to send you with my devoted and respectful greetings the 
Annual Report of the activities of the Federation of the Lodges of the 
Theosophieal Society in Egypt for 1926-27. 

After the stormy difficulties of the past, the year under review has 
been quite calm and our members, although in small number, have been 
busy working assiduously in an atmosphere of harmony and brotherhood* 
It looks as if we were entering into a new period of quiet work whicl* 
T hope will bring, in time, good results. For the moment, all our 
efforts consist in gathering the members who remained faithful to us,. 
and organize them go as to have a strong although small centre to which 
may be attracted those who need or value our teachings. 

I must state that in spite of our small membership, Theosophieal 
teachings are more and more known and appreciated in certain spheres 
in this country. 

In Cairo wo have had regular Lodge and semi-public moeting* 
in French. 

The President of the English Lodge, Mr. Hamza Carr, has 
created a small study class which is assiduously followed by a few 
young Egyptians future members in the making of our Society. 

[ feel I must congratulate specially hero our brothers Mr. Tewfik 
Bey Diab and Mr. Abou Khator for the beautiful result of their devoted 
labour in achieving the translation into Arabic of the book At the Feet of 
the Master which has just been issued. We trust that when this book 
will be known by the public, its beneficial effect will be a great asset for 
our work in this country. This precious jcwol of guidance to the 
spiritual life will help not only the Egyptian Musalman*, but also 
those of their faith who read Arabic and are scattered in Asia, Africa 
and elsewhere on the face of the earth. 


I am very glad to say that in Alexandria, under the intelligent and 
active impulse of Mr. and Mrs. Suares and of Mrs. Duckworth to 
whom I extend a fervent welcome on behalf of all of us the year has 
been very good ; the branch is prospering ; serious work is now being 
done in spite of last year's stormy conditions. 

In Port-Said the Lodge's activity is rather slack ; but its devoted 
President and its Secretary are always there to receive and accompany 
all those of our Leaders who cross the Canal of Suez. 

Nothing special to report about our isolated members in Sue* 
and Khartoum. 

We had this year the great pleasure of the visit of several 
foreign members. We have been honoured by the presence of 
Rt. Rev. G. S. Arundale and Mrs. Arundale ; their stay of a few 
hours amongst us was precious. The activity, the Theosophical energy 
which characterise Bishop Arundale, will have an echo here and will 
help us in our task. 

Mr. Max Wardall, also visited us and delivered a very interesting 

Mr. A. Pena Gil of Mexico stayed with us a couple of weeks. 

Our cordial thank? to these visitors for their help. Their 
presence made feel a little more to our members that fraternity ie a 
tangible reality. 

Address : J. H. PERZ, 

P. 0. Box 240, Presidential Agent. 



To the President, Theosoplw'al Society. 

The chief event during the year 1927 has been for us the formation 
and organization of our Presidential Agency, created by Dr. Besant 
on March, 1927, Since Virya Lodge was founded on the 1st June, 
1904, under the auspices of the Chilean Section, we have been steadily 
growing, till now we have 9 Lodge? scattered in every country of 
Central America and in Colombia, with 5 Centres of study which we 
hope in a very near future will be ready to have their Charters. 

An especial Provisional Council has been appointed to supervise 
the work of our jurisdiction, and we are very glad to give the names 
of its members : 

Josrf B. Acuf.a ... ... Presidential Agent 

Julio Acosta G. ... ... Vice-President 

Jos(< Coronado ... ... Secretary 

Josf Monturiol ... Treasurer 

Alejandro Aguilar M. ... ... Legal Adviser 

Toindg Soley Giiell ... ... Councillor 

Mariano L. Coronado ... ... " 

Francisco Vidaorreta .... " 

Carlos Luis Saenz ... ... " 

The Draft of our Regulations have been published and we have 
gathered the opinions of the various Lodges. Now a Commission is 
sitting to draw its final form. 

The Presidential Agent sends a monthly letter to all Lodges as a 
sort of personal link with them, in which he freely discusses the general 
attitude of Theosophical students towards the big problc ms of life. This 
devise seems to meet with a great deal of success. 


Number of Lodges : 9 

Place : 2 in Costa Hica ; 2 in Nicaragua ; 2 in Salvador ; 1 in 
Honduras ; 1 in Guatemala ; 1 in Colombia. 

Study Groups : 5. 

Place : 3 in Costa Rica ; 1 in Nicaragua ; 1 in Guatemala. 

Total Membership : 288. 

New Members since March, 1927 : 35. 

Unattached Members : 3. 

Especial Groups : 7. 

Objects : 1 Meditation ; 1 Study Class ; 1 Organization of Centres ; 
1 Propaganda ; 1 Lending Library ; 1 Translations ; 1 H. P. B. 
Course. All these work in Costa Rica. 

List of Publications : 

Revista Virya (magazine), Official Organ, C. R. 
Brahma Vidya " Guatemala. 

Dharma " Salvador. 

Pamphlets Distributed^ Free : 

Que es la Teosofia ? Dr. Annie Besant 

Vida de Pitagoras don Marinano L. Coronado 

La Teosofia y la Educacion idem 

La S.T. y el movimiento Teosofico don Josrf B. Acufia 

La Iglesia Catolica Liberal ideir 

Consideraciones generates sobre la S.T. don Julio Acosta 


Order of the Star. National Organizer : don Tomas Povedano, 
San Jos, Costa Rica. Centres in Guatemala, Salvador, 
Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Colombia. Membership : 420. 

Round Table. Knight Director : don Mariano L. Coronado, 
San Josrf, Costa Rica. Membership : 24. 

Co-Masonry. Deputy of the Supreme Council for Central 
America : Sta. Esther de Mezerville, Nice, France. Lodge 
St. Germain No. 621 at Or. 1 , of Costa Rica ; new Lodge 
(not yet chartered) at Or/, of Nicaragua. 

Liberal Catholic Church. Church of San Jostf, Priest-in-charge : 
Rev. Josrf B. Acufia, Costa Rica. Membership : 75. 


Karma and Reincarnation. Costa Rica I Centre under Dr. 
Francisco Miranda ; Nicaragua 1 Centre under don Isidro 
de J. Olivaros. 

Addrssx : JOSK B. ACUNA, 

APARTADO 633, SAN JOSE, Presidential AffMt 

Costa Rica. for Central America and Colombia. 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Statistics* There has been no new member during the period under 
report, whereas, we have lost 3, Bro. A. C. H. Cross has resigned and 
Bros. D. C. Mutreja and Sat Bachan Singh have been put on the 
dormant list and the Lodge dues as well as Headquarter dues against 
them have been written off, thus leaving the nett membership on the 
roll of 20 against 23 of last year. 

Library. As Bro. Ram Labhaya, Hon. Librarian, has had no time 
of late, his report has also been included in the present one. 

The total of books and pamphlets of all languages on 30th 
September last was 469 as detailed below against 439 as on 31-8-1926. 
English books ... ... 283 against 253 

Urdu ... ... 49 49 

Hindi ... ... 13 13 

Gujerati ... ... 15 ,, 15 

English pamphlets ... ... 109 109 

The increase of 30 books, all English, is due to the following : 

Purchased by Lodge ... 3 

Presented by Bro. Ram Labhaya ... 6 

,, Lai ChandiKapoor ... 1 

,, Popatlal G. Mehta ... 6 

,, Kahanchand Kapoor ... 8 

99 9 99 99 

others and ... 5 

J. B. Dixit ... 1 



Total number of books, etc., issued to members and sympathisers 
during the period under review is 56 against 66 of last year, which is 
very discouraging considering the number of new books we have got 
during this period. 

Periodicals. We have continued subscribing to The Theosophist 
besides which, Herald of the Star which had been subscribed for the 
Lodge by Bros. ( '. J. Patel and Kahan Chand Kapoor for one year, has 
been subscribed by the Lodge for the current vear. 

We have been receiving Iheosophy in India gratis from the Indian 
Section, T.S., for many years past. 

Propaganda. Nothing special has been done in this direction 
except that we had purchased 25 copies of the Information for 
JEnguirers some of which have already been distributed. 

We have moreover sent 10s. paid by brother 0. M. Patcl to S.A. 
Section for 1,000 leaflets for propaganda purposes. These have not yet 
been received. 

Executive Meetings. --We have had three Executive Meetings 
during the period to conduct Lodge Meetings. 

Lodge Regular Meetings. Usual fortnightly classes as you all 
know, have been held on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month, The 
classes, as before, had been conducted by Mrs. Best, but on the 
completion of the book Life After Death it being proposed 
that other members should also come forward and take some 
active part, " Evolution and Destiny of Man " was started. Some 
of the members having volunteered, they were allotted different 
chapters of the book and had to come with their portion thorough- 
ly mastered and express the same in their own words in about 
half an hour, after thn class had been opened by our Rev. Bro. 
A. P. Best by reading a few lines from At the Feet of the Master, and 
after the same had been meditated upon by the members present and 
afterwards explained by Bro. Best. 

The meeting is being thrown open in the end for general 
discussion on the subject under study. It should, however, be 
recorded that it was always our President, Bro. A. P. Best, who 
would elucidate all our difficulties. Attendance at the meetings 
had not been discouraging considering the number of members in 


Finance. There arc at date (30-9-1927) 20 members on roll. 
Present monthly subscription, as detailed below, amounts to 36s. 
only : 

3 members at ... 3s. per mensem = 9s. 
H v ... 2s. = 22s. 

;) >- 1 s - ., ... 5s. who are in India 

or otherwise 
1 not settled yet _ 

Total ... 

General. White Lotus Day was observed as usual. As was 
announced in our last report, Bro. Kahaii Chind Kapoor had been to 
India last year and attended the Benares Convention. 

A letter was received from the, National Society, T. S. in 8. A., for 
affiliation of our Lodge and it was passed unanimously in our Executive 
Meeting held on 19th July last that u As we have repeatedly tried our 
best and have not been successful in receiving any material help from 
the Headquarters, and owing to our Lodge being geographically in 
one part of Africa, we will be on a better footing if this Lodge is 
affiliated with the National Society in South Africa and thereby it is 
likely that mores inspiration will bo received by way of propaganda and 
lectures ". A Circular Notice, was issued to all the members and all of 
them being in favour of the affiliation, T. S. in S. A. was advised 

Strange to say, when our Bro. Kahan (Jhand Kapoor had been to 
Benares Convention, last year, he had explained our difficulties to 
Bro. J. U. Aria, Uncording Secretary, he too, had suggested the 
same thing. 

The present book under 'study having been almost finished, it is 
our earnest desire that the same scheme be followed as to our further 
studies and more members should come forward and volunteer them- 
selves for active part in the fortnightly meetings. 

As Mr. and Mrs. Best are leaving for South Africa on long leave 
during July next, no doubt we will miss them much but we earnestly 
hope that members will make it a point to take more interest in Lodge 
Affairs even from to-day so that, while away from East Africa, they 
should rest assured that our young Lodge who own so much o its 


existance to their selfless interest will not dwindle down and finally 
closed for ever during their absence. 

Wishing every success to the cause of Theosophy in this part of 
the world. 


P, 0. Box 613, C. J. PATEL, 

Nairobi. Joint Secretaries. 


To the President, Theotiophical Society. 

The Annual General Meeting o this Lodge was held at the Lodge 
Itooms, Pinfold Street, Bridgetown, on the 28th July, 1927. 

Since the last Annual Meeting, namely, on the 31st May last, a 
great 1o*s has been sustained by the Lodge through the death of our 
esteemed President, Mr. Edward Dray ton. A special resolution refer- 
ring thereto was passed, a copy of which accompanies this report to 

At the last Annual Meeting the monthly .subscription was advanced 
from 50 cents to fiO cents and this has helped, together with the fact 
that the members have been paying up fairly regularly, to keep us 
clear of debt, 

We lost 4 members during the year, Mr. Drayton and his wife, by 
death, and their daughter, Miss Esther Drayton by her going to reside 
in England, and another member J. I. Downie, who has also left the 
Island, but there have been obtained 3 new members, HO that our 
number is now 19 local members and 2 non-resident members who live 
at Grenada. An application for membership by Mr. Fitz Patrick was 
sent on to Headquarters by Mr. Drayton previously to his death, but 
this diploma has not yet been received. 

During the past year owing to illness our late President was 
unable to deliver more than two lectures, but our Vice-President, 
Mr. (I. C. Williams, filled the gap on three occasions, and his lectures 
were well attended and much appreciated. As Mr. Williams has been 
appointed President for this year wo are hopeful of keeping up the 
regular monthly lecture, and our new Vice-President, Mr. P. P. Spencer, 
has promised to try and help, if necessary, but he is endeavouring at 
present to get the members of the Order of the Star into some sort of 
working order. 


A Study Class and Question and Answer Circle has boon operating 
successfully through tfic year. 

Our Secretary is on a visit to Canada and Mr. Spencer, the Vice- 
President, has undertaken in her absence to attend to the forwarding of 
this report, which it is hoped will reach Headquarters in due time. 

The Library has received a gift of 55 Theosophical Books from our 
late President's collection, kindly presented to the Lodge by his son, 
Mr. Vivian V. Drayton, of St. Lucia. 

The Office r of the Lodge for the current year are as follows : 

Mr. G. Clyde Williams (President of the Assistant Court of 
Appeal), President ; Mr. P. P. Spencer, Vice-President ; Miss Winifred 
Williams, Secretary ; Mr. Chas. L. Ross. Treasurer ; Mr. A. P. Spencer, 
Librarian ; Mr, H. A. L. Johnson, Member of Committee also com- 
posed of above members. 


SUNNYMEAPE, Hon. Secretary. 

1'iflfold Street, 

Barbados, IT./. 


To the President, Theoxophical Society. 

The (Canadian Theosophical Federation, in spite of the loss of 
two Lodges, one by dissolution and one by transfer, is able to report a 
net increase of membership and the chartering of one new Lodge. 
Fifty-one new members were added to the rolls during the year, and at 
the present time a majority of the Theosophists living in the central and 
western parts of Canada belong to the Federation. 

A number of pscudo-Thcosophical and semi-occult organizations 
have become active in Canada during the past year, but have failed to 
draw on our membership, showing that as a whole our members are 
really in earnest in the effort to make Theosophy a living power in 
their lives and few are attracted by the offerings of spectacular short- 
cuts to perfection. 

Among the Lodges, Harmony Lodge of London, Ont., deserves 
special mention for having attained a 100 per cent increase of membership 
during the year. Its twenty-one members now place it as the second 

largest Lodge of the Federation, but a new lease of life in Wavfarer's 


Lodge of Winnipeg under the recently assumed leadership of Mrs. 
Ethel Layton bids fair to make the race a close one during the next 
twelve months. Hermes Lodge of Vancouver, with over one hundred 
members, is the largest Lodge in the Society west of Toronto, and is carry- 
ing on a large and varied programme of Theosophical work. Krishna 
Lodge of Calgary, reports activity in many channels, such as The Star, 
L.C.O., Co-Masonry, The Humane Society, Child Welfare, World 
Peace, An ti vivisection, etc., indicating an attitude of intense appreciation 
of the needs of humanity. The members of Siriup Lodge, inspired and 
lead by Jack Logic, have successfully conducted a Summer School 
dealing with Theosophy and Allied Subjects, at Summerland for two 


weeks during August. This is to be a permanent organization and is 
attracting considerable attention from non-Theosophists. 

The Northwest Federation of Theosophical Lodges, which includes 
British Columbia, has this year begun the foundation of a permanent 
Theosophical Camp at " Indralaya " on Orcas Island, Washington. 
Twenty-six acres of land has been purchased. Plans for several weeks of 
community life and instruction in Theosophy each year, have been 
approved by practically all the Lodges in tht>, Northwest. It is expected 
that members who attend the Camp at Ojai, California, will be able to 
bring their messages and inspiration to those who find themselves 
unable to make the longer trip and thus Indralaya will serve as a 
secondary distributing centre. 

The Federation has boon unusually fortunate this past- year in 
having visits from Mr. L. W. "Rogers, Mr. Edw. Gardner and Bishop 
Arundale, General Secretaries in their respective countries, who gave 
inspiring and instructive series of lectures. Kukmini Arundalo, Fritz 
Kunz, Dora Van Gelder Kunz, Mrs. Charles Hampton and Dr. Nina 
Pickett also gave lectures in Vancouver under the auspices of the 
Federation. To all of these we wish to express our sincere appreciation 
and our earnest desire that their visits be repeated many times in the 

The Canadian Theosophical Book Centre, with Mr. Charles Potter 
as Manager, was organized during the year and it is hoped that this will 
serve as a means of gradually building up a thoroughly efficient book 
business, a distributing centre for Theosophical books in Canada. The 
Headquarters of the Book Centre are in Vancouver, B.C. 

An effort is being made to perfect plans whereby the Federation 
may publish a small magazine. Our efforts will be very humble and 
the magazine very unpretentious, but, it seems high time that the 
Theosophical world be made aware of the fact that a large and active 
section of the Theosophical membership in Canada is not in sympathy 
with intolerant and unbrotherly attacks on anyone, by the Theosophists 
or otherwise, and is most emphatically engaged in sympathetic support 
of the leadership of our Revered President and her programme. 

May the time be not far distant when Canada may once more 
welcome our Beloved Leader, and may she be among us many, many years. 
The Federation looks forward to, and eagerly anticipates the time when 


In tho person of Jidda Krishnamurti, the Great Teacher, may pour His 
Message directly into the Theosophical centres in Canada. May such an 
event be indeed close at hand. In the meantime we pray that our ears 
and our hearts be alert and sensitive to the needs of: mankind, that 
through us more help may be released to alleviate its ills. 

Address : 


Vancouver, Federation Secretary* 

British (Columbia. 


To the President, TheosopJiical Society. 

Greece, which was mentioned at the beginning of the history of 
the Theosophical Society, has resumed its activity in June, 1923, when 
a Lodge Plato was formed with the help of the T. S. in France. 

The young and enthusiastic founders of that Lodge had to over- 
come many difficulties. No meeting-place, no members, no Library 
for the study and teaching of Theosophy. Six months were needed 
for organisation and the getting of new members. 

Some members of the former 'sleeping' Lodges Apollo and 
Hermes, joined the founder? of Lodge Plato and helped with great 

Books were bought. Members began to study so as to bo able to 
help others. Meetings took place regularly twice a month from 
February, 1924, in the Hall of the Society for Archeology at Athens. 

The meetings were advertised in the papers and this publicity 
resulted in interesting some inhabitants of the island Cyprcs. They 
made enquiries at Athens and formed a Lodge Zenon ; meetings how- 
ever only took place during one year and the Lodge is a sleeping 
one now. 

At the end of 1924 two new Lodges were formed: Athena at 
Athens and Pythagoras in the Pyreus. They have remained active. 
The fourth Lodge Blavatsky-Olcott was formed in the Jubilee Year, 

At the end of November, 1925, Mr. A. F. Knudsen, who was 
passing through Athens added to the interest of our meetings. Weekly 
meetings now take place. 

The period 1926-27 has been full of activity. The Lodges did 
good work and we arc happy to say that the Library now contains three 
hundred volumes. 


We succeeded in getting a new locality, containing three rooms 
and a hall, so that we now have an office, a library and lecture room 
besides the hall. 

A now Lodge Orpheus must be added to the list. 

We look forward with confidence to the near future and we hope 
to see the fc>irth of another Lodge. 

Address : 


Athens, Greece. 



To the President, Iheosophical Society. 

I beg to submit the Report of the Adyar Library for the year 1927. 

When the year began, Prof. P. K. Telang, M.A., LL.B., was 
officiating as Director, and I was pro. tcm. Assistant Director. Owing 
to ill-health, Prof. Telang left Adyar and took up residence at Benares. 
Then he found it inconvenient to discharge his duties efficiently from 
that distance, and the Executive Committee appointed me as pro. tern. 
Director. I took charge of my new position on the 1st of March, 1927. 
Prof. Telang's scholarship, ability and experience contributed to main- 
taining the dignity of the Director's position, so well safeguarded under 
all the previous Directors, although Prof. Telang could not find time to 
personally supervise the affuirs of the Library except through occasional 
visits. I now offer my services to the Library with the hope that I will 
be able to follow the path marked out by my predecessors, steadily and 

In August, 1927, the University of Madras offered me the chair of 
Sanskrit in the University. Last year I was invited by the University 
to deliver a course of lectures, and this year they offered me a 
permanent post in the University. I accepted that offer and I joined 
duty on the 22nd of August. From that day I began to serve the 
Adyar Library as Honorary Director. Owing to the heavy work which 
my new appointment demanded of me in the University, I found it 
better to have a scholar to assist me in the Library, so that the efficiency 
of the Library may not be impaired through my inability to devote a 
sufficiently long time in the Library, as I had been doing before. 

Even before I was offered the Professorship in the University of 
Madras, the Executive Committee had sanctioned the appointment of 
an Assistant in the Library. So I recommended the name of Mr. T. R. 
Chintamani for the post of an assistant in the Library, in the Eastern 


Section. He holds the Degree of B.A. Hons. of the Madras University, 
in Sanskrit, and after his graduation, he was a Research Student in the 
University for three years. He has studied Sanskrit at home, apart 
from his University Course, and he knows how to recite the Vedas 
according to the orthodox method. The results of his researches in the 
University for the last three years, I have satisfied myself, is a valuable 
contribution to modern Sanskritic Studies. He has studied German 
under me, and in various ways he has boon associated with me in my 
scholarly activities after I came to Adyar. The Executive Committee 
sanctioned my recommendation, and he began to work in the Library 
from the 1st of September. His work has been very satisfactory. Ho 
is assisting me in the publication of the catalogue of the manuscripts. 

Mr. B. S. liamapubbicr, the Assistant Librarian, was doing all the 
office work of the Library under Prof. Tclang. Now he continues to do 
the same work under my personal supervision. He is also engaged in 
arranging the books in the -various rooms. He has been uniformly hard- 
working and devoted to his duty in the Library. He has finished the 
arrangement of the book? in the Heading Room Section (the Western 
Section). The books arc re-arranged and numbered, and the whole 
work is very artistically executed under the guidance of Dr. J. H. 
Cousins. Now Mr. Hamasufabier is engaged in arranging the books in 
the main room of the Eastern Section. He follow? the same plan as in 
the Western Section as suggested by Dr. Cousins. The work is pro- 
ceeding steadily and rapidly, and all the books will soon he arranged 
in a very orderly way. 

The arrangement of the books in the Eastern Section is a difficult 
problem in comparison to that in the Western Section. Proper 
accommodation for the books is a mutter which is causing some anxiety 
to me. The books are distributed in four different places. This makes 
it much more difficult to give proper attention to the keeping of books 
in safe and good condition. If books could be kept in a more compact 
way, the attenders can dust the shelves, and the books kept in proper 
condition and safety, much more easily than now. This matter is 
receiving my attention, and with proper guidance from the Vice- 
President, I hope to be able to make some arrangement soon. 

When the last lieport was submitted, the first part of the catalogue 
of the manuscripts in the Library was ready 01^ the public. The 


printing of the second part was immediately taken up, and it is nearing 
completion. It will be ready in a couple of months. Pandits T. V. 
Venkatarama Sastri and T. R. Seshadri Sarma have been unsparing in 
their work to revise the press copy of the catalogue. Pandit N. 
Ramanatha Sastri was not keeping good health in the beginning of the 
year, and I assigned to him various pieces of miscellaneous work. Now 
he is in good health again, and he is engaged with Pandit T. V. 
Venkatarama Sastri in revising the final portion of the catalogue that is 
now in the press. Pandit T. R. Seshadri Sarma is now engaged in 
registering Sanskrit books and manuscripts, and writing out the press 
copy of the work that is next to be taken up for publication. In handl- 
ing the manuscripts that are on a variety of subjects, and in revising the 
press copy of the catalogue, the Pandits have shown a great width of 
learning and a method in execution. A little more personal attention 
from me would have avoided a few small lapses that have crept into the 
catalogue. But as T was subject to very frequent attacks of malarial 
fever till July, I could not go through the press copy and the proof 
sheets with the same care and attention that is needed. But all such 
defects will be remedied in the form of a small appendix. 

The Adyar Library has published four volumes of the Minor 
Upanishads, along with tho commentary of Upanishadbrahmayogin. 
There still remain the Sanmyftsopanishad to be published with the 
commentary, though Dr. F. 0. Schrader has already published the text. 
I wish to take up the publication of this part of the Upanishads soon 
after the catalogue will be ready. We have in the Library still 
manuscripts of over 75 Upanishads, not yet published and little known 
to the world. The publication of these Upanishads also in some definite 
order may be taken up in due course. 

The year's Collection of tnanuscripts comprises of those copied 
from private owners and from the Madras Government Oriental 
Manuscripts Library. Our thanks are due to the Curator of this 
Library for the facilities he has afforded in getting the manuscripts 

It is now some years since any organised attempt was made by the 
Library to search for new manuscripts. The Library was in recent 
years buying, or getting transcripts of, manuscripts that came in our 
way. I wish to suggest that it would be very useful to send out a 



search party in South India for a systematic collection of manuscripts. 
The party that was sent by the Government Manuscripts Library has 
prepared the way. 1 think that this year a party may be sent out by 
this Library. 

I subjoin a report by Mr. Hamasubbier. the Assistant Librarian, 
which gives details regarding the addition to the Library and the use 
which the public have made of the Library. [ must also report to the 
President that all the members of the Library staff have done very 
satisfactory work during the year. 

Our thanks are due to the curators of the (Jontral Library, Baroda, 
Samskrit Publication Department, Trivandrum, Government Oriental 
Library, Mysore and Madura Tamil Sangham who have exchanged their 
publications with ours, and to a few gentlemen who have presented 
books to the Library. 

Prof. Rudolf Otto of the Marburg University, Germany, came 
to Adyar and stayed here as a guest of the Library for four days. The 
other scholars also who visited the Library have spoken highly of the 
collection here and of the way in which the manuscripts are kept. The 
Library has a good reputation throughout the world. To maintain this 
reputation, I think that a sort of socialisation is necessary. Our 
resources are limited and we cannot make the collection up-to-date in all 
the subjects. So it will be better to concentrate our attention on books 
relating to ancient civilizations. 


Hon. Director. 

Addition* to the Library. 92 boukn and 9 pamphlets in printed 
volumes and 22 transcribed works in the form of MSS. volumes were 
added to the Eastern Section. The addition to the Western Section 
comprises of 466 books and 136 pamphlets in printed volumes, 
totalling in all, 558 books and 145 pamphlets. 

The following are the names of Works transcribed for the 

Library : 

(1) Tantrasikhamani, X Chap., (2) Sangltaratnakara, (3) Padma- 
charitam*, (4) Kaveripattanavaisya Mahatmyam,* (5) Mukunda Vilftsa f 1 


(6) Lalitarchanapaddhati t, (7) ttasikarasayanain, (8) Sakalflgamasara- 
sangrahah, (9) Vaikhanasagrhya Bhasyam, (10) Jinasenacharyamaha- 
puranam, (11) Sangltasangrahachintamani t, (12) Tapasavatsaraja, (13) 
Amaravyakhyanam t ? (14) Siddhantaprakasika, (15) Vakyapadlyatlkft, 
(16) Vyftkaranasutras, (17) Srngaraprakasah *, (18) Ajitagama , (19) 
Dikshadarsam *. (20) Vijayindraparajayah *, (21) Munisuvratakavyam *, 
(22) Makutagamah.* 

Of these the star-marked ones are complete works. The 
dagger marked were restorations from the original palrnleaf MSS. 
of the Adyar Library, as they would otherwise be crumbled to 
pieces owing to their worn out condition. No. 12 Tapasavatsaraja is 
a Potograph ordered from Kasse der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek, 

Two copies of Mahabhflrata MSS. (Vana parva) and one MS. 
giving the description of Adhyayas in the same have been lent to the 
Bhandftrkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, to collate with, for its 
critical edition of Mahabharata and 2 volumes of Jayflkhya Samhita to 
the Editor of the Gackwad's Oriental Series, Baroda Central Library 
Department for publication. 

Donations. Eastern Section : Books wore donated bv Government 
Press, Allahabad, Mr. M. Krishnan, The Central Library, Baroda, 
Mr. Atal B. Ghosh Agamftnnsaiidhflnasainiti, Dr. J. H. Cousins, Tanjore 
Rert'oji Maharaj Saravati Mahal, Mr. B. D. Seshacharlu, Mr. T. U. 
Seshatiri Harma, Ettaiyapuram Samastunam, Superintendent, Govern- 
ment Press, Madras, Mr. J. H. Aria, Director, Adyar Lihniry, Vasanta 
Institute, Mr. Timmaraju Subba Hao, Superintendent, Government 
Press, Xagpur, Dr. Annie Besant, Secretary, Bharata Samaj, 
Mr. T. V. Venkatarama Sastri, Mr. P. Sankara Sarma, Mr. B. S. 
Ramastibbier, Mr. P. Adinantyana Sastri, Mr. Kadalangudi Natcsa 
Sastri, Mr. (\ Hamiah and Mr. V. S. Itatnasabhapati. 

Western Section : Theosophical Publishing House, Dr. James 
H. Cousins, Mr. M. Krishnan, Mr. C. Jinarajadasa, Mr. Ellis, 
Mr. A. de Pena Gil, Dr. Annie Besant, Mr. A. Schwarz, Australian 
Section, T.S., Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Mr. Pavri, Ahmadiya 
Anjuman-i-Tshaat Islam, Miss Jelisava Vavra, Yugoslavia, University 
of Illinois, U. 8. A., Dr. P. K. Rocst, Mr. J. R. Aria, Mr. S. K. Partha- 
arathi, Christian Publishing Company, Mr. D. H. van Labberton, 


Mr. A. F. Knudsen, Mr. C. V. Shah, Mr. K. Natarajan, Dr. I. J. S.Tara- 
porevala, Mr. R. Natesan, Mr. J. L Arathoon, Professor Otto, Edition! 
Adyar, Square Rapp, Paris, Government Press, Washington, Missours 
University, Mr. Hegler, Government o India Central Publication 
Branch, Government Press, Trivandram, Oberlian College, Miss A. J. 
Willson, Visvabhflrati, Indian Star Headquarters, Bhandarkar Oriental 
Research Institute, Mr. K. V. Natesier, Mr. P. Sambamurti, Mr. 
Aiyaswami Sastri, Mr. H. Pender, Mr. D. H. Steward, Mr. S. Srini- 
vasier, Association of Hebrew Theosophists, Boston Museum of Fine 
Arts, and Theosophical Society in England. The rest of the acquisitions 
Trere bought. 

Binding. 375 books were, bound during the year under report. 

Use of the Library. 2,353 volumes were consulted in the Library 
by Visitors and Residents of Ailyar as against 1,177 last year. The 
duplicate Theosophical books and hooks on Fiction used to be freely lent 

to the resident members of Adyar and to the Staff of the National 

*. > " 

Theosophical School and College, Adyar. The Staff and Students of 
the Brahmavidyashrama on recommendation by Dr. Cousins and other 
Oriental Scholars on the recommendation of Dr. Kunhan Raja borrow 
books from the Library. The number of volumes thus lent out this 
year is 1921 and almost all of them have been returned and the remain- 
ing few are being returned in their due time. 

Exchange. The usual exchange relationship in the matter of 
sending Annual Reports to the various Libraries of the world has been 
kept up. The Library has also sent its last publication to those 
Institutions that have been sending theirs in exchange to the 
Adyar Library. 

The Financial Statement of Receipts and Expenses for the year 
1927 is appended herewith. 


Asst. Librarian* 


[Only a few Sections have sent in lists. The complete 
record is much larger than that which appears here. P.T.S.] 


Translations, in French, of the following books have been published 
by La Famille Theosophique during the year i926 192?. 
Secret Doctrine (Third Edition) 

Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom (Second Edition) C. J. 

At the Feet of the Master (Sixth Edition) J. K. 

Self -Preparation 

The Path 

Fragments of Occult Truth Hume and Sinnett 

The Masters and the Path (Second Edition) C. W. L. 

The Inner Life (Third Edition) 

Text Book of Theosophy 

The Fire of Creation J. J. van der Leeuw 

Gods in Exile 

Varieties of Psychism J. I. Wedgwood 

The Science of Sacraments C. W. L. 

The Chakras ,, 

The Seven Rays E. Wood 

The Ether ic Double Powel 

Nirvana G. S. Arundale 

The Kingdom of Happiness J. K, 

Who Brings the Truth 

Talks on the Path of Occultism 

and in addition a number of original books on Theosophy and kindred 
subjects, by French writers. 


Translation of The Masters and the Path Bishop C. W. Leadbeater 

Man Visible and Invisible 

In His Name C. Jinarajadasa 

A song book for Choir-singing A, Rankka 



World University, The New Era, Do You Want to Know the 
Object of Your Life. 


Vestnik (Messenger) appearing monthly and twice during 


1. Brotherhood of Religions (Manual of Religion and Ethics) 

Dr. Annie Besant 

2. What is True Occultism (brochure) Dr. A. Kamensky 

3. Esotericism in Religion 


List of books published during the year in review : 

Translation in Arabic of At the Feet of the Master. 


De Mystiek in den Islam J. Kruisheer 

Het Pad van den Magier 

Dwalingen Mabel Collins 

Commentaren op Aan des Meesters Voeten 

(First part of The Path of Occuliism) A. B. and C. W. L 

Oude Theosofische Geschriften. (Five years 

of Theosophy) 

Algemeene Gemeenschappelyke Vrymetselary , f 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 

The sixth lecture-session of the Brahmavidya Ashra 
on October 3. The work of the session is notable in including a course 
of synthetic studies of the Will by various members of the A shram a. 
The course arose out of a suggestion from the Chohan K. H. to 
Mr. A. 0. Hume in 1882 that a comparison of the teaching of 
Schopenhauer and the Arhats on the Will would be valuable. The 
syllabus not only carries out this suggestion, but groups around it the 
Will-philosophy of the world. Good fortune brought a German 
student, Fraulein S. Leidtke, this session who has presented Schopen- 
hauer's philosophy direct from the original. The sojourn of Dr. and 
Mrs. Handy (of the Bishop Museum, Honolulu) at Adyar has enriched 
the work and records of the Ashrama with exceedingly valuable contri- 
butions. Dr Handy has given a course of lectures on " Culture : Its 
Life and Forms," which amounts to an adjustment of ethnology (his 
special professional subject) to Theosophical fundamentals. He has also 
conducted a group-study of *' Theosophy and Science ". Mrs. Handy 
has given a lecture-course on " The Drama of the Future," and classes 
in dramatic expression. Miss Barrie has begun a course in " Evo- 
lutionary Psychology " and Professor B. Hajagopalan in "The Growth 
of History ". Courses begun in previous sessions are being amplified 
by other lecturers. 

Dr. Bcsant visited the Ashrama early in the session and emphasised 
the desirability of each National Section of the Theosophical Society 
sending a student to the Ashrama. Meanwhile, though numbers are 
small at Adyar, the work is expanding from the centre to other parts 
of the world. Mr. A. de la Pcna Gil, after three sessions at Adyar, 
has founded branches of the Ashrama at Madrid and Barcelona on his 
way homo to Mexico. Similar groups are forming in Finland, Austria 
and Holland. 



To the President, Theosophical Society. 


I have pleasure in submitting to you a report on the activities of 
the London Centre of the Theosophical World University at the end of 
its first .scholastic year (two terms only). 

Th policy that has guided us in our work has been to guard against 
crystallisation into any form of institution. No definite academic 
organisation has been attempted ; no name given to our Centre except 
that of " affiliated Centre " ; no title assumed by the director in charge ; 
no regular staff appointed in the teaching or lecturing department. 

We have felt that our work lay especially in three directions : 

1. To diffuse a true idea of what, as far as can bo known at 
present, the T. W. U. will represent in the economy of the new 

2. To give a scientific presentation of Theosophical knowledge. 
thus tending to hasten the completion of fifth race science, and prepare 
scientific minds for the science of the new age. 

3. To gather together intuitive students and give them special 


The chief means devised for spreading the principles and aims of 
the Theosophical World University has been the Theosophical World 
University Association. Founded as a revival of the Theosophical 
Fellowship of Education by Mr. Baillie- Weaver in 1923, it has taken 
new life with the opening of the London Centre und has spread rapidly 
not only in Great Britain but also in Europe and the United States. 
Entirely independent of the T.W.U., so as to leave full freedom to the 
latter, it fills the* same role as the various Associations for the 
advancement of science in relation to the ordinary Universities. A 
body intermediate between the public and the T. W. U. for the diffusion 


of its culture, it has already served its purpose by helping to organise 
lectures given during a tour of the Provinces in Scotland in March 
and in Switzerland in April, interesting University Professors and 
students, inviting teachers and educationists, diffusing, literature, etc. 

The Association has spread rapidly abroad, so that Sectional 
organisation has been possible in eighteen countries. In America it 
numbers nearly one thousand members ; in France fivo hundred ; in 
Great Britain over six hundred. Teachers, not all of whom are 
Theosophists, join it because of the educational ideals it stands for, and 
educational authorities evince signs of interest. 

Within the Theosophical Society lectures on the T. \V. U. are 
continually being asked for by Lodges, and National Lecturers are 
including them in their syllabuses. 

Apart from the regular courses at Brompton Road (which are dealt 
with in the next Section) lectures have been givon by myself on subjects 
connected with the T. W. U. on thirty-seven occasions. Almost all 
these lectures were public, the remainder to Lodges or private circles 
(E. S. for example). 

The tour in England and Scotland (March, 1927) included lectures 
in Liverpool, Colwyn Bay, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Edin- 
burgh, Bradford, Leeds, two or three meetings being held in each of 
these towns. The most interesting feature of the tour was the op- 
portunity afforded me, at Bradford, to give evidence before the 
Educational Commission of the Independent Labour Party, as a result 
of which the members of the Commission expressed their intention of 
basing their report on the. Tkoosophical doctrine of education which I 
had expounded. 

In Liverpool a course of six lectures was arranged, and delivered 
by me in one of the University Colleges, on " The Psychology of Man's 
Evolution ". This has led to an invitation from the Institute for 
Philosophical Studies in th University to lecture before its members 
next winter. 

In Glasgow and Leeds the lectures I gave on " The University of 
the New Age " were presided over by University Professors (in Glasgow 
the Professor of Education) and delivered in University Halls. 

I also gave one of the official lectures on " The Psychology of 
the New Education" at the Annual Conference of the National Union 


of Women Teachers, a number of mombers afterwards expressing, 
through the Secretary of the Union, their wish to remain in touch with 
our work. 


In the two terms (Spring and Summer) during which the Theo- 
sophical University Rooms have been open to students the regular 
courses have comprised sixty-seven lectures. Three special gatherings 
for students were also organised during vacations ; a week in January, 
a fortnight in May and a week following the T. S. Convention in June. 
At the last two we were honoured in having as lecturers Mr. Jina- 
rftjadflsa, who gave three lectures on Ancient Samskrit literature, 
Dr. Annie Besant who gave one on " Sub-human and Human in Psycho- 
analysis," and Dr. G. S. Arundale who gave two on " The Real in 
Education ". Mr. E. L._Gardner also lectured on " Human Intuition 
and Angelic Co-operation ". A numerous audience was gathered on 
these special occasions, as shown by appended statistics. 

The regular courses have been variously attended, the first term 
more numerously than the second, the " Fortnight " and Convention 
" Week " whose programmes had been published before the opening of 
the second torm, having drawn some of the students from the ordinary 

It has seemed to us that in order to prepare the scientific mind for 
the science of the new age it was necessary to complete that of the old, 
i.e., to close the cycle of evolutionism by the inclusion in it of spiritual 
man. Present-day psychology has found the true nature of man 
to be spiritual. The law of spiritual evolution can therefore be 
formulated in scientific terms, i.e., the facts of that evolution can be 
found in the field of phenomena known to and verifiable by science, 
the plane of physical brain consciousness. When the unity of evolution 
is complete for the scientist, the science of the One Life can be accepted 
and taught. 

With the help of a few colleagues wo have outlined this psychology 
of man's evolution. It will appear in text book form. In course of 
time this " team work " will, I hope, give increasingly good results, for 
it will be difficult to dispute the value of a body of accurately described 


phenomena which are corroborated on several distinct lines of investiga- 
tion. The Blavatsky Lecture of 1927 gives a brief outline of this 

In a series of talks given to a group of lecturers and teachers in 
November and December we; examined and discussed the all-important 
subject of method, defining with as much precision as possible the 
changes in outlook and method which the science of the One Life will 
bring about in the main branches of learning. These talks also may 
provide material for a book. 

It has seemed to me that the same degree of scientific accuracy 
was not available in the realm of natural science as in the sciences 
of man. The research work undertaken with the help of psychic 
investigation by the scientific group already formed in London 
could not, in my opinion, be given out publicly in the name of the 
T. W. U. Until psychics are sufficiently trained to become reliable 
" instruments " of research, whose faculty can be checked by the ordinary 
scientist, or until the scientist is himself a trained clairvoyant able to 
check his own results and to formulate verifiable hypotheses and laws, 
the publication of such investigations would inevitably produce reactions 
in scientific circles and raise unnecessary obstacles in the way of the 
future Thcosophical University. Here again the circle of fifth-race 
science has to be closed before the science of the new age can be tanght. 
We hope our scientific colleagues will do this for non-human as it is 
being done for human evolution. 

Therefore, whilst not discouraging psychic research nor excluding 
theoretical speculation on natural science by scientists versed in Theo- 
sophy, we have confined ourselves to the sciences of man, in which far- 
reaching results can be more immediately obtained, and I am happy to 
note the enthusiastic co-operation of a group of colleagues. In such a 
short time comparatively little could be done ; much remains for the 
future. We gratefully acknowledge the encouragement received from 
Theosophical leaders, especially the General Secretary of the T.S. in 
England ; and we would also mention here the marked interest of the 
general public. The response of outside audiences, in Universities and 
among the cultured public, has been even warmer than that of Theo- 
sophical circles. The science of man's spiritual evolution evidently 
meets and satisfies the tendencies of the mind science and the first 


exigencies of the new intuition. I believe that in a short time, througjh 
the work of this University, furthered by the T.W.U. A., a solid found- 
ation may be laid in the consciousness of the intellectual e*lite, on which 
it will bo possible to build the science of the One Life. 


The most important part of our work perhaps is the training of 
students ; for this is the higher culture, the essential task of the Univer- 
sity. A Theosophical University should train in them the faculty of 
intuition, and it is doubtful whether this can be done, even in an ele- 
mentary way, unless it is applied to life as a whole and not only to 
knowledge. This is only possible, we believe, in an Aahrama or 
College, where students spend the greater part of the day. 

The selection and training of students specially gifted in intuitive 
powers is a necessity for this work, so that as in the course of time the 
Theosophical educational 'system is evolved there should be a staff of 
trained teachers who can put that system into practice in the various 
grades of affiliated schools as well as in the University itself. 

The time at our disposal has of course been too short for any record 
of results to be possible, nor perhaps has our work yet attracted those 
who will be the real students of the Theosophical World University. 



Lectures Given : 

Psychology ... " ... ... 9 

Psychology of the New Education ... ... 10 

Psychology (II) ... ... ... 10 

French Literature ... ... ... 10 

Music ... ... ... ... 3 

English Literature (Browning) ... ... g 

Total ... 48 


Students : 

Attending Lectures ... ... gl 

Receiving Notes ... 4g 

Total ... 109 



Lectures Given : 

Psychology ... ... _ 6 

History of Science ... ... ... 3 

Psychology of Mysticism ... ._ 4 

Development of Chemistry and Physics ... 6 

Total ... 19 

Students : 

Attending Lectures ... ... ... 16 

Receiving Notes ... ... a 8 

Total ... 24 


MAY 620, 1927 

Lectures given ... ... ... 17 

Approximate total attendance ... ... 450 

JUNE 811, 1927 

Lectures given ... ... >>B 11 

Approximate total attendance ... ... 1,517 





To the President^ Theosophical Society* 

The Indian Section o the Theosophical World-University 
Association was formed in January, 1927, for the dissemination of the 
University idea. I made a summer vacation tour from Madras to 
Kashmir and back and gave public lectures in a number of cities. 
Nearly three hundred., members have joined the Association, and 
correspondents have been appointed in the major cultural areas. 
Communication is maintained by circulars and pamphlets pending the 
establishment of a magazine and the future work of organizing the 


Organizing Secretary. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

General. The number of institutions under the Trust are 11 as 
against 12 last year, due to the removal of the Narmada English School 
at Shuklatirth from the list of affiliated institutions and the closing up 
of the Montessori School and Craft Shed at Adyar and the addition 
of the Theosophical School at Allahabad to the list of affiliated institu- 
tions under the management of a committee approved by the Trust 
with Mr. Sankara Saran as its energetic Secretary. There is an 
application from a well established girls school at Mangalore for 
recognition and affiliation which has been favourably considered by 
the Executive Committee of the Trust, in accordance witji the resolution 
of the Trust at its Annual Meeting last year, and it has to be finally 
considered and sanctioned at the meeting of this year. The deports 
of the various institutions may be summarised as follows : 

Constituetit Institutions. National Theosophical School and College, 
Adyar. The School has grown in number to 279 and the girls section 
now consists of 74 girls. The Principal reports that the institution is 
receiving a considerable amount of notice from the public and the 
number of applications for admission is increasing every year. 

Theosophical Collegiate School, Benares. Though no report has 
been received, the school has further established its reputation in 
Northern India and enhanced the reputation of the Trust, 

The Theosophical National Girls' School and College, Benares. 
The Institution which is now under the able Principalship of 
Mrs. Padmabai B. Sanjiva Rao, reports satisfactory progress. 

The National Girls' School, Madras. The number of students 
in the school is 270. Miss E. B. Noble, the Principal of the School, 
has been away on sick leave and Miss Palmer has been the acting 


Principal. Miss Noble takes charge from January, 1928. As the 
school is situated in a rich part of Madras, some effort should be made to 
collect money from the parents of the girls receiving instruction, to 
meet the deficit of the institution which amounts to Rs. 5,000 per year 
and which is at present met by the Trust. The estimated assets of 
the institution are Rs. 37,348-1-4. 

The Theosophical College, Madanapalle. The fourth year of the 
B.A. Class was opened during the year and the College department 
has 160 students on the rolls. The number of students in the 
school has not changed appreciably since last year. A girls' hostel 
with about a dozen students has been started during the year. 
The institution which is well known for its village activities and .other 
aspects of social service, has further extended its work by digging 
trenches for drainage and watering the streets in the neighbouring 
village. The Executive Committee, on a report from the Principal, has 
decided to convert the schppl into an entirely residential one, in view of 
the fact that the District Board is desirous of starting a High School 
under its management. 

Affiliated Institutions* The Theosophical School, Allahabad, reports 
rapid developments during the year. It now owns 13 acres of land with 
a big building and a small bungalow contained therein. 

The Sanathana Dharma High School, Bhavnagar, reports very 
satisfactory progress. The total number of students is 831. 

The Maruna Gounder National Girls' School, Coimbatore. The 
Principal reports that the school cannot be carried on under the present 
circumstances of income and advises the school to be handed over to 
the Municipality the ownership of the land and buildings remaining 
with the Trust. The Executive Committee is investigating the possibi- 
lity of the future of the school. 

The National Sindhi School, Hyderabad, reports satisfactory 
progress in every way. The number of pupils in the institution is 105 
including 11 girls. 

The JShri Saraswati Pathasala, Kumbakonam, reports satisfactory 
progress. The finances of the school are very precarious. The Executive 
Committee has decided to take over the management from the Committee 
appointed three years ago and hand it over to a Committee of the local 
Lodge of the T. S., which has promised to carry on the management of 


the institution. The rough estimated value of land and buildings, etc., 
is put down as 11s. 25,500. 

Finances. The donations this year wore only Us. 5,904-1-10 as 
against Rs. 10,409-1-0 of last year and Rs. 29,169-15-2 the year 
before last. 

During the year the Secretary started a scheme called the Fifty 
Rupee per year Fund with the idea of getting a Thousand such subscrib- 
ers from the various parts of India, bringing in an income of Rs. 50,000 
a year. It would be ample for the educational work of the Trust. But 
in view of the special appeal made by Dr. (. S. Arundale, for the 
Public Purposes Fund on behalf of the President of the Trust, the 
scheme was held in abeyance and not pushed forward. If the Trust 
approves of the scheme, it may be developed during the year 1928, 
with the help of the members of the Trust in the various part*? of India. 
It may confidently be hoped that the scheme may succeed. 

Finally I have to record here the passing away of Sir T. Sadasivier, 
an honored member of the Trust, in the month of November this 


B.Sc. (CONDON & ALL.), 

Hon. Secretary^ Educational Trust. 


To the President, Theosophical Society. 

" Kriahnashram " and the Theosophical School which is housed 
there, arose quite unexpectedly. The ambition of Allahabad Theo- 
sophists a few years ago was no more than to have a small hall of their 
own on a plot of land which, though beautifully situated, is only a 
few hundred yards square. But, during the Jubilee Convention 
Krishnaji showed us the vision of a strong centre- with much land 
and numerous activities. We determined to do our best to materialise it. 

In February, 1926, our venerable President visited Allahabad and, 
knowing of Krishnaji's wish, purchased a bungalow, with fourteen 
acres of land, which was till recently the residence of a High Court 
Judge, and is situated on the banks of the Ganges, a few minutes' walk 
from the Allahabad University and the Prayag Railway Station. The 
property was formerly known as " River View " ; it has been re-named 
" Krishnashram " and has become the chief centre for all Theosophical 
and Star activities in Allahabad. 

In November, 1926, a school for little children was started in these 
premises, with eight children and two teachers Mrs. L. M. Pearco and 
an Indian lady. After one year's work we have nearly sixty children 
and six teachers, one of whom, Miss Lisl Herbatschek, has come out 
to us from Dr. Montessori's own model school in Vienna. The public and 
the press have* been generous to us in their appreciation of the work 
done and the school has received Government recognition and a grant-in- 
aid. There is a clamour for a Hostel, and, funds permitting, we 
shall have one soon, for we have with us Mrs. N. G. Paranjpe and 
her daughter Miss Anasuya Paranjpe, who have had experience of 
such work in Cawnpore and Madras. 


In April, 1927, over twenty acres of land adjoining the ashram 
was for sale. One of our members acquired this plot, in the hope 
that some day it might be needed for the further development of 
this growing centre, and our President has permitted the land to be 
named " Vasunta Vatika " in her honour. It is probable that other 
extensive plots in the neighbourhood will be added to the estate as 
time goes on. 

i i*3? Whatever success has been achieved is duo to the inspiration 
received from Krishnaji and tho constant encouragement and financial 
support of Dr. Besant. We only pray that we may prove worthy 
of the trust reposed in us, and that this undertaking may really become 
a centre of force for the achievement of the motto of the school, 
" Live Nobly ". 

(From 16th December, 1926 to 15th l)ec<>ml><>i , 1927) 

To the President, Theosopliical Society. 

I have the honour to submit the following brief Report of the Olcott 
Panchama Free Schools for the year ending 15th December, 1927. 

This year it falls to my lot to report on the work of the only two 
schools now left with us. 

Though the garage in the H.P.B. Memorial Free School was 
converted to a class room last year, yet it was a problem to make 
adequate provision to accommodate all the classes. On the first of 
October last we opened a now thatched shed with pucca flooring, thus 
making room for one more class. As stated in the last year's Report, 
much of the congestion in the Olcott Free School was relieved by the 
addition of the three thiitched sheds. But later we found that the main 
building itself, being very old, is in a dangerous condition, liable to 
collapse at any time. Hence Mr. A. Schwarz suggested that we might 
pull that down and erect a new one in its place. The cost of the new 
structure is estimated to about Us. 2,300 and the Government has 
sanctioned the grant of half that amount, provided we can meet the 
other half. 

During the past year under report, the schools continued to be 
carried on efficiently as in previous years. In one of the Inspection 
Books, we find the remarks " General condition continues to be 
efficient " and " this is one of the best schools in this range, if not in 
this district ", 

The daily attendance of the pupils has been fairly satisfactory 
though the number of pupils on the roll in the H.P.B. Memorial Free 
School has fallen down this year due to a larger number, than usual, of 
the elderly children being taken away by their parents to help them in 
earning their livelihood. 


" Personal hygiene is receiving particular attention. Necessity 
for this is being explained both by precepts and examples." The 
Adyar Baby Welcome Institution is of a very welcome help to the 
Olcott Free School in this respect. Bathing is made compulsory in our 
schools. The health of the teachers also has been fairly good through- 
out the year. One of our very able lady-teachers had to leave us in 
November, because of the close proximity of her motherhood. 

Instruction in the three It's and other allied subjects has gone on 
steadily as in previous years. We had a two days' Conference of our 
teachers in September and revised the scheme of studios trying to suit it 
to our children. The few artistic and manual subjects like different kinds 
of drawing, leaf work, clay-modelling, and sewing are receiving due 
attention. The arts and crafts competition which we had in connection 
with our President's last birthday was a novel experiment in our insti- 
tutions. It was a pleasure to observe the keenness and enthusiasm the 
children evinced then. All the children took part in this and enjoyed 
themselves thoroughly. Now the children are showing greater interest 
towards those subjects. Spinning and weaving classes are doing good 
work under the supervision of our untiring worker, Sri Peramma, 
" who is free both with her purse and service ". In this connection our 
thanks are due to our good friend Mr. 0. N. Subrahmanya Iyer for 
enabling us to carry on these classes by his monetary help. Here 
I may mention that in the Youth Week Arts and Crafts Exhibition 
held in January last, both of our schools were recipients of a silver 
medal and a certificate of merit each from the hands of the Hon. 
Mr. A. Kanganatham, the Olcott Free School for leaf work, spinning 
and weaving, the H.P.B. Memorial Free School for the different kinds 
of drawing and clay-modelling. 

Seventeen of the pupils, who have passed out of our schools are 
helped to prosecute their higher education. 

The daily distribution of midday food remains a necessity for the 

The gardens could not be properly maintained because of the lack 
of water facilities, the wells getting dried up and water being scarce. 

In my last Report a mention was made of a donation of about 900 
yards of cloth for our Amma's birthday. They were converted into 
kurtas and the children were given two each, one on the 8th of 


November, 1926, and the other on the 24th of January this year. Once 
again we have received 400 yards of cloth. We have yet to find the 
money to meet the tailoring expenses. 

17th of February, our beloved Colonel's Day. was a day of 
importance to our schools. The teachers and the children had sports 
on the occasion, when useful prizes were given. After the sports and 
games, eatables were distributed to the children. 

On the 3rd of May, the schools celebrated the great Shivaji 
Maharaja's tercentenary birthday. After the function was over, sweets 
and fruits, which were kindly sent to us by the Birthday Committee, 
were distributed to the children. 

During September, a three days' trip to the Seven Pagodas was 
arranged for the teachers, to foster G spirit of unity, happiness arid 
service amongst them. I wish we could arrange more such eampp. 
The children very sadly lack this enjoyment of the open-air camp-life, 
which is the main essence of Scouting. So far they had only one or 
two afternoon hikes. It will be of very great help in their character 
building and removing a lot of their " depresscdness," if we could find 
means to take them out and give them the benefits of open-air camp 
activities. I believe that the original idea with which Scouting was 
started by the Cbiof Scout was to help mainly the children of the slums. 

Amma's Birthday was a source of great happiness and joy to the 
children. They were very active with their processions, bhajanas, 
meetings, variety entertainments, sports, arts and crafts competitions 
and camping, these activities covering over two or three days. On the 
night of 1st of October, the children of the Olcott Free School 
entertained about 500 villagers of the neighbouring parts with a drama 
and other variety items. On that day a new shed was opened by Miss 
M. W. Barrie at the H. P. B. Memorial, Free School. One small fact 
I am tempted to mention here. In response to a letter of Dr. G. S. 
Arundale in the Theosopliy in India, giving suggestions as to how to 
celebrate our President's Birthday, the children and teachers of our 
schools could not restrain the expression of their deep love and 
gratitude for the Mother. They collected from amongst themselves a 
small amount of money and subscribed to the President's Public 
Purposes Fund, the amount though very small, but a token of their 
humble love. 



Both the teachers and children had the great privilege of giving 
reception to their beloved Amma and Krishnaji on their return to Adyar 
on the 31st o October. One may be sure the happiness they felt that 
day when they had those two person!* once more in their midst after u 
long interval will remain with them for many a day to come. 

Every attempt is made to make the children feel free and joyous 
and the school a place of happiness for them. Every step is taken to 
make the teachers render their duty in a spirit of love and service and 
work for the dispersion of the " deprossedness " and for the happiness 
and cheerfulness of the children. 

During the period under Report, I have missed very much the 
valuable help and advice of our good friend M. tt. Ry. C. N. 
Subrahmanya Iyer who was away from Adyar in the interest 
of his health since January last. I hope now that he has returned, 
he will soon take his part once again in the work of our schools. 
In conclusion I offer my grateful thanks to Sister Pcramma, who is 
actively helping me and to Mr. A. Schwarz for the loving help he has 
been giving me throughout. 



















1 Standard 










































Grand Total 





Superintendent . 




To the President and the Board of Managers. 

Our balance-sheet for the financial year ending 31 st March, 1927, 
shown a small deficit of Rs. 23fi-0-3, as follows : 

Expenditure ... ... ... Rs. 7,421 H 5 

Income ... ... ... 7,185 8 2 

Deficit .,,. ... 236 3 
add Deficit from 1925-6 ... 1,02615 9 

Balance to the delut of 1927-8 ... 1,263 

As three of our schools were taken over hy the Corporation of 
Madras on January 1st, 1926, the year under review had to deal with 
the remaining two schools only, the " Olcott Free School," Adyar, and 
the " H.P.B. Memorial School " in Kodambakam, and gives an indi- 
cation of our financial requirements in the future. According to the 
particulars shewn on " Income and Disbursement Account " the cost of 
running these two schools amounts approximately to Rs. 7,500 per 
annum, against which we may count on a regular income of : 
Us. 2,000 from GrantF-in-Aid, 
,, 1,250 ,, Intnrost on our Endowment Fund, 


leaving a balance of Rs. 3,750 to Rs. 4,000 to be covered by donations. 
It is satisfactory to note that Grants-in-Aid have risen from 
Us. 1,649 in 1925-6 to Rs. 2,150 in 1926-7, a sign of efficient working 
and of appreciation by tho Government Educational Department. 


The following comparative, figure* concerning our income mar 
interest : 

1925-6 1926-7 

Donation? ... Hs. 7,510 14 3 Us. 3,767 8 6 

Grants-in-Aid ... 1,649 2,150 

Interest ... 1,332 14 3 1,267 15 8 

10,492 12 6 ., 7,185 8 2 

The falling off in donations is to he regretted and still more 
the fact that contributions from India amount to less than one-third of 
the amount received, over two-thirds coming from European and 
American sources. 

In addition to our ordinary expenditure a sum of Us. 1,250 to 
Hs. 1,500 will have to be spent during the current year for reconstruct- 
ing the building of the Olcott Free School at Adyar, which, after having 
served for thirty years, is in a state of collapse. If funds permit, it is 
also desirable to build another schoolroom at the H. P. B. Memorial 
School, the. existing accommodation having become insufficient. 

Our financial requirements for 1927-8 are roughly as follows : 
Deficit from 1926-7 ... ... ... Its. 1,263 

of 1927-8 ... ... ... 4,000 

New Building at O. F. S. ... ... 1,500 

Total ... 6,763 

Help is urgently needed and we close this Report with an earnest 
appeal for continued support of these deserving institutions. 


30th November, 1927 Secretary-Treasurer, O.P.F.S. 








To Teachers 1 Salaries 




Superintendent's Salary ... 


Servants/ Wages 



Books and Supplies 




Rent and Taxes 




Construction and Repairs 


Motor Cycle Account 




Discount, Collection and Exchange ... 




Teachers' Provident Fund 



Miscellaneous Expenses ... 
Auditor's Fee 








,, Deficit carried forward from 1025-6 

M f 







31t March, 1927 


Secretary - Trea 8 urer 



3 IST MARCH, 1927 

By Donations 
,, Grante-in-Aid 
,, Rent and Interest 

Balance (Deficit) carried forward to new account 





8,448 8 


Audited and found correct. 












To Panchfirna Educational Fund 

KB. A. P. 


Balance on 1st April, 1926 

27,050 3 * 

Leas : Value of Damodar and Tiruval- 
luvar School Properties handed over 
to Madras Municipality 

; Food Fund : 

1,334, 8 




Us. A. P. 

Balance on 1st April, 1926 

439 1 4 

Donations received 

327 1 


766 1 5 

i Lew : Food Expenses 
Adoption Fund : 

673 12 6 




Rs. A. P. 

Balance on 1st April, 1926 
Less -. School and College Fees of Pupils 

1,408 10 5 










31st March, 1927 

Secretary- Trca surer 







By Immovable Property 


,, Movable do. 


3 % Govt. PronoteB RB. 30,200 @ Rs. 60 


5 % Bombay Municipal Debentures 


t, 62 % Bombay Development Loan 


Imperial Bank of India, Madras 




Cash in hand 




,, Sundry Debtors and Creditors Account 



Income and Disbursement Account (Deficit) 





Audited and found correct : 





To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Once more I have the pleasure of reporting a substantial gain in 
membership, the increase for the year amounting to 107, giving us a 
total of 50 Knights and 262 Squires, Companions and Pages ; and whilst 
the greatest increase has been in Sydney and its suburbs, due mainly to 
your own presence there, it is pleasing to note that almost every centre 
shows some increase in membership ; and in addition our Order has been 
established in 5 new Centres, viz. in Gosnell?, W. A. and in 
Kuring-gai, Mosman, Marrickville and Willoughby, N.S.W. 

In Adelaide, very real and consistent work has been done for the 
T. S. Lodge, whilst assistance has been given to the Dramatic Group, 
help given with a Concert in aid of one in need, and much work done 
for the " All Nation Chum Movement," a kind of Junior League of 
Nations, besides the holding of many happy gatherings. In the suburb 
of Redfern, the necessity of character building O n the part of members 
has been stressed. 

Brisbane reports a year of steady work. The Dramatic Group pro- 
duced two Plays, the net proceeds of lti-5-0 being handed over to 
the Children's Playground Association ; one of the Plays being after- 
wards broadcasted for the general benefit of listeners-in. The Group of 
Servers continues to prepare the Lecture room for the Sunday evening- 
meetings, arranging thr flowers, taking up collections, assisting the 
Order of the Star, etc., whilst the Knights have taken charge of the 
Lotus Circle, and the Round Table, as a whole, gave great assistance at 
the L. C. C. Fete, besides making a donation of 1 per month, and 
individual members helped with the work of the T. S. Lodge, in various 
ways, and assisted outside organisations to a great extent. 

Launceston reports a very successful year, much time being given 
to preparation for a Fair in aid of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty 
to Animals, for which the sum of 20 was raised. 

In Melbourne, work for the Order of the Star and the T. S. 
Lodge has gone on steadily, and again, in honour of the birth- 
day of our revered Protector, Dr. Annie Besant, a gift ol 


16, together with a large number of garments, the work of 
members' own hands, was made to the Free Kindergarten. During 
the year three very successful Parties were held, in order to give 
Knights and Companions an opportunity of introducing their outside 
friends and, at the same time, of getting more intimately acquainted 
with each other. The last, being a Fancy Dress affair, at which a Short 
Play written by a member, was most successfully produced, was 
generally acclaimed as the best gathering ever held. 

In Perth, much work continues to bo done for the T. S. Lodge, 
and kindred movements, many of the members holding office and 
generally working therein, whilst they arc now hard at work in prepa- 
ration for a Play to be given shortly, in aid of the " Active Service 
Fund ". A Special meeting was held in commemoration of Dr. Besant's 
birthday and a gift of money made in her honour to the Children at the 
Parkerville Home. Perhaps the outstanding feature of the year's work 
was the formation of a now Centre at Go-wells, giving great promise 
for the future. 

In Sydney, again great progress has been made, and the energies of 
the members of the Blavatsky Lodge Table are now being turned in various 
directions. A group .scheme of specialised work and study has been 
organised, including Dramatic, Scientific, Social Service, Art-Expression 
and Kindergarten Groups, from which much is expected in the future. 

During the year the sum of 10 was given to the Far West 
Seaside Health Mission, thus enabling a number of children to be given 
a fortnight's holiday at. the Soa ; whilst great attention is now being 
given to the helping of the " Active Service Fund " 

New Tables have been formed at Mosnian and at Marrickville, but 
no details are yet to hand. 

The Kuring-gai and Willoughby Tables report an increase in 
Membership, and being now firmly established, give every promise of 
successful work and activity in the future. 

With hearty greetings to you, our valued Senior Knight, to our 
beloved Protector, and to all our fellow-members throughout the World, 
in the hope that our Order may continue to grow in strength and useful- 
ness and thus become of increasing service. 

Chief Knight for Australia. 


To the President^ Theosophical Society. 

The Order this year, as in past years, has continued its usual 
services to various departments of the Theosophical Movement. The 
chief contribution is to the work of education, the principal workers 
in the Theosophical College and Schools in India being members of 
the Order. As the Order pays subsistance allowances to the workers 
in education, it is obvious that, if the donations fall in amount, the 
Order is seriously handicapped. The quiet unobtrusive work done by 
the Brothers of the highest grade is best known to the Brother 
Server herself, who always gives her warmest praise to the work of 
the Order. 




To the President, Theosophical Society. 

A very promising sign during the year has been the springing up 
of numbers of small Groups and Centres, each with their own independ- 
ent and often original activity, and a record of initiative and enthusiasm. 
The number of enquiries for lists of plays, books, or music to help in the 
work of allied activities has also increased, while many members have 
done valuable work in connection with other organisations, inspiring 
thorn to carry out programmes of idealistic type. 

Books and music added to the Library during the year include 
both the work of artist members and material for helping beginners to 
acquire the technique they need for freedom in expression. The most 
important Art as Will and Idea by thn President of the fellowship, 
Mr. (\ Jinarfljadasa, has been widely studied by members, increasing 
their understanding of the place and importance of their work. Several 
countries and Centres have had the privilege of a visit and a lecture 
from him. 

[n order to avoid overlapping, it has been decided to incorporate 
the Fellowship in the re-organised Theosophical Order of Service, as 
the nucleus of its art section, and to facilitate the arrangements, the 
activities of the past year are briefly indicated in the countries represent- 
ed. The activities of the fellowship can be gauged by the work dono 
in the various countries. 

Australia. Several membars have taken part in the Mid-day con- 
certs, in broadcasting, and in arranging music for Theosophical meetings. 

Austria. The Vienna Art Lodge continues very active, including 
most of the arts in its work, while Frau Auncr's musical work for the 
schools, now including other musicians, is still extending its field of 

Belgium. Original musical and dramatic productions. A Greek 
play has been translated into English, and music performed*in England 
as well as in Belgium. 


Bulgaria. Meetings and exhibitions in collaboration with the 
leading artists of the country. 

Czechoslovakia. Illustrated on art and concerts. 

England. In London, entertainments were arranged at Mortimer 
Hall for two Christmas parties, and a programme again organised for 
January llth at Kings way Hall, including participation by the 
audience in several ways. Music before lectures and community 
singing was arranged for Convention, Mr. Butler conducting, and a 
meeting was 'held at which Mr. JinarJljadasa was to speak, but being 
unfortunately prevented by illness, Professor Marcault very kindly 
took his place, with the Secretary in the Chair. Much interest was 
aroused. Blavatsky and St. John's Wood Lodges have combined or 
community singing, and the Bays water Arts Lodge continues its regular 
lectures on art, often with demonstrations, and organises dramatic 
entertainments at Mortimer Hall, preceded in the new session by 
community singing. 

In tlv} Provinces there arc sixteen Centres, most of which have 
been visited by Miss Warner, and they include throe mystery drama 
groups, four Lodges organising regular community-singing, four with 
special music before lectures, three exhibitions, one producing opera, 
one with speech-training and two with handicrafts classes, a crafts 
depot, and several members giving single lectures or courses with 
illustrations, on the different arts. In Manchester two members have 
founded a Club with several arts activities, including Mr. Wroblewski's 
Creative Thought Class. 

Egypt,. Mr. H. Carr's work is of great interest, and has recently 
included the illustrations for The Light of Asia and At the Feet of 
the Master. 

Finland. A book for the use of Xheosophists for combined singing 
has been published, art lantern lectures delivered, and exhibits sent to 
the " Youth" exhibition in London. 

France. At Convention a meeting was held, when Mr. Jinarfljadflsa 
and Miss 1 Warner spoke, with Professor Marcault kindly translating. 
About 20 members joined, and certain changes in platform arrangement 
at once introduced. 

Germany. Several members, working individually , attended the 
meetings at Ommen. 


Holland. An Exhibition was organised during the Thcosophical 
Order of the Service Camp at Oinrnen, August, 1927, several informal 
meetings of member* were held, for discussion with the Secretary, and 
Mr. Jinarftjadflga presided over a meeting of National Secretaries and 
also delivered a lecture on " Liberation through Art " which is published 
in Service. 

JIanyary. 20 musicians hold regular practices of music for 
Theosophical work and special music was arranged for live festival days. 
Iceland. Groat inspiration felt, and impetus to the work given by 
the President's tour. 

India. Community singing at Adyar, and at the Convention at 
Benares, llecitals of poetry, song, and pianoforte. Handicraft? training. 
Italy. Several Groups working for music, and the revival of pure 
and religious arts. 

Java. Great activity in drama, dance, and music, but no definite 
report received. 

Norway. Exhibits sent to the " Youth " exhibition in London. 
Lectures and painting. One of many countries visited by Mrs. Adair 
with her Indian paintings for exhibition. 

Poland. Harmony Lodge continues its production of original 
mystery plays, and members arrange all decorations. 
lionmama. Group talks on art. 

Scotland. Glasgow Dramatic performances have been given. 
iSjKiin. Musical appreciation classes, concert?, and handicraft work. 
Switzerland. Peasant art study, and music for the poor, blind, 
and sick. 

United States. Musical, dramatic, and speaking classes and 

irrt^\xv~-( 1 olwyn Bay arranged a handicrafts stall which made a 
good profit for Animals' Welfare Week, and also arranges singing and 
reciting. Wrexham has a valuable class for working girls for 
handicrafts, giving training which has enabled at least one to take up 
the work as a profession, and arranging profitable exhibitions which 
stimulate creative work. Other Centres are occupied in dramatic and 
art work. 


International Secretary. 


To the President^ Theosophical Society. 

The work of the Association has not been specially pushed during 
the year. Mr. Abdul Karim, Forest Officer in the Presidency of 
Madras, utilised his leave to make a long tour in the north visiting 
various Theosophical Lodges, and addressing public meetings to explain 
the broader attitude that Theosophists have towards the problem of 
Islam. He was welcomed everywhere, and his work has undoubtedly 
strengthened the objects of the Association. Similar work has been 
consistently done by Bro. H. C. Kumar. His report is appended, 
giving the history of "the inception of the Association and also the 
record of his work. 

Genesis . At the Convention of the Theosophical Society held at 
Adyar in December, 1922, a proposal was made that the Theosophical 
Society should persuade its Lodges in India to study the great faith 
of Islam in the same sympathetic way in which they had been studying 
Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity, and to lay the results before 
the public. A small Committee was appointed to formulate a scheme. 

The Committee submitted its suggestions in due course, and these 
were circulated to the Lodges through the Sectional Organ, Theosophy 
in India. At the Convention of 1923, the Vice-President, Mr. C. 
Jinarajadasa, M.A. (Cantab.), who had evinced a keen interest in the 
movement from its very inception, to6k down the names of people who 
offered to join it as members and promote its object, and a T.S. Muslim 
" League" was formally started with Nawab A. Hydari of Hydorabad- 
Deccan, as President, and the General Secretary of the Indian Section 
as ex-ojficio Secretary. 

Beginnings* During my stay at Adyar in 1923 24, as a scholar 
of the Brahmavidya Ashrama the nucleus of the T.S. World Univer- 
sity I devoted myself to the study of Islam with a view to qualify as 


a worker of the T.S. Muslim Association, and on my way back to 
Sindh gave lectures on Islam at Chhanapatanam, Hubli and Poona, 
and the first Islamic Study Circle was started at the last named place. 
On return to Sindh, similar lectures were given and study Circles 
established at Karachi and Hyderabad. Later, I made a tour of 
Rajputana and several places in the Punjab, and gave Islamic lectures 
in Jodhpur, Ajmer, Lahore, Ludhiana and other towns. The lecture 
at Lahore took place at the great Islamia College under the chairman- 
ship of (now) Sir Abdul Qadir, and was reported verbatim in The 
Muslim Outlook. 

At the Convention oE the T.S. held in Bombay in December, 1924, 
it was resolved to change the name " League " to "Association ". 

Progress. In 1925, I made an extensive tour in the Punjab and 
the western districts of the United Provinces, lecturing on various 
aspects of Islam and arousing considerable interest. These lectures 
were reported in both The Tribune and The Muslim Outlook of 
Lahore, and brought from the Anjaman-i-Himayat-i-Islam of Lahore 
an invitation for a lecture at their anniversary gathering, but as tho 
dates of the anniversary clashed with my other important work, I had 
to forego the pleasure of accepting it. 

Then came the Jubilee Convention of the Theosophical Society in 
Adyar, and as a recognition of the place of Islam among the Brother- 
hood of religions, a plot of land was set apart for a mosque in the 
Theosophical estate, after the model of the famous Pearl Mosque at 
Agra, and the foundation-stone was duly laid according to Islamic 
rites. This work now awaits completion at the hands of the well-wishers 
of Islam. 

The Convention of 1926 at Benares took another important step 
forward which intimately concerns the T.S. Muslim Association. It 
was resolved at this Convention that : 

Whereas the two great faiths of India, Hinduism and Islam, are 
united in teaching the two great essentials of the Fatherhood of God 
and the Brotherhood of Man, and whereas, whatever differences there 
may be in modes of worship, the two religions are really supplementary 
to each other, and whereas the future of India lies in a cordial and 
fraternal co-operation of Hindus and Mussalmans, 

This Convention of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society 
makes a special appeal to its members to take an active part in the 



restoration of harmonious and brotherly relations between the two 
communities by insisting on the absolute identity of the true interest 
of the two faiths and the two peoples. 

In order to translate it into practice, I at once undertook a tour 
o the U. P., visiting Ghazipur, Mirzapur, Allahabad, Cawnpur, Agra, 
Gwalior, Jhansi, Aligarh, Khurja, Moradabad, etc., giving lectures to 
the public and the student community on the broad teaching of Islam 
and the life of the Prophet. The lectures lit the great Muhammadan 
University at Aligarh were most cordially received. Mr. Abdul Karim 
later undertook a more extensive tour with the same object, covering 
almost the whole of India, and putting the truths of Islam in an 
absolutely new light for the edification of both Hindus and Muslims. 

In September, 1927, the General Secretary of the Indian Section, 
T.S., as Secretary of the T.S. Muslim Association, sent round a circular 
urging all T.S. Lodges to observe the birth-anniversary of the Prophet, 
Mohamad, in a befitting manner. This was done with good results 
at most Lodges. 

Immediate Work. The work before the Association, therefore 
resolves itself into three main divisions : 

1. To study Islamic religion and culture in the Spirit of a student 
of Comparative Religion, and place the results before the public. 

2. To carry into effect the Resolution of the 1926 Convention, 
so far as possible. 

3. To collect funds for the completion of the Adyar Mosque. 
Membership. Every one, Theosophist or not, having sympathy 

with the above work, and willing to promote it in one or more ways 
indicated above, is earnestly requested to become a member. There are 
no fees for membership, but any voluntary contribution will be gratefully 
received and utilised for the purpose for which it is given, 

For the Association : 




To the President^ Theosophical Society. 

Tt is gratifying to report that there has been much improvement 
in the work of the Association in the year under review, and that 
the Jews are taking more and more interest in the Theosophical and 
Star movements with a distinct increase of Jewish membership in the 

The Star Congress of 1927 at Omrnen had an exceptionally large 
attendance* of forty Jewish members who came from various parts 
of Europe : Italy, Austria, ( '/.echo-Slovakia, Poland, Kournania, Egypt, 
Holland, Belgium, France, and England, thus giving an opportunity 
to the President of the Association, who was present there, to deliver 
at one of the meetings an inspiring address on the genius of the 
Jew in the art of Synthesis. These meetings arc likely to result in 
the formation of Sections in those countries which have not already 
got them. 

America. Mr. Henry C. Samuels and his loyal colleagues are 
carrying on our ideals in many possible ways, such as, publishing a 
magazine? and pamphlets, holding study classes, delivering public 
lectures, and speaking before various Jewish organizations in some of 
the large cities of the U.S.A. Mr. Samuels has further undertaken the 
task of writing a Jewish catechism to acquaint non-Theosophi?t Jews 
with the Theosophical thoughts embodied in their sacred scriptures. 

England. Mr. S. I. Heiman, our National "Representative in 
England, writes that the, work is favourably progressing there, and 
that the number of Active and Associate members has risen during 
the year from nine to thirty. Study groups have been organised in 
London and Manchester, and public lectures were delivered with great 
success. In addition to the distribution of literature, a Section Library 
has been opened. 


India* Progress is very slow on account of its small membership. 
Large number of Theosophist Jews in Karachi and elsewhere have 
not yet chosen to join as and help us in our movement. 

Synagogue. The funds of the Adyar Synagogue are still very low, 
making it impossible for us to start the building. In spite of our 
constant appeals, the collections made during the year did not exceed 
Rs. 800 which, added to the Rs, 1,800 previously announced, makes 
a total of Rs. 2,600. 

Criticism has been all throughout showering upon us from 
orthodox Jewish quarters in the West as well as in the East. This 
had the beneficial effect of giving wide publicity to our existence, and 
affording a good opportunity to some of our enthusiastic members to 
explain in the press our position as being not that of a new cult in 
Judaism, but rather that of an International group of students of 
occultism who are striving to bring to light the jewels of wisdom 
hidden in the pages of the Jewish lore. 

During the year a^inessage was given to Hebrew Theopophists by 
our revered President, Dr. Annie Besant, and an article was contributed 
to our magazine by our beloved Vicc-President. Both have been, and 
will ever remain, a source of inspiration and strength to our movement. 
We always receive with deep gratitude and reverence all words of 
advice coming from our Leaders to guide us along the path of service 
and helpfulness, making our movement a worthy channel of transmit- 
ting the -Divine Truth enshrined in the Theosophical teachings to the 
members of our race and to the world at large 


Adyar Representative* 


FOR THE YEAR 1926-27 

To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Membership. The Society had at tho close of tho year 130 members 
with 764 shares and a paid up share capital of Rs. 3,022-9-1, the 
increase during the year being 26, 167 and Rs. 671-15-7 respectively. 
As the maximum number of shares, riz., 800, sanctioned for the Society 
having been very nearly reached, the number was raised to 1,000 shares 
with Rs. 5,000 share capital and the same was approved by the 
Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies. 

The total transactions of the year amounted to Us. 10,098-14-0 
against Rs. 8,560-8-3 in 1925-26 and Rs. 2,848-7-10 in 1923-24, which 
is very satisfactory. Almost all the loans given are repaid regularly. 
The number of Recurring Deposits increased from 5 to 13 and 
the amount outstanding at the close of tho year was Rs. 309-3-6 against 
Rs. 78 of previous year. These figures show that the Society is very 
much liked by the members. 

During the year the Co-operative stores was opened by the kindness 
and help of Mr. C. Jinarfljadasa, Vice-Prcsident, T.S., but owing to 
our limited income, most of us t wcrc not able to take advantage of it as 
the sales were restricted only to cash purchasers. Seeing our help- 
lessness in the affair, 9 of our influential members came forward to 
help us and took out a loan of Rs. 700 from the Credit Society and 
deposited the amount in tho " Stores " on our behalf as a trade deposit, 
so that within its security we might get our supplies. As this amount 
is found insufficient, arrangements are now being made by them to raise 
the deposit amount to Rs. 1,500 for which we wish to express our 
gratitude to them for their timely help. 


In conclusion we pray to God that we may, by our service, prove 
ourselves worthy of the help and fostering care bestowed on us by the 
President and Vice-President of the T.S. 



JTo. G. 718 for 192627 

To the President, Theosophical Society. 

Birtk of the Stores. The T.S. Employees' Co-operative Credit 
Society had been working for 6 years. While it satisfied the needs of 
Co-operative Credit, the greater want of the employees in the matter of 
finding the necessities of life still remained to be met. When it assumed 
proportions, the question of the " Stores " was taken up for serious 
consideration by Mr. C. Jinarftjadasa, Vice-President of the T.S., at 
the request of the T.S. Employees' Co-operative Credit Society as per 
Resolution passed at its General-Body meeting held on 8-8-1925. 
The matter was pushed through and the " Stores " was started on the 
2nd July, 1926. 

2. After some correspondence with the Co-operative Department 
and personal explanation, the " Stores :> was sanctioned and the formal 
resolution, incorporating the Society, was passed at a General-Body 
meeting hold on 24-1 1-1926 and the opening was celebrated in the 
presence of the Dy. Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Mr. C. Jina- 
rajadflsa and others. 

3. The Society started with 38 members and has now 128 with a 
paid-up capital of Rs. 1,670. 

4. The stock of provisions bought during the year amounted to 
Rs. 21,627 and the sales to Rs. 20,830. The stock on hand on the 30th 
June, 1927, was worth Rs. 1,917. 

5. The expenditure on establishment, contingencies, etc., amounted 
to Rs. 607 a very moderate figure, having regard to the extent of 

Financial Position, The assets on the last day of the year amounted 
to Rs. 2,939 and the liabilities to Rs. 3,848. The apparent loss wag 


thus Rs. 909 for the year ; apparent because Rs. 814 were spent on 
buildings and equipment the initial non-productive outlay. The real 
loss reduces itself therefore to a small sum of Rs. 95 and such a result 
must be considered quite satisfactory having regard to the well-known 
difficulties experienced almost invariably in the initial working of 
" Stores ". 

The Future. The object for which the " Stores " were mainly 
started has not however been attained. In the first month several 
employees came forward to purchase provisions but subsequently dropped 
off one by one. The reason is not far to seek. They wanted credit and 
could not by habit and tradition, avoid going for it. The result was 
they sought their old suppliers, so much so, that the transactions of the 
" Stores " were practically limited to certain resident families and insti- 
tutions. It was not until last month, that is after the close of the year, 
that they came back to the stores for purchases by a new course adopted 
for helping them with temporary credit Nine influential members came 
forward with a deposit of Rs. 700 so that those, whom they can trust, 
can get their supplies under " Trade Deposit " System. 

It is a matter for satisfaction that the working first of the 
" Credit Society " and now of the " Stores " amidst difficulties has 
given birth to the dawning of the fundamental ideas of co-operation in 
our members, specially in the cultivation of mutual trust and under- 
standing in the, till now not very united classes of our employees* 
It is this spirit of mutual help that has made possible the coming 
forward of nine of them to take the cause of their poorer brethren 
in furtherance of the co-operative ideal. 




To the President, Theosophical Society. 

The Theosophical Medical League was constituted at in men cm 
August 8th, 1927, with the purpose of gathering all the physicians* 
medical student? and parsons in general interested in hygiene, physiology 
and therapeutics, who believe in the facts resulting from Theosophical 

This League has in view study in the first place and secondly 
propaganda. It does not mean to imitate the Health Leagues and 
other similar associations, hut has a precise object in view : to prepare 
the ground for the creation of a now medical science. Like all human 
things, Medicine will be touched and transformed by the new spiritual 
current which flows from the Theosophical movement, and now is the 
right time to start converting these changes into realities. 

The League has already fifteen National Secretaries in the following 
countries ; Italy, England, France, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Holland, 
Poland, Esthonia, United States, Bruzl, Egypt, South Africa, India, 

The International Secretary is in Rome (Italy), via Tagliamento, 7* 

The means of inscription and organisation are contained in the 
Constitutional Articles as follows : 

Art. 1. In the 52nd year of the Theosophical Society the 
Theosophical Medical League has been constituted. 

Art. 2. Membership of the League is open to all who sympathise 
with the Theosophical Objects and who have a legal qualification to 
practise medicine, surgery, obstetrics or any branches of these, and to 
certificated nurses and masseurs. 

Art. 3. Associate Membership of the League is open to medical 
students and nurses and to anybody who is in sympathy with'tho objects 
of the League. 


Art. 4. The objects of the League shall be : 

(a) Research into the causes of diseases, in the light of 
Theosophy ; 

(6) to spread a knowledge of the laws of therapeutics and 
hygiene which are brought to light by a study of Theosophical teachings. 
Art. 5. Applicants for membership shall make a formal state- 
ment as to their degrees, qualifications, the nature of their work, and 
whether engaged in practice or research. 

Art. 6. There shall be an International Secretary, and National 
Secretaries of the League. The National Secretary shall be responsible 
for the admission of members residing within their jurisdiction, and for 
seeing that their qualifications entitle them to membership. The 
National Secretary must be a member and not an associate. 

Art. 7. The Council of the T. M. L. will be composed of the 
National Secretaries and will meet once a year at Onimen during the 
Star Camp. The National Secretaries who are not able to come can be 
represented by a delegate or can send their suggestions by writing. 

Art. 8. A Congress of the League shall take place periodically, 
at a time and place to be arranged. 

Art. 9. The official organ of the League shall be a magazine 
edited by the International Secretary. 

Art. 10. The subscription shall be at the rate of two English 
shillings per annum, which shall not include the magazine. 

Art. 11. Modifications of the present Constitution shall only 
become valid if placed on the Agenda at Congress, which shall have been 
circulated to all members, and passed by a majority of those present 
at a Congress. 

The first meeting of the League, held in Ommen during the Star 
Congress, was presided by Mr. C. Jinarajadasa, Vicc-President of the 
Theosophical Society, and among those present were Prof. E. Marcault, 
Director of the London Centre of the W. U.. as well as all the physi- 
cians, medical students and persons interested in medicine who were 
present at the Camp. 

International Secretary, 

Via Tagliamento 7, 

Rome, Italy . 



In the matter of Act XX J of 1860 of the Art* of tin: Viceroy 

and Governor- General of India in Council, bein;i 

an Act for the Registration of Literary* 

Scientific and Charitable Societies 



1. The name of the Association is " The Theosophical Society v . 

2. The objects for which the Society is established are : 

(i) To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of 
Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour. 

(ii) To encourage the study of C-omparative Religion, Philo- 
sophy and Science. 

( iii) To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the 
powers latent in man. 

(a) The holding and management of all funds raised for 
the above objects. 

(6) The purchase or acquisition on lease or in exchange or 
on hire or by gift or otherwise, of any real or personal property, and 
any rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the purpose of the 



(c) The gale, improvement, management, and development 
of all or any part of the property of the Society. 

(d) The doing of all such things as are incidental or con- 
ducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them, including 
the founding and maintenance of a library or libraries. 

3. The names, addresses and occupations of the persons who are 
members of, and form the first General Council, which is the Govern- 
ing Body of the Society, are as follows : 



Recording Secretary 


Ex Ojficio 

H. S. Olcott, Adyar, Madras, Author. 
A. P. Sinnett, London, England, Author. 
Dr. S. Subramania Iyer, Madras, 

Justice of the High Court. 
W. A. English, M.D., Adyar, Madras, 

Retired Physician. 

Alexander Fullerton, General 
Secretary, American Section, 7 
West 8th Street, New York. 

Upendranath Basu, B.A., LL.B., 
General Secretary, Indian Sec- 
tion, Benares, U.P. 

Bertram Keightley, M.A., General 
Secretary, British Section, 28 
Albemarle Street, London, W. 

W. G. John, General Secretary, 
Australasian Section, 42 Mar- 
garet Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 

Arvid Knos, General Secretary, 
Scandinavian Section, Engel- 
brctchsgatan 7, Stockholm, 

C. W. Sanders, General Secretary, 
New Zealand Section, Queen 
Street, Auckland, N.Z. 

W. B. Fricke, General Secretary, 
Netherlands Section, 76 Ams- 
teldijk, Amsterdam. 

Th. Pascal, M.D., General Secre- 
tary, French Section, 59 Avenue 
de la Bourdonnais, Paris. 

Decio Calvari, General Secretary, 
Italian Section, 380 Corso Um- 
bevto I., Rome. 

Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Gen. Sect., 
German Section, 95 Kaiserallee, 
Friedenau, Berlin. 

Jos6 M. Mass, Acting General 
Secretary, Cuban Section, Ha- 
vana, Cuba. 



Annio Besant, 

Benares, Author 
[for 3 years]. 
G. R. S. Mead, London, Author 
[for 3 years]. 
Naoroji Dorabji 
Poona, Special 

Khan Bahadur 


Judge [for 3 years]. 
Dinshaw Jivaji Edal Behram, 

Surat, Physician [for 2 years]. 

Franccsca Arundale, Benares. 

Author [for 2 years], 
Tumacherla Hamachandra Row, 

Gooty, Retired Sub-Judge 
[for 1 year]. 

Charles Blcch, Paris, France, Re- 
tired Manufacturer 

[for 1 year] . 

4. Henry Steele Olcott, who, with the late Helena Petrovna 
Blavatsky, and others, founded the Theosophical Society at New York, 
United States of America, in the year 1875, shall hold, during his life- 
time, 'the position of President, with tho title of " President- Founder," 
and he shall have, alone, the authority and responsibility and shall 
exercise tho functions provided in the Rules and Regulations for the 
Executive Committee, meetings of which he may call for consultation 
and advice as he may desire. 

5. The income and property of the Society, whencesocver derived, 
shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the 
Society as set forth in this Memorandum of Association, and no portion 
thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of 
dividends, bonus or otherwise by way of profits to the persons who at 
any time arc or have been members of the Society, or to any of them 
or to any person claiming through any of them. Provided that nothing 
herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of remunera- 
tion to any officers or servants of the Society or to any member thereof 
or other person in return for any services rendered to the Society. 

6. No member or membejs of the General Council shall be answer- 
able for any loss arising in the administration or application of the said 
trust funds or sums of money or for any damage to or deterioration in 
the said trust premises, unless, such loss, damage or deterioration shall 
happen by or through his or their wilful default or neglect. 

7. If upon the dissolution of the Society, there shall remain after 
the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, 
the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members oi 
the Society or any of them, but shall be given or transferred to some 


other Society or Association, Institution or Institutions, having objects 
similar to the objects of the Society, to be determined by the votes 
of not less than three-fifths of the members of the Society, present 
personally or by proxy, at a meeting called for the purpose, or in default 
thereof, by pnch Judge or Court of Law as may have jurisdiction in 
the matter. 

8. A copy of the Rules and Regulations of the said -Theosophical 
Society is filed with the Memorandum of Association, and the under- 
signed, being seven of the members of the Governing Body of the said 
Society, do hereby certify that such copy of such Rules and Regulations 
of the said Thcosophical Society is correct. 

Ae witness our several and respective hands, dated this 3rd day of 
April, 1905. 

Witness to the signatures : 








1. The General Council, which hall be the Governing Body of 
the Theosophical Society, shall consist of its President, Vice-President, 
Treasurer, arid Recording Secretary and the General Secretary of each 
of its component National Societies, ex ojfficio, and of not less than five 
other members of the Society ; and not less than seven members of the 
General Council shall be resident in India, and of these seven there shall 
be not less than three who shall and three who shall not be natives of 
India or Ceylon. The Recording Secretary shall be the Secretary of 
the General Council. 


2. The terms of those members of tho General Council who hold 
office e.r officio shall expire with tho, vacation of their qualifying office, 
while the other members shall he elected for a term of three years, 
by vote of the General Council at its Annual Meeting ; the names of 
proposed members shall bo sent to all members three months before the 
Annual Meeting. Members retiring shall be eligible for re-election. 

3. It .shall bo competent for the General Council to remove any 
of its members, or any officer of the Society, by a three-fourths majority 
of its whole number of members, at a special meeting called for the 
purpose of which at least three, months' notice shall have been given ; 
the quorum consisting, however, of not less than five members. 

4. The (Jeneral Council shall ordinarily meet once a year, ;it tho 
time of the Annual Meeting or Convention of the Society : but a special 
meeting may be willed at any time by the President, ami shall be 
called at any time by him, or if not by him, by the Recording [Secretary, 
on the written requisition of not less than one fourth of the total 
number of members; but of such special meetings not less than three 
months' notice shall bo given, and the notice shall contain a statement 
of the special business to be laid before the meeting. 

~>. At all meetings of the General Council, members thereof may 
vote in person, or in writing, or by proxy. 

0. The quorum of an ordinary as well as of a special meeting of 
the (Jeneral Council shall be five member*. If there be no quorum, 
the meeting may he adjourned gine die, or the Chairman of the 
meeting may adjourn it to another date of which three months' further 
notice shall In- given, when the business of the meeting shall be disposed 
of, irrespective of whether there is a quorum present or not. 

7. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, of thr 
Society, shall preside, at all meetings of tho Society or of the (ieno.ral 
Council, and shall have a casting vote in the case of an equal division 
of the members voting on any question before the meeting. 

M. In the absence of the. President and the Vice-President, tho 
meeting shall elect a Chairman from among the member* present at the 
meeting, and he shall have n casting vote in tho case of a tie. 

9. The term of office of the President shall be seven years. 
10. Six months before tho expiration of a President's term of 
Office his. successor, shall be nominated by the General Council, at a 


meeting to bo held by them, and the nomination shall bo communicated 
to tho General Secretaries by the Recording Secretary. Each General 
Secretary shall take the votes of the individual members of his National 
Society on the list of members forwarded to Adyar in the preceding 
November, and shall communicate the result to the Recording Secretary, 
who shall take those of the Lodges and Fellows-at-large attached to 
Adyar. A majority of two-thirds of the recorded votes shall be 
necessary for election. 

11. The President shall nominate the Vice-President, subject to 
confirmation by the General Council, and his term of office shall expire 
upon the election of a new President. 

12. The President shall appoint the Treasurer, the Recording 
Secretary and such subordinate officials as he may find necessary, which 
appointments shall take effect from their dates, and shall continue to be 
valid unless rejected by a majority vote of the whole, number of 
mombers of the Executive Committee, voting in person or by proxy, at 
its next succeeding meeting, the newly appointed Treasurer or Recording 
Secretary not being present, nor counting as a member of the Executive 
Committee for purposes of such vote. 

13. The Treasurer, Recording Secretary and subordinate officials 
being assistants to the President in his capacity as executive officer of 
the General Council, the President shall have the authority to remove 
any appointee of his own to such offices. 

14. The General Council shall at each Annual Meeting appoint an 
Executive Committee for the ensuing year, of whom at least two-thirds 
shall be members of the Council and it shall consist of seven members, 
all residents of India, including the President as ex-officio Chairman, 
the Vice-President when resident in Madras, the Treasurer, and the 
Recording Secretary as ex-officio Secretary of the Committee, and three 
of the members of such Committee shall and three shall not bo natives 
of India or Ceylon. 

15. The Executive Committee shall, as far as convenient meet once 
in every three months for the audit of accounts and the despatch of any 
other business. A special meeting may be called by the Chairman 
whenever he thinks fit, and such meeting shall be called by him, or if 
not by him, by the Recording Secretary, when he is required to do so, 
by not less than three members of the Committpe, who .shall state 


to him in writing the business for which they wish the meeting to 

16. At a meeting o the Executive Committee, three members 
shall constitute a quorum. 

17. The Committee shall, in the absence of the Chairman or Vice- 
Chairman, elect a Chairman to preside over the meeting, and in case of 
equality of votes the Chairman for the time being shall have a casting 

18. The President shall be the custodian of all the archives and 
records of the Society, and shall be the Executive Officer and shall 
conduct and direct the business of the Society in compliance with its 
rules ; ho shall be empowered to make temporary appointments and to 
fill provisionally all vacancies that occur in the offices of the Society, 
and shall have discretionary powers in all matters not specifically 
provided for in these Rules. 

19. All subscriptions, donations and other moneys payable to the 
Association shall be received by tho President, or the Treasurer, or 
the Recording Secretary, the receipt of either of whom in writing shall 
be sufficient discharge for the same. 

20. The securities and uninvested funds of the Society shall be 
deposited in the Imperial Bank of India, Madras, or such other Bank or 
Banks as the Executive Committee, T.S., shall select ; and in countries 
outside of India, in such Banks as the President shall select. Cheques 
drawn against the funds shall be signed by the President or by the 
Treasurer of the Society. 

21. The funds of the Society not required for current expenses 
may be invested by the President, with the, advice and consent of the 
Executive Committee, in Government or other Public securities, or in 
the purchase of immovable property of First Mortgages on such property, 
and with like advice and consent he may sell, mortgage or otherwise 
transfer the same, provided, however, that nothing herein contained 
shall apply to the property at Adyar, Madras, known as the Head- 
quarters of the Society. 

22. Documents and conveyances, in respect of the transfer of 
property belonging to the Society, shall bear the signature of the 
President and of the Recording Secretary, and shall have affixed to 
thorn the Seal of the Societv. 


23- The Society may sue and bo sued in the name oh' th<* 

24. The Recording Secretary may, with the authority of the 
President, affix the Seal of the Society on all instruments requiring to 

be sealed, and all such instruments shall he signed bv the President and 
* OK 

by the Recording Secretary. 

25. On the death or resignation of the President, the Vice- 
President shall perform the duties of President, until a successor 

takes Office. 



2<>. The Headquarter* of the Society are established at Adyar 
Madras, and are outside the jurisdiction of the Indian Section. 

27. The President shall have full power and discretion to permit 
to any person the use of any portion of the Headquarters' premises for 
occupation and residences, on such terms as the President may lay down, 
or to refuse permission so to occupy or reside. Any person occupying 
or residing under the permission granted by the President shall, on a 
fortnight's notice given by or on behalf of the President, unconditionally 
quit the premises before the expiry of that period. 


28. Every application for membership in the Society must be 
made on an authorised form, and must, whenever possible, be endorsed 
by two fellows and signed by the applicant ; but no person under the 
age of majority shall be admitted without the consent of their 

29. Admission to membership may be obtained through the 
President of a Lodge, General Secretary of a National Society, or 
through the Recording Secretary ; and a Diploma of membership shall 
be issued to the Fellow, bearing the signature of the President, and 
countersigned by the General Secretary, where the applicant resides 
within the territory of a National Society, or countersigned by the 
Recording Secretary, if admission to membership has been obtained 
through the Recording Secretary. 


30. Lodges and unattached Fellows residing within the territory of 
a National Society must belong to that National Society, unless coming 
under Rule 31. 

31. When a Lodge or an individual Fellow is, for any serious and 
weighty reason, desirous of leaving the National Society to which it, or 
he, belongs, but is not desirous of leaving the Theosophical Society, 
such Lodge or individual Fellow may become directly attached to Head- 
quarters severing all connection with the National Society, provided 
that the President, after due consultation with the General Secretary of 
tho said National Society, shall sanction the transfer. This shall 
equally apply in the case of tho admission of any new member, and 
due consultation with the General Secretary of the National Society in 
which that now member is residing should always precede any decision 
for his admission. 

32. Lodges or Fellows-at-large, in countries where no National 
Society exists, must apply for their Charters or Diplomas directly to the 
Recording Secretary and may not, without the sanction of the President, 
belong to National Societies within the territorial limits of which they 
are not situated or resident. 

33. Any soven Fellows, in a country whore no National Society 
exists, may apply to be chartered as a Lodge, the application to be 
forwarded to the President of tho Society through tho Recording 

34. The President shall have authority to grant or refuse appli- 
cations for Charters, which, if issued, must bear his signature and that 
of the Recording Secretary and tho Seal of the Society, and be recorded 
at the Headquarters of the Society. 

35. A National Society may be formed by the President, upon the 
application of seven or more chartered Lodges. 

36. All Charters of National Societies or Lodges and all Diplomas 
of membership derive their authority from the President, acting as 
Executive Officer of the General Council of the Society, and may be 
cancelled by the same authority. 

37. Each Lodge and National Society shall have the power of 
making its own Rules, provided they do not conflict with the Rules of 
the Theosophical Society, and the rules shall become valid unless their 
confirmation be refused by the President. 


38. Every National Society must appoint a General Secretary, 
who shall be the channel of official communication between the General 
Council and the National Society. 

39. The General Secretary of each National Society shall forward 
to the President, annually, not later than the first day of November, a 
report of the year's work of his Society, and at any time furnish any 
further information the President or General Council may desire. 

40. National Societies, hitherto known as Sections, which have 
been incorporated under the name of "The . . . Section of the T.S., " 
before the y'ear 1908, may retain that name in their respective countries, 
in order not to interfere with the incorporation already existing, hut 
shall be included under the name of National Societies, for all purpose? 
in these Rules and Regulations. 


41. The foes payable to the General Treasury by Lodges not 
comprised within the limits of any National Society aro as fellows : For 
Charter, 1 ; for each Diploma of Membership, 5s. ; for the Annual 
Subscription of each Fellow, 5s. ; or equivalents. 

42. Fellows-at-large not belonging to any Lodge shall pay the* 
usual 5s. Entrance FP,P, and an Annual Subscription of 1, to the 
General Treasury. 

43. Each National Society shall pay into the General Treasury 
ten per cent of the total amount received from its own National dues, and 
shall remit the same to the Treasurer on or before the first day of October 
of the current year, and the official yoar of the Society shall close on 
31st October. 

44. In the ovent of the cancellation of any Charter under Rulo 
36 or the withdrawal from the Theosophical Society of any National 
Society or Lodge thereof, its constituent Charter granted by the 
President, shall, ipso facto, lapse and become forfeited, and all 
property, real or personal, including Charters, Diplomas, Seal. Records 
and other papers, pertaining to the Society, belonging to or in the 
custody of such National Society or Lodge, shall vest in the Society 
(except when the law of the country where the National Society or 
Lodge is situated prohibits such vesting, in which case the property 


shall vest as hereinafter provided) and shall be delivered up to the 
President or his nominee in its behalf ; and such National Society or 
Lodge shall not be entitled to continue to use the Name, Motto, or 
Seal of the Society. 

Provided, nevertheless, that the President shall be empowered 
to revive and transfer the said Charter of the National Society or 
Lodge, whose Charter has so lapsed and become forfeited, to such 
other Lodges and Fellows or other nominee or nominees of his as in 
his judgment shall seem best for the interests of the Society. 

In cases where the law of the country where the National Societv 
or Lodge, whoso Charter has lapsed as aforesaid is situated, prohibits 
such vesting in the Society, in that case the property of the Lodge 
shall vest in its National Society and the property of the National 
Society shall vest in a local Trustee or Trustees appointed by the 

To effect any transfer of property, which the Society may become 
entitled to under this Rule, it shall be lawful for the President to 
appoint an agent or nominee for the purpose of executing any necessary 
document or documents or for taking any steps necessary effectually to 
transfer the said property to the Society. 

45. The financial accounts of the Society shall be audited annually 
by qualified Auditors who shall be appointed by the General Council at 
oach Annual Meeting for the ensuing year. 


46. The Annual General Meeting or Convention of the Society 
shall be hold in India in the month of December, at such place as shall 
bo determined by the Executive Committee in the June of each year. 
Lodges desirous of inviting the Convention and able to make due 
arrangements for its accommodation, shall send the invitation in the 
March of tho current yoar, with particulars of the arrangements they 
propose to make. 

47. At least once in every seven years a World Congress of 
the Theosophical Society shall i)e held out of India, beginning with one 
in Europe at a place and date to be fixed by the General Council, but so 
as not to interfere with the Annual Convention in India. 


48. The President shall have the power to convene 
meetings of the Society at his discretion. 


49. The General Council, after at least three months' notice has 
heen given to each member of said Council, may, by a three-fourths vote 
of their whole number, in person, in writing, or by proxy, make, alter 
or repeal the Rules and Regulations of the Society, in such manner as 
it may deem expedient. 


FOR 192728 





Recording Secretary 



A. Sen WAR/ 

General Secretaries 

MR. L. VV. ROGERS, T.S. in America ; Whcaton, Illinois, U.S.A. 

MRS. MARGARET JACKSON, T.S. in England ; 23 Bedford Square, 

London, W.C. 1. 

G. S. ARUNDALE, T.S. in India ; Benares City, U.P. 
HAROLD MORTON, T.S. in Australia ; 29 Bligh Street Sydney, N.S.W. 
HERR HUGO " FAHLCRANT/., T.S. in Sweden; Ostermalmsgatan 75, 

Stockholm, Swedc^n. 

WILLIAM CRAWFORD Es<^. 9 T.S. in New Zealand ; 371 Queen Street, 

Auckland, New Zealand. 
MEYR. C. UAMONDT-HTRSCHMANN, T.S. in the Netherlands ; Amstol- 

dijk 76, Amsterdam, Holland. 
MONSIEUR CHARLES BLECH, T.S. in France ; 4 Square Rapp, Paris 

VII, France. 
OOLONELLO OLVIEKO BOGGIANI, T.S. in Italy ; 8 (Jorso Fiume, Torino 

VII, Italy. 


HERR AXEL VON FIELITZ-CONIAR, T.S. in Germany ; Hdqts. Iteseden- 

weg, 21, Hamburg-Fu, Germany. (Priv. Add.) : Zochorstraat 

60/3, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 
SE$OR EDELMTI'.O FELIX, T. S. in Cuba ; Apartado 365, Havana, 

MRS. E. DB RATHONYI, T.S. in Hungary ; VI. Dclibab u. 20, 

Budapest I, Hungary. 
DR. JOHN SONCK, T.S. in Finland ; Kaiisakoulukatu 8, Helsingfors, 



MADAME A. KAMVN^KY, T.S. in llussia ; 2, r. Cherbulicz, Geneva, 

HERR JOSEPH SKVTA, T.S. in Chechoslovakia ; Kuncicky 290, Mor., 

Ostrava, Czechoslovakia. 
MRS. A. M. GOWLAND, T.S. in South Africa ; P.O. Box 632, Cape 

Town, South Africa. 
N. A. ELUNGSEN ESQ., T.S. in Scotland ; 28 Great Kino- Street, 

Edinburgh, Scotland. 
PROF. G. MEAUTES, T.S. in Switzerland ; SerricVes, Neuchatel, 

MONSIEUR GASTON POLAK, T.S. in Belgium ; 45 line de Loxuin, 

Brussels, Belgium. 
MVNHKER J. KRUTSHEER, T.S. in Neth. East Indies ; Blavatskypark, 

Weltevreden, Java. 
U. SAW HLA PRIT ESQ., T.S. in Burma; 102, 49th Street, East 

Rangoon, Burma. 
HEKR JOHN CORDES, T.S. in Austria ; Therosianumgasse 12, Vienna IV, 

FRU AGNES MARTENS SPARRK, T.S. in Norway ; Gabchgatau 41, Oslo, 

HERR CHR. SVENDSEN, T.S, in Denmark ; Hauchsvej 20, Copenhagen, 

T. KENNEDY ESQ., T.S. in Ireland ; 16 South Frederick Street, Dublin, 

SE^OR AGUSTIN GARZA GALINDO, T.S. in Mexico ; P.O. Box 8014, 

Mexico City, Mexico, D.F. 
ALBERT E. S. SMYTHE ESQ., T.S. in Canada ; 26 West Glen Grove 

Avenue, Toronto 12, Canada. 



DR. AUTURO MONTESAXO, T.S. in Argentina ; Aguoro 1389, Buenos 

Aires, Argentina. 
SKNOU ARMANDO HAMEL, T.S. in Chile* : Casilla do Correo 548, 

Valparaiso, Chile. 
SENOU JUVENAL M. MESQUITA, T.S. in Brazil; Rua Piratiny 90, 

Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 
MONSIEUR SOPHRONY NICKOFF, T.S in Bulgaria : S4 Tzar Simeon, 

Sofia, Bulgaria. 
HERR JAKOB KHISTINSSON, T.S. in Iceland; Ingolfsstr. 22, 

Reykjavik, Iceland. 

DR. MANUEL DE BKIOSDE, T.S. in Spain ; Apartado 282, Sevilla, Spain. 
SEN OR A. R. SILVA JUNIOR, T.S. in Portugal ; Avenida Almirante 

Reis 58, IE, Lisbon, Portugal. 
COUN. PETER FKEEMAN, T.S. in Wales ; 3 Rectory Road, Penarth, 

MADEMOISELLE WANDA UYXOWS-KA, T.S. in Poland : Krolewska 25, 

m. 3, Warsaw, Poland. 
SESOU FRANCISCO DIAZ FALP, T.S. in Uruguay ; Camilla '.\>rn.o 595. 

Montevideo, Uruguay. 
SE.NOK FRANCISCO VINCENTY, T.S. in Porto Rico : P.O. Box S5, San 

Juan, Porto Rico. 
MME. HKLKNE KOMNICIANO, c/o Mine. Zoe Pallade, T.S. in Roumania ; 

Strada Labirint No. 62, Bucharest, Roumania. 
(vOsrojicA JELISAVA VAVRA, T.S. in Yugo-Slavia : Primorska ulica 

br. 32, Zagreb, Yu go-Sin via. 
N. K. I!HOKSY ESQ., T.S. in Ceylon ; Boyd Place, Colpetty, Colombo, 



NAWAB A. UYDARI, Hyderabad, 
Deccan [1927 for 3 years]. 
139 Cormvallis Street, 

Calcutta [1927 for 3 yoars]. 

P. K. TELANG ESQ., Benares, 

[1925 for 3 years]. 


DALAVALA, Dubash House, 

Hughes Road, Bombay 

[1925 for 3 years]. 

Adyar, Madras 

[1925 for 3 years]. 

Rt. Rev. C. VA 7 . LEADBEATER, 
The Manor, Mosman, Sydney 

[1927 for 3 years]. 


c/o Bank of Indore Ltd., 
Indore [1927 for 3 years]. 



M. MANLK ESQ., P.O. Box 632, Hongkong, China. 


J. H. PEREZ ESQ., P.O. Box 240, Cairo, Bgypt. 
Central America 

SESOR' JOSK B. ACTNA, Apartaclo 633, San Jos<>, Costa Rica, 

Central America. 

Legal Adviser 

THE HOBBLE MR. JUSTICE V. UAMESAM, High t'ourt f Madras. 


-,^ Executive Committee 



THE liECOiunxc; SECRET A i;v 






Garden Superintendent 




Consulting Engineer 



Theosophical Publishing House 


Vasanta Press 


Adyar Library 

DR. (\ KUNHAN KA.TA (Jlon. Director) 


The Presidont : " Olcott, Madras." 

Gen. Sec., American Section : u Theosoph, Wheaton."* 
,, English Section : " Theosoph, London." 

,, Indian Section : " Theosophy, Benares." 

,, Australian Section : "Theosoph, Sydney." 

Swedish Section : " Tcosof, Stockholm." 
,, New Zealand Section : ' Theosophy, Auckland." 

,, Scottish Section : " Theosophy, Edinburgh." 

,, Egyptian Section : " Poresco, Cairo." 

,, Mexican Section : " Teosofica, Mexico." 

Welsh Section : "Theosophy, Cardiff." 


Of a Meeting of tlie General Council, T.S., held in the Board Room, 
Headquarters, Ailyar, on December 23rd, 1927, at 10 a.m. 


Dr. Annie Bf\sant 
Mr. C. Jinarajadasa -> 

,, J. R. Aria 

,, A. Schwarz 
Mrs. B. Padmabai Sanjiva Rao 

Heer J. Kruishcer 

U. Saw Hla Pru 

Rt. Rev. G. S. Arundale 

Mr. Ricardo Ros 

A. G. Feliz 

Hirendra Nath Datta 

P. K. Tolang ... 

Rao Sahib G. Subbiah Chetty ... - 

Rt. Rev. C. W. Leadbeater in anticipation of his being formally 
elected as an Additional Member was also present. 

1. The Minutes of the Meetings of December 24th and 29th, 
1926, having been previously circulated among the members of the 
General Council, were taken as read, and duly signed. 

2. The Councillors' votes on the re-election of the retiring 
members, Nawab A. Hydari and Mr. Hirondra Nath Datta were 

President, T.8. 

\ ice-Pre* iden t, T.8. 

Recording Secretary, T.S. 

Treasurer, T.S. 

Joint General Secretary, North, 

T.S. in India. 

General Secretary, 'J\8. in JJutcli 

East Indies. 

n n n Burma. 

Representative, T.S. in Australia. 
99 5 , T.S. in Cuba. 

59 ,, Mexico and Chile. 

Member, General Council, T.S. 


unanimously in favour, so they were re-elected as Additional Members 
of the General Council for three years. 

The majority of votes on the election of Mr. J. D. L. Arathoon in 
place of Kt. Rev. GK S. Arundale, and of Kt. Rev. C. W. Leadbeater 
as Additional Members were in favour, hence they were elected as 
'Additional Members of the General Council for a period of three yeare. 

3. The votes sent in by the Councillors on the proposal of the 
President to substitute " Fellowship of Faiths " for the " World Religion," 
in the statement entitled " The Basic Truths of Religion," printed on 
page 327 of the Minutes of the T. S. General Council, in the Annual 
Report, 1925, were all in favour, hence it was unanimously 

Resolved. That the words " Fellowship of Faiths " be substituted 
for the " World Religion " in the statement entitled " The Basic Truths 
of Religion " printed on page 327 of the T. 8. Annual Report of 1925, 
and the same be reprinted as follows : 


Theosophy, the Divine Wisdom, is the root of all the great religions, 
living and dead ; all are branches of that ever-living Tree of Life, with 
its root in Heaven, the leaves of which are for tho healing of the nations 
of the world. Each special religion brings out and emphasises some 
special aspect of the Truth, necessary for the evolution of humanity 
(luring the age it opens, and shapes the civilisation of that age, enriching 
the religious, moral and cultural heritage of the human race. 

The Fellowship of Faiths, of which all special religions are 
integral parts whether or not they recognise their places in the World 
Order declares : 

1. There is one transcendent Self-Existent Life, eternal, all- 
pervading, all-sustaining, whence all worlds derive their several 
lives, whereby and wherein all things which exist live and move 
and have their boing. 

2. For our world this Life is immauont, and is manifested as 
the Logos, the Word, worshipped under different Names, in 
different religions, but ever recognised as the One Creator, 
Preserver and Regenerator. 

3. Under Him, our world is ruled and guided by a Hierarchy 
of His Elder Children, variously called Rishis, S^gos, Saints, 
among whom are the World-Teachers, who for each age re-proclaim 


the essential truths oi; religion and morality in a form suited to 
the ago ; this Hierarchy is aided in its work by the hosts ol' 
Beings again variously named, Dcvas, Angels, Shining Ones 
discharging functions recognised in all religions. 

4. Human beings form one order of the creatures evolving 
on this earth, and each human being evolves by successive life- 
poriods, gathering experiences and building them into character, 
reaping always as he sows, until he -has learned the lessons taught 
in Uu 1 three worlds the earth, the intermediate state and the 
heavens in which u complete life-period is passed, and hits reached 
human perfection, when he outers the company oi' just men made 
perfect, that rulc.s and guides the evolving lives in all stages of 
their growth. 

These are the Basic Truths of the Fellowship of Faiths, of which 
;ill religions are specialised branches ; to proclaim and teauli these the 1 
Theosopliicul Society was founded and exists. 

The Fellowship? of Faiths will thus help in preparing the way 
for the Coming of the World-Teacher, who shall give to the Basic 
Truths the form suited to the age lie will open -the Age of 

The Theosophical Society admits to its fellowship all who desire 
In enter it, whether or not they hold any of these basic truths, or belong 
to any religion or to none, since all belong to the Universal Brother- 
hood of Humanity, ol! which it is u nucleus. 

i. Votes on the, proposal of the General Secretary, T. S. in 
lOugland suggesting alterations and additions to Rule 44 of the Rules 
and Regulations of the T. S. were not all in favour. The General 
Secretary, T S. in India, voted against and Mr. Ilirendra Nath Dutta 
suggested an amendment. After some, discussion it was referred to 
a sub-committee consisting of the Vice-President, Mr. Hirondra Nath 
Dalta, Kai Tijbal Narain Gurtu, Mr. I f \ K. Telang and the Recording 
Secretary to go into details and report about it. 

5. The Treasurer's Report and Balance Sheet, which showed 
a deficit of Rs. '1,872-6-7 ( 37 5) was, after some discussion, passed by 
the General Council. The deficit, however, had been fortunately met 
by the credit balance of last year. 

The T. S. and Adyar Library Budgets tor 1928, which wen 
provisionally passed by the Executive Committee, T. S., were unani- 
mously passed after examining various items. 









A. I J . 

flout and Into rest 


A dyar Library ... 



Fees and Dues ... 


Office Salaries ... 


ol o 

On rd en Produce 
Electrical Department 


ol o 

Servant^ Wages 

... 17,000 

Da licit to he made np by 


Printing and Stationery 


donations ... ... 



Telegrams and Postage* 


Lighting and Water 




Construction and Itepaiip 

... 22,000 



Establishment Cliargon 


The Adyar Bulletin 







1,000 | 


Vice-President's Office 



... i 500 



.. 1 3,000 









IN co. MI 





Rs. A. r. 


r l\S. Contribution 




... ri,800 





Books and .lonrnals 

.. ' 2,000 





n n 

Copying C 


Copying MSS. 



Deficit to be nindo by 

Fire Insnranco ... 

... ! 350 

donations ... 5,410 <> 

liookbinding, otc. 

... ; 1,300 ! n u 



... ' 1,200 ! 0: 


i i i 

12,050 o; o 

; 12,050 



i 1 

! i i 

I I 

(5. Jtetolreti. That tho l\oHiclcnt, the V ice-President, the Kcconl- 
Socrotary, and tho Treasurer, e^officio, and Dr. (i. Srinivasamnrti, 
Mr. D. K. Tolang and Baroness J. van Isselmiulen he appointed 
memht^rs of tho Executive Oommittee for the year 192S t 
(Carried unanimously. 

7. Ileiolved. That Mr. (J. Narasimham, F.H.S.A., F.A.A., 
( Vrtified Auditor, ho re-appointed Auditor for the year 1928 on tlio 
usual romunoration. 



8. The President proposed that a vote of thanks be given to 
Mr. K. tt. Jus saw alia, the Garden Superintendent, for increasing the 
garden produce and making it productive, hence it was 

Resolved. That the General Council records with pleasure the good 
work done hy Mr. K. R. Jussawalla, Superintendent of Gardens, in im- 
proving the garden and expresses its thanks to him for making it more 
productive year after year. 

Carried unanimously. 

The General Council, having suffered a great loss in the death of 
Sir T. Sadasiva Iyer, who had remained loyal and faithful to the end, 
and had rendered valuable services to the Society, the President pro- 
posed, and the General Council unanimously passed, that the following 
resolution of condolence be sent to his family : 

That the General Council, T.S., places on record its profound 
appreciation of the very useful and valuable services which Sir T. Sada- 
siva Iyer had rendered to the Society for many years, and sends to his 
family its sympathy for the loss sustained by them, a loss which the 
whole Society shares with them. 

Carried unanimously. 

The President informed the Council that Mrs. Douglas Hamilton, 
a member of the T. S. in England, had left a legacy of 25,000 free of 
legacy duty to her for the Theosophical Society, and she asked the Members 
of the .General Council present to send their suggestions as to its distribu- 
tion to the Recording Secretary for discussion in the adjourned Mooting. 

The Meeting adjourned to January 6th, 1928. 



Of the Adjourned Meeting of the General Council^ T.S., 

held in the Board Room, Headquarters, Adyar, on 

January 6th , 1928, at 8 a.m. 


Dr. Annie Besant ... President, T.S. 

Mr. 0. Jinarftjadflsn ... Vice-President, T.S. 

,, J. II. Aria ... Recording Secretary, 7\*S'. 

Mr. A. Schwarz ... Treasurer , T.S. 

lit. Rev. G. S. Arundale ... (reneral Secretary, T.S. in India, and 

Representative, T.S. in Australia. 

Mr. Hicardo Ros ... ,, ,, Cuba. 

Rao Sahib G. Suhbiah Chetty ... Member, General Council, T.S. 
Rt. Rov. C. W. Leadbeater ... ,, , r 

1. The votes of the Councillors on the nomination of Dr. Annie 
Besant, as the President of the T.S., for a further term of seven years 
were all in favour. All the General Secretaries, except Italy, Cze- 
choslovakia, Brazil and Roumania whose votes were not received, voted 
in favour, making 37. Of the Additional Members, the Vice-President, 
Mr. J. R. Aria, Mr. A. Sohwarz, Mr. P. K. Telang, Khan Bahadur 
N. D. Khandaluvala, Rao Sahib G. Subbiah Chetty, Nawab A. Hydari, 
Mr. Hirendra Nath Datta and Rt. Rev. C. W. Leadbeater voted in 
favour, making in all 46. Hence it was 

Resolved. That according to Rule 10 of the Rules and Regulations 
of the T.S., the General Council, at its meeting, held six months before 
the expiry of the term of office of the President, in the Board Itoom at 
Adyar Headquarters, nominates Dr. Annie Besant for re-election as the 
President of the Theosophical Society, and authorises the Recording 
Secretary, T.S. to communicate the nomination of the General Council 
to all the General Secretaries of the National Societies, who should 
proceed to take the votes of the individual members of their respective 
National Societies. 

Carried unanimously. 

2. The following addition to Rule 36 and amendments to 
Mr, Edward L, Gardner's proposed alterations to Rule 44 of the Rules 


and Regulations o the T.8. suggested by Mr. Hirendra Nath Datta, as 
reported by the sub-committee appointed by the General Council, T.S., 
was read and finally accepted by the members present. 

" 36. (a) All Charters of National Societies or Lodges ami nil 
Diplomas of membership derive their authority from the President, 
acting as Executive Officer of the General Council of Iho Society, and 
may be cancelled by the same authority. 

u (fc) Any National Society or any Lodge, whether belonging to a 
National Sopiety or not, may by a two-thirds majority of the monitors 
constituting the same withdraw from the Theosophical Society. 

14 44. In the event of the cancellation of any Charier under Kule 
36a or the withdrawal from the Theosophical Society of any National 
Society or any Lodge under Rule 36ft, its constituent Charter granted 
by tho President, shall, ipso facto, become forfeited or lapse and all 
property, real or personal, including (/barters, Diplomas, Seal, Records 
and other papers, pertaining to the Society, belonging to or in the 
custody of such National Society or Lodge, shall vest in the Society 
(except when the law of the country where the National Society or 
Lodge is situated prohibits such vesting, in which case the property shall 
vest as hereinafter provided) and shall be delivered up to the President 
or his nominee in its behalf ; and such National Society or Lodge shall not 
be entitled to continue to use the Name, Motto, or Seal of the Society. 

" Provided, nevertheless, that the President shall have power to 
transfer or revive the Charter of tho National Society or the Lodge, 
as the case may be, whose Charter should have become so forfeited or 
lapsed, to such other Lodges not being less than seven in number, or 
to such other Fellows not being less than seven in number, respectively, 
or to such other nominee or nominees of his as in his judgment shall 
seem best for the interests of the Society* 

"In cases whore tho law of tho country where the National Society 
or the Lodge, whose Charter has become forfeited or lapsed as aforesaid 
is situated, prohibits such vesting in the Society, in that case the 
property of the Lodge shall vest in its National Society and the property 
of the National Society shall vest in a loeal Trustee or Trustees to bo 
appointed by the President. 

41 To effect any transfer of property, which tho Society may become 
entitled to under this Bule, it shall be lawful for the President to 

MiNUTfcs 295 

appoint an agent or nominee for the purpose of executing any necessary 
document or documents or for taking any steps necessary effectually to 
transfer the said property to the Society." Hence it wan 

Resolved. That the Recording Secretary should send the addition 
to Rule 3ti and Amendments to Uulo 44 of the Rules and Regulations 
of the T.S. to all the members of the* General Council, T.S., and get 
their votes thereon. 

Carried unanimously. 

3. Various suggestions were received regarding the distribution 
of 25,000 Legacy of Mus. DOUGLAS HAMILTON. After full discussion 
(he following resolution was passed. 

That the total sum be divided as follows : 

(a) One-fifth for repairs and additions to buildings, Provident Fund 
fur employees of the T.S., installation of a telephone system, and 
other purposes of T.S. Headquarters, Adyar. 

(ft) Two-fifths be held in reserve to form " Douglas? Hamilton 
Fund," to be used at the discretion of the President, T. S., to develop 
work affecting the progress of the Theosophical movement throughout 
the world. 

(c) Two-lifthh to be allocated at the discretion of the 4 President, 
T. S., for the development of suoli National Societies as should need 
assistance direct from Adyar Headquarters. 

Carried unanimoiush . 

The President stated that the legacy had not yet been received 
from the Executors and that nothing beyond the first intimation of the 
legacy had been heard from the Executors of Mrs. Douglas Hamilton, 
and that she did not know when the amount would be handed over by 

1. The ( ieneral Secretary, T. S. in America, sent a proposal that 
instead of inviting euch National Society to pay a subscription of I /, 
of its total annual dues towards the World Congress Fund, the enter- 
taining National Society should defray all the expenses of the World 
Congress by charging a moderate registration f<>e to delegates attending 
the World Congress. 

The Treasurer, T. S., reported that he had received only Rs. 546 
from some of the National Societies towards the World Congress Fund, 
and pointed out that 1% on Rs. 20,000 Annual Duos would bring 


about only Rs. 2,000 per year for tho World Congress Fund, which at 
the end of seven years would amount to Rs. 14,000. 

This sum was barely adequate to defray the cost of travel to the 
Congress of the Executive officers and left nothing for expenses of 
organising the Congress itself. 

After some discussion tho donor al Council 

Resolved. That the proposal of the General Secretary, T. 8. in 
America, bo circulated among the members of tho General Council with 
a memorandum from the Treasurer, T. 8., for votes. 

Carried unanimously. 

Tho Meeting terminated at 11 a.m. 

Printed by A. K. Siturarau Shastri, ut the Vusanta Frees, Adyar, Madras.^ 
