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Full text of "German-English dictionary for electronics engineers and physicists, with a patent-practice vocabulary"

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_ CopyricuT 1946 By 
BernarpD R. Recen and RıcHarn R. REGEN | 

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This book or any part thereof must 
not be reproduced without the per- 
: z mission of the publisher : 
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Lithoprinted by Edwards Brothers, Inc. 
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Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. 
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~ Authors of, he 
Z Electronics Dictionary 

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“L’avenir de &lectricite, c’est dans le vi 
future of electricity lies in the vacuum.) This remark, 
made before the Academie a generation ago by a famous French 
physicist, has proved to be prophetic. For the world has 
witnessed amazing developments in that branch of electricity 
which is based upon the employment of a vacuum: ELECTRONICS. 
Yet in spite of these great developments (or possibly be- 
cause of them), and in spite of an increasingly urgent need 
for foreign-language dictionaries, students of electronics 
and allied problems have been forced to proceed without a 
lexicographical tool which brings together the terminologies 
of the two languages most vital to their work, German and 

The authors believe that this volume will be wel- 
comed by all electronics engineers and all physicists, not- 
withstanding certain limitations in size and scope which 
have been imposed by the war. It contains nearly 21,000 en- 
tries, representing most of the terminology current in 1939 
and an appreciable number of terms introduced during the war 

Owing to a lack of earlier German-English dictionar- 
les in the general field of physics, the task of compilation 
has proved unusually difficult. The only outstanding refer- 
ence books hitherto available for consultation have been 
Sattelberg’s Worterbuch der elektrischen Nachrichtentechnik 
(1926) covering the signal art in general, and Austin M. 
Patterson’s famous German-English Dictionary for Chemists 
(1935). The bulk of the material in the present volume 
has been drawn from magazines, scientific journals, books, 

and patent literature. The definitions gleaned from other 
books have in most instances been amplified and re-worded. 

A somewhat unorthodox policy has been followed by 
frequently adding explanatory annotations to the English- 

language expressions. This has been done in order to supply 
related terminology for the benefit of the reader who may be 
unfamiliar with a given subject. Ample cross-references 

have been inserted throughout. And for those who desire 
fuller information, source and reference books--including a 
number of outstanding works of British origin--have been 
listed in a bibliography. The authors recommend purchase of 
some of the items included in this list, particularly the 
Electronics Dictionary by Nelson M. Cooke and John Markus. 

Indeed, the authors are deeply indebted to these authors and 
their book for much- valuable information. 

We also wish to express our gratitude to all those 
who have aided us in one way or another, especially to E. R. 
Weinmann, Arthur Worischeck, Walter Brunberg and Dr. G. Orn- 
sen who assisted in the proofreading. We shall be equally 
grateful to those who bring to our attention such errors, 
imperfections, and omissions as are inevitable in the first 
printing of a work which is a pioneer in its field. A re- 
vised and amplified edition is being planned for a future 
date, and correspondence with the authors is solicited from 
those wishing to co-operate in the compilation of a revised 

The Twelve Acres, Bernard R. Regen 
Stone Ridge, N.Y. Richard R. Regen 

55 W. 42nd Street, 
New: York, 58, N.Y. 

August, 1946 


Andretto, P. C. 

Chamber’s Technical Dictionary. 1944. 

Cooke, Nelson M. & Markus, John. Electronics Dictionary. 

Drake’s Cyclopedia of Radio and Electronics. 1943. 

Gherardi, A. A. Modern Radio Servicing. 1936. 

Jacobs, Donald H. Fundamentals of Optical Engineering. 1936. 

Keen, R. Wireless Direction-finding. 1938. 

Manly, Harold P. Radio and Electronics Dictionary. 1931. 

Olson, Harry F. Elements of Acoustical Engineering. 1940. 

Patterson, Austin M. A German-English Dictionary for Chemists 

Roget’s Dictionary of Electrical Terms. 1943. 

Zworykin, V. K., and Morton, G. A. Television. 1940. 

Handbuch der Funktechnik. 

Principles of Aeronautical Radio Engineering. 

Ardenne, Manfred von 3: ve bs. 


Kohlrausch, F. Praktische Physik. 1944. 

Sattelberg, Otto. Wörterbuch der elektrischen Nachrich- 
tentechnik. 1926. 

Schröter, F. Fernsehen. 1937. 

Magazines covering radio, sound-film, television and relat- 
ed physical sciences and technological arts; foreign- 
literature reviews regularly appearing in some of them. 
Abstract journals such as Science Abstracts (A & B), 

Physikalische Berichte, etc. Patents. 
Be. 8 alternating current ldspk. loudspeaker 
ac. acoustics magn. magnetism 
a-m amplitude modulation micr. microscopy 
AF; a-f audio frequency m.p. moving pic- 
avc automatic volume tures 
control mus. music 
c.-r.;CR t. cathode-ray tubes obs. obsolete 
cer ceramics opt. optics 
chem chemistry phon. phonograph 
Er crystallography phot. photography 
dee: d direct current phys. physics 
SE, direction- finding ars Fic: silent automatic 
el. engg electrical engineer- volume control 
ing RF; r-f radio frequency 
el. opt. electron optics spec. specifically 
f-m; FM frequency modula- spectr. spectroscopy 
tion telev. television. 

8.2.0. in the place cited, loco ci- 
‚tato, quoted reference. 

Abänderung change, alteration, modi- 
fication, amendment. 

Abänderungspatent re-issue patent. 

abarten vary, degenerate. 

Abbau decomposition, disintegration, 
degradation, attrition. Frequenz- 
frequency division, f.submultipli- 
cation. -mittel disintegrant. 
-verhinderndes Mittel anti-disin- 
tegrant, stabilizer. 

abbiegen bend off or away, bend an- 
gularly; turn off. 

abbilden image, focus. 

abbildende Ringelektrode focusing 

ring (el.opt.). 

Abbildung imaging, imagery, image 
formation; figure(Fig.), illustra- 
tion, drawing, sketch, cut. 

Abbildung, geteilte split focus 
(Walton method of scanning). -, 
komatische comatic image. -, kon- 
forme conformable representation. 
-, punktförmige point image. -, 
punktuelle point focal vision or 

Abbildungs-fehler defect of image, 
aberration(opt.). -gegenstand in- 
aging object. -optik imaging "op- 
tic", focusing 0. -vermögen re- 
solving power (opt., micr.). 

abblattern scale (off), shell, chip 
or peel off, descale, defoliate, 

Abblendekapotte dimming cap. 

abblenden (cf.abdecken) mask off, 
stop down (with masking dia- 
phragm), occult, diaphragm, gate, 
blank, dowse (a beam), wipe, dis- 
solve, fade or black out.. 

Abblender, Strahl- means to mask, 
stop, dowse, occult or eclipse 

rays or a beam, blanking or 
blanketing means. 

Abblendung, Iris- irising out. 

abbreiten stretch out, flatten. 

abbremsen decelerate, retard, brake 
(electrons, etc.). 

Abdeck-aufzeichnung masking record- 
ing, matting. -blende shutter, 
mask, shutter m. -doppelzacken- 
spur duplex variable -area track 
-einfachzackenspur unilateral 
variable-area track. 

abdecken (cf.abblenden) diaphragm, 
mask, eclipse (beam or pencil, by 
shutter, etc.), occult (a lens); 
uncover; cover; provide a resist 
coat (in metal etching). 

Abdeck-flügel masking or shutter 
blade or vane. -scheibe shutter 
disk with spiral slot, stop disk 
with spiral slot cyclically co- 
operating with quadruple-spiral 
scanning disk apertures (telev.). 
-seite masked side (m.p.). 
-streifen squeeze unit, barrier 
(mp. film). 

Abdeckung, Einfachzackenschrift mit 
unilateral variable-area track 
made with single-vane shutter. 

ag pena Mey sack shutter mask meth- 

abdichten seal, pack, provide 

Abdichtung tight seal, packing, 
hermetic plumbing; 

Abdrift drift (off course, of air 
plane, etc.). -visier drift me- 

abdrosseln throttle, choke. 

Abdruck copy, impression, print, 
cast, counterpart, replica. 

Abdruck, Kontakt- contact print 
(phot.). Probe- proof, p.print, 
p. sheet. 



abdrucken print, reproduce or copy 
(by printing or impression); 

abdunkeln darken, cut off or dim 
(light), occult, eclipse, obscure, 
blanking or gating of spot (in 

Aberkennung abrogation, abjudica- 
tion, deprivation. 

Aberration, Flachen- zonal aberra- 

aberregen de-energize, de-activate. 

Aberregung, Relais- de-energization 
of. a relay. 

abfachen classify; partition, form 

Abfall drop, fall, droop, decline, 
descent; waste, scrap, refuse, 

abfallen fall or drop down or off, 
slope down, droop, release (a re- 

Abfallprodukt by-product, waste p. 

abfangen capture, catch, intercept; 
pull (an airplane) out of a dive 
and level off. 

abfasen chamfer, face. 

abfasern lose fibers, fuzz. 

abfassen frame, draft, prepare 
(text), write, draw up (a specifi- 
cation, etc.). 

abfiltern (cf.Filter, ausfiltern) 
filter or strain off (by sieve, 
etc. ). 

Abfindungssumme indemnity, money 
paid in settlement (of claims, 

abflachen flatten, smooth down, 
broaden, make oblate. 

Abflachung bevel(ing), rounding off 
(a curve), leveling, flattening, 
smoothing, oblateness(at poles). 

Abflachungsdrossel smoothing coil, 

Abfliegen outward course, flight 
away from airport. 

abfliessen leak off, flow or drain 
off or away. 

abfluchten align, line out. 

Abflug, Ziel- flight away from ob- 


Abflugszeit outward flying time 
(away from airport, in ZZ landing). 

Abfluss leak path (for grid current). 
-hahn discharge cock, drain c. 
-ventil discharge valve, drain v. 

abfressen corrode, eat away or up. 

Abfühlnadel pecker, selecting nee- 

Abfuhr outlet (e.g., in water-cooled 

Abführung, Wärme- heat dissipation, » 
h.loss, h."abduction", effect of 
carrying or conducting away heat. 

abfuttern case, line. 

Abgabe import duty, tax, fee, royal- 
ty; emission (of radiations, elec- 
trons, etc.). 

Abgabeflache, Elektronen- electron 
emitting area. 

Abgangswinkel angle of departure. 

abgeflachte Spannung flat-topped po- 

abgeglichen balanced, equalized, 
aligned; flush. 

abgehender Strom outgoing current. 

abgehende Wirbelbahnen trailing vor- 

abgekantet chamfered, beveled, . 

abgeklungene Emanation emanation 
with diminished or decaying radio- 

abgelagert aged, seasoned. 

abgeleitete Grösse derived or sub- 
sidiary quantity or magnitude. 

abgeschirmte Stelle dead spot, ra- 
dio shadow. 


abgeschmolzene Röhre sealed off tube. 

abgeschragt beveled, chamfered, 

abgesetzt offset. - 

abgestimmt, nicht- untuned, non- 
resonant, aperiodic, not in syn- 
tony or resonated. 

abgestumpft truncated, blunt-ended, 
with frustun. 

abgewickelte Linie evolute. 

abgezweigte Anmeldung divisional ap- 
plication (portion divided off 

in sich selbst self- 


from original a.). 

abgleichen equalize, compensate, 
balance, trim, align, level. 

abgleichend, selbst- self-balancing. 

Abgleich-fehler unbalance, balanc- 
ing or alignment error, misalisn- 
ment. -kondensator trimming con- 
denser or capacitor, aligning c. 
-platte tuning spade, tuning 
plate, t. wand. 

Abgleichung, Fehl- misalignment, 
faulty alignment. 

Abgleichvorrichtung, Phasen- phase 
balancer, p. shifter, p. changer, 
p. compensator network. 

Abgreifen der Entfernung measuring 
map range with dividers, etc. 

abgrenzen mark off, bound, demar- 
cate, define (the limits of), de- 
limit, circumscribe. 

Abgrenzung und Einteilung, Wellen- 
frequency and wave-band designa- 
tion: very low frequency (vlf) 
10-30 kc; low f. (lf) 30-300 ke; 
medium f. (mf) 300-3000 kc; high 
f. (hf) 3-30 mc; very high f. 
(vhf) 30-300 mc; ultra-high f. 
(uhf ) 300-3000 mc; super high f. 
(shf ) 8000-30000 mc. 

Abgriff tap. 

abhangen depend on; lift off (re- 

abhangig, druck- oder temperatur- 
be a function of pressure or ten- 
perature, pressure-or temperature- 
dependent or responsive. 

Abhangigkeit, Frequenz- frequency 
dependence, having f. effect, be- 
ing affected by, or being a func- 
tion of, frequency. 

Abheber plow (to peel film from 

Abhebestange damper rod (piano). 

Abhilfe remedy, redress, relief, 
cure, obviating a difficulty. 

Abhorbox monitoring box. 

Abhorchen (von Flugzeugen) auditory 
locating, spotting, detecting, or 
fixing position (of aircraft, 
etc.) by sound locator devices. 

Abhorchgerat monitor, check or pick- 

Abl auf 

up microphonic device; standby 
circuit means. 

abhören intercept, listen in; moni- 

Abhören, Maschine zum - von Ton- 
filmstreifen machine for editing 
and rehearsing sound film. 

Abhoren der Negative direct sound 
reproduction from negatives. 

Abhör-gerät (Flugzeug, etc.) air- 
plane, etc., sound locator or de- 
tector; radio locator, Radar (us- 
ing uhf waves and echo principle). 
-lautsprecher monitoring loud- 
speaker. -raum mixing room, mon- 
itoring booth, "box". -tisch 
(und Schneidetisch) sound film 
editing machine. 

Abhör-, Klebe- und Schneidetisch 

Abisolierer wire skinner. 

abkanten leyel, take off edge, 
chamfer, cant. 

abkappen lop off (peaks or crests), 
clip, limit amplitude. 

Abkapper amplitude or output lim- 

abkehren turn away or aside, di- 
vert; sweep or brush off. 

abkl appen swing or hinge down, out 
or away, let down. 

abkl ingender Kurvenzug decay train. 

Abkling-kurve decay curve. -zeit 
decay period, die-out p.; quench 
p. (in super-regeneration). 
-zeitmesser(Fluoreszenz) fluoron- 

abkneifen pinch off, nip off. 

abknicken bend or deviate (a ray, 
at sharp angle). 

Abkommen sight Sraticule or reti- 
cle (opt.), point of aim; agree- 
ment, convention,-contract, ar- 
rangement; deviation. 

Ablagerung deposit, sediment. 

Ablagerungen, inselartige "island" 

Ablass, Wasser- draining or drain- 
age of water. 

Ablauf expiry, expiration or lapse 
(of a period of time); rotation 

Ab] aufbahn 

or flight (of electrons); film 
feed (from magazine spool). -bahn 

. runway, landing ramp (of air- 
planes). . 

ablaufen run down (of a spring), 
return (of dial switch); run off, 
drain; expire (rights, contracts, 

ablaufen lassen release, let go or 
return (dial switch). 

ablaufend(e) Kante trailing edge. 

-{er) Kurs course or direction away 
from airport (in ZZ landing), out- 
ward course. 

Ablaufzeit return time (of a dial 

ablegen(Zeugnis) bear testimony or 

ablehnen decline, reject, refuse, 
challenge, dismiss. 

ableiten derive, deduce; turn aside; 
draw off, let escape, lead or car- 
ry off, dissipate or abduct (heat, 
etc.), shunt, drain to earth. 

Ableiter arrester, means to let a 
charge leak or drain away. 

Ableiter, Kathodenfall- valve ar- 

Ableitung leakance (line constant), 
shunt conductance; derivation 
(with respect to), differential 
coefficient (math.); downlead, 
lead-in (of an antenna). 

Ableitung, dielextrische dielectric 
leakance, conductance. dritte, 
der Charakteristik third differ- 
ential of characteristic. Anten- 
ne mit - shunt-excited antenna. 

Ableitung, Oberflaechen- surface 
leakage. Wärme- heat dissipation, 
h. evacuation, loss or abduction, 
the carrying away or conducting 
away of thermal energy. Wasser- 
draining or drainage of water. 

Ableitungs-dampfung leakance loss. 
-glied shunt element. -strom 
leakage or stray current. -wider- 
stand leak resistance, resistance 
leak (of a tube). 

ablenken deflect, deviate, inflect, 
diffract; turn off or aside. 


Ablenk-gerät deflection or deflec- 
tor means, time-base. -Kammer 
deflection chamber, d. space (in 
electron microscope). -platte 
deflection plate, deflector p. 
-spannungen, symmetrische equal 
and oppoSite or symmetric sweep 
voltages or deflection poten- 
tials. -spule deflection coil, 
deflector yoke. 

Ablenkung, herizontale horizontal 
or line scan, sweep or deflec- 

Ablenkung, Bild- frame or picture 
scan or sweep. Bord- aircraft 
error, distortion of bearings 
(due to ship's field, etc.). 
Horizontal- horizontal or line 
scan, sweep or deflection. 
Strahl- ray deviation, r. deflec- 
tion; r. refraction. Zeilen- 
line scan, line sweep. Zeit- 
time base. 

Ablenkungs-empfindlIchkeit deflec- 
tion sensitivity (reciprocal of 
d. factor). -generator deflec- 
tion generator, sawtooth $., 
time-base §., sweep oscillator. 
-spannung sweep voltage. -spule 
deflecting yoke, sweeping y., s. 
coil. -wechsel, Vertikal- ver- 
tical deflection cycle, v. or 
frame d. or scan. -weite sweep 
amplitude. -winkel angle of de- 
viation, a. of refraction. 

Ablese-fernrohr reading telescope. 
-lupe reading lens. -marke index 
line, i. mark. 

ablesen (Karte) read (off from) map 
or chart. 

Ablesescheibe (Peilen) dial of di- 

ableugnen deny, abnegate. 

abliegen be spaced apart or away, 
differ fron. 

Ablösung, Phasen- phase switching 
(in polyphase operation of igni- 

Ablösungs-arbeit, -energie des 
Elektrons total internal work 
function (amount of energy re- 


quired by electron to break away 
from incandesced or other metal 
surface), excitation energy. 

Abmachung agreement, arrangement, 
convention, stipulation, contract. 

Abmass tolerance. 

Abnahme-elektrode output electrode, 
collector e. -magnet pickup mag- 
net. -stelle, Ton- sound gate. 

abnehmen tap, transfer (potential, 
etc.), take off, pick up. 

Abnehmer-sprechkopf sound pickup 
head, reproducing h. -stelle, 
Ton- sound gate, s. pickup. 

Abnutzung abrasion, wear and tear, 

abplatten flatten, oblate. 

abprallen rebound, be reflected. 

Abprallwinkel angle of ricochet. 

abrechnen make an accounting, settle 
an account. 

Abrede, in - stellen deny. 

Abreiss-effekt (Schwingungen) dis- 
continuity effect (oscillations). 
-kontakt arcing contact (of a 
switch). -methode adhesion method 
(used in surface-tension testing). 
-spannung stopping potential. 

abrichten fit, adjust, true, trin, 

Abriss abridgment, abstract, synop- 

abrollen (über) ride (on), roll on 
or off, roll in contact; unroll. 

abrunden round out, r. off. 

Abrundungsradius contour radius. 

Abrutschen, seitliches side slip (of 
an airplane). 

Absatz wear and tear (of film); off- 
set, reduction,recess, shoulder; 
subsection (in text). 

absatzweise intermittently, discon- 
tinuously, progressively, gradual- 
ly, by steps, stages or degrees, 
with intervals, stepwise. 

absaugen (treat with a) squeegee. 

Absaug-feld positive field, suction 
f., f. designed to draw away, 
drive or concentrate electrons. 
-ring ring-shaped or annular col- 


abschaltbar disconnectible, severa- 
ble, disengageable; adapted to be 
disconnected, switched off or cut 

Abschaltleistung (eines Schalters) 
rupturing, circuit-opening or cir- 
cuit-breaking capacity (of a 

abschattieren shade off. 

Abschattierungsstörsignal spurious 
signal, shading s. (in iconoscope 
operation, known also as "black 
spot", "tilt and bend", "shading", 

abschichten separate into layers, 

abschiessen (des Getters) set off, 
cause vaporization (ot a getter). 

Abschirm-becher shield(ing) can. 
-koeffizient absorption coeffi- 
cient (screening function). 

Abschleifmesser grinding blade or 

Abschlusswand (Kondensator) end 

abschmirgeln abrade (with emory), 
grind off. 

Abschneiden (von PP U 
clipping or lopping off of ampli- 
tude peaks or crests (in a limi- 
ter). -(von Silben und Worten, 
in Telephonie) clipping, oblitera- 
tion or mutilation of speech. 

abschrägen bevel, skew, scarf, 
slope, slant, taper, cant. 

Abschrift, beglaubigte certified or 
legalized copy. 

abschuppen scale or flake off. 

Abschützung shielding, screening. 

abschwächen reduce (contrast, phot.). 

Abschwächer attenuator. 

Abschwächungslösung reducer solu- 

Abschwörung denial under oath, ab- 

absedimentieren sediment, out. 

absehen (von) dispense with, disre- 
gard, let alone. 

Absehen sight graticule. 

Absenkung in den Höhen de-accentua- 
tion or attenuation of high fre- 


quencies, using treble de-empha- 
sizer means. 

absetzen lay off or plot (on a map 
or chart), shape course for; de- 
posit, put down; interrupt. 

absitzen lassen allow to settle, 
deposit or clarify. 

Absorptionskante, K- K edge. Un- 
kehr- reverse absorption edge or 

Absorptionskonstante absorption co- 
efficient. -küvette absorption 
cell. -modulation absorption or 
Heising modulation method. -rohr 
absorption column or tube. 
-sprung absorption discontinuity. 
-streifen absorption bands, a. 

abspalten cleave (cryst.). 

abspannen relieve of tension or 
strain, relax, release; stay, 
strain back, dead-end or termi- 
nate (a wire). 

Abspann-isolator terminal or strain 
insulator. -seil guy or span 
rope or cable. -stange stay ter- 
minal, strain pole or mast. 

absperren (cf sperren) shut off, 
cut off, confine, stop, stopper, 
seal off. 

Absperrklappe, Drossel- throttle 
clack valve. 

Abspieldose electric phonograph 

abspielen, direktes direct play- 

Abspielnadel phonograph needle. 

Abspulen (cf. Ablauf) feeding film 
from magazine or feed spool. 

Abstand nehmen (von etwas) refrain 
or desist from, dispense with. 

Abstand, Augen- interocular dis- 
tance. Betrachtungs- viewing 
distance. Frequenz- interference 
guard band, tolerance frequency. 
Geräusch- signal: noise ratio. 
Hauptebenen- distance between 
principal planes or points. Haut- 
(focal) skin distance. Knoten- 
inter-nodal distance. Netzebenen- 

Abstimmung, rohe 

grating constant (spectrometer), 
interlattice plane distance. 
Pfeifpunkt- singing, whistling or 
stability margin. Wellen- inter- 
ference guard band, tolerance 
frequency. Zeilen- line separa- 
tion, inter-line distance, pitch 

Abstand-halter spacer. 
stand-off insulator. 

Abstands-messer, Augen- interpupil- 
lary distance gage. -taste spacer 
key, blank k. 

absteifen strut, prop, stiffen, re- 
inforce, support, shore, truss, 

Absteller automatic disconnector or 
cut-off device (for soldering 
irons, etc.) 

Abstieg, Ballon- descent of a bal- 

Abstimm-anderung tuning drift (due 
to temperature effects). -anzeige- ' 
röhre tuning indicator tube, mag- 
ic eye. -bereichüberstreichung 
scanning a tuning range. -ein- 
richtung tuning device or means, 
tuning control, selector. 

abstimmen tune, syntonize (cir- 
cuits), shade off (phot.), harmo- 

abstimmen, auf Resonanz resonate, 
tune to resonance. 

Abstimm-glimmröhre tuning indicator 
glow-tube, flashograph. -kette 
tuning arrangement comprising a 
plurality of oscillation circuits. 
-kreis tuned or tuning circuit, 
tank c. -melder tuning indicator 
(e.g., of c-r. tube or magic eye 
type). -platte tuning spade or 
plate, t. wand. -scharfe sharp- 
ness of tuning or of resonance 
condition, selectivity. 

Abstimmung, feine sharp or fine 
tuning. -, fühlbare lazy tuning 
(condenser sensibly detained on 
passing carrier wave). -, leise 
silent tuning, quiet (avec) tuning. 
-, rohe broad tuning, coarse tun- 


Abstimmung, scharfe 

ing, flat tuning (with little se- 
lectivity). -, scharfe sharp, 
fine or precise tuning. -, 
schlechte mistuning. -, ungenaue 
off-resonance tuning. -, unscharfe 
broad or flat tuning. 

Abstimmung, Falsch- mistuning. 
Primär- pre-selector means. 

Abstimmungs-aggregat tuning set, 
tuning unit (L and C). -xkreuz 
tuning indicator (magic eye, etc.). 
-stromkreis, Still- silent (a.a. 
v.c) tuning circuit. 

Abstoppen von Zeitdauern stopwatch 
measurement of time intervals. 

abstossend, wasser- water-repellant, 

_ Abstossung, Coulomb- Coulombian re- 
pulsion. Eigen-, der Elektro- 
nenwolken repelling action of 
electron charges, negative space 
charge formation. 

Abstossungs-kraft repelling force, 
repulsion. -potential repulsion 
potential. 4 

Abstrahl reflected ray. 

abstrahlen blast (with shot or sand); 
radiate, reflect. 

Abstrahler radiator (ac., antenna). 

Abstrahlfläche radiating, radiation 
or radiant surface (loudsp.); re- 
flecting surface or area. 

Abstrahlung, Schall- sound radia- 
tion or projection. 

Abstrakte tracker, prolonge (organ). 

Abstrebekraft centrifugal force. 

_ abstreichen scrape or strike off, 
skin, strickle, lute (clay in 
brick mold). 

abstreifen strip, wipe (off). 

Abstrich downstroke or trailing edge 
(of an impulse). 

abstufen grade (phot.), graduate, 

Abstufung, empfindungsgerechte nat- 
ural or subjective grading or 
spacing (in chromaticity or chro- 
matic scale, etc.). 

Abstufung, Licht- gradation of 
light. Schwarzungs- density 


graduation. Ton- grading of tanes, 
graduation of intensity. 

abstunpfen neutralize, saturate 
(acids); truncate, blunt; dull, 

Abstumpfungsflache truncating face 
(cryst. ). 

absuchen search, sweep, scan, ex- 

Abtast-band scanning belt. -blende 
(Farnsworth, etc.) scanning aper- 
ture or hole (in Farnsworth dis- 
sector, Nipkow disk, etc.). -dose 
electric or pickup soundbox. 

abtasten scan, explore, sweep, pick 
up, probe, search. 

Abtaster, Elektronen- electronic 
scanner, beam sweep, spot or lev- 
er electron brush or pencil. 
Fernseh- televisor, video scanner. 
Film- film scanner (in interme- 
diate film system). Kathoden- 
strahl- electron beam scanner. 
Lichtstrahl- spotlight scanner, 
scanning brush or pencil, sweep, 
flying or exploring spot scanner. 
Linsenkranz- lens drum scanner. 
Oberflachen- surface analyzer 
(to record ener ie) 
Personen- (mit wanderndem Licht) 
spotlight scanner for persons. 

Abtast-frequenz scan frequency (= 
lines x frame f.)}. -geschwindig- 
Keit pickup velocity, pickup rate 
(phon.). -scheibe (cf. Spiral- 
lochscheibe) Nipkow scanning or 
exploring disk, spiral disk. 
-spalte, Ton- sound scanning slit. 
-stelle, Bild- picture or film 
gate. -strahl, Elektronen- elec- 
tron spot, e. beam, e. brush 

Abtastung scanning, scansion, ex- 
ploration, sweeping out (of pic- 
ture area). 

Abtastung nacheinanderfolgender 
Bildpunkte sequential or pro- 
gressive scanning of elementary 
‘areas. -, quadratische square- 
law scanning. -, sprungweise 


interlaced scanning. -mit unsicht- 
baren ultraroten Strahlen nocto- 
visor scan (using infra-red rays). 

Abtastung, Fernseh-, von Kinofilm 
telecine scan of moving-picture 
film. Film- film scanning. Ge- 
schwindigkeits- variable-speed 
scanning. Schwingspiegel- vibrat- 
ing mirror scanning (in Mihaly 
Telehor). Strahl- electron beam 
scan, spotlight sweep or scan. 
Teil- partial or fractional scan, 
coarse scan. Ton- pickup of sound. 
Vielfach- multiple scan. 

Abtastzeile scanning line, s. strip. 

Abteilung, Berufungs- appeal divi- 
sion or department. Beschwerde- 
appeal dept., board of appeals. 
Nichtigkeits- annulment dept. (of 
G.P. Office). £ 

abtonen, abtönen shade off, tint, 
tone down. 

abtragen plot or lay off. 

Abtragung disintegration, attrition, 

Abtreibschmelze refining melt. 

Abtrenner, Impuls- synchronizing 
separator, amplitude s., clipper. 

Abtrennung severance, separation; 
division (of a patent applica- 

abtreten assign, cede, convey, 

Abtretender assignor. 

Abtretungserklärung declaration of 

Abtrift drift (of ships or air- 
planes). -messer drift meter. 

Abtropf-schale jar, dish, drip, 
drainer. -ständer draining stand. 

Abwageschaltung comparator circuit 

abwalzen (cf. abrollen))ride on, 

abwandeln vary, change, alter, mod- 

Abwärtstransformator step-down 

abwassern (Flugzeug) rise or take 
off from water (airplane). 


abwegig reden argue beside the 
point, tergiversate, dodge the 

Abwehr, Lärm-, Schall- noise abate- 
ment, n. suppression, n. attenua- 
tion, combating of n. 

abweichen differ, vary, deviate, 
diverge, depart from; soak off. 

Abweichung departure, difference, 
disparity, divergence, deviation, 
variation, declination, anomaly, 
swing, drift. -, seitliche spha- 
rische transverse spherical aber- 

Abweichung, Farben- chromatic aber- 
ration. Flächen- zonal aberra- 
tion. Frequenz- frequency depar- 
ture, swing, deviation or drift, 
lilt (slow fluctuation). Kurs- 
yaw, deviation from course. Lin- 
sen- lens aberration. Nullpunkt- 
zero error. Rest- residual aber- 
ration. Seiten- lateral devia- 

Abweichungskorrektur achromatiza- 
tion (opt.). 

abweisen (eine Klage) dismiss (a 
suit), non-suit. 

Abweisungsmaterial anticipatory ma- 
terial or references, anticipa-- 
tions (in prior art). 

abwenden avert, avoid. 

abwerfen release (a keeper). 

Abwerg waste tow or oakum. 

Abwesender absentee. 

Abwickelachse feed spindle. 

abwickelbar developable. 

abwickeln wind off, unwind, reel 
off; rectify (math.). 

Abwickelspule feed spool, f. reel. 

Abwickler, Film- magazine drum, 
feed reel. 

Abwind down current. 

abzapfen draw off, tap. 

abziehbares Papier transfer paper. 

abziehen print, copy; trim or true 
(a wheel); draw off or tap. 

Abzug print, copy. 

Abzug, Korrektur- proof sheet. 

Abzüge machen take prints, print, 


copy, multigraph. 

Abzugsrohr vent stack (of arc-lamp); 
waste or drain pipe or tube, vent 
p-, outlet. 

abzweigen (von Strahlen) split off 
or deviate (rays). 

Abzweigpunkt tap, distributing 
point, branch-off point. 

Abzweigung tap, branch-off, tie 
line, ramification; division (of 
a patent application). 

Abzweigwiderstand leak resistance. 

Achromasie achromatism, achromati- 
zation, degree of achromatic cor- 

Achse, ausser extra-axial, abaxial. 
-, grosse major axis. -, kleine 
minor axis. 

Achse, Abwickel- feed spindle. 
Dreh- axis of rotation, center of 
r., pivot, fulcrum, hinge. Drill- 
rotator (quantum theory). Flug- 
zeuglängs- fore-aft line, major 
axis of airplane. Gegen- anti- 
axis. Halb- semi-axis. Haupt- 
prime or major axis, vertical ax- 
is (of rhombic crystal). Kris- 
tall- crystal axis, crystallo- 
graphic a. Lande- correct bear- 
ing or line for approach or 
landing. Längs- longitudinal ax- 
is, fore-aft line (of air and wa- 
ter craft). Linsen- optical axis 
(of a lens). Makro- macro-axis 
(cryst.). Neben- lateral axis 
(of rhombic crystal), secondary 
axis. Säulen- prismatic axis.’ 
Spulen- bob or core of a spool 

Achsenankerrelais axial-armature 

achsenentfernt abaxial, off axis. 

Achsenkreuz coordinate system. 

Achsenrichtung, Kristall- crystal- 
lographic axis orientation. 

achsensymmetrisch axially symmet- 
ric, in axial symmetry. 

Achsenwinkel axial angle. 

achsig, ein- uniaxial. ein-und- 
ein- orthorhombic (cryst.). mei- 



achsparallel axis-parallel, paraxial 
(e.g., rays beside, or parallel 

Achs-schenkel axle journal. 
wheel base. 

achteckIig octagonal, eight-cornered. 

Achtelkreis octant. 

achtelkreisformige Komponenten oc- 
tantal error components (df). 

achteraus, Backbord- port aft. 
recht- right astern. Steuer- 
bord- starboard aft. 

Achterbündel eight-wire core, quad- 
ruple twin. 

achterliche Kurslinie astern course, 
direct line away from transmitter, 
"come-from" indication. 

Achter-schraube octet ring. 
figure "8" coil. 

Acht-flach octahedron. -polröhre 
octode, eight-electrode type of 
tube or valve. 

adaptiertes Auge, dunkel- dark 
adapted eye. 

Adaption, Dunkel- dark adaptation, 

Adaptionszustand, Augen- (state of ) 
retinal adaptation. 

Adatom adsorption atom. 

Adcocksystem (U-System) (spec.) ver- 
tical aerial or Adcock system (U- 
system); also spaced aerial df 

additive Modulation upward modula- 
tion, negative m. 

Ader, Zähl- pilot wire, marked w., 
meter w. 

AEF (Ausschuss für Einheiten und 
Formeln) Committee on Units and 
Formulae, Standards or Standardi- 
zation Committee. 

"Aeo" Aufzeichnungslampe Aeo light, 
alkaline-earth oxide lamp, Aeo 

Aeols-glocke, Glas- glass Aéolian 
bell. -harfe Aeolian harp. 

affinieren refine. 

After-kristall pseudomorph. -kugel 




Aggregat, Lampen- bank or pillar of 
lamps, battens (used on stages). 
Molekül- molecular cluster. 

Aggregatzustand state of aggrega- 

Agraffe stud (piano). 

Ah (Amperestunde) ampere hour. 

Ahnlichkeits-gesetz, -theorie simi- 
larity principle, similitude the- 

Akkomodations-entspannung relaxing 
of adaptation. -fähigkeit power 
of accommodation. 

akkomodationsloses Auge unaccommo- 
dated or fixed eye. 

Akkordiön-balg accordion bellows. 
-griff keyboard. 

Akkordzitter auto harp. 

Akkumulator, kochender agitated or 
gassing accumulator (just dis- 
connected from charger). 

Akten, Anmeldungs- file wrapper, ap- 
plication papers. 

Aktendalarm reel-end signal. 
Akten-zeichen serial number, filen., 
docket n., reference n. -zeich- 
nung drawing incorporated in dock- 

et or case records. 

aktinisch undurchlassig adiactinic. 

Aktiniumemanation actinon. 

aktive Masse active paste. 

Aktivator, Schwermetall- phosphoro- 
gen (e.g., Mn, promoting phospho- 

ode, etc.). 

Akustik s,a. Schall, Ton, Klang, 

Akustik, Bau- architectural acous- 
tics, enclosure, space or room a. 

akustisch(e) Blendung aural dazzle. 
-(e) Empfindung acoustic percep- 
tion. -(e) Gegenwirkung acoustic 
reactance. -(er) Kurzschluss 
acoustic feedback or short-cir- 
cuit. -(e) Ortung sound location, 
acoustic orientation. -(e) Rück- 
kopplung acoustic feedback. -(er) 
Widerstand acoustic resistance; a. 

Neu- reactivation, re- 
(of a thoriated cath- 

Amp] itudenschr lft 


Alarm, Aktend- reel-end signal. 
Luft- air-raid alarm.—ende, Luft- 
all-clear signal. 

Albedo albedo (reflection factor of 
diffusely reflecting surfaces, 
say, a planet). 

d'Alembert'sche Wellengleichung 
D’Alembertian wave equation. 

Alhidade alidade, sight rule. 

Alkalimetall, Erd- alkaline earth 

Alkalizelle alkali metal photo-emis- 
sive cell. 

Allein-berechtigung sole or exclu- 
sive right. -inhaber sole owner 
or holder. 

allitieren coat with aluminum, alu- 

Allstromempfangsgerat universal re- 
ceiver set. 

Alphabet, Fünfer- oder Fünfströme- 
five-unit code. 

Alt alto, counter tenor. 

Alt, tiefer contralto. 

Altersrank priority. 

alterssichtig presbyopic. 

Altposaune alto trombone. 

Aluminium-knetlegierung malleable 
aluminum alloy. -töne aluminum 
reeds (accordion). 

Ametall non-metal. 

Ampere-stunde( Ah) ampere hour. 
-windungszahl number of ampere- 

Amplitude, Bewegungs-, Geschwindig- 
keits- velocity amplitude. Mem- 
branschwing- diaphragm excursion 
amplitude. Stör- noise level. ~ 

Amplituden-abschneider peak limiter, 
clipper, lopper. -anzeiger glow- 
tube amplitude, tuning or reson- 
ance indicator, flashograph t.i. 
-begrenzer peak limiter, clipper, 

amplitudengetreu of equal amplitude, 
with a. fidelity. 

Amplituden-gl immröhre glow-tube an- 
plitude, tuning or resonance indi- 
cator, flashograph t.i. -schrift 

Amp! itudenselektion I 

variable-area (v.-width) record- 
ing or sound track. -selektion, 
-sieb amplitude filter, a. separa- 
tor or selector, a. discrimina- 
tion selector. -spitzen, Abschnei- 
den der clipping or lopping off 

of amplitude peaks or crests, by 
limiter means. 

Amt, Eich- gage or calibration of- 
fice, standards bureau. Not- 
temporary or emergency exchange 
or office. 

amtlicher Bescheid Patent Office 
action, decision, official notice 
or notification. 

Amtsblatt official gazette or jour- 

Amtverkabelung central wiring, of- 
fice wiring. 

Analysator, Suchton- heterodyne an- 

anarbeiten attach, join or work on- 

anatzen etch or cauterize superfi- 
cially or slightly. 

anbacken bake on, fix by firing, 
bake superficially. 

anberaumen, Termin zur Verhandlung 
einer Sache set or fix date for 
hearing a case. 

Anblaston Aeolian tone. 

anbohren tap, bore, drill. 

Anbruch fracture. 

Anderungsgeschwindigkeit remaining 
velocity (ballistics). 

Androhung warning, caution, giving 
notification (of a threatened ac- 

Andruck-fenster pressure plate, 
aperture p. (m.p.). -rolle, Gum- 
mi- rubber-tired pressure or pad 
roll (m.p.). -schiene pressure 
pad, p. guide. 

aneinandergesprengte Prismen broken 
contact (uncemented) prisms 
(closely fitted together). 

anerkennen acknowledge, admit, rec- 

Anerkennungsurteil consent judg- 


Anfachraum generator or working 
space (beam tube). 

Anfachung continuous excitation of 
waves (or point where oscillating 
begins); fanning, kindling. 
Schwingungs- wave excitation, w. 

Anfachzeit building-up period (time 
required for oscillating to 

Anfälligkeit, Stör- susceptibility 
to trouble, interference or noise. 

Anfangs-drift initial drift (of 
photo-cell). -geschwindigkeit 
initial velocity; muzzle v. (bal- 
listics). -konzentration (cf. 
Vorsammellinse und Vorkonzentra- 
tion) pre-focusing. -strom start- 
ing, initial, incipient or origi- 
nal current. -wert initial or 
early value. -zustand initial 
state or condition. 

anfärben stain (superficially). 

anfechten, Gültigkeit eines Paten- 
tes challenge validity of a pat- 
ent, argue non-validity. 

Anfechtungsprozess contested action. 

anfeuchten wet, moisten or dampen 

Anflug approach (flight), coming f. 

Anflug, Ziel- flight towards object 
or target. 

Anflug-grundlinie approach of center 
of sector. -kegel sector of ap- 
proach. -manoever approach proce- 
dure. -richtung direction of ap- 
proach, homing direction (of an 
airplane). -richtungsfunkbake 
runway localizing beacon (marker). 
-schneise approach sector, corri- 
dor of approach. -sektor sector 
of approach. -zeit time for 
flight to airdrome. 

Anflussgeschwindigkeit velocity of 
approach, afflux v. (of fluids). 

anfressen corrode (superficially or 
slightly), eat away or eat at, 
erode, pit, attack, stain. 

Anfressung, Rost- corrosion, honey- 
combing, pitting, tubercular or 


channel-shaped corrosion. 

anführen quote, cite, mention. 

Angeber, Ton-,chromatischer chromatic 
pitch pipe. 

Angeklagter defendant, respondent. 

angelagerte Elektronen trapped elec- 

Angelegenheit case, matter, affair, 
in re: 

angepasste Leitung matched line. 

-, nicht- mismatched line. 
angeregte Gruppe exciton (in dielec- 
tric breakdown). 

angescharften Enden, Verbindung mit 
scarfed joint. 

angezapfte Wicklung tapped winding. 
-, in der Mitte center-tapped 
winding, with midpoint tap. 

angiessen cast on, pour on; color 
(by coat of clay). 

Angleich, Farb- color matching, c. 

angleichen equate, correct, compen- 

Angleichung adjustment, adaptation, 
(approximate) matching (of bright- 
ness, color, etc.). 

angrenzend border on, adjacent, ad- 
joining, eontiguous. 

Angrenzung contiguity, adjacency, 

Angriffspunkt point of engagement, 
attachment, action, application or 
attack (say, of a force). 

Anguss lug (cast on); feedhead. 

anhaftend adherent, inherent, be at- 
tached to. 

Anhallen building-up of acoustic en- 

Anhaltspunkt clue, criterion, index; 
stopping point, fulcrun. 

anharmonische Terme anharmonic terms 
or constants. 

Anhäufung aggregation, accumulation, 
collection, damming up, concentra- 

Anhäufung, Korn- grain aggregation. 

Anhaufungszone zone of accumulation 
(in ultrasonic waves) 

anheben (von Tönen, Bändern, etc.) 



emphasize, accentuate, underscore 
or favor (certain sounds or fre- 

quency bands, by tone-control or 

tonalizer means). 

Anhebung, Bass- bass boosting, b. 
compensation, tone-control means 
to accentuate low-pitch or b. range, 
b. emphasis. 

anheizen heating up, initial h. (of 
a tube); kindle. 

Anheizzeit cathode heating time 
(till stable temperature is 
reached), thermal time constant 
(of a cathode), warming-up period. 

anisotropische Verzeichnung aniso- 
tropic distortion, shear d., d. 
of orientation. 

Anker armature, keeper (of permanent 
magnet); anchor, stay, guy; es- 

Anker, Doppel-T- shuttle armature, 
H-type a. Dreh- pivoted arma- 
ture. Eichkatzen- squirrel-cage 
armature. Schwing- oscillating 

_ Anker-gesperre anchor escapement. 

-relais, Schneide- knife-edge re- 
lay. -ruhestellung, Relais mit 
mittlerer neutraler neutral relay, 
relay with differentially moving 
armature. -umschlag armature 
travel, a. transit, armature ex- 

Anklang concord, accord, sympathy, 
tuned state. 

Anklang finden find acceptance, be- 
come popular. 

Anklingen gradual rise or waxing 
(of vibrations, etc.), initial 
sounding, intonation. 

Anklingzeit starting or onset time 
(of a tone). 

ankohlen char or carbonize (super- 
ficially, slightly or partially). 

ankommender Strom incoming current. 

anlagern combine, become added to, 
adsorbed or attached. 

Anlagerungs-reaktion addition reac- 
tion. -verbindung addition con- 

Anl assanode 

Anlass-anode starting anode (in arc 
rectifier). -beständigkeit ten- 
pering resistance. 

anlassen start, turn on, let in; 
temper, anneal (glass, metal, etc). 

Anlasstemperatur tempering tempera- 
ture, annealing t., drawing t. 

Anlauf pickup, start, acceleration. 
-beständigkeit resistance to tar- 
nish, t.-proofness. -charakteris- 
tik transfer characteristic. 

anlaufen become coated with oxide or 
moisture, tarnish, become dull or 

dim; start; buck against @ poten- 

anlaufendes Flugzeug approaching 

Anlauf-farbe temper color. -strom- 
gebiet range or region of incip- 
ient current flow (say, at grid). 
-winkel angle of approach. 

Anlege-kassette clamp-on dark slide. 
-punkt aiming point. 

anlenken pivot, fulcrum, hinge. 

Anlenkungspunkt pivotal point, ful- 
crum, hinge. 

annetzen moisten, dampen®(superfi- 

Anmassung, Patent- usurpation of 
patent rights. 

anmelden (ein Patent) apply for let- 
ters patent, file an application. 

Anmelder applicant. 

Anmeldung, abgezweigte divisional 
application (part divided off from 
the original case or docket). 

Anmeldungsakten file wrapper, appli- 
cation papers. 

Anmerkung annotation, memorandun, 
remark, comment, (foot, marginal) 

Anmerkung, Rand- marginal note or 
annotation, marginalia. Streit- 
annotations of litigation. 

Annahme acceptance, acceptation, 
adoption; assumption, supposition, 
presumption, conjecture, surmise. 

Anode, Anlass- starting anode (to 
strike initial arc in Hg recti- 
fier). Auffang- collecting or 
gathering anode (of multiplier); 

Anpassung, Dunkel- 

catcher (of klystron). Beschleu- 
nigungs- gun anode. Diaphragma- 
aperture anode, anode stop. Fang- 
collecting anode, gathering a., 
(Farnsworth telev., multiplier). 
Lochscheiben- apertured disk anode, 
ring a. Nachbeschleunigungs- sec- 
ond gun anode. Netz- plate fed 
from power pack. Prall- target 
anode, impactor a, reflecting 
electrode or dynode (of electron 
multiplier). Sammel- collector 
anode, gathering a. Voll- unsplit 
anode (in magnetron). Vor- first 
anode (c-r. tube); screen grid 
connected with cathode §. and act- 
ing as "fore-anode" in power pen- 
tode (Pierce circuit). 

Anoden-absinkkurve anode or plate 
current curve. -ansatzpunkt spot 
on anode (of an arc). -aussortie- 
rung anode sorting. -blende 
(anode) diaphragm or partition (in 
cathode-ray tube), first anode, 
defining aperture (of telev. tube). 
-fleck anode spot. -gleichrich- 
tung plate-current rectification 
or detection, anode bend r. 

-loch (cf. Anodenblende) gun (in 
cathode-ray tube). -rückwirkung 
anode or plate feedback, plate re- 
action. -schale anode segment (of 
magnetron). -schutznetz screen 
grid, plate shield. -spannungs- 
aussteuerung plate voltage excur- 
sıon. -strahlen anode rays, canal 
r., positive r. -stromaussteue- 
rung plate current excursion. =un- 
ruhe fluctuation of plate or anode 
feed current. -verlustleistung 
anode dissipation. 

Anomalie, Nullpunkt- origin distor- 

an Ort und Stelle in situ, in the 
Site, on the spot. 

anpassen match, adapt; accommodate, 
adjust, fit, suit. 

Anpassung, Augen- adaptation (to 
change in distance or focus), ac- 
commodation (to change in light 
intensity). Dunkel- dark adapta- 

Anpassung,‘ Falsch- 

Falsch- Fehl- mis- 
matching; defective focus. Hell- 
light adaptation, photopia. Über- 
overmatching. Unter- under-match- 

Anpassungs-dampfung matching attenu- 
ation, non-reflection a. -fähig- 
keit adaptability, accommodation 
powers (of eye). -netz matching 
network. -schaltung circuit means 
designed to form or shape synchro- 
nizing signals. -transformator 
matching transformer. 

anpeilen take bearings from or on (a 
radio station). 

Anregung excitation, stimulation, 
stimilus, response, sounding (as of 
a Kundt glass tube). 

Anregung, Kern- nuclear excitation. 
Anregungs-energie excitation or stim- 
ulation energy (e.g., potential). 
-faktor excitation factor. -span- 
nung exciting or stimulating poten- 

tial, pre-ionization p., p. to 
raise an electron to a higher lev- 
el out of its atomic bond. -welle 
exciton (strictlysan electron in a 
crystal moving in the field of a 
positive hole). 

anreichern enrich, strengthen, con- 

Anreicherungsfaktor concentration 

anreihen arrange in, or attach to, a 
series or row, align. 

anreissen pluck (a string or chord). 

Anriss cracking, critical break. 

ansassig domiciled, residing at. 

Ansatz side arm or appendage (of a 
bulb or tube); adapter (phot. ); 
loss, extension, tail, ear, lug, 
nipple, shoulder; deposit, sedi- 

Ansatz einer Gleichung laying down a 
formula or equation. 

Ansatz, Lichtton- sound-film head. 
Nadelton- sound-on-disk attachment 
or head. 

Ansatzflache des Objektivgewindes 
screw shoulder, screw collar or 
seat of objective amount. 

tion, scotopia. 


Ansatz-punkt contact point (airplane 
landing); spot (of arc, etc., on 
cathode or anode); point of at- | 
tachment or insertion. -stück ex- 
tension piece, adapter piece. -tu- 
bus extension tube. 

anschichten pile in layers, strat- 

anschiessen shoot into crystals, 

Anschlag limitation or buffer, stop, 

Anschlag, Auslösungs- trip dog, 
trigger means. Begrenzungs- back 
stop, limiting means. Finger- 
finger stop (dial switch). 

Anschlagbund stop collar. 

anschlagen touch (piano), strike (a 
string, in percussion instruments), 
sound or tap (a tuning fork). 

Anschlag-linie striking line (piano). 
-stelle striking point. 

Anschliff ground and polished sur- 
face (under microscopic examina- 
tion). | 

Anschluss, Kopfhör- telephone jacks. 
Sammel- p.b.x. line. Vollnetz- 
(Radioempfänger) all-electric set 
(with mains supply). 

Anschluss-berufung cross appeal. 
-teil terminal part, connector. 
-teilnehmer, Sammel- subscriber 
with several lines. 

anschmelzen melt, fuse or join onto, 
join by fusion; begin to melt. 

Anschmiegung, enge intimate or snug 
adhesion, adherence, engagement 
or fit, close contact, hug. 

anschmoren scorch. 

anschneiden intersect; determine a 
fix, obtain a bearing. 

Anschnitt gating (foundry work). 

Anschuss, Kristall- crop of crys- 
tals, crystallographic growth, 

Anschwingzeit build-up period (time 
required for oscillations to 
start). 4 

Anschraubring lens flange. 

ansetzen crystallize, effloresce; 
make up (a solution), prepare, 

an sich 

mix; start or strike (an arc). 

an sich per se, basically or funda- 
mentally speaking, in or by it- 

Ansicht, Gesamt- total view, gener- 
al v., assembly v. Hinter- rear 
elevation, posterior view. Sei- 
ten- side or lateral elevation. 
Vorder- front elevation, anterior 

Ansichtskopie release print. 

anspannen strain, stretch, bend, 
tension, tense. 

anspielen auf make allusion to, 
hint at. 

Ansprache response; inception, on- 

ansprechen in freier Luft response 
in free space or air (of a micro- 

Ansprech-konstante sensitivity con- 
stant (microphone), m. respons- 
iveness. -wahrscheinlichkeit 
(eines Zählrohres) efficiency of 
counter tube (likelihood to re- 
spond or register). 

Anspruch (eines Patentes) claim (of 
letters patent). 

Anspruch, Unter- sub-claim. 

Anspruch geltend machen advance, 
prefer, raise or plead a claim or 

Anstalt, Forschungs- research in- 

anstechen pierce, tap, open. 

Anstellwinkel angle of attack; a. 
of pitch, blade a. 

ansteuern take bearings from, keep 
on course, head for. 

Ansteuerungsfeuer line of approach 
beacon; directional beacon. 

Anstoss nehmen take exception to. 

anstossen butt against, collide 
with, knock against, impulse (a 

Anstrebekraft centripetal force. 

Anstreichen stroking (a string), 

(initial) bowing (of a violin). 

Anstrengung, Augen- eye strain. 

Anstroémrichtung direction of air 

Antenne, Gitter- 

Anstromungssgeschwindigkeit afflux 
velocity, approach v. 

Anteil constituent, portion, share, 

anteilig proportionate, in propor- 
tion, pro rata. 

Anteilziffer. percentage share. 

Antenne Siehe auch "Luftdraht" 

Antenne, abgeschirmte shielded 
(downlead) antenna, anti-static 
antenna, screened a. - mit Ab- 
leitung shunt-excited antenna. -, 
ausgekurbelte reeled out, lowered 
or paid out antenna or aerial 
(through fairlead of airplane). -, 
eingebaute built-in antenna. -, 
eingefahrene retracted or drawn-in 
antenna. - einziehen reel in, 
haul in or retract antenna wire. 
-, künstliche artificial, mute or 
phantom antenna. -, vom Sender 
entkuppelte balanced antenna. - 
mit seitlichem Minimum directive 
antenna. -, ungerichtete non-di- 
rectional antenna. 

Antenne, Baken- beam antenna, beacon 
a., radio range a. Band- tape an- 
tenna. Beggerow-Zeppelin Zeppelin 
antenna. Behelfs- temporary or 
makeshift antenna. Boden- ground 
or earth antenna; underground or 
buried antenna. Dach- gable roof 
antenna. Doppelkegel-, Deppelkonus- 
cage antenna, double-cone a., 
sausage a. Doppel-V- double-V an- 
tenna, doublet a. Einfach- plain 
antenna. Erd- ground or earth an- 
tenna; underground or buried a. 
Ersatz- artificial antenna, mute 
a., phantom a. Fächer- fan anten- 
na, harp a. Fischbauch- fishbelly 
antenna (mast antenna in which 
maximum cross-section and minimum 
characteristic impedance are in 
middle). Flächen- sheet antenna. 
Flossen- skid-fin antenna (on air- 
plane wing). Frei- outdoor anten- 
na. Gegengewicht- screened aerial. 
Gemeinschafts- block antenna, com- 
munal or party a., centralized or 
shared a. Gitter- parasol-type 

Antenne, Harfen- 

antenna. Harfen- harp antenna, 
fan a. Hoch- open outdoor anten- 
na (installed at, or reaching, a 
point high above ground). Innen- 
indoor antenna. Kafig- cage an- 
tenna, sausage a., hoop antenna. 
Kreuzrahmen- crossed-coil antenna. 
Kurbel- reel antenna, trailing- 
wire a. Lichtnetz- light-socket 
or -circuit antenna. Linear- 
plain or straight one-wire anten- 
na. Mikrophon- microphone boom 
or outrigger. Nahschwund- low- 
angle or short-range fading an- 
tenna. Netz- light- or power- 
circuit antenna, lamp-socket a.; 
a. adapter, a. eliminator. Peil- 
directional antenna. Rahmen- 
frame antenna, loop a., coil a. 
Rauten- rhombic antenna. Reusen- 
cage antenna, sausage a., hoop a. 
Richt- directional or directive 
antenna, unilateral a. Richtungs- 
geber- director. Rundstrahl- — 
polydirectional antenna, omni-di- 
rectional a., omni aerial. 
Schlepp- trailing-wire antenna. 
Schwundverminderungs- anti-fading 
antenna. Spiral- (flat) spiral 
aerial, extensible spiral or 
coiled antenna, s . loop. Stab- 
rod antenna, whip antenna, up- 
right antenna stick. Tannenbaum- 
christmas tree antenna. Unterwa- 
gen- under-car antenna. Weih- 
nachtsbaum- christmas tree anten- 
na. Wellen- wave antenna, Bever- 
age a. 

Antennen-ableitung antenna lead 
(in), downlead. -effekt antenna 
effect ( error in df). -ei, 
-endgewicht fish (of trailing an- 
tenna). -gebilde antenna array. 
-nahfeld vicinity or short-range 
field of antenna. -ringleitung 
multiple-receiver connection to 
antenna. -schwingung swaying or 
swinging of antenna. -system, 
Peil- directional antenna system. 
-verklrzungskondensator antenna 


(shortening) condenser, aerial 
series cond., padding condenser. 
-verlängerungsspule serial-capac- 
ity or loading coil. -zuleitung 
antenna lead, downlead, feeder 

Antikathode target, anti-cathode 
(of X-ray tube). 

Antragsteller applicant, petition- 

antreten, Beweis offer evidence. 
"Zum Tanz"- phase focusing, for- 
mation of groups of electrons in 
beam tube, bunching. 

Antrieb, schlupffreier (cf. zwangs- 
läufig) non-slip drive, geared 
d., positive d. Druckluft- pneu- 
matic drive. 

Antriebs-element motor element (of 
loudspeaker). -zahntrommelwelle 
drive sprocket shaft. 

antworten answer, respond, plead, 

Antwort-geber revertive signal 
means, check-back or monitoring 
position indicator (of measuring 
instruments). -schrift answer. 

A.N. Verfahren A.N. method (of in- 
strument landing). 

anvisieren sight, aim at. 

Anwaltsgebühren counsel fee. 

anwassern "land", alight or descend 
on, or make contact with, the wa- 
ter (airplane). 

Anweisung, Fehl- incorrect indica- 
tion or reading, misreading. 

Anwuchs growth, increase, incre- 
ment; accrescence, accretion. 

anzapfen tap. 

Anzapf-transformer (center) tapped 
or split transformer. -turbine 
bleeder turbine. 

Anzapfung, Mittel- center tapping, 

Anzeige reading,indication, notice, 
notification, advertisement. 

Anzeige, gedampfte deadbeat, non- 
ballistic or aperiodic reading 
(measuring instruments). -, un- 
gedämpfte ballistic reading or 

Anzeige, Richtungs- 

indication (measuring instru- 

"Anzeige, Richtungs-, eindeutige uni- 
directional direction-finding 
(with sense finding). Stand- 
deadbeat indication or reading 

- (measuring instruments). Zuck- 
ballistic reading, flash or kick 
r. (of instruments). 

Anzeigemarke, schwarze black dot 
pointer or mark (on dials) to ob- 
serve or read bearings. 

Anzeiger s.a. MELDER 

Anzeiger, Amplituden- flashograph 
(and similar neon types of indi- 
cators of resonance and volume). 
Aussteuerungs- volume indicator 
(in sound recording). Fern- tel- 

emetric device (e.g., metameter of 

GE Co. using impulse carriers). 
Fernblitz- Keraunophone. Gl imm- 
licht- flashograph, Tune-a-lite, 
neon tube, etc., tuning indica- 
tors. Höchstwert- crest indica- 
tor, peak i. Mindest-, Minimum- 
minimum (voltage) indicator. 
Resonanz- resonance indicator, 
tuning i. Richtungs- direction- 
finder, df indicator. Schatten- 
shadow-type tuning indicator, 

shadowgraph. Seitenabrutsch- side 
slip indicator. Spannungsspitzen- 

crest or peak voltage indicator, 
crest voltmeter. Stand- bearing 
indicator, direction-finder dial. 

Verhaltnis- exponent (math.). Wan- 
derwellen- surge indicator, klydo- 

nograph. Wellen- cymoscope. Wind- 
richtungs- wind-direction indica- 
tor (say, of oscillatory-vane t 

-vorrichtung indicator device, 
visual reading instrument. 

anziehen der Rückkopplung tighten 
feedback, make regenerative cou- 
pling closer. 

anziehend, wasser- attracting water 
or moisture, hygroscopic. 

Anziehung, Flachen- surface attrac- 
tion, adhesion. Haarröhr- capil- 

17 Arbeitsraum 

lary attraction. Massen- gravita- 

Anziehungskraft attraction, attrac- 
tive power, adhesive force, grav- 

Anziehungskraft, Frd- gravitational 

Anzielen des Zielpunktes sighting of 

Anzugsdrehmoment starting torque. 

anzünden ignite, kindle, light, 
start, strike (an arc). 

anzweifeln call in question, doubt. 

Aeols-glocke, Glas- glass Aeolian 
bell. -harfe Aeolian harp. 

Apertur, Zwitter- split focus (Wal- 
ton method of scanning). 

Aperturblende aperture stop or dia- 

Apparate-gamma apparatus gamma. 
-zuleitung instrument lead, appa- 
ratus l. 

Apparat-gerausch system noise (sound 
recorder). -patent apparatus pat- 

Apparaturgamma apparatus gamma. 

Aquipotentialflache isopotential or 
equi-p. surface or plane. 

Arbeit, Ablöse- total internal work 
function (energy acquired by elec- 
tron to break away from incan- 
desced surface). Reibungs- fric- 
tional work, magnetic hysteresis. 

Arbeits-eichkreis working reference 
system. -fähigkeit capacity for 
doing work, energy. -gang work- 
ing, operating or procedural step 
or stage, run, course of manufac- 
ture, working operation or sched- 

ype), ule. -kennlinie operating curve, 
Anzeige-röhre, Abstimm- tuning indi- 
cator tube (e.g., magic eye, etc.). 

working c. or characteristic, per- 
formance characteristic. -kontakt 
marking contact, make or operat- 
ing c. (closure occurs upon ener- 
gization of relay). -kopie studio 
copy, s. print. -leistung work, 
task, performance, efficiency, 
output. -linie und -punkt load 
line and operating point. -punkt, 
Ruhe- Q point, quiescent p. (of a 
valve). -raum Ur iftröhre) gener- 


ating space, working s. (of drift 
or beam tube). -stellung operat- 
ing position, working p. -strom 

watt current, working c. -strom- 
betrieb open-circuit operation. 

Architektur, Film- settings and com- 

arglistig fraudulent. 

argumentierbar arguable. 

arm (z.B. verlust-armes Material) 
low- (e.g., low-loss material). 

Arm, Kontakt- wiper arm. Lampen- 
lamp bracket. Längs- line or se- 
ries arm (network). (Quer- cross 
arm, shunt arm (network). Tast- 
wiper (arm). Verhaltnis- ratio 
arm (Wheatstone bridge). 

Armatur, Mast- pole hardware or fit- 
tings, accessories. 

armiert, stahlband- steel tape ar- 
mored (cable). 

Art (Besselfunktion) kind (of a Bes- 
sel function; e.g., Jn denotes 
Bessel function of first kind and 
order n). 

Atelier studio, stage, teletoriun, 

telestudio. Synchronisier- scor- 
ing stage. Ton- sound stage, stu- 

Atelier-direktor studio manager. 
-Kamera studio camera. -szenen 
stage scenery, s. sets. 

Atlas, Farb- color chart, c. scale 
(e.8., Munsell). 

atmen breath, respire, throb, inhale, 

Atmen des Films in and out of focus 
effect. -des Kohlemikrophons 
breathing of hicrophone (slow 
changes in resistance and response 
of carbon m.). -des Störgeräusches 
fluctuations, or waxing and waning 
of noise. 

atmende Membran flexible or non-re- 
flecting diaphragn. 

atmendes Mikrophon breathing micro- 

Atmosphärendynamo (Stewart) atmos- 
pheric dynano. 

Atmosphärilien atmospheric agencies, 
the elements. 

Aufbau, Mikroskop- 

atmosphärische Störungen atmospher- 
ics, statics, ‘strays, "Klaas 

Atom, Rückstoss- recoil atom. 

atombindende Kraft atomic combining 
power, valence. 

Atom-formfaktor atom form factor, 
atomic scattering or structure 

factor. -gewicht atomic weight. 
-gramm gram atom. -hülle atom 
shell. -modell (Rutherford-Bohr) 

R-B. atom model or conception. 
-strahlmethode molecular or atomic 
ray method. -verrückung atom dis- 
placement. -zahl atomic number, 
nuclear charge number. -zerfall 
disintegration of atom, atomic d. 
-zertrümmerung atom splitting, nu- 
clear transmutation,-a. fission. 

Ati (Atmosphärenüberdruck) atmos- 
pheric excess pressure. 

ätzen corrode, etch, cauterize, 
treat with mordants. 

ätzen, tief intaglio etching (whole 
metal coated with resist, pattern 

„ cut out with scriber). 

Atz-figur etch pattern, etching fig- 
ure. -grund resist, protective 
coating, "ground". -schliff 
ground section prepared for etch- 
ing of metals. 

Audienz hearing, reception. 

Audiogramm audiogram (gives hearing 
loss vs. frequency). 

Audion, rückgekoppeltes regenerative . 
grid-current detector, ultraudion. 
-, selbstschwingendes autodyne. 

Audion, Bremsfeld- electron oscilla- 
tion detector or rectifier (nega- 
tive anode connected with leak re- 
sistance and condenser). Gegen- 
takt- push-pull grid detector. 
Kraft- power (grid-current) de- 
tector. Schwing- oscillating de- 
tector, autodyne. 

Aufbau construction, structure, as- 
sembly, assemblage, mount, mount- 
ing, superstructure; synthesis or 
building up (line by line, of a 
telev. picture). 

Aufbau, lonisierungsspiel- Townsend 
structure or build-up. Mikroskop- 


microscope mounting. 

Aufbauten superstructural parts; set 

Aufbauzeit, Funkenentladungs- forma- 
tion time of spark discharge. 

aufbereiten prepare, work up, dress 
(ore), separate. 

aufblähen swell (up), bulge out, in- 
flate, belly. 

aufblättern exfoliate. 

aufblenden dissolve or fade in (filn- 

Aufblendung, Fächer- fan fade-in. 
Iris- irising-in. Kulissen- side- 
curtain fade-in. Vorhang- curtain 
fade-in. Winkel- angle fade-in. 

aufblitzen flash (up). 

aufdämpfen deposit by evaporation, 
smoke or vaporize upon, distil 
(a coat or film) onto. 

aufdriicken impress (a potential up- 

aufdrucken imprint, stamp upon. 

Aufenthaltsort residence, domicile. 

auffallendes Licht incident light. 

Auffanganode (cf. Auffänger) col- 
lecting or gathering anode (of 
Farnsworth device), target (in a 
multiplier); catcher (of Klys- 

auffangen pick up (a signal by an- 
tenna), collect, intercept, catch 
or capture (electrons). 

Auffänger collector electrode (in 
Farnsworth dissector), target (of 
cyclotron), catcher (in beam tube 
or Klystron). 

Auffanger-dicke target thickness. 
-kafig collector electrode (in 
Farnsworth dissector). -platte 
target plate, impactor p. (of mul- 
tiplier), collector (electrode). 
-plattenverlustleistung collector 
dissipation (of multiplier). 

auffasern separate into fibers, un- 

Auffassung, indeterministische inde- 
terministic conception or inter 

aufflackern flare or flash up. 

aufflammen flame up, blaze, defla- 


Aufl aufen 

Auffrischen re-processing, renewing, 
reviving, restoring, regeneration. 

Auffrischer replenisher (film devel- 

Aufführung, Privat- preview, private 

aufgeben abandon (an application or 
a patent), forfeit, discontinue, 
relinquish, renounce, waive, sur- 

aufgelöste Linienbilder resolved 
line patterns. 

aufgeschrumpft shrunk-fitted. 

aufgeteilte Abbildung split focus 
(scanning method). 

aufgewundener Exponentialtrichter 
twisted or coiled exponential 

Aufgussverfahren infusion process. 

Aufhängebügel loop hanger. 

Aufhängung, Mikroskop- microscope 
mounting. Schneiden- knife-edge 
suspension. Spitzen- pivot sus- 
pension, point s. 

aufheben lift, raise; preserve, keep; 
abolish, discontinue, terminate, 
revoke, abate, cancel, quash, re- 
verse (a judgment), compensate; 
reduce (a fraction) to its lowest 

Aufhebung abrogation, abolition, sus- 

aufhellen spotlight. 

Aufheller Klieg light. 

Aufhellung schwarzer Stellen bloon- 
ing, excessive brightness, loss of 
contrast (in picture). 

Aufhellungsorgan intensity or bril- 
liance modulation or control elec- 
trode (of c-r. tube). 

aufkeilen key on. 

aufklappbar capable of being swung 
open or raised (on nz). 

aufklappen open up on hinges, lift 
up, drop (a leaf). 

Aufkohlung carburization. 

Auflager abutment, seat, bearing sur- 
face, support. 

Auflaufen des Films take-up (by 
spool) of film strip. - der Gleich- 
lauffehler compounding or integra- 
tion of differences of synchronisn. 


Auflaufrolle take-up reel. 

Aufleuchtdauer illuminated or light 

aufleuchten light up, flash up, 
shine, glow. 

Auflicht azimuthal or top illumina- 
tion, light from vertical sources. 

auflockern loosen (up), relax, 
slacken, make less rigid or less 

auflösen resolve (into), solve, ana- 
lyze, clear out; release, open 

auflösen (eine Gleichung nach n) 
solve an equation with respect of 

auflösende Kraft resolving power 

Auflösung, Bild- picture resolution, 
p. definition; scan. 

Auflösungsvermögen resolving power 
(micr.); solvent power. Minimum- 
minimum separabile (of eye). 

auflöten solder on; unsolder. 

Aufmachung scenery, settings, compo- 

Aufnahme reception, detection; plot- 
ting (of graphs), pickup (telev. 
and film work), recording (sound), 
shooting or taking (of pictures), 
uptake or absorption (say, of a 
gas), sorption. 

Aufnahme, weitwinklige magnascopic 

Aufnahme, Augenblicks- instantaneous 
photograph, snapshot. Aussen- 
outdoor shot, exterior shot or 
take, outdoor scene; phosphor 
screen pattern photographed with 
outside camera (in oscillograph 
work). Ball- bulb exposure. 
Bild-, Kofferapparat für box 
equipment, trunk unit. Blind- 
strom drawing or taking wattless, 
idle or reactive current. Doppel- 
duplex shot. Fahr- running, fol- 
low or traveling shot. Farben- 
film- color photograph. Farbras- 
ter- color screen photograph. 
Fern- telephotograph, telephoto- 
graphic work; long shot (m.p.). 

Aufnahme, Zeitlupen- 

Flieger-, Flugzeug- aerial or air- 
plane picture or photograph. 
Freilicht- outdoor or exterior 
shooting or shot. Funkbeschik- 
kungs- calibration of direction- 
finder. Gas- occlusion of gas, 
absorption of gas (in metals, 
etc.). Gitterstrom- drawing or 
taking of current by grid. 
Gleichtakt- in-phase recording (on 

film). Gross- (big) close-up 
(m.p.). Hoch- vertical or upright 
picture. Innen- indoor or studio 

shot; oscillogram directly record- 
ed on photographic emulsion inside 
vacuum space (in oscillograph 
work). Kombinations- combination 
exposure, composite shot (made by 
mask method). Kurbel- hand-driven 
shot. Lichtton- photographic 
sound-film recording. Luftbild- 
air or aerial photography. Nach- 
re-take. Panorama- panning shot, 
panoramic picture or view, pam or 

pan shot (studio slang). Probe- 
test picture, trial shot. Quer- 
horizontal picture. Raff- time- 

lapse photography (low-speed take, 
high-speed projection). Roentgen- 
beugungs- X-ray diffraction expo- 
sure. Roentgen (strahl)- Roent- 
genography, X-ray picture, skia- 
graph. Rundblick- panoramic pho- 
tograph, p. view, panning shot, 
"pam" or "pan" (studio slang). 
Schall- sound pickup, s. recording 
(in form of a track). Schallband- 
magnetic steel tape recording. 
Sprach- Sprech- speech, voice, 
vocal or dialog recording. Stahl- 
band- magnetic steel tape record- 
ing. Stahldraht- magnetic steel 
wire recording. Strom- current 
input, the taking of current (say, 
by a grid), current absorption. 
Taucher- submarine shooting. Ton-, 
Kofferapparatur fiir box equipment, 
trunk unit. Verfolge- running 
shooting. Wieder- re-take (m.p.); 
re-opening (of law case). Zeit- 
lupen-, Kamera fiir camera for 

Aufnahme, Zeitraff- 2! Aufspaltung 

slow-motion or retarded-action aufrechterhalten maintain, keep 
picture projection work. Zeitraff- alive (an application or patent), 
time-lapse photography (low-speed uphold. 
shooting, high-s. projection). aufreiben ream, broach. 
Aufnahmefähigkeit pickup performance Aufrichtung, Bild- erection of an 
(of antenna); absorbability, ab- image, rectification of i., in- 
sorptiveness, absorptivity. version (when left and right, top 
Aufnahme-fähigkeit, magnetische mag- and bottom are simultaneously in- 
netic susceptibility. -gelände terchanged). 
location (film work). -kamera, Aufrichtungs-blende erector stop. 
Zeitlupen- camera for slow-motion -prisma erecting prism. 
or retarded-action picture projec- Aufriss elevation, vertical section, 
tion work. -kamera, Zeitraff- sketch. 
time-lapse camera (low-speed aufrührbar stirrable, agitable. 
shooting, high-speed projection). Aufsatz any part put or set on, at- 
-lampen studio lights. -leiter tachment, head-piece, neck, top, 
chief camera man, first c. -mag- dome. 
net recording or pickup magnet (in Aufsatz, Geschütz- optical instru- 
steel band or wire sound record- ments for artillery. Peil- bear- 
ing). -platte platter (16" elec- ing plate (in direction-finder). 
tric transcription record). -raum Photometer- photometer head. 
studio (of broadcast station), Aufschaukeln resonant rise, build- 
teletorium, telestudio. -stelle up or increase of amplification 
location (film shooting); receiv- (of oscillations, in proper 
ing or translating place (teleg- phase). 
raphy). -techniker camera techni- Aufschaukelzeit time-constant of 
cian. -verfahren pickup method. resonant amplification. 
-verstarker recording amplifier. aufschichten pile up, stack up, 
-wagen, Fernseh- television or stratify, layer. 
electron camera truck, video bus, Aufschiebung postponement, adjourn- 
pickup camera truck, televising ment, suspension, arrest (of 
car. -winkel shooting angle. judgment). 
aufnehmen trace or plot (graphs); Aufschlemmung solution, suspension. 
take (current); collect or pickup Aufschlemmverfahren floatation 
(waves, vibrations); record method. 
(sound); take or shoot (pictures); Aufschlussraum part of prospected 
copy (messages); receive, accommo- volume subject to current or dis- 
date, lodge. placement lines. r 
Aufnehmer, Schall-, Ton- sound col- Aufschrumpfung shrurk-fit. 
lector (microphone), pickup; re- Aufschub adjournment, time-extension, 
corder. grace of time, stay, postponement, 
Aufprall (cf. Prall) impact, bom- prolongation, deferment, respite, 
bardment, impingement, striking suspension, delay, moratorium. 
(of electrons, etc.); bound, re- Aufsetzpunkt (Flugzeug) landing 
bound. point, ground-contact point. 
Aufpunkt "space" point. Aufsicht plan or top view. 
aufquellen swell (up), well up. Aufsichts-betrachtung direct or 
aufrauhen granulate, roughen or frontal viewing (of television 
grind superficially, knurl, rag, pictures). -sucher view finder. 
produce a nap. Aufspaltung separation, split-up, 

aufrecht upright, erect. cleavage, division, dissociation. 

Aufspaltung, Dubletten- 

Aufspaltung, Dubletten- doublet sep- 
aration. Spinbahn- spin orbit 

Aufspaltungs-bilder splitting pat- 
terns (opt.). -faktor splitting 

aufspannen stretch or spread out, 

‘ aufstapeln pile up, stack up, store. 

aufstäuben (einen Überzug) spray, 
dust or atorize (a coat, film, 
etc.) upon. 

Aufsteck-glas slip-on lens segment. 
"glas, Okular- eyepiec&®correcting 
lens. -kappe slip-on cap. -spule 
plug-in coil. 

Aufsteller, Bühnen- set dresser. 

Aufstellpunkt location. 

Aufstellung, Gitter-, Rowlandsche 
( Rowland's) mounting for concave 

Aufstieg, Ballon- balloon ascent. 

aufstreichen spread on, brush on, 
stain (paper). 

Aufstrich leading edge or upstroke 
(of an impulse). 

Aufsuchen, Ziel- detection of target 
or object (by reflection of radar 
or sonar pulses). 

Aufteilungs-filter crossover network 
(sound production). -verhältnis 
potentiometer ratio. 

auftragen apply, charge (furnace), 
2 (curves), protract (geome- 

Auftrag-geber mandator, principal, 
client, customer. -rollen appli- 
cation rollers, inking r. 

Auftreff-geschwindigkeit striking 
velocity. -winkel angle of im- 

auftreiben, das Loch enlarge, ex- 
pand, broach, ream (a hole). 

Auftreiber reaner. 2 

auftrennen sever, rip up or open. 

Auftrieb upward thrust, up-thrust, 
lift, buoyancy, ascendency. 

Auftrieb, Luft- air buoyancy. 

Auftriebmethode float method, 
yant-force m. (hydrometer). 

auf "Vordermann stehen" be or 




lie in the shadow of. 

Aufwand, beträchtlicher, von Mitteln 
elaborate means or circuit organi- 
zation, appreciable outlay. 

Aufwand, Leistungs- power input, p. 
expenditure, energy dissipation. 
Mehr- additional or extra expendi- 
ture, outlay or means (used for 
circuits, apparatus, etc.), com 
plement (of tubes). 

Aufwartstransformator step-up trans- 

Aufweiterung, Gitter- increase or 
expansion of lattice spacing. 

Aufweitung expansion, bulge-out. 

aufwickeln wind up, wrap up or upon, 
take-up (film); unwind, unwrap. 

Aufwickelspule take-up reel. 

Aufwind anabatic wind, upslope w. 

aufzahlen enumerate, list, itemize. 

Aufzehrung, Gas- gettering, gas ab- 
sorption, outgasing. 

aufzeichnen (Stromlinien, etc.) map 
or plot (tubes or lines of' force, 
etc., often in a tank). 

Aufzeichner, Schall- sound recorder. 
'Schallwellen- phonodeik (recording 
on film). Ton-, magnetischer mag- 
netic sound recorder (magneto- 
phone, Blattnerphone, Poulsen tel- 
egraphone). Schwingungs- vibro- 
graph (to record mechanical vibra- 

Aufzeichnung, Abdeck- masking re- 
cording, matting. Bild- picture 
recreation, p. delineation, p. 
tracing, p. synthesis. Vielkanal- 
multi-channel recording. 

Aufzeichnungs-kammer recording 
chamber (in electron microscope). 
-kontrolle monitoring (of sound 
recording or sound tracks). 
-lampe, "Aeo"- Aeo light, alka- 
line-earth oxide lamp, Aeo lamp 
(variable-density sound picture 
recording work).» -objektiv re- — 
cording objective. -schlitz, 
-spalt, recording slit or aper- 
ture. -träger record or track 
support (sound on film, disk, 
etc.); record sheet. -umfang re- 


cording range. 

aufziehen mount (a photograph); wind 
(a dial switch). 

Aufziehhebel lever ratchet. 

Augapfel eyeball, bulbus. 

Auge, akkomodationsloses unaccommo- 
dated eye, fixed eye. -, alters- 
sichtiges presbyopic eye. -, be- 
richtigtes corrected eye. -, be- 
waffnetes aided eye. -, dunkel 
adaptiertes dark adapted eye. -, 
entspanntes relaxed eye. -, fehl- 
sichtiges defectively sighted 
(ametropic) eye. -, fernakkomo- 
diertes relaxed eye. -, fernsich- 
tiges far-sighted eye, hyperopic 
eye. -, kurzsichtiges near- or 
short-sighted eye, myopic eye. -, 
nachtblindes night-blind eye, nyc- 
talopic eye. -, nahsichtiges 
near-sighted eye, myopic eye. -, 
rechtsichtiges normal-sighted eye, 
emmetropic eye. -, unbewaffnetes 
unaided eye, naked eye. -, weit- 
sichtiges far- or long-sighted 
eye, hyperopic eye. 

Augen-abstand interocular distance. 
-abstandsmesser inter-pupillary 
distance gage. -adaptationszus- 
tand state of retinal adaptation. 
-anpassung eye adaptation (to lu- 
minosity or wave-length of light), 
eye accommodation (to changes of 
distance or focus). -anstrengung 
eye strain. -blicksaufnahme in- 
stantaneous photograph, snapshot. 
-brechungs-messer skiascope, reti- 
noscope. -eigenlicht self-light, 
intrinsic light of eye or retina, 
eye's own l. (associated with pho- 
topsia). -empfindlichkeit inten- 
sity discrimination, contrast sen- 
sitivity (embodied in Weber-Fech- 
ner law). -farbenempfindlichkeit 
color or spectral sensitivity of 
eye, spectral response of eye. 
-höhle socket of eye, orbit, orbi- 
tal cavity. -Kreis exit pupil. 
-lehre ophthalmology. -lichtemp- 
findlichkeit luminosity response 
of eye. -linse eye lens. -lin- 

Ausbreitung, Licht- 

senfaserung fibrillation of lens. 
-messer Ophthalmometer, optometer. 
-muschel eye cup. -punkt exit pu- 
pil, eyepit. -spiegel ophthalmo- 
scope, skiascope. -stäbchen cones 

(of nerve endings). -täuschung 
optical illusion. -zäpfchen rods 
(of nerve endings). -zerstreuungs- 

bilder blur circles of eye. 
ausätzen cauterize, destroy by caus- 

Ausbau demounting, taking apart or 
out, dismantling. 

ausbauen disassemble, dismantle, de- 

ausbauchen bulge, swell, hollow out, 

ausbeulen take out dents (in a metal 
part); swell out, round out. 

Ausbeute yield, crop, output, gain, 
returns, efficiency. 

Ausbeute, photoelektrische photo- 
electric emissivity or yield. 
Quanten- quantum yield or effi- 

ausbiegen bend out, turn out. 

ausbilden fashion, form; develop; 
educate, train. 

Ausbildung, Fach- technical educa- 
tion, schooling or training. 

ausbleien provide with a lead lining 
or coating. 

ausblenden mask with apertured dia- 
phragm or stop, limit the field 
(of beam, pencil, etc.), diaphragm 
out, cut down aperture of a stop, 
use a field stop, iris out, circle 

Ausblend-mittel limiting aperture, 
screening, masking or stopping 
means (for rays and radiations). 
-steuerung obturator or cut-off 

Ausblickstutzen objective lens sock- 
et (opt.). 

ausbohren bore or drill out. 

ausbreiten spread (out), extend, ex- 
pand, diffuse, propagate (waves). 

Ausbreitprobe hammering test (speci- 

Ausbreitung, Licht- distribution of 

Ausbreitung, Schall- 

exposure (on film). Schall-, ver- 
tikale vertical spread or diffu- 
sion of sound (should be angle 
subtended by audience at loud- 

Ausbreitungs-geschwindigkeit veloc- 
ity of propagation (of waves, 
etc.). -strom dispersion current. 
-vorgang propagation phenomenon or 
action. -widerstand diffusion re- 

ausbringen yield, produce, bring 
out, take away. 

Ausbruch, Gas- eruption, (violent) 
liberation or escape of gas. Son- 
nen= solar eruption. 

ausdehnbar expansible, extensible, 

Ausdehnung dimension, extent; exten- 
sion, expansion; latitude, scope, 

Ausdehnung, Langen- linear expan- 

Ausdehnungsmesser dilatometer, ex- 

Ausdeutung interpretation, evalua- 
tion, explanation. 

Ausdruck expression, term (of an 
equation), denotation (of a fac- 

Ausdruck, Fach- technical tern, t. 

ausdünnen thin (out). 

auseinander-gehende Werte divergent 
values, discrepant v. -ziehen 
spread apart, draw a. or asunder. 

Ausent-wicklung full development. 

ausexponiert fully exposed. 

Ausfall, elektrischer eleciric 
shock. Intensitäts- fading, fade- 
out (of radio signals). Strahlen- 
emergence of rays. 

ausfallen precipitate, deposit. 

ausfallender Lichtstrahl emergent 
light ray. 

Ausfällapparat precipitator, precip- 
itron (electronic). 

Ausfallwinkel angle of emergence. 

Ausfertigung office copy, official 

ausfiltern filter out, exclude. 


ausfindig machen ascertain, trace, 

ausfliessen flow out, issue, dis- 
charge, emanate. 

Ausflockung (de)flocculation, coag- 

Ausfluss outflow, efflux, discharge, 
emanation; mouth, outlet, drain. 

Ausfluss-einschnitt contractio ve- 
nae. -röhre outflow tube, dis- 
charge pipe. -ton jet tone, slit 
tone. ; 

ausfransen fray. 

ausfräsen notch or recess (in mill- 
ing machine). 

ausfrieren freeze out (e.g., in lig- 
uid-air trap). 

Ausfrier-gerat freeze-out device. 
-tasche liquid-air trap (vacuum 

Ausführbarkeit practicability, feas- 

Ausführung lead-in (wire). 

Ausführungs-beispiel exemplified em- 
bodiment, form of construction 
(cited by way of example in patent 
specifications). -zwang compulso- 
ry working (of a patent). 

ausfuttern (ausfüttern) line, case, 
bush, pad, upholster. 

Ausgängen, Schalter mit 5 five-point 

Ausgangs-funktion trial function. 
-gleichung starting or initial 
equation. -leitwert output admit- 
tance, output conductance. -mate- 
rial starting, raw, initial or 
parent material. -pupille exit 
pupil. -schlitz exit slit (spec- 
trograph). -stellung home posi- 
tion (of dial switch). 

ausgefahrene Meterzahl paid-out or 
reeled-out yardage (of airplane 

ausgefressene Kontakte pitted or‘ 
worn contacts. 

ausgeglichener Verstärker balanced 

ausgehen So out, become extinguished; 
originate, start, emanate, issue 

, ausgepellte 25 

ausgepeilte Richtung bearing. 

ausgeprägt distinguished, peculiar, 
characteristic, singular, partic- 
ular, marked, decided, signifi- 
cant, excellent; salient (re: 

ausgespannte Saite stretched or 
tensioned chord or string. 

ausgesteuerter Tonstreifen, schwach 
low-modulation sound-track. 

ausgetuchtes Loch bushed hole. 

ausgezackte Linie, ausgezahnte Li- 
nie jagged line, serrated l., 
notched 1., dented l.. dentated 1, 

ausgezeichnet distinguished, marked, 
excellent, singular, significant, 

ausgezeichnet(en) Lichtweg, Satz vom 
law of extreme path. -(e) Punkte 
cardinal points (opt.). 

ausgezogene Linie solid line, full 
line, unbroken line (in graphs, 
drawings, etc.). - 

Ausgiebigkeit productiveness, fer- 
tility, abundance, yield(iness). 
ausglätten (Kurven) smooth, flatten 


Ausgleich, Farb- color balancing 
(in color, film). Ladungs- charge 
equalization. Pegel- level equal- 
ization, equalizing 1. Schrump- 
fungs- shrinkage compensation. 
Schwund- fading compensation, vol- 
ume control. 

ausgleichen balance, compensate, 
equalize, align, bias out (by 
counterforce), counterbalance. 

Ausgleichen (von Schallwellen) neu- 
tralization of sound waves (pre- 
vented by baffles). 

Ausgleichentzerrung complementary 

Ausgleicher, Dampfungs- equalizing 
network, compensating n. 

Ausgleich-flache (der Erdkruste) 
isostatic surface. -getriebe 
differential gear. -schwung- 
scheibe rotary stabilizer (m.p. 
projector), impedance wheel. 
-spannung transient voltage; con- 
pensating v. -strom compensating 


current; balancing current (of a 
bridge). -transformator hybrid 
transformer, balanced t., differ- 
ential t., 3-winding t. 

Ausgleichung, Ladungs- charge equal- 
ization. Schallwellen- neutrali- 
zation of sound waves (prevented 
by baffles). 

Ausgleich-vorgang transient. -wi- 
derstand compensating resistance, 
balancing resistance, ballasting 
r., building-out r. 

Ausguss lip, spout, outlet, drain, 
sink; delivery, effusion. 
-schnauze pouring lip, nozzle or 

aushärten harden, set, indurate 

ausheizen heat, anneal, subject to 
(thorough) thermal treatment. 

auskehlen channel, flute, groove. 

auskeimen germinate; cease germi- 

auskellen ladle (out). 

ausklagen (einer Geldstrafe) sue 
for a penalty. 

ausklappbar capable of being swung 
out or dropped (on hinges). 

auskleiden line, clothe. 

ausklinken release, trip, trigger, 
disengage, throw out (of gear). 

Ausknickung buckling, bending (at a 
sharp angle). 

Auskopierpapier printing-out paper. 
Auskoppelfeld output field, absorb- 
ing f., uncoupling f., delivery 

f. (in Hollmann's inverted cyclo- 
tron or electron turbine). 

auskoppeln tune or balance out, 
neutralize, decouple (to suppress 
or lessen feedback). 

auskurbeln (Antenne) reel out, low- 
er, pay out the aerial (on air- 
plane, through fairlead). 

ausladend projecting, outrigging. 

Ausladung projection, overhang, 
reach, length of action, working 

auslagern adsorb (at points of at- 

Auslassventil escape valve, delivery v. 


Auslauf von der Rolle point where 
film strip leaves drum. 

Ausläufer tail, extension, strean- 
ers, off-shoot, satellite line. 

Auslauf-kurve coasting curve, de- 
celeration c. -spitze discharge 
tip. 3 

ausleeren empty out, evacuate, drain, 

auslegen (fiir jedermann zur Ein- 
sicht) lay open (say, a patent ap- 
plication for public feet inal: 
design, plan, lay out; interpret, 
construe. a 

Auslegung (eines Gesetzes) interpre- 
tation or construction (of an act 
or a law). -, falsche misinter- 
pretation, erroneous interpreta- 
tion or construction. 

Auslenkharte deflection hardness 
(force required to deflect phono- 
graph needle point 100 u). 

Auslesefahigkeit selectivity. 

ausleuchten illuminate. flash (an 

Ausleuchtung, gleichmassige even il- 

Ausleuchtung und Tilgung extinction 
or quenching (of fluorescence), 

Ausleuchtung, Spalt- slit illumina- 

auslöschen erase, extinguish, wipe 
out, quench, blot, obliterate, 
cancel, put out, (cause to) eva- 

Auslöschmagnet obliteration magnet, 
obliterating pole piece (to wipe 
out sound record,on wire or tape, 
for re-use). 

Auslöschung, Fluoreszenz- fluore- 
scence quenching, evanescence 
(say, by ony 

Auslöschzone dead spot, region of 

Auslöse-arbeit (cf. Ablésearbeit) 
total internal work function, ex- 
citation energy. -daumen releas- 
ing cam, resetting cam. -hebel 
trip lever, detent 1. 

auslösen emit, give off (electrons, 
etc.); trip, trigger, disengage, 
render operative, release. 


Auslöser, Ball- ball release. 

Auslöserknopf jack or escapement 
button, set-off button (piano). 

Auslösespule trip coil. 

Auslösung, Selbst- automatic release 
means, a. tripping action. 

Auslösungs-anschlag trip dog. -fe- 
der escapement spring, release or 
trip spring. -knopf jack, escape- 
ment or set-off button or knob. 

Ausmass amplitude, dimension, size, 
extent, quantity. 

Ausmessung, Flächen- planimetering. 

ausmultiplizieren eliminate by mul- 
tiplication (math.). 

Ausmündung orifice, outlet. 

ausnehmen von except, exempt from. 

Ausnehmung recess. 

Ausnützungskoeffizient utilization 

auspressen press or squeeze out, ex- 

auspumpen pump out, exhaust, evacu- 

ausquetschen squeeze, crush or ring 
out, squeegee. 

Ausrede plea, evasion, excuse, pre- 

Ausregelzeit decline period of con- 
trol potential. 

ausrichten orient, orientate, 
straighten, adjust, set (right). 

Ausrichtung, falsche misalignment 
(of image or track). 

ausrücken disengage, ungear, unmesh, 
throw out (of gear). 

ausrunden round off. 

Ausrundung fillet. 

Aussage affidavit, allegation, dec- 
laration, assertion, affirmation, 
deposition, testimony, evidence, 

Aussagender declarant, deponent, af- 
fiant, witness. 

Aussal zungskoeffizient salting-out 

ausscheiden (Teile einer Anmeldung) 
divide (an application for letters 

Ausscheidung precipitation, separa- 
tion, elimination, deposit, ef- 


Ausscheidungs-effekt filtering, sep- 
arating or excluding action or ef- 
fect. -härtung precipitation 
hardening. -punkt point of sepa- 
rating out. 

Ausschlag throw, excursion, deflec- 
tion, deviation, kick, travel (re: 
a coil, diaphragm, instrument nee- 
dle, beam, etc.); exudation, ef- 
florescence, scum. 

Ausschlag, Schall- displacement (of 
a particle) (ac.). 

ausschleudern centrifuge, spin out. 

ausschliessen exclude, preclude, 

Ausschliesslichkeit uniqueness. 

Ausschliessungs-griinde reasons for 
exclusion. -prinzip Pauli's equiv- 
alence principle (obs.), exclusion 

ausschmelzen melt or fuse out, ren- 
der, liquate, purify by melting. 

ausschmieden forge, hammer out. 

Ausschnitt cutout, notch, hole, open- 
ing, cutaway portion, louver, aper- 
ture, recording window. Bild- 
frame (of a camera); image area 
(on scanning disk). Blenden- aper- 
ture, slit (of diaphragm or stop). 

Ausschuss für Einheiten und Formeln 
(AEF) Committee on Units and For- 
mulae, Standards or Standardiza- 
tion C. 

Ausschwingstrom decay current, de- 
caying c. (of transients). 

Ausschwingung decay, dying out (of 
an oscillation). 

Ausschwingungs-verzerrung decay 
(transient) non-linear distortion, 
facsimile transient d. (in form of 
tailing, or as overthrow or under- 
throw distortion). -verzug hang- 
over, tailing, excessive prolonga- 
tion of decay of wave tail, in 

aussedimentieren sediment out 

Aussehen, verschwommenes foggy, 
bleary or blurred appearance (of 
an image). 

Aussenaufnahme outdoor or exterior 
picture or shot, o. scene; (c-r.) 



screen pattern photographed with 
outside camera (oscillography). 

aussenden transmit, send (out), 
emit, give off, issue, dispatch, 
disseminate (of standard frequen- 

Aussen-gewinde male screw-thread, 
outside screw thread. -leiter 
"outer" (conductor or wire). -li- 
nie contour (line). -mass overall 
dimension, outside d. 

aussenmittig eccentric, off center. 

Aussen-schenkel outer leg, o. limb. 
-taster outside calipers. -welt 
external world, ambient. 

ausser Achse extra-axial, abaxial. 

ausserachsiale Strahlen extra-axial 

_ausserachtlassen disregard, neglect, 

leave out of consideration. 

Ausserfokusbild out-of-focus picture. 

ausser-gerichtlich extra-judicial, 
out of court. -irdische Stérungen 
extra-terrestrial or inter-stellar 
space noise or disturbances. -or- 
dentliche Komponente extraordinary 
component (of rays). -Phase de- 
phased, out of p. -Tritt fallen 

„fall out of step or synchronism. 

Ausserung, Kraft- manifestation or 
effect of force. 

aussetzende Belastung intermittent 

Aussetzer failure in ignition, slips 

Aussetzung adjournment, discontinu- 
ance, deferment, stay (of proceed- 
ings), arrest (of judgment). 

Aussichtsdichte reflection or specu- 
lar density. 

aussickern trickle out, ooze out, 

aussieben filter out, exclude (by 
filter action); select, sift. 

Aussiebung, Impuls- synchronizing 
separator (for sync and video sig- 
nal separation), amplitude separa- 
tor, clipper (in telev.). 

Aussortierung, Anoden- anode sorting. 
Phasen- phase focusing, bunching 
(in klystron and other beam tubes). 

aussparen ya 

aussparen recess, remove material 
from; set aside (say, marginal por- 
tions for sound track on film). 

ausspringend salient, protruding, 
projecting, jutting. 

ausspritzen squirt (out), wash by 
squirting, inject. 

Aussprungwinkel angle of reflection. 

Ausstattung scenery, settings, set, 

ausstellen (einer Urkunde, Vollmacht, 
etc.) execute (a document, power 
of attorney, etc.) 

Aussteuerung, prozentuale percentage 

Aussteuerung, Gitter- grid swing, ¢. 
sweep, 8. excitation. Lautspre- 
cher- operating condition in which 
input suffices to fully utilize 
loudspeaker power and performance; 
excursion of diaphragm. Licht- 
strahl-, maximale clash point of 
light valve (in sound recording). 
Röhren- operating condition when 
signal (a.c.) voltage impressed on 
grid suffices in amplitude to swing 
plate current from zero to satura- 
tion; grid swing, §. excitation, 
amplitude of signal (a.c.) voltage. 
Schirm- full utilization of screen 
(up to its very border, in cathode- 
ray tube operation), sweeping out 
of screen. 

Aussteuerungs-anzeiger volume indi- 
cator (sound recording). -bereich 
drive range (of a grid in an ampli- 
fier tube), grid swing, grid base, 
range below point where overload 
begins, that is, in straight por- 
tion of characteristic (maximum 
limit is 100 per cent modulation). . 
-grad modulation percentage, depth 
of m., percentage m.; carrier am- 
plitude (in telemetric or tele- 
transmission work). -intervall 
control range, drive range. ~Kon- 
trolle mit Neonröhre neon tube 
volume indicator. -kontrollgerät 
modulation meter, load indicator. 

Ausstrahlung radiation, irradiancy, 
emission of rays, radiations, os- 


cillations, vibrations and waves 
(in general, including heat and 

ausstreichen cancel, strike out, 
cross out, delete. 

ausströnen emanate, emit, flow out, 
stream out, effuse. 

Ausströmerscheinungen effusion phe- 

austasten cut off or gate (pencil 
or beam, on flyback), blackout 
(by blanking signal); key off (a 

Austastimpuls blanking pulse. 

austauschen exchange, interchange. 

Austausch-integral exchange inte- 
gral. -Kräfte exchange forces, 
e. energies. -operator, Ladungs- 
charge exchange operator. -reak- 
tion substitute reaction, ex- 
change r. -werkstoff substitute 

austragen deliver, distribute, car- 
ry out, discharge. 

austreiben expel, drive out, out- 
gas (gas or vapor), cleanup, get- 

Austreibung, Gas- gas cleanup, out- 
gasing, degasing, gettering. 

austretendes Licht emergent light. 

Austritts-arbeit (der Elektronen) 
work function (of electrons). 
-blende exit slit. -geschwindig- 
keit exit velocity, muzzle v., 
(re: guns); emergence v. -pupille 
exit pupil. ? 

Austuchung bushing. 

Ausübuny (eines Gedankens, etc.) 
carrying into practice or effect, 
execute (an idea, invention, etc.). 

Auswahl-prinzip, -regel selection 
principle, selection rule 
(in electron transition). 

Auswandern shift of beam or beacon 
course. i 

auswechselbar exchangeable, inter- 
changeable, replaceable, capable 
of substitution. 

Auswechslung, Optik- optical system 
or assembly (comprising inter- 
rae intermediate lens bar- 


Auswertung evaluation, valuation, 
assay, analysis, appraisal, com- 
putation, interpretation; plot- 
ting (map). 

Auswertung, punktweise point by 
point evaluation. 

auszacken indent, notch, jag, ser- 
rate, dentate. 

Auszeichnen, scharfes, einer Fläche 
durch Objektiv sharp focusing by 
lens of image in angle of field. 

ausziehbar telescoping, extensible. 

Ausziehtubus drawtube (re: micro- 

Auszug abridgment, extract, excerpt, 
synopsis, abstract. 

Auszug, Balg- bellows extension. 
Blau- blue record. Farb- color 
record. Kamera- camera extension. 
Posaunen- telescoping or extension 
means (for tuning Lecher-wire or 
ultra-h-f systens, by short-cir- 
cuiting bridge sliding along 

Auszugfilter, Farben- selective fil- 
ter, s. screen. 

Auto-elextronenemission auto-elec- 



tronic emission, field or cold 
emission of electrons. -frettage 
cold drawing, auto-frettage. 
-matenlegierung machining alloy 
stock. -matix automatic (sharp) 
tuning means; any automatically 
operable mechanism. -matik, Fad- 
ing-, Schwund- automatic volume 
control means (avc). 
automatisch(e) Gittervorspannung 
automatic or self-biasing of grid. 
-(e) Kurssteuerung automatic or 
mechanical piloting. -{er) Ver- 
schluss automatic shutter. 

A-Verstarker class A amplifier. 

A W Zahl (Amperewindungszahl) nun- 
ber of ampere-turns (ats). 

Ayrton'scher Nebenschluss Ayrton 
shunt, universal shunt (box). 

Azetil-film acetate film stock. 
-zellulose cellulose acetate. 

Azid azide. 

Azimuth, Funk-, missweisender mag- 
netic bearing. Funk-, rechtwei- 
sender true bearing. 

Azimuthwinkel azimuth angle. 

Azoverbindung azo compound.: 

Backbord achteraus port aft. 
-voraus port bow. -kurve port 
(left-hand) curve (in airplane 
manoeuvring and landing pro- 

Backe jaw, bit, die. 

‚Backe, Einspann- clamping or grip- 
ping jaw, chuck jaw, grip (of a 
tester). Schweiss- welding die. 

backen, zusammen- cake together, 

Bahn path, orbit, shell (of an 
electron), trajectory, way, track; 
ecliptic (apparent path of sun); 
web (of paper, cloth, etc.). 

Bahn, Ablauf- runway, landing ramp. 
Blitz-,verschlungene tortuous 
path of lightning flash. Elek- 
tronen- electron path, e. orbit, 
e. trajectory, flight of elec- 
trons. Erd- earth's orbit, ter- 
restrial o. Fahr- track, run- 
way (airfield), travel beam. 
Film- film track, f. channel, 
Flächenstrom- current sheet. 
Gleit- chute (film), slide (way), 

shoot. Herz- cardioid-shaped 
path (of electrons). Kreis- 
circular path, orbit. Lande- 

runway (for landing of aırplanes). 

Leit- transit path. Papier- pa- 
per web. Roll- cycloidal path 
(of electrons); roller type con- 
veyor; runway (airport). Roset- 
ten- (der Elektronen) rosette- 
shaped path (of electrons). 
Rückstoss- recoil track. Schwung- 

sound take-off drum (m.p.). ‘Spin- 

spin orbit. Start- runway. 
Tauch-(der äussersten Na-Elek- 
tronen) dip orbit (of peripheral 
Na electrons). Wirbel-,abgehende 
trailing vortices (airfoil) 

Bahn-aufspaltung, Spin- spin orbit 
splitting. -durchmesser diameter 

of orbit. -elektronen orbital 

bahnen beat, smooth, clear (a way 
or path) 

Bahn-ende, Mesonen- mesotron track 
end. -impuls orbital moment. 
-kreis, Roll- cycloidal path of 
motion (of electrons). -schling 
orbital loop. -spur track. 
-verlauf ray path, r.tracing, 

Bajonettverschluss bayonet joint, 
b.union (as used in bayonet-type 
lamp holders). 

Eake, Gleitweg- slide path beacon. 

Bakenantenne beam antenna, beacon 
a.,radio range aerial. 

Balancier beam. 

Balg(en) bellows. 

Bal genauszug bellows extension. 

Balgfalten bellows folds. 

Ballast-rohre absorber tube or 
valve (operative during spacing 
periods). -widerstand ballast 
resistance, b.resistor. 

Ballaufnahme bulb exposure. 
-auslöser ball release. 

ballen form into balls, conglomer- 
ate, cake. 

ballig crowned, cambered. 

Ballon carboy, balloon (flask). 

Ballon, Säure- acid carboy. 

Ballon-abfüller pump-equipped bal- 
loon flask. -abstieg balloon 
descent. -aufstieg balloon as- 
cent. -variometer balloon stato- 

Ball-sender re-broadcast station, 
repeating station, s. belonging 
to a network. 

Ballungsfahigkeit coalescing, bal- 


ling or caking property, conglon- 
erableness, spheroidizing prop- 
erty (cryst.). 

Balsam, Kanada- Canada balsan. 

Bananenstecker split (banana-shaped) 
plug, b.plug. 

Band ribbon, tape, band, strip, tie, 
strap, bond, belt, hoop. 

Band, besetztes full band. am 
laufenden-fabrizieren conveyor- 
belt manufacture, large-scale 

Band, Führungs- control strip (of a 
printer). Lautschrift- sound re- 
cording band, tape or strip (mag- 
netic sound recording). Loch- 
scanning belt (telev.). Uber- 
tragungs- signal band. 

Bandabschattierung, nach rot oder 
violett degradation of bands to 
red or to violet. 

bandagieren fit with tires, tire; 
bandage, wrap or tie with ribbon 
or tape. 

Band-antenne tape antenna. aufnahme, 
Schall-, -aufzeichnung, Schall- 
magnetic steel tape recording of 
sound. -breiteregler band-width 

Bändchen-galvanometer twisted strip 
or band galvanometer. -mikrophon 
ribbon microphone, velocity m. 

Band-einengung squeezing or com- 
pression of band. -eisen hoop 
ron, Strip i., band’ i. 

Banden, Ober- overtone absorption 
bands. Schwanz- tail bands (in 

Banden-besetzungsgrad degree of 
filling of bands. -kopf band- 
head, band edge (spectral analy- 
sis). -zug band progression. 
-zweig branch, part of series of 
lines forming a band. 

Bandfilter band selecsor (circuit), 

Band-filter von grosser Lochweite 
broad band filter. -förderer 
band or belt conveyor -führung, 



Film-. aperture guide. -haken 
bridle wire, tie hook. -kante 
band edge, b. head. -mikrophon 
ribbon microphone, band n. 
-mitte mid band. -6se bridge 
Suide. -sperre band-exclusion 
filter. -umkehrung speech band 
inversion (secret telephony), 

Bank, optische optical bench. 

Bank, Prüf- (lens) test bench (opt. ) 

Bär ram (of a press). 

Barkhausensprung Barkhausen effect 
or jump (abrupt changes in magne- 

Barometer, registrierendes barograph. 

Barometer, Dosen-. (Feder-) aneroid 
barometer. Gefäss- cistern baro- 
meter. Gefässheber- combination 
cistern and syphon barometer. 
Heber= syphon barometer. 

Barometer-korrektur barometric 
check (df). -säule barometric 

barometrische Reglerdose control 

Baryumazid barium azide. 

Basenbildner base former, basifier, 
basifying agent. 

Basisentfernungsmesser base range- 

Bass-anhebung bass boosting, 
pensation, tone control means to 
accentuate, emphasize or under- 
score b. or low-pitch notes, b. 
emphasis. -balken bass bar 
(string instrument). -kasten 
bass box (musical instruments). 

Bassin tank, cistern, reservoir, 
basin, bowl. 

Bastler amateur, fan, "ham", 

Batterie-glas battery Jar. 
battery jack. 

Bauakustik architectural acoustics, 
theater and auditorium acoustics. 

Bauch (einer Schwingung) loop or 
antinode, internode Of an oscil- 

bauchig bellied, bulgy, 

Baufehler, Kristall- crystal defects. 



Baukunst 32 Befehl 

Baukunst, Film- setting and composi- -glaskolben Erlenmeyer flask. 

tion art. 

baumahnlich tree-like, arborescent, 

bauschen swell out, a bulge, 
puff up; refine (tin). 

Bauteil construction part, struc- 
tural part or element. 

Bauten, Auf- superstructural parts. 

beabsichtigen intend, plan, con- 

Beamter, Funk- radio operator, sta- 
tion official. 

Reanspruchender claimant. 

Beanspruchung stress, strain, load; 

Beanspruchung, Prioritäts- priority 
claim. Schlag- shock load or 
stress, blow l., impact l. 

beanstanden object, reject, criti- 
cize adversely. 

beantragen apply (for), petition, 
make a motion. 

Beantwortung, Klage- reply, answer, 
defence (plea). 

bearbeitbar workable, machinable, 
processable, treatable. 

Bearbeitbarkeit, spanabhebende 
free cutting machinability. 

bearbeiten work (on), tool, finish, 
dress, machine. 

bearbeiten, kalt cold-work. 

-,warm hot-work. 

Beaufschlagung electric stress 
(placed on an insulator link 
or unit); acoustic action or 
sound pressure (brought on micro- 
phone); impacting (by electrons). 

Beauftragter attorney, agent, 
delegate, commissioner, mandatory. 

Bebenmesser seismometer, seismo- 
graph (device to measure and 
record tremors). 

Recher, Abschirm- shielding can, 
can, shield. Zink- zinc case 
or cylinder (of dry cell). 

Becher-block encased fixed tubular 
paper or mica wound or wrapped 
condenser, solid-dielectric 
fixed capacitor. -glas beaker. 

Becken cymbals. Tamborin- tambour- 
ine jingles. Ä 

Bedämpfung (introduction of) re- 
sistance, damping, attenuation. 

Bedämpfung, Eingangs- input resis- 
tance, damping. 

Bedarf need, demand, requirement. 

Bedarf, Leistungs- power absorption, 
p.dissipation, p.requirements. 

Bedarfpegel, Leistungs- power ref- 
erence level. 

bedeckt mit Cäsium caesiated. 

Bedeckung surface coverage. 
Netzes coverage factor. 

Bedeckung, Wandstoff- (cf Bekleid- 
ung) wall draping (ac. ) 

Bedeckungsfaktor, Pol- pole arc, p. 
pitch percentage. : 

Bedeutung import, importance, mean- 
ing, sense, significance. 

bedienbar, leicht easily manipul- 
able or operable. 

Bedienbarkeit manipulability, 

Bedienungsvorschrift service or 
working instruction, directions 
for use. 

bedingen stipulate, contract for, 

Bedingungsgleichung equation of 

Bedrahtungsplan wiring diagram. 

Beeidigung confirmation by oath. 

Beeinflussung influence, control 
action, modulation, interference. 
-,gegenseitige mutual action, 
interaction. Gitter- grid con- 
trol, grid modulation. Sprach- 
voice control, modulation by 

Beeinflussungsröhre modulating tube, 
modulator t. 

beeintrachtigen impair, injure, 
prejudice, affect adversely, en- 
croach upon, infringe, detract 

Befehl, Einhalts- injunction, in- 
terdict. Vollziehungs- writ of- 
execution, warrant. 



Befehls-rohr (cf Folgerohr) pilot 
or master thyratron (fires first, 
in a trigger circuit). -stelle 
control unit (airport). -über- 
tragung zwischen Flugzeugen 
inter-aircraft voice or command 

befestigen secure, fasten, attach, 
fix; fortify, strengthen. 

Befestigungsring ring fastener, se- 
curing ring. 

befeuchten moisten, dampen, wet, 

Befeuerung, Flughafen- airport 
beacon service. Mast- mast 
beacon. Nachtstrecken- route 
beacon for night flying service. 

beflecken spot, stain, soil, blur. 

befördern forward, further, pro- 
mote, convey, aid, transport. 

begehen inspect or patrol (lines, 
on foot). 

begiessen coat (film), wet, mois- 
ten, water, irrigate. 

beglaubigte Abschrift certified, 
legalized, authentic or attested 

Begleit- concomitant, accompanying, 

Begleiten zum Fernsehbild sound or 
audio action accompanying tele- 
vision or video program. 

Begleiter associate, satellite, 
congener (if similar). 

Begleiter, Eisen- elements accon- 
panying iron, iron associates 
congeners of iron (if similar). 

Begleiterscheinung attendant, ac- 
companying, or secondary pheno- 
menon or action, satellite ef- 

Begleit-körper accompanying sub- 
stance or body, congener (if 
similar); impurity, foreign sub- 

stance or admixture. -linien 
satellite lines. -salten ac- 
companiment strings. -stoff ac- 

er body or substance, 
congener (if similar); impurity, 
foreign substance. 


Begrenzer, Amplituden- peak limiter, 
p.clipper, p.lopper. 
output suppressor or limiter, 

° gain spoiler. 

Begrenzungsanschlag back stop, 
limiting means. 

Begriff concept, conception, idea, 
notion, precept. 

Begriff, Ober- preamble, intro- 
ductory portion of German patent 
claim setting forth prior art. 

begründen establish, found, con- 
stitute, substantiate, create, 

Begründung (eines Einspruches) 
argumentation (in support of an 

Begründung, Berufungs- arguments 
or grounds for appeal. 

Begründungsfrist period for giving 
grounds or to argue a case. 

Begussmasse slip, engobe (cer. ). 

behaftete Oberfläche, gas- gas- 
contaminated surface (gas ad- 
hering to or adsorbed by sur- 

Behaglichkeitswert comfort value, 

behandelbar manipulable, tractable, 
workable, processable, treatable. 

Behandlung treatment, processing, 

Beharrungs-moment moment of inertia, 
rotational i. -punkt center of 
inertia, c. of mass, centroid. 
-vermogen inertia. -zustand 
steady-state condition, perman- 
ence, persistence, freedom from 
transients, resistance (of a 

behaupten contend, allege, state, 
hold, affirm, assent, maintain. 

Behelfsantenne makeshift, tempor- 
ary or emergency antenna or 

beherrschen master, control, over- 
ride, rule, overcome, dominate. 

behinderte Rotation hindered or 
inhibited rotation (of molecules). 

Behinderung hindrance, hindering, 
inhibition, restraint, impediment 



Behinderung, räumliche steric hind- 
rance. Fliess- inhibition of 
plastic deformation. 

Behmlot fathometer, echo depth 
sounder; Behm sound ranging alti- 
meter, sonic a. 

beidäugig binocular. 

beidrehen auf Anfluggrundlinie turn 
to or steer for center of approach 

Beikreis epicycle. 

Beilage annex, schedule, supplement, 

Beilauf, Jute- cable filler, jute f. 
or compound. 

beimengen, beimischen admix, add, 
intermix, intermingle. 

Beintaste bone key. 

Beisitzer aid, aide, assessor. 

Beispiel, Ausführungs- exemplified 
embodiment (re: patent specifica- 

beispielsweise by way of example, 

beistimmen accede, assent or agree 
to, acquiesce in. 

Beiwert constant, coefficient, 
parameter, factor, co-ordinate. 

Beiwert, Schtuck- absorptivity. 

Beiwerte (Peilung) correction val- 
ues (to compensate bearing er- 

beizen corrode, mordant, cauterize, 
etch, pickle. 

Beiz-briichigkeit acid brittleness. 

_ =mittel mordant, corrosive, caus- 
tic. -tonung mordant toning. 

be jahenden Sinnes in the affirma- 
tive (sense). 

Bekämpfung, ‘Geräusch-, Lärm- noise 
abatement, n.suppression, com- 
bating of n. 

Bekanntmachung über Erteilung eines 
Patentes announcement of grant or 
allowance of a patent. 

Bekanntmachungsgebühr lay-out fee, 
announcenent f. 

Beklagter defendant, respondent. 
Berufungs- appellee. Wider- 
cross- or counter-claim defendant. 



bekleiden clothe, cover, coat, line, 
face, box. 

Bekleidung, Wand-, schallschlucken- 
de baffle blanket, sound-absorbent 
wall draping or lining, tormentor, 
gobo (consisting of portable wall 
covered with absorbent material, 
used in m.p. studios). 

Bekräftigung, Wahrheits- affirmation 
(of testimony). 

beladen, eine Oberfläche mit Was- 
serstoff, etc. activate, sensitize 
or charge a surface with H, form . 
an H skin. 

Beladung, Vor- pre-charge, prelimin- 
ary c.(of sorptive in sorbent).- 

Belag, Prioritäts- priority proof. 
Spiegel- mirror coating, reflect- 
ing film, silvering. Strom- cur- 
rent coverage or distribution 
(amperes per centimeter of peri- 

Belagverlust surface leakage loss 

belangen, gerichtlich bring legal 
action against. 

Belastbarkeit, Hoch- high load or 
current-carrying capacity. 

belasten load, charge, weight, 

belasten, punktförmig lump-load. 

belastet, stärk heavily or highly 
loaded. ; 

Belastung, aussetzende intermittent - 
load. Querspulen- leak load. 

Bel astungsspitze peak load, crest 
l., maximum l. 

beledert leather covered, leather- 
lined. ; e 

Belegung coat (of condenser), plat- 
ing, deposit, film, covering, 
density (of electrons in bean). 

Belegung, magnetische magnetic in- 
duction, m.charge, m.field, seat 
of m.flux. Kondensator-, beweg- 
liche rotor plate. 

Beleuchter light electrician; scaf- 
fold or top light controller. 

Beleuchtung illumination, illumi- 
nance, irradiance (in lux or 

Beleuchtung, gerade 

meter-candle units). 

Beleuchtung, gerade direct illumin- 
ation. -,senkrechte scaffold 
lighting, overhead l., top l. 
-,spaltfreie apertureless il- 

Beleuchtung, Dunkelfeld- dark 
ground illumination. Effekt- 
effect light, spot or fancy l. 
Gegen- background illumination. 
Hellfeld- bright ground illumina- 
tion. Hinter- Rembrandt illum- 
ination, half-back i. Rampen- 
footlights. Zweizweck- dual- 
purpose illumination. 

Beleuchtungs-brücke traveling 
light crane. -linse condenser 
lens, illuminating 1., bull's 
eye 1. -messer illumination 
meter, i.photometer, illumino- 
‘meter. -mittel illuminant. 
-starke illumination (ratio 
luminous flux to area of ele- 
ment of surface, in lux units, 
etc.). -stärkemesser illumino- 
meter, illumination photoneter. 
-trommel exposure drum, record- 
ing d.(on which film is exposed 
to modulated light 'bean). 

Belichtung, Logarithmus der log. 
exposure. Mehrfach- superimpos- 
ing, multiple exposure. Nach- 
post-exposure. Ruhe- average 
lighting, steady l., unmodulated 
or no-sound 1. (in sound picture 
recording). Vor- priming il- 
lumination (of a cell), pre- 
exposure, preliminary exposure, 

Belichtungs-bereich, Unter- toe 
gradient of characteristic H. 

& D. (Hurter & Driffield) 
curve, toe range of under- 
exposure. -fenster aperture 
(in a.plate), gate, photocell 
window. -kanal film track, (camera). -lampe 
exciter lamp. -mass exposure 
level (of Decoutes). -messer 
exposure meter (e.g. with 



barrier-layer cell, used in sound 
recording, photography, etc.), 
cinophot (m.p. film pocket photo- 
meter); brightness meter, tur- 
bidity m. -rolle printing drum 
(in p.machine), sound recording 
drum; scanning point, transla- 
tion p.(in sound film reproduc- 
tion). -schieber exposure lid, 
e.shutter. -spielraum latitude 
or range of exposure, e.range. 
-stelle sound sate. -tabelle 
exposure time table. -teil, 
Unter- toe region of under- 
exposure (film). -trommel ex- 
posure drum, recording d.. (sound 
film). ‘-zahntrommel printing 
sprocket, main s. 

Belieben discretion, (at) randon, 
selection, at will, ad libitun. 

beliebig haphazard, (at) randon, 
arbitrary, all, any... 
whatever, optional. 

Bemessung dimensioning, proportion- 
ing, choosing; size, dimensions 
or proportions. 

Benachteiligter aggrieved party. 

Benachteiligung der hohen Frequen- 
zen de-accentuation, de-emphasiz- 
ing, slighting or partial sup- 
pression of high frequencies, at- 
tenuation of treble or high- 
pitched frequencies. 

benetzbar wettable, capable of be- 
ing wetted or moistened. 

Benetzungswarme heat of wetting. 

Benutzung eines Patentes working 
or reduction to practice of a 

‘patent. ; 

Beobachtungs-fehler error of ob- 
servation. -fenster bezel, ob- 
servation window, peep-hole. 
-rohr observation tube (in elec- 
tron microscope). 

Beratung advice, consultation, 

berechenbar calculable, computable, 

Berechnung, Bildkraft-. halbklas- 
sische semi-classical image- 


force calculation. 

Beregnungsversuch rain test, wet t. 
(of insulator). 

Bereich, Einfluss- sphere of in- 
fluence, radius of action. 
Entzerrungs- frequency range of 
equalization. Klangintensitäts- 
dynamic range. Lautstarke-, 
der menschlichen Stimme human 
voice intensity range. Mitnahme- 
range of forced oscillation, en- 
trainment range, coherence r., 
pull-in-step range. Schwarzungs- 
density range (Y) (say, from .3 
to 3). Sperr- suppression range. 
attenuation r., exclusion band. 

Bereich-filter, Frequenz- band- 
pass filter. -melder, Wellen- 
wave-band indicator. -schalter, 
Wellen- wave-band switch. 

Bereinigung des Minimums (cf 
PL Rpenagrahnmnd zero clearing 


Berg, Energie- energy hill, e. 
barrier. Potential- potential 
barrier. Wellen- peak, crest 
or hump of a wave. 

Berg-fett mountain tallow, ozocer- 
ite. -fleisch mountain flesh 
(asbestos). -fluss colored 
quartz. -glimmer margarite. 
-harz mineral-pitch. -kristall 
rock crystal. -öl petroleum. 
-pech mineral pitch, asphalt. 
-wachs ozocerite, mineral wax. 

Bericht, zusammenfassender survey 
report, review, summarizing arti- 

berichtigen correct, amend, adjust, 
rectify, redress. 

berichtigendes Glas correcting 

berichtigtes Auge corrected eye. 

Berichtigungs-gerät compensation 
means (cam, etc., in df). 

-walze adjustment drum (range 
finder). . -wert correction 
value, c.factor. 

berieseln cause to flow or trickle 
over, water, irrigate, douche, 
spray, scrub, wash, sprinkle. 



Berieselungsapparat sprinkler. 

Bernstein amber. 

Berstdruck breaking limit, bursting 
l., explosion or cracking 1. 

Berufshandkamera professional hand 

Berufung appeal, brief for appeal. 
-einlegen gegen eine Entscheidung 
bei höherer Instanz take an ap- 
peal from a decision to a higher 

Berufungs-abteilung appeal division, 
a.department. -begründung argu- 
ments and grounds for appeal, con- 
firmation of appeal. -beklagter 
appellee, defendant in appeals 
court, respondent in an appealed 
cause. -instanz, zuständig sein 
als to have appellate jurisdic- 
tion. -klage appeal. -kläger 
appellor, appealer, appellant. 

beruhen auf based on, due to, 
derived from, conditioned by, 
predicated upon. 

beruhigen quiet, steady, stabilize, 
smooth, calm, kill (melt). 

Beruhigung stabilizing (weight). 

Beruhigungs-fliigel intermediate 
blade, anti-flicker b. -frequenz 
fusion frequency, critical no- 
flicker frequency (m.p.). 
-kapazitat smoothing capacitor 
-spule., Eisenkern- smoothing 
choke, filter c. -vorrichtung 
arc-silencer (suppresses hum and 
frying noise). -widerstand 
steadying resistance, ballasting 

berührend, doppelt- bitangent. 

Berührende tangent. 

Berührungs-ebene tangential plane. 
-gefahr risk or hazard of elec- 
tric shock. -linie tangent. 
-punkt contact point, touching p. 
p-of tangency or osculation. 
-schutz protection against elec- 
tric shock hazard. 

berührungssicherer Stecker shock- 
proof plug. 

Berührungs-spannungsschutz protec- 
tion against electric shock 


hazard. -stelle place of con- 
tact, osculation point (between 
two curves). 

besäumen hem, edge, border, shear, 
trim, square (sheets). 

Beschallung radiate or cause sound 
or ultra-sound waves to act or 
impinge upon, acoustic irradia- 

Beschaltung wiring. 

Bescheid, abschlägiger adverse ac- 
tion or decision, refusal, dis- 
allowing action of a Fatent Of- 
fice Examiner. 

bescheinigen certify, attest. 

beschichten coat (a film with 
emulsion), form a layer or a 
film, apply emulsion. 

beschichteter Film, doppelt- 
double-coated film, sandwich f. 

beschicken load (phot.), charge, 

Beschicker, Funk-, automatischer 
automatic radio quandrantal- 
error compensator or corrector 
means, cam compensator. 

Beschickung correction or compen- 
sation (in df work), radio com- 
pass calibration. 

Beschickung auf gleiche Temperatur 
reduction to equal temperature. 

Beschickungsaufnahme, Funk- cali- 
bration of radio direction- 

beschiessen bombard (with elec- 
trons, etc.). 

Beschlag, Oxyd- coating or film 
of oxide. 

Beschläge fittings (of metal), fix- 

Beschlagnahme seizure, attachment, 
arrest, distraint, distress. 

beschleunigen accelerate, expedite, 
hasten, speed up. 

Beschleuniger, Resonanz- magnetic 
resonance accelerator, cyclotron, 
induction electron a., betatron, 
rheotron. Vielfach- cyclotron 
(type of) tube with two dees and 
spiral beam accelerating elec- 


trons or ions in stages. 

Beschleunigung, Erd-, Fall- gravi- 
tational acceleration, accelera- 
tion due to gravity. Nach- post- 
acceleration (by second lene) 

(in c.-r. tube). 

Beschleunigungs-anode sun anode. 
-einrichtung high-potential trans- 
former and vacuum tube (for 
nuclear disintegration). -elek- 
trode accelerator electrode. 
-elektrode, Nach- second or ad- 
ditional gun anode or accelerator 
electrode, post-accelerator 
after-accelerator (c.-r. MEN 
-gitter accelerator grid (c.-r. 
tube); screen-grid (of tetrode) 
-linse aus zwei Lochelektroden 
double aparture accelerator lens 
(c.-r. tube). -messer accelero- 
meter. -spannung gun potential, 
accelerator p., beam voltage. 
-stufe target stage, accelerator 
s. (of multipler). -system gun 
system (c.-r. tube). 

Beschluss action (of Fatent Office), 
decision, decree, order (of a 
court of law). 

Beschneideglas trimming glass, 
print trimmer. 

Beschneidung clipping (loss of ini- 
tial or final speech sounds). 

Beschreibung specification (of a 
patent), description, outline, 
sketch, characterization. 

-, weitgehende broad specifica- 
tion. -von Bildern auf Schirm 

picture tracing, re-creation or 
delineation on screen. 

Beschriften making a record or 
sound track upon, impressing -a 
film or blank with acoustic ac- 

Beschriftung recording (on film). 

Beschussprobe shooting or bombard- 
ment test. 

Beschwerde-abteilung appeals de- 
partment, Board of Appeal. 
-einrede rejoinder (in an appeal). 
-gericht court of appeals. 


-schrift appellatory plaint, ap- 
peal papers. -verfahren appeal 
action or procedure. 

beschweren load, weight, burden; 

Beschwerung impedance. 

beschworen take an oath, sign an 
affidavit, declare under oath. 

Beseitigung, Geräusch- (an Klebe- 
stellen) blooping elimination. 

besetzen populate. 

besetztes Band full band. 

Besetzung cast (m.p.) 

Besetzungs-grad der Banden degree 
of filling of bands. -verhält- 
nisse size of audience in a play- 
house. -zahl (der Elektronen in 
einem Niveau) extent to which 
level is populated by electrons. 
-zahl, Höchst- maximum number of 
electrons in shell. 

Besitzurkunde title deed. 

Besonnung insolation. 

Bespannung baffle cloth. 

besponnen covered, braided. 

“Besprechung mit Eisendrossel modu- 
lation by voice action with 
magnetic modulator. 

Besprechungs-anlage sound pickup 
outfit. -mikrophon sound pickup 
microphone, s. collector. -punkt 
point where sound action is im- 
pressed. -raum sound studio. 

besprochener Modulator voice-in- 
pressed or voice-actuated modu- 

Bespulung provide with winding, coil 
or loading means. 

Besselfunktion erster Art Bessel 
function of the first kind. 

. beständig stable, constant, durable, 
permanent, steady, fast (colors), 
resistant, proof; continuous, 

beständig, feuer- resistant to fire 
or heat, fireproof, refractory. 
flammen- flame-proof, flame- 
resistant. frost- freeze-proof, 
resistant to frost. hitze- 
stable or resistant to heat, 



heat-proof, thermostable, re- 
fractory. koch- resistant, stable 
or fast to boiling (dyes, etc.). 
lichtbogen- arc-proof, arc- 
resistant. säure- stable to acid 
action, fast to a. wasser- 

stable in or towards action of 

Beständigkeit, Anlauf- tarnish- 
proofness, resistance to t. 

Raum- volume stability. Tempera- 
tur- temperature stability, un- 
affected by temperature (changes). 

Bestandteil constituent, ingredient, 
part, component. Fremd- foreign 
or extraneous matter or substance 

Bestatigungsurteil confirmatory de- 

Besteck dead reckoning, ship's 
position; set of instruments or 
utensils. Funk- radio fix. 

Besteckungskosten trimming ex- 
pense (re :arc-lamps). 

Bestimmung determination, defini- 
tion, clause, provision, stipu- 
lation, ascertainment. 

Bestimmung, Mengen- quantitative 
determination, q. analysis. 

Bestimmungs-gleichung defining 
equation. -grösse determinant. 
-stiick factor, parameter, operat- 
ing datum. 

Bestrahlung, Schall-, hahe high 
radiation (distribution) effi- 
ciency. Sonnen- insolation, ir- 
radiation by solar rays. 

bestreichen wipe (over), sweep out, 
scan, explore (say, the picture 
area or screen with beam, pencil 
or spot); cover (a ran e), con- 
tact, stroke (a magnet). 

bestreitbar disputable, contestable. 
bestreuen strew or sprinkle (say, 
powder) over. 

Bestwert optimum value, optimal v., 
most favorable v. 

Betätigungsspule working coil, 
tripping c., differential c. 

Beteiligter party concerned, in- 
terested or involved. 

Betonung 39 

Betonung accentuation, emphasis, 
ee or stimulus (brought up- 

Betrachtung, unaittelbare direct 
viewing. Aufsichts-, Direkt- 
direct or frontal viewing (of 
television pictures). 

Betrachtungs-abstand viewing dis- 
tance. -apparat viewing appara- 
tus, kinetoscope. -richtung 
sisht-line, line or direction of 

regard. -tisch film viewing ma- 
chine. -zeichen reference 
letter, r. numeral, symbol. 
betreiben run, work, operate, ex- 
betreiben mit Arbeitsstrom operate 

on open circuit. -mit Ruhestrom 
operate on closed circuit. 

Betrieb, Schwer- heavy-duty opera- 
tion or service. 

Betrieblautsprecheranlage works or 
plant public address system (loud- 
speakers distributed throughout 
a factory, etc.). 

betrieblich operational, operative, 
functional, working, concerning 
actual use in service. 

Betriebsbuch station log. 

betriebsfähig operable, workable, 
in (good) working order. 

Betroffener aggrieved party. 

betupfen dab, dip, tip, spot, 

Beugungs-aufnahme, Roentgen- X- 
ray diffraction exposure or 
pattern. -bild, -figur diffrac- 
tion pattern, picture or image. 
-fransen diffraction fringes. 
-gitter diffraction grating. 
-scheibchen diffraction disk. 
-winkel diffraction angle. 

beurkunden authenticate, legalize, 

Beutel-filter bag filter. 
bolting sieve, bolter. 

Bevollmachtigter attorney, agent, 
proxy, assignee, mandatory, 

bevorzugte Kristal] achsenrich- 



tung preferred crystallographic 
axis orientation. -Orientierung 
non-random orientation, privil- 
eged 0. 

bevorzugte, nicht- Orientierung 
randomly oriented, with non- 
preferential or non-privileged 

Bevorzugung (von NF oder HF) ac- 
centuation or emphasizing (of AF 
or of KF and de-accentuation or 
de-emphasizing of the other). 

Bevorzugung, energetische energy 

bewaffnetes Auge aided eye. 

bewähren prove useful or good, give 
satisfactory results, prove (it- 

bewegliches, entfesseltes Mikrophon 
following microphone. 

Beweglichkeit mobility, fluidity 
(being the reciprocal of dynamic 

Bewegung motion, movement, stir, 
travel, action (in film projec- 
tion). | 

Bewegung, fortschreitende progres- 
sive motion. -,hin- und hergehende 
reciprocating movement, to-and- 
fro m., rocking m., oscillating 
m., shuttling motion. -,rein 
sinusförmige plain harmonic or 
sine movement. Brown'sche 
Brownian movement. Kreis-, 
Kreisbahn- circular motion, gyra- 
tion, movement in an orbit, orbi- 
tal m. Leitbahn- transit path 
motion. Rollbahnkreis- cycloidal 
path motion. Rotations- rotation- 
al motion, rotary m. 

Bewegungs-amplitude velocity an- 
plitude. -eindruck sensation of 
motion, illusion of m. -elek- 
trizitätslehre electrokinetics. 
-empfänger velocity microphone; 
pickup or detector of motion. 
-energie kinetic energy, motional 
e. -gleichung equation of motion. 
-grösse kinetic or motional quan- 
tity or magnitude, impulse, 

Bewegungs impedanz 

momentum. -impedanz motional 
impedance. -kraft motive force, 
m. power. -lehre mechanics (re: 
machines), kinetics (re : motion 
of bodies and forces acting’ 
thereon), kinematics (re : motion 
in the abstract), dynamics (re: 
force action on bodies). -mikro- 
phon velocity microphone, pres- 
sure-gradient m. -rohr mobility 
tube. -stufe stage of motion, 
phase of progress. -übergang 
motional transient. -vorgang 
motional action, cinematographic 

bewehrt, stahlband- steel-tape 

Bewehrung re-inforcement, armoring, 
fittings (hardware, of an in- 
sulator), sheathing. 

Beweis, der Gültigkeit eines Pa- 
tentes Abbruch tut evidence in- 
peaching, or prejudicial to 
validity of, a patent. 

Beweis, Neben- secondary proof, 
collateral evidence, circun- 
stantial e. 

Beweis-beschluss direction or 
order for evidence. -kraft 
conclusiveness, evidential value. 

Beweislast onus of proof, burden 
of p. 

Beweis-material (documentary) 
evidence, evidential material, 
testimony, proofs. als- vor- 
legen tender in evidence. -recht 
law of evidence. -stück ex- 
hibit, document, proof. -wert 
evidential value. 

bewerten weight. 

Bewertungsfilter weighting network. 

Bewetterung air conditioning. 

Bewilligung grant, allowance, per- 

Bezeichnung marking, denotation, 
notation, sign, symbol, designa- 
tion labeling (for identifica- 
tion), color coding (of conduc- 

bezichtigen accuse of, charge with. 



Bezieher, Piano- piano stringer. 

Beziehung, Wechsel- interrelation,- 
correlation, reciprocal or mutual 

beziehungsweise and/or;...or...or 
both; and; or; as the case may be, 
respectively, or rather. 

Bezirksgerichtshof district court. 

bezogene Farben related colors. 

Bezugsdämpfung volume loss, volume 
equivalent. Rückhör- side-tone 
reference equivalent. 

Bezugs-ebene datum level, d. plane, 
reference 1., fiducial 1. -punkt 
reference point, fiducial p., 
datum p. -stromkreis reference 
circuit. -system reference sys- 
tem, standard or norm (used for 
comparison). -wert relative 
value. -zeichen reference symbo 
(numeral or letter). 

bezw. s. beziehungsweise 

bezweifeln call in question, doubt. 

Bibliothekar librarian. 

Bidipentode duodiode tetrode with 
suppressor grid; duodiode pentode 
(with bifilar filament). 

Biegekristall "bender" crystal. 

biegen bend, flex, curve, warp; 
diffract; refract. 

Biegemoment flexural moment, bend- 
ing m., flexural torque. 

Biege-probe, Schlag- shock, blow 
or impact bending test piece or 
specimen. -versuch, Dauer- 
bending fatiBue test. -wechsel- 
festigkeit alternating bending 

biegsam flexible, pliant, pliable, 
bendable, ductile, supple. 
-machen ductilize (as a tungsten 

Biegungsschwingung flexural vibra- 

Bienen-harz bee glue, propolis. 
-korblampe beehive neon lamp. 

Bifilardraht bifilar wire, twisted 
pair. -wicklung bifilar winding, 
Ayrton-Ferry winding. 

Bild, aufgerichtetes, aufrechtes 

Bild, detailreiches yl 

erected image, erect i., rectified 
i. -,detailreiches contrasty 
picture (rich in details and con- 
trasts). -,flaches very soft 
picture, flat picture (lacking 
contrast). -,flaues non-contrasty 
picture or image (presenting a 
limy condition or fuzziness, con- 
trast often impaired by white 

tint permeating whole picture). 
-,hartes contrasty, crisp or 

harsh picture or image. -,hoch- 
zeiliges high-definition (tele- 
vision) image or picture. 
-,lichtschwaches low-luminosity 
picture, p. with low brightness. 
-,reelles, umgekehrtes real re- 
versed image. -,ruhendes still, 
still picture, unanimated p., 
ordinary photograph. -,scharf 
eingestelltes sharp picture, 
sharply focused image. -,t6nungs- 
reiches picture with proper shad- 
ing values and contrast. 
-,umgekehrtes reversed or in- 
verted image. -,unbewegtes still 
picture, unanimated p. -,unscharfes 
fuzzy picture, ghosty p. -,un- 
verzeichnetes, -,unverzerrtes 
orthoscopic image, undistorted 
picture. -,weiches (zwischen 

flau und normal) weak or soft 
picture (between flat and normal), 
uncontrasty p. 

_ Bild, Stehen des-(es) steadiness 

of image. -,mangelhaftes Stehen 
Jumping or unsteadiness of pic- 
ture or image. 

Bild, Aufspaltungs- splitting pat- 
tern (opt.). Ausserfokus- out- 
of-focus picture. Beugungs- 
diffraction pattern. Durchsichts- 
(cf Durchprojektion) transparent 
picture, glass transparency, 
diapositive, lantern slide; trans- 
lux p. Durchstrahler- transmis- 
sion image. Eigenstrahler- image 
obtained by self-emissive method 
(electron microscope). Einzel- 
unit frame, individual picture 

Bild, Schatten- 

(in pictorial sequence). Empfangs- 
recorded copy (facisimile). 
Ersatz- equivalent circuit diagram. 
Feld- field pattern, f. configura- 
tion or map (made in electrolytic 
tank). Fenster- window trans- 
parency. Fern- television picture, 
televised p.; telephoto. Flugbahn- 
trajectory diagram. Formel- 
structural formula. Funk- photo- 
radio (transmission), radio pic- 
ture, wired p., photo-radiogran, 
photo-telegram. Gegen- counter- 
part, antitype. Geister- ghost 
image. Halbton- half-tone or 
mezzo-tinto picture (in black 

and white, with grey shading 
values). Interferenz- interfer- 
ence figure. Klang- sound pat- 
tern, acoustic p. Klatschen- 

beat picture. Komik- funny pic- 
ture, "funnies," cartoon. Koma- 
comatic image. Kontroll- moni- 
toring picture (telev.). Koor- 
dinaten- pattern of co-ordination. 
Ladungs- charge pattern or image 
(re : iconoscope). Lauf- animated, 
moving or motion pictüre (in a 
sequence or series of pictures or 
pictorial actions). Licht- photo- 
image, photograph. Linien-, 
unaufgelöstes unresolved line 
pattern. Luft- aerial image 
(formed in space). Mehrfach- 
multiple image, double i., ghost 
i. Moment- instantaneous picture, 
snapshot. Nach- after-image; copy, 
imitation, replica. Neben- ghost 
image, multiple or double i. 
(telev.). Netzhaut- retinal im- 
age. Offnungs- aperture image. 
Panorama- panoramic view or pic- 
ture, panning shot, "pan" or "pam" 
(studio slang). Raff- time-lapse 
picture, fast-motion p. Raum- 
space diagram; stereoscopic pic- 
ture, plastic p. Rechen- nomo- 
gram. Reihen- sequence of pic- 
torial actions or pictures, mo- 
tion p. Schatten- silhouette. 

Bild, Schau- 42 

Schau- diagram, graph. Schwarz- 
weiss- black arid white (facsimile) 
picture or phototelegraphic trans- 
mission. Sende- subject cr 
outgoing copy (in facsimile). 
'Sinn- symbol. Spalt-, optisches 
slit image, optical slit. Spiegel- 
mirror or speculum image, flare 
ghosts or spots (camera), double 
or reflected (ghost) i. Stand-, 
Steh- still (film) picture, non- 
animated p., still. Stimmungs- 
key picture, sentiment p. 
-,dunkles low-key picture. -,tber- 
helles high-key picture. Sucher- 
seeker or monitoring picture. 
Teil- (Farbenauszug) compound 
picture (color record). Ton- 
tonal pattern or spectrum. Trick- 
trick shot, t. picture. Ursprungs- 
original subject copy. Weit- 
winkel- wide-angle picture, "wide- 
scope" p. Zeitlupen- slow-motion 
picture. Zerr- distorted picture 
(made with anamorphotic lens). 
Zerstreuungs- image formed by 
divergent lens. Zerstreuungs-, 
des Auges blur circles of eye. 
Bild-ablenkung frame or picture 
scan. -abtaster televisor, tele- 
vision scapning device. -abtaster- 
röhre, doppelseitige two-sided 
mosaic pickup tube with separate 
image anode, iconoscope with two- 
sided mosaic screen. -abtaster- 
Röhre mit mechanischer Blende 
Farnsworth dissector of electron 
camera, Dieckmann magnetic 
scanner. -abtaststelle picture 
or film gate (m.p.). -abtastung 
frame scan, picture s. -anode 
barrier grid mosaic. -aufbau 
picture synthesis, build-up of 
picture (line by line). -auf- 
fanger, elektronischer electronic 
scanning device. -auflösung 
resolution, picture definition, 
scan. -aufnahme, Kofferapparat 
fiir box equipment, trunk unit. 
-aufnahme, Luft- (cf Luftbild) 

Bildfeinheit . 

aerial photography, airplane pic- 
ture. -aufnahmevorbereitung 
lining up for shooting pictures. 

bildaufrichtendes Mikroskop image- 
erecting microscope. 

Bildaufrichtung erection of image, 
rectification of i., inversion of 
i. (reversing in both axes simul- 
taneously, right and left, top 
and bottom interchanged at the 
same time). -aufzeichnung pic- 
ture re-creation, tracing or‘ 
delineation. -ausleuchtung 
"flashing" of image. -ausschnitt 
frame (of camera); image area 
(on scanning disk). -beschrei- 
bung (auf Schirm) picture tracing, 
re-creation or delineation (on 
screen). -bühne aperture or film 
trap.. -bühneneinstellung framing, 
racking (by framing device). 
-charakter key of a picture or 
image. -drehung image rotation. 
-einstellampe framing lamp. 
-einstellung centering control, 
height c., horizontal c., fram- 
ing (in telev., often with rack 
and pinion for focusing). -emp- 
fanger picture receiver, p. re- 
constructor, video receiver, 
telev. receiver, picture viewing 
tube, p. reproducing device. 
-empfangsstelle picture or facsi- 
mile (telegraphic) receiving sta- 
tion or office, recording point. 
-entwerfung formation of an image, 
imagery, imaging. -entzerrung, 
Licht- rectification of aerial 

Bilder-kasten-, Laternen- lantern 
slide box. -masken, Lanternen- - 
lantern masks. 

Bild-erzeugung formation of an image, 
imagery, picture (re-) creation, 
p. tracing. -fänger video pick- 
up camera, television c. -fangröhre, 
Sender- pickup tube, iconoscope, 
dissector tube (of Farnsworth) 
-fehler picture distortion, image 
defects. -feinheit detail, (degree 


of) definition of p. 

Bildfeld frame, picture area, image 
field. -ebnung flattening of 
image field, elimination of cur- 
vature (opt.). -krümmung,-wölbung 
curvature of image field. -zer- 
leger picture scanner, p. dissect- 
or (Farnsworth), p. exploring 
means (telev.). -zerlegung image 
(field) definition. 

Bild-fenster film Sate, aperture or 
trap, picture 8. (m.p.). -fenster 
mit 2 Ausschnitten film gate with 
two frames. -fläche image area, 
picture field, image plane (opt.). 
-flachheit flat, very soft or non- 
contrasty condition or quality of 
picture. -flauheit flat, soft or 
non-contrasty quality of a pic- 
ture (contrast impaired by white 
tint permeating p.), limy condi- 
tion, fuzziness. -flieger aerial 
photographer. -folge sequence or 
series of optic or pictorial ac- 
tions (m.p.). -format picture 
format, frame size or format. 
-frequenz picture frequency, 

frame (repetition) f., repetition 
rate (telev.); video f., visual f. 
-frequenzverstarker amplifier for 
frame sawtooth time-base. -funk 
photo-radio, wired picture, 
facsimile transmission. -geber 
pickup camera. -gerat, Spalt- 
photographic soundhead (m.p.). 
-gerausch frame noise (m.p.). 
-greifer in-and-out-claw (of 
threading mechanism). -grösse 
size of picture, format of p. 
-grosse und Brennweite, Linse 

für veränderliche zooming lens 
for variable magnification and 
variable focus, "vario-objective", 
-güte (figure of) merit or quali- 
ty of picture. -helligkeit, 
Mittel- average or background il- 
lumination, mean picture bright- 
ness. -helligkeitssignale video 
signals, shading-value signals 
(telev.). -hintergrund picture 
background. -höhe picture 



or image heisht (opt.), frame 
height (of a camera). -inhalt 
picture content, p. subject- 
matter, "information". -kadre, 
Normal- standard picture frane. 
-kantenschärfe resolution on 
border. -kippeinsatz incipient 
frame flyback or beam return 
(telev.). -kipper frame time- 
base, -kippschwingung frame or 
picture time-base oscillation or 
impulse. -kraft (zwischen Metall 
und Elektron) image force, image 
potential (between metal and 
electron). -kraftberechnung, 
halbklassische semi-classical 
image-force calculation. -linie 
focal line, image line. 

bildlos amorphous, non-crystalline. 

Bild-meister director of photography, 
picture chief or director. 
-nachleuchten afterglow, phos- 
phorescence of picture. -nach- 
stellung framing, phasing, rack- 
ing (m.p.; telev.), centering 
control (telev.). -nachstellung, 
falsche misframing, out-of-frame 

Bildner, Basen-base former, basifier, 
basifying agent. Korrosions- cor- 
rosive, corrodent, corroding or 
rusting agent. Schleifen- loop 

Bildnis portrait, picture, photo- 

Bildplastik plastic effect, relief 
e., stereoscopic e.; distortion 
of telev. image in form of mul- 
tiple contours of diminishing 
intensity, plastic effect. 

Bildpunkt image point, picture p., 
picture unit or elementary area, 
point image (telev.). -,dunkelster 
shadow. -,hellster highlight. 
-,nachleuchtender phosphorescent 
picture point. -signal video 
signal, electrical impulse re- 
sulting from elementary area. 
-verlagerung spot shift (causing 
plastic effect, in telev.). 
-verteiler picture scanner (at 

Bild-schale image shell. 


receiving end). 

Bild-raster (cf Raster) scanning 
field, picture raster (telev.).* 
-raum image space. -reihe se- 
quence of pictorial actions, 
frames or pictures (m.p.); strip 
mosaic (aerial phot.). -röhre, 
Elektronen- electron image tube. 
bildsames Gleiten plastic deforma- 

Bildsamkeit plasticity, capability 
of being kneaded, fashioned, 
formed or molded (by pressure 
and/or heat application), forma- 
bility, moldability, fictility. 
platte sound and picture on disk. 
-schaltung feed or movement of 
frame (m.p.); frame ratcheting, 
frame timebase (telev.). -scharfe 
picture definition. -scherung 
shearing of an image. -schicht, 
Film- film emulsion or coat. 
-schirm projection screen, pic- 
ture s. -schreibröhre televisor 
tube, viewing tube, picture re- 
producing tube. -schreibröhre, 
Projektions- projector-type 
television receiver. -schritt 
frame gage. -schwingungen pic- 
ture or video impulses or signals. 
-seite image side (of a lens). 
-seitenverhältnis picture as- 
pect ratio. -sender video trans- 
mitter; facsimile t. -signal 
video or picture signal. -span- 
nung, Untergehen der swamping of 
video or picture signal. -spei- 
cherröhre image storing tube, 
charge or signal storage tube, 
normal iconoscope. -speicherröhre, 
Bil dwandler- super-iconoscope. 
-sprung picture repetition fre- 
quency, picture cycle; break or 
shift of vision. -spurzeit 
Watkins factor, development f. 
-stelle picture scanner. 
Bildstrich-einstellung phasing or 
framing of picture. -einstellung, 
falsche misframing, out-of-frame 
condition. -geräusch frame line 



Bildstrom video current, picture c. 

-stiirzung toppled condition of 
pictures (turned an angle in re- 
lation to one another). 

Bildsynchronisierungs-impuls frame 

synchronizing impulse, f. syne, 
pulse, low sync i. -impuls- 
verstarker frame synchronizing 
impulse amplifier, f. sync pulse a. 
-liicke synchronizing gap (between 
end of field or frame traversal 
and beginning of next known also 
as underlap or interstitial period 
during which sync signal is intro- 

Bild-tanzen unsteadiness or jumping 

of picture. -teile verschiedener 
Gliederung picture portions of 
dissimilar nature, composition or 
make-up. -telegraphie picture 
telegraphy, wired or radio photo- 
telegraphy, radio or wire trans- 
mission of pictures, facsimile, 
wire-photo. -transportrolle pic- 
ture feed roller. -übertragung 
(elektromechanische und elektro- 
chem.) picture, photo or facsimile 
transmission by electro-mechanical 
or electrochemical means, writing 
or copying telegraphy, by telauto- 
graph, telectrograph, Bartlane 
device, etc. -umkehrung image re- 
version, image inversion (when in 
two axes,i.e., interchange of left 
and right, and top and bottom of 
image); solarization (reversal of 
gradation sequence due to over- 
exposure to light). 

Bildungs-energie energy of formation. 

-warme heat of formation, enthalpy. 

Bild-unschärfe lack of picture def- 

inition. -verbreiterung image 
spread. -verfahren, Steh- lantern 
slide projection method. -ver- 
schiebung slow drift or hunting 

of image. -,seitliche lateral 
shift of image. -verstarkung 
image intensification. -verstell- 
ungsknopf framing knob. -verstell- 
ungswelle framing shaft. 

Bildverwackelung 45 Blankseite 

-verwackelung frame unsteadiness. or explorer, dissector (of Farns- 
-verzerrung image or picture dis- worth). -ziehen photographic 
tortion, jiggers (in facsimile). travel ghost. -zittern unsteadi- 
-vorfiihrung, Raum- stereoscopic ness of picture, jumping of p. 
picture projection. -vorschub- -Zusammensetzvorichtung picture 
bewegung frame sweep scansion. reproduction means, p. recreator 
-walze picture cylinder (in Bake- or delineator, p. scanner. 

well app.). -wand projection Billigkeitsverfahren equity suit. 
screen. -wand, Ton- transoral Billigung approval, approbation, 
screen (mp). -wandler image con- consent, assent, acquiescence. 
verter, picture transformer, Bimetallstreifen bimetallic strip 
transducer (changes optic into Consisting of two strips of dis- 
electron image). -wandler- similar metals with different ex- 
Bildspeicherröhre super-icono- pansion coefficients), bimetallic 
scope. -wandleuchtdichte bright- trip or tripping gear (of a cir- 
ness or luminous density of screen. cuit breaker). 

Bildwechsel picture cycle. Binantenschachtel box with a two- 
-,stetiger continuous, steady or segment electrometer system. 
non-intermittent feed or motion bindend, wasser- hydrophylic, water- 
of film. -frequenz, -zahl absorbent. 
frame or picture frequency, Bindeton ball clay. 
repetition frequency (telev.), Bindung binding, bond, union, as- 
number of frames per second. sociation, affinity. 

-zeit feeding time, picture cycle, Bindung, Dreifach- triple bonding. 

moving period (m.p.). Gas- Settering. Neben- secondary 
bildweise Filmschaltung intermittent union or bond, second-order link- 

film feed, discontinuous film age. 

movement. Bindungs-energie (Elektronen- 

Bild-weite distance between screen Konzentration) binding or bond 
and lens, image intercept. energy. -kraft (chemische) 
-wellenspannung video signal wave chemical linkage force. -stärke 
potential. -werfer picture pro- bonding strength. 
jector. -wiederaufbau re- Binode diode-triode (rectifier and 
construction (e.g., of a facsimile AF or RF amplifier in one bulb, 
picture). -winkel angle of image, with joint cathode). 

a. Of view. -wirkung, plastische Binokularspule binocular (form of 
(cf Bildplastik) illusion of closed-field) coil. 

depth (of picture), stereoscopic Bitter'sche Streifen Bitter (magne- 
effect. -wölbung curvature of tic powder) patterns, Bitter bands. 
image, c. of field. -wurf pic- Bkw reactive power, r. voltampere, 
ture projection. -wurfelektrode var. 

target electrode. -zahl frame Blähungsgrad expanding or swelling 
or picture frequency. -zähler property, degree of inflation or 
frame counter, f. indicator. imbibition. 

-zeile picture line, p. strip Blank, Zahlen- figure blank, figure 
(telev.). -zeilendurchlauf line space, 

traversal. -zerdehnung radial Blankfilm film base. -,gelatinebe- 
image distortion. -zerdrehung schichteter gelatine-coated film 
rotational, tangential or ori- base. -,unbeschichteter plain, 
entational distortion, twist of uncoated film base. 

image. -zerleger picture scanner Blank-seite cellulose face or side 

(of film). -verdrahtung bare wir- 
Blasdüse blasting nozzle, gun, dis- 
charge n. 

Blase, Dampf- steam-heated still; 
bubble of vapor or steam. Glas- 
(generally) bubble in glass, 
seed (when small), air bell (when 
of irregular shape). Guss- flaw 
or defect in a casting. Schweiss- 
arc crater. 

blasen blast, blow, smelt (blast 
furnace), inject (stean). 

Blasen, Stahlkugel- steel shot 

Blasenbildung blister formation, 
blistering (metal, phot., etc.); 
cavitation, occlusion of gases. 

Bläser, Flamm- blowing magnet. 

Blasinstrument wind instrument. 
Blech- brass instrument. 

Blatt leaf, foil, sheet; page, 
folio; blade (of knife switch), 
lamination (of a magnetic core). 

Blattchen lamina, lamella, small 
leaf, flake. 

blattchenartig lamelliform, lamini- 

Blattelektrometer leaf electroscope. 

Blätter-bürste laminated brush. 
-kondensator foil condenser, 
tubular capacitor. 

Blatt-feder leaf, plate or flat 

spring; reed, blade. -grün 
chlorophyll. -kurve folium. 
Bl auauszug blue record. 

bl auempfindlich blue sensitive. 

Blaufilter blue filter, viewing 
filter (phot.). 

Blech plate, sheet, foil, lamina- 
tion of metal. 

Blechblasinstrument brass wind in- 

blecherner Klang tinny sound. 

Blech-gestell chassis (of receiver 
set). -instrument brass instru- 
ment (mus. ). 

Bleicherde Fuller's earth. 

Bleiglätte litharge. 

Blende lisht-stop, diaphragm, aper- 


Blende, Steuer- 

ture (stop), slit; shield (with 
scanning aperture, in Farnsworth 
dissector); shutter (e.$., iris 
diaphragm, focal-plane blind, disk 
with cut-out sector for exposing 
film or plate, in m.p. work). 

Blende, Abdeck- mask, shutter, 

shutter mask. Abtast-(Farnsworth) 
scanning aperture, hole (of dis- 
sector tube of Farnsworth). 
Anoden- anode diaphragm or parti- 
tion (re:cathode-ray tube). 
Apertur- aperture stop, a. dia- 
phragm. Aufhell- reflecting 
screen. Aufrichtungs- erector 
stop. Austritts- exit slit. 
Blickfeld- field stop. Einhänge- 
inset diaphragm. Einsatz- inter- 
changeable diaphragm. Einschnü- 
rungs- crossover aperture. Ein- 
tritts- input diaphragm or capaci- 
ty disk (of klystron). Fächer- 
fan fading shutter. Feld- field 
stop. Fenster- apertural stop, 

a. diaphragm. Gesichtsfeld- field 
stop. Halb- half stop, scale. 
Klang- tone-shading means, tone 
control, tone switch, tonalizer. 
Kombinations- Goerz effect shutter. 
Kreis- iris stop or diaphragm. / 
Licht- light stop, diaphragm, 
light shield (in sensitometer). 
Loch- stopping aperture, apertured 
partition, diaphragm, shield (in 
cathode-ray tube). Noiseless- 
bias or noise-reduction stop, 
shutter vane.or gate. Okular- 
eyepiece diaphragm, eyepiece stop. 
Raster- scan hole, scan aperture 
(Farnsworth dissector), raster 
screen aperture. Reinton- bias 

or noise-reduction stop, shutter 
vane or gate. Schlitz- slit stop. 
Schluss- final diaphrasn. 
Schnirspur- mask for making squeeze 
track. Sehfeld- field diaphragm, 
field stop. Sonnen- sunshade, 
black screen. Spalt- aperture 
stop, slit. Sperr- (blocking) 
light stop. Steuer- modulating 

Blende, Ton- 47 

electrode, modulation shield or 
grid (cathode-ray tube). Ton- 
tone-control means, tonalizer; 
fader. Trommel- drum with scan 
apertures or scan holes, scann- 
ing d. Vorhang- curtain fading 
shutter. Wechsel- stop disk 
with spiral slot cyclically co- 
Operating with quadruple scan- 
ning disk holes, auxiliary rotary 
shutter disk with spiral slot. 
Zacken- triangular aperture (in 
film recording), vane with ser- 
rated or triangular edge. Zer- 
leger- dissector aperture. 
Zonen- stop to diaphragm out a 
certain zone or area. Zusam- 
mensetz- picture receiver or p. 
reproducer scanning hole. 

Blenden-ausschnitt aperture, slit. 
-ebene diaphragm plane. -linse, 
Loch- aperture disk lens. -loch 
anode aperture (cathode-ray tube). 
-nachstellung phasing of shutter. 
-öffnung aperture of diaphragm 
or stop. -rohr screening tube. 
-scheibe horizontal edge (film 
recording); auxiliary rotary 
shutter disk with spiral slot 
(for quadruple scanning). -schirm 
gobo (for sound absorption, in 
studio). -trager diaphragm sup- 
port. -trommel scanning drum. 

Blend-glas moderating glass. 
-scheibe stop. -schirme sobos 
(for sound absorbing, m.p.). 

Blendung glare, blinding, dazzle 
(of eye). -,akustische aural 

Blendverfahren diaphragm method 
(for pencil modulation). 

Blickfeld field of vision, range 
of v., field of view (opt.). 
-beidaugiges binocular field of 

3lick-feldblende field stop. 
-linie line of vision, l. of sight. 
-punkt point of view. -richtung 
sight-line, direction of sight, 
d. of regard. -winkel angle of 


Blind-buchse dummy socket or jack. 
-komponente wattless, idle, quad- 
rature, reactive, or reactance 
component. -landeachse blind or 
instrument landing line or path. 
-landedienst beacon service (to 
assist in blind or instrument 
landing). -leistung reactive 
power, r. voltampere, var. -leit- 
wert Susceptance. -schwanz ar- 
rangement to make resistance al- 
ternately zero and infinite, in 
dipole feeder operation, stub. 
-stecker dummy plug. -stromauf- 
nahme drawing or taking of watt- 
less, idle, or reactive current. 
-verbrauchszahler reactive volt- 
amp.-hour meter, sine m., watt- 
less component m., var-hour m. 
-voltampere var (unit of reactive 
power). -widerstand, induktiver 
inductive reactance, positive r., 
inductance. -widerstand, kapa- 
zitiver capacitive reactance, 
negative r., condensance. 

Blinker, Zeit- chronographic camera, 
time recording c. 

Blink-lampe flash lamp. -schaltung 
blinking arrangement, ratchet 
circuit scheme (in relaxation or 
sawtooth wave generator with k-C 
time-base and neon lamp). 

Blitz (Film) statics (film). 

Blitz, rücklaufender return lightn- 
ing stroke. 

Blitz, Kapsel- flashlight capsule. 
Kugel- flashbag; globular lightn- 
ing, ball 1. Licht- pulse or 
flash of light, scintillation. 

Blitz-anzeiger, Fern- keraunophone. 
-bahn, verschlungene tortuous 
path of lightning flash. -lampe 
flashlight, flashlamp. -licht 
flashlight; flash bulb, magnesium 

Block, Gitter- grid condenser; 
staircase-like structure of 
echelon grating. Kopplungs- 
fixed coupling capacitor. 

Block-empfang party reception, 
block r., communal r. -hahn 

Blockierung 48 


Blockierung, Gitter- negative bias- 
ing of grid, 8. cut-off. 

Block-kondensator fixed capacitor, 
blocking c., stopping c., insulat- 
ing c. -kondensator, Wickel- 
tubular capacitor, paper c., Mans- 
bridge condenser (of fixed value). 
-zeichnung schematic or diagran- 
matic illustration, block diagram. 

Blut-farbemesser plethysmograph 
(monitors color changes, etc. ), 
electroarteriograph. -körper- 
chenzähler haemacytometer, blood 

Bock, Lager- pedestal of a bearing. 

Boden, gewölbter arched back (mus.). 

Boden, Resonanz- sounding board. 
Schrift- recording base. 

Boden-antenne ground antenna, earth 
a.; underground or buried antenna. 
-flugleiter ground control operat- 
ore -funkstelle ground direction- 
finding station; aeronautical §. 
radio s. -funkstellen-Rufzeichen 
ground station call sign or si$- 
nal. -geschwindigkeit ground 
speed (of an airplane). -peilap- 
parat ground station direction- 
finder. -peilstelle ground di- 
rection-finder station. -welle 
ground wave, direct w. (which 
hugs earth's curvature). 

Bogen bow, arc, curve, curvature, 
bend, arch, clip. 

- Bogen, Flammen- flame arc, electric 
arc. Grad- graduated arc, bow, 
protractor. Hochstrom- heavy- 
current arc, large-current arc. 
Kreis- arc of circle, circular 
arch. Pol- pole arc.  Schwing- 
ungs- amplitude of oscillations. 
Voll- semi-circle rail (re: 

Bogenabstand pitch ar distance along 
anarc (of holes in Nipknow disk). 

bogenbildend, nicht- non-arcing 

Bogen-frosch bow-frog (string instru- 
ment). -gitter, Kreis- arcuate 
grid. -lampe mit breitwinklig 


gestellten Kohlen scissors-type 
arc-lanp. -lampe, Freifall- 
gravity-feed arc-lamp. -lampe, 
Wolfram- tungsten arc-lamp, 
pointolite. -lampenabzugsrohr 
vent stack of arc-lamp. -linie * 
arc line, arcuate l., curved l. 
-mass radian measure. -rückschlag 
arc-back. -spektrum arc spectrum. 

Bohreinsatz, -eisen bit. 

Bohrer, Zwick- twist drill. 

Bolzen, Knebel- toggle bolt. Ösen- 

eyebolt. Schlüssel- clutch key. 
Bolzen-mutter nut. -scheibe wash- 

Bomben-sauerstoff tank oxygen. 
-flugbahn bomb trajectory. 
-richtgerat, -visier bombsight. 

Bord-ablenkung distortion of bear- 
ing on site (by re-radiation, 
etc., or by ship's field), air- 
craft error. -effekt board ef- 
fect, ship field error (in df 
work), quadrantal error (due to 
structural parts, metal, etc.). 

bördeln bead over, edge, flange 
(an edge). 

Bördelrand flanged or beaded edge. 

Bordsprechgerät, -telephon inter- 
communication telephone, inter- 

Bottich vat, vessel, tub, tun, tank. 

Bottich, Entwickler- developing 

Box, Abhör- monitoring box. 

Bramme, Roh- slab, ingot. 

Brand-messer pyrometer. 

Bratpfannengeräusch frying noise. 

Bratsche viola, tenor violin. 

brauchbar usable, useful, service- 
able, suitable. 

Brause rose, douche. 

brechbar frangible, fragile, break- 
able, brittle, refrangible, re- 

brechend, doppelt- birefringent, 
birefractive. einfach- unire- 

brechende Brennfläche diacaustic 


Brechkraft 49 

Brechkraft refractive power (opt.). 

Brechung, Strahl- refraction or 
splitting up of rays. 

Brechungs-brennfläche diacaustic. 
-einheit diopter, dioptry (unit 
of focal length). -exponent re- 
fractive index, refractivity. 
-gesetz, Snellius'sches Snell's 
law of refraction. -indexbestim- 
mung refractometry. -messer re- 
fractometer. -messer, Augen- 
diascope, rétinoscope. -vermdgen, 
Licht- optical refractive power, 
refrangibility (of light). -winkel 
angle of refraction, refracting a. 

Brech-wert, Hauptpunkt- principal 
point refraction. -winkel angle 
of refraction, refracting a. 

Breitbandempfanger broad-band re- 
ceiver, wide-band r. 

Breite width, breadth, latitude. 
-,nordliche northern latitude. 

Breite, Doppler- Doppler broaden- 
ing. 5 

Breiten-effekt latitude effect 
(cosmic rays). -höhe meridian 
altitude. -minute one minute of 
latitude. -wert azimuth value 
(of vision). 

breitwinkliger Stellung der Kohlen, 
Bogenlampe mit scissors-type arc- 

Bremsdynamometer Prony brake, brake 

Bremse, Freilauf- free-wheeling 
brake, coaster b. 

Bremselektrode reflecting electrode, 
retarding-field e. (in positive- 
grid tube). 

bremsen brake, retard, check (mo- 
tion), decelerate. 

Bremsfeld reflecting field, re- 
tarding f. (in electron-oscilla- 
tion tube). -audion positive- 
grid detector, electron-oscilla- 
tion detector or rectifier (nega- 
tive anode associated with leak 
resistance and condenser ). 
-elektrode mee electrode, 
retarding-field e. (in positive- 


grid tube). -generator negative 
transconductance generator or 
oscillator, positive-grid or re- 
tarding-field 0. -röhre revarda- 
tion valve, Barkhausen-Kurz re- 
tarding-field tube. -schaltung 
retarding-field or positive-grid 
circuit scheme (operating with 
grid maintained at a higher po- 
tential than plate), Barkhausen- 
Kurz circuit organization, oscil- 
lating-electron or electron- 
oscillation scheme with reflecting 

Brems-gitter suppressor or cathode 
grid (in a pentode). -kreis 
negative-anode or negative-plate 
circuit. -moment (Zahler) brake 
or retarding torque (of a meter, 
etc.). -spannung negative-anode 
potential (in electron-oscillation 
tube). -strahlen rays caused by 
particle retardation. 

Bremsung der Elektronen reflection 
(in Barkhausen-Kurz tube); de- 
flection (in magnetron); decelera- 
tion or retardation of electrons. 

Brems-vermögen stopping power (of 
photographic emulsion); braking 
or retarding power. -wirkung 
der negativen Raumladung repelling 
action of electron charge, nega- 
tive space charge. -zylinder, 
Relais mit dashpot relay. 

Brennebene, hintere back focal 
plane. -,vordere front focal 

brennen, dicht vitrify (cer.). 

Brenner, Fischschwanz- fishtail 
burner, batswing b. Schlitz- 
batswing burner, slit b. Schneid- 
cutting torch. Zirkon- zirconium 
burner, z. filament. 

Brennflache caustic surface (opt.). 
-,brechende diacaustic. -,reflek- 
tierende, -,ruckstrahlende cata- 

Brenn-fleck (focused) spot. 
burning glass, convex lens. 
-linie focal line, image 1. 


Brennpunkt 50 Brustmikrophon 

-punkt focus, focal point. -punkt, Bruch-dehnung total extension or 

vorderer first focal point. elongation (to fracture), break- — 
-schwindung shrinkage in firing ing tension, stretch (of paper). 
(cer.). -spannung constant glow -festigkeit ultimate strength. 
potential (is slightly lower than -flache surface of fracture. 
firing or striking p.); normal brüchig brittle, short, friable, 
running p. (of glow tube, etc.). fragile, cracky. 
-spiegel reflector sheet. -strahl- Brüchigkeit, Beiz- acid brittleness. 
hartung flame hardening. -weite Bruch-methode, Ketten- method of 
focal distance, f. length, con- infinite continued fractions 
vergence d. -weite, hintere back (math.). -platten bursting disks. 
focal length. -weite und Bild- -punkt brittle point (of glass). 
grösse, Linse für veränderliche -spannung ultimate stress, break- 
zooming lens for variable focus ing s. -stücke fission products, 
and variable magnification, fragments, fracture or rupture 
"vario-objective", zoom lens. pieces. -teil fraction, fraction- 
Brennweitenmesser focometer. al part, aliquot part. -versuch, 
brennweitige Linse, kurz- short- Rot- hot breaking test. 
focus lens. lang- long-focus lens. Brücke bridge, platform; rider 
Brett, Misch- mixing panel, moni- (piano). 
toring p. Objektiv- lens panel, Briicke, Beleuchtungs- traveling 
objective board. Schall- baffle light crane. Kapazitats- capaci- 
(board); sounding b. Verstärker- tance bridge, Wien b. Querleitungs- 
amplifier rack, a. panel. transconductance bridge. Ther- 
Brillanz (akustische Wiedergabe) mokreuz- thermo-couple or thermo- 
"bounce" (in sound reproduction). Junction, thermal cross. Ver- 
Brille, Zweistarken- bifocal spec- haltnisarme der ratio arms of 
tacles. bridge. Widerstands- resistance 
Brillengläser, durchbogene meniscus bridge, Wheatstone b. £ 
spectacle glasses. -,„punktuell Briicken-ausgleichstrom bridge 
abbildende point-focal glasses. balancing current. -gleichgewicht 
Brisanz shattering power. bridge balance. -H-Schaltung, 
Bristolkarton Bristol board. Entzerrungskette mit H-type at- 
bröckelig brittle, friable, crumbly, tenuator network (balanced). 
fragile. -Scheitel bridge apex. -T- 
brodeln boiling noise. Schaltung, Entzerrungskette mit 
Brom-öldruckpapier bromoil print- T-type attenuation network (un- 
ing paper. -silberpositiv posi- balanced). -übertrager dif- 
tive in silver bromide. -zahl ferential transformer. -verhalt- 
bromine number. nisarme ratio arms of bridge. 
Brown'sche Bewegung Brownian move- Brumm-kasten bass keys. -spannung 
ment. hum potential, ripple potential. 
Brown Zungentelephon Brown reed- -spur, -streifen buzz track; hum 
type telephone receiver. (broad bands on screen of c.-r. 
Bruch break, breakage, fracture, tube). -tastenfeder spring for 
rupture, failure, fraction, frag- bass keys (accordion). -ton, 
ment; scrap, waste. Netz- motor boating (of a.c.), 
Bruch, Längen- longitudinal frac- a.c. pickup. 
ture. Vertrauens- breach of Brust-fernsprecher head and chest 
confidence. set. -mikrophon breastplate 



Buch, Dreh- shooting script. 

Bücherei library. 

Buchgold leaf gold. 

Buchse sleeve, bush, socket. 

Buchse, Blind- dummy socket, dummy 

Büchse, Fernrohr- telescope tube, 
barrel. Kompass- compass bowl, 
c. kettle. Lager- bearing bush. 

Buchse, Rad- wheel bushing. Schalt- 

Büchse, Widerstands- resistance box. 
Bucht, Verstärker- amplifier rack, 
repeater rack or bay. Wahler- 
bay of selectors, selector rack, 

switch frame. 

BUffelleder buffalo skin. 

Bug bow. 

Bügel clamp, clip, strap, staple, 
bow; yoke (of a magnet); loop 
(of a magnetron); harness (of 
headphones); saddle bracket (mi- 
croscope); bout (string instru- 

Bügel, Aufhänge- loop hanger. 
Kopfhorer- harness, headband or 
strap (of headphone or headset). 
Stirn- head rest (of magnifier). 

Bügelhaken, Flaschenzug- block 

Bugwelle (eines Geschosses) nose 
wave (of a projectile). 

Bühne, Bild- apegture or film trap 

Bühnen-aufsteller set dresser. 
-einstellung, Bild- framing. 


B Verstärker 

Bund, Anschlag- stop collar. 

Bündel beam, pencil, bunch, cone 
(of rays); wave packets. 

Bündel, Achter- eight-wire core, 
quadruple twins. Strahlen- 
bundle, bunch, beam or pencil 
of rays or radiations. 

Bündelung bunching (of electrons 
in Klystron), focusing, beaming, 
concentration, insuring beam or 
directive antenna effect. 

biindig succinct, brief, concise, 
summarized, short, valid; flush, 

Bunker (für Verstärker) bay or 
rack (of amplifiers). 

Bunsenphotometer Bunsen photometer, 
grease-spot p. 

bunte Farben hue colors, chromatic 

Bürde burden, load. 

Bürste, Blatter- laminated brush. 
Kontakt- contact-brush, wiper. 

Bürsten-entladung brush discharge 
(between glow discharge and 
sparking). -maschine, Zwischen- 
metadyne, metadynamo. 

Büschel tuft, bunch, cluster, brush 

Bussole, Sinus- sine galvanometer. 

Bütte tub, vat, tank, chest. 

Büttenrandpapier deckle edged paper. 

Butzenscheibenlinse bull's eye lens. 

B Verstärker class B amplifier. 

C Verstärker class C amplifier. 

CW Schaltung capacity-resistance 
circuit scheme. 

Callierfaktor (cf Kontraststeiger- 
ung) Callier factor (of print con- 

cartesische Flache Cartesian surface. 

caesiumbedeckt caesiated. 

Centradian centraradian (one- 
hundredth radian). 

Charakter, Bild- key of a picture. 

Charakteristik s.a. Diagramm & 

Charakteristik, fallende drooping 
characteristic, falling c. 

-, quadratische square-law charac- 
teristic. Anlauf- transfer 
characteristic. Herz- cardioid 
characteristic or space pattern. 
Maschinen- speed-load characteris- 
tic. Nachglüh- persistence char- 
acteristic. Richtungs- directive 
or directional characteristic or 

diagram, space pattern. 

Chargengang heat run. 

chargieren charge, feed, load. 

Chiffrierung encipherment, coding. 

Chor assembly of strings (mus.). 

chorig, drei- trichord. 

chromatischer Fehler chromatic 
aberration. -Schaum chromatic 
soft focus or bleeding. d 

Chromatisierung, Ortho- orthochro- 
matic processing. 

conphas in-phase (condition), in 
phase coincidence. 

cotg a cot a, cotangent a. 

Coulombabstossung Coulombian re- 

C Verstarker class C amplifier. 

Cycloidhdhe (Magnetron) cycloidal 

Cyclotron (cf Resonanzbeschleuniger) 
cyclotron, magnetic resonance ac- ~ 
celerator using two dees and a 
spiral bean. 

D Wert quadrantal error due to air- 
plane fuselage, etc. 

Dach-kapazitat top (loading) capaci- 
ty. -kohle upper coal. 

d'Alembert'sche Wellengleichung 
d'Alembertian wave equation. 

Damm margin or narrow strip of mat- 
erial between adjacent tracks 
or grooves of phonograph disks, 
barrier, land. : 

Dammarharz Dammar resin or gun. 

dammen stop up, dam.up, curb. 

Dammerungs-effekt night effect. 
-schalter twilight switch. 

Dämmung, Schall- sound reduction 
or attenuation, s. deadening or 
absorption, silencing (of noise). 

Dämmzahl, Schall- sound transmission 

Dampf, direkter live steam. 

-,indirekter latent steam. 

Damp f-auflosung volatilization. 
-blase bubble of vapor or steam; 
steam-heated still. 

dampfdicht steam tight, vapor tight. 

Dampf-dichtemesser dasymeter. 
-dichtung steam packing. -druck- 
messer manometer, steam gage, 
tensimeter. -druckzünder vapor- 
pressure igniter. 

dampfecht fast to steam. 

dampfen attenuate, damp (out), dis- 
sipate, absorb (sound in air, 
etc.); muffle, deaden, silence, 

uench, die away, decay, mute 
er. instnument). 

dämpfend, schall- sound absorbing, 
s. attenuating, s. damping or 

Dämpfer mute (in string instrument), 
damper (of piano). -,rotierender 
rotary stabilizer (film feed). 
Licht- silk, light softener (m.p. ). 

Schall- silencer, muffler, sound 
absorber, gobo (sound absorbing 
sheet) (m.p.). 

Damp ferwicklung amortisseur winding, 
damping w. 

Dampf-hülle steam jacket; vaporous 
envelope or sheath, vapor shroud. 
-hunger steam avidity. -kolben 
steam piston. 

Dampflampe, Quecksilber-,mit Heiz- 
kathode phanotron, tungar tube 
(with argon filling). -,Queck- 
silber, mit Steuerelektrode 
mercury-vapor tube with control 
grid (of thyratron, ignitron, 
etc., type). 

Dampf-messer manometer, steam sage, 
tensimeter. -schale evaporating 
dish or basin. 

Dampfung attenuation, damping, loss 
(of energy), dissipation, drop; 
impedance. -,kilometrische at- 
tenuation per kilometer of line. 
-,mechanische mechanical resist- 
ance, m. impedance. 

Dampfung, Ableitungs- leakance loss. 
Bezugs- volume loss, v. equivalent. 
Fehler- balance attenuation, re- 
turn loss. Flüssigkeits- liquid 
or fluid damping or cushioning, 
dashpot action. Kenn- iterative 
attenuation constant. Klirr- 
correction of non-linear harmonic 
distortion. Leitungs- line loss, 
l. dissipation, 1. attenuation. 
Nebensprech- crosstalk transmis- 
sion equivalent, c. attenuation. 
Nutz- damping resulting in use- 
ful radiation or signal power, 
effective transmission equivalent. 
Öül- oil damping means (re:sound 
recording vibrators); oil dashpot. 
Pseudo- loss of selectivity by 

Dämpfung, Rückfluss- 

parallel internal resistance. 
Rückfluss- structural return loss. 
Rückhörbezugs- side-tone reference 
equivalent. Schall- sound ab- 
sorption, s. attenuation, s. 
deadening. Schwingungs- damp- 
ing of oscillations or vibrations; 
shock absorption. Sperr- stop 
band attenuation. Strahlungs- 
radiation damping, r. resistance. 
Ubersprech- crosstalk transmis- 
sion equivalent. Verlust- damp- 
ing resulting in outright loss or 
dissipation of energy (by ohmie 
resistance). Vierpol- image at- 
tenuation constant. Wirk- (cf 
Wirkwiderstand) transducer loss. 
Damp fungs-ausgleicher equalizing 
network, compensating network. 
-dekrement, scheinbares logarith- 
misches equivalent logarithmic 
decrement. -entzerrer equalizing 
network, compensating n. =-Fre- 
quenzkurve attenuation-frequency 
curve. -gang frequency response 
of attenuation, attenuation- 
frequepcy characteristic. -glied 
attenuation network or mesh. 
-klotz damping plate. -konstante, 
Wellen- wave attenuation constant 
(real part of transfer c). -mass 
unit of attenuation (in decibels 
or in nepers); attenuation stand- 
ard (denotes also real component 
of image transfer constant). 
-messer transmission (efficiency) 
measuring device, decremeter. 
-mittel, Schall- sound absorbing, 
attenuating, insulating, damping 
or deadening means or material. 
-periode quench period. -pol 
damping pole (point of infinite 
attenuation or suppression); 
point of attenuation. -reduktion 
regeneration, gain, de-attenuation. 
-spule damping coil, amortisseur 
C. -verminderung regeneration, 
gain, de-attenuation. -verzerrung 
frequency distortion; tone d. 
-vorrichtung damper, dashpot. 


-wert decrement, value of damp- 
ing or of attenuation. -wicklung 
damping or amortisseur winding. 
-widerstand non-reactive, effec- 
tive, dissipative or ohmic re- 
Sistance; attenuator. -widerstand, 
Kenn- iterative impedance, charac- 
teristic i. (for uniform line). 
-winkel phase angle difference, 
loss a. -wirkung quench action. 

Dampfwassertopf steam trap. 

Darbietung entertainment (radio, 
acoustic or visual), program 
(material), offering. 

Darmsaite Sut string. 

darren kiln, dry, kiln-dry; liquate 
(copper ). 

darstellen represent, prepare, pro- 
duce, make, manufacture, exhibit, 
display, describe. 

Darsteller actor, character player. 
Darstellung, vektorielle vectorial 
representation. Spektral- rep- 

resentation by spectra. 

Darstellungswetse method of prepara- 
tion; manner of representation, 

darunterliegend subjacent, under- 

Dauer, Leucht- illuminated period, 
light p., time of luminescence 
or fluorescence. 

Dauer-biegeversuch bending fatigue 
test. -bruch fatigue fracture. 

Dauerfestigkeit fatigue strength. 
Kerb- notch fatigue strength. 
Korrosions- corrosion fatigue 

dauerhaft durable, lasting, perma- 
nent, stable, fast. 

Dauer-haftigkeit durability, keep- 
ing quality, stability, perman- 
ence, endurance. -haltbarkeit 
fatigue endurance. -haltbarkeit, 
Verdrehungs- endurance under tor- 
sion stress. -prozess d-process 
(in phosphorescence decay). 
-registrierung long-period re- 
cording. -riss fatigue crack. 
-schl agprobe continuous or fatigue 

Dauerschlagwerk 55 

shock or impact test (specimen). 
-schlagwerk continuous or fatigue 
impact test machine. -stand- 
festigkeit (long-time) creep 
strength, creep resistance, sta- 
tic fatigue stress, creep limit. 

-standfestigkeitspriffung (long- 
time) creep test. -standversuch 
creep test, fatigue test. -strich 

long dash, permanent note (N and 
A interlocking, in df). -strom 
persistent current. -ton per- 
manent note, tone, sound or 
signal. -zustand steady state. 

Daumen mechanical operating part 
resemblung a thumb, as a can. 

Daumen, Hebe- cam, tappet, finger, 
disk with lobe. Steuer- se- 
quence switch can. 

Daumen-mutter thumb nut. -rad 
sprocket (wheel). -scheibe can 
(wheel), disk with lobes. 

Däumling cam knob. 

dazwischentreten intervene. 

Debye-Scherrer-Ring D.-S. ring or 
circle, powder pattern, Hull r. 

Decke belly (of string instrument). 

deckeln provide with lid or cover. 

Deckenpro jektor ceiling projector 
(to determine cloud height). 

Deck-fähigkeitsmesser (Farbe) 
cryptometer (measures concealing 
power of paint). -glas einer 
Linse anterior surface of a lens. 
-glaschen cover glass (of micro- 
scope). -kraft density (phot.), 
opacity, hiding, concealing or 
covering power (of paints). 
-kraftmesser cryptometer. -mittel 
covering material, resist, pro- 
tective coat (in etching work), 
"Sround". -peilung alignment 
bearing. -plättchen cover slides. 

Deckung registry, cover, covering, 
coincidence, congruence (geon. ); 
intensity or coverage (of a nega- 
tive, opt.), stereoscopic con- 
tact (in range finder). 

deformierte Flache deformed surface, 
figured s. 


dehnbar machen ductilize (wire). 

Dehnbarkeitsmesser ductilimeter, 
dilatometer, extensometer. 

Dehner expander (in volume-range 

Dehnung, Bruch- total extension or 
elongation, breaking tension, 
stretch (paper). Rück-damping 
capacity (re:metals). Zeit- 
hish-speed camera shooting; time 
scale increase. 

Dehnungs-diagramm, Spannungs- 
stress-strain diagram, stress- 
deformation d. -fuge expansion 
joint. -grenze yield point. 
-messer dilatometer, extensometer, 
ductilimeter. -modulus modulus 
of extension, (often) Young's 
modulus of elasticity. -schlitz 
slip joint (Martin furnace). 
-welle dilational wave. -zahl 
coefficient of expansion or ex- 

dekadische Logarithmen common 

dekonzentriert de-focused, de- 
bunched, dispersed, out of focus. 

Dekoration set (m.p.). 

Dekrement, Dämpfungs-, scheinbares 
logarithmisches equivalent 
logarithmic decrement, 

Dekrementmesser decremeter. 

Delta-Verfahren "toe" negative 
method (phot.). 

Demodul ation demodulation, detec- 
tion, rectification. 

demontieren demount, disassemble, 
dismantle, take apart, knock down. 

Densitometer, Kugel-, integrie- 
rendes integrating spherical 

Densogramm, Mikro- microdensitometer 

derb solid, compact, dense, firm, 
rough, strong. 

Derbheit ruggedness, robustness, 
solidity, strength. 

Desakkomodation, zeitliche magnetic 
ageing (irreversible decrease of 
permeability with time). 

detailreiches 56 

detailreiches Bild picture rich in 
detail and contrasts, contrasty p. 

Detektor, linearer linear detector 
or rectifier. quadratischer 
square-law detector or rectifier. 
quantitativ arbeitender integrat- 
ing detector. Fest- contact de- 
tector, fixed crystal d. (with 
non-adjustable cat whisker). 
hebel- contact detector or crystal 
d. with cat whisker adjustable by 
lever action. Pinsel- contact or 
crystal detector with cat whisker. 
Wellen- cymoscope, wave or oscil- 
lation detector, coherer. 

Determinante, Gleichungs-, fir 
Leitungen determinant for line 

detonierender Verstarker heterodyne 

Deutlichkeit, Konsonanten- conson- 
ant articulation. Sprach- arti- 
culation, intelligibility of 
voice, clarity of speech audition. 
Vokal- vowel articulation. 

Deuton deuteron. 

Deutsche Industrie-hormen (DIN) 
German industrial standards. 

Deutung explanation, interpretation, 

Dewargefass Dewar vessel. 

Dexel adze (cutting tool). 

Dezentrierung decentration, 
centering, eccentricity. 

Dezimalstelle decimal place. 

Dezimeterwelle micro wave (for w. 
below 20 cm), decimeter wave. 

Diagonalbeziehungen diagonal re- 
lationships (in periodic systen). 

Diagramm see also Charakteristik, 

Diagramm, Doppelkreis- figure "8" 
diagram or space pattern. Kreis- 
circle diagram, circular loci. 
Orts- locus or circle diagran. 
Pulver- powder pattern. Rück- 
strahl- back reflection photogran. 
Strahlungs- radiation diagram or 
characteristic, space or r. pat- 
tern. Zeiger- vector diagran. 
Zustands- phase diagran. 



Dialogpegel dialog level. 

Diaphonie (cf Übersprechen) cross- 
talk; babble (when from a great 
number of disturbing channels). 

Diaphragma diaphragm, stop, baffle, 
mask, membrane, shutter. -anode 
apertured anode, a. stop. 

Diapositiv, Strich- line diapositive, 
line transparency. 

Diapositiv-projektion lantern slide 

projection. -sender film trans- 

Diaprojektion lantern slide pro- 

dichroitischer Schleier dichroic or 
dichromatic fog, silver or red 

dicht dense, close, tight, firm, | 
compact, thick, impervious, sealed, 

dicht, zu overdense. 

dicht brennen vitrify (ceramics). 

dicht, dampf- steam or vapor tight. 
licht- opaque, (sealed) light- 
tight or light-proof, not trans- 
mitting 1. luft- hermetic (ally 
sealed),airtight, excluding air. 
vakuum- vacuum-tight, sealed to 
insure vacuum. 

Dichte, Einsatz- number of stations 
(satisfactorily operable) in a 
given band and their closeness. 
Leucht- luminous brightness, in- 
trinsic brilliance, intensity or 
brightness of illumination or 
light in terms of stilb (sb) or 
apostilb (asb) units. Lichtstrom- 
luminous flux density (in lumens). 
Massen- mass density. 

Dichte-gitter density grid, (charge) 
d. control or regulating $. 
-messer, Flüssigkeits- liquid 
density meter, densimeter, hydro- 
meter, areometer. -messer, Gas- 
dasymeter. -messung, photogr. 
densitometry, photodensitometry, 
photographic density measurement. 
-modul ation density modulation, 
charge-density m. 

dichten make tight, lute, pack, 
caulk; condense, compact, densify. 

dichtend 57 

dichtend, selbst- self-sealing, 
tightening or packing. 

Dichte-reguliergitter density grid, 
(charge) density regulator or 
control §. -schrift variable- 
density sound track. -skala 
density scale. -steuerung, 
Ladungs- charge-density modula- 

dichtgepackt close-packed (cryst.). 

Dichtung, Labyrinth-, Turbinen- 
turbine labyrinth seal, t. sland. 
Vakuum- vacuum plumbing, sealing 
or packing. 

Dichtungs-ring gasket ring. -stoff 
luting, calking, packing, plumb- 
ing material (vacuum work). 

Dicken-messer thickness gage, cali- 
pers, gage c. -schwingungen 
thickness vibrations (cryst.). 
-taster, Faden- calipers with 
jaws to measure thread diameter 

Dickte thickness. 

dielektrische Verschiebung dielec- 
tric displacement. 

Dielektrizitatskonstante specific 
inductive capacity, dieletric 
constant, permittivity. 

Dienstvorschriften service or work- 
ing rules or regulations. 

Dietrich skeleton key, picklock. 

Differenzfrequenz difference fre- 
quency (re:beat, heterodyning). 

Différenzialrelais differential or 
discriminating relay. 

differenzierbar differentiable. 

Differenzton difference tone, dif- 
‘ferential t. 

diffundieren diffuse. 

Diffusionswarme diffusion heat 

Diktiermaschine dictograph. 

D I N (Deutsche Industrie Normal ien) 
German industrial standards. 

Dinaston Dinas clay. 

Ding object. -punkt object point. 

dingseitig on the object side. 

Diodengleichrichter, Zweifach- 
duodiode rectifier. 


Diopter alidade, diopter. 

Dioptrik dioptrics (now covering 
refraction branch of optics). 

Dipole dipoles, doublets. 

Dipolzeile dipole array. 

direktanzeigender Peiler direct- 
reading direction-finder. 

direkt(es) Abspielen direct play- 
back. -(er) Dampf live stean. 
-(er) Gegenbeweis rébutting testi- 
mony or evidence. -(e) Kopplung 
direct coupling (by resistance, 
inductance or capacity). 

Direktionskraft directing force, 
directive f., versorial f. 

Direktor, Atelier- studio manager. 

Direktverstärker straight-ahead 

Diskant treble. 

Diskontinuität, Elektronenfluss- 
shot effect. 

Dispersion, Drehungs- rotatory dis- 

dissoziierbar dissociable. 

Distanz, Kern- inter-nuclear dis- 

Distanz-halter spacer, separator, 
spacing means. -isolator spac- 
ing insulator, stand-off i. 
-relais distance relay. -stück 
spacer, separator piece. 

DK (dielektrische Konstante) dielec- 
tric constant. 

Dochtkohle cored carbon. 

Döckchen stud. 

docken wind (yarn, etc.). 

Dockenfeder poppet spring. 

Dolle nick. 

Dompfaffenorgel bird organ. 

Donnereffekt peculiar effect in 
sound recording when white and 
ultra-violet light is used; (non- 
linear) photographic distortion 
in variable-area recording known 
as "donner" or thunder effect. 

Doppelaufnahme duplex shot. 

doppelbeschichteter Film double- 
coated film stock, sandwich f. 

Doppel-blickzielfernrohr double 

-posaune soprano 

Doppelbrechung 58 

direct sighting telescope. 
-brechung double refraction, bire- 
fringence. -diode duodiode, 
double diode. 

doppeleindeutig one to one. 

Doppel-fernglas field glass, bino- 
culars. -fernroir binocular 
telescope. -gängeraufnahme dual- 
role work. -gestaltung dimorphism. 
-gitterröhre bigrid valve, twin- 
oe tube, four-electrode tube 

tetrode, pliodynatron, etc.). 

-gleichrichter full-wave recti- 

doppelhörig binaural. 

Doppel-impulsverfahren double- 
impulse method. -kegelantenne 
cage antenna, double-cone antenna. 
-klang echoed sound, hearing 
sound twice (by electric and by 
air transmission). -knoten 
binode. -konusantenne cage 
antenna, double-cone atenna. 
-kreisdiagram figure-& diagran, 
tangent circle pattern. -linse 
double lens, doublet. -lötungen 
(Dewar-Gefäss) double seals 
(Dewar vessel). 

doppeln duplicate, copy. 

Doppeln, Filme film duplication. 

Doppel-pedalharfe double-action 
harp. -platten twin plates or 
crystals, composite crystal, 
biquartz. -plattenkristall 
bimorph crystal, divided-plate 
crystal, biquartz. -quarzkeil 
double quartz wedge. -ring- 
Oberflächenspannungsmesser twin- 
ring type surface tensiometer. 
-röhre twin-tube, two-system t., 
dual amplification t., reflex 
tube. -röhrenschaltung tandem 
tube (push-pull) circuit organi- 

doppelsägeförmige Spannung double 
sawtooth potential. 

Doppel-schichtfilm sandwich film, 
double-coated f. -schichtlinse 
double-layer lens. -schnürspur, 
Gleichtaktsprossen- variable- 


density double-squeeze sound 

doppelseitige Bildabtaströhre two- 
sided mosaic pickup tube (with 
separate image anode). -Mosaik- 
röhre image multiplier iconoscope. 

doppelsinnig ambiguous, equivocal, 
uncertain, double meaning, "double 

Doppelsperrklinke (cf Klinke) double 
dog, d. pawls, d. detent. 

doppelspuriger Tonstreifen double- 
edged variable-width sound track 
or record. 

Doppelsteuerröhre power pentode in 
which cathode grid is connected 
with control $. rather than with 

Doppel-T-Anker shuttle armature, 
H-type a. 

doppelt-berührend bitangent. 
-brechend birefringent, bire- 
fractive. -hochrund convexo- 
convex. -hohl concavo-concave. 

Doppel-umkehrprisma inversion 
prism (reverses or éxchanges in 
both axes of image). -V-Antenne 
double-V-antenna, doublet. 
-weggleichrichter full-wave rec- 
tifier. -wegschaltung double 
or full-wave rectifier circuit 
organization. -wendelsystem 
biplane filament system. -zacken- 
schrift mit Abdeckung bilateral 
track recording with double-vane 
shutter; double-edged variable- 
width track, duplex v.-area t. 
-zackenschrift, Viel- multiple 
double-edged variable-width track. 
-zackenspur, Abdeck- duplex vari- 
able-arca track. -zünder time 
and percussion fuse, combination 
f. -zungenpfeife double-tongued 
flute. -zweipolröhre duodiode. 
-zweipol-Dreipolröhre duodiode- 
triode tube. -zweipol-Vierpol- 
röhre duodiode-tetrode tube. 

Dopplerbreite Doppler broadening 
(causing D. width). 

Dorn mandrel, spine, pin, tongue. 

Dorn, Lehr- 

Dorn, Lehr- inner cylinder or plug 

Dose, Abspiel- electric phonograph 
soundbox. Abtast- electric pick- 
up or soundbox. Wiedergabe- 
sound pickup head. 

Dosen-barometer aneroid baroneter. 
-fernhörer watchcase telephone 

dosiert in measured quantities, 

uantitatively regulated, dosed 
pharmacology, etc.). 

Dosierung, Dosis dosage (re:rays, 
etc. ) 

Dosismeter, Roentgen- X-ray dosi- 

Doubeln duplicating. 

Dptr. diopter, dioptry. 

Drachen, Karton- box kite. 

Draht, durchgehender through-wire. 
-,schwingender filament swing 
(magnetron, etc.). -,spannungs- 
führender live wire, charged w., 
"hot" w. 
carrying wire, live w. 

Draht-,Durchgangs- through-wire. 
Fasson- profile wire, shaped or 
fashioned w. Gitterwickel- grid 
coil wire. Haar- Wollaston wire, 
capillary w. Klingel- bell wire, 
annunciator w. Litzen- stranded 
wire, Litz wire. 

Draht-gaze wire gauze, w. mesh, w. 
cloth. -gebilde, Luft- aerial 
or radiating array. -gewebe 
wire gauze, w. mesh, w. cloth. 
-kreuzung wire crossing, trans- 
position of (line) wires, cross- 
over. -netz, Erd- ground mat. 
-schirm wire screen. -schleife, 
Funkbeschickungs- QE (quadrantal 
error) correcting, clearing or 
compensating loop. -walzwerk 
wire rod mill. 
wired radio, w. wave telegraphy. 

Drall twist, spiral thread, tor- 
sional force, moment of momentum 
(phys. ), spin (of electrons), 
rifling (gu). 

drallfrei non-kinking, non-twisting; 

-,stromfiihrender current- 




Drallwinkel angle of twist 

Dreh-achse axis of rotation, center 
of r., pivot, fulcrum, hinge. 
-anker pivoted armature (re:loud- 
speaker, etc.). -ausgleich tor- 
que compensation. 

drehbar gelagerter Hebel pivoted 
lever; fulerumed 1. (when with 
two arms). 

Dreh-buch shooting script, screen 
play. -dose crank box. 

drehen, plan- face planing. über- 
super-speed operation (m.p.). 
unter- low-speed operation. 

Dreh-federwage torsion balance. 
-fehler, Nord- northerly turning 
error. -feld rotating field, 
rotary f. -feldschwingungen 
rotating field oscillations. 
-funkfeuer rotating radio beacon 
or radio range, omnidirectional 
b. -impuls, Spin- spin angular 
momentum, spin moment, moment of 
momentum of electron. -knopf 
rotary (tuning) knob. -licht- 
signal revolving beacon. -ling 

Drehmoment torque, moment of rota- 
tion, twisting or torsional 
moment, angular momentum (re: 
atomics). Anzugs- starting tor- 
que. -ausgleich torque compen- 
sation. é 

Dreh-platte turntable (re:phono- 
graph). -polarisation rotatory 
polarization, optical rotation. 
-punkt fulcrum, pivot, center of 
rotation, c. of motion. =-resonanz 
torsional oscillation resonance. 
-scharnier swivel hinge. -scheibe 
dial (re:automatic tuning, etc.); 
turntable (part of m.p. studio 
equipment). -schwingversuch os- 
cillation or alternating torsion 
test. -späne turnings, borings, 
drillings. -spiegelung rotatory 
reflection, combined rotation and 
reflection (cryst.). -spule, mit 
einemLager versehene unipivotal 


Drehstabfeder 60 

moving coil. -stabfeder torsion 
bar spring. -tisch rotating 
stage, rotator (opt. ). 

Drehung rotation, revolution, turn, 
angular motion, gyration, twist, 
torsion. -,magneto-optische 
magneto-optical rotation, mag- 
netic r., Faraday effect. 
-,optische optical rotation, 
rotatory polarization. -,optischen, 
Umkehrung oder Wechsel der muta- 

Drehung, Eild- image rotation. 
Links- levogyration, left-handed 
polarization, counter-clockwise 
rotation. Phasen- phase rota- 
tion, p. shift. Rechts- dextro- 
rotation, right-handed polariza- 
tion, clockwise rotation. 

Drehungsdispersion rotatory dis- 

drehungsfrei irrotational, rotation- 

Drehungs-kristali "twister" crystal. 
-schwihgung torsional vibration. 
-vermogen rotatory power. 
-vermögens, Umkehrung oder Wech- 
sel des mutarotation. -winkel 
angle of rotation; a. of deflec- 

Dreh-wage torsion balance. -wähler, 
Heb- vertical and rotary selector. 
-zapfen pivot, trunnion, journal -. 
(of an axle). 

Dreibein tripod. 

dreichöriges Piano trichord piano, 
three-stringed p. 

Dreidimensionalität tridimensional- 
ity, three-dimensionality; stereo- 
scopic property (opt.). 

dreieckig triangular, three- 

Dreieckrechner triangulator (for 
trigonometric calculations). 

Dreiecks-keil triangular wedge. 
-lehre trigonometry. -rechnung, 
Wind- air-drift triangulation. 

Dreiecksternschalter delta-star 

Dreier-alphabet three-unit code. 


-stösse triple collisons, three- 
fold c. N 

Dreifachbindung triple bond(ing). 

dreifach(e) Oberharmonische triple 
harmonic. -(er) Streifenfilter 
tricolor banded filter. 

dreifachrechtwinklig trirectangular. 

Dreifach-röhre three-unit or three- 
purpose tube (three independent 
valves in one bulb). -stecker 
three-pin plug, triplug. 

Dreifarben-leuchtdichten tricolor 
RD (reflection density) values. 
-trennung three-color separation. 
-verfahren tricolor method. 

dreifarbig trichromatic, three- 

Dreifingerregel right-hand rule, 
thumb rule, Fleming's r. 

dreiflächig three-faced, trihedral. 

Dreifussring tripod ring. 

dreigliedrig trinomial (math.). 
-(e) Farbgleichung three-color 
equation, three-stimulus e. 

Drei-xreisempf anger three-circuit : 
receiver. -punktschaltung 
Hartley circuit scheme (terminals 
including center tap of coil con- 
nected with three electrodes of 
tube), potentiometer circuit 
scheme. -schenkeldrossel three- 
legged reactor or choke coil. 

drei-schenkelig three-legged, three- 
limbed. -seitig three-sided, tri- 
lateral, triangular. -stellig 

Dreistoffsystem ternary system. 

dreiteilig three-part, tripartite. 
-(er) Stecker three-point plug, 
three-way p. 

Drei-teilung trisection, tri- 
equipartition. -wegehahn three- 
way tap or cock. -wegeschalter 
three-way switch. -wegverbindung 
three-way connection. -wicklungs- 
transformator hybrid transformer. 

dreizählig trigonal (cryst.); three- 
fold, triple, ternary. 

Drillachse rotator (quantum theory). 

drillen drill, turn, twist. 

Drillung öl 

Drillung torsion couple, twisting 

Drillungs-kristall "twister" crys- 
tal. -modulus torsion modulus, 
shear m., rigidity m. -schwin- 
gungen torsional vibrations. 

dritter Ordnung, Kurve cubic curve. 

Drittwicklung tertiary winding (of 
a transformer). 

Drossel choke coil, choke, inductor, 
reactance coil, impedance c. 
kicking c., tickler c. (regenera- 

Drossel, eisenfreie air-core coil, 
air-c. choke. Abflachungs- 
smoothing coil, s. choke. Drei- 
schenkel- three-legged reactor 
coil or choke coil. Eisen- iron- 
cored choke coil. Entzerrungs- 
anti-resonant coil. Kipp- cut- 
off choke (regulating battery 
charging). Klang- tone-control 
choke. Netz- hum-bucking coil, 
hum eliminator c. Steuer- ma$- 
netic modulator, modulator choke, 
Heising modulator. Tast-, Tele- 
phonie- magnetic modulator coil. 
Tonbeseitigungs- hum eliminator 
choke, h. bucking coil. 

Drossel-absperrklappe throttle 
clack valve. -kette low-pass 
filter. -satz, Miederfrequenz- 
low-pass filter. -spule, Funk- 
air-Sap reactor. -wirkung at- 
tenuation (filter, etc.), damp- 
ing, choking or throttling ac- 

Druck pressure, head; compression; 
impression, print(ing). 

Druck, Gegen- counter-pressure, 
back-pressure, reaction. Hoch- 
high pressure; relief print. 
Licht- photo-mechanical printing, 
photographic p.; radiometer vane 
effect. Lichtfarben- photo- 
chemical color printing. Rück- 
reaction pressure. Schall- 
sound or acoustic pressure. 
Schweiss- welding upset. Strah- 
lungs- radiation pressure. Tief- 


low pressure; intaglio printing 
process. Um- reprint. Vor- 
first impression, proof. 

druckabhängig pressure-responsive, 
pressure dependent, being a func- 
tion of p. 

Druck-amplitude pressure amplitude. 
-eigenspannung residual compres- 
sive stress. . -empfang typescript 
reception, printing r. -empfänger 
(cf Bewegungsempfänger) pressure 
(-responsive) microphone. -ent- 
lastung pressure relief. 

Drucker, Fern- teleprinter, teletype, 
stock ticker. 

Druck-erhöher intensifier, pressure 
step-up means. -feder compression 

spring. -fenster pressure plate 
or gate (m.p.). -filter pressure 
filter. -gasschalter gas blast 

switch, (cross) airblast s., auto- ' 
pneumatic circuit breaker. 
-gebiet compressed or pressure re- 
gion or area. -und Gefrierpunkts- 
messer manocryometer. -gleichge- 
wicht, osmotisches isosmotic 
equilibrium. -kammerlautsprecher 
pressure-chamber loudspeaker, 
pneumatic 1. (without diaphragm). 
-knopfempfanger push-button or 
press-button receiver set, re- 
ceiver with automatic tuning 
means. -kolben pressure flask, 
p. piston, piston ram plunger; 
digestion flask. -körper in- 
dentor (rubber). -kufe pressure 
pad {m.p.). -lack, Gummi- gum 
printing varnish. -luftantrieb 
pneumatic drive. -luftschalter 
(cross) airblast switch, auto- 
pneumatic circuit breaker. 
Druckmesser pressure $gage, piezo- 
meter, liquid manometer, fluid m. 
-,osmotischer osmometer. Dampf- 
steam gage, manometer, tensimeter. 
-& Gefrierounktsmesser manocryo- 

Druck-minderer pressure reducing or 

relief valve. -platte platen (of 
a printing press). -probe, Kugel- 

Druckrahmen 62 

ball pressure test, Brinell ball 
impression or indentation t. 
-rahmen film trap (projection 
work). -raster printer's screen. 
-regler pressure regulator, baro- 
stat, piezostat. -rolle presser 
or pad roll (film feed). -schiene 
pressure shoes (film proj.). 
-steg pressure or harmonic bar 
(piano). -verbreiterung pres- 
sure broadening (re:gas spectrum). 
-verschiebung pressure shift (re: 
spectral lines). -wage piston 
manometer. -windkessel com- 
pressed airtank, blast pressure 

tank. -Zug-Verstärker push-pull 
amplifier. -ziinder pressure 

D-Spannung Dee voltage (cyclotron). 

Duanten duants (cyclotron), dees. 

dubbeln, dubben duplicate. 

Dublette doublet. 

Dubletten-Aufspaltung doublet 
separation (spectrum). 

duff dead, dull. 

Dulling dulling (suppression of AF 
by dubbing or scoring, mp.). 

dumpf all bottom, tubby, boomy; dull 

dunkel, Modulierung auf modulation 
to dark condition. 

Dunkel=adaptation, -anpassung dark 
adaptation, scotopia. -entladung 
dark discharge, dark current. 
-feldbeleuchtung dark ground il- 
lumination. -kammer dark room, 
camera obscura. -methode ob- 
servation in darkness. -pause 
dark period, cut-off or obscur- 
ing period (m.p.). -raum, 
Aston'scher Aston dark space, 
primary d.s. -raum, Faraday'scher 
Faraday dark space. -,Kathoden- 
Crookes dark space, cathode d.s. 
-stösse background counts (in 
Geiger-Müller tube). -strahlung 
obscure radiation, heat r. (from 
a lisht source), invisible (ac- 
tinic)r. beyond the violet. 
-strom dark current (of photo- 
electric cell flowing in absence 


of illumination). -wertsteuerung 
adjustment to value of darkness. 
-widerstand dark resistance. 
-zeit dark interval or period. 

dunkles Stimmungsbild low-key pic- 
ture. , 

diinn thin, tenuous, slender, dilute, 
feeble, rare, weak. 

diinnwandig thin-walled, 

Dunst, Fernen- distant fog. 

Dunst-abzug hood (for fumes). 
-abzugsrohr vent pipe. -kreis 
atmosphere. -messer atmometer. 
-rohr ventilating pipe. 

Dup-emulsion dupe emulsion. 
-negativ duplicating negative, 
-positivfilm duplicating positive 
stock, master p. - 

Dur (Tonart) major (musical pitch 
or mode). 

durchbelichten fully expose or ir- 

Durchbiegung deflection, flexure, 
bending, coflexure, sag, dip (of 
line wire). 

Durchblickvorrichtung dioptric de- 

durchbohren perforate, bore, drill, 
punch, pierce, penetrate. 

durchbohrt perforated, punctured, 
punched, bored, apertured. 

durchbrochen apertured, perforated. 

Durchbruch burst (discharge); frac- 
ture, break. -stoss burst pulse. 

durchdringen pervade, permeate, 

. ‘durchdringend (inter) penetrating 

(e.g., two crystal lattices), 

Durchdringungs-frequenz penetration 
frequency, critical f. -vermögen 
penetrating power, penetrativeness, 

Durcheinander confusion, mixup, bed- 

durchfallen fall or drop through (a 

durchfallendes Licht transmitted 
light, transcident l. 

Durch-flussmesser flow meter, 
-flutung circulation (magnetic 


potential); flow (of RF, etc.). 

Durchführung wall entrance, bushing, 
duct, lead-in. Innenraum- in- 
door bushing. 

Durchführungs-isolator, Wand- wall 
lead-in or bushing insulator. 
-stromwandler bushing-type cur- 
rent transforner. 

Durchgangs-draht throush-wire. 
-frequenz penetration frequency. 
-richtung forward or low-resist- 
ance direction (rectifier). 
-widerstand volume resistance (ex- 
clusive of surface r.), insulation 

durchgeben filter, strain. 

durchgehend(er) Draht through-wire. 
-es) Licht transmitted light, 
transcident 1. 

Durchgriff grid controllance, §. 
penetration factor, grid trans- 
parency, transgrid action, gain 
reciprocal l:u 

Durchgrifflinse ve Lochbl enden inse) 
aperture lens (through which field 
or anode may act or draw elec- 

Durchhang sag, slack. -verfahren 
"toe" method of recording (under- 
exposure of film, Tobis method 
using toe region of Hurter & 
Driffield curve). 

durchkopieren print through. 

Durchlass clearance, lumen. 

-breite band-width, pass band. 
durchlassen filter, strain, trans- 
mit (light, etc.), let through 

or pass. 

Durchlass-frequenz pass wave. 

-grad (von Wasser) transmission 
factor (of water), radiation 
through water. 

durchlässig, halb- semi-permeable, 

Durchlässigkeit transmittancy, 
transmissivity, transmitting 
property or power (for rays, 
electrons, etc.), transparency, 

perviousness, penetrability, 
permeability (magnetic). 

Durchpro jektion 

Durchlässigkeit für ultrarote 
Strahlen diathermancy, property 
of being diathermanous. 

Durchlässigkeit, Filter- trans- 
mittance (ratio of filtered to 
unfiltered current). Kopie- 
transmission of picture. Licht- 
lisht transmittance, transmittancy 
(spec., of unit thickness). Luft- 
air penetrability, a. pervious- 
ness. Ultrarot- infrared trans- 
mittance or transmittancy, dia- 

Durchlass-kurve selectivity curve 
(of a direction-finding receiver). 
-richtung forward direction, low- 
resistance d. (of a rectifier). 
-widerstand forward resistance 
(of rectifier). 

Durchlauf running through or pass- 
age (of a film). Bildzeilen- 
line traversal. 

durchlaufen pass a traverse, 
cover, sweep (a line). 

Durchlaufkopiermaschine continuous 
film printer. 

durchleuchtend transparent, dia- 

Durchleuchtung trans-illumination, 
transmission of rhage radioscopy. 
-mit Roentgenstr. (diagnostic) 
radioscopy, radiography. 

Durchleuchtungsapparat fluoroscope, 

durchlöchert punctured, perforated, 
pierced, punched, apertured, hav- 
ing holes or pits. -(er) Bügel 
beehive shelf (gas drying). 

Durchmesserwicklung full-pitch 

Durchmesserwicklung des Senders op- 
erating transmitter at high modu- 
lation percentage. 

durchmustern survey, review, cata- 
log or count (stars). 

durchnässen wet (thoroughly), soak, 

Durch-perlungselektrode bubbling- 
type electrode. -projektion 
back projection, diaprojection. 

Durchpro jekt lonswand 64 

-projektionswand translucent 

durchrühren stir or agitate (thor- 
oughly, to the bottom). 

Durchsatz throughput (furnace work). 

durchscheinend translucent, par- 
tially transparent, diaphanous, 
shining through. 

Durchschlag breakdown, rupture, 
puncture (of insulation); punch, 
drift; filter, strainer; carbon 
copy. Warme- breakdown due to 
thermal instability. 

Durchschlagen (von Nachbarsender ) 
interference by neighboring sta- 
tion in volume, neighboring sta- 
tions "come through" or "break 
through" or swamp signals (by 
image frequency effect). 

Durchschlagen der Gleichstrom- 
komponente (über Synchronisier- 
zeichen zum Schirm) d.c. com- 
ponent reaches screen by way of 
synchronizing pulses. 

Durchschl ags-festigkeit, Stoss- 
impulse-voltage breakdown 
strength. -geschwindigkeit 
propagation speed (of fluid in 
pipes); rate of insulation break- 

Durchschlagspannung breakdown, 
puncture, rupture, disruptive or 
flashover potential. 

Durchschmelzung burnout, melting, 
fusion, blowout. 

durchschneiden traverse, cut across, 
cross, intersect. 

Durchschnittsverminderung reduction 
of area (of a test piece pulled 
apart, resulting in a "waist"). 

durchschwingen swing through; op- 
erating condition in which wave 
is not interrupted or cut off. 

durchseihen strain, filter, per- 

durchsetzen thread (a film); per- 
meate, traverse, pervade, mix, 
intersperse, thread (turns by 
magnetic flux). 

durchsichtig transparent, dia- 

Düse, Fang- 

phanous, translucent (when only 
partially transparent), clear, 
lucid, pellucid, limpid. 

Durchsichts-betrachtung rear view- 
ing (of pictures), -bild (cf 
Durchprojektion) diapositive, 
lantern slide, glass transparency 
(picture thrown from rear on 
frosted glass pane, etc.); trans- 
lux picture. -dichte transparent 
density (m.p.). -schirm (Spei- 
cherpro jektionsröhre) transparent 
screen (of a storage-type tele- 
vision tube). -sucher direct 
view finder, eye level finder). 

durchstarten eines Flugzeuges "open 
up" and repeat landing procedure 
(in ZZ landing method). 

durchstechen pierce, stab, cut 

Durcnsteuern operating inside 
straight portion of characteris- 
tic close to point where over- 
load begins; grid excitation suf- 
ficient to swing plate current 
from zero to saturation point (re: 
amplifier). Load a tube to full 
capacity (re:transmitter). 

Durchstossverfahren descent (or 
piercing) through clouds, pene- 
tration method (in airplane land- 

Durchstrahlung transmission of 
light or of radiations, penetra- 
tion by rays, irradiation. 

Durchstrahlungs-methode transmission 
method. -übermiskroskop trans- 
mission-type electron or ultra- 
microscope. -verfahren trans- 
mission method (using thin foil, 
in ultra-microscopy work). 

durchstreichen flow, pass, circu- 
late or travel through; cross out, 

durchstreichende Linie trajectory. 

Durchziehglas slide. 

Düse nozzle, tip (welding), tuyere, 

Diise, Blas- blasting or discharge 
nozzle, gun. Fang- mixing nozzle. 

Düse, Schweiss- 65 

(steam jet). Schweiss- welding 
tip. Venturi- throat or con- 
stricted piece of Venturi meter, 
nozzle-like reducer. 

Düsenkopf nozzle tip. 

D-Wert quadrantal error due to air- 
plane fuselage, etc. 

Dynamik contrast or sound volume ra- 
tio between lowest and highest 
intensities of notes or passages 
(in music, etc.); practical 
volume compression and expansion; 
speech or signal energy volume 
range. Also:katio between un- 
distorted maximum signal strength 
and noise, noise-signal ratio. 

Dynamik-einebnung compression. 
-einregelung adjustment of con- 
trast (by compandor action). 


-entzerrer dynamic expander. 
-linie volume-range or contrast 
characteristic. -presser com- 
pressor (in volume-range con- 
trol). -regler volume- or dy- 
namic-range control means, com- 
pandor (comprising compressor 
and expander means), contrast 
regulator. -steigerung (cf. 
Wuchtsteigerung) dynamic-range 
expansion. -verzerrer dynamic 

dynamischer Lautsprecher, permanent- 

dynamic loudspeaker with perman- 
ent magnet. 

Dynamometer, Rrems- brake dynamo- 

meter, Prony brake. 

Dynatronsummer dynatron (AF) os- 


Ebenbild image, likeness, similarity. 

Ebene optical flat (opt.); plane, 

Ebene, in einer - mit coplanar 
with, flush with. 

ebene Welle plane wave. 

Ebene, Bezugs- datum level, d. 
plane, reference l., fiducial 1. 
Blenden- diaphragm plane. Brenn-, 
hintere back focal plane. Brenn-, 
vordere front focal plane. Ein- 
falls- plane of incidence. Ein- 
stell- focal plane. Einstellungs- 
focusing plane. Flucht- vanish- 
ing plane. Halb- semi-plane, 
half-p., H-p. Haupt- principal 
plane, p. surface. Hyper- hyper- 
plane. Kristall- crystal plane, 
c. face. Netz- lattice plane, 
plane-family of a crystal. 

Ebene, Polarisations- plane of 
polarization. Drehuna der- 
polarization error. 

Ebene, Reflexions- plane of re- 
flection. Schmiegungs- osculat- 
ing plane. Spalt- cleavage plane, 
c. face. Symmetrie- plane of 
symmetry, crystallographic p. 
Teilungs- plane of division. 

Ebenenabstand, Haupt- principal 
plane distance. 

Ebenheit planarity, flatness, 
smoothness, evenness. 

Ebenmass symmetry. 

Ebnung, Bildfeld- flattening of 
image field. 

Ebnungslinse, Feld- field flattener. 

Echelettegitter echelette grating 
(opt. ). 

Echo, stufenférmiges echelon-forma- 
tion of multiple echoes. 

Echo, Hörer- listener echo. Mehr- 
fach- multiple echo, reverbera- 


tion, flutter e. Schein- pseudo 
echo. Vielfach- multiple echo, 
flutter e. Wellen- radio (signal 
or wave) echo, wave reflection 
(involving one or more hops to 
ionosphere and back). 

Echo-lot sonic altimeter, sound- 
ranging a., echo depth sounder, 
fathometer. -lotung echo sound- 
ing, echo or reflection altitude 
or distance measurement and rang- 
ing; radar or radio locator, 
sonar work (predicated upon echo 
principle). -paare paired echoes. 
-stromdämpfung echo current at- 
tenuation; active return loss. 
-unterdrückung echo suppression, 
e. killing, damping of reverbera- 
tions (by sound absorbing material). 
-weite echo area, effective scat- 
tering cross-section of radar 
target. -werk swell organ. 
-wirkung echo effect. 

echt, dampf- fast to steam. koch- 
fast to boiling. licht- fast to 
light, non-fading. 

echtes, absolutes Gehör genuine ab- 
solute pitch. 

echte Längenmessung direct measure- 
ment of length. 

Eck, Seiten- lateral summit Würfel- 
corner of a cube, cubic summit. 

Ecke corner, angle, edge (of a 
plane angle), summit (of a crys- 
tal), quoin. 

Ecke, Mittel- lateral summit. 

Eckfrequenz corner frequency, sharp 
cut-off frequency (filter) 

eckig angular, cornered, angled. 

edel noble, non-base, rare, 
precious, rich, vital, inert (gas). 

Edel-erde rare earth. -gas rare or 
noble gas, inert gas (in atmos- 

Edelgasglüh 67 

phere). -gas-Glühkathodengleich- 
richter tungar (argon-tungsten) 
rectifier. -metall noble metal, 
precious m., rare m. -stahl re- 
fined or superior alloy steel. 

Effekt, kreismagnetischer syro- 
magnetic anomaly. 

Effekt, Bord- board effect, ship 
field error (in df work), quad- 
rantal error (due to structural 
parts, metal, etc.). Funkel- 
low-frequency variation of local 
emission density. Richt- recti- 
fication effect; directional. e. 

Effektbeleuchtung effect lighting, 
spot or fancy l. 

Effektivwert effective value, rms 
(root-mean-square) value, vir- 
tual v. 

Effekt-kohle salted carbon, carbon 
for flame arc. -lampe studio 
light (ordinary hand or table 
lamp, m.p.). -szenen scenics, 
light effects, etc. 

egalisieren equalize, level, regu- 
ite (pfano) 

Ei, Antennen- fish (of trailing 

Eichamt gage or calibration office, 
standards bureau. 

Eichelröhre acorn tube. 

eichen gage, measure, standardize, 
calibrate, test, stamp, adjust 
(weights), log. 

Eich-katzenanker squirrel-cage 
armature. -kreis, Arbeits- work— 
ing reference circuit. -mass 
gage, standardized measure. 
-reizkurven (typical) visibility 

eidesstattliche Erklärung affirma- 
tion in lieu of oath, statutory 

eidliche Versicherung affidavit, 
sworn statement, testimony or 

eigen inherent, self, "eigen", own, 
individual, characteristic, prop- 
er, specific, special; exact, pre- 


cise, delicate. 

Eigen-abstossung der Elektronenwolke 
repelling action of electron 
charge, negative space c. -dichte, 
Energie- proper energy density. 
-drehimpuls eigen or characteris- 
tic angular momentum. -energie 
"eigen" energy, characteristic e. 
-funktion eigen function, charac- 
teristic f. -geräusch inherent 
film noise. -geschwindigkeit in- 
dicated air speed (of an airplane). 
-gewicht specific gravity, own or 
dead weight, proper w. -heit 
singularity, particularity, pe- 
culiarity. -kapazität self- 
capacitance. -licht des Auges 
eye's own light, self-l. or in- 
trinsic l. of retina (associated 
with photopsy). -peilung board 
aircraft direction-finding, tak- 
ing bearings with homing device 
on board, on two or more stations. 

eigenschwingungsfrei aperiodic, 

Eigen-spannung residual stress, in- 
herent or internal tension or 
strain, -spannung, Druck- resi- 
dual compressive stress. -störung 
internal trouble. -strahler- 
Übermikroskop self-emission elec- 
tron microscope, s. -illuminating 
e.m. (based on electrons arising 
on object surface). 

eigentimlich peculiar, characteris- 
tic, inherent, specific. 

Eigen-tumsrecht ownership, pro- 
prietary or property right, pro- 
prietorship. -verständigung 
inter-phone communication (air- 
plane), inter-vehicular c. 
-warme specific, body or animal 
heat. -wert "eigen" value, 
"eigenwert", characteristic, rep- 
resentative, typical or inherent 
value, characteristic number. 
-zeit proper time. -zustand 
"eigen" state. 

Eikonal, Winkel- angle eiconal (opt). 


einachsig uni-axial. 

einäugiges Sehen monocular vision, 
non-stereoscopic vision. 

einäschern incinerate, calcine, 
burn to ash. 

ein-atomar, -atomig monatomic. 

Einausschalter off-on switch. 

Einbandiibertragung single-side- 
band N (with vestigial 


Einbau inner player (piano). 

einbetten imbed, place in matrix. 

Einbettungsmaterial matrix or en- 
bedding material. 

Einbeulungsprüfung bulging test. 

Einbiegung curvature, inflection, 

einblasen blow in or into, 
flate, inject. 

Einbläser punctiform pits produced 
by atmospheric pressure in glass. 

Einblenden der Mikrophone fade-in 
and mixing of microphones. 

Einblick-linse eyepiece lens. 
-rohr eyepiece tube. 
Einbrennzeit heating-u 
Einbruch (Kurven, ae, 
breaking ine 
Einbruchsmelder burglar alarm. 
Einbuchtung bay, bight, indentation, 

eindampfen thicken by evaporation, 
boil down, inspissate. 

eindeutig unique, plain, clear, un- 
equivocal, single-valued. 

-,doppelt- one to one. 
eindeutige Peilseite absolute di- 

rection. -Richtungsanzeige uni- 

directional direction-finding 

(with sense finding or sensing). 
Eindeutigkeitsprinzip (Pauli) ex- 

clusion or equivalence principle. 
eindicken inspissate, thicken, con- 

centrate, boil down, condense. 
eindrehen recess, tap (a screw- 
thread), indent. 
Eindringungsfähigkeit penetrative- 
Eindruck, Mitten- binaural balance 
(in sound locating). 





Eindrucksgleichheit equality of 
sensation or impression. 

Eindruckverfahren ball test, Brinell 
hardness t. method. 

einebnen level, smooth, flatten 
(curve or wave). 

Einebnung, Dynamik- compression. 
Einergang-Kurbel und -welle single- 
picture crank and shaft (m.p.). 

Einfachantenne plain antenna. 

einfach-brechend singly refracting, 
unirefringent. -frei univariant, 
monovariant, having one degree of 
freedom. -wirkend single-acting. 

Einfachzacken-schrift mit Abdeckung 
unilateral variable-area track 
with single-vane shutter. -spur 
unilateral variable-area track. 

einfädeln thread (up) film. 

einfädig unifilar. 

Einfall, schiefer oder streifender 
grazing, oblique or glancing in- 
cidence. Glanz- grazing inci- 
dence (at a glancing angle). 

Einfallen incidence, snap-in motion; 
at a es implosion (reversed 

einfallendes Licht incident light. 

Einfallgeschwindigkeit bombardment 

Einfalls-ebene plane of incidence. 
-winkel angle of incidence. 
-winkel, Haupt- angle of princi- 
pal incidence. 

einfaltige Gruppe one-dimensional 

Einfang, Neutronen- neutron capture. 

einfangen capture, captivate, trap 

einfarbiges Licht monochrome, mono- 
chromatic light, light of one 

Einfärbung dying, tinting, staining, 
inking, imbibition. 

einfassen border, hem, surround 
something, enclose, case, bind, 
trap, trim, set. 

Einfassleisten binding strips. 

Einflug-richtung direction of ap- 
proach (in airplane landing). 

Einflugschneise 69 

-schneise approach track. -sek- 
tor approach sector. -sender 
boundary marker beacon. 

Einflugzeichen boundary marker sig- 
nal, come=-in s. Haupt- main mark- 
er, inner marker or main entrance 
signal nearest airport boundary 
(in airplane landing). Vor- 
outer marker (beacon) signal, 
fore m. beacon. 

Einflussbereich sphere of influence, 
radius of action. 

einförmig uniform, monotonous. 

Einfrasung milled slot or recess. 

einfrieren freeze up, congeal. 

einfiigen insert, interpose, inter- 

einführen thread (up) film, intro- 
duce, insert. 

Einführungs-isolator lead-in or 
feed-through insulator, bushing. 
-isolator mit Vergusskammer pot- 
head insulator. -verlust inser- 
tion loss. 

Eingabe amendment, petition (in 
Fatent Office practice). ‘ 

eingängig single-thread (mech. ). 

Eingangs-bedämpfung input resist- 
ance, i. damping. -klemme input 

terminal. -leitwert input ad- 
mittance. -pupille entrance 
pupil. -schlitz entrance slit 

(spectr.). -wirkleitwert input 
conductance, i. active admittance. 
eingebaute Antenne built-in antenna. 
eingefahrene Antenne retracted or 
drawn-in antenna, reeled-in a. 
eingefroren latent, dormant. 
eingehen (in eine Gleichung) enter 
into, occur, or appear in, an 
eingekittete Linse cemented lens. 
eingeschwungener Zustand steady- 
state (of current, oscillation, 
etc. ). 
eingestrahltes Licht incident 
light, exciting 1. 
eingestrichene Oktave one-stroked 
Eingiessung pouring-in, infusion, 



Eingreifen (der Greifer) in-and-out 
movement (of claws), engagement 
of c. 

Eingrenzung von Fehlern tracking 
down seat or source of interfer- 
ence or trouble, localize trouble. 

Eingriff engagement, mesh, gearing. 

Einhaltsbefehl injunction, interdict. 

Einhängeblende inset diaphragm. 

einhängen des Hörers hang up or re- 
place telephone receiver, clear 
the line. 

Einheit (constructional or struc- 
tural) unit, integral part; unity. 

Einheit, Ladungs-, positive elek. 
unit positive charge. Massen- 
unit of mass. Mehrheit von-en 
array of units, plurality or 
multiplicity of u. Oberflachen- 
unit of area. Radiumemanations- 
curie unit of radon. Raumwinkel- 
steradian, spheradian. X-, 
(Roentgenstrahl-) wave-length 
unit of X-rays, etc., Siegbahn 
unit, Xu, X unit. 

Einheiten und Formeln, Ausschuss 
für (A E F) Committee on Units 
and Formulae, Standards Committee. 

Einheits-frequenz standard frequency. 
-funktion von Heaviside unit func- 
tion of Heaviside. -gitter unit 
lattice. -ladung unit charge. 
-masse unit mass. -punkt unit 
point, principal point. -spin 
unit spin. -zelle unit cell, 
elementary c., unit crystal, lat- 
tice unit. 

einhörig monaural. 

einhüllen envelope, enwrap, imbed, 
shroud, sheath. 

Einhüllende envelope, contour, out- 

Einkanaltastung single-channel puls- 
ing (telev. synchronization). 

Einkerbung notching, indentation, 

einkeilen (in) dent, nick, groove, 

einkernig mononuclear, uninuclear, 

Einklang 70 


Einklang syntony, consonance, uni- 
son, concord, accord, agreement. 

einklinken lock, engage, ratchet. 

Einknopfkontrolle uniselector, uni- 

einkopieren over-print, double 

Einkreisempfanger single-circuit re- 
ceiver, ultraaudion (ultraudion) 

Einkristallfaden single-crystal 
filament, mono-crystal f. 
einlagern intercalate, embed, 

corporate, store. 

Einlagerung embedding, occlusion, 
inclusion, insertion, matrixing. 

Einlagerungs-rate rate of incor- 
poration (cryst.). -verbindung, 
komplexe complex intercalation 

einlaufen shrink, contract; flow 
in; run in (as a bearing, etc.). 

einläufig unicursal; single-barreled, 
s.-tracked, s.-channeled. 

Einlauf-punkt auf die Rolle point 
where film is fed onto drum. 
-seite feed or threading end 
(is Dy)'s 

einlegen, Berufung gegen eine 
Entscheidung bei höherer Instanz 
lodge or,take an appeal from a 
decision to a higher court. 

einlegen (Film) thread up the film. 

einleiten lead in, initiate, origi- 
nate, induce, introduce. 

einmalig single, solitary, unique. 
-(er) Vorgang non-recurrent, 
unique or singular action or 
phenomenon, single event. 

Einordnungsstellung position of 
grating resulting in a one-order 

Einpegelung leveling. 

einpeilen (Funksender mit Richt- 
empfänger) taking bearings fron, 
or tune in, a radio transmitter, 
with directional receiver. 

einprägen impress, imprint, emboss 
(sound track on film). 
inpressen press-fit, press in. 



Einpulsverfahren single-pulse or 
monopulse method. 

Einpunktschreiber single-point re- 

Einquellenempfanger solodyne re- 

Einrasten locking by a detent, snap 

Einrede plea, defense. Beschwerde- 
rejoinder (in an appeal). 

Einregelung der Dynamik adjustment 
of volume range or contrast (by 
compandor action). 

Einregelungszeit building up or wax- 
ing period (say, of a control po- 

einreichen file, petition, apply for. 

Einrichtung arrangement, device, dis- 
position, equipment, contrivance, 
outfit, organization, means. 

Einriss rent, fissure, tear, flaw. 

einrücken engage, throw in gear or 

Einrückhebel trip or engagement 
lever, starting lever. 

Einsattelung crevass or dip (of a 
resonance or other curve). 

Einsatz (acoustic) intonation, on- 
set (of sound, discharge or other 
action), start, incipiency, ini- 
tiation, insertion; charge (of a 
furnace); stake, application, use, 
what is put to work. 

Einsatz der Schwingungen, harter 
hard start of oscillations. 

-,weicher gentle or smooth Stare 
of oscillations. 

Einsatz, Bildkipp- incipience of 
frame flyback or beam return 
(telev.). Leuchtfaden- streamer 
onset. Zeilenkipp- incipient 
(line) flyback. 

Einsatz-blende interchangeable dia- 
phragm. -dichte number of sta- 
tions (satisfactorily) operable 
inside a given wave-band. -här- 
tung case hardening, surface 
cementation. -punkt, Gitterstrom- 
grid-current point, point of in- 
cipient grid-current flow. -span- 
nung (cf Zündspannung) spark or 


flashover potential, breakdown 
potential (in Srid-glow tubes), 
starting potential. 

Einsaugemittel absorbent, imbibent, 

einsaugend absorbent, absorptive, 

einschichten imbed, (inter) strati- 

fy, interleave, arrange in layers. 

Einschlaglupe folding magnifier. 

einschliessen enclose, confine, in- 
clude, seal in, lock, embed, 
matrix, occlude. 

Einschlussröhre sealed tube. 

einschmelzen seal-in (a wire or 
lead in a tube). 

einschneiden engrave (sound track 
on film). 

Einschnitt cut-off (spectrum); in- 
cision, cut, notch, dent. 

Einschnürung squeezing, compression 
(re:film); bind-up, constriction, 
recess; waist, reduction in area 
(metal testing). 

Einschnürungs-blende crossover 
aperture. -punkt crossover (in 

Einschwing- und Ausschwing Ver- 
zerrung transient (non-linear) 
distortion, build-up and decay 
d. (in ac., facsimile, etc., as- 

sociated with hangover, tailing, 
underthrow and overthrow). 

Einschwingvorgang build-up trans- 
ient oscillation, onset or ini- 
tiation of impulse. 

einseitig offen unilaterally open 

Einseitenbandiibertragung single- 
side-band transmission (with 
vestigial s.-b.). 

Einsenkung crevass, dip, depression. 

einsetzen case-harden (metal). 

Einsetzen der Ziindung initiation or 
incipience of striking or firing. 

einsickern infiltrate, soak in, 
ooze in. 

Einspannrand, gewellter corrugated 
suspension means (of loudspeaker 

N toll Einstellung, Still- 

Einsprache acoustic inlet (of a 

einspringen spring in, shrink (of 
fibers), re-enter (of an angle). 

einspringend re-entrant. 

Einspruch plea, objection, protest, 
demurrer, Opposition. -unter- 
stiitzen argue in support of an 

einspuriger Tonstreifen single- 
edged variable-width sound track 
or record. 

Einsteckseiher plug-in inlet strain- 

einstellen set, adjust, position, 
focus. -,neutral adjust or set 
to neutral. 

Einstell-fassung focusing mount {of * 
lens). -fehler faulty focusing 
or spot control, decrease of spot 
with intensity increase, large 
diffuse speck on screen in gas- 
focused picture reproducing tube. 
-knopf focusing knob (of camera). 
-lampe, Bild- framing lamp. 

-lupe focusing magnifier. -marke 
reference mark, gage m., index 

dot (on dial), N 3 
wander m. (of telescope). -mik- 
roskop focusing microscope. 
-schraube set screw, adjusting s., 
leveling s. -tafel focusing board, 
test chart. -tubus micrometer ad- 
justment (electron microscope), 
adjusting tube. 

Einstellung, Kritische critical ad- 
Justment, delicate a., setting or 
focusing. Bildbühnen- framing, 
racking (with framing device). 
Bild- centering control, height 
c., horizontal c., framing (in 
telev., with rack and pinion for 
focusing). Fein- vernier (dial) 
adjustment, tuning or setting. 
Fern- long-range focus. Nah- 
short-range focus. Nullpunkt- 
zero adjustment. Phasen- phasing, 
phase adjustment, shift or regu- 
lation. Scharf- automatic tuning; 
sharp focusing. Still- silent 

Einstellung, unendliche 72 
tuning, q.a.v.c. tuning. Unend- 
liche-infinity adjustment (of 

Einstellungs-ebene focusing plane. 
-fläche surface of reference. 
-klage complaint or action for 
discontinuance, suspension or 
stay (of infringement, etc.),ac- 
tion for issuance of an injunc- 
tion, i. suit. 

Einstellweite focal range, focusing 

Einstich puncture, perforation. 

einstimmig monophonic, one-voiced, 

Einstrahl-funkstelle beam station. 
-sender beam transmitter, uni- 
directional t. 

Einstreuung stray effect. 

einstufen grade (by quality). 

einstweilige Verfiigung temporary, 
provisional or interim injunction, 
provisional decree. 

einsumpfen digest with water, soak 

eintasten key on, key in. 

eintauchen (cf Tauch) dip, plunge, 
immerse, steep; telescope (a 

Eintauch-refraktometer immersion 
refractometer, dipping r. -zeit 
immersion time. 

Einteilchenmodell single-particle 

einteilen divide, subdivide, dis- 
tribute, separate, grade, sort, 
classify, graduate (in terms of 
degrees or other units), index. 

einteilig uni-partite. 

Einteilung, Nonius- vernier scale. 

Eintrag charge, input. 

Eintragende feed or charge end. 

Eintragschnecke feed worm. 

Eintragung entry, registra- 

Eintragungs-bescheinigung certifi- 
cate of registry. -zwang con- 
pulsory registration. 

Eintritts-blende input diaphragm 
or capacity disk (re:klystron, 
resonance cavity). -feld area 
of applicator at skin surface 


(X-ray work). -geschwindigkeit 
approach or inlet velocity. -phase 
entrance phase (re:filter). 

Ein-und Ausrückhebel starting and 
stopping lever. 

ein-und-einachsig orthorhombic 

einverstanden sein agree to, acquiesce 

Einwand demurrer, objection (for in- 
stance, of Patent Office Examiner). 

einwandfrei satisfactory, unobjec- 
tionable, acceptable, tolerable. 

Einweggleichrichter half-wave rec- 

einwegig single-channel, simplex, 

einweichen steep, soak, macerate, 

Einwendung plea, defense, objection, 

einwertige Salze 1 :1 salts. 

Einzackenschrift single-edged vari- 
able-width sound «track or record. 

Einzahn-stift striking roller (m.p.). 
-scheibe drive wheel (m.p.). 

einzel single, individual; various, 
unitary, separate. 

Einzel-abschnitt-Filter single-sec- 
tion filter. -bild einer Bild- 
reihe individual picture or unit 
frame in a series or sequence. 
-darstellung single representa- 
tion; separate treatise, mono- 
graph. -heiten details, particu- 
lars,minutiae. -klang (sounding 
of an) individual note. -linse 
unit lens (of focusing field). 
-lupe magnifier unit. -peilung 
taking bearings from one object. 
-streuung single scattering (of 
electrons). -vorgang single or 
separate process, happening, ac- 
tion, event or reaction, 

einziehbar retractile, retractable, 

einziehen wind or reel in (an 
antenna), retract (airplane under- 
carriage); turn down, decrease 
(say, diameter of a shaft). 

Einziehungsmittel absorbent. 

Einzigkeitstheorem uniqueness 

Einzugsgebiet 73 


Einzugsgebiet cross-sectional area 
of undistorted portion of field 
(direction-finding frame). 

eirund, halb- semi-oval. 

eis-artig ice-like, icy, glacial. 
-blau glacier blue. 

Eisen, kadmiertes cadmiated iron. 
Band- hoop, strip or band iron. 
Eisen-begleiter elements accompany- 
ing iron, i. companions or as- 
sociates, congeners (if of simi- 
lar sort). -bügel iron staple, 
yoke. -drossel iron-cored choke- 
coil. -drossel, Besprechung mit 
modulation by voice action with 

magnetic modulator. 

eisenfreie Spule air-cored (choke) 

Eisen-goniometer iron-cored gonio- 
meter. -kern, geblätterter lami- 
nated iron core. -metalle, Nicht- 
non-ferrous metals. -metallurgie 
siderurgy. -panzer iron shield, 
i. screen, i. cladding. -pulver- 
kern Ferrocart core, compressed 
iron dust c. -pulververfahren 
magnaflux inspection method. 
-rahmen iron-cored frame (d.f.). 
-schluss path closed, or rian. 
through iron (for magnetic flux 
magnetic shunt, keeper (of per- 
manent magnet). -späne iron 
turnings, borings, filings or 
chips. -venlust iron loss, core 
l. -wasserstoffwiderstand iron- 
hydrogen resistance. -weg iron 
path, magnetic or ferro-m. cir- 


Eiskalorimeter ice calorimeter. 

elastisch gestreut elastically 

elastische Nachwirkung plastic flow 
persistence, after-flow, elastic 

Elastizitat elasticity, compliance 
(mechanical filter, ac.). 

Elastizitäts-messer elasmometer 
(for Young's modulus), torsometer. 
-modulus modulus of elasticity 



(of extension, torsion, compres- 
sion or volume). 
Elektrete electrets. 
elektrisch, gleichnamig similarly 
electrified or charged. glüh- 
thermionic. ungleichnamig op- 
positely electrified or charged. 
elektrisch symmetrisch homopolar. 
elektrischer Ausfall electric shock. 
Elektrizität, Druck- piezo-electrici- 
ty. Glas- vitreous electricity, 
positive e. Harz- resinous elec- 
tricity, negative e. Reibungs- 
frictional electricity, tribo- er 
Elektrizitätslehre, Bewegungs- 
electrokinematics, electrokine- 
tics. Ruhe- electrostatics. 
Elektrode, Abnahme- output elec- 
trode. Beschleunigungs- ac- 
celerator electrode, gune, (c.-r. 
tube). Bildwurf- target electrode. 
Bremsfeld- reflecting electrode, 
retarding-field e. (in electron- 
oscillation, Barkhausen-Kurz or 
positive-grid tube). Durchper- 
lungs- bubbling-type electrode. 
Entnahme- output electrode, 
catcher e. (klystron). Gegen- 
counter electrode, opposite e., 
co-operating e.; signal plate, 
metallic screen (forming founda- 
tion of mosaic, in telev. tube). 
Nachbeschleunigungs- second or 
additional gun or accelerator 
electrode, after-accelerator, post- 
accelerator. Quecksilbertropf- 
dropping mercury electrode. Ring-, 
abbildende image focusing ring. 
Sammel- output electrode, col- 
lector e., gathering e., catcher 
(in klystron). Seiten- end or 
wing electrode (in magnetron). 
Spitzen- needle or point electrode. 
Steuer- HEN electrode, 
shield, Wehnelt cylinder or grid 
(in cathode-ray tube). Such- 
exploring, probe, search or col- 
lector electrode (vacuum tube). 
Zitter- vibrating electrode. 
Zünd- ignitor (of ignitron). 

_Elektrodenabstand 274 

Elektroden-abstand electrode spac- 
ing, inter-electrode distance or 
gap. -fahrsäule electrode mast 
or support. -kapazität (inter-) 
electrode capacitance. 

elektrodenlos electrodeless, devoid 
of, or without, electrodes. 

Elektrodenschluss electrode short- 
circuit. , 

Elektrometer, Faden- filament elec- 
trometer. Goldblatt- sold-leaf 
electroscope. Kipp- Wilson elec- 
trometer (casing tiltable giving 
gold leaf different positions). 

Elektronen, angelagerte trapped 
electrons. -,innere inner elec- 
trons (on K.L.M...shells). 
-,kernferne outer (level) elec- 
trons, conduction, valence, peri- 
pheral, orbital,or planetary elec- 
trons. <-,kernnahe electrons ad- 
jacent nucleus, inner (fixed) 
electrons. -,klebende captured 
electrons, electrons sticking to 
electro-negative gases, surfaces, 
etc. -,kreisende orbital elec- 
trons. -,positive positrons, 
positive electrons. -,schwere 
heavy electrons, barytrons, dyna- 
trons, mesotrons, penetrons, x 
particles, etc. 

Elektronen, Bahn- orbital electrons. 
Feld- field electrons (from cold 
or auto-electronic emission 
caused by an electric field). 
Gitter- lattice electrons. 
Hüllen- shell electrons. Kreisel- 
spin electrons. Leitungs- con- 
duction electrons (from outer 
levels). Riickstoss- recoil elec- 
trons, Compton e. Superleitungs- 
super-conduction electrons. 
Unterschale- sub-shell electrons. 
Zerfall- decay electrons, e. re- 
sulting from disintegration (say, 

Elektronen-abgabe, glühelektrische 
thermionic emission, Edison or 
Richardson effect. -abgabefläche 
electron emission or emitting 


area. -abtaststrahl electron 
scanning spot or brush (icono- 
scope), e, pencil, beam or lever. 
-auffang electron capture. 
-austrittsarbeit work function 

of electrons. -bahn electron 
path, orbit or trajectory, flight 
of electrons. -belegung density 
of electrons (in beam). -beugung 
electron diffraction. -bildröhre 
electron image tube. -bremsung 
reflection (in Barkhause electron- 
oscillation tube), deflection (in 
magnetron); retardation or decel- 
eration of electrons. -drall elec- 
tron spin. -einfang electron cap- 
ture or trapping. -emission, Auto- 
auto-electronic, cold or field 
emission of electrons. energie 
electron energy, electron affinity. 
-entladung, Glüh- thermionic dis- 
charge. : -fleck electron spot, 
scanning s. -fluss- Diskontinuitat 
shot effect. -gas, entartetes 
degenerate electron gas. -grup- 
pierung phase focusing (in beam 
tubes). -hülle electron shell, 
electron cloud. -konzentration 
electron focusing. -laufzeit 
transit time of electrons, orbit 
time of e. -lawine avalanche of 
electrons. -lehre electronics. | 
-linse electron lens (electro- 
magnetic or electrostatic). 
-mikroskop electron microscope, 
immersion objective. -mikroskop- 
Selbstleuchtverfahren self- 
luminous, self-emission or s.- 
illuminating method (using elec- 
trons arising on object surface). 
-niveau electron level. -optik 
electron optics. -ort electron 
position, e. locus. -pendelung 
oscillating of electrons. -physik 
electronics. -plasma residual 
electrons, plasma (region without 
resultant charge). -quelle 
electron (emission) source, e. 
emitter. -raster-Mikroskop 

raster microscope, electron-scan m. 

Elektronenrelais ra 
-relais electron relay, thermionic 
r. -rumpf core, kernel, stable 
electron group. -schalen, beinahe 
geschlossene nearly closed elec- 
tron shells. -schleuder electron 
gun. -schwingungen electron 
oscillations. -spritze electron 
gun. -sprungspektrum electron 
transition (or jump) spectrun. 
-stauung electron cloud or ac- 
cumulation (in a virtual cathode). 

Elektronenstrahl, gaskonzentrierter 
gas-focused electron bean. 
velocity-modulated electron bean. 
- weisser heterogencous beam. 

Elektronen-strahlabtaster electron 
scanning pencil, beam, spot. 
brush or lever. -strahlengang 
electron ray path. strahlröhre 
(cf Kathodenstr.) cathode-ray 
tube; beam tube; thermionic t. 
(obs); c.-r. tuning indicator t. 
-strommodulation electron quanti- 
ty modulation. -tanz oscillatory 
movements of electrons (due to 
magnetic or electric forces). 
-turbine cyclotron and inverted 
(or Hollmann) forms thereof. 
-technik electronic art or techno- 
logy, electronics. -übergangswahr- 
scheinlichkeit transition proba- 
bility (of electron en from 
one level to another level). 
-überholungsgebiet catchup or over- 
take region (in which electrons 
arrange themselves in groups for 
phase focusing in beam tubes). 
-iiberkreuzungsstelle crossover of 
electrons (where principal rays 
from first lens cross axis, equiv- 
alent to exit pupil of eye). 
-übermikroskop electronic super 
microscope, e. ultra microscope. 
-unterhülle sub-shell (of elec- 
trons). -welle electron wave, 
phase w., de Broglie w. -wolke 
cloud of electrons. --Eigenab- 
stossung der repelling action of 
electron charge, negative space 
charge. -wucht collision force, 

Emp fang, Hör- 

bombardment f. (of electrons). 
-zustand, entarteter degenerate 
electron state. 

Elektroniker electronician, elec- 
tronics engineer. 

elektro-optischer Verschluss electro— 
optic shutter. 

Elektrophoresezelle electrophoresis 

elektrostatisch geschirmt electro- 
statically shielded, e. screened. 
-(er) Lautsprecher electrostatic 
loudspeaker, condenser l., capaci- 
ter I: 

Element, Lager- inert cell. -Raster- 
picture unit, p. element, ele- 
mentary area. Schalt- circuit 
element, c. means. Strecken- 
linear element (math.). 

Elementar-ladung elementary charge, 
electronic c. -wellen Huygens 
wavelets. -zelle unit cell, ele— 
mentary c., lattice unit. 

Elementenmessung stoichiometry. 

Emanation, abgeklungene emanation 
with diminished or decaying radio- 
activity. Aktinium- actinon. 
Radium- radon. Thorium- thoron. 

Emanationseinheit, Radium- curie 
unit of radon or radium emanation 
(10-19 curie-liter = eman.). 

Emission, glühelektrische thermionic 
emission. Autoelektronen- auto- 
electronic, cold or field emission 
of electrons. 

Emissions-strom, Feld- field emission 
of electrons, cold e. -vermögen 
emissivity, emission power. 

EMK (elektromotorische Kraft) enf 
(electromotive force). 

EMK von rechteckiger Kurvenform 
square-shaped or rectangular enf, 
square-topped enf. 

Empfang, Block- block reception, con- 
munal or party r. Druck- tele- 
script reception, typed r., tele- 
printing r. Einquell- solodyne 
reception. Geradeaus- single- 
circuit reception, non-heterodyne 
r., straightahead r. Hör- audible 
reception, auditory r., aural r., 

Empfang, Musa- 76 

reception by ear, hearing or ear- 
phones. Musa- multiple-unit 
steerable antenna reception. 
Primär- single-circuit reception. 
Richt- directional reception. 
Rückkopplungs-, mit Hilfsfrequenz 
super-regenerative reception. 
Schreib- visual reception, re- 
corder r. Such-, direkter single- 
circuit or straight-ahead (non- 
heterodyne) reception. Super- 
heterodyne-, mit selbsterregter 
Tragerwelle homodyne reception, 
zero-beat r. Tertiär- three- 
circuit reception. Ton- AF modu- 
lated or tone-modulated c.w. re- 
ception. Transponierungs-, 
Uberlagerungs- heterodyne recep- 

Empfänger receiver; collector, pick- 
up (microphone). Empfänger, 
verdrahteter fully wired re- 
ceiver set. 

Empfanger, Allstrom- universal re- 
ceiver set, a-c/d-c r.s. 
Bewegings- velocity microphone, 
v. pickup; pickup or detector of 
motion. Bild- (cf Bildempfang- 
stelle) picture receiver, tele- 
vision or video r., picture re- 
producing device, p. viewing 
tube, image reconstructor. 
Bildton- audio-video receiver 
combination. Breitband- broad- 
band or wide-band receiver. 
Dreikreis- three-circuit receiver. 
Druck- pressure (responsive) 
microphone. Druckknopf- push- 
button or press-button tuned re- 
ceiver. Einkreis- ultra-audion, 
ultraudion or single-circuit re- 
ception. Einquell- solodyne re- 
ceiver. Fernseh- television re- 
ceiver apparatus, video-signal 
receiver, kinescope (Zworykin), 
oscillight (Farnsworth). ®leich- 
strom- d.c. electric (radio) set. 
Heimfernseh- home television re- 
ceiver. Kontroll- monitoring 
receiver. Peil- direction- 
finding receiver. Peilfunk- 

Emp fangsspannung 

radio compass, direction- 
finder (avigation). Pendel- super- 
regenerative receiver, Armstrong 
r. Primär- single-circuit receiv- 
er. Richt-, Einpeilen auf Funk- 
sender tuning directional receiver 
to radio stations (to take bear- 
ings). Schall- sound collection 
device, acoustic receiver, sound 
pickup or microphone. Schall- 
schnelle- velocity microphone. 
Strahlungs- radiation responsive 
or sensitive record or receiving 
sheet or surface (on which radia- 
tions impinge to measure color 
temperature, etc., such as photo- 
graphic plate, selenium cell, 
bolometer). Superregenerativ- 
(Armstrong) super-regenerative re- 
ceiver. -und Sender kombiniert 
transceiver radio set; micro- 
telephone. Unterwasserschall- 
subaqueous or submarine micro- 
phone, pickup-device or sound de- 
tector, hydrophone. Wechsel strom- 
a.c. electric receiver set. Ziel- 
flug- homing receiver apparatus. 
Zweikreis- two-circuit receiver 
set. Zwischenfrequenz-. mit 
Kristallsteuerung crystal-moni- 
tored or c. stabilized supersonic 
or superheterodyne receiver, 
stenode radiostat. 
Empfänger-blechgestell metal chassis 
-flache radiation-sensitive sur- 
face; record sheet. -reichweite 
(distance) range of receiver, dis- 
tance-getting ability of radio set. 
-Senderkombination microtelephone; 
transceiver radio set. 
Empfangfeldstärke incoming signal 
Empfänglichkeit susceptibility, re- 
ceptivity, responsiveness. 
Empfangs-antenne, vom Sender ent- 
koppelte balanced receiver aerial 
(uncoupled from transmitter). 
-bild recorded copy (in facsimile). 
-gebiet service area (in broad- 
casting). -spannung, gerichtete 
directional incoming or signal 

Empfangsverfahren 77 

potential. -verfahren, Mehrfach- 
diversity receiving method. 

empfinden sense, perceive, feel, ap- 
prehend, experience, have con- 
sciousness. ..empfindlich respon- 
sive, sensitive or reactive to 
(say, temperature), be a function 
of, be dependent on. 

empfindlich, blau- blue sensitive. 
flecken- susceptible to staining 
or spotting. richtungs- with di- 
rectional response. 

empfindlich machen, licht- photo- 

Empfindlichkeit sensitivity, sensi- 
tiveness, sensibility, responsive- 
ness; efficiency, yield, output. 

Empfindlichkeit, Ablenkungs- de- 
flection sensitivity (reciprocal 
of deflection factor). Augen- 
intensity discrimination, contrast 
sensitivity (embodied in Weber- 
Fechner law). Hand- hand or body 
capacitance or capacity effect. 
Hör- auditory sensitivity, hear- 
ing capability. Kerb- stress 
concentration index. Korrosions- 
corrodibility, susceptibility to 

. corrosion. Licht- photo-sensitivi- 
ty. Richtungs- directional re- 

Empfindlichkeits-kurve response 
characteristic. -messung sensi- 
tometric measurement (phot.). 
-verteilung sensitivity distri- 
bution, spectral response (of 
eye). -ziffer sensitivity factor. 

» Empfindlichmachung sensitization, 
activation, sensibilization. 

Empfindung sensation, feeling, per- 
ception, sentience. 

Empfindung, akustische acoustic per- 
ception. Farb- color sensation, 
c. perception, chromatic s. 
Lautstarken- aural sensitivity. 
Ton- acoustical perception, sound 

empf indungs-gemasse, -gerechte 
Farbstufe, subjective chromatic 
scale value. -gerechte Abstufung 

Energie, Bewegungs- _ 

subjective or natural grading or 
spacing (in chromaticity or chro- 
matic scale, etc. ). 

Empfindungs-grenze des Ohres loud- 
ness contour of ear, auditory sen- 
sation area (between limits of 
maximum tolerable and minimum per- 
ceivable intensities). -lautstärke 
response of ear to signal strength; 
sensible loudness of sound. 
-schwelle, Schall- threshold of 
audibility or acoustic perception. 
-Zunahme sensation increment. 

Emulsions-seite face (of film) bear- 
ing emulsion. -steilheit steep- 
ness of gradation. 

End-alarm, Akt- reel-end signal. 
-ausschlag full excursion, limit- 
ing deflection. -geschwindigkeit 
terminal velocity. -gewicht fish 
of a trailing antenna. -impedanz 
terminating or end impedance, 
load i. -kapazität top capacity,- 
terminating or end c. -konden- 
sator terminating condenser or 

endloser Filmstreifen endless film 

End-mass, Parallel- standard gage 
block, end-to-end s. bar. -punkt 
terminal, terminating point, 
terminus. -röhre power tube, 
final t. -röhre, Doppelsteuer- 
power pentode in which cathode 
grid is connected with control $. 
rather than with cathode. -strei- 
fen trailer (of a film). -urteil 
final judgment. -verschluss 
cable box, terminating box. 
-verstärkerstufe final amplifier 
stage, power amplifier s. -wert 
final, resultant or ultimate 

energetische Bevorzuaung energy pre- 

Energie, Ablösungs- excitation 
energy, work function (of an elec- 
tron). Anregungs- excitation 
energy, stimulation energy (say, 

a potential). Bewegungs- kinetic 

Energie, Bindungs- 78 
energy, motional e. Bindungs- 
binding energy, bonding e. Eigen- 
eigen energy, characteristic e. 
Elektronen- electron energy or 
affinity. Selbst- self-energy 
(of electrons). 

Energie-berg energy hill, e. bar- 
rier. -eigendichte proper energy 
density. -erhaltung energy con- 
servation, preservation of e. 
-impulstensor energy momentum 
tensor. -leitung (energy) feed- 
er lead, feeder downlead, trans- 
mission line. 

energielos (ohne Energieverbrauch) 
non-dissipative, wattless. 

Energie-messer ergometer. -niveau 
energy level, quantum’state. 

energiereich full of energy, energy- 
rich, energetic. 

Energie-rückgewinnung durch Bremsen 
energy recuperation by (regenera- 
tive) braking. -schwelle thres- 
hold of energy. -stufe energy 
level, energy term, quantum state. 
-übertragung energy transfer. 
-umwandler transducer, sink. 
-verbrauch consumption, dissipa- 
tion, loss or expenditure of 
energy. -verbrauch, ohne non- 
dissipative, wattless. -zerstreu- 
ung scatter of energy. 

enge Anschmiegung intimate or snug 
adhesion, adherence, fit, engage- 
ment or contact, "hugging." 

engjähriges Holz close-grain wood. 

entaktivieren render inactive, de- 
activate, de-energize, de- 

entarteter Elektronenzustand de- 
generate electron state. 

entartetes Elektronengas degenerate 
electron gas. 

Entartung degeneracy, degeneration. 

Entbindung, Wärme- disengagement of 
heat, evolution of h., release of 

Entbrummer hum eliminator, hun- 

Entbiindeln de-bunching (in klystron), 


unbunching; defocusing. 

Entdämpfung gain, regeneration, de- 
attenuation. -Frequenzkurve gain- 
frequency curve. 

enteignen expropriate, dispossess. 

enteisen de-ice. 

entfallen lose (a chance), drop out, 

Entfärbung decoloration, bleaching. 

Entfarbungsmittel decolorant, 
bleaching agent. 

Entfernung, Kern- inter-nuclear dis- 
tance. Sprung- skip distance, 
skip zone. 

Entfernungs-messer, Basis- base 
range finder. -messer, Halbbild- 
split-field coincidence range 
finder. -schleier distance fog. 
-skala distance scale. 

entfesseltes, bewegliches Mikrophon 
following microphone, 

Entfritter decoherer, tapper. 

entgasen extract gas from, outgas, 
cleanup, degas, getter. 

Entgasung, Trocken- dry distilla- 

entgegen-arbeiten counteract, buck, 
work against. -drehen, dem Wind 
head into the wind, crab. -gesetzte 
Pole opposite poles, unlike p. 

Entgegenhaltung anticipation, anti- 
cipatory disclosure or reference 

(from prior or earlier art). 
entgegen-wirken oppose, counteract. 

-wirken, der Resonanz anti-resonant. 
entglasen devitrify. 

entgraten debur. 

enthärten soften, anneal. 

entionisieren de-ionize, unionize. 

Entisolierer wire skinner, insula- 
tion stripping tool. 

Entknurrungswiderstand anti-growl 
resistance, resistor designed to 
suppress growling noise due to 
RF or tickler coil, in regenera- 
tive path. 

Entkohlung decarburization, decar- 

entkoppelte Antenne (vom Sender) 
balanced antenna. 


Entkopplung decoupling, balancing, 
tuning out. 

entkräftigen exhaust, debilitate, 
weaken, vitiate; invalidate. 

entladen discharge; unload (phot.). 

Entladeschaltung circuit means 
causing fast rise of sawtooth 

Entladung, aperiodische aperiodic, 
deadbeat, impulse or non-oscilla- 
tory discharge. -,kontrahierte 
contracted discharge. -,selb- 
standige self-sustained, spon- 
taneous or unassisted discharge. 
-, stille corona, silent dis- 

charge, efflove (in skin therapy). 

-, strahlartige needle-point, 
corona or streamer discharge, 
leader-stroke d. -, überspannte 
overvolted discharge. -, unselb- 
ständige assisted or non-self- 
sustained discharge. 

Entladung, Büschel- brush discharge, 

corona (ranges between glow and 
spark discharge). Dunkel- dark 
discharge, dark current. Fackel- 
torch-form of discharge. Faden- 
strahl- (cf Fadenstrahl) thread- 
ray discharge. Glühlelektronen- 
thermionic discharge. Hochstrom- 
bogen-,nichtkondensierte heavy- 
current uncondensed discharge. 
Kipp- condenser discharge (in 
time-base). Neben- lateral, 

stray or secondary discharge. 
Schwing- oscillatory or oscillat- 
ing discharge. Spitzen- a 
discharge, needle (-gap) d 

Spritz- initial discharge caused 
by rapid surge of ions; needle- 

79 Entschädigung 

Entladungs-stoss burst, pulse, 
corona. -verzug discharge de- 

entlang streifen brush, skirt or 
wipe over or along, graze. 

entlasteter magnetischer Laut- 
sprecher balanced-armature mag- 
netic loudspeaker. 

Entlastung relieving something of 
weight, traction, stress, etc., 
say, by counterpoise and the like, 
unburdening, removal of load. 
Spannungs- stress relief; anti- 
fatigue or anti-vibration means 
(for lines). Zug- traction re- 

entlüften evacuate, exhaust air, de- 

entmagnetisieren de-Gauss, demag- 
netize, de-energize. 

entmischen demulsify, liquate out, 
unmix, separate, sort (ions in 
mass spectrometer). 

Entmodulierung demodulation, de- 
tection, rectification. 

Entnahme, Leistungs- energy or 
power output, delivery, absorp- 
tion or pickup, tapping, taking 
or draining of power or energy. 
Probe- sample taking, sampling, 
taking or selecting at random. 

Entnahmeelektrode output electrode, 
catcher (in beam tube). 

entnehmen absorb, pick up, catch or 
abstract (energy from an electron 
beam); derive or infer fron. 

Entorientierung desorientation. 

Entquellen (Gele, etc.) shrinkage, 

entregen de-energize. 

gap discharge. Vor- pre-discharge. entriegeln unblock, unlatch, trigger, 

Entladungs-aufbauzeit, Funken- 
spark-discharge formation time. 
-kanal, Vor- pre-discharge track. 

Sisachtatceifen luminous streamers. 

Entladungsrohre, Gas- gas discharge 
tube or valve. Kipp- time-base 
discharge tube; kipp relay. 
Quecksilberhochdruck- high- 
pressure mercury discharge tube. 

release, trip, unlock (a tube 
previously cut off, by causing it 
to break down and discharge). 

entrinden strip off bark, bark, 

Entschädigung indemnity, indemnifi- 
cation, compensation, considera- 
tion, damage payment. -festsetzen 
assess or fix damage or indemnity. 

Entscheidung 80 

-zuerkennen award damages. 

Entscheidung decision, sentence, 
verdict, judgment. Berufung 
einlegen gegen eine- take or 
lodge an appeal from a decision. 

Entscheidungskern crux of a decision. 

entschlickern dross. 

Entschliisselung de-coding, ungarb- 
ling, deciphering, breaking a 
(secret) code, decryptographing. 

Entspannen einer Feder relaxing, 
relieving or untensioning of a 

Entspannung relaxation, strain, 
stress or tension relief, unten- 
sioning or slackening, untensed 

entsperren see öffnen 

Entsprechung equivalent, denotation, 

Entstehung origin, genesis, nascence. 

Entstehungs-ort origin, source or 
seat of generation or production. 
-potential appearance potential, 
ionization p. -zustand nascent 
state, status nascendi. 

Entstörung interference elimination. 

entströmen flow, stream, escape or 
issue from. 

Enttrübungsrahmen frame designed to 
make zero or minimum point sharp 
(free from night effects, etc. ), 
zero cleaning or sharpening frame. 

Entwarnung all-clear signal. 

Entweichungsventil escape, drain or 
outlet valve, vent valve. 

entwerfen design, project, plan, 
trace, sketch, outline, focus or 
form (an image). 

entwickelbar developable. 

entwickeln (cf erzeugen) develop, 
evolve, disengage, generate, give 
off (gases). 

entwickelnd, licht- emitting or pro- 
ducing light, photogenic. 

Entwickelung, Rahmen- rack or tray 
development. Reihen-, Serien- 
expansion in a series, power 
series or seriation (math. ). 
Umkehr- reversal processing 


or development. 

Entwickelungs-arbeit dealer 
(al) work. -faktor Watkins fac- 
tor, development f., time of ap- 
pearance. -rahmen developing 
rack. -steilheit slope (of an 
H & D curve). ,-vorrichtungen, 
Film- film processing equipment. 

Entwicklerbottich developing tank. 

entzerren correct or eliminate dis- 
tortion, equalize, compensate. 

Entzerrer corrective network, at- 
tenuation compensator, attenuator 
(sound recording and reproduction); 
sound clarifier. -zum Anheben 
und Senken compensator to accentu- 
ate and deaccentuate frequencies 
or bands, accentuator and de- 
accentuator, emphasizing and de- 
emphasizing means. 

Entzerrer, Dampfungs- equalizing or 
compensation network. Dynamik- 
dynamic expander. Längs- series- 
type attenuation compensator or 
equalizer. Quer- shunt-type at- 
tenuation compensator or equalizer. 

Entzerrung (Dynamik) expansion (by 
an expandor). Ausgleich- comple- 
mentary recording (of film). 
Phasen- correction of phase, de- 
lay equalizer; echo weighting 

Entzerrungs-anordnung distortion 
corrector device or compensator, 
anti-distortion device. -bereich 
frequency range of equalization. 
-drossel anti-resonant coil. 
-filter filter-type equalizer, net- 
work e. -gerät rectifying camera 
(aerial phot.). -grenze frequency 
limit of equalization. -kette 
mit Briicken-H=-Schal tung H-type 
network attenuator (beabanceae 
-kette mit Briicken-T-Schal tung 
T-type network attenuator (un- 
balanced). -kreis (zum Hervor- 
heben einiger Frequenzbereiche) 
balancing network (to accentuate 
or underscore certain bands). 

entziehen abstract, extract, take 


away, withdraw, deprive, rid. 

Entziehung, Wasser- dehydration, 
removal or expulsion of water, 

entziffern decipher, decryptograph. 

entzünden ignite, kindle, inflame. 

Entzündung, Selbst- spontaneous con- 
bustion, self-ignition. 

Episkop reflecting projector, 

erbreiten broaden. 

erbringen produce, adduce. 

Erd-alkalimetall alkaline-earth 
metal. -antenne ground or earth 
antenna, underground or buried 
antenna. -anziehung gravitation. 
-anziehungskraft sravitational 
force. -bahn earth's orbit, 
terrestrial 0. -bebenmesser 
seismometer, seismograph (when 
recording). -beschleunigung ac- 
celeration due to gravity. 
-drahtnetz ground mat. -draht- 
schleifenmessung loop test. 

Erde, Edel- rare earth. 

Erderwiderstand grounder resistance. 

Erd-kabel leader cable, buried cable. 

-kapazitat, Teil- direct earth 
capacitance. -klemme ground 
clamp, ¢. terminal. -kruste, 
Ausgleichfläche der isostatic 
surface (of earth). 

erdmagnetisches Feld Seomagnetic 

Erd-magnetismus terrestrial magne- 
tism. -schelle ground clamp. 
-schleife earth or ground circuit. 

Erdschluss earth connection, (arc- 
ing) ground. Flammenbogen- arc- 
ing ground. -fehler ground 
fault. -löschvorrichtung ground- 
fault neutralizer. 

Erdung, Lichtbogen-, Erdungslicht- 
bogen arcing ground. 

Ereignis occurrence, happening, ac- 
tion, event, phenomenon. -,ein- 
maliges non-recurrent, unique or 
singular event or action. 

erfahrungsgemäss according to, or 
in the light of, experience, 


empirical, usual. 

Erfahrungstatsachen empirical, ex- 
perimental or practical facts or 

erfassbar, zahlenmässig numerically 

Erfindergeist inventive genius, 
creative conception, inventor's 

Erfindungs-gedanke basic or under- 
lying idea of an invention, idea 
on which an invention is predi- 
cated. -gegenstand object of in- 
vention, disclosure. -geltungs- 
bereich scope of invention or 
patent, command of a p. -patent 
patent for invention, letters p. 
-schritt object of an invention. 

erfiillen fulfill, perform, satisfy, 
comply with, measure up. to. 

Ergänzung complement, supplement, 
completion, addendum (addenda, pl.). 

Erganzungs-farbe complementary color. 
«stoff vitamine. -winkel comple- 
mentary angle. 

erhaben raised in relief, elevated, 
embossed; high, grand, salient, 

erhaben, hohl- concavo-convex. 
rund- convex. 

Erhaltung der Energie, Gesetz der 
law of conservation of energy. 
-der Masse conservation of the 

Erhaltungs-gesetz law of conserva- 
tion. -satz, Impuls- theorem of 
conservation of momentum. 

erheben (Anspruch, Klage, etc.) 
make (a claim), jee or file 
(a suit or an action). -, in 
die nt€ Potenz raise to the nth 

Erhebung elevation, projection, 
prominence, salience, peak, point, 
pip (on c.-r. screen tracing). 

Erhebungswinkel angle of elevation. 

erhitzen heat, warm, fire, incan- 
desce, ignite, anneal. 

Erhöhung elevation, prominence, pro- 
jection, peak, jutting, lobe (as 


of a can), pip (asonac.-r. 
screen tracing). 

Erhöhungszeichen sharp (mus.). 

Erholung recovery, recuperation 
(from fatigue, stress, etc.) 

Erichsen-prüfer Erichsen cupping 
machine. -prüfung Erichsen 
cupping test. 

Erklärung, eidesstattliche affirma- 
tion in lieu of oath. Nichtigkeits- 
declaration of nullity. 

erlauben allow, permit, authorize. 

erlaubt(es) Energieniveau permitted 
level, p. quantum state, p. energy 
zone. -(er) Übergang permitted 
transition (according to selec- 
tion principle). 

Erlöschen eines Patentes expiry or 
expiration of a patent, annulment 
of a patent. 

ermächtigen empower, authorize. 

Ermangelung, in...von in default of, 
in the absence of, failing. 

Ermittelung investigation, ascer- 
tainment, discovery. 

Ermüdung fatigue, sluggishness, 
inertia, tiredness. 

Ermudungsgrenze fatigue limit. 

Erniedrigungszeichen mol (mus. ). 

Erneuerungsschein certificate of 

erörterbar discussable, arguable, 

erproben test, try out, prove 

errechnen calculate, compute, figure 
(out), reckon. 

erregen excite, eneröize, impulse 
(by shock), stimulate, activate. 

Erreger-lampe (cf Tonlampe) exciter 
or exciting lamp (m.p.). -spule, 
Feld- field (exciting) coil (of 
electrodynamic loudspeaker). 

Erregung excitation, energization, 
impulsing. Fremd- separate exci- 
tation. Selbst- self-oscillation, 
s. -sustained o., spontaneous (un- 
assisted) o., spilling over (of a 
regenerative receiver, with fringe 
howl and whistling). Stoss- shock, 


impact or collision excitation. 
Summer- buzzer excitation. 

Erregungslampe exciter lamp, excit- 
ing 1. (operating photo-electric 

errichten, eine Senkrechte erect a 

Errichtungsprotokoll minutes of pro- 

Ersatz-anspruch indemnity clain, 
claim for compensation. -antenne 
artificial antenna, mute a., 
phantom a. -bild equivalent cir- 
cuit diagram. -elektron equiva- 
lent or replacing electron. 
-fähigkeit capability or suscepti- 
bility of being replaced, equival- 

ency. -kapazität equivalent capa- 
city. -schema equivalent circuit 

Erscheinung phenomenon, action, 
event, manifestation, appearance. 
Nicht- non-appearance, non- 
attendance, absence, default, con- 

Erscheinungsform form of manifesta- 
tion, phase, state, physical ap- 

erschittern shake, jar, percuss, 
chatter, vibrate. 

erschütterungsfrei resilient, shock- 
absorbent, non-vibratile. 

erschweren make (more) onerous or 
difficult, impede, aggravate. 

erstarren solidify, freeze, congeal, 
harden, set. 

Erstarrungspunkt freezing, coagula- 
tion or solidification point. 

Erstattungspflicht liability to make 

Erst-strom primary current. 
lung primary winding. 

ersuchen um Gehör file application 
or petition to be heard. 

Erteiler, Lizenz- licenser, grantor, 
issuer of a license. 

Erteilung eines Patentes grant or 
allowance of letters patent. 

Erteilungsakten file wrapper (of a 
patent application). 


Erwärmungskraft 83 

Erwarmungs-kraft heating power, 
calorific p. -verlust Joule 
loss, Joulean heat, thermal or 
heat 1. 

Erwartungswert expected or antici- 
pated value. 

erweichen soften, plasticize. 

erweitern widen, expand, enlarge, 
dilate, spread. 

erweiterte Pupille dilated pupil. 

Erwerber acquirer, purchaser, trans- 

Erwerbungskosten acquisition cost, 
purchase cost or price. 

Erwiderung answer, rejoinder, re- 
ply, replication (of plaintiff 
to defendant's answer). 

Erz, selbstgehendes self-fluxing 

erzeugen (cf entwickeln) generate, 
produce, create, set up, cause, 
result in. 

erzeugend generant. elektronen- 
electronogenic (electron-emission 
under influence of light, from 
moles). farben- color producing, 
chromogenic. fluoreszenz- fluoro- 
genic, with activator properties. 
kälte- cryogenic, frigorific. 
leuchtenergie- fluorogenic, phos- 
phorogenic, photogenic, having 
phosphof properties. licht- emit- 
ting or producing light, photo- 
genic. phosphoreszenz- phos- 
phorogenic, causing persistence 
of fluorescence. schwingungs- 
vibromotive, oscillation-genera- 

Erzeugnis, Neben- by-product. 

erzwungen(e) Schwingungen forced or 
constrained vibrations or oscilla- 
tions. (opposite of free o.). 


-(er) libergang forced or non- 
spontaneous transition. 

Esse stack, chimney. 

Estrichgips Keene's cement, flooring 

Etagen-kessel battery boiler. -ofen 
storey furnace. -rost step grate. 
-ventil multi-seat valve. 

Etegere rack, stand, shelf, support. 

Etalonapperat reference standard, 
calibrated instrument. 

eventuell optionally, contingently, 
if desired or necessary; eventual- 
ly, ultimately. 

Evolventenverzahnung involute tooth 

E.W. (Elektrizitätswerk)- *ach- 
richtenübermittelung power line 
signaling or intelligence trans- 

Exolierung anodic treatment, anodizing. 

Expansionsschalter hydroblast or ex- 
pansion circuit breaker or switch. 

explosiver Laut explosive sound. 

Exponentialtrichter exponential horn, 
logarithmic h. (either of uniform 
or of multiple-flare type, for 
loudspeaker). -, aufgewundener 
twisted, coiled or curled ex- 
ponential horn. -, gefalteter 
folded exponential horn. 

Expositionszeit exposure time, ex- 
posure scale. 

Extinktionskoeffizient total- 
reflection coefficient, extinc- 
tion c. 

extra matt rough matt. 

extremkurze Wellen (cf Wellenab- 
grenzung) ultra-short waves. 

Exzenter cam, disk with lobes. 

Exzenterbewegung, Herz- cam move- 
ment (of Livin). 

Fabrik-marke trade-mark. -zeichen 
anmelden register a trade-mark. 
facettierte Linse bevel-edged lens. 

Facettspiegel, Scheinwerfer- se$- 
mented or facetted searchlight 

Fach-arbeiter skilled worker, 
specialist. -ausbildung techni- 
cal education, schooling or 
training. -ausdruck technical 
term or expression. 

Fächer-antenne fan antenna, harp a. 

or aerial. -aufblendung fan 
fade-in. -blende fan fading 

fächerndes Prisma, stark hishly 
dispersive prism. 

Fach-genosse professional colleague, 

p. collaborator. -literatur 
technical literature or press. 
-mann professional man, expert, 
specialist, man skilled or 
trained in an art. -ordnung 
classification. -photograph pro- 
fessional photographer. -presse 
technical press or literature. 
-sprache technical language, pro- 
fessional terminology. -welt 
technical world. 

Fackel-entladung torch form of dis- 
charge. -erscheinung flicker ef- 
fect (of a cathode). -kohle can- 
nel coal. 

Faden, biegsamer ductilized fila- 
ment; flexible thread or fiber. 
-‚thorhaltiger thoriated filament. 

Faden, Einkristall- single-crystal 
filament, mono-c.f. Glas- glass 
fiber or thread; thread-like de- 
fect of glass. Kenn- colored 
tracer thread (for color coding). 
Leucht- streamer; slow column (in 
a tube). Quarz- quartz thread, 
q- filament. Quecksilber- mer- 

cury column, m. thread. Strom- 
streamer (in discharge); current 
path, streamline, c. tube. 
Faden-dicketaster calipers with 
jaws to measure thread Sage ca- 
pacitively. -einsatz, Leucht- 
streamer onset. -elektrometer 
filament electrometer. -galva- 
nometer string salvanometer. 
-glas spun glass, filigree §. 
-kabel (HF-Leitung) co-axial or 
concentric cable with silk- 
thread-supported central conduc- 
tor. -kreuz reticule, cross or 
hair lines, reticle, $Sraticule, 
cross-spider hairs. -kreuzlupe 
reticle magnifier, r. glass, r. 
lens. -länge, Glimm- lensth of 
neon glow column (in tuning, 
etc., indicators). -strahl 
fuzzy hose-like pencil of 
non-uniform cross-section in 
gas-focussed c. -r. tube, con- 
sisting of positive ions and 
secondary electrons, thread. 
beam. -strahlen pencil rays 
(electrons). -strahlentladuna 
thread ray discharge. -strom 
filament current, cathode c. 
-umschnürung serving of thread 
(on cables) -zähler thread coun- 
ter, linen tester. 
fadig, ein- unifilar. 
Fading-automatik automatic volume 
control means (a.v.c.). -misch- 
hexode a.v.c. mixer hexode. 
Fagott bassoon. -wasserabguss 
bassoon syphone 
Fahne, Rauch- smoke steamer. 
Fahnenbildung signal inertia-drag. 
Fahr-arm a tracing lever (of 
planimeter). -aufnahme running, 
follow or traveling shot. -bahn 
track, taxiway (airfield), 

fahrbares 85 

runway; travel bean. 

fahrbares Mischpult dolly or car- 
type mixer, teawagon console 

fahren run, move, ride, travel. 

Fahr-gestell, einziehbares, rück- 
ziehbares retractable or re- 
tractile undercarriage. -saule, 
Elektroden- electrode mast or 
support. -stift tracing or track- 
ing point (of planimeter). 

-strahl radius vector. -stuhl, 
Spulen-, (in Bandbreiteregler) 
band-width regulator comprising 
auxiliary coupling coil parallel 
to oscillation coil. 

Fahrtwindgenerator wind-driven gen- 

Fahr-widerstand (Flugzeug) drag. 
-zeug (power) craft (marine, land 
or air), power-propelled vehicle. 

Faktor factor, coefficient, sub- 
multiple (of a number). 

Faktor, Anregungs- excitation factor. 
Anreicherungs- concentration fac- 
tor. Atomform- atom form factor, 
atomic structure factor, struc- 
ture amplitude f., f-value; 
scattering factor (of X-rays or 
electrons by gases). Aufspal- 
tungs- splitting factor. Callier- 
Callier factor. Entwickelungs- 
Watkins factor (time of appearance) 
Filter- filter factor, screen f. 
Form- shape factor, theoretical 
stress concentration f. Füll- 
space factor, activity f. or co- 
efficient. Klirr- non-linear 
harmonic distortion factor, klirr, 
blur or rattling f. Kugel- co- 
efficient of sphere (photometry ) 
Leistungs- power factor. Polbe- 
deckungs- pole arc, pole pitch 
percentage. Q-Q factor, magnifi- 
cation f. Spur- tracking error, 
t. distortion (phonograph). 

Streu- scattering factor, S value 
(of x-rays). Trenn- separating 
factor. Ubertragungs- transfer 
factor, image t. constant. Verlust- 


power factor (e.¢., of a cable, 
condenser, etc.), ratio of watts 
to volt-anps.; phase angle dif- 
ference (tan 8). Verstarkungs- 
amplification factor, voltage f. 
Widerstand-Reaktanz- Q factor, 
magnification f. 

fakultativ optional, non-obligatory, 
non-compulsory, permissive. 

fällbar precipitable. 

Fall-bar ram, tup, rammer. -Be- 
schleunigung Sravitational ac- 

Falle, lonen- ion trap (in gun of 
c. -r. tube to attract negative 
ions). Re eye mercury trap 
(in vacuum pum 

fallen, ein Lot = fall a perpen- 
dicular. -, ein Urteil render a 
judgment, decision, sentence, ver- 
dict or award, issue a decree. 

fallen lassen abandon (a patent, an 

fallende Charakteristik drooping 
characteristic, falling c. 

Fall-klappenrelais drop indicator 
relay. -körper, Zähigkeitsmesser 
mit ball-drop type of viscosimeter. 

Fallmittel precipitant. 

Fall-raum cathode drop or fall 
space. -scheibe, -schieberver- 
schluss drop shutter. -system- 
Plattenwechsel drop system of rec- 
ord changing. -werk vertical 
drop or blow-impact testing 
machine. -winkel angle of in- 

falsch (e) Ausrichtung misalign- 
ment (of image or track). sane 
Licht light fog, leakage l., 
stray 1. (in film printing), 
-phasig misphased, dephased, out 
of phase. “te) Strahlung stray 
radiation, s. rays. 

Fal sch-abst imm ung mistuning, off- 
resonance condition. -anpassung 
des Widerstandes mismatching of 
impedance, mismatched i. 

Falschanpassungsfaktor mismatching 
factor, reflection f., transi- 
tion f, 


Fälschung distortion, vitiation, 
falsification, adulteration, 
fraud, forgery, counterfeiting. 

Falte pleat, fold, crease, wrinkle, 

Falten-filter plaited, folded or 
fluted filter. -horn folded, 
coiled, curled or twisted horn 
(of a loudspeaker).-lautsprecher 

folded-horn loudspeaker. -schlauch 

pleated or corrugated hose or 
tube, accordion tube. 

faltig having folds, pleats or 
creases, wrinkled, puckered, 

Faltung (Spektrallinien) faltung 
(of spectral lines). 

Faltversuch folding, doubling or 
bend-over test. 

Falz fold, groove, flute, notch. 

Falz-beständigkeit folding endur- 
ance (of film). -fähigkeit 

foldableness. -festigkeit folding 
strength. -membran non-rigid non- 

circular (breathing) cone with 
curved radiating surface. -wi- 
derstand folding resistance. 
-ziegel interlocking tile. 

Familie, Gleichungs- equations 
grouped in a family. 

86 Farbenfehler 

Farb-angleichung color matching, c. 
comparison. -atlas color scale, 
c. chart (e.g., of Munsell). 
-ausgleich color balancing (of c. 
film). -auszug color record, 
chromatic selection. -auszug, 
negativer separation negative. 
-deckfähigkeit concealing, cov- 
ering or hiding power (of paint); 

Farbe color, dye, paint, pigment, 
stain, hue, tone, shade, tint. 
-,bezogene, related color. -,bunte 
hue color, chromatic c. -,unbezo- 
gene unrelated color. -,unbunte 
hueless color, achromatic c., 
color devoid of hue. Ergän- 
zungs- complementary color. 
Grund- primary color; ground or 
priming c. Interferenz- interfer- 
ence color. Kern- nuclear stain. 
Klang- timbre, tone color, quality. 
Leucht- luminous paint. Stamm- 
primary color. Ton- timbre. Um- 
druck- re-printing ink. 

Farbekraft dyeing power, tinctorial 

Farbemesser, Blut- plethysmograph 
(tests blood flow), electro- 

Fang-anode (cf Auffanganode) collect- arteriograph. 

ing or gathering anode. -blech 
baffle sheet (in a magnetron). 
-dUse mixing nozzle (steam jet). 

fangen catch, capture, captivate, 
collect, trap, secure. 

Fanger, Bild- pickup camera. 
Schleifen- feed and take-up 
sprocket mechanism (film projec- 

Fang-gitter suppressor grid, cathode 

é. (in power pentode), inter- 
ceptor $. -mittel getter(ing 
substance) -platte target or im- 
pactor plate -röhre, Farnsworth' 
sche F. dissector tube -spiegel 
collecting mirror. 

Faraday's(cher) Dunkelraum Faraday 
dark space. -(ches) Gefäss 
Faraday ice pail, F. cylinder. 
-(cher) Käfig Faraday screen, 
shield or collector. 

Farbempfindung color sensation, c. 

Farben-abweichung chromatic aberra- 
tion. -ausgleich color balancing 
(in color film). -auszugfilter 
selective filter, s. screen. 

farbenblind color blind. 

Farbendruck, Licht- photo-chemical 
color printing. 

farbenempfindliches Zäpfchen 
color-distinguishing cone (of 

Farben-empfindlichkeit des Auges, 
-empfindlichkeitsverteilung color 
sensitivity or spectral response 
of the eye. -empfindung color 
sensation, chromatic s. 

farbenerzeugend color producing, 

Farben-fehler chromatic defect, 
color d., chromatic aberration. 

Farbenfehlsichtigkeit 87 

-fehlsichtigkeit color-vision 

deficiency. -filmaufnahme 
color photograph. korrektion 
achromatization. -lehre 

science of color, chromatics. 
-mass colormeter, colorimeter. 
-messer chromatometer, colorime- 
ter; c. knife. -messung chroma- 
tometry, chromatometrics, color- 
imetry. -rad rainbow wheel. 
-reste residual chromatic aber- 
ration, uncorrected color. 

farbenrichtig orthochromatic 

Farben-saum color fringe. -schicht- 
film dye-coated film. -sehen 
color perception, color vision. 
-skala chromaticity scale, color 
scale, color chart. -spektrum 
color spectrum, chromatic s. 
-stufe color gradation, shade, 
tint. -messer tintometer. -ton 
tint, hue, color tone. -tüchtig- 
keit color vision. -unterschei- 
dung color discrimination. 
-veranderung change of color, 
discoloration. -vergleich color 
matching, c. comparing. 
-wahrnehmung color vision, c. 
perception. -wiedergabe color 
reproduction. -zerstreuung 
chromatism, dispersion, chromatic 
aberration (opt.). 

Farberegler, Klang- tone control, 

Farbetabletten varitone tablets. 

Farbfehler chromatic aberration. 

farbfehlerfrei achromatic. 

Farb-film, Natur- natural-color 
film. -glas colored glass, 
stained g., c. filter. -glei- 
chung, dreigliedrige three- 
color equation, tristimulus e. 

farbig, flammen- flame or rainbow 

. color. <-,mehr- polychromatic, 
pleochroic (cryst.), multi-col- 
ored. -miss- discolored, in- 
harmonious in color. -,regenbo- 
gen- rainbow colored, iridescent. 

-,voll- full or saturated in color. 


Farb-kennzeichnung color coding 
(for identification and wire 
tracing). -komponente color or 
image component (in color repro- 
duction). -kopie color print. 

farb-korrigiert color-corrected, 
achromatized. -los colorless, 
hueless, achromatic. 

Farb-lösung staining solution 
(microscopy). -massystem (1BK) 
chromaticity scale system, color 
chart, CIE diagram. -messung 
colorimetry. -muster color sample 
-rad inking wheel, i. roller. 
-raster color embossing. -raster- 
aufnahme color screen photography. 

farbrichtig orthochromatic, iso- 

Farb-rolle inking roller, i. 
-schaum fringing (in film). 
-schreiber inker, printer. 
-schwellenwert liminal value or 
threshold of intensity of a 
color. -stufe color gradation, 
tint, shade. -stufe, empfindunas- 
gemasse subjective chromaticity 
scale value. -temperatur color 
temperature. -toleranz color 
tolerance. -ton (warm, kalt) 
color hue, tone or tint (warn, 

farbton-gleiches, reines Gelb 
psychologically unique yellow. 
-richtig orthochromatic. 

Farb-treue color fidelity (of color 
film). -umschlag discoloration, 
change of color. 

Farbung (Schall) timbre, tone or 
sound color, quality. 

Farbunterscheidungsvermégen color 
discrimination faculty. 

Farb-verfahren, Linsenraster- len- 
ticular color printing method. 
-wiedergabe color reproduction. 
-zentren F. centers. 

Farnsworth'sche Bildfanaröhre 
F. image dissector tube. 

-scher Vervielfacher F. multi- 
plier tube. 

faserförmig fibrous, filiform. 


Faseruno 88 

Faserung, Linsen- fibrillation of 

Fassondraht sectional, shaped, 
fashioned or profile wire. 

Fassung socket, holder, mount (ing) 
fitting. -für Kristalle crystal 
(oscillator or resonator) 
mount or holder. -für Objektiv 
mount or barrel of lens or ob- 

Fassung, Einstell- focusing lens 
mount. Kristall- holder or 
mount of a crystal. Linsen-, 

Ob jektiv- objective or lens bar- 
rel or mount. Röhren- tube sock- 
et, valve socket. Röhren- federn- 
de cushion socket, anti-microphon- 
ic valve holder. Schneckengang- 
helical lens mount. 

Faustregel rule of thumb, rough 
and ready r. 

Fazettspiegel, Scheinwerfer- 
segmented or facetted search- 
light reflector. 

Feder spring; pen, feather; 

(mech., corresponds to capaci- 
tance in electricity). 

Feder anspannen tension, tighten 
or bend a spring. -entspannen 
relax, relieve or untension a 

Feder, Auslösungs- escapement 
spring, trip or release s. 

Rlatt- leaf spring, flat or 
plate s., reed, blade. Docken- 
poppet spring. Drehstab- tor- 
sion bar spring. Druck- com- 
pression spring. Gegen- counter 
(acting) spring, retractile s. 
Haupt- main spring, master s. 
Kegel- volute spring. Neben- 
schluss- shunting spring, off- 
normal s. Nut und - slot and 
feather (union), slot and key, 
groove and tongue joint. Pendel- 
(des Zerhackers) vibrator blade, 
v. reed or spring (of chopper). 
Rückführ, Rückzugs- retractile 
spring, restoring s. ‘Schlag- 
impact spring. 


Schleif- wiper, slide spring, 
contact spring. Schnecken-coil 
(ed) spring. Schrauben-helical 
spring, coil s. Schreib- stylus, 
style, recorder pen, inker, 

Feder, Schwing- (des Zerhackers) 
vibrator spring, reed s. (of 
chopper). Sperr- click spring. 
Stromstoss- impulse spring (of 
dial). Zentrierungs- spider (of 
loudspeaker coil). Zug- tension 
spring, traction s., retractile s. 

Feder-barometer aneroid barometer. 
-keil feather key. -klinke spring 
catch. -kraft elasticity. -kraft- 
antrieb spring motor, clockwork 
(motor) drive. -manometer, Glas- 
spoon-type glass manometer. 

-motor spring motor. 

federnd springy, elastic, resilient, 
yielding, cushioned, flexible, 

federnd (er) Kontakt spring contact, 
flexible c.,c. spring. -(e) 
Leitrolle spring-loaded idler. 
-(e) Röhrenfassung-(er) Röhren- 
halter cushioned tube holder or 
socket, anti-microphonic valve 
holder. y 

Feder-raster spring catch, s. 
dentent. -ring lock washer. 

-satz spring bank, s. assembly. 
-spannung spring tension. -uhr, 
Präzisions- chronometer. 

Federung, Federungswiderstand 
compliance, mechanical capacitance 
(reciprocal of stiffness). 

Feder-wage spring balance, s. scale. 
-weg spring deflection, s. excur- 
sion or elongation. -werk spring 
mechanism. -zange spring pliers. 

Fehl-abgleichung faulty alignment, 

-misalignment. -anpässung mis- 
matching; defective focus. 
-anpassungsfaktor mismatching 
factor, reflection f., transi- 
tion f. -anweisung incorrect 
indication or reading, misreading. 


-bauerscheinung mosaic struc- 
ture (of metal crystals). 

Fehler (cf Verzerrung) error, de- 
fect, fault, flaw, failure, dis- 
tortion, aberration (in lenses), 
trouble (in circuits). 


Fehler, chromatischer chromatic aber- 

ration. -,stroboskopischer 
stroboscopic aberration. 
Abbildungs- defect of image, 
aberration. Abgleich- unbalance, 
balancing error, alignment error. 
Beobachtungs- error of observa- 
tion, experimental e. Bild- pic- 
ture distortion, image d. Ein- 
stell- faulty focusing, faulty 
spot control, decrease of spot 
with intensity increase, large 
diffuse speck on screen, in gas- 
focused picture reproducing 

tube (telev.) Farb-, Farben- 
chromatic aberration, c. or 
color defect. Form- informality, 
formal defect. Geometrie- 
geometric distortion. Geschwin- 
digkeits- distortion due to 
synchronous speed differences. 
Glass- glass defects or flaws: 
striae, cords (when large), 
bubbles (seeds when small, air- 
bells when of irregular shape), 
stones, crystallization bodies. 
Gleichgewichts- imbalance, un- 
balance. Gleichlauf- jitters 
(distortion caused by non- 
synchronism in facsimile). 
Instrumenten- variations of bear- 
ing due to instruments (df). 
Kugelgestalts- spot-size distor- 
tion. Leitungs- line failure or 
fault. Linsen- lens defects, 1. 
aberrations. Norddreh- norther- 
ly turning error. Uffnungs- 
apertural defect, a. effect or 
error. Orts- geometric location 
error. Peil- direction-finding 
error (e.g., due to night ef- 
fects), distortion of bearing. 
Phasen- error of phase, phase 
distortion. Richtungs- deviation 

Felle äneler 

(of pencil); directional distor- 
tion (of bearing). Teilungs- 
faulty pitch (of an image), un- 
derlap (of lines). Tonnen- 
barrel distortion, positive dis- 
tortion. Trapez- trapezoidal, 
keystone or trapezium distortion 
(due to dissymmetry to earth of 
deflection plates). Verschiebe- 
lack of synchronism, out-of-frame 
defect. Versuchs- experimental 
error. Zerdehnungs- (eines 3il- 
des) radial distortion of a pic- 
ture or image (pincushion effect). 
Zerdrehunas- (eines Bildes) 
rotational or tangential distor- 
tion, twist (barrel effect). 
Zonen-, Zwischen- zonal aberra- 
tion, zonal error. 

Fehler-beseiticung curing or 
elimination of errors or of 
defects, "trouble shooting. " 
-dämpfung balance attenuation, 
return loss. -dreieck triangle 
of error. -eingrenzung tracking 
down seat or source of inter- 
ference or trouble, localizing 

fehlerfrei free from flaws, faults 
or defects, faultless, unmarred, 
sound; aplanatic (free from 
spherical aberratibn), aberra- 
tionless (of a lens). -,‚farb- 
achromatic. -,polarisations- 
free from polarization error 

(Gaussian) error equation. -grenze 
limit of error. 

fehlerhaft faulty, defective, im- 
paired, having flaws. 

Fehlerscheibchen circle of confusion; 
apertural effect. -schutzein- 
richtung fault clearing device. 
-sucher aniseikon (electronic 
crack detector), electromagnetic 
flaw d. (using flash magnetiza- 
tion), magnaflux inspection means, 
device used for flaw detection by 
x-ray or materiology methods. 

Fehlertiefenbest immung 

-tiefenbestimmung stereoscopic 
radiography for locating defects; 
depth determination of flaws. 
-verteilungskurve error distribu- 
tion curve. 

Fehl-griff blunder, mistake, error 
of judgment; wrong manipulation. 
-ordnungerscheinung, thermische 
formation of holes (cryst. ). 
fenlsichtiges Auge defectively 
sighted eye, ametropic eye. 
Fehl-sichtigkeit, Farben- color 
vision deficiency. -weisung, 
Funk- (cf Funk- Beschickung und 
Funktrübung) direction-finding 
or directional error, quadrantal 
error (QE), compass deviation, 
distortion of bearing. -winkel 
phase displacement angle, shift 
angle. -ziindung failure to fire 
or ignite (rectifier, ignitron); 

Feilhalten (von Waren) delivery on 
sale (of goods), exposing or ex- 
hibiting for sale. 

Feilhieb notch. 

Feilicht, Feilsel filings, filing 

Fein-abstimmung sharp or fine tun- 
ing. -bewegung, Zahnrad- slow- 
motion gear. -blechstrasse sheet 
rolling mill. -einstellung 
vernier (dial) adjustment or tun- 

feinfühlig delicately sensitive. 
Feingefiige fine structure, micro- 

feingepulvert finely powdered, pul- 
verized, comminuted or atomized. 
Feinheit (des Bildes) detail or 
(degree of) definition of picture 
or image. Raster- raster detail, 
resolution or definition of scan- 
ning pattern. 

Fein-neitskoeffizient fineness co- 

efficient (of Fabry), coefficient 
de finesse. -höhenmesser (aneroid) 
barometer measuring atmospheric 
pressure at airdrome not reduced 
to sea level, sensitive altimeter. 
-korn fine sight; fine grain (phot.). 


Feld, Langs- 

fein-mahlen grind fine, triturate. 
-maschig fine-meshed. 

Fein-messlehre micrometer caliper or 
gage. -messchraube micrometer 
gage screw. -rasterung high- 
definition scan (of picture). 
-regulierung sharp tuning (of 

feinschuppige magnetische Struktur 
fine-scaled magnetic structure. 

Fein-sicherung Slow-tube type, etc., 
of lightning arrester. -stell- 
schraube micrometer screw, vernier. 
-struktur fine structure, micro- 
structure (cryst.). 

feinverteilt finely divided. 

Fein-verschiebung fine displacement. 
-wage precision balance, micro- 
balance. -zerkleinern fine grind- 
ing or crushing, comminution, fine- 
ly dividing. 

feinzerteilt finely divided. 

Feinzug finishing block, f. die. 

Feld field, compartment, bay, sec- 
tion, panel, pane, frame (film 

Feld, erdmagnetisches Seomagnetic 
field. -,kriimmungsfreies flat- 
tened field (by field flattening 
lens). -,totes dead zone (of 
ribbon microphone), plane of rib— 
bon. -,wolbungsfreies flattened 

Feld, Auskoppel- output field, coup- 
ling f., absorbing f., delivery f. 
(of a Hollmann electron turbine or 
inverted cyclotron), catcher f. 
(of klystron). Bild- printing 
plane (film printer); frame, pic- 
ture or image field, picture area. 
Brems- reflecting field, retarding 
f. (of Barkhausen electron-oscil- 
lation tube). Eintritts- area of 
applicator (at skin surface, in 
X-ray work). Gleich- constant or 
steady (magnetic) field. Gravi- 
tations- gravitational field. 
Kennlinien- family of characteris- 
tics or curves. Lampen- bank or 
panel of lamps, battens (stage 
lighting). Längs- longitudinal 

Feld, Lösch- 9| 

field, paraxial f., f. parallel 
to axis. Lösch- magnetic ob- 
literating field (in magnetic 
sound recording, telegraphone 
and magnetophone). Mittel- cen- 
tral field (of vision). Priif- 
test field; proving ground (or- 
dinance). Quer- transverse or 
cross (magnetic) field. Rück- 
melde- revertive signal panel. 
Saug- suction or positive field, 
field which draws away. Schärfen- 
focal field. Spiegel- revertive 
signal panel, check-back position 
indicator p. (giving readings of 
remote instruments). Stossprüf- 
potential impact or impulse test- 
ing field. Stör- stray field, 
interference f. Tasten- keyboard. 
Teilchen- particle field. Ver- 
aleichs- matching field (in photo- 
metry). Versuchs- proving ground, 
field for making tests or experi- 
ments. Wellen- wave field. 

Feld-ausschnitt, Bild- image area 
(on scanning disk). -beleuchtung, 
hell- bright sround illumination 
(micr.) -bild field pattern, 
configuration or map (made in 
electrolytic tank). -blende 
field stop. -durchgriff action 
of field through aperture lens 
(el. opt. ). -ebenungslinse field 
flattener (opt.). -elektronen 
field electrons (resulting from 
emission caused by intense elec- 
tric f.). -elektronenemission 
auto-electronic, cold or field 
emission (and current caused 
thereby). -erregerspule field 
(exciting) coil (in electro- 
dynamic loudspeaker). 

feldfrei field-free. 

Feld-funkentelegraphie military 
service radio telegraphy, non- 
Civilian wireless. -generator, 
Brems- negative transconductance 
generator or oscillator (using 
retarding field circuit), posi- 
tive grid o. -krümmung, Bild- 
curvature of image field. 


-krümmungskorrektur field flat- 
tening. -krümmungsverzerrung dis- 
tortion due to curvature or lack 
of flatness, curvilinear distor- 
tion. -linse field lens (anterior 
or front lens in telescope and in 
microscope). -messung plotting 
field map or configuration of 
electrostatic field (in electo- 
lytic tank); land surveying or 
measurement. -profil field pattern. 
-röhre, Zwei- drift tube workine 
with two fields. -spule field coil, 
magnetizing c. -stärkenprofil 

field pattern. -stecher field- 
glass magnifier. -strom field cur- 
rent (emission of electrons due 

to an electric field). -tiefe, 
Schärfen- depth of focus, d. of 
definition, d. of field. -trich- 
-tertheorie field funnel theory. 
-verlauf field map, f. pattern, f. 
configuration. -welle field wave. 
-wolbunc, Bild- curvature of image 
field, lack of flatness of image 
field. -zerleger, bild- picture 
scanner, dissector (of Farnsworth), 
p. exploring means. 

Fell, Trommel- drumhead; tympanic 

membrane, tympanum, eardrum. 

Felsöl petroleum. 
Fenster projection aperture (film 

projection); window (in envelope 
of a cell, iconoscope, etc. ); 
bezel (in casing or panel of 
radio apparatus). 

Fenster, Andruck- pressure plate or 

gate (m.p.). Belichtungs- aper- 
ture (in aperture plate), photo- 
cell window. Beobachtungs- bezel, 
observation windon, peephole. 
Bild- picture gate, aperture or 
trap; range-finder (m.p.). Bild-, 
mit zwei Ausschnitten film gate 
with two frames. Druck- pressure 
plate or gate (film). Film- film 
gate (of projector), film trap. 
Kopier- printing plane, p. station. 
Pendel- internal pressure plate. 
Projektions- projection aperture. 
Rollen- roller film gate. Ton- 

Fensterbilder 92 

sound gate. 

Fenster-bilder window transparencies. 
-blende apertural stop or dia- 
phragm. -druck gate pressure, 
gate friction. -führung aperture 
guide. -kopiermaschine step print- 
er, intermittent p. -linse aper- 
ture lens. 

fensterlose Roentgenröhre windowless 
X-ray machine or tube. 

Fern-anzeiger telemeter (e.¢., 
metameter of GE Co., using impulse 
carriers). -aufnahme telephoto- 
graphy, long shot. -besprechgerät 
remote-control unit. -bild tele- 
vision picture, televised p., 
telephoto. -bildgrossaufnahme 
(Ferns.) projection video picture 
(of large size). -blitzanzeiger 
keraunophone. -drucker tele- 
printer, teletyper, stock ticker. 

Ferne, Sonnen- aphelion. 

Fern-einstellung long-range focus. 
-glas, Doppel- field glass, bino- 
cular §. 

Fernendunst distant fog. 

Fern-hörer, Dosen-watchcase tele- 
phone receiver. Kopf- headphone, 
headset, "can". -kino telecine, 
telecast, intermediate-film sys- 
tem (of television). -linse tele- 
photo lens. -meldeleitung communi- 
cation or signal circuit or line. 
-meldewesen, Flugzeug- aircraft 
communication service, avigation 
signal service. -messer telemeter. 
-messgerat telemeter (e.$., meta- 
meter of GE Co. using impulse 
carriers); range-finder. -messun- 
mengeber telemetric integrator. 
-objektiv telephoto lens. -punkt 
far point (opt.). 

Fernrohr, Ablese- reading telescopic 
tube. Doppel- telescope of bino- 
cular type. Doppelblickziel- 
double direct- sighting telescope. 
Rundblick- panorama sight. Ziel- 
telescope sight, bombsight, rifle 
sight, etc. 

Fern-rohrbrille telescopic spectacles. 

-rohrbüchse telescope tube, barrel. 


-rohrlinse telescopic magnifier. 
-schreiber telegraph, teletype, 
teletypewriter, telegraph printer; 
t. operator. 

Fernseh-abtaster televisor, scanner 
(at sending end). -abtastung (von 
Kinofilm) telecine scan of (motion- 
picture) film. -aufnahmewagen 
television or electron (pickup) 
camera truck, video bus, televis- 
ing car. 

Fernseh-bild, plastisches stereocopic 
or three-dimensional (appearance 
of) video picture. -empfanger 
television receiver, picture re- 
producing device, teleview ap- 
paratus (e.g., Zworykin's, Farns- 
worth's oscillight, etc.). -emp- 
fänger, Keim- home television re- 

fernsehen televise, televien. 

Fernsehen, direktes direct pickup 
(and viewing). Gegen- two-way 
television. Mehrkanal- multi- 
channel television. 

Fernseher (cf Kathodenstrahlröhre ) 
television transmitter, video or 
telev. camera, televisor (e.§., 
emitron, iconoscope, Farnsworth 
dissector, etc. ). 

Fernseh-raster (cf Raster) tele- 
vision raster, scanning surface, 
unmodulated screen pattern. 
-röhrenprüfer monoscope, monotron, 
phasmajector. -sender television 
transmitter (comprises strictly 
both video and aural signal trans- 
mitters). -signal video signal, 
picture s., telev. s. -sprecher, 
-telephon television telephone, 
video telephone. -wandlerorgane 
photo-cells and light-relays 
changing light into current and 
back (in telev. work), transducer 

Fernsprech-formfaktor telephone in- 
fluence factor. -messtechnik 
telephonometry. -störfaktor tele- 
phone interference factor. 

Fern-steuerung distance, telemetric 
or remote-control action (by 

Fernthermometer 93 

Selsyn type motor). -thermometer 
water temperature Sage. -über- 
tragung, kettermessinstrument mit 
funkentelegraphischer radio tele- 
meteorographic (or telemetric) 
instruments, r. sonde. -wirkung 
distance action, remote-control 
a., telemetric a. -zeichnung 
perspective drawing. 

Fertig-erzeugnis finished article, 
manufactured goods. -form finish- 
ing mold (glass bottle making). 

Fertigung, Fliess- conveyor belt 
or assembly-line production, 
large-scale manufacture. 

fest (cf beständig) solid, firm, 
unvarying, compact, strong, fast, 
fixed, stationary, tight, rigid, 
secur@é, proof, stable. -(e) 
Kopplung close coupling, strong c. 

festbacken cake together (by heat 
or pressure), clinker. 

Festdetektor contact or crystal de- 
tector (with non-adjustable cat 

fest-fressen seize, jam, freeze. 
-halten, photographisch record 

photographically (on record sheet). 

Festigkeit strength, solidity, 
sturdiness, ruggedness, firmness, 

Festigkeit, Dauer- fatigue strength. 
Falz- folding strength. Feuer- 
fire-proofness, refractoriness. 
Gestalt- form stability, non- 
deformability. Kerbdauer- notch ~ 
fatigue strength. Knitter- crump- 
ling strength. Riss- crack 
strength, c. resistance. Span- 
nungs- puncture potential, di- 
electric strength. Stossdurch- 
schlags- impact breakdown strength. 
Streck- resistance to stretching 
or elongation. Trennungs- separ- 
ating strength, static crack 
strength. Zerbrechungs- breaking 
strength, resistance to breaking 
strain. Zerdrückungs- crush 
strength, resistance to compres- 
sion or crushing strain. 
estkondensator fixed or non- 

Feuer fiihrung 

variable condenser or capacitor. 

fest-machen consolidate, solidify, 
make concrete or firm; fasten, 
secure, attach. -setzen fix, 
settle, stipulate, determine, es- 

Festsetzung, Entschädigungs- assess- 
ing or fixing damage or indemnity. 

Festsitz tight fit, snug f. 

feststellbar determinable, ascertain- 
able; lockable (in position), fix- 
able, securable. : 

feststellen ascertain, determine, 
establish, state; lock (in posi- 

Feststellungs-klage declaratory ac- 
tion. -urteil declaratory juds- 

festweich semi-solid. 

Fett, Vakuum- vacuum grease. 

Fett-fleckphotometer Bunsen photo- 
meter, sgrease-spot p. -schliff 
greased (ground-in) joint. -ton 
Fuller's earth. 

Feuchtemesser hy$rometer, psychro- 
meter. : 

Feuchtigkeit moisture, moistness, 
wetness, dampness, humidity. 

Feuchtigkeitsmesser hygrometer, 
psychrometer. -,registrierender 

feuchtigkeitssicher damp-proof, 

Feuer beacon, (radio) beam station, 
radio range. 

Feuer, Ansteuerungs- line of ap- 
proach beacon, directional b. 
Drehfunk- rotating radio beacon, 
omni-directional b. Funk-, 
mehrstrahliges multi-beacon, 
triple-modulation b. Kavigations- 
navigation or maritime beacon, b. 
or beam station for aerial navi- 
gation or avigation. 

feuerbeständig resistant to fire 
or heat, fire-proof, refractory. 

Feuerbeständigkeit fire-proofness, 

feuerflüssig liquid at high tempera- 
ture, molten, fused. 

Feuer-führung firing (schedule). 


-punkt focus (opt. ); hearth (in 
mining). -schutztrommel safety 
magazine (of film projector). 
-stein flint. --ton fireclay. 
-versilberung hot-dip silverplat- 
ing. -verzinkung hot galvaniza- 
tion, pot $. -verzinnung hot-dip 

Figur, stehende stationary pattern 
or figure. 

Figur, Atz- etch pattern, e. figure. 
Beugungs- diffraction pattern, d. 
picture. Fliess- strain pattern. 
Klang- sound pattern, acoustic p. 
or figure. Ring- Fresnel or 
Huygens zone, F. zone plate. 
Schlag- percussion figure. Staub- 
dust figure, powder pattern (of 
Lichtenberg, Bitter, Debye- 
Scherrer, Hull, etc.). Streck- 
flow lines, 1. of stress, sur- 
face bands. 

Film, doppelbeschichteter sandwich 
film, double-coated f. -,ge- 
gossener coated film. -,glas- 
klarer pellucid film stock (of 
maximum transmittance). -,mehr- 
fachbeschichteter double-coated 
film, sandwich f. -,plastischer 
stereoscopic film, plastic f. 
-,unverbrennbarer slow-burning 
film, safety f. -,verregneter 
rainy film. 

Film, Atmen des...s in-and-out-of- 
focus effects. Auflaufen des...s 
take-up (by spool) of film. 
Einlegen des...s threading of 

Film, Blank- film base. Doppel- 
schicht- double-coated film, 
sandwich f. Duppositiv- duplicat- 
ing positive film, master posi- 
tive. Farbenschicht- dye-coated 
film. Flach- non-stereoscopic 
film, non-plastic f., plain f. 
Gravar- film with directly en- 
graved track. Hör- (Tonfilmrund- 
funk) video and audio film, sound 
telecine or telecasting filn. 
Kino-, Fernsehabtastung von tele- 



cine scanning of motion-picture 
film, scanning of film for tele- 
vision. Klein- substandard film, 
narrow f. Kultur-, Lehr- educa- 
tional film, cultural f., instruc- 
tion or school film. Linsenraster- 
lenticular film, lenticulated f. 
Milieu- "milieu" film. Naturfarb- 
natural-color film. Präge- film 
with directly embossed track. 
Raster- lenticulated screen filn. 
Reportage- newsreel, news film, 
topical f. Roh- blank film, raw 
stock. Rundfunkton- sound tele- 
cine, telecast (broadcasting of 
video and audio signals). Schmal- 
substandard film, narrow f. 
Spezial-, hoher Steilheit high- 
contrast emulsion film. *Stumm- 
silent film. Trickton- sound 
cartoon. Umkehr- film resulting 
from developing by reversal. 
Vorführungs- display film. 
Zeichentrick- animated cartoon. 

Film-abheber plow (to peel film from 

teeth. -absatz packing, wear and 
tear. -abtastung film scanning. 
-ebwickler magazine drum, feeding 
reel, -architektur setting and 
composition. -erchiv film archives. 
-atmen in-and-out-of-focus effects. 
-zuflaufspule, -aufwickelspule take- 
up spool or reel. -bahn film track, 
f. channel. -bandführung aperture 

guide, -baukunst setting and com- 
position, -belichtungsstelle film 
gate. -bewegung, bildweise inter- 

“mittent film feed or movement. 
-bewegung, stete continuous film 

feed or movement. -bildschicht 
film emulsion, f. coat. -blitz 
statics (mp. film). -doppeln 
film duplicating. -einfädelung, 
-einführung threading of film 
-einschniirung squeezing or compres- 
sion of film (for making squeeze 

track). -entwickelungsvorrichtung 
film processing equipment. -fen- 
ster filn gate, film trap. -fern- 

sehabtastung telecine scan (of 

Filmfernsehsystem 95 

m.p. film). -fernsehsystem inter- 
mediate film television systen. 
-fortschaltung film feed, f. motion, 
f. travel. -führung film feed, 
film guiding, f. gate. -geber 

film transmitter, film pickup, 

f. scanner, tele-cinematographic 
device. -justierung registration 
of film. -kameralaufwerk camera 
film feed mechanism. -kanal film 
track, film channel. -kern reel, 
spool. -kittlehre film splicing 
gage. -messer,-meterzähler foot- 
age counter. -methode, Zwischen- 
intermediate-film (pickup) method 
of television transmission. 
-ootic, Ton- sound lens, s. optic 
(m.p.). -projektionsfenster aper- 
ture, gate. -registerhaltigkeit 
registration or stability of film. 
-egler, film traction regulator 
(stabilizer). -rolle film take-up 
spool or reel. -rundfunk, Ton- 
sound telecine, video and audio 
broadcast. -schaltung, bildweise 
intermittent film motion, discon- 
tinuous f. feed. -schaltung, 
stete continuous film feed or 
movement. -schleife film loop. 
-schneiden editing. -schwanz trail- 
er run-out (piecé of blank film at 
end). -sensitometer sensitometer, 
timer. -spannung film tension, f. 
traction. - spulenhalter film roll 
holder. -steilheit, hohe high con- 
trast of film. -streifen, endloser 
endless film strip. -träger film 
base, f. support. -transport, 
absatzweiser intermittent film 
feed. -transport, steter con- 
tinuous film feed. -transportrolle 
film (feed) sprocket. -tür film 
gate. -uhr footage counter. 
-verarbeitung film processing. 
-verblitzung dendriform exposure 
of film (due to static charges). 
-vertrieb release of film, dis- 
tribution of f.. -vorführung film 
projection; f. exposure (in gate). 
-vorlauf lead or precession of 


sound recording over pictures = 19 
frames = 361 millimeters. -vor- 
ratsspule film magazine roll, 
magazine. -wagen, Ton- sound 
truck, location t., sound van. 
-wirkung merit or quality of pic- 
ture. -wölbung film buckling. 
-zahler footage counter. -zug, 
Unstetigkeit im flutter in film 
pull. -zusatzgerät, Ton- sound- 
head, sound film attachnent. 

Filter, tonrichtiger true color fil- 

ter, pure c.f., orthochromatic: f. 

Filter, Aufteilungs- crossover net- 

work (sound production). Band-, 
von grosser Lochweite broad-band 

filter. Bewertungs- weighting 
network. Blau- blue filter, view- 
ing f. Durchlass- band-pass filter, 

b.-transmission f. Einzelabschnitt- 
single-section filter. Entzerrungs- 
filter-type equalizer, network e. 
Farbenauszua- selective filter, s. 
screen. Frequenzbereich- band- 
pass filter. Gitter- lattice fil- 
ter (used in electric signaling). 
Glocken= bell jar filter. Kanal- 
channel filter. Kontrast- filter 
for selective contrasts, contrast 
screen filter. Kreuzglied- lat- 
tice section filter. Licht- light 
filter, color f. Mikro- filter 
for micrographic work. Nadel ge- 
räusch- needle scratch filter. 
Streifen-, dreifacher tricolor 
banded filter. Tiefpass- low- 
pass filter. Trenn- dividing 
filter, separating f. Verlauf- 
sky filter (of gradual action). 
Wellenstrom- ripple filter. 

Filterabschluss dch, 1/2 Langsglied 

mid-series filter termination. 
-dch. 1/2 Querglied mid-shunt 
filter termination. 

Filter-durchlässigkeit, Clas- filter 

or glass transmittance or trans- 
mittancy. -faktor filter factor, 
screen f. -federungswiderstand 
compliance (of mechanical filter). 
-glied filter section, f. mesh, f. 



unit. -lochlage position of trans- 

mission range. -massenwiderstand 
inertance (of mechanical filter). 
-steilheit sharpness (of cut-off) 
of selecting network, slope. 

Filz-kufe felt pad. -unterlagscheibe 

felt washer. 

Finger, Kontakt- contact finger, 

Finger-anschlag finger stop (of 
dial switch). -bildner digi- 
torium (for piano practicing). 
-hut(ionisierungs)kammer thimble 
ionizing chamber. -regel, Drei- 
right-hand rule, thumb rule, 
Fleming's r. -scheibe dial 
switch, finger disk or wheel. 

Fisch-bauchantenne fish-belly 
antenna (mast antenna in which 
maximum cross-section and mini- 
mum characteristic impedance lie 
in the middle). -schwanzbrenner 
bat's wing burner, fishtail b. 

Fis-Klappe F sharp key. 

Fixier-flüssigkeit fixing liquid, 
f. liquor. -mittel fixative, 
fixing agent. -natron sodium 
hyposulfite, sodium thiosulfate, 
"hypo". =salz fixing salt. 

fixierter Kathodenfleck des Queck- 
silberlichtbogens anchored spot 
of mercury arc. 

flach flat, without contrast, with 
low gamma Tpicture); flat, flat- 
topped (curve, e.g., in broad 

flach werden level off, flatten 
out, slope, become less steep, 
be smoothed. 2 

Flachdruck lithoprinting. 

Fläche surface, face, facet, plane, 
area, zone, plain, level, sheet, 

Fläche, cartesische Cartesian sur- 
face. -,deformierte deformed or 
figured surface. - konstanten 
Potentials equipotential surface, 
isopotential s. 

Fläche, Abstrahl- radiation surface, 

radiant s., reflecting s., pro- 


jector s. (loudsp.). Abstumpfungs- 
truncated face (cr.). Ausgleich-, 
der Erdkruste isostatic surface 

(of earth). Aquipotential- iso- 
potential or equi-p. surface or 

plane. Rild- image area, picture 
field; image plane (opt.). Brenn- 
caustic surface (geometry). Emp- 

fanger- radiation sensitive sur- 
face; record sheet. Gleit- glide 
plane, slip p. (cryst.), sliding 
surface, slide. Grenz- interface, 
boundary layer, surface of con- 
tact. Grund- basal surface, base, 
area. Ketten- catenoid. Knoten- 
nodal surface, n. plane (opt. ). 
Kristall- crystal face, c. plane. 
Leit- deflection vane (in ldspk. 
horn, to reduce directional prop- 
erty), labyrinth, baffle. Licht- 
verteilungs- isophote, isolux 
diagram, luminosity or isophotic 
surface or curve. Neben- second- 
ary face. Niveau- level, surface, 
equipotential s., isopotential s. 
Potential-, konstante equipoten- 
tial or isopotential surface. 
Prismen- prismatic surface, p. 
face. Rückstrahlbrenn- catacaus- 
tic (surface). .Schärfen- surface 
of sharp or distinct vision. 
Schiebungs- slip plane (cryst.). 
Spalt- cleavage plane, c. face 
(eryst.). Stirn- end face, face, 
front surface. Strahl(ungs)- 
emitting surface, emitter area 
(electrons), radiator surface, 
radiant surface. Translations- 
translation plane, slip p. 
Trennungs- cleavage plane, part- 
ing p., surface of separation. 
wellen-, Fresnel'sche Fresnel 
zone (of half-period elements). 

Flächen-aberration-, -abweichung 

zonal aberration (opt.). -antenne 
sheet antenna. -anziehung sur- 
face attraction, adhesion, ad- 

flächenartige Strombahn (cf flä- 

chenhaft) current sheet, laminar 


or areal path of current. 

Flächen-ausmessung planimetering. 
-element (cf Bildpunkt) elemen- 
tary area, unit a. -erhaltungs- 
gesetz principle of conservation 
of area. 

flächenförmig areal, laminar, of 
sheet-like nature or forn. 

Flächengl immlampe sglow-lamp or neon 
l. with plate-shaped cathode, 
plate neon l. 

flachenhaft areal, laminar, involv- 
ing two-dimensionality, of sheet 
or plane form. -(e) Berührung 
surface or areal contact (as in 
osculation). -(e) Spule laminar 
or strip-like coil, non-filamen- 
tary c. 

Flächen-helle, -helligkeit luminous 
brightness of a surface, intrins- 
ic brilliance. -inhalt surface 
area. -integral area integral 
(of a surface). -kathode plate- 
shaped cathode, large-surface c. 
(as distinguished from crater- 
shaped, punctiform orfilamentary 
c.). -lampe, -leuchte bank or 
pillar of lamps or luminous 
sources, battens. -messer plani- 
meter, integraph (for curves). 
-potential, Grenz- interface 

flächenreich polyhedral, with many 
faces or sides. 

Flächen-satz theorem of conservation 
of areas. -stück area element, 
unit a., elementary a. 

flächentreue Projektion equal-area 
projection (in mapping). 

Flächenwinkel plane angle. -winkel, 
Grenz- interfacial angle (dihedral 
between two crystal faces). 
-zeichnung, Spalt- cleavage plane 
marking, crystal n. 

flächenzentriert face-centered 

flacher Frequenzgang flat frequency 
characteristic (free from peaks 
and dips). 

Flach-film plain film, non-plastic 


f., non-stereoscopic f. -gewinde 
square (screw) thread. -heit 
(eines Bildes) flat or non- 
contrasty quality or condition of 
a picture or image. 
flächig ...faced, areal, laminar. 
flächig, drei- trihedral, three- 

faced. viel- polyhedral, many- 
faced. vier- tetrahedral, four- 
faced. zwei- dihedral, two- 

Flächner, Halb- hemihedron. Voll- 

Flach-spule flat coil, pancake c. 
-streicher flat squeegee, strick- 

Flackereffekt flicker effect. 

flackern flicker, flare, flash. 

Flackerrelais flashing relay. 

Flageolettöne harmonics. 

Flammblaser blasting magnet, blow- 
ing m. 

Flamme, leuchtende luminous flame. 
-,nichtleuchtende roaring flame. 
Lock- pilot flame. Lötrohr- 
blowpipe flame. 

flammenbestandig flame-proof, f. 

Flammenbogen flame arc, electric a. 
-erdschluss arcing ground. 

flammenfarbig flame-like, flame- 

Flammen-mikrophon flame microphone, 
f. transmitter. -spektrum flame 

flammicht watered (of fabrics), 
veined or grained (of wood). 

Flammpunkt flashpoint, ignition p., 
kindling p. 

Flanken-spiel backlash (of screw 
thread). -steilheit (cf Filter- 
steilheit) width of transition 
interval (between transmission 
and attenuation bands); steepness 
of sides or slopes of a curve, 
or of upstroke and downstroke of 
an impulse. -streuung side leak- 
age, s. stray, end Ss. 

Flansch, Kühl- radiator vane, cool- 
ing vane. 


Flasche, Kugel- balloon flask, 
spherical flask. 

Flaschenzugbügelhaken block shackle. 

Flattereffekt flutter effect (called 
wowow when changes per second are 
less than 6, flutter 6-30, gargle 
30-200, and whiskers when over 
200 ps.) 

flattern flutter, flicker, wave. 

Flatter-russ lampblack. -widerhall 
multiple reflection (between two 
parallel surfaces), flutter echo. 

flau flat, without contrast (c. 
often diminished by white tint 
permeating whole picture); limy 
or blooming condition, fuzzy (of 
picture); flattened or flat 
(characteristic or response). 

flau werden flatten out. 

flechten plait, twist, braid, in- 

Fleck, Kathoden-, fixierter anchored 
cathode spot (of an Hg arc). 
Laue-Laue spot. Licht- spot (in 
scanning); hot spot (of film). 
Reflexions- flare ghost, f. spot. 

flecken spot, stain, speckle, mot- 
tle, patch. 

fleckenempfindlich susceptible to 
staining or spotting. 

Fleckentheorie patch theory (of 

Fleck-scharfe (sharpness of) spot 
focus. -Verformung, -verzerrung 
spot distortion. 

flicken repair, patch, mend. 

Flickerpeilung Robinson flicker di- 
rection-finding method, make and 
break, loop reversing or switch- 
ing method. 

fliegen, gegen den Wind fly up wind. 
-mit dem Wind fly with tail wind. 

fliegende Kathode floating cathode. 

Flieger-aufnahme aerial picture, 
airplane p. or photo. -horizent 
artificial horizon. -visier 
anti-aircraft sight. 

Fliehkraft centrifugal force, fly- 
wheel f. -regler centrifugal 


Fliess-behinderung inhibition of 
plastic deformation. -bereich 
plastic range. -eigenschaften 
rheological properties. 

Fliessen, plastisches viscous flow, 
streamline f., laminar f., steady 
f. -,Wissenschaft der Verformung 
unter rheology. 

Fliess-feder fountain pen. -Ferti- 
gung production on conveyor belt 
or assembly line. -figur strain 
figure. -grenze flow limit, yield 
point. -körper fluid or liquid 
body or substance, non-solid. 
-verzug yield or flow distortion 
or deformation. -vorgang flow 

Flimmer, Zwischenlinien-, Zeilen- 
inter-line flicker, shimmer, weave 

flimmerfrei flickerless. -(e) 
Verschlussblende non-flicker shut- 
ter. -(e) Wiedergabe flickerfree 

Flimmerfrequenz fusion frequency, 
no-flicker f., critical flicker f. 

flimmern flicker, glisten, glitter, 
sparkle, scintillate. 

Flimmer-peilung loop reversing or 
switch method, Robinson flicker 
d. f. method. -photometer flicker 

flittern glisten, glitter, sparkle, 

flocken flake, form flakes or flocks, 

Flödel purfling (mus. instrument). 

Flöte flute, flageolet. -mit 
Stimmzug flute with tuning slide. 

Flöte, Harmonie- organ accordion. 
Liebes- flute d'amore. Papageno- 
pandean pipe. Piccolo-, Pickel- 
piccolo flute. Stimm- tuning or 
pitch pipe. Stock- stick flute. 
Terz- third flute. Trommel- fife. 

Fluchtebene vanishing plane. 

fluchtgerecht truly aligned or flush 

Fluchtlinientafeln alignment charts. 

fliichtig volatile, fugitive, tleeting, 

Flüchtigkeit 99 

transient, cursory, superficial, 

Flüchtigkeit volatility, fugacity, 
evanescence, fleetingness. 

Fluchtpunkt vanishing point. 

fluchtrecht flush, aligned, in true 

Flug, Gehörziel- aural indication 
or reading of homing device, 
aural method. Schleifen- ("U") 
turn, loop. Sichtziel- visual 
homing flight. 

Flug-bahn path of flight, trajectory 
-bahnbild trajectory diagram. 

Flügel wing, vane, flap, lobe, blade. 

Flügel, Abdeck- masking or shutter 
blade or wing. Beruhigungs- in- 
termediate blade, anti-flicker 
blade, balancing blade. Radio- 
meter- radiometer vane. Zwischen- 
intermediate blade, anti-flicker 
b., balancing b. 

Fliigel-horn bugle, vocal horn. 
emesser vane-type fluid meter. 
-mutter winged nut, butterfly n., 
thumb n. 

flügeln wing. 

Fliigel-rad screw wheel, worm w., s. 
propeller. -schraube wing or 
thumb screw or nut. 

Flug-fernmeldewesen avigation or 
aerial navigation signal service. 
-funkdienst aeronautical radio 

service. -geschwindigkeit rate 
of flying speed, traveling veloci- 
ty (electrons, etc.). 

Flughafen airport, airdrome, land- 
ing field, flying f. Verkehrs- 
commercial airport, civil a. 
-befeuerung airport beacon ser- 
vice. -grenze airport boundary, 
a. border line. 

Flug-leiter, Boden- ground control 
operator. -leiter, Peil- ground 
direction-finding operator. -ort 
(flying) position (of craft). 
“Probleme avigation, aeronatical 
or flying problems. -sicherung 
avigation or aerial navigation 
safety, air communication safety. 


-strecke airway, avigation route. 
-wesen aviation, aerial navigation, 
avigation, aeronautics. 

Flugzeug, anlaufendes approaching 

airplane. -,schwanzloses tailless 
airplane. Nurflügel- tailless 

Flugzeug-abhorapparat airplane sound 
locator or: detector. - aufnahme 
aerial photograph, airplane p. 
-aufsatzpunkt ground contact point, 
landing point. -befehlsübertragung 
inter-aircraft voice or command 
communication. -führer pilot; 
navigator, avigator. -führung 
avigation or piloting of an air- 
plane. -gleichgewicht balance or 
trim of an airplane. -längsachse 
fore-aft line of airplane, major ' 
axis. -leitung aircraft guiding 
or guidance, avigation, piloting. 
-navigation aircraft guidance, 
piloting of aircraft, avigation. 
-propeller, Versetz- variable- 
pitch (feathered) airscrew or 
propeller. -schieben crabbing of 
an airplane. -stützpunkt airplane 
base, base airport. -versetzung 
drift, lateral displacement or 
shift (in course) of an airplane, 
deviation from course, yaw. 

Flugziel flying course, airplane 
neading- or head (towards destina- 
tion), home. 

Fluoreszenzauslöschung fluorescence 
quenching, evanescence, f. extinc- 
tion (e.g., by poison). 

fluoreszenzerzeugend fluorogenic. 

Fluoreszenz-messer fluorometer; 
phosphoroscope (measures decay). 
-strich fluorescent screen trac- 
ing or line. -unterdrückung 
quenching of fluorescence, sup- 
pression or killing of f. . 

fluoreszieren fluoresce, scintil- 
late (when excited by a rays), 

Fluoritlinsensystem semi-apochroma- 
tic lens system. 

Fluss flow, flux, circulation, stream, 

Fluss, Streu- 

current, drift (of electrons). 

Fluss, Streu- leakage flux, stray 
flux. Windungs- turn flux, flux 
turns, magnetic linkage. 

fliissig liquid, fluid, non-solid, 
aquiform. -machen liquefy. 
-werdend liquescent. 

flüssig, feuer- liquid at high 
temperature, molten, fused. 
streng- viscous, semi-fluid, 
difficultly fusible. 

Flüssigkeits-dämpfung liquid or 
fluid damping or dasn-pot action. 
-dichtemesser hydrometer, liquid 
density meter, areometer. -linse 
(oil or water) immersion objec- 
tive. -prisma liquid prism. 

Fluss -mittel fluxing material, 
flux. -richtung low-resistance 
or forward direction (of a dry 
or oxide rectifier, e.g.) -spat 
fluorspar, fluorite. -verkettung 
flux linkage. 

Flutlicht floodlight. 

Fokustiefe depth of focus, d. of 

Folge sequence, series, succession, 
consecution, future, consequence, 
result, conclusion, sequel, com- 
pliance. r 

Folge, Bild- series or sequence of 
optical or pictorial actions. 
Klang- sequence or series of 
acoustic actions. Linsen- lens 
combination, system of lenses. 
Reihen- sequence} consecution, 
succession, series, order. Ton- 
series or sequence of acoustic or 
sound actions. 

Folge-kern, Nacii- product nucleus. 
-kontakt make-before-break con- 
tact. -produkt metabolons, prod- 
ucts of successive disintegra- 
tion of radio-active parent 
material. -punkt consequent 
points or poles (magn. ) -reaktion 
consequent reaction, secondary r. 
-rohr piloted thyratron (fires 
second in a trigger circuit). 


-rung deduction, inference, conclu- 
sion, induction, corollary. 
-schalterkamm sequence switch cam 

Folie, Träger- supporting foil. 

Foliendurchmesser record (disk) 

Forcierkrankheit strain disease 

Förderband, öandförderer band or 
belt conveyor, c. belt. 

Fördermechanismus, Platten- plate 
feed mechanism (of electron 

fördern convey, transport, feed, 
haul; boost, promote, favor, 
further, advance, help, hasten. 

Form, Fertig- finishing mold (glass 

‚ bottle making). Mutter- master 
mold (cer.), parental form. 

Press- pressure mold. Vor- 
gathering mold (glass manuf. ). 
Zwischen- passage type. 

Formanderung deformation, distor- 
tion, strain, warp. i 

Formänderungsfähigkeit (plastic) 
deformability, rheologic or flow 

Formant narmonic determining timbre 
or tone color, formant. Hall- 
resonance formant. naupt- main or 
basic formant. Unter- sub-formant. 

Format, Bild- picture or frame size 
or format. 

formar plastic, capable of being 
plastically shaped or fashioned, 
plastically deformable or forma- 
ble, moldable, fictile. 

Formbeständigkeit stability of shape, 

Formelbild structural formula. 

Formeln, Ausschuss für Einheiten 
und (AEF) Committee on Units and' 
Standards, Standards Committee. 
Raum- spatial formulae. 

formengleich conformal. 

Form-faktor aspect ratio (picture). 
-faktor. Fernsprech- telephone 
influence factor. -fehler formal 
defect, informality. 


Formfestiakelt 101 

-festigkeit stability of shape, 
non-deformability. -gebung 
fashioning, shaping, molding, 
imparting shape by outside ac- 
tion (e.g., pressure). -gebung, 
spanabhebende (und spanlose) 
shaping or fashioning by machin- 
ing with (and without) removal 
of material by cutting tools (in 
the form of chips, etc.) 
form-gerecht, -getreu true to form 
or shape, undistorted, having 
fidelity, faithful (e.g., in 
amplitude or phase of signals). 

Formierung forming (of a valve or 
cell); activation, sensitization. 

Formling molded article or blank. 

formlos amorphous, formless, non- 

Form-mangel abhelfen oder heilen 
remedy or cure formality defect. 
-maschine, Rüttel- jolt molding 
machine, jar ramming m. 

formschlüssig form-closed or -lock- 

Form-stich shaping pass (in rolling). 

-stück, Ton-, mehrzügiges multi- 
ple tile or clay conduit. 
Formulierung, Strich- chemical 
formula using dashes or lines to 
represent bonds. 
Formziffer shape factor; theoretical 
stress concentration factor. 
Forschungs-anstalt research in- 
stitution. -gebiet research field 
or domain. -geist inquisitiveness, 
inquiring or searching spirit. 
Fortdiffundierung diffusing away. 
Fortepedal forte pedal, loud p. 
fortführen carry away, convey; 
continue, prosecute (a case). 
fortheben, sich cancel out or 
eliminate (a factor). 
fortlaufend sequential, continuous, 
uninterrupted, non-intermittent. 
-(e) Reihe unbroken, uninterrupt- 
ed or continuous sequence or 
velocity of propagation. 


-konstante propagation constant, 
transfer c. -mass (hyperbolical) 
line angle. 

Fort-rückung translation, advance, 
feed, shift, removal, moving away. 
-schaltrelals stepping or impuls- 
ing switch or relay. -schaltung, 
Film- film feed, travel or move- 
ment. -schaltwerk stepping 

fortschreitende Welle progressive 
wave, advancing w. 

Fortschreitungs-bewegung transla- 
tional movement, stepping, 
propagational m. -geschwindigkeit 
speed of progression, s. of travel. 

Fortschritt advance, progress, im- 
provement, advancement (in an in- 
dustrial art, etc.) 

Foto... see Photo... 

Fourier'sche Intergralzerlegung 
Fourier integral seriation. 

Fourierreihe, doppelte double 
Fourier series. 

Frage-bogen questionnaire, list of 
queries. -recht right to cross- 
examine. -stellung interrogatory. 

Fransen fuzz, fringe. Beuqungs- 
diffraction fringes. 

fräsen cut, mill, face. 

frei, drehungs- irrotational, rota- 
tion-free. farbfehler- achromatic. 
funken- non-sparking, non-arcing, 
arcless. kohle- carbon-free, free 
from carbonaceous admixture. 
polarisationsfehler- free from 
polarization error (in df, etc.). 

--»frei -less, -free, non-, an-, 
free from, devoid of. 

frei(e) Elektronen (Leitungs- 
elektronen) free electrons, con- 
duction e. ster Platz hole 
(nuclear theory).-(e) Schwingung 
free oscillation. -(e) Wegl ange, 
mittlere mean free (length of) 

Frei-antenne outdoor antenna. 
-fallbogenlampe gravity-feed arc- 
lamp. -gabe unblocking, release, 
disengagement, opening, clearing, 


Freiheitsgrad degree of freedom. 
-zahl variance (of a system). 

Freilauf-bremse free-wheeling 
brake, coaster b. -kupplung 
free-wheel clutch, slip 

Frei-lichtaufnahme outdoor or ex- 
terior shooting or shot. 
-luftdurchführung open-air wall- 
duct, leadin out-door bushing 
(insulator). -luftisolator out- 
door insulator. -schwinger free 
radiator (loudspeaker). 

freitragend self-supporting, s. 

Fremdbestandteil foreign, ex- 
traneous or external matter, 
material or substance. 

fremderregt (er) Magnet electro- 
magnet, non-permanent m. 

-(er) Schwingröhre, -(er) Sender 
master-excited oscillator or 

Fremd-erregung separate excitation. 
-gas foreign gas. 

fremdgesteuerte Steuerstufe 
crystal-stabilized master stage. 
-unselbständige Kippmethode dis- 
tant-operated non-self-running 
time-base method. 

Fremd-körper foreign or extraneous 
body or substance. -licht- 
Lichtmodulator light relay of 
Kerr cell or Karolus c. type 
(to re-convert currents into 
brightness variations with con- 
stant, independent ray source). 
-peilung ground direction-finding 
(bearing or directional data 
supplied to airplane from ground 
stations). -schichtverfahren 
self-luminous or s.-emissive 
method (using electrons on sur- 
face of object, in electron 
Sica ae). -töne alien fre— 
quencies or tones (in sound 

Frequenz, mittlere medium frequency, 

mid frequency. 


ond), spark f. 

Frequenz, Trenn- 

„technische commercial frequency, 
industrial f. 

Frequenz, Abschneide- cut-off 

frequency, critical f. Abtast- 
scan frequency (= lines x frame 
frequency per second). 
Beruhigungs- no-flicker frequency, 
fusion or critical f. Br 
Bild- picture frequency, frame 
f., videö f., visual f. Differenz- 
difference frequency. Durchdrin- 
gungs- penetration frequency, 
critical f. Durchgangs- pass wave, 
p. frequency. Ecken- corner 
frequency, sharp cut-off fre- 
quency (of a filter, etc.). 
Einheits- standard frequency. 
Grenz- cut-off frequency, limit- 
ing f. Gruppen- group frequency 
(number of wave trains per sec- 
Hilfs-, Rückkop- 
plung mit super-regeneration. 
Kreis- pulsatance, angular vel- 
ocity, cyclic frequency, fre- 
quency in radians (W). Leitkreis- 
transit-time frequency (magnet- 
ron). Mittel- medium-wave fre- 
quency, mid freq. Mutter- master 
frequency. Null- frequency at 
which phase shift 

Pendel- electron oscillation 
frequency; quench or bias f. 
furnished from auxiliary os- 
cillator circuit (in super- 
regeneration). Raster-, Raster- 
wechsel- field frequency (in 
interlaced scanning). Resonanz- 
resonance frequency, natural f. 
Schwankungs- frequency flutter. 
Schwellen- threshold or critical 
frequency, photo-electric 
threshold. Seiten- side fre- 
quency (one of sum or differ- 
ence frequencies). Spiegel- 

image frequency. Sprech= voice 
frequency, speech f. Steuer- 
pilot or synchronizing frequency. 
Summen- summation frequency, sum f. 
Teil- component frequency. Trenn- 

Frequenz, Überhör- 103 

cut-off frequency. Lberhör- super- 
sonic, ultrasonic or ultra- audio 
frequency. Umlauf- rotational fre- 
quency (electrons). Unterhör- 
subaudio or infrasonic frequency. 
Unterresonanz- submultiple reson- 
ance frequency, subsynchronous f. 
Verschmelzungs- critical flicker 
frequency, fusion f., no-flicker f. 
Wach- watch frequency, distress f., 
f. of international automatic 

alarm signal. Wellenzug- group fre- 
quency, wave-train f., spark f. 
Welligkeits- ripple frequency. 
Wiederholungs- repetition frequency, 
f. of recurrence. Winkel- angular 
frequency, radian f., pulsatance. 
Zeichen- signal frequency. Zeilen 
(wechsel)- line frequency, strip 
f., horizontal scan f. Zwischen- 
intermediate-beat or transfer fre- 
quency (in superheterodyning). 
Frequenz-abbau frequency division, f. 
submultiplication. -abgrenzung s. 
freauency dependence, having af. 
effect, condition of being affected 
by, or a function of, frequency. 
-abstand interference guard band, 
tolerance frequency. -abweichung 
frequency deviation, drift or swing, 
lilt (slow fluctuation). -amplitude 
amplitude proportional to frequency. 
-bereichfilter band-pass filter. 
-bereichiiberstreichung durch 
Kondensator frequency range or band 
swept, scanned or covered by a con- 
denser or capacitor. -Entdämp- 
fungskurve frequency-Saın curve. 
Frequenzgang frequency characteris- 
tic or response curve, influence 

of frequency, f. effect. -,flacher 
flat frequency characteristic 
(without peaks or dips). -der 
Amplitude, starker marked de- 
pendence of amplitude upon fre- © 
quency. -normung standardization 
of frequency response curve. 
Frequenzgemisch frequency spectrum. 
frequenzgerader Kondensator straight 

frequenzunabh angi g 

line frequency condenser. 

Frequenzgerat, Silben- syllable 
vodas (Bell Co.). 

frequenzgesteuerte Senderöhre 
frequency-stabilized transmitter 

Frequenz-hub frequency fluctuation, 
swing or variation (between two 
limits); f. deviation (above and 
below the assigned center or rest- 
ing f., in f. modulation), amount 
by which-instantaneous carrier f. 
differs from r.f. -kennlinie 
frequency-response characteristic. 
-kurve, Entdämpfungs Sain- 
frequency curve. 

frequenzmässig, hoch- for high fre- 
quency, so far as high frequency 
is concerned, relative to hf. 

Frequenz-messer frequency meter, 
wave m., Ondometer, sonometer. 
-messer, Zungen vibrating reed 
frequency meter. -modulation 
frequency modulation. -reihe 
series of frequencies. -schnitt 
cross-over of frequencies (in 
sound film production); point 
where wave-bands handled by loud- 
speakers intersect. -schwankung 
lilt (slow fluctuations of fre- 
quency), drift of f., f. flutter, 
f. departure, swinging (momentary 
variation of received f.). 
-schwankungsschwächer discrimina- 
tor (converts drift into direct 
potential difference). -selektion 
frequency selection. -sieblochbreit 
transmitted band, band-width of a 
filter, spacing between cut-off 
points. -skala frequency spectrum, 
f. scale. -sperre, Spiegel- image 
frequency stopper. -steuerung (von 
Senderohrschwingungen) frequency 
stabilization (of transmitter tube 

Frequenz-teiler (cf Frequenzweiche) 
frequency divider, f. submultiplier. 
-libersetzung frequency transforma- 

frequenzunabhanaig free from frequency 

Frequenzunterdrückung 104 

effect, independent of f., f.- 
Frequenz-unterdrückung, Spiegel- 
image frequency stopper, image 
frequency rejection. -unter- 
scheidung frequency discrimina- 
tion. -verdreifacher frequency 
tripler. -verschiebung frequency 
distortion, tone d.-verwerfung 
slow frequency drift (in trans- 
mitter or receiver apparatus oc- 
curring after tuning). -verzer- 
rung attenuation-frequency dis- 
tortion, amplitude-f.d., at- 
tenuation d.,f. distortion. 
-wandlung heterodyne or super- 
het. action; frequency change,f. 
transformation. -weiche divid- 
ing filter or network, separator 
(sync and video signals, in telev. ) 
comprising limiter tube and net- 
work, -wiedergabe frequency 
response characteristic. 
Fresnel's Mitführungskoeffizient 
Fresnel coefficient of drag. 
fressen seize, bind, freeze, 
attack, corrode. 

freundlich, licht- photophilic, 
photophilous, favoring high- 
lights over shadows. 

Freyagerat German version of radar 
or radio locator. 

Frisch-arbeit fining process 
(metals). -aufnahme new record- 
ing, re-recording or new pickup 
of film (sound track film). 
-wirkung oxidizing or purifying 

Frist grace, limitation, respite, 
term, (fixed) time allowance or 
extension. moratorium. 
fristgerecht in time, within time 

Frist-gesuch dilatory plea. 
-gewährung grant of respite. 
-verlängerung time extension, 
respite, srace. 

Führung, Fenster- 

Front, Wellen-, geneigte tilted . 
wave front or wave head. 

frontale Halbkugellinse hemispheric 
front lens. 

Frontwelle onde de choc, impact 
wave, bow wave (which precedes a 

Frosch cam, dog, adjustable stop, 
arm; frog (of violin bow). 
-perspektive worm's eye view. 

frostbestandig resistant to frost, 

Frostpunkt freeze point. 

Frühzündung premature ignition, 

F S P see Funkseitenpeilung 

Fuge joint, junction, slit, groove, 

Fuge, Dehnungs- expansion joint. 
Schweiss- welding seam or line, 
weld, shut. Stoss- joint, junc- 

fühlbare Abstimmung tuning con- 
denser sensibly detained or 
braked on passing carrier, 
"lazy tuning". 

Fühler-kondensator pickup con- 
denser, scanning c. -lehre 
thickness gage. 

Fühlhebel tactile, feeler, con- 
tactor or probing lever, scan- 
ner, pickup means; indicator of 
micrometric caliper. 

fiinlig, fein- delicately sensitive. 

Fühlnadel selecting needle or pin, 

 pecker. Kugelspitzen- scanning 
or pickup needle with spherical 
point (sound record). 

Fühlratsche micrometer friction 

führen lead, conduct, guide, 
pilot, steer, channel, carry 
(current), support, hold. 

Führerstand (Flugzeug) pilot's 
cockpit, p. compartment (air- 

Führung, seitliche lateral guidance 

(of airplane). . 
Führung, Fenster- aperture guide, 

fritten frit, sinter, concrete. 
Frittporzellan soft porcelain, 
frit p. 

Führung, Film- 105 

Film- film feed, f. guiding, f. 
gate. Nach- (des Rahmens) re- 
setting or re-adjustment (of 
frame). Nieder- downlead. Rück- 
return path, return circuit, r. 
wire, r. lead. Schmelz- smelting 
practice, conduct of heat, smelt- 
ing schedule. Seiten-(von Film) 
lateral ae side guiding 
(of film). Wellen- wave guide 
(either conducting or dielectric). 

Führungs-band control strip (of a 
printer). -kanal film track, f. 
channel. -loch (guide) perfora- 
tion (for engagement of sprocket). 
-rille track or groove (of phono- 
graph record). rolle sprocket 
wheel (of film feed). -schlitten 
slide (carriage). 

Fülle, Klang- sound volume. 

Füll-faktor space factor, activity 
coefficient. -flüssigkeit immer- 
sion liquid (microscope). -körper 
filling body, packing material. 
-kurve single-loop oscillogran. 
-mittel filler, filling, stuffing 
or loading material or compound. 
-perspektive plenary perspective 
-strich filling mark, gage m. or 

fünf-dimensional in terms of five- 
dimensional world. -eckig penta- 

Fünferalphabet five-unit code. 

Fünfflach pentahedron. 

fünfgliedriger Mischer five channel 

Fünf-polröhre pentode (either power 
pentode or screen-grid p.) 
-strömealphabet five-unit code. 
-stufenschwächer five-step 
weakener (phot. ) 

Funk, Bild- radio picture, wired 
picture, facsimile transmission. 

Funkazimuth, rechtweisender oder 
geographischer true bearing. 
-,missweisender oder magnetischer 
magnetic bearing. 

Funkbake radio beacon, radio range 
(sometimes marker beacon). 


Funkbake, Kurs- radio range or 
beacon. Landungs- landing beacon. 
Richtungs- (zum Anfliegen) runway 

localizing beacon, terminal mark- 
er beacon (used in approach pro- 

Funk-beamter radio station official, 
board radio operator. -beschicker, 
automatischer oder mechanischer 
automatic (radio) quadrantal er- 
ror compensator, cam compensator. 
-beschickung (cf Funktrübuno) 
goniometric error or direction- 
finding deviation and its correc- 
tion, clearing or compensation; 
shift of minimum or zero point; 
(local) calibration of radio 

Funkbeschickungs-aufnahme calibra- 
tion of direction-finder. -draht- 
schleife QE (quadrantal error) 
compensating or clearing loop. 
-kurve error curve. -kurvenscheibe 
compensator cam, zero-clearing c. 

Funk-besteck radio fix. -bild 
photo-radio, radio picture, wired 
p., radiophotogram. -drosselspule 
air-gap reactance coil. 

Funkeleffekt. sparkling, scintilla- 
tion, glitter; low-frequency ef- 
fect of local emission density (of 

funkeln sparkle, scintillate, glit- 

Funken, Gleit- slide spark, creepage 
s. Offnungs- break spark, spark- 
ing at break. Schliessungs- make 
spark. Unterbrechungs- break 
spark, wipe s., circuit-opening s. 

Funkenentladungs-Aufbauzeit forma- 
tion time of spark discharge. 

funkenfrei sparkless, non-sparking, 

Funken-geber spark coil, Ruhmkorff c. 
-kanal spark track. -linien spark 
lines. -löscher spark quench, 
blowout or extinguisher, =. 
killer. -mikrometer micrometric 
spark-gap or spark-discharger, 
spintharometer. -sender, Ton- 

+] - 

singing or musical (quenched) 
spark transmitter. 
Funkenstrecke, Kugel- sphere 

(spark) gap, ball gap, Löscn- 
quenched spark gap. Nadel- 
needle (spark) gap. Reihen- 
multiple spark gap. Schutz- 

spill gap. Ton- quenched gap. 
Uberspannungs- surge arrester, 
s. gap, s. absorber. 

Funkensystem, Takt- timed spark 
system (wireless transmission). 

Funkentstorer static eliminator. 

Funken-überschlag spark breakdown, 
flashover, sparkover. -verzöge- 
rung spark lag. -zähler spark 

Funk-fehlweisung radio df error, 
directionale., quandrantal e. 
(QE), compass deviation, distor- 
tion of bearing. -feuer radio 
beacon, radio range; marker 

Funkfeuer, mehrstrahliges multi 
(-ray) beacon, multiple-or triple- 
modulation beacon. Dren- rotating 
radio beacon or range. Haupt- 
main route or airway radio beacon. 
Kreis- rotary beacon, omnidirec- 
tional beacon, circular naviga- 
tional beacon (sending non-direc- 
tional signals in all directions). 
Landungs- landing beacon (for in- 
strument or blind landing). Richt- 
directional beacon station or 
transmitter s. Strecken- (air) 
route beacon. 

Funk-feuerkennung call signal or dis- 
tinctive signal of a beacon sta- 
tion. -freund radio amateur, r, 
fan, ham, -geber radio transmit- 
ter; spark coil (obs.). -horch- 
dienst radio intercept service. 
-mutung radio prospecting, r. metal 
locating. -ortung radio position 
finding, obtaining r. fix. 

Funkpeil-scheibe bearing plate of 

radio df. -schwund radio fadeout 
or fading. -sektor approach sec- 
tor. -station, -stelle radio 


Funktion, Bessel- 

direction-finder station or post 
(on ground or on craft). -sta- 
tionmittellinie center line of 
approach sector. 

Funk-platte spark plate (condenser 
of automobile radio). -querver- 
bindung intercommunication chan- 
nel. -rufzeichen radio call, code 
signal, "signature" (of a sta- 
tion). -schatten radio shadow, 
dead spot, pocket. -schneise 
radio beacon course, equisignal 
track, corridor of approach. 
-schwund fading, fadeout (of radio 

Funkseitenpeilung, beschickte od. 
verbesserte true or corrected 
radio bearing. -, unverbesserte 
oder abgelesene uncorrected or 
read radio bearing. 

Funksender, Einpeilen eines Richt- 
empfängers auf einen tuning in a 
transmitter station with direc- 
tional receiver, to take bearings. 
Leit- radio range, r. beam sta- 
tion, r. beacon. 

Funkspektrum see Wellenabgrenzung 

Funkspruch, geschlüsselter radio 
code message, coded r.m. -spruchweg 
radio channel. 

Funkstelle, Boden- aeronautical 
ground radio station, §. direc- 
tion-finder s. Einstrahl- beam 
station. Gross- high-power 
radio station, long-distance or 
long-range s. Land- ground radio 
station; shore or coast s. Leit- 
net control station. Luft- air- 
craft radio signal station. 

Funktechnik radio engineering,r.. 
art; r. communication or signal- 
ing art. -techniker radio 
technician, r. engineer. 

funktelegraphische Verbindung radio 
telegraphic connection, r. signal 
communication (channel). 

Funktelephon radiophone. 

Funktion, konjugierte conjugate 
function. Ausgangs- trial func-” 
tion. Bessel- erster Art 

Funktion, Eigen- 

Bessel function of the first kind. 

Eigen- eigen function, charac- 
teristic f. Einheits- unit func- 
tion (of Heaviside). Hyperbel- 
hyperbolic function. Kraft- 
power function. Kugel- spherical 
winkel- trigonometric function, 
angular f., function of angles. 

Funk-trübung uncleared zero, blur- 
rinsor lack of precision of mini- 
mum or zero (in radio d.f. or 
bearing). -verkehrsbezirk radio 
controlled aerial navigation (or 
avigation) district or zone. 
-wechselsprechen alternate. two- 
way radiophone communication. 
-wesen radio technology, r. si$- 
naling art. 

Furche furrow, .channel, wrinkle, 
ruling or line (of diffraction 


Orts- position function. 


grating); groove or track (with 
undulations, of phonograph or 
gramophone disk). 

Fuss pinch, press, squash, stem or 
foot (of a lamp, tube or valve). 
-,umgestiilpter re-entrant squash 
or press. Strahlerzeuger- gun 
press (of c.-r. tube). 

Fusskreis root line, dedendum l. 

fusslose Röhre loctal tube. 

Fussplatte base plate (camera). 

Fussounkt foot (math.), nadir 
(point opposite the zenith, in 
astronomy). -,Gegen- anti- 

Fusspunkt-kurve pedal (or podal) 
locus curve. -linie podal line. 
-widerstand terminal impedance 
or base-loading (of antenna). 

Futter, Mantel- shell lining. 

Fütterungsstoff lining material. 

Gabe, Impuls-, Stromstoss- pulsing, 
impulsing, emission or transmis- 
sion of impulses. Impuls-, 
rückwärtige revertive pulsing. 
gabelartig forked, furcated, bi- 

Gabel-kl ammer forked clamp. 
-umschalter hook switch. -zinken, 
Stimm- tuning fork prong or tine. 
Galgen, Mikrophon- microphone boon. 
Galle, Glas- glass gall, sandiver. 
Galtonpfeife Galton pipe. 

galvanisch galvanic, conductive. 
galvanische Kopplung resistance 

Galvanometer, kompensiertes rneo- 
graph (of Abraham) in which in- 
ertia and damping are compensat- 
ed. bandchen- twisted strip or 
band galvanometer. Faden- 

string galvanometer, vibrating §. 
Saiten- Einthoven g. Stoss- ball- 
istic galvanometer. 

Galvanostegie galvanoplastics, 
electroplating, electrodeposition. 
Gamma, Kopie- negative samma. 

Gang motion, working state, gear; 
course, passage, pass, travel, 
stroke; trend, drift; heat run; 
thread or spire of screw; action 
(of camera); function, dependence, 
haan response (characteris- 

Gang, toter lost motion, backlash, 
play. -zügiger intimate or posi- 
tive threading of gear (without 
play or backlasn). 

Gang, Chargen- heat run. Dämpfungs- 
frequency response of attenuation, 
attenuation-frequency characteris- 
tic. Frequenz- frequency char- 
acteristic, frequency-response 
curve, effect of frequency. Fre- 

quenz-,starker, der Amplitude, 
marked dependence of amplitude 

on frequency. Gefalls- gradient 
variation. Gleich- unison, 
synchronism. Hin- forward mo- 
tion or working stroke, travel, 
pass or journey, scansion (telev. ) 
Hin- und Her- reciprocating mo- 
tion, rocking movement. Orts- 
local variation. Rück- return 
stroke, retrace or flyback (of 
pencil); decline. Selbst- 
automatic feed, operation or 
action. Strahlen- path of rays, 
ray tracing, geometric configura- 
tion of rays. Tages-, örtlicher 
local diurnal variation. Tempera- 
tur- temperature dependence. 
Vorwarts- direct action (of 

gangbar salable, marketable; prac- 

Ganghöhe, windungs- pitch of turns. 

gängig ....-thread(ed), pitched. 

gangig, links- left-handed, counter- 
clockwise. rechts- clockwise, 
right-handed. scharf- (screw 
cut) with triangular thread. 

Gangunterschied path or phase dif- 
ference (of waves, rays, etc.) 

ganz whole, entire, total, complete. 
-(es) Vielfaches integral multi- 
ple. -(e) Zahl integer, whole or 
integral number. 

Ganz-heit totality, whole, aggrega- 
tion. -metallwand all-metal 
(projection) screen. -polkegel 
polehode cone, body cone. -ton 
whole tone. 

ganzzahlige Ladung integral spin, 

Ganzzahligkeit integralness, 
property of being an integer. 

Garbrand 109 

Gar-brand finishing burn (ceramics). 
-brenne fired to maturity (ceramics). 

Gare refined state, finished s. 

Garnierung bushing, lining. 

Garnitur fittings, trimmings, mounting. 

Gasabgang gas issue, withdrawal or off- 
take, g. delivery. 

gasartig Sasiform, gaseous. 

Gasaufnahme occlusion or absorption 
of gas (in metals). -aufzehrung 
gettering, absorption of gases. 
-ausbruch gas eruption, (violent) 
liberation of g., escape of §. 
-austreibung gas cleanup or expul- 
sion, outgasing, degasing, gettering. 

gasbehaftete Oberfläche sas contaminat- 
ed surface, s. with adsorbed g. 

Gas-bindung gettering. -blasenbildung 
cavitation, occlusion of gases (in 
metals, etc.). -dichtemesser 
dasymeter. -entladungsrohr gas dis- 
charge tube or valve. -entwicklung 
evolution, disengagement or giving 
off of gas. 

gas-förmig sasiform, gaseous. 

-gefüllte Röhre gas-content tube, 
gaseous t., sassy t. 

Gas-konzentrierung gas focusing, ionic 
2 (in c.-r. ae -schalter, 
Druck- (cross) airblast switch. 
-schmelzschweissung gas torch auto- 
genous welding. -strecke gaseous 
path or gap (in a tube). -verschluss 
gas seal, bell and hopper, cup and 
cone arrangement (furnace). -wage 
gas specific gravity balance. -zelle 
gas-filled photo-emission cell. 

gattieren classify, sort. 

Gattung kind, genus. 

gaufrieren Soffer, emboss. 

Gaze, Draht- wire gauze, mesh or cloth. 

gebend s. erzeugend 

Geber, Bild- pickup camera. Film- 
film transmitter, pickup or scanner, 
telecinematographic or film scanning 
device. Funk- radio transmitter; 
spark coil (obs.) Funken- spark 
coil, Ruhmkorff c. Impuls- impulsing 


device, impulse transmitter; tonal 

‚ generator, tonic transmitter. 
Kontakt- contact maker, time- 
tapper or marker. Kristalltakt- 
crystal monitor, c. stabilizer. 
Takt- impulsing means, impul- 
ser; time beater, t. tapper, 

Gebiet, Druck- pressure or com- 
pression area or region. 
Einzugs- cross-sectional area 
of undistorted portion of 
field (re: df frame). 

Empfangs- service area 
(broadcasting). Interferenz- 
mush area (chain broadeasting). 
Orts- local area. Reiss- dis- 
continuity or breakoff region 
(in oscillations). Stér- 

mush area (in chain broadcast- 
ing), distirbed area or zone. 

Gebilde structure, system, or- 
ganization, form, image. 

Gebilde, Gewebe-, winzige ultra- 
microns, (of eye tissue). 
Leiter- conductor structure, c. 
system, array. Leucht- 
luminous pattern (lines, bands, 
or continuous spectra). Luft- 
leiter- aerial extension, a. 
structure, a. network. Raum- 
space diagram; solid 3-dimen- 
sional structure. Sieb- 
selective system, filter means, 

Gebläse, Knallgas- oxyhydrogen 

geblättert laminated. 

Gebrauch custom, usage, practice, 

gebrauchsfertig ready for use, 

Gebrauchs-kopie usable or work- 
ing copy (for display). -last 
working load, service l. -muster 
(German) petty patent, utility- 
model patent. -vorschrift direc- 
tions for use. 

Gebühr fee, royalty, tax, dues, 

Gebühr , Bekanntmachungs- 

duty, payment. Bekanntmachungs- 
lay-out fee. Zeugen- witness 
fee. Zuschlags- extra fee, 
supplementary fee or dues, ex- 
tra tax. 

gebundene Ladung bound charge. 
-Warme latent heat. 

gedacht imaginary, fictitious, con- 
ceived, assumed. 

gedackte Pfeife stopped pipe. 

gedämpft(e) Anzeige deadbeat, 
aperiodic or non-ballistic read- 
ing or indication. -(er) Raum, 
mittel- moderately live room. 

Gedanke, Erfindungs- basic idea 
underlying an invention. 

gedeckte Lichter covered lights. 
- Pfeifestopped pipe. 

gedrängt,gedrungen compact, com 
pendious, of restricted dimen- 

Gefahr danger, peril, risk, hazard, 
chance, jeopardy, menace. 

Gefäll, Grenz- Limiting slope, 1. 
gradient. Potential- potential 
gradient, p. barrier, threshold 
of p. 

Gefallsgang gradient variation. 

gefalteter Exponentialtrichter 
folded exponential horn (of a 

Gefäss container, vessel, tank, jar, 
pot, box. -,Faraday'sches Faraday 
ice pail, F. cylinder. 

Gefäss-barometer cistern barometer. 
-heberbarometer combination cis- 
tern and syphon barometer. 

gefasste Linse mounted lens. 

Gefasswirkungsgrad bulb efficiency 

Geflecht plaited or woven work, net- 
work, reticuration. 

gefrierbar coagulable, freezable, 

Gefrierpunkt-lehre cryoscopics. 
-messer cryometer. -messer und 
Druckmesser manocryoneter. 

Gefüge structure, texture, bed, 
stratum. Fein- fine structure, 


micro-s. Grob- macro-structure. 
Klein- fine structure, micro-s. 
Streifen- laminated structure, 
banded s. 

Gefühl, Raum- space feeling, spatial 
feeling (in vision). 

gegebenenfalls if necessary, under 
certain circumstances, in an 
emergency, optionally. 

gegen den Wind fliegen fly up wind. 

gegenarbeiten buck, oppose, counter- 
act, work in opposition. 

Gegen-beleuchtung back (ground) 
illumination. -beweis, direkter 
rebutting testimony or evidence. 
-bild counterpart, antitype, 
replica. -druck counter-pressure, 
back-p. reaction. -druck, 
Strahlungs- radiation reaction. 

gegeneinander schalten connect in 
opposition, c. differentially. 

Gegenelektrode counter-electrode, 
opposite e., cooperating e.; 
signal plate or metallic screen 
(forming foundation of mosaic in 
telev. tube). 

gegenelektromotorische Kraft : 
counter electromotive force (c emf), 
back enf. 

Gegen-feder counter(-acting) spring, 
retractile s. -feldmethode re— 
tarding potential method. -fern- 
sehen two-way television. -fuss- 
punkt antipode. -gewicht counter- 
poise, counterweight, counterbal- 
ance. -gewichtantenne screened 
aerial. -keil counter-wedge. 
-klage cross-claim, counter-clain, 
-kontakt(pol ) co-operating contact 
or terminal, opposite contact. 
-kopplung negative or stabilized 
feedback, reverse f., anti-re- 
generation, degeneration. -kraft 
reaction, counter (-acting) or 
opposing force. -kufe counter pad. 
-kurs course, head or flight away 
from port, outward c., opposite c. 
-lager abutment, any relatively 
immovable point or surface 


sustaining pressure. 

gegenläufig oppositely directed or 
oriented, of contrary sense. 

Gegen-läufigkeit opposition, o. 
of phases, etc. -modulation 
push-pull modulation, m. in op- 
position. -mutter lock, clamp, 
check, jam or binding nut. 
-partei adversary, adverse party, 
"the other side" -phasiakeit 
phase opposition, anti-phase 
condition. -polung opposition of 
polarity, opposite p., reversal 
of p. -probe contrasting sample, 
c. test, check test. -satz,im... 
zu contradistinct from, in con- 
tradistinction to. -schaltung 
differential connection, connec- 
tion in opposition. -sehen, 
Vorbeisehen beim not to look 
straight at each other (in two- 
way video telephony). -seher 
2-way video or television ap- 

gegen-seitig mutual, reciprocal, 
one another (when more than two) 
each other (when two), contra- 
lateral (on the opposite side). 
--mischbar consolute. -sinnig 
in or of opposite or contrary 
sense, direction or orientation 
(e.8.,of rotation); irrational, 
devoid of sense, non-sensical, 
illogical. zsinnig in Reihe 
series opposing. 

Gegensonne parhelion, mock sun. 

Gegenstand object, (sometimes: ) 
image of cathode formed at cross- 
over by first lens, in c.r. 
tubes, and acting as object for 
second lens; subject-matter. 

Gegenstand, körperlicher solid or 
three-dimensional object. 
Abbildungs- imaging object. 
Erfindungs- object of invention, 
disclosure. Ubertragungs- 
object to be televised or trans- 
mitted by video signals, teleview 
0., televised o. 

Gehalt, Kern- 

Gegenstands-glas object glass 
-weite distance from electron 
source (aperture or crossover) to 
lens, object d. 

Gegen-stoff antisubstance, antibody, 
antidote. -strahl reflected ray, 
reflection. -strom counter-current, 
inverse c., reverse c. -strom- 
relais reverse-current relay. 
-stück counterpart, match. 

Gegentakt-arbeiten push-pull opera- 
tion, work in phase opposition. 
-audion push-pull grid detector. 
-bremsfeldaudion electron-oscilla- 
tion detector or rectifier (nega- 
tive anode associated with leak 
resistance and condenser) in 
push-pull circuit scheme. -kippe 
gerät push-pull time-base. 
-mikrophon push-pull microphone. 
-noiseless split-wave noiseless 
recording. -schrift push-pull 

Gegen-teil opposite, contrary, an- 
tithesis, converse, contrast. 
-versuch control or check 
test or experiment. -werk equiva- 
lent, counter, value. -wind con- 
trary wind, head w. 

gegenwirkend counteracting, react- 
ing, antagonistic. 

Gegen-wirkung, akustische acous- 
tic reactance. -zelle counter 
electromotive force (battery) 

cegliederte Bildteile, verschieden 
picture portions of different 
gradation, composition or organi- 

Gegner adversary, objector, opposer, 
opponent, "the other side." 

gegossener Film coated film. 

gegründet auf based upon, predi- 
cated on, grow out of, result 
from, conditioned by. 

Geh-Steh-Apparat start-stop type 
of telegraph printer. 

Gehalt, Kern- nuclear concentration, 
content of nuclei. 


Gehäuse case, box, shell, housing, 
cabinet, chamber (camera). 
Hörer- receiver case, r. shell. 
Trieb- gear casing, 8. box, §. 

Geheim-kamera detective camera, 
concealed c. -telephonie 
garbled, scrambled or secret 
telephony (based upon speech 
band inversion, use of scran- 
bler circuits, speech inverters, 
etc.) - 

oeheizte Röhre, indirekt heater 
type or indirectly heated tube. 

Gehör...auditory, acoustic, audio, 
aural, hearing. 

Gehör, echtes, absolutes genuine 
absolute pitch. um=ersuchen 
file application or petition 
to be heard, petition for a 

Gehör-empfindungsskala auditory 
or aural sensation scale. 
-maskierung auditory making. 
-schädigung hearing impairment. 
-scharfe acruity of hearing. 
-schärfemessung audiometry. 
-zielflug aural homing. 

Gehrung mitre, bevel. 

Geige violin. Stroh- violin in 
which bridge vibrates a dia- 
phragm attached to a horn. 

Geioen-harz rosin, colophony. 
-lack violin varnish. 

Geist, Erfinder- inventive genius, 
inventor's spirit. -Forschungs- 
researching or inquiring spirit, 

Geister, Gitter- spectral (grate) 

Geisterbild ghost image. 

Gekratz- Metall- waste metal. 

gelagert, drehbar- rotationally 
supported, journaled, fulérumed, 

Gelände, Aufnahme- location. 

Gelände-arbeit field work (geology, 
etc.) -winkelmesser angle of 
site instrument, clinometer. 


gemischtpaariges Kabel 

gelatinebeschichteter Blankfilm 
selatine-coated film base 

Gelb-giesser brass founder. 
yellow heat. 

Gelbildung gel formation. 

Geldstrafe, eine - ausklagen sue 
for a penalty. 

Gelenk joint, link, articulation, 
hinge. Kardan- universal joint, 
cardan j., hall and socket j. 
Knie- knee joint, knuckle j., 
elbow j. Kreuz- universal joint, 
Hooke's j. Kugel-, Universal- 
ball and socket joint, universal 
j-, cardan j. 

gelenkig flexible, pliable, supple; 
articulate, jointed, linked. 

Gelenk-kette link chain. -konden- 
sator swing-out condenser. -kupp- 
lung Hooke's joint. -viereck 
linked or articulated quadrilateral 
or quadrangle. 

gellend shrill, yelling, tingling. 

gelten be valid or in force, be 
alive, apply to, hold good for. 

geltend machen, einen Anspruch ad- 
vance or make a claim. 

Geltungsbereich einer Erfindung 
scope or command of an invention. 

Gemagerät German type of radar. 

gemasert speckled, streaked, veined, 

gemeinsam common and joint, shared. 

gemeinschaftlich mutual. 

gemeinschaftlich und einzeln jointly 
and severally. 

gemeinschaftlich betrieben ganged 
(of condensers), geared or 
locked together, operated jointly 
or in interlocked relationship. 

Gemeinschafts-antenne party antenna, 
block a., communal a., centralized 
or shared a. -sender chain broad- 
cast station. > 

Gemisch, Klang- sound spectrum. 

Gemischkomponenten spectral con- 
ponents (sound, etc.) 

gemischtpaariges Kabel composite 


gemischte Stimme 113 

gemischte Stimme mutation stops 

genau exact, correct, precise, 
close, faıthful (of reproduc- 

Genauiakeit, fünfstellige five 
figure accuracy. 

Genehmigung approval, approbatıon, 
permission, allowance, assent, 
consent, sanctıon, concession. 

General-nenner common denominator. 
-unkosten overhead or general 
expense. -vollmacht general 
power of attorney. 

Generator, Ablenkungs-defl ection 
generator, sawtooth g., time- 
base generator. Bremsfeld- 
negative transconductance os- 
cillator or generator, positive- 
grid or retarding-field o. 
Fahrtwind- fan-driven generator, 
wind-driven g. (airplane). Im- 
puls- impulse generator, surge 
8., "lightning" g. Lochscheiten- 
light chopper. Prüf- signal 
generator, all-wave oscillator, 
test 0. Quadratwellen- square 
or rectangular wave generator. 
Resotank- micro-wave generator 
(electron-oscillation tube con- 
fined in a cavity, e.g., c res- 
onator ce Sägezahn 
sawtooth generator, ratchet S. 
Steuer- drive oscillator, master 
0. Ton- musical generator, tonal 
8. Wanderwellen- surge generator, 
impulse ¢., "lightning" §. 

Geometriefehler seometric distor- 

Geometrisierung der Wellenmechanik 
geometric derivation of wave 

geordnet, regellos with random 

geordneter Zustand ordered state or 
arrangement (of a structure), 
perfect configuration (of units 
in crystal lattice). 

gepackt, dicht close-packed. 

Geräusch, Brodeln 

gepanzerte, wenig streuende Spule 
iron-core deflecting yoke (wıth 
minimized spot and pattern dis- 

gepeilter Sender tuned-in beacon 
or transmitter (to take bearings). 

gepufferte Lösung buffered solu- 

Gerade straight-line characteris- 
tic or "curve," (Schottky) 

gerad(e) Beleuchtung direct il- 
lumination(micr.) -(er) 
Kondensator, frequenz- straight- 
line frequency condenser or 
capacitor. -(er) Kondensator, 
kapazitäts- straight-line capac- 
ity condenser. -(er) Kondensator, 
wellen- straisht-line wave con- 
denser. -(e) Oberharmonische 
even harmonic. 

gerad-linig (recti)linear, in 
direct proportion. -sichtiges 
Prisma direct-vision prism. 
-wertig of even valence. 

gerasterte Schicht, -(r) Schirm 
mosaic screen, photosensitized 

Gerät implements, gear, apparatus, 
outfit, equipment, instrumenta- 
tion, tools. Lichtton- sound 
film head or attachment. 

Geräteglas apparatus glass (stock). 

Geräusch s.a. Akustik, Klang, 


Geräusch (Radio, Film, etc.) 
und akustische Eigenarten: 
Noise (in radio, film, etc.) 
and acoustic peculiarities; 

Apparatgeräusch system noise 
(in recording). 

Bildgeräusch frame noise. 

Bildstrichgeräusch frame 
line noise (form of motor 

blecherner Klang tinny sound. 

Bratpfannengeräusch frying 
noise, ZOoop. 

Brodeln boiling. 

Geräusch, Brummton, Netz- 114 

Brummton, Netz- mains hum, hun. 

dumpf all-bottom, boomy, dull, 

Eigengeräusch inherent film 

gellend shrill, tingling, 

Geräusch -flutter, wowows 
(when intensity pulsation or 
variation is up to 6 cycles 

a second); flutter (6-30); 
(30-200), and whiskers 
over 200). 

gleichmässiges Geräusch smooth 
noise, uniform n. 

aleitender Ton glissando, slid- 
ing note. 

Grundgeräusch (back) ground 

hallend reverberant (multiple 

Heiserkeit pops (at splices), 
raucousness, hoarseness. 

helle Klangfarbe strident or 
shrill timbre. 

heulen howl. 

Heulton warble tone, hf warble 
note, "multi-tones. " 

hoher Ton tweeter, treble, high- 
pitched or high-frequency 
note ar sound. 

hohler Ton boomy sound, dull s. 
(higher pitches cut off). 

Kellerton tunnel or boom effect. 

Klappern chatter, rattle. 

Klebestellengeräusch blooping, 
splice bumps, dull sound due 
to blooping patches. 

klimpernder Klang harsh or 
strident sound (with strong 
harmonics or high partials), 
shrill, tinkling, chinkling s. 

Klingen sounding, ringing (of a 
tube), microphone noise. 

klirren clink, clatter. 

knacken click, crack, crackle, 

knallen detonate, explode, report, 

» Geräusch, prellen 

crack, pop, pistol shot noise. 
knarren bloop, jar, crack, rattle 
creak, squeak. 

knattern crack. 

knirschen grind, crunch. 

knistern sizzle, grate, crackle, 

knurren growl, snarl, rumble. 

kochen boil. 

Kohlekorngeräusch carbon noise 

Kornrauschen film grain noise. 

krachen crack, crash, crackle, 

krachzender Ton all-top sound or 

kratzen scratch, scrape, rasp, 
bumps (film mare. 

kreischend strident, all-top (of 

lautgetreu of acoustic fidelity, 

Lautsprechergeräusch rattle of 

lebendig live, realistic. 

Mikrophon-geräusch microphonic 
noise, valve n. -schmoren 
mike stew. 

moiréartiges Geräusch moiré 
pattern of noise. 

nachhallend reverberant, echoing, 

Nadelgerdusch needle scratch n. 
chatter, record noise. 

Nebengeräusch extraneous noise. 

Netz(ton)brummen mains hun. 

offen hollow (of sound). 

Perforationsgeräusch sprocket 
hole modulation or noise. 

pfeifen whistle, ring, squeal, 
howl, sing. 

Plattengeräusch record noise, 
surface n., needle scratch. 
-schlag disk wobble. 

plötzliches Geräusch impulse 
excitation noise. 

prallen rattle. 

prellen(am Kontakt) chirp, thump, 
clink, chatter (caused at 

Geräusch, quieken 

contacts and keys). 

quieken squeal, squeak. 

raspeln rasp. 

rasseln rattle, clatter. 

Rauhigkeit hissing, raucousness, 

Raumgerausch set noise. 

Rauschen (von Rohren) tube or 
valve noise (thermal agitation 
of electrons), hissing, rustle. 

Rauschen, Schrammen- scratch 
noise. Widerstands- circuit 
noise (due to Brownian move- 

reiner Ton pure note or tone. 

sausen rush, whiz, whistle, hun. 

schallen sound, resound, ring. 

Schallplattengerausch record 
noise, surface n. 

schallhart acoustically rigid or 
hard, non-absorbent. 

schallweich sound absorbent. 

scharf shrill, piercing, 

scharren scrape, scratch. 

Schlag disk wobble (phonograph). 

Schlacen(Kontekt.) key click, 
thump, or chatter. 

Schmutzcerausch dirt noise. 

Schmoren frying, mike stew. 

schnarren, burr, buzz, jar. 

Schrammenrauschen scratch 

Schrotoeräusch shot noise (due 
to Schottky effect). 

schwirren whiz, whir, buzz, hum. 

Selbsttonen singing or squealins 
(of a tube). 

Staubrauschen dust noise. 

Strichgerausch frare-line noise 
(sort of motor boating). 

summen hum, buzz. 

surren motor boating. 

tiefe Tone low AF or bass notes; 
bassy condition (in sound 
reproduction, low AF over- 
emphasized ). 

trillern warble, trill, quaver. 

Uberschreien overmodulate. 

urreiner Ton impure tone, ragged 
tone or note. 


gerecht, flucht- 

Warmerauschen thermal noise (due 

to thermal motion of elec- 

Widerstandsrausch circuit noise 
(due to Brownian move- 
ment ). 

Wobbeln warble, wobble, 

Zischen fuzzy noise (of film), 
hiss, sizz, sizzle, fizz, high 
harmonic alien tones, in 
film reproduction. 

Zwitschern birdies, canaries. 

Geräusch, Bild- frame noise. 

Eigen- inherent film noise. 
Lautsprecher- rattle of loud- 
speaker. Mikrophon- microphone 

or valve noise. Neben- extraneous 
noise. Perforations- sprocket 
noise (m.p.). Raum- set noise. 
Warme- thermal noise (sort of 
Brownian movement of electrons 

in input circuit). 

Gerauschabstand sisnal-noise ratio. 
gerauscharm of low noise, noiseless, - 

silent, silenced. 

Gerausch-bekämpfuna noise abatement, 

suppression or attenuation. 
-beseitioung (an Tonklebestel len) 
blooping elimination. 
-beseitigung, automatische 
silent tuning, noise suppression, 
noise gate. -filter, Nadel- 
needle scratch filter. -kasten 
(Erzeugung besonderer Geräusche) 
equivalent acoustics (for genera- 
tion and imitation of noises and 
sound effects). -losigkeit 
noiselessness, silence, quiet- 
ness, calm(ness), absence of 
noise. -messer noise meter, 
sound-level meter (e.$., 
measuring in terms of decibels), 
noise measuring set, acustimeter. 
-messer (in elektrischen Kreisen) 
psophometer. -muster noise 
pattern. -spiegel noise level. 
-unterdrückungsstromkreis noise 
reduction, squelching, suppres- 
sion or silencing circuit. 
-verdeckung overriding of noise. 

gerecht, flucht- truly aligned or 

gerecht, form- 

flush (with). 

or shape. 
gerechte Farbstufe, empfindungs- 

subjective chromatic scale value. 

Gerechtigkeit justice, equity, 

gereckte Probe stretched specimen. 

gereifelt Srooved, milled, knurled, 
f luted. 

Gericht, Bezirks- district court. 

gerichtet einseitig- unidirection- 

gerichtet(e) Empfangsspannung di- 
rectional signal or incoming po- 
tential. -(er) Lautsprecher di- 
rectional loudspeaker. -(es) 
Licht parallel light (rays). 

gerichtlich belangen bring legal or 
judiciary action or proceedings 

Gerichts-barkeit erster Instanz _ 
original jurisdiction. - befehl 
writ or warrant. -beisitzer 
assessor, associate judge. 

-bezirk court circuit, court dis- 
trict. -hof, zustandiger court of 
competent jurisdiction. -stand 
competency of a court, jurisdic- 
tion, venue. - verhandlung hear- 
inp, trial. 

gerieft, geriffelt Srooved, milled, 
knurled, fluted. 

geringhaltig low eer ane wor th= 

less, of low conte 
Gerippe, Kristall- oryatad skeleton, 

skeletal c., crystallite. 
gerissene Kurve dotted-line curve, 
broken-line c. or graph. 

Gerüst structure, skeleton, frame, 
rack, scaffold. Trocken- drying 
frame or rack. 

Gerüstkran gantry crane. 

gesamt total, entire, aggregate, 
complete, whole. 

Gesamt-ansicht total view, general 
v., assembly v. -heit totality, 
entirety, assembly, Senerality, 
whole. -spin total spin. 
-verhalten Seneral behavior. 
-wirkungsgrad overall efficien- 
cy, total e., commercial e. 

form- true to form 

Geschwindigkeit, Grund- 

Geschädigter aggrieved, injured party. 

cescheckt cross-hatched. 

Geschehnis action, event, occur- 
rence, happening, phenomenon. 

oeschichtet, zwischen- inter-strati- 

geschichtete Kathode coated (oxide) 
cathode, photo- c. with light- 
sensitive layer. 

Geschicklichkeit skill, cleverness, 
art, dexterity, expertness. 

geschlagene Saite percussed string, 
p. chord. 

geschlitzter Stöpsel split plug. 

geschlossen, in sıch closed upon 
itself, self-contained. 

geschlüsselter Funkspruch coded 
radio message. 

oeschmeidig pliable, flexible, 
supple, soft, ductile, malleable. 

Geschoss-bugwelle nose wave of a 
projectile. -geschwindigkeit 
projectile velocity. 

Geschütz-aufsatz optical instru- 
ments for artillery. -zielender 

Geschwindigkeit (in Mechanik) 
velocity (being,in mechanics, the 
analog of current in electricity). 

Geschwindigkeit, ungeordnete 
velocity of agitation. Abtast- 
pickup velocity, p. rate (phono- 
graph). Anfluss- velocity of 
approach, afflux v. (of fluid). 
Apparat zur Bestimmung der- 
velocity selector. Austritts- 
exit, efflux, muzzle or emergence 
velocity. Boden- ground speed 
(of airplane). Durchschlags- 
propagation speed (of fluids in 
pipes); rate of insulation break- 

down. Eicen- air speed (of air- 
plane). Einfall- bombardment 
velocity. Eintritts- approach or 

inlet velocity. Flug- rate of 
flying speed, traveling velocity 
(electrons, etc.). Fortpflanzungs- 
speed of propagation or transmis- 
sion. Fortschreitungs- speed of 
progression or travel, forward 
speed. Grund- ground speed. 

Geschwindigkeit, Gruppen- 117 Gestaltfestigkeit 

Gruppen-envelope velocity, group principle of conservation of 
v. Kriech- rate of creep (of areas. Impulserhaltungs- principle 
metal). Masseteilchen- particle of conservation of momentum. 
velocity. Mündungs- muzzle -,Lambert'sches emission law, Lau- 
velocity. Phasen- phase speed, bert 1. Teilungs- law of parti- 
p. velocity, wave v. Rückkipp- tion. Zufalls- law of probabili- 
flyback speed, time-base un- ty, 1. of chances. 
lock s. Teilchen- particle Gesetz-blatt, Reichs- imperial law 
velocity (ac.) Umfangs- circun- journal, i. gazette. -buch code, 
ferential speed, peripheral s. statute book. 
Wanderungs- rate of migration, Gesetzesauslegung law interpreta- 
crawl or creep, m. velocity. tion. 
Geschwindigkeits-abtastung varia- gesetzlich lawful, legal, licit, 
ble-speed scan. -amplitude legitimate, statutory. 
volume current (ac.). -fehler gesetzliches Hindernis statutory 
distortion due to synchronous bar. 
speed differences. -feld gesetzmassig according to law or 
velocity gradient, v. field pat- statutes, conformable to (natural) 
tern. law, in a regular or legal way. 
geschwindigkeitsgesteuerter Gesetzmassigkeit lawfulness, legali- 
Elektronenstrahl velocity-modu- ty, legitimacy, procedure accord- 
lated electron beam or pencil ing to statutes. 
(klystron, etc. ). gesicherte Mutter lock nut, jam n. 
Geschwindigkeits-gitter accelerator Gesichts-eindruck visual impression. 
grid. -messer speedometer, -feld field of view, f. of vision. 
tachometer, tachygraph, (when -feldblende field stop. -sinn 
recording). -messer, Wind- vision, faculty of seeing. -strahl 
-anemometer. -potential velocity visual ray. -wert face value, 
potential.-raum momentum space, facial brightness (of a screen 
velocity s. -schwankungen wowows performer). -winkel visual angle, 
(when intensity pulsation is up optic a., facial a.; camera or 
to 6 cycles per second); flutter viewing angle. 
(when 6-30 cps.); gargle (30- Gespensterstrom Shost current. 
200) and whiskers (over 200). Gesperr, Anker- anchor escapement. 
-steuerung velocity modulation. Malteserkreuz- cross wheel, (cam and) 
-verteilung velocity distribu- star w. of Maltese cross, Geneva 
tion, d. in energy. -wechsel- stop or intermittent movement. 
getriebe change-speed gear. Gespinst spun fabric, yarn goods. 
gesehnte Wicklung short-pitched .: Gesprachspausen intervals of no 
winding, chord w. Speech. 
Gesenk die, block forging d., gespritzt squirted, extruded; 
swage. -schmiede drop forge. sprayed, atomized. -(er) 
Gesetz, Inkrafttreten eines -(es) Glühfaden squirted filament. 
commencement of an act or law. -(es) Metall die-cast metal. 
Gesetz, Ahnlichkeits- similarity gestaffelt stagsered, echeloned, 
principle. Brechungs-, graded. 
Snellius'sches Snell's law of Gestalt, Kugel- spherical shape, 
refraction. Erhaltungs- law of bulbous or ball form. 

conservation. Flachenerhaltungs- Gestaltfestigkeit form stability, 



gestaltlos amorphous, non-crystal- 
line, formless. 

Gestalts-fehler, Kugel- spot size 
distortion. -veränderung change 
of form, change of shape, 

Gestaltung formation, configura- 
tion, form, shaping, fashioning, 
organization, state. Doppel- 
dimorphism. Neu- re-organiza- 
tion, re-arrangement, modifica- 
tion, re-formation. 

Gestell frame, stand, rack, bay, 
shelf, mount. Verstarker- 
amplifier rack, repeater bay. 
Wasserungs- washing rack (phot.). 

gesteuerter Oszillator, leitungs- 
line-controlled oscillator. 

gestochene Scharfe microscopic 
sharpness (phot.). 

gestreckt straight, stretched, 

gestreut, elastisch und unelas- 
tisch elastically and unelastical- 
ly scattered. kern- deflected by 

Gesuch application, petition. 
-steller applicant, petitioner. 
geteilter Ring split ring, segmented 

getreu, amplituden- of equal anm- 
plitude, with a. fidelity. 
form- true to form, undistorted, 
orthoscopic (opt. ) 
klang- ortkophonic, of high 

getreue Wiedergabe faithful repro- 
duction, fidelity in r., good 
definition of image (with fine 
detail formed by a lens, telev. 
or facsimile receiver or ac.- 
r. oscilloscope)* 

Getriebe, Ausgleich- differential 
gear. Kegelräder- bevel gearing, 
mitre-wheel §. Planeten- 
planetary gearing, epicyclic 
gear train. Reduktions- reduc- 
tion gear, stepdown gear. 
Schraubenzahn- helical gear, 
spiral §., worm. Umlauf- plane- 
tary gear, sun and planet $. 


Winkelverzahnungs- double helical 

Getriebelehre kinematics. 
Getter-abschiessen set off or cause 
vaporization of getter. -pille 
getter tab, §. patch, $. pill. 
-spiegel setter patch, setter 


gewahrbar allowable, srantable. 

gewahren (ein Fatent) allow a 
patent, grant a p., issue a p. 

Gewebe tissue, texture, textile, 
fabric, web, cloth, gauze, 
netting. Draht- wire gauze, w. 
cloth, w. mesh. Hart- indurated 
fabric, impregnated f. 

Gewebegebilde, winzige ultramicrons 
(of eye tissue). 

gewellter Einspannrand corrugated 
suspension means (of cone.) 

gewerblich industrial, concerning 
trade or profession. 

Gewicht, Atom- atomic weight. 
Gegen- counterpoise, counter- 
weight, counterbalance. Mol- 
molar or Sram-molecule weight. 

gewichtsanalytisch gravimetrical. 

Gewichtsprozent percent by weight. 
-verhältnis proportion by weight. 

Gewinde thread, winding, coil. 
-schneiden tapping, thread 

Gewinde, Aussen- male screw thread, 
outside s.t. Flach- square 
thread. Innen-, Mutter- 
female or internal screw thread. 
Rechts- right-hand screw thread. 

Gewinde-lehre thread Sage. x 
-steigung pitch of a screw thread. 
-stift headless screw, grub s. 
-taster thread caliper. 

gewolbt arched, arcuate, domed, 
convex. - (e) Lamellen, kugel- 
formig dished laminae. 

gezackte Linie jagged line, ser- 
rated 1., notched 1., dentated 1., 
dented l. 

gezupfte Saite plucked string or 

Gier, Elektronen- electron affini- 


Gierungsmesser yaw meter. 

“ giessen coat (a film). 

Giesser, Gelb- brass founder. 

Giesserei, Kunden- jobbing foundry. 

Giessform casting mold. 

Giltigkeit validity, lawfulness, 
legality, life (of a patent). 

Gipfel, Wellen- peak, crest or 
hump of a wave. 

Gipfel-hohe ceiling. -spannung 
peak voltage, crest v. 

Gips plaster of Faris, gypsum, 
calcium sulfate. 

Gisklappe G sharp key. 

Gitter, automatisch vorgespanntes 
automatic- or self-biased grid. 
-freies floating grid, free 8. 
-,weitmaschiges open-meshed grid, 
wide-meshed $. 

Gitter, Anodenschutz- screen ¢rid, - 
plate shield. Beschleunigungs- 
accelerator grid (of c.r. tube); 
screen 8. (of tetrode). Beugungs- 
diffraction grid. Brems- 
suppressor grid, cathode $. (in 

entode tube). Dichte (regulier)- 
tchinr ie) density grid, density 
control §. Echelette- echelette 
grating (opt.). Einheits- unit 
lattice. Fang- suppressor grid, 
cathode ¢. (in power pentode), 
interceptor 8. Geschwindigkeits- 

accelerator grid. Grund- funda- 
mental lattice. Haupt- parent 
lattice. Hohl- concave grating. 
Kathodenstrahlröhren- grid or 
shield, Wehnelt cylinder, of a 
cathode-ray tube. Konkav- con- 
cave grating. Kreisbogen- 
arcuate grid. Kreuz- cross grat- 
ing. Kristall- crystal grating, 
surface lattice. Maisch- stirrer, 
rake (brewing). Plan- plane grat- 
ing. Raum- space-charge grid; 
space lattice, "raumgitter". 
Reflexions- diffraction grating 
with parallel reflecting surfaces. 
Saug- space-charge grid. Schicht- 
stratified lattice. Schirm,Schutz- 
screen grid; shield g. (in thyra- 
tron). Stau- suppressor grid, baf- 



fle §. Steg- grid in which all 
wires are parallel to axis and 
surround cathode cage-fashion. 
Strich- ruled grating. Strom- 
atomic lattice. Stufen- echelon 
grating. Zug- positive grid, 
space-charge §. 

Gitter-ableitung grid leak (re- 
sistance). -absorption, Grund- 
fundamental lattice absorption. 
-antenne parasol-type antenna. 
-aufstellung, Rowland'sche 
Rowland mounting of concave grat- 
ing. -aufweiterung expansion or 
increase in lattice spacing. 
-aussteuerung grid (voltage) 
swing, grid sweep. -beeinflus- 
sung,-besprechung grid control, 
grid modulation. -block grid 
condenser; staircase-like struc- 
ture of echelon grating. -block- 
ierung negative biasing of grid, 
g. cut off. -durchgriff grid 
transparency, §. controllance, 

g. penetration factor. -ebenen- 
abstand inter-lattice-plane dis- 
tance. -einheit lattice unit, 

unit cell, elementary cell. 
-einsatzpunkt grid current point, 
point of incipient grid current 
flow. -elektronen lattice elec- 
trons. -filter lattice filter. 
-furchen rulings or ruling 
grooves (of diffraction grating). 
-geister spectral grate ghosts. 
-gleichrichtung Srid-current 
rectification or detection (in 
audion valve). -haltedraft grid 
stay wire, §. supporting w. 

-holm grid stay or supporting men- 
ber. -interferometer grating in- 
terferometer. -ion, Zwischen- 
interstitial ion. -kathodenstrecke 
grid-cathode path. -konstante 
grating constant, §. space; 
lattice c. -loch, lattice vacancy, 
l. hole. -masche grid mesh. -mast 
lattice pole, girder p. -mikrophon 
grille-type microphone. -mitten- 
abstand distance between centers 
of successive rulings (in diffrac- 
tion grating); grating constant. 

Gittermodulation 120 

-modulation grid modulation, §. 
control (Brit. ) -nebenschluss 
grid leak (resistance). platz 
lattice place, 1. point. -punkte 
lattice points. -rohr, Doppel- 
bigrid valve, twin-grid tube, 
four-electrode t. (pliodynatron, 
tetrode, etc.). saum grid skirt 
(in telev. tube). -schwingung 
(Kristall) lattice vibration 
(cryst.) -spektrograph, Vakuum- 
vacuum grating spectrograph. 
-steg grid stay; solid portions 
forming 8. meshes; grid strip 
used in lieu of wire. -steuerung 
srid (voltage) swWeep, g. swing, 
8. excursion, 8. excitation; §. 
control (in ignitron, thyratron, 
etc.); g. modulation. —störungen 
lattice distortions, l, disloca- 
tions (cryst.). -strebe grid 
stay, §. supporting means. -strich 
grating line, ruling or ruling 
groove of a grating. 

Gitterstrom-aufnahme drawing or 
taking of current by grid. 
-aussteuerung grid current swing 
or sweep. -einsatzpunkt grid 
current point, point of in- 
cipient grid current flow or 
where g. begins to draw current. 
-gleichrichtung grid current de- 
tection, cumulative grid detec- 
tion. -punkt grid current point, 
point of incipient current flow 


Gitter-verschlebung lattice distor- 
tion, ‘l. dislocation. -verviel- 
fältiger mesn multiplier. -vor- 
spannung, automatische automatic 
or self-biasing of grid. © 
drahte grid coil wires. 

Glanz, Halbmetall- submetallic 

Glanz-einfall Srazing incidence. 
-garn glace or glazed cotton, 
lustrous or mercerized yarn. 
-messer Sloss meter, slossimeter. 
-winkel Slancing angle. 

Glas s.a. Linse, Objektiv 

. Spiegel- plate glass. 

Glas-bildner vitrifier. 



Glas, berichtigenaes correcting lens. 

-,spannungsloses strainless glass, 
strain-free §. -,ungefasstes 
rimless lens. 

Glas, Aufsteck- slip-on lens segment. 

Brillen- spectacle glass. 
Durchzieh- slide (micr.) Fanb- 
colored glass, color filter, 
stained §. Hart- pyrex glass. 
Lese-, viereckiges oblong reading 
glass. Milch- frosted glass, 
opal §., light-differing 8. 
Muschel- globular lens. 0b iekt- 
slide, mount (micr.). Rauch- 
smoked glass, tinted Sl. Sammel- 
converging lens; preparation tube, 
specimen t. Solin- crown glass. 

opal glass, frosted $., light- 
diffusing §. Utberfang- flashed 
Opal glass. 

glas-ähnlich, -artig glasslike, 

glassy, vitreous. 


glass bubble, seed (when small), 
air bell (when_of irregular shape). 
-faden Slass thread, thread-like 
defect of ¢lass. -federmanometer 
spoon-type glass manometer. 

-fehler (cf Schlieren) glass de- 
fects or flaws; slass striae or 
chords (when heavy), bubbles (seed 
when small); airbell (when of ir- 
regular shape), stones; crystal- 
lization bodies, cloudiness, strain. 
-flachenspiegelung Slare or ref lec- 
tion of glass surfaces, specular r. 
-galle glass gall, sandiver. 

glasig glassy, vitreous. 
glasklarer Film pellucid film stock 

(having maximum transmittance). 

Glas-kolben glass bulb.-plattenstaf- 

-feln (Michelson) echelon spectro- 
scope. -satz glass batch, composi- 
tion or charge. -schaum glass gall, 
sandiver. -scheitel lens vertex. 
-schlieren schlieren, striae or 
chords (when large), reams (when 
broken by rolling into fine bands). 
-schliffverbindung Sround-$lass joint. 

Glasschmutz 121 

-schmutz glass gall. -schneider, 
Roll- wheel-tyne glass cutter. 
-schweiss glass gall. -spannuna 
strain or internal tension of 
glass. -stöpsel Slass stopper. 
-trübung Slass cloudiness. 
glastechnisch glass technological. 

Glas-überfangschicht Slass lining. 
-ver gitung refining or treating 
of optical glass (e.g., by 
pröducing low-reflectance coat- 
ing, dimming, etc., as by 
Bausch and Lomb magnesiun- 
fluoride anti-reflection film on 

Glasur, halbmatte half-matt slaze. 

glätten smooth (ripples, fluctua- 
tions or pulsations of currents); 
make level, even or uniforn, 

Glattheitspriifer smoothness meter 
or tester, glossimeter (measures 
ratio of reflection to total 
light), surface analyzer. 

Glattung smoothing (ripples of 
current, potential, etc.). 
Spannungs- voltage stabiliza- 
tion, v. smoothing. 

Glattungs-kondensator smoothing 
condenser or capacitor. -röhre 
Slow-tube stabilizer. 

Glauben, in gutem- in good faith, 
bona fide. 

Gl aubwiirdigkeit credibility, 
trustworthiness, credit. 

gleichachsig co-axial, equi-axial. 

Gleichbeanspruchung static load- 
ing, constant l. 

gleich-bedeutend equivalent, 
tantamount, synonymous. 
-belastete Phasen balanced 

Gleichen, Kurs- loxodromes, 
rhumb lines. Missweisungs- 
isogenic lines, isogonals. 

gleichentfernt equidistant, equal- 
ly spaced (apart). 

Gleichfeld constant or steady 

gleichförmig uniform, steady, 
smooth, even, homogeneous. 


Gleichgang unison, synchronism, 
gleich-gerichtet equidirectional, 
unidirectional, equi-axial, of 
like orientation. -gestaltet 
isomorphic, isomorphous 
Gleichgewicht balance, equilibriun, 
poise, trim (of airplane), 
stability. -,radioaktives 
radioactive equilibrium (being 
either transient or secular). 
Brücken-bridge balance. Druck-, 
osmotisches isosmotic equilibrium. 
Gleichgewichts-fehler unbalance, 
imbalance, lack of balance or 
equilibrium. -lehre statics, 
-potential equilibrium potential 
(of mosaic). -verhältnis 
equilibrium ratio. -zustand 
state of equilibrium or balance, 
stable or stabilized state. 
Gleichheit state of balance or ~ 
equality, likeness, sameness, 
uniformity, constancy. Druck-, 
osmotische isosmotic equilibriun. 
Phasen- in-phase state, coinci- 
dence of phases. Spiegel- 
mirror symmetry, 
Gleichheits-photometer, Lummer 
Brodhun L.-B. contrast photome- 
ter, total-reflection p. 
-zeichen equality sign. 
Gleich-klang unison, consonance, 
resonance. -lauf, lokal geregel- 
ter local synchronizing (e.g., by 
a tuning fork). 
gleichl aufende Kondensatoren 
gang(ed) condensers, synchron- 
ized capacitors. 
Gleichlauf-fehler, Auflaufen der 
compounding or integration of er- 
rors or differences in syn- 
chronism. -impuls synchronizing 
impulse, corrective i. -signal, 
-zeichen synchronizing pulse, sync 
signal; tripping s. 
Gleichluftstrom direct flow of air, 
Gite ear ots 
gleich-machen equalize, balance, 
stabilize, make even or uniforn, 
steady. -mässig uniform, steady, 
constant, smooth. -namig like, 

gleichphasig 122 

similar (of poles). -phasig 
co-phasal, in phase, (equi-) 
phased. -richten rectify, de- 
tect, demodulate. 

Gleichrichter, linearer linear 
rectifier, detector or demodulator. 

-quadratischer square-law rectifier 

or detector. 

Gleichrichter, Doppel(weg)- full- 
wave rectifier. Einweg-,Hal bweg- 
half-wave rectifier. Hochvakuum- 
kenotron, electron-type rectifier. 
Kontakt contact rectifier, crystal 
r., natural r. Pendel- vibrating 
rectifier, tuned-reed r. Schwing- 
kontakt- vibrating-reed rectifier. 
Sperr- barrier-film rectifier, 
blocking-layer r., metal r. 
electronic r., cuprox r. Trocken- 
dry rectifier, metal r., copper r., 
cuprous-oxide r., selenium-oxide 
r. Verstarker- amplifying de- 
tector. Vollweg- full-wave rec- 
tifier. Zwei fachdioden- 
duodiode rectifier. 

Gleichrichter-pille oxide or metal 
rectifier of reduced size (e.$., 
Westector). -rückzündung back- 
firing, arcing-back (of Hg rec- 
tifier), backlash (imperfect rec- 
tification). -voltmesser rectify- 
ing voltmeter. -zelle rectifier 
cell, barrier-layer c. 

Gleichrichtung beider Halbwellen 
full-wave rectification. -einer 
Halbwelle half-wave re:+ification 
-,unvollstandige backlash 

Gleichrichtung, Anoden- plate- 
current rectification or detec- 
tion. Gitter- grid-current 
rectification or detection. 

Gleichrichtung, Volumen- volume 

gleich-schenklig isosceles. 

-sinnig in Reihe series aiding. 

Gleichstrom, Luft- current of 
breath (in sound recording). 

Gleichstromempfanger d.c. electric 
radio set. 

gleichstrom-vormagnetisierte Spule 
d.c. controlled saturable or 

Gl ei sweg 

three-legged reactor or coil. 
-Überlagert superposed on d.c., 
superposed with d.c. 

Gleichtakt-aufnahme in-phase record- 
ing (on film). -sprossen-Doppel-- 
schnürspur variable-density dou- 
ble squeeze track. -sprossenspur 
single variable-density track. 
-sprossenschnürspur variable- 
density squeeze track. -verstärker 
in-phase amplifier. 

Gleichteilung equipartition. 

gleich-temperiert isothermal, uni- 
formly heated. -tönend unisonant, 

Gleichung, eine - nach n auflösen 
solve an equation with respect to 

Gleichung, quadratische quadratic 
equation. Ausgangs- starting 
equation, initial e. Bedingungs- 
equation of condition. Bestimmungs- 
defining equation. Farb-, 
dreigliedrige three-color equa- 
tion, 3-stimulus e. Kontinuitäts- 
equation of continuity. Summen- — 
summation equation. Wiederhall- 
Eyring formula. Zustands- 
equation of state. 

Gleichungs-ansatz laying down a 
formula. -determinante fir 
Leitung determinant for line 
equations. -famille equations 
grouped in families. 

Gleichverteilungssatz law or prin- 
ciple of (energy) equipartition 
(of Maxwell-Boltzmann). 

gleich-vielfach equimultiple. 
-warm isothermal, uniformly 

Gleich-wellenbetrieb chain or net- 
work broadcast (from a key sta- 
tion, on one wave), operation of 
stations on one w. -wertigkeit 

gleich-winklig isogonal, equi- 
angular, equi-angled. -zeitig 
simultaneous, synchronous, iso- 
chronous, contemporaneous, con- 
temporary, co-incidental. 

Gleisweg rail track. 

Gleitbahn 123 

Gleit-bahn chute (of film), slide, 
slideway, shoot. -drahtbriicke 
slide wire bridge. -element 
slide element. 

Gleiten, bildsames plastic deforma- 

gleitender Ton sliding note, 

Gleit-flache glide plane, slip p. 

_ (eryst.); sliding surface, slide. 
-flug, Seiten- side slip (air- 
plane landing). -funken slide 
spark, creepage s. -Kontakt 
sliding contact (with self- 
cleaning or self-wiping action). 
-lager plain bearing, slide b. 
-lineal slide rule, s. bar. 
-linien slide or slip bands or 
lines. -modulus modulus of elas- 
ticity (in shear), torsion m., 
rigidity m. -»richtung slip di- 
rection (cryst. ). -schuh pressure 

pad, p. guide. -sitz, Schlicht- 
plain sliding fit. 
Gleitung slip (cryst.). Zwillings- 

twin slipping. 

Gleitungskoeffizient slip coeffi- 

Gleitweg glide path, landing curve, 
l. beam. -+,aquipotentieller 
isopotential glide path. 

Gleit-wegbake Slide path beacon. 
-winkel Slide angle. 

Glied member, term (math.); limb, 
joint, link; section or mesh 
(filter), element. 

Glied, L,T,H, und nm (oder I1)- 
L,T,H, and pi type section or 
mesh (of a filter, attenuator 
or network). Ableitungs- shunt 
element. Brücken-lattice sec- 
tion. Dämpfungs- attenuation net- 
work or mesh. Kettenleiter- 
network mesh. Kreuz- lattice 
section (of filter or network). 
Längs- line arm, series element. 
Mittel- intermediate member (of a 
series). Quer- cross arm, shunt 
element. Regel- regulating at- 
tenuator. Schwächungs- attenua- 
tor. Sperr- suppressor. Spin- 

Glimmröhre, Amplituden- 

spin term. Übergangs- transi- 
tion type, transition member. 
Verbindungs- connecting link. 
Wechselwirkungs- inter-action 
term. Zwischen- intermediate 
member, connecting m., link, 

gliedern arrange, organize, classi- 
fy, divide methodically (say, 
contents of a book, etc.); ar- 
ticulate, joint. verschieden 
gegliederte Bildteile picture 
portions of different nature, 
make-up or organization. 

Gliederung organization, arrange- 
ment; jointing, articulation. 

gliedrig, vier- four-membered, 
tetragonal, quadrinomial (math. ) 
-(e) Farbgleichung, vier- four- 
color equation. 

Glimm-entladung Slow-discharsge 
(spontaneous or unassisted, in 
glow-tube), brush d. (when oc- 
curring at sharp points), corona. 
-fadenlänge length of (neon) glow 
column (in tuning indicator). 

Glimmlampe gaseous-conduction tube, 
$8low-tube (e.g., neon tube), 
flashing lamp (in sound recording). 
Flachen- neon tube with flat 
plate-shaped cathode, plate neon 
tube or Tamp. Polsuch- polarity- 
finder glow-tube. 

Glimmlampen-gerät, Universal- uni- 
versal neon-tube tester. -kipp- 
schaltung neon lamp time base 
circuit scheme. -schallaufnahme 
glow-lamp sound recording 

Glimmlicht-anzeiger flashograph- 
type indicator, Tune-A-Lisht 
tuning indicator. -gebiet, Vor- 
sustaining voltage range, pre- 
photoglow region (arises at a 
voltage slightly below striking 

Glimmrohre, Abstimm- tuning indicator 
Slow-tube (e.g. flashograph). 
Amplituden- glow-tube amplitude 
indicator, resonance or tuning 
indicator (e.§., flashograph). 

Glimmröhre, Resonanz- 124 

Resonanz- resonance indicator 
glow-tube (flashograph). 

Glimm-säule light column, glow c. 
(of tuning indicator). -spannung 
slow pointor potential, breakdown 
p. (indicates incipient glow- 
discharge in grid-glow tube); 
anode p. (at which glow-discharge 
begins, in photocell), stopping p. 
(lies slightly below glow p., in 
photo-glow or grid-glow t., and 
is the value to which p. must be 
dropped to stop glow-d. once it 
has started). -(strecken )span- 
nungsteiler Slow-tube potentiome- 
ter. -summer Slow-tube type buz- 
zer oscillator (produces relaxa- 
tion waves), neon time base. 
-verlust corona loss. -zelle 

hoto-emissive gas-filled cell 
RE at a potential slight- 
ly below critical discharge po- 
tential), photo-glow tube. 

Glocke globe, bell, jar, glass; re- 
ceiver (of air pump). 

Glocken-filter bell-jar filter 
-klöppel beIl hammer, bell striker. 
-magnet bell-shaped magnet. -spiel 
carillon (set of bells), orches- 
tra bells. -trichter bell funnel. 

glühen heat, incandesce, anneal, 
glow, fire, ignite. 

gliihelektrisch thermionic. 

Gliih-el ektronenabgabe thermionic 
emission, Edison or Richardson 
effect. -elektronener.tiadung 
thermionic discharge. -faden, 
-biegsamer ductilized filament. 
-faden, gespritzter squirted 
filament. -fadenpyrometer disap- 
pearing-filament pyrometer, op- 
tical p., monochromatic p. 
-kathodengleichrichter mit Edelgas 
tungar (argon-tungsten) type 
rectifier. -körper incandescent 
body or mantle, Welsbach mantle. 
-rückstand residue on ignition. 
-span mill iron, hammer scale. 

Glutmesser pyrometer. 

gnomonische Karte Snomonic chart 
(straight-course chart). 


Gold-bergkeil Goldberg wedge, 
neutral(grey) w. -blatt gold 
leaf, §. foil. -blattelektrometer 
gold-leaf electroscope or elec- 
trometer. -glimmer yellow mica. 

goldhaltig auriferous. 

Goldquarz auriferous quartz. 

Goniometer, Eisen- iron-cored 
soniometer. Reflexions- reflect- 
ing goniometer. 

Grabstichel graver, burin, 

Grad, vom ersten linear. 

Grad, Aussteuerungs- modulation 
percentage, percentage modulation; 
carrier amplitude (in tele-trans- 
mission). Blähungs- expanding 
property, swelling p., imbibition 
power. Durchlass- (von Wasser) 
transmission factor (of water), 
radiation through water. Winkel- 
degree of angle, radian (unit of 
circular measure of angle). 

Gradation contrast. 

Gradationskurve, Steilheit der 
gamma value or slope of response 

Grad-bogen graduated arc, bow, pro- 
tractor. -netz graticule, reti- 
cule, reticle; map grid. 

Gramm, Atom- gramaton. 

Grammophon, Licht- sound-track film 
player (without pictorial actions). 

Granalien shot, granulated metal. 

Graphitbelag Aquadag coating. 

Gratzschaltung Gratz (full-wave) 
rectifier circuit organization 
(four electrolytic r. per phase in 
a bridge scheme). 

Grau-keil neutral (grey) wedge, 
Goldberg w. -keilstufe inter- 
mediate shading value (of wedge). 
-schleier grey fog (phot.). 
-strahlung grey radiation. -stufe 
intermediate tonal or shading val- 
ue (between white and black, of 

Gravarfilm engraved sound film, en- 
bossed groove recording. 

Gravitationsfeld Sravitational field. 

Greifer claw (of in-an-out movement 
or feeder mechanism); pull-down 

Greifer, Bild- 

(of projection printer). Bild- 
threading mechanism, in-and-out 

claw. Justier- pilot claw (m.p.). 
Greifer-maschine step-type printer. 

-mechanismus pull-down claw 
mechanism. -spitze dowel pin 
(film feed). -stift film feeder 
pin, pilot p., registration p. 

Greifloch finger hole. 

Grenz-bedingung limiting condition, 
critical c., boundary c. -durch- 
messer limiting diameter (of 
dielectric line). 

Grenze limit, boundary, bound, end, 
limitation, confines, demarca- 
tion. Grenze, Empfindungs-, des 
Ohres loudness contour of ear, 
auditory sensation area. Ent- 
zerrunas- frequency limit of 
equalization. Ermüdungs- 
fatigye limit. Loch- transmis- 
sion range of band-pass between 
cut-off points. Scharfenfeld- 
camera lines. Schmerz- ıhresh- 
old of feeling. 

Grenz-fall limiting case, critical 
case, -flache interface, boundary 
layer, surface of contact. 

-flachenpotential interface poten- 

tial. -flächenspannung inter- 
facial tension. -flächenwinkel 
interfacial angle (dihedral be- 
tween two crystal faces). 
-frequenz cut-off frequency, 
limiting f. -gefälle limiting 
slope, 1. gradient. -lastwech- 
selzahl limiting number of load 
alternations. -linie boundary 
line, demarcation l. separation 
1., 1imiting 1., junction 1. 
-schicht interface, boundary 
layer. -strahl border line ray, 
infra-Roentgen r., grenz r. 

-wellenlange threshold wave length. 
-wert limiting value, critical v., 

saturation v. -winkel critical 
angle, limiting a. (of refrac- 

Gries, Stör- low noise in picture 
background due to thermal effect, 

125 Grosskreis 

Brownian movement, mechanical 
properties of tubes and low- 
frequency fluctuations of local 
emission density, i.e., shot ef- 
fect, etc. 

Griff, Durch- grid transparency, 
penetration factor, transgrid 
action, gain reciprocal 1: u 
Kordel- milled ''rnb, knurled k. 
Rück- inverse grid transparency. 

Griffbrett finger board (of string 

Griffel style, stylus, (slate) 
pencil. -stopfen stopper with 
thumb piece. 

grobfadig coarse-threaded, c. fila- 

Grob-gefiige macro-structure, coarse 
or gross s. -höhenmesser (cf. 
Fein-) barometer measuring actual 
atmospheric pressure reduced to 

grobkristallinisch coarsely crystal- 

Grob-sicherung arrester of spark- 
gap type. -struktur reduced (or 
reduction of) resolution. 
-strukturanalyse Sross, coarse or 
macro-structure analysis. 

Grossaufnahme (big) close-up (m.p.). 
Fernbild- large viewing screen 
projection (for public entertain- 

Grosse quantity, magnitude, entity, 
size, dimension, format (of pic- 
tures, etc.). -,abgeleitete 
subsidiary quantity, derived q. 
-konjugierte, komplexe conjugate, 
complex quantity. Wirkungs- 
action quantity, a. magnitude. 

Grossenlehre mathematics; geometry. 

grössenmässig dimensional(ly), as 
regards size or quantity. 

Grössenordnung order of magnitude. 

Gross-flächenlautsprecher power 
loudspeaker, (public) address l., 
announce, call or paging l. system. 
-funkstelle high-power radio sta- 
tion, long-distance signal sta- 
tion. -kreis (peilung) great-cir- 
cle (used in bearing calculation). 

Grosskreisrichtung 126 

-kreisrichtung Sreat-circle direc- 

tion or course. -lautsprecher 
power loudspeaker, (public) ad- 
dress loudspeaker (systen). 
-projektion large picture projec- 
tion (with magnascope). 
-schallübertragungsanl age (public) 
address loudspeaker system, an- 
nounce, call or paging 1. system. 
-struktur coarse structure, sross 
S., Macro S. 

Grösstwert maximum (value), maxi- 
mal or crest v. 

Grossumfangkople "hi-range" or 
wide-range print. 

Grübchen-bildung, Gruben- pitting, 
formation of pits. 

Grund, Ätz- resist, protective coat- 
ing. Ausschliessungs- reason for 

Grund-bande fundamental band. 
-farbe primary, ground or priming 
color. -fläche basal surface, 
base; area. -flüssigkeit sus- 
pending liquid. -form primary, 

basic or fundamental type or 
form.-geräusch (back) ground 
noise.- -stromkreis (back) 
$round noise reduction circuit, 
squelching, suppression or si- 
lencing circuit. -geschwindigkeit 
ground speed. -gitterabdsorption 
fundamental lattice absorption. 
-gleichungen, Maxwell'sche 
Maxwell electromagnetic equa- 
tions. -harmonische fundamental 
frequency. -helligkeit back- 
ground, mean or average shading 
component, d.c. component. 
-körner fundamental substance, 
parent s. -kurs true course, 
head-on c. -linie, Anflug- 
center line of approach sector. 
-masse ground mass. -material 
matrix, elementary material, 
base m., ground m.-nachbildung 
basic network.-niveau background 
level (or average illumination, 
telev.). -platte mounting plate, 
bed p., base, chassis. -punkt 


cardinal point (of a lens). 
-richtungswinkel base angle 
(gunnery). -riss ground plan, 
floor p. -sätzliches funda- 
mentals, rudiments, basic or 
elementary facts. -scheitel- 
brechwert primary vertex refrac- 
tion. -schicht primary or funda- 
mental layer. -schleier inherent 
fog, ground f. (of emulsion re- 
sulting in background noise). 
-schwingung fundamental or first 
harmonic oscillation or vibra- ~ 
tion. -stimmen foundation stops 
(organ). -teilchen smallest 
particle, fundamental p., atom. 
-ton pitch, keynote, fundamental 
or primary tine or frequency; 
back-ground (noise). -zug lead- 
ing or salient feature or char- 
acteristic, basic trait. -zu- 
-stand ground state (of an atom). 
-zustand, Zurückfallen in 

return or re-transition to lower- 
most energy level. 

Grünauszug $reen record. 
grünempfindlich green sensitive. 

Gruppe, angeregte exciton (in di- 
electric breakdown). 

Gruppen-erscheinungen group phe- 
nomena (cryst.). -frequenz 
group frequency, number of wave- 
trains per second, (wave) train 
frequency, sparking frequency. 
-geschwindigkeit envelope veloci- 
ty, group v.; group retardation. 
-schaltung series-parallel con- 
nection. -wähler group selector 
(aut. telephony). 

Gruppierung, Elektronen- phase- 
focusing (in beam tubes), bunch- 

Guckloch peephole, bezel (in radio 
set panel). 

Guitarre guitar. 

Gültigkeit eines Patentes 
anfechten challenge validity of a 
patent, plead or argue invalidity 
of & ps 

Gummi, Hart- ebonite, hard rubber, 


Gummi-andrückrollen rubber-tired 
presser or pad rollers. -chrom- 
verfahren bichromated gum process. 

-dichtung rubber gasket, r. pack- 

ing. -drucklack Sum printing 

varnish. -harz gum resin. -propf 

rubber stopper. -puffer rubber 

grommet. -stopfen rubber stopper. 

-überzug(auf Rollenlaufoahn) 
rubber-tread(of pad roller). 
günstigst optimal, most favorable, 

most propitious. 

Gurtband belt strap, b. band. 

Gürtel belt, girdle, band, zone. 
Klima- climatic belt. 

Guss, Hart- chilled casting. 
Spritz- (pressure) diecasting, 

feeder casting, 

die molded 


G. W. 

Guss-aluminium cast aluminun. 

-blase flaw or defect in a casting. 
-haut casting scale, c. skin. 
-masse pourable compound, dope. 

Gutachten expert opinion, judgment, 
decision, verdict. 

Güte quality, merit, grade, "Sood- 
ness"; legibility or definition 
(in telegraphy, television, etc.) 
Bild- (figure of) merit or 
quality of pict. ibertragungs- 
transmission performance (rating). 

Güte-wert, -zahl figure of merit, 
quality (@) factor (of coil, 
etc. ) 

gutschliessend tight-fitting, 
tightly sealed. 

G. W. (Gruppenwahler) group selector 
(in automatic telephony). 

H Brückenschaltung, Entzerrungs- 
kette mit balanced H-type attenua- 
tor network. 

H Strahlen H rays (consisting of H 
particles, positive hydrogen p. 
or protons). 

H & D Kurve Hurter & Driffield curve 

haarartig hair-like, capillary. 

Haardraht capillary wire, Wollaston 

haar-faserig filamentous. -förmig 
capillary, hair-shaped. 

Haar-riss craze, micro flaw, (hair- 
line) crack, capillary fissure. 
-rohr, Heber- capillary syphon, c. 
tube syringe. -rohranziehung 
capillary attraction. 

haarscharf very (or microscopically) 
sharp, precise or correct. 

Haarzellen hair cells, capillary c. 

Habannröhre type of split-anode 
magnetron; dynatron oscillator 
(though the latter strictly is 
predicated on secondary emission). 

hachieren hatch. 

Hacker chopper. 

Hafenbefeuerung, Flug- airport 
beacon service. 

haftbar liable, responsible, answer- 

haften adhere, stick, cling. 

Haft-spannung adhesive stress. 
-vermögen adhesive power, adhesion. 

Hahn (stop)- cock, tap, faucet, cut- 
off (vacuum pump), 

Hahn, Kreuz- four-way cock. Licht- 
electromagnetic mirror vibrator 
(with oil damping, for variable- 
area recording). Schraubquetsch- 
screw pinchcock. Tropf- dripping 

cock. Vakuum- vacuum tap. Viel- 
wege- multi-way stop cock. Vier- 
wege- four-way cock. Wechsel- 

change cock. 

Hahn-fett tap Srease, joint §., 
vacuum 8. -kegel, -küken plug of 
a cock. -stopfen cock stopper. 

Häkchen little hook, clasp. 

Haken hook, catch, fastening. 

Band- bridle wire, tie hook. 
Sperr- pawl, catch, latch, trip, 

dog, click, detent, ratchet. 
Wider- barb. 

Kakenharfe hook harp. 

Halb-achse semi axis. -achsenver- 

hältnis ellipticity coefficient. 
-art sub-species. -bildent- 
fernungsmesser split-field coin- 
cidence range finder. -blende 
half stop, scale. -dunkel twi- 
light, semi-darkness. 
halbdurchlässig semi-permeable, 

Halbebene semi-plane, half-p., H- 

halbeirund semi-oval. 

Halb-erzeugnis, -fabrikat semi- 
finished product, intermediate p. 
-flächner hemihedron. ’ 

halbgeschränkter Riemen quarter- 
turned belt. 

Halbheit imperfection, half-measure, 
half-way step, "half-cooked" con- 

halbieren halve, bisect, disect, cut 
in half, part. 

Halbierende, Winkel- bisector (of 

Halbierungslinie bisector, bisectrix 

halbklassische Bildkraftberechnung 
semi-classical image-force calcu- 

Halb-kokung semi-coking, partial 
carbonization. -kreis semi-circle, 
hemicycle. -kugel hemisphere. 
-kugellinse semi-circular lens, 


hemispherical l. -längsglied, 
Abschluss eines Filters durch 
mid-series termination of a 
filter. -leiter semi-conductor, 
poor c. 

halbmatt half matt. 

Halb-mattglasur half-matt or semi- 
matt glazing. -metallglanz sub- 
metallic lustre. -öffnungswinkel 
semi-apertural angle. -periode 
semi-period, half-period, half- 

cycle. -prisma hemi-prism (cryst.) 

-querglied, Abschluss eines 
Filters durch mid-shunt termina- 
tion of a filter. -raster, 
Ineinanderpassen der interlocking 
or meshing of fractional scans 
(in interlaced scanning). -raum 

halbrund half-round, semi-circular, 

Halbschatten half-tone, half-shade, 
partial shadow, penumbra. 
-apparat half-shade apparatus, 
half-shadow analyzer. -grenze 
penumbra boundary. -kompensation 
penumbral compensation. 

Halbton semi-tone, semi-note; sharp 
(mus.) -bild half-tone pieture, 
mezzo tinto (in black and white, 
with grey intermediate shading 

Halbtotale close-medium shot, 
medium shot. 

halb-tragbar semi-portable. -ver- 
senkt semi-sunk, semi-recessed. 
-versilberter Spiegel beam 
splitter (densitometer). 

Halb-vokale liquid consonants, 
semi-vowels (liguidae) iF 
-weggleichrichter half-wave rec- 

halbwegs fairly, substantially, 

Halb-weitschicht half-value layer. 
-wellenpotential half-nave po- 

Halbwert-breite half-width, w. at 
half maximum intensity (opt., 
spectral line and band). -dicke 

129 Halterelais — 

half-value thickness or layer. 
-druck half-value pressure. 
-punkt half-maximum point. -zeit 
half-value life, half-l. period. 

Halbwinkel half angle. 

halbzahliger Spin half-integral spin, 
half-odd s. 

Halb-zähligkeit half integer. -zeit 
period of half life or change, 
semi-period, time-to-half value, 
half-life period. -zelle half 

Halleffekt, Raum- liveness. 

hallend reverberant, with multiple 

Hallformanten.resonance formants. 

Halligkeit liveness (realistic 
acoustic condition). 

Hallraum acoustically live roon, 
reverberating chamber or enclo- 
sure. -zahl chamber coefficient 
(ac. ). 

Halo-bildung halation (television, 
etc.). -chemie chemistry of salts, 

Hals, Schwanen- goose neck. Stöpsel- 
neck, ring, collar or sleeve of a 
plug. Trichter- throat of a loud- 
speaker horn, neck. 

Hals-bandkurve collar curve. - lager 
journal bearing.. 

haltbar durable, strong, stable, 
fast, permanent (of colors). 

Haltbarkeit, Dauer- fatigue endur- 

haltbarmachen stabilize, preserve. 

Haltedraht, Gitter- grid stay wire, 
g. supporting w. 

halten hold, support, keep, retain, 
stop, restrain. 

Haltepunkt break. 

Halter holder, support, handle, 
keeper. Distanz- spacing means, 
spacer, separator. Röhren-, 
federnder cushioned tube holder 
or socket, anti-microphonic 
valve holder. Wicklungs- winding 
form, coil f., skeleton f., form- 

Halterelais guard relay, holder r. 


Halterung, Kristall- crystal holder, 
c. mounting. 

Halterungssystem holder, mounting or 
supporting systen. 

Halte-spule (eines Relais) restrain- 
ing coil, holding-on c. (of a re- 
lay). „strom retaining current, 
holding c. -vorrichtung chassis 
(of loudspeaker). -zeit critical 
range, c. interval, thermal re- 

haltlos unstable, unsteady unsup- 
ported, unattached, untenable. 

Hammer, Pendel- Charpy's impact 
testing machine. 

hämmerbar malleable. - 

Hammerkopf (für Bass, Mittellage und 
Diskant) piano hammer (for bass, 
tenor and treble). 

Hand, an - von by reference to, by 
the aid of. auf der - liegen 
(it is) obvious, evident or pat- 
ent, goes without saying. 

Handbuch handbook, manual, compend- 

handelsgängig commercial, marketable 

Handelsmarke trade-mark. 

Hand-empfindlichkeit hand (or body) 
capacity effect. -feilenklobe 
hand vise. -griff handle, grasp, 
grip, knob, button. -kamera, 
Berufs- professional hand camera. 
-kapazität body capacity effect, 
hand c.e. -koffer carrying case, 

Handlung plot, story, treatment, 
ei scenario, shooting script 


hängen bleiben "take hold" (in 
silent tuning). 

hantieren work, handle, manipulate, 
manage, operate. 

Harfe, Doppelpedal- double-action 
harp. Haken- hook harp. Klavier- 
keyed harp, piano h. 

Harfenantenne harp antenna, fan a. 

Harmonieflöte organ accordion. 

hart (es) Bild crisp or harsh pic- 
ture, high-contrast p., con- 
trasty p., hard p. -(e) Kom- 



ponente der Höhenstrahlung pene- 
trating or hard component of 
cosmic rays. -(e) Röhre hard 
tube, h. valve, high-vacuum t. 
-(e) Teilchen primaries. 

hartbar hardenable, temperable, in- 
durable, capable of being hardened’ 
or cemented. 

Harte, Auslenk- deflection hardness 
(force required to deflect phono- 
graph needle point 100 u). Schall- 
sound or acoustic stiffness, rigid- 
ity, ratio pressure amplitude: 
velocity amplitude as function of 

Härte-bad, Fixier- fixing and hard- 
ening bath. -bildner salt caus- 
ing hardness (in water). -messer, 
Strahlen- penetrometer (for X-rays), 

harten harden, temper, indurate. 

Härteprüfer hardness tester 
(Brinell, Rockwell sclerometer 
and scleroscope). 

hartgeschlossenes Rohr rigidly 
terminated tube (ac.). 

Hart-gewebe indurated or impregnated 
fabric. -glas pyrex. -gummi hard 
rubber, ebonite, vulcanite. -guss 
chilled casting. -lagerhärtung 
induction hardening. 

Härtling (hard) dross. 

Hartlötung hard soldering, brazing. 

Hartung, Ausscheidungs- precipita- 
tion hardening. Brennstrahl- 
flame hardening. Einsatz- case 
hardening. Oberflachen- case 
hardening, surface cementing. 

Hartungs-biegeprobe bending test in 
tempered state. -kohle hardening 
carbon, cementing c. 

Hartwerden (einer Roentgenröhre) 
hardening of an X-ray tube (due 
to clean-up effect and gain of 

Harz, Dammar- Dammar resin or gum. 

harzhaltig resinous, resinic, re- 

Haspel reel, spool, windlass. 

Haufen cluster, aggregation, 

Haufen, Molekül- 131 Hebeldetektor 

accumulation, piles, agglomera- 
tion, clump. Molekül- molecular 

Häufigkeit frequency, incidence, 

Häufigkeitsverhältnis abundance 

Haufwerk, Kristall- aggregation of 

Haupt-achse prime axis, major a., 
vertical axis (of a rhombic 
crystal). -azimuth. principal 
azimuth. -ebene principal plane, 
p. surface. -ebenenabstand dis- 
tance between principal planes 

or points. -einfallwinkel angle 
of principal incidence. -einflug- 
zeichen inner marker signal, main 
entrance s. (nearest airport 
boundary, in airplane landing), 
main marker. -formanten main 
formants, basic f. -funkfeuer 
main route or airway radio beacon. 
-gitter parent lattice. -linie 
principal line (spectr.). -nenner 
common denominator. -patent 
parent patent, main or original 
patent. -peilstelle main control 
direction-finder station (of an 
air communication safety district 
comprising several ground df sta- 
tions). -punktbrechwert princi- 
pal point refraction. -punkte 
principal points, unit p. -quan- 
tenzahl principal quantum number. 
-regler main governor or regulator 
(of a ae). -rohr main oscil- 
lation generator (in independent 
drive system). -rolle leading 
star. -rollendarsteller princi- 
pal, star, star performer. 
hauptsächlich main, chief, principal. 
Haupt-sammellinse second lens (in 
electron gun, c.-r. tube). -satz 
fundamental principle, f. law, f. 
theorem, axiom (math.). -schnitt, 
erster (l.) primary plane, tan- 
gential p., meridional p. (opt.). 
-schnitt, zweiter (11.) secondary 
plane, sagittal p. (opt.). 

-sender main oscillator, m. trans- 
mitter. -signal inner marker sig- 
nal, main entrance s., main marker 
(in airplane landing). -strecken- 
feuer main or trunk route or air- 
way beacon. -taste master key. 
-uhr master clock. -valenzkette 
primary valence chain. -verhand- 
lung main oral hearings, m. pro- 
ceedings. -zahl cardinal nunber. 
-zipfel major lobe (of space pat- 
tern). -zug main object (of an 
invention), outstanding or princi- 
pal characteristic feature or 

Haustelephon domestic telephone, 
private home telephone, house 
"phone, telephone extension, in- 
tercommunication t. 

Haut skin, hide, film, membrane. 
Guss- casting scale, c. skin. 
Licht- cathode glow. Oxyd- skin 
or film of oxide. 

Haut-abstand (focal) skin distance. 
-widerstand dermal or skin resist- 
ance. -wirkung skin effect. 

Heaviside'sche Einheitsfunktion H. 
unit function. 

Hebdrehwähler vertical and rotary 

Hebedaumen cam, tappet, finger, disk 
with lobes. 

Hebel, drehbar gelagerter pivoted 
lever, fulcrumed 1. (when with 
two arms). -,hin- und hergehender 
rocking lever, oscillating l. 

Hebel, Aufzieh- lever ratchet. 
Auslöse- trip lever, detent lever. 
Einrück- starting lever, tripping 
lever, engaging 1. Einrück- und 
Ausrück- starting and stopping 
lever. Fühl- tactile lever, 
feeler, scanning l., pickup l., 
probing 1., indicator (of micro- 
metric caliper). Schwung- balance 
beam, rocker, rocking lever. 
Sperr- pawl, latch, arresting 
lever, lock 1. 

Hebel-arm, Strahl- pencil leverage, 
deflectibility of p. -detektor 


lever-adjusted cat whisker crystal 
detector. -schalter, Zweipol- 
double-lever switch. -wage beam 
scale, lever s. -wirkung lever- 
age, lever action, purchase. 

Hebepunkt fulcrum. 

Heber, Kontrast- (dynamic-range) 
compandor (comprising compressor 
and expander, to improve signal- 
noise ratio). 

Heber-barometer syphon -.barometer. 
-haarrohr capillary syphon. -pumpe 
syphon pump. -rohr syphon tube, 
syphon. -schreiber syphon record- 

Hebeschritt, Wahler- vertical step 
of selector (automatic telephony). 

Heck stern. 

Heft handle, hilt; number or issue 
of a magazine, stitched booklet. 

Keilgerat therapeutic apparatus 
(e.g. using short waves, rays, 
etc. ). 

Heimfernsehempfanger home television 

Keimlauf backstroke, return s. or 
motion; retrace or flyback (of 
pencil or beam, in telev. tube, 
often gated by blanking pulse). 

Heiserkeit raucousness, hoarseness. 

heissbrüchig hot-short. 

Heissdampf superheated steam. 

heissgradig difficultly fusible. 

Heiss-kühlung cooling by evapora- 
tion. -leiter hot conductor 
(with negative temperature coef- 
ficient), third class conductor. 

Heiz-kathoden-Roentgenröhre hot- 
cathode X-ray tube, Coolidge tube. 
-körper heater (e.$5., for indirect- 
ly heated cathode), heating ele- 
ment; radiator. -kraft heating 
power, calorific p. -lötstelle 
hot junction (of a thermocouple). 
-mantel heating jacket. -unruhe 
fluctuation in heating current, 
ripples. -wendel heater spiral, 
heater coil. 

hell bright, brilliant, light, pale, 
clear, transparent, limpid; strid- 


Hell steuerung 

ent, shrill (ac.). 

Hellanpassung bright adaptation, 
light a., photopia. : 

Hell-Dunkel-Intervall lisht-dark 
range. -linien lisht-dark-lines. 

helle Klangfarbe strident timbre, 
shrill t. -Stelle (im Film) clear 
portion (in film). 

Helle, Flächen- brightness of a sur- 
face, intrinsic brilliance. 

Hellfeldbeleuchtung bright ground 
illumination (micr.). 

Helligkeit (als physikalische Grösse) 
photometric brightness, luminance, 
radiance (in candles per unit 
area). -(als psychologische Grosse) 
visual sensation. -eines Objektivs 
speed of a lens or objective. 

nelligkeit, mittlere average back- 
ground illumination (telev.). 

Helligkeit, Flächen- surface brisht- 
ness, intrinsic brilliance. 

Grund- background, mean or average 
shading component, d.c. component, 
Objektiv- speed of a lens or ob- 
jective. Raum- volume brightness. 
Ton- pitch (sound sensation). 

Kelligkeits-angleichung brightness 
matching. -schwebung brightness 
flutter. -signal, Bild- video 
signal, picture shading s. 
-steuerung brilliance modulation, 
brightness control, intensity m, 
-stufe intermediate brightness 
stage, i. Srey value (between 
black and white), shading or 
tonal v. -umfang brightness 
range, contrast, key (of a pic- 
ture). -verteilung brightness 
distribution (of highlights and 
of shadows). -wechsel je Sekunde 
frame frequency per second, nun- 
ber of illuminations of a picture 
point p.s. -werte brightness 
values. density v., shading v. 

Hell-rotglut bright red heat. 
-schreiber Hell-type recorder. 
-sektoren shutter openings. 
-steuerung modulation to light 


Kemieder hemihedron, hemihedral 
form, h. crystal. 

hemmen stop, check, brake, impede, 
obstruct, retard, inhibit, clog, 
lock. - 

Hemm-rad brake wheel, escapement w. 
-schuh brake shoe. 

Hemmung escapement, retarding action, 
brake a., stopping a., check, 
hindrance, restraint, inhibition 
(in reactions). 

Hemmungs-grund disability (law). 
-korper restraining substance, 

Henkel handle, lug, ear. 

Herabsetzung stepping down (of po- 
tential, gearing, etc.), decrease 
(speed, by step-down gear); sub- 

heranlotsen guide to (airplanes, 

herausarbeiten work out of (say, a 
solid piece, by cutting, punch- 
ing, etc.), blank out. 

Heraus-führung lead-in (wire or 
conductor), lead-out wire. -gabe 
restitution, return, delivery, 
surrender, issuance, edition (of 
a publication). 

heraus-hören apperceive (say, a 
certain note in a spectrum). 
-pipettieren pipet out, remove 
with pipette. -spritzen spurt or 
spout out, gusher, gush. -treten 
protrude, emerge, step out of. 

_herrschende Verhältnisse prevailing 

herruhren originate, proceed or 
come from. 

herstellen make, produce, manufac- 
ture, close (a circuit, a con- 

Hertz-Einheiten cycles per second, 
cps. -'sche Welle Hertzian 
wave, H, radiation, electric 

herunter-gehen let down (of an air- 
plane). -klappen let down in 
hinges, hinge down, drop (as a 
table leaf). -regeln, -steuern 



regulate (a quantity) in a down- 
ward direction, regulate down. 
hervor-bringen produce, create, 
set up, develop. -heben make 
conspicuous or prominent, under- 
score, highlight; accentuate, 
emphasize, underscore (certain 
frequencies or bands). -ragen 
project, stand out, be salient. 

Hervorrufungszeit developing time. 

Herz-bahn cardioid-shaped path (of 
electrons), -charakteristik 
cardioid characteristic or space 
pattern. -exzenterbewegung cam 
movement of Livin. -spannungs- 
kurve electro-cardiogram. 

heulen howl. 

Heul-signal siren. -ton sound with 
large number of modes of vibration, 
warble frequency tone, high- 
frequency warble tone ("multi- 

Hexodenkappe top cap of hexode. tube. 

H-Glied H-type section, filter mesh 
or network m. 

hiebton Aeolian note. 

Hilfs- auxiliary, subsidiary, subor- 
dinate, ancillary, accessory, 

Hilfsfrequenz pilot frequency 
auxiliary f.; local f. oscilla- 
tion (in superheterodyne). 
-ruckkopplung super-regeneration 
(working with quench voltage). 

Hilfs-funke pilot spark. -landeplatz 
emergency or auxiliary landing 
place or field. -mittel auxiliar- 
les, accessories, supplemental or 
expedient means, makeshift, ad- 
juvants. -netz auxiliary (con- 
trol) grid. -peilstelle auxili- 
ary, associate or affiliated 

round direction-finding station 
kuss to main control station). 
-phasenkreis starting-winding 
circuit: (of split-phase induction 
motor). -sender auxiliary trans- 
mitter, local oscillator (in 
heterodyne scheme). -stoff ad- 
juvant (substance), auxiliary or 


accessory material or agent. 
-träger auxiliary carrier, sub- 
carrier. -voramt sub-control 

Himmelfernrohr astronomic tele- 
scope, astrographic t. 

Himmels=-gegend point of compass, 
quarter of the heavens. 
-mechanismus astronomical dy- 
namics, celestial mechanism or 

Hinaufpendeln (gradual) rise in 
resonance (amplifier). 

Hindernis bar, barrier, difficulty, 
obstacle; estoppel (law). 
‚gesetzliches statutory bar, 
legal impediment estoppel. Luft- 
fahrt- avigational (air naviga- 
tion) obstacle. 

Hinderungsgrund sein be a bar to 

hineinziehen draw in, drag in, in- 
corporate, involve. 

Hinführung und Rückführung lead and 
return (path or circuit wires); 
scansion and fly-back (telev.). 

Hin-gang, -lauf forward move, f. 
working stroke, travel, pass or 
journey; scansion, scanning mo- 
tion, (active-line) sweep (telev. ). 

Hinlauf-Rücklauf-Verhältnis sweep- 
flyback ratio. 

Hinleiter outgoing lead, o. wire, 
o. conductor. 

hinten in the rear, behind, posteri- 

Hinter-ansicht rear elevation, r. 
view. -beleuchtung Rembrandt 
illumination, half-back i. 

hinterdrehen back-off, relieve ec- 

hintere Brennweite back focal 

hintereinander sequentially, con- 
secutively, serially, one after 
the other. 

Hintereinanderschaltung series 
connection, seriation, cascading, 
concatenation or tandem connec- 
tion (of motors). 



Hinter-grundeffekt background ef- 
fect. -grundprojektion back 
(ground) projection. 

hinterlegen deposit, file, record, 

Hinterlinse back lens. 

hinterschnitten undercut. 

Hinter-setzer false front. -wand- 
zelle photo-voltaic barrier- 
layer cell with posterior metallic 

hinüberreissen carry over (in a 

Hin- und Herbewegung shuttle, rock- 
ing, oscillating or reciprocating 

Hinuntertasten carrier caused to 
drop to low value (zero) by 
synchronizing signal. 

Hirschleder buckskin, 

Kitzdraht-anemometer, -sonde hot- 
wire anemometer. -strommesser 
thermal ammeter, hot-wire a. 

hitze-beständig stable or resistant 
to heat, heat-proof, thermostable, 
refractory. -empfindlich sensi- 
tive to heat, susceptible to 
thermal action. 

hitzen, über- superheat, overheat. 

Hitzmesser pyrometer. 

Hoch-antenne open outdoor antenna 
(installed at, or reaching, a 
point high above ground). -ätzung 
relief etching, r. engraving 
(metal bears outline of pattern 
in resist). -aufnahme vertical 
or upright picture or shot. 
-belastbarkeit high-load or 
heavy~load or current-carrying 

hochblau bright blue, azure. 

Hochdruck high pressure; relief 
print. -kondensator pressure- 
type capacitor (in nitrogen tank). 
-rohr, Quecksilber- high-pressure 
mercury discharge tube. 

Hoch-frequenzbereich treble range, 
treble band (mus.). -frequenzheil- 
gerat short-wave therapeutic ap- 
paratus. -frequenzkamera high- 

hochfrequenzmassig 135 

speed camera. 

hochfrequenzmassig for high fre- 
quency, so far as high fre- 
quency is concerned, relative to 
high frequency. 

Hochfrequenztelephonie, leitungs- 
gerichtete carrier-current or 
wire-Suided radio telephony. 

hochgekohlt high-carbon, with high 
carbon content (of metal). 

Hoch-glanz high polish, h. lustre, 
brilliance. -heim'sche Verspiege- 
lung special mirror plating or 
"silvering" (of I.G. Farben). 
-intensitatskohle high-intensity 
carbon (arc). 

hochkantig on edge, edgewise. 

Hoch-lautsprecher tweeter loud- 
speaker, treble l. -leistungs- 
lautsprecher high-power loud- 
speaker, (public) address l., 
announcer, call or paging 1. 

hoch-lichtstarkes Objektiv hish- 
speed or ultra-speed objective 
or lens. -rund convex. -schmel zend 
hish-melting, difficultly melt- 

Hoch-schule, technische techologic- 
al institute, polytechnical uni- 
versity, technical college. 
-spannungskondensator hish- 
potential (fixed) condenser or 

hochspannungssicher safe against 
high-potential breakdown, having 
high puncture strength, proof 
against high p. and shock. 

Höchst-besetzungszahl maximum nun- 
ber of electrons in shell. 
-leistung maximum power, peak p., 
crest p.; extreme record per- 

Hochstrombogen heavy-current arc, 
large-c. arc. -entladung, nicht 
kondensierte heavy-current un- 
condensed discharge. 

Höchstwertanzeiger crest indicator, 
peak i. 

Hoch-tastung working impulse trans- 
mitted on voltage substantially 


above normal; transmitter for in- 
pulse-keying operated at voltage 
far above normal. -tonkonus, 
-tonlautsprecher tweeter or 
treble (cone) loudspeaker. 

Hochvakuum-gleichrichter kenotron, 
electron-type rectifier. -röhre 
high vacuum tube, hard t. 

hochzeiliges Bild high-definition 
(teler.) picture. 

hochziehen pull out (of a dive, 

Höcker hump (of resonance curve); 
‘bump, protruberance; pip (of 
c.-r. screen tracing). 

Hof, Licht- halo, halation. 

hoffreie Platte, licht- non- 
halation plate. 

Hohe, Breiten- meridian altitude. 
Objektiv- height of objective or 
lens. Sprung- pedestal height 
or level; amplitude of return or 
flyback (of beam or pencil, in 
telev.). Windungs- pitch of 

Höhen high (audio) frequencies, h. 
pitches. Absenkung in den- de- 
accentuation or attenuation of 
higher (audio) frequencies, using 
treble de-emphasizer means. 

Hohen-einstellung height control ° 
(telev.). -lader supercharger 
(with high blower ratio). -lage 
height, altitude, position in 
vertical sense. -messer altitude 
meter, altimeter (for instance, 
echo or reflection type sound 
ranging altimeter), statoscope, 
terrain clearance indicator (of 
W.E. Co.). -messer, Fein- 
(aneroid) barometer measuring 
atmospheric pressure at airdrome 
not reduced to sealevel, sensi- 
tive altimeter. -messer, Grob- 
barometer measuring actual at- 
mospheric pressure reduced to sea- 
level. -schritt vertical step 
(in automatic telephone equipment). 
-strahlen cosmic rays. -strahlen- 
schauer, -strahlenstösse bursts 

Höhenstrahlung 136 

or showers of cosmic rays, c. ray 
track (traced by odoscope). 
-strahlung, harte Komponente der 
penetrating or hard component of 
cosmic rays. 

höhensymmetrisch symmetric about 
vertical axis. 

Höhen-verstellung adjustment in 
elevation. -wert altitude value 
(in vision). -winkel angle of 
elevation, azimuthal a., angular 
height, vertical visual a. 

Hohepunkt culminating point, summit, 
top, crest, maximum, critical 

hoher Ton tweeter, treble, high- 
pitched or h.-frequency note or 

höhere Instanz higher court, super- 
ior c., c. of appeals. 

hohl all bottom, boomy, dull (of 
sound or voice); hollow, concave 
(of mirror). 

hohl(er) Ton boomy sound, dull s. 
(high AF frequencies cut off).— 
(e) Wiedergabe reproduction with 
high acoustic frequencies cut 
off or de-accentuated. 

Höhle, Augen- socket of eye, orbit, 
orbital cavity. Ohr- ear cavity. 
hohlerhaben concavo-convex. - 
Hohl-gitter concave grating. 

cavity, emptiness. 

hohItg honeycombed, having cavities 
or pits. 

Hohl-kathode concave cathode, hol- 
low c. -kehlenhalbmesser fillet 
radius. -metallrohr, Wellenausbrei- 
tung in wave propagation in 
wave guide or metal pipe (dielec- 
tric or conducting). -prisma 
hollow prisn. 

Hohlraum reverberation chamber (ac. ); 
(blackbody) cavity. Resonanz- 
resonance cavity, r. chamber, 
rhumbatron. -bildung cavitation 
(in supersonic ae -kabel, 
Papier- airspace paper-core cable, 
dry-space c., dry-core c. 
-resonator cavity resonator, 



chamber r., rhumbatron, -strah- 
lung black-body radiation, cavi- 

“ Hohl-rohrleitung hollow pipe line, 

h. wave-guide (either dielectric 
or conducting); concentric line, 
‘co-axial l., pipe l. -schicht 
airspace. -schraube female screw. 
-sog cavitation. -spiegel con- 
cave (mirror) reflectar. 
Hohlungsresonanz cavity resonance 
(of rhumbatron and klystron). 
Holm, Flugzeug- spar of an airplane 

wing. Gitter- grid stay, g. sup- 
porting member. Tragflächen- 
wing spar. 

Holoeder holohedral form of crystal. 

Holoedrie holohedrism. 

Holz, engjähriges close-grain wood. 
Knet- plastic wood. Kohl- 
charcoal (of wood). 

Holzfaser wood fiber, ligneous fiber, 
woodpulp. -stoff lignin, cellu- 
lose, ligno-cellulose. 

Holz-mehl wood meal, we powder, We 
flour. -pech wood pitch. -pfeife 
wood pipe (of organ). -schliff 
mechanical woodpulp. -schnitt 
wood stock, w. block, engraving, 

w. cut. -stoff woodpulp, cellu- 
lose. -wolle excelsior, wood- 

holzzerstörend lignicidal. 

homochrom of uniform color, homo- 
chromatic, homochromous. 

Honigwabenspule honeycomb coil. 

hörbar audible, aurally perceptible, 
auditory, capable of being heard 
or acoustically perceived or 
sensed. -machen render audible, 

Hörbarkeits-lautstärkeregler audibili- 
ty network. -schwelle threshold 
of audibility or of auditory or 
acoustic perception (represented 
by audiogran). 

Horch-dienst, Funk- radio intercept 
service. -gerät radio or sound 
locator, listening or detecting 
device (e.g., to spot airplanes 

Horchortung 137 

by sound, based on echo principle) 
range- and distance-determining de- 
vice, intercept receiver, asdic 
(submarine detector). -ortung 
radio intercept service, sound 
location, s. ranging. 

hör-empfang auditory reception, 
aural r., r. by ear, hearing or 
earphones. -empfindlichkeit 
hearing ability, auditory sensi- 

Hören, einohriges monaural listening 
or reception. -,zweiohriges bi- 
naural or plastic hearing or au- 
dition, two-channel listening. 
Richtungs- aural determination of 
direction (of airplanes), airplane 
spotting. Rück- side tone. 

Hörer, Schau- aural and visual au- 
dience, video-audio a, persons 
receiving audible and visual in- 
pressions simultaneously. Sprech- 
microtelephone, telephone handset, 
transceiver, walkie-talkie set. 

Hörer-echo listener echo. -gehause 
receiver case, r. shell. 

Horfilm (Tonfilm zur Rundfunk- 
übertragung) sound film broadcast, 
s. telecine or telecasting. 

Hörfrequenz audio, audible, tonal 
or acoustic frequency, A.F. 

Uber- supersonic, super-audible or 

ultra-audio frequency. Unter- 
sub-audio frequency. 
hörig, doppel- binaural. ein- 


Horizont, künstlicher Flieger- arti- 
ficial horizon. 

Horizontal-ablenkung horizontal or 
line scan, sweep or deflection. 
-wechsel horizontal or line 
synchronizing pulse or cycle. 

Hör-kopf sound (pickup) head. 
-muschel earpiece, earcup. 

Horn, Exponential-, aufgewundenes 
twisted or curled exponential or 
logarithmic horn (of loudspeaker ). 
Exponential-, gefaltetes folded 
exponential luudspeaker horn. 

Horn, Ruf- signal horn. Signal- 


bugle. Wald- French horn, concert 

hornig horny, horn-like, corneous, 

Hör-peilung auditory direction-find- 
ing. -samkeit acoustic properties, 
acoustics. -schärfe acuity of hear- 
ing. -schwelle audibility thres- 
hold. -sorechschalter talk-listen 
switch (in inter-communication 

Hosenrohr syphon pipe, Y-pipe. 

Hub stroke, throw, travel, excursion; 
percentage modulation. Frequenz- 
frequency swing or deviation (above 
and below the assigned resting 
frequency, in f.-modulation), 
amount by which instantaneous car- 
rier f. differs from resting f. 
Ruck- return stroke, back s. 

Hubmagnet vertical stepping magnet 
(automatic ibaa 

Hügel, Potential- potential barrier. 

Hülle cover (ing), case, casing, 
wrapper, envelope, sheath, cloak, 
shell, hull (ship), contour, shroud. 
Atom- atom shell. Dampf- steam 
jacket; vaporous envelope or sheath. 
Elektronen- electron shell, e. 
shroud. Leucht- luminous sheath 
or envelope, aureole, photosphere 
(of sun), 1. shroud. Schutz- pro- 
tective cover, p. coat, p. sheath. 

Hüllen-elektronen Shell electrons. 
-kurve envelope. -rohr encasing 
tube or pipe, jacket. 

Hülse bush, sleeve, socket, case, 
collar, barrel. 

Hülsenschliff female part of ground 

Hupe reed horn. 

Hüpfer, Hüpferschalter contactor (in 
multiple-unit control system). 

Hutchenkondensator ceramic hood- 
shaped fixed condenser or capacitor. 

Hüttenarbeit smelting, founding or 
foundry work. 

Huygens'sche Elementarwellen Huygens 

H W Z (Halbwertzeit) half-value life, 

hydrophob 138 HZ 

half-life period. Hyperfunktion hyperbolic function. 
hydrophob non-hygroscopic, non- Hysteresemesser hysteresis meter. 

absorbent, water- or moisture re- ~,schreibender hysteresigraph. 

pellent. HZ (Hertz) cycle per second, Hertz 
Hyperebene hyperplane. unit (of frequency). 

hyperfeine Struktur hyperfine struc- 

IBK-System C I E (Commission In- 
ternationale d'Eclairage) 
chromaticity scale. 

Iconometer iconometer, wire-frame 
view-f inder. 


im allgemeinen as a Seneral rule, 
generally speaking, by and large. 

Im Grunde genommen basically or 
fundamentally speaking, as a 
matter of principle. 

Im übrigen as to the rest. 

Immersionslinse immersion lens, 

i. objective (with oil or water, 
of microscope); double aperture 

Impedanz s. a. Scheinwiderstand. 

Impedanz, Abschluss- terminating, 
end or load impedance or in- 
pedor. Bewegungs- motional 
impedance. Blindkomponente der - 
reactive impedance component. 
End- terminating impedance, end 
i., load i. Streu- leakage inm- 
pedance. Stromkreis mit- impedor. 
Wirkkomponente der - active, 
dissipative, effective or re- 
sistance component of impedance. 

Impedanzglied, Reihen- series in- 
pedance element or impedor. 

Impfen inoculate, vaccinate, in- 

Impragniermittel impregnating 
agent, impresnant. 

Impuls momentum (in dynamics); 
impulse, pulse (telev.), surge 
(when of unidirectional polarity). 

Impuls, Austast- blanking pulse (to 
gate retrace of pencil, in telev. 
tube). Bahn- orbital moment. 
Bildsynchronisier- frame syn- 
chronizing impulse, low sync. i. 

Dreh-(Spin) angular momentum 
(spin). Gleichlauf- synchroniz- 
ing impulse; correcting i. Kipp- 
tripping impulse. Öffungs- 

break impulse. 

Impuls, Takt- synchronizing impulse, 
sync signal. Zeilensynchronisier- 
line synchronizing impulse, high 
sync. i. Zeilenfolge- line sequence 
impulse, line set impulse, par- 
tial scan impulse (in interlaced 

Impuls-abtrenner, Synchronisier- 
synchronizing separator, ampli- 
tude s., clipper. -erhaltungssatz 
theorem of conservation of mo- 
mentum. -gabe impulsing, pulsing, 
i. transmission or emission. 
-geber impulse generator, surge $., 
impulsing device, i. transmitter; 
tonal generator, tonic transmit- 
ter. -generator(cf -geber) impulse 
generator, surge ¢., lightning $. 
-messer peak or crest (voltage) 

Impulsmodulierte Wellen pulse- 
modulated waves (as in radar). 

Impuls-ölschalter oil-blast circuit 
breaker. - peilverfahren impulse 
direction-finding method. -platte 
signal plate (iconoscope). 
-prüfung flash or impulse test 
(of insulation). -quantenzahl 
Spin quantum number. —summe sum of 
momenta. -tensor, Energle- 
energy momentum tensor. -trans- 
porttheorie momentum transporta- 
tion theory (of turbulent flow). 
-verfahren, Doppel- double im- 
pulse method. 

Inaktivierung inactivation, de- 
activation; racemization (opt.). 
-,optische racemization (of a 
quartz crystal). 


Inanspruchnahme claim, right of tak- 
ing advantage of. 

Inbetriebsetzen setting in motion, 
rendering operative, starting,ini- 

Indeterministische Auffassung inde- 
terministic conception or inter- 

Indexstrich index mark, i. 
gage n. 

indirekt geheizte Röhre heater type 
tube, indirectly heated tube. 
-(er) Dampf latent stean. 

Induktion, Wechsel- mutual induc- 

induktionsfrei(es) Kabel screened 
(conductor) cable. -(er) wider- 
stand non-inductive resistance, 
effective r., Ohmic r. 

Induktionsspule, variable, variome- 

Induktive Kopplung inductive coup- 
ling, transformer c. 

Induktivität, punktförmige lumped 
inductance, concentrated i. (or 
electrical inertia). -,verteilte 
distributed inductance, continuous 
loading. Streu- stray inductance, 
leakage i. 

Industriegeräte commercial appara- 
tus, industrial a. (as distin- 
guished from precision and labora- 
tory equipment). 

ineinandergreifen interlock, inter- 
engage, intermesh (as partial 

inertmachen de-activate, devitalize, 

Influenz electrostatic induction. 

Inhalt content (s), area, volume, 
substance, capacity. Bild- pic- 
ture area, p. content or subject- 
matter, "information". Flächen- 
(surface) area. 

Inhaltsangabe table of contents, in- 

Inhibierung stay of proceedings, es- 

Inhomogenität non-homogeneousness, 
lack of homogeneity, heterogene- 




Inklinationswinkel magnetic incli- 
nation, m. dip. 

Inkrafttreten commencement (of an 
act or law), coming into force. 

Innen-antenne indoor antenna or 
aerial. -aufnahme indoor shot, 
studio s.; oscillogram directly 
recorded on photographic emulsion 
inside vacuous space. -gewinde 
internal thread, female t. 
-grenzlehre plug gage. -photo- 
graphieoszillograph internal pho- 
tography oscillograph. -raum- 
durchführung indoor bush(ing). 
-taster inside calipers. 

innere Quantenzahl inner quantum 
number. -Reibung solid viscosi- 
ty, internal friction. 

innermolekulare Kette inter-molecu- 
lar chain. 

innewohnend inherent, intrinsic, 

Insel island. 

Inselartige Ablagerung, Inselbil- 
dung "island" formation. 

Insgesamt altogether, substantial- 
ly, on the whole. 

Instand-haltung servicing, mainten- 
ance work. -setzung repairing, 
reconditioning, restoration, re- 

Instanz, Gericht erster court be- 
low, lower court. Gericht höchs- 
ter- supreme court. Gericht 
zweiter oder höherer - court 
above, higher c., c. of appeal. 
Gerichtsbarkeit erster - original 

Instrument, Blech- brass instrument 
(mus.). Dreheisen- moving-iron 
instrument (of plunger, vane or 
repulsion type). Mess-, gedämpf- 
tes deadbeat measuring instru- 
ment, aperiodic m.i. Mess-, un- 
gedämpftes ballistic measuring 
instrument. Schreib- graphic or 
recording instrument. 

Instrumentausrüstung instrumenta- 

Instrumentenfehler 14] 

Instrumentenfehler variations of 
bearing due to instruments (df), 
measuring instrument error. 

Integral, Austausch- exchange in- 
tegral. Raum- space integral. 

Integralrechnung integral calculus. 

Integrierbar integrable. 

Intergrieren über integrate over. 

Intensitats-ausfall fading. 
-messgerät level recorder. 
-steuerung intensity, brightness 
or brillance modulation (of c.-r. 
tube), -verfahren variable- 
rns a method (of sound record- 

Interferenz-bild. interference figure. 
-tarbe interference color. -gebiet 
mush area (in chain broadcasting). 

Interferenzialrefraktor inter- 

Interferenz-streifen interference 
fringes (opt.) -ton beat tone, 
interference note. 

Interferometer, Gitter- grating 

Interkombinationen inter-system 

Intermediär intermediary, inter- 

Intermittenzschwingung relaxation 
oscillation, sawtooth o., rat- 
chet o., timebase o. 

Intervall-faktor interval factor. 
-regel interval rule (of Landré). 

intervenieren intervene, interpose, 

Intonation voicing. 

intonieren tune (a piano), intone. 

in Tritt kommen fall in ie syn- 
chronize, phase-focusing (in beam 
tubes ). 

Inverter inverter (thyratron). 

Invertzeitrelais inverse-time 

‚lonen, Locker- defective ions, 
"Locker" i. '$Sprüh- spray 
ions. Zwischengitter- inter- 
stitial ions. Zwitter- dual, 
hybrid or amphoteric ions. 

Isolator, Pilz- 

lonen-bewegliichkeit ionic mobility. 
-falle ion trap (in electron gun of 
c.-r. tube). -komponente, Wasser- 
stoff- pH value, hydrogen ion 
concentration. -rückkopplung 
ion feedback. -rumpf ion core. 
-rundlauf circulation of ions. 
-spaltung ionic cleavage, ioniza- 
tion. -stärkemesser ionometer. 
-steuerrohr thyratron. -windvolt- 
messer ionic wind voltmeter. 
-wolke ionic atmosphere. 

lonisationswarme heat of ioniza- 
tion, h. of dissociation. 

lonisierungs—-kammer,. Fingerhut- 
thimble ionization chanber. 
-spannung ionization potential, 
ionizing p., p. sufficient to 
detach electron from its atomic 
bond. -spielaufbau Townsend 
structure or build-up. -stufe 
stage of ionization. 

Iris-auf- und-Abblendung irising 

in and out. -blende iris 

irisieren irisate, iridize, 

irreführen confuse, mislead, mis- 

Irrung correction. 

Isoklinen isoclinics (lines of 
equal darkness, in photo- 

Isolations-messer insulation tester, 
megger. -prüfung, Stoss- impact, 
impulse or flash test. -wider- 
_stand insulation resistance, in- 
sulance (reciprocal of leakance).. 

Isolator, unvollkommener imperfect 
dielectric, leaky insulation. 
Abspann- terminal insulator, 
strain i. Abstand-, Distanz- 
stand-off insulator, spacing i. 
Durchführungs-, Einführungs- 
feed-through insulator, lead-in 
i., wall duct, bushing. 

Freiluft- outdoor insulator. 
Kreuzungs- transposition insulator. 
Pilz- mushroom, petticoat or un- 
brella insulator (long leakage path). 

Isolator, Stutz- 

Stutz- pin insulator, rod i. 
wanddurchlass- wall lead-in or 
bushing insulator. 

Isolier-masse insulating compound, 
i. paste, moldable or fictile i. 

Jacarandaholz rosewood. 

Jahresgebühr annual fee or tax. 

jahreszeitliche Änderungen 
seasonal variations. 

Jalousiebretter louvres. 

Japan-lack Japan lacquer, d. 
varnish.. -wachs Japan wax. 

jeweils under given or prevailing 
conditions; at the time, in each 

142  Jutebeil auf 

substance, "dope." -masse, 
gepresste molded insulation. 
-rohre buffer tube, isolating 

Isotopieverschiebung isotope ef- 
fect, i. shift. 

Jodieren iodizing (of a negative). 

jungfrauliche Kurve virgin curve. 

Justier-greifer pilot claw (m.p.) 
-stift pilot pin, registration p. 
(film printing. ) 

Justierung, Film- wegistration of 

Jutebeilauf jute filler (cable mak- 

K Absorptionskante, K. wert 
K edge, K absorption limit. 

K wert octantal component of quad- 
rantal error (GE) due to 

K and L Schal e-Abschirmungsko- 
effizient K and L shell absorp- 
tion coefficient (screening func- 
tion. ) 

Kabel, gemischtpaariges composite 
cable. -,induktionsfreies 
screened (conductor) cable. 
-,konzentrisches co-axial line, 
concentric 1. or cable, pipe l. 
-,mehradriges multi-wire cable. 
Erd- leader cable, pilot cable, 
buried c. (for airplane landing. ) 
Faden- co-axial or concentric 
cable with silk-thread-supported 
conductor. Leit- leader cable, 
pilot cable (for airplane land- 
ing.) Papierhohlraum- airspace 
paper-core cable, dry-core c. 
Photozellen- low-capacity shielded 
cable between photo-cell and an- 
plifier, video c., concentric or 
co-axial c. 

Kabel-schuh cable eye, c. socket, 
connector lug, sweated thimble. 
-verlegung cable laying, burrying 
of ac. -wachs cable wax. 

Kabine, Kino-, Vorführungs- projec- 
tion room, p. box; p. booth (in 
back projection. ) 

kadmiertes Eisen cadmiated iron. 

Kafig, Auffanger- collector elec- 
trode (in Farnsworth dissector. ). 
Faraday'scher Faraday shield, F. 
screen, F. wire cylinder. 

Rollen- roller cage. 

Kafig-antenne cage antenna. -spule 
canned coil, shield c., cage c. 

-transformer shielded transformer. 

Kaliber bore, pass, caliber, diameter; 
groove. -dorn, Toleranz- tolerance 
plus gage. 

kalkartig calcareous, limy. 

Kalk-schleier chalk fog. -spat calcite. 

Kalorimeter, Eis- ice calorimeter. 
Kondensations- steam calorimeter. 

Kalotte cup-shaped, cap-shaped or 
hemispherical part, calotte. 

Kalottenmembran hemispheric or cap- 
shaped (metallic loudspeaker ) 

kalt(er) Farbton cold color hue. 

kalt(e) Kathode cold cathode (as in 
photo-tube and BH type gaseous 
rectifier ). 

Kaltausharten cold tempering. 

kalt-blasig refractory (of metal.) 
-brüchig cold short-brittle. 

Kalteeinheit frigorie. 

kälteerzeugend frigorific, cryogenic. 

Kalte-punkt solidifying point (of 
oil). -regler cryostat. 

Kalt-lack cold varnish. -schlag 
cold heading die. -sprödigkeit 
cold brittleness. — stauchmatrize 
cold upsetting die. -verformung 
cold working, c. shaping. 

Kamera, Atelier- studio camera. 
Berufshand- professional hand 
camera. Geheim- detective camera, 
concealed c. Hochfrequenz- high- 
speed camera. Laufboden- base- 
board extensible camera. Loch- 
pin hole camera. Mikrospektral- 
microspectroscopic camera. Nebel- 
cloud chamber. Rundblick- 
panoramic camera. Spreiz(en)- 
strut camera, extension c. Ton- 
sound recording camera. Trick- 
trick camera. Wilson- fog, cloud 


K amer aauszug 

or expansion chamber (of Wilson). 
Kamera-auszug camera extension. 

-balgen camera bellows. -fahrge- 
stell camera truck, dolly. 

-laufwerk feed mechanism. -mann, 
Atelier- studio cameraman. -mann, 

Ton- recordist. 

Kamm, Folgeschalter- sequence switch, 

Kämmen der Turbinendichtungen rub- 
bing of labyrinth seals. 

Kammer chamber, room, space, camera, 
compartment. Aufzeichnungs- 
recording chamber (of electron 
microscope). Fingerhut(ioni- 
sierungs)- thimble ionizing cham- 
ber. Klein- small (air) chamber 
for ionizing work. Leistungs- 
energy chamber (of raten 
Luft- air pressure space (of a 
loudspeaker.) Nachhall- rever- 
beration roon, r. space or en- 
closure. wilson- Wilson fog, 
expansion or cloud chamber. 

Kammer-gericht Supreme Court (of 
Prussia.) -lautsprecher, Druck- 
pressure chamber loudspeaker, 
pneumatic l. (without diaphragm. ) 
-ton "A" of tuning fork. 

Kamm-lager (concealed) collar thrust 
bearing. -rad cog wheel. -zwecke 

Kampfstoffe (chemical) warfare sub- 

Kanadabal sam Canada balsam. 

Kanal, Filme, Führungs- film track, 
f. channel (in film camera. ) 
Funken- spark track. Sende- 
transmission channel, signaling c. 
Teil- sub-channel. Ubertragungs- 
transmission channel. Vorentla- 
dungs pre-discharge track. 

Kanalfilter channel filter. 

kanalig, mehr- multi-channel. 

Kanal-strahl canal ray, positive r., 
diacathode r., anode r. -tastung, 
Ein- single-channel pulsing 
(telev. synchronization. ) 

Kanonenbronze gun metal, $. bronze. 

Kanonier, Richt- gunlayer. 



Kante, ablaufende trailing say 
Leit- leading edge, 1. tip (of 
airplane wing). Schmal- narrow 
edge, n. side. 

Kanten-scharfe resolution on border 
(of a picture.) -schema Deslandres 
diagram (of spectral band systems. ) 
-system zero-line system, edge s. 

kantenweise edgewise, on edge. 

kantenwirkung edge effect, fringe e. 

Kapazität s. a. Kondensator 

u Be Se cn 


Kapazität, akustische acoustic capaci- 

tance, a. compliance (reciprocal 
of a. stiffness.) -,mechanische 
compliance. -,punktformige 
concentrated capacitance, lumped 
c. -,verteilte distributed 
capacitance, self-c. 

Kapazität, Beruhigungs--smoothing 
capacity. Dach- top (loading) 
capacity. Eigen- self-capacitance. 
Elektroden- (inter-) electrode 
capacitance. Ersatz- equivalent 
capacity. Kipp- time-base con- 
denser. Röhren- (inter-)elec- 
tröde capacitance. Sattigungs- 
saturation capacity. Schalt- 
circuit capacitance. Selbst- 
self-capacitance, distributed 
capacity (of a circuit, etc., due 
to proximity effects. )- Streu- 
stray capacitance, distributed c., 
spurious capacity. Teilerd- 
direct earth capacitance. 
Verdunkelungs- shading condenser. 
Verlust- imperfect capacity, 
leaky c. 

kapazitätsarm of low capacity or 

Kapazitatsbriicke capacitance bridge, 
farad b., Wien b. 

kapazitatsgerader Kondensator 
straight-line capacity condenser. 

Kapazitats-messer faradmeter. 
-probe capacity test. -reaktanz 
capacitive reactance, negative r. 

kapazitiver Blindwiderstand capaci- 
tive reactance, negative reac- 
tance, condensance. 

Kapotte, Abblende- dimming cap. 


Kappe cap, hood, top, dome, crown, 
can. Aufsteck- slip-on cap. 
Hexoden- top cap of hexode 
tube. Lichtschutz- light-hood 
(phot.) Ohren- ear muff. 

Kapsel capsule, case, box (print- 
ing), cap, chill, mold (foundry), 
sagger (cer.). Mikrophon- 
mierophone button (housing), 
capsule. Sprech=- condenser 

Kapsel-blitz flashlight capsule. 
-guss casting in chills; chilled 
work. -ton sagger clay, capsule 

karburiert, öl- oil carburetted. 

Kardan-gelenk, -kupplung universal 

Kardinalpunkte cardinal points 
(opt. ) 

Kardioide, Wechsel- switched 
cardioid (space pattern). 

Kardioidenbildung cardioid forma- 
tion (of space pattern or di- 
rectional diagran. ) 

kariert cross-hatched. 

Karneol carnelian. 

Karolus-Kerr Mehrfachplattenzelle 
Karolus multi-plate Kerr cell. 

Karte, gnomonische gnomonic chart 
(straight-course chart. ) 
Merkator- Mercator chart. 
Strecken- route (airway) map. 

Kartei card index, c. catalog. 

Kartenaufnahme, photographische 
photographic mapping. 

Karten-kurs map course. -netz 
graticule. -projektion, 
Merkator- Mercator or cylindrical 
projection (orthomorphic p.) 
-winkelmesser map protractor. 

kartesische Fläche Cartesian sur- 

Karton, Bristol- bristol board. 

Kartothek card index, c. catalog. 

kaschieren place on a support, base 
or other surface; coat with paper. 

Kaskaden-schaltung cascade connec- 
tion, cascading; concatenation or 
tandem connection (of motors. ) 

Kathode, Schicht- 

-verstärker cascade amplifier, re- 
peating a. 

Kassette spool box, darkslide (phot.); 
cassette (X-ray work); sagger, 
coffer, casket. -,leise 
silenced magazine. Anlege- 
clamp-on darkslide. Tageslicht- 
daylight loading magazine (m.p. ) 

Kassetten-rahmen darkslide carrier. 
-schieber shutter of darkslide. 

Kastagnetten castanets. 

Kastanienholz chestnut wood. 

Kasten, Geräusch- equivalent acous- 
tics (for special sound effects 
and noise imitations.) Potential- 
potential well, p. hole. -drachen 
box kite. 

Katheten perpendicular and base ad- 
joining hypothenuse (in a right- 
angled triangle. ) 

Kathode cathode, filament, emitter 
(of electrons.) -,direkt geheizte 
direct-heated cathode. -,geschich- 
tete (oxide-) coated cathode; 
photo-c. with light-sensitive 
layer. -,indirekt geheizte 
indirectly heated cathode (in 
heater-type tube), unipotential 
c., iso-p. c. -,kalte cold 
cathode (as in photo-tube and in 
BH type gaseous rectifier). 
-,körperliche physical cathode, 
material c. 

Kathode, Anti- target, anti-cathode 
(of X ray tube). Flächen- 
plate-shaped cathode (of neon 

tube as distinguished from point or 

crater.) Hohl- concave cathode, 
hollow c. Oxyd- oxide-coated fila- 
ment, dull emitter. Paste- oxide- 
coated (pasted) cathode. Photo-, 
zusammenhängende mirror type or 
continuous photo-cathode, photo- 
electric c. Punkt- point-source 
cathode, crater c. Quecksilber- 
mercury-pool cathode. Raster 
(photo)- mosaic, rastered photo- 
cathode screen. Rein- bright 
emitter (often thoriated c.) 
Schicht- cathode bearing a layer 

Kathode, Siedekiihl ung- 

or coat (of oxide, photo-sensitive © 

substance, etc.). Siedekühlung- 
vapor-cooled cathode. 

Kathoden-anheizzeit cathode heating 
time (till stable temperature is 
reached), thermal time constant. 
-ansatzpunkt spot (of arc) formed 
on cathode. -dunkelraun, 

Crookes cathode dark space, 
Crookes' dark s., Hittorf's 

dark s. -fackelerscheinuna 
cathode flicker effect. -fallablei- 
ter valve arrester. -fleck des 
Hg-Lichtbocens, fixierter an- 
chored cathode spot of mercury 
arc. -licht(haut) cathode glow. 
-linie cathode line. -neuaktivie- 
runc cathode re-activation, c. 
rejuvenation. -siedekühlung 

vapor cooling for cathode. 
-spratzen flicker or spitting of 
cathode. -sprung cathode jump of 

Kathodenstrahl-abtaster electron- 
beam scanner. -bündel cathode-ray 
beam or pencil; sun. -intensi- 
tatskontrolle catnode-ray beam 
intensity modulation (by shield, 
grid or Wehnelt cylinder). 

-röhre thermionic tubes (obs. ); 
beam tube; c.-r. tube, oscillo- 
scope, iconoscope, emittron, and 
other tubes operating with beam 
and screen; Lenard t. -röhre, 
gasgefüllte gas-filled c.-r. tube, 
soft t. working with a c.-r. (for 
ionic or gas focusing). 

Kathoden-verstarker cathode follower. 
-zerstäubung cathode disintegra- 
tion, c. spatter, splutter or sput- 

Kathodo-lumineszenzlampe cathode- 
glow tube. -phon cathodophone, 
diaphragmless microphone, glow- 
discharge m. 

Kation cation (positive ion moving 
toward cathode; negative ion 
called anion). 

Katzenauge bull's eye (small thick lens). 

kaubar masticable. 


Keil, Stufen® 

Kauf nehmen, in accept something 
(at the expense of), be tolerable 
or tolerated. 
kauflich commercial (grade), mer- 
chantable, purchasable. 
Kaustik caustic (opt.). 
Kaution stellen give bail, bond or 
securi ty. 
Kavitation cavitation. 
Kegel, Anfluc- sector of approach. 
Ganzpol- polehode cone, body cone. 
Licht- cone of light, luminous c. 
Rastpol- herpolnode, space cone. 
Reibuncs- pole of friction. Seh- 
angle of vision, cone of v. 
(camera work.) Strahlen- cone of 
rays. Stumpf- truncated cone, 

Kegel-antenne, Doppel- double-cone 
antenna, cage a -druckprobe 
cone {indentation) test. -feder 
volute spring. -lehre taper gage. 
-mantel cone-shaped shell. -projek- 
tion conical projection (of a map). 
-rad bevel wheel, cone w., mitre w. 
-radgetriebe bevel Searing, mitre- 
wheel §. -schnitt conic section. 
-stumpf truncated cone, frusto c., 
frustum. -ventil conical valve, 
ball v. 

Kehle throat, larynx, channel, 

kehlen groove, slot, flute, channel, 
key. / 

Kehl-kopfmikrophon laryngophone, 
throat microphone. -nahtschweis- 
sung fillet weld. 

Kehr-doppelwendel reversed double 
loop. -wendel return spiral, 
reversed s., helix, coil or loop. 
-wert reciprocal value, inverse v. 
-wert,Zahigkeits- fluidity (re- 
ciprocal of viscosity). 

Keil wedge, key, cotter, jib, liner, 
Shim. Dreiecks- triangular wedge. 
Goldberg- Goldberg wedge, neutral 
(Srey) w. Streifen- photometric 
wedge. Stufen- step tablet, — 
stepped (photometric) absorption 
wedge (X-ray, etc., work). 


Keil-flach spheroid. -nute keyway. 
-schwärzungsmesser circular wedge 

Keim nucleus or seed (cryst.), gern. 
Kristall- crystal nucleus, seed c. 
Reif- digestion nucleus. 

Keim-kristall crystal nucleus, 
nucleus crystal. -ling nucleus 
(cryst.), germ, embryo. -wirkung 
nuclear action, action of nuclei 
(cryst. ) -zenter grain center. 

Keller-armatur boiler fittings. 

-ton tunnel effect, boom e. 

Kenndampfung iterative attenuation 

Kenndämp fungswiderstand iterative 
impedance; characteristic i. 

(for uniform line). 

Kennedy-Heaviside Schicht Kennedy- 
Heaviside layer. 

" Kenn-faden (colored) tracer-thread 
(for c.coding). -grösse charac- 
teristic quantity, c. magnitude. 
-grösse, Ubertragungs- transfer 
characteristic. -leitwert in- 
dicial admittance. 

Kennlinie, Arbeits- operating or 
working characteristic or curve, 
performance c. Dynamik- volume 
(range) characteristic. Frequenz- 
frequency-response characteristic. 
Richt- directional diagram or 
space pattern (df); rectification 
characteristic. Schwing- oscil- 
lating characteristic, resonance 
c.,c. of an oscillatory system. 
Touren-Belastungs- speed-load 
characteristic. Übernahme- 
transfer characteristic. 

Kennlinien-feld family of charac- 
teristics or curves. -kippung 
characteristic straightening. 
-knick, oberer upper bend or knee 
of characteristic. -kick, unterer 
lower bend or knee of characteris- 

Kennsignal tuning note (character- 
istic audio signal for tuning),c. 
sign or signal (of Morse code or 
other identification), signature 
of a station, theme. 

Kern, Verunreini gungs- 

kenntlich machen characterize, 
identify, make conspicuous, 
identifiable or distinguisable. 

Kennung, Funkfeuer- call or dis- 
tinctive signal (of a beacon 
station. ) 

Kennungssignal distinctive, identi- 
fying or code signal, signature. 

Kenn-widerstand characteristic 
impedance, image i., indicial i. 
-winkelmass iterative phase con- 
stant. -zahl characteristic fac- 
tor, office code. -zeichen char- 
act. or distinguishing mark or 
feature, sign, identification, 
symptom; object (of invention or 

kennzeichnen characterize, dis- 
tinguish, code. 

Kenn-zelchnung, Farb- color coding. 
-ziffer characteristic. 

Kerbe, scharfe sharp notch, nick or 
groove; slot, slit. Rund- round 
notch, Charpy notch (with root 
radius. ) 

Kerb-dauerfestigkeit notch fatigue 
strength. -empfindlichkeit stress 
concentration index. -nute 
keyway. -schlagzähigkeit notch 
impact tenacity. 

kerbverzahnt splined (externally or 
internally. ) 

Kerb-wirkungszahl fatigue stress 
concentration factor. -zähigkeit 
notch tenacity. 

Kern nucleus, core, grain, kernel, 

pip, stone, pith, heart, crux (of a 
matter.) -,geblatterter laminated 
core. Eisenpulver-, gepresster 
compressed iron-dust core, Ferro- 
cart c. Film- reel, spool. 
Kristall (isations)- center or 
nucleus of cristallization. 
Lamellen- laminated core. Luft- 
air core. Masse- compressed iron- 
powder or dust core, molded c., 
Ferrocart c. Nachfolge- product 
nucleus. Spulen- bob or core of a 
spool (m.p.) Staub- duct or mold- 
ed core, Ferrocart c. Verunreini- 
gungs- impurity nucleus. 

Kern, Wasserstoff- 148 

Wasserstoff- H particle, hydrogen 
particle or nucleus, proton, 
deuteron (when of heavy hydrogen 
or deuterium.) Zwischen- con- 
pound core, "intermediate". 

Kern-abstand inter-nuclear distance. 
-anregung nuclear excitation. 
-bildung germination, nucleation. 
-distanz internuclear distance. 
-durchdringung (Potential schwelle) 
nuclear penetration function. 
-farbe nuclear stain, 

kernferne Elektronen planetary, 
peripheral, orbital or outer 
(-level) electrons (farthest 
from nucleus), valence e., con- 
duction e. 

Kerngehalt nuclear concentration, 
content of nuclei. 

kerngestreut deflected by nucleus. 

Kernguss cored work (foundry). 

kernig, ein- uninuclear, mononuclear. 
mehr-, viel- multinuclear, poly- 
nuclear, having a plurality of 
nuclei or cores, polycyclic. 

Kern- körper(chen) nucleolus. 
-ladungszahl charge on nucleus, 
nuclear charge number, atomic 
number. -magneton (K.M.) 
nuclear magneton. -moment, 
magnetisches nuclear (magnetic) 

kernnahe Elektronen inner(fixed) 
electrons, e. adjacent nucleus. 

Kern-physik nuclear physics. 
-potential schwelle, Durchdringung 
der nuclear penetration function. 
-schatten umbra. -schliff male part 
of ground-in joint. -spin nuclear 
spin. -spule, Masse- dust-core 
coil, compressed-iron-core coil. 
-teilung nuclear division. 
-theorie nuclear theory. 
-umanderungsprozess nuclear disin- 
tegration process. -umwandlung 
nuclear transmutation. -verlust 
core loss, iron 1. =wechselwirkung 
nuclear inter-action. -zerplatzen 
nuclear fission or disintegra- 


Kerr Mehrplattenzelle, Karolus- 
Karolus multi-plate Kerr cell. 

Kerze, römische Roman candle, 
magnesium torch, smoke pot. 

Kerzenstarkenchar akteristik 
candle-power characteristic. 

Kessel boiler, vessel, tank, pot. 
Druckwind- compressed-air tank, 
blast pressure tank. Etagen- 
battery boiler. 

Kesselsteinbildung boiler scale 
formation, incrustation. 

Kette filter, network; channel, 
chain, train, series, bondage. 
-,elektroakustische channel (in 
sound recording or reproducing), 
electro-acoustic transducer. 
-,innermolekulare intra-molecular 
chain. Abstimm- tuning arrange- 
ment comprising a plurality of 
oscillation or tuning circuits. 
Drossel- low-pass filter. 
Entzerrer- corrective network, 
equalizing n. Gelenk- link chain. 
Neben- side chain, subordinate c. 
Sieb- ladder-type filter, band- 
pass f. or network. Sperr- low- 
pass filter. Sternglied- T net- 
work. Transport- conveyor chain. 
Verstärker- amplifier cascade. 
Verzögerer- delay network. 
widerstands- voltage divider, po- 
tentiometer. A 

Ketten-bruchmethode method of in- 
finite continued fractions. 
-durchhang slack or sag of a chain. 
-flache catenoid. -flaschenzua 
chain tackle block. -glied network 
or filter mesh or section. 

Kettenleiter iterative network, re- 
current structure. -erster Art 
Il (m) network. -,mehrgliedriger 
multi-mesh network. -,mit 1/2 
Längsglied endender mid-series 
terminated network. -,mit 1/2 
Querglied endender mid-shunt .ter- 
minated network. -,vielgliedriger 
multi-mesh network, multi-section 
n. -,zweigliedriger two-section 


Ketten-leitermasche mesh, section of 
a network. -linie catenary. 
-molekül chain molecule. -rad 
sprocket wheel. -rollenscheibe 
chain sheave. ~schaltung relay 
chain circuit. -widerstand 
iterative impedance. 

K-H Schicht Kennedy-Heaviside layer. 

Kiefernholz pinewood. 

Kieselzinkerz willemite. 

Kimm (sea) horizon. -tiefe dip of 

Kino motion-picture theater, film 
playhouse, movie. 

Kino, Fern- telecine, telecast, 
intermediate-film television sys- 
tem. Koffer- portable projector. 
Spiel zeug- home movie. 

Kino-film-Fernsehabtastung telecine 
scan of film, pickup of pictures 
from moving-picture f. -kabine 
projection booth. -positiv moving 
picture positive. -skala station 
name projection scale. 

Kipp... time-base, relaxation, "kipp, " 

trip, triggering. 

Kipp-drossel cut-off choke (regulates 
-einsatz, Bild- 

battery charging). 
incipient frame flyback. -einsatz, 
Zeilen- incipient line fly-back. 
-elektrometer Wilson electrometer 
(gold leaf given different posi- 
tions by tilting case). 

Kippen retrace, reversal or return 
of pencil (in scanning); trip 
over, trigger; tip, dump, tilt. 

Kippentl adung condenser discharge 
(in time-base). 

Kippentladungsröhre time-base dis- 
charge tube. 

Kipper,Bild- frame time-bass, 
Zeilen- line time-base. 

Kipp-erscheinung jump phenomenon, 
swing p. (in arts other than 
television). -frequenz relaxation 
frequency, time-base f. -gerät 
time-base, deflector means, re- 
laxation oscillator, trigger de- 
vice. -gerät, Gegentakt- push-pull 
time-base. -hebelschalter toggle 
switch (with projecting lever). 


Klage, Patentverletzungs- 

-impuls tripping impulse, -kapazität 
time-base condenser. -kreis time- 
base circuit, trigger c., relaxa- 
tion c. -moment maximum torque 
(mech. ) -oszillator, Sperr- block- 
ing oscillator. -periode time-base 
period. -schaltung, Glimml ampen- 
neon-lamp time-base circuit scheme. 
-schwinger time-base oscillator. 

Kippschwingmethode, fremdgesteuerte, 
unsel bstandige distant-operated 
(non-self-running) time-base 
method. -,selbständige, mitgenom- 
mene self-running controlled time- 
base method, 

Kippschwingung relaxation, sawtooth 
or ratchet oscillation, time-base 
o., kipp o. -selbständige - 
self-running time-base. Bild- 
frame or picture time-base oscilla- 
tion or impulse. Zeilen- line 
time-base impulse or oscillation. 

Kipp-schwingungsdauer relaxation 
period. -sender, Sperr- blocking 
oscillator. -spannungsriickl auf 
flyback of sweep potential, return 
of time-base p. to zero. -spiegel 
oscillating mirror, vibrating n. 

Kippung, Kennlinien- characteristic 
straightening. " 

Kippvorgang time-base action, ratchet 

Kirsche, Schmelz- igniting pellet. 

Kirschrotglut cherry-red heat, 
cherry redness. 

Kissen, Luft- air cushion, dashpot. 

kissenförmige Verzeichnung pincushion 
distortion, pillow d. (telev.). 

Kittlehre, Film- film splicing gage. 

klagbar werden bring action or suit 

Klage, Einstellungs- action for dis- 
continuance (of an infringement, 
etc.) Feststellungs- declaratory 
action. Nichtigkeits- action or 
suit for cancellation, annulment 
or invalidation. Patent- patent 
suit, patent action, p. litigation. 
Patentverletzungs- action or suit 
for infringement of patent rights. 

Klage, Schadenersatz- 150 

Schadenersatz- action for damages. 
Unterschiebungs- suit for passing 
off goods as though of another 

Klage-abweisung dismissal of claim, 
non-suit. -beantwortung reply, 
response, answer, defense (plea). 
-grund cause of action. 

klagen bring action, sue, file a 

Klagepatent patent in issue, in 
suit, at bar. 

Klager plaintiff, complainant. 
Berufungs- appellor. wider- 
cross or counter-claim plaintiff. 

Klageschrift plaint, bill of 
charges, statement of claim, bill 
of particulars, plaintiff's 

Klammer clamp, clasp, clip; bracket 
(round or square, used in mathe- 
matical formulae, etc.). (Round 
brackets are strictly known as 
parentheses in typography). 
Gabel- forked clamp. Verbindungs- 
brace, clip connector. 

Klang 8A. [0° Akustilk, Geräusch 

Klang, blecherner tinny sound. 
-zusammengesetzter complex (musi- 
cal) sound. Doppel- echoed sound 
(hearing sound twice, i.e., by 
electric transmission and by 
transmission through air). 

Einzel- (sounding of an) indi- 
vidual note or tone. Gleich- 
unison, consonance, resonance. 

Klang-bild sound pattern, acoustic 
p. -blende tone-shading means, 
tone switch, t. control, tonalizeı. 

-drossel tone-control choke (coil). 
-einsatz acoustic intonation, on- 
set of a sound. -farbe timbre, 
tone color, quality.—-,helle 
strident timbre, shrill sound. 
-farbemittel tone-shading means, 
tone or timbre control m., tonalizer. 
-farberegler tone control, tonalizer. 
-figur sound pattern, acoustic fig- 
ure. = fülle sound volume. -gemisch 
sound spectrum. 

Klauenkupplung - 

kl anggetreu of high fidelity, ortho- 
phonic (of reproduction of sound). 

Kl ang-intensitatsbereich dynamic 
range of sound. -reiniger acoustic 
clarifier (on ldpsk. baffle). 

Klappe (clack) valve, flap, trap, lid, 
damper, stop, key (of wind instru- 
ment), pallet (of harmonium). 

klappen strike, clapper; clap, flap, 
fold, move in various directions, 
often about pivots or hinges, to 
open or close,as the lid of a 
chest or the cover of a box. auf-, 
hoch- fold, raise or lift to open 
or erect, on hinges, as the 
cover of a talking machine. weg- 
swing or fold out of the way. zu- 
drop, move, swing or let down (for 
shutting) on hinges. 

Klappen-horn key horn. 
key work, k. action. 

klappern chatter, rattle. 

Klappensignal see Klatsche. 

Klapp-kamera folding camera, col- 
lapsible c. -kassette hinged dark- 
slide. -sucher, umlegbarer reversi- 
ble folding finder. -variometer 
hinged-coil variometer. 

klar clear, distinct, pellucid, 
lucid; intelligible, articulate. 
-bestimmt uniquely determined, 
definitely or clearly defined. 

Kl ar-bad clearing bath. -bassin, 
-bottich settling or clearing | 
tank, tub, vat or reservoir. | 

Klarinette clarinet, clarionet. 

kl armachen standby, make ready, 

Klärmittel, Kl arungsmittel clarify- 
ing or clearing agent, clarifier, 
fining substance. 

Kl artonverfahren noiseless film 

Klatsche beat or clappers (to mark 
sound and picture tracks for syn- 
chronization). | 

Klatschenbild beat picture. 

Klaue claw, paw, pawl, catch, clutch, 

Kl auen-kupplung claw clutch, c. 

-mechani smus 

5 Klaviatur 151 

Klaviatur keyboard, bank of keys. 
Klavierharfe keyed harp, piano harp. 
Klebäther collodion. 

Klebband friction tape, adhesive or 
sticky t. 

Klebemittel adhesive, agglutinant, 

Kleben sticking (of a keeper), 
freezing, adhering, clinging; 
cementing, summing, gSlueing. -der 
Elektronen capturing or sticking 
of electrons (to electro-negative 
gases, surfaces, etc.) Film- 
blooping, patching or splicing 
(of film). 

Klebe-presse blooper, splicer (for 
making blooping patches in filn). 
-stelle, Ton- bloop, blooping 
patch or splice (on sound film). 
-stellengeräusch splice bump, dull 
sound due to blooping patch, 
wowows, blooping. -tisch splicing 
table, s. bench. 

klebrig sticky, adhesive, pasty, 
viscid, glutinous. 

Klein-bildphotographie micropho- 
tography, photomicrography. -film 
narrow film, sub-standard f. 
-geflige ‚nicro-structure, fine 
structure. -kammer small (air) 
chanber, thimble (for ionizing 
work). -lampe miniature lamp. 
-lader trickle charger. -lebewesen 
micro-organism. -lichtbildkunst 
photomicrography, microphotographic 

kleinlückig of fine porosity, close- 

Kleinröhre miniature tube (of acorn, 
midget, etc. type). 

kleinsten Quadrate, Methode der 
method of least squares. 

Kleinstmaschine miniature machine. 

Kleinumfangkopien "lo-range" prints. 

Klemme terminal, binding post, con- 
nector, clamp. 

Klemmeffekt pinch effect (in needle 
reproduction of sound). _ 

Klemme,Eingangs input terminal. trd- 
ground clamp. Verbindungs- connec- 
tor means, binding post, terminal. 


Klemmenwiderstand terminal in- 
pedance, t. resistance. 

Klemmschraube clamp, lock or thumb 
screw; binding post, terminal. 

Klick, Tast- key thump, k. click. 

Klima-gürtel climatic belt. 

-technik air conditioning. 
Klimatisierung air conditioning. 
klimpernd harsh or strident (of a 

tone or sound containing strong 

harmonics and high partials), $rat- 
ing, shrill, tingling. 

Klingeldraht bell wire, annunciator 

Klingen sounding, ring (of a tube). 

Klingfahigkeit ringing noise, micro- 
phonic n. (of a tube). 

Klinke, Batterie- battery jack. 
Doppelsperr- double dogs, pawls 
or detents. Rast- detent, latch, 
pawl. Sperr- pawl, catch, latch, 
click, detent, ratchet. 

Kl inken-scheibe notched disk, ratchet 
disk. -stecker jack, plug switch. 

Ktinkwerk trip gear, release $. 

Klirrdampfung correction of non- 
linear harmonic distortion. 

Klirren scratch (of a loudspeaker), 
clink, clatter. 

Klirrfaktor non-linear harmonic 
distortion factor, klirr f., blur 
or rattle f. 

klopfen beat, knock, tap. 

Klopffeind anti-knock agent (engine). 

Kléppel, Glocken- bell hammer, b. 
striker. -stange clapper rod, c. 

klumpig clotted, clotty, lumpy. 

Klystron klystron (ultra-high- 
frequency oscillator with two 
rhumbatrons acting as buncher and 

K.M. (Kernmagneton) 

knacken crack, crackle, click, crepi- 

Knagge cam, catch, peg, stop, lug, 

Knall detonation, explosion, report, 
crack, pop, pistol shot noise. 

Knall-gas, Wasserstoff- detonating 



gas mixture (of H and O0), oxyhy- 
drogen gas. -gasgebläse 
oxyhydrogen blowpipe. -pyrometer 
explosion pyrometer. -satz 
detonating composition. 
-schutzgerat pistol shot silencer, 
crack s., noise killer (radio). 
-welle shock wave (ac.) 

knapp close, tight, narrow; scanty, 
meager, brief, concise. 

Knarre ratchet. 

knarren crackle, rattle, crack (of 
loudspeaker), creak, squeak. 

Knebel-bol zen toggle bolt. 
-griffschraube tommy screw. 

kneifen nip, squeeze, pinch. 

kneten knead, pug (cer.) 

Knet-holz plastic wood. -legierung 
plastic alloy, wrought a., mal- 
leable a. 

Knick break (in curves); crack, 
flaw, kink; bend or knee (e.$., 
upper and lower, of tube char- 

knicken crack, break, buckle, col- 

Knick-festigkeit flexibility (of a 
film), breaking strength, buckling 
strength (of metal). -punkt, 
-stelle kink or knee, break (of a 
curve).  =widerstandsfähigkeit 
folding endurance (of film), — 
breaking or buckling strength. 

Knie knee, bend (of a curve); 
elbow, knuckle. 

knieförmig knee-shaped, geniculate. 

Kniegelenk knee joint, elbow j. 

Kniff (cf. Trick) artifice, trick, 
device; crease, pinch. 

knistern crackle, crepitate, rustle 

Knitterfestigkeit crumpling strength. 

Knöllchen nodule, little knob or 

Knolle lump, knob, node, nodule, 

knollig knobby, knotty, bulbous. 

Knopf button, knob. Druck- push 
button, press button. Einstell- 
focusing knob (camera). Trieb- 
milled head, pinion h. (micr.). 


Kohasionsfesti gkeit 

Knopf-empfänger, Druck- pushbutton- 
tuned receiver, receiver with 
automatic tuning. -karte instruc- 
tion chart. -röhre shoebutton 
tube, acorn t. 

Knoten node, nodule, knot, knob; 
plot. -abstand internodal. dis- 
tance. -ebene, -flache nodal 
plane, n. surface (opt.). -linie 
neutral line, common l., nodal l. 
-punkt, -stelle nodal point (opt.); 
junction p. -strahl beam or pen- 
cil of non-uniform section, in 
gas-focused c.-r. tubes, due to 
poisons and secondary electrons. 
-verbindung transfer joint, 
temporary bridge. 

Kniippelisol ator club-type insulator, 
pin i. 

knurren growl, snarl, rumble. 

Kochbecher beaker. 

koch-bestandig resistant, stable or 
fast to boiling (dyes, etc.) 

-echt fast to boiling (dyes). 
kochend(er) Akkumulator agitated 

or gassing accumulater (just dis- 

connected from charger). 

-(es) Geräusch boiling noise. 

Kochpunktmesser ebullioscope. 
Koeffizient s.a. Faktor und 

Koefflzient, Ausnutzungs- utiliza- 
tion coefficient. Extinktlons- 
total-absorption coefficient, 
extinction c. Gleitungs- slip 
coefficient. Mitführungs- 
Fresnel coefficient of drag. 
Schwachungs- absorption coeffi- 
cient. Vereinigungs- combination 

Koerzitivkraft coercive force, coer- 
civity (sometimes: retentivitv). 
-messer coercimeter. 

Koffer, Speisungs- current feed box. 
-apparat box equipment, trunk unit 
(for sound and picture pickup). 
-kino portable projector equipment. 

Koharenzlange der Wellenzüge co- 
herence length of wave-trains. 

Kohäsionsfestigkeit cohesion 


Kohle coal, charcoal, carbon, 
carbonaceous material. -,sal z- 
getrankte mineralized carbon, 
impregnated c. Docht- cored 
carbon. Effekt- salted carbon, 
c. for flame-arc. Härtungs- 
hardening carbon, cementing c. 
Hochintensitats- high-intensity 
carbon (for arcs). Rein- solid 

kohlefrei carbon-free, non-car- 

Kohlen-korn carbon granule, c. Srain. 
-korngeräusch carbon noise (of 
microphone). -mikrophon, 
atmendes breathing of microphone 
(slow changes of resistance and 
response of carbon nm. ) 

kohlen char, carbonize, carburize. 

Kohlennachschub carbon feed. 

Kohl epuppe (Trockenelement) carbon 
rod (of dry cell). 

Kohlholz charcoal. 

kohl schwarz coalblack, jet-black. 

Kokosfaser coco fiber, coir (fiber 
from husk of coconut). 

Kolben piston, plunger, ram, bulb, 
iron or bit (for soldering). 
Mess- graduated flask, measuring 
f., gage f. Röhren- bulb or ves- 
sel of a tube (radio). Schliff- 
ground-in glass stopper. -mem- 
bran piston diaphragm. -stange 
piston rod. 

Kollektiv des Okulars field lens 

Koll ektsp! commutator, revolving 
contact- maker, distributer, rotary 

Kollimationslinie collimating mark 
(opt. ). 

Kollisionsverfahren interference 
action or procedure (law). 

Koma-abbildung,-bild comatic image. 
-reste höherer Ordnung inde- 
pendent coma of higher order. 

Kombinations-aufnahme combination 
exposure, composite shot, mask 
method of shooting. -blende 
Goerz effect shutter. -register 
combination stop (organ). -stimme 
mutation stop (organ). - töne 

Kondensator, gleichlaufender 

combination (difference or summa- 
tion) tones. 

Komikbilder film cartoons, funnies. 

Kommando-gerät data computer, 
ballistic director (gunnery). 
-stelle order point, order place, 
o. station (bridge); impulsing or 
control-action transmitter (remote 
control). -übertragung zwiwchen 
Flugzeugen inter-aircraft command 
or voice communication or signal- 

kommutieren reverse (polarity, con- 
nections, etc.) 

kompakt compact, solid, non-apertured. 

Komparator, selbstrechnender comput- 
ing recording comparator. 

Komparserieraum extras room. 

Kompass, Kreisel- gyro-compass- 
Ortungs-,Peil- navigation compass. 
Tochter- auxiliary compass, re- 
peater c. Trocken- dry compass. 

Kompass-biichse compass bowl, c. ket- 
tle. -kurs compass course, steered 
Cc. - rose compass card, c. scale. 
strich point of compass. 

Kompendium Goerz effect set (to ob- 
tain different effects, fading, 
etc. in motion picture work). 

Komplementwinkel complementary angle. 

komplexe konjugierte Grosse conju- 
gate complex quantity. 

Komponente, ausserordentliche 
extraordinary component (of rays). 
-,ordentliche ordinary component 
(of rays). Blind- wattless, idle, 
quadrature, reactive or reactance 
component (of impedance). wirk- 
active, wattful, energy or in- 
phase component. 

Komprimieren der Laufzeit transit- 
time compression. 

Kondensanz capacitive reactance, 

Kondensationskalorimeter steam 

Kondensator s. a. Kapazität 

Kondensator, frequenzgerader 
straight-line frequency condenser 
or capacitor. (Note: Capacitor 
nowadays is preferable). 

-,gleichl aufender Sanged condense. 

Kondensator, kapazitätsgerader 154 

synchronized condenser. -,kapa- 
zitatsgerader straight- life 
capacity condenser. -,quadrati- 
scher square-law condenser. -,Un- 
vollkommener leaky condenser. 
-,wellengerader straight-line 

wave (length) condenser. Abgleich- 
aligning condenser, trimming c. 

Bl atter- foil capacitor, tubular 
c., Mansbridge (paper) c. Block- 
blocking condenser, stopping c., 
insulating c., fixed c. End- 
terminating condenser. Fest- 
capacitor, fixed or invariable 
condenser. Fühler- pickup or 
scanning condenser (used in sound 

reproduction). Gelenk- swing-out 
condenser, book c. Glättungs- 
smoothing condenser. Hochdruck- 

pressure-type capacitor (in ni- 
trogen high-p. tank). Hütchen- 
ceramic hood-shaped capacitor. 
Mehrfach-, Mehrgang- multiple con- 
denser, ganged c., synchronized 
c., tandemc. Mittellinien- 
logarithmic condenser (relation 
between capacity and angle obeys 
l. law). Nachstimmungs- aligning 
condenser, trimming c.; vernier c. 
Quer- shunt condenser, by-pass c., 
bridging c. Quetsch- compression 
type condenser. Schluss- ter- 
ninating condenser, short-circuit- 
= be, = . 

ing c. Sperr- stopping condenser, 
insulating c., blocking c. Trocken- 
dry electrolytic condenser. 
Uberbrickungs- bridgir.ö condenser, 
by-pass c. Verkürzungs- shorten- 
ing condenser, padding c. Ver- 

v ielfaltigungs- condenser-type 
d.c. multiplier. Wickelblock- 
tubular condenser, paper capaci- 
tor, mica c. (made of metallized 
or foil-coated insulation strip). 
Zeitkreis- time-base condenser. 

Kondensator-abschlusswände end 

shields (forming "tub" of ganged 
condenser). -belagverlust surface 
leakage loss of a condenser. 
-klemme condenser type bush or 
terminal. -leitung high-pass fil- 
ter. -mikrophon condenser micro- 

Konstante, Verschiebungs- 

phone, electrostic m. -riickstand 
residual charge of condenser. 
-sirene condenser siren (produces 
pulsating current). -wanne tub- 
like container with end plates or 
shields of dielectric or sheet- 
metal to accommodate a condenser; 
ganged c., multiple c. 
kondensierte,nicht-, Hochstromentl adung 
uncondensed heavy-current discharge. 

Kondensor spule condenser coil (of eleo- 
tron microscope). 

Konduktanz, Röhren- transconductance 
(of a tube). 

Kondukte wind trunk (of an organ). 

konforme Abbildung conformable repre- 

Königsholz king's wood. 

Konizitat conicity, conicalness, 
coning, taper. 

kon jugierte Funktionen conjugate 
functions. -komplexe Grosse 
conjugate complex quantity. 
-Schnittweite conjugate intercept. 

Konkavgitter concave grating. 

konphas in-phase, in p. coincidence, 

Konsistenzmesser viscosineter. 

konsolidieren consolidate, set, 
concrete, solidify. 

Konsonanten, stimmhafte sonant, 
voiced or vocal consonants. 
-,stimmlose non-vocal, surd or 
breathed consonants. -deutlichkeit 
consonant articulation. 

konstant constant, invariable, non- 
varying, fixed, stable, steady, 

Konstante constant, parameter. 
Ansprech- sensitivity or response 
(of microphone). Dämpfungs- 
attenuation constant (real part of 
transfer or propagation c. ) 
Dielektrizitats- dielectric con- 
stant, specific inductive capacity, 
permittivity. Fortpflanzungs- 
propagation constant, transfer c. 
Gitter- grating constant, §. space; 
lattice c. Kraft- force constant. 
Richt- rectification constant. 
Verlust- attenuation constant. 
Verschiebungs- displacement constant 


specific inductive capacity (in 
vacuo). Wellendämpfungs- 

wave attenuation constant. 
Zerfalls- disintegration constant, 
transformation c., radio-active 
constant, decay coefficient. 

Konstanthaltung stabilization. 

konstruktiv constructional, prac- 
tical, concrete, constructive. 

Kontakt, ausgefressener pitted 
contact, worn c. -,federnder 
spring contact, flexible c., 

c. spring. 

Kontakt, Abreiss- arcing contact 
(of a switch). Arbeits- marking 
contact, make or operating con- 
tact (closure occurring upon 
energization of relay). Folge- 
make-before-break contact; dummy c. 
Gleit- sliding contact (self- 
wiping and s.-cleaning). Leerl auf- 
spare or vacant terminal or con- 
tact. Ruhe- spacing contact, rest 
C., non-operating c. (closure oc- 
curs upon de-energization of re- 
lay): contact of rear part of key 
lever. Schiebe- adjustable slide, 
slide contact, cursor. Schlepp- 
make-before-break contact, trail- 
ing c. Wackel- variable contact, 
loose or defective c. Wechsel- 
make-and-break contact. Wisch- 

.self-cleaning or -wiping contact. 

Kontakt-abdruck contact print 
(phot.) -arm wiper. -+ürste 
contact brush, wiper. -finger 
contact finger, wiper. -geber 
contact maker, time tapper, time 
marker.-gleichrichter contact 
detector, crystal d. or rectifier. 
natural d. -hebel contact lever. 
-kleben sticking of contacts. 
-mittel catalyst, contact agent, c. 
substance. -prellen contact chat- 
ter, c. click,c. thump, c. chirp. 
-satz bank of contacts. -schieber 
adjusting slider, slide contact, 
cursor. -schiene contact bar. 
-schmoren scorching, freezing or 
melting together of contacts. 
-substanz contact substance, 


Kontroll sender 

catalyzer, catalyst. -wirkung 
catalysis, contact effect. -zunge 
spring contact, reed, blade, ditton. 
-zusammenschmoren scorching, freez- 
ing or melting together of contacts. 

Kontingentierung quota system. 

Kontinuitatsgleichung equation of 

Kontinuum continuous spectrum. 

Kontra-Alt contralto. -Bass 
-contra-bass (brass wind instr.) 
-Fagott contra bassoon. 

kontrahierte Entladung contracted 

Kontraktionskoeffizient Foisson's 
ratio (lateral contraction: 
longitudinal extension), rho 

kontraktlich contractual, by con- 
tract or agreement. 

Kontrast contrast, gamma (y) 
contrast sensibility or sensitivi-. 
ty, intensity discrimination. 
-filter filter for selective con- 
trasts, contrast screen, c. filter. 
-hebung compandor action, dynamic- 
range action means (comprising 
compressor and expander) to im- 
prove signal-noise ratio. -photome- 
ter mit Würfel cube-type contrast 
photometer, contrast p. with cubical 

kontrastreiches Bild contrast picture, 
high-gamma p. 

Kontraststeigerung Callier effect, 
print contrast. 

Kontrolibild monitoring picture 

Kontrolle control, check-up, super- 
vision, monitoring, regulation, 

Kontrolle,Aussteuerungs-, mit Neonröhre 
neon tube volume indicator. 
Einknopf- uni-selector, uni- 
control operation. : Modulationsgrad- 
modulation meter. 

Kontroll-empfänger monitoring receiv- 
er. -lehre master gage. -sender 
monitor transmitter, check-up t.; 
service test oscillator. 

Konturenverste:lerung 156 

Konturenversteilerung improvement 
in resolution and black-white 
contrast, insuring higher de- 
finition (telev.); expansion. 

Konus, weitgedffneter wide-open 
cone or pencil. Hochton- 
tweeter or treble cone loud- 
speaker. Riffel- corrugated 
cone. Tiefen- low-frequency 
cone loudspeaker, woofer. -antenne, 
Doppel- case antenna. -membran 
diffusion cone, conical diaphragm; 

Konventional strafe (monetary) penal- 
ty, contractual fine. 

Konvergenz, winkel- half convergency 

Konvergenzwinkel convergence angle. 
-unterschied binocular parallax 

Konzentration, Anfangs- pre-focus. 
Elektronenoptik- focussing by 
electron lens. Gas- sas focusing 
(in c.r. tube), ionic f. Nach- 
re-focusing. Selbst- gas focus- 
ing, self-focusing. Vor- (cf 
Vorsammellinse) preliminary fo- 
cusing, pre-focus, first focus 
action (in c.r. tube). 

Konzentrieren focusing, concentra- 
tion, fasciculation. 

konzentrisches Kabel co-axial cable 
or line, concentric c., pipe l. 

Konzert-flügel concert grand piano. 
-piano upright grand piano, 

Koordinaten-bild pattern of co- 
ordination. -papier cross- 
section paper, ruled p., co- 
ordinate p. -system, Polar- 
polar co-ordinates. -system, 
rechtwinkliges rectangular co- 
ordinate system. 

Koordinationszahl co-ordination nun- 

Kopf, verlorener deadhead, crop end, 
wastehead. Banden- band head, b. 
edge (spectr.) Düsen- nozzle tip. 
Einspann- fixing head, clamping h. 
Hör- sound (pickup) head. Lawinen- 
head of surge. Magnetisierungs- 
magnetic recording head (for sound, 

Koppel navigation 

on wire or tape). Revolver- lens 
turret (camera). Ring- annular 
recording head. Schicht- stria- 
tion head. Schreib-recorder head. 
Teil- index head. Verschluss- 
cable terminal. 

Kopf-fernhörer headphones, headset, 

"can". -hdranschluss telephone 
jacks. -hörerbügel harness, head 
band, strap. -welle onde de choc, 
head or front wave, bow we, im 
pact we, Shell w., ballistic w. 

Kopie, Ansichts- release print. 

Arbeits- studio copy, s. print. 
Farb- color print. Gebrauchs- 
working copy, usable copy (for 
display). Grossumfang- high- 
range ("hi-range") or wide-range 
copy or print. Kleinumfang- 
"lo-range" print. Lavender- 
lavender print. Mehrfach- multi- 
ple print. Montage- first answer 
print. Muster- master copy, m. 
print. Photo- photostatic copy, 
photostat, photographic c.» photo- 
print. Schnitt- edited print. 
Theater- release print. Ton- 
sound film used for reproduction. 
Verleih- release print, distribut- 
ing p. Zwischen- lavender print, 
l. copy. 

Kopieranstalt orinting shop. 
Kopieren, Durchlauf- continuous film 

printing. Verkleinerungs- reduc- 
tion printing. 

Kopier-fenster printing plane, p. 

Pre -camma negative ganma 

Kopiermaschine printer. -, euto- 

matische automatic printer. 
-,optische projection printer, p. 
printing machine. Durchlauf- 
continuous film printer. Fenster- 

intermittent step printer. Schlitz-. 

slit printer, contact printer. 

Kopier-schwärzung printing density. 

-stelle printing drum. -werk 
printing studio, p. shop or plant. 

Koppel, Oktav- octave coupler (or- 


Koppelnavigation navigation by dead 

Koppelort 157 

reckoning. -ort fix, dead-reckon- 
ing position (avigation). 

Kopplung, direkte direct coupling 
(by a resistance, capacitance or 
inductance common to both cir- 
cuits), impedance coupling, con- 
ductive c. -,feste close coupling, 
tight c., strong c. -,galvanische 
resistance coupling, galvanic c. 
-,induktive inductive coupling, 
transformer c. -,kapazitive 
capacitive coupling, electric c., 
electrostatic c. -,lose loose 
coupling, slack c., weak c. 
-,veranderliche vario-coupler 
-,wilde stray, spurious or unde- 
sired coupling. 

Kopplung, Gegen- negative or sta- 
bilized feedback, reverse f., 
anti-resenerative coupling, de- 
generation. Mit- positive re- 
$eneration, p. feedback; spurious 
or undesired coupling or feed- 
back. Rück- regeneration, reac- 
tive coupling, feedback c., re- 
action. Sperrkreis- parallel 
resonance coupling. Spinimpuls- 
spin orbit coupling. Streu- 
stray coupling, capricious c., 
spurious c. 

Kopplungs-block invariable or fixed 
coupling capacitor. -faktor 
coupling factor, c. coefficient. 
-röhre coupling tube. -spule, 
veranderliche vario-coupler. 
-verlauf coupling coefficient, c. 
factor. -widerstand transfer im- 
pedance, coupling resistance. 

Korb, Lautsprecher- loudspeaker 
chassis frame. Schutz- arcing 
ring, guard r. (of insulator). 

Korb-bodenspule spiderweb coil, 
basket c. -flasche carboy, 
demijohn. -wicklung basket wind- 
ing, low-capacitance w. 

Kordel-griff milled knob, knurled k. 
-mutter milled nut, knurled n. 

kordieren mill or knurl (an edge). 

Korn front sight, muzzle s.; grain, 
bead, granule. 


Korn, Raster- silver globule (of 
iconoscope mosaic), silver plug 
(in barrier-grid m.) Schleier- 
fog grain (of film). Sucher- 
backsight (of view-finder). 

Korn-anhäufungen $Srain asgsregations. 
-bildung granulation, crystalliza- 

Körner center point, punch mark, 
Sage p. -rauschen carbon granule 
noise (microphone). 

Kornet cornet. 

Korngrenzen grain boundaries (cryst. ) 

Körnigkeit graininess, granularity, 

Körnigkeitsmesser Sranulometer. 

Korn-rauschen film-grain noise. 
-zerfall Srain disintegration. 

Körper, optisch inaktiver racemate, 
racemized material (quartz), 
racemic substance. 

Körper, Fliess- fluid or liquid 
body, non-solid (substance). 
Fremd- foreign, external or ex- 
traneous matter or substance, un- 
desired admixture, impurity, con- 
tamination. Füll-filling body, 
packing b. Glüh- incandescent 
body, incandescing b., incandescent 
mantle (Welsbach). 

Korper(chen), Kern- nucleolus. 

Körper, Lager- bearing box, housing 
or body. Rotations- body or 
solid of rotation or. revolution. 
Schicht- stratified structure, s. 
body. Stamm- parent substance, p. 

Korperbeschaffenheit constitution. 

Körperchen corpuscle, particle. 

körperlich solid, three-dimensional, 
bodily, corporeal, physical, 
material (e.8., of a cathode), 

körperlose Spule structure in which 
whole mass of vibrating system is 
contained in oil. 

Körper-schaft body corporate, corpora- 
tion. -schall sound conducted 
through solids. -strahlung, 
Schwarz- black-body radiation, 


cavity r. -teilchen particle, 

Korpuskeln, Licht- photons. 

Korrektlonsglied correction fac- 
tor, corrective tern. 

Korrektur-abzug proof sheet. 

-scheibe compensating cam (df), 

Korrespondenzorinzip (Bohr's) 
correspondence principle. 

korrigiert, farb- color corrected, 

Korrosions-bildner corrosive, cor- 
rodent, corroding agent, rusting 
agent. -dauerfestigkeit corro- 
sion fatigue strength. 
-empfindlichkeit corrodibility, 
susceptibility to corrosion. 
-verhinderung corrosion inhibi- 

kosmische Ultrastrahlen cosmic 

kostenpflichtig abweisen dismiss 
(a suit or legal action) with 

krachen crack, crash, crackle, 

Krachtöter (automatic) silent tun- 
ing; noise suppressor, noise gate 
(in film work, etc.) 

krachzender Ton all-top sound or 

Kraft force, power, energy (force 
in mechanics = voltage or enf 
in electricity). -,auflésende 
resolving power. -,atombindende 
atomic combining power, valence. 
-,lebendige-kinetic force, vis 
viva, momentum. 

kraft meines Amtes by virtue of 
(power vested in) my office. 

Kraft, rücktreibende repelling 
force, deflecting f. (acting on 
electron pencil). -,schwingungs- 
erzeugende vibromotive force. 
-,zwischenmol ekul are ınter- 
molecular force. 

Kraft, Abstossungs- repulsion, re- 
pulsive force, repellency. 
Abstrebe- centrifugal force. 
Anstrebe- centripetal force. 
Antriebs- driving power, propel- 

Kraftberechnung, Bild- 

ling force or p., propulsion. 
Anziehungs- attraction, attractive 
force or power, adhesive f. 
Bewegungs- motive or motor force 
or power, motional f.,kinetic f. 
Bild- image potential, i. force. 
Brech- refractive power, refrac- 
tivity. Direktions- directive 
force, directing f., versorial f. 
Erwarmungs- heating power, calori- 
fic p. Färbe- tinctorial power, 
dyeing p. Feder- elasticity. 
Flieh- centrifugal force. Gegen- 
reaction, counter-acting force, 
opposing f., reactive f., antag- 
onistic f. Massen- inertance (of 
mechanical filter). Prall- 
resiliency, elasticity; ricocheting 
force. Rand- force acting at an 
edge, marginal force. Richt- 
directive force, directing f., 
versorial f. Rückstell- 
resiliency, restorins force, re- 
tractile f., elastic f., restitu- 
tion force or pressure. Schieb- 
thrust, thrusting power, shear. 
Schnell- elasticity. Schwimm- 
‚buoyancy, floating capability. 
Schwing- centrifugal force; 
vibratory power, vibrating p. 
Spann- tension, extensibility, 
expandibility, elasticity. 
Spring- springiness, power of re- 
coil. Stoss- percussive power, 
motive p. Teil- partial force, 
componental f. Thermo- thermo- 
electromotive force or power, 
Seebeck effect. Umfangs- circun- 
ferential force, tangential f., 
peripheral f. Verbindungs- 
combining power, bonding strength, 
affinity. wurf- projectile force. 
Zieh- drawing power, tractive 
power, traction, attraction, pull- 
ing, dragging or hauling power or 
force. Zug- traction, tractive 
force, tension, attraction. 
Kraft-audion power grid-current 
detector. -äusserung manifestation 
or effect of force. -berechnung, 
Bild-, halbkl assische semi-classical 

Kraftfahrzeug 159 

image force calculation. 

-fahrzeug motor vehicle, power 
craft. -funktion power function. 
-konstante force constant. -IInle 
line of force, tube of force. 
-linienschräglage slope: of force 
lines. -loserklärung declaration 
of invalidity or cancellation. 
-mass unit of force. -messer 
dynamometer. -messer, Koerzitiv- 

kraftschlüssig (cf zwangsläufig) 
tensionally or positively con- 
nected (by positively acting 
means), force-locking. 

Kraft-schwingröhre power oscillator. 
-stossmesser ballistic pendulum. 
-stufe power stage, final s. (of 
an amplifier). -wechsel energy 

Krählrechen rake, rabble. 

Kran,Gerüst- gantry crane. 

Kranz, Rad- wheel rim, tire. 

Spiegel- row, array, rim or set of 
mirrors, mirror drum (telev. 
scanning). Zahn- gear rim, tooth 

Kranz-abtaster, Linsen- lens drum 
scanner. -brenner ring burner, 
crown b. 

krarupieren krarupize, load (a line) 

kratzen scrape, scratch, rasp, grate. 

Kratzer, sichtbare visible scratches. 

kräuseln curl, crisp, crimp, mill 

Kréuselung rippling (of a d.c.). 

Kreis (s.a. Stromkreis). circuit, 
circle, orbit, circular path. 

Kreis, nichtschwingungsfähiger ap- 
eriodic or non-oscillatory circuit. 
-, widerstandloser resistanceless 
circuit. -,umschreibender circun- 
scribing circle. Achtel- octant. 
Arbeitseich- working reference cir- 
cuit. Bei- epicycle. Brems- 
negative anode circuit. Dunst- 
atmosphere. Fuss- root line, 
dedendum 1. Halb- hemicycle, semi- 
circle. Kipp- irigger circuit, 


time-base c., relaxation c. 
Kriimmungs- curvature circle (lens). 
Kurs- direction or bearing circle. 
Licht- circle of light-halo. Luft- 
atmosphere. Mittags- meridian. 
Nutz- active circuit, useful c., 
signal c. Parallelresonanz- 
parallel resonance circuit, re- 
jector c. Roll(bahn)- cycloidal 
path (of electrons). Saug- ac- 
ceptor circuit, impedance or ab- 
sorption wave trap. Schwungrad- 
parallel resonance circuit, fly- 
wheel c. Sechstel- sextant. 
Selektiv- selective circuit, selec- 
tor c. Serienresonanz- series 
resonance circuit, acceptor c. 
Sieb- selective circuit, filter c. 
Spannungs- potential circuit (of 
ammeter). Sperr- rejector circuit, 
wave trap. Stoss- impulse circuit, 
impulsing c. Teil- pitch circle, p. 
line, divided c., graduated c., 
dial, 8. circular plate. Übertrager- 
intermediate circuit, transformer c. 
Um- periphery, circumference; sur- 
roundings, environs, ambiency. 
Ureich- master reference systen. 
Viertel- quadrant. Zerrungs- an- 
nulating network, suppressing n. 
Zerstreuungs- circle of confusion, 
blur circle. 

Kreis-bahn circular path, orbit. 
-bahnbewegung motion in a circle or 
orbit, orbital movement, circular 
m. -bewegung circular motion, gyra- 
tion. -bewegung, Rollbahn- cy- 
cloidal path motion. -blende iris 
diaphragm. -bogen arc of a circle; 
circular arch. -bogengitter arcuate 
grid. Ä 

kreischende Stimme all-top voice (or 

Kreisdiagramm circle diagran, circular 
loci. Doppel- tangent circle pat- 
tern, figure-S diagram or (space) 
pattern (df). 

Kreisel top, gyro gyroscope, $yro- 

Kreiselektron spinning electron, 


Kreisel-kompass Syro-compass. 
-molekül top molecule, spinning 
m. -neigungsmesser bank-and-turn 
indicator. -pumpe centrifugal 
pump, turbine p. -verdichter ro- 
tary compressor, centrifugal c. 

kreisend circulating, rotary, syra- 
tory, eddying, vortical (i.e., of 
vortex motion). 

Kreis-frequenz pulsatance (w), an- 
gular velocity, cyclic frequency, 
f. in radians. -funkfeuer rotat- 
ing or omnidirectional beacon, 
circular navigational beacon 
(sending non-directional signals 
in all directions). -funktion 
trigonometrical function, angular 
f. -grad degree of a circle or 
arc, d. of angular measure, ra- 
dian. -keilschwarzungsmesser 
circular wedge densitometer. . 
-lauf cycle, circulation (of flu- 
id),- circular course, circuit. 
-lochscheibe film scanning disk 
With apertures circularly rather 
than spirally arranged. 

kreismagnetischer Effekt Syromag- 
netic anomaly. 

Kreis-messung cyclometry. -parame- 
ter circular parameter. -prozess 
cyclic process, cycle. -scheibe 

mit veränderlichen 3ektoröffnun- 
gen sector disk (shutter) with 
variable apertures. -spannung 
"circle" voltage. -spule tuning 
coil. -ströme circular currents, 
c. flowing in a circular path. 
-welle circular electric wave. 

Kreuz sharp (mus.). 

Kreuz, Abstimmungs- tuning indicator 
(magic eye, etc.). Achsen- coor- 
dinate system. Faden- reticule, 
reticle, graticule, cross line, 
hair l., cross spider hairs. 
Leucht- reticle image (reflector 
sight). Malteser- cam and star 
wheel of Maltese cross, Geneva 
intermittent movement, cross- 
wheel. Strich- cross lines, c. 
ruling, reticle. 



kreuzen cross, intersect, traverse, . 
transpose. : 

kreuzförmig cross-shaped, cruciform. 

Kreuz-gelenk universal joint, Hooke's 
j- -gelenkkupplung cross joint. 
-gesperre, Malteser- Geneva stop. 
-gitter cross grating, surface 
lattice. -glied lattice section 
(of network or filter). -hahn 
four-way cock. -libelle cross 
level, -modulation cross modula- 
tion. -peilung fix, bearing taken 
from two or more ground direction- 
finders, cross bearing. -rahmen- 
antenne crossed coil antenna. 

kreuzsaitig cross strung, overstrung. 

Kreuz=schaltung s.H- & T-Brücken- 
schaltung. -schlitten compound 
slides. -teilungsmast cantilever 
type of tower (with double-tapered 

Kreuzungs-isolator transposition in- 
sulator. -punkt, Uber- crossover 
(of electrons in c.-r. tube). 

“Kreuzverhör cross examination, cross 

kribbeln swarming (of film). 

kriechen crawl, sneal, creep (of na-' 
terials); leak (of current): 

Kriech-calvanometer quantometer, flux- 
meter. -geschwindigkeit rate of 
creep (in metal). -strom creep cur- 
rent, sneak c., surface leakage c. 

Kristall, einachsiges uniaxial crys- - 
tal. -,langstrahliges needle-like 
elongated crystal. -,linksdrehen- 
des levogyrate crystal. -,optisch 
inaktives Quarz- racemic quartz 
crystal, racemized c., racemate. 
-,zweiachsiges biaxial crystal. 

Kristall, after- pseudomorph. Bie- 
gungs- "bender" crystal. Doppel- 
platten- biquartz crystal, bimorph 
c., bimorph cell. Drehungs, Dril- 
lings- "twister" crystal. Ein- 
monocrystal, single c. Holoeder- 
holohedral form of crystal. Keim- 
erystal nucleus, nucleus c. Mehr- 
polyerystal. Misch- mix crystal, 
mixedc., crystalline solidsolution. 

Kristall, Quarz- 

Quarz-, fertiges piezoid, finished 
blank. Quarz-, optisch inaktives 
racemic quartz crystal, racemized 
c., racemate. Schwing- crystal 
oscillator. Seignettesalz- 
Rochelle (salt) crystal. 
Spaltungs- cleavage crystal. 
Spharo- spherical crystal, sphero 
c. Tannenbaum- dendrite. 
Zweielement- bimorph crystal 
(either of bender or twister 
type). Zwillings- (cf Doppel- 
platten-) twin crystal. 

Kristall-achse crystal axis, crys- 
tallographic a. (x = electric a.; 
y = mechanical a.; z = optical 
axis). -achsenmesser conoscope 
(determines optical axis). 
-achsenrichtung crystallographic 
« axis orientation. -anschuss 

‘crop of crystals, crystallographic 
growth, crystallization, shoot 
into crystals. 

kristallartig crystal-like, crystal- 

Kristall-ausscheidung separation of 
crystals. -bau crystal structure, 
erystalline form. -baufehler 
erystal (structural) defects. 
-beschauer inspectoscope. 
-biegungsschwingung crystal flexu- 
ral vibration. -bildung crystal 
formation, crystallization, 
granulation (of sugar). 
=dickenschwingung thickness vibra- 
tion of a crystal. - drehungs- 
schwingung, -drillungsschwingung 
torsional vibration. - ebene 
crystal plane, c. face. -ecke 
crystal angle. -faden, Ein- 
single-crystal filament, mono- 
erystal f. -fassung (piezo- 
electric) crystal holder or 
mount, - fläche crystal face, c. 
plane. - gerippe crystal skeleton, 
skeletal c., crystallite. -gitter 
crystal grating (used for dif- 
fraction); crystal lattice. 
-gitterschwingung crystal lat- 
tice vibration. -halterung 
crystal holder, c. mount. 


-haufwerk crystallite aggregation. 
-inaktivierung, optische racemiza- 

Kristallisations-kerne centers of 
erystallization, nuclei of c. 
-wachstum crystal growth, germina- 

Kristall-kanten crystal edges. 

-keim crystal nucleus, seed c. 
-kern nucleus of crystallization, 
center of c. -kernbildung 
crystallization, nucleation, ger- 
mination (a germ being required 
in induced crystallization). 
-körperchen, rundes globulite, 
spherulite. -längsschwingung 
longitudinal vibration of a crystal. 
-lautsprecher piezo-electric loud- 
speaker. -lehre crystallography. 
-linse crystalline lens. -mikro- 
phon piezo-electric microphone, 
crystal m. - querschwingungen 
transverse vibrations linc ladate 
flexural v.), contour vibrations 
or oscillations. -schnitt crystal 
cut (x cut or Curie cut, also 
known as the zero angle cut, face- 
perpendicular cut and normal cut; 
y cut, 30-degree cut or face- 
parallelcut; T cut = 35 degrees to 
z axis).-schwingung crystal vibra- 
tion. -splitter crystal grain or 
chip. -steuerung crystal stabiliz- 
ing, crystal control. -taktgeber 
(beim Sender) crystal monitor, c. 
control means, c. stabilizer. 
-winkelmessung crystal gonionetry. 
kritisch critical, delicate. 

Kropfung crank. 

Krücke rake, rabble, crowbar. 

Krümmer, Rohr- pipe bend, elbow or 
knee. -radius radius of curva- 
ture, r. of gyration. 

Krummung, Bildfeld- curvature of 
image field. 

krümmungsfreies Feld flattened 
field (by flattening lens). 

Krümmungskorrektur field flattening. 

Krummwerden warping, buckling, 
crooking, bending. 

Kübel vat, tub, pail. 


Kubieren raise to third power, 
involution process (math.) 

Kubikwurzelziehen extraction of 
cube root, process of evolution. 

kublsch-raumzentrierte Metalle 
body-centered cubic metals, cubic 
body-centered m. (cryst.) 

Kubizierung calculate volume of; 
raising to third power, involu- 
tion process (math.) 

Kufe pressure pad, p. guide (m.p.) 
Filz- felt pad. Gegen- counter 


Kugel ball, sphere, globe, bullet, 
shot, bulb, bead. 

Kugel, After- spheroid. Halb- 
hemisphere. Ulbricht'sche 
Ulbricht sphere. 

kugelähnlich spheroidal, ball-like. 

Kugel-blasen, Stahl- steel shot 
blast. -blitz flashbag; globular 
lightning, ball l. 

Kügelchen small bulb, globule, 
spherule, globulite, pellet, 
small ball or shot. 

Kugel-densitometer, integrie- 
rendes integrating spherical 
densitometer. -druckprobe 
ball pressure test, indentation 
or Brinell ball impression t. 
-einsprache spherical mouthpiece. 
-faktor coefficient of sphere 
(photometry). -flasche balloon 
flask,splferical f. 

kugel formig spherical, globular, 
ball-shaped, orbicular. nicht- 
aspherical, non-s. -qewolbte 
Lamellen dished laminae. 

Kugel-funkenstrecke ball-gap, 
sphere gap, spark-gap with ball 
electrodes. -funktion spherical 
function. -gelenk ball-and- 
socket joint, universal j. 
-gestalt spherical form, ball 
shape, bulbous s. -gestalts- 
fehler spot size distortion. 
-körperchen globulite, spherulite 
(eryst.) -kupplung ball-and- 
socket joint, universal j. 
=linse spherical lens. -mikrometer 
spherical micrometer. -mikroskop 



ball stage microscope. -photometer 
sphere or globe photometer (of 
Ulbricht). -rücksprung ball rebound, 
ricocheting. -schale partial sphere, 
cup-shaped, or cap-shaped or hemi- 
spherical part, spherical shell, 
calotte. -schliff ground-in ball- 
and socket joint. -spiegel spheri- 
cal mirror, s. reflector. 
-spitzenfühlnadel scanning or pick- 
up needle with spherical point 
(sound engraved filn). 

kugelsymmetrisch spherically symmetric, 

Kugel-tisch ball stage (micr.). 
-ventil ball valve. -welle 
spherical wave. 

Kühler cooler, refrigerator, cdn- 
denser; radiator (automobile). 
Rückfluss- reflux condenser, 
return-flow c. -mantel cooling 
jacket, condensing j. 

Kühl=mantel cooling jacket, condens- 
ing j. -rippe cooling or radiating , 
fin, vane or flange. -schl ange 
cooling coil, spiral condenser 
pipe or tube. 

Kühlung, Heiss- cooling by evapora- 

Kühlvorrichtung cooling, refrigera- 
tion or chilling device. 

Küken plug of a cock. . 
Külbchen ball, piece, lump, parison 
(of glass). 

Kulissenaufblendung side-curtain 

Kulturfilm cultural film, education- 
al f. 

Kümm rform degenerate forn. 

Kundengiesserei jobbing foundry. 

Kündigung (giving of) notice, de- 
nunciatıon (of a treaty), termina- 

Kundschaft clientele, custorers, 
clients, following, goodwill. 

Kunst-ausdruck technical term, art 
term. -griff artifice, trick. 
«holz artificial wood, imitation w. 
-leder leatherette, art leather, 
artificial 1., 1. imitation. 
-leitung artificial line, cable or 


circuit, balancing or equalizing 

kiinstlich artificial, synthetic. 
-(e)Antenne artificial antenna, 
mute a., dummy a., phantom a. 
-(e)Radioaktivitat induced or 
artificial radio-activity. 
-(er)Zug forced draft. 

Kunst-produkt, -stoff synthetic 
product, artificial p., syn- 
thetic, plastic. -trick, 
Schleif- optical grinding 

Küpe vat, boiler, copper. 

Kupfermantelrelais copper-jacket- 
ed relay. 

Kuppe cusp, crest, peak, meniscus 
(of a liquid column). 

kuppeln couple, clutch, interlock, 
gang (e.g., condensers), join, 


Freilauf- free-wheel 

slip coupling. Gelenk- 
joint, universal j. 
Kardan- universal joint. 

Klauen- claw coupling, c. clutch. 
Kreuzgelenk- cross joint. Kugel- 
ball-and-socket joint, universal 

wheeling clutch. Rutsch-, 

Schlupf- slip clutch, s. coupling. 
Kurbel und Welle, Einergang- single- 

picture crank and shaft (m.p) 
Kurbel, Tret- foot pedal, treadle. 

Kurbel-antenne reel antenna, trail- 
-aufnahme hand-drive 

ing-wire a. 
shot or shooting. -kröpfung 
erank (of a shaft). -schelbe 
crank disk, cam. -schlelfe 
crank guide. -zentrum crank 

Kurbler crank turner. 

Kurs, ablaufender course or direc- 
tion away from airport, outward 
course. -,missweisender magnetic 
heading, m. course, uncorrected 
bearing. -,rechtvoraus head-on 

course (fore-aft axis .of craft di- 

Leerlauf- slip coupling, free- 

163 Kurve, gerissene 

Kurs, Grund- true course, head-on 
course. Karten- map course. 
Kompass- compass course, steered c. 
Soll- prescribed course, charted c. 
Steuer- steered course, compass c. 
Vorhaltewinkel- course heading di- 
rectly into the wind, crabbing. 
Wind- course headed directly to 
objective, corrected c. heading in 
wind (same as map c. in absence of 
wind). Wind-, rechtwel sender 
true heading. Ziel-, ablaufender 
course away from transmitter or 
beacon. Ziel-, anlaufender target 
course towards beacon. Ziel-, 
missweisender magnetic course to 
steer. Zwischen- compound course. 

Kurs-absetzen laying off or plotting 
position lines or rata tee shapin 
course for. -abweichung (temporary 
deviation from course, yaw. -fehler 
course error. -funkbake radio range, 
r. beacon. -gleiche loxodrome, rhumb 
line. -kreisel directional gyro. 
-linie, achterliche astern course, 
direct line away from transmitter. 
-linie, vorliche ahead course (towards 
beacon), "go-to" indication. -peilung 
course bearing (taking bearing by 
directional signals, to keep craft 
on course). -richtung head, course 
bearing. -schelbe bearing plate. 
-stativ class microscope. 
-steverung, automatische automatic 
or mechanical piloting. -welser 
radio range, r. beacon. -weisung, 
rechtweisende true course to steer, 
radio guidance or pilotage (from 
ground). -welsung, misswelsende 
magnetic course to steer by radio 
guidance or pilotage (from ground). 
winkel azimuth of target (in gun- 
nery); magnetic a. 

Kurve(s.a.Kennlinie, Charakteristik) 
curve, graph, diagram, character- 

istic. -dritter Ordnung cubic 
curve. -,flache flat curve, flat- 
top curve(e. ¢., in broad tun- 

rected to objective), -,rechtweis- 
ender true (north) course. -mit 
Vorhaltewinkel course heading di- 
rectly into wind, crabbing. 

ing), flat characteristic. -,flaue 
flattened curve (not rising steep- 
ly), flat characteristic. -geris- 
sene dotted-line or broken-line 

Kurve, jungfräuliche 

curve or graph. -, jungfräuliche 
virgin curve. -,zweispitzige 
double-peaked curve, double- 

hump c. Abkling- decay curve. 
Auslauf- coasting curve, de- 
celeration c. Begrenzungs- 
envelope, contour line. Blatt- 
folium. Durchlass- selectivity 
curve (of df receiver, etc.) 
Eichreiz- (typical) visibility 
curve. Empfindlichkeits- re- 
sponse curve, r. characteristic. 
Full- single-loop oscillogran. 
Funkbeschickungs- error curve. 

H & D - Hurter & Driffield curve. 
Halsband- collar curve. Hüll- 
envelope. Längungs- elongation 
curve, stretch c. Leit- directrix, 
pitch or contour of cam compensa- 
tor(df). Ohren- auditory sensation 
curve. Peil- directional diagram, 
space pattern. Resonanz-, mit 
zwei Hockern double-hump resonance 
characteristic or curve. Schl angen- 
serpentine. Schwarzungs- charac- 
teristic film or H & D (Hurter & 
Driffield) curve. Sinus- sine 
curve, curve of sines. Uber- 
tragungs- transmission (frequency) 
characteristic. Umrandungs- 
envelope. Verfestigungs- plastic 
stress-strain curve. Wachstum- 
growth curve. Wende- turn in 
landing (by ZZ method), U turn. 
Zapfen- spectral response of eye 
cones. Zerfall- decay curve. 
Kurven-einebnung flattening of a 
curve. -form, rechteckige rec- 
tangular curve shape (say, of an 
enf). -lichtmethode variable- 
area recording method (of sound). 


K Wert 

-schaar family, group or system of 
curves or graphs. -scheibe, 
Funkbeschickungs- compensator or 
zero cleaning cam. -schreiber 
oscillograph, oscilloscope (when 
no graphic record is made), curve 
tracer. -schwanzstück toe region 
of film characteristic. -zeichnen 
mapping a curve, plotting a graph 
(say, with stylus). -zug,abklin- 
gender decay train. . 

kurz-brennweitiges Objektiv short- 
focus lens or objective. -brüchig 

Kurzflammlampe hard light. 

kurz-gefasst brief, concise, ab- 
breviated, compendious, of re- 
duced length or style. -halsig 
short-necked. -lebiges Produkt 
short-life, short-lived, periodic 
or transient product. 

Kurzschluss short-circuit, "short," 
bridge, by-pass, short-circuit 
path. -,akustischer acoustic 
feedback or short-circuit. 
-,vollstandiger dead short- 

kurzsichtig near-sighted, short-s., 

Kurzschluss-brücke, -bügel short- 
circuiting bridge. -Iäufer 
squifrel-cage rotor (of induction 
motor ). 

Kurz-wellenwandler short-wave con- 
verter. -zeichen symbol. 

Küvette trough, vessel; bulb. 
Absorptions- absorption cell. 

K Wert octantal component of 
quadrantal error ps QE) due to 

L Glied L-type section, filter s., 
mesh of network. 

L Regler L-section attenuator. 

Labialpfeife flue pipe (of organ). 

labil unstable, non-stable, labile. 

Labium lip (mus. ). 

Labyrinthdichtung labyrinth seal, 1. 
gland (of turbine). 

Lack, Tauch- dipping varnish. 

Lackmuspapier litmus paper. 

La Cour'sches Rad phonic wheel. 

Lade, wind- wind chest, sound box 
(of organ). -pumpe charging pump, 
compression p. 

Lader, Klein- trickle charger. 

Ladeschaltung circuit means causing 
slow rise of sawtooth voltage. 

Ladestrom charging current (of 

Ladung, freie free charge. -,ganz- 
zahlige integral spin, i. charge. 
-,gebundene bound charge, induced 
Cc. <-,punktformige lumped loading. 
-,ungebundene free charge. 
Einneits- unit charge. 

Ladungs-ausgleici charge eoualization. 
-austauschoperator charge exchange 
operator. -bild charge pattern, 
c. image (of iconoscope). -dichte 
charge density. -dichtesteuerung 
charge density modulation. -ein- 
heiten, positive elektrische unit 
positive charges. -sinn nature of 
a charge, sign. -speicher-Bild- 
abtaster, einseitiger single- 
sided mosaic-type of storage 
iconoscope. -speicherung charge 
storage, c. accumulation.-trager 
charge carrier. -tragertrennung 
sorting or separation of ions and 
electrons (in a mass spectro- 
meter). -vermögen, elektrisches 

electrostatic capacity. -zahl, 
Kern- nuclear charge nunber. 
-zusammenballungen bunching of 
charges, b. of electrons. 

Lage layer, stratum, bed, coat, coat- 
ing; state, situation, position, 
location, site; bearing (df). 

Lagel barrel, keg. 

lagenrichtig positionally or geo- 
metrically correct. 

Lagensicherung locking in position. 

Lager bed, layer, stratum; bearing, 
bush. Mit einem einzigen - versehene 
Drehspule unipivot moving coil. 
-mit Weissmetallfutter babbitted 

Lager, Gegen- abutment. Gleit- slide 
bearing, plain b. Hals- journal 
bearing. Kamm- (concealed) collar 
thrust bearing. Spur- thrust bear- 
ing. Spurzapfen- end thrust bear- 
ing. Steh- pillow block bearing, 
pedestal b. Stein- jeweled bear- 
ing. Weissmetallfutter- babbitted 

Lager-bock pedestal of a bearing. 
-büchse,-buchse bearing bush, bush- 
ing of a b. -element inert cell. 
-hartung, Hart- induction hardening. 
-körper bearing box, b. house. 
-prozess ageing, storage process. 

Lagerung, Schneiden- knife edge sup- 
porting or suspension. — Spitzen- 
pivot jewel, jewel bearing, point 
suspension or support. Stift- 
pin suspension, p. supporting. 

Lagerzapfen journal pin. 

Lambertgesetz cosine emission law, 
Lambert ]. 

Lamelle, Pumpen- vane (in Gaede 
vacuum pump). 

Lammellen, kugelförmig gewölbte 


dished laminae. 

Lamellen-kern laminated core. 
-magnet compound magnet, laminated 
m. -spiegel strip-like mirror 
(in screw scanner). 

laminieren laminate; draw (in spin- 

Lammfell lambskin. 

Lampe, punktformige lamp with point- 
shaped or crater light source 
(e.8., tungsten arclamp, Fointo- 
lite). Aufnahme- studio light. 
Bienenkorb- beehive neon lamp. 
Bildeinstell- framing lamp. 

Blink- flash lamp. Blitz- flash 
(light) lamp. Bogen-, sprechende 
speaking arc, Simon or Duddell. 
Effekt- studio light. Einstell- 
framing lamp. Erreger- exciter 
lamp, recorder or reproducer |]. 
Flachen- bank of lamps, pillar of 
l. (studio, etc. ), battens (stage). 
Flachenglimm- flat-plate neon 

tube. Glimm- glow tube (e.g., 

neon tube or lamp), gaseous-con- 
duction t., flashing lamp (for 
sound recording). Kathodolumines- 
zenz- cathode glow-tube. Klein- 
miniature lamp. Kurzfl ammen- 
hard light. Langflammen- soft 
light. Leuchtstoff- fluorescent, 
luminescent or luminous lamp or 
light, tube using phosphor sub- 
stance. Mehrfaden- multiple- 
filament lamp. Melde- pilot 

lamp, telltale 1., alarm l., in- 
dicator 1. Mikronernst- Nernst 
microscope lamp, Polsuchgl imm- 
polarity finder glow-tube, Punkt- 
point-type neon tube (e.g., tung- 
sten arc lamp, Pointolite). Pust- 
blow lamp. Quecksilberdampf-, mit 
Steverelektrode mercury-vapor tube 
of thyratron or ignitron type 

with control grid. Reduktor- 
adapter-transformer lamp. Reserve- 
spare lamp. Saulen- pillar tenn), 
battens. Schlitz- slit lamp (micr.), 
Signal- 5g lamp, telltale l. 
Sofitten- (overhead) scoop lamp, 



scaffold 1. Spiegelbogen- re- 
flected (or reflector) arc- lamp. 
Ton- exciter lamp (operating photo- 
cell). Wolframmbogen- pointolite. 

Lampen-aggregat bank of lamps, pil- 
lar of 1. -arbeit blast-lamp work 
(glass making). -arm lamp bracket. 
-feld bank of lamps, panel of l. 
-fuss lamp squash, 1. press. 
-gehause lamp chamber, 1. housing. 
-stempel larp squash, 1. press. 
-überlastung overrunning of a lamp 
(operated under overvolted condi- 

Land& Intervallregel Lande interval 

Landeachse correct bearing or line 
for approach (and landing, of an 
airplane). Blind- blind or instru- 
ment landing line or path. 

Lande-bahn landing runway. -dienst, 
Blind- beacon service (to assist 
in blind or instrument landing of 
airplanes). -funkfeuer landing 
radio beacon. -platz landing field, 
l. strip, airport, airfield. -platz, 
Hilfs- emergency or auxiliary land- 
ing field or airport, landing 

Landesgericht national court. 

Landfunkstelle Sround radio station, 
shore or coast s. 

Landgericht district court or county 
c., general court of justice. 

Landung, Nebel- blind landing, in- 
strument 1. 

Landungsfunk-bake, -feuer a 
beacon (for instrument landing). 

langbrennweitige Linse long-focus 
lens or objective. 

Länge, Ost oder West east or west 

langeiförmig of extended oval shape. 

Längen-ausdehnung linear expansion. 
-bruch longitudinal fracture. 
-durchschnitt longitudinal section. 
-mass linear measure. -messung, 
echte und unechte direct and in- 
direct measurement of length. 

langentreu isometric. 

Langfl ammenl ampe 

Langflammenlampe soft light. 
Tang-gestreckt extended, elongated, 

oblong. -gliedrig long-linked, 
long-membered. -halsig long- 
necked. -lebig long-lived. 

-lebiges Produkt long-life product. 
langlichrund elliptical, oval, len- 

Langloch oblong hole, slot. 
slotted lever. 

Längsachse major axis, longitudinal 
a., fore-aft line (ships, airplane, 
etc. ). 

langsam abfallendes Relais slow- 
release relay. -ansprechendes 
Relais slow-response relay, slow- 
operating r. -lösend slowly re- 
leasing or disengaging; s. dis- 

Langsambinder slow-setting cement. 

Längsarm line-arm, series a. (of a 

Langschliff long-fibered (mechanical) 

Längs-durchschnitt longitudinal 
section. -entzerrer series-type 
attenuation equalizer or compen- 
sator. -feld longitudinal field, 
f. parallel to axis, paraxial f. 
-glied(einer Kette) series ele- 
ment, s. mesh (of network). 
-glied, in 1/2 = endendes Filter 
mid-series terminated filter. 
-pellung taking bearings from d.f. 
station situated more or less in 
direction of travel or course. 
-schärfe definition in line di- 

längsschiffs fore and aft. 

Langsschwingung longitudinal vibra- 

langstrahliges Kristall elongated, 
needle-like crystal. 

Langstreckendienst long-range or 
long-distance avigation or naviga- 
tion service. 

Langsstreifen longitudinal stripes, 
l. striae, 1. streaks. 

Langs- und Querverschlebung axial 



Faufbodankaser a: 

and cross adjustment (electron 
microscope ). 

Längs-widerstand (Filter) line re- 
sistance, series r. (of a filter). 
-zweig line arm, series arm. 

Langung extension, elongation. 

Langungskurve elongation curve, 
stretching c. 

lang-wellig long-wave, of long wave- 
length. -wierig protracted, weari- 
some, tedious, time-consuming. 

Lappen flap, tab, lobe, flange, lug; 
rag. -schraube thumb screw. 

lappig lobed, lobate; flabby, flaccid. 

Lärm-abwehr, -bekämpfung combating of 
noise, noise abatement. 

Lasche bond, cover plate, fish plate, 
splice strip (rail track). 

Last, Gebrauchs- working load, ser- 
vice l. 

Lastwechsel cyclic stress, s. appli- 
cation cycle. -zahl alternating 
stress number, n. of load alter- 

Lasurstein lapis lazuli. 

Laternen-bilderkasten lantern slide 
box. -bildermasken lantern masks. 
-einfasslelsten lantern slide 
binding strips. 

lau tepid, lukewarm, mild, balmy. 

Lauveflecke oder -punkte Laue spots. 

Lauf course, path, run, race, cur- 
rent; barrel (gun). Heim- return 
or back stroke or motion, flyback 
(of pencil or cathode spot). Hin- 
forward move, f. working stroke, 
travel, pass or journey, active- 
line scansion (of spot or pencil, 
in telev.). Kreis- cycle, circu- 
lation (of a fluid), circular 
course, circuit. Leer- no-load 
operation, idling. Rück- return 
or retrace, flyback (of pencil or 
cathode spot). 

Lauf-bahn einer Rolle mit Gummiüber- 
zug rubber tread of pad roller. 
-bild moving picture, animated 
pe, one of a sequence or series 
of pictures or pictorial actions. 
-bodenkamera base-board extensible 

Laufeinschal tung 

camera. -einschaltung throwing 
in (of a gear), starting to run 
(of a mechanism, etc. ). 
laufend(en) Band, am—fabrizieren 
conveyor-belt manufacture, as- 
sembly line or large-scale n. 
tes) Maass linear measure. 

-(e) Nummer serial number, con- 
secutive n. -veränderlich running 
variable. : 

Laufer rotor; cursor contact, slid- 
ing c. 

Läufer, Kurzschluss- squirrel-cage 
rotor (of induction motor). 

Läufermühle edge mill. 

Laufflache tread, bearing surface, 
journal. -gewicht sliding weight. 
-glasur flow glaze. 

laufig, links- moving to left, m. 

Lauf-richtungskoeffizient direction- 
al effect (in film processing). 
-ring race, raceway, ball-race 
(of a bearing). -schaufel runner 
blade, bucket (of turbine). 
-umschaltung reversal of motion. 
-werk feed mechanism, movement, 
working gear. -werk, Ton- sound- 
film feed mechanism. -winkel 
transit angle. -zahl variable 
number, running variable. -zapfen 
journal, neck (of rolling mill). 
-zeit transmission time, transit 
t., propagation t. -zeit, 
Elektronen- electron transit time, 
orbit time of electrons. -zeit- 
einfluss (electron) transit time 
effect. -zeitensteuerung veloci- 
ty modulation. 

Laufzeit-gerate (cf. Lautzeitröhre) 
devices predicated on transit time 
wherein electrons are bunched in 
proper phase to result in space- 
charge concentrations and forma- 
tion of groups. -glieder means 
involving transit time effects 
or phase delay. -komprimierung 
transit time compression. -korrek- 
tur echo or delay weighting term 
(telephony), delay equalizing. 


Lautsprecher, Gross- 

-röhre drift tube, beam t., t. in- 
volving transit time or phase ef- 
fects. -schwingungen electron 
oscillations. -störungen delay 
distortions. -verzerrungen 
transit-time distortion, phase d. 

Laugenflüssigkeit liquor. 

launisch capricious, erratic, fickle. 

lauschen listen in. 

Leuschmikrophon pickup microphone, 

p. transmitter detectophone (con- 
nected to head-phones). 

Laut (articulated) sound. -,explosi- 
ver explosive sound. Selbst- vowel. 
Zisch- sibilant, friccative. 

Laute lute. 

lauter pure, clear, genuine, unal- 
loyed, sheer. 

läutern purge, refine, purify, clear, 
clean, cleanse, clarify, rectify, 

lautgetreu of high fidelity, ortho- 

Lautheit loudness. 

lautlos silent, quiet, noiseless. 

Lautschriftband sound recording steel 

Lautsprecher, elektrostatischer 
capacitor or condenser loudspeaker. 
-,fremderregter dynamischer elec- 
trodynamic or moving-coil loud- 
speaker. -,gerichteter direction- 
al loudspeaker. -,induktordynami- 
scher moving-iron loudspeaker. 
-,permanent-dynamischer permanent- 
magnet(pm) or moving-coil dynamic 
loudspeaker. -,trichterloser 
direct-radiator loudspeaker (with- 
out horn). 

Lautsprecher, Abhör- monitoring loud- 
speaker. Druckkammer- pneumatic 
loudspeaker (without diaphragm), 
pressure-chamber 1. Exponential- 
trichter- exponential or logarith- 
mic loudspeaker (with uniform or 
multiple flare in horn). Falten- 
folded, curled, coiled or twisted 
horn loudspeaker. Freischwinger- 
direct-radiator loudspeaker, free- 
re 1. Gross- power loudspeaker. 



Lautsprecher, Grossflachen- Leerl auf 

inlet) of horn. 
Lautsprecher-vorhof air chamber of 
loudspeaker (between horn and cone). 

Grossflachen-, Hochleistungs- 
power loudspeaker, (public) ad- 
dress 1., announce l., paging l., 

call 1. Hoch(ton)- tweeter loud- 
speaker, treble l. Konusmembran- 
cone loudspeaker. Kristall- 

piezo-electric loudspeaker. Luft- 
kammer- air-chamber loudspeaker 
(ec. coupling diaphragm and horn). 
Pilz- omni-directional (3600) ex- 
ponential horn loudspeaker (mostly 
mounted on pole). Pressluft- 
pneumatic loudspeaker, compressed- 
air l. (without diaphragm). 
Riffel- Riffel loudspeaker (with 
corrugatiins and substantially 
horizontal radiation). Riffel- 
falten- folded and corrugated horn 
loudspeaker. Tieftonkonus- low- 
frequency cone loudspeaker, woofer. 
Vierpol- balanced-armature loud- 
speaker (with permanent magnet). 

Lautsprecher-abstrahlfläche projec- 
tor surface, radiating s. of a 
loudspeaker ). -anlage, Betriebs- 
works address or public a. loud- 
speaker system (in factories, 
etc. ). -antrieb motor element. 
-haltevorrichtung chassis of a 
loudspeaker. -horn, auf gewundenes 
twisted loudspeaker horn, coiled 
h. -horn, gefaltetes folded loud- 
speaker horn. 

Lautsprecher-korb chassis frame of 
loudspeaker. -leitflache de- 
flecting vane, labyrinth. -leit- 
wand deflecting vane; baffle (to 
prevent acoustic feedback). -luft- 
kammer air space, a. chamber. 
-spinne spider of loudspeaker (in- 
side or outside voice coil, to 
keep coil centered). -tonführung 
labyrinth of loudspeaker. 

Lautsprechertrichter, aufgewundener 
twisted loudspeaker horn, coiled 
h. -,gefalteter folded loud- 
speaker horn. -hals throat of 
loudspeaker horn. -mundöffnung 
mouth opening of horn, largest 
flare. -mundstiick throat (narrow 

-wagen sound truck, loudspeaker t. 
Lautstarke, Empfindungs- response of 
ear to signal stimulus, sensible 
loudness of sound. Stör- noise 


Lautstarkemesser, Neonröhre- neon 
tube volume indicator. 

Lautstarken-bereich der Stimme hu- 
man voice intensity or dynamic 
range. -empfindung aural sensi- 
tivity. -stufe loudness unit, 
sensation unit. 

Lautstarke-regler, logarithmischer 
volume control with resistance 
varying according to a logarith- 
mic law. -schwankungen fadings. 
-umfang volume range, dynamic r. 

Lavenderkopie lavender copy, 1. 

Lawine, Elektronen- electron ava- 

Lawinenkopf head of a surge. 

lebender Kalk quicklime. 

lebendige Kraft kinetic force, vis 
viva, momentun. ‘ 

Lebendigkeit liveness, realistic 
properties (in architectural 

Lebensdauer life period, (working or 
useful) life, life time (say, of a 

Lebewesen, Klein- micro-organism. 

lebhaft lively, brisk, active, viva- 
cious; bright, vivid, gay (of 

lebig, lang- long-lived. 

Lecherleitung Lecher-wire line. 

Leckstrom leakage current, leakance 


Lederharz (India) rubber. -stulpen 
leather cuffs. 

leer empty, blank, void, vacant, 

Leere vacuum, emptiness, vacancy. 

Leergewicht tare, weight allow- 
ance for container, weight empty. 

Leerlauf no-load (operation), idling. 


-impedanz open-circuit impedance, 
no-load i. -kontakt spare or 
vacant terminal or contact, dumb 
or dummy c. -kupplung slip coup- 
ling, free-wheeling clutch. 
-nocke delayed pulse trip can. 
-widerstand open-circuit impedance. 

Leer-scheibe idler (wheel). -stelle 
hole, vacancy (in lattice). 
-stellenmechanismus vacancy mech- 
anism (metals). -versuch blank 
experiment, no-load test. 

Legierung, sparstoffarme alloy low 
in critical or scarce metals. 
Automaten- machining alloy stock, 
alloy readily workable in auto- 
matic machine tools. Knet- plas- 
tic alloy, malleable a., wroughta. 

Lehm-guss loam casting. -steın 
unburnt brick, adobe. 

Lehrdorn inner cylinder or plug gage. 

Lehre, Augen- ophthalmology. Bewe- 
gungs- mechanics (re:machines); 
kinetics (re:motion of bodies and 
forces acting thereon); kinematics 
(re:motion in the abstract); dynam- 
ics (force action on bodies). 
Bewegungselektrizitats- electro- 
kinematics, electrokinetics. 
Dreiecks- trigonometry. Elek- 
tronen- electronics. Farben- 
science of color, chromatics. 
Filmkitt- film splicing gage. 
Fühler- thickness gage. Getriebe- 
kinematics. Gefrierpunkts- cryo- 
scopics. Gewinde- thread gage. 
Gleichgewichts- statics. Grössen- 
mathematics, geometry. Innengrenz- 
plug Sage. Kegel- taper gage. 
Kontroll- master gage. Kristall- 
crystallography. Licht- optics, 
photology (or physiological o.). 
Loch- internal caliper, plug gage. 
Natur- natural science, n. philo- 
sophy. Normal- normal gage, master- 
6. Phasen- solution theory, doc- 
trine of phases. Rachen- gap gage. 
Ruheelektrizitats- electrostatics. 
Schraub- micrometric gage, micro- 
meter. Schub- sliding gage, s. 



Seh- optics. Uhrschraub- 

dial micrometer... 
thermodynamics. Wasserkraft- 
hydrodynamics. Wurf- ballistics. 
Zahlen- arithmology, numerology. 
lehrenhaltig true to sage. 

Lehr-film educational film, instruc- 
tion f., school f. -satz ab- 
stract theorem, a,doctrine. -schau 
educational exhibition. 

leicht-flüchtig readily volatile. 
-flüssig easily fusible, e. melt- 
able, e. liquefiable; mobile. 
-1össlich easily soluble. 

Leichtmetal] light metal (of low 
sp gr). 

leicht-schmelzbar easily fusible, 

e. meltable. -siedend low-boiling, 
of low ebullition (point). 

Leim Slue, size. 

leimartig Sluey, gelatinous, glutin- 

Leine line, chord, cord. 

leise Kassette silenced magazine. 

Leiseabstimmung silent tuning. 

Leiste ledge, border, ridge, mold- 
ing, strip. Einfass- binding 

Leistung power, work, performance, 
energy. Abschalt- rupturing 
capacity, circuit-breaking c., 
circuit-opening c. (of a switch). 
Blind- reactive power r. volt- 
anpere, var. Schall- response 
(of an acoustic systen). Schein- 
apparent power. Spitzen- record 
(achievement, performance or ac- 
complishment ). Verlust- (power) 
dissipation, power loss. Ver- 
zerrungs- distortion power (in d. 
volt-amps.). Watt- wattage, power 
in terms of watts. Wirk- (cf 
Blind-) active power, actual p., 
true p. (in watts). 

Leistungs-aufwand power input, p. 
expenditure, energy dissipation. 
-bedarf power absorption, p. 
dissipation, p. requirements. 
-bedarfspegel power reference level. 
-entnahme energy output, power O., 

Leistungsfähigkeit 171 

delivery, absorption or pickup of 
energy or power; taking, tapping 
or draining of power or energy. 
-fahigkeit performance, efficien- 
cy, serviceability, power, abili- 
ty; resolving power (of a micro- 
scope). -faktor power factor. 
-faktorzeiger power factor indi- 
cator or meter. -kammer energy 
chamber (of a klystron). 

leistungslos non-dissipative, watt- 

Leistungs-messer power meter, ergo- 

meter. -reserve margin of power, 
standby p. .-umsatz energy ex- 
change, transduction. -verstär- 
ker power amplifier. 

Leitbahn transit path. -bewegung 
transit path motion. -welle 

(Magnetron) transit-time or elec- 
tron path oscillation (of magne- 
leiten conduct, guide, lead, govern, 
steer, pilot, route (a message). 
Leiter, Aufnahme- first cameraman, 

chief c. Aussen- "outer", out- 
side conductor or wire. Halb- 
semi conductor, poor c. Heiss- 

third-class conductor, hot c. 
(with negative resistance). Hin- 
outgoing lead, o. wire, O0. con- 

ductor. Ketten- iterative net- 
work, recurrent structure. Null- 
neutral wire. RUck- return wire, 

r. lead, r. conductor. Ton- 
musical scale (natural, diatonic 
or just scale, and tempered s.). 
Voll- compact or unstranded con- 

Leiter-gebilde conductor structure, 
c, system. -gebilde, Luft- aerial 
extension, a. structure, a. net- 
work, array of antennae. -stück 
element of conductor, conductor 
element. -system conductor sys- 
tem, c. structure. 

Leitfahigkeit, dielektrische leak- 
ance, dielectric conductance. 
-,elektrische conductance. 
-,magnetische magnetic conduc- 

Leitung,konzentri sche 

lance, permeability, permeance. 
-,spezifische conductivity. Su- 
per- supra conductance, super c. 
Temperatur- temperature diffysiv- 
ity, thermal conductivity. Uber- 
Supra conductivity, super c. 

Leit-fähigkeitsgefäss conductivity 
cell. -fläche deflecting vane 
(mounted in horn to reduce direc- 
tional properties of a loudspeak- 
er), labyrinth, baffle. -funk- 
sender radio range, r. beacon. 
-funkstelle net control station. 
-kabel leader cable, pilot c. 
(d.f.). -kante leading edge, 1. 
tip (of airplane wing). -kreis- 
frequenz transit-time frequency 
(of a magnetron). -kurve direc- 
trix; pitch or contour (of a cam 
compensator). -linie beacon 
course, beam, equi-signal line, 

'e.-S. course or zone; directrix. 
-richtung course on beam or equi- 
Signal line. -rolle guide roller, 
idler, pad roller (without sproc- 
kets). -rolle, federnde spring- 
loaded idler. -satz rule, guiding 
principle, basic p. -stelle 
ground direction-finder station 
(sending directional or position 
data to craft). -strahl guide- 
ray, localizer beam, radio beacon 
course, landing beam; radius vec- 
tor (math.). -strahl, Strecken- 
long-distance or route navigation 
(or avigation) beam. -strahl- 
sender beacon, radio range or 
beam station, aerophare. -strahl- 
winkel angle of beam. -strom 
conduction current; pilot c. (in 
wired radio). -system, Licht- 
condenser relay system (in film 

Leitung conduction, conductance, 
transmission; electric circuit, 
wire, (supply) line, cable, lead 
conduit, guide, piping, mains. 
-,angepasste matched line. 
-,konzentrische co-axial line or 
cable, concentric c., pipe 1. 

Leitung, kurzgeschlossene 172 

-,kurzgeschlossene short-circuited 
line. -,offene (am Ende) open- 
ended line. -,verkabelte cable 
line, stranded-wire l.. -,zusam- 
mengesetzte compound circuit. 

Leitung, antennenring- multiple re- 
ceiver connection to an antenna. 
Ausgleichs- balancing network, b. 
line. Energie- energy feeder 
lead, e. leader, downlead, trans- 
mission line. Fern- long-distance 
line, toll circuit. Hohlrohr- 
conductive (hollow or pipe) line, 
wave-guide. Kondensator- high- 
pass filter. Kunst- artificial 
line, a. cable, a. circuit, bal- 
ancing or equalizing network. 
Lecher- Lecher-wire circuit or 
line. Quer- shunt line, crossl.; 
leakage conductance, leakance. 
Regler- pilot wire. Rohr- pipe 
line, co-axial cable, concentric 
l. Rückwärts- high-resistance 
direction (of rectifier). Simul- 
tan- earthed phantom, composite 
circuit. speise- (aerial) feeder 
lead, down-lead, energy feeder 

‘cable or wire. Umweg- by-pass 
lead. Vorrats- spare circuit, 
standby c. wWeg- directions for 
tracing or tracking trouble or for 
“trouble shooting". Wellen- ul- 
tra high-frequency feeder line; 
wave guide (either dielectric or 

Leitungs-dampfung line loss, 1. at- 
tenuation. -elektronen conduc- 
tion electrons (from outer levels 
of atoms). -fehler line failure, 
line fault. 

leitungs-gerichtete Hochfrequenz- 
telephonie wired or carrier cur- 
rent RF telephony, t. along wires 
by RF. -gesteuerter Oszillator 
line-controlled oscillator. 

Leitungs-induktivitat lead induc- 
tance, line i. -messer conduc- 
tometer. -nachbildung balancing 
network, artificial b. line. 
-rundfunk wire broadcast, AF re- 
diffusion. -schema diagram of 


connections, circuit de, hook-up. 
-schleife loop, metallic circuit. 
-strom-Modulation conduction- 
current modulation. -stück 
stretch of line, portion of l., 
line element. -taubheit (im äus- 
seren Ohr) conduction loss or im- 
pairment of hearing, conduction 
deafness (in outer ear). -über- 
tragung wired radio, w. wireless, 
carrier telephony or telegraphy, 
wire broadcast. -verstärker tel- 
ephone (circuit) repeater, commu- 
nication line r. -wasser tap wa- 
ter, city mains we -wechselstrom 
conduction a-c. 

Leitvermögen, richtungsabhängiges 
asymmetric conductance. -,spezi- 
fisches specific conductance, con- 

Leitwand baffle, deflecting vane 
(of loudspeaker). 

Leitwert admittance, conductance, 
susceptance (being, respectively, 
the reciprocals of impedance, re- 
sistance and reactance, the latter 
either inductive or capacitive). 
-,spezifischer conductivity. 
Blind- susceptance. Eingangs- in- 
put admittance. Eingangswirk- in- 
put active admittance, input con- 
ductance. Kenn- indicial admit- 
tance. Rückwirkungs- reactive äd- 
mittance, susceptance (either in- 
ductive or capacitive). Schein- 
admittance. Ubergangs- transcon- 
ductance, transfer characteristic. 
Wirk- conductance. 

Leit-zahl, Warme- thermal conducti- 
vity. -zone equi-signal or glide 
zone or path. 

Lenardröhre c.-r. tube of Lenard 
(used in radiology and early ex- 
periments on phosphors). 

Lese-band (ore) picking belt convey- 
or. -glas, viereckiges oblong 
reading glass. 

Lettern-gut, -metall type metal. 

lettig clayey, clayish. 

Leuchtdauer illuminated period, 
light p.; period or duration of 


glow, luminescence or luminosity; 
phosphorescence p. 

Leuchtdichte brightness (in terns 
of stilb, sb, or apostilb, asb, 
or other units), intrinsic bril- 
liance (of a luminous surface). 
Bildwand- screen brightness, s. 
luminous density. Dreifarben- 
tricolor RD (reflection density) 
value. Schwarz- brightness of 

Leuchte lamp equipment (m.p.). 
Flächen- bank or pillar of lamps, 
battens. Natrium- sodium lamp. 

Leuchtelektronen emitting electrons, 
optical e. 

leuchten emit light, shine, glow, 

Leuchten, Nach- afterglow, phosphor- 
escence, persistence of light or 
of vision (of an image, on re- 

leuchtende Flamme luminous flame. 

Leuchtenergie erzeugend photogenic, 
fluorogenic, phosphorogenic (as 
by manganese, in zinc sulfide). 

Leuchter, Selbst- self-luminous 
substance, fluorescent s., phos- 

Leuchtfaden luminous or slow column; 
streamer. -einsatz streamer on- 
set. E 

Leucht-farbe luminous paint. 
-fleckdurchmesser spot diameter. 
-gebilde luminous pattern (lines, 
bands, or continuous spectra). 
-hülle luminous sheath, 1. en- 
velope; photosphere (of sun). 

Leuchtkraft illuminating power, 
luminosity. -,gemessene lumin- 
ance, photometric brightness. 
-bestimmung photometry. -ver- 
minderer, Nach- poison, killer 
(of phosphorescence). -ver- 
starker phosphorogen: 

Leucht-kreuz reticle image (re- 
flector sight). -masse, -ma- 
terial phosphor, luminescent or 
phosphorescent substance or ma- 
terial. -mittel illuminant. 
-punkt (luminous) spot. -rakete 


Licht, Ober- 

flare. -resonator Slow-tube re- 
sonance indicator. -röhre lumin- 
ous discharge tube; fluorescent t. 
-schirm fluorescent screen, lumin- 
escent s., phosphor s.; target. 
-schirmsubstanz phosphor, fluores- 
cent substance (for c.-r. tube 
screens). -spur tracer trajectory. 
-strahl quelle, einfarbige mono- 
chromatic illuminator, monochroma- ° 
tor. -stofflampe fluorescent 
lamp,. luminous or luminescent l. 
or tube, t. containing phosphor, 
-streifen (bei Entladung) luminous 
streamer (in discharge). -verfahren, 
Selbst- self-luminous or s. -emis- 
sive method (using electrons on 
object surface). -Zeiger dial 
lisht resonance indicator. 
-zifferblatt luminous dial. 
Glied L-type section, filter mesh 
or network m. 
Libelle level, spirits or water 1. 
Kreuz- cross level. 
licht(e) light, pale, bright, lumin- 
ous, clear, inside (of diameter). 
-(e)weite inside diameter, i. 
width, lumen, clear aperture (of 
lens), useful or effective d. 
Licht, auffallendes incident light. 
-,ausfallendes emergent light, 
transmitted 1. -,direktes specular 


light. -,durchfallendes transcid- 
ent light, transmitted l. -,ein- 
fallendes incident light. -,ein- 

farbiges monochromatic light, homo- 
geneous l. -„eingestrahltes in- 
cident light, exciting 1. -,falsches 
light fog, leakage 1., stray light 
(film printing). -,gerichtetes 
parallel light rays. -,spektral 
zerlegtes spectroscopically dis- 
persed or separated light. 
-,unzerlegtes undispersed light. 
Licht, Blitz- flashlight, flash bulb, 
magnesium light, lime 1. Flut- 
floodlight. Gegen- backlight, 
counter light (m.p.). Kathoden- 
cathode slow. Neben- lisht-shot 
(film). Nord- aurora borealis. 
Ober- overhead scoop light, scaffold 

Licht, Ruhe- 

l., skylight. Ruhe- unmodulated 
light, no-modulation 1., average 
or steady illumination, no-sound 
lighting (in sound recording). 
See- marine phosphorescence. 
Sofitten- overhead scoop, scaf- 
fold light. Spitzen- highlights 
(of a picture). Streu- stray 
light. Sucher- searchlight. Sid- 
aurora australis. Ton- exciter 
lamp (operating a cell). wechsel- 
brightness variations (striking 
photo-cell), light intensity v. 

Licht-abstufung gradation of light. 
-anzeiger, Glimm- flashograph, 
Tune-A-Light tuning device. 
-ausbreitung auf Film distribu- 
tion of exposure on film. 

Lichtbild photo-image, photograph. 
-,unvergangliches imperishable 
picture or photograph. -entzer- 
rung rectification of aerial photo- 
graphs. -kunst, Klein- micro- 
photography, photomicrography. 

Licht-blende light stop, diaphragm, 
apertured partition; light shield 
(in sensitometer). -blitz pulse 
of light, flash of 1l., scintilla- 
tion. -bogen, Erdungs- arcing 

lichtbogenbestandig arc-proof, a. 

Lichtbogen-erdung arcing ground. 
-löschkammer arc quench chamber. 
lichtbrechend optically refracting, 

light r., refractive or refringent. 

Licht-brechungsvermögen (optical 
refractive power, refractivity. 
-bündelvignettierung vignetting 
of cone of light. -chaos chaotic 
light (of eye or retina), photop- 

lichtchemisch photo-chemical, actinic. 

Lichtdampfer silk, light softener 
(m.p. studio). 

lichtdicht (sealed) light-tight or 

Lichtdruck photo-mechanical printing; 
photographic p.; radiometer-vane 

lichtdurchlassig light transmissive 



or transmitting, diaphanous, per- 
vious or permeable to light rays, 
transparent, translucent. 

Lichtdurchlassigkeit light trans- 
mittance, (specific) light trans- 
mittancy. | 

licht-echt fast to light, non-fading. 
-elektrisch (cf photo-) photo- 
electric; electronogenic. -elek- 
trische, -empfindliche Zelle photo 
(-electric) cell, light microphone. 
-empfindlich machen photo-sensitize. 

Lichtempfindlich-keit photosensitivi- 
ty; actinism. -keitskurve des Auges 
response curve of eye. 

lichtentwickelnd emitting light, pro- 
ducing l., photogenic, with lumino- 
phor properties. 

Lichter highlights (in pictures), 
lights, transparent spots or areas 
(in photography, printing, etc.). 
-,gedeckte covered lights. 

lichterzeugend emitting light, pro- 
ducing light, photogenic, with 
luminophor powers. 

Licht-farbendruck photo-chenical 
color printing. -filter light 
filter, color f. -fleck hot spot 
(on film); spot (of light). -fleck- 
verzerrung spot distortion. 

lichtfreundlich favoring high lights 
over shadows, photophilic, photo- ~ 

Lichtfreundlichkeit light transmit- 
tancy, l. transmissivity. 

lichtgebend giving or emissive of 
light, luminous, photogenic, with 
luminophor properties. 

Licht-gewinn light increment, l. 
gain. -grammophon sound-track film 
player (without pictorial accompani- 
ment). -hahn electromagnetic 
mirror vibrator (often) with oil 
damping (for film recording by 
variable-area method). -haut 
cathode glow. -hof halation, halo. 
-hof, Reflexions- halation by re- 

lichthoffreie Platte non-halation 
plate, plate free from halo. 

Lichthof-schutzmittel anti-halo 


means, anti-halation substance. 
-storung halo disturbance. 
Licht-kegel cone of light, luminous 
cone. -korpuskeln photons. -kreis 
circle of light, halo. -lampe, 
Ton- exciter lamp. -lehre optics, 
photology (or physiological o.). 
-leitsystem condenser relay system 
(film printing). -loch pupil (of 
eye), opening for light. -messung 
photometry, optometry (re:eye). 
-mikroskop optical microscope, 
light m., light-optical rm. 
Lichtmodulator light relay, any de- 
vice adapted to reconvert cur- 
rent into light or brishtness 
variations, e.$.,television re- 
ceiver lamps, Kerr cells, modulat- 
ed neon lamps, c.-r. tubes, etc. 
-,selbstleuchtender light relay 
of the glow-tube, neon arc lamp, 
sodium lamp, etc., type. 
Fremdlicht- light relay of the Kerr 
cell, Karolus c., etc. types 
adapted to reconvert currents into 
brightness variations by the use 
of a constant independent ray 
Licht-mühle radiometer. -netzantenne 
“ light-socket antenna, 1.-circuit 
a -optik light optics, physical 
O., geometrical o. of light rays. 
-pause photographic tracing, blue 
print. -phonograph sound-track 
film player (without pictorial ac- 
companiment). -quant light quan- 
tum, photon. -quelle source of 
light, illuminant. -quelle,-punkt- 
förmige punctiform light source, 
pointolite, tungsten-arc lamp. 
-quellenbild light source image. 
-rakete flare. -reflexionsvermögen 
light reflectance, 1. reflextivity. 
-regler light relay, 1. modulator 
(Kerr cell, etc.); light control 
means. -reiz luminous stimulus. 
Lichtrelais light relay (Kerr cell, 
Karolus cell, modulator, recorder 
lamp, etc.); device converting 
current into light variations. 
-,elektrooptisches electro-optical 



cell, Faraday c., light-relay de- 
pending on F. effect. Überschall- 
supersonic light-relay. 

Licht-saule light column (of glow 
tube). -schacht light tunnel (of 
sensitometer). -scheue photo- 
phobia. -schleuse, Vierband- four- 
band or f.-ribbon light valve. 

lichtschluckend light absorbing, 
optically absorptive, optically 

Licht-schranke light barrier. 
-schutzkappe light hood (phot. ). 

lichtschwaches Bild low-luminosity 
picture, p. of low brightness. 

Licht-schwachung light absorption, 
l. loss, 1. diffusion, 1. dimming, 
l. intensity drop, cutting down or 
reduction of 1. -sinnprüfer vis- 
ual photometer. -sirene light 
chopper, c. wheel. -spalt light 
slit, l. aperture, 1. opening. 
-spielhaus moving picture theater, 
film playhouse, movie. -spritze 
(Ewest'sche) recorder lamp with 
constricted neon arc (system 
Ewest). -spur light track, 1. 
pattern, 1. tracing. 

Lichtstärke luminous intensity, light 
i.; power, speed, F number (of a 
lens). -„gemessene luminance, 
photometric brightness. Objektiv- 
speed or power (of a lens, etc.), 
F number. 

Lichtstarkemesser photometer. 

lichtstarkes Objektiv high-speed or 
high-power objective, fast o. 
Objektiv, hoch- ultra-rapid lens, 
ultra-high-speed 1. 

Licht-starkeverteilung light inten- 
sity distribution (on photo-cathode). 
-staub luminous dust (of dark 
visual field). -steuerung light 
modulation; 1. scanning. -steuerungs- 
einrichtung light valve, light re- 
lay. -steuerzelle, Debye-Sears 
supersonic light valve, D.-S. 1. 

Lichtstrahl, wandernder flying spot 
(for spotlight scanning). -(es), 
maximaler Ausschlag des clash 


point of light valve (in sound 
recording). -abtaster spotlight 
scanner, scanning brush, s. pencil. 
Licht-streuung light scatter, diffu- 
sion. -strom luminous flux, light 
f. (in lumen units); lighting or 
lamp current. -stromdichte 
luminous flux density (in lumens). 
-strommesser lumen meter (of 
Blondel, etc.), photometer, lumeter. 
-stufe der Kopiermaschine printer 
step. -summe total light emitted, 
1. sum. 


Linie, Mittel- 

Ligand attached atom or group. 

Lindenholz lime, 

lindern alleviate, soften, relieve, 

Lineal straight edge, rule. 

Linearantenna plain or straight (one- 
wire) antenna or aerial. 

linear(er) Gleichrichter oder Detektor 

linear rectifier or detector. 
-(e) Vergrösserung magnification 
in diameter. 
Linearisierung linearizing action, 
correction of non-linear distor- 

tions (in an amplifier), say, by 
reverse feedback. 

Linearskala slide-rule dial. 

Linie, abgewickelte evolute,. 
-,ausgehackte jagged -line, ser- 
rated 1., notched l., dented l. 
-,ausgezogene solid line (in graphs, 
etc.). -,durchstreichende tra- 
jectory. -,falsche Srating ghost. 
-,gezackte jagged line, serrated 
l., notched 1., dented l. -,in 
eine—bringen align, rectilinear- 
ize, straighten out in a line. 

-in gerader—mit in alignment, or 
flush, with. -,strichpunktierte 
dash-dot line. -,verbotene for- 
bidden line. -,zusammengesetzte 
multiplet (in complex spectrum). 
Linie, Anflug- center of approach 

Lichtton photographic sound record- 
ing. -ansatz photographic sound- 
film head. -aufnahme photographic 
sound film recording. -gerät 
sound-film head or attachment. 
-punkte elementary shading values, 
e. density v. -spalt recording 
slit. -streifen veränderlicher 
Breite squeeze track. -zusatz 
sound-film head or attachment. 

Lichtumfang range of light oscilla- 

lichtundurchlassig light-tight, 
Opaque to l., impervious to l., 

Licht-ventil light valve, 1. relay 
(e.g., selenophone, Kerr cell, 
neon lamp, etc.). -verteiler 
beam splitter (m.p.). -verteilungs- 

flache luminosity curve, isophotic sector. Anschlag- striking line 
c., isophote, isolux diagran. (piano). Aussen- contour line, 
-wagen light-truck. -wechsel varia- boundary 1. Begleit- satellite 
tion of exposure. -weg, Satz vom line. Bild- focal line, image 1. 

Blick- line of sight, 1. of vision. 
Brenn- focal line, image l. Gleit- 
slide or slip band or line. Grenz- ° 
boundary line, demarcation 1. 

Grund- center line of approach 
sector. Halbierungs- bisector 
(line), bisectrix. Haupt- primary 
line. Kenn- characteristic curve 

or graph, indicial diagram. 

Knoten- neutral line, common l., 

ausgezeichneten law of extreme 
path. -werbung light advertising, 
propaganda using illumination or 
light effects. -wissenschaft op- 
tics, photology (or physiological 
o.). -zähler counter tube. -zelle 
photo- (electric) cell. -zerhacker 
light (beam) chopper, episcotister. 
-zerlegung dispersion of light, 
decomposition of light (into pri- 

mary colors). nodal 1. Kollimations- collimat- 
lichtzerstreuend light diffusive, ing mark. Kraft- tube of force, 
line of f. Mantel- directrix, 

dispersive or scattering. 
Liderung packing. 
Liebesflöte flute d'amore. 

line along a shell or cylinder. 
Mittags- meridian. Mittel- median 

Linie, Neben- 177 Linse, Beschleunigungs- 

line, center l., agis, equator. a graph). 
Neben- secondary line, branch 1.; linig, krumm- curvilinear. 
satellite (spectr.). Nordlicht- linksdrehend levo-$yrate, levo-ro- 
ase auroral line. Rad- cycloid tatory, counter-clockwise rotating. 
stroboscopic aberration), Links-drehung levorotation, left- 
epicycloid. Richt- suide line, handed polarization. -händigkeit 
suiding 1. Richtkenn- rectifi- left-handedness. -kurve left-hand 
cation characteristic; direction- (or port) curve or loop (in air- 
al diagram, space pattern. Schau- plane landing, etc. ) 
graph, curve. Scheide- boundary links-laufende wellen sinistro- 
line, separation 1. Schmelz- propagating traveling waves or 
fusion curve. Schrauben- helix, surges. -laufig moving to the 
helical line. S$eh- line of sight, left, counterclockwise. 
l. of vision, 1. of collimation. Links-quarz left-handed quartz, 
Sinus- sinuous line, sinusoidal levogyrate crystal.-schraube left- 
- 1., sinuoid. Spektral- spectrum handed screw. | 3 
line, spectral 1. Stand- position Linse (s.a. Objektiv,Lupe, Glas) 
line. Strom- stream line, flow lens, objective glass; bob (of a 
l., force 1. Translations- slip pendulum). 
band. Trennungs- dividing line, Linse, eingekittete cemented lens. 
boundary l., partition l., line -,facettierte bevel-edge lens. 
of separation (of a solid moving -,fehlerfreie perfect, aberration- 
through liquid). Umgrenzungs- less lens. -,gefasste mounted lens. 
contour, line of demarcation or -,gekittete cemented lens. 
separation, boundary line, peri- -,krummungsreduzierende field- 
pherical l., circumferential l., flattening lens. -,kurzbrennweitige 
circumscription l. Verschiebungs- short-focus lens. -,langbrenn- 
line of displacement. Visier- weitige long-focus lens. -,licht- 
line of sight. wellen- wavy line, starke high-power lens, h.-speed 
undulatory l., sinuous l. winkel- l. =-,magnetische, mit Eisenpanzer 
diagonal. wurf- line of projec- ironclad magnetic lens, iron-core 
tion, curve of p., trajectory. deflector unit (of c.-r. tube). 
Zeuge- generating line, generatrix. -,scharfzeichnende achromatic lens. 
Zug- tractrix. -,ungefasste rimless lens. 
Linien-bilder, aufgelöste resolved -,ungekittete uncemented lens, 
line patterns. -breite breadth broken-contact 1.— veränderlicher 
or width of line; spot diameter. — Brennweite und v. Bildgrösse zoom- 
gleicher Spannung isoclines (in- ing lens for variable focus and 
dicating stress lines in glass variable magnification, vario- 
and other materials). -komplex objective, -,verkittete cemented 
multiplet. -raster ruled plate, lens. -,weichzeichnende soft- 
line screen or grating; raster. focus lens. -,weitwinklige wide- 
linienreich rich in lines, with angle lens. -,zusammengesprengte 
abundance of 1. uncemented lens (lens units closely 
Linien-skala variable-density sound fitted together, as in Cornu de- 
track. -spektrum line spectrun. vice), broken-contact 1. 
-steuerung velocity modulation. Linse, Augen- eye lens. Beleuchtungs- 
-summe line integral. -umkehr line condensor lens, illuminating l., 
reversal. -verbreiterung broaden- bull's eye 1. Beschleunigungs-, 
ing or spread of line or strip mit 2 Lochelektroden double- 

(telev.). -zug line, trace (of aperture (electron optic) 

Linse, Brenn- 178 

Brenn- burning 

accelerator lens. 
glass, convex lens. 
ben- bull's eye lens. Doppel- 
double lens, doublet. Doppel- 
schicht- double-layer lens. 
Durchgriff-(cf. Lochblenden-) 
aperture lens (through which 
field or anode may act or draw 
electrons). Einblick- eyepiece 
lens. Einzel- unit lens. Elek- 
tronen- electron lens (either 
electromagnetic or electrostatic). 
Feld- anterior lens (in telescope 

and microscope), field l. Feld- 
ebnungs- field flattener. 
Fenster- aperture lens. Fern- 

telephoto lens. Flüssigkeits- 
(oil or water) immersion lens. 
Halbkugel- semi-circular lens. 
Haupt- second lens (in electron 
gun). Hinter- back lens. 
Immersions- (oil or water) im- 
mersion lens; double aperture 
lens (electron-opt.). Kugel- 
spherical lens. Lochblenden- 
(cf. Durchgriffs-) simple aper- 
ture lens an, Loch- 
scheiben- aperture lens (in scan- 
ning disk). Muschel- globular 
lens. Punktal- toric lens. 
Sammel- condensor lens, conver- 
gent l., positive l. Schau- 
viewing lens. Scheitel- zenithal 
lens, vertical l. Stufen- echelon 
lens. Trocken- dry lens, d. ob- 
jective. Verzögerungs- cutoff 
lens, stopping 1. (el.opt.). 
Vorder- front lens, field l. 
Vorsammel- cathode lens, first 
focusing 1. (like Wehnelt cylinder, 
aperture disk, etc., in c.-r. 
tubes). Vorsatz- auxiliary lens, 
supplementary 1., 1. attached in 
front, magnascope (to enlarge 
projector De Zerr- ananor- 
phic lens, anamorphosing l., dis- 
torting 1. Zerstreuungs- dis- 
persive lens, divergent l., nega- 
tive 1. Zusatz- supplementary 
lens. Zwiebel- biconvex lens. 
Zylinder- cylindrical lens. 


Linsen-abweichung aberration of a 


-achse optical axis of a 

linsenahnlich lenticular, lenticu- 

lated, lens-shaped. 

Linsen-deckglas anterior surface of 

a lens. -einschiebebrett slidable 
lens panel. - faserung, Augen- 
fibrillation of lens lof eye). 
-fassung lens barrel, 1. mount. 
-fassung, Vignettierwirkung der 
vignetting effect or trimming of 
light by lens mount. -fehler lens 
defects, 1. aberrations. -folge 
lens combination, system of lenses. 
-grundpunkt cardinal point (of a 
lens). -kranzabtaster lens drum 
scanner. -prüfer lensometer. 
-rasterfarbverfahren lenticular or 
lenticulated lens color printing 
method. -rasterfilm lenticular 

film, lenticulated f. -satz lens 
combination, system or assembly of 
lenses. -scheibe lens disk (scan- 
ner). -scheinwerfer spotlight. , 
-scheitel vertex of lens, apex of l. 
-system, Fluorit- semi-apochromatic 
lens system, fluorite l.s. -trommel 
lens drum (scanner). -trübung 
clouding of a lens, opacity of a l. 
-vergütung s. Glasvergütung. 

-weite, lichte clear aperture of a 
lens (useful or effective diameter). 
-zusammenstellung lens combination, 
lens assembl 

Lippenpfeife Flue pipe, flute p. 
Lissajousfiguren Lissajous figures, 

L. curves. -apparat kaleidophone 
(of Wheatstone). 

Literatur, Fach- technical literature, 

t. press. 

Litze strand, stranded wire, braid, 

lace, cord, string. 

Litzen-draht stranded wire, litzwire. 

-spule litzwire coil. ; 

Lizenz, Zwangs- compulsory license 
Lizenz-erteiler licenser, grantor, 

issuer of a license. -gebühr 
royalty, license fee. -nehmer 
licensee, srantee, concessioner. 

In natural, Naperian or hyperbolic 


logarithm = 108, or log.. 

Loch eye, pore, pocket, opening, 
aperture, perforation, puncture; 
hole (of nucleus). -auftreiben 
enlarge, expand, broach or ream a 
hole. -,ausgetuchtes bushed hole. 

Loch, Blenden- anode aperture (cath- 
ode-ray tube). Führungs- guide 
perforation (for sprocket engage- 
ment). Gitter- vacancy or hole 
in lattice. Greif- finger hole 
(in dial switch). Licht- opening 
for light admission, pupil (eye). 
Schau- peep hole; inspection hole, 

Loch-blende apertured partition, 
anode aperture, diaphragm or 
shield (of c.-r. tube), stopping 
aperture. -blendenlinse (cf. 
Durchgrifflinse) apertured disk 
lens; simple (electron-optic) aper- 
ture lens. -breite (eines Fre- 
quenzsiebes) transmitted band, 
transmission range, bandwidth, 
band pass (of a filter), spacing 
between cutoff points. -breite, 
Bandfilter von grosser broad-band 
filter. -elektroden, Beschleuni- 
gungslinse aus zwei double-aper- 
ture accelerator lens (in c.-r. 

löcherig punctured, perforated, 
apertured, porous, pitted. 

Löchertheorie hole theory (re: 

lochfrassähnliche Zerstörung pitting, 
destruction in form of pits, 
honeycombing. : 

Loch-grenze transmission range of 
band pass (range between cutoff 
points), channel width or limit, 
cut-off frequency. -kamera 
pinhole camera. -lage (eines 
Filters) position of transmission 
range or of band pass (of filter). 
-lehre internal caliper gage, plug 
g. -niete hollow rivet, tubular r. 
-probe drift test. 

Lochscheibe, konzentrierende focus- 
ing aperture lens or apertured 


disk (mounted anteriorly of cathode, 
in c.-r. tubes). Kreis- filn 
scanner (with holes arranged cir- 
cularly rather than spirally). 
Mehrfach- multi-spiral scanning 
disk. Spiral- Nipkow disk, spiral 
d. (for scanning). Vierfach- 
quadruple spiral scanning disk. 

Lochscheiben-anode apertured disk 
anode, ring a. -generator light 
chopper. -linse aperture disk 

Loch-spirale scanning (hole) spiral; 
spiral row of apertures (e.§., in 
Nipkow disk). -trommel scanning 
drum (of Jenkins). 

Lochung perforation, punched holes 
(in film), punching. 

Lochweite band-width, band-pass, 
band between cutoff points; inside 
diameter. Bandfilter grosser- 
broad band filter. wellenberg- 
peak separation, inter-peak dis- 
tance, inter-crest d. 

Locker-ionen defective ions, "Lockeg" 
ions. -stellen loose spots, 1. 
places (cryst.). 

Lockflamme pilot flame. 

Löffelbohrer spoon bit. 

Logarithmen, dekadische common 

ogarithmus der Belichtung log ex- 

lösbar detachable; soluble, dissolu- 
ble, dissolvable. 

losblättern detach in leaves or 
scales, exfoliate, defoliate. 

löschen (cf auslöschen) turn off 
(repeater); extinguish, quench, 
slake (lime), obliterate, clear, 
cancel, blot, erase, wash out (a 
magnetic record). 

Löscher, Funken- spark quench, blow- 
out or extinguisher, s. killer. 
Röhren- tube quench. 

Lösch-feld, magnetisches obliterat- 
ing field, erasing f. (of magneto- 
phone, etc.). -funkenstrecke 
quenched spark gap. -kalk quick- 
lime, slaked 1. -kammer, Licht- 
bogen- arc quench chamber. -kohle 


quenched charcoal. -magnet ob- 
literating magnet (in magnetic 
sound recording equipment), wash- 
out m. -spannung stopping po- 
tential (at which slow discharge 
is stopped; s.p. is lower than 
Slow p., in photo-cells and $.- 
tubes), extinction p., critical 
p. (at which tube goes out), cut- 
off p. (of thyratron). -taste 
cancel key, clearing k., release 
k. -wirkung quench effect. 
-zündspannungsdifferenz extinc- 
tion-striking potential differ- 

lösen solve, dissolve; loosen, 
untie, detach, disengage, dis- 

Loser solving agent, solubilizer. 
Loslichkeits-druck solubility pres- 
sure. -produkt solubility prod- 


loslich machen solubilize. 

los-loten unsolder. -trennen 
separate, sever, tear apart, de- 

Losung solution; discharge (of a 
bay separation, detachment, 
opening (of a connection), sever- 
ance. -,ungepufferte unbuffered 
solution. Abschwachungs- reducer 
solution. Zehntel (normal )- 
tenth normal solution, decinormal 

Losungs-druck solution pressure. 
-magnet releasing magnet, trip m. 

Lot fallen let fall a perpendicular. 

Lot, Behm- fathometer, echo depth 
sounder; sonic altimeter. Mes- 
singschlag- brass solder. Mittel- 
median perpendicular. 

Lot-kolben soldering bit. 

lotsen, heran- guide to, pilot (a 
craft by radio signals). 

Lotstelle soldered joint, shut; 
junction of a thermo-couple. 
Heiz- hot junction of a thermo- 

Lotstreifen tag strip, terminal s., 

-rohrflamme blowpipe 



connection s. € 

Lotung sounding (determination of 
depth or altitude), probing (for 

Lötung soldering, brazing (by hard 
solder); agglutination; adhesion. 
Doppel- double seals (in Dewar 
vessel, etc.). 

Lotung, Echo- echo sounding, reflec- 
tion s. (fcr depth and altitude 

Lötung, Hart- hard soldering, braz- 
ing. Selbst- autogenous soldering. 

Loxodrome oblique line, loxodromic 
line or course, great-circle bear- 

L-Regler L-section attenuator. 

Lücke Sap, void, space; deficiency. 
auf — stehen positioned so as to 
fill gaps (e.g., in a parallel row), 
staggering. -,positiv geladene 
positive hole (cryst. ). 

Lücke, Bildsynchronisierungs- synchro-. 
nizing gap (between traversal of 
frame and beginning of next), under- 
lap or interstice period in which 
syne signal is introduced. Misch- 
ungs- miscibility sap. 

Lücken-bildung unsaturated linkage. 
-satz vacancy principle. « -synchro- 
nisierungsverfahren gap, underlap, 
interstice or interval synchroniz- 
ing method (sync signal introduced 
between end of line traversal and 
beginning of next line). 

lückig porous, honeycombed, pitted. 

Luft-abschluss exclusion of air, ab- 
sence of a., hermetic seal, air- 
tight s. -alarm air raid aları. 
-aufnahme air absorption, a. oc- 
clusion; aerial photograph, air- 
plane picture. -auftrieb air 
buoyancy. -bild aerial image, i. 
formed in space by optical system. 
-bildaufnahme aerial photograph, 
airplane picture. -bildkarte 
aerial mosaic; photographic map. 

luftdicht air-tight, hermetical. 

Luftaraht (cf Antenne) aerial (wire), 
antenna. -gebilde aerial structure, 
radiating system, array of antennae. 

Luftdrahtverkürzung 181 

-verkürzungskondensator shorten- 
ing condenser. -verlängerungs- 
spule antenna load coil, aerial 
loading inductance. 

Luft-druck air pressure, atmospheric 
p-, pneumatic pressure. -durch- 
lassigkeit air permeability, a. 
perviousness, -einschluss air 
cavity, a. bubble, a. occlusion. 

luftelektrische Störungen atmos- 
pherics, statics. 

lüften ventilate, air, aerate; raise 
or lift (clear of something). 

luftentzündlich inflammable in con- 
tact with air, pyrophoric. 

Lüfter ventilator, fan. 

Luftfahrt, Verkehrs- commercial avia- 
tion, c. avigation. -hindernis 
air navigation obstacle, aviga- 
tional 0. -navigation avigation, 
aerial navigation. 

Luft-funkstelle aircraft radio sig- 
nal station. -gebilde aerial 
structure, radiating systen. 
-gleichstrom current of breath (in 
sound recording). -gütemesser 
eudiometer. -hahn air cock. 
-kammer air pressure space (loud- 
speaker). -kammerlautsprecher air- 
chamber loudspeaker (c. coupling 
diaphragm with horn). -kern air 
core. -kissen air cushion, dash- 
pot. -kreis atmosphere. 

luftleerer Raum vacuum, vacuous 
space, exhausted s. 

Luft-leerspannungssicherung vacuum 
arrester. -leitergebilde aerial 
extension, a. structure. -mast 
("Schnorchel") breathing mast, 
underwater air intake (supplying 
air, for Diesel engines, to sub- 
merged submarines). -meer atmos- 
phere. -plattenspektroskop Fabry- 
Ferot interferometer, étalon (when 
not variable). -rahmen air-cored 

frame (d.f.). -reibungsverlust 
windage loss. -sauger aspirator. 
-saure carbonic acid. -schall 
sound conducted or transmitted 
through air. -schleier air fogging 
(chemical action of air). 


-schraube, Versetz- variable-pitch 
(feathered) propeller or airscrew. 
-schraubensteigungsmesser propeller 
pitch indicator. -schutzleiter air 
warden. -spule air-core coil, loop 
or frame (d.f.). -strahl air jet. 
-strom, Gleich- direct flow of air, 
d.c. air-flow. -strompendelung 

air jet pendulation. -strömungs- 
messer anemometer. -verdichter air 
condenser, a. compressor. -verdün- 
nung air rarefaction, vacuun. 
-verkehrskontrolle airways traffic 
control, avigation regulation. 
-welle sky wave, space w., indirect 
w. -wichte specific gravity of air. 
-widerstand aerodynamic drag (on 
airplane). -winkel angle of the 
wind. -zutritt access of air, ad- 
mission of a. 

Lumiéreplatte autochrome plate. 

Lumineszenzlampe, Kathoden- cathode- 
glow tube. 

Luminophore phosphors, luminophors, 
luminescent substances. 

Lummer-Brodhun'sches Photometer oder 
wirfel L.-B. contrast (or total- 
reflection) photometer, cube p. 
(with cubical cavity). 

Lunkerung shrinkage, contraction, 
piping, blowhole formation, cavi- 
tation (in metals). 

Lupe, stark vergrossernde high-power 
magnifier. Ablese- reading lens. 
Einstell- focusing magnifier (lens). 
Einzel- magnifier unit, individual 
m. Fadenkreuz- reticle magnifying 
lens. Feldstecher- field glass 
magnifier. Fernseh- telescopic 
magnifier. Präparier- dissecting 
magnifier. Stativ- stand magni- 

Lupen-aufnahme, Kamera für Zeit- 
camera for slow-motion picture 
projection. -stander lens stand. 
-verfahren, Zeit- high-speed shoot- 
ing, low-speed projection method. 

Luvwinkel drift angle, a. of lead. 

l.w. (lichte weite) inside diameter, 
i. width, lumen. 

Lyra lyre. 

Maasss. Mass 

Mach'sche Streifen Mach bands. 

Mächtigkelt size, thickness, magni- 
tude, power, strength. 

Madenschraube headless screw. 

Magazinbalg reservoir bellomws. 

magern make lean or poor, shorten, 
reduce plasticity (of ceramics). 

Magnesiaglimmer magnesia mica 

Magnesiumlicht magnesium light. 

Magnet, fremderregter non-permanent 
magnet, electro- m. Abnahme- 
pickup magnet. Aufnahme- record- 
ing magnet (for steel-band or 
wire recording of sound), pickup 
magnet. Auslösch- obliterating 
magnet, wash-out m. (to wipe away 
sound track or recording on wire 
or tape, for re-use). Einrück- 
trigger magnet, trip m., starting 
m. Glocken- bell-shaped magnet. 
Hub- vertical magnet, stepping m., 
lifting magnet. 
ed magnet, compound m. Lösch- 
obliterating magnet, wash-out m. 
(sound recorded on wire or tape). 
Lösungs- release magnet, trip m. 
Topf- ironclad magnet, pot- 
shaped m. Wahler- bank of (sta- 
tionary) contacts, selector mag- 
net (aut. telephony). 

Magnetfeld,Quer- transverse magnetic 

Magnetfeldröhre magnetron (or per- 
matron) working with a constant 
magnetic field (strictly a m. 
operates with a variable n.f.) 

magnetisch(e)Belegung magnetic in- 
duction, m. charge, seat.of m. 
induction or m. field.-(er)Effekt, 
kreis- Syromasnetic anomaly. 
-(e)Leitfähigkeit permeance, - 

magnetic conductance, permeability. 

Lamellen- laminat- 

-(er)Schirm magnetic shield, m. 
screen, can (of a coil). 
-(e)Spannuna magnetic. potential 
(line integral of m. intensity). 
-(er)Tonaufzeichner magnetic 
sound recorder, magnetophone, 
Foulsen telegraphone, Blattner- 
phone (modern form of F.t.) 

Magnetisierungskopf magnetic sound 
recording head (on wire or tape). 

magneto-optische Drehung magneto- 
optic rotation, magnetic r., 
Faraday effect (rotation of plane 
of polarization). 

Magneton,Kern- (K.M.) nuclear mag- 

Magnetorotationsspektrum magnetic 
rotation spectrum. 

Magnetron, Zweischlitz- two-split 
magnetron, two-segment m. 

Magnetron-cycloidhöhe cycloidal 
height of a magnetron. -leitbahn- 
welle transit-time or electron 
path oscillation. -leitkreisfre- 
quenz transit-time frequency of a 
magnetron. -schwingungen mas- 
netron oscillations (3 kinds: 
electronic,* negative- resistance 
and rotating field o. ) 

Magnet-schale magnetic shell. 
-schenkel magnet limb, m. leg. 
-spannschraube magnetic chuck. 
-spule solenoid, field coil. 
-summer magnetic interrupter, 
buzzer type of audio-frequency 
oscillator. -tonverfahren mag- 
netic sound recording method, 
telegraphone s.r.n. 

Mahl-feinheit fineness of grind, 
f. of grain, f. of comminution. 
-gut material to be ground or 

Maischgitter stirrer, rake. 

Makroachse macro-axis (of crystal). 

Mal mark, spot, sign, token; stigma. 


mal times (x). 

Malerfirnis painter's varnish. 
Malteserkreuz Maltese cross, cross 
wheel, (cam and) star wheel in 
Geneva intermittent movement. 

-gesperre Geneva Stop. 

Mängel (in einer Anmeldung) defects 
(in a patent application). 

mangels in default of, in the ab- 
sence of, because of lack of. 

manipulieren manipulate, handle. 

Manko shortage, deficiency, defi- 

Mannigfaltigkeit manifoldness, mul- 
tiplicity, variety, diversity. 

Mann-loch manhole. -schaft men, 
force, crew, gang. 

Manometer, Glasfeder- spoon-type 
glass manometer. McLeod- McLeod 
(vacuum) gage. 

Manschette flap, collar, cuff. 
Mantel casing, jacket, case, shell, 
sheath, surface (math.), nappe, 
sheet, envelope, cover. Heiz- 
heating jacket. Kegel- cone- 
shaped shell. Wasser- water 


Mantel-flache generated surface, 
shell s. -futter shell lining. 
-gefass, Vakuum- thermos or Dewar 
vessel exhaust jacket. -linie 
directrix. -rohr tubular shell, 
-transformator ironclad trans- 
former, shell t. -welle wave on 
outer surface of coaxial cable, 
"shell" wave. 

Mantisse mantissa (fractional part 
of a logarithm). 

Manual keyboard, manual. 

Manuskript scenario script (mp.)- 

Marien-bad water bath. -glas sele- 
nite, mica. 

Mark marrow, pith, pulp, core. 

Marke, Einstell- reference work, 
bench m., gage m., measuring m., 
wander m. (of telescope, to 
establish "stereoscopic con- 
tact"). Fabrik- trade-mark. 
Zeit- time scale, t. marking. 
Ziel- sight reticle or graticule. 

Mass, Phasen- 

Markenplatte index plate (of tele- 
scopic sight). 

Markieren mark, define, outline. 

Markierung(Szenenwechsel) nothing 
on film edge. Unterscheidungs- 
distinctive marking, telltale m. 

Markierungs-sender marker beacon, 
marker. -vorrichtung marker, 
puncher, notcher (mp.). 

Masche, Gitter- grid mesh. Ketten- 
leiter- mesh or section of a net- 

maschig meshed, netted, reticulated. 
grob-, weit- wide-meshed, coarse- 
Me. (Gun, (Ol a8 erid), 

Maschinensender alternator trans- 

Maser Speckle, spot, mark. 

maserig speckled, streaked, grained, 

Maske mask, mat (in film recording). 
Laternenbilder- lantern mask. 
Vignettier- vignetting mask. 

maskieren mask, blank, blanket, con- 
ceal, camouflage, cover, dissimu- 
late, eclipse. 

Maskierung, Gehor- auditory masking 
(loss of sensitivity of ear). 

Mass measure, Scale, dimension, 
proportion, degree, extent. 
auf -drehen turn true (to template 
or Sage). auf genaues - bringen 
finish or true up (to template 
or gage). -,laufendes linear 

Mass, Aussen- over-all dimension, 
outside d. Belichtungs- exposure 
level (of Decoutes). Dämpfungs- 
unit of attenuation, image atten- 
uation constant. Eben- symmetry. 
Eich- standardized Sage, s. meas- 
ure, calibration unit. End- 
Standardized gage block, end-to- 
end standard bar. Farben- 
colorimeter. Kraft- unit of force. 
Langen- linear measure. Par- 
allelend- standardized gage block, 
end-to-end standard bar. Phasen- 
phase constant, wave-length 


Mass, Richt- a; 

c. Richt- standard, gage. 
‘Strich- line standard. Vierpol- 
winkel- image phase constant. 
Winkel- phase constant, wave- 
length c. (denotes phase shift 
between input and output poten- 
tial, and is the imaginary con- 
ponent of image transfer con- 
stant); set square. Zeit- time 
scale, t. marking. 

Mass-abweichung (cf. Toleranz) 
off-size condition, dimension- 
al discrepancy or difference. 
-analyse volumetric analysis. 

Masse mass (in mechanics; analogous 
to inductance in electricity and 
inertance in acoustics). 

Masse, aktive active paste. 

Einhelts- unit mass. Grund- 
ground mass. Isolier-, gepresste 
molded insulation. Leucht- 

phosphor, luminescent or fluores- 
cent substance. Ruhe- (der 
Teilchen) rest mass (of particles). 
Massekern dust core, molded c. 
-spule dust-core coil, compressed 
iron core c. Ferrocart c. 
Massen-absorptionskoeffizient mass 
absorption coefficient. -anziehung 
gravitation. -dichte mass density. 
-einheit unit of mass. -gesteine 
unstratified rocks. -güter bulk 
goods; large-scale manufactured 
goods. -kopie release print; 
quantity production of prints. 
-krafte mass, inertia (in mechan- 
ics, mechanical filters, etc.; 
analogous to inertance in acoustics 
and inductance in electricity). 
-moment moment of inertia, rota- 
tional i. -platte pasted plate 
(of battery). -plet electric 
mass. -punkt quantum, point-mass 
(in quantum theory), rotator; 
center of mass, c. of inertia, 
centroid. -schwankungskoeffizient 
mass absorption coefficient. 
-spektrograph mass spectrograph, m. 
spectrometer. -spektrum mass 
spectrum. -strahler mass radiator. 
-widerstand inertance (ac. ). -zahlen 


mass numbers. -zentrum center of 
mass, c. of inertia, centroid. 

particle velocity. 

Mass-faktor dimensional constant, d. 
factor. -gabe, nach in accordance 
with, in proportion w. 

massgebend determinative, deter- 
minant, decisive, authoritative, 
competent, conclusive. 

Massgefäss measuring vessel, graduated v. 

masshaltig true to size, measure or 
dimension (inside tolerance 
range, found by limiting gage). 

-massig suffix signifying "in the 
manner of"; "so far con- 
cerned"; according to, in terms of. 
For instance, hochfrequenzmässig: 
so far as RF is concerned, or, 
for RF. 

massig massive, massy, molar. 

mässıg, gesetz- in accordance with 
law or statute, conformable to 
(natural) law, in a regular 
or legal way. -,grössen- dimen- 
sionally, quantitatively, nu- 
merically; pertaining to, or in 
relation to, quanta. -hochfrequenz- 
for RF, so far as RF is concerned, 
relative to RF. -,quanten- per- 
taining or in relation to quanta.. 
-,zahlen= numerically. 

massigen moderate, temper, mitigate. 
massiv solid, strong; molar. 

Mass-kunde metrology. -nahme mode 
of action, (precautionary) step, 
expedient, technique. -nahme, 
Schutz- preventive, protective, 
safety, or precautionary step, 
measure or means, safeguard. 
-regel cf. -nahme.-röhre measur- 
ing tube, graduated t., burette. 

Masstab scale, size, measure, yard- 
stick, proportion, gage, standard. 
Parallelend- end-to-end measuring 
bar, standard gage block. Ver 
gleichs-standard of comparison or 
reference, comparative "yardstick". 
Zeit- time scale. 

Mass-stabtransformator gage (group) 
transformer. -stock gage, 


yardstick, linear .measure. -sys- 
tem, Farb- (CIE) chromaticity 
scale system, CIE diagram. -zahl 
measure or numerical criterion. 

Mast, Gitter- lattice pole, girder v. 
Kreuzteilungs- cantilever type of 
tower, double tapered mast. 

Luft- ("Schnorchel") breathing 
mast, underwater air intake (sup- 
plying Diesel engine air when 
submarine is submerged). 

Mast-armatur pole hardware, fittings. 
-befeuerung mast beacon. : 

Material,entgegenstehendes anticipa- 
tory references (found in prior art 
and literature). -,zertrümmerbares 
fissionable or disintegrable sub- 
stance. -prüfer, elektronischer 
aniseikon. -prüfung testing of 
materials. -wanderung flow of 
material, creep of n. 

Materie-welle matter wave, de Broglie 
(elementary particle, electron, 
proton) wave, electron w., phase w. 
-zertrümmerbarkeit disintegrability 
or fissionability of matter. 

Matrize metal master, master negative, 

mother (in phonograph record manu- 
facture), matrix die. Kaltstauch- 
cold upsetting die. Press- nega- 
tive stamper. Stanz- cutting die- 
plate, punching die. 

matt dead, faint, feeble, weak, dull, 
matt (photographic paper). 

mattgeschliffen ground, frosted, de- 
lustered, matted. 

Mattglas ground glass, frosted ¢. 

mattieren tarnish, deaden, dull, 
deluster, matt, frost, impart a 
matt surface or look to, grind 

Mattierungsmessung film polish 
measurement, glossimetric m. 

Mattlack matt varnish. 

Mattolein matoleine (retouching 

mattrot dull red. 

Mattscheibe ground or frosted 

glass (pane or plate). Visier- 
focusing screen. 
Maul-trommel Jew's harp. -weite 

185 Mehrfachkopien 

interpolar distance, air-gap (of 
.horseshoe magnet). 

m.a.W. in other words, that is to say. 
Maxima, Neben- secondary or lateral 
radiations, s. lobes or ears (in 

space pattern). 

maxımale Aussteuerung des Licht- 
strahles clash point of light 
valve (in sound recording). 

Maximalpeilung maximum signal 
(strength) method (df). 

Maximumwertzeiger peak indicator, 
crest i. 

Maxwell 'sche Grundgleichungen 
Maxwell electromagnetic equations. 
Maxwellverteilung Maxwell (statistical) 


mC milli-curie. 

McLeod Manometer McLeod vacuum gage. 

mechanischer Filter, Federungs- 
widerstand compliance of. a mechani- 
cal filter. -Filter, Massenwi- 
derstand inertance of a mechanical 

Medien media, mediums. 

Meerfarbe sea green. 

mehlartig like meal or flour, 

Mehl gips earthy gypsum. 

mehradriges Kabel multi-wire cable. 

Mehraufwand extra or additional ex- 
penditure or means (in equipment, 
etc.) Röhren- tube complement, 
extra outlay for tubes, 

Mehr-deutigkeit ambiguity, equivoca- 
tion. -drehung multirotation. 

mehrfach manifold, multiple, re- 

Mehrfachbelichtung superimposing, 
multiple exposure. 

mehrfachbeschichteter Film sand- 
wich film. 

Mehrfach-bild multiple image (in 
telev. -echo multiple echo 
(reverberation), flutter e. 
-empfangsverfahren diversity re- 
ception method (to minimize 
fading). -kondensator multiple 
condenser, gang c., tandem c., 
synchronized c., gang capacitor. 
-kopien multiple prints. 


-nachrichtensystem multiplex sig- 
nal system. -platten Karolus- 
Kerrzelle Karolus type of mul- 
tiple-plate Kerr cell. -röhre 
multi-valve, dual v., multi- 
purpose tube, multi-unit t. 
-rückkoplung multiple re- 
generation. -spiralloch- 
scheibe multi-spiral scanning 
disk. -strahler bank or pil- 
lar of lamps, battens. -tele- 
graph multiplex telegraph. 
-telephonie multiple tele- 
phony. -verstarker multi- 
stage amplifier. -zacken- 
schrift multilateral sound 
track. -zeichen multiple sig- 
nal, echo s. 

mehr-fadige Lampe multiple-fila- 
ment lamp. -farbig polychroma- 
tic, pleochroic, multi-colored. 

Mehr-gangkondensator ganged con- 
denser or capacitor, synchronized 
6.5 multiple C., gang capacitor. 
-gitterröhre multi-grid tube 
(tetrode, pentode, etc.) 

mehrgliedrig multi-mesh, nm. - 
section (e.g., of a network). 

Mehrheit plurality, multiplicity, 
majority. -von Einheiten array 
of units, (plurality or multi- 
plicity of u. 

Mehrkanalfernsehen multi-channel 

mehrkanalig multi-channel. 

Mehrkantprisma polyhedral prisn. 

mehr-kernig with more than one 
nucleus or core, polynuclear. 
-köpfige Besatzung multiman 
crew. -köpfiges Stations- 
personal multi-manned sta- 

Mehr-kristall polycrystal. 
-lagenspule multi-layer coil, 
banked c., pile c., honeycomb 
c. with banked winding. 
-platten Karolus-Kerrzelle 
Karolus multiple-plate Kerr cell. 
-punktschreiber multi-point re- 

mehr-stimmig polyphonic (of an or- 
gan). -strahliges Funkfeuer 


Membrane, Nawi- 

multi(-ray) beacon, multiple- 
or triple - modulation b. 
-teilig multipartite. -wegig 
having multi-channel or nm. - 
path properties. -wegige 
Übertragung multi-path trans- 

Mehr-welligkeit multi-wave 
property. -zahl plurality, 
multiplicity; majority. 

 mehrzügiges Tonformstück multi- 

ple tile or clay conduit. 

Meilerkohle charcoal. 

Meissel chissel, pledget, 
stylus or style (for sound re- 
cording), engraver tool. 

Meister, Bild- director of 
photography, picture chief, p. 
director. Ton- monitoring 
operator (working at mixer 
desk), recordist, sound en- 
gineer, director of s. 

Meister-negativ metal master (in 
making phonograph records), 
master negative. -positiv 
mother record, master posi- 

Melde-feld, Rück- revertive sig- 
nal panel. -lampe alarm lamp, 
pilot 1., telltale 1. 

Melder (s.a. Anzeiger) indicator 

Melder,Abstimmungs- tuning in- 
dicator. Einbruchs- burglar 
alarm. Rück- revertive sig- 
nal means, position-repeat- 
ing m., check-back p. indicator 
(in telemetric arrangements). 
Stations- station indicator, 
tuning i. wellenbereich- 
wave-band indicator. 

Membrane,als Ganzes schwingende 
piston diaphragm, diaphragm | 
moving like a p. or en bloc. 
-,atmende flexible, non-reflect- 
ing diaphragm. Falz- non-rigid 
non-circular breathing cone 
(with curved radiating surfaces). 
Kalotten- hemispherical dia- 
phragm, cap-shaped d. Kolben- 
piston diaphragm. Konus- 
conical diaphragm, cone d., 
diffusion cone. Nawi- cone 

Membrane, Riffel- 

diaphragm with curve profféle, 
curvilinear c., para-curve. 
Riffel- pleated diaphragm (of 
loudspeaker), d. with pleated 
corrugations. Schirm- screened 
diaphragm (of microphone). 
Sektor- (non-rigid) sector dia- 
phragm, sectorial cone. 

Membraneinspannung suspension of 

membranloses Mikrophon diaphrasn- 
less microphone, cathodophone. 

Membranscnwingamplitude excursion 
amplitude of diaphragm. 

Mengeeinheit unit of quantity. 

Mengen-bestimmung quantitative de- 
termination, q. analysis. 
-verhaltnis quantitative rela- 
tionship, proportion (of in- 
gredients), q. composition. 

Meniskuskante meniscus edge. 

menschlichte Stimme, Lautstärke- 
verhältnis human voice intensity 

Mensur measure (string instruments), 
scale (organ); measuring vessel; 
measuring, mensuration. 

Merkatorkarte Mercator chart. 

Merkatorkarten pro jektion Mercator 
projection, cylindrical p., 
orthomor phic p. 

merkbar perceptible, noticeable, ap- 

Merk-mal characteristic feature, c. 
object (of an invention), c. mark, 
sign, indicator, index, criterion. 
-punkt index point, fiducial p., 
reference p., point de repere (in 
Baudot apparatus), bench mark. 

Mesonen-bahnende mesotron track end. 
-zerfall meson decay. 

Mesotrontheorie meson theory, t. of 
mesotrons (also known as heavy 
electrons, barytrons, dynatrons, 
penetrons, x particles, etc.) 

Messbereich measuring range, meas- 
urement r., indication or read- 
ing r. 

Messer (s.a. Anzeiger, Melder, 
Messgerät, Messung, Meter, Probe, 
Prüfung, Zähler) measurer, meter; 


Messer, Erdbeben- 

measuring instrument or device; 
knife, cutter, blade. Abklingzeit- 
fluorometer. Abschleif- grinding 
blade, §. knife. Abtrift- drift 
meter. Augen- ophthalmoneter, 
optometer. Augenabstand- inter- 
pupillary distance Sage. Augen- 
brechungs- skiascope, retinoscope. 
Ausdehnungs- dilatometer, ex- 
tensometer. Basisentfernungs- 
base range finder. Beben- 
seismometer, seismograph. 
Beleuchtungs(stärke)- illumina- 
tion meter, i. photoneter, il- 
luminometer. Belichtungs- 
exposure meter (in sound record- 
ing, etc.), brightness m., tur- 
bidity m. Beschleunigungs- 
accelerometer. Blutfarbe- 
plethysmograph (tests blood flow), 
electroarteriograph. Brand- 
pyrometer. Brechungs- refractome- 
ter. Brennweiten- foconeter. 
Dampfdichte- dasymeter. Dampf- 
(druck)- steam gage, manometer, 
tensimeter. Dampfdruck-, 
osmotischer osmometer. Dämp fungs- 
loss or transmission (efficiency) 
measuring device, decremeter 
(measures logarithmic decrement or 
damping of circuits). Deckkraft- 
cryptometer (measures concealing 
power of paint). Dehnbarkeits-, 
Dehnungs- ductilimeter, dilatome- 
ter, extensometer. Dichte-, 
photographischer (photo-) 
densitometer. Dicken- thickness 
Sage, calipers. Dosis- dosimeter, 
dosage m., intensimeter. Druck- 
piezometer, liquid manometer, 

fluid m., pressure gage. Druck-, — 
osmotischer osmometer. Druck- und 
Gefrierpunkt- manocryometer. 

Dunst- atmometer. Durchlässigkeits- 
transmissometer (for semi-trans- 
parent media). Elastizitäts- 
elasmometer (measuring Young's 
modulus), torsometer. Energie- 
ergometer. Entfernungs- range 
finder, distance meter. Erdbeben- 
seismometer, seismograph (when 

Messer, Fall- 188 

recording). Fallkörperzähigkeits- 
ball-drop viscosimeter. Farben- 
chromatometer, colorimeter. 
Farbenstufen- tintometer. 
Feinhöhen- (aneroid) barometer 
measuring atmospheric pressure at 
airdrome (not reduced to sea 
level), sensitive altimeter. 

Fern- telemeter. Fern-, mit 
Summenangeber telemetric integra- 
tor. Feuchte- hygrometer, psy- 
chrometer. Feuchtigkeits, reg- 
istrierender hygrograph. Film- 
film footage meter or counter. 
Flächen(aus)- planimeter; inte- 
graph (for curves). Flügel- 
vane-type fluid-flow meter. 
Fluoreszenz- fluorometer. Fluss- 
fluxmeter (for magnetic measure- 
ments). Flüssigkeitsdichte- 
liquid density meter, areometer, 
hydrometer (measuring sp.$.) 
Frequenz-(cf N fre- 
quency meter, Onometer, sonometer. 
Gasdichte- dasymeter. Gefrier- 
punkt- cryometer. Gehorscharfe- 
audiometer. Gel andewinkel- 
angle-of-site instrument, cli- 
nometer. Gerausch- sound level 
meter, noise m.,n. measuring set, 
psophometer (for telephone 
noises), acustimeter. Geschwindig 
keits- speedometer, tachometer. 
Gierungs- yawmeter. Glanz- gloss 
meter Glätte- Slossimeter; 
surface analyzer. Gleichrichter- 
volt- rectifying voltmeter. Glut- 
pyrometer. Grobhöhen- (aneroid) 
barometer or altimeter measuring 
actual atmospheric pressure re- 
duced to sea level. Halbbildent- 
fernungs- split-field coincidence 
range-finder. Herzschlag- cardiac 
tachometer. Hitz- pyroneter. 
Hitzdraht- hot-wire anemometer (and 
other measuring instruments using 

a hot w.) Höhen- altimeter, alti- 
tude meter (of echo or reflection 
type), sound ranging altimeter, 
statoscope. Hörschärfe- audiometer. 
Hysterese- hysteresigraph. Impuls- 

Messer, Sauerstoff- 

peak,meter, crest m. (for poten- 
tials). lonenstärke- ionometer. 
lonenwindvolt- ionic wind volt- 
meter. Isolations- insulation 
tester, megger. Kapazitäts- 
faradmeter. Kartenwinkel- 

map protractor. Kochpunkt- 
ebullioscope. Koerzitivkraft- 
coercimeter. Konsistenz- 
viscosimeter. Körnigkeits- 
sranulometer. Kraft- dynamometer, 
force meter. Kraftstoss- ballistic 
pendulum. Kreiselneigungs- bank- 
and-turn indicator (aviation). 
Kreiskeilschwarzungs- circular 
wedge densitometer. Kristallachsen- 
conoscope (determines optical axis 
of crystals). Lautstärke- volume 
indicator. Leistungs- power 
meter, ergometer. Leitungs- 
conductometer. Leuchtkraft- 
photometer. Lichtstarke- photome- 
ter, lumen meter, lumeter. 
Lichtstrom- lumen meter (of 
Blondel), photometer, lumeter; 
wattmeter for lighting circuits. 
Luftdruck- barometer, manometer. 
Luftdruck-, registrierender 
barograph. Luftfeuchtigkeits- 
hygrometer, psychrometer. 
Luftgüte- eudiometer. Luftstrom- 
anemometer. Mattierungs- film 
polish meter, $lossimeter. Neigungs- 
(winkel )- clinometer. Neonröhren- 
lautstärke- neon tube volume in- 
dicator. Oberflachenspannungs- 
surface tensiometer. Öffnungs- 
winkel- apertometer. Pegel- 
transmission measuring set. 
Permeabilitäts- permeaneter. 
Politur- Slossimeter. Pulsschlag- 
cardiotachometer. Pupillenweite- 
korometron. Quotienten- quotient 
meter, ratio m. Röhrenspannungs-, 
Röhrenvolt- vacuum tube voltmeter. 
Roentgendosis- X-ray dosimeter. 
Roentgenstrahlenharte- penetrometer, 
qualimeter. Roentgenstrahlen- 
Roentgen meter, iontoguantimeter 
(Duane's), ionometer. Rückstrah- 
lungs- ref lectometer. Sauerstoff- 

Messer, Saug- 189 

eudiometer. Saug- vacuoneter. 
Schalenwindstarke- cup-type ane- 
mometer. Schallstärke- phononeter, 
sound level meter. Scheltel- 
brechwert- apex refractometer. 
Schl Upfungs- slip meter. 
Schnittbildentfernungs- split- 
field range-finder. S¢hwarzungs- 
densitometer. Schwere- barometer, 
gradiometer (measures gradient of 
earth's gravity field). Schwere-, 
registrierender barograph. 
Schwingaudionwellen- autodyne 
wave or frequency meter. Sicht 
(barkeits)- visibility meter (of 
Lukiesh-Taylor, etc.) Sonnen- 
strahlungswärme- solarimeter, py- 
roheliometer, actinometer (for 
solar flux density measurements ). 
Splegelneigungs- Abney level (to 
measure vertical angles). 
Steigleistungs- rate of climb 
meter ("variometer" measuring both 
rise and descent). Steilheits- 
derivator, tangent meter (for 
curves). Strahlen- radiometer 
(for heat rays), actinometer (for 
actinic r.) Strahlenbrechungs- 
refractometer. Strahlenharte- 
penetrometer (for x-rays). 
Strom-,registrierender recording 
ammeter. Summerwellen- buzzer 
wave meter. Temperatur- bolome- 
ter (of high precision). Tem- 
peratur-, thermoelektrischer 
thermel. Tiefen- fathometer 
(e.8., supersonic and sonic 
types), depth finder. Ton- 
tonvariator, pitchpipe; frequency 
record. Tonschwankungs- flutter 
meter. Tragerfrequenzfern- 
telemeter, metameter (of GE Co., 
using carrier waves). Tropfen- 
stactometer, stalasmometer. 
Trübungs- turbidimeter, opacime- 
ter, nephelometer. Ubersteuerungs- 
overload indicator. Umfangs- 
geschwindigkeits- tachometer 
(e.g., stroboscopic using strobo- 
tron). Vakuum- vacuum gage, 

Messkol ben 

ionization $., vacuometer. 
Verbrauchs- supply meter. 
Wanderwellen- klydonograph, 

surge indicator. Warme- calorime- 
ter, thermometer. Warme-, 
thermoelektrischer thermel. 
Wassersiede- hypsometer. Wellen- 
(s.a. Frequenzmesser) wave meter, 
frequency meter, Fleming's cymome- 
ter, ondometer. Widerstands- 
ohmmeter, megger. Windgeschwindig- 
keits- anemometer, wind meter. 
Winkel- protractor, goniometer, 
angle gage (for eye), angleometer 
(for measuring external angles), 
theodolite (for surveying). 
Wirkverbrauchs- active power 
meter. Zahigkelts- viscosimeter, 
viscometer. Zeit- chronometer, 
time piece, clock, watch. Zeit-, 
registrierender chronoscope, 
chronograph. Zungenfrequenz- 

reed frequency meter. 

Messer-schalter knife (blade) 
switch. -zeiger knife-edge 

Mess-filmeinrichtung time recorder 
on film. -form parison (bottle 
making). -gefass measuring ves- 
sel, graduated v., measure. 

Messgerat, Fern- telemeter, meta- 
meter (of GE Co., using carrier 
impulses). Intensitats- level 
recorder. Mikrozeit- microchrono- 
graph. Wetter-,mit funken- 
telegraphischer Fernübertragung 
radio telemeteorographic instru- 
ment. Zeit- chronographoscope. 

Messing-blasinstrument brass wind in- 
strument. -schlaglot brass 
solder. -späne brass shavings, b. 

Messinstrument, gedampftes aperiodic 
or deadbeat measuring instrument. 
-,ungedampftes ballistic measur- 
ing instrument. Wetter-, mit 
funkentelegraphischer Fernuber- 
tragung radio-telemeteorographic 
instrument, r. sonde. 

Mess-kolben Sraduated flask, 


measuring f., Sage f. -kunde 
metrology. -lehre, Fein- 
micrometer caliper, m. Sage. 
-methodik measuring methodology. 
-okular micrometric eyepiece. 
-pegel measuring level, expected 
l. -schallplatte frequency 
record, phonograph r. bearing 
sliding or constant notes, par- 
lophone record (producing warble 
note). -technik, Fernsprech- 
telephonometry. -trommel gradu- 
ated drum. -umformer measuring 

Messung, quantitative quantitative 
measurement, q. analysis. 
-,stationare deadbeat measurement. 
Abnahme- acceptance test, works 
test. Elementen- stoichiometric 
measurement, stoichiometry. 
Entdämpfungs-Frequenz- sain- 
frequency measurement or test. 
Farb- colorimetry, chromatome- 
trics, chromatometry. Feld- 
land surveying, 1. measuring; 
mapping or plotting of field con- 
figuration or field pattern (in 
an electrolytic tank). Gehér- 
schärfe- audiometry. Kreis- 
cyclometry. Kristall- crystal- 
lometry. Kristallwinkel- 
crystal goniometry. Längen-, 
echte direct measurement of 
length.—,unechte indirect meas- 
urement of length. Leuchtkraft-, 
Licht- photometry, optometry (re: 
eye). Mattierungs- film polish- 
ing measurement, slossimetric nm. 
Strecken- end-to-end measurement, 
straight-away n. 

Mess-wandter measuring transformer, 
instrument t. -zahl numerical 
value, measured v., measuring v. 
-zweige measuring arms. 

Metall, gespritztes die-cast metal. 
Edel- noble metal, precious m., 
rare m. Erdalkali- alkaline- 
earth metal. Misch- mix metal, 
alloy m., "Misch" m. ‘Spiegel- 
specular metal. 

Metall-azid metallic azide. 



-beschreibung metallography. 
-blatt (thin) sheet of metal, m. 
foil, lamina, lamination. -gekratz 
waste metal. -glas enamel. 
-kassette metal darkslide. -kunde 
metallography. -pickelbildung 
(corrosion) pitting. - probe 

assay, test for metal; metal test- 
ing. -schliff polished section, 
micro-section; metal filings. 
-späne metal shavings, turnings, 
borings or chips. -spritzmethode 
meta] spray method (nith Schoop 
$un). -tuch wire cloth. -versetzung 
alloying, alloy. -vorrat metal 
reservoir, pool of Hg (in a mercury- 
vapor are rectifier, etc.) 

Metastellung meta position. 

Meter, Spektralphoto- spectropho- 
tometer. Vakuum- vacuometer, 
vacuum gage. 

Meter-zahl, ausgefahrene reeled-out 
yardage, paid-out y. (airplane 
antenna). -zähler (Film) film 
footage counter. 

Methodik methodics, methodology. 
Mess- measuring methodology. 

Mikro-densogramm microdensitometer 
record. -filter filter for micro- 
graphic work. 

Mikrometer, Funken- micrometric 
spark-discharge gap. Kugel- 
spherical micrometer. Objekt- 
stage micrometer. Okularnetz- 
micrometer with reticle eyepiece. 
Uber- ultra-micrometer. 

Mikrometerschraube micrometric 
screw, micrometer. 

Mikro-nernstlampe Nernst lamp of a 
microscope. -nutsche micro- 
funnel, m. suction filter. 

Mikrophon, bewegl iches, entfesseltes 
following microphone. -,1lichtemp- 
findliches light-sensitized cell, 
l. microphone. -,membranloses 
diaphragmless microphone, catho- 
dophone, glow-discharge nm. 
astatic microphone. Atmen des - s 
breathing (slow changes in re- 
sistance and response) of a 

Mikrophon, Band- 

carbon microphone. Band-, 
Bändchen- ribbon microphone, band 
m., velocity m. Besprechungs- 
sound pickup microphone. 
Bewegungs- velocity microphone, 
pressure- gradient m. Brust- 
breast-plate microphone or trans- 
mitter. Doppelkohle- push-pull 
carbon microphone. Einblendungs- 
fade-in and mixing microphone. 
Flammen- flame microphone, f. 
transmitter. Gegenkontakt- 
push-pull microphone. Gitter- 
grille-type microphone. Kehlkopf- 
laryngophone, throat microphone. 
Kohle-carbon microphone. Kon- 
densator- condenser microphone, 
electrostatic m. Kristall- 
piezo-electric microphone, crystal 
m. Lausch- pickup microphone, p. 
transmitter, detectophone. Post- 
solid-back transmitter, carbon- 
back microphone. Raum non-direction- 
al (polydirectional) microphone. 
Richt- directional microphone 
(unidirectional, bidirectional, 
etc.), non-astatic m. Schall- 
acoustic microphone. Schüttel- 
granule microphone. Stab- carbon- 
stick microphone. Tauchspulen- 
moving-coil microphone. 

Mikrophon-ansprechkonstante sensi- 
tivity constant of microphone. 
-antenne microphone boom, m. 
outrigger. -atmen breathing of 
microphone (due to slow changes 
in resistance and response, in 
carbon m.) -einblendung fade-in 
and mixing of microphones. 
-einsprache acoustic inlet of 
microphone. -galgen microphone 
boom. -gerausch microphonic 
noise (carbon noise), valve 
noise. -schmoren mike stew 
(noise). -verstarker microphone 
anplifier, m. pre-a. 

mikrophotographisch photomicro- 

Mikro-photozellen globules of 

_ mosaic. screen (in iconoscope), 


-raffer camera for stop-motion or 
time-lapse motion micrography. 
Mikroskop, bildaufrichtendes image- 
erecting microscope. Durchstrah- 
lungsuber- transmission-type ultra- 

microscope. Einstell- focusing 
microscope. Elektronen- electron 
microscope. Elektronenraster- 

electron scan microscope, raster 
m. Hornhaut- corneal microscope. 
Kugel- ball-stage microscope. 
Licht- optical microscope, light 
m., light-optical m. Raster- 
electron-scan microscope, raster 
or screen-scan m. Schatten- 
shadow microscope. über- electron 
ultra-microscope, e. super- 

Mikroskop-aufbau,-aufhangung micro- 
scope mounting. -bügel saddle of 
microscope, bracket of m. 

Mikroskopie microscopic optics. 

Mikroskopiker microscopist. 

Mikroskop-revolver revolving nose- 
piece. -schleuse airlock (chan- 
ber) of electron microscope. 
-spektralkamera microspectroscopic 
camera. -trager microscope stage. 
-verschiebung,Langs— und Quer- 
axial and cross adjustment (in 
electron microscope ). 

Mikro-telephon microtelephone trans- 
mitter, transceiver, combination 
handset. -wage micro-balance. 
-wellen micro or hyperfrequency 
waves (1 to 100 cm). -zeitmessgerät 

Milchglas opal glass, frosted $., 
light-diffusing §. 

mild mild, soft, gentle. 

Milderunsgründe extenuating circun- 
stances, mitigating c. 

Milieufilm"milieu" film. 

Milopam German trade-name for poly- 
venyl chloride. 

Minderer, Druck- pressure reducer, 
relief valve. 

Mindest-voltgeschwindigkeit appear- 
ance (or minimum) potential. 
-wertanzeiger minimum (voltage) 

Minimalrelais 192 

Minimalrelais no-load relay. 

minimum separabile (of eye). 
-bereinigung zero une (df). 
-peilung minimum (or zero) sig- 
nal direction-finding method. 
-schärfen zero cleaning, z. 
sharpening (df). -verfahren 
method based on minimum devia- 
tion (opt.) -wertzeiger mini- 
mum (voltage) indicator. 

Minutenzeiger minutes hand (of 

mischbar miscible, mixable. 
-,gegenseitig consolute (misci- 
ble in all proportions). 

Misch-barkeit, Nicht- non-misci- 
bility, immiscibility. -brett 
mixing panel, monitoring p., 
supervising p. 

mischen mix, mingle, blend, 
adulterate, alloy, combine, 

Mischer mixer, fader, blender, 
(ac.,etc. ), mixing booth, 

"aquarium" (m.p. studio 
slang) -,finfgliedriger 
five-channel mixer. Ton- 
tone fader, t. mixer. 

Mischerschaltung keying or mixer 
tube scheme (for adding sync 
and video signals). 

Misch-gerat mixer bus. -hexode, 
Fading- a.v.c. mixer hexode. 
-kristall crystalline solid 
solution, mixed crystal. 
-metall mixed metal, alloy, 
"Misch-metall." -molekül 
mixed molecule (loosely asso- 
ciated molecular union). 
-peilung taking bearings on 
board, without directional re- 
ceiver, from directive beacon. 
-pult mixing desk, monitoring 
d., supervising d. -pult, 
fahrbares dolly or cart-type 
mixer, teawagon console m. 
-regler mixing control. -röhre 
mixer tube. -röhre, selbst- 
schwingende self-heterodyning 
mixer tube, autodyne. 


-signal signal spectrum (containing 
video and sync impulses, telev.) 
-stufe mixer stage, m.-first de- 
tector s. -tafel mixing panel, 
monitoring p., supervising p. 
-tisch mixing desk, monitoring d. 

Mischungs-lücke miscibility gap. 
-rechnung alligation (math. ) 

Mischwalzwerk set of mixing rollers. 

miss-farbig discolored, inharmonious 
in colors. -lungener Teil rejected 
take (m.p. ) 

Miss-ton distorted sound, off-pitch 
note. -verhältnis disproportion, 
asymmetry, disparity. 

missweisend(er)Kurs uncorrected bear- 
ing, magnetic heading, m. course, 
-Nord uncorrected or magnetic north. 

Missweisung, Orts- local declina- 

Missweisungsglelchen isogonic lines, 

Miszelle micelle 

Mit-arbeiter fellow worker, collabora- 
tor, co-worker, contributor, as- 
sistant. -bewegung relative mo- 
tion (of atomic nucleus), co- 
movement, associate motion. 
-fuhrungskoeffizient (Fresnel) 
coefficient of drag. 

mitgenommene, selbständige Kipp- 
methode self-running controlled 
time-base method (telev.) 

Mithör-einrichtung side-tone circuit. 
-schalter, -schlüssel listening 

Mitkoppeln determining of course or 
fix, by dead reckoning (naviga- 

Mitkopplung positive regeneration, 

p- feed-back; spurious or unde- 
sired f. 

mitlaufende Spannung follower po- 

Mitlauter consonant. 

Mitnahme synchronization, pull-in- 
step, locking-in; locking of cir- 
cuit. -bereich range of forced 
oscillations, "entrainment" 
range, coherence r., pull-in- 
step r. 


Mitnehmen (bei Entladung) drift (in 

Mitnehmer part carrying, dragging 
or driving along another part: 
driver, carrier, gripper, catch, 
dog, nose, clutch, engaging 
piece, etc., entrainment means. 

mit-reissen entrain, carry, drag or 
pull along. -schwingen co- 
vibrate, oscillate in resonance, 
sympathy or unison, be in syn- 
pathetic vibration. -schwingend- 
(er) Leiter equi-frequent con- 
ductor, resonant or co-vibrant c. 
-schwingend(e) Saite sympathetic 
string or chord. 

Mitschwingung co-vibration, syn- 
pathetic v. 

Mittags-kreis,-linie meridian. 

Mitte center (point), middle, mid- 
point (of tapping). 

Mittel middle, medium, expedient, 
means, remedy, agency; mean 
(math), average. 

Mittel, Füll- filler, filling, 
stuffing, loading material or 
compound. Schalt-' circuit ele- 
ment, c. means. 

Mittel-anzapfung center tap, mid 
(point) t. -bildhelligkeit 
average illumination, back- 
ground i., mean brightness val- 
ve of picture. -blende middle 
diaphragm. -ecke lateral summit 
(cryst.) -feld central field 
(of vision). -frequenz(cf. 
Wellenabgrenzung) medium frequency 
m. wave. 

mittelgedampfter Raum moderately 
live roon. 

Mittel-glied intermediate member 
(of a series). -lage tenor (of 
voice). -Jichter half tones, 
average shading values. © -linle 
der Funkpeilstation center line 
of approach sector. -linlen- 
kondensator logarithmic capaci- 
tor (in which relation capacity: 
angle obeys 1. law). -lot 
median perpendicular. 

mitteln average, ascertain mean 



Mittelpunkt center, c. point, mid- 
point (of tapping). Kriimmungs- 
center of curvature. -tastschal- 
tung center-tap key modulator 

Mittel-schenkel center leg, c. limb. 
-senkrechte median perpendicular. 
-wert, quadratischer virtual or 
root-mean-square (rms) value. 

Mitten-abstand distance between 
successive rulings (in diffrac- 
tion grating, indicated by grat- 
ing constant). -eindruck 
oe balance (in sound locat- 

mittenrichtig centered, co-centric. 

Mittenscharfe central definition, 
sharpness of center. 

mittensymmetrisch centro-symmetrical. 

mittig co-axial, concentric. -, aussen- 
eccentric, off-center. 

Mittigkeit centrality, centricity. 

mittler mean, average, mediun, 
central, mid...-(e) freie 
Wegl ange mean free length of 
ath. -(e) Helligkeit average 
Uesekeronnd) illumination (telev. ) 

Mittungsstift centering pin. 

mitziehen (s.a.Ziehvorgang und ziehen) 
draw, drag or pull along, pull in 
step, tug; warp. 

Mn(Motorgeräusch im Norden) noise 
of motor north signal. 

Modell, Atom- (R-B) atom model or 

conception. Einteilchen- single 
particle model. Mutter- master 

Modellierton modeling clay. 

Modellschreiner wood pattern maker. 

modeln modulate by pulse-time 
modulation ia): amplitude m. 
(a-m), frequency m. (f-m) or 
phase m. (p-m); model, mold. 

Modul, piezo-elektrisches 
piezo-electric modulus. 

Modulation, additive upward modula- 
tion. -, subktraktive downward 

Modulation auf Dunkel modulation 
to dark condition, negative n. 
-auf Hell modulation to light 
condition, positive m. -der Stimme 

Modulation, Absorptions- 194 

inflection of voice. 

Modulation, Absorptlons- absorp- 
tion modulation, Heising n. 
Dichte- (charge) density modula- 
tion. Elektronenstrom- electron 
quantity modulation, m. of 
bunched e. stream. Frequenz- 
frequency modulation Gegen- 
opposite modulation. Ge- 
schwindigkeits- velocity modula- 
tion. Gitter- grid modulation, 8. 
control (Brit. ). Intensitats- 
intensity, brightness or bril- 
liance modulation. Kreuz- 
cross modulation. Leitungsstrom- 
conduction current modulation. 
Null phasen-null phase modulation. 
Parallelröhren- Heising modula- 
tion, choke m., plate m., con- 
stant-current m. Phasen- phase 
modulation. Puls- pulse modula- 
tion (used in radar). Quer- 
cross modulation. Reihenröhren- 
constant-potential modulation. 
Spannungs- velocity modulation. 
Zelt- velocity (variable-speed) 
modulation; variable-speed scan. 

Modulationsfrequenz modulation 
frequency, signal f. 

modulationsgesteuerter Sender 
transmitter in which amplitude 
varies with AF amplitude, AF 
nodulated transmitter. 

Modulations-grad percentage modu- 
lation, m. percentage, degree of 
m., depth of m. -gradkontrolle 
modulation meter. -röhre mixer 
tube, modulator t. -tiefe cf. 

Modulator, besprochener voice-in- 
pressed or voice-actuated modula- 

Modulator, Licht,- light relay, 
any device adapted to reconvert 
current into light or brightness 
variations, e.8., television 
receiver lamps, Kerr cells, modu- 
lated neon lamps, c.-r. tubes 
etc. Licht-,selbstleuchtender 
light relay of the glow-tube, 
neon arc lamp, sodium lamp, etc. 


type. Licht-, (Fremdlicht) 
light relay of the Kerr cell, 
Karolus c., etc., types adapted 
to reconvert currents into 
brightness variations by the use 
of a constant independent ray 

Modulierbarkeit modulability, 
modulation capability. 

Modulus, Drillings-, Schiebungs- 
torsion modulus, shear n., 
rigidity m. 

modulieren s. modeln. 

Mohr, Platinum- platinum black. 
Quecksilber- black mercuric 

moireartiges Geräusch moire pattern 
of noise. 

Moiréeffekt moiré or watered-silk 
pattern (in photography). 

moirieren water; cloud (fabrics). 

Molekül, unstarres non-rigid 
molecule. Ketten- chain molecule. 
Kreisel- top molecule, spinning nm. 
Misch- mixed molecule (in a loosely 
associated or 1. bound molecular 

Molekul aggregate molecular clusters. 

Molekular-gewicht (Mol.-Gew.) molar 
weight, gram-molecular w. -strahlen 
molecular rays, m. bean. 

Molekül-haufen molecular clusters. 
-sieb micro-filter. -spektrum 
molecular spectrun. 

Molenverhältnis molar ratio, mole r. 

Molisierung re-combination (of ions 
in gas). 

molletieren mill, knurl (coins, 
etc. ) 

Mol-norm molal. -verhältnis 
molar ratio, mole r. -volumen 
molar volume. -wärme molar heat. 

Moment, Brems- brake torque, re- 
tarding t. (in a meter). Dreh- 
torque, moment of rotation. Kern- | 
nuclear (magnetic) moment. 

Massen- moment of inertia, ro- 
tational i. Reibungs- friction 

Moment-bild instantaneous photo- 
graph, snapshot. -prozess 


m-process, evanescence p. (in 
decay of phosphorescence). 
-transport momentum transfer. 

monaurales Hören monaural recep- 
tion, m. listening. 

Möndchen lune, meniscus. 

mondförmig crescent-shaped, lunate, 

monoatomar monatonic. 

Mono-chord monochord, sonometer 
(with one string) -chromasie 
monochromatism, monochromasia, 
(condition of electrons being 
of like wave-length and like 

monochromatisierend, selbst- 
auto-monochromatic (e.g., when 
an instrument becomes its own 
monochromator ). 

monomolekularer Film monolayer, 
monomolecular layer (adsorbed 

Monopackverfahren mono-pack method. 
Montage setting-up, mounting, erec- 
tion, installation or assembly 

(work), fitting. 

Montagekople first answer print. 

Morsepunkte, breite lengthened dots. 
-spitze clipped dots. 

Mosaik-block mosaic block (cr.). 
-platte target, mosaic plate 
(telev.). -rohre, doppelseitige 
image multiplier iconoscope. 
-schirm mosaic (of iconoscope). 
-schirm, Uberfahren durch Strahl 
sweep out mosaic with bean. 

Motor-geräusch im Norden(Mn) noise 
of motor North signal. -unter- 
brecher motor-drive make-and-break. 

u F microfarad (mfd, mf). 

ku F picofarad, micromicrof,. 

Muffe muff, sleeve, bush, socket 
joint, clamp, coupling box. 
Röhren- pipe socket. 

Muffenverbindung socket joint. 

Mühle, Licht- radiometer (of 

Mulde, Potential- potential well, 
p. hole. 

Multipletten multiplets. 

Mund mouth, opening, muzzle, vent, 

195 Mutung 

Mundharmonika mouth harmonica, m. 

mündliche Verhandlung oral hearing. 

Mund-offnung, Trichter- mouth open- 
ing of horn, largest flare. 
-stück, Trichter- throat of horn. 
-stücköffnung chink between mouth- 
piece and reed (of clarinet). 

Miindung mouth, aperture, orifice. 

Miindungs-geschwindigkelt muzzle vel- 
ocity. -wucht kinetic energy at 
the muzzle. 

murbe mellow, tender, soft 
friable, short (of metal ). 

Muse-Empfana multiple-unit steerable 
antenna reception, musa r. 

Muschel, Augen- eye cup. Hör-, 
Ohren- ear cap, earpiece. Okular- 
eyepiece cup. 

Muschelalas globular lens. 

muschelig shelly, conchoidal. 

Musikwerk musical automaton, mechani- 
cal music instrument, "jute box" 

Muster, Gerausch- noise pattern. 
‘§téGr- spurious or false pattern 
(in iconoscope picture). 

muster-gultig serving as a model, 
standard or ideal, classic. 
-haft standard, typical, ex- 

Musterkopie master copy, m. print. 

Mutter mother disk, master matrix « 
(in phonograph record making). 

Mutter, gesicherte lock nut, jam n. 
Daumen- thumb nut. Flügel- 
winged nut, butterfly n. Gegen- 
lock, clamp, check, jam or bind- 


ing nut. Kordel- milled nut, 
knurled n. Schrift- type nold, 
matrix. Uberwurf- castle nut. 

Mutter-form master mold (cer. ); 
parent (al) form. -frequenz 
master frequency. -gewinde 
female screw thread. -modeli 
master pattern. -schlüssel 
(nut) wrench, spanner. -schraube 
bolt and nut. -sender key sta- 
tion, master s. (in chain broad- 
casting). -substanz parent sub- 
Stance. -uhr master clock. 
-verschluss nut lock. 

Mutung, Funk- radio prospecting, r. 
metal locating. 

Nabe nave, hub, boss. 

Nabelpunkt umbilic. 

nachahmen imitate, copy, mimic; 
counterfeit, adulterate. 

Nach-anmeldung supplementary ap- 

nacharbeiten finish, dress, re-mill, 
re-trin, re-true (up or off). 

Nach-aufnahme re-take. -baratome, 
nächstnähere next nearest neighbor 
atoms. -beliichtung post-exposure. 
-beschleunigung after-accelera- 
tion, post-a., acceleration by 
second gun. anode. -beschleuni- 
gungselektrode second or addi- 
tional gun anode or accelerator 
electrode, after-accelerator. 
-bild after-image; copy, imita- 
tion, replica. 

nachbilden copy, reproduce, imitate; 
balance, simulate. -,neu re- 

Nachbildung, Grund- basic network. 
Leitungs- balancing network, arti- 
ficial b. line Neu- rebalancing. 

Nachbildwirkung persistence of vi- 
sion (in form of after-image). 

nacheilen lag, trail (behind). 

Nacheilwinkel angle of lag. 

nacheinander one after another, 
successively, sequentially, con- 
secutively, seriatim. -färben 
dye again, counterstain. 

Nach-fliessen after-flow (of metals), 
persistence of plastic f., elas- 
tic after-effect. -folgekern 
product nucleus. -forschung 
research, search, investigation. 
-frist time extension, respite. 
-fUhrung des Rahmens re-setting 
or pea oes of frame or coil 

nach-geben give way, yield, concede. 
-geschaltete Stufe higher stage, 
end s., power s. -giebig yield- 

ing, flexible, pliable. 

Nach-giebigkeit compliance, yielding- 
ness. -glühen after-glow, phos- 
phorescence. -glühcharakteristik 
persistence characteristic. -hall 
echo, reverberation; resonance. 
-halldauer, Ubertriebene excessive 
reverberation period. 

nachhallen dying down of sound (in 
an acoustically live room). 

Nachhall-kammer, -raum reverberation 
room, enclosure or space. -zeit 
reverberation period. 

nachhaltig lasting, enduring, per- 

Nach-konzentration re-focusing, ac- 
tion of second lens. -ladeerschei- 
nungen phenomena associated with 
absorption current and residual 
charge (of condenser). 

nachlassen temper, anneal (glass, 
metals, ni slacken, relax, 

Nachlauf-einstellung automatic re- 
setting of direction-finder to 
zero. -peiler direction-finder 
in wnich readjustment to zero is 
effected automatically. -profil 
wake profile. -stufe (cathade) 
follower stage. 

Nachleuchten after-glow, phos- 
phorescence, persistence of light 
or of vision (on retina). Ver- 
minderer des Nachleuchtens killer, 

nachmessen check dimensions, check-up 

of measurements, test figures, etc. - 

Nach-prüfung re-examination, re- 
check, verification, review. 
-reifung maturing (of film). 

Nachricht communication, intelli- 
gence, information, signals; news. 
-Ubermittelung signalling, intelli- 
gence transmission. 

nachrichten re-align, re-straighten, 

Nachr ichtensystem 

readjust, re-set. 

Nachrichten-system, Mehrfach- 
multiplex signal systen. 
communication or signal art or 
technics, signal work. 

Nach-schlagewerk reference work. 
-schlUssel master key, pass key. 
-schrift picture re-creation; 
postscript. -schub, Kohlen- 
carbon feed (arc lamp). 

nachstellbar regulable, re-ad- 
Justable, resettable. 

Nachstellung, Bild- framing of 
picture, racking of p. (m.p.), 
centering control (telev.) 
Bild-,falsche misframing, out- 
of-frame condition. Blenden- 
phasing of shutter (film work). 

Nachstimmung, Rahmen— re-setting 
or re-check of frame or coil 
tuning (in automatic radio cor- 

Nachstimmungskondensator aligning 
condenser, trimming capacitor; 
vernier c. 

nächstnähere Nachbaratome next 
nearest neighbor atons. 

nachsuchen apply (for a patent), 
file (a petition). 

Nachsynchronisieren post-scoring 
(a silent film), dubbing, scor- 
ing (first picture, then sound), 

Nachsynchronisierung (von Trick- 
film mit synchronisch sprin- 
gendem Ball) bouncing ball syn- 

nachtblindes Auge night-blind eye, 
nyctalopic e. 

Nacht-blindheit hemeralopia, 
nyctalopia. -effekt night ef- 
fect, polarization error, di- 
rectional or quadrantal errors 
(in general), 

nachteffektfrei nisht-effect-free, 
free from n.e. or polarization 

Nach-teil disadvantage, injury, 
prejudice, loss, detriment, 
shortcoming, demerit, incon- 
venience, difficulty. -trans- 



port take-up sprocket action. 

Nachtstreckenbefeuerung route beacon 
for night flying service. 

Nach-verstärker amplifier in stage 
above input stage, (mostly) 
power amplifier. -vertonung 
dubbing, re-recording of sound 

nachweisen detect, discover, prove, 
demonstrate, identify; point out, 
refer to 

Nachwickel-rolle take-up reel or 
spindle, hold-back sprocket. 
-trommel take-up sprocket. 

Nachwickler (lower) take-up sprocket. 

Nachwirkung after-effect, secondary 
e., accompanying e.; hysteresis, 
persistence, decay (period). 
-,elektrische electric after- 
effect (persistence of strain). 
-,magnetische magnetic fatigue, 
mn. after-effect, residual loss 
(of matals). -,plastische 
plastic flow persistence, after- 
flow, elastic after-effect. 

Nachwirkungs-strom absorption cur- 
rent, c. of residual charge (of a 
condenser). -verlust residual - 

Nachwirkzeit decay period. 

Nadel, Abfühl- selecting needle or 
pin, pecker. Abspiel- needle, 
stylus (riding in groove). 

nadelférmig needle-shaped, acicular. 

Nadel-funkenstrecke needle-point 
spark-gap, needle §. -geräusch- 
filter needle scratch filter 
(phon. ) -reibung needle friction 
(causing stylus drag). -schalter 
vibrating reed rectifier. 

Nadelton stylus or needle-recorded 
and reproduced sound. -ansatz 
sound on disk attachment or head. 
-verfahren sound on disk method. 
-verstarker phonograph amplifier. 
-zusatz sound on disk attachment. 

Nähe nearness, vicinity, neighbor- 
hood, proximity, propinguity, 
closeness, adjacency, contiguity. 
Sonnen- perihelion. 

Naheinstellung short-range focus, 

naheliegen 198 

nabel legen be or lie near, border 
(on),be adjacent or contiguous; 
be patent, obvious, evident or 

Näherung approach, approximation, 

Näherungsformel approximate formula, 
a, equation. 

nahestehend intimately related or 
connected, affiliated. 

Nah-feld vicinity ar short-range 
field (of antenna). -pellung 
close-range direction-finding. 
-punkt near point. 

Nährboden nutritive substratun, 
nutrient mediun. 

Nahschwund radio fadeout or fading 
60-100 miles around transmitter 
site. -antenne low-angle or 
short-range fading antenna. 

Nah-signalmittel short-distance or 
s. range signal means. -störungen 
'nearby interference (fron 
sources close to receiver). 

nahtlos seamless, jointless. 

Nahtschwelssung seam welding. 

Nahverkehrsbezirk local control 
zone, approach c.z. 

namhaft famous, well known, re- 
nowned, reputable, considera- 
ble, appreciable. 

Napf bowl, basin, pan, cup. 

Narbe scar, seam, grain (of 
leather and paper), pit, de- 
fect, flaw, pock. Rost- rust 
pit. Schneld- cutting scar. 

Narbung pocking. 

Nase catch, lug, nose, beak, can, 
tappet; projection, spout, noz- 
zle. Klink- detent, latch. 

Nasenkeil jib, key. 

Nassverfahren wet process. 

Natriumleuchte sodium lamp. 

naturahniich realistic, true or 
similar to nature. 

Natur-erscheinung natural phe- 
nomenon, n. process, n. action. 
-farbfilm natural color film. 
-forscher investigator of na- 
ture or in field of natural 
sciences, n. philosopher, nat- 


naturharter Stahl self-hardening 


Naturlehre natural science, n. 


natürliche zahl natural number. 
Natürlichkeit der Wiedergabe faith- 

fullness, fidelity or realism of 

Naturtreue fidelity, faithfulness, 

realistic properties. 

Navigation, Flugzeug- avigation, air- 

craft navigation, aircraft pilot- 
ing. Koppel- navigation by dead 
reckoning. Richtungs-,Seiten- 
directional navigation. Strecken- 
long-distance (air) navigation or 
avigation. Vertikal- vertical 
guidance, v. avigation. 

Navigationsfeuer navigational or 

maritime radio beacon. 

Nawimembrane cone diaphragm of 

curved profile, curvilinear cone, 

Nebel nebula (spectroscopy), mist, 
fog, veil (phot.). Stör- chief 
interference zone, maximum noise 
z. -apparat atomizer. -kamera 
cloud chamber. -landung blind 
landing, instrument l. -spur- 
methode Wilson cloud track or 
chamber method (streak of drop- 
lets produced by a particle). 

Neben-achse lateral axis (of rhombic 

crystal); secondary a. -apparat 
accessory equipment, auxiliary 
apparatus. -bestandtell sec- 
ondary ingredient. -betrieb 
by-operation, secondary process, 
side-line. -bewels secondary 
proof, additional evidence. -bild 
ghost image. -bindung secondary 
union, s. bond, linkage of the 
second order. 

nebeneinander in parallel (electrical 

connection). -stellen juxtapose, 
place side by side or alongside. 

Neben-entladung lateral discharge 

stray d., secondary d. -erzeugnis 
by-product. -fläche secondary face. 
-geräusch extraneous noise (m.p.); 
ambient n. (in sound locating). 
-Intervenient co-intervener, 


-kette side chain, subordinate c. 
-klage incidental action. -kläger 
co-plaintiff. -kopplungsschwing- 
ung spurious oscillation. -licht 
(auf Platte)lisht-shot (on film). 
-linie secondary line, branch line, 
satellite (spectr.) -maximum 
secondary radiation, lateral r., 
s. lobe or ear (in directional 
characteristic or space pattern). 
-patent sub-patent, collateral 

or subordinate patent. -peil- 
stelle associate direction-finder 
ground station. -reaktion side 
reaction, secondary r. -rohr 
Side or branch tube or pipe. 

Nebenschluss, Ayrton'scher univer- 
sal shunt, Ayrton s: Gitter- 
grid leak. -feder shunting 
spring, off-normal s. -kondensa- 
tor by-pass condenser. -resonanz 
parallel resonance.. 

Neben-setzung juxtaposition. 
-sprechdämp fung cross-talk trans- 
mission equivalent, cross-talk 
attenuation. -stelle, Peil- 
associated direction-finder. 

-uhr secondary clock. -umstände 
collateral circumstances, c. fac- 
tors. -weg by-path. -winkel ad- 
jacent angle, adjoining a. 
-zipfel minor lobe, m. ear (of 
space pattern). 

Negativ, Meister-,0riginal- 
master negative, metal master (of 
phonograph record). Rahmen- 
rack negative. 

Negativ-ebene negative plane, n. 
aperture (of film printer). 
-farbauszüge separation nega- 
tives. -gamma negative gamma (y). 
-lack transparent negative 
varnish. -schwärzung negative 
density. -umfang intensity 
range or latitude of a negative. 
-widerstandsröhre dynatron type 
of tube with negative resistance 

Nehmer, Lizenz- licensee, grantee. 

Neigekopf tilting head (tripod). 

Neigung inclination, tendency, 
‚slope,pitch, dip, trend, Schwingungs- 

tendency to oscillate or "spill-over" 



Strahl- inclination of ray. 

Neigungs-differenz difference of 
vergence. -ebene inclined plane. 
-messer clinometer (to measure 
angles of slope), Abney level (to 
measure vertical angles). -messer 

zum Messen von Neigungen im 
Meeresboden) clinometer for 
measuring sea bottom slopes. 
-messer, Kreisel- bank-and-turn 
indicator. -winkel inclination 
(angle), a. of slope, a.of dip. 
-winkelmesser clinometer. 

Nenner, General-,Haupt- common 

Nenn-reichweite rated range, nominal 
r. -wert nominal, rated, assessed, 
normal, expected or face value. 

Neonflächengl immlampe plate neon 
lamp (telev. ) 

-lautstärkemesser neon tube vol- 
ume indicator. 

Nernstlampe, Mikro- Nernst micro- 
scope lamp. 

Nerven-reiz nervous stimulus. 
-taubheit perception or nerve in- 
pairment of hearing, n. of per- 
ception deafness. 

Netz (of Gitter) net, netting, 
gauze, network, reticle, graticule, 
reticulation, reticulum, grate, 
lattice, grid. 

Netz, Anodenschutz- screen grid, 
plate shield. Anpassungs- match- 
ing network. Erddraht- ground 
mat. Grad- graticle, reticle, map 
grid. Hilfs- auxiliary (control) 
grid. Karten- graticle, map grid. 
Raumlade- space-charge grid. 
Schutz- shield or screen grid; 
protective network. Spannungs- 
space-charge grid. Strecken- 
air routes. Verstärker- 
amplifier channel. 

Netz-anode plate fed from power 
unit or light socket. -anschluss- _ 
gerät (strictly:) power pack, power 
unit; power converter set, electric 
S., maıns-Operated radio s. 
-antenne,Licht- light socket or 
lighting circuit antenna, lamp- 
socket a. : 


netzartig (s.a. Netz) netlike, 
reticular,reticulate, grate-, 
grid- or grating-like, 

Netz-bedeckung coverage factor. 
-bildung reticulation, netting. 
-brummen mains hum, motor boating 
(of a-c), a-c pickup. -drossel 
hum eliminator coil, hum-bucking 
c. -ebene lattice plane, plane 
family of a crystal. -ebenenab- 
stand grating constant (spectr. ); 
inter-lattice plane distance, 
distance between successive 
planes indicative of lattice con- 
stant (cr.) 

netzen wet, moisten, steep, soak. 

netzférmig net-shaped, reticular, 

Netzgerät electric set, mains- 
operated set, power-pack or power- 
unit s., power-unit electric 
radio s. 

Netzhaut retina. -bild retinal 

image. -tragheit retinal per- 
sistence. -zentersehen foveal 

Netz-mikrometer, Okular- micrometer 
with reticle eyepiece. -stecker 
power supply plug, light-socket p. 
-struktur cellular network, lat- 
tice, reticular structure, reticu- 
lation. -ton mains hum, line h. 
-transformator power transformer, 
mains t. -unruhe mains or sup- 
ply-line ripple or fluctuation. 
-verstärker, -verviel facher 
mesh multiplier, m. amplifier 
(with secondary emission, seria- 
tion or cascading of electron- 
permeable fine-mesh targets). 
-werk network, reticulum. -werk, 
Trenn- dividing network. 

Neu-aktivierung der Kathode re- 
activation or rejuvenation of a 
cathode. -gestaltung re-or- 
ganization, re-arrangement, modi- 
fication. -heit novelty, origi- 

neu-heitsschädlich anticipatory, 
rendering novelty negative. 



-nachbilden re-balance. ~ 

neunwertig nonavalent. 

Neusilber argentan, German 

neutral einstellen adjust to 
neutral, set to n. 

neutraler Schirm neutral screen. 

Neutral isations-kondensator 
balancing or neutralizing con- 
denser. -schaltung neutrodyne 
circuit organization. 

Neutroneneinfang neutron capture. 

nichtabgestimmt untuned, aperiodic. 

Nicht-anerkennung non-acknowledg- 
ment. -beobachtung non-observance. 

nicht-berechtigt disqualified, not 
entitled. -bevorzugte Orientie- 
rung random orientation, non- 
preferential o., non-privileged 
o. or direction. -dissoziiert 
undissociated, non-d. 

Nicht-eisenmetalle non-ferrous 
metals, non-iron m. -erfüllung 
non-performance, non-fulfillment, 
default. -erscheinen non-ap- 
pearance, non-attendance, ab- 
sence, default, contenpt. 

nichtgerichtetes Mikrophon astatic 
microphone, non-directional m. 

nichtig null, void, invalid, an- 

Nichtigkeits-abteilung annul- 
ment department. -beschwerde 
plea of nullity. -erklärung 
declaration of nullity, 
annulment or cancellation. 
-klage action or suit for can- 
cellation, annulment or in- 
validation. $ 

nicht-ionisiert unionized, non- 
ionized. -kommutative Algebra 
non-commutative (vector) algebra. 
-kondensierte Hochstromentladung 
uncondensed heavy-currerit dis- 
charge. -kristallisch amorphous, 

Nichteiter non-conductor. 

nicht-leuchtende Flamme roaring 
flame. -lineare Verzerrung 
non-linear distortion. - 


-linearität lack of linearity, 
non-l. -metall nonmetal. 

nichtmischbar immiscible, nonmisci- 
ble; unsoluble, insoluble, in- 

Nichtmischbarkeit non-miscibility, 

nicht-reproduzierbar non-reproduci- 
ble, non-controllable. -resonie- 
rend aperiodic, non-resonant. 
-rostend rust-proof, stainless, 
rust-free. -sphärisch non-sphe- 
rical, aspherical. -ständig non- 
permanent, temporary, transient, 
transitory. -symmetrisch asyn- 
metric, unilateral. -umwandelbar 
inconvertible. -vergasbar non- 
gasifiable, non-volatile. -wäs- 
serig non-aqueous, anhydrous. 

Nicht-zahlung default of payment, 
non-payment. -zerfallbarkeit 
non-disintegrability, non-fission- 

nichtzerstörende Prüfung non-de- 
structive test. 

nieder-drücken press dom, force d., 
depress or touch (a key or but- 
ton). -fallen fall dom, drop, 
precipitate, settle. 

Niederfrequenz-drosselsatz low-pass 
filter. -röhre AF tube, low fre- 
quency t., "apple" (m.p. studio 

Nieder-führung downlead. -gang de- 
scent, decline, domward stroke or 
travel, lowering movement or 

niederlegen lay down, put d., de- 

Niederschlag precipitate, precipita- 
tion, (radio-active) deposit, 
sediment, settlement. -arbeit 
precipitation process, iron-reduc- 
tion work. -gefäss precipitating 
vessel. -mittel precipitant. 

Niederschlags-apparat precipitator 
(Cottrell). -potential deposition 

nierenförmig reniform, kidney-shaped 
(for instance, condenser plate). 



Niete, Loch- hollow rivet, tubular r. 

Niet-schaft rivet shank, r. stem. 
-teilung rivet spacing, r. pitch. 
-verbindung riveted joint. 

Nipkowscheibe Nipkow scanning disk. 

Nitrierstahl nitriding steel, nitral- 
loy s. 

Nitrierung nitrification, nitrogen, 
nitridation (steel). 

Nitrobenzol nitrobenzene. 

Niveau level. 

Niveau, Energie- energy level, quan- 
tum state, term. Grund- background 
level (or average) illumination 
(telev.). Stör- noise level. 

Niveau-flache level surface; equipo- 
tential or isop. surface. -röhre 
level tube, leveling t. -stufe 
term, energy level (of electrons). 

nivellieren equalize, smooth, bring 
down to an average level, grade, 

Nivellierer, Spannungsspitzen- vol- 
tage peak limiter. 

Nocken cam, lifter, tappet, disk or 
wheel with lobes. +, zweistufiger 
double-lift cam. Leerlauf- delayed 
pulse trip cam. Schalt- trip can, 
trigger c. Steuer- sequence switch 

Noiseless, Gegentakt- split-wave 
noiseless film recording. -blende 
biasing or noise-reducing stop or 
shutter vane or gate. -stromkreis 
back-ground noise reducing circuit, 
noise gating c. 

Nomogramm straight-line or alignment 
chart, self-computing c., mono- 

Nonius-einteilung, -skala vernier 

Nonne mold matrix. 

Nord, missweisend uncorrected north, 
magnetic n. -,‚rechtweisend cor- 
rected north. 

Norddrehfehler northerly turning er- 

nördliche, Breite northern latitude. 

Nordlicht aurora borealis. -linie 
green auroral line. 

Norm 202 

Norm standard, norm, model. 

Norm, Vor- preliminary standard, 
tentative s. 

Normal-bildkadre standard picture 
frame. -essig standard vinegar, 
proof v. -flüssigkeit normal or 
standard solution or lgquid. 

normalglühen normalize. 

normalisieren standardize, normal- 
ize (brief heating slightly above 
A, point). 

Normal-lehre normal gage, master 8. 
-potential normal potential. 
-schliff standard (interchangea- 
ble) ground joint. -schrift 
standard track (sound recording). 

normalsichtig normal sighted, en- 

Normalweingeist proof spirit. 

Normenaufstellung formulation or 
laying dom of standard rules or 
norms, standardization or normal- 

Normierung standardization, normal- 
ization, gaging. 

Normung des Frequenzganges stand- 
ardization of frequency response 
or characteristic. 

Not-amt temporary exchange, emer- 
gency e. -anlage provisional or 
emergency plant or equipment. 
-behelf makeshift, expedient, 
last resort, temporary or emer- 
gency means, improvisation. 

Note, Triller- trill note, warble n. 
Not-fall case of emergency, case of 
need. -mittel expedient, make- 
shift or emergency means. -ruf,- 
signal, -zeichen SO S call, (ra- 
dio-telegraphic) distress call or 

signal, mayday (radio telephone 
distress call). 

Novokonstant Cu-Mn alloy with Al Fe. 

Nuance shade, tint. 

Null zero, nought, cipher, null. 
-frequenz frequency at which 
phase shift is zero. -leiter 
neutral wire. -linie zero line, 
missing 1., band center (spectr. ) 
-linienverlagerung zero setting, 
electrical biasing (in film re- 
cording). -methode zero method, 

Nutzfel dstärke 

null m., balance m. -phasenmodula- 
tion zero phase or null phase mod- 

Nullpunkt zero point, null point, 

neutral p., origin (of a diagram). 
-abweichung zero error. -anomalie 
origin distortion. -einstellung 
zero adjustment. -empfindlichkeit 
zero-level sensitivity. -fehler 
origin distortion, ion cross ef- 
fect. -schärfung zero point clear- 
ing, cleaning or sharpening (in 



Nullstelle zero place; abscissa 

which gives zero value to Bessel 

Nullung eines Störers connecting 

casing of interfering device with 
neutral (in d.c. mains). 

nullwertig avalent, non-valent. 
Nullzweiglinien zero branch lines. 
numerische Ob jektivöffnung numerical 

aperture of objective. 

Nummer, laufende serial number, con- 

secutive n. 

Nummernscheibe dial (switch), number 

plate, d. plate. Ablaufen der - 
return of the dial. Aufziehen der 
- winding up the dial. 

Nummernwahl impulse action or step- 

ping, selection. 

Nurflügelflugzeug tailless airplane. 
Nussbaum walnut. 
Nute slot, notch, groove, recess, 

key-way, oilway. -und Feder slot 
and feather (union), slot and key, 
groove and tongue joint. 

Nute, Schmier- oil groove or slot, 


nuten slot, groove, notch, flute, 


Nutenwellen slot ripples, tooth 


Nutsche, Mikro- micro suction fil- 

ter, m. funnel. 

nutzbarer Linsendurchmesser useful 

or effective (clear) aperture of a 

Nutz-dämpfung damping resulting in 

useful radiation or signal power, 
effective transmission equivalent. 
-feldstärke signal strength or 

Nutzkreis 203 N. Ze 

field intensity, "useful" field -=spannung useful potential, signal 
intensity. -krels useful cir- p. -strom useful current, signal 
cuit, active c. -lautstärke ec. -stromkrels signal circuit, 
signal level, sound s. volume. utilization circuit. -widerstand 
-leistung useful power, signal p., (cf Wirkwiderstand) useful or sig- 
useful work or effect; efficien- nal resistance. -wirkung effi- 
cy. -nlesser usufructuary, bene- ciency. 

ficiary.- -signal intelligence N.Z. (Neutral. Zahl) neutralizing 

signal, any s. with information. nunber. 

Ober-banden overtone absorption bands. pervisor. -licht overhead scoop, 

-begriff introductory part of Ger- scaffold light, skylight. -strich 
man patent claims setting forth permanent maximum current or car- 
prior art, broad class and nature rier, peak carrier amplitude, maxi- 
of invention and disclosure. mum or black-level picture signal 
-beleuchter chief light electri- (telev.) -taste sharp (mus.). 
cian; scaffold or top light con- -ton overtone (often a harmonic), 
troller (studio). upper partial (NOTE: harmonics and 
Oberfläche, gasbehaftete gas-con- overtones are partials of a fre- 
taminated surface, s. with ad- quency above fundamental, a partial 
sorbed gas. -,spiegelnde specular being a pure-note component of a 
surface. -,vertonte sound-in- ° sound or complex note). 
pressed surface, surface or area Objekt, Ubertragungs- object to be 
bearing sound track. televised or scanned. lintersuchungs- 
Oberflachen-ableituna surface leakage. test specimen, t. sample, t. piece. 
-abtaster surface analyzer. -glas slide, mount (micr. ) 
-beladung (mit Hg) activation, Objektiv (cf Linse, Lupe, Glas) 
sensitization or charging of a objective, object glass, lens (re- 
surface (with Hg). -effekt ceiving first light from object). 
surface effect (of photo-cathode). -,höchstlichtstarkes ultra-rapid 
-einheit unit of area. or ultra-high-speed objective or 
oberflächengerichtet surface normal. lens. -,kurzbrennweitiges short- 
Oberflächen-härtung case-hardening focus lens. -,lichtstarkes high- 
(metals), surface cementing. speed objective. -, zusammen- 
-integral integral taken over a gesprengtes broken-contact (un- 
surface. -normale surface normal. cemented) lens or objective. 
-phase surface phase. -schicht Aufzeichnungs- recording objective. 
surface layer; s. barrier. Fern- telephoto lens. |mmersions- 
-spannung surface tension. immersion objective (electron 
-spannungsmesser od. microscope). 
-spannungsprüfer, nach Objektiv-brett lens or objective 
Abreissmethode surface tensiometer panel or board. -deckel lens 
of adhesion-balance type. cap. -fassung objective or lens 
-taster surface analyzer (to mount or barrel. -gewindes, 
measure irregularities). -wider- Ansatzflache des screw shoulder or 
stand surface resistance (of in- s. collar of objective mount. 
sulation); skin-effect resistance -halter lens holder. -höhe 
(in a-c flow). -wirkung surface height of lens ar objective. 
action; skin effect; surface work -öffnung, numerische numerical 
(eryst.) aperture of objective. 
oberflächlich superficial. -öffnungswinkel angular aperture 
Oberharmonische harmonic, higher h. of objective. -ring lens adapter. 
-dreifache third harmonic, triple -satz set of lenses, lens con- 
h. -,gerade even harmonic. -,un- bination. -spule objective coil. 
gerade odd harmonic. -wechsler revolving nosepiece 

Ober-leiter, künstlerischer art su- (nicr.) 


Objekt-kammer object chamber. 
-mikrometer stage micrometer. 
-schle::‘se object airlock -sucher 
object finder (opt.) -tisch 
micrometer stage, object stage or 
stand, manipulator. -träger 
object slide, mount, stage or 
stand, o. support, o. carrier 
(plate), specimen holder (e.$., 

a celluloid film or skin). 
-tragerplattchen object support 
lamina or slide (film or skin). 
-umfang range of brightness (of 

Ofen,E£Etagen- storey furnace. -sohle 
furnace botton, bed, sole or 

ofentrocken kiln- or oven-dried, d. 
in kiln or oven. 

offen hollow (of sound). 

-(er) Schwinger open oscillator. 
-(e) Sprache open language, un- 

coded 1, einseitig- unilateral- 
ly open (-ended). 

offenbarer Unsinn manifest absurdity. 

Offenbarung disclosure. 

offenkundige oder öffentliche 
Vorbenutzung public use, prior use. 

öffentlichen Hand, Betrieb der 
public utility. 

öffnen, eine Röhre open, unlock, 
render conductive, allow dis- 
charge, cause breakdown of a 
tube, trigger a t. (say, a 
blocking oscillator). -,einen 
Stromkreis break or open a cir- 

, cuit or a line. 

Offnung aperture, orifice, opening, 
mouth, vent, leak, crack, slit, 
port; F number (opt.) 

-,numerische, des Objektivs 
numerical aperture of objective. 
Blenden- aperture of diaphragm or 
stop. Mundstück- chink between 
mouthpiece and reed (of clarinet). 
Schall- louvre (of bell tower). 
Spalt- chink (of clarinet). 
Verschluss- shutter aperture, s. 

öffnungs-bildaperture image. 
-fehler apertural defect, error 
or effect. -verhaltnis aperture 


Ol schiefer 

ratio, relative a; field of view 
(picture projection). -weite 
flare, width of opening, (of horn, 
trumpet, etc.) -winkel, Halb- 
semi-apertural angle. -winke- 
messer apertometer. 

Ohm'scher Widerstand ohm resistance, 
steady-current r. 

Ohr ear, lug, eye, catch, loop. 
-,vertaubtes deafened ear. 

jhr ear, handle, eye, catch, eyelet. 

Ohrempfindungsgrenze loudness con- 
tour of ear, auditory sensation 

Ohren-kappe ear muff. -kurve 

- auditory sensation curve. 
ear, cap, e. piece. 

Ohrhöhle ear cavity. 

ökonomiekoeffizient efficiency of 

ökonomisch economic(al). 

Oktaeder octahedron. 

oktaedrisch octahedral. 

Oktave,eingestrichene. one-stroked 

Oktavkoppel octave coupler (organ). 

Okular, verzerrungsfreies ortho- 
scopic eyepiece, distortion-free e. 
Augenlinsen- eyelens of eyepiece. 
Mess- micrometric eyepiece. 

‘Sucher- focusing lens. 

Okul ar-aufsteckglas eyepiece cor- 
recting lens. -blende eyepiece 
diameter, e. stop. -kollektiv 
field lens of eyepiece. -muschel 
eyepiece cup. -netzmikrometer 
micrometer with reticle eyepiece. 

ölbildend oil forming, olefiant. 
-(es) Gas olefiant gas 

Ol dampfung oil damping (in vibrators); 
o. dashpot. -fänger oil catch, o. 

ölhaltig containing oil, oleiferous. 

Olharz oleoresin. 

6lig oily, oleaginous. 

Olkarburiert oil-carburetted. 

Öl-nute oil groove, oil run, oilway. 
-pumpe oil pump; type of high- 
vacuum pump, &8., "Hyvac". 
-schalter, Impuls- oil-blast 
circuit-breaker. -schiefer oil shale, 



-schwungmasse rotary stabilizer 
(in film feed). -tröpfchenmethode 
oil drop method. 

Opalglas opal glass, frosted $., 
light-diffusing §. -schelbe, Voll- 
pot opal diffuser disk (phot. ) 

Operatorenrechnung operational calcu- 

Optik optics (science), optic (op- 
tical means such as lenses, etc., 
placed in path of rays in physical 
apparatus, etc.) 

Optik, Elektronen- electron optics, 
e. lenses (and their control of 
beams). Licht- light optics, 
physical o., geometric o. of light 
rays. Spalt- microscopic aper- 
ture, imaging optic means, slit 
"optic". Ton (film)- soundhead 
lens, s. optic (m.p.) 

Optik-auswechslung optical system or 
assembly comprising interchangeable 
intermediate lens barrels. -tubus 
optical barrel. 

optisch, spannungs- photo-elastic. 
-(e) Bank optical bench. -(e) 
Drehung optical rotatory power, o. 
rotation, rotatory polarization.- 
(e) Inaktivierung eines Quarz- 
kristalles racemization. 

ordentliche Komponente ordinary 
component (of rays, etc.) 

ordnen order,arrange (methodically or 
systematically), regulate, settle, 
collect terms (math. 

Ordnung order,arrangement, organized 
disposition, class; power (math.) 
-,Kurve dritter cubic curve, 
-,nter of nth order. 

ordnungsgemäss orderly, methodical. 

Ordnungs-grad degree of order. 
-stellung, Ein, -stel lung, Zwei- 
position of grating resulting ina 
one-order or a two-order spectrum. 

ordnungswidrig irregular, disorderly, 
contrary to order, discipline or 

Ordnungszahl ordinal number; n. of a 
series, atomic n. 

Orgel, Dompfaffen-, Vogel- bird organ. 
-zungenpfeife reed organ pipe. 



orientiert,nicht bevorzugt 

randomly oriented, non-preferential- 
ly o. 

Orientierung orientation, direction; 

trend, inclination. -,bevorzugte 
non-random orientation, privileged 

orientierungsabhängig orientation- 

sensitive, o.- responsive, be a 
function of, or dependent upon, 
orientation, direction or angle. 

Ort place, locus, region, locality, 

site, position. 

Original-negativ master negative. 

-positiv master positive. 

Ort, geometrischer vector point, 

Ort und Stelle, an 

geometrical locus. 
in situ, on the 
site, on the spot. 

Ort, Elektronen- position or locus of 

an electron. Flug- position of 
flying craft, fix. kKoppel- 
fix, dead-reckoning position. 

Orthochromatisierung arthochromatic 


Orthodrome straight (or rhombic) 

line portion of a great circle. 

-ortig -place. 
ortig,drei- three-place. 
örtlicher Tagesgang local diurnal 


Orts-bestimmung position-finding. 

-diagramm locus diagram, circle d. 
-fehler geometric location error. 
-funktion position function. 

-gang local variation. -gebiet 
local area. -missweisung local 

ortsveranderlich non-stationary, 

movable, (trans)portable. 

Ortung position-finding, orienta- 

tion, taking of bearings, naviga- 
tion, avigation. -,akustische 
sound location, acoustic orienta- 
tion. Funk- radio position- 
finding, obtaining r. fix. 

Ortungskompass navigation compass. 
Ose lug, eye, ear, hook, loop, eye- 

let. Löt- soldering tag, tab. 

Ösen-blatt tong, lip, flange. 

-bolzen eyebolt. 


Oszillationsquantumszahl vibration- 
al quantum number. 

line-controlled oscillator. 

~Sperrkipp- blocking oscillator, 
squegging o. 

Oszillograph, Innenphotographie- 
internal photography oscillo- 
graph. Saiten- string os- 
cillograph. Schleifen- loop, 
string or vibrator oscillograph. 

Oszillographenschleife oscillo- 
graph loop, o. vibrator. 

Oxydations-flamme oxidizing flame. 
-mittel oxidizing agent. 

-stufe stage of oxidation, degree 
of 0. 


Oxyd-beschlag coating of oxide. 
-faden oxide-coated cathode, 
oxide filament. 
oxydhaltig oxidic, containing 
Oxydhaut skin of oxide, film of o. 
oxydlerbar oxidizable. 
Oxydkathodenröhre tube with oxide- 
coated filament, dull emitter t. 
oxygenleren oxygenate, CES BIA. 
Ozoker|t ozocerite. 
Ozonsauerstoff ozonized oxygen, 
activated oxygen in the form 
of ozone. 

P Zweig P branch (spectr.) 

Paarbildung pairing, formation of 
pairs, drawing together of lines 
(due to hum, in interlaced scan- 

Paare,Echo- paired echoes. 

Paarerzeugung pairing. 

paarlg erscheinen(von Linien, im Bild) 
pairing of lines (telev.) 

Paariokeit pairing, formation of 
pairs (caused by hum, in interlaced 

Pack pack, packet, bale, bundle. 

Packung packing, serving, wrapping. 
Störschutz- interference eliminator 

Packungserscheinung packing phenome- 

Paket,Federn- bank, assembly or set 
of springs. 

Paneel panel. 

Panoramabild panoramic picture or 
view, panning shot. 

Panzer shield, ironcladding, armor 
(of a cable). 

Panzerholz metal-plated plywood. 

Panzerung shielding, screening, iron- 

Papageno-fléte,—pfeife Pandean pipe. 

Papier, abziehbares transfer paper. 
-,selbsttonendes self-toning paper. 

Papier, Koordinaten- ruled paper, co- 
ordinate paper, cross-section p. 

Papier-bahn web of paper. -band 
tape of paper, web of p. 
-hohlraumkabel air-space paper- 
core cable, dry-core c. -pergament 
parchment paper. -strang web of 

paper. -streifen paper strip; 
paper web. -umhüllung wrapping of 
paper. -vorschub paper feed. 

Pappbogen sheet of pasteboard or 
cardboard. -deckel pasteboard, 
paperboard, carton. 

Pappe pasteboard, paperboard, card- 
board, carton, millboard. 

Pappelholz poplar. 

Pappenguss pressure-cast carton or 
cardboard (using paper pulp), 
papier maché, nillboard. 

Pappmasse papier-maché. 

parabolisch,rotations- full para- 

Parabolspiegel parabolic reflector. 

parachsial paraxial. 

Paraffinbad paraffin bath. 

Parallax,Sucher- seeker or finder 

parallel,achs- axis-parallel, 

Parallel-endmass standard gage 
block, end-to-end s. bar. 
-impedanz leak impedance. 

Parallelogram, schiefwinkliges 
rhomboid, oblique parallelo- 

Parallel-resonanzkreis parallel- 
resonance circuit, rejector c. 
-röhrenmodulation Heising choke 
or plate modulation, constant- 
current m. 

parallelschalten (connect in) 
parallel, shunt (across). 

Parallel-schaltung parallel con- 
nection, p. circuit organization, 
multiple connection, paralleling. 
-verschiebung translatory mo- 
tion, t.shift. -versuch parallel 
experiment, check-up e., dupli- 
cate determination. -weg 
bypass, shunt, shunt path. 

Para-lysator anti-catalyst. =stellung 
para position. 

Pardune back stay, guy wire, §. 

Partei,Gegen- Opponent, adversary, 
adverse party, "the other side" 
(in a suit). 

Partialdruck partial pressure. 

Paschen-Back Verwandlung Paschen- 
Back (magneto-optic) effect. 

passend fit, suitable, convenient, 

Pass-fläche seat, surface where two 


parts fit together or engage 
(snugly). -sitz press-fit, snug 
f., seat, lodgment. 

Passierrohr indicating plug, inside 

Passivierung passivation. 

Passung fit. 

Pastekathode pasted (oxide-coated) 
cathode. a 

Pastille pastil, button, bead, 

Patent,angemeldetes filed p., pend- 
ing p., p. applied for. 
-, schwebendes pending patent. 
Abänderungs- re-issue patent. 
Apparat- patent covering and dis- 
closing apparatus or machine, a.p. 
Beweise,die Gültigkeit 
Abbruch tun evidence impeaching, 
or prejudicial to, validity of a 
patent. Erfindungs- patent of in- 
vention. Haupt- parent patent, 
main or original patent. Klage- 
patent in issue, in suit or at bar. 
Stamm- parent patent. Stoff- 
patent covering a substance or 
material, product p. 
patent of improvement. Verfahrens- 
process patent, method p. Zusatz- 
patent of addition (to parent p.) 

Patent-anmassung usurpation of patent 

rights. -anspruch claim of a 
patent. -beschreibung patent 
Specification. -dauer life of a 

patent, continuance of a p., tern 
of a p. -erlöschung expiry or ex- 
piration of a patent; annulment of 
ap. -erteilung allowance, grant 
or issue of letters patent. 

-gebühr patent fee, p. tax. -gesetz 
patent law, p. code, p. statutes. 
-gültigkeit anfechten challenge 
validity of a patent. 

patentiert im In- und Ausland cov- 
ered by domestic and foreign 

Patent-inhaber patentee, grantee, 
holder of letters patent. -klage 
patent suit, p. action. -kommissar 
stellvertretender deputy or acting 
patent commissioner. -streit 
patent action, p. litigation. 
-unteranspruch sub-claim of a 




patent. -verlängerung renewal of 
a patent. -vorwegnahme anticipa- 
tion, anticipatory reference. 
patentverletzendes Merkmal patent- 
infringing fact or feature. 

Patentverletzungsklage action or 
suit far infringement of patent 

Patrize upper tup die, punch. 
Patrone cartridge (for specimen in 
electron microscope); pattern, 

stencil, mandrel. 

Patronenreihe string of cartridges. 

Pauke kettle drum. 

Paukenstimmschlüssel kettle drum 

pauschen swell, refine (met. ) 

Pause copy, tracing; space, interval, 
intermission, pause. Dunkel- 
obscuring period, cut-off p., 
dark p. Gesprach- interval of no 
speech. Licht- photo(graphic) 
tracing, blueprint. Telegraphier- 
space (in keying or telegraph- 
ing work). 

pausen trace, calk. 

Pedal, Forte- loud pedal. Piano- 
soft pedal. Tonhaltungs- tone 
sustaining pedal. 

Pegel level, gain (in db units); 
water Sage. -,mittlerer mean 
power level (as indicated in vol- 
ume: indicator). Dialog- dialogue 
level. Leitungsbedarf- power 
reference level. Rausch- noise 
level (due to Schottky effect and 
thermal noise). Schwarz- black 
level. Stör-, Untergehen der 
Bildspannung im swamping of pic- 
ture or video signal in noise 

Pegel-ausgleich equalizing level, 1. 

equalizer. -messer transmission 
measuring set. -schreiber level 
recorder. -strom pilot current, 

p. carrier (in suppressed carrier 

Pegelung level or volume (gain) 

Peil Q Gruppen Q code groups. 

Peiler, direkt anzeigender direct- 
reading direction-finder. 
-,selbstanzeigender automatic 

Peiler, Bodenstation- 210 

direction-finder, direct-reading 
ke ge 

Peiler,Bodenstation- ground station 
direction-finder. Nachlauf- 
direction-finder with automatic 
zero setting. Sicht- visual 
direction-finder, direct-reading 

Peil-abschnitt,geeichter calibrated 
sector. -antennensystem direc- 
tional antenna system. -antrieb 
frame drive, loop d. (handle, 
wheel and spindle). -aufsatz 
bearing plate (of d.f.). -empfänger 
direction-finding receiver. -fehler 
direction-finding error, bearing e. 
(due to night effects, etc.), dis- 
tortion of bearing. -feld bearing 
finding control operator. -funkem- 
pfänger radio compass, direction- 
finder. -hauptstelle main control 
direction-finder station (of an air 
communication safety district). 

-haus direction-finder station build- 
ing. -kompass navigator's compass. — 

kurs,recht voraus head-on course 
(fore-aft axis or lubber line of 
craft directed toward objective). 
-kurve space pattern, directional 
diagram. -leitstelle main con- 
trol direction-finder station (of 
an air communication safety dis- 
trict). -nebenstelle associated 
d.f. ground station, sub-control 
station. -punktmarke, schwarze 
black dot, b. mark (on scale). 
-rahmen coil antenna, loop a., 
frame a. -richtung direct course 
or line to transmitter or beacon. 
-ring direction-finder loop or 
frame. -scheibe,Funk- bearing 
plate (of radio direction-finder). 
-seite,eindeutige absolute direc- 
tion. -seitenschalter direction- 
finding sense switch, sense-find- 
ing s. -spannung directional 
signal potential (picked up by 
directional antenna in df, as dis- 
tinguished from auxiliary antenna 
potential). -stelle, Boden- ground 

-flugleiter ground direction- 


df station, aeronautical §.s.—,Neben- 
associate ground station df. -strahl, 
raumgeradliniger orthodrome. 
-strahlwegablenkung distortion of 
bearing, deviation due to diurnal or 
seasonal factors, weather, ter- 

rain, local conditions, etc.; lat- 
eral deviation. -tabelle bearing 

peiltreue Bodenwelle ground wave 

resulting in undistorted bearing. 

Peilung taking bearings, direction- 

finding. -,falsche false bearing, 
erroneous b. -,optische pilotage. 
-,wahre true bearing. 

Peilung,Deck- alignment bearing. 

Eigen- board (aircraft) direction- 
finding, taking bearings with 
homing device on board. Einzel- 
bearing taken from one object. 
Falsch- erroneous bearing, false 

b. Flimmer- (cf wechselkardioide) 
loop reversing switch method (d.f. ) 
Fremd- ground direction-finding 
(directional data or radio bear- 
ing supplied on request to air- 
plane from ground station). 
Grosskreis- great circle bearing. 
Hör- auditory direction-finding. 
Kreuz- cross bearing (taken fron 
two or more ground df stations). 
Längs- taking bearings from df 
stations roughly in direction of 
travel or course. Maximal- 
maximum-signal strength (df) 
method. Minimum- minimum or zero 
signal strength (df) method. 

Misch- taking bearings on board 
(without directional receiver) 

from directive beam. Nah- close- 
range direction-finding. Standl inien- 
position-line bearing, Sreat circle 
bearing. Standort- obtaining a 
fix, position or location finding 
(by two or more direction-finders), 
position-line bearing, Sreat-circle 
b. Ziel-,missweisende Richtung 
Flugzeug-Boden magnetic reciprocal 
course (enon airplane to ground 
station). Ziel-, rechtweisende. 
true course to steer. 


Ziel-,rechtweisende Richtung vom 
Flugzeug zur Bodenpeilstelle true 
reciprocal course (from airplane 
to ground station). 

Peilungsbeiwert error compensation 

Peil-verfahren, Impuls- impulse di- 
rection-finding method. 
-verlagerung bearing shift, b. 
error, b. displacement. -vorsatz 
d.f. means added to normal re- 
ceiver equipment. -zeichen 
call sign, code signal (say, of a 
ground station). -zeiger point- 
er of df apparatus. 

Pendel, Schwere- gravity pendulum. 

Pendel-bewegung shutter movement 
(m.p.) -feder (im Zerhacker) 
vibrator blade, reed or spring 
(of chopper). -fenster internal 
pressure plate. -frequenz 
quench or bias frequency fur- 
nished from auxiliary oscillator 
circuit (in super-regeneration); 
electron-oscillation frequency. 
-frequenzschaltung (Armstrong ) 
super-regeneration circuit or- 
ganization. -gewicht pendulum 
weight, bob. -glelchrichter 
vibratory rectifier, tuned-reed 
r. -hammer (Charpy's) impact 
testing machine. -kugellager 
self-aligning ball bearing. 

pendeln oscillate (of electrons), 
vibrate, swing (of phases), 
pendulate, undulate, pulsate, 
rock, hunt (around an average 

Pendeln,Hinauf- (gradual) rise in 

Pendel-rückkopplung super-regenera- 
tion. -rückkopplungsspannung 
positive quench or biasing voltage 
(impressed on grid in super- 
regeneration circuits). 
-schlagwerk (Charpy) Charpy in- 
pact testing machine. -umformer 
vibrating rectifier. 

Pendelung,Elektronen- oscillating 
of electrons. Last- load fluctua- 
tion, hunting of load. Luftstrom- 


air-jet pendulation. 

Pendel-vervielfacher reciprocating 
and accelerating secondary- 
electron multiplier. -wechsel- 
richter vibratory inverter, 
inverted rectifier of vibrator 

Peracidität superacidity, hyper- 

Perforationsgeräusch sprocket hole 
modulation or noise (m.p.) 

Periode cycle, period. Halb- 
half cycle, h. period, semi- 
Schwebungs- beat cycle. 

Viertel- quarter-period. 
Zugwechsel- field frequency in 
-interlaced scanning (= 2 x frame 
f., telev.) 

Periodenzeit time of vibration, t. 
of oscillation. 

perlen form bubbles, drops or 
beads; sparkle, glisten like 

Perlenwand directive or beaded 

Perl-glimmer margarite. -mutterblech 
crystallized tinplate, moire 
métallique. -mutterpapier 
nacreous paper. -rohr bead tube 
(filled with glass beads to 
break up a fluid). -schnur 
maryante (cryst.); string of 
beads or pearls, line of droplets. 

permanentdynamischer Lautsprecher 
dynamic or moving-coil loudspeaker 
using permanent magnet (to pro- 
duce constant field), p-m dynamic 

Permanentsatz permanence principle, 
sum rule. 

Permeabilitätsmesser permeameter. 

Perpendikel pendulum, perpendicular. 
-ende oder -Gewicht bob. 

Personenabtaster mit wanderndem 
Licht spotlight scanner for per- 

Perspektive,Frosch- worm's eye view. 
FUll- plenary perspective. 

Vogel- bird's eye view. 

Pesenantrieb belt drive. 

Petent 212 

Petent petitioner, applicant, sup- 
Petrolkoks petroleum coke, oil c. 
Pfahl stake, pile, stick, pole, post. 
Pfeife, gedackte, gedeckte stopped 
pipe. Doppelzungen- double- 
tongued flute. Galton- Galton 

pipe. Labial-,Lippen- flue pipe, 
flute pipe. Orgel- reed organ 
pipe. Quer- fife. Rohr- reed 
pipe. Signal- siren, whistle. 

Stimm- tuning pipe, pitch p. 

Vogel- bird whistle. Zink- 
zinc pipe. Zinn- tin pipe. Zungen- 
reed pipe, r. flute. Zwitscher- 

bird warbler. 

pfeifen whistle, sing, squeal, howl, 
self-oscillating (of a tube) 

singing, whistling or stability 
margin (of radio tube). 

Pfeil arrow, dart; strain. 

Pfeiler pillar, post, column, up- 
right, standard. 

Pfeil-höhe sag or dip (of a line 
wire), height (of an arch, menis- 
cus, etc.), camber (of airplane 
wing). -rad double helical or 
herring-bone gear wheel. 

Pferdefleischholz Surinam wood. 

Pflanzenwachs vegetable wax. 

Pflichtenblatt (contractual) 
specification. . 

Pflichtwert specification value, con- 
tract v. 

Pflock peg, pin, plug, stake. 

Pfosten pillar, post, upright, column, 

Pfropfen cork,stopple, stopper; graft. 

PH Wert pH value (hydrogen-ion con- 

Phase phase; stage, epoch, era. 

Phase,ausser de-phased, out-of-phase 
(condition). gleichbelastete - (n) 
balanced phases. -,in ih-phase, 
co-phasal, in step. -,verschobene 
displaced phase, shifted p., de- 
phased or out-of-phase condition. 

Phase, Eintritts- entrance phase (of 
network or filter). Oberflächen- 
surface phase. Verdunkelungs- 
dark interval (m.p.) 


Phasen-abgleichvorrichtung phase 
balance, p. changer, p. shifter. 
-ablösung phase switch (in poly- 
phase operation of ignitron). 
-aussortierung phase focusing. 
-drehung phase rotation, p. shift. 
-einstellung phasing, phase ad- 
justment, p. shift, p. regulation. 
-entzerrung phase correction, de- 
lay equalizer; delay or echo weight- 
ing tern. 

phasenfalsch misphased. 

Phasen-fehler error of phase, p. 
distortion. -fokus phase focus- 
ing. -geschwindigkeit phase 
speed, p. velocity, wave v. 
-gleichgewicht phase (rule) 
equilibrium. -gleichheit 
phase coincidence, in-phase 
state, co-phasal s. -hub 
phase variation or fluctuation. 
-kurve phase curve. -laufzeit 
time of phase transmission. 
-lehre solution theory, doctrine 
of phases. -mass phase constant, 
wavelength c. 

phasenmässig in proper phase rela- 
tion; looked at from phase view- 

Phasenmodul ation phase modulation. 
-nacheilung phase lagging. -raum 
phase space, extension-in-phase. 

-regel phase rule. -regelung 
phasing, phase adjustment, p. 
shift. -reinheit freedom from 
phase shift or angular differ- 
ences. -resonanz phase resonance, 
velocity r. 

phasenrichtig in proper phase rela- 

Phasen-rückdreher phase lagsger, p. 
shifter. -schwund phase fading. 
-spaltung phase splittings. 
-sprung phase angle shift. 

phasenstarr in locked phase rela- 
tion, p. -locked. 

Phasen-teiler phase splitter. 
-transformator phase shifting 
transformer. -übergang phase 
‘transition. -umkehrer phase 
inverter, p. reverter. 
-verdrehung phase shifting, p. 


phasenverkehrt wirken act in reverse 

polarity, act in opposite phases 
or in p. opposition. 
Phasenverschiebung phase shift, p. 
displacement, p. advancing (if 
forward), dephased condition. 
-von 90 Grad quadrature relation 
of phases. -von |I80 Grad 
phase opposition. 
phasenverschoben dephased, out-of- 
phase, ın p. quadrature (when 90 
degrees), in p. opposition (when 
180 degrees). 
„ Phasen-verzerrung phase distortion. 
-verzögerung phase las, p. delay. 
-voreilung phase lead, p. ad- 
vance. -vorschieber phase ad- 
vancer. -welle phase wave, de 
Broglie w., electron w. -winkel 
impedance angle, phase,a., in- 

pedance factor, Q factor, quality 

phasig,falsch- misphased, dephased. 

gleich- co-phasal, equi-phased, in 

phase. richtig- true-phased, in 
correct phase (relationship). 

Phonograph,Licht- sound track film 
player (without pictorial accon- 

Phonographen-drehplatte turntable. 
-platte phonograph disk, p. 
record. -plattenteller turn- 

Phoresezelle, Elektro- electro- 
phoresis cell. 

Phosphore phosphors, luminescent 
or fluorescent (screen or lanp) 

phosphoreszenzerzeugend phosphoro- 

Phosphorogene phosphorogens, ac- 
tivating additions (promotive of 

photoelektrisch(e) Ausbeute,-(es) 
Emissionsvermögen photo-electric 
emissivity, p.-e. yield. 

-(e) Schwellenfrequenz photo- 
electric threshold frequency, 
critical f. -(e) Wırkung photo- 
electric effect, Hertz e. -(e) 

Zelle photo-electric cell, electric 


eye (either photo-conductive, p. 
-voltaic or p. -emissive, though 
the last-named should strictly be 
called a photo-tube, a light-sensi- 
tive tube or a photo-electric t.) 

Photogramm photograph, photographic 

Photographie, Kleinbild- microphotog- 
raphy, photomicrography. 

photographisch festhalten record 
photographically (on a record 

photographisch(e) Dichtemessung 
(photo)densitometry, photographic 
density measurement. -(en)Schicht, 
Bremsvermögen der stopping power 
of phgtographic emulsion. 
-(em) Zeichendruck, Telegraph mit 
photo-printing telegraph. 

Photokathode photo-cathode, photo- 
electric c. -, zusammenhängende 
plain mirror or continuous (non- 
mosaic) photo-cathode (of Farns- 
worth dissector and superemitron). 
-,Lichtstarkevertellung auf light 
intensity distribution on photo- 

Photokopie photostatic copy, photo- 
graphic c., photoprint, photostat. 

Photometer, Bunsen-,Fettfleck— 
Bunsen photometer, grease-spot p., 
with translucent central spot in 
screen. Flimmer- flicker photome- 
ter. Gleichheits- contrast photome- 
ter, total-reflection p. Kontrast-, 
mit Würfel contrast photometer of 
cube-type with cubical cavity. 
Kugel- sphere photometer. Ul- 
bricht integrating sphere. 
Lummer-Brodhun- contrast 
photometer, Lummer-Brodhun p. 
(based on equality of illumina- 
tion). Spektral- spectrophotome- 
ter. Topf- photometric integrator. 
Ulbricht- sphere or globe photome- 
ter of Ulbricht. wirfel- 
cube photometer, integrating p. 
with cubical cavity. 

Photometer-aufsatz photometer head. 
=-schirm photometer screen. 

Photo-metrierung photometric 


evaluation or recording. -physik 
photo-physics. -strom photo-cell 
current. -volteffekt photo- 
voltaic effect (as in a cuprous- 
oxide cell). 

Photozelle photo-electric cell 
(photo-conductive, photo-voltaic 
or photo-emissive), electric eye. 
Mikro- globule of mosaic screen. 

Photozellen-kabel low-capacity 
shielded cable between photo- 
electric cell and amplifier of 
the video cable, co-axial or 
concentric cable type. -verstärker 
electron multiplier phototube; 
photo-cell amplifier. -vorlicht 
priming or bias illumination. 

physikalisch-chemisch physical- 
chemical, physico-c. 

m Glied (Il-Glied) pi (m) type sec- 
tion, filter mesh or network n. 

Piccoloflöte piccolo flute. 

Pickelbildung (corrosion) pitting (of 

piezo-elektrischer Modul piezo- 
electric modulus. 

Piezo-kristall piezo-electric crystal. 

-quarzzelle supersonic light valve 
(predicated on Brillouin and Debye- 
Sears effect). 

Pikkelflöte piccolo flute. 

Pilgerschrittverfahren Mannesmann, 
Perrins or reciprocating rolling 

Pille,Getter- getter tab, g. pill, & 
patch. Gleichrichter- oxide or 
metal rectifier of reduced size 
(say, 1 sq. om), Westector r. 

Pilz-isolator mushroom, petticoat or 
umbrella insulator. -lautsprecher 
omnidirectional (360 degree) ex- 
ponential horn loudspeaker or 
sound radiator (mostly mounted on 
a pole top). . 

Pinne pin, peg, tack; peen (of a 

Pinseldetektor cat whisker detector. 

Pinzette pincette, tweezers, fore- 
ceps, nippers, pincers. 

Pistole,Spritz- spray gun, s. pistol. 

Pitotréhre Pitot tube (to determine 



fluid or liquid velocity of flow). 
Plan,Bedrahtungs- wiring diagranm. 
-biegeversuch plane bending test. 
Planck's Wirkungsquantum Planck's 
constant (quantum of action). 
Plandrehen face planing. 
Planetangetriebe planetary 
epicyclic g. (train). 
Plangitter plane grating (for light 
planieren plane, planish, smooth, 
level, even. 
plan-konkav plano-concave. 
plano-convex. -liegen in 
Fokusebene flattened in focal 
plane. -mässig systematic, 
methodical, according to plan. 
-parallele Platte plane-parallel 



plate. -schleifen surface- 
grind. -symmetrisch planisyn- 

Plasma,Rest- residual electrons, 
plasma (region without resultant 

Plastik plastic, stereoscopic or 
relief effect (pictures). Bild- 
plastic or relief effect; form of 
telev. picture distortion (consist- 
ing of multiple contours of di- 
minishing intensity giving pseudo 
or erroneous three-dimensional ap- 

plastisch(e)Bildwirkung illusion of 
depth (of a picture or telev.. 
image). -(er) Film stereoscopic 
film. -(es) Fliessen viscous flow. 
-(e) Verformung plastic deforma- 
tion, p. working. 

Platine plate, sheet bar, p. slab, p. 

Platin-mohr platinum black. 
platinotype paper. 

Plationröhre amplifier tube with 
filament disposed between control 
grid and plate (with low internal 
resistance, one model wıth photo- 
electric g.) 

Plattchen lamella, small plate, 
platelet, scale. 

Platte plate, sheet, slab, lamina, 
lamination, leaf (of a table), 


Platte, lichthoffreie 

flagstone. -,lichthoffreie 
non-halation plate, p. free 
from halo. 

Platten, Ablenk- deflection plates, 
deflector p. Auffang- target, col- 
lector or impactor plates, dynodes 
(in multiplier). Doppel- twin 
plates, twin crystal, composite 
c., biquartz. Strichkreuz- cross 
wire plates, reticles, graticules 
(telescope and other optical 

Plattenfördermechanismus plate-feed 
mechanism (in electron micro- 

plattenförmig laminar, laminated, 
plate-like, p.shaped, lamellar, 

Platten-geräusch (phonograph) 
record noise, surface n. -halter 
plate holder. -kristall,Doppel- 
divided plate crystal, biquartz. 
-lampe flat-plate (neon) lamp; 
tube with center plate instead of 
grid. -schlag disk wobble (of 
phonograph record). -schnitt 
plate contour, plate section (of 
condenser, Ben -spieler disk- 
type phonograph or gramophone. 
-staffeln,Glas- (Michelson) 
echelon diffraction grating spec- 

troscope. -teller turntable (of 
phonograph). -wechsler record 

Plattieren plating. 

Plattine plate, mill bar, slab. 

Platz, freier hole (in nuclear 
theory). Gitter- lattice place, 
l. point. Lande- landing field. 

Platzchen little cake, lozenge, 
troche, tablet. 

platzen burst, crack, break open, 
explode, implode (inward col- 
lapse or burst, as of a vacuum 

Platzwechsel transposition, cross- 
ing; i of places (of elec- 
trons, etc. 

plötzlich sudden, abrupt, precipi- 
tous.-(es) Schwingen spilling 



over (of an amplifier tube, at- 
tended with fringe howl). 

Pochwerk steam stamp. 

Pockholz lignum vitae, pockwood. 

Pohl'sche Wippe Pohl commutator 
(double-pole double-throw 

Polarisation,Dreh- rotatory 
polarization, optical rota- 

Polarisations-apparat polarizing ap- 
paratus, polariscope. -ebene 
plane of polarization. -ebene 
Drehung der polarization error. 
effekt polarization error. 

polarisationsfehlerfrei free from 
polarization error (d.f.) 

Polarisationskapazität polarization 

polarisationsoptisch photo-elastic. 

Polarisations-prisma polarizer. 
-winkel polarizing angle, Brewster 

polarisiert, elliptisch elliptically 
polarized. -,geradlining plane- 
polarized. Kreisbahn-,zirkular - 
circularly polarized. 

Polarlicht aurora (borealis or 

Pol-bedeckung pole arc, circunfer- 
ential length of pole face, p. 
pitch percentage. bildung 
pole formation, polarization. 
-bogen pole arc, p. pitch per- 
centage. -eck summit (cryst. ) 
-effekt pole effect. 

Pole,ausgeprägte salient poles. 

- ‚entgegengesetzte opposite 
poles, unlike p. -,gleichnamige 
like poles, similar p. 
-,ungleichnamige opposite poles, 
unlike p. Gegenkontakt- co- 
operative contacts, opposite 

polen,um- reverse polarity. 

polieren polish, burnish, shine. 

Polierschleifmaschine grinding and 
polishing machine. 

Politur polish, gloss, shine, shin- 
ing, lustre. -messer glossimeter, 

Polklemme 216 

“ Polklemme pole terminal. -papier 
pole paper, pe-finding p. 

Polster,Luft- air cushion, a. 
pocket; dashpot. ! 

Pol-suchgl immlampe polarity-finder 
Slow-tube, p. indicator. -teilung 
pole pitch. 

Polung,Gegen=- opposite polarity, 
opposition of p., reversal of p. 

Pol-wechsel reversal of polarity, 
change of p. -zwischenraum pole 
clearance, inter-polar space or 

Porenraum pore space, cell s., cell 

Porzellan-erde porcelain clay, China 
c., kaolin. -masse porcelain 
body. -schiffchen porcelain boat. 
-tiegel porcelain crucible. -ton 
porcelain clay, kaolin. 

Posaune trombone, 
trombone with free reed (organ). 
Alt- alto trombone. Diskant- so- 
prano trombone. 

posaunenartig verschiebbar shiftable 

trombone-fashion or like a telescope, 


Posaunenauszug telescoping means, ex- 
tension m. (for tuning Lecher-wire 

Positiv, Bromsilber- positive in sil- 
ver bromide. Meister- mother 
record, master positive. Original- 
master positive. 

positive elektrische Ladungseinheit 
unit positive charge. 

Positron positron, positive electron, 

Postmikrophon solid-back transmitter, 
carbon-back microphone or telephone 

Potential, Abstossungs- repulsion po- 
tential. Entstehungs- appearance 
potential, ionization p. 
Geschwindigkeits- velocity poten- 
tial. Gleichgewichts- equilibrium 

potential (of mosaic). Grenzflächen- 

interface potential. Ruckstoss- 

recoil potential. Strömungs- 

flow potential, strearing p. 
Potential-berg potential barrier. 

-, durchschl agende 

Zug- slide trombone. 


-fläche, konstante equipotential 
surface, isopotential s. -gefalle, 
weltzeitlicher Anteil universal 
diurnal (variation) component of 
potential gradient. -hügel 
potential barrier. -kasten, 
-mulde potential hole, p. well. 
-schwelle potential barrier. 

Potenz,in die nte - erheben 
raise to the nth power. 

Potenz-gefäll potential sradient. 
-schwelle(Kerndurchdringung) nuclear 
penetration factor. 

potenzieren raise to higher power 
(by process of involution, math. ) 

Potenzreihe exponential series, 
power s. (math.) 

Präge-bär ram (of a press). -film 
(cf Gravarfilm) engraved sound 
film (track cut in film). 

prägen stamp, coin, imprint, in- 
press, emboss. 

prägepolieren roll polish, r. 

Prägepresse screw press. 

Prägung,Rand- marginal embossing 
of film. 

Präklusivfrist preclusion period. 

Prall-elektrode electron mirror, 
dynode, reflecting electrode, 
impactor anode (of multiplier 
phototube or photo-electric elec- 
tron-multiplier phototube), target 
electrode, rebound or reflecting 
impactor (of Weiss mesh multi- 

prallen(cf prellen) rebound, bound, 
bounce, be ref lected. 

Prall-kraft elasticity, resiliency. 
-winkel angle of reflection, a. of 

Praparier-arbeit dissecting work 
(micr.). -lupe dissecting lens. 

prasseln crackle, rustle, rattle. 

Pratze claw. 

Praxis, in die - überführen 
reduce to practice or to a prac- 
tical form, work a patent or the 
invention disclosed therein. 

Präzisionswage precision balance, p.. 

prellen 217 

prellen (cf prallen) toss, make to 
rebound, thump or click (key), 
chatter, reflect. 

prellfrei free from thumping or click 
(in key operation). 

Prellkraft resiliency. 

Press-bernstein ambroid. -bodenröhre 
loctal base tube. -druck ram 
pressure (in pressfits). 

Presse,Fach- technical press, t. 
literature, professional men's 
press. Klebe- blooper, splicer 
(for film). Präge- screw press. 
Zieh- (cf Tlefzieh-) drop (forge) 
press (for drawing and shaping 
articles from sheet material). 

pressen press, compress, stamp, mold 
(under pressure). 

Presser compressor (in volume-range 

Press-form pressure mold. 
-gasschalter (cross) airblast 
switch. -körper,-ling pressed 
object or article, blank after 
pressure application or molding. 
-luftlautsprecher compressed-air 
loudspeaker, pneumatic 1. (with- 
out diaphragm). -luftschalter 
(cross) airblast switch (similar 
to gas b. s.) -masse fictile 
substance, moldable material, 
plastic m., synthetic, (therno-) 
plastic. -matrize, negative nega- 
tive stamper (phonograph recard). 
-platten pressings (phonograph 
record disks). -prozess pressure- 
shaping, molding or fashioning 
method. -sitz press-fit, force or 
driving f. -spahn glazed cardboard, 
presspan insulation material, press- 
board. -stempel press ram. -stock 
stamper, die (built up from mother 
record, in phonograph record manu- 
facture). -stoff plastic, moldable 
or fictile material, 

Primar-abstimmung pre-selector means. 
-empfang single-circuit reception. 

Prinzip geringsten Zwanges principle 
of least strain or resistance. 

Prinzip,Ausschliessungs- exclusion 
principle (formerly Fauli's 

Probe, Ri ssharte- 

equivalence p.) Auswahl- selec- 
tion principle. Korrespondenz- 
Bohr's correspondence principle. 

Prinzipal open diapason (organ stop). 

Prinzipschaltung basic circuit dia- 
gram (showing underlying princi- 

Prioritats-beanspruchung priority 
claim. -belag priority proof. 
-jahr convention year. 

Prisma prism, wedge (when weak). 
-,aneinandergesprengtes broken- 
contact p., two quartz prisms 
closely fitted together without 
cementing. -, doppelumkehrendes 
inversion prism, inverting p. 
(reverses in both axial directions 
of image). -geradsichtiges 
direct-vision prism. stark 
fächerndes highly dispersive 

Prisma, Ablenkungs- deviating prism. 
Aufrichtungs- erecting prism. 
Mehrkant- polyhedral prism. 
Polarisatlons- polarizer. Stufen- 
echelon prism. Umkehr- (cf 
Blldumkehrung inverting prisn, 
reverting p. Vergleichs- compari- 
son prism. Wollaston- Wollaston 
prism, double-image p., Zwillings- 
biprism, double-image p. 

prisma-ähnliIch prism-like, pris- 
moidal. -förmig prism-shaped, 

Prismen-fläche prismatic surface, p. 
face. -sucher prismatic finder, 
p. seeker. 

Privataufführung pre-view. 

Probe (cf Prüfer, Prilfung, Messer, 
Messgerät, Messung) sanple, 
specimen, test piece; trial, test, 
gereckte stretched specimen. 
-,vergütete quenched or tempered 
specimen or test piece. Beschuss- 
bombardment test, shooting t. 
Kapazitats- capacity test. 

Kegel druck= Brinell ball impres- 
sion or indentation test, ball 
pressure t. Loch- drift test. 
Metall- assay, test for metal; m. 
testing. Risshärte- abrasion 

Probe, Schlag- 

test, scratch t. Schlag- impact 
test, blow t., percussion t. 
Tlefzieh- cupping test, cuppabili- 
ty t. (piece or specimen). Ton- 
sound test; tonsil t. (in re- 
cording voice of a singer). 
Zerreiss- tensile test, breaking t., 
rending test (specimen). 

Probe-abdruck proof, proof print, p. 
sheet. -aufnahme test picture, 
trial shot. -entnahme sample tak- 
ing, sampling (at randon). 

-machen testing, assaying. 
-nehmen sampling. 

Probenglas specimen glass, s. tube. 

Probe-objekt specimen. -saal re- 
hearsal hall. -stück specimen, 
sample, test piece. -ziehen 

Problergefäss testing vessel, assay- 
ing v. 

Profil,Feld(starken)- field pattern 
(often mapped in an electrolytic 
tank). -Tragfliigel- aerofoil 

Profil-begrenzung contour line, 
boundary of a section or profile. 
-prüfer (electronic) profilometer. 
-stempel profile stamp (surface 

Projektion,flachentreve equal-area 
projection (mapping) Dla- oder 
Diapositiv- lantern slide projec- 
tion. Durch- back projection. 
Gross- large-picture projection 
work (with magnascope, etc.) 
Hintergrund- background projection. 
Kegel- conical projection (of a 
map). Merkatorkarten- Mercator 
projection, cylindrical p., 
orthomorphic p. 

Pro jektions-anl age, RUck- back pro- 
jection equipment; re-p. apparatus. 
-aussteuerungsanzeiger projected 
volume indicator. -bildschrelbrdhre 

projection-type tölevision receiver. 

-fenster projection aperture, p. 
gate. -spule projection coil. 
-tubus projection tube (micr. ) 
Propeller, Verstell- feathered (varia- 
ble-pitch) propeller or airscrew. 


proportional,umgekehrt od. verkehrt 
inversely proportional. 

Proportionalltatskonstante constant 
of proportionality. 

Prozent,Gewichts- percent by weight. 
Raum- percent by volume. 

Prozentgehalt percent content, per- 

prozentuale Aussteuerung percentage 
modulation, m. percentage. 

Prozess manufacturing process or 
method; action, lawsuit, cause, 
suit, trial, legal case, court c. 
(law). MAT CENTER DEE contested 

Prozess-kosten law costs c. of 
proceedings, c. of a legal action. 
-ladung writ of summons. 

prufen,nach- re-examine, re-check, re- 

Prüfer,Erichsen- Erichsen cupping 
machine. Glattheits- smoothness 
meter, glossimeter. Härte- 
hardness tester (Brinell, Rockwell 
sclerometer and scleroscope). 
Lichtsinn- visual photometer. 
Linsen- lensometer. Material-, 
elektronischer aniseikon. 
Oberflächenspannungs-(nach Abreiss- 
methode) adhesion-balance type of 
surface tensioneter. Profil- 
(electronic) protiloneter. 
Rauheits- smoothness meter (deter- 
mines degree of polish), glossime- 
ter, profilometer. Ritzhärte- 
sclerometer, scratch hardness 

tester. Röhren- tube checker, t. 
tester. Stromschluss- continuity 
tester. Tonhöhe- tonvariator. 

Universal- multiple-purpose tester, 
multimeter. Windungsschluss- 
(inter-)turn short-circuit tester. 

Prüfbank (lens) test bench (opt. ). 

prüfen test, assay, probe, try, prove, 
examine, inspect, verify, scru- 

Prüf-feld test field, proving ground. 
-feld, Stoss- potential impact, 
flash or impulse testing field. 
-generator signal generator, 
test oscillator, all-wave o. 


-gerät trouble shooting device, 
tester, set analyzer (radio). 
-ling test piece, t. specimen, t. 
model, t. sample. -pult test desk. 
-röhre für Fernseher phasmajector, 
monoscope, monotron. -schnarre 
test buzzer. 
oscillator. -sonde,Klauen- claw- 
type test probe or prod, search 
electrode. -spitze penetrator 
(of hardness tester); indenter. 
-stabeinschnürung waist (forming 
in bar under tensile test). 
-stand test bed. -streifen buzz 
track (on a film). -verfahren 
prosecution (of a patent ap- 
plication), period during which 
Fatent Office Examiner reviens 

novelty and merits of a disclosure; 

test method. 

Prüfung (s.a. Probe, Prüfer, Messer, 
Messgerät, Messung). examination, 
testing, perusal, consideration, 

inspection, investigation, revien- 

ing, surveying, verification, 
check, search, probe. -,nicht- 
zerstörende, zerstörungsfreie 
non-destructive test. Abnahme- 
acceptance test. Dauerstand- 
festigkeits--(long-time) creep 
test. Eisenpulver- Masnaflux in- 
spection (using iron dust). 
Impuls- s. Prüfung,Stoss-. 
Materlal- testing of materials. 
Rauhheits- testing with smooth- 
ness meter or Slossimeter. Regen- 
rain test, wet t. (of an insula- 
tor). Stoss- impact, flash or 
impulse test (of insulation). 
Treib- cupping test. Verschleiss- 
abrasion test, t. to ascertain 
wear and tear. Zerrels-,zieh- 
tensile test, breaking t., rending 

Pseudo-dämpfung loss of selectivity 
by parallel internal resistance. 
-schwund pseudo-fading (due to 
swing or swaying of antenna). 

Puffer Srommet, cushion, pad, buffer, 

shock absorber. -betrieb floating 
battery operation. -l8sung buffer 

-sender service test 


solution. -stufe buffer stage, 
separator s. 

Pulsation pulsation, beat, throb. 

Pulser pulsator (fatigue tester ) 

Puls-verfahren,Ein- monopulse 
method. -verstärker, 
Bildsynchronisierungs- frame 
synchronizing (or low sync) im- 
pulse amplifier. 

Pult,Misch- mixing, monitoring or 
supervising desk. Prüf- test 
desk. -befeuerung firing on 
stepped grate bars. -ofen 
black-flame hearth. 

pulverartig pulverulent, pulverous, 
powdered, dust-like. 

Pulverdiagramm powder pattern. 

pulverlg powdery, pulverulent, 
pulverous, dust-like. 

Pulverkern, gepresster Eisen- 
compressed iron-dust core. 

pulvern powder, pulverize. 

Pumpe,Kreisel- centrifugal pump, 
turbine p. Lade- charging pump, 
compression p. 

Pumpenlamelle vane (of Gaede 
vacuum pump). 

Pumpstengel pumping lead (short 
piece of tube connecting vessel 
to be evacuated and vacuum pump), 
exhaust tube, e. vent. 

Punkt, ausgezeichneter cardinal 
point (opt.) Berührungs- 
point of contact, tangency or 
osculation, touching p. Brenn- 
focal point (opt.) Einschnürungs- 
crossover (in electron-optics). 
Flucht-vanishing point. Haupt- 
principal point, unit point 
(opt. ) Kardinal- cardinal point 
(opt.) Kehr- cusp. Knoten- 
nodal point (opt.) Morse- 
breiter, spitzer, lengthened dot, 
clipped dot. Nabel-umbilic. 
Wende- cusp. 

Punktallinse toric lens. 

punktförmig punctiform; crater- 
shaped. -(e) Induktivität 
lumped inductance, concentrated i. 
-(e) Quelle point (shaped) source 
or emitter (of light, electrons, 


etc.), focus lanp. 
Punkt(glimm)lampe point or crater 
neon lamp, tungsten arc lamp, 
Fointolite, focus l. 
punktieren,strich- dot-dash. 
Punkt-kathode point source cathode, 
crater c. -lagen point positions. 
-licht point (crater-shaped ) 
light source. -losigkeit astigma- 
tism. -marke spot reading (on dial 
of direction-finder). -raster 
point (dot or granule) raster, 
screen, plate or grating. 
-schreiber,Ein- single-point re- 
corder. -schweissung spot welding. 
-singularitat point singularity. 
-strich semicolon. 
punktsymmetrisch having point or 
radial symmetry. 
punktuelle Abbildung point-focal vi- 
sion or imagery. 
Punkt-verlagerung,Bild- spot shift 

220 Pyrometer 

(causing "plastic", telev.) 
-verteiler,Bild- picture scanner. 
punktweise Auswertung point-by-point 


Pupille,erweiterte dilated pupil. 
Ausgangs-, Austritts- exit pupil. 
Elngangs-,Eintritts- entrance pupil. 

Pupillen-grösse pupillary size, p. 
diameter. -soiel response of pupil 
-weitemesser körometron. 

Pupinspule loading coil, Fupin c. (for 
reactance balance). 

Puppe,Kohle- carbon rod. 

Purpur,Seh- visual purple, rhodopsin. 

Pustlampe blow-lamp. 

putzen clean, cleanse, scour, polish, 
tr in. 

Pyramiden-stumpf truncated pyramid, 
frustum. -würfel tetrahexahedron. 

Pyrometer,Glüihfaden- optical pyrome- 
ter, disappearing-filanent p., 
monochromatic p. 

0 Faktor Q factor, magnification f. 
Q Gruppen Q code groups. 
Quadrate, Methode der kleinsten 
method of least squares. 
quadratisch square, quadratic, 
tetragonal (cryst.), quadrangular. 
-(e) Abtastung square-law scan. 
-(er) Gleichrichter square-law 
rectifier or detector. -(e) 
Gleichung quadratic equation. 
-(er) Kondensator square-law con- 
denser or capacitor. -(er) 
Mittelwert root-mean-square 
(rms) value, virtual v. 
Quadrat-wellengenerator generator 
of square or rectangular waves. 
-wurzel ziehen extract square 
quadrieren square, raise to 2nd 
Quadrupolmoment quadrupole moment. 
Quant,Licht- photon, light quantum. 
quanteln quantize. 
Quantelung,Raum-,Richt- directional 
quantization, space q. 
Quanten-ausbeute quantum yield, q. 
efficiency. -bedingungen 
quantum conditions. 
quantenhaft pertaining to quanta or 
the quantum theory. 
Quanten-hypothese quantum hypothesis. 
-sprung quantum transition (abrupt 
transfer of a quantum system from 
one of its stationary states into 
another), quantum jump or leap. 
-theorie quantum theory. 
Quantenzahl, innere inner quantum 
number. Oszillations- vibrational 
quantum number. Rotations- rota- 
tional quantum number. 
Quantisierung quantizing. 
quantitative Messung quantitative 
measurement, q. analysis. 
Quantum,Planck's Wirkungs- Planck's 
constant, quantity of action. 
Quantum-ausbeute quantum yield, q. 
efficiency. -berichtigung quantum 

correction. -gewichte quantum 
weights, statistical w. -mechanik 
quantum mechanics. -übergang 
quantum transition, q. jump, q. 
leap. -zustand quantum state, 
‚energy level. 

Quarz,optisch inaktiver racemic 
quartz, racemate. Links- 
levogyrate quartz crystal, left- 
handed q.c. Rechts- dextrogyrate 
quartz crystal, right-handed q.c. 
Steuer- (frequency) stabilizing 

quarzahnlich quartzose, quartzous. 
-artig quartzic, quartzous, quartzy. 

Quarzfaden quartz thread, q. fila- 
ment. i 

quarzgesteuerte Steverstufe crystal- 
stabilized master or drive (oscilla- 
tor) stage. 

quarzig quartzy, quartzose. 

Quarz-inaktivierung,optische racemiza- 
tion. -keil,Doppel- double quartz 
wedge. -kristall,fertiges piezoid, 
finished blank (including elec- 
trodes). -kristall,optisch 
inaktives racemate. -mehl quartz 
powder. -resonator piezo-electric 
resonator, quartz r. -sender 
(piezo-electric) crystal or quartz- 
stabilized transmitter. -zelle, 
Piezo- supersonic light valve 
(predicated on Brillouin and Sears- 
Debye effect). 

quasi-elastisch quasi-elastic. 
-unendlich quasi-infinite. 

Quecksilberdampflampe mit Heizkathode 
phanotron, tungar and similar types 
of tube (with argon filling). -mit 
Steuergitter mercury-vapor tube 
of the thyratron, ignitron, etc., 

Quecksilber-faden mercury thread, m. 
column. -falle mercury trap 
(vacuum pump operation). -halogen 
mercury halide. 

quecksilberhaltig mercurial, with Hg. 


hish-pressure mercury discharge 
tube or vessel. -Kathode mercury 
(pool) cathode. -leglerung mer- 
cury alloy, amalgam. -lichtbogen- 
-Kathddenfleck, fixierter anchored 
Cathode spot of mercury arc. -masse 
mercury pool, m. sump (in bottom of a 
tube). -mohr black mercuric sulfide. 
-schalter mercury switch. 
-strahlunterbrecher mercury-jet. 
interrupter, m. break. 
-tropfelektrode dropping mercury 
electrode. -vorrat mercury pool 
(in discharge tube). 

Quelle,einfarbige Leuchtstrahl- 
monochromatic illuminator source, 
monochromator. -‚punktförmige 
point (-shaped) source or emitter. 
Elektronen-electron source, e. 
enitter. Licht- source of light, 
illuminant. Strom- source of 
current (supply). 

Quellenbild,Licht- light source 

Quellung swelling, welling, soaking, 

quer cross, across, transverse, 
transversal, traverse, diagonal, 
lateral, oblique, askance, 

querab athwart. -Backbord abean, 
on the port beam. -Steuerbord 
abreast, on the starboad beam. 
-Pellung taking bearings from 
athwart or abeam stations. 

Quer-arm cross arm, shunt a. (of 
network). -aufnahme horizontal 
picture. -effekt transversal 
effect (of crystal). 

Quer-entzerrer shunt-type attenua- 
tion equalizer or compensator. 
-feld transverse or cross 
(magnetic) field. -glied, In 
1/2 -endender Kettenleiter mid- 
shunt terminated network. 
-kondensator bridging capacitor, 
by-pass c., shunt c. -kontrak- 
tionskoeffizient Foisson’s coef- 
ficient, rho ratio (lateral con- 
traction: longitudinal extension). 



-leltung leakage conductance, leak- 
ance; shunt line, cross l. 
-leitungsbrücke transconductance 
bridge. -magnetfeld transverse 
magnetic field. -modulation 
cross modulation. -pfeife 

fife. -profil cross-section. 
-riss transverse crack, Cross Ce, 
fracture of mineral); cross- 
section. -scharfe definition in 
picture direction. 

Querschnitt cross-section, trans- 
verse s., cross-cut; cross- 
sectional area. Streu- scatter- 
ing cross-section. Wicklungs- 
cross-sectional area of winding. 

Querschnitts-verminderung cross- 
section reduction (of area), 
draft, draught. -zusammenziehung 
contraction or reduction of area, 
formation of a waist (in test 
piece under tension or tensile 

Quer-schrift lateral-wave or 
Berliner type track (used in 
gramophone and modern phonograph 
records). -schwinoung transverse 
vibration, shear v. (sometimes 
called flexural v.), contour 
vibration or oscillation (cryst. ) 
-spulenbelastung leak load. 
-steuerröhre cross-control beam 
tube, drift t., tube operated on 
beam deflection. -verbindung, Funk- 
intercommunication channel. 
-verschiebung und Längsv. cross 
adjustment and axial adjustment 
(of electron microscope). 
-widerstand shunt resistance, 
cross r. (of network) -zusammen- 
ziehung lateral contraction. 
-zweige cross arms, shunt a. (of 

Quetsche,Rollen- squeegee. 

quetschen pinch, squeeze, crush, mash, 

Quetschfuss squash, press or foot 
(of a tube). 

quetschfussfreie Röhre loctal base 
tube. : 

Quetsch-hahn pinchcock. -kondensator 

Q Faktor 223 Quotienten 

compression-type condenser. quieken squeak, squeal. 
Q Faktor Q factor, magnification Quinte violin — string. 
. quirlen twirl, stir with a whirling 
Q Gruppen Q code groups. motion, turn. 
quicken amalgamate. Quotientenmesser quotient meter, 



Rachenlehre Sap Sage. 

Rad,Daumen- s®rocket wheel. 
Farb- inking wheel, i. roller, 
FlUgel- worm wheel, screw, s. 
propeller. Hemm- escapement 
wheel, brake w. Kamm- cog wheel. 
Kegel- bevel wheel, mitre w., cone 
we La Cour'sches phonic wheel. 
Pfeil- double helical or herring- 
bone gear wheel. Rayleigh-, 
Schallreaktions- Rayleigh disk 
(placed in a sound field). 
Schnecken- worm wheel, worn. 
Schrittschalt- step-by-step 
wheel, stepping we Schwung- 
fly wheel, balance w. Sperr- 
ratchet wheel, cog w. Spiegel- 
mirror wheel, Weiller scanning w. 
or drum, drum scanner with per- 
ipheral mirrors. Steio- escape- 
ment wheel, ratchet w. Stern- 
star wheel. Stift- sprocket 
wheel. Stirn- spur wheel. 
Stufen- step wheel, cone pulley. 
Ton- tone wheel. Umlauf- planetary 
wheel. Vorschub- feed wheel. 
Zeilenspiegel- line scanning mir- 
ror wheel (of Scophony Co. ) 

Rad-bewegung rotary motion, wheel n., 
rotation. -buchse bushing. 

Rädchen,Reiter- jockey wheel, j. roller. 

Raddrehung rotation; torsion. 

Radern shredded wheat effect (m.p. ) 

radförmig rotate, spider-shaped, 
wheel-s., radial (of a structure). 

radialsymmetrisch radially symmetric, 
in radial symmetry. 

Radier-firnis etching varnish. 
-grund etching ground. 

radioaktiv(e) Emanation radioactive 
emanation (known as radon, thoron 
and actinon). -(es) Folgeprodukt 
metabolon. -(es) Gleichgewicht 
radio-active equilibrium (being 
either transient or secular). 
-(er) Niederschlag radioactive 

deposit, film of r. matter, 

-(e) Produkte metabolons, succes- 
sive disintegration products of 
radioactive materials. 

Radioaktivität,kUnstliche induced or 
artificial radioactivity. 

Radio-amateur radio fan,r. amateur, 
"ham". -meterflUgel radiometer 
vane. -sonde(flir wetterforschung) 
radiometeorograph, radio sonde. 

Radium-behälter radiode (glass or 
metal tube or capsule). 
-emanationseinheit curie unit 
quantity of radon. 

Radius, Abrundungs- contour radius. 
Krümmungs- radius of curvature. 
-vektor radius vector. 

radizieren extract the root, evolve. 

Rad-kranz wheel rim, tire. -linie 
cycloid (in stroboscopic aberra- 
tion), epicycloid. -phänomen 
wheel illusion. -reifen tire, rin. 
-satz axle plus two (shrunk-on) 
wheels. -stand wheel base. -taster 
wheel-operated means (causing sig- 
nals, bell ringing, etc.) 

Radtkeverfahren sound reproduction 
method of A.A. Radtke (invented 
1917, USP issued 1938); cell im- 
pulse amplified, while maintain- 
ing and restoring grid potential 
by high impedance between cell 
cathode and negative end of source 
of potential. 

Raff-aufnahme, Zeit- time-lapse-mo- - 
tion photography (low-speed 
shooting, high-speed projection. ) 
-bild time-lapse picture, fast- 
motion p. 

Raffer,Mikro- camera for stop-motion 
or time- lapse motion micrography. 
Zeit- time-lapse or stop-motion 

Raffinieranlage refinery, refining 

Rahmen stator, frame, former; loop 

Rahmen 225 

or coil (aerial), frame antenna. 
Im - der Erfindung inside the 
scope (or spirit) of the invention. 

Rahmen,Druck- film trap (in projec- 
tion). Eısen- iron-cored frane 
(d.f.) Enttrübungs- frame to make 
zero or minimum signal pcint z 
sharper (free from night effects, 
etc. ), zero clearing or sharpening 
frame. Entwickelungs- developing 
rack. kKopler- printing frame. 
Luft- air-cored frame (d.f.) Peil- 
coil antenna, loop a., frame a. 

Rahmen-antenna coil antenna, loop a., 
frame a. -antenne,Kreuz- crossed 
coil antenna. -entwickelung rack 
development, tray d. -nachstim- 
mung re-setting or re-check of 
frame or coil tuning (in automatic 
radio compass). -negative rack 
negatives. -sucher wire-frame 
view-finder, iconometer. 

Rakete,Leucht-,Licht- flare. 

Ramankomponente modified frequency 
of incident light, or Raman 
spectrum, in a scattering sub- 

rammen ram, beat down, tamp, pound. 

Rampenbeleuchtung footlights. 

rampig shear-scarred (of glass), 

Rand edge, border, rim, margin, 
brim, hem, flange, boundary, 
periphery, brink. Bördel- 
flanged edge, beaded edge. Schirm- 
border, edge or margin of screen. 

Rand-anmerkungen marginal notes, nm. 
annotations, marginalia. 
-aussparung(für Tonstreifen) 
setting aside margin (of film 
strip) for sound track. 
-bedingungen boundary conditions, 
marginal, fringe, or edge c. 
-bemerkungen marginal notes, n. 
annotations, marginalia. -effekt 
edge effect, Eberhard e. (of film), 
fringe or marginal e. 

rändeln edge, border, rin, nill, 
knurl, bead. 

Rand-kante lateral edge. -kraft 
force (acting) at edge, marginal 
force. -prägung (des Films) 


marginal embossing of film (Pathe). 
-strahl marginal ray, peripheral r. 
-winkel angle of contact (between 
wall and liquid), wetting a. 
-zonse,verstickte nitrided edge or 
marginal zone. 

Rasıerstein styptic stick. 

raspeln rasp. 

rasseln rattle, rustle, clatter. 

Rast(e) (bei Fern- und Schalter- 
steuerung) notch, detention point, 
detent, arrester means (in telene- 
tric, switch, etc., operation). 
Feder- spring catch, s. detent. 

rasten,ein- lock in position (as by 

a detent). 

Rasten-arretierung arrester means, 
locking m., detent. -schalter 
step switch, multiple-point s. 
-spreizen bracing members (of 
piano) -teilscheibe notched in- 
dex wheel. 

Raster scanning field, s. pattern or 
"raster ," unmodulated light-spot 
scan or scanned area (of a tele- 
vision picture); mosaic (in photo- 
cathode tube and in iconoscope); 
$rating or screen (of dot, ruled 
or line type, used in printing). 

Raster,Druck- printer's screen or 
meshwork. Farb- color embossing. 
Fernseh- (cf Raster) television 
scan surface, scan area or "raster." 
Halb-,Ineinanderareifen der inter- 
locking or meshing of fractional 
scans (in interlaced scanning). 
Linien- ruled plate, line screen 
or grating. Punkt- point, dot or 
granule type of grating, plate or 

Raster, Zwischenzeilen-, geradzahl ıger 
even-line interlaced scan. 

- -, ungeradzahliger odd-line in- 
terlaced scan. 

Raster-aufnahme,Farb- color screen 
photograph. -blende scan hole, 
scan aperture, raster screen aper- 
ture. -element picture unit, p. 
element or elementary area. 
-farbverfahren,Linsen- lenticulat- 
ed or lenticular screen color 
printing method. -feinheit 


resolution, raster detail or 
definition (of scanning pattern). 
-film,Linsen- lenticular or 
lenticulated screen film. -frequenz 
field frequency. -kathode photo- 
cathode, mosaic screen. -körner 
silver globules (of iconoscope 
mosaic), silver plugs (in barrier 
-Srid m.), -mikroskop screen scan 
microscope, raster scan n., elec- 
tron scan m. -platte scan pattern, 
s. field, s. area, photo-sensitized 
mosaic plate (of iconoscope); 
screen (dotted, granule, line or 
ruled). -punkt elementary scan 
area,e. picture point or area. 
-schirm mosaic screen. 

Rasterung definition or resolution of 
a picture (say 300 lines); emboss- 
ing or lenticulation (of a film 
surface). Fein- high-definition 
scan (of a picture). 

Raster-wechselfrequenz field fre- 
quency (in interlaced scanning). 
-zahl number of picture points, 

p. units or elementagy areas (de- 
termining definition or resolu- 
tion of picture). 

Rast-klinke detent, latch, pawl. 
-nase detent, latch. -polkegel 
herpolhode, space cone. -stern 
(im Wellenschalter) notched star 
(of wave-band switch). 

Rastral music ruling pen. 

Ratsche rattle. Fühl- micrometer 
friction thimble. 

Rauch-fahne smoke streamer. -glas 
tinted glass, smoke §. -klappe 
vent, stack (of projection booth). 

rauchschwach smokeless (of powder). 

rauh rough, raw, roughened, granu- 
lated, knurled, burry. 

Rauhen granulating, $raining, rough- 
ing or roughening (superficially). 

Rauhheit(Lautsprecher) raucousness, 
hoarseness (of loudsp. ) 

Rauhheltsprüfer smoothness meter 
(determines degree of polish, or 
lack of polish, on surfaces), 
slossimeter, profilometer. 

Raum space, room, chamber, cavity, 
enclosure, volume; scope. 

Raumger ausch 

-,luftleerer vacuum, vacuous space, 
exhaust s -,Uberakustischer exceeding 
ly live rom or space (with exces- 
sive reverberation period). Abhör- 
mixer room, monitoring booth, box. Anfach-, 
Arbeits- generator space, working 
or drift s. (in drift or beam tube). 
Aufnahme- studio, teletoriun, 
telestudio (of audio and video 
broadcast station, etc.). 
Aufschluss- part of electrically 
prospected volume of soil or 

earth subject to current or dis- 
placement lines. Besprechungs- 
studio. Bild- image space. Ding- 
object space. Fall- cathode fall 
space (in which c. drop occurs). 
Geschwindigkelts- velocity space. 
Halb- half space. Hall- acoustical- 
ly live room; reverberation chan- 
ber. Nachhall- reverberation 

room, r. space. Phasen- phase 
space, extension-in-space. Poren- 
pore space, cell s., cell cavity. 
Sammel- receiver, receptacle, col- 
lector space. Schlag- spark-gap 
chamber or space. Zuschauer- 
auditorium. Zwischen- interven- 
ing space, intermediate s., inter- 
stice, interspace, interstitial s., 

Raum-akustik stereo-acoustics, archi- 

tectural a., space or room a. 
-beständlgkeit volume stability. 
-bild stereoscopic picture, plas- 
tic p.; space diagram (d.f.). 
-bildung,Hohl- cavitation (in 
supersonic wave work, etc.). 
-bildvorführung stereoscopic pic- 
ture projection. -chemle stereo- 
chemistry. -formel spatial formu- 
la. -gebilde space diagram; solid 
three-dimensional structure. 
-gefühl space or spatial feeling 
(in vision). -geometrie solid 

raumgeradlinig orthodromic. 

-(e) Peilstrahlen orthodrones. 

Raum-geräusch set noise (caused by. 

insufficient sound insulation, in 
n.p. work), set noise (in radio 
receiver) comprising Johnson n., 

- Raumgewicht 

shot n., hum, etc. -gewicht 
weight by volume. -gitter space 
lattice, "raumgitter"- -gruppe 
space group, point 8. -halleffekt 
liveness (ac.) -helligkeit volume 
brightness. -inhalt volume con- 
tent, capacity. --integral space 
integral. -ladenetz space-charge 
grid. -ladungswelle space-charge 
wave. -ladungswolke concentration 
of space charges, accumulation of 

räumlich spatial, concerning space, 
space-$eometrical, three-dinen- 
sional. -(e)Behinderung steric 
hindrance (chen.) -(e) Rotations- 
gruppe space rotation group. 

-(e) Verteilung spatial distribu- 
tion, geometric d. -(er) Winkel 
solid angle (in spheradian units) 

Raum-mikrophon non-directional micro- 

phone, polydirectional m. -punkt 
space point. -quantelung space 
quantization, directional q. 
-resonator,Hohl-- cavity resonator, 
chamber r., rhumbatron (as part of 
klystron). -sektor solid sector. 
-sinn space perception. -strahl, 
Welt- cosmic ray. -strahlenstoss 
burst or shower of cosmic rays. 
-strahlung cosmic ray radiation. 
-teil part by volume, volume. 
-toneffekt stereophonic sound ef- 
fect, binaural e. -verhältnis 
volume relation, proportion by v. 
-verteilung spatial distribution, 
geometric d. -welle sky wave, 
space w., indirect w,; spherical 
w. -winkel solid angle (in 
spheradian units). -winkeleinheit 
steradian, spheradian, unit solid 
angle. -wirkung (cf Bildplastik) 
stereoscopic effect (of a picture); 
spatial e., auditory perspective, 
stereophonic e. (ac. ) 
raumzentriert body-centered, space-c. 
(cryst. ) 

rauschen rush, gSurgle, murmur, 
rustle (in a tube), whistle, roar, 
Rauschen (back) ground noise (in sound 
reproduction, radio, film, etc.). 

227 rechten Winkel 

. Röhren- tube noise, thermal. agita- 
tion of tube, hiss. Schrammen- 
scratch noise. Staub- dust noise 

Rausch-pegel noise level (Schottky 
effect, thermal noise). -spannung 
noise potential. 

Raute rhombus, diamond. 

Rauten-antenne rhombic antenna. 
-flach rhombohedron. 

rautenförmiq diamond-shaped, rhombic. 

R.E. (Richtempfang) directional receptim. 

Reagenzolas test tube. 

Reagenzien reagents, reactive means. 

Reaktlons-gleichung equation (of a 
reaction). -masse reaction mass, 
mass resulting from a reaction. 

Rebromierung re-bromination. 

Rechen-bild nomogram. -fehler 
error or mistake of calculation or 
computation. -knecht ready 
reckoner. -schieber slide rule. 
-tafel computation table. 

rechnen calculate, compute, figure, 
reckon, count, estimate. 

Rechner,Dreleck- triangulator (for 
trig. calculus). Verzugs-acoustic 
corrector (sound location). 

rechnerisch arithmetic, mathematical, 
by calculation or computation, 

Rechnung, Mischungs- alligation 
(wath. ) Störungs- perturbation 

Rechnungs-beamter auditor, ac- 
countant. -legung making or sub- 
mitting an accounting. 

recht achteraus right astern. 
-voraus right ahead. 

Recht, Elgentums- ownership right, 
proprietary r., property right, 

recht,flucht- flush, aligned, in 
true alignment. winkel- right- 
angled, rectangular, orthogonal. 

rechteckige Kurvenform der EMF 
square enf curve, flat-topped 
enf c. -Welle square wave. 

rechten Winkel, im at right angles, 
orthogonally, normally, trans- 


Recht-fertigung justification, 
defense, vindication, exculpation. 
-massigkeit lawfulness, legality, 
rightfulness, legitimacy. 

Rechts-anspruch legal claim, title. 
-beugung miscarriage of justice. 
-drall right-handed lay or twist 
(of a cable). 

rechtsdrehend dextrogyrate, dextro- 
rotatory, of right-handed or clock- 
wise rotation. 

Rechts-drehung dextrorotation, risht- 
handed polarization. -elnwand 
demurrer, plea, objection. -fall 
(legal) cause or case, suit, liti- 
gation. -gewlnde right-handed 
(screw-) thread. -grund legal 
ground, 1. reason, argument. 
-händigkelt right-handedness. 

rechtsichtig normal-sighted, 
emmetropic (of eye). 

rechts-kräftig machen make legal or 
non-appealable, legalize, validate, 
ratify. -laufende welle dextro- 
propagating wave. 

Rechts-kurve right-hand curve, star- 
board c. -mittel aufheben avoid or 
remove a remedy of law. -nachfolger 
legal successor, assign, assignee. 
-punkt point in or of law. -quarz 
dextrogyrate quartz, right-handed 
g. or piezo-electric crystal. 
-schraube right-handed screw. 
-spruch judgment, decision, sen- 
tence, verdict. -streit(es), 
Gegenstand des matter in a con- 
troversy, case at bar, in issue or 
in suit. -system right-handed sys- 
tem. -zuständigkeit jurisdiction, 

recht voraus Peilkurs head-on course 
(with fore-aft axis of vessel or 
craft directed toward objective). 

rechtweisender Kurs true (north) 
course. -Windkurs true heading. 

rechtwinklig right-angled, rectangu- 
lar, orthogonal. -,dreifach tri- 

rechtzeitig timely, opportune, 

recken stretch, extend, elongate, 
pull, rack; subject to traction, 


strain (metal testing); shingle, 
tilt (metal). 

redigieren edit (film). 

Reduktions-getriebe reduction gear, 
step-down §. -transformator 
step-down transformer. 

Reduktorlampe adapter-transforner 

Referierdienst abstracting service, 
reporting s., press clipping s. 

reflektierende Brennflache catacaustic. 

Reflexion,rückweisende retro-directive 
reflection. -,zerstreute diffuse 
reflection. Spieael- specular 
reflection, mirror-like r. 
Wellen- wave reflection, w. echo 
(with one or more hops). Zickzack- 
staggered reflection. 

Reflexlons-brennfläche catacaustic. 
-ebene plane of reflection. 
-flecke flare ghosts, flares 
(phot.) -gonlometer reflecting 
goniometer. -höhe level of re- 
flection (of waves in ionosphere). 
-lichthof halation by reflection. 
-vermögen reflecting power, re- 
flectivity, reflectance. -winkel 
angle of reflection. -zahl nun- 
ber of reflections (of waves from 
ionosphere involving single or 
multiple hop). 

Refraktometer,Eintauch- immersion 
refractometer, dipping r. 
-grenzwinkel critical or limitins 
angle of a refractometer, 

Regel ‚Dreifinger- right-hand rule, 
thumb r., Fleming's r. Faust- 
rule of thumb, rough and ready r. 
Phasen- phase rule. 

Regel-glied resulating attenuator. 
-grad desree of dvnamic-range or 
contrast regulation; maximum 
range of Sain variation. 

regellos geordnet with random 

Regellosigkeltsproblem random prob- 
len, haphazard p. 

Regelmässiakeit resularity. 

regeln resulate, adjust, arranse, 
set, order, control, Sovern, resu- 

Regel schwankungen hunting (in making 

Regelspannung 229 

adjustments or in resulation). 

Regelspannung automatic volume con- 
trol (avc) potential; dynamic-range 
or contrast resulation or control 
p., Senerally; control p. Schwund- 
automatic volume control (avc) 

Regelung,Nach- re-adjustment, re- 
settings. Rückwärts- indirect con- 
trol, retroactive action, backward 


Licht- lisht relay, lisht modulator 
(Kerr cell, etc.); lisht control 
means. Misch- mixins control. 
Saal- theater fader. Steck- 
plus-in and socket (volume) con- 
trol means. T- T section attenua- 
tor, double-L- s.a. Temperatur- 
tenperature control, thernostat, 
thermo-resulator, thermautostat 
(electronic). Tonbandbreite- 

tone band-width control. 

Regelverstarker variable-Sain amplifier, Regler-dose control aneroid (for en- 

ave amplifier; noise or silencing 
a.; amplifier in which resulator or 
control potential operates. 

Regen rain (in film). 

regenbogenfarbig rainbow colored, 

Recenbogenhaut iris. 

Regenerat reclaimed product (rubber). 

Regenversuch rain test, wet test (on 

Regiepult mixing table, m. desk. 

Regisseur director. 

Register stop (organ). -haltigkeit 
-des Films registration stability 

of film. -übertragung transfer of 
registry. -zug draw stop (of or- 

registrieren record 
resister, file. 

registrierend,selbst- self-recordins, 
automatically r. -(er) Spannungs- 
teiler potentiograph. -(er 
Strommesser recording ammeter. 

Registrierung, Daver- long-period 
recordins, time record. 

Regler resulator, Sovernor, con- 
troller. Druck- barostat, Dynamik- 
volume- or dynamic-range control 
means, compandor, contrast resula- 


tor. Film- film traction regulator, 
pull r., stabilizer. Fliehkraft- 
centrifusal Sovernor. Haupt- 

main resulator or Sovernor (of a 
turbine). Hörbarkeits- audibility 
network; volume control means (avc). 
Kälte- cryostat. Klangfarbe- tone 
control, tonalizer. L- L-section 
attenuator. Lautstärke- audibility 
network; volume control means (avc). 

Sine). —leitung pilot wire. -pult 
control desk,monitorins d. (in 
sound recordins). -stellung 
fader settings (in film recording). 

Regulierband,Zeit- timins tape. 

regulieren,über- overshoot, overrun, 
excessively resulate. 

Regulierschraube adjusting screw, set 

Regulierung,Bandbreite- band-width 
reSulation, b. switchins. 

Reibahle reaner. 

Reibe Srater, rasp. 

reiben rub, Srind, triturate, rasp, 
Srate, abrade. 

Reiboxydation rubbins corrosion, 
frictional oxidation, 

Reibung, innere internal friction, 
solid viscosity. Schlüpfungs- 
sliding friction, slip. 

Reibungs-arbeit frictional work; 
nasnetic hysteresis. -kegel 
cone of friction. -moment 
friction torque. -widerstand, 
Schall— acoustic resistance. 

reich,flachen- with many faces or 
sides, polyhedral. Jinien- rich 
in lines, with abundance of 1. 

Reichsgesetzblatt Imperial (German) 
Law Journal or Gazette. 

Reichweite (eines Empfangers) 
(distance) range (of a receiver 
apparatus), distance-Setting 
ability of ar.a. Nenn- rated 
range, noninal r. 

Reichweitenverteilung ranse dis- 

reif ripe, mature, 

neif(eni rang, hoop, tire, collar, 

Reifkeim 230 

Reifkeim digestion nucleus. 

Reifung ripenins, disestion of emul- 
sion (of film). Wach- maturing 
(of filn). 

Relfungskörper ripenins (acclerator) 
substance, sensitizer. 

Reihe series, row, succession, se- 
quence, train, rank, file, bank 
(of contacts, keys, etc.) 

Reihe,an die - kommen take (one's) 
turn. der - nach sequentially, 
in sequence or succession, 
gegensinnig in - series-opposins. 
gleichsinnig In - series-aidins. 
unendliche - infinite series. 

Reihe,Bild- sequence or series of 
pictures, frames or pictorial ac- 
tions. Fourier-,doppelte double 
Fourier series. Impuls- series, 
succession or train of impulses. 
Potenz- exponential series, power 
s. (math.) Tasten- row or bank of 

Reihen-anordnung seriation or series 
connection (of resistances and 
condensers, etc.) -bilder sequence 
of pictorial actions or pictures, 
motion pictures. -entwickelung 
expansion in a (power) series, 
power seriation. -fertigung 
mass production, assembly-line p. 
-folge sequence, consecution, suc- 
cession, series, order. -folge 
energetischer Bevorzuguna sequence 
or order of enersy preference. 
-funkenstrecke multiple spark Sap. 
-glied series element (of a net- 
work). -impedanzglied series in- 
pedance element, s. impedor. 
-röhrenmodulatior constant-voltase 
modulation. -verlustwiderstand 
equivalent series resistance (of a 
condenser ). 

liches")Gelb psychologically unique 
yellow. -(e) Skala true scale. 

-(e) Sprache. clear voice. 

-(e) sinusförmige Bewegung plain 

harmonic or sinuous motion. -(er) 

Ton pure note or tone, simple t. 
Reinartzschaltung Reinartz circuit 


scheme (comprising both capacity 
and inductance or tickler-coil 
feedback); also; a special short- 
wave receiver circuit scheme. 

reinigen purify, refine, clean, 
cleanse, wash, purge, scavenge, 
separate, rid. 

Reiniger,Klang- acoustic clarifier 
(on ldspk. baffle). Strom 
harmonic eliminator, filter, 
stopper or excluder, smoothins 

Reinigungskrels smoothins circuit, 
filter c., low-pass f. (followins 
a rectifier in a power unit, to 
remove ripples). 

Rein-kathode brisht emitter. 
solid carbon. 

Reinton (cf Heulton) note with one 
mode of vibration, sinsle- 
frequency tone. -blende biasing 
stop, noise-reducins s., shutter, 
vane or gate. -schaltung noise- 
less recordings circuit orgsaniza- 
tion. -verfahren noiseless re- 
cording (on film). 

Reissblei Sraphite. 

reissen tear, pull, drag; pluck (a 
strings or chord). 

Reiss-festigkeit resistance to tear- 
ins or breakins, tenacity, tensile 
strength. -gebiet discontinuity, 
cut-off or break-off region (of 
oscillations). -kohle crayon, 
charcoal crayon. -länge breakins 
lensth (cable and paper testins). 
-verschluss slide fastener, zipper. 

Reiter slide contact, slider, cursor. 
Gewichts- rider. -rädchen jockey 
roller, j. wheel. 

Reiz stimulus, excitation, stimula- 
tion. Licht- luminous stimlus, 
lisht s. Nerven- nervous stimulus. 
Seh- optical or visual stimulus or 
excitation. -schwelle threshold 
of sensation or stimulus, liminal 
value of stimulation. 

Relais, elektro-optisches electro- 
optical cell, Faraday c., lisht 
relay depending on F. effect. -mit 
mittlerer Ankerruhestellung 



neutral relay, r. with differ- 
entially moving armature. 
Bremzylinder- dashpot relay. 
Differenzial- differential relay, 
discriminating r. Distanz- 
distance relay. Elektronen- 
electron relay, thermionic r, 
Flacker- flashins relay. Fort- 
schalt- steppins or impulsins 
switch or relay. Gegenstrom- 
reverse-current relay. Halte- 
holding relay, restrainins r., 
guard r. Kupfermantel- copper- 
jacketed relay. Licht- lisht 
relay (converting current into 
lisht variations) (e.$., Kerr 
cell, Karolus c., modulated neon 
lamp, etc.). Licht-,elektro- 
optisches electro-optic cell, 
Faraday c.,1lisht relay depending 
on F. effect. Minimal- no-load 
relay, under-current r. Rückstrom- 
reverse-current relay. Schneidean- 
ker- knife-edse relay, Schnell- 
high-speed relay. Spannungs- 
under-voltase relay, low-v.r., 
no-v.r. Steuer- pilot relay. 
Stufen- relay with sequence ac- 
tion. Tast- keying relay, r. key. 
Tauchkern- plunger relay. 
Verriegel- lockins relay. 
Verzögerungs- slow-actins relay, 
time-las r. 

Relais-aberregung de-enersization 
of arelay. -anker relay arma- 
ture. -vorwähler relay pre- 

Relaxations-schwingungen relaxa- 
tion, sawtooth or ratchet oscilla- 
tions. -zeit der lonenwolke re- 
laxation time of ionic atmosphere. 
Relief (cf Raumwirkung und Plastik) 
plasticity (of pictures), plastic 
effect, three-dimensional appear- 
ance of telev. pictures. -schreiber 
embosser. -träger relief support 
(of embossed film). 
Reportage news reporting or Sather- 
ins work. -film newsreel, news» 
film, topical f. 
reproduzierbar,nicht- non-reproduci- 


ble, non-controllable, non-repeata- 

Requisitenraum property roome 
Reserve,Leistungs- margin of power, 
standby p. -lampe spare lamp. 
Reservierunasmittel resist, reserve 
(in calico printins, metal etch- 

ing, etc.) 

Resonanz entgegenwirkend anti- 

‘ resonant. 

Resonanz,in resonant, resonating or 
in resonance with, in unison 
with, in tune with, syntonized. 
in - bringen resonate, cause to 
be in resonce with. -,untersyn- 
chrone subsynchronous resonance, 
submultiple r. 

Resonanz,Dreh- torsional oscilla- 
tion resonance. Höhlungs- cavity 
resonance (of rhumbatron). 
Nebenschluss- parallel resonance. 
'Schüttel- vibration resonance. 

Resonanz-anzeiger resonance indi- 
cator (e.$., vibrating reed in- 
strunent), tuning i. -beschleuni- 
ger magnetic resonance accelera- 
tor (e.6., cyclotron comprising 
two dees or half hollow cylinders 
and spiral beam, and other forms 
of beam tubes usins ions, posi- 
trons and electrons), induction 
electron accelerator, also called 
rheotron and i. accelerator. 
-boden soundins board; belly (of 
violin). -fluoreszenz resonance 
radiation (fluorescence). 
-frequenz natural frequency, 
resonance f. -frequenz,Unter- 
submultiple (resonance) frequency, 
subsynchronous f. -hohlraum 
resonance cavity or chamber 
(rhumbatron). -körper sound or 
sounding board (or other resonant 
structure). -kreis,Spannungs- 
series resonant circuit. -kreis, 
'Strom- parallel resonant circuit, 
tank c. 

Resonanzkurve,schiefe unsymmetric or 
skew resonance characteristic. 
zweiwellige double-hump or double- 

Resonanzkurven 232 

peak resonance curve. 

crevass of resonance curve, dip. 

Resonanz-röhre resonance or tuning 

indicator (mostly Slow tube), 
flashosraph. -schärfe selectivi- 
ty, sharpness of resonance or tun- 
ing- -schwingung resonant vibra- 
tion, sympathetic v., co-vibration. 
-spannung resonance potential, 
radiation p.,p. resulting in 
transition of electron from sround 
state to next orbit and emission 
of resonance line spectrum. 
-spitze resonance peak. -spitze, 
abgeflachte flat-topped resonance 
crest. -sprung transition of 
electron resultins in emission of 
radiation, -strahlung resonance 
radiation (of vapor lamp). 

Resonator,Hohlraum- cavity resonator, 
chamber r., enclosure r. (uarz- 
piezo-electric resonator, tuning 
or resonance indicator. 

Resotank micro-wave generator (elec- 
tron-oscillation tube or magnetron 
t. confined in hollow space or 
sphere), cavity resonator magnetron. 

Rest-abweichung residual aberration 
(of lens). -dämpfung net transnis- 
sion equivalent, net attenuation, 
-flüssigkeit residual liquid. 
-härte residual hardness (of water). 
-keim residual nucleus. -plasma 
residual electrons, plasma (resion 
practically without resultant 
charse). -strahl residual ray, r. 
radiation, "reststrahl". 

Retortenhelm retort head, r. heln. 

Reusenantenne case antenna. 

Reversionspendel reversible pendulun, 
Kater p. 

Revolver revolving nosepiece (in 
microscope). Spulen- coil switch- 
ing assembly (for wave-band change). 
-kopf lens turret (of camera). 

Rezension review, criticism. 

Reziprok,Widerstands- inverse re- 
sistance, resistance reciprocal 
(= conductance). 

Rhodan thiocyanogen, sulfocyanogen. 


Rhombendodekaeder rhombic dodecahe- 

Rhomboeder rhombohedron. 

Rhombus rhomb(us), lozenge. 

Rhythmus,im in tune, synchronisn, 
rhythm or unison with; at the 
rate of. 

Richt-antenne directional antenna, 
unilateral a. -bogen clinometer. 
-charakteristik directional char- 
acteristic, space pattern. -dorn 
mandrel. -effekt rectification 
effect; directional action. 
-empfang directional reception. 
-empfänger,Einpeilen auf Punksender 
tune directional receiver to radio 
station (to take bearings). 

richten direct, turn, arrange, ad- 
just, set, straighten (out), dress, 
align, lay (a Sun), train or aim 
(at). -auf train on, aim at. 
sich - nach be suided by. 
richtende Eigenschaft directional 
property (of a loud-speaker, screen, 
antenna, etc.) 

Richter,Strom- rectifier of thyratron, 
isnitron or other mercury-arc type. 
Wechsel- inverter, inverse rectifier, 
d-c to a-c transverter. 

Richt-fahigkeit directivity, direction- 
al property. -faktor rectification 
factor. -funkfeuer directive bea- 
con station, d. transmitter s., 
radio range s., beams. -gerät 
bombsisht, sisht. 

richtig risht, correct, just, true, 
ortho. -,farben- orthochromatic 
(phot. ) 

Richtigkeit correctness, accuracy, 
faithfulness, fidelity (of repro- 

richtigphasig true-phased, in cor- 
rect phase relationship. 

Richt-kanonier Sunlayer. -kennlinie 
rectification characteristic; 
directional diasran, space pattern. 
-konstante rectification constant. 
-kraft directive force, direct- 
ing f.; versorial f. -lautsprecher 
directional loudspeaker. -linie 
$Suide line, Suidins l., directive. 


-mass standard gage. -mikrophon 
directional microphone (uni- d., 
bi-d., ultra-d., etc.) -moment 
torsional risidity (couple re-- 
quired to twist springs a certain 
angle). -platte orientation plate 
(micr.) -scheit rule, straisht 
edge. -sendeanlage beam station, 
radio beacon s., radio range s. 
-spannung output voltase furnished 
by rectifier, d-c. potential of 
r. -strahler directional antenna; 
d. loudspeaker or projector of 
sound. -strom output current 
(d.c.) of a detector; rectified 
(d.c. ) component of plate current. 
Richtung, ausgepeilte bearins. 
Anflug- direction of approach, 
homing direction (of airplanes). 
Aus - falsche misalignment (of 
track or image). Gleit- slip di- 
rection (cryst.) Kristallachsen- 
crystallographic axis orientation. 
Vorzugs- privilesed direction. 
Richtungs-anzeige,eindeutige uni- 
directional direction-findins (with 
sense-findins). -anzeiger direc- 
tion-finder, d. indicator; course 
indicating radio beacon, -bestim- 
mung direction finding. 
Richtungscharakteristik directive or 
directional Characteristic or dia- 
Sram, space pattern. -Doppel- 
Kreis- fisure & characteristic, 
tangent-circle pattern. 
Richtungseffekt head and tail effect 
(in developing machine); direction- 
al action. 
richtungsempfindlich with directional 
response, dependent upon direction 
or orientätion,non-astatic. 
Richtungs-und Entfernungsbestimmung 
rangins (say, by echo method). 
Richtungs-fehler deviation (of pen- 
cil or beam), directional distor- 
tion (telev.) -funkbake(zum 
Anfliegen) runway localizins bea- 
con (terminal marker, used in ap- 
proach procedure). -grker direc- 
tor, directive antenna. -hören 
aural determination of direction 


(of airplanes), airplane spotting 
or locating. -kurve directrix. 
-navigatlon directional navisa- 
tion. -quantelung directional 
quantization. -sender beacon 
station, beam s., radio range Ss. 
-sinnbestimmung sense-findins , 
sensins(determines sense of di- 
rection or absolute d. ) 

richtungsunempfindlich non-directional, 

Richtungs-vermögen directivity. 
—verzerrung direction distortion 
(in sound reproduction). 
-zerstreuung scatter of direction 

Richt-vermögen directivity. -ver- 
stärker anplifyins detector, plate- 
current d. -verstärker, Schirm- 
gitter- screen-srid tube with 
plate-current rectification. 

-weiser radio beacon, r. range, 
beam station. -widerstand uni- 
directional resistance (to flow), 
valve effect, rectifier e. 
-wirkung directional effect, di- 
rectivity. -zylinder directional 

Riefe Sroove, furrow, 
flute, slot, milled knurl. 
drawing groove, d. scratche 

riefeln mill, groove, knurl. 

Riegel (sliding) bolt, lock, fasten- 

Riemen strap, belt, band, thong. 
-,halbgeschrankter quarter-turn 
belt. Umhänge- shoulder strap. 

Riemen-fett belt dressing. -scheibe 
belt pulley. 

Rieseln rippling, gushing, trick- 
ling; swarming (of film); fria- 
ble, non-caking condition (of. 

Rieselturm scrubber, wash tower, 
spray t. or column, 

Riffel-faltenl autsprecher loudspeak— 
er with folded and corrugated 
horn. -lautsprecher Riffel loud- 
speaker (with diaphragm corruga- 
tions and substantially horizontal 
radiation.) -membrane pleated 



diaphrasn, d. with circular cor- 

riffeln furrow, channel, groove, 
ripple (flax). 

Rille furrow, Sroove, track (of 
phonograph disk). 

Rille,Führungs-,Schall-sroove or 
track with undulations (of phono- 
Sraph record or disk). 

Rindenschicht cortical layer. 

Ring,geteilter split rins, sesment- 
ed r. Absaug- (cf. Saugspannung) 
annular or ring-shaped collector 
electrode. Aufschraub- lens 
flange. Befestigungs- ring 
fastener, fastening r. Debye- 
Scherrer- D.-S. rins or circle, 
powder pattern, Hull r. Dichtungs- 
gasket rins, Sland. Lauf- race, 
raceway, ball-race (in bearing), 
Peil- direction-finder loop or 
frame. Schleif- slip ring, col- 
lector r. Teil- index rins. 
Verschluss- lockins collar (of 
magnifier ). 

Ring-bildung rins formation. 
-bolzen eyebolt. -elektroden, 
abbjldende focusing rings. 
-entladung ring discharée. 

-figur zone plate (of Fresnel), 
Huysens z. 

ringförmig ring-shaped, annular, cy- 
clic, toroidal, toric. 

Ring-kopf annular recording head. 
-lertung, Antennen- multiple-re- 
ceiver connection to antenna. 
-lochscheibe film scan disk (with 
apertures arranged circularly), 
-übertrager repeating coil. 

ringungesattigt cyclically unsatu- 
rated, containing an unsaturated 

Ringwulst tore, torus, toroid, 

Rinne channel, Sroove, Sutter, 

rinnen run, flow, trickle, leak. 

Rippe rib, fin, vane, ripple, flute, 
corrugation, undulation, section 
(of a radiator). Kühl- coolins 
fin, c. flange, radiator fin. 

Rohr, Fol ge- 

Rippentrichter ribbed funnel. 

Riss fissure, crack, flaw, rent, 
tear, Sap, opening, elevation 
(say, front or side). 

Riss,Haar- micro-flan, hairline 
crack,craze, capillary hair 
fissure. Schatten- silhouette. 
Seiten- lateral elevation, side e. 
Spalt- cleavase crack, c. fis- 

Riss-bildung crackins, fissuration. 
-festigkeit crack strensth, c. 
resistance. -harteprobe abrasion 
test, scratch t. 

Rissigkeit,Schweiss- chinkins or 
fissuration due to weldins. 

Ritze rift, slit, fissure, crack, 
chink, cleft, scratch. Stimm- 
Slottis, Slottic catch or cleft. 

Ritzharte scratch hardness, 
scleronetric h. -prüfer 
sclerometer, scratch hardness 

Ritzspalt scratched slit (for in- 
stance, in silver coat, in sound 

Roentgen....s. Röntgen... 

roh raw, coarse, rough, unrefined, 
unwrought, unworked, unfinished, 
in blank form; broad (radio tun- 

Roh-block (raw) ingot. -bramme 
slab, ingot. -film blank filn, 
raw Stock, -formel empirical 
formula. -gang abnormally fast 
drive or run, irresular working 
(metallursy). -ling blank, un- 
worked, unfinished or unfashioned 
piece or part. 

Rohmannshaut Rohmann's skin. 

Rohr (s.a.Röhre) tube, valve (radio); 
pipe, duct, conduit. -,hartge- 
schlossenes risidly. terminated 
tube. Abzugs- vent stack (of an 
arc-lamp) Befehls- pilot or 
master thyratron (firing first in 
a trisser circuit). Beobachtungs- 
observation tube (of electron 
microscope). Dunst- ventilatins 
pipe. Folge- piloted thyratron 
(fires second in a trisger circuit). 

Rohr, Hebe- 235 

Hebe- syphon (tube). Hosen- sy- 
phon or Y-pipe. Hüll-encasing 
tube, jacket pipe. Neben- side 
or branch tube or pipe. Perl- 
bead tube (filled with Slass b. 
to break up a fluid). Skalen- 
scale tube (of spectroscope). 
Stern- astronomical telescope. 
üÜbersetzungs-(in Schwundregelung) 
converter tube (in ave circuits, 
between resulator and regulated 
tubes). Zähl- counter tube 
(Geiger - Müller). 

Rohr-bildung tubing or pipins ac- 

tion. -blatt reed (of clarinet). 
Röhrchen tubelet, capillary tube. 
Schreib- pen, syphon (of a re- 
corder ). 

Rohre (cf Rohr) tube, valve, pipe, 
duct, conduit. -,abgeschmolzene 
sealed off tube. -,fremderregte, 
fremdgesteuerte master -excited 
tube (with independent drive cir- 
cuit). -,fusslose loctal tube. 
-,gassgefiillte Sas-content tube, 
Saseous t.; Sassy t. -,harte 
hard tube, hishly evacuated t. 
-,indirekt geheizte heater-type 
tube, indirectly heated t. = 
negativen Widerstandes dynatron 
oscillator. -,quetschfussfreie 
loctal base tube. -,selbsterregte 
self-excited or self-ascillatory 
tube (in a direct drive circuit). 
-,weiche soft valve, ionic v., 
gas-filled tube, Sassy t. 
-,zerlegbare demountable tube. 

Röhre,Abstimm- tuning indicator 

Slow-tube (e.$., flashosraph), 
c.-r. indicator t. or masic eye. 
Achtelektroden- octode. Ampli- 
tuden(glimm)- Slow-tube amplitude 
indicator, resonance i., tuning i. 
of neon type. Ballast- absorber 
valve, a. tube (takes energy dur- 
ins spacing periods). Beeinflus- 
sungs-modulator tube, Bildabtaster, 
mit mechanischer Blende Farnsworth 
dissector or electron camera tube, 
Dieckmann % Hell magnetic scanner, 
Campbell-Swinton c.-r. scanning or 

Röhre, Knopf- 

pickup tube. Bildschreibe- 
telev.isor tube, viewing t., pic- 
ture-re producing tube usins 
cathode rays. Bildsmeicher- 
signal- or charse-storase tube, 
normal iconoscope. Bildspeicher- 
und Bildwandler- supericonoscope. 
Bremsfeld-(cf Bremsfeldschal tung) 
retardation valve, Barkhausen- 
Kurz retarding-field or positive- 
grid t. Doppelgitter- bigrid 
tube, b. valve, double-grid t. 
Doppelsteuerend- power pentode 
wherein cathode grid is connected 
with control g. rather than with 
cathode. Doppelzweipol= duodiode. 
boppelzweipol-Dreipol- duodiode- 
trıode tube. Doppelzweipol- 
Vierpol- duodiode-tetrode tube. 
Dreielektroden- triode. Dreifach- 
three-unit tube, three-purpose t. 
Eichel- acorn tube. Einschluss- 
sealed. tube. Elektronen- thermion- 
ic tube, electronic t., electron 
tube, e. valve. End- power tube, 
end t. Entladungs- discharge tube, 
vacuum t. Exponential- exponen- 
tial tube, variable-u t. Fünfpol- 
pentode tube (either of power 

type or of screen-grid type). 
Gasentladungs- gas discharge tube 
or valve. Geräuschunterdrückungs- 
squelch tube, noise-reduction t. 
Glattungs- glow-tube stabilizer. 
Habann- type of split-anode mag- 
netron, dynatron oscillator 
(strictly, dynatron uses secondary 
electrons). Haupt- main oscilla- 
tor (in independent drive systen). 
lonensteuerungs- thyratron. 
Isolier- buffer tube, isolating t. 
Kathodenstrahl- thermionic tube 
(obs. ); beam t.; Lenard cathode- 
ray t.; Braun and other c.-r. 
tubes working with beam and screen 

‘such as oscilloscope, iconoscope, 

emitron, kinescope, Farnsworth 
dissector and oscillight, etc. 
Kippentladungs- time-base dis- 
charge tube. Klein- miniature 
tube. Knopf- shoebutton tube, 


Rohre, Kopplungs- 236 

acorn te Kopplungs- coupling 
tube (RF input t. associated with 
antenna). Kraftschwing- power 
oscillator. Lautzeit-drift tube, 
beam t., tube involving transit- 
time or phase effects. Lenard- 
Lenard c.-r. tube (used in radi- 
ology and experiments on phos- 
phors). Magnetfeld- magnetron 
type of tube working with constant 
magnetic field (strictly, a m. 
operates with variable magnetic 
field), permatron. Mass- measur- 
ing tube, gage t., graduated t., 
burette. Mehrfach- multi-valve, 
dual- or multi-purpose tube, mul- 
ti-unit t. Mehrgitter- multi- 
grid tube (say, tetrode, pentode, 
etc.). Misch- mixer tube. Misch 
selbstschwingende self-heterodyn- 
ing mixer tube. Modulations- mix- 
er tube, modulator t. Mosaik-, 
doppelseitige image-multiplier 
iconoscope. Negativwiderstands- 
kallirotron or dynatron types of 
negative-resistance tube. Niveau- 
level or leveling tube. Oxydkatho- 
den- tube with oxide-coated fila- 
ment, dull emitter t. Plation- 
amplifier tube with filament 
placed between control grid and 
plate; (one model has photo-elec- 
tric g.) Pressboden-loctal base 
tube. Prüf-,für Fernseher phas- 
majector, monoscope, monotron. 
Quecksilberhochdruck- hish-pres- 
sure mercury (-vapor) discharge 
tube. Quersteuer- cross-control 
beam tube, drift t., t. predi- 
cated for its operation on 
transverse action on beam. 
Resonanz- resonance indicator, 
tuning i. (mostly glow-tube), 
flashograph. Röntoen-‚mit Heiz- 
kathode hot cathode X-ray tube, 
Coolidge t. Schirmgitter-, 
Schutzgitter- shield grid tube, 
shielded-plate t., screen-g. t. 
Schwing-, fremderregte master-ex- 
cited oscillator tube (in an in- 
dependent drive circuit). 
Schwing-,selbsterregte self-ex- 


cited or self-oscillatory tube 
(connected in direct drive circuit). 
Sechspol- hexode, Siebenelektroden- 
heptode. Sondenbildfang- Farns- 
worth dissector tube. Speicher- 
(signal) storage or storing tube 
(telev.) Speicher-und Bildwander- 
super-iconoscope, Stab- arcotron. 
Steuer- master, drive or pilot 
oscillator, exciter tube. Trenn- 
isolating tube, buffer t. 
Trennstrom- spacing valve. Trift- 
drift tube, beam t. (eg. Klystron). 
Übersetzungs- Umkehr- converter 
tube (used in avc schemes between 
regulator and regulated tubes). 
Vakuum- vacuum tube, discharge t. 
Vervielfältigungs- multiplier, 
multipactor. Wasserkühl- water- 
cooled tube. Wiederyabe-, 
Braun'sche Braun cathode-ray or 
electronic picture reproducing 

tube. Zeichenstrom- marking valve. 
Zweielektroden- diode. Zwei fachzwei- 
pol- duodiode tube. Zweifeld- 
drift tube working with two fields 
(Heil types of tubes). Zwischen- 
strom- spacer valve. 

Rohren-empfang mit gleichzeitiger 

HF und AF Verstarkung dual or 
reflex (valve) reception. 
-fassung, federnde cushioned 
socket or anti-microphonic tube 
or valve-holder. -fuss pinch, 
press, squash, stem or foot of a 
tube or valve. -fuss, umgebordel - 
ter re-entrant squash or press. 
-kapazitat priate capaci— 
tance. -kappe top cap (to bring in 
control grid en -kolben bulb 
of a tube, vessel or container of 
a tube or valve. -konduktanz 
transconductance. -löscher tube 
quench. -lot pipe solder. 
-mehraufwand tube complement. 
-prufer tube tester, t checker. 
-rauschen tube noise, thermal 
agitation of a tube, t. hiss, 
valve rustle. -sockel tube 

base. -spannungsmesser vacuum 
tube voltmeter. -sperrung 
cut-off of tube, -stativ 


telescope tripod. -stempel 
press or squash of a valve or 
tube. -summer vacuum tube AF 
oscillator. -träger tube or 
pipe support. -übersteuerung 
tube overloading (causing 
blasting). -voltmesser vacuum 
tube voltmeter. -voltmesser, 
selbstgleichrichtender self- 
rectifying tube voltmeter. 
-wippe kipp relay, trigger cir- 
cuit. -wulst tubular tore, 
"doughnut". -zerplatzen,nach 

innen implosion of a vacuum tube. 

-zwischenstecker tube adapter, 
valve a. 

Rohr=holz cane. -krümmer pipe 
bend, p. elbow, p. knee. 
-leitung,Hohl- co-axial or con- 
centric line, pipe l.; wave 
guide (dielectric or conduct- 
ing). -pfeife reed pipe. 
-schlange coil (of pipe), worn, 
Spiral tube. -schlüssel pipe 
wrench, -sitz cane seat. 
-streifen skelp or strip (for 
forming tubes). -stutzen short 
piece of pipe (serving as an 
Opening, outlet, socket, or con- 
nection), nipple, short cylin- 
drical piece, bush or sleeve. 
-verlegung pipe laying. -ver- 
stopfung pipe clogging, stop-up, 
choke. -welle dielectric wave. 
Rohstück blank. 

Rollbahn cycloidal path (of elec- 
trons); roller type conveyor; 
runway or taxiway (of airfield). 
-kreis cycloidal path (motion of 

Rolle roll, roller, pulley, reel, 
spool, coil, sprocket; records, 
file-wrapper, file, docket. 
Rolle, Abzieh- pull-down spool or 

sprocket. Auflauf- take-up reel. 

Auftrags- application rolier, 
inker, inking r. Belichtungs- 
Ane drum (of film printing 
machine); sound recording d., 
scanning point, translation p. 
(in s. film reproduction). 


Druck- impression roller; 
presser or pad r. (in film 
feed). Farb- inking roller, 
i. wheel. Film- reel, take- 
up r. or spool. Filmtransport- 
film feed sprocket. Führungs- 
sprocket (wheel). Gummi andruck- 
rubber-tired presser or pad 
roller. Haupt- (part played by) 
leading star. Kordel- milled 
or knurled roller. Leit- id- 
ler, guide roller. Nachwickel- 
take-up sprocket. Schnur- 
grooved roller, pulley. 
Schwungmassen- rotary stabiliz- 
er, roller with fly-wheel ac- 
tion, impedance wheel. Seil- 
pulley. Spann- tension roller 
(m.p.). Sprossen- sprocket 
drum or wheel. Titel- part 
played by leading star. Trans- 
port- sprocket wheel (film 
feed). Umlenk-flanged idling 
roller, deviating r. Vorrats- 
magazine, m. roll. Vorwickel- 
upper feed sprocket, pull-down 
s. (m.p.). Zacken- sprocket 

rollen curl (of film). 

Rollen-darsteller,Haupt- principal, 
star. -fenster roller film 
gate. -käfig roller cage. 
-laufbahn mit Gummiüberzug 
rubber-tread of a pad roller. 
-nummer docket number, reg- 
ister n. -quetsche squeegee. 
-scheibe chain sheave. -zug 
block and tackle. 

Roll-glasschneider wheel glass 
cutter, g. cutting w, -kassette 
film roll darkslide. -kreis 
eycloidal path (of electrons). 
-schweller crescendo pedal 
(organ). -treppe escalator. 
-walze roller squeeze. 

römische Kerze Roman candle, mag- 
nesium torch, smoke pot. 

Röntgen-aufnahme röntgenography, 
X-ray picture, skiagraph. 
-beugungsaufnahme X-ray dif- 
fraction exposure or picture. 


-bremsstrahl Röntgen rays 
caused by collision and check- 



Rotations-quantenzahl rotational 

quantum number. -schwingungsband 

rotation vibration band. 
-schwingungsspektrum rotation 
vibration spectrun. 

ing. -dosismeter X-ray dosime- 
ter. -einheit roentgen (inter- 
national X-ray quantity unit); 

Xu, X unit, Siegbahn u. (wave- rotationssymmetri scher Körper 
length). -messer roentgenneter, body presenting rotation syn- 
iontoquantimeter. -photographie metry. 

röntgenograph, X-ray photograph, Rot-auszug red record (color 
skiagraph. -röhre mit film). -bruch red-shortness 

(of metal). -bruchversuch 
hot breaking test. -buchen- 
holz red beech. 

Röteltonung russet toning, brown- 
reddish t. 

rotempfindlich red sensitive. 

Rotglühhitze red heat (of in- 

rotierend(er) Dämpfer rotating 
stabilizer (film feed). 
-(e) Umlaufverschlussblende 
rotary flicker shutter, r. 

Rotorfunkenstrecke spark- Ene 

Rotterdammgerat radar. 

Rotverschiebung shift of spectral 
lines toward red or longer 

Heizkathode hot-cathode X-ray 
tube, Coolidge t.-röhre, 
fensterlose windowless X-ray 
tube. -röhre,Hartwerden harden- 
ing of X-ray tube (due to clean- 
up and loss of vacuun). 
-strahlenhärtemesser penetrome- 
ter, qualimeter. -strahlenmesser 
röntgenmeter, iontoquantimeter, 
dose meter, dosimeter, intensimeter, 


Rose,Kompass- card of compass, 
scale of c. 

Rosettenbahn rosette-shaped path 
(of electrons). 

Rost rust; grate, gridiron. 
Etagen- step grate. 

Rostanfressung corrosion, honey waves. 
combing, pitting, tubercular or Rouleauverschluss roller blind 
channel-shaped corrosion. shutter. 
rösten calcine, roast, sinter. Ruck jerk, jolt, sudden shift or 
Rost-festigkeit corrosion resist- motion, tug. 

ance, non-corrodibility. 
-grübchen, -narbe pit. 

rostsicher non-corrodible, corro- 
sion-resistant, rust-proof, 

rot,hell- bright red, of bright- 
red incandescence. kirsch- 
cherry red, of cherry-red in- 

Rotation, behinderte hindered or 
inhibited rotation (of molecules). 

Rotations-bewegung rotational mo- 
tion, rotary m. -gruppe, 
raumliche space rotation group. 
-körper body or solid of rota- 
tion or revolution. 

rotationsparabolisch full-para- 

Rückbewegung back stroke, return 
s., retrogression, flyback (of 
bean, telev.) 

rückbilden form again, re-forn. 

Rück-bildung back (reversible) 
reaction, regression; re-forma- 
tion. -dehnung damping capaci- 
ty (of metals). -dreher, 

Phasen- phase lagger, p. shifter. 
-druck reaction pressure, back p. 

Rückenwind tail wind. 

Ruck-flussdampfung structural re- 
turn loss. -flusskühler reflex 
condenser, return c., return- 
flow cooler. -führfeder re- 
tractile spring, restoring s. 
-führschnecke return screw con- 
veyor, return worm. -führung 

Rückgano 239 

return lead, r. path, r. cir- 
cuit; flyback, retrace (telev.) 
-gang return, retrogression, 
decline, backstroke; flyback 
(of pencil). 

rückgekoppeltes Audion regenera- 
tive grid-current detector, 

Rück-gewinnung recovery, re- 
cuperation lot current or en- 
ergy); reclamation, regenera- 
tion. -griff(cf Durchgriff) 
inverse grid transparency. 
-heizung extra or additional 
heating (of cathode, from 
other &electrodes). -hörbe- 
zugsdämpfung side tone refer- 
ence equivalent. -hören 
side tone. -hub back-stroke, 
return s. -kehrpunkt cusp. 

-kippgeschwindigkit flyback 
speed, time-base unlock s. 
rückkoppeln regenerate, feed 
back (a tube), put in reactive 
coupling relation (either posi- 
tive or negative). 

Rückkopplung regeneration, reac- 
tive coupling, feedback c., 
reaction. -mit Hilfsfrequenz 
super-regeneration (using quench 

Rückkopplung, lonen- ion feedback. 
Mehrfach- multiple regeneration. 
Pendel- super-regeneration (with 
quench potential). Reinartz- 
feedback (of Reinartz) using 
both capacity and inductance. 
'Schall- acoustic feedback, a. 

Rückkopplungsaudion regenerative 
grid-current detector, ultrau- 

rückkopplungsfrei non-regenera- 
tive, free from feedback ac- 

Rückkopplungs-kreis regenerative 
circuit, reactive c., feedback 
Cc. -spannung positive bias 
potential, p. quench potential 
(impressed upon gria, in super- 
regenerative circuit organiza- 


tion). -sperre reaction sup- 
pressor, "vodas," feedback s. 
-spule tickler coil, feedback 
c. -unterdrückung decoupling, 
balancing out, tuning out, re- 
duction or suppression of feed- 

Rücklauf return of pencil, fly- 
back or retrace of cathode spot 
or beam. -der Kippspannung 
flyback of sweep potential, re- 
turn of time-base to zero. 

rücklaufend recurrent, retrograde, 
in return or opposite direc- 
tion. -(er)Blitz return 
lightning stroke. 

Rücklauf-verdunkelung flyback or 
return trace elimination, 
blackout of flyback, gating 
(by blanking pulse). -zeit 
retrace period, flyback p. 

Rück-leiter return wire, r. lead, 
r. conductor. -leitung,Erd- 
ground return (circuit). 
-meldefeld revertive signal 
panel. -melder revertive 
signal or position repeating 
means, check-back position in- 
dicator (in telemetric or re- 
mote-control work). -nahmestreit 
action for withdrawal. 

Rückprall rebound, bump, reac- 
tion, repercussion, strike- 
back, back-stroke, recoil, re- 
turn, back-fire. -elektrode 
(cf Prallelektrode) rebound 
electrode, target e., impactor 
e. (in Weiss mesh multiplier). 

Rück-projektionsanlage reprojec- 
tion equipment; back projec- 
tion e. -reaktion back reac- 
tion. -schlag see Rückprall, 
-schlag,Bogen- arc-back. 
-schlagventil check valve. 

rückschreitende Welle regressive 
wave, reflected w. 

Rück-seite back side, posterior 
face, rear surface, reverse. 
-sicht, mit - auf with due re- 
gard for, because of, in the 
light of. -spiegelung specular 


reflection, regular r. -spielen 

playback, dubbing. -sprung (cf 

Rückprall) rebound, ricochet. 
rückspulen re-wind. 

Rückstand,in - kommen fall behind, 

be in arrears. Gas- residual 
gas, remnant of g. (or vapor). 
Kondensator- residual charge of 
condenser. Trocken- dry resi- 

rückständig in arrears, backward, 
not progressive, retrogressive, 

Rückstellkraft restoring force, 
resiliency, retractility, elas- 
tic f., restitutive f. or pres- 

Rückstoss repulsion, rebound, 
backward push, recoil, back 
stroke, reaction, shock. 

-atome recoil atoms. -bahn 
recoil track. -elektron re- 
coil electron, Compton e. 

-potential recoil potential. 

Rück-strahl echo, reflected wave, 
reflection. -strahlbrennfl ache 
catacaustic. =strahldiagramm 
back reflection photogran, 

-strahler reflector, re-radiator. 

-strahlung,spiegelnde specular 

reflection, regular r. -strahlungs- 

faktor reflectance, reflection 
factor. -strahlungsmesser re- 
flectometer. -strahlverfahren 
(Ultramikr.) reflection method 
(ultra or electron microscope 
using a thin foil). -strom in- 
verse current, backward c. (in 
rectifier). -stromrelais re- 
verse-current relay. 
rücktreibende Kraft repelling 
force, reflecting f. (acting 
on electron pencil). 

Rückverwandlung reconversion. 

rückwärtige Stromstossgabe rever- 
tive pulsing. 

Rückwärts-leitung high-resistance 
direction. -regelung indirect 
control, retroactive control 
action, backward regulation. 

Rückweg return path. 


ruckweise by jerks, jars or jolts, 
intermittently, discontinuously, 

rückweisende Reflexion retro- 
directive refléction. 

rückwerfende Brennfl ache 

Rück-werfer rejector, reflector, 
throwback means. -wirkung, 
Anoden- anode or plate feed- 
back or reaction. -wirkung, 
Blind- reactance (either in 
the form of inductance or 
capacitance). -wirkung, Schall- 
acoustic impedance (comprising 
resistance and reactance, the 
latter being either in the 
form of inertance or compliance, 
corresponding to inductance and 
capacitance in electricity). 
-wirkungsleitwert reactive 
admittance, susceptance (either 
capacitive or inductive). 
-zugfeder retractile spring. 
-zugtaste back-spacing key. 
-zündung backlighting, arc- 
back, backfiring; backlash 
(imperfect rectification, in 

Ruf ring, ringing, call (signal). 
Not- SOS or distress call, may 
day (radio telephone d. call). 

Rufer developer. 

Ruf-horn signal horn. -zeichen, 
Funkstellen- station call, 
cude sign, code signal, "signa- 

Ruhe rest, repose, quiescence, 
silence, Q@. state, unmodulated, 
unexcited or neutral condition, 
stationary equilibrium. 

Ruhe,...(in Zusammensetzungen) 
no-signal..., when in unexcit- 
ed or unelectrified state, A or 
quiescent condition (of a valve). 

Ruhe-arbeitspunkt Q point, quiescen 
condition (of valve). -belich- 
tung unmodulated lighting, no- 
modulation 1., average or 
steady illumination, no-sound ]. 
(in variable-density sound 

Ruheelektrizität 2u 

recording). -elektrizitätslehre 

electrostatics. -kontakt 
spacing contact, rest or inop- 
erating c. (closure occurs upon 
de-energization of relay), con- 
tact of back part of key lever. 
-lage equilibrium position, 
balanced p. -lage,Strahl- 

spot zero. -licht unmodulated 
lighting, no-modulation l., 
average illumination, steady i., 
no-sound i. (in variable-densi- 
ty sound recording). -masse 
(der Teilchen) rest mass (of 

ruhendes Bild still picture, 

"still", unanimated p., or- 
dinary photograph. 

Ruhe-punkt point of rest, ful- 

erum; quiescent or A p. (on 
tube characteristic). 
-schwärzung unmodulated densi- 
ty, no-sound d., (in variable- 
density sound recording). 
-=spannung bias potential, 
steady p.; no-signal p., re- 
pose p., Q point p. -stellung, 
Anker-,Relais mit neutral re- 
lay. -stellung,Tonstreifen- 
zero modulation of track. 
-streifen unmodulated track. 
-strom no-signal current, 
quiescent c.; anode-feed cur- 
rent (d.c. component of anode 
c.) -strombetrieb closed-cir- 
cuit operation. -trägerfre- 
quenz center frequency, rest- 
ing f. (in f - m), -transparenz un- 
modulated transmission (of film). 
-wert (cf Ruhezustand) steady, 
static, stationary, no-signal, 
neutral or quiescent value, Q 
point (e.g., when a tube fur- 
nishes no oscillations or no 
potential difference exists 
between grid and filament). 
-winkel angle of repose, a. of 
friction (rarely used). 
-zustand state of rest, s. of 
quiescence, Q,neutral or re- 
pose conditions 


Rührapparat stirring apparatus, 
agitating a., stirrer, agitator. 

rühren stir, agitate, puddle, 
pole, rabble. 

Rühr-scheit paddle, rake, stirrer. 
-stab stirring rod, s. pole, 
paddle, rabble. 

Rumpf body (of engine, etc.); 
trunk; hull (of a ship); fusel 
lage (of airplane); core (of 
ions), kernel (stable inner 
electron group); negative 
unvaried portion of luminous 
glow (in g. tube). lonen- 
ion core. 

Rumpfelektron inner electron 
(forming part of core, kernel 
or rumpf e. group). 

Rundblick-aufnahme panoramic 
view, p. photograph, panning 
shot, pan, pam (m.p. slang). 
-fernrohr panorama sight, 
panoramic telescope. -kamera 
panoramic camera. 

runderhaben convex. 

Rundfunk,Leitungs- AF wire broad- 
cast, AF rediffusion. 

Rundfunk-tonfilm sound telecast, 
s. telecine (of film), broad- 
cast of television program 
with sound accompaniment (or 
of video and aural signals 
simultaneously). -welle (cf 
Wellenabgrenzung) broadcast 
wave, medium-frequency w., b. 
band (frequencies between 550 
and 1600 ke in USA). 

rundhohl concave. 

Rund-kerb round hotch, Charpy n. 
(with root radius). -laufen 
der lonen circulation of ions. 
-strahlantenne polydirectional 
antenna, omni-d.a. 

runzelig wrinkled, puckered, 
shriveled; mottled, reticulat- 
ed (of film gelatin). 

Runzeln mottling, wrinkling. 

Russel nose, snout, nozzle. 

Rute, Wunschel- dousing or divin- 
ing rod. 

Rutenganger, Winschel- douser. 


Rutherford-Bohr Atommodell R.-B. 
atom model or conception. 

Rutil rutile, titanium dioxide. 

Rutsche chute, shoot, slide. 

rutschen glide, slide, slip, 

Rutsch-erscheinung slip phenomenon 

242 Rütteltisch 

(cryst.), -kupplung slip clutch. 

Rüttelformmaschine jolt molding 
machine, jar ramming m. 

rütteln shake, jolt (by jerky 

Rütteltisch jarring, jolting or 
bumping table. 

S. A. (Selbstanschluss-System) 
automatic telephone system. 

Saal,Probe- rehearsal hall. 

 Saalregler theater fader. 

Sache subjectf-matter), cause, case, 
theme, topic, matter, Ar 
docket, in re. 

sachgemäss appropriate, in an expert 

Sach-kenntnis,-kunde expert knowledge, 
expertness, competence, knowledge 
in an art. 

sachkundig experienced, expert, 
skilled, trained in an art or pro- 

Sachlage state of affairs, factual 

sachlich objective, material, neutral, 
real, in a matter of fact way. 

Sach-verhalt factual situation, facts 
of a case. -verständiger expert, 
authority, specialist (in techno- 
logical art or science, etc.) 
-verzeichnis subject index. 
-worterbuch encyclopedia. 

Sack bag, sack, pocket, pouch, sac. 
Wind- wind cone, w. hose (airport). 

sage-artig saw-like, serrated. 
-förmige Spannung,doppel- double 
sawtooth potential. 

Sägemehl saw dust. 

Sägezahn-generator sawtooth generator 
(telev.) -kurve,Steilabfall der 
abrupt drop of sawtooth wave. -span- 
nung sawtooth voltage, ratchet v. 

saigern liquate. 

Saite,ausgespannte stretched chord, 
s. string. -,geschlagene percussed 
chord or string. -,gezupfte 
plucked string. -,mitschwingende 
sympathetic string, co-vibrant s. 

Begleit- accompaniment string (zither) 

Saiten-galvanometer string galvanone- 
ter, vibration §. -summer chord 
buzzer. -zug string tension. 

salbig salvy, unctuous. 

Salz,Fixier- fixing salt. 

salzgetränkte Kohle mineralized car- 
bon, impregnated c. 

Salzkristall,Seianette- Rochelle 
salt crystal. 

sämisches Leder Chamois leather. 

Sammel-anode collector anode, 
gathering a., output a., ultimate 
a. -anschluss p.b.x. line, pri- 
vate branch exchange. 
-anschlussteilnehmer subscriber 
with several lines. -elektrode 
output electrode, collector e., 
gathering e., catcher (klystron). 
-gefäss receiver, reservoir, col- 
lecting vessel, receptacle. -glas 
converging lens; preparation tube, 
specimen t. -linse condensor lens, 
converging l., convergent 1., posi- 
tive 1. -linse,Haupt- second lens 
(in electron gun). -linse,Vor- 
first focusing lens, cathode 1. 
(like Wehnelt cylinder, apertured 
disk, etc., in cathode-ray tube). 

sammeln concentrate, focus, collect, 
gather, accumulate, assemble, catch. 

Sammel-raum receiver, receptacle, col- 
lector space, catcher space (in 
Klystron). -rohr collector pipe, 
Mains. -schiene busbar, omnibus 
bar. -spule focusing coil. -sys- 
tem collective or condensor system 
or element (projector). -zylinder 
focusing cylinder. 

Sammler accumulator, storage battery; 
collector. Wind- air reservoir, 
compressed-air tank. 

Samtdichtung velvet trap. 

Sandform sand mold (foundry). 

sandführend sand-bearing, sandy, 
areniferous, arenaceous. 

Sandguss sand casting. 

sandig sandy, areniferous, arenaceous. 

sanft soft, gentle, mild, smooth. 

Saphir sapphire. -spat cyanite. 

satinieren satin, glaze, burnish. 

Satiniermaschine 244 

Satiniermaschine,heisse hot burnish- 
ing press. 

Sattdampf saturated steam, saturated 

Satte bowl, dish. 

Sattel crevass, dip (of resonance 

sättigen,über- supersaturate. 

Sattigungs-aktivitat saturation ac- 
tivity. -apparat saturator. 

sattigungsfahig saturable, capable 
of saturation. 

Sattigungs-kapazitat saturation 
Capacity. -strom saturation cur- 
rent. -wert valence. 

Satz deposit, sediment, settlings; 
set (of things); sentence, prin- 
ciple, law, rule, theorem, axiom. 
-vom ausgezeichneten Lichtweg 
law of extreme path. 

Satz,Federn- spring bank, s. as- 
sembly. Flachen- theorem of con- 
servation of areas. Glas- 
glass batch, g. composition, §g. 
charge. Gleichverteilungs- 
principle of equipartition of en- 

ergy (Maxwell-Boltzmann). Haupt- 
fundamental principle, f. law, 
axiom (math.) Impulserhaltungs- 
theorem of conservation of momen- 
tum. Knall- detonating composi- 
tion. Kontakt- bank of contacts. 
Lehr- abstract theorem or doc- 
trine. Leit- guide rule, guid- 
ing principle, basic p. Linsen- 
lens combination, system of lenses. 
Lücken- vacancy principle. Ob- 
jektiv- set of lenses, system of 
l., lens combination. Permanent- 
permanence principle, sum rule. 
Rad- axle and two wheels. Summen- 
sum rule, permanence principle. 
Verschiebungs- displacement law. 
Verteilungs- principle of distribu- 
tion, d. law. Vorder- antecedent, 
premise. Wechsel- exchange prin- 

sauber clean, neat. 

säuern acidify, sour. 

Sauerstoff-ion anion, negative ion. 
-messer eudiometer. -pol oxygen 


pole, anode. 

Saugapparat suction apparatus, as- 

saugen suck(up), absorb, imbibe, 

Sauger suction apparatus, aspirator, 
exhauster. Wellen- wave trap, 
smoothing choke coil, series re- 

Saug-fahigkeit absorptive capacity, 
absorptivity, imbibition power. 
-feld positive field, suction f., 
f. which draws away. -festigkeit 
resistance to suction, s. strength. 
-filter suction filter. -flasche 
filter flask. -geschwindigkeit 
rate of evacuation (of vacuum 
pump). -gitter space-charge grid. 
-hahn suction cock. -heber syphon. 
-höhe suction head, s. height, ab- 
sorptive heisht. -kreis acceptor 
circuit; impedance or absorption 
wave trap. -leitung suction 
pipe, s. piping. -luft vacuum. 
-messer vacuometer. -näpfchen 
suction cup. -spannung anode, 
driving or positive potential 
(of photo-cell), saturation p. 
-spule smoothing coil. -stutzen 
pump intake, p. nozzle. -trans- - 
formator booster transformer, 
sucking t. -ventil suction valve. 

Säule column, pillar, prism (cryst.); 
pile (electr.), Glimm- light 
column, glow c. (of tuning in- 
dicator). Licht- light column. 
Quecksilber- mercury column. 
Volta’ sche- voltaic pile. 

Saulenachse prismatic axis. 

saulenartig columnar, prismatic 
(cryst. ) 

Saulen-lampe pillar (lamp), bat= 
ten. -tischfernsprecher desk 
(stand) telephone set. 

Saum seam, hem, edge, fringe. 
-,farbiger color fringe. 

saumen hem, edge, border. 

Saureballon acid carboy. 

saure-beständig stable to acid ac- 
tion, fast to acid. -bildend 

-verbindung oxygen 


acid forming.- -haltig containing 
acid, acidiferous. 

Saureschwemmverfahren acid flotation 

säurewiderstehend resistant to acid, 
fast to a. 

Saurezahl acid number. 

sausen rush, whiz, whistle, hum. 

Schaar,Kurven- family, group or 
system of curves. 

schaben scrape, shave, grate, rub, 

Schablone pattern, template, sten- 
cil, mold, form, model, former. 

Schablonenstreifen controlling 
strip (automatic film printing). 

Schabsel scrapings, parings, shav- 

Schacht,Licht- light tunnel (of 
sensitometer ). 

Schadenersatz festsetzen assess 
damages or indemnity. -klage 
action for damages. 

schadlich spurious, stray (of 
radiations), noxious, injurious, 
dangerous, harmful, detrimental. 
-machen vitiate, contaminate. 

Schadloshaltung indemnification, 
indemnity, compensation. 

Schaft shaft, shank, stock, sten, 
handle, stalk. Niet- rivet shank, 
r. sten. 

Schake link (of a chain). 

Schakel shackle. : 
Schale dish, basin, cup, pan, bowl, 
scale, tray; husk, shell, rind, 

skin. Abtropf- drainer, drip, 

jar, dish. Anoden- anode segment 
lor magnetron). Dampf- evaporat- 
ing dish, e. basin. Elektronen-, 
beinahe geschlossene nearly closed 
electron shell. Kugel- partial 
sphere, cup, spherical shell, cup- 
shaped or’hemispherical part, 
calotte. Unter- sub-shell (of 
electrons). Zweier- duplet rings. 

shell absorption coefficient 
(shielding function). 

Schalen-bau der Elektronenhülle 
structure of electron shell. 


-entwicklung tray development, 
dish d. -guss chill casting. 
-gussform chill. -kupplung 
sleeve coupling. -lack shellac. 
-windstarkemesser cup-type 

Schall(s.a. Akustik,Geräusche, 
Klang & Ton) sound, acoustic ac- 
tion, sound a., ring, peal, noise 
(=disturbing s. 

Schall,Korper- material conduction 
of sound (say, through solids). 
Luft- air conduction of sound. 
Tritt- impact sound (transmission). 

Schall-abstrahlung sound radiation 
or projection. -abwehr noise 
abatement, n. Suppression, sound 
attenuation, s. absorption. 
-aufnahme, akustische direct 
mechanical recording (as dis- 
tinguished from electrical r.) 
-aufnehmen sound recording; s. 
pickup, s. collection, s. re- 
ceiving (by a microphone). 
-aufnehmen, Gl immröhren- glow- 
tube or g.-lamp sound recording 
(e.g:, by Aeolight). -aufzeichner 
sound recorder. -ausbreitung, 
vertikale vertical spread or dif- 
fusion of sound. -ausschlag dis- 
placement of a particle (ac). 
-bandaufnahme magnetic steel tape 
recording. -becher bell(wind in- 
strument). -bestrahlung,hohe 
high radiation distribution ef- 
ficiency. -brett baffle(board). 
-bündel pencil of sound. -dämmung 
sound reduction,s. attenuation, s, 
deadening, s. absorption, silenc— 
ing (of noise). -dämmzahl sound 
transmission characteristic. 

schalldämpfend sound absorbing, s. 
N damping, deadening 
(for sound). 

Scnall-dampfer silencer, sound ab- 
sorbing means, muffler. -dämp- 
fungseinheit unit of sound ab- 
sorption (e.g., Sabin unit). 
-dampfungsfaktor sound absorptivi- 
ty, Se absorption coefficient. 
-dampfungsmittel sound absorbing, 


s. attenuating, s. damping, s. 
deadening means or material, sound 
absorbent or absorber, s. insula- 
tion. -deckel sounding top (of 
muse instrument), sounding board, 
sound b., abat-voix. -druck, 
effektiver effective sound pres- 
sure, rms (root-mean-square 
acoustic p. -durchlässigkeit 
sound transmission, s. transmit- 
tance. -einfall,streifender 
glancing incidence of sound wave. 
-empfang sound collection, s. re- 
ception (of a microphone). 
-empfänger sound pickup, sound col- 
lection device (e.g., microphone), 
s. receiver. -empfindungsschwelle 
threshold of audibility, t. of 
acoustic perception or percipience 
(represented by audiogran). 
-ereignis sound action, acoustic a. 

schallen sound, resound, ring. 

Schallfärbung timbre, tone color, 
tone quality. 

schallharte Trichterwand rigid or 
non-absorbing horn wall. 

Schall-härte acoustic stiffness, 
sound hardness (denoting ratio 

_ pressure amplitude to velocity 
amplitude as a function of fre- 
quency). -impedanz acoustic in- 
pedance. -ingenieur sound techni- 
cian, acoustician. -leistung 
response (of an acoustic system). 
-mikrophon acoustic microphone. 
-öffnung louvre (of bell tower). 
-ortung sound location. -platte 
für Rundfunk 16" transcription 
record for broadcast studios. 
-platte,Bild- sound and picture 
on disk. -platte,Mess- frequency 
record, phonograph disk bearing 
sliding notes or constant notes; 
parlophone record (produces warble 
note). -plattengeräusch record 
noise, surface n. -plattensteg 
wall, land or barrier between 
record grooves. -quelle sound 
generator, sound source, source 
of acoustic energy. -reaktionsrad 
Rayleigh disk, etc. (placed in a 



sound field). -reibungswiderstand 
acoustic resistance (dissipative 
component of acoustic impedance). 
-reiz,überschwelliger super- 
threshold (sound) intensity level. 
-rille groove or track (on a disk). 
-rückkopplung acoustic feedback, a. 
regeneration. -rückwirkung acous- 
tic impedance (comprising re- 
sistance and reactance, the latter 
either in the form of inertance or 
of compliance, corresponding to 
electrical inductance and capaci- 
tance. ), -sammler sound or micro- 
phone concentrator. -scheinwerfer 
sound reflector, acoustic radiator. 
-schirm baffle. -schlucker sound 
absorbent, s. deadening material. 
-schluckung sound absorptivity, 
acoustic a. -schnelle volume cur- 
rent (ac.). -schnelleempfänger 
velocity microphone. -=schreiber 
sound recording stylus, s. re- 
corder. -schutz sound proofing, s. 
insulation. -schwellenstarke 
threshold sound intensity (of 
audibility and of feeling). 

schallsicher soundproof. 
Schall-starkemesser phonometer, 

sound level meter. -strahlbür ‘el 
pencil of sound. -tilgung scund 
absorption, s. suppression, s. 
deadening, s. damping, s. attenua- 
tion. -tilgungsmittel gobo, nigger, 
baffle (in form of a wall, etc., 
in m.p. work). 

schalltot non-resonant, non-oscilla- 

ble, acoustically inert or inac- 

Schall-treibwerk loudspeaker operat- 

ing mechanism, motor element. 
-übertragungsanlage (public) 
address system; electroacoustic 
transducer (rare). -umfang 
sound range, s. contrast. 
-umwandlungseinrichtung electro- 
acoustic transducer. -verstär- 
kungsmittel sound re-inforcing 
system (in halls, auditoria, etc.) 
-verzugs, Ausschalten des acoustic 
correction (sound locator). 

Schal |wahrnehmung 247 

-wahrnehmung des menschlichen Ohres 
human tone or sound perception, 
auditory percipience. -wand(cf 
Tonfiihrung) baffle (partition or 
boara), loudspeaker screen (to 
prevent acoustic teedbacks), sound 
panel (for either s. absorption or 
s. reflection). -weglänge sound 
path length. 

schallweich sound absorbent. 

Schallwelle,Uber- supersonic wave, 
ultrasonic w. 
Schallwellen-aufzeichner phonodeik 
(records on film). -ausgleich 
neutralization of sound waves 
(prevented by baffles). -wider- 
stand acoustic impedance; complex 
quantity comprising acoustic re- 
sistance corresponding to internal 
friction responsible for energy 
dissipation, and acoustic reactance 
either in the form of inertance 
(=electric inductance) or of com 
pliance (=electric capacitance). 

Schali-widerstand ratio pressure an- 

plitude: velocity a. -wiedergabe, 
Radtkeverfahren s. Radtke ver- 
fahren. -wiedergabequal itat 
realistic or faithful sound re- 
production (with "atmosphere" or 
"room tone"). -wirkungswiderstand 
acoustic resistance, 

Schalt-band controlling strip (of 
printing machine). -bild circuit 
diagram, wiring d., hook-up. -buchse 
jack. -element circuit element, c. 

schalten,gegeneinander connect in op- 
position, c. differentially. -,in 
Brücke bridge (across). -,vielfach 
multiple. -,vorwarts step forward, 
notch f. 

Schal ter,halbversenkter semi-sunk or 
semi-recessed switch. -mit 5 
Ausgangen switch with five points, 
five-point s. -, sechsteiliger, mit 
zwei Stellungen two-position six- 
point switch. Bogenlösch- Deion 
circuit breaker. Dämmerungs- twi- 
light switch. Dreieck-Stern- 
delta-star switch. Dreiwege-three- 

Schal tmittel 

way switch. Druckgas- cross gas- 
blast switch. Druckluft- auto- 
pneumatic circuit breaker, air 
blast switch. Expansions- hydro- 
blast or expansion circuit breaker 
or switch. Einaus- off-on switch. 
Hebel-, zweipoliger double-lever 
switch. Hörsprech- talk-listen 
switch (of intercommunication sys- 
tem). Impulsöl- oil blast circuit 
breaker. Kipphebel- toggle switch. 
Messer- knife (blade) switch. 
Mithör-listening key. Nadel- 
vibrating reed rectifier. 
Peilseiten- direction-finder sense- 
switch, sensing or sense-finding 

Se Sn df and sense-finding 

loops). Pressgas- gas-blast 
switch. Pressluft- airblast 
switch. Quecksilber-mercury 
switch. Rasten- step switch, 

multi-point s. Schnapp- snap 
switch, tumbler s. Sprech- 
speaking key. Stern-Dreieck star- 
delta switch. S*euver- sequence 
switch, master s., control s. 
Stopsel- plug switch. Stromstoss- 
impulsing switch, stepping s. 
Stufen- multi-point switch, multi- 
contact s., step s. Thermo- 
thermal lag switch. Trenn- isola- 
tor, isolating switch, disconnect- 
ing link. Uberwachungs- monitor- 
ing key. Verstimmungs- wave- 
change switch, w. changer (in a 
transmitter). Verzögerungs- 
time-lag switch. Wahl- selector 
switch. Wasser- hydroblast switch. 
Wechsel- double-throw switch. 
Wellen(bereich)- wave-band switch. 
Wende- reversing switch, r. key. 
Zeitschnell- high-speed switch, 
quick-break s. 
Schalter-arbeit switch work. -kamm 
sequence switch cam. -leistung 
cf Abschaltleistung. 
Schalt-kapazitat circuit capacitance 
(radio). -leistung,Ab- rupturing 
capacity, circuit-breaking c. (of 
a power switch). -mittel circuit 
element, c. means; switching 


device. -nocken trip cam, trigger 
c. -periode shutter period, shift 
p., moving p., feed stroke (m.p.) 
-rad,Schritt- stepping wheel. 
-rolle sprocket wheel (film feed). 
-schema diagram of connections, 
circuit d., hookup. -spannung 
bias reducing potential, unblock- 
ing potential (silent tuning). 
-strom current on contact. -trommel 
intermittent (motion) sprocket (film 

Schaltung (s.a. Stromkreis und Kreis) 
connection, circuit arrangement, c. 
organization, c. scheme, hookup; 

Schaltung,bildweise intermittent film 
feed or movement. -,stete continu- 
ous film feed or movement. 

Schaltung, Abwage- comparator circuit 
organization. Bild- feed or move- 
ment of frame or picture (m.p.), 
frame ratcheting. Blink- blink- 
ing arrangement, ratchet, re- 
laxation or sawtooth generator 
scheme with RC time-base and neon 
lamp. Bremsfeld- retarding-field 
circuit organization (with positive 
grid and negative plate), Bark- 
hausen-Kurz circuit, oscillating- 
electron or electron-oscillation 
scheme with reflecting electrode. 
Brücken- H. and T. see Entzerrungs- 
kette. CW- capacity-resistance 
circuit scheme, c.-r. network. 
Doppelröhren- tandem-tube circuit 
arrangement, push-pull c.a. 
Doppelweg- full-wave rectifier 
circuit organization. Dreipunkt- 
Hartley (oscillator) circuit schene, 
potentiometer circuit scheme. ~ 
Entlade- circuit causing fast drop 
of sawtooth voltage. Film- pull- 
down film movement, film feed. 
Filmfort- film feed, f. travel, f. 
movement. Glimmlampenkipp- neon- 

_ lamp time-base circuit scheme. 
Graetz- four electrolytic rectifier 
bridge-arrangement. Greifer- 
claw film feed. Gruppen- series - 
parallel connection. Hintereinander- 
series connection or arrangement, 



seriation, cascading a., tandem a., 
concatenation (of motors). 
Kaskaden- cascading connection, 
concatenation, tandem arrange- 
ment (of motors). Ketten- relay 
chain circuit. Lade- circuit 
means causing slow rise of saw- 
tooth voltage. Mischer- keying 
and mixer tube scheme (for adding 
synchronizing and video signals). 
Mittelpunkttast- center-tap key 
modulator arrangement. Neutralisa- 
tions- neutrodyne circuit organiza- 
tion. Parallel- parallel connec- 
tion, p. circuit organization, 
multiple connection, paralleling. 
Pendel- (Armstrong) super-regenera- 
tion circuit. Reinartz- regenera- 
tion circuit (comprising capacity 
and tickler coil). Reinton- 
noiseless recording circuit or- 
ganization. Schlager- dog or 
plunger movement or mechanisn. 
Schleifen- circuit looped back 
and forth. Spar- circuit or- 
anization designed to economize 
late) current (e.g., Nestel's). 
Zeilen- vertical stepping-down 
movement, picture traversing. 

schaltungstechnischer Aufbau cun- 
structional details of circuit 
organization or wiring. 

Schalt-vorgang switching operation, 
s. process. -wähler, Schritt- 
step-by-step selector, 

schaltweise Bewegung intermittent 
movement or feed, discontinuous m. 

Schalt-welle wiper shaft. -werk 
film feed, intermittent or shuttle 
mechanism (m.p. ); control switch 
m. or gear, trip or stepping m. 
-werk,Fort-,-werk,Schritt- step- 
by-step mechanism, stepping or 
switching m, -zeichen symbols 
of radio circuit elements, legend 
(list of symbols) letters or numer- 

Schamottestein firebrick. 

scharf strident, shrill, ae 
(of sound); peaked (of a curve). 
-begrenzt highly selective (of 


Schärfe resolving power, resolu— 
tion, definition; sharpness (of 
selection, distinction, discrimina- 
tion or tuning), degree or measure 
of distinctness (e.8., of optical 
actions), acuity. 

Schärfe,gestochene microscopic sharp- 

‘ ness. Abstimm- sharpness of tun- 
ing or of resonance, selectivity. 
Bild- picture definition, p. 
resolution. Fleck- spot focus, 
sharpness of f. Gehör- acuity of 
hearing. Längs- definition in 
line direction. Mitten- central 
definition, sharpness of center. 
Quer- definition in frame direc- 
tion. Resonanz- selectivity, 
sharpness of resonance or of tun- 
ing. Seh- visual acuity, sharp- 
ness of vision, visual focus. 
Tiefen- depth of focus, d. of 
field. Trenn- selectivity, fil- 
ter discrimination. 

Scharfeinstellung sharp focusing 
(opt.); automatic tuning indica- 

Schärfen,Minimum- zero cleaning or 
clearing, z. sharpening (d.f.) 

Schärfenfeld (in Bezug auf Off- 
nung, Entfernung und Brennweite) 
focal field (in respect of aper- 
ture, distance, and focal length). 

Schärfenfeld-grenzen limits of 
sharpness or of definition; camera 
lines (delineating good focus 
area). -tiefe depth of field. 

Schärfen-fläche surface of sharp or 
distinct vision. -messung, Gehör- 
audiometry. -tiefe depth of vi- 
sion, definition in d., depth of 

focus. -winkel angular resolving 
power. -zeichnung sharpness of 

Schärfereglung, Trenn- automatic band- 
width selection. 

scharfgängig property of a screw cut 
with triangular thread. 

Schärfung,Nuljpunkt- zero or minimum 
point cleaning or clearing, shar- 
pening of minimum (d.f.). 

scharf-winklig acute-angled. 


-zeichnende Linse achromatic lens. 

Scharnier hinge, joint, articulation. 
Dreh- swivel pivot. 

scharren scrape, scratch. 

schartig notchy, nicked, jagged, 

Schatten shades, shadows(of picture); 
umbras. Funk- radio shadow, r. 
pocket, r. dead spot. Halb- 
penumbra, half-shade or shadow, 
partial shadow. Kern- umbra. 

Schatten-anzeiger shadow tuning 
indicator, shadowgraph. -ap- 
parat, Halb- half-shade apparatus, 
half-shadow a. -bild silhouette. 
-grenze,Halb- penumbra boundary. 
-kompensation,Halb- penumbral 
compensation. -mikroskop shadow 
microscope. -riss silhouette. 
-veranderung change in shade or 
shading values. -verhältnis 
(zwischen Drähten und freier Git- 
terfläche) cover ratio (say, 1/3), 
transparency. -wurf sound shadows. 
-zeiger shadowgraph (tuning in- 

Schattierung shading, hatching, shade, 

Schattierungsverfahren variable-density 
recording mthod. 

Schaubild diagram, graph; hookup; 
perspective view. 

Schauer, Höhenstrahlen- bursts or 
shower of cosmic rays (traced by 

Schauerstrahlen shower radiations, 

Schaufel blade, bucket (of turbine), 
shovel, scoop, beater, vane. Lauf- 
runner blade, r. bucket (turbine. ) 

Schaufel abstand circular pitch (of 

Schau-glas display glass; specimen 
g., sample 8. -hörerschaft 
aural and visual audience, per- 
sons listening to and seeing si- 
multaneously audio and video 

schaukeln oscillate, rock, recipro- 
cate, move to and fro, swing. 

Schau-linie graph, curve. -linse 
viewing lens. -loch peephole, 

Schaum 250 

inspection h., bezel, observation 
port (for projectionist, to view 
the a 

Schaum,chromatischer chromatic soft 
focus, c. bleeding. Farb- fring- 
ing (of film). Glas- glass gall, 

Schaum-abheber froth skimmer, dros- 
ser. -gold Dutch metal. -gummi 
sponge rubber. -loffel skimming 
spoon, skimmer. -ton Fuller's 

Schau-versuch lecture experiment, 
demonstration e. -zeichen 
indicator signal, visual s., op- 
tical s., telltale means. 

scheckig dappled, spotted, mottled. 

Scheibchen, Beugungs- diffraction 
disk. Zerstreuungs- circle of 
confusion, blur circle. 

Scheibe disk, slice, pane, dial; 
pulley, wheel. -, stroboskopische 
stroboscope, stroboscopic pattern 
wheel. Ablese- dial (of direction- 
finder). Abtast- Nipkow scanning 
disk, exploring d. Ausgleich- 
schwung= rotary stabilizer, roller 
with fly-wheel action. Blenden- 
auxiliary rotary shutter disk, 
stop d. with spiral slot cyclic- 
ally co-operating with holes of 
quadruple scanning disk. 

Daumen- cam (with lobe). Dreh- 
turntable (part of m.p. studio 
equipment). Exzenter- cam, Fall- 
drop shutter, d. annunziator. 
Finger- dial switch, finger disk, 
f. wheel. Funkbeschickungs- con- 
pensator cam, zero-clearing c. 
Kettenrollen- chain sheave. 
Klinken- ratchet disk, notched d. 
Kombinator- combiner disk, c. 
wheel. Korrektur- compensating 
cam (of d.f.) Kurbel- crank disk. 
Leer- idler wheel. Linsen- lens 
disk (scanner). Loch- Nipkow 
scanner disk. Matt- ground glass, 
frosted g. (plate or pane). 
Mehrfachspiralloch- multi-spiral 
disk (for scanning). Nipkow- N. 
scanning disk. Nummern- dial 


switch, number plate, dial p. 
Peil- bearing plate. Riemen- 

belt pulley. Rollen- chain 
sheave. Sektoren- spinning disk 
(in flicker test). Sperr- rat- 
chet wheel. ‘Spiralloch- Nipkow 
scanning disk, spiral d. Stufen- 
cone pulley, tapered p., stepped 
p- Teil- index disk, i. plate. 
Ubersetzer- combiner disk, c. 
wheel. Unterlag- washer; support- 
ing disk. Vielkant- polyhydral 
mirror (of scanner). Wahler- 

dial type selector switch. 
Wechselblenden- auxiliary rotary 
disk with spiral slot. Zwischenlag- 

Scheibenanode,Loch- apertured disk 
anode, ring a. 

scheibenformig disk-shaped, discoid. 

Scheiben-isolator disk insulator, 
dish i. -linse,Loch-aperture disk 
lens. -strahl disk ray. 

scheidbar separable, analyzable. 

Scheide-anstalt refinery. -linie 
boundary line, separating l. 

scheiden separate, isolate, 
analyze, decompose; pick, sort; 
sever, divide. 

Scheide-verfahren refining method, 
separation m. -wand partition, 
separator (wall), diaphragm, sep- 
tum; baffle (ldspk.). -wasser 
nitric acid, aqua regia. 

Schein lustre, light, shine, glow. 

scheinbares logarithm. Dampfunas- 
dekrement equivalent logarithmic 

Schein-dampfung apparent attenua- 
tion. -echo pseudo echo. 

Scheinergrad Scheiner degree, d. of 
S. scale. 

Schein-leistungszahler apparent 
power meter in volt-ampere units). 
-leitwert admittance. -verbrauchs- 
zahler apparent power meter, tri- 
vector. -werfer,Linsen- spotlight. 
-werfer,Facettenspiegel- segmented 
or facetted searchlight reflector. 

Scheinwiderstand apparent resistance 
impedance, impedor (part having ish 

Scheinwiderstand 251 

Blindkomponente d. - (es) reactive 
component of impedance (either in- 
ductive or capacitive). Wirkkompo- 
nente d. - (es) active, watt or dis- 
sipative component of impedance. 

Scheit,Richt- rule, straight edge. 
Rühr- :paddle, rake, stirrer. 

Scheitel vertex, summit, crown, top, 
apex. Brücken- bridge gap. Glas- 
lens vertex. 

Scheitel-brechwert,Grund- primary 
vertex refraction. -linie vertical 
line, zenithal 1. -punkt vertex, 
zenith, apex. 

scheitelrecht vertical, perpendicular, 

Scheitel-spannungs-Voltmesser peak 
voltmeter, crest v. -tiefe depth 
of vertex, vertical d. -wert peak 
value, crest v., maximal v., am- 
plitude. -winkel vertex angle, 
opposite a., vertical a. 

Schelle clip, clamp, shackle. 
ground clamp. 

Schellenbaum bell tree, crescent. 

Schellhammer riveting snap, s. han- 

Schema schema, scheme, diagram, 
blank, form, model, pattern. 
Schalt- diagram of connections, 
circuit d., hookup.  Term- term 
diagram. Wi«k- actual or practi- 
cal work diagram. 

Schenkel leg, limb, foot, shank, 
side, side piece, branch. Achs- 
(axle) journal. Aussen- outer 
leg, o. limb. Magnet- limb or leg 
of, a magnet. Mittel- center leg. 

Schenkel-drossel,Drei- three-legged 
reactor or choke. -rohr bent tube, 
b. pipe, V-tube, elbow tube, e. 

schenklig legged or limbed. 

Scherenspreizer lazy tongs. 

Scher-festigkeit shearing strength. 
-Schwingungen shear vibrations. 

Scherung,Bild- shearing of image. 
Kurven- correction (of induction 
curve, etc.) 

Scherungs-modulus shear modulus, tor- 
sion m, rigidity m. -winkel angle 


Schieber, Kontakt- 

of shear. 

Scheue,Licht- photophobia. 

Schicht layer, stratum, bed, coat, 
film, skin, lamina. -auf Schicht 
emulsions placed together so as to 
face each other. 

Schicht, atmospharische atmospheric 
layer, sphere (troposphere, 
tropopause; stratosphere or iso- 
thermal region; ionosphere or 
Heaviside layer or Kennedy- 
Heaviside layer; Appleton 1.), 
-,gerasterte mosaic (photosen- 
sitized) coat or screen. Brems- 
vermogen der photographischen — 
stopping power of photographic 
emulsion. Feinkorn- fine-grain 
emulsion. Filmbild- film emul- 
sion, f. coat. Grenz- interface, 
boundary layer. Hohl- air space. 
K.-H.- Kennedy-Heaviside layer. 
Oberflächen-surface layer, s. 
barrier. Sperr- barrier layer, 
stopping l., blocking 1. (of 

schichten arrange in layers, 
stratify, pile (up), stack. 

Schichtengitter, Schichtgitter 
stratified lattice, layer 1. 

Schicht-Kathode cathode bearing, 
layer or coat (of oxide, light- 
sensitive substance, etc.) 
-korper stratified structure, 

s. body. -länge path length 
(of bands). -seite emulsion or 
sensitized side or face (of a 
film). -textur stratified tex- 
ture, sheet intergrowth. 

Schichtung stratification, arrang- 
ing in layers,’ piling or stack- 
ing (up). 

Schiebekontakt adjustable slide, 
slide contact, cursor. 

schieben push, shift, thrust, 
shove; crab (of airplane). 

Schieber slide, slider, slide bar; 
slide valve, damper (regulating 

Schieber, Belichtungs- exposure lid, 
e. shutter. Kontakt- adjustable 
slider, slide contact, cursor. 

Schieber, Rechen- 

Rechen- slide rule. 

Schieber-kassette roller blind 
darkslide. -körper slide valve 
or gate. 

Schiebe-rohr sliding means to tune 
an oscillator (by C or L varia- 

Schieber-rahmen lantern slide car- 

rier. -verschluss,Fall- drop 
shutter. -widerstand slide rheo- 

Schiebkraft thrusting power, thrust, 

Schiebungs-fl ache slip plane (cryst. ) 
-modulus torsion modulus, shear 
m., rigidity m. 

Schieds-richter arbitrator, referee, 
umpire, arbiter. -spruch ar- 
bitration, arbitrament, award. 

schief oblique, sloped, slanty, 
askew, skew, crooked, warped, un- 
symmetric, skew-symmetric (of 

schief-achsig oblique axial. 
-symmetrische negative Paare 
skew-symmetric "negative" pairs. 

Schiefe dissymmetric condition; skew. 

Schiefeinfall grazing incidence, 
oblique i. 

Schiefer slate, shale, schist. 
-bruch slaty, scaly or laminar 

schief-liegend inclined, sloping, 
obliquely positioned. -sym- 
metrisch skew-symmetric (of 
curves). -winklig ob) igue- 
angled. -winkliges Parallelo- 
gramrhomboid, oblique (angled) 

Schielen (beim Goniometer) squint- 
ing (minimum signal points are 
displaced an angle other than 
180 degrees). 

Schielwinkel angle of strabism, a. 
of squint (eye). 

Schiene rail, strip, bar; rin, 
tire (of a wheel); splint, 
splice. Andruck- pressure pad 
or guide. Druck- pressure shoe 
(film feed). Kontakt- contact 
bar. Sammel- bus bar, collector 


b. Strom- third rail. 

Schienenstoss rail joint. 

schiessen shoot, dart, emit, dash, 
bombard, set off. 

Schiffchen,Porzellan- porcelain 
boat. Verbrennungs- combustion 

Schild label, sign, plate, shell, 

Schiller lustre, shine, iridescence, 
play of colors, opalescence. 

schillerfarbig iridescent with 
metallic color or lustre display. 

Schirm screen, shield (of disséctor 
tube); shade, umbrella, visor (of 
a cap); can (of a screened or 
shielded coil, etc.) 

Schirm,kapazitiver electrostatic 
screen or shield, -magnetischer 
magnetic shield, m. screen, can 
(of a coil). .-,neutraler neutral 
screen. -,ununterbrochener, 
Zusammenhangender continuous 
photosensitized screen or photo- 
cathode (in Farnsworth dissector’ 
and superemitron). 

Schirm,Bild- projection screen. 
Blenden- gobo lof sound absorbing 
material). Durchsichts- (der 
Speicherröhre) transparent screen 
(of storage type television tube). 
Leucht- fluorescent screen, 
phosphor s., luminescent s., 
luminous s., target. Mosaik-, 
Überfahren d. sweeping out of 
mosaic (with beam). Raster- 
mosaic screen. Schall- baffle. 
Streifen- rod screen. Ton- 
sound screen. Verstärkungs- 
intensifying screen (X-ray work). 

Schirm-aussteuerung full utiliza- 
tion of screen (up to border, in 
cathode-ray tube, etc. ). -breite 
screen width. 

schirmende Spule, selbst- astatic 
coil, self-shielded c. 

Schirm-gitter-Richtverstärker . 
screen-grid tube with plate- 
current rectification. -gitter- 
röhre screen-grid tube, shield- 
grid t., shielded-plate t. 


-luminophore phosphors, fluores- 
cent substances (for cathode-ray 
screens, etc.). -membrane 
screened diaphram (of micro- 
phone). -rand margin of screen, 
s. border or edge. -substanzen, 
Leucht- phosphors, fluorescent 
substances (for cathode-ray 
screens, etc.) -träger carrier, 
foundation or support for screen 
phosphor material (in CR tube), 

Schlacke slag, cinder, scoria, dross, 

schl acken slag, form slag, scorify. 

Schl acken-bildung slag or ash forma- 
tion, scorification. -wolle rock 
wool, slag w., mineral w. 

schlackig slagsy, drossy, clinkery, 

schlaff slack, loose, flabby, flac- 

cid, soft, exhausted, tired. 
schlaffes Trumm slack (or driven) 
side or end of a belt. 

Schlag stroke, blow, percussion, 
impact, knock, shock, kick, beat, 
pounding; wobble (of phonograph 
disk); click, thump or chatter 
(of a key or contact); lay (of a 
cable). Kalt- cold heading die. 
Platten- disk wobble (of phono- 
graph). Tast- key click or thump, 

Schl ag-beanspruchung shock, blow or 
impact load or stress. -biegeprobe 
shock, blow or impact bending test. 

Schlagel mallet, maul, beater, 
pestle, hammer, drumstick. 

Schl agerschaltung dog or plunger 

Schlag-feder impact spring. -figur 
percussion figure. -flache 
impact surface, striking s. 

-gold leaf gold. -instrument 
percussion instrument (mus.). 
-lange lay, length of twist (of 

cable). -lot hard solder, copper- 
zine brazing mixture. -lot, 
Messing- brass solder. -probe 

impact, blow or percussion test. 
-probe,Dauer- continuous impact 
or shock test (piece). -raum 


spark-gap chamber or space. -ton 
strike note (of bell, followed 
by hum n.) -weite spark, flash-. 
over or striking distance (of a 
gap.) -werk breaking machine, 
impact tester (of Charpy); sis- 
nal device, striking mechanism. 
-werk,Dauer- continuous impact 
testing machine. -zeug percus- 
sion instrument (mus. 

Schlamm mud, sludge, pulp, slime, 
slush, sediment. R 
Schlämmkreide precipitated chalk, 

prepared c.; whiting. 

Schl ange, Kuhl-cooling coil, spiral 
condenser pipe or tube. Rohr- 
spiral tube, coil. 

Schl angen-holz snake wood, letter 
w. -kühler spiral condenser, 
coil c. -kurve serpentine. 

Schl auch hose, tube, tubing, pipe 
(of flexible material). 

Sprech- speaking tube. 

schlechte Abstimmung mistuning, 
off-tuned position. 

schleichen sneak, creep. 

Schleier veil, haze, slight cloudi- 
ness, mist, fog, turbidity (in 
liquids); reflected, double or 
ghost image eee veiling (in 
images or pictures). 

Schleier,dichroitischer dichroic 
fog, silver f., red f. 
-,zweifarbiger dichromatic fog. 
Entfernungs- distance fog. 
Grund- inherent fog, ground f. 
(of emulsion, resulting in 
background noise). Kalk- 
chalk fog. Luft- air fogging 
(chemical action of atmosphere). 

schleierig foggy, fogged, hazy, 

Schleier-korn fog grain (of 
film). -schwärzung fog densi- 
ty. -wert fog value. 

Schleife loop, noose, knot; slide, 
chute. Bahn- orbital loop. 

Erd- earth circuit, ground c, 
Film- film loop. Leitungs- 
loop, metallic circuit. 
Oszillographen- oscillograph 

Schleifen 254 

loop, o. vibrator. 

schleifen grind, sharpen, polish, 
cut; slip, slide; loop (a line). 

Schleifen,Kristall- lapping, preci- 
sion grinding of quartz crystal 
plates. Plan- surface grinding. 

Schleifen-bildner loop setter. 
-fanger feed and take-up sprocket 
mechanism. -flug ("U") turn, 
loop. -messung,Erddraht- loop 
test. -oszillograph loop, string 
or vibrator oscillograph. 
-schaltung circuit looped back 
and forth. 

Schleifer sliding wiper, copper 
wire interrupter (sliding over 
nickel disk to break up c.w. and 
render them audible). 

Scheif-feder wiper, slide spring. 
-kunst,optische optical grinding 
artifice or art. -maschine grind- 
ing machine, grinder; abrasion or 
hardness tester. -mittel abra- 
dant, abrasive. -pulver grinding 
powder, polishing p. -rille 

ir furrow. -spalt slit stop 
opt.) -wirkung abrasive action, 

Schleisse splint, splinter. 

schlenkern swing, sling, fling. 

Schlepp-antenne trailing (wire) 
antenna (of airplane). -kontakt 
trailing contact, make-before- 
break c., shorting c. 

Schleuder centrifuge, centrifugal 
machine; sling. Elektronen- 
electron gun. 

Schleuder-fuss gun press. 
centrifugal casting. 

Schleuse,Licht- light valve. 
Objekt- object airlock chamber, 


air-lock (of electron microscope). — 

Vakuum- airlock (of electron mi- 
schlicht smooth, even, plane. 
schlichten smooth, plane, dress; ad- 
just, arbitrate or settle (a dis- 

Schlichtgleitsitz plain sliding fit. 
Schlieren streaks, schlieren, striae 
(of glass), cords (when heavy). 

-methode striae method. -zone 

Schlucker, Schall- 

dead zone, skip z., shadow z., 

schliessend, gut- tight-fitting, 
tightly or hermetically sealed. 

Schl iessung und Unterbrechung 
make and break (of a circuit). 

Schliff grinding, sharpening, | 
polish, cut (of a gem); ground 
section, §. specimen, z slide, 
micro-section surface (as of 
metals, for etching);- ground-in 
joint. | 

Schliff,Atz- ground section (for 
etching metal). Fett- greased _ 
joint. Kern- male part of ground- 
in joint. Kugel- ground spherical 
ball-and-socket joint. Normal- 
standard (interchangeable) ground 
joint. Metall- polished section, 
micro-s.; metal filings. 

Schl iff-kolben,-stopfen ground(-in) 
stopper. -verbindung,Glas- 
ground glass joint. 

Schlinge loop, noose, tie. Bahn- 
orbital loop (of el.ctrons). 

Schl ingerstativ cardan-suspended 

Schlitten slide, sliding carriage, 
slide rail, chariot (in Hughes 
apparatus). Führungs- slide 
carriage. Kreuz- compound slide. 

Schlitz slit, slot, fissure, cleft, 
incision, split. Aufzeichnungs- 
recording slit, r. aperture (of 
contact or of optical type). 
Ausgangs- exit slit (in spectro- 
graph). Ton- reproducer aper- 
Lure, “re Shit. 

Schlitz-blende slit stop. . -bren- 
ner batswing burner. -effekt 
apertural effect, slit e. 
-kopiermaschine slit-type 
printer, contact p. (for film). 
-lampe slit lamp (of microscope). 
-magnetron, Zwei- two-split mag- _ 
netron, two-segment m. -vVer- 
schluss focal plane shutter, slit- 
type rotary disk shutter. 

Schluckbeiwert absorptivity. 

schluckend,licht- light absorbent, 
optically a. or absorptive. 

Schlucker,Schall- sound absorbent 


material, s. deadening m., s. 
insulation. Wellen- wave trap 
(of absorptive or impedance type). 

Schluckerzahl,Schall- sound absorp- 
tion coefficient, acoustic or 
sound absorptivity (e.g., in sabin 

Schluck-grad sound absorptivity, s. 
coefficient. -stoff absorptive 
material, absorbent, imbibent. 

Schluckung,Schall- sound absorptivi- 
ty, acoustic a.,s. absorption. 

Schlupf slip, slippage. 

schlupffreier Antrieb (s.a. 
zwangsläufig) non-slip drive, 
geared d. (free from backlash). 

Schlupfkupplung slip clutch, s. 

Schlüpfrigkeit lubricity, slipperi- 
ness, oiliness. 

Schlüpfung slip, slippage. 

Schlüpfungs-messer slip meter. 
-reibung sliding friction, slip. 

Schluss short-circuit. -, magnet- 
ischer magnetic shunt. Eisen- 
path closed or passing through 
iron (for magnetic flux), magnet- 
ic or iron path, magnetic shunt, 
keeper (of a permanent magnet). 
Elektroden- electrode short- 
circuit. Erd- earth connection; 
(arcing) ground. Wasser- water 
seal, trap. 

Schlussblende final diaphragm (opt. ) 
Schlüssel key, switch (for make and 
break); code. Mithör- listening 
key. Mutter- nut wrench. Nach- 

master key, pass k. Sprech- 
speaking key. Strom- key switch, 
make and break. Uberwachungs- 
monitoring key. Verwürfelungs- 
jumble code. 

Schlüssel-bolzen clutch key. 
-gruppen (Q) code groups. 

Schlüsselung coding, cryptographing. 

Schluss-fehler,Erd- ground fault. 
-gebühr final fee. -kondensator 
terminating condenser or capacitor, 
short-circuiting c. -löschvor- 
richtung,Erd- ground fault neu- 
tralizer. -prüfer,Strom- con- 


tinuity tester. -prüfer,Windungs- 
(inter-) turn short-circuit tester, 
continuity t. 

Schmal-film substandard film, narrow 
f. -kante narrow edge, n. side. 
Schmelz enamel, glaze; fusion, melt- 

ing bath, melt. 

schmelzbar fusible, meltable, non- 
refractory. -,schwer- difficultly 

Schmelze melting, fusion; smelting, 
smeltery; fused mass, melt; melt- 
ing heat, blow run; fluid solution 
(metallography); batch (of glass). 

Schmelz-fluss fused mass, melt. 
-führung smelting practice or 

schedule, conduct of heat, run. 
-glasur enamel. ~kirsche igniting 

pellet. -mittel flux. -schweis- 
sung,Gas- gas torch autogenous 

Schmelzung heat (run). Durch- 
burnout (causing open circuit), 
blowout (of fuse). Uber- 
superfusion, enameling. 

Schmelzungslinie fusion curve. 

Schmerz-grenze, -schwelle threshold 
of feeling (of ear). 

schmiedbar malleable, forgeable, 
capable of being wrought. 

Schmiede,Gesenk- drop forge. 

schmiegsam flexible, pliant. 

Schmiegungsebene osculating plane. 

Schmier-loch oil hole, oil run. 
-nute oil groove, oilway. 

Schminke make-up. 

Schmoren scorching, freezing or 
melting together (of contacts); 
mike stew, frying (in radio). 

Schmutzgerausch dirt noise. 

schmutzig dirty, soiled, contaminat- 
ed, unrefined, polluted, filthy, 

Schnabel bill, beak, nozzle, nose. 

Schnapp-schalter tumbler switch, 
quick-action s., snap Ss. -schuss 
snapshot. -stativ self-locking 

Schnarre,Pruf- test buzzer. 

Schnarrwecker buzzer (alarm). 

Schnauze snout, mouth, nose, nozzle, 

Schnauze, Ausguss- 256 

spout. Ausguss- pouring lip, p. 
nozzle, p. mouth. 

Schnecke worm, endless screw, volute, 
spire. Eintrag- feed worm. Rück- 
führ- return screw conveyor, r. 

Schneckenfeder coil spring, coiled 

schneckenförmig spiral, helical, 

Schnecken-gangfassung helical lens 
mount. -gewinde helix. -rad 
worm wheel. 

Schneidbrenner cutting torch. 

Schneide knife edge, edge (of a 
blade). -haltigkeit ability to 
preserve keenness, cutting power 

or edge. 

Schneiden,Film- editing of film. 
Gewinde- thread cutting, tapping. 
-ankerrelais knife-edge relay. 
-aufhängung knife-edge suspension. 
-lagerung knife-edge suspension or 

Schneider,Rollglas- wheel-type glass 
cutter, g. cutting w. 

Schneide-stichel cutter, cutting 
stylus, c. tool, engraver, cutting 
head (phon. record). -ton edge 
tone, flue stop (of f. pipe). 

Schneid-narbe cutting scar, burry 
condition. -winkel cutting angle 
(known as dig-in or drag a., when 
other than 90 er 1% record 

Schneise radio beacon course, equi- 
signal track, sector or corridor. 
Anflug-, Einflug- approach track, 
@ Sector, a corridor. 

Schnell-anlauf high-speed start, rap- 
id starting, high acceleration. 

-binder quick-setting cement. 

Schnelle quickness, velocity, speed, 
fastness, celerity, swiftness. 
Schall- volume current (ac.), 
-empfanger,Schall- velocity micro- 

schnellflüssig easily fusible, readi- 
ly meltable. 

Schnell-kopie quick print, hurry p. 
-kraft elasticity. -methode rapid 


or high-speed method, quick pro- 
cedure. -photographie instan- 
taneous photograph, snapshot. 
-relais high-speed relay. 
-schalter,Zeit- high-speed circuit 
breaker. -verfahren (Film) z 
high-speed film processing. 
schnelltrocknend quick-drying, sicca- 

- tive. 

Schnitt cut, cutting, incision, sec- 
tion, slice; cutting and editing 
(m.p. ) 

Schnitt,Frequenz- crossover frequency 
(in woofer-tweeter combination at 
which equal power is delivered to 
both ldspks.) Haupt-, erster(I.) 
primary plane, tangential p., 
meridional p. (opt.) Haupt-,zweiter 
bei secondary plane, sagittal p. 

opt.) Kegel- conic section. 
Kristall - see Kristallschnitt. 
Strahlen- jet contraction, con- 
tractio venae. 

Schnittbild-entfernungsmesser split- 
field range-finder. -versetzung, 
Ausschalten der halving adjustment 
(of coincidence range-finder). 

Schnitt-brenner slit burner, batswin 
b. -fänger section lifter pee 
-flache sectional plane, section; 
surface of a cut or section. 

schnittig,wind- streamlined. 

Schnitt-kopie editorially cut print 
edited p. -punkt crossover (beam), 
point of intersection. -schraube 
grub or headless screw. -weite 
distance between back lens and 
image, intercept length, -weite, 
kon jugierte conjugate intercept, 
c. distance. -zeichnung cross- 
sectional drawing, illustration, 
view, picture or figure (Fig.) 

schnitzeln, schnitzen cut, carve, 
chip, whittle. : 

Schnitzer knife, whittle, paring 

Schnorchel (cf Luftmast) air in- 
take, breathing mast, air funnel, 
a. mast (on modern undersea craft, 
for submerged Diesel operation). 

Schnut string, cord, chord, line, 


twine, tape, band.. 
roller, pulley. 

Schnürspur squeeze track, matted t. 
(sound film). -blende mask to make 
squeeze track. 

Schniirung,Ein- squeezing (film), con- 
pression, bindup, constriction. 

Schoopieren spraying with Schoop gun. 

Schoop'sche Spritzmethode Schoop 
spray (gun) method, aerograph nm. 

schöpfen draw (liquid, etc.), scoop, 
dip; create. 

Schornsteinwirkung stack effect, chim- 
ney ®, 

Schott bulkhead, partition, separa- 

Schottky Effekt Schottky effect, shot 
e., autoelectronic e. 

Schottky'sche Gerade Schottky line. 

schraffieren shade, hatch, line. 

schräg oblique, sloping, slanting, in- 
elined, beveled, chamfered, skew, 
askance, canted. 

Schräge slope, slant, bevel, obliquity, 
diagonal, cant. 

Schräglage,Kraftlinien- slope of flux 

schrägstellbar inclinable, tiltable. 

Schräg-stellen tilting (of electrode 
in a magnetron). -strahlen skew 

Schramme optical scratch, shadow s. 
(film); slash, scar. 

Schrammenrauschen scratch noise. 

Schranke,Licht- light barrier. 
Potential- potential barrier. 

schränken cross, put across; set (a 

Schraubdeckel screw cover, s. Cap, s. 

Schraube,Achter- octet ring. Einstell- 
set screw, adjusting s., leveling s. 
Feinstell- micrometer screw, vernier. 
Flügel- thumb screw, wing nut. Klemm 
clamp screw, binding post, terminal. 
Knebelgriff- tommy screw. Lappen- 
thumb screw. Links- left-handed 
screw. Luft-, versetzbare aircrew 
or propeller of variable pitich 
(feathered). Maden- headless screw, 
grub s. Mutter- bolt and nut. 

-rolle grooved 



Rechts- right-handed screw (thread). 
Regulier- adjusting screw, set s. 
Schnitt- headless screw, grub s. 
Senk- countersunk screw. Spann- 
turnbuckle screw, (magnetic) chuck 
{in machine tool). Spiegel- 
mirror screw (scanner). Stell- 
set screw, adjusting s. Stift- 
tap bolt. 

Schrauben-bohrer screw tap, auger, 
twist drill. -feder coil spring, 
helical s. -kopf,versenkter 

countersunk screwhead. -lehre 
micrometric calipers. -linie 
helix, helical line. -nut 

helical groove, h. slot, worm. 
-quetschhahn screw pinchcock. 
-zahngetriebe helical gear, spiral 

‚g., Worm, N 

Schraub-lehre micrometer, micrometric 
gage. -lehre,Uhr- dial micrometer. 
-sockel screw base (of lamp). 
-stöpsel screw plug. 

Schrecksekunde time elapsing between 
shock on molecular system and re- 

Schreibempfang visual reception, 
recorder r. 

schreiben write, record (graphically), 
type, delineate, trace, reproduce 
(an image or picture). 

schreibende Stimmgabel tuning-fork 

Schreiber,Bild- picture reproducer, 
p. delineator, p. recreator, p. 
receiver, video-signal receiver, 
televisor, viewing tube. Einpunkt- 
single-point recorder. Farb- 
inker, printer. Fern- teletype, 
teletypewriter, telegraph printer; 
t. operator. Heber- syphon re- 
corder. Hell- Hell type recorder. 
Kurven- oscillograph, oscilloscope 
(when no graphic record is made), 
curve.tracer. Mehrpunkt- multi- 
point recorder. Pegel- level re- 
corder. Relief- embosser. Schall- 
sound recording stylus. Tinten- 
strahl-. ink vapor jet recorder 
(in picture telegraphy). 

'Schreib-feder stylus, recording pen, 


style. -fenler clerical error, typographic 

e&. -flache record sheet or sur- 
face. -instrument graphic instru- 
ment, recording i. -kopf record- 
er head. -röhrchen pen, syphon 
(of a recorder). -röhre,Bild- 
picture receiver tube, viewing t., 
electronic reproducing device. 
-stift cutter, stylus, cutting 
tool, engraving t. -thermometer 
thermograph, recording thermoneter. 

Schreien,Über- overmodulation. 

Schreiner,Modell- wood pattern maker. 

Schrift,Amplituden- variable-area or 
variable-width recording or track. 
Beschwerde- plaint, appeal papers. 
Dichte- variable-density recording 
or track. Gegentakt- push-pull 
track or record. Nach- picture re- 
creation; postscript. Normal- 
standard track. Quer-,Seiten- 
lateral track, Berliner t., hori- 
zontal cut (gramophone). Sprossen- 
variable-density record or track. 
Tiefen- hill-and-dale (Edison) 
track or recording, vertical sound 
groove. Tonfolge- sound track or 
record (on film, disk, etc.) 
Verteidigungs- defense, plea. 

Viel doppel zacken= multiple double- 
edged variable-width track. 
Vielzacken- multilateral sound 
track. Zacken- variable-area 
track, v.- width t. Zweizacken- 
bilateral track. 

Schrift-boden recording base. 
-material literature references 
(e.g., of prior art), bibliography, 
documentation; file wrapper Tor 
patent case), records. -metall 
type metal. -mutter type mold, 
matrix. -satz written pleadings, 
memorial, brief. -stück bill, 
brief, papers, document. -tum 
literature (sources), bibliography, 
documentation, source material, 
references (from magazines, pa- 
tents, etc.) -tumverzeichnis 
bibliographic list. 

Schritt,Erfindungs- object of in- 
vention, step of i. Hebe-,Höhen- 


vertical step (in automatic 
telephony). Wahlerhebe- 
vertical stepping of selector. 

Schrittschaltwahler step-by-step 

schrittverkürzte Wicklung short- 
pitch winding. 

Schrittweite interval (between 
spectral lines). 

Schrödinger-de Broglie Materiewelle 
de Broglie elementary particle 
(electron, proton), electron wave, 
phase w. 

schroten granulate, bruise, rough- 
grind, crush coarsely. x 

Schrott-effekt (small) shot effect, 
Schottky e., auto-electronic e. 
-gerausch shot noise (due to 
Schottky effect). 

schrumpfen shrink, contract, shrivel. 

Schrumpf-mass amount of shrinkage or 
contraction. -spannung contrac 
tion or shrinkage strain or ten- 

Schrumpfungsausgleich shrinkage 

Schub shove, push, thrust, throw, 
shear. -kurbel crank. -lehre 
sliding gage or calipers. 
-spannung shear stress. -stange 
thrust rod, push(er) r. -vektor 
thrust vector. -weg finite dis- 

Schuh,Gleit- pressure pad, p. guide. 
Kabel- cable eye, c. socket, con- 
nector lug, sweated thimble. 

Schuhmacherwachs cobbler's wax. 

Schuldigerklärung verdict of guilty, 

Schuppe scale, flake. 

schuppig, fein- fine-scaled. 

Schurre chute. 

Schüttel-herd bumping table. 
-mikrophon granule microphone. 

schütteln shake, agitate, churn, 

Schiittelresonanz vibration resonance. 

Schüttwinkel angle of repose, (some- 
times) angle of friction. 

Schutz screen, shield, protection, 
guard, preserving or conserving 

means, safeguard. 

Schütz relay, contactor. 

Schutz,Berührungs- protection against 
electric shock hazard. Schall- 
sound proofing, s. insulation. 
Übersteuerungs- overload limiter. 

Schutz-einrichtung, Fehl- fault-clear- 
ing device. -funkenstrecke spill 
gap. -gerät,Knall- crack silencer, 
pistol shot s., noise killer. 
-gitter shield (in shield-grid 
thyratron). -gitterröhre screen- 
grid tube, shield-g.t.; shielded 
plate t. -hülle protective cover, 
p. coat, p. sheath. -kappe,Licht- 
light hood. -korb arcing ring, 
guard r. (of insulator). -marke 
trade-mark. -masse resist (used 
in printing, etc.) -mittel,Licht- 
hof- anti-halation means or sub- 
stance. -netz,Anoden- screen grid, 
plate shield. -rechte patent 
rights, trade-mark r., etc. (grant- 
ed by or registered in Patent Of- 
fice). -wulst,Sprüh- anti-corona 
collar or tore, guard-ring. 

schwach,rauch- smokeless (of powder). 

schwach ausgesteuerter Tonstreifen 
low-modulation track. 

schwachen weaken, enfeeble, impair, 
attenuate, dilute, dim, absorb 
(light), mute (sound). 

Schwacher,Fiinfstufen- five-step 
weakener (phot.) Stufen- step-type 
weakener (spectr., phot.) 

schwachsichtig weak-sighted, amblyopic. 

Schwächung,Licht- light absorption, 

l. dimming, 1. drop, 1. loss, 
cutting down or reduction of l. 
intensity, l. diffusion. 

Schwachungs-glied attenuator. -periode 
fading period. -widerstand gain 
controller, g. regulator, poten- 


Schwanenhals goose neck. 

schwanken fluctuate, oscillate, vary, 
shake, rock, sway or swing (of an 

Schwankung,Frequenz- frequency flut- 
ter, f. drift, lilt (when slow); 
swing or deviation of f. (above and 
below assigned resting or center 



f., in f-m). Lautstärke- fading, 
fade out, volume or intensity 
fluctuation. Regel- hunting (in 
making adjustments or in regulat- 
ing). Ton- pulsation of repro- 
duced sound intensity, flutter 
(known-as wowows when up to 6 
cycles per second, as flutter 
when 6-30, as gargles when 3U- 
200, and as whiskers when over 
200 cps.) Volumen- volume flut- 

Schwankungs-frequenz (cf Ton- 
schwankung) frequency of flutter. 
-messung, Ton- flutter measuring 
instrument. -schwacher,Frequenz- 
discriminator (converts frequency 
drift into dec. potential). 
-theorem fluctuation theorem. 

Schwanz,Blind- arrangement making 
resistance alternately zero and 
infinite, in dipole feeders; stub. 
Film- trailer or run-out (piece of 
blank film attached to film end). 
Wellen- wave tail (in facsimile). 

Schwanzbanden tail bands (in after: 

schwanzloses Flugzeug tailless air- 

Schwanzstück,Kurven- toe region of 
film characteristic (or of gamma 
curve of emulsion). 

Schwärme,Molekül- swarms of molecules. 

schwarz(e) Temperatur black-body 
temperatur, cavity t. 

Schwarz-druck black printing, p. in 
b. -pegel black level. -sender 
unlicensed transmitter, illicit 
t., "underground" t. station. 
-strahl black (-body) radiation, 
cavity r., Planckian r. -tempera- 
tur black-body temperature, cavi- 
ty t. 

Schwärzung blackening, density. 
Kopier- printing density. Ruhe- 
unmodulated density, no-sound d. 
(in variable-density recording). 
Schleier- fog density. 

Schwärzungs-abstufung density gradua- 
tion. -bereich density range (y) 
(say, from .3 to 3.0). -dichte 
density (of film). -einheit unit 


of (film) density. -hof halo. 
-kurve characteristic film curve, 
H & D (Hurter & Driffield) curve. 
-messer densitometer. -messer, 
Kreiskeil- circular wedge 
densitometer. -umfang density 
scale, range or latitude of d. 
variations. -verfahren variable— 
density method. 

Schwarzweissbildsendung black and 
white facsimile picture or pho- 
totelegraphic transmission. 

Schwarzwert black level value 
(telev. ) 

Schwebefahigkeit buoyancy, float- 
ing power, suspension p. 

schwebende Stimme voix céleste. 

Schwebe-stoff,-teilchen suspended 
particles, s. substance, s. mat- 

Schwebung beat, interference ac- 
tion (opt., ac.) Helligkeits- 
flutter of brightness. 

Schwebungs-amplitude surging am- 
plitude, beat a. -empfang 

beat reception, heterodyne r. 
-frequenz,Null- zero beat fre- 
quency. -null zero beat. 
-periode beat cycle. -summer 
audio oscillator, beat-frequency 
o, -ton beat note. 

schweifen curve, chamfer, tail. 

Schweige-trichter cone of silence 
(marker). -zone skip distance, 
shadow region. 

Schweiss,Glas- glass gall. 

Schweiss-backe welding die. -blase 
arc crater. -druck welding upset. 
-düse welding tip. -eisen weld 

schweissen,stumpf- jump weld, butt- 
w. -,‚übereinander-, überlappt- 
lap-weld, scarf-w. 

Schweiss-fuge welding seam, w. 
line, w. joint, shut. -hitze 
welding heat. -löcher pores (of 
wood). -naht shut, weld, weld 
seam. -raupe,breite spread bead. 
-rissigkeit "chinking" or fis- 
suration due to welding. -stelle 
welded or welding area, shut. 


-tropfen welding dribble, w. beads. 
-umformer welding converter. 
-umspanner welding transformer. 

Schweissung,Kehlnaht- fillet welding. 
Naht- seam welding. Punkt- spot 

threshold of audibility or 
acoustic perception. Potential- 
potential barrier, p. threshold. 
Potenz- (Kerndurchdringung) 
nuclear penetration function. 
Schmerz- threshold of feeling. 
Sichtbarkeits- threshold of vi- 
sion or visibility. 

Schwellen-frequenz threshold fre- 
quency, critical f., photo- 
electric threshold. -reiz 
threshold or liminal (stimulation) 
value. -starke,Schall- threshold 
sound intensity (of audibility or 
of feeling). -wert,Farb- liminal 
value or threshold of intensity 
of a color. -wert der Platte 
exposure factor of plate (phot.) 

Schweller,Roll- crescendo pedal (of 

schwellig liminal, concerning threshold. 
unter- subliminal. 

Schwell-kasten swell box. -pedal 
swell pedal (organ). -werk swell 

Schwelung low-temperature carboniza- 
tion, slow burning, smoldering. 
Dampf- destructive distillation 
with steam. { 

Schwemm-stein porous brick (from clay 
and gravel). -verfahren flotation 

schwenken swing, turn around, pivot, 
fulcrum, swivel, rotate, revolve, 
slew, tilt (telev. camera). 

Schwenkungswinkel angle of traverse 

Schwerbetrieb heavy-duty operation 
or service. 

schwerdurchlässig difficultly permea- 
ble, of low permeability or trans- 
mittance, highly opaque. 

Schwere heaviness, weight, gravity. 
-feld gravitational field. -messer 

Schwerependel 26 | 

barometer, gradiometer (measures 
gradient of earth gravity field). 
=pendel gravity pendulum. 

Schwererde heavy earth, baryta. 

schwer(es)Elektron heavy electron, 
barytron, dynatron, mesotron, 
penetron, x particle. -(er) 
Wasserstoff deuterium (with mass 
of 2), tritium (with mass of 3). 

schwerflüchtig difficultly vola- 
tile, d. volatilizable. 

Schwermetallaktivator heavy-metal 
activator or phosphorogen (in 

Schwerpunkt mass center, c. of 
gravity. Leucht- luminous "cen- 
ter of gravity," photometric c., 
p. centroid. 

Schwerpunktsystem center of gravity 
system, c. Of mass system. 

schwerschmelzbar difficultly fusi- 
ble, refractory. 

Schwimmen lateral flicker (in over- 
speedy panorama work). 

Schwimmer float, pontoon, swimmer. 

Schwimm-kraft buoyancy. -methode 
flotation method. -regel, 
Ampére's Ampere's right-hand rule. 
-spannung blurring potential, p. 
causing sway of picture; float- 
ing, spurious or stray p. 

schwinden shrink, contract, fade. 

Schwing-amplitude der Membran 
amplitude of diaphragm excursion. 
-enker oscillating armature. 
-audion oscillating detector, 
autodyne, endodyne. -audionwellen- 
messer autodyne wave-meter or fre- 
quency m. 

Schwinge link. 

schwingen vibrate, oscillate, swing, 
rock, pivot, reciprocate (to and 
fro), surge (back and forth). 

Schwingen, plötzliches spilling over 
(of an amplifier), sudden unde- 
sired oscillating (attended with 
fringe howl), trigging of a tube. 

ee Ballaströhre) 
swing through (operating condi- 
tion in which wave is not inter- 
rupted or cut off). mit- 

Schwingung, Biegungs- 

co-vibrate, oscillate in resonance, 
sympathy or unison, experience 
sympathetic vibration. 

schwingender Draht swinging of fila- 
ment (in magnetron). 

Schwingentladung oscillatory dis- 
charge, oscillating d. 

Schwinger oscillator, vibrator. 
-,offener open oscillator. 

Frei- free radiator (loudspeaker). 

Kipp- time-base oscillator. 

Sperr= blocking oscillator. 
schwingfahig oscillatory, vibratory, 

oscillable, vibrant, vibratile. 

Schwing-feder vibrator(y) spring, 
reed (of a chopper). -kennlinie 
oscillating characteristic, c. 
of an oscillatory system, resonance 
characteristic. -Kontaktgleichrich- 
ter vibrating-reed rectifier. 
-kristall crystal oscillator. 
-löcher dead spots (trouble in 
direct-coupled antenna). -relais 
trigger relay. 

Schwingröhre, fremderregte master- 
excited oscillator valve (connect- 
ed in an independent drive circuit). 
-, selbsterregte self-excited or 
self-oscillatory valve (connected 
in direct drive circuit). Kraft- 
power oscillator. 

Schwing-spiegel oscillatory mirror, 
vibrating m. -spiegelabtaster 
vibrating mirror scanner (of 
Mihaly's Telehor). -spule moving 
coil, signal-current c., voice c., 
speech c. (of loudsp.) 

Schwingung vibration, oscillation, 
undulation, swing, wave, high- 
frequency ac., "oscar"(m.p. 
studio slang). -durch Nebenkop- 
plung stray or spurious oscilla- 
tion. -,erzwungene forced os- 
cillation, constrained o. -,freie 
free oscillation. -, gedampfte 
damped oscillation, decadent o. 

-, ungedämpfte undamped oscilla- 
tion, persistent o., sustained o. 
-, Zusammengesetzte complex (har- 
monic) wave. 

Schwingung,Biegungs- flexural 


vibration, lateral v. Bild- 

video or picture impulse or 
signal. Dicken- thickness vibra- 
tion (cryst.) Drehfeld- rotating- 
field oscillation. Drehungs-, 
Drillungs- torsional vibration. 
Gitter- lattice vibration (cryst.) 
Grund- fundamental wave, first- 
harmonic w. Intermittenz- relaxa- 
tion, sawtooth or ratchet wave or 

oscillation, time-base o. lonen- 
ionic oscillations, fringing ef- 
fect, waving in the breeze (across 

Kipp- see Intermittenz- 
schwingung, Längs- longitudinal 
vibration or oscillation. Lauf- 
zeit- electron oscillation (of 
magnetron). Magnetron- magnetron 
Oscillation (of three kinds: 
electronic, negative-resistance 
and rotating-field oscillations). 
Mit- resonant vibration, sympathet- 
ic v., co-vibration (acting in 
unison). Nebenkopplungs- spuri- 
ous oscillation. Quer- transverse 
vibration, shear v. Resonanz- 
resonant vibration, sympathetic v., 
co-vibration (acting in unison). 
Relaxations- sawtooth, relaxa- 
tion or ratchet oscillation. 
Scher- shear vibration. Ubertra- 
gungs- signal oscillation, s. 
wave. Umfangs- circumferential 
oscillation or vibration. Unter- 
subharmonic oscillation, sub- 
frequency o. Unterbrechungs,- 
Unterdrückungs- quench oscillation 
(in super-regeneration). Wärme- 
heat vibration. Zwangs- forced 
oscillation, f. vibration. 

Schwingungs-abreissen quenching, 
suppression or discontinuance of 
oscillations. -abschnitt "bit" 
of vibration (in sound recording 
investigation). -amplitude,Mem- 
bran- excursion amplitude of dia- 
phragm. -anfachung wave genera- 


tion, wave excitation. -aufzeichner 

vibrograph (to record mechanical 
vibrations). -ausschlag(einer 
Saite) deflection, excursion or 



swing (of a chord). -band,Rotations- 
rotation vibration band. -bauch 
loop or anti-node of an oscillation 
or vibration, internode. -bogen 
amplitude of oscillation. -dämpfung 
vibration or shock absorption, damp- 
ing (out) of oscillations or vibra- 
tions. -dauer,Kipp- relaxation pe- 
riod. -einsatz,harter hard start 

of oscillations. -einsatz,weicher 
gentle or smooth start of oscilla- 

schwingungserzeugende Kraft vibromo- 
tive force. 

Schwingungserzeuger, sel bstsperrender 
self-blocking oscillator. -,Viel- 
fach- multivibrator. 

Schwingungser zeugung, selbständige 
self-oscillation, spontaneous or 
undesired oscillating, spilling 
over (attended with fringe howl 
and whistling in amplifier). 

schwingungsfahig oscillable, vibra- 
tile, oscillatory, vibratory. 

Schwingungs-festigkiet vibration 
strength. -form mode of vibra- 
tion, form of v. 

schwingungsfrei,eigen- aperiodic, 

Schwingungs-knoten oscillation or 
vibration node or nodal point. 
-kreis oscillatory circuit, os- 
cillation c., tuned c., tank c. 
-neigung tendency towards, or on 
the verge of, oscillating or 
spilling over (with fringe howl 
and whistle). -schleife loop, 
antinode or internode.of sta- 
tionary wave or oscillation. 
-spektrum vibrational spectrum. 
-transformator(Tesla) Tesla coil, 
T. transformer, oscillation trans- 
former. -versuch,preh- oscilla- 
tion torsion test. -weite 
amplitude of oscillation or vibra- 
tion. -zahl,Umlauf- rotation fre- 
quency. -zeit time of vibration. 

Schwund,Nah- fading or radio fade- 
out 80-100 miles around transmitter. 
Phasen- phase fading. Pseudo- 
fading due to swinging or swaying 

of antenna. 


Schwund-ausgleich volume control, 
fading compensation. -automatik 
automatic volume control means 
volume control potential, ave p. 
-verminderungsantenne anti-fading 

Schwung vibration, oscillation, 
swing. -bahn sound take-off drum 
(m.p.) -gewicht pendulum. 
balance beam, rocker, rocking 
lever. -kraft centrifugal force, 
vibratory power, vibrating p. 
-maschine centrifugal whirler. 
-masse,Ol-rotary stabilizer (in 
film feed). -massenrolle rötary 
stabilizer, roller with fly-wheel 
effect (film feed), impedance 
wheel. -moment moment of rota- 
tion, moment of inertia;fly-wheel 
action. -rad fly-wheel, balance 
w. -radkreis parallel resonance 
circuit, fly-wheel c. -scheibe, 
Ausgleich- rotary stabilizer, 
roller with fly-wheel action 
(film feed), impedance wheel. 

S.E. (Siemens-Einheit) Siemens (re- 
sistance) unit. 

S.E. Faktor secondary-emission fac- 

sechs-eckig hexagonal. 
sixfold, sextuple. 

Sechs-flach, -flächner hexagon, 
hexahedron. -polröhre hexode. 

sechsseitig six-sided, hexagonal. 

Sechstelkreis sextant. 


sechs-wertig hexavalent, sexivalent. 

-winklig six-angled, hexangular, 

seegrün marine green. 

Seelicht marine phosphorescence. 

Segerkegel Seger cone (for tempera- 
ture determination), fusion c. 

Segment, Wahler- bank of stationary 

segmentförmig segmental. 

Sehen,einaugiges monocular vision, 
non-stereoscopic « (eye, opt.). 
-,Zweiaugiges binocular vision, 
stereoscopic v. Farben- color 
perception, c. vision, Netzhaut- 
zenter- foveal vision. 

-regelspannung (automatic) 




Seher, Gegen- two-way television or 
video apparatus (as in video tele- 

Seh-feldblende field diaphragm, f. 
stop. -funktion visual function. 
-kegel angle of vision, cone of 
v. or view. -lehre optics. 
-linie line of sight, 1. of 
vision, 1. of collimation. 

Sehne chord (geometry); fiber 
(metal), fillet. 
Seh-nerv optic nerve. 
organ of vision. -purpur visual 
purple, rhodopsin. -reiz optical 
stimulus, visual s. or excitation. 
-schärfe visual acuity, sharpness 

of vision, resolving power (of 
eye). -schärfegrenzwinkel angular 
resolving power, critical angle 


of visual acuity. -schärfeneintei- 
lung focusing scale. -schwäche, 
vorgetäuschte simulated amblyopia. 
-tiefe depth of focus, depth of 
field. -vermögen resolving power 

' (6f eye), visual faculty, power of 

sight, p. of vision. -weite 
distance of vision, visual range; 
distance between scale and mirror 
(times 2 in telescopic measure- 
ments). -winkel visual angle. 
Seiden-faden silk fiber, s. thread 
-papier tissue paper. 
Seifen-bildung formation of soap, 
saponification. -lamelle plane 
soap film or membrane. -leim 
soap glue, s. paste, size (paper). 
seigern liquate. 
seignettesalzkristall Rochelle salt 
Seiher strainer, filter. 
plug-in inlet strainer. 
Seil rope, cable, chord, line. 
Abspann- guy rope, span r. 
Seilrolle pulley, sheave. 
Seite, Emulsions- face bearing 
emulsion, coated side (of film). 
Seiten-abrutschanzeiger side slip 
indicator. -abweichung lateral 
deviation. -ansatz side tube, 
lateral arm, 1. appendage. 
-ansicht lateral elevation, 1. 
view, side e& -arm side tube, 


seitlich lateral. 


lateral arm, l. appendage (of a 
vessel); side branch. -aufriss 
lateral elevation, side e. 
-bandübertragung,Ein- single- 
side-band transmission.--Zwei- 
double-side-band transmission. 
-bandunterdrückung side-band 
suppression. -bestimmung sense- 
finding or sensing (determina- 
tion of absolute direction or 
sense of direction); determina- 
tion of side towards which air- 
plane is off course. -eck 
lateral summit. -elektroden 
end electrodes, wing e. (of a 
magnetron). -fehler lateral 
deviation. -fläche lateral 
face, flat side, facet. -fre- 
quenz side frequency (one of 
sum or difference frequencies). 
-führung (von Film) lateral 
guidance, side guiding (of film 
strip in gate). -gleitflug 
side-slip (of airplane). -kante 
lateral edge. -navigation, 
-ortung directional navigation, 
d. avigation. -riss lateral 
elevation, side e. -schalter, 
Peilungs- sense-finding switch, 
d.f. sense s. -schrift lateral 
track, horizontal t. or record- 
ing, Berliner track (of gramo- 
phone). -strahlungen secondary 
radiations, lateral r., stray or 


spurious lobes (of space pattern). 

-veränderungen turns and banks 
(avigation). -verhältnis,Bild- 
picture aspect ratio. -wind 
wind on the beam, side or cross 
w.,w. blowing across course. 
-windabtrift,Kurs mit Vor- 
haltewinkel bei course heading 
into wind, crabbing (due to 

...seitig -sided, lateral,... 
angular. . 
side-slip (of airplane). 

-(e) Führung lateral guidance. 
-(em)Minimum, Antenne mit direc- 
tive antenna. -(e)sphärische 
Abweichung transverse spherical 


Sektor, Anflug-,Einflug- sector of 
approach, a. sector, a. track, 
corridor of a. Raum- solid sec- 


Sektoren-membrane sectorial cone 
(loudspeaker). -scheibe spinning 
disk (in flicker test). Ver- 

schluss sector shutter. 

Sektormembran (non-rigid) sector 
diaphragm or cone. 

Sekundar-emissionsfaktor (SE) 
secondary-emission factor. 
-emissionsvervielfacher electron 
multiplier tube, e.m. phototube 
(with plurality of secondary- 
emission reflecting electrodes, 
known as dynodes in the e.m. 
photot.) -struktur secondary 
structure gridwork (cryst). 

Sekunde, Sonnenzeit- solar second. 

Sekundemeterkerze meter-candle- 
second. . 

Sekundenuhr time piece with seconds 

selbstabgleichend self-balancing. 

selbstandige Entladung spontaneous 
discharge, self-sustained d., 
unassistad. d. -Funktion self- 
consistent function. -mitgenommene 
Kippschwingmethode self-running con- 
trolled time-base method. 

selbstangetrieben self-propelled. 

Selbstanschluss-System automatic 
telephone system. 

selbstanzeigender Peiler automatic 
or direct-reading direction-finder. 

Selbstauslosung automatic release, a. 
tripping action. 

selbstdichtend self-sealing, s. 
tightening, s. packing. 

Selbst-einstellung self-adjustment, s. 
setting. -energie self-energy 
(of electron). -entzündung spon- 
taneous combustion, self-ignition. 
-erhitzung self-heating, spon- 
taneous h. 

selbsterregender Sender self-oscilla- 
tory transmitter. 

selbsterregt(e) Schwingröhre self- 

‘excited oscillator tube. 
-(er)Trägerwelle,Superhetemp fanger 
mit homodyne receiver apparatus. 



Selbsterregung self-oscillation, 
self-sustained 0.; spontaneous 
(undesired) o., spilling over 
(with attendant fringe howl) of 
regenerative receiver. 

Selbst-farbe self-color, solid c. 
-gang automatic feed, a. opera- 
tion, a. action. 

selbstfarbig entirely of the same 
tint, self-colored. 

selbst-gehendes Erz self-fluxing 
ore. -gleichrichtendes Röhren- 
voltmeter. self-rectifying tube 

Selbst-kapazität self-capacitance, 
distributed c. of a circuit (due 
to proximity effects). -konzentra- 
tion self-focusing, gas. f. -laut 
vowel. -lautdeutlichkeit vowel 

selbstleuchtender Lichtmodul ator 
light modulator of the glow- 
tube, neon lamp, sodium l. type, 
light relay with inherent light. 

Selbst-ieuchter self-luminous sub- 
stance, fluorescent s, phosphor. ~ 
-leuchtverfahren self-luminous or 
s. -emissive method (using elec- 
trons arising on object, in elec- 
tron microscope). -lötung auto- 
genic soldering. 

selbst-rechnender Komparator ER 
ing recording comparator. -re- 
gistrierend self-recording, au- 
tomatic r. -schirmende Spule 
self-shielded coil, astatic c. 
-schwingende Mischrohre self- — 
heterodyning mixer tube, autodyne. 

Selbstschwingungsvorrichtung ther- 
mionic trigger device, 

selbst-sperrender Schwingungserzeu- 
ger self-blocking oscillator. 
-ständige Entladung spontaneous 
discharge, self-sustained d., 
unassisted d. -ständige Funktion 
self-consistent function. 
-standige mitgenommene Kipp- 
schwingmethode self-running con- 
trolled time-base method. 

Sel bststrahlungsverfahren 
(Elektronenmikroskop ) self- 
emissive electron microscope or 
self-illuminating method (based 



on electrons arising on surface of 

Selbsttönen ringing or squealing (of a 

selbstonendes Papier self-toning 

Selbst-überlagerung autodyne, self- 
heterodyne. -umkehrung self-re- 
versal (of spectral lines). 
-unterbrecher trembler, self- 
interrupter, buzzer. -zünder 
pyrophorus lighter, self-igniting 
l., automatic l. 

Selektion, Amplituden- amplitude selec- 
tion, a. filtering. 

Selektivkreis selective circuit, 
selector c. 

Selen-chlorid selenium chloride. 
-cyanid selenocyanate- -halogen 
selenium halide. 

selenhaltig containing seleniun, 

Selen-kupfer copper selenide. © -metall 
metallic selenide. -zelle selenium 
(photo-conductive type of) cell, 
photronic c. 

Seltenheit rarity, scarcity, infre- 

Sende-anlage,Richt- beam, beacon or 
radio range station. -bild outgoing 
subject copy. -kanal transmission 
channel, signaling c. 

Sender, gepeilter tuned-in beacon 
(whence bearings are taken). 
~,modulationsgesteuverter transmitter 
with carrier being varied with AF 
amplitude; AF modulated transmitter. 
-, selbsterregender self-oscillatory 
transmitter. -,tonender musical- 
spark transmitter, singing-s.t. 

Sender und Empfänger ,Kombinierter 
transceiver (radio); microtelephone, 

Sender, Ball- re-broadcast station, re- 
peating s., station belonging to a 

network. Bild- video transmitter; 
facsimile t. Diapositiv- film 
transmitter. Einflug- boundary 

marker beacon. Einstrahl- 

beam transmitter, unidirectional t. 
Fernseh- television transmitter 
(comprises strictly both the aural 
and video signal transmitting means). 

Sender, Gemeinschafts- 266 

Gemeinschafts- chain broadcast 
station, network s. Haupt- 
main oscillator (in independent 
drive system). Hilfs- auxiliary 
transmitter, local oscillator 
(in heterodyne apparatus). 
Kontroll- monitor transmitter, 
check-up t.; service test oscil- 
lator. Leitfunk-,Leitstrahle 
radio beacon, beam station, Ir. 
range. Markierungs- marker 
beacon, marker. Maschinen- 
alternator transmitter. Mutter- 
key station, master s. (in chain 
broadcasting). Prüf- service 
test oscillator. Quarz- (piezo- 
electric) crystal or quartz 
stabilized transmitter. Richtungs- 
beam station, beacon s. Schwarz- 
unlicensed transmitter, illicit 
t., "underground" t. Sperrkipp- 
blocking oscillator. Steuer- 
master oscillator, drive o. 
(working on main transmitter in 
independent drive). Stimmgabel- 
tuning-fork oscillator, vibrating- 
reed transmitter. Stor- inter- 
fering station, jamming s.; 
shadowing signal, spurious ir- 
regular shading signal (telev.), 
Telegraphie-, tonmodulierter 
AF or tone-modulated telegraphic 
signal transmitter. Telephonie-, 
sprachgeschalteter voice-modulat- 
ed telephony (signal) transmitter, 
v.-m. radiophone. Tochter- re- 
peater or affiliated station (re- 
lated to key station, in chain 
broadcasting and in b. networks). 
Ton- modulated c.w. transmitter; 
audio or aural transmitter (of 
sound part of a telev. program). 
Tonfunken- singing or musical 
(quenched) spark transmitter (tele- 
graph ), Zeichen- signal trans- 
mitter, s. station. Zwischen- 
re-transmitter, repeater station. 
Sender-abstand interference guard 
band, tolerance frequency. 
-durchmodul ierung,hohe operation 
of transmitter station at a high 
modulation percentage. 
sendereigner Ton note or pitch 


peculiar to a beacon station, code 
note; tuning ne 

Senderöhre, frequenzgesteuerte fre- 
quency-stabilized transmitter tube. 

Sendung transmission or emission (of 
radio waves or signals), program. 

sengen singe, scorch, parch, flame. 

Senke crevass, dip (of resonance 
curve), trough, valley, depres- 
sion; negative source. 

senken depress, lower, sag, slope, 
droop (of curve), de-accentuate 
(a band). 

Senkkorper sinker, bob. 

Senkrechte vertical, normal, per- 
pendicular, plumb (line). -fallen 
let fall a perpendicular. -errichten 
erect a perpendicular. Mittel- 
median perpendicular. 

senkrechte Beleuchtung scaffold 
lighting, overhead l., top l. 

Senkspindel specific gravity spindle, 

Senk-rechtstellung vertical position, 
perpendicular p., plumb line p. 
-schraube countersunk screw. 

Senkungswinkel depression angle. 

Senkung sag, droop, depression, dip. 

Sensitometer sensitometer (for com- 
paring and grading film), densitome- 


Separatabdruck reprint, separate 
pression, special i. 

Sequenzillusion sequence illusion. 

Serien-apparat series camera. 
-entwicklung series expansion 
(math. ) j 

serienmassige Herstellung quantity 
production, large-scale manufac- 

Serienresonanzkreis series-resonance 
circuit, acceptor c. 

sicher, feuchtigkeits-damp-proof, 
moisture-p. hochspannungs- 
safe against high-voltage breakdown, 
possessing high puncture strength, 
proof against high-potential shock. 

Sicherheit,Pfeifpunkt- singing mar- 
Er whistling m., stability m. 
of radio tube). Stand- stability 
or steadiness (to shock or vibra- 

Sicherheits-koeffizient safety factor. 



-lampe safety lamp, s. light. 
sicherstellende Vorkehrungen pre- 
ventive measures, precautions, 

prevautionary steps. 

Sicherung,Grob- spark gap or similar 
arrester. Lage- locking in posi- 
tion. Luftleerspannungs- vacuum 

Sicht visibility, sight. 

Sichtbarkeit,überschwellige super- 
threshold visibility. 

Sichtbarkeits-messer visibility 
meter (e.g., Lukiesh-Taylor). 
-schwelle threshold of visibility, 
t. of vision. 

sichtbarmachen render visible or 
visually perceptible, visualize, 
indicate visually or optically. 

Sicht-messer visibility meter. 
-peiler visual or direct-reading 
direction-finder. -weite direct- 
sight range or distance, line of 
sight, optical distance. -winkel 
angle of sight. -wirkung sifter 
effect, sorting, classification. 
-zielflug visual homing flight, 
flight depending on visual indica- 
tion or reading. 

Sicke reinforcing seam, crease or 
pleat, r. fin (bent, pressed or 
oe i fashioned in metal sheet- 

Sieb filter, network; sieve, screen, 
bolter, strainer. Amplituden- 
amplitude filter, a. discrimination 

siebeneckig heptagonal. 

Siebenelektrodenrohre heptode. 

siebenwertig heptavalent. 

Siebgebilde selective system, filter 
means, network. 

Siebkette ladder-type filter, band- 
pass f. or transmission network. 
-,mehrgliedrige multi-mesh filter, 
multi-section f. -von grosser Loch- 
weite broad-band filter. 

Sieblochbreite,Frequenz— transmission Signal-horn bugle. 

band, transmitted b., b.-width of 
filter, spacing between cut-off 

Siebschale dish with perforated 



Siebsteilheit sharpness of selective 

Siebung screening, shielding; sifting, 
straining, filtering, sorting, bolt- 
ing, classifying. 

Siebwiderstand contact resistance (of 
barrier cell). 

Siede-erleichterer boil adjuvant. 
-kolben boiling flask. -kühlung, 
Kathode mit vapor-cooled cathode. 
-messer,Wasser- hypsometer. 

Sieke reinforcing seam, pleat, 
crease or fin (bent, pressed or 
otherwise: fashioned in metal sheet). 

Siemenseinheit (S.E.) Siemens unit 
(of resistance). 

Signal, tonendes tonal signal, musical 
spark s. 

Signal, Abschattierungsst6r- spurious 
signal, shading s. (in iconoscope 
Operation, known also as "shading," 
"black spot," "tilt and bend," etc.) 
Bild- video signal, picture s. 
Drehlicht- revolving beacon. 
Entwarnungs- all-clear signal. 
Fernseh- video signal, television s. 
Freigabe- clearance signal. 
Gleichlauf- synchronizing signal, 
sync impulse; tripping s. Haupt- 
inner marker signal, main entrance 
s. (airport). Kenn- tuning note 
(characteristic audio signal or note 
for tuning). Misch- signal spectrum 
(comprising video and sync impulses). 
Not- distress ae SOS s., mayday 
(radio telephone). Nutz- intelli- 
gence signal, s. conveying informa- 
tion. Stor- shadowing signal, shad- 
Ow S., spurious s. (iconoscope opera- 
tion); jamming signal, interference 
Ss. Synchronisier- synchronizing 
signal, sync impulse, tripping s. 
Vor- caution. signal, warning s., 
first or outer marker s, (airport). 
Warn- alarm signal, caution s., 
alert, raid aları. 

-lampe signal 

lamp, telltale 1. -Iampentafel 

signal lamp or annunciator board 

or panel. -mittel signaling means, 
communication m. -pfeife siren, 
whistle. -platte signal plate (of 

Signalüberdeckung 268 

iconoscope). -überdeckung 
blanketing or swamping of signals. 
-verlauf signal spectrum, s. 
pattern. -wand wall of signals, 
curtain of s. 

Silben-abschneidung clipping, 
obliteration or mutilation of 
syllables (in signal art). 
-frequenzgerät syllable vodas (of 
Bell Co.) -umkehrung inversion 
of syllables (in secret, garbled 
or scrambled telephony). -ver- 
standlichkeit syllable articula- 
tion, syllable intelligibility. 

Silber-belegung silver coating, s. 
plating, s. film, silvering. 
-blech silver foil, (thin) sil- 
ver plate. -glatte litharge. 
-glimmer common mica, muscovite. 
-halogen silver halide. -lot 
silver solder. -papier silver 
paper, silvered p.; tinfoil, 
tinfoiled p. 

Sims molding, shelf, cornice. 

Simultanleitung earthed phantom. 

singende Bogenlampe singing are 
lamp, Duddell arc. 

Singulette singlets. 

sinken sink, fall, decline, droop 
(of a curve). 

Sinkstoff deposited substance, 
settled s., settlings, sediment. 

Sinn, im bejahenden in the affirma- 
tive (sense). Ladungs- nature 
of charge, sign. 

sinnähnlich substantially synony- 
mous, in an analogous way or 

Sinn-bestimmung,Richtungs- sense- 
finding or sensing (determina- 
tion of sense of direction or 
absolute direction). -bild 
symbol, emblen.- 

sinn-gemässe Anwendung analogous, 
rational, logical, corresponding 
or equivalent application or use. 
_-getreu faithful (e.g., in trans- 

Sinnverständlichkeit intelligibility. 

sinn-verwandt synonymous. -voll 
intelligent, clever, ingenious, 
very suitable, logical. -widrig 
absurd, senseless, contrary 


to sense or reason, illogical. 

Sinterkohle sintering coal, non- 
caking c. 

sintern sinter, form s., concrete, 
frit, consolidate, vitrify (cer.) 

Sinter-quarz siliceous sinter, 
-schlacke clinker. 

Sinterung sintering, fritting, 
fusing, vitrification, baking, . 
caking, agglomeration, consoli- 

Sinus,hyperbolischer hyperbolic 
sine (sinh). 

sinusförmige Bewegung, rein- 
simple or plain harmonic motion, 
sinusoidal m. 

Sinus-linie sine curve. -schwingung 
sinusoidal wave, sine w. -winkel 
sine of angle. 

Sirene,Kondensator- condenser 
chopper or siren (produces pulsat-, 
ing current). Licht- light chop- 
per, c. wheel. Zahn- tooth-wheel 
synchronizer, tone-w. 

Sirutor Westector, rectifier of the 
copper or oxide type. 

Sitz seat, fit, lodgment. Press- 
press-fit, force fit, driving f. 
'Schlichtgleit- plain sliding fit. 
Treib- driving fit. 

Skala,reine true scale (mus. ) 
Entfernungs- distance scale. 
Frequenz- frequency spectrum, f. 
scale. Linear- slide-rule dial 
(with straight scale), 

Skalen-intervall scale division, s. 
interval. -rohr scale tube (of a 
spectroscope). ; 

Slip side slip (of airplane). 

smaragdgriin Guignet's green. 

Smaragdspat green feldspar, ama- 

SMK (Sekunden/Meter/Kerze) meter- 

Snellius'sches Brechungsgesetz 
Snell's law of refraction. 

Sockel base or cap (of lamp or tube); 
pedestal. Röhren- tube base, 
valve b. 

socken crystallize out, contract 
(of metal). 

Soffittenlampe overhead scoop, 
scaffold light or lamp. 

Sog 269 

Sog,Hohl- cavitation. 

soggen crystallize out, contract 
(of metal). 

Sohle sole, bottom, bed, floor, 
level, base. 

solarisationsfreie Platte anti- 
halation dry plate (phot.) 

Sole brine, salt water? 

Solinglas crown glass. 

Soll-kurs charted course, pre- 
scribed c. -wert nominal, rated, 
prescribed, assighed, normal, 
face or theoretical value. 

Sonde probe, search electrode, test 
prod, sound, sonde (radio). 
Abtast- scanning aperture, hole 
of Farnsworth dissector tube. 
Hitzdraht- hot wire anemometer. 
Klauenprüf- claw-type test prod 
or probe. Prüf- test prod, probe, 
search electrode. Radio-, fiir 
Wetterforschung radio meteoro- 
graph, radio sounding, sonde or 
sondage devices (for weather 

Sondenbildfangröhre Farnsworth 
type of pickup tube, F. dissector 
t. (with a scanning aperture). 

Sonder- special, separate, exclu- 
Sive. -abdruck reprint, sepa- 
rate p. 

sondern separate, sever, segregate, 
sort (out). 

Sonne (Klieg) sun, sun arc, Klieg 
lights. Gegen- parhelion, mock 
sun. ; 

Sonnen-ausbruch solar eruption. 
-bahn ecliptic (apparent path of 
sun). -bestrahlung insolation, 
irradiation by solar rays, expo- 
sure to sunlight. -blende sun 
shield, black screen. -ferne 
aphelion. -fleckperiode sunspot 
period, s. cycle. -nahe perihe- 
lion. -schutz sunshade. -strah- 
lungsmesser solarimeter, pyro- 
heliometer, actinometer (for solar 
flux density). -tätigkeit solar 
activity. -wärmemesser solarime- 
ter, pyroheliometer. -zeitsekunde 
solar second. 

sorbierender Stoff sorbent, sorp- 

spanabhebende 263: 

sorbierter Stoff sorbed substance, 
sortieren sort, assort, size. 

Sortierung,Phasenaus- phase focusing 

(in beam or drift tube such as 

sossio spotty, bleary (of a picture). 

Sourdine mute. 

Spahne, Eisen- iron turnings, borings, 
filings or chips. 

Spalt crack, gap, split, rent, fis- 
sure, slit, inte.stice, aperture, 

Spalt, Aufzeichnungs- recording slit, 
r. aperture. ‘Stufen- step slit 
(phot. ) Ton- sound recording aper- 
ture or slit. 

Spalt-ausleuchtung slit illumination. 
-bild,optisches optical slit image. 
-bildgerat photographic soundhead. 
-blende slit, apertured stop. 
-breite width of slit (of spectro- 
scope, etc.), apertural width. 
-brüchigkeit cleavage brittleness. 
-ebene cleavage plane, c. face. 
-effekt aperture effect, apertural 
e. -fläche cleavage face, c. plane. 
-flachenzeichnung cleavage plane or 
crystal marking. 

spaltfreie Beleuchtung apertureless 
or slitless illumination. 

Spalt-körper cleavage substance, c. 
product. -öffnung chink (in clari- 
net). -optik microscopic aperture- 
imaging optical means or "optic". 
-prozess fission process. -rohr 

collimator. -riss cleavage crack, 
c. fissure. -streuung slot leakage, 
s. stray. -ton slit tcne, jet t. 

Spaltung,Phasen- phase split. Strahl- 
beam splitting, split beam. 

Spaltungs-kristall cleavage crystal. 
-produkt fission product, cleavage 
p. -untergrund fission background. 

Span chip, splinter; shaving, boring, 
turning (mostly used in plural 

spanabhebende Bearbeitbarkeit free- 
cutting machinability. -Formgebung 
shaping or fashioning by machine 
tool, with incidental removal of 

Spange 279 

Spange clasp, buckle, clip, stay- 

spannbar tensile, extensible, 
ductile, capable of being tensed 
or tensioned. 

spannen stretch, strain, set, wind, 
tense, tension, tighten, span, 
clutch, grip. 

Spann-kraft tensional or elastic 
force, tension, load, extensi- 
bility, expandibility, elastici- 
ty. -rolle tension roller, 
spring-loaded idler (m.p.). 
-schraube turnbuckle, turn screw; 
chuck (magnetic). 

Spannung (cf Potential) potential, 
voltage, tension, pressure (in 
electricity); strained state or 
condition; strain (of molecules). 

Spannung, abgefl achte flat-topped 
potential (wave). anlaufen gegen 
eine- buck against a potential. 
an - liegender Draht negative 
wire. elastische- elastic strain. 
magnetische- magnetic potential 
(line integral of field intensity). 
mitlaufende- follower potential. 
sägeförmige- sawtooth potential, 
ratchet p. -verriegelnde- cutoff 
biasing potential. 

Spannung, Ablenk-, deflection poten- 
tial, sweep p. Abreiss- stopping 
potential, cut-off p. Anregungs- 
exciting potential, stimulating p., 
pre-ionizing p., p. causing elec- 
tron to be raised to a higher lev- 
el out of its atomic bond. 
Ausgleich- transient potential; 
compensating p. Beschleunigungs- 
gun potential, accelerator p. 
Bild-,Untergehen der swamping of 
video or picture signal potential 
(in noise level). Bildwellen- 
video (signal) wave potential. 
Bogenziind- ignition potential, 
arc-strikins p. Brems- negative 
anode potential (in electron- 
oscillation tube). Brenn- constant 
glow potential (is slightly lower 
than striking p.), normal: running 
p. (of photo-glow tube, etc.) 
Bruch- ultimate stress, breaking 
s. Brumm- hum potential, ripple p. 

Spannung, Resonanz- 

D- Dee voltage (of cyclotron). 
Druckeigen- residual compressive 
stress. Durchschlag- breakdown, 
rupture, disruptive, puncture or 
flash-over potential (el. engg,). 
Eigen- residual stress, inherent 

or internal tension or strain. 
Einsatz-(cf Zündspg.) sparking- 
over or flash-over potential; 
breakdown p. (in grid glow tube), 
starting p. Empfangs- signal 
potential, incoming p. Feder- 
spring tension, elasticity. Film 
film tension, f. pull. Gipfel- 
peak potential, crest p. Glas- 
strain or internal tension of 
glass. Gleich-,wellige ripple po- 
tential, pulsating p. Glimm- 

glow potential, breakdown p. (in- 
dicates incipient glow discharge 

in grid-glow tube); anode p. (at 
which glow discharge begins in 
photo-cell), stopping potential 
(lies slightly below glow p. in 
photo-glow or grid-glow tube, and 
is the value to which p. must be 
dropped to stop glow discharge 

once it has started). Grenzflachen- 
interfacial tension. Haft- adhesive 
stress. lonisierungs- ionizing po- 
tential, ionization p., p. suffi- 
cient to detach electron from its 
atomic bond. Kipp-, Rücklauf der 
flyback of sweep potential. Kreis- 
"circle" voltage. Lösch- stopping 
potential (at which glow discharge 
is stopped; s. p. is lower than 
glow p. in photo-cell and glow tube); 
extinction p., critical p. (at 
which t. u out); cut-off p. (of ° 
thyratron). Nutz- useful poten- 
tial, signal p. Oberflachen- - 
surface tension. Peil- directional 
signal potential (picked up by di- 

rectional antenna; to be distinguished - 

from auxiliary a.p.) Regel- 
automatic volume-control (avec) 
potential; dynamic-range or contrast 
regulating p.; generally: control p. 
or regulator p. Resonanz- resonance 
potential, radiation p., p. result- 
ing in transition of electron from 
ground state to next orbit, with 

Spannung, Richt- 

incidental emission of resonance 
spectrum. Richt- output voltage 
of rectifier, d.c. v. of recti- 
fier. Ruhe- bias or steady po- 
tential; no-signal p., repose or 
quiescent p., Q point p. 
Sagezahn- sawtooth potential, 
ratchet p. Saug- anode poten- 
tial, driving p., positive (d.c.) 
pe (of photo-cell), saturation 
p. (if all electrons are drawn 
to anode). Schalt- variable bias 
potential (in silent tuning and 
automatic volume control). 
Schrumpf- contraction or shrink- 
age strain or tension. Schub- 
shear stress. Schwimm- float- 
ing, spurious or stray poten- 
tial, blurring p., p. causing 
sway of picture, in telev. 
Schwundregel- automatic volume 
control (ave) potential. Sperr- 
cut-off potential, quench p., 
stopping p., biasing p. Stoss- 
impulse potential, shock p. 
Streck- yield stress. Teil- 
partial potential, componental 
pe Tonwellen- audio(signal) 
wave potential. Triibungs- 
potential causing quadrantal 
error (GE). Über- overvoltage, 
excess-voltage, overvolting. 

Uml auf- magnetomotive force 
(mmf) (being the line integral 
of magnetizing force). Verket- 
tungs- interlinked voltage. 
Versorgungs- supply (source) 
potential, voltage s. Verzöge- 
rungs- delay voltage, delayed- 
action v. (in avec). Vor- 
biasing potential (impressed on 
a grid, magnet, etc.); pre- 
stress (of metals); inherent bias 
tension (of a spring) to restore, 
say, to normally tensed or ten- 
sioned condition; anode, drive 
or positive p. (of photo-cell); 
normal or initial tension (in 
materials). Vor-, verriegelnde 
cut-off biasing poential. 
Vorglimm- sustaining potential 
(in pre-glow range, slightl 
below critical discharge p. 



wiederkehr- recovery voltage. 
Zeichen- signal potential. 
Zünd- firing potential, striking p. 
(of ignitron, thyratron, etc.); p. 
at which in glow-tube discharge 
changes from assisted to self- 
sustained form. Zusatz- booster 
potential, additional p. 
spannungführender Draht live wire, 
charged w., hot w. 
Spannungs-anderung change of strain 
(in metal). -aussteuerung, Anoden- 
plate voltage excursion. -Dehnungs- 
diacramm stress-strain diagram, 
stress-deformation d. -differenz, 
Zündldsch- striking-extinction 
potential difference. -eisen 
iron in voltage circuit (of a 
meter). -entlastung stress relief, 
anti-fatigue or anti-vibration 
means (in transmission lines). 
-erhöher voltage step-up means 
(e.8., transformer); .booster. 
-festigkeit puncture strength, 
dielectric s. 
spannungsfrei Gliihen strain relief 
anneal or thermal treatment. 
-(es) Glas strain-free glass. 
Spannungs-glättung smoothing device 
(filtering out ripples), potential 
stabilizer. -knoten voltage 
node, potential n. -kreis poten- 
tial circuit (of a meter). -kurve, 
Herz- electro-cardiogram. 
spannungslos free from tension or 
strain, untensed; dead (absence 
of electrical potential). 
Spannungs-messer,Oberflächen- surface 
tensiometer. -messer,Röhren- 
vacuum tube voltmeter. -modulation 
velocity modulation. -netz space— 
charge grid. 
spannungsoptisch photo-elastic. 
Spannungs-prüfer,Oberflächen-, nach 
Abreissmethode adhesion-balance 
type of surface tensiometer. 
-punkt terminal, tap. -reihe 
contact potential series, elec- 
tromotive s., electro-chemical s. 
-reihe, Thermo- thermo-electric se- 
ries. -relais undervoltage relay, 
low-v.r., no-v.r. -resonanzkreis 
series-resonance circuit, voltage 

Spannungsrück] auf 

r.c. -rücklauf,Kipp- flyback of 
sweep potential, return of time- 
base p. to zero. -schutz, 
Berührungs- protection against 
electric shock hazard. -sicher- 
heit breakdown strength, puncture 
proofness. -sicherung,Luftleer- 
vacuum arrester. -spitzenanzeiger 
crest-voltmeter, peak-voltage in- 
dicator. -spitzennivellierer voltage peak 
limiter. -sprung voltage step, v. leap, 
abrupt change of v., discontinuity. -spule 
voltage coil (in two-wattmeter meth- 
od). -stoss impulse voltage, poten- 
tial i. or pulse. -strom current flow- 
ing in potential circuit (of a 
meter). -teiler voltage or po- 
tential divider, potentiometer. 
-teiler,Glimm- glow-tube potenti- 
ometer, g.-t. voltage regulator. 
-tensor stress tensor. -verlust 
drop of potential. -wechsel 

stress alternation, s. variation, 

s. cycle. -zeiger voltmeter; 
voltage vector. 

Spannvorrichtung jig, chuck, holding, 
gripping or clamping device. 

Sparren rafter, spar Cot airplane). 

Sparschaltung (Nestel) circuit or- 
ganization designed to economize 
plate current. 

sparstoffarme Legierung alloy low in 
scarce or critical materials. 

Spartransformator auto transformer. 

Speckstein soapstone, steatite, talc. 

Speichelkammer moisture chamber (of 
soldering iron). 

Speicher accumulator, means to store 
up electrons (or energy in gener- 
al). Stromstoss- impulse storer, 
digit storing register. Warme- 
heat accumulator, regenerator. 

Speicher-platte storage pickup. 
-röhre signal or charge storing 
or storage tube (telev.) -röhre, 
Bild- signal or charge storage 
tube, normal iconoscope. 
-wandlerröhre,Bild- super icono- 
scope. -wirkung signal storage, 
charge accumulation. 

Speise-apparat feed apparatus. -hahn 


Sperre, Band- 

feed cock. -leitung (aerial) 
feeder lead, downlead, energy- 
feeder cable or wire, transmission 
line. -rohr feed pipe, supply 
pipe or tube. 

Speisung supply, s. source, feeding, 
excitation, energization. 

spektral zerlegtes Licht spectro- 
scopically dispersed or separated 

spektralanalytisch spectroscopic, 

Spektral-apparat spectroscopic ap- 
paratus, spectroscope. -bereich 
spectral range, s. region. 
-darstellung representation by 
spectra. -linie spectral line, 
spectrum l. -linienfal tung 
"Faltung" of spectral lines. 
-photometer spectrophotometer. 
-tafel spectral chart. 

Spektrograph, Geschwindigkeits- 
velocity spectrograph, v. 
analyzer. Massen- mass spectro- 
graph, m. spectrometer. 
Vakuumgitter- vacuum grating 
spectrograph. Zweikristall- 
double-crystal spectrograph. 

Spektroskop,Luftplatten- Fabry- 

Perot interferometer, étalon 

(when not variable). 
Spektrum, El ektronensprung- electron 

transition (or jump) spectrum. 

Feinstruktur- fine structure 

spectrum, micro-S: S« 

Flammen- flame spectrum. 

Funk- see Wellenabgrenzung. Grosstruktur- 

macro-structure spectrum. Magne- 
torotations- magnetic rotation 
spectrum. Streifen- band spectrum. 
Übersichts- general sp2ctrum. 
wellen-(cf wellenabgrenzung) 
spectrum of electromagnetic waves; 
radio wave Ss. 

Sperr-bereich suppression band or 
range, attenuation b. exclusion b. 
-blende blocking light stop, 
limiting s. -dämpfung stop band ~ 

Sperre (cf Sperrer) wave trap, stopper, 

rejector; lock, seal, baffle. Band- 


Sperre, Ruckkopplungs- 273 

band rejection filter, elimina- 
tion f., exclusion f. Rückkopp- 
lungs- reaction suppressor, feed- 
back s., "Vodas". Spiegel- 
frequenz- image-frequency stopper. 
Stör- noise gate. 

sperren shut, shut off, block, stop, 
bar, space (apart), guard (a 
position), stopper, exclude, pre- 
clude, lock,cut-off or choke (a 

sperrend,selbst- self-locking, 
automatically 1. 

Sperrer (cf. Sperre) trap, suppress- 

or, excluder; lock, block. Echo- 
echo killer, e. suppressor. 
Sperr-feder click spring. -filter 

rejection filter, r. circuit, 
stopper c., suppressor f. 
-flüssigkeit sealing liquid. 
-gleichrichter barrier-film 
rectifier, blocking r., electron- 
ic r., metal r., cuprox r. 

-glied suppressor. -greifer 
pilot pin. -hahn stopcock. 
-haken pawl, latch, catch, trip, 
dog, click, detent, ratchet. 
-hebel pawl, latch, arresting 
lever, lock 1. -holz plywood. 
-kegel pawl, detent, click. 
-kette low-pass filter. 
-kipposzillator, -kippsender 
blocking oscillator. -klinke 
pawl, latch, catch, trip, dog, 
click, detent, ratchet. 
-kondensator stopping condenser, 
insulating c., blocking c. -kreis 
rejector circuit, parallel- 
resonance c., wave trap c. 
-kreis,HF- low-pass filter or 
selective circuit. -kreis,NF- 
high-pass filter or selective 
circuit. -kreiskopplung parallel 
resonance coupling. -membrane 
stop diaphragm. -rad ratchet wheel, 
cog we -relais locking relay, 
guard r. -richtung high-re- 
sistance direction, backward d. 
(of a rectifier). -scheibe 
ratchet wheel. -schicht barrier 
layer, blocking 1., stopping l. 
-schichtzelle barrier-type cell, 
photo-voltaic c., photronic c., 


rectifier c. (operating with a block- 
ing layer). -schwinger blocking os- 
cillator. -spannung biasing poten- 
tial (impressed upon grid), cut-off 
De; — p. (in super-regenera- 

tion). -strom backward current, 
inverse c. (of rectifier). -topf 
wave trap. 

Sperrung,Röhren- cut-off of a tube, 
quenching of discharge. Strahl- 
beam cut-off, b. eclipsing, b. 
ee (telev. tube, by blanking 

Sperr-ventil stop valve, check v. 
-wirkung (cf sperren) brake ac- 
tion, retarding a.,delay a., lag- 
ging, valve a. -zeit,Teil- partial 
restoring time (in echo suppression). 
-zelle barrier-type cell (working 
with blocking layer). 

Spezialfilm hoher Steilheit high- 
contrast emulsion film. 

spezifisch(e)Ladung specific charge, 
charge-mass ratio. -(er)Widerstand 

spezifizieren specify, itemize, par- 

sphärisch überkorrigiert spherically 
overcorrected. -unterkorrigiert 
spherically undercorrected. 

spheroidaler Zustand spheroidal state. 

Spharokristall spherical crystal, 

Spiegel mirror, reflector, speculum, 
polished or reflecting surface, 
any deposited layer or coat (in- 
side a tube, A silvering; 
surface or level (of a liquid, etc.) 

Spiegel,Augen- ophthalmoscope, 

skiascope. Fang- collecting mirror. 
Gerausch=- noise level. Getter- 
getter patch, g. film. Hohl- con- 

cave mirror, c. reflector. Kipp- 
oscillating mirror. Kugel- 
spherical mirror, s. reflector. 
Lamellen- strip-like mirror (in 
screw scanner). Parabol- para- 
bolic reflector. Schwing- vibra- 
tory mirror, oscillating m. 
Stör- noise level. 

Spiegel-belag mirror coating, reflect- 
ing film, silvering (of a mirror). 
-bild speculum image, mirror i.; 

spiegelbildlich 274 

flare ghosts or spots (camera), 
double or reflected (ghost) 
image (in telev.). 

spiegel-bildlich homologous, mir- 
ror-picture condition, specular. 
-bildlich(es) Verhaltnis inverse 
relationship. -blank highly 

Spiegel-bogenlampe reflector arc- 
lamp. -feld revertive-signal 
panel, check-back position in- 
dicator (giving readings of 
remote instruments, in tele- 
metering work). -frequenz 
image-frequency (in radio). 
-frequenzsperre image-frequency 
stopper or rejector. -glas plate 
glass. -gleichheit mirror syn- 

spiegelig specular, mirror-like. 

Spiegel-kranz row, array, rim or 
set of mirrors (in scanner), drum 
scanner. -kreuzlibelle reflector- 
type cross-level (panoramic tele- 
scope). -metall speculum metal. 

spiegeln reflect, shine, glitter, 
be reflected, glare (from glass 

spiegelnde Oberfläche specular sur- 
face. -Reflektion specular re- 
flection, mirror-like r. 

Spiegelneigungsmesser Abney level 
(of reflecting type, to measure 
vertical angles). , 

Spiegel-rad mirror drum (e.g. of 
Weiller). -rad,Zeilen- line 
scanning mirror wheel (of Sco- 

phony). -reflexion specular 
reflection, regular r. -schraube 
mirror screw (scanner). -symmet- 

rie mirror symmetry, specular s. 
Spiegelung reflection, specular ef- 
fect, picture mirroring; replica 

(of curves), homologous condition 
or relation. Dreh- combined ro— 

tation and reflection. Rück- 
specular reflection, regular r. 
Viel- multiple of image. 

Spiegel-weile reflected wave. 
-wirkung cut-off, reflecting or 
mirror effect (of electron lens 
when electrons are unable to cross 


Spiegler reflector. 

Spiel play, playing; working, opera- 
tion, action (of mechanical parts), 
cycle of action; backlash, shake, 
play or lost motion (of wheels, 
gears, etc.); deflection, throw or 
excursion (of meter or instrument 
needle); set (of things). 

Spiel,Flanken- backlash (of screw- 
thread). Glocken- carillon (set 
of bells). 

Spiel-art touch (mus. instrument); 
variety. -aufbau, lonisierungs- 
Townsend structure or buildup. 

Spieler,Platten- disk-type phonograph 
or gramophone. Riick- playback, 
dubbing device. 

Spiel-haus,Licht- motion-picture 
theater or playhouse movie. 
-leiter director of play. 

-raum play, latitude, margin, 
range, scope, freedom of action, 
elbow room, clearance, backlash. 
-raum,Belichtungs- latitude of ex- 
posure. -salten fingerboard 
strings (zither). -zeugkino 

home movie. 

Spiesskant diamond. 

Spin,Einheits- unit spin. 
nucleus spin. 

Spinbahn-aufspaltung spin orbit 
splitting. -kupplung spin orbit 

Spindel spindle, pivot, axle, arbor, 
shaft, axis of revolution. 

spindelförmig spindle-shaped, fusi- 

Spindel führung screw control (of re- 
cording cutter). 

Spindeln hydrometer test. 

Spindeltrieb worm drive, w. gear. 

Spin-drehimpuls spin angular momentum. 

Spinelle spinel (cryst. 

Spin-glieder spin terms. -impulskop- 
plung spin orbit coupling. -moment- 
dichte spin momentum density. -mul- 
tipletten spin multiplets. 

Spinne,Lautsprecher- spider of loud- 
speaker (inside or outside, to keep 
voice or signal coil centered). 

Spin-vektor spinor (two-dimensional 
vector). -verdopplung spin doubling. 
-verteilung spin distribution (math.) 


Spiralantenne 275 

Spiralantenne (flat) spiral aerial 
or antenna, extensible s. antenna, 
s. loop. 

Spirale spiral, helix, coil, twist- 
ed structure. 

Spirallochscheibe Nipkow scanning 
disk with helical array of aper- 
tures, spiral d. scanner. 
Mehrfach- multi-spiral scanning 
disk. Vierfach- quadruple scan- 
ning disk. 

Spiral-steigung pitch or lead of a 
spire or spiral. -tauschung 
spiral illusion. 

Spitze point, peak, crest, tip, 
top, apex, vertex, summit. Prüf- 
penetrator (of hardness tester). 
Resonanz- resonance peak or crest. 
Stecker- tip of telephone plug 
(fitted into tip jack or pup j.) 

Spi tzen-anzeiger,Spannungs- crest 
or peak voltage indicator, c. 
voltmeter. -aufhängung point sus- 
pension, pivot s. -elektrode 
needle electrode, point e. 
-entladung point discharge, nee- 
dle (-gap)d. 

spitzengelagert journaled on points. 

Spitzen-glas reticulated glass. 
-lagerung jeweled bearing, pivot 
jewel, point suspension, p. sup- 
port. -leistung record (achieve- 
ment, performance, or accomplish- 
ment), peak output. -nivellierer, 
Spannungs- voltage peak limiter. 
-zahler needle counter. -zirkel 
compasses, dividers. 

spitzer Morsepunkt clipped dot. 

spitzig pointed, acute, sharp, tap- 

Spitzlichter bright lights, high- 
lights (in a picture); tangential 

spitzwinklig acute-angled. 

Splint sap, sapwood; pin, peg, key, 
splint, cotter, split pin. -holz 
sapwood, sap. 

Splitter,Kristall- crystal chip, c. 

Sprach-aufnahme speech, voice, vocal 
or dialog recording. -beeinflus- 
sung voice control, modulation by 
v. =-deutlichkeit articulation, 


intelligibility (of vowels and con- 
sonants, etc. ) 

Sprache speech, voice, articulate 
sound, language; code. 

sprachaeschalteter Telephoniesender 
voice-modulated telephony (sig- 
nal) transmitter, v.-m. radio- 

Sprachlaute speech sounds, articu- 
late s. 

sprachmoduliert speech-modulated, 

Sprach-untersuchung speech study, s. 
analysis. -verstandlichkeit 
articulation, intelligibility of 
speech or articulate sound (as- 
certained, e.g., by logatons), 
-verstärkungsanlage (public) 
address system. -wiedergabe 
voice reproduction; demodulation 
of speech. 

Spratzen flicker, sputter or spit- 
ting (of a cathode). 

Sprechaufnahme speech, voice, vocal 
or dialog recording. 

sprechende Bogenlampe speaking arc, 
Simon arc, Duddell a. 

Sprecher,synthetischer voder. 
Fernseh- television telephone, 
video t. 

Sprechfaktor,Fern- telephone in- 
fluence factor. -frequenz 
voice frequency, speech f. 

-horer microtelephone, telephone 
handset, transceiver. -kapsel 
condenser microphone. -kopf 
soundbox, recording soundhead. 
-kopf,Abnehmer- sound pickup, 
reproducing head. -leistung 
response of an electroacoustic 
system. -schalter speaking key. 
-schlauch speaking tuhe. -schlüssel 
speaking key. -strom voice, speech, 
sound, telephone or signal current. 
-stromkreis circuit carrying voice 
or AF signal currents (in loud- 
speaker). -transformator speech 
transformer, AF t. -verkehr, 
Fernseh- video telephone traffic, 
television telephone communica- 

Spreize spreader, spacer, strut, 

Spreizenkamera 276 

Spreizenkamera,Spreizkamera strut 
camera, extension c. 

sprengen explode, blow up, blast, 
burst; sprinkle (with water). 

sprenkeln sprinkle, sp3ckle,mottls, 

Spriegel hoop. 

springen burst, break, crack, frac- 
ture; spring, jump, leap. 

Spring-federwage spring balance. 
-kraft springiness, elastic 
force, elasticity, power of re- 
coil or rebound, resiliency. 
-punkt critical point (where a 
break or discontinuity occurs). 

Spritze,Elektronen- electron gun. 
Licht- recorder lamp with con- 
stricted neon arc (e.g., Ewest 
"light gun," pointolite, etc.) 

spritzen squirt, spurt, spout, 
Sputtler, spray, exude, inject 

Spritz-entladung initial discharge 
caused by rapid surge of ions; 
needle-gap d. -guss (pressure) 
die-cast. -pistole spray gun, s. 
pistol (of Schoop), aerograph. 

spröde brittle, short. -machen 

Sprodigkeit,Kalt- cold brittleness. 

Spross,Sprosse shoot, sprout, serm; 
rung (of a ladder). 

Sprossen-rolle sprocket drum. 
-schnürspur, Gleichtakt- variable- 
density single squeeze track. 
-spur,Gleichtakt- single variable- 
density track. -trommel sprocket 
drum or wheel. 

Sprossung germination. 

sprühen spray, spit, scintillate, 
scatter, produce corona (on wires). 

Sprüh-festigkeit spray proofness. 
-ionen spray ions. -schutzwulst 
anti-corona collar, guard ring. 
-verlust corona form of discharge, 
brush d. loss. 

Sprung (cf Sprungentfernung) crack, 
chink, fissure, flaw, fault; jump, 
bounce, leap; break, discontinui- 
ty (of a curve), transition (in 
spectra and quanta); hop (of waves). 
Absorptions- absorption discon- 
tinuity. Barkhausen- Barkhausen 

Spule, Achter- 

effect (abrupt changes of magnetiza- 
tion). Bild- picture repetition 
frequency, p. cycle; break or — 
shift of vision. Phasen- phase 
angle shift. Quantum- quantum 
transition, q. leap, q. jump. 
Spannungs- voltage step, v. leap, 
abrupt change or discontinuity of v. 
Sprung-entfernung skip zone, s. dis- 
tance (between beginning and end 
of wavehop). -faktor,Zeilene 
interlace factor or ratio. 
sprunghaft irregular, non-sequential, 
sudden, by leaps and bounds. 
Sprung-hohe pedestal level or height, 
amplitude of return or flyback 
(telev.). -methode,Zeilen- inter- 
laced, interleaved or intermeshed 
scanning method (with odd or even 
line interlace). -punkt (cf. 
Springpunkt) transition point. 
-spektrum, Elektronen- electron 
transition or jump spectrum. 
-stelle point of sudden irregulari- 
ty, unsteadiness, change, or dis— 
continuity. -wahrscheinlichkeit 
transition probability, leap p. 
sprungweise (cf ruckweise) by steps 
or stages, by leaps and bounds, 
intermittently, discontinuously, 
Sprung-winkel,Aus- angle of reflec- 
tion. -zeit transit time, trans- 
tion t. (of electrons). 
Spule,angezapfte tapped coil. 
-,angezapfte,in der Mitte center- 
tapped coil, mid-tap c. 
-,flachenhafte laminar or areal 
coil, non-filamentary c. 
-,gepanzerte,wenig streuende 
iron-core deflection yoke unit 
(with low spot and pattern distor- 
tion). -,gleichstromvormagneti- 
sierte d.c. controlled, saturable 
coil (of loudspeaker). -,kleine 
bobbin. -,korperlose structure 
with entire mass of vibratory 
system contained in oil. 
-,selbstschirmende self-shielded 
coil, astatic c. 
Spule,Ablenk- deflection coil, de- 
flector c„d. yoke. Abwickel- 
feed spool, f. reel. Achter- 


Spule, Auflauf- 277 
fisure-8 coil. Auflauf- take-up 
reel. Aufsteck- plus-in coil. 
Auslöse- trip coil. Beruhigungs- 
filter choke, smoothing coil. 
Betatigungs- workins coil, trip- 
pins coil, differential c. 
Binokular- binocular coil (form 
of closed-field c.) Dampfungs- 
dampins coil, amortisseur c. 
Dreh- movins coil, rotatins c., 
rotor’c. Dreh, mit einem Lager 
unipivotal moving coil. 
Eisenblätterkern- laminated iron- 
core coil. Eisenstaubkern- iron- 
dust-core coil, Ferrocart core c. 
Feld- field coil, maSnetizins c. 
Felderreger- field excitins coil 
(in electro-dynanic loudspeaker). 
Filmvorrats- film masazine roll, 
magazine. Honigwaben- honeycomb 
coil. Induktanz-,eisengeschlos- 
sene closed-core coil. Induktions-, 
variable variometer. Kafig- 
canned coil, shielded c. 
Kondensor- condensor coil (elec- 
tron microscope). Kopplungs- 
coupler coil. Kopplungs-,verander- 
liche vario-coupler. Korbboden- 
spider-web coil, basket-type c. 
Kreis- tuning coil. Litzen- 
litzwire coil. Luft- air-cored 
coil. Luftdrahtverlangerungs- 
aerial loadins coil, lensthening 
c. Magnet- solenoid, field coil. 
Massekern- compressed iron-core 
coil, dust-c.c., Ferrocart c.c. 
Mehrlagen- multilayer coil, banked 
C., pile c., honey-comb c. with 
banked windins. Objektiv- 
objective coil. Projektions- 
projection coil. Pupin- loadings 
coil, Fupin c. (for reactance 
balance). Quer- leak coil. 

Ring- toroidal coil. Rückkop- 
plungs- tickler coil, retroactive 
c. Sammel- focusing coil. Saug- 
smoothing coil. Schwing- moving, 
speech, voice or siSnal-current 
coil. Spannungs- voltase coil 
(in wattmeter). Steck- plug-in 
coil, detachable c.; demountable 
reel (film). Striktions- focusing 
coil. Strom- current coil (in 

Spurzapfenl ager 

two-wattmeter method). Such- search 
coil, probe c., rotating c., explor- 
ins c. (of d.f.); flip c. (in na$- 
netic field tests). Tauch- moving 
coil (of loudspeaker), telescopins 
c. Teil- fractional coil, component 
or subdivision of a coil. Variome- 
ter-,drehbare rotor of variometer. 
Varlometer-,feste stator of variome- 
ter. Verlangerungs- serial loading 
coil, lensthenins c. Vorrats- 
magazine, m. roll (m.p.) Waben- 
honeycomb coil, lattice-wound c., 
duolateralc. Zeilen- line scan 
coil, l. sweep c. 

spulen wind, reel, coil up. 

Spulen-abzweig coil tap. -achse 
bob of spool,core of s. (m.p.) 
-anzapfung coil tap. -arm masa- - 
zine or spool arm or support. 
-durchflutung masnetic potential 
of coil. -fahrstuhl band-width 
regulator with reciprocatins 
auxiliary coupler coil parallel to 
oscillating c. -halter,Film- 
film roll holder. -kern bob of 
spool, core of s.(m.p.) -kette 
low-pass filter. -körper coil 
form, c. former, spool. -mark 
molded coil core. -revolver 
coil switch mechanism (for wave- 
band change). -topf can, canned 
coil. -trager magazine or spool 
arm or support. -windungsschluss- 
prüfer inter-turn short-circuit 
or continuity tester. 

Spund stopper, plus, buns; tongue 
(of dovetailed board). 

Spur track, trace, trail; Sutter, 
channel. -,vorionisierte pre- 
ionized track. Brumm- buzz track. 
Ton-,eingepragte track embossed 
on film strip. Ton-,eingeschnittene 
track engraved in film strip. 

spurenweise in traces. 

Spur-faktor tracking factor (phono- 
Sraph recording). -lager thrust 
bearins. -methode,Nebel- Wilson 
cloud track method (using a 
streak of droplets and an ioniz- 
ing particle). -verzerrung track- 
ins error, t. distortion (phonosr. ) 
-zapfenlager (end) thrust bearing. 

Spurzeit, Bild- 

-zeit,Bild- Watkins factor, de- 
velopment f. 

Stab rod, bar, stick. 
rod antenna, whip a. 

Stabchen rod (of nerve endings of 
eye), rodlet. 

Stabfeder,Dreh- torsion bar sprins. 

stabilisieren stabilize, steady, 
make constant, uniform or nornal, 

Stab-kopf rod eye. 


-mikrophon car- 

bon stick microphone. -röhre 

Stachel stins, thorn, spine, prick- 
le, prong. 

Staffeln,Glasplatten- (Michelson) 
echelon spectroscope. 

Stahl ,naturharter self-hardenins 
Steel. Edel- refined or superior 
alloy steel. 

stahlband-armiert,-bewehrt steel-tape 
armored, ribbon wrapped. 

Stahl-bandaufnahme masnetic steel 
tape recordins. -drahtaufnahme 
sound on wire recordings system. 
-kiesstrahlen,-kugelblasen steel 
shot blastins. -stechen steel 

Stamm-baum flow sheet (of workins 
process). -farbe prinary color. 
-holz stem, heart or trunk wood. 
-körper parent substance, p. body. 
-patent parent patent. 

Stampfe stamp, stamper, pestle, 
punch, rammer, tamper, 

stampfen ram, tamp, pave, pound. 

Stampfwerk stamp mill. 

Stand, heutiger, der Technik 
present state of the art (or 

Stand,Achs- wheel base. Führer- 
control cabin, pilot's cockpit, 
p. compartment (airpl.), tank 
commander's position. Pruf- 
test bed. 

Stand-anzeige dead beat indication 
or reading (of an instrument). 
-anzeiger bearing indicator 
means, d.f. dial. 

Standarte lens carrier, base board. 

Stand-bild still film picture, in- 



animate p. -entwicklung slow 
development, stand d. 

Stander stand, standard, pillar, 
post, pole, pedestal, uprisht, 
column, housing (of rolls); 
stator, field system (of dynamo). 
Abtropf- drainer. Lupen- lens 

Standfestigkeit stability, risidity, 
steadiness, solidity, resistance 
to deformation, creeping strensth 
(of materials). Dauer- lons-tine 
creep strength. 

Standfestigkeitsprüfung (lons-tine) 
creep test. 

standhaft steady, constant, firm, 

Stand-linie base line, position line. 
-linienpeilung position-line bear- 
ins, ereat circle b. -linienverfah- 
ren base-line method of measure- 

Standort station, stand; position 
(d.f.), fix. -bestimmung obtaining 
a fix, position or location find- 
ing (by two or more d.f. stations), 
fix, position-line bearins, Sreat 
circle b. -daten positional in- 
formation. -peilung see Standortbe- 

Standsicherheit stability or steadi- 
ness (to shock and vibration). 

Stange stick, rod, bar, pole, post. 
Abspann- stay, terminal or strain 
pole or mast. Kreuzungs- transposi- 
tion pole. Schub- thrust rod, push 
rod, pusher r. Zahn- rack rod. 

Stanniol tinfoil. 

stanzen punch, perforate, stamp or 
blank out (from a solid sheet). 

Stanz-matrize cuttins dieplate, 
punching die, -presse stampins 
press, punch. -verfahren stamping 
method, punching m. 

Stanvel staple, pile, heap, stack. 

stark belastet heavily loaded, hishly 
l., carrying a heavy load. 

Stärkegrad intensity, desree of 
strensth or of concentration. 

Starkstromstörung interference from 
power systems; power (supply) fail- 


starr stiff, rigid, non-yielding, 

Starrheit risidity, stiffness. 

Startbahn runway. 

starten,durch- "open up" and repeat 
nn procedure (in ZZ landing 

Startweite (der Elektronen) dis- 
tance from orisin (of electrons), 
distance from object to lens, ob- 
ject distance. 

stationar(e)Messung deadbeat measure- 
ment. -(er)Zustand steady, sta- 
tionary or stable state. 

Stations-melder station indicator, 
tuning i. -wähler station selec- 

Stativ stand, support, tripod. 
Kurs- class microscope. Röhren- 
telescopic tripod. Schlinger- 
cardan-suspended tripod. Ver- 
folgungs- runnins tripod, follow- 
shootins t. 

Stativlupe stand masnifier. 

staubdicht dustproof, dust tisht. 

Staub-figuren powder pattern, dust 
fisures (of Lichtenbers, Bitter, 
Debye, Scherrer, Hull, etc.). 
-kern dust core, molded c. 
-rauschen dust noise (of film). 
-welle acoustic dust pattern 
(showing nodes and antinodes). 
-zahler dust counter. 

Stauchdruck compression. 

stauchen compress (by blow), knock, 
beat, upset, clinch (a rivet). 

Stauchmatrize,Kalt- cold upsetting 

stauen stow, dam up, choke, baffle. 

Stau-gerat baffle type fluid flow 

gase. -gitter suppressor Srid, 
baffle Srid. -körper baffle, 

Stauung,Elektronen- electron ac- 
cumulation or_cloud (in virtual 

Stauwirkung baffle or accumulator 
effect, damming e.; resistance. 

stechen stick, prick, pierce, stins, 
tap; ensrave. 

Stechkolben pipette. 

Stecker,berührungssicherer shock- 
proof plus. -,dreiteiliger three- 



point plus, three-way p. -,unver- 
wechsel barer non-interchanseable 

Stecker,Blind- dummy plus. 
three-pin plus, triplus. Klinken- 
jack, plus switch. Netz- power 
supply plus, lisht socket p. 
Zwischen-socket adapter, a. plus. 

Stecker-buchse,-hülse olus socket, 
connector s. -saule multiple socket 
and plus device, multi-way s. and 
ped. -spitze tip (of telephone 

Steck-regler plus-in and socket 
(volume) control. -spule 
denountable magazine or reel (n.p.); 
plug-in coil, detachable c. -um- 
schalter plug-in switch. 

Steg path, small bridge (of string 
instrument), cross piece, strap, 
bar; material or wire portions of 
a srid (between Bea) any nar- 
row strip of solid material be- 
tween holes or recesses, as in 
m.p. film between perforations, or 
between tracks or Srooves in phono- 
Sraph disks, called barrier or land. 
Druck- pressure bar, harmonic b. 
Gitter- Srid stay; solid portions of 
6. mesh, 8. strips used for wires. 

Steg-abstand distance between Srid 
wires (or 6. supports or stays). 
-gitter Srid in which all wires are 
parallel to axis and surround 
cathode case-fashion. -zahl 
number of srid wires, stays or 

Stehbild still picture, non-animated 
p- -verfahren lantern slide pro- 
Jection method. 

Stehen des Bildes steadiness of 
image. --,mangelhaftes jumpins or 
unsteadiness of imase. 

stehende Figur stationary pattern, s. 
fisure. -welle standings wave, 
stationary w. 

Steh-kolben flat-bottomed flask. 
-lager pillow block, pedestal 
bearings, . 

steif stiff, rigid, firm, non-yield- 

Steife prop, strut, brace; rigidity, 

Drei fach- 

steigen 280 

steigen rise, ascend, mount, in- 

Steigerer,wucht- dynamic expander. 

Steigerung increase, increment, 
raise, boost. Dynamik- dynamic- 
range expansion. Kontrast- 
Callier effect, print contrast 

Steig-höhe elevation (in capillary 
tube), heisht of rise or of as- 
cent, pitch (of a scren). 
-leistungsmesser rate of climb 
meter ("varioneter" measuring 
both rise and descent). -rad 
ratchet wheel, escapement w. 

Steigung,Gewinde- pitch (of screw 
thread). Spiral- pitch of a spire, 
lead of as. 

Stei gungsmesser,Luftschr auben- 
propeller pitch indicator. 

Steigwinkel rise anéle. 

steil,zu too high a Sannna (in 
film printing). 

Steilabfall der Sagezahnkurve 
abrupt drop of sawtooth wave. 

Steilheit Sradient, mutual con- 
ductance (mutual characteristic), 
slope (of tubes); contrast (film). 

Steilheit,Emulsions- steepness of 
Sradation. Entwicklungs- slope 
(of D and KHcurve). Film-,hohe 
hish contrast (of film). Filter- 
sharpness of selective network. 
Flanken- width of transition in- 
terval between transmission and 
attenuation bands; steepness of 
Sides or slopes of a curve or of 
upstroke and downstroke of an in- 
pulse. Gradationskurven- Sanna 
value or slope of response line. 
Sieb- sharpness of selective net- 
work. Transponierungs- slope or 
mutual conductance (of a mixer 
tube). Umwandlungs- mutual con- 
ductance, slope (of mixer tube, 

Steilheitsmesser derivator, tangent 
meter (for curves). 

Stein-bildung,Kessel- boiler scale 
formation, incrustation. -gut 
white ware (with white absorbent 
body and soft glaze). -kohlen- 
schlacke coal cinders. -lager 

. steuerbar 

jeweled bearins. -o1] petroleun. 
-porzellan hard porcelain. 

Stelle spot, site, locale, location, 
place. an - und Stelle in situ. 

Stelle, abgeschirmte dead spot, radio 
shadow, r. pocket. Dezimal- 
decimal place. Locker- loose 
place, 1. spot (cryst.) Null- 
zero place. Peil- control station 
(in sroup of d. f. stations). 

‘stellen place, put, set, resulate, 

Stellenzahl position number, atomic 
n.; index (math.), number of digits. 
Stellhahn resulatins cock. 

stellig,drei- three-place, t.-fisure 
(value). fünf-(e) Genauigkeit 
five-fisure accuracy. sechs- 

with six decimal places. 

Stell-kraft,Rück- restorins, retrac- 
tile, elastic or restitution force 
or pressure. -schraube set screw, 
adjusting s. 

Stel lung, arbeits- yor kin position, 
Operative p. 

stellvertretender Patentkommissar 
deputy or acting patent commissioner. 

Stempel stamp, stamper, die, punch, 
pestle, piston, matrix. Lampen- 
press or squash of a lamp. Press- 
press ran. 

Stempelrohr plunser tube, piston t. 
(used in acoustic impedance tests). 

Stenget,Pump- pumping lead, pump tube 
(short piece of tubing connecting 
with vacuum pump), exhaust vent. 

Stereogramme trie stereophotosrammetry. 

Stern-Dreieckschalter star-delta 

sternformig star-shaped, stellate. 

Stern-gliedkette T (-mesh) network. 
-rad star wheel. -rohr astronomical 
telescope. -tag sidereal day. 

stet, stetig continuous, constant, 
stable, steady. 

stetiger Bildwechsel continuous, 
steady, non-internittent feed or 
motion (of picture strip). 

steuerbar nmodulable, capable of 
being modulated or controlled; 
steerable {of antenna charactistic 
and polarization); manageable, 
manoeuvrable, controllable. 



Steuerbl ende 

Steuerblende modulatins electrode, 
nodulation shield, m Srid (in 
cathode-ray tube). 

Steuerbord achteraus starboard aft. 
-voraus Starboard bow. -kurve 
starboard (right-hand) curve (air- 
plane approach). 

Steuer-daumen sequence switch cam. 
-drossel maSnetic modulator, nm. 
choke, Heisins modulator. 3 
-frequenz pilot frequency, syn- 
chronizins f. -generator drive 
oscillator, master 0. -gitter 
control grid; shield (of a c.-r. 
tube). -kurs steered course, 
compass C. -mann, Ton- operator 
controlling sound volume (in 

steuern steer, resulate, control, 
modulate, Suide, direct. 
herunter- regulate down, decrease 
carrier amplitude. 

Steuer-nocken sequence switch cam. 
-quarz (frequency) stabilizing 
quartz crystal. -relais pilot 
relay. -röhre master oscillator 
tube, drive t., drive 0. -röhre, 
Quer- cross-control tube, beam 
tube (dependins for its operation 
on b. deflection). -schalter 
master switch, control s., 
sequence s. -sender master 0S- 
cillator tube, drive t., d.o. 
(working upon main transmitter, 
in independent drive). -stelle 
sound gate (film); impulse re- 
ceivins place or point (in re- 
mote-control, telemetering, etc.) 
-stelle, Ton- tone-control point, 
exciter p.; sound gate. -strich 
dot or pointer to observe or read 
bearinss. -stufe,fremdgesteuerte, 
quarzgesteuerte crystal-stabilized 
oscillator stage, master or driver 
stase stabilized by quartz crystal. 

Steuerung auf Dunkel modulation to 
dark condition, negative u. -auf 
Hell modulation to light condition, 
positive m. Ausblend- obturator 
modulcation, cut-off m. Dichtig- 
keits- charse-density modulation. 
Dunkelwert- adjustment to value of 
darkness. Fern- remote-control 

28 | 


action, telemetric c. (with selsyn 
motor and synchro system). Frequenz- 
von Senderschwingungen frequency 
stabilization of transmitter oscilla- 
tions. Geschwindigkeits- velocity 
modulation. Gitter- Srid sweep, $. 
swings, §. excursion, 6. excitation; 
$. control (in isnitron, etc.) 
Helligkeits-,Intensjtats- brilliancy 
modulation, intensity m., brishtness 
mw. or control. Kristall- crystal 
stabilization, quartz control. 
Ladungs(dichte)- charse density 
modulation. Leitungsstrom- conduc- 
tion-current modulation. Licht- 
lisht scanning, 1. modulation, l. 
control. Linien- velocity modula- 
tion. Zeilen- velocity modulation, 
variable-speed ı. 

Steuerungs-bereich drive range, swing 
of amplifier Srid, operation inside 
straisht part of characteristic. 
-einrichtung,Licht- lisht valve, 
lisht relay. 

Steuer-verstarker amplifier between 
power and input stage (operatins 
on pure voltage amplification). 
-welle control wave (in chain 
broadcasting), pilot w. -zylinder 
focusins Srid, Wehnelt s. or cyl- 
inder (in cathode-ray tubes). 

Stich prick, puncture, stab, sting, 
stitch; engraving; tap, tapping; 
pass (rolliné mill). Form- shaping 
pass (rolling). 

Stichel,Schneide- cutter. cuttins 
stylus, c. tool, c. head, ensraver 
(phonograph recording), scriber. 

Stich-flamme fine pointed flame, 

dart of f. -leitung tie line, tap 
1. -loch tap-hole. -pfropf tap- 
hole plus. -probe sample taken by 

tapping, random sampling, assay of 
tapped metal. -wortverzeichnis 
(key-word) index. 
Stickstoffhalogen nitrogen halide. 
Stiel handle, shaft, stem, stalk. 
Stift pin, pes, tack,stud, pencil. 
Gewinde- headless screw, Srub s. 
Justier- pilot pin, registration 
pe Mittlungs- centering pin. 
Schreib- stylus, style, cuttins 
or engraving tool. Tast- tracer 


point, ieeler. 
Stift-lagerung pin suspension, p. 

supportins. -rad sprocket wheel. 
-schlüssel pin wrench. -schraube 
tap bolt. 

Stilb stilb (unit of luminosity in 
Hefner candles per square cı. 

stille Entladung corona, silent 
discharge, effluve. -Zone 
skip zone, dead spol. 

Still-abstimmung silent tuning, 
quiet t. -einstellung silent 
tunins, q.a.v.c. tuning. -leben 
still life. 

still-schweigend tacit, implicit, 
implied; silent, quiet, calm. 
-stehen stand still, stop, arrest, 
be stationary. 

Stimme,gemischte mutation stop 
(organ). -,schwebende voix 
céleste. Grund- foundation stop 
(orsan). -,Lautstarkenbereich 
der menschlichen human voice in- 
tensity range. -,Modulation der 
inflection of voice. 

Stimmflote tuning pipe, pitch pipe. 

Stimmgabel, schreibende tuning fork 
chronoscope. -sender tunins- 
fork buzzer oscillator, vibrating- 
reed transmitter. -steuerung 
tuning fork control (in phonic 
wheel). -unterbrecher tunins- 
fork interrupter. -zinken 
prons or tine of a tunings fork. 

stimm-hafte Konsonanten sonant, 
voiced or vocal consonants. 

-lose Xonsonanten surd. non-vocal 
or breathed consonants. 

Stimm-pfeife tuning pipe, pitch p. 
-platte reed board, r. plate (of 
accordion). -ritze Slottis, 
Slottic catch or cleft. -schlüssel 
tuning key, wrench (of kettle drum) 
-stock wrest plank (piano). -ton 
tuning pitch. -wirbel wrest pin. 

Stimmung,hohe hish pitch. -,Flote 
mit flute with tuning slide. 
Tremolo- tremolo. ; 

Stimmungsbild key picture, sentiment 
p. -,dunkles low-key picture. 
-,uberhelles high-key picture. 

Stirn,wellen- wave face, w. front, 
w. head. 



Stirn-ansicht end view. -bügel 
headrest (of magnifier). -fläche 
end face; face, front. -holz 
cross-cut wood, end-Srain w. 

-rad spur wheel. -streuung 
overhans leakase flux. -verbindung 
face connector. -wand front wall, 
plate or panel; end w. --welle 

onde de choc, impact w., Dow w. 

_-widerstand (front) end resistance, 
leadins-end r. -zapfen trunion, 
end journal. 

Stocheisen poker (bar or iron), fire 
p., Stirrer, stoker, rake. 

Stock stick, staff, stock. 

stocken stop, slacken, hold up, 
arrest; mold, decay. 

Stockflote stick flute. 

Stockung stoppage, stasnation, ob- 
struction, standstill, jam, "bottle 

Stoff substance, matter, material, 
stuff, fabric, cloth. Trocken- 
siccative, dryings substance. 

Stoff-aufwand expenditure or reauire- 
ment of material. -behn web of fab- 

ric or cloth (textile). -bedeckung, 
Wandbekleidung dreping, gobo, tor- 
mentor (when in the form of a 
portable wall with sound-absorbent 
material, in mp. studio). -mangel 
shof tage.of material, underfill 
(in rolling). -patent patent cover- 
ing substance or material, product 
p., substance p. -teilchen particle 
of matter, corpuscle. -verbindung 
composition of matter. 

Stopfel,Stopfen stopper, plus, cork. 

Stopfen,Griffel- stopper with thumb 
piece. Schliff- Sround-in stopper 
(of Slass). 

Stopf-ton (der gedackten Trompete) 
stopped tone (of s. trum- 
ei. -werg oakum. 

Stoppbad short-stop treatment. 

Stopsel,geschlitzter split plus. 
Blind- dummy plus. Glas- Slass 

Stopsel-glas stoppered Slass. 
-hahn stopper cock, c. stopper. 
-korper plus body. 

stopseln plus in, insert a p. falsch- 

Stopselrheostat 283 

Stopsel-rheostat resistance box 
(plus operated). -schalter 
plus switch. 

Stor-amplitude noise level. 
-anfalligkeit susceptibility to 
trouble, "X", interference or 
noise, trouble incidence. 
-befreiung elimination of inter- 
ference, jamminé, fadins, strays, 
static or atmospherics. -befreiung, 
Einrichtung zur static eliminator, 
X stopper. -breite detunins 
"width" (detuning required to 
reduce resonance amplitude to 
1 percent). 

Storchschnabel pantosraph. 

storen interfere, jam, disturb, 
trouble, perturb, deranée. 

Storer,durch - verdeckte Zeichen 
Swalped sisnals. 

Storernullung connection of case 
of interferins device with neu- 
tral wire (in d.c. nains). 

Stör-faktor,Fernsprech- telephone 
interference factor. -feld 
stray field, interference f. 
-festigkeit immunity from noise, 
disturbance or distortion. 
-gebiet mush area (in chain 
broadcastins), disturbed area. 
-geräuschatmen fluctuation of 
noise, waxins and wanins of n. 
-gries low noise in picture back- 
Sround due to thermal effects, 
Brownian movement, mechanical 
properties of tube, and low- 
frequency fluctuations of local 
emission density, i.e., shot 
effect. -lautstarke noise level. 
-muster spurious pattern, false 
p. (telev.) -nebel chief in- 
terference Zone, maximum noise 
Z. -niveau noise level. 
-pegel,''ntergehen der Bild- 
spannungen im swamping of picture 
signals in noise level. -schutz 
interference eliminator, trouble 
elimination, anti-parasitic means. 
-schutzpackung noise suppression, 
shielding harness (for airplane 
engines), interference eliminator 
kit. -sender shadowins sisnal 
(telev.); interfering or jamming 



station. -signal,Abschattierungs- 
spurious or shadowing signal (in 
iconoscope operation; known also 
as "Shading," "black spot," "tilt 
and bend" etc.). -signal- 
Kompensation compensation of 
Spurious signal in iconoscope 
operation by shadins circuit. 
-sperre noise Sate. -spiegel 
noise level. -stelle center of 
disturbance (cryst.); point of 
disturbance or perturbation; dis- 
continuity. -suchgerät inter- 
ference locator, sisnal tracer 
(used stage by stage in receiver).- 

Storung disturbance, perturbation, 

noise, distortion, interference, 
statics, atmospherics, Jamming 

(in signal transmission); disar- 
ransement, deransenent, trouble. 
-,atmosparische atmospherics, 
static, stray, "X's", oQRN. 
-,ausserirdische extra-terrestrial 
or interstellar noises or dis- 
turbances. -,luftelektrische 
statics, atmospherics, "X", 

Eigen- internal trouble. Gitter- 
lattice distortion, lattice dis- 
location. Laufzeit- delay distor- 
tion. Lichthof- halo disturbance. 
Nah- nearby interference, local i. 
(from sources close to receiver 
site). Starkstrom- interference 
from power systems; power failure. 
örungs-rechnung perturbation calcu- 
lation. -suche trouble "shootins", 
interference location. -theorie 
perturbance theory. -welle 
parasitic or interfering wave, 
jamming w., Sarblins w. (in se- 
cret telephony). -wellenweg 

path of interference wave. 

Stoss impact, shock, collision, 

pulse, count or burst (e.é., of 
cosmic rays), impulse; push, 
stroke, jolt, recoil, thrust; 
joint, junction (of rails). 
Durchbruch- burst pulse. 
Hohenstrahl- cosmic ray burst or 
shower. Rück- back stroke, re- 
coil. Schienen- rail joint. 
Spannungs- potential impulse, p. 
pulse, impulse voltase. Treppen- 

Stossdämp fung 284 

lap joint. 

Stoss-dampfung damping or attenua- 
tion of pulsations or vibrations, 
shock absorption. -dauer dura- 
tion of collision or shock. 
-durchschlagfestigkeit impulse- 
voltage breakdown strensth. 

Stösse,Dreier- triple collision, 
three-fold c. Dunkel- backsround 
counts (in Geiser-Müller tube). 

Stössel,Stösser pestle, stamper, 
ranner, tamper, stem (of valve), 
impulsins, pushing or impactins 
rod (in loudspeaker), driver 

stossen push, thrust, hit, knock, 
impact, ram, pound. 

Stoss-erregung shock, impact or 
collision excitation. 
-feder,Strom- impulse springs 
(in dial). -festigkeit shock, 
impact or impulse (breakdown) 
strensth. -fuge joint, junc- 
tion. -galvanometer ballistic 
Salvanometer. -generator in- 
pulse or test wave Senerator. 
-kraft percussive power, motive 
p- -kreis impulsins circuit. 
-linie boundary line, joinins 
1. =messer,Kraft- ballistic 
pendulum. -prüffeld (potential) 
impact or impulse testing field. 
-sender impulse exciter, i. 
transmitter. -spannung impact 
potential, shock p. -stelle 
joint area or point, junction p. 
contact point. -ton beat note; 
throb. -verbreiterung impact 
broadening. -wage ballistic 
pendulum. -welle percussion in- 
pact or impulse wave; w. impact- 
ing upon a joint. -winkel 
butting ansle, a. of joint. 
-zahl number of collisions, 
impacts, or bursts. 

Strafe,bei - der Nichtigkeit on pain 
of nullity. 

Straf-gesetz penal code. -recht 
criminal law. -summe penalty, 

Strahl (cf Strahlung) ray, radia- 
tion, beam (in d.f., telev., 
etc. ), pencil, jet (of fluid), 

Strahl, Streu- 

flash (of lightning); straight line, 
radius (Seonetry). 

Strahl,achsenparalleler paraxial ray. 

-,ausfallender emersent ray. 
-,ausserachsialer extra-axial ray, 
abaxial r. -,ausserordentlicher 
extraordinary ray. -,durchfallender 
transcident ray, transmitted r. 
-,einfallender incident ray. 
-,ordentlicher ordinary ray. 
-,schrager skew ray, oblique r. 
-,streifender Slancins ray. 
-,ultraroter infrared ray, ultra- 
red r. -,ultravioletter ultra- 
violet ray, vita-r. (between 2900 
and 3200 A.) 

Strahl,Ab- reflected ray. Anoden- 

anode ray, canal r., positive r. 
Brems- (Röntgen) X-rays due to 
collision or checking. Dunkel- 
obscure, radiation, heat r. (fron _ 
a lisht source), invisible (actinic) 
r. beyond the violet. Elektronen-, 
weisser heterogeneous beam of 
electrons. Faden- pencil ray 
(electrons); beam or pencil of non- 
uniform cross-section, in Sas- 
focused c.-r. tube, due to positive 
ions and secondary electrons, 
thread beam. Fahr- radius vector 
(math.). Gegen- reflected ray, 
reflection. Gesichts- visual ray 
Grenz- border-line ray, infra- 
Röntsen r. H- H-ray (consisting of 
positive hydrogen ions and protons). 
Kanal- canal ray. Knoten- cf 
Strahl,Faden-, Leit- guide ray, & 
beam, radio beacon; radius vector 
(math. ) Licht-,maximale Aus- 
steuerung des - (es) clash point of 
light valve (in sound recordins). 
Luft- air jet. Molekular- molecu- 
lar ray, nm. beams Peil-,raumgerad- 
liniger orthodrome. Rand- marsinal 
(zone) ray, peripheral r., extra- 
axial r. (opt.) Rest- residual 
ray, r. radiation, reststrahl. 
Röntgenbrems- X-rays due to colli- 
sion or SPSSHnn Schräg- skew ray. 
Schwarz- black (body) radiation, 
cavity r., Planckian r. Streu- 
scattered radiation,s. sisnal, 
stray radiation, stray lisht. 

Strahl, Weltraum- 285 

Weltraum- cosmic ray. Zentral- 
central ray, axial r. (opt.) 

Strahl-abblender means to mask, 
stop down, occult, eclipse, sate 
or diaphragm rays, beam douser, 
blanking or blanketing means, 
dimmer. -ablenkung ray deflec- 
tion, pencil d., beam d. or de- 
viation; ray refraction. 

Strahlabtaster (mit unsichtbaren 
ultraroten Strahlen) noctovi- 
sion scanner (using nicro- or in- 
frared rays). Elektronen- 
electron scannins pencil, bean, 
brush or lever. Kathoden- elec- 
tron beam scanner. Licht- spot- 
light scanner, brush or pencil. 

Strahl-abtastung scanning or sweep- 
ing with a light or electron pen- 
cil. -apparat jet apparatus, 
injector (of steam). 

strahlartige Entladung needle-point 
corona or streamer discharge, 
leader-stroke d. 

Strahl-ausfall emergence of beam. 
-brechung refraction or splitting 
of rays. -bündel beam, pencil, 
bundle, bunch or brush of rays. 
-bündel,Kathoden- cathoae-ray 
beam or pencil, (loosely) gun, 

strahlen emit rays, radiate, be 
radiant or radiating. 

Strahl en-brechungsmesser refrac— 
tometer. -biindel(s.a.Strahlb. ) 
bundle of rays or radiations, 
cone of r. =bundel,Schall- 
pencil of sound. -einfall, 
streifender glancing incidence 
of rays. ‘-gang path of rays, 

_trajectory of r., ray tracing, 
geometric configuration of rays. 
-hartemesser penetrometer, quali- 
meter (for X-rays). -kegel cone 
of rays. -messer radiometer (heat 
rays), actinometer (actinic r.), 
solarimeter (sun r.). -optik 
geometric optics. -reichweite 
range of rays or corpuscular 
emission. -schnitt jet contrac- 
tion, contractio venae. -stoss, 
-HoOhen-,Raum- burst or shower of 
cosmic rays, cosmic ray track 
(traced by hodoscope). -teiler 

Strahlung, Raum- 

beam splitter. 

Strahlentladung,Faden- thread ray 

Strahlentstehungsort source or origin 
of electron pencil or gun. 

Strahlenzieher protractor. 

Strahler radiator (of radio waves, 
loudspeaker, etc.); heater (of a 
cathode). Massen- mass radiator. 
Mehrfach- bank or pillar of lamps, 
battens. Richt- directive antenna, 
directional a.; directional loud- 
speaker or projector, radiator. 
Rück- reflector, re-radiator. 
Temperatur- incandescent light 
source, luminous radiator. 

Strahl-erweiterung spread of beam 
(telev. tube). -erzeugerfuss 
gun press. -erzeugungssystem 
gun (comprising electron source, 
first and second lenses); ray 
radiator system -fläche 
radiant area, radiator surface, 
radiation-emissive s. -hebelarm 
pencil leverage, deflectibility of 
electron bean. 

strahlig,lang- elongated, needle- 
like (cryst. ) 

Strahl-intensitatskontrolle modula- 
tion of beam intensity (by grid, 
shield or Wehnelt cylinder, telev..) 
-methode, Atom- atom or molecule 
ray method. -neigung inclination 
of ray. -quelle,Leucht-,einfarbige 
monochromatic illuminator, m. 
source, monochromator. -röhre, 
Elektronen-(cf. Kathodenstrahlröhre) 
beam tube; cathode-ray tuning in- 
dicator t. or magic eye. -ruhelage 
spot zero. -schauer,Höhen- cosmic 
ray shower or burst. -schreiber, 
Tinten- ink vapor jet recorder 
(facsimile telegraphy). -sender, 
Leit- beacon; radio range or beam 
station. -spaltung split-bean, b. 
splitting. -sperrung beam cut-off 
or eclipse, gating of the b. 
-stosse,Hdhen- cosmic ray bursts. 

Strahlung, aktinisch undurchlassige 
adiactinic radiation. —, falsche 
stray radiation. Grau- grey 
radiation. Hohlraum- cavity radia- 
tion, black-body r. Raum- cosmic 


ray radiation. Resonanz- resonance 
radiation (of vapor lamp). 
Rück-,spiegelnde specular reflec- 
tion, regular r. Schwarzkorper- 
black-body radiation, cavity r. 
Seiten- secondary radiation, lat- 
eral r., spurious lobe (of space 
pattern), Temperatur- thermactinic 
radiation. Uber- irradiation. 
Ultra- cosmic rays. Vernichtungs-. 
annihilation radiation. 
Strahlungs-bel astung radiation load. 
-dampfung radiation damping, r. 
resistance. -diagramm radiation 
diagram or characteristic, space 
pattern, radiation p. -druck 
radiation pressure. -empfänger 
radiation-sensitive or responsive 
pickup, r. receiver, record sheet 
or surface (on which radiations 
impinge for measuring color ten- 
perature, etc., consisting of 
photographic plate, selenium 
cell, bolometer, etc.) -fläche 
(electron) emitting surface, 
emitting area, radiator s. -formel, 
Planck'sche Planck's equation (of 
spectral energy distribution). 
-gegendruck radiation reaction. 
-gleichgewicht- radiation equilib- 
rium. -messer actinometer (for 
actinic rays and solar flux densi- 
ty), radiometer (thermal rays), 
solarimeter (sunrays). -messer, 
Sonnen- pyroheliometer, pyrheliome- 
ter, solarimeter, actinometer (for 
solar flux density). -potential 
radiation potential, resonance p. 
(to excite atom or molecule). 
-temperatur radiation temperature, 
effective t. -verfahren,Selbst- 
self-emissive or s.-illuminating 
method (used in electron micro- 
scope) based on electrons arising 
on object surface. -verluste 
corona losses, radiational 1. 
-widerstand effective resistance 
(loudsp., antenna, etc.), radia- 
tion r., characteristic impedance. 
-werfer beacon or beam station. 
Strahl-unterbrecher, Quecksil ber- 
mercury (jet) interrupter. 

Strahlung, Resonanz- 

Streckgrenze , 

-vergenz vergency of rays (either 
convergence or divergence). 
-verlauf path of rays, course of 
r., trajectory of r., ray trac- 
ing. -wegablenkung,Peil- distor- 
tion of bearing, lateral devia- 
tion (due to diurnal or seasonal 
factors, terrain, local condi- 
tions, etc. 

Strang rope, chord, cord; web (of 
paper, cloth, etc.), strand; line 
(of drive shafts). 

Strasse,Feinblech- sheet rolling mill. 
wirbel- vortex avenue. 

Strebe,Gitter- grid stay, g. support. 

strebenlos unsupported, unstayed, un- 

streckbar extensible, extensile, 
ductile, malleable. 

Strecke distance, space, stretch, 
extent; path (e.g., grid-filament). 

Strecke(z.B.a-b) interval a-b, ele- 
ment of length a-b. 

Strecke abschneiden lay off a dis- 

Strecke,Gas- gaseous path or gap (in 
a tube). Gitter-Kathoden- grid- 
filament path or circuit. 

strecken stretch, extend, spread, 
draw, elongate, pull. 

Strecken-befeuerung,Nacht- route 
beacon for night flying service. 
-dienst,Lang- long-range or long- 
distance avigation (navigation) 
service. -element linear element 
(math.) -feuer,Haupt- main or 
trunk route beacon, airway b. 
-funkfeuer range beacon. -funkfeuer, 
Haupt- main route radio beacon. 
-karte route airway map. 
-leitstrahl long-distance or route 
avigation (navigation) bean. 
-messung end-to-end measurement, 
straight-away m. -navigation 
long-distance avigation, route a. 
-netz air routes. -spektrum 
continuous spectrum. -teilchen 
linear element (math. ) 

Streckfestigkeit resistance to 

stretching, r. to elongation. 
-figur flow lines, lines of stress, 
surface bands. -grenze yield 

BEA: 2 

point, limit of elongation. 
-spannung yield stress. -stahl 
rolled steel. -werk rolls, roll- 
ing mill. 

streichen stroke, rub; paint, 
coat, varnish; erase, cancel; 
bow or stroke (a string). 

Streich-instrument bowed or string 
instrument. -schale oilstone, 

Streifen strip, stripe, ribbon, 
tape, fringe (in light inter- 
ference), band, streak, stria, 

streifen graze (as in a shock or 
collision), glance, skirt, brush 
against; stripe, streak, striate. 

Streifen,Abdeck- squeeze unit, 
mask, mat(m.p.); barrier (be- 
tween a, Absorptions- 
absorption bands, a. spectrum. 
Bitter'sche Bitter (magnetic 
powder) pattern or bands. 

Brumm- buzz track; hum (broad 
transverse bands appearing on 
c.-r. tube screen). End- 
trailer (blank end of a film). 
Interferenz- interference fringe 
(opt.). Kontroll- monitor slip. 
Langs- longitudinal stripes, 
striae or streaks. Leucht- 

(in Entladung) luminous streamers 
(in discharge). Löt- tag strip, 
terminal s., connsction s. 
Mach'sche Mach bands. Rohr- 
skelp, strip (for forming pipes). 
Ruhe- unmodulated track. Ton- 
sound track. 

streifender Einfall grazing, 
oblique or glancing incidence (of 
rays or sound waves). 

Streifen-filter,dreifacher tricolor 
banded filter. -gefiige laminated 
structure, banded s. -keil pho- 
tometric wedge. -lichtverfahren 
variable-density recording method. 
-schirm rod screen. -spektrum 
band spectrum. -verschmälerung, 
Ton- squeezing of sound track, 

Streifungen striations, striae 
(metal coatings, etc.) 

Streifungen, Translations- transla- 

Strich, Teil- 
tion gliding striae. 

Streit,Patent- patent litigation, p. 
action, p. suit. Rücknahme- 
action for withdrawal. 

Streitanmerkungen annotations of 

Streiter contestant to a suit, 
litigant, disputant. 

issue, question at issue, con- 
tested case, dispute, controversy, 
matter at bar, m. in issue, m. 
in suit. 

strengflüssig viscous, semi-fluid, 
difficultly fusible; refractory, 

streuen scatter, strew; fluctuate, 
disperse, "spread" or scatter (of 

Streu-faktor scattering factor (of 
x-rays), s value. -feld stray 
field, leakage f., extraneous f. 
-impedanz leakage impedance. 
-induktivitat stray inductance. 
-kapazitat stray capacitance, 
spurious c. -kopplung stray 
coupling, capricious c., spurious 
Ce -licht stray light. -querschnitt 
scattering cross-section. -richtung 
scattering direction. -strahlen 
scattered signals, s. radiations, 
stray radiations, stray light. 

Streuung scattering effect, diffusion 
e., dispersion, stray leakage, spread 
(d.f.)} Flanken- side leakage, s. 
stray. Spalt- slot leakage, s. 
stray. Stirn- overhang leakage flux. 

Streu-winkel angle of scattering. 
-zelle scattering cell. 

Strich stroke, streak, stria, line, 
dash, mark, grain. Ab- downstroke 
or trailing edge of a synchroniz— 
ing impulse (telev.). Auf- up- 
stroke or leading edge of a syn- 
chronizing impulse (telev. ) 

Dauer- long dash, permanent note 
(N-A interlock ind.f.). Gitter- 
grating line. Kompass- point of 
compass. Ober- maximum or peak j 
carrier current, m. picture signal. 
Steuer- dot or pointer to observe 
and read bearings. Teil- gradua- 
tion line, division l., gage mark 
(of a scale). 

Strichdiapositiv 288 

Strichdiapositiv line transparency, 
l. diapositive. 

Stricheinstellung,Bild- framing (by 
observing frame lines). Bild-, 
falsche misframing, out-of-frame 

stricheln shade, hatch, streak. 

Strich-fokus line focus (of x-rays), 
-formulierung chemical formula 
using dashes or lines (to repre- 
sent bonds). -geräusch frame- 
line noise (form of motor boat- 
ing). -gitter ruled grating, 
simple line g. -kreuzplatte 
cross wire plate (of telescope), 
reticle, graticule. 

strichliert broken (of a line), 

Strich-mass line standard. 
-methode stroke method, line m. 
(paper test). -punkt semicolon. 

strichpunktiert broken (dot-dash) 

Striktionsspule focussing coil. 

stroboskopische Scheibe strobo- 
scopic disk, s. pattern wheel. 

Strohgeige Stroh violin (with 
diaphragm or contact microphone 
attachment ). 

Strom, abgehender outgoing current. 
-, ankommender incoming current, 
input c. -„eingeschwungener 
steady-state current. -,phasen- 
verschobener out-of-phase cur- 
rent, phase-displaced c., de- 
phased c., quadrature c. (when 
shift is 90°). “-, vagabundieren- 
der leakage current, stray c. 
-,verzweigter branched current, 
branch c. -,welliger ripple cur- 
rent, undulated c., pulsating 


Strom, Ableitungs- leakage current, 
stray c. Arbeits- watt current, 
working c. Ausbreitungs- dis- 
persion current. Ausgleich- 
balancing current (of a bridge), 
compensating c. Ausschwing- 
decay current, decaying c. 
Bild- video current, picture c. 
Blind- reactive current, re- 
actance c., wattless c. Brücken- 

Strom, Wechsel- 

ausgleich- bridge balancing cur- 
rent. Dauer- persistence current. 
Dunkel- dark current (flowing in 
photocell, in absence of light). 
Einschwing- building-up current. 
Erst- primary current. Gespenster- 
ghost current. Halte- holding 
current, retaining c. Kreis- 
circular current; c. flowing in a 

circuit. Kriech- creep current, 
sneak c., surface-leakage c. 
Lade- charging current (anomalous 

and normal, of condenser); charg- 
ing c. (of battery). Leck- 

leakage current, leakance c. 

Leit- conduction current; pilot c. 
(in wired radio). Leitungswechsel- 
conduction alternating current. 
Licht- light flux,l. current (in 
lumens); lighting c. Nachwirkungs- 
absorption current, residual- 
charge c. (of condenser). Nutz- 
useful current, signal c. Pegel- 
pilot current. Photo- photo-cell 
current. Quer- leak current. 
Richt- output current (d.c.) of de- 
tector, rectified d.c. component - 
of plate c. Rück- reverse current, 
backward c. (in rectifier). Ruhe- 
anode-feed current (d.c. component 
of plate or anode c.); no-signal c., 
quiescent c. Sattigungs- satura- 
tion current. Schalt- current on 
contact. Spannungs- current flow- 
ing in potential circuit (of. a 
meter). Sperr- backward current, 
reverse c. (of rectifier). Ton- 
voice signal current, sound c. 
Trager-,plotzlich veränderter 
wobbled carrier. Verdrängungs- 
capacitance current, displacement 
current, dielectric c. Verlust- 
watt current, active c., energy c. 
Verschiebungs- capacitance current, 
displacement c. dielectric c. 

Vor-, dunkler dark pre-sparking 
current. Vormagnetisierungs- 
biasing current (for magnetic polar- 
ization). Wand- wall current (of - 
amplifier). Wechsel- alternating 
current (a.c.) (mostly single- 
phase current is meant specifically), 


Strom, Wellen- 

indirect c., any periodic c. 
Wellen- pulsating current, rip- 
le c. Zeichen- marking current 
telegr.) Zwischen- spacing cur- 
rent (telegr.) 

Strom-abnehmer tap, collector of 
current. -arbeit Joule heat. 
-aufnahme,Blind- drawing or tak- 
ing wattless, idle, or reactive 
current, -aufnahme,Gitter- 
drawing of current by grid. 
-aussteuerung, Anoden- plate cur- 
rent excursion. -bahn,flächenar- 
tige laminar or areal path of 
current, sheet c. -belag current 
coverage, c. distribution (in 
terms of amps. per centimeter of 
periphery). -dampfung, Echo- 
echo current attenuation, active 
c. loss. -dichte current density 
(in amps. per unit of cross- 
section); luminous flux (in 

stromdurchflossen alive (of a wire), 
traversed by current. 

Strom-einsatz,Gitter- point where 
grid draws current, incipient g. 
ce flow. -faden streamer (in 
discharge), current path; stream 

stromführend current-carrying, c.- 
conducting or conductive, live, 
charged, "hot". 

Strom-gattung kind of current, 
system of c. -gebiet,Anlauf- 
range or region of incipient cur- 
rent flow (e.g., at grid). 
-gitter atomic lattice. 

Stromkreis (s.a.Kreis), am Ende 
kurzgeschlossener short-circuited 
circuit or line, end-shorted c. 
-,am Ende offener open-ended cir- 
cuit, <-,unbelasteter unloaded 
circuit. -,verzweigter branched 
circuit, divided c. Abstimm- 
tuned circuit, tuning c., tank. 
Bezugs- reference circuit. 
Gerauschunterdrickungs- noise 
reduction circuit, squelching c., 
silencing c. Grundgerausch- 
(back) ground noise reduction 
circuit. Impedanz- impedor, 


-flachenformel current sheet 


circuit with impedance. Nutz- 

signal circuit, utilization, working 

or useful c., active c. 
smoothing circuit, filter c., low- 
pass filter (following rectifier 
in power unit). Sprech- circuit 

“ carrying voice or signal current 
(in loudspeaker). 
silent tuning circuit, 

Strom-leistung electric power (wat- 
tage ). -linienaufzeichner 
device (often electrolytic tank) 
to map or plot potential, fields, 
lines, tubes of force, etc., on a 

stromlos currentless, de-energized, 

Strommesser,registrierender record- 
ing ammeter. Hitzdraht- thermal 
ammeter, hot-wire a. 

Strom-modulation,Elektronen- elec- 
tron quantity modulation. 
-reiniger harmonic eliminator, h. 
excluder (filter), smoothing 
means, stopper. -resonanzkreis 
parallel resonance circuit, tank c. 
-richter,gittergesteuerter rec- 
tifier of thyratron type, mercury 
r. or ignitron with control grid. 
-schiene third rail, busbar. 
-schlüssel key switch, make and 
break. -schlussprüfer: continuity 
tester. -spule current coil (of a 

Stromstoss current pulsation, pulse 
or impulse. Anlass- starting rush 
or impulse of current. -feder 
impulse spring (of dial switch) 
-gabe impulsing, pulsing. -gabe, 
rückwärtige revertive pulsing. 
-schalter impulsing switch, step- 
ping relay. -übertrager impulse 
repeater. -verhaltnis impulse 

Strom-tor thyratron. -tor-Ignitron 
Kombination mutator. -übernahme 
transfer of current, tapping of c. 

Strömung current, stream, flow, 
flux, circulation, fluid movement; 
tendency, trend. -,wirbellose 
flow free from vortices, eddies or 
turbulence, irrotational flow. 

Still abstimmungs- 

Strömungspotential 290 

Stromungs-potential flow potential, 
streaming p. -widerstand flow 
resistance (of a test piece); 
aerodynamic r., drag. 

Strom-verdrangung skin effect, 
current displacement, Heaviside e. 
-verzweigung network of con- 
ductors, dividing or branching of 
currents. -wage ampere balance. 
-wandler, Durchfuhrungs- bushing- 
type current transformer. 
-wechsler commutator, reverser. 
-weiche current divider (network 
or filter). -wender commutator, 
reverser. -wert current value, 
amperage. -zeiger ammeter; cur- 
rent vector. -zuführung current 
supply lead. 

Strudel eddy, vortex, whirl (pool), 

strudellos irrotational, non-eddying. 

Struktur, feinschuppige magnetische 
fine-scaled magnetic structure, 
-‚hyperfeine-,überfeine hyperfine 
structure. -,zellenartige honey- 
combed structure, pitted s., 
cellular s. Fein- fine struc- 
ture, micro-s. (cryst. ) 
Sekundar- secondary structure 
gridwork (cryst.). Uber- 
superlattice; superstructure. 
Uberfein- hyperfine structure. 
Verzweigungs- lineage structure. 

Struktur-analyse,Grob- gross or 
macro structure analysis. 
-chemie structural chemistry. 

strukturlos structureless, 

Stiick,Flachen- area element, areal 
e,, unit area. Leiter- con- 
ductor element, portion, part or 
(short) length of conductor. 

Stückfärbung tissue. staining, 
staining in toto (microscopy). 

stückweise piecemeal, piece by 

Stufe step, stage, degree, grade, 
gradation; digit ee 
telephony), oint (in multi- 
point anitehs -,nachgeschaltete 

esteuerte main oscillator stage 
(in independent drive systen). 
Stufe,Beschleunigungs- target (of 

Stumpf, Kegel- 

multiplier), acceleration stage. 
Einer- units digit. Farb-,Farben- 
color gradation, tint, shade. 
Graukeil- intermediate shading 
value. Helligkeits- (intermedi- 
ate) brightness stage, i. grey 
value (between black and white), 
shading or tonal v. Lautstärken- 
loudness unit, sensation u. 
Licht- printer step (copying 
unsere. Misch- mixer stage, m. 
first detector s. Nachlauf- 
(cathode) follower stage. Niveau- 
term, energy level (of electron). 
Oxydations- stage or degree of 
oxidation. Puffer-separator 
stage, buffer s. Überlagerungs- 
mixer stage, first detector (in 
superheterodyne receiver). 
Zehner- tens digit. 

stufenartig graduated, step-like, 
graded, gradual, echeloned, stepped. 

Stufenfolge succession or sequence 
of steps or stages, graduation. 

stufenförmige Echos echelon forma- 
tion of multiple echoes. 

Stufen-gitter echelon grating. 
-keil step tablet, stepped pho- 
tometric absorption wedge (in 
x-ray, etc., work). -linse 
echelon lens, Fresnel l. 
-messer,Farb- tintometer. -methode 
gradient method (of cooling, etc. ). 
-platte sensitometer tablet. 
-prisma echelon prism -rad 
step wheel, cone pulley. -relais 
relay with sequence action. 
-schalter multi-point switch, m.- 
contact s. -scheibe cone pulley, 
taper p., stepped p. -schwächer 
step-type weakener (spectroscopy, © 
hotography). -spalt step slit 
(phot.) ye 

stufenweise in stages or steps, step- 
wise, by degrees, successively, 
sequentially, gradually. 

Stulpe cuff. 

stulpen turn inside out, t. upside 
down, put over or upon in inverted 

Stummfilm silent film. 

Stumpf stump, butt-end. Kegel- 
truncated cone, frustum-cone, 


4” Sheer 

Stumpf, Pyramiden- 231° Summspur 

frustum. Pyramiden- truncated 
pyramid frustum. wWellen- butt end 
of a shaft. 

stumpfe Verbindung butt joint. 

stumpfeckig blunt cornered. 

Stumpfkegel truncated cone, frustum. 

stumpfschweissen butt-weld, jump-w. 

Stumpfungtl ache, Ab- truncating face 
(cryst. ) 

stumpfwinklig obtuse-angled. 

stürmisch stormy, turbulent, violent, 
vivid, agitated. 

Sturz plunge, fall, sudden drop or 
decline, chute. 

Stiirzung, Bild- toppling of picture 
or image (pictures turned an 
angle in relation to one another). 

Stutze support, stay, prop, bearing. 
Trag- supporting stay or prop. 

stützen support, prop, stay, rest or 
bear on. 

Stutzen, Ausblick- objective lens 
socket (opt.) Rohr- short piece 
of pipe or tubing serving as an 
opening, socket, or connection; 
nipple, short cylinder, bush or 
sleeve. Saug- pump intake, p. 

Stütz-isolator pin insulator, rod i. 
-pfeiler supporting pillar, s. 
column, bedding pile. -punkt 
point of support, bearing surface, 
fulcrum; airbase, base airport. 

Substanz,Mutter- parent substance. 

subtraktive Modulation downward 
modulation, positive m 

Suche, Storungs- trouble "shooting", t. 
locating, interference location. 

Such-elektrode probe electrode, ex- 
ploring e., collector e. (in 
vacuum t. work). -empfang 
straight-ahead reception, single- 
circuit r., direct r., non- 
heterodyne r. 

Sucher searcher, locator, detector, 
finder, probe, view-finder (opt. ) 
Durchsichts- direct-view finder, 
eye-level f. Fehler- aniseikon 
(for detecting cracks electronical- 
ly), electromagnetic crack de- 
tector (by flash magnetization), 
materiologic devices (with X-rays). 

Objekt- object-finder (opt.) 
Prismen- prismatic seeker or 
finder. Rahmen- wire-frame view- 
finder, iconometer. Ziel(auf)- 
radar (radio detection and ranging 
apparatus), sonar (underwater 
sound navigation, detection and 

Sucher-bild seeker picture, monitor- 
ing p. -korn backsight of view- 
finder. -okular focusing lens. 
-parallax seeker parallax, finder p. 

Such-gerat, Stör- interference locator, 
signal tracer (traces progress of 
signal by stages). -licht search- 
light. -spule search coil, rotat- 
ing c., exploring c. (of d.f.); 
flip c. (used in magnetic field 
tests). -tonanalysator heterodyne 
analyzer. -tonverfahren beat- 
note method (using heterodyning 
search frequency). 

südliche Breite south latitude. 

Sudlicht aurora australis. 

Summand term of a sum (math. ). 

Summar (Leitz) Summar objective. 

Summe,Licht- light sum, total 1. 
emission. Linien- line integral. 

summen hum, buzz; sum up, add (up). 

Summen-frequenz summation frequency, 
sum f. -geber,Fernmess- telemetric 
integrator. -gleichung summation 
equation. -satz sum rule, per- 
manence principle. -ton summation 
tone. -wirkung combined or compound 
action or effect. 

Summer buzzer, small AF oscillator. 
Dynatron- dynatron oscillator. 

Gl imm- glow-tube type of buzzer os- 
cillator. Magnet- magnetic in- 
terrupter or buzzer-type of AF os- 
cillator. Röhren- vacuum tube AF 
oscillator. Schwebungs- audio- 
frequsacy (AF) oscillator, hetero- 
dyne buzzer o,, beat.f.o. Stimmgabel- 
tuning-fork AF buzzer oscillator. 
Uberlagerungs- heterodyne AF warbler 

Summer-erregung buzzer excitation. 
-wellenmesser buzzer wave meter. 

Summlerungsgerat integrator. 

Summ-spur,-streifen buzz track (on 


Sumpf swamp, marsh, bog; pit, sump, 
pool (of mercury in a vessel), 
pouring basin. 

Super-tLeitfähigkeit supra-conductivi- 
ty, super-c. -het(erodyne)- 
empfang mit selbsterregter 
Tragerwelle homodyne reception. 

Supra-leitelektronen super-conduc- 
tion electrons. -leiter super 
conductor. . 

Surrerscheinung motor-boating (in 
radio receivers). 

Süsswasser fresh water. 

Symmetrie symmetry, balaneed condi- 
tion. -ebene plane of symmetry, 
crystallographic plane. 

symmetrieren, symmetrisieren 
balance, symmetricize, symmetrize, 
align, make symmetric, neutralize. 

Symmetriezentrum inversion center. 

symmetrisch,achsen- axially sym- 
metric, in axial symmetry. 
elektrisch- homopolar. hdhen- 
symmetric about vertical axis 
(cryst.) kugel- spherically 
symmetric, spherosymmetrical. 
mitten- centro-symmetrical. 
plan- planisymmetric, punkt- 
having point or radial symmetry. 
radial- radially symmetric, in 
radial symmetry. rotations- 
in rotation or revolution sym- 
metry. schief- skew-symmetric. 
spiegel- mirror symmetric, with 
specular symmetry. zentral- 

Synchronisator, Zahnrad-,magn. 
cogged or tooth-wheel syn- 
chronizer. Zeiger- dial scoring 
machine (m.p.) 

Synchronisieratelier scoring stage. 

Synchronisieren s. a. Gleichl auf. 

Synchronisieren,lokal geregeltes 



local synchronization (by tuning 
fork, etc., in telev.) 

-, sel bstandiges self-running 
synchronization (telev. ) 
-,unselbstandiges distance- or 
signal-cmtrolled synchroniza- 

tion (telev.) Nach- post-scor- 

ing (of silent film), dubbing, 
re-recording (first picture, then 
sound). Nach-(von Trickfilm, mit 
springendem Ball) bouncing-ball 
synchronization (m.p.). Vor- 
pre-scoring (first sound, then pic- 
ture). Zwangs- locked synchroniza- 

Synchronisierimpuls,Bild- frame syn- 
chronizing impulse or signal, low 
sync i. Zeilen- line synchronizing 
impulse or signal, high sync i. 
-Abtrennung oder -Aussiebung 
synchronizing separation (separat- 
ing control or sync impulses from 
video signals), amplitude separator, 

Synchronisier-klappe clappers to. 
mark sound and picture track for 
synchronization. -lücke,Zeilen- 
line synchronizing period. -zeit- 
marke marking of time, synchroniz- 
ing m, time scale. -zwang 
locked synchronism, 1. synchroniza- 
tion. ; 

Synchronisierverfahren,Lücken- gap, 
underlap, interstice or interv. 
synchronization method (sync signal 
introduced between end of line 
traversal and beginning of next 

synthetischer Sprecher voder. 

Systematik systematology. 

Szenen, Atellier- regular stage scenery 
or sets. fekt- scenics, light 
effects, etc. 

T Regler T type section attenuator. 

tabellarisch tabular, in tabulated 

Tabelle,3elichtungs- exposure time 
table. Peil- bearing chart. 
Umwandlunes- conversion table. 

tabellisieren tabulate, tabularize, 

Tabletten, Farbe- varitone tablets. 

- Tafel table, tablet, plate, slab, 
sheet (of metal), cake (of choco- 
late), pane (of glass); slate, 
blackboard, panel. 

Tafel,Einstell- focusing board, 
test chart. Farben- color chart, 
c. scale. Fluchtlinien- align- 
ment chart. Misch- mixing panel, 
monitoring p. Rechen- computa- 
tion table. Sianallanpen- 
signal panel, annuciator board 
or p. Spektral- spectrum chart. 
Umrechnungs- conversion table, 
reduction t., conversion scale 
(say, meters to kilocycles). 
Zahlen- numerical table, n. 
tabulation, table of figures. 

Tag, Stern- sidereal day. 

Taglindheit hemeralopia. r 

Tages-vanc,örtlicher local diurnal 
variation. -lichtfaktor day-light 

factor (occasionally called window 
efficiency ratio, phot.), -lichtkas- 
sette daylight loading magazine (m.p.) key. 

taglich daily, diurnal. 

Takt time, cadence, measure (mus. ), 
tempo, rate, rhythm, stroke (of 

Takt-funkensystem timed-spark sys- 
tem. -geber impulsing means, 
impulser, time-valve, time tap- 
per, t. beater, metronome. 
-geber,Kristall- crystal monitor, 
c. stabilizer. -impuls syn- 
chronizing impulse, timing i. 

taktmässige Ablenking timed deflec- 
tion, t. sweep. 

Tal ,Wellen=- trough, valley or dip 
of a wave. 

Talg tallow, (solid) fat, grease. 

Talwegkurve thalweg. 

Tambourinbecken tambourine jingles. 

Tangens, hyperbolischer hyperbolic 
tangent, tanh (math. ) 

Tangente,Wende- tangent to reversing 

point. . 
Tannenbaumantenne christmas tree 

Tannenbaumkristall dendrite (cryst. ) 
Tanz, Antreten zum formation of elec- 

tron groups, bunching (in beam 
tube), phase focusing. 
oscillatory (reais 
electrons (caused by electric or 
magnetic actions). 

Tanzen,Bild- unsteadiness or jumping 

of picture. 
Tarnung camouflage. 

Tasche pocket, pouch, bursa, trap. Aus 

movements of 

frier- liquid-air trap (vacuum pump). 

Tastarm wiper (arm). 

Tastatur, Universal- universal keyboard. 

Tast-bl ende, Ab- ee aperture, s. 

hole (Farnsworth tube -bol zen 

gage finger, tactile part. -drossel 

magnetic modulator. 

Taste, Abstands- blank key, spacer k. 
Lösch- cancel key, clearing k., 
release k. Ober- sharp (aus. ), 
black key. Rückzug- back-spacing 

Unter- long key, white k. 

Tasten keying, k. modulation; feel- 
ing, exploring, scanning, probing. 

Tasten,Hinunter- carrier caused to 
drop to low value (zero) by syn- 
chronizing signal. 

Tasten-feder,Brumm- spring for bass 
keys (accordion). -feld keyboard. 
-reihe bank of keys, row of k. 

Taster calipers, feeler, keying device 

(radio), tactile part or device; 

scanner, explorer (telev. picture). 

Taster, Aussen- outside calipers. 
Fadendicke- calipers with jaws 

measuring thread gage capacitively. 

Gewinde- thread calipers. Innen- 


inside calipers. Rad- wheel 
operated means causing signals, 
bell ringing, etc. Tiefen- 
depth gage. 

Taster-skala feeler scale, 
gaging calipers. 

Tastgerat stabilizer; keyer and 
limiter leveling amplitude 
variations in incoming video 
signals (telev.) Vibrations- 
vibro-tactile device. 

Tast-gerausch key chirp (occurring 
after key has been opened), key 
thump, k. click (caused on clos- 
ing key). -klick key. thump, k. 
click. -prellen see -gerausch. 
-relais keying relay, r. key. 
-schaltung,Mittelpunkt- center- 
tap key modulator circuit. 
-schlag key click, k. thunmp, 
chatter. -stift tracer point, 

Tastung (cf Abtastung) control, 
keying, modulation by key ac- 
tion; impulsing, pulsing. 
Einkanal- single-channel pulsing 
(telev. synchronization). 

Hoch- working impulse transmitted 
on voltage substantially above 
normal. Spiral- spiral scanning. 

Tatbestand factual findings. 

Tati gkeit,Sonnen- solar activity. 

Tatsachen,Erfahrungs- empirical 
experience, practical facts or 

Tatze paw, claw, cam. 

Taubheit,Leitungs-(des ausseren 
Ohres) conduction deafness or 
impairment of hearing (outer 
ear). Nerven- (d.inneren 
Ohres) nerve deafness, percep- 
tion d., nervous perceptive in- 
pairment of hearing (inner ear). 

Tauch-bahn (der Elektronen) dip 
orbit (of electrons). -batterie 
plunge battery. 

tauchen immerse, dip, plunge, steep. 

Taucher-aufnahme submarine shooting. 
-kolben plunger. 

Tauch-kernrelais plunger relay. 
-lack dipping varnish. -spule 
moving coil, signal coil (of 
loudspeaker) ; telescoping c. 


Teiler, Strahlen- 

-spul enmikrophon moving-coil 
microphone. -zylinder plunge 
cylinder, plunger. 

tauglich fit, proper, appropriate, 
useful, serviceable, usable, good, 

Taumel bewegung tumbler movement, t. 

Taupunkt dew point, thaw p. - 

Täuschung, Augen- optical illusion, 
Spiral- spiral illusion. 

Technik engineering art, technology, 
technics, technique. Funk- 
radio technology, r. engineering 
art. Nachrichten- signal art, 
communication art. Stand der- 
state of the art. 

Techniker, Aufnahme- camera techni- 
cian, c. man. 

technisch commercial (grade, etc.), 
technical, technological, practi- 
cal, industrial. glas- glass 
technological, vitrological. 

technische Frequenz commercial fre- 
quency. -Wechselströme commer- 
cial alternating currents, indus- 
trial a.c. -Werkstoffe industrial, 
commercial or technical materials. 

teigig doughy, pasty, mellow, plastic, 

Teil...sub-...,fractional, divisional, 
partial, componental. 

Teil-abtastung fractional scan, par- 
tial s., coarse s. -bild compound 
image (of color record). 

Teilchen particle, small part, 
corpuscle, element (math.) -,harte 
primaries. Grund- smallest par- 
ticles, fundamental p., atoms. 
Schwebe- suspended particles. 
Stoff- particle of matter, corpuscle. 
Strecken- linear element (math. ) 

Teilchen-dichte particle density. 
-feld particle field. -geschwindig- 
keit particle velocity. 

Teildruck partial pressure. 

Teiler divider (of potential, etc.), 
divisor (math.), submultiple. 
Frequenz- frequency divider, de- 
multipler or submultipler of f. 
Phasen- phase splitter. 

Spannungs- voltage divider, po- 
tentiometer. Strahlen- beam 


splitter (m.p.) 
Teilerdkapazitat direct earth 

tellerfremd aliquant. 
teilfremd prime to each other. 
Tell-frequenz component frequency 
(say, of a spectrum). -kanal 
sub-channel. -kopf index head. 
-kraft component force, compo- 
nental f. -kreis pitch circle, 
pe line, divided or graduated 
circle, dial, graduated circu- 
lar plate. -maschine dividing 
engine, d. machine, ruling e. 
-nehmer, Sammel anschluss=- sub- 
scriber with several lines. 
-raster fractional scan, f. 
sweep (in interlaced scanning). 
-ring index ring. -scheibe 
index circle, i. plate. 
-scheibe,Rasten- notched index 
wheel. -spannung partial 
voltage, component v., submulti- 

ple v. -sperrzeit partial re- 
storing time (in echo suppres- 
sion). -spule fractional coil, 

component or subdivision of ac. 
-strich graduation line, divi- 
sion l1., d. mark (on a scale). 
-ton partial, p. note (either a 
higher harmonic or a sub-h. ) 
-trommel divided drum, graduat- 
ed d. 

Teilung division, graduation, 
partition, pitch, scale, submul- 
tiplication. Gleich- equiparti- 
tion. Kern- nuclear division. 
Niet- rivet spacing. Vier- 
quadripartition. Zeilen- line 
pitch (telev.) Zwei- bipartition, 

Teilungs-ebene plane of division. 
-fehler faulty pitch (telev.), 
line p. defect (e.g., underlap of 
lines! -gesetz law of partition. 
-koeffizient distribution coeffi- 

Teilvierpol section of recurrent 

Teleaufnahme telephotographic work. 

Telegraphie,Bild- picture tele- 
graphy, radio or wire picture 
transmission, phototelegraphy, 


Temper aturleitfahi gkeit 

facsimile, wire-photo. Drahtwellen- 
wired wave telegraphy, wire radio 
t., "wired wireless" . Unterlage- 
rungs- sub-audio frequency telegra- 
phy system, composite operation 
(telegraphic and telephonic sig- 
nals passed over one wire, often 
attended by thump noise). 

Telegraphier-pause space (in tele- 
graphic work). -sender,tonmodulier- 
ter AF or tone-modulated telegraphic 

Telegraphon t&legraphone (Poulsen, 
Blattnerphone, etc. 

Telephon,Fernseh- television tele- 
phone, video t. Funk- radiophone. 
Zungen- reed or Brown-type telephone 

Telephonie,Geheim- scrambled, garbled 
or secret telephony (based upon band 
transposition or inversion, use of 
scrambling circuits, speech invert- 
ers, etc.) Mehrfach- multiple 

Telephonie-drossel magnetic modulator. 
-sender,sprachgeschalteter voice- 
modulated telephony (signal) trans- 
mitter or radiophonic transmitter. 

Teller, Auflage-,Platten- turntable 
(of phonograph). 

Teller-fuss plate- or dish-shaped 
foot, press or base. -gerät,Zwei- 
double turntable type of player, 
-isolator dish or disk insulator 
for antenna supporting. 

Temperatur,charakteristische (Debye's) 
characteristic temperature. 
-, schwarze black-body temperature, 
cavity t. Anlass- tempering 
temperature, annealing t. Farb- 
color temperature. 

temperaturabhängig temperature re- 
sponsive, t. dependent, be a,func- 
tion of temperature, 

Temperatur-bestandi gkeit temperature 
Stability, t. constancy, condition 
of being unaffected by temperature 
(changes). -feld temperature 
gradient, t, "field" pattern. 

-gang variation of temperature, 
function or effect of t. 

-leitfähigkeit temperature dif- 
fusivity, thermal conductivity.. 


-regler temperature control, 
thermostat, “thermo regulator, 
(electronic) thermautostat. 
-strahler incandescent light 
source, i. luminous radiator. 
-strahlung thermactinic radia- 

Tempoknopf speed regulator (in shape 
of a knob). 

Tensor, Spannungs=- stress tensor. 

Tensoral gebra tensor algebra. 

Terme, anharmonische anharmonic terms 
or constants. 

Termin zur Verhandlung einer Sache 
anberaumen set a date for a hear- 
ing or a case, appoint ah. 

Term-schema term diagram, t. scheme. 
-verschiebung term shift. 

Tertiarempfang three-circuit recep- 

Terzflote third flute. 

Tetraeder tetrahedron. 

Teufe depth. 

Textur,Schicht- sheet intergrowth, 
stratified texture. 

tg a tan a. 

T-Glied T-type section or filter 
mesh, T-type network nm. 

thalofide (photo-conductive) cell. 

Theaterkopie release print. 

Thema theme, subject, subject-matter, 

thermische Fehlordnungserscheinung 
formation of holes Caine 

thermoel ektrischer Effekt thermo- 
electric effect, Seebeck e. 
-wWarmemesser thermel. 

Thermo-el ement, Vakuum- vacuum 
thermocouple. -galvanometer 
Duddell's thermo-galvanometer. 
-kraft thermo-electric force. 
-kreuzbrücke thermo-couple or 
junction, thermal cross. 

Thermometer, thermo-el ektrisches 
thermel, Registrier-,Schreib- 

Thermoschalter thermal-lag switch. 

Thorerde thoria (thorium oxide). 

thorieren thoriate. 

thoriertenKathode, wiederbelebung 
der re-activation or rejuvena- 
tion of thoriated cathode, flashing. 



thorisch toric. 

Thoriumemanation thoron. 

thoriumhal tiger Wolframfaden 
thoriated tungsten filament. 

Tief-atzen intaglio etching (whole 
metal coated with resist, pat- 
tern cut out with scriber). 
-decker low-wing airplane. 

-druck intaglio printing process. 

Tiefe depth of focus (of eye). 
Eindring- depth of penetration. 
Modulations - s. Modulationsgrad. 
Scharfen- depth of vision, d. of 
focus, definition in d. 
Scharfenfeld- depth of field. 
Seh- depth of focus, d. of 

Tiefen bass-notes, low-frequency 
ne, low-pitch n.; dark picture 

Tiefen-bestimmung, Fehler- stereo- 
scopic radiograph for locating 
defects, depth determination of 
flaws. -hervorhebung bassy condi- 
tidn (low AF overemphasized). 
-kompensation reed armature ar- 
rangement tO accentuate or en- 
phasize low frequencies (in loud- 
speaker). -konus low-frequency 
cone loudspeaker, woofer. -messer 
fathometer, ocean sounding meter 
(e.8., supersonic), sonic depth 
finder. -scharfe depth of focus, 
d. of field. -schrift hill and 
dale track, Edison t. or sound 
groove, vertical recording (of 
phonograph disks). -taster 
depth gage. -unschärfe insuf- 
ficient, or lack of depth of, 
focus. -unterschei dungsvermogen 
power of differentiating depths. 
-winkel angle of elevation below 
horizontal, a. of depression. 
-wirkung plasticity of image, 
plastic or stereoscopic effect 
(of picture). 

tiefer Ton low-pitch sound, bass 
Ss. or note, 

Tiefpassfilter low-pass filter. 

tief-rund concave. -schmelzend 
low-melting. -schwarz jet 

Tieftemperaturvergasung low- 

Tieftonkonus 297 

temperature distillation or car- 
bonization, partial c. 

Tieftonkonus low-frequency cone 
loudspeaker, woofer. 

Tiefung cupping (or drawing in drop 
press to make concave or dished 

Tiefungswert cupping value, ductili- 
ty ve . 

tiefziehen deep draw, cup, dish. 

Tiefzieh-fahigkeit capability of 
being cupped or drawn into article 
with deep concavity in drop press, 
etce, cuppability. -probe cuppa- 
bility test (specimen), Erichsen 
test. -verfahren technological 
method of drawing sheet articles 
in drop press, cupping method. 

Tiegel,Porzellan- porcelain crucible, 
Dp. pot. 

Tiegel-brennofen crucible oven. 
-flusstahl crucible cast steel. 
-form crucible mold. 

Tierleim animal glue, a. size. 

Tikker ticker, tikker; radio chopper, 
C.W. train interrupter. 

tilgen eradicate, destroy, cancel, 
erase, blot out, delete, efface, 

Tilgung (und Ausleuchtung) extinc- 
tion or quenching (of fluorescence), 

Tilgung,Schall- sound absorption, 
suppression, damping, deadening 
or attenuation, abatement of noise. 

Ton, dumpfer all-bottom sound. 
-,gehaltener sustained sound. 
„gleitender glissando, sliding | 
note. -,hoher h.-frequency note 
or sound. -,hohler boomy sound, 
dull s. -,krachzender, 
kreischender all-top sound or 
voice. -,‚reiner pure note, p. 
tone, simple t. -,sendereigner 
note or pitch peculiar to a beacon 
Station, code note. -,tiefer low 
tone, low-pitch tone, bass note. 
-,unreiner impure tone, ragged 
note or t. 

Ton, Anblas- Aeolian tone. 

Ausfluss- jet tone, slit t. 
Dauer- permanent note, tone, 
sound or signal. Differenz- 


difference tone. Dinas- Dinas 
clay. Farb- color tone, tint. 
Feuer- fireclay. Fremd- alien 
frequency or tone (in sound 
reproduction). Ganz- whole tone. 
Halb- semi-tone, sharp (mus. ) 
Heul- sound with large number of 
modes of vibration. Hieb- Aeolian 
tone or note. Interferenz- 
beat note, interference n. 
Kammer- "A" of tuning fork. 
Kapsel- sagger clay, capsule c. 
Keller- tunnel effect, boom e. 
Kombinations- combination tone 
(either difference or summation t.) 
Licht- photographic sound record- 
ing. Magnet- magnetic sound re- 
cording. Mis- distorted note, 
off-pitch sound. Nadel- stylus- 
or needle-recorded and reproduced 
sound. Netzbrumm- motor boating 
(of a.c.), ac. pickup, mains hum 
Ober- overtone (often a harmonic), 
upper partial. Rein- note with 
one mode of vibration, single- 
frequency tone. Schlag- strike 
note (in a bell, followed by hum 
ne) Schneide- edge tone, flue 
stop tone (of flue or organ pipe). 
Schwebungs- beat tone, inter- 
ference t., b. note. Spalt- 
slit tone, jet t. Stopf-(einer 
gedackten Trompete) stopped tone. 
Stoss- beat note, throb. Summen- 
Summation tone. Teil- partial 
note, partial (being either a 
subharmonic or a higher harmonic 
or overtone).. Triller- trill, 
quaver, warble. Ubergangs= 
transient. Wechsel- warble 
note, w. sound (air alarm). 
Zwischen- medium or intermediate 
tone or shade (of color). 
Ton-abnahmestelle sound aperture, 
s. gate. -abnehmer pickup (of 
phonograph), soundhead (m.p.), 
-abnehmertrommel sound take-off 
drum, scanning d. -abstufung 
grading of tones, graduation of 
tonal intensities. -abtastspalte 
sound scanning slit. -abtaststelle 
sound gate, s. pickup point, s. 
scanning slit. -analysator,Such- 


heterodyne analyzer of sound. 
-angeber,chromatischer chromatic 
pitch pipe. -ansatz,Licht- 
photographic sound film head. 
-ansatz,Nadel- sound-on-disk at- 
tachment or head. -arm tone arn. 
-art tonality, mode (major or 
minor), key. -atelier sound 
stage, studio, teletorium. 
-aufnahme-Kofferapparat box equip- 
ment, trunk unit. 
sound film recording. -aufnehmer 
sound recorder. -aufzeichner, 
magnetischer magnetic sound re- 
corder, magnetophone, Poulsen 
telegraphone, Blattnerphone, etc. 
-bandbreiteregler (tone) band 
width control. -belichtungsstelle 
sound gate, point where sound 
track is scanned, scanning light. 
-beseitigungsdrossel hum-bucking 
coil, hum eliminator choke. 

-bild tonal pattern, tone ee 

-bildwand transoral screen (mp.), 
-blende tone-control means, ton- 
alizer; fader (continuously varia- 
ble or otherwise). -blende,Rein- 
biasing or noise-reduction Stop, 
gate, vane or shutter. 
sound entertainment, acoustic e. 
-effekt,Raum- stereophonic sound 
effect, binaural e. -empfang 
modulated reception, tonal r. 
-empfänger,Bild- audio-video re- 
ceiver combination. -empfindung 
acoustical perception, sound 
sensation, auditory percipience. 

tonend(es) Signal tone s., tonal s., 
musical s. gleich- unisonant, 
consonant. selbst- ringing or 
squealing (of a tube, in radio 

Tonerde alumina, argillaceous 

tonerdehaltig containing alumina, 

Ton-erdesalz, aluminum salt. 
-farbe timbre, tone quality. 
-farbemittel tone shading means, 
tonalizer. -fenster sound gate, 
Ss. slit. 

Tonfilm,Rundfunk- broadcast of 
video and aural signals, sound 





telecine or s. telecast, televi- 
sion program with s, accompaniment. 
Trick- sound cartoon. -optik 
soundhead lens or optic (mp.), 
sound "optic". -rundfunk audio 
and video film broadcast, sound 
telecine. -wagen sound truck, 
location t., s. van. -zusatzgerät 
sound film head or attachment. 

Ton-fixierbad toning or fixing bath. 

-folgeschrift sound track, s. 
record. -formstück,mehrzügiges 
multiple tile or clay conduit. 
-frequenz audio frequency, audible 
f., voice f., a-f. -frequenzen, 
höhere treble, high a-f or -audio 
frequencies (handled by tweeter 
loudspeaker). -frequenzen,niedere 
bass frequencies, low a-f (handled 
by woofer loudspeaker). -führung 
labyrinth (of loudspeaker). 
-funkensender singing or musical 
(quenched) spark transmitter. 
-funkenstrecke quenched spark gap. 

tongebend sound generative, acoustic, 


Ton-gehér, absolutes absolute (genuine) 

pitch. -generator a-f generator, 
tonal or musical g. -gerät,Licht- 
sound film head or attachment. 
-haltungspedal tone sustaining 
pedal. -helligkeit pitch (of sound 
sensation). -höhe pitch. -höhe- 
vergleicher tonvariator, (some- 
times) pitch pipe. -kamera sound 
recording camera. -kameramann 
recordist. -klebestelle blooping 
patch or splice (of sound film). 
-kodaskop sound kodascope. 
-kontrolle,Kopfhörer- monitoring 
with headset. -kopf sound film 
head or attachment. -kopie sound 
film used for reproduction. -lampe 
exciter lamp(mostly incandescent 
light-source) operating photo- 
cell. -laufwerk sound film feed 
mechanism. -leiter musical scale 
(natural, diatonic or just s., and 
tempered s.) -lichtlampe exciter 
lamp (mostly incandescent) operat- 
ing photo-cell. -masse paste 
(cer.) -meister monitoring 
operator (working at control or 

Tonmesser 299 

mixer desk), recordist, sound en- 
gineer, director of sound. -messer 
tonvariator. -mischer tone fader, 
t. mixer. 

tonmodulierter Telegraphiersender 
tone- or Af-modulated telegraphic 

Tonmuffel clay retort. 

Tonnenfehler barrel distortion, 
positive d. 

Ton-optik soundhead lens, s. "optic" 
(m.p.) -papier tinted paper. 
-probe sound test; tonsil t. (for 
recording voice of a singer). 
-punkt,Licht- elementary shading 
value or density v. -rad tone- 

tonrichtiger Filter orthochromatic, 
true-color or correct-tone filter 
(opt. ) 

Ton-rohre singing valve. -rolle 
recording roll (of sound film). 
-schiefer clay slate or schist, 
argillaceous slate, argillite. 
-schirm sound screen. -schlitz 
reproducer slit, r. aperture, 
sound gs. -schwankung pulsation of 
reproduced sound intensity (known 
as wowows up to 6 cycles per sec- 
ond, as flutter between 6 and XD 
cps, gargles 30-200 and whiskers 
over 200 cps), generally called 
flutter regardless of cps (sound 
film). -schwankungsmesser flutter 
reter, f. measuring instrument 
(sound film). -sender modulated 
C.Ww. transmitter, tonic t.; audio, 
aural or sound t. (accompanying 
video program). -spalt sound slit, 
Se aperture. -spektrum sound spec- 
trum. -spur,eingeprägte track em- 
bossed on film strip. -spur, 
eingeschnittene track engraved in 
film strip. -spurbreite,Zacken- 
width of variable-area sound track. 
-steuermann operator controlling 
sound volume in a theater. 
-steuerstelle control or exciter 
point (sound film). 

Tonstrelfen sound track, s. recording. 
-,doppelspuriger double-edged 


variable-width sound track. 
-,einspuriger single-edged 
variable-width sound track. 
-,schwach ausgesteuerter low- 
modulation track. 

Breite squeeze track (bearing 
photographic sound actions). 

-verschmalerung sound track squeez- 
ing, Matting. 

Ton-strom sound current, signal c., 
volce-signal c. -träger sound- 
track support. -transportrolle 
sound-film feed roller or 
sprocket wheel. -trickfilm 
sound animated cartoon. -trommel 
scanning drum, sound take-off d. 
-überblendung sound fading, s. 
fade. -überlagerung AF modula- 
tion. -umfang tonal range, band- 
width, compass. -umschaltungsein- 
richtung fading or shading device. 

Tonung density value, shading v. 
Beiz- mordant toning. Warme- 
heat tone (thermochemistry), 

h. quantity, h. effect. 
tonungsrichtiges Bild picture of 
proper shading and contrast. 

Tonungswert tonal value, gradation 
(of image). 

Tonveredler high-frequency cutoff, 
h.f. filter, h.f. de-accentuator, 
sound clarifier, tone control 
comprising blocking condenser 
shunted to loudspeaker, tonalizer. 

Tonverfahren,Klar- noiseless film 
method. Magnet- magnetic sound 
recording, telegraphone r. method, 
Blatinerphone m., etc. Nadel- 
sound on disk method. Rein- noise- 
less film method. 

Ton-volumen,mittlerer power level 
(read in volume indicator), average 
l. -wagen sound truck, location 
t. or unit, lorry(set, 5 van. 
-wahrnehmung acoustical perception, 
sound or auditory sensation. -welle 
recording drum shaft. -wellenspannung 
audio wave potential (of sound ac- 
companiment, in telev.) -wender 
tone converter. -wiedergabe sound 

Tonwiedergabeoptik - 300 

reproduction. -wiedergabeoptik 
soundhead lens or “optic”. 
-zeitdehnung acoustic slow mo-. 
tion (Silka method), -zelle 

sound cell (used in talking film). 
-zentrum tonal or acoustic center 
(of "gravity") of frequencies. 
-zerlegung,-zersetzung analysis of 
sound. -zusatz,Licht- photograph- 
ic sound on film head or attach- 
ment. -zusatz,Nadel- sound on 
disk attachment or head. -zuschlag 
aluminous flux. 

Topf can, shield; pot. 

Topf-kreis tank circuit. -magnet 
shielded magnet, ironclad m. 
-photometer photometric integrator. 

Tor unit of millimeter mercury col- 

Tor,Strom- thyratron. 

Torfkohle peat charcoal. 

torkeln wobble, tumble, stagger. 

Torsions-kopf torsion head. 

-modulus rigidity modulus, tor- 
sion m., shear m. -wage torsion 

tot(es)Feld dead zone (of a ribbon 
microphone), plane of ribbon. 
-(er)Gang lost motion, backlash. 
-(es)Material inert material, 
stable m.; neutral m., inactive m. 
-(e)Wiedergabe dead reproduction. 
-(e)Windung dummy turn, d. spire, 
idle turn, dead end. 

-(e) Zone skip zone, dead z. 
tot,schall- non-resonant, acoustical- 
ly inactive or inert, non-oscilla- 


Totale medium-long shot, full shot, 
full-length figure (mp. ) 

Halb- (close)medium shot. 
totbrennen overburn. 

Töter,Krach- automatic silent tun- 
ing means, noise suppressor; n. 
gate (film Pr 

Touren-Belastungskennlinie speed- 
load characteristic. 

Trabanten satellites (spectr.). 

trage inert, inactive, neutral, 
sluggish, slow-responding, lagging. 

Träger carrier, bearer, supporter, 
foundation, bed, supporting means, 

Sperr- wave 


base (of something), vehicle, 
backing; beam, girder. 

Trager ,positiver positive carrier, 
ion. Aufzeichnungs- recording 
or sound track or support (sound 
on film, on disk, etc.). 
Blenden- diaphragm carrier. 
Film- film base, f. support, f. 
foundation. Hilfs- auxiliary 
carrier, sub-carrier. Ladungs- 
charge carrier. Lichtton- 
photographic sound track support. 
Mikroskop- microscope stage. 
Objekt- object support, o. car- 
rier (plate), specimen holder 
(e.g., celluloid skin or film), 
slide, mount, stage, stand. 
Schirm- carrier, foundation or 
support of screen (coated with 
phosphor substance, in cathode- 
ray tubes). Wicklungs- former, 
skeleton form, winding frame, 
coil form. Zusatz- missing or 
suppressed carrier re-introduced 
in receiver (in side-band sig- 
nal transmission). Zwischen- 

Trager-folien supporting foils. 
-frequenzfernmessung carrier 
telemetering (e.g., metameter of 
GE Co.). -plattchen,Objekt- 
object support, o. lamina, ©. 
slide. -seite film base side or 
face. -strom,zeitlich veran- 
derlicher wobbled carrier cur- 
rent, warbled c.c. -under- 
drückung carrier suppression (in 
quiescent c. telephony). 
-wegtastung carrier gating, ©. 
suppression, c. interruption (in 
synchronizing work). -zusatz 
re-insertion of carrier. 

Trag-fahigkeit buoyancy, lift, 
bearing, carrying or supporting 
strength, carrying capacity; 
yield, productiveness. -flachenhotm 
wing spar. -flügelprofil aero- 
foil section. 

Tragheit inertia, sluggishness, 
inertness, slowness, persistence 
(of eye or retina), time-lag. 
Netzhaut- retinal persistence. 

Tragheitsmoment moment of inertia. 

Tragkörper 301 

Trag-körper(des Magnetsystem) 
chassis (of magnet systen). 
-stütze supporting Stay, s. prop. 

tranken steep, soak, saturate, im- 

Transformator,Abwarts- step-down 
transformer. Anpassungs- 
matching transformer. Anzapf- 
tapped transformer (especially 
center-tapped t.), split t. 
Aufwarts- step-up transformer. 
Ausgleich- hybrid- transformer, 
three-winding t., balanced t., 
differential t. Dreiwicklungs- 
hybrid transformer, three- 
Winding t. Kafig- shielded 
transformer. Netz- mains trans- 
former, power t. Phasen- phase 
shifting transformer. Reduktions- 
step-down transformer. Saug- 
booster transformer, suction t., 
sucking t. Spar- auto transformer. 
Treiberröhre- driver tube trans- 
former. Zwischen- inter-stage 

Transformator-gehause transformer 
shell, t. container, t. tank. 
-kurve amplification curve of a 

Translations-flache translation 
plane, slip p. (cryst.) -linie 
slip band (cryst.) -streifung 
translation gliding striae, 
crystal ridges. 

Transparenz transparency, trans- 
mittancy, transmissivity (for 
light). -schwankungen modulus 
of transmission (filn). 

Transponierungs-empfang heterodyne 
reception. -steilheit slope or 
mutual conductance (of mixer tube). 

Transport,Film- film feed, f. move- 
ment, film travel. Moment- mo- 
mentum transfer. 

Transporteur vernier, protractor. 

Transport-kette conveyor chain, 
transfer c. -mechanismus feed 
mechanism, conveyor m. -querschnitt 
transport cross-section. -rolle, 
Film- picture film feed sprocket. 
‚rolle, Ton- sound film feed 
sprocket. -theorie, Impuls- 
momentum transport theory (of 


turbulent flow). -theorie, 
wirbel- vorticity transport 
theory. -trommel intermittent 

Transversalmethode variable-area 
method (of sound recording). 

Trapezfehler keystone, trapezium 
or trapezoidal distortion (due to 
dissymmetry to earth of deflec- 
tion plates, to electron beam 
angle, etc.) 

Trefferzahl number of impacts or 

Treffweite (=Brennweite in Optik) 
focal length (of electrons = f. 
distance in opt, 

T Regler T-type section attenuator. 

Treiber driver, punch; propelling 
means. -röhre-Transformator 
driver tube transformer. -system 
driver systen. 

Treib-mittel driver, driving, 
motor or motive fluid or sub- 
stance, fuel, propellant. 

-probe cupping test. -sitz 
driving fit. -werk,Schall- 
loudspeaker operating or driving 
mechanism or means, motor m. 

Tremolostimmung, Tremulant 
tremolo, tremulant effect. 

trennen separate, sever, sunder, 
divide, resolve, decompose. 

Trenn-faktor separating factor. 
-festigkeit separating strength, 
Static crack s. -filter divid- 
ing filter, separating f. 
-frequenz cut-off frequency. 
-netzwerk dividing network. 
-röhre isolating tube, buffer t. 
-schalter isolating switch, dis- 
connecting link, isolator. 
-scharfe eh filter 
discriminator. -schärfereglung 
automatic bandwidth selection. 
-stromröhre spacing valve (in 

Trennung selection, filtering, 
separation (by filtering network, 
etc.); sorting (of ions, in 
mass spectrometer). 

Trennungs-fläche parting plane, 
cleavage p., surface of separa- 
tion, -linie dividing line, 


boundary l., partition l., demarca- 
tion l., l. of separation. -winkel 
angle of separation (of solid mv- 

ing through fluid.) : 

Treppe,Roll- escalator. 

treppenförmig (s.a.Stufen) in the 
form of stairs, stepped, echeloned, 

Treppen-rost step grate. -stoss lap 

treppenweise echeloned, scalariforn, 
stepwise, by stages, by degrees, 

Tretkurbel foot pedal, treadle. 

Treue,Farb- color fidelity (of 
color film), e. match, ortho- 

treue Wiedergabe faithful reproduc- 
tion, fidelity of r., orthophonic 
r. (of sound). 

Trichter horn (of loudspeaker, with 
throat at narrow end and mouth at 
end with largest flare); funnel, 
hopper, cone, gate (in foundry); 
electromagnetic horn (of wave 

Trichter, Exponential-, abgestufter 
multi-flare exponential horn. 
-,aufgewundener twisted or curled 
exponential (loudspeaker) horn. 
-,gefalteter folded exponential 

Trichter,Riffel- corrugated horn. 
Rippen- ribbed funnel. 

Schweige- cone of silence marker 
(for airplane landing). 

Trichter-einlage filter cone. 

-hals throat of (loudpeaker) horn. 
trichterloser Lautsprecher hornless 
loudspeaker, direct radiator 1. 
Trichter-mundoffnung mouth (opening) 

of horn, largest flare. 

-mundstück throat of horn, narrow 
inlet of h. -mündung mouth open- 
ing of horn, largest flare. 

-rohr funnel tube, tube funnel. 
-vorhof air chamber of loudspeaker 
(between cone and horn). -wand, 
schallharte rigid or non-absorbing 
horn wall. 

Trick trick, artifice, ‚slight of 
hand, stratagem; trick effect or 
"stuff" (m.p.). -bilder trick 



shots, t. pictures. -film,Ton- 
sound animated cartoon. -film, 
Zeichen- animated cartoon. 
-filmzeichner animator. -kamera 
trick camera. -tonfilm sound 

Trieb,Spindel-worm drive. 

Zahnrad- rack and pinion drive, 
toothwheel drive mechanism. 

Trieb-element motor element (of 
loudspeaker) -gehäuse gear 
housing, g. casing, g. box. 
-knopf milled head, pinion head 
(in microscope). -kraft moving 
force, motive power, propelling 
f. -mittel driving or motor 
means; fuel, propellant. -schraube 
coarse adjustment (in microscope). 
-werk machine, engine, drive 
mechanism, motor element (loud- 
speaker, etc.); gearing, trans- 
mission gear. 

Triftröhre (cf Laufzeitröhre) 
drift tube, beam t. (e.$., 

Tee eee shake key (wind in- 

trillern trill, quaver, warble. 

Trillernote (cf Wechselnote, 
Heulton) trill note, warble 

Triograph electrocardiograph with 
CR tube. 

Tripelpunkt triple point (in metal- 

Tritt kommen,in (cf Phasenaussortie- 
rung) come in step or phase, 
bunching, p. focussing- (of elec- 

Trittschall impact sound (trans- 
mission). -dämpfung foot fall 
sound attenuation. 

Trocken-apparat drying apparatus, 
drier, desiccator, dehydrator. 
-entgasung dry distillation. 
-gerust drying frame, d. rack, 
-gleichrichter copper rectifier, 
cuprous-oxide r., selenium- 
oxide r., metal r., dry r. 
-kompass dry compass. -kondensa- 
tor dry electrolytic condenser. 
-linse dry objective, non-immer- 
sion 0. -mittel drying agent, 


drier, siccative, desiccative. 
-rückstand dry residue. -stoff 
siccative, drier, drying substance. 

Trog,elektrolytischer electrolytic 
tank (for field pattern mapping), 

Trogbatterie trough battery. 

Trommel drum, cylinder; tympanum. 
-,grosse bass drum. -,kleine 
snare drum. 

Trommel‘, Bel ichtungs- exposure drum, 
recording d. (on which film is 
exposed to modulated light beam). 
Linsen- lens drum (scanner). 

Loch- scanning drum (of Jenkins). 
Mess- Sraduated drum. Nachwickel- 
lower take-up reel. Schalt- 
intermittent sprocket (m.p.). 
Sprossen- sprocket drum. Teil- 
divided drum, graduated d. Ton- 
scanning drum. Transport- in- 
termittent sprocket. Vorwickel- 
upper pull-down sprocket. Wirbel- 
high side drum. Zacken- sprocket 

Trommel-blende scanner drum, d. with 
scanning apertures. -fell drun- 
head; tympanic membrane, tympanum 
(of ear). -flöte fife. -schlägel, 
-stock drum stick. -welle, 
Antriebs- drive sprocket shaft. 

Trompete trumpet. 

tropfbar capable of forming drops 

~ or of dropping or dripping, liquid. 

Tropfchen globule, spherule, drop- 
let, small bead. -methode,0l- 
oil drop method. 

Tropf-diise dripping nozzle. 
-elektrode, Quecksilber- dropping 
mercury electrode. 

tropfen drop, drip, trickle. 

Tropfen, Schweiss- welding dribble, 
w. bead. 

Tropfenmesser stalagmometer, 

Tropf-gewichtmethode drop weight 
method.- -hahn dropping cock. 
-trichter dropping funnel. 

Tropfungszeit dropping time. 

Tribe dross, pulp, slush, slurry, 
slime; turbidity, cloudiness. 

tribe turbid, cloudy, dull, thick, 
veiled, foggy, frosted, din, 



opaque, muddy. 

Trübglas frosted glass, opal g., 
glass diffusing light. 

Trübung (cf Enttriibung) tarnishing 
(on metal surface); clouding 
(of glass), opacity; night and 
Other effects tending to impair 
sharpness of zero in d.f., waver- 
ing of signal beam, blurring (of 
minimum). Funk- blurring of 
minimum signal or of zero point 
in radio d.f. or radio bearings, 
uncleared zero. 

Trübungs-grad degree of turbidity. 
-koeffizient coefficient of 
turbidity, Angstrom c., degree of 
t. -messer (cf Belichtungsmesser ) 
turbidimeter, opacimeter, nephelome- 
ter (type of photometer). 
-spannung potential causing QE 
(quadrantal errors). ' 

Trug-bild illusion, phantom, fata 
morgana. -schluss erroneous 
conclusion, fallacy, fallacious 

Trumm film strip. -,schlaffes 
slack end (or driven portion) of 
a belt, rope, etc. -,straffes 
driving or taut end (of a belt). 

Trimmer fission products, f. frag- 
ments, remains. 

Tubus,Ansatz- extension tube. 
Auszieh- draw tube (of microscope). 
Einstell- micrometer adjusting 
means, adjuster tube (in electron 
microscope). Optik- optical. 
barrel. Projektions- projection 
tube (micr. ) 

Tubus-schlitten tube slide. 

-trager tube support. 
Tunneleffekt tunneling effect. 
Tüpfelanalyse spot analysis, drop 


tüpfeln dot, spot, speckle, stipple, 

Turbine,Anzapf- bleeder turbine. 
Elektronen- cyclotron and invert- 
ed (or Hollmann) forms thereof, 
magnetic resonance accelerator, 
induction electron accelerator 
(also called rheotron). 

Turbinen-dichtung turbine (labyrinth) 


seal. -dichtung,Kämmen der - 
rubbing of turbine seals. 


-unterbrecher turbine interrupter, 

t. break. 


Turm,wickel- mandrel. 

Turmalinkristall tourmaline crys- 

photo-electric door opener. 

überakustischer Raum(mit über- 
triebener Nachhalldauer) abnormally 
live space (having undue rever- 
_ beration period). 
Uberanpassung, Widerstands- overmatch- 
ing of impedance (load resistance 
„ greater than internal resistance). 
uberanstrengen over-exert, overstrain. 
Über-anzeige overswing (of volume 
indicator). -belichtung over- 
exposure. -besserung over-correc- 
tion, 0.-compensation. 
überblasen over-blow (of a flute). 
Uberbleibsel residue, residuum, re- 
mainder, remnant. 
überblenden dissolve, fade-over, 
mix, lap. 
Uber-blender fader, means to cause 
change-over from one projection 
to the next (m.p.); sound fader, 
means for fading in and out, 
blending and mixing (sometimes 
with central tap); fading mixer 
(telev.) -blendung, Ton- sound 
fading, s. fade. -blendungsblende 
dissolving shutter, lap-dissolving 
s. (for gradual transition from 
one scene into another). 
überbrücken shunt, bridge, by-pass. 
Überbrückungskondensator by-pass 
condenser, bridging capacitor. 
über-dauern outlive, outlast, sur- 
vive. -decken swamp, blanket, 
mask, cover up, eclipse, conceal. 
Überdeckung, Zeilen- line overlap. 
Über-drehen super-speed operation 
(in film work). -drehzahl exces- 
sive speed. -druck,Atmosphären- 
(Atü) atmospheres excess pressure. 
übereinandergreifen overlap (in 
diffraction pattern, scanned 
lines in telev., etc.); engage 
„over one another. 
Ubereinanderlagerung superposition, 
Ubereinanderliegend super,jacent, 

Uber-einanderschweissung lap weld. 
-einkommen agreement, arrangement, 
convention, contract, compact. 

über-einstimmen agree, coincide, 
harmonize, acquiesce in, corre- 
spond, register (one part with 
another), be in unison or syn- 
chronism (of phases). -endlich 
transfinite. -entwickelt over- 
developed, overdone, "cooked" 
(mp. slang). -exponiert over- 

_, exposed. 

Uberfahren des Mosaikschirmes durch 
Strahl sweep out mosaic with 

überfallig overdue. 

Uber-fallrohr overflow pipe. 

-fang covering. -fangglaser 
flashed opal glasses. -fangschicht 
glass liner, g. lining. 

über-feine Struktur hyperfine struc- 
ture. -flüssig superfluous, over- 
abundant, in excess, excessive; 
overflowing. -führen convert, 
transport, transfer, convey, re- 
duce (to practice or to a practi- 

‚cal form); convict. 

Uber führung,Weg- Overpass, overhead 

„„ crossing. 

Uber fiihrungs-gerate(Kabelkasten) 
terminal equipment (cable box). 
-kasten test box; CrOSS-connect- 
ing terminals. -zahl transport 

number (of ions), transference n. 

Ubergang transition, passage, 
crossing, (gradual) change (from 
one place or condition to an- 
other), blending, shading (of 
colors). -von...zu transition 
or change; replacement 

„, substitution of....for. 

Übergang,erlaubter permitted transi- 
tion in accordance with selec- 
tion principle). -,erzwungener 
forced transition, non-spontaneous 
t. <-,unerlaubter,-,verbotener 
forbidden transition. -,verflauter 

Übergang, Bewagungs- ‘306 

softly shaded transition (lack- 
ing definition) (telev.), 
Bewegungs- motional transient. 
Phasen- phase transition. 
Quantum- quantum transition, q. 

.. leap. 

Uber gangs-einrichtung change-over 
(from one projector to another). 
-glieder transition types, t. 
members. -leitwert transconduc- 
tance, transfer characteristic. 
-punkt transition point, place of 
t. or transfer. -schicht transi- 
tion layer (opt.) -stelle transi- 
tion point, place of t. or trans- 
fer. -töne transients. -verlust 
contact loss, transition l., junc- 
tion 1. -wahrscheinlichkeit(der 
Elektronen von einem Niveau zum 
andern) transition probability (of 
electrons to leap from one level 
to another). -widerstand contact 
resistance. -zahlen transference 
numbers (of solution). -zustand 
intermediate stage, intermediary 

„Se, transition s., transiency. 

Übergewicht overweight, extra W., 
unbalance, desequilibrium, pre- 
ponderance, predominance. 

über-glasen glaze, overglaze. 
-greifen overlap, engage over, 
encroach, transgress, cross a 
boundary. -helles Stimmungsbild 
high-key picture. -hitzen super- 
heat (beyond saturation), over- 


Überhöhung bank or cant (in a curve), 
hump, super-elevation (of rails), 
lobe (as on a can). 

überholen overreach, outstrip, out- 

„Tun, overtake, catch up with. 

Über-holungsgebiet der Elektronen 
catchup, overtake or bunching 
range of electrons (in phase focus- 
ing, in beam-tube drift-space). 
-horfrequenz supersonic, ultra- 
sonic, ultra audible, superaudible 
or ultra-audion frequency. 

über-individuell super-individual. 

„ „kalten supercool, undercool. 

Uber-korrektur overcorrection, over- 
oampensation. -kreuzungspunkt, 
Elektronen- electron cressover 


(point where principal rays from 
first lens cross axis = exit 
pupil in optics; in electron op- 
tics, crossover lies between 
cathode and first anode). 
-krümmung excessive curvature, 
-kühlung supercooling, overcool- 
ing, underc. -lader super- 
charger (of engine). -lagerer 
heterodyne, local oscillator 
(based on beat principle) e.g., 
of endodyne, autodyne or self- 
heterodyne type. -lagerer, Selbst- 

_ autodyne, self-heterodyne. 

Überlagerung heterodyning, produc- 
tion of difference frequency or 
beat; superposition, impression 
of one wave or f. upon another. 

‚. Ton- AF modulation, tonal m. 

Uberl agerungs-empfang heterodyne 
reception, beat r. -kreis 
circuit in which heterodyne or 
beat action is produced, hetero- 
dyne c. -stufe mixer stage, 
first detector (in superheterodyne 
receiver). -summer heterodyne 
warbler oscillator. 

überlappt schwelssen lap-weld, 

., scarf-weld. 

Überlappung over-lap (of lines, in 
telev. image). 

überlastet overloaded; overrun (by 
working a lamp in overvolted 

„ condition). 

Überlastung overload, overcharge, 
overtäx; overrunning(of a lamp by 
operating it at voltage far 

.. above rated), overvolting. 

Uber-legung consideration, reflec- 
tion, deliberation. -leltfahigkeit 
superconductivity, suprac. 
-lichtung over-exposure. 
allowance (in press fits). 
-mikrometer ultra-micrometer. 
-mikroskop, Durchstrahlungs- 
transmission type ultra- 
microscope, super-m., electron m. 
-mikroskop, Selbststrahl ungs- 
‘self-emissive electron microscope, 
self-illuminating m. (based on 
electrons arising on object sur- 
face). -nahme,Strom- transfer of 
current, tapping of c., c. tap. 


-regulierung overshooting, exces- 
Sive regulation, e. compensation, 
over C. 

über-rot infrared, ultra-red. 

„ ~sattigen supersaturate. 

Jberschall-lichtzelle supersonic 
light relay or valve. -wellen 
supersonic, ultra-sonic or u- 
audio waves. -wellenanhaufung 
(zone of) accumulation of ultra- 
sonic waves. -zelle supersonic 

.. light relay or valve. 

Uberschiebung transvection. 
nose over (of an airplane). 
-schlag,Funken- sparkover, flash- 
over, breakdown (say, of a spark- 
gap). -schmelzung superfusion, 
enameling. -schneidung overlap- 
ping, intersection (of lines), 
intercept; overcutting (when adjac- 
cent record grooves touch). 
=-schreien overmodulation. -schreitung 
exceeding (a certain limit, mark, 
level or value); transgression. 
-schrift heading, caption, title. 

überschwellige Schallreiz&®super- 
threshold (sound) intensity levels. 
- Sichtbarkeit super-threshold 

Übersee-Empfänger transocean receiver, 
transatlantic r. 

übersehen oversee, overlook, survey, 

_ sweep (with eye). 

Ubersetzung,Frequenz- frequency 

__ transformation. 

Ubersetzungs-rohr converter tube 
(used in ave schemes between 
regulating and regulated tubes). 
-verhaltnis transformation ratio, 
gear r. 

Ubersicht survey, review, summary, ex- 
tract, synopsis, abstract, digest. 

über-sichtig long-sighted, hyper- 
metropic. -sichtlich easily fol- 
lowed up, easily understandable, 
visible, clear and simple, not con- 
plicated or intricate, 

Übersichtsspektrum general spectrun. 

überspannt(er Betrieb overvoltage 
operation, overvolted o., over- 
running. -(e)Entladung overvolted 

.. discharge. 

Uberspannun, overvoltage, excess v., 



Übertragung, Einseitenband- 

overrunning, overvolting. 

surge arrester, Se gap, S 
absorber. -spielen re-recording. 
-sprecherscheinung cross-talk, 
babble (when from several chan- 
nels), "monkey chatter"; distcr- 
tion, lack of sensitivity. 

über-stehend projecting, protruding, 
salient, standing over, surmount- 
ing; surnatant, supernatant (of 
liquids). -steuern overshoot, 
overload, overmodulate. -steuert 
over-"shooted" (m.p. ) 

Übersteuerung overloading (of tubes, 
causing blasting); over-modula- 
tion (in film recording), sound 

_. overshooting. 

Ubersteverungs-abschneider overload 
chopper. -messer overload in- 
dicator. -punkt overload point 
(of a recorder). -schutz over- 

load limiter (for film). 

Über-strahlen der Ramanlinien 
swamping or outshining of Raman 
spectral lines. -strahlung ir- 
radiation. -streichen des 
Leuchtschirmes sweep out of tele- 
vision screen. -streichung eines 
Frequenzbereichs durch einen Kon- 
densator sweeping of a frequency 
range by a condenser, coverage of 
f. band, scanning a range. 
-struktur superlattice; superstruc- 

übertragen transfer, transmit, trans- 
port, convey; translate, transcribe; 
assign, vest in, delegate, confer, 
grant, cede. 

Übertragender assignor, grantor, 

__ transferor. 

Übertrager,Brücken- differential 
transformer. -Stromstoss- 
impulse repeater. 

Übertrager-kondensator grid con- 
denser (in audion or grid- 
current detector). -kreis 
intermediate circuit, transformer 

Übertragung,mehrwegige multipath 
transmission, multichannel t. 
Bild- fade-over (m.p.). 
Einseitenband- single-side- 


band or vestigial s.-b. Lransmıs- 
sion. Leitungs- wired radio, w. 
wireless, carrier telegraphy or 

__ telephony, wire broadcast. 

Ubertragungs-band signal band. 
-einrichtung,Schall- (public) 
address system, electroacoustic 
transducer. -erklärung assign- 
ment (declaration), deed of trans- 
fer. -faktor transfer factor, 
image t. constant. -frequenzlinie 
transmission-frequency character- 
istic. -gegenstand teleview ob- 
ject, televised o., o. to be 
televised or transmitted by video 

signals. -güte transmission per- 
formance (in rating). -kanal 
transmission channel. -kurve 

transmission-frequency charac- 
teristic. -mass image transfer, 
attenuation constant. -mittel 
transmission medium, t. means. 
-schwingungen signal oscilla- 
tions, s. waves. -urkunde deed 
of assignment, assignment. -weg 
transmission channel, t. path, 

__ te medium. 

Uber-tretung contravention, offense, 
violation, transgression. 
-verdichtung supercharging. 
-vergrösserung extra or supple- 
mentary magnification, over-n. 

überviolett ultraviolet, of vita- 
ray nature (when of wave-length 

.. 2900-3200A). 

Uber-wachsungen overgrowths, 
-wachung tell-tale device, moni- 
toring, supervision, watching. 
-wachungsschalter od.-schlüssel 
monitoring key. 

überwiegend preponderant, predomi- 

_ hant, prevalent. 

Uberwucht unbalance, imbalance. 

überziehen cover, coat, line, plate, 

„ overlay, put on or over. 

Uberzug flashing, coat, cover, skin, 
plating, lining, envelop; in- 
crustation, crust. Gummi-, auf 
Rollenlaufbahn rubber-tread of 

üblich conventional, customary, 
usual, common, ordinary. 

u.f.,uff. and the following, et seq(q). 


Umfang, Helligkeits- 

Uhr, Film- film footage counter. 
Haupt-,Mutter master clock. 

Neben- secondary clock. 

Uhrschraubenlehre dial micrometer. 

U K W (Ul trakurzwellen) (cf wellen- 
abgrenzung ultra-short waves, micro 
w., midget w., uhf' w., quasi-optical w. 

Ulbricht'sche Kugel Ulbricht sphere 
type photometer. 

ultrakurze Wellen (cf Wellen- 
abgrenzung) ultra-short waves, 
uhf w., quasi-optical w., 
micro W., midget w. 

ultrarot infrared, ultrared. 

Ul trarot-abtastung noctovisor scan. 
-durchlassigkeit diathermancy, 
ultrared or infrared transmittancy. 

ultrarotundurchlässig athermanous, 
Opaque to infrared. . 

Ultra-schallzelle supersonic light 
valve. -schwärzung blacker-than- 
black condition, infra-b.c. 

Ultrastrahlung,kosmische cosmic rays 
or radiations. 

ultraviolette Strahlen ultraviolet 
rays, ‚vifa r. ( between 2900 and 
3200 A). 

Ultra-wasser optically empty water. 
-zentrifuge ultra-centrifuge, 
high-speed c. 

umandern alter, change, modify, 
amend (an application). 

Umänderungsprozess,Kern- nuclear 

um-biegen bend over, round or back, 
donble-back, crimp. 

-bilden re-model, re-form. 

-bordeln bead over, flange (all 
around). -drehen turn around, 
twirl, rotate, revolve. 

Umdruck reprint, circular. 
transfer paper. 

um-fallen dissolve and re-precipi- 
tate. -falzen crimp over, bead. 

Umfang circumference, periphery, 
circuit , circle, contour; scope, 
extent, compass, range, dimen- 
sion, latitude, size, volume, 
confines. Aufzeichnungs- 
recording range. Helligkelts- 
brilliance, brightness or con- 
trast range, key (of a picture), 
brightness relationship. j 



Lautstärke- volume range. Licht- 
range of light oscillations. 
Negativ- intensity range of nega- 
tive. Objekt- range of brightness 
(in subject). Schall- sound in- 
tensity range, s. contrast. 
Schwarzungs- range or latitude of 
densities, density scale. Ton- 
tonal range, compass. 

Umfang-kopieen,Gross- "hi-range" or 
wide-range prints. -Kopien,Klein- 
"lo-range" prints. -kraft 
tangential force, circumferential 
f., peripheral f. 

Umfangs-geschwindigkeit circunfer- 
ential or peripheral speed. 
-geschwindigkeitsmesser tachometer 
(e.g., stroboscopic, with 
strobotron). -schwingungen cir- 
cumferential oscillations or 

umfassen embrace, comprise, span, 

umfassend comprehensive, extensive, 

Umflache circumferential, contour 
or ambient surface. 

umfliessen flow around or in contact 
with, circumcirculate, skirt in 

Wmformbarkeit re-formability, de- 

Umformer converter, inverter (from 
d.c. to a.C.), thyratron; trans- 
ducer. Mess- measuring trans- 
ducer. Pendel- vibrating rec- 
tifier. Schweiss- welding con- 

Um-gangsklappe by-pass (clack) 
valve. -gebung surroundings, 
environment, ambient, ambiency. 

umgehen by-pass, circumvent, 
obviate, dodge, avoid, evade; go 
around, circumnavigate. 

Umgehungsschal tung by-pass circuit, 
b.-p. connection. 

umgekehrt proportional inversely 

umgekehrter oder umgestülpter Fuss 
re-entrant squash or press (of a 

umgiessen re-cast; cast around 



Umgrenzungslinie contour, boundary, 
peripheral or circumferential 

Umgrösserung enlargement or reduc- 
tion, change in size or dimension. 

Umgrösserungsverhältnis ratio of en- 
largement, r. of magnification. 

Umguss transfer (by pouring), de- 
cantation; recasting, recast. 

Umhangeriemen shoulder strap. 

Umhüllung covering, wrapping, cas- 
ing, envelope, jacket, sheathing, 

Umhüllung,Papier- paper wrapping. 

Umhullungsl-inie envelope, contour 

Umkehr, Selbst- self-reversal (of 
spectral lines) 

Umkehr-absorptionskanten reverse 
absorption edges or limits. 

-bad reversing bath. 

umkehrbar reversible, revertible, 
capable of being turned over or 

Umkehrentwicklung reversal process- 
ing, r. developing. 

Umkehrer,Phasen- phase inverter, p« 

Umkehr-erscheinung(bei Beleuchtung 
von Schichten) photographic re- 
versal or solarization tin layer 
exposure). -film film resulting 
from developing by reversal. 
-prisma(cf. !Imkehrungspr.) invert- 
ing prism -punkt reversal 
point. -röhre converter tube. 

Umkehrung, Band- speech band in- 
version or transposition (in 
garbled or scrambled secret 
telephony). Bild- image inver- 
sion, i. reversion (when two 
axes, i.e., right and left, top 
and bottom simultaneously inter- 
changed); solarization (reversal 
of gradatıon sequence, due to 
overexposure) Silben- syllable 
inversion (in garbled telephony). 

Umkehrungsprisma,Doppel- inversion 
prism eats in both axes of 

umkippen unlock time base. | 

Umklappen reversal (say, of mo- 


um-kleiden line, sheath, cloak, 
surround. -klöppeln braid, put 
braiding around. 

Umkopie optical reduction print, ©. 
pe of altered dimensions. 

Umkopieren optical printing. 

Umkreis periphery, circumference; 
perimeter; surroundings. 

umkreisen circle, encircle, re- 
volve, spin, rotate, gyrate 
(around). ; 

Umkristallisieren re-crystallizing 
(resulting in offse.ting in 
tungsten wires). 

Umladung change in charge, c. in 
sign (of molecules and atoms). 

um-lagern re-arrange, re-group. 
-laufen revolve, rotate, circu- 
late, gyrate (spirally). 
-laufend circulating, circular, 
gyrating, revolving. 

Uml auf-frequenz rotational fre- 
quency (of electrons). -getriebe 
planetary gear, sun and planet $. 
-integral contour integral. 
-rader planetary wheels. 
-schwingungszahl rotation fre- 
quency. -spannung magnetomotive 
force, mmf (line integral of 
magnetizing force). -verschluss 
rotary shutter. -verschlussblende, 
rotierende rotary (flicker) shut- 
ter, light cut-off. 

umlegbarer Klappsucher reversible or 
folding finder. 

umlegen reverse, tilt, tip, throw 
(a switch); lay over or around, 

“mlenk-prisma deviating prism. 
-rolle flanged idler roller, 
deviating r. 

um-lernen learn anew, unlearn and 
re-learn. -manteln jacket, 
sheath, case, encase. 

Um-modulierung re-modulation. 
-polung reversal of polarity. 

umpressen press (-fit) around, 
put or apply (around something) 
by pressure. 

Umrandungskurve envelope. 

Umrechnung re-calculation, re- 
computation, conversion. 

Umrechnungs-faktor conversion fac- 


tor, reduction f., change ratio. 
-tafel conversion scale (say, 
meters to kilocycles). 

Um-richter (cf Wechselrichter und 
Sleichr.) Lransverter (to change a-c to 
dc or vice versa). -risszeichnung 
linear drawing, sketch, outline 
illustration, -roller re-winder. 
-satz,Leistungs- energy exchange, 

umschaltoar adapted to circuit 
changes or changes in connection, 
switchable, reversible (by switch 
or similar action). 

Umschalter(cf Schalter) reverser, 
commutator switch, switch, re- 
versing gear; switchboard or 
panel. Gabel- hook switch. 
Steck- plug-in switch. 

Umschaltung,Lauf- reversal of mo- 

Umschal tungseinrichtung, Ton- 
fading or shading device, fader. 

Unschlag cover, covering, wrapper, 
envelope; sudden change; hem, 
collar. Anker- armature travel, 
a. excursion, a transit. 

Umschlagspunkt transition point. 

umschlingen wind around, wrap a, 
clasp, loop, cling to, embrace. 

Umschl ingungswinkel looping angle. 

umschmel zen re-cast, re-melt, 
refound; melt around (something). 

‘Imschnurung,Faden- serving of thread 
(on a cable). 

IImschreiben re-writing, transcrip- 
tion, circumscription, descrip- 
tion (math. ); re-recording, elec- 
tric transfer of sound track onto 
film or disk. 

umschreibender Kreis circumscrib- 
ing circle. 

Umsetzung transposition, double 
decomposition, conversion, change, 
transformation, transduction. 

'Imsetzungsgerät transducer, trans- 

Umspanner,Schweiss- welding trans- 

um-spielen re-record, play back. 
=spinnen cover, braid or spin 

Um-springen jumping, abrupt 


reversing, arising of sudden ir- 
regularity or unsteadiness. 
-spulen re-winding (of film). 
umspülen flow around or in contact 
with, skirt, circumcirculate. 

Umstande,mildernde extenuating cir- 

umstellen re-adjust, re-adapt; 
reverse, transpose, invert. 

Umstellungspunkt transposition 

~umstromen flow around, f. 

umstülpen overturn, invert, put up- 
side down or inside out. 

Umwandler mutator, converter, trans- 
former, transducer, sink. Energie- 
transducer, sink. 

Umwandlung transmutation, conversion, 
transformation, change. Kern- 
nuclear transmutation. 

Umwandlungs-einrichtung, Schall- 
(electro-) acoustic transducer. 
-punkt transformation point, 
transition p, -steilheit mutual 
conductance or slope (of tube). 
-tabelle conversion table. 
-vorrichtung transducer, sink. 
-warme heat of transformation. 

Um-wegleitung by-pass (lead), 
-welteinfluss environmental in- 

um-wenden turn, turn over, about, 
sideways or upside-down, invert, 
revert. -wickeln wrap round, 
cover, wind on or over; re-wind. 

!!mwindung convolution. 

unabgestimmt untuned, aperiodic, 
unresonated, non-resonant. 

unabhangig, frequenz- free from 
frequency effect, independent of 
_f., not a function of f. 

Unabhangi gkeit,Frequenz- frequency 
independence, condition of a 
quantity of being independent of, 
or unaffected by, frequency. 

Unabhangigkeitssatz independence 

un-auffallig inconspicuous, con- 
cealed, attracting no attention. 
-aufgelöste Linienbilder unre- 
solved line patterns. -ausdehnbar 

in contact 



inexpansible, non-ductile, inex- 
tensible.. -bearbeitet raw, 
crude, unwrought, unfinished, 
blank form or b. condition. 

‘Inbefugter intruder, unauthorized 

un-belastet unloaded. -bemannter 
Ballon unmanned balloon. 
-benannt unnamed, anonymous; 
indefinite (math. ) -beschadet 
without prejudice to. 
-beschichteter Blankfilm uncoat- 
ed plain film base. -besetztes 
band empty band. -bestimmt 
undetermined, indeterminate, in- 

Unbestimmtheitsrelation indeterminacy 
relation, uncertainty r. 

un-bewaffnetes Auge unaided eye, 
naked e. -bezogene Farben unre- 
lated colors. -bunte Farben hue- 
less colors, achromatic c., c. 
devoid of hue. -dehnbar inextensi- 
ble; non-ductile. -dicht untight, 
pervious, leaky. -durchdringlich 
impermeable, impervious, impenetra- 
ble. -durchlässig impermeable, 
impervious, Opaque. 

uncurchlassig für aktinische 
Strahlen adiactinic. -für Ultrarot. 
athermanous (to infra-red rays). 
-für Roentgenstrahlen radiopaque. 
licht- light-tight, opaque or im- 
pervious to light, non-diaphanous. 
wärme- athermanous or impervious Lo 

heat, heat insulating. 
un-durchsichtig opaque, impervious, 

non-transparent, non-diaphanous. 
-echt pseudo..., non-genuine, 
imitated. -echte Langenmessung 
indirect measurement of length. 
-edel base, not noble or rare. 
-elastisch gestreut unelastically 
scattered. -empfindlich in- 
sensitive, non-reactive, non- 
responsive, immune from, neutral,. 
inert, unsusceptible. -empfind- 
lich,richtungs- non-directional, 

Unendlicheinstellung infinity ad- 
justment (opt. ) 

un-endliche Reihe infinite series. 


unentfl ammbar 

-entflammbar flame-proof, non- 
inflammable, non-ignitable, non- 
combustible. -entflammbarer Film 
safety film. -entgeltlich 
gratuitous, gratis, free (of 
charge). -entwickelt implicit 
(math.) -erlaubter Übergang 
forbidden transition. -erwünscht 
undesirable, objectionable. 

Unfähigkeit disability, inability, 
incapacity, incapability. 

unfrel constrained, engaged, tied, 

Unganze,kleine minor discontinuity 
or defect. 

un-gebundene Ladung free charge. 
-gedampfte Anzeige ballistic or 
non-aperiodic reading or indica- 
tion (of instrument). -gedämpfte 
Schwingung undamped oscillation, 
sustained 0., continuous wave 
(c.w.), persistent w. -gefasstes 
Glas rimless lens. -geordnete 
Geschwindigkeit velocity of agita- 
tion. -geordneter Zustand disorr 
dered state, d. arrangement. 
-gepufferte Lösung unbuffered 
solution. -gerade uneven, out of 
true, not straight, non-linear, 
crooked, odd (harmonic, multiple). 
-geradwertig of odd valence, 
-gerichtet(e) Antenne non-direc- 



unhaltbar untenable. -hämmerbar 


Universal-gelenk universal joint, 

Cardan j., ball and socket j. 
-glimmlampengerät universal neon 
tube tester. -nebenschluss 
Ayrton shunt, universal s. + 
-prifer multiple-purpose tester, 
multi-meter. -tastatur universal 

unkennbar undiscernible, unrecogniza- 


Unkosten,General- general expense, 

overhead e. 

un-lauterer Wettbewerb unfair com- 

petition. -lösbar undissolvable, 
indissoluble; undetachable, locked. 
-messbar immeasurable, incommen- 
surable (math.) -mischbar immisci- 
ble. -mittelbare Betrachtung di- 
rect viewing. -okular monocular. 
-paarwertig of odd valence. 
-periodisch aperiodical, non- 
periodic, deadbeat, non-recurrent. 

Unruhe fluctuation, irregularity, 

instability (of physical quanti- 
ties); disquiet, unsteadiness; 
balance (of time piece). 

Anoden- fluctuation of anode feed 
current, rippled condition in 
plate c. Heiz- fluctuation in 
heating or filament current, f. 

tional antenna. -(es) Mikrophon c. ripples. Netz- mains or supply 
astatic microphone, non-direction- line fluctuations (of potentia 
al m. -geschaltet unwired, or load); mains ripples. 
-gesehnte Wicklung full-pitch un-rund non-circular, cornered, out 
Winding. -geteilter Ring unsplit of round. -scharf unfocused, 
ring, solid r. poorly defined,out of focus, blur- 
Ungewissheitsprinzip uncertainty red, fuzzy or ghosty (of image or 
principle, indetermination p., picture). 
indeterminacy p. Unscharfe insufficient focus, lack 
ungleich unequal, unlike, uneven, of f., out-of-focus condition, 
dissimilar, odd, not uniform, dif- blur or fuzziness, lack of defini- 
ferent, unmatched, tion (of picture); flat tuning 
Ungleichgewicht desequilibrium, un- condition. Tiefen- insufficient 
balance, imbalance. depth of focus, lack of d. of f. 
un-gleichnamig unlike, opposite (of unselbstandige Entladung assisted 
poles). -gleichseitig scalene discharge, non-self-sustaining d., 
(triangle). non-spontaneous d. -fremdgesteuerte 
Un-gleichung inequality, non-equality. Kippschwingungen distant-con- 
-gültigkeit invalidity, nullity, trolled or signal-c., non-self- 
state of being void, annuled or running time-base (telev. 

not in force. Unselektivität lack of selectivity. 

unsichtbar 313 

unsichtbaren Strahlen, Abtastung mit 
noctovisor scan with invisible 
(or infra-red) rays. 

Unsinn,offenbarer manifest absurdity 
or nonsense. 

un-starre Moleküle non-rigid mole- 
cules. -stät,stetig unsteady, 
unstable, variable. 

Unstetigkeit im Filmzug flutter in 
film pull. 

Unstetigkeitsstelle point of un- 
steadiness, instability or dis- 

Unstimmigkeit discrepancy, dispari- 
ty, lack of harmony. 

unstreckbar non-extensible, non- 
ductile, non-malleable. 

Unsymmetrie asymmetry, dissymmetry; 
(condition of) unbalance, uni- 

Unter...sub-..., fractional, partial. 

unterabteilen subdivide, make sub- 
compartments or partitions. 

Unter-anpassung under-matching (of 
impedance). -anspruch sub-clain. 
-anzeige underswing (of volume 
indicator). -art subvariety, 
subspecies. -belastung under- 
load. -=belichtungsbereich toe 
range (of under-exposure). 

unterbrechen interrupt, break, stop, 
arrest, make discontinuous. 

Unterbrecher,Motor- motor-driven 
make-and-break. Quecksilber- 
strahl- mercury (jet) interrupter. 
Selbst- trembler, self-interrupter, 
buzzer. Stimmgabel- tuning-fork 
interrupter. Turbinen- turbine 
interrupter or break. 

Unterbrechung und Schliessung break 
and make. ‘ 

Unterbrechungs-bad short-stop bath, 
interruption b., short-s. trough. 
-funken break spark, circuit- 
Opening se, wipe s. -schwingungen 
quench oscillations (in super- 
regeneration). -vermögen 
circuit-breaking, et 
opening capacity or power 

unterdrehen low-speed shooting. 

Unterdruck reduced pressure (below 

of a 

Unterlage, Filz- 

atmosphere), partial vacuum. 

Unterdrückung, Fluoreszen = 
quenching or suppression of 
fluorescence (by killer, 
poison, etc.) Seitenband- 
side-band suppression. Tatsachen- 
concealment or suppression of facts, 
Träger- suppression of carrier 
(in quiescent telephony). 

Unter driickungs-schwingungen quench 
oscillations (in super-regenera- 
tion). -stromkreis,Geräusch- 
noise reduction, quelching, sup- 
pression or silencing circuit. 

Unter-fläche under surface, under 
face, under side, base. -form 
sub-variety, subspecies. 
-formanten sub-formants. 
-führung, Weg- underpass. 

Untergehen swamped state, swamping 
(of a station. -der Bildspannung 
im Störspiegel swamping or blank- 
eting of picture signal by noise 

untergeordnet subordinate, subsidi- 
ary, secondary (in rank, quality 
or order), immaterial. 

Untergericht inferior court, lower 
c. (of law). 

untergeschoben spurious, supposi- 

Unter-glasur underglaze. -grund 
background, subsoil, subter- 
ranean soil, underground. 
-grund,Spaltungs- fission back- 
ground. -gruppe subsidiary 
group, subordinate 8. -haltungs- 
wert entertainment value. 
-hörfrequenz sub-audio frequency, 
infrasonic f. -hülle sub- 

unterirdisch subterraneous, sub- 
terranean, underground. 

Unter-korrektur undercorrection, 

undercompensation. -kühlung 
supercooling, undercooling, 

Unterlage support, base, sub- 
stratum, backing, foundation, 
lining, bed, carrier. Flilz- 
felt base, f. support, f. 
under-layer, f. foundation. 


Vergleichs- basis of comparison. 
unterlagert subjacent, infraposed, 

Unter-lagerungstelegraphie subaudio- 
frequency telegraphy system, con- 
posite operation (telegraph and 
telephone signals passed over one 
line wire; ofien attended with 
thump noise). -lagscheibe 
washer, supporter disk. 

unter-lassen omit, abstain or re- 
frain from, fail, default, 
neglect. ‚-legen lay under, under- 
lay, put under, infrapose. 

Unter-legescheibe washer, supporting 
disk. -licht horizontal light. 

unter-liegend subjacent, underlying, 
placed below or underneath, infra- 
posed, by subject to. -ordnen 
subordinate, make secondary or of 
minor rank. 

Unter-ordnung subordination, submis- 
sion. -patent sub-patent. 
-resonanzfrequenz submultiple 
resonance (of a subsynchronous 
frequency). -sagung inhibition, 
prohibition, forbidding, interdict, 
interdiction, restraint, injunc- 
tion. -schale sub-shell (of elec- 
trons). -schallwelle infrasonic 
wave, sub-audio w. 

unter-schätzen underestimate, under- 
value, underrate. -scheidbar 
distinguishable, discernible, dis- 
criminable, differentiable. | 

Unterschei dungs-markierung distinc- 
tive marking, telltale n. -ver- 
mögen, Farb- color discrimination 
faculty of power. -vermögen, 
Tiefen- power of differentiating 

Unter-schiebungsklage suit for pass- 
ing off goods as though of another 
person. -schied,Gang- phase dif- 

ference, path d.(of rays, waves, etc. ) 

unter-schnei den undercut (groove too 
shallow or lateral movement of 
stylus too small). -schreiten fall 
below or short of (a certain value). 
-schwellig subliminal, below a 

Unterschwingung subharmonic oscilla- 
tion, subfrequency o. 

314 Unvergänglichkeit 

unter-setzender Verstärker scaling 
down vacuum tube. -setzt geared 
-spannter Betrieb undervolted 

nterspannuno under-running voltage, 


unterstellen presuppose, assume, 
allege, impute, charge. 

Unter-steuerung under-modulation, 
insufficient m. -stützung eines 
Einspruches argued support of an 
opposition. 5 

untersuchen analyze, examine, in- 
spect, check up, investigate, 
search, research, inquire, 

Untersuchung investigation, re- 
search, examination, probing, 
inspection, test. 

Untersuchungsobjekt test specimen, 
t. sample, t. piece. 

untersynchrone Resonanz subsyn- 
chronous resonance, submultiple 

Unter-taste long key, white k. 
-tauchung immersion, submersion, 
deep dip. -teilung subdivision, 
submultiplication; partition, 
partitioning. -teilungspunkt 
tap (of a battery, etc.). 
-wagenantenne under-car antenna. 

-wasserschallempfänger hydrophone, 

submarine or subaqueous micro- 
phone, pickup or sound detector, 
asdic (submarine detector). 
unterwegs en route, on the way. 
Unterwind forced draft (introduced 
from below). | 
un-tilgbar indelible. 
-trennbar inseparable, indivisi- 
ble, unseverable, undetachable. 
-übersehbar uncontrollable, hard 

to follow up or inspect, complex, 
-übertragbar nontrans- 
ferrable, unassignable, inalienable. 
-übertrefflich unexcelled, unsur- 


passable, unrivaled. -verbrenn- 
barer Film slow-burning film, 

safety f. 
ble, imputrescible. 

Unvergänglichkeit imperishableness, 


-spannen subtend; sub-volt. 

-verfaulbar unputrefie- 


unver-gängliches Lichtbild imperish- 
able picture. -hältnismässig 

Unverstandlichkeit unintelligibility. 

un-vertraglich inconsistent, incon- 
patible. -verwechselbarer Stecker 
non-interchangeable plug. -ver- 
wistlich indestructible. -ver- 
zeichnetes Bild,-verzerrtes Bild 
orthoscopic image, undistorted 

Unvollkommenheit imperfection, im- 
perfectness, faultiness, flaw, 

un-vollkommener |solator imperfect 
insulation, leaky dielectric. 
-wandelbar immutable, invariable, 
unchangeable, imperishable. 
-widerleglich irrefutable, un- 
rebuttable. -wirksam inactive, 
ineffective, inefficient, inert. 
-wirksam machen render inopera- 
tive or inactive, disable, de- 
activate, inactivate. 

Unwucht unbalance, imbalance, 
desequilibrium. -erreger,-masse 
unbalance weight. 

un-zeitgemass untimely, unpropitious. 
-zeitlich untimely, immature. 
-zerlegtes Licht undispersed 
light. -zerstorbar indestructi- 
ble, non-corrodible. -ziehbar 
non-ductile. -zugänglich inac- 


cessible. -zweideutig unequivo- 
cäl, unambiguous, clear. 
Uran-tonbad uranium toning bath. 
-verstarker uranium intensifier. 
Ur-atom primordial atom. 
-eichkreis master reference sys- 
tem. -gewicht standard weight, 
primary S.w 
Urheber author, originator, founder 
-recht copyright, rights of an 
author or inventor. 
Urkunde ausstellen execute a docu- 
Urkunde,Besitz- title deed. 
"bertragungs- deed of assignment. 
Urmass primary standard. 
ursachlich causal, causative. 
Ursprung origin, source, provenierce. 
ursprünglich original, primitive, 
parent.., primary, first. 
Ursprungs-bild original subject 
copy. -type prototype, original 
or primordial type or specimen. 
Urstoff primary matter, element. 
Urteil judgment, decision, ver- 
dict, opinion. -fällen render 
a decision, judgment, avard, 
decree, sentence or verdict. 
Urteil,Versaumnis- judgment by 
Urteilsvollstreckung execution of 
a sentence, carrying out a judg- 

vagabondierende Ströme leakage 
currents, stray c., vagabond c. 

Vakuole pinhole, vacuole. 

vakuumdicht vacuum-tight, sealed 
(airtight) to insure a vacuous 

Vakuum-dichtung vacuum plumbing, 

v. sealing, v. packing. -fett 
vacuum grease. -gitterspektro- 
graph vacuum grating spectro- 
graph. -hahn vacuum tap. 
-mantelgefass thermos or Dewar 
vessel with exhaust jacket. 
-messer,-meter vacuometer, vacuum 
gage, ionization 8. -pumpe, Vor- 
fore-pump, rough-vacuum p. 
-schleuse airlock (of electron 
microscope). -thermoelement 
vacuum thermo-couple. -zelle 
vacuum photo-electric cell. 

Yalenzkette,Haupt- primary valence 

Variationsmethode variational 

Variometer,Ballon- balloon stato- 
scope. Klapp- hinged-coil variome- 

Vater metal master (in disk manu- 

Vektor,absoluter tensor. 
four-component vector. 

vektorielle Darstellung vectorial 

Vektorindikation vector response 

Ventil,Ablass- discharge valve, 
drain v. Etagen- multi-seat 
valve. Licht- light valve, 1. 
relay. Rückschlag- check valve. 

Ventil-küken plug of a valve. 
-stopfen valve stopper, s. with- 
in v. 

Venturidüse constricted or nozzle- 
like reducer, throat piece of 
Venturi meter. 

ver-allgemeinern generalize. 
-anderlich variable, changeable, 



fluctuating, unstable, unsteady, 
non-constant. -änderlich,laufend 
running variable. 
Veränderliche variable, variable 
quantity (math.) 
veränderlich(er)Brennweite und 
Grösse,Linse von zooming lens 
for variable focus and variable 
magnification, "vario-objective. " 
-(e)Kopplung vario-coupler. 
Veränderung, Farben- change of color, 
Veranderungen,Seiten- turns and 
banks (in avigation). 
verankern anchor, stay or guy 
(a pole). 
Veranlassung von, auf at the re-: 
quest or suggestion of, on behalf 

ver-antwortlich responsible, answera- 
ble, liable, chargeable. -arbei- 
ten process, work. 

Verarbeitung,Film- film processing. 

veraschen incinerate. 

Verband union, association; bind- 
ing, bandage, fastening, tie, 
bond (in bricklaying). 

Verbesserungs-mittel corrective. 
-patent patent of improvement. 

verbiegen bend, buckle, warp. 

Verbindlichkeiten eingehen incur 

Verbindung mit angescharften 
Enden scarfed joint. -,stumpfe 
butt joint. Dreiweg- three-way 
connection. Einlagerungs- 
intercalation compound. 
Glasschliff- ground-glass joint. 
Muffen- sleeve joint. Sauerstoff- 
oxygen compound. 

Verbindungs-fähigkeit affinity, 
combining power. -glied connect- 
ing link. -klammer brace, clip 
connector. -klemme connecting 
means, binding post, terminal. | 
-kraft bonding strength, affinity, 
combining power. -punkt joining, 


connecting or union point, junc- 
tion, juncture. 

Verbleiung leading, lead lining. 

Verblitzen des Films dendriform ex- 
posure of film (due to static 

Verbot prohibition, inhibition, in- 
terdict, interdiction, injunction. 

verboten(e) Linie forbidden line 
(spectr.) -(er)Platz, forbidden 
place (cryst.) -(er)Ubergang 
forbidden transition. 

Verbrauch,Energie- energy consump- 
tion, e. dissipation. Energie-, 
ohne non-dissipative, wattless. 

Verbraucher load, consuming device, 

Verbrauchs-messer supply meter. 
-zähler,Blind- reactive volt-amp. 
hour meter, sine m., wattless 
component m., var m. -zähler, 
Schein- apparent power meter. 

verbraucht spent, exhausted, used 
up, worn out, consumed, stale 
(of air), dissipated. 

verbreitern widen, broaden, spread 

Verbreiterung spread (of image). 
Druck- pressure broadening (of 
gas-spectrum). Linien- line 
broadening (telev.) Spektral- 
linien broadening of spectral 
lines. Stoss- impact broadening. 
Zeichen- signal spread (due to 
echo effect). ° 

verbrennlich inflammable, combusti- 
ble, burnable. 

Verbrennungsschiffchen combustion 

Verbund-glass compound glass, 
multilayer 8. -röhre compound 

verdampfbar evaporable, vaporiza- 
ble, volatile. 

Verdampfer evaporator, drier, 
dehydrator, carburetter (water 

verdampfungsfahig evaporable, 
vaporizable, volatile. 

Verdampfungsquelle source of 
evaporation, s. of volatiliza- 

verdecken cover (up), mask, conceal, 



hide, eclipse, occuit. 

verdeckte Zeichen,durch S$Störer 
signals swamped by interference. 

Verdeckung masking(ac.), overrid- 
ing (of noise). 

Verdeckungserscheinung masking 

ver-derben spoil, damage, ruin, 
decay, rot. -dichtbar con- 
densable, compressible. 
-dichten condense, condensate, 
concentrate, compress, compact, 
press, together, concrete, make 
denser, inspissate, consolidate. 

Verdichter,Kreisel- rotary com- 
pressor, centrifugal c. 

Verdichtungswelle compression 

ver-dicken thicken, concentrate, 
inspissate; coagulate, jell, 
become viscous. -drahteter 
Empfänger fully wired receiver 

Verdrahtung,Blank- bare wiring. 

ver-drallen twist, strand (to- 
gether). -drängen displace, 
drive out, remove, expel, 
supplant, supersede. 

Verdrängung, Strom- skin effect, 
current displacement. 

Verdrängungsstrom displacement 
current, dielectric c., capaci- 
tance c. 

verdrehen distort, twist, wrench, 
subject to torsional stress, 
stagger (rotationally), shift 
(a phase). 

Verdrehung (cf. Zerdrehen) rotation, 
turn (of a picture); twist, 
warping, torsion. 

Verdrehungs-dauerhaltbarke it 
endurance under torsion stress. 
-fähigkeit torsibility. 

-moment torsional starting 

torque, moment of rotation. 
-wechselfestigkeit strength un- 
der alternating torsion stress. 
-winkel angle of torsion, twist a 

Verdreifachung, Frequenz- frequency 

ver-drosseln provide with choke 
coil. -dübeln dowel. 

Verdunkelung,Rücklauf- flyback 


elimination, return-trace or re- 
turn-path e., blackout or blank- 
ing of flyback trace (by gating 
and blanking pulse, 

Verdunkelungs-kapazität shading con- 
denser. «phase dark interval. 

ver-dunnbar diluable, rarefiable, 
capable of being diluted. -dünnen 
dilute (liquid), rarefy (gas), 
attenuate, thin, de-concentrate, 
reduce or dim (light). -dünntes 
Helium low-pressure helium. 

loss or reduction of brightness. 
-mittel diluent, attenuant. 

-welle rarefaction wave. 
verdunstbar evaporable, vaporizable, 
capable of being evaporated. 

Verdunstungsgefass evaporimeter. 

veredeln (cf vergüten) improve, 
elevate, refine, ennoble, purify, 
perfect; plate with a higher grade 
of metal. 

Veredler,Ton- high-frequency filter, 
hf cutoff, sound clarifier, tone 
control, tonalizer. 

Vereinfachung simplification, reduc- 
tion (math. ) 

Vereinheitlichung standardization, 
normalization, make for uniformi- 
ty, regularization, co-ordination. 

Vereini gungs-koeffizient combination 
coefficient. -stelle junction, 
joining, meeting or union point. 

Vereisung ice formation, icing (on 

ver-engen narrow, contract, constrict, 

squeeze. -erzen mineralize. 

Verfahren process, method, procedure, 
proceeding, mode (of action), 
technique, processing (of film). 
Beschwerde- appeal action or pro- 
cedure. Billigkeits- equity suit. 

* Verfarbung discoloration, shading. 

verfestigen make firm or strong, 
solidify, consolidate, concrete, 
set, harden. 

Verfestigungs-kurve plastic stress- 
strain curve (cryst.) -zeit time 
of set (of gels). 

verfilzen felt, mat. 

verflachen level off, flatten, be- 



come even, smooth (down), lose 
selectivity, become flatter ar 
less steep, slope down, broaden 
or make broad-topped (as a 
resonance curve). 

verflauter Ubergang shaded-off 
transition (definition lacking). 

ver-flechten inter-weave, involve. 
-fliichtigen volatilize, evaporate. 
-fliissigen liquefy. 

Verfolgung, Ziel- tracking a target 
(by detecting and ranging means 
using a slewing motor). 

Ver fol gungs-aufnahme running shot. 
-stativ follow-shooting tripod, 
running t. 

verformbar deformable, plastic, 
fictile, kneadable, moldable. 

Verformung deformation, working, 
warping, strain. 

Verformung unter Fliessen,Wis- 
senschaft der rheology. 
-,plastische plastic deformation, 
p. working. 

Verformungsvermögen degree of 
deformation, deformability. 

Verfügung action (of Patent Office), 
order, decree, decision. 

Vergangenheit,Warme- thermal an- 
tecedent, prior heat treatment. 

Verganglich perishable, transient. 

vergasbar gasifiable, vaporizable. 

Vergaser gasifier, vaporizer, 

Vergasung, Tieftemperatur- low- 
temperature distillation or 
carbonization, partial c. 

Vergenz vergency (either con- 
vergence or divergence ). 

Vergiften poisoning, contamination, 
killing tof phosphor). 

Vergitterung grating, gridding, 
lattice, grille. 

verglasbar vitrifiable. 

Verglasung vitrification, glazing, 

Vergleich comparison, contrast, 
matching. Farben- color matching. 

Vergleicher, Tonhöhe- tonvariator, 
pitch pipe. - 

Vergleichs-feld matching field (in 
photometry). -masstab standard 

Vergleichsprisma 319 

of comparison, s. of reference, 
yardstick. -prisma comparison 

Vergleichung comparison, contrast- 
ing, matching. 

Vergleichunterlage basis of compari- 

vergrossern enlarge, magnify, in- 
crease (in size). 

Vergrösserung, lineare magnification 
in diameter. Fernrohr- telescopic 
magnification. Uber- supplemen- 
tary or extra magnification, over- 

Ver guss-kammer-Einfuhrungsisol ator 
pothead (lead-in) insulator. 
-masse filler or -sealing con- 

vergüten refine, improve (quality), 
temper, coat (a lens). 

vergütete Ptobe quenched or ten- 
pered test piece or specimen. 

Vergütung, Glas- refining or treat- 
ing of optical glass (e.g., by 
producing low-reflectance coat- 
ing, dimming, etc., as by 
Bausch & Lomb Balcote magnesiun- 
fluoride anti-reflection film 
on glass). 

Verhältnis proportion, ratio, rate, 
relation, connection, circun- 
stance. Aufteilungs- potentiome- 
ter ratio. Molen- mole ratio. 
Offnungs- aperture ratio, rela- 
tive a Stromstoss- impulse 
ratio. wWinkel- angular ratio. 

Verhal tnis-anzeiger exponent 
(mathe) -arme ratio arms (of a 

verhältnismässig proportional, 
proportionate, commensurable, 

Verhandlung pleading, proceeding, 
hearing, argument, discussion. 
zur mündlichen - gelangen 
to be called for oral hearing 
or argument. einer Sache, Termin 
zur - anberaumen set a date for 
hearing a case. 

verharten harden, indurate, set 

verharzen resinify, resining. 


verheddern tangle (of antenna wire, 
etc. ) 

Verhinderung,Korrosions- corro- 
sion inhibition. 

verholzen lignify, turn woody. 

Verhör hearing, interrogation, ex- 
amination, trial, questioning. 

Ver jahrungsgesetz law of limita- 
tions or superannuation. 

ver-jüngen point, taper, thin, 
diminish, reduce, constrict, 
narrow, contract (a tensor). 
-kabelte Leitung cable line, 

stranded-wire l. 

Verkabelung, Amts- central wiring, © 
office we 

verkanten twist, tilt (of camera). 

Verkehr, Fernsehsprech- video tele- 
phone traffic. 

Verkehrsbezirk,Funk- radio con- 
trolled aerial navigation (or 
avigation) district or zone. 
Nah- approach or local control 

Verkehrs-flughafen commercial air- 
port, civil a -kontrolle,Luft- 
airways traffic control, aviga- 
tion regulation. -luftfahrt 
commercial aviation, c. aviga- 

verkehrt proportional inversely 

Verkettung linking, linkage, con- 
catenation, bonding. 

Verkettung, Fluss- flux linkage. 

Verkettungsspannung interlinked 

ver-kitten cement, lute, seal. 
-kittete Linse cemented lens. 
-kleben cement, lute, paste, 
glue, cover, seal or close with 
adhesive or agglutinant. 
-kleiden face, case, line; 
disguise, mask. -kleidet 
faired (of airplane). 

Verkleinerungskopie reduction 

verkleistern paste (up), turn into 
pe, agglutinate. 

Verkleisterung gelatinization (of 
starch), agglutination, glutiniza- 

verklingen 320 

verklingen decay, die out (of waves, 
etc. ). 

Verkohlung carbonization, coking, 
dry distillation, destructive d., 

Verkokungszeit coking time. 

Verkopplung spurious, stray or unde- 
sired coupling. 

verkürzen shorten, abbreviate, con- 
dense, abridge, contract, curtail. 

Verkürzungskondensator shortening 
condenser, padding c., aerial 
series c., antenna c. 

Verlagerung displacement, shift, 
dislocation, misalignment. Bild- 
punkt- spot shift (causing plas- 
tic effect, in telev.). Nulli- 
nien- zero setting, electric bias- 
ing (in film recording). Peil- 
bearing shift, error or distor- 
tion. Zeilen- migration or shift 
of line position. 

verlängern lengthen, extend, pro- 
long; produce (math.). 

Verlängerung, Frist- extension of 
time, e. of term, respite. Pa- 
tent- renewal of a patent. 

Verlängerungsspule,Antennen- aerial 
load coil. 

Verlauf pattern, plot, path, shape, 
trend, course, slope. Feld- field 
map, f. pattern, f. configuration. 
Kopplungs- coupling coefficient, 
e. factor. 

Verlauf-filter sky filter. 

Verlegung,Kabel- cable laying, bury- 
ing of c. Rohr- pipe laying. 

Verleihkopie release print, distrib- 
uting p. (of film). 

verletzen infringe, violate, trans- 
gress, contravene, prejudice, in- 

Verletzten,dem - eine Geldsumme zu- 
sprechen adjudicate a sum of money 
to aggrieved or, injured party. 

Verletzung offense, violation, in- 
fringement (upon patent rights). 

Verletzungsklage, Patent- action or 
suit for infringement on patent 

Verlorener Kopf deadhead, waste- 
head, crop end. 

Verlust loss, dissipation, drop 


(of potential), absorption (light). 

Verlust,Belag- surface leakage loss 
(of condenser). Einführungs- in- 
sertion loss. Erwärmungs- Joule 
loss, joulean heat (dissipation). 
Luftreibungs- windage loss. Nach- 
wirkungs- residual loss. Span- 
nungs- voltage drop. Spriih- coro- 
na discharge or brush d. loss. 
Strahlungs- corona loss. Uber- 
gangs- contact loss, . transition l., 
Junction 1. 

verlustarmes Kabel low-loss cable. 

verlust-dämpfung damping (loss) re- 
sulting in dissipation of energy 
(by ohmic resistance). -faktor 
phase angle difference (of a con- 
denser). -kapazität imperfect ca- 
pacity, leaky c. -konstante at- 
tenuation constant. -leistung, 
Anoden- anode dissipation, effec- 
tive power d. -leistung,Auffang- 
platten- collector dissipation (in 

verlustlos non-dissipative free from 
loss, lossless. 

Verlust-strom watt current, active. 
c., energy c. -widerstand non- 
reactive, effective, dissipative 
or ohmic resistance. -winkel phase 
angle difference, loss angle (of a 
condenser). -ziffer phase angle 

Verminderer,Nachleucht- killer, poi- 
son (of phosphors). 

Vermittelung agency, intermediary, 
means, mediation, interposition, 
intervention, adjustment. 

vermöge by or in virtue of, accord- 
ing tp. 

Vermögen, Abbildungs- resolving power. 
Brems- stopping power, retarding 
p-, braking p. Emissions- emissiv- 
ity, emitting power. Reflexions- 
reflectance, reflectivity, reflect- 
ing power. 

Vermutung assumption, supposition, 
surmise, conjecture. 

vernachlässigen disregard, neg- 

Vernachlässigung neglect, disregard, 

vernebeln atomize (under high 



verneinenden Falles in the nega- 
tive case. 

Verneinung negation, denial, disa- 
vowel, contradiction. 

Vernetzung network, reticulation. 

Vernichtungsstrahlung annihilation 

ver-pflichtet obligated, bound, 
under obligation. -puffen puff 
off, deflagrate, explode, de- 
tonate; vaporize, atomize. 
-regneter Film rainy film 
-riegeln block, lock, inter-lock, 
cut off, gang (condensers), bolt, 
latch. -riegelnde Spannung 
eutoff biasing potential. 

Verriegler suppressor. -relais 
locking relay. 


Verrückung displacement, disturbance, 

derangement, shift, dislocation, 


verruhren mix by stirring, stir up. 

Atom- atom displace- 

Versaumnisurteil judgment by default. 

verschachteln nest, insert into one 

verschiebbar displaceable, shifta- 
ble, movable, sliding, slidable. 
-,posaunenartig shiftable trom- 
bone-fashion, telescoping. 

Verschiebe-fehler lack of synchro- 
nism; out of frame condition. 
-zackenspur bilateral variable- 
area sound track. 

Verschiebung displacement, disloca- 
tion, drift, slip (in geology), 
shift (of heal, dephasing. 
-,dielektrische dielectric dis- 

Verschiebung, Bild- slow drift of 
picture, hunting of p. Bild-, 
seitliche lateral shift of image. 
Druck- pressure shift (of spec- 
tral lines). Isotopie- isotope 
effect,i.shift. Längs- axial 
adjustment (of electron micro- 
scop2). Parallel- translatory 
motion, t. shift. Phasen- phase 
displacement, p. shift, dephased 

Verschlussbl ende 

or out-of-phase condition. 
Zeilen- interlacing, interlaced 
scan, line-offset s. Zeit- time 
lag, t. shift. 
Verschiebungs-konstante (Dielek- 
zitätskonstante) displace- 
ment constant, specific induc- 
Live capacity (for vacuun). 
-linie line of displacement. 
-satz displacement law. -strom 
displacement current, dielectric 
d.c., Capacitance c. 
verschiedenfarbig varicolored. 
verschieden gegliederte Bildteile 
picture portions of dissimilar 
make-up, nature or organization. 
Verschl ackung scorification. 
Verschlag partition, compartment. 
Verschlechterung impairment, de- 
terioration, spoiling, debase- 
ment, vitiation. 
verschleiern veil, make turbid, 
fogged, or cloudy, befog. 
Verschleierung veiling glare (of 
projected image), foggy or 
fogged condition (of film). 
Verschleiss wear and tear, abra- 
sion, attrition. -prüfung 
abrasion test. 
verschlungene Blitzbahn tortuous 
path of lightning flash. 
Verschluss closing, closure, shut- 
ting, shutter, stopping, stopper, 
fastening, lock, clasp, trap, 
seal, zipper, seal-off (of igni- 
tion mercury pool, etc.). 
Verschluss, el ektro-optischer 
electro-optical shutter. 
-,luftdichter airtight seal, 
hermetic se End- cable box, 
termination b. Fallschieber-, 
drop shutter. Gas- gas seal, 
ball and hopper, cup and cone 
arrangement (of furnace). Reiss- 
slide fastener, zipper. Rouleau- 
roller blind shutter. Schlitz- 
focal plane shutter. Sektoren- 
sector shutter. Umlauf- rotary 
shutter. Wasser- water seal. 
Verschlussbl ende, flimmerfreie non- 

Verschlussblende, Umlauf- 322 

non-flicker shutter. Umlauf-, 
rotierende rotary flicker shutter 
or light cutoff. 

Verschlüsselung coding, cryptography. 

Verschluss-kopf cable terminal. 
-ring locking collar (of magnifier). 
-stück plug, stopper, seal. 

Verschmalerung des Tonstreifens 
squeezing of sound track, matting. 

verschmelzen melt, smelt, fuse, 
melt together, blend, merge, 

Verschmelzung merging (of pictures). 

Verschmel zungsfrequenz critical 
flicker frequency, fusion or no- 
flicker f. 

verschmieren smear, daub, lute. 

verschmoren scorch, freeze together 
(of contacts). 

ver-schobene Phase displaced phase, 
shifted p., dephased or out-of-p. 
condition. -schränken toggle, 
cross, interlace. -schrumpfen 
shrink, contract. 

Verschweigung concealment. 

ver-schwimmen blur, become indis- 
tinct; blend. -schwinden vanish, 
disappear, evanesce, fade (away). 
-schwommen indistinct, foggy, in- 
definite, blurred, bleary, woolly 
(of zero signal point in df ap- 
paratus); fuzz (lack of sharpness 
of sound eras -schwommenes 
Aussehen bleary, blurred or foggy 
appearance (of image). 

Versegelung distance sailed or cov- 
ered (between two bearings); devia- 
tion from right course, yaw. 

verseilen strand, cable, twist to- 

Verseilung cable lay up, stranding 
(of wires or leads). 

ver-sengen singe, scorch. -senken 
sink, submerge. -senkter Schalter, 
halb- semi-sunk switch, semi- 
recessed s. -setzbar capable of 
being mixed or treated. -setzen 
mix, treat, compound, alloy, add 
(one substance to another); stag- 
ger, displace, shift. -setzt 
staggered, offset, displaced, 
dislocated,shifted (of phases, in 
quadrature = 90°, in opposition 


= 180°), dephased, out of phase. 
Versetzung dislocation (cryst.), 
permutation, alligation (math. ); 
alloy (metal). Flugzeug- drift, 
lateral displacement or shift of 
airplane, deviation from course. 
Metall- alloying, alloy. Per- 
forations- slipping of perfora- 
tion, dislocation. 
verseuchen vitiate, poison, infect. 
Versicherung,eidesstattliche af- 
firmation in lieu of oath, statu- 
tory declaration. -,eidliche 
affidavit, sworn Statement, 
testimony or declaration. 
versickern ooze or seep away, 
versinnbildlichen symbolize, ex- 
press or represent by symbols. 
Versorgungs-gebiet service area, 
supply district. -spannung 
supply (source) potential. 
verspannen stay, guy, Span. 
versperren obstruct, block, lock. 
Hochheim special mirror plating 
or "silvering" substance (of I.G. 
verspleissen splice. 
Versprödung embrittling. 
Verstandigung intelligence trans- 
mission, signal t. -im Flugzeug 
inter-phone. -zwischen Flug- 
zeugen inter-aircraft communica- 
tion or signaling. Eigen- inter- 
phone (on board airplane). 
Verständlichkeit intelligibility 
(teleph.), transmission audibility, 
articulation (consonant, vowel, 
with the use of logatons). 
Silben- syllable articulation, s. 
intelligibility. , 
Verstarkbarkeitsgrenze limiting 
amplifiableness, maximum (prac- 
tical) amplification or gain. 
verstarken amplify, multiply, in- 
tensify; re-inforce, strengthen, 
increase, fortify, concentrate, 
magnify, boost; truss (poles, 
Verstärker amplifier, multipler, 
intensifier (RF stage between 
antenna and receiver input), 
repeater (in a telephone line). 

Verstarker, A- 323 
‘ Verstärker, A- class A amplifier, 

pre-amplifier (with operating 
angle of 360 degrees). B- class 

B amplifier (operating angle 
180-360 degrees). C- class C am- 
plifier (operating angle less than 
180 degress). -,ausgeglichener 
balanced amplifier. -, detonierender 
heterodyne amplifier. -mit 
negativem widerstand kallirotron, 
dynatron type of tube (with nega- 
tive resistance). -mit zwei 
gegeneinandergeschalteten Rohren 
push-pull amplifier. -,unterset- 
zender scaling down vacuum tube. 
Aufnahme- recording amplifier. 
Bildfrequenz-,Bildpuls- amplifier 
for frame synchronizing impulses, 
low-synce a. Direkt- straight- 
ahead amplifier, non-heterodyne a. 
Druck-Zug- push-pull amplifier. 
End- power amplifier, final a. 
Geradeaus- straight-ahead am- 
plifier (in non-heterodyne re- 
ceiver). Gleichtakt- in-phase 
amplifier. Kaskaden- cascade am- 
plifier, ‘enna ae Kathoden- 
cathode follower (scheme). Kraft-, 
Leistungs- power amplifier. 
Leitungs- telephone (circuit) am- 
plifier or repeater. Mehrfach- 
multi-stage amplifier Mikrophon- 
microphone pre-amplier, m. ampli- 
fier. Nach- amplifier above input 
stage, (mostly) power a. Nadel ton- 
phonograph-type amplifier. netz- 
mesh amplifier, m. multiplier 
(with electron-permeable targets 
of fine mesh or gauze). Photo- 
zellen- electron multiplier photo- 
tube; photo-cell amplifier. 

Regel- variable-gain amplifier, avec 
(automatic volume-control) a, ~ 
noise-reduction or silencing a.; 
any amplifier in which regulator 
or control potentials are opera- 
tive. Richt- amplifying detector, 
plate-current detector. 
Schirmgitter-Richt- screen-grid 
tube with plate-current rectifica- 
tion. Steuver- amplifier between 
power and input stage (operates on 
pure voltage amplification). 


Uranium- uranium-intensifier 
(phot.) Vor- input amplifier, 
pre-amplifier- (class A RF an- 
plifier in superheterodyne re- 
ceiver). Zeilenimpuls- amplifier 
to increase line synchronizing 
impulses, high syne a. Zusatz- 

booster amplifier. Zwischen- (inter-) 

stage amplifier. . 

Verstarker-brett amplifier rack, a. 

panel. -bucht,-bunker amplifier 
or repeater rack or bay. 

-geräusch amplifier noise, tube n. 
-gestell amplifier or repeater 
rack or bay. -gleichrichter 
amplifying detector. -kette 
amplifier cascade. -netz 
amplifier channel. -stufe 
(zwischen Antenne und Verstarker- 
eingang) intensifier (tuned RF) 
stage, intermediate circuit. -zug 
amplifier channel. 

Verstarkung, Wirk- transducer gain. 
Verstarkungs-anl age, Sprach=- (public) 

address system. -begrenzer out- 
put limiter, o. suppressor, gain 
spoiler. -faktor amplification 
factor, voltage f. -mass unit of 
gain, repeater gain, equivalent 

re 8. -mittel,Schall- sound re- 
inforcing system (for halls, etc. ), 
-schirm intensifying screen (x-ray 
work). -unterdrücker gain spoiler, 
Output suppressor. -zahl ampli- 
fication constant, a. coefficient, 
& factor, 

verstecken hide, conceal. 
Versteifung stiffening, propping, 

bracing, strutting. 

Versteilerung (Vergrösserung des 

Amplituden- verhältnisses zwischen 
Zeilen oder Signalen) exaggera- 
tion of amplitude differences 
(emphasizing the stronger and 
supressing the weaker one of two 
or more signals), expansion. 

-der Konturen insuring higher 
definition (telev. pictures), 
improvement in resolution and 
black-white contrast (of an image), 

Versteinung devitrification (glass); 




verstellen shift, move, transpose, 

Verstellpropeller feathered (varia- 
ble-pitch) propeller. 

Verstellung,Hohen- adjustment in 

Verstel lungs-knopf, Bild- framing 
knob (mip.) -welle,Bild- framing 
shaft (m.p.) 

verstimmt detuned, out of tune, 
dissonant, untuned, disharmonious, 
dissyntonized, tuned off resonance. 

Verstimmungsschalter wave (length) 
change switch. 

verstopfen stop, choke, clog, ob- 
struct, stopper (up). 

verstopfte Tromoete stopped trumpet. 

Verstopfung,Rohr- pipe clogging, 
stop-up, choke or obstruction in a 
pipe or piping. 

verstreichen fill or stop up, 
caulk, spread or coat over; 
elapse, expire. 

verstümmelt mutilated, obliterated, 
maimed, clipped (teleph., ac.). 

Verstümmelung,wörter- clipping of 
words, obliteration of w. 

verstürzen fall to pieces, scatter. 

Versuch, Beregnungs- rain test, wet 
t. (of an insulator), 
Drehschwingungs- oscillation tor- 
sion test. Rotbruch- hot breaking 
test. Verwindungs- torsion test. 
Vorführungs- demonstration ex- 
periment. Vorlesungs- classroom 
experiment, lecture demonstration. 

Versuchs-fehler experimental error. 
-feld proving ground, field for 
making tests and experiments. 
-laboratorium experimental or re- 
search laboratory. -stab test 
rod, t. bar. 

Vertagung adjournment, postponement. 

vertaubtes Ohr deafened ear. 

vertauschen exchange, interchange, 
play reverse röles, transpose. 

Vertauschung exchange, interchange, 
permutation (math.), transposi- 
tion (of wires). 

Verteidungsschrift argued statement 
of defense, plea. 

verteilen distribute, divide, dis- 


perse, diffuse, scatter, spread, 
space apart. 
Verteiler,Bildpunkt- picture 
scanner (at rsceiving end). 
Licht- beam splitter (mp.). 

verteilte Induktion oder 

Induktivitat distributed induc- 
tance, continuous loading (op- 
posite of lumped or concentrated i.) 
-Kapazitat distributed capaci- 
tance, self-c. (as distinguished 
from lumped c.) -Wicklung dis- 
tributed winding. - 
Verteilung,raumliche spatial dis- 
wribution, geometric d. 
Empfindlichkeits- sensitivity 
distribution. Farbenempfindlich- 
keits-, des Auges spectral re- 
sponse of eye, color sensitivity 
of eye. Geschwindi gkeits- 
velocity distribution, d. in 
energy. Geschwindigkeits-, 
Apparat zur Bestimmung der 
velocity selector. Gleich- 
equipartition. Lichtstarke- 
light intensity distribution 
(on photo-cathode). Maxwell'sche 
Maxwellian distribution (law). 
Raum- spatial distribution, 
geometric d. Reichweiten- 
range distribution. 
Verteilungs-anlage relay equip- 
ment, distribution gear. 
-flache,Licht- isophotic curve. 
-gesetz distribution law, parti- 
tion 1. -konstante distribution 
or partition constant or coef- 
ficient. -kurve,Fehler- error 
distribution curve. -satz 
principle of distribution, d. law. 
Vertikalausbreitung von Schall 
vertical diffusion of sound. 
Vertikal-hinlauf vertical scansion. 
-navigation vertical guidance, v. 
avigation. -wechsel vertical or 
frame synchronizing pulse or 
vertonte Oberflache surface bearing 
sound track, s.-impressed sur- 
face or area. 
Vertonung,Nach- dubbing. 
vertraglich contractual, (bound) 

verträglich 325 

by contract. 

verträglich compatible. 

vertraglich verpflichtet contractual- 
ly bound or obligated. 

Vertragspartei party to contract, 

Vertrauensbruch breach of confidence. 

Vertrieb eines Filmes releasing or 
distribution of a filn. 

Vertrocknung drying (up), desicca- 

verunreinigen vitiate, soil, con- 
taminate, pollute, adulterate, 
make impure. 

Verunreinigungskerne impurity 

ver-ursachen cause, produce, occa- 
sion, result in. -urteilen pass 
judgment against, sentence, fine, 
condemn, convict, adjudicate. 
-vielfachen multiply. 

Verviel facher,Farnsworth- multipac- 
tor, F. multiplier. Netz- mesh 
multiplier, m. amplifier (works 
with secondary emission, cascaded 
electron-permeable mesh or gauze 
targets). Pendel- reciprocating 
and acceleration electron mul- 
tiplier predicated on secondary 
emission. Sekundaremissions- 
electron multiplier (with plurali- 
ty of secondary-emission: targets 
or reflecting electrodes). 

Verviel facherzel le, photo-el ek- 
trische,mit Sekundaremission 
electron multiplier photo tube, 

hoto-electric electron-m. tube 
(with reflecting electrodes or 

Vervielfaltiger,Gitter- mesh-type 
multiplier. | 

Vervielfaltigung copying, printing 
(of film). 

Verviel fal tigungs-faktor multiplica- 
tion factor. -kondensator con- 
densor-type d.c. multiplier. 
-oberflache dynode (in Farnsworth 
multiplier). -röhre multiplier 
tube, multipactor. 

Vervierfacher quadrupler. 

Verwachsungen inter-growths, inter- 


Verwackeln des Bildes unsteadinass 
of frame. 

verwandelbar transformable, con- 
vertible, transmutable. 

verwandeln transform, convert, 
change, turn. 

Verwandlung,Paschen-Back- P.B. 
magneto-optic effect. 

Verwandschaft relation, affinity. 

verwaschen obliterated, blurred, 
vitiated, bleary. 

Verwaschungszone blurred zone, 
bleary Ze, = Bere definition, 
confusion z. (telev.). 

Verwehung draft of air, wind. 

verweilen dwell, sojourn, stay. 

verweisen,Berufung an den Gerichtshof 
refer appeal to the court. 

verwerfen warp, distort, twist; 
repudiate, reject. 

Verwerfung rejection, repudiation; 
warping, ceformation; slow fre- 
quency drift (in radio apparatus, 
after tuning). 

Verwertungsperiode evaluation period. 

verwickelt complex, complicated, in- 
volved, intricate. 

verwinden twist, subject to torsional 

Verwindungsversuch torsion test. 

Verwirklichungsform practical em- 
bodiment (of an invention). 

ver-wischen blot out, efface, 
obliterate, blur, make bleary. 
-wittern disintegrate, effloresce. 
-würfeln jumble, garble. -zahnen 
tooth, cog, indent, provide with 
(sear) teeth, serrate. 

Verzahnung, Evol venten- involute 
tooth gear. 

Verzahnungsgetriebe,winkel- double 
helical gear. 

verzapfen joint, mortise; dispense 
by tap. 

verzehren consume, spend, dissipate, 
abate (smoke). 

Verzeichnung faulty delineation or 
re-creation of a picture, distor- 
tion of a p. (e.$., pincushion, 
barrel, etc., distortion, in tele- 

Verzeichnung,anisotrope anisotropic 

Verzeichnung, kissenförmige 

shear distortion, distortion of 
orientation (telev.) -,kissen- 
förmige pincushion distortion, 
pillow d., negative d. 
-,nichtlineare non-linear dis- 
tortion. -,tonnenformige barrel 
distortion, positive d. 

verzeichnungsfreie Linse orthoscop- 
ic lens, distortion-free 1. 

Verzerrer,Dynamik- dynamic compress- 

Verzerrung durch Ein- und Aus- 
schwingung transient (non-linear) 
distortion, build-up and decay d. 
-durch Feldkrümmung distortion due 
to field curvature, curvilinear 

Verzerrung, Ausschwing=- decay dis- 
tortion, non-linear d., over- 
throw or underthrow d.(in facsimile 
transient). Bild-(cf Verzeich- 
nung) picture distortion (in 
facsimile: jiggers, f. transients 
known also as hangover, tailing, 
overthrow and underthrow distor- 
tion). Dampfungs- frequency dis- 
tortion; tone d. Einschwing- 
build-up or transient (non-linear) 
distortion. Frequenz attenua- 
tion-frequency distortion, am- 
plitude f.d., attenuation d., 
frequency d. Laufzeit-transit- 
time distortion, phase d. 
Lichtfleck-spot distortion. 
Phasen- phase distortion. 

verzerrungsfrei distortionless, d.- 
free, non-distorting. -(es) 
Okular orthoscopic eyepiece, dis- 
tortion-free e. 

Verzerrungs-leistung distortion 
power (in terms of d. volt- 
amperes). -toleranz tolerance of ' 

Verzicht disclaimer, renunciation, 

verzichten( auf Anmeldung,Patent, 
etc.) abandon, drop or relinquish 
(an application, patent, rights, 
etc.), disclaim,renounce, waive 

Verzichtleistung disclaimer, re- 
nunciation, waiver, abandonment. 

-verziehen warp, buckle. 



Verziehung warpage, buckling. 

Verzinkung,Feuer- hot galvaniza- 
tion, pot 8 

Verzögerer,Vielfach- Barkhausen- 
Kurz type of tube (retarding- 
field t., magnetron, etc.) 

Verzögerung retardation, decelera- 
tion, braking, delay, lag, check- 
ing. Funken- spark lag. Phasen- 
phase delay, phase lag, (phase) 
angle of lag. 

Verzögerungsbad restraining bath. 

verzögerungsfrei inertialess, free 
from lag, delay or sluggishness. 

Verzogerungs-kette delay network. 
-linse cutoff or stopping (elec- 
tron-optic) lens. -relais 
slow-acting relay, time-lag r. 
-schalter time-lag switch. 
-spannung delay voltage, de- 
layed-action v. (in ave circuits). 

Verzug time delay, t. lag. 
Ausschwingungs- hangover, tail- 
ings (in facsimile). Entladungs- 
discharge delay, d. lag. 

Fliess- yield cr flow distor- 
tion or deformation. 

Verzugsrechner acoustic corrector 
(sound location). 

verzweigte Strome branched currents, 
branch c. -Stromkreise divided 
circuits, branched c. 

Verzweigung by-pass, shunt, branch- 
ing (of transmutation products), 

Ver zwei gungs-struktur lineage struc- 
ture Ceara: -verhaltnis 
branching ratio. 

Verzwillingen twinning. 

Vibrations-gal vanometer ,kompen- 
siertes Abraham's rheograph 
(inertia and damping compensated). 
-schwelle vibrational threshold. 
-tastgerat vibrato-tactile device. 

vieldeutig ambiguous, non-equivocal, 
capable of various interpretations. 

Viel-doppel zackenschrift multiple 
double-edged variable-width track. 
-ebene multiplane. -eck polygon. 

vieleckig polygonal, multiangular. 

vielerlei various, multifarious, 

vielfach manifold, multiple, poly..., 


vielfach, gleich- 

multis.., various, frequent. 
gleich- equimultiple. 

Vielfach-abtastung multiple scanning. 

-beschleuniger cyclotron (type of 
tube (with two dees and spiral 
beam), betatron (of G.E.Co. ) 
-echo multiple echo, flutter e, 

Vielfaches,ganzes integral multi- 
ple, whole m. -,gerades even 
multiple. -,ungerades odd multi- 

Vielfach-konturen multiple out- 
lines along edges of objects or 
of lines (in pictures or images), 
general masking of details. 
-schaltung connection in multi- 
ple. -schwingungserzeuger 
multivibrator. -streuung multi- 
ple scattering. -telegraphie 
multiplex telegraphy. -verzögerer 
Barkhausen-Kurz type of tube (re- 
tarding-field, magnetron, etc. 
tubes). -zackenblende shutter or 
light stop for making multilateral 
sound track. -zackenschrift 
multilateral sound track or s. 

Vielfall multiplicity. 

vielfarbig many-colored, multi-c., 
variegated, polychromatic. 

Vielflach polyhedron. 

viel-flächig polyhedral. 

-gestaltig multiform, manifold, 
diverse. -gliedrig polynomial 
(math.). -gliedriger Kettenleiter 
multi-mesh network. 

Viel-kanal aufzeichnung multi-channel 
recording. -kantscheibe polyhe- 
dral mirror (of scanner). 

vielkernig multinuclear, poly- 
nuclear, polynucleate; polycyclic. 

Viellinien-spektrum discrete band 
spectrum, manyline spectrun. 
„system many-lined system. 

vielseitig many-sided, polyhedral, 
multilateral; having diversity, 

Vielspiegelung multiple of image. 

vielstimmig polyphonous, polyphonic 
(of organ). 

Vielstufenwarmeaustauscher multi- 
pass heat-exchanger. 


vielteilig multipartite, of many 
parts; polynomial (math. ) 

Vielwegehahn multiple-way stop- 

vielwertig multivalent, polyvalent. 

Vier-bandlichtschleuse four-band 
light valve, four-ribbon l.v. 
-eck,Gelenk- linked or articu- 
lated quadrilateral or quadrangle. 

viereckig four-cornered, square, 
quadrangular, oblong (of reading 

Vierervektor four-component vector. 

Vierfachspiral lochscheibe eer 
Spiral scanning disk. 

Vierflach tetrahedron. 

vier-flächig tetrahedral, 4-faced. 
-gliedriy four-membered, tetra- 
ome (cryst.); quadrinomial 

math. ). -gliedrige Farbgleichung 
four-color equation, four-stimu- 
lus e. 

Vierpol quadripole, en en 
network, transducer, ideal 
artificial line (with two input 
and two output terminals). 

Teil- section of recurrent 

Vierpol-dampfung image attenua- 
tion constant. -lautsprecher 
balanced armature loudspeaker 
(with permanent magnet). 
-winkelmass image phase constant. 

Vierseit quadrilateral. 

vierstellige Zahl four-figure nun- 

Vier-stoffsystem quaternary system. 
-teilung quadripartition. 
-telkreis quadrant. 

viertelkreisige D-Werte quadrantal 
error (Q.E.) values (due to air- 
plane fuselage, etc., in df.) 

Vier-telperiode quarter period. 
-weghahn four-way cock. 

Vignettierapparat vignetter. 

Vignettieren des Lichtbundels 
vignetting of cone of light. 

Vignettier-maske vignetting mask. 
-wirkung durch Linsenfassung 
trimming of pencil intensity 
caused by lens mount, vignetting 

Viola 328 

Viola viola, tenor violin. 

Violin E violin E string. 

Visier sight (of gun, etc.), visor. 
Abdrift- drift meter. Bomben- 
bomb sight. 

visieren sight, aim, gage. 

Visier-einrichtung view-finder. 
-linie line of sight. -mattscheibe 
focusing screen. -richtung line 
of sight, direction of vision. 
-scheibe focusing screen. 
-vorrichtung (visual) sight for 
taking direct bearings. -zirkel 
gaging calipers. 

Vogel-augenahorn bird's eye maple. 
-orgel bird's organ. -perspektive 
bird's eye view. -pfeife bird 

Vokale,Halb- liquid consonants, 
semi-vowels, liquidae. 

Vokaleinsatz beginning of vowel 

Vol kanode unsplit anode (of magne- 
tron). -bogen semi-circular rail 
(ot microscope). 

vollfarbig of full (saturated) 

Voll-flachner holohedron. -leiter 
compact, unstranded or solid 
conductor. -macht ausstellen 
execute a power of attorney. 
-machtgeber principal, mandator. 
-netzanschluss all-electric sup- 
ply, mains s. -niete solid rivet. 
-opalscheibe pot opal diffuser 

vollstreckbar enforceable, executa- 
ble, executory. 

Voll-weggleichrichter full-wave 
rectifier. -ziehungsbefehl 
writ of execution warrant. 

Vol tampere(Scheinleistung) var (unit 
of reactive power). 

Voltapotential Volta potential, V. 
emf, V. effect. 

‘Voltmesser,Gleichrichter- rectify- 
ing voltmeter. lonenwind- ionic 
wind voltmeter. Röhren-,selbst- 
gleichrichtendes self-rectifying 
tube voltmeter. Scheitel spannungs- 
peak voltmeter, cr3St V. 

Voltsekunde weber (magnetic flux 


Volumen,Mol- molar volume. 

Volumen-gleichrichtung volume 
rectification. -schwankung 
volume flutter. -verlust 
loss in volume. 

Volum-gewicht volume weight, 
weight of unit v. -prozent 
percent by volume. -verhältnis 
volume relation, proportion by 

Vomhundertsatz percentage. 

Voramt, HII fs- sub-control station. 

vorangehend preceding, leading, 

Voranode first anode (c.-r. tube); 
screen grid connected with cathode 
and acting as "fore-anode" in 
power pentode (Pierce circuit). 

voraus,Backbord port bow. -,recht 
right ahead. -,Steuerbord star- 
board bow. 

voraus-gehend preceding, leading, 
previous, prior, antecedent. 
-nehmend anticipatory (patent 

Voraussetzung postulate, premise, 
assumption, supposition, pre- 
sumption, hypothesis. 

Vorbedingung prerequisite, precon- 
dition, conditio sine qua non. 

vorbei-führen (cf vorbeistreifen) 
skirt, conduct or direct past 
(something), lead past at a 
glancing angle. -sehen not to 
look straight at each other (in 
two-way television telephone). 
-streichen,-streifen skirt, 
glance, ce pass by, brush 
against (in more or less close 
contact with something). 

Vor-beladung pre-charge, preliminary 
c. (of sorptive in sorbent). 
-belichtung priming exposure or 
illumination, pre-exposure. —-, 
Zellen- primary illumination of 
a cell. -benutzung,offenkundige 
oder öffentliche prior use, 
public use. -bereitung prepara- 
tion, line-up, readying. 
-bereitung für Bildaufnahme lin- 
ing up for shooting pictures. 
-bescheid preliminary action (of 

Vorbild 329 

Patent Office Examiner), interim 

decision. -bild pattern, model, 

copy, prototype, type, exemplar. 
vorbringen argue, plea, reason. 

Vorder-ansicht front elevation, f. 
view. -blende anterior stop, 
field s. 

vordere Brennebene front focal plane. 
-(r) Brennpunkt first focal point. 

Vorder-glied predecessor, antecedent. 
-licht front light (studio). 
-linse front lens, field l. 

-mann stehen,auf lie in the shadow 
of. -satz premise, antecedent. 
-seite front side, front, obverse, 
face, panel. 

Vordruck first impression, proof. 

voreilen lead. 

Vor-eilung,Phasen-phase lead. 
-eilungswinkel angle of lead (of 
phases). -einflugzeichen fore 
marker, outer m (beacon) (of air- 
field). -entladung pre-discharge. 
-entladungskanal pre-discharge 
track. -form gathering mold (in 
glass manufacture). 

vorführen demonstrate, display, 
bring out, produce. 

Vorführer projectionist, motion- 
picture operator. 

Vorführung,Film- film projection; 
exposure of f. (in set 

Vorführungs-film display film. 
-kabine,-raum projection room or 
booth (m.p.) -versuch demonstra- 
tion experiment. 

Vorgang process, action, event, 
phenomenon, reaction, proceeding, 
procedure, occurrence, happening. 

Vorgang,einmaliger non-recurrent 
action, unique a., singular a., 
event or phenomenon. -, un- 
periodischer non-recurrent action, 
non-periodic a. or phenomenon. 
-,zeitlich veranderlicher 
action subject to time variation, 
a. variable with time. Ausgleich- 
transient. Bewegungs- motional 
action, cinematographic a. 
Einzel-single or separate process, 
action, phenomenon or event. 
Schalt- switching operation, 
process or action. 

Vor legierung 

Vor-ganger predecessor, antecessor, 
antecedent, progenitor. -gelege 
transmission gearing, connecting 
gear. -geschichte previous his- 
tory, antecedents. 

vorgespannt pre-stressed (mech. ), 
initially tensioned; biased 
(electrical potential). 

vorgetauschte Sehschwache simulated 

Vorglimmlicht-gebiet sustaining 
voltage range, pre-phoLoglow 
region (arises at a voltage 
slightly below striking v.). 
-zelle photo-emissive gas- 
filled cell operating at sus- 
taining voltage (in pre-glow re- 

vorhallen over-emphasize; prever- 
berate, pre-echo (ac. 

Vor-haltewinkel drift angle, a. of 
lead. -hangblende curtain fading 
shutter. -hängeaufblendung 
curtain fade-in. -hof,Trichter- 
air chamber (adjacent horn of 

vorionisierte Spur pre-ionized track. 

Vor-kammer pre-chamber, ante-chan- 
ber; forehearth (oven). -kehrung 
precaution, provision, precau- 
tionary measure or Step. 
-kehrungen, sicherstellende pre- 
ventive measures. 

vorkommen occur, happen. 

Vorkonzentration (cf Vorsammellinse) 
preliminary focusing, pre-focus, 
first focus action (in c.-r. 

vorladen cite, serve, subpoena, 

Vor-ladung appointment, summons, 
Subpoena, writ, citation, notice, 
notification. -lage original 
copy, copy, pattern; receiver, 
condenser (zinc smelting). 

-lauf lead or precession of 
sound (in relation to picture = 
19 frames = 361 mm). -läufer 
forerunner, precursor; sign, 
indication, clue. 

vorlaufig provisional, preliminary, 
advance (e.6., et 

Vor-legierung key alloy. 



-lesungsversuch classroom experi- 
ment or Study, lecture demonstra- 

vorliche Kurslinie ahead course or 
direction, "go-to" indication. 

Vorlicht priming or biasing illu- 

vormagnetisierte $Spule,gleichstrom- 
d.c. controlled saturable coil, 
three-legged reactor. 

Vormagnetisierung bias magnetiza- 
tion, magnetic polarization. 

Vormagnetisierungsstrom biasing 

vorn in front, anteriorly. 

vornherein,von from the outset, 
from the first, to begin with. 

Vor-prüfer examiner (in Patent Of- 
fice). -prüfungsverfahren 
preliminary examination, pre- 
liminary search or action. 
-pumpe fore-pump, backing ps - 
(for vacuum). -rang priority, 
precedence, superiority, first 
rank. -rat,Metall-,Quecksilber- 
mercury pool (in rectifier). 

Vorrats-flasche "Winchester", stock 
bottle. -leitung spare circuit, 
standby c. -losung stock solution. 
-röhre input tube. -rolle,-spule 
magazine, m. roll. 

Vorraum ante-chanber, fore-c., outer 

Vorröhre input tube. 

vorrücken feed (forward), advance, 
progress, step forward, notch for- 
ward (&.$., a switch or controller). 

Vor-sammelinse first focusing lens, 
cathode 1. (like Wehnelt cylinder, 
apertured disk, etc., in Ce-r. 
tube). -satz,Peil- direction- 
finder means added to standard re- 
ceiver apparatus. -satzgerät at- 
tached or accessory device, head 
(m:p.) -satzlinse anteriorly at- 
tached lens, front 1. attachment, 
magnascope (to enlarge projector 

vorschalten cut in circuit, connect 
in series. 

Vorschaltwiderstand series re- 
sistance; multiplier (of a volt- 

vor tauschen 

vorschlagbar capable of being 

moved, dropped, let or folded 
down on hinges. 

Vorschrift,Bedienungs- service 

direction, working instruc- 
tions, directions for use. 
Dienst- service or working 
rules and regulations. 
Gebrauchs- directions for use. 

Vorschub feed,conveyance. Papier- 

paper feed. 

Vorschub-bewegung, Zeilen- line 

sweep, l. traversing motion. 
-rad feed wheel. 

Vor-selektion pre-selection. 

-sichtsmassregel precaution, 
precautionary step or measure. 
-signal first or outer marking 
Signal, caution or warning s. 
-spann label (of a print); leader 
(of a film). -spannprogramm 

Vorspannung biasing potential (of a 

grid, magnet, etc.), bias, po- 
larizing p.; inherent bias ten- 
sion (as in a spring) to restore 
normal position, normally tensed 
or tensioned condition, initial 
tension, pre-stress (in metal, 
etc. ); anode, drive or positive 

p» (of a photo-cell). „verriegelnde 

cut-off biasing potential. 
Gitter-,automatische automatic 
bias or self-biasing of grid. 

Vor-spektrum preliminary spectrum 

(of Goldstein). 

vorspringen project, protrude, be 

salient or prominent. 

Vor-sprung projection, salient, 

lug, shoulder, protrusion, 
prominence. -stellung mental 
picture, conception, ideas, notion; 
representation, demonstration, 
performance, display. -stoss 
adapter, lap (of a tale), edging. 
-strom dark pre-sparking current. 
-stufe first or preliminary step; 
input or first stage (of an am 
plifier); primer. -synchronisieren 
pre-scoring (first sound, then 

vortauschen simulate, mislead, 

Vortexring 331 

delude, deceive, cause an illusion. 
Vortexring vortex (ring). 
Vortransport supply sprocket. 

-trieb positive drive, forward d., 
torque. -vakuumpumpe fore-pump, 
roush-vacuum p., backing p. 
-verfahren preliminary procedure 
or proceedings. -veröffentlichung 
anticipatory reference, anticipa- 
tion (in patent or magazine lit- 
erature), earlier publication. 
-verstarker input amplifier, pre-a. 
(class A RF amplifier, in a super- 
heterodyne). -verstarkung gain 

vorwalzen rough down (rolling mill 

Vor-wärmung pre-heating, fore-warming. 
-warnung alert signal. 
Vorwärts-beweaung active stroke (in 
film feed), forward motion, 


translatory movement. -gang 
direct action (camera). -regelung 
direct control, forward-acting 

vorwegnehmend anticipatory (in the 
form of a disclosure in prior art). 

Vorwickel pull-down sprocket. 
-rolle,-trommel supply reel, 
(upper) feed sprocket, pull-down 

Vorwickler upper feed sprocket. 

Vorwiderstand series resistance, 

vorwiegend preponderant, predomi- 
nant, especially, chiefly. 

Vor-wolbung protrusion, anterior 
curvatures -wurf subject (phot.) 
-zeichen indication, sympton, sign 
(math.). -zerleoer filter (for 
ultraviolet) mounted anteriorly 
of monochromator entrance slit), 
-zugsrichtung privileged direc- 

wabenartig honeycombed, pitted (of 

Wabenspule honeycomb coil, lattice- 
wound c., duo-lateral c. 

Wachfrequenz watch frequency, f. of 
international automatic alarm 
signal, distress f., mayday (in 

Wachs-abdruck impression in wax. 
-paste cerate or encaustic 
paste. -platte (soft) wax disk, w. 
master (in disk manufacture). 
-tuch oilcloth, cerecloth (obs. ), 
-tum,Kristallisations- germina- 
tion, crystal growth. -tumkurve 
growth curve. -tumzentrum 
nucleus, center of growth, kernel. 

Wackelkontakt loose contact, variable 
or defective c. 

wackeln shake, totter, rock, sway, 

Wackelung, Ver- frame unsteadiness. 

Wage, Dreh(feder)~torsion balance; 
Feder- spring balance, s. scales. 
Fein- precision balance, micro-b. 
Hebel- beam scale, lever s. 
Mikro-micro balance, precision b. 
Stoss- ballistic pendulum. 
Strom- -ampere balance. 

Wagebalken beam of balance, scale b. 

Wagen, Aufnahme- pickup camera : 
truck, dolly. Fernsehaufnahme- 
television pickup camera truck, 
video bus. Lautsprecher- loud- 
speaker truck, sound t. Ton- 
(film)- sound truck, location t., 
lorry set, sound van. 

Wagenfett axle grease. 

Wageschal tung, Ab- comparator circuit 

Wagschale weighing-dish, scale or 
balance pan. 

Wahl,Nummern- impulse action, step- 
ping (automatic telephony). 

Wähler,Schrittschalt- step-by-step 

Wahler-bucht bay of selector. 

-hebeschritt vertical step of 

selector. -scheibe dial type 

selector switch. -segment 

bank of (stationary) contacts. 
wahllos at random, haphazardly, 

without choice or selection, non- 


Wahl schalter selector switch. 

wahlweise selective, directional (in 
signal transmission. 

wahre Peilung true bearing. 

Wahr-heitsbekraftigung affirmation. 
-nehmbarkeit perceptibility, 
noticeability, observability, 
visibility, discernibility, 
audibility. , 

wahrnehmen perceive, sense, notice, 
observe, be sentient. 

Wahrnehmung perception, sensation, 
observation, percipience, sen- 
tience. Farben- color vision, c. 
perception. Schall-,des mensch- 
lichen Ohres human sound or tone 
perception. Ton- acoustical per- 
ception, auditory or sound sensa- 

Wahrscheinl ichkeit, Ansprech-,eines 
Zahlrohres efficiency of counter 
tube (probability to respond or 

Wahrscheinlichkeits-gesetz probabili- 
ty law. -rechnung calculus of 

Waldhorn French horn, concert h. 

Walkerde fuller's earth. 

Walze roller, roll, cylinder, drum, 
wheel, barrel. Bild- picture 
cylinder (in Bakewell's p. 

walzen roll, mill, laminate. 
vor- rough down (by rolling mill). 

walzenförmig cylindrical, barrelshaped. 

Walzen-mühle roller mill. -strecke 
roll train. 

Walzwerk,Draht- wire rod mill. 

Wand wall, partition, side, cheek, 
shell, panel, screen, baffle. 

Wand, Bild- 

wand,Bild- picture (projection) 
screen. Durchpro jektions- trans- 
lucent screen. Ganzmetall- all- 

metal (projection) screen. Schall- 

baffle (board) of a loudspeaker; 
sound panel (for s. absorption or 
reflection). Signal- wall of sig- 
nals, curtain of s. Tonbild- 
transoral screen (n.p.). 
wall draping, w. lining, baffle, 

blankets, sound absorbing material 

put on walls or panels, often 
portable, called "sobos" or "tor- 
mentors" (m.p. and sound stage). 

-durchführungsisolator wall lead-in 

insulator, bushing i. 

Wander-licht (Personenabtaster ) 
splotlight scanner for persons. 
-marke wander mark, measuring m. 
(in range finder). 

wandern migrate, shift, crawl, creep, 
wander (of beam), travel (of waves 

or surges, over electric lines). 
wandernder Lichtstrahl flying spot, 
scanning spotlight. 

Wanderung,Material- creep or flow of 

material (or metal), 

wanderungs-geschwindigkeit rate of 
migration, crawl or creep (in 
telev., ions), m. velocity. -sinn 
direction of migration (of ions). 

wander-welle traveling wave, tran- 
sient w., surge. -wellengenerator 
surge generator, impulse $., 
"lightning" s. -wellenmesser 
klydonograph, surge indicator, s. 

Wandler transformer, converter (of 
picture or image), transducer. 
-,lichtelektrischer photo-cell. 
Bild- image converter, picture 
transformer, transducer (changes 
Optical into electric images or 
patterns, etc.) Durchfiihrungs- 
bush-type transformer. Fernseh- 
photo-cells, light relays and 
Similar devices(changing light 
into currents and back), televi- 
sion transducer. Frequenz- 
frequency transformer, f, 
changer. Kurzwellen- short-wave 
converter. Mess- measuring 


transformer, instrument t. 

Wandlerspeicherröhre,Bild- super- 

Wand-stoffbekleidung draping, 
baffle, blanket, sound-absorbing 
material, called gobo or tor- 
mentor when in form of portable 
wall (m.p. studio). -strom 
wall current (of a tube). 

Wange cheek, side piece, end p. 

Wanne trough, tub, casing (of a 
multiple condenser and its 
plates). -‚pneumatische 
pneumatic trough (in gas drying). 

Warmblasen hot blasting (water gas 


warmbruchig hot-short, brittle when 

Wärme, gebundene latent heat. 
Arbeitswert der mechanical 
equivalent of heat. Bildungs- 
enthalpy, heat of formation. 
Eigen- specific heat, body heat, 

“animal h. 

heat dissipation, h. evacuation, 
loss of he, h. "abduction", the 
carrying or conducting away of h. 
-arbeitswert mechanical equiva- 
lent of heat. -austauscher, 
Vielstufen- multi-pass heat 
exchanger. -bewegung thermal 
agitation, heat motion. 

warmedurchl assig diathermic, 

Warme-durchschlag breakdown due to 
thermal instability. -einheit 
(w.E.) thermal unit, heat u. 
-elektrizität thermo-electricity. 
-entbindung,-entwicklung develop- 
ment, disengagement or evolution 
of heat, loss of h. -fluss heat 
flow, thermal f. or flux. 
-geräusch thermal noise (sort of. 
Brownian motion of electrons in 
input circuit). 

warmegleich isothermal. 

Warme-ionisation thermal ionization, 
temperature i. -kapazitat 
thermal capacity. -kraftlehre, 
-mechanik thermodynamics. 
-leitvermögen,-leitzahl thermal 


Warmemesser thermometer, calorimeter. 
-,thermoelektrischer thermel. 
Sonnen- solarimeter, pyroheliometer. 

Warme-rauschen thermal noise (thermal 
agitation or motion of elsctrons). 
-schwingung heat vibration. 
-speicher heat accumulator, re- 
generator. -stoff caloric, thermo- 
gen. -strahlung thermal radiation, 
temperature r., heat r., radiant 
heat. -tod heat death. -tönung 
heat tone (in thermochenistry), 
heat quantity, h. effect. 

warmeundurchlässig athermanous, im- 
pervious to heat, heat insulating. 

Wärme-vergangenheit thermal antece- 
dents, prior heat treatment, 
-verlust heat loss, thermal 1. 
-wirkung temperature effect, heat 
action, thermal a. 

warm-fest heat resistant. -gepresst 
hot-pressed, hot-press-fitted, 
subjected to thermo-plastic treat- 
ment . 

Warnsignal (cf Entwarnen) air-raid 
alarm, caution signal. 

Warnung, Vor- alert signal. 

Warze wart, nipple, pin, knob, boss. 

Wasser,Ultra- optically empty water. 

Wasser-abguss,Fagott- bassoon syphon. 
-ablass,-ableitung water drain, w. 
drainage, w. outlet. 

wasser-abstossend repelling water, w 
repellent, non-hygroscopic. 
-anziehend water or moisture at- 
tracting, hygroscopic. -beständig 
stable in water or towards action 
of we -bindend hydrophylic, water- 
absorbent, w. imbibent. 

Wasser-blase bubble of water; 
vessel or container for water 
heating. -druck hydraulic pres- 
sure. -entziehung dehydration, 
removal of water, desiccation. 

wasser-fest water-tight, w.-proof, 
resistant to we -frei dehydrated, 
desiccated, anhydrous. 

Wasserhahn water cock, we tap, fau- 
cet . 

wasserhaltig hydrous, hydrated, 
aqu2ous, containing water, We 

wasserig watery, hydrous, aqueous. 

Wechsel blende 

Wasser-kraftlehre hydrodynamics. 
-kühlröhre water-cooled tube. 
-luftpumpe water vacuum pump. 
-mantel water jacket. 

wassern airplane traveling in con- 
tact with water. ab- rise or 
start from water. an- "land", 
alight or descend on water. 

Wasser-schalter hydroblast switch. 
-schluss water seal, trap. 
-siedemesser hypsometer. 

Wasserstoff,schwerer deuterium 
(mass of 2), tritium (mass of 3). _ 
-ionenkonzentration pH value, 
hydrogen-ion concentration. 

-kern hydrogen or H particle or 
nucleus. -knallgas detonating 

gas (explosive mixture of hydro- 
Fe and oxygen). -strahl H ray 
consisting of H particle or posi- 
Live hydrogen ion). -zahl hy- 
drogen-ion concentration, pH 

Wasserung washing (of film,ete. ) 

Wasserungsgestell washing rack 
(phot. ) 

wasserunlöslich insoluble in water. 

Wasser-verschluss water seal. 

-wert water equivalent (of a 

Watte absorbent cotton, wadding (of 
cotton, glass wooly etc.), pad. 
Watt-leistung,-zahl wattage, power 

in terms of walt. 

W.E. (Warmeeinheit) heat unit, 
thermal u. 

Wechsel change, shift, alternation, 
cycle. Bild- (cf Vertikal-) 
picture cycle, moving period, 
feed stroke (mp.) Horizontal- 
horizontal or line syne impulse 
or cycle. Last- cyclic stress, 
stress application cycle. Licht- 
variation of exposure. Pol- 
reversal of polarity, change of p. 
Vertikal- vertical or frame syn- 
chronizing pulse of cycle. 
Zeilen- s. Horizontal- 

Wechsel-beziehung inter-relation, 
correlation, mutual or reciprocal 
relationship. -blende alternat- 
ing shutter (in stereoscopy); 
masking disk (with spiral slot 

wechsel druck 

cyclically cooperating with 
quadruple scanner disk or drum‘ 
apertures), auxiliary rotary shut- 
ter disk with spiral slot. 
-druck alternating pressure. 
-festigkeit,Biege- alternating 
bending strength. -festigkeit, 
Verdrehunas- strength under al- 
ternating torsion stress. 
-frequenz,Bild- picture or frame 
frequency, repetition f. 
‘-frequenz,Zeilen- line frequency. 
-getriebe, Geschwindi gkeits- 
change-speed gear. -hahn change 
cock. -induktion mutual induc- 
tance. -kardioide switched 
cardioid (d.f.) -kontakt make- 
and-break contact. -Jlicht 
light intensity variations (strik- 
ing hi), -note warble 
note, warble-sound (in airplane 
alarms); appogiatura note (mus. ) 
-periode, Zeilenzug- field fre- 
quenry (= 2 x frame f.) -richter 
inverter, inverse or inverted 
(dec. to a.c.) rectifier, dc. 
to ac. transverter (mostly com- 
bined with transformer). 
-richter,Pendel- vibratory in- 
verter, vibrator. -satz ex- 
change principle. -schalter 
double-throw switch. 
wechselseitig reciprocal, mutual, 
interchangeable, alternate. 
Wechselsprechen,Funk- alternate two- 
way radiophone communication. 
Wechselstrom alternating current, 
indirect c., ac. (specifically, 
Single-phase current is mostly 
meant), any periodic c. Leitungs- 
conduction alternating current. 
Wechsel-stromempfanger a.c. elec- 
tric radio set or receiver ap- 
paratus. -stromton hum in a 
telev. picture (causing wavy edge 
or sides, pairing of lines, etc.) 
-tastverfahren reversing switch 
method (in d. f. work); make-and- 
break switch or keying method. 
-ton warble note or sound (used 
in airplane alarms); appoggiatura 
note (mus.) -verhaltnis recipro- 
cal relation, r. proportion. 


-winkel alternate angle. 
-wirkung inter-action, mutual or 
cooperative a, reciprocal effect. 

Wechsel wirkungs-energie mutual po- 
tential energy. -glieder inter- 
action terms. -potential inter- 
action potential. 

Wechsel-zahl, Bild- frame frequency, 
picture f., repetition f. -zahl, 
Last- alternating stress number. 
-zeit,Bild-frame frequency, pic- 
ture f., repetition f. 

Wechsler, Objektiv- revolving nose- 
piece (in microscope). Platten- 
record changer (in phonograph). 
Strom- commutator, reverser. 

Wechslung,Fallsystem- drop system 
record changer. 

Wecker,Schnarr- buzzer alarm. 

Weg (in Mechanik) displacement (in 
centimeters, in mechanics, 
equivalent to charge, in coulombs, 
in electricity, and to volume dis- 
placement, in cubic centimeters, 
in ac. ) 

Weg,Eisen- iron path, magnetic or 
ferro- m. circuit. Gleis- rail 
track. Gleit- slide path, land- 
ing curve (of an airplane), land- 
ing beam. Neben-,by-path, by-pass. 
Ubertragungs- transmission chan- 
nel, t. path, 't. ‘medium. 

Weg-ablenkung,Peilstrahl- distor- 
tion of bearing, deviation (due to 
diurnal or seasonal factors, 
weather, terrain, local condi- 
tions, etc.); lateral deviation. 
-abschnitt element of path, length 
or distance, portion, fraction 
or subdivision of length. 

weg-diffundieren diffuse away. 
-heben,sich cancel out (math. ) 

wegig,ein- single-channel, one-way, 
Simplex. mehr- of multi-channel 
or m.-path nature. 

Weglange,mittle freie mean free path. 
Schall- sound path length. 

Weg-leitung directions for tracking 
trouble. -strecke distance, 
stretch, (element of) length. 
-tasten des Tragers, Synchronierung 
durch carrier interruption, sup- 
pression or gating of c., 


synchronizing impulse by c. gat- 
ing. -überführung overpass, over- 
head crossing. -unterführung 
underpass. -winkel transit angle 
(of klystron and other beam tubes). 
-zeitkurve trajectory. 

Wehneltzylinder Wehnelt cylinder, W. 
grid, W. shield Golan 

weich gentle, smooth, yielding, 
soft; weak or of low contrast (of 
picture or image). 

weich,schall- sound absorbent. 

weiche Rohre soft valve, ionic tube, 
gas-filled t., Sassy t. 

Weiche dividing network, d. filter, 
separator (for sync and video 
signals) comprising limiter tube 
and network. 

Weiche,Strom- current divider (fil- 

weichen soak, steep; yield, give 
way; soften, plasticize. 

weichloten soft-solder. 

Weichzeichner soft-focus lens. 

weigern refuse, decline. 

Weihnachtsbaumantenne christmas tree 

Weiser pointer, indicator, hand, 
guide. Kurs-,Richt- radio beacon, 
r. range. 

weissbrüchig white fracture, pale f. 

Weissbuche white beech. 

weisser Elektronenstrahl heterogene- 
ous beam (of electrons). 

weissglühend white-hot, incandescent. 

Weiss-guss white metal (cası). 

-lot soft solder. -metallfutter, 
Lager mit babbitted bearing. 
-wert bright level value (telev. ) 

Weisung direction-finding, guiding 
(by radio compass, ete Je Fehl- 
directional or d.f. error, quad- 
rantal e. (QE.), compass devia- 

Weite,lichte inside diameter, i. 
width, lumen. Bild- distance be- 
tween screen and lens, image in- 
tercept, i. distance. Brenn- 
focal distance, f. length, con- 
vergence d. Einstell- focal 
range, focusing r. Gegenstands- 
distance from object to lens, ©. 


Welle, linkslaufende 

distance, d. from electron source 
(or from stop or crossover) to 
main le Schnitt- distance from 
back lens to image, intercept 
length. Schwingungs- amplitude 
of vibration, a of oscillation. 
Seh- distance of vision, visual 
range. Sicht- optical distance, 
line of sight, direct-sight range 
or distance. Start- (der Elek- 
tronen) distance from origin, d. 
from object to lens, object d. 

Weiter-bildung further development 
(of an invention), evolutionary 
development or progress. -drehen 
des Schaltarmes stepping around 
or notching forward of the wiper, 
controller handle, etc. -führung 
einer Anmeldung prosecution of an 
application (for letters patent). 

weit-gehend far-reaching, substan- 
tial, thorough, appreciable; 
broad (of a patent specification, 
its disclosure or claim). 
-geoffneter Konus wide-open cone 
or pencil. -maschiges Gitter 
Open or wide-meshed grid, coarse 
8. -sichtig far-sighted, long-s., 

Weitwinkelbild wide-angle picture, 
"Wide-scope" p. 

weitwinklig wide-angled (phot., 
etc. ) ~(e) Aufnahme magnascopic 
picture. -(en) Kohlenstiften, 
Bogenlampe mit scissors-type arc 

Welle (cf. wellenabgrenzung) 
wave; shaft, arbor, axle, spindle, 
roll,. roller, 

Welle,direkte ground wave, direct 
w. ("hugging" curvature of 
earth). -,ebene plane wave. 
-,extremkurze ultrashort wave. 

-, fortschreitende progressing or 
progressive wave. -,gedampfte 
discontinuous, damped or decadent 
wave, -,„gleichstromüberlagerte 
wave superposed on or with dc. 
-,impulsmodulierte pulse- 
modulated wave (used in radar ). 
-,linkslaufende sinistro- 
propagating wave or surge. 

Welle,rechteckige 337 

-,rechteckige square wave. _ 
-‚rechtslaufende dextro-propagat- 
ing wave or surge. -,reflektierte 
reflected wave. -,riickl aufende 
retrogressive wave, reflected w. 
-,stehende standing wave, sta- 
tionary w. -,ultrakurze ultra- 
short wave, quasi-optic w. 
-,ungedampfte undamped wave, per- 
sistent we, continuous w. (cw). 
Welle, Anregungs- exciton (strictly 
an electron in a crystal moving in 
a field of a positive hole). 
Antriebszahntrommel- drive sprocket 
shaft. Boden- direct or ground 
wave ("hugging" curvature of earth). 
Bug- (eines Geschosses) nose wave 
(of a projectile). de Broglie- 

de Broglie wave, electron w., phase 
we Dehnungs- dilational wave. 
Dezimeter- micro-wave, decimeter w. 
Eigen- natural wave. Elektronen- 
de Broglie electron wave, phase w. 
Elementar- wavelet (of Huygens). 
Feld- field wave. Front- onde de 
choc, impact wave, bow w. (preced- 
ing a projectile's nose). Hohl 
(metall) rohr- metal-sheath con- 
ducting wave (in tubular or hollow 
pipe wave guids:). Huygens'sche 
Elementar- Huygen wavelet. Knall- 
shock wave. Kopf- onde de choc, 
impact wave, bow we, shell w., 
ballistic w. (ballistics). Kreis- 
circular (electric) wave. Kugel- 
spherical wave. Leitbahn- transit- 
time or electron-path oscillation. 
Luft- sky wave, space we, indirect 
we Mantel- wave on outer surface 
of co-axial cabte, "shell" wave. 
Materie- de Broglie elementary 
particle (electron or proton) wave, 
elementary we, phase w. Mikro- 
micro wave, hyper-frequency w. 
(1-100 centimeters). Nuten- slot 
ripple. Phasen- de Broglie wave, 
phase we, electron w. Raum- space 
wave, sky We, indirect w.; spheri- 
cal w. Raumladungs-' space-charge 
wave, Rohr- dielectric or con- 
ducting wave (solid or hollow pipe 
wave guide). Rundfunk-(cf 


Wellenabgrenzung) broadcast wave, 
medium-frequency we Schalt- wiper 
shaft, switch s. Spiegel- re- 
flected wave. Staub-,Kundt'sche 
acoustic dust pattern (showing 
nodes and antinodes). Steuer- 
control wave (in chain broadcast). 
Stirn- onde de choc, impact w., 
bow w. Störungs- garbling wave 
(in secret or coded telephony); 
parasitic w., interfering w., 
jamming w. Stoss- percussion 
wave, impact w., impulse w; 

wave ee upon a joint (say, 
in a pipe). berschall- super- 
sonic wave, ultra-audio w., 
ultrasonic w. Ultrakurz-(cf. 
Wellenabgrenzung) ultra short ° 
wave, uhf w., quasi-optical w. 
Unterschall- subaudio wave, infra- 
Sonic w. Verdichtungs- compres- 
sion wave. Verdiinnungs- rare- 
faction wave. wWander- traveling 
wave, transient (wave), surge. 
Zeichen- marking wave, signal w., 
keying w. Zwerg(cf Wellenabgren- 
zung) micro wave, midget w., dwarf 
we Zwischenzeichen- spacing wave, 
back we 

Wellenabgrenzung und -Einteilung 

frequency and wave-band designa- 
Lion suggested by Fed. Communic. 
Comm. (FCC): very low-frequency 
(vlf) 10-30 kc; low-f. (1f) 
30-300 ke; medium-f. (mf) 300- 
S000 ke; high-f. (nf) 3-90 me; 
very-high f. (vhf) 30-300 me; 
ultra-high f. (uhf) 30-3000 ne; 
super-high f. (shf) 3,000-30,000 

Wellen-antenne wave antenna, 

Beverage a. -anzeiger cymoscope 
(obs. ), wave detector, oscillation 
detector, coherer. -aufzeichner, 
Schall- phonodeik (record on 
film), phonautograph. -ausbrei- 
tung in Hohlmetallrohr wave 
propagation in hollow metal pipe, 
metal-sheath conducting wave p. 
in wave guide. -bereichmelder 
wave band indicator. -bereichschal- 
ter wave band switch. -berg 


peak, crestor hump of a wave, 
-berglochweite distance separat— 
ing peaks, intercrest d. -betrieb, 
Gleich- operation of stations on 
one wave, chain operation (from 
key station), network operation. 
-biindel wave packets, beam of 
electrons and ions. -bündelung 
beaming, directional effect of 
waves. -dämpfungskonstante wave 
attenuation constant. -detektor 
cymoscope, wave detector, oscil- 
lation d., coherer. -echo radio 
(signal or wave) echo rer, 
single-, double-or multiple-hop). 
-feld wave field. fläche, 
Fresnel'sche Fresnel zone (of 
half-period elements). 
wellenförmig undulatory, wavy, cor- 

rugated, rippled. 

Wellen-front,geneigte tilted wave 
front, t. wave head. -frontwinkel 
wave front angle, we tilt. 
-führung wave guide (either di- 
electric or conducting). -funk- 
tion wave function. 

wellengerader Kondensator straight- 
line wave-length condenser. 

Wel len-geschwindigkeit wave velocity, 
phase v. -gipfel peak, crest, or 
hump of a wave. -gleichung, 
d' Alembert'sche d' Alembertian 
wave equation. -konstante wave 
constant (meters per millimeter 
of piezo-electric resonator). 
-lange,Grenz- limiting wave- 
length. -leitung wave-guide (for 
dielectric or conducting waves). 
-linie wavy line, undulatory l., 
sinuous l., rippled 1. -mechanik, 
Geometrisierung der geometric 
derivation of wave equation. 

wellenmechanisch wave mechanical. 

wellenmesser (cf Frequenzmesser) 
wave meter, Fleming's cymometer, 
frequency meter, ondometer. 
Schwingaudion- autodyne wave meter 
or frequency m. Summer- buzzer 
wave meter. 

Wellen-ruckstrahlung wave reflec- 
tion (by hop to ionosphere and 
back). -sauger smoothing choke, 
series reactor, wave trap. 


Wender, Strom- 

-schalter wave-band switch. 
-schlucker(cf-sauger) wave trap 
(of absorptive or of impedance 
type). -schwanz wave tail (in 
facsimile). -spannung,Bild- 
video wave potential (telev. ) 
-spannung, Ton- audio wave po- 
‚tential (telev.) -spektrum(cf 
-abgrenzung) spectrum of electro- 
magnetic waves, radio wave spec- 
trum. -stirn wave face, w. front, 
w. head. -strom pulsating cur- 
rent, ripple c. -stromfilter 
ripple filter. -stumpf butt end 
of a shaft. -tal trough or valley 
of a wave. -telegraphie,Draht- 
wired-wave telegraphy, wired- 
radio t. -widerstand characteris- 
tic impedance, surge i. (dis- 
tinguished by some authors). 
-zahl wave number. -zugfrequenz 
group or wave-train frequency, 
spark f. -zugkoharenzlange co- 
herence length of wave trains. 
wellig wavy, rippled, undulated, 
pulsating. -,lang- long-wave, 
great we-length. -(e) Gleich- 
spannung ripple potential, pulsat- 
ing p» 

Welligkeit ripple, rippled condi- 
tion, humpiness (of resonance 
curve), pulsation factor; lack of 
linearity. Mehr- multi-wave 
property (of a crystal). 

wellrohr corrugated tube or tubing. 

Wellung rippling, corrugation, un- 

Welt, Aussen- external world. 

wel t-beschreibung cosmography. 
-raumstrahlen cosmic rays. 

weltzeitlicher Anteil des Poten- 
tialgefalles universal diurnal 
varYation component of potential 

Wendekurve turn in landing (in 22 
method), U turn. 

Wendel spiral, helix, coil. 
Kehrdoppel- reversed double loop. 

Wendel system, Doppel- biplane fila- 
ment System. 

Wendepunkt inflection point, revers- 
ing p., cusp, turning p. 

wender,Strom- current reverser, 


Wender, Ton- 339 

commutator. Ton- tone converter. 

Wende-schalter reversing switch, r. 
key. -tangente tangent to revers- 
ing point. -zeiger turn meter, Ut. 
indicator (of airplane). 

Wendigkeit maneuvrability, managea- 
bleness, ease of handling or 

Werbung,Licht- lisht-advertising, 
propaganda using illumination ef- 

werfen,sich warp, distort, deform. 

werfer,Bild- picture projector. 
Strahlungs- beacon or beam sta- 

Werg oakum, Low. 

Werk,Lauf- feed mechanism, drive m. 
Schalt- film feed mechanism, in- 
termittent m. (m.p.) 

Werk-blei raw lead. -photo studio 
still. -stoff,technischer indus- 
trial, technical or commercial 
material. -stoff,Austausch- 
substitute material. -stück 
work, piece of material or metal 
(to work on), blank to be ma- 
chined or tooled, etc. 

Wert, quadratischer Mittel- root- 
mean-square (rms) value, virtual 
ve Behaglichkeits- comfort value. 
Bei- constant, coefficient, fac- 
tor, parameter, co-ordinate. 
Effektiv- effective value, root- 
mean-square v. (rms), virtual v. 
Nenn- nominal, normal, assessed, 

face or rated value. Schwarz- 
black-level value. Unterhaltungs- 
entertainment value. weiss- 

bright-level value (telev. ) 

Wertanzeiger,Maximum- peak indicator, 
crest i.e Minimum- minimum indi- 
cator (for instance, of voltage). 

Wertbestimmung valuation, evaluation, 
appraisal, estimate, 

Werte,auseinandergehende divergent or 
discrepant values, 

wertig,gerad- of even value. 

Wertigkeitsformel valence formula, 
linkage f. 

Wertung valuation, evaluation, ap- 
praisal, estimate. 

wesen (einer Erfindung) essence or 
essential feature of an invention, 

Widerbekl agter 

(main) object of invention. 

Wettbewerb,unl auterer unfair com- 

Wetter-forschung,Radiosonde für 
radiometeorographic sonde, 
radiosonde. -messinstrumente mit 
funkentelegraphischer Fern- 
ubertragung radio-telemeteorologic 
or telemetric instruments. 

Wetzstein whetstone, 

Wichte specific gravity (, 
unit of weight. 

Wickel,Kondensator- tubular con- 
denser, paper capacitor, rolled 
or wrapped fixed condenser (of 
metal foils and paper or mica in- 
sulation), Mansbridge c. Vor- 
pulldown sprocket. 

Wi ckel-blockkondensator tubular 
condenser, paper capacitor, 
wound or wrapped c. of fixed 
value (with metal foils and 
paper or mica insulation), 
Mansbridge c. -drahte,Gitter- 
grid coil wires. -körper 
coil form, former. 

wickeln wind, wrap, rolly twist. 

Wickelturm mandrel, 

Wickler,Nach- lower take - up 
sprocket. Vor- pull-down 

Wicklung,angezapfte, in der Mitte 
center-tapped winding. -,gesehnte 
short-pitch winding, chord w. 
-,kleine bobbin. -,schrittverkirzte 
short-pitch windings. -,verteilte 
distributed winding. - Bifilar- 
bifalar winding, Ayrton-Perry w. 
Dampfer- amortisseur winding, 

damping w. Dritt- tertiary wind- 
ing (of a transformer). Durchmes- 
ser full-pitch winding. Erst- 

primary winding. Korb- basket 
winding, low-capacitance w. 
Stufen- banked winding, pile w. 
Zweidraht- bifilar winding, 
Ayrıon-Perry we Zweit- secondary 

wicklungs-faktor space factor, 
copper f. -halter,-träger wind- 
ing form, coil form, c. support, 
skeleton form, former. 

Wider-beklagter cross-claim 

Wi derdruck 

defendant, counteraction d. 
-druck counterpressure, reaction. 
-haken barb. -hall repeated echo, 
e. reflection, reverberation, 
resonance. -hall,Flatter- _ 
flutter echo, multiple e. (be- 
tween two parallel surfaces). 
-hallzeit reverberation period, 
r. time, -kläger cross-claim 
plaintiff, counteraction p. 
-lager abutment (immovable point 
or surface sustaining pressure or 
reaction). -legung rebuttal, 
refutation, disproof. 
wider-rechtlich illegal, unlawful, 
contrary to law. -sinnig in or 
of opposite or contrary sense or 
direction (say, of rotation); 
devoid of sense or logic, non- 
sensical, illogical, irrational, 
absurd. -spiegeln reflect. 
-sprechend contrary, contradic- 
tory, inconsistent, opposite. 
widerspruch opposition, protest, 
objection, inconsistency, in op- 
position or conflict with. 
widerstand ein- und ausschalten 
cut in and out resistance, 
-, induktionsfreier non-inductive 
resistance, ohm r. -„innerer(im 
Innern) volume resistance, in- 
sulation re <-,magnetischer re- 
luctance, magnetic resistance. 
-,ohm'scher ohmic resistance, de 
c. resistance. -,spezifischer 
resistivity (mass or volume), 
specific resistance. - ‚winkel- 
freier resistance with zero 
phase angle. 

Widerstand, Ableitungs- leak re- 
sistance, leakance, resistance 
leak (of a tube). Abschluss- 
termination or terminal re- 
sistance or impedance. 

Abzweig- leak coil, 1. resistance 
(of a telegraph repeater). 

Ausbreitungs- diffusion resistance. 
Ausgleich- compensating resistance, 

balancing r., build-out r. 
Ballast- ballasting resistance, 
ballast resistor. Beruhigungs- 
steadying resistance, ballasting 


Widerstand, Schallwellen- 

r. Bewecungs- motional impedance. 
Blind; induktiver inductive re- 
actance, positive r., magnetic 

r. Blind-,kapazitiver capaci- 
tive reactance, negative r.; 
condensance. Dampfungs- non- 
reactive, active, dissipative or 
ohmic resistance. Dunkel- dark 
resistance (of a cell). Durch- 
gangs-volume resistance (exclu- 
sive of surface r.), insulation 
r. Durchlass- forward resistance 
(of a rectifier). Eisenwas- 
serstoff- iron-hydrogen re- 
sistance. Entknurrungs- anti- 
growl resistance, r. to sup-, 
press growling noise due to RF 

or tickler coil in regenerative 
path. Erder- grounder resistance, 
Fahr- aerodynamic drag (of an 
airplane). Falz- folding re- 
sistance. Federungs- compliance 
(ac.). Fusspunkt- terminating im- 
pedance, base-loading i. (of 
antenna). Haut- dermal or skin 
resistance; s. effect r. Isola- 
tions- insulation resistance, 
insulance (reciprocal of leakance). 
Kenn- characteristic impedance, 
image is, indicial i. Kenndämp- 
fungs-,Ketten- iterative impedance. 
Klemmen- terminal impedance, t. 
resistance. Kopplungs- coupling 
resistance, Längs- line re- 
sistance, series r. (of a filter 
or network). Leerlauf- open- 
circuit impedance. Luft- air re- 
sistance, aerodynamic drag (of 
airplane). Massen- inertance, 
Nutz- (cf wirkwiderstand) useful 
resistance, signal r. Oberflä - 
chen- surface resistance; skin 
effect r. Quer- cross resistance, 
shunt r. (of a network). 

Reibungs- (Schall) acoustic re- 
sistance (sound). Reihenverlust- 
equivalent series resistance (of 
condenser). Richt- unidirection- 
al resistance, valve effect. 
Schall- ratio pressure amplitude; 
velocity a. Schallrelbungs- 
acoustic resistance. Schallwellen- 

Wi derstand, Schal 1] wirk 34 | 

acoustic impedance (comprising a. 
resistance and reactance). 
Schallwirk- acoustic resistance. 
Schein- impedance, apparent re- 
sistance; impedor (part having 
i.) Schein-,Blindkomponente 
reactive component of impedance. - 
Wirkkomponente active or dissipa- 
tive component of impedance. 
Schieber- slide rheostat. 
Schwachungs- gain controller, $. 
reg lator, potentiometer. Sieb- 
contact resistance (in barrier 
cell). Stirn- (front) end re- 
Sistance, leading end r. 
Strahluncs- effective resistance 
(of loudspeaker, antenna, ctc.), 
radiation r., characteristic 
impedance. Strömungs- aerodynamic 
resistance, drag (of air). 
Ubergangs- contact resistance. 
Ubergangs-,einer Probe flow re- 
sistance of test specimen. 
Verlust- non-reactive, effec- 
Live, ohmic or dissipative re- 
sistance. Vor- series resistance. 
Vorschalt- series resistance; 
multiplier (of voltmeter). 
Wellen- characteristic impedance, 
surge ie Wirk- non-reactive, .ac- 
tive, effective, dissipative or 
Ohm resistance. Zersetzungs- 
electrolytic resistance. 

Widerstand-Reaktanzverhal tnis 
Q factor, magnification f. 

Widerstands-ballast resistance 
ballast, ballasting r. -brücke 
resistance bridge, Wheatstone b. 
-biichse resistance box. 
-fahigkeit,Knick- folding endurance 
(of film). -falschanpassung mis- 
matching of impedances. -kette 
voltage divider, potentiometer. 
-korper baffle, damper. 

widerstandsloser Kreis resistanceless 
circuit (devoid of resistance or 

Widerstands-messer ohm meter, mogger, 
-moment section modulus (metal 
testing). -rauschen circuit noise 
(due to Brownian movement). 
-reziprok inverse resistance, r. 
reciprocal. -Uberanpassung 


overmatching of impedance (load 
resistance exceeds internal 
tube r.) -unteranpassung 
under-matching of impedance. 
-verteilung (im Potentiometer) 
taper (called linear t. if, 
distribution of resistance is 
uniform per unit of length). 
widerstrahlen reflect, re-radiate. 
widrigenfalls in default of, failing 

Wieder-abtretuns re-assisgnment. 

-aufbau re-construction (of a fac- 
simile picture). -aufnahme re- 
opening (of a legal case); re-take 
(m.p.). -beleb' 1g re-activation, 
rejuvenation (of a thoriated fila- 
ment, etc.). -einführung re-inser- 
tion, restoration. 

wiedereinschalten re-close (a 
switch), cut or connect in cir- 
cuit again. 

Wieder-erl angung recovery. 
-eröffnung re-opening (of a law 

wiedererstatten return, re-imburse, 

Wiedergabe,flache flat reproduction. 
-,flimmerfreie flicker-free 
reproduction. -,getreue good 
definition (of image by a lens, 
by telev. or facsimile, etc., 
receiver); orthophonic reproduc- 
tion (of loudspeaker). -,hohle 
boomy reproduction (hf cut off.) 
-,kontinuierliche flicker-free 
reproduction. Farben- color 
reproduction. Frequenz- frequency 
response (characteristic). 

Wiedergabe-brillianz brilliance of 
sound reproduction, "bounce." 
-dose sound pickup (head). 
-naturlichkeit faithfulness, 
fidelity or realism of reproduc- 
tion, brilliance. -optik,Ton- 
soundhead lens, s. optic. 
-qualitat quality or faithfulness 
of reproduction (with "atmosphere" 
or "room tone"), -röhre,Braun'sche 
Braun c.-r. tube or electronic 
picture reproducing tube. 

wiedergewinnen recover, recuperate, 


Wiederhall (repeated) echo,r. reflecr 
Lion, reverberation, resonance. 
Flatter- flutter echo, multiple e. 
-formel Eyring formula. 

wiederholbar reproducible, repeata- 
ble, reiterable. 

Wieder-holungsaufnahme re-take. 
-holungsfrequenz repetition fre- 
quency; f. of recurrence. 
-instendsetzung re-conditioning, 
restoration, renovation. 

wieder-kehrend recurrent (periodical- 
ly or not). 

Wieder-kehrspannung recovery voltage, 
-schein reflection, reflex. 

wieder-spiegeln,-strahlen reflect. 

wieder-vereiniounc re-combination 
(of ions in gas); focusing (of 
rays, electrons, etc.), -zündung 
re-striking, re-ignition. 

wilde Kopplung stray or spurious 
coupling, undesired c. 

willkürlich arbitrary, haphazard, 
(at) random. -verteilt randomly 
distributed, scattered at random. 

Wilson-kemmer cloud chamber, ex- 
pansion c., fog c. -nebel spurme- 
thode Wilson cloud track method 
(using streak of droplets and 
ionizing particle). 

Wind,dem - entgegendrehen head into 
the wind, crab. gecen den - 
fliecen fly up wind. mit dem - 
fliegen fly with tail wind. 

wind,Gecen- head wind, contrary w. 
kücken- tail wind. Schall- flow 
or draft of matter particles. 
Seiten- side or cross wind, wind 
on the beam, wind blowing across 

winddreiecksrechnung airdrift 

winden wind, coil, wrap. 

Wind-geschwindigkeit air velocity. 
-yeschwindigkeitsmesser anemometer, 
wind meter. -kurs course heading 
in wind (eoincides with map or head- 
c. in absence of wind). -kurs, 
rechtweisender true heading. 

-lade wind chest, sound box (of 
organ). -maschine fan, blower. 
-sack wind cone, we hose (airport). 

Winkel, Grenz*lachen- 

-sammler air reservoir, compressed- 
air tank. . 
wind-schief warped, deformed or 
twisted (out of shape). 
schnittig streamlined. 
Windstarkemesser, Schalen- cup 
Windungen,Ampere- ampere turns 
Windungs-fluss Lurn-flux, flux- 
ivens, magnetic linkage. 
-ganghohe pitch (of turns). 
-kapazitat internal capacitance, 
inter-turn c., self-capacitance. 
-schlussprüfer inter-turn short- 
circuit tester or continuity 
Windwinkel angle of the wind, 
angle between head-on course and 
direction of we, yaw angle. — 
Winkel,einspringender re-entrant 
angle. -,raumlicher solid angle 
(measured in steradian units). 
Winkel, Abgangs- angle of departure. 
Ablenkungs- angle of deflection, 
a. of refraction. Abprall- 
angle of ricochet. Achsen- 
axial angle. Anlauf- angle of 
approach. Anstell- angle of at- 
tack; a. of pitch, blade a. 
Aufnahme- shooting angle. Ausfall- 
angle of emergence, a of reflec- 
tion. Aussprung- angle of reflec- 
tion.” beugungs- diffraction angle. 
Bild- angle of image, a. of view. 
‘ Blick- angle of view. brechungs- 
angle of refraction. Dampfungs- 
phase angle difference, loss a. 
Drall- angle of twist. Einfall- 
angle of incidence. Einspring- 
re-entrant angle. Erganzungs- 
complementary angle. Erhebungs- 
angle of elevation. Fall- angle 
of inclination. Fehl- phase dis- 
placement angle, shift a. Flächen- 
plane angle. Gesichts- visual 
angle, optic a, facial a., camera 
or viewing angle. Glanz- glancing 
angle. Gleit- glide angle. 
Grenz- critical angle, limiting 
ae (of refractometer). Grenz- 
flachen- interfacial angle 

winkel, Grundrichtungs- 
(between two adjacent crystal 
faces). Grundrichtungs- base 
angle. Halb- half angle. 
Hnalböffnunes- semi-apertural 
angle. daupteinfall- angle of 
principal incidence. Höhen- 
angle of elevation, azimuth a, 
angular height, vertical visual 
ae Inklinations- magnetic in- 
- elination, m. dip. Komplement- 
complementary angle. Konvergenz- 
angle of convergence. Kurs- 
azimuth of target (gunnery); 
magnetic ae Lauf- transit angle. 
Leitstrahl- angle of beam. Luft- 
angle of the wind. Luv- drift 
angle, & of lead, Nacheil- 
angle of lag. seben- adjacent 
angle, adjoining a Neigungs- 


Winkelmesser, Neigungs- 

angle of scattering. Tiefen- 
angle of elevation below hori- 
zontal, a. of depression. 
Trennungs- angle of separation 
(in solid moving through fluid). 
Lmschlinguncs- looping anple 
(m.p.). Verdrehunys- angle of 
torsion, twist a Verlust- 

phase angle difference (of con- 
denser), loss a. Voreilungs- 
angle of lead (of airplane). 
Vorhalte- drift angle, angle of 
lead. wechsel- alternate angle. 
weg- transit angle (of klystron). 
wellenfront- wave front angle. 
Wind- angle of the wind, angle be- 
tween head-on course and wind di- 
rections Zentri- sector angle, 
center & 

inclination (angle), a. of slope, hinkel-abhangickeit angle dependence, 

ae of dip. Offnuncs- aperture 
angle, apertural a. Phasen- im- 
pedance engle, phase a ;@ fac- 
tor, quality f. Polarisations- 
polarizing angle, Brewster 4. 
Prall- angle of reflection. 
Rand- angle of contact (between 
wall and liquid), wetting angle. 
kaum- solid angle. keflexions- 
angle of reflection. Ruhe- angle 
of repose, angle of friction 
(rarely used). Schärfen- 
angular resolving power, focal 
angle. scheitel- opposite angle, 
vertex a, vertical a. Scherungs-, 
Schiebungs- angle of shear. 
Schiel- angle of strabism, a. 

of squint. Schneid- cutting 
angle (called dig-in a. or drag 
engle when other than 90 de- 
grees, in record making). 
Schütt- angle of repose, a. of 
friction (rare). Schwenkungs- 
angle of traverse (in gunnery). 
Seh- visual angle. Sehschar- 
fencrenz- angular resolving 
power, critical angle of visual 

as function of an angle. -abweichung 

angular deviation. -aufblendung 
angle fade-in. -bild,weit- wide- 
angle picture, "Wide-scope" p, 
-eikonal angle iconal (opt.), 

winkelfreier Widerstand resistance 
with zero phase angle. 

winkel=frequenz angular frequency, 
radian f., pulsatance. -funktion 
trigonometric function, angular f. 
-geschwindigkeit pulsatance (w), 
angular velocity, frequency in 
radians. -grad degree of angle, 
radian (unit of circular measure 
of angl2). -halbierende bisector, 
bissctrix (of angle). -hebel 
bell crank lever, angle l. 
-konvergenz half-convergence 
error. -linie diagonal. -mass 
phase constant, wave-length c. 
(denotes phase shift between 
input and output potential, and 
is the imaginary component of 
image transfer constant); set 
Square. -mass,Kenn- iterative 
phase constant. -mass,Vierpol- 
image phase constant. 

acuity. Senkungs- depression Winkelmesser protractor, soniometer 
angle. Sicht- angle of sight. angle gage (for eyes), crcoaeitite: 
Sinus- sine of angle. Steig- (for surveys), angleometer (for 
rise angle. Stoss- butting measuring external angles). 

engle, a. of joint. Streu- Karten- map protractor. Neigungs- 

Winkelmesser ‚Offnungs- 
clinometer. Offnunas- 

Winkel-messung,Kristall- crystallo- 
graphic goniometry. -minute one- 
sixtieth of one angular degree. 
-punkt infection point (of a 

winkel-randig with beveled edge. 
-recht right-angled, rectangular, 

Winkelstellung angular position 

winkeltreu of true angle or bear- 

mbar ehren 
binocular parallax difference. 
-verhältnis angular ratio. 
-verteilung angular distribution, 
d. in angle. -verzahnungsgetriebe 
double helical gear. 

winklig,gleich- equi-angular, equi- 
angled, isogonal. scharf- acute- 
angled. schief- oblique-angled. 
spitz- acute-angled. stumpf- 
obtuse-angled. weit- wide-angled 
(phot. ) 

winzige Gewebegebilde ultramicrons 
(of eye tissue). 

Wippe rocker, balance, counter- 
poise b. Pohl'sche - Pohl com- 
mutator (double-pole, d.-throw 
switch). Röhren- Kipp relay, 
trigger circuit. 

Wirbel vortex, whorl, eddy, turbu- 
lence; spigot, button, collar, 
swivel, peg (in string instru- 
ment). Stimm- wrest pin. 

Wirbel beweguna vortex motion, eddy 
m., eddying, whirl. 

wirbel-frei irrotational. -lose 
Strömung flow free from vortices, 
eddies or turbulence, irrota- 
tional f. 

wirbeln whirl, spin, warble. 

Wirbel-strasse vortex avenue. 
-transporttheorie vorticity 
transport theory. -trommel high 
side drum. 

Wirkdämpfung transducer loss. 

wirken act, work, operate, effectu- 
ate, effect, result in. 


Wirk-komponente energy, active, watt, 

dissipative or wattful component, 
in-phase c. -leistung active 



power, actual p., true p. (in 
watts). -leitwert active admit- 
tance, conductance, -samkeit 
activity, effectiveness, efficacy, 
efficiency. in - setzen render 
operative, throw in gear, start. 
-schema actual or practical operat- 
ing or working diagram. -strom 
active current, energy c., watt 

or wattful component. 

Wirkung,Fern- telemetric action, 
distance a., remote effect. 

Wirkungs-grad,Gesamt- overall ef- 
ficiency, total e., commercial e. 
-grösse action magnitude, a. | 
quantity. -kreis sphere of ac- 
tion, s. of influence, action 

wirkungslos inactive, ineffectual, 
inefficient, ineffective. 

Wirkungs-quantum,Planck"s Planck's 
constant, quantity of action. 
-querschnitt effective cross- 
section or c.-sectional area. 

Wirk-verbrauchsmesser active power 
meter. -verstärkung transducer 
gain. -widerstand non-reactive, 
active, effective, dissipative 
or ohm resistance. -widerstand- 
Blindwiderstandverhältnis Q fac- 
tor, quality f. 

Wischkontakt self-cleaning or -wip- 
ing contact. 

wissentlich deliberately, wilfully, 

wobbeln wobble (intentional fre- 
quency variation, as by wobbulator, 
used in f.-response test of radio 
apparatus); warble (as in secret 

Wohnsitz legal or postal address, 
residence, place of living, domi- 
cile, office (in case of a company). 

wölben vault, arch, make arcuate, 
curve, camber. 

Wölbung buckling, curvature (of 

image); arching, vaulting. 
Bildfeld- curvature of image 
field, lack of flatness. Film 
film buckling. 

wölbungsfrei flat, uncurved, non- 
buckled, flattened (of image or 

Wolfram 345 Yucon 

wolfram-bogenlampe tungsten arc- "doughnut." Röhren- tubular tore. 
lamp, pointolite. -faden, _  $prühschutz- guard ring (against 
thoriumhal tiger thoriated corona). 
tungsten wire or filament. wulstformig toroidal, doughnut-shaped. 
-faden,wiederbelebter reju- “ wunder Punkt snag, trouble, difficulty, 
venated or re-activated tungsten moot point. 
filament, (subjected to flashing). Wünschelrute divining rod, dousing r. 
Wolfraumsaures Calzium calcium Wünschelrutengänger douser. 
Lungstate. Wurf throw, cast, projection (of 
Wolke, Elektronen- electron cloud; e. pictures). Schatten- sound 
shell. lonen- ionic atmosphere. shadows. 
Rauml adungs- concentration or ac- würfel ,Lummer-Brodhun' scher 
cumulation of space-charges. L.-B. contrast photometer, cube 
Wolkenbildung formation of clouds, pe (with cubical cavity). 
clouding. Pyrami den-tetrahexahedron. 
Wollastonprisma Wollaston prism, Würfelchen,Abbe'sches Abbe drawing 
double-image p. cube. 
wollfilz wool felt. Wurfeleck corner of cube, cubic 
Wortabschneidung clipping, oblitera- summit (cryst.) 
tion or mutilation of words (in Wurfelektrode, Bild- target elec- 
telephony). trode. 
Wörter-buch, Sach- encyclopedia. wurfel formig cubic, cubical. 
-verstiimmelung clipping, oblitera- Wurf-kraft projectile force. 
tion (of words). -lehre ballistics. -linie 
wortlich verbal, verbatim, literal, line of projection, curve of p., 
literatin. trajectory. -parabel trajectory 
wubbeln wobble, warble (by wobbula- parabola. 
tor, in coded telephony). würmerkriechen swarming (indicative 
Wucht, Elektronen- collision or bon- of excessive graininess, mp.) 
barding force of electrons, impact wurstformig toric, tire-shaped. 
of e. Mündungs- kinetic energy at Wurzel,Kubik- cube root. Quadrat- 
the muzzle. UWber- unbalance, im- Square root. 
balance. Wurzel-zeichen radical, root sign. 
wuchtsteigerer dynamic expander. -ziehen extracting a root, process 
Wulst,Ring- tome, torus, toroid, of evolution. 
X-Einheit unit of wave-length for x-geschnittene Platte X-cut plate 
Röntgen rays, etc., Siegbahn unit. or crystal. 
y-geschnittete Platte Y-cut plate Yukawa particle or heavy electron 
or crystal. (barytron, now known as mesotron). 

Yucon (cf. schweres Elektron) 

Zacke prong, tine, tooth, jas, 

Zackenblende vane with serrated or 
triangular edge, t. aperture 
(used in sound recording). 
Vielfach- light stop for making 
multi-lateral sound track. 

Zackenrolle sprocket wheel. 

Zackenschrift variable-area sound 
track, v.-width s. recording. 
Mehrfach- multilateral sound track. 
Zweifach- bilateral track. 

Zackenspur,Abdeckdoppel- duplex 

variable-area track. Abdeckeinfach-, 

Einfach- unilateral variable-area 
sound track. Gegentakt- push-pull 
variable-area track. Verschiebe- 
bilateral vdriable-area track. 

Zacken-tonspurbreite breadth of varia- 
ble-width or variable-area sound 
track. -trommel sprocket drum, s. 

zackig jagged, toothed, indented, 

zäh tough, tenacious, viscous, 
viscid (liquids). 

ZahflUssigkeit viscosity; refrac- 

Zähigkeits-einheit (poise) unit of 
viscosity. -kehrwert fluidity 
(inverse of viscosity). -messer 
mit Fallkörper viscosimeter, vis- 
cometer of balldrop type. 

Zahl,dreistellige three-figure number. 
-,ganze integer, integral number. 
-,aerade even number. -,natlirliche 
natural number. -,unbenannte 
indefinite number. -,ungerade. odd 
number. -,vierstellige four-figure 
number, four-place n. 

Zahl,Bild- picture frequency, frame 
f., repetition f. Dehnungs- coef- 
ficient of expansion, c. of ex- 
tension. Glite- figure of merit; 
quality of Q factor (ratio reac- 
tance-resistance of coil). 
Hallraum- chamber coefficient (ac). 

Haupt- cardinal number. Kenn- 
characteristic factor; office code. 
Kerbwirkungs- fatigue stress con- 
centration figure. Kernladunas- 
nuclear charge number. Koordina- 
tions- co-ordination number. 
Massen- mass number. Ordnunos- 
ordinal number, atomic n., serial 
n. Stellen- position number, atomic 
n.; index (math. ). Überführungs- 
transport number (of ions), trans- 
ference n., Hittorf n. Übergangs- 
transfer number (of solutions). 

Zählader meter wire, pilot w., 
marked w. 

Zahlen-blank figure space, f. 
blank. -lehre arithmology, 
arithmetic, numerology. 

zahlenmässig numerically, as far as 
numbers are concerned. -erfassbar 
numerically evaluable. 

Zahlentafel table of figures, nu- 
merical table of tabulation. 

Zähler,Bild- frame indicator, f. 
counter. Blindverbrauchs- reac- 
tive volt-amp.-hour meter, sine m., 
wattless component m., var-hour m. 
Blutkörper- haemacytometer, blood 
counter. Faden- thread counter, 
linen tester. Film- footage 
counter (m.p.) Funken- spark _ 
counter. Meter- footage counter 
(m.p.). Scheinverbrauch- apparent — 
power meter, trivector. Spitzen- 
needle counter (e.g., of Geiger). 
Staub- dust counter. 

..zahlig ...nary (binary, ternary, 
ete..) vestold. 

Zahn und Trieb rack and pinion. 

Zahn, Sperr- ratchet tooth, pawl, 

zähneln,zahnen tooth, indent, 
denticulate, notch, mill, knurl. 

Zahn-getriebe, Schrauben- helical 
gear, spiral g., worm. -kranz 
tooth-wheel, gear rim, toothed r. 
-motor mit Stimmgabelsteuerung 

Zahnrad 347 

phonic drum motor, p. wheel (of La 
Cour). -redfeinbewegung slow-mo- 
tion gear. -sirene tooth-wheel 
synchronizer, tone-wheel. -stange 
rack (rod), tooth rack. -trieb 
rack and pinion drive, tooth-wheel 
d. -tronmelwelle, Antriebs- drive 
sprocket shaft. -werk gearing. 

Zain ingot, bar, rod, pig. 

Zanachen small forceps or tweezers. 

Zange‘ (pair of) tongs, pincers, 
nippers, pliers, forceps, tweezers, 

Zange,Feder- spring pliers. 

Zapfchen, farbenempfindliche color 
distinguishing cones (of eye). 

Zapfen peg, tenon, pin, plug, pivot; 
Lap, Spigot, bung; axle, journal, 

Zaofen,Oreh- pivot, trunnion. 
Lager- journal. Lauf- journal, 
neck (of rolling mill). Stirn- 
trunnion, end journal. 

Zar fen-kurve spectral response 
curve of eye (cones). -lager 
plain bearing, socket, bush, 

Zapfstelle tap, tapping point, tap 

Zapon varnish. 

Zaser fiber,filament. 

Zeemanstruktur,aufgelöste resolved 
Zeeman pattern. 

Zehneck decagon. 

Zehner-logarithmus logarithm to the 
base 10. -system decimal base, d. 

Zehntellosung tenth-normal solution. 

zehntelnormale Losung decinormal 

Zeichen signal, sign, symbol, mark, 
Stamp, imprint. 

Zeichen, durch Storer verdeckte 
swamped signals. 

Zeichen, Akten- serial number, file 
ne, docket n. betrachtungs- 
reference letter, r. numeral, 
symbol. Bezugs- reference symbols 
(numerals or letters, used in 
drawings). Bodenfunkstellenruf- 
ground station call signal or 
Sign. Einflug- boundary marker 
signal. ‘Funkruf- radio call 
Signal or sign, code signal, 


"signature", Gleichheits- equali- 
ty sign. Gleichlauf- synchroniz- 
ing pulse, sync signal. Hauptein- 
fluc- inner marker signal, main 
entrance s. Kenn- characteristic 
feature, mark, sign, indication, 
clue, symptom; object (of an in- 
venticn or ee Kurz- symbol, 
symbolic denotation. Mehrfach- 
multiple (or multiplied echo) 
signal. hot- distress signal, 

SOS s. or call. Peil- call sign, 
code signal (e.8., of ground sta- 
tion). kuf- call or code signal 
or sign, "signature" (of a sta- 
tion). Schalt- symbols of circuit 
elements. Schau- optical signal, 
visual s., indicator s., tell- 
tale means. Sender- transmission 
Signal, transmitter s., station s. 
Voreinflug- fore or outer marker 
(of beacon). wurzel- radical 
sign, root s., radical. Zeit- 
time signal. 

Zeichen-frequenz signal frequencye» 
-schiefer pencil slate. -spannung 
signal potential. -stromröhre 
marking valve. -trickfilm animated 
cartoon. -verbreiterung signal 
spread (due to echo effect). 

zeichren, eine Kurve plot a curve, 
map a graph 

zeichnende Linse,scharf- achromatic 

Zeichner,Schall- sound recorder. 
Trickfilm- animator (of animated 
cartoons). weich- soft-focus 

Zeichnung drawing, sketch, cut, view, 
illustration, delineation or re- 
creation (of an image, etc.), 
tracing, graphic representation. 

Zeichnung, Akten- drawing in docket, 
in case-records or file wrapper 
(of a patent application or legal 
case).~ Block- block diagram, 
schematic drawing, diagrammatic 
illustration. Fern- perspective 
drawing. Schnitt- cross-sec- 
tional drawing, illustration, 
view or picture. Umriss- linear 
drawing, sketch or outline. 

Zeiger pointer, hand, index hand, 


needle, indicator; measuring in- 
strument, meter (e.g., wattmeter, 
etc); index, vector (math.). 
Zeiger,Kurs- navigator's compass. 
Leucht- dial light resonance or 
tuning indicator. Licht- spot 
lighting, point 1. Maximumwert- 
peak indicator, crest i. Messer- 
knife-edge pointer. Peil- pointer 
of d.f. apparatus. Schatten- 
shadowgraph (tuning indicator). 
Sekunden- seconds hand. 
voltmeter; voltage vector. Strom- 
ammeter; current vector. Wende- 
turn indicator, t. meter (of air- 

Zeiger-diagramm vector diagram. 
-instrument pointer-type instru- 
ment. -länge length of brush or 
pencil (in cathode-ray tube). 
-synchronisator dial scoring 
machine (m.p.) 

Zeile,Dipol- dipole array. 
Zeilen-ablenkung line scan, 1. 
scansion, 1. sweep. -abstand 
separation between lines, pitch, 
inter-line distance (telev. ) 
-bewegung line scan (telev.) 
-breite line width, strip w., spot 
diameter (telev.). -durchlauf, 
Bild- line traversal (telev.) 
-flimmer, Zwischen- inter-line 
flicker, shimmer, weave (telev. ), 
-folgeimpulse fractional scan or 
partial s. impulses, line- 
sequence or I.-- set i. (in inter- 
laced scanning). -frequenz line 
frequency, strip f., horizontal 
(scan) f. -hinlauf (cf Rücklauf) 
active line trace, scansion (of 
pencil or spot). -kippeinsatz 
incipient flyback. -kipper 

line time base. -kippschwingung 
line time base impulse. -raster, 
Zwischen-interlaced scan. 
-raster, Zwi schen-, ungerader 
odd-line interlaced scanning. 
-rücklauf flyback, return, re- 
trace (of pencil or spot). 
-schaltung picture traversing, 
vertical stepping down movement. 
-spiegelrad line scanning mirror 
drum (of Scophony) -sprungfaktor 



Zeit, Abkling- decay 

Zeit, Zerfall- 

interlace factor or ratio. 
-sprungmethode interlaced, in- 
termeshed or interleaved scanning 
method. -spulen line scan coils, 
line sweep c. -steuerung veloci- 
ty modulation, variable speed m. 


line synchronizing impulse, high 

syne ie -lücke (cf Lückensynchro- 
nis.) line gap or interval (for in- 

troduction of line sync pulse). 

Zeilen-teilung line pitch (telev.). 

-überdeckung line overlap, spot 
O. -verlagerung migration or 
shift of line position. 
-verschiebung interlacing; line 
offset scan. -verstärker line or 
high sync impulse amplifier 
(telev.). -vorschubbewegung 
line sweep, line traversing mo- 
tion, -wechselfrequenz line fre- 
quency. -zug line sequence, 1. 
series. -zugwechselperiode 
field frequency (= 2 x frame f., 
telev. ) 

eriod, die- 
out pe, quench p. (in super- 
regeneration). Anfach- building- 
up period (time required for os- 
cillating to start). Anheiz- 
(cathode) heating time (till 
stable temperature is reached), 
warm-up period, thermal time con- 
stant. Ankling- starting time, 
onset t. (of a tone). Anschwing- 
build-up period (time required 
for oscillating to start). 
Aufbau- formation time (in spark 
discharge). Aufschaukel- time 
constant of resonant amplifica- 
tion. Ausregel- decline period 
(of control potential). Bildspur- 
Watkins factor, development f. 
(film). Dunkel- dark interval, 
d. period. Einregelungs- build-" 
ing-up or waxing period (of con- 
trol potential). Einschwing- 
build-up period (required for 
starting of oscillations). 
Eintauch- immersion period. 
Nachhal I- reverberation period. 
Nachwirk- hang-over period, 

decay p. Zerfall- decay time. 



Zeit-ablenkung time base. -abschnitt 

element of time, interval of t. 
-aufnahme time exposure. -blinker 
chronograph, time recording camera. 
-dauer,Abstoppen von stopwatch 
measurement of time values or in- 
tervals of time. -dehnaufnahme 
‘high-speed camera shooting or pic- 
ture (for slow-motion projection). 
-dehner slow-motion device. 
-dehnung high-speed camera shoot- 
ing; time scale. _ -dehnung, Ton- 
acoustic slow motion. -festigkeit 
time strength, endurance s. (found 
by time test). -folge time se- 
quence, consecution. -funk time 

topics program, timely t. -hartung 

time hardening. -kreiskondensator 
time-base condenser. 
zeitlich temporal, concerning time, 
temporary. -veränderlicher Trä- 
gerstrom wobbled carrier current. 
-veränderlicher Vorgang action 
variable with time, a, subject to 
time variation. -(er) Verlauf 
shape of curve as function of 
time, t. slope. 
Zeit-lupenverfahren high-speed take 
and low-speed projection ‘method, 
slow-motion or retarded-action m. 
-marke, -mass time scale, marking 
of time (for synchronization). 
-masstab time scale. -messer 
chronometer, time piece, watch, 
clock, -messer,registrierender 
chronoscope, chronograph. 
-messgerat chronographoscope. 
-messgerat,Mikro- microchronograph. 
-modul ation velocity modulation, 
variable-speed m., variable-speed 
scanning. -raffaufnahmeverfahren 
time-lapse photography, low-speed 
shooting for high-speed projec- 
tion. -raffer time-lapse-motion 
camera, stop-motion device. 
zeitraubend time-consuming, tedious. 
Zeit-rechnung chronology. 

-regulierband timing tape. -relais, 

Invert- inverse-time relay. 
-schnellschalter high-speed cir- 
cuit breaker or switch. 

-schriftenliteratur journal litera- 

ture, magazine 1. -signal time 

Zelle, Vervielfacher- 

signal. -skaleninstrument time- 
scale instrument. -spirale time 
spiral. -verschiebung time lag, t. 
shift. -zeichen time signal. 

zellahnlich cell-like, celloid, 

cellular, pitted, honeycomb-like. 

Zelle,lichtelektrische od. photo- 

elektrische photo-electric cell, 

‘electric eye (either photo- 

conductive, pe-voltaic or p.- 
emissive, the latter preferably 
called photo-tube). -,photo- 
elektrische,mit Sekundarel ektro- 
nen -Vervielfachung photo-electric 
electron-multiplier tube, e.-m. 
with photo-cathode. 

Zelle,Alkali- alkali-metal (photo- 

emissive) cell. Einheits- 
unit cell, elementary c., unit 
crystal, lattice u. Elektrophorese- 
electrophoresis cell, Elementar- 
unit cell, elementary c., u. 
crystal, lattice u. Gas- gas- 
filled (photo-emissive) cell. 
Gleichrichter- rectifier cell, 
barrier-layer c. Glimm- photo- 
emissive gas-filled cell fopecared 
at potential slightly below 
critical discharge p.), photo-. 
glow tube. Haar- hair cell, 
capillary c. Hinterwand- photo- 
voltaic barrier-layer cell with 
posterior metallic 1. Licht- 
photo (-electric) cell. 
Lichtsteuer- (Debye-Sears) 
supersonic light valve, D.-5S. 
light modulator. Mehrfachplatten-, 
von Karolus-Kerr Karolus multi- 
ple-plate Kerr cell. Piezoquarz- 
supersonic light valve (predicated 
on Brillouin and Debye-Sears ef- 
fect)» Selenium- selenium (photo- 
conductive) cell. Sperr(schicht)- 
barrier-layer photo-voltaic or 
hotronic cell, rectifier c. - 
(opebeving with a blocking or 
stopping layer). Streu- scatter- 
ing cell. Thallium (sulfid)- 
thalofide cell. Uberschall- 
supersonic light valve. Vakuum- 
vacuum photo (-electric) cell, 
photo-emissive (alkali) c. 
Vervielfacher-,mit Sekundaremission 

Zelle, Vorderwand- 

electron multiplier photo-tube 
(working with dynodes). 
Vorderwand- photo voltaic barrier- 
layer cell with anterior metallic 
layer. Vorglimmlicht- photo- 
emissive gas-filled cell operated 
at a sustaining potential in pre- 
glow region (slightly below strik- 
ing or critical discharge p.). 

zellenartige Struktur honeyconb, 
pitted or cellular structure. 

Zellen-kabel ,Photo- low-capacitance 
shielded cable (connecting photo- 
cell and amplifier), video cable, 
concentric c., co-axial c. 
-verstarker,Photo- electron mul- 
tiplier phototube; photocell an- 
plifier. -vorbelichtung priming 
illumination of a cell. 

zellig,zwischen- intercellular, 

Zellstoff cellulose, pulp (paper). 

-pappe pulp board, carton, mill- 

Zentralstrahl central ray. 

zentralsymmetrisch centro-symmetri 

Zentren,Farb- F centers. Keim- 
grain centers. 

zentriert, fl achen-face-centered 
(eryst. ). raum- body-cen- 
tered, space-c. (cryst.) 

Zentrierungsfeder spider (of loud- 
speaker coil). 

Zentrifuge,Ultra- high-speed cen- 

zentrifugieren centrifuge, centri- 

zentrisch centric, central, co- 

Zentriwinkel center angle, sector a. 

Zentrum,Kurbel- crank center. 
Massen- center of mass, c. of 
inertia, centroid. Ton- tonal 
center, acoustic c. (of "gravity") 
of frequencies. Wachstum- center 
of growth, nucleus kernel. 

zerbrechlich breakable, fragile, 

Zerbrechungsfestigkeit resistance 
to breaking strain, b. strength. 

zerbrockelnd crumbling, crumbly, 

Zerdehnung,Bild- radial distortion 


of picture or image (pincushion 

Zerdrehung, Bild- rotational or 
tangential distortion, twist 
(barrel effect; telev. pictures). 

Zerdrückfestigkeit resistance to 
crushing or compression strain, 
crush strength. 

Zerfall decomposition, dissocia- 
tion, disintegration, decay. 
Atom- disintegration of atom, 
splitting or fission of a. 

Korn- grain disintegration. 
Mesonen- meson decay. 

Zerfallbarkeit,Nicht- non- 

Zerfallelektronen electrons re- 
sulting from disintegration 
(say, mesotrons), decay e. 

zerfallen decompose, dissociate, 
disintegrate, undergo fission, 
break up, divide, crumble, 
fall apart, decay, breakup. 

Zerfall-kurve decay curve. 
-produkte,radioaktive metabolons, 
successive disintegration prod- 
ucts of radioactivity. -prozess 
decomposition process. 

Zerfalls-elektronen decay electrons 
(resulting from disintegration, 
say, mesotrons). -konstante 
disintegration constant, trans- 
formation c., radio-active c., 
decay coefficient. 

Zerfallzeit decay time, disintegra- 
tion te 

zerfliessen deliquesce, melt, dis- 
solve, run. 

Zerhacker chopper. Licht- light 
chopper, episcotister. 

zerhackt flicked off, chopped. 

zerlegen decompose or split up 
(light beam), refract, diffract; 
take apart, demount, cut up, 
dissect, analyze, resolve, 
separate, knock down. 

Zerleger scanner, dissector (of 
Farnsworth), exploring means. 
Bildfeld- picture scanner, 
image dissector. Vor- filter 
mounted anteriorly of mono-. 
chromator (for ultraviolet rays). 
-blende dissector aperture, 


scanning hole. 

zerlegtes Licht,spektral- spectro- 
scopically dispersed or separated 

Zerlegung (cf zerlegen) analysis, 
decomposition, dissection, dis- 
persion, resolution, definition. 
Bildfeld- image (field) defini- 
tion. Licht- light dispersion, 
l. decomposition, 1. refraction. 
Ton- sound analysis. 

Zerlegungsvorrichtung scanner, ex- 
ploring means. 

Zerplatzen,Kern- nuclear fission, n. 
disintegration. Vakuumrohren-, 
nach innen implosion, inward 
collapse or burst of a tube. 

Zerrbild distorted picture, p. 
made with an anamorphotic lens. 

zerreiben pulverize, powder, 
triturate, disintegrate or con- 
minute by grinding or abrasive 

zerreiblich friable, crumbly, 

Zerreibung pulverization, tritura- 
tion, attrition, comminution (by 
abrasion). > 

zerreissen tear, lacerate, break, 
rend, rupture, wear out, shred. 

Zerreissprobe breaking test, ten- 
sile t., rending t. 

Zerrlinse anamorphosing lens, dis- 
torting lens. 

Zerrungskreis annulating network; 
suppressing n. 

zerschlagen break in pieces, smash, 
shatter, crush, batter. 

zersetzen dissociate, decompose, 
disintegrate, analyze. 

Zersetzung, Ton- analysis of sound. 

Zersetzungs-kunst analysis, art of 
analyzing. -widerstand electro- 
lytic resistance. 

Zerspanbarkeit free cutting and 
machining property. 

Zerspanung removal of metal by 
cutting tool (chipping, turn- 
ing, shaving, Sahn 

zerstauben spatter, sputter, dis- 
integrate, vaporize, atomize, 
reduce to dust or mist, spray. 

Zerstaubung disintegration, sputter, 


splutter or spatter (of cathode); 
spraying, atomization. 
zerstorend,holz- lignicidal. 

Zerstorung, lochfrassahnliche 
pitting, destruction in form of 
pits, honeycombing. 

zerstörungsfreie Prüfung non- 
destructive test. 

zerstossen pound (to pieces), 
bruise, powder, pulverize, 

Zerstrahlung annihilation radiation 
(due to collision and mutual an- 
nihilation of atoms, electrons 
and positrons). 

zerstreuen disperse, scatter, dis- 
Sipate, diffuse. 

zerstreuend,licht- light dispersive, 
l. diffusive, l. scattering. 

Zerstreuung dispersion, diffusion. 
Energie- scatter of energy. 
Farben- chromatic aberration, c. 
dispersion, chromatism. 

Richtungs- scatter of direction 
(of beam). 

Zerstreuungs-bild image formed by 
divergent lens. -bilder des 
Auges blur circles of 3ye. 

-kreis circle of diffusion, blur 
c. -linse dispersive lens, di- 
vergent l., negative l. 
-scheibchen circle of (least) 
diffusion, blur c. -vermögen 
dispersive power (opt.) -wirkung 
scattering (of electrons, etc.) 
zerteilt,fein- finely divided. 
zertrümmerbares Material fissiona- 
ble or disintegrable substance. 

Zertrümmerbarkeit der Materie 
disintegrability of matter. 

Zertrümmerung fragmentation, break- 
ig up into fragments, shattering, 
smashing, disintegration, fis- 
sion (of atom). 

Zer trummerungswahrscheinlichkeit 
probability of transmutation or 

Zessionar assign, assignee, trans- 

Zettel label, slip of paper, card, 
ticket, check, note. 

Zeugelinie generatrix, generating line. 

zeugen testify, give or bear testi- 
mony; produce, create, generate. 


Zeugengebuhr 35 

Zeugengebühren witness fees. 

Zeugnis testimony, testimonial, evi- 
dence, witness. - ablegen bear 
testimony or witness. 

Zickzack-Reflexion staggered reflec- 

ziegelrot brick-red. 

Ziegenleder kid leather. 

ziehbar ductile. 

Zieh-diamant diamond die. -eisen 
drawing die, dieblock, draw plate, 
die p. (for drawing wire). 

ziehen (cf Ziehvorgänge) draw, pull, 
tug, drag; warp; describing a 
phenomenon in which oscillating 
suddenly ceases on loosening feed- 
back coupling. 

Ziehen eines Bildes photographic 
travel ghost. 

Ziehen,Kubikwurzel- extraction of 
cubic root. Quadratwurzel- 
extraction of square root. wurzel- 
root extraction, process of evolu- 

Zieh-fähigkeit, Tief- cuppability, 
capability of being drawn or cupped 
in drop press. -grad ductility. 
-kraft drawing or tractive power, 
traction. -presse drop (forge) 
press (for drawjng and forming 
sheet metal articles, etc). 
-probe tensile test, t. t. speci- 
mene -riefen fissures, drawing 
grooves or scratches. -vorgänge 
pulling, oscillation hysteresis, 
resonance discontinuity, protrac-— 
tion or instability phenomena. 

Ziel goal, aim, object, end, 
destination, mark, target, objec- 
tive, boundary, limit. 

Ziel-abflug flight away from object. 
-anflug flight towards object. 
-aufsuchen detection of target or 
object (by radar or sonar, etc.). 

zielen auf aim at, strive for, di- 
rect or tend to, adjust (sight). 

Zielender,Geschütz- sunlayer. 

Zielfernrohr sight telescope, 
bombsight, rifle s., telescopic s. 
Doppel blick- double direct sight- 
ing telescope. 

Zielflug,Gehör- aural homing flight. 
Sicht- visual homing flight. 


-empfanger homing receiver ap- 
paratus. -verfahren point to 
point avigation method, homing 

Ziel-gerät course indicator. 
-kontröllapparat radio timing ap- 
paratus. . 

Ziel-kurs,ablaufender course away 
from transmitter or beacon. 
-,anlaufender course towards 
transmitter or beacon. 
-,missweisender magnetic course 
to steer. -,rechtwei sender 
true course to steer. 

Ziel-linie finish line (in racing); 
line of sight, 1. of collimation 
(opt.), -marke sight graticule 
or reticle. 

Zielpeilung,rechtwei sende 
Richtung vom Flugzeug zur Boden- 
peilstelle true reciprocal course 
(from airplane to ground station). 
-,missweisende Richtung vom 
Flugzeug zur Bodenpeilstelle 
magnetic reciprocal course (from 
airplane to ground station). 

Zielpunktes,Anzielen des sighting 
of target. 

zielstrebig purposive. 

Ziel-sucher radar (radio detection 
and ranging apparatus), sonar 
(under-water sound navigation and 
ranging). -verfolgung tracking a 
target (with detecting and rang- 
ing equipment and with directors, 
using a slewing motor). 

Zierschiene grille bar. » 

Ziffer figure, digit, number, cipher. 
Anteil- percentage share. Form- 
shape factor, theoretical stress 
concentration f. Kenn- index (of 
a log.), characteristic, code 
number. Verlust- phase angle 
difference (tan 6). 

Zifferblatt,Leucht- luminous dial. 

Zinkbecher zinc case or cylinder 
(of dry cell). 

Zinken (cf Zacke) prong, tine (of 
tuning fork); spike, tooth, jag, 
lug. - 

Zink-pfeife zinc pipe. 
pole, cathode. 

Zinnpfeife tin pipe. 

-pol zinc 


Zipfel lobes, ears, secondary beans, 
stray or side radiations (of a 
beacon station). 

Zipfel,Haupt- major lobe (of space 

attern). Neben- minor lobe or ear 
tof space pattern). 

Zirkel circle; pair of compasses. 
Spitzen-compasses, dividers. 
Taster-, Visier- gaging calipers. 

Zirkonbrenner zirconium burner, z. 

zischen hiss, sizz, fizz, sizzle. 

Zischlaute sibilants, friccatives. 

Zither, Akkord- auto harp. 

Zitter-bewegung circular fluctuation 
movement (ot spin). -elektrode 
vibrating electrode, vibratory e. 

zittern tremble, shake, quiver, 
vibrate, quake. 

Zittern,Bild- unsteadiness of pic— 
ture, jumping of p. 

Zone,stille oder tote skip zone, dead 
z. (radio reception). 

Zone, Anhaufungs- zone of accumula- 
tion (of ultrasonic waves). 
Auslösch- dead spot, skip distance, 
skip region (of silence). Leit- 
equisignal zone, glide z. or path. 
Schlieren- dead zone, skip 2, 
shadow z, shadow. Schweige- 
skip distance, shadow region, zone 
of silence (airplane landing). 
Verwaschungs- confusion zone, Z 
lacking definition, blurred or 
bleary z. (telev. pictures). 

Zonen-blende limiting stop (dia- 
phragming out a given zone or 
area). -fehler zonal aberration. 

zu dicht overdense. -flach too low 
a gamma. 

Zubehorteile accessories, spare 

zubereiten prepare, dress, finish, 
make ready. 

züchten grow, raise, produce, culti- 

Züchtung growth or growing (of crys- 

Züchtungsgefäss growing vessel. 
Zuckanzeige ballistic, kick or flash 
(instrument) reading or indica- 

tion (d.f., etc.) 

Zuckerbestimmung saccharimetry, de- 



termination or analysis of sugar 
(with polarimeter). 

zuerkennen adjudge, adjudicate, 
award. -,eine Entschädigung 
award damages. 

zuerteillen award, allot. 

zufallig accidental, incidental, 
haphazard, casual, random, by 
chance, fortuitous. 

Zufalligkeit accidentalness, 
casualness, chance, probability, 
vagary, fortuity. 

Zufalls-ergebnisse fortuitous re- 
sults, f. findings. -gesetz 
law of chance, 1. of probability. 

Zufluss flow, flux, afflux, influx, 
inlet, admission. 

Zufuhr admission, inlet (for in- 
stance, in water-cooled tube), 
feed, supply, afferrence. 

Zug drawing, pull, traction, draft, 
train, stroke, flue, drawtube 
(of microscope). 

Zug(e), im - des Verstarkers in the 
channel or cascade of an amplifier. 
im - des Tonspaltes along the slit, 
in line with s. 

Zug,künstlicher forced draft. 
Banden- band progression. 

Haupt- main, principal or out- 
standing feature or trait, main 
object (of an invention or a 
patent). Kurven-,abklingender 
decay train. Verstarker- 
amplifier channel. Zeilen- 
line sequence, 1. series. 
zuganglich accessible, amenable. 

Zügen,. in rohen in rough outline, 
roughly, approximately, practical- 
ly, substantially, closely. 

Zugentlastung traction relief. 

zugestandenermassen admittedly, 

Zug-feder tension spring, traction 
Se, retractile s. -festigkeit 
tensile strength, tenacity. 
-gitter positive grid; space 
charge 8. 

zUgiger Gang intimate or positive 
threading (without play or back- 

Zug-kraft traction, tractive force 
or effort, tension, attraction. 

Zuglinie 354 

-linie tractrix. -loch vent hole, 
air he -luft (air) draft. 
-posaune slide trombone. -rohr 
air pipe, vent p. or tube, stack. 
-wechselperiode,Zeilen- field fre- 
quency (=2 x frame f.) 

Zuhörer auditor, audience (plurality 
of listeners). 

Zuleitung, Antennen- antenna lead, 
downlead, feeder line, transmis- 
sion 1, 

Zuleitungsinduktivitat lead induc- 

zumischen admix, mix with, add. 

Zündelektrode ignitor (in ignitron). 

zünden ignite, start (an arc), set 
afire, kindle, light. 

Zinder lighter, igniter, fuse, tinder. 

Zünder,Dampfdruck- vapor-pressure 
igniter. Doppel- time and percus- 
sion fuse. 
Selbst- (pyrophorous) self-igniter, 
automatic lighter. 

zunderfest tinder-proof. 

Ziind-flammchen pilot flame. -kirsche 
ignition pellet. -löschspannungs- 
differenz striking-extinction po- 
tential difference. -papier igni- 
tion paper (phot. ). -spannung 
firing potential, striking p. (of 
arc-lamp, rectifier, thyratron, 
ignitron, etc.), break-down p. (of 
insulator), flashover (of spark- 
gap), glow p. (at which initial 
Slow-discharge begins, in photo- 
cell), p. at which, in glow-tube, 
discharge changes from assisted to 
self-sustained form 
ignition rod, striking r. (in igni- 

Zündung ignition, priming. Fehl- 
failure to fire or ignite (in 
rectifier, ignitron, etc.); mis- 
firing (of engine). Früh- 
pre-ignition, premature i. Rück- 
backlighting, arc-back, back-fir- 
ing, backlash (in imperfect valve 

Zundungseinsetzen initiation or in- 
cipience of striking or firing. 

Zunge blade, reed, ditton, tongue, 
vibrator, keeper (of a magnet). 
Kontakt- spring contact, reed, 

Druck- pressure igniter. 

-stab ignitor, 


blade, ditton. 

Zungen-freouenzmesser vibrating reed 
frequency meter. -offner latch opener. 

Zungenfeife reed pipe or flute. 
Doppel- double-tongued flute. 
Orgel- reed organ pipe. 

Zungentelephom reed telephone re- 
ceiver, Brown-type t.r. 

Zuordnung correlation, co-ordina- 
tion, assignment, allotment. 

zupassen fit, adjust. 

zupfen pick, pluck, tug, pull. 

zurechtmachen get ready, make ready, 
ready, prepare, adjust, line-up. ~ 

Zurichten prepare, make ready, 
dress, finish, straighten, ad- 

zuruckdrehen turn off, turn down 
(as in a lathe). 

Zurückfallen in Grundzustand 
return or re-transition to 
ground state or lowermost energy 
level (of an atom). 

zurück-führen trace (back), 
ascribe, attribute, fly or lead 
back, re-convene, reduce, return, 
restore. -halten retain, hold 
back, retard, stop, -prallen 
rebound, recoil, be reflected. 
-weisen dismiss, reject, refuse, 

Zurückweisung overruling, rebuttal, 
dismissal, disallowance, rejec- 
tion (of an application, peti- 
tion, etc.) 

zuruckwerfen throw back, reflect 
(light waves), reverberate 
(sound waves), echo back, bend 
back (a ray, by ionosphere). 

zusammenbacken cake, stick together, 
conglomerate, agglomerate. 

Zusammenballen bunching of elec- 
trons in groups (by phase focus- 
ing, in drift space of beam 
tubes); agglomeration, conglomera- 
tion, coagulation (of colloids 
and smoke particles). 

Zusammen-ballungen bunching (of 
charges or electrons). -bau 
erection, assembly or mounting _ 

zusammenbrechen collapse, break 
down, implode (as an inwardly 


collapsing vacuum vessel). 

Zusammendrückbarkeit compressibility. 

zusammen-drücken compress, squeeze, 
crush, compact, consolidate. 
-fallen collapse (as a field), im- 
plode (as a vacuum tube); coincide, 
register, come together. -fallend 
coincident, be in congruity or in 
registration. -fassender Bericht 
survey, summarizing report or 

Zusammen-fassung summary, résumé, 
compilation, abstraction, recap- 
itulation. -gehörigkeit correla- 
tion (of things). 

zusammengesetzt(er) Klang complex 
musical sound. -(e) Leitung 
compound circuit. -(e) Schwingung 
complex harmonic wave. 

zusammengesprengte Prismen broken- 
contact prisms (closely adjoined 
without cement, as in Cornu p.) 

Zusammenhalt cohesion, unity. 

zusammen-hängende Photokathode 
plain mirror or continuous (non- 
mosaic) photo-cathode (as in Farns- 
worth dissector and super-emitron). 
-haufen heap or pile up, accumulate, 
aggregate, gather together. -klapp- 
bar collapsible, foldable, knock- 
down. -laufen run together, con- 
verge, blend, coagulate, concur. 

Zusammen-pressung der Luftteilchen 
compression or condensation of air 
particles (in sound wave). 
-schmoren von Kontakten scorching, 
freezing or melting together of 
contacts. -setzblende scanning 
hole, picture recreator aperture 
(to focus beam, in Farnsworth os- 
cillight receiver). 

zusammensetzen compose, compound, as- 
semble, fit together. 

Zusammensetzungsvorrichtung, Bild- 
picture scanning disk (of telev. 
receiver), picture reproducer, 
recreator or delineator. 

zusammensprengen join or fit to- 
gether, without cement, as prims 
or objectives, in a bröken-contact 

Zusammen-stellung,Linsen- lens com- 
bination. -ziehung,Quer- lateral 


Zustand, Elektronen- 

contraction. -ziehung, Querschnitts- 
contraction or reduction of cross- 
sectional area, necking, forma- 

tion of a waist (in piece under 
tensile test). 

Zusatz addition, addendum, appendix. 
Lichtton- sound-on-film head or 
attachment. Nadelton- sound-on- 
disk attachment. 

Zusatz-einrichtung accessory, an- 
cillary or auxiliary means or 
equipment. -gerät, Tonfilm- 
sound film head or attachment. 

zusatzlich additional, supplemental, 
accessory, auxiliary, boosting. 

Zusatz-linse supplementary lens. 
-nachbildung building-out section 
(of transmission line). -patent 
patent of addition (to parent p. 
-spannung booster potential, addi- 
tion p. -trager suppressed car- 
rier re-inserted in receiver 
(in side-band transmission of 

signals). -verluste stray load 
losses. -verstarker booster 

Zuschauer audience, (movie) patrons, 
spectators, viewers and/or lis- 
teners (sound film). -raum 

Zuschlag flux. 

Zuschlagsgebuhr extra tax or fee, 
supplementary fees, dues or 

_ zuschmelzen seal, melt together. 

zusetzen alloy, admix, add. 

zuspitzen point, sharpen, taper, 

zusprechen,dem Verletzten eine 
Geldsumme adjudicate or award a 
sum of money to injured or ag- 
grieved party. 

Zustand state, condition, situa- 
tion, circumstance. 
-,eingeschwungener steady state 
oscillation. -,geordneter or- 
dered state or arrangement (of a 
structure), preferred configura- 
tion (of units in crystal lat- 
tice). Augenadaptations- 

(state of) retinal adaptation. 
Dauer-steady state. Elektronen-, 
entarteter degenerate electron 

Zustand, Entstehungs- 356 

state. Entstehungs- nascent 
state, status nascendi. 
Gleichgewichts- state of equilib- 
rium, state of balance, stable s. 
Grund- ground state (of nucleus), 
Grund-,Zuruckfallen if return or 
re-transition into ground state 
or lowermost energy level. Ruhe- 
state of rest, repose or quies- 
cence, steady, stationary or neu- 
tral s. or condition, no-signal 
or Qs. (of a tube). (For addi- 
tional terms cf Ruhe...) 

zuständig sein als Berufungsinstanz 
to have appellate jurisdiction. 

zuständiger Gerichtshof court of 
competent jurisdiction or venue. 

Zustands-diagramm phase diagram. 
-formel state formula. -gleichung 
equation of state. -grössen 
variables of state, -summe par- 
tial function. -verschiebung 
change in state, displacement of s. 

Zustimmung assent, accession, ac- 
quiescence, consent, agreement, 

zuteilen allot, assign, delegate, 
give over, allocate; adjudicate, 

Zutritt,Luft-. access or admission of 
air, in the presence of a 

Zuweisung der wellenlängen frequency 
allocation or assignment. 

Zuwiderhandlung act in contravention 

Zwang(es),Prinzip des geringsten 
principle of least constraint or 

Zwang,Ausführungs- compulsory work- 
ing (of a patent). Synchronisier- 
locked synchronism. 

zwangl aufig (cf kraftschlüssig) 
positive, by positively acting 
means, by constraint, in a 
locked manner,. nor-slip (in drive). 

Zwangs-lizenz compulsory license. 
-schwingung forced oscillation. 
-vollstreckungsbefehl writ of 
(compulsory) execution. 

zwangsweise by mandamus, by compul- 
sion, compulsorily. 

Zweckbel euchtung, Zwei- dual-purpose 


Zwecke tack, pin, peg. Kamm- tack. 

zweckmassig suitable, appropriate, 
expedient, adapted, fit. 

zwei-achsig biaxial. -adrig 
bifilar. -atomig diatomic. 
-augiges Sehen binocular vision, 
Stereoscopic Ve 

Zweibandspieler two-unit dubber. 

zwei-choriges Piano bichord piano, 
two-string pe -deutig ambiguous, 
equivocal, double meaning, double 

Zwei-drahtwicklung bifilar winding, 
Ayrton-Perry we -elementkristall 
bimorph crystal (either of bender 
or twister type). 

Zweier-schalen duplet rings. 
-verfahren two-line-series or two 
fractional scans per frame: (inter 
laced scanning method). 

zweifach dual, double, two-fold, 

Zwei fach-diodengleichrichter, 
-zweipolröhre duodiode rectifier, 
d. valve. 

zwei-fadig bifilar. -farbiger 
Schleier dichroic fog, dichromatic 
f., silver or red f. 

Zweifeldrohre drift or beam vube 
working with two fields (of Heil, 
eic.) i 

zweiflachig dihedral, two-faced. 

Zweig branch, leg, arm (of a bridge 
or filter). Längs- line arm, se- 
ries arm (of a filter or network). 
Mess- measuring arm P- P branch 
(spectrum lines). Quer- cross 
arm, shunt a. (of network). 

zweigliedrig binary, two-membered, 
binomial (math.) -(er) Ketten- 
leiter two-section network. 

Zweig-linien,Null- zero branch lines. 
-stromkreis divided circuit, 
branch c. 

Zweiheit duality, dyade, couple. 

zweihöckrige Resonanzkurve double- 
hump resonance curve. 

Zwei-koffergerat outfit in two car- 
rying cases. -kreisempfänger 
two-circuit receiver. -kristall- _ 
spektrometer double-crystal spec- 

zweiohriges Hören stereophonic or 
binaural hearing, plastic audition 


or hearing, two-channel listening 
(with auditory perspective). 

Zweipackverfahren bipack method, 

zweipoliger Hebelschalter double- 
lever switch. 

Zweipol-röhre, Zwei fach- duodiode 
(tube). -strecke dipole: tube, 
dipole path. 

zweischenklig having two limbs, 
legs or branches, two-legged. 

Zwei-schleifenoszillograph two- 
string oscillograph. -schlitz- 
magnetron two-split magnetron, 
Lwo-sepment Me 

zweischneidig double-edged, two-e. 

Zweiseitenbandüberträger side-band 
transmitter with suppressed car- 

zweiseitig two-sided, bilateral. 
-(es) Arbeiten two-way operation 
double action. 

zweispitzige Kurve double-peak 
curve, double-hump c. 

Zwei-stärkenbrille bifocal spectacles. 
-stoffsystem binary system. 

zweistufiger Nocken double-lift cam 
(with two lobes). 

zweiteilig bipartite, consisting of 
two parts. 

Zwei-teilung bipartition, bisection. 
-tellergerat two-turntable type of 

Zweitwicklung secondary winding. 

zweiwellige Resonanzkurve two-hump 
resonance curve, double-hump r.c. 

Zweiwelligkeit two-wave property 
(of a tube, crystal, a. 

Zwei-zackenschrift bilateral track 
(sound film). -zenterproblem two- 
center problem, -zweckbeleuchtung 
dual-purpose illumination. 

Zwergwelle (cf wellenabgrenzung) 
micro wave, midget w., dwarf w 

Zwickbohrer twist drill. 

Zwickel wedge, trycock. 

Zwiebellinse biconvex lens. 

Zwillings-bildung twinning, twin 
formation. -gleitung twin slipping. 
-kerne twin nuclei. -kristall 
twin crystal. -prisma biprism. 

Zwinge clamp, cramp, vise, ferrule, 
hoop . 

Bal g- 

357 Zwischenraum 

Zwischen-bild intermediate image, 
first i. (in super-microscopy). 
-bürstenmaschine metadyne, meta- 
dynamo. =fehler zonal aberra- 
tion. -filmmethode intermediate- 
film method (telev.) -flügel 
intermediary blade, anti-flicker 
Dey balancing be (me pe) 
-fluoreszenzschirm intermediate 
fluorescence screen (supermicro- 
scopy). -flüssigkeit intermediate 
liquid. -form passage type. 
-frequenz intermediate: frequency, 
i. beat or transfer f. (in super- 
het. receiver). -frequenzempfänger 
mit Kristallsteuerung crystal 
Stabilized superheterodyne re- 
ceiver, stenode radiostat. 

-gefass intermediate vessel, i. 

zwischengeschichtet inter-strati- 

Zwischengitter-ion interstitial 
ion. -platzmechanismus inter- 
stitial mechanism (of alloys). 

Zwischen-glied intermediate member, 
connecting m., link, intermediate. 
-horbetrieb duplex operation, 
transmitter and receiver alternate- 
ly connected with aerial, alternate 
two-way communication. -kern 
compound core, intermediate. 

-kopie lavender copy. -körper 
intermediate medium or substance, 
interposed m. or means. -lagscheibe 

zwischenlegen interpose, interlay, 
intercalate, insert. 

Zwischen-linienflimmer interline 

‘ flicker, shimmer, weave. -masse 
interstitial matter, cement 
(geology). -mittel intermediate | 
medium or substance, interposed m. 
or means. -modulation intermodula- 

zwischenmolekulare Krafte intermolecu- 
lar forces. 

Zwischen-optik intermediate optic, 
interposed o. or optical means. 
-phase inter-phase (liquid di- 
electric). -positiv master posi- 
tive. -raum intermediate space, 
intervening s., interstice, 



interspace, interstitial s., in- 
terval (of space). -raum, Pol- 
pole clearance, interpolar space 
or gape -ring adapter (of micro- 

zwischenschalten interpose, inter- 
polate, cut in between, cut in 
circuit,insert, include, inter- 

Zwischen-sender re-transmitter, 
repeater station. -stecker 
adapter plug, socket a 
-stecker,Röhren- tube adapter, 
valve a -stromröhre spacing 
valve. -ton medium tone, inter- 
mediate te or shade (of colors). 
-trager sub-carrier. -transforma- 
tor inter-stage transformer. 
-tubus intermediate tube (super- 
microscope). -verstärker stage 
amplifier. ‘-wand partition, 
separating wall. -zeichenwelle ° 
spacing wave, back we 

Zwischenzeilen-flimmer inter-line 
flicker, shimmer, weave (telev.). 
-raster interlaced scanning. 
-raster, ungerader odd-line 

Zwischenzeit time interval, intérin, 
meanwhile, intervening lt. 


2Z Verfahren 

zwischenzellig intercellular. 

Zwitschern birdies, canaries (ex- 
traneous high-frequency noise). 

Zwitscherofeife bird warbler. 

Zwitter-apertur split focus (Walton 
scanning arrangement). -ion 
dual ion, amphoteric i., hybrid i. 

Zwöl f-eck dodecagon. -flach dode- 

zwolfstufiges System duodecimal 
scale (tonal system). 

Zyklotron (cf Resonanzbeschl euni ger) 
cyclotron comprising two dees or 
half hollow cylinders and spiral 
beams (ther models of resonance 
accelerators using a bent beam are 
known as induction electron ac- 
celerators, rheotron, synchrotron, 
etce, all of them to be distin- 
suished from a late 1946 model of 
accelerator which is of the linear, 
non-spiral type of accelerator 

Zylinder,Sammel- focusing cylinder. 
Steuer- Wehnelt Srid or cylinder, 
focusing §., control electrode, 
shield (ce-r. tube). 

Zymbal dulcimer, cymbal. 

ZZ Verfahren 7% (airplane) landing 


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