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EARL  WARREN,  Governor 


WARREN  T.  HANNUM,  Director 


OLAF  P.  JENKINS.  Chief 



APRIL  1953 






Containing  a  section  on  economic  geology 

by  James  C.  Brice  and  J.  Grant  Goodwin 




To  His  Excellency 

The  Honorable  Earl  Warren 
Governor  of  the  State  of  California 

Sir  :  I  have  the  honor  to  transmit  herewith  Bulletin  166,  Geology  of 
Lower  Lake  Quadrangle,  California,  prepared  under  the  direction 
of  Olaf  P.  Jenkins,  Chief  of  the  Division  of  Mines,  Department  of  Natural 
Resources.  In  addition  to  a  descriptive  text,  the  bulletin  includes  also  a 
colored  detailed  geologic  map  and  other  maps,  charts,  and  photographs. 
The  report  represents  the  results  of  an  investigation  by  James  C.  Brice 
who  carried  on  the  work  in  fulfillment  of  the  requirements  of  the  doctorate 
at  the  University  of  California.  Supplementing  the  descriptive  geology 
is  a  section  on  economic  mineral  deposits,  prepared  in  part  by  J.  Grant 
Goodwin,  a  member  of  the  staff  of  the  Division  of  Mines. 

The  Lower  Lake  quadrangle  lies  nearly  wholly  in  Lake  County,  though 
the  southwest  corner  enters  Sonoma  County.  Economic  minerals  de- 
scribed include  quicksilver,  sulphur,  chromite,  asbestos,  borax,  diato- 
maceous  earth,  manganese,  copper,  crushed  rock  for  cement  blocks, 
vesiculated  obsidian  for  plaster  sand,  and  gravel  for  aggregate. 

This  bulletin  represents  one  of  the  results  of  the  Division  of  Mines' 
many  cooperative  projects  with  the  University  of  California. 

Respectfully  submitted, 

Warren  T.  Hannum,  Director 

Department  of  Natural  Resources 
December  8, 1952 




Abstract 7 

Introduction   7 

Geography 9 

Stratigraphy  and  petrography 10 

Franciscan-Knoxville  sequence 11 

Petrology  of  the  sedimentary  rocks 11 

Petrology  of  the  igneous  rocks 14 

Metamorphism   18 

Stratigraphic  relations  and  origin 21 

Age  and  correlation 22 

Cretaceous  (undifferentiated)   23 

Lithology 23 

Stratigraphic  relations  and  origin 26 

Martinez  (Paleocene)  rocks 27 

Tejon  (Eocene)  rocks 29 

Cache  beds 30 

Clear  Lake  volcanic  series 34 

Quaternary  deposits 50 

Alluvium  50 

Landslide  and  talus  deposits 50 

Terrace  deposits 50 

Geomorphology 51 

Geologic  structure 55 

Folding    56 

Faulting 57 

Geologic  history 58 

Economic  geology 60 

Asbestos 60 

Borax 61 

Chromite 61 

Clay  61 

Copper 61 

Diatomaceous  earth   62 

Gem  materials 62 

Manganese    62 

Mineral  springs 62 

Quicksilver   62 

Soda 04 

Rock,  sand  and  gravel 64 

Index 68 


Plate  1.  Geologic  map  of  Lower  Lake  quadrangle In  pocket 

2.  Economic  Map  of  Lower  Lake  quadrangle In  pocket 

3.  Photomicrographs  of  Franciscan  sandstone between  32  and  33 

4.  Photomicrographs  of  acidic  lava between  32  and  33 

5.  Photomicrographs  of  inclusions  in  Clear  Lake  lava between  32  and  33 

6.  Photo  of  quartz  inclusions  in  olivine  basalt between  32  and  33 

7.  Structure  sections  across  Lower  Lake  quadrangle In  pocket 

Figure  1.  Index  map  showing  location  of  Lower  Lake  quadrangle 8 

2.  Generalized  columnar  section 12 

3.  Variation  diagram  of  Cl:ar  Lake  lavas 45 


By  James  C.  Bkice  * 


The  Lower  Lake  quadrangle  comprises  an  area  of  about  240  square  miles,  located 
in  the  midst  of  the  California  Coast  Ranges  some  70  miles  directly  north  of  San  Fran- 
cisco in  Lake  and  Sonoma  Counties.  The  topography  is  varied,  being  mountainous  in 
the  western  part  and  hilly  elsewhere,  except  for  several  irregular  flat-bottomed  valleys. 
Prominent  mountains  in  the  western  part  are  built  of  large  bulbous  protrusions  of 
acid  lava ;  and  flows  of  more  basic  lava  extend  across  the  quadrangle,  forming  rolling 
highlands  fringed  by  cliffs  and  talus-slopes.  In  the  areas  underlain  by  pre-volcanic 
rocks,  the  broad  valleys  are  incongruous  with  the  otherwise  early  mature  landscape,  and 
are  believed  to  have  originated  by  downwarping  or  subsidence  along  boundai'y  faults. 
A  similar  origin  is  postulated  for  the  basin  which  Clear  Lake  occupies. 

The  oldest  rocks  exposed  are  gray  wackes,  shales,  serpentine,  and  greenstone  assigned 
to  the  Upper  Jurassic  Franciscan  group.  These  rocks  are  in  fault  contact  with  the 
younger  Upper  Jurassic  Knoxville  group,  which  is  similar  in  lithology  but  contains  a 
larger  proportion  of  shale.  The  Knoxville  shales  grade  upward  without  significant  break 
into  massive  yellow-brown  graywackes  and  mudstones  of  Cretaceous  age,  which  are 
unconformably  overlain  by  massive  feldspathic  sandstones  bearing  Martinez  Paleocene 
fossils.  The  Martinez  rocks  are  overlain  by  white  conglomeratic  sandstone  bearing  a 
fossil  assemblage  which  suggests  correlation  with  the  restricted  Tejon  formation.  The 
record  here  was  interrupted  for  the  remainder  of  Tertiary  time,  to  be  resumed  by 
the  deposition  of  fresh-water  gravels  and  silts  of  the  Plio-Pleistocene  Cache  formation. 
Widespread  diastrophism  occurred  during  this  Tertiary  interval,  as  the  Cache  beds 
unconformably  overlie  all  older  rocks.  The  upper  part  of  the  Cache  beds  includes 
pyroclastic  rocks  and  intercalated  lava  flows ;  they  mark  the  beginning  of  a  volcanic 
epoch  which  continued  intermittently  through  the  Pleistocene. 

The  volcanic  rocks  range  in  composition  from  olivine  basalt  to  obsidian,  and  include 
intermediate  types  of  hybrid  mineralogy.  It  is  suggested  that  both  mixing  of  magma 
and  contamination  by  sedimentary  material  were  involved  in  the  petrogenesis. 
Plagioclase  phenocrysts  differing  in  composition  are  associated  in  many  of  the 
dacites,  and  some  dacites  contain  magnesian  olivine  in  association  with  quartz.  Much 
of  the  olivine  basalt  and  andesite  is  quartz-bearing,  and  locally  contains  in  addition 
aluminous  and  siliceous  xenoliths. 

At  the  present  time,  the  only  minerals  being  produced  commercially  in  the  Lower 
Lake  quadrangle  are  crushed  rock  for  cement  blocks,  vesiculated  obsidian  for  plaster 
sand,  and  gravel  for  aggregate.  Six  quicksilver  mines  have  produced  approximately 
126,550  flasks  of  mercury,  most  of  which  came  from  the  Sulphur  Bank  mine  just  off 
the  northern  edge  of  the  quadrangle.  Moderate  reserves  of  low  grade  ore  still  exist. 
This  mine  also  produced  2,000,000  pounds  of  sulfur  valued  at  $53,500.  Other  minerals 
produced  commercially  in  small  quantities  include  chrysotile  asbestos,  chromite,  and 
borax  of  which  small  reserves  exist.  Diatomaceous  earth,  manganese,  and  copper 
prospects  are  known,  but  no  production  has  been  recorded.  Health  resorts  in  the 
vicinity  of  mineral  springs  are  a  major  source  of  income  in  this  area. 


Location  and  Accessibility.  The  Lower  Lake  quadrangle  is  located 
in  the  midst  of  the  California  Coast  Ranges,  about  70  miles  directly  north 
of  San  Francisco.  The  parallels  38°45'  to  39°0'  North  and  the  meridians 
122°  30'  to  122  °45'  West  constitute  its  border  lines,  enclosing  an  area  of 
about  240  square  miles.  Except  for  a  few  square  miles  in  the  southwest- 
ern corner,  which  lie  within  Sonoma  County,  the  quadrangle  lies  entirely 
within  Lake  County.  Paved  state  or  county  roads  offer  easy  access  to 
most  portions  of  the  quadrangle,  and  these  are  supplemented  by  numer- 
ous graded  roads  leading  to  resorts  or  ranches ;  but  the  almost  unin- 
habited region  between  Cache  Creek  and  Rocky  Creek  must  be  reached 
by  trail. 

*  Washington  University,  St.  Louis    Missouri.  Condensation  of  a  thesis  for  the  degree, 
Doctor  of  Philosophy,  University  of  California  at  Berkeley,  1950. 



[Bull.  166 

Figure  1.     Index  map  of  part  of  northern  California  showing  location  of  Lower  Lake 
quadrangle  (heavy  lines)  and  recently  published  geologic  maps  (light  lines). 

The  principal  towns  of  the  quadrangle  are  Middletown  (pop.  450) 
in  the  Collayomi  Valley,  and  Lower  Lake  (pop.  875)  at  the  southeastern 
end  of  Clear  Lake,  In  addition,  there  are  numberous  year-round  resorts 
and  summer  homes  at  Clear  Lake  Park,  Clear  Lake  Highlands,  and  else- 
where around  the  lake;  and  the  number  of  permanent  residents  is 
increasing.  Besides  the  resorts  on  Clear  Lake,  there  are  many  resorts 
in  the  highlands  which  offer  the  benefits  of  mountain  scenery,  pleasant 
summer  climate,  and  medicinal  spring  waters.  The  resort  business,  com- 
mercial production  of  walnuts  and  plums,  and  stockraising,  are  the 
principal  occupations  of  people  living  in  the  region. 

Methods  of  Investigation.  A  total  of  about  30  weeks  was  spent  in  field 
mapping,  during  the  summers  of  1947,  1948,  and  1949.  Geologic  map- 
ping was  done  on  the  1945  edition  of  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle,  scale 
1 :62,500,  contour  interval  50  foet.  Complete  coverage  of  the  area  by 
aerial  photograph,  scale  approximately  1 :20,000,  provided  further  con- 
venience and  accuracy  in  mapping,  and  most  contacts  were  plotted  on 
these  photographs  as  well  as  on  the  quadrangle  sheet. 

Acknowlcih/cmcnts.  I  wish  to  (>xprcss  my  gratitude  to  faculty  mem- 
bers of  the  Department  of  Geology  and  of  the  De])artment  of  Paleontology 
of  the  University  of  California,  for  their  guidance  in  the  carrying  out 


of  this  study.  Especial  thanks  are  due  N.  L.  Taliaferro  and  Charles  M. 
Gilbert  for  assistance  in  the  field,  and  F.  J.  Turner  for  advice  on  petro- 
graphic  problems.  Howel  Williams  very  kindly  read  the  section  on  Clear 
Lake  volcanic  rocks,  and  made  many  helpful  suggestions.  The  graduate 
student  research  fund  of  the  Department  of  Geological  Sciences  of  the 
University  of  California  furnished  generous  financial  assistance,  which 
largely  paid  living  expenses  incurred  during  the  field  work. 

Previous  Geological  Work.  The  geology  of  the  northern  part  of  the 
Lower  Lake  quadrangle  was  mentioned  by  AVhitney  (1865),  described  in 
reconnaissance  fashion  by  Becker  (1888),  described  in  part  by  Dickerson 
(1914),  and,  with  regard  to  volcanic  rocks,  mapped  and  described  in 
detail  by  Anderson  (1936).  The  geology  of  the  central  part  apparently 
has  been  neither  mapped  nor  described  in  the  literature.  The  geology  of 
the  southern  part  has  been  mapped  in  reconnaissance  fashion  by  Forstner 
(1903)  ;  and  an  area  of  about  8  square  miles  in  the  southwestern  corner 
has  recently  been  mapped  in  detail  by  geologists  of  the  United  States 
Geological  Survey  (Yates  and  Ililpert,  1946;  Bailey,  1946). 

Becker  described  the  general  geology  of  the  Clear  Lake  region,  with 
special  reference  to  the  quicksilver  deposits.  His  report  includes  the 
petrography  of  the  lavas  (with  analyses) ,  the  petrography,  stratigraphy, 
origin,  and  metamorphism  of  the  sediments,  and  the  origin  of  Clear  Lake. 
Forstner,  in  his  studies  of  the  quicksilver  resources  of  California,  made 
sketch  maps  which  included  the  southern  parts  of  the  quadrangle.  The 
faunal  lists  presented  in  Dickerson 's  w^ork  are  valuable,  but  the  geologic 
map  is  a  sketch  map,  and  the  descriptions  of  formations  are  incomplete. 
A  part  of  the  present  study  is  intended  to  supplement  Anderson 's  work, 
by  mapping  the  same  ground  on  the  accurate  topographic  sheet  now 
available,  and  by  further  study  of  the  interesting  and  diverse  Clear  Lake 
volcanics.  The  geologic  map  accompanying  the  report  on  the  Mayacmas 
Quicksilver  District,  by  Yates,  Hilpert,  and  Bailey,  extends  into  the 
Lower  Lake  quadrangle.  This  overlapping  ground  was  remapped,  but 
little  change  was  made  in  the  more  detailed  parts  of  the  Mayacmas  map. 


Relief  and  Drainage.  The  highest  point  in  the  quadrangle  is  the  top 
of  Cobb  Mountain,  at  an  elevation  of  4722  feet.  Other  prominences  are 
Mt.  Hannah  (elevation  3978),  Seigler  Mountain  (elevation  3681),  and 
Brushy  Sky  High  (elevation  3195).  The  lowest  measured  point,  on  the 
nearly  level  floor  of  Coyote  Valley,  stands  at  an  elevation  of  963  feet.  The 
valley  floors  are  in  general  strikingly  flat,  and  bordered  by  steep-sided 
hills  which  rise  abruptly  at  the  valley  margin.  The  crest  of  the  northwest- 
trending  Mayacmas  Kange  crosses  the  southwestern  corner  of  the  quad- 
rangle, forming  a  divide  which  diverts  nearly  all  of  the  drainage  eastward 
into  the  Sacramento  Valley.  Sulphur  Creek,  which  crosses  the  corner  of 
the  quadrangle  beyond  the  crest  of  the  Mayacmas  Eange,  is  the  only 
stream  draining  westward  into  the  Russian  River.  All  of  the  drainage 
into  the  Clear  Lake  hydrographic  basin  flows  northwestward  through 
Cache  Creek;  the  flow  is  controlled  by  the  Clear  Lake  Water  Company 
Dam,  which  is  located  at  a  sharp  bend  in  the  creek  about  3  miles  east  of  the 
lower  end  of  Clear  Lake.  Putah  Creek  drains  the  southern  half  of  the 
quadrangle,  carrying  the  water  eastward  to  the  Sacramento  Valley  by  a 
devious  route.  Because  the  rainfall  is  seasonal,  the  tributaries  of  Cache 


Creek  are  mostly  intermittent  streams ;  exceptions  are  those  tributaries 
that  are  fed  by  permanent  springs. 

Climate  and  Vegetation.  Climatic  data  recorded  by  the  U.  S.  Weather 
Bureau  observers  for  a  period  of  about  20  years  ending  in  1930,  may  be 
summarized  as  follows:  precipitation  (recorded  at  Clear  Lake),  yearly 
average  21.2  inches,  of  which  18.3  inches  fell  in  the  period  November  1- 
March  31;  temperature  (recorded  at  Upper  Lake),  average  for  year,  57 
degrees;  highest  monthly  average,  74  degrees  in  July;  lowest  monthly 
average,  44  degrees  in  January;  highest  temperature  recorded.  111  de- 
grees in  July;  lowest  temperature  recorded,  13  degrees  in  January  and 

The  distribution  of  different  types  of  vegetation  is  influenced  by  the 
soil,  by  the  character  of  the  underlying  rock,  by  the  available  water,  by 
altitude,  and,  in  some  localities,  by  chance.  If  one  of  these  factors  be  held 
constant,  the  vegetation  will  vary  by  influence  of  the  others,  except  that 
the  assemblage  growing  on  serpentine  varies  only  slightly.  The  following 
characteristic  associations  have  been  noted:  (1)  The  chaparral  or  brush, 
which  consists  principally  of  chamise  (Adenostoma) ,  manzanita,  and 
buckthorn.  This  association  appears  on  serpentine  (where  chamise  and 
manzanita  predominate),  on  the  lava  at  the  lower  elevations  (where 
chamise  and  buckthorn  predominate),  and  on  the  hilly  regions  underlain 
by  a  diversity  of  rock  types.  (2)  The  oak  and  grassland  association,  which 
appears  on  the  floors  of  the  larger  valleys,  where  large  valley  oaks  are 
nicely  spaced  and  ground  is  carpeted  with  wild  oats,  perhaps  accompanied 
by  tarweed  (Hemizonia)  and  the  star  thistle.  In  the  hilly  regions,  where 
less  moisture  is  available,  the  wild  oats  are  accompanied  by  scrub  oaks. 
(3)  The  pine  forests,  interrupted  by  an  occasional  patch  of  manzanita, 
appear  on  the  highlands  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  area. 

The  growth  of  the  brush  seems  capricious  in  many  places,  and  not 
altogether  dependent  on  either  available  moisture  or  on  soil ;  for  a  single 
slope  may  be  covered  by  thick  brush  and  open  grassland  in  random  distri- 
bution. In  general,  however,  the  northern  slopes  are  the  more  brushy; 
about  one-fourth  of  the  region  is  covered  with  thick  brush. 


The  rocks  of  this  quadrangle  may  be  grouped  according  to  origin  into 
three  main  kinds :  marine  geosynclinal  rocks  ranging  in  age  from  Upper 
Jurassic  to  Paleocene ;  fresh-water  continental  gravels  and  silts  of  Plio- 
Pleistocene  age  which  accumulated  in  a  structural  basin ;  and  Pleistocene 
volcanic  rocks.  Although  deposition  in  the  marine  geosyncline  was  essen- 
tially continuous  until  the  end  of  Cretaceous  time,  its  character  changed 
from  strongly  volcanic  in  Franciscan  time,  when  extensive  deposits  of 
submarine  lavas  were  poured  out,  to  less  volcanic  in  Knoxville  time,  to 
non-volcanic  in  Cretaceous  time.  Large  bodies  of  serpentine  intruded  the 
Mesozoic  sediments,  but  do  not  appear  in  the  Cretaceous.  The  Paleocene 
geosyncline  was  much  more  restricted  than  its  predecessor,  but  its 
deposits  are  similar  to  earlier  deposits,  although  cleaner  and  better 
sorted.  The  geosynclinal  sediments  are  almost  exclusively  graywackes 
and  shales,  which  accumulated  to  a  total  estimated  thickness  of  25,000 
to  30,000  feet.  Measurement  of  thickness  is  precluded  by  poor  exposures 
and  structural  complications. 


Franciscan- Knoxville  Sequence 

For  purposes  of  geologic  mapping  in  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle,  the 
Franciscan-Knoxville  sequence  as  defined  by  Taliaferro  (1941),  has  been 
here  separated  into  two  units,  the  Franciscan  group  and  the  Knoxville 
group.  The  Franciscan  group  consists  principally  of  graywacke,  with 
a  moderate  proportion  of  interbedded  shale,  and  minor  amounts  of 
chert  and  conglomerate.  Greenstones  and  intrusive  serpentine  rock 
are  abundant,  but  subordinate  in  amount  to  sediment.  Zones  of  shearing 
and  of  hydrothermal  veining  are  numerous,  so  that  a  considerable  part 
of  the  sediment  is  sheared  or  crumpled,  and  veining  is  common.  No  fossils 
were  found  in  these  rocks.  The  lithological  assemblage  corresponds  fairly 
well  with  Taliaferro's  first  and  second  stages  of  the  Franciscan-Knoxville 

The  Knoxville  group  is  distinguished  from  the  Franciscan  by  its 
predominance  of  shale,  which  occurs  in  a  ratio  of  about  4:1  with  the 
interbedded  graywacke.  Conglomerate  is  prominent  in  the  exposures 
east  of  Lower  Lake,  but  rare  elsewhere.  Extensive  serpentine  bodies 
nearly  equal  the  sediment  in  areal  extent,  and  are  more  prominent  than 
in  the  Franciscan,  but  greenstones  are  relatively  rare.  Shear  zones  are 
uncommon,  and  where  present  the  shearing  is  weaker  than  in  the  Fran- 
ciscan. An  Upper  Jurassic  (Tithonian)  age  is  indicated  by  specimens  of 
Buchia  (Aucella)  piochii  (Gabb),  which  were  found  at  several  localities 
in  the  Knoxville  rocks  east  of  Lower  Lake.  The  lithological  assemblage 
corresponds  fairly  well  with  Taliaferro's  third  and  fourth  stages  of 
the  Franciscan-Knoxville  sequence. 

Petrology  of  the  Sedimentary  Rocks 

Rocks  of  the  Franciscan  and  Knoxville  groups  are  here  described  to- 
gether, because  they  are  lithologically  similar;  the  distinction  between 
them  lies  not  in  difference  in  rock  type,  but  rather  in  differences  in 
relative  abundance  of  sandstone  and  shale. 

Sandstone.  Structural  and  textural  features  are  not  usually  apparent 
on  outcrops  of  Franciscan  sandstone,  having  been  obscured  by  incipient 
recrystallization  and  by  complex,  fine-scale  fracture  systems.  The  sand- 
stone is  locally  laminated  with  dark  siltstone,  or  interbedded  with  shale. 
The  unweathered  sandstone  is  typically  yellow  gray  to  dark  greenish 
gray ;  the  weathered  sandstone  is  light  yellow  to  yellow  red,  and  has  a 
distinctive  greasy  luster,  probably  caused  by  the  weathering  of  micaceous 
and  chloritic  minerals  in  the  matrix.  The  microscope  shows  that  sorting 
is  poor,  with  the  grains  ranging  from  the  lower  sand  limit  up  to  about 
1  millimeter.  Coarse-grained  sandstones  occur  locally,  especially  in  as- 
sociation with  conglomeratic  zones.  The  grains  are  angular  to  sub- 
rounded,  and  slivers  of  quartz  are  not  uncommon.  Grain  boundaries 
are  usually  indistinct,  and  appear  to  merge  with  the  matrix,  which  is 
typically  a  murky  yellow-brown  paste  composed  of  silt,  micas,  chlorites, 
and  a  small  amount  of  clay.  The  bulk  of  the  matrix  is  composed  of 
particles  of  silt  size,  resolvable  under  the  microscope ;  the  clay  fraction 
has  apparently  been  removed  by  sorting  and  deposited  elsewhere.  The 
matrix  is  not  so  abundant  as  to  separate  entirely  the  larger  grains,  which 
are  commonly  in  contact  at  corners  and  locally  along  surfaces.  In  some 
specimens,  grains  are  locally  interlocked.  Chemical  cement  of  any  kind 
is  rare,  but  one  of  the  slides  examined  is  partly  cemented  with  carbonate, 



[BuU.  166 





Alluvium,  londslides, 
ond  lerroce  deposits 

Ooi.  oi».  01  - 

Gravel,  sand,  silt,  clay;  lanlulldee  are 
inofltly  volcanic  debris  emd/or  serpentine 

Quartz-,  olivine-,  and  sanldlne-bearlng 
dacitlc  and  andeeltlc  lavas 

Black,  rhyolltlc 

Black,  siliceous,  glassy 

RhyoHtlc  flows  and  tuffs 

Dork  gray  porphyrltlc  andesltlc  lavas 

Andesltlc  flows  bearing  xenocrysts  of  quartz 
and  xenollths  of  aluminous  rocks 

Mostly  quart 2 -bearing 

White  coarse-  to  fine-grained  tuff 

Fresh-water  deposits  of  gravel,  silt,  and 
clay,  except  near  top  of  section  where 
tuffaceous  sediments,  marl,  limestone, 
and  dlatcmlte  predominate 

W^.lte  conglomeratic  sandstone 

Shale  at  top;  conglomerate  and  sandstone, 
yellow  feldspathlc  sandstone;  white 
feldspathic  sandstone  at  base 


Sllty,  yellow-brown  feldspathlc  sandstone, 
Interbedded  with  about  an  equal  asount  of 

-Sequence  concealed  • 



1 0,000  ± 

Mostly  gray  shale  Interbedded  with  smaller 
amounts  of  graywacke-type  sandstone; 
conglomerate  locally  prominent,  little 
chert,  greenstone,  and  schist.  Large 
bodies  of  serpentine 

Mostly  graywacke-type  sandstone,  Bome 
shale  and  conglomerate,  little  chert; 
intruded  by  serpentine  (sp)  and 
greenstone  (gs).  Scattered  areas  of 
glaucopbane  schist 

FKiUHE  2.     Generalized  columnar  section  of  Lower  Lake  quadrangle. 


A  yellow-brown  micaceous  mineral  having  fairly  uniform  optical  prop- 
erties is  abundant  in  the  matrices  of  most  of  the  sandstones  that  were 
studied.  The  mineral  was  separated  from  two  specimens  by  use  of  a 
magnetic  separator,  and  found  to  be  faintly  pleochroic  from  light  yellow- 
ish brown  to  dark  yellowish  brown,  with  a  maximum  birefringence  of 
about  0.028,  very  small  2V,  optically  (-),  Ny  about  1.61.  These  prop- 
erties indicated  that  the  mineral  is  transitional  between  chlorite  and 
biotite,  and  its  occurrence  suggests  strongly  that  it  is  authigenic. 

Approximate  percentages  of  the  principal  mineral  constituents  were 
estimated  from  thin  sections  of  sandstones,  with  the  following  results: 
8/ 19      8/2S      8/29     8/96 A    8/188    8/201  Average 

Quartz 40  20  20  20  12  15  21 

Feldspar    15  15  20  15  15  20  17 

Rock  fragments 15  45  30  15  55  30  32 

Matrix  (including 

cement  if  present)—  25  20  30  50  15  35  29 

Rock  fragments  of  diverse  lithologic  type  are  characteristic  of  the  sand- 
stones. Fragments  of  mudstone  and  chert  are  most  numerous,  but 
igneous  porphyries  are  common.  Typically  the  porphyries  contain  tiny 
laths  of  feldspar  in  a  microcrystalline  groundmass,  and  are  altered  to 
chlorite.  Schist  fragments  of  many  kinds  are  found  in  most  specimens. 
Much  of  the  quartz  is  dusty  with  small  inclusions,  but  some  is  clear. 
Most  feldspar  is  somewhat  cloudy,  and  some  is  much  altered  to  sericite, 
but  nearly  clear  feldspar  appears  together  with  altered  feldspar  in  some 
of  the  slides.  Most  of  the  feldspar  is  twinned  but  not  zoned,  and  is  in  the 
oligoclase-andesine  composition  range ;  microcline  twinning  was  rarely 
observed.  The  heavy  minerals  were  not  specifically  studied,  but  biotite  is 
abundant  in  many  slides,  and  minerals  of  the  epidote-clinozoisite  group 
appear  in  most  of  the  slides.  Carbonized  wood  fragments  are  locally 
abundant,  but  were  not  seen  generally  disseminated  through  the  sand- 
stone. It  is  noteworthy  that  a  high  proportion  of  rock  fragments  to 
quartz  and  feldspar  is  characteristic  of  the  Franciscan-Knoxville  sand- 
stones of  this  area. 

Shale.  Franciscan  shales  are  typically  dark  gray  and  silty,  and  occur 
as  laminations  or  relatively  thin  layers  interbedded  with  sandstone. 
The  Knoxville  group  is  characterized  by  thick  sections  of  nodular  gray 
to  greenish-gray  clay  shales,  commonly  containing  nodules  or  thin  beds 
of  dark  fine-grained  limestone ;  but  one  thick  section  consists  of  alter- 
nating beds  of  clay  shale  and  fine-grained  sandstone. 

Conglomerate.  Scattered  rounded  pebbles  appearing  from  place  to 
place  in  the  soil  of  areas  underlain  by  Franciscan  rocks  indicate  that 
conglomerates  are  present;  but  well-exposed  Franciscan  conglomerate 
was  found  at  only  one  place.  In  Bear  Canyon,  about  three-fourths  of 
a  mile  south  of  Anderson  Springs,  the  conglomerate  crops  out ;  here  it 
is  composed  of  rounded  pebbles,  cobbles,  and  a  few  boulders  in-  a  sand- 
stone matrix.  Of  the  lithologic  types  represented,  dark  fine-grained 
volcanic  rocks  are  most  abundant,  and  these  are  accompanied  by  smaller 
amounts  of  chert,  shale,  greenstone,  sandstone,  and  quartz. 

In  the  Knoxville  group,  a  conglomeratic  zone  about  1  mile  wide  extends 
from  the  southern  part  of  Soda  Creek,  near  the  middle  of  the  eastern 
border  of  the  quadrangle,  to  J^xcelsior  Valley,  about  4  miles  to  the  north- 

14  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

west.  The  conglomerate  is  in  general  poorly  sorted,  interbedded  with  gray- 
wacke  (which  also  forms  tlie  matrix) ,  and  constituted  principally  of  chert, 
dense  porphyritic  volcanic  rocks,  and  quartz.  A  noteworthy  conglomerate, 
of  probable  intraformational  origin,  crops  out  on  Soda  Creek,  south  of 
Hill  1550 ;  it  consists  of  large  angular  to  subangular  pieces  of  graywacke, 
up  to  2  feet  across,  cemented  into  a  mosaic  pattern  by  a  scant  matrix  of 
sand  and  rounded  pebbles.  To  the  northwest,  in  the  same  conglomeratic 
zone,  felsic  plutonic  rocks  are  conspicuous  in  the  conglomerate ;  these  are 
best  seen  near  Hill  2155,  where  a  thickness  of  about  400  feet  of  conglom- 
erate interbedded  with  graywacke  is  well  exposed.  Pebble  conglomerate 
is  most  common,  the  pebbles  consisting  of  the  usual  dark  cherts  and  por- 
phyries, but  certain  beds  contain  well-rounded  boulders  of  felsic  plutonic 
rocks,  embedded  in  a  matrix  of  graywacke,  or  these  boulders  may  appear 
singly  in  a  bed  of  the  massive  graywacke.  Most  of  the  boulders  consist  of 
coarse-grained  granitic  rocks,  but  diorite,  gabbro,  and  limestone  are 

Limestone.  Limestone,  occurring  as  thin  beds  or  round  nodules, 
usually  associated  with  shale,  is  a  minor  constituent  of  the  Knoxville 
group,  but  was  not  seen  in  the  Franciscan.  Typically  it  is  dense  and  dark 
gray  on  fresh  surfaces,  although  weathered  surfaces  may  be  yellow  or 
light  gray.  Fossils,  mostly  of  species  of  Buchia,  are  abundant  in  some 
of  the  nodules. 

Chert.  Chert  is  not  a  prominent  constituent  of  the  Franciscan-Knox- 
ville  sequence  in  this  quadrangle,  although  it  appears  as  discontinuous 
bands  or  as  large  isolated  blocks  throughout  the  area  of  Franciscan-Knox- 
ville  rocks.  Similar  Franciscan  chert  beds  have  been  described  by  Davis 
(1918,  pp.  235-432)  and  by  Taliaferro  (1933).  It  is  usually  interbedded 
with  shale,  but  the  shale  partings  may  be  very  thin.  The  texture  is  micro- 
crystalline,  and  specimens  are  typically  traversed  by  innumerable 
limonite-stained  fracture  planes  and  by  veinlets  of  clear  quartz.  The 
cherts  appear  in  many  striking  hues,  of  which  red  and  green  are  most 

Petrology  of  the  Igneous  Rocks 

The  Franciscan  and  Knoxville  groups  of  this  area  are  intruded  by, 
and  interbedded  with,  various  types  of  basic  and  ultrabasie  igneous  rocks 
which  are  not  found  in  the  overlying  Cretaceous  rocks.  Of  the  intrusive 
rocks,  the  serpentinized  ultrabasie  rocks  are  by  far  the  most  abundant, 
cropping  out  over  some  25  percent  of  the  total  Franciscan-Knoxviile 
area,  as  great  irregular  bodies  only  slightly  elongated  in  the  direction  of 
regional  strike,  or  as  long  narrow  sill-like  bodies.  A  single  large  lenticular 
body  of  gabbro  and  diabase  crops  out  immediately  west  of  Harbin 
Springs,  apparently  intruded  between  Knoxville  shale  and  serpentine. 
A  small  sill  of  diabase  intrudes  Knoxville  shales  north  of  Middletown, 
where  it  is  associated  with  larger  bodies  of  diabase  intrusion  breccia. 
Locally,  diabase  also  appears  within  or  on  the  borders  of  serpentine 
masses.  Altered  volcanic  rocks,  called  greenstones  in  this  report,  occur  as 
flows  interbedded  with  sediments  and  as  small  intrusive  bodies. 

Serpentine  Rock.  The  serpentine  rocks  may  be  best  studied  along 
State  Highway  53,  from  1  mile  to  about  3  miles  northeast  of  Middletown, 
where  the  highway  cuts  across  the  strike  of  the  serpentine  bodies.  These 


exposures  present  a  cross-section  of  the  lithology  and  structure  of  ser- 
pentine in  this  area,  and  they  yield  more  information  than  the  natural 
outcrops.  About  a  mile  northeast  of  Middletown,  a  deep  cut  has  been 
made  through  a  narrow  serpentine  body  intrusive  into  Knoxville  shale. 
Closely  spaced  shear  planes  in  the  serpentine  dip  steeply  to  the  north  (as 
do  the  intruded  sediments) ,  and  bands  of  light  serpentine  mark  the  planes 
of  strongest  shearing.  The  texture  is  generally  sugary,  but  is  locally  very 
fine  grained.  Disseminated  flecks  of  chromite  are  more  or  less  abundant, 
and  may  become  concentrated  and  streaked  along  shear  planes,  forming  a 
banded  structure.  Some  of  the  rock  is  penetrated  by  finely  reticulating 
veinlets  of  chrysotile.  About  a  mile  to  the  north,  the  highway  cuts  through 
an  extension  of  a  large  serpentine  body,  exposing  irregularly  fractured 
dark  olive  green  rock  which  is  only  locally  sheared.  Magnesite  veins  were 
observed  here,  the  largest  of  which  was  half  an  inch  wide  and  about  12 
feet  long.  The  serpentine  is  very  fine  grained,  and  contains  an  abundance 
of  finely  divided  chromite,  of  which  tiny  segregations  give  the  rock  a 
mottled  appearance.  A  contact  of  the  serpentine  with  the  intruded  Knox- 
ville shales  is  exposed  in  the  next  road  cut,  adjacent  to  B.M.  1030.  Both 
shale  and  serpentine  have  been  strongly  sheared  at  the  contact.  Very 
massive  serpentine,  fractured  into  large  blocks  but  little  sheared,  appears 
in  the  last  cut  of  the  sequence,  just  south  of  B.M.  963.  Weathered  surfaces 
and  fracture  planes  are  white  to  light  green,  whereas  the  unweathered 
rock  is  olive  green.  Notable  here  are  relict  textures  of  the  original  coarse- 
grained ultrabasic  rock,  especially  the  conspicuous  shiny  yellow-green 
pseudomorphs  of  serpentine  after  enstatite  (bastite). 

The  petrology  and  structure  of  the  serpentine  is  thus  variable  from 
place  to  place.  Whatever  the  nature  of  the  original  ultrabasic  rock,  it  has 
been  everywhere  replaced  by  serpentine.  By  far  the  most  common  type 
consists  of  coarse,  shiny  bastite  in  a  fine-grained  matrix,  probably  derived 
from  peridotite  or  related  coarse-grained  rocks.  The  sugary -textured  and 
aphanitic  types,  probably  derived  from  dunites,  are  less  common.  Dis- 
tinctively different  aspects  of  the  serpentine  have  been  produced  by  dif- 
ferent degrees  and  kinds  of  deformation :  (1)  strongly  sheared  pale-green 
or  white  serpentine,  in  which  relict  textures  are  destroyed,  and  which 
commonly  appears  along  contacts;  (2)  angular  to  rounded  boulders  in  a 
matrix  of  sheared  serpentine;  (3)  massive  serpentine,  little  sheared,  but 
fractured  into  large  irregular  blocks. 

Four  representative  specimens  were  selected  for  microscopic  study,  and 
in  the  identification  of  serpentine  minerals,  the  data  of  Self  ridge  (1936) 
were  followed.  Thus  identified,  none  of  the  slides  contain  antigorite,  but 
are  formed  entirely  of  the  mineral  serpentine,  whose  mesh  structure 
suggests  that  the  original  rocks  were  rich  in  olivine.  A  common  type  shows 
birefringent  patches  of  fibrous  bastite  set  in  a  pale  brownish-yellow, 
complexly  veined  groundmass  exhibiting  distinct  hourglass  structure  and 
containing  relicts  of  augite  and  enstatite.  Replacement  relationships  in- 
dicate that  the  fibrous  bastite  has  formed  from  enstatite,  and  that  the 
hourglass  structure,  which  Selfridge  relates  to  bastite  structure,  has 
formed  from  augite.  Another  slide  shows  large  birefringent  patches 
of  fibrous  bastite  in  a  groundmass  of  mesh  structure  serpentine,  and 
the  remaining  two  are  almost  entirely  of  mesh  structure  serpentine. 
Chromite  and  picotite  are  normal  accessories,  and  some  specimens  appear 
black  in  hand  specimen  because  of  an  abundance  of  chromite. 


The  strong  shoarinp:  at  contacts  of  serpentine  bodies  sngrfjests  that  they 
have  been  scjueezed  into  their  present  positions  as  mobile  masses  of  rock 
by  movements  following:  orijrinal  intrusion,  coolinjr,  and  emplacement.  No 
thermal  eflFects  of  serpentine  upon  wall  rocks  were  observed,  although 
metasomatic  effects  from  solutions,  perhaps  emitted  from  serpentine 
bodies  at  depth,  are  locally  strong.  None  of  the  rocks  mapped  as  Cre- 
taceous show  the  metasomatic  effects  which  are  common  in  Jurassic  rocks. 

Diabase  Intrusion-Breccia.  In  the  area  of  Knoxville  sediments  along 
Iligliway  53, 1  to  2  miles  northeast  of  Middletown,  three  bodies  of  diabase 
breccia  form  conspicuous  steep-sided  hills,  on  and  about  which  large 
boulders  of  the  resistant  breccia  are  scattered.  The  area  of  the  smallest 
is  12  acres,  and  that  of  the  largest,  which  is  located  just  northwest  of 
B.M.  1040,  is  20  acres.  The  roughly  oval  outcrops  are  elongated  almost 
at  riglit  angles  to  the  strike  of  the  enclosing  sediment,  suggesting  that 
the  foi-m  is  that  of  a  discordantly  intrusive  plug.  Concordant  layers  of 
the  same  breccia,  however,  crop  out  as  interbeds  witli  shale  in  the  nearby 
i-oad  cuts ;  they  range  in  thickness  from  a  few  inches  up  to  about  25  feet, 
and  grade  horizontally  into  beds  of  shale.  The  fragments  forming  the 
intrusive  bodies  are  entirely  unsorted,  varying  in  size  from  small  pebbles 
to  angular  blocks  5  feet  in  diameter,  and  are  embedded  in  a  scant  fine- 
grained diabasic  matrix.  Every  variation  in  shape  and  roundness  is 
represented,  although  most  fragments  are  angular  to  subangular;  the 
smaller  fragments  are  generally  more  rounded  than  are  the  larger.  The 
texture,  also,  varies  widely,  from  very  fine  diabasic  to  very  coarse 
gabbroic,  but  tlie  fine  textures  predominate.  The  evidence  indicates  that 
tlie  breccias  resulted  from  intrusion  of  pluglike  bodies  through  un- 
consolidated sediments,  onto  the  sea  floor,  and  that  the  viscous  breccia 
extruded  from  the  vent  flowed  for  a  short  distance,  forming  concordant 
beds  which  were  covered  by  later  sediment.  Similar  breccias  intrusive 
into  Franciscan  rocks  have  been  described  by  Iluey  (1048)  in  the  Tesla 
quadrangle,  which  is  about  80  miles  to  tlie  south. 

Diabase  and  Oabbro.  In  addition  to  the  diabase  described  above, 
which  is  older  than  the  serpentine,  bodies  of  basic  igneous  rock  are 
associated  with  tlie  serpentine,  as  large  independent  intrusive  masses, 
and  as  border  phases  and  differentiates  grading  into  the  serpentine. 
A  large  body  of  diabase  and  gabbro.  over  2  miles  long  by  about  half  a 
mile  w^ide,  crops  out  in  the  area  immediately  west  of  Harbin  Springs, 
where  it  forms  a  ridge  surmounted  by  a  number  of  prominent  knobs. 
Textures  of  the  rock  vary  from  fine-grained  diabasic  to  very  coarse- 
grained pegmatitic ;  and  the  relative  proportion  of  pyroxene  to  feldspar 
varies  considerably  from  place  to  place.  T'nder  the  microscope,  an  average 
specimen  was  seen  to  be  a  medium-grained  diabase  composed  entirely 
of  intergrown  diallage  and  calcic  plagioclase  (Aus.-)  in  about  equal 
amounts.  This  gabbro-diabasic  body  lies  between  a  large  sill-like  body 
of  .serpentine  and  Knoxville  shale.  The  shale  is  not  metamorphosed 
beyond  induration  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  contact,  and  silicifi- 
cation  in  narrow  vein-like  extensions  reaching  several  hundred  feet 
from  the  contact.  The  contact  between  the  gabbro-diabase  body  and  the 
serpentine  is  not  well  exposed,  but  local  jiegmatitic  phases  of  gabbro 
appear  to  extend  into  the  serjientine,  suggesting  emplacement  of  gabbro 
and  diabase  between  the  shale  and  serpentine. 


Greenstone.  The  general  term  p;reenstone  is  applied  to  a  variety  of 
greenish  to  dark  greenish-gray  rocks  of  megaseopically  indeterminate 
mineral  composition,  which  are  derived  from  volcanic  rocks  and  which 
are  generally  similar  in  color,  specific  gravity,  and  hardness.  Some 
Franciscan  areas  are  mainly  composed  of  such  greenstones,  but  poor 
exposures  do  not  permit  determination  of  the  relation  of  greenstones  to 
surrounding  sediments.  An  area  of  about  5  square  miles  northwest  of 
Burns  Valley  consists  of  greenstones  and  sediments  in  an  estimated 
ratio  of  9  :1,  and  is  shown  on  the  geologic  map  as  greenstone,  and  similar 
rocks  were  mapped  in  the  mountainous  country  east  of  Middletown. 
Innumerable  smaller  bodies  which  appear  throughout  the  Franciscan- 
Knoxville  sequence  M^ere  not  shown  on  the  geologic  map.  The  intrusive 
nature  of  many  of  the  smaller  bodies  is  indicated  by  a  plug  or  dikelike 
form  and  by  autobrecciated  structure.  Flows  ranging  in  thickness  from 
a  few  inches  to  several  feet  are  interbedded  with  shales  in  a  gully  about 
1000  yards  west  of  B.M.  1040,  2  miles  north  of  Middletown.  In  detail, 
the  greenstones  vary  in  appearance :  the  color  ranges  from  pale  greenish 
gray  to  nearly  black,  and  the  texture  ranges  from  entirely  aphanitic 
to  distinctly  porphyritic.  Variable  features  include  spots  of  various 
colors,  veining,  autobrecciated  structure,  or  mottling.  Pillow  structure, 
common  elsewhere  in  Franciscan  greenstone,  was  observed  in  one  locality 
only ;  such  features  are  here  mostly  concealed  by  rock  mantle. 

Of  twelve  specimens  from  various  localities  selected  for  microscopic 
study,  most  show  porphyritic  texture,  with  large  euhedral  to  subhedral 
phenocrysts  of  albite  or  augite,  or  both,  in  a  fine-grained  groundmass.  A 
diabasic  texture  appears  in  six  of  the  specimens,  and  a  granoblastic 
texture  in  two.  One  specimen  is  composed  almost  entirely  of  large  altered 
feldspar  phenocrysts,  with  scant  interstitial  material.  Patches  of  calcite 
or  of  chlorite,  which  may  represent  amygdule  fillings,  are  common. 
Most  of  the  specimens  are  cut  by  veins  or  quartz  or  albite,  or  of  both. 
All  of  the  feldspar  sufficiently  unaltered  to  be  determined  showed 
refractive  indices  less  than  balsam,  and  extinction  angles  appropriate 
to  albite.  More  accurate  determinations  of  indices  by  oils  were  not 
possible,  because  the  clouded  conditions  of  the  fragments  confused  the 
Becke  line.  The  Rittman  zone  method,  and  extinction  angles  of  albite 
twins,  were  used  in  the  determinations.  No  unaltered  feldspar  was  seen, 
and  the  alteration  ranges  from  almost  complete  to  slight.  Chlorite  is  the 
common  recognizable  alteration  product.  Augite,  commonly  titaniferous 
and  unaltered  but  uralitized  in  one  slide,  occurs  in  most  of  the  slides. 
Yellow  acmite  was  noted  as  phenocrysts  in  one  slide.  Green  or  greenish 
yellow  chlorite  is  an  abundant  and  ubiquitous  mineral.  Epidote  and 
clinozoisite  are  present  in  many  slides,  and  one  slide  is  composed  almost 
entirely  of  epidote  and  quartz.  Sphene,  finely  granular,  is  an  abundant 
constituent  of  most  of  the  slides.  It  is  commonly  accompanied  by 

Certain  features  of  the  greenstones  have  genetic  significance :  (1)  The 
feldspar  is  albitic,  and  is  commonly  associated  with  nearly  fresh  augite, 
chlorite,  and  sphene,  indicating  alteration  with  introduction  of  soda. 
(2)  The  usual  intricate  veining  indicates  tliat  solutions  have  moved 
freely  through  the  rocks.  (3)  The  diabasic  texture  of  many  greenstone 
bodies  suggests  that  they  are  intrusive.  Because  of  the  prevalence  of 
sodic  feldspar,  these  greenstones  are  classed  as  spilites.  Turner  has 

18  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

recently  (1948)  snmmarizod  current  opinion  on  the  orip:in  of  the  spilitic 
rocks  as  follows:  "Development  of  albite  in  spilites  is  usually  essentially 
a  metasomatic  process,  involving  addition  of  Na20  and  SiOo  and  com- 
plimentary removal  of  CaO  and  AloO.i.  Crystallization  of  albite  and 
aupite  from  a  spilitic  magma  is  also  admitted  as  a  possible  mode  of  origin 
for  the  albite-pyroxene  association  of  some  ophitic  albite  diabases."  An 
epidote-quartz  rock  from  Bald  Mountain  (I/120D)  was  probably  formed 
from  a  basic  flow  by  the  action  of  lime-rich  solutions  originating  from 
adjacent  cooling  spilites.  The  occurrence  of  such  rocks,  and  the  presence 
of  the  almost  ubiquitous  veining,  suggests  that  these  Franciscan-Knox- 
ville  spilites  are  metasomatized  volcanics. 


Regional  metamorphism  of  rocks  of  the  Franciscan-Knoxville  groups 
has  not  advanced  beyond  an  incipient  stage  which  is  evidenced  in  slight 
recrystallization  of  the  matrices  of  sandstones,  slight  shearing  which 
tends  to  cause  boundaries  of  individual  grains  to  become  a  little  indis- 
tinct, and  elongation  of  plastic  fragments  such  as  mudstones.  In  addition, 
quartz  fragments  commonly  show  strain  shadows,  and  the  twin  lamellae 
of  feldspars  are  commonly  distorted.  However,  in  local  zones  of  shear 
or  intrusion,  more  advanced  stages  of  metamorphism  are  reached,  as 
phyllonites  have  been  found  in  some  shear  zones,  and  completely  re- 
crystallized  schists  occur  locally  in  the  vicinity  of  intrusions. 

Local  Dislocation  Metamorphism.  The  Franciscan  area  southeast  of 
Cobb  Mt.,  comprising  about  18  square  miles,  is  crossed  by  a  large  number 
of  northwestward-trending  shear  zones,  marked  by  moderately  deformed 
rocks.  A  number  of  these  shear  zones  are  well  exposed  along  Bear  Canyon, 
where  they  vary  in  width  from  a  few  feet  to  a  few  tens  of  feet,  and  in 
intensity  from  degrees  marked  by  strong  crumpling,  to  others  marked 
by  slight  shearing.  Because  of  the  heavy  cover  of  soil  and  vegetation,  the 
shear  zones  cannot  be  traced  into  the  interstream  areas,  but  much  of  the 
float  there  is  schistose  sandstone.  It  appears  that  well  over  half  of  the 
Franciscan  sediments  in  this  local  area  have  undergone  some  degree  of 
deformation.  In  rocks  of  the  Knoxville  group,  dislocation  metamorphism 
was  observed  in  only  a  few  places,  and  these  are  in  the  vicinity  of  large 
faults.  The  deformation  in  the  Knoxville  is  restricted  to  slight  shearing, 
commonly  along  widely  spaced  slip  planes,  and  no  crumpling  was 

Since  this  deformation  of  the  Franciscan  is  confined  to  narrow  and 
irregularly  spaced  shear  zones,  true  metamorphic  zones  in  the  regional 
sense  cannot  be  mapped.  However,  products  of  different  degrees  of  this 
local  dislocation  metamorphism  correspond  with  products  of  low  grade 
regional  metamorphism  of  grayAvacke,  as  described  by  Ilutton  and 
Turner  (1936)  and  as  discussed  further  by  Turner  (1948).  In  the  rocks 
of  South  Westland,  New  Zealand,  the  index  minerals  in  order  of  increas- 
ing grade  for  metamorphic  derivatives  of  graywacke  are  chlorite,  biotite, 
and  oligoclase.  The  chlorite  zone  occupies  a  much  greater  area  than  the 
other  two  zones  combined. 

Metamorphism  Principally  hy  Metasomatism.  Many  prominent  knobs 
of  resistant  sedimentary  rock  rise  above  the  deeply  weathered  Franciscan- 
Knoxville  terrain,  and  the  question  arises  as  to  the  cause  of  their  rela- 


tively  greater  resistance  to  weathering.  Most  outcrops  of  such  resistant 
sediments  were  found  in  the  vicinity  of  exposed  serpentine  bodies,  and 
microscopic  examination  reveals  that  all  are  metasomatized  or  otherwise 
altered  by  the  intrusions.  Examples  of  replacement  by  carbonate,  by 
silica,  and  by  feldspar  have  been  found. 

In  the  bed  of  Palmer  Creek,  a  zone  of  white  crystalline  carbonate  rock 
up  to  20  feet  in  width  appears  in  the  midst  of  a  bed  of  pebble  conglomer- 
ate. Ghosts  of  replaced  conglomerate  pebbles  appear  throughout  the 
carbonate  rock;  and  locally,  unreplaced  or  partially  replaced  pebbles 
are  brought  into  relief  by  differential  weathering.  In  the  vicinity,  a  dike 
of  greenstone  a  few  feet  wide  terminates  in  a  calcite  vein  of  about  the 
same  width,  and  the  vein  tapers  out  gradually  along  a  length  of  some 
25  feet.  There  are  a  number  of  small  greenstone  bodies  nearby.  Micro- 
scopic examination  of  the  conglomerate  shows  partially  replaced  pebbles 
of  chert  and  mudstone  set  in  a  murky  carbonate  matrix,  which  contains 
patches  and  euhedral  crystals  of  clear  carbonate.  Similar  but  much  more 
extensive  zones  of  carbonate  replacing  conglomerate  occur  a  few  hundred 
yards  to  the  west.  There  are  many  examples  of  carbonate  replacing 
sandstone  throughout  the  Franciscan-Knoxville  sequence. 

An  example  of  large  scale  replacement  of  sandstone  by  silica  may  be 
seen  about  a  mile  northwest  of  Anderson  Springs ;  the  silicified  sandstone 
appears  as  a  steep  knob  about  100  feet  high,  located  about  300  yards 
from  a  large  serpentine  intrusion.  The  microscope  shows  that  the  gray- 
wacke  sandstone  is  intricately  veined  with  quartz  in  interlocking  crystals. 
These  veins  merge  into  the  matrix,  forming  clear  patches  of  small  inter- 
locking quartz  grains. 

Chlorite  has  replaced  sandstone  to  form  a  very  tough,  resistant, 
greenish-gray  rock  which  crops  out  prominently  in  the  region  a  mile 
north  of  Brushy  Sky  High.  Microscopic  examination  shows  unsorted 
coarse  fragments  of  rocks,  quartz,  and  feldspar  in  a  silty  matrix.  Pale 
greenish-yellow  veins  and  patches  of  antigorite  and  finely  crystalline 
chlorite  have  replaced  matrix  and  detrital  grains,  so  that  chlorite  com- 
prises about  one-third  of  the  rock. 

Large  scale  replacement  of  diabase  by  pectolite  may  be  seen  about  1^ 
miles  north  of  Middletown,  just  beyond  the  northernmost  corner  of  the 
CoUayomi  Grant.  Here  a  diabase  sill  forms  a  cliff  along  Putah  Creek; 
a  40-foot  thickness  of  the  sill  is  exposed,  to  its  upper  contact  with  the 
intruded  shales.  The  fine-grained  diabase  is  strongly  and  intricately 
veined  with  white  pectolite,  which  locally  forms  large  irregular  masses. 
To  the  east,  a  dike  of  pure  white  pectolite,  which  extends  several  hundred 
feet  and  reaches  a  maximum  width  of  about  30  feet,  crosses  a  body 
of  diabase  breccia. 

Induration  of  sediments  in  the  vicinity  of  serpentine  is  especially 
striking  in  the  SE^  of  sec.  32,  along  the  Big  Canyon  Creek  road.  Here 
the  indurated  sediments  form  a  number  of  very  steep,  prominent  knobs 
along  the  road.  Among  the  specimens  selected  for  microscopic  study, 
one  strongly  veined  gray  rock  showed  an  indistinct  diabasic  texture  in 
plain  light,  although  nearly  isotropic  under  crossed  nicols.  The  diabasic 
appearance  is  attributed  to  abundant  feldspar  microlites,  a  few  of  which 
are  well-formed  and  clearly  birefringent.  Small  angular  quartz  frag- 
ments attest  the  original  sedimentary  nature  of  the  rock,  which  is  also 
borne  out  by  scattered  foraminiferal  remains,  too  poorly  preserved  for 


specific  identification.  The  rock  is  intimately  penetrated  by  an  intricate 
network  of  finely  crystalline  qnartz-albite  veinlets  a  few  millimeters  or 
less  in  width,  near  which  recrystallization  of  the  groundmass  indicates 
diffusion  of  the  hydrothermal  solutions.  These  albitized  raudstones  may 
be  classed  as  adinoles. 

(ilaucophanc  Schist.  Schistose  structure  and  the  presence  of  glauco- 
phanc  arc  connnon  but  by  no  means  universal  features  of  a  varied  group 
of  rocks  called  the  glaucophane  schists,  Avhich  are  formed  by  local  me- 
tasomatic  action  on  Franciscan-Knoxville  rocks.  The  term  has  been 
extended  to  include  an  assemblage  of  metamorphic  rocks  of  diverse 
mineralogical  and  textural  character,  but  apparently  of  similar  origin. 
In  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle,  the  glaucophane  scbists  occur  as  large 
blocks,  up  to  hundreds  of  feet  in  length,  or  as  smaller  isolated  outcrops, 
tliat  are  surrounded  by  a  deep  mantle  of  weathered  rock  or  terminate 
abruptly  against  other  rocks.  They  usually  crop  out  prominently  as  dark 
irregular  masses,  commonly  deep  blue  or  green.  The  schists  occur  mostly 
in  the  Franciscan  area,  in  the  vicinity  of  serpentine  or  greenstone.  In 
the  Knoxville  group,  a  zone  of  schists  borders  the  large  serpentine  body 
at  the  south  end  of  Coyote  Valley,  and  a  few  isolated  outcrops  were  noted 
in  the  region  south  of  the  Knoxville  road.  Glaucophane  schists  are  not 
prominent  in  this  quadrangle,  the  total  area  of  outcrop  being  on  the 
order  of  a  square  mile.  Two  specimens  which  appeared  to  be  representa- 
tive of  the  major  types  were  selected  for  microscopic  examination.  One 
specimen  is  from  Lincoln  Kock,  a  deeply  fissured  crag  200  feet  in  height. 
The  rock  is  dense  and  dark  bluish  gray  in  color ;  the  microscope  shows  it 
to  be  formed  principally  of  irregular  blades  of  glaucophane,  elongated  in 
the  direction  of  schistosity,  and  intergrown  with  clinozoisite.  A  repre- 
sentative specimen  of  dark  green  schist  is  formed  principally  of  coarsely 
crystalline  green  actinolite  and  associated  granular  albite;  chlorite  is 
abundant,  and  sphene,  clinozoisite,  and  epidote  are  accessory  minerals. 

Silica-carhonate  Rock.  The  term  siliea-earbonate  rock  is  applied  to  a 
rock  composed  essentially  of  silica  minerals  and  mineraloids  associated 
with  carbonate  minerals,  usually  of  the  calcite  group.  In  the  field,  the  rock 
may  be  easily  recognized  by  the  distinctive  green  opal  that  is  commonly 
one  of  its  constituents ;  or  by  the  conspicuous  appearance  of  the  weathered 
rock,  which  stands  out  as  ridges  and  knobs  because  of  its  resistance,  and 
typically  is  colored  in  vivid  hues  of  yellow  and  red  brown.  The  outcrops 
arc  usually  cellular  box-works  of  silica,  formed  by  the  leaching  of  asso- 
ciated carbonate.  Silica  carbonate  rock  is  significant  in  the  search  for 
quicksilver  deposits  in  tliis  region,  because  it  is  closely  associated  with 
most  of  the  known  ore  bodies.  In  detail,  the  texture  and  composition  of  the 
rock  is  decidedly  variable.  Some  glassy  varieties  are  composed  almost 
entirely  of  silica  mineraloids ;  other  varieties  are  coarsely  crystalline,  com- 
posed mostly  of  carbonates.  Massive,  intricately  veined,  and  schistose 
structures  are  all  represented  in  various  specimens.  From  outcrops  west  of 
the  Wcipcr  IMinc,  a  representative  specimen  was  selected  for  study.  The 
rock  is  of  complicated  structure,  mottled  Avith  irregular  bands  of  bluish 
gray,  masses  of  light-gray  crystalline  carbonate,  and  thin  seams  and 
masses  of  green  opal.  The  rock  is  composed  principally  of  the  carbonjite 
siderite,  intergrown  with  a  fibrous  mineral  in  scaly  aggregates,  which  was 
identified  as  okcnite,  a  zeolite.  Carbonates  in  the  ankerite  range  are 


abundant,  as  is  opal.  Knopf  (1907)  showed  that  silica  carbonate  rock 
may  be  formed  by  hydrothermal  alteration  of  serpentines,  and  subsequent 
observations  in  the  Coast  Ranges  have  shown  this  mode  of  origin  to  be 
general.  The  rock  is  commonly  found  in  known  fault  zones,  where  it 
apparently  formed  by  alteration  of  serpentine  previously  squeezed  into 
the  fault. 

Stratigraphic  Relations  and  Origin 

As  the  structure  of  the  Franciscan  rocks  is  complex  and  obscure,  the 
thickness  can  only  be  surmised ;  it  is  probably  not  less  than  5000  feet, 
and  it  may  be  much  greater.  The  base  of  the  Franciscan  was  not  observed ; 
indeed,  there  is  no  record  of  its  having  been  observed  anywhere.  Further- 
more, the  relations  between  the  Franciscan  and  the  overlying  Knoxville 
northwest  of  Middletown  are  obscured  by  a  large  elongated  body  of  ser- 
pentine, whose  nearly  straight  southern  boundary  suggests  faulting.  The 
boundary  between  Franciscan  and  Knoxville  is  arbitrarily  placed  along 
this  supposed  fault.  According  to  the  structural  interpretation  shown  in 
the  geologic  sections,  the  Knoxville  group  has  a  thickness  of  about  10,000 
feet  in  this  map  area.  This  does  not  include  thickness  of  the  serpentine 
bodies.  The  relationship  of  the  Knoxville  to  the  overlying  Cretaceous  is 
obscure,  because  of  poor  exposures  and  similarity  of  lithology.  If  an  un- 
conformity exists,  it  is  of  low  angularity. 

The  Franciscan-Knoxville  rocks  exposed  in  this  quadrangle  constitute 
so  small  a  portion  of  the  total  extent  in  California  that  no  attempt  will 
be  made  to  discuss  the  regional  paleogeographic  conditions  that  prevailed 
during  deposition.  This  has  been  done  by  Taliaferro  in  several  publica- 
tions (1941,  1943),  and  recently  summarized  by  Eardley  (1951). 
Instead,  an  attempt  will  be  made  to  deduce  the  local  tectonic  environment 
from  the  lithologic  associations,  in  the  light  of  recent  developments  in 
sedimentary  tectonics,  as  set  forth  by  Krynine  (1941),  Petti  John  (1949), 
and  especially  Krumbein  and  Sloss  (1951).  The  characteristics  of  a  sedi- 
mentary rock  depend  upon  the  environment  of  deposition  (e.g.  conti- 
nental, shallow  or  deep  marine)  and  the  tectonic  setting  of  deposition  (e.g. 
shelf  or  geosynclinal).  The  concept  of  lithologic  associations  was  derived 
from  the  principle  that  sedimentary  properties  are  related  to  the  tectonic 
intensity  which  prevailed  during  their  deposition.  Tectono-environmental 
classifications  represent  integrations  of  tectonic  elements,  lithologic  asso- 
ciations, and  sedimentary  environments.  For  the  sedimentary  environ- 
ment within  each  tectonic  setting,  the  probable  lithologic  association  may 
be  predicted. 

The  following  lithologic  features  of  the  Franciscan-Knoxville  group  in 
this  quadrangle  have  especial  significance  for  tectonic  analysis  :  Thickness 
is  great,  in  excess  of  5,000  feet ;  clastic  sediments  are  poorly  sorted ;  sand- 
stones and  shales  are  composed  of  angular  grains,  but  components  of 
conglomerates  are  generally  moderately  rounded;  in  the  Franciscan, 
sandstone  is  locally  laminated  with  thin  layers  of  black  shale,  while  in 
the  Knoxville  shales  predominate ;  sandstones  are  graywackes,  composed 
of  rock  fragments,  quartz,  and  feldspar  set  In  a  silty  matrix  which  con- 
stitutes about  one-third  of  the  rock;  chert,  greenstones,  and  ultrabasic 
rocks  are  associated  with  the  clastic  sediments. 

The  Franciscan  lithologic  association  is  typically  geosynclinal;  the 
high  ratio  of  graywacke  to  shale  suggests  that  deposition  tended  to  be 


more  rapid  than  subsidence,  causing  transitional  or  perhaps  continental 
conditions  to  prevail  in  the  geosyneline.  The  conglomerates  of  rounded, 
unsorted  components  are  also  suggestive  of  such  conditions.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  cherts  (which  contain  fossil  radiolarian  skeletons)  are  sug- 
gestive of  marine  environment  at  depths  exceeding  600  feet.  Evidently 
the  rate  of  subsidence  of  the  geosyneline  was  irregular  both  in  space  and 
time.  Such  irregularities  have  been  noted  elsewhere  in  geosynclines  of 
this  type  (eugeosynclines,  or  geosynclines  which  are  orogenically  and 
volcanically  active) .  The  source  area  furnished  large  quantities  of  quartz, 
mudstones,  cherts,  schists,  and  dark,  fine-grained  volcanics,  and  lesser 
quantities  of  both  fresh  and  partly  weathered  sodic  feldspar.  The 
abundance  of  mudstones  and  chert  fragments  suggests  that  these  ma- 
terials may  have  been  derived  by  erosion  of  uplifted  earlier  sediments 
witliin  the  geosyneline,  the  "cannibalism"  suggested  by  Krynine.  The 
earlier  sediments  may  have  been  supplied  from  a  volcanic  archipelago 
lying  to  the  west  of  the  present  coastline,  and  this  archipelago  may  have 
continued  to  supply  a  part  of  the  clastic  material  during  the  existence  of 
the  geos^Ticline. 

The  Knoxville  differs  from  the  Franciscan  in  its  greater  ratio  of  shale 
to  graywacke,  and  in  the  character  of  the  shale,  which  is  typically  not 
silty,  but  clay  shale.  That  these  shales  are  at  least  partly  marine  is  shown 
by  presence  of  the  marine  pelecypod  Buchia  which  is  locally  abundant  in 
limestone  nodules  enclosed  in  the  shales.  The  lithology  suggests  that  sub- 
sidence was  more  rapid  than  deposition,  thus  implying  that  the  island 
arcs  projected  only  slightly  above  sea  level.  The  conglomeratic  belt  in  the 
Knoxville,  which  locally  contains  boulders,  would  reflect  a  period  of 
uplift  in  the  source  area. 

Age  and  Correlation 

The  rocks  mapped  as  Franciscan  were  distinguished  entirely  on  the 
basis  of  lithologic  association,  which  consists  of  graywacke  with  little 
shale,  and  no  fossils  were  found  in  them.  On  the  basis  of  ichthyosaur 
remains  found  in  chert  boulders  identified  as  Franciscan,  and  on  struc- 
tural and  stratigraphic  relationships  observed  throughout  the  Coast 
Range,  Taliaferro  (1941)  dates  the  Franciscan  as  post-Nevadan  and 
pre-Cretaceous,  and  believes  it  to  be  confined  to  the  Tithonian  stage  of 
the  Jurassic. 

The  following  fossils,  identified  by  the  writer,  were  found  in  rocks 
mapped  as  Knoxville:  Buchia  piochii,  Buchia  aff.  Buchia  stantoni,  and 
the  belemnite  Oxyteuthis  tehamaensis.  They  indicate  an  Upper  Jurassic 
age,  although  piochii  may  range  into  the  Lower  Cretaceous.  The  Knox- 
ville group  as  used  in  this  report  corresponds  to  the  third  and  fourth 
stages  of  Taliaferro 's  Franciscan-Knoxville  sequence.  A  further  correla- 
tion is  made,  in  that  the  lithology  of  the  Lower  Lake  Knoxville  group 
corresponds  closely  to  that  of  the  type  section,  as  mentioned  by  White 
(1885),  and  defined  by  Becker  (1888)  as  "The  group  especially 
characterized  by  the  presence  of  Aucella  in  the  Coast  Ranges  will  be 
referred  to  as  the  Knoxville  series,  because  they  are  typically  developed 
and  have  been  especially  studied  in  tlie  neighborliood  of  the  mining  town 
of  tliat  name."  A  more  complete  description  of  tlie  Knoxville  was  pub- 
lished by  Diller  and  Stanton  (1894).  F.  M.  Anderson  (1945)  divided 
his  Knoxville  series  into  three  groups  of  which  the  Elder  Creek  and  the 
Grindstone  are  Portlandian,  the  Newville  Tithonian.   The  Knoxville 


group  as  used  in  the  present  paper  corresponds,  at  least  in  part,  with 
Anderson 's  Newville. 

Cretaceous  (Undifferentiated) 

A  thick  and  monotonous  succession  of  massive  yellowish-brown  sand- 
stones and  gray  sliales,  interbedded  in  about  equal  proportions,  overlies 
the  Knoxville  rocks.  Stratigraphic  relations  east  of  Lower  Lake  indicate 
that  the  sandstone  and  shale  beds  are  confined  to  the  Cretaceous  system : 
they  are  overlain  by  fossiliferous  beds  of  Paleocene  age,  and  underlain 
by  beds  containing  Buchia  piochii  Gabb,  which  is  believed  to  denote  an 
Upper  Jurassic  or  possibly  Lower  Cretaceous  age.  No  fossils  of  strati- 
graphic  significance  were  found  within  these  supposed  Cretaceous  rocks 
cropping  out  in  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle,  but  fossils  were  found 
within  similar  rocks  cropping  out  in  the  adjoining  Morgan  Valley 
quadrangle  by  B.  L.  Conrey  (unpublished  Master's  Thesis,  University 
of  California,  1947).  Conrey  mapped  under  the  designation  "Shasta 
Group"  a  sequence  of  sandstones  and  shales  of  similar  lithologic  type 
and  proportions  to  the  Lower  Lake  rocks,  except  that  conglomerate 
members,  very  minor  in  the  Lower  Lake  rocks,  are  prominent  in  three 
zones.  A  coarse  and  persistent  basal  conglomerate  contains  large  heavy 
ribbed  Buchia  crassicolis  and  Buchia  crassicolis  var.  graciles,  which  indi- 
cate a  Lower  Cretaceous  age. 

The  rocks  mapped  as  undifferentiated  Cretaceous  in  the  Lower  Lake 
quadrangle  are  those  overlying  the  Knoxville  group,  and  locally  overlain 
by  the  Martinez  formation.  Distinction  between  Knoxville  and  Cre-i 
taceous  was  based  on  the  following  lithologic  criteria:  the  Knoxville 
rocks  contain  a  larger  proportion  of  shale,  are  generally  slightly  more 
indurated  and  commonly  veined,  and  are  associated  with  a  variety  of 
basic  igneous  rocks;  none  of  the  sediments  mapped  as  Cretaceous  are 
intruded  by  igneous  rocks.  The  Cretaceous  rocks  are  exposed  over  an 
area  of  some  25  square  miles  of  the  country  between  Middletown  and 
Lower  Lake,  and  overlapping  lava  flows  cover  unknown  additional  areas. 
East  of  Lower  Lake,  similar  sandstones  and  shales  crop  out  over  an 
area  of  some  5  square  miles,  and  are  overlapped  by  younger  rocks. 


Massive  yellowish-brown  feldspathic  sandstone  is  the  most  conspicuous 
component  of  the  Shasta  group  here,  but  this  sandstone  is  interbedded 
with  an  approximately  equal  proportion  of  pelitic  rocks.  The  sandstone 
is  typically  fine-  to  medium-grained  and  has  an  abundant  silty  matrix. 
The  pelites  are  typically  micaceous  and  brownish  gray  in  color.  The  main 
associations  of  pelite  and  sandstone  are  (1)  massive  sandstone  in  beds 
up  to  15  feet  in  thickness  with  minor  shale  partings  (2)  shale  with  little 
interbedded  sandstones  and  (3)  interbedded  sandstone,  shale,  and  mud- 
stone,  the  individual  beds  ranging  in  thickness  from  a  few  inches  to  a 
few  feet.  Conglomerate  and  limestone  are  sparingly  represented,  con- 
stituting only  a  fraction  of  a  percent  of  the  total  volume. 

Sandstone.  Megascopically,  the  Cretaceous  sandstones  show  some 
characteristics  which  would  relate  them  to  the  graywacke  group  as 
defined  by  Pettijohn*.  The  massive  sandstone  beds  reach  a  maximum 
thickness  of  about  15  feet,  and  commonly  show  no  internal  structural 
features.  Cross-bedding  is  rare.  Lamination  is  common,  but  the  laminae 

•  Pettijohn,  F.  J.,  Sedimentary  rocks :  Harper  and  Brothers,  New  York,  1949. 


show  little  change  in  texture  from  top  to  bottom.  Isolated  flat  pieces  of 
sliale  embedded  in  massive  sandstone  are  common  in  some  localities. 
Tou-^hness  is  moderate  to  friable,  except  tliat  carbonate-cemented  varie- 
ties, which  are  uncommon,  are  very  tou<,'h.  The  j)redominating  color  is 
a  medium  yellowish  brown,  but  yellowish-gray  and  medium-gray  varie- 
ties are  common.  Dusky  to  dark  shades  are  decidedly  unusual  in  these 
sandstones.  Gray  varieties  weather  to  yellowish  brown;  and  many  appar- 
ently fresh  specimens,  now  uniformly  yellowish  brown,  may  have  origi- 
nally been  gray.  The  generally  poor  sorting  of  the  sandstones  is  apparent 
in  the  hand  specimen:  rock  fragments  and  large  flakes  of  biotite  are 
conspicuous,  and  the  silty  nature  of  the  matrix  is  easily  seen. 

Microscopic  study  of  12  representative  thin  sections  reveals  a  mineral 
composition  consistent  with  the  graywacke  group  of  Pettijohn,  yet  these 
sandstones  lack  other  characteristics  which  Pettijohn  considers  definitive 
of  graywacke,  such  as  dark  color,  and  toughness  of  the  matrix.  Possibly 
these  Cretaceous  sandstones,  though  mineralogically  of  graywacke  com- 
position, have  not  undergone  those  diagenetic  changes  which  produce 
the  characteristic  graywacke  appearance.  The  sorting  is  poor,  although 
the  grain  size  rarely  exceeds  1  millimeter  and  the  clay  fraction  is  only 
sparingly  present.  Coarse-grained  varieties  are  common,  but  a  more 
common  variety  is  composed  of  scattered  coarse  fragments  in  a  silty 
matrix.  The  grains  are  generally  angular  to  subangular,  and  slivers  of 
quartz  are  not  uncommon.  The  matrix  is  mostly  of  silt  which  contains 
abundant  shreds  of  mica  and  chlorite.  Patches  of  yellowish-brown  biotite 
with  indistinct  borders  are  abundant  in  the  matrix  of  many  specimens. 
Textural  relations  with  surrounding  grains  suggest  that  some  of  this 
biotite  is  regenerated,  but  this  is  difficult  to  establish.  This  yellow-brown 
biotite,  together  with  brownish  clay,  seems  to  be  responsible  for  a  yellow- 
ish brown  color  of  the  rock.  Gray  sandstones  have  a  larger  amount  of 
chlorite  in  the  matrix  and  less  of  the  brown  clay.  Most  of  the  finely 
divided  chlorite  in  the  matrix  appears  to  be  authigenic,  but  other  larger 
flakes  appear  to  be  altered  from  biotite.  A  small  proportion  of  the 
sandstone  is  cemented  with  carbonate,  which,  in  the  specimens  examined, 
appears  to  have  replaced  the  original  matrix,  and  to  have  partially 
replaced  detrital  grains.  Packing  of  these  sandstones  is  loose  to  moder- 
ately tight;  that  is,  in  most  specimens,  the  detrital  grains  are  not  entirely 
separated  by  the  silty  matrix,  but  touch  at  corners  and  locally  along 

The  percentage  of  the  principal  minerals  in  12  thin  sections  averaged : 
quartz,  28% ;  feldspar,  31% ;  rock  fragments,  14% ;  matrix,  23% ; 
biotite,  2%,  If  the  specimens  studied  are  representative,  as  they  appear 
to  be,  this  composition  presents  a  decided  contrast  with  the  average 
Franciscan-Knoxville  sandstone,  in  which  the  amount  of  rock  fragments 
nearly  equals  the  (.-ombined  amounts  of  quartz  and  feldspar.  Most  of 
the  quartz  is  clear,  but  shows  strain  shadows  under  crossed  nicols.  Clear, 
unaltered  feldspar  occurs  together  with  cloudy,  altered  feldspar  in  most 
of  the  slides.  The  altered  feldspars  are  partially  changed  to  sericite  or 
to  clay.  Composition  of  both  altered  and  unaltered  feldspar  is  generally 
in  the  oligoclase-andesine  range  and  zoning  is  rare;  feldspars  showing 
microcline  twinning  are  fairly  common.  Of  the  rock  fragments,  dark 
chert  and  mudstone  are  the  most  common,  but  dark  volcanic  rocks 
consisting  of  tiny  laths  of  feldspar  in  a  microcrystalline  base,  and  usually 


altered,  are  present  in  most  of  the  slides.  Fragments  of  various  kinds 
of  schist  are  well  represented.  Of  the  heavy  minerals,  epidote  is  by  far 
the  most  abundant,  occurring  in  large  grains,  and  also  in  fine  aggregates 
which  maj'  be  schist  fragments.  Sphene  is  next  in  abundance,  followed 
by  clinozoisite.  Biotite  in  detrital  flakes  is  so  commonly  present  as  to 
be  almost  characteristic  of  these  sandstones.  Glauconitic  sandstone  was 
observed  at  one  locality  (center,  sec.  10,  T.llN.,  R.7W.)  where  it  appears 
in  massive  dark-green  beds  cropping  out  along  the  creek  for  a  distance 
of  about  100  feet.  The  glauconite  occurs  as  angular  to  subangular  detrital 
grains,  up  to  0.4  millimeter  in  diameter,  and  comprises  some  30  percent 
of  the  rock. 

Pelitic  Bocks.  Most  of  the  pelitic  rocks  show  definite  lamination  or 
fissility  and  may  therefore  be  classified  as  shales.  The  lamination  is  gen- 
erally formed  by  bands  of  gray  silty  clay  alternating  with  bands  of 
grayish-brown  silt.  Some  20  percent  of  the  pelitic  rocks  are  massive,  and 
exhibit  little  fissility ;  they  are  called  mudstones.  Brownish-gray  silty 
mudstones  and  grayish  clayey  mudstones  are  the  most  common  varieties. 
Fissile  but  unlaminated  gray  clay  shale  is  more  common  than  laminated 
shale.  Most  of  these  pelitic  rocks  appear  micaceous  and  silty  when  ex- 
amined with  the  unaided  eye.  No  thin  sections  were  made,  but  crushed 
specimens  examined  in  oil  indicate  that  the  silty  fraction  is  prominent 

Conglomerate.  Only  discontinuous  outcrops  and  scattered  gravel 
from  conglomerate  were  found  in  the  Cretaceous  here.  The  traceable 
zones  and  beds  of  conglomerate  which  elsewhere  mark  the  base  of  the 
Cretaceous  and  appear  locally  throughout  the  system  are  absent  in  the 
Lower  Lake  region.  Coarse  conglomerate  interbedded  with  sandstone 
and  shale  appears  on  a  hill  along  the  Big  Canyon  Eoad.  where  it  consists 
of  angular  to  rounded  pebbles  and  cobbles,  largely  of  shale  and  feld- 
spathic  sandstone,  in  a  matrix  of  carbonate  cemented  sand.  Another  minor 
zone  of  conglomerate  crops  out  along  Highway  53,  about  2  miles  south  of 
Lower  Lake,  where  it  consists  of  rounded  pebbles  of  quartz  and  resistant 
crystalline  rocks  in  a  friable  sandstone  matrix. 

Detrital  Serpentine.  About  2  miles  north  of  Lliddletown,  a  wide 
northwest-trending  zone  of  loose  serpentinous  material  appears  in  the 
midst  of  sandstones  and  shales  of  the  Cretaceous.  The  serpentine  occurs  as 
rounded  boulders  and  unsorted  fragments  of  all  sizes  embedded  in  a 
scant  matrix  of  fine  detrital  serpentine  and  black  shale.  It  also  occurs 
as  "muck,"  a  term  applied  to  soft  greenish-white  mud  and  sand  derived 
from  serpentine,  and  interbedded  with  black  shale.  Outcrops  of  serpen- 
tine boulder  gravel  are  superficially  identical  with  some  outcrops  of 
intrusive  serpentine.  The  differences  are  in  the  nature  of  the  matrix, 
which  is  detrital  in  the  gravel  and  sheared  in  the  intrusive  serpentine. 
Fragments  of  black  shale  in  the  matrix  are  the  most  diagnostic  feature 
of  detrital  serpentine.  Such  detrital  serpentine  zones  were  apparently 
interbedded  with  normal  sediments  by  the  mechanism  of  submarine 

Limestone.  Limestone  in  the  Cretaceous  occurs  as  beds  (which  are 
generally  thin  but  which  reach  a  maximum  observed  thickness  of  12  feet) 
and  as  nodules  in  shale ;  but  the  proportion  of  limestone  is  small.  The 

26  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

texture  is  characteristically  dense  and  the  color  is  a  medium  gray,  which 
weathers  to  lighter  tones  of  gray  or  yellow.  Fossils  were  found  in  the 
limestone  at  one  locality,  near  the  nose  of  a  northwest-trending  ridge, 
half  a  mile  directly  east  of  Rivcrview  Lodge.  The  assemblage  consists  of 
cylindrical  worm  burrows,  casts  and  molds  of  a  small  pelecypod,  and  rare 
fragments  of  oj^ster  shells,  none  of  which  proved  to  be  of  stratigraphic 

Stratigraphic  Relations  and  Origin 

The  contact  between  the  Cretaceous  rocks  and  the  overlying  Martinez 
is  not  well  defined,  but  the  distribution  of  the  formations  as  mapped  shows 
that  the  relationship  is  non-conformable.  The  Cache  formation  lies  with 
distinct  angular  unconformity  upon  the  Cretaceous  rocks.  On  the  basis  of 
the  structural  interpretation  presented  in  the  geologic  sections,  tlie  thick- 
ness of  the  Cretaceous  rocks  in  the  area  immediately  north  of  Middletown 
is  about  5000  feet,  the  maximum  thickness  along  Highway  53  is  about 
10,000  feet,  and  the  maximum  thickness  in  the  area  east  of  Lower  Lake  is 
about  2000  feet.  Because  of  the  lack  of  units  within  the  Cretaceous,  the 
relationships  between  the  three  areas  of  outcrop  are  unknown. 

The  following  lithologic  features  of  the  Cretaceous  rocks  in  this  quad- 
rangle have  especial  significance  for  tectonic  analysis :  Sorting  is  poor, 
but  clay  is  mostly  separated  from  sand;  clastic  grains  are  generally 
angular  to  subangular ;  lamination  of  mudstone  is  common,  cross-bedding 
is  rare  and  on  small  scale ;  intraf ormational  shale  pebble  conglomerates 
are  not  uncommon;  detrital  quartz  and  feldspar  constitute  more  than 
half  of  the  average  sandstone,  rock  fragments  are  present  but  minor, 
typically  argillaceous  matrix  forms  less  than  a  fourth  of  average  sand- 
stone, is  accompanied  locally  by  carbonate  cement;  sandstone  is  inter- 
mediate between  graywacke  and  arkose  as  defined  by  Krumbein  and  Sloss 
(1951),  and  occurs  in  about  equal  quantities  with  mudstones,  conglom- 
erate and  limestone  are  minor,  fossils  are  rare,  but  a  few  marine  pele- 
cypods  were  found,  and  carbonized  plant  fragments  are  locally  abundant. 

This  lithologic  association  is  characteristic  of  the  miogeosyncline, 
which  is  a  less  active,  linear  or  connected  ovate  geosynclinal  zone  charac- 
terized by  a  lack  of  active  volcanism ;  it  may  border  the  eugeosyncline 
formed  by  subsidence  accompanied  by  active  volcanism,  or  develop 
adjacent  to  it  in  later  stages  of  geosynclinal  history.  The  high  ratio  of 
shale  to  sandstone  suggests  that  water  depths  may  generally  have  ex- 
ceeded 120  feet,  and  the  laminated  shales  may  record  deposition  in  quiet 
waters  below  wave  base.  The  relatively  small  amounts  of  chert  and  mud- 
stone  fragments  in  Cretaceous  clastic  l3eds,  as  compared  with  Pranciscan- 
Knoxville  clastic  beds,  suggests  that  earlier  geosynclinal  sediments  had 
been  stripped  from  the  uplifted  furrows  within  or  on  the  edge  of  the 
geosyncline,  exposing  the  granitic  basement.  The  belts  of  thick  massive 
sandstone  probably  record  intervals  of  more  shallow  water,  during  which 
deposition  tended  to  be  more  rapid  than  subsidence.  The  virtual  absence 
of  megafossils  is  enigmatic,  but  may  be  partly  a  result  of  turbid  seas  with 
muddy  bottoms.  Taliaferro  (1943)  wrote  that  the  Coast  Range  Cretaceous 
sediments  "were  deposited  in  very  shallow  water  in  sinking  basins.  The 
greatest  accumulation  in  both  the  north  and  central  Coast  Ranges  took 
place  in  a  long,  probably  continuous  but  far  from  uniform  trough  which 
lay  along  the  west  bordor  of  the  Great  Valley." 


Martinez  (Paleocene)  Rocks 
Massive  light  gray  sandstone  beds  crop  out  prominently  in  the  region 
directly  east  of  the  town  of  Lower  Lake.  Intercalated  with  the  sandstone 
is  a  section  composed  mostly  of  shale,  and  another  composed  mostly  of 
conglomerate.  Fossils  characteristic  of  the  Paleocene  Martinez  are  found 
in  scattered  localities  through  the  sandstone,  and  the  lithologic  assemblage 
is  similar  to  that  of  the  type  Martinez  formation.  A  friable  white  sand- 
stone bed  is  here  considered  as  the  basal  member  of  the  Martinez,  because 
it  is  the  stratigraphically  lowest  rock,  identified  as  Martinez  by  fossils, 
which  can  be  distinguished  lithologically  from  the  underlying  Cretaceous 
sandstone.  The  petrographic  variation  among  Martinez  and  Cretaceous 
sandstone  beds  is  such  that  some  types  are  common  to  both.  Sandstone 
beds  with  the  following  features  were  mapped  as  Martinez:  (1)  Very 
massive  sandstone  which  shows  little  or  no  change  in  lithology  through 
thicknesses  of  25  feet  or  more;  (2)  sandstone  more  quartzose  and  less 
silty  than  the  typical  Cretaceous  sandstone.  Martinez  rocks  crop  out  over 
an  elliptical  area  of  about  4  square  miles  east  of  Lower  Lake.  In  addition, 
a  smaller  area  of  sandstone  located  about  2  miles  south  of  Lower  Lake, 
was  identified  lithologically  as  Martinez,  although  no  fossils  were  found 
in  it. 

Petrology.  In  order  to  facilitate  mapping  and  the  interpretation  of 
geologic  structure,  the  Martinez  was  separated  into  four  members.  Each 
of  these  members  is  given  a  descriptive  name  which  indicates  the  principal 
lithologic  type  by  which  it  was  distinguished,  but  all  members  contain 
feldspathic  sandstones  of  somewhat  similar  appearance,  so  that  a  single 
outcrop  or  a  single  specimen  is  inadequate  for  recognition  of  a  member. 

A  white  sandstone  member  forms  the  basal  unit.  About  half  a  mile  east 
of  Lower  Lake,  the  road  to  Knoxville  crosses  Copsey  Creek  over  a  metal 
bridge ;  an  outcrop  of  this  member  appears  about  900  feet  south  of  the 
bridge,  where  it  dips  steeply  to  the  south.  The  white  sandstone  crops  out 
for  about  300  feet  along  the  creek,  until  it  comes  in  contact  with  beds  of 
brown  biotitic  sandstone  not  distinguishable  from  Cretaceous  sandstones. 
The  white  sandstone  contains  a  thin  but  richly  f  ossilif  erous  layer  of  Mar- 
tinez fossils,  and  no  fossils  were  found  in  the  underlying  brown  sandstone. 
Outcrops  of  the  white  sandstone  are  characteristically  stained  with 
limonite,  and  surrounded  by  loose  white  sand  produced  by  weathering 
of  the  poorly  cemented  rock.  Microscopic  study  shows  the  sandstone  to 
be  composed  of  fairly  well  sorted  angular  to  subangular  grains  (average 
diameter  about  0.3  millimeter)  in  a  scant  matrix  of  clay  and  silt.  The 
mineral  composition  of  a  representative  specimen  is  estimated  as  quartz, 
45  percent ;  feldspar,  30  percent ;  rock  fragments,  mostly  chert,  10  per- 
cent; matrix  10  percent.  Heavy  mineral  analysis  showed  tourmaline, 
zircon,  and  epidote  most  prominent,  with  traces  of  hypersthene,  garnet, 
rutile,  and  brookeite. 

Overlying  the  white  sandstone  member  is  a  yellow  sandstone  member, 
which  crops  out  at  the  Copsey  Creek  bridge.  Here  it  dips  gently  to  the 
north  at  about  15  degrees,  and  appears  to  be  in  fault  contact  with  the 
white  sandstone.  From  the  bridge,  the  yellow  sandstone  may  be  traced 
along  the  Knoxville  road  for  a  distance  of  about  1^  miles,  as  it  forms 
steep  cliffs  some  150  feet  high  along  the  north  side  of  the  road.  The  yellow 
sandstone  is  notably  massive,  and  characteristically  cliff -forming ;  shale 


partings  are  rare,  and  bedding  planes  or  other  structural  features  are  in- 
distinct or  lackill^^  Tlie  liand  specimen  is  yellow  to  yellow-gray,  distinctly 
speckled  with  black,  and  only  moderately  hard,  except  where  locally 
cemented  with  calcite.  The  microscope  shows  angular  to  subangular 
grains,  average  size  about  0.15  millimeter,  in  a  scant  clay  matrix.  Mineral 
composition  as  estimated  from  a  representative  specimen  is  as  follows: 
quartz,  50% ;  feldspar,  20% ;  rock  chips,  mostly  chert,  10% ;  clay 
matrix,  15%.  Heavy  mineral  analysis  showed  zircon,  epidote,  elino- 
zoisite,  and  tourmaline,  with  traces  of  hypersthene,  rutile,  garnet,  and 

Overlying  the  yellow  sandstone  is  a  conglomerate  and  sandstone 
member,  which  is  best  exposed  along  the  Clear  Lake  Water  Company 
dam  road,  near  the  dam.  Although  the  most  distinctive  and  most  easily 
traced  of  all  members  of  the  Martinez,  it  does  not  appear  in  the  southern 
limb  of  the  synclinal  structure  in  which  the  Martinez  is  preserved.  A 
typical  outcrop  is  composed  of  massive  light  brown  f eldspathic  sandstone 
interbedded  with  thick  lensing  layers  and  stringers  of  conglomerate. 
The  conglomerate  is  poorly  sorted,  but  some  of  the  beds  are  mostly  of 
cobbles  and  others  are  mostly  of  pebbles;  these  components  are  sub- 
rounded  to  rounded,  and  reach  a  maximum  diameter  of  about  6  inches. 
Dark  cherts,  quartz,  and  dark,  fine-grained  igneous  porphyries  are  the 
most  common  rock  types  found  in  the  conglomerate.  A  noteworthy 
feature  is  the  common  occurence  of  an  isolated  cobble  or  pebble  embedded 
in  massive  sandstone. 

The  uppermost  member,  composed  principally  of  shale  and  sandstone, 
is  well  exposed  in  a  gully  which  extends  about  north-south  through  the 
center  of  sec.  36,  and  crosses  the  Clear  Lake  Water  Company  dam  road. 
The  upper  900  feet  of  strata  consist  principally  of  well-bedded  light-gray 
silty  shale,  conspicuously  micaceous ;  a  few  beds  of  yellow  sandstone  are 
interbedded  with  these  shales.  A  single  2-foot  bed  of  yellowish  limestone, 
which  shows  distinct  cone-in-cone  structure,  appears  about  midway  in 
this  upper  section.  The  lower  1250  feet  of  strata  consist  of  well-bedded 
silty  shale  and  clay  shale.  A  search  disclosed  no  microfossils  in  the  entire 
section.  The  shales  are  not  unlike  the  Cretaceous  shales,  but  strata  above 
and  below  contain  Tertiary  fossils. 

Stratigraphic  Relations  and  Origin.  The  Martinez  rests  with  angular 
unconformity  upon  Knoxville  and  Cretaceous  rocks.  The  relations 
between  the  Martinez  and  the  overlying  Tejon  rocks  are  not  clear,  because 
no  well-exposed  contact  between  these  units  was  seen,  and  both  exhibit 
attitudes  ranging  from  nearly  horizontal  to  nearly  vertical.  A  study  of 
attitudes  at  several  points  near  the  contact  indicates  an  angular  uncon- 
formity of  20  degrees  or  less  between  Martinez  and  Tejon  rocks. 

The  thickness  of  the  Martinez  here  can  be  determined  only  approxi- 
mately, because  the  structure  is  complicated  and  the  distinction  from 
the  underlying  Cretaceous  rocks  is  not  certain  everywhere.  The  fol- 
lowing thicknesses,  computed  from  data  shown  on  the  geologic  map,  are 
maximum,  and  some  of  the  members  lens  out  very  sharply  from  these 
thicknesses:  shale  and  sandstone  member,  2150  feet;  sandstone  and 
conglomerate  member,  700  feet;  yellow  sandstone  member,  900  feet; 
white  sandstone  member,  500  feet ;  total  maximum  thickness  of  Martinez, 
4250  feet. 


A  shallow  marine  geosynclinal  environment  is  suggested  by  the  litho- 
logic  and  faimal  associations  of  the  IMartinez.  The  sandstone  differs 
from  that  of  the  underlying  Cretaceous  in  being  more  quartzose,  less 
silty,  and  occurring  in  thicker  and  more  massive  beds.  The  removal  of 
silt  suggests  a  higher  degree  of  sorting,  presumably  by  currents,  whereas 
the  absence  of  cross-bedding  suggests  that  no  direct  current  action  was 
involved  in  deposition.  These  difficulties  may  be  resolved  if  it  be  assumed 
that  Martinez  sandstones  were  derived  from  uplifted  Cretaceous  sand- 
stones, the  material  being  somewhat  reworked  by  stream  action,  and 
deposited  in  quiet  marine  waters  of  the  transitional  or  epineritic  (less 
than  120  feet)  zones.  Lithology  of  the  sandstone  and  conglomerate 
member  suggests  deposition  under  more  shallow  conditions,  perhaps 
transitional  or  even  continental.  Because  tlie  fossils  occur  in  local  zones 
rather  than  throughout  the  formation,  the  faunal  evidence  cannot  be 
taken  as  indicative  of  environment  for  the  whole  formation.  Dickerson 
(1914)  considered  that  the  character  of  the  fauna  indicated  inshore  con- 
ditions :  ' '  The  ratio  of  gastropods  to  pelecypods  is  about  2 :  4-|  in  the 
fauna.  Not  only  is  this  true  in  the  number  of  different  species  but  a  census 
shows  that  pelecypods  flourished  in  the  waters  of  the  shallow  Martinez 
sea  of  this  time  better  than  the  gastropods." 

Age  and  Correlation.  From  a  locality  1  mile  southeast  of  Lower 
Lake,  Gabb  (1866)  found  fossils  which  in  his  opinion  showed  a  com- 
mingling of  the  Chico  and  the  Tejon  fossils  in  a  single  thin  stratum. 
Stanton  (1895)  made  further  collections  from  this  original  locality  on 
Herudon  Creek  (named  Copsey  Creek  on  the  1945  edition  of  the  Lower 
Lake  Quadrangle  Sheet),  and  also  from  material  taken  from  a  well  at  an 
old  brickyard  a  quarter  of  a  mile  nearer  town,  but  in  the  same  zone.  In 
1912,  Packard  and  Dickerson  (Dickerson,  1914)  made  a  stratigraphic 
study  of  the  Tertiary  rocks  near  Lower  Lake,  which  included  a  sketch 
map  of  the  geology.  Dickerson 's  description  of  the  section  on  Herndon 
(now  Copsey)  Creek  includes  the  following  statement:  "...  the  basal 
Martinez  consists  of  1200  feet  of  medium  gray  sandstone.  This  is  overlain 
by  500  feet  of  fine,  massive,  tan-colored  sandstone  with  gray  shale  .  .  . 
[which]  unconformably  overlie  the  Martinez."  Dickerson 's  "1200  feet 
of  medium  gray  sandstone"  includes  the  fossiliferous  white  sandstone 
member,  considered  basal  Martinez  in  the  present  report,  together  with 
the  unfossilif erous  brown  biotitic  sandstone,  considered  as  Cretaceous  in 
the  present  report.  His  ' '  500  feet  of  fine,  massive  tan-colored  sandstone 
with  gray  shale ' '  makes  up  part  of  the  yellow  sandstone  member  of  the 
present  report.  A  striking  resemblance  between  the  fauna  found  in  the 
white  sandstone  member,  and  the  fauna  of  the  basal  beds  north  of  Mt. 
Diablo  is  noted  by  Dickerson.  The  reader  is  referred  to  Dickerson 's 
paper  for  an  extensive  list  of  fossils  from  the  Martinez  at  Lower  Lake. 
The  index  fossil  Turritella  pachecoensis  appears  in  both  upper  and 
lower  beds, 

Tejon  (Eocene)  Rocks 

White  conglomeratic  sandstone  containing  fossils  which  indicate  a 
Tejon  (restricted)  age,  crops  out  over  an  oval  area  about  1^-  square 
miles  in  extent  in  the  region  east  of  Lower  Lake.  The  conglomerate 
occurs  as  beds,  lenses,  or  stringers  of  generally  unsorted  granules,  peb- 
bles, or  cobbles ;  these  are  composed  principally  of  quartz,  but  dark  chert 

30  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

and  volcanic  rocks  are  represented.  The  sandstone  is  light  gray,  hard, 
and  medium-grained,  speckled  with  dark  rock  chips.  The  microscope 
shows  a  representative  sandstone  to  consist  of  fairly  Avell-sorted  angular 
to  subangular  grains,  average  size  about  0.3  millimeter,  in  a  scant  clay 
matrix,  partially  cemented  with  carbonate.  Mineral  composition  was 
estimated  as  follows  (in  approximate  percentages)  :  quartz,  40%  ;  feld- 
spar (oligoclase  to  andesine),  20%  ;  rock  fragments,  mostly  chert,  20%  ; 
matrix  and  cement,  15%.  Much  of  the  feldspar  is  partly  altered  to  seri- 
cite.  Heavy  mineral  analysis  (based  on  only  two  samples  from  the  same 
locality)  showed  tourmaline,  zircon,  staurolite,  and  rutile  as  the  principal 
nonopaque  minerals,  accompanied  by  traces  of  hornblende,  epidote, 
garnet,  and  anatase.  The  presence  of  significant  quantities  of  staurolite 
might  be  a  distinctive  feature  of  the  Tejon  here,  but  no  such  generaliza- 
tion can  be  based  upon  a  small  number  of  analyses.  Dickerson  estimated 
the  thickness  of  the  Tejon  here  at  1100  to  1200  feet,  but  this  is  approxi- 
mate, as  the  structure  is  complicated  and  no  complete  sections  are 

The  lithology  of  the  Tejon  is  indicative  of  geosynclinal  conditions, 
which  varied  from  shallow  water  marine  through  transitional  to  conti- 
nental. The  conglomerate  stringers  are  especially  suggestive  of  stream  or 
beach  deposition.  Dickerson  found  marine  fauna  at  two  localities,  show- 
ing that  the  formation  is  at  least  in  part  marine.  The  mineral  composition 
of  the  Tejon  rocks  suggests  that  they  were  derived  from  the  reworking 
of  Mesozoic  graywackes  and  conglomerates,  from  which  the  silt  fraction 
had  largely  been  removed  by  stream  action.  The  reader  is  referred  to 
Dickerson 's  (1914)  paper  for  a  list  of  Tejon  fauna.  According  to  Dr. 
J.  W.  Durham  (oral  communication,  1950),  the  presence  of  Whitneya 
ficus  Gabb  indicates  that  the  Lower  Lake  Tejon  may  be  correlated  with 
the  now  restricted  Tejon. 

Cache  Beds 

A  thick  fresh-water  deposit  of  gravel  and  silt  blankets  the  northeastern 
corner  of  the  map-area,  and  appears  in  other  localities  at  the  edges  of 
protecting  lava  caps.  This  deposit  was  described  by  Becker  (1888) 
under  the  name  Cache  Lake  beds;  but  Anderson  (1936)  thought  the 
name  unsuitable  because  there  is  no  "  Cache  Lake ' '  in  the  vicinity,  and 
because  the  term  might  be  interpreted  as  ''Cache"  lake  beds,  thus  imply- 
ing an  origin  for  the  sediments  that  might  be  questioned  in  part.  Ander- 
son suggested  as  a  substitute  the  name  Cache  formation,  which  is  adopted 
for  the  present  report.  The  main  area  of  Cache  sediments  lies  east  of 
Burns  Valley.  At  Quackenbush  Mountain,  the  belt  of  Cache  narrows, 
swings  around  the  southern  end  of  Clear  Lake,  and  reappears  beneath 
the  lavas  north  of  Seigler  Canyon.  Deposits  which  are  correlated  with 
the  Cache  formation  on  the  basis  of  lithology  crop  out  over  a  small  area 
north  of  Coyote  Valley,  and  also  east  of  Hells  Half  Acre.  In  addition, 
water-laid  rhyolitic  tuffs,  cropping  out  at  the  edges  of  lava  flows  in  the 
vicinity  of  Seigler  Springs,  are  believed  to  be  generally  contemporaneous 
with  the  Cache  formation. 

Petrology.  Outcrops  of  the  Cache  formation  are  characterized  by 
light  hues  of  gray  or  yellow-brown  and  by  erosional  features  of  the 
badland  type,  which  reveal  the  unconsolidated  nature  of  the  deposit. 
Through  most  of  its  thickness,  the  Cache  is  composed  of  gravel,  silt. 


and  sand,  but  near  the  top  of  the  section,  which  is  exposed  in  the  vicinity 
of  Burns  Valley  and  Clear  Lake,  water-laid  tuffs  and  tuffaceous  sands 
become  dominant,  and  these  upper  sediments  are  intercalated  with  clay, 
marl,  pebbly  limestone,  and  diatomite. 

The  dominant  constituent  of  the  Cache  beds  is  light-gray  silt,  which 
gives  the  formation  its  generally  light  color.  Individual  beds  are  formed 
by  mixture  of  this  silt  with  varying  proportions  of  clay,  of  sand,  or  of 
gravel.  In  the  coarser  unsorted  layers,  bedding  is  indistinct  unless  em- 
phasized by  some  unusual  feature  or  cementation.  Beds  of  coarse  unsorted 
pebble  and  cobble  gravel  a  few  feet  or  tens  of  feet  in  thickness,  having 
a  silty  matrix,  and  intercalated  with  silt  or  pebbly  silt,  are  characteristic 
of  the  formation.  Cross-bedding  was  rarely  observed,  and  an  individual 
layer,  although  thin,  can  usually  be  traced  through  the  length  of  an 

Basal  beds  of  the  Cache  overKe  serpentine  and  sediments  of  the  Knox- 
ville  group  near  the  intersection  of  Deadman  Canyon  with  Cache  Creek. 
These  basal  beds  are  poorly  sorted  pebble  and  cobble  gravels,  made  up 
of  subangular  to  subrounded  cobbles  in  a  matrix  of  pebbles,  sand,  and 
silt.  The  gravel  is  mostly  of  grayivacke,  but  chert,  dark  volcanic  rocks, 
and  other  crystalline  rocks  are  represented.  Sediments  higher  in  the 
section  are  best  exposed  along  Dry  Creek,  which  cuts  across  the  strike 
of  thick  succession  of  interbedded  silts  and  gravels.  The  typically  un- 
sorted gravels  have  a  maximum  size  in  the  cobble  range,  and  an  average 
diameter  of  about  2  inches.  A  few  beds  are  composed  mostly  of  boulders, 
up  to  3  feet  in  diameter,  of  chert,  schist,  and  feldspathic  sandstone. 
The  Cache  beds  cropping  out  on  ' '  The  Peninsula, ' '  a  topographic  feature 
located  just  west  of  the  intersection  of  Cache  Creek  and  the  North  Fork 
of  Cache  Creek,  are  composed  largely  of  light-gray  silt.  The  silt 
contains  granules  which  are  locally  concentrated  to  form  distinct  laminae 
or  beds.  The  granules  are  angular  to  subrounded,  and  composed  of  sand- 
stone, quartz,  or  chert. 

The  lithology  and  fossils  of  the  upper  Cache  beds  indicate  a  lacustrine 
origin.  Marl  and  pebbly  limestone  are  interbedded  with  the  coarser 
elastics,  and  diatom  tests  are  a  common  constituent  of  marls  and  tuf- 
faceous sediments.  These  tuffaceous  sediments,  which  are  variable  in 
composition,  are  interbedded  with  gray  silt  and  clay.  Detailed  study 
of  a  representative  specimen  revealed  gray,  well-bedded  granules  of 
fine-grained  basic  volcanic  rock,  accompanied  by  fragments  of  basic 
feldspar,  pyroxenes,  and  quartz.  A  more  acid  variety  is  made  up  of  sub- 
angular  granules  and  pebbles  of  acidic  volcanic  rock,  pumice  shards, 
and  fragments  of  quartz  and  chert  in  a  silty  matrix;  diatom  tests  are 
also  present. 

Locally,  diatom  remains  are  sufficiently  abundant  to  form  diatomites. 
Anderson  (1936)  described  such  a  diatomite  bed,  located  1  mile  east  of 
the  outlet  of  Clear  Lake,  which  contained  the  following  flora  (determined 
by  G.  D.  Hanna,  of  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences)  :  Fragilana 
sp.,  Navicula  cf.  major,  Rhopalodia,  sp.,  Cymhell^i  cf.  gastroides,  Coc- 
coneis  sp.,  and  Cyclotella  small  sp.  Diatomite  crops  out  over  an  area  of 
about  half  a  mile  by  half  a  mile  near  the  intersection  of  Thurston  Creek 
with  the  Lakeport  road,  in  the  northwest  part  of  the  quadrangle.  At  this 
locality,  a  drilled  well  is  said  to  have  passed  through  180  feet  of  the 
diatomite  interbedded  with  light-gray  clay.  Cuttings  from  the  well  are 
scattered,  and  this  information  could  not  be  verified. 


Along  the  north  edge  of  Coyote  Valley,  about  9  miles  directly  south  of 
the  main  area  of  Caclie  sediments,  the  lava  flows  are  associated  with  beds 
of  silt,  cobble  gravel,  and  tuffaceous  sediments.  The  lithology  of  the 
sediments  is  like  that  of  the  upper  Cache  near  Clear  Lake,  except  for  the 
composition  of  tlie  cobble  gravels,  whicli  are  composed  largely  of  rounded 
cobbles  of  white  rhyolite.  The  rhyolite  is  absent  from  Cache  beds  east  of 
Clear  Ijake,  and  it  may  liave  been  derived  from  the  Sonoma  volcanics. 
Light-gray  water-laid  tuffs  underlie  the  quartz-bearing  basalt  flows  east 
and  northeast  of  Hells  Half  Acre,  and  these  tuffs  also  are  correlated  with 
the  Cache  formation.  The  tuffs  and  tuffaceous  sands  of  the  Coyote  Valley 
region  are  varied  in  composition ;  both  acidic  and  basic  types  are  repre- 
sented, as  well  as  mixtures  of  the  two.  Textures  of  the  fragments  range 
from  vitric  to  lithic  to  crystal.  One  representative  specimen  of  volcanic 
sand  is  composed  of  grains  of  quartz  and  fresh  pyroxene  in  a  silty  matrix ; 
another  is  composed  entirely  of  subangular  fragments  of  basalt  in  a  clay 
matrix.  A  specimen  of  fine-grained  vitric-crystal  tuff  from  the  base  of 
Hill  1300  is  composed  mostly  of  pumice  shards,  accompanied  by  angular 
grains  of  hornblend  and  quartz. 

Some  flows  of  basalt  are  intercalated  Avith  the  Cache  formation.  On  the 
surface  of  lava-capped  tablelands  just  north  of  the  Lower  Lake  quad- 
rangle, Anderson  (1936)  found  scattered  water-worn  chert  and  quartz 
pebbles.  This  evidence,  together  with  the  observation  that  the  mesas  have 
a  westerly  dip  conformable  to  that  of  the  underljang  gravels  and  sands, 
led  him  to  conclude  that  this  basalt  was  intercalated  with  Cache  sediments. 
This  was  further  established  by  the  discovery  of  a  10-foot  bed  of  limestone 
overlying  basalt,  west  of  Anderson  Flat,  at  the  southeast  end  of  Clear 
Lake.  In  the  present  study,  rounded  cobbles  and  pebbles  were  found  on 
the  surface  of  basalt  flows  in  the  region  immediately  north  of  Coyote 
Valley,  and  similar  gravels  also  underlie  the  flows. 

All  clastic  sediments  interbedded  with  lavas  may  not  be  correlative 
with  Cache  sediments,  but  they  have  been  correlated  here  on  the  assump- 
tion that  the  lavas  were  erupted  within  a  short  span  of  time,  and  that  the 
conditions  under  which  the  sediments  accumulated  were  similar  to  condi- 
tions of  Cache  deposition.  On  the  north  rim  of  the  canyon  at  Hells  Half 
Acre,  the  500  feet  of  lava  exposed  in  the  canyon  is  overlain  by  35  feet  of 
lithic  tuff  which  is  capped  by  a  few  feet  of  cobble  gravel ;  the  tuff,  com- 
posed of  rhyolite  fragments  in  a  clay  matrix,  is  similar  to  many  Cache 
tuffs,  but  the  gravel  contains  rounded  cobbles  of  basalt,  which  do  not 
appear  in  the  Cache.  Adjacent  lava  flows  are  at  a  higher  elevation  than 
these  clastic  deposits,  and  apparently  overlie  them.  There  is  evidence  that 
some  of  the  basalts  underlying  this  tuff  cooled  under  water,  which  may 
mean  that  the  basin  of  Cache  deposition  had  not  yet  been  filled  by  basalt. 
About  75  feet  below  the  previously  described  tuff,  a  few  thin  beds  of 
granular  basaltic  tuff  are  interbedded  with  basalt;  the  tuff  is  poorly 
sorted,  but  the  bedding  is  thin  and  distinct.  In  addition,  the  appearance  of 
the  basalt  associated  with  this  tuff  suggests  that  it  may  have  cooled  under 
water :  it  is  porous  and  slaggy,  and  stained  a  deep  red-brown. 

Deposits  of  rhyolite  tuff  which  appear  beneath  basaltic  or  andesitic 
lava  flows  at  various  localities  in  the  quadrangle  are  correlated  with  the 
Cache  formation  because  of  resemblance  to  known  Cache  deposits  and 
a  comparable  degree  of  deformation.  Well-bedded  deposits  of  rhyolite 
tuff  appear  beneath  the  cliffed,  eroded  edges  of  lava  flows  south  and  west 





BULLETIN   166,   PLATE   3 

I  mm. 

1  mm. 


C  D 


Showing  stages  in  deformation.  A.  Unsheared.  Rock  chips  are  most  abundant  constitu- 
ent. B.  Slightly  sheared.  Shear  planes  marked  by  dark  micaceous  streaks.  C.  Further 
metamorposed.  Schistosity  is  marked  by  light-colored  quartz-rich  bands  and  dark  argil- 
laceous bands  containing  sericite.  D.  Dark  argillaceous  bands  in  rock  showing  greater 
metamorphism  contain  well-developed  muscovite.  Rock  is  sheared  and  crumpled  across 





BULLETIN   166,   PLATE  4 







I  mm. 



A.  Quartz-  and  olivine-bearing  dacite  from  lava  field  east  of 
Mount  Konocti.  Olivine  (ol)  is  surrounded  by  prisma  of 
hypersthene  ;  large  .tabular  phenocryst  is  oligoclase.  No 
quartz  in  thin-section,  but  cluster  of  augite  rods  probably 
replaced  quartz.  B.  Banded  rhyolite  from  Cobb  Mountain. 
Lighter  patches  in  groundmas.s — which  form  pink  bands  in 
hand  specimen — contain.s  tridymite,  hematite,  and  car- 
bonate mineral.  Large  phenocrysts  are  sanidine  (s)  and 
oligoclase  (og). 


BULLETIN   166,   PLATE   5 


•<*:•  > 

I I 

( mm. 
C  D 


A.  Garnet  inclusion  in  andesite  from  Perini  Hill.  Feldspar  is  enclosed  in  garnet,  sur- 
rounding reaction  rim.  B.  Schistose  xenolith  in  olivine  basalt  (basalt  is  dark  band  across 
bottom).  Granular  quartz  (qz)  and  augite  (au)  ;  large  garnet  (ga)  in  corner.  C.  Inclu- 
sion-loaded hyersthene  crystals  (by)  in  andesite  from  Perini  Hill.  Round  inclusions  are 
quartz,  with  a  little  tridymite.  D.  Xenolith  in  andesite  from  Perini  Hill.  Dark  patches 
are  biotite,  spinel,  and  inagnetite,  surrounded  by  lighter  labradorite. 


BULLETIN    166,   PLATE   6 



I  inch 


I'pper  left,  milky  quartz  ;  upper  right,  amethystine  quartz  ;  bottom,  clear  quartz. 
Note  sharp,  irregular  boundaries  of  inclusions. 


of  Mount  Hannah.  This  tuff  reaches  a  maximum  thickness  of  about  200 
feet  near  Bonanza  Springs,  and  gradually  thins  to  the  east  and  west. 
Near  Bonanza  Springs,  tlie  tuff  consists  of  angular  to  sub-angular  pebbles 
of  rhyolite  and  rare  fragments  of  pumice  or  obsidian,  scattered  through  a 
white  ashy  matrix.  Lensing  beds  indicate  stream  deposition.  Along  High- 
way 29,  just  south  of  Loch  Lomond,  the  tuff  rests  upon  eroded  Cretaceous 
sandstone,  and  contains  in  its  upper  part  small  angular  boulders  of  black 
obsidian.  North  of  Seigler  Springs,  where  the  tuff  is  exposed  over  an  area 
of  several  acres,  it  varies  from  fine-grained  types  to  types  consisting 
mainly  of  coarse  pumice  fragments.  The  distribution  and  lithology  of  the 
tuff  suggest  derivation  from  a  local  vent  and  deposition  in  a  lake  or  river 
basin  continuous  with  the  basin  of  Cache  deposition.  It  may  be  contem- 
poraneous with  rhyolitic  pyroclastic  rocks  described  by  Anderson  (1936), 
which  crop  out  southeast  of  Kelseyville  and  underlie  the  lavas  forming 
Mount  Konocti. 

The  appearance  of  Cache  sediments  in  some  localities  suggests  that 
they  have  been  hydrothermally  altered.  Over  an  area  of  several  acres  in 
the  northern  half  of  sec.  2,  just  north  of  Lower  Lake,  Cache  silts  and  sands 
are  very  limonitic,  and  the  soil  is  dark  red-brown.  The  limonite  occurs  as  a 
network  of  hollow  concretionary  structures  which  apparently  replace  the 
sediment.  Dense  mottled  gray-brown  or  gray-green  rocks,  composed  prin- 
cipally of  opal,  are  associated  with  the  limonitic  sediments.  Such  opaline 
rocks  crop  out  over  several  acres  at  Clear  Lake  Highlands,  at  a  locality  1 
mile  east  of  Lower  Lake  and  another  just  north  of  Lower  Lake.  The 
opalized  and  limonite-rich  rocks  are  believed  to  be  products  of  alteration 
of  Cache  sediments  by  hot  volcanic  solutions  or  gases,  which  opalized 
the  sediments  and  deposited  metallic  sulfides ;  subsequent  decomposition 
of  the  sufides  resulted  in  the  formation  of  limonite.  However,  no  un- 
weathered  metallic  sulfides  were  found. 

Thickness  and  Origin.  The  computed  thickness  of  the  Cache  forma- 
tion is  so  great  for  a  continental  deposit  that  a  description  of  the  compu- 
tation is  included.  Basal  beds  of  the  Cache  formation  overlie  Knoxville 
rocks  near  Deadman  Canyon.  The  Cache  beds  dip  away  from  this  ex- 
posure of  older  rocks,  which  is  near  the  axis  of  a  well-defined  northwest- 
trending  anticline.  The  thickness  of  the  Cache  beds  forming  the  south- 
western limb  may  be  computed,  as  these  beds  dip  consistently  westward. 
Attitudes  of  the  beds,  as  observed  along  Phipps  and  Blackeye  Canyons, 
are  reasonably  consistent,  with  an  average  dip  of  about  25  degrees  which 
flattens  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  lake,  but  does  not  change  direc- 
tion. From  these  considerations,  the  maximum  thickness  of  the  Cache 
beds  in  this  quadrangle  is  computed  as  6,500  feet.  It  is  of  course  possible 
that  this  thickness  includes  beds  repeated  by  faulting,  since  the  lithology 
is  so  uniform  that  faulting  is  not  easily  detected.  The  minimum  thickness 
of  the  Cache,  which  is  found  near  the  edges  of  the  basin  of  deposition,  is 
only  a  few  hundred  feet. 

The  origin  of  the  Cache  formation  was  first  considered  by  Becker 
(1888),  who  was  baffled  by  the  great  thickness  of  the  deposit,  but  sug- 
gested that  it  might  have  accumulated  in  a  lake  "of  vast  dimensions". 
Anderson  (1936)  proposed  that  the  Cache  sediments  are  largely  of  flu- 
vial origin,  deposited  in  a  subsiding  basin ;  except  that  the  calcareous  and 
diatom-bearing  upper  beds  are  lacustrine.  The  present  study  indicates 
that  the  Cache  formation  is  thicker  and  more  widespread  than  has  been 

2 — e8207 

34  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

previously  recorded,  but  no  new  evidence  bearing  on  the  conditions  of 
sedimentation  has  been  found.  Significant  petrographic  features  include 
the  following:  The  finer  elastics  are  commonly  well  bedded,  and  cross- 
bedding  is  rare;  some  gravel  beds  several  tens  of  feet  in  thickness  are 
poorly  sorted,  and  show  no  structural  features;  a  few  beds  of  boulder 
conglomerate  appear ;  a  few  fossils  of  land  animals  have  been  found,  but 
no  marine  fossils ;  the  Cache  is  formed  of  material  which  could  have  been 
derived  from  the  local  Mesozoic  rocks.  It  seems  probable  that  the  Cache 
formation  was  deposited  in  one  or  more  large  tectonic  basins  which  sub- 
sided by  downwarping  or,  more  likely,  along  major  boundary  faults. 
Streams  from  the  surrounding  highlands  carried  debris  into  this  subsid- 
ing basin,  the  surface  of  which  was  covered  from  time  to  time  with  lakes 
or  swamps.  Periods  of  increased  rainfall  or  increased  stream  gradient 
caused  by  rapid  subsidence  of  the  basin  would  permit  accumulation  of 
gravels.  The  clay  and  silt  deposits  might  accumulate  in  shallow  lakes  or 
swamps  during  times  of  less  rapid  deposition.  Toward  the  end  of  Cache 
time  a  large  lake  was  formed  in  which  chemical  and  organic  sediments 
accumulated,  and  Cache  time  closed  with  deposition  of  these  and  the 
associated  tuffaceous  sediments,  and  the  occasional  outpouring  of  a 
basalt  flow. 

Age  and  Correlation.  No  fossils  of  stratigraphie  significance  were 
found  in  the  Cache  during  the  present  study.  Anderson  (1936)  has  sum- 
marized the  known  fossil  evidence  bearing  on  the  age  of  the  Cache.  A  few 
fragmentary  vertebrate  remains  were  found  b}"  Becker,  and  Marsh  ( 1888) 
suggested  that  they  might  indicate  very  late  Pliocene  age.  The  fragment 
of  a  lower  jaw  found  by  the  late  AV.  M.  Davis  was  examined  by  V.  L. 
VanderHoof,  who  suggested  that  it  is  probably  the  ramus  of  the  lower 
jaw  of  Elephas  sp.,  indicating  a  Pleistocene  ajie.  Anderson  suggested  that 
the  lithologic  similarity  of  the  Cache  to  the  upper  Pliocene  Tehama  for- 
mation, which  is  exposed  on  the  western  margin  of  the  Sacramento  Val- 
ley, might  indicate  a  relationship.  He  regards  the  Cache  formation  tena- 
tively  as  lower  Pleistocene,  but  considers  that  it  may  be  upper  Pliocene. 

Clear  Lake  Volcanic  Series 

Volcanic  rocks  in  the  Clear  Lake  area  were  first  described  by  Becker 
(1888),  who  presented  petrographic  descriptions  of  some  of  the  lavas 
and  three  chemical  analyses.  Anderson  (1936)  discussed  in  detail  the  vol- 
canic history  of  the  area,  mapped  and  described  the  petrography  of  the 
lavas  around  Clear  Lake,  and  presented  ten  additional  chemical  analyses. 
The  present  study  embraces  most  of  the  volcanic  rocks  in  the  Clear  Lake 
region,  including  much  of  the  ground  described  by  Anderson,  as  well  as 
previously  undeseribed  volcanic  rocks  to  the  south.  Anderson's  report 
and  map  have  been  constantly  referred  to,  but  a  more  detailed  study  of 
the  petrography  has  been  made  in  an  effort  to  solve  the  problem  of  petro- 

Rhyolitie  flows  and  tuffs,  basaltic  lavas,  and  lavas  of  dacitic  and  ande- 
sitic  composition  are  represented  in  the  Clear  T^ake  area.  The  dacitic 
lavas  contain  crystals  of  sanidine,  quartz,  and  magnesian  olivine  which 
are  probably  xenocrysts,  as  well  as  plagioclase  phenocrysts  of  distinctly 
different  composition  in  the  same  rock.  One  andesite  flow  contains  abun- 
dant inclusions,  among  which  the  assemblages  cordierite-hypersthene- 
biotite,  hypersthene-quartz-oligoclase,  and  labradorite-hypersthene-bio- 
tite-spinel-garnet,  are  well  represented.  The  olivine  basalts  are  nearly  all 


quartz  bearing.  It  is  suggested  that  both  contamination  by  sedimentary 
material  and  mixing  of  magmas  were  involved  in  the  petrogenesis,  and 
that  many  of  the  lavas  are  consequently  hybrid. 

The  different  volcanic  rocks  of  the  Clear  Lake  region  belong  to  a  single 
volcanic  group,  herein  called  the  Clear  Lake  volcanic  scries.  Volcanism 
apparently  began  in  early  Pleistocene  time,  bringing  Cache  deposition  to 
a  close,  as  evidenced  by  rhyolite  tuffs  and  olivine  basalt  flows  intercalated 
Avith  uppermost  Cache  beds.  Most  of  the  volcanic  activit.v  was  confined  to 
the  Pleistocene,  but  the  appearance  of  Roundtop  Mountain,  a  cinder  cone, 
suggests  that  it  is  Recent,  and  solf  ataric  activity  associated  with  obsidian 
at  Borax  Lake  suggests  that  it,  too,  may  be  Recent.  The  Clear  Lake  Vol- 
canic series  is  apparently  younger  than  the  extensive  Sonoma  volcanics 
(of  middle  or  upper  Pliocene  age),  as  quartz-bearing  basalts  overlie 
eroded  remnants  of  the  Sonoma  to  the  south,  in  the  Calistoga  quadrangle. 
(Yates  and  Hilpert,  1946).  Furthermore,  the  Clear  Lake  volcanic  rocks 
are  less  disturbed  and  less  eroded  than  the  Sonoma.  Age  relations  of  in- 
dividual units  of  the  Clear  Lake  Series  are  imperfectly  known  because 
some  units  are  isolated ;  moreover,  the  contacts  of  contiguous  flows  are 
commonly  obscured  by  sliding.  The  relations  are  in  fact  clear  at  only  one 
locality  (near  Manning  Flat),  where  rhyodacite  overlies  obsidian,  which 
in  turn  overlies  Cache  cliatomite  two  miles  to  the  northwest.  The  olivine 
basalt  is  probably  oldest,  as  it  is  in  part  intercalated  with  the  Cache  for- 
mation, which  is  overlain,  locally  with  slight  angular  unconformity,  by 
other  flows. 

No  volcanic  vents  or  intrusive  dikes  which  might  represent  feeders 
were  observed.  The  lavas  were  apparently  extruded  from  a  system  of 
northwest-trending  fissures,  the  different  flows  no  doubt  rising  along  sep- 
arate fissures.  That  local  explosion  vents  were  present  is  shown  by  the 
pyroclastics  at  Cobb  Mountain  and  the  rhyolite  tuff  bearing  blocks  of 
obsidian,  located  near  Loch  Lomond. 

Olivine  Basalt.  Flows  of  olivine  basalt  which  were  apparently  inter- 
calated with  the  Cache  formation  appear  as  small  mesas  and  as  scattered 
patches  east  of  Clear  Lake.  Flows  northeast  of  Middletown  form  an 
extensive  plateau-like  highland,  surmounted  by  large  rounded  hills  and 
bordered  by  cliffs  and  talus  slopes.  Olivine  basalt  covers  an  area  of  some 
21  square  miles  in  this  quadrangle  and  extends  beyond  for  several  miles 
to  the  southwest.  Thickness  of  the  basalt  varies  considerably  because  the 
lava  flowed  over  an  uneven  surface,  and  furthermore  built  large  rounded 
hills,  presumably  above  the  centers  of  extrusion.  In  the  main  basalt  area, 
near  the  center  of  sec.  16,  the  measured  thickness  is  550  feet,  but  this  may 
be  exceeded  in  other  places.  Judging  from  the  height  of  basalt  cliff's,  the 
thickness  of  individual  flows  ranges  from  a  few  feet  to  a  maximum  of 
about  100  feet.  As  for  the  number  of  flows,  the  terraced  contour  of  the 
main  basalt  area  suggests  three  principal  ones,  the  first  and  thinnest 
being  intercalated  with  the  Cache  formation,  whereas  the  later  flows 
partly  cover  the  first  and  elsewhere  overlap  onto  rocks  older  than  tlie 
Cache  beds. 

The  olivine  basalts  are  medium  to  light  gray  and  inconspicuously 
porphyritic,  having  small  crystals  of  olivine,  usually  accompanied  by 
pyroxene  and  more  rarely  by  plagioclase,  set  in  an  aphanitic  groundmass. 
Vesicular  structure  is  not  common,  but  where  present  the  vesicles  are 
usually  lined  with  tridymite  or  crystobalite.  A  UDteworthy  feature  of 
these  otherwise  ordinary-appearing  basalts  is  the  presence  of  inclusions 

36  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANCtLE  [BllU.  l(J(i 

of  clear  shattered  quartz,  ranging  in  size  from  tiny  grains  to  irregular 
masses  15  centimeters  in  length,  and  averaging  about  2  millimeters.  Some 
flows  apparently  contain  no  quartz,  but  it  is  so  universally  distributed 
through  most  flows  that  a  random  liand  specimen  will  contain  a  few 
grains.  In  a  few  localities,  described  later,  scattered  xenolitlis  accompany 
tlie  quartz. 

Of  the  mineral  composition,  plagioclase  constitutes  50  to  70  percent, 
varying  little  from  medium  labradorite,  and  occurring  mainly  as  lathlike 
niicroplu'uocrysts  or  as  microlites.  Faintly  pleochroic  hypersthenc  (1-10 
percent,  rarely  25  percent)  appears  as  a  minor  constituent  in  about  half 
of  the  slides,  usually  in  the  groundmass  as  euhedral  to  subhedral  grains, 
less  commonly  as  phenocrysts.  Diopsidic  augite  (10  to  20  percent)  is 
ubiquitous  as  a  phenocrystic  mineral,  and  is  usually  present  in  the 
groundmass.  Subhedral  to  anhedral  olivine  (usually  10  to  20  percent, 
rarely  up  to  30  percent)  is  by  far  the  most  abundant  phenocryst,  but  is 
not  prominent  in  the  groundmass.  The  microscope  shows  a  wide  variation 
in  groundmass  textures;  the  most  common  is  microporphyritic,  having 
small  laths  of  labradorite  and  grains  of  augite,  accompanied  by  small 
prisms  of  hypersthene  and  rarely  by  grains  of  olivine.  Clear  patches 
of  tridymite,  cristobalite  or  both  are  common  in  the  groundmass  of 
some  lavas,  constituting  up  to  5  percent  of  the  rock. 

Andesite.  Perini  Hill,  located  about  3  miles  southwest  of  Lower  Lake, 
is  the  central  and  highest  knob  of  an  upland  formed  by  flows  of  dark  gray 
lava  overlying  Cretaceous  and  Knoxville  rocks.  This  upland,  which  is  sur- 
mounted by  a  number  of  prominent  knobs,  is  a  roughly  circular  area 
of  about  -1  square  miles,  fringed  on  all  sides  by  lava  cliffs  up  to  100  feet 
in  height.  Streams  have  cut  into  the  upland,  and  if  the  knobs  represent 
accumulations  over  the  vents,  they  are  much  modified  by  erosion.  The 
lava  is  mantled  with  a  deep  soil  which  supports  a  heavy  growth  of 

The  dark  gray  aphanitic  groundmass  of  the  Perini  Hill  lava  is 
sprinkled  with  small  phenocrysts  of  plagioclase,  and  with  a  striking 
abundance  of  inclusions  that  range  in  size  from  less  than  1  millimeter 
to  about  20  millimeters  across.  These  inclusions  are  of  three  main  types : 
(1)  Subhedral  to  anhedral  grains  of  hypersthene,  generally  prismatic, 
crowded  with  rounded  inclusions  of  quartz,  plagioclase,  and  rarely,  of 
vioiet  curdieritc.  (2)  Rounded  grains  of  clear  sliattered  quartz.  (3)  Fine- 
grained noritic  fragments.  Thin  sections  of  the  lava  show  cloudy  zoned 
phen.)crysts  of  plagioclase  (15-20  percent),  moderately  pleochroic  hypers- 
tlient'  (5  percent),  accomi)anied  by  small  amounts  of  colorless  augite 
and  brown  hornblende,  in  a  microporphyritic  groundmass  composed  of 
smaller  laths  of  clear  plagioclase  and  prisms  of  hyperthene  in  a  murky 
microcrA'stalline  base.  Most  of  the  larger  plagioclase  phenocrysts 
(Ano,-,--.-,)  have  centei-s  full  of  glass  inclusions,  and  clear,  slightly  more 
sodic  rims;  the  ground  mass  plagioclase  is  also  sodic  (Auso-io)-  The 
euhedral  to  subhedral  hypersthene  phenocrysts  reach  a  maximum  size 
of  2.5  millimeters,  and  zoning,  emphasized  by  differences  in  pleochroism, 
was  seen  in  a  few  grains.  Tridymite  appears  as  scattered  patches  in  the 

Bogiis  Mountain  is  an  elongate,  rolling  highland  capped  with  ande- 
sitic  la\as  which  cover  an  area  of  about  5  square  miles.  The  lavas  have  a 
maximum  thickness  of  about  500  feet,  but  the  cliffs  which  border  the 
lava  cap  arc  rarely  more  than  75  feet  in  height.  Abundant  small  tablets 


of  feldspar  set  in  a  black  aphanitic  groundmass  give  the  basalt  a  distinc- 
tive speckled  appearance,  which  is  notabl}'  uniform  throughout,  although 
the  basalt  is  locally  vesicular,  or  alternately  composed  of  a  few  scattered 
phenocrysts  set  in  an  aphanitic  groundmass.  Microscopic  study  of  six 
thin  sections  and  of  the  powdered  rock  indicates  that  the  texture  and 
mineralogy  is  fairly  uniform.  Tabular  crystals  of  labradorite,  and  sub- 
hedral  crystals  of  hypersthene  and  augite  are  set  in  a  murky  groundmass 
which  contains  small,  nearly  square  plagioclase  crystals,  granules  of 
augite,  and  abundant  metallic  opaques.  Composition  of  the  plagioclase 
general^  varies  within  narrow  limits  (Anco-Ts),  but  some  lavas  contain 
small  amounts  of  sodic  plagioclase  (An3o.4o)-  Refractive  indices  and 
optic  angle  measurements  indicate  that  the  augite  is  diopsidic,  and  that 
the  hypersthene  contains  23  molecular  percent  of  ferrous  silicate. 

Rhyolite.  Cobb  Mountain  is  formed  largely  of  rhyolite,  which  is  super- 
posed on  the  Franciscan  rocks  forming  the  principal  ridge  of  the  Mayac- 
mas  Range,  building  the  mountain  some  800  feet  above  the  ridge.  Tuffs 
crop  out  only  on  the  precipitous  southeastern  flank  of  the  mountain,  where 
they  form  the  base  of  the  volcanic  series,  and  reach  a  thickness  of  several 
hundred  feet.  The  typical  rhyolite  is  characterized  by  abundant  glassy 
or  white  phenocrj^sts  set  in  an  gray  aphanitic  groundmass,  marked  with 
irregular  and  discontinuous  streaks  of  pale  pink,  which  become  concen- 
trated in  a  single  layer  to  form  a  pronounced  banding.  Near  the  top  of 
the  mountain,  pale-pink  or  yellow  aphanitic  rhyolites  are  found,  and 
these  are  locally  associated  with  agglomerates.  The  pale  pinkish-gray 
tuffs  have  a  pumiceous  groundmass,  formed  by  twisted  plates  and  fibres 
of  opaque  glass,  through  which  are  scattered  abundant  white  or  glassy 
phenocrysts,  mostly  euhedral  and  little  broken.  The  phenocrysts  of  the 
Cobb  Mountain  volcanics  are  of  fairly  uniform  size,  averaging  about 
3  or  4  millimeters  in  length,  but  reaching  a  maximum  length  of  about 
10  millimeters. 

The  microscope  shows  the  graundmass  of  the  banded  lavas  to  be  formed 
of  scattered  tiny  laths  of  plagioclase,  accompanied  by  grains  and  rods 
of  pyroxene,  set  in  a  murky  cryptocrystalline  base.  The  lighter  streaks 
(which  appear  pink  in  the  hand  specimen)  consist  of  flaky  hematite  and 
of  reddish  or  black  iron  oxide  pseudomorphs  of  ferromagnesian  minerals 
in  an  otherwise  colorless  fabric  of  feldspar  microlites,  patches  of  well- 
crystallized  tridymite,  and  cryptocrystalline  material.  Locally,  abundant 
finely  granular  carbonate  accompanies  this  assemblage.  In  some  of  the 
lighter  streaks,  groundmass  feldspars  are  better  developed  in  size  and 
number  than  in  the  rest  of  the  groundmass.  The  pink  streaks  were 
probably  formed  by  fumarolic  vapors  which,  acting  along  irregular 
planes  of  flow  banding,  oxidized  ferromagnesian  minerals  and  at  the 
same  time  deposited  hematite,  tridymite  and /or  carbonate. 

The  conspicuous  white  or  glassy  phenocrysts  are  of  sanidine,  plagio- 
clase, or  quartz.  The  sanidine  phenocrysts  are  fractured  and  generally 
rounded,  and  their  optical  properties  indicate,  from  data  of  Larsen  et  al. 
(1938),  a  content  of  25  percent  of  the  albite  molecule.  Sanidine  could 
not  be  detected  in  the  groundmass  of  these  lavas.  Most  of  the  plagioclase 
occurs  as  clear,  twinned  euhedral  crystals  in  the  composition  range 
Anis-30-  However,  a  small  proportion  of  very  calcic  plagioclase  (Augd-ss), 
mostly  dusty  and  strongly  zoned,  was  revealed  by  study  of  electromag- 
neticall}'  separated  feldspar  in  oil  immersion.  A  single  such  calcic  feld- 

38  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.   166 

spar  appeared  in  thin  section  as  a  tabular  phenoerj-st  about  3  millimeters 
lenpth,  havinj;  a  ealeic  core  (An,;:,)  honeycombed  Avith  brown  jrlass,  and 
a  clear  sodic  rinu  The  quartz  usual  I}'  occurs  as  cracked  rounded  f?rains, 
but  some  jjjrains  show  euhedral  outlines ;  no  reaction  rims  around  (juartz 
were  seen.  Ilypersthene,  biotite,  and  brown  hornblende  are  minor  ac- 
cessories, and  are  usually  much  oxidized. 

Pyroxine  Dacite.  Flows  of  glossy  black  to  gray  quartz-bearing  pyrox- 
ene dacite  crop  out  over  an  area  of  about  3  square  miles  northeast  of  Mount 
Hannah.  An  aphanitic  groundmass,  sprinkled  with  medium-sized  white 
phenocrysts,  distinguishes  these  pyroxene  dacites  from  the  associated 
obsidian,  which  they  superficially  resemble.  A  small  area  of  olivine-bear- 
ing  pyroxene  dacite  is  associated  with  the  obsidian  south  of  Borax  Lake  ; 
nvQch  of  this  dacite  is  vesicular  and  not  megascopically  porpliyritic. 

The  olivine-bearing  dacite  is  composed  of  abundant  small  phenocrysts 
of  colorless  granular  augite  (10  percent),  small  laths  of  basic  andesine 
to  acid  labradorite  (5  percent),  small  prisms  of  hypersthene  (3  percent), 
and  scattered  anhedral  olivine  (2  percent)  set  in  a  hyalopilitic  ground- 
mass.  Much  of  the  plagioclase  appears  in  holocrystalline  clots  with 
pyroxene  and  olivine,  and  these  clots  may  be  xenoliths. 

The  quartz-bearing  dacite  has  colorless  euhedral  to  subhedral  augite 
(2  percent)  and  hypersthene  (3  percent)  as  the  most  abundant  pheno- 
crysts, although  quartz  grains  and  andesine  laths  are  most  conspicuous 
in  the  hand  specimen.  The  groundmass  is  typically  micro-  to  crypto- 
crystalline,  formed  principally  of  feldspar  microlites  in  a  felty  or  a 
pilotaxitic  arrangement,  accompanied  in  some  rocks  by  granules  of 
augite  and  needles  of  hypersthene. 

The  olivine-bearing  dacites  were  so  classified  on  the  basis  of  chemical 
analysis,  which  corresponds  fairly  well  to  analyses  of  dacites  presented 
by  Johannsen  (1932).  The  modal  composition  is  not  considered  reliable 
for  classification,  because  there  are  indications  that  much  of  the  pheno- 
crystic  material  is  foreign.  Thus,  the  magnesian  character  of  the  olivine 
(16  percent  fayalite)  as  shown  by  refractive  indices,  is  incompatible 
Avith  the  high  silica  content  of  the  rock,  as  is  the  calcic  nature  of  the 
plagioclase  (Auso-ct)-  As  suggested  by  Anderson,  the  holocrystalline 
aggregates  are  probably  inclusions  of  a  more  basic  rock,  and  the  isolated 
crystals  of  olivine  probably  result  from  disintegration  of  olivine-bearing 
inclusions.  Some  of  the  pyroxene  and  plagioclase  described  as  pheno- 
crysts may  in  reality  be  xenocrysts. 

The  chemical  analysis  of  the  quartz-bearing  pyroxene  dacite  corres- 
ponds satisfactorily  with  that  of  other  dacites,  except  that  the  potash 
content  is  somewhat  high. 

Obsidian.  Black  obsidian,  typically  banded  with  gray,  crops  out  over 
an  area  of  about  5  square  miles  in  this  quadrangle  south  of  Clear  Lake, 
and  over  an  additional  area  of  one  square  mile  southeast  of  Borax  Lake, 
where  it  is  locally  so  vesicular  as  to  be  almost  pumiceous. 

Little  can  be  added  to  Anderson's  description  of  the  microscopic 
features.  The  gray  bands  are  formed  by  swarms  of  microlites  in  a  parallel 
arrangement.  Inclusions  and  phenocrysts  are  a  notable  feature.  A  chemi- 
cally analyzed  specimen  from  south  of  Borax  Lake  contains  inclusions 
up  to  3  millimeters  in  diameter  that  consist  largely  of  greenish-brown 
acicular  hfjrnblende  and  andesine  with  accessory  augite  and  hypersthene. 
These  minerals  also  appear  as  clots  and  as  scattered  isolated  crystals. 


A  second  obsidian  in  the  same  locality  contains  rounded  and  embayed 
plagioelase  (An35-r.o)  and  liypersthene  phenocrysts,  which  reach  a  maxi- 
mum length  of  1.3  millimeters  and  constitute  nearly  2  percent  of  the 
rock.  Refractive  index  of  the  glass  is  about  1.489.  These  obsidians  are 
rhyolitic,  as  shown  by  the  chemical  analyses  and  refractive  indices  of 
the  glasses.  The  holocrystalline  aggregates  of  plagioelase  and  pyroxene, 
as  well  as  the  individual  phenocrysts,  may  represent  material  torn  from 
the  walls  of  the  reservoir  or  conduit.  The  size  of  some  of  the  individual 
crystals  and  the  calcic  composition  of  some  plagioelase  crystals  suggests 
that  these  are  xenocrysts  derived  by  breaking  up  of  larger  inclusions, 
or  perhaps  by  addition  of  foreign  magma. 

Dacite.  Flows  of  conspicuously  porphyritic  gray  to  pink  lavas  cover 
about  15  square  miles  south  of  Clear  Lake  within  the  Lower  Lake  quad- 
rangle, and  extend  beyond  the  quadrangle  boundary  where  they  build 
Mount  Konoeti,  which  covers  an  area  of  some  15  square  miles  and  rises 
2800  feet  above  the  level  of  Clear  Lake.  Five  miles  south  of  Clear  Lake, 
similar  flows  form  Mount  Hannah,  Seigler  Mountain,  and  a  portion  of 
the  adjacent  highland,  covering  a  total  area  of  about  7  sc^uare  miles.  The 
lavas  of  Mount  Konoeti  and  the  adjoining  lava  field  were  called  rliyoda- 
cites  by  Anderson  (1936),  who  suggested  that  the  sanidine  crystals  which 
they  contain  were  possibly  xenocrysts  rather  than  phenocrysts.  Further 
petrographic  study  has  revealed  that  plagioelase  phenocrysts  of  distinctly 
different  composition  are  present  together  in  most  of  these  lavas,  and  that 
magnesium  olivine  and  quartz  are  present  together  in  some.  These  associa- 
tions suggest  a  hj^brid  origin. 

Most  of  the  lavas  on  and  around  Mount  Konoeti  are  dacitic.  Dark  gray 
lavas  outcropping  on  Fraser  Point,  which  projects  into  Clear  Lake,  are 
megascopically  similar  to  the  daeites,  but  the  microscope  shows  that  both 
phenocrystic  and  groundmass  plagioelase  is  mostly  labradorite.  On  and 
around  Mount  Hannah,  andesitic  lavas  are  conspicuous,  and  although 
in  general  they  are  intimately  associated  with  and  even  pass  gradually 
into  dacite,  some  andesitic  flows  are  sufficiently  distinct  to  be  mapped 
separately.  The  large  phenocrysts  characteristic  of  the  dacitic  lavas  are 
not  conspicuous  in  the  andesites,  which  exhibit  abundant  small  tablets  of 
labradorite  and  prisms  of  hypersthene  set  in  an  aphanitic  base. 

According  to  Anderson,  most  of  the  flows  on  Mount  Konoeti  are  massive 
and  from  50  to  60  feet  in  thickness.  Within  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle, 
exposures  are  too  i)oor  for  measurements,  but  the  landforms  indicate 
that  the  flows  were  thick  and  viscous.  Erosion  has  apparently  little  altered 
the  original  form  of  the  flows,  which  retain  their  steep  fronts  and  a 
number  of  initial  closed  depressions. 

Plagioelase  phenocrysts  of  markedly  different  composition  are  asso- 
ciated together  in  most  of  these  daeites  and  andesites.  This  difference  in 
composition  is  strikingly  demonstrated  when  the  powdered  feldspar, 
electromagnetically  separated  from  the  crushed  rock,  is  immersed  in  oil. 
The  mutual  association  of  feldspar  phenocrysts  of  distinctly  different 
composition  was  also  repeatedly  demonstrated  by  optical  measurements 
on  thin  sections.  In  the  dacitic  lavas,  the  typical  association  is  a  small 
proportion  of  calcic  plagioelase  (An.-r.-To)  together  with  the  principal 
sodic  plagioelase  (An^s-g.-,).  Groundmass  feldspars  are  generally  more 
calcic  than  are  the  phenocrysts.  Most  of  the  conspicuous  milky  phenocrysts 
of  the  dacitic  lavas  are  sodic  (An25_35).  Zoning  appears  in  most  of  the 


plagioclase,  made  apparent  by  differences  in  extinction  or  by  the  differ- 
ences in  clarity  of  the  zones.  Normal  zoning  predominates,  and  the  maxi- 
mum observed  difference  in  anorthite  content  from  core  to  rim  was  10 
percent.  Many  of  the  large  phenocrysts  from  the  dacitie  lavas  show  no 
zoning,  but  jiraetically  all  of  those  in  the  andesitic  lavas  show  conspicuous 
zoning.  Besides  the  plagioclase,  rounded  glassy  phenocrysts  of  sanidine 
are  present  in  most  of  the  dacites.  Optical  properties  of  the  sanidine  are 
nearly  constant,  and  indicate  a  content  of  25  percent  of  the  albite 

Other  important  phenocrystic  minerals  include  hypersthene,  pyroxene 
and  quartz.  Although  most  of  the  colorless  to  faintly  pleochroic  hypers- 
thene occurs  as  euhedral  to  subhedral  phenocrysts,  grains  or  needles  of 
hypersthene  are  not  uncommon  in  the  groundmass.  Refractive  index  and 
optic  angle  measurements  on  hypersthene  from  three  lavas  showed  prop- 
erties which  indicate  18  to  24  molecular  percent  of  ferrous  silicate.  The 
augite  is  colorless  to  pale  green,  and  occurs  as  anhedral  grains,  or,  in  a 
few  lavas,  as  jackets  around  or  cores  within,  hypersthene.  Optical  deter- 
minations show  that  the  augite  is  not  far  from  diopside  in  composition. 
Shattered  grains  of  clear  glassy  quartz  reach  a  maximum  diameter  of 
about  5  millimeters,  and  none  show  euhedral  outlines.  Many  of  the  quartz 
grains  are  surrounded  by  a  rim  of  slender  augite  rods,  and  all  degrees  of 
replacement  were  observed,  judging  by  the  width  of  this  rim.  It  is  note- 
worthy that  many  specimens  contain  grains  of  quartz  with  no  reaction 
rim,  associated  with  other  grains  in  an  advanced  stage  of  replacement. 
Tridymite  appears  in  many  of  the  lavas  as  patches  in  the  groundmass  or 
as  well-formed  plates  on  the  walls  of  vesicles.  Tridymite  also  is  present  in 
the  very  dusty,  nearly  opaque  feldspar  phenocrysts  which  are  abundant 
in  the  dacites. 

Accessory  minerals  are  biotite,  hornblende,  and,  in  some  lavas,  olivine. 
The  biotite  is  strongly  pleochroic  from  yellow  brown  to  deep  brown,  and 
occurs  in  about  half  of  the  dacitie  lavas.  The  pleochroic  formula  for  the 
hornblende  is  X,  pale  yellow ;  Y,  light  yellow  brown ;  Z,  dark  yellow 
brown.  Olivine  in  scattered  anhedral  grains  appears  as  a  minor  acces- 
sory in  about  20  percent  of  the  dacites  and  andesites.  Refractive  indices 
of  the  olivine  in  1/168  are  alpha — 1.669  and  gamma — 1.707 ;  these  indi- 
cate about  18  percent  of  the  fayalite  molecule.  Three  of  the  four  olivine- 
bearing  dacites  studied  also  contain  grains  of  quartz. 

Inclusions  composed  of  plagioclase  and  ferromagnesian  minerals  hav- 
ing a  diabasic  or  rarely  a  gabbroic  texture  are  common  in  the  Konocti 
volcanic  rocks.  Some  of  these  inclusions  are  formed  of  the  same  minerals 
as  those  occurring  as  phenocrysts  in  the  lava,  but  the  plagioclase  of  others 
is  labradorite,  i.e.  more  calcic  than  the  main  lava  phenocrysts.  The  largest 
observed  inclusion  was  an  irregular  clot  about  10  centimeters  in  diameter, 
formed  principally  of  labradorite  and  hypersthene. 

Cinder  Cone.  Roundtop  Mountain,  the  single  cinder  cone  in  this  quad- 
rangle, is.  described  by  Anderson:  "The  most  southerly  of  the  recent 
cinder  cones  is  perched  upon  the  rhyodacite  flows,  less  than  a  mile  south- 
east of  Thurston  Lake,  and  resembles  the  Sulphur  Banks  cones  in  that  it. 
also,  is  breached,  opening  to  the  northeast.  It  is  composed  of  reddisli 
basaltic  cinders,  lapilli,  and  bombs,  up  to  several  feet  long."  A  small  flow 
of  basalt  extends  to  the  east  from  the  cone,  which  is  thought  to  post-date 
the  building  of  the  cone,  as  no  cinders  were  observed  on  its  surface. 


Microscopically,  the  basalt  flow  is  similar  to  other  olivine  basalts  in  the 
region,  but  it  contains  no  modal  quartz. 

Inclusions.  Cognate  inclusions  are  well  distributed  through  the  Perini 
Hill  lava,  but  are  rare  in  the  olivine  basalt ;  accidental  inclusions  are  lo- 
cally abundant  in  the  Perini  Hill  lava,  and  locally  present  in  the  olivine 
basalt.  Nearly  everywhere  xenocrysts  of  quartz  are  sporadically  distrib- 
uted through  both  lavas,  although  the  olivine  basalt  seems  devoid  of  in- 
cluded material  at  Quackenbush  Mountain,  and  at  a  number  of  localities 
in  the  main  area  of  outcrop.  The  andesites  which  cap  Boggs  Mountain  are 
not  quartz-bearing,  and  other  inclusions  are  decidedly  rare. 

Of  the  basic  lavas,  only  the  Perini  Hill  flows  carry  cognate  xenoliths  in 
abundance.  The  xenoliths  appear  usually  as  tabular  chips,  averaging 
some  2  centimeters  in  length,  of  fine-grained  light-gray  feldspar,  flecked 
with  magnetite.  The  microscope  shows  a  representative  specimen  to  con- 
sist of  a  hypidiomorphic  granular  aggregate  of  basic  labradorite  (70  per- 
cent and  colorless  hypersthene  (10  percent),  both  of  which  enclose  con- 
spicuous anhedral  grains  of  magnetite  (5  percent).  Patches  of  well- 
crystallized  tridymite  locally  replace  the  feldspar,  which  is  much  pitted 
and  veined  with  colorless  glass.  The  border  of  the  inclusion  is  sharp 
against  the  enclosing  rock,  with  no  suggestion  of  reaction.  These  noritic 
fragments  were  probably  torn  from  the  basic  margins  of  reservoirs  from 
which  the  lavas  were  erupted,  and  they  suggest  a  magma  rich  in  alumina. 

Accidental  xenoliths  may  be  classified  as  siliceous  xenoliths,  which  rep- 
resent sandstone,  chert,  and  quartz  schists  in  various  stages  of  alteration ; 
and  aluminous  xenoliths,  which  are  probably  derived  from  schists  rich  in 
alumina,  or  from  pelitic  sediments.  The  described  zenoliths  are  from  one 
locality  in  the  olivine  basalt,  and  from  a  number  of  localities  in  the  ande- 
sites of  Perini  Hill. 

Most  of  the  siliceous  xenoliths  have  a  more  or  less  distinct  schistose 
structure.  The  largest  and  most  significant  of  these  xenoliths  was  found 
embedded  in  an  andesite  boulder  at  the  southeastern  edge  of  the  Perini 
Hill  lava  cap.  It  was  a  rounded  mass  about  6  inches  in  length,  formed  of 
wide  lensing  bands  of  .quartz  up  to  1  inch  in  width,  separated  by  fine- 
grained bands  composed  of  narrow  red  and  gray  laminae.  The  boundary 
of  the  xenolith  with  the  surrounding  pink  andesite  was  indistinct,  and  it 
was  not  possible  to  remove  the  xenolith  intact.  The  quartz  has  the  same 
limpid  clearness  and  the  tendency  to  break  into  elongated  fragments, 
which  characterize  the  quartz  xenocrysts  of  the  Clear  Lake  lavas.  The 
microscope  shows  the  fine-grained  material  between  quartz  bands  to  be 
composed  of  narrow  irregular  bands  of  granular  quartz  alternating  with 
bands  of  basic  andesine.  Anhedral  grains  of  hypersthene  and  strongly 
oxidized  brownish-yellow  biotite  are  intergrown  with  the  feldspar  and 
to  a  lesser  extent  with  the  quartz,  and  a  few  anhedral  grains  of  garnet 
are  scattered  about.  This  mineral  assemblage  would  place  the  xenolith 
in  the  pyroxene  hornfels  facies.  A  similar  xenolith  was  found  in  the  oli- 
vine basalt  near  Hill  1812,  about  7  miles  from  the  Perini  Hill  locality; 
although  only  1  inch  in  length,  it  is  schistose  in  appearance,  and  the 
microscope  shows  veinlike  mosaics  of  coarsely  crystalline  quartz  and  basic 
andesine  (in  small  amount)  separated  by  irregular  bands  composed  of 
granular  quartz  intergrown  with  pale  green  augite.  A  single  large  (3 
millimeters  in  diameter),  anhedral  grain  of  pale  pink  garnet,  full  of 
augite  and  quartz  inclusions,  appears  within  the  coarse  quartz-andesine 

3— 6S207 

42  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

mosaic.  Whether  the  quartz  of  the  xenoliths  became  segregated  into  the 
wide  bands  and  pods  before  or  after  inclusion  in  the  lava  is  not  clear,  but 
the  segregation  is  attributed  to  some  process  of  metamorphic  differentia- 
tion within  the  schist. 

The  aluminous  xenoliths,  which  occur  in  tlie  lava  as  rounded  inclusions 
with  a  maximum  observed  length  of  5  centimeters,  are  holoerystalline 
aggregates  of  intermediate  plagioclase,  hypersthene,  or  both,  with  cordi- 
erite,  biotite,  spinel,  and  sillimanite  as  accessories.  Though  their  bounda- 
ries are  not  always  sharp,  the  xenoliths  show  no  perceptible  effect  on  the 
enclosing  rock.  An  aluminous  xenolith  (I/274B)  from  the  olivine  basalt 
near  Hill  1812  is  of  flat  oval  shape,  about  5  centimeters  in  length,  and 
mottled  bluish  gray  and  light  gray  in  color.  The  microscope  shows  a 
hypidiomorphic  granular  aggregate  of  plagioclase  (An45.5o)  apparently 
replacing  a  mosaic  of  pale  violet  cordierite,  which  encloses  abundant 
felted  needles  of  sillimanite,  scattered  subhedral  to  anhedral  grains  of 
green  spinel  up  to  1  millimeter  in  length,  and  anhedral  grains  of  mag- 
netite. A  cordierite-sillimanite-spinel  assemblage  from  the  classical  Mull 
localities  has  been  described  by  Thomas  (1922),  who  believed  that  the 
assemblage  formed  by  reaction  of  a  tholeiite  magma  with  the  still  fluid 
matrix  of  a  sillimanite-buchite,  which  gives  rise  to  cordierite  and  spinel 
or  cordierite  and  corundum,  according  to  the  amount  of  available  mag- 
matic  magnesia.  The  calcic  andesine  of  the  Clear  Lake  xenolith  represents 
the  phase  with  which  the  magma  was  saturated  at  the  time  of  reaction 
with  the  xenolith.  (c/.  Bowen,  1928). 

Large  inclusion-loaded  crystals  of  hyersthene  are  the  most  abundant 
form  of  included  material  in  the  Perini  Hill  flows.  Most  of  these  hypers- 
thene prisms  contain  no  cordierite ;  some  contain  only  rounded  grains  of 
quartz,  others  only  plagioclase  (oligoclase  to  andesine) ,  still  others  contain 
both  quartz  and  plagioclase.  Garnet,  biotite,  hornblende,  and  tridymite 
occur  separately  or  together  as  accessory  included  minerals.  In  one  such 
hypersthene  prism,  glassy  violet  inclusions  were  tentatively  identified  as 
cordierite,  and  further  study  in  oil  immersion  showed  optical  properties 
consistent  with  some  varieties  of  cordierite  (Ny — 1.536,  2V — nearly  90°). 
Regarding  the  origin  of  these  inclusion-loaded  hypersthene  crystals,  the 
enclosed  quartz  and  sodic  plagioclase  suggest  derivation  from  a  mure  acid 
rock,  but  no  such  hypersthene  crystals  were  seen  in  the  acid  rocks  of  the 
region ;  moreover,  the  included  garnet  and  cordierite  suggest  a  relation- 
ship with  the  xenoliths.  Many  of  the  xenoliths  studied  contain  hypers- 
thene crystals  in  process  of  including  other  minerals.  Upon  fragmenta- 
tion of  such  xenoliths,  the  inclusion-bearing  hypersthene  crystals  would 
continue  to  grow  in  the  magma.  Growth  of  hypersthene  w^ould  be  favored 
in  the  magma,  already  saturated  with  respect  to  hypersthene. 

The  aluminous  material  which  constituted  some  xenoliths  has  appar- 
ently been  largely  or  wholly  resorbed,  leaving  only  a  hypidiomorphic 
granular  clot  of  labradorite  and  hypersthene,  usually  with  accessory 
biotite  and  magnetite,  to  mark  its  former  presence.  That  such  clots  do 
represent  resorbed  aluminous  material  is  borne  out  by  the  presence  in 
many  similar  clots  of  a  few  grains  of  green  spinel,  commonly  accom- 
panied by  colorless  anhedral  garnet.  A  single  section  of  Perini  Hill  lava 
contains  two  such  inclusions,  both  round  and  about  1.5  millimeters  in 
diameter.  The  first  is  composed  of  two  irregular  grains  of  garnet  about 
0.2  millimeter  in  diameter,  accompanied  by  a  few  grains  of  green  spinel 


and  magnetite,  and  surrounded  by  a  hypidiomorphic  granular  cluster  of 
hypersthene  and  glass-charged  labradorite  ( Auco) .  The  second  is  similar, 
but  contains  biotite  and  no  garnet.   In  another  slide  of  the  same  flow,  a 
rounded  isolated  grain  of  colorless  garnet  is  surrounded  by  a  wide 
reaction  rim  formed  of  colorless  radiating  fibers,  possibly  of  wollastonite. 
Most  of  the  quartz  occurs  as  small  irregular  grains,  with  an  average 
diameter  of  some  2  millimeters,  but  many  clots  reach  3  centimeters 
across,  and  one  irregular  mass  measured  15  centimeters.   Some  of  these 
larger  inclusions  are  sharply  angular,  but  most  are  rounded,  commonly 
egg-shaped.    The  limpid  clarity  and  unusual  brilliance  of  the  quartz, 
emphasized  by  its  setting  of  dark  stony  basalt,  are  so  striking  that  it 
has  been  called  "Lake  County  Diamond."  Other  less  common  varieties 
are  milky  or  amythestine.   The  grains  are  invariably  shattered,  usually 
into  elongated  fragments  bounded  by  smooth  curved  surfaces ;  the  shat- 
tering may  result  from  volume  changes  attending  inversion  from  high 
to  low  quartz.  Although  without  crystal  outlines,  many  of  the  xenocrysts, 
including  some  up  to  5  centimeters  in  length,  possess  the  optical  continuity 
of  a  single  crystal.  Generally  a  narrow  reaction  rim  of  radiating  augite 
rods  separates  the  quartz  from  the  surrounding  basalt,  but  this  rim  is 
lacking  around  some  grains,  and  elsewhere  it  widens  to  fill  or  nearly  fill 
the  space  formerly  occupied  by  quartz.   The  edges  of  some  grains  have 
been  dissolved  to  form  a  corona  of  pale  brown  glass,  in  which  microlites 
of  augite  may  be  embedded.  Needles  and  wedge-shaped  twins  of  tridy- 
mite,  usually  adjacent  to  the  quartz,  are  present  in  some  reaction  rims. 
Quartz-bearing  basalts  have  been  described  from  many  localities,  but 
the  origin  of  the  quartz  has  rarely  been  established.    Diller   (1891) 
described  quartz  inclusions  in  basalts  erupted  from  Cinder  Cone  near 
Lassen  Peak,  and  concluded  that  the  quartz  crystallized  early  in  the 
history  of  the  basalt,  before  the  olivine.  Iddings  (1890)  described  inclu- 
sions in  basalts  from  the  San  Juan  region  which  are  nearly  identical 
with  the  Lake  County  inclusions,  and  suggested  that  the  inclusions  are 
primary  ''secretions"  of  the  basalt.   Harker  (1909)  suggested  that  the 
quartz  basalt  is  in  reality  a  hybrid  rock,  derived  from  admixture  of 
basalt  and  acidic  rock.  The  idea  of  a  hybrid  origin  has  recently  received 
strong  support  in  the  conclusions  of  Larsen  et  al.   (1938)  from  their 
intensive  study  of  the  San  Juan  lavas,  which  include  quartz-bearing 
basalts.   Lacroix  (1893),  from  studies  of  the  quartz-bearing  basalts  of 
the  Central  Plateau  of  France,  concluded  that  the  quartz  had  been  picked 
up  from  quartz-bearing  rocks  at  depth. 

In  deciding  the  origin  of  the  quartz  in  the  Clear  Lake  basalts,  three 
possibilities  may  be  considered:  (1)  original  crystallization  of  quartz 
from  basaltic  magma;  (2)  derivation  of  the  quartz  from  accidental 
inclusions  of  material  forming  the  walls  of  magma  chamber  or  conduit ; 
(3)  mixing  of  quartz-bearing  acid  magma  with  basaltic  magma. 

Experimental  evidence  for  the  system  MgO-FeO-SiOo  (Bowen  and 
Schairer,  1935)  indicates  that  quartz  and  olivine  are  not  in  equilibrium, 
and  therefore  that  quartz  would  not  crystallize  from  a  magma  from  which 
olivine  was  crystallizing.  Larsen  (1936)  felt  that  the  complexity  of  the 
natural  system,  perhaps  in  conjunction  with  increased  pressures,  might 
permit  the  crystallization  of  quartz  from  olivine  basalt  magma.  This 
possibility  cannot  be  disregarded,  but  the  sporadic  distribution  of  the 
quartz  inclusions  in  the  Clear  Lake  basalts,  the  common  angularity,  the 

44  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

great  range  in  size,  and  the  ubiquitous  reaction  rims  are  not  suggestive 
of  original  phenocrystic  material,  but  of  some  foreign  source. 

Derivation  of  the  quartz  from  accidental  inclusions  is  supported  by 
the  abundant  occurrence  of  xenolithic  material  in  the  Perini  Hill  lavas; 
but  such  material,  though  locally  abundant,  is  generally  rare  in  the 
quartz-bearing  basalts.  The  large  schistose  xenolith  (1/279)  found  in 
Perini  Hill  lava  gives  a  clear  answer  to  the  puzzling  question  as  to  what 
type  of  xenolith  could  give  rise  to  the  quartz  xenocrysts :  it  contains  thick 
lensing  bands  of  clear  shattered  quartz,  identical  to  the  quartz  in  the 
xenocrysts ;  its  metamorpliic  nature  is  indicated  by  its  schistose  structure 
and  the  scattered  crystals  of  garnet.  Could  the  material  other  than  quartz 
in  such  a  xenolith — the  feldspar,  garnet,  and  perhaps  other  minerals — 
be  entirel}^  assimilated  by  the  olivine  basalt  magma,  leaving  only  clots 
and  grains  of  clear  quartz?  Such  assimilation  is  entirely  possible,  but 
proof  that  it  has  happened  was  not  obtained.  Partially  digested  bits  of 
xenolithic  material,  altliough  abundant  in  the  Perini  Hill  lava,  are  rare 
in  the  olivine  basalt.  Perhaps  the  xenolithic  material  remained  longer 
in  the  olivine  basalt  magma,  so  that  everj^thing  was  digested  but  the 
quartz.  H.  H.  Read  (1923,  p.  452)  has  shown  that  quartzite  appears  to 
float  on  basic  magma,  and  that  quartz  tends  to  be  rejected  and  segre- 
gated in  the  contamination  process. 

The  possibility  that  the  quartz  xenocrysts  were  derived  by  mixing 
with  acidic  magma  is  not  supported  by  the  presence  of  other  xenoliths  or 
xenocrysts  from  acid  magma.  However,  the  presence  of  basic  minerals 
(calcic  feldspar  and  olivine)  in  the  acidic  magmas  of  the  series  indicates 
that  mixing  has  occurred;  furthermore,  most  minerals  of  acid  magmas 
are  more  readily  absorbed  by  basic  magma  than  the  reverse.  Bowen 
(1928)  showed  that  members  late  in  the  reaction  series  are  dissolved  in 
basic  magma,  the  required  heat  being  furnished  by  crystallization  of  the 
phase  with  which  the  magma  is  saturated,  and  the  amount  of  liquid 
being  increased.  Quartz  is  the  most  refractory  of  the  late  members,  and 
would  consequently  remain  after  resorption  of  the  others.  There  remains 
the  difficulty  that  some  of  the  quartz  xenocrysts  are  larger  than  any 
normal  quartz  phenocryst ;  however,  this  might  be  explained  by  rejection 
and  segregation  of  the  quartz  in  the  contamination  process. 

To  conclude,  the  presence  of  xenoliths  of  quartz-bearing  schist  and 
the  partly  assimilated  fragments  of  such  xenoliths  in  the  Perini  Hill 
lavas  constitutes  strong  evidence  that  the  quartz  xenocrj'sts  in  these  lavas 
were  derived  from  the  schist.  The  local  presence  of  similar  xenoliths 
in  the  quartz-bearing  olivine  basalt  suggests  that  these  quartz  xenocrysts 
were  also  derived  from  the  schist;  but  the  general  scarcity  of  schist 
xenoliths  and  the  virtual  absence  of  partly  assimilated  xenolithic  frag- 
ments, casts  doubt  on  this  possibility.  The  derivation  of  a  greater  or 
lesser  part  of  the  quartz  xenocrysts  in  all  of  the  basic  lavas  by 
mixing  with  acidic  magmas  of  the  series  is  considered  a  distinct 
but  unproved  possibility. 

Chemical  Composition  of  the  Lavas.  No  chemical  analyses  were  made 
for  the  present  study.  Tlic  following  analyses,  quoted  from  Anderson's 
(1936)  paper,  are  of  rocks  collected  within  oi-  just  outside  the  Lower 
Lake  quadrangle,  and  are  considered  representative  of  their  respective 
lava  types  in  the  series.  Lava  types  for  which  analj'ses  are  not  avail- 
able are  the  andesitic  lavas  of  Perini  Hill  and  Boggs  Mountain,  and 


165"" '       '       '       [70""       '       ^ 



^  Fe203 
■    OlMgO 

Figure  3.     Variation  diagram  of  Clear  Lake  lavas.    (From  Anderson,   1936,   p.    660.) 

the  rhyolitic  lava  of  Cobb  Mountain;  however,  the  composition  of  the 
biotite  rhyolite  pumice,  analysis  of  which  is  shown  below,  is  probably 
very  similar  to  the  rhyolite  of  Cobb  Mountain. 

The  olivine  basalts  (nos.  1  and  2),  apparently  intercalated  with  the 
Cache  formation  and  therefore  the  oldest  lava  type  in  the  series,  have  a 
composition  very  similar  to  the  quartz-basalts  listed  by  Johannsen  (p. 
416,  V.  II,  1932),  except  that  the  Lower  Lake  rocks  are  a  little  high  in 
MgO  and  a  little  low  in  AI2O3.  When  compared  with  ordinary  basalts 
(as  listed  in  Johannsen,  p.  261,  v.  Ill,  1932),  the  Lower  Lake  olivine 
basalts  are  high  in  silica  (7-8  percent),  low  in  FeO  plus  Fe203  (about 
5  percent) ,  and  a  little  low  in  CaO.  Anderson  notes  that  the  olivine  basalt 
collected  by  him  (no.  1)  is  typical  of  the  locality,  and  that  olivine  was 
the  only  visible  phenocrystic  mineral,  no  visible  quartz  grains  being 

As  noted  by  Anderson,  soda  generally  exceeds  the  potash  even  among 
the  more  silicic  rocks,  so  that  the  k  value  (molecular  ratio  of  potash  to 
total  alkalies)  ranges  from  0.23  to  0.40,  excepting  the  biotite  rhyolite 
pumice,  which  has  a  k  value  of  0.50.  According  to  Peacock's  (1931)  classi- 
fication, the  Clear  Lake  rocks  are  calcic,  with  an  alkali-lime  index  of 
about  62 ;  and  in  this  respect  they  are  like  the  High  Cascade  volcanoes 
of  Lassen  Peak,  Mount  Shasta,  and  Crater  Lake. 

A  comparison  of  the  Clear  Lake  variation  diagram  with  variation 
diagrams  for  some  of  the  Cascade  volcanoes  (Williams,  1935,  p.  296-298) 
shows  that  the  AI2O3  curve  is  much  lower,  and  the  MgO  curve  is  higher, 
in  the  Clear  Lake  variation  diagram.  No  evidence  of  the  assimilation  of 
foreign  material  has  been  reported  from  the  Cascade  volcanoes,  and 
it  seems  likely  that  such  assimilation  by  the  Clear  Lake  lavas  may 



Mineral  composition  *  of  Clear  Lake  volcanic  series. 










Plagioclase _       .   . 






<  1 







<  1 






<  1 



<  1 






Quartz _ 





Sanidine __ 



Percent  An  in  plagioclase 







1.  Olivine  basalt  (av.  of  16). 

2.  Andesitic  lavas  of  Boggs  Mountain  (av.  of  6). 

3.  Andesitic  lavas  of  Perinl  Hill  (av.  of  2). 

4.  Dacites  of  Mount  Konocti  and  Mount  Hannah  (av.  of  15). 

5.  Rhyolitlc  flows  and  tuffs  of  Cobb  Mountain  (av.  of  6). 

6.  Rhyolltic  obsidian  (av.  of  2). 

*  Estimated  from  thin  section,  material  too  small  for  identiflcation  excluded,  mineral  identification  by  oil  immer- 
sion of  crushed  and  magnetically  separated  fractions. 

account  for  these  differences.  Addition  of  the  mineral  assemblage  quartz- 
andesine-hypersthene-biotite — which  is  the  composition  of  the  large  xeno- 
lith  found  in  the  andesite  of  Perini  Hill — to  the  Clear  Lake  lavas,  could 
account  for  their  chemical  differences  from  Cascade  volcanoes. 

Petrogenesis.  Chemical  and  petrographic  data  for  the  Clear  Lake 
Volcanic  series  are  not  sufficiently  full  to  warrant  any  extended  specula- 
tion regarding  petrogenesis.  The  variation  diagram  must  be  interpreted 
with  caution,  as  there  are  no  analyzed  rocks  having  silica  content  in  the 
57-66  percent  range,  and  variation  diagrams  plotted  according  to  various 
schemes  all  show  considerable  gaps  between  rock  types.  However,  the 
widespread  occurrence  of  xenocrysts  and  xenoliths  in  many  of  the  lava 
types  as  well  as  certain  abnormalities  in  chemical  composition,  require 

Differentiation  of  the  lava  types  by  the  process  of  fractional  crystal- 
lization of  basaltic  magma  is  suggested  by  the  variation  diagram.  Bowen 
(1928)  showed  that  such  curves  are  consistent  with  the  course  of  frac- 
tional crystallization.  Furthermore,  the  average  feldspars  of  the  acidic 
lavas  are  consistently  more  sodic  than  those  of  the  basic  lavas,  indicating 
the  influence  of  the  experimentally  established  reaction  series  of  feld- 
spars ;  and  evidence  of  the  reaction  series  olivine-pyroxene-hornblende- 
biotite  is  demonstrated  by  rims  of  one  mineral  around  another,  and  by 
the  appearance  and  disappearance  of  these  minerals  in  the  experimentally 
determined  order. 

Some  persistent  mineralogical  features  of  the  Clear  Lake  lavas  cannot 
be  explained  by  fractional  crystallization,  however.  Two  distinct  kinds  of 
plagioclase  phenocrysts  (commonly  An25.35  and  Anyo)  are  mutually  asso- 


dated  in  many  of  the  dacites  and  andesites;  the  rhj'olites  of  Cobb 
Mountain  contain  feldspar  phenocrysts  as  calcic  as  Anss ;  and  the  rhyo- 
litic  obsidian  commonly  contains  phenocrysts  of  plagioclase  as  sodic  as 
Anso.  The  olivine  basalt  is  typically  quartz  bearing,  the  quartz  inclu- 
sions being  distributed  in  varying  amount  throughout  an  extensive 
outcrop  area.  Andesitic  lavas  of  Periui  Hill  also  contain  abundant  quartz 
inclusions.  Distinctly  magnesian  olivine  (Faie-is)  occurs  in  some  of  the 
andesitic  and  dacitic  lavas,  and  three  of  the  four  olivine-bearing  dacites 
studied  are  also  quartz  bearing.  Sanidine  occurs  only  as  phenocrysts  in 
the  dacite,  being  absent  from  the  groundmass,  suggesting  that  the  sani- 
dine may  be  xenocrystic  rather  than  phenocrystic.  All  these  abnormal 
mineralogical  features  suggest  that  minerals  belonging  to  two  or  more 
stages  of  magmatic  evolution  have  been  brought  into  association.  More- 
over, the  fact  that  phenocrysts  are  mainly  concerned  indicates  that  this 
association  took  place  at  considerable  depth. 

That  contamination  played  a  part  in  the  petrogenesis  of  the  andesitic 
flows  of  Perini  Hill  is  suggested  by  the  abundance  of  siliceous  and  alumi- 
nous xenoliths  which  these  flows  contain.  Xenoliths  are  abundant  locally 
in  the  olivine  basalt ;  and  if  the  widespread  quartz  inclusions  are  indeed 
foreign,  a  significant  amount  of  contamination  is  indicated. 

Present  volumes  of  the  different  lavas,  including  the  extensions  of  these 
lavas  beyond  the  limits  of  this  quadrangle,  are  estimated  as  follows,  in 
cubic  miles :  olivine  basalt,  1.5 ;  andesites  of  Perini  Hill  and  Boggs  Mt., 
0.55 ;  dacites  of  Mt.  Konocti,  Mt.  Hannah,  and  Seigler  Mt.,  3.0 ;  rhyolite 
of  Cobb  Mt.,  0.25 ;  rhyolitic  obsidian,  0.45. 

The  characteristics  of  the  Clear  Lake  lavas  could  be  explained  by 
several  different  schemes,  or  combination  of  schemes,  or  magmatic  evo- 
lution. Two  such  general  schemes  will  be  considered:  (1)  An  original 
basaltic  magma  differentiated  into  acidic  and  intermediate  magmas  by 
fractional  crystallization,  the  course  of  differentiation  being  somewhat 
influenced  by  assimilation  of  sedimentary  material ;  and  portions  of  the 
different  magmas  so  formed  mixed  to  produce  hybrid  magmas.  This 
scheme,  while  theoretically  competent  to  produce  the  lava  types,  would 
produce  a  relatively  small  proportion  of  acidic  to  basic  lava ;  whereas  the 
total  volume  of  acidic  lavas  in  fact  greatly  exceeds  the  volume  of  basic 
lavas.  It  might  of  course  be  argued  that  the  requisite  volume  of  basic 
lava  from  which  the  extruded  acidic  lavas  were  differentiated,  remains 
at  depth. 

(2)  Basic  and  acidic  magma,  formed  independently  by  differential 
fusion  at  the  roots  of  the  continental  platform,  became  mixed  in  rising 
and  thus  produced  hybrid  magmas ;  composition  of  some  magmas  was 
altered  by  assimilation  of  sedimentary  material.  This  genetic  scheme, 
adopted  from  suggestions  by  Turner  and  Verhoogen  (1951,  p.  358-367), 
satisfactorily  explains  all  of  the  obeserved  features  of  the  Clear  Lake 
volcanic  series.  The  nearly  straight  lines  of  the  variation  diagram — 
which  may,  to  be  sure,  be  only  apparent  because  of  an  insufficient  number 
of  chemical  analyses — are  thus  explained  by  the  mixing  of  two  end 
members  in  various  proportions.  The  olivine  basalt,  whose  silica  content 
is  decidedly  above  that  of  the  average  basalt,  is  not  considered  to  be  the 
basic  end  member,  but  is  considered  to  be  contaminated,  probably  with 
quartz  schists  of  the  basement  complex. 



[Bull.  166 





























































































































































































































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50  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

Quaternary  Deposits 

Although  the  floors  of  the  larger  valleys  are  formed  of  a  thick  deposit 
of  transported  alluvial  material,  the  mantle  of  soil  and  broken  rock  which 
covers  the  uplands  is  sedentary,  and  its  composition  serves  to  identify 
the  underlying  rock.  The  character  of  the  valley  fill  varies  from  place  to 
place,  depending  on  the  rock  types  composing  the  neighboring  uplands. 
The  soil  in  those  parts  of  the  valleys  adjoining  lava  flows  is  reddish, 
porous,  and  generally  productive.  Near  large  serpentine  bodies,  con- 
stituents derived  from  the  serpentine  cause  the  soil  to  be  sticky  and 
plastic  when  wet,  and  to  dry  rapidly  with  much  shrinkage :  during  the 
dry  season,  the  surface  of  some  parts  of  Long  Valley  is  broken  by  a  net- 
work of  large  cracks  up  to  6  inches  across  and  several  feet  deep.  The 
thickness  of  the  alluvial  fill  in  the  valleys  around  Middletown  is  about 
100  feet,  according  to  reports  from  well  drillers.  For  a  technical  descrip- 
tion of  the  soils  of  the  Clear  Lake  area,  which  includes  this  quadrangle, 
see  Carpenter,  Storie,  and  Cosby  (1931). 

Landslide  and  Talus  Deposits 

Landslides  are  common  everywhere  in  the  quadrangle,  although  they 
are  especially  numerous  in  the  serpentine  areas.  They  are  recognized  by 
topographic  expression — hummocky  surfaces,  distorted  drainage,  or  cir- 
quelike scars — or  by  the  broken  rock  masses,  commonly  of  unrelated 
lithology,  which  compose  them.  Factors  which  combine  to  cause  the  land- 
slides include  general  steepness  of  slopes,  depth  of  the  rock  mantle, 
seasonal  rainfall,  and  sparseness  or  absence  of  trees  and  shrubs.  The 
serpentine,  being  slippery  and  usually  strongly  fractured,  slides  very 

No  attempt  was  made  to  show  all  of  the  slides  on  the  geologic  map,  but 
the  more  important  ones  are  shown.  By  far  the  largest  single  slide,  both 
in  distance  traveled  and  amount  of  rock  material  involved,  originated  on 
the  southern  flank  of  Cobb  Mountain  and  extends  about  2  miles  to  the 
southeast.  Great  volumes  of  rhyolitic  debris,  including  blocks  up  to  30 
feet  in  length,  have  moved  down  the  steep  flank  of  Cobb  Mountain, 
covering  the  Franciscan  rocks  in  place  there.  Farther  down  slope,  the 
rhyolitic  debris  becomes  mixed  with  increasing  amounts  of  Franciscan 
rocks,  mostly  schist  and  sandstone ;  and  north  of  Anderson  Springs,  near 
the  end  of  the  slide,  andesitic  debris  from  Boggs  Mountain  joins  the 
confused  assemblage.  Another  large  slide  originates  at  the  southeastern 
end  of  Boggs  Mountain,  where  it  is  composed  entirely  of  andesitic  debris ; 
farther  down  slope  this  is  joined  by  serpentine,  schist,  and  shale  debris  to 
form  a  shallow  but  extensive  landslide.  Smaller  slides  composed  entirely 
of  sedimentary  rocks  are  numerous  along  the  Knoxville  road,  east  of- 
Lower  Lake,  and  also  along  Soda  Creek.  The  lava-capped  uplands  are 
nearly  everywhere  skirted  by  talus  slopes,  or  by  a  mantle  of  weathered 
lava  and  scattered  boulders. 

Terrace  Deposits 
The  branching  intermittent  streams  in  Burns  Valley  have  cut  into  an 
alluvial  deposit  whose  surface  is  about  15  feet  above  the  present  level  of 
the  valley  floor,  thus  forming  a  terrace  of  irregular  outline.  The  surface 
of  the  terrace  is  not  flat  but  slopes  upvalley  and  merges  almost  imper- 
ceptibly with  the  Cache  terrain.  It  is  not  apparent  from  the  composition 
and  structure  of  the  terrace,  which  is  almost  entirely  clastic  debris  from 


the  Cache  formation,  whether  the  terrace  material  was  deposited  in  the 
lake  or  subaerially ;  but  it  is  improbable  that  the  higher,  up  valley  portion 
of  the  terrace  is  lacustrine.  Cutting  of  the  terrace  suggests  that  the  lake 
level  has  been  lowered.  This  lowering  could  have  been  caused  by  the 
breaking  of  an  hypothetical  barrier,  as  suggested  by  Anderson ;  but  other 
equally  probable  causes  may  be  suggested,  such  as  change  of  climate  or 
warping  of  the  basin. 


The  evolution  of  much  of  the  present  landscape  begins  with  the  out- 
break of  a  volcanic  epoch  early  in  Pleistocene  time :  lava  flows  then  cov- 
ered an  older  landscape  of  moderate  relief,  and  subsequent  erosion  has 
both  dissected  the  lava  flows  and  sharpened  the  relief  on  older  rocks. 
The  lava  originally  covered  at  least  one-fourth  of  the  quadrangle.  In 
addition  to  the  flows,  bulbous  protrusions  of  acid  lava,  several  hundred 
feet  in  height,  were  formed ;  the  protrusions  now  appear  as  rounded, 
forest-  or  brush-covered  mountains,  and  the  more  basic  flows  appear  as 
rolling  highlands  fringed  by  cliffs  and  talus  slopes.  Elevations  of  the 
bases  of  lava  flows  indicate  that  the  flows  were  poured  out  upon  a  surface 
having  a  maximum  relief  of  some  750  feet,  which  is  considerably  less  than 
the  present  relief.  In  post-volcanic  time,  erosion  has  cliffed  the  edges  of 
the  flows,  causing  their  retreat  by  an  unknown  amount,  and  streams 
have  cut  deep  gorges  through  some  flows.  The  main  volcanic  areas,  how- 
ever, have  remained  relatively  unaffected,  while  the  relief  of  surrounding 
areas,  underlain  by  the  less  resistant  pre-volcanic  sediments,  has  been 
sharply  increased.  Thus  the  present  landscape  features  may  be  logicallj- 
described  under  two  main  headings :  landforms  evolved  on  pre-volcanic 
rocks,  and  landforms  of  volcanic  origin. 

Landforms  Evolved  on  Pre-Yolcanic  Bocks.  The  Mesozoic  and  Eocene 
rocks  of  the  quadrangle  have  been  subject  to  erosion  continuously  since 
Eocene  time,  except  for  those  areas  which  were  covered  by  Cache  sedi- 
ments. The  beginning  and  history  of  the  present  erosion  cycle  cannot 
be  determined,  because  there  are  no  remnants  of  uplifted  land  surfaces 
or  other  necessary  evidence,  but  the  region  and  most  of  the  stream  valleys 
are  now  in  the  stage  of  early  maturitj^  Slopes  are  generally  graded, 
and  divides  are  ridges  or  rounded  hills  with  convex  slopes.  That  some 
adjustment  of  drainage  to  structure  exists  is  shown  by  the  general  north- 
westerly trend  of  the  larger  streams ;  but  the  stream  pattern  is  complex, 
partly  because  of  the  random  distribution  of  igneous  intrusions  in  the 
Mesozoic  sediments,  and  the  influence  of  the  lava  flows.  Streams  in  the 
uplands  have  steep  valley  sides,  fairly  high  gradients,  and  little  or  no 
flood  plains.  In  addition,  there  are  innumerable  insequent  gullies  which 
finely  dissect  the  topography. 

Streams  from  the  uplands  descend  into  wide,  flat  valleys  which  are 
bordered  by  the  sharply  dissected  uplands.  A  group  of  such  valleys 
occupies  the  southeast  corner  of  the  quadrangle,  where,  although  inter- 
connecting, they  are  separated  by  irregular  hilly  masses  which  rise  from 
their  floors  like  islands  in  a  sea.  The  cover  of  alluvium  in  Long  Valley 
is  not  much  greater  than  100  feet,  and  serpentine  underlies  much  of  the 
valley,  according  to  oral  information  from  well-drillers. 

These  large  valleys  are  plainly  anomalous,  and  they  require  explana- 
tion. They  could  be  attributed  to  blocking  of  former  drainage  by  lava 

52  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

flows,  and  there  is  indeed  evidence  that  such  did  occur.  However,  that 
similar  valleys  were  already  in  existence  at  the  time  of  eruption  of  the 
lava  is  indicated  by  positions  of  the  flows :  east  and  south  of  Middletown, 
a  floAv  of  quartz-bearin<2:  basalt  descends  from  an  elevation  of  about 
1800  feet  to  the  valley  floor  at  an  elevation  of  1100  feet,  where  it  is 
apparently  buried  by  alluvium.  There  is  a  similar  occurrence  north  of 
Coyote  Valley,  whore  the  lava  descends  to  the  valley  floor  from  an  eleva- 
tion of  1500  feet.  Furthermore,  the  distribution  of  remnants  of  the 
flows  indicates  that  the  thickest  part  of  the  flow  descended  to  the  south- 
west, directly  across  the  former  drainap:e  paths  of  the  valleys.  The  pre- 
volcanic  valleys  may  have  been  in  harmony  with  their  surrounding? 
topography,  but  the  presence  of  faults  alonj?  the  borders  of  some  of  the 
valleys  suj^pests  that  they  are,  at  least  in  part,  of  tectonic  origin.  The 
evidence  indicates,  therefore,  that  the  present  wide,  flat  valleys  were 
formed  by  a  combination  of  geologic  circumstances :  downfaulting  and/or 
downwarping  led  to  the  formation  of  the  original  topographic  depres- 
sions, which  were  followed  by  streams.  When  lava  flows  blocked  the 
eastern  outlet,  drainage  was  deranged  and  probably  ponded  for  a  time. 
Moderate  uplift  followed  the  volcanic  epoch,  renewing  dissection  of 
the  uplands.  Putah  Creek  at  length  cut  a  gorge  through  the  flow  at  Hells 
Half  Acre,  and  the  present  rapids  there  show  that  the  downcutting  is 
still  in  progress.  In  the  meantime,  the  flat  valleys  remain  as  oversized 
graded  reaches. 

Landforms  of  Volcanic  Origin.  Several  massive  volcanic  mountains 
lie  along  the  western  border  of  the  quadrangle,  rising  conspicuously 
above  the  surrounding  highlands.  The  crest  of  Mount  Konocti  (elevation 
4200  feet),  largest  and  best  known  of  these,  is  located  about  1  mile 
beyond  the  western  boundary  of  this  quadrangle,  which  includes  only 
the  eastern  flank  of  the  mountain.  Mount  Konocti  has  been  described 
by  Anderson  (1936),  and  termed  an  eroded  multiple  volcano.  The 
highest  part  is  south  of  the  center  of  the  mountain,  and  includes  three 
prominent  peaks,  one  of  which  appears  to  be  a  remnant  of  a  secondary 
cone.  Several  crater  remnants  appear  in  the  summit  area,  and  a  number 
of  small  parasitic  cones  on  the  flanks.  Although  the  mountain  is  built 
principally  of  lava  flows,  local  exposures  of  pyroclastic  material  require 
its  classification  as  a  composite  cone.  Mount  Konocti  is  believed  to  be 
middle  or  late  Pleistocene  in  age,  judging  from  the  degree  of  erosion 
and  the  fact  that  its  lavas  are  similar  to  those  overlying  the  Plio-Pleisto- 
cene  Cache  formation. 

Five  miles  to  the  south  of  Mount  Konocti,  the  steep  flanks  of  Mount 
Hannah  rise  to  an  elevation  of  some  1400  feet  above  the  adjoining 
flat,  forming  a  nearly  symmetrical  rounded  cone.  A  thick  pine  forest 
covering  the  mountain  obscures  many  of  the  details  of  its  form;  but  the 
presence  of  soil  cover  sufficient  to  support  such  a  forest  testifies  to  a 
considerable  age.  However,  water  courses  down  the  flanks  are  broad  and 
shallow,  and  the  work  of  erosion  is  proceeding  mostly  by  gravity  trans- 
port of  blocks  down  the  steep  slope.  The  top  of  the  mountain  is' formed 
of  thick  lava  flows,  and  there  is  no  evidence  of  a  crater  depression  or  of 
pyroclastic  rocks.  Mount  Hannah  may  therefore  be  described  as  a 
bulbous  protrusion  of  dacitic  and  andesitic  lavas.  Judging  from  the 
relative  degrees  of  erosion,  Mount  Hannah  is  somewhat  more  recent 
than  Mount  Konocti.   Seigler  Mountain  is  similar  to  Mount  Hannah  in 


structure  and  composition,  although  less  symmetrical,  and  appears  to  be 
formed  of  coalescing  protrusions  of  the  viscous  lavas. 

Cobb  Mountain  rises  prominently  along  the  crest  of  the  northwestward- 
trending  Mayacmas  Range,  reaching  the  highest  altitude  in  the  map 
area  (4722  feet)  and  an  elevation  of  some  2350  feet  above  the  adjoining 
valley.  The  top  of  the  mountain  is  broad,  and  its  flanks,  especially  to 
the  south,  are  exceedingly  steep  and  gashed  by  deep,  narrow  canyons. 
The  semi-circular  configuration  of  the  top  of  the  mountain  is  suggestive 
of  the  remnants  of  a  crater  rim,  breached  to  the  south  by  erosion,  and  the 
presence  of  an  explosive  vent  is  further  suggested  by  the  rhyolite  tuff 
cropping  out  on  its  southern  slopes.  However,  the  mountain  is  built 
mostly  of  banded  rhyolite,  which  probably  piled  up  as  thick  viscous  flows 
around  a  central  vent.  Cobb  Mountain  is  more  deeply  eroded  and  there- 
fore probably  older  than  either  Mount  Konocti  or  Mount  Hannah. 

Boggs  Mountain  is  formed  of  a  thick,  elongated  cap  of  andesite  over- 
lying older  rocks.  The  andesite  appears  to  have  been  extruded  from  the 
crest  of  a  low  irregular  ridge  and  to  have  flowed  down  the  sides  of  this 
ridge.  The  cap  is  bordered  by  cliffs  up  to  150  feet  high,  below  which 
there  is  a  great  deal  of  lava  slide  debris. 

Thurston  Lake  occupies  a  flat-bottomed  basin  whose  steep  sides 
are  formed  of  dacitic  lavas.  The  water  is  generally  shallow,  not 
covering  the  entire  bottom  in  the  summer,  and  stands  at  an  elevation 
about  100  feet  above  the  level  of  Clear  Lake,  from  which  it  is  separated 
by  a  ridge  of  lava.  It  is  probable  that  the  lake  bottom  is  not  underlain  by 
lava,  but  by  Cache  sediments,  for  an  outcrop  of  Cache  diatomite  appears 
just  beyond  the  western  end  of  the  lake,  along  the  creek  which  drains 
into  it.  The  lake  has  no  outlet,  but  the  water  remains  moderately  fresh, 
probably  escaping  through  the  porous  bottom  of  Cacbe  rocks.  The  origin 
of  the  lake  has  already  been  suggested  by  Davis  (1933,  p.  218)  :  "Thur- 
ston Lake  .  .  .  occupies  a  deep  hollow  that  is  accidentally  enclosed  by  the 
up-building  of  several  volcanic  mounts  around  it  .  .  .".  This  assumes 
that  the  dacitic  flows  were  too  viscous  to  coalesce,  and  it  is  difficult  to 
suggest  an  alternative  hypothesis. 

A  similar  origin  is  proposed  for  a  number  of  flat  meadows,  surrounded 
by  dacite  or  obsidian,  which  are  located  to  the  south  and  west  of  Thurston 
Lake,  into  which  they  drain.  These  meadows  are  not  all  interconnecting, 
but  the  floors  stand  at  about  the  same  elevation.  Cache  sediments  are 
exposed  in  the  most  westerly  of  the  meadows  (Ely  Flat),  and  probably 
underlie  the  others,  although  they  are  covered  by  alluvium. 

Evidently,  before  extrusion  of  the  obsidian,  the  meadows  formed  part 
of  a  surface  which  drained  northward.  There  is  further  evidence  that 
drainage  was  also  to  the  north  after  the  obsidian  had  partly  covered  this 
old  surface.  A  road-metal  quarry  on  the  east  border  of  Ely  Flat  has  been 
cut  into  a  deposit  of  obsidian  pebble  gravel.  The  gravel  deposit  is  lo- 
cated on  the  north  side  of  an  obsidian  ridge,  and  the  layers,  made  distinct 
by  a  thin  intercalated  bed  of  gray  clay,  dip  toward  the  north.  The  evi- 
dence therefore  indicates  that  the  pre-lava  topography  drained  toward 
the  present  basin  of  Clear  Lake,  at  a  calculated  slope  of  250  feet  per  mile. 
This  of  course  does  not  establish  the  fact  that  Clear  Lake  was  already  in 
existence  in  pre-volcanic  times,  but  only  that  the  lavas  did  not  create  the 
lake  basin,  although  they  have  restricted  it. 

From  the  main  volcanic  areas  south  of  Konocti,  a  broad  but  irregular 
and  locally  discontinuous  tongue  of  basalt  extends  for  some  15  miles  to 


the  southwest,  narrowing  as  it  goes.  Its  surface  is  not  flat,  but  surmounted 
by  broad  mounds,  which  rise  as  much  as  500  feet  above  the  general  level. 
Flats  between  these  mounds  form  the  floors  of  a  number  of  intermittent 
lakes,  such  as  the  Stienhart  Lakes.  Compared  to  the  highly  dissected 
topography  of  the  older  rocks  which  it  overlies,  the  surface  of  the  basalt 
area  is  much  subdued.  Lava  cliffs,  50  to  150  feet  high,  form  the  edges  of 
the  basalt  cap,  and  testify  to  a  former  greater  extent.  There  is  little  evi- 
dence to  show  what  this  former  extent  might  have  been;  but  Childers 
Peak,  located  1^  miles  south  of  the  basalt  tongue,  is  capped  by  a  tiny 
remnant  of  basalt,  at  nearly  the  same  elevation  as  the  base  of  the  main 
flow.  This  suggests  that  the  flow  extended  farther  to  the  south.  The  large 
mounds  on  the  lava  cap  mark  the  probable  sites  of  extrusion ;  the  lava 
cap  was  no  doubt  thickest  at  this  point,  hence  its  preservation.  As  re- 
vealed by  the  elevations  of  the  base  of  the  lava,  the  surface  over  which  it 
poured  had  a  rolling  topography  with  a  maximum  relief  of  some  750 

Borax  Lake  basin  was  apparently  formed  when  obsidian  flows  dammed 
the  western  end  of  a  valley  cut  in  Franciscan  rocks.  Although  the  water 
level  fluctuates  considerably,  the  lake  is  always  shallow,  drying  up  com- 
pletely during  periods  of  drouth.  In  March,  1944,  the  water  surface  stood 
only  6  feet  above  that  of  Clear  Lake ;  such  close  correspondence  of  level 
suggests  that  the  valley  was  occupied  b}'-  the  waters  of  Clear  Lake  before 
formation  of  the  lava  dam. 

Borax  Lake  is  so  named  because  of  the  considerable  quantities  of  borax 
crystals  which  were  removed  from  its  muds  in  the  1860 's.  It  has  been 
described  in  detail  by  Becker  (1888)  and  also  by  Anderson  (1936).  The 
source  of  the  borax  appears  to  have  been  a  group  of  hot  solfataric  springs 
issuing  from  the  obsidian  at  the  southeastern  end  of  the  lake.  Becker  in 
1888  noted  that  the  ground  was  hot  and  moist,  that  impure  sulfur  had 
been  found  in  excavations,  and  that  no  water  was  flowing  at  the  time  of 
his  visit.  At  present  the  ground  around  the  former  springs  is  bleached 
white  over  an  area  of  several  acres,  and  the  odor  of  sulfur  can  be  de- 
tected ;  there  has  been  no  renewal  of  flow  from  the  springs.  Becker  showed 
by  analyses  that  no  borax  is  present  in  the  surrounding  rocks,  and  that 
the  springs  must  have  been  the  source  of  the  borax  crystals.  If  the  springs 
are  indeed  extinct,  no  replenishment  of  the  borax  deposit  may  be  ex- 

Clear  Lake.  Only  the  narrow  southern  part  of  Clear  Lake,  less  than 
one-fourth  of  its  total  area,  lies  within  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle.  The 
lake  broadens  considerably  in  its  upper  part:  it  is  locally  described  as 
having  the  shape  of  a  tadpole  with  two  tails,  the  broad  upper  part  being 
the  head,  and  the  part  in  this  quadrangle  being  one  of  the  tails.  The  lake 
has  a  total  area  of  about  60  square  miles,  a  length  of  about  18  miles,  and 
a  maximum  width  of  about  7  miles.  A  contour  map  of  the  bottom,  based 
on  more  than  100  soundings  compiled  by  the  Wallis  Marine  Service  at 
Clear  Lake  Park,  shows  that  the  lake  floor  has  the  configuration  of  a 
shallow,  irregular  basin,  whose  deepest  part  (52  feet)  is  directly  east  of 
Mount  Konocti. 

Geologic  work  in  this  quadrangle  has  shed  some  light  on  the  origin  of 
the  large  topographic  depression  which  is  occupied,  although  not  fully, 
by  the  waters  of  Clear  Lake,  A  casual  examination  indicates  that  the 
southern  edge  of  the  basin  is  formed  entirely  of  lava  flows,  but  sediments 


appear  from  beneath  the  lava  at  Baylis  Point,  and,  as  previonsly  noted, 
there  is  evidence  that  the  pre-lava  surface  sloped  toward  this  depression. 
That  the  Cache  formation  is  somehow  related  to  the  present  depression  is 
indicated  by  the  fact  that  lacustrine  deposits  of  the  Cache — marls,  lime- 
stones, and  diatomites — appear  only  in  the  vicinity  of  Clear  Lake.  Fur- 
thermore, the  dips  of  the  Cache  beds  are  mostly  gentle  in  the  immediate 
vicinity  of  Clear  Lake,  and  although  the  beds  on  the  north  shore  dip 
gently  beneath  the  lake,  the  dips  steepen  away  from  the  lake. 

Two  hypotheses  regarding  the  origin  of  Clear  Lake  have  been  pro- 
posed:  (1)  Clear  Lake  occupies  the  lowest  part  of  a  shallow  downwarp 
or  fault  depression,  which  is  related  to  the  basin  in  which  the  Cache 
sediments  were  deposited.  This  is  essentially  the  origin  proposed  by 
Becker.  (2)  The  waters  of  Clear  Lake  occupy  an  intermontane  basin 
plain  whose  outlets  have  been  dammed  in  some  manner.  The  detailed 
sequence  of  events  for  this  hypothesis  has  been  worked  out  by  Davis 
(1933),  and  Anderson  concurred  in  general  with  these,  after  making  a 
few  minor  corrections.  As  for  the  age  of  the  lake,  Anderson  showed 
that  high-level  lake  sediments  at  Sulphur  Banks  and  at  Buckingham 
peninsula  are  older  than  volcanic  activity  at  these  localities,  and  it 
seems  likely  that ' '  Clear  Lake  came  into  existence  some  tens  of  centuries 
ago,  prior  to  some,  if  not  all,  of  the  recent  volcanic  activity. ' ' 

Davis'  hypothesis  hinges  in  part  upon  the  formation  of  a  lava  dam  at 
the  southern  outlet  of  the  lake.  Although  the  present  outlet  of  the  lake 
is  cut  though  sediments  of  the  Cache  formation  rather  than  through 
lava,  there  are  small  remnants  of  lava  flows  scattered  in  and  about  the 
southernmost  tip  of  the  lake.  Whether  these  might  represent  remnants 
of  a  former  barrier  now  destroyed,  or  whether  there  is  perhaps  a  buried 
channel  filled  with  lava  is  not  known.  Kecently,  however,  the  elevation 
of  the  channel  of  Cache  Creek  just  below  the  Clear  Lake  Water  Company 
dam,  which  has  a  bottom  of  resistant  Cretaceous  sandstone,  was  deter- 
mined as  1300  feet  above  sea  level,  whereas  the  bottom  of  the  lake  at 
its  deepest  part  stands  at  1284  feet.  Thus  the  lake  would  not  be  com- 
pletely drained  if  any  possible  barrier  were  removed  from  its  southern 

It  therefore  seems  that  the  origin  of  Clear  Lake  is  more  fundamentally 
related  to  the  origin  of  the  large  topographic  depression  which  it  par- 
tially fills,  than  to  barriers  across  its  outlets.  No  direct  evidence  bearing 
on  the  origin  of  the  depression  was  found,  but  its  relationships  with  the 
Cache  formation  are  considered  highly  suggestive.  The  presence  of  Cache 
sediments  around  the  southeastern  border  of  Clear  Lake,  extending  as 
far  west  as  Kelseyville,  indicates  that  the  area  has  been  one  of  instability 
in  the  recent  geologic  past.  Two  large  depressions  have  thus  occupied  the 
same  general  areas,  in  part  overlapping,  and  the  beginning  of  the  younger 
is  essentially  continuous  with  the  end  of  the  older.  The  Cache  depres- 
sion, in  which  thousands  of  feet  of  sediment  accumulated,  is  unques- 
tionably a  downwarped  or  downfaulted  feature,  and  the  Clear  Lake 
depression  is  probably  of  similar  origin. 


The  Mesozoic  and  Tertiary  sedimentary  rocks  of  the  Lower  Lake  quad- 
rangle strike  persistently  in  a  northwesterly  direction,  and  the  dip  is 
generally  moderate  to  steep.  The  sediments  are  interrupted  by  numerous 
irregular  areas  of  serpentine  rock,  which  are  broadly  aligned  with  the 

56  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

rofiional  strike.  These  f>eneralizations  apply  to  the  greater  part  of  the 
northern  Coast  Kange,  and  tlie  geologic  structural  features  of  this  quad- 
rangle will  be  regarded  as  parts  of  this  larger  structural  unit. 

Geologic  work  in  adjoining  areas  of  the  Coast  Range  has  shown  that 
the  basic  structural  features  are  large  complex  folds,  several  miles  in 
lengtli  and  moderately  narrow  in  proportion,  having  northwestward- 
trending  axes ;  and  northwestward-trending  faults,  some  having  a  length 
of  many  miles  and  displacements  measurable  in  hundreds  of  feet.  Most 
investigators  have  believed  that  these  faults  were  steeply  dipping, 
although  Weaver  (1949)  has  postulated  low-angle  thrust  faulting  in  the 
Napa  Valley  region.  Evidence  seen  in  isolated  localities,  as  in  mines  or 
cuts  by  road  or  stream,  indicates  that  these  large  structural  features 
are  very  complex  in  detail,  so  that  the  large  folds  include  many  folds 
and  are  complexly  faulted,  and  the  larger  faults  are  perhaps  wide  zones 
rather  than  single  planes  of  faulting.  Unraveling  of  tliese  complexities 
is  precluded  by  poor  exposures  and  lack  of  suitable  map  units.  None  of 
the  large  structural  features  which  had  been  distinguished  by  geologic 
work  in  quadrangles  adjoining  to  the  south  and  west  could  be  traced 
directly  into  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle. 

Although  there  is  no  apparent  difference  in  degree  of  deformation 
between  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  rocks  of  this  quadrangle,  the  Fran- 
ciscan rocks  show  a  somewhat  greater  degree  of  deformation.  In 
particular,  the  Franciscan  area  is  crossed  by  a  large  number  of  north west- 
Avard-trending  shear  zones,  along  which  the  sediments  are  sheared  on 
a  microscopic  scale,  and  crumpled  into  open  folds  ranging  in  size  from 
microscopic  to  several  feet  across.  Outside  the  shear  zones,  the  variable 
attitudes  in  the  Franciscan  may  be  explained  either  by  complex  folding, 
or  by  complex  high-angle  faulting  whereby  the  different  blocks  are 
tilted  in  different  directions;  available  evidence  in  this  quadrangle 
suggests  the  faulting. 

The  structural  role  of  the  serpentine  bodies  is  important  but  difficult 
to  evaluate  and  to  distinguish  from  the  efl'ects  of  other  agents.  Shearing 
Avithin  and  at  the  contacts  of  serpentine  bodies  indicates  that  they  have 
been  squeezed  into  their  present  positions  while  solid,  or  nearly  solid. 
As  emplacement  by  assimilation  or  even  by  stoping  is  not  reasonable,  the 
intruded  sediments  have  doubtless  been  thrust  up  and  aside,  perhaps 
before  they  were  fully  consolidated.  The  apparent  structural  effect  of  the 
serpentine  is  to  locate  the  movements  of  major  faults,  which  commonly 
follow  the  border  of  a  mass  of  serpentine. 


The  dominant  sti'uctural  features  of  the  quadrangle  are  broad,  plung- 
ing, northwest-trending  folds,  several  miles  in  width  and  extending  nearly 
across  the  quadrangle.  These  folds  are  neither  simple  nor  symmetrical, 
but  include  minor  folds,  and  are  extensively  faulted.  Their  borders 
are  not  sharply  defined,  because  the  stratigraphic  units  which  form 
them  differ,  for  purposes  of  mapping,  only  in  their  different  relative 
proportions  of  sandstone  and  shale. 

The  large  wedge-shaped  area  of  Cretaceous  rocks  ending  just  north  of 
Middletown  has  the  general  form  of  a  doubly-plunging  syncline,  but  its 
structure  is  much  complicated  by  faulting  and  minor  folding,  so  that 
most  of  the  rocks  composing  it  dip  to  the  northeast.  At  the  eastern  end, 
it  terminates  abruptly  against  a  large  body  of  serpentine.  There  is  evi- 


dence  of  strong  faulting  within  the  eastern  end  of  the  syncline,  which 
may  have  raised  a  block  near  the  center,  exposing  detrital  serpentine 
near  the  base  of  the  Cretaceous. 

The  large  area  of  Cretaceous  rocks  in  the  center  of  the  quadrangle 
form  a  broad,  well-defined  syncline,  but  this,  too,  includes  numerous 
structural  complications.  The  belt  of  Cretaceous  forming  the  northern 
limb  is  not  so  wide  as  that  forming  the  southern  limb,  and  it  appears  that 
movement  along  a  fault  trending  near  the  fold  axis  may  have  caused 
uplift  of  the  northern  limb.  Such  direction  of  movement  of  the  fault  is 
contradicted  by  the  presence  of  a  patch  of  Martinez  rocks  north  of  the 
fault,  and  a  reversal  of  fault  movement  must  therefore  be  proposed. 
Such  an  assumption  is  not  justified  by  the  evidence,  but  reversal  of 
movement  along  faults  has  been  demonstrated  in  the  Coast  Range  (Huey, 

The  isolated  patch  of  Paleocene  rocks  east  of  Lower  Lake  has  been 
identified  as  synclinal  in  structure  by  Dickerson  (1914)  and  by  Stanton 
(1895).  Both  men  based  their  opinion  largely  upon  faunal  evidence: 
similar  fauna  appeared  at  localities  2  miles  apart,  and  younger  fauna 
appeared  in  the  intervening  rocks.  The  present  study  indicates  that  these 
rocks  are  folded  into  a  complex  syncline  which  plunges  gently  to  the 
north.  The  Martinez  rocks  of  the  northern  limb  swing  southward  beneath 
the  cover  of  Cache  beds  on  the  west,  and  may  join  with  those  of  the 
southern  limb,  forming  part  of  a  basin.  The  center  and  southern  limb  of 
the  syncline  are  complexly  faulted  by  northwestward-trending  faults 
and  l3y  cross-faults.  Within  the  Martinez  outcrops,  there  appears  an 
elongate  area  of  Tejon  conglomeratic  sandstone,  folded  roughly  into 
synclinal  shape,  but  structurally  complex  in  detail,  as  indicated  by  many 
steep  dips  and  erratic  strikes.  The  Martinez  rocks  were  probably  folded 
and  faulted  before  deposition  of  the  Tejon,  as  well  as  afterwards.  As  in 
the  Mesozoic  rocks,  the  lack  of  suitable  map  units  precludes  detailed 
mapping  of  geologic  structure. 

The  Cache  beds  are  considerably  less  deformed  than  the  older  rocks, 
having  dips  which  rarely  exceed  30  degrees  and  commonly  approach  the 
horizontal.  In  the  northeastern  part  of  the  quadrangle,  the  Cache  beds 
are  folded  into  a  broad  but  well-defined  anticline  whose  axis  trends 
northwestward,  nearly  parallel  to  the  North  Fork  of  Cache  Creek. 

As  for  the  lavas,  some  of  these  are  interbedded  with  the  Cache  forma- 
tion, and  have  been  tilted.  However,  outcrop  patterns  of  most  flows  indi- 
cate that  they  are  essentially  undisturbed,  if  allowance  be  made  for  the 
relief  of  the  surface  over  which  they  flowed.  Slumping  is  prevalent  near 
the  edges  of  lava  flows,  and  care  must  be  taken  not  to  confuse  this  with 


Faulting  in  this  quadrangle  is  indicated  by  zones  of  crushed  and 
slickensided  shale,  by  abnormally  straight  contact  lines,  by  linear  out- 
crops of  silica  carbonate  rock,  and,  for  some  minor  faults,  by  the  observed 
displacement  of  strata.  Faults  between  the  major  rock  units  were  traced 
for  distances  up  to  several  miles,  and  where  well  exposed  these  may  show 
zones  of  gouge  and  fault  breccia  several  tens  of  feet  in  width ;  other  large 
faults  are  probably  present  within  the  major  rock  units,  but  are  not 
discernible  because  of  l^e  uniformity  of  the  unit  and  the  soil  cover.  That 
most  of  the  faults  are  steeply  dipping  is  indicated  by  the  fault  trends, 
which  are  nearly  straight  or  broadly  curved. 

58  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bllll.  166 

The  longest  fault  which  could  be  continuously  traced  extends  for 
some  8  miles,  from  Coyote  Valley  to  Seigler  Canyon,  and  it  passes  beneath 
lava  flows  at  both  ends.  It  forms  the  contact  between  the  Knoxville  and 
the  Cretaceous  rocks,  and  is  marked  by  zones  of  sheared  and  breeciated 
rocks,  also  by  silica  carbonate  rocks  near  Childers  Peak, 

The  Cache  formation  seems  to  be  commonly  downfaulted  at  its  contacts 
with  older  formations.  Such  a  fault  contact  is  well  exposed  east  of  Dead- 
man  Canyon,  in  the  northeastern  corner  of  the  quadrangle,  where  it 
shows  a  minimum  displacement  of  150  feet.  Furthermore,  the  Cache- 
Franciscan  contact  in  Burns  Valley,  although  concealed  by  alluvium, 
may  be  traced  northwestward  into  the  Bartlett  Springs  quadrangle, 
where  it  is  well  exposed  and  clearly  faulted.  The  south  contact  of  the 
main  area  of  Cache  sediments  trends  for  over  four  miles  in  a  nearly 
straight  line.  The  actual  contact  with  older  beds  is  covered  by  slumped 
material  from  the  unconsolidated  Cache  beds;  but  because  the  Cache 
beds  strike  into  the  contact  while  consistently  appearing  at  loAver  topo- 
graphic elevations  than  the  older  rocks,  the  contact  is  believed  to  be 

Minor  faults  in  the  lavas  on  the  east  flank  of  Mount  Konocti  and  the 
adjoining  lava  fields  are  marked  by  sharp  breaks  in  the  topography.  The 
faults  show  clearly  on  the  aerial  photographs,  but  no  pattern  or  general 
trend  emerges.  Slumping  and  consequent  tilting  of  lava  blocks,  some  of 
very  considerable  size,  is  common  along  the  lava  cliffs. 


The  geologic  record  in  this  quadrangle  begins  in  Upper  Jurassic  time, 
some  125  million  years  ago,  with  the  deposition  of  Franciscan  sediments. 
The  Franciscan  lithologic  association  is  typical  of  geosynclines  which 
are  orogenically  and  volcanically  active ;  the  high  ratio  of  graywaoke  to 
shale  suggests  that  transitional  or  perhaps  continental  conditions  pre- 
vailed in  the  geosyncline,  although  other  evidence  indicates  that  the  rate 
of  subsidence  was  irregular  both  in  space  and  time.  The  source  of  sedi- 
ments is  thought  to  have  been  a  volcanic  archipelago  located  to  the  west 
of  the  present  coastline,  but  much  of  the  later  sedimentary  material  was 
probably  derived  from  the  reworking  of  earlier  sediments,  uplifted 
within  the  geosjmcline.  During  Knoxville  time,  subsidence  was  more 
rapid  than  deposition,  as  indicated  by  the  predominance  of  gray  clay 
shale,  and  the  outlying  island  arcs  projected  only  slightly  above  sea  level. 
Although  Franciscan  rocks  crop  out  in  only  a  small  portion  of  the  quad- 
rangle, they  undoubtedly  underlie  the  whole,  being  covered  in  most  places 
by  Knoxville  or  younger  rocks.  Thus  the  Jurassic  sea  covered  the  whole 
quadrangle  for  a  long  period  of  time,  sufficient  to  deposit  some  15,000 
feet  of  sedimentary  rocks.  As  for  the  geographic  extent  of  the  Jurassic 
sea,  Taliaferro  concluded  from  a  regional  study  that  it  covered  the  region 
now  occupied  by  the  central  and  northern  Coast  Ranges  of  California, 
and  reached  northward  into  Oregon.  Although  there  is  no  recognizable 
break  between  Franciscan  and  Knoxville  sediments,  the  greater  defor- 
mation of  Franciscan  rocks  indicates  some  orogeny  before  deposition  of 
the  Knoxville.  Such  orogeny  would  not  necessarily  be  accompanied  by 

The  beginning  of  Cretaceous  time  is  not  marked  by  any  recognizable 
break  in  the  rock  record,  although  the  somewhat  greater  degree  of 


deformation  of  Knoxville  rocks  suggests  that  mild  orogeny,  perhaps 
accompanied  by  uplift,  preceded  Cretaceous  deposition.  The  Cretaceous 
lithologic  association  is  characteristic  of  non-volcanic  geosynclines  which 
may  develop  adjacent  to  geosynclines  such  as  the  Franciscan-Knoxville. 
The  high  ratio  of  sandstone  to  shale  suggests  that  water  depths  generally 
exceeded  120  feet,  and  the  relatively  small  amounts  of  chert  and  mud- 
stone  fragments  suggests  that  earlier  geosynclinal  sediments  had  been 
stripped  from  old  Franciscan-Knoxville  source  areas,  exposing  the 
granitic  basement.  The  Cretaceous  sea  occupied,  according  to  Taliaferro 
(1943),  a  "long,  probably  continuous  but  far  from  uniform  trough 
which  lay  along  the  west  border  of  the  Great  Valley."  It  is  questionable 
whether  this  quadrangle  was  entirely  covered  by  the  sea,  but  large  parts 
of  the  quadrangle  were  covered  for  long  periods  of  time. 

The  Paleocene  rocks  are  similar  to  the  Cretaceous,  and  clear-cut  con- 
tact relationships  were  not  observed ;  but  the  areal  distribution  of  sedi- 
ments shows  that  uplift  and  erosion  preceded  Paleocene  deposition. 
Martinez  deposition  of  massive  feldspathic  sandstone  followed  by  shale 
was  closed  by  uplift,  deformation,  and  erosion  before  deposition  of  the 
overljdng  Tejon  coarse  conglomeratic  sandstone.  These  Paleocene  rocks, 
confined  to  a  small  area  east  of  Lower  Lake,  are  evidently  but  remnants 
of  more  widespread  deposits  latd-down  in  a  shallow  marine  geosyncline 
which  extended  northward  from  the  region  of  San  Francisco  Bay. 

Both  Martinez  and  Tejon  rocks  are  considerably  more  faulted  and 
folded  than  is  the  overlying  Plio-Pleistocene  Cache  formation.  Probably 
the  Tejon  and  older  rocks  underwent  deformation  at  several  times 
during  the  Tertiary,  but  there  are  no  sediments  or  other  evidence  to 
record  the  diastrophic  history.  In  late  Pliocene  time,  the  Cache  formation 
began  to  accumulate  in  a  large  structural  basin.  Streams  from  the  sur- 
rounding highlands  carried  debris  into  the  subsiding  basin,  forming  a 
large  basin  plain  whose  surface  was  probably  covered  with  lakes  from 
time  to  time.  A  maximum  thickness  of  about  6,500  feet  of  clastic  sedi- 
ments accumulated  in  the  basin.  Toward  the  end  of  Cache  deposition, 
a  large  lake  was  formed  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  basin,  in  which  marl 
and  diatomite  accumulated  in  association  with  tuffaceous  sediments  and 
flows  of  basalt.  The  volcanism  continued  intermittently  through  the 
Pleistocene,  with  the  extrusion,  from  scattered  northwest-trending  fis- 
sures, of  a  number  of  separate  lava  flows,  including  three  distinct  major 
flows  of  basic  lava.  In  addition,  there  were  extruded,  from  fissures  or 
centers,  flows  and  bulbous  protrusions  of  dacite  and  andesite  (Cobb 
Mountain,  Mount  Hannah,  Mount  Konocti),  and  an  extensive  flow 
of  obsidian.  Following  the  extrusion  of  the  earliest  volcanics,  but  before 
the  extrusion  of  most,  the  Cache  formation  was  folded  and  locally 
downfaulted  against  older  rocks.  The  basin  in  which  the  Cache  forma- 
tion accumulated  has  been  uplifted  in  the  western  part,  but  its  eastern 
part  coincides  with  the  present  structural  basin  which  Clear  Lake 
partially  fills. 

The  most  recent  volcanic  activity  formed  the  cinder  cone  named 
Roundtop  Mountain,  and  this  episode  occurred  many  thousands  of  years 
ago,  judging  from  the  effects  of  weathering  and  erosion.  Still  more  recent 
volcanism  in  the  area  may  be  evidenced  by  the  accumulation  of  ' '  recent- 
appearing  ' '  pyroclastic-material  found  by  Anderson  on  Mount  Konocti. 

60  LOWER  TiAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 


By  James  C.  Brick  and  J.  Orant  (Ioodwin  * 

The  Jurassic  (?)  Fraiicisoan  and  Tertiary-Quaternary  volcanic  rocks 
of  the  Lower  Lake  quadranj^ile  are  a  potential  source  of  a  number  of 
mineral  commodities  in  Lake  County.  Quicksilver  occurs  in  Franciscan 
sandstone  and  chert  adjacent  to  serpentine  bodies.  It  is  also  associated 
with  silica-carbonate  rock,  resultinj?  from  alteration  of  the  serpentine. 
The  cinnabar  is  thoujjht  to  have  been  deposited  by  the  carbonate  solutions 
which  altered  the  serpentine  late  in  the  Tertiary  period.  Mineralization 
has  pjenerally  taken  place  along  serpentine  contacts  in  shear  zones. 
Chrysotile  asbestos  is  common  in  the  sheared  ser])entino  bodies.  Tlie 
mineralized  zones  of  anastomosing  veinlots  trend  roughly  parallel  with 
the  elongation  of  the  serpentine  bodies.  Chromite,  disseminated  and  in 
pods,  also  occurs  in  the  serpentine  and  some  high-grade  ore  has  been 
mined  in  the  area.  Sulfur  has  been  produced  from  the  Tertiary-Quater- 
nary volcanic  rock  where  sublimation  around  solfataric  orifices  has 
occurred.  Hot  springs  containing  sulfur  and  carbon  dioxide  gases  are 
still  active  in  the  area.  The  volcanic  rocks  are  also  a  source  of  building 
materials  such  as  pumice,  plaster  sand,  lightweight  aggregate  and 
ornamental  stone. 

During  both  "World  Wars  the  shortage  of  critical  minerals  stimulated 
prospecting  and  small-scale  development  of  chromite,  asbestos,  and 
quicksilver  deposits. 


Copsey  and  Jones  prospect,  located  by  Arthur  Copsey  of  Spruce  Grove 
and  Herbert  Jones  of  Lakeport,  is  located  in  the  NW^  sec.  32,  T.  12  N., 
R.  7  W.,  in  Big  Canyon  about  1  mile  southeast  of  Howard  Springs.  This 
property  was  prospected  in  1928  by  Johns-Manville  during  which  time 
they  are  reported  to  have  taken  out  7  or  8  tons  of  chrysotile  asbestos 
(Averill,  1947,  p.  17).  The  main  working  is  an  open  cut  about  150  feet 
long  by  30  feet  wide  by  20  feet  deep.  Five  smaller  pits  have  been  opened 
in  the  mineralized  zone  of  the  serpentine.  Some  asbestos  was  seen  in 
place  and  much  of  the  serpentine  on  the  dump  is  cut  by  anastomosing 
veinlets  of  chrysotile  with  fibers  which  average  about  one-quarter  inch 
in  length  and  are  of  good  quality.  Maximum  fiber  length  is  three- 
quarters  of  an  inch.  About  6  sacks  of  fiber  have  been  handcobbed  from 
the  serpentine  and  remain  on  the  dump  near  the  largest  open  cut. 

Marvlvne  prospect,  claimed  bv  Mr.  Ira  E.  Klein,  is  located  in  the  NE:J 
sec.  3,  T."  12  N.,  R.  6  W.,  2,500  feet  north  of  the  U.  S.  Geological  Survey 
Bench  Mark  on  Brushy  Sky  High.  The  prospect  is  reached  by  a  bull- 
dozer trail  from  the  Halle  Bond  Ranch  in  Morgan  Valley.  In  the  spring 
of  1952,  soil  was  removed  with  a  bulldozer  and  prospect  trenches  were 
cut  at  4  points  across  the  mineralized  zone,  wliieh  trends  N.  44"  E.  and 
dips  52°  W.  The  zone  of  chrysotile  is  about  18  inches  wide  at  the  point 
of  discovery  and  pinches  to  6  inches  within  100  feet  along  the  strike. 
The  serpentine  is  highly  sheared  and  altered  to  picrolite  in  the  vicinity 
of  the  prospect.  The  fibers  average  only  an  eighth  of  an  inch  and  are 
slightly  brittle;  however,  the  total  asbestos  content  of  the  vein  is  hiuh. 

An  asbestos  prospect  located  in  the  NE^  of  sec.  4,  T.  11  N.,  R.  7  "W.  has 
been  prospected  bj^  shallow  pits  at  4  points  along  the  200-foot  length  of 
outcrop  which  strikes  about  N.  30  W.  The  mineralized  zone  ranges  from 

•  Junior  Mining  Geologist,  California  Division  of  Mines. 


about  2  to  4  feet  in  width  with  an  asbestos  content  of  from  15  to  25  per- 
cent consisting  of  good  quality  fibers  of  chrysotile  about  a  quarter  to 
half  an  inch  in  length. 


Borax  was  probably  first  produced  in  California  from  Borax  I^ake,  8 
miles  west  of  north  from  Lower  Lake,  and  2  miles  south  of  Sulphur  Bank 
mine  (Hanks,  1883,  pp.  15-26).  Commercial  production  of  590  tons  of 
refined  borax  was  made  from  1864-68  by  the  California  Borax  Company. 
For  analysis  of  Borax  Lake,  see  section  on  soda. 


Chromite,  disseminated  and  in  pods,  occurs  throughout  much  of  the 
serpentine  in  this  area.  Production  has  been  small,  but  considerable 
tonnage  of  low-grade  ore  is  present. 

Copsey  chromite  prospect,  located  by  Arthur  Copsey  of  Spruce  Grove, 
is  in  the  NE^  of  sec.  4,  T.  11  N.,  R.  7  W.,  about  half  a  mile  north  of  the 
Big  Canyon  road.  A  25-foot  open  cut  was  made  and  a  30-degree  inclined 
shaft  was  sunk.  Chromite  on  the  dump  is  of  fair  grade  and  low-grade  ore 
occurs  as  float  along  the  entire  hillside.  Three  other  claims  were  filed  by 
Copsey  along  the  same  ridge  in  sec.  33,  T.  12  N.,  R.  7  W.,  near  Childers 

Gordon  Springs  prospect  (Averill,  1929)  is  in  sec.  2,  T.  11  N.,  R.  8  W., 
a  quarter  of  a  mile  northwest  of  Cobb  Valley  School  at  the  serpentine  and 
Franciscan  sandstone  contact.  The  adit  which  ran  north  into  the  hillside 
is  now  caved  and  the  workings  inaccessible.  No  ore  was  found  on  the  dump. 

Harpe  and  Sons  Ranch  (Averill,  1929)  chromite  prospect  is  in  the 
NE^  of  sec.  29,  T.  11  N.,  R.  7  W.,  a  quarter  of  a  mile  S.E.  of  Harbin 
Springs.  The  Sawyer  Tanning  Company  mined  several  pockets  of  high- 
grade  ore  containing  50  to  52  percent  chromic  oxide.  Low-grade  float  is 
common  along  this  entire  ridge. 

Popp  and  Nichelini  prospect  is  in  the  NE^  of  sec.  24,  T.  12  N.,  R.  7  W., 
just  north  of  Seigler  Springs  in  a  small  body  of  serpentine.  Low-grade 
float  is  common,  but  nothing  of  commercial  interest  was  seen  during  this 

Other  areas  where  considerable  float  is  reported  are  sec.  14,  T.  11  N., 
R.  8  W.,  just  east  of  Whispering  Pines  (Averill,  1947)  ;  Mastick  Ranch 
(Averill,  1947),  sec.  3,  T.  10  N.,  R.  6  W.,  just  south  of  McCreary  Lake; 
and  east  of  Deadmans  Canyon  in  sees.  7  and  13,  T.  13  N.,  R.  6  W. 


Clay  of  doubtful  economic  interest  was  found  in  the  Cache  formation 
in  sec.  8,  T.  13  N.,  R.  6  W.,  along  the  North  Fork  of  Cache  Creek.  The 
material  is  a  silty  clay,  interbedded  with  sand  and  pebble  beds.  The 
low-grade  clay  might  have  limited  uses  in  the  brick  and  cement  industry. 


Three  places  (Jenkins,  1948)  in  sec.  19,  T.  11  N.,  R.  7  W.,  in  a  body  of 
gabbro-diabase  show  traces  of  copper  mineralization.  Small  prospect  pits 
have  been  sunk  along  fracture  zones  showing  azurite-  and  malachite- 
stained  rock.  The  pits  disclosed  some  primary  ore  which  is  disseminated 
chalcopyrite  cut  by  veinlets  of  chalcocite  in  zones  of  altered  gabbro.  One 
of  the  prospects  was  in  a  5-foot  vein  of  aragonite.  Most  of  the  ore  seen  is 
highly  oxidized  and  it  seems  probable  that  disseminated  primary  sulfides 

62  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

exist  at  depth  on  a  much  larger  scale  than  that  suggested  in  the  oxidized 

Diatomaceous  Earth 
An  impure  deposit  of  freshwater  diatomaceous  earth  is  in  sec.  27, 
T.  13  N.,  R.  8  W.,  along  Thurston  Creek  on  property  owned  by  Henry 
Murphy,  Rt.  1,  Box  260,  Kelseyville.  This  material  was  deposited  in  a 
small  Tertiar}^  freshwater  lake.  Data  from  wells  drilled  on  the  property 
indicate  a  thickness  of  about  100  feet.  Near-surface  material  is  quite 
high  in  clay  and  silt  and  the  entire  deposit  is  capped  with  from  2  to  5  feet 
of  pyroclastic  debris. 

Gem  Materials 

Clear  Lake  Gem  Mining  Company  of  Woodland,  California,  conducted 
considerable  exploration  and  development  work  on  a  *  *  gem  stone ' '  pros- 
pect in  the  SE^  of  the  SE^  of  sec.  20,  T.  12  N.,  R.  7  W.,  in  1929  (Averill, 
1929).  Two  large  open  cuts  (100  feet  long  by  10  feet  wide  by  5  feet  deep, 
and  200  feet  long  by  20  feet  wide  by  5  feet  deep)  and  numerous  smaller 
pits  were  cut  in  the  Perini  Hill  andesite  in  search  of  gem  material.  The 
stones,  a  very  clear,  high-temperature  variety  of  quartz,  occur  as  irreg- 
ular masses  sprinkled  through  the  andesite.  These  were  originally  thought 
to  be  hyalite,  a  variety  of  opal.  Purple  cordierite  which  originally  was 
thought  to  be  amethyst,  is  also  present. 

A  pale  blue  opal  which  occurs  as  irregular  masses  in  hydrothermally 
altered  andesite  is  common  at  the  Sulfur  Bank  mine. 

Jasper  is  common  as  stream  cobbles  along  Putah  and  Cache  Creeks. 

Several  manganese  prospects  have  been  recorded  in  the  literature 
(Averill,  1929;  Jenkins,  1950).  However,  recent  investigation  has  failed 
to  disclose  the  presence  of  any  manganese  of  commercial  grade.  Consid- 
erable low-grade  siliceous  ore  occurs  in  the  Franciscan  chert  in  Pine  Flat ; 
on  the  Herman  Ranch  4  miles  west  of  Middletown ;  around  the  Thome 
mine  near  Anderson  Springs ;  and  near  the  intersection  of  Herman  and 
Dry  Creeks.  Manganese  staining  is  very  common  throughout  the  chert  of 
this  entire  area. 

Mineral  Springs 

Lake  County  probably  has  a  greater  number  and  variety  of  mineral 
springs  than  any  other  area  in  the  United  States.  Bradley  (1914)  has 
described  these  springs  in  detail  and  further  description  and  additions 
were  published  in  later  journals  (Averill,  1929  ;  Jenkins,  1947). 

Six  quicksilver  mines  in  the  Lower  Lake  quadrangle  have  produced 
considerable  amounts  of  mercury.  The  cinnabar  occurs  both  disseminated 
and  in  high-grade  stringers  in  silica-carbonate  rock  and  in  Franciscan 
chert  and  sandstone  adjacent  to  serpentine  bodies.  None  of  these  mines 
were  operating  in  May  1952. 

Anderson  (Schtvartz)  mine  (Averill,  1929)  is  in  sec.  25,  T.  11  N., 
R.  8  W.,  about  1000  feet  northeast  of  the  Big  Chief  mine.  The  ore  occurs 
along  a  shear  zone  of  brecciated  and  iron-stained  chert  and  green  sand- 
stone which  continues  southwestward  through  the  Big  Chief.  The  ore 
minerals  are  cinnabar  and  native  mercury,  which  occur  in  high-grade 
stringers  and  pockets.  A  D-type  retort  was  used  and  production  was 


Baker  mine  (Averill,  1929)  owned  by  Mr.  Lawrence  Fuqua  of  Lower 
Lake,  has  been  sold  to  the  Three  Friends  Mining  Company.  This  mine 
was  worked  as  early  as  1870,  and  in  1917  a  two-corapartment  shaft  was 
sunk.  All  of  the  old  workings  are  now  caved  and  abandoned.  Some 
cinnabar  can  be  seen  near  the  surface  associated  with  serpentine  and 
decomposed  material  heavily  stained  with  oxides  of  iron.  The  owner 
states  that  150  flasks  were  produced  prior  to  World  War  I  during  which 
time  another  45  or  50  flasks  were  produced.  The  most  recent  work  was 
in  1931  when  a  shaft  inclined  at  45  degrees  was  sunk  for  a  distance  of 
230  feet  south-southeast  from  the  present  surface  opening.  Drifts  were 
opened  from  the  end  of  the  shaft ;  the  longest,  extending  89  feet  westward 
is  reported  to  have  cut  good  ore. 

Big  Chief  mine  (Averill,  1929),  in  sees.  25  and  35,  T.  11  N.,  R.  8  W. 
on  the  Anderson  Springs  property,  produced  approximately  500  flasks  of 
mercury  with  a  rotary  furnace  and  oil  burner.  The  condensing  system 
consisted  of  sewer  tile  and  redwood  tanks  cooled  by  a  spray  of  water. 

The  property  was  developed  by  a  350-foot  tunnel  which  cut  20  feet  of 
ore  in  chert  and  another  20  feet  of  ore  in  sandstone.  A  second  tunnel 
driven  at  a  point  around  the  hill  from  the  first,  and  at  a  right  angle  to 
it,  was  450  feet  long.  This  tunnel  penetrated  12  feet  of  ore  in  sandstone 
and  12  feet  of  ore  in  chert  on  a  level  22  feet  below  the  first  tunnel.  Later 
development  included  a  small  glory  hole  operation. 

Big  Injun  mine  (Averill,  1929) ,  in  sec.  35,  T.  11 N.,  R.  8  W.,  was  owned 
in  1929  by  Ellis  Armstrong  of  Calistoga.  This  property  is  described  by 
Bradley  (1918)  as  follows: 

"The  mine  is  apparently  on  a  contact  of  serpentine  and  sandstone, 
but  the  formations  are  considerably  broken  up  at  this  point.  There  are 
two  'veins'  or  ore  zones,  the  principal  development  having  been  done 
on  the  eastern  one.  The  strike  is  NW,  and  the  dip  is  SW.  The  width 
varies  up  to  30  feet,  with  ore  shoots  showing  1  to  4  feet  wide.  The  ore  is 
characterized  by  the  presence  of  considerable  native  mercury  with 
cinnabar ;  and  the  gangue  minerals  are  quartz  and  dolomite.  There  are 
three  main  crosscut  adits,  the  lowest  being  550  feet,  reaching  a  depth 
of  150  feet  below  the  outcrop.  At  350  feet  in  on  this  crosscut  there  is  a 
hot  sulfur  spring."  The  equipment  at  the  Big  Injun  was  later  moved 
to  the  Big  Chief. 

Sulphur  Bank  mine  (Bverhart,  1946)  in  sees.  5  and  6,  T.  13  N.,  R.  7 
W.,  was  originally  opened  in  1865  as  a  sulfur  mine,  and  in  3  years  had 
produced  nearly  2  million  pounds  of  sulfur.  A  drop  in  the  price  of  sulfur 
and  an  increase  in  contamination  by  cinnabar  made  production  of  that 
product  unprofitable.  From  1873  through  1944,  Sulphur  Bank  was  oper- 
ated intermittently  as  a  quicksilver  mine  during  which  time  more  than 
126,000  flasks  was  produced.  The  cinnabar  is  deposited  as  an  incrustation 
on  boulders  and  blocks  of  altered  andesite.  At  depth  along  the  faults 
which  act  as  orifices  for  hot  sulfur  gases,  cinnabar  has  been  deposited 
in  Quaternary  lake  beds  and  Tertiary  volcanic  rocks.  Hot  waters  and 
vapors  charged  with  carbon  dioxide,  hydrogen  sulfide,  methane  gas, 
and  nitrogen  still  issue  from  vents  at  Sulphur  Bank. 

During  periods  of  peak  production,  about  200  tons  of  ore  was  handled 
per  day  and  about  65  men  were  employed.  Open  pit  methods  have  been 

64  LOWER  LAKE  QUADRANGLE  [Bull.  166 

employed  almost  exclusively  since  heat  and  gases  discourage  under- 
ground development.  Since  1944  some  diamoiul  drilling  has  been  done 
and  ore  blocked  out,  but  uncertainty  about  continuing  high  prices  for 
mercury  has  discouraged  dcAvatering  of  the  pits  and  reconditioning  of 
the  plant.  The  property  is  still  held  by  the  Bradley  Mining  Company. 

TJiorne  mine  (Averill,  1929),  in  sec.  36,  T.  11  N.,  R.  8  W.,  about  1  mile 
south  of  the  Big  Chief,  is  part  of  a  group  which  includes  the  Big  Chief 
and  Anderson  mines  owned  by  H.  H.  Barrows,  1648  16th  Street,  Oakland. 

Weipcr  mine,  in  sees.  16  and  17,  T.  12  N.,  R.  6  W.,  is  on  property 
belonging  to  Charles  and  William  Anderson  and  includes  2  claims.  Two 
short  tuniiels  were  opened  about  1930;  one  struck  no  ore,  but  the  other 
crossed  a  zone  about  12  feet  wide  which  contained  considerable  cinnabar. 
In  1944,  the  Bradley  Mining  Company  made  surface  explorations  to  a 
depth  of  several  feet,  but  removed  no  ore. 

Borax  Lake,  in  sees.  7,  8,  17,  and  18,  T.  13  N.,  R.  7  W.,  is  a  playa-type 
lake  from  3  feet  to  5  feet  deep  and  covers  an  area  of  200  to  300  acres.  In 
summer  the  lake  drys  up  until  only  2  or  3  inches  of  brine  remain  resting 
on  trona  beds.  The  following  anah'sis  was  made  in  January  1947  when 
the  lake  was  from  3  to  4  feet  deep  and  covered  about  300  acres.  (Jenkins, 

Sodium  carbonate 18.535 

Sodium   borate   0.484 

Sodium  fbloride 1.760 

Potassium  cbloride 1.780 

Sodium  sulfate 0.010 

Magnesium  acid  carbonate 0.099 

Misc.  and  organic 0.541 

Total  salinity 23.209  gm/liter 

Rock,  Sand,  and  Gravel 
Aggrelite  Compa^iy,  owned  by  John  C.  McFayden  and  William  Spi- 
vack  of  1734  Webster  Street,  Oakland,  operates  a  concrete  block  plant 
at  the  Sulphur  Bank  mine  in  sec.  6,  T.  13  N.,  R.  7  W.  Mine  dump  material, 
which  is  kaolinized  and  opalized  andesite  formed  by  acidic  hj-drothermal 
activity  near  the  solfataric  orifices,  is  crushed  and  screened  to  minus 
one-half  inch  and  mixed  with  one-third  part  of  furnace  calcines  from 
the  dump  below  the  quicksilver  plant.  Iron  oxides  in  the  calcined  rock 
adds  shades  of  pink,  red,  and  brown  to  the  finished  bricks  which  are  made 
as  requested  in  27  different  sizes  and  shapes.  Plant  capacity  is  2000 
bricks  per  8-hour  shift.  The  plant  is  operated  by  Mr.  Keith  Ward,  the 
plant  manager,  and  6  other  employees.  The  finished  product  is  used 
locally  and  trucked  to  the  San  Francisco  Bay  area.  Mr.  Lewis  Rapport 
of  Oakland  is  the  sales  manager  and  distributor. 

Bonanza  Springs  Quarry  is  in  sec.  30,  T.  12  N.,  R.  7  W.,  about  a  quarter 
of  a  mile  south  of  Bonanza  Springs  in  rhyolite  tuff  of  Quaternary  age. 
The  soft  white  rock  is  extremely  porous  if  not  sealed.  It  has  been  used 
locally,  especially  in  construction  of  the  buildings  at  Bonanza  Springs. 

Camp  and  Yates  gravel  pit  is  on  property  leased  from  Herman  Heinkel 
in  sec.  34,  T.  11  N.,  R.  7  W.,  on  the  east  bank  of  Dry  Creek  three-quarters 
of  a  mile  northwest  of  Middletown.  From  8  to  16  feet  of  the  gravel  bars 

1953]  BIBLIOGRAPHY  65 

are  removed  by  a  drafjline  fitted  with  a  30-foot  boom  and  a  one-half 
3^ard  bucket.  Gravel  Avhieh  is  composed  essentially  of  quartz,  jasper,  ande- 
site,  and  basalt,  is  trucked  a  short  haul  to  the  plant  and  dumped  on  a 
6-inch  grizzly.  A  50-foot  conveyor  belt  carries  the  gravel  to  a  1-inch 
trommel.  The  oversize  is  crushed  by  a  Telsmith  jaw-crusher  and  returned 
to  the  circuit  by  a  bucket-elevator.  The  crushed  product  and  undersize 
are  carried  by  conveyor-belt  to  bins  for  unscreened  material  or  to  a 
second  trommel  screen  for  further  classification.  The  plant  produces 
plaster  sand,  coarse  gravel,  pea  gravel,  f-inch  rock,  and  l^^-inch  rock. 
Trucks  are  loaded  from  bins  or  from  a  conveyor  belt.  The  plant  is 
operated  by  Dariel  Camp  and  4  employees. 

Coleman  quarry,  leased  and  operated  by  Mr.  Coleman  of  Clear  Lake 
Park,  is  in  sees.  16  and  17,  T.  13  N.,  R.  7  W.  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile 
northeast  of  Clear  Lake  Park.  The  material,  an  incoherent  vesiculated 
glass,  is  quarried  by  open-cut  and  screened  to  remove  obsidian  fragments 
and  coherent  masses.  The  glass  (obsidian)  sand  ranges  from  white 
through  shades  of  gray  and  brown.  Random  pods  of  obsidian  have  been 
encountered  in  different  zones.  The  obsidian  is  sold  as  ornamental  stone. 
The  "glass"  sand  is  used  locally  as  a  plaster  sand  and  for  road-bed 
construction.  This  material  also  appears  suitable  for  the  manufacture 
of  light-weight  blocks. 

Coleman  Ornamental  Stone  quarry  is  just  north  of  the  "glass"  sand 
quarry  in  a  superjacent  flow  of  highly  vesiculated  pyroxene  dacite.  The 
light-weight  rock  is  stained  deep  red  brown  by  oxides  of  iron.  Contorted 
flow  bands  add  to  the  beauty  of  this  rock,  which  is  very  popular  locally 
for  rock  gardens  and  walls. 

Seigler  Springs  quarry  is  in  sec.  24,  T.  12  N.,  R.  8  W.,  about  a  quarter 
of  a  mile  northeast  of  Seigler  Springs  Hotel.  This  is  a  light  brown  pyro- 
clastic  rock  composed  of  rhyolite  tuif  and  mixed  rock  fragments.  The 
strength  and  only  slight  porosity  of  this  rock  permits  its  use  as  a  building 
stone.  Older  buildings  at  Seigler  Springs  are  constructed  from  this  rock. 


The  Sulphur  Bank  mine  (Everhart,  1946),  originally  owned  by  the 
California  Borax  Company,  was  a  sulfur  mine.  Between  the  years  1865 
and  1868,  2  million  pounds  of  sulfur  valued  at  $53,500  was  produced. 
The  sulfur  is  a  product  of  sublimation  in  fissures  around  the  solfataric 
vents.  The  same  solutions  and  gases  which  deposited  the  cinnabar  depos- 
ited the  sulfur  as  a  superficial  cap  under  surface  and  near-surface  condi- 
tions. Falling  prices  and  increased  contamination  by  cinuabar  brought 
an  end  to  mining  operations  until  the  mine  was  reopened  in  1873  for 
its  quicksilver. 


Anderson,  C.  A.   (1936)   Volcanic  history  of  Clear  Lake  area,  California:  Geol.  Soc. 

America  Bull.,  vol.  47,  pp.  629-664. 
Anderson,  C.  A.,  and  Russell,  R.  D.   (1939)   Tertiary  formations  of  northern  Hacra- 

mento  Valley,  California :  California  Jour.  Mines  and  Geol.,  vol.  35,  pp.  219-253. 
Anderson,   F.   M.    (1945)    Knoxville  series   in   the   California   INIesozoic :    Geol.    Soc. 

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Averill,  Charles  V.  (1929)  Lake  County  :  California  Div.  Mines  and  Mining  Rept.  25. 


Averill,  Charles  V.  (1947)  Mines  and  mineral  resources  of  Lake  County,  California : 

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Bailey,  E.  H.  (1946)  Quicksilver  deposits  of  the  western  Mayacmas  district,  Sonoma 

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Becker,  G.  F.  (1888)  Geology  of  the  quicksilver  deposits  of  the  Pacific  slope:  U.  S. 

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Bradley,  W.  W.    (1918)    Quicksilver  resources  of  California:  California  Min.  Bur. 

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Bradley,  W.  W.   (1914)   Lake  County:  California  Min.  Bur.  Rept.  14. 

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Huey,  Arthur  S.  (1948)  Geology  of  the  Tesla  quadrangle,  California  :  California  Div. 

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Hutton,  C.  O.,  and  Turner,  F.  J.    (1936)   Metamorphic  zones  in  northwest  Otago : 

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New  Mexico :  U.  S.  Geol.  Survey  Bull.  66,  34  pp. 
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Jenkins,  O.  P.  (1950)  Manganese  in  California:  California  Div.  Mines  Bull.  152. 
Johannsen,  A.   (1932)  A  descriptive  petrology  of  the  igneous  rocks,  vols.  I-IV. 
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Peacock,  M.  A.    (1931)    Classification  of  igneous  rock  series;   Jour.  Geol.,  vol.  39, 

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1953]  BIBLIOGRAPHY  67 

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Aggrelite  Company,  64 

Anderson,  9,  30,  32,  33,  34,  38,  39,  40,  51,  52,  54,  59 

mines,  64 

Springs,  13, 19,  62,  63 

Big  Chief  mine,  62,  63 
Canyon  road,  25,  61 
Injun  mine,  63 
Bear  Canyon,  13,  IS,  19 
Baylis  Point,  55 
Bald  Mountain,  IS 
Baker  mine,  63 
Blackeye  Canyon,  33 
Boggs  Mountain,  36,  41,  44,  47,  50,  53 
Bonanza  Springs,  33 

quarry,  64 
Borax  Lake,  35,  38,  54,  61,  64 
Bradley  Mining  Company,  64 
Brushy  Sky  High,  19,  60 
Buchia,  14, 22 

(Aticella)  piochii  (Gabh),ll 
crassicolis,  23 

var.  graciles,  23 
piochii,  22 

Gabb,  23 
stantoni,  22 
Buckingham,  55 
Burns  Valley,  17,  30,  31,  50,  58 

Cache  beds,  7,  31,  35,  53,  57 
Creek,  9,  55,  62 

formation,  26,  30,  32,  33, 35,  51,  58,  61 
Lake,  30 

sediments,  30,  32,  55 
terrain,  50 
California  Academy  of  Sciences,  31 
Borax  Company,  61,  65 
Coast  Ranges,  7 
Calistoga,  63 

quadrangle,  35 
Camp  and  Yates  gravel  pit,  64 
Chico  fossil,  29 
Childers  Peak,  54,  58,  61 
Cinder  Cone,  43 

Clear  Lake,  7,  8, 10,  30,  31,  32,  33,  35, 38,  39,  41,  43,  46,  50,  53,  54,  55 
Gem  Mining  Co.,  62 
Highlands,  8 
hydrographic  basin,  9 
Park,  S,  54,  65 
series,  35 
volcanics,  35 

Water  Company,  9, 28,  55 
Coast  Ranges,  22, 26,  56,  58 
Cobb  Mountain,  9, 18,  35,  37,  45, 47,  50,  53,  59 

Valley  School,  61 
Coleman  quarry,  65 
Collayomi  Grant,  19 
Valley,  8 
Copsey  Creek,  27,  29 
Coyote  Valley,  9,  20,  30,  32,  58 


70  INDEX  [Bull.  166 

Cretaceous,  10, 21, 27 
age,  7 

rocks,  14, 16,  26,  36,  56,  57,  59 
sandstone,  24,  27, 33,  55 
sea,  59 
system,  23 
time,  58 

Dariel  Camp,  65 

Deadman  Canyon,  33,  58,  61 

Dry  Creek,  31,  62,  64 

Elder  Creek,  22 
Ely  Flat,  53 
Eocene  rocks,  51 
Excelsior  Valley,  13 

Franciscan,  7, 14 

area,  17, 18,  20, 56 

chert,  62 

greenstone,  17 

group,  11,  21 
-Knoxville,  11, 13, 14, 18,  26,  59 

rocks,  37,  50,  54,  56,  60 

sediments,  58 

time,  10 
Fraser  Point,  39 

Gordon  Springs,  61 
Great  Valley,  26,  59 
Grindstone,  22 

Halle  Bond  Ranch,  60 
Harbin  Springs,  14,  61 
Harpe  &  Sons  Ranch,  61 
Herman  Creek,  62 
Ranch,  62 
Herndon  Creek,  29 
High  Cascade  volcanoes,  45 
Hills  Half  Acre,  30,  32,  52 
Howard  Springs,  60 

Johns-Manville,  60 
Jurassic,  10, 11,  22,  23,  58,  60 

rocks,  16 

sea,  58 

Kelsey  ville,  33,  55, 62 
Knoxville,  27,  58 

clastic  beds,  26 

group,  11, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31 

rocks,  36 

shales,  7, 15, 16 

time,  10 
Konocti,  53 

Lake  County,  7,  43,  60 
"Lake  County  diamond,"  43 
Lakeport  road,  31 
Lassen  Peak,  43,  45 
Lincoln  Rock,  20 
Loch  Lomond,  33,  35 
Long  Valley,  50,  51 
Lower  Cretaceous,  22,  23 

Lake,  8, 36,  45,  50, 57,  59,  60, 61 
quadrangle,  9 
region,  25 

1953]  INDEX  71 

Manning  Flat,  35 
Martinez,  26,  28 

formation,  23,  27 
rocks,  28,  29,  57,  59 
sandstone,  29 
Marylyne  prospect,  60 
Mastick  Ranch,  61 
Mayacmas  quicksilver  district,  9 

Range,  9,  37,  53 
Mesozoic  rocks,  34,  51,  55,  57 

sediments,  51 
Middletown,  8, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26,  50,  52,  56,  62,  64 

formation,  35 
Morgan  Valley,  60 

quadrangle,  23 
Mount  Hannah,  9, 38,  39, 47,  52,  53,  59 

Konocti,  33,  39, 47,  52,  53,  54,  58,  59 
Shasta,  45 
Murphy,  Henry,  62 

McCreary  Lake,  61 
McFayden,  John  C,  64 

Napa  Valley,  56 

Newville,  22 

North  Fork,  31, 57, 61 

Oxytenthis  tehamaensis,  22 

Paleocene,  10 

age,  23 

Martinez,  27 

rocks,  57,  59 
Palmer  Creek,  19 
Perini  Hill,  36, 41, 44, 46, 47,  62 
Phipps  Canyon,  33 
Pine  Flat,  62 
Plagioclase  phenocrysts,  7 
Pleistocene,  10,  35 
time,  51 
age,  34,  35 
Plio-Pleistocene,  Cache  formation,  7,  59 
Popp  &  Nichelini  prospect,  61 
Portlandian,  22 
post-Nevadan,  22 
pre-Cretaceous,  22 
Putah  Creek,  9, 19,  52,  62 

Quackenbush  Mountain,  30,  41 
Quaternary  age,  64 

Recent,  35 

Riverview  lode,  26 

Rocky  Creek,  7 

Roundtop  Mountain,  35,  40,  59 

Russian  River,  9 

Sacramento  Valley,  9 
San  Francisco,  7 

Bay,  59 

area,  64 
County,  7 
Juan  lavas,  43 
region,  43 
Sawyer  Tanning  Company,  61 

72  INDEX  1  Bull.  166 

Seigler  Canyon,  30,  58 

Mountain,  9,  30,  47,  52 
Sprinjcs,  33,  61 
Springs  Hotel,  65 
quarry,  65 
Shasta  group,  23 
Soda  Creek,  13, 14,  50 
Sonoma  County,  7 

volcanics,  32,  35 
South  Westland,  New  Zealand,  18 
Spivack,  William,  64 
Spruce  Grove,  60,  61 
Stanton,  cited,  22, 29,  57 
State  Highway  53  ;  14 
Steinhart  Lake,  54 

Sulphur  Bank  mine,  7,  61,  62,  03,  64,  65 
Banks,  40, 55 
Creek,  9 

Tejon,  30 

conglomerate,  57 

formation,  7 

fossil,  29 

rocks,  28,  59 

sandstone,  59 
Telsmith  jaw-crusher,  65 
Tertiary,  59 

-Quaternary,  60 
rocks,  29,  55,  56 
Tesla,  16 

Thorne  mine,  62,  64 
Three  Friends  Mining  Company,  63 
Thurston  Creek,  62 
Lake,  53 
Tithonian  stage,  22 

United  States  Geological  Survey,  9,  00 

Weather  Bureau,  10 
University  of  California,  8,  23 

Wallis  Marine  Service,  54 
Weiper  mine,  64 
Whispering  Pine,  61 
Woodland,  62 


tirinleJ  in  California  state  printing  office 

68207     10-52     2M 






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