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Coryricnut, 1886, 

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In the preparation of the following pages the author has 
had two objects in view: that of presenting to his readers 
such of the more significant facts connected with the past and 
present distribution of animal life as might lead to a proper 
conception of the relations of existing faunas; and, secondly, 
that of furnishing to the student a work of general refer- 
ence, wherein the more salient features of the geography and 
geology of animal forms could be sought after and readily 
found. The need of such a work has been frequently felt 
and expressed. As far as he is aware, no work of that kind 
has as yet appeared, and therefore, to a certain extent, this 
publication stands alone in the field it is intended to cover. 
Necessarily, much that it embraces can be found elsewhere, 
and treated even at considerably greater length; but the mat- 
ter is not contained under a single cover, and where a special 
subject is expounded in extenso the treatment is usually too 
exhaustive to permit of immediate use by the general reader. 
This applies particularly to zoogeography. With reference 
to geological distribution there is little connectedly written— 
indeed, beyond what is found in text-books largely devoted 
to cognate subjects, practically nothing. Moreover, what little 
of connected literature on the subject we do possess is almost 


entirely out of date, and in no way represents the present 
status of the science. 

The subject of geographical and geological distribution 1s 
so vast that no full treatment of it could be expected in the 
limited number of pages set apart for it in the present work. 
The author has, therefore, been obliged to omit, or at least 
largely ignore, the consideration of some of the less impor- 
tant animal groups, and, while reccgnising the deticiencies 
resulting from such omission, trusts that it will not detract 
much from the general usefulness of the publication. The 
plan of treatment followed in the early part of the book 
(geographical distribution) is largely that so admirably un- 
folded by Mr. Wallace, to whom, for the constant use of his 
works, the author is under great obligations. He also wishes 
to express his special indebtedness to the pioneer workers in 
this field, Schmarda and Murray, whose writings have laid 
the foundation of much of our existing knowledge in the 
premises. No special mention need be made of the numer- 
ous other authors who have contributed more or less exten- 
sively to the subject under consideration, and whose works 
have aided in the preparation of the present volume; to those, 
collectively, the author likewise desires to acknowledge his 

A few words need be said in relation to the zoogeographical 
regions that are recognised in this work, which differ essen- 
tially from those generally adopted by naturalists. The rea- 
sons for uniting the “Nearctic” and “ Palearctic” regions 
ef zoogeographers into a single realm, designated, in accord- 
ance with a suggestion by Professor Alfred Newton, of Cam- 
bridge, the “‘ Holarctic,” are fully set forth in my paper “On 
the Value of the Nearctic as one of the Primary Zoological 
Regions,” published in the “ Proceedings of the Academy of 
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia,” for December, 1882. Ob- 


jections by Mr. Wallace and Professor Gill to the views there 
formulated appear in “Nature” of March 22, and June 7, 
1883, respectively, and my rejoinders to the criticisms of 
these gentlemen in “Nature” of April 26, and the “ Proceed- 
ings” of the Philadelphia Academy for November, 1883. To 
these papers I must refer the reader for a purely technical 
statement of the case. The classification of the “ Transition” 
tracts is largely that which has been proposed by Forsyth 
Major, in “ Kosmos” for 1884. 

Acapemy or Naturay Sciences, Pamaprtrura, Oclober, 1886. 

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General principles of zoogeography.—Faunal variation.—Faunas of isola- 
tion.—Relations of past and prescnt faunas.—Origination of faunas 


Areas of specific distribution.—Generie distribution.—Distribution of fam- 
ilies and orders.—Conterminous and discontinuous areas of distribu- 


Conditions affecting distribution.—Climate.—Food-supply.—Barriers to 
migration.—Migrations of mammals and birds.—Dispersal of amphib- 
ians and reptiles.—Dispersal of insects and mollusks . 


Zoological regions.—Holarctic realm.—Neotropical.—Ethiopian.— Orien- 
tal.—Australian.—Polynesian.—Tyrrhenian, Sonoran, and Austro- 
Malaysian transition regions . = z 5 . - 


Distribution of marine life.—Nature of fhe deep-sea fauna.—Oceanic 
pelagic fauna.—Littoral fauna.—Pelagice faunas of lakes. —Deep-lake 
faunas . : : - : : - - : 




= 09 




The succession of life.—Faunas of the different geological periods. . 138 


Appearance and disappearance of species.—Reappearance.— Extinction. — 
Persistence of type-structures. — Variation. — Geological breaks.— 
Geographical distribution.—Climatic zones.—Synchronism of geo- 
logical formaticns . : . : : : : : 0 ; . 181 



The present and past distribution of individual animal groups.—Forami- 
nifera.—Corals. — Brachiopoda, — Mollusca generally.—Crustacea.— 
Insecta, Arachmida, and Myriapoda_ . é ; . C 5 . 234 


Distribution of the Vertebrata.—Fishes. peer aes eS —Birds. 
—Mammals . . . 3 ees or Pei a) tesco 



General principles of zoogeography.—Faunas of isolation.—Relations of past 
and present faunas. 

EVERYWHERE upon the surface of the earth we meet with mani- 
festations of animal life. The desert wastes, no less than the trop- 
ical jungles, the bleak ice-fields of the frozen north, and the most 
elevated mountain-summits—all have their faunas. The abyss of 
the sea, no less than its surface, contributes its quota to the animal 
world ; and in the atmosphere all around us, from the lowest stra- 
tum not unlikely to the highest, the germs of the organic universe 
lie everywhere scattered about. In what precise form or guise this 
life first manifested itself, or how inert matter became endowed 
with that potentiality which we recognise in vital energy, it seems 
hopeless to attempt to determine. True science takes cognisance 
of both fact and theory, but illusory speculation, whose ground- 
work is a simple outgrowth of the imagination, must find a rest- 
ing-place without its domain. 

No one who has paid the smallest amount of attention to the 
facts of nature as they present themselves can have failed to notice 
certain peculiarities in the way of the distribution of life, which 
do not always admit of an immediate or of a satisfactory inter- 
pretation. Why, for example, one piece of country should differ 
so essentially in its faunal aspects from another whose physical 
characteristics are practically identical with its own; why the sec- 
ond should differ from a third, and this, again, from a fourth—may 
not appear comprehensible. Nor any the more comprehensible 


may appear the circumstance that, in most cases, island faunas are 
so eminently marked out from those of continental areas. 

Another peculiarity in faunal distribution is presented in the 
fact that, while certain animal assemblages enjoy an almost limit- 
less or universal extension, others, again, without apparent reason, 

are circumscribed within limits of the opposite extreme. The trav- 
eller to the most distant shores not infrequently recognises objects 
that are familiar to him as those of his native home, although pos- 
sibly, in the interval of his journey, he has completely lost sight 
of their existence, so different might have been the creatures that 
successively met his gaze. ‘‘ When an Englishman travels by the 
nearest sea-route from Great Britain to Northern Japan, he passes 
by countries very unlike his own, both in aspect and natural pro- 
ductions. The sunny isles of the Mediterranean, the sands and 
date-palms of Egypt, the arid rocks of Aden, the cocoa-groves of 
Ceylon, the tiger-haunted jungles of Malacca and Singapore, the 
fertile plains and volcanic peaks of Luzon, the forest-clad mountains 
of Formosa, and the bare hills of China, pass successively in review ; 
till after a circuitous voyage of thirteen thousand miles he finds 
himself at Hakodadi, in Japan. He is now separated from his 
starting-point by the whole width of Europe and Northern Asia, 
by an almost endless succession of plains and mountains, arid 
deserts or icy plateaux, yet when he visits the interior of the coun- 
try he sees so many familiar natural objects that he can hardly help 
fancying he is close to his home. He finds the woods and fields 
tenanted by tits, hedge-sparrows, wrens, wagtails, larks, red- 
breasts, thrushes, buntings, and house-sparrows, some absolutely 
identical with our own feathered friends, others so closely resem- 
bling them that it requires a practised ornithologist to tell the differ- 
ence. If he is fond of insects he notices many butterflies and a 
host of beetles which, though on close examination they are found 
to be distinct from ours, are yet of the same general aspect, and 
seem just what might be expected in any part of Europe. There 
are also, of course, many birds and insects which are quite new and 
peculiar, but these are by no means so numerous or conspicuous 
as to remove the general impression of a wonderful resemblance 
between the productions of such remote islands as Britain and 

* Wallace, ‘‘ Island Life,” p. 3. 


On the other hand, a journey of only very moderate duration 
will frequently disclose the greatest diversity existing between con- 
tiguous faunas. The traveller who starts east from the African 
coast, and who has familiarised himself with the strange produc- 
tions of the African continent, its elephants, giraffes, rhinoceroses, 
hippopotami, lions, and antelopes, finds none of these in the island 
of Madagascar ; the true monkeys have also disappeared, and in 
their place he meets with forms of half-monkeys (lemurs), a group 
of animals with which he will have already become acquainted 
before leaving the mainland. Strange creatures, wholly unlike 
anything previously known to him, now arrest his attention, and 
he finds himself in the midst of what might be termed a peculiar 
fauna. Likewise, if he leave the shores of Central America or 
Florida for the Great Antilles, the same marked isolation of the 
new fauna manifests itself. The larger forms of quadrupeds, such 
as the jaguar, couguar, tapir, and peccary, are wholly wanting, 
and even among the smaller and more numerously represented 
mammalian types many oi the more prominent forms will be sought 
for in vain. On the other hand, he will make the acquaintance of 
entirely new groups of animals, some of which, like the Centetide, 
have their nearest foreign representatives in regions removed by 
nearly one-half the circumference of the globe. And this diversity 
in the faunal type is found to permeate to a greater or less extent 
all the individual groups, birds, reptiles, &c., of the animal king- 

It might be rashly supposed that the distance separating the 
regions under comparison would sufficiently account for the pecu- 
liarities of their respective faunas, or the disparities separating 
them; but distance alone, without a special relation binding to- 
gether the principals between which it is supposed to act, can 
effect nothing. We have, indeed, seen upon what a vast extent 
of territory the British faunal facies is stamped, and were any 
further proof needed of the inefficacy of distance, pure and simple, 
as a prime factor in geographical distribution, we have but to 
transport ourselves to the Malay Archipelago, and observe how 
wonderfully diverse are the respective faunas on either side of the 
very narrow (but deep) channel separating the islands of Bali and 
Lombok from each other. 

Mysterious as these various phenomena of distribution may ap- 


pear, they yet have all their logical explanation. A quarter of a 
century ago, when the doctrine of independent creation still held 
sway over the minds of most naturalists, and when the organic 
universe was reflected in the eye of the investigator as an incon- 
gruous agglomeration of disjointed parts, there was, indeed, no 
necessity for specially accounting for the facts, since they were 
conceived to be such by reason of a previous ordination. Now, 
however, when the full value of the evolutionary process is recog- 
nised, and animate nature has come to be looked upon as a con- 
crete whole, bearing special relations to its numberless parts, each 
individual fact seeks its own explanation, which explanation must 
of necessity stand in direct harmony with some previously observed 
fact. When, therefore, we seek to unravel the tangle of zooge- 
ography, and to harmonise its apparent incongruities, we must at 
the outset admit that distribution, such as it is, is the outcome of 
definite interacting laws — laws which stand in relation to each 
other as absolutely as they do in any other field of action—and not 
a hap-hazard disposition, as some would lead us to suppose, setting 
all enquiry at defiance. 

The naturalist who in the Western Hemisphere journeys south- 
ward from the ice-covered fields of British America fails to notice 
any very sudden or marked alternation in the character of the 
faunas that successively meet his view. New features are being 
constantly added, and old ones eliminated, but the interchange is 
effected so gradually that it becomes dificult to determine the 
limitations that properly define one fauna from another. The fur- 
bearing animals of the far north send their representatives into 
regions which border the habitats of the more exclusively tropical 
species, or are succeeded by forms which differ but little from them. 
The skunk, many of whose associates are animals of a distinctively 
Arctic character, finds its way into Mexico, and the ermine, which 
penetrates to the farthest northern point reached by mammals 
generally, still lingers on in some of the Southern United States. 
The Arctic fox is succeeded by the equally abundant types of the 
grey and the red fox; and similarly, the polar bear is followed on 
the one side of the continent by the grizzly, and on the other by 
the black bear. Having descended into the middle temperate 
regions, the traveller still finds about him mostly the forms with 
which he has already become acquainted. But many of the more 


familiar types have either wholly disappeared, or are fast disap- 
pearing. Such may be the musk-sheep, moose, stag, and reindeer, 
which will have left as their successors the bisons and the various 
species of smaller deer which range throughout the remainder of 
the continent. The grey wolf of the northern forests breaks up into 
a number of varietal forms more or less distinct from the typical 
one, and is carried by the coyote into the heart of Mexico. 

Farther to the south the traveller observes entirely new features 
gradually appearing. In Arkansas he possibly meets with the pec- 
cary, the first indigenous member of the pig family with which he 
will have become acquainted; in Texas, with the armadillo, the 
first of that group of animals, the Edentata, which, in the past and 
present history of the South American continent, constitutes such 
an important element in its faunas and, in the States adjoining the 
Mexican Republic, with an abundant representation of the iguanid 
lizards, which, by their numbers, so eminently typify the follow- 
ing region of the tropics. There are as yet neither monkeys, ta- 
pirs, nor guinea-pigs, but the first appear in Southern Mexico, the 
second in Central America, and the last in Venezuela or Guiana. 
The traveller is now in the region of the Equator, and surrounded 
by an association of animal forms most of which were unknown to 
him when he entered upon his journey, and which in many respects 
depart so widely from those with which he was familiar at his start- 
ing-point as to constitute a distinct fauna. There is no longer 
either wolf, fox, or catamount, beaver or musk-rat, and of the spe- 
cifically important group of the hares or rabbits but a single species 
remains, The solitary species of bear is so different from its north- 
ern cousins as to be regarded by some naturalists as the type of a 
distinct genus. 

The contrast between the successive faunal changes observed on 
the north and south journey and the faunal identity which so aston- 
_ ishes the traveller whose journey is directed eastward from Eng- 
_ land to Japan is very great. And yet if the traveller from Britain, 
instead of proceeding due eastward, were to shape his course a 
few degrees to the south, much the same kinds of changes as he 
noticed on his American trip would again present themselves. 
Along the shores of the Mediterranean he would no longer, or only 
at rare intervals, meet with his associates of the Arctic north; on 
the southern slopes of the Caucasus the tiger, and in Arabia the 


camel, gazelle, and ostrich, would present to him certain features 
of a fauna which was in the main unknown to him; in India the ele- 
phant, lion, and rhinoceros, and other curious denizens of the jun- 
gle, the python and crocodile, and the numerous birds of resplendent 
plumage, would probably crowd from his memory the forms of the 
creatures ordinarily most familiar to him, and lead a passage to the 
ultimate goal of his journey, Australia, where he would meet with 
the most singular and most distinctive fauna on the surface of the 

Much nearer to his northern home—on opposite sides of the 
Mediterranean—and with much less travelling, the naturalist will 
discern scarcely less well-marked faunal differences or peculiarities. 
To account for the anomalies which the facts of distribution present 
is the still unsolved problem that is put before the zoogeographer. 

Granting, with the doctrine of evolution, that all the complex 
assemblages of existing animal forms are modified derivatives from 
previously existing forms, and that these are ultimately to be traced 
back to some common ancestor, it must of necessity follow that any 
given fauna will depend for the degree of its peculiarity, whether 
great or small, upon the amount of modification, relative to any 
other fauna, which it will have undergone. And this modification 
can be effected in two ways: by inherent modification of the indi- 
vidual types composing the fauna, and by intermixture with, or 
immigration from, contiguous or neighbouring faunas. In both 
cases, manifestly, isolation or its opposite, union of habitation, will 
constitute the governing factor in determining the amount of varia- 
tion. A region that is broadly separated from all others will, natu- 
rally, tend to develop a fauna distinct from any other, since the 
progressive modifications in its constituent faunal elements must ul- 
timately lead to divergence; and the greater the period of isolation 
the greater, of necessity, will be the amount of this divergence, or 
the more pronounced the faunal individualisation. Hence it is that 
in the greater number of the more distantly removed island groups, 
or in those which are separated by more or less impassable barriers 
from the nearest land-mass, we meet with such highly specialised 
faunas. The Galapagos Islands, for example, as will be more fully 
illustrated farther on, have a fauna very distinct from that of any 
part of South America, although removed from it by a distance of less 
than seven hundred miles. The birds are quite distinct, and so are 


the reptiles, insects, and land mollusks. The island of St. Helena, 
in the South Atlantic, and the Sandwich Islands, in the North 
Pacific, present us with similar instances of faunal specialisation, 
and to a less extent, also, the group of the Azores. In the case of 
these last, which lie in the course of the storm-winds, a considerable 
intermixture has been effected with the faunas of Western Africa 
and Europe, for we find that by far the greater number of the resi- 
dent iand-birds are inhabitants of those two continents as well. 
The fact that there are so very few peculiar forms is proof either of 
a recent separation of the islands from the mainland—not sufficient 
time having been allowed for the development of new species—or 
of arecent or repeated peopling with old forms from the continents. 
Even irrespective of considerations connected with the physical 
geography or geology of the region, it would naturally be inferred, 
from the prevalence of in-blowing storm-winds, and the known fact 
that certain birds are transported hither, that the second supposi- 
tion is the correct one; and that this is the true explanation is 
proved by evidence of a very positive character furnished by some 
of the other groups of animals. Thus, the land-Mollusca, which 
in their distribution are not so readily affected by aerial currents, 
are eminently distinguished from those of either Europe or Africa, 
or of any other continental land-mass, proving in their case a long- 
protracted period of isolation. Further, there is not a single species 
of fresh-water mollusk known in the entire group! The Bermuda 
Islands, which are about equally distant from the mainland, occupy 
a nearly analogous position with respect of their fauna; that is, par- 
tial interchanges have been effected with the fauna of the American 

In all these cases, necessarily, the amount of faunal specialisation 
will be the index of the period of isolation. Where faunal immi- 
gration from a foreign region takes place it not only checks the 
development of a newly-forming fauna, by infusing into it an ele- 
ment that does not properly belong there, but also prevents in a 
measure that variation among individuals which might otherwise 
obtain. The case of the bobolink of the Galapagos Islands is a 
well-known example of this kind. It alone, of about thirty species 
of land-birds inhabiting those islands, is considered to be indis- 
putably identical with any form occurring on the mainland; hence 
it is concluded that this is about the only species of South American 


bird that ever visits the islands, for, if the case were otherwise, it 
would be incredible that no more common forms should have been 
detected there. But the fact that the bobolink has remained abso- 
lutely identical with the common form of South America, whence, 
doubtless, most of the species of Galapagos birds have been derived, 
while all the other birds of the island group have undergone more 
or less modification since the islands were first tenanted, proves that 
variation in its case has been prevented by the perpetuation of nor- 
mal characters through interbreeding with the continental migrants. 
In other words, the breed has been kept true. Were the migrations 
of the visitors checked or interrupted, there can be little question 
that the island breed of bobolinks would undergo the same kind 
of modification which distinguishes the other birds, and which has 
developed in them new specific er varietal types. In the conti- 
nent of Australia, again, we meet with the most remarkable exam- 
ple of a highly specialised fauna being developed as the result of 
long-continued isolation. Of all the varied mammalian forms which 
elsewhere crowd the surface of the earth we have here but the 
merest trace, for, with the exception of the rodents and bats, none 
of the ordinary orders—Carnivora, Ungulata, Insectivora, &c.—are 
represented.* And even of the rodents there is but a single family, 
that of the mice (Muridx). On the other hand, the implacental 
mammals—kangaroos, wombats, duck-bill—whose only non-Aus- 
tralian representatives are the American family of opossums (Didel- 
phidee), acquire here a wonderful development, and exhibit a diver- 
sity of type-structure not met with in any other order of mammals. 
Now, the animals of this class, or such as might be considered most 
nearly allied to the marsupials, are the first of the Mammalia to ap- 
pear in geological time, and they alone have thus far been detected 
in any of the deposits (Triassic, Jurassic) of the middle geological 
period, or Mesozoic era. They constitute the most primitively or- 
ganised members of their class, and probably stand not far removed 
from what may ultimately be proved to be the bottom of the mam- 
malian series. 

In order to explain the anomalies of the Australian mammalian 
fauna we must have recourse to the hypothesis of isolation, for in 

* The Australian wild-dog, or dingo, may prove to be indigenous, in which 
case it would represent the Carnivora. 


no other way could we satisfactorily account for the remarkable 
development of the marsupial types, and the almost total absence 
of the commoner forms that are elsewhere so abundant. The 
oceanic barriers have evidently prevented that diffusion of species 
which would otherwise have sufficed to render the Australian fauna 
cosmopolitan in character. That this isolation, further, of the con- 
tinent has been of very great duration is proved by the long period 
of time, dating from the Cretaceous epoch, during which the 
most diverse forms of mammalians have existed, and the high 
specialisation that its own fauna has acquired. It may appear not 
a little surprising, in view of what has preceded, that two groups of 
animals, so widely removed from the rest of the Australian mam- 
malian fauna as are the mice and bats, should yet constitute a 
part of this fauna. In the case of the bats it is not difficult to ac- 
count for their occurrence in the region in question, since their 
powers of flight have enabled them to overcome such obstacles 
as to other animals might have proved true barriers to migration. 
The mice, on the other hand, whose disposition to gnaw into, and 
conceal themselves among, timber of all kinds, is well known, may 
have found their way hither from the Asiatic continent or its ad- 
joining islands through the intermedium of floating masses of vege- 
tation. Much more inexplicable is the occurrence of the single 
non-Australian family of marsupials, the opossums, on the American 
continent, which is removed by a continuous water-way of several 
thousands of miles, when not a single member of the entire sub-class 
of implacental mammals is found on any other part of the earth’s 
surface outside the Australian region. The hypothesis that land 
connection by way of the Antarctic region at one time existed be- 
tween Australia and South America, and, possibly, also Africa, 
may or may not be true, but the evidence that has thus far been 
adduced tending to show that by such connection a transferrence 
of one section of the Marsupialia has been effected from one con- 
tinent to the other is certainly very slim. Yet it is by no means 
impossible that such may have been the case. The Edentata— 
armadillos, ant-eaters, pangolins—whose home is preeminently the 
two great continents of the Southern Hemisphere, and which barely 
trespass north of the Tropic of Cancer, and the struthious birds, 
like the rhea, ostrich, and cassowary, offer equal perplexities in the 
way of an explanation of their anomalous distribution with the 
9 : 


marsupials, and they have likewise been considered to afford proof 
of a land connection such as has been indicated. A serious diffi- 
culty, however, that lies in the way of this explanation is the 
important fact that none of the characteristic African or South 
American mammals are found in Australia, for it might justly be 
contended that if a migration or transferrence was effected in one 
direction, it could have been effected in the opposite direction as 
well. But that such reciprocal distribution did not obtain is very 
nearly certain. It may, indeed, be assumed that at the time of a 
possible Australian migration the extremities of the southern con- 
tinents were not yet inhabited; but this is very unlikely. Or, it 
may be further assumed, with Riitimeyer, that the animals under 
consideration had a polar origin, and that they were distributed 
northward along continental lines that possibly now lie buried 
beneath the sea; but positive evidence in this direction is still 
wholly wanting. An element in the problem which very materi- 
ally narrows the issue is the circumstance that marsupial remains 
have been found in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemi- 
sphere, and in both Europe and North America in deposits as an- 
cient as the Triassic period. In this upper tract, therefore, we 
find a possible and more probable clue towards the explanation of 
the existing distribution of the animals in question ; and if it be 
objected that some such living forms ought still to be found in 
the connecting region, the fact, nevertheless, remains that they did 
there once exist, but have since become largely extinct. 

It will be evident that the key to the solution of the more 
marked peculiarities of modern distribution must be sought in the 
records of the past, for in the comparison between existing and 
preexisting faunas alone can we expect to determine the condi- 
tions upon which present faunas were established, and to ascertain 
the dates of their respective appearances or antiquity. In most 
regions of the earth’s surface a most intimate relationship links 
together the existing fauna and the fauna of the geological period 
or periods immediately preceding. The Pliocene and Post-Pliocene 
marine shell-fish faunas of the Western United States are practically 
identical with the equivalent fauna of the (modern) adjoining seas; 
the Post-Pliocene mammals of Britain are such as still roam about 
the land, although they include numerous forms which no longer 
exist there; in India a large proportion of the mammalian types 


that inhabit the region are already represented in deposits of the 
early Pliocene period; and in Australia the abundant remains of 
Marsupialia amply testify to the identity of character which unites 
the faunas of the past and present periods. A certain amount of 
antiquity is thus established for the several regional faunas. The 
farther back in time we proceed, however, the less pronounced ap- 
pear the common characteristics of past and present periods; and, 
finally, they disappear almost altogether. Thus, the Eocene shell- 
fish fauna of the Atlantic coast of the United States and of France 
and Great Britain is very unlike that of the seas adjoining those 
regions at the present day, although, in a measure, it finds its ana- 
logue in the corresponding fauna of the eastern tropical seas. The 
Miocene mammals of the American continent are almost wholly 
unlike those which now inhabit the region, and what little simi- 
larity still remains completely vanishes with the animals of the 
more ancient Eocene period. And the same holds good with the 
European Tertiary fauna. Yet there are a number of existing 
types which in their own region can be traced through a series 
of progressive modifications to ancestral forms more or less unlike 
them, which belong to a comparatively remote geological epoch. 
The horse of the Old World, for example, has been traced through 
a number of intermediate forms to the Old Tertiary Paleotherium, 
one of the most abundantly represented mammalian genera of the de- 
posits of Western Europe. The deer of the same region finds early 
ancestors in the horned and hornless species which occur fossil in 
the Miocene deposits of France and Germany; and not unlikely the 
wolf and fox see their progenitors among the early members of the 
canine race, whose remains have been traced to the Oligocene, and 
not impossibly also to the Eocene period. In so far as these ani- 
mals are concerned, therefore, we have direct evidence of a fauna 
of considerable antiquity developing in place. In other cases, how- 
ever, evidence of a very opposite character is often presented; that 
is to say, faunas, or their components, are very frequently shown 
to be in a given region of only brief duration. Thus, although 
bears are very plentiful at the present time in the North American 
continent, they are not known to have existed there before the last 
geological period, the Post-Pliocene. And the same is true of the 
members of the ox-family (Bovide)—most of which are, indeed, 
not represented at all as fossils—of which North America possesses 


five, in the main, widely-distributed species : two antelopes, two 
sheep (including the musk-ox), and the bison. The question as to 
how these animals obtained a foothold in the region which they 
now inhabit, whether they originated there as derivatives from 
previously-existing forms, or were introduced as migrants from 
some land-mass lying without their domain, can only be deter- 
mined by a reference to the still earlier fauna of not only this, but 
of other regions as well. In the case of the bears, for example, no 
immediate ancestors of the tribe have thus far been discovered in 
the Western Hemisphere antedating the Post-Pliocene epoch; on 
the other hand, in the Eastern Hemisphere—Europe—the remains 
of such animals, and of the true bears themselves, are abundant in 
deposits of the earlier Pliocene age. Hence, the assumption appears 
almost unavoidable that the North American fauna received its 
ursine contingent from the Old World. The same may or may not 
be also true of the American Bovide; but the determination of 
this question is made difficult, or impossible, through the fact that 
at least two of the genera—Ovibos and Bison—occur fossil in the 
Post-Pliocene deposits, and there only, of both the Old and the 
New World, and consequently appear in the two hemispheres as 
being of approximately equivalent age. Yet the fact that neither 
goats, sheep, oxen, nor antelopes have thus far been discovered 
fossil on the North American continent, while their remains are suf- 
ficiently abundant in the deposits of Eurasia (Europe-Asia) of Post- 
Pliocene or even much older age, would seem to indicate that the 

true home of the Bovide is the Old World, whence, by gradually 
' spreading, and through the facilities afforded them in the way of a 
northern land connection, they eventually came to occupy a con- 
siderable portion of the New World as well. The giant sioth-like 
forms, such as the Megalonyx, Megatherium, and Mylodon, which 
in North America are associated with the remains of animals of 
indisputably Post-Pliocene age, occur in South America in an older 
formation, the Pliocene, and thus seemingly represent an. invasion 
of the north from the latter continent. This conclusion appears 
further borne out by the circumstance that the Southern Hemi- 
sphere is the home of the animals of this class, and that, with 
scarcely a single exception (Moropus, ? Morotherium) no edentate 
form has thus far been discovered in any North American deposit 
antedating the period which represents the development of the 


South American forms. Similarly, the extinct proboscideans, mam- 
moth and mastodon, are of later date in America than in Eurasia, 
and are in all probability to be traced back to the latter region for 
the place of their birth. 

The countries of the Old World present to us perhaps no less 
direct evidence as to the origination of, or the lines of migration 
taken by, specific groups of organisms. The European mammalian 
fauna is at the present time not very unlike in its general features 
that of North America, but in the geological period immediately 
preceding the present one it numbered a host of forms wholly dif- 
fering from anything known to have existed in the corresponding 
period of American history, and, indeed, quite different from any- 
thing now inhabiting Europe. Such, for example, were the mam- 
moth, African elephant, hippopotamus, African lion, leopard, the 
spotted and the striped hyena, several species of rhinoceros, & , 
forms the greater number of which are at the present day associated 
with the region lying south of the Mediterranean. The question 
that here presents itself is one, perhaps, that cannot be fully an- 
swered, but yet one whose partial solution is made very nearly certain. 
Did this fauna become suddenly exterminated, through some agency 
or other, in the region inhabited by it, or did it migrate elsewhere? 
There can be but little doubt that both conditions took place. The 
mammoth and the several species of (fossil) rhinoceros are now all 
extinct, and there is every reason to believe that their tribes per- 
ished gradually, without their having accomplished much migration 
immediately preceding final extermination. The case is, however, 
different with the other forms, for the fact of their inhabiting the 
African continent leads one to suspect that they may have found 
their way thither by way of some land connection no longer remain- 
ing. That such a connection uniting the two continents did exist 
within a comparatively recent geological period, permitting of an 
interchange of the respective faunas, is certain, as is proved by the 
numerous ties which bind together the faunas of the opposite shores 
of the Mediterranean. The Barbary ape of the Rock of Gibraltar 
inhabits Morocco, while the ichneumon of Spain, the porcupine of 
Italy, and the fallow-deer of the south of Europe generally, are all 
forms inhabiting the north of Africa as well. These animals evi- 
dently crossed over the intervening sea by some route or other, and, 
as has already been stated, in comparatively recent times, otherwise 


while the type-forms represented on the opposing shores might have 
been alike, the species would have almost undoubtedly differed. 
Equally positive proof in this direction is furnished by the similari- 
ties presented in the reptile and amphibian faunas. The shallow- 
ness of the channel separating Spain from Morocco renders it prac- 
tically certain that one such connecting land-mass occupied the 
position of the present Straits of Gibraltar. On the other hand, the 
finding of remains of several species of elephant in Sicily and Malta 
is almost proof positive of a second connection having been formed 
between Italy and Tunis. An elevation of the present bed of the 
sea a few hundred fathoms would bring about this result. The 
Mediterranean would then consist of two land-locked basins. But, 
doubtless, many of the other islands besides Sicily and Malta were 
united with the mainland, for otherwise it would be impossible to 
explain the distribution of several modern animals, the moufflon, 
for example, which is found in Sardinia, Corsica, Crete, and the 
mountains of Greece. 

Granting this connection between Africa and Europe, it appears 
more than likely that the principal disturbing element which reacted 
upon the Post-Pliocene European fauna, the great northern ice-sheet 
and the accompanying cold of the glacial period, rather than caus- 
ing the complete or sudden extermination of the receding fauna, 
compelled it to migrate over into regions of a more congenial cli- 
mate. That such was the fate of many of the forms there can be 
no reasonable doubt. The African continent thus became stocked 
with its existing fauna largely from the more temperate northern 
regions. But there is every reason to believe that these same south- 
ward retreating forms were in great part primarily introduced into 
Europe from Africa, and over the same routes by which the later 
southerly migration was effected. Concerning the origin of the 
African fauna itself we possess little precise information. The 
paleontology and geology of the region are so imperfectly known 
that we possess as yet no basis for satisfactory deductions. The 
absence of sufficient data naturally renders uncertain all speculation 
relating to the late European fauna as well. It may be considered 
highly probable, however, that many of its characteristic elements 
have been derived from the region about India, where a considerable 
antiquity, extending back to the Miocene or early Pliocene period, 
is proved for at least a number of the more prominent types. Seve- 


ral of the antelopes have related, and apparently ancestral, forms 
in the Miocene deposits of Greece (Pikermi), which also contain a 
form not very far removed from the giraffe (Helladotherium), and 
a species of true giraffe itself (Camelopardalis Attica), so that 
possibly a contingent of the African fauna may have been derived 
from this region. Whether the southern or Ethiopian portion of 
the continent was at one time since the introduction of the placental 
Mammalia completely severed from the northern part or not there 
are as yet no means for determining. That Madagascar at one time 
formed part of the continent is indisputably proved by the character 
of its fauna ; but that its subsequent isolation is of very ancient 
date is conclusively shown by the complete absence of all the more 
distinctive Ethiopian placental mammals. 

The few examples that have been cited in illustration of the 
appearance and disappearance of faunas are sufficient to show the 
character of the investigation that is open to the zoogeographer. 
While from the data that we now possess much can be done towards 
shaping our suppositions, it must be confessed that our knowledge 
is still much too limited to permit of very satisfactory conclusions 
being drawn therefrom. The principal danger that besets any in- 
vestigation in the direction here outlined arises from the very 
natural assumption that the greater antiquity in any one region over 
another of a given type of animal indicates its prior appearance 
there, and migration thence to one or more secondary regions. 
This assumption might be well founded if we were only half con- 
versant with the past paleontological histories of the regions under 
consideration; but where at best our knowledge is still very imper- 
fect, as it is in the case of Africa, Asia, and South America, it would 
be, to say the least, highly injudicious. For what evidence have 
we that animal types not yet found, or dating back only to a com- 
paratively recent period, might not some day be turned up in abun- 
dance, and in deposits of such age as to completely overthrow any 
deductions that may have been based upon their supposed non- 
occurrence? A single illustration of this kind will suffice. Pale- 
ontologists are in the habit of considering the camels a New World 
family, which by migration finally occupied the region which it 
now inhabits. This conclusion is based upon the circumstance that 
numerous cameloid forms (Pliauchenia, Procamelus, Protolabis, 
Poebrotherium) carry this line of animals back in the North Ameri- 


can continent to the early Miocene period, whereas such types are 
almost wholly wanting in the range of equivalent deposits of the 
Old World. Yet, if this is the true history of the family, it is 
certainly a surprising fact that the true camel itself (Camelus), 
which is entirely unknown on the American continent, should al- 
ready be found fossil in the Miocene (or older Pliocene) deposits 
of India. Nor is it at all unlikely that ancestral forms leading up 
to this type may yet be found in ities: of still older age hereafter 
to be discovered. 


Areas of specific distribution.—Generic distribution.—Distribution of families 
and orders.—Conterminous and discontinuous areas of distribution. 

It is a fact of general observation that a given species of animal 
is so restricted in its range as to entitle the geographical area princi- 
pally occupied by it to be considered as its home. This home may 
be limited in its extent toa very narrowly circumscribed area, possibly 
not embracing more than a few square miles, or even less, or it may 
spread out to dimensions coextensive (or nearly so) with the conti- 
nental boundaries; or, finally, it may comprise considerable portions 
of two or more continental areas combined. As examples of animals 
having a very restricted geographical distribution may be cited the 
Pyrenean water-mole (Myogale Pyrenaica), a small insectivore found 
only in a very few localities of the northern valleys of the Pyrenees, 
and a species of buschbok (antelope, Cephalophus Natalensis), 
whose habitat is the region about Port Natal, South Africa. Arc- 
tomys caudata, one of the Asiatic marmots, is confined to the ele- 
vated valley of Gombur, in India, and to heights exceeding 12,000 
feet. Of birds, whose powers for self-distribution are much more 
fully developed than among mammals, we have equally pointed 
examples of localisation. The brown-and-white cactus-wren (Cam- 
pylorhynchus albibrunneus) is confined exclusively to the Isthmus 
of Panama, where its range is also somewhat limited; the Bornean 
yellow-bulbul (Otocampsa montis) has only been met with on the 
peak of Kina-Balu, in Borneo; and the red bird-of-paradise (Para- j 
disea rubra) only within the narrow limits of the island of Waigiou, 
lying to the northwest of New Guinea. The most remarkable in- 
stances of localisation are probably afforded by the humming-birds, 
several species of which would seem to be restricted respectively to 
the volcanic peaks of Chimborazo and Pichincha, in the equatorial 


Andes, and to the extinct crater of Chiriqui, in the province of 
Panama, Colombia. The Loddigesia mirabilis, one of the most 
beautiful of the Trochilide, has been observed thus far only at 
Chachapoyas, in the Peruvian Andes, and even there it occurs so 
rarely as to have been obtained but once during the period of forty 
years following its first discovery.? 

Too much stress should not, however, be laid upon what would 
appear to be the absolute localisation of a species, since such sup- 
posed localisation is frequently only the expression of our defective 
knowledge in the premises. In the case of the famous South 
American oil-bird, or guacharo (Steatornis Caripensis), for example, 
which was for a long time considered to inhabit solely a cave near 
Caripé, in the province of Cumana, Venezuela, more recent research 
has revealed a comparatively broad area of distribution, which 
embraces Sarayacu and Caxamarca in Peru, Antioquia in Colombia, 
and the Island of Trinidad. The garden-mouse (Mus hortulanus), 
which for some twenty years was known only from the botanic gar- 
dens of Odessa, Russia, has been found in abundance in Kaschau 
and several other towns of Northern Hungary.* So, likewise, in 
the case of the anthropoid apes of the genus Troglodytes, which 
were formerly supposed to be restricted to the western regions of 
the African continent, but which the more recent explorations of 
Schweinfurth, Von Heuglin, and others have shown to inhabit East 
Central Africa as well. 

Of species having a very broad distribution—excluding such as 
have been transplanted through the agency of man—may be cited 
the African elephant, whose domain extends over the greater part 
of the African continent south of the Sahara Desert ; the tiger, 
whose habitat embraces the entire east and west extent of Asia, 
from the Caucasus to the Island of Saghalien; and the ermine, which 
is found throughout the greater portion of the temperate and boreal 
regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The leopard ranges over entire 
Africa and throughout most of Southern Asia, having, with perhaps 
the exception of the common European wolf, whose identity with 
the various forms of American wolves is conceded by many natural- 
ists, and some of the smaller carnivores, the most wide-spread dis- 
tribution of any mammalian species. There is but little question 
as to the identity of the North American and European species of 
brown-bear, Arctic fox, glutton, ermine, weasel, elk, reindeer, and 


beaver,® all of which have, consequently, a very extended range. 
The American panther or couguar (Felis concolor) inhabits the 
territory included between Canada and Patagonia, an extent cover- 
ing upwards of one hundred degrees of latitude, which probably 
represents the greatest north and south range of any mammal. 

As might naturally have been expected from the greater facili- 
ties for dispersion, we find many more marked instances of broad 
specific distribution among birds than among mammals. Indeed, 
when we consider with what apparent facility certain birds accom- 
modate themselves to the varying conditions of atmospheric pres- 
sure and climatic changes, and the readiness with which they trav- 
erse broad expanses of the oceanic waters—e. g., the North Atlantic 
between Ireland and Labrador—it might at first sight appear as 
though there ought to be, at least in many cases, no absolute limit 
to their distribution ; yet, from our present knowledge, it may 
safely be affirmed that there exist but very few species of birds 
which are in any way cosmopolitan. The fish-hawk (Pandion 
haliaétus), with probably the most extensive range of any known 
bird, inhabits the greater portion of all the continents, with the 
possible exception of Australia, where its place appears to be sup- 
plied by a closely-allied (and by many ornithologists considered 
identical) species, the P. leucocephalus. Scarcely, if at all, less 
extensive is the range of the common peregrine falcon (Falco com- 
munis or peregrinus) and the barn-owl (Strix flammea), the former 
of which is distributed, according to Professor Newton, from ‘‘ Port 
Kennedy, the most northern part of the American continent, to 
Tasmania, and from the shores of the Sea of Okhotsk to Mendoza, in 
the Argentine territory,” and the latter, according to Sharpe, over 
the entire world, with the exception of New Zealand, and many 
island groups of Oceania, Malaysia, &c. The common American 
raven (Corvus corax) has, likewise, a very broad distribution, its 
range extending from Mexico into the far north, over the whole of 
Europe and Northern and Central Asia, as far east as the Island of 

The fishes present scarcely less well-marked examples of broad 
distribution; but in such aquatic forms the physical conditions of 
the medium which they inhabit offer far less obstacles to a very 
general diffusion than are to be encountered in the case of terrestrial 
animals. The same holds true with other aquatic animals capable 


of self-locomotion, and, indeed, in the case of those pelagic forms 
whose dispersion or ‘‘ migration” is less a matter of volition than 
the result of an interaction of extraneous physical causes there 
would seem to be no barriers set to a practically universal distribu- 
tion. But here, too, Nature has set a limit to the possibilities of 
migration, and, therefore, even among those lower forms which 
might be considered best adapted for withstanding the varying 
physical vicissitudes of their surroundings we meet with but very 
few species whose distribution might be said to be in any way 
cosmopolitan. The free-swimming pteropods, or winged - Mol- 
lusca, and medusoids, although exhibiting individual examples 
of very broad distribution, are still more or less restricted specifi- 
cally to well-defined oceanic areas, whose boundaries may in a 
measure be dependent upon the prevalent surrounding water- 
currents. Shells of the Spirula Peronii, a member of the two-gilled 
order of cephalopods, are met with almost all over the oceanic bor- 
ders, as well in the temperate as in the tropical zones, but, owing 
to the extreme rarity of the animal itself, which has been observed, 
perhaps, but a half-dozen times, it is impossible to say what the 
exact, or even approximate, range of the species is, and, conse- 
quently, of how much of the area of the distribution of the shell it 
partakes. The common form of argonaut (Argonauta argo) is found 
in the tropical parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, and 
in the Mediterranean Sea, and it has been met with as far north 
in the Atlantic as the New Jersey coast, and as far south as the Cape 
of Good Hope. The animal might, therefore, be said to be almost 

It may be laid down as a fundamental law in geographical dis- 
tribution that the areas inhabited by a given species are continuous 
with each other; in other words, we do not find, except at rare 
intervals, and under peculiar circumstances, the same species of 
animal inhabiting distantly-separated localities, in the interval be- 
tween which no individual of the species is to be met with. Thus, 
in the entire range of the leopard there occurs no district of any 
significance where the animal may not be confidently looked for, 
and which would negatively tend to render its distribution discon- 
tinuous. And the same may be said of the hundred or more 
degrees of latitude prowled over by the couguar, an animal whose 
home is at one place the lowland forests, at another the elevated 


mountain plateaus, and at a third the grassy savannas and rolling 
plains. Naturally, in the case of such animals as are dependent 
for their existence upon certain physical peculiarities of their en- 
vironment, or upon particular conditions of food and climate, we 
shall meet with local areas scattered through the region of dis- 
tribution of a given species where no individuals of that species 
are to be met with, an apparent discontinuity being thus _pre- 
sented. For instance, such denizens of the forest as the South 
American monkeys and the sloths will but very exceptionally be 
found anywhere else than in their forest homes, and, therefore, the 
partial destruction of this forest, or its invasion by a grassy savan- 
na, will tend to render the ‘‘ home ” of those animals discontinuous. 
Possibilities of such, or a similar, discontinuity may likewise arise 
in the case of the animals of the plains, marshes, and deserts, since 
the physical aspects of the earth’s surface are constantly subjected 
to vicissitudes of greater or less magnitude, and, as a matter of 
fact, we find numerous instances where, in an extensive range, 
particular animals are restricted in their habitats to certain favoured 
spots or localities. But in all or most of such instances a former, 
and comparatively recent, continuity of area, or possibility of mi- 
gration from one locality to another, can be proved. The chamois, 
whose range embraces the entire east and west extent of Southern 
Europe, is found almost exclusively on the higher mountain sum- 
mits—the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, and the moun- 
tains of Greece—and would appear, therefore, to occupy several 
widely-removed habitats. But there can be no reasonable doubt 
that the peculiar distribution of this animal is the outcome of 
migration from a central home. The hippopotamus is found in 
the Nile, Niger, Senegal, and most of the larger rivers of South 
Africa, between which stretch vast areas where no individuals of 
the animal have ever been found—regions untenantable by reason 
-of their aridity; but here, as in the case of the chamois, there can 
be no doubt that a migration or diffusion did take place at a time 
when the physical aspects of the country were favourable for such 
a dispersion, and were, consequently, different from what they 
are at present. One of the most remarkable instances of areal dis- 
continuity among mammals is that exhibited by the variable hare, 
whose home, in the Old World, is Eurasia north of the fifty-fifth 
parallel of latitude. The animal reappears, after skipping the low- 


lands of Central Europe, in the Pyrenees, Alps, and the Bavarian 
Highlands, and again in the Caucasus, the last region isolated by 
fuily one thousand miles of non-inhabited country. Equally strik- 
ing examples were supposed to be afforded by the fresh-water seals 
of Lake Baikal and the brackish-water species of the Caspian, which 
were considered to be identical with the northern Phoca feetida and 
P. vitulina respectively, but more careful study has shown this 
identification to be erroneous.* The critical studies made by Mr. 
Seebohm of the Central and East Asiatic faunas have disclosed 
a number of extraordinary instances of discontinuous habitation 
among birds. One of these is exemplified in the case of a South 
European variety of the common marsh-tit (Parus palustris), which 
reappears in an undistinguishable guise in China, although in an 
intervening tract of some four thousand miles (east of Asia Minor) 
the variety is entirely wanting, being replaced by one or more 
closely related forms. Ceryle guttata, a spotted king-fisher, appears 
to be confined to Japan and the Himalaya Mountains, being com- 
pletely wanting in China; and the same is true of a species of 
crested eagle (Spizaétus orientalis), with the exception that its 
range embraces the Island of Formosa. Similarly, we have two 
species of birds, the rufous-breasted fly-catcher (Siphia superciliaris), 
and the Darjeeling wood-pigeon (Palumbus pulchricollis), which 
are absolutely confined to the Himalayas and the Island of Formosa. 

But while individual cases of species inhabiting discontinuous 
areas do present themselves, they are of comparatively rare occur- 
rence, and the general law of regional continuity may be recognised. 
In a region occupied by a given species of animal there is usually 
an area which is par excellence more thickly inhabited than any 
other, and which may, consequently, be termed the ‘‘ metropolis” 
of that specics. From this metropolis there is in most cases a 
radial distribution of the individuals of the species, with a thinning 
out towards the periphery. Distinct species of the same genus 
rarely have coincident geographical distributions; in other words, 
they rarely occupy precisely the same areas, but more generally 
these areas, if at all continuous, overlap each other to a greater or 
less extent. This fact is beautifully exemplified in the case of the 
American hares, which are represented by some eleven species, and 
about as many well-marked varieties. Commencing at the far 
north, we have the polar or variable hare (Lepus variabilis or L. 


timidus, var. Arcticus), whose range extends from the Arctic coast 
southward to Newfoundland, and in the interior to Fort Churchill, 
on Hudson’s Bay. Along its southern confines it meets and slightly 
overlaps the boundaries of the northern varying hare (L. Ameri- 
canus), which, in its several geographical varieties, is distributed 
from the Barren Grounds in the north southward to a zone which 
corresponds generally with the isotherm of 52° F. On the Atlantic 
coast region, the southern limit of this species appears to be Con- 
necticut; along the line of the Appalachian highlands, Virginia (or 
possibly North Carolina); and in the Rocky Mountain region, New 
Mexico. Lepus Americanus is found throughout the northern parts 
of nearly all the northern tier of States interposed between the 
Missouri and the Atlantic coast, and over the greater portion of 
this vast area of distribution, which is continued westward to the 
Pacific, it forms the sole representative of the family. In the 
south its habitat overlaps the range of the wood-hare (L. sylvati- 
cus), which, in its several varietal forms, is distributed along the 
Atlantic coast from Southern New England to Yucatan. West- 
ward, the range of this species extends quite, or very nearly, to the 
Pacific, keeping, however, to a course south of the isotherm of 
45° F. The prairie-hare (L. campestris) is found in the interior 
region, principally between the isotherms of 56° and 36°, its range 
being consequently overlapped on the north by that of Lepus 
Americanus, and on the south by L. sylvaticus. In the South- 
eastern United States there are two distinct ‘species, L. palustris 
and L. aquaticus, which are almost exclusively confined to the 
marshy lowlands, and whose habitats, extending to Yucatan on 
the south, are partially comprised in those of the wood-hare and 
jackass-hare (L. callotis), the last a western species, whose range 
descends into the arid interior of the Republic of Mexico. Finally, 
we have a solitary species of South American hare (L. Brasiliensis), 
whose reputed range embraces a considerable portion of the con- 
tinent from Patagonia to Panama, continuing thence into Central 

It frequently happens that the boundaries of a given species are 
sharply defined against those of another, stopping just where the 
others begin, and where, consequently, no overlapping takes place. 
Such cases of specific limitation occur where natural obstacles to a 
free migration are suddenly encountered, as where mountain or 


water barriers project themselves into a given region. Thus, it will 
not rarely be found that a genus of animals is represented by one or 
several species on one side of a long mountain-slope, and by entirely 
distinct species on the other. And, similarly, distinct species of a 
genus may be encountered on opposite sides of a river-bed, although 
instances of such a nature among the higher animals are probably 
not of very frequent occurrence. Mr. Wallace cites the case of cer- 
tain species of Saki monkey (Pithecia), found on either side of the 
Amazon River, whose range either southward or northward appears 
to be limited by that stream. 'The same naturalist instances among 
birds species of jacamar (Galbula) and trumpeter (Psophia) which 
exhibit a similar limitation, particularly the latter, where five dis- 
tinct species are relegated to as many distinct, but contiguous, geo- 
graphical areas, separated from each other by the Amazon and some 
of its tributaries (Negro, Madeira, Tocantins). Of about twelve 
species of armadillo (separated by some naturalists into several dis- 
tinct genera), most of which are inhabitants of Brazil, it would 
seem that not a single species is common to Brazil and the Argen- 
tine Republic, or the Argentine Republic and Paraguay, the Parana 
River, with its tributaries, evidently forming an insurmountable 
barrier to the passage of this animal. The Uruguay River appears 
in the same way to limit the eastward progression of the viscacha 
(Lagostomys trichodactylus), an animal allied to the chinchilla, 
although, as has been pointed out by Mr. Darwin, the trans-Uru- 
guayan plains are fully as well adapted to the animal as those of 
its native home. 

Just as the boundaries of land-animals are in many instances 
defined by the dominant river-courses, so, in a like manner, but in 
a much more marked degree, the domains of fresh-water forms are 
frequently circumscribed by the land surfaces bordering the waters 
inhabited by them. This fact is beautifully exemplified in the geo- 
graphical distribution of two American families of fluviatile mol- 
lusks, the Strepomatid, or American melanians, and the Unionide, 
the fresh-water mussels, where the species of several genera, at 
least in the Southern United States, are restricted in their habitats 
to certain individual streams, to the exclusion of all others. In- 
deed, it would appear that even in such aquatic forms a large river 
may constitute an almost insuperable barrier to migration, as is 
shown in the case of the Strepomatide by the Mississippi (south of 


the line of the Ohio River), which but very few members of the 
family have been able to surmount. According to Tryon, only one 
species of the family, Goniobasis sordida, is positively known to be 
common to the region on both sides of that great stream.° 
Probably no group of animals, as Mr. Wallace well observes, 
illustrates in a more striking manner the extreme features of specific 
distribution than the true jays, birds of the genus Garrulus. About 
fourteen species are recognised by ornithologists, whose combined 
domain embraces the entire east and west extent of the continent of 
Eurasia, from the Bay of Biscay to the Sea of Okhotsk, and also in- 
cludes the continental British Isles on the west, and the Japanese 
group on the east. Most of these species occupy independent areas 
of their own, or areas which but barely overlap on their contiguous 
borders. Thus, the common jay (Garrulus glandarius) inhabits the 
greater portion of the semi-continent of Europe, ranging from the 
Barbary States in Africa northward to about the sixty-fourth paral- 
lel of latitude (in Scandinavia and Russia), and east to the Ural 
Mountains. Along its southern border it meets the Algerian jay (G. 
cervicalis), a distinctly-marked species, and one having but a very 
limited range. On the southeast, again, its confines meet those of 
the black-headed jay (G. Krynicki), which occupies a somewhat cir- 
cular district extending some distance on all sides of the Black Sea. 
Contiguous with this last is the region inhabited by the Syrian jay 
(G. atricapillus), a species very closely allied to the preceding, 
whose domain extends through Syria, Palestine, and Southern 
Persia. North of this we have the limited area occupied by the 
Persian jay (G. hyrcanus), which has thus far been found only on 
the Elbruz Mountains. In an almost direct line east of this region, 
but separated from it by a considerable area where no jays are to be 
met with, we pass consecutively over the haunts of the black- 
throated jay (G. lanceolatus), from the Northwestern Himalayas, the 
Himalayan jay (G. bispecularis), from the Himalaya Mountains to 
the eastward of Cashmere, the Chinese jay (G. Sinensis), from South 
and Central China (and, occasionally, Japan), and the Formosan jay 
(G. Taivanus). The home of the Burmese jay (G. leucotis) adjoins 
that of the Himalayan jay on the southeast. North of the belt 
occupied by the species of southern jay we have a vast region 
—the desert area of Central Asia, with Thibet, Turkestan, Mon- 
golia, and Gobi—throughout the greater part of which no jays 


have as yet been discovered. Bounding this area on the north, and 
extending from beyond the Ural Mountains (Kazan) to the northern 
island of the Japanese group, there exists an almost continuous and 
comparatively broad belt which is tenanted throughout its entire 
extent, except where it overlaps the habitat of the common Euro- 
pean G. glandarius, by a solitary species, known as Brandt’s jay (G. 
Brandti). Finally, in the southern island of Japan there are found 
two species, G. Japonicus and G. Lidthi, the former of which, sin- 
gularly enough, is the species which is most nearly allied to the 
common European jay, although separated by the greatest distance 
from it.” 

Generic Distribution.—The laws governing specific distribu- 
tion are in considerable measure likewise applicable to the dis- 
tribution of genera. Thus, we have genera that are restricted to 
very limited areas, and, as a necessary consequence resulting from 
specific distribution, those whose areas are coextensive with con- 
tinental boundaries, or embrace portions of two or more continents; 
and, again, we have genera of a given family which occupy con- 
tiguous, overlapping, or discontinuous provinces. The localisation 
of a genus to an exceptionally narrowly circumscribed area, such 
as we have scen in the case of the species of humming-birds of 
the volcanic peaks of South America, can almost necessarily ob- 
tain only there where the number of species belonging to the 
genus is also exceptionally limited, or, more nearly, when the 
genus is coextensive with a single species. Potamogale, which 
comprises the single species P. velox, a singular otter-like insecti- 
vore of the west coast of Africa, appears to be confined to the 
region included between Angola and the Gaboon ; Cheeropsis, 
with the single species C. Liberiensis, an animal closely allied to 
the true hippopotamus, inhabits, as far as is yet known, only the 
wilds of Liberia; and, likewise, the singular carnivore constituting 
the genus Ailurus (A. fulgens) has been met with only in the 
Southeastern Himalayas. Instances of restriction are much more nu- 
merously presented in the case of insular than of continental faunas, 
‘whether the examples be taken from the class of birds or mam- 

Genera of very broad, or almost world-wide distribution, are of 
frequent occurrence, both among the lower and higher animals. 
Among the latter, in the class of birds, we have numerous examples 


among the swimmers, waders, and birds of prey, whose range 
covers the greater extent of the primary divisions of the earth’s 
surface, and which may, consequently, be said to have a cosmo- 
politan distribution. Generic groups with a nearly world-wide 
distribution among the Mammalia are of much rarer, although of 
not exactly infrequent, occurrence, and if the Australian dingo, 
a species of wild dog, be not considered indigenous to the country 
which it inhabits, there would appear to be, if we except the bats, 
not a single altogether cosmopolitan genus among that class of ani- 
mals. Leaving out of consideration the continent of Australia, 
whose mammalian fauna is deficient in nearly all the orders of the 
class, we have a considerable number of genera whose range com- 
prises the greater portion of the habitable globe.* Thus, the mem- 
bers of the genus Felis (cats) are spread throughout the entire 
expanse of the continents of both the Eastern and the Western 
Hemisphere, through regions the extremes of whose temperature 
may be measured by probably no less than 225 degrees of the 
Fahrenheit scale. The genus Canis (dogs) has an almost equally 
broad distribution ; and the same range is exemplified in the case 
of the weasel genus (Mustela). Ursus, the bear, is met with 
throughout the greater part of the Northern Hemisphere, and in 
the continent of South America the genus has one or more rep- 
resentatives whose habitat is situated considerably to the south of 
the Equator.t The genus Cervus (deer), in its broader sense, has 
representatives in both North and South America, Europe, and 
Asia, with a very limited number of species (fallow-deer, stag) in 
Africa north of the Sahara. 

Discontinuous generic areas, like specific areas, are of com- 
paratively rare occurrence. Among the most remarkable instances 
of such discontinuity we have that exhibited in the case of the 

* The only placental animals indigenous to the Australian continent, if we 
exclude the rather doubtful dingo, which is by most naturalists considered to 
have been introduced by man, are the Cheiroptera (bats) and Rodentia, the 
latter represented by the family of mice (Muridw), The implacental mam- 
mals—kangaroos, wombats, phalangers—have, on the other hand, an extraor- 
dinary development. 

+ The solitary species of bear inhabiting the continent of Africa appears to 
be confined to the Atlas Mountains; it constitutes the genus Helarctos of 
some authors (H. Crowtheri). 


genus Myogale, the water-mole, already referred to, which em- 
braces two species, one of which, M. Pyrenaica, is an inhabitant of 
the northern valleys of the Pyrenean chain of mountains, and the 
other, M. Muscovita, the plains of Southeastern Russia skirting the 
Don and Volga rivers. The pikas (Lagomys), small rodent animals 
having a rather near relationship with the hares, which are exten- 
sively distributed along the upper mountain heights from the Ural 
to Cashmere and the eastern extremity of Siberia, have a single 
outlier in the Rocky Mountains of North America. The members of 
the genus Capra—the goats and ibexes—occupy disjointed patches 
of territory in Europe, Asia, and Africa, mainly confined to the 
elevated mountain regions, such as the Pyrenees, the Sierras of 
Spain, the Alps, Caucasus, Himalayas, &c., the intervals between 
which are deficient in the wild or indigenous representatives of the 
genus. <A similar discontinuity is exhibited in the case of the 
snow-partridges of the genus Tetraogallus, a bird likewise partial 
to the elevated mountain-slopes. Numerous other instances of 
birds occupying discontinuous areas may be cited, and they appear 
particularly noticeable among families of a more or less tropical 
habit. Such, for example, are the jaganas (Parra), which inhabit 
the tropical regions of both the Old and the New World, the simi- 
larly distributed flamingoes (Phcenicopterus), the wood-ibises of 
the genus Tantalus, the gerontics (Geronticus), and the marabou 
storks (Mycteria). Among perching birds a most remarkable in- 
stance of generic discontinuity has been cited by Wallace in the case 
of the blue magpies (Cyanopica), which comprise two species, one of 
which, C. Cookei, inhabits the Spanish Peninsula, and the other, C. 
cyanus, Eastern Siberia, Japan, and North China, the habitats of 
the two being removed from each other by an interval of fully 5,000 
miles. Still more marked is the case of the bluebirds constituting 
the genus Sialia, all of whose members, with one exception, inhabit 
temperate and tropical America; a solitary form, Sialia (Grandala) 
ceelicolor, singularly enough, crops up again among the Himalaya 
Mountains, and eastward throughout the mountainous region sepa- 
rating China from Thibet.° The most remarkable instance of a 
mammalian genus occupying two widely -removed areas is fur- 
nished by Tapirus, the tapir, several species of which are natives 
of the South American continent, and one, very distinct from the 
others, of Malacca and Borneo, the group of animals, therefore, 


appearing at localities separated from each other by nearly half of 
the earth’s circumference. 

Distribution of Families.—The restriction of families to cer- 
tain local areas is of comparatively rare occurrence, an almost neces- 
sary consequence of the number of species and genera of which they 
are in most cases composed. Among mammals the Cheiromydz, 
with one genus and one species, the aye-aye (Cheiromys Madagas- 
cariensis), are confined exclusively to the Island of Madagascar; the 
Protelide, likewise consisting of but a single genus and species, the 
aard-wolf (Proteles Lalandii), an animal in several respects inter- 
mediate between the cats and dogs, and considered by some as 
representing a greatly modified form of hyena, are confined to the 
extra-tropical regions of South Africa. Occupying pretty nearly 
the same region, and confined to it, are the Chrysochloride, or 
golden-moles, with a single genus and about five species. The 
Ailuride, a group of animals having their nearest allies in the 
coatis and bears, and consisting of one or two species, appear to 
be restricted to the forest region of Eastern Thibet and the Eastern 
Himalaya. Among the class Aves we have likewise families that are 
restricted both as to the number of species comprised by them and 
the region which they inhabit. The Paictide, a group of birds, 
considered by some ornithologists to have affinities with the Ameri- 
can ant-thrushes (Formicariidie), and by others with the Old-World 
pittas, consist of a single genus and two or more species, both of 
which are confined to the Island of Madagascar. Here, also, ex- 
clusively belong the Leptosomide, birds allied to the cuckoos and 
rollers. The Apterygide, with one genus (A pteryx) and four species, 
are strictly confined to the two larger islands of New Zealand; the 
Drepanidz, with some four or five genera and ten species, are re- 
stricted to the Sandwich Island group; and, finally, the paradise- 
birds, excluding the bower-birds, which are classed together with 
them in one family by some ornithologists, with about eighteen 
genera and thirty species,“ are almost entirely confined to New 
Guinea and the surrounding islands, only four representatives of the 
group finding their way into the neighbouring continent of Australia. 
Mr. Wallace has emphasised the very remarkable case of localisation 
presented among reptiles by the Uropeltidx, or rough-bellied, bur- 
rowing snakes, all of whose members appear to be strictly con- 
fined to Ceylon and the adjacent parts of the Peninsula of India.° 



Families with restricted ranges, like genera and species, are of 
infrequent occurrence, broad distribution being with them the rule 
rather than the exception. Nevertheless, owing to the peculiarily 
isolated position of the Australian fauna, there are among the land 
Mammalia only two families which can lay claim to being strictly 
cosmopolitan. These are the mice (Muridz) among rodents, and 
the Vespertilionide among bats, the former being universally dis- 
tributed throughout the globe, if we except some of the island 
groups of Australasia. The Vespertilionide have representatives 
almost everywhere, being apparently limited, as stated by Wal- 
lace, only by the necessities of procuring insect food. Among 
birds, examples of practically cosmopolitan families are presented 
by the thrushes, warblers, crows, swallows, king-fishers, goatsuckers, 
and pigeons. The hawks, owls, ducks, and gulls are cosmopolitan 
par excellence, being found in almost every habitable locality 
throughout the globe, whether on the mainland or on the most 
distantly removed oceanic islands. The extensive family Fringil- 
lide (finches, buntings), as now generally constituted by ornitholo- 
gists, with upwards of seventy genera and five hundred species, 
appears to have no representative in Australia, all the finch-like 
birds of that continent belonging to the family of the weavers 

As with genera and species, so likewise in the case of families, 
we have numerous instances of groups occupying discontinuous 
areas. In the class of Mammalia, for example, the swine (Suid), 
which are so extensively distributed throughout both the tropical 
and temperate regions of the Old World, have no representatives in 
the New World north of about the thirty-fourth parallel of latitude 
—the Red River, in Arkansas—although they have two species (of 
peccary) in the region south of that line. The Orycteropodide 
have a solitary representative in the Cape District, the aard-vark, or 
Cape ant-eater (Orycteropus Capensis), and another in the interior of 
Northeast Africa and in Senegal, the form occurring in the latter 
region being possibly a third species.” The tapirs, constituting 
the family Tapirid, have, as already stated, their representatives 
on opposite sides of the globe, one species inhabiting the Malay 
Peninsula and some of the adjacent islands, and the four or five 
others the tropical forests of Central and South America, The 
chevrotains, or deer-like animals of the family Tragulide, abound 


in India and some of the islands of the Malay Archipelago, where 
they constitute the genus Tragulus; a solitary representative of the 
same family, but belonging to a distinct genus (Hyomoschus), is a 
native of West Africa. The anthropoid apes (Simiide) are repre- 
sented in Western (and probably also East Equatorial) Africa by 
one or more species of gorilla and chimpanzee (Troglodytes), which 
are almost exclusively confined to the forest region. The form most 
nearly allied to these man-like apes, and belonging to the same 
family, is the orang (Simia satyrus), which, as an inhabitant of the 
islands of Sumatra and Borneo, is encountered after an interval of 
not less than seventy degrees of longitude. Inhabiting the same 
region, but with a northward extension to China, and westward to 
Assam (south of the Brahmaputra River), we find the members of 
the genus Hylobates, the gibbons. Probably the most striking 
example of a divided family is furnished by the Camelide, which 
in the Old World are represented by the genus Camelus, with two 
species—the dromedary and the Bactrian camel—whose habitat 
extends from the Sahara through the desert regions of Western and 
Central Asia to Lake Baikal; and in the New World by the genus 
Auchenia (the llama, alpaca, vicufia, and guanaco), with about four 
species, all of them restricted to the mountainous and desert regions 
of Western and Southern South America. We have here, therefore, 
a family which is not only divided by a vast ocean and the greater 
mass of two continents, but the members of which, in one hemi- 
sphere, inhabit the region north of the Equator, and, in the other, 
the region south of it. 

Instances of divided families among birds occur as in mammals, 
although probably to a less marked extent, owing naturally to their 
increased facilities for dispersion; such division obtains more espe- 
cially among the so-called ‘‘tropicopolitan” forms, or those whose 
homes are properly the region of the tropics, or that immediately 
adjoining it. The flamingoes (Phenicopteride), consisting of a 
solitary genus and about eight species, are about equally distrib- 
uted as to the number of species throughout the warmer regions 
of America, Africa, and Asia, some of the forms extending their 
range to a considerable distance within the bounds of the Tem- 
perate Zone, as in Southern Europe and South America. The 
trogons (Trogonid), comprising many of the most beautifully- 
arrayed of birds, and with upwards of forty species, are more 


strictly confined to the tropical regions of the earth’s surface, but 
few forms being found beyond the limits of that zone. They are 
fairly abundant in the forest region of South America, ranging 
from Paraguay to Mexico, and less so in South and Southeast 
Asia, and some of the islands of the Malay Archipelago. In Af- 
rica the family is represented by but two species. The Psitta- 
cide among parrots furnish us with another good example of a 
divided family, whose members are to be found only in the two 
great southern continents, Africa and South America, and in some 
of the adjacent islands. Still more remarkable is the case of the 
ostriches, of which there are two species (of the genus Struthio) 
pertaining to the desert regions of Africa and Western Asia (Arabia 
and Syria), and likewise two (of the genus Rhea, sometimes placed 
in a distinct family) belonging to temperate South America, whose 
range extends from Patagonia to the confines of Brazil. 

Among reptiles similar instances are presented by the tropi- 
copolitan groups. Thus, we have the Crocodilide inhabiting the 
tropical waters of both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The 
Pythonide, or giant constricting serpents —boas, anacondas, pythons 
—are, with the exception of the Californian genus Charina, some- 
times referred to this family, distinctively tropical, but they have 
representatives in the South American continent, in Africa, Asia, 
Australia, and in several of the continental and oceanic islands. 
The family of iguanas (Iguanide), comprising upwards of fifty gen- 
era and some three hundred species, is almost distinctively Ameri- 
can, being distributed from about the fiftieth parallel of south 
latitude, in Patagonia, to the Canadian boundary-line on the north. 
No member of the family is known from either of the continents 
of Eurasia or Africa, yet the family crops up again in a solitary 
genus—Brachylophus—in the Feejee Islands, and two (doubtfully 
placed) genera have also been described from Madagascar and Aus- 

Distribution of Orders,—The principal features of geographical 
distribution exhibited by species, genera, and families repeat them- 
selves in a measure in the case of the higher groups of the animal 
kingdom known as orders. Very narrowly circumscribed areas of 
habitation, at least among the orders of higher animals, do not 
exist; broad distribution is the rule. Among mammals the most 
marked instances of semi-localisation, if so it may be termed, are 


furnished by the Monotremata, comprising the two families of 
duck-bills and echidnas, both restricted to Australia and the Isl- 
and of Tasmania, and the Hyracoidea, an order consisting of two 
genera, Hyrax (the coney) and Dendrohyrax, and about a dozen 
species, all of which are restricted to the continent of Africa and 
the immediately adjoining parts of Asia (Syria). The only orders 
of terrestrial mammals which can lay claim to being cosmopolitan 
are the Cheiroptera (bats) and Rodentia, none of the other orders, 
except the Marsupialia—unless the dingo, as a member of the Car- 
nivora, be considered indigenous to the continent it now inhabits 
—having any representatives in Australia. Among birds we have 
no instance of an order being restricted to the limits of a single con- 
tinent. Among reptiles the Crocodilia are almost entirely confined 
to the tropical and sub-tropical regions, and occur in both the East- 
ern and Western Hemispheres. The Ophidia (serpents) have what 
might be called a world-wide extension, although no member of 
the order has been met with farther to the north than the Arctic 
Circle. The order Anura (frogs and toads) among amphibians is 
very nearly cosmopolitan ; the Urodela, on the other hand, com- 
prising the tailed forms, such as the newts, salamanders, &c., are 
almost strictly confined to the Northern Hemisphere, a few only of 
its representatives passing through Central America as far south as 
Colombia. The entire class of the Amphibia (as indigenous forms) 
is absent from the vast majority of oceanic islands—New Zealand, 
New Caledonia, and the Andaman Islands, and possibly the Solo- 
mon and Seychelles groups, almost alone, according to Darwin, 
presenting exceptional instances. 

The marsupials afford a remarkable example of a comparatively” 
large order of animals occupying widely separated and discon- 
tinuous areas. With the exception of the opossums, of which 
there are two genera and about twenty species, confined to the 
two continents of America, and more particularly to the tropi- 
cal regions of these continents, all the members of this peculiar 
and lowly-organized order of animals are strictly limited in their 
range to the Australian continent and its dependent islands, and 
some of the islands of the Malay Archipelago. In all the broad 
intervening region—Europe, Africa, and Asia—no representative of 
the order is to be met with. The Edentata—ant-eaters, armadillos, 
&c.—are largely confined to the tropical and sub-tropical regions 



of South America, Asia, and Africa, and are almost completely 
absent from the vast northern tracts which spread out towards the 
polar confines, and tend to bring together the terrestrial areas of the 
Old and the New World. The order is entirely wanting in Europe, 
and nearly so in North America, the genus Tatusia, an armadillo, 
alone penetrating within the boundaries of the last into the State 
of ‘Texas. In Asia no member of the order is found to the north 
of the Himalaya Mountains. A remarkable example of discon- 
tinuous habitation among birds is furnished by the Struthiones, or 
ostrich-like birds, whose members are distributed throughout con- 
siderable reaches of tropical and sub-tropical South America, Africa, 
Asia, and Australia, some of the Australian islands, and New Zea- 
land, and are entirely wanting in Europe and North America. It 
is a singular circumstance in connection with the distribution of 
the birds of this very limited order that two genera, so closely 
allied as are Rhea and Struthio, should occupy areas so distantly 
removed from each other as Africa and South America. The 
Psittaci, or parrots, inhabitants of both the New and the Old 
World, may likewise be considered as being preeminently tropical 
and sub-tropical, for although a few examples are found whose 
range in the Southern Hemisphere ascends to the fifty-fourth degree, 
yet the true home of the order is located in the zone embraced be- 
tween the thirty-fifth parallels north and south of the Equator. 
Being absent from Europe and the greater portion of the continent 
of North America, the distribution of the order is necessarily dis- 

Mn gy 

Conditions affecting distribution.—Climate.—Food-supply.—Barriers to mi- 
gration.—Migrations of mammals and birds.—Dispersal of insects and 

Of the Conditions which affect or limit Distribution among 
Animals.—Climate.—It is a common belief that the principal fac- 
tor limiting or regulating the distribution of animals is constituted 
by climate; in other words, certain groups of animals are associated 
with certain grades or conditions of climate, beyond the reach of 
whose interacting influence they could no longer maintain an exist- 
ence. Thus, among quadrupeds, the elephant, camel, and tiger are 
popularly associated with the hottest climates of the earth’s surface; 
the reindeer and moose with climates of equal, but opposite, sever- 
ity. And, similarly, among birds, the ostriches and hummers are 
considered to be particularly indicative of hot or tropical climates, 
and the auks, guillemots, puffins, and penguins, as products of the 
cold northern or southern climes. That climate does regulate dis- 
tribution, or impose a bar upon the migration of certain forms of 
life, there can be no manner of doubt; but that it does not exercise 
the paramount influence that is generally attributed to it there can 
likewise be no question. Taking, for example, some of the in- 
stances that have just been mentioned as indicating the supposed 
association between animal distribution and given conditions of 
climate, we find that the tiger, while its home, par excellence, may 
be considered to be the hot districts of India and the Indian Archi- 
pelago, is in no way restricted in its range to those regions, or to 
regions having at all a similar climate. Thus, the animal is found 
in the elevated regions of the Caucasus and the Altai chain, and in 
the Himalaya range its footprints are not infrequently found im- 
pressed in the fields of snow. It is a permanent inhabitant of the 


cold plains of Manchuria and the Amoor region, as well as of the 
plains lying north of the Hindu-Kush, in Bokhara, prowling about 
even in winter along the icy margins of the Aral Sea. As a matter 
of fact, the range of the tiger extends to about the fifty-third paral- 
lel of north latitude—or what corresponds to the position of Lake 
Winnipeg, in British America—in the neighbourhood of Irkutsk and 
Lake Baikal. Nor can this northern range be taken to represent 
the range of simply stray individuals, since in the region of South- 
east Siberia traversed by Radde that traveller affirms that tigers 
were uncommonly abundant.” 

Although at the present time the lion is confined almost exclu- 
sively to the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa and Asia, 
there can be but little doubt, as appears from the writings of Herod- 
otus and Aristotle, that as late as the beginning of the historic 
period that animal still inhabited in Europe a region lying as far 
north as about the fortieth parallel of latitude— or what corre- 
sponds in position to the State of Pennsylvania—namely, the region 
of Thessaly, in Greece. And even at the present day the Tunisian 
lion is occasionally found in the neighbourhood of the thirty-seventh 
parallel of north latitude, and until recently the Cape lion was 
abundant in or about the district of the Cape, extending to the 
thirty-fifth parallel of south latitude. Although the climate of 
these latitudes in Africa is of an unusually mild character, yet there 
are sudden changes of temperature, as between day and night, 
which may be likened to the changes in the temperature between 
the summer and winter climates of more temperate regions. We 
are informed by travellers that in the Kalahari Desert and other dry 
open districts of South Africa the nights are frequently unpleasant- 
ly cool, or even cold, the free and rapid radiation of heat from the 
soil not rarely being accompanied by a freezing of the surface. The 
formation of ice in the Desert of Sahara is, likewise, not exactly of 
exceptional occurrence, but in that region of the African continent, 
except on its immediate borders, lions are only rarely met with. 

That a restriction to warm climates is likewise not the case with 
the elephant is almost conclusively proved by the readiness with 
which, in the Roman period, these animals were made to pass the 
barrier offered by the lofty Alpine chain. Still more indisputable 
evidence on this point is, however, afforded by the habits of the 
Indian elephant, which appears to be equally at home among the 


cool mountain heights as amidst the hot and jungly lowlands. In 
Ceylon, according to Sir Emerson Tennent, ‘‘the mountain-tops, 
and not the sultry valleys, are his favorite resort. In Oovah, where 
the elevated plains are often crisp with the morning frost, and on 
Pedro-Tella-Galla, at the height of upwards of eight thousand feet, 
they are found in herds, whilst the hunter may search for them 
without success in the jungles of the low country. No altitude, in 
fact, seems too lofty or too chill for the elephant, provided it affords 
the luxury of water in abundance; and, contrary to the general 
opinion that the elephant delights in sunshine, he seems at all times 
impatient of its glare, and spends the day in the thickest depths of 
the forest, devoting the night to excursions, and to the luxury of 
the bath, in which he also indulges occasionally by day.” '* | Mr. 
Johnston, during his recent explorations of the Kilimanjaro region, 
encountered elephants, together with buffaloes, and one or more spe- 
cies of antelope (kudu), at an elevation of thirteen thousand feet.*** 
The camel is an animal popularly associated with the burning 
desert regions of Africa and Asia, yet the two-humped or Bactrian 
species is found throughout the greater portion of Mongolia and 
Chinese Tartary, in the mountain region as well as in the lowlands, 
lying between the fortieth and fiftieth parallels of latitude, and it 
extends its range even considerably beyond the fiftieth parallel into 
Siberia, as along the borders of Lake Baikal, where it appears to 
pass the winter season without discomfort. It is a fact worthy of 
note that the only other existing representatives of the camel family 
—the llama and llama-like animals of the New World—are strictly 
adapted to a rigourous winter climate, as is shown by their partiality 
to the highly-elevated tracts of the South American Andes. The 
same adaptability to different extremes of climate likewise presents 
itself in the case of many of the so-called Arctic animals. The 
reindeer, while it habitually prefers for its home a region that en- 
joys a more or less rigourous climate, and where the soil is for the 
greater part of the year covered with snow, does not appear to be 
impatient of the summer heat of comparatively low latitudes, as is 
proved by the circumstance that in the various zoological gardens 
of Central Europe it not only develops in good condition, but also 
breeds freely. Indeed, its restriction to the high northern latitudes 
appears to be in no way dependent on considerations connected 
with either cold or snow, but merely upon the presence there in the 


greatest abundance of its particular food, the reindeer-moss and 
various lichens, without which it seems incapable of flourishing. 
There can be little doubt that were individuals of the reindeer 
transplanted to an elevated mountain region, such as the European 
Alps, for example, where their own proper nourishment would be 
again met with, they would thrive very nearly, if not fully, as well 
as in their true homes north of the fifty-fifth or sixtieth parallel of 
latitude. Indeed, even in their northern haunts the animals, at 
least as is shown by the American species or variety, would seem to 
be impatient of too great a cold, since in the winter they seek the 
inner recesses of the forests for protection. 

Turning row to the class of birds, we find that similar illustra- 
tions of climatic adaptation present themselves. Thus, the usually 
considered ‘‘ tropical” or *‘ equatorial” hamming-birds are in reality 
not such at all. While it is true that by far the greater number of 
species belonging to this family are found within the region em- 
braced within the tropics, yet the range of the family extends all 
the way from Cape Horn (Eustephanus galeritus) to Sitka (Selas- 
phorus rufus), or over a territory covered by no less than one hun- 
dred and fifteen degrees of latitude. And even among the strictly 
tropical forms many of them extend their range to the limits of 
perpetual snow, some remaining in the cold region permanently. 
The Oreotrochilus Chimborazo and O. Pichincha have their abode 
in the equatorial peaks indicated by their respective specific names 
at an elevation of no less than sixteen thousand feet—or higher than 
the summit of the Mont Blanc—in a world of almost perpetual 
snow, hail, and sleet.* In fact, the elevated Andean slopes are 
much more thickly visited by humming-birds than the deep low- 
lands, no matter how luxuriantly these last may be clothed with 

The ostriches constitute another group of animals whose habitat 
is popularly associated with the burning deserts of the Torrid zone. 
While it is unquestionable that these birds do delight in just such 
districts, it may yet be doubted whether the matter of climate has 
very much to do with the selection of a region, since ostriches are, 
or have been until recently, equally abundant in all parts of the 
African continent, in the high table-lands as well as in the low- 
lands, from Algeria to the Cape, and from the east to the west 
coast, where the suitable desert conditions present themselves, and 


where, consequently, as has already been stated, the differences 
between the temperature of night and day are excessively marked. 
In the desert region of Western Asia—Persia and the Valley of the 
Euphrates—the bird ranges or ranged as far north as about the 
thirty-fifth parallel of latitude, and, indeed, it is not exactly im- 
probable, as has been maintained by Vambéry,* that even at the 
present day it exists in limited numbers along the shores of the 
Sea of Aral, in about the forty-fifth parallel, or what would cor- 
respond to the position of the southern portion of the State of 
Maine. In the case of this family—Struthionide—we also notice 
the singular fact, analogous to that which has been observed in 
relation to the distribution of the Camelide, that the only repre- 
sentatives of the group other than Struthio (the ostrich proper), 
constituting the American genus Rhea, are birds belonging almost 
strictly to the temperate regions, their range extending from Pata- 
gonia to the southern confines of Brazil. The parrots (Psittaci) 
may be considered to be preeminently tropical birds, the vast ma- 
jority of the species being included in a zone bounded by the 
thirtieth parallel on each side of the Equator, but yet it may be 
doubted whether this limitation does not depend more upon the 
nature of the food-supply than upon the character of the climate. 
In South America a species of Conurus extends its range as far as 
the Strait of Magellan, and in the Macquarie Islands, in the South 
Pacific, representatives of the family are met with as high as the 
fifty-fourth parallel of latitude, corresponding to a position removed 
by only six degrees from the southern extremity of Greenland. 
Wallace probably justly refers to the ‘‘almost universal distribu- 
tion of parrots wherever the climate is sufficiently mild or uniform 
to furnish them with a perennial supply of food.” ® 

But while in numerous, and perhaps the majority of, instances the 
limitation of animal groups to certain geographical regions is de- 
pendent more upon the physical character of the immediate environ- 
ment and the nature of the food-supply than upon particular con- 
ditions of climate, yet it cannot be denied that in very many cases 
climate appears to exercise a paramount influence upon distribution. 
This influence is frequently considered to be nowhere more forcibly 
illustrated than in the migration of birds, both as regards the 
northern species and those inhabiting the southern climes. That 
the climatic explanation of the phenomenon of bird migration is a 


fallacy most ornithologists are now agreed. It is a well-ascer- 
tained fact that the vast majority of birds are migrants to a greater 
or less degree, and that non-migration with this class of animals 
is much more of an exception than the rule. Yet, by reason of 
their peculiar covering, birds generally, as compared with other 
vertebrates, are but slightly affected by extremes of either heat or 
cold, and indeed, as far as we are capable of judging, by most 
climatic influences, provided only that their food-supply is not 
affected thereby. The condor in its aerial flight within a few 
minutes of time accommodates itself to the most varying climatic 
conditions, the change from the freezing cold of the mountain 
heights to the scorching heat of the tropical lowland plains seem- 
ingly having no effect upon the vigour of the bird. There can be 
but little doubt, as has been insisted upon by Professor Newton, 
that a deficiency in the food-supply—the necessity for searching 
for new food—is the most obvious cause or impulse promoting 
bird migration. Migrations of a somewhat similar character, in- 
disputably governed, at least in part, by considerations connected 
with the food-supply, but also in greater part by conditions of 
climate, manifest themselves among several other classes of ani- 
mals. Thus, in India, the monkeys habitually ascend the Himalaya 
Mountains in summer to elevations of ten or twelve thousand feet, 
and again descend in winter. Semnopithecus schistaceus has been 
observed at a height of eleven thousand feet, leaping in fir-trees 
laden with snow wreaths! Wolves in severely cold weather descend 
from the mountain-slopes to the lowlands, and bears not infrequently 
migrate in great numbers to escape the rigours of an extreme winter. 
The migratory instincts of the northern hares and squirrels, and 
more particularly of the Norway rat and lemming, which in severe 
winters move in amazing numbers in direct lines over lake, river, 
and mountain, overcoming all obstacles that might be placed in 
their path, are well known. The Kamtchatka rats, under the 
pressure of numbers, are stated by Pennant to travel westward for 
a distance of eight hundred miles or more. Similar instances of 
the force of migration are presented by the hoofed animals. The 
vast herds of moving buffalo were until recently familiar sights to 
the traveller on the American plains ; in South Africa countless 
numbers of antelope, impelled by the necessities of food-supply, 
pour down upon the more favoured districts lying without the 


region of parched soils; and similar excursions, although in this 
case governed by reversed thermometric conditions, are practised 
by the onager or wild ass of Tartary. Even the reindeer is to an 
extent a migrant, since in both Russia and Chinese Tartary it de- 
scends far southward in advance of a rigourous winter, and, indeed, 
frequently reaches a lower latitude than any part of England, al- 
though in Scandinavia the animal is rarely seen south of the sixty- 
fifth parallel. 

It is not alone among the higher animals that the migratory in- 
stinct is developed. Turtles, during the ovipositing season, move 
in considerable numbers from one part of the sea to another, and 
they are stated to find their way annually to the Island of Ascen- 
sion, which is distant upwards of eight hundred miles from the 
nearest continental land-mass.** Fishes migrate in immense num- 
bers, but the periodical shifting of the abodes of these animals is 
directly connected with the processes of reproduction. Certain 
fishes, as the salmon, shad, and smelt, ascend the waters of fresh- 
water streams for the purpose of depositing their eggs; others, 
again, as the herring and mackerel, frequent in immense shoals, 
during the breeding season, the neighbourhood of the coast-line. 
The young eel follows the line of the river-courses in myriads, 
ascending all the tributary streams, and frequently overcoming 
apparently impassable water - falls by squirming over the moss- 
covered ledges on either side. Among insects, the devastating 
migrations of the locust are proverbial, and similar illustrations of 
the wandering instinct could be cited from other members of the 
same class of animals. A remarkable example of migration has re- 
cently been observed in the case of a species of grapsoid crab (Se- 
sarma ?) off Cape San Antonio, the western extremity of the Island 
of Cuba. 

Barriers to Migration, and Facilities for Dispersion.—It 
has already been remarked that the interposition of extensive and 
elevated mountain-chains and of large bodies of water, and also 
sudden changes in the physical character of a country, are insur- 
mountable obstacles in the way of the migration or dispersion of 
certain classes of animals. The most serious of these obstacles, as 
affecting the dispersion of the Mammalia, is of course that of large 
bodies of water. We are well aware that the most experienced 
swimmer among this class of animals can accomplish by the nata- 


torial process but an insignificant journey, and, therefore, it would 
necessitate the interposition of but a very moderate expanse of 
water to effectually bar its progress in any given direction, Several 
members of the cat family are expert swimmers, the jaguar being 
known to cross the broadest of the South American rivers, the La 
Plata, as observed by Lieutenant Page. The tiger and elephant are 
both good swimmers. Deer are likewise prone to take to water, 
but it may be questioned whether animals of this kind would be 
apt to trust themselves beyond the sight of land. The domestic 
pig, even at a very young age, has been known to swim five or six 
miles, and it is not exactly impossible that the wild-hog, in cases of 
absolute necessity, might successfully attempt a passage of three or 
four times this distance. Probably the most remarkable exhibition 
of the natatorial powers of a land animal is that shown in the case 
of a polar bear, which was observed by Captain Parry vigourously 
paddling away in Barrow’s Strait at a nearest distance of twenty miles 
from the shore, with no ice in sight on which it could have secured 
needed repose. It may safely be conceded, from our present knowl- 
edge on the subject, that while many of the land Mammalia can 
effect with safety, and even readiness, such water passages as are 
most gencrally to be met with on continental areas, none, probably, 
would be prompted to undertake a journey across an arm of the sea 
whose width measured fifty or more miles, or even one much ex- 
ceeding half that extent.* To these difficulties or impossibilities 
in the way of dispersion must be attributed the circumstance that 
the vast number of oceanic islands are deficient, except where man 
has effected an introduction, in representatives of this particular 
class of animals. The fact that certain allied, or even identical, 
forms of mammals are found in regions widely removed from each 
other, and which at the present time are separated by impassable 
bodies of water of greater or less extent, is practically conclusive evi- 


* In the case of the polar bear above cited, the absence from view of any 
ice need not necessarily, or even probably, indicate that there was no ice pres- 
ent nearer to the swimming subject than the ice of the land-border. From the 
mast of a vessel, elevated one hundred and fifty teet above the surface of the 
water, an iceberg rising to the same height could not, owing to the curvature 
of the earth, be distinguished at a greater distance than thirty-four miles ; flat 
masses of pack-ice, rising but a few feet above the water, at only about half 
that distance. 


dence that in the former periods of the earth’s history the surface of 
the globe must have undergone such vicissitudes as to have at vari- 
ous times disturbed the general relations existing between land and 
water. In other words, much of the surface that at one time was 
occupied by water must have been replaced by land, and, per contra, 
what was at one time land must at another have been water. And 
evidences of such variations in terrestrial equilibrium are abundantly 
afforded by geological landmarks. Had the greater portion of the 
surface of the globe at one time since the introduction of the Mam- 
malia consisted principally of dry land, or had there been since 
that period a general alternation in the relative positions of the land 
and water areas, the geographical distribution of the Mammalia 
would have been very different from what we actually find it to be. 
Hence, it must be assumed that a land and water alternation, such 
as could have brought about the present result, must have taken 
place in certain parts of the earth’s surface only, and without affect- 
ing others. There would seem to be very strong grounds for con- 
cluding that the most recent connection uniting the principal land- 
areas of the globe was formed in the Northern Hemisphere, asa belt 
closing off the Arctic Sea (if it then existed) from the Pacific and 
Atlantic oceans. 

The only class of terrestrial mammals to which a broad arm 
of water offers no impediment in the way of migration or disper- 
sion is that of the bats; and, singularly enough, just in the case of 
these animals, as has already been remarked, are we furnished with 
an example of universal distribution, there being but very few of 
the habitable oceanic islands which are not tenanted by one or more 
representatives of the order. But even among the habitually ter- 
restrial Mammalia there are certain exceptional methods by which 
dispersion to very considerable distances from the mainland can be 
effected. In the northern regions the frozen sea constitutes a con- 
necting bridge between distantly-removed land-masses which is 
constantly taken advantage of by various forms of Arctic animals. 
By the breaking up and drifting away of fragments of the northern 
ice-masses animals that might be temporarily wandering over them ~ 
could readily be transported to very considerable distances from 
their true homes; and, indeed, it is through such means that polar 
bears are periodically stranded upon the coast of Iceland. In one 
year alone twelve of such wandering animals made their appearance 


upon the island.” The reindeer is stated to cross the Behring 
Straits by way of the Aleutian Islands and the frozen sea, and ina 
somewhat similar manner the musk-ox finds its way to Melville 
Island; it is, however, singular that the last named, despite its long 
ice-journeys, never manages to reach either the continent of Asia or 
Greenland. In regions like the tropics, which support a luxuriant 
vegetable growth, and which are subject to periodical fluminal 
overflows, and, consequently, to the uprooting or outwashing action 
of the inundating waters, it not infrequently happens that islands 
or ‘‘rafts” of considerable magnitude, consisting mainly of inter- 
laced or matted vegetation—tree-trunks held together by various 
creepers and climbers, and containing a sufficient quantity of vege- 
table mould and soil bound together in the roots—are floated down 
stream into the open sea, where they are at once placed at the mercy 
of the prevailing oceanic and atmospheric currents. These rafts 
have been frequently noticed at the mouths of some of the larger 
streams, as the Mississippi, Amazon, and Ganges, and, in the case 
of the last named, at a distance of a hundred miles from its mouth. 
Floating masses of wood, with upright trees growing over them, 
were mistaken by Admiral Smyth in the Philippine seas for true 
islands, until their motion made their real nature apparent. Such 
floating masses not rarely harbour various forms of animal life in 
their midst, and among these the Mammalia with arboreal hab- 
its are not inadequately represented. The South American tray- 
ellers Spix and Martius assert that on different occasions they ob- 
served monkeys, tiger-cats, squirrels, crocodiles, and a variety of 
birds, carried down stream (the Amazon) in this manner, and simi- 
lar observations have been made by other travellers in the case of 
the Rio Parana. It is asserted that no less than four pumas were 
landed in one night from such rafts in the town of Montevideo.* 
Some of the animals thus conveyed may travel unconcernedly, and 
without any special disadvantage arising from a change of abode; 
others, as the larger quadrupeds, will have been caught up and 
transported through accident. To what distance such a floating 
raft with its living cargo may ultimately be carried in safety, and 
without detriment to its inhabitants, over the oceanic surface there 
are as yet no data for determining. But there would appear to be 
no reason for assuming that they could not be transported to a 
distance of several hundreds of miles, seeing that the upright vege- 


tation found on many of them would serve with powerful effect in 
the face of a wind. And while the majority of the animal inhab- 
itants might be exterminated before the end of the voyage the safe 
arrival on an island or distant shore of a very limited number of 
individuals, embracing both males and females, would serve in a 
short period, under favourable conditions, to stock the new land 
with the species. That an absolute limit is set, however, to migra- 
tion as effected in this manner is proved conclusively by the utter 
absence in most of the oceanic islands of indigenous mammals, ex- 
cepting bats. 

The same obstacle that is interposed by the ocean to the disper- 
sion of the Mammalia presents itself in the case of the vast majority 
of other terrestrial animals in which the power of flight is not at all, 
or at best but feebly, developed. Thus, the serpents, although many 
of them are fairly good swimmers, are, if we except the marine 
forms, as incapable of passing oceanic barriers as are the quadrupeds, 
and their transportation from continental areas to regions far remote 
can only be effected by such or similar accidental means as that 
just described. As might have been expected, therefore, they are 
absent from nearly all oceanic islands. The Amphibia (frogs and 
toads) are no more fortunate in passing broad arms of the sea than 
are the serpents, despite the circumstance that in their young or 
larval condition they are strictly aquatic in their habits. Salt water 
proves fatal both to them and their eggs. Since moisture is a 
necessary condition for the early existence of this class of animals, 
it is evident that an extensive desert region will be an effectual 
barrier to their distribution—in fact, about as much so as an ocean. 
Lizards, in their adult condition, are as incapable of traversing an 
oceanic region as are the snakes and amphibians; but it would ap- 
pear that in some special way—whether as effected by the oceanic 
currents themselves or through the agency of birds—their eggs 
may be transported to very considerable distances out to sea, since 
this order of animals is sufficiently represented in remote islands 
where neither snakes nor amphibians have as yet been encountered. 
That the ocean offers no insuperable obstacle to the broad disper- 
sion of a very large body of birds is known from almost daily 
observation. Birds are known to pass several hundreds of miles 
on the wing without halting, and, indeed, it is not exactly im- 
possible, or even improbable, that such unassisted flight may ex- 


tend over one or more thousands of miles. The flights of the 
wild-goose and the swallow have been estimated to be performed 
at the almost incredible velocity of from sixty to ninety miles per 
hour, and the flights of many of the smaller birds at not very 
much less. A sustained flight of ten or more hours in duration, 
especially when assisted by a favourable wind, involving an amount 
of muscular exertion probably within easy command of many birds, 
would carry them over an enormous stretch of territory, during a 
period of time which, by its brevity, would render the question of 
food-supply comparatively unimportant. Land-birds have been en- 
countered in the North Atlantic at almost all points of the oceanic 
expanse; but to what extent these stragglers have received assist- 
ance in their flight, by taking temporary shelter on board the nu- 
merous vessels plying between Europe and America, can hardly be 
determined. There is no question as to such assistance in numerous 
instances, but whether it is afforded in all or most cases is a matter 
of pure conjecture. By whatever means or methods the oceanic 
travel of birds may be effected, it is a matter placed beyond all ques- 
tion that numerous American birds make their appearance at inter- 
vals along the European coast. Upwards of sixty species of such 
foreigners, embracing examples from nearly all the orders of birds, 
have at different times been noted on the eastern coast of the At- 
lantic, principally in the British Isles and the Island of Heligoland.” 
Singularly enough, no distinctively European birds make their ap- 
pearance on the American coast, except a few whose journey over 
is made by way of Greenland and Iceland.* Despite the long- 
sustained flight of which birds are capable, it may be considered 
exceedingly doubtful whether many or any of them undertake 
these protracted journeys as a matter of their own pure choice or 
volition. It seems hardly possible that an animal would subject 
itself to such an amount of exertion and privation as would appear 
to be involved in journeys of this length, when no material ad- 
vantage could in the end be derived therefrom. It therefore ap- 
pears more than probable, as has been urged by Baird, Wallace, 

* No account is here taken of the purely pelagic forms, which are found 
on the opposite borders of the oceanic expanse, and which find suitable rest- 
ing-places on the surface of the waters. The greenshanks (Totanus glottis) 
has been obtained once in Florida, and apparently nowhere else in the United 


and Newton, that the oceanic wandering of land-birds must be 
attributed in most, or nearly all, cases to accidental circumstances— 
namely, storms, or the prevalence of certain winds—which may 
have wafted the birds beyond their control off to sea. Winds 
from the west, as has been shown by Professor Baird, are preva- 
lent between latitudes 32° and 58° N., and, hence, would be liable 
to catch such birds as may be passing southward during their au- 
tumnal migration, especially there where their flight would be 
at some distance off from the shore, or across broad arms or in- 
lets of the sea. The dispersal would naturally be facilitated by 
the interaction of a heavy storm, and it is a most noteworthy 

confirmatory fact that the appearance of American birds on the 
' European coast is either presaged or accompanied by heavy westerly 
winds blowing in that quarter. North of the fifty-eighth parallel 
of latitude the polar winds trend westward, and with them we 
have the accompanying transferrence of European birds, by way of 
Iceland and Greenland, to the American continent. That storms 
or heavy winds do influence the flight of birds in the manner here 
described, is indisputably proved by the facts that present them- 
selves in connection with the occurrence of marine birds over con- 
tinental areas at some distance from the shore-line. The stormy 
petrel, during and after the prevalence of a northeast storm, has 
been seen in considerable numbers in the Eastern United States 
beyond the Alleghany Mountains; the Thalassidroma Leachii has 
been abundantly killed at or about the city of Washington; and 
Professor Baird instances the case of a Pomarine jiiger (Cataractes 
Pomarinus), which was killed on the Susquehanna, at Harrisburg, 
in 1842.*° The golden plovers, in their southerly flight, start di- 
rect from Nova Scotia or Newfoundland for the West Indies, 
whence they continue their journey along the South American 
coast to Patagonia. In this journey but comparatively few in- 
dividuals touch or rest along the Atlantic States, yet it is known 
that during heavy northeastern winds, in the month of August, 
great numbers of the birds may be confidently expected along the 
New England coast. And it not infrequently happens that un- 
der similar conditions immense numbers of these and allied birds 
are driven to very considerable distances in the interior of the 
continents. In a like manner, during the prevalence of heavy 
storms, European birds are cast upon the Azores, situated about 


one thousand miles from the nearest continental coast. Among 
these are the kestrel, hoopoe, oriole, and snow-bunting, and not 
improbably also swallows, larks, and grebes.* If, then, birds 
may be drifted by accidental storms to a distance of one thou- 
sand miles in a direction contrary to that of the prevalent winds, 
it may be asked, Why may they not be thus drifted, at least 
after their first landing-place, another one thousand or two thou- 
sand miles further? In other words, if European birds are carried 
to the Azores, why are they not at intervals also transported from 
there to the American coast? This question can, with our present 
knowledge, not yet be answered. Three or four species of European 
birds have been noticed in the Bermuda Islands—the wheat-ear (Saxi- 
cola enanthe), the sky-lark (Alauda arvensis), the snipe (Gallinago 
media), and the land-rail (Crex pratensis); but three of these are 
also found in Greenland or on the North American mainland, while 
the fourth, the sky-lark, appears to have been brought over in, or 
to have escaped from, a ship.t In an ocean studded with islands, 

* Most of the resident land-birds of the Azores are identical with forms 
found in Europe and North Africa, and it, therefore, becomes impossible to 
ascertain how many of the individuals actually peopling the islands may xoé 
have been recently transported from the mainland. It is only under excep- 
tional circumstances — barring the case of recognised stragylers —that such 
wanderers can be determined. 

+ The total number of European birds known to have found their way 
across the Atlantic to the American shores (including Greenland) is, accord- 
ing to Freke (‘+ Zoologist,’’ 1881), thirty-seven, of which Greenland counts 
about thirty, and the Eastern United States only twelve. This determination 
naturally excludes all birds that have been artificially introduced. Of the 
twelve species occurring in the Eastern United States, six are swimmers and 
five waders, and only one (and that somewhat doubtful, Buteo vulgaris, re- 
ported to have been obtained in Michigan, in October, 18738) is a true land- 
bird. The wheat-ear, referred to as occurring in the Bermudas, is considered 
a member of the North American fauna. The number of species of American 
birds crossing the Atlantic in the contrary direction is, according to the same 
authority (“* Proc. Royal Dublin Soce.,’’ 1881), sixty-nine, of which twenty- two 
are swimmers, sixteen waders, and no less than thirty-one land-birds. The 
last include, among other forms, representatives of the genera Turdus (four 
species), Galeoscoptes, Regulus, Dendreca, Hirundo, Loxia, Zonotrichia, 
Ceryle, Coceyzus, Picus, and several species of birds of prey. The bald- 
headed eazle has been recorded from Sweden. It is significant that, of the 
forty-seven species of waders and land-birds, only two are known from Ice- 
land (Falco candicans and Numenius Hudsonicus) and none from the Faroe 


which afford numerous resting-places, it would not seem difficult 
to account for the occurrence of land-birds at the remotest dis- 
tances from the mainland, even without having recourse to the 
accessory transporting agency of prevalent winds and storms. But 
even with this favourable condition added, it would appear that 
most land-birds are not disposed to undertake of their own free 
will extended oceanic journeys, as is proved by the avi-fauna of 
many of the oceanic islands. Thus, while, as we have already 
seen, nearly all the representatives of the bird-fauna of the Azores, 
situated more than one thousand miles from the mainland, are 
identical with forms inhabiting either Europe or Northern Africa, 
indicating that the islands were peopled in comparatively recent 
times from those continents, in the Galapagos, situated only six 
hundred miles off the west coast of the continent of South Amer- 
ica, we meet with an entirely different state of things as regards 
the bird-fauna. Of about thirty species of indigenous land-birds, 
apparently only one, the common rice-bird (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), 
which ranges from Canada to Paraguay, is absolutely identical with 
a form found outside the limits of the island group. In addition 
to this a species of owl (Asio Galapagoensis) is considered by some 
authors to be but a mere variety of the cosmopolitan Asio brachy- 
otus, or short-eared owl, which is distributed from China to Ire- 
land, and from Greenland to Patagonia.** We have here, there- 
fore, positive evidence that migrant stragglers from the South 
American continent are at the best of but very rare occurrence, 
and, on the other hand, visitors from the islands to the mainland 
appear to be equally rare. But since, from the resemblance which 
the fauna as a whole presents to that of the mainland, it is practi- 
cally proved that the same was at one time derived by migration 
from the continental areas—the islands being of volcanic origin— 
it is manifest that this migration must have taken place at a period 
sufficiently remote to have permitted the differences separating the 
two faunas to have been brought about. On the other hand, the 
absolute identity of the rice-bird with the similar form from the 
continent, proves, as has been pointed out by Wallace, that the 
island breed has been kept unaltered only through repeated or fre- 

Isles. The easterly dispersion is attributed to causes identical with those 
which have been assigned in explanation of the phenomenon by Professor 


quent visits from the specific congeners on the mainland. Not 
only are, with the one or two exceptions above noted, all the 
Galapagos land-birds specifically distinct from those found any- 
where else,* but they also belong largely to distinct genera. Of 
the fourteen genera represented, four are peculiar to the islands. 
The rarity of continental visitors to the Galapagos, as compared 
with the Azores, is to be attributed to the circumstance that these 
islands are situated in a zone characterised by an absence of storm 
winds. In the island of Juan Fernandez, situated in latitude 34° 
S., and only four hundred miles from the Chilian coast, there are 
but five species of land-birds, and of this number two are peculiar. 
In the Keeling or Cocos Archipelago, situated in the Indian Ocean 
at about the same distance from the Sumatran coast as are the 
Galapagos from the coast of South America, there is not a single 
species of true (indigenous) land-bird, although snipes and rails 
of the common Malayan species are sufficiently abundant; and the 
same is true in the case of the island of St. Helena, situated eleven 
hundred miles from the nearest point of the continent of Africa.t 
Of the twenty species of Passeres, or perching-birds, inhabiting the 
Sandwich Islands—about the most strictly oceanic of any group of 
oceanic islands so-called, being situated fully two thousand miles 
from the nearest continental coast-line, and the same distance from 
the nearest island groups (Marquesas and Aleutian), if we except the 
small and almost tenantless shell and coral reefs—all the forms are 
peculiar; and, furthermore, in all cases but one or two they belong 
to genera which are likewise confined to the islands. And even of 
the twenty-four or more species of aquatic and wading birds that 
have been observed on or about the islands, five—a coot (Fulica 
alai), a moor-hen (Gallinula Sandvichensis), a rail (Pennula Millei), 
and two ducks (Anas Wyvilliana and Bernicla Sandvichensis)—are 
peculiar.*? All in all there are some fifty species of birds known 
from the island group, of which about one-half are peculiar. 
It is evident that migrants (true land-birds) from distantly re- 
moved countries but rarely arrive here. In the case of the Ber- 

* The Dendreeca aureola, a species of wood-warbler closely allied to the 
“golden”? or summer warbler of the United States (D. xstiva), is only doubt- 
fully separable from the D. petechia of the Island of Jamaica. 

+ A small wading-bird of the genus Aigialitis (ZZ. Sanctee Helene), allied 
to a species of plover common in South Africa, is found in the island. 


muda Islands, which are distant from seven hundred to eight 
hundred miles from the nearest coast, we meet with a different 
order of things. The bird-fauna of these islands consists in all of 
about one hundred and eighty species, including both the land and 
aquatic forms, of which number, however, about thirty have been 
noticed only on one occasion. Of the eighty-five species of land- 
birds less than ten are permanent residents, the rest making their 
way principally from the North American continent and the West 
India islands.** It is a singular circumstance that most of the 
foreign invaders are strictly migrating birds, whose course of mi- 
gration lies along the Atlantic coast, and which in their periodical 
wanderings frequently pass at some considerable distance out to 
sea. Entering the region of violent winds and hurricanes, they 
are liable to be snatched from their track, and to be forcibly trans- 
ported to some remote shore, where, of necessity, they will be 
compelled to secure for themselves a new home, and where, through 
frequent visitations of a like character, the original breeds estab- 
lished will remain pure and unaltered. Such is the condition of 
thesbird-fauna of the Bermudas at the present time. None of the 
strictly non-migratory birds are represented in those islands. Two 
or more species of bat, also North American forms, are, with the 
exception of rats and mice, the only indigenous mammals. 
Dispersal of Insects.—It is a well-known fact that insects have 
been found in nearly all parts of the world that have thus far been 
trod by man, from the extreme limits of the Arctic and Antarctic 
regions to the Equator, and from the level of the sea to—and con- 
siderably above—the line of perpetual snow. Butterflies were ob- 
served by the naturalists of the ‘‘ Alert” and ‘‘ Discovery” nearly 
as far north as the eighty-third parallel of latitude; and Hum- 
boldt met with insects on Chimborazo, at an elevation of upwards 
of 18,000 feet. They are found in fresh and salt waters, freely 
swimming on the surface—and at very considerable distances from 
the mainland—as well as below it; in hot springs, where the water 
has attained to a moderately high temperature, and in subterrancan 
caves. But, while the members of this class of animals, taken col- 
lectively, appear to be specially adapted to all the various condi- 
tions of existence that might be imposed upon them by accidental 
circumstances, the same does not hold for the individual members 
composing the class. Thus, certain insects are entirely dependent 


upon some special vegetable product for their existence, whether it 
be, as it may happen, the leaf, the flower, or the juice of the plant 
in question. Again, while in some cases the adult insect may be 
entirely independent of such a circumscribed food-supply, the larva 
may still be governed in its diet by a particular kind, without 
which, consequently, the prolonged reproduction of the species 
would be impossible. Such instances of limitation are exhibited 
by numerous forms of caterpillars. Hence, it is not difficult to com- 
prehend why, in regions which are affected by similar conditions of 
climate, and which collectively show a general correspondence in 
the character of the vegetation, certain species of insects should be 
found at one locality and not at another, even where no physical 
barrier separating the two should be interposed. In fact, the bar- 
rier interposed by conditions of vegetable growth is fully as effective 
in restraining a broad specific distribution as are the barriers re- 
sulting from the physical conditions of the earth’s surface, most 
of which they are able to overcome, either voluntarily or involun- 
tarily. The mature insect, from its lightness, is frequently carried 
away in aerial currents from its native or favourite haunts to regions 
widely remote, in a manner precisely similar to what obtains in the 
case of birds. Hawk-moths have been caught on board ship at a 
distance of two hundred and fifty miles from shore, and a large 
Indian beetle (Chrysochroa ocellata) was captured some years ago, 
in the Bay of Bengal, at a distance of two hundred and seventy 
miles from the nearest land. During Captain King’s expedition to 
the Straits of Magellan dragon-flies flew on board his vessel when 
still fifty miles out at sea (south of the Rio de la Plata); and Admi- 
ral Smyth reports that, in the Mediterranean, myriads of flies were 
brought to his ship by a southerly wind from a region fully one 
hundred miles distant. A beetle is recorded by Darwin as having 
been caught aboard the ‘‘ Beagle” when the vessel was upwards of 
forty miles distant from the nearest shore; from what actual dis- 
tance the insect may have come could, necessarily, not be deter- 
mined. A locust was observed by the same naturalist three hundred 
and seventy miles from land; and in 1844 swarms of these insects, 
‘several miles in extent, and as thick as the flakes in a heavy 
snow-storm, visited Madeira. These must have come with perfect 
safety more than three hundred miles, and, as they continued flying 
over the island for a long time, they could evidently have travelled 


to a much greater distance.” ** In addition to this means of aerial 
dispersion, the distribution of insects may be to a great extent ef- 
fected in the condition of eggs, which retain a considerable amount 
of vitality, and which are not infrequently laid in decaying timber 
and in the living tissues of various plants. When, therefore, float- 
ing rafts or mats are apt to be formed, and to be floated out to sea, 
it is almost certain that with them will be carried out a host of in- 
sects—whether in the perfect form, as grubs, or as eggs—of different 
species, a fair proportion of which will, doubtless, have retained 
their vitality even after a protracted sea-voyage of several thousand 
miles. It is in this manner that many or most of the tropical forms 
which periodically make their appearance on the British coast have 
been transported thither, the current of the Gulf Stream, which 
trends in a general northeasterly direction, being instrumental in 
drifting tropical log-wood to the trans-Atlantic temperate shores. 
Dispersal of Mollusks.—The world-wide distribution of the 
fresh-water and terrestrial Mollusca, and the occurrence of identical 
or very nearly allied generic forms at opposite quarters of the globe, 
prove conclusively that the animals of this class are favoured with 
special instrumentalities by which a broad distribution is effected. 
Land-snails of the genus Helix are found in all the continental 
areas, from the polar regions to the Equator, and from the limit of 
perpetual snow on mountain summits to the level of the sea; they 
are also found in all the oceanic islands, even the most remote, that 
have thus far been visited. The exact nature of this distribution 
has not yet been positively determined, and, in fact, there are sev- 
eral difficulties in the way of accounting for it. It is well known 
that these animals cannot survive for any length of time the effects 
of salt water, and this water is almost immediately fatal to the 
vitality of the eggs. Hence, only under exceptional conditions is 
it possible to account for a transferrence over a broad expanse of 
oceanic surface. But it has been ascertained that such forms as are 
capable of secreting an epiphragm, and therewith closing up the 
entrance to the shell, are able to resist the injurious effects of salt 
water for a very considerable period, in some instances as much as 
two weeks, or more, as has actually been determined experimentally 
by the immersion of land-shells in the briny medium. In regard to 
these, therefore, there will be no difficulty in accounting for a broad 
distribution, since they, and especially the genus Helix of all others, 


would be liable to be concealed in and transported away by floating 
timbers. In this manner they could be drifted away for several hun- 
dreds of miles, and, under exceptionally favourable circumstances, 
to possibly one or two thousand, the more readily since some of 
these animals possess an enormous amount of vital tenacity, even 
under the most adverse conditions of existence. Thus, a Helix from 
North Africa (H. desertorum), contained in the British Museum 
collection, and glued on to a tablet, was found by the conservators 
to be alive after a period of more than four years. A similar in- 
stance of resuscitation, although after a less protracted period, has 
been noted in the case of one of the tabulated snails of the Acade- 
my of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Again, it has been con- 
clusively shown by Darwin and others that the eggs of pond and 
other fresh-water bivalve-mollusks are occasionally found attached to 
the feet of wading-birds—ducks, and the like—visiting such waters, 
and are by them liable to be carried to very considerable distances 
from their true homes, and thereby to have their range almost 
illimitably widened. Such a method of transport, although exer- 
cised to a much more limited extent, has been observed to be effect- 
ed even by species of water-beetle, whose legs may have become 
entrapped between the valves of the shell, as well as by newts and 
other amphibians. The broad distribution of allied or identical 
generic and specific forms of fluviatile mollusks over the most ex- 
tended or widely remote geographical areas reccives a partial ex- 
planation in the circumstance that the physical forces operating 
upon the earth’s crust, causing movements in it of a differential 
character—i. e., elevation at one point and subsidence at another— 
tend to destroy the permanency of river courses, turning them now 
to one side, then to another, and ultimately, possibly, uniting the 
basins of streams whose waters were at one time quite remote from 
each other. With this union or coalescence of the waters there 
will necessarily also be a union of the contained molluscan faunas, 
and, by a repetition of the process, a general transferrence may 
in course of time be effected of the same or but barely modified 
forms over the most distant portions of the earth’s surface. Ex- 
istence, under the new conditions of habitation, will be rendered 
possible or materially facilitated by the comparatively slight al- 
teration in its physical properties to which the watery medium 
will in many or most cases be subjected. 


Zoological regions.—Holaretic realm.—Neotropical.—Ethiopian.—Oriental.— 
Australian.— Polynesian.— Tyrrhenian, Sonoran, and Austro- Malaysian 
transition regions. 


As an outcome of the laws governing distribution, and the 
varying adaptabilities of animal organisms to overcoming the many 
conditions of existence which present themselves on the surface of 
the earth, it has resulted that different assemblages or groups of 
animals have been thrown into different quarters of the habitable 
globe, which may, accordingly, be said to be divided into a num- 
ber of regions, of greater or less extent, each of which is character- 
ised by its own particular fauna. To the more comprehensive of 
such zoological divisions the term ‘‘region” or ‘‘realm” has been 
applied by scientists. But just as the earth’s surface taken collec- 
tively may be divided into zoological regions, so may these be 
again further subdivided into minor regions, these still further, and 
so on, until we have, as generally recognised, ‘‘regions,” ‘‘sub- 
regions,” ‘* provinces,” and ‘‘sub-provinces.” 

By most naturalists the terrestrial portion of the earth’s sur- 
face is recognised as consisting of six primary zoological regions, 
which correspond in considerable part with the continental masses 
of geographers. These six regions are: 1. The Palearctic, which 
comprises Europe, temperate Asia (with Japan), and Africa north 
of the Atlas Mountains; also, the numerous oceanic islands, with 
Iceland, of the North Atlantic. 2. The Ethiopian, embracing all 
of Africa south of the Atlas Mountains, the southern portion of 
the Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar, and the Mascarene Islands, 
and which, consequently, nearly coincides in its entirety with the 
Africa of geographers. 8. The Indian or Oriental, which embraces 


India south of the Himalaya, Farther India, Southern China, Suma- 
tra, Java, Bali, Borneo, and the Philippines. 4. Australian, com- 
prising the continent of Australia, with Papua or New Guinea, 
Celebes, Lombok, and the numerous oceanic islands of the Pacific. 
5. The Nearctic, which embraces Greenland, and the greater por- 
tion of the continent of North America (excluding Mexico); and, 
6. The Neotropical, corresponding to the continent of South Amer- 
ica, with Central America, the West Indies, and the greater por- 
tion of Mexico. A seventh region has been established by some 
authors to receive New Zealand; but there would seem not to be 
sufficient reasons for isolating this island, or group of islands, from 
the Australian region. 

While the regions here designated are to a great extent clearly 
defined by their zoological characters, it would, nevertheless, ap- 
pear more in consonance with actual facts to depart somewhat 
from their generally recognised limitations. Thus, the Palearctic 
and Nearctic tracts, in the absence of both positive and negative 
faunal characters of sufficient importance to separate them from 
each other, are indisputably linked together, and should constitute 
but a single region (the Holarctic). On the other hand, the scat- 
tered island groups of the Pacific, which have been united with the 
Australian realm, may with sufficient reason be constituted into an 
independent region of their own; at any rate, they appear to bear 
no special relationship with the Australian region, any more than 
with the Oriental. Again, it seems advisable to separate from what 
has hitherto been known as the Palearctic region the tract that is 
comprised within the ‘‘ Mediterranean sub-region ”—i. e., the pen- 
insular portion of Southern Europe, North Africa, and, in Asia, Asia 
Minor, Persia, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, and the northern half of 
Arabia—and to consider it by reason of its faunal association as a 
‘connecting ”’ or intermediate region between the Holarctic, Ethio- 
pian, and Oriental. A similar, although not yet clearly defined, 
intermediate region, comprising in a general way Lower California, 
the province of Sonora in Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, and parts 
of Texas, Nevada, and California, with probably also the extremity 
of the peninsula of Florida, connects the western division of the 
Holarctic realm with the Neotropical; and in the Eastern Hemi- 
sphere, the Austro-Malaysian islands lying to the east of Bali and 
Borneo, as far as, and inclusive of, the Solomon Islands, form a 


transitionary tract between the Oriental, the Australian, and Poly- 
nesian realms. 
The major faunal divisions of the-globe are, therefore: 
1. The Holarctic realm, 
. Neotropical realm. 
. Ethiopian realm. 
. Oriental realm. 
. Australian realm. 
. Polynesian realm. 
a. Tyrrhenian, or Mediterranean transition region. 
6. Sonoran, or American transition region. 
ec. Papuan, or Austro-Malaysian transition region. 

co Ot me oO 0 


This division comprises the greater portion of the continent of 
North America, the whole of Europe north of the Alpine chain of 
mountains, and by far the larger half of the continent of Asia. It 
is preeminently the region of the Temperate and Frigid zones, and 
is, in fact, the only one into the consideration of whose organic 
products a well-marked Arctic element enters. As here defined, it 
comprises both the Palearctic and Nearctic regions of zoogeogra- 
phers, which do not differ very essentially from each other in the 
general characters of their faunas, or, at any rate, not nearly to the 
extent that the other regions differ from each other, or these in- 
dividually from any third. The southern limits of this Holarctic 
tract, owing to the intermingling along the several border-lines 
of its fauna with the faunas of the various other regions, is difficult 
of precise determination; and there can be no doubt that what at 
many points is considered to belong properly to one region belongs 
just as properly to another. But such ‘‘debatable grounds” be- 
tween two regions will occur in the case of any other two regions, 
and likewise in the case of the minor divisions—sub-regions, prov- 
inces, etc. In the Western Hemisphere the debatable lands between 
the Holarctic and the Neotropical realms cover a considerable por- 
tion of the Southwestern United States—namely, Arizona, New 
Mexico, and parts of Texas, Nevada, and California, a tract of ter- 
ritory generally included in the Nearctic region of most zooge- 
ographers. But there can be no question that the preponderating 
faunal ne in this tract is that of the region farther to the 


south, the Neotropical; and the same can probably be said of the 
extremity of the peninsula of Florida. With these limitations the 
Holarctic in the Western Hemisphere embraces the whole of the 
United States, and all the region stretching thence northward 
towards and into the Arctic Sea. In the Eastern Hemisphere the 
southern boundary may in a general way be said to be the moun- 
tain complex which, as the Pyrenees, Alps, Balkans, and Caucasus, 
traverses the south of Europe from the Bay of Biscay to the Cas- 
pian, the northern line of Persia and Afghanistan, the Hima- 
laya Mountains, and the Nanling range in China, which forms the 
southern water-shed to the Yangtse-Kiang. These various boun- 
daries are principally of a physical nature, and of such a char- 
acter as to be insurmountable to most animals. 

No other region can compare with the Holarctic in the mani- 
fold variety of its physical characteristics. Every form of terres- 
trial configuration, or condition of soil or climate, that may be rep- 
resented in any other region, is also represented here, and on an 
imposing scale. From the ice-bound fields of the far north to 
the burning desert wastes of Turkestan on the south, and from the 
deep forest-grown lowlands to mountain summits soaring thou- 
sands of feet above the level of perpetual snow, we pass through 
all those various gradations of climate which respectively charac- 
terise the Frigid, Temperate, and Torrid zones. Densely covered 
forest tracts, supporting, as in the north, a sombre growth of pine 
and other coniferous trees, or, as in the south, a vegetation of 
almost tropical luxuriance, alternate with broadly open grass or 
pasture lands (twndras of Siberia, American prairies and plains), 
which in some cases support over enormous areas only a very scanty 
vegetation, and in others display a profuse variety of vegetable 
productions. It is in this region that, in addition to a most boun- 
tiful development of desert tracts, we meet with the most elevated 
table-land (the Central-Asian), and, at the same time, with the 
greatest expanse of lowland on the surface of the globe, the great 
plain of Siberia and Northeastern Europe. 

For convenience of treatment, and to facilitate comparison with 
other zoogeographical publications, the Old and New World divi- 
sions of the Holarctic region will be considered separately. 

The Old World or Eurasiatic Division (Palearctic region [in 
part] of most authors).—The southern boundaries of this region 


have already been indicated. In the northwest and west it em- 
braces Spitzbergen and Iceland, and the numerous larger and smaller 
islands which lie between these and the mainland. 

Although this division has an east and west extent not far short 
of half the circumference of the globe, yet so great is its zoological 
unity ‘‘that the majority of the genera of animals in countries so 
far removed as Great Britain and Northern Japan are identical. 
Throughout its northern half the animal productions of the Pale- 
arctic region are very uniform, except that the vast elevated desert 
regions of Central Asia possess some characteristic forms; but in 
its southern portion we find a warm district at each extremity with 
somewhat contrasted features.” *° 

Zoology of the Eurasiatic Region.—Although the Eurasiatic 
fauna comprises representatives of thirty distinct families of Mam- 
malia, not a single one of these is absolutely confined, or is pecu- 
liar, to that region. Perhaps on the whole its most distinctive 
group of quadrupeds is that of the sheep and goats, forming the 
sub-family Caprine of the Bovide (oxen). There are represented 
in this group some twenty-two or twenty-three species (belonging 
to the genera Capra and Ovibos), which, with four or five excep- 
tions, are either absolutely confined within the limits of the re- 
gion, or just pass beyond it. The genus Capra, comprising the 
goats and ibexes on one side, and the sheep on the other, have 
an outlying Old World representative—a goat—in the ‘‘ Warrya- 
to” (Capra hylocrius) of the Neilgherries (Oriental realm), and an- 
other—a sheep, the moufflon (C. [Ovis] musimon)—in the larger 
islands (Corsica, Sardinia, Crete) of the Mediterranean, and the 
mountains of Greece and Persia. A species of ibex (C. beden) 
inhabits the elevated districts of Egypt, Syria, and Sinai, and an- 
other (C, Valie), possibly only a variety of the preceding, the high- 
lands of Abyssinia, just within the boundaries of the Ethiopian 
realm. The two American representatives of the family, the Rocky 
Mountain big-horn (C. [Ovis] montana) and the musk-ox (Ovibos 
moschatus), are both absolutely confined to the Holarctic tract. 
One, at least, of the two generally recognised species of camel, 
the Bactrian or two-humped species (Camelus Bactrianus), is at the 
present time entirely, or almost entirely, restricted to the Eur- 
asiatic region, and not unlikely the dromedary (C. dromedarius) 
was also at one time indigenous to it, although from the long- 


continued subjection under which it has been held by man, whose 
wanderings the animal has been forced to follow, it has become 
almost impossible to determine the precise region constituting its 
true home. 

The extensive group of the antelopes, so highly indicative of the 
Ethiopian region, are but very sparingly represented, the most char- 
acteristic forms being the chamois (Rupicapra tragus), confined to 
the elevated mountain summits of Southern Europe, from the Pyr- 
enees to the Caucasus, and the saiga (Antelope saiga), an inhabitant 
of the plains of Southeastern Russia and the adjoining country of 
Asia. These are the only forms of antelope found in Europe; two 
or three species inhabit the Thibetan plateau, and several goat-like 
forms, of the genus Nemorhedas, range from the Eastern Himalayas 
into China and Japan. The deer (Cervide) are sufficiently abun- 
dant, and comprise among the more distinctive genera of the 
region the roe-deer (Capreolus) and the eastern musk (Moschus), 
the latter considered by many authors to constitute the type of 
a distinct family (Moschide). The stag (Cervus elaphus) ranges 
over nearly the whole of Europe, and eastward in Asia to Lake 
Baikal and the Lena River. The only members of the Quadru- 
mana, or monkeys, known to exist within the limits of the region 
under consideration, belong to the genera Semnopithecus and Ma- 
cacus, one species of the former (8. Roxellana) occurring in the 
elevated mountain region of Eastern Thibet, in about latitude 32°, 
and several of the latter likewise in Eastern Thibet, and also in 
China and Japan. The Barbary monkey (Macacus inuus), a North 
African species, which inhabits the Rock of Gibraltar, is the only 
European representative of the order; but its habitat is located 
within what has been designated the Tyrrhenian transition region. 
The Carnivora constitute an important feature in the Eurasiatic 
fauna, both by the number and variety of the individual forms 
represented and by their broad geographical range. But the actual 
number of carnivore genera specially distinctive of this fauna is 
very limited. The badger (Meles), is found throughout Central and 
Northern Europe and Asia, in Japan and China, in the latter country 
extending its range as far south as Hong-Kong, or within the boun- 
daries of the Oriental region. In brief, the most distinctive Eur- 
asiatic mammalian genera may be said to be the following : 

Talpa, the Mole.—Distributed throughout the entire region, and 


passing in Northern India beyond its limits into the Oriental re- 

Meles, the Badger.—Temperate Eurasia, Palestine, Japan, and 

Camelus, the Camel.—At present distributed from the Sahara 
northeastward throughout Western and Central Asia to the shores 
of Lake Baikal, and the region of the Amoor. 

Capreolus, the Roe-deer.—An inhabitant of temperate and Southern 
Europe, and Western Asia, with a distinct species in North China. 

Moschus, the Musk-deer.—Central Asia, from the Amoor and the 
district of Peking to the Himalayas and the elevated peaks of Siam. 

Poephaga, the Yak.—The elevated plains of Western Thibet. 

Rupicapra, the Chamois.—Elevated mountain slopes of the Pyr- 
enees, Alps, Carpathians, Balkans, Caucasus. 

Saiga.—The Steppes of Southeastern Russia, and Western Asia. 

Capra, the Sheep and Goats.—The former are found in a natural 
state only in the mountain wilds of Corsica, Sardinia, and Crete, 
and in Greece, Asia Minor, Persia, and Central and Northeast Asia. 
The single American form, the big-horn, as above mentioned, is a 
native of the Rocky Mountains. The goats are found throughout 
nearly the whole of the South European Alpine region, from Spain 
to the Caucasus, whence they extend their range through Armenia 
and Persia to the Himalayas and China. 

Myoxus, the Dormouse.—Found throughout the greater part of 
the region. 

Lagomys, the Pika, or Tailless Hare.—A group of small rodents, 
whose distribution extends from the elevated slopes (11,000 to 14,000 
feet) of the Central-Asian mountain system, and Southeastern Rus- 
sia, north and northeastward to the Polar Sea, and the farthest 
extremity of Siberia. The genus has a solitary representative in 
North America. 

Myogale, the Water-mole, or Desman.—A singular insectivorous 
animal, resembling the water-rat, of which there are but two spe- 
cies, one of them inhabiting the valleys along the northern face of 
the Pyrenees, and the other the river banks of Southern Russia. 

Of other well-known types which may be said to be character- 
istic of, but which are not absolutely confined to, the Eurasiatic 
region, are the reindeer (Rangifer), the elk (Alces), aurochs or 
European bison (Bison)—now in a wild state confined to Lithuania 


and the Caucasus—the polar bear (Thalassarctos), and the beaver 
(Castor), all of which, comprising in each case but a single species, 
appear to be, with the possible exception of the bison, specifically 
identical with North American forms. 

North American, or Nearctic Division.—The dominant feat- 
ures of the North American mammalian fauna are preeminently 
those which also stamp the character of the Eurasiatic fauna. 
Thus, among the commoner animals we have the deer, moose or 
elk, reindeer, bison (possibly identical with, or at least very closely 
allied to, th European aurochs), cats, lynxes, weasels, bears, wolves, 
foxes, the beaver, hares, squirrels, and marmots. Many of the forms 
embraced in these types, moreover, are, as has already been stated, 
specifically identical with their Eurasiatic congeners. But, while 
there are such striking resemblances between the two faunas—re- 
semblances that penetrate to almost all parts of the regions that are 
under consideration—it cannot be denied that there are also a num- 
ber of almost equally well-marked differences; but these are neither 
sufficiently numerous, nor sufficiently important, to invalidate the 
claims carried by the positive characters for uniting the two trans- 
Atlantic divisions into one region, the Holarctic. The prepon- 
‘derating element in the North American mammalian fauna (as, 
indeed, also in the Eurasiatic) is furnished by the group of the 
rodents, which here comprise nearly, or fully, one-half of all the 
recognised mammalian forms. Of about twenty-six genera repre- 
sented, nearly one-half are restricted, or are peculiar, to this re- 
gion; but the actual number of specific forms embraced in these 
peculiar genera scarcely numbers one-fourth of the total number 
of species. The most distinctively North American families are 
the Haploodontide, a very limited group (two species) of beaver- 
like animals inhabiting the west coast, and the Saccomyide, or 
pouched-rats and gophers (Saccomys, Geomys, Thomomys, &c.), 
animals characteristic of the fauna of the Western plains and ele- 
vated mountain regions. Among the rats and mice (Muridx) we 
meet with, in addition to certain peculiar North American forms, 
the genus Arvicola, the field-mouse, or vole, which has an extensive 
representation throughout the temperate portions of the Eastern 
Hemisphere as well; along with this animal we find the lemming 
(Myodes), another Eurasiatic form. It is a singular fact, to be 
noted in this connection, that the typical genus Mus, which in- 


cludes the common or domestic rats and mice, and which is rep- 
resented on all the grand divisions of the Eastern Hemisphere, is 
completely wanting, not only in North America, but in the entire 
New World, where its place is taken by the closely-allied vesper- 
mice, constituting the genus Hesperomys. The musk-rat (Fiber), 
belonging to the same family, is not found outside the limits of the 
North American continent, although its range extends into the 
Neotropical realm (Mexico). The squirrels (Sciuridz) are princi- 
pally Old World forms; they comprise the true squirrels (Sciurus), 
flat-tailed flying squirrels (Sciuropterus), ground-shrews (Tamias), 
marmots (Arctomys), and pouched-marmots, or spermophiles (Sper- 
mophilus). In addition to these forms we are presented with the 
curious animal known as prairie-dog (Cynomys), whose range is 
confined to the central continental region. Among other rodents 
may be mentioned the jumping-rat (Jaculus, or Zapus), allied to 
the eastern jerboas, and the Canadian porcupine (Erethizon), be- 
longing to a group of animals (Cercolabide) distinguished from 
the true or Old World porcupines both structurally and in their 
arboreal habits. The ungulates, or hoofed animals, have but a very 
feeble development in the Nearctic division of the Holarctic realm. 
The goats and sheep are, with two exceptions, the big-horn (Ovis 
montana), an inhabitant of the Rocky Mountains, and the musk-ox 
(Ovibos moschatus), from the Arctic district, completely wanting, 
a faunal characteristic which eminently serves to distinguish the 
western division of the Holarctic tract from the eastern, to which 
almost the whole of this group of animals is confined. The ante- 
lopes are limited to two species, representing two distinct types, 
both of them confined to the more temperate regions of the conti- 
nent. The one is the ‘‘prong-horn” of the Western plains (Anti- 
locapra), and the other the Rocky Mountain goat (Aplocerus lani- 
ger), which, as the name indicates, is partial to the mountain 
fastnesses. Two varieties of the bison, or American buffalo, are 
recognised—the buffalo of the plains, and the buffalo of the for- 
ests and mountains; but the variation observable between these is 
one pertaining to habit and not to structure, and therefore not of 
specific importance. The Carnivora present several distinctively 
American types, and notably so the raccoons (Procyonide), a small 
group of interesting quadrupeds, whose home is primarily the 
region of the tropics, and which appear to hold a somewhat inter- 


mediate position between the weasels and bears. To the same 
family belong the South American coatis (Nasua) and the prehen- 
sile-tailed kinkajou (Cercoleptes). The Mustelide, or weasels, com- 
prise the weasels proper, marten, ermine, mink, glutton, American 
badger (Taxidea), skunk, American otter (Latax), and the singular 
sea-otter (Enhydris), from the California coast. The most formi- 
dable carnivores are the grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis), not im- 
probably identical with the European brown-bear (U. arctos), and 
the couguar, or American panther (Felis concolor), whose range 
extends from the sixtieth parallel of north latitude to the southern 
extremity of Patagonia. One species of implacental mammal—the 
Virginian opossum (Didelphis Virginianus)—penetrates as far north 
as the Canadian frontier. 

Taking the Nearctic and Palearctic divisions of the Holarctic 
region collectively—i. e., the region as a whole—we find it to be 
characterised by the exclusive, or almost exclusive, possession of 
the following families: Talpidz (moles), Trichechide (walruses), 
Castorid (beavers), and Lagomydee (pikas); and if the reindeer, 
moose, and sheep and goats, be considered as distinct families, as 
is maintained by many naturalists, then also by the Rangiferide, 
Alcidx, and Caprid. In addition to these seven families, we 
have also the hares (Leporid) and bears (Ursidx), which, though 
not exclusively restricted to these regions, are by their numbers 
and vast distribution, eminently characteristic of them. Of about 
one hundred and twenty genera represented, upwards of seventy 
(or sixty per cent.) are found in no other region. Among the most 
characteristic forms are— 

In the Old World : 

Talpa, the mole. Rupicapra, the chamois. 
Meles, the badger. Saiga, the saiga antelope. 
Camelus, the camel. Capra, the goat. 
Capreolus, the roe-deer. Myoxus, the dormouse. 
Moschus, the musk-deer. Myogale, the water-mole. 

Poephaga, the yak. 

In the New World: 

Saccomys, pouched-rats or Ovibos, the musk-ox. 
Geomys, gophers. Antilocapra, the prong-horn. 


Thomomys, ) pouched-rats or Aplocerus, the Rocky Mountain 
Dipodomys, + ce goat. 
Perognathus, j Procyon, the raccoon. 
Jaculus, the jumping-mouse. Mephitis, the skunk. 
Fiber, the musk-rat. Latax, the American otter. 
Cynomys, the prairie-dog. 
Erethizon, the Canadian porcu- 


Common to both divisions: 

Lagomys, the pika. ; Bison, the bison. 
Arctomys, the marmot. Rangifer, the reindeer. 
Spermophilus, the pouched-mar- Alces, the elk. 

mot. Thalassarctos, the polar bear. 
Castor, the beaver. Gulo, the glutton. 
Myodes, the lemming. Lyncus, the lynx, and most of the 
Arvicola, the field-mouse. seals and the walruses. 

Ovis, the sheep. 

The bird-faunas of the Old and New World divisions of the 
Holarctic tract differ very materially from each other, a condi- 
tion in great measure explained by the circumstance that in both a 
large representation is obtained through migration from extra- 
limital regions. Thus, the Eurasiatic or Palearctic avifauna is 
largely made up of types which are equally Ethiopian or Oriental; 
and in like manner a very large proportion of the similar North 
American fauna is made up of forms which might with equal 
justice be considered Neotropical or Nearctic. But even in the 
case of the resident birds, or such as may be considered to be more 
properly belonging to the region, marked differences, suflicient to 
characterise the two divisions, present themselves. The prepon- 
derating Eurasiatic forms belong, among the perchers, to the 
families of thrushes (Turdid)—with the cosmopolitan genus Tur- 
dus; warblers (Sylviade), with the true warblers (Sylvia), red- 
start, robin, and nightingale (Luscinia); nuthatches (Sittida), tits 
(Paridz), Muscicapide (Old World fly-catchers), shrikes (Laniide), 
crows (Corvide), with the pies, crows proper, and jays; swallows 
(Hirundinide), finches (Fringillide)—gold-finch, haw-finch, cross- 
bill, bull-finch, linnet, sparrow, grosbeak, lark-bunting, true finch 


(Fringilla), and bunting (Emberiza), the last two almost exclusively 
confined to this region (and the adjoining debatable tracts)—starlings 
(Sturnide), larks (Alaudide), wag-tails (Motacillids), wood-peckers 
(Picide), king-fishers (Alcedinid), swifts (Cypselide), and pigeons 
(Columbide). All of these families, not a single one of which is 
restricted to the Holarctic region, are, with the exception of the 
starlings (Sturnide) and the fly-catchers (Muscicapide), likewise 
distributed throughout the Nearctic division, of whose avifauna 
they constitute a very important factor. In the New World the 
true starlings are replaced by the family of hang-nests (Icteride), 
to which the Baltimore bird (Icterus), bobolink (Dolichonyx), cow- 
bird (Molothrus), and red-wing (Agelaius) belong. The Old World 
fly-catchers have their representatives in the tyrant shrikes (Tyran- 
nid), familiarly also known as fly-catchers. The true warblers 
(Sylviadz) are but very feebly developed in the Nearctic division, 
where, of about ten species, three are kinglets (Regulus), and three 
blue-birds (Sialia); but their place is taken by a multitude of forms 
belonging to the preeminently South American family of wood- 
warblers (Mniotiltids). Of the Holarctic gallinaceous birds the 
most distinctive forms in the eastern division are the true partridge 
(Perdix), snow-partridge (Tetraogallus), capercaillie (Tetrao), true 
pheasant (Phasianus), golden-pheasant (Thaumalia), tragopan (Ce- 
riornis), and impeyan (Lophophorus), forms either exclusively re- 
stricted to the region, or just passing beyond the boundaries; of 
the western division, the California quail (Oreortyx), cupido (Cu- 
pidonia), tree-grouse (Canace), sage-grouse (Centrocercus), and tur- 
key (Meleagris). The ruffled-grouse (Bonasa) and ptarmigan (Lago- 
pus) are common to the northern regions of both hemispheres. The 
birds of prey comprise, throughout both divisions of the region, a 
variety of eagles, falcons, hawks, buzzards, kites, and owls, and of 
forms nearly all of which are also found in other portions of the 
earth’s surface. America has no representative of the Old World 
group of (true) vultures, forming the sub-family Vulturine, their 
place being filled by the carrion vultures, or so-called turkey-buz- 
zards (Cathartine). Of the wading-birds the Eurasiatic region alone 
possesses the true bustard (Otis), the typical representative of a 
family whose members are spread throughout Africa, Asia, and 

The Holarctic region is deficient in reptilian forms as compared 


with the warmer regions of the earth’s surface, which appear to be 
more suitable to the habits of this class of animals. In the whole 
of Europe north of the Alps, or in what has been recognised as 
the ‘‘European province,” naturalists recognise only about fifteen 
species of snakes, and a nearly equal number of lizards ; in the 
Nearctic division, while the number of lizards is not very much 
greater—about twenty species—that of serpents is very materially 
increased—to about eighty to ninety species—most of them belong- 
ing to the family of colubers, which includes the black constrictors. 
The headquarters of the rattlesnakes are situated in the debatable 
land bordering the Neotropical realm. 

The entire reptile-fauna of Europe is, according to Schreiber 
(‘‘ Herpetologia Europea,” 1875), comprised in sixty-two species, 
of which twenty-five are serpents, thirty-two saurians, and five che- 
lonians. Northern Europe, or the region lying to the north of the 
fifty-fifth parallel of latitude, is represented by but six species: 
Viperus (Pelias) berus, Tropidonotus natrix, Coronella Austriaca, 
Anguis fragilis, Lacerta vivipara, and L. agilis; the chelonians are 
completely wanting in this tract. Central Europe, including the 
Alpine system of mountains, has twenty-nine species, while the en- 
tire number is represented in the Mediterranean fauna. A number 
of additional species has been added to the list enumerated by 
Schreiber; but these do not materially affect the ratio for the dif- 
ferent zones. The most northerly of all serpents appears to be the 
common European viper, Viperus (Pelias) berus, whose range in 
Scandinavia extends to about the sixty-seventh parallel of latitude. 
The species is distributed throughout nearly the whole of Europe, 
and eastward through Central Asia to the Japanese islands; it is 
also found in England and Scotland, and in some of the Scotch 
islands (Arran, Hebrides). Tropidonotus natrix (Natrix vulgaris), 
a species of equally broad distribution, which is stated to ascend 
mountains to a height of six thousand feet, is found in Norway as 
far north as the sixty-fifth parallel. 

The most northerly, and at the same time most broadly distrib- 
uted, species of European lizard is the Lacerta vivipara, whose range 
in Norway is extended by Collett to the seventieth parallel of lati- 
tude. It is found throughout most of Europe (wanting in the Ibe- 
rian Peninsula, Southern Italy, and Greece), and is an inhabitant of 
the Alpine region, up to an elevation of nine thousand feet. 


While the Holarctic region is relatively meagre in its reptilian 
fauna, it is preeminently the home of the tailed amphibians, newts, 
salamanders, &c., of which we have the blind proteus (Proteus 
anguinus), in the cavern-waters of Carinthia, Carniola, and Istria; 
the giant salamander, known as Sieboldia (Cryptobranchus), in 
Japan, and its allied American form, the menopoma, the eel-like 
sirens, mud-puppies (Necturus), and almost limbless amphiumes of 
the Eastern and Southern United States; the true salamander and 
triton in Europe and Asia, and their American representatives, the 
amblystomes, to which the singular form known as the axolotl be- 
longs. The European tail-less amphibians (frogs and toads) number 
some dozen or more species of the genera Bombinator, Pelobates, 
Alytes, Hyla, Discoglossus, Rana, and Bufo, the most broadly dis- 
tributed of which appears to be Rana temporaria and R. esculenta, 
the former extending its range eastward to Japan and America, and 
northward in Norway to beyond the seventieth parallel of latitude. 

The fish-fauna of the Holarctic tract is characterised by the spe- 
cial development, among fresh-water forms, of the carps (Cypri- 
nidz), salmon (Salmonide), pikes (Esocide), perches (Percide), 
sculpins or bull-heads (Cottidee), sticklebacks (Gasterosteide), stur- 
geons (Accipenseridz), and lampreys (Petromyzon), which are dis- 
tributed over both the eastern and western divisions of the region. 
The Cyprinoids are especially abundant, constituting, in the number 
of species, according to Giinther (Ency. Brit., XII., p. 675), nearly 
two-thirds (two hundred and fifteen species) of the entire fish-fauna 
of temperate Europe (including the Mediterranean transition region) 
and Asia, and more than one-third (one hundred and thirty-five 
species) of the equivalent fauna of North America. The cat-fishes 
(Siluridz), so eminently characteristic of the more southerly equa- 
torial zone, are largely deficient in the number of species. Silurus 
occurs in some of the Eurasiatic waters as an immigrant from India; 
most of the North American forms belong to the genus Amiurus. 
Among the more distinctive ichthyic features separating the faunas 
of the eastern and western divisions of the Holarctic realm are the 
possession, by the former, of the barbels (Barbus) and cobitoids, 
and, by the latter, of the suckers (Catostomide), sun-fishes (Cen- 
trarchide, most abundant in the Mississippi Valley), and two genera 
of ganoid fishes, Amia and Lepidosteus, both of which occur as 
fossils in the Tertiary deposits of North America, and the latter 


also in Europe. On the other hand, the two regions exhibit a 
marked inter-relationship by the possession of a number of identical 
specific forms, as Accipenser sturio (sturgeon), Perca fluviatilis 
(perch), Salmo salar (salmon), Esox lucius (pike), Lota vulgaris 
(ling), &c. 

The correspondence existing between the vertebrate faunas of 
the Old and the New World divisions of the Holarctic tract extends 
also to the Invertebrata, and is especially marked in the case of the 
beetles (Staphylinidz, Carabide), butterflies, and the land and 
fresh-water mollusks (Limnea, Planorbis, Physa, Paludina, Val- 
vata). The land-snails (Helicide) and naiades (Unionide) are very 
largely developed, the latter more particularly in the American 
streams, where distinctive types appear to be relegated to the dif- 
ferent water-courses. The eastern melanians are wholly wanting 
in America, where they are replaced (principally to the east of the 
Mississippi River) by the members of the allied family of the Stre- 
pomatides (Io, Goniobasis, &c.). 

The Holarctic realm may be conveniently divided into the fol- 
lowing sub-regions: 

1. The Boreal Sub-Region, which extends northward into the 
Polar Sea, and whose southern confines are fixed approximately by 
the northern limits of the cultivation of the cereals, and the southern 
limits of the migration of the reindeer. In the Western Hemisphere 
it comprises most of the region lying to the north of the United 
States and Canada boundary-line, and in Eurasia the tract lying 
north of a line starting from about the sixty-sixth parallel of latitude, 
on the Norwegian coast, and passing southeastward to the East Asiat- 
ic coast, in about latitude fifty degrees north. The fauna of this 
region is a very homogeneous one, and, generally speaking, also a 
limited one. Among the more distinctive mammalian forms, which 
comprise almost exclusively only ruminants, carnivores, and rodents, 
are the Arctic fox (Canis lagopus), polar-bear, glutton, ermine, mink, 
sable, walrus, variable hare, lemming, and reindeer. The musk-ox, 
which occurs fossil in the Quaternary deposits of Europe, is at the 
present time found only in America. Among the more character- 
istic birds are the snow-partridges (Lagopus), snowy-owl (Surnia 
nivea), Iceland falcon (Falco candicans), eider-duck (Somateria mol- 
lissima), and various alks (Alca), divers (Colymbus), and guillemots 
(Uria, Lomvia). Captain Markham observed the footprints of the 


polar-hare in the snow-bound ice in latitude 83° 10’, and the antlers 
of a reindeer were picked up by the officers under Sir George Nares, 
in latitude 82° 45’ (Grinnell Land). A skeleton of the latter ani- 
mal, recently picked by wolves, was also obtained in latitude 80° 
27’. Traces of the rock-ptarmigan (Lagopus rupestris) have been 
met with as far north as latitude 83° 6’, and the snow-bunting (Plec- 
trophanes nivalis) in latitude 82° 33’. The reptile-fauna is very 
limited, no serpent, apparently, passing beyond the sixty-seventh 
parallel of latitude, and no lizard above the seventieth. The fishes, 
which include the common perch and pike, are mainly Salmonoids. 
Insects are fairly numerous, and even in the far north the number 
of species is considerable. Sir George Nares obtained no less than 
forty-five species, representing nearly all the orders (including Lepi- 
doptera) in Grinnell Land; Greenland has thus far yielded eighty 
species, and Iceland three hundred. Among the most northerly 
genera of non-marine mollusks are Helix, Pupa, Succinea, Limnza, 
and Planorbis. 

2. The European Sub-Region, which includes practically the whole 
of Europe lying between the Arctic tract and the Alpine system of 
mountains, extending southeastward and eastward to the Caucasus 
and the Caspian steppes. The fauna of this region is typically 
that of temperate Eurasia, taken as a whole, and therefore requires 
no elaborate analysis. Among its more or less characteristic Mam- 
malia are the moose or elk (in the north), stag, roe, aurochs (Bison 
Europzus, in the Caucasus and the forests of Lithuania), the Alpine 
chamois and ibex (with the accompanying marmot, Arctomys mar- 
motta), brown bear (Ursus arctos), badger, glutton, dormouse, 
hamster (Cricetus frumentarius), mole (Talpa Europea), and hedge- 
hog (Erinaceus Europeus), many of which also form integral parts 
of the Arctic and Central Asian faunas. The birds comprise sev- 
eral hundred species, of which Germany alone possesses nearly three 
hundred; distinctive types are, however, not numerous—indeed, 
they may be said to be almost wholly wanting—and even the num- 
ber of restricted forms is very limited. Among these may be men- 
tioned a number of song-birds of the finch tribe, as the chaffinch 
(Fringilla celebs), siskin (F. spinus), goldfinch (F. carduelis), bull- 
finch (Pyrrhula rubricilla), yellow-hammer (Emberiza citrinella), 
and linnet (Linota linaria), and the nightingale (Luscinia). The 
most distinctive bird of prey is the bearded vulture of the Alps, or 


limmergeier (Gypaétus barbatus). The reptilian-fauna, as has 
already been remarked, when treating of the Eurasiatic region 
generally, is very limited. Among the poisonous serpents are the 
Pelias berus and the sand-viper (Vipera ammodytes), the range of 
the latter extending from the Mediterranean into Sweden. 

3. The Central Asian Sub-Region comprises that portion of the 
Holarctic tract which lies south of the Arctic sub-region, and is 
included between the European sub-region on the west and China 
proper and Manchuria on the east. A steppe character prevails 
in the western portion of this region, to which desert features are 
also added, and hence we find a distinct individuality imparted to 
its fauna. The rodents, whose most distinctive forms are the 
spermophiles and jumping-mice (Dipus, Scirtetes), are more ex- 
tensively developed than in the European tract; on the other hand, 
the larger Carnivora are almost completely wanting, although the 
tiger seems to occasionally reach the region about the Caspian and 
Aral seas. The deer are replaced by one or more forms of ante- 
lope (Saiga), which, with the exception of the camel and some wild 
equine representatives, are almost the sole hoofed animals of the 
region. A distinctive faunal feature is constituted by the seals of 
the Caspian (Phoca Caspica), which appear to be very closely related 
to the common Phoca vitulina of the North Atlantic. Among the 
birds may be mentioned the steppe partridges (Pterocles, Syr- 
rhaptes), and, as an occasional visitor, not improbably also the 
ostrich. Reptiles are fairly abundant, and include among the 
lizards the agamid genus Stellio, and among serpents the sand- 
snake (Psammophis) and the poisonous Trigonocephalus. 

In the eastern half of the Central Asian sub-region, plateau and 
desert features largely predominate, and the fauna acquires some- 
what distinctive characters. The ungulate and carnivore types of 
Mammalia are more abundantly represented, the former comprising, 
in addition to the camel (Camelus Bactrianus), whose range ex- 
tends to the shores of Lake Baikal, and two or more species of 
antelope, the dziggetai or kiang (Equus hemionus) of the plains of 
Thibet, the recently-discovered species of wild horse described by 
M. Poliakoff as Equus Przevalskii, the Thibetan yak, several wild 
goats, and the argali (Ovis argali), the last recalling the big-horn 
of the Rocky Mountains. The tiger and ounce (Felis uncia) both 
range across the region into Siberia, sharing the habitat of the 


snow-leopard (Felis irbis). The grouse, partridges, steppe part- 
ridges, and bustards constitute important elements in the bird- 
fauna, which exhibits the general features of the north temperate 

4, The Manchurian Sub-Region embraces Manchuria, Northern 
China (with a westerly extension along the northern face of the 
Himalayas), and the Japanese islands. The fauna, especially in 
the more southern districts, exhibits characters drawn from both 
the Tropical and Temperate zones. A distinguishing feature of 
this sub-region is the presence of monkeys, which are represented 
by the genera Macacus and Semnopithecus, the former penetrating 
even into Japan. The Cervide, whose range extends into Japan 
(where the antelope is also met with), are represented by both 
horned (Elaphodus) and hornless species (Hydropotes, Lophotra- 
gus), and by the diminutive musk-deer (Moschus moschiferus), 
which inhabits the mountain-valleys from the Amur to the Hima- 
layas. The edentates have their most northerly representative in 
the scaly Manis (Japan). Among the more distinctive carnivore 
forms are the genera Lutronectes, Ailuropus, and Nyctereutes. 
The facies of the Japanese bird-fauna is distinctly European, but 
in China, which is properly the home of the pheasants, there is a 
considerable intermixture of tropical (Oriental, &c.) forms, such as 
the babbling-thrushes, caterpillar-eaters, honey-suckers, and weaver- 

5. The Alleghanian Sub- Region may be approximately defined as 
comprising that portion of the Holarctic realm in the Western 
Hemisphere which lies south of the Arctic tract and east of the 
one hundredth meridian of west longitude (Greenwich). Its faunal 
features are those of the North American or Nearctic division gen- 
erally, although among the Mammalia a deficiency is brought about 
by the absence of some of the pouched-rats or gophers, the big- 
horn (Ovis montana), the Rocky Mountain goat (Aplocerus lani- 
ger), and the musk-ox, which, with the exception of the last, belong 
to, or are most abundant in, the central or Rocky Mountain sub- 
region. The majority of the Arctic Carnivora penetrate to within, 
or far beyond, the northern boundary-line, and the same is true, 
to a certain extent, of the moose and caribou (reindeer). The 
more strictly southern forms are the opossum, raccoon, and pec- 
cary, the last, however, not penetrating farther north than the 


Red River, in Arkansas. The bison, which was at one time very 
abundant on the western prairies, has now almost wholly disap- 
peared, and impending destruction likewise threatens the prong- 
horn (Antilocapra Americana), which in the furcation and shedding 
of its horns may be considered to be the most divergent type of all 
antelopes. Characteristic rodent forms of the prairies are the prairie- 
dog (Cynomys Ludovicianus) and the gopher (Geomys bursarius). 
More properly belonging to the eastern wooded sections are the 
beaver (in the north), identical with the European species, the 
skunk, and Canada porcupine. 

6. The Rocky Mountain Sub-Region comprises the mountainous 
tracts of the West-Central United States, and a similar region in 
Canada extending to about the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude. Its 
southern boundary is determined by the as yet not very exactly 
defined Sonoran transition region. Its general and distinctive faunal 
features have already been indicated. 

7. The Californian Sub-Region is comprised within the border- 
land which stretches along the Pacific west of the main mountain 
axis, and extends northward to about the fiftieth parallel of latitude. 
Many of its faunal features are borrowed from the Neotropical 
realm, but in its entirety the fauna is distinctively North American. 
Among its characteristic mammalian forms are the sewellel (Ha- 
ploodon) and the grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis). Other distinctive 
types are the California condor (Sarcorhamphus Californianus), the 
ground cuckoos (Geococcyx), and the singular bird known as 
Chamea. The number of humming-birds is greater than in the 
Eastern United States. 


This region, as usually recognised, comprises the continent of 
South America, the West India Islands, Central America, and the 
lowlands—tierras calientes—on either side of the Mexican plateau. 
While, therefore, it is in the main clearly circumscribed by its 
water-boundary, the northern portion, or that which borders on the 
Holarctic, is much less sharply defined, as must invariably be the 
case where two faunal regions overlap. The principal features of 
the greater portion of this vast tract are singularly uniform. An 
enormous expanse of forest, unequalled for its continuity and luxu- 
riance of growth, occupies fully one-half of the surface area, cover- 


ing not only the deep lowlands, but also the mountain-slopes to a 
very considerable elevation. Commencing on the Atlantic border, 
it stretches, through a north and south extent of thirty degrees of 
latitude, almost unbroken for nearly three thousand miles to the 
base of the Andes, harbouring in its dense recesses a host of the most 
varied animal forms. Beyond, and partially enclosed within, the 
limits of this vast forest region are the various forms of pasture- 
land, or grassy plains, the llanos or savannas of Venezuela, the 
campos of the highlands of Brazil, and the pampas of the Argen- 
tine Republic and Patagonia. In the great Andean chain, which 
traverses in one continuous sweep the entire north and south ex- 
panse of the region, we have all the more characteristic features of 
a mountain-system developed on a most gigantic scale—high pla- 
teaus, deep valleys, wooded and barren slopes—conditions affecting 
in a most marked degree the diversity of its animal and vegetable 
creations. Desert areas, or such as are rendered almost unfit for 
habitation by reason of extremes of climate, like the north of both 
the North American and Eurasiatic continents, are, if we except 
the most elevated mountain-summits, limited to a few scattered 
patches of small area in the Argentine Republic, and to a narrow 
tract of littoral lying in Peru and Chili, on the Pacific side of the 

Zoological Characters of the Neotropical Realm.—In com- 
paring the fauna of the Neotropical with that of the other zoogeo- 
graphical regions we are struck with two things: 1, its extraordi- 
nary richness; and 2, the very great preponderance of forms that are 
peculiar to the region and not met with anywhere else. According 
to Wallace, the region comprises no less than forty-five families and 
nine hundred genera of vertebrate animals which are strictly pe- 
culiar to it, while it has representatives of one hundred and sixty- 
eight out of the total of about three hundred and thirty families 
recognised by naturalists ; in other words, more than one-half of 
all the families scattered over the globe are here represented. Of 
about thirty-one mammalian families eight are almost completely 
confined to the region, as follows: The Cebide, or true South 
American monkeys; the Hapalidee, or marmosets; the Phyllosto- 
mid, or simple leaf-nosed bats, which include the vampires (with 
one extra-limital species in California); the Chinchillide, compris- 
ing the chinchilla and vizeacha, a small group of animals confined 


principally to the Alpine slopes of the Andean chain, in Peru, Bo- 
livia, and Chili, but also (Lagostomus) inhabiting the lowland plains 
of the Argentine Republic and Uruguay; the Caviide, the cavies 
(Cavia) and agouties (Dasyprocta), a family of rodents to which the 
guinea-pig belongs, and whose members range from Mexico to be- 
yond the forty-eighth parallel of south latitude; the Bradypodida, 
or sloths, confined exclusively to the forest region; the Dasypodide, 
or armadillos, which are found throughout almost the entire region, 
with one species (Dasypus peba) penetrating as far north as Texas; 
and the Myrmecophagide, or ant-eaters. The Cebide, or South 
American monkeys proper, constitute a very distinct group of quad- 
rumanous animals (Platyrhina), distinguished from the monkeys of 
the Old World (Catarhina) by several very prominent characters, 
such as the broad nasal septum (whence the designation of flat- 
nosed monkeys, Platyrhina), the absence of ischial callosities and 
cheek-pouches, and the presence of an additional premolar tooth on 

each side of each jaw, making the total dental formula ier 36, in- 

stead of 17 82, as we find it in the Old World apes and man. In 

the smaller group of the marmosets and lion-monkeys (Jacchus, Mi- 
das) we find the same number of teeth as in the catarhines, but the re- 
lation of the premolars to molars is reversed, 7. e., they are arranged 
2—2 : 2—2 
—m.; instead of pm. ——, 
2 2—2 

Mi. yiig’ In none of the American monkeys is the thumb com- 

. 3—sd 
according to the formula ieag BE bic ath 

pletely opposable to the other fingers, an important distinguishing 
character; and scarcely less important is the presence, in most cases, 
of a prehensile tail, which, as such, is developed only in this group 
of the Quadrumana. The range of the American monkeys, in 
marked contrast to that of the African, is limited virtually to the 
forest region, in which alone they find their proper sustenance. 
Their most southern extension appears to be about the thirtieth 
parallel of south latitude, and their most northern, the southern 
portions of Mexico. No representatives of the order are met with 
in any of the West India Islands, which are also wanting in all Car- 
nivora and Edentata. The Platyrhina comprise, among other groups, 
the well-known howling-monkeys (Mycetes), spider-monkeys (Ate- 


les), and capuchins. The Neotropical Carnivora embrace a number 
of larger and minor cats, the most formidable of which are the 
jaguar and couguar (puma), the former ranging from the pampas 
of the Argentine Republic to Texas, and the latter, as has already 
been observed, from Patagonia to about the sixtieth parallel of north 
latitude in Canada. Among the lesser animals of this family are the 
jaguarundi, ocelot, and other so-called tiger-cats. Of the weasels, 
there are no representatives of the genera Mustela or Putorius over 
the greater part of the region. The Canide are represented by 
various forms of wild-dogs (Icticyon, Lycalopex, Pseudalopex), 
which are principally confined to the open grass-country; the wolf 
and fox are both absent, except from certain portions of Mexico, 
which ought, perhaps, more properly to be relegated to the inter- 
mediate tract which separates this from the Holarctic region. The 
only member of the Urside found in the entire continent of South 
America (with Central America) is the “spectacled”’ bear (Ursus 
ornatus), from the Chilian and Peruvian Andes, which, through 
certain peculiarities of structure, has been separated by some au- 
thors from the true bears (Ursus), and placed in a distinct group, 
Tremarctos. Among the distinctive rodents, other than the cavies 
and agouties, are the subungulate capybara and paca, and the 
beaver-like coypu (Myopotamus). A negative feature is the almost 
total absence of Insectivora. The hoofed animals (Ungulata) are 
but very sparingly represented in the Neotropical realm, a circum- 
stance in marked contrast to what is presented by the similarly- 
situated Ethiopian or African region. The antelopes, so. char- 
acteristic of the warmer parts of both the African and Asiatic 
continents, are completely wanting, and there are likewise neither 
indigenous horses, oxen, sheep, nor goats. A comparatively lim- 
ited number of species of deer are scattered throughout the region, 
from Mexico to the Rio Negro in Patagonia. Of other even-toed 
ungulates (Artiodactyla) we have the peccaries (Dicotyles), the 
American representatives of the Old World family of swine (Suide), 
whose range extends to the Red River, in Arkansas, and conse- 
quently considerably beyond the limits of the region; and the 
llama, alpaca, guanaco, and vicufia, together constituting the genus 
Auchenia, which are the New World representatives of the camel 
family (Camelide). It is a most striking fact in the distribution 
of this family of ruminants, that the only two genera of which it 


is composed should, in their habitats, be separated by one-half of 
the circumference of the globe; and that, further, while the one 
genus, Camelus, belongs strictly to the Northern Hemisphere, the 
other, Auchenia, is restricted to the Southern. But these are not 
the only peculiarities distinguishing this singularly discontinuous 
family, for, while the Eastern representatives are specially adapted 
to an existence in the hot and parched surfaces characteristic of 
desert lands, those of the Western Hemisphere, on the contrary, 
are habituated to the rugged and snow-covered slopes of the South 
American Cordilleras.* The tapir, which, with the exception of 
the peccary, is the only pachydermatous South American mammal, 
presents us with an example of a discontinuous family no less 
marked than that of the Camelidz. Its four to six members are, 
with one exception, all confined to South and Central America, in- 
habiting the lofty mountain regions of from eight to twelve thou- 
sand feet elevation, as well as the lowland equatorial forests. The 
only extra-limital representative of the family is the Tapirus Malay- 
anus, or white-banded Malay tapir, whose home, the Malay Penin- 
sula, Sumatra, and Borneo, is separated from that of its American 
congener by an interval of nearly one-half the earth’s equatorial 

The bird-fauna of the Neotropical realm is no less striking by 
its diversity than the mammalian. It comprises representatives of 
upwards of six hundred and eighty genera of land-birds, of which 
some five hundred and seventy, or just five-sixths of the entire num- 
ber, are peculiar to it.*° The vernal migration naturally tends to 
spread many of the South American avian types northward, and 
thus a large number of even the more strictly Neotropical forms 
have what might in a measure be considered North American or 
Holarctic representatives. Of the humming-birds (Trochilide), a 
distinctively South American family, comprising about one hundred 
and twenty genera, and upwards of four hundred species, no less 

* The vicuiia is rarely found at a lower level than thirteen thousand feet ; 
the llama descends to three thousand. It has already been remarked, when 
treating of the influence of climate upon distribution, that, while the camel is 
more properly an animal of the warm country, it yet winters, with apparent 
comfort, as far north as the region of Lake Baikal, in latitude 52° to 53°, 
Again, while most suitably adapted to a desert region, the animal, it appears, 
can conveniently accommodate itself also to rugged mountain-slopes. 


than fifteen species are found within the limits of the Holarctic 
realm and the Sonoran transition tract, one species, the ruby-throat 
(Trochilus colubris), on the east coast of the continent of North 
America extending its range northward beyond the Canadian bor- 
der, and one (Selasphorus rufus) on the west as far north as Sitka. 
So, again, the Conurine, or macaws, an equally distinctive Neo- 
tropical group, with about eighty species, have a sclitary Holarctic 
representative in the Carolina parakeet (Conurus Carolinensis), 
whose range, at the present time, seems not to extend much farther 
than the State of South Carolina, but which, until a comparatively 
recent time, penetrated as far north as Nebraska. The Cerebide, 
or sugar-birds, whose brilliancy of plumage rivals that of the hum- 
mers, have an outlying member in Certhiola Bahamensis, of which 
a colony has been established on one of the Florida Keys, or just 
beyond the limits of the Neotropical realm.*’ Other characteristic 
families of South American birds are the toucans and aracaries 
(Rhamphastide), a strictly frugivorous group, recalling by the 
structure of the bill the distant Old World horn-bills; the jaca- 
mars (Galbulide); the saw-bills, or motmots (Prionitide) ; the 
Pipride, or manakins; the Cotingide, or chatterers, which in- 
clude, besides the cotingas and pompadours, the famous cock-of- 
the-rock (Rupicola), umbrella-bird (Cephalopterus), and bell-bird 
(Chasmorhynchus); the Dendrocolaptide, or tree-creepers, with 
upwards of two hundred species; the wonderfully variegated tana- 
gers (Tanagridi), with upwards of three hundred species, which 
may in a measure be considered to occupy the place of the Tem- 
perate Zone finches and sparrows, and of which the common scarlet 
tanager (Pyranga rubra) and summer-redbird (Pyranga estiva) 
are familiar North American examples; to the same group belong 
the South American spice-birds of the genus Calliste, and the or- 
ganist (Euphonia); the Cracide, curassows and guans, which are 
the largest game-birds of the region, and which take the place of 
the Old World grouse and pheasants; and the Tinamidz, or tina- 
mous, a group of birds recalling in their general appearance the 
partridges, and possessing certain affinities with the ostriches. The 
exquisitely decorated trogons (Trogonidé) present us with one of 
the most remarkable instances of a discontinuous family, whose 
representatives are found at opposite points of the earth’s equatorial 
circumference—the Neotropical and Oriental regions. The inter- 


vening continent of Africa appears to be almost entirely deficient 
in the members of this family. The Struthionide, or ostriches, are 
similarly divided, the South American continent possessing three 
(of the genus Rhea) out of the five or six species of which the 
family is composed. The noble and ignoble birds of prey are both 
well represented in the Neotropical realm, and it is here that the 
most powerful and largest bird of flight, the Condor (Sarcorham- 
phus gryphus), is to be found. ‘True eagles of the sub-family 
Aquiline are absent from the greater part of the region, and there 
are no representatives of the common genera distinctive of the 
Temperate Zone—Aquila, Haliaétus (the bald eagle), or Chrysaétos 
(the golden eagle). The harpy eagle (Thrasaétus harpya), more 
properly a buzzard, penetrates as far north as the Texan frontier. 
Among the characteristic families of birds which the Neotropical 
region shares with the western division of the Holarctic are the 
Tyrannide, or tyrant-shrikes, the New World representatives of 
the Old World fly-catchers (Muscicapide), and the Icteride, or 
hang-nests, the New World representatives of the Old World 
starlings (Sturnid), of which the common Baltimore oriole and 
the cassique (Cassicus cristatus) are familiar examples. It is a 
singular fact that the crows and ravens (Corvus), which are 
otherwise nearly cosmopolitan, and which comprise upwards 
of fifty species, are completely wanting in the greater part of 
the Neotropical realm, no species being found south of Guate- 

The Neotropical reptile-fauna is scarcely less well-marked than 
the mammalian or the avian. It includes the giant boas and ana- 
condas of the genera Boa, Epicrates, and Eunectes, the coral-snake 
(Elaps), which has one or two extra-limital representatives in the 
United States, the venomous crotaloids, with the true rattlesnakes, 
Lachesis, and Craspedocephalus (jararaca), both alligators (cayman) 
and crocodiles, and no less than about one hundred and fifty species 
of the singular lizards constituting the family Iguanide. The ano- 
lids and amphisbeenians are represented by numerous species. The 
tailed amphibians, such as the newts and salamanders, are almost 
absent, but in their place there is an unusual development of the 
tailless forms, the toads and frogs (horned-frog, Ceratophrys; Hemi- 
phractus), especially of the tree-frogs (Hylide).—The fresh-water 
fishes of the Neotropical realm are specifically more numerous than 


those of any other region, with perhaps the exception of the Hol- 
arctic. According to Ginther they comprise nearly seven hundred 
distinct forms, although representing only nine families. About 
one-third of the species belong to the family Characinide, and 
a somewhat larger number to the cat-fishes (Siluride). The 
toothed-carps (cyprinodonts) are represented by sixty or more 
species. Among the distinctive fishes of the region are the 
electric eel (Gymnotus electricus), from the equatorial regions, 
and the remarkable lung-fish (Lepidosiren paradoxa) of the Ama- 

The Neotropical tract may be conveniently divided into the 
following sub-regions: 1, the Brazilian, comprising Brazil, Guiana, 
Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and the cis-Andean por- 
tions of Peru and Bolivia, inclusive of the eastern slope of the 
mountain-axis, essentially a region of dense and luxuriant forests; 
2, the Chilian, principally a region of open plains and pampas, 
comprising Chili, Patagonia, the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, 
and the remaining parts of Peru and Bolivia, extending to about 
the fourth parallel of south latitude; 3, the Mezican, including 
the Isthmus of Panama, Central America, and Southern Mexico ; 
and, 4, the Antillean, or the sub-region of the West India Isl- 
ands. In the first of these sub-regions, the Brazilian, the faunal 
facies is essentially that of the Neotropical realm taken as a whole, 
inasmuch as there is scarcely a single group of important or typical 
South American animals which has not its representatives here. 
Furthermore, the majority of these forms have their greatest de- 
velopment in this tract. Among its most distinctive negative 
elements may be cited the chinchillas, the spectacled bear, the 
llamas (with the alpaca, vicufia, and guanaco), the rheas (South 
American ostriches), and the condor—members of the fauna of 
the Chilian sub-region—which are either wholly wanting, or but 
barely pass beyond the regional confines. Positive distinguishing 
characters among the Mammalia may be found in the special de- 
velopment of the quadrumanous and edentate types—among the 
former, in addition to the more widely distributed forms, such as 
Cebus, Ateles (spider-monkey), and Mycetes (howler), the woolly- 
monkeys (Lagothrix), the sakis (Pithecia), the douroucoulis or 
night-monkeys (Nyctipithecus), squirrel-monkeys (Chrysothrix), and 
some thirty or more species of marmosets, which appear to be con- 


fined to the tropical forests; and among the latter, several species 
of armadillo, the great ant-eater (Myrmecophaga jubata), and the 
various forms of two-toed (Choleepus) and three-toed (Bradypus) 
sloths—the spiny-rats (Echimyidz), most of whose representatives 
are confined to this region, and the manatee or vacca marina (Ma- 
natus), which ascends the river Amazon. Among the more re- 
stricted birds are the capitos, the trumpeter (Psophia), screamer 
(Palamedea), hoazin (Opisthocomus), pauxi, and boat-bill (Can- 

The fauna of the Mexican or Central American sub-region corre- 
sponds closely with that of the sub-region just described, from which 
it differs mainly by the comparative paucity of its developed types, 
and by the more pronounced infusion of the Holarctic or northern 
element. As representatives of the latter we have the shrews, the 
hare (one species also in Brazil), ground-squirrel, fox, and Bassaris. 
The very limited number of distinctive types include the Central 
American tapir (Elasmognathus Bairdii), Myxomys among the 
mice, and Heteromys among the pouched-rats.—The Chilian fauna, 
some of whose more prominent features have already been indi- 
cated, is broadly distinguished from the faunas of the north by its 
negative characters, as well as by the few distinctive types which 
more or less belong to it—llama, alpaca, vicufia, guanaco, spectacled 
bear (Tremarctos ornatus), Patagonian cavy (Dolichotis), coypu 
(Myopotamus coypu), chinchilla, viscacha (Lagostomus), Chlamy- 
dophorus (among the armadillos), and several peculiar genera of 
mice and the rat-like octodonts. The puma, deer, and skunk ex- 
tend their range to the Strait of Magellan, and the wolf-like dogs 
of the genus Pseudalopex, the guanaco, and several mice (Reithro- 
don, Hesperomys) into Tierra del Fuego. The monkeys, tapirs, 
peccaries, and sloths are wanting.—With respect to its mamma- 
lian-fauna the Antillean sub-region, as might be expected, pre- 
sents the most negative features. There are neither carnivores, 
monkeys, nor edentates, the only orders represented being the bats, 
rodents (Capromys, Hesperomys), and insectivores. The last are 
represented by two species of the genus Solenodon, whose nearest 
allies are the Centetide of Madagascar. An agouti inhabits some 
of the islands of the Lesser Antilles (St. Vincent, Sta. Lucia). The 
resident land-birds are comprised in about one hundred genera and 
upwards see hundred species, about one-third of the former and 


nearly nine-tenths of the latter being peculiar. The remaining 
species are South American or Central American forms. In addi- 
tion to this number there are some ninety or more migrants from 
North America. 


Next in importance to the Neotropical realm in the number, 
variety, and peculiarity of its animal productions, is the Ethio- 
pian, or African. This region comprises the entire continent of 
Africa south of the Tropic of Cancer, and likewise that portion of 
Arabia which lies to the south of the same line; the Island of Mada- 
gascar, with some neighbouring groups of smaller islands, is also 
included. By some naturalists the northern boundary is extended 
as far north as the Atlas Mountains, thus including the entire Desert 
of Sahara. With the limitation first assigned almost the entire 
region lies within the tropics, and is thus the most strictly tropical 
of the faunal regions. In its physical features it presents several 
well-marked peculiarities. In the ‘first place, we have the vast 
expanse of desert, which in the north occupies a transverse band 
varying in width from about four to nearly ten degrees of latitude. 
This is succeeded by what may not improperly be termed the open 
pasture-lands, which, as a narrow belt bounds the Sahara on the 
south, curves southwards at about the position of Kordofan, and 
occupies the greater portion of the continent lying east of the thir- 
tieth parallel of east longitude and south of the fifth parallel of south 
latitude, A very considerable portion of this pasture tract forms 
a plateau of from four thousand to five thousand feet elevation. 
Included within it, and bounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, 
is the region of the great equatorial forests, to the present day a 
terra incognita in great part to both geographers and naturalists. 
That portion of the African continent lying south of the Tropic of 
Capricorn differs in many respects, both as to its physical con- 
figuration and its vegetable products, from the region to the north- 
ward, and is characterised by a vegetation which is at the same 
time one of the richest and most remarkable on the globe. With 
this marked peculiarity in its vegetable development there is of 
necessity a certain amount of faunal peculiarity superadded as well, 
but this is not sufficiently pronounced to permit of a separation of 
this tract from the tract lying immediately to the north. We have 


thus on the continent three strictly-defined faunal sub-regions : 1, 
the pasture-lands already described, constituting the Last-Central 
African sub-region, through whose vast expanse there is manifest a 
strong identity in the character of the animal products, the same 
or very closely related animal forms being in many instances found 
at the extreme points of the region; 2, the forest tract, constitut- 
ing the West African sub-region, whose animal products naturally 
differ very essentially from those of the last; and, 3, the desert 
or Saharan sub-region, containing a comparatively limited fauna, 
which, with almost insensible gradations, merges into the fauna of 
the Mediterranean transition tract. To the same division belong 
in great measure the desert tracts of Arabia, or that portion of the 
peninsula lying to the south of the Tropic of Cancer. The Island 
of Madagasczr, with Mauritius, the Seychelles, &c., forms an in- 
dependent sub-region of its own. 

Zoological Characters of the Ethiopian Realm.—The mam- 
malian-fauna of the Ethiopian region is characterised no less by 
the remarkable development of its carnivore and hoofed animals 
(Ungulata) than by the peculiarities presented in its quadrumanous 
types. Of the hoofed animals there are two families which are 
absolutely restricted to the region: the Hippopotamide, or hip- 
popotami, and the Camelopardide, the giraffes. The former com- 
prise two species, the common hippopotamus (H. amphibius), which 
is found in nearly all the larger African rivers from the Cape to 
the Sahara, and from the Zambesi to the Senegal, and the smaller 
Liberian hippopotamus (Cheropsis Liberiensis), from the river St. 
Paul on the west coast, characterised by the possession of only one 
pair of incisors instead of the normal two pairs.* The latter in- 
cludes but a single species, the well-known giraffe (Camelopardalis 
giraffa), which ranges throughout the greater portion of the African 
open country, and to a certain extent also invades the forest region. 
As to the pigs (Suid), a family very closely related to the Hippo- 
potami, the Ethiopian region is deficient in the genus Sus, which 

* In antiquity the hippopotamus appears to have been very abundant in 
the waters of the Nile as far down as Lower Egypt. Even as late as 1600 
hippopotami were trapped at Damietta, situated at the mouth of one of the 
arms of the Nile, and in the early part of this century they were still ob- 
served by Rippell in Nubia. At present they are found in the Nile only in 
its upper course. 


comprises the common hog or wild-boar of Eurasia, but its place 
is taken by the so-called ‘‘ water-hogs” and ‘‘ wart-hogs,” of the 
genera Potamocherus and Phacocheerus. Of the Rhinocerotide, a 
family which this region shares with the Oriental or Indian, there 
are four or five species or varieties, all of them two-horned. By far 
the most important of all the African ungulates are the ruminants. 
We have here an extraordinary development of the antelopes, which 
in the number of their species far surpass those of all the other 
regions put together. No less than from eighty to ninety distinct 
species have already been described, and doubtless many more re- 
main in the districts that have not yet been explored. Among the 
numerous genera of these animals, which comprise forms ranging in 
size from the dimensions of a large ox (eland) to those of a rabbit 
(m’doqua, guevi), there are none that are found in any other faunal 
region, excepting Gazella, the gazelle, and Oryx, to which the gems- 
bok belongs, the former represented by a limited number of species 
in the desert regions of Western and Southwestern Asia (Arabia, 
Persia), and the latter, by a single species, also from the Arabian 
desert. The antelopes may be conveniently divided by their habits 
into four groups: 1. The desert antelopes, or such as frequent the 
desert regions, like the gazelle; 2. The bush antelopes, or those 
which habitually frequent the forest recesses, like the koodoos, 
water-bucks, and bushboks; 3. The rock antelopes, which, like the 
klipspringer, recalling in aspect and habits the European chamois, 
frequent the mountain-fastnesses ; and, 4. The antelopes of the 
open plains—gemsbok, blessbok, hartebeest, gnu, springbok — 
which comprise the greater number of species, and which, as the 
springbok, not unfrequently congregate in herds of several hundreds 
or even thousands. The more familiar forms of ruminants, such as the 
deer, sheep, and goats, are, with the exception of an ibex found in the 
Abyssinian highlands, completely absent. The only deer-like animal 
found on the African continent south of the Sahara is the chevrotain 
(Hysemoschus aquaticus), from the region lying between the Senegal 
and the Gaboon, a small animal closely allied to the Oriental musk- 
deer, whose nearest representatives, the Traguli, inhabit the south- 
eastern extremity of the continent of Asia, and the adjacent islands of 
the East Indian Archipelago. The wild-ox (Bos) is also absent, but 
its place is occupied by the Cape buffalo (Bubalus Caffer), whose 
domain extends throughout the greater portion of South, Central, 


and Western Africa. Characteristic non-ruminating ungulates are 
the zebras and quaggas (Equus zebra, Burchellii, Grevyi, and 
quagea), and the Abyssinian wild-ass (Equus texniopus), by many 
naturalists supposed to be the progenitor of the domestic animal. 
Among the beasts of prey (Carnivora) there are the lion (possibly 
two species), leopard, panther, the spotted, striped, and brown 
hyenas, jackal, and the aard-wolf (Proteles), an animal in many 
respects intermediate between the dog and hyena, and constitut- 
ing the type of a distinct family (Protelide), which is peculiar to 
the region. The tiger is absent, as it is, in fact, from the entire 
continent of Africa. The wolf and fox are also both wanting; 
but the latter is replaced in the Saharan and adjoining districts 
by the closely-related fenneec (Fennecus). There is a remarkable 
development of the civets (Viverride), with a host of genera that 
are peculiar to the continent; the best known among these are 
the civets proper (Viverra), genets (Genetta), and the ichneumon 
(Herpestes), all of which, however, are found also beyond the 
limits of the region. Bears are entirely wanting, the only Afri- 
can representative of the Urside (Ursus Crowtheri) being extra- 
limital, a native of the Atlas Mountains. The Ethiopian Quadru- 
mana, or apes, constitute a part of the Old World group of the 
Catarhina, distinguished from the monkeys of the New World, as 
has already been stated in treating of the Neotropical realm, by 
the comparative narrowness of the nasal septum, the presence, in 
most cases, of ischial callosities and cheek-pouches, the universal 
absence of a prehensile tail, and the number of teeth, which never 
exceed the normal. number (thirty-two) characteristic of the human 
species. This group comprises the most perfectly organised, or 
most hominine of the quadrumanous species, and, at the same time, 
those in which the fiercest and most savage disposition is combined 
with a less advanced structural development. As representatives 
of the former we have the anthropoid or man-like apes, constituting 
the family Simiade, which, in the African continent, comprises the 
chimpanzees and gorillas, and, in Asia and Malaysia, the gibbons 
and orang-outangs. The two species of chimpanzee (Troglodytes 
niger and T. calvus), as well as the gorilla (T. gorilla), are both re- 
stricted to the forest region of Equatorial Africa, especially the 
west coast; but it is still a matter of considerable uncertainty how 
far inland their range may extend. The researches of von Heuglin, 


Schweinfurth, and more recent travellers, seem to show, almost 
beyond doubt, that the gorilla, which until recently was consid- 
ered to be limited in its haunts to the west-coast region—the forest 
tracts lying between about ten degrees of north latitude and the 
Gaboon River, including the Crystal Mountains—is in reality also 
an inhabitant of the deep interior of the continent, frequenting the 
forest recesses which bound the western tributaries of the Nile. 
Lower in the scale of organisation, but scarcely inferior in size in 
many cases to the anthropoid apes, are the dog-faced monkeys, 
constituting the family Cynopithecide. These, which embrace 
many of the most savage forms of all the monkey tribe, inhabit 
the greater portion ot the Ethiopian region, the forests as well 
as the open plains and rocky fastnesses of mountain solitudes. 
Among the better known and more formidable members of this 
extensive family, which is also well represented in the Oriental 
region (macaques), and less numerously in the Austro-Malaysian 
(the islands of Batchian and Timor) and Tyrrhenian (the Barbary 
ape of the Rock of Gibraltar) transition regions, are the baboons, 
mandrills, chacmas, Diana monkeys, and mangabeys, the first three 
being characterised by a prolonged snout, similar to that of the 
dog, at the extremity of which are situated the nostrils; the tail is 
rudimentary, or almost completely wanting. The Colobi constitute 
another extensive group of African apes. True monkeys, as well 
as the more distinctive of the African Mammalia—such as the lion, 
leopard, hyena, zebra, antelopes, giraffe, hippopotamus, and rhi- 
noceros—are wholly wanting in the Island of Madagascar, whose 
principal mammalian feature is constituted by the lemurs (Lemur- 
ide), or half-monkeys, a group of animals usually considered to 
form a sub-order of the Quadrumana, in certain peculiarities of 
structure closely approximating the most ancient progenitors of the 
ungulates. The presence of lemurs on the Island of Madagascar, 
the continent of Africa, and Southern India (with Ceylon), has led 
some naturalists to the conclusion that at one time direct land 
connection existed between the several regions, an assumption 
that is by some naturalists considered to be further borne out by 
other equally well-marked faunal characteristics. To this supposed 
formerly-existing land-mass of the Indian Ocean, which, if it ever 
existed, may or may not be represented in part by the sunken 
“Chagos Banks,” and the outlying islands, such as the Seychelles, 


Laccadives, and Maldives, the name of ‘‘ Lemuria” has been given.* 
A very remarkable quadrumanous animal of the Island of Mada- 
gascar, and the only representative of its family, is the aye-aye 
(Cheiromys Madagascariensis), formerly described as a squirrel, 
which has many points of relationship with the rodents. The only 
other orders of Ethiopian Mammalia that need be specially referred 
to are the Proboscidea and the Edentata, the former represented 
by the African elephant (Loxodon Africanus), and the latter by 
the scaly ant-eaters (Manis, Pangolin), and the curious animals 
known as aard-varks (Orycteropus). The members of the genus 
Hyrax, which includes the shaphan or coney of the Bible, animals 
in several characters allied to the rodent on the one side, and the 
rhinoceroses, among pachyderms, on the other, constitute, in the 
opinion of many naturalists, a distinct order, Hyracoidea, apart 
by itself. Several species (Hyrax, Dendrohyrax) are recognised, all 
of about the size of the rabbit, and, with one exception, the coney, 
which is also found in Syria and Palestine, restricted to the African 

The bird-fauna of the Ethiopian realm is by no means as rich, 
either in the actual number of its forms or in those that are pecu- 
liar, as the Neotropical. Neither do we find, as a rule, that brill- 
iancy and variety in the plumage which distinguish the birds of the 
South American continent, although gaudily-coloured birds are not 
exactly rare. Among these are the Irisoride, a group of birds 
allied to the hoopoes, and remarkable for their metallic hues; the 
Meropide, or bee-eaters, of which the common bee-eater of South- 
ern Europe (Merops apiaster) is a well-known representative; and 
the curious forest-loving birds, known as the turacos and plantain- 
eaters (Corythaix, Musophaga), in a measure related to the South 
American toucans, constituting the family Musophagide. The 
Ethiopian region is the home, par excellence, of the insectivorous 
honey-suckers (Nectarinide +t), a family of birds bearing a super- 
ficial resemblance to the American hummers, which they also, in 
many cases, rival in the brilliancy of their plumage. The honey- 
guides (Indicatoridz), formerly classed as cuckoos, and to an extent 

* Tt is here that, by some anthropologists, has been located the most an- 
cient abode of man. 
+ Also abundantly represented in the Australian and Oriental regions. 


partaking of their habits, but probably more closely related to the 
woodpeckers, are found in almost all parts of the region. The 
fly-catchers, warblers (Sylviade), true finches (Fringillide), and 
weaver-birds (Ploceide) are numerically well represented, more 
especially the last, of whose two hundred and fifty, or more, species 
about two hundred are found within the limits of this region. This 
family comprises, among other birds, the small speckled and red- 
billed finches, known as the estrilds and amadines, the tailor-bird 
(Textor), the true weavers (Ploceus and Symplectes), and the long- 
tailed whydahs (Vidua), from the west coast. The parrots are but 
feebly represented in the Ethiopian region, the macaws and cocka- 
toos (Conurine and Cacatuide) being wholly wanting. With very 
few exceptions—Paleornis—all the African parrots belong to the 
group of the Psittacini, of which the common grey parrot (Psittacus 
erithacus) is a familiar example. No species is found to the north 
of the fifteenth parallel of north latitude. Of the gallinaceous birds 
there is a marked representation of the grouse tribe, especially of the 
genus Francolinus, and among the pheasants we have all the species 
of guinea-fowls (Numidine), whose nearest allies appear to be the 
American turkeys. Birds of prey are very abundant, comprising, 
in addition to the common forms of vultures, eagles, &c., the hawk- 
like bird known as the “secretary” (Serpentarius), a near ally of 
the South American cariama. Finally, the Ethiopian region pos- 
sesses, although not exclusively, the ostriches (Struthio camelus, 
the common form, and 8. molybdophanes, from the Somali ter- 
ritory), of the family Struthionide. 

The reptile-fauna is very rich and varied, and comprises a con- 
siderable number of peculiar forms. Of Ophidia we have a large 
development of the vipers (Viperide), and among these one of the 
deadliest of venomous serpents, the puff-adder (Clotho). Of the 
larger constrictors, the rock-snake (Hortulia) and Seba’s python 
represent the Pythonide. The lizards comprise, among other sin- 
gular forms, the Agama, the typical Old World representative of 
the American iguanas, and the chameleon, with its distinctive 
changing hues. Crocodiles are met with in nearly all the larger 

The fresh-water fishes of the African realm are limited, accord- 
ing to Giinther, to somewhat more than two hundred and fifty 
species, representing fifteen distinct families or groups. About 


sixty of these are siluroids (cat-fishes), fifty cyprinoids (carps), and 
about an equal number members of the family Mormyride. Owing 
to the broad distribution of the different types, which are spread 
throughout the greater extent of the continent, a division of the 
region into ichthyic sub-regions is rendered impossible. Of some 
fifty-six species found in the waters of the Upper Nile, no less than 
twenty-five are absolutely identical with forms belonging to the 
West African rivers, and doubtless most of these also occur in the 
waters of the unexplored tracts of the interior. Greater dissimi- 
larity exists between the northern and western faunas and those of 
the south, where the relationship has been rendered generic instead 
of specific. Thus, the fishes of Lake Nyassa and the Zambesi River 
are specifically distinct from those of the great equatorial lakes, 
and their outflowing northern and western waters. Africa has rep- 
resentatives of two genera of ganoid proper, Polypterus and Cala- 
moichthys, and one genus of lung-fishes, Protopterus (P. annectens), 
the last closely related to the Lepidosiren of South America. With 
the fish-fauna of this region the Ethiopian agrees in the partial 
possession of the characinids (about thirty-five species) and the 
chromids, and the genus Pimelodus among the cat-fishes. How 
the transference of similar or identical types was effected to such 
widely remote areas, whether through the intermedium of the 
waters of a continental tract now submerged beneath the Atlantic, 
or by way of the northern streams, it is impossible to say. 

The Ethiopian faunas, taken collectively, exhibit a remarkable 
homogeneousness throughout, so that the delimitation of even the 
three greater faunal sub-regions becomes difficult. The East Central 
African sub-region is, strictly speaking, representative of the entire 
tract, where the vast majority of all the distinctive types are found. 
The West African sub-region is more properly the home of the 
anthropoid apes, the chimpanzee and gorilla, and of the numerous 
species of Cercopithecus and Colobus. The antelopes are much 
less abundantly represented than in the plateau districts, although 
they comprise a number of peculiar types, especially of the bush- 
boks (Cephalophus). Other characteristic ungulates are the za- 
moose, a species of buffalo (Bubalus brachyceros—possibly also found 
in Abyssinia), the Hyzmoschus aquaticus, and the Cheropsis Li- 
beriensis (hippopotamus). The insectivores present as a distinctive 
type the otter-like Potamogale velox; the rodents the singular 


Anomalurus, recalling the flying-squirrels ; and the edentates a 
distinct species or variety of aard-vark (Orycteropus Senegalensis). 

In the Saharan Desert tracts, where the necessary conditions for 
existence are largely wanting, there is a marked impoverishment 
of the fauna. The more formidable carnivores, such as the lion 
and leopard, are absent from most districts, leaving their places to 
be filled by some minor cats, the hyena, jackal, fox, and fennee. 
The hoofed animals are represented (in some parts) by the buffalo, 
and a limited number of antelopes (Gazella, Oryx, Addax). Among 
rodents the families of rats and jumping-mice (Dipus, Scirtetes) 
are fairly represented, in addition to which we have the porcupine 
and hare (Lepus Mediterraneus). The ostrich is sufficiently abun- 
dant throughout most of the region. Among the desert reptilian 
forms may be mentioned the monitors (Varanide), scinks, sand- 
lizards (Sepide), and agamas. 

The deficiencies in the Madagascar mammalian-fauna have al- 
ready been indicated. As representative types we have, in addition 
to the lemurs and aye-aye, several civets (Galidia, Galictis), the 
singular cat-like carnivore known as Cryptoprocta (C. ferox), a 
water-hog (Potamocheerus), a sub-fossil species of hippopotamus, 
and the native hedgehogs (Centetidz). The bird-fauna is made up 
largely of Asiatic and African types, although peculiar forms are 
abundant. Many of the reptilian forms, as the ophidian genera 
Heterodon, Herpetodryas, Philodryas, have American representa- 


This region comprises all that portion of the Asiatic continent 
which is not included in the Holarctic and Tyrrhenian tracts (ex- 
cepting the southern portion of the Peninsula of Arabia, which is 
Ethiopian), the Island of Ceylon, Formosa, the Philippines, Suma- 
tra, Java, and Borneo, besides some minor island groups. Within 
its limits are, therefore, included the whole of extra-Himalayan 
Hindostan, Farther India, the Malay Peninsula, ard that portion of 
China lying south of the Nanling range. A very considerable part 
of this region is covered with the most luxuriant forest growth, 
which extends even to an elevation of from eight to ten thousand 
feet along the slopes of the Himalaya, This forest character more 
particularly distinguishes the Indo-Chinese and Indo-Malayan sub- 


regions, the former of which includes Burmah, Siam, Anam, South- 
ern China, the southern Himalaya slopes, and the luxuriant tracts 
lying along the base of these mountains, known as the “ Terai”; 
and the latter, the Malay Peninsula, with the Indo-Malaysian islands 
already mentioned. A third sub-region, the Indian, is constituted 
by the Indian Peninsula, exclusive of the Carnatic. The surface 
here consists largely of open pasture or grass lands, the funda- 
ment being in great part the alluvium of the existing rivers. In 
the northwestern part, bounded by and partly lying within the 
valley of the Indus, is the Indian Desert, where we encounter a 
considerable intermixture of strictly Indian, Holarctic, and Ethio- 
pian animal types. An essentially forest character again distin- 
guishes the southern extremity of the Indian Peninsula—the Car- 
natic—and the Island of Ceylon, which together form the fourth 
sub-region, the Cingalese. 

Zoological Characters of the Oriental Region. — A cursory 
examination of the Oriental mammalian fauna shows it to be largely 
made up of characteristic African forms, for which reason, indeed, 
some naturalists have been induced to unite this region, either in 
whole or in great part, with the Ethiopian. We have here the same 
extraordinary development of the quadrumanous, carnivore, and 
ungulate types, although in respect of these last very material differ- 
ences present themselves which are sufficiently distinctive of the two 
regions. Thus, in the Oriental region there are no representatives 
of either the Camelopardelide or Hippopotamide, families peculiar 
to the African continent; and the only member of the Equide—the 
horses, asses, and zebras—the onager (Equus onager), is found in 
the debatable land along the Indus, which unites the Oriental and 
Holarctic tracts. There is also a great falling off in the number 
of antelopes, of which there are scarcely more than a half-dozen 
species—comprising among others the gazelle, the true antelope, 
and nylghau ; but their place is in great measure taken by the 
solid-horned ruminants, the deer, which, as has been seen, are 
completely wanting in the Ethiopian region, but have here no less 
than about twenty species, ranging in size from the diminutive 
muntjac (Cervulus) to the giant rusa. This is also the home of 
the beautiful axis. The cievrotains or mouse-deer (Tragulide), a 
small group of diminutive deer-like animals characterised by the 
presence of tusks in the upper jaw, have but one extra-limital 


representative, the Hyzmoschus, from Western Africa, already re- 
ferred to. Of the oxen we have the Indian buffalo (Bubalus Indicus 
or buffelus), whose range at the present day (as a domestic animal) 
comprises, in addition to its native haunts, a considerable part of 
Northern Africa and Southern Europe (Hungary, Greece, Italy), 
and three or four species of wild cattle—the gaour, gayal (Bibos)— 
distributed over the greater portion of the region, from Java to the 
Indian Peninsula. The sacred cow or Brahmin bull, commonly 
known as the zebu, is now found only in a domesticated state. 
The goats have but a single representative in the entire region—in 
the Neilgherry hills; the sheep are completely wanting. The thick- 
skinned ungulates are represented by four or five species of rhi- 
noceros, both one- and two-horned, whose most eastward abode 
appears to be the Island of Java; a solitary species of the South 
American family of tapirs (Tapirus Malayanus), and about six 
species of swine (Suid). Of the Carnivora there is, as in the 
Ethiopian region, a large development of the civet-cats (Viverridz), 
most of the genera representing the family in this region being pe- 
culiar to it (Viverricula, Paradoxurus, Arctogale, Cynogale). The 
Mustelidse comprise several well-known Holarctic forms, such 
as the true weasel (Mustela), martin (Martes), otter (Lutra), and 
badger (Meles), the last found only in Southern China. The cats 
(Felidz) are represented by many of the more prominent types of 
the Ethiopian region—such as the lion, leopard, and panther—in 
addition to which we have the ounce and tiger, the latter extend- 
ing its range as far north as the fifty-third parallel of latitude 
(Lake Baikal), and westward to the borders of the Caspian Sea. 
It is found in the islands of Java, Sumatra, Bali, and Saghalien, 
but is absent from both Ceylon and Borneo. The dogs (Canide) 
differ in several respects from the representatives of the same 
group of animals entering into the Ethiopian fauna, and are more 
nearly allied to the Holarctic forms. The true wolf is absent; but 
its place is filled by several races of closely-allied wild-dogs, which 
hunt wolf-like in packs over certain portions of the region, and 
the jackal. The fox is represented by several species. Only one 
of the three recognised species of hyena, the striped hyena (Hyena 
striata), whose range embraces the entire northern part of the con- 
tinent of Africa and a considerable portion of Western Asia, en- 
. ters into the region. One primary distinguishing feature separating 


the carnivore-fauna of the Oriental region from that of the Ethio- 
pian is the presence in the former of bears, which comprise here 
not only the singular forms _known as the sun-bears (Helarctos), 
confined to the Indo-Malayan sub-region, and the honey-bears (Me- 
lursus), whose range extends from the Ganges to Ceylon, but also the 
true bears of the genus Ursus. The Indian elephant inhabits nearly 
all the wooded tracts from the Himalaya slopes to Ceylon, and east- 
ward to Borneo and Sumatra.* The Oriental region is, par eacel- 
lence, the headquarters of the true mice and squirrels, there being 
no less than about fifty specific representatives to each of the genera 
Mus and Sciurus, or about one-half the number of all the forms 
that have been ascribed to these genera. Both the round- and flat- 
tailed flying squirrels (Pteromys, Sciuropterus) are distributed 
throughout the region, the former, with the exception of three or 
four extra-limital species found in Japan, being restricted to it, 
and the latter distributed throughout a considerable portion of 
the Holarctic region, and on both sides of the Atlantic. The 
marmot is found in the debatable lands of the Western Himalayas, 
at heights exceeding eight thousand feet. The bats have a much 
more extended development in this region than in any other, except 
the Neotropical, there being upwards of one hundred distinct spe- 
cific representatives. These include members of all the generally 
recognised families except the Phyllostomide, or simple leaf-nosed 
bats (to which the South American vampyres belong), and conse- 
quently embrace the short- and long-eared bats, the horse-shoe bats, 
and the fruit-eating bats (Pteropide), commonly known as flying- 
foxes. The most important of the Oriental Quadrumana are the 
macaques (Macacus), to which the Barbary ape of the Rock of Gib- 
raltar belongs, and which inhabit the entire region, and the long- 
tailed Semnopithecus, which has nearly the same range, and several 
of whose representatives inhabit the more elevated forests, even 
during the winter, at heights exceeding eleven thousand feet. To 
this genus belongs the peculiar Bornean ‘‘ nose-monkey” (S. nasa- 
lis). The anthropoid apes are confined to the southeastern portion 
of the region, and principally to the larger islands of the Malay 

* The Javanese elephants do not appear to be indigenous to the Island of 
Java. The Sumatra elephant, which was considered by Professor Schlegel to 
represent a distinct species apart from the Indian (Elephas Sumatrensis), is 
now usually referred to the latter species. 


Archipelago. They comprise one or two species of Orang (Borneo 
and Sumatra), the long-armed gibbons (Hylobates), whose range 
extends from Java to Assam and China, and the siamang, a native 
of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. The half-monkeys, or 
lemurs (Nycticebus, Stenops), which were found to be so charac- 
teristic of the Madagascar fauna, show a very great diminution in 
numbers in the Oriental region. Their most distinctive or anom- 
alous type is the tarsicr or spectrum lemur (Tarsius spectrum), 
an inhabitant of Sumatra, Borneo, and Celebes (Austro-Malaysian), 
which of itself constitutes a distinct family (Tarsiide). In the 
structure of its feet—the extraordinary and unequal development 
of the toes—and in several other peculiarities it is closely related 
to the aye-aye, from which to the true lemurs it appears to form a 
passage. Until recently classed with the lemurs, but now con- 
sidered as representing the type of a distinct family of insectivorous 
animals, are the cat-monkeys or flying-lemurs (Galeopithecus), 
which inhabit the larger islands of the Malay Archipelago and the 

The bird-fauna of the Oriental region is exceedingly rich and 
varied, and, as might have been expected from its position, com- 
prises in its assemblage a very large proportion of Holarctic, Ethio- 
pian, and Australian forms. But the number of distinctive forms 
are sufficiently numerous, and eminently serve to characterise the 
region. Among these are the laughing or babbling thrushes (Timal- 
idx), a family which, though not absolutely restricted to the 
region, has its headquarters there. Nearly two hundred of the 
two hundred and fifty described species occur here, and are found 
in nearly all parts of the region. Less numerous in species, but 
scarcely less distinctive, are the Leiotrichide, or hill-tits, found in 
all parts of the Himalaya Mountains; the Pycnodontida, or bul- 
buls; Phyllornithids, or green bulbuls; and the minivets of the 
genus Pericrocotus, one of the group of caterpillar-eaters. Of the 
warblers (Sylviadz), the peculiar tailor-bird (Orthotomus) has about 
thirteen to fifteen species. The starlings are represented, among 
other forms, by the sacred mynah (Eulabes) and the roseate pastor 
(Pastor roseus); the bee-eaters by Merops and the resplendent 
Nyctiornis; the sun-birds (Nectarinide) by the Nectarophila and 
Arechnothera. The flower-peckers (Diceide), a group of small, 
gaily-coloured birds representing the South American sugar-birds, 


are tolerably abundant throughout the greater portion of the re- 
gion. The South American cotingas likewise appear to have 
their representatives in the large and gaudy broad-bills (Eurylem- 
idx). Trogons, scarcely inferior in the beauty of their plumage 
to their American congeners, are sufficiently abundant in the for- 
est districts, where, also, we meet with a multitude of the remark- 
able horn-bills. Contrary to what might have been expected, 
seeing their abundance in the Australian region (and partially so 
also in the Ethiopian), and the apparently favourable conditions 
for their existence here, the parrots are but feebly represented, and 
belong, with one exception—a cockatoo from the Philippine Islands, 
the only one found within the limits of the region—to the family 
of the ringed-parakeets (Paleornithide). Of the gallinaceous 
birds the pheasants (Phasianidz) are largely represented. This is 
the home of the jungle-fowl (Gallus), from one of whose species, 
the G. Bankiva, inhabiting the region from the Himalayas through 
Central India eastward to the islands of Java and Timor, is in all 
probability descended the greater portion of our domestic poultry. 
Distinct species of the jungle-fowl are found in Southern Hindo- 
stan, Ceylon, and Java, and, possibly, some of the domestic varieties 
may have been produced as the result of interbreeding between 
these various forms and the G. Bankiva. The peacock is found 
throughout a considerable portion of the region, to which it is 
indigenous, from Ceylon to the Himalayas, and eastward to China; 
belonging to the same family, and scarcely less resplendent in their 
plumage, are the argus, impeyan, tragopan, and fire-backed pheas- 
ants. The remarkable group of Australian birds known as ‘‘mound- 
builders,” megapods, or brush-turkeys, constituting the family 
Megapodidex, which would seem to be closely related to the South 
American curassows, have two representatives (of the genus Mega- 
podius), one, possibly introduced, in the Nicobar Islands, and the 
other in the Philippines and Borneo. 

The reptilian-fauna comprises, among other serpents, the giant 
python (of the family Pythonide), the cobra-di-capello (of the 
family Elapide, or coral-snakes), and one-half of all the pit-vipers, 
or members of the family of rattlesnakes (Crotalide), although 
the rattlesnake proper is absent; among lizards, the Varanide, or 
water-lizards, to which the monitor belongs, the geckoes, the 
agamas, or eastern iguanas, the last embracing no less than eighteen 


species of so-called flying-lizards (Draco), animals provided with 
a lateral expanded tegumentary membrane ; and of crocodilians, 
the true crocodile (Crocodilus) and the gavial (Gavialis), the latter 
restricted to the rivers of the Indian Peninsula. 

The several faunal sub-regions, especially those of the conti- 
nentai tract, are most intimately related to one another, and do not 
admit of sharp delimitation. Yet a number of forms, whether 
negatively or positively, may be said to define each. Thus, among 
the Mammalia, the lion, hyena, fox, lynx, mellivore, buffalo, nyl- 
ghau, gazelle, and true antelope, may be said to represent distinct- 
ive types of the first, or Indian sub-region, being absolutely restrict- 
ed to it, or just passing beyond its confines. The Cingalese sub- 
region is characterised, among other forms, by the loris, which it 
alone possesses; by a peculiar genus of civet-cats (Onychogale), and 
Platacamthomys among the mice. The fauna, especially of the 
islarfd of Ceylon itself, is related on the one side to that of the 
Himalayas, and on the other to that of the Indo-Malayan sub-region, 
differimg broadly from the fauna of the central and northern por- 
tions of the Indian Peninsula. The relationship with the Malayan 
fauna is especially marked in the case of the Lepidoptera and Cole- 
optera among insects, many of the more distinctive or abundantly 
represented types belonging exclusively to the two faunas under 
consideration. The individuality of the Cingalese reptilian and 
amphibian faunas is well marked through the number and variety 
of peculiar genera, which, perhaps, more than any other animals, 
serve to characterise the sub-region. All the members of the 
Uropeltidx, or rough-tailed burrowing-snakes, appear to be ccn- 
fined to this tract. The poisonous snakes of the entire peninsula 
of India are, according to Fayrer, comprised in eleven genera, rep- 
resenting three families, Elapide, Viperide, and Crotalide (pit- 
vipers), and some twenty-five species. Among the more venomous 
forms are Naja (the cobra, which ascends the Himalayas to a height 
of eight thousand feet), Ophiophagus, and Bungarus, of the Ela- 
pide; Daboia and Echis representing the vipers; and Trimeresurus 
belonging to the pit-vipers. In addition to the terrestrial Thanato- 
phidia the marine-snakes (Hydrophide), which inhabit brackish 
estuaries and tide-water streams, furnish an additional contingent 
of thirty-five or more species. 

The two remaining sub-regions, the Indo-Chinese and the Indo- 


Malayan, are most intimately related to each other in the general 
characters of their faunas, as they are also to the Indian; the former, 
however, incorporates a more decidedly Holarctic element, while 
the latter is almost strictly tropical. Among the more distinctive 
mammalian types of the Indo-Chinese tract, or such as do not enter 
into the composition of the Malayan fauna, are the true bears (Ur- 
sus), panda (Ailurus), fox, badger, Arctonyx (Melid), and a pecu- 
liar genus of civet-cats, Urva. On the other hand, this tract is 
wanting in the anthropoid apes of the genera Simia (orang—Borneo 
and Sumatra) and Siamanga (Malacca, Sumatra), the spectre-lemurs 
(Tarsius— Sumatra, Borneo), flying-lemur (Galeopithecus), tapir 
(Tapirus Malayanus—Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo), and sun- 
bear (Helarctos), which belong to the Malayan fauna. The Hima- 
layan districts (with parts of China) are preeminently the home of 
the pheasants, which, in addition to several genera peculiar to the 
Oriental region (Pavo, Argusianus, Polyplectron, Euplocamus), 
comprise a number of forms, the impeyan, tragopan, &c., held in 
common with the Holarctic; the peacock ranges from Ceylon and 
the Himalayas to Java, and the argus from Siam to Borneo. 


This region, as usually defined, embraces, in addition to the 
continent of Australia and the Island of Tasmania, all the Austro- 
Malaysian islands lying to the east of Borneo and Bali—. e., begin- 
ning with Celebes and Lombok—the vast Polynesian Archipelago, 
and New Zealand, with its accompanying islets. This last has by 
some naturalists, and more especially by Professor Huxley, been rec- 
ognised as a distinct region, although by the majority of zoogeogra- 
phers it is usually regarded as a sub-region of the Australian. In 
this place only Australia proper (with Tasmania), Papua (New 
Guinea, and the minor Papuan islands), and New Zealand are con- 
sidered to enter into the formation of the Australian region. 

The greater portion of the Australian mainland consists of a 
table-land of moderate elevation, characterised by a harsh and dry 
climate, and a general absence of water. Hence the surface of the 
country bears a more or less barren aspect, supporting but a scant 
vegetable growth, which is parched throughout the greater part of 
the year, and consequently rendered unfit for promoting a vigorous 
development of animal life. A considerable part of the tract passes 


off into an almost uninhabitable desert. Along the coast-line, and 
more especially on the eastern border, where vapour-condensing sur- 
faces present themselves in the form of elevated mountain-crests, 
there is an abundance of aqueous precipitation, to which a luxuri- 
ous forest-growth responds. Less than one-half of the continent 
lies within the tropics. Papua, which constitutes the second sub- 
region, exhibits in great part a mountainous character, and, from 
the abundance of aqueous precipitation distinctive of the equatorial 
portions of the earth’s surface, a vegetation of truly tropical luxuri- 
ance. A dense forest growth likewise covers the greater portion 
of New Zealand (third sub-region), where also we have the most 
elevated mountain-summits in the region. 

Zoological Characters of the Australian Realm.—The Aus- 
tralian region is, by both positive and negative characters, the most 
marked of any on the earth, and, indeed, so remarkable are its faunal 
peculiarities that it has been thought by some to constitute properly 
in itself a main zoogeographical division, as opposed to the rest of 
the world. The most striking feature of this fauna is the general 
absence, among the Mammalia, of such forms as, under favourable 
conditions, are to be met with in all other portions of the earth’s 
surface. In the whole of this region all the terrestrial Mammalia 
that are to be found in the Old World are absent, except a solitary 
(possibly two) species of hog (Sus), found in New Guinea, the bats, 
and rodents, the former being represented by about ten genera, 
and the latter by the single family of the mice (Muridz), of which 
the true mice (Mus) comprise more than one-third of all the vari- 
ous forms. The edentates, insectivores, carnivores, and monkeys, 
except such as have been introduced through the agency of man, 
and possibly the ‘‘ dingo,” or Australian wild-dog, which may prove 
to be indigenous, are wholly wanting, their place being filled by a 
wonderful variety of the implacental mammals—the marsupials and 
monotremes—the lowest of the entire mammalian series. No im- 
placental mammals occur at the present time in any portion of the 
Old World outside of the limits of the Australian and the connect- 
ing Austro-Malaysian regions, and their only representatives in the 
Western Hemisphere are the opossums (Didelphyid), upwards of 
twenty species of which range throughout the forest districts of the 
Neotropical realm (with two species in North America). The Aus- 
tralian marsupials fall into six distinct families: The Macropodide, 


kangaroos and kangaroo-rats, are numerically the most important 
and the ‘most broadly distributed of the several types, and com- 
prise a diversity of forms, which are variously adapted to living 
- in the scrub, in the desert, along rocky and precipitous mountain 
summits (Petrogale), or on trees. The arboreal genus Dendrolagus is 
thus far known only from New Guinea and Queensland. The great 
kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), inhabiting the southern half of 
the continent of Australia and Tasmania, attains in the male a 
length, from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail, of upwards 
of five feet. The kangaroo-rats, rat-kangaroos, or potoroos (Hypsi- 
prymnus), are diminutive forms, of about the size of a hare, with 
rounded instead of elongated ears, and a general rat-like appearance. 
The second family is that of the Dasyuride, or native cats, a group 
of carnivorous and insectiyorous marsupials, which range in size 
from the dimensions of a mouse to those of a wolf. The most dis- 
tinctive forms belong to the genus Antechinus, a group of insect- 
ivorous animals, which, in outward appearance, are but barely dis- 
tinguishable from the ordinary mice. The most formidable member 
of the family is the Tasmanian “tiger,” or ‘“ hyena” (Thylacinus 
cynocephalus), a striped carnivorous marsupial, having the general 
aspect of a wolf or dog, which it also fully equals in size, measuring 
as much as five feet in length. The third family is that of the 
Myrmecobiide, which includes but a single species, the native ant- 
eater, or striped myrmecobius (M. fasciatus), a small squirrel-like 
animal, of about the size of the common squirrel, inhabiting South- 
ern and Western Australia. The Paramelidez comprise the bandi- 
coots (Perameles), small kangaroo-like animals of about the size of 
the rabbit, and the singular pig-footed marsupial known as the 
Cheropus, a graceful animal somewhat recalling in appearance 
the mouse-deer of the Oriental region. The fifth family, the Pha- 
langistids, exhibits in its individual components a greater diversity 
of form, and greater specialisation of structure, than is to be found 
in any other mammalian family. As described by Wallace, we find 
represented in this family the tailless koala, or native sloth (Phas- 
colarctos); the prehensile-tailed opossum-like phalangers (F halan- 
gista); the beautiful flying-opossums (Petaurista, Belideus, Acro- 
bata), so closely resembling in form the flying-squirrels of North 
America and India, but often no larger than a mouse; the dormouse- 
like Dromicia, one species of which does not equal in size the ordi- 


nary harvest-mouse; and, finally, the little Tarsipes, a true honey- 
sucker, provided with an extensile tongue, and of the size of a 
mouse. All of these various forms are more or less adapted to an 
arboreal existence. The remaining family of the marsupials is that 
of the wombats (Phascolomyide), nocturnal burrowing animals of 
about the size of the badger, and somewhat of the appearance of a 
bear, subsisting chiefly on roots and grasses. The most anomalous 
and remarkable of all the Australian mammals, indeed of all Mam- 
malia, are the oviparous monotremes—the duck-bill (Ornitho- 
rhynchus) and native hedge-hog (Echidna)—strictly speaking, bur- 
rowing edentate animals, having certain points of affinity with both 
birds and reptiles. With few exceptions (Cuscus, Belideus), all 
the marsupial genera of the Australian region are confined to the 
continent of Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea (and the Aru 
Islands), but a very insignificant fraction of the entire number of 
marsupial species being represented in any of the Austro-Malaysian 
islands (Mysol, Celebes). Even in New Guinea, a3 compared with 
Australia, the number of such representatives is rather limited; 
but we here meet with at least one type of placental mammal, the 
hog, which is not met with on the continent of Australia. On the 
other hand, the (in Australia) fairly well represented family of rats 
and mice exhibits in the Papuan sub-region (Aru Islands) but a 
solitary example, the Uromys. 

In respect of its bird-fauna, the Australian region presents us 
with peculiarities that are scarcely less marked than those which 
distinguish the Mammalia. In the number and beauty of its forms 
this region is only second to the Neotropical, while in such as 
show the most marked peculiarities of structure it is unsurpassed. 
Many of the most familiar types of Old World birds are repre- 
sented, and in sufficient number—such as the warblers, thrushes, 
fly-catchers, shrikes, and crows; but, on the other hand, some of 
the most broadly diffused families are wholly wanting. Thus, the 
true finches (Fringillide), which have otherwise a universal dis- 
tribution, appear to be wanting in all parts of the region, being 
replaced by the weaver-finches (Ploceidz). The vultures are also 
completely absent, as are likewise the woodpeckers (Picide) and 
pheasants (Phasianidx). The true paradise-birds (Paradiseine), 
whose special development in New Guinea and the other Papuan 
Islands forms such a marked feature in the avian-fauna of that sub- 


region, have but two representatives (Manucodia) on the Australian 
mainland; the bower-birds (Tectonarching), on the other hand— 
members of the same family—have here their greatest development 
(seven species), and are associated with two species of rifle-birds 
(Ptiloris). The Australian region is distinguished by being the 
sole possessor of the families of lyre-birds (Menuride) and apteryxes 
(Apterygide), the latter one of the most remarkable groups of ex- 
isting birds (natives of New Zealand), whose exact relationships 
have not yet been satisfactorily determined. The struthious birds 
of the genus Dromeus, the emu (two species), are confined to the 
continent of Australia, as is also one of the genera of brush-turkeys 
(Leipoa). Talegallus, the true brush-turkey, and Megapodius, the 
megapod or mound-builder, have both representatives in the Papuan 
Islands and Australia, the former being restricted to the region 
under consideration. The greater number of the species of Mega- 
podidew, some twenty or more, are distributed throughout the 
Austro-Malaysian islands and Polynesia, with two outlying species 
in the Philippines, Borneo, and the Nicobar Islands. The parrots 
have an extensive development, and represent in the main forms 
that are not known beyond the limits of this and the transition 
region. ‘‘No group of birds gives to Australia so tropical and 
foreign an air as the numerous species of this great family, by 
which it is tenanted, each and all of which are individually very 
abundant. Immense flocks of white cockatoos are sometimes seen 
perched among the green foliage of the loftiest trees; the brilliant 
scarlet breasts of the rose-hills blaze forth from the yellow flowering 
Acaciz; the Trichoglossi or honey-eating parakeets enliven the 
flowering branches of the larger Eucalypti with their beauty and 
their lively actions; the little grass parakeets rise from the plains 
of the interior and render these solitary spots a world of anima- 
tion; nay, the very towns, particularly Hobart Town and Adelaide, 
are constantly visited by flights of this beautiful tribe of birds, 
which traverse the streets with arrow-like swiftness, and chase each 
other precisely after the manner the Cypseli are seen to do in our 
own islands. In Tasmania I have seen flocks of from fifty to a 
hundred of the Platycercus flaviventris, like tame pigeons, at the 
barn-doors in the farm-yards of the settlers, to which they descend 
for the refuse grain thrown out with the straw by the threshers.?* ” 
About sixty species of the order are known from the mainland of 


Australia alone. The Cacatuide, which are found only in this 
and the adjoining transition region, with a solitary species, Caca- 
tua hematuropygia, in the Philippines, comprise, among other forms, 
the commoner species of the genus Cacatua, as the sulphur-crested 
and rose-breasted cockatoos, and the black cockatoos of the genus 
Calyptorhynchus, which last are restricted to the continent of Aus- 
tralia and Tasmania. An aberrant group of the parrots are the 
New Zealand nestors (Nestoride), some of whose members appear 
to be addicted to carnivorous habits,*® and which would seem to 
have certain points of relationship with the South American ma- 
caws. In New Zealand, likewise, are found the owl-like nocturnal 
parrots of the family Strigopide. One of the most distinctive 
groups of birds of the Australian region are the honey-suckers 
(Meliphagide), whose representatives are scattered all over the 
Austro-Malaysian and Polynesian groups of islands, from Celebes 
to the Marquesas Islands, and from Tasmania to Hawaii. Of some 
two hundred or more species of this family but a single one, 
Ptilotis limbata, enters the Oriental region (the Island of Bali). 
The nearly related honey-suckers (Nectarinide) are represented by 
several forms more or less distinctive of the region (Arachnecthra, 
Arachnothera). Australia with New Guinea, and the adjacent isl- 
ands, may be considered to be par excellence the natural home of 
the pigeons (Columbee), nearly one-half of the total number of 
genera (forty or more) being represented here, and by types many 
of which are found nowhere else. They include the most gaudily 
ornamental representatives of the order (Ptilopus), which in the 
brilliancy of their plumage yield but little to the parrots ; various 
forms of ground-pigeons (Geophaps, &c.); and the beautiful crested- 
pigeon known as the goura, from New Guinea and some of the 
adjacent islands. The turtle-dove (Turtur) is found in New Guinea, 
but the nearly universally distributed Columba, to which the or- 
dinary rock- or wild-pigeon (C. livia) belongs, and which represents 
the ancestral form of most of our domestic breeds, is wanting. 

The reptile-fauna of this region is much less distinctive than 
either the mammalian or avian. Snakes, amphibians (but only the 
tailless forms), and lizards are abundant, the great bulk of the last 
being constituted by the scinks and geckoes. Of the amphibians 
the true toads (Bufonide) are represented by a limited number of 
species in Australia, although the genus Bufo itself is wanting; 


Rana, the frog, has a single species on the peninsula of York (R. 
Papua), but is more abundant in New Guinea. Tree-frogs (Hyla) 
are numerous. A peculiarity distinguishing the continental ophidian 
fauna is the great preponderance of venomous over non-venomous 
serpents. The proportion of the former to the latter is in some 
sections, as in South Australia, as six to one. Two-thirds of all 
the species belong to the family Elapide, to which the American 
coral-snakes and the Indian cobra also belong. One species of 
crocodile is found in some of the Australian waters. 

The fish-fauna is very limited, less than forty species being 
known from the entire realm. Two species of lung-fishes, the 
‘‘barramundas” (Ceratodus Forsteri and C. miolepis), inhabit the 
waters of Queensland. The paucity of forms is, doubtless, in part 
attributable to the limited number of fresh-water streams. 


The scattered island groups of the Pacific Ocean are so deficient 
in the faunal elements that distinguish the main zoogeographical 
divisions of the earth that they may be said to constitute a region 
framed more by negative than by positive characters. For this 
reason they have by many naturalists been relegated to the rank of 
a mere sub-region. Yet, when we compare the Polynesian fauna 
with the faunas of the other recognised regions, it becomes not a 
little difficult to determine just where it should be placed, although 
there would seem to be hardly a question as to the preponderating 
relationship being with the Australian fauna, with which it has 
generally been united. The addition, however, of so enormous 
an annex to a region which combines in its faunal elements such a 
remarkable individuality, and with which, after all, there is not very 
much in common, does not appear natural; and the less so, when 
we recognise the full importance of the characters derived by the 
Polynesian tract from regions other than the Australian, and its 
own special peculiarities. For these reasons it seems advisable to 
consider the region as one apart by itself. 

Zoological Characters of the Polynesian Realm.—This tract 
is at once distinguished from the Australian, as well as from all 
others, by the abscence of all Mammalia excepting bats. Of these 
last there are representatives of two families, the Oriental fruit- 


eating bats, or flying-foxes (Pteropide), and the cosmopolitan Ves- 
pertilionide, distributed almost everywhere throughout the region. 
The flying-foxes are, however, absent from both New Zealand and 
the Sandwich Islands. The more important families of birds are 
mainly such as have an extensive representation in the Australian 
realm, or are held in common by this and the Oriental or Ethio- 
pian realm. Among these are the caterpillar-eaters (Campephagi- 
dx), flower-peckers (Diceidz), weavers (Ploceidz), and swallow- 
shrikes (Artamide). With insignificant exceptions all the families 
of birds that are wanting in the Australian region are likewise 
wanting here; in addition to which, several of the more representa- 
tive families of Australian birds, as the birds-of-paradise, bower- 
birds, lyre-birds, cassowaries, cockatoos, and apteryxes, are also 
wanting. On the other hand, the region contains three families 
which are absolutely confined to it ; these are the dodo-pigeons 
(Didunculide), from the Samoan Islands, the Drepanide, from the 
Sandwich Islands, and the heron-like Rhinochetide, from New 
Caledonia. The mound-builders (Megapodide) and honey-suck- 
ers (Meliphagide) have a very extensive distribution. The more 
nearly cosmopolitan families include among others the thrushes, 
warblers, crows, cuckoos, king-fishers, swallows, goat-suckers, swifts, 
pigeons, falcons, owls, and herons. Most of the genera of Sand- 
wich Island birds are peculiar; hence it might be considered 
doubtful whether the tract inhabited by them should properly be 
considered to constitute a part of the region under considera- 

The reptile-fauna is feebly developed. Lizards, principally 
geckoes and scinks, range throughout the greater part of the 
region, as do likewise a very limited number of serpents, which 
are, however, absent from the more distant islands. The appear- 
ance of a member of the American family of Iguanids (Brachylo- 
phus) in the Feejee Islands is not a little surprising. Three species 
of Cornufer (Ranidz) inhabit the Feejee Islands, and Bufo dialo- 
phus apparently the Sandwich Islands, but otherwise the Amphibia 
are almost wholly wanting. The fresh-water fishes are very limited 
in number, and exhibit a remarkable sameness throughout, com- 
prising principally such forms—eels, atherines, mullets, gobies— 
as can readily accommodate themselves to brackish-water condi- 
tions. A siluroid (Arius) is found in the Sandwich Islands. 



The fauna of this region is an association of elements derived 
from the faunas of the Holarctic, Ethiopian, and Oriental realms, 
with a preponderance on the north side of the Mediterranean of 
the Holarctic element, and on the south side probably of the Ethio- 
pian. The number of absolutely peculiar forms, or of forms which 
barely pass beyond the confines of this tract, is not great. Among 
the Mammalia we have three such genera: Dama, the fallow-deer, 
found on both sides of the Mediterranean; Addax, an antelope, 
confined to North Africa and Syria; and Psammomys, a mouse, 
restricted to Egypt and Palestine. By far the greater number 
of the mammalian types occurring on the north side of the Medi- 
terranean are such as might be considered to belong to the Euro- 
pean division of the Holarctic tract ; but yet there are a con- 
siderable number of both genera and species which are entirely 
or nearly unknown there, and which either represent peculiarities, 
or forms belonging to the more tropical regions to the south. 
Such are the genet, ichneumon (found in Spain), porcupine, jackal 
(Dalmatia), Corsican deer (Cervus Corsicanus), and moufflon (Cor- 
sica, Sardinia, Crete, mountains of Greece). Until quite recently, 
too, the indigenous animals included also the lion and hyena. 
The ape of the Rock of Gibraltar (Macacus Inuus), although found 
on the Barbary coast, is more strictly an Oriental type. The Ethio- 
pian affinities are further established on the African and Asiatic 
sides by the elephant-shrews (Macroscelididz), coney (Syria), the 
antelopes of the genera Oryx, Alcephalus, and Gazella, and several 
additional members of the larger Carnivora—leopard, serval, and 
hunting-leopard. In the early part of this century the hippopota- 
mus still inhabited Lower Egypt. The wild-asses which inhabit 
the desert plains included between the Red Sea and the Indus 
River may be considered as a link between the Holarctic and 
Ethiopian faunas. 

The bird-fauna is on the whole very much more nearly Hol- 
arctic than anything else, a very large proportion of the species 
being such as inhabit Europe north of the Alps. But this is 
due in considerable part to the interchanges which are effected 
through the northerly and southerly migrations. According to 
Canon Tristram,* no less than two hundred and sixty out of three 


hundred and twenty-two species of birds inhabiting Palestine are 
European forms, one hundred and thirty-four species (land and 
water birds) being common to Britain and Palestine. Of the Per- 
sian avi-fauna one hundred and twenty-seven species are also found 
in Europe.“ Of the Oriental and Ethiopian birds which are not 
known north of, or barely transgress, the Tyrrhenian tract, may be 
mentioned the francolin, the quail-like Turnix, pastor, honey- 
sucker (Nectarinea), hoopoe (Upupa), oriole, Ceryle and Halcyon 
among the kingfishers, the bee-eater (Merops), flamingo, and the 
genera Gyps, Vultur, and Neophron among the vultures. The 
ostrich enters the desert regions of Syria. 

The reptilian and amphibian faunas contain a very considerable 
number of forms peculiar to the region. Of some fifty-three species 
found in Italy, only twenty-six penetrate into the region north of the 
Alps, and of this number from five to eight also enter the Ethiopian 
region.** According to Béttger, of the forty species inhabiting 
Morocco, twenty-two also belong to Spain, and but seven of these 
pass into the northerly Holarctic tract. On the other hand, only 
eight of the Moroccan species are known to inhabit the Ethiopian 
region, Algeria, according to the researches of Strauch, is repre- 
sented by seventy-six species, of which twenty-seven are also Italian, 
and but ten Holarctic. On the other hand, eleven species are 
positively known to inhabit the Ethiopian region, and, according 
to Forsyth Major, not unlikely eighteen others will also be found to 
do so.** 


This tract, which, as already stated, comprises the peninsula of 
Lower California, the State of Sonora in Mexico, New Mexico, Ari- 
zona, and parts, not yet absolutely defined, of Nevada, California, 
Texas, and Florida, is, as far as the Mammalia and birds are con- 
cerned, not very clearly differentiated ; the intermingling of northern 
and southern elements, with a decided preponderance in favor of 
the former, is very great, and the peculiarities insignificant. Two 
species of Bassaris, a member of the raccoon family, appear to be 
confined to California, Texas, and the highlands of Mexico. Among 
the more peculiarly Neotropical forms that enter the tract are the 
jaguar, the peccary, a solitary species of armadillo, and a bat of the 
genus Nyctinomus. The reptilian and amphibian faunas are much 


more distinctly of a southern than of a northern facies. Of some 
filty-five or more species of lacertilians, very nearly three-fourths of 
the number are iguanas (Iguanid), and four are geckoes. Fully 
one-half of the total number of genera represented are not found in 
other portions of the North American continent. The serpent- 
fauna comprises about twenty-two genera, one-half of which are 
peculiar. Eleven of the thirteen species of North American rattle- 
snake are found here ; the otherwise common coluber is wanting. 
Among the tailless amphibians, the Bufonidz (Bufo) have their 
headquarters here, more than one-half of all the North American 
species being represented. The tree-frogs (Hylidx), and frogs 
proper (Ranide), are, on the other hand, both very deficient. The 
tailed amphibians, of which there are upwards of fifty species in 
the region to the north, are almost completely wanting. ** 


This region, which is situated intermediately between the Ori- 
ental and Australian realms, naturally partakes of an intermediate 
position also in respect of its fauna. While the animal types bor- 
rowed from the adjoining regions preponderate to a very marked 
extent, the number of specific forms that are absolutely peculiar, 
especially among birds, is very remarkable. According to Mr. 
Wallace nearly three-fourths of some two hundred species of land- 
birds inhabiting the Moluccas are peculiar to those islands, and very 
nearly one-half of a hundred and fifty or more species found on the 
island of Celebes are absolutely confined to it. Yet, of the one 
hundred and twenty genera here represented (Celebes), only nine 
are peculiar. With few exceptions, all the families of birds that 
are represented in either the Australian or the Oriental region are 
also represented here. As belonging to the former, the birds-of- 
paradise have but a single species, the standard-wing (Semioptera 
Wallacei), found in the islands of Gilolo and Batchian; the honey- 
suckers appear to be almost entirely absent from Celebes, although 
they are to be found in several of the other islands. The Oriental 
babbling-thrushes (Timalidz) and bulbuls (Pycnonotid) barely en- 
ter, while the hill-tits (Leiotrichidee) are completely wanting. It is 
not a little remarkable that the creepers (Certhiade), stone-hatches 
(Sittide), and tits (Paridx), which have their representatives in 


the regions on either side of this one, should be entirely wanting 

The placental Mammalia are represented by about twenty 
species, exclusive of the Cheiroptera, mainly of Asiatic types. Six- 
teen of these are found on the island of Celebes, and comprise sev- 
eral rodents (mice and squirrels), a wild-hog, a deer (Cervus hip- 
pelaphus), very closely related to, if not identical with, a Javan 
species; a civet-cat, a spectre-lemur (Tarsius spectrum), and three 
peculiar forms, unlike anything found either on the continent of 
Asia or the Malayan islands. These are a black and almost tailless 
baboon-like ape (Cynopithecus nigrescens), an antelopean buffalo 
(Anoa depressicornis), and the babyroussa (Babirusa alfurus). 
Several of these, or closely allied forms, are also found in the 
Moluccas, and in the group of islands and islets which stretch 
eastward from Lombok to Timor. We have here, in addition, one 
of the commonest species of Malay monkey, the Macacus cynomol- 
gus, a Paradoxurus, and a possible second species of deer, Cervus 
Timoriensis. The implacental mammals of the connecting region 
comprise only Cuscus and Belideus. 


Distribution of marine life.—Nature of the deep-sea fauna.—Oceanic pelagic 
fauna.—Littoral fauna.—Pelagic faunas of lakes.—Deep-lake faunas. 


OnE of the most important results of deep-sea explorations is 
the establishment of the fact that the distribution of oceanic life 
has no depth-limit. Contrary to the opinion so long entertained 
by naturalists that this life was confined to a shallow zone, extend- 
ing but a few hundred feet beneath the water’s surface, it is now 
known that representatives of all the marine invertebrate classes, 
and probably also fishes, exist at the greatest depths that have been 
reached by the dredge, and that in all likelihood a fair proportion of 
these penetrate even to the profounder abysses of four or five miles. 
The most extensive organic deposits accumulating in the trough of 
the sea are made by the Radiolaria and Foraminifera, whose world- 
wide distribution and prodigious development give the determining 
character to the oceanic floor. The well-known ‘ Globigerina,” or 
‘* Atlantic”? ooze, a composition in principal part of the calcareous 
tests of four or five genera of Foraminifera (Globigerina, Orbulina, 
Spheroidina), constitutes the bed of the sea at nearly all points be- 
tween the depths of four hundred and two thousand, or two thou- 
sand five hundred fathoms, except where, as in the immediate 
neighbourhood of coast-lines, the bottom is formed by the conti- 
nental debris. Over this vast calcareous area animal life is far more 
abundant than over the comparatively sterile region where, for any 
reason, the ooze is wanting, and where, consequently, there is a 
marked deficiency in the material necessary for the proper develop- 
ment of many of the lower forms of life. Thus, it has been noticed 
that in such localities chiefly the shell-less orders of animals, as the 
Holothuroidea and the Annelida, are represented. Beyond a depth 


of some two thousand five hundred fathoms shell accumulations 
almost completely cease, their place being taken by a *‘ red-clay” 
deposit, whose exact nature is, perhaps, not yet clearly understood. 
The absence of foraminiferal tests from the areas of greatest depth 
is doubtless due to the dissolution of the calcareous matter of the 
shell during its descent from the surface to the bottom, most of the 
pelagic forms, there is good reason to believe, being restricted in 
their range to a superficial zone of a few hundred fathoms depth. 

The sponges, although they attain a maximum development in 
a zone of five hundred to one thousand fathoms, extend to the 
greatest measured depths, and are represented in the deepest parts 
by all the recognised orders, with the exception of the Calcarea 
(calcareous sponges), which appear to be confined to shallow water. 
The Hexactinellidz, among siliceous sponges, to which the ‘ glass- 
rope sponge” (Hyalonema) and Venus’ flower-basket (Euplectella) 
belong, and whose earliest representatives appear already in the 
fauna of the Cambrian period, preponderate in the abyssal regions. 
The ordinary horny sponges (Keratosa), while they possess a very 
considerable vertical range, have their special development in the 
coralline zone. In the deepest parts of the sea corals are but spar- 
ingly distributed, and by far the greater number of species belong 
to the type of simple corals, and to the family Turbinolid, a large 
proportion of the genera passing back to the Tertiary period, and a 
few to the Cretaceous. No true Paleozoic forms have as yet been 
discovered. But five genera of Madreporaria are known whose 
range extends to, or exceeds, fifteen hundred fathoms (nine thou- 
sand feet), and only a single one, Bathyactis, which transgresses the 
twenty-five hundred fathom line. The vertical range of some of 
the species is very extraordinary, most notably so in. the case of 
Bathyactis symmetrica, which is found in all depths between thirty 
(Bermuda) and twenty-nine hundred fathoms (east of Japan).*° 

Several species of Medusz have been obtained from depths re- 
ported to exceed two thousand fathoms; but it is, perhaps, open 
to question whether some, or even most, of these apparently deep- 
sea forms are not in reality inhabitants of a comparatively shallow 
superficial zone, and have not been simply caught in the hauling of 
the net. There appears to be strong evidence, however, for con- 
cluding that at least a few of the forms are actually inhabitants of 
deep water. 


Among the deep-sea Echinodermata there are representatives of 
all the modern orders—crinoids, brittle-stars, star-fishes, urchins, 
and holothurians—but none of the ancient palechinoids, cystids, or 
blastoids are known. The pear-encrinites (Apiocrinide), for a long 
time supposed to have become extinct with the Mesozoic era, con- 
tinue their succession in the genera Rhizocrinus, Bathycrinus, and 
Hyocrinus, forms more strictly abyssal in character than the Penta- 
crinus, whose greatest development seems to be confined to a zone 
of a few hundred fathoms. Bathycrinus gracilis has been dredged 
in water of a depth of two thousand four hundred and thirty - five 
fathoms. ** 

The Asteroidea (cae Bares and Ophiuroide (brittle-stars) are 
diffused throughout all the oceanic zones that have thus far been 
dredged, the former abounding more particularly at moderate 
depths. The singularly aberrant, and universally distributed, genus 
of star-fishes, Brisinga, is one of the commonest and most distinct- 
ive forms of the abyssal fauna, being found in all depths from four 
hundred to three thousand fathoms. Of the brittle-stars, of which 
there are about five hundred species described, more than two hun- 
dred are restricted in their range to a zone of thirty fathoms. De- 
spite this apparent localisation of the species to a shallow belt, there 
are no less than sixty-nine species which descend below one thou- 
sand fathoms, and about eighteen below two thousand. None of 
the genera have been positively identified with fossil forms, although 
not unlikely the Jurassic Ophioderma may in part belong to Ophiura 
or Pectinura. The affinities of the Triassic Aspidura are still doubt- 
ful.*’ The relationship existing between the modern echinoid fauna 
and the faunas of past geological periods is much more marked; 
indeed, this relationship may be considered as one of the most dis- 
tinctive features of the deep-sea fauna. Not only do a considerable 
number of the living genera date back to the Cretaceous period, 
but a fair proportion of those of the families Cidaride, Echinide, 
Salenidz, &c., are already found in the deposits of the Jura, the 
Lias, and even in the Trias. The Tertiary genera are very largely 
developed, and the utmost similarity prevails, even among the spe- 
cies. So close is the identity existing between the West Indian 
urchins and those occurring fossil in many of the European Tertiary 
beds (older and median Tertiary), that it becomes practically im- 
possible, or nearly so, to distinguish between the species.** This 


correspondence manifests itself among both the regular and irregu- 
lar forms. In their bathymetrical distribution the echinoids appear 
to be governed by much the same conditions as have been observed 
in the case of the brittle-stars. By far the greater number of spe- 
cies—about two hundred—are of a littoral habit, occupying the 
belt of one hundred to one hundred and fifty fathoms, although not 
a few of them, like Echinocardium Australe, which descends to 
two thousand six hundred and seventy-five fathoms, penetrate deep 
into the abyssal zone. The number of continental species, or such 
whose normal habitat is included approximately between the one 
hundred to one hundred and fifty and the five hundred fathom line 
is forty-six, and a slightly larger number, fifty, may be considered 
to be strictly abyssal. The species passing below two thousand 
fathoms are rather limited, and only one is known—Pourtalesia 
laguncula—whose range embraces the twenty-nine hundred fathom 
line. This form is also found in the continental belt.*° 

The sea-cucumbers, or holothurians, which are very generally 
distributed throughout the oceanic abyss, constitute one of the 
most distinctive elements of the deep-sea fauna. As has already 
been seen, they, together with certain annelids, form a large part 
of the fauna of the ‘‘red clay,” or of the region which lies beyond 
the reach of foraminiferal shells. 

Deep-sea crustaceans are very abundant, and many of them are 
remarkable for their colossal size, their bizarre forms (Nematocar- 
cinus gracilipes), and brilliant red coloring. Partaking of the first 
character are the giant blood-red shrimps of the genus Aristzeus, 
and several members of the order Schizopoda. A Gnathophausia 
was obtained off the Azores, by the officers of the ‘‘ Talisman,” 
measuring no less than twenty-five centimetres (nearly ten inches) 
in length. The peneid and caridid shrimps, among the long-tailed 
decapods, are strikingly numerous, and present many very singular 
forms. It would seem, from the observations of the ‘“‘ Challenger,” 
that the Brachyura, or crabs, were confined almost entirely to com- 
paratively shallow water, although at depths of one thousand to 
fifteen hundred fathoms they appear to have yielded a sufficient 
harvest to the naturalists of the French expedition. Hermit-crabs 
were collected by the ‘‘ Talisman ” in water of from four thousand to 
five thousand metres.*® Many of the pedunculated barnacles are of 
uncommonly large size, surpassing in this respect the shallow-water 


forms. As might have been expected from our knowledge of cave- 
faunas, and the habits of those animals, there are a number of blind 
crustaceans inhabiting the deep, as Nephropses, Polycheles, &c., 
the last in a manner representing the Jurassic Eryon. Many of the 
species, on the other hand, are profusely phosphorescent. 

Neither of the three more important orders of mollusks, the 
Lameilibranchiata, Gasteropoda, or Cephalopoda, enter very largely 
as components of the deep-sea fauna, although of the first two scat- 
tered individuals are not exactly uncommon at nearly the greatest 
depths. Leda and Arca were obtained from a depth of 16,000 
feet. The Cephalopoda are the least numerous, and not unlikely 
the majority of the apparently deep-water forms represent in reality 
only captures from shallow water. Wyville Thomson has called 
attention to the remarkable fact that only on one occasion did the 
officers of the “ Challenger” take the animal of Spirula, ‘although 
the delicate little white coiled shell is one of the commonest objects 
on the beach throughout the tropics—sometimes washed up in a 
long white line, which can be seen from any distance.” *' The 
Brachiopoda, while enjoying a very broad geographical distribu- 
tion, are by no means numerous, either specifically or numerically. 
Although seemingly on the verge of extinction, it would appear as 
though the actual specific diminution since the beginning or middle 
of the Tertiary period has not been very great. Most of the recent 
species are technically shallow-water forms, by far the greater num- 
ber being found above the five hundred fathom line. Ten species 
range to depths of six thousand feet and over, and one, Terebratula 
Wyvillei, was dredged in twenty-nine hundred fathoms. All depths 
have furnished specimens of Polyzoa. 

Our knowledge respecting the bathymetrical distribution of the 
deep-sea fishes, owing to the difficulty of determining whether the 
specimens hauled by the net have been actually taken in the depths 
indicated by the sounding-line, or have been simply captured dur- 
ing the ascent of the net, is not very precise, and barely sufficient 
to permit of any general conclusions being drawn from it. That 
fishes abound at very great depths there can be no question; but 
whether they are equally distributed in the great zone lying be- 
tween the surface and bottom waters, may still be considered 
doubtful. The researches of the ‘‘ Challenger” would seem to in- 
dicate that this intermediate area is largely, if not almost wholly, 


destitute of such forms, whereas the evidence brought by the 
‘‘Talisman” tends in just the opposite direction. Thus, in one 
haul taken off the Cape Verde Islands, in four hundred and fifty 
metres water, the net brought up no less than one thousand and 
thirty-one fishes, mostly belonging to the genus Melanocephalus.*” 
At depths of one thousand to one thousand five hundred metres in 
the North African Atlantic, they are stated by Milne-Edwards to 
abound, and on the bank lying some one hundred and twenty miles 
off Cape Nun, where in water of from two thousand to two thousand 
and three hundred metres M. Vaillant obtained the singular Eury- 
pharinx pelecanoides, they are still very varied. Many of the species 
possess an extraordinary vertical range, accommodating themselves 
apparently with ease to the most varied conditions of pressure. 
Alepocephalus rostratus is met with in a zone included between 
nine hundred and three thousand six hundred and fifty metres, and 
much the same distribution characterises Scopelus Madcrensis. 
Macrurus affinis is found between five hundred and ninety and two 
thousand two hundred metres. The greatest depth from which 
any fish has been obtained is about five thousand metres (Bathyopis 

The deep-sea fishes, although frequently characterised by many 
very remarkable abnormalities of structure, such as the enormous 
development of the head or jaw, the ribbon-like body, and the 
possession of phosphorescent organs, do not belong to any peculiar 
order, and are in the main simply modified forms of surface types. 
A large proportion of the species belong to the families Ophidiida, 
Scopelide, and Macruride. 

In summing up the results obtained from a first general survey 
of the collections obtained by the ‘ Challenger,” Sir Wyville 
Thomson believes that we are warranted in arriving at the follow- 
ing general conclusions : ** 

‘1, Animal life is present on the bottom of the ocean at all 

‘©2. Animal life is not nearly so abundant at extreme, as it is 
at moderate depths; but, as well-developed members of all the 
marine invertebrate classes occur at all depths, this appears to de- 
pend more upon certain causes affecting the composition of the 
bottom deposits, and of the bottom water involving the supply of 


oxygen, and of carbonate of lime, phosphate of lime, and other 
materials necessary for their development, than upon any of the 
conditions immediately connected with depth. 

‘<3, There is every reason to believe that the fauna of deep 
water is confined principally to two belts, one at and near the sur- 
face, and the other on and near the bottom; leaving an intermediate 
zone in which the larger animal forms, vertebrate and invertebrate, 
are nearly or entirely absent. 

‘‘4. Although all the principal invertebrate groups are repre- 
sented in the abyssal fauna, the relative proportion in which they 
occur is peculiar. Thus Mollusca in all their classes, brachyurous 
Crustacea, and Annelida, are on the whole scarce; while Echino- 
dermata and Porifera greatly preponderate. 

‘5. Depths beyond five hundred fathoms are inhabited through- 
out the world by a fauna which presents generally the same features 
throughout; deep-sea genera have usually a cosmopolitan extension, 
while species are either universally distributed, or, if they differ 
in remote localities, they are markedly representative; that is to 
say, they bear to one another a close genetic relation. 

‘¢6, The abyssal fauna is certainly more nearly related than the 
fauna of shallower water to the faunz of the Tertiary and Sec- 
ondary periods, although this relation is not so close as we were 
at first inclined to expect, and only a comparatively small num- 
ber of types supposed to have become extinct have yet been dis- 

‘‘7, The most characteristic abyssal forms, and those which are 
most nearly related to extinct types, seem to occur in greatest 
abundance and of largest size in the Southern Ocean; and the gen- 
eral character of the fauns of the Atlantic and of the Pacific gives 
the impression that the migration of species has taken place in a 
northerly direction, that is to say, in a direction corresponding with 
the movement of the cold undercurrent. 

‘*8. The general character of the abyssal fauna resembles most 
that of the shallower water of high northern and southern latitudes, 
no doubt because the conditions of temperature, on which the dis- 
tribution of animals mainly depends, are nearly similar.” (‘‘ The 
Atlantic,” II.) 

Nature of the Deep-Sea Fauna.—Much diversity of opinion 
exists among naturalists as to the nature of the deep-sea fauna. 


That it is not one governed by conditions of temperature alone, 
or in principal part, as has very generally been conceived, is made 
manifest by an examination of the bathymetric distribution which 
particular animal groups affect. Thus, the reef-building corals, 
which for their proper development require an average tempera- 
ture of 70° to 75° Fahr., and a temperature never falling below 68° 
Fahr., are confined to a superficial zone of twenty fathoms; yet 
at most parts of the oceanic surface inhabited by these animals a 
suitable temperature would be found at depths fully five times as 
great, and in some quarters even very much greater. Over the 
tropical Pacific, for example, a temperature of 77° Fahr. prevails to 
a depth of eighty fathoms, and of 70° Fahr. down to one hundred 
fathoms, so that, as far as temperature alone is concerned, the 
coral animal might just as well have found a congenial home in 
those greater depths as in the shallower one of ten to twenty fath- 
oms. Indeed, in the Red Sea the coral isotherm would still be 
found at the very bottom, or in a depth of water of six hundred 
fathoms; but here, as elsewhere, the limiting line is found at twenty 
fathoms. With reference to the vertical distribution of these ani- 
mals, therefore, the matter of temperature would seem to be but 
little involved. 

What is true of the corals doubtless applies in considerable 
part to many other animal groups; but it must be confessed that 
our knowledge respecting the thermal conditions necessary for the 
existence of most marine organisms is so limited that we can hardly 
premise at the present day upon any safe deduction being based 
upon it. Professor Fuchs *° has quite recently emphasised the fact, 
however, as tending to prove the non-influence of temperature in 
determining distribution, that over the entire world almost all 
the important types of the deep-sea fauna are already represented 
at the comparatively insignificant depth of ninety to one hundred 
fathoms, and consequently inhabit a zone the extremes of whose av- 
erage temperature may be separated by fully thirty to forty degrees. 
Thus, it is pointed out that on the Pourtales Plateau, off the coast 
of Florida, which begins at ninety fathoms, and descends to three 
hundred fathoms without showing any essential modification in its 
inhabiting fauna, deep-sea forms are very plentiful, especially corals, 
siliceous sponges, and echinoderms; and the same is the case with 
the famous Barbadoes grounds. A well-marked deep-sea fauna has 


long been recognised in the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters of 
Europe as occupying the one hundred fathom zone; and it has been 
equally observed along the coast of Brazil, the Philippines, and 
elsewhere. The fact that almost everywhere this upper limit of 
faunal distribution should correspond with a line of nearly uniform 
depth is certainly very remarkable, and one that argues strongly 
against the notion of thermal influences. For, if the determining 
factor in vertical distribution were really the matter of temperature, 
we should naturally expect to find the defining line between the 
surface and deep-sea faunas to be differently located for different 
parts of the earth’s surface, rising in the polar and high temperate 
regions, where the surface temperature of the water is itself very 
low, and falling in the region of the tropics, whereas, as a matter 
of fact, no such condition obtains. Indeed, on the principle gen- 
erally entertained, there ought to be in the high northern and 
southern latitudes no such thing as an abyssal fauna, inasmuch as 
the thermal conditions requisite for its existence would be those 
corresponding to the surface fauna as well, a nearly uniform tem- 
perature extending through the sea from top to bottom. We should 
then expect to meet with the characteristic deep-sea forms of corals, 
brachiopods, vitreous sponges, echinoderms, &c., seemingly indica- 
tive of a low temperature, in the littoral region, but, as is well 
known, they do not occur there, although they are sufficiently 
abundant in deep water. It is true that certain animals occurring 
in the deeper parts of the warm seas are known as surface forms 
only in the Arctic waters; but these are inconsiderable in number, 
and in the main uncharacteristic, so that they can scarcely be con- 
sidered as a link uniting the littoral with the deep-sea faunas; ina 
general way the two are as sharply defined in the Arctic Seas as 
anywhere else. But, if it is not the matter of temperature that is 
principally involved in the formation of a deep-sea fauna, what is ? 
The question does not, perhaps, at the present moment admit of a 
definite solution; but a suggestion thrown out in this direction by 
Professor Fuchs deserves careful attention. After reviewing the 
possibilities that may arise from such proximate causes as differences 
in the chemical characters of the water, the quantity of absorbed 
air contained in it, and currental motion, all of which must assuredly 
be of insignificant import, this eminent authority arrives at the con- 
clusion that the only factor which can, in any material way, affect’ 


vertical distribution is light. It is claimed in confirmation of this 
view that the limit of light-penetration in the oceanic waters, as fixed 
by Secchi, Pourtalés, and Bouguer, corresponds closely with the 
forty to fifty fathom line, marking the upper boundary of the deep- 
sea fauna, or, more strictly, the line separating the littoral from the 
deep-sea fauna. Below this line, therefore, the fauna is one of dark- 
ness, and above it, except in so far as certain animal groups may be 
nocturnal in their habits, one of light. In support of this proposi- 
tion Professor Fuchs emphasises the fact that, ‘‘ with their character 
of animals of darkness, numerous peculiarities in the organisation 
and nature of the deep-sea animals agree. Thus it is known that very 
many deep-sea animals either have uncommonly large eyes, after 
the fashion of nocturnal animals, or are completely blind; it is also 
well known that they are, for the most part, either pale and colour- 
less, or unicolourous, and that varied colouration is exceedingly sel- 
dom met with among them; and, finally, it is likewise well known 
that a very large proportion of deep-sea animals, in many groups, 
indeed the majority, are vividly luminous. This last peculiarity is 
of special importance, for it is clear that luminosity can be of con- 
sequence only to such animals as are destined to live in darkness, 
and, in point of fact, scarcely any luminous animals are known to 
us from the littoral region.” 

While it may, perhaps, be admitted that temperature is not the 
only, or even principal, agent in determining distribution, it must, 
nevertheless, be confessed that certain grave objections present 
themselves to the theory which looks upon light as the determin- 
ing factor; indeed, the objections are much of the same kind as 
those which have been urged against the thermal theory. If the 
fact is surprising that corals do not descend below the one hundred 
and twenty foot line, when the temperature for a very considerable 
distance beyond that point is still above the normal required by 
them, is it not perhaps equally surprising that they should be 
limited at this point at all, seeing that the penetration of light ex- 
tends to fully double or treble the depth, or, as has been more re- 
cently shown by MM. Fol and Sarasin in the case of the Mediterra- 
nean Sea, to even ten times that depth? Can it be rationally 
conceived that such lowly organisms, devoid of special visual or- 
gans, can be so affected by the conditions of light and darkness as 
not to be able to endure that amount of obscurity which distin- 


guishes the zone immediately underlying the twenty fathom line ? 
This scarcely appears possible. The extended range of a very 
large proportion of the animal forms entering into the composition 
of the littoral fauna, and the extreme rarity of instances in which 
limitation is so marked as to render most effective the difference 
between light and darkness, argue strongly against the notion of 
the ail- paramount influence of light as affecting distribution. This 
objection to the views advanced by Professor Fuchs, as opposed to 
the doctrine of thermal limitation, is further strengthened by the 
fact which has been noted in the case of many animal groups (e. g., 
the Brachiopoda) that the vertical range of surface forms is on an 
average greater in the boreal and hyperboreal regions—i. e., where 
the temperature of the water is more nearly uniform—than in the 
more centrally located regions, where a much broader variation in 
the temperature of the water manifests itself. It is true, as has 
been urged by Professor Fuchs, that the littoral fauna is largely 
dependent for its development upon the existence of coral reefs 
and coast-binding shell-banks; but in how far this association is 
connected with the presence or absence of light, still remains to 
be determined. On the whole, while it may be assumed that we 
are still largely ignorant of the fundamental facts underlying dis- 
tribution, it appears more than likely that not a single cause, but 
a combination of causes, is operative in bringing about the general 
result. That the deep-sea fauna is a fauna of darkness must be 
admitted; but this is so from the necessity of the case rather than 
a matter of choice resting with the animals composing it. 

A singular correspondence has been noted as existing between 
the pelagic (surface) oceanic fauna and the fauna of the oceanic 
bottom (abyssal)—a correspondence that has likewise been attrib- 
uted by some to a condition of darkness by which the different 
organisms are supposed to be governed. To what exact degree the 
members of this animal assemblage are nocturnal in their habits, or 
constitute true animals of darkness, the observations are not suffi- 
ciently far advanced to permit of a general conclusion being ar- 
rived at. 

Pelagic Fauna.—Under the designation “ pelagic” may be in- 
cluded those forms of life which habitually pass their existence on 
the free expanse of the ocean, and which only on accidental occa- 
sions, if at all, visit the continental borders, or descend to the floor 


of the sea. Such are the radiolarians, certain foraminifers and in- 
fusorians, the siphonophorous meduse (Portuguese man-of-war, 
Physalia; Velella, Porpita), winged-shells (pteropods), a limited 
number of gasteropods (Atlanta, Ianthina, Glaucus, &c.), cephalo- 
pods, and tunicates (Salpa, Pyrosoma). The schizopod and ento- 
mostracous Crustacea are numerously represented, while a genus of 
hemipterous insect (Halobates) finds a suitable home clinging to the 
waves at practically all distances from the land. A number of 
fishes, such as the herrings, mackerel, tunny, swordfish, flying-fish 
(Exoceetus), flying-gurnard (Dactyloptera), sea-horse, and most of 
the sharks, some of which approach the shore during the spawning 
season, might be added to this list, and among the Mammalia the 
whales and dolphins. 

The primary condition governing the existence of a pelagic 
fauna is manifestly the development over the oceanic expanse of 
vegetable life. This is found, for the most part, in the microscopic 
diatoms and the Oscillatorizw, the former of which abound more 
particularly in high northern and southern latitudes, frequently, by 
their vast numbers, rendering the water thick as soup, and impart- 
ing to it a peculiar brownish or blackish tint, the so-called ‘ black 
water” of Arctic navigators. In the temperate and warmer seas 
the diatoms are largely replaced by the oscillatorians, whose profuse 
development is no less remarkable. In the Arafura Sea, between 
Australia and New Guinea, the officers of the ‘‘ Challenger” found 
the water continuously discoloured during a period of several days’ 
sail, and giving out the odour of a reedy pond; and in the Atlantic 
they ‘‘ passed for days through water full of minute alge (Tricho- 
desmium), gleaming in the water like particles of mica.” * It is to 
a species of Trichodesmium (T. erythreeum) that is due the peculiar 
red colouring frequently seen over stretches of the Red Sea. 

Were it not for this profuse vegetable growth the sea would 
probably be, in great part, an uninhabited waste. The alge fur- 
nish the necessary nutriment to the simpler forms of animal life, 
which in turn yield their substances to those more highly organised. 
In this manner a true interdependence of conditions, or balance of 
life, is maintained. Professor Moseley, however, believes that in 
some parts of the ocean the quantity of freely suspended vegetable 

* Moscley, ‘‘ Nature,” xxvi., p. 559. 


growth is not sufficient to maintain the animal life which appears 
to be nourished by it, and he suggests that the deficiency may be 
made good through a peculiar symbiotic relation which appears to 
exist between certain lowly-organised plants and animals. Thus, 
many of the radiolarians and comb-bearers (Ctenophora) contain, 
embedded in their body-substance, a number of yellow starch-cells, 
which Brandt recognises as unicellular alge (Zooxanthelle), and 
which are supposed to thrive upon the waste products of the ani- 
mal, and to yield to it in turn the compounds elaborated in the 
process of its own development. The relation of mutual benefit 
which is here stated to exist probably requires further investigation 
before it can be accepted as an absolute fact.* 

One of the distinctive characters of the majority of pelagic ani- 
mals is their transparency, which renders them very nearly invisible 
on the surface of the water. The nerves, muscles, skin, and organs 
generally, are alike hyaline, although in many instances the liver 
has remained unaffected. The protection thus afforded to such 
animals as the radiolarians, jelly-fishes, tunicates, and many crus- 
taceans, is compensated for in animals less transparent by a colour- 
ing which harmonises with that of the open sea. Thus, the pre- 
dominating colour is either blue or violet, as we find it in the 
Portuguese man-of-war, the Velella and Porpita, and in Ianthina 
and Glaucus among the snails. The fishes are principally steel-blue 
above and lustrous white underneath, a want of correspondence 
which is also manifest in other animal groups. Glaucus, just men- 
tioned, whose progression is effected in the manner of the common 
pond-snail, ventral surface uppermost, has this side coloured blue, 
and the opposite, or dorsal side, silver-white. Exceptional cases 
are presented of an extreme brilliancy of colour, as in the copepod 
Sapphirhina, which is said to rival in metallic lustre the humming- 
birds, and to display the colours of the spectrum with the intensity 
of the gleam of the diamond. *® 

Most of the pelagic animals, except the lowest, are devoid of a 
shell, or, when present, the shell is usually very thin and fragile, 

* Professor Hensen estimates that in some parts of the Baltic there are 
upwards of 140,000,000 plants (Rhizosolenia, Cheetoceros) in every ten cubic 
metres of water, and maintains that this prodigious quantity is produced in 
the course of about two months. “ Bulletin of the United States Fish Com- 
mission,’’? August, 1885. 



as in Argonauta, Cleodora, Atlanta, Carinaria, Ianthina, &c. Ab- 
normalities of structure, especially in the case of the immature forms 
of littoral species, are frequent, leading to such modification of out- 
line as to obscure in great measure the general parental relationship, 
The supposed young of the conger-eel develop into small transpar- 
ent ribbon-shaped fishes, largely devoid of hemoglobin in their 
blood, and with an exclusively cartilaginous skeleton; the young 
of certain flat-fishes (Platessa) die without ever reaching maturity, 
and before the eyes have become asymmetrically placed; and, in 
the case of some of the rock-lobsters (Palinurus), the flattened larve 
attain to gigantic proportions. Other instances of such abnormal 
development might be mentioned. The unusually large size of the 
eyes in some of the annelids and crustaceans (Alciops, Coryczeus) 
recalls a similar characteristic belonging to many of the deep-sea 
forms of life; likewise the total absence, or very rudimentary con- 
dition (as in pteropods), of these organs. The power of emitting 
phosphorescent light is another feature held in common by many of 
the surface forms of life with the fauna of the deep. Pyrocystis 
and Noctiluca, amceboid bodies on the border-line between the 
Foraminifera and Infusoria, appear to be the principal contributors 
to the general oceanic phosphorescence. 

A remarkable feature of the pelagic fauna is the vast swarms 
or schools in which many of the forms are found, association being 
the rule rather than the exception, and the broad expanse over 
which the greater number of the types are spread. The genera 
are of almost universal distribution, and many even of the species, 
of both the higher forms (fishes) and the lowest, are identical over 
the most distantly removed quarters of the globe; the polar faunas, 
however, which are constituted principally by the crustaceans, 
pteropods, and whales, differ materially from the faunas of the 
temperate and equatorial belts, lacking largely in the medusa, 
the tunicates, and pelagic fishes. The varying salinity of the 
oceanic waters appears very sensibly to affect this fauna, whose 
distribution is, accordingly, in a measure governed by it. Thus, 
the surface-fauna of the Baltic is very meagre, and in the upper 
part of the basin, where the waters are nearly fresh, it is reduced — 
to little more than a very limited number of crustaceans. Some 
of the medusoids, however, as Aurelia and Cyanea, appear to be 
but little affected by a deficiency in the salt-supply, and, indeed, 


according to Moseley, they would seem to prefer a habitation near 
the mouths of fresh-water streams, being seen to crowd up towards 
the heads of fjords and inlets. In the Hawkesbury inlet, New 
South Wales, the Scyphomcduse were observed by this naturalist 
swimming in shoals where the water was so pure as to be quite 

Much uncerta‘nty still exists as to the relation which the free 
oceanic fauna bears to the fauna of the deep-sea, an uncertainty 
due to the difficulty of determining the actual depth whence the 
different organisms caught in the net were obtained. Alexander 
Agassiz maintains, as the result of experiments made with the 
Sigsbee net, the most improved appliance thus far invented for 
the purposes of deep-sea exploration, that “the surface-fauna of 
the sea is really limited to a comparatively narrow belt in depth 
[about fifty fathoms], and that there is no intermediate belt, so to 
speak, of animal life between those animals living on the bottom 
or close to it, and the surface pelagic fauna.” ‘7 Beyond a depth 
of one hundred fathoms nothing was found. On the other hand, 
the numerous observations made by Mr. Murray on board the 
‘*Challenger,” with appliances less perfect than those used by Mr. 
Agassiz, almost conclusively prove that the depth penetration is 
very much greater than is here indicated, and that possibly a 
direct continuation exists in the case of certain groups of animals 
between the pelagic and abyssal faunas. The fact seems to be 
pretty satisfactorily established, however, that the true zone of 
free oceanic life, or that which is most numerously inhabited, is a 
shallow one, and that whatever life extends to great depths is 
comparatively restricted. 

It would appear that a large proportion, if not the greater num- 
ber, of the pelagic animals are more or less nocturnal in their habits, 
shunning the glare of daylight, and appearing on the actual surface 
only during the hours of evening and night. Such are most of 
the pelagic fishes, crustaceans, pteropods, heteropods, and fora- 
minifers, which in their hidden depths for a long time eluded the 
search of naturalists. The radiolarians, jelly-fishes, and certain 
crustaceans, on the other hand, seem to prefer the open daylight, 
appearing at all hours on the surface during calms; and the same 
is the case with a number of fishes, as the flying-fish and dolphin 
(Coryphena). There is thus a perpetual oscillation in this upper 


zone of life, which, as dependent upon an excess or deficiency in 
illumination, probably does not extend much beyond a depth of 
fifty fathoms. 

There can be but little doubt that a pelagic fauna antedated all 
the faunas of the globe, and that from it, through a long process 
of modification and adaptation, have been derived the faunas of 
the shore, the abyssal deep, the land-surface, and the various fresh- 
waters. The identity, or close resemblance, existing between the 
larval forms of many of the most divergent animal groups clearly 
indicates the lines along which modification has resulted, for it can 
scarcely be conceived, as Professor Moseley well insists, that this 
general identity in larval structure could have been brought about 
as the result of natural selection after the adult forms had largely 
diverged from one another. The earliest traces of a pelagic fauna 
are indicated in the rocks of Cambrian age, where, as representative 
of it, we find, besides the remains of pteropods, the impressions of 
jelly-fishes, which were apparently not very far removed from some 
modern Scyphomeduse. The marine animals that are deficient or 
lacking in the composition of the pelagic fauna, and not improbably 
have always been lacking, are the sponges, alcyonarian corals, 
sipunculoid worms, brachiopods, lamellibranchs, and echinoderms. 
The true infusorians (Ciliata) appear to be but very feebly repre- 
sented, although there is an abundance of the Cilioflagellata. 

Nature of the Littoral Fauna.—That the littoral fauna is 
either wholly or in great part a derivative of the free oceanic or 
pelagic fauna there is every reason to believe. The supposition 
that the latter came into existence before the former is at once a 
natural one, and is supported, apart from general zoogeological 
considerations, by the character of the mutually related littoral 
larvee, whose adaptation to a pelagic existence clearly indicates the 
nature of their primal condition. There is, further, every reason 
to believe that the earliest plants were also largely pelagic, and 
that not until these had firmly established themselves as permanent 
forms along the sea-border was there developed a shore-fauna. In 
exposing themselves to the manifold conditions, such as the break- 
ing of the surf, tidal action, shore-wash, attacks of enemies, 
which a change of abode entailed upon the members of the pelagic 
fauna, these were by force of adaptation compelled to undergo par- 
ticular modifications of habit and structure which rendered them 


better fitted to their new surroundings. This we see in the defen- 
sive armour or encasement with which a very large number of the 
shore animals are provided, a character which eminently distin- 
guishes them from the inhabitants of the open ocean. The shells, 
which are with the latter in most cases very thin and fragile, as in 
Atlanta, the argonaut, and the pteropods generally, are in the vast 
majority of shore animals thick and resisting, and capable of with- 
standing the numerous strains and impacts to which they are sub- 

But the same causes which have been operative in producing 
modifications in the pelagic fauna have been influential in bringing 
about a no less important series of modifications in the littoral 
fauna as well. The intermingling of fresh and salt waters about 
the embouchures of rivers, or a deficiency, as in the ice-bound north, 
in the salinity of the sea itself, will have gradually paved the way 
for the formation or evolution of animal forms destined to live 
eventually in fresh water. Hence, the origin in principal part of 
the fresh-water faunas. Similarly, frequent exposure to the at- 
mosphere beyond the interacting influence of the aqueous medium, 
as in the region of ‘‘ between tides,” will have developed a method 
of respiration, or respiratory apparatus, other than that which is 
dependent for its action upon the presence of water. The remark- 
able series of modifications which the Amphibia (frogs, toads, sala- 
manders) undergo from their larval condition, when, as inhabitants 
of the water, they breathe by gills, to their adult stage, when 
respiration is in most cases effected through the intermedium of 
lungs alone, most forcibly illustrate the progression which, at least 
in one division of the animal series, the vertebrates, has led to 
the formation of the air-breathing or terrestrial fauna. But other 
instances of adaptation from an aqueous to a terrestrial existence 
are not wanting. Many fishes have their gills so modified as 
to permit of a very protracted existence on dry land, while, as is 
well known, the lung-fishes (Dipnoi) have developed true lungs. 
Land-crabs are very abundant in the Tropics, roaming about in the 
interior at very considerable distances from the shore. In Japan 
they have been observed at an elevation of four thousand feet above 
the sea. The remarkable cocoanut crab, Birgus latro, is provided 
with a pair of true lungs, developed on the walls of its gill cavities. 

Professor Moseley ** thus sums up the relations of the littoral 


fauna: ‘The fauna of the coast has not only given origin to the 
terrestrial and fresh-water faunas, it has throughout all time, since 
life originated, given additions to the pelagic fauna in return for 
having received from it its starting-point. It has also received 
some of these pelagic forms back again to assume a fresh littoral 
existence. The terrestrial fauna has returned some forms to the 
shores, such as certain shore-birds, seals, and the polar bear; and 
some of these, such as the whales and a small oceanic insect, Halo- 
bates, have returned thence to pelagic life. 

‘‘ The deep-sea fauna has probably been formed almost entirely 
from the littoral, not in most remote antiquity, but only after food, 
derived from the débris of the littoral and terrestrial faunas and 
floras, became abundant in deep water. It was in the littoral region 
that all the primary branches of the zoological family-tree were 
formed; all terrestrial and deep-sea forms have passed through a 
littoral phase, and amongst the representatives of the littoral fauna 
the recapitulative history, in the form of series of larval conditions, 
is most completely retained.” 

Lake Faunas.—It would appear that in all large lakes three 
distinct faunas can be recognised: 1. The littoral fauna, comprising 
the animals of the shore-line, which do not habitually descend to a 
much greater depth than fifteen or twenty feet. 2. The deep fauna, 
whose representatives live along the floor of the lake, at depths 
usually exceeding sixty to a hundred feet, a limited number of 
forms occasionally rising to the surface; and 3. The pelagic fauna, 
whose members occupy the free surface of the lakes, rarely or never 
reaching the shore-line or descending to the bottom. The zone 
inhabited by the last measures from fifty toa hundred metres in 

Our general knowledge respecting the pelagic fauna is still very 
limited, and is based almost exclusively upon observations made 
upon the European lakes. From these it would seem that the 
fauna is a very restricted one, consisting, as far as is known, of 
some twenty-five species of entomostracous crustaceans (ostracods, 
cladoceres, and copepods), a fresh-water mite (Atax crassipes), about 
six species of rotifers, and a limited number of infusorians. No 
lake has thus far yielded all these forms, and the majority of lakes 
are largely deficient. Between the years 1874 and 1878 Forel *° ob- 
tained in the Lake of Geneva only eight species: Diaptomus castor, 


Cyclops (sp. undet.), Daphnia hyalina, D. mucronata, Bosmia lon- 
gispina, Sida crystallina, Bythotrephes longimanus, Leptodora hya- 
lina. Of the total number of twenty-four species which were ob- 
tained by Pavesi® from the Italian lakes, belonging almost exclu- 
sively to such genera as occur in Lake Geneva, only four (Daphnia 
hyalina, D. galeata, Bosmia longispina, Leptodora hyalina) are 
known to inhabit the Lago Maggiore, and an equal number the 
Lago di Como. The Lago d’Iseo, on the other hand, has ten spe- 
cies, and Orta and Mergozzo eleven each. As far as the Crustacea 
are concerned, the Swiss lakes appear to be less rich in point of 
species than the Scandinavian; but they alone, with the adjoining 
lakes of Annecy and Bourget, in Savoy, have thus far yielded any 
variety of forms of lower organisation than the articulates. M. 
Imhof’s investigations have brought to light, as constituents of the 
Swiss pelagic faunas, two species each of flagellate (Dinobryon) 
and cilioflagellate (Peridinium, Ceratium) infusorians, two species 
of true infusorians (Epistylis lacustris, Acineta elegans), which live 
attached on the crustaceans, and the six rotifers already referred to, 
belonging to the genera Conochilus, Asphanema, Anureea, Triarthra, 
and Polyarthra. Doubtless some of these forms will also be found 
in the more northern and southern lakes.* 

The general characters common to the animals of the pelagic 
region, which are the outcome of their particular mode of life, are 
thus briefly summarised by Forel: ‘‘ They must swim incessantly, 
without ever being able to rest upon a solid body, and, instead of 
any organ of adhesion, they possess a highly developed natatory 
apparatus; their specific gravity, which is nearly the same as that 
of the water, enables them to swim about in the water without any 
great muscular exertion. They are rather sluggish animals, and 
escape the enemies that pursue them rather by their transparency 
than by their activity; they are, indeed (and this is their character- 
istic peculiarity), perfectly transparent, like crystals; and only their 
strongly pigmented black, brown, or red eye appears distinctly. 
This nearly perfect transparency of the pelagic animals may be re- 
garded as a mimicry acquired by natural selection; only the animals 

*<*¢ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.,’? December, 1883; January, 1884. Since 
the above was written Imhof has identified several of the Swiss crustaceans, 
rotifers, &c., in the lakes of Alsace-Lorraine. ‘ Zoologisher Anzeiger,” De- 
cember, 1885.50 


which are as transparent as the medium in which they live have 
held their own.” 

The lacustrine pelagic animals perform daily vertical migrations 
of the same character as has been noted in the case of the oceanic 
pelagic fauna, descending to the regions of obscurity during the 
day-time, and ascending by night. The animals appear to shun 
the light of the sun, and even of the moon, and hence retire to a 
depth probably not far from the limits of light penetration; the 
fauna is, therefore, one of darkness. The greatest depth whence 
specimens were obtained by Forel in Lake Geneva was about one 
hundred and fifty metres; but at this depth only Diaptomus was 
found. At a depth of fifty metres, in the Lago d’Orta, Pavesi 
found a very profuse fauna, represented by seven species; in the 
Lago d’Iseo, at five, fifteen, and thirty metres, the catch appears to 
have been exceedingly abundant (‘‘la pesca fu prodigiosamente ab- 
bondante”); but, at one hundred metres, where the temperature of 
the water was 19° C., as compared with a surface temperature of 
23° C., the fauna was decidedly scanty, although five distinct forms 
were obtained. 

To what extent the downward extension of the pelagic fauna is 
governed by conditions of temperature, or in how far this limitation 
is dependent principally upon the presence or absence of light as a 
determining factor in the evolution of plant life, still remains to be 
ascertained. Forel, in 1874, found that paper sensitised with chlo- 
ride of silver was still acted upon by the diffused light of the Lake 
of Geneva at a depth of about forty-five metres in summer and one 
hundred metres in winter, while ordinary shining objects disap- 
peared from view at a depth of sixteen to seventeen metres. Asper, 
in August, 1881, obtained positive results through the use of plates 
sensitised with an emulsion of bromide of silver at a depth some- 
what exceeding ninety metres in the Lake of Zurich; and more re- 
cently (1884—’85) Fol, Sarasin, Pictet, and others, have been able 
to detect the penetration of light in Lake Geneva to a maximum 
depth (in winter) of two hundred metres. In summer the penetra- 
tion is considerably less. Fol and Sarasin have also demonstrated 
that, in the Mediterranean, the solar rays penetrate to a depth nearly 
double that to which they were found to descend in the Swiss lakes, 
or to four hundred metres, and that at a depth of three hundred 
and eighty metres the intensity of light is as great as in Lake 


Geneva at one hundred and ninety-two metres. At this depth, 
however, the impression produced upon the sensitised plates was 
of no greater value than that which would have been produced, 
under ordinary conditions, on a clear night, without a moon. 

A remarkable feature of the lacustrine fauna is the very broad 
distribution of most of the species. Not only is there a general 
resemblance between the pelagic faunas of all the European lakes 
that have thus far been examined, from Scandinavia to Italy, and 
from Italy to Bohemia and the Caucasus, but a strict identity, at 
least as far as the species of Entomostraca are concerned. The 
species that occur in the one lake are also the species of the other 
lakes, although the respective littoral and deep faunas may be 
largely distinct. Further, it would appear that the same species 
are constituents of the pelagic faunas of American lakes as well, 
and not improbably make up the greater part of them. Professor 
8. I. Smith,” in his investigations of the fauna of Lake Superior, 
determined the presence, in the surface waters, of Daphnia galeata 
and Leptodora hyalina, common forms in the lakes of both Southern 
and Northern Europe, and of Daphnia pellucida, which was de- 
scribed by Miller as a pelagic inhabitant of some of the Danish 

As to the origin of the pelagic fauna little positive is known. 
That it is not a direct derivative of the different littoral faunas is 
very nearly certain, for were this the case we should expect to meet 
with largely differing assemblages of pelagic forms im all lakes 
where the littoral or deep faunas likewise differ; but, as has been 
seen, this is not the case. Yet there can be little or no question 
that it really represents a modification of some primary shore-fauna, 
whose members, through force of circumstances, were compelled 
to adapt themselves to new conditions of existence. The supposed 
method of its differentiation and further distribution is thus indi- 
cated by Forel: ‘‘I believe we must find the cause of the differ- 
entiation of the pelagic fauna in the combination of two different 
phenomena — namely, the daily migrations of the Entomostraca, 
and the regular local winds of the great lakes. It is well known 
that on the borders of great masses of water two regular winds 
prevail, one of which blows at night from the land towards the 
water, the other by day from the water to the land. The nocturnal 

animals of the shore-region, which swim at night at the surface, 


are at this time driven towards the middle of the lake by the sur- 
face-current of the land-winds, sink during the day, being driven 
away by the light, to the deep water, and thus escape the surface- 
current of the lake-winds, which would otherwise have carried 
them again to the shore. Constantly driven farther every night, 
they remain confined to the pelagic region, as they are not carried 
back again during the day. Thus a differentiation takes place by 
natural selection, until at last, after a certain number of genera- 
tions, there remain only the wonderfully transparent and almost 
exclusively swimming animals which we know. When this differ- 
entiation has once taken place, the pelagic speciés is conveyed [in 
the condition of resting eggs] by the migratory water-birds from 
one country to another, and from one lake into another, where it 
reproduces its kind if the conditions of existence of the medium 
are favourable. In this way we may find the pelagic Entomostraca 
in lakes which are too small to possess the alternation of winds, 
the animals having been differentiated by the action of the winds 
in other larger lakes.” 

It might, however, be asked with Pavesi, if the general uni- 
formity of pelagic faunas has been brought about through a method 
of distribution such as is here indicated, how has it happened that 
some lakes should be so largely deficient in pelagic forms as com- 
pared with other, and nearly contiguous, lakes? The lakes of 
Northern Italy may be taken in illustration of a condition of this 
kind. Seeing that identical forms have been scattered to such 
widely separated quarters of a continent, as Italy, Scandinavia, and 
the Caucasus, it certainly appears a little surprising that immedi- 
ately adjoining districts should have been so irregularly stocked 
with the distributed material. It might, however, be conceived 
to be a matter of accident, and, indeed, at first sight the condition 
appears to be more in the nature of a support to the theory stated 
than as an argument against it. But if accidental conditions of 
this kind have happened, why has it not also accidentally happened 
that some of the lakes should have retained a fauna, formed through 
modification of their own particular littoral or deep fauna, distinct 
from that of any other lake ? Still, the objection here raised is not 
an insuperable one, and offers much less difficulty in the way of the 
partial solution of the problem than does the circumstance of the oc- 
currence of identical forms in the lakes of Europe and North America. 


Deep Faunas of Lakes.—The most systematic and thorough 
investigations that have been made into the nature of deep lacustrine 
faunas are those of Forel upon the fauna of Lake Geneva.** As the 
result of the observations of this naturalist it would appear that 
the abundant fauna of the floor of this lake comprises representa- 
tives of nearly all the primary divisions of fresh-water—inhabiting 
Invertebrata, and that even a fair proportion of the secondary 
groups are also represented, although by a very limited number of 
species in nearly all cases. Included in the lowest forms are sey- 
eral ameebe, and Epistylis, Opercularia, and Acineta among infu- 
sorians. The hydroids are represented by the common brown hydra 
(Hydra rubra—to one hundred metres), and the rotifers by Flos- 
cularia. Three orders of worms are indicated—nematoids, cestoids, 
and turbellarians—and two of annelids proper, the hirudines and 
chetopods (Lombriculus, Tubifex, &c.}. The turbellarians (Pla- 
naria, Mesostomum, Dendroccelum) have no less than eleven species, 
one of which, Vortex Lemani, is found at all depths between fifteen 
and three hundred metres. A cestoid was dredged from a depth 
of two hundred and fifty-eight metres. The crustaceans are repre- 
sented by a limited number of species belonging to the amphipods 
(Gammarus cecus), isopods (Asellus cecus), cladoceres (Lynceus), 
ostracods (Cypris, Candona), and copepods (Cyclops, Canthocamp- 
tus). Other articulates are four or five species, and as many genera, 
of arachnids (Arctiscus, Hydrachnella, &c.) and the larve of some 
tipuliform insects. The limited number of mollusks inhabiting the 
depth is not a little remarkable; of the lamellibranchs there is the 
single genus Pisidium, with about three species, and of the gastero- 
pods only the genera Limnea and Valvata. Although the Unioni- 
dee (Anodon) are very abundant in the littoral fauna, they are com- 
pletely absent below. One species of Limnza (L. abyssicola) was 
found to be sufficiently abundant at a depth of two hundred and 
fifty metres, a circumstance to which Forel calls attention as indi- 
cating the readiness with which an air-breathing mollusk can ac- 
commodate itself to conditions largely at variance with those which 
are considered necessary to conform to certain structural peculiari- 
ties. * 

* When brought to what might be considered its proper position, the sur- 
face of the water, the mollusk almost immediately adapted itself to the new 
conditions of existence, apparently without undergoing any inconvenience. 


Although the fauna, taken as a whole, may be said to possess 
certain special characters, yet, broadly considered, it is only the 
representative, by slight modification, of the fauna of the littoral 
zone. It possesses no really well-defined or abnormal features of 
its own. Most of the forms are of small size, and a number of 
them, whose surface representatives are active and good swimmers, 
appear to have taken to sluggish habits; neither Cyclops nor Lynceus 
would rise when placed in an aquarium. Blindness is exceptional, 
and it isa surprising fact that the animals suffering from this defect 
(Gammarus cecus, Asellus cecus) are comparatively shallow-water 
forms (thirty metres), whereas those living at the greater depths, 
down to three hundred fathoms, are well provided with visual 
organs. The faunas of different zones of depth do not appear to 
differ sensibly from one another, except in the elimination or excess 
of a number of species. The greater number of these would seem 
to be distinct from their analogues of the littoral zone.* 

Many of the species found in Lake Geneva are identical with 
forms found in the other Swiss lakes, and in the lakes of Savoy, as 
identified by Imhof, and there is good reason for supposing that 
a general analogy, if not absolute identity, unites the different deep 
lacustrine faunas of the same region. Professor Smith obtained 
from deep water (exceeding fifteen fathoms) in Lake Superior™ 
Hydra carnea (from eight to one hundred and forty-eight fathoms), 
a Pisidium (from four to one hundred and fifty-nine fathoms), several 
species of worms (Senuris, Nephelis, Tubifex, &c.), the larve of 
various tipulids and ephemerids, and among crustaceans Mysis 
relicta and Pontoporeia affinis (from shallow water to one hundred 
and fifty-nine fathoms). The last two, which were also found by 
Stimpson in Lake Michigan, are forms belonging to Lake Wetter 
in Sweden, supposed by Lovén to have been derived by modifica- 
tion from marine species. 

* So stated by Forel in his report of 1876, although in 1874 ke and Plessis 
appear to have maintained the opposite view. 




The succession of life.—Faunas of the different geological periods. 

THERE is no fact more patent in the history of the organic 
world than that there has been from first to last a progressive evo- 
lution from lower to higher forms in the chain of beings that suc- 
cessively peopled the earth’s surface. Casting our eye back over 
the vast series of rock deposits which together constitute the fossili- 
ferous scale of geologists, from the Cambrian to the Post-Pliocene, 
and which together have a maximum development of probably 
not less than two hundred thousand feet (or forty miles), we re- 
mark along the most ancient horizon the traces of animals which 
bespeak the organisation of some of the lowest forms of life with 
which we are at present acquainted; in the middle distance we 
note the appearance of forms whose organisation marks a decided 
advance upon that of their predecessors; and, finally, in the fore- 
ground, we are brought upon the threshold of those highly com- 
plicated forms which to-day people the surface of the earth. The 
simpler forms of life came into existence first; the most complex 
last. It must not be implied, however, that with the progressive 
and steady evolution of higher forms there has been an equally 
progressive destruction or elimination of the forms of lower or- 
ganisation; both have kept pace with each other, so that, at the 
present day, although innumerable groups have completely disap- 
peared, the lowest is found flourishing side by side with the highest. 
This inter-association of lower and higher forms has manifested it- 


self in all the geological formations that are known to us, from the 
Cambrian period to the present day, and there can be no doubt 
that, were a fossiliferous formation discovered of older date than 
the Cambrian, or immediately underlying it, we should find pre- 
cisely the same juxtaposition, although to a more limited extent, of 
organisms of higher and lower development. Only then when we 
could fathom the first-born deposit, or trench upon the period 
when life first came into existence, would we, in.all probability, be 
circumscribed in our survey to animals exhibiting a nearly uniform 
low grade of organisation. Such a point has probably not yet 
been reached, or, if reached, its existence can only be indicated 
with doubt, since the oldest rock deposits (the Laurentian) into 
whose composition an organic element unquestionably largely en- 
tered have lost all or nearly all traces of their primary fossiliferous 
character. With this wholesale obliteration have, consequently, 
disappeared the traces of the earliest and most primitive types of 

If Eozoon and Archeospherina, from the Laurentian limestones, 
be considered actually to represent organic forms, as is maintained 
by many prominent geologists and naturalists, then, indeed, are we 
presented with a large series of deposits in which apparently all 
the organic elements belong to one uniformly low type—the type 
of the Foraminifera—not yet the iowest, but very nearly it. But 
even granting the animal nature of the two structures here indi- 
cated, it would yet be very unsafe to affirm that they represent 
the only forms of life that tenanted the earliest seas; multitudes 
of other forms may have flourished and perished, and left no 
traces behind them, or had their traces completely obliterated at 
some remote subsequent period. We should then be no wiser for 
their existence. The succeeding Cambrian period ushers in with 
it such a host of multiform beings—beings of comparatively high 
organisation—that it becomes almost impossible to conceive that 
their ancestry should date back only to a period so little removed 
from the Cambrian as the Laurentian, unless, indeed, the hiatus 
separating the Laurentian from the Cambrian is very much greater 
than is indicated by its stratigraphical position. But if the an- 
cestral forms of the Cambrian stock already existed in the Laurentian 
seas, what has become of their remains? Why is it that in these 
oldest so-called fossiliferous rocks we meet with only Eozoon and 


Archeospherina? Surely it could not have been that there was 
such a disposition of the remains as to leave nothing but these two 
forms belonging to the lowest type. It appears far more plausible 
to assume with those who uphold the mineral nature of Eozoon 
and Archeospherina that we have no traces of this ancient pre- 
Cambrian fauna remaining, and that, consequently, the destruction 
was complete. How far back beyond the Laurentian the root of 
the present existing chain of organisms may have extended it is 
impossible even to conjecture. 

Cambrian Fauna,—It is certainly a surprising fact, whichever 
way it be considered, that, with the formation bringing the first 
unequivocal evidences of organic life, we should meet with that 
multiplicity and variety which characterise the faunal assemblage 
of the Cambrian period. Most of the greater divisions of the ani- 
mal kingdom, possibly not even excepting the vertebrates, were 
there represented, and most of these already in the lowest or 
oldest deposit — protozoans, ccelenterates, echinoderms, worms, 
articulates, and mollusks. And more than this, some of these 
groups were already represented by a full, or nearly full, com- 
plement of the orders that have been assigned to them by natu- 
ralists, and which include all the various forms that have thus 
far been discovered as belonging to the groups. Thus the Cam- 
brian echinoderms are represented by forms belonging to three 
out of the six usually recognised orders—the Cystidea, Crinoidea 
(ocean-lilies), and Asteroidea (star-fishes). The last two have repre- 
sentatives living at the present day, whereas the former is entirely 
extinct. We have here, then, the most ancient ocean-lily and star- 
fish (Palasterina), and it is interesting to note what distinct rela- 
tions these two forms hold to their modern representatives. While 
the Crinoidea attained their maximum development in the seas of 
the Paleozoic period—Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous—since 
which time they have been pretty steadily declining, until at the 
present moment they are represented by scarcely more than a half- 
dozen distinct generic types, the Asteroidea have been just as stead- 
ily increasing, and, indeed, attain their maximum development in 
the modern seas. 

It may appear at first sight anomalous how two groups, so widely 
dissimilar from each other, and having such varying developments, 
should have appeared simultaneously in the same period of the 


earth’s geological history, the Cambrian. But it must be borne in 
mind that in the Cambrian formation we have only what is seem- 
ingly the oldest fossiliferous formation, and that the ancestral forms 
of both ocean-lilies and star-fishes lie buried in rock deposits of 
undeterminably older age. If, on the hypothesis of evolution, we 
uphold the inter-derivation, or derivation from one another, of these 
two forms, then it is but fair to assume that the crinoid, which is 
structurally the lowest, appeared at a period considerably anterior 
to the star-fish, which must have required for its specialisation a 
no inconsiderable lapse of time. And it is a singular fact, and one 
strikingly confirmatory of this view of relationship, that we have in 
both these forms certain peculiarities of structure which effect a 
sort of transition from the one to the other. Thus, in some of the 
fixed crinoids the plume or tuft separates.from the column after 
a certain period of existence, and then leads an independent exist- 
ence, to all appearance a stellarid (the Comatula). Conversely, the 
officers of the late ‘‘Travailleur” deep-sea dredging expedition 
obtained off the coast of Spain, and from depths respectively of 
nineteen hundred and sixty and twenty-six hundred and fifty 
metres, two individuals of a new genus of star-fish (since named 
by Perrier Caulaster peduncularis), which exhibited on the dorsal 
surface a true peduncle, demonstrated to be absolutely homologous 
with the stalk of the crinoid. Yet, despite this obvious relation- 
ship, it is not a little surprising that no pedunculated star-fish has 
thus far been found fossil, nor any comatulid crinoid to antedate 
the Jurassic period (Antedon). 

The Cambrian Mollusca comprise representatives of five of the 
six classes that now inhabit the seas, namely, the Brachiopoda, 
Acephala, Pteropoda, Gasteropoda, and Cephalopoda. Here again, 
therefore, we have an apparent simultaneous appearance of lower 
and higher forms; but, as before, we must look to a much earlier 
period for the ancestral traces, if any have been preserved, of the 
first or most primitive type. The genetic relationships of these 
various molluscan groups cannot, in the present state of the science, 
be determined with any degree of certainty; but, if a low degree 
of organisation indicates antiquity, which certainly appears to be 
the case with many groups of animals, then it may be fairly assumed 
that the Brachiopoda were the first to appear. It is a surprising 
fact in the history of these animals, and one which is, perhaps, not 


repeated to the same extent in any other group, that while hosts of 
genera, and even complete families of this order, which flourished 
in the seas intermediate in time between the Cambrian period and 
our own day, should have successively disappeared, a few individual 
types seem to have survived from first to last, without having un- 
dergone any essential modification of structure. Thus, the Lingula, 
or Lingulella, of the Cambrian rocks is but very little, if at all, dif- 
ferent from the existing Lingula, and it has indeed been considered 
doubtful by some authors whether even specific characters could be 
assigned to distinguish some of the earlier from the later forms, 
separated by an interval of millions of years. The same persistence 
of type is represented in the genus Discina. 

Side by side with these lower molluscan types, but appearing at 
a somewhat later period, the Upper Cambrian, we find, as has al- 
ready been stated, forms belonging to the highest order, the Cepha- 
lopoda (Orthoceras, Cyrtoceras), another apparent contradiction to 
the doctrine of progressive higher development. Considering the 
group of the cephalopods by itself, however, we observe that its 
earliest types belonged to the lower of the two divisions into which 
the cuttle-fishes have been divided—the tetrabranchiate, or four- 
gilled order—a division to which the somewhat later appearing, 
and now probably disappearing, Nautilus also belongs. These 
primitive cephalopods were succeeded in time by other members of 
the same order—Gyroceras, Nautilus, Goniatites—until the Tri- 
assic period was reached, when the first dibranchiate form, Belem- 
nites, appears. From this period down to the close of the Meso- 
zoic era both the two-gilled and the four-gilled forms occur in such 
abundance that it would be almost impossible to state to which 
group belonged the preeminence. But in the meanwhile a general 
alteration and succession in the representative cephalopod type had 
been taking place. The early forms already mentioned, Orthoceras, 
Gyroceras, Cyrtoceras, and their allies, belonging to the family of 
the Nautilide, are succeeded in the Triassic period, where their last 
traces (excepting Nautilus) are to be met with, by the members of 
the more complicated group of the Ammonitide, whose earliest 
precursors (three or more species from the Carboniferous formations 
of India, and a solitary species from the Carboniferous of Texas) 
would seem to have been foreshadowed by Goniatites, a type struc- 
turally intermediate between the Nautilide and the Ammonitide. 


Similarly, in the case of the Cephalopoda dibranchiata, the Belem- 
nitidz are succeeded by forms more nearly resembling the cala- 
maries, or cuttle-fishes (Teuthidz), of to-day, whose remains are 
found already in the Jurassic deposits (Onychoteuthis, Teuthop- 
sis, Belemnosepia). With the beginning of the Tertiary period * 
we note the final disappearance of the varied group of the Ammoni- 
tide, and with them the last traces of all but one of the lower 
or four-gilled order of cephalopods. The single exception is the 
Nautilus, which, as a persistent type, almost unaltered from the 
Silurian to the present period, alone survives to contest the seas 
with the members of the higher or dibranchiate order. 

The predominant Mollusca of our modern seas, the Gasteropoda 
and the Acephala, were but feebly represented in the seas of the 
Cambrian period; but it seems not improbable that some of the 
earliest forms—e. g., Capulus, Pleurotomaria, among the snails— 
belonged to types absolutely identical with those living at the 
present time. It is not until we have completely passed over the 
Paleozoic era, which, so far as the Mollusca are concerned, may be 
said to constitute the age of the Brachiopoda, that these two orders 
of shell-fish attain any special significance. From the beginning of 
the Mesozoic era onward they steadily crowd the deposits with their 
remains, until, finally, with the Tertiary formations, and the forma- 
tions succeeding these, they constitute the most characteristic and 
most important invertebrate landmarks to the geologist and paleon- 

It has been contended, and with apparent force, that the irregu- 
lar appearance in time of the Mollusca—z. e., the almost simultane- 
ous introduction of forms belonging to both the lowest and the 
highest orders, and the final supremacy in the existing seas of the 
type of the Acephala, a group of mollusks inferior in organisation 
to the Cephalopoda, the Gasteropoda, and the Pteropoda—is in- 
compatible with the doctrine of evolution, which, as argued, re- 
quires for its confirmation the introduction first of the lower forms, 
the development from these of the more advanced, and, ultimate- 
ly, the appearance of those that are most perfect or specialised in 
structure. It must be recollected, however, that, as far as the al- 
most simultaneous introduction of lower and higher forms is con- 

* A species from the Lower Tertiary of California. 


cerned, the obstacle is more apparent than real, for, as has already 
been insisted upon, it is impossible to determine how far back be- 
yond the Cambrian, or first unequivocally fossiliferous formation, 
life may have already existed, and, consequently, to what very 
ancient period the ancestry of the molluscan type may extend. As 
a matter of fact, the most ancient mollusk, the Lingula, or Lingu- 
lella, is almost the lowest in structure of any with which we are 
acquainted, and if in the rock deposits we meet with its remains 
but barely antedating those of the very much more highly organ- 
ised Orthoceras, we have yet strong grounds for concluding that its 
first appearance was very much earlier, only that, through the gen- 
eral obliteration of all remains in the preceding geological period, 
direct evidence to that effect has been lost. As to the other objec- 
tion, that the predominant forms persisting at any given epoch 
should be those whose structure manifests the highest development, 
it may be remarked that the evolutionary force requires no such 
result as the outcome of its operative action. It is among such 
forms as, in their mutual relations to their surroundings, whatever 
these may be, are best adapted or fitted for combatting the nu- 
merous elements that constantly interpose themselves in the path 
of existence, that we must look for examples of greatest persistencé 
and development—for the survivors in the struggle for existence. 
Hence, while the highest developed forms in any given series of 
animals will present themselves in or about the period most re- 
moved from the birth of that series, yet it need not follow that 
the higher series will ultimately outlive, or even predominate over, 
the representatives of a lower parallel series of the same class of 
animals, whose fitness for struggling in the battle for existence is . 
not infrequently vastly superior to that of the higher class. We 
need not be, therefore, surprised at finding, in a given class of ani- 
mals, some of the more perfect forms disappearing from the world’s 
horizon before the less perfect, and these last, consequently, the 
survivors in the general battle for hfe. But, while no general law 
can be formulated regarding the disappearance, as conditioned by 
the degree of perfection, of the various series of a given class of 
animals, or, regarding their relative development in any one period 
of the earth’s history, the law of appearance or succession already 
stated—i. e., the introduction of lower forms before those of a 
higher order—can very generally be maintained. 


An objection to the evolutionary doctrine, similar to that which 
has been drawn from the distribution of the Mollusca, is also fur- 
nished by the articulated animals, or, more particularly, by the class 
of the Crustacea. The members of this class boast of a lineage, as 
far as has yet been determined, very nearly, if not fully, as ancient 
as that of the Mollusca, one extending back to the earliest Cambrian 
period. But, while the most ancient mollusks with which we are 
acquainted belong in great part to orders, families, and even genera, 
whose representatives still flourish in the existing seas, the most 
ancient crustaceans, or at least the majority of them, the Trilobita, 
have long since become totally extinct; hence the impossibility of 
determining their true relationships. However uncertain or obscure 
this relationship may be, whether it is with the Phyllopods, as 
claimed by some, or, what is much more likely, with the Xiphosura. 
(king-crabs) and arachnids, as argued by others, there can be no 
doubt, if homologies of structure can be relied upon, that the mem- 
bers of this group of animals represent a high grade of structural 
organisation, and especially if the period of their appearance is 
taken into consideration. But here, just as in the case of the 
Mollusca, we have the strongest evidence for concluding that their 
earliest appearance dates far beyond the Cambrian period, as is 
proved almost conclusively by the simultaneous appearance in the 
oldest Cambrian strata of some of the simplest and most compli- 
cated trilobitic forms, Agnostus and Paradoxides, which are at the 
same time also among the smallest and the largest forms of the 
entire order. A further evidence of the pre-Cambrian antiquity of 
this group is furnished by the circumstance of the abundance in 
which the earliest remains are found, an abundance which, though 
perhaps not equal to that characteristic of the succeeding Silurian 
and Devonian trilobitic faunas, is yet sufficient to impress a dis- 
tinct individuality upon the fauna of the period. While with 
the Cambrian trilobites we find associated other forms of crusta- 
cean animals, such as the phyllopods (Hymenocaris) and ostracods 
(Primitia, Leperditia), the highest members of the class, the Deca- 
poda (crabs and lobsters), appear not to have been as yet evolved. 
Indeed, it is not until the entire Silurian period and a considerable 
portion of the Devonian are passed that we mect with an example 
of the ten-legged order of crustaceans. Barely had these higher 
forms asserted themselves on the field of life ere a decline in the 


supremacy of their predecessors is made manifest. With the mid- 
dle of the Devonian period the beginning of the trilobitic decay 
becomes apparent, and, after the close of that period, 7. ¢., in the 
Carboniferous, less than a half-dozen types remain, and even these 
are of comparatively rare occurrence. At the close of this last- 
named period the trilobites disappear totally and forever from the 

Broadly locking over the Cambrian fauna, we find it to be dis- 
tinguished by two important features. One of these is the fact 
that it is entirely destitute of both land and fresh-water forms, or 
such as are strictly adapted to breathing directly the oxygen of the 
atmosphere or that of fresh water. All the forms thus far encoun- 
tered are, as far as we know, of a strictly marine nature. The ab- 
sence of land animals will scarcely appear surprising in view of the 
complete, or nearly complete, absence of a land vegetation, and the 
correlative want of the nourishing material requisite for that charac- 
ter of organisms. The absence of fresh-water forms is not so readily 
accounted for, unless it be that there were formed at that time no 
fluviatile or lacustrine accumulations of sufficient magnitude to have 
left their traces behind them. It is not impossible, however, that 
some, or even many, of the recognised marine fossils, or such as 
have a marine habit, of the Cambrian formation, are in reality 
estuarine or brackish forms, as it can scarcely be conceived that all 
the deposits that were formed at the mouths of the ancient rivers 
should have been so totally destroyed or covered over as to have 
left absolutely no vestiges of their former existence. Doubtless, 
some of these have been preserved, along with their contained fos- 
sils, although the exact nature of such deposits may be disguised 
from us by reason of our imperfect knowledge concerning the true 
habits of their representative organisms. Nor would it be abso- 
lutely safe to affirm that some of these organisms, undistinguishable 
from what at the present day are indisputably marine types, may 
not in reality have been of a purely fresh-water habit in those early 

The other distinguishing feature of the Cambrian fauna is the 

* Shumard has described representatives of the genera Phillipsia and 
Proetus in deposits of the Sierra Madre, of the Southern United States, claimed 
to belong to the Permian period; the determination of age may be considered 
to be very doubtful, however. 


absence of positive indications of the existence of vertebrated ani- 
mals. The only objects that have thus far been described as per- 
taining, with any show of probability, to the members of this highest 
division of the animal kingdom, are the singular bodies known as 
conodonts, which, in the opinion of their discoverer, Pander, and 
of some other naturalists, represent the teeth of fishes belonging to 
the order of the myxinoids (hags and lampreys), with the exception 
of the lancelet (Amphioxus) the lowest of the entire class of Pisces. 
The weight of opinion, however, seems to relegate these problem- 
atical bodies to the Invertebrata, and not improbably, as has been 
urged for some of these forms, they represent the jaw-teeth of cer- 
tain annelids. 

Silurian Fauna.—The fauna of the Silurian period marks a 
decided advance upon its predecessor. The chain of organisms 
which, with the exception of the somewhat doubtful conodonts, 
was hitherto constituted exclusively by the members of the inver- 
tebrate series—sponges, echinoderms, mollusks, articulates—exhib- 
its here for the first time indisputable representatives of the more 
highly organised group of the vertebrates; but not until the Upper 
Silurian deposits are reached. We here meet with the remains of 
two distinct orders of fishes, the sharks or dog-fishes (Elasmo- 
branchii), as represented by Onchus and Thelodus, and the bucklered 
Ganoidei—Pteraspis—the former still very abundant in the modern 
seas; the latter, which include, among other forms, the sturgeon 
and alligator-gar, probably nearly verging on extinction.* In both 
these orders the osseous framework or skeleton is frequently in a 
more or less imperfect condition—complete ossification being the 
exception rather than the rule—and hence, in so far, these primi- 
tive vertebrates exemplify a low grade of organisation compared 
with those—like the bony fishes, and most of the animals above 
them—in which the vertebral column is completely ossified, or 
reaches its furthest development. Nor are other characters want- 
ing proving inferiority of organisation. We have here, therefore, 
another illustration of the very important fact—a fact sustaining 
the inference of the progressive evolution of higher from lower 

* The oldest fishes were, until recently, supposed to belong to the British 
Ludlow beds; but the discovery, by Professor Claypole, of ichthyic fragments 
in deposits below the “* Water-Lime”’ of Pennsylvania would seem to remove 
them stil! farther back in the geological scale. 


forms of life—that the representatives of each class of animals were 
first ushered in in their simplest or most embryonic forms, and that 
not until these had attained a considerable development was there a 
noticeable appearance of the more highly constituted forms. It is 
a significant (even if not a very remarkable) fact that, prior to the 
first introduction of this lowest class of the Vertebrata, all the 
larger divisions of the Invertebrata, as now recognised by natu- 
ralists, had already come into existence. Of these, the diversity 
of form in the Silurian deposits, no less than the numerical de- 
velopment, is very great, and equally so in almost all the classes 

The most marked feature of the Silurian invertebrate fauna, as 
contrasted with the Cambrian, is furnished by the corals, which, 
barring a few forms doubtfully belonging to the Cambrian of 
Sweden, have here their earliest representatives. These primitive 
types of the Actinozoa, as well as nearly all others of the Paleozoic 
series of deposits, have generally been recognised by naturalists to 
constitute two well-defined groups, the Tabulata (Favosites, Haly- 
sites, Heliolites, Alveolites, &c.) and the Rugosa, or cup-corals (Cy- 
athophyllum, Streptelasma, Omphyma, Zaphrentis, &c.), in both of 
which the calyces are divided up into superimposed chambers by 
transverse plates or tabule—the former with very rudimentary septa, 
the latter with the septa well developed, and the outer calicular 
wall greatly thickened. In the majority of these cup-corals the 
septa are disposed in multiples of four (Tetracoralla), whereas in 
nearly all recent Madreporaria this disposition is effected in multi- 
ples of six (Hexacoralla). Our recently acquired knowledge of the 
deep-sea fauna, and a more intimate acquaintance with the anatomy 
of some of the more aberrant species of coral, tend to show that 
the supposed sharp delimitation of ‘the Paleozoic actinozoan fauna 
does not in reality exist. The tabulate corals, for example, whose 
final extinction with the Paleozoic era has generally been insisted 
upon as one of the most decisive of geological landmarks, would 
seem to hold a number of forms more or less closely related to 
types living in the modern seas, which in themselves combine most 
diverse features in their organisation. The genera Halysites and 
Syringopora appear to be not distantly removed from the recent 
organ-pipe (Tubipora); Favosites is placed among the Poritide; 
and Heliolites not impossibly represents an ancestral form of the 


group to which the modern Heliopora, recently claimed to be an 
alcyonarian, also belongs.* The rugose-corals, apart from the very 
limited number of forms which occur fossil in deposits newer than 
the Paleozoic—? Holocystis (Cretaceous), Conosonilia (Tertiary)— 
have apparently two living representative types in Guynia and Hap- 
lophyllia. On the other hand, the modern star-corals, if we exclude 
from this group the Favositide, have but a feeble development in 
the earlier deposits, although several recent families are represented 
(Poritide, Eupsammide, Astreide). Of the genera belonging to 
this group, Protarza, Stylareea, Prisciturben, and Calostylis date 
back to the Silurian period. 

The remarkable development of corals in the Silurian seas makes 
it not a little difficult to account for the total, or almost total, ab- 
sence of their remains in deposits of the preceding Cambrian age. 
It is scarcely credible that the animals of this class should not have 
already then existed; but if so, what has become of them? In ex- 
planation of this anomaly some geologists have urged that the 
strata of Cambrian age which contain recognisable fossils are all of 
a deep-sea origin, and that in the shallow and littoral deposits, 
where we might be expected to look for the traces of the organisms 
in question, organic remains have been completely obliterated 
through rock-metamorphism of one kind or another. The evi- 
dence supporting this hypothesis is, however, far from satisfac- 
tory, and the problem must be considered as one still awaiting 

The graptolites, a group of organisms whose earliest remains 
are found in the transition rocks which unite the Cambrian and 
Silurian formations, and whose organisation appears to be most 
nearly reflected in that of the recent sertularians or sea-firs of the 
class Hydrozoa, constitute an important element in the Silurian 

* The reference of Favosites to the Poritidee, it must be confessed, is based 
upon rather slender evidence, and perhaps seareely less so the placing of 
Heliolites among the Alcyonaria. Hdérnes (‘‘ Elemente der Paleontologie,”’ 
1884) justly emphasises the artificiality of a classification in which the number 
and disposition of the septa and tentacles are made the basis for a division 
into primary groups, and in which other equally important characters are com- 
pletely lost sight of. The relationship existing between past and recent forms, 
taken in conjunction with the general homogeneousness of character exhibited 
by the Tabulata, would seem to imply that the classification of the recent 
Actinozoa requires serious emendation. 


fauna, becoming practically extinct with the close of that period.* 
It is a noteworthy circumstance in connection with the history of 
this family that the more complicated or double-stemmed forms, such 
as Diplograptus, Didymograptus, Phyllograptus, and Dichograptus, 
preceded, in the order of appearance, the simple-stemmed forms, like 
Monograptus and Rastrites, proving, contrary to what might have 
been naturally supposed, that the latter were not the ancestral types 
of the family. On any evolutionary hypothesis the simpler forms 
appear to have been brought about as the result of degeneration. 
In modern type hydrozoans the Silurian, as all other Paleozoic, de- 
posits are very deficient, a circumstance, doubtless, due in con- 
siderable part to the perishable nature of the organisms belonging 
to this class. The impressions of jelly-fishes have, however, been 
indicated in both the Cambrian and Silurian rocks of Sweden. 
Stromatopora, a very broadly distributed genus, whose affinities 
are now generally conceded to be with the Milleporida, passes into 
the Devonian formation. 

Of other Invertebrata, such as the echinoderms, mollusks, and 
articulates, there is a vast profusion of forms, which, apart from 
the mere matter of numbers, are in many respects sharply contrasted 
with their predecessors of the Cambrian period. The brachiopod 
mollusks, the predominant forms of which, as Spirifer, Atrypa, 
Athyris, Strophomena, Rhynchonella, and Pentamerus, belong to 
the group of the Brachiopoda articulata, are structurally consider- 
ably in advance of the inarticulate genera Lingula, Lingulella, 
Discina, and Obolus, which make up almost the whole of the 
corresponding Cambrian fauna; the latter, as far as is known, con- 
tains but a single precursor of the articulate division, Orthis. The 
prodigious development of the Silurian Cephalopoda would of itself 
be sufficient to distinguish the period from the period preceding. 
While up to the present time only two species of this class, an 
Orthoceras and a Cyrtoceras, are positively known from Cambrian 
deposits, no less than eleven hundred species, referable to a very 
considerable number of genera of Nautilide—Orthoceras, Cyrto- 
ceras, Gyroceras, Endoceras, Gomphoceras, Phragmoccras, Lituites, 
Nautilus, &c.—have been described from the Silurian basin of Bohe- 
mia alone. The total number of species of this period may be 

* The somewhat problematical Dictyonema passes into the Devonian: 
Triplograptus, if a true graptolite, is Devonian. 


estimated at between two and three thousand. The genus Gonia- 
tites, which effects a partial transition between the Nautilide and 
the Mesozoic ammonites, appears for the first time in the later 
Silurian deposits. 

It is a surprising fact, considering the remarkable development 
of the Cambrian trilobitic fauna, that not only are none of the 
earlier species represented in the Silurian deposits, but that by far 
the greater number of generic types, and more particularly those 
which by a special individual or specific development are rendered 
most important, as Paradoxides, Dikelocephalus, Olenus, Sao, and 
Conocephalus, should be also wanting. Only seven out of some 
twenty-seven genera of the primordial zone connect the formations of 
the two periods. The Silurian Trilobita comprise probably in the 
neighbourhood of fifteen hundred species, referable to some fifty or 
more genera; yet of this vast number there are barely a half-dozen 
species which transgress the boundaries of the formation, passing 
into the Devonian. Among the more abundantly represented gen- 
era are Phacops, Dalmania, Calymene, Asaphus, Trinucleus, Aci- 
daspis, end Cheirurus. 

Viewed irrespective of numerical development, the most signi- 
ficant feature connected with the Silurian invertebrate fauna is the 
introduction of the earliest ‘‘air-breathers.” Until recently these 
were supposed to belong to the period following, the Devonian, but 
the discovery of a true scorpioid (Paleophoneus) in the Upper Silu- 
rian deposits of both Sweden and Scotland, and of an apparent 
orthopteroid (Paleoblattina) in the nearly equivalent deposits of 
Calvados, France, proves conclusively that a very considerable 
differentiation among the air-breathing arthropods had already 
taken place, and points to a period very much more ancient for the 
first origination of the group.* 

Devonian Faun2,—The primitive air-breathing arthropod fauna 
just referred to finds a somewhat larger extension in the rocks of 
Devonian age, where fragments belonging to some five or six spe- 
cies of insect, possibly representing as many genera—Platephemera, 
Gerephemera, Lithentomum, Homothetis, Xenoneura, Discrytus— 
have been discovered. These appear to belong to the modern 

* The seorpion described by Professor Whitfield (‘' Science,” July 31, 

1885) from the Upper Silurian rocks of New York may, as suggested by Mr. 
Poklman (‘ Science,’’ September 4, 1885), prove to be a young eurypteroid. 


group of the netted-veins (Pseudoneuroptera and Neuroptera), 
although by some authors they, as well as all other Paleozoic 
insects, are considered to represent a distinct, and now wholly 
extinct, type of Insecta, the Paleodictyoptera. In whichever way 
their relationship be viewed, there can be little doubt that they 
represent very nearly the lowest structural type of their class. It 
is a very remarkable fact that the wing venation of these primi- 
tive insect forms is practically identical with that which charac- 
terises the modern insects belonging to the same group or order; 
the vast lapse of ages between the Devonian period and our own 
day appears to have effected no essential modification of structure 
in this particular direction. Besides these neuropterous forms, 
certain wing fragments have been referred to the members of the 
higher order Orthoptera, to which the modern grasshopper and 
cockroach belong. But there seems to be considerable doubt as to 
the claims of the so-called Devonian cockroach,* and it would, 
perhaps, be as well to consider its position as still a matter of un- 
certainty. The marked differentiation exhibited by the Devonian 
insects indicates that they were far more numerous than would 
appear from the paucity of their remains, and the inference drawn 
as to their great antiquity has been confirmed by the discovery of 
the Upper Silurian form already referred to. - Coincidently with 
the appearance of these early inhabitants of the land surface, we 
remark the first considerable development of a land vegetation, 
whose earliest traces are to be met with in the Silurian period. 
With but very few exceptions (certain forms, as Prototaxites, 
Ormoxylon and Dadoxylon, considered by some authorities to. 
represent true conifers, the first of their kind) all the Devonian 
plants belong to the lower or non-flowering division, the Crypto- 
gamia, comprising a multitude of ferns, tree-ferns, giant representa- 
tives, like Sigillaria and Lepidodendron, of the modern club-mosses 
(Lycopodiacez), and scarcely less gigantic forms (Calamites, Cal- 
amodendron, with Annularia, Asterophyllites, Sphenophyllum) be- 
longing to the group of the horse-tails (Equisetacee). 

Of Invertebrata other than insects the Devonian fauna is very 
rich in forms; but these show a marked similarity to those of the 

* Referred by Ilagen to the Neuroptera. The same authority considers 
the age of the rock formation in which the other insect remains have been 
found as more likely Carbonifcrous than Devonian. 


preceding period. Approximately the same types are represented, 
and while in the case of certain families a diminution in the number 
and variety of their representatives is noticeable, in others there is 
a corresponding increase. The corals, echinoderms, cephalopods, 
and brachiopods have approximately the same value as in the Silu- 
rian period, and, indeed, several of the specific forms that are to be 
met with in the one formation are also seen in the other. Among 
the Devonian brachiopods we have the first appearance of the genus 
Terebratula, a form which has continued to flourish, although in 
constantly diminishing numbers, from that period down to the 
present time. With it are associated a number of other genera— 
Strophalosia, Productus, Uncites—which likewise appear here for the 
first time. The gasteropods are all of the holostomatous or round- 
mouthed type— Pleurotomaria, Murchisonia, Euomphalus, Loxo- 
nema, Holopea, Platyceras, &c.—while the lamellibranchs, which 
show a marked increase, both in numbers and variety of form, over 
their Silurian predecessors, belong, es far as it has been possible to 
ascertain, exclusively to the Integropalliata, or such as are devoid 
of a sinual inflection to the pallial line. The families represented 
are either Heteromyaria (Aviculide, Mytilide) or Dimyaria (Nucu- 
lid, Arcade, Astartide, Cardiid), no true Monomyarian being as 
yet known. We meet here with the first pulmonate, Strophites, 
a member of the modern family of snails (Helicide), and likewise 
with what appears to be the earliest unequivocal fresh-water inver- 
tebrate, a mussel of the genus Anodonta, or one very closely allied 
to it. It is here, therefore, that we have the earliest undoubted 
traces of a fresh-water formation. 

The trilobites among Crustacea manifest a very rapid decline, 
and, indeed, in some regions they appear to have completely died 
out with the close of this period. The giant eurypterids—Euryp- 
terus, Pterygotus, Slimonia—the most formidable of all known 
living and extinct crustaceans—which first appeared in the Upper 
Silurian formation, linger on into the succeeding Carbonifercus 
period, when they forever disappear. The Devonian deposits, as 
has already been stated, contain the earliest remains of the highest 
order of crustaceans, the Decapoda, or ten-footers, which comprise 
the modern lobster and crab; the form in question (Palesopalamon) 
belongs to the macrurous, or long-tailed division, and is allied to 
the shrimps. 


The vertebrate life of this period exhibits a remarkable develop- 
ment as compared with that of the period preceding. But, as in 
the latter, all the remains belong to the class of fishes, and indeed 
principally, or one might say almost exclusively, to the same two 
orders, the elasmobranchs and ganoids. No animal of a grade 
higher than fishes had as yet appeared upon the scene, or, if possi- 
bly it had, no traces of it have thus far been discovered to indicate 
its existence there. To such an extent was the fish-fauna developed 
that the term ‘age of fishes” has not inappropriately been applied 
by paleontologists to designate this epoch of geological time. The 
preponderating types are the ganoids, which appear not only in 
forms that may be considered more or less remotely related to the 
type of the modern sturgeon (Macropetalichthys), or to the fringe- 
finned Polypteri of Africa (Holoptychius, Glyptolepis, Dipterus, 
Osteolepis), and the American alligator-gars (Chirolepis), but in 
such as have no representatives in any of the succeeding formations. 
These are the so-called ‘‘bucklered ganoids,” which, in addition to 
the enamelled plates characteristic of this group of fishes, had the 
head and the anterior portion of the body encased in bony plates, 
more or less firmly united to each other, and serving as a protective 
armour. To this group, among others, belong Pteraspis, Cepha- 
laspis, Pterichthys, and Coccosteus, forms which had their forerun- 
ners already in the Upper Silurian deposits. Generally placed among 
the ganoids, and closely related to Coccosteus, are the giant Dinich- 
thys and Titanichthys, which appear to have attained a length 
of from twenty to thirty feet, and whose dental apparatus closely 
approximates that of the modern Lepidosiren, one of the lung-fishes 
(Dipnoi), a group of animals which effect a transition between the 
true fishes and the amphibians. If this relationship with Lepido- 
siren be absolutely established, as is claimed to be the case by many 
of the more prominent anatomists, then it is certainly significant that 
the advent of the Amphibia (the class of animals immediately above 
the fishes), in the succeeding Carboniferous period, is preceded by 
just that growp which, in accordance with the principles and work- 
ings of evolution, we should expect to find interposed—the group 
which, on the one hand, combines some of the characters of the 
Amphibia, and, on the other, those of the ichthyic fishes. But, 
whatever the exact relationship of Dinichthys may be, there can be 
little question as to its representing a dipnoan type, or at least a 


transition form between the true ganoids and the lung-fishes. A 
imilar position is occupied by some of the other crossopterygian 
fishes of the period, as D:pterus. 

Uarboniiercus Fauwia.—The life of the Carboniferous period is 
marked by two important features: 1. The introduction for the first 
time of vertebrate animal forms higher in the scale of organisation 
than the fishes, 2. e., the amphibians; and 2. The great develop- 
ment of strictly air-breathing or terrestrial animals. Of these last 
we have at least four distinct types indicated—the Gasteropoda, 
Insecta, Arachnida, and Myriapoda. Of the first, which have a 
solitary forerunner in the Devonian formation, we are acquainted 
with a comparatively limited number of forms (Pupa, Anthraco- 
pupa, Dawsonella, Zonites), all of them more or less closely related 
to forms still living at the present day. The insects comprise not 
only members of the low order of netted-veins, which are the only 
forms known to be represented in the Devonian deposits, but those 
of the more highly organised Orthoptera, and not improbably also 
Coleoptera (beetles), although most of the remains referred to the 
latter order are now positively known not to belong there. The 
Orthoptera comprise, among other forms, some sixty or more spe- 
cies of primitive cockroach, the Paleoblattariz#, which may be con- 
sidered to represent the ancestral type of the modern social pest 
(Blatta), whose earliest appearance dates from the Triassic period. 
To the same order belong the giant walking-sticks recently brought 
to light from the coal-measures of France, the Titanophasma Fayol- 
lei, which measure in length (in one specimen) upwards of twelve 
inches, and are, therefore, by linear measure, very nearly the largest 
of recent as well as fossil insects. 

This extraordinary development of a form, which may be taken 
to represent the extreme term of specialisation in an insect, in a 
period so early as the Carboniferous, is certainly not a little re- 
markable, and argues very strongly for the great antiquity beyond 
its own period of the origin of this class of animals. It is also not 
a little surprising that no representatives of the family of walking- 
sticks (Phasmida), other than those found in the Carboniferous 
deposits of France—Titanophasma and Protophasma—heve as yet 
been found in a fossil condition, except such as may have been 
preserved in amber. Of the Neuroptera, the Haplophlebium Bar- 
nesii, from Nova Scotia, attained an expanse of wing of seven 


inches, nearly equal to the expanse of the largest of the living 
dragon-flies, to which it appears to have been related. The Car- 
boniferous Arachnida comprise representatives of true spiders (Pro- 
tolycosa, Anthracomartus), scorpions (Eoscorpius, Cyclophthalmus), 
and pseudo-scorpions (Microlabis). The scorpions appear to have 
attained a degree of specialisation very little below that of their 
modern representatives; but the true arachnids have all, or nearly 
all, segmented abdomens, and may be considered to mark a transi- 
tion between the arthrogastric and anarthrogastric forms. The 
Myriapoda, which have a solitary forerunner in the Devonian rocks 
of Scotland (Forfarshire), are represented by both the cheilognath- 
ous and cheilopodous types, although on account of certain structu- 
ral peculiarities the greater number of these earlier forms (Eupho- 
beria, Xylobius, Trichiulus) have been constituted into a special 
order, the Archipolypoda. 

Of the remaining invertebrate fauna of the Carboniferous period 
little need be said. The various groups of the tabulate and rugose 
corals (Lithostrotion, Syringopora, Cyathophyllum, Amplexus, Za- 
phrentis), the brachiopods, pteropods, lamellibranchs, gasteropods, 
and cephalopods, among the mollusks, and the crinoids and blas- 
toids (Actinocrinus, Platycrinus, Cyathocrinus, Dorycrinus, Batto- 
crinus, Pentremites, Granatocrinus) of the Echinodermata, have, 
as in the Devonian formation, abuadant representatives; but they 
belong in considerable part to genera which now appear for the 
first time, or to such as had but a feeble development hereto- 
fore. The widely distributed group of trilobites, which, as has al- 
ready been seen, played such an important part in the faunas, 
of the Cambrian and Silurian periods, has here barely four gen- 
eric representatives, Phillipsia, Proetus, Griffithides, and Bra- 
chymetopus, whose species occur in the main part in the deposits 
situated below the true coal.* With these forms the trilobites 
disappear forever from the scene. While the deposits of the pre- 
ceding Silurian and Devonian formations have shown a fair repre- 
sentation of at least two of the primary groups of the Echinoder- 
mata, the Asteroidea and Crinoidea, especially of the latter, it is 
not until the present period that the urchins themselves (Echinoidea) 
acquire any significance (Archeocidaris, Palechinus, Melonites); 

* Professor Claypole has latterly announced the discovery of Dalmania in 
the ‘‘ Waverly group”? (Lower Carboniferous) of Ohio. 


and here, also, for the first time, if we except the Laurentian rocks, 
with the hypothetical Eozoon, do the Foraminifera appear to enter 
largely as rock constituents. The genus Fusulina is developed to 
an extraordinary extent, and its distribution appears to be but little, 
if at all, less universal than that of the genera Nummulites and 
Orbitoides of the Eocene period. A solitary forerunner of the 
Nummulites has been discovered in the Carboniferous rocks of 

In the remarkable development of the elasmobranch (shark) 
type of fishes, and in the absence of the bucklered ganoids, the 
Carboniferous ichthyic fauna is sharply defined from that of the 
Devonian. With the exception of a considerable number of fin- 
spines or ichthyodorulites, referred to such genera as Ctenacanthus, 
Gyracanthus, Oracanthus, &c., whose position is still very doubt- 
ful, and which may in part belong to the order of ganoids, all the 
remains of the former appear to have been more or less nearly 
related to the modern Port Jackson sharks. These remains are in 
the main in the form of teeth—Psammodus, Helodus, Orodus, 
Chomatodus, Petalodus, Cochliodus—whose (somewhat distant) 
resemblance to the pavement teeth of the cestracionts has led to 
their reference to members of that group ; not impossibly, how- 
ever, they represent a very distinct type.* The ganoids comprise, 
in addition to polypteroid forms—Ceelacanthus, Rhizodus, Megal- 
ichthys—representatives of the rhomb-plated Lepidosteidei, which 
include the American alligator-gar. The most widely distributed 
and most abundantly represented genera are Palzoniscus and Am- 
blypterus, the former of which is also one of the most abundant — 
fishes of the succeeding Permian period. 

The only vertebrates other than fishes which appear in the Car- 
boniferous period, and now appear for the first time, are the Am- 
phibia, that group of animals whose members stand immediately 
next above the fishes in the scale of organisation, and whose em- 
bryonic forms are so clearly ichthyic as to have necessitated the 
union of the two classes into the one comprehensive division of the 
Ichthyopsida. It is not a little significant that the appearance of 

* Mr. Garman has recently described a species of shark from the Japanese 
seas, Chlamydosclachus anguineus, which appears to be generically most in- 
timately related to the Carboniferous Didymodus, and which, accordingly, rep- 
resents about the most ancient type among living vertebrates. 


these animals should have been foreshadowed in the Devonian dip- 
teroid ganoids, which, leading up to the lung-fishes on one side, 
and not impossibly directly to the amphibians on the other, effect 
a transition to the higher class from the side of the fishes. This 
succession of higher upon lower types is not a matter of accident, 
but a direct outcome of the inevitable laws of evolution. Through 
the application of no other law would the numerous accidental or 
coincidental occurrences of direct succession, which present them- 
selves throughout the entire geological series, receive an intelligent 
explanation. All the Carboniferous amphibians belong to the ex- 
tinct order of the Labyrinthodontia (Stegocephala), salamandroids 
of both minute and gigantic frame, whose members were distin- 
guished by the possession of a dermal (cephalo-dorsal and ventral) 
armour of sculptured plates, and in many cases by a peculiar laby- 
rinthine infolding of the enamel of the teeth, a structure unknown 
among modern amphibians, but which is in great part shared by 
certain members of the ganoid fishes, as the modern alligator-gars 
(Lepidosteus) and the genus Rhizodus (Carboniferous). Among 
the genera are Anthracosaurus, Hylerpeton, Dendrerpeton, Batra- 
chiderpeton, and the cecilian-like Dolichosoma and Ophiderpeton. 
No other vertebrate higher in the scale of organisation than these 
labyrinthodonts is as yet apparent, unless, possibly, the very doubt- 
ful Eosaurus be proved to be a true reptile. 

The flora of this period partakes essentially of the character of 
that of the period preceding, the Devonian. We have here the 
same ancient representatives of the modern club-mosses and horse- 
tails, the Lepidodendra and their allies,* and the calamites, the 
ferns—Neuropteris, Pecopteris, Alethopteris, Sphenopteris, Cyclop- 
teris—giant tree-ferns, and forms that have been referred to the 
group of the cycads, an order of plants to which the sago-palms 
belong, and which appear to be not distantly removed from the 
conifers. No positive indications of the existence of any true 
flower-bearing herbaceous plants are yet manifest, and with their 
absence the total absence of flower-frequenting or nectar-sucking 

* The recent anatomical investigations of Renault and Saporta have led 
these authorities to consider Sigillaria, at least in some of its recognised forms, 
to be much more closely related to the gymnospermous phanerogams than to 
the club-mosses; but Professor Williamson has pretty definitely shown that 
such a relationship does not exist. 


insects, the Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, the two most highly 
organised orders of insects, is noticeable. The only true trees, or 
such as are made up principally of woody tissue, of the Carboni- 
ferous deposits belonged to the coniferous series, the order of 
plants which embraces the modern pine and its allies. These an- 
cient evergreens were represented by several distinct genera— 
Dadoxylon, Paleoxylon, Pinites—which, if the fossil fruit asso- 
ciated with their remains, and known as Lepidostrobus, be justly 
attributed to them, had their nearest allies among their modern 
congeners in the berry-bearing yews. No deciduous leaf-bearing 
trees, such as the oak, beech, or maple, which make up the great 
mass of our forest growths, can be positively shown to have existed 
in these early days. 

Permian Fauna,—In the formations of the period succeeding 
the Carboniferous, the Permian, a considerable advance in the 
structural type is indicated by the animal remains. While the 
predominant forms of life of the period preceding pass, although 
in most cases with very diminished numbers, into the present one 
—in fact, to such an extent as to have induced many geologists to 
unite the formations of the two periods into a common whole—we 
meet here with a class of animals whose representatives had not 
hitherto been detected. These are the true reptiles, most of whose 
members belonged to the order Theromorpha (Pelycosauria), rep- 
tilian forms which in several important characters—the structure of 
the pectoral and pelvic girdles, humerus, and tarsus—show strong 
affinities to the lower orders of mammals, the Monotremata and 
Edentata, of which, not impossibly, they may prove to be the early 
progenitors. A further approximation to mammalian structure is 
found in the character of the dentition, which in many forms ex- 
hibits a distinct differentiation into incisor and canine teeth. The 
deposits of the Southern and Western United States, especially of 
the State of Texas, have yielded a wealth of species and genera 
belonging to this order (Theropleura, Dimetrodon, Diadectes, Em- 
pedocles, Clepsydrops), representative of several distinct families. 
The modern type of lizards had their nearest analogues in the 
monitor-like Proterosaurus (Germany, England), whose dentition, 
however, was of the crocodilian type (thecodont). These early 
reptiles, while exhibiting many points of structure indicative of 
comparatively high specialisation, yet clearly proclaim a primitive 


type of crganisation in the rudimentary or embryonic condition of 
the vertebral column, which is in most cases only partially ossified. 

The Amphibia of the Permian period are by most authors placed 
in the single group of the Labyrinthodontia, although in certain 
structural departures from the normal type, as in the very rudi- 
mentary condition of the vertebral column, and in the absence of 
the peculiar labyrinthine infolding of the enamel of the teeth, some 
of the forms may have to be separated from this order. Most of 
the species were provided with a tail of greater or less length, and 
the general resemblance to living amphibians appears to have been 
mainly with the salamandoids, although in several points of struc- 
ture they more closely approximate the tailless frogs and toads. 
The relationship with the plated ganoids is well pronounced, and 
not improbably some of these, as dipneusts, or double breathers, 
-may have been their true ancestors (as well as of the lung-fishes 
proper, Dipnoi). Among the more prominent genera are Branchio- 
saurus, Melanerpeton, Urocordylus, Archegosaurus, Eryops, Palszo- 
siren, and Ophiderpeton, the last two apparently apodal, and re- 
calling the cecilians in outline. In Eryops megacephalus, the 
largest of American amphibians, from the Permian of Texas, the 
skull measures eighteen inches in length and twelve inches in 

The fish-fauna of this period partakes essentially of the char- 
acter of the fauna of the period preceding, from which it has 
borrowed most of its types. We have here, however, the first 
unequivocal remains of the genus Ceratodus (Bohemia and Texas), 
which represents the most ancient generic type of all existing 

Regarding the invertebrate fauna of the period, it may be re- 
marked that a deficiency in the number of forms is noticeable in 
nearly all the localities where the Permian deposits are developed, 
a circumstance due to the peculiar physical conditions under which 
the deposits were formed, and the subsequent alteration, resulting 
in the obliteration of the contained organic remains, to which, in 
many places, the rock-masses were subjected. A very large pro- 
portion of the known fossils are, as has already been intimated, 
of clearly Carboniferous types, more especially in the case of the 
Mollusca. The trilobites, so characteristic of the earlier deposits 
of the Paleozoic era, are wholly wanting, not a single individual, 


apparently, of this very numerous order having survived the Car- 
boniferous period. Here, also, we have the almost final disappear- 
ance of the two great groups of the rugose and tabulate corals, 
which by their numbers so eminently characterise the limestone 
deposits of the Paleozoic series, from the Silurian to its close. The 
Permian flora is essentially that of the Carboniferous period, and 
requires no special consideration. 

Paleozoic Faunas.—Briefly reviewing the more salient features 
of the Paleozoic faunas, we find, as far as the invertebrate series is 
concerned, that with few exceptions all of its recognised classes 
have their representatives, or, at least, there are representatives of 
nearly all those classes whose members could reasonably be expected 
to have been preserved in a fossil state. Thus, of the Protozoa we 
have the Foraminifera and Spongida; of the Coelenterata, the Acti- 
nozoa and Hydrozoa; of the Echinodermata, the Echinoidea, Aste- ~ 
roidea, Ophiuroidea, Crinoidea, Cystidea, and Blastoidea ; of the 
Mollusca (and Molluscoida), the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, Acephala, 
Pteropoda, Gasteropoda, and Cephalopoda; and of the Articulata, 
the Crustacea, Arachnida, Myriapoda, and Insecta. Of the classes 
here enumeratedthere are wanting in the Cambrian the Actinozoa,* 
and possibly also the Hydrozoa; the Echinoidea, Blastoidea, and 
Ophiuroidea, among the echinoderms ; and the Arachnida, Myria- 
poda, and Insecta, among the articulates. In the Silurian the 
number of missing classes is reduced by six, since we have here 
representatives of both corals and hydroids, blastoids and brittle- 
tars, insects and arachnids; but the last two are represented almost 
by single individuals. In the Devonian the number is further re- 
duced by one, the class of the Myriapoda, likewise (as is also the 
case with the insects) represented in almost solitary individuals; 
only with the Carboniferous period do all the classes acquire for 
the first time any marked development. We thus cannot fail 
to remark the progressive evolution of new forms correlatively 
with the advance of time. Of the vertebrate series the Paleozoic 
deposits contain the remains of only three of the five recognised 
classes, the fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, which appear serially 
in the order of their progressive organisation, the lowest, or fishes, 
in the Silurian (or, if the conodonts be fishes, in the Cambrian), the 
amphibians in the Carboniferous, and the highest, or true reptiles, 

* Some forms have been doubtfully referred to this period in Scandinavia. 


in the Permian. These ancient deposits have as yet yielded no 
traces of either birds or mammals. 

Triassic Fauna.—lIn the first of the Mesozoic series of forma- 
tions, the Triassic, we enter, as it were, upon an entirely new phase 
of organic development. Many of the mere characteristic groups 
of organisms of the preceding era have now either completely dis- 
appeared, or only survived in such diminished numbers as to con- 
stitute but a very insignificant element in the new fauna. Thus, of 
the class Brachiopoda but comparatively few of the older generic 
types are represented; and the same may be said ofthe other classes 
of mollusks, and more especially of the Cephalopoda. Of all the 
various forms of Paleozoic tetrabranchiates there are barely more 
than a half-dozen surviving types, and of these one, Orthoceras, itself 
becomes extinct in this period. But, in the place of these ancient 
types, we have others of the same class which are no less conspicu- 
ous for their numbers than for the complexity of form which they 
subsequently attain, and some of which exhibit a marked advance 
upon their predecessors in the scale of organisation. The ammo- 
nites, whose advent appears to have been foreshadowed in the 
goniatite and the Devonian Clymenia, now for the first time 
acquire any importance, and, indeed, if we except certain forms 
from the Carboniferous deposits of India and Texas—Arcestes, 
Xenodiscus, Sageceras, Medlicottia—now for the first time appear 
altogether. The numerous species which in some districts, more 
especially in the region of the Alps, crowd the deposits of this age, 
belong in principal part to the families Arcestidee and Pinacocera- 
tidx, as representatives of the leiostracous, or smooth-shelled divi- 
sion, and the Tropitide, Ceratitide, and Clydonitide (with the 
somewhat aberrant genera Cochloceras, Rhabdoceras, Choristoceras, 
and Clydonites), of the Trachyostraca, or forms with strongly sculp- 
tured shells. 

In these deposits, also, we meet in the Belemnitide with the first 
unequivocal traces of the dibranchiate or two-gilled, cephalopods, 
which, if we except the Nautilus, alone of this class of mollusks 
inhabit the seas of the present day.* The rugose and tabulate 

* The view entertained by several eminent paleontologists, that the am- 
monites themselves represent dibranchiate forms, requires further support 
before it can be fully accepted. The evidence at the present time appears to 
be fully as much, if not more, opposed to this notion as it is in favor of it. 



corals have been succeeded by the modern type of the star-corals, 
Zozutharia perforata and aporosa (Montlivaltia, Thecosmilia, Isas- 
trea, Thamnastrea, &c.), whose fregmentary remains build up giant 
reeis (Alps); and, similarly, the more distinctive ancient group of 
the Echincdermata, the crinoids, whose most characteristic repre- 
sentatives at this period are Encrinus and Pentacrinus, find their 
successors largely in the more modern Echinoidea, or trie urchins 
(Cidaris, Hemicidaris, Hypodiadema). 

It is, however, in the vertebrate fauna that we find the most 
prominent feature separating the life of this period from that of any 
of the periods preceding. Not only do we meet here with the re- 
mains of fishes, amphivians, and reptiles, but with those of mam- 
mals, and not improbably also with the impressions or tracks of 
birds. Granting these last, which are, however, a little uncertain, 
it may be assumed that all the classes of the animal kingdom, as 
now recognised by naturalists, had their representatives. The fishes 
are still principally referable to the predominant type of the periods 
preceding, the ganoids, which also in a measure retain the embry- 
onic heterocercal tail, although a tendency towards homocercality is 
observable in some of the genera, as in Semionotus. The more 
numerously represented forms—Ischypterus, Catopterus, Semionotus 
—tbelong to the group typified in the American gar-fishes, and may 
be looked upon as the direct descendants of the Carboniferous 
and Permian Paleonisci. The lung-fishes find an abundant repre- 
sentation in the teeth of Ceratodus, which, as has already been 
seen, dates from the Permian, and possibly from a still older 
period. This animal furnishes us with one of those rare instances 
where a genus of living vertebrates has been founded upon the 
fossil remains. 

The amphibians of the Triassic period show but little advance 
over the type of their predecessors, all the forms still belong- 
ing to the single order Labyrinthodontia, some of whose members 
attained to prodigious dimensions (Mastodonsaurus, Labyrintho- 
don). To this group are probably referable the singular hand- 
sheped impressions of the animal known as Cheirotherium, or 
‘‘hand-beast,” originally supposed to have been an animal of the 
frog-type, but now assumed to have been a salamandroid, or animal 
allied to the newts, and, like them, provided with a tail, although 
possessing in the structure of the skull certain features belonging 


to the tailless amphibians—frogs and toads. The true reptiles ex- 
hibit a remarkable variety of form, and, as in the succeeding Juras- 
sic and Cretaceous periods, constitute the most marked feature of 
the faunal remains that have been left to us. Hence, by some 
geologists the collective era of these three periods—the Triassic, 
Jurassic, and Cretaceous—or what is generally known as the Meso- 
zoic, has been designated the “cra” or “age of reptiles.” The 
modern lizards and crocodiles had both their ancient representa- 
tives, the former as indicated by the genera Telerpeton, Hypero- 
dapedon, and Rhynchosaurus, and the latter by Stagonolepis, Belo- 
don, and Parasuchus. But besides these there flourished a multi- 
tude of reptiles belonging to several distinct and very widely 
removed orders, which have left, to our knowledge, no traces 
whatever of their existence in the present seas. Such are the South 
African Anomodontia, some of whose members, as Oudenodon, 
were totally destitute of teeth, and had their beaks encased in 
horn, after the fashion of the modern turtles (of which they may 
have been in part the progenitors); while others, 2s Dicynodon, 
possessed the horny mandibular apparatus of the former, but were 
provided, in addition, with a pair of huge and powerful teeth in 
the upper jaw;* the Theriodontia (as represented by the South 
African Galesaurus), reptiles whose dentition partook of the char- 
acter of that of the ordinary Carnivora, and whose earliest types had 
already appeared in the deposits cf the Permian period; and the 
Plesiosauria, a group of essentially sea-inhabiting reptiles, which 
acquired a very considerable development in the Jurassic seas, and 
whose best known exponent is the Plesiosaurus. In the animals of 
this order the extremities of the limbs, both anterior and posterior, 
were encased in integument, and thus converted into flippers, very 
much like those of the whale, and admirably adapted for propul- 
sion through the water. The most characteristic genera of this 
period were Nothosaurus and Simosaurus. In Placodus the dental 
armature consisted in principal part of flattened plates, resembling 
the teeth of the pyenodont fishes, with which animals these reptiles 
were first confounded. 

* Professor Judd has quite recently (‘‘ Nature,’ October 15, 1885), an- 
nounced the discovery of dicynodont remains in the Elgin Trias of Scotland; 

the group of animals had hitherto been known only from Africa, India and 
the Ural Mountains. 


The most remarkable of all the Triassic reptiles are the Dino- 
sauria, a group of the greatest importance when viewed from a tele- 
ological standpoint by reason of the many structural characters 
which separate them from the typical reptiles, and approximate 
them to birds. These avian characters are indicated principally in 
the structure of the powerful pelvic girdle and hind limbs, which 
depart very broadly from the normal type of reptilian structure. 
Thus, the pubic bones, in many cases, instead of projecting for- 
wards as in other reptiles, are directed backwards, more nearly 
parallel with the ischium, both bones therefore taking a position 
directed towards the posterior portion of the body, a feature char- 
acteristic of birds. In the hind limb, again, the ornithic char- 
acters are seen in the great cnemial ridge which is developed on 
the tibia, the gradual diminution of the fibula towards the distal 
extremity, the structure of the astragalus, and in the disposition of 
the digits, three or more, and their accompanying phalanges. The 
inner and outer digits are shorter than the rest, or quite rudi- 
mentary, and the third toe, as in birds in general, is the longest. 
There are good grounds for concluding that the bones of the limbs, 
and, doubtless, if this was the case, of some of the other portions 
of the trunk, were permeated with air-passages, as in birds. The 
structure of the fore limbs is still only imperfectly understood, 
but there is no doubt that in many cases they were but very 
feebly developed, being very much shorter than the hind limbs, 
and that progression was, either habitually, or at least at times, 
effected by means of the posterior appendages alone. The remains 
of these earliest dinosaurs are indicated both by the actual parts 
pertaining to the skeleton (Zanclodon, Thecodontosaurus, Amphi- 
saurus, Clepsysaurus, Bathygnathus), and by the foot-prints, many 
of them three-toed, that have been left implanted in the rock- 
masses. Some of these, which measure fully a foot, or even con- 
siderably more, in length, were originally supposed to represent the 
imprints made by the feet of giant birds, a suspicion strengthened 
by the serial arrangement in twos in which the tracks are disposed ; 
but now that the structure of the dinosaurs has been more accu- 
rately determined, and their ornithic characters and mode of pro- 
gression recognised, there can be little doubt that they represent 
the imprints of the reptiles belonging to this order. This view is 
further strengthened by the circumstance that no actual remains of 


birds have as yet been discovered in deposits of Triassic age.* But 
it is not impossible, or even improbable, that some of the smaller 
foot-prints that are scattered about the larger ones, and which in 
some instances are disposed in a single series one in advance of the 
other, indicating a method of progression adopted by certain wad- 
ing birds, may actually be of an ornithic nature. However this 
may be, it is certainly a significant fact bearing upon the doctrine 
of evolution, that no unequivocal traces of birds have thus far been 
discovered in deposits antedating those which contain the remains 
of reptiles, which in their several characters most approximate the 
birds, and in reality effect a transition to them. The progressive 
evolution of advanced or most specialised types is here clearly 

The Mammalia, the highest class of vertebrates, appear for the 
first time in the deposits of this age. They are indicated by the 
tecth and fragmeuts of jaws pertaining to two or three genera, 
Dromatherium, Microlestes, and Hypsiprymnopsis, forms, as nearly 
as can be determined, belonging to the low type of the Marsupialia, 
and, probably, more or less closely allied to the modern banded 
ant-eater (Myrmecobius) end kangaroo-rats (Hypsiprymnus) of Aus- 

Jurassic Feuna,—The life-history of the Jurassic period, while 
combining certain prominent features not hitherto recognised, pre- 
sents to us primarily an expansion of those characters with which 
we have just become acquainted. The remarkable group of the 
dinosaurian reptiles, whose development in the Triassic period had 
but barely passed beyond its own beginnings, acquires here re- 
newed importance, apart from the mere matter of numbers, from the 
circumstance of the gigantic and diverse forms which it includes. 
Four distinct types of this order are recognised, all of which had 
representatives in the Jurassic period: 1. The Sauropoda, lizard- 
footed vegetable-eaters, in which the anterior and posterior pairs 
of limbs were of nearly equal length, and whose progression was 
effected on all fours. Among the more important genera of this 
period belonging to the group are Atlantosaurus, Brontosaurus, 
Morosaurus, and Cetiosaurus, the first, from the deposits of the 

* Since the above was written announcement has been made of the dis- 

covery of the skeletal remains of a track-making dinosaur of the Connecticut 
Valley. Trans., New York Ac. Sciences, Oct. 26, 1885. 


Rocky Mountains, measuring from eighty to one hundred feet in 
length—the largest land animal with which we are acquainted. 
2. The Stegosauria (Stegosaurus, Scelidosaurus), armoured vegeta- 
ble-feeding dinosaurs, some of them of gigantic frame, whese pro- 
gression, owing to the feeble development of the anterior pzir of 
limbs, appears to have been in great part effected by means of the 
hinder extremities alone. In Scelidosaurus Harrisoni, from the 
Lias of Dorsetshire, the hind foot measured three feet and a half in 
length. 8. The Ornithopoda, bird-footed herbivores, with a very 
unequal development of the anterior and posterior appendages, 
the latter closely appreximating the structure found in birds. 
There can be but little question as to the habitually erect posture 
assumed by such forms as Camptonotus, Laosaurus, and Iguanodon. 
Iguanodon Mantelli, a Cretaceous species, measured about thirty 
feet in length from the tip of the nose to the extremity of the tail. 
No member of this genus is known from the American deposits. 
4, The Theropcda, carnivore forms, whose progression was largely 
erect, and assisted in many cases, probably, by the greatly developed 
tail acting as a fulcrum, in the manner of that organ among the 
kangaroos. This type, which is almost alone represented in the 
Triassic deposits, includes the most formidable members of the 
order—Megalosaurus, Alloszurus, Dakosaurus, the former appar- 
ently attaining a length of fiity feet. The genus Compsogna- 
thus, represented by a single species (C. longipes) from the Upper 
Oolite, possesses probably the greatest number of avian characters 
of the entire order, and is considered to stand in the direct line of 
the descent of birds. 

Monsters parallel to those of the land-surface inhabited the 
oceanic waters, such as the finned Plesiosaurus and Pliosaurus, and 
the not distantly removed Ichthyosaurus and its American tooth- 
less ally, Sauranodon. The geographical distribution of Ichthyo- 
saurus is a very remarkable one. While apparently the genus is 
completely wanting in the deposits of the New World, its range in 
the Eastern Hemisphere embraced very nearly its whole north and 
south extent, from Spitzbergen (Ichthyosaurus polaris, Triassic) to 
Australia (I. australis, Cretaceous). Its greatest development ap- 
pears to have been in the early part of this period (Lias). From 
the discovery of fragmentary parts of young individuals within the 
bodies of more fully developed ones, it has been conjectured that 


the animal was viviparous, a supposition in a measure strengthened 
by the ill-adaptation of its structure to breeding on the land-surface. 
Not impossibly, however, these animals may have been in the habit 
of devouring their young, or the young of allied species, as it seems 
many species of snake do at the present day. 

In the Jurassic rocks we meet with the first traces of that ex- 
traordinary group of reptiles, the Pterosauria, which, in the pos- 
session of a tegumentary membrane stretched between the greatly 
elongated outer digit of the anterior limbs and the bases of the 
hinder extremities, resembling in many respects the flying-apparatus 
of bats, were enabled to navigate the air in the manner of birds. 
To these last, the pterodactyls, as the members of this order are 
familiarly designated, were closely related in the general conforma- 
tion of the skull, the pneumaticity of the bones, and the presence 
of a well-developed keel to the sternum or breast-plate, a character 
among recent animals found only in birds and bats. But while 
possessing these and other avian features, the pterodactyls depart 
in many important particulars from the bird type, and notably in 
the presence of true teeth implanted in sockets, as in the Croco- 
dilia, the structure of the manus, the absence of a feathery integu- 
ment—the animal having been apparently provided with a naked 
skin—and the possession of a tail composed of distinct vertebree.* 
Despite these important differences, however, it may, perhaps, be 
deemed doubtful whether the animals in question have not as 
much right to be considered birds as reptiles, the more so as the 
one great feature separating them from modern birds, the pres- 
ence of alveolar teeth, has recently been shown to be character- 
istic of some, if not of most, of the ancient birds. While, there- 
fore, it may not be possible to decide upon the exact position oc- 
cupied by these singular organisms, there can be but little doubt 
that they, or possibly some closely-allied predecessors with which 
we are not as yet acquainted, represent the primitive stock whence 
the type of the modern flying or carinate bird has been evolved. 
The birds would then have a double line of ancestry, the one here 
indicated, and another, culminating in the struthious or non-carinate 

* Professor Marsh has shown that at least in some forms of pterodactyls 
(Rhamphorhynchus) the extremity of the tail was provided with a tegu- 
mentary expansion, or vertical rudder, by means of which the animal doubt- 
less guided its flight. 


birds, having its origin in the dinosaurian reptiles, and in a form 
possibly not distantly removed from the Jurassic Compsognathus. 
The more important Jurassic genera of Pterosauria are Pterodacty- 
lus, Rhamphorhynchus, and Dimorphodon, which differ from each 
other mainly in the character of the dentition and in the relative 
development of the tail. 

The deposits of this age have yielded, in addition to the reptilian 
forms mentioned, the remains of true lizards, crocodiles, and turtles. 
The first are but sparingly represented, and in the main, or wholly, 
belong to the acrodont division (Geosaurus, Acrosaurus, Homeo- 
saurus, the last closely related to the modern Lacerta). The croco- 
diles, with some partial exceptions (Streptospondylus, Theriosuchus), 
belong to the primitive amphiccelous division (Teleosaurus, Mystrio- 
saurus), or those in which there is a retention of the ichthyic char- 
acter of bi-concave vertebra, as distinguished from the more modern 
forms dating from the Cretaceous period, with proceelous (concavo- 
convex) vertebre. The turtles, which appear here for the first time, 
exhibit a remarkable differentiation, and in their diverse forms 
comprise representatives of several of the more important modern 
groups, as the Chelydz (Plesiochelys, Craspedochelys, Pleuroster- 
non), Emyde (Thalassemys), and Chelydridw. The recent genus 
Chelone is found in the Purbeck beds. 

The most interesting addition to the fauna of this period is fur- 
nished by the bird remains, whose earliest unequivocal traces are 
. found in the famous Archopteryx of the Solenhofen slates of 
South Germany (Bavaria), and in Laopteryx, from the deposits of 
Wyoming Territory—the last a bird probably of about the stature 
of a crane, but with uncertain affinities. The Archeopteryx, which 
is known by two more or less well-preserved specimens, and a 
feather pertaining to a third individual, combines in a most ex- 
traordinary manner what have generally been considered distinc- 
tively avian and reptilian characters, and, indeed, the animal may 
be regarded as a type intermediate between the two classes. Thus, 
in many points of structure of the skull and trunk, no less than in 
the structure of the tail, which was greatly elongated and made up 
of numerous distinct vertebra, it is decidedly reptilian, and this 
relationship to the class of animals next lower in the scale of organ- 
isation is borne out by the discovery, recently made by Professor 
Dames, that the extremities of both jaws were provided with a num- 


ber of diminutive teeth implanted in sockets. But, on the other 
hand, the animal, which was of about the size of a rook, was pro- 
vided with powerful wings, and these wings no longer consisted 
simply of a tegumentary membrane, as in the case of the bats and 
the extinct pterodactyls, but were made up of feathers as in living 
birds, a character indicating that the animal provided with them 
was warm-blooded. Feathers were also developed in pairs on 
either side of the tail; but the rest of the body, according to Vogt, 
appears to have been completely naked. 

The mammalian remains of the Jurassic period consist princi- 
pally of teeth and jaws; in a more or less complete state of pre- 
servation, whose characters indicate animals of diminutive size, 
pertaining wholly or in principal part to the order of the Marsu- 
pialia, or pouched animals. Both the insectivorous and the her- 
bivorous types had their representatives, the former in such genera 
as Amphilestes, Phascolotherium, and Amphitherium, and the lat- 
ter in Plagiaulax; and it is not impossible that the more strictly 
carnivorous type of marsupial also then existed. Stereognathus, 
further, presents us with the type of a hoofed herbivore, and points 
to a possible origin of the modern placental ungulata. Thus, the 
marsupials had, as early as this period, attained a considerable de- 
gree of differentiation, though apparently less considerable than 
that exhibited by them at the present time. Latterly, some natu- 
ralists, and notably Professor Marsh, have attempted to show that 
these most ancient mammals of the Triassic and Jurassic periods 
were not true marsupials, as these are now recognised, but that they 
constitute distinct orders, Allotheria and Pantotheria, apart by 
themselves; there do not appear to be sufficient grounds, however, 
for the separation here proposed. 

In the invertebrate fauna of this period we see, even more than 
in the vertebrates, the reflection of the fauna of the period preced- 
ing, but with the predominant features very largely extended. 
These are in the main constituted by the mollusks, and more par- 
ticularly by the cephalopods, lamellibranchs, and gasteropods, the 
brachiopods (Rhynchonella, Spiriferina, Terebratula, Terebratella), 
although still sufficiently abundant, no longer having that para- 
mount importance which distinguished them as perhaps the most 
distinctive type of the Paleozoic faunas. The cephalopods still 
belong, in the main, to the types of the nautilus, ammonite (Amal- 


theus, Arietites, Harpoceras, Agoceras, Stephanoceras, Lytoceras, 
Phylloceras), and belemnite ; but representatives of groups that 
appear to have been closely related to the modern calamary (Belo- 
teuthis, Belemnosepia, Teuthopsis) are not exactly wanting. The 
lamellibranchs and gasteropods comprise a most varied assemblage 
of forms, many of them but barely distinguishable from individual 
forms living at the present day, and by their great numerical de- 
velopment give a generally modern aspect to the fauna. Of the 
former the modern families Ostreidw, Limide, Mytilide, Astartida, 
Lucinide, and Cardiidw are remarkable for their profuse develop- 
ment, and scarcely less so the now nearly extinct Trigoniade and 
Pholadomyidew; of the latter, the more important families are still 
the non-siphonated ones (Pleurotomariidxz, Naticide, Trochide, 
Actzeonide); but a no inconsiderable representation of the Siphon- 
ata (Cerithiide, Aporrhaidw, Strombidx, Purpurida) is also inter- 
spersed. The earliest fresh-water univalves belong to this period 
(Paludina, Melania, Neritina, Planorbis). 

The corals, which are of the type of existing star-corals, may be 
considered next in importance to the Mollusca, and, indeed, in 
some instances, as in the Coralline Oolite, they constitute by their 
own vast numbers the greater portion of the solid rock, not im- 
probably the vestiges of ancient reefs. Somewhat less important, 
but yet very abundant in certain localities, are the fragments of the 
Crinoidea, which are most distinctively represented by the genera 
Apiocrinus and Extracrinus, the latter having its modern analogue 
in the Pentacrinus of the Carribean Sea; but this comparatively 
little specialised group of the Echinodermata has, ever since the 
close of the Carboniferous period, been on its decline, and has left 
its place to be filled by the true urchins (Cidaris, Hemicidaris, 
Holectypus, Echinobrissus, Clypeus, Collyrites) and brittle-stars 
(Ophioderma, Ophiurella, Ophioglypha), both of which, but more 
particularly the former, now for the first time acquire any special 
importance. The star-fishes are represented, among other forms, 
by the type of the modern Uraster. Of the articulates there is a 
considerable development of the Crustacea—crabs, lobsters, and 
their allies—and in the fine-grained rocks the remains of centipedes, 
spiders, and true insects are not uncommon, the last comprising 
representatives of all the recognised modern orders. To this period 
belong the earliest Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. 


Turning to the flora, we find it to be sharply defined from that 
of any of the Paleozoic periods, although in the abundance of ferns, 
many of them of ancient type, and in the absence of the higher 
forms of plants, it shows an interesting correspondence. Its most 
marked feature is furnished by the group of the Cycads, of which 
there are numerous genera recognised, and the pines, whose nearest 
allies appear to be the southern araucarias. The earliest undoubted 
representatives of endogens are found in the deposits of this age, 
some of them clearly indicating a close relationship with the Aus- 
tralian screw-pines (Pandanus). No positive traces of exogenous 
plants other than conifers have as yet been determined, but it is by 
no means improbable that they already existed. 

Comparing the fauna and flora of the Jurassic period with the 
existing fauna and flora of any portion of the earth’s surface, we 
remark a striking similarity to the conditions presented on the 
Australian continent. Here, at the present day, is the home of 
the marsupials, of the Port-Jackson shark, which had its Jurassic 
representatives in genera like Acrodus, Hybodus, and Strophodus, 
and of Ceratodus among the lung-fishes, a form which, though of 
more ancient date, also had its habitat in the seas of the Jurassic 
period. Only along the Australian coast do we mect at the present 
time with the lamellibranchiate genus Trigonia, one of the most 
characteristic and abundant of the Jurassic mollusks. As regards 
the flora, a no less striking correspondence is apparent. On the 
Australian land-surface flourish a considerable variety of ferns, tree- 
ferns, and cycadaceous plants ; likewise, the Araucaria tyne of 
Conifer; and here, principally, do we find the singular plants al- 
ready referred to as screw-pines (Pandani). Australia is, in fact, 
that portion of the earth’s surface which, as far as its faunal and 
floral characteristics are concerned, has undergone the least modi- 
fication since the Jurassic period, and, indeed, it may be said that 
the present fauna and flora of the continent became differentiated 
during the interval between the Triassic and Jurassic periods, al- 
though, as has already been seen, some of the distinctive types date 
from a more ancient epoch. The retention of an ancient type of 
fauna and flora clearly indicates that the continent had retained its 
isolated position through a period probably extending as far back 
as the Mesozoic era; otherwise, if connection with some other 
continental land-mass. had existed at some subsequent period, it 


would be barely possible that an interchange between the faunal 
and floral characters of that land-mass and Australia should not 
have been effected to a greater extent than is indicated by the 
isolated position, especially of the fauna, now existing. 

Cretaceous Fauna.—The Cretaceous period presents in many 
respects a marked contrast in its faunal characters to the period 
preceding. While many of the most important or characteristic 
of the Jurassic invertebrate types still persist, in many cases with 
undiminished or even increased force, as, for example, the differ- 
ent classes of the Mollusca, we meet here with a development 
of other animal groups which in most of the periods preceding 
were of comparatively insignificant import. Such are the Fora- 
minifera, which in their various forms (Globigerina, Rotalia, Tex- 
tularia, Cristellaria) build up by their remains the great mass of 
the chalk rocks, whose enormous extension is one of the most im- 
posing monuments presented to the geologist. The sponges (Si- 
phonia, Jerea, Thecosiphonia, Ventriculites) here likewise find their 
greatest development, some of the forms having their analogues in 
the types that still inhabit the oceanic depths; and the same has 
been shown to be the case with the Cretaceous urchins (Echinoidea), 
which are represented in great multitude and variety—Cidaris, 
Ananchytes, Galerites, Micraster, Discoidea. The corals are in 
comparison feebly developed, and can by no means claim that im- 
portance which they obtained in the Jurassic period. The Belem- 
nitide (Belemnites, Belemnitella) and Ammonitide still constitute 
the most important of the cephalopod types, the latter especially 
presenting a very considerable number of characteristic forms, the 
so-called unrolled ammonites—Crioceras (with Ancyloceras and 
Toxoceras), Hamites (Ptychoceras), Scaphites, Turrilites, Helico- 
ceras, and Baculites. 

The bivalve and univalve faunas, while largely made up of 
Jurassic types, show a marked advance over the corresponding 
faunas of the period preceding in the much greater development of 
the siphonate forms. The Sinuata among the former, which, if we 
except the very abundant family of the Pholadomyide, had hitherto 
but scattered representatives, now acquire considerable importance, 
especially in the families Veneridx, Tellinide, Glycimeride, Ana- 
tinide, Mactride, and Myide. Among the non-sinuate forms 
the members of the oyster family (Ostrea, Exogyra, Grypheea) and 


the scallops (Pecten), and the genus Inoceramus among the Hetero- 
myaria, are distinguished by their numbers; but the most charac- 
teristic elements of the lamellibranch fauna are furnished by two 
families of very inequivalve-shelled mollusks, the Chamids, with 
the genera Requienia, Monopleura, Caprina, and Caprotina, and 
the so long misunderstood Rudistze (Spherulites, Radiolites, and 
Hippurites), whose forms so eminently characterise the southern 
belt of European and American Cretaceous deposits, and which ap- 
pear and disappear with this period. The siphonate univalves have 
an almost exclusively modern aspect, and comprise among others 
representatives of the families Fuside, Strombidz, Muricide, Tri- 
tonide, Buccinide, Cancellariide, Pleurotomidz, Conide, Olivide, 
and Cypreide. 

Turning to the vertebrates, we find in the lowest class, Pisces, 
the introduction for the first time of teleosts, or true bony fishes, 
that ichthyic group which at the present day surpasses, both in 
individual members and variety, all the other orders of fishes put 
together. These earliest teleosts, although not very abundant, 
comprise a considerable number of modern types (Clupea, Esox, 
Osmerus, Beryx); but it is not till the Tertiary period that they 
acquire any well-marked development. No amphibian remains 
have been detected in any Cretaceous deposit. Reptiles, on the 
other hand, are exceedingly abundant, and comprise most of the 
types whose existence has been indicated in the Jurassic seas. 
Thus, of the modern groups, we have turtles, lizards, and croco- 
diles (of both the amphiccelous—Hyposaurus—and proccelous types 
—Holops, Gavialis), and, in addition, the first true serpent (Si- 
moliophis). The extinct orders Ichthyosauria and Plesiosauria 
are still represented, and in Elasmosaurus, belonging to the lat- 
ter, we meet with one of the most formidable types of the finned 
Reptilia. Here, also, are found some of the most gigantic of the 
Dinosauria—Iguanodon, Megalosaurus, Hadrosaurus, Camarasau- 
rus—and the remarkable group of the Pythonomorpha, or ‘“sea- 
serpents ’—Mosasaurus, Leiodon, Clidastes—which in several re- 
spects united the characters of both serpents and lizards. The 
largest of the pterodactyls, or flying reptiles, having an expanse 
of wing of from twenty to twenty-five feet, or even more, occur 
in deposits of this period, and are represented by the normal- 
toothed types, and by such, as the American Pteranodon, in which 


the jaws appear to have been encased in horn, and to have been 
entirely edentulous. 

Bird remains are sufficiently abundant in certain localities, many 
of them belonging to forms seemingly not very far removed from 
some of our modern groups. But, in addition to these ordinary 
forms, we have some of the most extraordinary of any that have ever 
been described, and which, from the presence of true teeth in their 
jaws, have received the name of Odontornithes (toothed-birds). In 
the genus Ichthyornis, as exemplified in I. dispar, which was of 
about the size of a pigeon, in addition to the peculiarity of alve- 
olar teeth that of biconcave vertebre is presented, a structure of 
the vertebral column characteristic of fishes and many of the ex- 
tinct reptiles, but not known in modern birds. The wings ap- 
pear to have been well developed, and in this, and all other respects 
beyond those just mentioned, the animal conformed strictly to the 
modern type of bird structure. In the still more remarkable Hes- 
perornis, which in the species H. regalis attained a height of five 
or six feet, the teeth, instead of being implanted in distinct sockets, 
were placed in a continuous groove; the extremity of the upper jaw 
appears to have been bent down in the form of a beak, and to have 
been edentulous. The breastplate was entirely destitute of a keel 
or ridge for the attachment of the powerful muscles required for the 
motion of the wings, so that the bird was doubtless completely de- 
nied the power of flight. The presence, in the same geological 
period and the same geographical area (Kansas), of two birds so 
closely related to each other in the presence of jaw-teeth, and yet 
so distantly removed from each other by other peculiarities of 
structure, argues strongly for the antiquity of this class of animals, 
and, though the earliest unequivocal traces of birds have thus far 
been met with in the deposits of the Jurassic period, it is more than 
probable that their first origin is considerably more ancient. 

No traces of any mammalian have thus far been discovered in 
any indisputably Cretaceous deposit, a circumstance in great part 
attributable to the particular conditions under which most of the 

“deposits of this period, as known to us, were laid down, namely, 
their marine origin. But there can be no doubt that at some future 
day such remains will be found, and, indeed, if the deposits of the 
Laramie age be conceded to be absolutely Cretaceous, as is claimed 
(although on most contradictory evidence) by many geologists, then 


the first of such remains, the Meniscoessus, has quite recently been 
discovered. As now generally recognised, the Laramie deposits 
constitute a series intermediate between the Cretaceous and the 
Tertiary, the faunal characters, as are principally indicated by the 
abundant remains of dinosaurian reptiles, pertaining to the former, 
while the plants point directly to the latter. The angiospermous 
exogens, whose earliest undoubted remains occur in the Upper 
Cretaceous deposits, here undergo a very considerable devclop- 
ment, and may, indeed, be said to represent the stock whence the 
floras of the subsequent Tertiary and existing periods have been 
derived. We find here many of our most common modern types, 
such as the oak, beech, poplar, tulip-tree, magnolia, alder, and 

Tertiary Faunas.—With the close of the Cretaceous period and 
the beginning of the Tertiary, we note the most marked of all the 
organic changes that characterise the different geological epochs. 
Whole series of animals, from the lowest almost to their highest di- 
visions, suddenly become extinct, or so nearly verge on extinction 
as to constitute but a very insignificant element in the succeeding 
fauna; on the other hand, groups of equal or greater importance, 
and which had hitherto no (or but very scanty) predecessors, just as 
suddenly make their appearance. It would seem as though a fresh 
start had been taken in the peopling of the earth’s surface, so 
different in many respects are the faunas of the Cretaceous and 
Tertiary periods. But this difference, as it now presents itself, 
must not be taken to indicate that it in fact even existed as such. 
The gaps that now separate the one fauna from the other were un- 
doubtedly filled by animal types of intermediate grade, of whose 
existence we shall only be made cognisant when the hiatus which 
here breaks into the continuity of the geologizal system will be more 
completely filled in. It is illogical, and directly opposed to the 
workings of evolutionary force, to conceive of a wide-spread group 
of animals suddenly appearing and springing into prominence ; 
and no less illogical to conceive of an equally sudden extermina- 
tion. Hence, where vast differences in the faunas of any two suc- 
ceeding geological periods present themselves, we have reasona»le 
grounds for concluding that a long lapse of time has intervencd 
between the close of one period and the commencement of the 
period (as represented) next succeeding—in other words, that there 


is here a geological break. Only there where the continuity of the 
geological system is complete, or where the imperfection of the 
record is reduced to insignificance, can we hope to meet with an 
organic chain whose continuity is likewise complete. No such 
complete record, or anything approaching it, has as yet been dis- 
covered, nor is it at all likely that one will ever be discovered. But 
the gaps in the record that occur in one locality or country may 
be wanting in another, those present here be absent in the third, 
and so on; hence, by a series of comparisons made between several 
localities, we can in a measure realise a comparatively perfect 
record, or at any rate one in which the breaks have been materially 
narrowed, and with it also a comparatively perfect organic chain. 
Except possibly in one or two regions of the earth’s surface, New 
Zealand and California, nothing that may be said absolutely to 
link together the Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits, at least those 
of the marine series, has as yet come to light; the faunas are 
largely distinct, and their distinctness is the index of the inter- 
val that separates the outgoing of the one and the incoming of the 

The Tertiary fauna presents to us a clearly modern aspect, and 
one that characterises all the animal groups represented, from the 
lowest to the highest. And the farther we advance in this period 
the more modern becomes the general faunal facies, so that in the 
Pliocene, or uppermost division, not only are the genera largely 
identical with existing ones, but (if we exclude the vertebrates) 
also the species, notably among the mollusks. It may be stated 
in a general way that all the more comprehensive of the animal 
groups now existing are represented in the Tertiary deposits, and 
the majority of these date from the Eocene, or earliest division. We 
have no longer representatives of those wonderful reptilian orders, the 
Ichthyosauria, Dinosauria, Pythonomorpha, and Pterosauria, which 
characterised the greater portion of the Mesozoic era, and continued 
to its termination; nor do we find any vestiges of the scarcely less 
wonderful birds of the odontornithic group,* or of the type rep- 
resented by Archeopteryx. Both reptiles and birds belong to 

* An exception may, perhaps, be made in favour of the Odontopteryx, de- 
seribed by Professor Owen, which has the substance of both jaws developed into 
well-pronounced scrrations (or false teeth), an exaggeration of the character 
exhibited by ducks and geese, to which the bird appears to bave been related. 


the type of existing orders, and the same may be said of the fishes, 
principally teleosts. The change in the character of the inverte- 
brate fauna is somewhat less marked than in the case of the verte- 
brates; but yet certain important differences present themselves. 
Thus, among the acephalous and gasteropod mollusks, by far the 
greater number, in fact nearly all the types, are referable to exist- 
ing families, and even in the oldest division, the Eocene, to exist- 
ing genera, or to such as are very closely allied to them. Such 
characteristic families as the Hippuritide and Caprotinide, among 
the bivalves, have completely disappeared, and, if we except some 
half-dozen or more species found in Australian Tertiary deposits, 
the same may be said of the Trigoniade, as well as of the Am- 
monitide * and Belemnitide among cephalopods, about the most 
distinctive of the invertebrate forms of the entire Mesozoic series. 
Among the Tertiary invertebrates must be noted the extraordinary 
development of the foraminiferal forms Nummulites and Orbitoides, 
which, by their prodigious numbers, make up some of the most 
stupendous deposits known to us. But that feature of the Ter- 
tiary fauna which above all others arrests attention is constituted 
by the class Mammalia. 

The most striking fact that presents itself in connection with 
the history of these animals is their very sudden introduction, both 
as to individual numbers and diversity of form, almost with the 
beginning of the period, a circumstance of no little significance when 
it is remembered that, in the period preceding, if we except the 
doubtfully placed Meniscoessus, not even a trace of their existence 
has been detected, and that all such forms as have been found in 
the earlier Jurassic and Triassic deposits belong, as far as we are 
able to determine, to the single order of the Marsupialia. In the 
earliest division of the Tertiary, the Eocene, on the other hand, 
we meet with the remains of individuals belonging to at least one- 
half of all the recognised orders of the present day.t Thus, we 
have marsupials of the opossum type (Didelphis), insectivores, 
rodents (as represented by the Sciuride, or squirrels), cetaceans 

* A few ammonitic fragments have been found in the Tertiary deposits of 
the Tejon group of California, and a Tertiary belemnite is claimed for Aus- 

+ The Ornithodelphia, Edentata, Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, and possibly 
also the Sirenia and true Carniyora, are still unknown. 


(Zeuglodon), ungulates, both odd-toed and even-toed (among the 
former the tapiroid Lophiodon and Pal:eotherium, and other such 
forms as Eohippus and Hyracotherium, which, through a series of 
modified but closely-related types in the Miocene and Pliocene peri- 
ods—Anchitherium, Hipparion—can be traced genetically to the 
modern horse; and among the latter the possible ancestors of some 
of the modern deer, Xiphodon and Anoplotherium, and the suil- 
line Anthracotherium and Palzocheerus), bats, even of existing gene- 
ra (Vespertilio, Vesperugo), lemurs, or lemuriform insectivores (Ada- 
pis, Necrolemur), and not impossibly also the true monkeys. But 
while most of the forms found in these earlier Tertiary deposits are 
referable to modern orders, there are others which would appear to 
have no place in the classification laid down for living forms, and 
which combine, in many respects, the characters of two or more 
orders. Thus, it has been convenient to designate an order Ambly- 
poda for a line of animals which, at the one extremity, stand near- 
est in their relationship to the Proboscidea, or elephants, and at an- 
other to the odd-toed ungulates. In it are comprised the Uinta- 
theria, ponderous tusked-animals, rivalling or exceeding in size the 
modern elephant, and the coryphodons, considerably smaller ani- 
mals of a generalised type, the probable progenitors of the last. A 
still earlier type is embodied in the Condylarthra (Phenacodus), 
from the very base of the Eocene, which represent the most primi- 
tive type of known ungulate animals, and which not impossibly 
are derivatives of some preceding hoofed marsupial. Another order, 
the Tillodontia, has been established for certain animal forms which, 
in several respects, combine the characters of the insectivores, ro- 
dents, and edentates; and, again, a fourth order, the Creodonta, 
for forms that seem to hold a position intermediate between the 
insectivores and carnivores, and not unlikely represent the ancestral 
line of the latter. 

From the researches of paleontologists it would appear that 
the primitive type of placental mammal is the insectivore, and 
that from this original type have descended, by gradual modifica- 
tion, most of the varied forms that now people the surface of the 
earth, and those whose remains lie buried in the deposits of the 
Tertiary period. At what precise period in the earth’s history the 
Insectivora first appeared it is impossible to say, for, although no 
remains occur in any deposits antedating the Eocene, there can be 


little or no doubt, seeing what modifications of insectivore structure 
are presented in the earliest deposits containing their remains, that 
they appeared at a very much earlier epoch. The Tillodontia, 
Creodonta, and Insectivora appear, as it were, simultaneously in 
the Lower Eocene deposits, and if, therefore, they represent merely 
modifications of one and the same structure, as is maintained by 
Professor Cope, who has united the three groups into the one com- 
prehensive order of the Bunotheria, then they must point to a com- 
mon progenitor (foreshadowed in the Jurassic insectivorous marsu- 
pials) removed far beyond the limits of the Tertiary period. Of 
the three insectivore types here indicated, the true Insectivora, 
which may be considered as the main or axial stem, have alone 
survived to the present time. The Tillodontia and Creodonta both 
became extinct before the middle of the Tertiary period, the latter, 
however, by gradual modification passing off into the Carnivora, 
whose earliest undoubted remains are to be found in the deposits 
of Oligocene, or Miocene age. From the same group of the Insec- 
tivora, although apparently at a somewhat later date than the Creo- 
donta and Tillodontia, appear to have been descended the so-called 
Prosimia, or primitive monkeys, the lemurs, whose earliest remains 
occur in deposits of both Lower and Upper Eocene age; and to these 
last, again, is doubtless to be traced the direct line of ancestry of the 
various types of true monkeys that at the present day inhabit the 
earth’s surface, and whose unquestionable traces are first met with in 
deposits of Miocene age. The most important non-insectivore type 
of Lower Eocene mammalian is the ungulate, whose remains, be- 
longing to both the odd-toed and even-toed sub-orders, occur in 
astonishing abundance, and argue very strongly in favor of a very 
remote ancestory, one that may not impossibly carry us as far back 
as the middle of the Mesozoic era. 

The progressive modifications of structure which can be traced 
through the more generalised of the Eocene mammalian groups 
results in greater and greater specialisation the further we advance 
in the course of time, and hence, in the Miocene period we meet 
with more of distinctly specialised (or isolated) groups than in the 
period preceding. In addition to the recent orders that have been 
enumerated as belonging to the Eocene period we have the Eden- 
tata (represented by such gigantic forms as Macrotherium and 
Ancylotherium, whose nearest relationship appears to have been 


with the aard-vark), the true Carnivora, Sirenia,* Proboscidea, and 
Quadrumana. Per contra, most of the older forms have now com- 
pletely disappeared, and, in fact, no mammalian order, with the 
possible exception of the Creodonta (Hyzenodon), is indicated which 
has not its living representatives at the present day. Most of the 











families are such as still exist, and even many of the genera are 
identical, so that on the whole the mammalian fauna has a decidedly 
modern aspect. The Miocene Insectivora comprise, among other 
forms, representatives of the families of hedgehogs, shrew-mice, 
and moles; the Rodentia, porcupines, mice, squirrels, rabbits, beav- 
ers, &c.; the Cetacea are represented by true whales and dolphins; 
the odd-toed Ungulata by the tapir and a number of allied tapir- 
oids, and the singular giant forms that have been referred to the 
not distantly removed family of the Menodontide (Symborodon, 
Titanotherium); by true rhinoceroses and other forms (Hyracodon, 
Aceratherium) closely allied to them; and by Equid#—Hipparion, 
Miohippus (Anchitherium)—which differed from the true horses 

* Eotherium Egyptiacum, from the Mokattam nummulitic limestone, is re- 
ferred to this group by Professor Owen. 


principally in size and the polydactyl character of the feet. Among 
the even-toed ungulates we find the hippopotamus, the true swine, 
deer, giraffe, and musk-deer, and, of the hollow-horned ruminants, 
the antelopes—the sheep, goats,* and oxen being still absent, al- 
though some of the antelopine forms would seem to effect a transition 
between the true antelopes and goats. The Proboscidea comprise, 
in addition to the true elephant (which, however, as a Miocene ani- 
mal is known only from the deposits of the Siwalik Hills of India, 
now frequently referred to the Lower Pliocene, or Mio-Pliocene), 
the Mastodon, and the aberrant Dinotherium, which was provided 
in its lower jaw with two prominent recurved tusks. The Carnivora 
have yielded representatives of the cats—the true Felis and the 
related sabre-tooths (Machairodus, Dinictis), the most formidable 
of all known recent and extinct Carnivora—the weasels, civets, 
hyenas (with the true hyena), and seals. The dogs are represented 
by the genus Canis itself, and the more primitive Amphicyon, 
through which a transition is effected to the ursine Hyznarctos, 
and to the Pliocene true bears. Finally, the Primates have yielded 
several genera, as Semnopithecus, Pliopithecus, and Dryopithecus, 
the last referable to the group of the anthropoid or highest apes, 
and fully equalling in size the human species. 

Passing on to the Pliocene period, the mammalian fauna makes 
a still further approximation to that of the present day in the in- 
troduction of a number of modern types that had not hitherto made 
their appearance, or only just appeared. Thus, we have here the 
camel (in India), the ox, true bear (in Europe), and horse, in addi- 
tion to most of the types that have been enumerated as belonging 
to the Miocene period, and it may be broadly stated that the ma- 
jority of the genera of this period are such as still exist, although 
the species are in most cases distinct. The regions where Tertiary 
mammals have been studied are principally the United States, Eu- 
rope, and India, between whose faunas there is a well-marked cor- 
respondence. While certain of the animal groups referred to are 
found in the one region and not in the other, and are therefore 
specially restricted, it may be said that approximately the same 
groups are represented throughout, although the date of their ap- 
pearance, or of that of their individual components, may be different 
for the different countries. Thus, in the Upper Miocene, or older 

* Capra Perimensis, from the island of Perim, is possibly a Miocene form. 


Pliocene, deposits of the Siwalik Hills of India we have the true 
hippopotamus, bison, bear, and elephant, forms which do not make 
their appearance until a somewhat later date in Western Europe, 
Pliocene, or Post-Pliocene. Similarly, the genera Cervus, Hystrix, 
Felis, Hipparion, and Mastodon, which appear in Western Europe 
in the Miocene period, are still wanting in the American continent, 
making their first appearance in the Pliocene. And, likewise, the 
true bears and oxen in Europe antedate the American forms by one 
period. It may be stated, as a general rule, that where identical 
genera of living forms occur in the deposits of both the Old and the 
New World, those of the Old World are the more ancient; and the 
same probably holds good, although to a less extent, with families. 
From these differences in the dates of appearance of certain animal 
groups, their presence or absence, we are led to discuss the probable 
origin of our existing faunas, or portions of them. 

The existence in Western Europe in Miocene, and especially in 
Pliocene, times of a fauna consisting of forms which still inhabit 
the region, and of others as are only to be found at the present time 
on the continents of Africa and Asia, may appear at first sight 
somewhat singular. But when we reflect that the climate, during 
the whole or the greater portion of this period, was probably very 
much more uniform and warmer than it is at the present time, and 
possibly not very different from what it now is in the region of the 
Tropics, the apparent singularity in great measure disappears. 
Some of the tropical forms, as the giraffe and rhinoceros, may have 
been indigenous to the region, while others, whose development in 
South-Central Asia appears to have taken place at an earlier period, 
not improbably represent immigrants from the heart of that con- 
tinent. It is practically certain, moreover, that direct land commu- 
nication existed during a considerable portion of this period with 
the continent of Africa, with which, consequently, there would 
have been effected a general interchange of forms. Indeed, it is 
much more singular that Europe no longer retains its more charac- 
teristic African forms; but it must be recollected that, with the 
advent of the Glacial period, an era of cold set in, and that with 
this inclement climate a general retreat southward took place, the 
more tropically constituted animals passing over into the conti- 
nent of Africa, or suffering extermination by the cold. The most 
northerly animals, passing southward, occupied the region now more 



or less vacated by the tropical forms, and hence, in the deposits of 
the Glacial and Post-Glacial periods, we meet with the remains of 
the elk, reindeer, hyena, lion, giraffe, elephant, rhinoceros, and 
hippopotamus mixed together. At about the same epoch it would 
appear that the present rupture existing between the African and 
European continents was effected, a separation which precluded the 
possibility of a return migration from Africa when the more toler- 
able climate succeeding the close of the Glacial period set in. 
Hence the survival only of the more temperate forms of the Euro- 
pean fauna. While Africa, therefore, retains its strictly African 
mammalian forms, it may be considered questionable whether these 
are not direct importations, in great part, from the region lying to 
the north. As far as the North American continent is concerned, it 
appears not improbable, from what has already been said with refer- 
ence to the earlier appearance in Europe of equivalent mammalian 
types, that a not inconsiderable portion of its later (fossil) fauna 
was derived from the Old World. Thus, it appears likely that the 
bears, swine, oxen, sheep, antelopes, and elephants originated in 
the Old World, whence they were transplanted by way of some 
land connection existing in the north into the New World. The 
true dogs, on the other hand, seem not unlikely to have been de- 
veloped first on the American continent; and it is also not improb- 
able that the ancestral line of the camel is to be traced to the West- 
ern Hemisphere. Our paleontological knowledge of the different 
countries, even of those more thoroughly explored, is, however, far 
too insignificant to permit of a definite solution to the problem of 
the origination of the various mammalian groups, and in the case 
of most continental faunas but little can be said with positiveness 
concerning their formation. The North American continent lacks 
in its Tertiary fauna the giraffe, hyena, and hippopotamus; nor do 
we find any traces of the group of the Old World monkeys, or, in 
the greater portion of the region, of the Edentata, whose various 
forms are now so abundantly represented in the South American 

With the Post-Pliocene period the correspondence existing be- 
tween the fossil and recent faunas of the several geographical regions 
is in most cases further increased, and not only by the introduction 
of many new modern genera, but by the presence, in considerable 
number, of identical specific types. The modern fauna may now 


be said to be broadly marked out. Thus, in the Australian Pleis- 
tocene marsupials, Diprotodon, Nototherium, Thylacoleo, and their 
allies, we have the forerunners of the various marsupial forms that 
now characterise the continental fauna; in the giant birds Palapte- 
ryx, Dinornis, Mionornis, &c., from New Zealand, and Apyornis 
from Madagascar, the forerunners of the wingless apteryx and the 
struthious birds from the same or neighbouring regions; and in 
the giant South American edentates, Glyptodon, Megatherium, My- 
lodon,* and their allies, the representative, if not the ancestral, 
forms of the existing sloth, armadillo, and ant-eater. It is re- 
markable that these last forms also occur in the Post-Pliocene de- 
posits of the United States; but there can be but little doubt that 
their presence there was the result of a temporary migration from 
the south, since their remains are only exceptionally found in any 
of the preceding Tertiary formations. 

We have noted in the Eocene period the presence of a certain 
generalised group of mammals, from which, by gradual modifica- 
tions of structure, the more specialised groups of subsequent periods 
have sprung. The demonstration of this successive evolution of 
forms is not, however, restricted solely to groups of animals, but it 
can be indicated with no less positiveness in the case of certain in- 
dividual members of a group. The most notable instance of evolu- 
tionary modification in a given line is afforded by the horse. Thus, 
from the modern horse we can trace downward in the geological 
scale a gradual series of modifications in the structure of the teeth 
and limbs which, at the further end of the line, characterise an 
animal so far removed in general structure from the existing form 
that, were not the intermediate forms known, or were it to be con- 
sidered by itself, it would be recognised not only as the type of a 
distinct family, but of a distinct sub-order. From the solidungu- 
late type represented in the existing form we reach, by sensible 
gradations, an animal of the polydactyl type, or one having several 
toes to each foot. A phylogenetic line, but little less complete, can 
also be traced in connection with the families Camelidz, Tapiride, 
and Felidx, and others, doubtless, will be discerned with the fur- 
ther progress of paleontological investigation. 

* The deposits containing these remains have been very generally consid- 
ered to be Post-Pliocene; Ameghino and Cope, however, probably correctly 
refer them either in whole, or in part, to the Pliocene. 


Appearance and disappearance of species.— Reappearance.— Extinction.—Per- 
sistence of type-structures.—Variation.— Geozraphical distribution.—Cli- 
matic zones.—Sy nchronism of geological formations. 

Ir is assumed by all, or nearly all, geologists, that every species 
of animal, broadly speaking, had a definite belonging in the geo- 
logical scale; in other words, that its existence was coincident with 
a certain period in the development of the earth, and with no other. 
Thus, the well-known and largely-represented brachiopod, Spirifer 
disjuncta (Verneuilii), whose occurrence has been noted in North 
America, throughout the greater extent of continental and insular 
Europe, in Asia Minor, China, and New South Wales, is everywhere 
restricted to the Devonian formation, and is, therefore, distinctive 
of that period. Similarly, the no less widely disseminated Pro- 
ductus semireticulatus, a member of the same group of animals, is 
restricted to the Carboniferous formation. So limited, indeed, ap- 
pears to have been, in most instances, the range in time of a given 
species, that the inspection of a single well-determined form will 
frequently fix, not only approximately but absolutely, the horizon 
of the deposits whence it was obtained. Belemnitella mucronata, 
one of the squids, characterises a definite horizon of the Upper 
Cretaceous; and among the Ammonites we have numerous instances 
of specific restriction to special “ zones” of even the minor divi- 
sions of a formation. Limitation of range appears to pertain 
more strictly to the members of the higher groups of animals than 
to the lower, or to such forms whose complexity of organisation 
might be supposed to interfere with a ready accommodation to 
changing physical conditions of the surroundings. Not one of 
about one hundred and twenty-five species of fish described from 


the Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain appears to have lived on 
into the succeeding Carboniferous period, whereas, of the Inverte- 
brata, comprising the corals, annelids, echinoderms, crustaceans, 
and the several classes of the Mollusca, the survivors of the Devo- 
nian period number no less than twelve per cent. An equally 
striking case is presented by the Mammalia, where, of the very 
numerous forms that have been referred to the European and North 
American Tertiaries, not one is positively known to have passed 
either from the Eocene division to the Miocene or from the Mio- 
cene to the Pliocene; and but a mere handful, if that, from the Plio- 
cene to the period next succeeding, the Quaternary or Post-Plio- 
cene. And yet we are aware that, in certain Eocene localities, no 
less than five per cent. of the molluscan fauna has survived into the 
present epoch, and as much as thirty to forty per cent. from the 
Miocene! Turning to the Invertebrata themselves, we find among 
the different classes no less striking confirmation of the law of the 
persistence of the less highly organised specific types over those 
more highly organised. Taking the sub-kingdom Mollusca, for 
example, we find, from an examination of the carefully prepared 
tables of Mr. Etheridge ® on British Paleozoic fossils, that, of the 
three great classes whose members are not free-swimmers, and who 
would be consequently most likely to fall under the influence of 
special physical conditions, the erder of persistence is, in most 
cases, Brachiopoda, Lamellibranchiata, and Gasteropoda—i. e., the 
lowest first and highest last. Species of brachiopods range from 
every one of the major formations to the formation next succeed- 
ing, as from the Cambrian to the Silurian, from the Silurian to 
the Devonian, from the Devonian to the Carboniferous, and from 
the Carboniferous to the Permian. The Lamellibranchiata and 
Gasteropoda, on the other hand, each pass but once from the De- 
vonian to the Carboniferous. Looking at the numerical develop- 
ment of the transgressional forms, we find that fourteen per cent. 
of the Devonian brachiopod fauna reappears in the Carboniferous, 
thirteen per cent. of the lamellibranch, and eleven per cent. of 
the gasteropod. Of the equivalent polyzoan fauna the transgres- 
sional forms constitute thirty-seven per cent. 

Numerous instances of transgressional forms could be cited from 
the other branches of the animal kingdom, but to no special pur- 
pose. <As a rule, the number of such connecting forms is very 


limited, and only in the comparatively very recent Tertiary epoch 
do they acquire any marked significance. But, if the number of 
survivors of any one epoch is very limited, it will naturally follow 
that this number will be still further reduced if a question of two 
or more epochs is involved. It was, indeed, for a long time main- 
tained by geologists that no species of animal, no matter of what 
form of organisation, could possibly have entered into the forma- 
tion of three successive [epoch] faunas; for instance, that no species 
appearing in the Silurian could live completely through the Devo- 
nian, and then continue into the Carboniferous. And this notion 
is still largely entertained by the geologists and paleontologists of 
the present day. However much of truth there may be in such a 
doctrine, it must be confessed that its acceptance or rejection will 
depend, at least in some part, upon the standpoint from which the 
investigator views the nature of species. There is, perhaps, nothing 
that has more taxed the ingenuity of the naturalist than to deter- 
mine just exactly what a species is, what constitutes its absolute 
boundaries or limitations. The amount of disagreement upon this 
point is so very great, even among naturalists holding approximately 
the same views on genesis or evolution, that one might fairly despair 
of arriving at anything like a just solution of the problem. During 
the period when the doctrine of the immutability of species was a 
common faith, there was, indeed, but little difficulty in the matter, 
since every reasonably differing form was immediately constitut- 
ed into a distinct species; and it is in this period that many, if 
not most, of our existing paleontological notions have their roots. 
Now, however, when the doctrine of descent by modification is 
universally acknowledged as one of the great truths of nature, much 
greater latitude is permitted to the definition of the word species, 
and, in fact, what might at one time be considered as a good species 
can, in the light of a newly-discovered chain of “ intermediate ” 
forms, be readily degraded to the rank of a variety. Such has, in 
truth, been the history of a great many so-called species. The 
difficulty of determining specific longevity thus becomes apparent, 
for who can state what will be the fate of forms that now stand 
apparently far apart? However divergent may be the views of 
authors on the matter of relationship, it is practically certain that 
numerous forms of life, exhibiting no distinctive characters of their 
own, are constituted into distinct species for no other reason than 


that they occur in formations widely separated from those holding 
their nearest of kin. Whether these be really good species or not 
may be a matter for further consideration; but it cannot be denied 
that their primary recognition as such is based upon the assumption 
that no species, after it once became extinct, ever again came into 
existence. While there is much that speaks in favor of this doc- 
trine, it may, nevertheless, safely be asked, in what lies the proof 
of its correctness? Surely we possess no knowledge which will 
permit us to state just when a given species became extinct. Dis- 
appearance from one locality is in itself no indication of absolute 
extinction, any more than appearance is an indication of primary 
origination. How, then, can we ascertain, when a given form 
supposed to be extinct reappears after an interval of a formation, 
whether that form in reality became extinct or not? It is usually 
assumed that it did not, and its range in time is correspondingly 
extended; or, the reappearing form, with no distinctive characters 
of its own, is elevated to the rank of a new species, and the extinc- 
tion of the first species insisted upon. But it is evident that this 
method of forcing the point is in the nature of an argumentum in 
circo, and leaves the question of extinction and reappearance in the 
condition of ‘not proven.” 

While, apart from the proof that is lacking in the matter, the 
doctrine of non-reappearance seems to commend itself by a certain 
‘‘ plausibility,” it may still be doubted whether this supposed 
plausibility is not more a matter of preconception than of actual 
fact. If evolution is true, and there are few among scientists 
who would deny that it is so, can it not readily be conceived that, 
as the result of the interaction of the physical and organic forces, 
identical forms may have been evolved as the heads of very distinct 
lines of descent ? And, if so, may not this process have operated 
through distinct periods of time? Mr. Darwin, in attacking the 
problem, thus states the case (‘‘Origin of Species,” p. 379, ed. 
1866): ‘‘ We can clearly understand why a species, when once lost, 
should never reappear, even if the very same conditions of life, 
organic and inorganic, should recur. For though the offspring of 
one species might be adapted (and no doubt this has occurred in 
innumerable instances) to fill the exact place of another species in 
the economy of nature, and thus supplant it, yet the two forms— 
the old and the new—would noi be identically the same, for both 


would almost certainly inherit different characters from their dis- 
tinct progenitors. For instance, it is just possible, if our fantail 
pigeons were all destroyed, that fanciers, by striving during long 
ages for the same object, might make a new breed hardly distin- 
guishable from our present fantail; but, if the parent rock-pigeon 
were also destroyed, and in nature we have every reason to believe 
that the parent-form will generally be supplanted and exterminated 
by its improved offspring, it is quite incredible that a fantail, iden- 
tical with the existing breed, could be raised from any other species 
of pigeon, or even from the other well-established races of the 
domestic pigeon, for the newly-formed fantail would be almost 
sure to inherit from its new progenitor some slight characteristic 
differences.” That the reasons here given satisfactorily explain 
why, in the vast majority of instances, lost species should not reap- 
pear, most naturalists will admit; but that they do not in them- 
selves sufficiently explain why such reappearance may not occasion- 
ally occur, may be reasonably contended. Thus, in the case of the 
birds referred to, it would by no means be unreasonable to suppose, 
even if such instances are a decided rarity, that the parent rock- 
pigeon, through some special adaptation to surrounding conditions, 
might have long survived the generations of fantails that were 
primarily derived from it, and that, at some future period, after a 
process of selection, a second series of fantails might have been 
produced practically identical with the first. The irregular dura- 
tion in length of time of species is well known to geologists, and 
its importance as a factor in evolution has been insisted upon by 
Mr. Darwin. It is probably true, as Darwin affirms, that ‘the 
parent-form will generally be supplanted and exterminated by its 
improved offspring ;” but it does not necessarily follow that the 
offspring will invariably prove to be of an improved stock, and, 
where this is not the case, there would be nothing very surprising 
in the survival of the parental form. The tenacity with which cer- 
tain specific characters adhere to some of the older genera, espe- 
cially of mollusks, is so great that paleontologists are frequently at 
a loss to determine. just what characters separate practically the 
newest from the oldest species of a given genus. This is the case 
with the Nautili, and with a number of the brachiopods. Now, 
either we have here a retention through almost indefinite periods of 
primary specific characters, or a reversion (or a series of reversions) 


to a type once formed, but which has at one or more periods been 
effaced. If the former, would it be illogical to suppose that some 
of the numerous varieties or species that may have been evolved 
during a long lapse of ages from the parental stock should have 
proved less hardy than it, and should have, therefore, suffered much 
earlier extinction or modification? And, if so, what is there that 
we know that should absolutely prevent the same early extermi- 
nated forms from being re-evolved? It will be naturally assumed 
that the new and the old species, which appear to be so closely 
connected, are in reality distinct, and this may be true in all cases; 
but, if the distinguishing characters separating the two are almost 
imperceivable, it will require not much stretching of scientific prin- 
ciples to conceive that at least some of the resulting varieties may 
be strictly indistinguishable. 

Again, reverting to the case of the pigeons, it seems by no 
means clear, although such results may be of very rare occurrence, 
why a fantail, identical in every respect with the common form, 
may not be produced from a species of pigeon other than the rock- 
pigeon. It is true, as Darwin states, that newly-formed varieties 
would be almost sure to inherit from their progenitors certain dis- 
tinguishing traits or characters; but, as the formation of a species 
will depend upon the overbalancing by newly-acquired characters 
of those that may have been left by inheritance, there seems to be 
no reason why, through a process of selection and adaptation, such 
a convergence might not occasionally take place as would unite 
the ends of very distinct lines of descent. Paleontologists have 
long held to the opinion that the line of descent which leads up to 
the horse (genus Equus) in America is different from the similar 
line of Europe, and if it has been contended that the existing spe- 
cies, Equus caballus, was not in itself a product of the American 
line, but a modern European importation, its recent discovery in 
the Post-Pliocene deposits of this country proves the erroneousness 
of such an assumption. If, therefore, we are permitted to assume 
that two distinct lines of descent, the one passing through Eohip- 
pus, Orohippus, Mesohippus, Miohippus, Protohippus, and Plio- 
hippus, and the other through Palseotherium, Anchitherium, and 
Hipparion, lead up to an equivalent genus, the genus horse or 
Equus, would it be unreasonable to suppose that, with a continu- 
ance of the process of evolution, even the same species may be 


evolved ?* And, if this is possible, seeing that under apparently 
identical physical conditions the resulting genus became extinct 
on the American side of the Atlantic, while it still flourished on 
the European, might it not have so happened that the genus 
should have actually become extinct on the one continent before 
it even came into existence on the other? Assuming this condi- 
tion, we should then have a true case of extinction and reappear- 
ance, Similarly, in the case of the genus Tapirus, the tapir, it 
is by no means certain that the eastern and western forms are not 
the products of two distinct ancestral lines, independent in their 
evolution of such influences as might have been brought about by 
migration and interassociation.*™ 

It may, however, still be urged that the apparent development 
of parallel lines on the two continents is not in reality such, and 
that their independent convergence is merely the result of an inter- 
mixture of Old and New World types, during a period of land 
connection. That a union between the northern parts of the two 
hemispheres may have existed during the Eocene, and again in the 
Miocene and Pliocene periods, can very well be true, but that such 
a union need not necessarily imply the absolute inter-derivation of 
the two continental faunas can equally well be true. The complete 
absence from one continent of some of the more abundant fossil 
types occurring in the other, as the genera Paleotherium, Anoplo- 
therium, and Lophiodon from America, and Oreodon from Europe, 
proves that there must have been (granting land connection) some 
formidable check to migration ; and this assumption is further 
borne out by the circumstance of the irregular appearance in time, 
on the two continents, of such animals as might readily be supposed 
to have been able to grapple a northern barrier. 

* Orohippus has been identified by many paleontologists with Hyraco- 
therium, and Miohippus with Anchitherium.—Waagen, from his studies of 
the Indian Jurassic Ammonitide, has arrived at the conclusion that the genus 
Aspidoceras (Ammonites auct. pars) has descended from at least two distinct 
generic roots, and further maintains that the same duplex or multiple origin 
can be traced in other genera as well (‘‘ Paleontologia Indica,” ser. ix., 4, 
1875, p. 241). He also affirms that certain species of Phylloceras, as, for 
example, P. ptychoicum and P. Benacense, common to both Europe and In- 
dia, are the product, in the two countries, of distinct ancestral lines, con- 
vergent modification, as ‘‘ dependent on laws which were innate’’ in the spe- 
cies, having brought about an identical result (Joc. cit., p. 243). 


Among the Invertebrata we have also, as has already been inti- 
mated, well-marked instances of apparent reappearance. Mr. Da- 
vidson, in his review of the British fossil Brachiopoda,®® affirms 
that the resemblance between the recent Rhynchonella nigricans, 
which has nowhere as yet been found in any Tertiary deposit, 
‘‘and some Cretaceous and Jurassic forms is so great that we are 
at a loss to define their differences.” And, further, that certain 
varieties of the Mediterranean Terebratulina caput-serpentis, whose 
range extends downwards only to the Pliocene, so closely re- 
semble the Cretaceous Terebratula striata as to render the two 
barely, if at all, distinguishable. It may be that at some future 
date intermediate links will be discovered to unite the forms of 
the two periods; but who can, in the meantime, affirm that these 
are not true cases of reappearance ? If it is true, as M. Barrande 
asserts, that the Triassic Nautilide show less affinity to existing 
species than do the primitive forms —#in other words, that the 
recent species are more closely related to the original forms than 
the forms of a half-way intermediate period—are we not justified 
in assuming that there is here a reversion, or tendency towards a 
reversion, to specific characters once lost ?- Among the Foraminifera 
we have several notable instances of apparent specific longevity, as, 
for example, the recurrence in the modern seas of some of the cre- 
taceous species of Globigerina, Cristellaria, and Glandaria; and, not 
unlikely, seeing how very slow must of necessity be the variation 
in this class of animals, by reason of their ready adaptability to their 
surroundings, the same forms will, on future investigation, be found 
to date considerably further back in the geological scale. 

It must not be construed, from the preceding argument, that 
we have attempted to prove the frequency of specific reappearances. 
These, if they actually have existed, which is not unlikely, were, 
doubtless, of exceptional occurrence, and in no way affect the prob- 
lem of progressive development. It might be objected that, if the 
views here set forth are correct in their application to species, they 
must also apply in a corresponding degree to some of the higher 
animal groups—genera, for example. This is certainly true, and, 
indeed, it may well be asked, What insuperable obstacle is there, 
that we know of, that should absolutely prevent the occasional re- 
appearance of a lost genus? Assuming, with many paleontologists, 
that Goniatites is a genus evolved from Nautilus, either directly or 


indirectly, what is there, in view of the persistence of the nautiloid 
type, to preclude the possibility of the same genus being re-evolved ? 
There may be a sufficiency of reasons with which we are not ac- 
quainted ; but if, with our present limited knowledge, we are unable 
to indicate what these may be, it is scarcely fair to insist, a priori, 
upon their existence. It is true, we have no special reasons for as- 
suming why the Nautilus should become modified into a Goniatites; 
but this of itself is no proof that it may not. Numerous instances 
of genera widely separated by formations in which no representative 
of their tribe is to be met with are known to every paleontologist, 
but perhaps no more remarkable example is presented than that 
of the genus Nummulites. It has been well said by Mr. Brady ™ 
that ‘‘there are few time-marks in the geological record that have 
been regarded as better established, or more definite, than the first 
appearance of the Nummulite, at or near the commencement of the 
Tertiary epoch,” and so little, in fact, is known of any of the ante- 
cedent forms, that many, if not most, paleontologists of the present 
day still hold to the correctness of the view here stated. The re- 
searches of Giimbel and Brady have, however, placed beyond all 
doubt the existence of at least one Jurassic species (Nummulites Ju- 
rassica, Franconia) and one Carboniferous (N. pristina, Belgium), 
and not unlikely a somewhat doubtful form, N. variolaria, var. 
prima, described from the Cretaceous rocks of Palestine, will, on 
further investigation, prove to be a true member of the genus to 
which it has been referred. That we have here an instance of 
generic reappearance it is impossible to affirm, but it is certainly 
almost inconceivable, whichever way it be considered, that a group 
of animals, so extensively developed as are the Nummulites in the 
Tertiary deposits, should have left practically no traces of their 

xistence behind them in the deposits next preceding the Tertiary, 
the Cretaceous, when their ancestry dates so far back as the Car- 
boniferous epoch. It is scarcely possible that at no period of time 
between the Carboniferous and Tertiary epochs should the condi- 
tions for their development have been favourable; and equally im- 
probable does it appear that, if such development actually did. take 
place, we should so thoroughly lose sight of their remains. Grant- 
ing the absolutely unfavourable conditions, however, can it be 
readily imagined that a few miserable forms, evolved at an entirely 
unpropitious moment, should have battled through the struggle for 


existence to develop after an interval of millions of years? This 
seems very improbable, but yet it may be so; but why may it not 
also have been that, in the Carboniferous form, we had prema- 
ture evolution, with subsequent extinction, and that at a much 
more recent period a re-evolution of the same form, under more 
favourable circumstances, took place? The case is certainly very 
extraordinary, and probably has no parallel in the history of pale- 

On Appearance and Extinction.—It would naturally be sup- 
posed on the hypothesis of evolution that the introduction of all 
species must be a very gradual one, for it can scarcely be conceived 
that the laws governing the formation of new species through de- 
scent and modification could be anything but very slow in their 
action. So true is this, that Darwin has himself admitted, that 
‘‘if numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, 
have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to 
the theory of descent, with slow modification through natural se- 
lection ” (‘‘ Origin of Species”). Yet if we glance over the geo- 
logical record we cannot fail to note a very considerable num- 
ber of seemingly flagrant contradictions, groups of allied species 
appearing in almost every formation with apparently the greatest 
possible abruptness. We have but to instance as examples the 
genera of articulate brachiopods, and the tabulate corals of the 
Silurian period, the ganoid fishes of the Devonian period, the 
Tertiary placental mammals, and the foraminiferal genus Num- 
mulites, already referred to. Probably there exists no more strik- 
ing illustration of the abrupt or sudden development of a family 
than is furnished by the Nautilids. a group of animals for whose 
elucidation we are principally indebted to the labours of M. Bar- 
rande. Of this family of cephalopods, which comprises probably 
upwards of two thousand distinct species, no less than four hun- 
dred and sixty-three species, referable to some fifteen or more 
genera, are already represented in the Lower Silurian formation, 
although from the preceding Cambrian deposits at best only two 
well-authenticated forms (Cyrtoceras preecox and Orthoceras seri- 
ceum) are known. Of this number about two hundred and sixty 
belong to the genus Orthoceras itself, ninety to Cyrtoceras, and 
forty-six to Endoceras, the last, a genus restricted absolutely to 
the Lower Silurian deposits. Facts such as these have been eager- 


ly seized hold of by the advocates of the doctrine of independ- 
ent and successive creations as proving the fallacy of any slow 
modification theory of transformism, and were it not that they are 
in themselves fallacious, would alone be sufficient to overthrow any 
such theory. For not alone must of necessity the development of 
a group of forms, all of which were descended from some one pro- 
genitor, have been an extremely slow process, but the ‘‘ progenitors 
must have lived long ages before their modified descendants.” The 
experience of every paleontologist proves to him, however, how 
misleading are those apparent abrupt appearances, and how very 
frequently groups of forms, supposed to be restricted to a definite 
horizon or formation, suddenly appear in a region perhaps not 
hitherto worked over, or, even where the work of the geologist has 
been accomplished with a sufficient amount of care, in a horizon 
of considerably older date. Almost every large group of animals 
furnishes such instances of antedating. No fact was at one time 
considered to be more firmly established than that the Mammalia 
belonged exclusively to the Tertiary and Post-Tertiary epochs, and 
yet we now know of their existence, even in considerable variety, 
in the deposits of both Jurassic and Triassic age; the serpents, 
which until quite recently were thought to have their earliest 
ancestors in the deposits of the Tertiary age, have been traced 
back to the Cretaceous (France); the Insecta, whose supposed 
earliest appearance in the Carboniferous rocks was considered to 
mark an epoch in the faunal development of that period, have, in a 
series of impressions left in the Devonian shale of New Bruns- 
wick, proved their existence at a much earlier date, and only with- 
in the past year, 188485, the announcement is made of the dis- 
covery of scorpion remains in the Silurian rocks of both Sweden 
and Scotland. It will still be in the memory of many geolo- 
gists and paleontologists with what startling effect the announce- 
ment of the discovery of the first air-breathing vertebrates in the 
deposits of the coal was made, at the very time when the absence 
of such forms was ascribed to the impossibility of their breathing 
an atmosphere supercharged with carbonic acid! In the case of 
special genera we have equally well-marked instances of anteda- 

Waagen’s discovery of an ammonite in the Carboniferous rocks 
of the Salt-Range of India was for a long time discredited, so firmly 


had the notion that the ammonites were restricted to the Mesozoic 
era been engrafted on the minds of paleontologists; but now, sev- 
eral individuals, belonging to two or more species, have been ob- 
tained from the same deposits, and one closely related form has 
been quite recently described from the nearly equivalent deposits 
of Texas. M. Barrande has laid great stress upon the sudden ap- 
pearance, side by side, and in the full plenitude of their characters, 
of the more distinctive genera of cephalopods (Orthoceras, Cyrto- 
ceras, Nautilus, Trochoceras, Bathmoceras) in the first aspect of 
his second Silurian fauna (Lower Silurian of geologists generally), 
and their complete absence from the Primordial Zone (Cambrian) ; 
but we have seen that at least two of the genera, Orthoceras and 
Cyrtoceras, have since been traced back to the earlier formation. 
Almost every chapter in geological history indicates some such case- 
of antedating, and proves to the paleontologist how very cautious 
he should be in his limitation to time of particular groups of or- 
ganisms. It cannot be expeeted that in any portion of the earth’s 
surface will there ever be found a complete sequence of the geologi- 
cal formations, nor can we hope satisfactorily to bridge over in all 
cases the gaps that occur in one locality with the deposits found 
in another. The unequal period of time during which land areas 
have been laid dry or been kept submerged beneath water, in con- 
junction with the devastating effects of denudation, render such a 
complete restoration of the series impossible, and as long as this is 
so, the work of the paleontologist must inevitably be riddled with 
‘‘breaks” in the geological record. It is surprising, in view of 
these facts, which are too obvious to be overlooked, with what 
tenacity some paleontologists insist upon absolute limitation of 
species, or groups of species, and how slow they are to accept any 
new facts bearing upon distribution in time that might in any 
way disturb the harmony of their preconceived notions. There is 
perhaps no more patent fact in the history of the physical de- 
velopment of our planet than the imperfection of the geological 
record, the full realisation of which could not fail to dispel many 
of the singular notions that still prevail relative to the support 
which paleontology brings to the doctrine of evolution. 
It has been objected that, in assuming the universality of breaks, 

we are drawing largely upon our fancy, and that conditions which 
do not exist in fact are arranged to suit the views of the evolution- 


ist. This may be true in a limited number of cases; but there is 
every reason to believe that the constancy of breaks is even far 
greater than the most enthusiastic advocate of the doctrine of im- 
perfection would be ready to admit. For, even in such areas where 
the rock-masses through a general uniformity of character would 
seem to indicate continuous sedimentation, have we always definite 
proof that the sedimentation was really continuous? Far from it. 
If, for example, certain parts of the Atlantic border of the United 
States were depressed beneath the sea, and a new Post-Tertiary 
deposit imposed upon them, we might be not a particle the wiser, 
as far as stratigraphical and lithological evidence went to show, for 
the enormous period of time that intervened between the formation 
of the newest and next newest (Miocene) series of deposits. The 
strata would lie practically conformably on one another, and it would 
require but little degradation to plane down these inequalities, 
which would otherwise indicate an eroded land surface. The mem- 
bers of the Cretaceo-Eocene series of the State of New Jersey, and 
elsewhere along the same coast, are so intimately related to one an- 
other, by conformability of position and lithological structure, that 
it might readily have been assumed that we had here an instance of 
continuous sedimentation; and, indeed, fora long time no division- 
line was supposed to exist. But the unmistakable evidence of pale- 
ontology proves that here, as well as at most parts of the earth’s 
surface which have been made accessible to the geologist, a break 
marks the junction of the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations. 

It must be admitted that there are certain anomalies connected 
with the occurrence of breaks which have not thus far received an 
adequate explanation. Their broad distribution—it might, indeed, 
almost be said universality—in equivalent periods of time, has long 
been noted as a surprising fact, and one that still remains in the 
nature of a puzzle to the geologist. Nowhere on the surface of the 
earth has there as yet been found a distinct connection between the 
Paleozoic and Mesozoic series of deposits, and only at a very few 
points (India, New Zealand, California) what may be considered to 
be an unequivocal link between the Mesozoic and Cainozoic series 
(Cretaceous and Tertiary). It is true that the field surveyed by the 
geolcgist is of comparatively limited extent, when compared with 
that which still remains to be explored—the greater part of the conti- 

nents of Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia—and it is but 


reasonable to expect that, in some of the regions here indicated, 
the connections will be found that elsewhere are wanting. But, 
even granting the justice of this plea, the facts, such as they are, are 
of themselves sufficiently remarkable, as indicating how very far- 
reaching in their action must have been the forces that were directly 
concerned in the causation of breaks. It is a little difficult to con- 
ceive of secular elevations and depressions of the land-surface ex- 
tending simultaneously over nearly the entire circumference of the 
earth, even in the restricted area of the Temperate Zone; but such 
must undoubtedly have been the case to account for the phenomena 
that are presented to us. Otherwise complete passage-beds would 
be of much more frequent occurrence than we know them to be. 
This does not preclude the possibility of the existence of local areas 
showing a differential or contrary movement; such, however, do not 
seem to have in any way interfered with the grand scheme that was 
involved. But it is very unlikely that elevation or subsidence either 
was, or could be, universal at any given period; on the contrary, it 
appears far more rational to suppose that every very extensive eleva- 
tion was accompanied by a corresponding depression somewhere 
else, and vice versa, and thus some sort of balance maintained. If 
this is so, then we would naturally look in some distant quarter for 
the counterpart of the effects which either elevation or subsidence * 
may have produced in any one region of the globe. Seeing how 
very general throughout the vast expanse of the Northern Hemi- 
sphere are certain breaks in the geological series, are we not justi- 
fied in looking to the region farther south for the evidences prov- 
ing uninterrupted sedimentation and continuous organic evolu- 
tion ? 

If we attach full weight to the imperfection of the geological 
record, it is not difficult to account for the apparent abrupt ap- 
pearance of certain animal groups or faunas; indeed, the problem 
would have been far more difficult to solve had the case been other- 
wise. But there is one special instance of such appearance which 
is not so readily accounted for, and which, under any hypothesis, 
is almost inexplicable. We refer to the sudden appearance of the 
numerous forms of life which characterise the oldest fossiliferous 
formation with which we are at present acquainted, the Cambrian, 

* Reference is here made to the more extensive movements of the crust, 
producing the profounder breaks. 


when no unequivocal traces of preexisting life are anywhere to be 
met with in the formation next preceding. So absolutely universal 
is this condition that it almost staggers belief. It cannot rationally 
be conceived that the varied Cambrian fauna could have come into 
existence de se, without there being a line of progenitors to account 
for its existence; but, if such progenitors did exist, which was 
doubtless the case, what has become of their remains? Can it 
be that all over the world, as far as we know, every fragment of 
such a pre-Cambrian fauna should have been so completely wiped 
out as to leave not a determinable vestige behind? It must be 
confessed this seems very incredible, seeing with what absolute 
perfection many of the oldest, and in many respects the most deli- 
cate, structures have been preserved through all the vicissitudes of 
geological time. The hexactinellid sponges of the Cambrian and 
Silurian periods, the Silurian Foraminifera, and scarcely less so the 
graptolites, bear ample testimony to a most astonishing power of re- 
sistance. To account for such a wholesale obliteration, we must in- 
voke the aid of a kind or degree of metamorphic action very different 
from that which has since been made known to us, for it can scarcely 
be supposed that the ordinary action extending back through only 
one more period of geological time could have produced such pro- 
found results. And it is not only from a comparatively brief period 
of time that we must explain the utter absence of organic traces, but 
from a period which, in the opinion of many geologists, may have 
been of equal duration with the entire interval that has elapsed since 
the deposition of the Cambrian sediments. But, even granting this 
unknowable form of regional metamorphism, it still remains a mys- 
tery how its effects could have been so universal as to wipe out 
every vestige of an indisputable pre-Cambrian fauna. It is very 
possible that the limestone of the Laurentian rocks owes its ex- 
istence to organic agencies, and therefore represents in part this 
earlier fauna; but even admitting this to be so, it helps the mat- 
ter very little, since the limestone is overlaid by younger crystal- 
line rocks, which are no less destitute of organic traces than the 
deposits underlying it. For the same reason the existence or non- 
existence, as an animal, of the much - debated Eozoon, does not 
affect the point at issue; on the contrary, the total absence of de- 
terminable organic traces, either above or below the Eozoon line, 
would, in itself, apart from all other evidence, constitute strong 


grounds for relegating that guasi-organism to the class of mineral 
deposits. * 

Darwin has sought to explain the anomaly on the supposition 
that possibly the most ancient fossiliferous deposits lie buried deep 
beneath the floor of our existing oceans, and that they may have 
lain there ever since the Cambrian (Silurian) period. They would 
then have been kept out of sight, and would, at the same time, 
have offered no opportunities for their remains to become inter- 
mingled with those of any subsequent formations. That there is 
no insuperable objection to this explanation every one must admit, 
and that it, at least, partially meets the case, is more than prob- 
able. But it is still far from being in the nature of a demonstra- 
tion. The doctrine of the permanency of land areas and oceanic 
basins has much in its favour, and if true, would go far towards 
supporting Darwin’s proposition; but, unfortunately, the absolute 
proofs of such a condition are still wanting, and may forever re- 
main wanting. The land surfaces from which the Paleozoic rocks 
derived their sediments, cither in part or in whole, may or may not 
have occupied the position of the present seas. If the former be the 
case, the problem remains in its original form; if the latter, it must 
be assumed that a broad hiatus exists between the Laurentian and 
Cambrian series, and that the gap is filled by vast submarine de- 
posits, upon which massive accumulations of continental and organic 
débris have been superimposed. Fossils of a pre-Cambrian type may 
be abundant in these deposits. Manifestly, however, the assump- 
tion of large land areas depressed beneath the sea carries with it the 
implication of an alternation of oceanic and continental surfaces, 

* The question of the animal nature of Eozoon has been practically settled 
in the negative through the researches of King, Rowney, Julien, and Mobius ; 
the elaborate memoir on this subject by the last-mentioned scientist will proba- 
bly be considered conclusive by most impartial zoologists. The present author 
has himself examined masses of Eozoon rock in which the network of green 
mineral, supposed to till the chamber-cavities of the giant foraminifer, coalesce 
and merge into a broad band of serpentine. Now, either we have here a true 
Eozoon structure or not. If yes, then on what zoological basis, it may be 
asked, can the gradual convergence of the infiltrating mineral and its final 
coalescence with a broad band of serpentine be explained? If the contrary, 
what necessity is there for invoking the aid of organic forces in the explanation 
of a structure, when one fully as intricate, and practically undistinguishable 
from it, can be shown to be of purely mineral formation ? 


and if this could have happened once, why may it not have occurred 
again? Or might it be assumed that this, a primary oscillation, 
first marked out the existing boundaries of land and sea? The 
problem, in whichever light it may be viewed, is beset with in- 
numerable difficulties, and, it must be confessed, lies beyond the 
probability of a near solution. The evidence appears strong, how- 
ever, for concluding that the Archean rocks, so recognised—d. e., 
those of the Laurentian and Huronian series—are by no means the 
immediate predecessors of the Cambrian series. These may still 
be found at some places underlying the last, or they may forever 
remain hidden from view beneath the aqueous deep. 
Extinction.—It has very generally been remarked that the ex- 
tinction of species, or groups of species, appears to have been a 
much more gradual process than their introduction. This is, doubt- 
less, in great part true, and agrees well with the theory of natural 
selection. The formation of a new species usually implies favour- 
able conditions for the development of that species, and it is, 
therefore, not surprising that when once formed the species should 
spread very rapidly. When, however, through certain causes— 
the alteration of the physical properties of the surroundings or 
inferiority in the general struggle for existence — the conditions 
for existence are no longer as favourable as they were before, we 
should naturally expect to meet with a decline in the development 
of that species, and its possible ultimate extinction. But unless 
the change in the conditions of life were very abrupt, we should 
nowhere look for immediate or sudden extermination. Every one 
is familiar with what prodigious rapidity certain weeds, as the wild 
carrot, for example, have spread in regions into which they had 
but recently been introduced, but how very much slower has been 
the extermination of the species of native plants which they may 
have supplanted. The English sparrow has developed with sur- 
prising rapidity in the Eastern United States, and, although since 
the period of its introduction scarcely twenty years have elapsed, it 
has so far multiplied and become master of the newly acquired 
situation as to have practically appropriated for itself a large por- 
tion of the domain formerly occupied by the native birds of the 
same family, and to the exclusion of those birds. These, if they 
eventually prove weaker in the race, may in course of time com- 
pletely disappear, but, before that period will be reached, will 


doubtless have effected a foothold in some neighbouring region, 
and struggle on as best they can under what might be less favour- 
able conditions for existence. Ultimately the race will be thinned 
out and extinction of the species follow. A parallel case of sudden 
appearance and much less sudden disappearance is afforded by the 
two common species of house-rat, the black and the brown, both 
of which, through introduction, have become more or less cos- 
mopolitan in their range. Everywhere where the latter has suc- 
ceeded in obtaining a foothold the former is gradually, but steadily, 
fading away, relinquishing piece by piece the territory of which it 
was at one time in full possession. But it still lingers on, and, 
no doubt, will still continue to so linger for some time in the future, 
a relic of a once formidable race. Yet its own march of conquest 
was probably no less rapid than that of its more successful com- 
petitor, the brown or Norway rat, which appears to have been 
unknown west of the Volga River prior to about the middle of the 
last century, and which has since spread so extensively as to render 
it one of the commonest pests of both continental and insular 
Europe. The species was first observed on the Pacific coast of the 
United States subsequent to 1850, but it is scarcely less common at 
the present time in California than anywhere else. The relation of 
natural selection to extinction and persistence is clearly stated 
by Darwin thus (‘‘ Origin of Species”) : ‘‘The competition will 
generally be most severe, as formerly explained and illustrated by 
examples, between the forms which are most like to each other in 
all respects. Hence the improved and modified descendants of a 
species will generally cause the extermination of the parent species; 
and if many new forms have been developed from any one species, 
the nearest allies of that species, ¢. e., the species of the same genus, 
will be the most liable to extermination. Thus, as I believe, a 
number of new species descended from one species, that is, a new 
genus, comes to supplant an old genus belonging to the same 
family. But it must often have happened that a new species be- 
longing to some one group will have seized on the place occupied 
by a species belonging to a distinct group, and thus cause its exter- 
mination; and, 1f many allied forms be developed from the success- 
ful intruder, many will have to yield their places, and it will gen- 
erally be allied forms, which will suffer from some inherited inferi- 
ority in common. But, whether it be species belonging to the same 


or to a distinct class which yield their places to other species which 
have been improved and modified, a few of the sufferers may often 
long be preserved, from being fitted to some peculiar line of life, or 
from inhabiting some distant or isolated station, where they have 
escaped severe competition. For instance, some species of Trigonia, 
a great genus of shells in the secondary formations, survive in the 
Australian seas; and a few members of the great and almost extinct 
group of ganoid fishes still inhabit our fresh waters. Therefore the 
utter extinction of a group is generally, as we have seen, a slower 
process than its production.” 

There are instances, however, in which the extinction of certain 
animal groups is generally considered to have been very sudden. 
The trilobites and ammonites among invertebrates, and the dino- 
saurian reptiles among vertebrates, may be taken in illustration of 
such cases. But even here a careful examination of the premises 
shows that the suddenness of extinction is probably much more 
apparent than real, and that, as the facts now stand, they by no 
means sustain the inferences that have been drawn from them, The 
trilobites, for example, are frequently stated to stop suddenly at 
the close of the Paleozoic era, whereas, as a matter of fact, no 
trace of trilobites has ever been found in deposits unequivocally 
newer than the Carboniferous. A whole period (Permian)—true, 
a comparatively insignificant one—therefore, still intervenes be- 
tween the extinction of the order and the close of the Paleozoic 
era. But, again, even with the Carboniferous period the extinc- 
tion is far from being sudden. Of the numerous genera which 
so eminently characterise the Silurian fauna, only two genera, 
Phillipsia and Proetus, both of them restricted to a comparative- 
ly insignificant number of species, survive the Devonian period.* 
These, together with two other genera now for the first time in- 
troduced, Griffithides and Brachymetopus, constitute the entire 
known Carboniferous trilobitic fauna; and of this limited number 
only one genus, Phillipsia, and that apparently in America alone, 
pisses up as high in the Carboniferous series as the Coal-Measures. 
We thus see how very gradual, rather than abrupt, has been the final 
—if final—extermination of this order of animals. 

Nor do we have that sudden downfall, either in or from the 

* Since the above was written, Professor Claypole has announced the dis- 
covery of Dalmania in the Waverly Group (Lower Carboniferous) of Ohio. 


Silurian period, which many authors are in the habit of insisting 
upon. Thus, if we take the very elaborate tables of Mr. Etheridge” 
as our guide, we find that the rise and fall of the British trilobitic 
fauna has been, on the whole, gradual, the greatest break occurring 
between the Llandeilo and Caradoc on the one side, and the Cara- 
doc and Llandovery on the other, or along the horizon which, by 
many geologists, is considered to mark a *‘ Middle” Silurian divi- 
sion. The following scheme will exhibit the numerical, generic, and 
specific values presented by the different horizons of the Paleozoic 
series, from the base of the Silurian to the Carboniferous, inclusive: 

FORMATIONS. Genera of Trilobites. Species. 
ATOMIC sate sce atten eee 6 9 
landedlor, 24 Pet eee eee Ae 18-20 45 
ara oc isalay cc omer sate ere ces 27 123 
Lower Llandovery............. 13 35 1 25 
Upper Blandoverys e205 27", 24 
enlocks,. 400% Oa BAT paw WsteN 23-95 (2) 
mG Wee eee See Okeee 10 20 
Devonian sete sels te cree tee ee 6 11 
Carboniferous... .2 eee renee. 3 13 

In the Bohemian basin, where the transition between the Cambrian 
and Silurian faunas is very abrupt, the decline is, if anything, still 
more gradual than in Great Britain. Barrande’s Etage C (Cam- 
brian) holds, according to its illustrious monographer, 27 species of 
trilobites; Etage D (base of Silurian), 118 species; E, 83; F, 88; 
and G and H together, 66.* 

In the case of the ammonites the disappearance is somewhat 
more rapid than with the trilobites; but even here it is not nearly 
so abrupt as it is very generally conceived to be. Thus, if we take 

* J. Barrande, “ Trilobites,’? Prague, 1871. Of the 66 species contained 
in faunas G and H, G alone possesses 64, and H only 2; it might, therefore, 
be assumed that the extinction was here very rapid. But, as M. Barrande 
himself informs us, the deposits of tage H are of insignificant development 
when compared with either E, F, or G, and have, in fact, practically disap- 
peared through erosion from the greater portion of the territory which they 
formerly covered. ‘‘ Systéme Silurien,”’ i., 1851, p. 81. 


the typical Cretaceous area of the peninsula of India as representing 
a series of nearly continuous depositions from the Neocomian to the 
Danian, inclusive, we find that there has been a very sudden dimi- 
nution in the number of species before the top of the series is 
reached. In the Lower Cretaceous division, the Utatur group, cor- 
responding to the Cenomanian of continental geologists, the num- 
ber of species of coiled Ammonites is, according to Stoliczka, 67; 
in the middle division, Trichinopoly group (Turonian), 20; and in 
the upper division, Arialur group (Sennonian), 21. In the upper- 
most Arialur beds of Ninnyur, which probably correspond to the 
“* Maestrichtian,” or Danian, not a single species is found. The 
seeming anomaly that the upper and middle divisions of the Cre- 
taceous (Arialur and Trichinopoly groups) should contain an equiva- 
lent number of species is not exactly in harmony with the law of 
gradual numeric diminution; but its explanation is, doubtless, found 
in the fact that the development of the Arialur deposits is double 
that of the underlying deposits of the Trichinopoly group.® In the 
typical Cretaceous areas of England there is an equally well-marked 
reduction in the number of species before the end of the series is 
reached, and the same, although to a less extent, is also the case in 
France. In California, where the breaks in the Cretaceous series 
appear to have been of comparatively insignificant value, and where 
a nearly continuous sedimentation tides over the gap which else- 
where exists between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary, the disap- 
pearance of the ammonitic fauna is a very gradual one. In the 
lowest member of the system, the Shasta group, the coiled forms 
number ten species; in the Chico group, six; and in the Martifiez 
group, the top of the system, two. But, to draw out the line still 
further, we have here the indisputable passage of one species into 
the deposits of the Tejon group, the base of the Tertiary series 
(Eocene). This unique case of an ammonite surviving the Me- 
sozoic fauna, which will be, doubtless, repeated at many parts of 
the earth’s surface not yet explored by the geologist, finds its paral- 
lel in the similar survival in Australia of a solitary belemnite, if 
the organism so described really proves to be such. Less grad- 
ual in their disappearance, apparently, than the true ammonites, 
are the uncoiled forms of the same family, whose remarkable de- 
velopment, just before the close of the Mesozoic era, must be 

considered one of the most striking facts in paleontology. But 


here, as elsewhere, it should be remembered that the break almost 
everywhere existing between the Tertiary and Cretaceous series of 
deposits is a profound one, and covers not impossibly a lapse of 
time fully equal to that which is measured by either of the two pe- 
riods here mentioned, or even greater. It is, therefore, in no way 
very surprising that a family still in its prime at the beginning, or 
even near the end, of the Cretaceous period shouid have become 
practically extinct before the beginning of the Tertiary, in the in- 
terval between which there may have been, as Darwin characteris- 
tically observes, ‘‘ much slow extermination.” 

The doctrine advanced by many of the earlier geologists and 
paleontologists, and still held by a few, that the duration of spe- 
cies, or groups of species, is uniformly defined the world over by a 
sharp and inflexible line, is, in the light of our present knowledge 
of facts, untenable, and will not stand the barest test of logical 
examination. It cannot fora moment be conceived that the con- 
junction of the physical and vital forces should have so acted as to 
simultaneously convert favourable into unfavourable conditions of 
existence for the entire surface of the earth; as far as the widely- 
distributed marine forms of life are concerned, nothing short of a 
complete upheaval and laying dry of the sea-bottom could have 
brought about such a condition, and, even granting such a consen- 
taneous upheaval to have actually taken place, which probably no 
geologist will for an instant admit, the overflow of the oceanic 
waters would have afforded a safe harbour to many forms that might 
have been displaced from their native habitat. Extermination or 
extinction of the larger animal groups, especially if wide-spread, 
will have been almost invariably preceded by displacement; unfa- 
vourable conditions for existence, whichever way they may have been 
brought about, will tend to promote migration, and, consequently, 
when a certain group of animals becomes extinct at a given period 
of time, at any one locality or region, we may confidently look for 
its survival somewhere else, possibly in some very distant region. 
Instances of such survival, in favoured localities, after the nearly 
complete extermination of the race, we see in the Californian ammo- 
nite and Australian belemnite already referred to, in the genera Tri- 
gonia and Pholadomya among the acephalous mollusks, in the genus 
Pentacrinus, and in Ceratodus, among fishes. The dinosaurian rep- 
tiles, whose range in Europe only exceptionally extends to the top 


of the Cretaceous series, the Maestrichtian,™ are carried in the West- 
ern Territories of the United States to a horizon probably considera- 
bly higher, the Laramie, whose position is now generally recognised 
as Post-Cretaceous. Indeed, if the reported association in these beds 
of one of the Hadrosauride with the remains of the mammalian Me- 
niscoéssus be taken in its full value, we may not unreasonably as- 
sume this fact to be further evidence, in addition to that which has 
already been adduced, in favour cf uniting at least a portion of the 
Laramie with the Eocene. Surely the circumstance that dinosau- 
rian remains are found in these deposits is not of itself, as against 
all other evidence, sufficient to establish the age of the formation. 
Vi hat is there that we know of that should prevent the animals of 
this group from continuing up into the Eocene, any more than the 
Carboniferous and Permian labyrinthodonts into the Trias, and the 
Cretaceous Crocodilia into the Tertiary? It is not to be supposed 
that a common catastrophe awaited all the members of this numer- 
ously-represented order of animals, when by their organisation they 
seem to have been fitted to such varying conditions of environment.* 

* Were these reptilian remains the only fossils of a distinctive character 
found in the Laramie formation, then, naturally, we should conclude that the 
formation in question was of Cretaceous age; at least, the only evidence we 
had would be in favour of such a conclusion. But the case, as it here stands, 
is quite different. The fossil plants of the Lignite, as is well known, are al- 
most altogether of Tertiary types, and many of the species, even, have been 
identified, by Starkie Gardner, Lesquereux, and others, with characteristic 
Lower Tertiary forms occurring in various parts of Europe (Island of Sheppey, 
&e.). The shell-fauna, as a whole, can scarcely be said to approximate very 
much more to the one side than the other, although a few species have been recog- 
nised by both Conrad and Meek as being more nearly Tertiary than Cretaceous. 
These, however, do not indicate much. The recent discovery of Meniscoéssus 
adds a much more powerful link to the evidence which favours the Tertiary side 
of the question ; indeed, by itself it argues about as much for the Tertiary age of 
the formation as the reptilian remains do for the Cretaceous, for, were there no 
such conflicting testimony as in reality exists, its evidence would be accepted 
as conclusive. Further evidence in this direction is afforded by the reptilian 
genus Champsosaurus, which, as a member of a fauna, the Puerco, originally 
supposed to represent the Laramie, has been identified as an Eocene genus in 
the north of France. While, perbps, it may be admitted that paleontology has 
not thus far given us absolute data by which to determine the question at issue, 
yet, on the whole, its facts appear to lean more towards the Tertiary side. From 
stratigraphy we learn but little, as, unfortunately, marine deposits of Post-Cre- 
taceous age are wanting in the interior of the continent, thereby rendering the 


Because they became extinct at a given period of time in one region 
is no reason why they should have faded out during the same period 
in every other; nothing could be more illogical than such an as- 
sumption, and the facts, in numerous parallel cases, clearly demon- 
strate its utter fallaciousness. Then why lay such stress upon the 
occurrence of these animals as an indication absolute of geological 
time ? Every day’s lesson teaches the geologist how unstable are the 
limits that have been assigned by him to the duration of life in 
species, or groups of species; it ought to be, therefore, a matter of 
no surprise, but the reverse, to find certain so-called * distinctive ” 
or ‘‘ characteristic ” forms becoming less and less distinctive with 
the progress of investigation. The discovery of dinosaurian re- 
mains in Tertiary deposits, or of trilobites in the Permian, should 
give far less cause for surprise than a positive announcement that 
they did nowhere so occur. 

What the proximate cause of the extinction of species or groups 
of species may have been, it is in most cases impossible to de- 
termine. The process is such a gradual one, and its manifesta- 
tion so casual, that we fail to see what it is just exactly that acts. 
If, as Darwin puts it, ‘‘we ask ourselves why this or that spe- 
cies is rare, we answer that something is unfavourable to its con- 
ditions of life; but what that something is, we can hardly ever 
tell. On the supposition of the fossil horse still existing as a rare 
species, we might have felt certain, from the analogy of all other 
mammals, even of the slow-oreeding elephant, and from the his- 
tory of the naturalisation of the domestic horse in South America, 
that under more favourable conditions it would in a very few years 
have stocked the whole continent. But we could not have told 
what the unfavourable conditions were which checked its increase, 
whether some one or several contingencies, and at what period of 
the horse’s life, and in what degree, they severally acted. If the 

necessary correlation of strata impossible. At Laredo, on the Rio Grande, 
Texas, the Claiborne beds (Parisian) are stated by Professor Cope to rest ‘‘im- 
mediately on the Laramie” (‘‘ Proc. Am. Phil. Soe.,’’ 1884, p. 615). If this 
is really the case. then it is more than likely that the latter is at least in part 
the equivalent of the basal Tertiary, otherwise it would be difficult to account 
for the sudden disappearance here of the vast thickness of sub-Claibornian 
deposits (Buhrstone; Eo-Lignitic), measuring hundreds of feet, which else- 
where along the Atlantic and Gulf borders forms the base of the Tertiary 


conditions had gone on, however slowly, becoming less and less 
favourable, we assuredly should not have perceived the fact, yet 
the fossil horse would certainly have become rarer and rarer, and 
finally extinct; its place being seized on by some more successful 
competitor.” The case of the horse here stated strikingly illus- 
trates the mystery in which the subject of extinction is still involved, 
and how very limited is our knowledge in this direction. Why 
the animal should have become extinct on the American continent, 
and at so early a period after its evolution, when under apparently 
identical, or, at any rate, very similar, physical conditions, it con- 
tinued to develop and thrive in the Eastern Hemisphere, is a prob- 
lem towards the solution of which we can offer but vague conjecture. 
Nor is the difficulty in the matter a whit lessened, but rather the 
contrary, by the circumstance of the ready adaptability to its appa- 
rently unfavourable environs which the more recently introduced, 
or modern, horse has shown. Instances of this kind, anomalies 
to our existing knowledge, are by no means rare. The extincticn 
of the mammoth in the far north of the Eastern Hemisphere, and 
the survival of its first cousin, the elephant, in the south, are equally 
inexplicable. Both, as far as we are permitted to judge, appear to 
have been in harmony with their surroundings; vegetable-feeders, 
they inhabited regions of sufficiently luxurious vegetation, the one, 
provided with a shaggy coat of hair to protect it from the rigours of 
the frozen north, and the other, more nearly naked, suited to a 
home where little or no protection from climatic extremes was neces- 
sary. Both, again, were inhabitants of regions where a struggle 
against the attacks of savage Carnivora was a part of their existence, 
and if any advantage favoured the one side above the other in such 
internecine warfare, it was on the side of the northern species. It 
may just be, in the case of the mammoth, that the extreme cold 
of the Glacial epoch, combined with a continuous submergence of 
the land surface beneath an ice-cap, so far reduced the plant- 
growth of the north as no longer to provide adequately for the 
sustenance of these monsters, and that, as a consequence, they 
gradually diminished in numbers, and eventually completely van- 
ished. Such a supposition, however, must needs remain in the 
nature of a mere hypothesis, until more facts than we now possess 
shall have been gathered, indicating for it a high probability. 
Similarly, the theory which accounts for the disappearance of the 


mammoth on the supposition that it was swept off by unknowably 
great glacial floods following in the wake of the northern ice-sheet, 
has as yet little to support it. Why just the mammoth should 
have been thus swept away, when other animals, like the reindeer, 
contemporaries of the mammoth, and like it animals of the frozen 
north, survived, is not very comprehensible.* The extinction of 
the musk-ox in Europe and its survival in America offers a no less 
remarkable puzzle to the biologist. 

That very frequently what may appear to be insignificant causes 
are sufficient to bring about extermination is shown in the case of 
many of the largest, and seemingly most resisting, animals. The 
arrested numerical development of the Indian elephant has been 
attributed by Dr. Falconer, a competent authority, to the unceas- 
ing harassings of insect pests, a view which was also shared by Bruce 
with respect to the elephant of Abyssinia. And we are assured, 
on the authority of Darwin, that ‘‘insects and blood-sucking bats 
determine the existence of the larger naturalised quadrupeds in 
several parts of South America.” The ravages of the tze-tze among 
the South African ruminants has long been commented on by tray- 
ellers, and the ‘‘ plague” of the mosquito is only too familiar to 
require special consideration. Humboldt has graphically delineated 
the numerous circumstances, including inundations, parched vege- 
tation, ravages of wild beasts, and the like, which in many of the 
grassy regions of South America threaten the destruction of both 
cattle and horses, and these, or similar ones, exist over most parts 
of the earth’s surface. In short, a perpetual check is placed upon 
the free increase of all classes of organisms, the overcoming of 
which displays the measure of success in the universal struggle for 
existence. We know of no law which by itself determines the 
duration of life in any group of organisms, or which explains why 

* The mammeth, although its remains are most abundantly found in the 
far north, cannot rightly be classed as an exclusively northern animal, as is 
proved by the discovery of its bones in regions as far south as Santander, in 
Spain, and Rome, in Italy. Indeed, it is not exactly impossible, as is claimed 
by Boyd-Dawkins (‘‘ Early Man in Britain,’’ p. 108), that the modern In- 
dian elephant is only a varietal form of this specics which, through long 
habitation in the tropical or semi-tropical forests, has lost some of those minor 
characteristics, such as the coating of hair or woo], which serve in a general 
way to distinguish the northern animal. If this be true, then the mammoth 
would still be a member of our existing fauna, 


certain groups are much longer or shorter lived than others of a 
very closely related nature. 

Persistence of Type-Structure. — The persistence of certain 
type-structures is very remarkable. Not only have they in a meas- 
ure resisted all the modifying influences which Nature has brought 
to bear upon them during a period of hundreds of thousands or 
millions of years, but in such a manner as to render a specific sepa- 
ration of their newest and oldest representatives a matter of con- 
siderable difficulty. The Lingula of to-day differs but little from 
the Lingula of the oldest fossiliferous formation with which we 
are acquainted, the Cambrian, although the interval of time sepa- 
rating the two has been variously put by geologists and physicists 
at from one hundred to three hundred millions of years! The 
pearly Nautilus is but little removed from some of its most ancient 
representatives of the Silurian and Devonian seas, and, indeed, it 
may be considered doubtful whether some of the existing Foram- 
inifera are at all different from forms that occur deep down in 
the Paleozoic series of deposits. The number of generic types that 
have survived the Paleozoic era to the present day are sufficiently 
numerous, but these belong as a rule to the lower classes of organ- 
isms. Among the Brachiopoda we have at least five such genera 
—Lingula, Discina, Crania, Rhynchonella, and Terebratula—and 
two of these, Lingula and Discina, date back to the Cambrian 
period. The Acephala and Gasteropoda furnish an equally large 
number—Pecten, Mytilus, Nucula, Leda, Pinna, Lima, among the 
former, and Pleurotomaria, Capulus, Turbo, Natica, Dentalium, 
and Chiton, among the latter—and it is by no means improbable 
that many of the older genera, now recognised as distinct by reason 
of our imperfect knowledge concerning their true relationships, 
have in reality representatives living in the modern seas. Of the 
Paleozoic Cephalopoda we have but a single surviving genus, Nau- 
tilus. Several of the recent genera of entomostracous Crustacea 
(Estheria, Cypridina, Apus) range back in time to the Devonian or 
Carboniferous periods, and a more limited number (Bairdia, Cythere) 
even to the Silurian; but of the higher decapodous types we meet 
with no (even doubtful) modern generic representatives until the 
Carboniferous limestone is reached (Astacus Philippi, a supposed 
species of crayfish, from the mountain limestone of Ireland). The 
king-crab (Limulus), not unlikely a descendant from the more an- 


cient line of Trilobites, appears for the first time in deposits of Ju- 
rassic age. Contrary, perhaps, to what might have been expected, 
following out the law of the persistence of lower over higher or- 
ganic types, not one of the numerous genera of Paleozoic corals 
has survived up to the present period; and what is still more sur- 
prising, even the broad structural type which they embody has, 
as far as we now know, almost completely disappeared. What par- 
ticular conditions tended towards their extermination, and to their 
being supplanted already in the early part of the Mesozoic era by 
entirely new structural forms, we know not, and probably never 
shall discover. 

In sharp contrast to the more persistent types of animal life are 
certain groups whose appearance and disappearance are alike sud- 
den, and whose whole existence is measured by a very brief period 
of geological time. Such, for example, are the Rudiste, a family 
of acephalous mollusks which attains an extraordinary development 
towards the close of the Mesozoic era, but all of whose members 
appear to be restricted to the Middle and Upper Cretaceous periods. 
Indeed, by far the greater number of representatives of this family, 
constituting the genus (with several sub-genera) Hippurites, are 
limited exclusively to the deposits of the Chalk and Chalk-marl. 
An equally remarkable example of Hmitation in range is furnished 
by the Graptolitidz, one of the most widely distributed families of 
invertebrates with which we are acquainted, not a single undoubted 
representative of which is known either before or after the Silurian 

It is a singular fact that etl of the more ancient terrestrial 
air-breathing Mollusca that have thus far been discovered belong 
not only to modern groups, but mainly, also, to modern genera. 
Leaving out of consideration the more than doubtful Paleor- 
bis, which by some is considered to be a land-snail, there have 
been described, all in all, some seven or eight Paleozoic spe- 
cies, beginning with the Middle or Upper Devonian, all of them 
from the deposits of the North American continent. Three of these 
have been referred to the genus Pupa, one to Zonites, and three 
others to genera that have been created for them, respectively: 
Dawsonella, Anthracopupa, and Strophites. The first of these is 
not unlikely a true Helix, while the last, based upon a single im- 
perfect specimen, is too ill-defined to permit of its being classed 


with certainty among the terrestrial pulmonates.*? It must be pre- 
mised that these remains constitute only an infinitesimal fraction of 
the entire pulmonate fauna of the period, and therefore it is impcos- 
sible to say in what ratio the recent genezic types stand to types 
that are not recent, but which may have lived and flourished and 
left no traces of their existence behind them. The case as it 
stands, however, is sufficiently interesting, and permits us to as- 
sume that the process of modification among the land Mollusca 
was an exceedingly slow one, probably very much slower than 
among the corresponding marine forms of life. This seems also 
to have been the rule with the fresh-water Mollusca, whose devel- 
opment in time runs about parallel with that of the terrestrial 
Pulmonata. It is now practically certain that the range of the ge- 
nus Anodonta extends at least as far back as the Devonian period, 
and not improbably the forms described as Naiadites, from the 
Coal-Measures of Nova Scotia, are true Unios. No unequivocal 
fresh-water Mollusca are as yet known from the Permian forma- 
tions, and even in the Trias the number of such forms, doubtfully 
referred to the genera Unio and Myacites, is very limited. Only 
with the succeeding formation do we have the first considerable 
development; but from that time onward to the present day the 
number of species, in most cases referable to existing genera, rapidly 
increases. The earliest fresh-water gasteropods date from the Juras- 
sic period, and are comprised almost altogether in the modern genera 
Neritina, Planorbis, Vivipara, Valvata, Hydrobia, and Melania. It 
should here be observed that, while from the preceding data it may 
appear that, with few exceptions, all the earlier (as well as later) 
fluviatile mollusks, whether lamellibranchs or gasteropods, be- 
longed to genera which still flourish in our fresh waters, this needs 
not necessarily have been the case as a matter of fact; for many 
forms that, by reason of their association with marine organic types, 
have in themselves been classed as marine, may have been of a dis- 
tinctly fresh-water habit. It is inconceivable that the only evidences 
of life in the ancient waters of the land should be centered in the 
few organic remains that we recognise to be of an indisputably 
fresh-water character. Rivers, then as now, discharged into the 
sea, and deposited large quantities of sediment along the conti- 
nental borders. It could scarcely have happened otherwise than 
that more or less perfect parts of shells, swept down by the currents, 


should have accumulated in these river deposits in considerable 
numbers; and, when once there, there is no reason for supposing 
that their destruction would have been very much, if at all, more 
rapid than in the case of marine shells. But, if none of the forms 
that occur associated with distinctively marine types are in reality 
of a fresh-water nature, what has become of these remains? Surely 
it cannot be that they have suffered complete, or even nearly com- 
plete, destruction. It seems far more reasonable to assume that 
many of the forms described as marine, from indisputably oceanic 
deposits, are in reality not such; and this may be the case not only 
with such forms as, in their generic characters, are but barely dis- 
tinguishable from known fresh-water types, but even with those 
which have a strictly marine facies. For there can be little or no 
question that the primitive fresh-water fauna was a derivative from 
the marine; hence, the earliest fresh-water types must have been of 
a structure but little different from that of their oceanic progeni- 
tors, and barely, if at all, distinguishable by external characters 
from them. From the first, however, they will have been subject- 
ed to the modifying influences which result from a change in the 
physical conditions of the environs, and which have wrought in the 
course of ages (and rendered more or less permanent) those structu- 
ral features which, at the present day, serve to distinguish the ma- 
rine from the fluviatile type of organism. 

If direct proof of the ready adaptability of marine or brackish- 
water organisms to fresh-water conditions, or the reverse, were 
needed, no more decisive testimony in this direction could be had 
than is furnished by the ancient lake region of the Western United 
States, which marks the position of the Laramie or Lignitic forma- 
tion. The lacustrine deposits of this formation, which attain a 
maximum development of some four thousand to five thousand feet, 
have evidently been laid down in lake-basins formed through the 
land-locking and slow desiccation of a continental arm of the sea, 
which projected completely across the United States during the 
Cretaceous period. The exclusively marine character of the organ- 
isms which flourished at this time clearly indicate what was the 
condition of the waters which they inhabited. Through a gradual 
elevation of the land, which appears to have set in about the close 
of the Cretaceous period, and the consequent formation of barriers, 
the waters of this vast inland sea, by reason of their severance from 


the oceanic basins, and the indraught of fresh water from its drain- 
age area, progressively lost their salinity, becoming more and more 
fresh with the advance of time. Many or most of the molluscan 
types that flourished during the period of greatest salinity slowly 
disappeared from the region— through extermination or migra- 
tion—the result of an innate incompetence to adjust themselves 
to the changing conditions of their surroundings. Others, more 
fortunate, by slow degrees accommodated themselves to the newly- 
imposed conditions, and found a congenial home in harmonic as- 
sociation with such forms as the inflowing fresh water may have 
thrown in with them, and which were in their way undergoing a 
reversed modification. That this must have been the actual history 
of at least a considerable part of the Laramie region there can be 
no question, seeing what a remarkable commingling of fresh water 
and marine, or brackish water, molluscan types is there exhibited. 
Thus, we have frequent associations in the same stratum of the 
genera Corbicula, Corbula, Unio, Neritina, Vivipara, and Gonioba- 
sis, or Corbicula, Corbula, Ostrea, and Anomia, and, as Dr. White “ 
informs us, ‘‘the commingling of brackish- water [Ostrea, Ano- 
mia, Corbula| and fresh-water forms occurs in some portions of the 
Laramie deposits under such conditions as to compel the belief 
that some of them at least lived and thrived together.” In further 
association with these forms are representatives of the genera Leda, 
Pectunculus, and Odontobasis, which, otherwise, are known only 
from marine deposits. 

It is true that, in the case of the Laramie fauna, we have no 
evidence proving that any of its distinctive fluviatile types of or- 
ganisms have been descended by modification from marine forms, 
inasmuch as all of them may have been primarily introduced into 
the sea by the inflowing streams. That this was the case with 
many of the genera is indisputably shown by their great antiquity, 
compared with that of the fauna of the Laramie leke-basin. But it 
is by no means unreasonable to assume, sceing how very hetero- 
geneous in its character was the fauna of the period, that, had the 
freshening and desiccation of the primitive inland lakes been less 
rapid, a complete transformation of marine into fresh-water types 
with the retention of permanent characters, might have been 
brought about. Such transformation appears to have taken place 
in the case of a portion of the molluscan fauna of Lake Baikal, 


and in that of two or three genera of mollusks recently described by 
Smith and Bourguignat from Lake Tanganyika—Syrnolopsis, Lim- 
notrochus, and Rumella—which have an undeniably marine facies. 
But this adaptability of animals to what might be called oppo- 
site conditions of existence is not confined exclusively to the class 
of Mollusca; indeed, were this the case we should have but a small 
fragment of our fresh-water fauna accounted for. The metamorpho- 
sis of Branchipus into Artemia, and of Artemia into Branchipus, 
is a well-known application of the law to the class of Crustacea. 
The existence of seals in Lake Baikal, whose salinity is practically 
nil, isa remarkable instance of much the same kind among the high- 
est animals, the Mammalia, while as a noteworthy offset to this, 
coming from very nearly the lowest of all organisms, is the occur- 
rence of marine, or non-statoblastic, types of sponges (Lubomirskia) 
in the same lake, as well as in the Upper Congo (Potamolepis).** 
Variation in Persistent Types.—lIt is frequently asserted, even 
by those who are considered competent of forming an opinion, 
that the fact of our having in the existing faunas a number of very 
ancient types is a proof positive against the validity of any slow 
modification theory of descent. For, it is contended, we are here 
brought face to face with certain structural types which have re- 
sisted all sensible modification during a period of millions of years, 
and have, consequently, baffled all evolutionary tendencies towards 
reorganisation. Thus, we have, as has already been stated, the 
Lingula of to-day practically identical with the oldest Lingula 
known; the modern Nautilus, but little different from the Nautilus 
of nearly the most ancient Paleozoic deposit, and the modern Pupa, 
practically identical with the Pupa of the Carboniferous period. 
A little reflection will show how illogical is the position which 
is here assumed. That eertain species should have come down 
to us with but slight modification from the earliest periods known 
is about as much proof of non-modification in the group to which 
they belong as would be furnished in the case of a house, where 
the retention of the primitive type, the hut, might be taken in 
evidence of non-modification in the whole class. If a want of 
adaptation to the surroundings be the primary cause of variation, 
then, manifestly, the rate of variation among the members of a 
given group of animals cannot be a uniform one, for while some 
of the members will be forced to extreme measures by reason of 


their inability to cope with the less favourable conditions of ex- 
istence to which, through one cause or another, they may be 
subjected, others, under more favourable circumstances, and re- 
quiring no adaptation to new conditions, will continue unchanged 
as before. Hence, the same stock may continue in a direct line, 
and yet, at the same time, throw off a number of side branches, 
whose ulterior development may, or may not, keep pace with the 
main stem. That the simple transformation of a group requires 
either the immediate or the ultimate obliteration of that group, 
has nothing to support it. Few naturalists at the present time 
question the descent of at least some of the races of the domestic 
dog from one or more species of wolf or jackal, yet these are living 
side by side, and apparently without interfering with one another’s 
wants. That a decadence in the one group or the other may ulti- 
mately set in—in fact, has already set in—cannot be denied, but it 
may be safely doubted whether, if it had not been for man’s inter- 
vention, extermination of either the wolf or jackal would have 
preceded that of the dog. <A struggle with competitors in a cer- 
tain quarter of the globe, or the necessity of conforming to new 
conditions of existence, may have developed specific characters in 
some of the wolves which they had not hitherto possessed, and 
which would not be necessary for more favoured forms occurring 
elsewhere, or, possibly, living even in the same region. In the 
same way that modification of the nautiloid type which, it is as- 
sumed, has resulted in the formation of the genus Goniatites, does 
not appear to have materially affected the parent stem, for we find 
the genus Nautilus itself developing in almost equal abundance in 
the periods succeeding the introduction of the goniatite as in those 
preceding it. In the deposits of the Carboniferous formation, 
which represent the period of maximum specific development in this 
genus, we have, according to Zittel, eighty-four species represented ; 
in the Trias about seventy, in the Jura fifty, and in the Cretaceous 
deposits still sixty to seventy. The actual downfall begins only 
with the Tertiary, where through the entire series there are but 
fifteen known species. What should have brought about this sud- 
den decadence it is, of course, impossible to determine. Cases of 
undoubted transformism and extreme persistence like the one here 
instanced are undeniably rare, but this seeming rarity is to be at- 
tributed in great part to our ignorance respecting the genetic rela- 


tionship which binds together the more ancient forms of life. The 
Brachiopoda, however, offer partial examples of this kind, more 
particularly the family Terebratulidz, and, where but a compara- 
tively limited persistence is demanded, such instances are by no 
means rare. 

Geographical Distribution.—In comparing the past with the 
present distribution of life upon the globe, one cannot fail to note 
a well-marked difference. Broad distribution appears to have 
been far more prevalent in the early period of the earth’s history 
than now, and argues strongly for a predominance of more uni- 
form conditions. Thus, if we take the class Brachiopoda by way 
of illustration, we find that of some one hundred and thirty-five 
recognised species and varieties living in our modern seas, there 
is scarcely a single species which can be said to be strictly cosmo- 
politan in its range, although not a few are very widely distrib- 
uted, and, if we except boreal and hyperboreal forms, but a very 
limited number whose range embraces opposite sides of the same 
ocean. On the other hand, if we accept the data furnished by 
Richthofen * concerning the Chinese fossil Brachiopoda, we find 
that out of a total of thirteen Silurian and twenty-four Devonian 
species, no less than ten of the former and sixteen of the latter 
recur in the equivalent deposits of Western Europe; and, further, 
that the Devonian species furnish eleven—or nearly fifty per cent. of 
the entire number—which are cosmopolitan, or nearly so. Again, 
of the twenty-five Carboniferous species North America holds fully 
fifteen (or sixty per cent.), and a very nearly equal number are cos- 
mopolitan. The evidence furnished by the fossils of the Arctic 
regions is equally conclusive in this direction. Not only are the 
vast majority of species of Paleozoic (Silurian and Carboniferous) 
fossils of the far north identical with forms occurring in the de- 
posits of both temperate North America and Europe, but many of 
them are distinctive types of formations which have been recognised 
in almost all parts of the earth’s surface where such formations have 
been themselves identified. Thus, among the fossils obtained by 
the officers of the late Polar expedition under command of Sir 
George Nares, Mr. Etheridge ® has identified Atrypa reticularis (Si- 
lurian) and Productus semi-reticulatus and P. costatus (Carbonifer- 
ous), the first from Cape Hilgard, in nearly the eightieth parallel 
of north latitude, and the last two from Fielden Isthmus, latitude 


82° 43’. These species, moreover, appear to have been just as 
abundant in their respective positions north of the Arctic circle as 
they were south of it. The coral fauna of the same region com- 
prises, among other forms common to both Europe and North 
America, such wide-spread species as Favosites Gothlandica and 
Halysites catenulata, both from latitude 79° 45’ (Cape Frazer) ; 
Lithostrotion junceum has been found as far north as latitude 82° 
43’ (Fielden Isthmus). 

Turning our attention to a somewhat antipodal portion of the 
earth’s surface, Australia, we find that by far the greater number 
of fossils that have been catalogued from its Paleozoic deposits are 
species that were originally described from regions lying well with- 
in the limits of the north Temperate Zone. In fact, the relationship 
existing between this southern fauna and the faunas of Europe and 
North America is so great as to practically amount to identity. 
This correspondence is perhaps as well exhibited by the graptolites 
as by any other group of animals, for we find that of the twenty- 
four species recorded by Mr. Robert Etheridge, Jr., in his ‘‘ Cata- 
logue of Australian Fossils” (1878), no less than eighteen are 
species belonging to the United States and Canada. When we 
seek to explain the broad distribution of life in the early periods of 
the earth’s history compared to what it is at the present time, it 
will naturally be concluded that greater facilities for dispersion, and 
the prevalence of more equable conditions of climate, especially the 
latter, were the prime factors involved in this distribution. If, as 
may be contended, other conditions were also largely instrumental in 
bringing about the general result, we are entirely ignorant of their 
nature. That a different disposition of the land and water areas 
than now obtains may have facilitated distribution in a manner 
now no longer possible must be conceded, and there are abundant 
proofs that considerable alterations of one kind or another, whether 
in favour of, or against, dispersion, have at various times taken 
place. But it is beyond question, as is shown by the distribution 
of our existing marine fauna, that while the relations existing be- 
tween land and water have much to do with distribution, yet the 
determining factor in such distribution is after all the matter of 

emperature, The comparatively limited north and south extent 
of any fauna, even along a continuous coast line, contrasted with 
its broad east and west range, sufficiently proves this to be the 


case; and if further or more convincing proof were needed, we 
have the fact, made pregnant by the recent deep-sea dredgings, 
that many of the forms contributing to the surface faunas of the 
north, and hitherto recognised as being essentially northern, are in 
reality inhabitants of the southern zone as well, only that they here 
constitute a part of the deep-sea (cold water) fauna instead of the 
more superficial one. Naturalists have been in the habit of recog- 
nising four or more distinct zoological provinces along either border 
of the Atlantic, each one characterised by a more or less well-marked 
assemblage of animal species; and about an equal number of such 
provinces have been assigned to the Pacific littoral. In all these 
provinces the admixture of forms belonging either north or south, 
it must be admitted, is very great, so much so as to render the 
drawing of a line of division a matter of the utmost difficulty; 
nevertheless, taken in their entirety, the faunas are sufficiently dis- 
tinct, and serve to mark the climatic influences which limit dis- 
tribution. Of some five hundred and sixty-nine species of Mollusca 
recognised by Fischer, in 1878, as occurring on the Atlantic shores 
of France, no less than four hundred and twenty-seven, or seventy- 
five per cent., also belong to the British coast, and about an equal 
number to the Mediterranean.” On the other hand, of three 
hundred and fifty-three species obtained by M‘Andrew from the 
southern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, only fifty-one per cent. 
were common to Britain, and a much smaller number, twenty-eight 
per cent., to Norway.” The molluscan fauna of the Canary Isl- 
ands numbers about three hundred species, of which sixty-three per 
cent. belong to the coasts of Spain and the Mediterranean, thirty- 
two per cent. to Britain, and seventeen per cent. to Norway. The 
relation existing between northern and southern, or cold and warm 
water, faunas is perhaps still better marked on the Western Atlantie 
border. Thus, of a total of about three hundred species of mollusks 
belonging to the ‘‘ Transatlantic Province ”—i. e., the eastern coast 
of the United States included between Florida and Cape Cod—only 
sixty recur north of the peninsula of Cape Cod. Again, of seventy- 
nine species of shells collected by D’Orbigny from the coast of North- 
ern Patagonia only twenty-seven were common to Uruguay and 
Brazil. The rich mollusean fauna of the Japanese Archipelago, com- 
prising four hundred and twenty-nine species, has only one hundred 
and eighty-five representatives in the Chinese and Philippine waters, 


In sharp contrast to the limited faunas of a north-and-south 
extension is the fauna of the Indo-Pacific region, whose domain 
covers about forty-five degrees of latitude, mainly comprised within 
the Tropical Zone, and extends over fully three-quarters of the cir- 
cumference of the globe. The influence of an equable climate is 
here plainly manifest. The molluscan species occurring in this tract 
have evidently a very broad distribution, for we find that, out of 
an estimated total of five or six thousand species, the Philippine 
Islands alone possess twenty-five hundred species, and New Cale- 
donia an equal number. Upwards of one hundred of the East 
African species have been identified by Cuming in the faunas of 
the Philippines and the coral seas of the Pacific, or over an ex- 
panse of seventy to one hundred degrees of longitude, and Fischer 
enumerates twenty-one species whose range takes up practically 
every part of the province. On the other hand, only one hundred 
and sixty-five species are known to connect this fauna with the 
Japanese, although the two are separated from each other, in a 
north and south line, by an interval of only ten to fifteen degrees of 

Facts such as have been here presented clearly demonstrate 
how all-powerful in its influence upon distribution is temperature, 
and warrant us in assuming that it was this agent, likewise, which 
primarily controlled distribution in the past as well as in the pres- 
ent. Were evidence of a nature other than that which is derived 
from purely zoogeographical considerations needed to prove the 
existence of more equable climatic conditions in the earlier periods 
of the earth’s history, we have the testimony to this effect of the 
ancient reef-building corals, whose remains are so abundantly im- 
planted in the deposits of the temperate and frozen north, and, in 
no less striking degree, ef the flora of the coal. 

It is, however, a significant fact, that many parts of the oceanic 
surface which may be said to enjoy practically identical climates 
hold at the present day very dissimilar faunas (viewed from the 
stand-point of species). Thus, of the four hundred or more spe- 
cies of mollusks inhabiting the Japanese waters, it appears that not 
more than twenty are found on the west coast of North America 
(Oregon, California, Mexico). Nearly all the east-coast species of 
the United States, south of Cape Cod, differ from the species of the 
corresponding regions on the opposite side of the Atlantic, probably 


not more than fifteen or twenty being common to Europe. Evi- 
dently the oceanic abysses, with their deep layers of cold water, 
constitute an almost insuperable barrier to the free migration of the 
animals belonging to this class. It is a little remarkable that 
no larger proportion (about fifty per cent.) of species should be 
common to the European and American ‘“ Boreal” sub-regions. 
The influence of land-barriers in shaping distribution is still more 
marked than that of the sea. This is best seen in the case of the 
Mediterranean and Red Sea molluscan faunas, where, of eight hun- 
dred and eighteen species dredged by M‘Andrew in the Gulf of 
Suez, only three were found to be identical with forms occurring in 
the Mediterranean! For a long time it was supposed by naturalists 
that not a single molluscan species occurring on the west coast of 
the Isthmus of Panama reappeared on the Atlantic side, and, if it 
is now known that this supposition was not absolutely in accord- 
ance with the facts, it must be admitted that the number of recog- 
nised transgressional forms, thirty-five out of five hundred to six 
hundred,” is very insignificant. With the facts here stated before 
us, it cannot be doubted that the broad dispersion of animal life 
in past periods of the earth’s history was not only conditioned 
by favourable climatic circumstances, but, in a marked degree, by 
the absence of barriers to a free migration. That the amount of 
land-surface permanently exposed during the Paleozoic era was 
insignificant, in comparison with that exposed at the present day, 
is strongly indicated by the vast extent covered by the more 
ancient marine deposits, from which it would appear that the 
seas were at that period practically continuous throughout their 
broadest expanse. But this general supposition is based upon the 
hypothesis of the permanence of continents and oceanic basins, 
which, as has already been remarked, has much in its favour, but 
is still far from being in the nature of a demonstration. Grant- 
ing the probability of continental upheavals from the oceanic 
abysses, then, naturally, must all conjectures regarding the rela- . 
tionship between land- and water-surfaces, and the existence of 
interposing barriers, be valueless. It may be hastily concluded 
that the circumstance of very broad distribution is, in itself, strong 
evidence tending to show that such continental elevations did not 
take place, and that there was a true permanency in the position 
occupied by the sca. This need not necessarily have been the 


case, however, for, with an equable temperature over the greater 
part of the earth’s surface, it does not appear why species, or 
groups of species, should not have readily found their way to 
the most distant localities by simply following the line of coast. 
The marine Antarctic fauna of the present time is more nearly re- 
lated to the Arctic than to any other, and, if the species of the two 
are almost altogether different, yet a large proportion of the generic 
types, wanting in the intermediate region, are the same. Such are, 
for example, the genera Trophon, Buccinum, Margarita, Astarte, 
Admete, &c. A limited-number of the species, too, are identical 
with species occurring in the waters of the north Temperate Zone. 
There can be little doubt that the distribution of these forms to the 
antipodal regions of the earth’s surface was effected by way of the 
deeper zones of cold water, and there seems to be no necessity for 
invoking the aid of a “spontaneous” Antarctic fauna to account 
for the separation that exists between it and the Arctic. If this 
explanation is the correct one, it is then a little surprising that we 
do not meet, in the two regions, with a larger number of identical 
forms; but it can readily be conceived that the necessary accom- 
modation to new conditions of existence, imposed by pressure, 
absence of light, and a different food-supply, may have brought 
about, in the course of such a lengthy migration, variation in specific 
characters, without sensibly interfering with the structural type of 
the group. 

If it now be assumed that, during the Paleozoic era, the broad 
distribution of species was effected in pretty much the same manner 
—i. e., by following the trough of the sea rather than the continental 
border—we are at once confronted by the anomaly that the num- 
ber of identical species occurring at the most widely separated 
localities, instead of being very limited, is just the reverse. It is 
true that, with a high temperature extending to the bottom of the 
sea, specific modification resulting from a transference of abode 
from the surface to the greater depths may have been less marked 
than appears to be the case with a low temperature; but we have 
no reason for supposing that any great variation in this respect 
did exist, and almost certainly not enough to account for the dif- 
ferences that present themselves. It would thus seem that the 
broad distribution of former periods was effected principally along 
predetermined coast-lines, One circumstance, however, which has 


thus far received but little attention from physiographers, must not 
be lost sight of in this connection, and that is, a difference in depth 
of the oceanic abyss. On the theory of the permanency of oceanic 
and continental areas, and the strong probability that the cceanic 
basins really represent areas of subsidence, it may be confidently 
assumed that the floor of the ocean has been pretty steadily subsid- 
ing, from first to last; and, further, that the continental off-flow, 
produced by the rise and development of the land-masses, will have 
just as steadily tended to increase the depth of water in these basins. 
At what rate this subsidence and gradual deepening may have taken 
place it is impossible, in the present state of science, to determine, 
and therefore we possess no means of ascertaining what might have 
been the difference in depth for any two widely separated periods 
of geological time. But it is by no means improbable that the 
depth of sea during the greater part of the Paleozoic era was very 
much less than it is at the present time; indeed, we are almost irre- 
sistibly led to this conclusion by our knowledge that the water for- 
merly occupied a much greater lateral extension, measured on our 
present sphere, than it now does, and this, in addition, at a period 
when the equatorial circumference of the globe was probably con- 
siderably in excess of its present twenty-five thousand miles. With 
only a moderately deep sea, the difficulty in accounting for a phe- 
nomenally broad specific distribution is greatly lessened.* 

When we seek to determine at what period the existing condi- 
tions of distribution, or approximately such, were first introduced, 
we find that it was not until the beginning of the Tertiary, although 
the gradual modifications leading up to this change are clearly 
traceable in the successive periods following the Paleozoic era. Of 
some thirty-six species of fossils described by Coquand and Bayle 
from the Jurassic deposits of Chili, South America, no less than 
twenty, or more than one-half, are forms which are also found in 
the equivalent deposits of Europe, and a fair proportion of these 
have been identified at various points on the continent of Africa, in 
the peninsula of India, the Himalayas, and elsewhere. The Jurassic 
Cephalopoda of Kutch, India, comprise, according to Waagen,7? one 

* Tt is true that, through terrestrial absorption, the oceanic mass is under- 
going diminution in bulk; but it may be questioned whether the shallowing 
produced thereby, since the beginning of the Paleozoic era, has very materially 
affected the general depth of water. 


hundred and fifty-six species, of which number at least forty-seven 
(or thirty per cent.), and probably considerably more, belong equal- 
ly to the fauna of West Central Europe. Altogether, the Jurassic 
faunas of the world, even those most widely separated, are most 
intimately related to one another in both generic and specific charac- 
ters. The same may be said, although to a less extent, of the faunas 
of the Cretaceous period, many of whose most distinctive types, 
especially of cephalopods an:l lamellibranchs, have a world-wide 
distribution. The cephalopodous fauna of the Cretaceous deposits 
of India, we are informed by Stoliczka,** holds, among its one hun- 
dred and forty-eight species, at least thirty-eight that are common 
in Europe (twenty-five and one-half per cent.), a high proportion, 
but somewhat less than what we have seen obtains in the case of 
the fauna of the period preceding, the Jurassic. Roemer" has de- 
termined fourteen out of one hundred and twenty-eight species 
(eleven per cent.) of fossils coming from Texas to be identical 
with European forms, while Morton has recognised no less than 
seventeen such from among one hundred Invertebrata belonging to 
the State of New Jersey. This proportion has since been raised 
by Credner.* The researches of D’Orbigny in South America, 
of Coquand and Rolland in Africa, of Stoliczka and Waagen in 
India, and of M‘Coy, Etheridge, and others in Australia, show 
very clearly how far specific identity is carried over the earth’s sur- 

With the beginning of the Tertiary epoch (Eocene period) a new 
era in zoogeography sets in. The broad dispersion of species has 
become much more of a rarity than heretofore—indeed, an excep- 
tion—so that the widely separated regions of the earth’s surface, 
while they may yet be mutually related to one another in their 
general faunal characters, are no longer bound together by that mul- 
tiplicity of identical specific types which is distinctive of the earlier 
periods. The conditions which prevail at the present day have 
already become accentuated. This fact is clearly brought to light 
by a study of the deposits occurring on opposite sides of the Atlan- 
tic. Thus, it is doubtful whether, out of some four hundred to 
five hundred species of mollusks belonging to the Eocene formation 
of the Atlantic and Gulf borders of the United States, more than 
twenty-five or thirty (six to eight per cent.) can be absolutely iden- 
tified with forms occurring elsewhere. And yet we have seen that 


the proportion among the Cretaceous species for the same region is 
fully the equivalent of seventeen per cent. In the Miocene the 
number of such equivalent forms appears to be still further lessened. 
We find that among the Australian Tertiary Mollusca by far the 
greater number of species are forms which have been for the first 
time described from that region, although the European contingent 
of the Cretaceous fauna is by no means an inconsiderable one. 

Climatic Zones.—In a very ingenious paper on the Jurassic 
fauna,”® Professor Neumayr, of Vienna, following the views that 
had already been expressed by Trautschold and Marcou, has at- 
tempted to show that climatic zones were already well differentiated 
in the Jurassic period of geological time, and that homoiozoic belts, 
corresponding to these, existed then pretty much as they do now. 
Thus, on the Eurasiatic continent he recognises three distinct Jurassic 
zones, a ‘‘ Boreal,” a ‘‘ Central European,” and a ‘‘ Mediterranean ” 
—the first comprising the region of Northern and Central Russia, 
from the Petchora to Moscow, and the deposits of Spitzbergen and 
Greenland; the second, the region lying north of the Alps, with 
France, England, Germany, and the Baltic provinces ; and the 
third, the region of the Pyrenees, Alps, and Carpathians, with a 
probable continuation in the Crimeo-Caucasian belt. The faunas 
of these different regions are most intimately related to one an- 
other, so much so that at first sight they would appear to form a 
homogeneous whole. But Professor Neumayr has shown that, de- 
spite this apparent homogeneousness, there are certain well-marked 
differences which impress a distinct individuality on each of the 
three. Thus, as one of the most distinctive biological characters 
of the Mediterranean zone, we have the great development among 
the Cephalopoda of the ammonitic forms belonging to the groups 
(or genera) Lytoceras and Phylloceras, which are but feebly repre- 
sented in the deposits of the Central European zone, and whose 
substitutes there are the genera Oppelia and Aspidoceras, Both 
these series of forms are wanting in the boreal zone, which also 
lacks the coral-reef structures of the last. Inasmuch as the differ- 
ences here noted occur in. regions which appear to have been in 
open-water communication with each other, it is contended that 
the absence from one fauna of the forms most distinctive of the 
other could only have been conditioned by direct climatic in- 


It is more than doubtful, however, whether the evidence that 
we possess is sufficient to prove this position. Were the conditions 
such as they are claimed, we should naturally look for some cor- 
respondence between the disposition of the ancient isothermal belts 
and the existing lines of latitude; but no such disposition ap- 
pears to have obtained. Dr. Waagen, in his elavorate analysis of 
the Jurassic cephalopod fauna of Kutch, India, unreservedly ad- 
mits its much greater affinity with the equivalent fauna of the 
Central European region than with the Mediterranean, although 
geographically it is placed in much closer juxtaposition with the 
former than with the latter. The genera Oppelia and Aspidoceras 
are here both abundantly developed, and scarcely less so the genus 
Phylloceras; Lytoceras, on the other hand, is restricted to two 
species. The fact that Kutch is itself situated only twenty-three 
degrees from the Equator, and fully twenty degrees to the south of 
the northern limit of the Mediterranean zone in Europe, is scarcely 
consistent with any theory upholding the zonal distribution of 
oceanic temperature. Neumayr maintains that the elevated tem- 
perature of the Mediterranean zone was induced by an equatorial 
current possibly flowing from the southeast, or, at any rate, in open 
communication with a sea in that quarter; but if this were so, 
surely the same temperature (and not improbably a considerably 
higher one) would have affected the Indian basin as well, whereas, 
on the theory set forth, we have here evidence of just the opposite 
character—z. e., of a lower temperature. Moreover, the evidence 
obtained from the fossils of Australia and the east coast of Africa 
seems to point to the conclusion, in the opinion of Dr. Waagen,” 
that very probably ‘‘one large Indian Ocean existed during the 
Jusassic period, of which only the very outskirts have been pre- 
served up to this day in India, the east coast of Africa and the 
west coast of Australia existing in nearly the same area as the In- 
dian Ocean exists at the present time.” It can hardly be conceived 
that colder currents flowing from the north should have so far 
antagonised the influence of the more southerly heated waters as 
to have brought about this singular discordance between the Euro- 
pean and Asiatic faunas. And to make the problem still more 
intricate, it would appear that a part of the Himalaya Jura, the 
‘‘Spiti shale,” ‘‘from the prevalence of the genus Cosmoceras and 
the large number of Aucelle,” really belongs to the boreal zone. 


The assumption that because certain marine genera, of whose habits 
we know nothing, are found in one region and not in another there 
must of necessity be well-marked differences in the thermometric 
conditions of the waters which they inhabit, is at best a precarious 
one, inasmuch as it is founded almost exclusively on negative evi- 
dence. This is clearly proved by the status of the Indian Jurassic 
fauna, where, as we have already seen, one of the distinctive ‘‘ Medi- 
terranean” genera of ammonites, Phylloceras, is abundantly inter- 
mingled with those supposed to represent a more northern facies, 
while the other, Lytoceras, is almost altogether absent. If it be 
assumed that the presence of Aucelle in the Himalaya fauna suffi- 
ciently demonstrates the cold-water facies of that fauna simply 
because the genus is most abundantly developed in the northern 
regions, Central and Northern Russia, Siberia, Spitzbergen, and 
Greenland, why may it not just as well be assumed that the 
northern fauna was of a warm-water facies, from the fact that the 
same genus is abundantly represented in a region lying on the im- 
mediate confines of the tropics? The great north and south range 
of the genus Aucella, which is also found along the thirty-seventh 
parallel of latitude in California (Cretaceous), far from proving the 
existence of homoiozoic belts, indicates rather the contrary. 

But very little dependence can be placed upon the genera of 
Mollusca as indicating the thermal conditions of the waters which 
they inhabited. There is at the present time on the east coast of 
the United States, south of the forty-first parallel of latitude, only 
one species for each of the three boreal, or Arctic (so recognised), 
genera Astarte, Leda, and Nucula. Yet, during the Eocene and 
Miocene periods, these same genera were abundantly developed in 
the waters situated seven and ten degrees of latitude farther to the 
south, and where, consequently, we might conceive a stratum of 
cold water to have existed. But, unless certain astronomical or 
physical conditions prevailed at the time with which we are not 
acquainted, it is practically certain that the temperature of the water 
was at least as high, if not higher, than it now is. Nor can it be 
urged that in these Tertiary deposits we are dealing with a deep-sea 
(cold water) fauna, or that a low temperature might have prevailed 
simply as the result of the non-existence of a Gulf Strezm—a con- 
tinuous sea separating the North and South American continents— 
since we have just as conclusive testimony favouring the supposition 


of an elevated temperature in the presence of such tropical or sub- 
tropical genera as Voluta, Cypreea, and Oliva, whose remains occur 
associated with the other genera already referred to, and whose 
actual range extended at least as far north as at the present day, 
and in the case of Voluta still farther. 

The conclusions reached by European geologists as to the exist- 
ence of two distinct belts or provinces in the Cretaceous area—a 
Mediterranean and a Baltic—have also been applied by Roemer” to 
the equivalent deposits occurring on the east and south American 
borders. The New Jersey greensands (Sennonian), for example, are 
petrographically and oryctographically correlated with the Upper 
Cretaceous deposits of Northern Europe, and more particularly with 
those of Northwest Germany, whereas the Texas basin is placed in 
a similar relation with the ‘‘ Mediterranean” zone of Southern Eu- 
rope. The much more southerly position of the American beds 
relatively to the European is taken as conclusive evidence, not only 
that the present climatic variation on the opposite sides of the At- 
lantic, for the same parallels of latitude, had already then existed, 
but also the existence of a well-defined northeasterly trending 
current of warmer water, or Gulf Stream. That the New Jersey 
Cretaceous fauna departs most widely from the Texan cannot be 
denied; but the evidence is far from conclusive that this variation 
is the result of direct climatic influences. At the present day the 
fauna of the Gulf may be considered as a homogeneous whole, being 
represented by much the same forms along its northern, western, 
and southern contours. On the other hand, it differs almost wholly 
from the fauna of the east Atlantic coast, although there can be but 
little doubt that, were it not for the peninsula of Florida, a consid- 
erable number of the forms now occurring exclusively on the east 
coast would have found their way into the Gulf basin as well. 
During the Cretaceous period the intermixture of east and south 
coast species was very large, but, contrary to what might have been 
expected, and directly opposed to Professor Roemer’s conclusions, 
the Gulf fauna, or that corresponding to an enlargement of the 
present Gulf area, appears to have been in itself of a very clearly 
recognisable multiple character. From the list of Cretaceous fossils 
of the United States, prepared by Mr. Meek, in 1864,"° it would seem 
that, of some one hundred and sixty species belonging to the State 

of New Jersey, no less than fifty, or nearly one-third, are also com- 


mon to the Cretaceous area comprised within the States of Alabama 
and Mississippi (forty-eight species to Alabama, twenty-seven to 
Mississippi), lying some four hundred miles farther to the south, 
and thus separated by an interval considerably exceeding that which 
separates the Mediterranean and Baltic zones of the continent of 
Europe. On the other hand, of about two hundred species cata- 
logued as belonging to the State of Texas only some ten or twelve 
are indicated as forming a part of the Mississippi and Alabama 
faunas, although the last occupied a position but little removed, 
either geographically or climatically, from the Texan. These facts 
are hardly in consonance with the conclusions which have been 
reached respecting the past distribution of climatic zones, and, if 
broad differences do obtain between certain contiguous north and 
south faunas, as is undoubtedly the case, their explanation must be 
sought in causes other than those directly connected with clima- 
tology. The nature of the sea-bottom, depth of water, &c., may 
have had much to do in the matter. 

Despite what may appear as overwhelming evidence, proving 
exceptionally broad distribution in the past periods of the earth’s 
history, even as late as the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, Professor 
Neumayr © and others have attempted to show that this condition 
did not actually exist, at least as far as the Mesozoic era is concerned, 
and that in reality specific cosmopolitanism is as well-pronounced at 
the present time as it was formerly. Thus, it is contended that the 
modern pelagic Mollusca, more particularly the Pteropoda, are of 
exceedingly wide distribution, and that even among the Cephalo- 
poda a considerable number of more or less cosmopolitan forms— 
among them Argonauta Argo and A. hians—are to be met with. 
Furthermore, it is urged that, if well-marked faunal variations are 
manifested along the oceanic border, such variations do not obtain in 
the oceanic abyss, where a uniform type dominates the faunal facies, 
and with whose fauna many of the ancient life-series are to be com- 
pared. The facts relating to the distribution of the Mollusca, mod- 
ern and ancient, that have already been given, are sufficient to prove 
the general erroneousness of the proposition here stated, and, if any 
more proof in this direction were needed, none more significant 
could be had than that drawn from the distribution of a member of 
one of the very groups of animals cited by Neumayr, the Cephalo- 
poda. The nautilus, which to-day appears to be restricted to the 


tropical seas, was, even as late as the Eocene period, found abun- 
dantly as far north as the fortieth and fiftieth parallels of latitude. 
That some of the ancient faunas may represent faunas of the deep 
sea cannot be denied; but it appears far more probable, in the light 
of recent investigation, that they are in the main of a littoral char- 
acter. At any rate, that they are not comparable to the cold-water 
fauna of the deep, which alone maintains somewhat of a uniform 
character, is indisputably proved by the abundance of forms indi- 
cating a high temperature. Furthermore, even the general identity 
claimed by Sir Wyville Thomson for the abyssal fauna of the world 
has quite recently been contested by the late Gwyn Jeffreys." 

Synchronism of Geological Formations.—It is well known 
that the order of deposit of the various formations, from the oldest 
to the newest, is constant the world over, and that nowhere, except 
where there may have been a reversal of the strata themselves, is 
there evidence of a reversed position. Corresponding strata, as in- 
dicated by the contained fossils, have, therefore, been considered 
to belong to the same age, even though occurring in widely-sepa- 
rated regions. This view, for a long time maintained undisturbed 
by the earlier geologists and paleontologists, has been dissented 
from by Edward Forbes, Huxley, and other advocates of the doc- 
trine of faunal dispersion from localised areas or centres of distri- 
bution (opponents of independent creation), on the obvious ground 
that faunas, starting from a given point of origination, could only 
spread by migration, and that such migration must consume time, 
proportioned to the distance travelled and the physical and physio- 
graphical facilities afforded for travelling. Hence, it was argued, 
that widely-separated formations, showing an equivalent faunal 
facies, as, for example, the Silurian of America and the Silurian of 
Europe or Eastern Asia, or the Cretaceous of Europe and of South 
America, could not be of identical age, and, probably, not even 
approximately so. In support of this position, it has been urged 
that during the present age of the world the faunas of the several 
continents are widely distinct, and could, under geological condi- 
tions, be considered as indicating different zoological (geological) 
eras. In conformity with this view, Professor Huxley has pro- 
posed ** the term ‘“‘homotoxis,” indicating similarity of arrange- 
ment, in place of synchrony, to describe the relation of distant areas 
of the same formation. 


Pushing his conclusion to what appeared to be its furthest 
legitimate point, Professor Huxley deduced therefrom two impor- 
tant considerations: 1. That formations exhibiting the same faunal 
facies may belong to two or more very distinct periods of the geo- 
logical scale as now recognised; and, conversely, formations whose 
faunal elements are quite distinct may be absolutely contemporane- 
ous; ¢.g., ““For anything that geology or paleontology is able to 
show to the contrary, a Devonian fauna and flora in the British 
Islands may have been contemporaneous with Silurian life in North 
America, and with a Carboniferous fauna and flora in Africa.” 2. 
That, granting this disparity of age between closely-related faunas, 
all evidence as to the uniformity of physical conditions over the 
surface of the earth during the same geological period (é. e., the 
periods of the geological scale), as would appear to be indicated by 
the similarity of the fossil remains belonging to that period, falls 
to the ground. ‘Geographical provinces and zones may have been 
as distinctly marked in the Paleozoic epoch as at present, and those 
seemingly sudden appearances of new genera and species, which 
we ascribe to new creation, may be simple results of migration.” 

These views are still held by a very large body of geologists. 
But it can be readily shown by a logical deduction that at least one 
of the conclusions arrived at (1) is, almost certainly, erroneous; 
and that the second, based upon this one, derives no confirmation 
from the supposed facts. If, as is contended, several distinct 
faunas—i. e., faunas characteristic of distinct geological epochs— 
may have existed contemporaneously, then evidences of inversion 
in the order of deposit ought to be common, or, at any rate, they 
ought to be indicated somewhere, since it can scarcely be conceived 
that animals everywhere would have observed the same order or 
direction in their migrations. Given the possible equivalence in 
age, as is argued, of the Silurian fauna of North America with the 
Devonian of the British Isles and the Carboniferous of Africa, or 
any similar arrangement, why has it never happened that when 
migration, necessitated by alterations in the physical conditions of 
the environs, commenced, a fauna with an earlier facies has been 
imposed upon a later one, as the Devonian of Britain upon the 
Carboniferous of Africa, or the American Silurian upon the British 
Devonian ? Or, for that matter, the American Silurian might have 
just as well been made to succeed the African Carboniferous. 


Reference to the annexed diagram, where D represents a Devo- 
nian area, say, in Europe, S a Silurian one in America, and C a 
Carboniferous one in Africa—all contemporaneous—will render this 
point more intelligible. Now, on the proposition above stated, 
reasoning from our present knowledge of the antiquity of faunas, 
and accepting the doctrine of migration, as maintained by Professor 
Huxley and others, to account for the possible contemporaneity of 


distinct faunas, it may be assumed that S (or America) will receive 
its Devonian fauna from D ; D (Europe) its Carboniferous from C ; 
and @ (Africa) a later fauna from some locality not here indicated. 
In other words, migration, as indicated by the arrows, would set 
in from D to 8; one from C to D; one from S to some possibly South 
American Cambrian locality, and one, bringing a Permian or some 
later-day fauna, from an unknown ‘locality towards C. Were this 
order of migration to continue here, or at other portions of the 
earth’s surface, in this or in a similarly consecutive manner, the 
results obtained would be in perfect consonance with the facts pre- 
sented by geology. But is there any reason whatever for the con- 
tinuance of this order of migration? Surely no facts that have as 
yet been brought to light argue in favour of a continued migration 
in one direction. Why, then, it might justly be asked, could not 
just as well a migration take place from S to D, and impose with 
it a Silurian fauna upon a Devonian? What would there be to 
hinder a migration from S to C, placing the American Silurian 
fauna upon the Carboniferous of Africa? Why has it just so hap- 
pened that a fauna characteristic of a given period has invariably 


succeeded one which, when the two are in superposition, all over 
the world (as far as we are aware) indicates precedence in creation 
or origination, and never one that can be shown to be of a later 
birth ? Surely these peculiar circumstances cannot be accounted 
for on the doctrine of a fortuitous migration. And it certainly can- 
not be supposed that, through a process of transmutation or develop- 
ment, depending upon the evolutionary forces, a fauna with an 
early-life facies will, in each case, at the point of its arrest have 
assumed the character of the later-day fauna which belongs to that 
position. Therefore, it appears inconceivable that a very great 
period of time should have intervened between the deposition of the 
fauna of one great geological epoch at one locality and that of the 
same or similar fauna at another locality distantly removed from the 
first. In other words, the migrations, for such must undoubtedly 
have been the means of the distant propagation of identical or very 
closely related life-forms (unless we admit the seemingly untenable 
hypothesis that equivalent life-forms may have been very largely 
developed from independent and very dissimilar lines of ancestry), 
must have been much more rapidly performed than has generally 
been admitted by naturalists. The facts of geology and paleontol- 
ogy are decidedly antagonistic to any such broad contemporaneity 
or non-contemporaneity as has been assumed by Professor Huxley; 
and their careful consideration will probably cause geologists to 
demur to the statement that “all competent authorities will prob- 
ably assent to the proposition that physical geology does not enable 
us in any way to reply to this question: Were the British Cretaceous 
rocks deposited at the same time as those of India, or are they a 
million of years younger or a million of years older ?” 

But what applies to the broader divisions of the geological scale 
also applies to the minor divisions. Thus, the subordinate groups 
of a formation are almost as definitely marked off in the same order, 
the world over, as are the formations themselves. After breaks in 
formations the appearance of characteristic fossils is largely the 
same, whereas, on the theory of synchronism of distinct faunas, 
such a succession of forms would certainly not be constant. Taking 
the facts in their entirety, the conclusion appears irresistible that 
formations characterised by the same or very nearly related faunas, 
in widely separated regions, belonged, in very moderate limits, to 
approximately the same actual age, and were practically synchronous 


or contemporaneous. The singular uniformity in the lithological 
character of many of the equivalent formations also favours this con- 
clusion. It is true that a very limited number of cases are known, or 
at least have been cited, where an old-type fauna is found interca- 
lated with a fauna of newer date, reversing, as it were, the general 
order of succession or deposition. Such are the ‘‘ colonies” which 
M. Barrande has indicated as existing in the Silurian basin of Bo- 
hemia, and which have been so forcibly dwelt upon by that investi- 
gator as standing in opposition to any slow-modification theory of 
descent and progression. Of a similar character are the colonies to 
which attention has been called by Marcou; and the occurrence, 
which has been observed in some parts of Scotland, of an Upper Si- 
lurian fish-fauna in rocks of unquestionably Devonian age, may be 
placed in the same category. It appears practically certain, however, 
that in none of these cases is there a true reversion. In the Siluro- 
Devonian faunal association of Scotland we have, doubtless, only one 
of those common occurrences where the range of certain species of 
animals has to be extended beyond what was supposed to be its far- 
thest limit; for, as Mr. Geikie informs us, there can be no question 
that the Silurian element was present in the seas immediately ad- 
joining the Devonian basin during the period of the first deposition 
of the Devonian rocks, and that it was subsequently admitted into 
the last by the rupture of a separating barrier. The case of the Bo- 
hemian colonies is, perhaps, not as readily explained; but, if they 
exist at all, it is very likely that they represent a fraction of a fauna 
which, through specially favourable conditions, has been permitted 
to linger beyond the period marking the extinction of the fauna as a 
whole, and which, through a short migration, has been transported 
to its present quarters. It must be confessed, however, that our 
knowledge respecting these colonies is very imperfect, and it is a 
significant fact that their existence, in the sense which has been 
preferred by their interpreter, M. Barrande, is completely denied 
by Lapworth, Marr, and others. 

In a recent address, delivered before the British Association for 
the Advancement of Science (1884), Mr. Blanford has brought out 
numerous facts tending to prove, in the language of the author, 
‘“homotoxial perversity,” or the want of synchronic correspond- 
ence existing between certain identical, or closely related, assem- 
blages of fossil remains. It is shown, for example, that the famous 


mammalian beds of Pikermi, Greece, with Hipparion, Dinotherium 
giganteum, &c., which are generally classed by geologists as Mio- 
cene, or Mio-Pliocene, actually overlie marine deposits of almost 
unquestionably Pliocene age. In the Gondwana system of rocks of 
the peninsula of India the Damuda group, whose flora is stated to 
be more nearly allied to the Jurassic flora of Europe than to any 
other, is overlaid by deposits holding an apparently Rhetic flora, 
and these, again, are succeeded by beds whose faunal characters 
partake of the Triassic period. The coal-bearing beds of Southern 
and Eastern Australia are claimed by paleobotanists to be typically 
Jurassic, while the interstratified marine beds, in the character of 
their animal remains, are just as unequivocally Carboniferous. In 
the Laramie formation of the Western Territories of the United 
States we have a somewhat similar association of an Eocene Tertiary 
flora, many of whose species are identical with forms occurring in 
the Island of Sheppey, and elsewhere in Britain, with a vertebrate 
fauna of a distinctively Cretaceous type. 

That there should be no direct correspondence existing between 
the chronological facies of the marine and terrestrial faunas and 
floras is not very surprising, seeing that there exists no reason why 
their special development should have covered equal periods of 
time. Nor could it be rationally expected, in view of the variable 
physical conditions prevailing over the land-surface, and the inter- 
position of impassable water-barriers, that the development of a 
land fauna or flora should, in itself, be equal for all parts of the 
earth’s surface, even though these parts enjoy approximately the 
same climatic influences. This negative condition is beautifully 
exemplified in the utter dissimilarity of the modern mammalian 
faunas of South America, Africa, and Australia, which, had we 
known them in a fossil state, might have been taken to indicate 
three very distinct periods of geological time, and the same might 
have been said, in great measure, of their floras. Yet, were the 
marine faunas belonging to these different regions examined, there 
could be but little doubt as to their representing chronological 
equivalents. It is, therefore, not very remarkable, and not specially 
indicative of the existence of climatic zones, that the Australian 
coal-flora should be of the type which is elsewhere represented in 
the Jurassic deposits, and that it should be associated with a dis- 
tinctively Carboniferous marine fauna. And no more remarkable is 


the association in the Gondwana system of a Jurassic flora with a 
Triassic fauna, or of a Tertiary flora and Cretaceous fauna in the 
Laramie deposits of the United States. Less intelligible is the 
reported superposition in the Gondwana rocks of a Rheetic flora 
upon one of a Jurassic facies, and of a Triassic or Permian fauna 
upon one of Jurassic age. As far as the faunal evidence is con- 
cerned, both as relates to the ‘‘ Triassic” or ‘‘ Permian” and the 
‘ Jurassic” types, it is so slender as to permit no safe conclusion 
being based upon it. Thus, the only animals thus far recorded 
from the Damuda (Jurassic) beds are an Estheria and two laby- 
rinthodonts, one of which, Brachyops, is claimed to be allied to a 
European genus from the Oolites. Equally unsatisfactory is the 
Permian relationship that has been attached to the vertebrate fauna 
of the overlying Panchet beds, which comprises three genera (four 
species) of labyrinthodonts, whose nearest allies are found in the 
European Trias, one species of dinosaur, and two dicynodonts, 
believed to be nearly allied to forms described from what are now 
recognised to be Permian rocks of the Ural Mountains. The very 
limited number of species found in these deposits, together with 
their uncertain relationship, is scarcely sufficient to identify a fauna, 
and it must, therefore, be concluded that we are still far from 
having evidence of a positive character proving an inversion in the 
faunal series, or as indicating any important difference between 
homotoxis and synchrony, where marine fossils are taken as the 
determining guide.* The advantages possessed by these last over 
others of a terrestrial nature for the purposes of geological classifi- 
cation are obvious from their broad distribution and equal chrono- 
logical development. 

* Mr. Lydekker, discussing the remarkable labyrinthodont Gondwano- 
saurus from the Bijori group, maintains that the balance of evidence is in 
favour of regarding the Panchcet beds as of Triassic age ; the age of the Damuda 
beds is left in doubt (Paleontologia Indica, 1885). 

PACE Air. 



The present and past distribution of individual animal groups.—Foraminifera, 
—Corals.—Brachiopoda.—Mollusca generally.—Crustacea.—Insecta. 


DesprIte the simplicity of their organisation, and their apparent 
ready adaptability to the most varied phases of existence, it ap- 
pears that the distribution of these animals is influenced, although 
perhaps to a less degree, by much the same conditions which 
govern the distribution of higher forms. While practically the 
class is of world-wide distribution, and cosmopolitanism—at least 
among groups of supra-specific value (genera, &c.)—the rule rather 
than the exception, yet the influence of special conditions, as per- 
taining to different sections of the earth’s surface, is markedly 
manifest. Thus, we find that in the warmer regions of the globe 
the foraminiferal fauna, as compared with the corresponding fauna 
of the regions lying to the north and south, is very much richer 
both as regards specific and individual development; and, further, 
that it comprises a disproportionately large number of forms char- 
acterised by unusual size ard structural complexity (Orbiculina, 
Orbitolites, Cycloclypeus, Tinopora). Of some seventy or mcre 
genera of Foraminifera calcarea recognised by Biitschli,®* thizty- 
eight, or about one-half, are wanting in the Arctic seas, twenty- 
five are wanting in the British and North seas, and fifteen in the 
Mediterranean; on the other hand, all the Arctic and north tem- 


perate genera are represented in the tropical and sub-tropical seas. 
The number of generic forms thus made peculiar to the tropics is 
about twelve. That all the northern genera should also be found 
in the central waters is not specially surprising, seeing that the 
same conditions of temperature which prevail over the one region 
in the surface or shallow waters are met with in the other in the 
deeper layers, or upon the oceanic floor. The numerical relation 
existing between species and genera does not appear to vary accord- 
ing to any known law of distribution. Many of the genera are 
most abundantly represented in specific types in the tropics, while, 
again, others attain their maximum development in the regions of 
high latitude. Bitschli recognises ninety-nine species of Forami- 
nifera calcarea from the Arctic province, one hundred and eighty- 
five from the north temperate, and one hundred and ninety-eight 
from the Mediterranean, an estimate which makes the Arctic prov- 
ince slightly deficient as compared with either of the other provinces, 
and the north temperate slightly in excess of the Mediterranean. 
A more thorough investigation of the Mediterranean waters, how- 
ever, will doubtless increase the number of forms occurring there 
very considerably, seeing that upwards of one hundred and sixty 
species have been found on the British coast alone. Despite the 
seeming diversity given to the character of the Arctic foraminiferal 
fauna by the ninety-nine or more* species occurring there, the 
fauna is strictly a uniform one, the vast mass, about ninety-five per 
cent., of its component material being made up of only a very 
limited number of species—Globigerina bulloides, Cassidulina levi- 
gata, C. crassa, Polystomella striatopunctata, &c.—a feature in a 
measure also distinguishing the foraminiferal accumulation of the 
deeper parts of the sea, the Globigerina ooze, in which the indi- 
viduals of Globigerina, Pulvinulina, Orbulina, Spheroidina, and 
Pullenia, especially of the former, preponderate to a very marked 
degree. As in the case of other marine animal groups, the forami- 
niferal fauna of the high north is most intimately related to its 
antipodal fauna of the south. Of a total of fifty-three genera and 
one hundred and eighty-nine species occurring in both the South- 
ern (below the fiftieth parallel of latitude) and Arctic oceans, thirty- 
two genera and sixty species are held in common by both areas; “ 

* Brady, in his report on the ‘‘ Challenger” expedition, recognises all in 
all one hundred and eleven species. 


eleven of the southern genera are wanting in the north, and ten of 
the northern genera in the south. 

The relation of the pelagic or surface fauna to that found in the 
bottom deposits of the sea, which has given rise to much diversity 
of opinion among naturalists, has had much light thrown upon it 
by the recent deep-sea dredging expeditions. It appears now 
practically certain that a vast majority, probably ninety-eight or 
ninety-nine per cent., of known foraminiferal forms, including all 
of the porcellanous and arenaceous groups, are permanent inhabit- 
ants of the oceanic floor, being endowed with no swimming or 
floating powers. The surface and mid-water forms are limited to 
some eight or nine genera and twenty species,** many or most of 
which (species of Globigerina, Orbulina, Spheroidina, Pullenia, 
Pulvinulina) are identical with forms living in the lowest oceanic 
layers and found in the Globigerina ooze, to the formation of which 
they doubtless contribute very extensively through their prodigious 

In their importance as rock constituents, the Foraminifera stand 
second to no other group of organisms; in their geological develop- 
ment they are probably coeval with the entire period during which 
the sedimentary deposits were being formed, although it is not 
till beyond the middle of the Paleozoic series that their un- 
equivocal remains are met with in any abundance. Barring the 
much-disputed Eozoon, whose inorganie character may now be 
accepted without much hesitation, the earliest indication that we 
possess of this class of animals is in the Lower Silurian rocks, where 
thus far but a single genus, Saccamina, has been positively deter- 
mined. Two species of Lagena occur in the Upper Silurian of Eng- 
land. There still exists too much uncertainty relative to the forms 
known as Receptaculites, Ischadites, and their allies, to permit of 
their being absolutely classed with the Foraminifera, and likewise 
in the case of the various structures which have been referred by 
Ehrenberg to the Silurian of Russia. This paucity in the Silurian 
rocks, and not less so in the succeeding Devonian, and their com- 
plete absence from the Cambrian, is not a little surprising, but may 
perhaps be explained on the hypothesis that the earlier members 
of the class were in the main devoid of tests, or of such parts as 
could be readily preserved in a fossil state. The marked develop- 
ment of the genus Fusulina in the Carboniferous rocks is one of 


the most striking of the faunal features of the period, and, aside 
from the general importance attaching to the genus itself as a 
rock-builder, acquires special significance from the circumstance of 
the barrenness in foraminiferal remains of the formations immedi- 
ately preceding. From the close of the Paleozoic period to the 
present day there is a steadily increasing development of distinctive 
types, and an equally steady approximation to the structural type 
which dominates the modern seas. Almost every period is marked 
by some extensive foraminiferal accumulation, and in nearly all 
cases the distinguishing character is given to these accumulations 
by genera which acquire successive importance. Such are the 
Gyroporella limestones of the Triassic and Rhetic formations, the 
miliolite and nummulitic rocks of the Eocene and Oligocene, and 
the orbitoide rocks of the Oligocene and Miocene periods. In the 
newer Tertiary deposits the representative genera are mainly identi- 
cal with those inhabiting the modern seas, and even of the species 
a fair proportion are identical. Of the most widely distributed 
and most numerously represented modern genera the one which 
has most thoroughly left its impress upon the rocks of past ages is 
the genus Globigerina. Beginning in the Trias, it already attains 
to considerable importance in the Rhetic, where, in association 
with Textularia, Orbulina, and Quinqueloculina, it forms massive 
limestones (Dachsteinkalk, near Hallstadt, in Salzburg). The chalk 
is made up in large part of the three foraminiferal genera Glo- 
bigerina, Textularia, and Rotalia, and the first of these, as has 
already been seen, is the principal constituent also of the modern 
Globigerina or Atlantic ooze. 

Much diversity of opinion has existed among naturalists as to 
the mutual relationship of these two classes of deposits—the chalk 
and ooze. The general similarity of lithological character, height- 
ened by a close identity existing between the contained faunas, has 
led most scientists to believe that the present oceanic bottom is 
but a continuation of the bottom of the Cretaceous seas—in other 
words, that the Cretaceous epoch is continued up to the present 
time without any very material change marking the progress of 
organic life in the ocean’s deepest parts. The majority of the 
foraminiferal types occurring in the one formation are represented 
in the other, and the identity is carried even to a fair proportion of 
the species. Further, Sir Wyville Thomson has shown that the 


biological relationship is not restricted to the lower or microscopic 
forms of life, but, on the contrary, manifests itself in almost as 
marked a degree in some of the higher groups. Thus the sponges 
of the Atlantic ooze appear to have been most closely related to 
the ventriculite sponges of the Cretaceous period, and there is also 
a predominance in both classes of deposits of the cidaroid type of 

As opposed to the biological relationship, on the other hand, it 
has been pointed out that the physical constitution of the two 
classes of deposits is very different. Thus, while Cretaceous chalk 
almost invariably contains from ninety-four to ninety-nine per cent. 
of carbonate of lime, and, consequently, at the utmost only about 
six per cent. of foreign substances, analyses of Globigerina ooze 
show it to contain only from forty-nine to eighty per cent., allow- 
ing a very considerable percentage for impurities. Such a differ- 
ence in chemical composition is certainly very striking, the more 
especially as the composition of true chalk is very constant, and 
appears to point to a mode of formation different in the two 
cases. The correspondence in chemical composition existing be- 
tween true chalk and the Oahu chalk (coral débris) of the Sand- 
wich Islands has suggested to Mr. Wallace the notion that not 
improbably both deposits have much the same formation—in other 
words, that the chalk was deposited in a comparatively shallow 
sea, probably not exceeding one thousand fathoms in depth, in 
which numerous islands were scattered about in a manner somewhat 
similar to what is observed in the coralline zones of the Pacific Ocean. 
It has been further urged, in support of this view, that in the 
opinion of many conchologists, notably, Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys, all, or 
nearly all, the Mollusca of the Cretaceous sea represent comparatively 
shallow-water forms, there being a total absence of such shells as 
could with positiveness be considered as pointing to a deep-sea 
habitat. Numerous objections, however, interpose themselves to 
the views so ingeniously framed by Mr. Wallace. In the first place, 
it would be purely gratuitous to assume that a comparatively shal- 
low coralline sea extended into a continental area whose expanse 
equalled the tract covered by the chalk deposits of Eurasia; sec- 
ondly, had such a sea existed we should naturally expect to find, 
as has been urged by Mr. Starkie Gardner, the remnants of ancient 
coral reefs, such as are at the present day being formed in the 


Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, but, singularly enough, no 
such reefs have thus far been detected in the deposits in question; 
indeed, even the scattered coral fragments are in themselves re- 
markably scanty, and far from sufficient to give a coralline aspect to 
the formation; thirdly, while many of the chalk Mollusca may appear 
to represent shallow-water forms, there are yet a number, includ- 
ing some of the most characteristic forms, concerning whose habit 
nothing positive can be stated, since not only have many of them 
no living representatives in the faunas of the present seas, but even 
the families to which they belonged have completely died out. 
While possibly, then, we may not have as yet arrived at an exact 
comprehension of the nature of chalk, it must be confessed that 
the biological facts already indicated point to a very close rela- 
tionship with the Globigerina ooze. Nor is it at all unlikely that 
the difference existing in chemical composition is one more appar- 
ent than real. Thus, the deficiency of silica—and, consequently, 
the surplus of carbonate of lime—in chalk can be readily accounted 
for on the supposition that the free silica originally present in the 
Cretaceous seas may have sifted itself during the formation of the 
chalk into those irregular nodules which we now recognise as flints, 
and likewise into the irregular fissures in the chalk, to form the 
chalk-veins. Again, it may be assumed that chalk, during the 
long lapse of ages that has intervened since the period of its forma- 
tion, may have through various causes undergone considerable 
alteration in its chemical composition, and sufficient to account for 
the dissimilarity existing between it and the Globigerina ooze. 
Perhaps the most remarkable feature connected with the history 
of the Foraminifera is the long period of time through which pri- 
mary characters have been retained; persistence of type-structure 
is, indeed, immeasurably better marked in this group of organisms 
than in any other. It is true that the views of naturalists are very 
much at variance as to the proper limitations to be assigned to the 
beings composing this most difficult group of the Invertebrata, and 
that some of the most eminent authorities are disposed to unite the 
greater number of both recent and fossil forms into a comparatively 
limited number of diverging or central types; but, even from the 
more conservative standpoint, enough is patent to indicate a most 
extraordinary specific longevity. This is most clearly brought out 
by the data furnished in Mr. Brady’s report on the ‘‘ Challenger” 


Foraminifera, whence it would appear that, of some seven hundred 
recognised species, the range of not less than three hundred and 
thirty-eight extends as far back as the Tertiary period; of one hun- 
dred and twelve to the Cretaceous; fifty-six to the Oolite; forty-one 
to the Lias; sixteen to the Trias; eight to the Permian; six to the 
Carboniferous (Haplophragmium agglutinans, Ammodiscus incer- 
tus, A. gordialis, Truncatulina lodatula, and the two Silurian forms) ; 
two to the Devonian (also Silurian); and two to the Upper Silurian 
(Lagena levis and L. suleata). A number of other doubtful forms 
occurring fossil may perhaps also be referred to the category of 
recent equivalents, as, for example, the Girvanella, described by 
Nicholson and Etheridge from the English Silurian deposits, which 
not improbably is the recent Hyperamina vagans. 


The more important corals of the present day belong to the 
groups Zoantharia and Alcyonaria, the former of which, frequently 
designated the six-tentacled corals (Hexacoralla), embrace the naked 
sea-anemones (Actiniz), and nearly all the familiar stone-corals, and 
the latter (Octocoralla, eight-tentacled corals), the sea-pens, sea- 
shrubs, red-coral, and organ-pipe. In the group of the comb- 
bearers (Ctenophora) are comprised a limited number of forms, 
Beroé, Venus’s girdle, &c., which are entirely destitute of a coral- 
lum, and in many essential points of structure depart widely from 
the other members of the class. A fourth division, the rugose 
corals (Rugosa or Tetracoralla), which, in the early periods of the 
earth’s history, constituted such a marked feature in the successive 
faunas (Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous), are limited at the pres- 
ent day, as far as our existing knowledge goes, to possibly not more 
than two generic types, Guynia, from the Mediterranean and the 
Gulf of Mexico, and Haplophyllia, from the coast of Florida. 

The sea-anemones are, collectively, cosmopolitan in their distri- 
bution, and inhabit the sea to very nearly the profoundest depths 
that have thus far been reached by the dredge, although, both as 
regards specific and numerical development, they more distinctively 
characterise the littoral and laminarian zones. The deep-sea species 
are, however, not exactly scarce, and it would appear, from the 
‘*Challenger ” observations, that the numerical decrease corre- 
sponding to the increase in depth is not nearly as great as might 


have been expected. In ninety-seven hauls, made in depths ranging 
from ten to five hundred fathoms, positive results, with a capture 
of some twenty specimens, belonging to thirteen or more species, 
were obtained eleven times; in one hundred and sixty-five hauls, 
made in water of from five hundred to twenty-nine hundred fath- 
oms, similar results, with a capture of sixty specimens, representing 
twenty-one species, were obtained fourteen times. In the deeper 
dredgings, however, the casting of the net was protracted over a 
greater period of time, and, consequently, covered more space than 
in the shallower ones, and due allowance should be made for this 
circumstance. The relative abundance of the deep-sea Actiniz is 
shown by the fact that not infrequently two or more species, or in- 
dividuals belonging to a single species, are found associated in the 
same locality. The greatest depth from which any species has thus 
far been obtained is twenty-nine hundred fathoms (Antheomorphe 

Professor Hertwig, from the data collected by the “ Challenger,” 
believes it may be safely assumed that, the greater the depth of 
water the greater is the variation between the deep-sea forms and 
those of the coast-line. Thus, it is shown that, of the thirteen spe- 
cies and twelve genera obtained from a zone of ten to five hundred 
fathoms, only five species and two genera were found to be new, or 
as not essentially belonging to the coast; on the other hand, of the 
twenty-one species and seventeen genera obtained from a depth 
of from five hundred to twenty-nine hundred fathoms, eleven of the 
genera, and, with one exception, all of the species, were new.** The 
same authority finds that increased depth exerts a remarkable influ- 
ence in modifying the organisation of many of the forms. Thus, 
the tentacles exhibit a distinct retrograde formation, or degenera- 
tion, being first transformed into tubes, and ultimately into simple 
openings in the oral disk. ‘‘In Paractis tubulifera (depth eighteen 
hundred and seventy-five fathoms) the tentacles have the same con- 
stitution as in the majority of Actinie, except in one point, that the 
terminal opening, which is usually small or entirely wanting, gapes 
widely. In Polysiphonia tuberosa (five hundred and _ sixty-five 
fathoms) the tentacles have become short, slightly movable, wide- 
mouthed tubes; in Sicyonis crassa (sixteen hundred fathoms) they 
are small, wart-like rings, and in Polystomidium patens (eighteen 
hundred and twenty-five fathoms) and Polyopis striata (twenty-one 


hundred and sixty fathoms) the walls have almost entirely disap- 
peared, so that the terminal opening forms a fissure in the oral disk, 
the last remains of the tentacle being represented by a circular 
margin surrounding the fissure, and so we come finally to the genus 
Liponema (eighteen hundred and seventy-five fathoms), in which 
the points at which the tentacles were actually placed are merely 
indicated by openings in the oral disk.” The very limited number 
of specimens obtained by the expedition prevents any definite con- 
clusions being arrived at as to the horizontal distribution of the in- 
dividual species. The majority of the forms, as Anemone, Actinia, 
Metridium, &c., inhabit a superficial zone, especially the rock-pools, 
situated at about low-water mark, where they attach themselves to 
some foreign body by means of their muscular pedal-disks; others, 
like Peachia, Edwardsia, Cerianthus, and Halcampa, lie more or 
less buried in the sand, while a very limited number are free-swim- 
ming or pelagic (Arachnactis). No fossil remains indisputably 
belonging to this group have as yet been discovered. 

Much the larger number of coral-depositing zoophytes of mod- 
ern seas belong to the group of the Madreporaria, or, as they are 
frequently termed, from their dermal corallum, the Zoantharia 
sclerodermata, as distinguished from those which, like the ‘‘ black 
corals” (Antipathide), secrete an internal corallum or basal skele- 
ton (Zoantharia sclerobasica). Two divisions of these corals may 
be conveniently recognised, the “solitary” (whether simple or 
compound) and the ‘“ massive,” or reef-building corals, the former 
of which are essentially deep-sea forms, rarely coming within the 
littoral zone, while the latter are just as distinctively shallow-water 
forms, extending from low-water line to twenty or twenty-five 

The deep-sea corals are spread throughout nearly the whole of 
the oceanic expanse, from the confines of the frozen sea on the 
north to the Antarctic barrier on the south, and from very nearly 
the surface of the water to depths of at least twenty-nine hundred 
fathoms. The distribution of the individual species appears to be 
largely, if not almost altogether, independent of considerations 
connected with temperature. Sars obtained Fungiacyathus fragilis, 
a member of the family Turbinolide, off the Loffoden islands, from 
a depth of three hundred fathoms. Bathyactis symmetrica, appar- 
ently the most widely distributed of all known corals, has been 


dredged off the Bermuda islands in thirty fathoms of water; off the 
Virgin islands in three hundred and ninety fathoms; off Martha’s 
Vineyard in two hundred and fifty; and off the coast of Japan 
in twenty-nine hundred. Deltocyathus Italicus has been obtained 
off the Bermuda islands from depths of two hundred and ten 
hundred and seventy-five fathoms, respectively; off the West In- 
dies from a depth of seventy-five fathoms; off the coast of Cape 
Cod from one hundred and forty-two; and in the South Pacific 
(latitude 32° 36’, longitude 137° 43’ west) from a depth of twenty- 
three hundred and seventy-five. The total number of genera 
which have been found at depths exceeding fifty fathoms is, 
according to Mosely,®’ forty-eight. Of these, only five—Caryo- 
phyllia, Deltocyathus, Flabellum, Bathyactis, and Leptopenus— 
reach or pass beyond the fifteen hundred fathom line; the last has 
thus far been obtained only in water exceeding fifteen hundred 
fathoms, whereas the other genera range to within fifty or one hun- 
dred and fifty fathoms of the surface. By far the greater number 
of the genera range to within the fifty to one hundred fathom line, 
and a limited number (Caryophyllia, Paracyathus, Flabellum, Bala- 
nophyllia, Dendrophyllia, &c.) into still shallower water. Most of 
the species have a very broad horizontal distribution, and a fair 
proportion of them approach cosmopolitanism. The range of Ba- 
thyactis symmetrica, above noted, is practically world-wide, indi- 
viduals of the species having been obtained from the Azores, the 
Massachusetts coast, the Bermudas, the east and west coasts of 
South America, Kerguelen Island, the coast of Australia, the Mo- 
lucca seas, and the coast of Japan. Scarcely less extensive is the 
range of Deltocyathus Italicus. Caryophyllia communis has been 
taken off Nova Scotia, the Azores, the Bermudas, and the Cape of 
Good Hope. The only genera which appear to be restricted in 
range are Stephanophyllia and Sphenotrochus, which as yet have 
been obtained only from the shallow seas of the Malay Archipelago. 
The compound Madreporaria of the deep-sea are very limited, both 
specifically and individually, the most abundant form dredged by 
the “ Challenger” being a species of Lophohelia (L. prolifera). 

In their relations with fossil forms the deep-sea corals have re- 
vealed very little of special importance. Somewhat more than one- 
third of the genera are represented in the Tertiary formations, and 
a considerably smaller number (Caryophyllia, Trochocyathus, The- 


cocyathus, Parasmilia, Lophohelia, &c.) in the Mesozoic series. No 
Paleozoic genera are represented, and, if we except the Cyathon- 
axide, apparently not even any of the distinctive families. A few 
of the forms have been identified with Tertiary species, as Delto- 
cyathus Italicus, Caryophyllia communis (Sicily), and, among others, 
possibly one or more species of Flabellum and Stephanophyliia. 
Caryophyllia cylindracea, a well-known European Cretaceous spe- 
cies, has been dredged in eleven hundred fathoms water off the 
coast of Portugal, in associations with other forms of an equally 
ancient aspect.®® One species of Stephanophyillia (S. complicata, 
from the Ki Islands), although having its nearest ally in the 8. dis- 
coides from the London Clay (Eocene), is, remarkably enough, in 
certain peculiarities of structure, most intimately related to a form 
from the Jurassic formation of Germany (S. florealis). At the pres- 
ent day, as far as is known, the genus survives only in a remote 
spot of the East Indies, completely severed from its former Euro- 
pean habitat. Desmophyllum ingens, from the fjords of Western 
Patagonia, appears to be specifically identical with an undetermined 
species from the Quaternary deposits of Messina, Sicily. 

It will be manifest, from what has preceded, that the modern 
distribution of the deep-sea corals affords little satisfactory evidence 
as to the special conditions—light, temperature, or depth—which 
affect the development of this class of animals. Indeed, it would 
appear at first sight as though none of these conditions were di- 
rectly involved in the distribution of the group as a whole, or of its 
individual members. The great bathymetrical range of many, or 
the majority, of the forms, from the surface waters of a mild tem- 
perature to the water of icy coldness, clearly proves the ready adapt- 
ability of these organisms to extremes of temperature, or, what 
might also be true, the want of appreciation, on their part, of ther- 
mometric conditions. It is to be noted as a remarkable circumstance 
in this connection, seeing through what an extensive range of tem- 
perature their vertical distribution extends, that so few of the forms 
penetrate within shallow water, or water of less than fifty fathoms. 
Professor Fuchs has attempted to explain this anomaly on the as- 
sumption that these, as well as other strictly deep-sea organisms, 
were animals of darkness, and that they rarely penetrated within 
the zone of light-penetration. But it may be questioned, as has 
already been done when treating of the life of the sea, whether the 


interpretation here given of the abyssal fauna is a valid one. In- 
deed, it might be doubted altogether whether there is such a thing 
as a true fauna of darkness; or, if existing, it may be considered 
questionable whether the members composing it have not become 
habituated to present conditions through force of accident or a 
process of degeneration, rather than through selection as guided by 
individual instinct or volition. It appears highly improbable on its 
face that animals so feebly endowed with perceptive powers as 
these appear to be, and which at the same time possess a most 
extraordinary adaptability to extreme conditions of temperature and 
pressure, should be so constituted in their relations to illumination 
as not to be able to endure the quantum of light which passes 
through even the shallowest stratum of water. 

The present broad distribution of the deep-sea Madreporaria 
appears, likewise, to have obtained in the earlier geological periods. 
Thus, Professor Duncan has shown, from his researches on the fossil 
coral fauna of the West India islands, that a number of the forms 
occurring there, in both the Eocene and Miocene formations, are 
such as had been already previously described from the equivalent 
deposits of Europe, e. g., Paracyathus crassus, Trochocyathus cor- 
nucopie, T. laterospinosus, Ceratotrochus duodecimcostatus, the last 
three from Italy, and the second also from the Vienna basin. Fla- 
bellum appendiculatum, from the Oligocene beds of the island of 
St. Bartholomew, is a species from Biarritz and Ronca; Trocho- 
smilia subcurvata, from the same island, occurs in the Eocene beds 
of Oberburg, in Styria, and T. arguta, at Castel Gomberto, in 
Venetia, and other Oligocene localities.*® Other Tertiary species 
have since been identified as being trans-Atlantic, and, doubtless, 
many forms will be found whose range is still very much greater. 
The Italian Conotrochus typus, Balanophyllia cylindrica, and Delto- 
cyathus Italicus, are found also in the Australian Tertiary strata.°° 
In view of the very extended range of so many of the species, the 
distinctness of the Indian (Sindh) coral fauna, which holds scarcely 
any species in common with any distant region, at least as far as 
has yet been determined, is not a little remarkable. Considering 
the apparent independence of the animals of this class, of the vary- 
ing conditions of temperature and pressure which a habitation of 
the deep-sea presents, and not unlikely also of other physical 
conditions as well, it is difficult to account for the comparatively 


short range in time of the different species end genera. It is in- 
deed true, as far as the genera are concerned, that the very limited 
number of areas of deep-sea deposits may satisiactorily explain the 
absence, as fossils, of the greater number of the modern genera, but 
this circumstance will scarcely account for the distinctness of the 
species. None of the species of the English-Tertiaries, from the 
Crag to the Eocene, are living forms, and the same appears to 
be the case with the species from the German and Italian Oligo- 
cene. In his enumeration of the species from, the Miocene deposits 
of Austria, Professor Reuss admits but a single recent form, Cary- 
ophyliia clavus.*? Not a single one of the species of the West India 
Miocene deep-sea Madreporaria is, according to Duncan, a member of 
the recent coral fauna, and yet just here a certain stability of physi- 
cal conditions would have been supposed to ensure a steady per- 
petuation of the species. Similarly, if we except two or three spe- 
cies no longer found in the region, the extensively distributed 
Deltocyathus Italicus, and Flabellum Cendeanum, from the China 
seas, and F. distinctum, from the Red and Japanese seas, all of the 
Australian Tertiary (Miocene or Pliocene) Madreporaria are extinct, 
and, what is very remarkable, only a very insignificant fraction of 
the living local genera is represented specifically in the Tertiary 
deposits of that region. Conocyathus sulcatus, a species from the 
Oligocene beds of the Maintz basin, is recognised by Duncan as a 
member of the recent Australian fauna.” 

The restricted specific longevity here indicated is certainly in 
marked contrast to what obtains among the Mollusca, where, as is 
well known, the recent forms constitute a no inconsiderable per- 
centage of the Miocene fauna, and are not even wholly absent from 
the fauna of the Eocene series.* And yet the Mollusca would seem 
to be much more dependent for their existence upon special physi- 
cal conditions of their surroundings than are the corals. The sur- 
prising persistence of the Foraminifera is, by way of contrast, not a 
little remarkable. 

The limited range in time of the species and genera of deep-sea 

* The late Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys has recently attempted to show that none of 
the Eocene molluscan species are identical with living forms. Whether this be 
so or not, there can be no question as to the existence of a limited number of 
representative types, which unmistakably bind together the past and present 
faunas, and in a manner which we do not find among the corals. 


corals is likewise exemplified in the case of the reef-builders; but 
here the absolute limitations to existence that are set by the physi- 
cal aspects of the environs render such a condition in no way sur- 
prising; indeed, it is just what might have been expected. Only 
a very limited number of the existing generic types date from the 
Cretaceous period (Porites, Diploria, Mzeandrina, Goniastreea) and a 
still smaller number from the Jurassic (Favia, Heliastreea, Cladocora), 
although not unlikely all, or very nearly all, of them belong to some 
part or other of the Tertiary period. On the other hand, the num- 
ber of generic types that range through the whole series of the 
Mesozoic deposits (Isastreea, Thamnastreea, Rhabdophyllia, Thecos- 
milia, Cladophyllia, Latimaandra, Stylina) is considerable, and 
some of these, as Thamnastreea, Thecosmilia, and Rhabdophyllia, 
also pass over into the Tertiaries. 

In their geographical distribution the modern reef-builders are 
confined to a zone extending on either side of the Equator whose 
outer limits are bounded by the isocryme of 68° Fahr., or the line 
which marks a lowest average temperature of 68° for all months of 
the year. No species, apparently, can endure a lower temperature, 
while most of them require for their greatest development a tem- 
perature considerably more elevated. Professor Dana has divided 
the coral-reef seas into two primary sections, the torrid and the 
sub-torrid, the former of which, whose delimitation is fixed by the 
isocrymes of 74°, is included in principal part between the twentieth 
or twenty-third parallels of north and south latitude, although 
reaching in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Mexico considerably 
beyond the normal limit. The greatest profusion and wealth of 
coral growth is exemplified in this region, and particularly in the 
waters of the Central Pacific (Fiji islands, &c.). The astrieas, 
meandrinas, porites, and Pocillopore attain here their fullest per- 
fection, and with them are associated large beds or masses of ma- 
drepores, Pavonie, Fungi, and tubipores, and hosts of other forms 
of the most diverse outline and brilliancy of colouring. A deficiency 
in the variety of species and genera becomes apparent as we pro- 
ceed eastward. Much the same types as occur in the Pacific are 
represented in the coral islands of the Red Sea and the Indian 
Ocean, and in the East Indies; and in the limited fauna which is 
developed along the western coast of America, between Guayaquil 
and the peninsula of Lower California, the Pacific element is almost 


exclusively represented (Porites, Pavonia, Pociilopora, Dendro- 
phyllia, Fungia, &c.). The West Indian coral fauna, on the other 
hand, is deficient, either wholly or in great part, in many of the 
more distinctive forms of the Pacific Ocean (Astrza, Pavonia, Pocil- 
lopora, Fungia), a deficiency in part made good by a special devel- 
opment of forms (Diploria, Agaricia, Siderina, Oculina, Cladocora, 
Astrangia) which are either wholly wanting, or have only a rela- 
tively feeble representation, in the islands of the Pacific. The 
madrepores of this region attain to prodigious size. Clumps of 
Madrepora palmata, a foliaceous species, have been found to meas- 
ure two yards in width, while the branches of the tree-like M. 
cervicornis not rarely reach a height of from ten to fifteen feet. 
Professor Verrill has pointed out the somewhat remarkable fact that 
none of the West Indian species of coral are specifically identical 
with the species of the Panama coast, although most, if not all, of 
the Florida reef-builders (species of Porites, Madrepora, Meeandrina, 
Manicina, Siderina, Agaricia, Orbicella) are also found on the coast 
of Aspinwall. Doubtless this difference is in great part attribut- 
able to the comparative brevity of the naturai life of the species, as 
it is well known that direct communication between the Atlantic 
and Pacific oceans, in the region of Panama, was maintained during 
the middle or later part of the Tertiary period (Miocene or Plio- 
cene), and, if this was so, there can be little doubt that at that time 
many of the forms on opposite sides of the present isthmus were 
identical specifically. The present differentiation, arising from 
isolation, would then date back at least as far as the permanent (or 
nearly that) elevation of the separating land-mass, and not improb- 
ably to a period considerably antecedent to that. For although, 
as has already been seen, the number of recent species that extend 
back to the Miocene period is very limited in most parts of the 
earth’s surface, yet just in the West India region Professor Duncan 
has shown that very nearly ten per cent. of the Miocene coral fauna 
is made up of existing species. This being true, we should nat- 
urally expect to find, if the isolation of the Panamaic and Gulf 
faunas took place in the Miocene period, a considerable intermix- 
ture of identical species, which is not the case. It appears prob- 
able, therefore, that for some time previous to the final emergence 
of the isthmus, whether through the down-wash of sediment or 
otherwise, the region was in a measure rendered inimical to coral 


growth, and that but little, if any, transference of species from one 
side to the other was effected.* The principal reefs of the sub- 
torrid zone, other than the South Pacific, are those of the Bermudas 
and the Sandwich Islands, both of which are characterised by a 
comparative paucity of specific forms. Most of the species occurring 
among the former (Isophyllia, Diploria, Oculina, Siderastrea, Pori- 
tes) are West Indian types; in the Sandwich Islands the predomi- 
nating forms are Porites and Pocillopora, there being a marked 
deficiency in the representatives of the Astrea and Fungia tribes, 
and a complete absence of Madrepora. The point most distant 
from the Equator about which reef-structures have been noted ap- 
pears to be Quelpaert’s Island, situated south of Corea on the 
thirty-fourth parallel of north latitude. 

In comparing the past with the present distribution of coral 
reefs, we are at once confronted with the not very surprising, al- 
though all-important, fact that the areas of such distribution in no 
way correspond with those distinctive of the modern seas. The 
extension of reefs northward to points far beyond any now occu- 
pied by such structures is practically proof positive of the existence 
of thermal conditions very different from those which obtain at the 
present day, and of a much more equable climate, with a more 
elevated temperature, than is now found in the higher latitudes of 
the earth’s surface. Paleozoic reef-building corals have been found 
in Eurasia (Scandinavia, Russia) far above the sixtieth parallel 
of latitude, and a number of genera even in Spitzbergen, Nova 
Zembla, and Barentz. Islands; Lithostrotion was obtained by the 
officers of the British North-Pole Expedition, under command of Sir 
George Nares, at a point beyond the eighty-first parallel of latitude. 
The reef-building corals of the Silurian and Devonian periods— 
Favosites, Heliolites, Halysites, Syringopora, Cyathophyllum, Acer- 
vularia, &c.—have left traces of their profuse development in seas 
as far north as Canada and Scandinavia, but it would perhaps be 
straining a point to infer from their occurrence there that climatic 
conditions in any way identical with those existing in the modern 
coral zones prevailed during those periods in high northern lati- 
tudes. Our knowledge respecting the habits 2nd affinities of these 
ancient organisms is still much too limited to permit of a positive 

* All the species described by Duncan from the Oligocene deposits of the 

island of St. Bartholomew are extinct. 
12 = 


determination of the question. Yet the recession southward of reef- 
structures, in the making of which the modern type corals were 
largely involved, during the succeeding periods of the Mesozoic 
and Cainozoic eras, seems to indicate that this must have been the 
case; for as far as the evidence from these later structures goes 
there can be no reasonable doubt as to a progressive lowering of the 
oceanic temperature correlatively with an advance in time. And if 
this was the case from the Triassic period onward, there is every 
reason to suppose that it has been so from a much earlier period. 
Reef-structures appear to have been very extensively developed 
in South-Central Europe during the Triassic period, and not un- 
likely much of the giant dolomites of the Tyrol, whose abrupt and 
pinnacled masses so wonderfully diversify the face of the country, 
is the product of the unceasing labours of the minute polyp. In the 
succeeding Jurassic period a more or less continuous coral sea oc- 
cupied a considerable portion of Western and Central Europe, as is 
evidenced by the vestiges of reefs which still remain in England, 
France, Germany, and Switzerland. During the deposition of the 
Oolites the reef-structures appear to have attained their maximum 
development, the shallow coral sea, with its atolls and barrier reefs, 
extending as far east as the Carpathian Mountains, and covering 
much of the region now occupied by the Alps. The British area 
was still favourable to the growth of the coral polyp. With the 
beginning of the Cretaceous period there would seem to have been 
a gradual deepening of the oceanic bottom to the north, and the 
introduction of conditions inimical to the proper development of 
coral life, for the number and extent of the reefs occurring there 
are comparatively very limited; a Southern European belt, on the 
other hand, is very coralliferous. No doubt the gradual lowering 
of the oceanic temperature had much to do with this recession, 
more, in fact, than the simple lowering of the oceanic bottom, 
since the latter, if gradual, while it would almost certainly check 
a lateral extension of coral structures, would scarcely tend towards 
their complete or wholesale obliteration. The coral formations 
would still persist with the conversion of connected land-masses 
into islands, and after the complete submersion of these last, just 
as we now find them over the deeper oceanic abysses. That the 
temperature at this period was not entirely too low, however, in 
all parts of the region under consideration, is proved by the Upper 


Cretaceous reefs of Maestricht, Faxoe, and the neighbourhood of 
St. Petersburg, and by the limited vestiges of such whicl: still 
mark the Eocene deposits of the typical English basin. The reefs 
of the Eocene period find their greatest extension in Southern 
Europe—from the northern flanks of the Alps and Pyrenees south- 
ward, and eastward through the Crimea, Egypt, Syria, Arabia, and 
East India. The more extensive European reefs of the Oligocene 
period are those of Oberburg, in Styria, and Northern Italy (Crosara, 
Castel Gomberto, &c.); Miocene reef-patches still exist in Spain, 
Southeastern France, Northern Italy (Superga), the Vienna basin, 
and Hungary, the larger structures, however, occurring in the region 
farther to the south (Malta, Asia Minor, the West Indies, Java). 
At the close of this period the reefs appear to have still further 
receded, and in the Pliocene they completely vacated the present 
continental area. Dr. Duncan has remarked the existence in the 
Table Cape Tertiaries of Tasmania (Miocene ?) of reef-building 
corals (Heliastreea, Thamnastreea) at a point removed some fifteen 
degrees of latitude south of the coral isotherm of that region.** 

The limited range in depth—not exceeding twenty fathoms—of 
reef-building corals is certainly extraordinary, and something that 
still remains in the nature of a puzzle to the naturalist. That it is 
not, either wholly or in great part, dependent upon conditions of 
temperature is conclusively proved by the total absence of such 
organisms in depths beyond one hundred and twenty feet where a 
temperature considerably above that required for coral growth still 
prevails (Pacific Ocean, Red Sea). Possibly a movement, or want 
of movement, in the oceanic waters has something to do with this 
abrupt limitation. 

The Alcyonaria or Octocoralla, except in so far as some of the 
forms until recently classed with the Tabulata may be considered 
to belong to this group—as Halysites and Syringopora, supposed 
to be allied to the organ-pipe (Tubipora), Heliolites to Heliopora— 
acquire but little geological importance. The pennatulids appear 
to have one or more representatives (Pavonaria) extending back to 
the Cretaceous period, and a limited number (Graphularia ?) also in 
the Eocene. The sea-fans (Gorgonide), whose brilliantly coloured 
masses constitute such a striking feature of the coral patches of 
both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, are not positively known be- 
fore the Miocene period (Primnoa, Gorgonella). The genus Isis 


occurs in the Cretaceous deposits, and Corallium, to which the 
red coral of commerce belongs, already in the Jurassic. The 
distribution of the latter genus appears to be at the present time 
confined principally to the Mediterranean Sea, where it ranges in 
depth from shallow water (twenty-five to fifty feet) to water over 
one thousand feet, and to the Atlantic off the northwest of Africa. 
A species of the genus (Corallium stylasteroides) has been obtained 
off the coast of Mauritius, and another from Japan (C. [Pleuro- 
corallium] secundum). The officers of the ‘‘ Challenger” expedi- 
tion obtained water-worn fragments at Banda and the Ki Islands, 
indicating the existence of the genus in the Malay Archipelago. 


The most detailed information that we possess respecting the 
geographical and bathymetrical distribution of the recent Brachio- 
poda is furnished by Davidson in his report appended to the nar- 
rative of the ‘‘ Challenger” expedition (1880). Of the one hundred 
and thirty-five species and varieties (referable to some twenty genera 
and sub-genera) here recognised, whose distribution covers all parts 
of the oceanic surface, from Spitzbergen (Terebratella Spitzbergensis, 
Terebratulina caput-serpentis) and Franklin Pierce Bay (latitude 
79° 25’; Rhynchonella pisittacea) on the north to Kerguelen Island 
and the Straits of Magellan on the south, there are few, if any, 
that can in any way be considered truly cosmopolitan, although 
species of broad distribution are not exactly uncommon.  Tere- 
bratulina caput-serpentis is perhaps the most widely distributed of 
all the known forms, its habitat comprising the Arctic seas of both 
the Eastern and Western Hemisphere (Spitzbergen, Davis Strait), 
the Atlantic coast of Europe as far south as Spain, Jamaica, Corea, 
and Australia. Terebratula Wyvillii is found off the coasts of South 
Australia, the Falkland Islands, and Chili. As a rule it may be 
said that the north and south extension of a species is greater 
than the east and west extension, a condition doubtless due in 
principal part to the general disposition of the land areas in this 
direction. Arctic or cireumpolar species have naturally a broad 
lateral dispersion. Species restricted in their habitat to shallow 
water are as a rule much more sharply circumscribed in their range 
than those inhabiting the greater depths, as might reasonably have 
been supposed. Localisation to limited coast lines, as Japan, 


Corea, Florida, is of frequent occurrence, and not unlikely certain 
species may be even restricted to special bays or inlets of the sea. 
But few other than boreal or hyperboreal species are fuund inhabit- 
ing opposite sides of the same oceanic basin; notable exceptions 
are Platydia anomioides, whose range embraces the Mediterranean 
and West European coasts and the Florida reefs, and Thecidium 
Mediterraneum, from the northwest coast of Africa and Jamaica, 
both with a vertical range falling within six hundred fathoms. The 
most striking instances of areal discontinuity are furnished by 
Terebratella Frielii (near Halifax, one thousand three hundred and 
forty fathoms, and the Philippine Islands, one hundred and two 
fathoms) and Discinisca stella (Singapore, Philippines, Japanese and 
Chinese seas, and Bermuda), the former a deep-sea species, and the 
latter restricted to shallow water (seventeen to forty-nine fathoms). 
From such data as have been given, it would appear that the 
oceanic abysses form an insuperable barrier to the passage of the 
Brachiopoda; how the transference was effected in the case of the 
few exceptional species that have been indicated remains a matter 
of conjecture. 

In their bathymetrical distribution the Brachiopoda affect the 
most diverse conditions of existence. While some forms (all or 
nearly all the species of Lingula, for example) appear to be incapa- 
ble of living in greater depths than a few fathoms below water-line, 
others, again, seem just as incapable of leaving the greater depths. 
Discinisca Atlantica, a widely spread deep-sea species, has thus far 
been found only in water exceeding six hundred and fifty fathoms, 
and Terebratula Wyvillii, an equally wide-spread and abundant 
species, in water exceeding one thousand fathoms. Other species, 
on the other hand (Terebratula vitrea, 5-1456 fathoms; Terebratu- 
lina caput-serpentis, 0-1180 fathoms), seem capable of accommo- 
dating themselves to the greatest variety of depths. The species 
exhibiting the widest range of accommodation are such as have in 
part a boreal or arctic habitat; in other words, forms which find 
the same water-temperature at the surface and at varying depths 
beneath the surface. Per contra, the species having the most lim- 
ited vertical range are those confined to the warm waters, tropical 
and sub-tropical. From this it follows that distribution in depth is 
effected primarily by conditions of temperature, and not by consid- 
erations of light, food-supply, &c., as has been urged by Fuchs and 


others. A marked exception to the above law is furnished by the 
type form of Terebratula vitrea, of the Mediterranean and adjacent 
seas, whose range varies between five and fourteen hundred and 
fifty-six fathoms. The greatest depth whence any brachiopod has 
been obtained is twenty-nine hundred fathoms (Terebratula Wy- 

Of about one hundred and seven species with whose range we 
are acquainted, fifty-seven, or more than one-half, are restricted to 
depths of under one hundred fathoms, and of these a large propor- 
tion properly belong to the shore-line, or to a zone of from five to 
fifteen fathoms water. There are twenty-one species (or varieties) 
whose range extends to, or above, five hundred fathoms; ten with 
a range of one thousand and upward; and three with two thousand. 
These facts indicate, as Mr. Davidson has pointed out, that the 
‘ oreater bulk of known species live at comparatively small or mod- 
erate depths,” and that ‘‘ Brachiopoda are specifically rare at depths 
varying from five hundred to twenty-nine hundred fathoms.” As 
to numerical distribution we find, as the result of the ‘‘ Challenger’s ” 
explorations, that in ninety-nine dredgings, taken in water of from 
one to five hundred fathoms, Brachiopoda were brought to the sur- 
face about twenty-three times; in thirty dredgings, of five hundred 
to one thousand fathoms, four times; in ninety-four dredgings, 
of one thousand to two thousand fathoms, nine times; and in one 
hundred and seventy-six dredgings, of two to three thousand fath- 
oms, only six times. It is seen here, therefore, that the numeric 
diminution keeps pace with the specific, and that practically the 
Brachiopoda cease to abound in depths exceeding five hundred 
to six hundred fathoms. The proper appreciation of these facts be- 
comes of prime importance when discussing the nature of geologi- 
cal deposits containing brachiopod remains. 

In respect of numerical development and broad distribution, 
both in time and space, the Brachiopoda constitute, for the geolo- 
gist, the most important landmark in the determination of his hori- 
zons. Beginning with the very earliest fossiliferous formation, the 
Cambrian, and there already in nearly the bottom bed (St. David's), 
they continue throughout all time, and if, during the more recent 
geological periods, they have suffered rapid diminution, both in 
actual numbers and the variety of forms, they are still sufficiently 
abundant and varied to indicate that a long period must elapse 


before their final, or even approximate, extinction will have been 
reached. Indeed, if specific variation be considered a just criterion 
in the determination of the question of development or extinction, 
it may be reasonably doubted whether we are not now actually 
more remote from the apparent closing period of the existence of 
this group of animals than we were at the beginning of the Tertiary 
epoch, possibly a million or more years ago. Some sixty species 
and varieties, referable to ten genera, of brachiopods have been 
described by Davidson (1870) from the Tertiary deposits of Italy, 
and these constitute by far the largest number furnished by any one 
country of all the Tertiary forms that have thus far been described. 
England has but seven species, and France and Germany scarcely 
more, while the United States have not even as many. The num- 
ber of distinct forms found in the present Mediterranean waters is 
about fifteen, or only one-fourth the number found in the Italian 
Tertiaries; but it must be recollected that the periods of time which 
we are here comparing are of very unequal duration, the ‘“ recent” 
period being only a mere figment of that indicated by the Tertiary 
formations. If to the recent and Quaternary species we add those 
found in the Upper Pliocene we will have a total of twenty-one 
species, which will then considerably outnumber the species from 
the entire Eocene series (thirteen or seventeen), and only fall eight 
or nine short of the total number from the combined Lower, Middle, 
and Upper Miocene. As to generic development, we find the Italian 
Tertiary species to belong to ten genera or sub-genera, to wit: Tere- 
bratula, Terebratulina, Waldheimia, Terebratella, Megerlia, Platy- 
dia, Argiope, Thecidium, Rhynchonella, and Crania, all of which, 
except Terebratella and Rhynchonella, are still found in the Medi- 
terranean waters.* The number of Tertiary brachiopod genera and 
sub-genera thus far recognised is fourteen,** as against twenty or 
more of the present day. 

The earliest known Brachiopoda, or those of the Cambrian pe- 
riod, belong almost exclusively to the group of the Brachiopoda 
inarticulata (Pleuropygia), forms in which the shell is horny-calca- 
reous and devoid of a dental articulation—Lingula, Lingulella, Lin- 
gulepis, Obolella, Kutorgina, Acrothele, Acrotreta, Discina. The 
remains of Orthis (and Orthisina ?) alone of the Brachiopoda articu- 

* Thecidium Mediterrancum appears to belong only to the African side of 
the Mediterranean, 


lata occur associated with these lower forms. Up to 1868 there were 
catalogued some one hundred and twenty-six species (Bigsby) from 
the Cambrian deposits of the world, most of which belonged to 
Canada, Scandinavia, and the British Isles (twenty species in 1880, 
Etheridge). The prodigious development of the Brachiopoda in 
the Silurian period, apart from the mere consideration of numbers, 
is important, as representing the climax of development in this re- 
markable group of organisms. Henceforward they show a pretty 
steady decline, although the rate of decline for the various periods 
is different for different regions of the earth’s surface. The fact 
that there are some fifteen hundred or more species in the Silurian 
deposits, of which considerably over five hundred are already rep- 
resented in the Lower Silurian, and less than two hundred in the 
Cambrian, is extraordinary, whichever way it be considered, for, 
whether in the Cambrian we were somewhere near the beginning of 
life, or very distantly remote from it, as is much more likely to 
have been the case, the difficulty of explanation is in no wise af- 
fected. In either case the suddenness of the Silurian apparition 
is the same, and this is the more remarkable, seeing that there is 
scarcely any advance in the number of species of the Upper as com- 
pared with the Lower Cambrian. In the Bohemian Silurian basin 
Barrande enumerates six hundred and forty species, whereas in the 
Cambrian there are but two ! 

It is usually assumed that the Silurian species of brachiopods 
are vastly in excess of the Devonian, but the latest revised tables 
seem to indicate that this is not the case, and, indeed, it is not 
improbable that the numerical balance will be found to weigh on 
the other side. The number of genera is, however, greatly re- 
duced, from about seventy to fifty, and this reduction is further 
carried into the Carboniferous period, where we have but forty 
genera, representing some eight hundred to nine hundred species. 
That there should have been, so soon after the climax had been 
reached, such a rapid decline is not a little surprising, but yet the 
suddenness of this decline is in no way comparable with the sud- 
denness of the apparition already noticed in the Silurian. More 
surprising is the almost total absence of forms from the Permian 
deposits, where the deficiency can only partially be explained by 
the circumstance of the limited extent which these deposits occupy, 
and the special conditions under which their formation was effected. 


The gradational passage between the brachiopod faunas of the 
Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras is probably more complete than in the 
case of any other group of the Invertebrata. Indeed, were it not 
for considerations drawn from other and higher groups of animals, 
the Triassic deposits would from this testimony alone be more 
properly relegated to the former than to the latter of the two eras, 
for with very insignificant limitations—Thecidium, Waldheimia, be- 
ing exceptions—all the specific forms of this period belong, if not 
to such genera as are absolutely peculiar to the Trias—Koninckia, 
Ceenothyris—to types which are not only represented in the Paleo- 
zoic formations, but in most instances are eminently distinctive of 
them. It must be noted, however, that by far the greater number 
of the Paleozoic types had already ceased to exist, and such as still 
linger on, except the few more persistent types, like Lingula, Dis- 
cina, Crania, and Rhynchonella, rapidly near extermination. The 
Cretaceo-Jurassic brachiopods constitute, strictly speaking, a single 
series, the members of which belong mainly to the genus Rhyn- 
chonella, and to a number of closely inter-related genera of the 
family Terebratulide. 

Perhaps the most striking fact taken in connection with the 
geological distribution of the Brachiopoda is the remarkable varia- 
tion shown in the adaptation of different groups to their surround- 
ings. While certain generic types—those of the family Obolide, 
for example—appear to have been incapable of surviving for more 
than a comparatively brief period of time, dying out with the sud- 
denness of their introduction, others, again, like the Lingula and 
Discina, have persisted throughout all time, and with such slight 
modification of structure as to render it difficult in some instances 
to determine specific differences between the most ancient and the 
most modern forms. That the least complex or most primitive 
forms of brachiopods should exhibit the greatest persistence might 
have been naturally expected, but it is nevertheless rather singular 
that the number of persistent types following these earliest pre- 
cursors of a class should be so very limited in number. This per- 
sistence appears the more marked, too, when we reflect how very 
narrowly circumscribed in their vertical range are the majority of 
the species. Thus, out of the vast number of described forms, 
comprising possibly not less than five thousand distinct species, 
only a bare handful pass from one formation to another, and, in- 


deed, a very large proportion of the species appear to be restricted 
to special zones of a given formation.* 

In their geographical relations the ancient Brachiopoda differ 
essentially from those of the modern seas by reason of their broad 
horizontal distribution. Cosmopolitanism, or something approach- 
ing it, if not exactly the rule, was at least distinctive of a very 
large proportion of the species, a circumstance undoubtedly due 
to more equable conditions of environment, and the absence of in- 
terposed barriers to migration. This broad dispersion is perhaps 
nowhere better illustrated than in the case of the extinct fauna of 
China. Thus, out of a total of thirteen Silurian and twenty-four 
Devonian species described in Richthofen’s work, no less than ten 
of the former and sixteen of the latter are also found in Western 
Europe; and, further, of the Devonian species, about eleven, or 
nearly fifty per cent., are cosmopolitan. Again, of about twenty- 
five Carboniferous species, some fifteen (or sixty per cent.) are 
common to North America, and about an equal number are cosmo- 


The more salient features connected with the distribution of 
the animals of this class have already been considered in our treat- 
ment of Geographical Distribution and Brachiopoda, and do not 
require restatement. It has been seen that the principal factors 
involved in this distribution are temperature and the presence or 
absence of continuous coast-lines along which migration might be 
effected; to these two categories may also be added the circum- 
stance of light (or darkness), but to what extent this influence is 
exerted has not as yet been determined. 

The attempted subdivision of the oceanic area into a number 
of distinct regions (provinces), each one characterised by a more or 
less peculiar assemblage of molluscan forms, while undoubtedly 
indicating a certain amount of faunal individuality, is still far from 

* A more critical and impartial revision of the species will not unlikely 
materiaily increase tne number of such connecting forms, and forms of even 
widely separated formations may be found to be iaentical. Thus, Davidson 
(‘‘ British Fossil Brachiopoda,” ‘‘ Paleont. Soc. Rep.,’’? 1884, p. 896-398) ad- 
mits that some of the forms of the Mediterranean Terebratulina capui-serpeutis 
may only be varieties of the Cretaceous T. striata; and, likewise, that the 
recent Rhynchonella nigricans and some Cretaceous and Jurassic forms are so 
closely related to each other ‘‘ that we are at a loss to define their differences.” 


satisfactory. The notion of absolute limitation, which was enter- 
tained when the provinces were first instituted, sees its own dis- 
proof in the records of almost every new exploration, and the 
annihilation of the very essentials which were considered requisite 
for the framing of zoogeographical boundaries. The more phil- 
osophical interpretation of the nature of species, and the more 
general recognition of the fact that certain forms considered to be 
peculiar to a definite region or district may also occur elsewhere, or 
where they are assumed not to belong, even if they show no varia- 
tion in their characters, have done much to render the generally ac- 
cepted provinces illusory. It is true that many of the regions now 
recognised by conchologists are strictly defined as such, but it is 
equally true, using the generally accepted criterion in the formation 
of provinces—the inclusion of a certain proportion of peculiar 
species—that new provinces, with entirely different boundaries, 
and with as much claim to faunal peculiarity, might be instituted 
in place of others that are also fully recognised. Until greater 
harmony is reached by malacologists in their realisation of species, 
and more regard paid to the facts of nature rather than to precon- 
ceived notions, any attempt at delimitation of zoogeographical 
boundaries must prove at best only half satisfactory. 

The Mollusca proper—Lamellibranchiata, Gasteropoda, Ptero- 
poda, and Cephalopoda—of which there are some 30,000, or more, 
recent species, have a world-wide distribution, being found in 
almost all parts of the earth’s surface that have thus far been vis- 
ited by man. From beyond the eighty-second parallel of north 
latitude to the Equator, and from the surface of the sea to a depth 
of sixteen or seventeen thousand feet, and to an equal height above 
it on the land, they are everywhere more or less abundant. Despite 
the extraordinary range which certain species are reputed to enjoy, 
there is yet scarcely a single one that is in any way entitled to the 
claim of cosmopolitanism, nor, indeed, any, if we except possibly 
some pelagic species (pteropods, cephalopods), and the members of 
the Arctic and Antarctic faunas, which occupy a complete circum- 
ferential zone of the globe.* 

* A further exception may possibly have to be made in favour of some of 
the abyssal species, concerning whose distribution we know practically noth- 
ing. Mytilus edulis and Saxicava arctica are perhaps the most strictly cos- 
mopolitan species known. 


This condition is somewhat surprising in view of the free- 
swimming character of the molluscan embryo, and the fact that a 
number of forms of tropical habit have in some way managed to 
gain access to the opposite shores of the oceanic basin. Many of 
the forms belonging to the Caribbean province recur on the west 
coast of Africa, and the Dolium galea of the Mediterranean is also 
a member of the Brazilian and Antillean faunas. In what particular 
manner the transport was effected in the case of these few favoured 
species it is impossible even to conjecture, but it appears to point 
to a remarkable vital tenacity on the part of the embryo. Still 
more surprising, and entirely inexplicable, is the distribution of 
the fifteen or more species (including a dozen species of the genus 
Triton) whose common habitat is the Indian Ocean and the West 
Indian sea, when no connecting representative is found in the 
intermediate area. This is perhaps the most remarkable instance 
of specific areal discontinuity known, and contrasts sharply with 
what is observed on the west coast of America, where, of the 
very rich fauna of the Panamaic province, with no intervening 
barrier, an only equally small number of species is held in common 
with the Indo-Pacific region. The species of the far south, on 
the other hand, are largely similar, despite the absence of existing 
land-connection. From the occurrence of identical forms in New 
Zealand, the Magellan district, and the isolated tracts represented 
by the Kerguelen, Marion, Crozet, and Prince Edward islands, 
Fischer argues ** that we have represented here the disrupted parts 
of a former Antarctic continent, along which specific diffusion was 
primarily effected. But there scems to be no reason why the pres- 
ent distribution might not at least in part be explained on the 
assumption of diffusion along the oceanic bottom—where the differ- 
ence between surface and bottom temperature is no longer extreme 
—seeing that we have here also a number of distinctive Arctic or 
northern types represented (Chiton Belknapi, Lasza rubra, Tere- 
bratulina septentrionalis, Terebratula vitrea, var. minor). The most 
southerly mollusk thus far met with is a pteropod, Limacina ? 
cucullata, which was obtained by the Wilkes Exploring Expedition 
on the sixty-sixth parallel of south latitude. 

Instances of specific limitation are exceedingly numerous, and 
particularly characterise insular faunas. To such an extent is this 
the case that it may be said that almost every oceanic island or 


island group, when surrounded by deep water, has its own dis- 
tinctive molluscan fauna. This we see in such islands as Cuba, 
Jamaica, Hayti, Madagascar, New Caledonia, the Philippines, &c., 
where the faunal peculiarity manifests itself not only among species, 
but extends largely to genera. Even the very much smaller islands 
of Malta, Cos, Naxos, Corfu, Zante, Lesbos, Rhodes, &c., in the 
Mediterranean, have a full share of species which are not found 
elsewhere. The Atlantic island groups of the Azores, Canaries, 
and Cape Verde are still more marked in their individuality. Both 
species and genera are here largely restricted to the several groups, 
and of the forms which ally them with the European fauna a large 
number are such as have been introduced by man. The com- 
mon Holarctic fresh-water genus Unio is entirely wanting, and, 
indeed, in the Azores there is not a single fluviatile form repre- 
sented. Of the eighteen species of Bulimus which constitute the 
entire non-marine molluscan fauna of the Galapagos Islands ten are 
restricted to single islands of the group. The genus Achatinella, 
which is restricted to the Sandwich Islands, has there some two 
hundred and eighty-eight species or varieties, or very nearly three- 
fourths the number of the entire molluscan fauna of the region. 
This faunal individuality, the result of a long-continued isola- 
tion of the various island groups, permitting of a gradual but 
steady evolution of new and independent forms, does not extend 
to Great Britain, whose separation from the continent has been 
effected in a comparatively recent period, and after the constitution 
of the contiguous faunas. There appear to be but two molluscan 
species (Limnzea involuta and Assiminea Grayana) that are distinc- 
tive of this island group. Similarly, the identity existing between 
the Peninsular and North African faunas points, apart from all 
other evidence, to the recent formation of the Strait of Gibraltar. 
The natural barriers which interpose themselves to the free 
migration of the terrestrial and fluviatile Mollusca, such as inter- 
cepting land and water areas, elevated mountain-chains, or deserts, 
are apparently much more numerous than those affecting marine 
forms, and account for the comparatively limited range of most 
species. Yet it is remarkable how far certain forms or types of 
forms have spread. Thus, the two most important genera of land 
and fresh-water mollusks, Helix and Unio, and among fresh-water 
pulmonates, the genera Limnza, Physa, Ancylus, and Planorbis, 


have an almost world-wide extension, many of the species even 
appearing in widely separated parts of two or more continents. 
Still, we know of no truly cosmopolitan species of these groups, 
although through artificial transport many of the forms have been 
made to spread far beyond the limits of their natural domain. 
Helix similaris, indigenous to Eastern Asia, is now largely found in 
Malaysia, Polynesia, Australia, the Seychelles, South Africa, the 
Antilles, and Brazil, and as nearly an extensive range is claimed 
for Ennea bicolor. The common garden-snail of Europe (Helix 
aspersa) has been naturalised in Algeria, the Azores, Brazil, and 
California, and human agency has, doubtless, been largely involved 
in the dissemination of the small moss-inhabiting Helix pulchella, 
which now inhabits the greater part of the continent of Europe, 
the Caucasus, Madeira, the region of the Cape of Good Hope, and 
nearly all Northern North America. 

Bathymetrical and Hypsometrical Distribution.—There are 
five zones of distribution usually recognised in the oceanic waters, 
as follows: 1, the Littoral Zone, or that existing between tide-marks 
—the habitat of the periwinkle, limpets, sand-clam, cockle, mussel, 
and barnacle; 2, the Laminarian Zone, extending from low-water 
mark to about fifteen fathoms, and characterised by a dense growth 
in many places of sea-weed and tangle—the haunt of the vegetable- 
feeding Testacea and of various nudibranchs, and the home of the 
oyster; 3, the Coralline Zone (from fifteen to forty or fifty fathoms), 
the zone of the encrusting Algze (nullipores), and of the large car- 
nivorous Gasteropoda (Buccinum, Fusus, Pleurotoma, Natica, &c.); 
4, the Deep-sea Zone, or that of the Brachiopoda and deep-sea corals 
(from fifty to two hundred and fifty or three hundred fathoms); 
and, 5, the Abyssal Zone, from three hundred fathoms to the oceanic 
floor, throughout which the shells are generally of small size, trans- 
lucent (thin), and white or but feebly coloured. The visual organs 
are here exceptionally devoid of pigment, and blindness has been 
noted in a few species of normally seeing gasteropods. It might be 
doubted, however, whether the last two divisions ought not more 
properly to constitute a single division, considering the large pro- 
portion of genera and species which pass from the shallower to the 
deeper parts. Dall, from the data furnished by the dredgings 
made in the Gulf of Mexico by the steamer ‘‘ Blake” (1877-’78), 
affirms that fully twenty per cent. of the molluscan species obtained 


from that region enjoy a vertical range extending from less than 
fifty to two hundred and fifty and two thousand fathoms,* which 
would then give a very high proportion for those connecting the 
fourth and fifth zones. 

At depths of from three hundred to one thousand fathoms mol- 
lusks are still numerically very abundant, although the number of 
species very rapidly diminishes. From an extreme depth of 2,435 
fathoms (14,610 feet) the ‘‘ Porcupine” obtained but five species, 
and from 2,900 fathoms (17,400 feet) the ‘‘ Challenger” dredged 
only two—Semele profundorum and Callocardia Pacifica. In the 
greatest depths the Lamellibranchiata (principally represented by 
the families Arcade, Nuculide, and Pectinid, the genera Pec- 
chiolia, Nera, &c.) appear to preponderate over the Gasteropoda, 
whose dominating forms are tectibranchs and the Scaphopoda, and, 
among the prosobranchs, the genera Fusus and Pleurotoma. + 

The question whether the abyssal fauna is of a generally uni- 
form type, marked by identical or representative species extend- 
ing from pole to pole, as was first suggested by Lovén, and subse- 
quently admitted by Sir Wyville Thomson, still lacks the necessary 
data required for its solution. The extremely broad or antipodal 

* “Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.,’”? vi., 1880. In a supplemental note only 
fifty-one species (out of four hundred and sixty-two) are recorded whose 
range covers both the littoral and the abyssal zones, thereby reducing the 
ratio to eleven per cent. 

+ The researches of Edgar Smith and Boog Watson upon the Mollusca 
obtained by the ‘‘ Challenger’’ reveal some very remarkable instances among 
this group of animals of ready adaptability to the most varying conditions of 
depth, and of discontinuous habitation. Silenia Sarsii was dredged about 
1,100 miles southwest of Australia in water of 1,950 fathoms, and again off the 
mouth of the Rio de la Plata, in 2,650 fathoms; Verticordia Deshayesiana, 
found off Pernambuco in water of 350 fathoms, was also dredged off Cape 
York in 155 fathoms; Petricola lapicida, a well-known West Indian form, 
recurs off the North Australian coast (seven fathoms) ; and Nuculina ovalis, a 
fossil of the Suffolk Crag, reappears in the waters of the Cape of Good Hope 
in twenty fathoms. Venus mesodesma, a shore species, descends to 1,000 
fathoms, while the range of Lima multicosta extends from two to 1,075 fathoms, 
and of Arca pteroessa from 390 to 2,050 fathoms (the West Indies and the 
North Pacific, respectively). The total number of lamellibranch species ob- 
tained in depths under 100 fathoms was 384; in depths between 100 and 500 
fathoms, 148; between 500 and 1,000 fathoms, 24 (ten stations) ; and between 
1,000 and 2,900 fathoms (thirty-three stations), 70. (‘‘ Challenger’’ Reports, 
* Zoology,” xiii., 1885.) 


distribution of many of the species has led to the belief that such 
is the case, but, on the other hand, certain facts that have recently 
been brought to light seem to point in the contrary direction. 
Thus, it has been shown by Mr. Dall that of the species composing 
the abyssal fauna of the Gulf of Mexico only ten per cent. are such 
as may be termed boreal, a very small proportion to what might 
have been expected, were it to be assumed that the peopling of 
the cold bottom wastes was effected by a descent from the polar 
regions. On the other hand, thirteen per cent. were found to be 
tropical, and seventy-five per cent. uncharacteristic, forms. It is 
concluded from these facts, and from the circumstance that ‘‘the 
tropical forms belong to the same groups as those characteristic of 
the local littoral mollusk fauna,” that in all probability ‘‘the 
abyssal regions have local faune proper to their various portions, 
and that a universal exclusive abyssal fauna, so far as mollusks are 
concerned, does not exist.” This conclusion, which was concurred 
in by the late Mr. Gwyn Jeffreys, receives further support, it is 
claimed, from the distinctness of the ‘‘ Challenger” Mollusca as 
compared with those of the ‘‘ Blake.” 

The hypsometrical distribution of the Mollusca is governed 
almost exclusively by conditions of climate and food-supply, the 
influence of the latter being manifest in the intimate relation 
which binds many of the species to the plants upon which they 
habitually feed. Thus, in the Higher Kabylia, Aucapitaine has 
framed three molluscan zones, each corresponding to a particular 
plant growth: 1. The zone of the ash, olive, and pomegranate 
(450 to 2,100 feet); 2. That of the oak and pine (2,100 to 3,600 
feet); and, 3. That of the cedar and green turf (3,600 to 7,200 
feet). The upper limit to which mollusks attain on the continent 
of Europe (Alps) is about eight thousand feet, somewhat below 
the line of perpetual snow ; along the region of the equatorial 
Andes and the Himalayas the line is placed at about twice this 
height, also approximating the snow-level. Five species of fresh- 
water shells, of the genera Planorbis, Paludestrina, and Cyclas, were 
found by Morelet to inhabit Lake Titicaca at an elevation of nearly 
13,000 feet, while from the Himalayas Anadenus Schlagintweiti 
has been obtained at a height of 16,500 feet, and Limnza Hookeri 
at 18,000 feet. Of the North American land shells the representa- 
tives of extreme hypsometric range appear to be Pupa alticola and 


Vallonia pulchella.°* The various hypsometric zones that have been 
established by conchologists differ at almost all parts of the earth’s 
surface, and are of but local import. The shells of the more 
elevated mountain-summits are many of them, or mostly, of types 
which are found at lower levels in regions of reduced average 
annual temperature, following the well-known law of climatic 
dispersion which we recognise among plants. Vertigo alpestris, 
an inhabitant of Scandinavia, reappears in the Alps of Switzerland, 
although completely wanting in the intermediate regions; and, 
similarly, many Alpine summits hold identical or representative 
species which are wanting in the connecting lowlands. 

Geological Distribution.—The most salient fact that presents 
itself in connection with the past distribution of the Mollusca is 
the reversed order to what might have been expected of the suc- 
cessive development of its primary classes. Thus, almost every- 
where, the Cephalophora, or head-bearing mollusks, antedate by 
one full period the Acephala, or headless forms, which indisput- 
ably represent a lower grade of organism; and among themselves 
the first to attain a maximum development are the cuttle-fishes 
(Cephalopoda), which are.structurally the highest. But two species 
of this group—an Orthoceras and a Cyrtoceras—are positively known 
from the Cambrian formation, while in 1868 Bigsby enumerated no 
less than one hundred and thirteen species of Gasteropoda as belong- 
ing to the same period of time. On the other hand, the total 
number of gasteropod species credited by the same author to the 
Silurian deposits is about eight hundred, whereas Barrande has 
described upwards of eleven hundred species of Nautilids from 
the Upper Silurian deposits of Bohemia alone. As has already been 
intimated, there is a marked deficiency of Cambrian lamellibranchs, 
and even in the Silurian formation the number of species is com- 
paratively limited. Bigsby, in 1868, enumerated, all in all, some 
six hundred and thirty-six species, or but little more than one-half 
the number of Upper Silurian cephalopods of the Bohemian basin. 
The complete differentiation which the different classes of the 
Mollusca had already attained in the Silurian period argues for a 
great antiquity beyond that period of the members of this group. 
To what extent the time measured by the Cambrian period, and 
the interval intervening between it and the Silurian, may have been 
effective in bringing about the various changes, cannot be at pres- 



ent determined; it would appear at first sight as though the length 
of its duration were suflicient, for how otherwise could we in- 
telligently explain the total or nearly total absence of the members 
of at least two of the molluscan group from deposits in which the 
representatives of other groups are sufficiently abundant? (One 
fact, however, must not be lost sight of in this connection, and 
that is, that in these earliest deposits the obliteration of organic 
remains has been most excessive, and that not improbably the 
absence of the required forms is to be attributed rather to the 
destruction of parts than to an actual non-existence in the region. 
For the present it is impossible to affirm whether the Cephalophora 
came into existence before the Lamellibranchiata or not, but the 
evidence scarcely appears sufficient for considering the latter as a 
race derived by degeneration from the former, as has been pre- 
sumed by Professor Lankester. 

The sudden decline of the Cephalopoda (Nautilide) after the 
close of the Silurian period is very remarkable, and scarcely less 
so their rehabilitation under the form of their successors, the Am- 
monitide, in the deposits of the Mesozoic era; Barrande enumerates 
but two hundred and forty-two species from the Devonian forma- 
tion, more than one-half of which belong to the genus Orthoceras, 
and the remainder principally to the genera Cyrtoceras, Gyroceras, 
and Gomphoceras. About an equal number are indicated from the 
deposits of Carboniferous age, where also we find much the same 
genera represented, although with different specific relations. The 
genus Nautilus now for the first time acquires any importance, and 
it and Orthoceras alone of the limited surviving members of the 
family of the Permian period transgress the boundaries of the 
Paleozoic era. The latter genus disappears early in the Trias, 
while the former steadily increases in number, until in the Creta- 
ceous deposits it attains its maximum development, with a repre- 
sentation of some sixty or more species. 

The displacement of the Nautilide by the Ammonitide is, if 
nothing more, certainly an interesting circumstance, and leads one 
to inquire what special advantage the latter may have possessed 
over the former in the struggle for existence, by means of which 
they triumphed over their predecessors. For there can be little 
question that the Ammonitide, despite certain peculiarities in their 
structure, which are not as yet comprehensible to us, are the truly 


modified descendants of the nautiloids, a transition to which ap- 
pears to have been effected by way of the genus Goniatites and 
those forms of the Carboniferous period (India and Texas) which, 
like Arcestes, have the sutural plication intermediate between what 
is seen in Goniatites (Silurian-Permian) and Ceratites (Triassic). 
Just where the embranchment from the nautiloid line took place 
it has been impossible to determine, but it is significant that the 
most nautiloid form of the Ammonitide, the Goniatites, appeared 
after the Nautilide had attained their maximum development, and 
some time after the genus Nautilus had itself appeared. Sutner 
estimates that there are in the neighbourhood of four thousand 
species belonging to the group of the ammonoids, nearly all of 
which have the foliated sutures characteristic of the true ammo- 
nites. With the exception of the genera Goniatites and Clymenia, 
and the primitive ammonitic forms of the Carboniferous rocks 
already referred to (Sageceras, Arcestes, Xenodiscus, Medlicottia, 
Cyclolobus *), and a single form which occurs in the lowest member 
of the Californian Tertiaries (the Tejon group), all the species are 
restricted to the Mesozoic deposits, which by their great numerical 
development they might be said to characterise. Probably no other 
group of invertebrates exhibits such a remarkable series of devel- 
opments corresponding with successive periods of time as do the 
Ammonitide, and in none do the species appear to be so distinc- 
tively characteristic of certain horizons (zones of ammonites). The 
singularly diversified types of the Triassic period, which combine 
all the various sutural modification seen in the goniatitic stage 
(Sageceras, Lobites), the ceratitic (Tyrolites, Celtites), and the 
ammonitic, from the simplest to the most complex (Pinacoceras), 
are almost wholly wanting in the Lias, where an entirely new series 
of forms begins (4igoceras, Harpoceras, Amaltheus). These in turn 
are succeeded by groups more or less distinctive of the different 
Jurassic zones (Oppelia, Stephanoceras, Lytoceras, Phylloceras), 
which in the main die out before the close of the period. Most of 
the Cretaceous forms belong to genera or sub-genera which have not 
hitherto been represented, and here for the first time do we find any 
great development of the remarkable groups of uncoiled ammonites 
—Scaphites, Hamites, Turrilites, Crioceras, Ancyloceras (also Juras- 
sic), and Baculites—whose advent seems to be foreshadowed by the 

* Cyclolobus has the typical ammonitic sutures. 


Triassic genera Choristoceras, Cochloceras, Rhabdoceras, &c., which, 
in their departure from the normal ammonitic type, resemble some 
of these forms, but which differ in the simple character of the sutural 
foliation. Considering the Ammonoidea to be the modified de- 
scendants of the Nautiloidea, we have presented the somewhat 
anomalous fact that while at the beginning of their existence in- 
volution was the order of development, towards the end this develop- 
ment was marked by a contrary evolution, with an accompanying 
approximation in outline to that of the primitive type-forms. No 
facts with which we are at present acquainted permit us to state 
what was the underlying principle involved in these reversed 
changes. It can merely be said that, involution having once set 
in, any broad departure from the type newly attained must almost 
necessarily have been accompanied by a certain amount of evolu- 

The persistence of type-structure among the Nautiloidea, and 
the relation which the geographical distribution of the Ammonoidea 
bear to supposed climatic zones, have already been discussed in 
previous sections. Still more involved in doubt than that of the 
Ammonoidea is the ancestry of the Belemnitide, which, as the earli- 
est representatives of the two-gilled order of cuttle-fishes, first appear 
in the Trias, and practically disappear with the close of the Meso- 
zoic era, one species only, and that somewhat doubtfui—Belem- 
nites senescens, from Australia—being reported to pass beyond the 
boundaries of the Cretaceous period.* That the group, however, 
represents the ancestral line whence the recent Sepiophora (Sepia) 
have been derived there can be but little question, seeing how close 
is the relationship between the determining parts—internal skeleton 
—of the fossil and living species. In the Eocene genus Belosepia 
the phragmocone is of a somewhat transitional character. The 
modern pen-bearing cuttle-fishes or calamaries (Chondrophora) ap- 
pear to have their direct ancestors in the various forms of Teuthide, 
whose remains, in a more or less perfect state of preservation, occur 
in the Liassic and Oolitic deposits. 

Of the two other classes of Cephalophora, the Gasteropoda and 
Pteropoda, only the former acquire any geological importance. 
Beginning with a comparatively limited number of forms in the 

* The reference of this form to the Belemnitide is considered more than 
doubtful by Branco (‘+ Zeitschrift d. deutsch. geol. Gesellschatt,”’ 1885). 


Cambrian period, they steadily increase in number, until at the 
present day the number of known species is far in excess of that 
recorded from any other period of geological time. According to 
the estimates made by Bronn between the years 1862 and 1866, 
which may possibly still serve as a basis for the computation of 
successive ratios, although no longer abreast of the times, the 
numerical distribution for the several geological eras is as follows: 

Paleozoic. Mesozoic. Cainozoie. Recent. 
~ |No. of species. No. of species. No. of species.| No. of species. 

DCaphoOpodys «:.a0 65. - «1 22 48 55 50 
Prosobranchiata........ 73 1,764 4,622 7,500 
Ileteropoda (inclusive of 

the Bellerophontide). . 141 3 1 54 
Opisthobranchiata....... 1 152 185 825 
mtkmonatas™ 2 sacle 6 <i 530 5,700 

With very few exceptions (Dentalium, Pleurotomaria, Capulus, 
Natica, Narica, Emarginula) all the Paleozoic genera are extinct, 
or at least generally considered to be so, and it is still question- 
able whether they include even a single siphonate form. The refer- 
ence of Fusus, Pyrula, and a few other members of the Siphonata 
to this period, probably rests on unsatisfactory determinations, al- 
though, indeed, no special reasons can be assigned for the non- 
extension back of such genera. The absence of prominent characters 
in many of the species renders their determination difficult or im- 
possible, and it is by no means improbable that a fair proportion 
of the genera which have received distinct names are in reality 
identical with modern genera otherwise designated. The generally 
holostomate character of the Paleozoic Gasteropoda imparts to the 
fauna a peculiarity which eminently serves to distinguish it from 
the similar fauna of the later Mesozoic and Tertiary eras, especially 
the latter, where the Siphonata largely preponderate. The dominant 
Paleozoic genera are Pleurotomaria, Murchisonia, Euomphalus, and 
Loxonema, whose special development throughout the greater part 

* The Pulmonata are now known to be represented by a limited number 
of species in the Devonian and Carboniferous deposits. The number of 

Paleozoic species indicated by Bigsby (1868-’78) is about treble the figure 
given by Bronn. 


of the Paleozoic series tends to link the different members to- 

The earliest great differentiation in the ancient gasteropod fauna 
is seen in the Jurassic deposits, where a host of new forms, especially 
of the Siphonata (of the families Cerithiide, Nerineide, Apor- 
rhaide, Strombid, Buccinide, Purpuride, Columbellide, &c.), 
are for the first time introduced. One or two of these families 
appear to have had their representatives already in the Trias, but 
they were there of insignificant import. It is not, however, until the 
Cretaceous period that many of the more distinctive of the modern 
families (Cypreide, Cassidide, Ficulide, Tritonide, Muricide, 
Volutidx, Olivide, Cancellaride, Terebride, Pleurotomide, and 
Conidee) appear, and of these a fair proportion of the genera date 
back only to the Eocene period. No recent species is recognised 
as extending back beyond the Tertiary series, and even in the 
Eocene the proportion of living to extinct forms is very slight, 
averaging not more than three to five per cent. ; indeed, it is ques- 
tionable whether any of the early Tertiary species can be identified 
with recent forms. The same is also possibly true of the Oligocene, 
but in the Miocene the percentage ranges as high as thirty-five, 
and in the Pliocene to seventy-five or more. Practically, all the 
Post-Pliocene forms are still living. It is impossible to arrive at 
any absolute estimate of the number of species occuiring in each 
formation. Bigsby °’ enumerates some seven hundred to eight hun- 
dred species as belonging to each of the Silurian, Devonian, and 
Carboniferous periods, or very nearly that which is given by Zittel °° 
for the Jurassic forms; the Permian, which is deficient in nearly 
all forms of life, has but about thirty. The Eocene-Oligocene 
Paris basin contains, according to Deshayes, upwards of eighteen 
hundred species, or more than double the number of the entire 
Eocene shell fauna of the Eastern and Southern United States. 
The Miocene basin of Vienna holds upwards of four hundred species 
of Prosobranchiata. 

There are but very few truly cosmopolitan species of fossil 
Gasteropoda, although broad distribution was much more marked 
in the early periods of the earth’s history than now. Thus, while 
from the American Tertiaries only a very insignificant number of 
forms could be selected which might in any way be correlated 
with contemporary European species, and but a fairly representative 


series from the Cretaceous, no less than two hundred and fifty out 
of a round six hundred from the Silurian deposits are stated to occur 
in Northern and Western Europe. Some seventeen or more species 
out of the fifty-two recorded by Etheridge from the middle and 
upper Paleozoic divisions of Australia find their analogues in the 
equivalent deposits of Europe, and not unlikely this identity will 
be increased on further comparisons being made. The Tertiary 
species of the two regions, on the other hand, are almost without 
exception distinct, and of the recent forms it may be doubted 
whether there is a single species held in common. 

The geological distribution of the Lamellibranchiata may be 
considered to run parallel with that of the Gasteropoda, and in a 
general way to partake of its peculiarities. Most regions are en- 
tirely deficient in Cambrian forms, and even in the Lower Silurian 
formations the number of species is rather limited. Barrande enu- 
merates upwards of eleven hundred species from the Upper Silurian 
formation of Bohemia alone, nearly double the number (636) that 
was assigned by Bigsby in 1868 for the Silurian deposits of the 
world generally, and considerably over that (918) which was claimed 
by Bronn in 1862 for the entire Paleozoic series. The oldest forms 
—i. e., Silurian and Devonian—belong almost exclusively to the 
Heteromyaria (Aviculidw, Mytilide) and the Dimyaria (Nuculide, 
Arcadsx, Astartide, Cardiide), although many of the Devonian 
forms that have been referred to the Heteromyaria may really be- 
long to the Monomyaria. The Sinupalliata among the Siphonida 
appear to be completely wanting, as they are likewise from the 
Carboniferous deposits, but it is by no means unlikely that some 
of the commoner genera, as Grammysia, Allorisma, Sanguinolites, 
Edmondia, &¢c., in which no sinual impression has been detected, 
are true members of families whose modern representatives are all 
furnished with retractile siphons. This supposition, which is based 
upon external resemblances and habits as deduced from the shell, 
is in full consonance with the theory of evolution, which would 
lead us to suppose that the direct ancestors of the Sinupalliata were 
closely resembling forms devoid of a sinual inflection. The refer- 
ence of the forms above mentioned to the family Pholadomyidx 
may, however, still be considered uncertain. 

The Carboniferous Lamellibranchiata do not differ very broadly 
from those of the preceding (Devonian) period, except in so far as 


pertains to the first considerable development of the Monomyaria 
(Pectinide, Limidz). Here, too, if we except the still problemati- 
cal Preostrea, we meet with the earliest indubitable remains of 
the oyster (Ostrea). As in the case of the Gasteropoda and Brachio- 
poda, the number of Permian species is very limited. The lamelli- 
branch fauna of the lower anil middle divisions of the Mesozoic 
series, Trias and Jura, is characterised by a remarkable develop- 
ment of the families Ostreide, Pectinids, and Limidsw among the 
monomyarians, the Mytilide and Pinnidee among the heteromyarians, 
the Arcadee among the Asiphonida, and the Astartide, Lucinide, 
and Cardiide among the integropalliate Siphonida. The Phola- 
domyide are especially abundant in the Jurassic deposits. Of the 
two most distinctive Cretaceous groups, the Chamide and the 
Rudistz, only the former have their Jurassic representative (Dice- 
ras). Beyond the great specialisation of those two families, the 
Cretaceous fauna does not differ essentially from the Jurassic, al- 
though the number of true sinupalliate forms (Venerid, Tellinide, 
Solenidx, Glycimeridz) is very much greater. 

Through the different divisions of the Tertiary, beginning with 
the Eocene, we see the gradual development which by almost im- 
perceptible stages leads up to the fauna of the present day. The 
Monomyaria, which in the Mesozoic period constitute nearly thirty 
per cent. of the entire lamellibranch fauna, enter upon their decline, 
and are succeeded, as well as the Heteromyaria, by the Dimyaria, 
of both the sinuate and non-sinuate types. The relation of extinct 
to recent forms in the different divisions of the Tertiary holds much 
the same as with the Gasteropoda. 


Of the recent orders of Crustacea the only ones that acquire 
any geological significance are the Phyllopoda, Ostracoda, and 
Decapoda, although representatives of some of the other orders 
occur sparingly in formations extending as far back as the Devo- 
nian period (Prearcturus, among the isopods [?]), and possibly 
even to the Silurian (Necrogammarus, amphipod). It is a rather 
surprising fact that of the first two orders, if we except one or 
two special types—Leperditia, Beyrichia—all the most abundantly 
represented genera of the earliest periods, as well as of the periods 
succeeding, are such as still hold considerable prominence at the 


present day—Estheria, Cythere, Bairdia, Cypridina—thus present- 
ing one of the most remarkable instances of the persistence of 
type-structure known in the whole range of the animal kingdom. 
The genus Estheria dates from the Devonian period, and attains 
its maximum development in the Trias. In its modern distribu- 
tion it may be said to be almost cosmopolitan, although it would 
seem to prefer the regions of warm climate, and not to penetrate 
much beyond the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude. The range of some 
of the species is extraordinary. Estheria Dahalacensis, which oc- 
curs as far north as Vienna, is found from Sicily to the island of 
Dhalak, in the Red Sea, or over an area whose extent is meas- 
ured by about thirty degrees of longitude, and thirty-two degrees 
of latitude. The range of E. tetracera comprises fully forty de- 
grees of longitude (Oran—Kharkov), but is more than equalled 
by the Carboniferous species E. Leidyi, which has been reported 
from both England and the State of Pennsylvania. It is a singular 
circumstance that while all the recent species of Estheria are in- 
habitants of fresh water, or of water which is but barely brackish, 
the fossil forms are frequently, or generally, found associated with 
distinctively marine types of organisms, indicating apparently for 
these species also a marine habit. While this may have been 
true, the association with fresh-water forms, which also occurs, 
tends to show that it was only partially the case. 

Possibly belonging to the order of the Phyllopoda, but by 
some authors placed among the Malacostraca, are the singular 
shield - bearing crustaceans of the Silurian period, Ceratiocaris, 
Dictyocaris, Discinocaris, Peltocaris, &c., whose affinities have been 
placed with the modern genera Nebalia (marine) and Apus (fresh- 
water). In Discinocaris the shield in some individuals measures as 
much as six inches across. Hymenocaris, which is exclusively 
Cambrian, represents the oldest type of this order of crustaceans. 
The genus Apus itself, which is almost universally distributed, and 
has been observed even in Norway at an elevation exceeding three 
thousand feet, appears as early as the Carboniferous period. Bran- 
chipus, although devoid of a head-shield, is stated by Woodward 
to be preserved as a fossil in the Eocene (Oligocene ?) beds of the 
Isle of Wight.*? : 

Of the more important genera of recent Ostracoda, Cythere and 
Bairdia both date from the Silurian period, and Cypridina from 



the Devonian; the fresh-water genus Cypris is unknown prior to 
the Carboniferous. The species of the first two genera, whose dis- 
tribution is almost universal, are particularly numerous in the Creta- 
ceous and Tertiary deposits, and present some remarkable instances 
of reputed longevity. Two recent species of Bairdia, B. sub- 
deltoides and B. angusta, are claimed by Gerstaecker? to be 
found also in the Carboniferous deposits, but it is by no means 
improbable that the identification rests on improper determinations. 
This is rendered the more likely, seeing how very few, compara- 
tively, are the recent forms that have been identified as occurring 
in the Tertiary deposits. Of some seventy species or varieties of 
Entomostraca described by Rupert Jones from the British Tertiary 
deposits from the Eocene to the Pliocene inclusive, not more than 
seventeen or eighteen are recognised by him as constituting a part 
of the recent fauna. A re-examination of the forms may possibly 
increase this number somewhat, but it is certainly very remarkable 
that of two hundred and twenty or more species of Ostracoda 
dredged by the officers of the ‘‘ Challenger” expedition only three 
or four had previously been described by paleontologists. While 
many of the modern species have a broad distribution, the number 
of forms which are known to be in any way cosmopolitan is ex- 
ceedingly limited (species of Halocypris and Cythere). On the other 
hand, there are some very marked instances of antipodal reappear- 
ance. Several well-known British and northern forms have been 
identified from Kerguelen Island and other remote regions of the 
earth’s surface. Although apparently penetrating to the profound- 
est depths of the sea, the number of both species and individuals 
rapidly diminishes beyond a comparatively shallow superficial zone. 
Only fifty-two species were obtained by the ‘‘ Challenger” from 
a depth exceeding five hundred fathoms, and but nineteen from 
below fifteen hundred. The much greater diversity of the shore 
fauna as compared with that of the open sea is shown by the fact 
that among the ‘‘ Challenger” Ostracoda only twenty-eight genera 
were represented, whereas on the British coast alone there are at 
least thirty-one. Among the oldest known representatives of the 
order are the Primitia prima and Leperditia Cambrensis, from the 
St. David’s (Lower Cambrian) rocks of Wales. 

The remains of decapod crustaceans in the Paleozoic rocks are 
exceedingly scanty, as indeed they are also in the earlier part of 


the Mesozoic formations. In North America they have been traced 
back to the Devonian period (Palezeopaleemon ;—Macrura), but in 
the European deposits they are not known befcre the Carbonifer- 
ous age (Brachypyge ;—Brachyura ?). Whether the astaciform crus- 
tacean found in the mountain limestone of Ireland, and described as 
Astacus Philippi, was of a fresh-water habit, may still be considered 
as more than doubtful. The same doubt extends to the various As- 
tacomorpha of the Middle Mesozoic period—Eryma, Pseudastacus— 
and not until we reach the chalk of Westphalia do we meet with 
any undoubted remains of the genus Astacus itself. But even here 
the deposit in which the remains are imbedded is of a marine facies, 
and seems to argue that up to this time the crayfishes were by 
nature inhabitants of salt water. Too much weight cannot, how- 
ever, be attached to the negative evidence afforded by the absence 
of known fresh-water forms of this group, inesmuch as the chances 
for their preservation in deposits of this kind among the older 
rocks is very slim. At the same time, it is not a little singular that 
the extensive deposits of this nature of Wealden age should be en- 
tirely barren of their remains. In the Tertiary deposits indispv- 
tably fresh-water forms are met with, and it is not unlikely that the 
full differentiation of these types from those of a marine habit was 
effected somewhere about the close of the Mesozoic era. The 
lobster or homarine type has probably its oldest representative in 
the genus Hoploparia, which occurs in the Cretaceous and older 
Tertiary deposits. Of the modern genera of prawns, Peneus ap- 
pears to extend back to the Lias, and Palemon to the Tertiary 

The most important order of Crustacea, considered from the 
geological standpoint, is that of the Trilobita, which, apart from 
the simple fact of numerical development, acquires special signifi- 
cance from the circumstance of its representing the earliest animal 
group which attained to any prominence in geological history, al- 
though in point of actual appearance it would seem to have been 
preceded by the Brachiopoda and Annelida. Thus, from the basal 
portion of the St. David’s beds of South Wales, which represent 
the oldest or very nearly the oldest of the fossiliferous rocks that 
have been thus far discovered, no trilobites are known, and it is 
not until a full thousand feet in the same series of deposits is 
passed that their remains are first met with. The number of 


species of trilobites found in the inferior division of the Lower 
Cambrian of Britain (the Longmynd and Harlech groups) is about 
ten, representing six genera— Agnostus, Conocoryphe, Paradox- 
ides, Microdiscus, Paleopyge, Plutonia—and of the entire Cam- 
brian series one hundred, distributed as follows : 

Upper Tremadoc...... 12 (including 2 from the Upper Lingula). 
Lower Tremadoc...... 19. 

Upper. Lingula, ¢...... BO Cae 5 ‘¢ Lower Lingula). 
Lower Lingula........ el Oe 14 ‘¢  Menevian). 
Menevaaninaney sacar SO e: ges 4 es Longmynd). 

Longmynd and Harlech 10. 

From the Primordial zone of Bohemia (Cambrian) Barrande 
recognised in 1871 only twenty-seven species, or but little more 
than one-tenth the number (252) which he claimed for the Cam- 
brian deposits of the world generally. This paucity, as compared 
with the richness of the British fauna, is the more surprising when 
we consider how largely in excess of the insular forms are the Silu- 
rian species from the same region. The Bohemian basin contained 
at the period stated about three hundred and twenty species, 
whereas the total number of species recognised at about the same 
time from the entire British Paleozoic series of deposits—i. e., from 
the Cambrian to Carboniferous inclusive—only slightly exceeded 
two hundred and twenty. 

Of the seventeen hundred species, representing seventy-five 
genera, tabulated by Barrande for the world at large we find 
(using his data) two hundred and fifty-two relegated to the Cam- 
brian formations, eight hundred and sixty-six to the Lower Si- 
lurian, four hundred and eighty-two to the Upper Silurian, one 
hundred and five to the Devonian, fifteen to the Carboniferous, 
and one to the Permian.* While these figures would indicate a 
pronounced culmination of the group in the Lower Silurian period, 

* The number of species has been very materially increased since the 
publication of Barrande’s paper, but his estimates will still serve as a preper 
basis for the computation of ratios. The American Carboniferous species 
seem to fall not far short of a dozen by themselves, Considerable uncer- 
tainty still attaches to the stratigraphy of the forms that have been referred 
to the Permian of Germany and the United States (Guadalupe Mountains, in 

Texas and New Mexico), and it is generally assumed that there are no Per- 
mian species at all. 


it is a significant fact that in Bohemia, which stands next to Scan- 
dinavia in respect of number of species, the numerical ratio of 
Lower Silurian to Upper Silurian forms is as one hundred and 
eighteen to two hundred and five, reversing, apparently, the order 
of development. ; 

The very limited number of generic forms that pass from one 
major formation to another is remarkable. Barrande enumerates 
but seven of the twenty-seven Cambrian genera which pass over 
into the Silurian, and twelve of the fifty-five Silurian genera which 
reappear in the Devonian. The Carboniferous genera are but three 
or four in number (Phillipsia, Griffithides, Brachymetopus, Proe- 
tus).* Of the fifty-five Silurian genera, with three exceptions, all 
the forms are already represented in the lower division. The 
number of genera that extend through two or more formations is 
reduced to two or three (Phillipsia, Proetus). In their geographi- 
cal relations it may be said that broad distribution is the rule 
rather than the exception. Thus, of the forty-two genera of the 
Bohemian basin thirty are held in common with Sweden, and twenty- 
four with England. More than one-half (seventeen out of thirty) 
of the North American genera are also trans-Atlantic forms, and 
the greater number of these are widely distributed over the Euro- 
pean continent. It has generally been considered that the most 
widely distributed genera are those which also have the greatest 
vertical range; but the exceptions to this supposed rule are so 
numerous—Paradoxides, Agnostus, Trinucleus, Asaphus—that it 
may be doubted whether any value is to be attached to it. Nor 
can it be maintained that in all cases the genera having the longest 
range are those which have the greatest number of specific repre- 
sentatives, although this is more often the case than otherwise. 
Probably the greatest number of species represented in any one 
genus is exemplified in the case of the genus Dalmanites (Lower 
Silurian-Upper Devonian), of which there were up to 1871 some 
one hundred and twenty-nine known. The nearest approach to 
this (some one hundred and fifteen or more) is seen in the genus 
Asaphus, which is restricted to the Lower Silurian formation. 

The number of species that transgress the boundaries of any 
major formation is exceedingly limited. Thus, it is very doubtful 

* Professor Claypole has more recently described a species of Dalmanites 
(Dalmania) from the Waverly Group (Sub-Carboniferous) of the United States. 


whether there is even a single species from the Cambrian which 
also forms part of the Silurian fauna. There are apparently but 
three forms—Calymene Blumenbachii, Dalmanites caudatus, Sphe- 
rexochus mirus—which in England connect the Lower and Upper 
Silurian faunas, and an equally small number which unite the 
Silurian with the Devonian. In Bohemia the number of Lower 
and Upper Silurian connecting-forms is somewhat larger; but even 
here the proportion to the entire fauna—nine out of three hundred 
and twenty-three—is very small. The limitation in most cases is 
even more pronounced, fixing the species to definite horizons of the 
broader formations. 

With respect to horizontal specific distribution, instances of broad 
dispersion are not exactly uncommon. A fair proportion of the 
Bohemian species, for example, are spread throughout Sweden, 
Italy, Russia, and England, and a number have also been indicated 
as occurring in the equivalent deposits of the North American con- 
tinent. Calymene Blumenbachii is the commonest form occurring 
on both sides of the Atlantic, in both regions being alike a Silurian 
and Devonian species. 

Coincidently with the decline of the Trilobita we note the ap- 
pearance of crustacean forms (Eurypterida) which hold a some- 
what intermediate position between these and the modern king-crab 
(Limulus), whose remains are first met with in rocks of Jurassic 
age. Of this singular order, which comprises the giants of the 
class, some half-dozen or more genera are recognised, whose com- 
bined range includes the Upper Silurian and Carboniferous deposits. 
In the Ludlow (U. Silurian) rocks of Britain there are no less than 
thirty-two species of this order, representing six genera—Eurypter- 
us, Pterygotus, Himantopterus, Slimonia, Stylonurus, and Hemi- 
aspis, the last a transitional type connecting the group with the 
Carboniferous limuloid forms constituting the family Bellinuride 
(Bellinurus, Prestwichia, Euproéps). The most ponderous indi- 
viduals of the order (Pterygotus Anglicus, Slimonia Scoticus), which 
are at the same time the largest of all known Crustacea, recent or 
fossil, measuring from five to six feet in length, do not appear 
until the Devonian period, or not until the group had attained to 
considerable development. The simultaneous appearance among 
the trilobites of the largest and smallest forms — Paradoxides, 
Agnostus—would seem to point to a contrary order of develop- 


ment, but there can be no question that the first appearance of 
these animals long anteceded the Cambrian period. The total 
number of eurypteroid forms occurring in the American deposits 
is twenty-three (representing the genera Eurypterus, Dolichopterus, 
Pterygotus, and Stylonurus), six of which (Eurypteri) are Car- 
boniferous, two Devonian, and the remainder Upper Silurian.’ 
The oldest known limuloid form is the Neolimulus falcatus, from 
the Upper Silurian rocks of Lanarkshire, whose early appearance 
would seem to indicate that while the family to which it belongs 
(Bellinurida) may stand in its relations intermediately between the 
eurypterids and the king crabs, its actual origination may be 
traceable, at least in part, to direct modification from the trilo- 
bitic type. 

The number of recognised species of insects is generally con- 
ceded to be upwards of 100,000, and by some authors is placed as 
high as 150,000, but it is very questionable whether these represent 
more than one-tenth of the number actually inhabiting the earth’s 
surface. Probably not less than one-half of the indicated forms 
belong to the order Coleoptera, or beetles, which is by far the most 
numerously represented of all the orders. The Lepidoptera, or but- 
terflies, have thus far yielded some 15,000 species—or about one- 
thirteenth of the total number (200,000) estimated by Speyer for 
the world at large—and an equal number may, perhaps, with a cer- 
tain amount of accuracy, be credited to the Hymenoptera (bees, 
wasps, and ants), the Hemiptera (bugs), and Diptera (flies). The 
Orthoptera, or straight-winged insects, which include the locusts, 
grasshoppers, &c., are considerably less numerous, while the spe- 
cies of netted-veined forms (Neuroptera) probably do not much ex- 
ceed 2,000, or perhaps do not even reach this figure. 

Our knowledge of the general insect fauna of the globe is still 
too limited to allow of any satisfactory conclusion being drawn as 
to the geographical distribution of the class as a whole ; enough 
is known, however, to permit it being stated that practically every 
portion of the earth’s surface harbours a more or less extensive 
insect fauna, so that the distribution of this class of animals may 
be said to be universal. While most numerously developed in 
the warmer or tropical areas, insects are by no means rare in the 
region of high latitudes, and, indeed, in some of the most north- 


erly points reached by man they appear to be still remarkably 
abundant. The officers of the British North Pole Expedition, 
under command of Sir George Nares, brought home a surpris- 
ingly rich fauna from the region (Grinnell Land) lying between 
the seventy-eighth and eighty-third parallels of latitude, com- 
prising no less than forty-five species of true insects and sixteen 
arachnids, the former distributed as follows: Hymenoptera, five 
species (two humble-bees); Coleoptera, one; Lepidoptera, thirteen; 
Diptera, fifteen; Hemiptera, one; Mallophaga, seven; and Collem- 
bola, three.*? Among the Lepidoptera are a number of forms 
belonging to genera common in the temperate zones, such as Co- 
lias, Argynnis, Lyczna, &c., which appear the more remarkable, 
seeing that the species of this order are more limited in Green- 
land (with an insect fauna numbering eighty species), and that no 
forms are met with either in Iceland or Spitzbergen, although up- 
wards of three hundred species of insects are represented in the 
former. On the other hand, M. Bonpland observed butterflies on 
the slopes of Chimborazo at an elevation of 16,626 feet, or but 
1,600 feet below the highest level (18,225 feet) reached by insects 
(Diptera), as observed by Humboldt, on the same mountain. 

Insect life flourishes also to a certain extent in waters of high 
temperature (hot springs); and even on the free surface of the ocean, 
most distantly removed from land, the officers of the ‘‘ Challenger” 
circumnavigating expedition everywhere obtained one or more spe- 
cies of Halobates, a member of the Hemiptera, which is stated to 
live entirely at sea, and to carry its eggs about with it attached to 
its body. 

The distribution of insects is determined largely by climatic and 
general physiographical conditions, and also to a great extent by 
the nature of the food-supply, many forms, as has already been 
seen, being dependent for their sustenance (whether in the larval 
or mature state) upon the development of a particular vegetable 
product. Indeed, localisation or restriction appears to be more 
frequently brought about as the result of changes in the character 
of the vegetation than as a condition depending upon the interpo- 
sition of physical barriers which, through their powers of flight, 
the animals of this class are in great measure able to overcome. 
The effect of climate is, however, well marked, and is seen in the 
general restriction of numerous forms to particular climatic zones. 


An extended meridional extension is more frequently to be observed 
among the tropicopolitan forms than among those which more 
properly belong to the temperate regions ; and this is especially 
the case among African insects, where frequently the same spe- 
cies is found to inhabit both the northern and southern parts of 
the continent. This condition is also to be observed in the case of 
northern forms, when mountain-chains, trending in a meridional - 
direction, permit of easy access to regions of very varying physio- 
graphical features, which in their more elevated parts present 
conditions more nearly uniform with those exhibited elsewhere on 
the lowlands. Thus, we find in the Chilian fauna numerous forms 
that more properly belong to the north temperate zone—the pre- 
ponderating element among the Carabidae, for example, and the 
genera Lycena, Colias, and Argynnis among the butterflies. These 
not improbably found their way southwards in successive migra- 
tions along the Andean mountain-system, where suitable habita- 
tions, corresponding in general physiographical features to those 
of their northern home, could readily be found. A broad horizon- 
tal or latitudinal distribution, per contra, characterises the insect 
fauna of the north temperate zone. A large proportion of the 
European species, for example, are spread over the far interior of 
the Asiatic continent, and, indeed, many of them reappear in 
America. Nothing more strikingly illustrates this broad diffusion 
of species than the case of the Japanese lepidopterous fauna, which, 
out of some 1,110 species of Macro-Lepidoptera, contains, accord- 
ing to Pryer,’”* not less than 123 species that are common to Great 
Britain, or about 16 per cent. of the entire British fauna. 

Some remarkable and not wholly comprehensible anomalies of 
distribution are exhibited by the faunas of almost every region, 
which render unusually intricate the general problems of distribu- 
tion presented by the class as a whole. One of the most interest- 
ing and instructive of these is the special relationship which unites 
the New Zealand and Chilian and Patagonian coleopterous faunas, 
and the distinctness of the fauna of the first-named region from the 
Australian,’ a condition which, as Professor Hutton has shown, 
also characterises some of the other animal groups, and which 
would seem to argue in favour of some former direct land connection 
(trans-Pacific) between New Zealand and a portion of the South 
American continent. 


The remains of insects in the older Paleozoic rocks are very 
scanty, and in the main they occur in such an unsatisfactory state 
of preservation as to have led to the most divergent views respect- 
ing their true relationship. The most ancient of these forms, and 
the only one that is thus far known from the Silurian rocks, is the 
Paleoblattina Douvillei, recently described by Brongniart from the 
Middle Silurian sandstones of Calvados, France, and referred by 
that naturalist to the orthopteroid group of the cockroaches. No 
other member of the orthopterous division of insects is positively 
known prior to the Carboniferous period, and it is not unlikely that 
the fossil in question, which is represented by a single impression of 
a wing, may on further investigation prove to belong to the group 
of netted-veins (Neuroptera or Pseudo-Neuroptera), which alone 
among the different orders has representatives in the Devonian 
rocks. These last comprise fragments representing some five or 
six species, belonging to possibly as many genera—Palephemera, 
Gerephemera, Lithentomum, Homothetus, Xenoneura, and Dis- 
crytus. The first two are referred by Hagen to the modern type of 
the Libellulz (Pseudo-Neuroptera), and the remaining three, not 
counting the very doubtful and fragmentary Discrytus, to the like- 
wise modern sialine tribe of the Neuroptera. By Mr. Scudder, on 
the other hand, several of these earlier hexapods are considered to 
represent synthetic types, and have accordingly been referred to 
families specially created for their reception—Palephemeridex, Ho- 
mothetide, Xenoneuride ; indeed, the same authority, following 
in the footsteps of Goldenberg and Brongniart, insists that these 
forms, as well as all others, with possibly one exception, from the 
Paleozoic deposits, in a given departure from modern type-struc- 
tures, and in the possession of combination ordinal characters, con- 
stitute a special group or order apart by itself, the Palzeodictyoptera, 
whose diverging specialisation (effected at about the beginning of 
the Mesozoic era) outlined the various higher groups or orders now 
recognised by entomologists.7® In conformity with this view the 
Paleozoic insect was a synthetic hexapod, in which ordinal differ- 
entiation had not yet asserted itself. The Carboniferous cock- 
roaches (Palroblattarie), which constitute probably one-half of 
the entire Paleozoic insect fauna, and of which some sixty or more 
species are known, and the contemporaneous walking - sticks— 
Protophasma, the giant Titanophasma from Commentry, France, 


&c.—are accordingly not true Orthoptera, but orthopteroid Paleo- 
dictyoptera; the Carboniferous and Devonian netted-veins not true 
Neuroptera or Pseudo-Neuroptera, but neuropteroid Palzodictyop- 
tera, and, similarly, the Hemiptera (Eugereon, Fulgorina), hemipte- 
roid Paleodictyoptera. Apart from the contradictory conclusions 
which have been reached from the study of these forms by Hagen, 
Gerstaecker, Eaton, and others, it may be reasonably doubted 
whether the extreme specialisation seen among the Paleodictyoptera 
will carry out the inference that the larger groups of Paleozoic times 
were more closely related to one another ‘‘than any one of them 
is to that modern group to which it is most allied, and of which it 
was with little doubt the precursor or ancestral type.” *°* Surely, 
it will not be contended that Palephemera and the highly special- 
ised Titanophasma are more nearly related to each other than they 
are to the modern families Libellulide and Phasmide, not to men- 
tion the orders to which these belong ; and if this be so, why 
should they be referred rather to the one loose comprehensive group 
than to the several groups which they immediately represent ? 

The remains of beetles (Coleoptera), if we except the very 
doubtful Troxites (which is considered by some naturalists to 
represent the fruit of a plant), are unknown in the Paleozoic depos- 
its; but it is by no means unlikely that the members of this order 
had already existed, since: borings in wood, very like those made 
by the coleopteroid larva, have been discovered in various localities. * 

The Triassic insect fauna, which is represented by some four or . 
five European species, and by about twenty in America (Colorado), 
is almost exclusively orthopteroid, and exhibits a distinct passage 
between the ancient and modern types of cockroaches—Palzoblat- 
tarie and Blattarie. The first indisputable beetle (Chrysomelites), 
followed by several highly differentiated types in the Rhetic— 
Hydrophilites, Buprestites, Curculionites—is found in the deposits 
of this age. No truly metabolous insects, or those undergoing 
complete metamorphosis, other than Coleoptera, are known before 
the Lias, where, however, we have several species of Diptera 
(Chironomide, Tipulidz), and at least one representative of the 
Hymenoptera, an ant (Paleomyrmex prodomus), from Schambelen, 
|  * Different coleopteroid species have at various times been described from 

‘Carboniferous strata, but these are now known to be mainly referable to the 
Arachnida or spiders. 


Aargau. The same Swiss deposits have yielded upwards of one 
hundred and ten species of Coleoptera, in addition to various forms 
of Orthoptera, Neuroptera, and Hemiptera (Cicadina). A true 
song-cricket (Cicada Murchisoni) has been described by Brodie 
from the English Lias. The most diverse types of existing Neu- 
roptera and Orthoptera, which appear to have been fully differ- 
entiated at this period, acquire a further development in the suc- 
ceeding Oolites, where, in addition to representatives of all the 
other orders that had thus far appeared, we meet with the earliest 
Lepidoptera (Sphingide). : 

The singularly deficient fauna of the Cretaceous period is suc- 
ceeded in the Tertiary, more particularly in the Oligocene and 
Miocene divisions, by a most prolific development of specific forms. 
The Miocene deposits of Switzerland, and the immediately ad- 
joining tracts, have yielded to Dr. Heer no less than eight hun- 
dred and seventy-six species—eight hundred and forty-four of 
which are recorded from Oeningen (Baden) alone—distributed as 
follows: Coleoptera, five hundred and forty-three; Orthoptera, 
twenty; Neuroptera, twenty-nine; Hymenoptera, eighty-one; Lepi- 
doptera, three; Diptera, sixty-four; and Rhynchota, one hundred 
and thirty-six. Scarcely less famous as insect localities than Oen- 
ingen are Aix in France and Radoboj in Croatia; but apparently far 
surpassing either of these in respect to both individual and specific 
development are the tufa-beds of the Florissant region in Colorado, 
referred to the Oligocene period. The Hymenoptera from these 
deposits comprise several species of bees (Apidae and Andrenide), 
about thirty species of wasp-like forms (Vespide, Sphegide, &c.), 
fifty species of ants (represented by about four thousand specimens, 
mainly Formicid), and some eighty species of Ichneumonide, be- 
sides numerous other forms. The Diptera individually make up 
nearly one-third of all the specimens found in the region (Culicide, 
Tipulide, Bibionide), and of the heteropterous division of the 
Hemiptera there appear to be no less than one hundred species. 
The Coleoptera are likewise exceedingly abundant, and comprise 
amorg other forms some thirty species each of the families Carabide, 
Staphylinide, and Scarabeide, and forty of the Elateride. The 
total number of species represented in this order is about three 
hundred, of which about one hundred and twenty belong to the 
rhynchophorus division. 


Owing to the very limited nature of insect faunas in general, 
and the circumstance that only a few localities have thus far 
yielded insect remains in any abundance, it is impossible to draw 
any positive conclusions respecting either the geographical dis- 
tribution or the genealogy of the members of this class of animals. 
It appears practically certain, however, that the metabolous types 
were descended from the ametabolous, and that the larve of the ear- 
lier forms were all, or mostly all, aquatic in habit. The geological 
and horizontal range of the majority of the species appears to have 
been very limited, but it must be recollected that in most instances 
the number of individuals found representing any one given species 
is altogether too small to permit of any logical inference being 
drawn from their occurrence. Thus, of the numerous species of 
Paleozoic cockroaches, by far the greater number are represented 
by single specimens, or by specimens coming from a single locality. 


The earliest arachnoid remains (scorpions) occur in the Upper 
Silurian deposits of the island of Gothland, Sweden, and Lanark- 
shire, Scotland, and in the Helderberg roeks of Waterville, New 
York, from each of which regions a single specimen has been ob- 
tained. The Swedish species, Paleeophoneus nuncius, with which 
the Scotch form appears to have been nearly related, ranks among 
the largest of its class, measuring about three and a half inches 
in length ; in its general characters it closely approximates the 
modern scorpions, although, as has been pointed out by Professor 
Lindstrém, the structure of the large and pointed thoracic limbs 
more nearly approaches what is seen in the embryonic forms of 
other Tracheata and in Campodea. The presence of stigmata and 
the whole organisation of the body clearly demonstrate the ani- 
mal to have been an air-breather and an inhabitant of dry land. 
The American form, Proscorpius Osborni, is less clearly recognisable 
than the European, and some doubt has been thrown upon its 
arachnoid nature, which is maintained by both Whitfield and Tho- 
rell. Excepting these two or three earliest precursors of the Scor- 
pionide, whose presence would naturally seem to indicate a rich 
insect fauna for the period, no traces of arachnoid remains are known 
antedating the Carboniferous deposits, where, however, several well- 
marked genera, singularly close in their relationship to modern 


forms, and representing spiders (Protolycosa, Architarbus, Anthra- 
comartus), scorpions (Cyclopthalmus, Eoscorpius), and pseudo-scor- 
pions (Microlabis), are met with. Inthe Mesozoic deposits but few 
arachnoid remains, in most cases in an imperfect state of preserva- 
tion, have thus far been discovered, and it is not until about the 
middle of the Tertiary series, Oligocene, that they acquire by their 
numbers any importance. The amber deposits of Europe and the 
Florissant beds of Colorado have yielded the greatest abundance 
of such remains. 

It is not a little remarkable with what degree of persistence 
the fundamental characters of scorpions have been preserved, for 
it appears, as has been claimed by Mr. Peach, that the Car- 
boniferous forms, as represented by Eoscorpius, were as highly or- 
ganised and specialised towards the beginning of this period as 
their descendants of the present day. The Paleozoic araneids, on 
the other hand, appear to have been all, or in the main, possessed 
of distinctly segmented abdomens, thereby forming a transitionary 
group between the arthrogastric and non-arthrogastric arachnoids. 

Both the chilognathous and chilopodous types of Myriapoda may 
be said to be represented in the Carboniferous rocks, although from 
certain peculiarities of structure possessed by these early forms— 
the genera Euphoberia, Xylobius, Acantherpestes, Trichiulus, among 
the former, and Palzocampa among the latter—which are un- 
known in their modern representatives, special ordinal groups, the 
Archipolypoda and Protosyngnatha respectively, have been created 
for them. It may be doubted, however, whether such knowledge 
as we possess of the animals in question will permit of the reten- 
tion of these groups; indeed, it appears by no means certain that 
all the forms referred here as Myriapoda are actually such at all. 

The earliest myriapod remains, referred by Peach *’ to the Chilo- 
gnatha, occur in the Old Red Sandstone (Devonian) of Forfarshire, 
Scotland, and not improbably the problematical Gyrichnites of the 
nearly equivalent deposit of Gaspé are the belongings of these 
animals. The Mesozoic rocks are singularly deficient in their traces, 
and may be said to be almost wholly wanting in them; excepting 
the somewhat doubtful Geophilus proavus from the Jurassic deposits 
it appears that no chilopodous form is met with before the Ter- 


Distribution of the Vertebrata.—Fishes.—Amphibians.—Reptiles.— Birds. — 


TuE geographical distribution of fishes is at the present day, 
and probably has been for a considerable number of past geologi- 
cal periods, world-wide. Although vastly more abundant, if not 
individually at least specifically, in the regions of elevated tem- 
perature than in those of the opposite extreme, both as regards 
the marine and fresh-water forms, they are still far from wanting 
in waters of icy coldness, whether these be in high latitudes, the 
oceanic abysses, or elevated mountain lakes or streams. The offi- 
cers of the British Polar Expedition, under command of Sir George 
Nares, obtained specimens of the charr (Salmo arcturus and §8. 
Naresii) from beyond the eighty-second parallel of north latitude, 
the highest point at which fresh-water fishes have been observed, 
and from a still higher latitude, the eighty-third, some half-dozen 
species of shore fishes, among them a bull-head and cod (Cottus 
quadricornis, Gadus Fabricii, Icelus hamatus, Cyclopteris spinosus, 
Liparis Fabricii, Gymnelis viridis).°* And were it not for the in- 
superable obstacles that were interposed in the way of fishing, there 
can be no doubt that many additional forms would have been dis- 
covered. The number of forms that descend into, or inhabit, the 
abyssal waters whose temperature is about that of freezing is very 
considerable; Ginther* enumerates thirty-nine species whose 
range extends to, or passes beyond, the fifteen hundred fathom 
line, thus penetrating deep into the zone of icy coldness. In the 
Eurcpean Alpine region fishes (salmonoids) inhabit the lakes or 
streams situated at about the level of perpetual snow, and there is 
very little doubt that the same is the case in nearly all regions of 


elevated mountains. The loach has been found in the Himalayas 
at an altitude of eleven thousand feet, and in the South American 
Andes, Lake Titicaca, at an altitude of thirteen thousand feet, 
has yielded several species. Indeed, in the latter region, some of 
the Alpine cyprinodonts, as Trichomycterus, penetrate to heights 
of fifteen thousand feet, and upwards. 

Fresh-Water Fishes,—It will be evident from the present rela- 
tion existing between land and water—which in its general features 
unquestionably dates from a very remote geological period—and 
the resulting barriers opposed to a free migration, that fresh-water 
fishes will be much more limited in their range than the fishes of 
an oceanic type, whose distribution is in main part governed by 
conditions of food-supply and temperature, and to a certain extent 
by the nature of oceanic currents. This comparative areal restric- 
tion among fresh-water forms is exemplified not only in the case of 
species and genera, but also in that of families, none of which, if 
we except the cat-fishes (Siluridee), can be considered to be in any 
way cosmopolitan. Manifestly, the oceanic basins must prove to 
the animals of this class an obstruction much in the manner that 
it does to the higher animals, the reptiles and mammals, for ex- 
ample. Yet, certain peculiar occurrences would seem to indicate 
that the natural barrier thus formed is not in all cases as effectual 
in preventing the distribution of fishes as it is with the majority of 
the animals just mentioned. Thus, several identical species, as the 
salmon (Salmo salar), perch (Perea fluviatilis), burbot (Lota vul- 
garis), pike (Esox lucius), and a stickleback (Gasterosteus pungitius), 
inhabit alike the waters of Europe and Eastern North America; 
the perch of the Ganges and other East Indian rivers (Lates cal- 
carifer) is found in the waters of Queensland, Australia; and one 
of the forms of south temperate so-called ‘‘ trout” (Galaxias atten- 
uatus) inhabits Tasmania, New Zealand, the Falkland Islands, and 
the southern extremity of the continent of South America. In 
addition to such divided species, representing, naturally, divided 
genera as well, there are also several generic types whose lim- 
ited number of representatives (while distinct specifically) be- 
long to opposite quarters of the globe. The genus Umbra, limited 
to two species, is represented in the Atlantic States of the American 
Union by the ‘‘dog” or ‘‘ mud fish” (U. limi), and in the Danubian 
system of waters by the ‘‘Hundsfisch” (U. Krameri); the shovel- 


nose sturgeons (Scaphirhynchus), and the paddle-fishes (Polyodon- 
tide), both of them restricted to some two or three species, are con- 
fined respectively to the river systems of Central Asia and the Mis- 
sissippi, and the Mississippi and the Yangtse-Kiang; the American 
suckers (Catostomus) have an outlying representative in Siberia; 
while the East Indian genus Symbranchus, after skipping ‘Africa, 
reappears with a single species (8. marmoratus) in the waters of 
South America. 

In what precise manner these equivalent types have found their 
way to such widely removed portions of the earth’s surface it has 
been thus far impossible to determine. That some transference 
was effected by way of northern waters over land-surfaces now no 
longer existing is very nearly certain ; hence, the occurrence of 
identical or representative specific forms in the streams of Northern 
Eurasia and North America is not very surprising. But that a 
similar transference was effected over the broader or equatorial 
parts of the oceanic basins, a hypothesis necessitating the assump- 
tion of the submergence of vast continental land-masses where no 
traces of their former existence are visible, is more than doubtful. 
At any rate, it is very unlikely that any such alternation in the 
relative positions of land and water took place at a time so recent 
as satisfactorily to explain such anomalies of distribution as are 
presented by the genera Lates and Symbranchus, already men- 
tioned, and by the genus Pimelodus (Africa and South America) 
among the cat-fishes. It would appear at first sight far more 
natural to assume that these fishes were originally of a marine 
type, spread over the oceanic expanses, and that at a later period 
they accommodated themselves to fresh-water conditions, and grad- 
ually restricted their habitats to regions where we now find them. 
This is not unlikely, seeing that some of these (Lates, Symbranchus) 
freely enter brackish water. That such has been the recent origin 
of many forms of fresh-water fishes is placed beyond question. 
Several permanent species of the Northern Baltic, where, through 
an excessive indraught of fresh water from the surrounding streams, 
the water has lost most of its salinity, are identical with marine 
types inhabiting the Arctic seas to the north. Yet the accommo- 
dation to new conditions of existence was effected since the closing 
off of the Baltic from the northern ocean, or since the Glacial 
period. The gobies, blennies, and atherines of the northern lakes 


of Italy present us with other instances of the permanent establish- 
ment of marine types in fresh waters. Indeed, it is scarcely neces- 
sary to seek for examples of this kind, seeing how very readily the 
many marine fishes which periodically ascend the inland streams 
during the spawning season accommodate themselves to the newly 
imposed conditions. Of so little importance does a change of 
medium appear to be in many cases that it is frequently very difli- 
cult, or impossible, to indicate whether a given group of fishes is 
more properly of a marine or fresh-water type. The numerous in- 
stances where certain species of a genus are of one habit, and other 
species of the same genus of the opposite habit, render the deter- 
mination of this question still more difficult. 

An accommodation similar to that which has been noticed in 
the case of marine fishes also obtains with many of the more strictly 
fresh-water forms; 7. e., they descend without inconvenience into 
the briny oceanic medium. This we see in the case of the trout, 
the charr, in several species of Coregonus, and especially among 
the toothed carps (cyprinodonts) and sticklebacks. How far these 
may wander out to sea is not exactly known, but there is no special 
reason for supposing that they might not proceed, at least in some 
instances, to very considerable distances. A species of the cyprino- 
dont genus Fundulus (F. nigrofasciatus) was obtained by the offi- 
cers of the ‘‘ Challenger” from the pelagic fauna of the Atlantic, 
midway between St. Thomas and Teneriffe. It is manifest, there- 
fore, that an.arm of the sea is not an impassable barrier to certain 
forms of fresh-water fishes; and not impossibly some brackish-water 
forms may occasionally find their way completely across the oceanic 
expanse. The irregular distribution of certain types or species 
thus receives a partial, or, at any rate, a possible solution. 

The total number of species of strictly fresh-water fishes recog- 
nised by Ginther is nearly two thousand three hundred, of which 
four are lung-fishes, thirty-two ganoids, twelve lampreys, and the 
remainder teleosts or bony-fishes. Of the last nearly one-third are 
comprised in the family of the carps (Cyprinidae) and somewhat 
more than one-fourth in that of the cat-fishes (Siluride). The 
Characinide and Chromides, forms from tropical America and 
Africa, are represented by somewhat more than two hundred and 
fifty and one hundred species respectively, the salmonoids by one 
hundred and thirty-five species, and the toothed carps (cyprino- 


donts) by one hundred and ten species. As to their geographical 
distribution, two primary zones might be recognised: the northern, 
corresponding largely to North America and Temperate Eurasia, 
characterised by the presence of sturgeons, salmonoids, pikes, and 
numerous carps, with only a feeble development of the cat-fishes ; 
and the southern or tropical zone, comprising the Indian, Ethio- 
pian, Neotropical, and Australian regions of zoogeographers, char- 
acterised by a special development of the cat-fishes. The fol- 
lowing scheme for the classification of the southern zone has been 
proposed by Dr. Gunther: 

Cyprinorp Diviston.—Characterised by presence of Cyprinide 
and Labyrinthici. 

1. Indian Region, 625 Species.—Characterised by Ophiocephalidze 
and Mastacembelidz. Cobitoids numerous. 

2. Africun Region, 255 Species.—Characterised by lung-fishes 
(Protopterus) and ganoids (Polypterus, Calamoichthys). Chromoids 
and characinoids numerous. Cobitoids absent. 

Acyprrinorip Diviston.—Characterised by absence of Cyprinide 
and Labyrinthici. 

1. Tropical American Region, 672 Species.—Characterised by 
lung-fishes (Lepidosiren). Chromoids and characinoids numerous. 
Gymnotide (electric eels). 

2. Tropical Pacific Region, 36 Species.—Characterised “sie lung- 
fishes (Ceratodus Forsteri and C. miolepis, from the waters of 
Queensland, Australia). Chromoids and characinoids absent. 

The eastern and western divisions of the northern zone, with 
some three hundred and sixty and three hundred and forty species 
respectively, are very closely related to each other, not only through 
the preponderance of types that are common to both regions, but 
in the possession, as has already been seen, of a number of identical 
species. Two genera of ganoids not found in Eurasia, Lepidosteus 
and Amia, serve to characterise the American ichthyic fauna, which 
is further distinguished from its trans-Atlantic correspondent in 
the special development of the suckers (Catostomide) and in the 
absence of cobitoids and barbels (Barbus). 

An Antarctic zone, made to include New Zealand, Tasmania 
(with a portion of Southeast Australia), the Falkland Islands, Tierra 
del Fuego, Patagonia, and Chili, whose faunas are very intimately 
related to one another, is recognised by some authors, but the num- 


ber of species here represented is too limited to permit of much 
importance being attached to a negative region of this kind. 
Galaxias attenuatus, a species of southern ‘‘trout,” and one of the 
three species of lamprey are found in New Zealand and the Tas- 
manian and Fuegian tracts. No fresh-water fishes are thus far 
known to inhabit any of the islands situated south of the fifty-fifth 
parallel of south latitude. 

The paucity of the fish-fauna of the tropical Pacific region is 
very remarkable, and only receives a partial explanation through 
the circumstance that the greater part of the tract belonging to it, 
the Australian, is deficient in water-courses. The island of Celebes, 
for example, which, as has been well urged by Ginther, would 
seem to offer favourable conditions for the development of a fresh- 
water fauna, has thus far offered barely more than a half-dozen 
species, all of them common Indian forms; nor has New Guinea 
shown itself to be much more prolific. Long-continued isolation 
has apparently prevented much of the tract from receiving the 
necessary supply from the fresh waters of continental areas, al- 
though the identity of existing forms with such as are found else- 
where would seem to indicate a recent migration and peopling of 
the waters. The smaller islands of the Pacific are inhabited prin- 
cipally by such forms, as eels, atherines, gobies, mullets, which 
can readily exchange fresh water for salt water, and to which, con- 
sequently, the oceanic basin constitutes no insuperable barrier to a 
free migration. A species of Arius, a siluroid, inhabits the Sand- 
wich Islands. 

The marine fishes may be conveniently divided into three cate- 
gories: shore fishes, or such as habitually frequent the coast-lines, 
and which rarely descend to a greater depth of water than three 
hundred fathoms; pelagic fishes, which inhabit the waters of the 
open sea, the majority of them spawning there also; and deep-sea 
fishes, or the fishes of the greater oceanic depths, where the in- 
fluence of light and surface temperature is but little felt. No 
sharp line of separation between these several classes is permissible, 
however, since the habits normally belonging to the members of 
one class are occasionally assumed by members of the other classes 
as well, as must necessarily follow from the different conditions 
governing their distribution. 


Shore Fishes.—The fishes of the first category number upwards 
of three thousand five hundred species. Their range in the north 
extends to, or beyond, the cighty-third parallel of latitude, but in 
the Southern Hemisphere no species have been found to pass be- 
yond the sixtieth parallel, although, doubtless, they exist along 
some of the more southerly shore-lines. The Arctic fauna, or the 
fauna occurring north of the sixtieth parallel of latitude, is, as far 
as we are warranted in believing, a strictly homogeneous one, iden- 
tical types largely characterising both the Old and the New World 
divisions. The more extensively represented families are, among 
the spiny-rayed fishes, the bull-heads (Cottida—Cottus, Icelus, Tri- 
glops), the Agonide, lump-suckers (Discoboli), and blennies (Blen- 
niidze—Anarrichas, wolf-fish) ; and among the anacanths the cod- 
fishes, with the cod (Gadus), hake (Merlucius), and ling (Molva). 
Among the physostomous fishes, or those in which the air-bladder 
is provided with a pneumatic duct, the herring (Clupea) is repre- 
sented by a limited number of species. The cartilaginous fishes 
are very scarce; indeed, thus far only one species, the Greenland 
shark (Lemargus), is known to penetrate north of the Arctic cir- 
cle. The chimera, spiny dog-fish (Acanthias), and ray, are met 
with along the southern borders of this tract. 

The Antarctic shore fauna is in many respects closely related to 
the Arctic, although nearly one-third of the generic types are 
peculiar. As in the north, the cartilaginous fishes are scarce, 
being represented by a single species of shark (Acanthias), and one 
or more species of ray (Raja, Psammobatis). The Scorpznide and 
Agonide among bony-fishes have each one genus, Sebastes and 
Agonus respectively, which is held in common with the Arctic 
fauna. The lophobranchs have in addition to the northern pipe- 
fish (Syngnathus) the remarkable Protocampus, represented by a 
single species of the Falkland Islands (P. hymenolomus). A most 
interesting fact connected with the Antarctic fauna is the recur- 
rence of types belonging to the far north, which are wanting in 
the intermediate region. This we see in the single species of 
spiny dog-fish (Acanthias vulgaris), which is a member of the 
Arctic and north temperate faunas, but is absent from the equa- 
torial region. The hakes comprise two species, one of which is 
restricted to the northern waters and the other to the southern; 
and a similar separation is found among the species of the Arctic 


and Antarctic genus Lycodes. The gadoids are in both regions 
accompanied by the parasitic hag (Myxine). 

The shore fishes of the north temperate sea are largely identi- 
cal in their general types in both the Atlantic and Pacific basins, 
as well as on opposite sides of these basins. Thus, of the fishes 
frequenting the British seas we find, among other genera, the fol- 
lowing types also represented on the east coast of America : the 
bass (Labrax), sea-perch (Serranus), porgy (Pagrus), bull-head (Cot- 
tus), angler (Lophius), wolf-fish (Anarrichas), Zoarces, cod (Gadus), 
hake (Merlucius), ling (Molva), and rockling (Motella); and among 
physostomes the smelt (Osmerus), herring (Clupea), and conger. 
The surmullets (Mullus), gurnards (Trigla), John Dorys (Zeus), and 
some of the breams are wanting, or are but rarely met with.* The 
cartilaginous fishes show as common to the East and West Atlantic 
the ‘‘hounds” (Mustelus), rays, sting-rays (Trygon), and the elec- 
tric rays (Torpedo) ; the true dog-fishes (Scyllium) appear to be 
wanting on the East American coast, and Chimera has thus far 
been found only in deep water. 

Most of the genera of British fishes also frequent the Mediter- 
ranean Sea, whose fauna effects a passage to the fauna of the 
equatorial zone. The number of peculiar genera is very limited. 
Among the newly appearing forms are the beryces (Beryx), star- 
gazers (Uranoscopus), umbrines (Umbrina), barracudas (Sphyrena), 
horse-mackerels (Caranx), and sea-horses (Hippocampus), members 
of the (more southerly) American fauna as well (elements borrowed 
from the fauna of the West Indies). The flat fishes—turbots, 
plaices, flounders, soles (Rhombus, Pleuronectes, Solea, &c.)—ex- 
hibit an increased development, while the gadoids rapidly diminish 
in numbers. A most remarkable correspondence exists between 
the Mediterranean fishes and those of the Japanese province—i. e., 
the coast of Asia between the thirtieth and thirty-seventh parallels 
of latitude ; indeed, viewed from a generic standpoint, this corre- 
spondence may be almost said to amount to identity. More than 
one-half of all the generic types represented are fishes of the south 
of Europe, and in many cases even the species are identical with 

* The occurrence of Trigla cuculus on the American coast is considered 
very doubtful by Jordan and Gilbert; on the other hand, Mullus barbatus, 
supposed to be absent, has during late years been reported from Pensacola, 
Florida, and Wood’s Holl, Massachusetts. (Smith’s ‘‘ Mise. Coll.,’’ 1883.) 


European forms.’ Several of the berycoid gezera inhabit the Japa- 
nese and Mediterranean waters exclusively, while others, as the 
red mullets, John Dorys, and trumpet-fishes (Centriscus), occurring 
in these two districts and elsewhere, are wanting on both the East 
and West American coasts.* How the transference of the Mediter- 
ranean fauna to the East Asiatic coast, or the converse, was effected, 
whether by means of a comparatively recent open water-way be- 
tween the two regions, as has been supposed by some, our present 
knowledge does not permit us to say. 

The shore fishes of the south temperate zone, which extends 
northward from the Antarctic faunal belt to about the thirtieth 
parallel of south latitude, are most intimately related to those of 
the north temperate, although very distinct from the forms which 
occupy the intermediate or equatorial zone. Nor is this corre- 
spondence restricted to generic types alone, since we find a consid- 
erable number of northern species which, skipping the intermediate 
tract, reappear here without having undergone even varietal modi- 
fication. Such are the chimera (Chimera monstrosa), two species 

of dog-fish (Acanthias vulgaris and A. Blainvillii), the monk-fish 
(Rhina squatina), John Dory (Zeus faber), angler (Lophius piscato- 
rius), bellows-fish (Centriscus scolopax), anchovy (Engraulis en- 
crasicholus), sprat (Clupea sprattus), and conger (Conger vulgaris). 
Among the marked differences separating the two regions may be 
mentioned the substitution of the cottoids by the Notothenizw (fam- 
ily Trachinidez) and the Discoboli by the Gobiesocide.t 

Of the four south temperate provinces, that of the Cape of 
Good Hope, the South Australian (with New Zealand), the Chilian, 
and the Patagonian, the Australian is by far the richest, numbering 
in its fauna not less than one hundred and twenty genera and two 
hundred species. Two-thirds of all the genera occurring on the 
coasts of Southeastern Australia and Tasmania are also represented 
in the shore fauna of New Zealand, which comprises some one 
hundred species. The New Zealand genera not represented in the 
Australian coast are about twenty-six in number, with about an 
equal number of species. The most marked difference between 
the two nearly contiguous faunas is the absence of gadoids in the 
Australian element, while the group is represented by not less than 

* Centriscus scolopax is said to be accidental on the American coast, 
+ The Gobiesocide have also northern representatives. 


six genera (Gadus, Merlucius, Lotella, Motella, &c.) in the fauna of 
New Zealand.—The Chilian fauna is generically closely related to 
the South Australian, and contains but few types that are strictly 
peculiar to it. One of its more remarkable features is the posses- 
sion of a species of Polyprion (P. Kneri, from Juan Fernandez), 
one of the Percidx, the only other known species of the genus (P. 
cernium) being a member of the European fauna.* The number of 
fishes thus far obtained from the Patagonian province is very 
limited, and scarcely permits us to formulate any definite opinion 
as to the characters of the entire fauna. 

The equatorial shore fishes far exceed those of the temperate 
zones both in number and diversity of form, agreeing in this re- 
spect with the condition presented by equatorial land and fluviatile 
faunas generally. It is here, too, that we find grotesqueness of 
outline combined with a most varied and beautiful colouring, an 
almost infinite arrangement of lively tints, scarlet, yellow, blue, 
black, &c., imparting to the fishes of this tract an indescribable 
brilliancy. Throughout the greater part of the equatorial or tropi- 
cal belt there is manifest a strong faunal identity, rendering the 
institution of ichthyic provinces practically impossible. Thus, the 
greater number of the dominant types of the Atlantic Ocean are 
also represented in the Pacific, and vice versa, and in many instances 
even the species representing these types are identical. The fishes 
of the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans are very 
intimately related, the number of identical species ranging from 
the Red Sea far into the Polynesian Archipelago being very great. 
A limit to the eastward extension of the Indo-Pacific fauna appears 
to have been set, however, by the cold current sweeping northward 
along the western coast of South America, and as a consequence we 
find a more or less distinct, or individualised, fauna along the east- 
ern border of the great ocean. Among the more largely represented 
generic or family groups of the equatorial zone are the sea-perches 
(Serranus), snappers (Mesoprion), mullet-kings (Apogon), blow- 
fishes (Chetodon, &c.), Scorpzenide, horse-mackerels (Caranx), 
coral-fishes (Pomacentridex), Juliding, flat-fishes (Pleuronectide), — 
herrings, and Murznide, several of which are more or less distine- 
tive of the zone. In all of these groups the number of species in 

* Obtained also in deep water by the United States Fish Commission. 
(Jordan and Gilbert, ‘‘ Synopsis Fishes of North America,” 1852.) 


the Indo-Pacific basin is very much greater than in the Atlantic. 
The extensive development of reef-structures through the former 
area, presenting unusually favourable conditions for existence, has, 
doubtless, much to do with this comparative superabundance. 

Pelagic Fishes.—Our knowledge respecting the fishes which 
spend a considerable, or the greater, part of their existence on the 
free surface of the oceans, borne resistlessly in the course of the 
oceanic current, or inhabiting masses of floating sea-weed, although 
still very meagre, is sufficient to indicate that the number of such 
types is very limited. As with the other groups of fishes, they are 
most numerous in the regions of high temperature, diminishing 
rapidly as we proceed either north or south from the Equator. 
Most of the tropical genera are also met with in the temperate 
zones, and probably the converse is also true, although a number 
oi exceptions have been indicated. The warm-water fishes become 
rare beyond the fortieth parallel, and decline very rapidly with the 
decline of the temperate fauna itself. Almost the only pelagic fish 
of the Arctic Ocean is the Greenland shark (Lemargus borealis). 

Among the better known bony-fishes that enter into the com- 
position of the pelagic fauna are the flying-gurnards (Dactylopterus), 
mackerels, tunny, bonitos, dolphins (Coryphena), skip-jacks, pilot- 
fishes, sword-fishes, frog-fishes, scopelids, skippers, flying-herrings 
(Exoceetus), sea-horses, porcupine-fishes, and sun-fishes (Orthago- 
riscus). The cartilaginous fishes are preeminently pelagic in their 
habits, and contribute largely to this fauna. The sharks are repre- 
sented by a number of genera (Carcharias, Galeocerdo, Zygena, 
Lamna, Notidanus, &¢c.), and by forms which are not only the 
largest of their tribe, but approximately the largest of known fishes. 
The basking-shark (Selache), the largest shark of the North At- 
lantic, attains a length of more than thirty feet ; Carcharodon 
Rondeletii, a tropical or sub-tropical species, the most formidable 
of all sharks, has been known to measure forty feet, and Rhinodon 
typicus, a species of the Indian Ocean, fifty to sixty feet. Rivals 
to these monsters of the deep are the sea-devils or eagle-rays (My- 
liobatide), many of whose forms (Dicerobatis, Ceratoptera) appear 
to attain a length of twenty feet or more. 

The similarity existing between the pelagic faunas of the At- 
lantic and Indo-Pacific basins is very great, extending not only to 

genera, but to species. A number of the forms are nocturnal in 


their habits, living in a deeper zone during the day, and appearing 
at the surface only at night. The majority of these are provided 
with phosphorescent organs, a structure largely prevalent among 
deep-sea fishes, to which these fishes effect a passage. 

Deep-Sea Fishes——Much uncertainty still remains as to the 
character of the abyssal ichthyic fauna, owing to the difficulty of 
determining in many or most cases the depths whence specimens 
caught in the net were obtained. But there can be no doubt that 
many forms inhabit very nearly the greatest depths that have been 
reached by the dredge. Ginther, in his ‘Introduction to the 
Study of Fishes,” enumerates upwards of fifty forms which are 
supposed to have been obtained from depths exceeding 1,000 
fathoms; twenty-six from depths exceeding 2,000 fathoms; and 
nine from depths of 2,500 fathoms or over. Additional forms have 
since been obtained in the dredgings of the ‘‘ Talisman” and ‘‘ Al- 
batross.” Bathyophis ferox and Halosaurus rostratus are reported 
to have been dredged by the ‘‘Challenger” in water of 2,750 
fathoms (5,019 metres), and Gonostoma microdon at an extreme 
limit of 2,900 fathoms. Considerable doubt, however, attaches to 
the last, since the fish is abundant in water of only moderate depth, 
and may have been taken down in the descent of the dredge, or 
captured only in its ascent. A similar doubt attaches to many of 
the other forms with a reputed very broad bathymetrical range, as 
it is hardly to be supposed that animals, organised specially to meet 
the conditions (pressure, &c.) of life in the oceanic abyss, should 
at the same time be so constituted as to endure with impunity the 
very different conditions governing life near the surface. The 
‘‘Talisman” obtained Alepocephalus rostratus at depths stated to 
range between 868 and 3,650 metres, Scopelus Maderensis between 
1,090 and 3,655 metres, and Macrurus affinis between 590 and 2,220 
metres ; similarly, it is claimed that the ‘‘ Albatross” obtained 
Cyclothone (Gonostoma) lusca and Scopelus Milleri in depths vary- 
ing from 560 to 5,394 metres (2,949 fathoms—latitude 37° 12’ 
north; longitude 69° 39’ west), or over a vertical extent of 16,000 
feet. Mr. Tarlton H. Bean justly considers the deep catch as doubt- 
ful. Less doubt attaches to the position of Aleposomus (?) Copei 
and Mancalias uranoscopus, both of which were obtained in the 
5,394 metre haul." The deepest recorded find of the ‘‘Talis- 
man” was in 4,255 metres (Bythites crassus)."? 


The Gadidx, Ophidiidw, Macruride, and Scopelida make up a 
very large proportion of the deep-sea fauna, which has thus far 
yielded some ninety to one hundred or more genera. The eels 
(Mureenide) are largely represented, and have been dredged from 
depths extending to 2,500 fathoms. Very few cartilaginous fishes 
were obtained by the ‘‘Challenger,” and these (Scyllium, Centro- 
phorus, Raja) were restricted to water not much exceeding six hun- 
dred fathoms, although the same group of fishes yielded specimens 
to the ‘‘ Talisman” at nearly twice this depth (coast of Portugal). 

Whether or not different zones of ichthyic life can be recognised 
in the oceanic abyss may perhaps still be considered an open ques- 
tion. Dr. Ginther maintains, as the result of his studies, that ‘‘as 
far as the observations go at present, no distinct bathymetrical 
regions which would be characterised by peculiar forms can be 
defined,” and that, ‘‘if the vertical range of deep-sea fishes is 
actually as it appears from the ‘Challenger’ lists, then there is no 
more distinct vertical than horizontal distribution of deep-sea 
fishes.” Asa result of the explorations of the ‘‘ Talisman,” Filhol 
arrives at the opposite conclusion, and believes that a series of 
more or less distinct zones can be indicated. Although in its gen- 
eral features the abyssal fauna (‘‘ Bassalian” of Gill) is closely 
related to that of the superficial tracts, yet a number of distinctive 
elements, arising in part from certain remarkable abnormalities of 
structure, or from the presence of types not elsewhere represented, 
serve in a measure to define it. Professor Gill indicates twenty- 
eight families of deep-loving fishes.™° 

Of the two lowest orders of fishes, the Pharyngobranchii, as rep- 
resented by the Amphioxus or lancelet, and the Marsipobranchii, 
lampreys and hags, no unequivocal fossil remains have as yet been 
discovered. Possibly, however, some of the singular tooth-like 
bodies described as conodonts from the Cambrian and Silurian de- 
posits, which by many authors are referred to the dental armature 
of annelids, may belong to fishes more or less nearly related to the 
modern hag. 

The Elasmobranchii (sharks, rays) have their oldest representa- 
tives in the Upper Ludlow horizon of the Upper Silurian formation, 
being preceded in time by a bucklered ganoid, Pteraspis (Scaphas- 
pis) Ludensis, from the Lower Ludlow. These earliest remains, 
belonging to the family of the true sharks (Squalidz), are in the 


form of teeth (Thelodus) and fin-spines or ichthyodorulites (On- 
chus, Ctenacanthus). The order is but very scantily represented in 
the Devonian deposits, but in those of the succeeding Carboniferous 
age (sub Carboniferous limestone) it acquires a profuse develop- 
ment, the pavement-teeth of forms generally considered to be allied 
to the modern ‘‘ Port-Jackson” shark (Cestracion) being particu- 
larly abundant—Helodus, Orodus, Chomatodus, Petalodus, Cochlio- 
dus, Psammodus. The relationships of these genera are, however, 
still very obscure, and not impossibly they constitute a group apart 
by themselves — Psammodortes. Less doubtful representatives 
(Strophodus, Acrodus, Hybodus) of the type of cestraciont fishes 
appear in the early and middle Mesozoic periods, Triassic and 
Jurassic, and in the chalk the teeth of Ptychodus are still very 
abundant. But in the latter period the more modern type of 
sabre-toothed sharks and dog-fishes, largely represented by existing 
genera, Notidanus, Scyllium, Lamna, Carcharias, Hemipristis, Gale- 
ocerdo (Corax, Otodus—extinct), appear to have gained the ascend- 
ency, which they retained throughout the subsequent Tertiary pe- 
riods. The most important of the later genera, and especially 
distinctive of the Miocene deposits, is Carcharodon. The earliest 
unequivocal traces of rays occur in the deposits of Jurassic age, 
although not impossibly some of the hypothetically placed forms 
of the later Paleozoic periods may belong to this group, or, at any 
rate, effect a union between it and the sharks. Of this nature 
appear to be the Jurassic Thaumas and Squaloraja, both of them 
nearly allied to the modern (and Cretaceous) Squatina. The true- 
and sting-rays are abundantly represented, particularly by frag- 
ments of their dental armatures, throughout the Tertiary deposits, 
the modern genera (Trygon, Myliobatis, tobatis, Zygobatis, Raja) 
predominating. The saw-fish (Pristis) and torpedo-ray date from 
the Eocene, and not impossibly from the Cretaceous period. 
Appearing almost simultaneously with the selachians, but at- 
taining a much earlier considerable development, are the ganoids, 
a class of fishes which in the earlier geological periods exhibit a 
remarkable diversity of structure, but at the present day are com- 
prised within a very limited number of genera, whose members, 
with the exception of the partially marine sturgeon (Accipenser), 
are all inhabitants of fresh water. Three or more distinct types, 
based upon characters drawn from the structure of the dermal 


armor, may be conveniently recognised: the osseous plated ganoids, 
as represented by the sturgeon ; the enamel rhomb-plated ganoids, 
typified in the American alligator-gars (Lepidosteus) end the Afri- 
can Polypterus ; and the cycloid scaled gancids, exemplified in 
the American Amia, which may in a measure be said to connect 
these fishes with the herring among the teleosts. None of these 
types appear to be represented in the Silurian pericd, unless, in- 
deed, the group of the bucklered ganoids, to which the ancient 
Scaphaspis Ludensis, and the greater number of the Devonian 
forms (Cephalaspis, Pteraspis, Pterichthys, Coccosteus) belong, be 
considered to be nearly related to the sturgeons. This relation- 
ship, however, requires further demonstration before it can be 
accepted as a fact; indeed, it has recently been attempted to show 
that some of these most ancient ichthyoid forms—e. g., Pterichthys 
—are not fishes at all, but members of what may, perhaps, be con- 
sidered to be a degenerated group of the lower Vertebrata, the 
tunicates.. The almost total obliteration of the bucklered type of 
ganoid with the close of the Devonian period is very remarkable, 
and has not yet received a satisfactory explanation. It has been 
conjectured by some that these fishes early withdrew to fresh water, 
and that, in the absence of fresh-water deposits of any magnitude 
in the period succeeding, they have necessarily left behind but 
scanty traces of their existence. It must be confessed, however, 
that this explanation is more in the nature of an assumption than 
anything else, and has but little positive to bear it out. In how 
far the Devonian fishes were of a fresh-water habit still remains to 
be determined, but it seems more than probable that they were 
largely of this, or at least of a brackish-water, character. The re- 
mains of the sturgeon are not known prior to the Eocene period, 
although a direct forerunner (Chondrosteus), uniting this family 
with the Spatularide, occurs as low down as the Lias. 

The non-bucklered ganoids of the Devonian period (Holop- 
tychius, Glyptolepis, Dipterus, Osteolepis, Diplopterus) belong 
principally to the type of the fringe-finned or crossopterygian 
Polypteri, which effect a passage to the lung-fishes (Dipnoi). This 
series, which is represented by both scaled and plated forms, is 
continued into the Carboniferous period (Rhizodus, Dendrodus, 
Megalichthys, Ceelacanthus) ; but here, as in the succeeding Permian 
period, they are already largely replaced by the lepidosteoid type 


(Palzoniscus, Amblypterus), which has its forerunner in the Devo- 
nian Chirolepis. The primitive heterocereal tail which characterises 
the ganoid fishes of the Paleozoic era, and which is still borne by 
many of the rhomb-plated fishes of the early Mesozoic period— 
Paleoniscus, Ischypterus, Catopterus—is converted by gradual 
modification into the higher homocereal type, which distinguishes 
the more important genera of Jurassic fishes (Tetragonolepis, Dape- 
dius, Lepidotus, and the teleostoid Leptolepis). In Semionotus, 
which ranges from the Trias into the Lias, the tail is of a well- 
marked transitional character. Very few of the Jurassic Ganoidei 
survive into the Cretaceous period, which practically marks the 
final collapse of this important order of animals, henceforward suc- 
ceeded by the more highly constituted bony-fishes. The most im- 
portant remaining group is that of the pyenodonts, or bean-toothed 
ganoids, whose numerous closely related forms have been referred 
to several distinct genera, which range collectively from the Car- 
boniferous period (Platysomus) to the Eocene. Among the Juressic 
genera are Microdon, Mesodon, Gyrodus, and Pyenodus, the last, a 
remarkable example of a persistent type, surviving the close of the 
Cretaceous period into the Tertiary. Of the group of the cycloid 
scaled ganoids (Ganoidei cycliferi), represented at the present day 
by Amia, probably the earliest unequivocal remains are those of the 
genus Amia itself, which appear in the Cretaceous deposits ; by 
many naturalists, however, several Paleozoic forms, as Holopty- 
chius, Asterolepis, Bothriolepis, and Ccelacanthus, are referred to 
this group, and with them also the celacanthine Cretaceous genus 

The lung-fishes (Dipnoi), which at the present day are repre- 
sented by the three very isolated genera Lepidosiren (Brazil), 
Protopterus (Africa), and Ceratodus (Australia), have left un- 
doubted traces of their existence as far back as the Permian 
period, when the genus Ceratodus itself appears (Bohemia, Texas), 
presenting us with the most remarkable instance of persistence in 
the whole range of vertebrate animals. Not unlikely the genus 
may be found to be of still older date, and to have been nearly 
contemporaneous with its formidable predecessor, the Dinichthys. 
Remains of Ceratodus have been found throughout the entire series 
of Mesozoic deposits, from the Trias to the Cretaceous inclusive. 
Lepidosiren and Protopterus are not known in a fossil condition. 


The osseous fishes proper appear for the first time in Cretaceous 
strata, being immediately preceded by the teleostoid group of ga- 
noid fishes of the family Leptolepidx, which effects a passage to 
them. Indeed, by many authors the genus Leptolepis and its 
Jurassic allies (Caturus, Thrissops, &c.) are classed with the for- 
mer, and placed near the herring, with which they appear to have 
been most nearly related. Although both the physoclist and phy- 
sostome types, or those in which the swimming-bladder is closed 
off from, or remains connected with, the gullet, appear very nearly 
simultaneously in the same deposits, and consequently by their 
occurrence give no evidence as to their respective antiquity, there 
can be no question that the physostome is the more ancient type, 
the severance of the bladder in the physoclists being the result of 
the disuse of parts. This is further proved by the existence of a 
connecting air-bladder among the recent (and, doubtless, also among 
the ancient) ganoids. The Cretaceous teleosts belong largely to 
existing types—Clupea (herring), Osmerus (smelt), Esox (pike), 
Beryx; but it is not until the Eocene period that we find a repre- 
sentative modern ichthyic fauna. To this, and the succeeding 
Tertiary period, most of the more prominent existing types date 
their first appearance. In addition to a very large representation 
of both the arthropterous and anarthropterous forms, the Eocene 
deposits contain remains of the Lophobdranchii (Syngnathus, pipe- 
fish), Plectognathi (Diodon, porcupine-fish; Ostracion, trunk-tish), 
and Apodes (Anguilla, eel). 

The study of the distribution of fossil fishes renders evident 
two important facts: First, that there has been a progressive modi- 
fication and evolution from less to more highly organised types; 
and, secondly, that among the almost innumerable forms of com- 
paratively recent origin, our existing ichthyic fauna still holds the 
wreck of a past fauna, whose period of decline belongs already to 
the earlier part of the earth’s history. It, moreover, reveals an 
extraordinary persistence on the part of some of the individual 
types. The occurrence of the recent genus Ceratodus in deposits as 
ancient as the Permian is certainly very remarkable, but it does 
not argue, as some would lead us to believe, that this particular 
fish has undergone no modification since the period of its first 
introduction. The fact that its remains have been found fossil in 
the deposits of Europe and America, whereas at the present time it 


is found exclusively in Australia, would seem to imply a different 
distribution of land and water masses than now exists. But there 
appears to be no doubt, from their association with a marine fauna, 
that the early members of the genus were of an oceanic character, 
and that the fresh-water habit was obtained as the result of later 
modifications. The peculiar distribution would then be readily 
accounted for. It appears more than probable that from the order 
of fishes represented by this genus have been descended at least 
some of the earlier amphibians; if this be true, it would seem that 
the lungs of the dipnoans had been developed when the animals 
were still more or less strictly marine. The genetic relationship of 
the two remaining genera, the South American Lepidosiren and 
the African Protopterus, to Ceratodus still remains to be deter- 
mined; but the development of an additional lung in these forms, 
coupled with the circumstance of their broad geographical isola- 
tion, would indicate an ancient differentiation of the two groups of 
the Dipneumones and Monopneumones. 

In tracing the phylogeny of the class of fishes as a whole we 
are presented with certain difficulties which in the present state of 
our knowledge prove an insuperable obstacle to the solution of the 
problem. Paleontology thus far offers no positive clue as to what 
might have been the direct ancestors of the animals in question, 
and until it does so inferences drawn from purely zoological char- 
acters will be largely in the nature of pure hypotheses. The earli- 
est fishes that appear, although obviously of a much less perfect 
structural type, exhibit very nearly the amount of specialisation 
seen in the modern forms, and are evidently far removed from the 
period of their first origination. Whether, therefore, the tunicates, 
which unquestionably possess many points of structural relation- 
ship with the fishes, are their true ancestors or not, or whether, 
instead of representing primitive vertebrate types, they are merely 
the degenerated remains of a more highly constituted ichthyic 
stock, must still be considered an open question. Nor would it be 
safe to affirm that the most ancient representative of the class was 
a form either closely or remotely allied to amphioxus, the lancelet, 
or that the latter is an ancient type at all. If the views recently set 
forth by Professor Cope ™ as to the tunicate affinities of Pterichthys 
and its allies be proved to be correct, then, indeed, the presumptive 
evidence would be very great for concluding that what have hither- 


to been generally considered to constitute an abnormal type of the 
Mollusca are in reality the true progenitors of the fishes. The facts 
in the case, however, require further substantiation. 

The phylogenetic relationship existing between the selachians 
and ganoids is equally obscure as that which exists between fishes 
generally and the other classes of animals. Both types are known 
to us in their oldest forms from very nearly the same horizon, and 
consequently give no indication as to priority of birth. Much 
more positive indication in this direction is afforded with respect 
to the lung-fishes and teleosts, the former of which appear to be 
clearly related to, and to have been derived from, the dipteroid 
ganoids (of the type of Dipterus), and the latter to have held a 
similar relationship to the rhomb-scaled ganoids, possibly of the 
type of Leptolepis. From the former, apparently, have descended 
the amphibians, while the latter have continued to develop as the 
dominant fish-fauna of existing waters. That the fresh-water forms 
are modified descendants of types originally inhabiting the seas 
there can be no reasonable doubt. It is impossible to state when 
the earliest differentiation of marine and fresh-water forms was 
effected, but there is every reason for supposing that it dates back 
far into the Paleozoic era, and that some, if not many, of the 
Devonian fishes were of a strictly fresh-water habit. 


The most salient facts that present themselves in connection 
with the geographical distribution of the Amphibia are, first, their 
almost complete absence from oceanic islands—the Seychelles, New | 
Caledonia, and the Feejee and Solomon Islands forming island 
groups exceptional to a general rule—and, secondly, the very nearly 
universal limitation of the tailed forms, sirens, newts, salamanders, 
&c., to the Northern Hemisphere. The nature of the first condition 
has already been discussed in treating of the dispersal of animals 
generally. The total number of known forms are comprised, ac- 
cording to the latest researches of Boulenger, in somewhat more 
than one hundred and forty genera and nine hundred species, of 
which only twenty-seven genera and seventy species belong to the 
urodelous or tailed division, eleven genera and thirty-one species 
are ceecilians (Apoda), and the remainder, one hundred and five 
genera and eight hundred species, frogs and toads (Anura). 


The ceecilians are tropical forms belonging to the East Indies, 
Africa (with the Seychelles—Hypogeophis rostratus), and America. 
The American species, including all of the genus Ceecilia itself, are 
about twenty in number, and range from Mexico to Peru and 
Brazil.* Remarkable instances of divided genera are presented by 
Dermophis, which possesses five American species and one from 
West Africa (D. Thomensis), and Ureotyphlus, represented by two 
species in Malabar and likewise one in West Africa. 

The urodele amphibians are comprised in four families : The 
Sirenidzx or sirens, with two or three species, inhabiting the South- 
eastern United States; the Proteidz, with two genera, Proteus and 
Menobranchus (or Necturus), the former confined to the subter-_ 
ranean waters of Carinthia, Carniola, and Dalmatia, and the latter 
to the streams of Eastern and Central United States and Canada; 
the Amphiumide, with three genera, two of which, Amphiuma and 
Menopoma, represent North American forms, while the third, Sie- 
boldia (Cryptobranchus or Megalobatrachus), which is closely re- 
lated to the menopomas, is confined to Japan and China; and the 
Salamandride (newts, salamanders, &c.), comprising upwards of 
ninety species, very extensively distributed throughout temperate 
Eurasia and North America, with some fifteen or more species in 
tropical America (from Mexico southward—Amblystoma, Spelerpes), 
a limited number in North Africa, and two (Tylotriton) in the 
Himalayas. The North American forms belong principally to the 
genera Plethodon, Desmognathus, Diemyctylus, Amblystoma (with 
Axolotl), and Spelerpes, the first two of which appear to be restricted 
to the Western Hemisphere.t Spelerpes has one species (S. fuscus) 
in the south of Europe, and Amblystoma one (A. persimile) in 
Siam, remarkable instances of separation in genera. The urodele 
Amphibia of North America, north of the Mexican boundary, num- 
ber about fifty species. The permanent larval forms of one or more 
species of Amblystoma (A. tigrinum, A. mavortium), known as 

* Boulenger gives the range of Chthonerpeton indistinctum as extending 
to Buenos Ayres; but this is considered doubtful by Peters (‘t Monatsb. Berl. 
Akad.,’’ 1879, p. $40). 

+ American zoologists recogrise the Plethodontide (with Spelerpes), Des- 
mognathide, and Amblystomide as distinct families; Diemyctylus, repre- 
senting the Pleurodclide, is by Boulenzer considered to be synonymous with 
the Eurasiatic Molge (Triton of Laurenti). 


axolotls, occur in various parts of Mexico and the Western United 
States (California, Wyoming). 

The greater number of the Old World salamandroids belong to 
the genus Molge (or Triton), whose range extends from Great 
Britain (M. cristata; M. palmata) to China and Japan (M. pyr- 
rhogastra; M. Sinensis), and south to Syria and the Mediterranean 
coast of Africa. The species having the most extended range ap- 
pear to be M. cristata and M. vulgaris, both of which are distrib- 
uted throughout the greater part of Europe, and largely also over 
temperate Asia. The most northerly point reached by any species 
seems to be about 63° 30’ (M. vulgaris or aquatica, in Norway). 
The Alpine triton (M. alpestris) ascends the Alps, according to 
Fatio, to an elevation of about 8,000 feet (2,500 metres), while a 
Mediterranean species (M. montana) inhabits the Lago d’Argento, 
on Monte Cinto, in Corsica, at an altitude of 6,000 feet. The 
genus Salamandra has three species, which collectively inhabit the 
greater part of Central and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia 
Minor, and Algeria. Salamandra atra, the black or rain salaman- 
der, inhabits the mountain-regions of Savoy, Switzerland, and 
Austria between altitudes of 2,500 and 10,000 feet. 

The anurous, or tailless, amphibians (frogs and toads), which, 
as has already been seen, comprise not less than eight hundred 
species, enjoy a much broader distribution than the tailed forms, 
being absent only from the regions of high northern and south- 
ern latitudes, and the remote oceanic islands. The genera Rana 
and Hyla are each represented by a single species in the Solo- 
mon Islands, and Cornufer (Ranidee) by three species (C. dor- 
salis, C. Vitianus, C. unilineatus) in the Feejee Islands. The only 
family that is entitled to be considered in any way cosmopolitan is 
that of the toads (Bufonide), which are only absent, apart from 
local areas and the strictly oceanic islands, from Madagascar, New 
Guinea, and New Zealand. The genus Bufo, which in itself com- 
prises nearly eighty out of a total of some ninety species belonging 
to the family, covers the entire range, with the exception of Aus- 
tralia, where it is replaced by the genera Pseudophryne, Notaden, 
and Myiobatrachus. The most broadly distributed species of the 
genus is the common European toad or paddock (B. vulgaris), 
whose range comprises practically the whole of Europe, Asia as 
far east as Japan, and Northern Africa; in Switzerland it ascends 


the Alps to a height of nearly 7,000 feet. Bufo calamita and B, 
viridis are likewise distributed throughout the greater part of 
Europe, the latter extending its range eastward to Turkestan.— The 
greater number of the American species occurring north of the 
Mexican boundary belong to the Sonoran transition-tract, where 
some six or seven species are met with. The common form of the 
Eastern and Southern United States is the Carolina toad (Bufo 
lentiginosus), of which several distinct varieties are recognised. A 
number of bufonine species are found in the West Indies, and Bufo 
(Chilophryne) dialophus is said to inhabit the Sandwich Islands. 

Next to the toads the most broadly distributed family is that 
of the true frogs (Ranidz), which are most abundantly developed 
in the Oriental and Ethiopian tracts, but are almost entirely absent 
from Australia. Of some two hundred species (representing eighteen 
genera), recognised as belonging to this group, somewhat more than 
half belong to the genus Rana itself, whose distribution is practi- 
cally that of the family. The genus is absent from the southern 
parts of South America—in the whole of which continent there 
have been determined thus far only three or four species—and from 
New Zealand, but is represented by a single species (Rana Papva) 
in North Australia. <A solitary species (Rana Krefftii) is also found 
in the Solomon Islands. The most broadly diffused Old World 
form is the green or edible frog (Rana esculenta), whose habitat 
extends from England and Scandinavia to North Africa, and east- 
ward through Central Asia to China an@ Japan; the species is 
wanting in the island of Sardinia.* Somewhat less broadly dis- 
tributed through Eurasia is the common freg (R. temporaria), which 
is the most northerly of known species, ranging in Norway (var. 
platyrhina) to beyond the seventieth parallel of latitude. In the 
Alps it still frequents the waters at an elevation of 8,000 feet. 

The two commonest species of Eurasian frog have their American 
representatives in the shad- or leopard-frog (R. halecina) and wood- 
frog (R. sylvatica)—the latter by some authors considered to be 
identical with R. temporaria—both of which are widely distributed 
in the United States. The largest American species of the genus, 
which alone represents the family north of the Mexican frontier, 

* Schreiber affirms that the species is also wanting in Great Britain; but 

the British Muscum is in possession of a specimen from Cambridgeshire 
(Boulenger, ‘‘ British Museum Catalogue,’’ 1882). 


is the common bull-frog (R. Catesbiana). Among the more im- 
portant remaining genera of Ranid are Rhacophorus (with Polype- 
dates, according to Boulengerx), whose thirty or more species inhabit 
Japan, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, India (with Ceylon), and 
Madagascar; 'xalus, with about twenty-five species, restricted to 
the East Indies; and Rappia, with a nearly equal number of species, 
inhabiting tropical Africa. 

The tree-frogs (Hylide), with upwards of one hundred and sixty 
species, find their greatest development in the Neotropical region, 
which contains somewhat more than one hundred species. The 
genus Hyla itself is represented by nearly ninety species, or by 
nearly three-fourths of all the known forms. The species of the 
North American fauna are comprised in the genera Hyla, Acris, 
and Chorophilus. Temperate Eurasia has but a solitary representa- 
tive of the family, the common tree-frog (Hyla arborea), which, in 
its several varietal forms, is distributed from Great Britain and the 
Canary Islands to Japan. Hyla Chinensis and H. annectens, the 
latter from North India, are the only other Asiatic species. The 
genus Hyla is wanting in the Ethiopian realm, but is represented 
by several species on the continent of Australia, whose amphibian 
fauna is made up almost exclusively of the families Cystignathide 
(about twenty species), Bufonidie (six species), and Hylide (eleven 
species—Hyla and Hylella). 

Scarcely inferior in point of specific development to the tree- 
frogs are the Cystignathidz, whose one hundred and fifty or more 
species are almost entirely restricted to Australia (with Tasmania) 
and South America, a few species penetrating northward into Mexico 
and the West Indies, and three or four into the Southern and Western 
United States (Florida, Texas, California). The family may, there- 
fore, be said to be distinctive of the Southern Hemisphere. The 
most abundantly represented of its numerous genera is Hylodes 
(forty-five species, tropical America), peeping-frogs, many of whose 
species partake of the habit of the common tree-frogs. Collectively 
the species are very broadly distributed, and penetrate far beyond the 
region of elevated temperatures. Hylodes leptopus, about the most 
southerly of all known species of frog, descends to the Strait of 
Magellan, while H. Whymperi was obtained by Mr. Whymper on 
the slopes of Chimborazo at an altitude of 18,200 feet. Paludicola 
marmorata (Leiuperus viridis), a member of the same family, was 


found by Tschudi in the Peruvian Andes at an elevation of nearly 
16,000 feet. Among the more distinctive forms of Cystignathide 
are the horned frogs (Ceratophrys), which inhabit tropical America 
from Guiana to Uruguay. 

A remarkable instance of a divided family among the Anura is 
furnished by the Dendrobatide, which comprise two genera and 
ten species, one genus, Mantella, being confined to Madagascar and 
Nossi Bé, and the other, Dendrobates, to tropical South America. 
The intermediate tracts are entirely devoid of representatives of the 
family. The number of families restricted to a single zoogeographi- 
cal region is five, of which four characterise the Neotropical realm 
—Dendrophryniscidx, Amphignathodontide, Hemiphractide, and 
Pipida—and one, the Dactylethride, the Ethiopian. The most 
limited of all the families is the Pipide, which is restricted to a 
single species, the Surinam toad (Pipa Americana), an inhabitant 
of Guiana and Brazil. 

Of the four primary groups to which the animals of this class 
are referable, the Stegocephala (corresponding to the Labyrintho- 
dontia of most authors), Gymnophiona (ceecilians), Urodela (sala- 
manders, tritons), and Anura (frogs and toads), the first acquires 
special geological importance from the fact that all, or very nearly 
all, of the older forms are comprised within it. Remains of Urodela 
are only doubtfully known from the Paleozoic deposits, while the 
anurous type does not appear before the Tertiary epoch; no fossil 
ceecilian has as yet been discovered. 

The now wholly extinct order Stegocephala, which comprises 
salamandroid and ophidian forms more or less covered with a pro- 
tecting armour of bony (ganoid) plates, dates from the Carbon- 
iferous period (Hylerpeton, Batrachiderpeton, Pelion, Dolichosoma, 
Ophiderpeton), when, or at a still considerably earlier era, they 
appear to have become differentiated from the type of lung-fishes 
(Dipnoi) or of the dipteroid ganoids. A further development of 
types, with a partial persistence of Carboniferous genera, is mani- 
fest in the Permian deposits, where, as in the older strata, the 
forms are principally referable to the division Ganocephala (Archee- 
gosaurus, Dendrerpeton, Branchiosaurus, Protriton,* Hylonomus, 

* Protriton Petrolei is by Dcichmiiller considered to be identical with 
Branchiosaurus gracilis. 


Limnerpeton, Melanerpeton), in which the peculiar labyrinthine in- 
folding of the teeth, distinctive of the true labyrinthodonts, is 
largely absent. The apodal and cecilian-like division Aistopoda 
is represented among other forms by the Carboniferous genera 
Dolichosoma and Ophiderpeton, and by Palzosiren and the Ameri- 
can Molgophis. Contemporaneously with these types we have also 
the true labyrinthodonts, whose earliest member appears to be 
Baphetes, from the Carboniferous deposits of Pictou, Nova Scotia. 
The full development of this group does not obtain, however, be- 
fore the Triassic period, at the close of which the entire order of 
animals seems to have become extinct in most regions.* Among 
the more distinctive genera of this period are Labyrinthodon, Mas- 
todonsaurus, Trematosaurus, and Metopias, to one or several of 
which probably belong the foot-prints of the fanciful animal desig- 
nated Cheirotherium. 

Of the perennibranchiate division of the Urodela, in which ex- 
ternal gills are retained throughout the entire existence of the 
animal (Siren, Proteus), we have as yet no positive indications in 
any of tne rock-formations. The Cryptobranchia, which retain a 
gill-opening after the absorption of the gills—the American Am- 
phiuma and Menopoma, and the giant salamander of Japan, Cryp- 
tobranchus Japonicus—seem to have one or more fossil representa- 
tives in the genus Andrias (Cryptobranchus of some authors), from 
the Miocene deposits of Oeningen, Germany, to which are referred 
the remains presumed by Scheuchzer to be those of earliest man 
(Homo diluvii testis). It is certainly a very remarkable fact in dis- 
tribution that the only link uniting the so widely separated, but 
closely related, genera Menopoma and Cryptobranchus, should be 
this extraordinary form from the middle Tertiary period. Its ex- 
istence would seem to indicate a former much broader diffusion of 
this particular group of animals, and a very different distribution 
of land and water areas than now obtains.—The caducibranchiate 
urodeles (salamanders, tritons), which in their transformation to lung- 

* Brachyops, from the Damuda beds of India, and one or two other genera 
of labyrinthodonts have been indicated as belonging to the Jurassic period, 
but it may be questioned whether the age of the deposits in which these 
remains occur has been as yet satisfactorily determined. Excepting these 
somewhat doubtfully placed forms, no amphibians are known from Jurassic 


breathers pass one stage beyond the cryptobranchs in the oblitera- 
tion of the gill-aperture, date from the Eocene period, when forms 
more or less nearly allied to recent types appear. Both Triton and 
Salamandra are represented. Remains of tailless amphibians (Anu- 
ra), more or less nearly allied to modern forms, have been obtained 
from the Tertiary lignitic and fresh-water strata (Oligocene, Mio- 
cene) of Western and Central Europe. Paleobatrachus diluvianus, 
one of the oldest known forms, is from the lignitic strata of Orsberg, 
near Bonn, Germany. The lacustrine deposits of Oeningen have 
yielded several extinct genera, among which are Latonia (related to 
the Brazilian horned toad, Ceratophrys), Paleophrynus (a bufonine 
type), and Pelophilus, the last not impossibly a true Bombinator. 
Among recent genera, Rana, Bufo, and Pipa have also Tertiary 

The paucity of remains of existing types of amphibians, com- 
bined with the circumstance of their very late appearance, renders 
impracticable the determination of the phylogenetic relationships 
which bind together the various groups. Equally uncertain are 
the stages which mark the differentiation of the modern fauna 
from that of the Paleozoic and the early Mesozoic periods, nor is 
it likely that any progress towards the sclution of this problem 
will be effected until the void which is caused by the almost total 
absence of amphibian remains from the deposits of Jurassic and 
Cretaceous age will have been in great part filled. 

That the animals in question are derived either in whole or in 
part from the cipnoan type of fishes there is very little doubt, but 
the immediate connecting link or links between their ichthyic pro- 
genitors, whatever these may have been, and the earliest stego- 
cephalic forms are still wanting. The apparently sudden disap- 
pearance with the Triassic period of the largely represented order 
which contained all, or very nearly all, the earlier forms of amphib- 
ians, without leaving in the modern fauna any positive indications 
of its former existence, is not a little surprising, but it appears not 
unlikely that the ceecilians, which in many points of structure 
resemble the ophidian labyrinthodonts, represent at least a part of 
this ancient stock. Again, by many geologists the crocodiles are 
assumed to be the modified descendants of the true labyrintho- 



Chelonia.—The total number of known species of chelonians is 
estimated by Hoffmann (1880) to be somewhat more than two hun- 
dred and fifty. Of these only five are marine forms, the rest being 
inhabitants of the land and its fresh waters. The former, com- 
prised in the genera Dermatochelys (or Sphargis), Chelone, and 
Thalassochelys, are very broadly distributed throughout the tropi- 
cal and sub-tropical or temperate waters of both the Old and the 
New World, most of the species being cosmopolitan, or nearly so. 
Dermatochelys coriacea, the leathery turtle, is found along the 
American border from Brazil to South Carolina and Massachusetts, 
exceptionally on the European coast, and in the Indian and Pacific 
oceans, from Africa to Chili. The green turtle (Chelone viridis), 
which is held in such high estimation as an article of food, has an 
equally extended range, although it is but very rarely found on the 
European coast (England to the Mediterranean). Of still rarer oc- 
currence in the European seas is Chelone imbricata, the hawk’s 
bill, which yields the tortoise-shell of commerce, and whose habitat 
embraces nearly the whole circumference of the globe. The log- 
gerhead (Thalassochelys corticata) is abundant on both sides of the 
Atlantic, and in the Mediterranean, and is at rarer intervals also 
met with in the Indo-Pacific basin. 

The land and fresh-water chelonians have a very unequal dis- 
tribution, being most abundant in the region of the tropics, and 
rapidly diminishing as we pass either north or south into the tem- 
perate zones, The greatest number of forms belong to tropical and 
sub-tropical America, and the smallest number to Australia and 
temperate Eurasia, each of which possesses some fifteen species. 
The northern limit reached by these animals in the Western Hemi- 
sphere is about the fiftieth parallel of north latitude (Chelydra 
serpentina), and not improbably the same parallel marks the cor- 
responding general limit in the Eastern Hemisphere, although in 
Europe Cistudo lutaria or Europa, the most wide-spread spccies 
of the continent, is found as far north as the fifty-fourth parallel 
(Mecklenburg), and possibly still farther. The total number of 
European species is five, most of which more properly belong to 
the region about the Mediterranean. No species is known from 
Great Britain, the Scandinavian Peninsula, Denmark, Holland, or 


Belgium. Cistudo lutaria and Testudo Greca, the latter intro- 
duced, inhabit the waters of Southern France; the first of these 
also inhabits Switzerland, but it is only doubtfully indigenous to 
that country. The number of species occurring in North America 
north of the Mexican boundary is about forty, nearly one-half 
of which properly belong to the Southern United States. Among 
the commoner or better known forms are the box-turtles (Cistudo, 
Cinosternum), wood-turtles (Chelopus), painted-turtles (Chrysemys), 
marsh-turtles (Malacoclemmys), terrapins (Pseudemys), musk-turtles 
(Aromochelys), snappers (Chelydra), and soft-shells (Aspidonectes), 
all of which are very broadly distributed, especially in the Eastern 
and Southern United States. The species having the most ex- 
tended range is the common snapper (Chelydra serpentina), which 
is found from Canada to Ecuador. Two other species, the common 
wood-turtle (Chelopus insculptus) and the painted-turtle (Chrysemys 
picta), range as far north as Canada. 

Most of the species of Chelonia are restricted to a single faunal 
region, and where identical species are found in more than one 
continent, the range of the species on the continent not properly its 
home is, as a rule, very limited. Two species are known to be 
common to Europe and (North) Africa—Testudo nemoralis and 
Cistudo lutaria (C. Europza); one species, Pyxis arachnoides, is 
common to the continent of Africa (with Madagascar, and some of 
the neighbouring islands) and India; and likewise one, Manauria 
fusca, common to the East Indies (Java, &c.) and Australia. Tur- 
tles are wanting in the true oceanic islands, but they are sufficiently 
abundant in many of the continental islands, even where these are 
distant several hundred miles from the nearest mainland. Two of 
the most ponderous representatives of the order belong to such isl- 
and groups: the Galapagos turtle (Testudo nigra) and the elephant 
turtle (T. elephantina), the latter, whose weight is known to reach 
five hundred pounds, inhabiting the Seychelles and some of minor 
island groups of the Mozambique Channel. 

Of the four more generally recognised families of land and 
fresh-water turtles, the Testudinide, Emyd, Chelyde, and Triony- 
chide, only the first has representatives in all the major divisions 
of the earth’s surface. Australia is lacking in both the Emydex and 
Trionychid, the latter being also absent from South America, 
while the three southern continents are almost the sole possessors 


of the Chelydz. Remarkable instances of discontinuous genera 
are seen in Hydromedusa, one species of which inhabits the Oriental 
realm and the remainder the continent of South America, and in 
Podocnemis, whose species are divided between South America 
and Australia. 

The earliest chelonian remains occur in deposits of Jurassic age 
(Switzerland, Germany, France), in which a well-marked differentia- 
tion of the modern families Emyde (as seen in the genera Thalas- 
semys, Eurysternum, Tropidemys, Helemys, the last supposed to 
have been closely related to the American snapper) ‘and Chelyds 
(Plesiochelys, Idiochelys, Craspedochelys) already appears. The 
number of forms is materially increased in the succeeding Creta- 
ceous deposits, where, in addition to the representatives of the two 
families already indicated (e. g., Platemys, Pleurosternum, Adocus, 
Euclastes, Osteopygis), we have those of the Trionychide and 
Cheloniidss (Trionyx, New Jersey; Chelone, Maestricht chalk, and 
greensand of New Jersey). Protostega gigas, a marine turtle from 
the deposits of this age of Kansas, attained a length of upwards of 
twelve feet. Many of the recent genera, as Testudo, Chelydra, 
Emys, Cistudo, &c., appear as fossils in the early or middle Tertiary 
deposits. The most extraordinary of all extinct forms is the giant 
land-tortoise of the Siwalik Hills of India, Colossochelys atlas, 
which measured apparently not less than fifteen to twenty feet in 
length. Of somewhat less than one-half these dimensions was the 
Macrochelys mira, from the molasse of Southern Germany (Ober- 
kirchberg, near Ulm), whose modern representative is the Missis- 
sippi snapper (Macrochelys lacertina). 

Lacertilia.—The number of known species of lizard is esti- 
mated by Giinther to be about seventeen hundred, of which by far 
the largest part is confined to the warmer regions of the earth’s 
surface. But comparatively few forms are found to pass beyond 
the fortieth parallel of latitude, and at about the sixtieth parallel 
(north) the order practically disappears. The most northerly spe- 
cies is Lacerta vivipara, whose range comprises nearly the whole of 
Europe, and extends northward to the seventieth parallel (in Nor- 
way); it is accompanied as far as Lapland by the no less broadly 
distributed blind-worm (Anguis fragilis). In the Western Hemi- 
sphere the northward extension of the order is much more limited 
than in the Eastern, and it would appear that only one species, a 


Gerrhonotus, passes beyond the fiftieth parallel; in the Middle 
United States the northern skink (Eumeces septentrionalis) pene- 
trates into Minnesota, and along the Atlantic border Eumeces fas- 
ciatus, a species, singularly enough, also found in Japan, forms 
part of the Massachusetts fauna. The most southerly range of any 
species is that of Liolemus Magellanicus, which reaches the Strait 
of Magellan. 

In the whole of Europe north of the forty-fifth parallel of lati- 
tude, or what might be considered to be Central and Northern 
Europe, theré are scarcely more than a dozen species of lizard, of 
which nearly one-half belong to the genus Lacerta, or common 
lizard. Scandinavia, Great Britain, and Denmark have each three 
(and the same) species: Lacerta vivipara, L. agilis, and Anguis 
fragilis. An additional species, the wall-lizard (L. muralis), be- 
longs to Belgium and Holland, and a fifth one, the green lizard 
(L. viridis), which has also found a congenial home on the island 
of Guernsey, to Germany. All of these species form part of the 
southern or Mediterranean fauna, which in Europe comprises some 
thirty-five or more species, many, or most of them, of a distinctively 
African type. The affinities with the tropical faunas are seen in 
the development of the geckotine type (Hemidactylus verruculatus, 
the common gecko of the houses of Southern Europe ; Gymno- 
dactylus, Phyllodactylus, Platydactylus) and the agamas (Agama, 
Stellio—South Russia and the Balkan Peninsula), the Old World 
representatives of the American iguanas. One species of chameleon 
(Chameleo vulgaris) is found in Andalusia. 

In temperate North America lizards are even more scarce than 
in the equivalent region of the Old World. Indeed, in the whole 
of the continent north of a line that might be considered to unite 
San Francisco with Galveston in Texas there are probably less than 
twenty species, of which more than one-half belong to the Old 
World genus of skinks, Eumeces. A distinctive feature separating 
the saurian fauna of this tract from the European is the absence of 
the group to which all the commoner European forms (Lacerta) 
belong, although the genus Xantusia, from the Pacific coast, is by 
some authors doubtfully referred to the Lacertide. On the other 
hand, a distinct Old World relationship is established in the glass- 
snake (Ophiosaurus—from Tennessee southward and westward), a 
near ally of which is the glass-snake (Pseudopus) of Southern Eu- 


rope (Dalmatia, Hungary, Russia) and West-Central Asia.* In the 
region lying south of the San Francisco-Galveston line, which is 
largely in the form of parched or desert tracts, the prevalence of a 
considerable number of tropical or South American types imparts a 
distinct individuality, or non-North American character, to the 
fauna, which is best expressed in the family of iguanas (Iguanide). 
This group is represented by not less than forty species, the greater 
number of which belong to the genera Sceloporus and Phrynosoma 
(‘‘horned-toad ”), one species of the latter genus penetrating as far 
north as Dakota.¢+ Inhabiting the same tracts, but extending its 
range to Tehuantepec, is the venomous Heloderma. A single spe- 
cies of amphisbeenian, the ‘‘ thunder-worm” (Rhineura Floridana), 
is known from Florida. The so-called chameleon of the Southern 
United States is the green goitred lizard Anolis. 

The more distinctive or most largely represented tropical fami- 
lies of lizards are the iguanas, agamas, monitors, geckos, amphis- 
beenians, and chameleons. The first of these is almost exclusively 
American, and is represented by probably not less than three hun- 
dred species, of which nearly, or fully, one-third belong to the 
genus Anolis, whose members especially abound in the West India 
islands. The genus Iguana is more properly South American, al- 
though also found in some of the West Indies, and penetrating 
northward into Mexico. Basiliscus, the basilisk, likewise ranges 
into Mexico. In addition to the forms that have already been in- 
dicated as belonging to the United States, may be mentioned Uta, 
Callisaurus, and Holbrookia, the last of which is sufficiently abun- 
dant in certain parts of Texas and the transition-region to the 
northwest. The most remarkable member of the family is the 
Galapagos leguan (Amblyrhynchus), which is partially marine in 
its habits. Brachylophus inhabits the Feejee Islands. No iguanian 

* A variety of this species also occurs in Morocco. M. Boulenger has re- 
cently attempted to show (‘‘ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.,”? Aug., 1885) that 
the North and South American lacertiiian faunas are, strictly speaking, one, 
the Neogean, a conclusion which is not borne out by the facts of distribu- 
tion. The misconception arises from the incorporation of the tract lying 
south of the line indicated above with the North American faunal region 
proper, while in reality it is a transition-tract more nearly Neotropical in 
character than ‘‘ Nearctic.’’ 

+ Phrynosoma orbiculare was found by Mr. Geddes on the plateau of 
Mexico at an altitude of 7,500 feet. 


is found on any of the continental divisions of the Old World, but 
two genera of terrestrial habits, Hoplurus and Chalarodon, appear 
in Madagascar. 

The true Old World representatives of the iguanas are the 
agamas (Agamidz), which might be said to present a parallel series 
of forms to the iguanian types of the New World. Their distribu- 
tion covers the greater part of the continent of Africa, the warmer 
tracts of Asia, especially the islands of the East Indian Archipelago, 
and much of Australia. No species has thus far been obtained 
from New Zealand. A limited number of species is found in Asia 
north of the Himalayas (Trapelus, Phrynocephalus— Tartary to 
Afghanistan), and their occurrence in Southern Europe (Agama, 
Stellio *) has already been noted. Several genera have representa- 
tives in the Andaman and Feejee Islands groups. Among the more 
remarkable forms of the family are the flying-lizards (Draco)—in- 
habitants of the East Indies (except Ceylon)—which are provided 
with a tegumentary expansion specially adapted for sailing through 
the air; the frilled lizard of Queensland, Australia (Chlamydosaurus 
Kingii), which is ornamented with a broad fan-like collar nearly 
encircling the head and neck; and the spine-covered Moloch hor- 
ridus of Southern and Western Australia. The agamas proper range 
throughout Africa, and eastward to India. 

The geckos (Geckotide), which, with the exception of the 
cosmopolitan skinks, have the broadest distribution of all the 
lacertilian families, number about two hundred species. They 
occur in the hotter parts of all the continental regions, and are 
largely represented even in the more distant oceanic islands—Ma- 
deira, Ascension, the Seychelles, New Zealand; the Solomon, An- 
daman, and Sandwich Islands groups, &c.—evidently possessing 
some special means for dispersion which is wanting in other rep- 
tiles. Several of the more largely represented genera, as Gymno- 
dactylus, Phyllodactylus, and Hemidactylus, have practically the 
range of the entire family; Gonatodes is found in tropical America 
and East India, but is wanting in Africa. The genus Gecko, as 
restricted, has about seven species, which are confined to China, 
Japan, the Papuan Islands, and the islands of the East Indian 
Archipelago. Most of the geckos are nocturnal in their habits, 

* Boulenger (‘‘ Catalogue of Lizards,’ British Museum, 1885) considers 
Trapelus and Stellio as synonyms of Agama. 


and it would appear that the different species intentionally keep 
apart from each other. Colonel Tytler observes that ‘although 
several species of geckos may inhabit the same locality, yet, as a 
general rule, they keep separate and aloof from each other; for in- 
stance, in a house the dark cellars may be the resort of one species, 
the roof of another, and crevices in the walls may be exclusively 
occupied by a third species. However, at night they issue forth in 
quest of insects, and may be found mixed up together in the same 
spot; but on the slightest disturbance, or when they have done 
feeding, they return hurriedly to their particular hiding-places.” "5 
Remarkable instances of broad specific range are presented by Hemi- 
dactylus mabouia, which inhabits Brazil, San Domingo, Eastern 
Africa, and Madagascar, and Gehyra mutilata, whose range extends 
from the Mascarene Islands through India, the Malay Peninsula, 
and New Guinea to Mexico. With the exception of the common 
chameleon (Chamzleo vulgaris), whose range extends from Anda- 
lusia through North Africa eastward to India and Ceylon, all the 
species of the family are restricted to the African continent and 
the neighbouring islands (Madagascar, Bourbon, and Fernando 
Po, the first with nearly one-half the total number of species). 
The monitors, or water-lizards (Varanide), which range over the 
greater part of Africa, East India, Australia, and the Austro-Malay- 
an islands, comprise the largest Old World members of the class, 
some of the species measuring, or exceeding, six feet in length. 
The common monitor of the Nile (Monitor Niloticus) is found in 
the neighbourhood of all the more important streams of tropical 
Africa. Psammosaurus scincus, a North African species, is strictly 
terrestrial in its habits. 

The amphisbeenians, or footless lizards, which by Dr. Gray are 
elevated to the rank of a distinct order, are principally tropical 
American forms, although a considerable number of species are 
known from the African continent, and a few, of the genus Blanus, 
from the Mediterranean districts of Europe and Asia. In America 
the species range from the Argentine Republic through the West 
Indies to Florida (Rhineura [Lepidosternon] Floridana). Chirotes 
lumbricoides, which is provided with the anterior pair of appen- 
dages, is a Mexican species. A distinctively American family of 
lizards is the Teiidw, or teguexins, which may be said to replace 
the Old World Lacertidz, and whose range extends from Patagonia 


to Montana and Virginia. Upwards of a hundred species have 
been described. 

New Zealand (or rather the small islands off the northeast coast) 
possesses a remarkable lizard in the genus Hatteria or Sphenodon, 
which in many points of structure departs from the type of true 
lizards, and approximates it to an ancient lost form from the Trias, 
the genus Hyperodapedon. 

The earliest known representative of the Lacertilia is Protero- 
saurus, from the Permian deposits of Germany and England, which 
appears to be most nearly related to the monitors, from which, 
however, it differs in its thecodont dentition.* Hyperodapedon 
(which, with the contemporaneous Rhynchosaurus, and the recent 
Hatteria, is by some authors constituted into a distinct order, 
Rhynchocephala) and the acrodont genus Telerpeton (Elgin lime- 
stones of Scotland) appear in the Trias, and are succeeded in the 
deposits of Jurassic age by a number of more or less obscurely 
defined genera (Geosaurus, Homeeosaurus, Acrosaurus, Anguisau- 
rus), whose relationships with modern forms are in most cases not 
clearly indicated. Lacertilian remains are not abundant in the Cre- 
taceous deposits, and such as have been preserved are mainly in a 
fragmentary condition; the recent genus Hydrosaurus, one of the 
monitors, is indicated. In Tertiary strata the remains become nu- 
merous, and belong in considerable part to modern types. Frag- 
mentary skeletons from the European Miocene deposits have been 
referred to Iguana and Lacerta, and, doubtfully, also to Scincus 
and Anguis.—No true lacertilians are known from American de- 
posits older than the Eocene. The western lake-basins of this age 
have yielded numerous remains, which are referable to a number 
of distinct genera—Glyptosaurus, Iguanavus, Oreosaurus, Tino- 
saurus, Saniva—and some of which appear to have survived into 
the Miocene. Among the very limited number of forms of this 
period may be mentioned Peltosaurus, doubtfully referred to the 
Gerrhonotide, and Cremastosaurus, the latter of about the size of 
the horned-toad. 

Ophidia.—The distribution of the Ophidia is very similar to 
that of the Lacertilia, the order being most numerously represented 

* Professor Seeley believes it probable that Protcrosaurus is a dinosaur. 
(Phillips, ‘* Manual of Geology,” edited by Etheridge and Seeley, 1885.) 


in the tropical regions of the earth’s surface, and rapidly diminish- 
ing toward either pole. Excepting, however, members of the 
family of water-snakes (Hydrophide), which are especially abun- 
dant in the Australian and Indian seas—ranging westward to Mada- 
gascar, and eastward to Panama—the order is only exceptionally 
represented in the strictly oceanic islands, in this respect differing 
from the lizards and agreeing with the amphibians. Evidently, 
the animals of this class, like the Amphibia, possess no facilities 
for traversing broad arms of the sea. 

With our deficient knowledge of many of the more favoured 
regions of the globe it is impossible to arrive at any estimate of 
the numerical extent of the order, but it may be safely assumed 
that there are considerably more than one thousand clearly defined 
species known to naturalists, of which very nearly one-half are 
found in British and Farther India, and the East Indian Archi- 
pelago. Mr. Blanford places the number of species from British 
India and its dependencies alone at two hundred and seventy-four.* 
In Europe, north (and inclusive) of the Alps, there are some fifteen 
or more species, of which three, the common viper or adder (Vipera 
[Pelias] berus), the grass or ringed snake (Tropidonotus natrix), 
and the Coronella Austriaca (levis), penetrate beyond the fifty-fifth 
parallel of latitude. These are the only species found in Scandi- 
navia, the British Isles, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium. The 
most northerly of all serpents is the common viper, whose range 
embraces the whole of Europe and Northern Asia, and which in 
Scandinavia extends to the Arctic circle; in the Alps it is occa- 
sionally met with at an altitude of nine thousand feet. The north- 
ern limit of the ringed snake appears to be the sixty-fifth parallel. 
Germany has in all six or seven species,"* the three above men- 
tioned, and Tropidonotus tessellatus, Elaphis flavescens (Esculapii), 
Zamenis viridiflavus (doubtful), and Vipera aspis (the asp), the last 
very largely distributed throughout the whole of France and Switz- 
erland, and the commonest of the venomous serpents of Italy. — It 
does not appear to ascend the Alps to elevations much exceeding 

* The census of the other Reptilia ig as follows: Chelonia fifty-four, Cro- 
codilia four, Lacertilia one hundred and eighty-two. The Amphibia com- 
prise about one hundred species, of which one only belongs to the tailed 
division, and five to the Pseudophidia (Cecilia). ‘Journ. Asiatio Soe. 
Bengal,’’ Dec., 1881. 



five thousand feet. The species, like many of the other Mediter- 
ranean forms, is found also in Algeria, but seems to be absent from 
Morocco."7 All of the German species occur in Switzerland, which, 
however, numbers one additional form, Tropidonotus viperrinus. 

The Mediterranean fauna, or what might be considered to be 
the fauna of Southern Europe, comprises about thirty species, in 
which are included probably all the forms that occur elsewhere in 
Europe; the Iberian Peninsula numbers twelve species, ™* Italy about 
fifteen, and Greece fourteen."’ In the western half of this region 
the similarity existing between the ophidian faunas of the several 
countries amounts almost to identity, but eastward, from the Balkan 
Peninsula to the Crimea, a gradual exchange of species is effected, 
so that in both Turkey and Russia nearly, or fully, one-half of the 
species (about fifteen in each country) are distinct. Somewhat more 
than one-half of the Italian and Iberian species are also found in 
the region south of the Mediterranean—Algeria and Morocco. 

The North American serpents, or those found north of the 
Mexican boundary, belong in the main to two families, the colubers 
(Colubridz) and pit-vipers or rattlesnakes (Crotalide), the former 
numbering some one hundred and ten or more species, and the 
latter about twenty. In addition to these there are a limited num- 
ber of representatives of three or four other families. Thus, the 
worm or burrowing snakes (Typhlopide), whose species are abun- 
dantly distributed over the tropical regions of both hemispheres, 
occur sparingly in California and Texas (Stenostoma); the Erycide, 
a limited family of Old and New World serpents allied to the boas, 
are represented on the west coast by two species of Charina (Cali- 
fornia to Puget Sound); and the venomous Elapida, to which very 
nearly two-thirds of all the Australian snakes, and the deadly cobra 
(Naja), Bungarus, and Ophiophagus of India belong, are repre- 
sented by the harlequin-snake (Elaps fulvius) in the Southern United 
States (east of the Mississippi), and by Elaps euryxanthus in Ari- 
zona. The greater number of these forms can scarcely be said to 
constitute a part of the North American ophidian fauna proper, 
inasmuch as they occur principally in a border tract whose gen- 
eral faunal relationship is more nearly with the region lying to the 
south than the north. 

The North American colubrine snakes are comprised principally 
in five or six groups or genera: 1. Tropidonotus, water-snakes, whose 


range is coextensive with the whole United States, and whose best 
known exponents are the ribbon-snake (T. [Euteenia] saurita), water- 
snake or adder (T. sipedon), and garter (T. [Eutzenia] sirtalis), the 
first two abundant in the region east of the Mississippi, and the last 
found almost everywhere from Canada and Nova Scotia to Mexico 
and Panama. 2. Coluber, whose range is no less extensive than 
that of the water-snakes, and which embraces among other forms 
the most broadly distributed black-snake or constrictor (C. [Basca- 
nium] constrictor) and the coachwhip-snake (C. flagelliformis) of 
the Southern States. 3. Pityophis, pine-snakes. 4. Elaphis, to 
which the spotted racer (E. [Scotophis] guttatus), chicken-snake (E. 
quadrivittatus), and pilot (E. obsoletus) belong, the first two prin- 
cipally from the Southern States, and the last generally distributed 
over the Atlantic border, from New England to Alabama. 5. Ophi- 
bolus, king-snakes, whose species are widely diffused throughout 
the United States, and whose best known representatives are the 
southern chain-snake (O. getulus)—with a western variety known 
as the king-snake (O, Sayi)—the red-snake (O. doliatus), and the 
very common milk-snake or spotted adder (O. triangulus), whose 
range extends from the Atlantic border to the Mississippi, and 
northward to Canada; and, 6. Diadophis, ring-necked snakes, rang- 
ing nearly through the entire continent south of the Canadian line, 
The genus Cyclophis comprises two common species of green- 
or grass-snake, the summer-snake (C. wstivus) and spring-snake 
(C. vernalis), both of which have a very extensive distribution. 
Two species of hog-nose snake (Heterodon) occupy a considerable 
part of the United States, and are locally known as blowing-vipers 
or adders. 

The remaining colubrine forms are embraced in genera largely 
limited as to the number of species, and which in many cases, as in 
Contia, Tantilla, Sonora, &c., are confined to the transition-tract 
which unites with the Neotropical realm. The North American 
crotaloids are comprised in three or more genera: Crotalus, the 
rattlesnakes proper, Sistrurus (or Crotalophorus), the prairie or 
grass rattlesnakes, which are confined principally to the Central 
and Southern United States, and Ancistrodon, the copperheads and 
moccasins. Of the last there are three species: A. contortrix, the 
copperhead, whose habitat is the greater part of the region east of 
the Mississippi; A. piscivorus, the true or water moccasin, which 


inhabits the waters of the Southern States from South Carolina to 
Texas; and A. atrofuscus, the highland moccasin, found in the 
mountain-region south of Virginia, and by many authors considered 
to be only a variety of the last. The rattlesnakes proper are repre- 
sented by some ten or more species, most of which are found in 
the region of the Southwestern United States. Five species (or 
varieties) are known east of the Mississippi, of which the common 
or banded rattlesnake (C. horridus), which is still abundantly dis- 
tributed between Texas and New England, has the most extended 
range. The diamond-rattlesnake (C. adamanteus) inhabits the 
Southern States. 

Although the greater number of species of North American non- 
venomous Ophidia belong to genera or groups which are also largely 
developed in, and are equally characteristic of, the Old World, as 
Tropidonotus (Eutenia), Coluber (Bascanium), and Elaphis (Scoto- 
phis), types but barely represented in the Neotropical realm—thus 
clearly indicating the Old World affinities of the so-called ‘‘ Nearc- 
tic” fauna, it appears that all the species are distinct.* This is not 
very surprising in view of the limited northern range, especially in 
the Western Hemisphere,t of the majority of the species, which are 
incapable, and have been incapable for a long period past, of tra- 
versing the chilled northern tracts by which at one time, doubtless, 
a union was effected between the two hemispheres. As a result of 
this isolation new species have been formed. It is more remarkable 
that the most northern of all ophidian genera, Viperus, the viper, 
whose appearance on the American continent might have been con- 
fidently looked for as a result of its extended range, is completely 
wanting. Other anomalies of distribution are presented by the 
distinctively American genera Heterodon and Dromicus, both of 
which have representatives in the island of Madagascar, and the 
family of pit-vipers (Crotalids), which is largely developed in the 
Oriental realm, but is wanting in Africa. 

Of the more important families of tropical and sub-tropical 

* By most American herpetologists Eutenia, Bascanium, and Scotophis 
are considered to be distinct from the Old World genera with which they 
have been united by the greater number of European naturalists. 

+ Several species are found in British Columbia along the Canadian bound- 
ary-line, but it is doubtful whether any penetrate much beyond the fiftieth 
parallel of latitude. 


snakes—indeed, of all snakes—the colubers take first rank, num- 
bering probably fully one-fourth of all known species of Ophiilia. 
They are, strictly speaking, the most cosmopolitan of all the vari- 
ous groups, and are represented, in addition to genera whose dis- 
tribution embraces several of the zoogeographical regions, by a 
number of distinct genera in each of the great zoogeographical 
regions except Australia, where the family is but feebly developed 
(Tropidonotus, Coronella). Next in importance, and more strictly 
tropical, are the venomous colubrine snakes (Elapidz), with probably 
upwards of one hundred species, about one-half of which are con- 
fined to Australia and the neighbouring islands. The family, which 
is almost wholly wanting in the north temperate region—repre- 
sented by the genus Callophis in Japan and by the harlequin-snakes 
(Elaps) in the United States—comprises many of the most deadly 
of the Thanatophidia, as the cobra (Naja tripudians), Bungarus, 
and Ophiophagus of India and some of the eastern islands. Callo- 
phis bilineatus appears to be the only poisonous snake of the Philip- 
pines. The genus Elaps embraces all or most of the American 
species of the family, including the much-dreaded Brazilian coral- 
snake (Elaps corallinus).* 

Partaking very nearly of the distribution of the last family are 
the burrowing-snakes (Typhlopid), whose numerous members, 
belongirg chiefly to the genus Typhlops, are found in nearly all 
the warmer regions of the earth’s surface. One species of the 
genus, Typhlops lumbricalis, is found in Greece and on some of 
the Grecian islands. The tree-snakes proper (Dendrophide) are 
found in all the tropical regions; the nocturnal tree-snakes (Dip- 
sadid) and the arboreal whip-snakes (Dryiophide) are also essen- 
tially tropical, but they are either wholly, or almost wholly, wanting 
in Australia. 

The boas or pythons (Boide; Pythonide) are one of the most 
distinctively tropical families, comprising some fifty or more species. 
The pythons proper (genus Python) are distributed throughout 
ntarly the whole of the Oriental region—the islands as well as the 

* Many travellers and naturalists, and notably Maximilian, Prince of Wied, 
have denied the venomous nature ot this animal. The researches of Ihering, 
however, conclusively demonstrate this nature in Elaps Maregravii, and would 
seem, consequently, to uphold the common notion concerning E, corallinus 
(‘‘ Zoologischer Anzeiger,’? August, 1881). 


mainland—and over the greater part of the continent of Africa, 
although by some naturalists the Ethiopian species are placed in a 
distinct genus, Hortulia. The netted python (P. reticuldtus) in- 
habits nearly all the islands of the Malay Archipelago, besides 
portions of the mainland (Farther India), where it shares in part 
the habitat of the common Indian species, P. molurus. Among 
the African species are the royal python of the western forests 
(P. regia), Seba’s python, or the fetich-snake (P. Seb), whose 
distribution is much more general, and the Natal rock-snake (P. 
[Hortuiia] Natalensis). The Australian Pythonide are included in 
the genera Morelia, Aspidiotes, Liasis (islands of the Arafura Sea), 
and Nardoa, to the first of which belong the diamond-snake (M. 
spilotes) and the carpet-snake (M. variegata) of the colonists. In 
the New World the pythons are replaced by the boas and anacon- 
das, which by many naturalists have been constituted into a distinct 
family, Boidse, and whose habitat is principally the warmer parts 
of the South American continent. Boa constrictor, whose home is 
more properly the equatorial forest region, is represented by several 
closely allied forms in Central America and Mexico, as B. isthmica, 
B. imperator, and B. Mexicana, which are by some autnorities con- 
sidered to be mere varieties of the common southern constrictor, 
and by others as distinct species. A fourth species, the yellow 
boa (Chilabothrus inornatus), whose home is the West Indies, is 
doubtfully said to inhabit Central America and Mexico as well.* 
The anaconda (Eunectes murinus) is found in the tropical waters. 
The most remarkable instance of a localised family of any ex- 
tent is presented by the earth-snakes, or rough-tailed burrowing- 
snakes, as they are sometimes called, the Uropeltid, whose thirty- 
five or more species are confined almost entirely to Ceylon and the 
southern part of the Indian Peninsula, or to the tract constituting 
the Cingalese sub-region of the Oriental realm. Their headquarters 
on the peninsula are the western mountain-ranges between Canara 
and Cape Comorin, only one species, according to Beddome,® be- 
ing found in the mountains of the east coast, and but three on the 
west, whose range extends northward beyond Kudra Mukh in South 
Canara. Several species of Silybura ascend the Neilgherrics to an 
* The naturalists of the United States Fish Commission steamer ‘ Alba- 

tross’? found a species of boeform serpent on the island of New Providence, 
Bahamas (‘‘Science,’’ June, 1886). 


elevation of seven thousand feet, and Plectrurus Perrotetii is found 
between five thousand and eight thousand feet. 

Fossil remains of serpents are not numerous, and only one spe- 
cies, the Simoliophis Rochebruni, from the Upper Cretaceous de- 
posits of the Charente, France, is known to antedate the Tertiary 
period. Several species of Palzophis, considered by some authors 
to have been closely related to the boas, which they rivalled in size, 
and by others to constitute the type of a distinct family, have been 
found in the Lower Eocene deposits (Londonian) of England, France, 
and Italy; two or three species have been likewise described from 
the nearly equivalent deposits of the State of New Jersey.* Bow- 
form serpents appear to be indicated by the Python Eubaicus, 
from Kumi, in the island of Eubea, and by the remains from the 
Eocene fresh-water deposits of the Western United States which 
have been referred to the genera Boavus, Lithophis, and Limno- 
phis. The genus Coluber is represented by several species from 
the Miocene fresh-water deposits of the continent of Europe (Oen- 
ingen, &c.). Fossil Toxicophidia, or venomous serpents, appear 
to be still less abundantly represented than the non-venomous 
types. A form supposed to be related to the rattlesnakes has been 
described from Salonica as Laophis crotaloides, and one, related to 
the cobra, from Steinheim, as Naja Suevica. The most ancient 
remains of Ophidia in the New World appear to be those of Hela- 
gras prisciformis, from the Puerco Eocene, which was of about the 
size of the black constrictor (Coluber constrictor). 

The paucity of ophidian remains leaves very uncertain any specu- 
lations as to the origin or evolution of this order of animals. 
Whether or not they are in part the modified descendants of the 
lacertilian pythonomorphs, which they seem to approximate in cer- 
tain points of structure, still remains to be determined. 

Crocodilia,—Of the four orders of existing reptiles the Croco- 
dilia are numerically the least important, and at the same time the 
most restricted in their distribution. Some twenty-five more or 
less well-defined species, inhabiting the tropical and sub-tropical 
regions of the earth’s surface, are known to naturalists, by whom 
three distinct groups or families are recognised: the gavials, croco- 
diles proper, and alligators. The gavials are exclusively Old World 
forms, and the alligators forms belonging to the New World. The 

* Paleophis littoralis, P. Halidanus, P. (Dinophis) grandis. 


former, as understood by most systematists, are comprised in two 
genera, Gavialis (with a single species, G. Gangeticus), restricted 
to the waters of the Indian Peninsula, and Tomistoma, a Bornean 
form, whose range probably extends to North Australia. 

The true crocodiles, of which some authors recognise two gen- 
era, Crocodilus and Mecistops,* inhabit nearly all the larger streams 
(and many of the lakes) of Africa, India, and the north coast of 
Australia. Although for a long time supposed to be entirely want- 
ing in the New World, they are now known to inhabit the waters 
of tropical America on both sides of the Andes (Ecuador, Colombia, 
the Orinoco, &c.), extending their range to Mexico and the West 
India Islands (Cuba, San Domingo, Jamaica). Crocodilus Ameri- 
canus enters some of the streams of Florida. The species having 
the broadest distribution appear to be Crocodilus porosus, whose 
range embraces the area included between the North Australian 
coast, the Indian Peninsula, and China, and C. vulgaris, the com- 
mon African form, which is found throughout the greater part of 
the continent, and which has been reported, although doubtfully, 
also from Palestine. Two species of crocodile, C. robustus and C, 
Madagascariensis, the one related to the common Indian form and 
the other to the African, are found on the island of Madagascar. 

The alligators (Alligator), also known as caymans and jacarés, 
and comprising, according to some authors, not less than ten dis- 
tinct species, are confined to the waters of tropical and sub-tropical 
America, ranging from the Argentine Republic to Tennessee. The 
single species of the United States is the Alligator Mississippiensis. 
It is not a little surprising, seeing the presence there of crocodiles, 
that alligators should be almost wholly absent from the West In- 
dies; one species (A. latirostris) is said to inhabit the island of 

Geologically the crocodiles represent an ancient group, dating 
their first appearance, as far as is yet known, from the Triassic pe- 
riod. Three genera of this age are recognised: Stagonolepis, from 
the Elgin sandstones of Scotland, Belodon, from Wirtemberg, the 

* Dr. Gray, in his “‘ Catalogue of the Shield Reptiles of the British Mu- 
scum”? (1872), makes seven genera, of which Oopholis is Asiatic and Austra- 
lian, Bombifrons Asiatic, Palinia and Molinia American, and the remainder, 
Crocodilus, Halerosia, and Mecistops, African. It is questionable whether 
any of these forms is entitled to generic distinction. 


Eastern United States, and India, and Parasuchus, from India. In 
the deposits of the succeeding Jurassic age the number of distinct 
types and species is very largely increased. No less than forty 
species, beionging in the main to the genera Mystriosaurus, Teleo- 
saurus, Steneosaurus, Metriorhynchus, and Dakosaurus, are known 
from British strata alone.’ Many of these are also found in the 
deposits of the continent of Europe, which comprise a considerable 
number of additional types. The amphiccelous, or biconcave, type 
of vertebra, distinctive of the Triassic and Jurassic crocodilians, is 
retained in a measure by the Cretaceous forms, as in Goniopholis 
and the American Hyposaurus,* but we now also meet, and for the 
first time, with the type of the modern proceelian crocodile. Gavialis 
and Crocodilus, abundantly developed as Tertiary forms, both oc- 
cur in the Upper Cretaceous beds of Europe, and are represented 
in the nearly equivalent American deposits by the gavialine genera 
Holops and Thoracosaurus. Tomistoma is found in the Miocene 
of Malta and Lower Austria. Alligator does not appear before the 
Tertiary (Eocene) period (Europe and America). A gavialine form 
from the Siwalik deposits of India, Rhamphosuchus crassidens, is 
supposed to have attained a length of from fifty to sixty feet. 

The origin of the crocodilian line is involved in much obscurity. 
Whether or not the animals of this group stand in direct genetic 
relation with some of the earlier labyrinthodonts, as is maintained 
by some paleontologists, our present knowledge does not permit us 
to determine. Among themselves, however, the different croco- 
dilian types exhibit a remarkable gradational series of structural 
peculiarities, which connect the most ancient and the modern forms, 
and place them in an almost unbroken sequence. Professor Huxley 
has indicated the line of succession as passing from the Parasuchia 
—the Triassic forms, in which neither the palatine nor pterygoid 
bones enter into the formation of secondary posterior nares—through 
the Jurassic and Cretaceous Mesosuchia, in which the palatines 
alone are produced to form these nares, to the modern and Upper 
Cretaceous (proccelian) Eusuchia, in which both bones are similarly 
produced. M. Dollo recognises in Bernissartia, a recently discov- 

* Hyposaurus Rogersi, from the ‘‘ greensands”’ of the Eastern United 
States, was until recently the only known species of the genus; a second 

species, H. Derbianus, has been described by Professor Cope trom the Province 
of Pernambuco, Brazil (‘‘ Trans. Am. Phil. Soe.,” Jan., 1886). 


ered form from the Cretaceous deposits of Belgium, the ancestral 
type of the short nosed modern crocodilians—z. e., the crocodile 
and alligator. 


The principal features connected with the geographical distribu- 
tion of birds having been discussed in the early part of this work, 
only the geological distribution of the class will be considered here. 

The earliest known birds are the Archeopteryx, whose remains 
have thus far been found only in the Solenhofen limestone (Up- 
per Oolite) of Bavaria, and the Laopteryx priscus, from a nearly 
equivalent horizon of the Western United States (Wyoming Terri- 
tory). The latter, which was of about the size of the great blue 
heron (Ardea Herodias), is apparently a member of the hetero- 
geneous group designated by Marsh the Odontornithes, or toothed- 
birds, to which the more remarkable of the American (Middle) 
Cretaceous birds, Ichthyornis, Hesperornis, and Apatornis, belong. 
Ornithic remains, with somewhat doubtful relationships, and re- 
ferred to the genera Graculavus, Laornis, Paleotringa, and Tel- 
matornis, have also been obtained from a somewhat higher horizon 
(Upper Cretaceous) in the Eastern United States (New Jersey). 
Almost the only clearly determined bird-remains of this period 
occurring in Europe are those of Enaliornis (Pelagornis; Upper 
Greensand of Cambridge), which appears to have had some resem- 
blance to a penguin. 

In the Tertiary deposits remains of this class are very much 
more numerous, and there is a close approximation to modern type- 
structures. Thus, in the Eocene deposits of the Paris Basin and 
elsewhere in France (Auvergne, Provence, Languedoc) we find the 
remains of the true quail (Coturnix), grouse (Tetrao), cormorant, 
godwit, rail, sandpiper, nuthatch, and falcon, associated with which 
are a number of forms whose relationships have not in all cases 
as yet been absolutely determined. The most remarkable of these 
is probably Gastornis Parisiensis, a bird of about the stature of the 
African ostrich, but possessing so many well-marked anatine char- 
acters as to have induced some naturalists to class it with the 
ducks and geese.* Agnopterus and Elornis appear to have repre- 

* Gastornis Klaasseni, a bird apparently exceeding the ostrich in size, has 

recently been described by Mr. Newton from the Lower Eocene strata of 
Croydon, England (‘* Proc. Geol. Assoc.,’’ Feb., 1886). 

BIRDS. ook 

sented the flamingoes, and Paleocircus and Palzortyx, as is indi- 
cated in their names, the raptorial and gallinaceous birds respec- 
tively. It is not a little remarkable that Leptosomus, the type of 
a small family now absolutely restricted to the island of Madagascar, 
should constitute a part of thisfauna, The deposits of the Swabian 
Alps have yielded a limited number of bird-remains (harrier, cor- 
morant), and so have those of Glarus, Switzerland, whence was 
obtained the nearly perfect skeleton of the passerine form known 
as Protornis or Osteornis. 

The equivalent, or nearly equivalent, deposits of the London 
Basin, the island of Sheppey, and of Hempstead, in the Isle of 
Wight, have also yielded a number of avian forms, some of which 
appear to have been most intimately related to types now living, 
such as the herons, gulls, and kingfishers (Halcyon or Halcyornis). 
But here, as in the Paris Basin, there occur several distinct types 
whose position among living forms it is very difficult or impossible 
to establish. Such are the Megalornis, a bird somewhat smaller in 
size than the emu; Dasornis, which apparently combines true 
struthious characters with those of the recently exterminated moas 
of New Zealand; Macrornis, also with struthious characters; and 
the very singular anatine Odontopteryx toliapicus, recalling in its 
dental armature the Cretaceous toothed-birds of America. All the 
older Tertiary bird-remains that have thus far been described 
from the American continent are from the Western United States, 
and belong in principal part to the gruiform genus Aletornis (Wy- 
oming), some of whose species appear to have attained to nearly 
the stature of the sand-hill crane. A true owl (Bubo leptosteus), 
about two-thirds as large as the great horned-owl (B. Virginianus), 
represents the birds of prey, and the passerine Paleospiza bella the 
songsters; the former is from Wyoming (Eocene), and the latter 
from the insect-bearing shales of Florissant, Colorado (Oligocene ?). 
A giant struthious bird, combining some of the characters of the 
extinct moas, has been described by Professor Cope from the Eocene 
deposits of New Mexico, as Diatryma gigantea, a form not un- 
likely generically identical with the European Gastornis. 

Ornithic remains are much more abundant in the Miocene de- 
posits than in the Eocene, and there is a corresponding further 
approximation to modern type-structures. From the lacustrine 
deposits of Central and Southern France, whence the greatest 


number of distinct types has been obtained, upwards of fifty spe- 
cies have been described, the greater number of which are referable 
to the modern genera Aquila (eagle), Haliaetus (fishing-eagle), 
Milvus (kite), Bubo (owl), Picus (woodpecker), Corvus (crow), 
Motacilla (wagtail), Passer (sparrow), Columba (pigeon), Rallus 
(rail), Phoenicopterus (flamingo), Grus (crane), Ardea (heron), Ibis, 
Totanus (tattler), Numenius (curlew), Tringa (sandpiper), Larus 
(gull), Phalacrocorax (cormorant), Sula (gannet), Pelecanus, and 
Anas (duck). The occurrence of a parrot (Psittacus) and of sey- 
eral species of pheasant (Phasianus; also in Greece) is rather re- 
markable, since the former is no longer an inhabitant of the 
European continent, or of any adjoining tract, and the latter is 
generally conceived to have been a modern introduction from 
Asia. Several of the generic types found in France have also been 
recognised in the deposits of South Germany (Steinheim, &c.). 
The Siwalik Hills formation of India has yielded the remains of 
two species of pelican, a cormorant, stork (Leptoptilus), merganser, 
ostrich (Struthio Asiaticus) and emu (Dromeus? Sivalensis). With 
reference to the occurrence in India of the last named bird, whose 
relationship with its living Australian congener, Dromeus Nove- 
Hollandie, is very intimate, Mr. Lydekker says: ‘‘The former 
occurrence in India of a large struthioid closely allied to the emu 
is one more instance of the originally wide distribution of the 
struthioid birds; and it not improbably indicates that the home of 
the group of which the cassowaries, emus, and moas are diverging 
branches, was originally somewhere in the neighbourhood of the 
Indian region, whence a migration took place during some part 
of the Tertiary period towards the southeast, where the group, in 
regions more or less completely free from the larger mammals, sub- 
sequently attained its greatest development.” * The American 
Miocene birds are limited to some four or five species, a turkey 
(Meleagris antiquus ; Colorado), nearly as large as the common 
wild species (M. gallopavo), gannet, shearwater, and guillemot. 
The Pliocene and Post-Pliocene birds of the continent of Europe 
are much less numerous than the Miocene, and in the greater num- 
ber of cases do not admit of absolute determination. Several 
species of waders, swimmers, and gallinaceous birds (Gallus, Scolo- 
pax, Anas, Anser), more or less intimately related to existing forms, 
have been described from England, France, and Germany. The 


mallard (Anas boschas) and grey lag-goose (Anser cinereus) both 
appear to be represented in the later deposits. Among the cave 
deposits of France have been discovered the remains of the snowy- 
owl (Nyctea Scandiaca) and willow-grouse (Lagopus albus), north- 
ern forms which appear to have followed the southward migration 
of the reindeer, and of a large extinct species of crane (Grus primi- 
genia). Two or more species of swan have been found in the os- 
siferous cavern of Zebbug, in the island of Malta, one of which, 
Cygnus Falconeri, an extinct form, exceeded by about one-third 
the dimensions of the common C. olor. 

Of the group of sub-fossil birds, or those whose remains belong 
to a comparatively very recent period, are the giant struthious 
birds of New Zealand, known as ‘‘moas” (Dinornis and Mionornis, 
with some seven or more species), and the palapteryxes (Palapteryx 
and Euryapteryx); the 4!pyornis maximus of Madagascar; and the 
Australian Dromeornis australis, the precursor of the modern emu. 
A giant goose (Cnemiornis), associated with which are the remains 
of several remarkable ralline forms (Aptornis and Notornis—the 
latter surviving up to our own period), and a number of other 
birds, also occur in the newer deposits of New Zealand. In this 
connection may be mentioned, although not strictly falling under 
the category of fossils or sub-fossils, the recently exterminated 
didine birds of the Mascarene Islands—the dodo (Didus ineptus) 
of Mauritius, and the solitaire (Pezophaps solitarius) of Rodriguez; 
the crested parrot of Mauritius (Lophopsittacus Mauritianus), and 
the Aphanapteryx, an abnormal ralline species, from the same isl- 


Monotremata,—This, the most limited, order of terrestrial 
Mammalia, forming the sub-class Ornithodelphia of most natural- 
ists, comprises two families, the Ornithorhynchide, or duck-bills, 
and Echidnide, or Australian hedgehogs, the former of which is 
restricted to the continent of Australia and Tasmania, and the lat- 
ter to the same region with the addition of New Guinea. The 
duck-bills are represented by a single species, the platypus or water- 
mole of the colonists (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus or anatinus). 
No fossil remains referable to this genus have as yet been dis- 

The Echidnide comprise two recent genera: Echidna, with 


three or four more or less clearly defined species (E. hystrix or 
aculeata, E. cetosa, E. acanthion*) inhabiting Australia and Tas- 
mania, and a single one (E. Lawesii) New Guinea; and Acantho- 
glossus, represented by A. Bruijnii, from Northern New Guinea. 
Fossil remains of this family are not numerous, and belong exclu- 
sively to the Post-Pliocene deposits of the Australian continent. 
Echidna Oweni is founded upon a portion of a humerus from Darling 
Downs, and indicates an animal considerably larger than the com- 
mon recent species. E. Ramsayi, from a breccia cave in Wellington 
Valley, is likewise founded upon a humerus. 

Marsupialia,.—All the existing members of this order, if we 
except the single family of American opossums (Didelphide), are 
restricted to the Old World, and are in the main confined to the 
Australian continent and New Guinea, a limited number of forms 
finding a habitat in the debatable tract between the Australian and 
Oriental realms. The general features of their distribution are 
discussed in the chapter treating of the Australian realm. The 
order. is not represented in either of the continents of Eurasia or 

The opossums comprise a considerable number of species, the 
majority of which are confined to South and Central America; 
two species, Didelphys Virginiana and D. Californica, are found in 
the United States, the former, the common American species, rang- 
ing from the Gulf border to the State of New York. An aberrant 
web-footed form, the yapock (Chironectes), inhabits South and 
“Central America. 

Marsupial remains in deposits older than the Tertiary are not 
abundant, and are in the main comprised in a number of genera 
whose exact relationships have not as yet been absolutely deter- 
mined. Indeed, it is not a little doubtful whether the earliest 
forms usually referred to this order—those from the Trias—actually 
belong here, or represent an even more primitive type of mammal. 
To this category of uncertain forms may be referred the Microlestes 
antiquus, from the Keuper of Germany, M. Moorei and Hypsiprym- 

* Described by Collett from North Queensland (‘‘ Forh. Selsk. Christiania,” 
1884). Liitken indicates the possible existence of a fourth Australian species 
(‘* Proc. Zool. Soc.,’? London, 1884, p. 150), while Dubois defines a supposed 
new species, named Proechidna villosissima, from New Guinea (‘‘ Bull. Mus. 
Belg.,”’ iii., p. 109). 


nopsis Rheeticus, from the Rhetic deposits of Somersetshire, Eng- 
land, and Dromatherium sylvestre, from the Chatham coal-fields of 
North Carolina. Of less doubtful affinity are Tritylodon, from the 
Triassic deposits of ‘South Africa, and the numerous forms whose 
fragments have been obtained from the British Oolites and the 
island of Purbeck—Amphitherium, Phascolotherium, Stereogna- 
thus, Spalacotherium, Amblotherium, Stylodon, Triconodon, Tria- 
canthodon, Plagiaulax—and from the nearly equivalent deposits of 
the Western United States (Diplocynodon, Stylacodon, Tinodon, 
Triconodon, Dryolestes, Ctenacodon). Many, or most, of these 
forms appear to depart to a certain extent from the normal type of 
marsupial structure—approximating the Insectivora— hence, by 
some naturalists, as Professor Marsh, they are relegated to distinct 
groups—Pantotheria and Allotheria—supposed to have no living 
representatives.* The Marsupialia are not represented in the Creta- 
ceous deposits ; Meniscoessus, a form whose closest relationship 
appears to be with the Jurassic Stereognathus, occurs (in associa- 
tion with dinosaurian remains) in the Laramie formation of the 
Western United States, the position of which in the geological 
scale, as has already been intimated, is more properly with the 
Cainozoic than with the Mesozoic series. 

The Tertiary marsupial remains of the Northern Hemisphere 
belong principally to the earlier periods, beginning with the oldest 
Eocene; in Europe they have not been recognised higher than the 
middle Miocene, and in North America, if we except the pygmy 
opossum (Didelphys pygmea) from the Miocene of Chalk Bluffs, 
Colorado, no representative is known from deposits newer than the 
Oligocene (White River beds). Barring the opossums,t whose 
earliest remains have been found in the Eocene deposits of both 

* According to Professor Seeley, Hypsiprymnopsis, which appears to be 
most intimately related to the modern kangaroo-rat (Hypsiprymnus), is founded 
on the premolar teeth of Microlestes. The same authority recognises in Am- 
phitherium and Phascolotherium a strong combination of marsupial and in- 
sectivore characters, and the indications of a ‘‘ generalised insectivorous type, 
modified from a monotreme stock in the direction of the marsupial plan”? 
(Phillips’s ‘‘ Manual of Geology,” i., p. 520, 1885). 

+ Separated by some authors from the genus Didelphys as Peratherium 
and Amphiperatherium ; Peratherium, whose range extends into the Miocene, 
is represented by five or more species in the White River deposits of Colorado, 
the largest of which about equals in size the mole (Scalops aquaticus). 


France and England, none of the recent families are indicated. 
The herbivorous type seems to be entirely wanting in the European 
deposits, but in America, the forms that have been described from 
the Puerco formation of New Mexico as Polymastodon are re- 
ferred to this type by Professor Cope. Neoplagiaulax, from the 
basal Eocene beds of France and New Mexico, and its near ally 
Ptilodus, represent the Jurassic Plagiaulacide, and appear to effect 
a partial transition from these to the Pliocene or Post-Pliocene 
Thylacoleo of Australia. 

The remains of true kangaroos (Macropodidz), some of them, 
as Palorchestes, considerably exceeding in size the largest of the 
modern representatives of the family, occur in the newer Pliocene 
or Post-Pliocene deposits of the Australian continent. Associated 
with these are a number of remarkable forms whose precise affini- 
ties still remain to be determined, although in the general character 
of their dentition they approximate the kangaroos and phalangers. 
Diprotodon australis, with less disproportionate limbs than in the 
kangaroos, appears to have exceeded the rhinoceros in size. Of 
somewhat smaller dimensions are the species of Nototherium. 
Thylacoleo carnifex, described as ‘‘one of the fellest and most 
destructive of predatory beasts,” is held by many naturalists to 
have been an herbivore. 

Edentata.—The animals of this order are at the present day 
confined almost wholly to the southern continents—indeed, it might 
be said principally to the continent of South America (with Central 
America), which possesses more than three-fourths of all the known 
species. Of the five recognised families, the sloths (Bradypodide), 
ant-eaters (Myrmecophagid), and armadillos (Dasypodide), are 
exclusively American; the aard-varks (with two or three species— 
Orycteropus Capensis, the Cape ant-eater, O. &thiopicus, from 
Northeast Africa, and a possible third species from Senegal) are 
African; and the scaly ant-eaters or pangolins (Manidide), both 
African and Asiatic. The species of the last, some eight or more, 
are properly referable to a single genus, Manis, although several 
sections, by some authors considered to be of generic value, have 
been constituted to receive certain well-marked, but unimportant, 
peculiarities of structure. The common pangolin (Manis penta- 
dactyla) inhabits the Indian peninsula and the island of Ceylon, 
sharing in part the distributional area of the Chinese species (M. 


aurita), whose range extends from North India to the island of 
Formosa. The Javan pangolin is a native of Burmah, the Malay 
Peninsula, and the larger islands—Java, Borneo, Sumatra—of the 
Eastern Archipelago. A limited number of species are known from 
Western Africa, one of which, M. (Pholidotus) gigantea, measures 
about five feet in length to the tip of the tail. The most aberrant 
form of the family is M. (Smutsia) Temminckii, from the southern 
and eastern portions of the African continent. 

Of the American groups the most restricted in point of numbers 
are the ant-eaters, whose range, collectively, embraces the greater 
portion of the Neotropical realm included between Mexico and 
Paraguay, east of the Cordilleras. The better known species—in- 
deed, the only species admitted by most authors—are the great ant- 
eater (Myrmecophaga jubata), the tamandua (Tamandua tetradac- 
tyla), and the little or two-toed ant-eater (Cycloturus didactylus), 
whose individual ranges coincide largely with the range of the en- 
tire family. The sloths, of which some authors recognise not less 
than a dozen fairly well-marked species or varieties, occupy much 
the same area as the ant-eaters, although they do not appear to 
enter Paraguay. They are inhabitants of the forest region, which 
limits their distribution. Two genera, founded upon the number 
of toes on the fore-feet, are generally admitted : Bradypus, the 
three-toed sloths, and Cholepus, two-toed’sloths, both of which 
are very extensively distributed.* 

The armadillos (Dasypodide), which comprise nearly twenty 
clearly defined species, are the most broadly distributed of the 
American edentates, their range extending from the most northern 
limits of the Neotropical realm to the fiftieth parallel in Patagonia. 
A single species, the peba or seven-banded armadillo (Tatusia 
septemcincta), which is found in South America as far south as 
Paraguay, enters the United States in Texas. Among the better 
known species are the six-banded armadillo or encoubert (Dasypus 
sexcinctus), an inhabitant of Brazil and Paraguay; the tatouay or 
cabassou (Xenurus unicinctus), with much the same range as the 
last, but extending into Guiana; the three-banded armadillo or 

* Arctopithecus appears to have no distinctive generic characters. A 
specimen of Bradypus tridactylus in the museum of the Royal College of 
Surgeons, of London, corresponds, according to Professor Flower, with Gray’s 
Arctopithecus gularis. 


apar (Tolypeutes tricinctus), which, with the remaining members 
of the generic group to which it belongs, has the power of rolling 
itself into a complete ball; and the great armadillo (Priodon gigas), 
an inhabitant of the forests of Brazil and Guiana, the largest living 
representative of the family, measuring upwards of three feet from 
the tip of the nose to the root of the tail. 

Fossil remains of edentate animals are not numerous, and are in 
the main confined to the Pliocene and Post-Pliocene deposits of the 
New World, especially South America (Pampean formation of the 
Argentine Republic; bone-caves of Brazil). The oldest known form 
is Ancylotherium priscum, from the phosphorites of Quercy, France 
(Oligocene), a generalised type of animal, considered by some au- 
thors to stand intermediate between the Edentata and Ungulata; the 
same genus (A. Pentelici) occurs in the Miocene deposits of Pikermi, 
Greece. An apparently allied form, Macrotherium, whose remains 
indicate a possible climber of gigantic proportions, with compara- 
tively feebly developed hinder extremities, is represented by several 
species in the Miocene deposits of both France and Germany. No 
New World forms are known to antedate the middle Tertiary period. 
Moropus, from the Miocene and Pliocene deposits of the Western 
United States, comprises animals ranging in size between the tapir 
and rhinoceros, but with uncertain affinities; equally uncertain is 
the position to be assigned to the Pliocene Morotherium, whose re- 
mains have been found at various localities in Idaho and California. 

The South American edentate fauna (Pliocene and Post-Pliocene) 
comprises, according to Gervais and Ameghino, some eighty or 
more species, the greater number of which belong to genera now 
no longer living. The better known forms are referable to the 
families Megatheriide and Glyptodontide or Hoplophoride, the 
former of which appear to hold an intermediate position between 
the modern sloths and ant-eaters—combining the head and denti- 
tion of the one with the trunk and appendages of the other—while 
the latter, in the presence of a carapace, approach the armadillos. 
Included in the family Megatheriidz, besides other forms, are the 
genera Megatherium, with animals of the size of the rhinoceros,* 

* Megatherium Americanum, from the Argentine Republic and Paraguay, 
was only inferior in size to the elephant, far surpassing all other land animals. 
A mounted skeleton measures eightcen feet in length from the fore part of the 
head to the tip of the tail. 

SEA—COWS. 339 

Ceelodon, Mylodon, Lestodon, Scelidotherium, Plationyx, and Me- 
galonyx, the majority of which embrace species of very robust 
dimensions. The species are mainly found in the bone-caves of 
Brazil, and in the Pampean and diluvial deposits of the Argentine 
Republic and Patagonia. Megalochnus rodens, a diminutive spe- 
cies, is from the island of Cuba. Nothropus priscus, from the 
Argentine Republic, appears to have possessed arboreal habits, in 
this respect agreeing more closely with the modern sloths than any 
of the other forms. Of the North American members of this 
family the best known species are Megatherium mirabile, a some- 
what smaller form than the M. Americanum, from the superficial 
deposits of the Southern United States ; Megalonyx Jeffersoni, 
originally described from a cave in Virginia; and Mylodon Harlani, 
from the Western and Southern United States. A peculiar genus 
from the deposits of Natchez, on the Mississippi, has been described 
as Ereptodon. 

The glyptodons embrace a considerable number of Pampean 
species, which by Burmeister and other authors are referred to sev- 
eral distinct genera—Hoplophorus, Panochthus, Deedicurus, Eury- 
urus, Glyptodon, and Schistopleurum. The best known species are 
Glyptodon typus and clavipes. 

Sirenia (Sea-cows).—This order is at the present day limited to 
some half-dozen species, referable to two genera: Manatus, the ma- 
natees, and Halicore, the dugongs, the former of which is common 
to both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, while the latter is 
strictly confined to the Old World. Of the two American species 
of Manatus the West Indian sea-cow (Manatus latirostris) inhabits 
the creeks, lagoons, and estuaries of the north of South America, 
the West Indies, and Florida, and the Brazilian sea-cow (M. 
Americanus or inunguis) the South American coast-line to about 
the twentieth parallel of south latitude, and the more important 
Brazilian rivers, very nearly to their sources.* The only Old 
World form (M. Senegalensis) inhabits the West African coast for 
about ten degrees on either side of the Equator, and the interior as 
far as, or farther than, Lake Tchad. 

Of the three species of Halicore, one (Halicore tabernaculi) is 

* The identity of the coast species and that of the Upper Amazon and Ori- 
noco Rivers has not yet been absolutely established, but is considered highly 
probable by Hartlaub (Spengel’s ‘‘ Zool. Jahrb.,’’ 1886). 


restricted to the East African coast and the Red Sea, another (Hali- 
core dugong) inhabits the Indian and Pacific oceans, eastward from 
the home of the last to the Philippines, and the third (Halicore 
australis) the waters of Eastern and Northern Australia. 

Fossil remains of sirenians, although not very numerous, occur 
throughout all the Tertiary formations, from the Eocene to the 
Pliocene, inclusive. The earliest forms are the Eotherium Zgyptia- 
cum and Manatus Coulombi, from the Mokattam limestone of Egypt, 
Hemicaulodon effodiens, from the basal Tertiary beds of Shark 
River, New Jersey, and the somewhat doubtful Halitherium du- 
bium, from the deposits of the Gironde, France. In the last-named 
genus are included a considerable number of species from the Mio- 
cene deposits of Germany, France, Belgium, and Italy, and a single 
undetermined (?) form from the Isthmus of Suez. Felsinotherium 
and Chirotherium are Pliocene forms from Central and Northern 
Italy, and Rhytiodus Capgrandi a species from the nearly equivalent 
deposits of the Garonne, France. The American fossil sirenians 
comprise, in addition to the Eocene Hemicaulodon, two or more 
species from the Miocene deposits of South Carolina, Manatus an- 
tiquus, M. inornatus, and Dioplotherium Manigaulti; the first also 
occurs in New Jersey and Virginia. Of the Post-Pliocene forms . 
the best known is the Rhytina gigas or Stelleri, ‘‘ Steller’s sea- 
cow,” an animal which appears to have been fairly abundant about 
Behring and Copper Islands as late as the second half of the last 
century, but which is now apparently entirely extinct. The im- 
bedded remains occur principally in the raised beaches and peat- 
mosses of Behring Island. 

Woodward calls attention to the significant fact that, if we 
‘“‘take the belt of the tropics, that is, 284° N. and 234° §. of the 
Equator (or, better'still, say 30° N. and 8. of the Equator), we shall 
cover the geographical distribution of all the living sirenians. If 
we take another belt of 30° north beyond the Tropic of Cancer, we 
shall embrace the whole geographical area in which fossil remains 
of sirenians have been met with. Assuming, as I think we may, 
that the Sirenia at the present day belong exclusively to the tropi- 
cal regions of the earth, and that Rhytina, in its boreal home, was 
simply a surviving relic from the past (a sort of geological ‘ out- 
lier,’ as of a stratum elsewhere entirely denuded away), we must 
conclude that the presence of about twelve genera and twenty- 


seven species of fossil Sirenia, as widely distributed then as the 
recent forms are at the present day, but with a range from the 
Tropic of Cancer up to 60° of north latitude, affords a most valua- 
ble piece of evidence (if such were needed) attesting the former 
northern extension of subtropical conditions of climate which must 
have prevailed over Europe, Asia, and North America, in Eocene 
and Miocene times, and in the older Pliocene also.” '** 

Cetacea (Whales, &c.).—The animals of this order are distrib- 
uted throughout almost the entire oceanic expanse, and a limited 
number of forms, the members of the family Platanistide, and 
some delphinoids, are also found in fresh or estuarine waters. 
Platanista Gangetica, an ighabitant of the waters of Northern India 
—Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus, and their tributaries—is en- 
tirely fluviatile, never being known to pass out to sea The only 
absolutely fluviatile form occurring in America is Inia Geoffrensis, 
from the Upper Amazonian water system; Pontoporia Blainvillii 
inhabits the estuary of the Rio de la Plata, but is not positively 
known to ascend that stream into fresh water. 

Of the marine cetaceans two distinct types are usually recog- 
nised by naturalists: the whalebone or toothless whales (Mystaco- 
ceti), as represented by the right-whales (Balena), rorquals, or fin- 
whales (Balznoptera), and the humpbacks (Megaptera), and the 
toothed-whales (Odontoceti), which comprise the sperm-whales, 
dolphin, porpoise, grampus, &c. The right-whales, which are 
confined principally to the northern and southern seas, have been 
divided into some half-dozen ‘species, which, however, so closely 
resemble one another that not improbably they represent only vari- 
etal forms of one and the same species. The best known is the 
Greenland right-whale (Balena mysticetus) of the Arctic seas ; 
other northern forms are B. Biscayensis and B. Japonica. The 
southern species or varieties are B. australis, of the South Atlantic, 
and B. antipodarum and B. Nove-Zelandia, of the South Pacific. 
A nearly equal uncertainty attaches to the different varieties or 
species of rorquals and humpbacks, especially the latter, some 
forms of which are found in almost every sea. Four or more ap- 
parently distinct types of rorqual inhabit the northern seas, but 
whether these are absolutely separable from their antipodal con- 
geners still remains to be determined. Much confusion exists as to 
the synonymy of the species ; hence, the great difficulty of their iden- 


tification. The members of this genus are probably the largest of 
all living animals, some of the forms, as Baleenoptera Sibbaldii 
and B. sulfurea, attaining a length of eighty or perhaps even a hun- 
dred feet. The smallest of the known species of whalebone whales 
is the rare Neobalwna marginata, from the Australian and New 
Zealand seas, which attains a greatest length of about twenty feet. 

Of the toothed-whales, other than the members of the family 
Delphinidw (dolphins, porpoises, &c.), the best known and prob- 
ably most widely distributed species is the cachalot or sperm-whale 
(Physeter macrocephalus), a giant form measuring upwards of sixty 
feet in length, whose habitat is more properly the tropical and sub- 
tropical seas, the animal but rarely appearing in the polar waters. 
More or less closely related forms of the same family (Physeteride) 
are Kogia, Ziphius, and Mesoplodon, the species in each group of 
which have either individually or collectively a very broad exten- 
sion.* Two species of bottle-nose whale (Hyperoodon rostratus 
and H. latifrons) inhabit the North Atlantic. 

Of the delphinoid type of cetaceans the most numerously repre- 
sented genus is Delphinus, the dolphin, or, as it is frequently mis- 
called, porpoise, the numerous species of which are distributed 
throughout most seas, a limited number even habitually ascending 
some of the larger streams, as the Amazon. The type-form of the 
genus is the common or Mediterranean dolphin, the hieros ichthys 
or sacred fish of the ancients (D. delphis), which is also abundant 
in the Atlantic, and of which closely allied, if not identical, forms 
are found in the Australian seas (D. Forsteri) and in the North 
Pacific (D. Bairdii).’** One of the most northerly species of dolphin 
is the tursio, or nesarnak of the Greenlanders (D. tursio), which 
inhabits the Atlantic between Greenland and the European shores. 
Modifications of the ordinary delphinoid type are seen in the long- 
beaked forms of the group Steno, and in a South Sea species, Leu- 
corhamphus (Delphinapterus) Peronii, in which there is no dorsal 
fin. The bottle-heads (Globicephalus) are inhabitants of nearly all 

* Much diversity of opinion exists as to the number of species belonging to 
the different genera. Thus, while Gray recognised not less than six species 
of Kogia, founded upon about as many individual specimens, only one (Kogia 
breviceps, found in the South and North Pacific oceans) is admitted by 
Flower (“‘ Eneyel. Brit.,’’ 9th ed., xv., p. 396). The same authority likewise 

considers the species of the other genera as being in great part founded upon 
insufficient characters, 


seas, especially the north and south temperate, and exhibit a marked 
specific identity between the most widely removed forms (Australia 
and North Atlantic). The type of the genus is the pilot-whale (G. 
melas; Delphinus globiceps), the grindhval of the Faroe-Islanders, 
whose distribution is practically coextensive with the northern seas. 
Related to the preceding are the so-called grampuses of the genus 
Grampus, of which only one species (G. griseus), remarkable for the 
variability of its colouring, has been thus far clearly determined; it 
inhabits the northern ocean, more rarely descending into the Medi- 
terranean. A second form, from the Cape of Good Hope, has been 
described as G. Richardsoni. 

The true grampuses, also known as “killers,” from their preda- 
cious habits, constitute the genus Orca, and are more nearly related 
to the true porpoises than to the dolphins proper. They are dis- 
tributed over the greater portion of the oceanic expanse, from Green- 
land to Tasmania; but neither the relationships of the different so- 
called species, nor the limitations of their respective habitats, have 
as yet been determined. Orca gladiator, the common grampus, is 
more properly a northern form, and is fairly abundant in the polar 
seas. Pseudorca crassidens, a much rarer form of grampus, found 
on the Danish coast, appears to be identical with a species from the 
Australian waters. The genus Orcella is represented by two species, 
one of which (O. brevirostris) inhabits the Bay of Bengal, and the 
other (O. fluminalis), a fluviatile form, the Irrawaddy River, at a 
distance of several hundreds of miles from its mouth. 

Of the true porpoises of the genus Phoczna, whose limited 
species are confined principally to the waters of the Northern 
Hemisphere,* the best known and probably most widely distributed 
form is P. communis, the common porpoise, which inhabits in 
shoals or schools the North Atlantic, from Britain to Greenland 
and the American coast, frequently ascending the outflowing 
streams for a considerable distance above their mouths. They 
have been observed on the Thames, at London, and appear to 
have occasionally penetrated up the Seine as far as Paris. The 
animal does not seem to enter the Mediterranean. By some natu- 
ralists the common -porpoise of the Atlantic coast of the United 
States is considered to be a distinct species, to which the name P. 

* Phocena spinipennis has been described from the mouth of the Rio de 
la Plata. 


Americana has been applied. <A peculiar form of porpoise, from 
the Indian Ocean (?) and the Japanese coast, destitute of the dorsal 
fin, has been described as Neomeris phoceniformis. 

Of the remaining delphinoids the narwhal, or sea-unicorn (Mo- 
nodon monoceros), inhabits the Arctic Ocean, rarely passing south 
of the sixty-fifth parallel; the beluga, or white whale (Delphinap- 
terus leucas), closely related to the last, is also an inhabitant of the 
Arctic Ocean, descending on the American coast to the St. Lawrence 
River, and more rarely, in European waters, to the shores of Scot- 

Excepting the Paleocetus Sedgwicki, from the boulder clay of 
Roswell Pit, Ely, England, whose remains were encased in a matrix 
supposed to be Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian), the earliest ceta- 
ceans of whose organisation we know anything are the zeuglodons, 
which apparently represent a type intermediate between the toothed 
and toothless forms of the present day. They occur in the Upper 
Eocene deposits (Jacksonian) of the Southern United States; one 
species (Zeuglodon Wanklyni) has also been discovered in the 
equivalent Barton sands of England, and two, corresponding to the 
American forms—Z. macrospondylus and Z. brachyspondylus—in 
the deposits (Eocene or Oligocene) of Birket-el-Keroun, Egypt.* 
Closely related in dental characters to the zeuglodons, but differing 
in well-marked cranial features, are the squalodons, whose remains 
are abundantly scattered throughout the Miocene and Pliocene de- 
posits of many parts of continental and insular Europe (Vienna 
Basin, France, Antwerp and Suffolk Crags, &c.). They have also 
been noted from nearly contemporaneous strata in North America 
(Squalodon Atlanticus, from Shiloh, New Jersey t) and Australia. 

The oldest known form of modern-type cetacean is Baleenoptera 
Juddi, from the Oligocene (Headon) beds of the Hampshire basin, 
England; no other representative of an existing genus has thus far 
been found to antedate the Miocene period. Both the toothed and 

* Dames suggests that the two forms of Miller may only represent the 
male and female of a single species, which would then be the Zeuglodon 
cetoides of Owen (‘‘ Sitzungsb. Berl. Ak.,”’ 1883). 

+ The forms described from the Eocene deposits of the Ashley River, South 
Carolina, are considered by Van Beneden and Gervais to be only doubtfully 
referable to this genus. 


toothless whales are represented in the deposits of this age (Mio- 
cene), the latter, however, apparently only by the rorquals or their 
immediate allies (Balenopters); Cetotherium seems to have occu- 
pied a position intermediate between the Mystacoceti and Odonto- 
ceti. Of the latter the earliest representatives appear to have been 
the genera Ziphius and Mesoplodon, although not improbably the 
true dolphin was an immediate contemporary. The baleen whales 
proper are not known before the Pliocene, when, in addition to 
Balena, and possibly Neobalzna, we meet with a number of extinct 
types more or less closely related to these—Balenula, Idiocetus, 
Plesiocetus. Balwnotus, from the Antwerp Crag, is a connecting 
form between the baleen whales and the rorquals, and Bartinop- 
sis between the rorquals and humpbacks. Cetacean remains are 
abundant in the Post-Pliocene deposits, and comprise a variety of 
recent types; the narwhal has been indicated from the deposits of 
England and Siberia. The Miocene deposits of the Eastern United 
States have yielded a number of delphinoid remains to which the 
generic names Priscodelphinus, Tretosphys, Zarachis, Lophocetus, 
Rhabdosteus, and Ixacanthus have been applied. 
Insectivora,—The animals of this order, which comprises barely 
more than one hundred and thirty to one hundred and forty living 
species, of which about one-half are true shrews (Soricidz), are 
distributed over the greater part of the earth’s surface, but are 
absent from both South America and Australia. The greater num- 
ber of the nine generally recognised families are limited to com- 
paratively narrowly circumscribed distributional areas, which in 
some cases are only co-extensive with the sub-regions or provinces 
of the main zoogeographical divisions. The Guleopithecide, or 
flying-lemurs, which were formerly referred to the true lemurs, 
and by some naturalists to the bats, are the most aberrant forms of 
the order, and constitute the type of a distinct sub-order, Insecti- 
vora dermoptera. But two species are known, Galeopithecus volans 
and G. Philippinensis—the former an inhabitant of the forests of 
the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo, and the latter of the 
similar districts of the Philippine Islands. The squirrel- or tree- 
shrews (Tupaiide), small arboreal insectivores resembling squirrels 
in outline and habits, are restricted to the Oriental region, where 
they range from the Khasia Hills, in India, to Java and Borneo. 

Of the two genera, Tupaia and Ptilocercus, the latter contains but 


a single species, the very interesting Bornean pentail (P. Lowii), 
remarkable for its long quill-shaped tail.—The elephant-shrews 
(Macroscelidx), small leaping animals furnished with a trunk-like 
snout, are confined principally to South Africa; a single svecies of 
Macroscelides, to which genus the greater number of species belong, 
is found north of the Atlas Mountains. Several fossil forms, appar- 
ently referable to genera belonging to this family (Oxygomphus, 
Parasorex, Echinogale), have been described from the Miocene de- 
posits of France and Germany. Likewise restricted to the African 
continent are the potamogales and golden-moles (Chrysochloridz) 
—the former, represented by a single species (Potamogale velox), 
inhabiting the territory about the Gaboon River, and the latter the 
region south of the Equator, but more particularly the Cape of 
Good Hope districts. Neither family is known by fossil repre- 
sentatives. The Centetide occupy two widely separated regions 
of the earth’s surface, namely, Madagascar, with the adjoining isl- 
ands (possibly introduced into Mauritius and Réunion) and the two 
larger islands of the Antilles, Cuba and Hayti. Most of the forms, 
with the genus Centetes itself, the Madagascar hedge-hog, occupy 
the former region; the American species (two) belong to the genus 
Solenodon, which in certain anatomical points differs so essentially 
from its nearest allies as to constitute in the opinions of some sys- 
tematists"* the type of a distinct family, Solenodontide. 

Of the three remaining families of insectivores, the shrews 
(Soricid), moles (Talpide), and hedge-hogs (Erinaceid), the 
first, which, as has already been stated, comprise about one-half 
of all the species of the order, have the broadest distribution, 
embracing, in fact, the entire tract covered by the Insectivora gen- 
erally. By some naturalists but a single genus (Sorex), apart from 
the very remarkable web-footed Nectogale from Thibet, is recog- 
nised, which is differentiated into a number of more or less well- 
marked sub-genera, founded upon the number and colour of the 
teeth, and the bristles on the tail—Crocidura (Old World), Sorex 
(the entire range), Blarina (Canada to Costa Rica), Neosorex, and 
Crossopus, the last two amphibious forms of the New and the Old 
World respectively. Several species referable to the genus Sorex 
(and Crocidura) have been described from the Miocene formations 
of France, and similar remains occur in the Quaternary cavern de- 
posits and breccias of both Europe and Asia. One or two extinct 


genera or sub-genera, Mysarachne and Plesiosorex,* have also been 
incicated (Miocene). 

The hedge-hogs comprise two genera, Gymnura and Erinaceus 
(the hedge-hog proper)—the former of which inhabits the Malay 
Feninsula and some of the islands of the Indian Archipelago, and 
the latter, with about nineteen species, the greater part of Europe, 
Asia, and Africa, although wanting in Madagascar, Ceylon, Bur- 
mah, Siam, the Malay Peninsula, and the Archipelago. The range 
of the common European species, Erinaceus Europeus, extends 
from Ireland and the Shetland Isles (possibly introduced) to East- 
ern China, and from the sixty-third parallel of latitude in the 
Scandinavian Peninsula to Southern Italy, Asia Minor, and Syria, 
ascending the Alps and Caucasus to elevations of 6,000 and 
8,000 feet respectively. In view of this very remarkable range, 
its absence from the New World is not a little surprising. Re- 
mains of several species of hedge-hog have been found in the 
Miocene deposits of France and Germany, but none of the recent 
species, except E. Europzeus, which forms part of the Quaternary 
cave fauna, are known as fossils. The genus Neurogymnurus, 
which is probably closely related to Gymnura, is represented by a 
single species (G. Cayluxi) in the French Eocene. 

The moles are generically the most numerous of the Insectivora, 
although the number of species is comparatively limited. The 
greater number of the ten or twelve recognised genera are repre- 
sented by but one or two species. The family belongs almost ex- 
clusively to the Holarctic region, through which it is very generally 
distributed, only a very limited number of species passing beyond 
the confines of that region into the Oriental tract. The moles 
proper (Talpa), with about four species, are found throughout 
nearly the whole of the Eurasiatic tract, the range of the common 
species, Talpa Europea, extending from Britain to Japan, and 
from Scandinavia and Siberia to Italy and the southern slopes of the 
Himalayas. The-water-moles (Myogale) are comprised in two spe- 
cies, one of which, M. Pyrenaica, inhabits the northern valleys of 
the Pyrenees, and the other, M. Muscovitica, the region of the 
Don and Volga rivers. The American moles belong in principal 
part to three genera: Condylura (the star-nosed mole, which in- 

* Referred by Trouessart to the Talpide (‘‘Catalorue Mamm. Viv. et 
Foss.,’? 1881). 


habits the Atlantic slope from Nova Scotia to South Carolina, and 
westward to Oregon), Scapanus, and Scalops, the last (Scalops 
aquaticus) the common American form, whose range covers the 
greater part of the North American continent east of the Rocky 
Mountains. A somewhat aberrant form, Neurotrichus Gibbsii, 
found in the Western United States (Cascade Mountains to Texas), 
has its analogue in the Urotrichus of Japan, to which genus it has 
generally been referred, and from which it differs mainly in the 
dental formula.—Fossil remains of Talpide date back to the Eo- 
cene period (Prototalpa, Quercy, France ; Talpavus, Wyoming), 
but the genus Talpa itself is not known prior to the Miocene; the 
common European species is found in the Quaternary deposits. 
Myogale (with Paleospalax and Galeospalax) occurs in the Miocene 
and Pliocene deposits of France and England respectively. None 
of the existing American genera have as yet been found in a fossil 
state. Other insectivorous forms, however, known principally in 
a fragmentary condition, and not impossibly referable, at least in 
part, to the type of insectivorous Marsupialia, have been described 
from the Eocene of Wyoming and New Mexico (Passalacodon, 
Centetodon, Entomodon, Entomacodon, Triacodon, Esthonyx), and, 
together with a number of Miocene forms from Dakota and Colo- 
rado (Leptictis, Isacis, Ictops), constitute a distinct family, Lep- 

Insectivorous Forms of Doubtful Position.—Numerous insec- 
tivorous animals, known largely by portions of their dental armature 
alone, are found in the older (principally Eocene) Tertiary deposits 
of France and the western territory of the United States (Wyoming, 
New Mexico). They are not improbably, as Professor Cope sug- 
gests, referable in part to the lemurs, although from their imperfect 
state of preservation it is in many or most cases impossible to de- 
termine their true relationship, whether with the class of animals 
just mentioned or with the true insectivores. By Trouessart they 
are all ranged with the Insectivora as the group of the protolemurs. 
Among the better known of these forms are Microsyops, Palseaco- 
don, Hyopsodus, Sarcolemur, Tomitherium, Notharctus, Necro- 
lemur (supposed by Filhol to have its nearest ally in the galago of 
Africa), Adapis (Paleolemur), and Protoadapis, the last three from 
the Eocene of France, and representing distinctively lemuroid types. 
Galerix is from the Miocene deposits of the same country. In the 

BATS. 349 

North American lower Eocene genus Anaptomorphus (A. zemulus 
and A. homunculus), which comprises animals of about the size of 
the ground-squirrel (Tamias), and whose dentition approximates 
that of the higher apes and man, Professor Cope recognises the 
most simian type of lemur yet discovered, and believes that it 
‘represents the family from which the anthropoid monkeys and 
men were derived. Its discovery is an important addition to our 
knowledge of the phylogeny of man.” ”* 

Cheiroptera (Bats).—Bats are practically of world-wide dis- 
tribution, being found almost everywhere over the continental 
tracts where there is a sufficient supply of insect food. The number 
of species is very much- greater in the region of the tropics than in 
the temperate zone—probably three times as great—the specific and 
individual diminution corresponding to a marked elevation of lati- 
tude being very rapid. Vesperugo noctivagans alone among the 
American bats appears to reach the fifty-fifth parallel, but in Eu- 
rasia one or more forms (Vesperugo borealis) penetrate to the 
Arctic circle. Most of the species inhabiting the region of ele- 
vated mountain-chains do not seem to ascend to any very great 
altitude, preferring to remain in the basal zone of from 4,000 to 
6,000 feet; a few instances are noted of habitation at nearly twice 
this height. Vesperugo montanus and Molossus rufus have been 
observed on the Peruvian Andes (Huasampilla) at an elevation of 
9,000 feet; Vespertilio muricola on the Himalayas at 8,000 feet; 
and Vespertilio oxyotus on the slopes of Chimborazo at nearly 
10,000 feet. Vesperugo maurus is in Europe found chiefly in the 
region of the higher Alps. 

Bats, differing from all other mammals, are found in most of 
the oceanic islands, but none have so far been observed in either 
Iceland, St. Helena, the Galapagos, Kerguelen Land, or the islands 
of the Low Archipelago.”’ Three species inhabit the Bermudas— 
Vesperugo noctivagans, Atalapha cinerea, and Trachyops cirrhosus 
(the last a vampyre *)—but only a single one the Azores—Vesperugo 
Leisleri. It would thus appear that the members of this order of 
animals were specially endowed with the power of crossing broad 
arms of the sea, standing, in this respect, next to the birds. It is 
more than probable, however, that, in the case of the species in- 

* An individual of Molossus rufus, var. obscurus, is catalogued by Dob- 
son as coming from Bermuda, 


habiting the last two named island groups, their appearance there 
is an accidental circumstance, depending upon the prevalence of 
certain storm-winds by means of which an unlooked-for transport 
has been effected; and even in the case of the species found in the 
Pacific islands, it is not exactly unlikely that the broad distribu- 
tion has been brought about in a manner not necessarily indicating 
sustained flight, or at a period when the physical configuration 
of that portion of the earth’s surface—the relation of land to water 
—was different from what it is at the present day. For, as Mr. 
Dobson suggestively points out, if the ‘t Cheiroptera possess great 
powers of dispersal, it is certain that quite nine-tenths of the spe- 
cies avail themselves of them in a very limited degree indeed, 
and it is significant that the distribution of the species is limited 
by barriers similar to those which govern it in the case of other spe- 
cies of mammals.” * Thus, it is shown that out of a total of some- 
what more than four hundred recognised species only about twenty- 
five pass beyond the confines of the regions to which they properly 
belong—i. e., about ninety-five per cent. are characteristic regional 
forms; and of this number more than two-thirds belong to the pre- 
eminently wandering family Vespertilionide, which has by far the 
broadest geographical distribution of any family of the order. If, 
however, it be urged that this restriction is not so much due to any 
inability on the part of the animals to migrate, but to considerations 
connected with altered conditions of food and climate—the influence 
of which must be very marked—we have the still more salient fact 
presented that of the numerous flying-foxes (Pteropus) which in- 
habit Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, not a single species is 
found on the east coast of Africa, the narrow channel of one hun- 
dred and eighty to two hundred miles which intervenes between 
the continent and Great Comoro Island seemingly being sufficient 
to form an effectual barrier to a westward migration. Still, in this 
special instance we are, perhaps, not presented with a just criterion 
of the actual powers of dispersion possessed by this class of ani- 
mals, since the slow and laboured flight of the large flying-foxes 
can scarcely be compared with that of the smaller insectivorous 
species; indeed, there is a striking similarity between the insectivo- 
rous bat fauna of Africa and Madagascar. 

Instances of very broad specific distribution among the Cheirop- 

* ** Rept. Brit, Assoc.,’? 1878. 

BATS. 351 

tera are numerous, and perhaps most notably so in the case of the 
genus Vesperugo, of the family Vespertilionide. Vesperugo noc- 
tula, the noctule, is distributed throughout the greater part of the 
Old World, from England to Japan, and from the Scandinavian 
peninsula to Southern Africa; it extends through India to Ceylon 
and the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Vesperugo abramus, 
whose home is primarily the Oriental region, extending from Japan 
to Northern Australia, is found during the summer months through- 
out Middle Europe, and even as far north as Sweden; the species 
furnishes us with a remarkable example of a true migrant. The 
range of V. maurus extends from the Canary Islands (Palma, Tene- 
riffe) through Central Europe (Switzerland, the Tyrol) to China and 
Java, and that of Miniopterus Schreibersii from Southern Europe 
(Spain, Italy) to Japan and the Philippine Islands, and throughout 
the whole of Africa (with Madagascar) eastward to Australia. The 
last is probably the most widely distributed of all known species 
of bats, with the exception of the little serotine (Vesperugo sero- 
tinus), whose distributional area covers nearly the whole of Eurasia, 
Northern and Central Africa, and, in the New World, the American 
continent from Lake Winnipeg to Central America, and the West 
Indian islands. This is the only species that has been thus far 
positively identified as being common to both the Eastern and 
Western Hemispheres.* Of the strictly American species Atalapha 
Noveboracensis, in its several varietal forms, appears to be the 
most widely distributed, ranging from the Aleutian Islands to 

Of the six families into which the Cheiroptera have been divided 
only two, the Vespertilionide and the Emballonuride, are common 
to both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres; the former com- 
prise some one hundred and sixty or more species, fully three- 
quarters of which are confined to the Old World, over which they 
are very extensively distributed. This is the most broadly dis- 
tributed of all the families, and is that which has the most north- 
erly range. Of its sixteen or more genera, at least five of which 
—Antrozous, Nycticejus, Atalapha, Natalus, and Thryoptera—are 
peculiar to America, only two, Vesperugo and Vespertilio, the 

* Vesperugo abramus is thought by Dobson to be possibly identical with 

a species (Scotophilus hesperus of Allen) from Vancouver’s Island (‘ Cat. 
Cheir. Brit. Mus.,’’ p. 229). 


former with about fifty species, and the latter with about forty, 
approach cosmopolitanism. Of the Emballonurid but a single 
genus, Nyctinomus, is common to both hemispheres, and its early 
differentiation is shown in the fact that, while all the American 
forms are closely related to one another, they depart widely from 
their European representatives. 

The Phyllostomide, or simple leaf-nosed bats, which comprise 
the vampyres, number upwards of fifty species, all of them very 
closely related, and, with one exception—Trachyops cirrhosus, which 
has been noted from the Bermudas (and also doubtfully recorded 
from South Carolina)—confined to the Neotropical realm, over the 
forest-covered tracts of which they range from Mexico to about the 
thirtieth parallel of south latitude.* Vampyrus spectrum, the best 
known species of vampyre — whose habits appear to be mainly 
frugivorous—and the largest of all the American bats, is distributed 
over the greater portion of the tract covered by the entire family. 

Of the strictly Old World families of bats the Pteropodide, 
fruit-eating bats or flying-foxes, are specifically the most numerous, 
comprising about seventy species, distributed between the Aus- 
tralian, Oriental, and Ethiopian realms, and some of the intervening 
tracts, with a preponderance of species in the first-named region. 
They are restricted almost wholly to the region of the tropics, 
where a continuous supply of tree-fruits might be obtained; no 
species has thus far been noted from either New Zealand or Tas- 
mania. Cynonycteris, alone of the genera, has the distribution of 
the entire family. The most largely represented genus is Pteropus, 
which includes more than one-half of all the recognised species be- 
longing to the family; its range extends from the Comoro Islands 
on the west to the Navigators’ Islands, in the Pacific, on the east, 
and through much the greater portion of the Oriental and Aus- 
tralian regions ; but few of the island groups of the Pacific— 
Sandwich Islands, Low Archipelago, Gilbert’s and Ellice’s groups 
—are deficient in the members of this genus, to which the largest 
known forms of bats belong. Pteropus edulis, which inhabits the 
islands of the Malay Archipelago, measures five feet in expanse of 
wing. Only one species, Pteropus medius, the common flying-fox, 

* Macrotus Californicus or Waterhousii just enters the United States (Fort 

Yuma, California), but at a point which more properly belongs to the Neo- 
tropical than to the Holarctic tract. 

BATS. 353 

has thus far been obtained from the Indian peninsula, and this, sin- 
gularly enough, is more nearly related to the Madagascan P. Ed- 
wardsii than to any of the more eastern species, although separated 
from its habitat by a continuous water-way of upwards of one 
thousand miles. The rarity of species in the Indian peninsula is 
not readily accounted for, seeing how numerous are the individuals 
belonging to the single species of the genus. * 

Of the two remaining families of bats, the Nycteride and Rhino- 
lophide, the former, comprising some twelve species, are almost 
wholly restricted to the Oriental and Ethiopian realms, while the 
latter, numbering about fifty species, are spread over the greater 
portion of the Old World, from Ireland eastward to Japan and 
New Ireland, and southward to the Cape of Good Hope. No spe- 
cies appears to have been thus far positively identified from any of 
the Polynesian islands. Nearly all the species are included in the 
genera Rhinolophus and Phyllorhina, the former of which has prac- 
tically the range of the whole family ; Rhinolophus ferrum-equi- 
num, the common horseshoe bat, is distributed over almost the 
entire tract included between the south of England, Japan, and 
the Cape of Good Hope. The species of Phyllorhina are confined 
principally to the tropical and sub-tropical parts of the Old World; 
Phyllorhina armigera, the most northerly species, has been found 
at Amoy, China, and at Mussoree, on the Himalayas, at an eleva- 
tion of five thousand feet. 

* Dr. J. Anderson thus describes the appearance of these animals (‘‘ Cat. 
Mamm. Ind. Mus.,’’ 1881, p. 101, Part I): ‘‘ This species has been flying for 
the last few days from the north to the south of the city [Calcutta] in im- 
mense numbers, immediately after sunset. The sky, from cast to west, has 
been covered with them as far as the eye could reach, and all were flying 
with an evident purpose, and making for some common feeding-ground. Over 
a transverse area of two hundred and fifty yards as many as seventy bats 
passed overhead in one minute; and as they were spread over an arca of 
great breadth and could be detected in the sky on both sides as far as could 
be seen, their numbers were very great, but yet they continued to pass over- 
head for about half an hour. This is not the first time I have observed this 
habit in this species; indeed, it was more markedly secn in August, 1864, 
while I was residing in the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. The sky, imme- 
diately after sunset. was covered with this bat, travelling in a steady manner 
from west to east, and spread over a great expanse, all evidently making 
for one goal, and travelling, as it were, like birds of passage, with a steady 


Fossil remains of Cheiroptera, although of rare occurrence, are 
found as far back as the upper Eocene, from the deposits of which 
period a limited number of forms, representing in the main modern 
genera, have been described. The oldest known forms are Ves- 
perugo Parisiensis, much resembling the broadly distributed sero- 
tine, from the gypsum of Montmartre, Vespertilio Morloti from the 
nearly equivalent deposits of Switzerland, and Vespcrugo velox, 
V. priscus, and Nyctilestes serotinus from the United States. In 
this family of placental mammals alone do representatives of exist- 
ing genera extend to such an ancient epoch as the Eocene. A 
species of Rhinolophus, R. antiquus, has been described from the 
phosphorites of Quercy, France—usually referred to the Oligocene 
period—while a generically related form, Palwonycteris, occurs in 
the Miocene. The Miocene deposits of both France and Germany 
also contain several species of the genus Vespertilio, Post-Pliocene 
or late Pliocene cave-remains closely approximate the forms now 
living in the equivalent or adjoining region. The early specialisa- 
tion of this class of animals, concerning whose differentiation prac- 
tically nothing is known, indicates a most ancient line of ancestry, 
which must be traced far into the Mesozoic era. 

Rodentia.—With the exception of the bats the rodents are the 
only order of terrestrial mammals which can be said to have a 
nearly universal distribution, being found in all the primary zoo- 
geographical regions but the Polynesian. On the continent of 
Australia, however, only a single family, that of the mice (Muridz), 
is represented, and that by a comparatively limited number of spe- 
cies; the squirrels have a few representatives in the Austro-Malay- 
sian transition-tract. 

Of the four great divisions into which the rodents are divided, 
the myomoryhs, or mouse-forms, are numerically much the most 
important, the family of mice alone comprising considerably more 
than one-third of the total number of species—some eight hundred 
or more—belonging to the order. The geographical distribution 
of this family is practically coextensive with that of the order. 
The mice proper (Mus), of which there are upwards of one hundred 
species known, are restricted exclusively to the Old World, over 
which they are very extensively distributed; they are almost wholly 
wanting in the Pacific and the greater number of the Austro-Malay- 
sian islands, but are found sparingly in both Australia and New 

RATS, MICE. 355 

Guinea. Tasmania has several species, and one or more forms (M. 
Novze-Zelandiz, M. Maorium) appear also to be indigenous to New 
Zealand; M. Salamonis inhabits the island of Ugi, in the Solomon 
group. The better known members of the group, the Norway or 
brown rat (Mus decumanus), and black rat (Mus rattus), whose origi- 
nal home seems to have been Southern or Central Asia, and the com- 
mon mouse (Mus musculus), probably a native of India, have been 
spread through man’s intervention over the greater portion of the 
inhabited globe, rapidly displacing in many quarters the indigenous 
races of similar or allied forms that originally occupied the con- 
quered territory. The black rat, which appears to have been the 
earliest intruder, is now largely supplanted by the brown species; 
in England there would appear to be but a single colony left.* The 
wood-mouse (Mus sylvaticus) and harvest-mouse (M. minutus), the 
latter the smallest of the European species of mice, are distributed 
over the greater portion of Europe and Northern Asia. The largest 
member of the rat tribe is the great bandicoot or pig-rat of the 
Indian penizsula (Nesokia bandicota), which frequently exceeds 
one foot in length. Other distinctive rat-like forms of the Old 
World are the spiny-mice (Acanthomys), which are confined prin- 
cipally to Syria (Palestine), and the east coast of Africa; the jump- 
ing-mice (Meriones or Gerbillus) of the continent of Africa, the 
warmer tracts of Southern and Southwestern Asia, and the steppe 
region about the Caspian Sea ; and the jumping-rats of Australia 
(Hapalotis), which recall in general appearance the jerboas. 

The Old World forms of the genus Mus are represented in the 
New World by the vesper-mice (Hesperomys), which very closely 
resemble them in general character, but differ in certain peculiari- 
ties of dental structure, which likewise serve to distinguish most 
of the American rats; some seventy or more species and varieties 
have been described, ranging collectively from the Arctic regions 
to the Strait of Magellan. Hesperomys leucopus, the white-footed 
or deer mouse, inhabits the greater portion of the North American 

é * While in most regions where the black and the brown rat have been in- 

troduced the latter has been rapidly driving out or exterminating the for- 
mer, it would appear that in some parts of Central Germany the reverse phe- 
nomenon is presented—that is to say, the black rat is regaining its ascendancy 
over the brown species (Magnus, “‘ Sitzungsber, d. Gesell. naturf, Freunde,” 
1883, p. 47). 


continent. The wood-rats, constituting the genus Neotoma, are 
the largest of the American murine forms, and inhabit the greater 
portion of the region included between Guatemala and Canada. 
The cotton-rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is confined principally to the 
Southern United States, Mexico, and Central America, occasionally, 
it appears, wandering into the northern portions of South America. 
In the genus Reithrodon are included a limited number of remarka- 
ble leporine forms, which, though differing very essentially in gen- 
eral appearance, do not seem to be distantly removed from the 
North American harvest-mice of the genus Ochetodon; they are 
confined principally to the extremity of the South American con- 
tinent and to Tierra del Fuego.—Interesting modifications of struct- 
ure or habit are seen in some of the murine forms, as in the par- 
tially web-footed water-rats of the Australian region (Hydromys), 
and in their Brazilian analogues of the genus Holocheilus; again, 
in the arboreal dormouse-like forms that have been referred to the 
genera Dendromys (Ethiopian) and Rhipidomys (American). 

Of the less murine or rat-like forms of the mouse family the 
voles or meadow-mice (Arvicolx), which in a measure replace the 
true mice in the far north, and on elevated mountain-summits, and 
whose distribution embraces nearly the whole of temperate and 
Arctic Eurasia and North America, are probably the most nu- 
merous specifically, while in point of individual numbers they far 
exceed any other mammal, with the possible exception of the 
closely related lemming. Many of the species enjoy a very broad 
distribution, but none are known to be common to both the Eastern 
and Western Hemispheres. Arvicola arvalis or agrestis, the com- 
mon meadow-mouse, which ascends the Alps to a height of 7,000 
feet, is distributed over nearly the whole of Europe (including 
Italy) and Siberia, its range corresponding approximately with that 
of A. amphibia (water-vole); A. alpina or nivalis inhabits the re- 
gion of the higher Alps, between 5,000 and 12,000 feet elevation; 
on the Finster-Aarhorn it has been observed at an altitude of 4,000 
metres. The most broadly distributed of the American species is 
the common meadow-mouse (A. riparia), whose range extends from - 
the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Carolinas to the Hudson 
Bay territory. A single species, A. quasiater, is known from Mex- 
ico, Evotomys rutilus, a form very closely related to the arvicoles, 
inhabits the circumpolar regions of both hemispheres. 


The hamsters (Cricetus) inhabit the greater portion of Europe 
and Central and Northern Asia, the range of the common species 
(C. frumentarius or vulgaris) extending from the Rhine to the Obi, 
and from the Obi and Irtish souchward to Persia and the Caucasus; 
other species inhabit the elevated steppes of Mongolia. Pouched 
rats allied to the hamsters (Cricetomys, Saccostomus) are also found 
in various parts of Africa. The lemmings, which are readily dis- 
tinguished from the field-mice by the hairy covering on the soles 
of the feet, and their sickle-shaped claws, are the most strictly 
northern forms of all Rodentia.- The better known species are the 
Scandinavian or Norwegian lemming (Myodes lemmus), the Si- 
berian lemming (M. Obensis), which inhabits the boreal regions of 
both hemispheres, and the Hudson Bay lemming (Cuniculus tor- 
quatus or Hudsonius), an inhabitant of Arctic America, Greenland, 
and corresponding latitudes in the Eastern Hemisphere; it is also 
found in Nova Zembla. 

A strictly American genus of Muride is Fiber, of which the 
only recognised species is the musk-rat (F. zibethicus), whose range 
embraces practically the whole of North America. A closely re- 
lated, but considerably smaller, form is the recently described Neo- 
fiber Alleni, from Brevard County, Florida. Of the non-murine 
families of myomorphs the dormice (Myoxide) and mole-rats 
(Spalacide) belong to the Old World exclusively, the pouched 
rats (Saccomyide) are American, and the true jumping-mice or 
jerboas (Dipodide) both Old and New World forms. The dor- 
mice are scattered over the greater portion of temperate Eurasia, 
from Britain to Japan, and southward over almost the whole of 
Africa; they appear to be wanting in the warmer parts of Asia 
(India). The common northern species, Muscardinus avellanarius, 
is more generally replaced in the south by Glis vulgaris, the ‘‘seven- 
sleeper” of the Germans, whose range extends eastward to the 
Volga River and Georgia. Of the mole-rats, which are confined 
almost wholly to the African continent and the tracts comprised in 
the Oriental region, only a very limited number of species (Spalax) 
pass within the European boundaries, and these are restricted 
largely to the southeastern districts (Southeast Russia, Greece, 
Hungary). Bathyergus maritimus, the-‘‘ great rodent-mole,” in- 
habits the sand dunes of the Cape coast of Africa. The distribu- 
tion of the distinctively North American family of pouched rats 


has already been adverted to in the general treatment of the North 
American fauna. The jerboas or true jumping-mice are distributed 
from the eastern confines of the Mediterranean to India, and south- 
ward over nearly the whole of Africa. Alactaga jaculus extends 
its range westward from the Altai Mountains to the Danube, and 
Dipus sagitta from the far east of Mongolia to the Volga. The 
largest representative of the family is the Cape jumping-hare (Pede- 
tes Caffer), whose range extends from Mozambique and Angola to 
the southern extremity of the African continent. Only one trans- 
Atlantic species is known, the American jumping-mouse (Zapus 
Hudsonius), which is distributed over almost the whole of the 
North American continent between Labrador and Mexico. 

Of the squirrel forms, or sciuromorphs, the family of squirrels 
(Sciuride), which comprises, in addition to the ordinary and flying- 
squirrels, also the marmots and prairie-dogs, embraces very nearly 
all the species belonging to the group. The true squirrels (Sciurus), 
of which there are probably not less than one hundred species, are 
extensively distributed over all of the continental divisions of the 
globe with the exception of the Australian, being limited only or 
primarily by a deficiency in the forest growth. The headquarters 
of the genus might be said to be the Oriental region, which holds 
nearly one-half of all the recognised species; no species are known 
from either Madagascar or the West Indian islands, although sev- 
eral forms inhabit the larger islands of the Malay Archipelago— 
Java, Borneo, Sumatra, and Celebes. 

In the whole of Europe, excluding the Caucasus, there is but a 
single species of squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, whose range extends 
from the extreme north to the Mediterranean, and eastward through- 
out Siberia. In the Engadine it ascends the A!ps to an elevation of 
7,000 feet. North America north of the Mexican boundary possesses 
six species (and about an equal number of well-marked varieties de- 
pending upon size and colouration), of which the most familiar form 
is the common chickaree (Sciurus Hudsonius), in its several varieties 
—eastern chickaree, western chickaree, Fremont’s chickaree, and 
Richardson’s chickaree—whose range extends from the northern 
limit of forest vegetation to the highlands of Georgia and Alabama; 
on the Atlantic border its southern limit appears to be Delaware Bay. 
This is the only species of squirrel found north of the Canadian 
boundary. The flying-squirrels are usually separated into two dis- 


tinct groups—the flat-tailed forms (Sciuropterus), which are abun- 
dantly distributed over the northern parts of the North American 
continent, and whose range in Eurasia extends from Lapland to 
China and Java; and the round-tailed forms (Pteromys), constitut- 
ing a more southerly group, whose home is the wooded districts of 
tropical Southeast Asia, Japan, and some of the Malaysian islands. 
By some authors the separation into two generic groups is not 
recognised. The spermophiles or pouched marmots (Spermophilus) 
and ground-squirrels (Tamias) are spread over the greater portion 
of the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, 
but find their greatest numerical development in the New World. 
The former, which in a measure connect the true marmots with 
the squirrels, although sufficiently abundant in the far north of 
Siberia and on the most elevated slopes of the Caucasus (S. musi- 
cus), appear to be wanting in the Alps. The American species 
occupy the western portion of the continent, ranging from the 
Arctic seas to the plains of Mexico; none are found east of the 
central plains or prairies. Of the ground-squirrels there are some 
four or five recognised species, all of which are represented in North 
America; the northern ground-squirrel or chipmunk (Tamias Asi- 
aticus) is common to both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, 
ranging in America from Lake Superior and Arizona to the Barren 
Lands, and in Eurasia from Saghalien and Japan through Siberia 
to the Dwina River. In the eastern portions of the American con- 
tinent this species is replaced by the common chipmunk or striped 
squirrel (Tamias striatus). 

The marmots (Arctomys) are restricted to the middle and north- 
ern portions of the Northern Hemisphere, and comprise some ten 
or more species, three of which are American. Of the last the 
best-known form is the woodchuck (A. monax), whose habitat ex- 
tends from the Carolinas to the sixty-second parallel of latitude, 
and from the Atlantic border to Minnesota. Of the two European 
species the bobac (A. bobac) is more properly an Asiatic form, 
ranging from Kamtchatka to the German frontier. The true mar- 
mot, the Murmelthier of the Germans (A. marmota or Alpina), 
inhabits the mountain-tracts of Southern Europe—Pyrenees, Alps, 
Carpathians—between elevations of 5,000 and 10,000 feet. The 
American ‘‘ prairie” or ‘‘barking dogs,” more properly marmots 
(Cynomys), of which there are two species known, appear to be 


restricted to the parks and plains of the Rocky Mountain plateau 

The remaining sciuromorphs comprise the sewellels (Haplodon), 
leporine rodents, somewhat of the habit of the musk-rat, inhabit- 
ing the Northwestern United States; the singular anomalures from 
Western Africa, which, in the possession of a lateral cutaneous 
expansion adapted to aerial sailing, recall the flying-squirrels; 
and the beavers (Castorid), of which the only species (Castor 
fiber or Canadensis) inhabits the northern parts of both the East- 
ern and Western Hemispheres. In its American home the beaver 
is still met with in tolerable abundance west of the Mississippi 
in the entire tract included between Alaska and Mexico; to 
what extent its range extends into the last-named country has 
not yet been ascertained. East of the Mississippi it is now but 
sparingly found south of the Great Lakes, a limited number being 
still harboured in the Maine and Adirondack wildernesses, and a 
still smaller number probably finding their way along the thinly 
settled districts southward to Alabama and Mississippi. In some 
portions of Virginia and Pennsylvania they appear to be still fairly 
numerous. The present range of the beaver in Europe is even 
more restricted than in America, the animal being almost wholly 
confined to Russia (and Poland), specially the streams of the Ural 
Mountains and those emptying into the Caspian Sea, and, in iso- 
lated colonies, to the Rhone, Weser, Elbe, and Danube rivers. 
The animal is now extinct in Great Britain, and appears, also, to 
have completely disappeared from Scandinavia. 

The hystricomorphs embrace a number of families whose repre- 
sentatives depart widely from one another in many essential char- 
acters ; their greatest development is in the Neotropical realm, 
which alone possesses the chinchillas, the agoutis, and the cavies, 
besides the greater number of the partially Ethiopian family of 
spiny-rats (Echiomyide). The best-known representative of the 
last is the coypu (Myopotamus coypu), a large beaver-like animal 
found only in Chili, measuring nearly two feet in length. Of scarcely 
smaller dimensions is the arboreal Capromys pilorides, indigenous 
to Cuba, where it constitutes the largest native mammalian. Pla- 
giodontia eedium, a member of the same family, also found in San 
Domingo, appears to be the only indigenous mammal of the island of 
Jamaica, except the bats and mice (the latter probably introduced). 


The chinchillas comprise a limited number of species which are 
restricted to the Alpine zones of the Peruvian and Chilian Andes 
(the true chinchillas, C. lanigera, 8,000 to 12,000 feet; Alpine vis- 
cachas, Lagidium Peruanum, 10,000 to 16,000 feet), and the pampas 
between the Rio Negro and the Uruguay (true viscachas, Lagosto- 
mus trichodactylus). All the agoutis and cavies (or Guinea-pigs) 
are, as has already been stated, restricted to the Neotropical realm, 
over which (principally east of the Andes) they are very extensively 
distributed. The range of the agoutis proper (Dasyprocta) extends 
from Mexico to Paraguay, one species (D. cristata) finding its way 
into some of the smaller West Indian islands—St. Vincent, Santa 
Lucia, Grenada; the paca (Czlogenys paca), the largest member of 
the family, inhabits the river-bottom forests over almost the entire 

“tract covered by the remainder of the species. The cavies proper 
(Cavia) are spread throughout nearly the whole of the South 
American continent, from Guiana to the Strait of Magellan, and 
from the lowlands to the plateau region of perpetual snow; one 
or more doubtful species are said to occur west of the Andes. 
Brazil is most favoured as to number of species, from one of which 
(Cavia aperea) appears to have descended the domestic Guinea- 
pig. The Patagonian cavy .(Dolichotis Patagonica), an animal 
measuring nearly three feet in length, inhabits the plains between 
Mendoza and the forty-ninth parallel. The capybara (Hydrocherus 
capybara), the largest of all living rodents, inhabits the whole of 
South America east of the Andes and north of the Rio de la Plata, 
wherever water is found; its range at one time appears to have ex- 
tended as far south as the Salado, or even farther. 

Of the remaining hystricomorphs the porcupines, of which some 
authors recognise two distinct families, the true porcupines or por- 
cupines of the Old World (Hystricide) and the tree-porcupines, or 
the species of the New World (Cercolabidz), comprise a consider- 
able number of forms, which though closely related to one another 
in point of anatomical structure, affect most diverse conditions of 
habit. The American species range from the northern limits of 
trees to Paraguay, but the South American forms are generically 
distinct from those inhabiting North America (except Mexico). 
Two well-marked varieties of a single species, the Canada porcu- 
pine (Erethizon dorsatus), inhabit the forest region of North 
America. The eastern porcupine, or Canada porcupine proper. 


whose range formerly extended southward to Virginia (and pos- 
sibly also to Kentucky), is now largely restricted to its northern 
habitat, although it is still found in certain portions of the State 
of Pennsylvania. According to Dr, Allen it is but rarely met with 
in New England south of Central Maine and Northern New Hamp- 
shire. The western variety (E. dorsatus, var. epixanthus) occupies 
the western half of the continent, ranging between Alaska and the 
Mexican frontier. The greater number of the South American 
species are included in the genus Cercolabes, tree-porcupine, whose 
combined range extends from Paraguay to Mexico; Cheetomys sub- 
spinosus inhabits the warmer parts of Brazil. Of the Old World 
forms the best known is the crested or common porcupine (Hystrix 
cristata), whose home is the Mediterranean districts of both Europe 
and Africa, with some considerable reaches of territory also in the 
western part of the latter continent. In South Africa this species 
is replaced by Hystrix Africze-australis, and in India by the hairy- 
nosed porcupine (H. leucura), which is found from the Himalayas 
to the extreme south of the peninsula. Other species of the genus 
Hystrix and of the brush-tailed porcupines (Atherura) are distrib- 
uted over the Oriental realm from Nepaul to Borneo; a species of 
atherure is also found in Western Africa. 

The last division of the rodents, the rabbit-forms or lagomorphs, 
embraces the rabbits or hares, and the pikas (Lagomys), small 
Guinea-pig-like animals which are restricted almost wholly to the 
elevated mountain districts (11,000 to 15,000 feet) of Northern and 
Central Asia, with a single species found in Southeastern Europe, 
and another, Lagomys princeps, in the Rocky Mountain region of 
the Western United States and Canada. The rabbits and hares 
(Lepus) include some twenty or more species, which are almost 
entirely confined to the Northern Hemisphere, where they occupy 
very nearly the whole of North America and Eurasia, and also 
Northern Africa. A single species (Lepus Brasiliensis) is found in 
South America, while several are known from South Africa, al- 
though in the vast interior of the last-named continent the genus 
does not appear to be represented. The distribution of the prin- 
cipal American species has already been discussed in the general 
consideration of the North American fauna. Only one of these, 
the polar or Arctic hare (Lepus glacialis or timidus), whose range 
extends over Greenland and the Barren Grounds to the Arctic 

HARES. 363 

coast, is common to the Old World, where its range extends 
over the greater portion of Europe, from Scotland to the Ural 
Mountains and the Caucasus. Singularly enough, the species ap- 
pears to be wanting in Scandinavia. The variable hare (L. vari- 
abilis), which is by many authors considered to be identical with 
the last, or at best only a varietal race, inhabits Eurasia (from Ire- 
land to Japan) north of the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude, but reap- 
pears on the more elevated mountain regions of the south where 
the climatic conditions are approximately those of the northern 
lowlands. Thus, we find the animal in the Swiss, Bavarian, and 
Austrian Alps, in the Pyrenees, and in the Caucasus, although in 
much or most of the intervening lowland it is completely wanting. 
Unlike the last species, which in the Alpine region occupies prin- 
cipally the basal tracts, rarely ascending above 5,500 feet,* the 
variable hare more properly frequents the elevated summits, up to 
10,000 feet or more, and only occasionally descends below the level 
of 4,000 feet. The species is wanting in the Jura Mountains. Much 
uncertainty attaches to the true home of the semi-domesticated rab- 
bit (Lepus cuniculus), which is at the present time so extensively 
distributed throughout Europe, and the contiguous parts of Asia 
and Africa, Until recently supposed to have been introduced 
from Spain, the discovery of its remains in the Quaternary depos- 
its north of the Alps would seem to throw considerable doubt upon 
the accuracy of this hypothesis. 

The most complete analysis of the extinct rodent fauna of the 
Northern Hemisphere is furnished by Schlosser (‘‘ Paleeontograph- 
ica,” 1884), who recognises about seventy well-characterised species 
from the Tertiary deposits of Europe alone. Of these the most 
ancient, or those of the Eocene and Oligocene periods, belong in 
principal part to types that are either entirely extinct or have their 
nearest analogues among forms living at the present day in tropical 
America, Such are the genera Nesokerodon, Theridomys, and 
Protechimys, from the French phosphorites, the first of which ap- 
pears to be closely related to the South American cavies, and the 
last two to the spiny-rats, and more distantly to the chinchillas. 
The squirrels and dormice are represented by the modern gen- 

* Théobald affirms the presence of the common hare at an altitude of 7,000 
feet in the Grisons (Fatio, ‘‘ Faune des Vertébrés de la Suisse,’’ p. 250). 


era Sciurus and Myoxus respectively, while Plesiarctomys presents 
us with an ancestral form of the true marmots. Among the extinct 
genera we find some remarkable suggestions of marsupial structure ; 
thus, Pseudosciurus and Sciurodon, in the character of their den- 
tition, approach the Australian koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), and 
Sciuroides recalls the phalangers and the kangaroo-rats (Hypsi- 

The Miocene rodents, principally represented in France and 
Germany, although still retaining a number of the older types, as 
Theridomys, show a much closer approximation to the modern 
fauna. Among living genera we find (in the newer deposits) repre- 
sentatives of the true squirrels, dormice, porcupines, and pikas or 
tailless hares (Lagomys). The rabbits or hares (Lepus) are en- 
tirely wanting, as, indeed, they are from the whole of the Euro- 
pean Tertiary series, and likewise the true mice (Mus), if we ex- 
cept the single species, Mus (Acomys) Gaudryi, from Pikermi, 
Greece. The genus Cricetodon, whose earliest appearance is in 
the Oligocene deposits of France, was without doubt the near 
ally of the hamsters (Cricetus). One or more species of marmot 
(Arctomys) have been indicated as belonging to the Miocene de- 
posits of both France and Germany, but it is a little doubtful 
whether the horizons whence the remains were obtained have 
been correctly identified. _Arctomys primigenia, from Eppelsheim, 
is not improbably a comparatively recent species, and not impos- 
sibly identical with either A. marmotta or A. bobac. The most 
abundant forms of this period are Myolagus Meyeri and Steneofiber 
Jiigeri, both from the Upper Miocene of Germany and France, the 
last replacing the more modern true beavers (Castor), Of the 
older Miocene genera Archzomys stands intermediate between the 
still earlier Protechimys and the chinchillas, and Issiodoromys be- 
tween Nesokerodon and the cavies. The Pliocene rodent fauna 
does not differ essentially from the Upper Miocene, of which it 
may be considered to be a mere amplification. The recent genera 
occurring here are already in the main represented in the period 
preceding, although a limited number of new types, such as the 
beaver (Castor Issiodorensis, possibly identical with the recent 
Castor fiber; Puy-de-Déme, France) and the Arvicolide, are for 
the first time introduced. The forms related to the South Ameri- 
can fauna have, on the other hand, completely disappeared from 


the continent. The remains of the existing species of porcupine 
and beaver (cave of Gailenreuth) are found in the Quaternary 

The rodent fauna of the American (western) Tertiaries is very 
closely related to the European, a large number of identical, or 
analogous, genera being represented. This is especially the case 
with the forms belonging to the Miocene period, where, in addi- 
tion to a considerable number of extinct types, we find such forms as 
Steneofiber, true beavers (Castor—several species), squirrels (Sci- 
urus), vesper-mice (Hesperomys), and not impossibly also the true 
porcupine (Hystrix). Eumys does not appear to differ essentially 
from Cricetedon, while Ischyromys represents Sciuromys. A dis- 
tinctive feature separating the American from the European fauna 
is the introduction of the hares, which are not only represented by 
forms now no longer living (Paleolagus), but also by the modern 
genus Lepus. In the Pliocene fauna there is a still further approxi- 
mation to the fauna of the present day in the appearance of an 
additional number of recent genera—Erethizon (Canada porcupine), 
Geomys (gopher). The last genus is also found in the Quaternary 
deposits, as also other members of the same family (Saccomys), and 
the vole, musk-rat, wood-chuck, ground-squirrel, wood-hare (Lepus 
sylvaticus), beaver, and a form of capybara (Hydrocherus sopi). 
Castoroides Ohioensis, the largest of all known rodents, recent 
or fossil, appears to have been of the dimensions of the black 

Proboscidea (Elephants).—At the present day there are but 
two living species of this order known—the one being the Asiatic 
elephant, Elephas Indicus, which inhabits the forest lands of In- 
dia and Southeast Asia generally, with the islands of Ceylon, Suma- 
tra, and (?) Borneo, and the other the African elephant, E. (Loxodon) 
Africanus, a native of the greater part of the continent of Africa 
south of the Sahara. The insular Asiatic form is by some authors 
considered to represent a distinct species, to which the name E. 
Sumatranus has been applied. Although now restricted in a gen- 
eral way to the warmer parts of the earth’s surface, there can be 
no doubt that the range of the species was very much greater at an 
earlier period of the earth’s history than it is at present, seeing 
how very broad was the distribution of the genus. The remains 
of elephants undistinguishable from the African form have been 


discovered in the Post-Pliocene deposits of Algeria, Sicily, and 

The extinct species of elephants are numerous, and their re- 
mains are largely distributed over the continents of North America 
(Alaska to Mexico) and Eurasia. None date back in time beyond 
the Pliocene period, if we except the forms from the Siwalik de- 
posits of the peninsula of India and the island of Perim, whose 
horizon is somewhat doubtfully placed by geologists as Mio-Plio- 
cene. The best-known species is the mammoth (Elephas primi- 
genius), which was very closcly related to the Indian elephant, and 
whose range covered the greater part of Northern Eurasia (extend- 
ing as far south as Santander in Spain and Rome in Italy) and 
Northwest America. Its remains are found most abundantly along 
almost the entire Arctic shore of Siberia. The species belongs ex- 
clusively to the Post-Pliocene period, and was doubtless contempo- 
raneous with man in many of the regions inhabited by it. Other 
well-known and somewhat earlier species are the European E. 
antiquus and E. meridionalis, and the American E. Americanus. 
Elephas Melitensis, from the island of Malta, is the smallest known 
species, barely exceeding three feet in height when adult ; by 
Pohlig it is considered to represent only a diminutive variety of 
E. antiquus. 

The closely related genus Mastodon antedates the true elephants 
by one period, appearing in Europe in the Middle Miocene (Plio- 
cene in America).* Its extinction in the Old World appears to have 
been effected in the Pliocene period, although in America several 
species, and more particularly the commonest form, M. Ohioticus 
or M. giganteus, survived into the late Post-Pliocene. 

Remains of true elephants have been found in China and Japan,t 
and it appears not unlikely, from a fragment of tusk recently de- 
scribed by Professor Owen as Notelephas, that a proboscidean, 

* The Loup Fork beds, in which several of the American species occur, 
are by Professor Cope considered to be of Upper Miocene age. This author- 
ity recognises nine species of North American mastodon, to which a tenth 
one, M. Floridanus, has recently been added by Dr. Leidy. 

+ At least two of the Indian forms—E. Cliftii and E. insignis—referred to 
the group Stegodon, which in dental characters stands intermediate between 
the mastodons and true elephants, have been identified by Koken as occurring 

in the Pliocene deposits of China, and by Naumann in the nearly equivalent 
series of Japan. 


whether elephant or mastodon, also existed in Australia. The 
mastodon is also known from South America (M. Andium, M. Hum- 

Of the recognised true proboscideans the genus Dinotherium 
may be considered to represent the earliest type, inasmuch as its 
remains are thus far known only from the Miocene and Mio-Plio- 
cene deposits (Europe and Asia). 

Extinct Animals related to the Proboscidea. — Numerous 
extinct animal forms, of both small and gigantic dimensions, ex- 
hibiting more or less intimate relationship with the Proboscidea, 
have been described from the Eocene deposits of both Europe and 
America. Amorg the best known of these is the genus Coryphodon 
(order Amblypoda of Cope), with about fourteen species, vegetable 
feeders, ranging in size from the dimensions of a tapir to that of an 
ox, and, judging from the skeleton, most nearly resembling among 
living animals the bear in outward appearance. The structure of 
the foot was largely that of the elephant. All the species are 
Lower Eocene (England, France, America). Belonging to the same 
order are the American Dinocerata, animals equalling or surpassing 
in size the modern elephants, to which they bore many points of 
structural resemblance. The upper jaw was provided with a pair 
of vertically descending canine tusks. The type genus of this 
group is Uintatherium, and seemingly the other forms which have 
been described under Loxolophodon, Eobasileus, Dinoceras, and 
Tinoceras also belong here. Some twenty-nine species are known, 
all of them of the Middle Eocene period.—A form uniting the 
coryphodons with the Dinocerata has recently been discovered by 
Professor Scott in the Bridger (Middle Eocene) beds of Wyoming, , 
and named Elachoceras parvum.”*° 

The members of the amblypod order of Mammalia, as well as 
the more recent Proboscidea and Hyracoidea (conies), are traced 
back by Professor Cope to a type of ungulate animals which largely 
preceded these in the order of ‘their development, and which are 
by that naturalist considered to represent the primitive hoofed 
forms whence the modern even- and odd-toed ungulates, the Artio- 
dactyla (deer, ox, camel, &c.) and Perissodactyla (horse, rhinoceros, 
tapir), ultimately descended. The teeth were tuberculated (of the 
bunodont or hog type), and the feet largely plantigrade, provided 
with five toes, both front and rear, constituting the generalised 


mammalian foot. The best-known genus of the order (Condy- 
larthra), which comprised animals intermediate in size between the 
opossum and tapir, is Phenacodus, from the Puerco and Wasatch 

Ungulata Perissodactyla (Odd-toed hoofed-animals).—The 
only modern representatives of the odd-toed ungulates are the 
rhinoceros, horse (including the zebra and ass), and tapir. Of the 
first some five or six species are known, which are generally re- 
ferred to a single genus Rhinoceros, although by some authors 
several distinct genera are recognised. The African species (R. 
bicornis, R. keitloa(?), and R. simus, the so-called white rhinoceros), 
all two-horned, occupy the greater part of the continent south of 
the desert, while in Asia the species, both single- and double- 
horned, range from the forest-covered foot-hills of the Himalayas 
through Farther India and the Malay Peninsula to Borneo, Java, 
and Sumatra. The common Indian species, R. unicornis or In- 
dicus, is now restricted in its range almost wholly to the terai re- 
gion of Nepaul and Bhotan, and to the upper valley of the Brah- 
maputra. Many species of rhinoceros, in part referable to the 
genus or genera which contain the modern forms, are found fossil 
in Europe and India in deposits dating from the Upper Miocene; 
Rhinoceros (Ceratorhinus) Schleiermacheri is Middle Miocene. The 
hornless genus Aceratherium, which, on the American continent, is 
preceded in the Upper Eocene by the somewhat rhinocerotic Amyn- 
odon, and which may be considered as the first true rhinoceros, ap- 
pears in the Lower Miocene deposits of both the Old and the New 
World, and is looked upon by many as the ancestral type whence, 
through migration and subsequent development, the existing and 
Post-Pliocene (R. tichorhinus, &c.) species have been derived. The 
American genus Aphelops, likewise hornless, belongs to a series of 
deposits (Loup Fork) which by some authors are referred to the 
Upper Miocene, and by others to the Lower Pliocene. Hyracodon, 
a genus in many respects allied to the rhinoceros, but possessing 
only three toes to the foot, is Lower Miocene or Oligocene (North 
American). Singularly enough, no rhinocerotic form is found in 
the New World above the Pliocene.—None of the existing species 
of rhinoceros antedate the Post-Pliocene period, although the 
African bicorn type is actually represented in the earlier deposits 
of Greece (R. pachygnathus) and the Siwalik Hills of India, which 

TAPIRS. 369 

last also contain the remains of several forms closely allied to the 
existing Indian species (R. Sivalensis, R. paleeindicus). 

Of the tapirs (Tapiride) there are at present five or six recog- 
nised species, one of which, the Malay tapir (Tapirus Malayanus), 
inhabits the Malay Peninsula and the islands of Borneo and Suma- 
tra, and the remainder the forest regions of South and Central 
America, one or more of the species ascending the Andean slopes to 
heights of from 10,000 to 12,000 feet. The Central American forms 
(T. Bairdi, T. Dowi) have been referred by Gill to a distinct genus, 

-Elasmognathus. The genus Tapirus itself, which is not known in 
North America previous to the Post-Pliocene period, extends back 
in Europe to the Upper or Middle Miocene, and has continued with 
but slight modification of form from that time up to the present 
day. Its precursor appears to have been the Listriodon (Middle 
Miocene), which united it with the somewhat tapiroid group of 
the lophiodons (Lophiodontide—Eocene), the earliest group of 
known perissodactyls, comprising animals ranging in size from the 
rabbit to the ox. It is difficult, or impossible, to determine just 
whether the tapirs constitute a primarily Old World or New World 
group of animals, for, despite the intimate relationship which is 
established between them and the European Lophiodon through 
Listriodon, an equally close connection unites them on the western 
side of the Atlantic with genera—Helaletes (Tapirulus?), Desmato- 
therium, and Hyrachyus—which appear to have been contempora- 
neous with Lophiodon, and, indeed, may have preceded it. Nor 
is it exactly impossible, as Professor Vogt has suggested, that a 
parallel development on opposite sides of the Atlantic may have 
evolved similar forms from slightly different ancestors. The scanty 
remains of tapirs in the American Miocene formation are referred 
by Professor Marsh to the genus Tapiravus ; between these and 
those of Post-Pliocene age there intervenes a complete hi- 

Of the horses (Equide) there are usually recognised three groups: 
the horses proper, the asses, and the zebras. By most zoologists 
these are all placed in the one genus Equus, the characters defining 
Asinus (the asses) not being considered to be of generic value. 
Until Poliakof quite recently made known the existence of a 
new species of horse (E. Przevalskii) from the desert wilds of Cen- 
tral Asia it was generally supposed that the domestic animal (E. 



caballus) was the only living representative of the caballine section 
of the family, and that no truly wild stock any longer existed on 
the surface of the earth. Whether Przevalski’s horse proves to 
be a good species or not, there can be little or no question as to 
the normally wild state in which it occurs. The domestic animal 
has been spread through the agency of man over the greater part 
of the globe, where in nearly all localities it has flourished to a 
remarkable degree. That America was wholly, or in great part, 
deficient in horses at the time of the Spanish conquest, is proved 
beyond doubt, but at the same time it is equally proved, from the 
number of fossil remains that have been found between Escholz 
Bay in the north and Patagonia in the south, that the animal not 
only inhabited, but abounded on, the continent during a period com- 
paratively recent preceding. There is, further, very little question 
as to the contemporaneity of the horse and man on the American 
continent, and, indeed, it would appear not exactly improbable, 
from certain references contained in old narratives, that at least in 
South America the animal still lingered on even after the advent of 
the Europeans. What led to its general extermination, when under 
apparently similar physical conditions the introduced animal has 
been able to thrive to such a wonderful degree, is a problem which 
still awaits solution. 

The species of ass appear to be more numerous than those of 
the horse, although not unlikely one or more of the forms usually 
considered distinct will have to be classed as mere varietal types. 
Zoologists are practically agreed that the domestic animal (E. asi- 
nus) is either identical with, or only a feebly modified derivative 
from, the wild ass of Abyssinia (E. teniopus), the only African 
species, which it very closely resembles. Three generally recog- 
nised species of ass roam over the wilds of West-Central Asia, the 
Syrian ass (E. hemippus), the onager (E. onager), from Persia and 
Northwest India, and the kiang or dziggetai (E. hemionus), the 
most horse-like in appearance, which inhabits the high table-lands 
of Thibet, at elevations of 15,000 feet and upwards. Two species 
of zebra—the quagga (E. quagga) and dauw or Burchell’s zebra 
(E. Burchellii)—inhabit the plains of South Africa, while a third 
species, the mountain zebra (E. zebra), frequents the mountainous 
districts of the same region. A fourth form (E. Grévyi) has re- 
cently been described by Milne-Edwards from the land of Shoa, 


and is probably identical with the form seen by Speke and Grant 
during their journey to the lake regions. 

Ot the fossil forms of Equus there have been thus far described 
some twenty or more species, which date back in both hemi- 
spheres to the Pliocene period. Only two of the recent species are 
positively known in the fossil state—the E. asinus, or ass, which is 
Post-Pliocene, and the horse (E. caballus), which appears to be 
first known from the Upper Pliocene ; it is not improbable, how- 
ever, that some of the Post-Pliocene equine remains of Central 
Europe belong to the dziggetai. The Pliocene species seemingly 
most nearly related to the modern horse are the E. major or E. 
Americanus, from the deposits of North America, and the E. Ste- 
nonis, from the Val d’Arno, Italy. The only other genus of 
Equide besides Equus is Hippidium (Pliohippus ?), which occurs 
fossil ia the Pliocene deposits of both North and South America. 

Nehring, from a careful study of the numerous fossil remains of 
horses found in Germany and elsewhere, arrives at the conclusion 
that the present European animal—at least, as representing some 
of the races—instead of being, as is commonly supposed, a recent 
introduction from Asia, is in reality indigenous to the region which 
it now inhabits in a domesticated state, and that it has been a con- 
tinuous inhabitant of Central Europe, then largely in the form of 
a steppe country, supporting a steppe fauna, ever since the early 
part of the Quaternary epoch. 

Extinct Animals related to the Horse and Tapir.—In no 
group of mammals, probably, is the difficulty of drawing family 
boundaries greater than among the perissodactyl ungulates, a cir- 
cumstance due chiefly to the perfection with which many of the 
lines of descent have been traced out, and to the intimate rela- 
tionship which the animals of one line bear to the animals of one 
or more other lines. Thus the primitive ancestors of the horse— 
the four-toed and three-toed (fore and aft) Eohippus and Orohippus 
(Hyracotherium) from the Eocene, the three-toed Mesohippus and 
Miohippus (Anchitherium) from the Miocene, and the Pliocene 
Hipparion (also Miocene) and Protohippus—which form an almost 
continuous chain connecting Eohippus and the Equidi, belong to 
two or three families, Lophiodontide, Palzotheride,* Anchithe- 

* To the type genus of this family, the Eocene Paleotherium, many paleon- 
tologists have traced the ancestral line of the European horse—Equus Stenonis, 


ridx, one of which, at least, lies as much in the direct line of descent 
of the tapir as it does of the horse. It will thus be seen that from 
the evolutionary standpoint, or from the point which views rela- 
tionship by descent as of equal importance with that which unites 
forms solely through a community of general characters, family 
lines could be traced among these earlier ungulates at points other 
than where they have actually been drawn, and with fully as much 
reason. For it can scarcely be gainsaid that the direct ancestors 
of the horse, for example, would form as natural a group among 
themselves as they now form three or four groups in the way they 
have been scattered about. 

Other tapiroid forms, more or less closely related to the lophio- 
dons, are Limnohyus and Palosyops, both from the Eocene ; 
Chalicotherium, whose remains have been found in Oregon, and in 
Eurasia from France to China, appears in the Oligocene and Mio- 
cene. Approximately contemporaneous with the last, and embrac- 
ing animals of the dimensions of the elephant, or even larger, 
with certain resemblances to the rhinoceros, were the Menodon- 
tid, whose remains have been found in both hemispheres. Sev- 
eral genera of this family—Menodus, Titanotherium, Symborodon, 
Brontotherium—have been described, but it would appear that not 
all of these are entitled to generic recognition. 

A group of highly specialised and abnormal forms of Perisso- 
dactyla, concerning which there has been much diversity of opinion 
expressed, and whose position in the zoological scale has not yet 
been definitely established, is that of the Macrauchenide, with the 

Hipparion, Anchitherium, Paleotherium.—Dr. Max Schlosser, in an elaborate 
review of the phylogenetic relationships of the Ungulata (‘* Morphologisches 
Jahrbuch,”’ 1886), considers the equine line of descent to pass through Phena- 
codus (as earliest form), Hyracotherium, Anchitherium, Merychippus, Hippa- 
rion, and Pliohippus. Hyracotherium and Hipparion, and possibly also An- 
chitherium, are assumed to be by origination American forms, which subse- 
quently wandered over to Europe, but the relative appearance of these forms 
on the two continents scarcely warrants this supposition. The same author- 
ity identifies the American Mesohippus and Miohippus with Anchitherium, 
and Protohippus with Hipparion; Eohippus is considered to be probably 
identical with Hyracotherium. By Mr. Wortman, on the other hand, who 
first recognised jn Phenacodus the earliest ancestor of the horse, and who 
unequivocally identifies Orohippus with Iyracotherium, both Mesohippus and 
Protohippus are considered to represent types of distinct generic value (‘‘ Revue 
Scientifique,’’? June, 1883). 


two species Macrauchenia Patachonica and M. Boliviensis, remnants 
of the remarkable South American Pliocene fauna. With certain 
characters approximating it to the camel and horse, it is claimed 
by Burmeister that the animal was provided with a proboscidiform 

Ungulata Artiodactyla (Even-toed hoofed-animals). — The 
members of this sub-order, both recent and fossil, are conveniently 
divided into two groups—those which, like the hog, have the 
grinding surfaces of the molar teeth tuberculated (Bunodonta), 
and those, in which these surfaces are crescentically ridged, as in 
the sheep, ox, deer (Selenodonta). The first of these groups, the 
Bunodonta, comprises but two families, the swine (Suidee) and 
the hippopotami (Hippopotamide). 

Of the hippopotami there are, as generally recognised, only 
two species, the common form (H. amphibius), which until re- 
cently inhabited most of the larger streams of the continent of 
Africa, from the Congo, Senegal, and Zambesi to the Nile, but 
whose domain has of late been rapidly narrowing (completely ex- 
cluded from the Egyptian Nile), and the West African Cheeropsis 
Liberiensis, a comparatively small animal, differing primarily from 
the first in the possession of only a single pair of incisors in the lower 
jaw instead of two pairs. A third species, whose remains have 
been found sub-fossil in the swamp deposits of the island of Mada- 
gascar (in association with the giant Apyornis), and which may 
consequently be classed with the recent period, has been described 
by Goldberg (1883) under the name of H. Madagascariensis. The 
common species of hippopotamus represents one of the most an- 
cient of the mammalian types entering into the formation of the 
modern fauna, it being one of the very few forms which survived 
the Pliocene period up to the present day. Its range was formerly 
very much greater than it now is, and even as late as the Post-Plio- 
cene it appears to have inhabited Europe as far north as Northern 
Wales, where its remains have been found associated with human 
implements. Seven other species of the genus have been de- 
scribed from the Pliocene and Post-Pliocene deposits of Europe 
and India, but none have so far been recorded from America.—The 
pigmy hippopotamus of Malta (H. minutus) appears to have been 
closely allied to, if not identical with, the living Liberian spe- 


The recent hogs are commonly divided into three more or less 
distinct groups: the peccaries (genus Dicotyles), whose range 
comprises the region included between Arkansas and Paraguay ; 
the wart-hogs (khacocherus) of East and South-Central Africa; 
and the true swine, under which are ranged the hog proper (Sus), 
the babyrousa (Babirusa), and river-hog (Potamocherus). The 
last is exclusively West African, while the babyrousa is confined 
to Celebes, and some of the smaller islands of the Eastern Archipel- 
ago (Bouro, &c.). Much diversity of opinion still exists as to the 
number of species that are comprised in the genus Sus. Some 
fifteen or more have at various times been recognised by zoolo- 
gists, but by Forsyth Major,’ who has probably enjoyed better 
opportunities for making a critical study of the group than any of 
his predecessors, the number is restricted to four, with a probable 
fifth one, concerning which we know little, but which appears to 
occupy a considerable part of the Ethiopian region: Sus vittatus, 
whose distributional area extends from Sardinia to New Guinea, 
and from Japan to Damara-Land (Southwest Africa); 5. verrucosus, 
from Java and Ceiebes; 8. barbatus, from Borneo; and §. scrofa, 
the boar, or common hog, whose domain extends, or did extend 
before man had greatly narrowed its limits, over the greater part 
of temperate Europe and Asia. This species, which was an early 
inhabitant of Britain, as is indicated by the remains found in 
the forest-bed (Post-Pliocene) of Norfolk, was completely exter- 
minated in that region a number of centuries ago. Several 
species of the genus have been found fossil in the Miocene and 
Pliocene deposits of France, Italy, Germany, and Greece, and five 
are described from the Siwalik Hills of India, one of which, 8. 
Titan, is considered by Lydekker to have attained in extreme 
specimens a height to the shoulder of forty-nine inches or more. 
None of the genera of recent bunodont Artiodactyla are found 
fossil in America with the exception of Dicotyles (peccary), which, 
in association with a nearly related genus, Platygonus (also Plio- 
cene), occurs in the Post-Pliocene deposits. Closely related to the 
last are the Miocene Thinohyus, Cheenohyus, and Hyotherium 
(Palzocheerus ?), the last a genus also abundantly represented in 
Eurcpe in deposits of both Upper Eocene and Miocene age. The 
oldest representatives of the suilline tribe appear to be the forms 
that have been described as Eohyus and Achzenodon (Parahyus 2), 

CAMELS. 375 

of Lower and Middle Eocene age, the former of which is stated by 
Marsh to have had at least four functional toes, while the latter 
united with its predominant suilline characters certain peculiar car- 
nivore modifications of the skull. Some very remarkable buno- 
donts of a hog-like character, found in the phosphorite deposits of 
Quercy, France, and named by Filhol the Pachysimia, are consid- 
ered by that author to possess some striking structural features 
allying them with the Primates, and rendering it not exactly im- 
probable that the last may find their earliest ancestors in these 
ancient types. 

Of somewhat doubtful position, but with distinctively suilline 
affinities, are Choeropotamus (Eocene) and Anthracotherium and 
Hyopotamus (Eocene—Miocene). 

Artiodactyla Selenodonta.—Among recent forms this section com- 
prises the camels (Tylopoda), chevrotains (Tragulina), and true 
ruminants (Ruminantia), with such well-known forms as the ox, 
goat, deer, and antelope. 

The camels, constituting the family Camelide, comprise, as gen- 
erally recognised, two genera—the Old World Camelus, the camel 
proper, and the New World Auchenia, the llamas (guanaco, vicuia, 
alpaca). Of the former there are two species, the dromedary, or 
one-humped animal (C. dromedarius), a native of the deserts of 
Arabia, whence it has spread eastward to India, and the Bactrian, 
or two-humped camel (C. Bactrianus), which occupies the region of 
Central Asia from the Black Sea to China, and from the Himalayas 
to beyond the Siberian boundaries. Although the camel is gener- 
ally considered to be a belonging of the hotter regions of the earth’s 
surface, it is well known that the Bactrian species thrives admira- 
bly in the northern districts of Mongolia, and that even as far 
north as the southern extremity of Lake Baikal, on the fifty-third 
paraliel of latitude, it passes the rigours of a Siberian winter with- 
out apparent discomfort. That the dromedary, which is now one 
of the distinctive animals of North Africa, was unknown to the 
ancient Egyptians is proved by the absence of representations of it 
from all monumental inscriptions. The American representatives 
. of the Camelide are the llama, alpaca, guanaco, and vicufia, con- 
stituting the genus Auchenia, the first two of which, inhabitants 
of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes, exist now only in a state of 
domestication, while the vicufia inhabits the Andean slopes of Peru 


and Chili, and the guanaco the plains of Patagonia and Tierra del 

The Tertiary deposits of Europe have thus far yielded no traces 
of the Camelide, and if we except the Camelus Sivalensis and 
C. antiquus, from the Siwalik Hills of India, and C. Thomasi, from 
the Quaternary deposits of Algeria, the same may be said of the 
Eastern Hemisphere generally. On the other hand, animals refer- 
able in part to this family, and, again, others closely related to these, 
are abundant in America, where they form a connecting series or 
chain almost as complete as that which has been established for the 
horse. The cameline line of descent has been traced by Professor 
Cope from the Oligocene or Miocene Poebrotherium, in which, as 
well as in the succeeding genus, the metapodial bones were dis- 
tinct, and the mouth was furnished with a complete series of in- 
cisor teeth, through Protolabis, Procamelus, and Pliauchenia (Plio- 
cene), the last standing in the relation of its dentition intermedi- 
ately between Procamelus and the camel. Auchenia, the llama, 
which may be considered to terminate the series, is late Pliocene 
and Post-Pliocene ; with it occur associated several related forms, 
as Protauchenia, Paleolama, &c. Professor Marsh indicates the 
Eocene Parameryx as the probable most ancient ancestor of the 
camels, whereas by Scott, Osborn, and Speir this place is given toa 
contemporaneous genus Ithygrammodon. 

It would appear, therefore, that the camels are a New World 
family, but this is by no means proved to be the case ; the absence 
of the true cemel in America and its occurrence in India in deposits 
as ancient as the older Pliocene, render it very probable that an- 
cestral cameline forms will be found in the Old World as well as 
in the New. : 

The chevrotains, or mouse-deer (Tragulidx), which comprise 
some of the smallest of known ungulates, and which in structure 
stand in a measure intermediate between the deer and hog, are 
ranged under two genera, Tragulus and Hyzmoschus, the former 
restricted to Southern and Southeast Asia, and the larger islands of 
the Eastern Archipelago, and the latter to West Africa. The family 
dates from the Miocene period, of which the genus Hyemoschus is 
a belonging. 

Of the true ruminants, the Camelopardalide, or giraffes, con- 
stitute perhaps the most peculiar group. Only one species, Camelo- 


pardalis giraffa, is known, which ranges over the greater part of 
the grass-covered plains of East-Central and South Africa. An 
extinct species of the genus, C. Attica, which occurs in the Mio- 
cene deposits of Greece, appears to have rivalled or fully equalled 
the modern form in size. Other allied species have been described 
from the Siwalik Hills of India. The Helladotherium, an animal 
of less elevated proportions than the giraffe, but closely related to 
it, roamed during the Miocene, or early Pliocene, epoch over the 
south of Europe, from France to Greece, and across to India. With 
the same family are possibly to be placed also the Siwalik genera 
Brahmatherium, Vishnutherium, and Sivatherium, the last a huge 
antelopine form, referred by most zoologists to the true antelopes. 

The antelopes, whose special distribution has been considered 
in connection with the several zoogeographical regions of the earth’s 
surface, constitute by far the most extensive group of the Ungulata, 
there being probably not less than one hundred distinct species. 
The greater number of these belong to the continent of Africa, 
where they inhabit as well the desert tracts as the open plains and 
forests, from the Sahara to the Cape, and from Senegal to the Nile. 
Among the better known of these forms are the springbok, blesbok, 
bontebok, hartebeest, buschbok, waterbok, koodoo, oryx, gemsbok, 
klipspringer, gnu, and eland, the last a bubaline form equalling in 
size a large ox. The opposite extreme in the series is presented by 
the western guevi, which barely exceeds the dimensions of a rabbit. 
The fifteen (?) or more Asiatic species, whose combined range com- 
prises very nearly the entire extent of the continent, with the islands 
of Japan, Formosa, and Sumatra, are nearly all distinct from the 
African, and even the generic types that are held in common are 
limited almost exclusively to such forms, as Oryx, Addax, and 
Gazella, whose domain embraces the almost contiguous desert tracts 
of Northeast Africa and Arabia. 

Europe has but two antelopine species, the Alpine chamois and 
the saiga, or steppe antelope, the latter of which may perhaps with 
more propriety be considered an Asiatic species, whose range ex- 
tends over Russia to the confines of Poland. North America is 
equally deficient with Europe, holding likewise but two species— 
the prong-horn (Antilocapra) and Rocky Mountain goat (Aplocerus) 
—while in South America the family or group is entirely wanting. 

The remains of antelopes, if we except certain doubtful forms 


from the cave deposits of Brazil, which have been referred to Anti- 
lope and Leptotherium, are completely absent from America. In 
Southern and Western Europe they date from the Miocene period, 
continuing through the Pliocene and Post-Pliocene. The richest 
antelopine deposit is that of Pikermi, Greece, whence Professor 
Gaudry has described the genera Gazella, Palzotragus, Tragoceros, 
Paleoryx, and Palzoreas, the last two most intimately related 
to the recent Oryx (gemsbok) and Oreas (koodoo) respectively. 
Several, or most, of these types have also been recognised 1n the 
more or less equivalent deposits of France, Spain, Italy, and the 
Vienna Basin ; Antilope cristata of the Middle Miocene of Switzer- 
land appears to have had its nearest ally among recent forms in 
the chamois. African-type antelopes are still met with in the 
late Pliocene, or Post-Pliocene, volcanic deposits of the Auvergne 
(France). The only unequivocal antelopine remains from Britain 
are those of Gazclla Anglica, recently described by Mr. Newton 
from the newer Pliocene beds of Norwich, England ; not impossi- 
bly, however, the saiga is also represented in the English fauna. 
Some eight or more species of the family, principally referable to 
modern genera—Oreas, Paleoryx, Portax (nylghau), Gazella, An- 
tilope, and Alcelaphus—have been described from the early Plio- 
cene of the Siwalik Hills. 

The bubaline or bovine ruminants proper (Bovina) comprise 
about thirteen recent species, which are distributed over the greater 
part of Eurasia, Africa, and North America. The buffaloes are 
represented by four species, two African, Bubalus Caffer (Cape 
buffalo) and B. brachyceros, tlhe former of which roams over the 
greater part of Southern and Central Africa, and two Asiatic, the 
Buffelus Sondaicus and B. Indicus, from the last of which has 
descended the domesticated variety which has been so extensive- 
ly acclimatised in North Africa, Italy, Greece, and Hungary. A 
form related to the buffaloes, but differing in certain important 
essentials, is the dwarf wild-cow of the island of Celebes (Anoa or 
Probubalus Celebensis), whose early representatives occur fossil in 
the Pliocene deposits of the Siwalik Hills of India. Two species 
of buffalo, referable to the genus Buffelus, likewise occur fossil in 
the Indian deposits (Pliocene and Post-Pliocene), and one species, 
B. Pallasii, in the Quaternary of Danzig, Germany. Associated with 
the former are the bubaline forms Amphibos (Hemibos) and Lepto- 


bos. The African buffalo is thus far known only from the Qua- 
ternary of that continent (Bubalus antiquus, from Setif, Algeria). 

The wild cattle (ghaurs) of India, including, according to some 
authorities, the Thibetan yak * (Poephaga grunniens), and constitut- 
ing the genus Bibos, range from Southern India through the Malay 
Peninsula to Java and Borneo. The earliest representative of this 
group appears to be the Etruscan bull (Bos or Bibos Etruscus), 
from the Pliocene deposits of France and Italy. 

The bisons (genus Bison) are at present comprised in two spe- 
cies, the American (B. Americanus), which until recently inhabited 
the greater part of the continent of North America, but which is 
now restricted to a few hundred individuals, and the European 
(B. Europzus), also known as the aurochs, which up to the pe- 
riod of the Roman Empire appears to have been sufficiently abun- 
dant in South-Central Europe, but which is now limited to the 
imperial preserves of Lithuania and the wilds of the Ural and Cau- 
casus. Its immediate precursor was the Bison priscus, whose 
remains are distributed throughout the Quaternary deposits of al- 
most every country in Europe and of Siberia; they have also been 
found at Escholtz Bay, Alaska. The Pliocene B. Sivalensis would 
seem to be a closely allied form, and, according to Ritimeyer, 
nearer to it than to the living American species, or to its Post- 
Pliocene predecessors, the B. latifrons and B. antiquus. 

Of the taurine genus Bos, which comprises the domestic cattle, 
several well-marked varieties are recognised, all of which are by 
most authorities referred back in their descent to the urus (Bos 
primigenius), which was abundant in Central Europe in the time 
of the early Roman emperors, but is now wholly extinct. By 
Wilckens, on the other hand, it is claimed that at least some of the 
breeds of cattle are the descendants of the European bison. 

The sheep and goats constitute an almost exclusively Old World 
group of hollow-horned ruminants, of which there are but two in- 
digenous representatives in the Western Hemisphere (North Amer- 
ica). One of these is the Rocky Mountain sheep (Ovis montana), 
which is very closely related to the argali of East-Central Asia, 
and the musk-ox (Ovibos moschatus), which inhabits the region of 
Arctic America north of the sixtieth parallel of latitude, or there- 
abouts, but whose fossil remains are met with as well in the 

* Przevalski describes a second species of yak as P. mutus. 


Quaternary deposits of Eurasia—England, France, Germany, Si- 
beria, &c.—as in America. The range of this species, or of forms 
closely allied to it (O. bombifrons, O. cavifrons), on the American 
continent at one time extended to the confines of Arkansas. 

The Old World Caprina, whose special distribution has already 
been discussed in the zoogeographical part of this work, comprises 
some twenty or more species, which, with two exceptions—a Neil- 
gherry goat and an Abyssinian ibex—are confined to the Holarctic 
region, or to this and the Mediterranean transition tract. It is a 
somewhat surprising circumstance, in view of the broad distribu- 
tion of the goats, that the sheep, which have obtained such a 
firm foothold in the mountainous and intermountainous regions 
of Asia, should be almost entirely wanting from the continent of 
Europe—indeed, from the entire Eurafrican region, if we except 
the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, and Crete, the Balkan Peninsula, 
and some isolated spots on the Atlas Mountains. No unequivocal 
remains of the goat or sheep, except Ovibos, have thus far been 
discovered in any American formation, and in Europe such remains 
are confined almost exclusively to the Quaternary cave and brec- 
cia deposits (France, Italy). In India, however, they have been 
traced back to an older period; Capra Sivalensis, a form closely re- 
lated to the recent Iharal of the Neilgherries, has been described 
from the Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills, and Capra Perimensis, 
whose remains would seem to have been associated with those of 
Dinotherium and Aceratherium, animals indicative of the Miocene 
period, from the island of Perim. A remarkable hornless form, to 
which Riitimeyer has given the name of Bucapra Daviesii, also 
belongs to the Siwalik fauna. 

The most important group of ungulates after the antelopes is 
constituted by the deer (Cervidz), which comprises some sixty 
or more species—excluding the Central Asiatic musk (Moschus) 
and the giraffe which are referred here by some authors (Riti- 
meyer)—distributed over the greater portion of both the Old and 
the New World. Australia, as in nearly all other mammalian 
groups, is entirely deficient, and Africa counts but two species, 
the fallow-deer and a stag, which inhabit the Mediterrangan re- 
gion. The South American forms, whose domain extends com- 
pletely across the continent to Tierra del Fuego, have been placed 
in the genera (or sub-genera) Pudu, Coassus, Furcifer, Blastocerus, 

DEER. 3881 

and Cariacus, the last of which comprises all the North American 
deer north of the Mexican boundary, with the exception of the 
Canada stag or wapiti (Cervus Canadensis), the moose (Alces mach- 
lis) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), the last two of which are cir- 
cumpolar, and inhabit the whole northern portion of the Eurasiatic 
continent, from Norway to China. The European forms are com- 
prised under the three groups Cervus, which includes the stag or 
red-deer (C. elaphus), whose range embraces, or until recently em- 
braced, the whole of Europe and a large part of Northern Asia; 
Dama, the fallow-deer, a native of the Mediterranean districts of 
Europe, Asia, and Africa; and Capreolus, the roe, which was at 
on2 time extensively distributed over nearly the whole of Europe, 
with the exception of the greater part of Russia. Among the bet- 
ter-known Asiatic forms are Axis (peninsula of India, Ceylon, China) 
and Rusa, the latter containing some of the largest of the cervine 
tribe, several species of which inhabit the hotter regions of Hither 
and Farther India, and the islands of the Eastern Archipelago. The 
muntjacs (Cervulus), which seem to connect the true deer with the 
musks, inhabit the forest tracts of the Oriental region, from India 
to China, and from Formosa to the Philippines, Java, and Bor- 

The earliest cervine animals, in the strict sense of the term, with 
which we are acquainted, are met with in the Middle Miocene de- 
posits of France and Germany, where forms showing evident rela- 
tionship with the muntjacs, and possessing the simplest kind of horn 
structure—a simple bifurcated stem—have been variously described 
as Procervulus, Prox, Dicrocerus, Palwomeryx, and Micromeryx. 
These are all united by Ratimeyer into the one genus Paleomeryx, 
to which is also added the supposed differing Dremotherium from 
the same, and a possibly lower (Lower Miocene), horizon. Of equiv- 
alent age is the hornless Amphitragulus. The progressive devel- 
opment from the simple-formed antler to the more complex has 
been traced through numerous forms of Cervus from the Upper 
Miocene to the Post-Pliocene, the most complex structure known 
being that exhibited by C. dicranios, from the Pliocene of the Val 
d’Arno, Tuscany.. Professor Boyd Dawkins thus sums up his ob- 
servations on this point : ‘‘We may gather from the study of the 
fossil Cervide the important fact that in the Middle Miocene age 
the cervine antler consisted of a simple forked crown only. In 


the Upper Miocene it becomes more complex, but is still small and 
erect, like that of the roe. In the Pliocene it becomes larger and 
longer, and altogether more complex and differentiated, some forms, 
such as the Cervus dicranios of Nesti, being the most complicated 
antlers known either in the living or fossil state. These succes- 
sive changes are analogous to those which are to be observed in 
the development of the antlers in the living deer, which begin 
with a simple point and increase their number of tines until their 
limit is reached. It is obvious, from the progressive diminution 
in size and complexity of the antlers in tracing them back from 
the Pliocenes into the Upper and Middle Miocenes of Europe, that 
in the latter period we are approaching the zero of antler devel- 
opment. In the Lower Miocenes I have failed to meet with evi- 
dence that the deer possessed any antlers.” *°° 

The roe, stag, elk, and reindeer occur fossil in the Quaternary 
deposits, together with a giant form, the Irish stag (Cervus me- 
gaceros), whose extinction appears to have been effected long after 
the region inhabited by it was also inhabited by man. The stag 
(wapiti), elk, and reindeer also occur fossil in the American Post- 
Pliocene deposits, the last, as in Europe, in latitudes very much 
lower than it now occupies. The genus Cervus dates from the 
Pliocene. A Quaternary form intermediate in many points of 
structure between the true deer and the elk, and originally re- 
ferred to the latter, has recently been re-described by Scott as Cer- 
valces (C. Americanus). Its remains have thus far been met with 
only in New Jersey and Kentucky. The hornless Miocene genus 
Leptomeryx, which by Leidy and Marsh is placed near the Cervida, 
is by Rutimeyer considered to more nearly approach the camels. 

Of undeterminable position among the Ruminantia, but more or 
less closely related to each other, and showing certain analogies of 
structure with the Tragulina, are the Old World Lower and Middle 

ertiary genera, Anoplotherium, Xiphodon, Dichobune, and Caino- 
therium. An equally aberrant type of American ruminants, the 
“ruminating hogs” (Oreodontid) of Dr. Leidy, whose remains are 
exceedingly abundant in the Western Territories, appears to have 
been nearly related to the Anoplotheride. Thirty-five species, 
with three exceptions (Merychyus—Pliocene), all belonging to the 
Miocene period, are referred to this family by Professor Cope.™ 

CATS. 883 

One of the genera of the family, Agriochcerus, seems to be also 
represented in the deposits of the Siwalik Hills. 

Carnivora.—The members of this order may be conveniently 
classed under four primary groups, defined in their broadest sense 
as the cats (4Zluroidea), dogs (Cynoidea), bears (Arctoidea), and 
seals (Pinnipedia). The first of these embrace the cats proper (Fe- 
lid), civets (Viverride), the South African aard-wolf (Proteles 
Lalandii), and the hyenas (Hyznide). 

The true cats, which by many authorities are considered to be 
comprised within the single genus Felis, have an almost world-wide 
distribution, but are most abundantly developed in regions of 
elevated temperature. - No species occurs in either the Australian 
region or Madagascar. The better-known American forms are the 
jaguar (F. onca), whose range comprises the entire region included 
between Patagonia and Texas; the cougar or puma (F. concolor), 
with probably the most extended north and south range of any 
mammalian species—Patagonia to the sixtieth parallel of north 
latitude ; the ocelot (F. pardalis), which, in one or other of its 
several varieties, ranges from Arkansas through Texas and Mexico 
to Patagonia; the nearly equally distributed margay (F. tigrina— 
Mexico to Paraguay), and several allied species of small intertropical 
“‘ tiger-cats;”’ the jaguarundi (F. yaguarundi) and eyra (F. Eyra), 
unspotted cats ranging from Paraguay to the northern boundary of 
Mexico, the Chilian colocollo (F. colocollo), the pampas-cat (F. 
pajeros), and the lynx. The last, of which several species or varie- 
ties have been described, in whole or in part identical with the 
common European species (F. lyncus or rufa), inhabits the greater 
part of the American continent north of Mexico. 

Of the Old World cats, besides the lion and tiger, whose range 
has been specially considered in the zoogeographical portion of this 
work, the better-known forms are the Felis pardus, leopard or pan- 
ther, which may represent several distinct species, inhabiting the 
greater part of Africa and the warmer regions of Asia, from Pales- 
tine to Japan; the ounce or irbis (F. uncia), of about the size of, 
and somewhat resembling, the leopard, a native of the elevated 
mountain-tracts of Central Asia (Thibet—Siberia), where it ascends 
to heights of from 15,000 to 18,000 feet; the spotted or clouded 
tiger (F. macroscelis), an arboreal species, indigenous to the forest 
regions of Southeast Asia and the adjoining islands of Formosa, 


Sumatra, Java, and Borneo; the serval (F. serval), from the greater 
part of the African continent; and the cheetah or hunting leopard 
(F. or Cynzlurus jubatus), whose domain covers nearly the whole 
of the African continent and a very considerable part of South- 
ern and Western Asia. The lynx or lynxes range from the polar 
regions to the Mediterranean, whence they are continued by an 
allied form, the caracal, over a large part of both Asia and Africa. 
Felis catus, the wild-cat proper, which is met with in both insular 
and continenta! Europe, is not, as is frequently supposed, the an- 
cestor of the domestic animal; this place is now generally conceded 
to the Egyptian and West Asiatic F. maniculata. 

Numerous species of the family, referable in considerable part 
to the genus Felis of most authors, and differing but little from 
forms still living, are found fossil in the Post-Pliocene, Pliocene, 
and Miocene deposits of Europe, Asia, and America. Among the 
best known of these is the cave-lion (F. speleea), a species but barely 
if at all distinguishable from the F. leo, whose remains are abun- 
dantly met with in the Post-Pliocene cave deposits of continental 
Europe and England. During the same period the existing lion 
appears to have hunted its prey as far north as Yorkshire and on 
the frontiers of Poland, and the leopard or panther among the 
Mendip Hills. Felide, allied to the panther and lynx, have been 
discovered in the Pliocene strata of the Siwalik Hills of India. 
Felis angustus, from the North American Pliocene deposits, was in- 
termediate in size between the jaguar and tiger, while the later F. 
atrox, which may be considered to represent in the New World the 
European cave-lion, appears to have surpassed in this respect both 
the lion and the tiger. In association with the modern type-forms of 
Felidz there occur others which depart very widely from these, the 
most remarkable of which, as representing the most highly special- 
ised forms of the family, and as strictly the most carnassial of all 
known Carnivora, were the so-called sabre-tooths. The animals of 
this group are characterised by a prodigious development of the, 
upper canines, which in some instances appear to have measured as 
much as seven or nine inches in length. The best-known genus is 
Machairodus (Drepanodon), whose remains have been found in both 
the Miocene and Pliocene deposits of Europe (Pliocene of India), 
and whose immediate American representative appears in Smilodon 
(Pliocene or Post-Pliocene of Buenos Ayres and Texas), a contem- 


porary of the giant sloths and glyptodons. A supposed species of 
the last (S. gracilis) has also been described from a cave deposit in 
the State of Pennsylvania. Other allied forms are the American 
genera Dinictis, Nimravus, Pogonodon, and Hoplophoneus, from 
the Lower Miocene deposits of the Western United States, whose 
members were intermediate in size between the lynx and tiger. 
Eusmilus bidentatus, from the phosphorites of France (Upper 
Eocene or Oligocene), although the oldest-known form, is, singu- 
larly enough, in many respects also the most specialised. _Contem- 
poraries with it were Pseudelurus and lurogale, the former the 
representative of the group denominated by Professor Cope the 
‘‘ primitive ” non-specialised cats. 

The Viverride, or civet-cats, comprise some one hundred or 
more species of moderate-sized Carnivora, which are in the main 
restricted to the Ethiopian and Oriental regions. The better-known 
types are the true civets (Viverra), from North and Tropical Africa, 
India, China, and the Malay Peninsula ; the genets (Genetta), from 
Africa (the entire continent), Southwest Asia, and Southern Europe 
(France, Spain); and the ichneumons or mongooses (Herpestes), 
which are widely distributed over the continent of Africa and Indo- 
Malaysia. One species of the last is also found in Spain. Among 
other genera of the family are Viverricula, the rasses, and Para- 
doxurus, palm-civets (both from Indo-Malaysia), Cynogale, the 
otter-civets (Borneo), and Cryptoprocta, the last sometimes con- 
sidered the type of a distinct family, and the largest of the Mada- 
gascan carnivores. 

Numerous genera, more or less closely allied to recent forms, 
carry this family back to the early Tertiary period, where (in the 
phosphorites of Quercy, France) we find two or more species repre- 
senting the genus Viverra itself. Others of the same genus (or 
possibly Genetta) are found in the French Miocene, and in the 
Pliocene of the Siwalik Hills. A remarkable viverrine form, show- 
ing intermediate relationships between the civets and the hyenas, 
has been described by Professor Gaudry, from the Middle Tertia- 
ries of Greece and elsewhere, as Ictitherium. 

Three well-differentiated species of hyena are recognised by 
zoologists—the striped hyena (H. striata), from Africa generally 
and Southern Asia; the spotted hyena (H. crocuta)—Africa, south 
of the desert, sometimes placed in a distinct genus, Crocuta; and 


the brown hyena (H. brunnea), from South Africa. Although now 
restricted to the continents of Asia and Africa, the numerous re- 
mains found in the European Post-Pliocene deposits indicate that 
this animal, as well as the lion and other semi-tropical species, was 
an abundant form in the north temperate regions at a comparatively 
recent period, and that from those parts the Ethiopian realm has 
drawn much of its existing distinctive fauna. The widely distrib- 
-uted cave-hyena (H. spelea), whose range embraced a part of the 
British Isles, was most nearly related to, if not identical with, the 
H. crocuta, and was without doubt its direct ancestor. The striped 
hyena may be traced back to the older (Pliocene) H. Arvernensis of 
Central France, and the brown form not improbably to the Miocene 
(or Pliocene) H. eximia of Pikermi, Greece. The aberrant form 
Hyeenictis, described by Gaudry from Pikermi, and showing cer- 
tain viverrine relationships, is considered by Lydekker to repre- 
sent at most only a sub-genus of hyena. No representatives of 
this family, either recent or extinct, have thus far been discovered 
in America, unless, indeed, the Miocene lurodon prove to be a 
distant relative. 

The Cynoidea, or canine division of the Carnivora, comprises 
but a single family, the dogs (Canidz), whose numerous representa- 
tives enjoy a nearly world-wide distribution. Apart from the hunt- 
ing or hyena dog of South Africa (Lycaon picta*), the long-eared 
fox (Otocyon megalotis), from the same region, and the bush dog 
(Icticyon venaticus), from Brazil, all the species—some fifty or more 
—may be conveniently grouped in the single genus Canis, whose 
range would then be coextensive with that of the family. If the 
dingo, or wild-dog of Australia, be proved to be indigenous to that 
continent, then the genus will be the most nearly cosmopolitan of 
any of the terrestrial Mammalia. Two clearly defined sections of 
the genus may be recognised, the lupine and the vulpine, to. the 
former of which belong the wolves, jackals, dogs proper, and a 
number of not readily classifiable forms which have a general canine 
aspect; and to the latter the foxes and fennecs. The origin of the 
various breeds or races of the domestic dog is involved in much 
uncertainty, and whether their progenitors are to be sought in a 

* A fragment of a jaw from the Post-Pliocene deposits of Glamorganshire, 
Wales, has been referred to the genus Lycaon by Lydekker (L. Angticus). 


single one of the feral forms now living, as the wolf or jackal, or 
in several such forms as are denominated wild-dogs, or in the union 
of both, still remains to be determined. The researches of Nehring 
seem to indicate that a race of wild-dogs, akin to the existing do- 
mestic one, inhabited a considerable part of Central Europe during 
prehistoric times. Various forms of wild-dog, as the dhole and 
buansuah (sub-genus Cuon), range over the greater part of Asia, 
from Siberia to Java and Sumatra, where they in great measure 
replace the wolf of the more strictly northern regions. The last 
(Canis lupus) is found throughout the whole of Europe and North- 
ern Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, dnd also in Nova Zembla 
and Japan. There can be little question as to the identity with 
this form of the corresponding American species (Canis occiden- 
talis), which, in its numerous varieties, covers the entire North 
American continent, from Mexico to the Arctic Ocean. The coy- 
ote, or American prairie-wolf, is by some authors considered to be 
intermediate between the wolf and fox. South America is wholly 
deficient in wolves, as in foxes, their place being taken by the fox- 
like forms which have been referred to the groups Lycalopex, 
Pseudalopex, and Thous. The most broadly distributed of these 
is Azara’s dog (C. Azare), which ranges over the greater part of - 
Brazil, and southward to Patagonia. The most southerly species 
of the family is the Antarctic dog (C. Magellanicus), which inhab- 
its Chili, Patagonia, and Tierra del Fuego. Of the remaining 
lupine forms the most widely distributed are the jackals, of which 
several species are recognised, whose combined ranges embrace the 
whole of Africa and much of Southern and Western Asia. 

The vulpine section of the Canide includes the fennecs and foxes, 
the former all African, the latter—with ten to fifteen species— 
spread over the whole of North America and Europe, and largely 
also over Asia and Africa, There can be no question (as in the 
case of the wolves) that several of the forms that have generally 
been recognised as distinct species are in reality only varietal types, 
whose inter-relationship is made manifest when full geographical 
suites are made use of for comparison. The identity between the 
common European fox (C. vulpes) and the American red-fox (C. 
fulvus) may be considered as established. Recognised as one 
species, the habitat of the common fox of the Northern Hemisphere 
may be said to embrace the whole of Europe, North Africa, North 


and Central Asia, and practically the whole of the North American 
continent, although it appears to be absent from the immediate 
Pacific coast. A well-marked variety of this form, by many natu- 
ralists considered to be a distinct species, is the broadly distributed 
silver-fox (C. Virginianus), which alone of the different varieties 
is represented in Central America. The burrowing-fox (C. velox) 
is an inhabitant of the interior region included between the (low- 
er) Missouri and Saskatchewan rivers and the Cascade Mountains. 
Over a considerable part of North-Central Asia—Tartary, Mon- 
golia, Siberia—the common fox 1s replaced by the corsac or steppe- 
fox (C. corsac), a closely related species. The most northerly species 
of fox is the Arctic fox (C. lagopus), a cireumpolar mainland form, 
occurring also in Iceland and Spitzbergen. 

The Canidae appear to date from the (Upper) Eocene period, 
and not impossibly the genus Canis is itself represented in the form 
that has been described by Cuvier as Canis Parisiensis. Less doubt 
attaches to the C. Filholi, from the phosphorites of Central France, 
whose position, however, still remains somewhat uncertain. Barring 
these two forms, the oldest representatives of the family are scen in 
the genera Galecynus and Amphicyon, which appear in Europe in 
the Upper Eocene and Lower Miocene respectively. In America 
Galecynus is unknown prior to the Oligocene (or Lower Miocene— 
White River formation), to which period must be referred the most 
ancient undoubted remains of the family in the New World. To this 
genus, whose representatives appear to have been very abundant 
during the Miocene epoch, the existing species of dog are referred 
in their line of descent by Filhol and Cope. Canis, which in the 
Miocene is associated with a number of allied generic forms—Tem- 
nocyon, Oligobunis, lurodon (with feline and hyznoid relation- 
ships), in addition to those above named—becomes the dominating, 
if not the only, type in the Pliocene, where also we meet with the 
earliest existing species, the wolf and coyote (Western Territories 
of the United States). The Post-Pliocene deposits contain the re- 
mains of the wolf, fox, and dog.* 

* Mr. J. A. Allen has recently described a species of extinct dog (Pachy- 
eyon robustus) from Ely Cave, Lee County, Virginia, which in many respects 
departs widely from the type of any of the ordinary wild or domesticated 
races. In its general proportions, the shortness of the legs, &c., it more 
nearly approaches the badgers. Its geological horizon has not been absolutely 

BEARS. 389 

The Arctoidea, or ursine division of the Carnivora, includes the 
bears (Urside), weasels (Mustelidie), raccoons (Procyonide), and the 
singular panda (Ailurus fulgens), from the Himalaya Mountains, 
whose connection with the true bears is established by the Thibetan 

The bears, whose range embraces practically the whole of the 
continents of North America and Eurasia, comprise some ten or 
more species, most of which fall under the division Ursus proper. 
Among the better known of these are the American grizzly (Ursus 
horribilis), from the Western United States and British Columbia; 
the circumpolar white or polar bear (U. or Thalassarctos mariti- 
mus); the brown bear-(U. arctos), the common species of Europe 
and Asia, which also appears to be identical with the common 
American or black bear (U. Americanus), and to which the (Hima- 
layan) Isabelline and Syrian bears (U. Isabellinus and U. Syriacus) 
are nearly related; the Japanese bear (U. Japonicus); the Indo- 
Malaysian sun-bear (U. or Helarctos Malayanus); and the sloth- 
bear (Melursus labiatus), from India and Ceylon. A solitary species 
(U. Crowtheri) is found on the African continent (Atlas Mountains), 
and likewise but a single one in South America, the spectacled 
bear (Tremarctos ornatus), from the Peruvian and Chilian Andes. 
The last is, according to Giinther,*’ undistinguishable in its dental 
characters from a species inhabiting the island of Formosa. 

Two species of bear, the Ursus Arvernensis and U. Etruscus, 
are known from the Pliocene deposits of Europe, which, with the 
forms described from the Siwalik Hills, constitute the oldest mem- 
bers of the genus with which we are acquainted. The complete 
absence of ursine remains from the American Tertiary deposits 
would seem to indicate that the existing New World representa- 
tives of the family were a recent introduction, a supposition 
strengthened by the discovery of the remains of the grizzly, as a 
contemporary of the great cave-bear (U. speleeus), in the European 
Post-Pliocene deposits. Of forms most nearly related to the true 
bears are Arctotherium (Pliocene or Post-Pliocene of Buenos Ayres) 
and Hyznarctos (Upper Miocene and Pliocene of Europe and India), 
which last, by way of Dinocyon and Amphicyon, would seem to 
effect a direct transition to the dogs. It thus appears that Amphi- 
cyon lies at the converging point of both family lines. 

The Procyonide are all members of the New World fauna, and 


comprise the raccoons (Procyon), from most parts of North and 
South America; the coatis (Nasua), Mexico to Paraguay; kinkajou 
(Cercoleptes), Mexico to Peru and Brazil; and the bassarids (Bas- 
saris), from the warmer regions of the United States and Mexico. 
The family, as represented in the genus Procyon, dates from the 
Pliocene period. 

The Mustelide, whose numerous representatives are spread over 
the greater part of all the continental areas with the exception of 
the Australian, comprise among better-known forms: Lutra, the 
otters, whose range embraces nearly the whole of the continents of 
Eurasia and North America, with parts of South America and 
Africa; Enhydris, the North Pacific sea-otter (California—Japan) ; 
Nutria, the South American west coast sea-otter (California to 
Chiloe); Meles, the true badger (North Europe to Japan and China) ; 
Taxidea, American badger; Mellivora, the African and Indian 
ratels; Mephitis, the skunk, whose range comprises the entire tract 
included between Canada and the Strait of Magellan; Ictonyx, the 
African zorilla; Mustela, the martens, boreal forms of both the 
Eastern and Western Hemispheres; * Putorius, the weasels, which 
are distributed over the greater part of the Northern Hemisphere, 
and enter into tropical Africa and South America; and Gulo, the 
wolverine or glutton, whose habitat in America extends from about 
the fortieth to the seventy-fifth parallel (Melville Island), and in 
Eurasia from Lithuania to Kamtchatka and the Arctic tundras. 
In the martens are included the Asiatic sable (Mustela zibellina) 
and the American sable (M. Americana), the range of the latter ex- 
tending over the greater part of the American continent north of 
the fortieth or forty-fifth parallel of latitude. Other well-known 
forms are the Eurasiatic pine-marten (M. martes), and the pekan 
or fisher (M. Pennanti), which is still extensively distributed over 
the American continent north of the fortieth parallel of latitude. 
Of the weasels proper (Putorius) the true or common weasel (P. 
vulgaris) and ermine (P. erminea) are held in common by the 
northern regions of Europe, Asia, and America, the true ferret or 
polecat (P. feetidus) is Eurasiatic, and the mink, comprising the 

two species, P. lutreola and P. vison, both Eurasiatic and American. 
The total number of fossil forms referable to the Mustelide is 

* Martes flavigula, the Indian marten, is distributed from the southern 
slopes of the Himalayas to Ceylon and Java. 


very limited. The glutton, badger, otter, marten, and ermine oc- 
cur in the Post-Pliocene deposit of Europe, while in the equivalent 
American series we have species of Galictis and Mephitis. Taxidea, 
Lutra, and Mustela are Pliocene in North America, and Mellivora 
in India (Siwalik Hills). 

The fourth group of the Carnivora, the Pinnipedia or seals, 
comprise three very distinct families: 1. Otaridee, the eared or fur- 
seals, sea-lions, with about nine species, whose habitat is the tem- 
perate and cold waters of the southern oceans (as far north as the 
Galapagos Islands) and the North Pacific (south to California). No 
species is known from the North Atlantic. To this group belongs 
the highly-prized northern fur-seal (Callorhinus ursinus), which was 
at one time abundant along the greater part of the American coast 
between Alaska and Lower California, but is now rapidly disap- 
pearing, although still very abundant among the Prybilov or Fur- 
Seal Islands; the species appears to be found also along the coasts 
of Kamtchatka and the island of Saghalien. Of the sea-lions, 
commonly so-called, the best-known species are the northern sea- 
lion (Eumetopias Stelleri), whose range extends from Behring 
Strait to California and Japan, and the Californian or black sea- 
lion (Zalophus Californianus), the familiar animal of the harbour 
of San Francisco. The common species of the west coast of South 
America is the southern sea-lion (Otaria jubata). Other species of 
the family, popularly known as sea-bears, whose domain covers 
much of the southern seas, from South America to Africa and New 
Zealand, are referred to the genus Arctocephalus. 2. The Tri- 
chechide, walruses, containing a single species, the walrus or morse 
(Trichecus rosmarus), whose habitat is the icy waters of the Arctic 
regions of North America (from Labrador), Europe, and Asia. 
The animal appears not to exist on the American coast between the 
ninety-seventh and one hundred and fifty-eighth meridians of longi- 
tude, nor on the Eurasiatic coast between the one hundred and 
thirtieth and one hundred and sixtieth meridians. East of the 
Yenisei it is very rare. The North Pacific form is by some authors 
considered to be a distinct species (T. obesus). 8. Phocide, the 
earless or true seals, which are almost universally distributed over 
the temperate and colder portions of the globe. One species, the 
monk-seal (Monachus albiventer) inhabits the Mediterranean and the 


waters of the Canary Archipelago, and an allied form (M. tropicalis) 
the shores of the West India islands and Florida. The species of 
the Caspian Sea (Phoca Caspica) is by many authors identified with 
the common harbour seal of the North Atlantic and Pacific oceans 
(P. vitulina), and the seal of Lake Baikal (P. Sibirica) with the 
northern ringed-seal, P. foetida. The greater number of the south- 
ern forms are generically distinct from the northern, of which last 
about one-half have a circumpolar distribution. It has been thus 
far impossible to determine the exact range of the different species 
of seal, but it appears that, of the northern forms, the harbour-seal 
is the most widely distributed. On the American coast it has been 
noted as far south as New Jersey and the Santa Barbara Islands, 
California, and is reported to have been also observed near Beaufort, 
North Carolina. Along the European coast it is not rare off the 
coasts of Spain and France, and is even said to occasionally enter 
the Mediterranean. The most northerly species appears to be the 
ringed-seal, which has been met with considerably beyond the 
eighty-second parallel of latitude. The Greenland or harp-seal 
(P. Groenlandica) appears to be a permanent inhabitant of the St. 
Lawrence River. The more aberrant forms of the family are the 
hooded-seal (Cystophora cristata), from the colder parts of the 
North Atlantic,* and the sea-elephants (Macrorhinus), of which 
there are two generally recognised species, one of which (M. an- 
gustirostris) appears to be confined to the coasts of California and 
Western Mexico, and the other, the southern sea-elephant (M. 
elephantinus or leoninus), to the waters of the southern oceans 
(Patagonia, Juan Fernandez, Kerguelen Land, Macquarie Island). 
The former species is now almost completely exterminated. 

With the exception of some doubtful fragments described from 
European museums, the only unequivocal remains of Otaride have 
thus far been described from the Pliocene deposits of Victoria, 
Australia, and the Post-Pliocene of New Zealand. The remains of 
the walrus have been found in the Post-Pliocene deposits of various 
parts of North America—south to New Jersey and South Carolina 
—while in Europe its representatives appear to be traced back to 
the Pliocene, or even late Miocene, period. Most of the so-called 
trichecoid remains, however, have been shown by Van Beneden to 

* An individual of this species was obtained in November, 18838, at Spring 
Lake, New Jersey (Brown, ‘‘ Am. Naturalist,’’ xvii., p. 1191). 


belong to animals having no close relationship with the walruses. 
The only undoubted phocine fragment found in any American 
formation of older date than the Quaternary belongs to a form 
described from the Miocene of Virginia as Phoca Wymani. In 
Europe, especially in the Antwerp Basin, remains of the family 
are abundant, and in living and extinct genera (Phoca, Palxo- 
phoca, Callophoca, Gryphoca, Monatherium, Prophoca) extend back 
through the Pliocene to the later Miocene period. Leith Adams 
has described a species of Phoca from the Miocene calcareous strata 
of Gozo, near Malta. 

Extinct Carnivora of Uncertain Position.—Under the order 
Creodonta Professor Cope has united a number of generalised Euro- 
pean and American carnivore types, which differ in many essentials— 
greatly reduced cerebral hemispheres, absence of scapho-lunar bone, 
ungrooved astragalus—from the true Carnivora, and whose direct 
affinities are at once with these last, the marsupials and insectivores. 
They are regarded as the primitive carnivores, inasmuch as from 
these two at least of the great modern groups—the Ailuroidea 
(cats) and Cynoidea (dogs)—are claimed to be directly derived. 
Of the four extinct families that are referred here, the Miacida 
(Miacis, Didymictis), Oxyenids (Oxyzna, Palzonyctis), Mesony- 
chide (Mesonyx), and Hyznodontide (Hynodon), the first three 
are restricted to the Eocene period (beginning with the Lower 
Eocene), while Hyznodon is both Upper Eocene and Lower Mio- 
cene. The Miacide and Oxyzenide are considered to be the ances- 
tral forerunners of the dogs and cats respectively, a union between 
the latter and the civets being seemingly effected by the genus 
Proviverra. Here, perhaps, may also be referred the European Arc- 
tocyon, one of the oldest forms of Tertiary mammals known. 

Primates (Monkeys and Man *).—Naturalists usually recog- 
nise three distinct groups of the quadrumanous section of the 
Primates: the monkeys or apes of the New World (Platyrhina), 
the apes of the Old World (Catarhina), and the lemurs or half- 
monkeys (Lemuroidea), inhabitants of both continental and insular 
Asia and Africa. In the broader aspects of their distribution the 
members of this order may be said to be restricted to a zone 
included between the thirtieth parallels of north and south lati- 
tude, although a limited number of forms pass slightly beyond 

* The consideration of man is not entered into in this work. 



these boundaries ; they are, therefore, essentially tropical in habit. 
To what extent, however, climate alone is efficient in determin- 
ing this distribution still remains to be ascertained, as it is well 
known that certain forms, most intimately related to species in- 
habiting the torrid lowlands, appear to habituate themselves to 
regions of opposite climatic conditions, or where a fairly rigourous 
winter prevails. Semnopithecus schistaceus has been observed in 
the Himalayas at an elevation of 11,000 feet, sporting among the 
garlands of a winter’s snow, while a second species of the same ge- 
nus, 8. Roxellane, and a macaque (Macacus Thibetanus), steadily 
inhabit the snow-clad mountains of Moupin, Thibet, at a nearly 
equal altitude. The most northerly apes known are the two spe- 
cies last mentioned, a species from Japan (Macacus speciosus), and 
the Barbary ape of the Rock of Gibraltar (Macacus inuus), but it is 
a little doubtful whether the last is truly indigenous to the region 
which it now inhabits. The southern limit in the Old World is 
the region about the’ Cape of Good Hope, the home of the chac- 
mas. In the New World no form is positively known to pass north 
of the twentieth parallel of latitude in Southern Mexico (Ateles vel- 
lerosus, a species of spider-monkey), but it is by no means improb- 
able that a more northerly extension may be reached by some spe- 
cies; * the American forms being exclusively arboreal in habit, their 
southern extension will necessarily be determined by the limit of 
forest growth, which, excepting along the Andean slopes, is in about 
the thirtieth parallel of latitude, beyond which line no monkeys 
are known. 

It is a circumstance of some little importance, as bearing upon 
geographical distribution in general, that certain continental isl- 
ands, as the West Indies, apparently so well adapted in their natural 
physical conditions to the development of the members of this group 
of animals, should be entirely deficient in them ; the same holds true 
with New Guinea, and, indeed, with the entire continent of Australia. 
Madagascar, while largely supplied with the lemurs, or half-mon- 
keys, is wholly wanting in the apes proper. Long-continued isola- 
tion of the tracts under consideration is, doubtless, the primary, if 

* According to a statement of M. Sallé, made some twenty-five years ago, 
monkeys (probably a species of Ateles) were found as far north as the upper 
Tampico, or up to about latitude 23° (Sclater, “‘ Nat. Hist. Review,’’ 1861, p. 


not the only, cause of this deficiency. At the same time, it is not 
quite as easy to account for the present northern limitation. In 
Mexico, for example, as far as we are able to judge of the general 
character of the environment, or of the physical conditions govern- 
ing it, a much more northerly extension might have been assumed 
than is actually found; but, possibly, the matter of a particular form 
of food-supply may have something to do with restriction in this 
quarter. The semi-continent of Europe, again, whose only simian 
inhabitant is the Barbary ape already mentioned, in view of the 
fact that at one time it was the home of various forms of ape, offers 
another instance of a region apparently suited to the wants of 
these animals, yet practically entirely deficient in them ; but here, 
doubtless, the extermination was a part of the general extermina- 
tion which removed so many of the more distinctive types of Mio- 
cene and Pliocene mammals into other regions, whatever the exact 
cause may have been. 

The New World monkeys are generally all included in two fam- 
ilies : the Cebide, with several sub-families, monkeys with thirty- 
six teeth, and the Hapalide, or marmosets, monkeys with thirty- 
two teeth. The former comprise the sapajous (Cebus), which may 
be taken as the representative genus of American monkeys, the 
woolly monkeys (Lagothrix), spider-monkeys (Ateles, and the re- 
lated Eriodes), howlers (Mycetes), sakis (Pithecia and Brachyurus), 
night-monkeys or douroucoulis (Nyctipithecus), squirrel-monkeys 
or saimiris (Chrysothrix), and the related Callithrix. The total 
number of species known is between seventy and eighty, of which 
about twenty are sapajous, fifteen spider-monkeys, ten howlers, and 
about an equal number members of the genus Callithrix. 

The extensive equatorial forests of the Amazon and Orinoco, 
and their tributaries, constitute par excellence the home of the 
American monkeys, but the majority of the genera have a very ex- 
tended range, appearing in one or more species throughout the 
greater portion of the tract covered by the entire family. This is 
more particularly the case with the sapajous, spider-monkeys, 
howlers, and callithrixes. The range of the species, on the other 
hand, is not infrequently very sharply defined, as, for example, 
when a natural barrier, offering insurmountable obstacles to fur- 
ther migration, suddenly interposes itself. Examples of such 
limitation, as brought about by the dominant water-courses of the 


equatorial forests, have already been noticed in treating of specific 
distribution in general (pp. 23, 24). The number of species found 
in, and north of, the Isthmus of Panama is ten, of which only one, 
the spider-monkey already referred to, extends into Mexico ; My- 
cetes villosus, the Guatemalan howler, or mono, has thus far been 
found only in Guatemala and Honduras. It is a little surprising 
that the range of only two of the species—the black-faced spider- 
monkey (Ateles ater) and one of the night-apes (Nyctipithecus vo- 
ciferans) extends beyond Colombia in South America. 

None of the South American monkeys appear to pass west of 
the Andean chain of mountains south of Ecuador, and even north 
of the Peruvian boundary the number of such transgressional forms 
is very limited. Indeed, even among the wooded slopes, a habita- 
tion along the basal line of the mountain axis seems to be much 
preferred. The greatest altitude at which monkeys were observed 
by Tschudi in Peru was 3,000 feet (Lagothrix Humboldtii) ; Ateles 
ater and Cebus robustus were found at 2,500 feet. On the other 
hand, Godman and Salvin state that in the district of Vera Paz, in 
Guatemala, the mono or howler is most abundant at an elevation of 
6,000 feet ; and on the volcano of Atitlan, in the same country, Mr. 
Salvin found troops of the Mexican spider-monkey (Ateles vellero- 
sus) in the forest region of 7,000 feet elevation. 

The range of the marmosets and oustitis (Hapalidée) is nearly 
coextensive with that of the monkeys proper, but no form is thus 
far known to pass beyond the Isthmus of Panama;* Midas Geof- 
froyi alone inhabits the Isthmus. The species, of which there are 
some thirty or more referable to two genera (or sub-genera), Midas 
and Hapale, are most numerous in the equatorial forests. 

Of the Old World Quadrumana, the anthropoid apes (Simiinz), 
which include the gorilla, chimpanzee, gibbon, and orang, acquire 
special importance by reason of their high structural organisation. 
In the sum of all their characters, the gorilla probably stands the 
highest, although by many naturalists this place is conceded to the 
chimpanzee. Only one species of gorilla (Troglodytes gorilla) has 
thus far been positively determined, but not impossibly other 
forms may inhabit the interior of the African continent. The rec- 
ognised habitat of the species is the west coast of Africa a few de- 

* Midas rufiventer, erroneously described as coming from Mexico, is a Bra- 
zilian species (M. labiatus). 


grees on either side of the Equator, or the forest region drained by 
the Gaboon, Muni, Fernand-Vaz, and Ogowai rivers. Much uncer- 
tainty still remains as to the number of species of chimpanzee, but 
most naturalists seem inclined to unite all the variously designated 
forms, either actually found living or reported to be such, into a 
single species, Troglodytes niger, whose habitat extends from the 
west coast (Gambia—Benguela) through the heart of the continent 
to the central lake region. 

The Asiatic anthropoid apes are the gibbons (Hylobates) and 
orang (Simia satyrus), the latter restricted to the forests of the 
islands of Borneo and Sumatra. The gibbons, or long-armed apes, 
which probably comprise a dozen or more species, are confined to 
South-Eastern Asia, and some of the larger islands of the Eastern 
Archipelago. On the continent they range from the Brahmaputra 
River, in Assam, to the Malay Peninsula, and eastward to the region 
about Canton, China (Hylobates pileatus); the Chinese species is 
also found in the island of Hainan. The better-known forms are the 
siamang (H. siamanga), the largest member of the genus, from Su- 
matra, hoolock (H. hoolock), the most northern form (Assam, Ben- 
gal), and lar (H. lar), from Siam, the Malay Peninsula, and Su- 

Of the non-anthropoid Quadrumana of the Cld World the most 
numerous in point of species are the dog-apes (Cynopithecine)— 
green-monkeys, macaques, drills, baboons, &c. The long-tailed 
forms of the genus Cercopithecus are exclusively African, and com- 
prise all the more graceful monkeys of the continent that have been 
variously designated guenons, green-monkeys, and white-nosed 
monkeys. Collectively, they range over the greater part of the 
tracts included between the Gambia and Congo Rivers on the west 
and Abyssinia and the Zambezi on the east. The mangabeys, some- 
times separated as a distinct genus (Cercocebus), are West African, 
as is also the talapoin (Miopithecus talapoin). Almost equally dis- 
tinctive of the African region are the dog-faced baboons of the 
genus Cynocephalus, which have a very general distribution 
throughout the continent, extending also into the adjoining tracts 
of Asia (Arabia). Among the better-known members of this group 
are the mandrill and drill (C. maimon or mormon, and C. leuco- 
phaus), both from the west coast (Guinea) ; the baboons proper 
(C. babuin), whose habitat extends from Abyssinia and Kordofan 


into the wilds of the interior ; the nearly related and rock-inhabit- 
ing chacma (C. porcarius) and sphinx (C. Sphinx), from the south 
and west of the continent respectively ; and the hamadryas (C, 
hamadryas), whose home is constituted principally by the coast 
mountains of Abyssinia and Southern Nubia, and the littoral of 
Western Arabia. A somewhat aberrant form, the gelada (C. gela- 
da), differing from the other baboons in the non-terminal position 
of the nostrils, and hence sometimes constituted into a distinct ge- 
nus (Theropithecus), inhabits the highlands of Abyssinia at an 
elevation, according to Schimper, of from 10,000 to 13,000 feet. 

The macaques, if we exclude the Barbary ape or magot, whose 
habitat in the north of Africa and on the Rock of Gibraltar has al- 
ready been noted, are exclusively Asiatic, ranging on the continent 
from the Himalayas to Japan, and southward to the extremity of the 
Malay Peninsula. One or more species of the group are found on 
nearly all the more important islands of the Malay Archipelago, from 
Sumatra to Timor. The best-known form is the common macaque 
(Macacus cynomolgus), whose habitat comprises nearly the whole 
of Southeast Asia, and the islands of Sumatra, Banca, Java, Bor- 
neo, Celebes, Bali, Lombok, Flores, Sumbawa, and Timor. In 
Java, where it ascends to a height of 5,000 feet, it is one of the 
commonest of animals, and has been brought into a general condi- 
tion of domestication. Other well-known forms of the group are 
the Rhesus-monkey (M. Rhesus), whose home is British India, 
especially the wooded tracts of the lower Himalayas, and the 
wanderoo (M. Silenus), from the forest region of Malabar. The 
former has been observed to ascend the Himalayas to an eleva- 
tion of upwards of 10,000 feet, and even during the winter it is 
said to dwell habitually in the snow-clad forests about Simla. A 
remarkable and somewhat aberrant form of this group, the black 
macaque (M. niger), whose relationship with the African baboons 
is more intimate than that of any of the other species, inhabits 
Celebes (and Batchian ?); it is frequently recognised as the type 
of a distinct genus, Cynopithecus. 

The remaining types of Old World monkeys are usually included 
in the genera Semnopithecus and Colobus, constituting the sub- 
family Semnopithecine, the former of which, with probably not 
less than twenty-five species, are exclusively Asiatic, and the latter, 
considerably less numerous, African. Of the genus Semnopithecus, 


whose distributional area extends from Ceylon and the snow-bound 
heights of Thibet (S. Roxellane) to the islands of the Malay Archi- 
pelago, which properly constitute its headquarters, the better- 
known species are the sacred entellus, or hoonuman (8. entellus), 
from the Gangetic provinces, and the proboscis monkey (8. nasi- 
cus) of Borneo. A form related to the last, characterised by an 
excessively up-turned nose, is the proboscis monkey of Thibet 
above mentioned (S. Roxellane). 

The African Colobi are slender, long-tailed monkeys like the 
Semnopitheci, from which they are barely separable, but differ in 
the complete absence of the thumb. Of probably not more than a 
dozen species, whose combined habitat embraces the greater part 
of the African continent, from the west coast to Abyssinia and 
Zanzibar, the best known, and, at the same time, probably the 
most graceful and beautiful of all monkeys, is the guereza (C. gue- 
reza), whose home appears to be the highlands of Abyssinia, at 
elevations of from 7,000 to 10,000 feet. A closely related form is 
Colobus Angolensis. 

The total number of apes inhabiting the islands of the Malay 
Archipelago is, according to Rosenberg,*** twenty-five, distributed 
among the different islands as follows : Sumatra, twelve ; Banca, 
four; Borneo, eleven; Java, five; Celebes, two; and Bali, Lombok, 
Flores, Sumbawa, and Timor, each one. The rapid diminution in 
the direction of the Australian continent, which is entirely deficient 
in the animals of this class, is very marked. Only one form, the 
common macaque, is common to all the islands; Sumatra holds 
only one species in common with Java, whereas, surprisingly enough, 
four of its species are represented in Borneo. The greater number 
of the species are restricted to individual islands. 

No unequivocal remains of true monkeys are known to antedate 
the Miocene period, and in America they do not appear before the 
late Pliocene or Fost-Pliocene. Several forms, referred to the 
South American genera Cebus, Callithrix, and Hapale, and one 
representing an extinct type, Protopithecus, probably allied to the 
howlers, have been described by Lund from the cavern deposits of 
Brazil. Protopithecus Boneriensis is founded upon a number of 
incisor teeth obtained by Ameghino in the neighbourhood of the 
city of Buenos Ayres. No quadrumanous remains other than those 


referable to the lemurs, or to a type, Laopithecus (Miocene), stand- 
ing intermediate between these and the Cebidz, have as yet been 
discovered on the North American continent. To the extent of 
our present knowledge, therefore, the type of the Old World mon- 
keys appears to have had no representatives in the Western Hemi- 

Numerous remains of Quadrumana are found in the Tertiary de- 
posits of France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Greece, indicat- 
ing for these animals a much broader distribution in past periods of 
time than they now enjoy. Several of these forms are referred to 
existing genera, such as the Miocene Colobus grandevus,. from 
Steinheim, Wirtemberg, and the Pliocene Macacus priscus and 
Semnopithecus Monspessulanus, from Montpellier, France. <A 
macaque (Macacus Plioczenus) has also been cited from Essex, Eng- 
land, and several forms have been described from the Val d’Arno, 
Italy. But the greater number of the more ancient species still 
remain with undetermined relationships. One of the most remark- 
able of these is the Dryopithecus Fontani, from the Middle Miocene 
deposits of St. Gaudens, France, and the Swabian Alps, which in 
stature appears to have rivalled the largest of the existing anthro- 
poid apes, although probably more nearly related to the gibbon 
than to any other living member of this group. Two other appar- 
ently anthropoid forms of somewhat smaller dimensions have been 
described from the nearly equivalent deposits of Sansan, France, 
and Elgg, in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, as Pliopithecus an- 
tiquus and P. platyodon respectively ; these are by some authors 
considered to be more nearly related to the group of the Semno- 
pithecine, or even to the macaques, while by others, as Ritimeyer 
and Lydekker, they are referred to the modern genus Hylobates. 
Of still more doubtful relationship are the singular Mesopithecus 
Pentelici, from the Mio-Pliocene of Pikermi, Greece, which in its 
cranial and dental features most nearly approaches Semnopithecus, 
while in the structure of the limbs it approximates the macaques, 
and the probably still less simian Oreopithecus Bambolii, from 
Monte Bamboli, Tuscany. 

Several species of fossil ape have been described from the Siwa- 
lik Hills (Pliocene), and are by Lydekker referred to the genera 
Paleopithecus, Semnopithecus, Macacus, and Cynocephalus. If 
the determination in the case of the last-named genus be cor- 

LEMURS. 401 

rectly made, it is interesting as proving the former much further 
extension of the baboons than we find at the present time. Cyno- 
cephalus Atlanticus occurs in the late Pliocene or Post-Pliccene de- 
posits of Algeria. 

The lemurs, or half-monkeys, constitute a well-differentiated 
group of the Primates, differing, indeed, in so many essential points 
of structure from the type of this order as to have induced many 
naturalists to elevate them to an order apart by themselves, the 
Lemuroidea or Prosimiz. Their non-simian affinities are at once 
with the Insectivora and Ungulata, to which they appear to be 
united by many connecting ties, both recent and fossil. Upwards 
of fifty more or less clearly defined (recent) species, representing a 
dozen or more genera, have been referred to this group, more than 
one-half of which, embracing all the typical lemurs of the genera 
Lemur (some fifteen species), Hapalemur, and Lepilemur, are abso- 
lutely confined to the island of Madagascar, where they inhabit the 
forest region. The indrises (Indris, Propithecus), which are like- 
wise confined to the Madagascan region, comprise some of the 
largest of the lemurs, Indris brevicaudatus measuring upwards of 
two feet in length. 

The sub-family of the galagos numbers probably not less than 
twenty species, distributed under the two genera Chirogaleus and 
Galago, the former of which is restricted to Madagascar, while the 
latter inhabits the scattered wooded tracts of the interior of the 
African continent, from Senegambia to Abyssinia, and southward 
to Natal ; no species is known from Madagascar. All the Asiatic. 
lemurs, if we except the very remarkable tarsier (Tarsius spectrum), 
the type of a distinct family, which inhabits some of the larger isl- 
ands of the Malay Archipelago (Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes) and the 
Philippines, and which differs from the lemurs proper, apart from 
other general characters, in the large eyes and unusual elongation of 
the tarsal elements of the foot, belong to the sub-family of the lories. 
They constitute a limited group of small nocturnal animals, desti- ° 
tute of a tail, and distinguished, as far as their habits are concerned, 
by their exceedingly slow movements. Hence they are frequently 
termed the ‘‘slow lemurs.” Of the two Oriental genera, Nyctice- 
bus, the typical slow-lemur, is distributed over Cochin China, 
Siam, the Malay Peninsula, and the larger islands of the adjoining 


archipelagos—Sumatra, Java, Borneo. Loris, with a single spe- 
cies, the graceful loris (L. gracilis), is a native of Ceylon. Two 
other species of the same sub-family, resembling the last in their 
habits, but provided with a rudimentary tail, and with a greatly 
reduced index-finger, inhabit the west coast of Africa : the potto 
(Perodicticus potto) is a native of the Gaboon region and the ter- 
ritory of Sierra Leone, and the awantibo (P. [Arctocebus] Calaba- 
rensis) of Old Calabar. 

The most aberrant form of lemur is the Madagascan aye-aye 
(Chiromys Madagascariensis), an animal of about the size of a cat, 
with a rodent-like dentition, and singularly elongated fingers fur- 
nished with pointed claws. Fora long time the position of this 
remarkable animal was misunderstood, it having been placed alter- 
nately with the lemurs, insectivores, and rodents. It constitutes 
the type of a distinct family, Chiromyide. 

The somewhat anomalous distribution of this group of animals, 
taken as a whole—their headquarters in Madagascar, with a thin- 
ning out towards the west on the African continent, and their re- 
appearance in Ceylon and the mainland of Asia—has suggested to 
some naturalists the notion that at a former, and fairly ancient, pe- 
riod of the earth’s history direct land connection existed between 
these various points, bridging over the chasms that now separate 
them in the way of water, and permitting of ready migration from 
one region to another. For this hypothetically assumed, now 
sunken, continent, Mr. Sclater has proposed the name ‘‘ Lemuria.” 
In how far such a connecting land-mass may have existed in fact, 
or in how far, if it actually existed, it was directly concerned with 
the present distribution of the lemurs, still remains to be deter- 

The earliest lemuroid remains of the Old World are probably 
those of Csnopithecus lemuroides, described by Ritimeyer from 
the Eocene deposits of Egerkingen, Jura Mountains, and supposed 
by their discoverer to represent an animal of intermediate relation- 
ships between the true lemurs and the American monkeys. This 
form is not unlikely identical with a species described from the 
gypsum deposits of the Paris Basin and the phosphorites of Quercy 
(Oligocene) as Adapis Parisiensis—for a long time supposed to 
represent an ungulate—with which, also, the Paleolemur Betillei, 

LEMURS. 403 

from Béduer, France, has been identified. The animals here re- 
ferred to appear to have their nearest analogues among the African 
lories or galagos. From certain peculiarities in the structure of 
the cranium, which are supposed to represent similar structures 
seen in the Ungulata, Filhol recognises in these animals an extinct 
zoological type, designated the Pachylemur, which stands inter- 
mediate between the true lemurs and the pachyderms. Necrolemur 
antiquus and N. Edwardsi, on the other hand, from the phespho- 
rites of Quercy, are considered to be true lemurs. Lemuroid forms 
do not appear to be represented in any of the Tertiary formations 
newer than the Lower Miocene or Oligocene. 

Numerous forms, referable to the same group of animals, have 
been described from the Lower Tertiaries of the Western United 
States (Lemuravus, Limnotherium, Microsyops, Hyopsodus, Mixo- 
dectes, Anaptomorphus, &c.). These in part indicate a transition 
to the hoofed animals, while others, again, are so closely linked 
with the Insectivora that they are barely, if at all, separable from 
them. <A reference to some of these forms will be found in the 
section following the discussion of the Insectivora. As in Europe, 
no lemuroid forms are known from either the American Miocene 
or Pliocene formations. 


1. On the authority of Wallace. It would appear, however, from the 
observations of Taczanowski (‘‘ Ornithologie du Pérou,” vol. i, p. 321, 1884), 
that the bird is less rare in the region indicated than has been generally 

2. Jeitteles, ‘‘ Verhandl. d. zool. bot. Gesell. Wien,” 1862, p. 262. 

.8. To this list might also be added the chipmunk, Arctic hare, lynx, wolf, 
walrus, several seals, &c. 

4. Allen, “ North American Pinnipeds,” pp. 609 e¢ seq. 

. Allen, “ North American Rodentia,” “ U. S. Geol. Survey,” vol. xi. 

. “Monograph of the Strepomatide,” p. xli, Smithson. Mise. Pub., 253. 
. “Island Life,” pp. 20-22. 

. Seebohm, “ Catalogue of Birds,” British Museum, v, p. 328. 

8a. Since the preparation of the text a large number of additional 
species, and several genera, of paradise-birds have been described from New 
Guinea by Finsch, Meyer, Forbes, and others. 

9. The family comprises some thirty-five or more species (Beddome, 
“Ann. Mag. Nat. History,” January, 1886). 

10, Gray, “ Catalogue of Edentate Mammalia,” British Museum, 1869, 
p. 389. 

11. Brehm, “ Thierleben,” i, p. 391. 

12. “Ceylon,” ii, p.. 287. 

12a. ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,” London, pp. 221, 222. 

13. Newton, “ Encycl. Brit.,” article “ Humming-Bird,” ninth ed., xii, 
p. 359. 

14. Mosenthal and Harting, ‘“‘ Ostriches and Ostrich Farming,” p. 28. 

15. “ Geograph. Distrib. of Animals,” ii, p. 330. 

16. Lyell, “ Principles of Geology,” eleventh ed., ii, p. 369. 

17. “ Encycl. Brit.,” ninth ed., iii, p. 461. 

18. Lyell, “ Principles of Geology,” eleventh ed., ii, p. 366. 

oar ao oH 


19. Baird, “Am. Journ. Science,” 1866 (xli), p. 840. 

20, Baird, ‘‘.Am. Journ. Science,” 1866 (xli), p. 346. 

21. Sharpe, ‘“ Catalogue of Birds,” British Museum, ii, p. 238. 

22. Wallace, “Island Life,” p. 296. 

23. Wallace, “ Island Life,” p. 253. 

24, Wallace, “ Geographical Distribution of Animals,” i, p. 32. The 
occurrence was noted by Mr. Lowe, who communicated the facts to Sir 
Charles Lyell. 

25. Wallace, “Geograph. Distrib.,” i, p. 180. 

26. Wallace, “Geograph. Distrib.,” ii, p. 13. 

27. Coues, “‘ Key to North American Birds,” p. 317. 

28. Gould, “ Birds of Australia,” ii, p. 1. 

29. “Ibis,” 1884, p.471. Two hundred sheep are said to have been 
killed in a single night by a flock of these birds, at a station on Wanaka 

80. ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,” London, 1864, p. 456. 

81. Elwes, “ Proc. Zool. Soc.,” 1873, p. 648. 

32. Forsyth Major, “ Zoogeographische Ubergangsregionen,” “ Kosmos,” 
1884, p. 106. 

83. Forsyth Major, “ Kosmos,” 1884, p. 109. Forsyth Major is in error in 
quoting from Bottger that twenty-seven out of the forty reptilian and am- 
phibian species inhabiting Morocco are also found in Spain; the number 
stated is twenty-two (“ Abhandl. d. Senckenb. Naturf.-Gesellsch.,” xiii, 1863, 
p- 146). 

34. Cope, “ Bull. U. S. National Museum,” 1875; Heilprin, “ Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sciences,” Philadelphia, 1882. 

35. Moseley, ‘“‘ ‘Challenger’ Reports,” “ Zoology,” ii, pp. 188, 189. 

36. Wyville Thomson, ‘“‘ Depths of the Sea,” p. 454. 

87. Lyman, “ ‘Challenger’ Reports,” ‘“‘ Zoology,” v, p. 327. 

38. A. Agassiz, “‘ Challenger’ Reports,” “ Zoology,” iii, p. 30. 

39. A. Agassiz, op. cit. 

40. Milne-Edwards, “ Contes Rendus,” December 17, 1883. 

41. Wyville Thomson, “ Voyage of the ‘ Challenger,’ ” ii, p. 350. 

42. “ Nature,” March 20, 1884. 

43. Giinther, “ Study of Fishes,” p. 305. 

44, Wyville Thomson, “ Voyage of the ‘Challenger,’ ” ii, pp. 352, 353. 

45. “Annals and Magazine of Natural History,” January, 1883; ‘“ Ver- 
handl. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt,” 1882, No. 4. 

46. “Nature,” xxvi, p. 560. 

47, “ Bull. Museum Comp. Zoology,” Cambridge, vi, p. 153. 

48. ‘ Nature,” September 3, 1885. 


49. “Bull. Soc. Vaud.,” xiv, p. 211, 1876. 

50. “ Rendic. R. Istit. Lomb.,” ser. 2, xii, p. 694. 

50a. Asper and IIeuseher have quite recently shown, through the use of 
a “pelagic” net, that the pelagic faunas of lakes are far more prolific in mi- 
croscopic animal forms than has hitherto been supposed. A drop of water 
from Lake Ziirich was estimated to contain ten individuals of Anurza foli- 
acea, eight of Anurewa longispina, sixty of Ceratium hirundinella, and mill- 
ions of Dinobryon forms and Asterionelle, besides various heliozoans, roti- 
fers, and crustaceans. Identical results were obtained under all the most 
varied conditions of light (darkness) and water, in the open lake and along 
the shallower shore-line (“‘ Zoologischer Anzciger,” June 19, 1886). 

51. “ Nature,” June 11, 1885. 

52. “Am. Journ. Science,” 1871, p. 161. 

53. “ Bull. Soc. Vaud.,” xiii, xiv, 1874, 1876. Dr. Henri Blanc enumer- 
ates the following twelve species of Rhizopoda as entering into the compo- 
sition of the deep-water fauna of Lake Geneva (seventy to one hundred and 
twenty metres): Amoeba proteus, A. verrucosa, A. radiosa, Difflugia pyri- 
formis, D. urceolata, D. globulosa, Ilyalosphenia cuneata, Arcella vulgaris, 
Centropyxis aculeata, Pamphagus hyalinus, Actinophrys sol, and an unde- 
termined large Difflugia. All or most of the above forms have been ob- 
served by Leidy in the surface-waters of the United States, and it is re- 
marked that the species indicated to be rare by Leidy are also rare in the 
deep waters of the lake (‘ Bull. Soc. Vaud.,” ser. 2, xx, p. 287). 

54, “Am. Journ. Science,” 1871. 

55. “ Anniversary Address, London Geol. Soc.,” 1881. 

55a. Probably the most striking and convincing evidence indicating con- 
vergent modification is presented by the Australian fauna, where, among 
the numerous implacental forms, we have such remarkable reproductions 
of the distinctive types seen among the Placentalia, aithough based upon 
an entirely different type of structure, and arising independently of the 

56. “ Paleontographical Soc. Reports,” 1884. 

57. “Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,” 1874, xiii, p. 222. 

58. Heilprin, “ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.,” Philadelphia, March 4, 1884. 

59. “ Anniversary Address, London Geol. Soc.,”.18&1. 

60. Medlicott and Blanford, ‘Geology of India,” part i, p. 282. 

61. Seeley, “‘Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, 1883. 

62. Dawson, “Am. Journ. Science,” third ser., xx, pp. 408 ef seq. 

63. Anodonta Jukesii, from the Old Red Sandstone of Ireland. TPro- 
fessor Hall recognises in the Cypricardites Catskillensis of Vanuxem, from 
the Oneonta Sandstones of the State of New York (Middle Devonian), a 


fresh-water mussel having the general characters of Anodonta (‘‘ Science,” 
New York, December 11, 1880). 


“ Review of the Non-Marine Fossil Mollusca of North America,” “U. 

S. Geol. Surv.,” third annual report, 1881-’82. 


Smith, “ Proc. Zool. Soc.,” London, 1881; Crosse, “ Journal de Con- 

chyliologie,” 1881; Bourguignat, “ Mollusques Terr. et Flur. du Lac Tan- 
ganyika,” August, 1885. 







. “Paleontologia Indica,” ser. ix, 1875. 

. “Paleontologia Indica,” 1865. 

. “ Kreidebildungen von Texas,” 1852. 

. “Zeitschr. d. deutsch. geol. Ges.,” 1870, pp. 191-251. 

. “Jahrb. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt,” 1871, p. 524. 

. “ Paleontologia Indica,” “ Cephalopoda of Kutch,” ser. ix, p. 237. 

. “Kreideb. v. Texas,” pp. 22-25. 

. “Smithsonian Miscell. Pub.,”’ vii. 

. “Jahrb. d. k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt,” 1878, p. 44. 

. “ British Assoc. Reports,” 1884, p. 555. 


. Bronn’s “ Klassen und Ordnungen d. Thier-Reichs, Protozoa.” 

ogy,” i 

Marshall, “‘ Ann. Mag. Nat. History,” December, 1883. 
Richthofen, “ China,” iv. 

“Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, 1878, pp. 568 e¢ seq. 

“ Manuel de Conchyliologie,” p. 144 (1881). 

Tryon, “ Structural and Systematic Conchology,” i, p. 159. 
Carpenter, on te authority of Fischer, op. cié., p. 168. 

“ Anniversary Address, Geol. Soc.,” London, 1862, p. xiv. 

From the data furnished by Brady, ‘“ ‘ Challenger’ Reports,” “ Zool- 


From the data furnished by Brady, “ ‘ Challenger’ Reports,” “ Zool- 

ogy,” ix. 


“ Challenger’ Reports,” “Zoology,” vi, p. 132. 

““¢ Challenger’ Reports,” “ Zoology,” ii, “‘ Corals,” pp. 132, 133. 
Duncan, “ Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, xxvii, p. 437. 
Duncan, “ Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, xxix, p. 561]. 
Duncan, “ Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, xxvi, p. 313. 

“ Denkschr, d. k. k. Akad.,” Vienna, 1872, p. 199. 

“Q. Journ. Geol. Soe.,” London, xxvi, p. 311. 

“Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, xxxii, p. 343. 

Zittel, “‘ Handbuch der Paleontologie,” i, pp. 717-720. 

“‘ Manuel de Conchyliologie,” pp. 173 et seq. 

Ellsworth Call, ‘‘ Bull. U. 8S. Geol. Survey,” xi (1884), p. 43. 
Thesaurus Siluricus; Thesaurus Devonico-Carboniferus. 


98. “ Handbuch der Paleontologie,” ii, p. 320. 

99. “Encycl. Brit.,” ninth ed., vi, p. 663 (“ Crustacea”), 

100. Bronn’s “‘ Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs,” v, p. 1073. 
101. Hall, “ Pennsylvania Second Geol. Survey,” 1884, PPP, p. 29. 
102. McLachlan, in Nares’s “‘ Voyage to the Polar Sea,” ii, p. 234. 
103. “Trans. Asiatic Soe. of Japan,” November, 1885. 
104. “ Nature,” December 24, 1885. 
105. “Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. History,” April, 1885. 

106. Scudder, “ Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. History,” April, 1885, p. 355. 
107. “ Nature,” January 29, 1885, p. 297. 
108. “ Voyage to the Polar Sea,” ii, p. 1220. 
109. “Study of Fishes,” pp. 307-3811. 
110. Giinther, “ Study of Fishes,” pp. 270, 271. 
111. “Science,” May 28, 1884. 

112. Filhol, in “Science,” May 23, 1884. 
113. “Science,” May 23, 18S4. 
114. “ American Naturalist,” March, 1885, p. 289. 
115. “ Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal,” 1864, p. 544. 
116. Leydig, “ Abhandl. d. Senckenb. Naturf.-Gesell ,” xiii, 1883. 
117. Boéttger, “ Abhandl. d. Senckenb, Naturf.-Gesell.,” xiii, 1883. 
118. Bosea, “ Bull. Soe. Zool. de France,” 1880. 
119. Bedriaga, ‘ Bull. Soc. Natural.,” Moscow, 56, 1881. 
120, “ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,” January, 1886. 
121, Woodward, “ Geol. Magazine,” November, 1885. 
122. “ Paleontologia Indica,” ser. x, iii, p. 146. 
123. “Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, August, 1885. 
124, “ Eneycl. Brit.,” ninth ed., xv, p. 399. 
125. Dobson, “ Monograph of the Insectivora,” 1882. 
126. “ American Naturalist,” May, 1885, p. 467. 
127. Dobson, “ Catalogue of the Cheiroptera, British Museum,” p. xxx. 
128. “Am. Journ. Science,” April, 1886. 
129. “ Zoologischer Anzciger,” June, 1883. 
130. “Q. Journ. Geol. Soc.,” London, 1878, p. 419. 
131. “Trans. Am. Philos. Society,” January 18, 1884. 

132. ‘“ Proc. Zool. Soc.,” London, p. 443. 
183. “ Zoologischer Garten,” xxiii (1882), pp. 111-115. 

Aard-wolf, 383. 
Abyssal zone, 262. 
Acanthomys, 355. 
Accipenser, 68, 69. 
Aceratherium, 368. 
Acervularia, 249. 
Achenodon, 374. 
Achatinella, 261. 
Acidaspis, 146. 
Acomys, 364, 
Acris, 309. 
Acrobata, 99. 
Acrodus, 300. 
Acrosaurus, 320. 
Acrotreta, 205. 
Acteeonidee, 166. 
Actinia, 240, 242. 
Actinocrinus, 151. 
Adapis, 348, 402. 
Addax, 377. 
Adder, 321. 
Adoeus, 315. 
ABzoceras, 166, 267. 
Alurodon, 336, 388. 
ffl.rogale, 385. 
/Epyornis, 333. 
ZEtobatis, 800. 
Agama, 316, 318. 
Ayaricia, 248. 
Agelaius, 66. 
Agnostus, 140, 276-278. 
Agouti, 361. 

PNA Box. 

Agriocherus, 383. 
Ailuropus, 389. 
Ailurus, 389. 
Alactaga, 358. 
Alaudidee, 66. 
Alea, 69. 
Alcedinide, 66. 
Alces, 381. 
Aleyonaria, 251. 
Alepocephalus, 298. 
Alctornis, 331. 
Alk, 69. 
Alligators, distribution of, 328, 329. 
Alligator-gar (Lepidosteus), 301. 
Allorisma, 271. 
Allosaurus, 162. 
Alpaca, 375. 
Alveolites, 143. 
Amadine, 88. 
Amaltheus, 267. 
Amblypoda, 367. 
Amblypterus, 302. 
Amblyrhynchus, 317. 
Amblystoma, 306. 
Amia, 68, 301. 
Amiurus, 68. 
Ammodiscus, 240. 
Ammonites, 137, 166, 192, 200, 222- 
294, 266, 267. 
Amphibia, 45, 305. 
Amphibos, 378. 
Amphicyon, 383, 389. 


Amphioxus, 299, 
Amphipoda, 272. 
Amphisaurus, 160. 
Amphisbeenia, 319. 
Amphitherium, 535. 
Amphitragulus, 381. 
Amphiuma, 306, 311. 
Amplexus, 151. 
Amynodon, 368. 
Ananchytes, 168. 
Anaptomorphus, 849, 403. 
Anatinidee, 168. 
Anchitherium, 371, 372. 
Anchovy (Engraulis), 295. 
Ancistrodon, 323. 
Ancyloceras, 168, 267. 
Ancylotherium, 338. 
Ancylus, 261. 
Andrenidie, 284. 
Anemone, 242. 

Angler (Lophius), 294, 295. 

Annelida (deep-sea), 109. 
Anoua, 378. 

Anodonta, 148, 209. 
Anolis, 317. 

Anomia, 211. 
Anomodontia, 159. 
Anoplotherium, 382. 
Ant, 283. 

Ant-eater, 337. 
Antechinus, 99. 
Antedon, 136. 

Antelopes, 84, 377, 378. 
Anthracomartus, 151, 286, 
Anthracopupa, 150, 208. 
Anthracotherium, 375. 
Anthropoid apes, 396. 
Antilocapra, 377. 
Antipathidee, 242. 
Antrozous, 351. 

Anura, distribution of, 307. 

Apatornis, 330. 
Apes, 396. 
Aphanapteryx, 333. 
Aphelops, 368, 


Apidae, 284. 
Apiocrinide, 111. 
Apiocrinus, 166. 
Aplocerus, 377. 
Aporrhaide, 166. 
Apteryx, 29, 101. 
Aptornis, 333. 
Apus, 207, 273. 
Aquila, 79. 
Aracarie, 78. 
Arachnactis, 242. 
Arachnecthra, 102. 

Arachnids (of lakes), 181; geol. dis- 

tribution of, 285. 
Arcade, 148, 268, 271, 272. 
Arcestes, 156, 267. 
Archeegosaurus, 310. 
Archeocidaris, 151. 
Archeomys, 364. 
Archeopteryx, 330. 
Archeospherina, 134. 
Archipolypoda, 286, 
Arctocebus, 402. 
Arctocephalus, 391. 
Arctogale, 92. 
Arctomys, 359, 364. 
Arctonyx, 97. 
Arctotherium, 389. 
Arechnothera, 94, 102. 
Argiope, 255. 
Argonauta, 20, 122, 226. 
Argus, 95, 97. 
Argynnis, 280, 281. 
Arietites, 166. 

Arius, 104. 
Armadillo, 5, 24, 337. 
Aromcchelys, 314, 
Artamide, 104. 
Artemia, 212. 
Arvicola, 356, 365, 
Asaphus, 146, 277. 
Aspidonectes, 314. 
Ass, 870. 
Assiminea, 261. 
Astacus, 207, 275. 

Astartidee, 148, 166, 271, 272. 
Asteroidea (deep-sea), 111. 
Asterolepis, 302. 

Astreea, 247-249. 
Astreidee, 144, 

Astrangia, 248. 

Atalapha, 349, 351. 

Atax, 126. 

Ateles, 394-396. 
Atherines, 104. 

Atherura, 362. 

Athyris, 145. 

Atlanta, 120, 122. 
Atlantosaurus, 161. 
Atrypa, 145, 214. 
Auchenia, 375, 376. 
Aurelia, 122. 

Aurochs, 379. 

Australian fauna, anomalies of, 9. 

Australian realm, 97. 
Aviculide, 148, 271. 

Axis, 381. 

Axolotl, 306. 

Aye-aye, 402. 

Azores, birds of the, 7, 48. 

Babbling-thrush, 72, 94, 107. 
Baboon, 397. 

Babyrousa, 374. 

Baculites, 168, 267. 

Badger, 390. 

Baikal, Lake, fauna of, 212. 
Bairdia, 207, 273, 274. 
Balena, 341. 

Balenoptera, 341, 344. 
Balenotus, 345. 

Baltimore bird, 66, 79. 
Bandicoot, 99. 

Barbary ape, 394, 395. 
Barbel, 68, 291. 
Barbus, 68. 

Barracuda (Sphyrena), 294. 
Barramunda, 103. > 

Barriers affecting migration, 41. 
Bascanium, 323, 324. 

INDEX. 411 

Basilisk, 317. 

Bass (Labrax), 294. 

Bassalian province, 299. 

Bassaris, 390. 

Bathmoceras, 192. 

Bathyactis, 110, 243. 

Bathycrinus, 111. 

Bathyergus, 357. 

Bathygnathus, 160. 

Bathyophis, 298. 

Bats, distribution of, 349. 

Battocrinus, 151. 

Bear, 4, 27, 389. 

Beaver, 360, 864, 365. 

Bee-eater, 87, 94, 106. 

Bees, 279, 284. 

Beetles, 150, 279, 280, 283, 284. 

Belemnitella, 168. 

Belemnites, 137, 156, 168, 268. 

Belemnosepia, 138, 166. 

Belideus, 99, 100. 

Bell-bird, 78. 

Bellinurus, 278, 279. 

Bellows-fish (Centriscus), 295. 

Beloteuthis, 166. 

Beluga, 344. 

Bermudas, birds of the, 48, 51. 

Bernissartia, 329. 

Beroe, 240, 

Beyrichia, 272. 

Beryx, 294, 303. 

Bibos, 379. 

Big-horn, 379. 

Birds, American, common to Europe, 
46; European, common to Amer- 
ica, 48; dispersal of, 45; migra- 
tions of, 47; oceanic journeys 
of, 47; Arctic, 70; geological dis- 
tribution of, 330; of the Holarctic 
realm: of the Eurasiatic division, 
65; of the North American, 66; 
of the Neotropical realm, 77-79 ; 
of the Ethiopian realm, 87, 88; 
of the Oriental realm, 94, 95; of 
the Australian realm, 100-102; 


of the Polynesian realm, 104; of 
the Mediterranean region, 105, 

Bison, 379. 

Blarina, 346. 

Blastocerus, 380. 

Blattarie, 283. 

Blenny (Blennius), 293. 

Blessbok, 84. 

Blind-worm (Anguis), 315, 320. 

Blow-fish (Cheetodon), 296. 

Blue-bird, 28, 66. 

Boa, 825-327. 

Boar, 374. 

Boat-bill, 81. 

Boavus, 327. 

Bobolink, 66. 

Bombinator, 312. 

Bonasa, 66. 

Bonito, 297. 

Bos, 379. 

Bothriolepis, 302. 

Bower-bird, 101. 

Brachiopoda, age of, 188; deep-sea, 
113; distribution of, 214, 252. 

Brachymetopus, 151, 277. 

Brachyops, 311. 

Brachypyge, 275. 

Brachyura, 112, 275. 

Brady pus, 337. 

Brahmatherium, 377. 

Branchiosaurus, 310. 

Branchipus, 212. 

Breaks, geological, 192. 

Brisinga, 111. 

Brittle-stars, 111, 166. 

Broad-bill, 95. 

Brontosaurus, 161. 

Brontotherium, 372. 

Brush-turkey, 95, 101. 

Buansuah, 387. 

Bubalus, 378. 

Bucapra, 580. 

Buccinide, 169. 

Buccinum, 262. 


Buffalo, 878. 

Buffelus, 378. 

Bufo, 307, 312. 

Bugs, 279, 280, 284. 

Bulbul, 94, 107. 

Buiimus, 261. 

Bull-fineh, 65, 70. 

Bull-head (Cottus), 68, 287, 2938, 294. 

Bungarus, 322, 325. 

Bunodonta, 3738. 

Bunting, 66, 70. 

Buprestites, 283. 

Burbot (Lota), 288. 

Bushbok, 84, 89. 

Bustard, 66, 72. 

Butterflies, 279, 280, 284; Arctic, 51, 
70; on Chimborazo, 51. 

Buzzard, 66. 

Cacatua, 162. 
Cacatuide, 88, 102. 
Cachalot, 342. 
Celogenys, 361. 
Ceenopithecus, 402. 
Cainotherium, 382. 
Calamary, 268. 
Calamoichthys, 89, 291. 
Calliste, 78. 

Callithrix, 395, 399. 
Callophoca, 393. 
Callorhinus, 391. 
Calostylis, 144. 
Calymene, 146, 278. 
Calyptorhynchus, 102. 
Camarasaurus, 169. 
Cambrian fauna, 135. 
Camel, 15, 16, 31, 87, 875, 376. 
Camelopardalis, 376, 377. 
Campephagide, 104. 
Camptonotus, 162. 
Canace, 66. 
Cancellaride, 169, 270. 
Cancroma, 81. 

Canis, 386-388. 
Capercaillie, 66. 

INDEX. 413 

Capito, 81. 

Capra, 380. 

Capreolus, 381. 

Caprina, 169. 

Capromys, 360. 

Caprotina, 169. 

Capulus, 138, 207, 269. 

Capybara, 361, 365. 

Carabidze, 69, 281, 284. 

Caracal, 384. 

Carboniferous fauna, 150. 

Carcharias, 297, 300. 

Carcharodon, 297, 300. 

Cardiide,, 148, 166, 271, 272. 

Cariacus, 381. 

Cariama, 88. 

Carinaria, 122. 

Carnivora, distribution of, 383. 

Carp, 68, 89, 290. 

Caryophyllia, 243, 244. 

Cassicus, 79. 

Cassididee, 270. 

Cassidulina, 235. 

Cassowary, 101, 332. 

Castor, 360, 364, 365. 

Castoroides, 365. 

Cat, 27, 383. 

Catarhina, 393. 

Caterpillar-eater, 72, 94, 104. 

Cat-fishes (Siluridee), 68, 80, 89, 288- 

Cathartine, 66. 

Catopterus, 302. 

Catostomus, 68. 

Cattle, 379. 

Caulaster, 136. 

Cave-bear, 389. 

Cave-lion, 384. 

Cavy (Cavia), 361. 

Cebus, 395, 399. 

Centetes, 346. 

Centetodon, 348, 

Centipedes, 285, 286. 

Centrarchide, 68. 

Centrocercus, 66. 

Cephalaspis, 149, 301. 

Cephalopoda, deep-sea, 113 ; geologi- 
cal distribution, 265. (See Mor- 

Cephalophus, 89. 

Cephalopterus, 78. 

Ceratiocaris, 273. 

Ceratites, 267. 

Ceratodus, 103, 291, 302, 304. 

Ceratophrys, 310, 312. 

Ceratoptera, 297. 

Ceratorhinus, 368. 

Cercocebus, 397. 

Cercolabes, 362. 

Cercoleptes, 390. 

Cercopithecus, 397. 

Cerianthus, 242. 

Ceriornis, 66. 

Cerithiide, 166. 

Certhiadee, 107. 

Certhiola, 78. 

Cervalces, 382. 

Cervulus, 381. 

Cervus, 380, 381. 

Ceryle, 106. 

Cetacea, distribution of, 341. 

Cetiosaurus, 161. 

Cetotherium, 345. 

Chacma, 398. 

Chafiinch, 70. 

Chalicotherium, 372. 

Chalk, nature of, 237. 

Chama, 73. 

Chameleon, 316, 318. 

Chamide, 272. 

Chamois, 21, 377. 

Characinide, 80, 290. 

Charina, 322. 

Chasmorhynchus, 78. 

Chatterer, 78. 

Cheetah, 384. 

Cheiroptera, distribution of, 349. 

Cheirurus, 146. 

Chelone, 313, 315. 

Chelonia, distribution of, 313. 

414 INDEX. 

Chelopus, 314. 
Chelydee, 314. 
Chelydra, 313-315, 
Chevrotain, 376. 
Chilabothrus, 326. 
Chimera, 293-295. 
Chimpanzee, 397. 
Chinchilla, 361. 
Chipmunk, 359. 
Chirogaleus, 401. 
Chirolepis, 149. 
Chiromys, 402. 
Chironectes, 334. 
Chironomid, 283. 
Chiton, 207, 260, 
Chlamydosaurus, 318. 
Cheenohyus, 374. 
Cheropotamus, 375. 
Cheeropsis, 26. 
Cheeropus, 99. 
Cholepus, 337. 
Chomatodus, 300. 
Choristoceras, 156, 268, 
Chromides, 290. 
Chrysaétos, 79. 
Chrysemys, 814. 
Chrysochloride, 346. 
Chrysothrix, 395. 
Cicada, 284, 
Cidaride (deep-sea), 111. 
Cidaris, 157, 166, 168. 
Cinosternum, 314. 
Cistudo, 313-315. 
Civet-cats, 385. 
Cladocera (of lakes), 126. 
Cladocora, 248. 
Cladophyllia, 247. 
Cleodora, 122. 
Clepsy drops, 154. 
Clepsysaurus, 160. 
Clidastes, 169. 
Climate, effect of, upon distribution, 
Climatic zones (geological), 222. 
Cnemiornis, 333. 

Clotho, 88. 

Clydonites, 156. 
Clymenia, 156, 267. 
Clypeus, 166. 

Coassus, 380. 

Coati, 390. 

Cobitoids, 291. 

Cobitus, 68. 

Cobra (Naja), 322, 825, 
Coccosteus, 149, 301. 
Cochliodus, 300. 
Cochloceras, 156, 268. 
Cockatoo, 88, 95, 101. 
Cock-of-the-rock, 78. 
Cockroach, 147, 282, 283. 
Cod (Gadus), 287, 293, 294, 296, 299. 
Ceecilia, distribution of, 306, 810. 
Celacanthus, 301, 302. 
Ceelodon, 339. 
Ceerebide, 78. 
Coleoptera, 96, 279, 280, 288, 284. 
Colias, 280, 281. 
Collyrites, 166. 

Colobus, 399, 400. 
Colocollo, 383. 

Colonies, geological, 231. 
Colossochelys, 315. 
Colubers, 67, 322-324, 327. 
Columba, 102. 
Columbide, 66. 
Colymbus, 69. 
Compsognathus, 162. 
Condor, 79, 80. 

Condor, Californian, 73 
Condylarthra, 368. 
Condylura, 347. 

Coney, 33, 867. 

Conger, 294, 295. 
Conide, 169, 270. 
Conocephalus, 146. 
Conocoryphe, 276. 
Conocyathus, 246. 
Conodonts, 299. 

Contia, 323. 

Conurus, 78, 88. 

INDEX. 415 

Copepoda (of lakes), 126. 

Copperhead, 323. 

Coral-fishes (Pomacentride), 296. 

Coralline zone, 262. 

Corallium, 252. 

Coral-reefs, ancient, 249. 

Corals, deep-sea, 110, 242; distribu- 
tion of, 240. 

Coral-snake, 325. 

Corax, 300. 

Corbicula, 211. 

Corbula, 211. 

Cormorant (fossil), 330-332. 

Cornufer, 307. - 

Coronelia, 321, 325. 

Corsac, 388. 

Corvidee, 65. 

Corvus, 79. 

Coryphodon, 367. 

Corythaix, 87. 

Cotingide, 78. 

Cottide, 68. 

Cotton-rat, 356. 

Couguar, 19, 883. 

Cow-bird, 66. 

Coyote, 388. 

Coypu, 360. 

Crabs (deep-sea), 112. 

Cracide, 78. 

Crane (fossil), 332, 333. 

Crania, 207, 255, 257. 

Craspedocephalus, 79. 

Creeper, 78, 107. 

Cremastosaurus, 820, 

Creodonta, 393. 

Cretaceous fauna, 168. 

Cricetodon, 865. 

Cricetomys, 357. 

Cricetus, 357, 364. 

Cricket, 284. 

Crinoidea, 185; deep-sea, 111. 

Crioceras, 168, 267. 

Cristellaria, 188. 

Crocidura, 346. 

Crocodiles, distribution of, 327, 328. 

Crossbill, 65. 

Crotalus, 322, 323. 

Crow, 65, 79, 104; fossil, 332. 

Crustacea, deep-sea, 112; pelagic, 
120, 122; of lakes, 126,131; dis- 
tribution of, 272. 

Cryptobranchus, 306, 311. 

Cryptoprocta, 385. 

Ctenacanthus, 152, 300. 

Cuckoo, 104. 

Cuckoo, ground, 73. 

Cuon, 387. 

Cupido, 66. 

Curassow, 78. 

Curculionites, 283. 

Curlew (fossil), 332. 

Cusceus, 100. 

Cyanea, 122. 

Cyathocrinus, 151. 

Cyathophyllum, 143, 151, 249, 

Cyclas, 264. 

Cyclolobus, 267. 

Cycloclypeus, 234. 

Cyclophis, 323. 

Cyclophthalmus, 151. 

Cycloturus, 337. 

Cynocephalus, 397, 400, 401. 

Cynogale, 92, 385. 

Cynomys, 359. 

Cynopithecus, 398. 

Cypreidee, 169, 270. 

Cypridina, 207, 273. 

Cyprinidee, 68, 89. 

Cyprinodon, 80. 

Cypris, 274. 

Cypsclide, 66. 

Cyrtoceras, 139, 145, 190, 192, 265, 

Cystignathide, 309. 

Cystophora, 392. 

Cythere, 207, 278, 274. 

Dactylethride, 310. 
Dakosaurus, 162, 329. 
Dalmania, 146, 199, 277, 278. 

416 INDEX. 

Dama, 381. Dikelocephalus, 146. 
Duapedius, 302. Dimetrodon, 154, 
Dasornis, 331. Dimorphodon, 164. 
Dasyprocta, 361. Dinichthys, 149, 302. 
Dasypus, 337. Dinictis, 385. 

Dasyuride, 99. Dinoceras, 367. 
Dawsonella, 150, 208. Dinocyon, 389. 

Decapoda, 274. Dinornis, 333. 

Decp-sea fauna, 109. Dinosauria, 160, 161, 169, 172, 203. 
Deep-sea zone, 262. Dioplotherium, 340. 

Deer, 27, 380. Diplograptus, 145. 
Delphinapterus, 342, Diploria, 247-249. 
Delphinus, 342. Dipnoi, 302. 
Deltocyathus, 243-246. Diprotodon, 336. 
Dendrerpeton, 310. Dipsadide, 325. 
Dendrobates, 310. Diptera, 279, 280, 283, 284. 
Dendrocolaptide, 78. Dipterus, 149, 301. 
Dendrodus, 301. Dipus, 358. 

Dendrohyrax, 33, 87. Discina, 145, 207, 255, 257. 
Dendrolagus, 99. Discinisca, 253. 
Dendromys, 356. Discinocaris, 273. 
Dendrophide, 325. Discoidea, 168. 
Dendrophiyllia, 248. Discrytus, 146, 282. 
Dentalium, 207, 269. Diver, 69. 

Dermatochelys, 313. Dodo (Didus), 333. 
Desmatotherium, 369. Dodo-pigeon, 104. 
Desmognathus, 306. Dog, 27, 386, 387. 
Devonian fauna, 146. Dog-fish (Acanthias), 293-295, 300. 
Dhole, 387. Dolichonyx, 66. 

Diadectes, 154. Dolichosoma, 310, 311. 
Diadophis, 328. Dolichotis, 361. 

Diatryma, 331. Dolium, 260. 

Dicxide, 94, 104. Dolphin, 342, 343. 
Diceras, 272. Dolphin (Corypheena), 297. 
Dichobune, 382. Dormice, 357. 
Dichograptus, 145. Dorycrinus, 151. 
Dicotyles, 374. Douroucouli, 395. 
Dicroccrus, 381. Draco, 318. 

Dictyoearis, 273. Drepanide, 104. 
Dicynodon, 159. Drepanodon, 384. 
Dideiphys, 334, 335. Dromeus, 101. 
Didunculidx, 104. Dromeornis, 333. 
Didymictis, 393. Dromatherium, 335. 
Didymograptus, 145. Dromicia, 99. 

Diemyctilus, 306. - Dryiophide, 325. 

Dryolestes, 335. 
Dryopithecus, 400. 
Duck (fossil), 332, 333. 
Duck-bill, 333. 
Dugong, 339. 
Dzizgetai, 370. 

Eagle, 66, 79, 88; fossil, 332. 
Echidna, 333, 334. 

Echinide (deep-sea), 111. 
'Echinobrissus, 166. 
Echinoderms, 111, 166. 
Echinogale, 346. 
Echiomyide, 360. = 
Edentata, distribution of, 336. 
Edmondia, 271. 

Edwardsia, 242. 

Fels, 104, 292, 296, 303. 
Eider-duck, 69. 

Elachoceras, 367. 

Eland, 84. 

Elaphis, 321, 323, 824, 
Elaphodus, 72. 

Elapidee, 322, 325. 
Elasmobranchii, 299. 
Elasmognathus, 369. 
Elateride, 284. 

Electric eel (Torpedo), 80, 294. 

Elephant, 18, 36, 87, 206; distribu- 

tion of, 365, 366. 
Elephant-shrews, 346. 
Elk, 381, 382. 
Emarginula, 269. 
Emballonura, 351. 
Emberiza, 66, 70. 
Empedocles, 154. 
Emu, 101; fossil, 332. 
Emyde (Emys), 314, 315. 
Enaliornis, 330. 
Encrinus, 157. 
Endoceras, 145, 190. 
Enhydris, 390. 
Entellus-monkey, 399. 
Entomodon, 348. 
Eobasileus, 367. 



Eohippus, 371, 372. 
Eohyus, 374. 
Eoscorpius, 151, 286. 
Eotherium, 340. 
Eozoon, 134, 196. 
Equus, 369-371. 
Erethizon, 362. 
Erinaceus, 347. 
Eriodes, 395. 
Ermine, 4, 390. 
Erycide, 322. 

Ery ops, 155. 
Esocidee, 68. 

Esox, 69. 

Estheria, 207, 273. 
Esthonyx, 348. 
Estrild, 88. 
Ethiopian realm, 82. 
Euclastes, 315. 
Eugercon, 283. 
Eulabes, 94. 
Eumetopias, 391. 
Euomphalus, 148, 269. 
Euphoberia, 151, 286. 
Euphonia, 78. 
Euplectella, 110. 
Euplocamus, 97. 
Euproops, 278. 
Eupsammide, 144. 
Eurasiatic region, fauna of, 60. 
Euryapteryx, 333. 
Eurylemide, 95. 
Eurypterus, 148, 278, 279. 
Eurysternum, 315. 
Eusmilus, 385. 
Euteenia, 328, 524. 
Evotomys, 656. 
Exogyra, 168. 
Extracrinus, 166. 


Falcon, 19, 66, 69, 104; fossil, 880. 

Fallow-deer, 380, 381. 
Families, distribution of, 29. 

Faunas, variation in, 3-6; migrations 
of, 13; origination of, 15, 178; 


relation of past to present, 11, 

Favia, 247. 

Favosites, 143, 215, 249. 

Felis, 383, 384. 

Felsinotherium, 340. 

Ferret, 390. 

Fiber, 357. 

Finch, 65, 88, 100. 

Fin-whale, 341. 

Fisher, 390. 

Fishes, distribution of, 287; shore, 
293 ; pelagic, 297; deep-sea, 298 ; 
phylogeny of, 305; earliest, 142; 
of the Holarctic realm, 68; of 
the Neotropical realm, 80; of the 
Ethiopian realm, 88, 89; of the 
Australian realm, 103; of the 
Polynesian realm, 104. 

Fish-hawk, 19. 

Flabellum, 243-246. 

Flamingo, 31, 106; fossil, 331, 332. 

Flat-fishes, 294. 

Flies, 279, 280. 

Florissant, insects of, 284. 

Flounder, 294. 

Flower-pecker, 94, 104. 

Fly-catcher, 65, 79, 88, 100. 

Flying-foxes, 350, 352. 

Flying-garnard (Dactylopterus), 297. 

Flying-herring (Exoccetus), 297. 

Flying-lemurs, 345. 

Flying-lizard, 318. 

Flying-opossum, 99. 

Flying-squirrels, 358, 359. 

Foraminifera (deep-sea), 109; dis- 
tribution of, 234. 

Formicide, 284. 

Fowl (Gallus, fossil), 332. 

Fox, 4, 387, 388. 

Francolin, 88, 106. 

Fringillide, 66, 88, 100. 

Frog-fish, 297. 

Frogs and toads, dispersal of, 45; 
distribution of, 307, 312. 


Fulgorina, 283. 
Fundulus, 290. 
Fungia, 247-249. 
Fungiacyathus, 242. 
Furciter, 380. 
Fuside, 169. 
Fusulina, 236. 
Fusus, 262, 263, 269. 

Galago, 401. 

Galapagos, birds of, 6, 49. 

Galaxias, 288, 292. 

Galbulide, 78. 

Galecyunus, 888. 

Galeocerdo, 297, 300. 

Galeopithecus, 345. 

Galeospalax, 248. 

Galerites, 168. 

Galerix, 348. 

Galesaurus, 159. 

Galictis, 90. 

Galidia, 90. 

Gallus, 95. 

Gannet (fossil), 332. 

Ganocephala, 310. 

Ganoids, 291, 299, 300. 

Garden-mouse, 18. 

Gasteropoda, deep-sea, 113; pelagic, 
120; geological distribution of, 
268. (See Mottusca.) 

Gasterosteide, 68. 

Gastornis, 330, 331. 

Gavial, 328, 329. 

Gazelle, 84, 377, 378. 

Gecko, 316, 318. 

Gelada, 398. - 

Gemsbok, 84, 377. 

Genera, distribution of, 26. 

Genet, 385. 

Geococecyx, 73. 

Geomys, 365. 

Geophaps, 102. 

Geophilus, 286. 

Geosaurus, 320. 

Gerbillus, 355, 

INDEX. 419 

Gerephemera, 146, 282. Grosbeak, 65. 

Ghaur, 379. Ground-pigeon, 102. 
Gibbon, 387. Ground-squirrel, 359, 365. 
Giraffe, 376, 377. Grouse, 66, 72; fossil, 330, 333. 
Girvanella, 240. Gryphea, 168. 
Glandaria, 188. Gryphoca, 393. 
Glass-snake, 316. Guacharo, 18. 

Glaucus, 129. Guan, 78. 

Glis, 357. Guanaco, 375. 
Globicephalus, 342. Guenon, 397. 
Globigerina, 109, 188, 235, 236. Guereza, 399. 
Globigerina ooze, 236, 237. Guevi, 84. 

Glutton, 390. Guinea-fowl, 88. 
Glycimeride, 168, 272, - Guinea-pig, 361. 
Glyptodon, 338, 339. Gull (fossil), 331, 332. 
Glyptolepis, 149, 301. Gulo, 390. 
Glyptosaurus, 320. Gurnard (Trigla), 294. 
Gnu, 84, 377. Guynia, 144, 240. 
Goats, 28, 379, 380. Gymnodactylus, 316, 318. 
Goatsucker, 104. Gymnotus, 80. 
Gobiesocidee, 295. Gymuura, 347. 

Goby, 104, 292. Gypactus, 71. 

Godwit (tossil). 330. Gyps, 106. 
Golden-mole, 346. ' Gyracanthus, 152. 
Golden-pheasant, 66. Gyrichnites, 286. 
Goldfinch, 65, 70. Gyroceras, 137, 266. 
Gomphoceras, 145, 266. Gyrodus, 302. 
Goniastrea, 247. Gyroporella, 237. 
Goniatites, 137, 145, 267. 

Goniobasis, 69. Hadrosaurus, 169. 
Goose (fossil), 332, 333. Hag (Myxine), 294, 299. 
Gopher, 365. Hake (Merlucius), 294, 296. 
Gorgonella, 251. Haleampa, 242. 
Gorgonia, 251. Haleyon, 106. 

Gorilla, 396. Haleyornis, 331. 

Goura, 102. Haliaétus, 79. 
Graculavus, 330. Halicore, 340. 
Grammysia, 271. Halitherium, 340. 
Grampus, 343. Halobates, 120. 
Granatocrinus, 151. Halysites, 143, 215, 249. 
Graphularia, 251. Hamadryas, 398. 
Graptolites, 144, 208, 215. Hamites, 168, 267. 
Greenland, insects of, 70. Hamster, 357. 
Griffithides, 151, 277. Hang-nest, 66, 79. 

Grizzly-bear, 389. Hapale, 396, 399. 

420 INDEX. 

Hapalemur, 401. 

Haplodon, 360. 
Haplophlebium, 150. 
Haplophorus, 339. 
Haplophyllia, 144, 240. 
Hares, 21-23, 70, 362, 364, 365. 
Harlequin snake, 322. 
Harpoceras, 166, 267. 
Harpy, 79. 

Harrier (fossil), 331. 
Hartebeest, 84. 

Hatteria, 320. 

Haw-finch, 65. 

Hawk, 66. 

Hedgchogs, 347, 

Helagras, 327. 

Helaletes, 369. 

Helarctos, 329. 

Heliastraea, 247. 

Helicide, 69. 

Helicoceras, 168. 

Heliolites, 143, 249. 

Helix, 261, 262. 
Helladotherium, 877. 
Heloderma, 317. 

Helodus, 800. 

Hemiaspis, 278. 
Hemicaulodon, 340. 
Hemicidaris, 158, 166. 
Hemidactylus, 316, 318. 
Hemiptera, 279, 2S0, 283, 284. 
Hermit-crabs (deep-sea), 112. 
Heron, 104; fossil, 331, 332. 
Herpestes, 385. 

Herring (Clupea), 293, 294, 296, 303. 

Hesperomys, 355, 365. 
Hesperornis, 330. 
Heterodon, 90, 323, 324. 
Heterodryas, 90. 
Hill-tit, 94, 107. 
Hipparion, 371, 372. 
Hippidium, 371. 
Hippopotamus, 26, 373. 
Hippurites, 169, 208. 
Hirundinide, 65. 

Hoazin, 81. 

Hog, 874. 

Holarctic realm, 57, 73. 

Holbrookia, 317. 

Holectypus, 166. 

Hlolocystis, 144. 

Holopea, 148. 

Holops, 329. 

Holoptychius, 149, 301. 

Holothuroidea (deep-sea), 109, 112. 

Homeosaurus, 320. 

Homotaxis,. 227. 

Homothetus, 146, 282. 

Honey-guide, 87. 

Honey-sucker, 72, 87, 102, 104, 106, 

Hoolock, 397. 

Hoonuman, 399. 

Hoopoe, 106. 

Hoplophoneus, 385. 

Horned-toad, 817. 

Horse, 369; extinction of, in Ameri- 
ca, 204, 206. 

Horse-mackerel (Caranx), 294, 296. 

Horseshoe bat, 353. 

Hortulia, 326. 

Hound (Mustelus), 294. 

Howler, 395, 396. 

Humming-birds, 17, 38, 73, 77. 

Humpback, 341. 

Ilyemoschus, 376. 

Hyenarctos, 389. 

Ilyznodon, 393. 

Hyalonema, 110. 

Hy bodus, 800. 

Hydrobia, 209. 

Hydrocheerus, 361, 365. 

Hydromys, 356. 

Hydrophide, 321. 

Hydrophilites, 283. 

Hydropotes, 72. 

Hydrosaurus, 320. 

Hyena, 885, 386. 

Hyla, 307. 

Hylerpeton, 310. 

INDEX. 421 

Hylobates, 397, 400. 
Hylonomus, 310. 
Hymenocaris, 140, 273. 
Hymenoptera, 279, 280, 288, 284. 
Hyopotamus, 375. 
Hyopsodus, 348, 403. 
Hyotherium, 374. 
Hyperamina, 240. 
Hyperodapedon, °320. 
Hypodiadema, 158. 
Hyposaurus, 329. 
Hypsiprymnopsis, 334. 
Hypsiprymnus, 99. 
Hyrachyus, 369. 
Hyracoidea, 87, 367. 
liyracodon, 368. 
Hyracotherium, 371, 3872. 
Hyrax, 33, 87. 

Hystrix, 362, 365. 

lanthina, 120, 122. 

Ibex, 28, 380. 

Ibis (fossil), 382. 

Iceland, insects of, 70. 

Icelus, 293. 

Ichneumon, 385. 

Ichthyornis, 330. 

Ichthyosauria, 162, 172. 

Icteridx, 66, 79. 

Icticyon, 386. 

Ictitherium, 385. 

Ictonyx, 390. 

Idiocetus, 345. 

Iguana, 317, 320. 

Iguanavus, 320. 

Iguanodon, 162, 169. 

Impeyan, 66, 95. 

Indicatoridz, 87. 

Indris, 401. 

Infusoria (pelagic), 124; of lakes, 
127, 181. 

Inia, 341. 

Insectivora, distribution of, 845. 

Insects, dispersal of, 51; distribution 
of, 279; earliest, 146. 

To, 69. 

Trrisoride, 87. 

Isacis, 348. 

Isastreea, 157. 247. 
Ischadites, 236. 
Ischypterus, 302. 
Ischyromys, 365. 
Island faunas, 6, 7. 
Isolation, effects of, on faunas, 6. 
Isophyllia, 249. 
Isopoda, 272. 
Issiodoromys, 364. 
Ithygrammodon, 376. 

Jacamar, 78. 

Jackal, 387. 

Jaguar, 383. 

Jaguarundi, 383. 

Jararaca, 79. 

Jays, 25, 26. 

Jerboa, 358. 

John Dory (Zeus), 294, 295. 
Juan Fernandez, birds of, 50. 
Jungle-fowl, 95. 

Jurassic fauna, 161. 

Kangaroo, 99, 336. 
Kangaroo-rat, 99. 

Keeling Islands, birds of the, 50. 
Kiang, 370. 

King-fisher, 66, 104, 106 ; fossil, 331. 
Kinglet, 66. 

Kinkajou, 390. 

Kite, 66; fossil, 332 
Klipspringer, 84. 

Koala, 99. 

Kogia, 342. 

Koninckia, 257. 

Koodoo, 84, 377. 

Kutorgina, 255, 

Labyrinthodontia, 310. 
Lacerta, 315, 320. 

Lacertilia, distribution of, 315. 
Lachesis, 79. 


Lagena, 236, 240. 

Lagidium, 361. 

Lagomys, 362, 364. 

Lagopus, 66, 69, 70. 

Lagostomus, 361. 

Lagothrix, 395, 396. 

Lake fauna, 126. 

Lamellibranchiata (deep-sea), 113; 
geological distribution of, 271. 
(See Mo.txusca. ) 

Laminarian zone, 262. 

Limmerveier, 71. 

Lamna, 297, 300. 

Lamprey, 68, 299. 

Laniide, 65. 

Laophis, 327. 

Laopithecus, 400. 

Laopteryx, 330. 

Laornis, 330. 

Laosaurus, 162. 

Lar, 397. 

Laramie formation, 2038, 210. 

Lark, 66. 

Lark-bunting, 65. 

Lates, 288, 289. 

Latimeandra, 247. 

Laurentian (/) fauna, 134. 

Leaf-nosed bats, 352. _ 

Leda, 207. 

Leiodon, 169. 

Leipoa, 101. 

Leiotrichide, 94, 107. 

Lemming (Myodes), 357. 

Lemuravus, 403, 

Lemuria, 87, 402. 

Lemuroideca, 393. 

Lemurs, distribution of, 401. 

Leopard, 18, 883, 384. 

Leperditia, 140, 272. 

Lepidoptera, 96, 279, 280, 284. 

Lepidosiren, 80, 302, 304. 

Lepidosternon, 319. 

Lepidosteus, 68. 

Lepidotus, 302. 

Lepilemur, 401. 


Leptictis, 348, 

Leptobos, 378. 

Leptolepis, 302, 303. 

Leptosomus (fossil), 331. 

Lepus, 362, 364, 365. 

Lestodon, 339. 

Libe!lulidee, 283. 

Light, penetration of, into water, 118, 

Lima, 207. 

Limacina, 260. 

Limide, 166, 272. 

Limna, 69, 261, 264. 

Limnohyus, 372. 

Limnophis, 327. 

Limnotherium, 403. 

Limulus, 207, 278. 

Ling (Molva), 69, 294. 

Lingula, 137, 139, 145, 253, 255, 257. 

Lingulella, 137, 189, 146. 

Lingulepis, 255. 

Linnet, 65, 70. 

Linota, 70. 

Lion, 36, 384. 

Listriodon, 369. 

Lithentomum, 146, 282. 

Lithophis, 327. 

Lithostrotion, 151, 215, 249. 

Littoral fauna, 124. 

Littoral zone, 262. 

Lituites, 145. 

Lizards, dispersal of, 45; distribu- 
tion of, 315. 

Llama, 375. 

Loach, 288. 

Lobites, 267. 

Lophiodon, 369. 

Lophohelia, 243, 244. 

Lophophorus, 66. 

Lophopsittaeus, 833. 

Lophotragus, 72. 

Loris, 402. 

Lota, 69. 

Loxodon, 865. 

Loxolophodon, 367. 

INDEX. 423 

Loxonema, 148, 269. Mammoth, 205, 366. 
Lucinidee, 166, 272. Manakin, 78. 
Lump-sucker (Discobolus), 293. Manatee, 339, 340. 
Lung-fish, 80, 89, 103, 291, 302. Mandrill, 397. 
Luscinia, 65, 70. Mangabey, 397. 
Lutra, 390. Manicina, 248. 
Lycena, 280, 281. Manis, 336. 
Lycalopex, 387. Manucodia, 101. 
Lycaon, 386. Marmoset, 396. 
Lynx, 3838, 384. Marmot, 359, 364. 
Lyre-bird, 101. Marsipobranchii, 299. 
Lytoceras, 166, 207. Marsupialia, distribution of, 334. 
Marten, 390. 
Macaque (Macacus), 394, 398, 400. Mastodon, 366. 
Macaw, 78, 88. M’doqua, 84. 
Machairodus, 384. Meadow-mice, 356. 
Mackerel, 297. Medlicottia, 156, 267. 
Macrauchenia, 378. Meduse (deep-sea), 110; pelagic, 120. 
Macropetalichthys, 149. Megalichthys, 301. 
Macropodide, 98, 336. Megalonyx, 339. 
Macropoma, 302. Megalornis, 331. 
Macropus, 99. Megalosaurus, 162, 169. 
Macrorhinus, 392. Megapodius, 95, 101, 104. 
Macrornis, 331. Megaptera, 341. 
Macroscelides, 346. Megatherium, 338. 
Macrotherium, 338. Megerlia, 255. 
Macrura, 275. Melanerpeton, 311. 
Mactride, 168. Melania, 166, 209. 
Madrepora, 242, 247-249, Meleagris, 66. 
Meeandrina, 247, 248. Meles, 390. 
Magpie, 28. Meliphagide, 102, 104. 
Malacoclemmys, 314. Mellivora, 390. 

Mammalia, dispersal of, 43; distri- | Melonites, 151. 
bution of, 333; Arctic, 70; of the | Meniscoessus, 335. 
Holaretic realm : of the Eurasiatic | Menobranchus, 306. 
division, 59-61, 69-72; of the Menodus, 372. 
American division, 62-65, 72,73; | Menopoma, 306, 311 
of the Neotropical realm, 74-77,  Menuridee, 101. 

80, 81; of the Ethiopian realm, Mephitis, 390. 

83-87, 89, 90; of the Oriental | Merganser (fossil), 332. 

realm, 91-94, 96, 97; of the Aus- Meriones, 355. 

tralian realm, 98-100; of the Merops, 87, 94, 106. 

Polynesian realm, A038, 104; of Merychyus, 382. 

the Mediterranean region, 105. Mesohippus, 371, 872. 
Mammalian descent, line of, 176. Mesonyx, 393. 


Mesopithecus, 400. 

Mesoplodon, 342, 345. 

Metridium, 242. 

Metriorhynchus, 329. 

Miacis, 393. 

Mice, 354, 355, 364. 

Micraster, 168. 

Microlabis, 151. 

Microlestes, 334. 

Micromeryx, 381. 

Microsyops, 348, 403. 

Midas, 396. 

Migration of birds, 39, 40; of fishes, 
41; of reptiles, 41; of quadru- 
peds, 40, 41. 

Minivet, 94. 

Mink, 390. 

Miohippus, 371, 372. 

Mionornis, 333. 

Miopithecus, 397. 

Mixodectes, 403.” 

Mniotiltide, 66. 

Mole (Talpidee), 347. 

Mole-rats, 357. 

Molgophis, 311. 

Mollusea, dispersal of, 53; longevity 
of, 543 Arctic, 70; of lakes, 131; 
fresh-water, earliest, 209; of 
American coast, 216, 217; of 
British coast, 216; of French 
coast, 216; of Iberian coast, 216; 
of Norwegian coast, 216; Japan- 
ese, 216, 217; Mediterranean, 
216, 218; Indo-Pacific, 217; Ant- 
arctic, 219; distribution of, 258 ; 
indicating climate, 224. 

Molluscan provinces, 258. 

Moloch, 318. 

Molossus, 349. 

Molothrus, 66. 

Monachus, 3891. 

Mongoose, 385. 

Monitor, 319. 

Monkeys, 75; distribution of, 393. 

Monk-fish (Rhina), 295. 


Monoceros, 344. 
Monograptus, 145. 
Monopleura, 169. 
Monotremata, distribution of, 333. 
Montlivaltia, 158. 
Moose, 881. 
Morelia, 326. 
Mormyride, 89. 
Moropus, 338. 
Morosaurus, 161. 
Mosasaurus, 169. 
Moschus, 380. 
Motacillidee, 66. 
Motmot, 78. 
Mound-builder, 95, 101, 104. 
Mouse-deer, 376. 
Mullet, 104, 292. 
Mullet-king (Apogon), 296. 
Muntjac, 381. 
Murchisonia, 148, 269. 
Muricidee, 169, 270. 
Mus, 354, 355, 364. 
Muscardinus, 357. 
Muscicapide, 65, 79. 
Musk-deer, 380. 
Musk-ox, 206, 379. 
Musk-rat, 357, 365. 
Musophaga, 87. 
Mustela, 390. 
Myacites, 209, 395. 
Myide, 168. 
Myliobatis, 297, 300. 
Mylodon, 359, 
Mynah, 94. 
Myodes, 357. 
Myogale, 28, 347, 348. 
Myolagus, 364. 
Myopotamus, 360. 
Myoxidee, 357, 364. 
Myriapoda, geological distribution of, 
Myrmecobiide, 99. 
Myrmecobius, 99. 
Myrmecophaga, 337. 
Mysarachne, 347. 

INDEX. 425 

Mystriosaurus, 329. 
Mytilide, 148, 166, 207, 271. 

Naiadites, 209. 
Narica, 269. 
Narwhal, 344. 
Nasua, 390. 
Natica, 166, 207, 262, 269. 
Nautilus, 137, 145, 192, 207, 213, 265- 
Neera, 263. 
Necrolemur, 348, 403. 
Nectarinea, 87, 94, 102, 106. 
Nectarophila, 94. 
Necturus, 306. 
Nematocarcinus, 112. 
Neobalena, 345. 
Neolimulus, 279. 
Neophron, 106. 
Neoplagiaulax, 336. 
Neotropical realm, 78. 
Neritina, 166, 209, 211. 
Nesokerodon, 363. 
Nesokia, 355, 
Nestor, 102. 
Neurogymnurus, 347. 
Neuroptera, 279, 282, 283. 
Neurotrichus, 348. 
Newt, 306. 
Night-ape, 395, 396. 
Nightingale, 65, 70. 
Nimravus, 385. 
Noctiluca, 122. 
Notelephas, 366. 
Nothosaurus, 159. 
Notidanus, 297, 300. 
Notornis, 333. 
Nototherium, 336. 
Nuculide, 148, 207, 263, 271. 
Numidine, 88. 
Nummulites, 152, 173, 189. 
Nuthatch (fossil), 65, 330. 
Nutria, 390. 
Nycticcbus, 401. 
Nycticejus, 351. 

Nyctiornis, 94, 
Nyctipitnecus, 395, 396. 
Nylghau, 378. 

Obolella, 255. 

Obolus, 145, 257. 
Oceanic basins, permanency of, 220. 
Ocelot, 383. 

Oculina, 248, 249. 
Odontopteryx, 331. 
Odontornithes, 330. 
Oeningen, insects of, 284. 
Olenus, 146. 

Oligobunis, 388. 

Olividie, 169, 270. 
Omphyma, 143. 

Onager, 370. 

Onchus, 142, 300. 
Onychogale, 96. 
Onychoteuthis, 138. 
Ophibolus, 323. 
Ophiderpeton, 310, 311. 
Ophidia, distribution of, 320. 
Ophidiidee, 299. 
Ophioderma, 166. 
Ophioglypha, 166. 
Ophiophagus, 322, 32d. 
Ophiosaurus, 316. 
Ophiura, 111. 
Ophiurella, 166. 
Ophiuroidea (deep-sea), 111. 
Opisthocomus, 81. 
Opossum, 334. 

Oppelia, 267. 
Oracanthus, 152. 
Orbicella, 248. 
Orbiculina, 234. 
Orbitoides, 173. 
Orbitolites, 234. 
Orbulina, 109, 235-237. 
Orea, 343. 

Orcella, 343. 

Orders, distribution of, 32. 
Oreodon, 382. 
Oreopithecus, 400. 

426 INDEX. 

Oreortyx, 66. 

Orcosaurus, 32). 

Organist, 78. 

Oriental realm, 90. 

Oriole, 106. 

Ornithopoda, 162. 

Ornithorhynchus, 333. 

Orodus, 300. 

Orohippus, 371, 372. 

Orthis, 145, 255. 

Orthisina, 255. 

Orthoceras, 137, 189, 145, 156, 190, 
192, 265, 266. 

Orthoptera, 279, 283, 284. 

Orthotonius, 94. 

Orycteropus, 336. 

Oryx, 84, 377. 

Oscillatoriz, 120. 

Osteolepis, 149, 301. 

Osteopygis, 315. 

Osteornis, 331. 

Ostracoda, 126, 274. 

Ostrea, 166, 168, 211, 272. 

Ostrich, 32, 38, 88; American, 79; 
fossil, 332. 

Otaria, 391. 

Otis, 66. 

Otocyon, 386 

Otodus, 300. 

Otter, 390. 

Oudenodon, 159. 

Ounce, 383. 

Oustiti, 396. 

Ovibos, 379, 380. 

Owl, 19, 66, 69, 104; fossil, 331-333. 

Oxyena, 393. 

Oyster, earliest, 272. 

Paca, 861. 

Pachycyon, 388. 
Pachylemur, 403. 
Pachysimia, 375. 

Pacific, temperature of, 116. 
Palacodon, 348. 
Palearctic region, 56. 

Palemon, 275. 
Paloblattina, 146, 282, 283. 
Paleocampa, 286. 
Paleocetus, 344. 
Paleocherus, 374. 
Paleocircus, 351. 
Paleodictyoptera, 282. 
Paleolagu:, 365. 
Paleoluma, 376. 
Paleolemur, 348, 402. 
Paleomeryx, 381. 
Palzoniscus, 302. 
Paleonyctis, 393. 
Paleopalemon, 148, 275. 
Palophis, 327. 
Paleophoea, 393. 
Paleophoncus, 146, 285. 
Paleopithecus, 400. 
Paleorbis, 208. 
Paloreas, 378. 
Palzornis, 88. 
Paleornithide, 95. 
Paleortyx, 331. 
Palxoryx, 378. 
Paleosaurus, 155. 
Paleosiren, 311. 
Paleospalax, 348. 
Paleospiza, 331. 
Paleosyops, 372. 
Paleotherium, 371. 
Paleotragus, 378. 
Paleotringa, 330. 
Palwozoic faunas, 156. 
Palamedea, 81. 
Palapteryx, 333. 
Palasterina, 135. 
Palechinus, 151. 
Palephemera, 282, 283. 
Palestine, birds of, common to Eu- 
rope, 106. 
Palinurus, 122. 
Paludestrina, 264. 
Paludina, 69, 166. 
Pangolin, 336, 337. 
Panochthus, 339. 


Panther, 383, 384. 

Paractis, 241. 

Paracyathus, 245. 

Paradise-bird, 190, 107. 

Paradiseine, 100, 140, 146, 276-278. 

Paradoxurus, 385. 

Parahyus, 374. 

Parakeet, 78, 95, 101. 

Parameles, 99. 

Parameryx, 376. 

Parasmilia, 244. 

Parasorex, 346. 

Paridee, 65, 107. 

Parrots, 39, 88, 95, 101; fossil, 332. 

Partridge, 66, 69, 72. 

Pastor, 94, 106. 

Pauxi, 81. 

Pavo, 97. 

Pavonaria, 251. 

Pavonia, 247, 248. 

Peachia, 242. 

Peacock, 95, 97. 

Peccary, 5, 374. 

Pecchiolia, 263. 

Pecten (Pectinide), 169, 207, 263, 272. 

Pedetes, 358. 

Pelagic fauna (oceanic), 119; of 
lakes, 127-180. 

Pelagornis, 330. 

Pelecan (fossil), 332. 

Pelias, 71. 

Pelion, 310. 

Peltocaris, 273. 

Peneus, 275. 

Pennatulids, 251. 

Pentacrinus, 157, 166. 

Pentamerus, 145. 

Pentremites, 151. 

Perch (Perea), 68, 69, 288. 

Perdix, 66. 

Pericrocotus, 94. 

Permian fauna, 154. 

Perodicticus, 402. 

Persia, birds of, common to Europe, 
106. : 


Petalodus, 300. 

Petaurista, 99. 

Petrogale, 99. 

Petromyzon, 68. 
Phacocherus, 374. 

Phacops, 146. 

Phalanger, 99. 
Phalangistidee, 99. 
Pharyngobranchii, 299. 
Phascolarctos, 99. 
Phascolomyidee, 100. 
Phascolotherium, 335. 
Phasianidee, 95, 100. 
Phasianus, 66. 

Phasmide, 283. 

Pheasant, 66, 95, 100; fossil, 332. 
Phenacodus, 368, 372. 
Phillipsia, 141, 151, 277. 
Philodryas, 90. 

Phoea, 392, 393. 
Pholadomyide, 166, 168, 272. 
Phragmoceras, 145. 
Phrynosoma, 317. 
Phylloceras, 166, 267. 
Phyllodactylas, 316, 318. 
Phylograptus, 145. 
Phyllopoda, 274. 
Phyllornithide, 94. 
Phyllostomide, 352. 

Physa, 69, 261. 

Physalia, 120. 

Physeter, 842. 

Picide, 66, 100. 

Pie, 65. 

Pigeon, 66, 102, 1045 fossil, 332. 
Pig-rat, 355. 

Pika, 28, 362. 

Pike (Esox), 68, 69, 288, 303. 
Pilot-fish, 297. 

Pilot-whale, 343. 

Pimelodus, 89, 289. 
Pinacoceras, 267. 

Pinna, 207. 

Pipa, 310, 312. 

Pipe-tish (Syngnathus), 293, 803. 


Pipride, 78. 

Pithecia, 395. 
Pityophis, 828. 
Placodus, 159. 
Plagiaulax, 335. 
Plagiodontia, 360. 
Plaice, 294. 
Planorbis, 69, 166, 209, 261, 264. 
Plantain-eater, 87. 
Platanista, 341. 
Platephemera, 146. 
Platidactylus, 316. 
Platyceras, 148. 
Platycereus, 101. 
Platyerinus, 151. 
Platydia, 253, 255. 
Platygonus, 374. 
Platyrhina, 393. 
Plectrophanes, 70. 
Plesiarctomys, 364. 
Plesiocetus, 345. 
Plesiochelys, 164, 815. 
Plesiosaurus, 159, 162. 
Plesiosorex, 347. 
Plethodon, 306. 
Pleurosternum, 815. 
Pleurotoma, 262, 263. 

Pleurotomaria, 138, 148, 166, 207 

Pleurotomide, 169, 270. 
Pliauchenia, 376. 
Pliohippus, 371, 872. 
Pliopithecus, 400. 
Pliosaurus, 162. 
Ploceus, 83, 100, 104. 
Plutonia, 276. 
Pocillopora, 247-249. 
Poebrotherium, 376. 
Poephaga, 379. 
Pogonodon, 385. 
Polar-bear, 389. 
Polecat, 390. 
Polymastodon, 836, 
Polynesian realm, 103. 
Polyplectron, 97. 


Polypterus, 89, 291, 301. 
Polysiphonia, 241. 
Polystomella, 235. 
Pompadour, 78. 
Pontoporia, 841. 
Porcupine, 361, 362, 365. 
Porcupine-fish, 297, 303. 
Porgy (Pagrus), 294. 
Porites, 144, 247-249. 
Porpita, 120. 

Porpoise, 343. 

Portax, 378. 

Portuguese man-of-war, 120, 
Potamocheerus, 374. 
Potamogale, 26, 346. 
Potoroo, 99. 

Potto, 402. 

Pouched-rat, 357. 
Pourtalesia, 112. 
Pourtales Plateau, 116. 
Prieostrea, 272. 
Prairie-dog, 359. 
Prestwichia, 278. 
Primates, distribution of, 393. 
Primitia, 140. 

Priodon, 338. 
Prionitide, 78. 
Prisciturben, 144, 
Priscodelphinus, 345. 
Proboscidea, distribution of, 365. 
Proboscis-monkey, 399. 
Procamelus, 876. 
Procervulus, 381. 
Preeyon, 390. 
Productus, 148, 214. 
Proetus, 141, 151, 277. 
Prong-horn, 877. 
Prophoca, 393. 
Propithecus, 401. 
Proscorpius, 285. 
Protareea, 144, 
Protechimys, 363. 
Proteles, 383. 
Proterosaurus, 320. 
Proteus, 806, 311. 

Protolabis, 376. 
Protolycosa, 151, 286. 
Protophasma, 150, 282. 
Protopithecus, 399. 

Protopterus, 89, 291, 302, 304. 

Prototalpa, 348. 
Protornis, 331. 
Protriton, 310. 
Provivera, 393. 
Prox, 381. 
Psammodus, 800. 
Psammophis, 71. 
Pseudzlurus, 385. 
Pseudalopex, 387. 
Pseudastacus, 275. 
Pseudemys, 314. 
Pseudo-Neuroptera, 282, 
Pseudopus, 316. 
Psophia, 81. 
Psittacus, 88. 
Ptarmigan, 66, 70. 
Pteranodon, 169. 

Pteraspis, 142, 149, 299, 301. 

Pterichthys, 149, 301. 
Pterocles, 71. 
Pterodactyl, 163, 164, 169. 
Pteromys, 359. 
Pteropoda (pelagic), 120. 
Pteropus, 352, 353. 
Pterosauria, 163, 172. 
Pterygotus, 148, 278, 279. 
tilocereus, 845. 
Ptilopus, 102. 
Ptiloris, 101. 
Ptilotis, 102. 
Ptychoceras, 168. 
Ptychodus, 300. 
Puff-adder, 88. 
Pullenia, 235, 236. 
TPulmonata, 269. 
Pulvinulina, 2385. 
Puma, 383. 
Pupa, 150, 208, 212, 264. 
Purpuride, 166. 
Putorins, 390. 

INDEX. 429 

Pycnodontide, 94, 
Pyecnodus, 302. 
Pycnonotide, 107. 
Pyranga, 78. 

Pyrocystis, 122. 
Pyrosoma, 120. 

Pyrrhula, 70. 

Pyrula, 269. 

Python, 325, 326. 
Pythonomorpha, 169, 172, 

Quagga, 370. 

Quail, Californian, 66. 
Quail (fossil), 330. 
Quinqueloculina, 237, 

Rabbit, 363, 364. 

Raccoon, 390. 

Radiolaria, 109. 

Radiolites, 169. 

Rail (fossil), 330, 332. 

Rana, 307, 808, 312. 

Rangifer, 381, 382. 

Rasse, 385. 

Rastrites, 145. 

Rat, 198, 355, 364. 

Ratel, 390. 

Rattlesnakes, 67, 322, 323. 

Raven, 19, 79. 

Ray (Raja). 293, 294, 299, 300. 

Receptaculites, 236. 

Red Sea, color of, 120. 

Redstart, 65. 

Red-wing, 66. 

Regulus, 66. 

Reindeer, 37, 70, 381, 382. 

Reptiles, dispersal ot, 45 ; age of, 159; 
distribution of (see CuELonia, 
Crocopit1a, Lacrrtitta, Oput- 
pia); of the Holarctie realm, 66, 
67, 70, 71; of the Neotropical 
realm, 79, 80; of the Ethiopian 
realm, 88, 90; of the Oriental 
realm, 95, 96; of the Australian 
realm, 102; of the Polynesian 


realm, 104; of the Mediterranean 
region, 106. 
Requienia, 169. 
Rhabdoceras, 156, 268. 
Rhabdophyllia, 247. 
Rhamphastide, 78. 
Rhamphorhynchus, 163, 164, 
Rhamphosuchus, 329. 
Rhea, 80. 
Rhesus-monkey, 398. 
Rhinoceros, 368. 
Rhinochetide, 104. 
Rhinodon, 297. 
Rhinolophus, 352, 354. 
Rhipidomys, 356. 
Rhbizocrinus, 111. 
Rhizodus, 301. 
Rhynehocephala, 320. 
Rhynchonella, 145, 165, 188, 207, 252, 
Rhynchosaurus, 159. 
Rhytina, 340. 
Rhytiodus, 340. 
Rifle-bird, 101. 
Right-whale (Balena), 341. 
River-hog, 374. 
Robin, 65. 
Rockling (Motella), 294, 296. 
Rocky Mountain goat, 877. 
Rodentia, distribution of, 354. 
Roe, 381, 382. 
Rorqual, 341, 342. 
Rotalia, 237. 
Rotifera (of lakes), 127, 181. 
Rudiste, 169, 208, 272. 
Rugose corals, 143. 
Rupicola, 78. 
Rusa, 381. 

Sable, 390. 
Saccamina, 236. 
Saccomys, 365. 
Saccostomus, 357. 
Sageceras, 156, 267. 
Saiga, 377. 


Saki, 395. 

Salamander, 306, 312. 
Salenidee (deep-sea), 111. 
Salmon (Salmo), 68, 69, 288. 
Salpa, 120. 

Sandpiper (fossil), 330, 382. 
Sandwich Islands, birds of the, 50. 
Sanguinolites, 271. 

Saniva, 320. 

Sao, 146. 

Sapajou, 395. 

Sarcolemur, 348. 
Sarcorhamphus, 73, 79. 
Sauranodon, 162. 
Sauropoda, 161. 

Saw-bill, 78. 

Saw-fish (Pristis), 300. 
Scalops, 348. 

Scapanus, 348. 

Scaphaspis, 299, 301. 
Scaphites, 168, 267. 
Seaphopoda, 263. 
Scarabeide, 284. 
Sceleporus, 317. 
Scelidosaurus, 162. 
Scelidotherium, 339. 
Schizopoda (deep-sea), 112. 
Scincus, 320. 

Sciurodon, 364. 

Sciuromys, 365. 
Sciuropterus, 359. 

Sciurus, 358, 364, 365. 
Scopelide, 297-299. 
Scorpxnide, 296. 
Scorpions, 285. 

Scotophis, 323, 324. 
Sereamer, 81. 

Sculpin, 68. 

Scyllium, 294, 299, 300. 
Sea-anemones, distribution of, 240. 
Sea-cows, 339. 

Sea-devils, 297. 
Sea-elephant, 392. — 
Sea-fans, 251. 

Sea-horse (Hippocampus), 294, 297. 

INDEX. 431 

Seal, 22, 891. 

Sea-lion, 391. 

Sea-otter, 390. 

Sea-perch (Serranus), 294, 296. 

Sea-urchins, 111, 168. 

Secretary-bird, 88. 

Selache, 297. 

Sclasphorus, 78. 

Selenodonta, 373, 375. 

Semele, 263. 

Semioptera, 107. 

Semnopithecus, 394, 398, 399. 

Serpentarius, 88. 

Serpents, dispersal of, 45; distribu- 
tion of, 320. 

Serval, 384, 

Sewellel, 360. 

Shark, 293, 297, 299, 300. 

Sheep, 379, 380. 

Shrew, 345, 346. 

Shrike, 65, 100. 

Sialia, 66. 

Siamang, 397. 

Siderastraea, 249. 

Siderina, 248, 

Sieboldia, 306, 311. 

Sigmodon, 356. 

Silurian fauna, 142. 

Silurida, 68, 80, 89. 

Simosaurus, 159. 

Siphonia, 168. 

Siren, 306, 811. 

Sirenia, distribution of, 339. 

Siskin, 70. 

Sistrurus, 323. 

Sittidz, 65, 107. 

Sivatherium, 377. 

Skink (Eumcces), 316. 

Skip-jack, 297. 

Skipper, 297. 

Skunk, 4, 390. 

Slimonia, 148, 278. 

Sloths, 337. 

Smelt (Osmerus), 294, 303. 

Snapper (Mesoprion), 296. 

Snipe (fossil), 332. 

Snow-partridge, 66. 

Solenidse, 272. 

Solenodon, 346. 

Soles (Rkombus, Pleuronectes, Solea), 
294, 296, 

Solitaire (Pezophaps), 333. 

Somateria, 69. 

Sonoran transition region, 106. 

Sorex, 346. 

Spalacide, 357. 

Sparrow, 65, 1975; fossil, 332. 

Species, appearance of, 190; extine- 
tion of, 197; distribution of, 17- 
26; ancient migrations of, 220, 

Spelerpes, 306. 

Spermophile, 359. 

Sperm-whale, 341, 342. 

Spherexochus, 278, 

Spherulites, 169. 

Sphargis, 313. 

Sphenodon, 320. 

Sphenotrochus, 2438. 

Spheroidina, 109, 235, 236. 

Spice-bird, 78. 

Spider-monkey, 394, 395. 

Spiders, 285. 

Spiny-mice, 355. 

Spiny-rats, 360. 

Spirifer, 145. 

Spiriterina, 165. 

Spirula, 20. 

Sponges (deep-sea), 110; Cretaccous, 

Sprat. (Clupea), 295. 

Springbok, 84, 877. 

Squalodon, 344. 

Squaloraja, 300. 

Squatina, 300. 

Squirrel, 358, 365. 

Squirrel-monkey, 395. 

Stag, 881, 382. 

Stagonolepis, 328. 

Standard-wing, 107. 

432 INDEX. 

Staphylinide, 69, 284. 

Star-fishes, 111, 135, 166. 

Star-gazer (Uranoscopus), 294. 

Starling, 66, 79, 94. 

Steatornis, 18. 

Stegocephala, 310. 

Stegodon, 366. 

Stegosaurus, 162. 

Stellarida, 135. 

Stellio, 71, 316. 

Stencofiber, 864, 365. 

Steneosaurus, 329. 

Stephanoceras, 166, 267. 

Stephanophyllia, 243, 245. 

Stereognathus, 835. 

St. Helena, birds of, 50. 

Stickleback (Gasterostcus), 68, 288. 

Stone-hateh, 107. 

Stork (fossil), 332. 

Strepomatidee, 24, 

Streptclasma, 148. 

Strigopide, 102. 

Stromatopora, 145. 

Strombide, 166, 169. 

Strophalosia, 148. 

Strophites, 148, 208. 

Strophodus, 300. 

Strophomena, 145. 

Struthio, 79, 88. 

Sturgeon (Accipenser), 66, 69, 289, 

Sturnide, 66, 79. 

Stylacodon, 335. 

Stylarza, 144. 

Stylina, 247. 

Stylodon, 835. 

Stylonurus, 278, 279. 

Sucker, 68. 

Sucker (Catostomus), 289, 291. 

Sugar-bird, 78. 

Summer-redbird, 78. 

Sun-bird, 94. 

Sun-fish (Orthagoriscus), 68, 297. 

Surmullets (Mullus), 294. 

Surnia, 69. 

Sus, 374. 

Swallow, 65, 104. 
Swallow-shrike, 104. 
Swan (fossil), 333. 

Swift, 66, 104. 

Sword-tish, 297. 
Sylviade, 65, 88, 94. 
Symborodon, 372. 
Symplectes, 88. 
Synchronism, geological, 227. 
Syringopora, 143, 151, 249. 
Syrrhaptes, 71. 

Tabulate corals, 143, 251. 

Tailor-bird, 88, 94. 

Talapoin, 397. 

Talpa, 847, 348. 

Talpavus, 348. 

Tamandua, 337. 

Tamias, 309, 365. 

Tanager, 78. 

Tanganyika, Lake, fauna of, 212. 

Tantilla, 323. 

Tapir (Tapirus), 28, 369. 

Tapiravus, 369. 

Tapirulus, 369. 

Tarsier (Tarsius), 401. 

Tarsipes, 100. 

Tatouay, 337. 

Tattler (fossil), 332. 

Tatusia, 337. 

Taxidea, 390. 

Tectonarchine, 101. 

Tciide, 319. 

Telegallus, 101. 

Telerpeton, 320. 

Teleosaurus, 829. 

Tellinide, 168, 272. 

Temnocyon, 388. 

Terebratella, 165, 252, 255. 

Terebratula, 148, 165, 188, 207, 252- 
255, 260. 

Terebratulina, 183, 252, 258, 255, 260. 

Tcrebride, 270. 

Terrapin, 814. 

Tertiary fauna, 11, 171. 
Testudo, 314, 315. 
Tetragonolepis, 302. 
Tetrao, 66. 
Tetraogallus, 66. 
Teuthide, 268. 
Teuthopsis, 138, 166. 
Textor, 88. 
Textularia, 237. 
Thalassarctos, 389. 
Thalassemys, 315. 
Thalassochelys, 313. 

Thamnastreea, 157, 247. 

Thaumalia, 66. 

Thecidium, 253, 255, 257. 

Theeocyathus, 244. 

Thecodontosaurus, 160. 

Thecosiphonia, 168. 
Thecosmilia, 157, 247. 
Thelodus, 142, 300. 
Theridomys, 363, 364. 
Theriodontia, 159. 
Theropithecus, 398. 
Theropleura, 154. 
Theropoda, 162. 
Thinohyus, 374. 
Thoracosaurus, 329. 
Thous, 387. 
Thrasaetos, 79. 
Thrush, 65, 100, 104. 
Thunder-worm, 317. 
Thyiacirus, 99. 
Thylacoleo, 336. 
Tiger, 5, 18, 35, 36. 
Timalide, 94, 107. 
Tinamide, 78. 
Tinamou, 78. 
Tinoceras, 367. 
Tinoporus, 234. 
Tipulide, 283, 284. 
Tit, 22, 65, 107. 
Titanichthys, 149. 

Titanophasma, 150, 282. 

Titanotherium, 372. 
Toad, 307, 312. 

INDEX. 433 

Tolypeutes, 338. 

Tomistoma, 328. 

Tomitherium, 348. 

Toothed-carps (Cyprinodonts), 290. 

Toucan, 78. 

Toxoceras, 168. 

Tragoceros, 878. 

Tragopan, 66, 95. 

Tragulus, 376. 

Tree-frog, 307, 309. 

Tremarctos, 389. 

Triacodon, 348. 

Triassic fauna, 156. 

Trichecus, 391. 

Trichiulus, 151, 286. 

Trichodesmium, 120. 

Trichoglossus, 101. 

Triconodon, 335. 

Trigonia, 199. 

Trigoniade, 166. 

Trigonocephalus, 71. 

Trilobites, appearance and disappear- 
ance of, 200; distribution of, 

Trinucleus, 146, 277. 

Trionychide, 314. 

Trionyx, 315. 

Triton (Amphibia), 306, 307, 312. 

Triton (Mollusca), 260. 

Tritonide (Mollusca), 169, 270. 

Tritylodon, 335. 

Trochide, 166. 

Trochilus, 78. 

Trochoceras, 192. 

Trochocyathus, 243, 245. 

Trochosmilia, 245. 

Troglodytes, 18, 396, 397. 

Trogon, 31, 78, 95. 

Tropidonotus, 67, 321, 822, 324, 

Trout, 290. 

Troxites, 283. 

Trumpeter, $1. 

Trumpet-fish (Centriscus), 295. 

Trunk-fish (Ostracion), 303. 


Trygon, 294, 300. 
Tubipora, 148, 247. 
Tunicata (pelagic), 120. 
Tunny, 297. 

Tupaia, 345. 

Turaco, 87. 

' Turbinolide, 242. 
Turbo, 207. 

Turbot, 294. 

Turdidee, 65. 

Turkey, 66; fossil, 332. 
Turkey-buzzard, 66. 
Turnix, 106. 

Turrilites, 168, 267. 
Turtle-dove, 102. 
Turtles, distribution of, 313. 

Type-structure, persistence of, 207. 

Typhlopide, 322, 325. 

Tyrannus (Tyrannide), 66, 79. 
Tyrant-shrike, 66, 79. 

Tyrolites, 267. 

Tyrrhenian transition region, 195. 
Tze-tze, ravages of, 206. 

Uintatherium, 367. 

Umbra, 288. 

Umbrella-bird, 78. 

Umbrine, 294. 

Uncites, 148. 

Ungulata Artiodactyla, 373. 
Ungulata Perissodactyla, 368. 

Unio (Unionidee), 69, 209, 211, 261. 

Upupa, 106. 

Uraster, 166. 

Urocordylus, 155. 

Urodela, distribution of, 306. 
Uromys, 100. 

Uropeltide, 326. 

Urotrichus, 348. 

Ursus, 339. 

Urus, 379. 

Uta, 317. 

Vallonia, 265. 
Valvata, 69, 209. 


Vampyres, 349, 352. 
Varanidw, 319. 

Velella, 120. 

Veneride, 168, 272. 
Ventriculites, 168. 
Vertigo, 265. 
Vesper-mice, 355. 
Vespertilio, 349, 351, 354. 
Vesperugo, 349, 351, 354. 
Vespide, 284. 

Vicuna, 375. 

Vidua, 88. 

Viper (Viperus), 67, 71, 821, 324. 
Viscacha, 24, 361. 
Viverra, 385. 
Viverricula, 385. 
Vivipara, 209, 211. 

Vole, 356, 365. 

Volutide, 270. 

Vulture, 66, 88, 100, 106. 

Wactail, 66; fossil, 332. 
Waldheimia, 255, 257. 
Walrus, 391. 

Wanderoo, 398. 

Wapiti, 381, 382. 

Warbler, 65, 88, 94, 100, 104. 
Wart-hog, 374. 

Wasps, 279, 284. 
Water-buck, 84. 

Water-mole, 347. 

Weasel, 390. 

Weaver-bird, 72, 88, 100, 104. 
Whales, distribution of, 341. 
White-whale, 344. 

Whvydah, 88. 

Wild-eat, 384. 

Wolf, 18, 387. 

Wolf-fish (Anarrichas), 293, 294. 
Wolverine, 390. 

Wombat, 100. 

Woodchuck, 359, 365. 
Woodpecker, 66, 100; fossil, 332. 
Wood- warbler, 66. 

Worms (of lakes), 131. 

Xenodiscus, 156, 267. 

Xenoneura, 146, 282. 
Xiphodon, 382. 
Xylobius, 151, 286. 

Yak, 379. 
Yellow-hammer, 70. 

Zalophus, 391. 
Zamenis, 321. 
Zanclodon, 160. 

Zaphrentis, 143, 151. 

INDEX. 435 

Zapus, 358. 
Zarachis, 345. 
Zebra, 370. 

Zebu, 92. 
Zeuglodon, 344. 
Ziphius, 342, 345. 
Zoarees, 294. 
Zonites, 150, 208. 
Zoological regions, definition of, 56. 
Zorilla, 390. 
Zygobatis, 300. 


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