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fi';>;~  •■'fv' ' 









Professor  of  the  German  Language  and  Literature  in 
Cornell  University 


IRew  l^orh 

London:  Macmillan  &  Co.,  Ltd. 

All  rights  reserved. 

Copyright,  1899,  1901, 

Set  up  and  electrotyped  January,  1899.      Reprinted  August,  1899;  July,  1900. 
New  edition,  revised  and  enlarged,  March,  1901.    Reprinted  July,  1901;  March, 
1903;  July,  1903;  March,  1904;  January,  1905;  January,  1906  ;  July,  1907. 
March,  1908;  March,  1909  ;  January,  July,  December,  1910  ;  July,  December, 
1911  ;  January,  August,  1913. 


The  present  work  aims  to  furnish  in  a  single  volume  attract- 
ive selections  for  German  reading  sufficient  in  variety  and 
amount  for  all  preliminary  instruction  until  the  study  of  classical 
authors  can  be  advantageously  begun.  It  is  designed  to  be 
used  in  connection  with  the  grammar,  and  may  be  taken  up  as 
soon  as  the  student  has  thoroughly  mastered  the  forms  of  in- 
flection. Facility  in  translation  can  be  most  readily  attained 
by  the  use  of  selections  which  present  no  unusual  or  extra- 
neous difficulties,  and,  at  the  same  time,  illustrate  the  familiar 
and  natural  language  of  every-day  life.  Even  where  German 
is  studied  for  the  later  reading  of  scientific  works,  the  best 
preparation  is  found  in  thi  acquisition  of  a  popular  vocabu- 
lary, and  a  mastery  of  familiar  forms  of  expression  by  the  rapid 
reading  of  easy  prose  and  poetry. 

Selections  for  reading  should  lend  themselves  easily  and 
naturally  to  rewriting  in  other  forms  of  statement,  in  which  the 
original  language  furnishes  the  words,  and  forms  the  model  of 
expression.  The  attempt  to  teach  extended  translation  into 
German  before  the  pupil  has  read  a  considerable  amount,  and 
has  acquired  a  familiarity  with  certain  forms  to  which  he  can 
unconsciously  refer,  yields  but  unsatisfactory  results.  The 
works  of  American  and  English  writers  do  not  constitute  the 
best  model,  because  they  contain  idioms  which  cannot  be 
directly  rendered  into  German.  Works  which  are  strongly 
colored  with  the  individuality  of  the  author  are  less  valuable, 
for  if  the  student  acquires  laboriously  the  ability  to  translate 
an  author's  characteristic  speech,  he  may  never  again  have  oc- 


casion  to  use  that  form  of  expression.  The  use,  therefore,  oi 
German  stories  or  descriptions  as  a  model  for  rewriting  will 
avoid  the  introduction  of  foreign  elements,  which  cannot  be 
translated  into  German  save  by  an  inconvenient  paraphrase, 
the  reason  for  which  the  pupil  cannot  know,  and  for  the  cor- 
rectness of  which  he  must  rely  upon  the  absolute  dictum  of 
his  teacher.  By  makmg  the  text  which  he  reads  a  standard, 
the  student  is  guided  intelligently  in  acquiring  the  power  to 
write  German. 

Simple  and  familiar  German  also  aiTords  the  best  material 
for  speaking  German,  for  it  can  be  readily  turned  into  a  con- 
versational form,  and  there  is  no  limit  to  its  practical  applica- 
tion to  this  end  in  the  hands  of  a  skillful  teacher.  The  reading 
of  plays  affords  opportunity  for  practice  in  speaking,  besides 
imparting  an  indispensable  knowledge  of  German  idioms. 

A  few  repetitions  in  the  forms  of  statement  in  the  notes  will 
be,  I  trust,  found  rather  an  advantage  than  otherwise.  The 
selections  will  not  be  read  in  regular  order  by  any  teacher,  and 
a  grammatical  illustration  might  be  left  unnoticed.  Variety  in 
the  choice  of  reading  will  add  to  the  interest  of  the  scholar. 

The  longer  selections  have  been  taken  from  modern  writers 
of  recognized  merit,  and  a  certain  completeness  has  been 
sought,  in  place  of  the  fragmentary  character  which  sometimes 
obtains  in  such  works. 

The  selections  of  poetry  have  been  chosen  so  as  to  appeal 
to  the  imagination,  and  to  familiarise  the  student  not  only  with 
popular  and  national  poems,  but  also  with  poems  which  are 
the  originals  of  many  favorite  translations  into  English  with 
which  he  is  already  familiar,  and  which  he  will  welcome  in 
their  earliest  form.  Great  stress  should  be  laid  upon  commit- 
ting to  memory  the  best  of  these  poems.  A  correct  pronun- 
ciation is  not  only  thereby  promoted,  but  intonation  and  a 
knowledge  of  the  quantity  of  vowels  —  an  acquisition  which 
students  often  attain  last  —  can  be  better  learned  from  verse, 


and  retained,  where  a  mere  prose  statement  would  not  linger 
in  the  memory. 

Many  teachers  attach  much  value  to  the  reading  of  selections 
from  German  history,  as  it  reproduces  the  life  of  the  country 
itself,  and  its  eventful  past.  Provision  has  therefore  been 
made  for  this  requirement  by  including  extracts  which  describe 
a  few  great  epochs  in  German  history. 

Such  prose  selections  as  "Auf  der  Eisenbahn"  and  the 
dramas  advance  beyond  the  language  of  mere  narrative  and 
description,  and  present  the  practical  speech  of  every-day  life. 

The  variety  of  selections  makes  it  possible  to  reserve  cer- 
tain parts  especially  for  translation  at  sight.  This  should  be 
begun  at  an  early  period,  and  be  insisted  upon  throughout  the 
course.  The  scholar  thus  learns  to  apply  what  he  has  before 
learned ;  memory  is  strengthened  by  the  appeal  to  supply  at 
once  the  missing  meaning,  and  the  analogy  of  English  speech 
comes  to  his  aid  by  suggesting  a  parallel  signification.  The 
ability  to  distinguish  the  special  and  often  subtle  force  of  pre- 
fixes, and  of  compound  forms  is  acquired  by  practice  in  assign- 
ing swiftly  a  meaning  which  is  suggested  by  the  form  of  the 
word  or  by  its  resemblance  to  other  words.  In  such  translation, 
the  German  order  of  words  will  at  first  naturally  be  followed, 
and  the  pupil  will  thus  become  familiar  with  German  thought 
in  its  ordinary  expression.  Later,  greater  attention  may  be 
paid  to  securing  fidelity  to  English  idioms,  as  well  as  neatness 
and  accuracy  of  rendering. 

Translation  at  hearing  will  teach  the  pupil  to  distinguish  the 
sound  of  a  word  apart  from  its  form,  and  should  accompany 
the  earliest  reading. 

The  study  of  the  relations  of  English  and  German,  constitutes 
a  special  line  of  study,  and  is  something  apart  from  the  acqui- 
sition of  facility  in  translation,  and  the  general  principles  of  the 
language.  It  should  therefore  have  a  distinct  place  in  any 
course  of  study.    A  cognate  word  presents  often  a  divergent  sig- 


nification,  and  development  of  meaning  or  use.  A  child  in 
acquiring  a  foreign  language  learns  rapidly  because  it  grasps  a 
word  at  once  as  the  representative  of  an  object,  an  activity,  a 
quality,  or  mode  of  action.  It  does  not  reason  or  reflect  upon 
the  signification  or  use  but  accepts  it.  An  unfolding  of  parallel 
forms  or  uses  might  dull  or  make  uncertain  the  primal  significa- 
tion instead  of  aiding  it.  We  use  with  absolute  assurance 
words  upon  the  development  of  whose  signification  we  have 
never  reflected.  Such  words  as  "  however,"  "  nevertheless," 
"notwithstanding,"  "moreover,"  "by  no  means,"  are  illustra- 
tions of  this  fact.  Our  correct  use  of  such  expressions  does 
not  depend  upon  a  knowledge  of  their  history  or  how  they  came 
to  be  originally  employed. 

In  the  vocabulary  it  has  been  deemed  best  to  present  the 
word  in  its  present  accepted  use,  and  to  subordinate  any  pre- 
sentation of  its  original  history  or  relation  to  English  words. 
The  correspondence  in  form  between  English  and  German 
speech  rests  upon  a  few  principles  upon  the  mastery  of  which 
such  relationships  may  be  readily  traced.  At  the  same  time, 
attention  has  been  called  to  the  history  of  the  word  within  the 
language  itself,  as  the  student  may  be  supposed  to  know  it. 

I  desire  to  acknowledge  my  indebtedness  to  two  graduate 
students  of  this  University,  Miss  Anna  M.  Bowen,  Ph.D.,  and 
Miss  Elena  P.  Nearing,  B.S.,  whose  admirable  scholarship  and 
fine  literary  taste  have  been  generously  placed  at  my  disposal. 

Cornell  University, 
December  26,  1898. 







1.  Sefftng        .        ,        .        , 



2.  mx  finb  afleg  fc^ulbig    . 



3,  ^Salter  ©cott 



4.  ^ie  golbene  ®an§ 



5.  2)er  SBoIj  unb  ber  ©cf)afer      . 



6.  ^er  3cl)mieb 



7.  2)er  f^ud)^3  unb  ber  ^icgenbocf 



8.  %k  bie  5(r6eit,  jo  ber  So^n    . 


.       3 

9.  ®er  33ratapfel 



10.  2)ie  3Beiber  tjon  ^Sein^berg     . 



11.  ®er  %ud)§'  imb  ber  4^af)n 

Simrocf    . 


12.  2)a§  9)Zdrcl)en  nom  ^anne  im 

3}Jonbe     , 



13.  ^Ibenteuer  be§  33aron§  Don  *3)limc^^Qujen 



14.  ®ie  tunftlid)e  Drgel 


Seanber    . 


15.  5)ic  Bremer  ©tabtmufifanten  . 




16.  S)er  ?lrme  unb  ber  9ieid)e 




17.  S)ornro§d)en 




18.  2)a§  g-euer^eug     . 

3lnberfen . 


19.  S)a§  SBafjer  be§  S5erge)fen§    . 




20.  ®ie  ®efd)idne  ijon  ^alif  ©torc^ 


&auff        < 



1.  ©c^ttjalbenlieb 




2.  ®u  bift  \vk  eine  S3Iume 




3.  ®a§  ©d)(oB  am  ^X^eere  . 


ll^Ianb     . 


4.  ®ie  Sorelei .... 



5.  5)ie  traurige  ©ej^ic^te  t)om  bummen 





J 1                                                                o  Kyi  V  J.  j^i  V 

1  o. 


6.  2)ie  ^inber 



7.  2)rci  ^aare  unb  Giner 



8.  2Benn  id)  cin  SSoglein  tnar' 



9.  Gin  gnc^tentmum  fte'^t  einfam 

^eine  . 


10,  ^u  jd)one§  (^ifdjermiibrfjcn  .    ■ 

,£^eine  . 


11.  ^er  SSirtin  ^od)tedein 



12.  2)er  gute  ^amerab     . 



13.  %\t  ©renabiere 

^eine  . 


14.  S)er  Solbat      .        .        .        . 

G^amijfo  (9iad)  bem 


)anif(^en  t)on  ^.  e.  ^ilnberien) 


15.  Grlfi5nig 




16.  9?oe>d)en  auf  ber  §eibe 




17.  ^Q§  ^Seilc^en    . 




18.  SBop^un        .        .        .        , 




19.  2)ie  §enne  .     .        .        . 




20.  2)er  (Sanger     . 




21.  S5arbaro[ja 




22.  S)er  pilgrim  Dor  ©t.  ^u[t  . 




23.  ®ie  SBeiber  t>on  SSin^perg  . 

G  I)  a  ni  i  j  f  0 



24.  2)er  2:annen6aum     . 




25.  ^eimlic^e  Siebe 




26.  Siebe^trene 




27.  pt'  bu  bid)     . 



28.  3m  §eibelberg,  bu  feine      . 



29.  S)ie  i)offnung  .        .        .        , 



30.  %hx\  ber  Uberfa^rt      . 



31.  SSanbrers  ^ac^tlieb   . 



(gin  ©lei^eg    . 



32.  ®ie  SBofjerrofe . 

©eibel . 


33.  ^n  ber  S^Jadit    . 



34.  9^aftlafe  Siebe  . 



35.  Grinnerung      .        .        .        . 



36.  S)ie  SSaflfa^rt  nac^  ^et>laar. 

§eine  . 


37.  %\t  SSadjt  am  3fif)ein 



38.  S)eutjd)Ianb  iiber  alleS 

|).  b.  fyaller 



39.  S)eut jd)e  ^^ational^l^mne     . 

^^  a  r  r  i  e  § 



40.  Gin'  jefte  ^urg  ift  unjer  ®ott      , 






1.  taifer  ^<\x\  bcr  ©rofje    . 

2.  2)er  erfte  ^1x11551113 

3.  %tx  britte   Ilrcu55iig   unb  g-riebvid) 

S3ar6aro[fa§  2^ob      ♦ 

4.  ^il^elm  %t\\  unb  ber  Sdiiueijevbunb 

5.  2iit()cv  auf  bcm  9\cid)c4nge  5U  2Sovm§ 

6.  5nbrcd)t  t)Dn  ^iHincuftcin 

7.  %\t  (Sd)Iad}t  Oct  ^iil^en 


1.  5luf  ber  (Sifenbafin 

2.  3ii^"^enjee 


1.  S!J?iU(ev  al^3  ©iinbenbod . 

2.  Ginev  mufj  §ciratcii 

NOTES 239 

VOCABULARY  .         .         , 309 






duller    . 


©teger    . 








SfJad)  penning 




©torm    . 




3ecl^meifter    . 


Elementary  Selections. 

1.    Scfftttg. 

Sefftng  lam  etne§  2(benbg  wad)  §aufe  unb  flo^fte  an  feine 
^^iire.  ®er  33ebiente  faf^  au§  bem  genfter,  erfannte  feinen 
§errn  im  ^unfeln  nic^t  unb  rief:  „®er  ^id^ter  ift  ntc^t  gu 
§aufe." — „6cf)abet  nic^tg,"  anttcortete  Seffing,  „ic^  ioerbe 
ein  anbermal  toieberfommen/'  unb  ging  ru^ig  fort. 

2.    3»it  ftttb  aUcS  frfitttbig. 

©in  giirft  ^og  burd^  eine  (Stabt,  i)on  toeld^er  er  ge^ort 
l^atte,  ba^  befonber^  gro^e  Slrmut  in  berfelben  ^errfd^te. 
(55leirf)tt)oF>(  Flatten  i^m  bie  ©inhjo^ner  einen  gldn^enben  ©ms. 
^fang  bereitet.  2tU  ber  giirft  f)ieruber  feine  3Serii:)unberung 
lo  ju  erfennen  gab,  fagte  einer:  „@ure  SJlajeftat,  Wix  f)aben  atte^ 
get^an,  n)a§  tuir  fd^ulbig  h)aren,  finb  aber  aud^  atte§  frf)u(big 
tt)a^  tt)ir  get^an  ^aben." 

3.    33Batter  Scott. 

2luf  einem  ©^agierritte  mit  einem  greunbe  begegnete  3SaIter 
©cott  einem  Settler,  ber  \\)n  urn  eine  (^aht  anf^rac^.  ®er 
15  ®irf)ter  griff  in  bie  ^afc^e,  fanb  aber,  ba§  er  !ein  fleineS 
@elb  bei  fief)  fjatte.  „§ier,  mein  greunb,'*  fagte  er,  „ift  ein 
<Sdf)illing,  aber  it>of)(  gemerft,  (Si^^ence  bleiben  Sie  mir 
fd^ulbig."  „@ott  fegne  Sure  ©naben,"  fagte  ber  33ett(er, 
„unb  mogeri  ©ie  fo  tange  leben,  bi§  ic^  6ie  bega^Ie." 


4.    ®te  golbene  @an^. 

®te  ^onigtn  i)on  gannober  !e()rte  auf  einer  S^^eife  in  einem 
SSirtg^aug  ein,  bie  „goIbene  @an§"  genannt,  n)D  fie  fiir  ^toei 
^age  brei^unbert  2:^aler  be^a^len  mu^te.  ®er  2Birt  bat 
fie  beim  (ginfteigen  in  ben  2Bagen  untertf^dnigft,  i^m  Bei  ber 
9f?u(!!ef?r  iDieber  bie  ®nabe  i^re§  33efud^e§  gu  gonnen.  „2Senn 
6ie  ba§  tt)olIen,  mein  I'ieber  ^ann,  fo  miiffen  6ie  mic^  nid^t 
irieber  fitr  %^x  (S(i)ilb  fatten,"  antiDortete  bie  ilonigin. 

5.   ^ct  aSJoIf  uttb  bet  Scfiiifer. 

@in  ©chafer  Jjatte  burc^  eine  graufante  ©eucf)e  feine  gan^e 
§erbe  berloren.  ®a§  erful^r  ber  2©olf  unb  !am,  feine  ^on= 
boleng  abguftalten.  „6c^dfer/'  f^racf)  er,  „ift  e§  \o<x\jX,  ba^  lo 
bic^  ein  fo  graufameg  Ungliic!  betroffen  ^oX  ?  ^u  bauerft  midj), 
unb  id^  mocbte  blutige  3:l)rdnen  iDeinen." — „^^^  ^anf,  9Keifter 
gfegrimm/'  i)erfe|te  ber  6d^dfer;  „ic^  fe^e,  bu  f^aft  ein  fefjr 
mitleibigeS  §er^."  —  „®a§  ^at  er  aud^/'  fiigte  be§  (Sd)dfer§ 
§unb  l^inju;  „fo  oft  er  unter  bent  Ungliic!  feine§  S^ac^ften  15 
felbft  leibet." 

6.    ®ct  ^(^mteb. 

©in  ©d^mieb  eine§  ®orfe§  ermorbete  einen  5!}lann,  unb 
tourbe  berurteilt,  ge^dngt  gu  hjerben.  ^ie  t)orne^mften  33auern 
be§  Drte§  traten  gufammen  unb  baten  ben  S^tid^ter,  ba^  ber 
6c^mieb'  ben  %^\i  nid^t  erleiben  ntod^te,  toeil  er  bem  ®orfe  20 
notig  todre,  ba§  einen  ©d^mieb  nid)t  entbeljrcn  fonnte,  urn 
^ferbe  gu  befd^Iagen,  9tdber  auggubeffern  u.  f.  to.  —  2lber  ber 
S^tic^ter  f agte :  „2Sie  !ann  ic^  benn  bie  (Ueredf)tig!eit  erfiiHen?" 


(^in  2(rbetter  fagte:  „fyxx  S^idfiter,  e§  finb  §mei  3Seber  in 
bem  ^orfe,  unb  fiir  einen  fo  fleinen  Drt  ift  einer  genug; 
laffen  ©ie  ben  anbern  ^dngen!" 

7.  ^cr  l^ttrt)^  tittb  bet  3t<^<|cn6ocf. 

©in  '^yxi:]^  toar  in  einen  ^runnen  gefallen,  ber  nur  Icenig 

5    SBaffer  ent^ielt,  unb  bemuf)te  fid;  bergebeng  ^inau^jufommen. 

®a  guc!te  ein  3^^S^^^t)cf  iiber  ben  S^tanb  be§  33runnen§  unb 

fragte  i^n,  ob  ba§  9Saffer  gut  fd^mecfe.     %^x  gud^g  fc^aute 

i^n  liftig  (x\\  unb  bac^te  bei  fid^  felbft :  ,,®u  foUft  mir  n)o()l 

f)inaug^elfen."     ®ann  aber  f^rac^  er  laut:    „@g  fd;mec!t  [o 

10  gut,  ba^   ic^  mid^  nid^t  batoon  trennen  !ann.     ^omm  ^erab 

unb  fofte  e§  felbft!"    %^x  ^ocf'  f^^rang  fogteic^  ^inunter  unb 

tran!.     ilaum  aber  n)ar  er  unten,  fo  fprang  ber  guc^^  auf 

feinen  Sftiidfen  unb  erreicf)te  i?on  bort  mit  einem  fii^nen  (Sa^e 

ben  9?anb  beg  ^runnen^.      „2a^  e§  bir  gut  fd^medfen/'  rief 

15  er  nod;   fdjabenfrof)  bem   armen  ©efangenen  gu,  „unb  iDarte 

big   bir  ein  nod^   gro^erer    ®umm!o^f    ^eraug^ilft,    aU    bu 

felber  bift!"    ^arauf  lief  er  babon. 

8.  g^Bie  bie  aitbcit,  fo  ber  go^it. 

^ie  grau  eineg  armen  3}^anne§  n^ar  gefa^rlid^  er!ran!t. 
@r  ging  balder  §u  einem  Slrjte,  ber  ebenfofe^r  toegen  feiner 
20  ©efd^idflid^feit,  alg  feine§  ©eijeg  befannt  tear.  2)a  er  glaubte, 
ber  ®o!tor  n)urbe  nid^t  !ommen,  of)ne  be[timmte  Sega^Iung 
gu  ertoarten,  fo  ^og  ber  ^Oknn  eine  Sorfe  ^erau§  unb  fagte 
ju  if)m:  „§ier  {^abe  ic^  git)an3ig  5tf)aler;  bie'  finb  a((eg,  n)a§ 
ic^  in  ber  3Be(t  befi^e;  ic^  iuitt  fie  "^^jXi^XK  geben,  ob  ©ie  nun 


tneine  grau  umbringen  ober  furieren."  ®er  ^o!tor  iuar  bamit 
gufrieben  unb  befucfite  bie  grau.  Slllein  fie  ftarb  fc^on  in 
einigen  ^agen.  ®er  %x%X  berlangte  je^t  bie  ^tcangig  %\)(x\tx. 
®er  ?[Rann  fragte  i^n,  ob  er  feine  grau  umgebradfit  f)dtte. 
„@eit)i^  nic^t/'  antlDortete  ber  Softer.  „§aben  ®ie  fie  5 
fuviert?"  ,!^&\\,  fie  ift  geftorben."  „®ann  ^aben  6ie  auc^ 
fein  9?ed)t  §u  bem  (Belbe;  benn  <Sie  ^aben  fie  ipeber  umge^ 
brad^t  nocf)  furiert." 

Safontaine  f^atte  bie  ©ettjo^jn^eit,  jeben  Slbenb  einen  33rats 
a^fel  5u  effen.     ©inmal  hjurbe  er  au§  bem  ^i^^^^  gerufen  10 
unb  legte  ben  Sl^fel   auf  ben  Haminfimg.     SSaf^renb   feiner 
5(btt>efen^eit  !am  ein  greunb  ing  3^^^^^/  \^^  ^^"  2(^fe(  unb 
i:)ergef)rte  i^n.     Safontaine  fam  juriicf,  fanb  ben  3(^fel  nic^t, 
erriet  aber  ben  3wf<i^^^^^^^S  wnb  rief  mit  erfiinftelter  2luf= 
regung:  „3So  ift  ber  Sl^fel  f)inge!ommen,  ben  ic^   f^ier  ge=  15 
laffen  \)o!o^V'  —  „3c^  toei^  nic^t,"  fagte  ber  anbere.     „®a§ 
freut  midf),  ^u  ^oren,  benn  id^  (jatte  Slrfeni!  ^ineingetfjan,  urn 
bie  SfJatten  gu  bergiften." — „§err  ©ott!  ic^  bin  t)ergiftet/' 
rief  ber  ©aft  au^erft  erfd^redft;  „fc^ic!en  ©ie  fd^nell  ^u  einem 
5(r§te!"  —  „Sieber  greunb,"  fagte  Safontaine,  „beru^igen  ©ie  20 
fid^;  ic^  erinnere  mid^  ^\i^xi,  ba^  ic^  bie^mal  i)ergeffen  l^abe, 
©ift  ^inein^utl^un ;  attein  eg  t^ut  mir  boc^  leib,  ba|  e§  einer 
giige  beburfte,  urn  bie  2Ba^r^eit  gu  entbed^en." 

10.    ^ie  ^cibct  tion  32Scin§Betrg. 

2ir§  ^onig  ^onrab  III.  ben  ^erjog  2SeIf  im  Sa^re  1140 
gef(f)lagen  l^atte,    belagerte   er  bie   6tabt   SSein^berg.     2)ie  25 


(ginn)of)ner  tpefjrten  fief)  aber  fo  fjartndtfig,  ba§  ber  ergiirnte 
^onig  frfjmur,  bie  ©tabt  ju  erobern  unb  bie  33urger  nieber= 
jumad^en.  ©nblicf)  iDurbe  bie  3^ot  fo  gro^,  ba^  bie  ©in= 
irto^ner  in  bie  Ubergabe  tcittigen  tnu^ten.     2lber  bie  2Seiber 

5  mac^ten  bie  Sebingung,  ba^  jebe  Don  iJ^nen  auf  i^ren  ©cf)ultern 
mitnef)men  bitrfe,  h)ag  fie  tragen  fonne,  ®er  ^aifer  i^iKigte 
ein,  unb  ben  ndrf)ften  Stag,  al^  fic^  ba§  ^^or  offnete,  fief^e 
ba!  in  langem  3"ge  ^ogen  bie  SBeiber  au§,  jebe  aber  Irug 
auf  bem  Sftiicfen  ifjren  5Rann ;  an  ber  ©^i^e  irar  bie  §er^ogin 

lo  mit  i^rem  ©emaf^l  2SeIf  auf  ben  6cf)ultern.  2(I§  beg  ^onigg 
Seute  bag  fafjen,  f^rac^en  i{)rer  biele,  bag  todre  bie  5!Jieinung 
nic^t  getoefen,  unb  tDoIIten  eg  nic^t  gugeben.  ®er  ^bnig 
aber  Idc^elte  iiber  ben  liftigen  2(nfd)lag  ber  grauen,  unb  rief : 
„@in  foniglirf)  2Sort,  bag  einmal  gef^rod)en  unb  gugefagt  ift, 

15  foil  unt>ertt)anbelt  bleiben!"  —  60  er^ielten  bie  SKeingberger 
bag  %^\i^\K.  (Srtmm. 

11.    %tx  f^uc^d  unb  bet  ^a^tt. 

©in  l^ungriger  guc^g  lam  einft  in  ein  ^orf  unb  fagte  §u 
einem  §a^n:  „D  mein  §err  §a^n,  iDeld^e  fcf)bne  ©timme 
^at  bein  §err  SSater  geljabt!     3^   bin  ^ierljergefommen,  um 

20  beine  6timme  %\x  ^oren.  (Singe  bod^,  bamit  id^  l)oren  moge, 
ob  bu  eine  beffere  ©timme  ^abeft  ober  bein  3Sater!"  —  ^er 
^^^jXK  fcl)lo^  l^ierauf  bie  Slugen  unb  fing  an,  auf  bag  lautefte 
gu  frd^en.  ^lo^lidj)  f^rang  ber  gucl)g  auf,  fing  ben  §a^n 
unb  trug   il)n  in  ben   SSalb.     2llg  bie  33auern  bag   fa^en, 

25  liefen  fie  bem  guc^fe  nad)  unb  fcl)rieen :  „®er  gurf)g  trdgt  un= 
fern  ^(x^jXk  fort!"  ®a  f^racl)  ber  ^(x^v,  ^um  ?^ud^fe :  „§orft 
bu,  §err  gucl)g,  Vr>ag  bie  groben  33auern  rufen?  Sag'  iljnen 
bocl):  %6^  trage  meinen  §a^n  unb  nidj^t  ben  euren."  —  ®a 


X\t%  ber  %\x^%  ben  ^oikjXK  au§  bent  SJJauIe  unb  f)3rac^;  „%^ 
trage  meinen  §a^n  unb  nic^t  ben  euren."  —  Unterbejfen 
flog  ber  §al^n  auf  einen  33aum  unb  rief:  „^u  Uigft,  §err 
gud^g,  bu  liigft;  ic^  gef^ore  ben  33auern  unb  nic^t  bir."  — 
2)a  fc^Iug  ber  guc^§  fid^  jelbft  aufg  ^aul  unb  f^ra^:  „D 
bu  bofeg  5[Rau(,  n)ie  mel  fd)iua^eft  bu!  2Bie  biel  rebeft  bu 
Unnii^eg !  §atteft  bu  je^t  nic^t  gerebet,  fo  l^dtteft  bu  beinen 
3ftaub  nic^t  toerloren!"  Simrotf. 

SSor  alten  '^6Xzx\.  ging  eimnal  ein  W\.(x\\xk  an  einem  lieben 
©onntag^morgen  in  ben  3Salb,  fammelte  fid)  §01^,  banb  e§,  lo 
ftedte  einen  ©tod  binein,  fjodte  bie  9SeIIe  auf  unb  trug  fie 
nad)  §aufe.  ®a  begegnete  if)m  unterlt)egg  ein  feiner  5iKann 
in  ©onntaggfleibern,  ber  in  bie  ^ird)e  ge^en  tt)oI(te.  @r 
blieb  ftei^en,  rebete  ben  SSettentrager  (x\\  unb  fragte:  „9Sei^t 
bu  nicf)t,  ba^  auf  ©rben  Sonntag  ift,  (x\i  n)e(c^em  Xage  ber  15 
liebe  ©ott  ruf^te,  alg  er  bie  2Belt,  alle  ^iere  unb  bie  3Jlen= 
fdjen  erfc^affen  ^atte?"  —  ^er  gragenbe  tDar  aber  ber  liebe 
@ott  felbft.  Sener  §oIg{)auer  jeboc^  tDar  ganj  t)erftodt  unb 
antnjortete:  „©onntag  auf  ©rben,  ttjag  ge^t  bag  mid^  an, 
n)a§  ge{)t  ba§  bid^  an?"  „®o  fodft  bu  beine  9^eifign)etle  20 
Iragen  emiglidf)!"  f^rad^  ber  liebe  @ott,  „unb  tueil  ber  ®onn= 
tag  auf  ©rben  bir  fo  gar  unn)ert  ift,  fo  foKft  bu  !unftig= 
f)in  eh)ig  5!Jtontag  fjaben  unb  im  5[Ronbe  fteljen,  ein  2Sarnungg= 
bilb  fiir  bie,  n)eld^e  ben  ©onntag  mit  Slrbeit  fd)dnben!" 

SSon  ber   '^txi  oxi  fte{)t  im  3Jlonbe  immer  noc^  ber  Mann  25 
mit  bem  ^ol^biinbel,  unb  er  tuirb  n)o^I  aucf)  big  in  atte  @n)ig= 
leit  bort  ftel)en  bleiben. 



13.    ^bcnteuct  bc^  ^aton^  Don  SP'^undj^aufen. 

%^  trat  meine  9letfe  nac^  S^uglanb  mitten  tm  SBinter  o,w., 
unb  reifte  ju  ^sferb,  benn  bie§  ift  bie  bequemfte  %x\  gu  reifen. 
3c^  it)ar  nur  (eicfjt  befleibet,  n)e(c^e^3  ic^  ^iemlic^  ilbel  em^fanb, 
je  treiter  id^  gegen  9^orboft  f)in!am. 

5  ^a$  gange  £anb  lag  unter  (Sc^nee,  unb  ic^  ttju^te  tt)eber 
SSeg  nocf)  ©teg.  ©nblirf),  be^  S^eiten^  miibe,  ftieg  ic^  ab  unb 
banb  mein  ^ferb  an  eine  %xi  toon  f^i^em  ^aumftafen,  ber 
iiber  bem  ©cbnee  ^erborragte.  3^^  ©ic^er()eit  na^m  id)  meine 
^iftolen  unter  ben  2lrm,  legte  mic^  nirfjt  tDeit  babon  in  ben 

lo  ^6:jX^zt  nieber,  unb  fc^Iief  fo  feft  ein,  ba^  bie  Slugen  mir 
nid)t  e^er  aufgingcn,  al§  big  e^  f)eller  Xag  iDar.  SSie  gro^ 
aber  n)ar  mein  ©rftaunen,  al-S  ic^  fanb,  ba^  ic^  mitten  in 
einem  ^orfe  auf  bem  ^irc^)^ofe  lag!  ?[Rein  $ferb  \oocc  oxk-^ 
fdnglic^   nirgenb   ^u   feben ;   bod;   ^orte   id^    e§   balb    barauf 

15  irgenbiuo  iiber  mir  tDietjern.  2(1^  ic^  nun  em^orfai;,  fo 
n)urbe  id)  gen)a^r,  ba^  eg  an  ben  2Betterf)af)n  beg  ^irc^= 
turmg  gebunben  tDar  unb  toon  ba  ^erunter^ing.  '^Ixxw,  \c>\x%it 
icf)  fogleid),  ttoie  ic^  bran  ttoar.  ®ag  ®orf  ttoar  ndmlid^  bie 
3^ad)t  iiber  gang  jugefd)neit  gemefen ;  bag  SSetter  %(xiit  fic^ 

2o.auf  einmal  umgefe^t;  id)  njar  im  6c^lafe  nad)  unb  nad^,  fo 
toie  ber  (Sd)nee  ^ufammengefd;mol^en  n)ar,  gan^  fanft  ^erab= 
gefunfen;  unb  trag  ic^  in  ber  ^unfel^eit  fiir  ben  ©tum^f 
eineg  33dumd^eng  gef)alten,  ber  iiber  bem  ^6:)Xl^^  i)ertoorragte, 
hjar  bag  ^reu^  ober  ber  2Setteri)af)n  beg  .^irc^turmg  geitoefen. 

25  UcjX^^  mid)  nun  lange  §u  befinnen,  na^m  ic^  eine  toon 
meinen  ^iftolen,  fd)o^  nad)  bem  §alfter,  !am  gliidlid^  auf 
biefe  %xi  ttoieber  §u  meinem  ^ferbe  unb  toerfolgte  meine  S^teife. 




§ierauf  ging  alle§  gut,  Bi§  ic^  nad^  D^lu^lanb  !am,  too  e§ 
t\>tx\.  md)t  ©itte  ift,  beg  2Btnter§  ^u  ^ferbe  %\x  reifen ;  fo 
na()m  id^  bort  einen  fleinen  9fiennf(f)lttten  mit  einem  eingelnen 
^ferbe,  unb  fut^r  too^lgemut  auf  St.  ^etergburg  log. 

3Jiitten   in   einem   furc^terlid)en   23albe   bemerfte   ic^  einen    5 
entfe|lidf)en  3SoIf,  ber  mit  aUer  ©d^nelligfeit  beg  gefrci^igften 
3Sinterf)ungerg  meinem  ©c^Iitten  nac^gelaufen  !am.     @r  ()oIte 
^       mid)  6alb  ein  unb   eg  toar   fd^le^erbingg  unmoglic^  i{)m  gu 
entfommen.     3}le(J)anifc^  legte  td^  mic^  ^latt  in  ben  ®d)litten 
nieber,  unb  toag  id^  !aum  ju  I^offen  toagte,  gefd)a()  bennorf)  10 
gleid^  nac^i^er.     ^er  2Bolf  befiimmerte  fid)  nid^t  im  minbeften 
um  meine  2Senig!eit,  fonbern  f^rang  iiber  mic^  ^intoeg,  fiel 
toiitenb  auf  bag  $ferb,  ri^   o,\i  unb   berfd^Iang    auf    einmal 
ben  gangen  §interteil  beg  armen  2:ierg,  h:)eldE)eg  bor  ©df)reden 
unb  ©d^mer^  nur  befto  fctineller  lief.     2Sie  id)  nun  felbft  auf  15 
biefe   2lrt   fo   unbemerft    unb   gut    baDongefommen   toar,    fo 
er^ob  ic^  gan§  t)erftof)len  mein  ©efid£)t,  unb  naf)m  mit  @nt= 
fe^en  tr)a()r,  ba^  ber  2Bolf  fid^  beina()e  iiber  unb  iiber  in  bag 
^ferb   ()ineingefreffen   f)atte.      ^aum    aber   ^atte    er   fic^   fo 
{)ubfd)   f)ineinge§toangt,    fo   fiel   id^   if)m   tu(f)tig    mit   meiner  20 
^eitfd)e  auf  bag  gelt,     ©old)  ein  unertoarteter  Uberfatt  ber= 
urf ad)te  if)m   feinen    geringen    ©c^red;    er   ftrebte  mit   alter 
5[Rad)t  toortodrtg,  ber  Seidjnam  beg  ^ferbeg  fiel  §u  33oben  unb 
fiel)e '    c:n  feiner  Statt  ftedte  mein  SSolf  in  bem   @efcl)irre. 
3d}  meinerfeitg  l)orte  nun  noc^  toeniger  auf  ^u  ^eitfd)en  unb  25 
toir  langten  in  toollem  @alo^^  in  ®t.  ^etergburg  0:^,  gan^ 
gegen  unfere  beiberfeitigen  ©rtoartungen  unb  ^u  nid)t  geringem 
©rftaunen  alter  ^wfc^auer. 


14.    ^ic  fitttftUdjc  Ctgcl. 

SSor  langen,  langen  gaf^ren  lebte  einmal  ein  fe^r  gefd^idtex 
junger  Drgelbauer,  ber  ^atte  fc^on  i)iele  Drgeln  gebaut,  unb 
bie  \^%i^  toar  immer  toieber  beffer  al^  bie  i)orf)erge^enbe. 
3ule^t  macf)te  er  eine  Drgel,  bie  tDar  fo  funftlid^,  ba^  fie 

5  t)on  felbft  ^u  f:pie(en  anfing,  toenn  ein  ^raut^aar  in  bie  ilirc^e 
trat,  an  bem  ©ott  fein  3So()lgefaKen  fjatte.  211^  er  auc^ 
biefe  Drgel  ijollenbet  f)atte,  befafj  er  fid^  bie  ^Hcibdjen  be§ 
Sanbeg,  tDd^lte  fic^  bie  frommfte  unb  frf)onfte  unb  lie^  feine 
eigene  §oci^§eit  ^urirfjten.     2Bie  er  aber  mit  ber  33raut  itber 

lo  bie  ^irc^fcif)tt)elle  trat,  unb  greunbe  unb  ^erit)anbte  in  langem 
3uge  folgten,  jeber  einen  Strang  in  ber  §anb  ober  im 
^no^f(ocf),  h?ar  fein  ^erj  boiler  ©tol^e^  unb  @l)rgei§e§.  @r 
bac^te  nicl)t  <xxk  feine  33raut  unb  nic^t  an  @ott,  fonbern  nur 
baran,  tra^  er  fiir  ein  gefc^icfter  9Jteifter  fei,  bem  niemanb  e^ 

15  gleic^tl)un  fbnne,  unb  iwie  atte  %^yxi^  f^aunen  unb  il^n  be= 
tDunbern  tourben,  tDenn  bie  Drgel  t>on  felbft  ^u  f^ielen  begonne. 
©0  trat  er  mit  feiner  f c^onen  33raut  in  bie  £ircl)e  ein  —  oikitx 
bie  Drgel  blieb  ftumm.  ®ag  na^m  fic^  ber  Drgelbaumeifter 
fel^r  5u  ^erjen,  benn  er  meinte  in  feinem  ftoljen  ©inne,  ba^ 

20  bie  ©c^ulb  nur  an  ber  Sraut  liegen  !onne  unb  ba^  fie  il)m 

nic^t  treu  fei.      @r  f)3rac^  ben  ganjen  %o<<^,  iiber  fein  9Bort 

^      mit  il)r,  fd^niirte  bann  nadf)t§  ^eimlid^  fein  33unbel  unb  berlie^ 

fie.     5^ac^bem  er  biele  ^unbert  ?i)teilen  n^eit  gettjanbert  iuar, 

lie^  er  ftd^  enblid^  in  einem  fremben  Sanbe  nieber,  tt)o  niemanb 

25  il)n  fannte  unb  feiner  nacl)  il)m  fragte.  ^ort  lebte  er  ftill 
unb  einfam  §el)n  %<x\}Xt  lang;  ba  iiberfiel  il)n  eine  namenlofe 
5lngft  nad£)  ber  §eimat  unb  nad^  ber  t)erlaffenen  Sraut.  @r 
mu^te  immer  ioieber  baran  benfen,  toie  fie  fo   fromm  unb 


fc^on  geiDefen  fei,  unb  n)ie  er  fie  fo  boglic^  berlaffen.  9^ac^= 
bem  er  Dergeblic^  a(Ie§  get^an,  urn  fetne  6ef)nfuc^t  meberju^ 
fcim^fen,  entfrfjto^  er  jic^  juriicfjufebren  unb  fie  urn  33er= 
^ei^img  gu  bitten.  @r  tDanberte  ^ag  unb  9^ac^t,  ba^  if)m  bie 
gu^foblen  n)unb  h)urben,  unb  je  me^r  er  fid^  ber  §eimat  5 
ncif^erte,  befto  ftdrfer  tourbe  feine  (Se^nfurf)i,  unb  befto  grower 
feine  2lngft,  ob  jie  tt)o^I  mleber  fo  gut  unb  freunblid^  §u  i^m 
fein  tDerbe,  it)ie  in  ber  '^6X,  tt)o  fie  nod)  feine  33raut  tt)ar. 
©nblid^  fal)  er  bie  Xiirme  feiner  3Saterftabt  bon  fern  in  ber 
©onne  bli^en.  ®a  fing  er  ^v.  ^u  laufen  h)a§  er  laufen  10 
fonnte,  fo  ba^  bie  Seute  Winter  i^m  ^er  ben  ^o^f  fc^iittelten 
unb  fagten :  „6nlh3eber  ift'g  ein  !Rarr  ober  er  f)at  gefto^len." 
2Bie  er  aber  in  ba§  3^^or  ber  ©tabt  eintrat,  begegnete  i^m 
ein  langer  2eid)engug.  §inter  bem  ©arge  l^er  gingen  eine 
5[Renge  Seute,  toelc^e  i^einten.  „2Ben  begrabt  i^r  fjier,  i^r  15 
guten  SL^\x\^,  ba^  i^r  fo  h)eint?"  „@g  ift  bie  fc^one  grau 
be§  Drgelbaumeifterg,  bie  il^r  bofer  SJlann  t)er(affen  ^oX,  (Sie 
^at  ung  alien  fo  i)iel  @ute§  unb  £iebeg  getljan,  ba^  toir  fie 
in  ber  ^ir^e  beife^en  iDolIen."  2ll§  er  bie^  l^orte,  entgegnete 
er  fein  SSort,  fonbern  ging  ftill  gebengten  §au^teg  neben  bem  20 
Sarge  l^er  unb  l^alf  if)n  tragen.  3*Ziemanb  er!annte  if)n;  toeil 
fie  il)n  aber  forttx)df)reni  f(i)(urf)§en  unb  iDeinen  fjorten,  ftorte 
i^n  leiner,  benn  fie  bad)ten:  ba§  tt)irb  iDol^l  aud^  einer  toon 
ben  bielen  armen  Seuten  fein,  benen  bie  2:;ote  bei  Seb^eiten 
©uteg  erit)iefen  ^(xi.  ©0  !am  ber  3ug  gur  birdie,  unb  n)ie  25 
bie  2:;rdger  bb  ^ircl)fd^toeIIe  uberfd;ritten,  fing  bie  Drgel  toon 
felbft  ^u  f^ielen  an,  fo  ^errlid^  tt)ie  nod^  niemanb  eine  Drgel 
f^ielen  gel)ort.  ©ie  fe^ten  ben  ©arg  Oor  bem  2((tare  nieber, 
unb  ber  Drgelbaumeifter  le^nte  fid)  ftill  an  eine  ©dule  baneben 
unb  laufd^te  ben  ^onen,  bie  immer  getoaltiger  anfdjtDoEen,  fo  30 


geiraltig,  ba^  bic  birdie  in  i^ren  ©runb^feilern  bebte.  ^ie 
2(ugen  fielen  \^\\\  ju,  benn  er  tt)ar  fefjr  miibe  ijou  ber  ttjeiten 
S^eife ;  aber  fein  §er§  n)ar  freubig,  benn  er  it)u^te,  ba^  ifjm 
©ott  ijerjie^en  ^be,  unb  al§  ber  le^te  ^on  ber  Drgel  t)er= 

5  Hang,  fie(  er  tot  auf  ba§  fteinerne  ^^flafter  nieber.  ®a  ^oben 
bie  Seute  bie  Seiche  auf,  unb  it)ie  fie  inne  it)urben,  n)er  e§  fet, 
dffneten  fie  ben  (2arg  unb  legten  i^n  %\x  feiner  33raut.  Unb 
h)ie  fie  ben  ©arg  tDieber  fcfjioffen,  begann  bie  Drgel  noc^ 
einmal  gang  leifc  gu  tonen.     ®ann  it)urbe  fie  ftiU  unb  ^loX 

lo  feitbem  nie  it)ieber  t?on  felbft  geflungen. 

15.    ^ic  i^rcmcr  <Stai>tm«ftfantc«. 

@g  ^atte  cin  9Jiann  einen  (Sfel,  ber  fc^on  lange  3^^^^  ^i^ 
<Sd(!e  unijerbroffen  ^ur  3Jiu^Ie  getragen  ^atte,  beffen  ^rdfte  t-v^ 
aber  nun  ^u  @nbe  gingen,  fo  baji  er  ^ur  Slrbeit  immer  \x^'         ^ 
tauglic^er  tuarb.     2)a  bacfjte  ber  §err  baran,  i^n  au§  bem        '*- 

X5  gutter  gu   fc^affen,    aber   ber   @fel   merfte,    ba^    fein    guter 
SSinb  lt)e^te,  lief  fort  unb  mad)te  fid^   auf  ben  2Beg  nac^ 
S3remen ;  bort,  meinte  er,  !onnte  er  ja  ©tabtmufifant  U^erben.  ^^^^ 
2(1^  er  ein  2SeiIc^en  fortgegangen  iuar,  fanb  er  einen  3^0^=  ^^^ 
f)unb  auf  bem  3Sege  liegen,  ber  ja^te  it)ie  einer,  ber  fid^  p 

20  miibe   gelaufcn   \:j(xi,      ,!^\x\k,   iDag  ja^^ft   bu   fo,    %<xMxiV'    ^^ 
fragte  ber  ©fel.     „2(ci^,"  fagte  ber  §unb,  ^toeil  idf)   alt  bin 
unb  jeben  3:'ag  fci^n)dd;er  n)erbe  unb  auf  ber  3^9^  ^ic^t  meljr 
fort  !ann,  bat  mid^  mein  §err  tDoHen  totfd^lagen;   ba  ^ab' 
ic^  Sflei^au^  genommen;   aber  h)omit  foil  id)  nun  mein  S3rot^*-^<^ 

25  ijerbienen?"    „9Sei^t   bu   n)a§,"   f^radli   ber   (^fel,   „id()   gelje^"*^^ 
nad;  35remen  unb  h:)erbe   bort   ©tabtmufifant ;   gel)   mit  unb 
la^  bid;  aucl)  bei  ber  9Jiufi!  anne^men.     3^  \^\^\t  bie  2aute,<i* 


^      unb  bu  fd^Idgft  bie  ^au!en."     ^er   §unb   it>ar'§   gufrieben, 

unb  fie  gingen   tDeiter.     @§   bauerte  m(!)t   lange,  jo  fa^  ba 

etne   ^a^e   an   bem   2Beg   unb   mad^te   ein   @eftd)t   tDte   brei 

%(^(}^^  SfJegentoetter.     „5?un,  tt)a§  ift  bir  in  bie  Quere  9e!om= 

^^tl^    men,    alter   33art^u^er?"   fiprai^    ber    @fel.     „2Ber   fann   ba    5 

;N4^;      luftig  fein,  n)enn'§  einem  (xw.  ben  J^ragen  gel)t/'  anttwortete 

*»  Aj.     bie   £a^e ;   „n)eil  id^   nun  gu   3<^^^^ii   !omme,   meine    '^o^xit 

^       ftum^f    tr»erben   unb   \&j    lieber    l)inter   bem    Dfen   fi^e   unb 

f^inne,    a(§   nac^    ben   ?[Raufen   l)erumiage,    ^at   micl)   meine 

grau  erfdufen  h:)oIIen;   id^  l^abe  mid)  ^n)ar  nod)  fortgemad)t,  10 

aber  nun  ift  guter  9^at  teuer;   iDO  fott  ic^  f)in?"     ,,@el)  mit 

un§  nad^  Bremen,  bu  t)erftef)ft  bid^  bod)  auf  bie  9f^ad^tmufi!, 

ba  fannft  bu   ein   6tabtmufi!ant  merben."     ^ie  ^a^e  {)ielt 

'  ba§  fiir  gut  unb  ging  mit.     ©arauf  lamen  bie  brei  Sanbe§= 

^^«     flud)tigen  an  einem  §of  toorbei,  ba   fa§  auf  bem  ^bor  ber  15 

^^'^  §au§l)af)n  unb  fd^rie  au§  £eibe§!rdften.     „®u  fc^reift  einem 

'^nj'^burc^  ^ar!  unb  Sein,"  f^ra^  ber  ©fel,  ,,'m^^  l)aft  bu  t)or?" 

„®a  ^ab'  ic^  gut  SKetter  ipro^bejeit/'  f^rad^  ber  ^o<^\k,  „tDeil 

unferer  lieben  grauen  Xag  ift,  it)o  fie  bem  ©f)rift!inb(ein  bie 

§embd^en  getvafd^en   ^at   unb'  fie  trodnen   toitt.     Slber  toeil  20 

morgen  §um   ©onntag   ©dfte  fommen,  fo  \)<xi  bie  §au§frau 

bod^  !ein  (^rbarmen,  unb  \joX  ber  ^o^in   gefagt,  fie  tDottte 

mid^  morgen  in  ber  ©u))^e  effen,  unb  ba  foU  ic^  mir  fjeut' 

abenb  ben  ^o^f  abfd^neiben  laffen.     ^'^un  fd^rei'  id^  o^x^  t)ol= 

lem  §alg,  fo  lang  id^  nod^  !ann/'    „@i  n)a§,  bu  3ftot!o^f/'  25 

fagte  ber  ©fel,  ^giel)'    lieber  mit  un§  fort,  tt)ir  gef)en  nac^ 

33remen;  ettt)a§  beffere^  a(§  ben  3:ob  finbeft  bu  iiberall;  bu 

i)aft  eine  gute  ©timme,  unb  it)enn  toir  gufammen  mufigieren, 

fo  mu^  e§  eine  2(rt  ^aben."     ^er  §a^n  lie^  fid^  ben  3Sor= 

fd^lag  gefaHen,  unb  fie  gingen  a(le  t>ier  ^ufammen  fort.  30 


©te  fonnten  abcr  bie  6tabt  33remen  in  eincm  Xag  nic^t 
erreic^en  unb  !amcn  abenbg  in  einen  SSalb,  i»o  fie  u6er= 
nac^ten  iT:)oEten.  ®er  ©fel  unb  ber  §unb  legten  fic^  unter 
einen  gro^en  33aum,  bie  ^a^e  unb  ber  §a(;n  mad^ten  fi4)  in 

5  bie  Slfte,  ber  §af)n  aber  flog  bi§  in  bie  ©^i^e,  h)o  e^  am 
fic^erften  filr  i^n  it)ar.  @f?e  er  einfc^Uef,  fa^  er  fic^  nod^ 
einmal  nadj)  alien  bier  ^Binben  urn;  ba  beuc^te  i^n,  er  fdlje 
in  ber  %zxm  ein  gitnfcljen  brennen  unb  rief  feinen  ©efellen 
gu,  e^  mii^te  nicl)t  gar  iceit  ein  §au^  fein,  benn  eg  fd^eine 

lo  ein  Sid^t.  ©)3rad^  ber  @fel:  „©o  miiffen  \o\x  un§  aufmad^en 
unb  nod)  ^inge^en,  benn  ^ier  ift  bie  §erberge  fd)lec^t."  ^er 
§unb  meinte,  ein  ^aar  ^noc^en  unb  etit>ag  ^l^ifd)  bran 
t^dten  il)m  aud^  gut.  2Itfo  mac^ten  fie  fic^  auf  ben  SSeg 
nad^   ber   ©egenb,   n)o   bag   Sid^t  tt)ar,  unb    fa^en   eg   balb 

15  fetter  fd^immern,  unb  eg  ioarb  immer  grower,  big  fie  bor  ein 
l)ell  erleud^teteg  9lduber^aug  !amen.  ®er  (gfel,  alg  ber 
gro^te,  ndl^erte  fid^  bent  J^^f^^^  ^^^  fd^aute  l)inein.  „2Sag 
fie^ft  bu,  ©raufcl)immel?"  fragte  ber  §a^n.  ^'Ba^  ic^  fe^e?" 
anttDortete  ber  (Sfel.    „@inen  gebedften  ^ifd^  mit  fd^onem  ©ffen 

20  unb  ^trinfen,  unb  S^tduber  fi^en  baran  unb  laffen'g  fid^  h)o^l 
fein,"  „^a^  itjdre  it)ag  fiir  ung,"  f^rac^  ber  ^a^n,  „3<^/ 
ja,  c^^,  tDdren  tt)ir  ba!"  fagte  ber  @fel.  ^a  ratfc^lagten  bie 
^iere,  h)ie  fie  eg  anfangen  mii^ten,  urn  bie  Sfiduber  l^inaug 
ju  jagen,  unb  fanben  enblid^  ein  SJlittel.     ^er  ©fel  mu^te 

25  fic^  mit  ben  SSorberfiigen  auf  bag  genfter  ftellen,  ber  §unb 
auf  beg  ©felg  9tudfen  f^ringen,  bie  ^a^e  auf  ben  §unb 
!lettern,  unb  enblicl)  flog  ber  §al)n  ^inauf  unb  fe^te  fic^  ber 
^a^e  auf  ben  ^o^f.  2Bie  bag  gefd^e^en  tr>ar,  fingen  fie  auf 
ein  3^ic^^^  inggefamt   an,  i^re  Mufi!  ^u  madden:   ber  @fel 

30  fd^rie,    ber    §unb    beUte,    bie   ^a§e   miaute   unb    ber   ^a^w 


frcil^te;  bann  ftiir^ten  fie  burc^  ba§  g^enfter  in  bie  ^iviSi^ 
^inein,  ba^  bie  6rf)ei6en  llirrten.  ®ie  Sffduber  fufjren  bei 
bem  entfe^lid^en  ©efc^rei  in  bie  §o^e,  meinten  nicf)t  anber§ 
al§  ein  ©ef^enft  !dme  herein,  unb  flofjen  in  greater  '^\xx6:)i 
in  ben  SSalb  ^inau§.  "^yxx^.  fe^ten  fic^  bie  bier  ©efeEen  an  5 
ben  ^ifc^,  na^men  mit  bem  fiirlieb,  n^aS  iibrig  geblieBen  n)ar, 
unb  a^en,  al§  toenn  fie  bier  SSod^en  ^ungern  fodten. 

2Sie  bie  bier  ©^ieHeute  fertig  n)aren,  lofc^ten  fie  ba§  Sic^t 
aug  unb  fud)ten  fic^  eine  ©d£)Iafftdtte,  jeber  narf)  feiner  9^atur 
unb  Sequemlic^feit.  ®er  @fel  legte  fid^  auf  ben  ?[Rift,  ber  10 
§unb  Winter  bie  %^^xx^,  bie  ^a|e  auf  ben  §erb  bei  bie 
iDarme  Slfd^e,  unb  ber  ^oS)xk  fe^te  fie^  auf  ben  §a^nenbal!en ; 
unb  tbeil  fie  miibe  tbaren  bon  i^rem  langen  2Beg,  fcf)liefen 
fie  auc^  balb  ein.  2(I§  3}?itternac^t  borbei  n)ar,  unb  bie 
3ftduber  bon  tbeitem  fa^en,  ba^  !ein  2id)t  me^r  im  ^(x\x^  15 
brannte,  aud^  a(le§  ru^ig  fc^ien,  f^rac^  ber  §au^tmann: 
„2Bir  flatten  un§  bocf)  ni(f)t  follen  in§  33odf§f;orn  jagen  laffen/' 
unb  ^ie^  einen  ^inge^en  unb  ba§  §au§  unterfuc^en.  ®er 
2lbgef(i)ic!te  fanb  alle§  ftill,  ging  in  bie  ^iic^e,  ein  Sid^t  (xxi- 
gu^iinben,  unb  n)eil  er  bie  glitf^enben,  feurigen  Slugen  ber  2c 
^a^e  fiir  lebenbige  ^ol^Ien  anfa^,  l^ielt  er  ein  @c^n)efe(= 
()oI^d^en  baran,  ba^  e§  geuer  fangen  fodte.  2(ber  bie  £a^e 
berftanb  feinen  ©^a^,  f^rang  i^m  in§  @eficf)t,  f:pie  unb 
fra^te.  ®a  erfc^ra!  er  getoaltig,  lief  unb  tboKte  gur  §inter= 
t^iire  l)inau§,  aber  ber  §unb,  ber  ba  lag,  f^rang  auf  unb  25 
bi^  \\}XK  in§  S3ein;  unb  al§  er  iiber  ben  §of  <xx\.  bem  3}iifte 
borbeirannte,  gab  i^m  ber  @fel  nod^  einen  tu(f)tigen  ©d)lag 
mit  bem  §interfu^;  ber  ^(x^xi  aber,  ber  bom  Sdrmen  m.^ 
bem  (3d)laf  getoecft  unb  munter  getborben  n)ar,  rief  bom 
fallen  ^erab:    „Sli!eri!i!"     2)a   lief   ber   Sf^duber,    mag    er  30 


fonnte,  ^u  feinem  §au^tmann  ^uriic!  unb  f^racf):  „2(c^,  in 
bem  §au^  fi^t  eine  greulic^e  ^eje,  bie  ^<xi  mic^  ange^auc^t 
unb  mit  i^ren  langen  Jingern  mir  ba§  ©efic^t  gerfra^t;  unb 
t)or  ber  2:f)ur  fte^t  ein  DJZann  mit  einem  50^effer.  ber  ^at  mid^ 

5  in^  Sein  geftoc^en;  unb  auf  bem  §of  liegt  ein  fd)it)ar§e^ 
Ungetiim,  bag  I^at  mit  einer  §oI§!eule  auf  mic^  lo^gefc^Iagen; 
unb  oben  auf  bem  2)ac^e,  ba  fi^t  ber  S^tid^ter,  ber  rief: 
,33ringt  mir  ben  Scfielm  ^er.*  ®a  mac^te  icf),  ba^  id^  fort= 
fam."    3Son  nun  an  getrauten  fid^  bie  9idu6er  nic^t  n:)eiter 

10  in  bag  §aug;  ben  bier  33remer  ?OZufi!anten  gefiel'g  aber  fo 
iDo^l  barin,  ba^  fie  nid^t  n?ieber  l^eraug  tDoIlten.  Unb  ber 
bag  gule^t  erjd^lt  \j(xi,  bem  ift  ber  9}iunb  nod^  toarm. 

Briiber  (Srimm. 

16.    ^et  Slrmc  itnb  ber  ^ieirfje. 

SSor  alten  3^^^^^^/  <^I^  ^^^  ^^^^^  ®t)i^  ^t**^  felber  auf  @rs 

15  ben  unter  ben  ?OJenfrf)en  toanbelte,  trug   eg   fid^   gu,  ba^    er 

eineg  5(6enbg  miibe  i^ar  unb  ii;n  bie  9^ac^it  iiberfiel,  bei)or  er 

§u   einer  §er6erge   fommen    fonnte.     ^^iun   ftanben   auf  bem 

SSege  i)or  il^m  %\ot\  §dufer  einanber  gegeniiSer,  bag  eine  gro^ 

unb  frf>on,  bag  anbere  flein  unb  drmlidf)  an5ufef)en,  unb  ge= 

20  ^orte    bag    gro^e    einem   reid^en,    bag    fleine    einem    armen 

5[Ranne.     ®a  bac^te  unfer  §err  @ott:   „®em  9flei(f)en  t»erbe 

ic^  nidit  befc^n)erlid^   fallen,  bei   il)m  tt>i((   id^   iibernac^ten." 

2)er  SReic^e,  alg  er  o,xi  feine  ^^iir  fb^fen  f)orte,  mad^te  bag 

genfter  auf  unb  fragte  ben  grembling,  Jt)ag  er  fuc^te?  ®er 

25  §err  anttoortete:   „3d^  bitte  nur  um  ein  9^ac^tlager."    ®er 

Sf^eid^e   gudfte    ben   2Sanbergmann   bom    ^(xyx'^X    big    gu    ben 

gii^en  an,  unb  n^eil  ber  liebe  ©ott  f(^lirf)te  ^leiber  trug  unb 

nic^t   (x\x^\sk\:},  ioie   einer,  ber   biel   ©elb    in  ber  Xafc^e  ^joX, 


fd^iittelte  er  mit  bem  ^o^f  xmb  f^rad^ :  „3<^  \<xxv^  eud)  ntd^t 
aufneE)men,  meiue  Slammern  liegen  boll  ^rduter  \x^^  6amert, 
unb  fodte  td^  einen  jeben  BeljerBergen,  ber  an  meine  %^\xxz 
flo^fte,  fo  fonnte  ic^  felber  ben  S3ettelftab  in  bie  §anb  nel)= 
men.  ©uc^t  anber§tt)o  ein  Slugfommen.''  @r  f(f)(ug  bamit  fein  5 
genfter  ^u  unb  lie^  ben  lieben  @ott  fteljen.  2(lfo  !el)rte  il)m 
ber  liebe  ©ott  ben  Sftiidfen  unb  ging  IjtnuBer  ^u  bem  fleinen 
^o,yx^.  ^aum  l)atte  er  angeflo^ft,  !Un!te  ber  Slrme  fcf)on 
fein  X^iird^en  auf  unb  bat  ben  SSanber^mann  ein^utreten. 
„Sleibet  bie  ^^^arf)!  iiber  bei  mir,"  fagte  er,  „e§  ift  fd)on  10 
finfter,  unb  ^^^xi^  !onnt  if)r  boc^  nic^t  h)eiter  fommen."  ®a§ 
gefiel  bem  lieben  @ott  unb  er  trat  §u  if)m  ein.  ®ie  grau  beg 
Slrmen  rei(f)te  if^m  bie  §anb,  ^ie^  \\j\\  tt)iI(!ommen  unb  fagte, 
er  mod)te  jic^'g  bequem  mad)en  unb  flirlieb  ne^men;  fie  l)dtten 
nicf)t  biel,  aber  ix)a§  e§  iDdre,  gdben  fie  bon  ^ergen  gem.  15 
®ann  fe^te  fie  Slartoffeln  an§  geuer,  unb  bertDeil  fie  foc^ten, 
melfte  fie  il)re  3^69^/  ^^^^^  f^^  ^^'"  tt)enig  ^(Jlildf)  bagu  fjdtten. 
Unb  aU  ber  3:ifrf)  gebecft  U)ar,  fe^te  fi^  ber  Uebe  ©ott  gu 
il)nen  unb  a^  mit  iljnen,  unb  f(J)me(!te  il)m  bie  fcf)led)te  ^oft 
gut,  benn  e§  maren  bergniigte  ©efid)ter  babei.  9Zac^bem  fie  20 
gegeffen  (patten  unb  Sdjlafeng^eit  h)ar,  rief  bie  '%x(x\x  Ijeimlirf) 
if^ren  "^(xxkxk  unb  f^rac^:  „§or',  lieber  SJlann,  n)ir  iDoden 
un§  ^eut'  nad^t  eine  6treu  mad)en,  bamit  ber  arme  2San= 
berer  fi(^  in  unfer  33ett  tegen  unb  au§rul)en  !ann;  er  ift  ben 
ganjen  3:;ag  iiber  gegangen,  ba  tt)irb  er  miibe."  „3Son  §er§en  25 
gem,"  antiDortete  er,  ,,i(f)  it)ill'§  il)m  anbieten,"  ging  gu  bem 
Ueben  ©ott  unb  bat  i^n,  toenn'^  if)m  rerf)t  n)dre,  mocf)t'  er 
fid)  in  il)r  Sett  legen  unb  feine  ©lieber  orbentlid)  au§rul)en. 
®er  liebe  ©ott  aber  )i:)ollte  ben  beiben  Sllten  il)r  2ager  nic^t 
nel^men,  aber  fie  lieben  nicl)t  (xh,  bi§  er  e§  enblid6  i^^i  unb  30 


fid^  in  i^r  ^tii  legte;  fid)  felbft  aber  marf)ten  fie  eine  Streu 
auf  bie  @rbe.  2tm  anbern  5[Rorgen  ftanben  fie  bor  Xag  fc^on 
auf  unb  !od)ten  bem  ©aft  ein  grii^ftiidf,  fo  gut  fie  t^  Ifjatten. 
2ll§  nun  bie  (Sonne   biirc^g  genfterlein  f?ereinf(f)ien,  unb  ber 

5  liebe  ©ott  aufgeftanben  ioar,  a^  er  n)ieber  mit  i^nen  unb 
h)ottte  bann  feine^  3Sege§  ^ie^en.  ^U  er  in  ber  3:f)ure  ftanb, 
fel^rte  er  fic^  urn  unb  f^rad^:  „2Beil  iJ^r  fo  mitleibig  unb 
fromm  feib,  fo  miinfc^t  euc^  breierlei,  ba§  hjill  id^  erfiiden." 
^a  fagte  ber  5(rme:    „3Sa§  fott  id)  mir  fonft  tDiinfc^en  al§ 

lo  bie  ei»ige  ©eligfeit,  unb  ba^  iDir  giDei,  fo  lang  tt)ir  (eben, 
gefunb  babei  bleiben  unb  unfer  notbiirftige^  tdglic^eS  33rot 
Fjaben;  fiir^  britte  \vz\^  ic^  mir  nic^t^  ^u  it)unfrf)en."  ®er 
liebe  ©ott  f^racf):  2Bittft  bu  bir  nic^t  ein  neue§  §au§  fiir 
ba^   alte   munfd^en?"   „D   ja,"  fagte    ber  5Rann,  ^tDenn  ic^ 

15  bag  auc^  nodj)  erljalten  fann,  fo  iDdr'g  mir  too^l  lieb."  ^a  er= 
fiillte  ber  liebe  ©ott  i^re  2Sunfc^e,  i:)erh:)anbelte  i^r  alte§ 
^au^  in  ein  neuc^,  <^,Cih  iljnen  noc^malg  feinen  ©egen  unb 
509  toeiter. 

@§  Joar   fc^on   botter  Xag,  al§   ber  9teid^e    aufftanb.     @r 

20  legte  fic^  ing  Jenfter  unb  fal^  gegeniiber  ein  neue^  reinlic^e^ 
^a\x^  mit  roten  ^i^Q^'^^/  ^^  fonft  eine  alte  §utte  geftanben 
^atte.  ®a  mad^te  er  gro^e  Slugen,  rief  feine  grau  Ijerbei 
unb  f^rac^:  „®ag'  mir,  n)a#  ift  gefd^eljen?  ©eftern  abenb 
ftanb  nod^  bie  alte  elenbe  §utte,  unb  l)eute  ftelj^t  ba  ein  fc^oneS 

25  neueg§au§;  lauf  J^iniiber  unb  l^ore,  toie  bag  gefommen  ift." 
®ie  grau  ging  unb  fragte  ben  Slrmen  au§.  @r  ergd^lte  il)r: 
„@eftern  abenb  !am  ein  3Sanberer,  ber  fuc^te  ^'iac^tljerberge, 
unb  l^eute  morgen  beim  3(bfd^ieb  ^at  er  un§  brei  SBiinfd^e  ge= 
iDdl^rt,  bie  eh)ige  ©eligfeit,  ©efunbljeit  in  biefem  ^thtn  unb 

30  bag  notbiirftige  tdglicl^e  ^rot  baju,  unb  gule^t  nod^  ftatt  un= 


ferer  alten  §utte  ein  fd)one§  neue§  ^<x\x^J'  ®ie  grau  be§ 
Sfteid^en  lief  eilig  %\xxM  unb  ergd^lte  if^rem  ?!Jlanne  tt>ie  aEe§ 
gefommen  tt)av.  %^x  ?!Jiann  f^radf):  „34>  wod)te  mic^  ger^ 
rei^en  unb  5erfrf)lagen.  §dtt'  id^  nur  ba§  geiou^t!  ber 
grembe  ift  gubor  l^ier  gett)efen  unb  f)at  bei  ung  iibernac^ten  5 
tDolIen,  ic^  ^abe  il)n  aber  abgemiefen.  „@ir  bid)/'  f^rarf) 
bie  grau,  „unb  fe|'  bicf)  auf  bein  ^ferb,  fo  fannft  bu  ben 
9Jlann  noc^  einf)olen,  unb  biv  aud^  brei  2Bunfrf)e  gei::cil)ren 

®er  9tetd)e  befolgte  ben  guten  S^tat,  jagte  mit  feinem  ^ferb  10 
babon  unb  ^olte  ben  Iteben  ©ott  nocl)   ein.     @r  rebete   fein 
unb  (ieblid^  unb  bat,  er  mod^t'g  nid;t   iibel  nef)men,  ba^  er 
nirf)t  gleid^  todre   eingelaffen  i):)orben,  er   ^dtte   ben  (Srf)luffel 
3ur  §au§tf)ure  gefud)t,  berh^eil  iudre  er  tDeggegangen;   njenn 
er  beg  2Sege§  guriicfldme,  mii^te  er  bei  il)m  ein!el)ren.  ,,3«/"  ^5 
f^rac^  ber  liebe  ©ott,  „n?enn  icf)  einmal  §uruc!!omme,  tt)i((  ic^ 
eg   t^un."     ®a   fragte   ber    9?eid)e,    ob    er   ntd^t    auc^    brei 
SSiinfcfie   Wjvcci  biirfte,   h)ie   fein   5'^arf)bar.      3a,    f^rad^   ber 
liebe  ©ott,  ba§  biirfte  er  it)of)I,  eg  it)dre  aber  nid^t  gut  fiir 
il)n,  unb  foEte  fid^  lieber  nid^tg  h)unfc!)en.     ^er  9f?eic^e  aber  20 
meinte,  er  tooUte  fid^  fd()on  etn)ag  augfurf)en,  bag  §u  feinem 
©liicf   gereid^e,  it)enn    er   nur  iDii^te,  ba^    eg    erfiittt  iDiirbe. 
<S:prad^  ber  liebe  @ott:    „9fieit'  l;eim  unb  brei  SSiinfc^e,  bie 
bu  tl^uft,  bie  follen  in  ©rfiittung  gef^en." 

9^un  \i(xiit  ber  S^eid^e  tt)ag  er  t)erlangte,  ritt  ^eimhjdrtg  25 
unb  fing  an  nac^jufinnen,  'voo^^  er  fic^  iDi'mfc^en  fottte.  2Sie 
er  fid^  fo  bebac^te  unb  bie  3^9^^  fatten  lie^,  fing  bag  $ferb 
(xw.  gu  f^ringen,  fo  ba^  er  immerfort  in  feinen  @eban!en  geftort 
tt)urbe  unb  fie  gar  nid^t  jufammenbringen  !onnte.  @r  flo^fte 
i^m  an  ben  §alg  unb  fagte:    „6ei  ru^ig,  2iefe/'  aber  bag  30 


^ferb  madBte  auf§  neue  50^.iinnerdf»en.  ®a  hJarb  er  ^ule^t 
drgerUd^  imb  ricf  ungebulbig:  „3o  luottt'  icf),  ba^  bu  ben 
§al^  5er6rdd)[t!"  2Sie  er  ba^  Sort  au§ge|>roc^en  ()atte, 
^lum^g,  fiel  er  auf  bie  (Srbe,  unb   lag  bag  ^ferb   tot  imb 

5  regte  fid;  nid^t  me^r;  bamit  \x><xx  ber  erfte  2©unfd;  erfiittt. 
3Seil  er  aber  i)on  3flatur  geijig  ti>ar/h)ottte  er  bag  ©atteljeug 
nic^t  im  Stid^  laffen,  fc^nitt'g  ab,  ^ing'g  auf  feinen  Siiideu, 
unb  mu^te  nun  ju  gu^  ge^en.  „^u  F)aft  noc^  gn^ei  2Bunfcf)e 
iibrig/'  bac^te  er  unb  troftete  fic^  bamit.     SSie  er  nun  langs 

10  fam  burd;  ben  Sanb  bal;inging,  unb  ju  ^Diittag  bie  Sonne 
^ei^  brannte,  iDarb'g  i(;m  fo  ioarm  unb  berbrie^Ud;  ju  5Diut; 
ber  (Sattel  briidte  ibn  auf  ben  Dftiiden,  auc^  n)ar  i^m  nod^ 
immer  nid^t  eingefatten,  ir>a§  er  fic^  ioiinfc^en  foEte.  „2©enn 
ic^   mir    aud;    atte   9teic^e   unb  Sd)d|e   ber  SSelt  n)unfd^e," 

15  f^rac^  er  ju  fid;  fetbft,  „fo  fdttt  mir  f^ernad;  noc^  allerlei 
etn,  biefeg  unb  jeneg,  bag  \X)i\%  ic^  im  boraug;  ic^  iuitt'g 
aber  fo  einrid^ten,  ba^  mir  gar  nid^tg  mef;r  gu  ipiinfcben 
iibrig  bleibt."  ®ann  feufjte  er  unb  f^rad^:  „%(x,  toenn  id^ 
ber  ba^rifc^e  53auer  iodre,  ber  aud^  brei  SSiinfc^e  frei  ^atte,  ber 

20  \x)v5^it  fid;  ju  ^elfen,  ber  toiinfdEite  fid^  guerft  red^t  biel  33ier, 
unb  jtoeiteng  foi)ieI  Sier,  alg  er  trinfen  fonnte,  unb  britteng 
nod^  ein  ga^  Sier  baju."  5Jtand^mal  meinte  er,  je^t  f^dtte 
er  eg  gefunben,  aber  J^ernad^  fd^ien'g  i^m  boc^  ^u  n)enig. 
^a  !am  i^m  fo  in  bie  ©ebanfen,  \c>(x^   eg    feine  grau  je^t 

25  gut  ^dtte,  bie  fdge  ba^eim  in  einer  Wcji^XK  ©tube  unb  lie^e 
fic^'g  too^l  fc^meden.  ^ag  drgerte  i^n  orbentUc^,  unb  o^ne 
ba^  er  tuu^te,  f^rad^  er  fo  f^in:  „%^  tDoEte,  bie  fd^e  ba= 
^eim  auf  bem  ©attel  unb  fount'  nid)t  J^erunter,  ftatt  bag  id) 
i^n  ba   auf  meinem   Studen  fd^Ie^^e."    Unb  n)ie    bag   le^te 

30  2Bort  aug  feinem  SRunbe  fam,  fo  n)ar  ber  Sattel  ijon  feinem 


S'tiidfen  t)erfd)tt)unben,  unb  er  merfte,  ba^  fein  jtoeiter  2Bunfc^ 
(x\x^  in  ©rfiillung  gegangen  it)ar.  ®a  tt)arb  if)m  erft  re4)t 
l^ei^,  unb  er  fing  an  gu  laufen  unb  tDolIte  ftcj)  ba^eim  ganj 
einfam  in  feine  hammer  fe^en  unb  auf  ettt)a§  @ro^e§  fiir 
ben  le^ten  SSunfd^  nad^ben!en.  2Bie  er  aber  anfommt  unb  5 
bie  ©tubent^iir  aufmad)t,  fi^t  ba  feine  grau  mittenbrin  auf 
bem  ©attel  unb  !ann  nid)t  l^erunter,  jammert  unb  fdjreit. 
^a  f^racf)  er:  „(S5ieb  bid^  gufrieben,  \6)  it)ill  bir  atle  Sfteid^s 
tiimer  ber  3SeIt  f)erBeiit)unfd)en,  nur  bleib'  ba  fi^en."  @ie 
fd^alt  i^n  aber  einen  ©djaf^fo^f  unb  f^rad):  „2Ba§  l)elfen  ic 
ntir  atte  9fteid)tumer  ber  SBelt,  n)enn  ic^  auf  bem  ©attel 
fi^e;  bu  {^aft  mic^  barauf  gen)unfd^t,  bu  mu^t  mir  auc^ 
mieber  ^erunter^elfen."  @r  mocf)te  Gotten  ober  nic^t,  er 
mu^te  ben  britten  SSunfd^  t^un,  ba^  fie  t)om  ©attel  lebig 
^^^T^  it)dre  unb  ^erunterfteigen  !i3nnte;  unb  ber  2Bunf4>  tt)arb  al§=  15 
balb  erfiillt.  2llfo  l;atte  er  nic^t§  bai^on  al§  Srger,  3}lui?e, 
Sc^etoorte  unb  ein  berlorne^  ^ferb;  bie  Strmen  aber  lebten 
bergniigt,  ftill  unb  fromm  bi§  an  ibr  feligeg  ©nbe. 

Briibcr  (Brtmm. 

3Sor  3^i^^"  ^^1^  ^i"  ^onig  unb  eine  ^onigin,  bie  f^rac^en 
jeben  2^ag:  „2lc^,  Xozxkxk  it)ir  bod^  ein  ^inb  flatten  !"  unb  friegten  2c 
immer  !ein§.  ®a  trug  fic^  gu,  aU  bie  ^onigin  einmal  im 
Sabe  fa^,  ba^  ein  grofd^  au§  bem  SSaffer  ang  Sanb  !rod^ 
unb  gu  i^r  f^rad; :  „^ein  SSunfd^  toirb  erfiillt  toerben;  el^e  ein 
Sa^r  bergef^t,  icirft  bu  eine  ^od)ter  %\xx  2Be(t  bringcn."  SSa^ 
ber  grofd)  gefagt  ^alte,  ba§  gefc^af),  unb  bie  ^onigin  gebar  n 
ein  ?!Kdbd)en,  ba§  toar  fo  fd^on,  bag  ber  ^onig  i)or  greube 
fic§  ni4)t  3u  laffen  tvu^te  unb  ein  gro^e^  geft  anfteUte.     @r 


labete  nic^t  blo^  feme  35ertt)anbte,  greunbe  unb  33e!annte,  fons 
bern  aucf)  bie  lueifen  grauen  baju  ein,  bamit  fie  bem  ^inb 
E)olb  unb  gen?ogen  ipdren.  @§  hjaren  tl^rer  breijel^n  in  feinem 
3^eic^e,  tceil  er  aber  nur  jti^olf  golbene  teller  Ifjatte,  bon  trelc^en 

5  fie  effen  follten,  fo  mu^te  eine  i)on  tl^nen  baf^eim  bleiben.  ®a§ 
geft  hjarb  mit  aUer  ^rad^t  gefeiert,  unb  al§  e§  %\x  ©nbe  hjar, 
befd^enften  bie  toeifen  grauen  bag  ^inb  mit  i^ren  SSunbergaben  : 
bie  eine  mit  ^ugenb,  bie  anbere  mit  ©c^on^eit,  bie  britte  mit 
3f^eid^tum,  unb  fo  mit  attem,  tt)a0  auf  ber  2BeIt  nur  %\x  tounfd^en 

lo  ift.  511^  elfe  i^re  ®^ruci5)e  ^tx^  get^an  fatten,  trat  ^lo^Iid^ 
bie  breijeljnte  herein.  6ie  h)oEte  fid^  bafiir  rdd^en,  ba^  fie 
nidfit  eingelaben  toar,  unb  o^ne  jemanb  ^u  grii^en  ober  nur 
anjufefjen,  rief  fie  mit  lauter  ©timme :  „®ie  ^onig§tod)ter  foE 
fic^  in  i^rem   fiinfjef^nten   ^a^r  an  einer   ©^inbel   ftec^en  unb 

15  tot  ]j>infallen."  Unb  o^ne  ein  2Bort  meiter  ju  f^rec^en,  fefjrte 
fie  fi(^  urn  unb  Derlie^  ben  6aal.  Sltte  h)aren  erfc^rodfen;  ba 
trat  bie  jhjolfte  ^erbor,  bie  iJ^ren  SSunfdf)  nod^  iibrig  \j(xiU, 
unb  it)eil  fie  ben  bofen  ©^ruc^  nid^t  auf^eben,  fonbern  nur  i^n 
milbem  fonnte,   fo  fagte  fie :    „@g   foil  aber  fein  ^ob   fein, 

2o  fonbern  ein  l^unbertja^riger  tiefer  ©c^Iaf,  in  toeld^cn  bie  ^oniggs 
toc^ter  fattt." 

®er  ^onig,  ber  fein  Iiebe§  ^inb  tjor  bem  Ungliidf  gem  bes 
h)a{)ren  tooEte,  lie^  ben  33efe^l  au^geljen,  ba^  (^Si^  ©^inbeln 
im    ganjen    ^onigreid^e    follten    berbrannt  irerben.      2(n    bem 

25  5[Rdbd^en  aber  h)urben  bie  ©aben  ber  toeifen  grauen  fdmtlid^ 
erfuttt,  benn  e§  hjar  fo  fd^on,  fittfam,  freunblid^  unb  ijer* 
ftdnbig,  ba^  eg  jebermann,  ber  eg  anfaf),  lieb  fjaben  mu^te. 
@g  gefc^al),  bafe  o,\\  bem  ^age,  tt)o  eg  gerabe  fiinfje^n  Sa^r' 
alt  tDarb,  ber  ^onig  unb  bie  ^onigin   nic^t  gu  §aug  toaren, 

30  unb  bag  5[Rdbd^en  gang  aUein  im  ©c^lo^  juriidEblieb.    ^a  ging 


c§  allerorten  lucrum,  befal^  StuBen  unb  ^ammern,  tote  e§  2uft 
{jatte,  unb  !am  enblid^  aud^  an  einen  alten  2:;urm.  @§  ftieg 
bie  enge  SSenbcItre^^e  ^inauf  unb  gelangte  ju  etner  !(einen 
X^iire.  3n  bent  ©d^Io|  ftecfte  ein  i:)errofteter  ©d^liiffel,  uitb 
al§  e§  utttbre^te,  f^rang  bie  2^^ur  auf,  unb  \(x%  ba  in  einem  5 
fleinen  ©tiib^en  eine  alte  grau  mit  einer  ©pinbel  unb  f^ann 
emfig  ifjren  glad^g.  „©uten  Xag,  bu  alle§  3}Zutterc^en/'  f^rad^ 
bie  ^onigStod^ter,  „h)a§  mad^ft  bu  ba?"  „3^  f^inne,"  fagte 
bie  Sllte  unb  nidfte  mit  bent  ^o^f.  „28a§  ift  ba§  fiir  ein 
®ing,  ba§  fo  luftig  Ijerumf^ringt?"  f^rad^  ba§  5[Rdbd)en,  na^m  10 
bie  (S^inbel  unb  tooKte  aud^  f^innen.  ^aum  \j<x\it  fie  aber  bie 
6^inbel  angeriifjrt,  fo  ging  ber  ^^^^^^f^^wc^  i^  ©rfullung,  unb 
fie  ftad^  fidf)  bamit  in  ben  J^nger. 

3n  bent  21ugenblicf  aber,  too  fie  ben  ©tirf)  em^fanb,  fiel  fie  auf 
ba§  33ett  nieber,  ba§  ba  ftanb,  unb  lag  in  einem  tiefen  ©d^laf.  15 
Unb  biefer  ©d)laf  toerbreitete  fid^  itber  ba§  gan^e  ©d^lo^;  ber 
^onig  unb  bie  ^onigin,  bie  ^^xk  l^eim  gefommen  unb  in  ben  6aal 
getreten  toaren,  fingen  <m  ein§ufd)Iafen  unb  ber  gauge  §offtaat 
mit  if)nen.  3)a  fc^Iiefen  aud^  bie  ^ferbe  im  ©tall,  bie  §unbe  im 
§ofe,  bie  ^auben  auf  bem  %<x^)%,  bie  ^liegen  (xxk  ber  2Banb,  ja,  20 
ba§  geuer,  ba§  auf  bem  §erbe  flacEerte,  toarb  ftiH  unb  fd^Iief 
ein,  unb  ber  Sraten  fjorte  auf  gu  bru^eln,  unb  ber  ^od^,  ber  ben 
^itd^enjungen,  toeil  er  ii'xufx^  ijerfef^en  Ijatte,  in  ben  §aaren  jiel^en 
toollte,  Iie§  i^n  Io§  unb  fd^lief.  Unb  ber  SSinb  legte  fid^,  unb 
auf  ben  ^dumen  Oor  bem  ©c^Io^  regte  fid^  !ein  33Idttd^en  mel)r.  25 

Sitings  um  bal  ©d^lo^  aber  begann  eine  ®ornenl)ec!e  gu 
toac^fen,  bie  jebeS  Sa^r  ^oljer  toarb  unb  enblid^  ba§  gauge  (SdE)lo§ 
umgog  unb  bariiber  l)inaugtoud^§,  ba§  gar  nidbtg  me^r  bat)on  gu 
fe^en  toar,  felbft  nic^t  bie  gal)ne  auf  bem  ^o<6:j.  @g  ging  aber 
bie  6age  in  bem  £anb  toon  bem  fd^onen  fc^lafenben  3)ornrogd^en,  30 


oenn  fo  hjarb  bie  ^onigStod^tcr  genannt,  alfo  ba^  t)on  3^it 
ju  3^it  ^onigSfo^ne  !amen  unb  burc^  bie  §erfe  in  bag  ©c^(o^ 
bringen  tDoHten.  @g  toar  t^nen  aber  nicfit  moglid},  benn  bie 
^ornen,  alg  Ifjdtten  fie  §dnbe,  ^ielten  feft  gufammen,  unb  bie 

5  3ii"9^^^S^  blieben  barin  ^dngen,  fonnten  fid^  nic^t  icieber  Io§ 
madden  unb  ftarben  eine§  jdmmerlic^en  ^obe§.  9^ad)  langen 
langen  3af)ren  !am  luieber  einmal  ein  ^oniggfo^n  in  ba§ 
2anb  unb  ^orte,  h)ic  ein  alter  5[Rann  bon  ber  ^ornen^ec!e 
ergdl^lte,  e§  foUte  ein  ©c^tof^  ba^interftet)en,  in  tDe(d)em  cine 

10  rt)unberfd;one  ^onig§tod;ter,  ^ornro^c^en  genannt,  fd^on  feit 
{^unbert  3^^^^"  fc^li^f^/  ii"^  n^it  i^i^  fd;liefe  ber  ^onig  unb  bie 
^onigin  unb  ber  gan^e  §offtaat.  (Sr  h)u^te  (xyxi:)  bon  feinem 
©ro^bater,  ba^  fc^on  biele  ^onig^fo^ne  gefommen  trciren  unb 
berfuc^t  fatten,  burd;  bie  ^ornen^ede  ^u  bringen,  aber  fie  todren 

15  barin  F^dngen  geblieben  unb  eine§  traurigen  ^obe§  geftorben.    ®a 

f^rac^  ber  ^unsling :  »3c^  fiird^te  mid^  nid^t,  id^  it)itt  ^inaug  unb 

ba§  fc^bne  2)ornro§d)en  fe^en."    ®er  gute  5(lte  moc^te  if^m  ohi 

raten,  iuie  er  iDolIte,  aber  er  lj)brte  nidf)t  auf  feine  ^orte. 

3fiun  i»aren  gerabe  bie  ^unbert  Sa^re  berfloffen,  unb  ber  ^'ag 

20  itjar  gefommen,  h)o  2)ornro§c^en  irieber  ertoac^en  follte.  21U  ber 
^oniggfo^n  fic^  ber  S)ornen^ede  nd^erte,  tuaren  e^  lauter  gro^e 
fd^one  Slumen;  bie  t^aten  fid;  bon  felbft  au§einanber  unb  lie^en 
x^xi  unbefc^dbigt  ^inburd^ ;  unb  Winter  i^m  t^aten  fie  fic^  ttjieber 
al§  eine  §ede  gufammen.     3"^  ©c^lo^^of  fal^  er  bie  ^ferbe  unb 

25  fd^edigen  3^9^^"^^  X\^<^,^XK  unb  fd^lafen;  auf  bem  %<x^t  fa^en 
bie  ^auben  unb  l^atten  ba§  ^opfc^en  unter  ben  gliigel  gefledt. 
Unb  al§  er  in^  §au§  !am,  fd)liefen  bie  gliegen  an  ber  2Banb,  ber 
^od^  in  ber  ^uc^e  ^ielt  nod)  bie  §anb,  al§  moEte  er  ben  Sungen 
an^aden,  unb  bie  5!JJagb  fa^  tor  bem  fd)h:)ar§en  ^w^xi,  bag  follte 

30  geru^ft  iperben.   ®a  ging  er  iceiter  unb  faf)  im  6aal  "^tx^.  gangen 


§offtaat  Itegen  unb  fd^Iafen,  unb  oben  Sei  bem  ^(jrone  lag  ber 
^onig  unb  bie  Jlonigin.  ®a  ging  er  rtod^  it»eiter,  unb  alle§  hjar 
fo  ftill,  ba^  einer  feinen  Sltem  ^oren  !onnte,  unb  enblicf)  !am  er 
ju  bem  %\xxv^  unb  offnele  bie  ^fjiire  ^u  ber  fletnen  ©tube,  in 
toeld^er  ^ornro§cl5>en  fd^lief.  ®a  lag  e§  unb  n)ar  fo  fd^bn,  ba^  er  s 
bie  2lugen  nid^t  ablwenben  !onnte,  unb  er  fonnte  e§  aud^  nid^t 
laffen,  biidfte  fic^  unb  gab  i^m  einen  ^u§.  2Bie  er  e§  mit  bem 
^u^  beriil^rt  ^atte,  fo  fc^lug  ^ornro^c^en  bie  3lugen  auf, 
erh)ad^te  unb  blidfte  i^n  gan^  freunblid^  an.  ^a  gingen  fie 
gufammen  f)erab,  unb  ber  ^onig  errt)ad^te  unb  bie  ^onigin  unb  ber  lo 
ganje  §offtaat,  unb  fallen  einanber  mit  gro^en  2lugen  oxi,  Unb 
bie  ^ferbe  im  §of  ftanben  auf  unb  ritttelten  fid^ ;  bie  S^g^^""^^ 
f^rangen  unb  h^ebelten;  bie  Xauben  auf  bem  ®ac^  gogen  ba§ 
^o^fd^en  unterm  gliigel  ^ert»or,  fa^en  umljer  unb  flogen  in§  gelb; 
bie  g'Uegen  oxk  ben  SScinben  frod^en  n)eiter;  ba§  geuer  in  ber  15 
^iidje  er()ob  fid^,  fladferte  unb  locate  ba§  ©ffen ;  ber  33raten  fing 
hjieber  an  §u  bru^eln,  unb  ber  ^od^  gab  bem  gungen  eine 
Df)rfeige,  ba^  er  fc^rie ;  unb  bie  3Jlagb  ru^fte  ba§  §ul>n  f ertig. 
Unb  ba  tourbe  bie  ^oc^jeit  be§  ^onig§fo^ne§  mit  bem  ®orn= 
ro^d^en  in  aller  ^rad^t  gefeiert,  unb  fie  lebten  t)ergnugt  big  ^x\,  20 
i^r  (gnbe.  Briiber  (Srtmm. 

18.   ^a§  ^euetjeug* 

2)ort  !am  ein  ©olbat  auf  ber  Sanbftra^e  ein^ermarfdjiert : 
„@in§,  jhjei !  @in§,  5h)ei !"  @r  ^atte  feinen  Xornifter  auf  bem 
3^udfen  unb  einen  ©dbel  an  ber  ©eite,  ireil  er  im  ^riege  getoefen 
n)ar,  bod^  nun  follte  e§  IjeimttJdrtg  ge()en.  ®a  begegnete  er  auf  25 
ber  Sanbftra^e  einer  alten  §eje ;  fie  n)ar  entfe^Iid^  gcirftig,  bie 
Unterli^^e  Fjing  ibr  bi§  auf  bie  33ruft  ^inab.  ©ie  fagte :  „%^xi%x^ 
5lbenb,  ©olbat !   Sag  fiir  einen  jierlic^en  6dbel  unb  gro^en 


Xormftcr  bu  boc^  ^aft !  bu  bift  em  ed^ter  ©olbat !    9^un  fodft  bu 
fo  biel  ©elb  be!ommen,  h)ie  bu  l^aben  njiHft!" 
„©c^Dnen  ^an!,  alte  ^eje !"  fagte  ber  ©olbat. 
„6tef)ft  bu  bort  ben  gro^en  Saum  ?"  fagte  bie  ^eje  unb  jetgte 

5  auf  einen  33aum,  ber  il^nen  jur  6ette  ftanb.  »@r  ift  im  3"nern 
gauj  ^of)l.  2Benn  bu  tf)n  bi§  gum  ©i^fel  erfteigft,  erblic!ft  bu  ein 
2oc^,  burc^  lDelc^e§  bu  l^inabgletten  unb  bi§  tief  in  ben  Saum 
E)inunter!ommen  fannft.  3<^  tt)erbe  bir  einen  (Btxid  urn  ben 
Seib  binben,  um  bidt)  tnieber  Ijeraufgiel^en  gu  fonnen,  fobalb  bu 

lo  mic^  rufft!" 

„2Ba§  foil  id^  benn  ba  unten  im  33aume  ?"  fragte  ber  Solbat, 

r,©elb  f;olen/'  fagte  bie  §e£e.     „®u  mugt  hjiffen,  fobalb  bu 

auf  ben  33oben  be^  33aume§  ()inunterfommft,  fo  befinbeft  bu  bid^ 

in  einem  langen  ©ange ;  bort  ift  e§  gang  ^etl,  toeil  ba  iiber  \}nn= 

IS  bert  Sam^en  brennen.  ®ann  gehjaf^rft  bu  brei  ^l^iiren.  2)u 
fannft  fie  offnen,  ber  Sd^liiffel  ftedtt  barin.  ©el)ft  bu  in  bie  erfte 
hammer  fjinein,  fo  erblidfft  bu  mitten  auf  bem  Ju^boben  eine 
gro^e  ^ifte,  auf  melcfjer  ein  §unb  fi^t.  @r  E)at  ein  ^aax  3lugen 
fo  gro§  it)ie  ein  ^aar  Xaffen,  aber  barum  barfft  bu  bid^  nicbt 

20  fiimmern  !  '^d)  gebe  bir  meine  blau  farrierte  ©d^iirje,  bie  fannft 
bu  auf  bem  gu^oben  au^breiten ;  gel^  bann  fd^neH  \)\n  unb  'ijiad^ 
ben  §unb,  fe^e  i^n  auf  meine  ©d^iirje,  offne  bie  ^ifte  unb  nimm 
fo  mel  ©elb  bu  tcittft.  @§  ift  atteg  lauter  ^u^fer ;  mittft  bu 
aber  lieber  ©ilber  ^aben,  fo  mu^t  bu  in  bag  ndd^fte  3^^^^^ 

25  l^ineintreten ;  bort  fi^t  ein  §unb,  ber  2lugen  \)ai  fo  gro^  h)ie 
!D^u]^Irdber ;  aber  barum  braud^ft  bu  bic^  nid^t  ju  fiimmern,  fe^e 
\i)n  nur  auf  meine  ©d^iirje  unb  nimm  bir  toon  bem  ©elbe.  SSillft 
bu  bagegen  ©olb  Ijaben,  fo  fannft  bu  e§  au<i)  befommen,  fo  t)iel 
toic  bu  nur  gu  tragen  bermagft,  n)enn  bu  in  bie  britte  hammer 

30  l^ineingef^ft.    Slllein  ber  §unb,  toeld^er  ^ier  auf  ber  ©elbfifte  fi^t, 


^at  jhjei  5(ugen,  jebeS  fo  gro^  njte  ein  vunber  ^urm.  ©laub'§, 
ba§  ift  ein  ric^tiger  §unb.  Slber  barum  braud^ft  bu  bic^  nic^t  ^u 
fummern.  6e^c  i^n  nur  auf  meine  Sc^iirje,  fo  t^ut  er  bir  nid^t^, 
unb  nimm  ^\x^  ber  ^ifte  fo  biel  ©olb  bu  tt)iEft." 

,,^a§  ift  gar  nid^t  fo  iibel !"  fagte  ber  ©olbat.     ,r2l6er  tt)a§    5 
foil  id)  bir  gebcn,  bu  alte  §e£e  ?    ©enn  etluag,  !ann  id^  ben!en, 
t»iHft  bu  tr)ol)l  au4)  l)aben!" 

ff^'lein,"  fagte  bie  §e^e,  „md^t  einen  einjigen  pfennig  h)ill  id^ 
l^aben !    TOr  foEft  bu  nur  ein  alte§  geuergeug  fjolen,  meld^eg 
meine    ©rogmutter    t>erga^,    al§    fie    gum    le^enmale    unten  10 
n)ar !" 

„^vX,''  fagte  ber  ©olbat,  „!nu^fe  mir  bann  ben  ©tridf  um 
ben  Seib." 

„§ier  ift  er,"  fagte  bie  ^eje,  „unb  l^ier  ift  meine  blau  !arrierte 
©c^iirge!"  15 

So  fletterte  benn  ber  ©olbat  ben  93aum  ^inauf,  glitt  burc^ 
bag  Sod^  f^inunter  unb  ftanb  XK\x\i,  n)ie  bie  ^e^e  gefagt,  unten 
in  bem  gro^en  ©ange,  tt»o  bie  bielen  l^unbert  Sam^en  brannten. 

5^un  ijffnete  er  bie  erfte  %^\xx.  U^!  ba  fa^  ber  §unb  mit 
Slugen  fo  gro^  U)ie  ^affen,  unb  glo^te  i()n  <x^,  20 

„^u  bift  ein  netter  Surfrf)!  fagte  ber  ©olbat,  fe|te  il)n  auf 
bie  ©d^iirje  ber  §eje  unb  nal)m  fo  i)iel  ^upfergelb,  iDie  nur 
immer  in  feine  3:^afd^en  ging,  berfc^lo^  bann  bie  ^ifte,  fe|te 
ben  §unb  irieber  l)inauf  unb  ging  in  ba§  anbere  gi"^^^^* 
$o|taufenb!  ba  fa^  ber  §unb  mit  2(ugen  fo  gro^  trie  3}iul)l=  25 

„SDu  foUteft  mic^  nidfU  fo  ftarr  anfe^en!"  fagte  ber  ©olbat, 
„bu  fonnteft  fonft  2lugenh)el)  befommen!"  unb  bamit  fe^te  er 
ben  §unb  auf  bie  ©d)ur5e  ber  §eje;  al§  er  aber  ba§  bielc 
©ilbergelb  in  ber  ^ifte   getoa^rte,   tcarf   er  alle§  ^u^fergclb  30 


fort  unb  fiillte  fief)  bie  ^Tafdjen  unb  ben  Xornifter  mit  lauter 
©ilber.  9Zun  ging  er  in  bie  britte  hammer  ^inein.  3^ein, 
tear  ba§  grd^lirf)!  ®er  §unb  barin  f)atte  h)ir!Iic^  §h)ei  2(ugen 
fo  gro^  i»ie  ein  runber  ^Turm,  unb  bie  liefen  i^m  im  ^o^fe 

5    tt)ie  9tdber  um^er. 

„^\xizxK  Slbenb !"  fagte  ber  ©olbat  unb  griff  an  ben  ^fc^afo, 
benn  einen  foldBen  §unb  Batte  er  nie  jubor  gefefjen ;  al§  er  it?n 
fid;  aber  eine  3^^^  ^^"9  betrac^tet  ^atte,  barf)te  er  bei  fic^: 
„92un  !ann  e§  genug  fein  !"  ^ob  i()n  auf  ben  gu^boben  ^erunter 

lo  unb  offnete  bie  ^ifte.  9^ein,  ©ott  betoaf^re !  2Sa^  tpar  ba  fiir 
eine  9Jlenge  ©olb  !  ©afiir  fonnte  er  gan^  ^o^enfjagen  unb  bie 
3uc!erfer!elcf)en  ber  ^ucf^entDeiber,  alle  ginnfolbaten,  ^eitfd^en 
unb  ©c^aufelpferbe  in  ber  ganjen  3Se(t  faufen.  %<x,  ba  it)ar 
einmal  ©elb  1    5^un  trarf  ber  6oIbat  alleg  ©ilbergelb,  ttjomit  er 

15  feine  ^af(f)cn  unb  feinen  ^ornifter  gefiillt  f^atte,  fort  unb  nal^m 
ftatt  beffen  @olb ;  ja,  alle  Xafd)en,  ber  STornifter,  ber  ^fd^afo 
unb  bie  ©tiefel  hjurben  angefiiHt,  fo  ba^  er  !aum  gefjen  fonnte. 
9^un  f)atte  er  ©elb !  ®en  §unb  fe^te  er  auf  bie  ^ifte  f^inauf, 
fd^Iug  bie  ^Ejiire  ^u  unb  rief  bann  burd^  ben  33aum  ^inauf : 

2o      „3iel)^  tnid)  nun  empor,  alte  ipe^e !" 

„§aft  bu  benn  aud^  ba§  geuerjeug  ?"  fragte  bie  §eje. 
»2Sa^rf)aftig/'  fagte  ber  6olbat,  „ba§  ^atte  id;  rein  bergeffen/ 
unb  nun  ging  er  unb  naF>m  e§.  •  ^ie  §e£e  §og  i[)n  em^or,  unb  ba 
ftanb  er  ioieber  auf  ber  Sanbftra^e,  bie  ^afd^en,  ©tiefel,  Xornifter 

25  unb  5rfd;a!o  big  obenan  OoII  @elb. 

„2Sa§  iDiKft  bu  benn  mit  bem  geuergeug?"  fragte  ber  ©olbat. 
„®a§  gef)t  bid;  nic^tg  an!"  fagte  bie  ^eje,  „bu  ^aft  ja  ©elb 
befommen,  gieb  mir  je^t  nur  bag  geuerjeug." 

»2arifari !"  fagte  ber  ©olbat,  „gleici^  fagft  bu  mir,  h)ag  bu 

30  bamit  trittft,  ober  id;  jiefje  meinen  6dbel  unb  fc^Iage  bir  ben 
^o^f  (xh !" 


«9^ein !"  \<x(^it  bie  ^eje. 

^a  fd^Iug  i^r  ber  ©olbat  ben  ^o^f  ab.  3^un  lag  fie  ba! 
@r  aber  banb  all  fein  ©elb  in  iE)re  ©c^iirge,  na^m  fie  tt)ie  ein 
SSiinbel  auf  ben  S^ucfen,  ftecfte  ba^  geuergeug  in  bie  5tafd)e  unb 
ging  geraben  2Bege§  \k<x6:j  ber  ©tabt.  5 

@§  h)ar  eine  fc^mude  ©tabt,  unb  in  bem  fd^mucfften  2Birt§5 
^aufe  !ef>rte  er  ein,  berlangte  bie  allerbeften  3^"^"^^^  i^nb  bie 
©^eifen,  bie  er  am  liebften  (x%,  benn  nun  n^ar  er  reid^,  ba  er  fo 
mel  ©elb  ^atte. 

®em  §aul!ned^t,  ber  i^m  bie  ©tiefel  ^u^en  follte,  fc^ien  e§  10 
freilic^,  al§  tuaren  e§  red^t  fonberbare  alte  ©tiefel,  bie  ein  fo 
reid^er  §err  ^dtte,  aber  er  f)alte  fid^  nod^  feine  neuen  gefauft. 
®en  ndc^ften  3:^ag  befam  er  aber  ©tiefel,  bie  fidt)  fe^en  laffen 
fonnten,  unb  e^trafeine  ^leiber.  ^wxk  h)ar  au§  bem  ©olbaten 
ein  t)orne^mer  §err  gehjorben,  unb  man  erja^lte  ifjm  Don  oSivcK  15 
§errlirf)!eiten  ber  ©tabt,  unb  toon  bem  ^onige  unb  toa§  fiir  eine 
reigenbe  ^rinjeffin  feine  Xod^ter  toare. 

„2Bo  !ann  man  fie  %\x  fe^en  befommen?"  fragte  ber  ©olbat. 

„9Jlan  !ann  fie  ^\>^xi  gar  nic^t  ju  @efirf)t  befommen!"  lautete 
bie  2lnth)ort.  „©ie  iDof^nt  in  einem  gro^en  !u^)fernen  ©d^Ioffe,  20 
ring^um  burd^  t>iele  9Jlauern  unb  Xiirme  gefc^ii^t.  ^^iiemanb 
au^er  bem  ^onige  barf  bei  \%x  au§=  unb  eingefjen,  toeil  geioei§= 
fagt  ift,  ba^  fie  mit  einem  gang  gemeinen  ©olbaten  oerl^eiratet 
toerben  iuirb,  unb  ba§  l(xxKXi  ber  ^onig  nicf)t  bulben." 

„3d^  moc^te  fie  tool^I  fel)en!"   bad^te  ber  ©olbat,  aber  baju  25 
fonnte  er  \<x  t\itXK  feine  @rlaubni§  erl^alten. 

9^un  lebte  er  luftig  in  ben  ^ag  ^inein,  ging  flei^ig  in§  VcjtoXtx, 
ful^r  in  be§  ^onigg  ©arten  unb  gab  ben  Slrmen  t)iel  ©elb,  unb 
ba§  toar  brat>.  ®r  tou^te  ja  noc^  i)on  fritberen  ^agen  Ijer,  toie 
fd^limm  eg  iodre,  nid^t  einen  §etter  %\x  befi^en.   9^un  ioar  er  reid^,  30 


l^atte  fcine  ^leiber  unb  befam  i)iele  greunbe,  bie  atte  fagten,  er 
tt)dre  ein  guter  ^unge,  ein  ed)ter  ^ai:)aUer,  unb  ba§  befjagte  bent 
(Solbaten  gar  fefjr.  ^a  er  aber  jeben  Xag  nur  ©elb  (k\x^^ok>  unb 
nie  ettoaS  einna^m,  fo  ^atle  er  gule^t  nur  nod^  jtwei  ^fennige 
iibrig,  unb  mugte  o^x^  ben  :prdcf)tigen  3^^"^^^"/  ^i^  ^^  bigger 
bett»ot)nl  t^atte,  ^od^  oben  in  ein  fleineg  ©iebelftiibc^en  bid^t  unter 
bent  ®arf)e  jie^en,  ntu^te  fid;  feine  ©tiefel  felbft  biirften  unb  mit 
einer  ©to^fnabel  jufammennd^en,  unb  !einer  feiner  greunbe  !am 
ju  i^m,  h)eil  man  fo  t>iel  ^re))^en  ^u  if)m  f^inaufgufteigen  f>atte. 
@g  hjar  ein  ganj  bunfler  3lbenb,  unb  er  fonnte  fid^  nirf)t  einntal 
ein  2ic^t  faufen ;  aber  ba  erinnerte  er  fid^  ^(o^lidf),  ba^  fic^  nod^ 
ein  Sid^tftum^f  in  bent  geuergeuge  befinben  mu^te,  n)eld^e§  er 
au§  bent  f)o()len  33aume  mitgenommen  ^atte,  in  ben  i^nt  bie  §e£e 
^inunterge^olfen.     @r  l^olte  ba§  geuerjeug  unb  bag  Sic^tftiim^fs 

i^  4>en  ^ert>or,  aber  gerabe  alg  er  geuer  fd^lug,  unb  bie  gunfen  o.\x^ 
bent  geuerftein  flogen,  f^jrang  bie  St^iire  auf,  unb  ber  §unb,  ber 
Slugen  Fjatte  fo  gro^  h)ie  ein  $aar  Xaffen  unb  ben  er  unten  unter 
bent  33aume  gefe^en  ^atte,  ftanb  bor  il^m  unb  fagte:  „2Ba§ 
befie^lt  mein  §err?" 

2D  „2Bag  ift  ba§!"  fagte  ber  ©olbat,  „ba§  ift  ja  ein  brolIige§ 
geuerjeug,  n^enn  id^  baburd^  befomnten  !ann,  h)a§  ic^  nur  baben 
mill!  ©cfjaffe  mir  eth)ag  ©elb,"  fagte  er  jum  §unbe,  unb  bi^g 
hjar  er  fort !  t)i)3§  ttjar  er  h)ieber  ba  unb  l^ielt  einen  gro^en  Seutel 
boU  ®elb  in  feinem  ^aule. 

25  ^flun  h)u^te  ber  ©olbat,  ira^  bgf  furjjn  ^rdd^tige§  geuergeug 
toar.  (Sd)Iug  er  einmal,  fo  !am  ber  §unb,  tt)eld)er  auf  ber  ^ifte 
mit  bem  ^u^fergelb  fa^;  fd^lug  er  jmeimal,  fo  !am  ber,  tDeld^er 
bag  ©ilbergelb  l^atte,  unb  fcfjlug  er  breimal,  fo  !am  ber,  h)elc^er 
bag  @olb  {^atte.     3^un  jog  ber  6olbat  n)ieber  in  bie  ^rddE)tigen 

30  gimmer  ^inunter,  jeigte  fid^  in  guten  ^leibern,  unb  ba  erfannten 


^^'j''   tE)n  0leicl5>  aUe  feine  guten  greunbe  unb  l^ielten  gro^e  ©tMe  auf 
"^      tl^n. 

t,p^^_^.  ®a  bad^te  er  einmal:  „@g  ift  bod^  tDtrfltd^  auffallenb,  bag 
'man  bie  ^rmjeffin  nid^t  §u  fel^en  befommt!  ©ie  foE  augerorbents 
lid)  fc^on  fein,  beljau^tet  jebermann;  aber  tr)a§  '{(xxix^  ba§  l)elfen,  5 
hjenn  fie  immer  in  bem  cjrogen  ^u^ferfc^log  mit  ben  bielen 
^iirmen  fi^en  mug?  ^ann  id^  fie  benn  gar  nid;t  ^u  fel^en  be!om= 
men?  —  2Bo  ift  nur  mein  g^wer^eug?"  3^un  f(f)lug  er  geuer,  unb 
t)i^§!  !am  ber  §unb  mit  Slugen  fo  grog  toie  ^affen. 

„@€  ift  gtoar  mitten  in  ber  9f?adE)t,"  fagte  ber  6olbat,  „aber  id)  10 
mod^te  bod^  gar  %\x  gem  bie  ^rinjeffin  fe^en,  nur  einen  lleinen 
3lugenbUd  I" 

2)er  §unb  n^ar  gleid^  au§  ber  %^^xx^,  unb  el)e  e§  ber  ©olbat 
bad^te,  fa()  er  i^n  fd^on  mit  ber  ^ringeffin  toieber.  ©ie  fag  unb 
fd^lief  auf  be§  §unbe§  S^uden  unb  h)ar  fo  fd^on,  "bag  jebermann  15 
fe^en  fonnte,  bag  e§  eine  n^irflid^e  ^rinjeffin  n^ar.  ^er  ©olbat 
fonnte  fid)  nid^t  ent{)alten,  fie  ^u  fiiffen,  benn  er  tuar  ein  ec^ter 

^er  §unb  lief  barauf  mit  ber  ^rinjeffin  n)ieber  ^uriid ;  al^  e§ 
aber  5}?orgen  n:)urbe,  unb  ber  ^onig  unb  bie  ^onigin  beim  gru^=  20 
ftiid  fagen,  fagte  bie  ^rinjeffin,  fie  l)dtte  in  ber  9f^ad^t  einen  gan^ 
n)unberlid)en  ^raum  bon  einem  §unbe  unb  einem  ©olbaten  ges 
l)abt.  ©ie  UJdre  auf  bem  §unbe  geritten,  unb  ber  ©olbat  ^dtte 
fie  geliigt. 

„^a§  h)dre  twa^rlid^  eine  fc^bne  ©efc^id)te !"  fagte  bie  ^onigin.  25 

'%xx\,  follte  eine  ber  alten  §ofbamen  in  ber  ndd)ften  '^<x6:ji  am 
33ette  ber  ^rinjeffin  twac^en,  um  ju  fel)en,  ob  e§  ein  mirflic^er 
2::raum  njdre,  ober  n)a§  e§  fonft  fein  fonnte. 

^er  ©olbat  fel)nte  fid;  ganj  erfcliredlic^  barnad^,  bie  fd^one 
^rinjeffin  njieber  ^u  fel)en,  unb  fo  lam  benn  ber  §unb  in  ber  30 


^f^ad^t,  tia^m  fie  unb  lief  \ooA  er  nur  immer  fonnte ;  attein  bie 
alte  §Dfbame  jog  SBaffetftiefel  <x\k  unb  lief  eben  fo  fc^ncll  ^in= 
terser.  2(lg  fie  nun  fa^,  bag  fie  in  einem  grogen  §aufe  toer^ 
f  ditDanben,  bad^te  fie :  „^un  h)eig  ic^,  it)o  e§  ift !"  unb  geic^nete 

5  mit  einem  (Stiic!  ^reibe  ein  groge^  ^reug  an  bie  3:^ure.  ®arauf 
ging  fie  l^eim  unb  legte  fic^  nieber,  unb  auc^  ber  §unb  !am  mit 
ber  ^rin^effin  irieber.  211^  er  aber  fa^,  bag  ein  ^reuj  auf  bie 
X^iire,  iDO  ber  ©olbat  tt)o^nte,  gejeid^net  \X)<xx,  naf)m  er  ebenfall^ 
ein  'Bi\xi  ^reibe  unb  marf)te  auf  aEe  ^fjiiren  ber  ganjen  ©tabt 

lo  ^reu^e.  Unb  ba§  tvar  !lug  get{;an,  benn  nun  fonnte  ja  bie 
§ofbame  bie  ridjtige  Vcjvct^  nic^t  finben,  ba  (xx\.  oSivc^.  ^reu^e 

grii^  morgeng  fam  ber  ^onig  unb  bie  ^onigin,  bie  alte  §ofs 
bame  unb  aUe  Dffijiere,  um  §u  fe^en,  it)o  bie  -^^rinjeffin  get^efen 

15  ttjar. 

„^a  ift  e§  !"  fagte  ber  ^bnig,  al§  er  bie  erfte  mit  einem  ^reu^e 
begeicl)nete  %^\xxt  erblidfte. 

„9^ein,  bort  ift  e§,  liebe§  3Kdnncl)en !"  fagte  bie  ^onigin,  alg 
fie  bie  gmeite  ^^jiire  mit  bem  ^reu^egjeic^en  bemerfte. 

2o  „3lber  ba  ift  ein§  unb  bort  ift  ein§!"  riefen  fie  fdmtlid^ ;  tpobin 
fie  fa^en,  Ujaren  ^reuje  an  ben  ^^Ijiiren.  2)a  fa^en  fie  benn 
ioo^l  ein,  bag  alle§  Sudjen  t>ergeblid)  n^dre. 

Slber  bie  ^onigin  toar  eine  augerorbentlic^  Huge  grau,  bie 
me^r  berftanb,  al^  in  einer  ^aroffe  ein^erjufal^ren.     ©ie  na^m 

25  i^re  groge  golbene  ©d^ere,  jerfclinitt  ein  groge§  ©tiid  ©ciben^eug 
unb  ndl)te  bann  einen  !leinen  nieblid^en  Seutel,  ben  fiiUte  fie  mit 
feiner  ^SudjtDeijengrii^e,  banb  iljn  ber  ^ringeffin  auf  ben  W(x^^xi 
unb  fd^nitt  barauf  ein  flcineg  2o(^  in  ben  33eutel,  fo  bag  bie 
©rii^e  ben  ganjen  3Seg,  ben  bie  ^rin^effin  ^affierte,  beftreuen 

30  fonnte. 


9fla(^t§  !am  ber  §unb  hJteber,  na^m  bie  ^rittgeffin  auf  feincn 
3^Men  unb  lief  mit  tljr  ju  bem  ©olbaten,  ber  fie  fo  l^erjlic^  lieb 
^(xiiz  unb  fo  gem  ein  $ring  getrefen  ioare,  urn  fie  ^eimfii^ren  ju 

®er  §unb  merfte  burc^au€  nid^t,  n)ie  bie  ©rii^e  iiber  ben  5 
gan^en  2iBeg  tjom  ©d^loffe  bi§  §u  bem  genfter,  tr>o  er  mit  ber 
^rinjeffin  bie  9Jlauer  ^inauflief,  berftreut  it)urbe.  9fiun  fa^en 
e§  be§  ?iJlorgen§  ber  ^bnig  unb  bie  ^onigin  beutlid^,  luo  i^re 
^^od^ter  gen)efen  n^ar,  unb  ba  na^men  fie  ben  6oIbaten  unb 
iDarfen  i^n  in§  ©efdngnig.  10 

^a  fa^  er  nun.  2lc^,  h)ie  finfter  unb  langtoeilig  tt>ar  e§ 
barin !  %\x^  fagte  man  i^m :  „3Jiorgen  h)irft  bu  geljdngt 
merben !"  ^a§  trar  juft  nid^t  bergniiglid^  %\x  f)oren,  unb  baju 
(jatte  er  fein  geuer^eug  ba^eim  im  2Birt§l)aufe  gelaffen.  5lm 
9JJorgen  fonnte  er  burd^  ba§  ©ifengitter  toor  feinem  fleinen  15 
genfter  fe^en,  n^ie  bag  3Sol!  au§  ber  ©tabt  ^erbeieilte,  i^n 
{)dngen  ju  fe^en,  (gr  ^orte  bie  Xrommeln  unb  fal)  bie  ©olbaten 
marfd)ieren.  2(D[e  Seute  tvaren  auf  ben  33einen ;  babei  n)ar 
aud^  ein  ©c^ufterjunge  mit  ©(f)urjfell  unb  ^antoffeln ;  er  galops 
pierte  fo  eilig,  ba§  i^m  ein  ^antoffel  abflog  unb  gerabe  gegen  20 
bie  3Jlauer,  l^inter  hjeld^er  ber  6olbat  fa^  unb  burd^  ba§  @ifen= 
aitter  f)inau§fd^aute. 

„§ore  einmal,  Sd^ufterjunge !  %\x  braud^ft  bid^  nid^t  fo  %\x 
beeilen,"  fagte  ber  6oIbat  §u  iljm ;  »el  tt)irb  bod^  nic^tg  baraug, 
bei)or  id)  lomme.  SBillft  bu  aber  in  meine  frii^ere  SBolj^nung  25 
laufen  unb  mir  mein  g^euergeug  l^olen,  fo  foEft  bu  bier  ©rofc^en 
be!ommen.  2lber  lauf  unb  nimm  bie  33eine  in  bie  §anb!"  2)er 
©c^ufterjunge  hjodte  gem  bie  bier  ©rofc^en  ^aben  unb  eilte 
^)feilgefd^tt)inb  nad^  bem  geuerjeuge,  gab  e§  bem  ©olbaten  unb 
ja,  nun  loerben  h)ir  e§  %\x  f^oren  befommen.  30 


Slugerl^alb  ber  <Stabt  ti?ar  ein  grower  ©algen  aufgemauert, 
ringgum  ftanben  bie  6olbaten  unb  i)iele  ^unberttaufenb  5!Jlens 
fd)en.  ^er  ^onig  unb  bie  ^onigin  fa^en  auf  einem  ^rdc^tigen 
S^^rone  ben  9fticf)tern  unb  bem  ganjen  '^(xii   gerabe  gegeniiber. 

5  6c^on  ftanb  ber  ©olbat  oben  auf  ber  Setter,  all  man  i^m 
aber  ben  ©trie!  urn  ben  §al§  legen  it)oIIte,  fagte  er,  ba§  man 
ja  ftetg  einem  armen  ©iinber,  bet>or  er  feine  6trafe  erbulbete, 
einen  unfc^ulbigen  2Sunfc^  erfiillte.  @r  moc^te  fo  gem  eine 
^feife  ^aba!  raudjen,  e§  h)dre  ja  bie  le^te  ^feife,  bie  er  in 

lo  bief er  SBelt  befdme ! 

3)a§  tt)oIItc  i^m  nun  ber  ^onig  nid^t  abf(f)lagen,  unb  fo  naf^m 
ber  ©olbat  fein  geuerjeug  unb  fc^lug  geuer,  ein,  jtoei,  brei 
3JlaI.  ©iel^e !  ba  ftanben  aHe  §unbe  ba,  ber  mit  Slugen  fo 
gro^  tt)ie  ^affen,  ber  mit  ben  Slugen  Jx)ie  ^iifjlrdber,  unb  ber, 

t5  toelc^er  2lugen  f)atte  fo  gro^  toie  ein  runber  ^urm. 

„§elft  mir,  ba^  \^  niciS>t  ge^dngt  tperbe !"  fagte  ber  ©olbat, 
unb  ba  ftiirjten  fid^  bie  §unbe  auf  bie  Sftic^ter  unb  ben  ganjen 
S^tat,  ergriffen  ben  einen  bei  ben  33einen,  ben  anbern  bei  ber 
^afe  unb  toarfen  fie  mele  5l(after  ^od)  in  bie  Suft,  fo  ba^  fie 

20  beim  5^ieberfaHen  in  ©ranatftiide  gerfc^lagen  tDurben. 

„%^  h)ill  nid^t!"  fagte  ber  ^onig,  aber  ber  gro^te  §unb 
na^m  fon)o(^l  if^n  lt)ie  bie  ^onigin  unb  toarf  fie  aUen  anberen 
nad^.  ^a  erfc^rafen  bie  ©olbaten,  unb  attel  SSoI!  fd)rie: 
,,2ieber   ©olbat,   bu    follft  unfer   ^onig    fein   unb    bie    fd^one 

25  "^frin^effin  ^cs^tx\.\" 

®arauf  fe^te  man  ben  ©olbaten  in  be§  ^onigl  ^aroffe,  unb 
atte  brei  §unbe  tanjten  i?oran  unb  riefen :  „§urra  !"  unb  bie 
Sungen,  ^fiffen  auf  ben  gingern  unb  bie  ©olbaten  ^rdfentierten. 
^ie  ^rinjeffin  lam   (x\x^   bem    fu^fernen  ©rf)loffe   l^eraug  unb 

30  U)urbe  ^onigiii,  unb  bag   !onnte   \\jX  gar  tool)!    gefallen!     ®ie 


^o^geit  bauerte  <x^i  ^age  lang,  unb  bie  §unbe  fa^en  mit  bet 
Xafel  unb  mac^ten  gro^e  Slugen. 

f?ans  (£{^r  tftt  an  21  nb  erf  en. 

19.   ®a§  fCBaffct  beg  S^ctgeffcng 

3m  runben  S^urmgemac^,  n)elcl^e§  mit  S^S^S^i^^*/  §M<^* 
genjei^en  unb  au^gefto^ftem  gebern)ilb  gefd^miicft  it)ar,  fa^  ein 
junger  ©efell  auf  bem  fjol^ernen  ©c^emel,  jinirnte  au§  ^J^arbers  5 
fe^nen  einen  33ogenftrang  unb  fang  ein  Iuftige§  gcigerlieb  baju. 
©einer  ^leibung  nad^  tvar  er  ein  28eibmann  unb  feinem  i)er= 
fdf)nittenen  §aar  nad^  ein  Wiener  ber  ©d^lofe^errfd^aft.  ©ein 
3^ame  n^ar  §einj. 

ttber  bem  ^urfd^en  toon  ber  ^ede  l^erab  lt)ing  ein  fcl£)n)an!en5  10 
ber  Sfleif,  unb  in  bem  9teif  fa^  ein  grauer  gal!  mit  gebunbenen 
giiigeln  unb  ber  ^a^^e  iiber  ben  Slugen.  gutoeilen  l^ielt  ber 
3dger  in  feiner  Slrbeit  inne  unb  fe^te  ben  langfamer  fd^iDingen^ 
ben  9ieif  hjieber  in  rafc^e  ^eUjegung.  ®ie§  S^fci^^^/  bamit 
ber  gal!  nid^t  einfcl)lafe,  benn  er  n^ar  ein  9^eftling  unb  follte  5U  15 
einem  S^^Q^f^'^^^^  erjogen  toerben;  eine§  it)eibgered^ten  gal!en 
2lbrid^tung  beginnt  aber  bamit,  ba^  man  i^n  burd^  §unger 
unb  6cl)laflofig!eit  gefiige  mad^t. 

^einj  h)ar  be§  ©rafen  galfner  gen)efen,  unb  ber  alte  §crr 
l^atte  ben  Surfc^en  ge^brig  in  Sltem  erl)alten.  3^^^  ^^^"^  ^° 
l^atte  le^terer  gute  2:;age.  ®er  ©raf  jagte  nid^t  mel)r,  benn 
er  lag  feit  3«^^^^^^fi  ftumm  unb  ftiH  in  einem  mit  2Ba^^en= 
fc^ilbern  ge^ierten  ©teinfarg,  unb  feine  2Sitn)e,  grau  Slbels 
^eib,  fa^  ben  ganjen  %(x%  mit  bem  ^a^lan  gufammen  unb 
bad^te  nicl)t  be§  3Beibn)er!§.  25 

§eutc  mu^te  bie   6cl)lo^frau  be§  33eten§  too^l  iiberbruffig 


getcorben  fein,  benn  fie  ivar  au§  t^ren  ©emadjern  I;ert)orges 
gangen  unb  burd)ftreifte  bie  Sftdume  ber  Surg.  ®er  ©efang 
be§  jungen  (SJefetten  mod^te  i^r  nad^  bem  eintonigen  ^fal= 
mobieren  bc§  ndfelnben  ^a^Ian^  eine  angene^me  ^tbttJed^felung 

5  fein;  fie  ging  ber  <Stimme  na6^  unb  betrat  be§  galfner^ 

§ein5  mad)te  ein  DerUJunberteS  ©eftd^t,  al§  er  bie  ftolje 
grau  im  2eibfd)leier  unb  grauen  ©ehjanb  eintreten  fa^.  (gr 
er^ob  fid;  unb  neigte  fid)  unterU)urfig  jur  @rbe  nieber.    grau 

10  5lbel^eib  lie^  i^re  leuc^tenben  Slugen  iiber  bie  f4)lan!e  ©eftalt 
be§  gal!ner§  gleiten  unb  Idd;eltc  gndbig,  unb  i^r  Sdc^eln 
beud;te  bem  ©efellen  ioie  3Kaienfonne.  ^ie  grau  fragte  i:)iel 
iiber  galfnerei  unb  SSeibn^er!,  unb  bann  fcf)ieb  fie. 

Unb  e^  begab  fid^  trenige  ^age  barnac^,  bag  grau  3lbels 

25  l^eib  auf  einem  fd^h)anentt)eigen  3^^^^^  i"  ^^"  griinen  3Balb 
l^inein  ritt.  ©ie  trug  aber  fein  grauen  ^(eib,  fonbern  ein 
©ehjanb  aw^  griinem  6ammet  unb  ftatt  be§  28itn)enfd[)Ieierg 
einen  S^^^'^^it^  ^^*  hjallenben  gebern.  §inter  i^r  ritt,  ba^ 
geberf^iel   auf  ber  gauft,  ^einj,  ber  junge  galfner  unb  fa^ 

20  oi\x^  feinen  blauen  Slugen  gar  freubig  brein. 

©ie  toaren  fd^on  ein  gute§  ©tucf  geritten,  unb  bie  ^iirme 
be§  ©d^loffe^  toaren  Idngft  l^inter  ben  breitdftigen  33uc^en  ber* 
fc^iDunben.  ®a  tnanbte  grau  2lbel^eib  i^r  §au^t  unb  f^rad^: 
„9fteite  neben  mir,  ^einj!"   IXnb  ^einj  tbat,  h)ie  i^m  bie  grau 

25  befo^len  l^atte.  So  ritten  fie  it)eiter  auf  bem  engen  2Balb= 
h)ege.  ®ie  Sdume  raufcfjten  leife,  bie  33ud^fin!en  fangen,  unb 
jutDeilen  ]^ufd)te  !Ieine§  2Balbgetter  iiber  ben  SSeg.  5[Ritunter 
!nadte  e§  Ci\x6:}  im  §0(5  i)on  brec^enben  Sften,  r^enn  ein  2BiIb 
n)albeinh)drt§   eilte,   ober  ein   gefc^redter    SSogel   flatterte    ge* 

30  rdufc^boll  empor,  unb  bann  lag  auf  bem  SKalb  hjieber  tiefe 


©tille.     Unb    bie   ©d^lo^frau   tt)anbte   fid^    abermaU  ^u  bem 
Sciger  unb  f^rac^  mit  lad^enbem  5!Jiunb: 

„Sa^   einmal   l^oren,   ^ein^,   ob   bu   em   fluger   3^9^^^"^'^' 


„Sieber  SBeibgefeU',  fog'  mir  fret,  S 

28a§  fteigt  iDo^l  ^o^er  benn  ^df  unb  28et^'?" 

D^ne  ftc^  gu  befinnen  entgegnete  ^einj: 

„§DC^  fteigt  ber  %<x\V ,  itnb  ber  3Sei^'  fteigt  ^oc^, 
S)er  3(bler  aber  fteigt  :^i)^er  no(^." 

Unb  toieber  fragte  grau  Slbel^etb:  lo 

„Sieber  SSeibgefell',  fog'  mir  njo'^r, 
2Bo§  fteigt  noc^  ^o^er  ot§  ber  5(ar?" 

^er  gal!ner  bad^te  ein  ^aar  2lugenbUc!e  nac^,  bann  ant* 

tDortete  er: 

„9^o(^  :§i):§er  oI§  bo§  ©efieber  oil  15 

©teigt  tro^I  ber  leuc^tenbe  vSonnenboH." 
2)te  ©rcifin  nicfte  beifdilig  unb  fragte  ^utn  brittenmal: 

,,2;router  ©efell,  ner^ef)!'  mir'§  nic^t, 
2Bo§  fteigt  noc^  l^o^er  oI§  bie  ©onne  Hc^t?" 

3e^t  it)ar  be§  gal!ner§  2Bei§^eit  gu  ©nbe.      @r  fd^aute  gu  ben  20 
kronen  ber  S3urf)en  em^or,  al§  ob  i^m  Don  bort^er  §ilfe  fommen 
fonne,  unb  bann  fal^  er  toieber  auf  ben  ©attel!no))f  nieber,  aber 
er  blieb  jtumm. 

%(x  E^ielt  grau  2(bel^eib  i^r  Sfio^Iein  an  unb  neigte  fid^  gu  bem 
Sager  unb  f^rad^  (eife:  25 

„28o:^l  fteigt  bie  ©onne  om  ^immcl  ^0^, 
^oct)  :^eimlic^e  SJlinne  fteigt  "^ofier  noc^." 

Stoei  ^'^u^^a^er  mit  blauen  gliigeln  flatterten  au^  ben  §afels 


bufdf)en  auf  unb  flogen  fd)reienb  in  ben  2Balb  urn  %\x  erjdf^len,  tt)a§ 
fie  gef)ort,  unb  am  anbern  9Korgen  jtmtfc^erten  bie  ©^a^en,  bie 
unter  bent  ©cfilo^bad^  nifteten,  einanber  gu: 

„^ie^,  |)ie|3, 
5  S)ie  ^errin  ^at  ben  ^ager  lieB." 

3a,  bag  tt)ar  eine  frf^one  '^txi  fiir  ben  galfner  §ein§.  @r  lie^ 
fic^  bag  §au^tF)aar  iwad^fen,  ba^  eg  in  gelben  Sf^ingeln  big  auf 
feine  ©c^ultern  (^erunter  roHte  unb  trug  filberne  ©^oren  unb  eine 
S^tei^erfeber  auf  bem  §ut  unb  baute  ©c^Ioffer  in  bie  blaue  Suft, 

lo  eing  fd^immernber  alg  bag  anbre. 

3U)ar  ein  ©rf)lo^  befam  er  nid)t,  aber  ein  ftattlid^eg  gorfters 
\j(xw^  mit  einem  §irf c^geit>eil)  am  ©iebel  unb  gelb  unb  SSiefenlanb 
baju  toarb  if^m  ^u  Sel^en  gegeben,  unb  bort  fa^  er  nun  alg  33ann5 
forfter,  unb  tt)enn  feine  gndbige  §errin  ^u  if>m  ^inaug  geritten 

15  lam,  ftanb  er  in  ber  ^^iir  unb  fd;h?en!te  grii^enb  ben  ^\xi,  ^ob 
bann  grau  Slbel^eib  aug  bem  6attel  unb  beiuirtete  fie  mit  Srot, 
3}lilc^  unb  §onig. 

@o  berftrid^  6ommer,  §erbft  unb  ber  l^albe  28inter,  unb  eg 
!am  gaftnad^t.     ^a  %<sSi  eg  biel  Scfud^  aug  ber  3^ad^barfd^aft, 

2o  unb  im  ©rafenf4)Io^  fa^  eg  aug  n)ie  in  einer  §erberge.  ^er 
forfter  §eing  aber  fa^  einfam  in  feinem  S^S^^^^wg,  unb  nur 
felten  brang  ^unbe  %\x  i()m  t)on  bem  luftigen  ^reiben  auf  ber 
Surg,  ©nblic^  !am  9^ad)rid^t,  bie  toar  eben  nic^t  erfreulic^  fitr 
ben  armen  ^einj.      g^rau  Slbelfjeib  Uermd^lt  fid^  hjieber;    fo 

25  lautete  bie  3Jidr,  unb  fie  f^adte  bem  jungen  ©efetten  ing  Dt^r  tuie 

®a  toerfd^lo^  §ein^  feineg  §aufeg  %%\xx  unb  mac^te  fid^  felber 
auf  ben  SKeg  nadf)  ber  Surg,  unb  baju  murmelte  er  aHerlei 
jtoifd^en  ben  S^^"^"/  '^^^  ^'^^"S  "^^^  ^^^  ^^^^i. 


31I§  er  an  ben  gu^  be§  ©d)loperg§  !am,  h)o  bie  getDimbenc 
Strafe  bergauf  fiiijrte,  ^i3rte  er  §uffc^Iag  unb  ein  filber^elleg 
Sadden,  bag  i^m  in  bie  ©eele  fd)nitt  h)ie  eine  §tt)eifc^neibige 
5llinge,  unb  ben  2Beg  ^erab  !am  auf  h^ei^em  9^oJ3  bie  6rf)lDf3frau 
geritten,  unb  neben  i^r  lenfte  ein  ftaltlidjer  §err  in  reic^em  illeib  5 
einen  gidngenben  Sta^^enl^engft  unb  fdiaute  mit  funfelnben  ^uger* 
auf  ba§  fd^bne  SSeib  an  feiner  Seite. 

2)a  iDoHte  bem  jungen  SSeibmann  bag  gerj  im  Seib  gcrf^rins 
gen,  aber  er  tt)arb  feiner  felbft  §err;    er  fa^  auf  einen  ©tein 
nicber  tDte   ein  33ettler,  unb   alg  bag  $aar  i^m  na^e    !am,  10 
fang  er: 

„SSo^t  fteigt  bie  ©onne  am  ^iinntet  ^^^, 
S)od)  '^eimtic^e  ^D^Jinne  fteigt  l}i)f)er  noc^." 

2)er  ftolge  S^teiter  ^ielt  fein  9fto^  an,  tt)ieg  mit  ber  ^eitfd^e  x\.o,^ 
bem   Sdger  unb   fragte  feine  33egleiterin :    „2Bag  l^at  bag  ^u  15 
bebeuten?   2Ber  ift  ber  gjlann?'' 

^er  ©rdfin  it)ar  bag  33lut  aug  ben  Sangen  geh^id^en,  aber  fie 
fa^te  fidf>  fd^neK  unb  f^racf) : 

„@in  toalfinfinniger  S^S^^-  ^ommt,  la^t  ung  tioriiber  gie^en. 
9Jlir  grauet  in  feiner  ©egentrart."  20 

^er  SfJitter  aber  l^atte  einen  33eutel  loggeneftelt  unb  ivarf  bem 
^Jlann  am  SSeg  ein  ©olbftiirf  ju.  ®a  fd)rie  ^einj  laut  auf  unb 
h)arf  ftd^  mit  bem  2lngefic^t  auf  ben  Soben.  ©ie  beiben  aber 
gaben  ben  ^ferben  bie  6^oren  unb  ritten  eilig  bon  ^innen. 

5Der  §uffcl^lag  h)ar  Idngft  t)er^allt,  a(g  fic^  ber  Hnglucflid^e  25 
bom  ^oben  ^ob.     (Sr  bifc^te  fid^  ©taub  unb  @rbe  aug  bem 
Slntli^,  briic!te  ben  ^^xX  in  bie  ©tirn  unb  fc^ritt  in  ben  SSalb 
f^inein.     D^ne  SSeg  unb  ^fab  rannte  er  fort,  big  bie  9^adfit 
l^ereinbrad^.     ^a  tt)arf  er  fic^  unter  einem  S3aum  nieber,  ^iiUte 


fic^  in  fetnen  5!Jlantel,  unb  auf  ben  erfc^o^ften  3JJann  fen!te  ftc^ 
ber  ©(f)laf. 

2)er  arme  §em§  fd^Iief  bie  ganje  9^acBt  of)ne  Xraum,  bi§  i{)n 
bie  9Jiorgen!dlte  i^ecfte.     ®a  ftanb  aber  auc^  al^balb  fein  gan^eg 

5    £eib  iDteber  toor  i^m  unb  grinfte  i^n  an  h)ie  eine  3:;eufel§lari)e. 

„D  ir>enn  ic^  t>ergeflen  fonnte/'  rtef  er,   „n)enn  ic^  ijergeffen 

fonnte!    @§  gicbt  einen  Sorn;    ioenn  man  i)on  feinem  SSaffer 

trinft,  fo  fd)n)inbet  aHe^  3Sergangene  au§  bem  ©ebdc^tni^.     2Ber 

^eigt  mir  ben  2Scg  gu  ber  Quelle?" 

lo  ff§ei!''  rief  eine  Stimme  neben  i^m.  „3Son  bem  2Baffer, 
bag  bergeffen  mac^t,  bin  ic^  ioo^I  unterric^tet  unb  n)itt  euc^ 
gem  mit  meiner  28iffenfc^aft  §u  2)ienften  fein." 

§ein§  blicfte  auf  unb  faf^  ijor  fid^  einen  jungen  ©efellen  in 
jerriffenem,  fd^Ujarjem  ©eUjanb;  <xvA  f einen  ©d;u^en  fd;auten 

15  fiiriwi^ig  bie  3^^^^"-  '^^^  g^^  M  ^^^  faf^renben  Schiller  %\x 
erfennen  unb  f))rac^  it)eiter: 

f,3)a§  SSaffcr,  toelc^e^  tjergeffen  mad£)t,  l^ei^t  Set^e  unb 
f^ringt  in  ©rierfjenlanb.  ^ort^in  mu^tct  i^r  reifen  unb  bann 
(xw,  Drt  unb  Stede  bas  9Mf?ere   erfragen.    2Soflt  ilj^r'g  aber 

20  bequemer  (^aben,  fo  begleitet  mid^  in  bie   (Sd^enfe  ^ur  blauen 

Xraube.     ©ie  liegt  nid^t  iceit  toon  {^ier.     2)ort  tuirb  eurf)  bie 

SBirtin  ben  STran!  beg  3Sergeffen§  frebenjen,  t)orau§gefe|t,  ba^ 

euer  S3eutel  minber  fd^laff  ift  alg  ber  meinige." 

(So  f!{3rad^  ber  3Sagant.     §einj  aber  erl^ob  fid^  unb  folgte 

25  i^m  in  bie  3SaIbfc^en!e.  ^ort  tranfen  bie  beiben  ^ufammen 
einen  ganjen  Xag  unb  eine  ^albe  "^(x^^jX,  unb  al§  fie  urn 
9Jlitternad)t  eintrdcfjtig  auf  ber  Dfenbanf  lagen,  ^joXit  ^eing 
atterbing^  ijergeffen,  hjag  i^n  fiimmerte  unb  brMte.  "Wxi  bem 
Sid^t  beg  3Jlorgeno  fam  it^m  aber  aud;  bie  qudlenbe  ©rinnerung 

30  iDieber,  unb  £o^fn)eb  ^atte  er  obenbrein.-    %<x  be3aI;Ue  er  feinc 


unb  feine^  ^um^anen   '^^^^,  naf)m  furjen  Slbfd^ieb  bon  bent 
fa^renben  ©c^iiler  unb  gog  n^eiter. 

»D  it)er  i:)ergeffen  fonntel"  fagte  er  im  ©e^en  unb  fc^Iug 
fidf)  mit  ber  gauft  t)or  bie  6tirn.  „Sc^  mu^  ben  33orn  finben, 
ober  ic^  tuerbe  icirfUc^  tt)af)nftnmg."  5 

2lm  2Seg  ftanb  eine  alte,  ^alb  abgeftorbene  2Beibe,  unb  auf 
ber  SBeibe  fa^  ein  S^tabe,  ber  manbte  ben  Slo^f  nacf)  bem  etn= 
famen  SSanberer  unb  fa^  i^n  aufmerffam  an. 

„2)u  n^eltfunbiger  3SogeI,"   rebete   ber   SBeibmann   %\x   bem 
D^aben,  „bu  tcei^t  aEe§,  toag  auf  ber  @rbe  t)or3e^t;  fag'  an,  10 
tt)o  f^ringt  ba§  2Baffer  be§  3Sergeffen§?" 

„^a§  mod^te  tc^  too^I  fennen,"  f!pracf)  ber  S^tabe,  „um  felbft 
barau§  ju  trin!en.  gc^  ()abe  ein  3^eft  getou^t  mit  fieben 
fetten,  nu^gend{)rten  §afelmaufen,  unb  n)ie  icf)  geftern  nac^= 
fe()en  h)iE,  n)a§  bie  lieben  ^ierdien  mac^en,  ba  ^at  mir  ber  15 
5[Rarber  ba§  3^eft  au^genommen  unb  nid)t  ein  ©tiic!  iibrig  ge= 
laffen.  Unb  nun  mu^  \^  an  meinen  SSerluft  benfen  h)o  id; 
ge^'  unb  ftei;'.  ga,  tcer  ba§  SKaffer  be§  3Sergeffen§  bii^te! 
Slber  tDei^t  bu  \q<x^,  lieber  ©efeE?  @e^  einmal  jur  2SaIb= 
frau,  bie  ii;)ei^  me^r  al§  anbere  Seute  unb  !ennt  m.^  t>ietteirf)t  20 
ben  33orn  beg  3Sergeffen§."  ©arauf  befc^rieb  ber  S^tabe  bem 
Sciger  ben  2Beg  gur  SSalbfrau.  §ein§  beban!te  fid^  unb  gog 

2)ie  SBalbfrau  h)ar  baf^eim.     ©ie  fa^  bor  i^rer  §utte  unb 
f^ann  unb  nicfte  baju  mit  bem  n?ei^en  ^o^f.     S^^eben  i^r  fa^  25 
ein   grauer   ^ater   mit    graSgriinen  2lugen,  ber   ledfte  fic^   bie 
^foten  unb  fd^nurrte  bagu. 

§ein§  trat  an  bie  Sllte  ^eran,  griifete  el^rerbietig  unb  trug 
feine  ©ad^e  t»or. 

„^en  S3orn   be§   3S^rgeffeng  toei^  icf)  atterbingS/'  f^racf)  bie  30 


SSalbfrau,  „unb  ic^  n)i(l  bir,  bu  armer  ^nab',  einen  ^rurt!  aug 
feinen  SSaffern  md;t  t>orent{)alten,  aber  umfonft  ift  nur  ber 
Xob  —  tt)illft  bu  einen  33ed)er  be§  !oftUcf)en  ©etrdnfe^  l)aben, 
fo  mugt  bu  mir  jubor  brei  Slrbeiten  tocrrid^ten.     SSiUft  bu  ba^  ?" 

5        »2Senn  id^  !ann." 

„3c^  berlange    mc^t§  Unmoglic^e§  toon  bir.    ®u  foUft  mir 
juncic^ft  ben  2BaIb  Winter  meinem  ^axx^  uml^auen.     ®a§  ifl 
bie  erfte  3(rbeit." 
®a§u  berftanb  fid^  ber  ^urfrf).     ^ie  SSalbfrau  q^ob  i^m  eine 

lo  §oIgajt  unb  fiifjrte  ifjn  an  Drt  unb  6tetle.  ^ein^  retfte  fid^ 
unb  fc^it)ang  bie  Sljt,  unb  bei  jebem  Sd^Iag,  ben  er  fiibrte, 
bilbete  er  fid^  ein,  er  fd^Iage  auf  feinen  ^^Zebenbuf^Ier  log,  unb 
bie  •53dume  fan!en  frad^enb  unter  feinen  tt)urf)tigen  ©treirfjen, 
unb  bal  ^rad)en  i^ai  \^m  n)O^I.     ©o  !am  ber  2l6enb  ^eran, 

15  unb  §ein§  fa()  fid^  nad^   Strung  urn,  benn  il^n  ^ungerle   ge= 

hjaltig.     @r   brauc^te   aurf)   nid^t  lange   ^u  h)arten,  benn  bom 

§au§  ber  2Balbfrau  !am   eine  ©eibg^erfon,  bie   ftellte  einen 

^orb  mit  S^eif  unb  3:ran!  neben  ben  ermiibeten  §ol§fdEer. 

2(l§  §ein3  feine  Slugen  aufl^ob,  fal^  er  ijor  fic^  eine  tt)unber= 

20  lieblic^e  ©eftalt,  umfloffen  toon  gelbem  §aar,  barauf  bie  le^ten 
6traf)Ien  ber  untergefjenben  ©onne  flinferten.  2)a§  trar  bie 
^od^ter  ber  2Balbfrau.  ©ie  blidfte  ben  jungen,  finfteren  ©e= 
fellen  mit  fanften  2(ugen  ar\.  unb  blieb  eine  2BeiIe  bor  i^m 
fte^en.     21I§  er  aber  nid^t§  rebete,  ging  fie  irieber  Don  bannen. 

25  ^einj  a^  unb  tran!.     ^ann  trug  er  fic^  eine  ©treu  t)on  ^an* 

nengn^eigen  unb   2Balbmoo§   jufammen,  legte   fid^   nieber  unb 

fd^Iief   einen   traumlofen   ©d)laf.     Slber   al§    er    am    3Jlorgen 

ertt)ad)te,  t»ar  aud^  fein  Seib  toieber  'voa6:i  getoorben. 

2)a  griff  er  gur  §ol§ajt  unb  l^ieb  auf  bie  ©tdmme  log,  ba^ 

30  ber  SSalb  ijon  feinen  !rdftigen  ©djldgen   eine   ©tunbe  in  ber 


Sftunbe  luieberl^allte.  Unb  alg  am  5tbenb  ba§  fd^one  ^dbd^en 
mit  bem  ©fjen  !am,  fal)  §etn§  md;t  me^r  fo  finfter  brein  toie 
^ag§  jubor,  unb  tt)eil  er  fiil^lte,  ba^  etioag  cjef^rod^en  n^erben 
miiffe,  fo  fagte  er:  „®ci^one§  3Setter  ^eute."  ^arauf  ants 
tDortete  ba§  5!}labc^en  :  „3a,  fe^r  fc^oneg  SSetter,"  unb  bann  5 
nicfte  fie  unb  mac^te  fid^  auf  ben  §eimh)eg. 

(So  i;)erftnrf)en  fieSen  ^age,  einer  trie  ber  anbre  unb  am 
fiebenten  ^ag  tear  ber  le^te  Saum  umgelEjauen.  ^ie  3Salbfrau 
!am,  belobte  ben  flei^igen  ^einj  unb  f^rad^ :  „9^un  fommt  bie 
jhjette  Slrbeit."  10 

%(x  mu^te  §ein§  bte  ^aumttjurjeln  au§roben,  ba§  ©rbreid^ 
umgraben  unb  grud)t  unb  ©amen  faen.  ©a^u  Braucf)te  er 
fteben  2Sod^en.  Seben  2lbenb  aber  nad^  Dor(brad)tem  3:;agett)er! 
brad^te  tE)m  bie  St^oc^ter  ber  SSalbfrau  ba§  ©ffen  unb  fa^  neben 
i^m  auf  einem  S3aumftamm  unb  ^orte  §u,  it)a§  ^einj  er^a^lte  15 
bon  ber  SSelt  brau^en,  unb  ioenn  er  fertig  iDar,  reid^te  fie  il^m 
bie  mei^e  §anb  unb  fprad^ :  „@ute  9Zad)t,  lieber  ©eing.^'  %(xx{X\. 
ging  fie  in  if^re  33ef)aufung,  §ein§  aber  fud)te  feine  Sagerftatt 
auf  unb  fd^lief  al^balb  ein. 

2l(§  bie  fieben  2Bod^en  ^erum  it)aren,  !am  bie  SSalbfrau,  20 
faf)  ba§  3Ser!,  belobte  ben  flei^igen  ©efetlen  unb  f^rad^ : 
„3^un  fommt  bie  britte  Slrbeit.  Se^t  fottft  bu  mir  aug  bem 
gefcittten  §oI§  ein  §au§  bauen  mit  fieben  ©emddf)ern,  unb 
tDenn  bu  aud;  ba§  ijoKbrad^t  ^aft,  bann  erf;dltft  bu  einen 
33ed)er  mit  bem  SSaffer  be§  SSergeffeng  unb  fannft  ge^en,  25 
h)of)in  bu  iDillft.'' 

^a  toarb  §ein§  ein  33aumeifter  unb  baute  mit  2ljt  unb 
6dge  ein  ftattlid)e§  ^<x\x^.  ©ie  3lrbeit  ging  jiDar  nur  langfam 
Oon  ftatten,  tr>eil  §einj  o(;ne  ©efeden  f(f)affte,  aber  ba§  tt)ar 
if)m  gar  nic^t  unlieb,  benn  e§  gefiel  if)m  im  griinen  gorft,  unb  30 


am  liebften  h)are  cr  immer  bei  ber  SSalbfrau  geblieben.  2ln 
fein  Dorigeg  Seib  bacf)te  er  \x>o^l  noc^  jutDeilen,  aber  nur  toie 
einer,  ber  einen  bofen  ^raum  ge^abt  f)at  unb  ftc^  am  3Jiorgen 
freut,  ba^  er  aufgeitjac^t  ift.  S'^^^^  Stbenb  !am  bie  ^odf)ler 
s  ber  SSalbfrau  ^erau^  511  i^m,  unb  bann  fangen  fie  gufammeu 
balb  luftige  3Setbmann§Ueber,  balb  Sieber  i^on  6c^eiben, 
IReiben  unb  SSieberfeJjen. 

60   i)erftricf)en   fieben  3Jlonate.     ©a  Voax  bag   §aug   fertig 

toon  ber  3:f)urfd)meIIe  bi§  §um  ©iebel.     2(uf  ben  ©iebel  fjatte 

10  ^einj   einen  jungen  ^annenbaum   geftecft,   unb  bag   SRdbcfjen 

l^atte  ^rdnje  m^  Xannenreig  unb  roten  SSogelbeeren  gebunben 

unb  bie  SSdnbe  bamit  gefrfjmudt. 

®ic  alte  2©albfrau  !am  an  i^rer  ^riidfe,  ben  ^ater  auf  ber 

©d^ulter,   unt   bag   fertige   2Ber!   in   Slugenfd^ein   gu  nei^men. 

15  ©ie  \a\i  fef)r  feierlid;  a\x^,  unb  in  ber  §anb   trug   fie   einen 

aug  §ol5  gefc^ni|ten  33ecf)er,  barin  iuar  bag  2Baffer  beg  3Ser= 


„2)u  baft  bie  brei  Slrbeiten,  bie  ic^  bir  auferlegt,  t)olIbrac^t," 
f^rad^  fie,  „unb  nun  fommt  ber  So^n.     9Zimm  biefen  93ec^er, 
20  unb  tnenn  bu  ifjn  big  gum  le^ten  ^ro^fen  geleert  ^aft,  fo  ift 
bie  SSergangen^eit  aug  beinem  @ebdrf)tnig  auggelbfd)t." 

®er  2Beibmann  ftrerfte  gogernb  bie  §anb  nad^  bem  33ed^er 
„Xrin!',"  f^ra^  bie  SSalbfrau,  „unb  i)ergi^  aKeg!" 
25      ^tteg?'' 

„$3a  a\i^^,  bein  Seib  toon  ef^ebem,  mid^  unb" 

„Unb  mid^  aud),"  fagte  bag  fc^one  3Jfdbd)en  unb  ()ielt   bie 

§anb  bou  bie  2(ugen,  urn  bie  queEenben  Xf)rdnen  aufju^alten. 

®a  fa^te  ber  junge  ©efeE  ben  53edE)er  unb  fcf)leuberte  i^n 

30  mit  frdftiger   §anb  auf  ben  33oben,  ba^  ber  ^ran!  in  toielen 


bli|cnben  ^ro^fen  auf  bag  ©ra§  nieberregnete  unb  rtef:  M^xi- 
ter,  td^  bleibe  bei  eud^I" 

Unb  e^e  cr  tou^te,  tDte  i^m  gefdf)at),  kg  ba§  5Rabrf)en  an 
feiner  33ruft  unb  fdjlud^gte  toor  ©eligfett,  Unb  burd)  bie 
33aume  ging  ein  SEef^en,  unb  bie  gelben  ©aaten  nng§um{)er  5 
neigten  fid^  tm  SStnb,  bie  SSogel  fangen  im  ©edft,  unb  ber 
hjeige  ^ater  ber  SSalbfrau  ging  fc^nurrenb  um  ba§  gliicflidje 
^aar  im  ^rei§  Return. 

9^un  fonntc  \^  noc^  o^ne  groge  Wx\}t  bie  alte  2BaIbfrau 
in  eine  frfjone  gee,   i^re   ^oc^ter  in   eine  ^ringeffin  unb   ba§  10 
neuerbaute  ^(x\x^  in  ein  fd^immernbeS  ^onig^fcblo^  berhjanbeln, 
aber  bleiben   tt)ir  lieber  ber  2Ba^rE)eit   getreu  unb   laffen   toir 
aHe§  beim  Sllten. 

@th)a§  9Bunberbare§  gefd^ab  aber  boc^.  2So  ein  ^ro^fen 
t)on  bem  SBaffer  be^  SSergeffens  auf  ben  Soben  gefaden  n)ar,  15 
ba  entftieg  bem  ©runb  eine  !Ieine  33Iume  mit  l^immelblauen 
Suglein.  3Die  ^lume  \joX  ftc^  f^dter  iiber  ba§  ganje  Sanb 
toerbreitet,  unb  n>er  nid^t  h)ei^,  h)ie  fie  ^ei^t,  fiir  ben  ift  biefe 
©ef^ic^te  nic^t  gefc^rieben.  ^awx^^hQ^^q, 

20.    ^ic  ^efd^ic^te  t>oit  ^alif  Stotc^. 


^er  ^alif  (S^afib  ^u  33agbab  \<x%  einmal  an  einem  fd^onen  20 
5^ad^mittag  bel^aglid^  auf  feinem  ©ofa;  er  ^tte  ein  n)enig 
gefdf)lafen,  benn  e§  tr>ar  ein  l^ei^er  ^ag,  unb  faf^  xwxi  na(^  feinem 
©(f)tdfd^en  red^t  ^eiter  au§.  @r  x<x\x6:jit  au§  einer  langen  ^feife 
t)on  9tofen^ol§,  tran!  l^ie  unb  ba  ein  n)enig  ^affee,  ben  i^m  ein 
S!lat)e  einfc^enfte,  unb  ftrid^  fic^  aEemal  t)ergnugt  ben  33art,  25 
r»enn  e§  i^m  gefd^medft  hoXi^,     ^vx%,  man  fa^  bem  ^alifen  an. 


ba^  e§  i^m  red^t  tt)o^I  tt>ar.  Urn  biefe  ©tunbe  fonnte  man  gar 
<x;cX  mit  i^m  reben,  tceil  er  ba  immer  red^t  milb  imb  leutfelig  njar, 
bc§it)egeu  kfud^te  if)n  auc^  fein  ©ro^tjegier  3Jlanfor  alle  ^age  urn 
biefe  3^i^-     2ln  biefem  Dkd^mittag  nim  !am  er  aud^,  fa^  aber 

5  fef)r  nad^ben!Ud)  au§,  gang  gegen  ^eiue  ®eiX)Ol^n^eit.  3)er  ^alif 
t^at  bie  $feife  ein  iDenig  au§  bem  ^unb  unb  f^rad^ :  „2Barum 
mad)ft  bu  ein  fo  nad;ben!lid^e€  ©efid^t,  ©ro^toegier  ?" 

^er  ©ro^bejier  frf)lug  feine  Slrme  freujtoei^  iiber  bie  33ruft, 
ijerneigte  fic^  t)or  feinem  §errn  unb  anttwortete :  „§err,  ob  ic^  ein 

10  narf)ben!Iid)e§  ©efid)t  mad;e,  h)ei^  ic^  nid;t,  aber  ba  unten  am 
@d)lo^  \it\ji  ein  Cramer,  ber  ^at  fo  fd^one  ©ac^en,  ba^  e§  mid^ 
drgert,  nic^t  mel  iiberfluffigel  ©elb  %\x  fjaben." 

^er  ^alif,  ber  feinem   ©ro^Dejier  fd^on  lange  gerne  eine 
5reube  gemad^t  J^dtte,  fd^idfte  feinen  fd^h^argen  ©flaben  ^inunter, 

15  urn  ben  Cramer  f^erauf  gu  ^olen.  33alb  !am  ber  6!Iat>e  mit  bem 
Cramer  guriidf.  liefer  h)ar  ein  lleiner,  bidder  5!Kann,  fcbtoarjs 
braun  im  ©efic^t  unb  in  jerlum^tem  2ln§ug.  @r  trug  einen 
^aften,  in  hjelc^em  er  aUer^anb  2Baren  ^oXit,  ^erlen  unb 
SfJinge,  reid^befd;Iagene  ^iftolen,  S3ed^er  unb  ^dmme.     ®er  ^alif 

20  unb  fein  3Se§ier  mufterten  atte§  burd^,  unb  ber  ^alif  faufte  enb= 
lidj)  fiir  fidf)  unb  ?[Ranfor  fd^one  ^iftolen,  fiir  bie  grau  be§ 
^Sejierg  aber  einen  ^amm.  21I§  ber  ^rdmer  feinen  ^aften  fd)on 
it)ieber  §umad)en  iuottte,  fa^  ber  ^alif  eine  Heine  ©c^ublabe  unb 
fragte,  ob  barin  aud^  nodf)  2Baren  feien.     ®er  ^rdmer  jog  bie 

25  6c^ublabe  ^erau§  unb  jeigte  barin  eine  ®ofe  mit  fc^todrgs 
lid^em  ^uloer  unb  ein  ^a^ier  mit  fonberbarer  ©d^rift,  bie 
h)eber  ber  ^alif  noc^  3Jianfor  lefen  fonnte.  „%^  be!am 
einmal  biefe  gtoei  ©tiide  t)on  einem  ^aufmanne,  ber  fie  in 
9}le!!a  auf  ber  ©tra^e  fanb/'  fagte  ber  J^rdmer,  „ic^  trei^  nid{)t, 

30  toa§  fie  ent^alten ;  eud;  ftef^en  fie  um  geringen  $reig  %\x  ©ienft, 


id^  !ann  bod^  nid^tg  bamit  anfangen."  3)cr  ^alif,  ber  in  feincr 
33ibliotf)e!  gerne  alte  5i}?anufcn^te  ^atte,  it)enn  er  fie  o.\x^  mc^t 
lefen  fonnte,  faufte  ©c^rift  unb  ^ofe  unb  entUe^  ben  Cramer. 
3)er  ^alif  aber  bac^te,  er  mbd)te  gerne  n^iffen,  toa^  bie  ©d^rift 
ent^alte,  unb  fragte  ben  SSe^ier,  ob  er  leinen  fenne,  ber  eg  5 
entjiffern  fonnte.  „©ndbigfter  §err  unb  ©ebieter,"  antmortete 
biefer,  „<x\\  ber  gro^en  HJlofc^ee  Ujo^nt  ein  ^ann ;  er  ^ei^t  ©elim . 
ber  ©ele^rte,  ber  berfte^t  alle  6^rac^en ;  la^  i^n  !ommen,  mel= 
leic^t  fennt  er  biefe  gef)eimni§t)oIlen  3w9^-" 

^er  gelefjrte  ©elim  n^ar  balb  ^erbeigef^olt.  „<SeIim,"  f^radf)  10 
5u  if^m  ber  ^alif,  „@elim,  man  fagt,  bu  feieft  fefjr  gele^rt ;  gudE' 
einmal  ein  njenig  in  biefe  ©c^rift,  ob  bu  fie  lefen  fannft ;  !annft 
bu  fie  lefen,  fo  befommft  bu  ein  x\.t\xi^  geftfleib  toon  mir,  fannft  bu 
eg  nic^t,  fo  befommft  bu  jn?olf  33adfenftreid^e  unb  fiinfunbjnjangig 
auf  bie  gu^fo^len,  toeil  man  bidji  bann  umfonft  ©elim  ben  15 
©elef)rten  nennt."  ©elim  berneigte  fic^  unb  f^rad^ :  „3)ein  2SiIIe 
gefc^e^e,  0  §err!"  Sange  betradfjtete  er  bie  ©c^rift,  ^lo^lid^  aber 
rief  er  (x\x^\  „^ag  ift  lateinifcf),  o  §err,  ober  ic^  la^  mic^ 
^cingen."  —  „©ag' n)ag  brin  fteljt,"  befafjl  ber  ^alif,  „n)enn  eg 
Iateinifrf>  ift."  20 

©elim  fin g  an  5u  iiberfe^en:  „3Jlenfc^,  ber  bu  biefeg  finbeft, 
^reife  filial)  fiir  feine  ©nabe.  SKer  t»on  bem  ^ulber  in  biefer 
2)ofe  fd^nupft  unb  ba§u  f^ric^t,  Mutabor,  ber  fann  fic^  in  jebeg 
3:;ier  i)ern)anbeln  unb  Derfteljt  auc^  bie  ©^radje  ber  2:;iere.  SSiH 
er  njieber  in  feine  menfcl)li(^e  ©cftalt  3urudf!el)ren,  fo  neige  er  fid^  25 
breimal  gen  Often  unb  f^rec^e  jeneg  SSort.  Slber  Ijiite  bid),  \ov^v. 
bu  bertDanbelt  bift,  ba§  bu  nid^t  lad^eft,  fonft  berfd^toinbet  bag  '^o.yx-- 
bermort  gcinjlid^  o^x^  beinem  ©ebdd^tnig  unb  bu  bleibft  ein  Xier." 

2llg  ©elim  ber  ©eleljrte  alfo  gelefen  %(xii^,  h)ar  ber  J^alif  iiber 
bie  3Jla^en  bergniigt.     @r  lie^  ben  ©elcl)rteu  fd^iworen,  niemanb  30 


etit)a§  i)on  bem  ©e^eimnig  gu  fagen,  fd)en!te  i^m  ein  fd)one^ 
^leib  unb  entlie^  ifjn.  3u  feinem  ©ro^i)ejier  aber  fagte  er: 
„3)a§  ^eife'  id^  gut  einfaufen,  5Ranfor  !  2Bie  freue  ic^  mic^,  bi§ 
ic§  ein  Xier  bin  I  ^orgen  friif)  !omm[t  bu  ^u  mir.  2Bir  geljen 
5  bann  mit  einanber  auf§  gelb,  fc^nu^fen  etioa^  n)emge§  au§ 
meiner  ®ofe  unb  belaufc^en  bann,  n)a§  in  ber  Suft  unb  im 
Staffer,  im  SSalb  unb  gelb  gef^rod^en  tr)irb!"  x^ 


lo  ^aum  E)atte  am  anbern  ^orgen  ber  ^alif  g^afib  gefrul^ftiidft 
unb  fid)  ange!Ieibet,  al«  fc^on  ber  ©ro^i^e^ier  erfc^ien,  i^n,  n)ie 
er  befol^len,  auf  bem  ©^ajiergange  ju  begleiten.  ®er  ^alif 
ftecfte  bie  ©ofe  mit  bem  gauber^ulber  in  ben  ©iirtel,  unb 
nad)bem  er  feinem  ©efolge  befoljlen,  juriicfjubleiben,  mac^te  er 

15  fid)  mit  bem  ©ro^bejier  gan^  attein  auf  ben  SBeg.     6ie  gingen 
§uerft  burc^  bie  toeiten  ©drten  be^  ^alifen,  f^cil^ten  aber  berge* 
\itx^^  nad^  eth)a§  Sebenbigem,  urn  i{)r  ^unftftiid  ^u  :|3robieren.  ^er  L 
SSe^ier  fc^Iug  enbli(^  t>or,  tpeiter  ^inau^  an  einen  ^eic^  ju  gef)en,        / 
h?o  er  fc^on  oft  i)iele  3:iere,  namentlid;  ©tord)e,  gefeben  ^oki^,  bie 

2o  burdf)  ii)r  grai)itdtifd)eg  2Sefen  unb  i^r  ©efla^^er  immer  fcine 
2lufmer!fam!eit  erregt  l^aben. 

©er  ^alif  bittigte  ben  SSorfd^lag  feineS  SSe^ierg  unb  ging  mit 
il^m  bem  %t\^  ju.  211^  fie  bort  angefommen  toaren,  fallen  fie 
einen  6torc^en  ernft^aft  auf=  unb  abge^en,  grofc^e  fud^enb  unb 

25  ^ie  unb  ba  ettoag  bor  fic^  E)in!Ia^:pernb.     S^gleic^  fa^en  fie  aud^   • 
n)eit   oben  in  ber  Suft   einen  anbern  ©tord^en  biefer  ©egenb      %_ 

.,Scb  n)ette  meinen  33art,  gndbigfter  §err/'  fagte  ber  ©ro^s 
better,  „biefe  gttjei  Sangfii^Ier  fii^ren  je^t  ein  fd)one§  ©ef^rdd^ 

30  mit  einanber.     2Bie  n)dre  e§,  iDenn  mir  (StordS)e  iwiirben  ?" 



„2Bo]^I  gef^rod^en !"  anttoortete  ber  ^alif .  „5lber  Dorfjer  h)oIIen 
h)ir  noc^  einmal  Betrac^ten,  V»ie  man  ii:)ieber  ^Jknfd)  tuirb. — 
9tic^tig !  ©reimal  gen  Often  geneigt  unb  Mutabor  gefagt,  fo  bin 
ic^  njieber  ^alif  unb  bu  ^Se^ier.  2lber  nur  um'§  §immel§  toiEen 
mc§t  gelacjU^,  fonft  finb  n?ir  i;)erloren !''  5 

2Bdi)renb  ber  ^alif  alfo  f^rad^,  faf>  er  ben  anbern  ©torc^en 
iiber  i{)rem  §au^te  fc^njeben  unb  langfam  jicf)  §ur  (Srbe  lafjen. 
©d^netl  5og  er  bie  ^ofe  au§  bem  ©iirtel,  na^m  eine  gute  ^rtfe, 
bot  fie  bem  ©ro^toegier  bar,  ber  gleid^fallg  fdE)nu^fte,  unb  beibe 
riefen :   Mutabor !  lo 

®a  fc^rum^ften  i^re  33eine  ein  unb  U)urben  biinn  unb  rot,  bie 
fd^onen  gelben  ^antoffeln  be§  ^alifen  unb  feine§  Segleiter^ 
iDurben  unformlid)e  (5tord£)fu^e,  bie  Slrme  n^urben  %\x  gliigeln,  ber 
§al§  \\x\jx  aug  ben  Slc^feln  unb  iDarb  eine  ©He  lang,  ber  Sart 
iuar  t)erfc^it»unben  unb  ben  ^or^er  bebedften  tt)eic^e  gebern.        15 

„3^t  l^abt  einen  l^iibfc^en  ©c^nabel,  §err  ©ro^be^ier,"  f^rac^ 
nad^  langem  ©rftaunen  ber  ^alif.  „S3eim  33art  be§  ^ro^^eten, 
fo  etn)a§  l^abe  id^  in  meinem  Seben  ni(f)t  gefe()en." 

„®an!e  untert^dnigft,"  ertoieberte  ber  ©ro^i^ejier,  inbem  er  fid^ 
bMte ;  „aber  hjenn  id^  e§  toagen  barf,  moc^te  ic^  befjau^ten,  eure  20 
§o^eit  fe^en  al§  ©tord^  beina^e  nod^  i^iibfc^er  au§,  benn  al§ 
^alif.  Slber  fommt,  tr)enn  e§  eurf)  gefdEig  ift,  ba^  \q\x  unfere 
^ameraben  bort  belaufc^en  unb  erfafjren,  ob  ipir  toirflic^ 
©tord)ifc^  fonnen?" 

3nbem  n)ar  ber  anbere  ©tord^  auf  ber  @rbe  angefommen.     @r  25 
)^\x%it  fic^  mit  bem   6d^nabel  feine   gii^e,  legte  feine   gebern 
gurec^t  unb  ging  auf  ben  erften  (Stord^en  ^u.     ®ie  beiben  neuen 
©torc^e  aber  beeilten  fid^,  in  i^re  9Zd^e  §u  fommen,  unb  i:)erna^men 
gu  i^rem  ©rftaunen  folgenbeg  ©ef^rdd^ : 

„©uten  3Jlorgen,  grau  Sangbein,  fo  frii^  fc^on  auf  ber  2Siefe?"  30 


„©(^onen  T»an!,  liebe  ^la^^erfrf)nabel !     %^   l^abe   mir   ein    ""-l^ 
lleine^   grii^ftuc!    gef^oU.     3ft   ^u<^    tJieEeic^t    ein    SSierlelc^en        ^<^ 
,.  @iberf)§  gefdHig,  ober  ein  grof rf)fc^en!elem  ?"  /^ 

„3)an!e    ge^orfam[t ;   l;abe    f^eute   gar   fetnen   2l))^etit.     gd^       S^ 

5  fomme  aud^  it)egen  etit)a^  gan^  anberem  auf  bie  2Biefe.  Sd^ 
foU  ^eute  t)or  ben  ©dften  meine§  SSaterg  tanjen,  unb  ba  n)ill 
id^  mid^  im  ©tiKen  ein  it>emg  iiben.'' 

^ugleid^   fc^ritt   bie   junge   ©tord^in    in    iDunberlid^en    33e= 
icegungen  burc§  ba§  gelb.     2)er  ^alif  unb   5Ranfor  faf^en  \\)x 

lo  k)erh)unbert   nad^.     %\^  fie  aber  in   malerifd^er  ©tettung  auf 

einem  gu^  ftanb  unb  mit  ben  ?^lugeln  anmutig   ba^u   iDebelte,  %H^ 
ba  fonnten  fic^  bie  beiben   nid^t  me^r   (^alten ;    ein  unauf^alts    ^^\S^ 
farne^  ©eldd^ter  brad^  au§   iFjren   ©d^ndbeln  t^erbor,  bon  bem 
fie  fief)  erft   nac^   langer  ^tit   er^olten.     ®er  ^alif  fa^te  fic^ 

15  juerft  it)ieber :  „2)ag  hjar  einmal  ein  ©))a§,"  rief  er,  ,,ber  nic^t 
mit  ©olb  ju  bejafjien  ift.  ©d^abe!  ba^  bie  bummen  2:;iere 
burd)  unfer  @eldd)ter  fid;  ^aben  t)erfd^euc^en  laffen,  fonft  ^dtten 
fie  getoi^  auc^  nocf)  gefungen  !" 

Slber   je^t   fiel   e^    bem   ©ro^be^ier   ein,   ba^    ba^    Sac^en 

20  todl^renb  ber  3Sertt)anblung  berboten  tt>ar.  @r  teilte  feine 
2(ngft  be^toegen  bem  ^alifen  mit.  „$o|  3Jie!!a  unb  3Jlebina ! 
5Da§  h)dre  ein  fdjled^ter  Bpa^,  Wcxxn  id)  ein  ©tord^  bleiben 
mii^te!  Sefinne  bid^  boc^  auf  ba§  bumme  SSort,  id)  bringe 
e§  nic^t  l)erau§." 

25  „®reimal  nad^  Often  miiffen  toir  un^  biiden  unb  ba^u 
f^red^en:  Mu — Mu — Mu — " 

©ie  fteHten  fid^  gen  Often   unb  biidten   fid;   in   einem  fort,    \ 
ba^   if)re    ©d)ndbel    beina^e    bie   @rbe    beruf)rten.      Slber,    0        N_ 
jammer !      ®a§   3^^'^^^^^)^^   h)ar   if)nen  entfaHen  unb  fo  oft 

30  fic^   and)   ber  ^alif   biidte,  fo  fe^nlicf)  aud^   fein  SSejier  Mu—  <<^^ 



Mu —  baju  rief,  jebe   ©rinncrung   baran   hjar   i)erfd)h:)unben, 

unb   ber  arme   ©f^afib   unb    fein   SSegier   Vuaren    unb    blieben 



^raurtg  it)anbeltcn  bie  SJiBflUltetW  burd)  bie  gelber.  6ic 
hju^ten  gar  nic^t,  it>a§  fie  in  i^rem  @Ienb  anfangen  fottten.  s 
Slug  if)rer  ©torcf)enf)aut  fonnlen  fie  ntd^t  i)erau§;  in  bie  ©tabt 
juriicf  fonnten  fie  aucf)  nid^t,  urn  fid^  ju  erfennen^^u^seben, 
benn  it)er  ij^otte^  einem  6torc^en  geglaubt,  ba^  er  ber  ^alif  [ei, 
unb  hjenn  man  e§  ciuc^  geglaubt  Ejdtte,  h)urben  bie  ©intoo^ner 
t)on  SBagbab  einen  ©tord^en  gum  ^alifen  getoollt  l^aben?  lo 

(So  fd^Iid^en  fie  meljrere  ^a^e  uml^er  unb  ernciJirten  fid^ 
!ummerli(i)  bon  J^'^^f^iic^^^"/  ^^^  fi^  <^'^^^  toe^n  if^rer  langen 
©d^ndbel  nic^t  gut  toerf^eifen  fonnten.  3^^  @ibed)fen  unb 
grofd^en  Ijatten  fie  iibrigeng  feinen  Sl^^etit.  ®enn  fie  befiird^s 
teten,  mit  fold^en  Sed^erbiffen  fidb  ben  3Jlagen  gu  i)erberben.  15 
gfjr  einjige§  SSergniigen  in  biefer  traurigen  Sage  toar,  ba^  fie 
fliegen  fonnten,  unb  fo  flogen  fie  oft  auf  bie  ^dd^er  bon 
Sagbab,  um  %\x  fe^en,  ioa^  barin  t)orging. 

gn  ben  erften  Xagen  bemerften  fie  gro|e  Unrulje  unb  ^^rauer 
in  ben  6tra^en.  3lber  ungefd^r  am  merten  ^age  nacf)  if)rer  20 
SSergauberung  fa^en  fie  auf  bem  ^alaft  be§  ^alifen,  ba  fallen 
fie  unten  in  ber  6tra^e  einen  ^rddjitigen  Slufgug.  Xrommein 
unb  ^feifen  ertonten,  ein  5D^ann  in  einem  golbgeftidften  ©c^ars 
lad^mantel  fa§  auf  einem  gefdjmMttn  $ferb,  umgeben  toon 
gldngenben  ©ienern.  §alb  Sagbab  f^rang  iljm  nad^,  unb  alle  25 
f(i)rieen  :  »§eil  TOjra !  bem  jr)errf^er_  t)on  53agbab  !"  ®a 
faf;en  bie  beiben  ©tbrd^e  auf  bem  %Q^6:it  be§  ^alafte§  einanber 
an,  unb  ber  ^alif  g^afib  f^rad^:  »3tl)nft  bu  je^t,  toarum  id^ 
berjaubert  bin,  ©ro^toe^ier  ?    liefer  3)hjra  ift  ber  6o^n  meineg 


^obfeinbeg,  be§  mac^tigen  ^(xwhtxtx^  ^afd^nur,  ber  mir  in  einer 
bofen  ©tunbe  9^ac^e  fd)h)ur.  2lber  noc^  gebe  id^  bie  §offnung 
nirf;t  auf.  ^omm  mit  mir,  bu  treuer  ©efdf)rte  meine^  @lenb§, 
mir  iDoEen  gum  ©rabe  be^  ^ro^^eten   iDanbern;  DielTeid^t  ba^ 

5    an  l^eiliger  Stdtte  ber  ^^^wber  geloft  tDtrb." 

©ie  er^oben  fid^  bom  3)aci^e  bc§  ^alafteg  unb  ftogen  ber 
©egenb  toon  5Rebina  ju. 

3J^it  bem  glicgen  n?oIIte  e§  aber  nic^t  gar  gut  gef)en,  benn 
bie   beiben   ©tord^e    fatten   nod^   hjenig    Ubung.      „D   §err/' 

10  dd^gte  n<x^  ein  ^aar  ©tunben  ber  ©ro^tjegier,  „id^  ^alte  eg 
mit  eurer  @rlaubni§  nirfjt  mef)r  lange  au^,  i^r  flicgt  gar  ju 
J4)neII  I  Stud)  ift  e§  fd^on  Slbenb,  unb  tt)ir  t()dten  tDol^l,  ein 
Unterfommen  fiir  bie  '^Ci6^i  ju  fud^en." 

(S^aftb   gab   ber   33itte   feine^   ©ienerg  ©el^or;   unb   ba   er 

15  unten  im  %^oXt  eine  9tuine  erblidte,  bie  ein  Dbbad^  ju  ges 
njd^ren  fc^ien,  fo  flogen  fie  ba^in.  ®er  Drt,  'coo  fie  fic^  fiir 
biefe  9^ad^t  niebergelaffen  flatten,  fdiien  efjemaU  ein  ©c^Io^ 
getoefen  ju  fein.  ©rf)one  ©dulen  ragten  unter  ben  ^riimmern 
^erbor;  mefjrere  ©emdd^er,  bie  nod^  giemlid^  erl^alten  hjaren, 

20  jeugten  t»on  ber  c^emaligcn  $rad&t  be§  §aufeg.  S^afib  unb 
fein  SBegleiter  gingen  burd)  bie  ©dnge  uml^er,  um  fid^  ein 
troc!ene§  ^(d|d^en  ju  fud^en;  :|)Io^lic^  blieb  ber  ©torc^  ^Jlan? 
for  fte^en.  „§err  unb  ©ebieter,"  fliifterte  er  leife,  „h)enn  e^ 
nur  nid)t   tt)orid^t   fiir   einen   ©ro^begier,  nod)   me^r  aber  fiir 

25  einen  ©tord^en  it>dre,  fid^  bor  ©ef^enftern  gu  furd^ten!  TOr 
ift  gang  unl^eimlic^  gu  W\xi,  benn  ^ierneben  ^CjCit  eg  gang 
berne^mlid^  gefeufgt  unb  geftobnl."  ^er  5lalif  blieb  nun  aud^ 
fteben  unb  l^orte  gang  beutlid)  ein  leifeg  SBeinen,  bag  el^er 
einem   ?i}lenfrf)en,  al§   einem   Xiere   anjugeE)oren   fc^ien.     SSoII 

30  ©rtoartung  toottte  er  ber  ©egenb  jugeE^en,  n)of)er  bie  ^lagetone 


!amen;  ber  SSe^ier  aber  )^Q^^\^  t(>n  mit  bem  6d)na6el  am 
g^Iiigel  unb  'hoX  t^n  fletjerttlid^,  fid;  nid^t  in  neue,  unbefannte 
©cfa^ren  §u  ftiirjen.  ®dc^  t>ergeben§!  ®er  ^alif,  bem  auc^ 
urtter  bem  6torc^enfIiigel  ein  ta|3fere§  §erj  fcf)Iug,  ri^  fief)  mit 
SSerluft  einiger  gebern  Io§  unb  eilte  in  einen  finftern  ©ang.  5 
33alb  it)ar  er  an  einer  2::f)ure  angelangt,  bie  nur  angele^nt 
fdEiien,  unb  it)orau§  er  beutlid)e  ©euf^er,  mit  ein  it)enig  ©e* 
l^cul,  tjernafjm.  @r  ftie^  mit  bem  6rf)nabel  bie  ^^iire  auf, 
blieb  aber  iiberrafcfit  auf  ber  ©d^trelle  fte^en.  gn  bem  t)ers 
fallenen  ©emad^,  ba§  nur  burcf)  ein  !Ieine§  ©itterfenfter  fpdrs  10 
Itc^  erleuc^tet  tear,  fa^  er  eine  gro^e  ^^ac^teule  am  33oben 
ft^en.  ®idfe  3:;^rdnen  rotlten  if)r  au§  ben  gro^en  runben 
Slugen,  unb  mit  fjeiferer  ©timme  ftie^  fie  ifjre  ^lagen  ^\x% 
bem  frummen  ©d^nabel  l^erau§.  2ll§  fie  aber  ben  ^alifen 
unb  feinen  3Se^ier,  ber  inbe§  aud^  f)erbeigefdf)lid)en  it)ar,  ers  15 
blidte,  erE>ob  fie  ein  Iaute§  greubengefdbrei.  3^^^^'^^^^  U)ifc^te 
fie  mit  bem  braungefledften  ^lugel  bie  ^fjrdnen  au§  bem  Sluge, 
unb  3u  bem  gro^en  ©rftaunen  ber  beiben  rief  fie  in  gutem, 
menfc^Iid^em  2lrabifd^:  ,3iII!ommen,  \\)x  ©tord^e,  i^r  feib  mir 
txxi  guteg  3^ic^^^  meiner  ©rrettung,  benn  burd^  (Stord)e  ttjerbe  20 
mir  ein  gro^eg  ©IM  !ommen,  ift  mir  einft  ^ro^^egeit  h)orben!" 
2ll§  fid^  ber  ^alif  t)on  feinem  ©rftaunen  erfjolt  l^atte,  biidfte 
er  fid^  mit  feinem  langen  §al§,  brac^te  feine  biinnen  giige 
in  eine  gierlid^e  ©teUung  unb  f^rad^ :  „9^ad^teule!  feinen 
SBorten  nad^  barf  id^  glauben,  eine  2eiben§gefdf)rtin  in  bir  ju  25 
fe^en.  Slber  <x^\  ^eine  §offnung,  ba^  burd^  un§  beine 
S^ettung  fommen  h^erbe,  ift  bergeblic^.  ®u  toirft  unfere  §ilfs 
lofigfeit  felbft  erfennen,  loenn  bu  unfere  ®efd^id)te  f^orft." 
2)ie  ^^lac^teule  bat  if)n  §u  erjd^Ien,  ber  ^alif  aber  f^ub  an  unb 
er3dl)lte,  n?a§  irir  bereitg  tDiffen.  30 



2ll§  ber  talif  ber  @ule  feme  ©efd^id)te  borgetragen  l^attc, 
banfte  fie  i^m  unb  fagte:  „3Sernimm  auc^  meine  ©efcf?ic^te 
unb  Ij^ore,  tt»ie  id)  nic^t  n?emger  ungliicfUrf)  bin  al§  bu.  3Jlein 
33ater  ift  ber  ^onig  toon  Snbien,  id),  feine  einjige  ungludlic^e 

5  3:oc^ter,  ^eige  2ufa.  Sener  ^^luberer  ^afd^nur,  ber  eud^  t)er= 
jauberte,  f)at  audf)  mid)  in§  Ungliid  geftiirjt.  @r  !am  eine^ 
^age§  ^u  meinem  3Sater  unb  begebrte  rnidj)  jur  grau  fiir  feinen 
©ol^n  ?iJii§ra.  3}^ein  3Sater  aber,  ber  ein  l^i^iger  ?iJiann  ift, 
lie^  i()n  bie  ^re^^e  l^inunter  n^erfen.     ^er  ©lenbe  hju^te  fid^ 

10  unter  einer  anbem  ©eftalt  tt)ieber  in  meine  5^d()e  ju  fd)leic^en, 
unb  al^  id)  einft  in  meinem  ©arten  (Srfrifd^ungen  ju  mir 
nebmen  n^oEte,  brad)te  er  mir,  al^  ©!Iabe  ijerfleibet,  einen 
2^ran!  bei,  ber  mic^  in  biefe  abfc^eulic^e  ©eftalt  bermanbelte. 
SSor   ©d^reden  o^nmdc^tig,  brad)te   er  mid^   ^ier^er  unb   rief 

15  mir  mit  fd)redlid)cr  <Stimme  in  bie  D^ren: 

„®a  foEft  bu  bleiben,  l^d^lic^,  felbft  bon  ben  ^ieren 
toerad)tet,  bi§  an  bein  @nbe,  ober  bi§  einer  au§  freiem  SSillen 
bid^,  felbft  in  biefer  fd^redlid^en  ©eftalt,  ^ur  ©attin  bege^rt. 
©0  rdd)e  id)  mic^  an  bir  unb  beinem  ftoljen  3Sater." 

20  „©eitbem  finb  mele  JDlonate  toerfloffen.  ©infam  unb  traurig 
lebe  id)  al§  ©infieblerin  in  biefem  ©emduer,  Derabfd^eut  bon 
ber  SBelt,  felbft  ben  3:ieren  ein  ©reuel;  bie  fc^one  %tur  ift 
bor  mir  i)erfd)loffen,  benn  td^  bin  blinb  am  ^age,  unb  nur, 
naenn  ber  SJlonb  fein  bleid^e§  Sid^t  iiber   bie§  ©emduer  au§s 

25  gie^t,  fdllt  ber  ber^ullenbe  ©c^Ieier  toon  meinem  Sluge." 

®ie  @ule  l^atte  geenbet  unb  n)ifd)te  fic^  mit  bem  gliigel 
njieber  bie  Slugen  au§,  benn  bie  ©rjd^lung  i^rer  2eiben  ^atte 
il^r  2;^rdnen  entlodt. 


®er  ^alif  tt)ar  bet  ber  ©rjdfjlung  ber  ^4^nri§effin  in  tiefe§ 
9^a(i^ben!en  i)erfun!en.  „2Benn  mi(f)  md)t  alleg  tdufc^t/'  f^rad^ 
er,  „fo  finbet  jitjifc^cn  unferem  UnglM  ein  gef^eimer  3"f^"^= 
menE)ang  ftatt;  aber  too  finbc  iif)  ben  6c!)Iuffel  ju  biefem 
Sftdtfel?"  2)ie  @ule  anttoortete  ifjm:  „D  §err !  auc^  mir  5 
afjncl  bic^;  benn  e§  ift  mir  einft  in  meiner  friiljeften  gugenb 
i)on  einer  toeifen  grau  ^rop^cjeit  toorben,  ba^  ein  ©torrf)  mir 
ein  gro^eg  ©IM  bringen  toerbe,  unb  i4>  toii^te  metleic^t,  toie 
it)ir  ung  retten  fonnten."  ^er  ^alif  toar  fe^r  erftaunt  unb 
fragte,  auf  toeld^em  2Sege  fie  meine.  „^er  3«wberer,  ber  10 
un§  beibe  unglii^lic^  gemad^t  ^at,"  fagte  fie,  „!ommt  aHe 
5DZonate  einmal  in  biefe  Sf^uinen.  S^ic^t  toeit  t)on  biefem  ®e« 
mac^  ift  ein  ©aal.  ^ort  ^flegt  er  bann  mit  melen  ©enoffen 
5u  fd^maufen.  ©d^on  oft  \jo!o^  \^  fie  bort  belaufc^t.  <Sie 
ergd^Iten  bann  einanber  tf^re  fd^dnblicfien  2Ser!e,  metteic^t  ba^  15 
er  bann  ba§  '^Q.\x\i^x\Q^xi,  ba^  it^r  bergeffen  Ijabt,  augf^rid^t." 

„D   teuerfte  ^rinjeffin/'    rief  ber  5lalif,   „fag'  (xv.,   toann 
fommt  er,  unb  too  ift  ber  <5aal?" 

2)ie  @ule  fd)toieg  einen  Slugenblidf  unb  f^rad^  bann :  ^^f^e^met 
e§  nic^t  ungiitig,  aber  nur  unter   einer  33ebingung  !ann  idj>  20 
euern   SSunfdj)  erfiiHen."     „©:prirf)   au§ !   S^ricf)  au§ !"   fct)rie 
©^afib.     rrSefie^I,   e§  ift  mir  jebe  red^t." 

„9f^dmli(^  ic^  mod^te  auc^  gerne  ^ugleid^  frei  fein,  bie§  !ann 
aber  nur  gefd^el^en,  toenn  einer  toon  eud^  mir  feine  iganb  reidjt." 

3)ie  ©tord)e  fd^ienen  iiber  ben  2lntrag  ettoag  betroffen  ju  25 
fein,  unb  ber  ^alif  toinfte  feinem  3)iener,  ein  toenig  mit  il^m 

^©ro^toejier,''  fprac^  t)or  ber  3:;^ure  ber  ^alif,  „ba§  ift  ein 
bummer  §anbel,  aber  ifjr  fonntet  fie  fc^on  nef^men." 

r,©o?"  anttoortete  biefer,  ^ba^   mir  meine   grau,   toenn  id^  30 


nad^  §au§   fomme,    bie   2lugen   au§!ra^t  ?    2lurf)  bin  ic^   ein 
alter  3Jlann,  unb  i^r  feib   nocf)   jung   unb    unt) er^eiratet,    unb 
fonnet  e^er  einer  jungen  fd)onen  ^^rinjeffin  bie  §anb  geben." 
„^ag  ift  e#  eben,"  feufgte  ber  ^alif,  inbem  er  traurig  bie 

5  gliigel  ^dngen  lie^,  „n?er  fagt  bir  benn,  ba^  jie  jung  unb  fc^on 
ift?    2)a^  ^ei^t  bie  ^a^e  im  <Bcid  faufen!" 

©ie  rebeten  einanber  gegenfeitig  nod^  lange  ^u,  enblic^  aber,  '>vv^ 
oX^  ber  ^alif  \oA},  ba^  fein  3Sejier  lieber  ©torc^  bleiben,  aH 
bie  @ule  Ijeiraten  troKte,  entfd)Io^  er  fic^,  bie  Sebingung  lieber 

10  felbft  5U  erfiiHen.  2)ie  @ule  h)ar  l)oci^erfreut.  ©ie  geftanb 
i^nen,  ba^  fie  gu  feiner  beffern  ^i\i  Ij^citten  fommen  fonnen, 
ioeil  it)al;rfc^einlic^  in  biefer  ^^Zac^t  bie  ^a\xhtxix  fid^  berfammeln 

©ie  berlie^  mit  ben  ©tordben  ba^  ©emad^,  um  jie  in  jenen 

15  ©aal  ^u  fii^ren ;  fie  gingen  lange  in  einem  finftern  Giang  ^in ; 
enblid^  ftra^lte  i^nen  a\x^  einer  ^alb  berfattenen  5iJlauer  ein 
l^eEer  ©djein  entgegen.  %H  fie  bort  angelangt  hjaren,  riet 
i^nen  bie  @ule,  fic^  ganj  ruljig  ju  berljalten.  ©ie  fonnten  toon 
ber  SiidEe,  Q.n  tod^tx  fie  ftanben,  einen  gro^en  ©aal  iiberfeljen. 

20  (gr  h)ar  ring^um  mit  ©dulen  gefcljmMt  unb  ^rad^tijoll  ber^iert. 
35iele  farbige  Sam^en  erfe^ten  ba^  Sic^t  be§  ^age^.    3"  i^^^W 
SJlitte  beg   ©aaleg  ftanb   ein  runber  3:ifc^,   mit    bielen    unb         \ 
auggefuc^ten  ©^eifen  befe^t.     3tingg  um  ben  Xifc§  ^og  fic^  ein 
©ofa,   auf  toelc^em    ac^t    SJ^dnner  fa^en.     gn  einem    biefer 

25  5Kdnner  erfannten  bie  ©torclje  jenen  ^rdmer  hjieber,  ber  il)nen 
bag  3^"'^^'^^^'^^^^  berfauft  l^atte.  ©ein  ^^^ebenfi^er  forberte 
i^n  auf,  il^nen  feine  neueften  ^^aten  gu  erjd^len.  @r  erjd^lte 
unter  anbern  auc^  bie  ©efc^icl)te  beg  ^alifen  unb  feineg 



„2iBa§  fiir  ein  SSort  ^aft  bu  il^nen  benn  aufgegeben  ?"  fragte 
tl^n  ein  anberer  '^wiSitxtx,  „@m  red^t  fc^tt>ere§  lateinifc^eg,  e§ 
l^ei^t  Mutabor.^' 

2(l§  bie  ©tord^e  an  i^rer  3Kauerlu(fe  biefe§  {;ortcn,  famen  fie 
bor  greube  beina^e  au^er  fid).     6ie  lief  en  auf  if)ren  langen    5 
gii^en  fo  fdf^nell  bem  %\j^xz  ber  D^uine  §u,  ba^  bie  @ule  !aum 
folgen  fonnle.     ©ort  f^rac^   ber  ^alif   geriifjrt  gu  ber  @ule: 
„9fletterin  meine§  2eben§  unb  be€  Seben§   meine§    5^reunbe§, 
nimm  gum  eirigen  ^an!  fiir  ba§,  h?a§  bu  an  un§  get^an,  mic^ 
gum   ©ema^l   an."      ®ann   aber  tDanbte   er  fid^   nad^   Often.  10 
^reimal  biicften  bie  ©torc^e  i(^re  langen  §dlfe  ber  Sonne  entge^ 
gen,  bie  foeben  fainter  bem  ©ebirge  ^eraufftieg.    „Mutabor," 
riefen  fie ;  im  ^\x  tuaren  fie  ijerhjanbelt,  unb  in  ber  ^o^en  greube 
be§  neu  gefd^enften  Sebeng,  lagen  §err  unb  Wiener  lad^enb  unb 
hjeinenb   einanber  in  ben  3lrmen.      2Ser   befd^reibt    aber  il^r  15 
©rftaunen,  al§  fie  fid^  umfa^en  ?  @ine  fd;one  ^ame,  l^errlidf)  ge= 
frf)mudtt,  ftanb  t>or  i^nen.     Sdc^elnb  gab  fie  bem  ^alifen  bie 
§anb.    „@r!ennt  i^r  eure  ^JZacfjteule  nid^t  meJjr?"  fagte  fie.    ©ie 
U)ar  e§ ;    ber  ^alif  toar  Don  il^rer  ©djon^eit  unb  Slnmut  fo 
entgiidt,  ba§  er  au^rief,  e§  fei  fein  gro^te^  ©liid,  ba§  er  ©tord^  20 
gehjorben  fei. 

®ie  brei  gogen  nun  mit  einanber  auf  33agbab  gu.  ®er 
^alif  fanb  in  feinen  ^leibern  nid^t  nur  bie  ©ofe  mit  ^^^wbers 
^ulDer,  fonbern  aud^  feinen  ©elbbeutel.  @r  faufte  ba^er  im 
ndd)ften  ®orfe,  tt)a§  §u  i^^rer  9teife  notig  tt)ar,  unb  fo  famen  25 
fie  balb  an  bie  2:;^ore  Oon  33agbab.  ®ort  aber  erregte  bie 
Slnfunft  be§  ^alifen  gro^e§  ©rftaunen.  ?i}lan  f^atte  i^n  fiir 
tot  auggegeben,  unb  ba§  3Solf  loar  baber  t)oc^  erfreut,  feinen 
geliebten  §crrfc^er  mieber  gu  \joSitx\.. 


Hm  fo  meF)r  aber  cntbrannte  t^r  §a§  gegen  ben  Setriiger 
5Rijra.  ©ie  jogen  in  ben  ^alaft  unb  nabmen  ben  alten 
3auberer  unb  feinen  @o^n  gefangen.  ^en  Sllten  frf)tcfte  ber 
^alif  in  ba^felbe  ©emad^   ber  9tuine,  ba§  bie  ^rinjeffin  al§ 

5  (Sule  behjol^nt  \)(xiii,  unb  lie^  ifjn  bort  auf^dngen.  3)em 
©o()ne  aber,  h^elc^er  nid^tg  toon  ben  ^iinften  bel  3Sater§  toers 
ftanb,  lie^  ber  ^alif  bie  SSa^I,  ob  er  fterben  ober  fd^nu^fen 
tooUe.  211^  er  ba§  le^tere  it>d^Ite,  bot  i^m  ber  ©ro^toe^ier 
bie  ^ofe.     Sine  tiicbtige  $rife  unb  ba§  3fl"'^^^^t)rt  be§  ^alifen 

10  berivanbelte   \^\\  in   einen  ®tordf)en.     ©er  ^alif  lie^  if)n  in 

einen  eifernen  ^dfig  f^erren  unb  in  feinem  ©arten  aufftellen. 

Sange  unb  bergniigt  lebte  ^alif  (S^afib  mit  feiner  grau,  ber 

^rinjeffin ;  feine  toergniigteften  ©tunben  hjaren  immer  bie,  ttjenn 

ykjW.  ber  ©ro^bejier  nadfjmittag^  befudBte ;  ba  f^rad^en  fie  bann 

15  oft  toon  ifjrem  ©tord^enabenteuer,  unb  U^enn  ber  ^alif  redf)t  l^eiter 
toar,  lie^  er  fid^  l^erab,  ben  ©ro^ijegier  nad^^ua^men,  tuie  er  al0 
©tord^  augfa^.  @r  ftieg  bann  ernft^aft,  mit  fteifen  gii^en  im 
3immer  auf  unb  ab,  Ka^^erte,  Voebelte  mit  ben  Slrmen,  U)ie  mit 
Jliigeln,  unb  jeigte,  n)ie  jener  fic^  toergeblidf)  nad^  Often  geneigt 

20  unb  Mu  —  Mu — ba§u  gerufen  fjabe.  giir  bie  grau  ^alifin  unb 
il^re  ^inber  toar  biefe  35orftettung  allemal  eine  gro^e  greube; 
U)enn  abcr  ber  ^alif  gar  ^u  Tange  !la)3^erte  unb  nirfte  unb  Mu  — 
Mu  —  fc^rie,  bann  bro^te  il)m  ber  ?5egier,  er  iDoUte  ba§,  h)al 
bor  ber  3:{)ure  ber  ^rin^effin  9Zadf) teule  ber^anbelt  hjorben  fei, 

25  ber  grau  ^alifin  mitteilen. 


1.    <Sd)n}a(benUeb. 

3lu§  fernem  2anb 

3Som  ?iJleere§ftranb, 

2luf  f)o^en,  luftigen  SSegen 

g^Iiegft  (Srf)h)al6e  bu, 

D!)ne  9taft  unb  9tu^'  5 

^er  lieben  §eimat  entgegen. 

fiber  £anb  unb  M^tx 

§aft  bu  bte  ^unbe  toernommen, 

®a^  im  §eimatlanb  10 

^er  SSinter  fd^tcanb 

Unb  ber  grii^Ung,  ber  grii^ltng  gefommen? 

^ein  2iebcf)en  f^rid^t  : 

„2Bet^  felber  nicf)t, 

2Sof)er  mir  gefommen  bte  ^Ral^nung ;  15 

^0(^  fort  unb  fort 

3Son  Drt  gu  Drt 

2odt  mid^  bie  griiijUng^a^nung. 

POETRY.  59 

3n  freubiger  §aft, 

Sluf  ^of^en,  luftigen  3Segen 

glieg'  tcf)  unberttjanbt 

5  2)em  §eimallanb, 

S)em  lenjgefc^mMten,  entgegcn." 


S.    ®tt  bift  mic  eine  ©lumc. 

^u  bift  h)ie  eine  Slume, 
So  f)oIb  unb  fd^on  unb  rein-, 
gd^  f(f)au'  btd^  an,  unb  SBe^mut 
K>  ©d^Ieic^t  mir  in§  §erj  ^inein. 

W\x  ift,  al§  ob  irf>  bie  §dnbe 
3lufg  §au^t  bir  legen  follt', 
S3etenb,  ba^  ©ott  bid^  er^alte 
So  rein  unb  fd^on  unb  f^olb. 

3.    ^ad  ^c^Io^  am  9Jleete. 


15  „^<x\i  bu  bag  Sd^Io^  geje^en,  @g  mod^te  fic^  nieber  neigen 

2)a§  ^of^e  Sd)Io^  am  3}teer  ?  3n  bie  f^iegelflare  glut, 

©olben  unb  rofig  toe^en  (S^  mbc^te  ftreben  unb  fteigen 

^ie  SKolfen  briiber  ^er.  gn  ber  Slbenbtoolfen  |SIut." 

«9Bo^I  ^ab'  id)  eg  gefe^en, 
2o  ^ag  ^of)e  Srf)Io^  am  ^piieer, 

Unb  ben  ^Konb  bariiber  fte^en, 
Unb  9Zebel  itjeit  uml^er/' 


,!htx  3Stnb  unb  be§  9Keere§  SSallen, 
©aben  fie  frifc^en  tiang? 
3Sernaf)mft  bu  au§  ben  fallen 
©aiten  unb  geftgef ang?" 

„^te  SBinbe,  bie  2Sogen  alTe  giifjrten  fie  nid^t  mit  2Sonne    5 

2agen  in  tiefer  S^iu^';  (Sine  fd^one  S^i^Sf^^w  bar, 

©inem  ^lagelieb  au§  ber  §affe  §errli(^  t»ie  eine  (Sonne 

§ort'  '\&j  mit  2;^ranen  §u."  (Straf)lenb  im  golbenen§aar?" 

„©a{)eft  bu  oben  gefjen  „2Bof^l  faf^  ic^  bie  ©Item  beibe 

®en  ^onig  unb  fein  ©ema^l?     OJ^ne  ber  kronen  Sid^t,  lo 

®er  roten  5!)Zdntel  2Se()en,         3^  fd^tvarjen  ^rauer!leibe ; 
2)er  golb'nen  ^rone  ©traf^l?     ®ie  S^ngfrau  fa^  ic^  nid^t." 


4.    ^ie  Sotclct. 

3d^  it>ei^  nid^t,  h)a§  foU  e§  bebeuten, 

^a^  id^  fo  traurig  bin; 

@in  ?!Jidrc^en  au§  alien  3^^^^"/  ^5 

%(x^  !ommt  mir  nid^t  au§  bent  ©inn. 

^ie  Suft  ift  !ul)l  unb  e§  bunfelt, 

Unb  rul)ig  flie^t  ber  9?()ein; 

^er  ©ipfel  beg  S3erge§  funfelt 

3m  Slbenbfonnenfd^ein.  20 

®ie  fd^onfte  S^t^Sfi^^w  M^t 
^ort  oben  tDunberbar, 
%^x  golb'neg  ©efd^meibe  bli^et, 
©ie  fdmmt  i^r  golbeneg  §aar. 

POETRY.  6 1 

©ie  fcimmt  e§  mtt  golbenem  ^ammc 
Unb  fingt  etn  Sieb  babei ; 
2)a^  \)<xi  eine  tt)unberfame, 
©eh)alttge  9J?eIobet. 

2)en  Sd^iffer  im  Keinen  ©d^iffe 
©rgreift  e§  mtt  tDilbem  SSef); 
(gr  fc^aut  nid^t  bie  gelfenriffe, 
@r  fc^aut  nur  fjinauf  in  bie  §ol^\ 

3c^  glaube,  bie  2SeIIen  ijerfc^lingen 
2lm  @nbe  ©c^iffer  unb  ^a^n; 
Unb  ba^  f)at  mit  il^rem  Singen 
^ie  Sorelei  get^an. 

f^  c  t  n  e. 

5.    ^ie  ttautige  @efd)ic^te  t)otn  bummett  ^an^ciien. 

§dn§d)en  h)itt  ein  ©d^joger  h)erben, 

(Sinb  ju  ^ei^  bie  go^eit; 
15  §dn§d^en  h)itt  ein  ©d^ufter  iDerben, 

©inb  §u  t^art  bie  6ol)Ien; 

§dngd^en  tt>ill  ein  ©d^neiber  toerben, 

3)od^  bie  ?Jabeln  fted^en; 

§dn§d^en  h)ill  ein  ©lojer  ttjerben, 
20  ^od^  bie  ©d^eiben  bred^en; 

§dn§d)en  it>itt  Suc^binber  toerben, 

9tied^t  §u  fef)r  ber  ^leifter, 

gmmer,  toenn  er  !aum  begonnen, 

gagt  if)n  fort  ber  50^eifter. 
25  §dn§c^en,  §dn§d^en,  benfe  bran, 

3Sa§  au§  bir  nod^  irerben  l<xxiXi\ 


^dngd^en  f)at  nocf)  t)iel  begonnen, 

Sradf)te  nid)l§  §u  @nbe; 

^riiBer  ift  bie  3^^^  toerronnen, 

©d^ti:)arf)  finb  feine  §dnbe; 

§drt§cf)en  ift  nun  §ang  getDorben,  5 

Unb  er  jt^t  boll  6orgen, 

§ungert,  Bettelt,  tr)eint  unb  llaget 

2lbenb§  unb  am  ^JJlorgen: 

„2l(f),  tt)arum  nid^t  it)ar  id)  Summer 

Sn  ber  3ugenb  pei^ig?  lo 

3Sa§  id^  immer  auc^  beginne, 

Summer  §an§  nur  f)ei^'  ic^. 

2lc^,  nun  glaub'  ic^  felbft  baran, 

®a^  au§  mir  nid^tg  toerben  !ann!" 

£  0  ri)  e  n  ft  c  i  n. 

6.    ^ic  ^inbcr. 

5iJletn  ^inb,  it)ir  ioaren  ^inber,  15 

3^^i  ^inber,  flein  unb  frol^; 
9Btr  frod^en  in§  §ul)nerf)du§d^en, 
SSerftedften  ung  unter  ba§  Stro^. 

2Bir  !rdl)ten  it)ie  bie  §df)ne, 

Unb  !amen  Seute  ijorbei,  20 

„m!eri!i!"  fie  gkubten 

@§  tt>dre  §al)nengefd^rei. 

2)ie  ^iften  auf  unferem  §ofe, 

^ie  ta^e^ierten  toir  (x\x^, 

Unb  ti;)oI;nten  brin  beifammen,  25 

Unb  marf)ten  ein  t)orne^meg  §au§. 

POETRY,  63 

®e§  9Za(f)bar§  alte  ^a^e 

^am  ofterS  gum  33efuc^ ; 

2Bir  mac^ten  i(;r  33uc!ling'  unb  ^nicffe. 

Unb  ^om^Iimente  genug. 

5  3Sir  (^aben  nad^  t^rem  33efinben 

S3eforglid^  unb  freunblid^  gefragt ; 
2Btr  l^aben  feitbem  ba^felbe 
SKand^er  alten  ^a^e  gefagt. 

SSir  fa^en  aud^  oft  unb  f^rad^en 
10  .      SSernilnftig,  tr»ie  alte  Sent', 

Unb  llagten,  n)ie  atte^  beffer 
©ehjefen  gu  unferer  3^^*- 

2Bte  2ieb'  unb  Xreu'  unb  ©lauben 
S5erfdf)n)unben  (x\x^  ber  2BeIt, 
15  Unb  tt)te  fo  teuer  ber  ^affee, 

Unb  n)ie  fo  rar  bag  ©elb!  .  .  . 

SSorbei  finb  bie  ^tnberf|)iele, 
Unb  alleg  rottt  borbet  — 
®a§  ©elb  unb  bie  SSelt  unb  bie  '^^\i^xi, 
20  Unb  (Silaube  unb  Sieb'  unb  Xreu'. 


7.    ^tci  ^tttttc  unb  ©inet. 

^u  f)aft  5n?ei  D^ren  unb  einen  3)lunb; 
SKiEft  bu'g  beflagen? 
©ar  toieleg  fotlft  bu  ^oren,  unb 
2Benig  barauf  fagen. 


®u  f)aft  5U)ei  2(ugen  unb  einen  ^Olunb: 
50^ad)'  bir'g  ^u  eigenj 
©ar  bie(e§  fottft  bu  fe^en,  unb 
3nanrf)e§  i)erfd)U)eigen. 

^u  ^aft  git)ei  §anbe  unb  einen  5D^unb:  5 

£ern'  e§  ermefjen! 

gtoeie  finb  ba  gur  Slrbeit,  unb 

©iner  gum  @ffen. 


8.  ^enn  id^  ein  Q^dglein  ttiiir'. 

SSenn  td^  ein  35og(ein  iDcir',  Sin  ic^  gleirf)  tDeit  toon  bir, 

Unb  aucf)  5n)ei  gliiglein  f)dtt',  Sin  id)  boc^  im  ©rf)laf  bei  bir,  10 

glog'  id^  gu  bir ;  Unb  reb'  mit  bir; 

2Seil  e^  aber  nic^t  !ann  fein,  2Senn  ic^  ern^ad^en  t()u' 

Sleib'  ic^  aU^ier.  Sin  id^  attein. 

©§  t)ergef)t  leine  ©tunb'  in  ber,  9fiad^t, 

®a  mein  §er§e  nid5)t  ern>adS)t  15 

Unb  (XXK  bic^  aeb;gjiiL 

S)a^  bu  mir  t)iel  taufenbmal 

®ein  §er5  gefd^enft. 


9.  @in  ^if^tettbattm  fte^t  einfatn. 

©in  gid^tenbaum  ftefjt  einfam 

S3m  ^f^orben  auf  fo^^Ier  §of)\  « 


"y.  Sf^n  fillafert^;  mit  tDei^er  ^edfe 

^•^  Um^iiUen  i^n  (5i§  unb  6d^nee. 

POETRY.  65 

@r  trciumt  i:)on  einer  ^alme, 
2)te  fern  im  ^Jlorgenlanb 
©infam  unb  fcf)tt)etgeub  trauert 
2luf  brennenber  gelfentoanb. 

10.   %Vi  fc^onc^  f^ift^ctmabc^en. 

3!)u  fc^one^  5ifc^ermabd)en, 
^retbe  ben  ^<x^x\.  an^  Sanb; 
^omm  %\x  mir  unb  fe^e  bid)  nieber, 
^•1,^   2Sir  M55/  §<^^^  i"  §anb. 

2eg'  an  mein  §er§  bein  ^o^fc^en, 
10  Unb  fiirc^te  bidfy  nid^t  fo  fe^r; 

SSertrauft  bu  bid^  boc^  forglog 
^dglicf)  bem  tDilben  3)ieer! 

3Jletn  §er5  gleid^t  gan^  bem  '^^^x^, 
§at  ©turm  unb  @6b'  unb  glut, 
15  Unb  manege  fd^one  ^erle 

3n  feiner  5tiefe  rut^t. 




11.    ^cr  aSirtitt  ^oc^tetleitt. 

@g  ^ogen  brei  33urfcf)e  tpo^l  iiber  ben  9ftf)ein, 
33ei  einer  grau  SSirtin,  ba  feljrten  jie  ein : 

„%t(x\x  SStrtin!  ^at  (5ie  gut  33ier  unb  2Kein? 
w  SSo  \i(xi  ©ie  3^r  fc^one§  ^oct)terrein?" 

«3Jlein  33ier  unb  3Sein  ift  frifd;  unb  liar, 
^Dflein  ^orf)terlein  liegt  auf  ber  2:otenba^r.'" 


Unb  al§  fie  traten  gur  hammer  {)inein, 

2)a  lag  fie  in  einem  fcf)n)ar§en  @c^retn 


^er  erfte,  ber  fd^Iug  ben  ©c^Ieier  guriic! 
Unb  fc^aute  fie  <xxi  mit  traurigem  33Iic!: 

„2(c^  !  lebteft  bu  nocf),  bu  fcf)one  5[Raib !  ^ 

$3d^  iDiirbe  bic^  lieben  bon  biefer  3^^^-" 

®er  gtoeite  becfte  ben  ©d^Ieier  %\x 
Unb  fef)rte  fid^  ab  unb  ix>einte  baju: 

,/2ld)!  ba^  bu  liegft  auf  ber  ^otenbafjr' ! 

3ciS>  ^0^'  ^^  geliebet  fo  manrf)e§  Sa^r/'  ^° 

®er  brittc  ^ub  i^n  njieber  fogleic^ 
Unb  fii^te  fie  an  ben  3Kunb  fo  bleid^: 

„^ici^  Uebt'  id)  immer,  btd^  lieb'  id^  noc^  f^eut', 

Unb  irerbe  bic^  lieben  in  ©toigleit." 


12.    %tx  fitttc  ^amerab. 

3c^  {)att'  einen  ^ameraben,  15 

(^inen  beffern  finb'ft  bu  nit. 

^ie  2:;rommeI  frf)Iug  gum  ©treite, 

@r  ging  an  meiner  ©eite 

3n  gleirfjem  (Sd)ritt  unb  Xritt. 

Sine  ^ugel  l(xm  geflogen,  20 

„©irt'§  mtr  ober  gilt  e§  btr?" 

$3f>n  f^at  e§  toeggeriffen, 

@r  Uegt  mir  Dor  ben  5^^^^^/ 

%%  h?ar'^  ein  ©tiict  i)on  mir. 

POETRY.  6y 

9Si(I  mir  bie  ^anb  norf)  teid;en, 
Vermeil  ic^  eben  lab' : 
,Mci\in  bir  bie  §anb  nic^t  geBen, 
33(eib'  bu  im  eiu'gen  Seben 
5  3Jlein  guter  ^amerab!" 

13.    ^ic  ^tcnabiete. 

9^ac^  granfreic^  ^ogen  ^mei  ©renabier', 
^ie  tr>aren  in  9?uglanb  gefangen, 
Unb  al€  fie  famen  in^  beutfd^e  Quartier, 
©ie  lie^en  bie  ^o^fe  l^angen. 

lo  ®a  ^orten  fie  beibe  bie  traurige  W<xt, 

^a^  granfreirf)  berloren  gegangen, 
SBefiegt  unb  jerfd)Iagen  ba^  ta^fere  §eer, 
Unb  ber  taifer,  ber  <Raifer  gefangen ! 

^a  toeinten  gufammen  bie  ©renabier' 
15  2Bo{?l  ob  ber  !tdg(icf)en  ^unbe. 

2)er  eine  f))radf) :  ,,'^k  n)eF)  h)irb  mir, 
9Sie  brennt  meine  alte  2Bunbe!'' 

5Der  anbere  f|)rac^:  „®a^  Sieb  ift  au§. 
Stud)  id)  moc^t'  mit  bir  fterben; 
20  2)oc^  l^ab'  i(J)  2Beib  unb  ^inb  ^u  ^aw^, 

^ie  o^ne  micf)  t)erberben/' 

„SKag  (^ert  wic^  SSeib?  toa§  fc^ert  mic^  £inb? 
3ci^  trage  it)eit  beff'reg  SSerlangen; 
£a^  fie  bettein  ge^n,  'vo^x\.n  fie  ^ungrig  finb  — 
25  5iJiein  ^aifer,  mein  ^aifer  gefangen! 


„©eh)d^r'  mir,  S3ruber,  eine  ^itt' : 
SSenn  tc^  \t%i  fterben  h)erbe, 
60  nimm  meine  Seid^e  xk(x^  ^^anfreid^  mtt, 
Segrab'  mid^  in  gran!reidj)§  @rbe. 

„^a§  @f)ren!reuj  am  roten  Sanb  5 

©oEft  bu  auf§  §er§  mir  legen; 
®ie  glinte  gieb  mir  in  bie  §anb 
IXnb  giirt'  mir  um  ben  ®egen. 

„(So  toill  i(f)  liegen  unb  f^ord^en  ftiE, 

3Sie  eine  ©d{)ilbn)ac^'  im  ©rabe,  10 

33i§  einft  id^  ^ore  ^anonengebriill 

Unb  toie^ernber  Sf^offe  ©etrabe. 

»^ann  reitet  mein  ^aifer  h)of^l  iiber  mein  ©rab, 

SSiel'  ©djtoerter  flirren  unb  bli^en ; 

^ann  fteig'  ic^  getDaffnet  f^erDor  au§  bem  ©rab,  15 

2)en  ^aifer,  ben  ^aifer  %\x  fc^ii^en." 

^  e  i  n  e. 

14.    ^et  ^olbat. 

@§  gef^t  bei  gebdm!pfter  Xrommel  ^lang ; 

SSie  tt)eit  noc^  bie  ©tdtte,  ber  2Seg  n)ie  lang! 

D  U)dr'  er  %\xx  Sf^ulf)'  unb  alle§  t>orbei, 

3^^  glaub',  e§  brid^t  mir  ba§  §erg  entjh^ei!  20 

3d^  ^<xV  in  ber  SSelt  nur  i^n  geliebt, 
9^ur  iE)n,  ben  man  je^t  bem  ^ob  bod^  giebt. 
Sei  flingenbem  (S^iele  tuirb  :|)arabierl, 
^a§u  bin  ic^  au$"fommanbiert. 

POETRY.  69 

S'iun  fc^aut  er  auf  jum  (eventual 
3n  @otte§  (Sonne  freubigen  6traf)l, 
^^lun  binbcn  fie  il^m  bie  2(ugen  ^u  — 
3)ir  fc^enfe  ©ott  bie  ehjige  Sflul^' ! 

5  @^  ^aben  bie  neun  h)of)l  angelegt, 

%^i  ^ugeln,  bie  l^aben  borbeigefegt ; 

©ie  jitterten  alle  bor  Sammer  unb  ©d^merj  — 

3c^  aber  —  id^  traf  i^n  mitten  ing  ^erj. 

(5Roc^  bem  I)an{fcf>en  toon  $.  6.  Slnberfen.) 

15.    etlfotiifi, 

2Ber  teitet  fo  f^dt  burd^  ^^ad^t  unb  SKinb? 
10  ©g  ift  ber  23ater  mit  feinem  ^inb; 

@r  ^at  ben  ^naben  too^l  in  bem  2lrm, 
(Sr  l(>dlt  il^n  fid^er,  er  \QXi  il^n  toarm. 

„3Jlein  ©ol^n,  ttjag  birgft  bu  fo  bang  bein  ©efid^t?" 
„<5iel^ft,  3Satcr,  bu  ben  ©rllonig  nid(>t? 
15  ^en  @rlen!onig  mit  ^ron'  unb  ©d^treif?" 

„^ein  ©o^n,  e§  ift  ein  9lebelftreif." 

„^u  liebe§  ^inb,  !omm,  gel^'  mit  mir ! 
@ar  fc^bne  ©^iele  f^iel'  id^  mit  bir; 
3Jland^'  bunte  S3Iumen  finb  ^w,  bem  ©tranb; 
20  ?!Jleine  Gutter  \)0<i  mand^'  9^1^  ©eioanb." 

M^D^lein  3Sater,  mein  3Sater,  unb  l^oreft  bu  nid^t, 
SSag  ©rlenfonig  mir  leife  t)erf^rid^t  ?" 
„(Sei  ru^ig,  bleibe  ru^ig,  mein  ^inb ; 
3n  biirren  SBIdttern  faufelt  ber  2Binb.'' 


„2BiIIft,  feiner  ^nabe,  bu  mit  mir  ge^n? 
?D^eine  ^Tod^ter  follen  bic^  tt)arten  fc^on; 
5i)ieine  Xocf)tev  fii^ren  ben  ndc^tUd^en  SfJei^'n, 
Unb  iDiegen  xinb  tangen  unb  fingen  bid;  ein." 

„5[Rem  3Sater,  mein  35ater,  unb  fie^ft  bu  nic^t  bort        5 

©rlfonig^  Xoc^ter  am  biifteren  Ort?" 

„9Jiein  ©of^n,  mein  ©o^n,  ic^  fe^'  e^  genau, 

@g  fc^einen  bie  alien  SSeiben  fo  grau." 

„%^  Ueb'  bid^,  mic^  rei§t  beine  fcf)one  ©eftalt; 
Unb  bift  bu  nic^t  triEig,  fo  braurf)'  ic^  @eh)alt."  10 

„5Jlein  3Sater,  mein  3Sater,  je^t  fa^t  er  mic^  an! 
@rl!5nig  \}<xi  mir  ein  2eib§  get^an!" 

®em  3Sater  S,taji{^'e,  er  reitet  gefd^toinb, 

@r  f)dlt  in  ben  5Irmen  ba§  od^enbe  ^inb, 

©rreic^t  ben  §of  mit  ?!Jlu^'  unb  ^^iot;  15 

3n  feinen  3lrmen  bag  ^inb  U)ar  tot. 


16.    9loS(f)ctt  auf  bcr  ^cibc. 

@g  faf)  ein  ^nab'  ein  DfJo^lein  fte^n, 

9flo§lein  auf  ber  §eiben- 

(5a{),  e§  h)ar  fo  frifc^  unb  fc^on, 

Unb  blieb  ftef^n,  e§  anjufe^n,  20 

Unb  ftonb  in  fii^en  greuben; 

9fio§Iein,  S^o^lein,  ^to^lein  rot, 

Sflo^Iein  auf  ber  §eiben! 

^er  ^nabe  f^jrad^:   „3cb  breeze  bid^, 

3ftb§lein  auf  ber  §eiben!''  25 

POETRY.  71 

m^Iein  frrad^:   „3c^  fted^c  bid^, 
®a^  bu  eh)ig  benfft  an  mid^, 
Unb  ic^  mill'g  mrf)t  leiben.^' 
9^D§letn,  Sf^o^lein,  Sftollein  rot^ 
9ftd§(ein  auf  ber  §eiben! 

^oc^  ber  iDtlbe  ^nabe  brad^ 

^a§  9f?o^lein  auf  ber  §eiben; 

Slo^Iein  tve^rte  ftd^  unb  ftad^, 

Slber  e§  t)erga§  barnad^, 

33eim  ©enu|  ba§  Seiben. 
SftoSlein,  S^oglein,  9to§(ein  rot, 
3^oglein  auf  ber  §eiben ! 

(S  0  c  1 1^  e. 

©in  58eilc^en  auf  ber  2Biefe  ftanb 
©ebiicft  in  fid&  unb  unbefannt: 
15  @§  ir>ar  ein  f)ergig'§  SSeilc^en. 

^a  !am  eine  junge  (5df>dferin 
TOt  leid^tem  ©d^ritt  unb  munterm  ©inn, 
^a^er,  ba^er, 
^ie  SBiefe  f^er,  unb  fang. 

ao  3ld^!   benft  ba§  35eildj)en,  twdr'  id^  nur 

2)ie  frf)onfte  33lume  ber  ^^iatur, 
2ldj),  nur  ein  fleineg  2SeiId^en, 
S3i§  mic^  ba§  Siebd^en  abge^fludft 
Unb  an  bem  33ufen  matt  gebriidft! 

25  2ld£)  nur,  ad^  nur 

©in  ^Siertelftiinbd^en  lang! 


2lcf),  aber  o.^\   ba§  5iJldbd)en  !am 

Unb  m(f)t  in  ac^t  ba§  33eilc^en  na(>m, 

©rtrat  ba§  arme  SSeild^en. 

@g  fan!  unb  ftarb  unb  freut'  fic^  nod^: 

Unb  fterb'  \^  benn,  fo  fterb'  id^  bod^  5 

2)urc^  fie,  burd^  fie, 

3u  i^ren  gii^en  bod^. 


18.  as^o^u^tttt. 

9Sof)lt()aten,  ftill  unb  rein  gegeben, 

©inb  ^ote,  bie  im  ©rabe  leben, 

©inb  Slumen,  bie  im  ©turm  beftel^n,  lo 

©inb  (Sternlein,  bie  nid^t  untergel^n, 


19.  ^ic  ^enne. 

@§  it)ar  mal  eine  §enne  fein, 

®ie  legte  flei^ig  (Sier; 

Unb  ^flegte  bann  (\^(iXi%  ungemein, 

SSenn  fie  ein  @i  gelegt,  ^u  fd^rei'n,  15 

2ll§  n)dr'  im  §aufe  geuer. 

©in  alter  ^rut()a|n  in  bem  ©tall, 
^er  gait  i)om  ®en!en  madE)te, 
2Barb  bo§  barob,  unb  ^natt  unb  gaff,    ^^ 
Xrat  er  ^ur  §enn'  unb  fagte :  ^^      20 

„^a§  ©d^rei'n,  grau  9^ad^barin,  hjar  eben  nid^t  bonnoten; 
^  Unb  h)eil  e§  bod^  §um  (gi  nic^tg  t^ut, 

©0  legt  bag  @i,  unb  bamit  gut! 


POETRY.  73 

§ort,  feib  barum  gebcten! 

3^r  n)i^t  nic^t  h)ie'§  burc^  ben  ^o^f  mir  gel^t" 

„§m!"    f^racfy  bie  9Zac^barin  unb  tl;dt 
5!Jlit  einem  gu^  bortreten—  S/^^^nrt^ 
„3l;r  n^igt  n)0^l  fd)on,  n?a§  ^jMg     o^  tjL.  *^^ 
2)ie  ^]!Jiobe  mit  fief)  bringt,  i^r  ungejogene^  S8ie^! 
@rft  leg'  id)  meine  @ier 
^  ^ann  recenfier'  ic^  fie!" 


20.    %tx  ^attgetr. 

,,2Sag  ^or'  id^  brau^en  Dor  bem  ^l^or, 
lo  9Ba§  auf  ber  33ruc!e  fc^atten? 

2a^  ben  ©efang  toor  unferm  D^r 
3m  ©aale  h)ieber]^atten!" 
^er  ^onig  f^rad^'g,  ber  ^age  lief^ 
2)er  ^nabe  !am,  ber  ^onig  rief: 
15  ,!>i^^i  mir  Ij^erein  ben  Sllten!" 

„©egru^et  feib  mir,  eble  §err'n, 
©egrii^t  if?r,  fc^one  ^amen! 
SKelc^  reidjier  §immel,  ©tern  bei  ©tern! 
SBer  fennet  ilj^re  3^amen? 
2o  Sm  ©aal  t)ott  $rad^t  unb  §errlirf)!eit 

©d^lie^t,  Slugen,  eud^,  ^ier  ift  nic^t  ^^\i, 
(Sic^  ftaunenb  ju  ergo|en." 

^er  ©dnger  briidEt'  bie  Slugen  ein 
Unb  fd^Iug  in  Gotten  ^onen; 
25  ^ie  Splitter  frfyauten  niuti3_  brein, 

Unb  in  ben  ©dj)o^  bie  ©c^onen. 


2)er  ^ontg,  bem  ba§  Sieb  gefiel, 
Sie^  iF)m,  jum  Sof^ne  fiir  fein  ©))iel, 
(Sine  golbne  ^ette  ^olen. 

„^te  golbne  ^^ii^  gieb  mir  nic^t! 

2)te  ^ette  gteb  ben  9tittern,  5 

3Sor  beren  fii^nem  2lngefici5)t 

^er  %^\xC^t  %(xxq^tx\.  f^Iittern; 

(iJieb  fie  bem  ^an^Ier,  ben  bu  E>aft, 

Unb  la^  if)n  noc^  bie  golbne  2aft 

3u  anbern  Saften  tragen.  lo 

„3c^  finge,  n)ie  ber  SSogel  fingt, 

^er  in  ben  ^^eigen  tool^net; 

2)a§  Sieb,  ba§  au§  ber  ^^^.^  bringt, 

3ft  So^n,  ber  reid)lic^  lof^net 

^K>^  barf  ic^  bitten,  bitt'  id^  ein§:  15 

£a^  mir  ben  beften  33ec^er  SSein^ 

3n  ^urem  @oIbe  reic^en." 

^^^  ^         @r  fe|t'  ijn^mt,  er  tranf  t^n  au0 : 

„D  STran!  t)oIC  fu§er,£abe!      rv^V^^^U*-*^ 

D  itjo^l  bem  ^od^begliidften  §au§,  20 

2Bo  ba§  ift  Heine  ©abe! 

@rgef)t'g  eud^  too^l,  fo  ben!t  an  mid^, 

Unb  ban!et  ©ott  fo  tt)arm,  al§  id^ 

giir  biefen  STrun!  eu^  banfe." 


POETRY.  75 

21.    O^atbtttoffa. 

2)er  alte  33arbaroffa, 
2)er  ^aifer  grteberic^, 
3m  unterirb'frf)en  ©c^loffe 
§dlt  er  bergaubevt  fid^. 

5  @r  ift  niemalg  geftorben, 

@r  lebt  barin  nod)  je^t ; 
@r  f)at  im  (Srf)lo^  t>erborgen 
3wm  6d;laf  fic^  t^ingefe^t. 

@r  f^at  {)inabgenDmmen 
10  ^e§  S^eic^eg  §errlicf)!eit, 

Unb  mirb  einft  ir)ieber!ommen 
3Jlit  i^r  5u  feiner  ^<t\\. 

©er  ®tuf)(  ift  elfenbeinern,    ^' 
3)arauf  ber  ^aifer  fi^t;  7 

15  2)er  ^ifc^  ift  marmelfteinern, 

SSorauf  fein  §au^t  er  ftii^t. 

©ein  33art  ift  nic^t  Don  gladfife, 
@r  ift  toon  geuer^glut, 
3ft  burc^  ben  2;ifc^  getrac^fen, 
20  2Borauf  fein  ^inn  au^ru^t. 

©r  nidt  al§  toie  im  ^raume, 
©ein  5(ug'  Ijalb  offen  ^ti:)in!t; 
Hnb  je  narf)  langem  Sftaume 
(^r  einem  .^naben  n)in!t. 



@r  f^rid^t  im  (Sc^Iaf  ^um  ^naben: 

Unb  fie^,  ob  noc^  bie  S^aben 
§erfUegen  urn  ben  SBerg." 

„Unb  ttjenn  bie  alten  9laben  5 

9^oci^  fliegen  immerbar, 

©0  mu^  id^  auc^  nocf)  fd^lafen 

SSerjaubert  ^unbert  3a^r\" 


S^ad^t  ift'g,  unb  ©tiirme  faufen  fiir  unb  fiir;       ^''^^-v^u;:^ 
§if^an'fd^e  3Jiond^e,  fdj)lie^t  mir  auf  bie  %\j\xx\  10 

Sa^t  l^ier  mid^  ru^n,  bi§  ©locEenton  mid^  toecft, 
^er  jum  (SJebet  eud^  in  bie  ^ird^e  fd()redft!  *;> 

S3ereitet  mir,  \o<x^  euer  §aug  bermag, 
@in  Drbengfleib  unb  einen  ©arfo^^ag! 

©onnt  mir  bie  !Ieine  3^^^/  \on^i  mid^  ein!      .,,        15 
3Jle^r  al§  bie  §dlfte  biefer  2Be(t  tt)ar  mein. 

®a§  §au^t,  ba§  nun  ber  ©c^ere  MJ&eguemt,  j,^  * 

TOt  mand^er  ^rone  h)arb'§  bebiabemt.  ^^C> 

^^''^*^         ©ie  ©coulter,  bie  ber  ^utte  nun  fid^  biidft, 

§at  laiferlid^er  §ermelin  gefd^mudft.  20 

9^un  bin  id^  Dor  bem  ^ob  ben  ^oten  gleid^ 
Unb  fall' in  ^riimmer,  tt)ie  ba§  alte  9teic^. 



33.    ^ic  33Bcibct  tioit  gs^itt^^crg. 

^er  erftc  §o^enftaufe,  ber  ^ontg  ^onrab  lao^    ^^ 

TOt  §eeregmac^t  ijor  SSin^^erg,  feit  manc^em  (angen  ^ag; 

®er  SSelfe  h)ar  gefcfilagen,  noc^  twe^rte  fief)  ba§  5^eft, 

^ie  uttbergagten  ©tdbter,  bie  ^ielten  jtd^  noc^  feft. 

5    ®er  §unger  !am,  ber  §unger!  ba§  ift  etn  fd^arfer  ©orn, 
9flun  fuc^ten  fie  bie  ©nabe,  nun  fanben  fie  ben  ^oxn, 
„3^^  ^fl^t  ntir  {)ier  erfc^Iagen  gar  mandfjen  ©egen  tt)ert,    '"^%:tv 
'^^     Unb  offnet  i^r  bie  Stl^ore,  fo  trifft  euc^  boc^  bag  ©d^tt)ert."     ^^ 

S)a  finb  bie  3Seiber  fommen:   „Unb  mu^  e§  alfo  fein, 
lo  ©ett)d^rt  ung  freien  Slbjug,  n)ir  finb  toon  33lute  rein." 
®a  f;at  fid^  t)or  ben  Slrmen  be§  §elben  S'?^"  gefii^lt, 
3)a  lj)at  ein  fanft  ©rbarmen  im  ^er^en  er  gefii^lt. 

„^ie  2Beiber  mogen  abjiefjn  unb  jebe  ^abe  frei 
2Sag  fie  ijermag  5U  tragen  unb  i^r  bag  Siebfte  fei ; 
15  Sa^t  gie^n  mit  i^rer  33iirbe  fie  ungel^inbert  fort, 

2)ag  ift  beg  ^5nigg  ^Keinung,  bag  ift  beg  ^bnigg  3Bort.' 



Unb  alg  ber  \xvA)t  ^orgen  im  Often  !aum  ,aearaut, 
25a  Ij^at  ein  feltneg  ©d^auf^iel  im  Sager  man  gefd^aut. 
(Sg  offnet  leife,  leife  fic^  bag  bebrdngte  %^ox,      -f-  .    ^?      . 
^^@g  fdj)tt)an!t  ein  ^ug  t>on  SSeibern  mit  fd^iDerem  ©d^ritt  ^ertoor.     ' 

^ief  beugt  bie  2aft  fie  nieber,  bie  auf  bem  ^ad^n  xui)t, 

©ie  tragen  i^re  ©^'berrn,  bag  ift  if^r  liebfteg  @ut. 

„§alt  an  bie  argen  SKeiber!"  ruft  brof)enb  mand^er  3Si_d^t;    'H^.^^,^^ 

2)er  dangler  fprid)t  bebeutfam :   „2)ag  tr>ar  bie  3)leinung  nic^t." 


%<x  ^oX,  n)ie  er'§  t)ernommen,  ber  fromme  §err  gelad^t: 
„Unb  h)dr'  e§  mrf)t  bie  9Jieinung,  fie  ^aben'g  (^wX  gemac^t; 
©ef^rod^en  ift  gef^rod^en,  ba§  ^omg§tt)ort  befte^t 
Unb  5tt)ar  t)on  feinem  ^anjler  jerbeiltilt  unb  jerbrel^t." 

©0  it)ar  bag  ©olb  ber  ^rone  tt)of^l  rein  unb  unentmeif^t^  5 

®ie  ©age  fd^allt  ^eriiber,  au§  ^albt>erge^ner  '^<t\\, 
3m  Sci^r  elf()unbert  tjier^ig,  toie  ic^'g  t)erjeic^iiet  fanb, 
(55alt  ^pniggtoort  nod^  ^eilig  im  beutfd^en  SSaterlanb. 


24,    ®ct  ^annenbaum. 

D  ^annenBaum,  o  Xannenbaum,  toie  treu  finb  beine  ©latter! 

®u  griinft  ni(f)t  nur  ^ur  ©ommer^eit,  lo 

9^ein,  ^\x6:j  im  2Binter  tuenn  eg  fdjneit. 
D  ^annenbaum,  o  2^annenbaum,  it)ie  treu  finb  beine  flatter ! 

D  3Jldgbelein,  o  Magbelein,  h)ie  falfdj)  ift  bein  (SJemutc! 

®u  fd^it)urft  mir  Xreu'  in  meinem  ©liic!, 

9^un  arm  ic^  bin,  gel^ft  bu  ^uriidf.  15 

D  SJldgbelein,  0  3Jidgbelein,  h)ie  fatfc^  ift  bein  ©emiite! 

®ie  9^ad^tigaII,  bie  ^^lad^tigatt,  na^mft  bu  bir  gum  ©sem^el! 

©ie  bleibt  fo  lang  ber  ©ommer  lac^t, 

3m  §erbft  fie  fi(^  toon  bannen  mad^t, 
©ie  9^acf)tigatt,  bie  9'iad£)tigall,  na^mft  bu  bir  gum  ©jem^el!       2c 

®er  33ad^  im  %\)(x\,  ber  Sad^  im  ^^al,  ift  beiner  galfd^^eit  ©^iegel ! 

@r  ftromt  allein,  toenn  9ftegen  fUe^t, 

33ei  ^iirr'  er  balb  ben  Dueff  i)erfc^Iie^t. 
©er  ©ad^  im  %\)(x\,  ber  53ad^  im  %^oX,  ift  beiner  galfrf)f)eit  ©^iegel! 


POETRY.  79 

25.    ^clmlic^e  gicbe. 

^ein  geuer,  !eine  ^of^Ie  fann  brennen  fo  ^ei^, 
%\^  (jeimlid^e  Siebe  toon  ber  niemanb  nic^t^  i»ei^. 

^eine  Sftofe,  feme  ^Wtfe  !ann  blii^en  fo  fc^bn, 

5(1^  n?enn  gtoei  berliebte  ©eelen  bei  etnanber  t^^  fte^en.  ^A 

5        2Bte'§  SSalbtoogletn  fingt,  tvenn'g  ber  gruf)Ung  aniue^t, 
6o  bringt  mir  ing  iper^e  beine  Ueblic^e  3^eb\ 

Stwei  ©ternlein  am  §immel,  gtoet  SfJo^lein  im  §ag^; 
3Jlein  §er5  unb  bag  beine  ftnb  t)om  felbigen  ©c^lag. 

©e^e  bu  mir  einen  Spiegel  ing  §er§e  ^inein, 
lo      ©arnit  bu  lannft  fe^en,  tt)ie  fo  treu  ic^  e§  mein\ 

Unb  ber  Spiegel  ioirb'g  toeifen:   e§  ift  nid^tg  b^xrin, 

2(l0  Siebe  unb  ^reue  unb  e^rlic^er  ©inn. 

"""^^       Dolfslieb, 

§ergc^en,  mein  Sd^d^d^en,  bift  taufenbmal  mein, 
£a^  bir  fein'n  anbern  nic^t  lieber  fein, 
ii  £ommt  bir  gleid;  einer,  ift  fd)oner  alg  id^, 

^erjd^en,  mein  (3c^d|dE)en,  gebenfe  an  mi4>. 

^eine  3fiofe  fo  lieblid^  riec^en  !ann 

Sill  toenn  ^tocl  2ieber(  beifammen  fta^n;     -^  .j^^^? 

^ein  geuer  unb  ©kit  brennt  nic^t  fo  f)ei^, 
211^  f^eimlid^e  Siebe,  bie  niemanb  nic^t  ioeij 

t6.    ^^ 



"^^XK  !ann  fie  in  leinen  Sojkn  t)erf^erren,  <tXy^^ 
£ieb{;aben  in  @f)ren  !ann  niemanb  t)ern)e^ren.    > 
Unb  toenn  ber  §immel  tocir'  ^a^ier^  ^^*X 

Unb  jeber  6tern  fonnt'  fd^reiben  ](^ier. 

Unb  fc^reiben  bie  9^ac^t,  bi§  tuieber  am  ^Tag,  [ 

©ie  fc^reiben  bie  Sieb'  feinJSnbe,  id)  fag'.    ;  4/. 
S)rum  reb'  icf)  e§  frei,  unb  Heibe.^bei,  ^^^^^^ 
S)a|  treue  Siebe  bag  befte  fei.  '•^^^  ]|  ^ 


27.    ^ur  btt  bi*. 

3ci^  tt)ei^  mir'n  5!Jiabc^en  ^ubfd^  unb  fein, 

§ut'  bu  bid^!  10 

@g  !ann  tuo^l  falfd^  unb  freunblid^  fein, 
§ut'  bu  bic^!   §ut'  bu  bic^! 

SSertrau'  i^r  nid^t,  fie  narret  bid^. 

©ie  l^at  gh)ei  Suglein,  bie  finb  braun, 

§ut'  bu  bid^!  15 

^^^""^^        ©ie  tDerb'n  bid^  ubergh)erc^  anfd^au'n, 
§ut'  bu  bic^!'§a?~bu  bi^! 

SSertrau'  i^r  nid^t,  fie  narret  bid^. 

©ie  ^<x\  ein  lid^t  golbfarbne^  §aar, 

^Sxi'  bu  bic^!  so 

Unb  ix)ag  fie  reb't,  bag  ift  nid^t  \q(x^x, 

§ut'  bu  bic^!   §ut'  bu  bic^! 
SSertrau'  i^r  nid^t,  fie  narret  bic^. 

POETRY.  8 1 

©ie  giebt  bir'n  ^rdnjlein  fein  gcmad)t, 

§ut'  bu  bid^! 
giir  etnen  9^arr'n  toirft  bu  gead£)t, 

§ut'  bu  btc^ !   ^\x\:  bu  bic^ ! 
3Scrtrau'  i^r  nid^t,  fie  narret  bic^. 


as.    91U  ^cibelbcrfi,  bu  feine. 

2llt  §etbel6erg,   bu  feine, 
2)u  ©tabt  an  ©f^ren  reic^, 
2lm  5^edfar  unb  am  Sftfjeine 
^ein'  anbre  fommt  bir  gleic^. 

10  ©tabt  frotjlid^er  ©efeHen, 

2ln  2Bei§()eit  fc^h)er  unb  SSein, 
^lar  gie{?n  be^  ©trome^  2BeIlen, 
33lauduglein  bli^en  brein. 

Unb  fommt  au§  linbem  ©iiben 
15  2)er  griif)ling  iiberg  Sanb, 

©0  tt)ebt  er  bir  au§  33luten 
©in  fc^immernb  Srautgeir»anb. 

2luci^  mir  fte^ft  bu  gefcf)rieben 
gn^  §er5  gleirf)  einer  Sraut, 
20  @§  llingt  h)ie  jungeg  £ieben 

^ein  Dlame  mir  fo  traut. 

Unb  fted^en  mi^  bie  ^ornen, 
Unb  h)irb  mir'§  brau§  %v^l^S}^ 
©eb'  icf)  bem  9^0^  bie  ©ipornen 
25  Unb  reit'  in§  5^edfartf)a(.  5d?cffel. 


39.  ^ic  i^offttttitg. 

@g  reben  unb  trdumen  bie  5!}ienfd)en  biel 
S5on  befjern  !unftigen  ^agen; 
9^ad()  einem  gIu(!Ud)en,  golbenen  '^\^\ 
©iel^t  man  fie  rennen  unb  jagen. 
3)ie  2Belt  njirb  alt  unb  n)irb  ii:)ieber  jung,  5 

2)oc^  ber  9Jlenfc^  ^offt  tmmer  S3erbefjerung. 

^ie  §offnung  fiil^rt  i^n  in§  £eben  ein, 
©ie  umflattert  ben  froljlid^en  ^naben, 
2)en  3w«0li"g  lodfet  i()r  gauberfdfiein, 
Ste  toirb  mit  bem  @ret§  ntcljt  begraben;  lo 

®enn  bef(f)Ue^t  er  im  ©rabe  ben  miiben  Sauf, 
S^oci^  am  @rabe  ^flanjt  er  —  bie  §offnung  auf. 

@§  ift  !ein  leerer  frfjmeic^elnber  SKal^n, 
^'^'**"^     ©rjeu^  im  ©e^irne  beg  Stljoren. 

3m  ^er^en  fiinbet  eg  laut  fid^  an:  15 

3u  n)a§  Sefferm  finb  n)ir  geboren, 
Unb  tr»ag  bie  innere  Stimme  f^rid^t, 
^ag  tciufc^t  bie  ^offenbe  ©eele  nid^t. 




30.    ittttf  bet  Ubetfa^tt. 

fiber  biefen  (Strom,  t)or  $3^^^^^/ 

33in  \^  einmal  fc^on  gefa^ren;  20 

§ier  bie  Surg  im  2lbenbf(f)immer, 

^riiben  raufd^t  bag  2Bef)r,  n)ie  immer. 

Unb  t)on  biefem  ^al^n  umfcfjioffen 
Saren  mit  mir  jiveen  (SJenoffen, 


POETRY.  83 

5(c^ !    ein  ^reunb,  ein  t)atergletcf)er, 
Unb  ein  junger,  ^offnung^r etcher. 

Setter  tDirfte  ftiff  Mettieben^      "■^U^^ 
Unb  fo  ift  er  aucf)  gefd^iebett; 
J.  liefer,  braufenb  bor  utt§  affett, 

3ft  itt  ^attt^f  uttb  (Sturtn  gefattett. 

60,  tDentt  ic^  i;)ergattg'ner  ^age, 
©Iuc!Hd^er,  5U  bettfen  n)age, 
5Ru^  ic^  ftet§  ©ertoffen  tttiffen, 
jQ  ^eure,  bie  ber  ^ob  etitriffett. 

^oc^  it)a§  aEe  greuttbfrf)aft  bittbet 
3ft  tDetttt  ©eift  ju  ©eift  fic^  fittbet; 
©eiftig  n?aren  jene  Stuttbetx, 
©eiftertt  birt  id)  nod^  berbutabetx. 

11^  5^iittttt  ttur,  gdf>rtnantt,  lattnttt  bie  5[Riete 

2)ic  tc^  gertte  breif ad^  biete! 
3it>een,  bie  rttit  tttir  iiberfu^ren, 
SEBareti  geiftige  9^aturett. 


31.    gSSattbtci:^  91arf)tHcb. 


^er  bu  bott  bettx  ^irtttnel  bift, 

2lEeg  2eib  uttb  ©c^ttter^ett  ftideft, 

^ett,  ber  bo^^elt  elettb  ift, 

^o:p^eIt  tttit  ©rquid^uttg  fiitteft, 

2ld^,  icf)  bitt  be§  ^reibett^  miibe! 

SSag  foil  atr  ber  ©c^ttierg  uttb  Suft? 

(Silver  griebe, 

£otnttt,  ac^,  fotttttx  iti  tneitxe  ^ruft!       (Soctljc. 


liber  alien  ©i^feln 

3ft  3tul), 

3n  alTen  SSi^feln 

©^iireft  bu 

^aum  einen  §auc^ ; 

^ie  SSogelein  fd)tt)etgen  tm  2Ba(be. 

SSarte  nur,  balbe 

9tu^eft  bu  aud^.     ^ 


32.    2)tc  aSttffcttofe. 

©ie  ftiae  SSafferrofe 
©teigt  au§  bem  blauen  6ee,  lo 

®ie  flatter  fUmmern  unb  \>X\%tXK, 
^er  ^elc^  ift  tpei^  tt)ie  (Sc^nee. 

®a  gie^t  ber  5D^onb  bom  ^immel 
2(11  feinen  golbnen  ©d^ein, 

©ie^t  atte  feine  ©tral^Ien  15 

3n  tfjren  ©d^o^  ^inein. 

3tn  2Saffer  urn  bie  Slume 
^reifet  ein  ttjei^er  ©d^tt)an; 
@r  fingt  jo  fii^,  fo  leife 
IXnb  fc^aut  bie  Slume  an.  20 

@r  fingt  fo  fii^,  fo  leife 
Unb  tt)itt  im  ©ingen  i^ergel^n  — 
D  S3(ume,  n^ei^e  Slume, 
^annft  bu  ba§  Sieb  t)erfte^n?  (Set  be  I. 

POETRY.  85 

33.    ^n  bet;  "^a^U 

SSie  rafft'  id^  mici^  auf  in  ber  S^^adji,  in  ber  9Zac^t, 
Unb  fii^lte  mid^  fiirber  gejogen, 
2)ie  ©affen  berlie^  ic^,  bom  SSdc^ter  betDad^t, 
^urd^hjanbelte  fad^t 
5  3n  ber  3fia4)t,  in  ber  '^o,6:ji 

®ag  X^or  mit  bent  gotifd^en  SBogen. 

2)er  ^iil^Ibad^  raufd^te  burd^  felfigen  ©d^ad^t, 
3d^  le^nte  mid^  iiber  bie  33ruc!e, 
^ief  unter  ntir  nafjm  ic^  ber  SSogen  in  ad^t, 
10  ®ie  rt)afften  fo  fad^t 

3n  ber  ^ac^t,  in  ber  9^ac^t; 
^od^  hjattte  nid^t  eine  juriidfe. 

@§  bre^te  fid^  oben,  unjcifjlig  entfad^t, 
2JieIobifc^er  2Sanbel  ber  ©terne, 
15  5[Rit  i^nen  ber  3Konb  in  beru^igter  ^rac^t; 

®ie  funfelten  fad^t 
3n  ber  ^f^ad^t,  in  ber  "^(x^i, 
®urd^  tdufc^enb  entlegene  gernc. 

%^  blidEte  l^inauf  in  ber  9^ac^t,  in  ber  3^ad^t, 

20  gd^  blidfe  l^inunter  aufg  9^eue: 

D  tDe^e,  it>ie  l^aft  bu  bie  %(x^t  berbrad^t 

5Run  ftiffe  bu  fac^t 

3n  ber  9Zadf)t,  in  ber  3^ad^t, 

Stn  ^od^enben  ^erjen  bie  9teue! 



34.  tRaftlofc  Sicbe. 

®em  ©c^nee,  bem  ^tegen,  , 

^em  2Sinb  entgegen, 
3m  ^atn^f  ber  tliifte,  -^  ^  ^    . 

gmmer  ^u!     Smmer  gu!  5 

^\}X^t  9?aft  unb  9iu()' ! 

Sieber  burd^  Seiben 
3Jloci^t'  id^  mid^  fd^Iagen, 
2II§  fo  i^iel' greuben 

^e§  2eben§  ertragen.  lo 

Sltte  ba§  ^f^ei^en 
3Son  ^erjen  gu  §er5en, 
2ld^,  tt>ie  fo  etgen 
^  W.tvu,,,^^fiff^i  ^<^^  ©cf)mergen! 

SSte  fott  id^  flie^en?  15 

9BaIberh)art§  gie^en? 

2lIIe§  t)ergeben§! 

^rone  be§  2eben§, 

©liidf  of)ne  9tu^', 

Siebe,  bift  bu  !  20 


35.  ©riiitictuttg. 

2BtlIft  bu  immer  iDeiter  fd^toeifen?   /Uf>x<^ 

©ie(),  ba§  @ute  liegt  fo  na(). 

Seme  nur  ba§  ©IM  ergretfen; 

2)enn  bag  ©IM  ift  immer  ba- 


POETRY,  8/ 


36.  ^ic  SESaUfa^tt  nac^  ^enlaat. 


Sim  genfter  ftanb  bie  ^Kutter, 
3m  33ette  lag  ber  ©oljn, 
„2Biaft  bu  nic{)t  auffte^n,  SSil^elm, 
3^1  fd()aun  bie  ^rogeffion?" 

5  „3c^  bin  fo  Iran!,  o  3}^utter, 

^a§  id^  nid^t  ^or'  unb  fel)' ; 
3c^  ben!'  an  ba^  tote  ©retc^en, 
3)a  tf)ut  ba§  ^^xl  mir  ft)ef)." 

„©te^'  auf,  n)ir  n^oHen  nad^  ^et>taar, 
lo  5fiimm  33udf>  unb  9tofen!ranj; 

2)ie  gjiutter  ©otte§  {>eilt  bir 
®ein  !ran!e§  ^er^e  gan^." 

@§  flattern  bie  ^ird^enfa^nen, 
©^  fingt  im  ^irrf)enton; 
X5  •  2)a§  ift  ju  ^oln  am  S^t^eine, 

%o,  ge^t  bie  ^ro3effton. 


S)ie  5!Jlutter  folgt  ber  3J^enge, 
®en  ©ofjn,  ben  fii^ret  fie, 
©ie  fingen  beibe  im  ©l)ore: 
2o  „©elobt  fei'ft  bu,  SJlarie!" 

5Die  Gutter  ©otteg  gu  ^et)laar 
^ragt  ^eut'  i^r  befteg  ^leib; 


^tyxV  \j<xi  fie  mel  gu  fc^affen,    cL^ 
@§  fommen  biel  !ranfe  £eut'. 

^ie  !ran!en  SltvXt  Bringen 

3^r  bar,  alg  D^fert^enb',    ^ff*-^ 

Slug  3Sac^§  gebilbete  ©lieber,  7  5 

S^ieP  n)dd^ferne  gii^'  unb  §dnb\ 

IXnb  h)er  etne  3Bac^§^anb  o^fert, 

^em  ^eilt  an  ber  §anb  bie  SSunb'; 

Unb  tt)er  einen  3Sac^§fu^  o^fert, 

2) em  toirb  ber  gu^  gefunb.  lo 

SRac^  ^eijlaar  ging  mand^er  auf  ^rMen^ 
5Der  je^to  tan^t  auf  bem  6ei(, 
©ar  manc^er  f^ielt  je^t  bie  33ratfc^e,  ^- 
^em  bort  !ein  ginger  h)ar  f)eil. 

^ie  ^Df^utter  na^m  ein  SGac^^Uc^t,  15 

Unb  bilbete  brau^  ein  ^erg, 
„33ringt  ba§  ber  gjiutter  ©otteS, 
^ann  ^eilt  fie  beinen  ©c^merj." 

©er  (So^n  na^m  feufgenb  ba§  2Baci^§^erj, 

©ing  feufgenb  gum  §eiligenbilb  ;  20 

2)ie  ^{jrdne  quiltt  au§  bem  Sluge, 

^a§  SSort  au§  bem  ^ergen  quillt: 

»®u  §oc^gebenebeite, 

^u  reine  ©otte^magb, 

^u  ^onigin  be§  §immel§,  25 

2)ir  fei  mein  Seib  gellagt! 

POETRY,  89 


3ci^  itjo^nte  mit  meiner  5i}luttcr 
3u  ^oUen  in  ber  ©tabt, 
2)er  ©tabl,  bie  i)iele  f^unbert 
^a^ellen  unb  ^trc^en  ^at. 

Xlttb  ncben  un§  hjo^nte  ©retd^cn, 
^od^  fie  ift  tot  je^unb  — 
3Karie,  bir  Bring'  ic^  ein  SBac^S^erj, 
§eir  bu  meine  §er5engh)unb'. 

§etr  bu  mein  !ran!e§  ^^W, 
3cf>  tt)iir  aud^  f^at  unb  friil^ 
gnbriinftiglidf)  \)t\.txi  unb  fingen: 
©elobt  fei'ft  bu,  ^arie!" 


%tx  franfe  ©o^n  unb  bie  !0lutter^ 
©ie  fd)liefen  im  ^dmmerlein; 
15  %<x  !am  bie  ?!)lutter  ©otteg 

^c/  ©ang  leife  gefd^ritten  l^erein. 

©ie  Beugte  fid^  iiber  ben  ^ranfen, 
Unb  legte  i^re  §anb 
©anj  leife  auf  fein  ^erje, 
Unb  lad^elte  milb  unb  fd^toanb. 

®tc  Gutter  fd^aut  aEe§  im  3:raume 
Unb  l^at  nod^  mel^r  gefd^aut; 
<5te  erh) ad^te  au§  bem  ©d^lummer, 
^ie  §unbe  bellten  fo  laut. 


2)a  lag  ba^tngeftredfet 

S^r  ©ol^n,  unb  ber  h)ar  tot; 

©§  f^ielt  auf  ben  bleic^en  SBangen 

^a§  ltcf)te  3Korgenrot. 

^ie  9)^utter  faltet  bie  §dnbe, 
3^r  trar,  fie  tt>u^te  nic^t  n)ie; 
2(nba4)tic5  fang  fie  leife: 
„li5eIo6t  fei'ft  bu,  gj^arie!" 


37.  ^ie  gSSadjt  am  SSXXstm. 

@§  Brauft  ein  9tuf  n)ie  ^onnerfjatt, 
SSie  ©c^toertgeflirr  unb  2Bogen^raII:  lo 

3um  S^i^ein,  gum  S^t^ein,  gum  beutfd^en  Sfll^ein! 
2Ber  tt»ill  be§  ©trome^  §uter  fein? 
Sieb  SSaterlanb,  magft  ru^ig  fein, 
geft  fte^t  unb  treu  bie  SKac^t  qck[.  D^^ein. 

®urd)  §unberttaufent)  gurft  e§  fd^nelT,  15 

Unb  aUer  Stugen  Bli^en  l^eK: 
^er  beutfc^e  Swingling,  fromm  unb  ftarf, 
Sefd^irmt  bie  Ijjeil'ge  2anbe§mar!. 
£ieb  3SaterIanb,  magft  ru^ig  fein, 
geft  ftef)t  unb  treu  bie  2Bac^t  am  9t^ein.  20 

@r  blidft  l^inauf  in  §immel§au'n, 
9So  §elbengeifter  nieberfc^au'n, 
Unb  fc^iDort  mit  ftolger  ^am^fe^Iuft : 
^u,  3ft^ein,  bleibft  beutfd^  it)ie  meine  33ruft! 

POETRY,  91 

Sicb  35atcrlattb,  magft  ru^ig  fetn, 

geft  fte^t  unb  treu  bie  SSac^t  am  $R(>ein. 

Unb  ob  mein  ^erj  im  2:Dbe  bricf)t, 
SSirft  bu  bod^  brum  ein  SBelfd^er  nid^t; 
5  Sf^eic^,  tt)ie  an  SSafjer  beine  "^hxi, 

3ft  ©eutfc^lanb  ja  an  §elbenblut. 
2ieb  SSaterlanb,  magft  ru^ig  fein, 
geft  fte^t  unb  treu  bie  2Sacf)t  am  9i^cin. 

©0  lang  ein  ^ro^fen  33Iut  nod^  glii^t, 
io  9'lod^  eine  gauft  ben  ®egen  ^ief^t, 

Unb  noc^  ein  2(rm  bie  ^iic^fe  f^annt, 
Setritt  !ein  2Belfd^er  beinen  ©tranb. 
Sieb  3SaterIanb,  magft  ru^ig  fein, 
geft  fte!;t  unb  treu  bie  SBad^t  am  9l^ein. 

15  2)er  ©c^tDur  erfd^atlt,  bie  SSoge  rinnt, 

^te  ga^nen  flattern  ^od^  im  SSinb: 

3um  9t^ein,  ^um  3fli?ein,  ^um  beutfrfjen  W^^\Xl\ 

2Bir  alle  toollen  §uter  fein. 

Sieb  SSaterlanb,  magft  ruJ)ig  fein, 
20  geft  fte^t  unb  treu  bie  SSac^t  am  Sftf^ein. 


38.    ^eutfd)liinb  itbet  attcd. 

©eutfc^lanb,  2)eutfc^Ianb  iiber  alleg, 
liber  atteg  in  ber  3SeU, 
SSenn  eg  ftet^  ^um  ©c^u^  unb  ^ru^e 
S3ruberlicf)  jufammen^dlt, 
25  3Son  ber  3Jiaag  big  (xx^  bie  ?!JlemcI, 

SSon  ber  @tfc^  big  (xxk  ben  ^elt: 


^eutfc^lanb,  ©eutfc^lanb  iibcr  aUeS, 
fiber  atteS  in  ber  2BeItl 

S)eutfc^e  grauen,  beutfd^e  ^reue, 
3!)cutfci^er  SSein  unb  beutfd^er  ^q:(^(s^ 
©ollen  in  ber  9Belt  be^Iten  5 

S^ren  alien  fc^onen  ^(ang, 
Unb  gu  ebler  %):j<xi  begeiftern 
tlnfer  ganjeg  %thtxi  lang  — 
S)eulfd^e  grauen,  beutfd^e  Xreuc, 
©eutfdfjer  2Bein  unb  beutfd^er  ©ang!  xo 

©inigfeit  unb  9^ed)t  unb  greil^eit 
giir  ba§  beutfd^e  3Saterlanb, 
2)anac^  (a^t  un§  alle  ftreben 
^riiberlid^  mit  §erj  unb  §anb! 
©inigfeit  unb  D^ec^t  unb  greiljeit  15 

©inb  beg  ©Iuc!e§  Unter^fanb  — 
33lu^'  im  ©lan§e  biefe§  ©IMeg, 
33lu^e,  beutfcfjeg  SSaterlanbl 

Hoffmann  pon  (Jallerslebcn. 

39.    ^eutfc^e  9lationaI^t)mne. 

§eil  bir  im  ©iegerfran^,  9^ici^t  9to^  unb  9leiftge 

§errfdf)er  be§  3Saterlanb§,  ©icfiern  bie  fteile  §ol)',  20 

§eir,  ^aifer,  bir.  3So  giirften  fteljn; 

gii^r  in  be§  3:;^roneg  ©lang  Siebe  be§  3SaterIanb§, 

2)ie  l^o^e  2Bonne  gan^:  2iebe  be§  freien  3)^ann§ 

Siebling  be§  3Sol!§  gu  fein !  ©riinbet  be§  §errf(f)er§  3:f)ron, 

§eil,  taifer,  bir!  2Bie  gel§  im  3JJeer.  25 

POETRY,  93 

§ctltge  glamme,  gtii^',  §anblung  unb  SKiffenfc^aft, 

©lii^'  unb  erlofc^e  me  §ebe  tnit  3Jlut  unb  ^raft 

giirg  3SaterIanb!  gl^r  §au^t  em^or! 

2Str  aHe  fte^en  bann  ^riegers  unb  §elbent^at 

3Jlutig  fiir  einen  ^DZann,  ginbe  i^r  Sorbeerblatt 

^dm^fen  unb  bluten  gem  ^reu  aufge^oben  bort 

giir  ^^ron  unb  W\^,  2ln  beinem  X^ron! 

©ei,  unfer  5latfer,  l^ier 
2ang  beine§  2Sol!e§  3^^^/ 
2)er  gjlenfc^f^ett  ©tolj ! 
gii^r  in  be§  ^^roneg  ©lanj 
^ie  f>of)e  SKonne  gang: 
Siebling  be^  3Sol!^  gu  fein! 
§eil,  ^aifer,  bir! 


40,    mxC  feftc  ©urg  tft  unfct  i^^iU 

Deus  noster  refugium  et  virtus,  etc. 

15        .  @in'  fefte  33urg  ift  unfer  ©ott, 

@tn'  gute  28e^r  unb  SSaffen. 
@r  ^ilft  ung  frei  au§  atler  3flot, 
^ie  ung  je^t  l^at  betroffen! 
3)er  alt',  bofe  getnb, 
2o  ^J^it  ©rnft  er'g  je^t  metnt, 

,  ,:^^,^^         @ro^'  ^ac^t  unb  mel  Sift 
^^      ©ein'  graufam'  SfJuftung  ift, 

2(uf  @rb'  ift  nid^t  feinggleid^en. 

!0lit  unfrer  ^iJlad^t  ift  nic^tg  get^an; 
25  SBir  finb  gar  balb  J^erloren. 


'"'^'^^     ^  ftreit't  fitr  imS  ber  recite  mam, 
^en  ©ott  Bat  feI6[t  erforen. 
gragft  bu,  it)er  ber  tft? 
@r  ^et^t  Sefu§  Shrift, 

^er  §err  gebaot^,  5 

Unb  tft  !ein  anbrer  @ott; 
^a§  gelb  mu^  er  be^alten. 

Unb  tt)enn  bte  3Selt  boa  ^eufel  \r)ax' 

Unb  tt)oIIt'  ung  gar  Derfd^lingen, 

©0  fiird^ten  toir  un§  nic^t  fo  fe^r;  n 

@§  foff  un§  boc^  gelingen. 

®er  giirft  btefer  SSelt, 

2Bie  fauer  er  ftdE>  fte% 

^^ut  er  nn§>  boc^  nid^t ! 

®a§  mad^t,  er  tft  gertd^t't,  15 

©in  2SortIein  !ann  t^n  fatten. 

^ag  SSort  fie  fotten  laffen  fta^n 

Unb  fein'n  ®an!  ba§u  l^aben! 

@r  ift  bei  m^  tt)o^t  auf  bem  ^lan^  4,,^ 

Wit  feinem  @eift  unb  @a6en.  ^^^^     ^ 

9f^e^men  fie  ben  £eib, 

mt,  @^r',  tinb  unb  SSeib: 

2a^  fa^ren  ba^in! 

©ie  \)ahcn^§>  !ein  @eit)inn; 

^a§  S^eic^  mu^  un^  boc^  bleiben.  *  25 

J^ut  Ijer. 

Historical  Selections. 


1.    ^aifet  ^ati  bet  ^tof^e. 

^axi  ber  ©ro^e,  ein  (So^n  ^i^in^,  h)ar  toon  ftarfem,  boffem 

SSuc^fe,  ma^  fieben  feiner  Ju^ldngen  unb  befa^  eine  au^er= 
orbentUc^e  (3tdr!e.  @inen  bollig  gef?armf(f)tett  5Jlann  fonnte 
er  in   bie  §of)e  l^eben  unb   eine  3^i^'^<^^S   fd^tvebenb   l^alten. 

5    2)ie   ©eftalt  ^arlg   tDar   toon   ^o^er  2Burbe.     Seine  gro^en, 
^etten  '^uQ^n  blicften  fanft  unb  n)o^In)oKenb ;   aber  t^enn  er 
^iirnte,  glic^en  fie  geuerflammen.     ©ine  g^erablaufenbe.  D^afe,  /, 
gefunbe    ©efid^tgfarbe    unb    fd^tDar^eg,    Iangit)at(enbe§    §aar      »Hl^ 
jierten   fein  §au^t.     5flur   an    gro^en  geften,  ober   tDenn    er 

lo  ©efanbte    empfing,    trug     er    einen    golbburc^h)ir!ten    ?({od, 

6(^u^e  mit  ©belfteinen,  eine  foftlid^e  ^rone  auf  bem  §au^te,  "^     „ 
unb  ein  mit  ©belfteinen  befe^te^  ©c^iDert  an  ber  6eite.    ®es       ^^ 
tt)of)nUc^  aber   unlerfc^ieb  er  jid^  am  tt)enigften    in  ber  ^tei*  (i- 
bung  t>on  bem  Strmften  im  3Sol!e ;   am   liebften   ging   er   in    ''y\ 

15  ^leibern,  bie  \^m  feine  Xod^ter  gen^oben  flatten.    2(u§ldnbifc^e      ^v 
Xrad)t  ^a^te  er.     ©inft  na^m   er  t>iele   feine^  ©efolgeg,  bie 
\x6)   in    au^ldnbifc^e,  foftbare  ©toffe    gelleibet,  im   (jeftigften 
®turmh)etter   mit   auf   bie   Sagb,  unb    fiitjrte    fie    abficf)tlic^ 
burd^  ®i(!  unb  X>iinn,  burc^  5[Roraft  unb  ©orngeftrii^^,  fo  ba^ 

20  iiberall    an   ben   ©omen  ge|en    toon  i^ren  ^(eibern   (^dngen.^ 
blieben,  unb  bie  §erren   felbft   bi^   auf  bie  ^ant  burc^trieid^    ^8/ 
h)urben.     2((§  fie  ing  ©c^lo^  ^uriitfgefefjrt  ii^aren,  mu^ten  fie'^ 
fic^  mit  bem  ^aifer  au(^  nod^  an  bie  ^afel  fe^en.  Wo  fie  gar       Y 
ftdglid^  au^faf^en  unb  ifjre  Slleiber  bollenbg  i)erbarben. 


93ei  Xif(f)  \j(xiii  er.  ben  35rauc|  eingefu^rt-,  au§  guten  33u= 
c^ern  borlefen  §u  lafjen.  @r  rebete  mefjrere  ©^rad^en  mit 
grower  gertigfeit,  !onnte  f(i)reiben,  tpa§  bamal^  etit>a§  fel^r 
2Bic^tige§  it)ar,  bicf)tete  ^irrfjengefcinge,  unb  fammelte  bie 
alien  §elbenUeber  be§  beutfcfien  3Sol!eg.  5 

@r  fid^erte,  ertDeiterte  nnb  orbnete  feine  Scinber,  bie  ftd^ 
t)om  @bro  (in  <S:panien)  bi§  gur  S^taab  (in  Ungarn),  ijon 
ber  @iber  (in  ©anemar!)  bi§  ^ur  Stiber  (in  ^talien)  au§= 
bel^nten.  3^  Qfltt^^n  mad^te  er  ^treiunbbierjig  g^'^^^i^S^- 
@r  §og  mit  faft  unbegreiflid^er  (Srf)neEig!eit  bom  S^i^ein  bi§  lo 
an  ben  ^o,  t)om  ^o  gur  2Sefer,  toon  ba  ^um  @bro,  i)om 
@bro  ^ur  @Ibe  unb  toon  ba  ^lo^lid^  n)ieber  gur  ®onau.  W\i 
tDenigen  Stu^na^men  iDar  er  iiberall  fiegreid^.  2(m  fd^toerften 
n)ar  ber  ^rieg  fiir  i^n  gegen  bie  ^eibnifd^en  ©ad()fen,  tueld^e 
bie  ©rengen  be^  Sanbe§  unfid^er  mad^ten.  @rft  nac^  einem  15 
brei  unb  brei^igjdijrigen  ^rieg  \iX(x^i^  er  fie  famt  ifjrem 
mdd^tigen  giirften  2Bitte!inb  ^ur  Untern^erfung  unb  gur  2ln= 
naf)me  be§  6f)riftentum§.  greilid^  hjaren  fie  bamit  noc^  nic^t 
gu  n)ir!Iid^en  (S^riften  gemad^t;  aber  e§  fonnte  je^t  bod^  ber 
(Same  be§  ©(jriftentumg  ungeftort  auggeftreut  n)erben  unter  20 

9Jlit  gro^em  ©ifer  fud^te  er  ber  d^riftlid^en  ^ird^e  in  feinem 
Sfleid^e  aufgufjelfen.  gaft  auf  alien  9fteid^§tagen,  bie  er  l)ielt, 
ttjar  aud^  toon  ben  Slngelegenljeiten  ber  ^ird^e  bie  S^tebe. 
ilberbieS  tteranftaltete  er  befonbere  gitf^wTmenfunfte  ber  ©eift=  25 
lid^feit  (©i^noben  ober  ^irc^enberfammlungen),  auf  benen 
tDid^tige  33efc^luffe  iiber  bie  33ilbung  unb  Seauffid^tigung  ber 
©eiftlid^en,  foir)ie  bie  Untertceifung  beg  3Sol!e§  gefa^t  tDurben. 

@r   ^ioXXt   felbft   tiefe   @l)rfurcf)t   t)Dr  bem   SBorte   @otte§. 
^ie  ^ird^e   befud^te  er   friil^   unb   nadfjmittagg,  oft   aud^   be§  30 


2l6cnb§.  @r  forgte,  ba^  bie  ©emeiriben  liic^tige  ©eiftUc^e 
unb  ^ifc^ofe  befamen.  @r  lie^  eine  6ammlung  bon  3Sor= 
trdgen  diterer  ^irc^enle^rer  beranftalten  unb  in§  ©eutfc^e 
iiberfe^en,   bamit   biefelben   bem   SSoIfe   toon   ben   ©eiftUd^en 

5    t)orgelefen  toiirben.     ^^iic^tige,  fenntnigreicfie  5[Rdnner  jog    er 

an  feinen  §of.     ®o    berief   er  einen   fef)r   geleijrten  5iJlonc^, 

9^ameng  Sllfuin,  gu  fid^   unb   mad^te  i^n  gum  Sefjrer   feiner 

eigenen  ^inber. 

©in  guter  UnterridJ>t  fiir  feine  ^inber  lag  iljm  urn  fo  me^r 

10  am  §er§en,  aU  er  felbft  in  jeiner  3ugenb  gang  i3ernarf)ldffigt 
tDar.  ©elbft  bag  6c^reiben  lernte  er  erft  alg  5J^ann.  @r 
^atte  be^^alb  immer  eine  <Srf)reibtafel  unter  feinem  ^o))f= 
fiffen,  bamit  er  in  mii^igen  ©tunben  feine  fd^irertgetDol^nte 
§anb  im  <Sc^reiben  iiben  fonnte. 

15  ^enfelben  ©ifer,  ben  ^arl  fitr  feine  eigene  unb  feiner  ^inber 
33ilbung  jeigte,  bett)ie§  er  auc^  fiir  bie  33ilbung  ber  ^wgenb 
iiberl^au^t.  @r  errid^tete  am  §ofe  eine  ©c^ute  al§  ^ufter 
fiir  bie  itbrigen  im  Sanbe,  in  toeld^e  atte  feine  Wiener,  ^o^e 
unb  niebere,  i^re  ©oljne  fd)idfen  mu^ten.    2)er  Unterric^t  h)ar 

20  unentgeltlid^ ;  nur  freiirittige  ©aben  banfbarer  ©Item  JDurben 

©inmal  trat  er  felbft  in  bie  ©c^ulftube,  ^orte  eine  ^t\U 
lang  §u  unb  lie^  fid^  bann  bie  fd^riftlid^en  3lrbeiten  ber 
(Sd^iiler  geigen.     ^ie  gefd)idften  mu^ten  alle  auf  feine  red^te, 

25  bie  ungefd^irften  auf  feine  lin!e  ©eite  treten,  unb  ba  fanb  e§ 
ficl),  ba^  bie  le^teren  meift  bie  (Soljne  bornel^mer  ©Item 
tt)aren.  @r  it)anbte  fid^  gu  ben  flei^igen  ^inbern  unb  fagte: 
it^^  freue  micl),  meine  lieben  ^inber,  ba^  i^r  fo  gut  ein= 
frf)laget ;   bleibet  babei  unb  n)erbet  immer  k)o((!ommener.    3^r 

30  k)erfolgt  euer  it)a^re§  ^efte,  unb  gu  feiner  ^^\i  foil  eud^  mein 


So^n  nid^t  fe()Ien.  g^r  aber  —  unb  f)ier  njanbte  er  ftc^  ^orntg 
gut  £in!en  —  i|)r  (So^ne  ber  ©blen,  i^r  feinen  ^ii^^c^en,  bie 
i^r  euc^  fo  retc^  unb  bornei^m  bunfet  unb  be§  2Stffen§  nid^t 
not  5u  f^aben  meint,  i^r  faulen,  unnii^en  Suben,  id^  fage 
euc^  bei  ©ott!  euer  Slbel  unb  eure  ^iibfc^en  ©efic^ter  gelten  5 
nicf)t§  bei  mir ;  bon  ntir  ^abt  i^r  ntrf)tg  @ute§  gu  ^offen, 
tDenn  i^r  eure  gaul^ett  m(i)t  burd^  eifrigen  glei^  toieber  gut 

2(ud^  ber  3Serbefferung  be§  ©efangeg  imbmete  ^arl  feine 
2lufmer!fam!eit.  @r  ftettte  ^twei  gute  6dnger  aug  Stalien  an,  10 
t)on  benen  ©efanglefjrer  unb  SSorfdnger  fiir  6d^ulen  unb 
^ird^en  gebilbet  iDerben  foHten.  '^^x'b^x(\,  tourbe  ba§  Drgel= 
f^ielen  gele^rt,  nad^bem  %<xx\  bie  erfte  Drgel  au§  £onftan= 
tino^el  erl^alten  ^oXit,  Slber  bie  ^lum^en  granfen  ftettten 
fid^  eben  fo  ungefc^idft  ^um  ©ingen  mie  gum  (S^ielen  an.         15 

3ur  §ebung  beg  3Ber!ef)r§  gebarf)te  ^arl  bie  ®onau  unb 
ben  3Jlain  burd^  einen  ^anal  %\x  oerbinben.  ®ie  2(u§fuf)rung 
biefeg  ^laneg  ift  aber  erft  in  unfern  ^agen  gelungen. 

@§  ift  fe^r  angie^enb,  einen  gro^en  5[Rann  aud^  in  feinen 
geringen  Sefc^dftigungen  ^u  betracf)ten.  5!Kit  bemfelben  @ifer  20 
fii^rte  ^arl  §eere  an,  ^ielt  ©d^ul^riifungen  oh,  erfann  @e= 
fe^e  fiir  gro^e  SSolfer  unb  lernte  grie(f)ifdf)e  2Borter.  SSenn 
er  auf  feine  ©liter  !am,  lie^  er  fic^  bie  3^ed^nung§bud^er  t)or= 
legen,  in  toeld^e  adeg  big  auf  bie  Slnjabl  ber  @ier  eingetra= 
gen  fein  mu^te,  iiber^dfjlte  ©inna^me  unb  Sluggabe,  rec|nete  25 
feinen  3Sern)altern  nad^  unb  marf)te  33auanfc^ldge. 

3m  brei  unb  brei^igften  3^^^^^  feiner  ^tegierung  n)urbe  er 
gum  romifdjen  ^aifer  gefrbnt;  ^er  ^a^ft  £eo  III.  ^^oXit  i^n 
gum  6c^u^t?crrn  angenommen.  3^  Sa^re  800  toar  ^arl  gu 
3flom,    too  er  bie  geftorte  Drbnung  loieber^ergeftellt  unb    ben  30 


^a^ft  tn  feiner  2Burbe  befeftigt  l^atte.  gm  3Sei{)nad(^t§fefte 
biefe§  3a^re§,  al§  ^arl  in  ber  $eter§!ircf)e  bent  §Dd;altar 
betenb  gegenuber  fniete,  ging  ^lo^lic^  2eo  auf  i^n  ju,  fe^te  if)m 
eine  ^rone  aufg  §au^t,  unb  bie  ^ird^e  h)ieberf;allte  t)on  bent  freu^ 

5    bigen  '^\xx\x\  be^  SSolfeg :  „2eben  unb  ©ieg  fei  bent  i)on  @ott  ges 

fronten,  frommen,  gro^en,  friebebringenben  ^aifer  toon  9^om !" 

(So    lebte    ber    abenbIdnbifc^=romtfc^e  ^aifertttel,  ber    feit 

bent   le^ten  romif(f)en  ^aifer  9iomuIu§  Sluguftulu^   im  galEire 

479  erlofc^en  tnar,  n?ieber  auf,  unb   e^  ift   berfelbe   bi^   ^ur 

10  2(uf(ofung  beg  beutfrfyen  S^eid^eg  im  ^a^re  1806,  alfo  iiber 
ein  3<^^^^^^f^^^/  ^^^  beutfd^en  ^aifern,  tcenn  fie  fid^  in 
9tom  fronen  lie^en,  berblieben. 

^arlg   3flu^m   inar  fc^on   bei   feinen  Seb^eiten   burd^    gan^ 
©uropa   unb  bi§   in   bie  anbern  bamaU  befannten  28eltteile 

15  gebrungen.  3Son  alien  ©eiten  er^ielt  er  3^^^^^  ^^^  5ld)tung. 
'%xx  ein  ©eU^altiger  ad^tete  i^n,  ben  aEentljalben  geefjrten 
^aifer,  ni(i)t  —  ber  2:ob.  3^  3anuar  be§  ga^reS  814  tt)urbe 
^arl  Don  einem  l^eftigen  gieber  ergriffen.  (Seiner  ©en>o^n= 
^eit  nad^   tDottte   er   fic^   burc^  gaften   f^elfen;   aber  e^  hjar 

20  umfonft.  2lm  28.  ganuar  be§  genannten  gal^re^  befall  er 
5u  Slad^en  al§  ein  p)t\  unb  fieben^igjd^riger  ©rei§  feinen 
©eift  in  ©otteg  §dnbe, 

3}ler!tt)urbig,  trie  er  gelebt  l^atte,  tourbe  er  aud^  begraben. 
%xi\,  Gotten  ^aiferfc^ntudfe,  mit  ^rone,  ©c^toert,  ein   golbeneS 

25  ©Dangelienbudfi  auf  ben  ^nieen,  ein  ©tiid^  be§  fjeiligen  ^reu^e^ 
auf  bent  §au^te,  bie  golbene  ^ilgertafc^e  uw  bie  §ufte, 
tourbe  er,  fi^enb  auf  einem  golbenen  ©tu^Ie,  in  bie  ©ruft 
ber  t)on  il^m  geflifteten  gjiarienfird^e  %\x  Slacken  ^inabgelaffen. 
^'^od^   lange  nad^   feinem  3:obe   lebte  ber  5Rame  beg  gro^en 

30  ^arl  in  ben  <Sagen  unb  Siebern  beg  SSolfeg  fort. 



3.    %tx  etfte  ^  tens  jug. 


3u  ©nbe  beg  elften  3af)rf)unbert§  erfc^oE  im  ganjen  d^rifts 

■'^-^A^c  lichen  Slbenblanbe  bie  £unbe:  ®a§  ^eilige  @rab,  iDorin  ber 
2eib  g^rifti  lag,  t[t  in  ber  ©eitjalt  ber  Xiirfen,  be§  trilben, 
rduberifc^en  3Sol!e§,  iDeld^e^  an  ^iJlo^ammeb  glaubt,  bie 
frommen   9Sattfa()rer   berfolgt   unb   morbet   unb    §eiligtumer 

*Vt^  fd^onbet!  Unb  e^  !am  ein  piger  au§  bem  gelobten  Sanbe 
guriid,  ^etru§  t)on  2(mien§,  genannt  ber  ©infiebler,  ber  njar 
fo  Ifiager  it>ie  ber  leibl^aftige  3;^ob,  aber  feine  Slugen  Ieuci^te= 
\^x\.  au§  tiefen  §Df)len  tuie  geuerflammen.  Sluf  einem  @fel 
509  er  burd^  bie  Sdnber  ber  (5f)riften()eit,  in  ber  einen  §anb  10 
ba§  33ilb  be§  gefreujigten  §eilanb§  unb  in  ber  anbern  einen 
SBrief  i)om  ^atriarcfjen  gerujalemg  an  alle  giirften  be§ 
2(benblanbe§,  ba^  jie  au^^ogen,  um  ba§  fjeilige  ©rab  au§  ber 
©etwalt  ber  Xiirfen  §u  befreien.  28o  $etru§  toon  2lmien§ 
^infant,  !^rebigte  er  mit  lauter  ©timme  bie  Seiben  ber  ©i;rif=  15 
ten  im  gelobten  £anbe  unb  f^rac^:  „©^riftu§,  ber  §err  ift 
mir  erfrf)ienen   unb   f>at  %\x  mir  gerebet:   „,!^Xi^\occ[.,  ^etru§,  < 

^^^     nd^te  _au§,  h)a§   bu    b^gannft,  unb   id)  h)erbe   mit   bir   fein,    ^, 
benn   bie  ©tunbe  ift  ge!ommen,  ba^    mein  Xem^el   gereinigt 

^^o    tDerbe.""     2)a  iibermannte  aHe  §er§en  ein  mdc^tiger  2)rarig./2c 
Sung  unb  alt,  3}lann   unb  2Seib,  reid^   unb    arm,  2lbel  unb  X. 
^ned^te  ftanben   auf,  um   ing    gelobte    2anb    §u   gie^en,  ^um       \ 
^riege  gegen  bie  Ungldubigen; 

3n  einer  gro^en  ^irrf)ent>erfammlung  gu  Slermont  forberte  ber 
$a^ft  Urbanug  II.  mit  begeifterter  S^tebe  ba§  3SoI!  §ur  ^efreiung  25 
be§    ^eiligen   @rabe§   auf.      Unb    e§   f)ord^te,    ^ingerijfen   inCN 
3:^rdnen   unb    ©eufgern,  unb    rief   it>ie   Q^x^   einem    SJiunbe :    %- 
,,©ott  toia'g!    ©ott  tDia'g!"   ®a  I^eftete  fid^  jeber  ein  roteg       '^ 


Jlreuj  auf  bie  red^te  (Sd^ulter  unb  madbte  fic^  §ur  friegerifd^en 
2Battfaf)rt  bereit,  h)e[d)e  babon  ber  ^^reu^jug''  f)ie^.  ®a 
fd^en!te  mand^er  reid^e  §err  alT  fetn  §ab'  unb  @ut  (xx\,  ^x- 
&j^Xi   unb  ^lofter  unb  tDoIIte  !ein  ©igentum  mef)r  \)<xhtxi,  al^5 

5  bag  ©c^tDert  gu  S^rifti  ©fjren.  9^iemanb  bad;te  me^r  an 
§au§,  §of  unb  SSaterlanb,  ©Item  unb  ^tnber,  fonbern  nur 
ang  feme  ^[Rorgenlanb. 

Slllmd^lid^  burd^brang  jene   religtofe  Segeijiemng    (xw^^j  bie  %^ 
beutfd^en  §er§en   unb   gugleid^    ix\oo<i:ii^   in   ifjnen   ber  Meb  '  ^^i/ 

lo  nad^  !u^nen  Slbenteuem.    ^a  fc^arte_ftc^  im  Sa^re  1096  ein  ^s-. 

\5a^Ireid^eg  §eer  toon  ^reu^fa^rem,  too^l  geriiftet  unb  in  guter     n.  ^ 
3ud^t,  ringg  urn  ben  frommen  ©ottfrieb  bon  SouiEon,  §er^og        ^ 
fen  3^ieberIot{)ringen ;   mit   ilfjm   gogen   t)iele   ta^fere  §elben, 
fo  ba^  faft  eine  ^albe  ^Jiittion  5!}ienfd^en  in  §elm  unb  3©af= 

15  fen   ftanb.      6ie    erreic^ten   glMlid^   ^leinafien,    unb   lamen 
nad;    So^^a    unb    ^(x%<x,    aber    ©eud^en,  §unger    unb    bag  <^ 
(5d^n)ert    ber   Mr!en    fatten   if)re   S^ei^en    fo    gelid^tet,    ba^  ^^\. 
ii^rer    nur    noc^    einunbjtranjig    taufenb    am    '^^\>^XK    tt)aren.    S, 
^ennoc^    eroberten    fie   bie    feften  ©tdbte  ©beffa   unb  2lntio=        ^ 

20  c^ien,  gogen  toeiter  gen  DJiittag  unb  erblidften  Xi(x6:j  ijielen  ©e= 
fa^ren  enblid^  i)on  einem  33erge  ^erab  bie  gijIB^"  Serufalemg./^    ' 
®a  ftiirjten  fie  auf  ben  S3Dben,  fii^ten  bie  @rbe  unb  tpeinten     \ 
t)or   greuben.      ^lein    iuar   if)re    3^^^/    ^^^^   ^^e   ^raft   beg  V 

©laubeng  berbo^^elte  if;ren  5!Hut  unb  begeifterte  fie,  alleg  gu 

25  h)agen;  tr>eber  bie  feften  ^iirme  unb  ragenben  3^^^^^/  ^^n 
benen  bie  bli^enben  ©efc^offe  ber  Stiirfen  niebergifd^ten,  nod^ 
ber  9Jiangel  an  §eergerdt,  nodf)  §unger  unb  ^urft  fc^redften 
fie.  „3um  (Sturm!  gum  ©turm!"  riefen  fie  t)ott  Ungebulb, 
unb  mit  furrf)tbarem  Ungejtiim  tobten  fie  toiber  bie  5D^auern. 

30  3)lit  gleid^er  2^a^fer!eit  i;)erteibigten  fid^  jeboc^  bie  S^iirfen;  ba    ^^ 


regnete  e§  ^feile  unb  ^lammen  auf  bte  to^fe  ^eraB.  STu^ 
uielen  SSunben  blutenb,  bon  glammen  umbetft,  fod^ten  fie 
fort.  2Sof)l  finft  l^ie  unb  ba  fc^on  ein  ta^ferer  §elb  t)or 
drmattung  f)in.  ^a  jeigt  fic^  ^lo^li^  auf  bem  Dlberge  ein 
^o^er  Sftitter  in  fd^neeh^ei^er,  leud^tenber  S^iiftung,  ber  tr)in!t  5 
i^nen  x\<x^  ber  Ijjeiligen  ©tabt  ^in.  „@in  S^eruB  mit  flam= 
menbem  ©c^toert,  ben  un§  ©ott  ^um  50^itftreiter  gefanbt!" 
riefen  fie  Begeiftert,  unb  jauc^genb  f^rangen  fie  aBermaI§  gegen 
bie  ^Jlauern  Jjeran.  D^^un  ift  !ein  §alt  mef)r  t>or  i^nen;  i?or 
i^rem  ^In^ralT  gef)en  bie  2:^ore  in  ^riimmer.  ©ottfrieb  tion  10 
33ouitrDn  fliegt  toie  ein  Slbler  bie  3^""^^  ^imo^n  unb  ^flangt 
bie  ^reujfa^ne  auf.  ©0  tvarb  gerufalem  i)on  Den  ©f^riften 
y^ieber  eroBert  am  15.  guni  beg  3af)re§  1099  n.  ^x,  @e= 
Burt,  ©arauf  erforen  bie  ^reujfa^rer  i^ren  gelb^errn,  ben 
frommen  §elben  ©ottfrieb  t)on  Souitlon,  §um  ^onige  Don  15 
3erufalem.  @r  aBer  f^radf)  bemiitig:  „®ag  ber^iite  ©ott, 
ba^  id5>  eine  irbifd^e  ^rone  trage,  h)o  mein  §eilanb  mit  ®or= 
XK^Xi  gefront  ti:)orben  ift,"  unb  nannte  fid^  BIo^  „6d^irmt)ogt 
beg  ()eiligen  ©raBeg."     ®ag  biinfte  i^m  bie  ^oc^fte  @^re. 


3.    ^ct  britte  ^teusjug  uttb  Sr^^icbticli  33atBaroffa^  Sob. 

9lur  furje  3^^^  erfreuten  fid^  bie  (Ef^riften  be§  ruf)igen  Se=  20 
fi^eg  beg  ^eiligen  Sanbeg.  ©ie  5tur!en  entriffen  i^nen  ein 
(Stiidf  Sanb  nad^  bem  anbern  unb  1187  fiel  fogar  gerufalem 
in  bie  §anbe  beg  (Sultang  Salabin  t)on  Sgl)^ten.  ©in 
©d^rei  beg  ©ntfe^eng  burd^brang  Bei  biefer  SRad^rid^t  ©uro^a. 
®er  greife  S^totBart,  J^aifer  griebrid^  33arBaroffa,  ergriff  ben  25 
©ntfd^lu^,  burd^  bie  S3efreiung  i)on  S^rifti  ©raB  fein  i^oXtx^'^ 
reic^eg  2eBen  ju  !ronen;  feine  ^egeifterung  teilte  fid^  Jiirften 


unb  3SoI!  ntit,  unb  auf  einem  Steic^^tage  511  ^Rainj,  bet 
begf)aI6  ben  Dflamen  „©f)ri[ti  9ieic^^tag"  er^ielt,  iwurbe  etn= 
miittg  befd^Ioffen,  am  ©t.  ©eorgentage  be§  ndd^ften  $3^^^^^ 
in  Dftegen^Surg  jufammengufommen  unb  t>on  bort  ben  3i^9  i" 

5  bag  ()eiltge  Sanb  an^utreten.  3Son  ^ier  (x\x^  gog  ba§  §au^ti 
^eer  unter  bem  ^aifer  unb  beffen  ©o^n  griebric^  auf  bem 
Sanbirege  xiBer  Ungarn  unb  Sulgarien  fort,  tDci^renb  anbere 
§aufen,  Dorgiiglid;  <Sa(f)fen,  griefen,  glanberer  unb  §oIIdnber, 
ben  ©eeh?eg  md^lten.     3Jian  gelangte  frieblid^  butd^  Ungarn 

10  jur  griecf)ifd;en  ©ren^e,  aber  nun  Begannen  bie  ^iicfen  ber 
©ried^en,  bie,  it)ie  eS  §ei^t,  burc^  bie  ^ro^^e^eiung  gefc^recft 
hjaren,  ba^  biefe^  §eer  ^onftantino^et  erobern  merbe.  2Ba§ 
o{)ne  offenen  ^am^f  getfjan  h:)erben  fonnte,  bag  §eer  ber 
^reu5faf)rer   ju   frf)tDdd}en,    bag    i\j<xi    Sf^^^/    ^^^    griec^ifd^e 

15  ^aifer.  %xck  ©inberftdnbniffe  mit  ^ilibifd^  2lrglan,  bem  ©ul= 
tan  i:)on  Sfonium,  lie^  er  bie  2)eutfc^en  i)on  6eftoct)enen 
^?^ei{ern  burc^  bie  unfruc^tbarften  ©egenben  fiifjren,  unb 
alg  nun  §i^e,  §unger  unb  2)urft  bag  §eer  gefc^h)dc^t  fatten, 
ba  fa^  eg  fid^  ^(o^lic^  bei  3!onium  Don  jaf^Kofen  tiirfifc^en 

20  9teiterfd^aren  im  §alb!reife  umjingelt.  gn  biefer  Sage,  unb 
ber  befeftigten  §au|3tftabt  beg  geinbeg  gegenuber,  gefcf)af)  bie 
6c^IacJ)t,  beren  2(uggang  beutfcfje  2:a^fer!eit  gu  ber  glorreic^= 
ften  in  ben  ganjen  ^reu^^iigen  mad^te.  SKd^renb  §er§og 
griebric^  Sfonium  erftiirmte,  t>erteibigte  fein  greifer  SSatcr  bag 

25  2ager;  bier  unb  ba  h)ar  bie  9^ieber(age  ber  Stiirfen  eine 
atlgemeine  unb  it^r  SSerluft  fo  gro^,  ba^  ^ilibifd^  Slrglan  urn 
grieben -bitten  mu^te  (14.  3Jlai  1190). 

^cr  2Seg  nad^  ®t;ricn  lag  nun  offen,  unb   bag   §eer  be= 
it)egte  jicf)  mit  Gic^erf^eit  i)ormdrtg,  alg  ©efanbte  ijon  ©alabin 

30  anfamen,  bie  fiir  i^ren  §errn  urn  grieben  baten.     60  ftanb 


eine  frieblid^e  2Biebererh:)erbung  be§  ^eiligen  G5raBe§  in  2tu§= 
mt;  boc^  e§  fottte  anberg  gefc^e^en.  ®a§  §eer  fe^te  eben 
iiBer  ben  ghi^  6ele^^;  ba  ritt  ^aifer  griebrtd),  ben  feme 
Ungebulb  t)orit)art§  trieb,  (vci  ba§  Ufer,  ftieg  t>on  bem  ^ferbe, 
bem  er  nic^t  ijertraute,  unb  tt)arf  fic^  fc^toimmenb  in  ben  5 
<Strom.  Si§  in  bie  ^iKitte  beg  2Baffer§  fa^  man  i^n  riiftig  ,, 
fortfrf)it)immen,  ^ier  i)erlie^en  ben  ©rei^  aber  feine  ^rdfte, 
ba§  2Saffer  ri^  ifjn  mit  ftc^  fort,  xinb  al§  man  i{jm  gu  §ilfe 
fommen  fonnte,  tear  er  bereit§  eine  Seiche  (16.  3uni  1190). 

^aifer  griebridf)  ift   einer  ber   gro^ten  ^aifer,  bie  je   auf  10 
bem  beutfd^en  ^fjrone  gefeffen  ^aben.     ®a§  9fteic^  n?ar  unter 
i{)m  mcid^tig  unb  blii^enb,  tr)ie   nie  ^ut)or.     3"^^^  ^^  jebem 
fein  S^ted^t  lie^,  aber  jeben  iibergriff  mit  ©trenge  jurMtDie^, 
inbem    er   fiir   giirften    unb    @rafen,    toie    fiir   33urger    unb 
S3auern  ein  unb  bagfelbe  l^z^i  ^atte,  umgab  er  ben  !aifer=  15 
lid^en  2::^ron  mit  ber  ftdrfften  9Jlad^t,  bie  e§  iiber^au^t  f)ie= 
nieben  giebt,  mit  ber  2l(f)tung  ber  Sefferen.     ®a§  mac^te  i^n 
ftar!,  fo  ba^  er  ben  ^am^f  gegen  bie  $d^fte  im  gan^en  mit 
©lud  burc^fuf)ren  fonnte;   bag  gab  i^m  eine  9Kacf)t,  t)or  ber 
§einrid^  ber  Sohje  mit  all  ben  unerme^Ud^en  §ilfgmitteln,  bie  20 
.,         er  aug  feinen  t)om  5D^ittelmeere  bi§  %m  Dftfee   auggebe^nten 
^'u^      33efi|ungen  gief^en  fonnte,  h)iberftanb§lo§  gufammenbracf). 

^atfer   griebric^   iuar   t>on   ^erfon   ftarf  unb   n)of)Igebaut, 
ettoag  me^r  benn  mittlerer  ©ro^e,  ^atte  einen  feften,  ftolgen 
©ang,  eine   mdnnlid^e    (Stimme,   unb   trug   in  feiner   ganjen  25 
*^jw        §altung  SSiirbe  unb  §of)eit  §ur  Sd^aU.     Seine   'i^x<^<t  h:)aren  V' 
^  ^^^sme^r  freunblic^  alg  ernft ;  fein  ©eftc^t  geicf)nete  fic^  burc^  eine     ^ 

njei^e  §aut,  fd^one  3^^^^  wnb  blaue,  gldn^enbe  5lugen  au§; 
"^  ^       bie  §aare,  fur^  unb  fraug,  f^ielten  m  bag  rotlic^e,   looker 
*^Zy^  ber   9^amc    Sf^otbart   fommt.      6eine  ^leibung    it)ar   einfac^,  30 


^*M^^  feine   ©eirofjnbeiten  ma^ig^   imb  bie   6trenge,  bie   er   gegen  '^^ 

anbere  geigte,   iiBte   er   t»or   alien    ©ingen    gegen   fid)   felbft.      ^"^ 
3u    feinen    i^orgiiglic^ften    ©cifte^3gaben   geI)orten    ein   fc^arfer 
burc^bringenber   SSerftanb,   tiefe   @infi(f)t  in   atte   SSer^ltniffe 

5  be§  ^riegeg  unb  be§  g^iebeng,  unb  ein  ©ebdc^tni^,  bag  il^m 
feinen,  ben  er  j entail  gefel)en,  bergefjen  lie^. 

9^ac^  ber  33ol!§fage  ift  ^aifer  Jriebric^  nid^t  geftorben, 
fonbcrn  lebt  nod^  I)entigen  ^age§  im  ^i^fff)dufer,  auf  beffen 
Sf^Men   einft   fein   2ie6Iinggfrf)lo6  ftanb.     ®ort   ft^t   ber   alte 

10  ^aifer  an  einem  fteinernen  ^ifcf)e;  ber  33art  ift  il)m  in  ber 
langen  '^^\i  burc^  ben  ©tein  getDac^fen;  unb  fo  fc^lummert 
er  fort  unb  fort,  in  feinen  ^rdumen  ber  §errlicf)!eit  be§ 
9teid)e§  gebenfenb,  bie  er  mit  fid^  f)inabgenomnten  I)at  in  ben 
^l9fff)dufer.     SB^nn   aber   einft   bie   geit   t)o((enbet   ift,    bann 

15  ii)irb  er  in  rieuer  S^genbfraft  I)eri)orgef)en  au§  bem  3«wber= 

berge,  unb  mit  if)m  toirb  aud^  bie  alte  §errlid)!eit  be^  9fteic^e§ 

hjieber   ba   fein,   unb    abermalg    toirb   freubiger   gubel    gan§ 

^eutfd^Ianb    burd)tonen,   'mt  bamaB  ^u  ^fingften   auf  bem 

grieben^Sfefte  %\x  ^Jlain^. 

S  t  c  g  e  r. 

4.    ^il^elm  %tVi  nxCb  bet  (^c^ttieisctbunb. 


20  3^acf)  bem  2:obe  3ftuboIf€  t)on  §ab§burg  irurbe  5Ibolf  bon 
9^affau  jum  beutfd)en  ^aifer  gehjd^It,  unb  al§  biefer  1298  in 
ber  ©c^Iac^t  bei  2Sorm§  fiel,  erl)ielt  9tuboIfg  ©o^n,  Sllbrec^t, 
bie  ^rone.  3Son  biefem  toor  befannt,  ba^  er  nur  barauf  au§gel)e, 
feine   ©rblanbe  §u  ern)eitern,  unb  n?ie   er  bie  grei^eiten  ber 

25  3SoI!er  unb  ©tdbte  n)enig  ac^te  unb  fie  %\x  unterbriidfen  fud^e. 
2)a  fiird^tete  fid^  jeber.    Unb  e§  traten  gufammen  bie  ^antone 


t)on  Uri,  6d^it)i^§  unb  Unteriralben  (1292)  unb  befc^tcoren 
„m  ©riDdgung  bofer  unb  gefd^rlirfier  3^^^^^/  ^^"^^  ett>igen  Sunb, 
fid^  unb  bie  ^^i^^S^"  ^^^  §fl^'  ii^^  ©wt  3^9^^  ^^^  ^^^  i^^^/ 
n)er  fie  aud^  feien,  ju  berteibigen  unb  einanber  mit  9^at  unb 
§tlfe  bei^ufte^en."  2)at)on  h)urben  fie  ©ibgenoffen  genannt.  5 
^er  ^aifer  aber  fc^icfte  i^nen  ^u  9fteid)§i)ogten  barte  unb  bofe 
Seute  au§  feinem  eigenen  Sanbe,  bie  fie  brMten  unb  qudlten. 
@r  fc^icfte  ben  Hermann  ©e^ler  M^\k  33runnegg  unb  ben  3f^itter 
33eringer  t)on  Sanbenberg.  ®ie  Ifjaten,  it)a§  nie  ^uijor  bie 
9^eicb§t)ogte,  unb  tooHten  im  Sanbe  felbft  tuobnen.  Sanbens  10 
berg  gog  auf  ba§  ©d)to^  be§  ^onig§  bei  (Sarnen  in  Dbers 
toalben,  unb  ©e^ler  \i(xvX^  fid^  einen  ^i^i^S^of  im  Sanbe  Uri. 
9Zun  n)urben  bie  ^^^tte  er^of)t,  bie  lleinften  3Serge{)en  mit  ^er!er 
unb  fd)it)eren  33u^en  beftraft  unb  bie  Sanbleute  mit  ©tolj  unb 
SSerad^tung  mi^Jjanbelt.  2ll§  ©e^Ier  bor  be§  ©tauffad^erg  15 
neuem  §aufe  im  ®orfe  ©teinen  Dorbeiritt,  f^rac^  er  ^b^nifc^  : 
„^ann  man'§  aud^  bulben,  bag  ba§  S3auernt)oI!  fo  fdE)on  banc  ?" 
Unb  alg  Slrnolb  Slnber^Iben  bon  9JieI4)tbal,  im  Unterittalbner 
Sanbe,  it>egen  geringen  ge{^Ier§  um  ein  $aar  fc^one  Dd^fen 
geftraft  ti^urbe,  rig  2anbenberg§  ^nec^t  bie  Dd^fen  bom  $f(uge  20 
tt)eg  unb  f^rad^ :  ,3auern  fonnen  i^ren  ^flug  felbft  ^ie^en." 
2(ber  ber  junge  ^Irnolb,  ob  ber  S^lebe  ergrimmt,  fd^lug  ben 
^ned^t,  bag  er  bemfelben  gtrei  ginger  gerbrad).  2)arum  flol^ 
er  in§  ©ebirge.  ®a  lieg  ber  Sanbenberg  gu  ©trafe  bem  alten 
SSater  be§  2lrnoIb§  beibe  2(ugen  au§fte4)en,  unb  bie  SSogte  25 
unb  i^re  ©efeHen  beriibten  ©reuel  iiber  ©reuel  unb  fd^alteten 
im  Sanbe  alfo,  bag  fie  nid^t  nur  be§  3Sol!e§,  i?on  ^aifer  unb 
^onigen  berbriefte  9^ed^t  mit  giigen  traten,  fonbern  felbft  ba§ 
etDige  3fted^t  ber^o^nten,  ba§  ©ott  jeglid^em  5Dftenfc^en,  ti^ie  fein 
unberdugerlid^eg  ^wi,  gegeben  '\)qX,    2ll§  nun  in  ben  ^^dlern  30 


^emut  iDcintc  unb  §oci^mut  lad^te,  f^rad^  in  bem  ^orfe  ©teinen 
be§  SSerner  ©tauffac^er^  grau  511  i{)rem  9Jlanne :  „2Sie  langc 
mu§  ^emut  tweinen  unb  ^od^mut  lad^en?  SSoju  taugen  bie 
5D^dnner  beg  ©ebirgeg?"     ®a    ging    fd^meigenb    ber    SBerner 

5  Stauffac^er  f^inab  gu  bem  Drte  Srunnen  am  Sec  unb  fu^r 
iiber  ba§  35^a]jer  nac^  Uri  gum  3Salt^er  giirft  t>on  Sltting^aufen. 
33ei  bemfelben  fanb  er  berborgen  ben  Slrnolb  toon  50^elc^t^al, 
h)eldf)cr  Dor  bem  •  ©rimme  be§  Sanbenberg  iiber  bag  ©ebirge 
enttDicben  ttjar.     Unb  fie  rebeten  toon  ber  3^ot  be§  Sanbeg  unb 

10  bem  ©reuel  ber  auSldnbifc^en  25ogte,  bie  i^neu  ber  5^onig, 
5utt)iber  i^ren  angeftammten  9tecf)ten  unb  grei^eiten,  gefanbt 
l^abe.  Slud^  gebac^ten  fie,  tt)ie  fie  gegen  bie  33ogf)eit  ber  SSogte 
bergebeng  geflagt  bei  bem  ^onige,  unb  tDie  biefer  felbft  ge* 
bro^et,  fie  mii^ten,  tro^  ©iegel  unb  33riefen  alter  ^aifer  unb 

15  ^onige,  Dom  S^ieic^e  (x^-  unb  ber  §errfd^aft  Ofterreid^g  3U= 
gett)anbt  iuerben.  ^a  nun  ©ott  leinem  ^onigc  ©etoalt  gegeben, 
auf  baj5  er  Unred;t  li^ue,  fo  fei  leine  anbere  §ilfe,  alg  burd^ 
©ott  unb  "^wiX  unb  ber  Stob  fei  biel  leid^ter,  aU  fo  fd[)md^= 
lid^eg  3oc^.     ^arum  befc^Ioffen  fie,  jeber  foEe  in  feincm  £anbe 

20  mit  bertrauten,  ^erg^aften  SJJdnnern  f^rec^en  unb  erforfd^cn, 
tDeg  ©inneg  bag  S3ol!  fei  unb  toag  eg  fiir  grei^eit  unb  ©id^er* 
^eit  einfe|en  tooEe  ? 

3^ad^  biefer  3^it  famen   fie  oft  in  berabrebeten   ndd^tlid^en 
©tunben  jufammen  (x\\  einem   l^eimlid^en   Drte  am  ©ee.    2)er 

25  lag  faft  mitten  inne  jtr>ifc^en  Uri,  Untern)alben  unb  ©d^tD^g 
auf  einer  fc^malen  umbufc^ten  3Biefe  am  gu^e  beg  ©eeligs 
bergeg,  gcgeniiber  bem  ^orfd)en  SBrunnen.  9Jlan  IJ)ie^  i^n,  bom 
auggerottenten  ©eftrii^^,  bag  Sf^utli ;  ba  traren  fie  toon  3Jlen= 
fd^en  unb  SSo^nungen  loeit.     Salb  bra4)te  jeglicfier  fro^e  33ots 

30  fc^aft  mit:  „5(llem  3SoI!e  fei  biel  leic^ter  ber  ^ob,  alg  bag 
f4)md^Iic^e  gj^c^*" 


2ll§  fie  aber  in  ber  9Zacf)t  am  17.  9bt)ember  1307  jufammerts 
famen,  unb  jeber  toon  ben  ^reien  mit  fic^  §ur  3Jtatte  auf 
SfJiitli  je^n  treue  @f)renmdnner  gefii^rt  ^atte,  entfd^loffen,  bie 
alte  Sanbe§freil)eit  iiber  aKe§,  ba§  Seben  fiir  nic^t§  ju  ad^ten, 
erl^oben  bie  frommen  ®rei  if)re  §dnbe  gen  §immel  unb  fd^muren  5 
§u  ©ott  bem  §errn,  t>or  ioeld^em  ^onige  unb  ^auern  gleid^ 
finb,  „in  ^reue  fiir  bie  ^t6:jit  be§  unfd;ulbigen  3Sol!e§  §u  leben 
unb  ^u  fterben;  alle§  gemeinfdiaftlid),  nid^t§  eig^nmdd^tig  §u  iragen 
unb  ju  tragen;  !ein  Unred^t  ^u  bulben,  aber  (x\x6:j  !ein  Unred^t 
gu  tlj)un;  be§  ©rafen  bon  §ab§burg  9^ed^t  unb  ©igentum  ^u  10 
e^ren  unb  leinem  ber  ^onig§t)ogte  tlble§  gujufugen,  aber  ben 
SSogten  ^u  twefjren,  'Xio,^  Sanb  ^u  ijerberben."  Unb  bie  brei^ig 
anberen  ftecften  bie  §dnbe  auf  unb  t^ten  ben  (gib  toie  jene, 
ju  @ott  unb  aEen  §eiligen,  „bie  grei^eit  mannljjaft  ju  be= 
{^au^ten."  Unb  fie  ertrdf^Iten  bie  ^^eujaJ^r^nad^t  gum  SSerfe.  15 
©ann  gingen  fie  auseinanber,  jeber  in  fein  ^l^al,  §u  feiner 
§utte  unb  it)interte  ba§  3Sie(>. 

®em  SSogt  §ermann  @e|ler  h)arb  nic^t  hjo^l,  benn  er  f^atte 
ein  bofeg  ©ettjiffen.  @§  biinfte  iF)m,  al§  it)enn  ba§  3Sol! 
mutiger  umberginge  unb  tro^iger  au^fel^e.  ©arum  lie^  er  ben  20 
I)erjoglid^en  §ut  toon  Dfterreid)  er^o^en  auf  einer  ©tange  in 
Uri  unb  befall:  2Ber  i)oruber  ge^e,  foEe  bemfelben  @^rer= 
bietung  ertr>eifen.  2)aran  it)otte  er  erfennen,  U)er  tuiber  Dfter^ 
reid)  fei. 

Unb  SSil^elm  ^eE,  ber  ©d^ii^  au§  33urglen,  ging  boriiber,  25 
einer  tion  ben  3Jldnnern  auf  bem  lS\Sx\X\\  aber  er  beugte  fid^ 
nid^t.  2ll§balb  fii^rten  fie  it)n  gefangen  gum  SSogt  unb  biefer 
f^rad^  ergrimmt:  „^ro^iger  ©c^ii^e,  fo  ftrafe  bid^  beine  eigene 
Slunft !  ©inen  Sl^fel  lege  id^  auf  ba§  §au^t  beine§  ©o^nleing, 
ben  fd^ie^e  ^erab  unb  fettle  nid^t!"    Unb  fie  banben  ba§  ^inb  30 


unb  legten  auf  ba§  §au^t  be^felben  einen  Sl^fel  unb  fu()rten 
ben  ©d^u^en  treit  bat)on.  (Er  jtelte ;  ba  frf)it)irrte  bie  33ogen= 
fe^ne;  ba  Brac^  ber  $feil  ben  H^feL  OTc§  3Sol!  jauc^jte 
freubig.     ©e^ler  aber  fragte  ben  (Sc^ii^en:  ^SSoju  trdgft  bu 

5  nod^  ben  anbern  ^feil  bei  bir?"  @g  anttDortete  ber  Xell: 
„§atte  ber  erfte  nid)t  ben  3(^fe(  getroffen,  bann  getoi^  ber 
anbere  bein  ^er^!"  ^ariiber  erfc^ra!  ber  3Sogt  unb  lie^  ben 
6cf)u^en  greifen  unb  auf  ein  ©d^iff  fii^ren  narf)  ^ii^nad^t, 
rnof^in  er  felbft  ju  faf^ren  gebarf)te.     ®enn  ben  ^e(l  im  Sanbe 

10  Uri  etnguferfern,  fcf)icn  ti:)egen  be§  35ol!e§  nic^t  ratfam;  tl^n 
aber  in  au§ldnbifrf)e  ©efangenfc^aft  ju  fd)le!p^en,  toar  tt)iber 
be^  Sanbeg  ^erf)tfame.  ©arauf  furrf)tete  ber  3Sogt  3wfant= 
menlauf  beg  3SoI!e§  unb  fu^r  fd5)leumg  ah,  lx)ien)o^l  ber  marme 
go^nn)inb    ungeftiim    blie§.      ©er    (See   ging   f)o^(,   unb    bie 

15  ©d^ipleute  ijerjagten.  3^  ir>eiter  im  6ee,  befto  grower  bie 
Xobegnot;  benn  ba  ftiegen  Uferberge  jd^  au^  bem  Slbgrunbe 
beg  @en)dfferg,  n)ie  9Jlauern  §um  §immeL  gn  fd;tt)erer  Slngft 
lie^  ©e^Ier  bem  Xett  bie  ?^effeln  abne^men,  -  bamit  berfelbe, 
alg  guter  (3d{)iffer,  bag  ga^r§eug  lenfe.     Slber  ber  ^ell  (enfte 

20  eg  gegen  bie  fa^le  SSanb  beg  Sl^enbergeg,  too  eine  nadEte 
gelg^Iatte  toenige  <Srf)ritte  toeit  in  ben  ©ee  ^erbortritt. 
©d^toung  unb  ©^rung,  —  ber  %t^  f)inaug  auf  bie  ^latte 
(nod;  \t%i  XeIIg|)latte  genannt),  bag  6d^iff  fjinaug  auf  ben 

25  5^un  !(etterte  ber  ©rlofte  ben  33erg  l^inauf  unb  flo^  burd^ 
bag  2anb  ©c^to^g.  Unb  er  bad^te  in  feinem  befiimmerten 
^ergen:  „2Sof)in  entfUeijen  bem  $oxm  beg  ©etoalt^errn  ? 
Unb  entrinne  id;  aw^  feiner  33ogfjeit,  fo  ):)0X  er  in  ber  §eimat 
mein  SSeib  unb  ^inb  jum  ^fanbe.     2Bag  toirb  nic^t  ber  ©e^= 

30  (er  gegen  bie  ^Keinigen  t>er()dngen,    toenn   Sanbenberg   fc^on. 


urn  5tt)ei  gebrod^ener  ginger  feine§  ^ned^te§  h)illen,  bent  alten 
t)on  3Jle(c^t^al  beibe  Slugen  augbo^rte?  2So  ift  ber  9^i(i)ter= 
ftuf)(,  t)or  ben  id^  ©e^ler  labe,  hjenn  ber  ^onig  felbft  be§ 
gangen  3Sol!e§  ^lage  nid^t  mej)r  anfjort  ?  3ft  aber  !ein  @ef e^ 
giiltig,  unb  ift  feiner,  ber  ba  ric^tet  §n)ifd^en  mir  unb  i^m,  fo  5 
ftefjen  tt)ir,  bu  unb  id^,  gefe^lo^  beibe,  unb  9^otn)e^r  rid^tet. 
(5oU  eing  toon  beiben  faEen,  unfd^ulbig  2Beib  unb  ^inb  unb 
SSaterlanb,  ober  3Sogt  @e^(er,  bu,  fo  falle  bu,  unb  greif)eit 
fteige  nieber!"  ©0  bac^te  ber  ^ett  unb  flog  mit  $feil  unb 
Sogen  gen  ^ii^nadjt  unb  Ijarrte  in  ber  f)ol)Ien  ©affe  bei  bem  10 
Drte.  ^a  !am  ber  3Sogt,  ba  fc^mirrte  bie  ^ogenfefjne,  ba 
brac^  ber  freie  $feil  ba§  §erj  be§  ©en)altf)errn.  ®ag  ganje 
3Solf  erfc^ra!  freubig,  al§  eg  ben  2::ob  feine^  Unterbrud'er§ 
berna^m.  ^ie  Xljat  beg  Xell  toerlie^  f^o^ern  5Kut,  attein 
nodf)  n)ar  bie  "^o^i^i  beg  ^^euja^rg  nirf)t  gefommen.  @g  !am  15 
bie  ^f^ad^t.  ®a  ging  einer  ber  Siinglinge,  bie  auf  bem  ^tiitli 
gefd^tooren  fjatten,  ^ur  33urg  9?opad^  in  DberiDalben;  brinnen 
fannte  er  eine  5[Ragb.  ®iefe  §og  il;n  an  einem  ®eil  ^inauf 
(xv,^  bem  Surggraben.  2)runten  aber  toarteten  nod^  ^hJan^ig 
anbere ;  bie  ^og  ber  erfte  aud^  ^inauf .  3Sie  atte  oben  ioaren,  20 
bemeifterten  fie  ftd^  beg  Slmtmanng  unb  feiner  ^x\.^^i^  unb  ber 
gangen  33utg. 

2llg  eg  ^ag  toar,  ging  Sanbenberg  aug  ber  foniglid^en  Surg 
bei  ©arnen  ^erbor  %\xx  ^effe.  ®a  famen  i^m  aug  Unter? 
ttoalben  jtoangig  ?!Jldnner  entgegen,  brac^ten  §utjner,  ©ei^en,  25 
2dmmer  unb  anbere  %(xh^XK  jum  9fieuial)rg=@efc^en!.  2)er 
33ogt  ^ie^  fie  freunblic^  in  bie  53urg  l^ineinge^en.  ©a  ftie^ 
unterm  ^^or  einer  toon  i^nen  ing  §orn.  ©d^netl  ^ogen  aEe 
fd^arfe  ©ifen  ^ertoor,  ftedften  biefelben  auf  if^re  ©tdbe  unb 
naljmen  bie  33urg  ein,  ttodljrenb  breigig  anbere  ^u  §ilfe  !amen^  30 


bie,  tm  ©rlengebufcfie  berftedt,  gelvartet  fatten.  Sanbenberg 
flof)  erfc^rodfen  iiber  bie  fatten  nac^  2((^nac^.  ©ie  aber  fin= 
gen  i^n  unb  lie^en  if^n  unb  all  bie  (Seinigen  Urfel)be  fc^tr>oren, 
bie  2BaIbftdbte  %\x  meiben  etDiglid^.     ^Dann  geftatteten  fie  ifjnen, 

5  ab^u^iefjen  nac^  Sujern.  ^einem  tourbe  Seibe^  getfjan.  W\X 
ben  SLt\x\zxK  toon  ©cfjtD^^  jog  ©tauffad^ljer  an  ben  Sottjerjerfee 
unb  brad;  bie  Surg  ©c^hjanau  bafelbft  (xh.  —  @§  jogen  bie 
Seute  t)on  Uri  ^inaug,  unb  ©e^Ier^  3^i^9^'^f  h^urbe  einge= 
nommen.     §oc^    loberten   bie  J^eubenfeuer  auf  ben  Silken. 

lo  ®a^  tt)ar  ber  grei^eit  ^ieujaf^r  (1.  Sanuar  1308).     5(m  nad^= 

folgenben  ©onntage  famen  bie  SBoten  ber  brei  Sdnber  5ufam= 

men  unb  befdf)n)oren  ben  Sunb  toieber  auf  geljn  ^<x\jX^,  unb  ber 

33unb  bauerte  etDiglidf)  unb  n)urbe  oft  erneuert,  %.  33.  nad^  bem 

©iege  bei  5!Jlorgarten  (1315). 


5.    %Vii%tx  auf  bem  lRetc()dtage  gu  SS^otmd. 

15  2lm  16.  Sl^ril  1521,  morgen§  gef^n  U^r,  traf  Sutfjer  in 
9Borm§  ein.  3Soran  ritt  ber  faiferlic^e  §erolb.  (Sine  unges 
l)eure  SSolf^menge  umtuogte  ben  SBagen.  3Jldnner  unb  grauen, 
^inber  unb  ©reife  jubelten  il^m  in  unerme^lic^er  greube  ents 
gegen.    (g§  toar,  al§  ob  ein  ^aifer  ober  ^onig  einpge.   guilder 

2o  griigte  freunblid^  nadf)  aEen  ©eiten  \j\xi  unb  betoegte  oft  bie 
recite  §anb,  aU  tuollte  er  ben  urn  if>n  braufenben  tumult 
unb  3wbel  einbdmmen  unb  befcf>n)ic^tigen.  3n  feiner  §erberge 
n)urbe  er  bon  bielen  ©rafen  unb  §erren,  tjon  ©eiftlidjen  unb 
9Beltlid;en  bi§   tief   in   bie   9^aci^t   befud^t   unb   angefiprod^en. 

25  ®er  Sanbgraf  bon  §effen  reic^te  ifjm  beim  3Seggef>en  bie  §anb 
unb  fagte:  „§abt  il^r  Sftec^t,  §err  ®o!tor,  fo  l^elfe  t\x6^ 
©ott !"   ©^on  am  anbern  Stage  h)urbe  er  bor  bie  Sfteid^fber^ 


fammlung  gefii^rt.  $Da  gab  e§  toteber  einen  gro^en  3"' 
fammenlauf.  Sllle  ©tra^en  ftanben  boll  ?[Renf4)en,  ^o:pf  an 
^o^f,  unb  £utf)cr  mu^te,  n)eil  er  nic^t  burd^  ba§  ©ebrange 
fommen  fonnte,  burc^  §interl;dufer  unb  ©drten  geftiljrt  trerben. 
2ln  bcr  %\]\xx  be§  grojen  ©aaleg  ftanben  me^rere  Sftitler,  bar=  5 
unter  etn  grauer  ^rteg§f)elb,  ©eorg  bon  greunb^berg.  ®er 
flo^fte  Sutler  auf  bie  ©diulter  unb  f^racJ):  „^ond^lein, 
?!}ionc]^Iein !  bu  ge^ft  je^t  einen  ©ang,  bergletc^en  id^  unb 
manc^er  Dberfter  in  unfer  allerernfte[ten  6rf)Iad^torbnung  nid^t 
get^an  l^aben.  ^ift  bu  aber  auf  red^ter  ^einung  unb  beiner  10 
©ad^e  getoig,  fo  faljre  in  ©otte§  5f^amen  fort  unb  fei  getroft, 
®ott  tt)irb  bid^  nid^t  i)erlaffen."  3Cnbere  riefen  il)m  troftreid^e 
33ibeIh)orte  gu.  3e^t  offneten  fid^  bie  ©aaltljiiren,  unb  er 
trat  ein.  ®a  tl^ronte  auf  er^of^tem  ©i^e  ^arl  V.  in  h?a^r= 
l^aft  faiferlic^er  ^Jrac^t.  3Sor  i^m  in  gt^ei  langen  ^fJeiben  15 
fa^en  bie  ^urfiirflen,  §er§oge  unb  ©rafen  be§  beutfc^en 
9fieid)e§,  fotoie  i)iele  Sifd^ofe  unb  anbere  geiftlid)e  unb  t»elt= 
lic^e  regierenbe  §erren,  ber  fiinf  taufenb  iibrigen  3wl)orcr,  bie 
im  ©aale,  in  ben  S^orjimmern  unb  i:)or  ben  g^enftern  ftanben, 
nid^t  %\x  gebenfen.  ^ie  33Iidfe  atter  ir>aren  ftarr  auf  ben  ein=  20 
fad^en,  fd^lid^ten  3Hond^  gerid)tet,  ber  fold^e  ^rad^t  unb  5D^ad^t 
nod^  nie  gefel)en  Ijatte.  Slber  er  gitterte  ni^t.  5luf  einem 
2:ifd^e  lagen  bie  33uc^er,  ivelc^e  er  ^atte  brudEen  laffen.  dr 
murbe  gefragt,  ob  er  i^ren  Snf)alt  noc^  \i^^<^^x'^i^ ,  ober  ob  er 
il)n  ix)iberrufen  ir>olIe.  2)a  f(i)tt)ieg  er  ein  tt)enig.  %v(\.  ©aale  25 
entftanb  eine  lebl^afte  33ert)egung,  bie  i^n  ettt)a§  betreten  madfite 
unb  er  bat  fid)  eine  !ur§e  ^ebenfgeit  au§ ;  benn,  fagte  er, 
bicfe  grage  betrifft  @otte§  2Bort,  ben  cf)riftlid)en  ©lauben  unb 
bie  etoige  ©eligfeit.  ^er  faifer  belt»i(Iigte  i^m  bier  unb 
gtDangig  ©tunben.    ®er  §eroIb   begleitete  \^xk  in  feine  §er=  30 


Bergc.  2lm  folgenben  ^age  irurbe  er  toieber  in  ben  Saal 
gefiit^rt.  @§  \oqx  2(benb  unb  frf)on  brannlen  bie  gac!eln  unb 
^erjen.  Sutler  rebete  nun  au^fu^rlid^  iiber  feine  Sd^riften 
unb  U)ie§  nac^,  tt)arum  er  bei  feinem  ©lauben  be^arren  miiffe; 

5  toenn  man  i^m  aber  au§  ber  S3ibel  beiueifcn  fonne,  ba^  er 
irre,  fo  tt>oIle  er  ber  erfte  fein,  ber  toiberrufe  unb  feine  33ucf)er 
in§  geuer  tDiirfe.  ^arauf  crtDiberte  i^m  ber  ^anjler  bc§ 
^urfiirften  toon  ^rier,  c§  foUe  l^ier  nid)t  bil^utiert  toerben, 
fonbern    er   fotte    einf ad^    unb    !urg   fagen,   ob    er   miberrufen 

10  tDoIIe  ober  nic^t.  ®a  f^rad^  Sutf>er  mit  fefter  ©limme:  „5^un, 
fo  tt)iE  id^  benn  eine  SCnttDort  geben,  bie  ireber  Corner  nod^ 
3a^ne  l^aben  foE:  ©em  $a^fte  unb  bem  goncilio  glaube  id^ 
nid^t;  itberfii^rt  bin  id^  nid^t,  ttjiberrufen  mag  ic^  nidf)t;  ^ier 
fte(>'  id);  id^  !ann  nid^t  anber§;  ©ott  fjelfe  mirl  —  2(men!" 

15  ®iefe  2Borte  mad^ten  einen  tiefen  ©inbrudf  auf  bie  SSers 
fammlung.  SlUe  ftaunten.  ©elbft  ber  ^aifer  f^rac^:  „2Ka^rs 
lidE),  ber  ^ond^  rebel  unerfd^rodfen  unb  mit  getroftem  ^fJlute." 
^urfiirft  g^^^^^ic^  freute  fid^  iiber  ben  greimut  unb  f^rad^  am 
Slbenb  gu  (S^alatin:  „D  h)ie  fcf)on  unb  !uf)n  ^at  ^^^xi^  ^ater 

20  ?[Rartin  gef^rodien  bor  ^aifer  unb  Sfteic^!"  Sutf)er§  geinbe 
brangen  in  ben  ^aifer,  ben  ©eleitgbrief  guriidgune^men,  benn 
einem  ^e^er  braud^e  man  nid^t  tDort  ^u  l^alten.  2)a  f^rad) 
^arl  V.  boll  eblen  Untt)iIIen§:  „tlnb  toenn  in  ber  gangen 
2Belt  feinc  ^reue  mefjr  ju  finben  ift,  fo  fott  fie  bod^  bei  einem 

25  beutfdien  ^aifer  fein;  id^  mag  nidf)t  erroten,  it)ie  einft  ©igi§= 

munb!     9kd^   Slblauf  be§   ©eleit^briefeg  tDurbe   Sutler  ben= 

nodj)  in  bie  9teid)gac^t  erflart. 



6.    3llbtccl)t  tion  aSBattcnftciit. 

©iner  ber  gro^ten  gelbl)erren  be§  brei^tgjd^rigen  ^rtege§ 
hjar  Sllbred^t  t)on  SBatlenftein,  ein  ^agerer,  ftoljer,  finfterer 
SRann  mit  fd^toar^em  !ur§em  §aar  unb  tiefliegenben  feurigcn 
Slugen.  @r  ftammte  au§  einer  angefeljenen  ^roteftantifc^en 
gamilie  33o]^men§,  twar  aber  fd^on  al§  ^""S'^^"^  3^^  !atf)oUfci^en  5 
^ird^e  iibergetreten.  @r  befa§  glcinjenbe  ^alente  unb  au§ge= 
geid^nete  ^enntniffe,  aber  auc^  einen  unge^euren  ©l^rgeij,  ber 
felbft  bte  ^od^ften  SSiirben  fiir  erreicfibar  ^ielt.  3Sie  mele  in 
ber  bamaligen  '^^xi,  glaubte  er  an  ©ternbeuteret  unb  bilbete 
fid^  ein,  er  fonne  in  ben  ©eftirnen  lefen,  ba^  er  ju  ethjag  10 
Slu^erorbentlid^em  beftimmt  fei.  ^a§  ©liidf  fd^ien  if)n  aud^ 
auf  alle  2Beife  begiinftigen  ^u  it?oIlen.  ^urd^  §eirat  gelangte 
er  in  ben  Sefi|  fiirftUd^er  S^ieirfitumer,  unb  in  ben  Jelbjiigen 
gegen  bie  ^iirfen  unb  anbere  geinbe  Dfterreicf)§  erti:)arb  er  fid^ 
gro^en  ^rieg§ru^m  unb  bie  SSiirbe  eine§  9fteicf)§grafen  unb  15 
§erjog§  t)on  grieblanb. 

2lt§  bie  ^roteftanten  im  norblid^en  ©eutfc^Ianb  ein  §eer 
fammelten  unb  ben  ^onig  S^riftian  t)on  ©dnemar!  %\x  il^rem 
^rieggoberften  ertod^lten,  iDiinf^te  aud^  gerbinanb  II.  neben 
bent  t)on  ^iU^  angefii^rten  §eere  ber  £igue  nod^  ein  jireite^  20 
aufftellen  ju  lonnen,  ba§  au§fd)lie^lid^  feinen  S3efe^Ien  ges 
f)ord)te.  @§  fel^lte  if^m  aber  an  ©elb  unb  an  einem  tiic^tigen 
§eerfu^rer.  ^a  erbot  fic^  SSattenftein,  au^  eigenen  SRitteIn 
bem  ^aifer  ein  §eer  gu  fd^affen,  it)enn  er  i^m  ben  unbe^ 
fd;rdn!ten  Dberbefef^l  iiber  ba^felbe  geben  it>oHe.  Jerbinanb  25 
na^m  biefe§  SInerbieten  an.  2)a  lie^  SSatlenftein  bie  Xroms 
meln  rii^ren,  unb  balb  fammtlte  fid^  unter  feinen  Jal^nen  eine 
50^adE)t,  bie  greunb  unb  geinb  furd^tbar  tt)urbe.     @r  fd^Iug  ben 


©rafen  ijon  3Jlan§feIb,  riicfle  in  bie  'Bio.oXtXK  be^  £omg§  bon 
^iinemar!,  ber  toon  2^x11^  bei  Sutter  am  33arenberge  bollig 
gefc^lagen  njorben  tt)ar  (27.  5luguft  1626),  eroberte  ^ecflen* 
burg,  §ol[tcin,  ben  gro^ten  ^eil  toon  ©c^IegUjig  unb  Sutlanb 

5  unb  belegte  biefe  Sdnber  mit  unge^euren  33ranbfd;a^ungen. 
^arauf  tuanbte  cr  fic^  gegen  ^ommern.  SSor  allem  miinfcifite 
cr  bie  Stabt  ©tralfunb  ju  befi^en.  @r  belagerte  fie;  aber 
f;ier  erfu^r  er,  h)a^  ber  §elbenmut  beutfc^er  Siirger  bermag, 
h)enn  fie  bom  rec^ten  ©eifte   befeelt  finb.     SSallenftein   gebot 

10  bem  35urgermeifter  Don  ©tralfunb:  „3f)r  mii^t  faiferlid;e  33e= 
fa^ung  einnef^men!"  Unerfd;roc!en  anthjortete  biefer:  „^ag 
tl^un  tuir  nidfit!"  „%QiX[x\.  mii^t  i^r  ©elb  fc^affen.''  „SDag  l^aben 
tvir  nic^t!"  „®ann  tmtt  ic^  eud^  jiid^tigen,  i^r  Deafen.''  „^a^ 
finb  tDir  nic^t !"     ^h  biefer  furjen  aber  t)ielfagenben  ^ilnthjort 

15  geriet  ber  ftol^e  gelb^err  in  Ijeftigen  '^^xw.  unb  rief:  ^6)  hjill 
6tralfunb  \johtx^  unb  todre  e^  mit  taufenb  ^etten  an  ben 
§immel  gebunben!  (S^  erfolgte  ©turm  auf  ©turm.  Umfonft. 
'^I(x6:j^  einer  fed^gmonatlid^en  Selagerung,  unb  nad^bem  jhjolf 
^unberte  feiner  ^rieger  in  ben  ©cf>an5en  gefaEen  h?aren,  mu^te 

20  er  fief)  5um  Sf^udguge  entfc^lie^en.  ©benfo  fc^eiterte  feinc  ?iJlad^t 
an  ©liidftabt  unb  3}Zagbeburg.  Unterbeffen  !amen  ^lagen  auf 
5llagen  t)or  ben  ^aifer  iiber  bie  ©r^reffungen,  ^lunberungen, 
9f{of)eiten  unb  unmenfdf) lichen  ©raufamfeiten  ber  SSattenftein? 
fd^en  §eere.    ^ie  faiferlid^en  ^rieger,  fo  llagten  bie  ©efanbten 

25  au§  ^ommern,  finb  al^  greunbe  aufgenommen  n^orben,  bens 
nod^  l^aben  fie  aUein  im  6tettinfd^en  jel^n  9KiEionen  3:;^aler 
QOi  Sranbfd^a^ung  aufgetrieben  unb  fieben  6tdbte  burd^  SJcuts 
it)iEen  in  Slfc^e  gelegt.  gaft  nod^  l^drtere  ^lagen  erfd^oEen 
au§  bem  33ranbenburgifrf)en,  too  SBattenftein  gtoanjig  3RiIlionen 

30  ©ulben   er^re^t   ^atte.     ®a   fafj   fid^   ber   ^aifer   enblid^  ge« 


notigt,  ben  SSattenftein  ju  entlaffen  unb  einen  %t\\  feine^ 
§eereg  abgubanfen.  3SaIIenftein  gel^ord^te  tDiEig,  h)a§  man 
!aum  ertt)artet  ^atte.  ®ie  ©terne  fdj)tenen  ifjm  gefagt  gu  f^aben, 
ba^  e§  fo  red^t  fei.  ^er  £atfer,  fagte  er,  l^at  ben  ebelften 
©tein  au§  feiner  .^rone  tDeggeirorfen.  (Sr  begab  ftd^  nad^  5 
Socmen  auf  feine  ©liter.  §ier  lebte  er  al§  ^ribatmann,  aber 
mit  toa^r^aft  fatferlicbem  Sluftcanbe,  iDogu  i^m  bte  9f?enten  ber 
im  ^riege  erbeuteten  ©elber  (fiinfgig  ^Jlittionen  2:^aler)  bie 
TOttel  boten.  S^^^S^S  ^ammerf^erren  bebienten  i^n,  fed^gig 
©belfnaben,  in  ©ammet,  @olb  unb  ©eibe  gefleibet,  toarteten  10 
o<XK  feiner  ^afel  auf;  fiinfgig  §ellebarbiere  ftanben  al§  Seibs 
h)ad^e  in  feinem  ©d^Io^ofe ;  brei  ^unbert  ftattlid^e  S^toffe  fra^en 
au§  marmornen  ^ri|)^en,  fiinfjig  fe(f)§f^dnnige  ^ulfrfien  be^ 
gleiteten  il^n,  hjenn  er  au^fufjr,  unb  fein  Slftrolog  ©eni  t)er= 
fiinbigte  i^m  (xw^  ben  ©eftirnen  eine  neue  glcingenbe  3w^u"fi'     15 



3luf  ben  gelbern  be§  ©orfeg  33reitenfelb  bei  Sei^^ig  \joXi^ 
©uftat>  2tboIf  ben  alien  nie  befiegten  2^itt^  in  einer  blutigen 
@cf)(ad^t  gefd^lagen  (1631)  unb  gog  x\.vc(k  it)ie  im  ^riumip^e 
burc^  ^^iiringen  unb  granfen  an  ben  S^t^ein  unb  bann  nac^ 
S3ai^ern.  9Jlit  unbef^reiblid^em  Subel  fcfjiugen  bie  §er§en  20 
bem  foniglidjjen  (Sieger  entgegen.  Stilly,  ber  Sai^ern  be= 
fd^ii^en  follte,  iDagte  e§  nid^t  me^r,  if^m  im  offenen  gelbe 
entgegen^utreten,  fanb  aud^  balb  burd^  eine  3Sertr>unbung 
feinen  %^\i,  ®a§  ba^erfc^e  3Sol!  gitterte  i;)or  ber  2(n!unft 
be§  ^onig§;  e§  ^atte  feinen  '^^xxk  burd^  graufame  ©rmorbung  25 
einjelner   <Sd()t»eben   gereijt.     Stber   gndbig  em^fing  ber  eble 


giirft  bie  Slbgefanbten,  treld^e  if)m  bie  (Scf)luffe(  ber  Stabt 
5!Jlunci^en  iiberbrac^ten.  „9Jiit  9ied;t  ^dtte  ic^  an  eurer  ©tabt 
bag  Ungliic!  50lagbeburgg  rdc^en  fonnen,"  fagte  er,  „attein 
fiird^tet   nic^t^;    gefjt  in   grieben  unb   feib  eurer  ©iiter  unb 

5  eurer  Sfieltgion  iuegen  unbeforgt!"  —  33avern  h)ar  gro^tenteil^ 
in  be§  ^onigg  ©en^alt  unb  SBien  ^itterte  urn  fo  mef)r,  ba 
bie  (Sad^fen  in  Socmen  eingebrungen  toaren  unb  ^rag  erobert 
^(xXXtXK.  %x\.  fold^er  3^ot  blieb  bem  bebrdngten  ^aifer  gerbi= 
nanb  nic^t§  iibrig,  al§  fic^  tuieber  an  SSallenftein  §u  it)enben. 

lo  Dfiad^  bielen  33itten  lie^  fid)  ber  ftolje  5Jlann  bett)egen,  auf§ 
neue  ein  §eer  fiir  ben  ^aifer  ju  twerben,  unb  fo  ftanb  er 
benn  nac^  ii^enigen  5!}Jonaten  mit  unumfc^rdnfter  ©etualt  (xxk 
ber  ©^i^e  einer  bebeutenben  ^Rad^t,  bie  fid^  nod^  tdglid^ 
burd^   neue   SBerbungen   t>ermef)rte.      3^ad^bem   er   lange   ge^ 

15  gogert  ^atte,  brad^  er  enblic^  nac^  (5ad;fen  auf,  U)o  S^taub 
unb  ?!Jlorb  unb  33ranb  feinen  @in§ug  bejeid^nete.  ©uftai) 
Slbolf  eilte  i^m  nad^  unb  tDurbe  bon  bem  3Sol!e  al§  ein 
rettenber  ©ngel  em^fangen.  3"  5fiaumburg  an  ber  (Saale 
umringten  fie  i^n,  brdngten  fid^  an  if^n  unb  fuc^ten  ibm  bie 

20  gii^e  5u  fiiffen.  „Unfere  ©ad^en  fte^en  gut/'  fagte  er,  „allein 
id^  fiirc^te,  ba^  mid^  ©ott  toegen  ber  ^^orfjeit  biefe§  SSolfeg 
ftrafen  hjerbe.  §at  e§  nidf)t  ba§  Slnfe^en  bag  biefe  ^^\xit 
mid^  rec^t  §u  i^rem  Slbgott  madden?  2Bie  Ieicf)t  fonnte  ber 
©ott,    n)eld)er    ben    ©toljen    bemiitigt,    fie   unb    mic^    felbft 

25  em^finben  laffen,  bag  id^  nid^t§  alg  ein  fd^trad^er,  fterblid^er 
gjlenf^  fei!" 

2Cm  2lbenb  be§  15.  9^ot)ember§  1632  traf  er  bei  "^xx^tx^ 
auf  ba€  2BaIIenfteinfc^e  §eer,  unb  jeber  bereitete  fid^  ^ur 
morgenben   ©d^lad^t.     ^er  ^onig  blieb  bie  "^o^i^X  in  feinem 

30  2Sagen   unb    gab    bie    notigen    Slnorbnungen    unb    ^efeij^le. 


@tn  bic^ter  D^Zebel  ijer^uUte  ben  neuen  9J^orgen  unb  ber^lns 
berte,  bie  ©tellung  ber  ©egner  ^u  erfennen.  (Srf)h3eigenb 
i)er^arrte  bie  SRenge.  gm  Sager  ber  ©d^iDeben  er^ebt  fic^ 
^au!en=  unb  ^rom^etenfc^att,  unb  bie  ^aufenbe  t>on  ^riegern 
ftimmen  ein  in  ba§  £ieb:  „@in'  fefte  33urg  ift  unfer  ©ott."  5 
—  S^^t,  nac^  11  IX^r,  BUdft  bie  (Sonne  freunblid)  burrf)  ben 
3^ebeL  2)er  ^onig  fc^toingt  fief)  auf§  ^sferb  unb  ruft:  „5?un 
tDoUen  toir  bran!  ©ag  h)alt'  ber  liebe  ©ott!  gefu,  Sefu, 
^ilf  mir  Ijeut'  ftreiten  gu  beine§  5Ramen§  @^re!"  ^arauf 
ftiirmte  er  mit  ben  ©einen  gegen  bie  ©Ira^e,  iDelc^e  bon  10 
Silken  nac^  Sei^^ig  fii^rt.  §ier  toirb  er  burd^  ein  furc^ter= 
lid^e^  geuer  au§  ben  SSerfc^angungen  unb  ©rdben  em|)fangen, 
unb  toiele  fin!en  in  ben  2:pb.  ©ennoc^  fe^en  bie  iibrigen 
iiber  ben  ©raben  unb  Bringen  bie  3SalIenfteinfcf)en  jum 
3Seid^en,  gnbe^  ftiirmt  ^a^^en^eim  mit  feinen  Steitern  f)er=  15 
bei,  unb  bie  S(i)lad)t  n)irb  gu  einem  graufigen  ©etiimmel. 
^er  ^onig  eilt  mit  einer  S^teiterfc^ar .  feinem  ivanfenben 
rec^ten  gliigel  ^u  §ilfe.  33on  bent  §er^oge  5^an§  t)Dn  ^^^^ 
j'en=Sauenburg  unb  einigen  anbern  begleitet,  f^rengt  er  toeit 
t)or,  urn  bie  ©telTung  be§  geinbeg  %w.  erf^ci^en.  ©ein  fur^eg  ao 
©efic^t  Ici^t  i^n  aber  ^u  na^e  an  bie  ^aiferlid;en  geraten. 
%t  erfjalt  einen  (Sc^u^  in  ben  Slrm,  unb  inbem  er  jid^  um^ 
ipenbet,  trifft  if>n  ein  gtoeiter  in  ben  Dftiidfen.  3Jtit  bem  Sf^ufe: 
„3Kein  @ott,  mein  @ott!"  fin!t  er  t>om  ^ferbe.  X)ie  frf)nau= 
benben  Dioffe  ftiirmen  iiber  i^n  f^inn^eg  unb  gertreten  i^n  mit  25 
i^ren  §ufen.  %oA  ba^erfprengenbe  blutige  ^ferb  bringt 
ben  (Sd^toeben  bie  ©d^redfen^funbe,  unb  bag  ©efiif^I  ber  Sftac^e 
treibt  fie  unauff^altfam  i)orn)art§.  ^er  fjelbenmiitige  ^er^og 
^ernf^arb  toon  2Beimar  iibernimmt  bie  giif^rung.  ^ie  ^aifer* 
lidf>en  tperben  geiDorfen.     aJiit  bem  SRufe:  „^ie  ©c^Iac^t  ift  30 


ijerloren ;  ber  ^a^^enfjeimer  ift  tot ;  bie  ©cif>it)eben  fommen 
iiber  un^ !"  ergriffen  fie  bie  gluc^t.  ^ie  ©d^lad^t  \|QXX^  elf 
Stunben  gebauert  uub  neuu  taufenb  Seic^en  Bebecften  ben 
SBa^I^la^.     ®ie  ®dj)n)eben  ijerfolgten  h)egen  ber  ^unfel^eit 

5  unb  ©rmiibung  ben  geinb  nic^t,  unb  brad^ten  bie  9^ac^t  auf 
bem  @c^lad;tfelbe  %\x.  2(m  folgenben  SJJorgen  fanben  fie  nad; 
langem  ^w6:jtx\.  ben  nacften  unb  blutigen  2ei(f)nam  i^re§ 
^onigg  unter  einem  §aufen  t)on  3^oten;  er  lag,  mit  elf 
2Bunben  bebedt,  t>on  §ufen  gertreten  unb  bi§  jur  Un!enntlid^= 

10  leit  entftellt,  5n)ifd)en  ber  ©tabt  Silken  unb  bem  gro^en  gelb= 
fteine,  ber  feitbem  ber  (3cf)n)ebenftein  f^ei^t  unb  noc^  ^eute 
(XXK  jener  ©telle  ^u  fe^n  ift.  ©ein  Seicf)man  n)urbe  nac^ 
Stodf^olm  ge6ract)t.  ®ie  golbene  ^tiXt  unb  feinen  blutigen 
Poller,  n>eld)e  if?m  bie  ilroaten  abgenommen  flatten,  fenbete 

15  Sffiallenftcin  nac^  3Sien  jum  ^aifer.  ©iefer  rief  mit  ^^rdnen 
in  ben  2(ugen:  „©ern  ^dtte.  ic^  bem  §elben  ein  IdngereS 
SLz\it\\  unb  eine  frol;lic^e  3^ud!ef?r  in  fein  ^onigreic^  gegonnt, 
ir>enn  nur  in  ^eutfcfUanb  grieben  geUJorben  n)dre!" 

©in  3Se^eruf  burd^judte  bie  ^roteftantifc^en  Sdnber.     2lber 

20  bag  2Ber!  beg  gro^en  ^i)nigg  ging  nid)t  berloren.  3Sag  er 
angefangen  \j(xii^,  l^aben  feine  §elben  33ernf)arb  i;)Dn  SSeimar, 
banner,  3:^orftenfon  unb  anbere  im  Sunbe  mit  grojifreid^ 

3©allenftein  \]<xi  ben  tjelbenmiitigen  ^onig  nic^t  lange  uber= 

25  lebt.  @r  geriet  in  SSerbac^t,  mit  ben  ©djjn^eben  gemeinfc^aft= 
lic^e  ^(xi^z  madden  %\\  bollen,  unb  ba  man  offene  ©en^alt 
gegen  ben  gen^altigen  ^ann  fiirci^tete,  fo  toarb  ber  2)old^ 
beg  5D^eud)elmorberg  fiir  i^n  gef(f)liffen.  @g  iuar  am  15. 
Jebruar  1634,   alg   bie   gebungenen  DJtorber  in  fein  (5c^laf= 

30  gemac^   3U   ®ger  brangen.     Slug   bem   33ette   f^ringenb,    toill 


ber  gelbf^err  urn  §ilfe  rufen.  21I§  er  aber  fte^t,  ba^  feme 
S^ettung  tnoglic^  ift,  entblo^t  er  felbft  bie  33ruft  unb  em= 
ipfcingt  fd^toeigenb  ben  Xobe^ftog.  ©eine  ©liter  it)urben  bom 
^aifer  einge^ogen;  fein  Xob  blieb  ungercic^t. 

Xl(x6:i  f^enntng. 

Complete  Prose  Selections. 

1.    5luf  bcr  ^ifen^af^n. 

©§   Wav  im   2luguft    borigen   3af)re§,    ba^    \6)    mit    bem 

©d^nelljug  toon  Sei^jig  wad)  ^oburcj  iiber  ©ifenad^  fu^r,  unb 

gtrar  bie  erften  (Stationen  mit  einem  gremben  aiU'xn  im  6ou^e, 

ber  fid^  tro^  ber  toarmen  SKitterung  in   einen  jiemlidfi  bicfen 

5    9}lantel  gel^uttt  unb   feine  S^eifemii^e  faft  bi^  iiber  bie  D^ren 

gejogen  fjatte.     3Som  ©efid^t  n^ar  babei  nur  fe^r  toentg  frei, 

unb  ba^  iDenige  felbft   ununterbrod^en   in   eine  bid^te  2Sol!e 

toon  ©igarrenbam^f  ge(;u(It. 

^a  id^  felbft  untemegg  nur  ^od;ft  ungern  f^recf)e  unb  nie 

lo  felber  eine  Unterbaltung  anfnii^fe,  mein  jeithjeiliger  3^eifege= 

fd^rte  aber  bie  ndmlic^e  9?eigung  §u  ftiUer  ©elbftbefd^auung 

5U  f)aben  fd^ien,  fo   na^men  n>ir  in   toerfc^iebenen   ©dfen  be^ 

©ou^^g  $la|  unb  qualmten  um  bie  SSette. 

Sn   9^aumburg   befamen  \mx   einen  ?i)iitgenoffen,  ber  aber, 

15  tt)df)renb  er  fic^  bem  ©icfen  gegeniiberfe^te,  gan§  bal  @egen= 

teil  toon  biefem  §u  fein  fc^ien. 

@§  U)ar  ein  biinneg,  !leine§  50^dnnd^en,  nic^t  alter  i)iel= 
leid^t  aU  brei^ig  '^a^x^,  aber  feinem  ©egeniiber  orbentlic^ 
n)ie  5um  Xro^  gang  in  9Zan!ing  gefleibet;  \a  er  ^aiU  noc^ 
20  baju  feine  3Sefte  aufgefno^ft,  unb  ging  baburd^  aud^  fogleic^ 
5u  geinbfeligfeiten  iiber,  bag  er  bag  bi§  je^t  feft  ijerfc^Ioffene 
genfter,  e()e  e§  ber  ®idfe  berbinbern  fonnte,  l)erunter(ieg. 
„33itte,  e§  gie^t,"  fagte   biefer — e^    toar  ba§    erfte  2Bort, 


toag  er  bi§  \^%\  gef^rod^en  Jjatte  —  unb  betldufig  gefagt  aud^ 
ba§  le^te,  ba§  icf)  bon  i^m  ^orte,  aber  felbft  ba§  nu^lo§. 

r,9^ic^tg  ge^t  iiber  bie  frifd;e  2uft/'  fagte  ber  Slleine  in 
Sf^anfing;  „6ie  ^aben  ja  ^ier  einen  Qualm,  ba^  man  erfttdfen 
moc^te/'  5 

@r  fucf)te  je^t  auc^,  Jt)ie  fid^  ber  gwg  ^aum  mieber  in  Se= 
tDcgung  fe^te,  ein  ©ef^rdd^  mit  einem  v>on  un§  beiben  anju^ 
fnii^fen,  aber  eg  mi^Iang  if)m  gdnjlid^.  Sine  flucf)tige  33eobs 
ad^tung  iiber  „fc^Dne§  SSetter"  tDurbe  totgef c^n)iegen ;  eine 
grage,  n)ol)in  bie  S^eife  gel)e,  an  ben  ^idfen,  fanb  !eine  lo 
2lnth)ort;  ic^  felber  l^at,  al§  ob  id^  fd)liefe,  unb  fo  raffelten 
n)ir  an  ^ofen,  Sul^a  unb  2l^oIba  boriiber  nad^  SBeimar. 

®er  fleine  5[Rann  mar  babei  boHig  raftlog;  unauff)orlid^ 
\(x\)  er  balb  nad^  feiner  Ul)r,  balb  nac^  bem  g^afjr^Ian,  ben 
'  H  er  fd^on  ganj  jerfnittert  ^tte;  balb  ^olte  er  ein  Suc^  l)erau§  15 
^um  Sefen,  ftecfte  e€  aber  augenblidflic^  n)ieber  ein.  3^^^ 
^^  na^m  er  eine  ^rije,  bie  er  auc^  bem  ^icfen  <\.\\h^i,  ber  aber 
nur  mit  bem  ^o:pf  fdfiuttelte ;  je^t  §og  er  fid^  ben  6d^u^  au§ 
unb  lie^  einen  fleinen  ©tein  l)erau§;  !ur§,  er  fa^  feinen 
Slugenblidf  ftill.  2Bo  aud^  ber  g^^S  \i\^\i,  lie^  er  fic^  offnen  20 
unb  fd^£>5  eine  2Beile  auf  bem  ^^erron  um^er. 

@r  fuc^te  jemanb,  aber  nidf)t  ti\i>o^  einen  ^efannten,  fonbern 
nur  ein  menfcl)lid^eg  2Sefen,  mit  bem  er  fic^  unterl)alten 
fonnte,  ja  in  letter  3Ser5n)eiflung  griff  er  fid^  fogar  ben 
(Sc^affner  auf,  ber  aber  nur  fo  (ange  bei  il)m  au^ljielt,  al§  25 
^ .  er  3^it  gebraud^te,  feine  ®ofe  gu  offnen  unb  il)m  eine  ^rife 

©nblid^  in  SBeimar  fanb  er  ba§  ©efud;te.  ®ort  ftieg  ein 
ti\QoA  fel)r  auSgetrodfneter  §err,  mit  einer  33riIIe  auf,  in 
jeber  §anb   einen   S^ieifefacf   tragenb   unb    i)on   feiner  grau,  30 


einer  !Iemeu  lebenbigen  53runette,  gefolgt,  in  ba§  ©ou^^. 
©in  ®ienftmdbcl)cn,  ba§  fie  kcjleitct  I^atte,  reic^ite  nod;  einen 
gro^en  XragforO  DoU  §utfcf)ad)tcln,  ©i^fiffen,  3Sorrat§!or6en 
unb  9tegcnfc()irmen,  it)obei  fie  bie  ®ame  ,1^'^^'^  ^rofefforin" 
5  nannte,  in  ben  SSacjen,  lt)unfcf)te  C5luc!Iid;e  9?eife  unb  5001  fid^ 
bann  in  bie  3(rme  eine^  Snfanteriften  ^uriicf,  ber  biefen 
foment    mit    grof^em    %<x\i   in   ber   ©ntfernung    abgetDartet 

^er  ^^rofeffor  fud)te  inbeffen,   ime  ber  3^0   ^^^fiff  —  ^^^ 

ro  ^(eine   in   ^{anfing   \^(xi\'i.  ^\>^\\  nocf)   "^txi   gef)a6t,  ipieber  in 
ba^  ©011^^6  gu  f^ringen  —  fcine  33ri(Ie  unb,  a(g  er  biefe   ge= 
funben    fjatte,    feine   (s;igarrentafc^e,    bie   fic^   enblic^   in   bem 
2(rbeit^5beutel   feiner   ©emaf)Iin   fanb.     §iernac^   i?ermi^te   er  ^*>^ 
aber  p(i3l3lic^  feinen  (Sefretdrfc^liiffel;   ber  mu^te  ba^eim  auf         ^ 

15  bem  3^ifd)e  liegen  geblieben  fein,  unb  er  fd;ien  einen  9j?oment 

nid;t   iibel   Suft    5U    \j<s!o^\\,    bem    3^3    ein    §alt    jujurufen. 

^^^    ©eine    ©igarrenf^i^e    F)atte    er    ebenfatt^   „in    ber   @ile"   ^u 

§aufe   liegen   laffen,    !ur^,   im   Saufe   ber   Unterf)altung,   (x\\ 

tt)eld;er  ber  Slleine  in  9ianfing  je^t  ben  lebenbigften  Slnteil 

20  na^m,  ftedte  fid^  l^erau^,  ba^  nod^  eine  gange  5!Jlenge  Don 
©ingen  bergeffen  ober  juriidgelaffen  h)aren,  unb  e§  beburfte 
einiger  ^6X,  bi^S  fic^  bie  beiben  ©Ejegatten  fo  tpeit  beruF)igten, 
bag  UnDermeiblicf)e  eben  ^u  ertragen.  @§  hjar  einmal  ge^ 
}d;ef)en  unb  nid;t  me^r  §u  dnbern. 

25  3Sir  erful;ren  je^t  auc^  in  unglaublic^er  @efdE>it>inbig!eit, 
ba^  ber  fleinc  5[Rann  in  5^an!ing  big  nac^  g^rottftebt  iuoKte, 
two  if)n  feine  ^raut  mit  i^ren  ©Item,  bie  o,\x^  (Sifenac^  ge= 
fommen  iDaren,  fd;on  erioarteten,  um  i)on  ba  an  bie  ^ferbe^ 
'iiQ,\)XK  nac^  25>alterg^aufen  gu  benu|en  unb  bann  gu  gu^  nac^ 

30  9tein^arbgbrunn  unb  bem  gnfelberg  §u  ge^en.     ©r  toar  ein 


5lngefteIIter  au§  ^f^aumburg,  f)atte  aber  auf  p)Z\  %o^(^,^  Urlaub 
befommen,  unb  gebacf)te  biefe  fur^e  ^z\i  mi  einer  ^our  burc^ 
ben  Xf)uringer  28alb  <x^  ber  <Sette  ber  ©eliebten  au^gufiiHen. 

®er  ^rofeffor  mit  feiner  grau  bagegen  gebac^te  —  benn  o,\x^ 
bag  tDurbe  unf  nid^t  t>0rentf)alten  —  nur  biefen  einen  ^ag  i)on    5 
§aufe  tDegjubleiben,  ba  bie  ^inber  unb  bringenbe  Slrbeiten  unb 
©efc^dfte  eine  Idngere  @rf)D lunger eife  nic^l  geftatteten.    ^ag  q 
@f)e^aar  n)oIIte  nur  nad^  ©ijenac^,  bort  bie  2Bartburg  befud^en,    ^ 
in  irgenb  einer  romantifd^en  ©c^Iud^t  i^r  5Rittag§mal^(  ber^ei^ren, 
unb  bann  mit  bem  Slbenbguge  tcieber  x^o.^:]  SSeimar  ^urMfe^ren.  lo 

®er  gjlenfc^  benft  unb  ©ott  lenft.  K^ 

3n  ber  Unter^altung  \lQXi^  un§  bie  grau  ^rofefforin  eben= 
faE§  bamit  befannt  gemac^t,  ba^  fie  eine  6d^it)efter  in  ©rfurt 
l^abe,  bie  fid^  i^nen  moglid^ern)eife  auf  i^rem  3Sergnugungg= 
au^flug  anfd^Iie^en  n)o(Ie  —  jebenfallS  triirbe  fie  am  Sa^nf)of  15 
fein,  um  fie  ^u  begrii^en.  3n  biefem  Slugenblicf  (jielt  ber 
3ug  in  ©rfurt.     ®er  ©df)affner  offnete  bie  ^^iir. 

„@rfurt!   bier  gjlinuten  2(ufentf)alt !" 

®er  ^leine  fc^o^  ipie  ein  Sli^  jur  %\j\xx  ^inau€;  e§  ttjar 
eine  orbentlic^  ^einlid^e  Unrul^e  in  bem  5Renf d^en  —  unb  bie  20 
grau  ^rofefforin  fa^  fid^  inbe§  nad^  i^rer  ©c^toefter  um;  in 
bem  ©ebrdnge  am  3wg  !onnte  fie  biefelbe  aber  nirgenb^ 
erfennen,  unb  ba  fie  entfernter  —  tt)ie  fie  i^rem  ©atten  ^urief 
—  einen  blauen  §ut  ^u  entbedfen  glaubte,  trat  fie  Ifjinau^, 
um  bie  ©rfe^nte  gu  finben.  25 

®er  ^rofeffor  ^eigte  nur  geringe  Xeilna^me  (xxi  bem  gami= 
lienglieb  unb  fudf>te  n)ieber  feine  Grille,  bie  er  fid^  genau 
erinnerte  beim  ©infteigen  ge^abt  gu  l^aben,  unb  bie  je^t  trie 
in  ben  33oben  ^inein  t)erf^n)unben  fd^ien.  @r  fniete  nieber 
unb  fud^te  —  in   ber   i^erjiDeiflungeiJoKen  50^oglic^!eit,  ba^   fie  30 


unter  bie  %\x%t  gefommen  fei  — unter  ben  ©t^en,  griff  Winter 
in  bie  ^solfter,  offnete  bie  2lr6eit§tafc^e  feiner  grau  unb  fc^ien 
untroftlic^  iiber  ben  SSerluft.  (gr  (jorte  babei  gar  nic^t,  ime 
e§  Idutete,  unb   !am  erft  njieber  mit  ber  Slu^enirelt  in  Se= 

5  riifjrung,  al§  er  bie  33ermi^te  enblic^  in  ber  gigarrentafc^e 
entbedte,  in  bie  er  fie  in  ©ebanfen,  n)ie  in  ein  gutteral, 
^ineingefc^oben  l^atte.  3^  gleic^er  3eit  fu^r  aber  auc^  ber 
^(eine  in  ^^lanfing  in  ba§  goup^,  bag  unmittelbar  (^inter  i^m 
gefdfiloffen  n)urbe,  unb  brau^en  ^fiff  e§. 

lo  „2Bo  ift  benn  3^re  grau  ©ema^lin?"  fagte  ber  ^flaum* 
burger  erft  aunt. 

„§err  (SJott,  meine  grau!"  rief  ber  ^rofeffor  unb  fturjte 
<xx\.  biefem  borbei  nad^  bem  ^enfter,  ba§  ber  ^ic!e  frf)on 
f)artna(!ig  hjieber  aufgejogen  \}(^ii^>     ®er  3^9  f^^^^  f^^f;  Iang= 

15  fam  in  Settjegung;  in  gitternber  §aft  lieg  ber  unglMUc^e 
@atte  bag  genfter  nieber  unb  fu^r  mit  bem  ^o^fe  (>inaug. 

^rau^en  n)ar  noc^  eine  ^^iir  geoffnet,  ber  ©c^affner  ftanb 
bort  unb  neben  i^m  bie  grau  ^rofefforin  in  atemlofer  §aft. 
„®a§  ift  nid^t  mein  Sou^6"  rief  fie. 

20      „(5teigen  ©ie  nur  ^ier  ein,"  brdngte  ber  ©cfjaffner. 

„@life!"  rief  in  bem  Stugenblicf  ber  ©atte,  unb  „5Daf>inein 
ge^or'  \^\"  antttjortete  jubelnb  bie  grau  unb  flog  auf  bem 
perron  ^erunter,  un§  entgegen.  Slber  ^ier  it)ar  !eine  %^\x 
mef)r  geoffnet  unb  ber  3wg  im  @ang.  —  ®er  ©d^affner  fonnte 

25  nic^tg  tt)eiter  i^j-ww,,  unb  „?i)lad^en  ©ie  auf!  madden  ©ie  auf!" 
fd^rie  bie  grau  brau^en  unb  griff  fram^f^aft  nad^  bem 
©^lo^.  ®ie  2:;^ur  offnete  fid^  aber  natiirlic^  nid^t,  ba  fie 
nad^  unten  t)on  bem  eifernen  3Sor(eger  ge^alten  murbe,  unb 
bortfte^enbe  Sa^nbeamte  fj^rangen  au^erbem  gleid^  bajti^ifc^en, 

30  benn  bie  gedngftigte  grau  \6X\^  fonft  berunglMen  fonnen. 
2ln  ©infteigen  hjar  gar  !ein  ©ebanle  me(;r. 


„^a  brinnen  ft|t  mein  SJiann!  3<^  ^w§  mit!"  ®ag  toar 
ba^  Se^te,  \ooA  tt)ir  ijon  ber  grau  ^rofefforin  f^orten,  unb  ber 
^rofeffor,  ber  ben  ^o^f  au§  bent  2Sagen  ftetfte  unb  feine 
gran  mit  ben  Stugen  fuc^te,  big  ber  ^wg  unter  ben  geftungg^ 
iyxwc^^X  fc^o^,  unb  er  erfc^recft  guriidf^rallte,  fan!  je^t  auf  ben  5 
©i^  am  genfter  §uruc!  unb  jammerte: 

,,3^/  ^u  mein  ©ott,  toag  foU  je^t  it)erben!" 

2)er  ^(eine  in  ^'^anfing    Iroftete    if)n.     3Son  ber  ndc^ften 
(Station    au§   fonnte   er   guriidftelegra^^ieren,   ba^   i^m  feine 
grau  mit  bem  balb  nac^fommenben    ©iiter^uge   folge.     Um  10 
fiinf  ober  ^alS  feeing  U^r  ivaren  fie  bann  immer  toieber  in  \ 
(^ifenac^    beifammen,   unb   eg    blieb    i^nen    an    bem    (angen      \ 
©ommerabenb  nod^  '^^\i  iibrig  gu  einer  rec^t  ^iibfc^en  ^artie         S 
nad^  ber  2Bartburg. 

^er  ^rofeffor  griff  babei  n)ie  unn)ill!urlici^  an  feine  2Seften=  15 
lafc^e  unb  fagte: 

„2Senn  fie  nur  nac^fommt!   fie  f)at  bie  ^Hfie." 

@g   (ie^  fid^   aber  i)or  ber  §anb   n)ir!Uc^    nic^tg    anbereS 
t^un,  unb  in  ^ietenborf  l^ielt  ber  3wg  faum,  alg  ber  ^ro= 
feffor  fc^on  nac^  bem  6c^affner  fc^rie,  um  bie  %^\xx  geoffnet  20 
5u  belommen. 

„^ac^en  ©ie  rafd^,  eg  ge^t  gleid^  toieber  fort!"  rief  i(;m 
biefer  nad^,  aber  ber  ^rofeffor  i^orte  fc^on  nic^t  mefjr  unb 
f^rang  in  flii^tigen  (Sd|en  in  bag  ^^elegra^l^enbureau. 

§ier  ftieg,  tpd^renb  ber  ^leine  in  9^an!ing  auf  bem  perron  25 
lufttoanbelte,  ein  anberer  ^affagier  ein,  ber  fii;^  bem  ^ic!en 
gegeniibcrfe^te  unb  ben  Sa^ngug  nur  alg  ©rofc^fe  gu  benu^en 
fc^ien.  (Sr  n)ar  nid^t  attein  fe^r  anftanbi^  fonbern  <x\x^  fe^r 
forgfdltig  gefteibet,  in  fd^n^arjem  grac!  unb  ^\i^XK  folc^en 
^einfleibern,  feibener  S^efte  unb  tabeltog   gefnotetem  loei^en  30 


§at§tuc]^.     llber()au^t  (jatte  er  in  feinem  gangen  SSefen  ettt)a§ 
Sngftltc^e€  imb   ipeinlid;   Drbentltc^e§,  bag   nirgenb§   iveniger 
\^      ^inpa^t,  al§  in  ein  @ifenbaI)ncou^>^. 

^         311^  er  einftieg  unb  fd^iic^terQ   grii^te,  naf)m  er  feinen  ju^ 

5   jiinem  S^kg-cl  gegldtteten  §ut   ab  unb   fe^te  if)n  Dorfid^ttg 

neben   ftc^   ^in,  na^m  t^n   aber   augenblicflic^   toieber  in   bie 

§o^e,  ftrid^  mit  einer  Keinen  ^l^afdjenbiirfte  bie  eth^a  t)erfc^o= 

benen  §aare  fauber  glatt,   unb   fe^te    if)n    iwieber   auf.     @r 

O        fd^ien    fogar    bie    entfc^iebene    Slbfic^t   ^u    ^aben,    ein   ^aar 

"^  lo  ftec!en(o§  neue  twei^e  @lac^^anbfc§uf^  angujieE^en,  befann  fid^ 

aber  bocf)   noc^   beijeiten    eineg    33efferen,   h)i(!e(te   fie  h)ieber 

jufammen  unb  fd^ob  fie  in  bie  Xafdf)e  juriidf. 

©inen  blaufeibenen   9flegenfdf)irm,  obgleid^  !eine  9So(!e  am 

§immel  ftanb,  ^atte  er  neben  fic^  auf  ben  ®i^  gelegt.     2)a 

15  fd^lug  bie   ©lodfe  tmeber  fc^arf    breimal    an,   unb    ntit    bem 

(e|ten  (Sc^lag  faj5  ber  in  9Zan!ing  im  Sou^^  unb   auf  bem 

blauen    9?egenfcbirm,   t>on  bem   er  aber,   fid^    entfd^ulbigenb, 

iDieber  in  bie  §obe  fd^nellte.     ^ie  2^bur  it)ar  gefc^Ioffen. 

„§err  3efu§!  ift  benn  ber  ^rofeffor  noc^  nid^t  ba?"  rief  er. 

20  ,,§e,  (5rf)affner!    eg  fefjit  noc^  eine  ^erfon." 

@in  $fiff  -  anttDortete  if^m,  unb  fort  roEte  ber  ^\x^.     2Bir 
borten  nodB  etit)ag  rufen,  faf)en,  n)ie  bie  iDeiter  t)orh)drtg  am 

\  perron  ftefjenben  '^zwH  lad^ten,  unb  nidBtg  mef)r.  ®er  $ro= 
feffor  batte  fid^  fubtra^iert. 
25  „5^a,  bag  ift  gottlic^!"  rief  ber  ^leine  in  5Zan!ing;  ^je^t 
tDiH  ber  gute  §err  eine  23ergnugunggtour  mit  feiner  Jrau 
madden,  unb  bat  in  ber  erften  6tunbe  fid;,  feine  (B(xiim  unb 
fein  ©e^dd^  auf  brei  i:)erfd^iebenen  ©tationen.  9^a,  toie  bie 
fidfi  it)ieber  ^ufammenfinben  n)o(Ien,  ift  mir  auc^  ein  9tdtfel/' 
30      „§at  jemanb  ben  3ug  i)erfdumt?"  frug  ber  §err  im  fc^marjen 



grac!,  inbem  er  feinen  etlva^  §erbrMten  SftegenfdEiirm  t>or= 
na^m,  iDieber  fjalb  offnete,  fc^Io^,  gldttete  unb  bann  Ijtnter 
ftd^  legte. 

,!^\xxK  natiirlic^/'  lautete  bte  2lnth)ort;  „ein  ^rofeffor  au§ 
SKeimar;   ti:)a§  fangen  tt)ir  je^t  mit  ben  ©ac^en  an?"  5 

„SKtr  fommen  um  {)alb  brei  U^r  nad^  @ot^a/'  fagte  ber 

Drbentlid^e  tm   f(f)h:)ar§en   5^ad^,    „unb   um  brei   3Sierte(   auf 

brei  U^r  trifft   ber   ©cf)nell§ug   i)on   ©ifenad^  in  ©ot^a   ein. 

jS  2Benn  ©ie  bie  ®ad)en   narf)   ^ietenborf  §urMf(J)ic!ten,  l^dtte 

fie  ber  §err  in  einer  ©tunbe  n)ieber."  10 

§m,  \<x\  ba§  ginge;  aber  er  mill  ja  eigentlic^  nad^  (gife= 
nad^,  unb  h)enn  fie  fid)  nad^ljer  tcieber  berfdumen  —  ober 
gar  nid^t  it)iffen,  ba^  bag  ©e^dcf  ^uriidfommt !" 

„?0^an  fonnte  ja  i)on  @otl)a  aug  telegra^ljieren/'  meinte 
ber  Drbentlic^e.  15 

r/§^/  i^;   tt>ol)in  gel^en  ©ie?" 

,,m^  @otl)a." 

„2SoIIten  ©ie  bann  bie  ©iite  \j(xh^\K  unb  ba§  ©e^dd  ba 
irgenb  einem  ^afjnbeamten  iibergeben?" 

„3rf)   it>erbe   fe^r   bebauern    miiffen   !eine    '^zxi  §u   l^aben/'  20 
fagte  ber  DrbentUd^e  t)erlegen;   „id^  bin  ^u  einer  —  id^  mu^ 
fef^r  l^iinftlic^  fein,  benn  id{)  bin  bi§  {)alb  brei  Ufjr  J^inbeftellt, 
unb  toir  l)aben  ung  fd)on  bon  ^ietenborf  au^  um"  —  er  \<x^ 
nad^  f einer  Xlf)r  —  „um  fieben  TOnuten  berf^dtet." 

„©ut,  bann  tl)u'  id)'g,"  fagte  ber  fleine  gutmiitige  9Jiann  25 
entfc^ieben.     „©o  biel  geit  bleibt  in  ©otf)a,  unb  id^  berfdume 
ben  3wg  nid^t." 

®abei  gog  er  feine  33rieftafd)e  ^erau§  unb  formulierte  fo 
gut  e§  bag  ©d)au!eln  beg  ©ifenba^jntoageng  erlaubte,  bag 
Xelegramm,  um  in  @otl)a  nic^t  §u  biel  '$^t\i  §u  braud^en.         30 


®a§  ©ef^rdd^  toar  bamit  abge6ro(f)en,  unb  mid^  intereffierte 
babei  befonber§  ber  ®ic!e,  ber  bei  ben  bi^^erigen  ^it)i{c^en=  *.  ' 
fatten  aud^  nod^  burd;   feinen  33ltd  bie  geringfte  Steilna^me      %r 
berraten,  fonbern  immer  nur  ftill,  aber  f>efttg  t)or  fic^  ^inge=  ^ 

5    qualTpt  ^(xiii, 

ge^t  ftierte  er  burc^  ben  9iauc^  fetn  ©egeniiber,  ben  Dr= 
bentUrf)en,  an,  ber  fic^  aber  nidjt  too^t  unter  bem  33Ii^  Su 
fii^Ien  fd5)ien  unb  it)ie  t)erlegen  atlerlei  fletne  33efcJ)aftigungen 
10      @r  ^olte  eine  !leine,  mit  einem  5[Rimaturf^iegeI  toerfe^ene 
§aarburfte    ^erau^,   fuc!)te    border    mit .  §ilfe    be§    ©^iegel§ 
einen  33Iic!  auf  feinen    ^rattattenfnoten  ^u  getoinnen  —  h)a§ 
^        aber  bollftdnbig  erfolglo^  blieb  —  unb  ging  bann  %\x  ben  ettt)a§ 
,  ^^t^tt)tberf))enftigen  §aaren  iiber,  bie  fic^  aber,  tro^  allem  33urften, 
/TVs'^ciuf  bem   3Birbel  it)ie  §u   einer  Slrt    t)on    Sfal|)lode  em)3or=  ^^Y 
^\^      ftrduben    tt)oIIten,   morf)te   er  fic^   noc^  fo  t)iel  ?[Ru^e    bamit  tP 

geben.     ®anac^  ging  er  tpieber  baran  jid^  abguftduben,  t)omXr*\ 
9toc!!ragen  nieber  bi^  %\x  ben  glanjlebernen  ©tiefeln.     ©on=       ^?j 
berbarertoeife  ^atte  gerabe  i()m,  t)or  alien  anberen,  ein  tiidifd^eS  s^*t: 
20  ©d^idffal  ben  S^odffragen  t>erunreinigt,  aber  tro^  allem  33urften    \^ 
berii^rte  er  nie  ben  gled^,  tt)dl)renb  ber  i^m   gegenuberft|enbe 
®icEe   feinen   Slidf  —  ol)ne   jeboc^   eine   ©ilbe   ^u   du^ern  — 
immer  Ijartnddfig  auf  ben  $un!t  geric^tet  Ijielt. 
:^-?v       2)er  im  ^elj  raud;te  babei  ununterbrod^en  fort,  unb  ba  er 
•    25  feine  ©igarre  nie   abftrid^,   fiel   bie   Slfc^e   ein   ^aarmal    <x\), 
rollte  an  feinem  DJZantel  nieber  unb  auf  bie  ^niee  be§  Dr= 
bentlic^en,  ben  er  baburc^,  ol)ne  fic^  je  §u  entfc^ulbigen,  in 
fteter  33efd^dftigung  unb  2lufregung  ^ielt.     @§  ^atte  bem  un= 
gludflicl)en  ?[Renfd^en  ndmU^  nicl)t  entgeljen  fonnen,  ba^  i^m 
30  ber  fo  un^eimlid^  @ingel)ullte  ftet§  auf  ben  9loc!fragen  ftierte. 



unb  mit  ber  Sl^nung,  ba^  bort  ettoa^  nic^t  in  Drbnung  fei, 
befa^  er  boc^  ^u  bid  ^gto^tern^t,  urn  fic^  banac^  gu 

®er  ?[Rann  tt)ar  offenbar  ju   einer  2lubien§  befo^Ien  ober 
macule  eine  SSifite,  urn  irgenb  eine  2lnfteIIung  ^u  befommen;    5 
jebenfatlg  fjatte  er  Slngft  i:)or  ber  ndcf)ften  ©tunbe. 

3e^t  ^fiff  bie  Sofomotibe  toieber. 

„@ot^a/'  fagte  ber  Drbentlic^e,  al§  er  au§  bent  rec^ten 
Jenfter  faf)  unb  babei  in  einem  fjalben  Seufger  ftecfen  blieb. 
2)er  fc^rec!licf)e  ?[Renfc^  if)m  gegeniiber  fa^  if^m  nod)  immer  10 
unt)erti:)anbt  auf  ben  9loc!fragen,  unb  er  fjdtte  gern  nocf)  einen 
le^ten  SSerfurf)  mit  bent  (Spiegel  gemac^t,  aber  e§  ii:)ar  gu 
f))dt.  @ben  rodte  ber  3^9  ^t)^  ^^^  <Station§gebdube  —  ^ilf, 
§immel!  bie  Uf)r  §eigte  auf  (x^i  ?!Kinuten  iiber  f^alb  brei  — 
unb  mit  einem  rafc^en  „@m^fe^le  mic^  3^nen  ergebenft!"  15 
flog  ber  Ungluc!Uc^e  ^um  2Bagen  ^inau^  unb  feinem  (Sd^icffal 

®er  in  9Zan!ing  berric^tete  inbeffen  fein  Siebe^irer!.  (5inem 
ber  Seamten,  i)on  benen  met;rere  auf  bem  perron  ftanben, 
iibergab  er  rafc^  bie  §af)lreid;en,  bem  ungIMli(f)en  $rofeffor=  20 
^aare  gugeJ^orenben  ©egenftdnbe,  unb  glitt  bann  i^ie  eine 
(^ibec^fe  in  ba§  3::elegra^^enbureau  l)inein,  um  bie  2)e^efc^e 
nac^  ©ietenborf  aufjugeben. 

Unb  ii:)enig  genug  ^zxi  U)urbe  if)m  ba§u  gelaffen,  benn  gleid) 
barauf  (ciutete  e§  fc^on  toieber  jur  Slbfaf^rt.     ^er  3^9  ^^'^'^^  25 
ac^t  5!Jlinuten  berfdumt,  unb  bie  mu^ten  n^ol^l  ober  iibel  tt)ieber 
eingebrad^t  iDerben. 

(Sodte  fid)  aud^  ber  5Dflann  in  9^an!ing  auf  biefem  ber^on^^ 
m§t)oIlen  3itg  —  tiein !  ba  lam  er  f)erau§gef d)offen  unb  fe^te 
fid^  rafd^  auf  ben  t)on  bem  Drbentli(f)en  gerdumten  $Ia^,  bem  30 



^trfen  gegeniiber.  ^aum  fa^  cr,  al§  ber  6c^affner  bie  %\}\xx, 
an  ber  bag  genfter  tt)ieber  ^eruntcrgelaffen,  §ufc^(ug,  bann  auf 
ben  eifernen  ©angiDeg  ftieg  unb,  iud^venb  fic^  ber  3w0  i^ 
33eiT)egung  fe^te,  fagte: 

5        „Si(retg  nad;  ^rottftebt,  meine  §erren!" 

@§  mar  nod;  ein  junger  9Jlenfcf)  mit  einem  fleinen  ^ornifter 
eingeftiegen,  ber  eben  bortF)in  unb  toaf^rfc^einlid;  auc^  eine  5Ber= 
gniigunggtour  in  ben  Xf)uringer  3BaIb  madden  tuollte.  ®ie 
beiben   lieferten    i^re    53iIIet§    ab,   ber    ©d^affner    i?erfd;it)anb 

10  brau^en,  urn  fic^  in  fein  eigeneg  (Soupt^  an  ben  (^enftajnflen 
^in^ufu^leu,  unb  ber  fleine  '^MfxxiXK  in  9kn!ing  fagte: 
„2(tle  SSetter,  ba§  cjing  gefcfjtDinb !  bie  fonnten  mir  ba  brin 

X/^  nid^t  fo  fd^neE  feeioii^ben,  unb  beina^   ^dtt'  ic^  aud^  einen 
bummen   ©treicf)  gemad)t  unb  ben    '^^x<^,  berfdumt.     ?la,  bag 

15  tt?dr'  eine  f(f)one  ©efc^i(f)te  getwefen !     Semine,  unb  bie  ©d;tuie= 
gereltern  in  grottftebt!" 

©ie  einjige  Slntmort,  bie  er  i)on  bem  ^iden  befam,  tr»ar 
eine  auggefto^ene  ®am^ft»oI!e,  bie  einem  jungen  ©d;ornftein 
@^re  gemadjt  E^dtte.     ®er  Heine  lebenbige  3}iann  aber  mu^te 

20  fic^,  mit  bem  erfe^nten  3^^^  ^i<^^  tjoraug,   irgenb  jemanbem  ^^\_ 
mitteilcn,  unb  ba  er  feine   anbere  fiifjlenbe  33ruft  im  ©ou^^  X?  ^ 
fanb,  fo  tcanbte  er  fic^  an  ben  ©i^mnafiaften,  bem  er,  ebenfo         x 
h)ie  iJor^er  ber  grau  ^rofefforin,  er^d^Ite,  toer  i^n  in  grdtt= 
ftebt  ermartete  unb   h)ag  fiir  eine   fibele  ^artie  fie  nac^f)er 

25  madf)en  it)oKten.     %xk  9^ein^arb§brunn  im  ©aft^of  h)ar  (x\x6:j       ^ 
fcf)on  bag   ©ffen   genau  auf  bie  ©tunbe  beftettt,   ebenfo   ein 
giifjrer  unb   ©e^ddtrdger,  !ur§  al(eg   auf  bag   genauefte  unb 
:|)un!tlid)fte  georbnet.     @g  gereid^e  i^m  babei  §u  grower  33efrie= 
bigung,  alg  er  i)on  bem  ©^mnafiaftcn  erfu^r,  ba^  bie  ^ferbe= 

30  ba^n    (xv<6^    bireft    ab£e^en_  it)urbe,    benn   ber    toon    ©ifenad^ 


fommenbe  (Sc^neEgug  treffe  unmtttelbar  nad^  if^nen  in  grott= 
ftebt  ein. 

3n  bem  Slugenblitf  ^fiff  e§  tDieber.  ^er  ^letne  J^orc^te  auf, 
unb  fa^  au§  feinem  genfter  an  ber  rec^ten  6eite,  fonnte  aber 
ba^inaug  nic§t§  erfennen.  5 

3e^t  bremfte  ber  3^9  ein. 

„§alten  n)ir  benn  nod^  einmal  ^ti:)ifc^en  ©ot^a  unb  grott= 
ftebt  r 

„D^  ben)af)re/'  fagte  ber  ©^mnafiaft;  „ba§  ift  grottftebt!" 

„©tation  grottftebt!"  rief  in  bem  ^D^oment  ber  ©c^affner  lo 
unb  ri^  bie  ^^iir  auf ;  raf c^,  tt)er  f^ier  au^fteigt,  e§  ge^t  gleid^ 
toeiter !" 

„§err  (i5ott,  mein  9^oc!  ift  eingeflemmt !"  fto^nte  ber  Heine 
5[Jlann,  tr>df?renb  ber  leic^tfii^ige  ©^mnafiaft  au§  ber  3:^ur 
f^rang,  unb  ri^  babei  an  feinem  9f?an!ing=9ftocf(f)en,  bag  a(Ier=  15 
bingg  gang  feft  unb  fic^er  t)Dn  ber  X^iir,  neben  ber  er  bi§  je^t 
gefeffen,  gefa^t  it)ar,  fo  ba^  er  t)ergebeng  fuc^te  ben  gef>al= 
tenen  3i^iel  mit  ©emalt  ^erau^sugie^en. 

„2lb!"  fommanbierte  brau^en  ber  Dberfcfjaffner. 

„©c^affner!    §err  ©c^affner!"    fd)rie  ber  Heine  in  3:;obe§=  20 
angft,  „mad)en  ©ie  einmal  ^ier  bie  Vc^vcc  auf." 

„3lber  ^onnertDetter,  Ijier  fteigen  ©ie  ja  au§ !  5iJ^ac^en  ©ie 
bod^,  ba^  ©ie  ^eraugfommen !" 

„3d)  !ann  ja  nic^t ;  ic^  fi^e  ja  feft ;  madden  ©ie  boc^  biefe 
Vc^m  auf!"  25 

„3a,  bag  !ann  ic^  nid^t!"  rief  ber  Unerbittlid^e  unb  fd^Iug 
bie  ^^ilr  gu ;  ivieber  ber  ominofe  $fiff,  unb  bie  SSagen  X^<xitXK 
einen  3ftucf. 

„3d^  mu^  l)inaug !"  fd^rie  aber  ber  ^leine  unb  furf)te  in  ber 
^af4)e  nacl)  feinem  ^effer;  in  brei  ^afc^en  fanb  er  eg  nic^t;  30 


in  ber  ijterten  fta!  e§ ;  ber  3^9  !am  in  33ett)egung ;  mit  5ittern= 
ber  $anb  ^atte  er  e§  geoffnet;  ritfc^,  ratfd^  fcf)nitt  er  erbar= 
mung§lo§  ben  9flan!ing  burc^,  urn  (ieber  mit  bem  bermiftalteten 
^leibung^ftM  al^  gar  nid^t  i)or  feiner  33raut  §u  erfc^einen, 
5    unb  [tiirgte  nad^  ber  Xfjiir. 

3u  f^dt!     UngliicffeUgeg  28ort. 

„3ulie!    §err  Dberbaurat!"  fd^rie  er  berjireiflung^boU  aug 
bem  2Bagen  ^inau§. 

„2lber,  §err  ^ffeffor,  tt)o  tDoHen  ©ie  benn  l)in?"  Unten  auf 
10  bem  perron  ftanb  bie  ganje  ©efeUfc^aft  im  geftanjug  unb  faf> 
bem  ungliic!(id;en   33rdutigam   narf),  ben  i^ncn  ein   ^o^nifc^eg 
©efdj>idf^  faum  gegeigt,  h)ieber  entfii^rte. 

„§alt!   ic^  mu^  (jinau^!"   fd^rie   in   einem  Ie|ten  3l!t  ber 

2Ser§n)eiflung  ber  ungMfelige  Slffeffor  in  5f^an!ing.     Slrmer 

15  5!Jlann,  n)e§^alb  mad;teft  bu  eine  3Sergniigung§tour  in   einem 

©d^nett^ug,   ber  tt)eber   S'^Q^^tt  "^^^   (Srbarmen,  fonbern  nur 

©tunben  unb  9Jlinuten  UxvckV,    2ldf>t  ?[Rinuten  berfdumt!  toie 

fonnte  bie   ein   bred^enbe^   Slffeffor^erj   ftu|leie£en.     3Sorn)drt§ 

broufte^  ber  gug;   ein  ftarfer  fd;riller  $fiff;  brau^en  borbei 

20  fliegt  mit  betdubenbem  S^jieln  ber   anbere   ©c^netljug,  ber, 

Don   (Sifenad^   fommenb,   in   toenigen   ?iJlinuten  faft   in  grott= 

ftebt;  n)a§  l^ilft  eg  i^m?  er  !ann  nid^t  l^iniiber;  t»orbei,  unb 

-^^  njeiter,  U)ie   auf  Sturme^fittigen  getragen  unb   ()ier  toon  ber 

^^  bebeutenben   ©enfung   noc^   begiinftigt,   bonnerte   ber  lilmilli: 

25  benbe  ^olo^  \\^\^\), 

^er  Heine  5D^ann  fan!    h)ie   bernid^tet    auf   ben  6i^  mir 

gegeniiber,  unb  id^  fud^te  if^n  je^t  bamit  §u  troften,  ba^  aud^ 

er   ja   mit   bem   ndd^ften    ©uter^uge    nac^     grottftebt   guriidf 


30      r,2ld^  bu  lieber  ©ott,"   flagte  er  aber;  ,,ber  fommt  ja  erft 


5  U^r  45  TOnuten,  unb  erft  abenbg  f^dt  geF^t  bie  ^ferbebal^n 

tt)ieber  \\<x6:)  2BaIter§f^aufen !" 

(^g  mar  nid;t^  babet  ^u  madden,  unb   6i^   ©ifeuad^   iDurbe 

fein  2Bort  ttjeiter  5it»ifd;en  un^   geiDed;felt.      2Benn   e^   aber 

einen  ©u^erlatit)  im  Sc^meigen  (^t\itx{  fonute,  fo  leijkt^  ben    5 

ber  ^ide,   ber   lud^renb   ber   ganjen    Dorbefc^riebenen    Ocene 

nid^t  einmal  ben  ilo^f  bai^in  gebre^t,  ja  mit   feiner  SEinUifir 

^e^udt  ^CjoXit.     2Bie  au§  (Stein   gef)auen  \<x%  er  ba,  unb   nur 

ber  ®am^f  tjerriet,  bajj  nod;  innere  Sdrme  in  ii^m  lebte. 

3n  ©ifenad^,  h)o  id^  ebenfaU^  au^ftieg,  urn  bie  3Berrababn  10 

5u  benu^en,  Ij^atte  ber  ^leine  nod^  einige  <Sc^mierig!eiten,  bi^  er 

fein  eingeflemmte^   ©tiid  9ian!ing  (x\x^  ber  gec^eniiber   befinb* 

^  Iid;en  %\j\xx  befommen  fonnte,  unb  er  mu^te  einem  ber  2Bagen= 

^•■H->.      fd;mierer  ein  gut  2i>ort  geben,  ba^  er  bie  2:t>ur  bon  ber  anbcrn 

©eite  offnete.     211^  id^  if;n  gule^t  fa^,  ftanb  er  toet^mutig  auf  15 

bem  perron,  l^ielt  ba^  (^eimtudfifd^e  (StM  3^iiS  i'^  ^^1^  §anb 

unb  fa^  nad^  ber  U^r  ^inauf,  bie  funfjefjn  SJ^inuten  nad^  brei 


(S  c  r  ft  a  cf  c  r. 


2.    ^mmcnfce. 

2)er  SCIte. 

2(n  einem  6^dtfjerbftnad;mittage  ging  ein  alter,  h)o^l0C= 
flcibcter  3Jiann  langfam  bie  ©tra^e  l;ina6.  CS'r  frf)ien  toon 
einem  (S^ajiergange  nadj)  ipaufe  ^urucfjufe^ren,  benn  feine 
<Sd;nalknfd)u^e,  bie  einer  tooriibergegangenen  3Jlobe  angef^orten, 

5  hjaren  bcftdubt.  ®eu  langcn  i^)fo(;rftoc!  mit  golbeuem  Ano^f 
trug  er  unter  bem  2lrm ;  mit  feinen  bunflen  ^ilugen,  in  JDelc^e 
fid^  bie  gan^e  i)ertDrene  Swfl^"^  gerettet  %\x  \)(x\i^x\>  fc^ien,  unb 
tr)elci()e  eigentumlic^  toon  ben  fc^neehjeifeen  §aaren  abftad;en, 
fa^   er  ruf^ig   um^er    ober    in   bie    Stabt    ^inab,    t^etc^e    im 

10  Slbenbfonncnbuftc  t)or  if^m  lag.  —  ©r  fd)ien  faft  cin  ^rember, 
benn  i)on  ben  !:i>orubergef?enben  griifiten  it^n  nur  tucnige,  ob= 
gleid)  mand;er  unttjiiniirlic^  in  biefe  ernften  3tugen  ^u  feljen 
gejtDungen  tuurbe.  Gnblid^  ftanb  er  t)or  einem  l^o^en  ©iebel= 
^aufe   ftill,   fal;  noc^  einmal   in  bie   ©tabt   ^inau^   unb   trat 

15  in  bie  §au^biele.  33ei  bem  ©c^all  ber  2;i^urglode  tourbe 
brinnen  in  ber  Stube  toon  einem  ©udfenfter,  h)eld)e^  nad;  ber 
^iele  ^inau^ging,  ber  griine  35orl^ang  hjeggefc^oben  unb  ba^ 
©efid;t  einer  alten  grau  baljinter  fidfjtbar.  2)er  9Jiann  h?in!te 
il^r   mit   feinem    Sf{ol)r[tod.     „3^oci^    fein    Sic^t!"    fagte    er   in 

20  einem  etlua^  ftibUc^en  ^ilccent,  unb  bie  §au^l;dlterin  liejs  ben 
35orl?ang  tuieber  fallen.  !I)er  Sllte  ging  nun  iiber  bie  iweite 
§au^biele,  burd;  einen  $efel,  n)o  gro^e  eic^ene  (Sc^rdnfe  mit 
^orjetlantoafen  an  ben  2Bdnbcn  ftanben;  burd;  bie  gegeniiber^ 
fte^enbe  !Jl;ur  trat   er  in   einen   fleinen   Jlur,  toon  itoo   au^ 

25  eine  enge  ^reppe  ju  ben  oberen  ,3ii"i"^i^^^  ^^^  §interl>aufe^ 
fii^rte.     ^x  ftieg  fie  langfam  l;inauf,  fd^lo^  oben  eine  ^^iir 


auf  unb  trat  bann  in  ein  md^ig  gro^e^  3^^^^^-  §i^^  ^^^ 
e§  ^eimlic^  unb  ftiH ;  bie  eine  SSanb  it>ar  faft  mit  9f?e^ofttorien 
unb  33uci^erfd^rdn!en  bebecft;  an  ber  anbern  {)ingen  ^ilber 
t)on  3}lenfc^en  unb  ©egenben;  i)or  etnem  %\\^  mit  griiner 
©edfe,  auf  bem  ein^elne  aufgefd^lagene  S3uc^er  umfjerlagen,  5 
ftanb  ein  frf)tt)erfdl(iger  2e^n|tuf)l  mit  totem  ©ammetfiffen.  — 
9flarf)bem  ber  Sllte  §ut  unb  6todf  in  bie  @c!e  gefteEt  \)0Xit, 
fe^te  er  fic^  in  ben  Se^nftu^l  unb  fd^ien  mit  gefalteten  §dnben 
t>on  feinem  ©^ajiergange  au§§uru^en. — 2Sie  er  fo  fa^,  tt>urbe 
e§  attmd^Iid^  bunfter;  enblidf)  fiet  ein  5!)^onbftraf)l  burd^  bie  10 
genfterf(f)eiben  auf  bie  ©emdlbe  an  ber  SSanb,  unb  it)ie  ber 
Ijjeffe  ©treif  langfam  tDeiter  riicfte,  folgten  bie  Slugen  be§ 
5Ranne§  untDillfurlid).  3flun  trat  er  iiber  ein  !Ieine§  33ilb  in 
fc^lid^tem  fd^ttjarjem  Stat^men.  ,,@lifaBet^!"  fagte  ber  Sllte 
leife;  unb  itjie  er  ba^  SSort  gef^roc^eij,  \o<xx  bie  3^i^  ^^^=  ^5 
toanbelt :    erh?arinfeinerSwgenb. 

®ie   ^inber. 

SBalb  trat  bie  anmutige  ©eftalt  eine§  fleinen  ?!Jidbd^en§  gu 
if)m.  ©ie  ^ie^  ©lif abet^  unb  moc^te  fiinf  3a()re  5df)Ien;  er 
felbft  tt)ar  bo^^elt  fo  alt.  Um  ben  §alg  trug  fie  ein  rot= 
feibeneg  ^ud^eldf)en ;  ba§  Iie|  ifjr  ^tibfdj)  gu  ben  braunen  Slugen.  20 

„9lein{)arbt !  rief  fie,  „h)ir  ^<xhtxi  frei,  frei !  ben  ganjen  Xag 
feine  (Sc^ule,  unb  morgen  auc^  nid^t." 

3ftein()arbt  ftettte  bie  Sfted^entafel,  bie  er  fc^on  unterm  2(rm 
^atte,  flin!  (winter  bie  §au§tf)ur,  unb  bann  liefen  beibe  ^inber 
burd^g  §au^  in  ben  ©arten,  unb  burd^  bie  ©arten^forte  l^inaug  25 
auf  bie  2Siefe.  ^ie  unijer^offten  gerien  famen  i^nen  ()errlic^ 
gu  ftatten.  Sftein^arbt  fjatte  f)ier  mit  @lifabetf)§  §ilfe  ein 
§au§    au§    3ftafenftMen    aufgefu^rt;    barin    tDoIIten   fie    bie 

IMMENSE  E.  137 

©ommerabenbe  iDoi^nen;  aber  e^  fef^lte  nod^  bte  S3an!.  9^un 
ging  er  gleid^  an  bie  Slrbeit ;  9^dgel,  §ammer  unb  bie  notigen 
33retter  tDaren  fc^on  bereit.  3Sdt)renbbeffen  gtng  ©Ufabet^ 
CLXi  bem  28att  entlang  unb  fammelte  ben  ringfbrmigen  ©amen 

5  ber  n)ilben  3}lalt>e  in  ifjre  ©ci^ur§e;  babon  h)oIIte  fie  fic^ 
^etten  unb  §al^bdnber  mac^en;  unb  al^  3flein^arbt  enblic^ 
tro^  ntand^eg  frumm  gefc^lagenen  9kge(^  feine  33an!  bennod^ 
5uftanbe  gebrac^t  fjatte  unb  nun  n)ieber  in  bie  (Sonne  {)in= 
au^trat,    ging    fie   fc^on    iueit    bauon   am   anbern   @nbe    ber 

10  SKiefe. 

„@Hfabel^!"  rief  er,  ^Slifabeth!"  unb  ba  !am  fie,  unb  x^xt 
Socfen  flogen.  „^omm/'  fagte  er,  „nun  ift  unfer  §aug  fertig. 
2)u  bift  ja  ganj  f)eife  gen)orben;  fomm  Ifjerein,  n)ir  h)oIIen 
un§  auf  bie  neue  33an!  fe^en.     3c^  ergd^C  bir  etn)ag." 

15  ®ann  gingen  fie  beibe  (>inein,  unb  fe^ten  fid^  auf  bie  neue 
San!.  (SUfabetf)  na()m  if^re  9{ingeldE)en  au^  ber  ©d^iirge  unb 
jog  fie  auf  lange  Sinbfdben;  9Reinf)arbt  fing  an  ju  erjd^len: 

„@g  h)aren  einmal  brei  ©^innfrauen " 

„2lrf),"  fagte  ©Ufabetf),  „ba§  n)ei^   \^  \a   auSioenbig;   bu 

20  mu^t  aud^  nid^t  immer  ba^felbe  erjd^Ien." 

^a  mu^te  S^lein^arbt  bie  ©efd^id^te  toon  ben  brei  ©^inn= 
frauen  fterfen  laffen,  unb  ftatt  beffen  erjd^Ite  er  bie  ©efd^id^te 
i)on  bem  armen  ^ann,  ber  in  bie  2on)engrube  gen)orfen  toar. 
,l^\xn  n)ar  e§  3flad^t,"  fagte  er,  „n)ei§t  bu? — ganj  finftere, 

25  unb  bie  2oh)en  fd^Iiefen.  9Jtitunter  aber  gd^nten  fie  im  ©d^Iaf 
unb  recften  bie  roten  3w"S^"  ^wg;  bann  fd^auberte  ber  5Rann 
unb  meinte,  ba^  ber  3Jlorgen  fomme.  ®a  toarf  e€  um  i^n 
^er  auf  einmal  einen  ^eEen  ©d^ein,  unb  al§  er  auffa^,  ftanb 
ein  ©ngel  t)or  i^m.     ^er  twinfte  i^m  mit  ber  §anb  unb  ging 

30  bann  gerabe  in  bie  gelfen  ^inein." 


©lifabet^  \}(x\i^  aufmerffam  gugeFjbrt.     „@in  ©ngel?"   fagte 
fie:   „§attc  er  benn  gliigel?" 

„%^  \\i  ttur  fo  erne  ©efc^ic^te;"   anttrortete  Sftein^arbt;   „e§ 
giebt  ja  gar  feine  ©ngel." 

,,D   ^fut,   S^ein^arbt!"    fagte    fie   unb   faf)   if)m   ftarr   in§  5 
©efic^t.     3(lg  er  fie  aber  finfter  anblicfte,  fragte  fie  if)n  gir>et= 
felnb:    „3Sfl^""^  f^S^"  fi^  ^^  ^^nn  immer,  ?!Jlutter  unb  Xante 
urtb  aud^  in  ber  ©d^ule?" 

„®ag  tt)ei^  id^  nid^t;"   anttrortete  er. 

„3(ber  bu,"   fagte    ©lifabetf),    „giebt    e§   benn    auc^    feine  10 

„2ott)en?    Db  e§  Soiren  giebt?    3«  3"^ten;   ba  f^annen 
bie   ©o^en^riefter  fie  bor  ben  SSagen  unb  faf)ren  mit  i^nen 
burc^  bie  SSiifte.     '^mxy  ic^  gro^  bin,  ioitt  ic^  einmal  felber 
f)in.     ^a  ift  eg  t)ie(  taufenbmal  fd^oner  al§  ^ier  bei  un§;  ba  15 
giebt  eg  gar  feinen  SKinter.    ^u  mu^t  aud^  mit  mir.    2Biffft  bu?" 

„3«/"  f«9t^  ©lifabet^;  „aber  5!}iutter  mu^  bann  aucf)  mit, 
unb  beine  Gutter  aud^." 

„9^ein/'  fagte  Stein^arbt,  „bie  finb  bann  %\x  alt,  bie  fonnen 
nid^t^mit."  20 

,^6)  barf  aber  nid^t  allein." 

„^u  fotlft  fc^on  biirfen ;  bu  twirft  bann  it)ir!Iid^  meine  g^rau, 
unb  bann  l)aben  bie  anbern  bir  nid^tg  §u  befef^Ien." 

„2lber  meine  5D^utter  iDirb  h^einen." 

„2Bir  lommen  ja  hjieber,"  fagte  9fieinf)arbt  f)eftig ;  „fag'  eg  25 
nur  gerabe  (jeraug,  \M\i  bu  mit  mir  reifen?    ©onft  ge^'  td^ 
aUein;  unb  bann  fomme  id^  nimmer  h)ieber." 

^er  ^leinen  fam  bag  JBeinen  na^e.     „3)?ac^'  nur  nid^t  fo 
bijfe.  2fugen,"  fagte  fie;  „id^  iDilT  ja  mit  x^o.^  Snbien." 

Siein^arbt  fa^te  fie    mit    auggelaffener  greube    bei  beiben  30 

JMMENSEE.  1 39 

§dnben  unb  §og  fie  f)mau§  auf  bie  3©tefe.  „9^aci^  ^nbien, 
nad;  Snbien!"  fang  er  unb  fc^h)en!te  fid;  mit  \^x  im  ^reife, 
ba^  i^r  ba^  rote  2:ud5)elc^en  bom  §alfe  flog,  ^ann  aber  lie^ 
er  fie  plo^lic^  log  unb  fagte  ernft:  ,M^  tuirb  boc^  nic§t§  bar= 
5    aug  ioerben;  bu  ^aft  feine  Courage." 

„@lifabetl; !     9^einl;arbt !"  rief  e^  je^t  Don  ber  (55ar= 

ten^forte.    „§ier!  .§ier!"  antiuorteten  bie  ^inber,  unb  f^rangen 
§anb  in  §anb  \\a&)  §aufe. 

3m  SSalbe. 

©0  lebten  bie  ^inber  jufammen;   fie  it>ar  if)m  oft  ^u  ftifl, 

lo  er  h)ar  i^r  oft  ju  f^eftig,  aber  fie  lie^en  be^^alb  nic^t  i)on 
einanber ;  faft  alle  greiftunben  teilten  fie,  h^interg  in  ben 
befc^rdnften  ^i^^i^^i^n  i^^^^^  5Dhitter,  fommerg  in  33ufc^  unb 
gelb.  —  2l(§  ©Ufabet^  einmal  in  9fieinf)arbt^5  ©egentoart  toon 
bem  ©d;ul(e^rer  gefdiolten  tDurbe,  ftie^  er  feine  Xafel  jornig 

15  auf  ben  2^ifc^,  urn  ben  (Sifer  be^  30^anneg  auf  fic^  ju  lenfen. 
@g  lt)urbe  nid;t  bemerft.  2(ber  9teinf)arbt  i;)erIor  a((e  2luf= 
merffam!eit  aw  ben  geogra^f)ifc^en  SSortrdgen;  ftatt  beffen 
i:)erfa^te  er  ein  lange^  ©ebid^t;  barin  berglic^  er  fic^  felbft 
mit  einem  jungen  Slbler,  ben  ©c^ulmeifter   mit  einer  grauen 

2o  ^rd^e,  ©lifabet^  n?ar  bie  trei^e  ^aube;  ber  Slbler  gelobte 
an  ber  grauen  ^rdf^e  9tacf)e  gu  ne^men,  fobalb  i^m  bie  glu= 
gel  gett)ad)fen  fein  tDiirben.  ®em  jungen  ©ic^ter  ftanben  bie 
2:;f;rdnen  in  ben  Slugen;  er  !am  fid^  fel^r  er^aben  Oor.  %H 
er  nad;  §aufe   gefommen  tr>ar,  tt>u^te   er   fid^    einen    fleinen 

25  ^ergamentbanb  mit  t»ielen  iuei^en  Sldttern  ^u  t)erfd)affen ; 
auf  bie  erften  ©eiten  fd;rieb  er  mit  forgfamer  §anb  fein  er= 
fte§  ©ebic^t.  —  93alb  barauf  !am  er  in  eine  anbere  Sc^ule ; 
bier  fd;lo^  er  mand)e  neue  ^amerabfc^aft  mit  5lnaben  feine^ 


2llter§;  aber  fein  3Ser!ef)r  mit  ©Ufabetf)  tt)urbe  baburd^  nic^t 
geftort.  SSon  ben  3Jldrcf)en,  tr>elci^e  er  i^r  fonft  ergdl^It  unb 
h)teber  ergd^lt  ^atte,  fing  er  je^t  an,  bie,  toeld^e  i^r  am 
beften  gefaEen  lf)atten,  auf^uf dfjreiben ;  babei  twanbelte  i^n  oft 
bie  S!M\i  an,  etn)a§  i;)on  feinen  eigenen  @eban!en  f)tnein§u=  5 
bic^ten:  aber,  er  tou^te  nic^t  n^eg^alb,  er  fonnte  immer  nic^t 
bagu  gelangen.  ©o  fd^rieb  er  fie  genau  auf,  tote  er  fie  felber 
ge^ort  \j<xii^,  ®ann  gab  er  bie  33(dtter  <xx\.  ©Ufabetf),  bie  fie 
in  einem  ©c^ubfac^  i^rer  ©d^atulle  forgfditig  aufbetoaf^rte ; 
unb  e§  getod^rte  if)m  eine  anmutige  33efriebigung,  \(>^XKXK  er  lo 
fie  mitunter  abenb^  biefe  ©efc^ic^tc^en  in  feiner  ©egentoart  au^ 
ben  t>on  if^m  gefc^riebenen  §eften  i^rer  ?!Jlutter  t)orIefen  Ijjorte. 

©ieben  "^oS^xt  toaren  boriiber.  9lein^arbt  follte  §u  feiner 
toeiteren  2(u§bilbung  bie  ©tabt  berlaffen.  ©lifabet^  fonnte 
fid^  nicf)t  in  ben  ©ebanfen  finben,  ba^  eg  nun  eine  "^txi  ganj  15 
o^ne  S^tein^arbt  geben  toerbe.  @§  freute  fie,  al§  er  i^r  eine^ 
^age§  fagte,  er  ioerbe,  tote  fonft,  5Rdrc^en  fur  fie  auffd^rei= 
Ben;  er  tooUe  fie  if^r  mit  ben  ^riefen  an  feine  3Jlutter  fd^i!= 
fen;  fie  mitffe  if)m  bann  toieber  fc^reiben,  toie  fie  i^r  ge= 
fatten  fjdtten.  ®ie  2lbreife  riid^te  ^eran;  border  aber  fam  20 
noc^  mand^er  S^teim  in  ben  ^ergamentbanb.  ®a§  attetn  toar 
fiir  ©lifabetf)  ein  ©e{)eimnig,  obgleicf)  fie  bie  SSeranlaffung  %\x 
bem  ganjen  Suc^e  unb  gu  ben  meiften  Siebern  toar,  toelc^e 
nacfi  unb  nad^  faft  bie  §dlfte  ber  toei^en  S3Idtter  gefiittt 
fatten.  25 

@§  toar  im^uni;  9fteinf)arbt  follte  am  anbern  2:age  reifen. 
^^Zun  toodte  man  nod^  einmal  einen  feftlid)en  ^ag  jufammen 
bege{)en.  ^aju  tourbe  eine  Sanbipartie  nac^  einer  ber  na^e 
belegenen  ^oljungen  in  gro^erer  ©efe(Ifd)aft  i)eranftaltet. 
^er  ftunbenlange  2Seg  big  (xxk  ben  ©aum  beg  2Balbeg  tourbe  30 

IMMENSE  E,  141 

ju  SSagen  juriicfgelegt ;  bann  na(;m  man  bie  ^romantforbe 
^erunter  unb  marfd^ierte  tDeiter.  ©in  ^annenge^ol^  mu^te 
juerft  burc^toanbert  tuerben ;  eg  tt)ar  fiif^I  unb  bdmmerig  unb  ber 
33oben  uberall  mit  feinen  9^abeln  beftreut.     9fiac^  fjalbftiinbigem 

5  2Sanbern  !am  man  <x\x^  bem  Xannenbunfet  in  eine  frifd^e 
33u(f)entDalbuncj ;  l^ier  tDar  alle^  lic^t  unb  griin ;  mitunter 
brac^  ein  Sonnen[traf)l  burc^  bie  bldtterreic^en  3^eige;  ein 
©ic^fd^c^en  f^rang  uber  i^ren  to^fen  toon  21ft  ^u  2(ft.  —  2luf 
einem  ^la^e,  iiber  h^elc^em  uralte  33uc^en  mit  if)ren  kronen 

10  ju  einem  burd^fid^tigen  Saubgetrolbe  jufammentt)uc^fen,  mac^te 
bie  ®efeafd;aft  §alt.  ©lifabet^g  9JMter  offnete  einen  ber 
^i)rbe;  ein  alter  §err  h)arf  fid^  gum  $rot)iantmeifter  auf. 
„2l(le  um  mid^  ^erum,  i^r  jungen  3Soge(!"  rief  er,  „unb 
merfet  genau,  i»a§  id^  eurf)    gu  fagen  ^abe.     gwtn  gruf^ftiidt 

15  erE)dlt  je^t  ein  jeber  toon  euc^  §i»ei  trodfene  3Bedfen ;  bie 
33utter  ift  gu  §aufe  geblieben;  bie  '^\x\ti\i  mu^  fid^  ein  jeber 
felber  fud^en.  @g  fte^en  genug  ©rbbeeren  im  2Salbe,  ba§ 
l^ei^t  fiir  ben,  ber  fie  gu  finben  it)ei^.  2Ber  ungefd)idft  ift, 
mu^  fein  33rot   trodfen  effen;   fo  gef)t  e§   uberall   im  ^th^w.. 

20  ^(x\)i  \^x  meine  S^tebe  begriffen?" 
„$5a  tDol^l!"  rief  en  bie  S^ngen. 

„%^  fe^t,"  fagte  ber  Sllte,  „\\^  ift  aber  nod^  nid^t  gu  @nbe. 
9Bir  2(lten  l^aben  un§  im  SL^\i^XK  fc^on  genug  umfjergetrieben ; 
barum  bleiben  irir  je^t  gu  §au§,  bag  ()ei^t,  ^ier  unter  biefen 

25  breiten  33dumen,  unb  fd^dlen  bie  ^artoffeln  unb  madden  geuer 
unb  riiften  bie  ^afel,  unb  it)enn  bie  Ufjr  gtDolf  ift,  foden 
aud^  bie  @ier  ge!orf)t  it)erben.  ©afiir  feib  if^r  ung  i)on  euren 
©rbbeeren  bie  §dlfte  frf)ulbig,  bamit  tx)ir  auc^  einen  5Zarf)tif(f) 
ferbieren  fonnen.    Unb  nun  ge^t  nac^  Dft  unb  SSeft  unb  feib 

30  el^rlic^." 


2)te  Sungen  ma^itn  alTerlei  frf)elmtfc^e  ©eftd^ter.  „§alt!" 
rief  ber  alte  §err  nod^  einmal.  „®a§  brauc^e  id^  eud^  h)o^I 
md()t  ^u  fagen,  it)er  feine  finbet,  braud^t  auc^  !eine  ab^uliefern; 
aber  ba§  fcfjreibt  euc^  tool^l  fainter  eure  feinen  D^ren,  bon  un§ 
Sllten  befommt  er  aw^)  nidEitg.  Unb  nun  f)abt  if)r  fur  biefen  5 
^ag  gute  2e()ren  genug;  h:)enn  if)r  nun  noc^  ©rbbeeren  baju 
):}ahi,  fo  it)erbet  i()r  fiir  f)eute  fc^on  burc^§  'ilihtn  fommen." 

®ie  Sungen  h)aren  berfelben  ?!}leinung,  unb  begannen  ftd^ 
^aartDeife  auf  bie  %G^xi  ^u  mac^en. 

„^omm,  ©Ufabet^/'  fagte  9fteinf)arbt,  „ic^  hjei^  einen  @rbs  10 
beerenfd^Iag ;  bu  follft  fein  trod^ene^  33rot  effen." 

©lifabetf)  fnii^fte  bie  grilnen  33dnber  x^xt^  (5tro^{)ut§  ju^ 
fammen,  unb  fjing  i^n  iiber  ben  2(rm.  ,,©0  !omm,"  fagte 
fie,  „ber  ^orb  ift  fertig." 

^ann  gingen  fie  in  ben  2Balb  fjinein,  tiefer  unb  tiefer;  15 
burd^  feud^te  SBaumfd^atten,  iDO  aKeg  ftill  irar,  nur  unfid^tbar 
iiber  i{)nen  in  ben  Siiften  ba§  ©efrf)rei  ber  J^'^^^^J  'tawxi 
n^ieber  burc^  bid^teS  ©eftrii^^,  fo  bid;t,  ba^  Diein^arbt  t>Drans 
gefjen  mu^te,  urn  einen  ^fab  gu  madden,  l^ier  einen  S^^^S 
ju  fnidfen,  bort  eine  SfJanfe  beifeite  §u  biegen.  33alb  aber  20 
l^orte  er  Winter  fic^  ©lifabetf)  feinen  ^f^amen  rufen.  @r  n)anbte 
fid^  urn.  „$Rein^arbt!"  rief  fie,  .,tt>arte  boc^,  S^einfjarbt!''  — 
(gr  fonnte  fie  nic^t  gett)a^r  n)erben;  enblicf)  faf)  er  fie  in 
einiger  ©ntfernung  mit  ben  ©trdud^ern  fdmipfen;  if)r  feineg 
^o^fd^en  frf)it)amm  nur  !aum  iiber  ben  S^i^en  ber  garn=  25 
frduter.  '^un  ging  er  nod^  einmal  ^uriidf  unb  fiifjrte  fie  burd^ 
ba§  2Sirrni§  ber  ^rduter  unb  ©tauben  auf  einen  freien  %\a% 
f^inaug,  h)o  blaue  gaiter  gn)ifcl)en  ben  einfamen  SBalbblumen 
flatterten.  Dleinljarbt  ftric^  il)r  bie  feud^ten  §aare  au^  bem 
erl)i|ten  ©efic^tc^en;  bann  tDoIlte  er  iljr  ben  6trDl)l)ut  auf=  30 


fe^en,  xmb  fie  hjottte  eg  nic^t  leiben;   aber  bann  bat  er  fie, 
unb  mm  lie^  fie  e«o  bod^  gefd;e^en. 

,Mq  bteiben  benn  aber  betne  ©rbbeeren?"  fragte  fie  enblid^, 
inbem  fie  fte^en  blieb  unb  einen  tiefen  Sltem^ug  tf^at. 
5        „§ier    ^aben    fie   geftanben,"    fagte    er;    ,raber   bie   ^roten 
finb  ung  juDorgefommen,    ober  bie  3Jlarber  ober  metteic^t  bie 

"3<i/"  fflQte  ©lifabet^,   „bie  33(dtter  ftef^en  nod^  ba;   aber 
f^rid^   ^)ier   nic^t   i)on    @(fen.     ^omm   nur,   id^  bin  nod^    gar 
10  nid)t  miibe;  itjir  itJoITen  tr)eiter  fuc^en. 

2Sor  if)nen  n)ar  ein  fleiner  33a(i),  jenfeit^  h)ieber  ber  2Balb. 

9^ein()arbt  ^)ob  ©lifabet^  auf  feine  2(rme  unb  trug  fie  f)inuber, 

3^ac^  einer  SSeile  traten  fie  a\x^  bem  fd^attigen  Saube  n)ieber 

in  eine  toeite  2ic()tung  f)inau§.     ,,§ier  miiffen  (Srbbeeren  fein," 

15  fagte  bag  ^JWbc^en,  „eg  buftet  fo  fii^." 

©ie  gingen  fud5)enb  burc^  ben  fonnigen  9taum;  aber  fie 
fanben  feine.  ^^fJein,"  fagte  9tein^arbt,  „eg  ift  nur  ber  ^uft 
beg  §eibe!rauteg." 

§imbeerbufcbe  unb  §iilfenborn  ftanben  iiberatt  burc^einanber ; 

20  ein  ftarfer  ©erud)  t>on  §eibe!rdutern,  tt)eldf)e  abit)e(f)felnb  mit 

fur^em   ©rafe   bie   freien  ©tellen   beg  33obeng   bebedften,   er= 

fiittte  bie  Suft.     „§ier  ift  eg  einfam,"  fagte  ©lif abet^;  „tt)o 

mogen  bie  anbern  fein?" 

2(n   ben  ^^ud'toeg  l)atte  9^einf)arbt  nid^t  gebad^t.      „2!3arte 
25  nur;  tDoijer  lommt  ber  5Sinb?"  fagte  er,  unb  ^ob  feine  §anb 
in  bie  §o^e.     2tber  eg  !am  fein  2Sinb. 

„©ti(l,"  fagte  ©lifabet^,  „mid^  biinft,  id^  f)5rte  fie  f^red^en. 
9^ufe  einmal  ba^inunter." 

Sftein^arbt  rief  burc^  bie  ^o^Ie  §anb:  „^ommt  ^ier^er!"  — 
30  „§ier^er!"  rief  eg  juriidf. 


„©te    antiDorten!"    fagte    ©lifaBetf)    unb    flatfc^te   in   btc 

„5^ein,  e§  ttjar  ntd^tg,  e§  )t)ar  nur  ber  2Siber^att." 

©lifabet^  fa^te  9tein^arbt§  §anb.     „5[Rir  graut!"  fagte  fie. 

fr^f^ein,"  fagte  9f?ein^arbt,  „ba§  mu^  e§  nic^t.     §ier  ift  e§    5 
^rdd^tig.    ©e^'  bid^  bort  in  ben  ^^(xiXtXi  5n)ifc^en  bic  ^rduter. 
2a^  un§  eine  2Beile  augru^en;  h:)ir  finben  bie  anbern  fc^on." 

^lifabet^  fe^te  jid^  unter  eine  iiber^ngenbe  33uc^e  unb 
laufd^te  aufmerffam  xio^^  alien  ©eiten;  9ftein()arbt  fa^  einige 
(Sd^ritte  babon  auf  einem  33aumftum))f  unb  fal^  fd^n)eigenb  10 
nad^  \^x  f)inuber.  ®ie  ©onne  ftanb  gerabe  iiber  iljnen;  e§ 
n)ar  gluf)enbe  50^ittag§()i^e;  fleine  golbgldnjenbe,  fta^Iblaue 
gUegen  ftanben  fliigelfd^twingenb  in  ber  Suft;  ringg  urn  fie 
()er  ein  feine§  <Sd^n)irren  unb  ©untmen,  unb  mand^mal  l^orte 
man  tief  im  SSalbe  ba§  §dmmern  ber  ©ipec^te  unb  ba§  15 
^reifd)en  ber  anbern  ^Balbbogel. 

„§ord^/'  fagte  ©lifabetl),  „e§  Idutet." 

„2So?"  fragte  9tein{)arbt. 

„§inter  un§.     §orft  bu?    @§  ift  3}littag." 

„®ann  liegt  I)inter  un§  bie  ©tabt;  unb  toenn  h)ir  in  biefer  20 
9tid^tung  gerabe  burd^ge()en,  fo  miiffen  tDir  bie  anbern  Ireffen." 

©0  traten  fie  il^ren  Sfiitdftoeg  o:c\,\  ba§  ©rbbeerenfud^en 
fatten  fie  aufgegeben,  benn  ©lifabet^  tear  miibe  getcorben. 
©nblid^  flang  gtt)ifd^en  ben  33dumen  f)inburc^  ba§  Sadden  ber 
©efedfd^aft;  bann  faE)en  fie  aud^  ein  iDei^eg  ^ud^  am  SSoben  25 
fd^immern,  ba§  tear  bie  ^afel,  unb  barauf  ftanben  ©rbbeeren 
in  §ulle  unb  giille.  ®er  alte  §err  I)atte  eine  ©erbiette  im 
^no^flod^  unb  (^ielt  ben  3"^9^"  ^^^  gortfe^ung  feiner  mora= 
Iifd)en  9ieben,  h:)d^renb  er  eifrig  q<X[.  einem  Sraten  ^erum* 
trand^ierte.  30 


„%<x  finb  bie  ^J^ad^^iigler/'  riefen  bie  Sungen,  al§  fie 
S^einbarbt  unb  ©tifabet^  burc^  bie  33dume  fommen  fa^en. 

„§ier^er!"  rief  ber   alte  §err,    „Xuc^er   au^geleert,   §ute 
umgele^rt!     ^^^un  ^eigt  ^er,  toa^  i^r  gefunben  ^abt." 
5        „§unger  unb  ®urft!"  fagte  Sf^ein^arbt. 

„2Benn  ba§  atte§  ift,"  erh)iberte  ber  Sllte  unb  ^oB  i^nen  bie 
i)otte  ©c^iiffel  entgegen,  „fD  mu^t  i^r  e§  auc^  befallen.  3^r 
fennt  bie  Slbrebe;  fjier  tDerben  leine  5Ru^iggdnger  gefiittert." 

©nblid^   Ue^   er   fic^    aber   boc^   erbitten,   unb   nun  tr>urbe 
10  %o!\^\  ge^alten ;  bagu  f d^lug  bie  ©roffel  aug  ben  3Bac^^olber= 

(So  ging  ber  Xag  ^in.  —  D^iein^arbt  \j<x\.iz  aber  boc^  zi\ii(x^ 
gefunben;  h)aren  e§  feine  ©rbbeeren,  fo  h)ar  e§  boc^  auc^  im 
2Balbe  gett)acf)fen.     2ll§  er  nac^  §aufe  gefommen  \o<xx,  fcf)rieb 
15  er  in  feinen  alien  ^ergamentbanb: 

^ier  QiXi  ber  S3erge§^albe 
S5erftummet  ganj  ber  SSinb; 
S)ie  B^^iQC  "^angen  nieber, 
S)arunter  fi^t  W:>  ^tnb. 

20  ©ie  ft^t  in  2;^t)miQne, 

©ie  fi^t  in  lauter  S)uft; 
%vt  blauen  ^liegen  jummen 
Unb  bti^en  burif)  bie  Suft. 

(£§  fte^t  ber  SBalb  fo  fcf)rt)eigenb, 
25  ©ie  fc^aut  jo  flug  borein ; 

Urn  i^re  braunen  Socfen 
|)infliefet  ber  ©onnenfd]ein. 

®er  i^ucEuc!  Iarf)t  non  feme, 
®§  ge^t  mir  burd)  ben  ©inn; 
30  ©ie  :^at  bie  golbnen  5lugen 

5)er  SSalbeC^fonigin. 


(So  it)ar  fie  nid^t  adein  fein  ©rf)u^ling;  fie  it)ar  ifjm  aud^ 
ber  2(u§brucf  fiir  atle§  2ieBlid)e  unb  2Bunberbare  feine§  auf= 
gefjenben  2ebeng. 

%(x  ftanb  ba§  ^inb  am  2Bege. 

SSei^nad^tgabenb  !am  f^eran.  —  @g  irar  noc^  nac^mittagg, 
alg  Sfteinl^arbt  mit  anbern  ©tubenten  im  SftatSfelTer  am  alten  5 
©ic^entifc^  ^ufammenfa^.  ^ie  Sam^en  o.xk  ben  SScinben  toaren 
angejiinbet,  benn  f)ier  unten  bdmmerte  e§  frf)on;  aber  bie 
©afte  itjaren  f^arfam  i:)erfammelt,  bie  ^etlner  le^nten  mii^ig 
(xxi  ben  5[Rauer^feilern.  3^  einem  2Bin!el  be§  ©eh)ol6e§ 
fa^en  ein  ©eigenf^ieler,  unb  ein  g^tfjermabc^en  mit  feinen  10 
5igeunerf)af ten  3^19^^;  f^^  fatten  ifjre  gnftrumente  auf  bem 
©c^o^  liegen  unb  fc^ienen  teilnaf)mIo§  bor  fic^  fjin^ufet^en. 

2(m      ©tubententifc^e     fnallte     ein     (S^am^agner^fro^fen. 
„^rin!e,  mein  bofjmifd^  2iebcf)en!"  rief  ein  junger  5Dknn  toon 
jun!erf)aftem    Su^ern,    inbem    er    ein    OoHe§    @Ia§    ju    bem  15 
9Jldbcf)en  i^iniiberreic^te. 

„3c^  mag  nicf)t/'  fagte  fie,  o^ne  i^re  ©teUung  §u  Oer= 

,,©0  finge!"  rief  ber  Sunfer,  unb  h)arf  \\}X  eine  6iI6er= 
miinje  in  ben  @d)o^.  %(x^  ^dbrf)en  ftrid^  fid^  langfam  mit  20 
ben  gingern  burc^  if^r  f(f)ii:)ar§eg  §aar,  iDd^renb  ber  ©eigen= 
f|)ieler  ifjr  in§  D^r  fliifterte;  aber  fie  ioarf  ben  ^o^f  ^uriid 
unb  ftii^te  ba§  ^inn  auf  i^re  3^^^^^-  //^i^r  ben  f^iel'  ic^ 
nirf)t/'  fagte  fie. 

-    9fieinf)arbt  f^rang  mit   bem  ©lafe  in  ber   §anb   auf,  unb  25 
fteirte  fic^  oor  fie.     „2Sa§  toiEft  bu?"   fragte  fie  tro|ig. 

„!I)eine  Slugen  fet^en." 

„2Ba§  ge^en  bic^  meine  Slugen  (xwV 

IMMENSEE.  1 47 

9flein(;arbt  faf>  funfelnb  auf  fie  nieber.     „3c]^  njet^  h^ol^l, 

fie  finb  falfc^!"  —  Sie  legte  ifire  2Sange  in  bie  flad^e  §anb 

unb  fa(;  i{)n  lauernb  an.     ^ein^arbt  ^ob  fein  (S5lag  an  ben 

DJiunb.     „2(uf  beine  fd)onen   fiinbfjaften   Slugen!"    fagte   er, 

5    unb  tranf. 

©ie  lad^te,  unb  itjarf  ben  ^o^f  {;erum.  ,,©ieb!"  fagte 
fie,  unb  inbem  fie  ifjre  fd^tuargen  "^yxt^^n  in  bie  feinen  Ij^eftete, 
tran!  fie  langfam  ben  9^eft.  ^ann  griff  fie  einen  2)rei!Iang 
unb  fang  mit  tiefer  Ieibenfrf)aftUc^er  ©timme: 

lo  |)eute,  nur  ^eiite 

93m  id)  fo  fd)i)n: 

SOilorgen,  acl)  morgen 

9Kufe  alle§  Derge^n! 

^ux  biefe  (Stunbe 
15  33ift  bu  nod)  mein; 

(Sterben,  ad)  fterben 

©oil  id)  ollein. 

3Kd^renb  ber  ©eigenf^ieter  in  rafc^em  ^em^o  ba§  Sflad^f^^iel 
einfe^te,  gefeEte  fic^  ein  neuer  Slnfbmmling  ^u  ber  ©ru^^e. 
20      „3ci^  hjottte  bi^  abf)o(en,  9ftein{)arbt;"  fagte  er.     „2)u  irarft 
fc^on  fort;   aber  ba§  gf)rift!inb  tt)ar  bei  bir  eingefeljrt." 

„®ag  (S^riftfinb?"  fagte  9tein^arbt,  „bag  fommt  nid^t  me^r 
gu  mir." 

„@i  t»a§!   ®ein  gan^eg  3^^^^^   "^^^    ^^^   2^annenbaum 
25  unb  braunen  .^ud;en." 

Steinl^arbt  fe^te  ba^  ©la§  au§  feiner  §anb  unb  griff  nad^ 
feiner  ^iJiu^e. 

„2Bag  h)ittft  bu?"   fragte  ba§  5!Kabc^en. 

„3^  fomme  fd^on  imeber." 


©ie  run^elte  bie  ©tirn.     „33Iei6' !"  rief  fie  leife,  unb  fal^ 
i^n  t)ertrauUc^  oca. 

Dftein^arbt  gogerte.     „S^  ton  ntc^t/'  fagte  er. 

(Sie  ftie^  tf)n  Iad)enb  mit  ber  gu^f^i^e.     „@e()!"  fagte  fie, 
„^u  taugft  mcf)t§;  i(^r  taugt  alle  mit  einanber  md£)t§."     Unb    5 
n)d()renb  fie  fic^  abtranbte,  ftieg  9tein^arbt  langfam  bie  betters 
tre^^e  (^inauf. 

^rau^en  auf  ber  ©tra^e  trar  e§  tiefe  ^dmmerung;  er 
\^x^\^  bie  frifd^e  2Binterluft  an  feiner  f;ei^en  ©tirn.  §ie 
unb  ba  fiel  ber  ^elle  ©d^ein  eine§  brennenben  ^annenbaumg  10 
o.yx^  ben  g'enftern,  bann  unb  h)ann  fjorte  man  toon  brinnen 
ba€  ©erdufc^  i)on  fleinen  ^feifen  unb  33Iec^trom^eten  unb 
ba5h)ifc^en  jubelnbe  ^inberftimmen.  ©c^aren  toon  Settelfins 
bern  gingen  Don  §au§  %\x  §au§,  ober  ftiegen  auf  bie  ^re^s 
^engeldnber  unb  fud^ten  burd^  bie  genfter  einen  33lidf  in  bie  15 
t)erfagte  §errlirf)!eit  gu  geit)innen.  5[Ritunter  hjurbe  aud^  eine 
^^iir  ^lo^lid^  aufgeriffen,  unb  fd^eltenbe  ©timmen  trieben 
einen  gangen  ©djitJarm  fold^er  fleinen  ©dfte  au§  bem  l^eEen 
§aufe  auf  bie  bunfle  ®affe  Ij^inau^;  anber§n)o  hjurbe  auf 
bem  §augflur  ein  alte§  2Seil)nadE)t^lieb  gefungen;  eg  tDaren  20 
!Iare  5!Jldbd^enftimmen  barunter.  9^ein()arbt  ^orte  fie  nid^t, 
er  ging  rafd^  an  allem  ijoriiber,  au^  einer  ©tra^e  in  bie 
anbere.  %\^  er  (xa  feine  SSoljnung  gelommen,  tt)ar  e§  faft 
i;)oEig  bunfel  geioorben;  er  ftol))erte  bie  Xre^^e  l^inauf  unb 
trat  in  feine  ©tube,  ©in  filler  ®uft  fc^Iug  i^m  entgegen;  25 
bag  ()eimelte  i^n  an,  bag  roc^  n)ie  gu  ^<x^^  ■  ber  50^utter 
2Sei^narf)tgftube.  'Wxi  gitternber  §anb  ^iinbete  er  fein  2id^t 
(x\K\  ba  lag  ein  mdd^tigeg  ^afet  auf  bem  %\\^,  unb  alg  er 
eg  offnete,  fielen  bie  n)of)lbe!annten  braunen  geftfud^en  (jeraug ; 
auf  einigen  iraren  bie  2lnfanggbud)ftaben  feineg  9^ameng  in  30 


3uc!cr  au^geftreut;  ba§  fonnte  niemanb  anber§  al§  ©lifabetf) 
%t\^QiXK  ^aben.  ®ann  !am  ein  $dc!c^en  tnit  feiner  gefticfter 
SSdfc^e  5um  ^orfd;em,  ^iic^er  unb  ?i}ianf(^etten,  5ule|t  33riefe 
i)on  ber  5D^utter  unb  ©lifabet^.     9ieinJ^arbt  offnete  guerft  ben 

5    le^eren;    ©lifabetl)  fcf)neb: 

„^ie  fd^onen  3uc!erburf)ftaben  fonnen  2)ir  h)of)(  erjd^len, 
h)er  bei  ben  ^ud^en  mitgefjolfen  \j(xi\  biefelbe  ^erfon  l)at 
bte  5!}lanfci^etten  fiir  ^id^  geftic!t.  S3ei  un§  h)irb  e»  nun 
am  2Bei^nad^t^abenb  fefjr  ftiU  tuerben;  meine  ?iJlutter  ftettt 

10  immer  frf)on  urn  Fjalb  jefjn  i(;r  ©^innrab  in  bie  (^dfe;  eg 
ift  gar  fo  einfam  biefen  SKinter,  h)o  ^u  nid^t  f^ier  bift. 
^f^un  ift  aud^  Dorigen  Sonntag  ber  §dnfling  geftorben,  ben 
^u  mir  gefdj)en!t  ^)atteft;  id^  \)<x\it  fe^r  getoeint,  aber  ic^ 
\)oSi^  i^n  bod^  immer  gut  geh)artet.    ^er  fang  fonft  immer 

15  nacf)mittag§,  toenn  bie  ©onne  auf  fein  33auer  fcf)ien;  ^u 
iDei^t,  bie  ?!JJutter  ^ing  oft  ein  Stud^  iiber,  um  if^n  gu 
gefc^toeigen,  n?enn  er  fo  rec^t  au^  ^rdften  fang,  ^a  ift 
e§  nun  nod^  ftiller  in  ber  hammer,  nur  ba^  ^ein  alter 
greunb    @ric^    un^    je^t     mitunter    befud)t.      ^u    fagteft 

20      einmal,  er  fd^e   feinem  braunen  iXberrodf  dbnlid^.     ^aran 

mu^  ic^  nun  immer  ben!en,  ioenn  er  jur  ^^iir  ^ereinfommt, 

unb  eg  ift  gar  §u  fomifd^;   fag'  eg  aber  nic^t  gur  5[Rutter, 

fie  toirb  bann  leic^t  berbrie^lid^.  —  '^(xi\  h)ag  ic^  Reiner 

'^iJlutter  §u  Seif)nac^ten  fd^enfe!   ^u  rdtft  eg  nid^t?  gjlid^ 

25  felber!  3)er  @rid^  jeid^net  mid^  in  fd^toar^er  ^reibe;  id^ 
\j(x\>^  i^m  breimal  fi^en  miiffen,  jebegmal  eine  ganje 
©tunbe.  ©g  toar  mir  red^t  ^umiber,  ba^  ber  frembe  9Kenfd^ 
mein  ©efid^t  fo  augh)enbig  lernte.  %6)  hjottte  auc^  nid^t, 
aber  bie  5[Rutter  rebete  mir  §u;   fie   fagte,  eg   tDiirbe   ber 

30      Quten  Jrau  3Serner  eine  gor  gro^e  greube  madden. 



3lber  %\x  ^Itft  nid^t  SSort,  9^emf)arbt.     ®u  ^aft  !eine 

^drd^en  gefrf)ic!t.     grf)   ^be  ®icf)   oft   bei  Reiner  9JJutter 

toerllagt;   fie  fagt  bann  tmmer,  ®u    ^abeft   je^t  me^r  gu 

tf)un,  al§  folc^e  Hinbereien.     34>  Q^ciub'  e§  aber  ntc^t;  e^ 

tft  \o^\j\  anberg."  5 

9fJun   Ia§  9^ein^arbt   aud;    ben  ^rief   feiner   5D^utter,  unb 

aU  er  beibe  ^riefe  gelefen  unb  langfam  n)ieber  ^ufammenge^ 

faltet   unb   tt)eggelegt   ()atte,    iiberfiel   if)n    ein   unerbtttUd)e§ 

§eimn)e^.     @r   gtng    eine  'itxi  lang   in   feinem  ^i^^^^  ^wf 

unb  nieber:   er  f^rad^  leife  unb  bann  Ij^albberftdnblic^  3u  ftd^  lo 

felbft : 

(Sr  ware  faf.  uerirret 

Unb  JDU^te  nici)t  :^inau§; 

S)a  ftanb  ba§  ^inb  am  5Bege 

Unb  iuin!te  i^m  nac^  §aug.  15 

®ann  trat  er  an  fein  ^ult,  na^m  einige^  ©e(b  ^erau§,  unb 
ging  toieber  auf  bie  (Strafe  l^inab.  —  §ier  n)ar  e§  mitller= 
iDeile  ftiUer  getDorben;  bie  2Beif)nac^t§bdume  n>aren  au§ge= 
brannt,  bie  Umjiige  ber  ^inber  l^atten  aufge^ort.  ®er  2Sinb 
fegte  burd^  bie  einfamen  ©tra^en ;  Sllte  unb  S^nge  fa^en  in  20 
i^ren  §dufern  familienttjeife  gufammen;  ber  ^toeite  Slbfd^nitt 
be§  2Seif;na4)tgabenb§  J^atte  begonnen.  — 

311^  Siein^arbt  in  bie  ^^^  be§  9tat§!e(rer§  !am,  f)orte  er 
aug  ber  Stiefe  ()erau§  ©eigenftrid^  unb  ben  ©efang  be§ 
3it(;ermabd^en§ ;  nun  llingelte  unten  bie  leUert^iir,  unb  eine  25 
bunfle  ©eftalt  fd^hjanfte  bie  breite,  \(\.(xii  erieurfitete  S^re^^e 
I^erauf.  S^einf^arbt  trat  in  ben  §duferfc^atten  unb  ging  bann 
rafd^  ttoriiber.  ^^0^6^  einer  3Seile  erreid^te  er  ben  erleud^teten 
Saben  eine§  3wtt>elier§;  unb  nadE)bem  er  l^ier  ein  !(eine§ 
^reuj  mit  roten  ^orallen  einge^anbelt  l^atte,  ging  er  auf  30 
bemfelben  SSege,  ben  er  gefommen  h)ar,  mieber  ^uriidf. 

IMMENSE  E,  I  5  I 

^fJid^t  iDeit  toon  feiner  SBof^nung  bgmerfte  er  ein  !(eine§,  in 
!(dg(icf)e  Sum^en  gef^iidte^  ^dbc^en  <x^  einer  I^o^en  ^au^t^ilr 
fte^en,  in  bergeblic^er  Semii^ung,  fie  ju  offnen.  „©oII  tc^ 
bir  ^elfen?"   fagte  er.     ®a§  ^inb  ertt^iberte  nicf)tg,  lie^  aber 

5  bie  fd^Ujere  ^^iirfUnfe  fa^ren.  Sf^ein^arbt  ^atte  frfjon  bie 
%^\xx  geoffnet.  „3^ein/'  fagte  er,  „fie  fonnten  bicf)  f)inau^= 
jagen;  !omm  mit  mir!  ic^  it>ill  bir  2Seif;nad)tg!uc^en  geSen." 
^ann  macule  er  bie  %^\xx^  it>ieber  ^u  unb  fa^te  bag  fleine 
SJldbdfien  an  ber  §anb,  bag    ftiEfcfjlueigenb    mit  if^m  in  feine 

lo  SKof^nung  ging. 

@r  ^atte  bag  Sid^t  beim  2Begge^en  brennen  laffen.  „§ier 
^aft  bu  ^ud^en,"  fagte  er,  unb  gab  i^r  bie  §dlfte  feineg 
gangen  (Sc^a^eg  in  ifjre  ©d^iirje,  nur  !eine  mit  ben  '^yx^tx-- 
buc^ftaben.     „9^un  ge^   nac^  §aufe   unb  gieb  beiner  5[Rutter 

15  auc^  bai;)on."  ^ag  ^inb  \okj  mit  einem  fdjeuen  33lic!  ju  i^m 
l^inauf;  eg  fc^ien  folc^er  greunblidj)feit  ungeioof^nt  unb  nid^tg 
barauf  ertDibern  ^u  fonnen.  S^tein^arbt  mad^te  bie  ^f^iire 
auf  unb  leud^tete  i^r,  unb  nun  flog  bie  ^leine  trie  ein 
3Soge(  mit  i^rem  ^ucf)en  bie  Xreip^e  I^inab  unb  §um  §aufe 

20  ^inaug. 

9lein(>arbt  fd^iirte  bag  ?Jeuer  in  feinem  Dfen  an  unb  fteEte 
bag  beftaubte  ^^intenfa^  auf  feinen  2:ifd^;  bann  fe^te  er  fic^ 
f)in  unb  fd^rieb,  unb  fd^rieb  bie  gauge  5iad^t  33riefe  (xxk  feine 
gjiutter,  an  ©lifabet^.     ®er  9^eft   ber  2Sei^nac^tgfuc^en   lag 

25  unberiif^rt  neben  i^m;  aber  bie  9}?anfc^etten  toon  ©lifabet^ 
\lQXit  er  angefnii^ft,  it)ag  fic^  gar  tounberlic^  %\x  feinem  it)ei^en 
g^Iaugroc!  augna^m.  (So  fa^  er  nod;,  oX^  bie  SSinterfonne 
auf  bie  gefrorenen  Jenftcrfcf^eiben  fiel  unb  i^m  gegeniiber  im 
(Spiegel  ein  blaffeg,  ernfteg  Slntli^  geigte. 


2l(§  e§  Dftern  geiDorben  Wax,  reifte  9f{etn^arbt  in  bte  §et= 
mat.  2lm  5[Rorgen  narf)  feiner  Slnfunft  ging  er  §u  ©lifabet^. 
„2Bte  gro^  bu  getDorben  bift,"  fagte  er,  aU  ba§  fd)one, 
fd^mdd^tige  3Jldbd)en  t^m  (dc^elnb  entgegenfam.  ©ie  errotete, 
aber  jie  ertt)iberte  mcf)t§;  i^re  §anb,  bie  er  beim  3Sttt!ommen  5 
in  bie  feine  genommen,  fud^te  fie  i^m  fanft  §u  ent^ie^en.  @r 
]ai)  fie  jtDeifelnb  an,  ba§  ^tte  fie  fritter  nid^t  get^an;  nun 
Wax  eg,  aU  trete  etn)a§  grembeg  gtrifcfjen  fie. — ®a§  blieb 
aud^,  aU  er  fd^on  Idnger  bagetDefen,  unb  aU  er  2:ag  fiir 
^ag  immer  n)ieberge!ommen  Wax.  2Senn  fie  aEein  ^ufam^  10 
menfa^en,  entftanben  ^aufen,  bie  i^m  ^einlid^  n?aren  unb 
benen  er  bann  dngftlid^  juborjufommen  fud^te.  Urn  it)df)renb 
ber  gerien^eit  eine  beftimmte  Unterljaltung  ^u  fjaben,  fing  er 
an,  ©Ufabet^  in  ber  33otani!  ju  unterric^ten,  Womxt  er  fic^ 
in  ben  erften  9Konaten  feine§  Unit)erfitdt§Ieben§  angelegentUc^  15 
befd^dftigt  i^atte.  ©lifabetf^,  bie  i^m  in  allem  §u  folgen  ge= 
Woi)ni  unb  iiberbieg  lef^r^aft  Wax,  ging  bereittcillig  barauf 
ein.  ^nn  njurben  me^rere  MaU  in  ber  SKoc^e  ©sfurfionen 
ing  gelb  ober  in  bie  §eiben  gemad^t;  unb  fatten  fie  bann 
mittagg  bie  griine  33otanifier!a^fel  Doll  ^raut  unb  33Iumen  20 
nad^  §aufe  gebrad^t,  fo  !am  9^einf)arbt  einige  ©tunben  f^dter 
toieber,  urn  ntit  ©lifabet^  ben  gemeinfd^aftlid^en  gunb  gu  teilen. 

3n  folder  2lbfid)t  trat  er  eine§  ^a6)mxttaQ§>  in§  3^^"^^^/  ^^^ 
©lifabetl^  am  genfter  ftanb,  unb  ein  bergolbeteg  3Sogelbauer, 
bag  er  fonft  bort  nic^t  gefef)en,  mit  frifc^em  §uf;nerfc^h)arm  be=  25 
ftedfte.  3m  93auer  fa^  ein  ^anarienbogel,  ber  mit  ben  gliigeln 
fcf)lug  unb  freifc^enb  nac^  ©lifabetljg  ginger  ^idfte.  ©onft  l^atte 
3flein]^arbt§  3Sogel  an  biefer  6tette  ge^angen.    „^at  mein  armer 

IMMENSE  E.  I  5  3 

§anfUng  fid;  nact)  feinein  Xobe  in  einen  ©olbfinlen  i)erh)an= 
belt?"  fragte  er  Inciter. 

,    „®a§  ^flegen  bie  §anflinge  nic^t",  fagte  bie  ?iJlutter,  h)e(c^c 
f^innenb  im  2ef)nftu^t  fa^.     „%^x  greunb  dric^  f)at  i^n  ^eut' 
5    mittag  fiir  @lif abetf?  toon  feinem  §ofe  ^ereingefc^icft." 
„3Son  U)elc^em  §ofe?" 
,,^a§  it)iflen  ©ie  nic^t?" 
„2Sag  benn?" 

„®a^  ©rid)  feit  einem  ^Jlonat  ben  jhjeiten  §of  feineg  3Sater§ 
lo  am  Smmenfee  angetreten  f^at?" 

„5lber  ©ie  ()a6en  mir  lein  2Bort  bat)on  gefagt." 
„@i/'  fagte  bie  flutter,  „(Sie  fjaben  fic^  auc^  no^  mit  feinem 
28orte  nad^  3f)rem  ^reunbe  erfunbigt.     @r  ift  ein  gar  lieber, 
toerftdnbiger  junger  5iKann." 
15      ®ie  Gutter  ging  ^inau^,  um  ben  ^affee  ju  beforgen  ;  ©lifa= 
^^\\j  l^atte  9tein^arbt  ben  9ftiiden  5ugett)anbt  unb  h)ar  noc^  mit 
bem  33au  i^rer  fleinen  Si(x\x^^  befd^aftigt.    „Sitte,  nur  ein  fleineg 
SSeilc^en,"  fagte  fie;  „gleid^  bin  ic^  fertig."  —  %<x  S^einf^arbt 
iDiber  feine  ©eujo^n^eit  nidE)t  anttoortete,  fo  tuanbte  fie  fic^  um. 
2o  3n  feinen  5lugen  lag  ein  ^lo^lic^er  Slu^brud  bon  Summer,  ben 
fie  nie  barin  gen?a{)rt  ^<xi\^,    „2Sa§  fe^lt  bir,  9teinl)arbt  ?"  fragte 
fie,  inbem  fie  nalje  ^u  if)m  trat. 

„^ir  ?''  fagte  er  geban!en(o§  unb  lie|  feine  Slugen  trdumerif d^ 
in  ben  i^ren  ru^en. 
25      „%\x  fiefjft  fo  traurig  aug." 

„@lifabet()/'  fagte  er,  „idE)  fannben  geIben35ogeI  nid^t  teiben." 
6ie  fa^  iljn  ftaunenb  an,  fie  i)erftanb  i^n  nic^t.     „^u  bift  fo 
fonberbar,"  fagte  fie. 

@r  nal^m  if)re  beiben  §dnbe,  bie  fie  ru^ig  in  ben  kinen  lie§. 
30  33alb  trat  bie  ?[Rutter  toieber  herein. 


5flaci^  bem  ^affee  fe|te  btefe  fic^  an  i^r  Sipinnrab  ;  9f?etnE;arbt 
iinb  ©Ufabetf)  gingen  in§  ^f^ebenjtmmer,  urn  i^re  ^flanjen  %\x 
orbnen.  3^un  tDurben  ©taubfdben  gejdf^lt,  flatter  unb  Sliiteii, 
forgfdltig  au^gebreitet,  unb  toon  jeber  Slrt  %\i)t\  ©jem^Iare  gum 
^rocfnen  gh^ifdjen  bie  33Idtter  eineg  gro^en  golianten  gelegt.  @§  5 
tear  fonntge  ^^adfimittag^ftitte ;  nur  nebenan  fd;nurrtc  ber  9J^uttcr 
©^innrab  unb  toon  '^txi  gu  3^it  iDurbe  SReinEjarbtS  gebdm^fte 
Stimme  gef^ort,  h)enn  er  bie  Drbnungen  ber  ^laffen  ber  ^flanjen 
nannte  ober  @(ifabetf)§  ungefd^icfte  2lu§fprac^e  ber  IateinifcE)en 
^flarnen  forrigierte.  10 

„TOr  fe^It  nod^  toon  neulicf)  bie  3)Zaiblume,"  fagte  fie  je^t,  a(g 
ber  ganje  gunb  beftimmt  unb  georbnet  h)ar. 

9{einf)arbt  gog  einen  fleinen  U)ei^en  ^ergamentbanb  au6  ber 
^afcf)e.  „§ier  ift  ein  ^aiblumenftengel  fiir  bid)/'  fagte  er,  tn= 
bem  er  bie  ^albgetrodnete  ^flanje  f^erau^nafjm.  15 

3ll§  ©lifabettj  bie  bef(f)riebenen  flatter  fal^,  fragte  fie :  „§aft 
bu  tt)ieber  ?[Rdrc^en  gebic^tet?" 

„@^  finb  !eine  3)idrc^en/'  antmortete  er  unb  reidfite  i(;r  ba§ 

@§  h)aren  lauter  SSerfe,  bie  meiften  fiitlten  ^od^fteng  eine  20 
©eite.  ©lifabetl)  tcanbte  ein  Slatt  nad^  bem  anbern  um ;  fie 
fc^ien  nur  bie  ilberfc^riften  ju  lefen.  „3ll^  fie  ijom  (Scbulmeifter 
gefd)oIten  i»ar."  „21I§  fie  fic^  im  SSalbe  berirrt  fatten." 
uWxi  bem  Dftermdrd^en."  „21I§  fie  mir  gum  erftenmal  ges 
fd^rieben  fjatte;"  in  ber  SSeife  lauteten  faft  aHe.  9ieinf)arbt  25 
blidte  forfd)enb  gu  if)r  ()in,  unb  inbem  fie  immer  tceiler  bldtterte, 
fa^  er,  trie  gule^t  auf  if)rem  flaren  %x\XX\%  ein  garter  9tot  f;ert)or= 
brad^  unb  eg  admdfjlid^  gang  iibergog.  @r  h)oIIte  ifjre  3(ugen 
fef^en;  aber  ©lifabetf)  fa^  nidfit  auf,  unb  legte  bag  S3ud^  am 
©nbe  fd^it)eigenb  t)or  i^n  ^in.  30 

IMMENSEE.  I  5  5 

w®icb  mir  eg  nid^t  fo  ^uriicf!"  fagie  er. 
@ie  nabm  ctn  braune«o  ?ieig  au§  ber  33led)!a|)feL     „%^  irill 
bein  £ie6Iingv5!raut  bineintecjen,"  facjte  fie,  unb  gab  i^m  ba§ 

33u(f)  in  feine  .§dnbe. 

5  (Snblicf)  !am  ber  le^te  Xag  ber  gerienjeit  unb  ber  9)Iorgen  ber 
Srbreife.  STuf  if;re  33itte  er^ielt  (Slifabet^  Don  ber  3Jiutter  bie 
©rlaubni^,  if)ren  greunb  an  ben  ^^oftiDagen  ju  begleiten,  ber 
einige  Stragen  i)on  i^rer  3Bol;nung  feine  Station  \)<xii^,  2(1^ 
fie  t)or  bie  §augt^ur  tratcn,  gab  SfJein^arbt  i^r  ben  2(rm  ;  fo 
lo  ging  er  fc^n^eigenb  neben  bem  fdjjlanfen  ^Rdbd^en  ^er.  3e  nd^er 
fie  i^rem  ^i^Ie  famen,  befto  mc^r  \x><xx  eg  x^m,  er  ^abe  \^x,  e^e 
er  auf  fo  lange  2lbfd)ieb  ne^me,  etir»ag  Diottuenbigeg  mitgus 
teilen,  <ii\o(x^,  h?obon  aller  ^iBert  unb  atte  fiieblic^feit  feineg  !unf= 
tigen  Sebeng  ab^dnge,  unb  boc^  fonnte  er  fic^  beg  erlofenben 
15  ^Borteg  nic^t  betwu^t  loerben.  ^<x^  dngftigte  i^n ;  er  ging  im= 
mer  langfamcr. 

„%\\  t'ommft  5u  fpdt/'  fagte  fie,  „eg  ^at  fc^on  }fy\\  gefd;(agen 
auf  (St.  gjiarien." 
(gr  ging  aber  barum  nid)t  fc^neder.     ©nblic^  fagte  er  ftants 
2o  melnb  :  „©lifabctb,  bu  \x>\t\i  mirf)  nun  in  ^tuei  3«^^^«  9^^  «ic^t 

fef;en iDirft  bu  mic^  U)o^l  nocJ>  eben  fo  lieb  l;aben  it)ie  je^t, 

iuenn  icb  ioieber  ba  bin?" 

©ie  nicfte,  unb  fa^  i^m  freunblic^  ing  ©efid^t  —  „3c^  l^abe  bic^ 
<x\x&)  i^erteibigt;"  fagte  fie  nad^  einer  ^aufe. 
25       „^ici^?     @egen  tuen  ^)atteft  bu  eg  nbtig?'' 

„©egen  meine  9)hittcr.  ^\x  f^rad^en  geftern  Slbenb,  alg  bu 
U)eggegangen  n.">arft,  nod>  langc  iiber  bid^.  ©ie  meinte,  bu  feieft 
nid)t  mcbr  fo  gut,  luie  bu  gelDefen." 

9tein^arbt  fct)it)ieg  cinen  3(ugenbli(! ;  bann  aber  nal^m  er  il^re 
30  §anb  in  bie  feine,  unb  inbem  er  i^r  ernft  in  i^re  ^inberaugen 


blidte,  fagte  er  :  „%^  bin  nod^  eben  fo  gut,  tt)te  ic^  9eit)efen  Bin  ; 
glaube  bu  \)(x^  nur  feft.     ©laubft  bu  e§,  ©Ufabetf)?" 

„3a/'  fagte  fie.  @r  Iie§  i^re  §anb  log  unb  ging  rafc^  mit  i^r 
burc^  bie  le^te  6tra^e.  3e  nd^er  if)m  ber  Slbfc^ieb  !am,  befto 
freubiger  h)ar  fein  ©efid^t;  er  ging  i^r  faft  gu  fc^nett.  5 

„2Ba§  ^aft  bu,  9^ein^arbt?"  fragte  fie. 

„3ci^  f)abe  ein  @e^eimni§,  ein  fd^one^ !"  fagte  er,  unb  faf)  fie 
mit  Ieucf)tenben  Slugen  an.  „28enn  id^  nad^  gii^ei  3<i^r^i^  tt)ieber 
ba  bin,  bann  follft  bu  e§  erfa^ren.'' 

^Jlittlertoeile  fatten  fie  ben  ^ofttoagen  erreid^t;  e§  ii:)ar  nod^  10 
eben  "^zxi  genug.     9Zoc^  einmal  naf)m  S^teinl^arbt  it)re  §anb. 
„2eb'  it)o()l!"  fagte  er,  „Ieb'  tDo^l,  ©lifabet^!    SSergi^  e§  nid)t!" 

©ie   fc^iittelte  mit   bem   ^o^f.      „2eb'    tt)o^n"   fagte   fie. 
9fteinf)arbt  ftieg  ^inein,  unb   bie   ^ferbe  jogen  (xxk.     2tl§  ber 
SKagen  um  bie  ©tra^enedfe  roHte,   faf)   er  nod)   einmal  i^re  15 
liebe  ©eftalt,  h)ie  fie  langfam  ben  2Beg  juriicfging. 

©in   33rief, 

gaft  %\oz\  %<x\jxz  nad^^er  fag  3ftein^arbt  i)or  feiner  Sam^e 

tuifd^en  33udf)ern  unb  ^a^ieren  in  ©rtoartung  eineg  greunbeS, 

mit  it)e(d^em   er   gemeinfd^aftlic^e   (Btubien  iibte.     SJlan  !am 

bifc^  3:;re^^e  ^erauf.     „§erein!"  —  @§  toar  bie  2Sirtin.     „@in  20 

33rtef  fiir  ©ie,  §err  SSerner!"   ®ann  entfernte  fie  firf)  ti:)ieber. 

S^tein^arbt  !)atte  feit  feinem  Sefud^  in  ber  §eimat  nid^t  occk 

©lifabet^  gefd^rieben  unb  i)on  i^r  feinen  ^rief  me^r  er^alten. 

Slurf)  biefer  toar  nid)t  t)on  i^r;  e§  Voar  bie  §anb  feiner  '^wi- 

ter.     3flein^arbt  brad^  unb  lag,  unb  balb  (a§  er  golgenbeg :    25 

„3n  2)einem  filter,  mein  liebeg  ^inb,  \j(xi  nocf)  faft  jebeS 

%(x\ix  fein  eigeneS  @efi(f)t,  benn  bie  Sugenb  Idgt  fid^  nic^t 

drmet  mac^en.    §ier  ift  aud^  manc^eS  anberg  getDorben,  tr)a§ 

IMMENSE E.  1 5  7 

©tr  h)o^l  erftan  mef)  t^un  it)irb,  ti:)enn  id^  ^ic^  fonft  re^t 
berftanben  f)abe.  @rtc^  (^at  jtc^  geftern  enblidf)  bag  3ah)ort 
t)on  ©Ufabetf)  ge^olt,  nac^bem  er  in  bem  \t%itxi  ^Sierteljaijr 
5n)eima[  bergebeng  angefragt  {;atte.  ©ie  ^at  ftd^  tmmer  nid^t 
5  ba§u  entfc^Ue^en  fonnen;  nun  l^at  fie  el  enblid^  bod^  get^an; 
fie  ift  auc^  nod^  gar  511  jung.  ®ie  §oa)jeit  h:)irb  balb  fein, 
unb  bie  ?!Jlutter  mirb  bann  mit  ifinen  fortge^en." 


2Sieberum  it)aren  Saf^re  boriiber.  —  Sluf  einem  abh)drt§ 
fii^renben  fc^attigen  SSalbtoege  h^anberte  an  einem  n)armen 

10  gru^ling§nacf)mittage  ein  junger  5Jiann  mit  frdftigem,  ge= 
brduntem  SlntU^.  W\\  feinen  ernften  bunfeln  2(ugen  fa^  er 
gef^annt  in  bie  gerne,  all  ertDarte  er  enblid^  eine  3Serdnberung 
bel  einformigen  SSegel,  bie  jebod^  immer  nic^t  eintreten 
iDoIIte.     ©nbUd;  !am  ein  ^arrenfuFjrioer!  langfam  t)on  unten 

15  l)erauf.     „§otta!    guter   greunbl"    rief    ber   2Banberer   bem 
nebenge^enben  ^auer  ju,  „gef^t'l  ^ier  red^t  nad^  ^mmenfee?" 
„3mmer  gerab'  aul,"  anthjortete  ber  5D^ann,  unb  rMte  (xx\. 
feinem  9iunb^ute. 
„§at'l  benn  nod^  treit  ba^in?" 

20  „^er  §err  ift  bid^t  bat)or.  ^eine  l^albe  $feif'  ^oba!,  fo 
^o!o^xC^  ben  ©ee;  bal  §erren^aul  liegt  ^art  baran." 

^er  33auer  \\x^x  boriiber;  ber  anbere  ging  eiliger  unter  ben 
33dumen  entlang.  ^^^  einer  SSiertelftunbe  \txit  il)m  gur 
2in!en  iplo^Ud^  ber  '^^(xiizv.  auf;  ber  2Seg  fiiljrte  (xxk  einen 

25  3(bf)ang,  aul  bem  bie  ©i^fel  ^unbertjdljriger  @id)en  nur  !aum 
^erijorragten.  Uber  fie  IjintDeg  offnete  fid^  eine  toeite,  fon^ 
nige  Sanbfrf)aft.  ^^ief  unten  lag  ber  ©ee,  ru^ig,  bun!elblau, 
faft  ringlum   uon  griinen,   fonnenbefc^ienenen   Sdlbern  um^ 


gekn;  nur  an  einer  ©telle  traten  fie  au^einanber  imb  ge= 
ivd^rten  eine  ttefe  gernfic^t,  bi^  ^v,^  biefe  burc^  blaue  Serge 
gefd^loffen  h)urbe.  Quer  gegeniiber,  mitten  in  bem  griinen 
2au6  ber  2Bdlber,  lag  e§  ir>ie  6d^nee  bariiber  Ifjer;  bag 
tt)aren  blii^enbe  Dbftbdume,  unb  barau^  fjerbor  auf  bem  ^ol^en  5 
Ufer  erl^ob  fid^  ba^  §errenf)aug,  h)ei^  mit  roten  ^^^S^'^^- 
©in  (Stord^  flog  bom  6rf)ornftein  auf  unb  freifte  langfam 
iiber  bem  SBaffer.  —  „3"imenfee!"  rief  ber  SBanberer.  @g 
n)ar  faft,  al§  ^dtte  er  je^t  ba§  S^el  feiner  9?eife  erreirf)t,  benn 
er  ftanb  unbetweglic^,  unb  fa^  iiber  bie  ©i^fel  ber  Sdume  5U  10 
fetnen  gii^en  (^iniiber  ang  anbere  Ufer,  it)o  ba§  S^iegelbilb 
be§  §erren{)aufeg  leife  fc^aulelnb  auf  bem  2Baffer  fc^tramm. 
©ann  fe^te  er  ^lo^Uc^  feinen  2Seg  fort. 

(S§  ging  je^t  faft  fteil  ben  S3erg  ^inab,  foba^  bie  unten= 
fte^enben  Sdume  toieber  ©d^atten  geh)d^rten,  jugleid^  aber  bie  15 
2tugfidf)t  auf  ben  ©ee  berbedten,  ber  nur  ^uioeilen  §i»ifrf)en 
ben  ^M^xi  ber  S^^^O^  ^inburd^bli^te.  33alb  ging  e§  iuieber 
fanft  empor,  unb  nun  Derfd;ii>anb  rerf)tg  unb  linfg  bie  ^oljung; 
ftatt  beffen  ftredten  fic^  bic^tbelaubte  Seinfjiigel  am  3Bege 
entlang;  ^u  beiben  ©eiten  be^felben  ftanben  blii^enbe  Dbft=  20 
bdume  t)oII  fummenber  ttjii^lenber  Sienen.  ©in  ftattlid^er 
3Jlann  in  braunem  liberrod  !am  bem  SSanberer  entgegen. 
2llg  er  i^n  faft  erreic^t  ^^iiz,  fd^tuenfte  er  feine  ?[Rii^e  unb 
rief  mit  fjeller  ©timme:  ,!^\^\^xcvc^^xi,  mittfommen,  33ruber 
9?einf)arbt!   ^Sillfommen  auf  @ut  Smmenfee!"  25 

„©ott  gru^'  bid),  ©ric^,  unb  ®an!  fiir  bein  SSillfommen!" 
rief  i^m  ber  anbere  entgegen. 

®ann  h^aren  fie  ^u  einanber  gefommen  unb  reid^ten  fid^  bie 
.^dnbe.  „33ift  bu  eg  benn  aber  aucf)?"  fagte  ©rid),  atg  er  fo 
na^e  in  bag  ernfte  ©efic^t  feineg  alten  ©d)ul!ameraben  fa^.  30 


,,grcilici^  bin  id^'^,  ©rid;,  unb  bu  bift  e§  Q^yx^)\  nur  fie^ft  bu 

faft  nod^  f)eiterer  aug,  alg  bu  frf)on  fonft  immer  get^an  l^aft." 

Gin  frol;e^  Sdc^cln  mac^te  ©rid;§  einfad;e  3"9^  ^^i  biefen 

SOBorten  nod;  urn  biele^  fjeiterer.     „3a,  33ruber  ^iein^arbt/' 

5  fagte  er,  biefem  noc^  einmal  feine  §anb  reid^enb,  „i(^  ^abc 
aber  aud;  feitbem  bag  gro^e  Sog  gegogen;  bu  h^ei^t  eg  ja." 
^ann  rieb  er  fid^  bie  §dnbe  unb  rief  bcrgniigt:  „^ag  n)irb 
eine  iiberrafd^ung !  2)en  erhjartet  fie  nid^t,  in  atte  ©ipigleit 

10      „@ine  Uberrafd^ung?"  fragte  Sf^ein^arbt.     „gur  n)en  benn?" 
„3ur  eiifabet^." 

„@Iif abett? !    %\\  ^aft  if;r  nid^t  t)on  meinem  33efuc^  gefagt?" 

„^ein  2Bort,  33ruber  3ficinf)arbt;  fie  benit  ni(f)t  an  bicf),  bie 

3Kutter    aud^   nid^t.      3d;    ^ab'    bid;   gan^    in   gc^eim    ber^ 

15  fd^rieben,  bamit  bie  greube  befto  grower  fei.  %\x  n)ei^t,  ic^ 
\^<x\it  immer  fo  meine  ftitten  ^Idnd^cn." 

9fteinf)arbt  tourbe  nad^benfUc^;  ber  2(tem  fd^ien  i^m  fd^n)er 
gu  ioerben,  je  nd^er  fie  bem  §ofe  !amen.  2ln  ber  linfen 
6eite  beg  SSegeg  f)orten  nun  auc^  bie  2Beingdrten  auf  unb 

20  mad)ten  einem  treitldufigen  ^iid^engarten  ^la^,  ber  fid^  big 
faft  (x^  bag  Ufer  beg  ©eeg  ^inabjog.  2)er  6torc^  ^atte  fid^ 
mittlerhjeile  niebergelaffen  unb  f^ajierte  grat)itdtifdf)  ^mifc^en 
ben  ©emiifebeeten  umf^er.  „§oIIa!"  rief  ©rid^,  in  bie  §dnbe 
flatfd^enb,  „ftie^lt  mir  ber  ^od^beinige  Sg^^ter  fc^on  h)ieber 

25  meine  lurjen  ©rbfenftangen !"  ®er  35ogel  erf)ob  fid^  langfam 
unb  flog  auf  bag  ®ac^  eineg  neuen  ©ebdubeg,  bag  am  ©nbe 
beg  ^iid^engarteng  lag  unb  beffen  5!Kauern  mit  aufgebunbenen 
^firfid»=  unb  2l^ri!ofenbdumen  iibergtoeigt  n)aren.  „®ag  ift 
bie   S^ritfabri!,"   fagte    (5rid^;    „ic^   \)o,\it   fie    erft    i)or   §n)ei 

30  3*1^^^^^  angelegt.     ^ie  3iUrtfc^aftggebdube  l^at  mein   feliger 


3Sater  neu  auffe^en  laffen;  bag  2So^nf)au§  ift  fd^on  toon 
meinem  ©ro^bater  gebaut  iDorben.  <So  fommt  man  immer 
ein  bi^d^en  Voeiter. 

©ie  it)aren  Bet  btefen  SSorten  auf  etnen  gerdutnigen  %\(x% 
gefommen,  ber  an  ben  6eiten  burd^  bie  Idnblid^en  2Sirtfrf)aftgs    5 
gebdube,  im  §tntergrunbe  burd^  ba§  §erren{)au§  Begren^t  iDurbe, 
an  beffen  Beibe  gliigel  fid^  eine  f)of)e  ©artenmauer  anfc^lo^ ; 
Ij^inter  biefer  fa^  man  bie  S^^S^  bunfler  XajuSiDdnbe  unb  ^in 
unb  tt)teber  lie^en  ©\^ringenBdume  i^re  BliiBenben  3^^is^  ^^ 
ben  §ofraum  ^inunter^dngen.     5[Rdnner  mit  fonnen=  unb  ar=  10 
Beit§f)et^en  @efirf)tern  gingen  iiBer  ben  $(a^  unb  grii^ten  bie 
greunbe,  n)d()renb   @rid^   bem   einen   ober  bem   anbern  einen 
Sluftrag  ober  eine  ?^rage  iiBer  \^x  ^ageirer!  entgegenrief.  — • 
^ann  flatten  fie  bag  §au§  erreic^t.     ©in  f^ol^er,  fiifjler  §au§= 
flur  na{)m  fie  auf,  an  beffen  (Enbe  fie  linfg  in  einen  etivag  15 
bunfleren  ©eitengang  einBogen.     §ier  offnete  ©rid;  eine  %\^\xx, 
unb  fie  traten  in  einen  gerdumigen  (S5artenfaat,  ber  burd^  bag 
£auBgebrdnge,  tr)elrf)eg  bie  gegeniiBerlijegenben  5^^!*^^  Bebedfte, 
gu  Beiben  ©eiten  mit  griiner  ©dmmerung  erfiiirt  tt)ar;  glDifc^en 
biefen  aBer  lie^en  gtDei  l^o^e,  ii^eit  geoffnete  gliigeltfjiiren  ben  20 
tooUen  ©kng  ber  grii^Iinggfonne  I^ereinfaHen,  unb  geh)d^rten 
bie  3(ugfid^t  in   einen    ©arten  mit   ge§ir!elten    ^(umenBeeten 
unb  l^ofjen  fteilen  SauBtt)dnben,   geteilt  burcf)   einen   geraben, 
Breiten  (i5ang,  burd^   tr)eld)en  man  auf  ben  See  unb  toeiter 
auf    bie    gegeniiBerliegenben    2Bdlber    ^inaugfa^.      2(Ig     bie  25 
greunbe   f)ineintraten,   trug   bie   S^gtuft   i()nen   einen   Strom 
toon  ®uft  entgegen. 

2(uf  einer  Xerraffe  bor  ber  ©artentfjiir  fa^  eine  tt)ei^e, 
mdbrf)en^afte  grauengeftalt.  ©ie  ftanb  auf  unb  ging  ben 
©intretenben  entgegen;   auf  f^alBem  SSege  BlieB  fie  toie  an^  30 


QetDurjelt  fte^en  unb  ftarrte  ben  gremben  unbeh)egltrf)  an. 
@r  ftrec!te  \%x  Idc^elnb  bte  §anb  entgegen.  „9^etn^arbt ! "  rief 
fie,  ^ein^arbt !  5iJletn  ©ott,  bu  bift  e§ !  —  2Bir  ^iQ^Uxk  ung 
lange  nicfit  gefefjen." 

5  „2ange  nirfjt,"  fagte  er,  unb  lonnte  nid^tS  ireiter  fagen; 
benn  a(§  er  il^re  ©timme  f)orte,  fil^lte  er  einen  feinen  !or:per= 
lid^en  ®d)mer§  am  §er§en,  unb  n)ie  er  gu  i^r  aufblicfte,  ftanb 
fie  t)Dr  i(^m,  biefelbe  leic^te  gdrtlic^e  ©eftalt,  ber  er  t)or 
3af)ren  in  feiner  SSaterftabt  Sebeit)o^l  gefagt  tjatte. 

lo  @ric^  n)ar  mit  freubeftra^lenbem  Slntli^  an  ber  %\)\xx  5u= 
rMgeblieben.  „9^un,  ©lifabet^?"  fagte  er;  „gelt!  ben  ^dtteft 
bu  nid()t  ertDartet,  ben  in  aEe  @n)ig!eit  nid^t!" 

@lifabet()  fa^  i^n  mit  fc^mefterlic^en  Stugen  an.  „^u  Bift 
fo  gut,  ©rid^!"  fagte  fie. 

15  @r  na^m  i^re  fc^male  §anb  liebfofenb  in  bie  feinen.  „lXnb 
nun  mir  i^n  ^aben,"  fagte  er,  „nun  laffen  ipir  i^n  fobalb 
nid^t  iuieber  Io§.  @r  ift  fo  lange  brau^en  geh:)efen;  tDir 
n)oIlen  i^n  toieber  (jeimifc^  madden.  ^6:j(x\x'  nur,  ir>ie  fremb 
unb  ijorne^m  au^fe^enb  er  tDorben  ift. 

20  @in  fc^euer  33Iitf  ©lifabet^g  ftreifte  9ftein^arbt§  Stntli^,  M 
ift  nur  bie  geit,  bie  toir  nicfit  beifammen  h)aren,"  fagte  er. 

3n  biefem  Stugenblitf  !am  bie  ?iJlutter,  mit  einem  ©rf)(uffel= 
forbcfien  am  Slrm,  §ur  X^iire  (^erein.  „§err  2Berner!"  fagte 
fie,   al§  fie  3f^einf)arbt  erblicfte;   „ei,  ein   ^\i^w.  fo   lieber   alg 

25  unertoarteter  ©aft."  —  Unb  nun  ging  bie  Unter^altung  in 
gragen  unb  SInttoorten  i^ren  ebenen  2:ritt.  ®ie  grauen  fe^ten 
fid^  5u  i^rer  Irbeit,  unb  tod^renb  9f{einf)arbt  bie  fiir  i^n 
bereiteten  ©rfrifd^ungen  ^eno^,  ()atte  @ric^  feinen  foliben 
?i}leerfc^aum!o^f   angebrannt,   unb   fa§  bam^fenb  unb  bi§!u= 

30  tierenb  an  feiner  ©eite. 


2(m  anbern  ^age  mu^te  S^einfiarbt  mit  tf)m  f)tnau§;  auf 
bie  Scfer,  in  bie  2Seinberge,  in  ben  §o!pfengarten,  in  bie 
©Ipritfabrif.  @§  it)ar  aKe§  ixjo^l  befteUt;  bie  Seute,  tuelc^e 
auf  bem  gelbe  unb  Bei  ben  ^effeln  arbeiteten,  \joXi^xi  atte  ein 
gefunbeg  unb  jufriebeneg  Slugfe^en.  3^^  ^IJlittag  !am  bie  5- 
gamilie  im  ©artenfaal  ^ufammen,  unb  ber  ^Tag  murbe  bann, 
je  nad^  ber  5[Ru^e  ber  2Birte,  me^r  ober  minber  gemeinfd^afts 
lid^  i:)erlebt.  9^ur  bie  ©tunben  tjor  bem  Slbenbeffen,  n)ie  bie 
erften  be§  S^ormittagg,  blieb  S^ein^arbt  arbeitenb  auf  feinem 
3immer.  @r  ^atte  feit  Sa^ren,  tpo  er  beren  l^ab^aft  toerben  10 
fonnte,  bie  im  3Sol!e  lebenben  SfJeime  unb  Sieber  gefammelt, 
unb  ging  nun  baran,  feinen  ®rf)a^  §u  orbnen  unb  tDO  moglid^ 
mit  neuen  2luf§eirf)nungen  au§  ber  Umgegenb  ^u  t>erme^ren. 
—  ©lifabet^  tuar  gu  alien  3^iten  fanft  unb  freunblic^ ;  ©rid^g 
immer  gleid^bleibenbe  2(ufmer!fam!eit  nafjm  fie  mit  einer  faft  15 
bemlitigen  ®an!bar!eit  auf,  unb  S^einl^arbt  barfjte  mitunter, 
ba^  fjeitere  ^inb  i)on  e^ebem  \)(x^^  h^o^I  eine  n)eniger  ftille 
grau  t)erf!prod^en. 

(Seit  bem  g^eiten  2:;age  feine§  §ierfeing  !pftegte  er  abenb§ 
einen  (p^agiergang  an  ben  Ufern  be§  ©ee§  gu  madden,  ^er  20 
3Beg  fii^rte  f)art  unter  bem  ©arten  i:)orbei.  2tm  ©nbe  begfel= 
ben,  auf  einer  borf^ringenben  33aftei,  ftanb  eine  33an!  unter 
^o(^en  ^irfen;  bie  ^Jlutter  i^atte  jie  bie  3lbenbban!  getauft, 
n)eil  ber  $(a^  gegen  2(benb  lag,  unb  be§  (Sonnenuntergangg 
f^alber  um  biefe  3^^^  <^^  meiften  benu^t  njurbe.  —  3Son  eincm  25 
(S^ajiergange  auf  biefem  SSege  lef^rte  3ftein^arbt  eine§  2(6enb§ 
^urii^,  al§  er  Dom  9f{egen  iiberrafc^t  tourbe.  @r  fuc^te  ©d^u^ 
unter  einer  am  SSaffer  fte^enben  Sinbe;  aber  bie  fc^iweren 
Xro^fen  fd^lugen  balb  burd)  bie  flatter.  ®ur(f)na^t,  tt)ie  er 
h)cr,  ergab  er  firf)  barein  unb  fe^te  langfam  feinen  9iuc^ir)eg  30 


fort.  @§  irar  fa[t  bunfel;  ber  Sftegen  fiel  tmmcr  bic^ter. 
%\^  cr  fic^  ber  2(bcnbban!  ndfjerte,  glaubte  er  §tt)ifd;en  ben 
fc^immernben  S3ir!enftdmmen  eine  toei^e  Jrauengeftalt  ^u  un= 
terfc^eiben.     6ie  ftanb  unbeit)eglic^  unb,  h?ie  er  beim  9id^ers 

5  fommen  ju  erfennen  metnte,  ju  if)m  ^ingetDanbt,  a(^  ttjenn 
fie  jemanben  erh)arte.  ©r  glaubte,  e§  fei  ©Ufabet^.  211^  er 
aber  rafd^er  ^ufd^rttt,  urn  fie  ^u  erreid^en  unb  bann  mit  i^r 
gufammen  burrf)  ben  ©arten  in^  §aug  ^uriicf^ufefjren,  iuanbte 
fie  fic^  langfam  (x\)  unb  berfd^iDanb  in  ben  bunfeln  (5eiten= 

10  gdngen.  @r  lonnte  ba§  nid^t  reimen ;  er  n^ar  aber  faft  ^ornig 
auf  ©lifabet^,  unb  bennoc^  5ti:)eifelte  er,  ob  fie  e^  getrefen 
fei;  aber  er  fc^eute  fid^,  fie  barnad^  gu  fragen;  ja,  er  ging 
bei  feiner  S^iidffe^r  nic^t  in  ben  ©artenfaal,  nur  urn  ©lifabet^ 
nid^t  ettDa  burc^  bie  ©artentfjiir  ^ereintreten  %\x  fe^en. 

3Jleine  3}lutter  ^<xV^  geh)ollt. 

15      ©inige  ^age  nadf)()er,  e§  ging  fd^on  gegen  2lbenb,  fa^  bic 

Jamilie,  tr>ie   geit)of)nlicf)  urn  biefe    '^txi,  im  ©artenfaal  ^u^ 

fammen.     ®ie  ^biiren  ftanben  offen;   bie  ©onne  it)ar  fd^on 

Winter  ben  2Bdlbern  jenfeit^  be^  ©ee§. 

SfJeinf^arbt  iourbe  urn  bie  9JJitteilung  einiger  3Sol!§lieber  ge= 

20  beten,  tDeldbe  er  am  5f?ac^mittage  toon  einem  auf  bem  2anbe 
hjo^nenben  Jreunbe  gefc^idft  befommen  \}^iiz.  @r  ging  auf 
fein  3^1^^^^/  wnb  !am  gleirf)  barauf  mit  einer  ^a^ierroEe 
^uriidE,  tuelcbe  aul  ein^elnen  fauber  gefc^riebenen  33ldttern  ^u 
befte()en  fc^ien. 

25  5!}Zan  fe^te  fid^  an  ben  ^ifd^,  ©lifabet^  an  3fiein^arbtg 
6eite.  „2Bir  lefen  auf  gut  ©IM,"  fagte  er,  „ic^  ^(^^^  fie 
felber  nod^  nid^t  burd^gefe^en." 

@(if abetf)   rottte  bag  9J^anufcri:pt  auf.     „§ier  ftnb  ^floten/' 
fagte  fie;   ba§  mu^t  bu  fingen,  3^ein^arbt." 


Unb  biefer  Ia§  nun  ^uerft  einige  Girder  ©d)naberf)u^ferl, 
inbem  er  beim  Sefen  gutoeilen  bie  (uftige  ^elobie  mit  mber 
©timme  an!lingen  lie^.  (Sine  attgemeine  §eiter!eit  bemaci^= 
tigte  \\&)  ber  fleinen  ©efellfc^aft.  „2Ber  (>at  bod^  abet  bie 
jd)onen  Sieber  gemac^t?"  fragte  ©lif-abetf).  5 

„@i/'  fagte  ©ric^,  „ba§  ^brt  man  ben  ©ingern  fdE)on  an; 
©d^neibergefeUen  unb  grifeure   unb  berlei  luftige^  ©efinbel." 

9fteinf)arbt  fagte:  „(Sie  h)erben  gar  nid^t  gemad^t;  jie 
hjad^fen,  fie  fatten  ^\x^  ber  Suft,  fie  fUegen  iiber  Sanb  n)ie 
^Dflariengarn,  l^ieri^in  unb  bortf^in,  unb  toerben  an  taufenb  10 
©tetten  ^ugleic^  gefungen.  Unfer  eigenfte^  3:^un  unb  Seiben 
finben  it)ir  in  biefen  Siebern ;  e§  ift,  al§  ob  h)ir  atte  (xx\,  i^^nen 
ntitge{)olfen  (fatten." 

@r  na^m  ein  anbereg  33latt:  „3c^  ftanb  auf  ^oJjen  33ergen. . ." 

„®a§  fenne  ic^!"  rief  ©lifabet^.     „©timme  nur  <xxk,  9tein=  15 
l^arbt,  id^  it)itt  bir  l^elfen."    Unb    nun   fangen  fie  jene  5!}ie= 
lobie,  bie  fo  rdtfel^aft  ift,  ba^  man  nirf)t  glauben  fann,  fie 
fei  t)on  ?!)lenfc^en  erbac^l  morben;   ©lifabeti;  mit  i^rer  ^i\Q(x^ 
berbedften  2lltftimme  bem  3:^enor  fefunbierenb. 

^ie  SJ^Utter  fa^  ingit)ifdf>en  emfig  an  il^rer  3^a]^erei,  ©rid)  20 
f)atte  bie  §dnbe  in  einanber  gelegt  unb  ()orte  anbdct)tig  gu. 
3ll§  ba§  £ieb  gu  @nbe  tt)ar,  legte  Sftein^arbt  ba§  33latt  fd)it)ei= 
genb  bei  ©eite.  —  SSom  Ufer  be§  ©eeg  ^erauf  lam  burdE)  bie 
Slbenbftitte  ba§  ©eldute  ber  §erbeng(od^en ;  fie  fjord^ten  un= 
h)itt!urUcf);   ba  fjorten  fie  eine  flare  ^nabenftimme  fingen:       25 

^6)  ftanb  auf  ^o^en  S3er9en 
Unb  \oS)  in§  tiefe  %^^ .  .  . 

9lein^arbt    la^elte:   „§ort    x^x    e§    n)o^l?    60    ge^t'g    toon 
3Jiunb  3u  SJlunb.'^ 

IM MEN  SEE.  165 

„@§  it)irb  oft  in  biefer  ©egenb  gefungen,"  fagte  ©Ufabet^. 

"3«/"  fflS^^  ®^ic^/  ff^^  ift  ^^^  §irten!a§^ar  ;  er  treibt  bie 
©terfen  f;eim." 

©ie  ^orc^ten  noc^  eine  SSeile,  bi§  ba§  ©eldute  Winter  ben 
5  SSirtfc^aftggebduben  i)erfd)h:)unben  \o<xx.  „^a^  finb  Urtone," 
fagte  9fieinf)arbt ;  „fie  fc^lafen  in  SSalbe^griinben ;  ©olt  U)ei^, 
h)er  fie  gefunben  I^at." 

@r  gog  ein  neue^  33Iatt  l^eraug. 

@g  mar  fcf)on  bunfler  geiDorben ;  ein  roter  Slbenbfc^ein  lag 
10  h)ie  (5rf)aum  auf  ben  2Bdlbern  jenfeit^  beg  <See§.  Sftein^arbt 
roEte  bag  ^latt  auf,  ©Ufabet^  legte  (xxk  ber  einen  ©eite  i^re 
§anb  barauf,  unb  faf)  mit  l^inein.     ^ann  lag  9tein^arbt: 

aJieine  50Jutter  ^at'g  geioollt, 
^en  anbern  ic^  ne^men  follt': 
15  2Bag  id)  ^uftor  bejefjen, 

9JJein  ^erg  foUt'  e§  Dergeffen; 
2)ag  ^at  eg  nic^t  genjoUt. 

3Keine  5!Kutter  flag'  tc^  an, 
@ie  :^at  nid)t  tt)o^I  get^an; 
ao  SSag  fonft  in  (£t)ren  ftiinbe, 

9iun  ift  eg  iDorben  ©iinbe. 
SSag  fang'  \^  an! 

f^iir  aH  mein  ©tolg  unb  i^i^euy 
QJewonnen  ^a^^'  id)  Seib. 
25  %.^,  tt)ar'  bag  nti^t  gef^e^en, 

%^,  fount'  i^  bettein  ge^^en 
liber  bie  braune  ^eib' ! 

2Bd^renb    beg    Sefeng    ^atte    9ieinf>arbt    ein    unmerflid^eg 

3ittern  beg  ^a^icrg  em^funben;   oX^  er  ju  @nbe  iwar,  fc^ob 

30  (^lifabeti?    leife  i^ren  6tu^(  juriic!,  unb    ging   fc^n^eigenb   in 


ben  ©arten  fjinab.  @in  33Itcf  ber  Gutter  folgte  tf)r.  ©rid^ 
n)otltc  nad)gef)en;  boc^  bte  50^utter  fagte:  „@lifabetf^  ^at 
brau^en  gu  t^un."     @o  unterblieb  e§. 

©rau^en  aber  legte  ftc^  ber  Slbenb  mef^r  unb  me^r  iiber 
©arten  unb  See,  bte  SfJad^tfc^metterlinge  fc^^offen  furrenb  an  5 
ben  offenen  X^iiren  i)oriiber,  burd^  tDelc^e  ber  S)uft  ber  Slu= 
men  unb  ©e[traud)e  immer  ftdrfer  fjereinbrang ;  bom  SBaffer 
fjerauf  fam  bag  ©efd)rei  ber  grofc^e,  unter  ben  Jenftern 
fci5)lug  eine  5^aci^ttgaII,  tiefer  im  ©arten  eine  anbere;  ber 
3}lonb  jaf)  iiber  bie  Sdume.  9tein^arbt  blicfte  no4)  eine  SSeile  10 
auf  bte  ©telle,  h?o  ©Ufabet^g  feine  ©eftalt  5n)tfc^en  ben 
Saubgdngen  t)erfd()n)unben  n)ar;  bann  rottte  er  fein  ^anu= 
fcri^t  gufammen,  grii^te  bie  Slnn^efenben  unb  ging  burc^g 
^<x\x^  <xxK  ba§  2Saffer  ]f)inab. 

®ie  2Bdlber  ftanben  fd^h^eigenb  unb  it)arfen  \\jX  ®un!el  15 
ir>eit  auf  ben  ©ee  l^inau^,  tDd^renb  bie  9Jlitte  be^felben  in 
fci^n)uler  50^onbe§bdmmerung  lag.  5!Jlitunter  fd^auerte  ein  leife<o 
©dufeln  burd^  bie  S3dume;  aber  e§  tear  fein  SSinb,  e§  \oox 
nur  bag  Sltmen  ber  ©ommernac^t.  9ftein^arbt  ging  immer 
am  Ufer  entlang.  (Sinen  ©teinnjurf  t)om  Sanbe  fonnte  er  20 
eine  iDei^e  SSafferlilie  erfennen.  2(uf  einmal  tDanbelte  i^n 
bie  2uft  an,  fie  in  ber  9^dl)e  §u  fe^en;  er  n)arf  feine  5!(eiber 
<x\),  unb  ftieg  ing  SSaffer.  @g  \o<xx  flad^;  fd^arfe  ^flanjen 
unb  ©teine  fdjjnitten  il)n  an  ben  gii^en,  unb  er  !am  immer 
nid^t  in  bie  gum  ©d^totmmen  notige  ^iefe.  S)ann  n)ar  eg  25 
^lo^lid^  unter  iJ^m  h)eg,  bie  2Baffer  quirlten  iiber  i^m  5u= 
fammen,  unb  eg  bauerte  eine  3^^^  '^^^"S/  ^^^  ^^  tt)ieber  auf 
bie  Dberfldd^e  !am.  "^xv.  regie  er  §anb  unb  Ju^  unb 
fd^toamm  im  ^reife  um^er,  big  er  fid^  betDu^t  gen)orben,  bon 
tt)o    er   l^tneingegangen   tt>ar,     Salb    fal^    er   auc^    bie   Silie  30 


h:)teber ;  fie  lag  einfam  ^iDtfc^en  ben  gro^en  blan!en  Slattern. 
@r  fc^h)amm  langfam  ^inau§,  unb  f)ob  tnitunter  bie  Slrme 
<xvA  bent  2Baffer,  ba§  bie  J^erabriefelnben  ^ro^fen  im  3KDnb= 
lic^te  bli^ten;   aber  eg  tt)ar,  al§  ob  bie  ©ntfernung  ^toifd^en 

5  i^m  unb  ber  33Iume  biefelbe  bliebe;  nur  bag  Ufer  lag,  tt)enn 
er  fid^  umblicfte,  in  immer  ungetoifjerem  ^ufte  l^inter  i^m.  @r 
gab  inbeg  fein  Unterneljmen  nid^t  auf,  fonbern  fcl)it)amm  riiftig 
in  berfelben  Sfiic^tung  fort,  (^nblic^  U)ar  er  ber  33lume  fo  nal^e 
gefommen,  ba^    er   bie   filbernen  flatter   beutlidf)  im  5Ronb= 

10  lid^t  unterfcl)eiben  lonnte;  ^ugleid^  aber  fii^lte  er  fic^  in 
einem  ^Re^e  uerftridt ;  bie  glatten  (Stengel  langten  bom  ©runbe 
Ijerauf  unb  ranften  fic^  o^xk  feine  nadften  ©lieber.  ®ag  un^ 
befannte  Staffer  lag  fo  fcl)n)ar5  um  i^n  l^er,  l^inter  fid^  l)orte 
er  bag  ©^ringen   eineg  gifd^eg;   eg   tourbe   i^m   ^lo^lic^    fo 

15  unl^eimlid^  in  bem  fremben  ©lemente,  ba^  er  mit  ©eiralt  bag 
©eftridf  ber  ^flan^en  ^erri^,  unb  in  atemlofer  §aft  bem  Sanbe 
jufc^n^amm.  Sllg  er  i)on  ^ier  auf  ben  (See  ^uriicEblid^te,  lag 
bie  2ilie  t»ie  §uOor  fern  unb  einfam  iiber  ber  bun!len  3^iefe. 
—  @r  !leibete  fid^  an  unb   ging  langfam   nad^  §aufe  juriidf. 

20  2llg  er  aug  bem  ©arten  in  ben  ©aal  trat,  fanb  er  @rid^  unb 
bie  3Rutter  in  ben  3Sorbereitungen  einer  fleinen  ©efd£>dftgreife, 
it)elc^e  am  anbern  Xage  i)or  ficl)  ge^en  follte. 

„2So  finb  (Sie  benn  fo  f^at  in  ber  5Rad^t  getoefen  ?"  rief  i^m 
bie  ?iJlutter  entgegen. 

^5  „3^  ?"  eriDiberte  er ;  „id^  toollte  bie  SSafferlilie  befud^en ;  eg 
ift  aber  nicl)tg  baraug  gelDorben." 

„®ag  ijerftel^t  )t)ieber  einmal  fein  ^SJJenfc^ !"  fagte  @rid^.   „2Sag 
taufenb  ^atteft  bu  benn  mit  ber  SSafferlilie  %\x  i\j\xx[.V' 

„%6^  l^abe  fie  fritter  einmal  gefannt,"  fagte  S^tein^arbt,  „eg 

30  ift  aber  fd^on  lange  ^er." 



2lm  folgenben  9^ac^mittag  toanberten  ^leml^arbt  unb  ©lifabetlf) 
jenfettg  be§  (See§  balb  burd^  bie  §oIgung,  balb  auf  bem  i)or= 
f^ringenben  Uferranbe.  ©Ufabetf)  ^atte  t)on  ©ric^  ben  Sluftrag 
er^alten,  tt)d^renb  feiner  unb  ber  5iKutter  2(bit)efenf)eit  Sftein^arbt 
mit  ben  fc^onften  2(u§ftc^ten  ber  nddjften  Umgegenb,  namentlid)  5 
i)on  ber  anbern  Uferfeite  auf  ben  §of  felber,  befannt  %\\  mac^en. 
5^un  gingen  fie  bon  einem  $un!t  ^um  anbern.  ©nblirf)  h)urbe 
©Ufabetf)  miibe,  unb  fe^te  ftd^  in  ben  ©c^atten  uberfjdngenber 
^ttjeige;  S^ein^arbt  ftanb  \\)x  gegeniiber,  an  einen  33aumftamn( 
gele^nt ;  ba  ^orte  er  tiefer  im  3Sa(be  ben  ^uc!ud^  rufen,  unb  e§  10 
!am  if)m  ^lo^lid^,  bie§  alle§  fei  fd^on  einmal  ebenfo  getcefen. 
@r  faf)  fie  feltfam  Id(i)elnb  an.  „2Bo(Ien  U)ir  ©rbbeeren  fuc^en?" 
fragte  er. 

„@§  ift  feine  ©rbbeerengeit,"  fagte  fie. 
„©ie  toirb  aber  balb  lommen."  15 

©lifabet^  fd^iittelte  f c^iDeigenb  ben  ^o^f ;  bann  ftanb  fie  auf, 
unb  beibe  fe^ten  i^re  SSanberung  fort ;  unb  lx)ie  fie  fo  an  feiner 
©eite  gitxg,  hjanbte  fein  33Ud^  fid^  immer  tt)ieber  nad^  \^x  ^in;  benn 
fie  ging  fd^on,  al§  it)enn  fie  bon  il)ren  ^leibern  getragen  iDiirbe. 
@r  blieb  oft  untt)ill!ur(id^  einen  ©d^ritt  %\xxM,  urn  fie  gan^  unb  20 
t)oir  in§  Sluge  faffen  ^u  fonnen.  (So  famen  fie  an  einen  freien, 
l)eibebelt)adf)fenen  ^Ia|  mit  einer  toeit  in§  Sanb  reid^enben  2lu§= 
fid^t.  9fleinl)arbt  \>M\t  fid^  unb  )3flud^te  etit)a§  bon  ben  am  33oben 
toad^fenben  ^rdutern.  2(I§  er  itjieber  auffa^,  trug  fein  ©efid^t 
ben  Slugbrud^  leibenfdEiaftlic^en  @d^mer§e§.  „^ennft  bu  biefe  25 
33(ume?"  fragte  er. 

(Sie  fa^  \\}XK  fragenb  an.    „©§  ift  eine  ©rica.    ^d^  ^jO&z  fie 
oft  im  SSalbe  ge^fliitft.'' 


„3(i^  ^abe  ju  §aufe  ein  alte§  ^ud^/'  fagte  er ;  td^  ^flegte  fonft 
allerlei  Sieber  unb  9ieime  t^ineinjufd^reiben  ;  eg  tft  aber  lange 
nid^t  me^r  gefc^efjen.  3^if<^^^  ^^^  33ldttern  liegt  aud^  eine 
©rica  ;  aber  e§  i[t  nur  eine  beriDelfte.     3Sei^t  bu,  tuer  fie  mir 

5    gegeben  ^(xiT 

(Sie  nidfte  ftumm  ;  aber  fie  fd^lug  bie  Slugen  nieber  unb  \<x\} 
nur  auf  bag  ^raut,  bag  er  in  ber  §anb  Ijiett.  60  ftanben  fie 
lange.  2(lg  fie  bie  2(ugen  gegen  ifjn  auffd;lug,  fa^  er,  ba^ 
fie  i)oII  ^^rdnen  tDaren. 

10  „@lifabeti;/'  fagte  er,  — ■  „f>inter  jenen  blauen  33ergen  liegt 
unfere  gi^S^"^-     2Bo  ift  fie  geblieben?" 

(Sie  f^rac^en  nicf)tg  me^r ;  fie  gingen  ftumm  neben  einanber 
gum  See  ()inab.  ®ie  Suft  i»ar  fc^tDiil,  im  SSeften  ftieg  fd^toar^ 
geg  (S5eh)ol!  auf.     „@g  ioirb  ©emitter,"  fagte  ©Ufabetf?,  inbem 

15  fie  i()ren  ©d^ritt  beeilte.    9teinl)arbt  nidfte  fd)tt)eigenb,  unb  beibe 

gingen  rafc^  am  Ufer  entlang,  big  fie  if)ren  ^a^n  erreid^t  fatten. 

2Sd^renb  ber  tlberfa^jrt  lie^  ©lifabet!^  i^re  §anb  auf  bem 

S^anbe  beg  ^a()neg  ruf^en.    @r  blicfte  beim  9tubern  %\x  ifjr  ()in= 

iiber ;  fie  aber  f af^  (x\\  i^m  borbei  in  bie  gerne.     ©0  glitt  fein 

20  Slidf  f)erunter  unb  blieb  auf  i^rer  §anb ;  unb  bie  blaffe  §anb 
t)erriet  i^m,  irag  i^r  Slntli^  i^m  i)erfd^h)iegen  ^atte.  @r  fa^  auf 
i^r  jenen  feinen  3wg  gef^eimen  ©d^mergeg,  ber  fid)  fo  gem  fd^oner 
grauenf)dnbe  bemddjtigt,  bie  nad)tg  auf  !ran!em  §erjen  liegen. 
—  2llg  ©lifabet^  fein  3(uge  auf  i^rer  §anb  ru^en  fiif^lte,  lie^ 

25  fie  fie  langfam  iiber  33orb  ing  SSaffer  gleiten. 

2luf  bem  §ofe  angefommen,  trafen  fie  einen  6c^erenfd^(eifer= 
farren  t>or  bem  §erren^aufe ;  ein  ?!Jlann  mit  fd^toarjen,  nieber= 
{?dngenben  Socfen  trat  emfig  bag  3ftab  unb  fummte  eine  3i9^wner= 
melobie  jmifc^en  ben  3^^"^^/  tod^renb  ein  eingefd^irrter  §unb 

30  fd^naufenb  baneben  lag.     2(uf  bem  §augflur  ftanb  in  Sumipen 


ge^iiCt  ein  93?dbc^en  mit  Derftorten  fc^onen  B^Qen  unb  ftred'te 
bettelnb  bie  §anb  gegen  ©lifabetf)  au§.  9fietnf)arbt  griff  in  feine 
Xafc^e ;  aber  ©lifabetf)  f am  i^m  ^ubor  unb  fc^iittete  fjaftig  ben 
gan^en  gnfjalt  i^rer  ^orfe  in  bie  offene  §anb  ber  33ettlerin. 
^ann  tuanbte  fie  fidf)  eilig  ab,  unb  9^einl;arbt  f)orte,  tt)ie  fie  5 
fd^lud^genb  bie  Xre^^e  f)inaufging. 

@r  toollte  fie  auf^alten,  aber  er  befann  fid^  unb  blieb  an  ber 
3:re:p^e  guriic!.  ®ag  ^dbcf)en  ftanb  noc^  immer  auf  bem  glur, 
unbetDeglid^,  ba§  em^fangene  Sllmofen  in  ber  §anb.  „3Sa§ 
it)illft  bu  nod^?"  fragte  Sf^ein^arbt.  lo 

©ie  fu^r  ^ufammen.  „%^  trill  nic^tg  nte^r,"  fagte  fie ;  bann 
ben  ^o^f  nac^  i^m  juriicftoenbenb,  \\jxk  anftarrenb  mit  ben  i)er= 
irrten  3lugen,  ging  fie  langfam  gegen  bie  %^\xx.  (^r  rief  einen 
S^^amen  au§,  aber  fie  fjorte  e^  nid^t  mefjr ;  mit  gef enftem  §au|)te, 
mit  liber  ber  Sruft  gefreu^ten  Slrmen  fc^ritt  fie  itber  ben  §of  ^5 

©terben,   ac^  fterben 
©olt  ic^  aUein! 

©in  alte§  Sieb  braufte  i^m  in^  D^r,  ber  Sltem  ftanb  i^m 
ftitt,  eine  fur^e  SKeile,  bann  tt)anbte  er  fid^  o^h  unb  ging  auf  20 
fein  3iw^"^^^- 

@r  fe^te  fid^  ^in,  urn  ju  arbeiten,  aber  er  ^atte  feine 
©cbanfen.  9^ad^bem  er  e§  eine  ©tunbe  lang  bergebeng  t)er= 
fud^t  l^atte,  ging  er  ing  g^^^i^^^^^i^^^'^  ^inab.  ©^  tt)ar 
niemanb  ba,  nur  fii^le  griine  2)dmmerung;  auf  ©Ufabet^g  25 
S^d^tifc^  lag  ein  rote§  33anb,  ba§  fie  am  ?^ad)mittag  um  ben 
§alg  getragen  tjatte.  @r  na{)m  e§  in  bie  §anb,  aber  e^ 
t()at  il^m  tr)e^,  unb  er  legte  e§  tuieber  f)in.  @r  \joX\t  feine 
"^x^jt,  er  ging  an  ben  ©ee  f^inab  unb  banb  ben  ^a^n  lo§; 


er  ruberte  l^inuber  unb  ging  noc^  einmal  ade  2Sege,  bie  er 
furj  t»or^er  mit  ©Ufabetfj  gufammen  gegangen  U)ar.  2(1^  er 
it)ieber  nac^  §aufe  !am,  n^ar  eg  bunfel;  auf  bem  §ofe  k= 
gegnete   i^m   ber  ^utfc^er,   ber  bie   2Bagen^ferbe  to   ©ra§ 

5  bringen  it>o(Ite;  bie  9teifenben  ivaren  eben  ^urMgefe^rt.  Sei 
feinem  ©intritt  in  ben  §augflur  ijorte  er  @ric^  im  ©artenfaal 
auf=  unb  abfc^reiten.  @r  ging  nirf)t  §u  if^m  ^inein;  er  ftanb 
einen  SCugenblicf  ftiH  unb  ftieg  bann  leife  bie  ^re^:pe  ^inauf 
nad;  feinem  3^^"^^^*     "&i^^  f^^^^   ^^  M   i^  ^^^  Sef^nftuf^l 

10  an§  genfter;  er  X\)<xi  t)or  fid^  felbft,  a(g  iDoUe  er  bie  9^ac^ti= 
gall  ^oren,  bie  unten  in  ben  ^ajugiDdnben  fc^lug;  aber  er 
f)orte  nur  ben  ©rf)lag  feinem  eigenen  ^er^eng.  Unter  i^m  im 
§aufe  ging  alleg  jur  3luf;e,  bie  5^ad)t  Derrann,  er  fii^lte  e§ 
nic^t.  —  @o  fa^  er  ftunbenlang.     ©nblic^  ftanb  er  auf  unb 

15  legte  fic^  ing  offene  genfter.  ®er  9^ac^ttau  riefelte  giDifdfjen 
ben  33ldttern,  bie  9^ad)tigaII  Ijatte  aufge^ort  ^u  fcJ^Iagen. 
SlKmd^lic^  tr>urbc  aud;  bag  tiefe  33lau  beg  9Zac^t^immelg  t)on 
Often  f)er  burd^  einen  bla^gelben  ©c^immer  i^erbrdngt;  ein 
frifc^er  2©inb  er^ob  fidf)  unb  ftreifte  S'tein^arbtg  ^ei^e  ©time; 

20  bie  erfte  Serd^e  ftieg  jaud^jenb  in  bie  Suft.  —  S^ieinfjarbt 
fe^rte  fid^  ^lo^lic^  um  unb  trat  an  ben  Xifd^ :  er  \<X^'^iz  nad^ 
einem  35leiftift,  unb  alg  er  biefen  gefunben,  fe^te  er  fid^  unb 
fd^rieb  bamit  einige  '^t\\zxK  auf  einen  n?ei^en  Sogen  ^a^ier. 
5^adf)bem  er  (jiermit  fertig  trar,  naf^m  er  §ut  unb  ©tod,  unb 

25  bag  ^a^ier  juriidlaffenb,  offnete  er  bef^utfam  bie  ^^iir  unb 
ftieg  in  ben  glur  ()inab. — ®ie  ^orgenbdmmerung  ruf)te  nod^ 
in  alien  2Sin!eln;  bie  gro^e  ^(x\x^l<x%t  beljnte  fid^  auf  ber 
©trol^matte  unb  ftrdubte  ben  TOden  gegen  feine  §anb,  bie  er 
gebanfenlog  entgegen{)ielt.     ^rau^en  im   ©arten   aber   ^rie= 

30  fterten  fci)on  bie  ©^erlinge  i)on  ben  3^^^^9^^  wnb  fagten  eg 


oSitx^.,  ba^  bie  9^ac^t  t)orbei  fei.  ®a  l^brte  er  oben  int  §aufc 
eine  2^^ur  ge^en;  e§  !am  bie  2:re^^e  l^erunter,  unb  aU  er 
auffal^,  ftanb  ©lifabet^  bor  tf^m.  ©ie  legte  bie  §anb  auf 
feinen  2lrm,  fie  betpegte  bie  Si^^en,  aber  er  ^orte  !eine  SSorte. 
„%\x  fommft  nid^t  irieber,"  fagte  fie  enblid^.  ,,3^5^  ^^ife  c^/  5 
liige  nic^t;   bu  fommft  nie  tpieber/' 

„9Zie/'  fagte  er.  ©ie  lie^  i^re  §anb  finfen  unb  fagte 
nid^tg  mel^r.  @r  ging  iiber  ben  glur  ber  3:^ure  ^u;  bann 
h)anbte  er  fid^  norf)  einmal.  ©ie  ftanb  beiregung^Io^  an 
berfelben  ©telle  unb  faf)  if^n  mit  toten  2(ugen  an.  @r  t^at  lo 
einen  ©d^ritt  i)ortt)drtg  unb  ftredfte  bie  Slrme  nad^  i^r  au^. 
2)ann  fe^rte  er  fid^  gett)altfam  ab,  unb  ging  %\xx  %\jvcc  ^inau^. 
—  ^rau^en  lag  bie  2BeIt  im  frifdj)en  9JlorgenIic^te,  bie 
2:^au^erlen,  bie  in  ben  ©^innengetreben  ^ingen,  bli^ten  in 
ben  erften  ©onnenftra^len.  @r  fa^  nid^t  rMtrdrtg;  er  h)an=  15 
berte  rafdj)  ^inau§;  unb  mefjr  unb  mef^r  berfanf  Winter  i^m 
bag  ftiHe  ©ef^oft,  unb  i)or  i^m  auf  ftieg  bie  gro^e  tt)eite 

®er  2(Ite. 

^er  5Ronb  fd^ien  nic^t  me^r  in  bie  genfterfd^eiben ;  e§  tt)ar 
bunfel  gettJorben;  ber  5llte  aber  fa^  nod^  immer  mit  gefal=  20 
teten  §dnben  in  feinem  Se^nftu{?l  unb  blidfte  bor  fid^  ^in  in 
ben  9laum  be§  3^mmer§.  2(ttmdl)lid^  i:)ergog  fid^  i)or  feinen 
Slugen  bie  fd^toarge  ^dmmerung  urn  i^n  ^er  gu  einem  breiten 
bunfeln  ©ee;  ein  fd^tt)ar^e§  ©etDdffer  (egte  fic^  fainter  bag 
anbere,  immer  tiefer  unb  ferner,  unb  auf  bem  le^ten,  fo  fern,  25 
ba|  bie  2lugen  beg  Sllten  fie  !aum  erreid^ten,  fc^tramm  ein= 
fam  ^mifd^en  breiten  33ldttern  eine  it)ei^e  2SafferIilie. 

I  MM  EN  SEE.  I  73 

SDie  @tubentf)ur  ging  auf,  unb  ein  fetter  Sid^tfc^immer  fie( 
inl  3i"^^^^-  //®^  if^  Qit^/  ^^fe  ®i^  fommen,  33ngitte,"  fagtc 
ber  5ltte.     ^Stetten  eie  ba^  Sic^t  auf  ben  3:ifrf)." 

®ann  riicfte  er  auc^  ben  ®tuf)l  §um  Xifc^,  na()m  eine§  ber 
aufgefc^lagenen  Slicker  unb  t>ertiefte  fief)  in  (Stubien,  an  benen 
er  einft  bie  ^raft  feiner  ^^S^n^  B^ii^t  ^QXi^, 

(Etjeobor  Storm. 

Dramatic  Selections. 

nTiiller  als  Sunbenbocf, 

Sd^wanf  in  cinem  2Iuf3ugc. 


(Sottlteb    IHiiller,     53tec^h)arenfabrifant  au8  53erUn. 
Salome  5d?mibt,  SBittue,  aiig  ©c^Ieufmgen. 
"Katt^arine  f7ormann. 

(Sin  ^]3oli;5etbeamter.  ©in  ^etlner. 

(Sine  ^u^mad)erin.  (Sin  ^ortier. 

(Sin  §au§fned^t.  Sin  §aufierer. 

Sin  3unge.  (Sin  S3arbicr. 

2)ic  §anblnng  bcgicbt  ftd)  jnr  ajJe^jeit  in  ^eip^ig. 

3itnmcr  im  ©ofl^ofc.    2RitteItt)ure,  linfs  @citcntl)uren.    ^of[er, 
Sijt^e,  ®tut)Ic. 

(Etftcr  Uuftritt, 

SJliittcr   (im  ©c^rafrode,  fon[t  gefteibet,  trinft  ^affce). 

SSerbammt  biinn,  ber  ^affee!  Unb  ba§  in  unferem  3a^r= 
i)unbert,  h)o  id;  fo  t>ortreffItd)e  ^affeemafcf)inen  erfunben  ^6e, 
bie  ein  it)a^re§  ©^ottgelb  foften.  2Benn  ba§  3Serbienft  ber 
(Srfinber  in  ®eutfd^Ianb  anerfannt  toiirbe,  ic^  mii^te  mit 
meinen  ^affeemafd)inen  frf)Dn  cine  Million  t)erbient  ^aben, 
aber  ber  ^ro^f^et  gilt  nic^tg  in  feinem  3Sater(anbe.  ®a§ 
bumme  3Sol!  bleibt  bei  feinem  alten  ©c^Ienbrian  unb  Irinft 
biefe  braun  gefdrbte  33ruf)e  ftatt  ^affee,  namentlid^  f;ier  in 

Auft.  2-3.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  1 75 

Sweiter  Uuftritt. 
aKitUcr.    5lcttttcr. 

Ke liner,  ©uten  3Jlorgen.  ©eftern  abenb  ift  biefer 
Srief  an  ©ie  gefommen.  ©ie  tt)aven  nic^t  ^u  §aufe,  unb  fo 
ift  er  big  ^eute  morgen  (iegen  geblieben. 

IHuIIer.    ©c^on'  ®an!! 
5       Kellner  (a6). 

lUiiller.  Wi^  ^Better!  bon  ©dfileufingen !  (cteft rof*, mur* 
meinb.)  „3Sere^rter  §err"  —  in  Seipjig  —  2Sa§?  §eute?  ^it 
bem  erften  3w0e?  ©a^^erment!  ber  fommt  ja  gleic^  nac^  ad^t 
UI)r.  (©tc^t  na(§  bcr  u^t.)  ®er  mu^  fd^on  l^ier  fein!  (^tingett.) 
10  ©d^one  @efc^idf)te!  Sd^t  ber  @fel  t)on  ^ortier  ben  33rtef 
unten  liegen.  3d^  fottte  nad;  bem  33af>n^ofc,  um  fie  abju^ 
l^olen,  aber  id^  fenne  fie  ja  nirf;t.    @§  ift  audj)  fc^on  ^u  f^dt. 

Dritter  Uufttitt, 
aJiuUcr.    ^Jettttcr. 
Kellner.    ^(xh^XK  (Sie  geldutet? 
IRulIer.    3«/  i«/  ic^  "^w^  "oc^  ein  3^"^"^^^  l^aben. 
15      Kellner.    Unmoglic^!   2)ag  gange  ^(x\x^  ift  befe^t.     ©ie 
fbnnen  benfen,  in  ber  5Reffe  — 

lUiiller.    Slber  id^  mu§  ein  3^^^^^  ^aben!   ©ine^ame 
fommt  mit  bem  erften  ^^iiringer  3wge  —  fd^affen  ©ie  9^at. 
Kellner.    §m,  (^m, — ja,  ja,  eg  h)irb  ge^en. 
20      mailer,    mfo? 

Kellner.  ®er  §err  nebenan  reift  t\^tXK  ab,  bag  3^^^^^ 
!5nnen  ©ie  Ijaben. 

irtiiller.  ©at,  gut,  forgen  ©ie  ba^  eg  gleid^  in  Drb^ 
nung  gebrac^t  toirb. 


Kellner.     ©dII  gefdE)e()en!  m.) 

ITtulIer.  9f^un  aber  rafc^  angegogen!  ^od^  erft  mu§  id^i 
ben  Srief  nod^  einmal  lefen.  ®ie  ^^iiringer  Siifl^  Ireffen  ja 
immer  ^u  f^dt  ein,  alfo  trerbe  icJ)  3^i^  ^aben, 

(§armoniemufif  Winter  ber  ©cene,  ettoaS  eutfernt,  tote  Don  ber  ©trafec  ^croufflingenb : 
„3)eiu  ift  mein  ^erj".) 

HTuIIer  (tieft).    „3Seref)rter  §err.     ^a   tt)ir   nun   fo  tpeit    5 
ber^anbelt   baben   n^egen   unferer   §eirat,  unb   ba  h)ir   blo^ 
noc^  feftgeftellt  fjaben,  ba^  toir  un^  t)or()er  nod^  einmal  fel^en 
unb  f^rerf)en  n)oIIen,Db  tuir  ung  aud^  gefallen,  unb  ba  ®ie  jur 
5!Keffe  in  2ei^§ig  finb  unb   mir  borgefc^Iagen   fjaben,  ba^  \q\x 
un§   ba  treffen  twoEen,  fo    fomme  id^  ©onner^tag  ben  acf)t=  10 
^e()nten   mit   bent    erften  griifj^uge   bort   an.     33itte    mir   ein 
Simmer  gu  vcitellen.     §orf)arf)tunggt>ott  Salome  ©d^mibt,  ge= 
borne   §artn)ig."    ^ein   ift   mein  §er^  —  ba§   ift   eine  gute 
SSorbebeutung  I     ©igentlid^    etn)ag  feltfamer    ©til    in    biefem 
33rief!   ®u  lieber  §immel!  fiir  einen  33rief  aug  ©d^leufingen  15 
gel)t   er  immer  an.     2Bie   foil  nad^   ©cl^leufingen   ein   guter 
©til  !ommen?  Slber  nun  anjiel^en.    ®ie  33ein!leiber  1(x\kv,  id^ 
be^alten,  aber   feibene  SSefte   unb  gradf   mu^   fein.     3"^"^^^ 
nobel.     ®iefe  ©d)leufingerin  mu^  gleid^  ben  feinen  33erliner 

iJOr    fid^    fel^en.      (SStrft  ben  Sc^lafrocf  unb  bie  28efte  ^h,  tiimmt  nu§  bent  Scoffer  20 
eine  jeibene  9Befte  yxtdi  einen  grod  unb  fteibet  fic^  on.)       Sllf 0     enblic^     n)erbe 

id^  fie  erblidfen,  bie  meine§  Seben§  fcl)onere  §dlfte  twerben 
foil,  n)ie  3}iaj  im  SSaHenftein  fagt.  ©alome  ©cljmibt,  ge= 
borne  ^arttoig.  5D^utter,  alter  Swnge,  id^  glaube  bu  mad)ft 
je^t  ben  gefc^eiteften  ©treid^  beineg  Sebens.  ©o  al§  3ung=  25 
gefeUe  fein  gan§e§  Seben  %\x  t>erbummeln  ift  boc^  nidfitS.  3^1^^^ 
it)dre  e§  fd^abe,  toenn  mein  @efcl)led^t  au^ftiirbe.  (ssorbem 
©))ic9ei.)   ©ar  ni4)t  iibel   fiir  funfunbJ;)iergig  galore.     Stlfo  ^ei* 

Auft.  4-]  MULLER   ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  Ijy 

raten  auf  jeben  gaU.  ©in  junge§  9J^dbc^en,  bic  tDag  ^at, 
nimmt  mi(i)  mrf)t.  2lIfo  eine  SSitme.  SBeife  ic^  bod^  je^t, 
^u  t»a§  ein  3Sctter  gut  tft!  SSdre  ^Setter  ^raugott  nid^t,  h)ie 
l^atte  td^   erfa^ren,  ba^   in    <Sc^Ieuftngen   eine   junge  2Sittt)e 

5  le6t,  bie  Suft  jum  §eiraten  unb  nebenbei  fiinfunbjtoanjig  tau= 
fenb  Xf^aler  f^at.  ©o  —  je^t  lawn  ic^  mic^  fef)en  laffen,  jebcr 
3ott  ein  33erUner,  fagt  ©^afefpeare  irgenbiro.  Unb  luie  fie^t 
eg  benn  im  3^^^^^  <^wg?  ®i"  bi^cf)en  aufrdumen  tfjut  not. 
(jRaumt  auf.)  Uub  bet  gute  3?etter  ^raugott   ^at   aucf)  bie  3Ser= 

lo  ^anblungen  gefiil^rt.  @§  fommt  nur  barauf  an,  ba^  h)ir  un^ 
gegenfeitig  gefaKen.  §m !  ic^  benfe,  ic^  ftei^e  meinen  SJlann, 
id^  ^abe  nic^tg  ^u  fiird^ten.  ^c^  fonnte  mid^  fiir  einen  guten 
^rei^iger  au^geben,  fein  ?!)?enfd^  fief^t  mir  bie  funfunb= 
i)ier5ig  an.     ^a^   finb   bie    guten  ?5oIgen   einer   md^ig   t)er= 

15  UWxi  Sugenb.  Slber  fie?  3Kirb  fie  mir  gefaUen?  §m!  ^m! 
eine  $Bitn)e?  Sld^tunbjttjanjig  fott  fie  fein.  9fia  eg  h)irb  tool^l 
etn^ag  me^r  ^eraugfommen !  Sfted^nen  h)ir  fiinf  '^a'^xi  baju, 
fo  n)dre  fie  breiunbbrei^ig,  ba  fann  fie  nod^  immer  gang 
ftattUd^  fein.     35etter  Straugott   fagt:   fie  h)dre  fe^r   (^iibfd^. 

2o  2©ir  ioerben  ja  feJ^en.  (So  —  nun  ift  eg  anftdnbig,  nun  !ann 
fie  fommen.  3fiein,  nun  mu^  fie  fommen,  eg  ift  Idngft  iiber 
bie  3eit. 

t>ierter  Huftrttt. 

SJluttcr.      Stttome,    ^Cttncr   (mit  einer  §anbtafc§e). 

Ke liner.    §ier  ift  §err  ^Jliiller! 

ITtuller.  §ier  ift  §err  ^Riitter,  gang  red^t.  Unb  iDenn 
25  mein  af)nenbeg  §erg  mic^  nic^t  tdufcbt,  fo  fjabe  id^  bie  @^re 
unb  bag  SSergniigen  grau  ©alome  ©d)mibt,  geborne  §artn)ig, 
t)Dr  mir  gu  fe^en. 


5  CI  1 0  tn  e  (eine  SDretBigerin,  in  gutem  Stoffe,  ober  et»t)o§  Keinftcibtifd^  gelleibet, 
Quc^  etoa§  fleiiiftabttfc^  ceremoniea  in  i^rem  SBene^meu).     Sttte,    bte    (S^re    ift 

gan§  auf  meiner  ©eite. 

iniiller.  ^arf  ic^  @ie  bitten  abjulegen  unb  ^la^  ^u 
nel^men  ?  5 

Salome.  2So  benfen  ©ie  f)m?  ^ag  iDiirbe  fic^  md;t 
fd^irfen.  gd^  !am  nur  urn  @ie  ju  fragen,  ob  ©ie  bte  ©iite 
fatten,  mir  ein  3^^^^^^  5^  beftellen. 

rrruller.  Sc^  btn  gf^ren  S3efe^len  auf  ba§  ^unftUrf)fte 
nac^gefommen.     ^ellner!  lo 

K  e  1 1  n  e  r   (fc^iebt  ton  ter  Xfiure  Unf§  ben  Stiegel  )t)eg).     §ter     Uebenan ! 

@g  n)irb    gleid^   in  Drbnung    fein !   %^   iuitt  bie  Sfteifetafc^e 
immer  {)inein  tragen.  (?ib.) 

Salome.    Slber   §err  3)iul(er,   id^    fann  boc^   nicfit   auf 
3fjrem  3^^^^^  3f)nen  einen  33efud^   mac^en,  bag   fdfiidft  fid^  15 

irtiiller.  3Seref)rtefte  g'rau,  bann  mii^ten  ©ie  ntid^  auf 
gi^rem  3^^^^^  em^fangen,  h)dre  ba§  mef^r  fc^icflid^? 

Salome,    greilirf)  — 

irtiiller.  ^ie  Sage  ift  allerbingg  fonberbar  unb  id^  20 
fc^d^e  $3^re  e^rbare  S^^^i^^^^t^wng.  Stttein  iDir  ^aben  eine 
3ufammen!unft  berabrebet,  urn  ung  fennen  ^u  lernen;  too 
follen  toir  aber  gufammenfommen?  2luf  offentlid^er  ©tra^e 
ge^t  e§  bod^  nid^t,  alfo  mu^  e§  auf  3^^^^  ^^^^^  <5uf  meinem 
3immer  gefd)ef)en.  25 

Salome.    Slber  bie  2eute  — 

ItTiiller.  §aben  alle  50^e^gefd^dfte,  befiimmern  fid^  nid^t 
um  un§. 

Salome.  60  ntu^  id;  toenigftenS  f)ier  bleiben,  big  ba 
briiben  Drbnung  gemadf)t  ift,  30 

Auft.  4.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  1 79 

Zn  ii  1 1  e  r  (fe^t  i^r  eiuen  ©tu^i).   ^atf  \^  Htteit  %\<x%  gu  ne^men  ? 

Salome   (inbcm  fie  ofitegt  unb  firf)  fe^t,  fur  ftc^).      §m !       eiu      tec^t 

nelter,  ftattUd^er  3JJann!   ®er  !ann  mir  fd;on  gefallen! 
2n  ii  1 1  e  r  aubem  er  fief)  einen  ©tu^i  ^ott,  fiir  fief)),   ©a^^erment !    eiue 
5    fef)r   f>u6fd)e  3^rau!   IRuder,  alter   Sunge,  bag    l^aft   bu    gut 
Salome.    §m!   I^nt! 

in  filler.     3Sere^rte  ?Jrau,  id^  finbe  meine  fiiljnften  §off= 
mmgen  ubertroffert. 
10      Salome  (micfiamt).   2(6er  §err  ^JliiUer  — 

ITtiiller.    5Kem   3[5etter  ^atte  mir   gefagt,  ba^  (Sic  eine 

fd^one  grau  feien.     ©eit   ben  bier  SBod^en,  tr>elc^e   bie  3Ser= 

^anblungen  iDegen  unferer   §ocl)3eit   bauern,    malte   ic^   mir 

taglid;  in  ©eban!en  3^^  ^il^  «ug,  aber   n)ie  U)eit   ift  meinc 

15  ^Ijantafie  l)inter  ber  2Bir!licf)!eit  ^urMgeblieben ! 

Salome.    33itte,  bitte,  ©ie   mac^en   mic^   fd^amrot.   (33ci= 
jeitc.)   @r  f^ri(^t  allerliebft!   @in  angene^mer  5!}lann. 

irtiiller.    2(uf  @l)re,  fd^bne  grau,  toenn  ic^  ©ie  in  ben 
^iergarten  ful)re,  ic^  toerbe  ftolj  fein,  an  Sljrer  <3eite  ge^en 
20  %\x  fonnen. 

Salome.    ®ie  §erren  Berliner  finb  (Sd^meid^ler. 

ITT  ii  Her.    9^ein,  nein,  bamit  i%\xx\.  ©ie  vM  unred^t.  3Str 

Berliner  finb    iDa^rljafte  §elben  ber  SBaljrljeit.     ^ral^Ierei  ? 

$fui!   3luffc^neiben?    ^fui !   ®ag   tl)ut   fein   33erliner.     Unb 

25  nun,  toere^rte  grau  —  bod^  hja^  foil  biefe  formlid^e  SCnrebe  — 

teuerfte  ©alome,  toann  foil  ber  ^ag  unferer  §od^§eit  fein? 

Salome,     ©eien  ©ie  nic^t  fo  ftiirmifd^.     60  n)eit   finb 
n)ir  noc^  nid^t. 

in  filler.    '^\i:ji'^.   OTe§   ift  ja   t)erabrebet.     Unfere  3Ser:: 
30  mogen^umftdnbe  finb  ficl>  gleid^,  mein  (S5efcl)aft  ge^t  gut,  ba0 


aUeg  ift  ja  notariell  feftgeftellt  —  e§  fe^Ite  nur  nod^  ba^  toir 
y\x^^  gefaden.  @ie  gefaden  mir,  @ie  gefallen  mir  fe^r,  ®ie 
gefaHen  mir  ungef^euer.  6ottte  tc^  ba§  Ungliirf  \j(x\i^x\.  3^ren 
Seifalt  ni^t  gu  Befi|en? 

Salome,    ^a^  %<x^t   ic^    nic^t   gefagt;   aber  it)ir  !ennen    5 
un§  boc^  noc^  %\x  h)emg. 

irtiiller.  ^rufen  6ie  mid^.  5iJleme  ©eele  liegt  offen 
t)or  S^nen  ba,  fagt  bie  grieb^^Iumauer  al^  grau  §irfc^  im 

Salome.     2(6er  ©ie  lennen  mid^  nid^t.     3d^  ^abe  meine  10 
ge^ler.    3rf)  bin  jum  S3eif^iel  fefjr  eiferfiid^tig  unb  alfo  auc^ 
ettoag  mi^trauifcf). 

IHiiller.  ©dfiauen  ©ie  tnir  in  bie  2::iefen  ber  ©eele! 
6e^e  i4)  au§  tr)ie  ein  SSerrater? 

Salome.    §m!    f^m!    man    !ann    eud^    5D^annern    nicf)t  15 

ITTuIIer.  3c^  !ann  nic^t  leugnen  ba^  ein^elne  Snbibibuen 
unfereg  ©efc^Iedf)t§  gutDeilen  auf  2lbit>ege  geraten,  allein  ju 
biefen  i)erit)erflid)en  ©jem^laren  ber  ^J^annermelt  ge^ore  ic^ 
nid^t.  giir  mid^  !ann  id^  fte^en.  SSer  fonnte  aud^  an  '^x^x  20 
©eite  eine  anbere  nur  anfe^en!  Sllfo  beftimmen  ©ie  ben 
^ag  ber  §od)5eit. 

Salome,  "^^w,  !ann  boc^  einen  fo  tvic^tigen ©d^ritt  nid^t 
f 0  raf (^  tl^un,  man  mu^  iiberlegen.  —  (t lopfen.) 

IHiiller.    2Ser  !Io!pft   benn   ba?    §erein!    ©ntfd^ulbigen  25 

^iinfter  auftritt. 

JBorigc.     ^au^InCJ^t  (mlt  elnem  alteit  .gute,  ben  cr  auf  ben  IRUcfcn  |ait). 

^ausfned^t.    ©e^orfamfter  Wiener.  30 

Auft.  5.]  MULLER   ALS   SUNDENBOCK.  l8l 

UTiiller.    Wiener!  Wiener!   2Ber  finb  6ie?  2Ba§  h)ollen 

^ausfnec^t  (gutmiUin,  ^fiffig  iacf)einb).    5^a !   6ie   lonnen   e§ 
fd^on  benfen! 
5       ITtiiller.     2Sa§  !ann  i(f)  benfen?  5f?ic^t§  !ann  td^  benfen. 

^aus!ned}t»    3Son  tvegen  geftern  abenb. 

irtullcr.     ©eftern  abenb? 

^ausfnccf^t,     3rf)  bin  ber  §au§!ned^t  au§  bem  griinen 
lo      irtiiller.     2Sag  ge^t  mic^  ber  griine  ©lefant  mit  feinem 
§aug!nec^t  an? 

J^ausfned^t.    3e  nun  bon  tt)egen  geftern  abenb. 

2TtuIIer.     2Bag  ge^t  micf)  geftern  abenb  an? 

^ausfned^t.     @§  ift  ja  tveiter  nirfjtg  babet,  ba§  !ann 
15  einem  jeben  t>or!ommen. 

lUiiller.     35or!ommen?    ©efjeimmgi)olter  §au§lnec^t,  6ie 
f^red^en  in  D^dtfeln,  3^^  S^njeS  §ierfein  ift  mir  eine  ©f^arabe. 

^aus!ned?t.   9f^a,  mad)en  ©ie  nid)t  fo  biele  Umftdnbe; 
\d\x  finb  ja  al(e  ^Jlenfc^en. 
20      irtiiller.    ga  n)o^(,  h)ir  finb  alle  beutfd)e  Sriiber  —  auf 
Xurn=   unb    6dngerfeften,  —  au^erbem   gonnen   tr)ir   einanber 
ba§  2Bei^e  im  Sluge  nid)t. 

^ausfned^t-    3^a,  alfo  be^a^len  @ie,  unb  ba§  ^ing  ift 
25      Zrtuller.    Sega^Ien? 

^aus!ned}t.    ^ie   gerbrod^enen    ©Idfer    unb    ^h^ei    %^X' 
fc^lagene  Stii^le. 

Salome.    2Sag  ift  baS? 

irtuller.    §aug!ned)tlic^e§  5DRitgIieb  be§  beutfd^en  3Sater= 
30  lanbeg,  belieben  @ie  fid^  ettr)a§  beutlic^er  au^jubriid^en. 


^ausfned^t.    D^la,  ®ie  ix>ifjen  ja  bod^,  6ie  fatten  emci* 
iiber  ben  ^urft  genommen. 

Salome,    §err  5)^uIIer! 

miiller,    3^? 

^ausfned^t.    Slngefdufelt  nennt  man  ba§.  5 

Salome.    §err  5D^uffer! 

irtuller,    Sc?)? 

^ausfned^t  @§  ift  ja  nid^tg  baSei,  ba§  fann  jebem 

Salome.    Slber,  §err  9JluIIer!  10 

HTiiller.    STeuerfte  ©alome,  ic^  i^erftel^e  !etn  2Bort. 

Salome.  Sf^eben  ©ie  bod^  iDeiter,  §au§!neci^t,  trarum 
foK  §err  3JluIIer  be^afjlen? 

^ausfned^t.  3ft  i^  ^^"^  ^leinigfeit,  3Jlabamc^en,  3^r 
§err  ©emal^l—  15 

Salome.    ®er  §err  ift  nid^t  mein  9)lann. 

fjausfned^t  (pfiffig  btinietnb).    3^td^t ? 

XTtuIIer.  ®ag  ^ei^t,  nod^  ntd^t.  SSorien  ©ie  mir  nun 
enbUd^  fagen,  h)a§  ©ie  t>on  mir  bege()ren? 

^ausfned^t.    9^un  ©ie  tciffen   bod^,   ©ie  it>urben  un=  20 
angene^m,  nadjl^er  fam  bie  ^eilerei — 

ntuller.    ^eilerei? 

Salome.    §err  50^uEer? 

^ausfned}!.    Unb  bann  tDurben  <Sie  ^inau§getr)orfen. 

Salome  (ftefjt  out),    ^ag  ift  gu  ftar!,  §err  ?!HutIer!  25 

ZHuIler.   SSleiben  ©ie  fi|en,  ©alome,  bleiben  ©ie  fi^en. — 

^ausfned}!.  ®abei  bie  §erbrod)enen  ©Idfer,  bie  ytx- 
fd^Iagenen  ©tii^Ie  —  bie  miiffen  ©ie  bo^  bilUgertoeife  be= 

irtiiller.    §err,  toie  fonnen  ©ie  fid^  unterftel^en  (xxk  mic^  30 

Auft.  5.]  MVLLER   ALS   SUNDENBOCIC.  1 83 

gorberungen  ju  ftellen?  %^  bin  niemalg  in  3f)rem  Iafter= 
^aften  griinen  ©lefanten  getwefen,  id^  h)ei^  nic^t§  t)om  f^in= 
auggetrorfen  iDorben  fein.     Unb  nun  ^arfen  (3ie  ftci^! 

^aus!ned?t.     ©reifern  ©ie  fic^  nid^t,  §err  5i}luffcr,  toir 
5    ba(f)ten  mof^l  6ie  h^iirben  leugnen,  ^(x\>t  barum  ben  33en)ei§ 

ZrtuIIer.    Setoeig?    2Ba^  fiir  einen  33en)ei§? 

^ausfned}!.    §ier  ber  §ut,  ben   6ie  bei  ber  ^eilerei 
10      HTuIIcr.    2Sa§?    liefer  fcf)dbige  ^ecfel  fott  mein  §ut 

^ausfned^t.  §m!  je^t  fie^t  er  fc^dbig  au§;  freilic^ 
tuenn  fo  ein  §ut  mit  SBierfeibeIn  bearbeitet  toirb. 

ITTuIler.    §ut,  §ut!    3Sarum  foil  ber  §ut  ber  meinige 
15  fein?— - 

^ausfned^t.  %t  nun,  e§  ftel^t  ja  3^r  5^ame  barin.  ©o 
!amen  tDir  auf  bie  @^ur,  unb  id^  ^abe  bann  fo  lange  ge* 
fragt,  bi^  id^  ben  §errn  ^JZiiller  gefunben  ^abc. 

Ittuller,    %^\itx\.  (Sie  !)er! 
20      Salome.    3^un  §err  ^Kiiller? 

miiller.    2r^a! 

^ausfned^t.    5fJun? 

rrr filler.    ®a  ftef)t  ja  beutli^  auf  ber  ^arte  mSxttx  o<\x^ 
©logau,  id^  bin  aber  Gutter  <\\x^  33erlin. 
25      ^ausfned^t.    21^! 

5alomc.    SSirflic^? 

2Tt  filler.    §ier  ift  mein  §ut.    ^a  fe^en  ®ie  nteine  Jlarte: 
©ottlieb  ?i}luller  au^  Berlin.     Sllfo  bin  ic^  nic^t  ber  l)inau^= 
geh)orfene  3}ZuIIer,   unb  nun  geljen   ®ie  unb  fud^en  ftd^  ben 
30  angefdufelten  unb  ge!eilten  ^D^iitler  au§  ©logau! 


^ausfnecf}!.    §m!    toenn   ©te   au§  33erlin  finb,  bann 
bin   id^    an    ben   unrec^ten    gefommen.     9^a,    tc^    !ann   nic^t 
bafiir,  ©ie  finb  felber  fd^ulb. 
ITTuIIer.    3c^?    2Bie  fo? 

^ausfned^t.    2Sarum  ^ei^en  @ie  5RuEer!     (5ib).  5 

ITTuIIer.  2Sarum  ^ei^e  i^  littler?  5Ibgefc^marft !  Sin 
nic^tg  ift  ber  SJienfrf)  jo  unfrf)u(big,  it)ie  an  feinem  ^^^amen, 
{)ier  ift  er  formlic^  un^urec^nunggfa^ig.  Slber,  ijere^rte  grau, 
teuerfte  ©alome,  ©ie*  f)aben  mic^  Bitter  ge!rdn!t. 

Salome.    2Biefo  benn,  §err  5[RuIler?  10 

HTuIIcr.    2Saren    ©ie    nic!)t    im   53egriff  ben    ^efc^ul= 
bigungen  biefe§  3^^^ii"S  fud^enben  §au§!nec^t§,  ©lauben  ^u 
Salome.    3e  nun  — 

Zniiller.     „%t  nun,"  fagen   ©ie?     2Bie?     ©in  nobler  15 
33erliner  follte  in   ben  fiinbljaften   griinen    ©lefanten   geljen, 
fid^  einen  anfdufeln,    ^eilerei  anfangen  unb    l;inau§geit)orfen 
h:)erben?   D  ©alome! 

Salome.     ©el)en  ©ie,  id^  l)abe  ©rfaljrungen  gemad^t^ — 
ITTulIer.    3m  l^inauS  gett)orfen  n)erben?  20 

Salome.    9^id()t  boc^,  mein  feliger  3Jiann  — 
irtiiller.    3^   f'^-     ^11^  ^^^  ^^^  ^i^  ©cl)leufinger,  bei 
bem  lonnte  ba§  t)or!ommen. 

Salome.    2ld^  id^  tt)ar  fed^§  %<x^x^  ber^eiratet. 
ITTuIIer.     ©ec^g  3al)re?  25 

Salome,  ©d^on  mit  bem  §tt)eiunb§tt)an§igften  ^Q^\}Xt  trat 
id^  in  ben  ©tanb  ber  @l)e.  5D^ein  ©eliger  !pflegte  alle  2lbenb' 
auf  ben  9lat§!etter  ju  gel^en  unb  ©fat  ^u  f^ielen.  Unb  ba 
tuar  id^  benn  alle  Slbenb*  allein.  ©0  \^^ht  id)  iiber  ba§ 
2Sirtg^augge^en  ber  3Kdnner  bie  traurigften  (^rfa^rungen  ge=  30 

Auft.  6.]  MiJLLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  1 85 

mac^t,  unb  6ie  fonnen  mir  ni(i)t  ijerbenfen  ba^  ic^  fd^auberte 
bei  bem  ©ebanfen,  aud)  6ie  —  • 

IRuIIer.    9Zirf)t  ireiter,  6atome.    3d^  triE  S^rem  ©eligen 
nic^tg   ^bfe§   nad)fagen,   aber  er   mug   ein   f(f)anbUd)er  ^er( 

5  getwefen  fein,  entfrf)ulbigen  ®ie.  9^ein,  6a(ome,  ba§  \j(x\>^xk 
(Sie  bet  mir  nid^t  ^u  fiird^ten.  ©ef^e  idj)  abenbg  au^,  jo 
ge^en  mir  jufammen.  D^ern^aug,  2ucca;  ©rfjauf^iel^au^, 
Coring,  grieb=33lumauer ;  SSattner,  §e(merbing;  griebric^ 
SSil^elmftdbtifd^eg,  5Rittett  —  unb  fo  treiter.     Wxx^,  6alome, 

10  \^<xh^x\  6ie  bei  "^^jX^x^  ©eligen  angefdufelte  unb  l)inau^ge= 
h)orfene  ©rfa^rungen  gemac^t,  meine  2iebe  foil  6ie  bafiir 
entfd^dbigen.  3llfo  tDa^  ben  ^ag  unferer  §oc^§eit  —  (mopfen). 
2Ser  ftort  un§  benn  frf)on  n^ieber?    §erein! 

Scd^fter  auftritt. 

SorigC.      ^-I^tt^mat^crill   (mit  einem  ©amen^ute). 

Pu^mad}ertn.    Sin  ic^  f^ier  red)t  bei  §errn  5!Jlutter? 
15      ITliiller.     3^1  bienen,  ja  ! 

Salome.    28a€  foil  ba§  ^eigen? 
irtiiller.     2Bir  tDerben  ja  fe^en! 
Pu^mad^crin.    ^^xx  5!)?u(Ier  au§  33erlin? 
ITTiiller.     3c^  bin  §err  5RuIter  q,\x^  33erlin. 
20      Pu^mad?erin.    §ier  ift  ber  beftedte  §ut  unb  ^ier  ift 
bie  Sfted^nung. 

Salome.    2(ber  erfldren  ©ie  mir  bod^  — 
ITTuIIer.     ©in   3}tigi)erftdnbni§,    geben   ©ie   ac^t.     2Sa^ 
foU  id^  mit  bem  §ute? 
25      Pu^mad^erin.     3^^^  grdulein  Sraut  ^at  i^n  bei  un§ 
au§gefud^t  — 


Salome.    S^re  93raut? 

UTiiller.     Sein  Sie  boc^  ruf)ig.     ^eine  33raut? 

Pu^macf^erin.    3«/  w"^  f^^  ^^i  beftellt  ba^  ber  §ut 
an  ©ie  gefc^tcft  tDerben  foil,  ©ie  tDiirbeti  t^n  bega^len. 

Salome.    S^^  M^^  ^ii^  ^^"  2BoI!en!  5 

IHiiller.    S)ag  ift  §u  i)oc^ !     gd^   tperbe  i^n  aber  nic^t 

Pu^mad?crin.    ®ag  h)dre   eine  fc^one  2lrt  ©efc^dfte 
§u  maci^en. 

IHiiller.    ^urg  unb  gut,  id^  l^abe  !eine  Sraut.    (smu  einem  10 
35[id  ouf  (Salome.)   ®ag   i^eigt,  etgenlUd;  !ann  id^  nid^t   leugnen, 
ba^  td^  eine  S3raut  ^abe  — 

Pu^mad^ertn.    D^^un  alfo ! 

ITTuIler.    2Iber  meine  Sraut  fann  ben  §ut  nid^t  befteUt 
^aben,  unb  !ur^  unb  gut  ber  §ut  gel)t  mid^  nic^tg  an.  15 

Pu^macf^ertn.     ©ie  finb  bod^  §err  3Jiutter? 

lUuIIer.    5c^  bin  §err  SJZiiaer. 

Pu^mad^ertn.    5fiun  alfo? 

irtiiller.    Slber  ic^  bin  nirf)t  ber  biefen  §ut  befteKt  l^abenbe 
5[RulIer,  irf)  bin  nid^t  §utmuller.  20 

Pu^mad?ertn.    ®er  9fiame  trifft  bod^  %\x\ 

Salome.    ©a§  ift  bod^  ijerbdc^tig! 

ITT  filler.    Slber,   t)erel)rte  grau,  e§  giebt  eine  unenblid^e 
5[Renge  toon  ^iittern ;  n^enn  id^  alle  bie  ^^^X^  begal)Ien  follte, 
bie   bie   befteUen,    id^   mii^te    bei   3^otf)fd^i(ben    eine    5lnlei^e  25 

Pu^mad^ertn.    Slber  ®ie  finb  bod^"  §err  ^Jliiller   <x\x^ 

Salome.    ®a^  trifft  bod^  ^u. 

ITTuller.    ^l§   h)enn  ic^   ber   eingige   3JlulIer  in   33erlin  30 

Auft.  6.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  1 87 

iDdre.    9}littelalterlid^er  2(berg(au6e !  §unbert)t)eife  laufen  fie  in 
93erlin  f)erum,  h)o  man  ^in  gudt,  erblicft  man  einen  3}lutter. 

Pu^m advert n.     ^Iber  3^^^^  grdulein  Sraut  — 

IHiiller.    ^(xi  benn  meine  33raut  —  ? 
5        Salome.     Sefjen  6ie,  (5ie  berf d^na^^en  fic^  ! 

ITTuIIer.  §at  benn  ba§  grdulein,  hjotlte  ic^  fagen,  nid^t 
angegeben,  n)o  ber  fraglid^e  §err  5JlutIer  <x\x^  33erlin  too^nt? 

Pu^mad?ertn.  ^  3^/  ^^^"^  ^i*^  5i}iabame  ^at  e§  i;)er= 
geffen ;  unb  ba  iDtr  im  grembenblatte  fanben  — 
lo  HluIIer.  9^un,  fo  fagen  ©ie  S^rer  SKabame :  ©ie  tDdren 
o<XK  ben  unrec^ten  ^iitfer  ge!ommen,  fie  foil  fic^  befinnen  bi§ 
i^r  ber  recite  einfdttt,  unb  in  gw^unft  fid^  bie  Slbreffen  aufs 

Pu^mad^erin.    9Benn  id^  ^ier  unred^t  bin,  fo  mu^  id^ 
15  urn  ©ntfd^ulbigung  bitten.   (3t6.) 

ITT u  11  e r  (gmmiuio).  "^(x,  fd^on  gut,  mein  ^inb,  fd^on  gut.— 

Salome.  3d^  mu^  mir  benn  bod^  eine  ©rfldrung  au^s 

in  filler.    6ie   fe^en   ja,    liebfte   ©alome,    ein  3Ki^t)er= 
20  ftdnbnig,  eine  2Serh)ed^gIung. 

Salome.  3Senn  ©ie  mid^  tduf rf)en  fonnten,  —  id^  bin  fo 
eiferfucf)tig,  —  it)enn  id)  3^^^  Siebe  ni(f)t  gang  befommen  fann, 
fo  n)i(I  id)  fie  gar  nid^t. 

IHulIcr.     @an^    follen    ©ie   fie    ^^^XK,    ©alome,    gang, 
25  nid)t  ein  acJ)tel  ^rogent  foil  3^"^i^  Derloren  ge^en. 

Salome.  SSenn  e§  (x\x^  t>iele  5Diutter  in  33erlin  giebt, 
fo  ift  e§  bo^  feltfam  ba^  gerabe  ^mei  ^ier  gur  5iJleffe  — 

ITTfiller.     ©eltfam?    9Kein    @ott!    t>on   ben   ^unberten, 

bie  e§  in  33erlin  giebt,  fommen  fie  bu^enbiDeife  §ur  ?[Reffe. 

30  ©ie  h)erben  bod)  feinen  2(rgn)oI)n  {)egen  gegen  mid^,  ©alome? 

1 88         '  GERMAN  READER. 

Salome.     3(cl^,   mir    fc^ldgt   ba§    §er§    l^orbar !     2Benn 
©ie  bod^  — 

^TtuIIer.    "^zxvci  id^  bod^  eine  33raut  {)dtte?    Slber  ba§ 
it)dre    ja    reine    33igamie  —  8taat§anh)alt  —  ©efd^morne, 
3ud^t^au§.     ^^lein,    (Salome,    fe^en    ©ie   mid^    an.     ^onnen    5 
©ie  glauBen  ba^  biefe  eljrlid^e  5Riene  gelogen  ^at?  (sio^jfcn.) 
§erein!     ®a§  ift  toirllid)  unauSftel^Iid^. 

Siebcnter  nuftrltt. 

SJortgC.      @tn   ^Unge  (mit  ciner  a«o))^)c). 

3unge.    2Sol)nt  l)ier  §err  ^Jiiilter? 

HtuIIer.     3a,  ^ier  it)o^nt  §err  ^JJ^iiller.     2Ba§  fott'g? 

3unge»    §ier  ift  bie  befteUte  $^otogra^f)ie.     .^oftet  fec^g  10 

HtuIIer.    ^a§  ift   falfd^,   id^    ^abe   leine   ^^otogra^^ie 

3unge.    ©ie  finb  bod^  §crr  ^Jiuller? 

irtiillcr.    SCfferbingg.  15 

3unge.    2lu§  ^Berlin? 

irtiiller.    3d^  l)offe,  ba§  fie^t  man  mir  an. 

3unge.    J!lem:pner? 

2Tt filler.    Sled^h^arenfabrifant,   mein   6o()n.     ©0   lange 
man  auf  bem  ©d^emel  fi|t  unb  (jdmmert,  (jei^t'g  ^lem^ner,  20 
t:)enn   aber  ein   Saben   ba^ufommt  mit    gro^em   Sc^aufenfter 
unb  ladfierten  2Saren,  ^ort  ber  ^lem^ner  auf,  unb  ber  33Iec^= 
tDarenfabrifant  fdngt  an. 

3uTige.  3)leineth)egen.   Slber  ba§  ftimmt  ja  alle§:  5!JlMer, 
33erlin,  33Ied^h:)arenfabri!ant.  25 

Salome.    3^/  ^^^  ftimmt. 

Auft.  7.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  1 89 

mailer.    9Sag  foil  ftimmen? 

3 11  ^  9  ^«     ^'Jun  ber  S(ec^ti:)arenf abrifant  ^O^iilTer  au^  33erlin 

ift  i;)orgeftern  in  unferm  Sltelier  geti^efen  unb  ^at  fic^  :pI)oto= 

gra^^ieren   laffen,    gro^,    ^um   auf^angen,    unb    fjat   gefagt : 

5    mein  §err  foffe  bag  33ilb  fc^bn  retoud^ieren  laffen,   benn  es 

it)dre  ein  ©efd^en!  fiir  eine  ®ame. 

Salome,    giir   eine   ®ame?     §err   DJliiCfer,  fiir   irelc^e 
2)ame    f^aben    6ie    fic^    :p^otogra^f)ieren    laffen?      giir    eine 
®ame   beftellen  ©ie  ein  33ilb,  iwd^renb  ©ie  mit  mir  —  a^, 
10  ba§  ift  ftar! ! 

irtuller.  '%xx\.,  nun,  e§  fonnte  \<x  auc^  eine  ganj  un= 
fc^ulbige  ^ame  fein,  eine  3Rutter,  eine  (Sc^tt)efter,  eine 

Salome,    ^o^^n  6ie  eine  SRutter? 
t5       ITTuUer.    9Zein. 

Salome.    §aben  (Sie  eine  ©c^tDefter? 
miiller.     ^in. 

Salome,    ^oikitxi  @ie  eine  3:;ante? 
IRuIIer.    g^ein. 
20      Salome.    ^\xx\.  ift  e§  entfcif)ieben,  ^l^re  galfd^^eit  liegt 
am  ^age. 
miiller.    SSie  fo  ^alfc^^eit? 

Salome,     ©ie  l^aben  Sl^r  33ilb   fiir  eine   anbere   ©ante 
madden  laffen. 
25       irtiiller.     ©rlauben  ®ie,  bag  ift  ja  nid^t  iral^r. 
Salome.    2Bie? 

ITTuller.     ®a§  mufe  ein  anberer  ?[RiiI(er  fein. 
Salome.    Slugfliid^te !     ©iegmal  trifft  alleg  ju,  ^iiHer, 
33erlin,  ^lem))ner. 
30      irtiiller.     33led^h)arenfabri!ant. 


Salome.    ®a§  finb  ©ie  bod;  offenbar. 

IRuHer.  2Sie  fo?  SBo  ift  ber  ^ehjeig?  Unter  ben 
beinaf)e  neun^unbert  5Ruttern  in  33erlin  !ann  e§  bod),  icirb 
e^  auc^,  mu^  e§  fogar  mef^rere  33(erf>tt)arenfabrt!anten  geben, 
t)on  benen  fic^  etner  !ann  ^^otogra:pl^teren  laffen,  of^ne  ba^  5 
ic§  e§  Bin.  ®a§  tt)ar  ein  '^i^jlyx^,  toerel^rte  grau,  logifd; 
nennt  man  ba§. 

Salome,  ^ennen  ©ie  benn  nod;  einen  S3le(i^n)arenfabrt5 
fanten  9JluIIer  in  33erlin? 

IHiiller.    9^ein,  id^  !enne  feinen  33leci^mutler.  10 

Salome,    ^ann  finb  ©ie  e§  q^\x6:j, 

IHiiller.  2So  bleibt  ber  33eh:)ei§?  ©0  h)enig  h)ic  id) 
affe  5[RuIIer  fennen  !ann,  !ann  id;  <x\x^  atte  ^Blec^irarenfabn^ 
fanten  fennen. 

3unge.     Slber  id;  tmll  mein  ©elb!  15 

duller,     ©titr,  gunge! 

Salome.  D  bejal^len  @ie  immer,  mein  §err,  unb  ber= 
e^ren  ©ie  kr  fraglid^en  ®ame  ba§  33ilb. 

rtTulIer.  2lber  in'g  ^ududg  9^amen  —  bitte  urn  3Ser= 
geif^ung,  teuerfte  Salome!  20 

Salome.  3<^  berbitte  mir  bie  traulic^e  Slnrebe,  mein 
§err,  it)ir  finb  gefd^ieben! 

iniiller.    ©efd^ieben,  no^  e^e  \o\x  getraut  finb? 

Salome.  Dber  bett)eifen  ©ie  ba^  ©ie  nid^t  ber  33lec^= 
n)arenfabrifant  SJlitller  (x-w^  33erlin  finb,  ber  biefe§  S3ilb  beftellt  25 

ITTuller.  SSie  foil  id)  benn  beir>eifen,  ba^  ic^  ic^  bin  unb 
nid^t  ein  anberer?  3d^  bin  bod^  id^,  unb  biefe^  mein  ^"^ 
fann  bod^  nur  im  SSergleic^  mit  einem  anbern  3d^,  fid^  al§ 
ba§   ^6^it    red;te   3<^    crtr>eifen;  iDcnn   id;   aber   fein  anbereg  30 

A  lift.  7.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  191 

3c^  neBen  tnid;  ftellen  fann,  fo  bleibe  ic^  boc^  immer  ic^  — 
.§err  ©ott,  id;  i>erf>ebbere  mir  gan^. 

Salome.     ®a^  t^un  ©ie  aud^,  6ie  fonnen  ben  ^Be^Dei^ 
nid)t  fiibren,  alfo  finb  Sie  entlarbt.    mwi  8ef)eu.) 
5        in  ill  I  er.    §alt!     3^^  ioerbe  e^  benjeifen, 

Salome.    3©ie? 

Zniiller.    2Sie  bumm,  ba^  mir  ba^  nic^t   gleic^  einfiel. 
3Senn  ic^  mic^  ^abe  ^f^otogra^^ieren  laffen,  fo  mu§  bag  S3ilb 
boc^  aurf)  mein  ^ilb  fein. 
10      Salome.     ©^  toirb'^  <x\x^)  fein. 

IHuIler.     ^ann'g  nic^t  fein,  ber  ^f^otogra^^  mii^te  mid^ 
benn  im  33orbeige^en  gefto^Ien  {^aben.    §er  mit  bem  ^ilbe. 

3  U  n  g  e.      §ier.     (Offnet  bie  aWa^jpe.) 

IHuIIcr.    ®a  fe^en  ©ie  felbft,  bin  id^  ba§? 
15      Salome.    2affen  ©ie  fef^en.    (mmmt  ba§  ©ub.) 

irtuHer.  2)iefe  gra^e  fonnen  6ie  boc^  nic^t  fiir  mic^ 
fallen.  Sef^en  ©ie  ben  gro^en  9}Zunb,  bie  bide  3^afe,  bie 
fleinen  5lugen,  ber  ^erl  ift  ja  ipolijeiiuibrig  I)d^lid^.  ©olc^en 
©efic^tern  follte  bon  Dbrigfeit^  h)egen  berboten  ioerben,  fid^ 
2o  ^l)otogra^^ieren  §u  laffen,  bamit  folc^e  §d^Iic^!eit  unferer 
aufgefldrten  '^txi  nid^t  in  liinftige  ga^rljunberle  gelange. 

S  a  1 0  m  e  (8ie6t  ba§  53tib  jurucf).   ^^iein,  bag  finb  Sie  bod^  nid^t. 

in  ii  I  let.    ®an!e  fiir  giitige  2(ner!ennung. 

3un9e.    3Bie  ift  eg  benn  mit  ben  fed^g  2:^i)alern? 
25      IHiiller.    ®u  fiei^ft  bod^,  ba^  btefe  ^^otogra^^ie  unb  id^ 
5tt)ei  berfd^iebene  ^erfonen  finb! 

3uTtge.    ^(x,  ba  mag  ber  §err  felber  feljen,  two  er  ben 
red^ten  finbet,  i^  laufe  fc^on  in  alien  ©aftl)5fen  Ijerum.  (Mb.) 

ITT  ii  1 1  e  r  (trtunt^^ierenb,  fteat  fic^  bor  ©olome).     9^un  ? 

30      Salome.     2Bie? 


irtuller,    9iun? 

Salome.     2lEerbing§ ! 

irtuller.    g^un? 

Salome.     ®te  toaren  e§  nid^t. 

UTiiller.    2Sie  ftef^e  id)  ba  im  ©eiDanbe  ber  Unfd^ulb?      5 

Salome.     3c^  ^^^^  ^^^  ^^i  Jalfc^em  SSerbac^te  (^,^^Q^i. 

ITTuIIer.      2)ie§    ©eftdnbnig    entiDaffnet    meine    gerec^te 
©m^finblid^fett.     3^un  barf  tc^  auc^  tDieber  (Salome  fagen? 

Salome  (»erfc§amt).   Sid)  §err  5[Ruller ! 

IHuller.  2Benn  (5ie  rou^ten,  tt)elc^'  tDunberbare  3Serdn=  10 
berung  in  mir  t)orgegangen  ift,  feitbem  id^  ®ie  gefe^en  l)abe. 
©ott !  toae  mujj  3^^  ©eliger  fiir  ein  Ungel)euer  gelrefen  fein, 
ba^  er  biefen  6ci^a^  nid^t  gu  fdjid^en  iDuf^te,  ba^  er  ©ie  nid^t 
auf  beu  §dnben  trug,  ba^  er  biefen  fleinen  %\x^^xi  geftattete, 
ben  rau^en  33oben  ber  2Bir!lidi!eit  ju  betretcn.  greilid;  in  15 
©c^leufingen  iraren  (3ie  nic^t  an  3^^^^  $la^e.  ^^Zur  in 
33erlin  tDeife  man  ba§  ©d^one  ju  fc^d^en,  5[Retro^ole  ber 
gntelligeng  nennt  man  bag.  ®arf  id)  nun  bem  fc^onen  '^xdz 
micl)  ndi^ern  unb  bie  grage  o>xk  ©ie  ric^ten  —  (siopfen.)  herein! 
©ag  tDirb  immer  drger !  20 

SBortge.    .^ettner. 

Kc liner.     §err  5!)culler,  ein  §err  mill   6ie  f^recl)en.    @r 
tDartet  im  SfteftaurationS^immer,  id^   tooUte  i^n  nid^t   Ijerauf 

laffen,    it)eil  ic^   nid^t   ^i^yX^XZ  —  (rotrft  einen  Slid  auf  ©alome). 

ITTuller.     (Sc^on  gut,  fc^on  gut,  id^  !omme! 
Ke liner  (at).  25 

IHiiller.    5!}leine  teuerfte   ©alome,  irgenb  ein  ©efd^dft! 
@§  ift   eben   3}leffe.      gc^    eile    e§   rafc^    abgumad^en,    fonft 

Auft.  9.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  1 93 

fommt  ber  ?^rembe  nod^   ^erauf.     ©leidj)  bin  ic^  it>ieber  bei 
^fjnen.   (216.) 

Salome  (atiein).  §m!  f)m!  ber  3}lann  ift  ir)ir!Iic^  recf)t 
lieben§it)urbig.     ^'t^ax  !ein  3"^3^i^S  me(;r,  ahzx  ic^   bin  ja 

5  auc^  fc^on  eine  2Bith)e.  @r  ift  gebilbet,  f^ricbt  gut,  unb  in 
Berlin  toirb  fic^'g  bod^  ai\6.}  angeneljmer  leben  laffen,  al§  in 
6c^(eufingen.  3^^  \^^^^  eigentUdj)  ja  fagen,  ba  aUe^  bereit^ 
fo  tt)eit  abgemac^t  ift,  e^  ift  mir  aber  immer  aU  fjielte  mid) 
etitja^  guriic!.  (^lopfen.)  §erein.     5[Rein  ©ott,  unb  icf)  bin  attein 

10  l^ier! 

neunter  Uuftritt. 

Salome.      ^orticr  (firtngt  etnen  Srtcf). 
Portter   (legtben  93rief  nufbenXUc^).    gur   §errn   ?[Rutter.     (3tb.) 

Salome,  ©in  Srief  fur  i^n.  (Siimmt  i^n.)  §a!  bag  {>at 
ftc^er  ein  grauenjimmer  gefcij)rieben.  (Cteft.)  „§errn  ©.  ?iJlutIer, 
berjeit   in   Sei^^ig,    Hotel   de    Pologne."    ^tnxi   ic^    tDii^te 

15  h)a§  in  bem  33riefe  ftef)t.  ^J^ein  3IrgtDof)n  !e!f)rt  guriic!.  ®a§ 
ift  fid^er  eine  grauen§immerf)anb,  fie  ift  !ri|licf)  unb  fd^h)er 
gu  lefen.  2Benn  biefer  33rief  2luf!ldrung  fiir  micf)  entf)ie(te! 
3d^  mac^e  iF)n  auf!  §m!  ba§  barf  man  nid^t.  2lber  e§ 
E)anbelt  fid^  urn  meine  ganje  S^toft!     ®a  !ann  man  fd)on 

2o  ein  fleineg  Unrecf)t  bege^en.  (Dffnet  unb  ueft.)  ^Xreulofer'M  2Ba§ 
ift  bag?  „3d^  ^abe  atteg  erfafjren.  ®u  toitlft  mid)  berlaffen, 
tr>ie  bu  frf)on  fo  mand^e  tjerlaffen  f)aft.  ^annff  bu  bag 
tt)ir!Iid£)  an  mir  t^un?  2(d£>,  id^  l^dtte  bir  niemalg  ©el^or 
fc^enfen  foden.     5lIIe  2Selt  toei^,  ba^  bu  ein  ^on  S^cin  bift 

25  unb  fd£)on  mand^eg  h)eiblid)e  ^er^  gebrorf)en  ^aft."  ©ntfe^Iid^! 
D  eg  tr>ar  eine  giigung  beg  ©cf)idffalg,  bie  mic^  biefen  33rief 
finben  lie^.     3Sie   ^jzx^i  benn  bie   Ungliidflic^e?  {^it^  m^  \>tt 


unterft^rift.)  Slurora.  2lrme§  SSefen!  (steit  uietter.)  „2lber  tc^ 
glaubte  beinen  @c^h)uren,  ^reulofer,  benn  mein  unerfafjreneS 
§er^  f'onnte  fo  biel  5alfc^!)eit  md;t  aljnen.  ge^t,  mie  id; 
()ore,  h)U(ft  bu  ^eiraten,  nad^  ©elbe  fjetraten."  §a!  fo  loft 
fi^  bag  S^atfel,  mein  ©elb  f)at  ifin  §u  tnir  gefii^rt.  „5Jcan  5 
fagt,  ba^  beine  SSermogenggumftdnbe  fd^lec^t  finb ;  leiber  bin 
ic^  felbft  arm  unb  loxva  bir  nid^t  ijelfen."  D  h)er  f^dtte  ba§ 
gebad)t!  2Ser  l^dtte  bag  fjinter  biefem  3Jlenfrf)en  gefud^t,  ber 
fo  e^rlid^  augfieijt.  DJiit  einem  gu^e  ftanb  id)  fd^on  am 
3tanbe  beg  3Serberbeng.  3^/  j^/  ^^  "^i^fe  ^^^  3Serfuf)rer  fein,  10 
benn  aucf)  id^  fiible  midf)  ^u  i^m  f^ingegogen.  (siopfcn.)  3Ber 
lommt?    2Beg  mit  bem  ^riefe!   (stecft  t^n  cm.) 

5el{ntct  OtuftHtt* 

©alomc.     i^ot^arinc  (trittcin). 

Katl^arinc^     ©ntfrfjulbigen  ©ie,  man  it>ieg  midj)  (^ierl^er. 
5d^  bin  h?ot;I  nid)t  red^t. 
Salome.     3^  ^^"^  Mnfc^en  ©ie?  15 

liatE^arine.     SSoi^nt  ^ier  §err  5iJJuIIer? 
Salome.    Merbingg. 
Katl^artne.    §err  (Gottlieb  mSxUx'^, 
Salome  (nut  rteigenber  eiferfuc^t).   ©ang  red^t. 
Kati^arine.    Slug  33erlin?  20 

Salome,      ©erfelbe.    (aWi^t  [te  mlt  fembtid^cn  Snclen.) 

1{  a  1 1?  a  r  t  n  e  (ml^t  Salome  mit  fetnblicfien  SBItcfen).    3^  ^^i&  ^^^  — 

Salome.     §err  TO'itler  ift   eben   abgerufen  h:)Drben  unb 
irirb  tt)o^I  gleidf)  ^uruc!!el)ren. 

K  alizarine.     60    erlauben    ©ie    mir    too^I    etit)ag    §u  25 

Auft.  10.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK,  1 95 

Salome.     S^^  M^^  ^i^^  x(\i:)i%  %\x  eriauben. 

'Kcitl^CltinC    (mit  immer  gcieijterem  Xoiie).      ^ITt ! 
S  CX 1 0  TTl  C    (mit  intmer  fteigeiibev  geinbfeligfeit).      ^tU  ! 

(Winter  bev  Scene  entfeiiit,  luic  ooii  ber  Strafec  tjerauf  §nrfe  mit  ©efattfl  ;  „<Sc§mate, 
fc[)m(ile  lieber  Sunge,"  aug  3)on  Suan). 

Katl^artnc.    §m. 
5        Salome.    (Sie  bclieben? 

KatE^artne.    D,  nic^t^. 

Salome.    §m. 

KatE?artne.    6ie  belieben? 

Salome.    D,  mrf)t#,  id^  ^abe  ^ier  fein  Sied^t  ju  fragen. 
lo      l{at(?arine.    5Roglidj)!  3[5ieIIeidS)t  ^dtte  ic^  e^er  ein  S^ted^t 

Salome.    2i5ie  fo? 

li  a  t  (?  a  r  i  n  e.    3^^  ft^^^  in  33e^ie()ungen  ^u  ^^xxw,  9)lutter — 

Salome.     So?  3^  SSejieljungen  ftel^en  ©ie?    ®arf  man 
15  melleic^t  toiffen  in  h)eld^en? 

Ka 1 1? ar in e.  2Barum  nic^t?  §err  ^Riiller  ift  mein  ^er= 
lobter.  3d)  n?itrbe  mir  fonft  nid)t  erlaubt  \j(x\i%\K,  i^n,  einen 
uni:)er^eirateten  §errn,  auf  feinem  gi^^"^^^  l^  befud^en. 

Salome.    2BoIIen  @ie  metleic^t  bamit  fagen  —  ? 
20      :Katl?arine.    SSag? 

Salome.    ^\^i^,  nic^t^!   ©^redf^en  ©ie  nur  t^eiter! 

Katl^arine.    §err  5)RuUer  ift  i)or  ein  :paar  !4:agen  am 
gefommen,  icl)   fel^re   fjeute  morgen  au^   ^re^ben   ^urM,  er* 
fal^re  feine  SSoljnung  burc^  bas  grembenblatt  unb  bin  etn)ag 
25  erftaunt  — 

Salome.    W\&}  l)ier  ^u  finben? 

Katl^arine.     @tn)a§  bergleid)en. 

Salome,    ^ielleic^t  \)(x\i^  id)  auc^  bag  "^t^^X  l^ier  ju  fein. 


KatE^arinc.    SSie? 

Salome.  SSenn  nun  §err  ^iiller  auc^  mit  mir  berlobt 

Katl^artne.    28a§  fagen  ©ie? 

Salome.    2Ka§  ber  2Baf;r^eit  fef^r  na^e  fommt.  5 

Katt^artne.  2Sie?  ©ie  fatten  mir  meinen  3SerIo6ten 
abfjjenftig  gemac^t? 

Salome,    (S§  fragt  fic^,  irer  fjier  ditere  9tec^te  ^at. 

l:{atE?artne.    3^/  ic^/  ^J 

Salome  (tio^mfrfi).     Seruf^igen   ©ie  fid^,   ic^   trete   Sl^ncu  10 
alte  3fied)te  ab,  bie  id^  auf  §errn  5D^uEer  \i(x\^txi  fonnte.     9Zie 
toerbe  ic^  mid)  fo  tDeit  erniebrigen  mit  einem  3Jlanne  mic§  gu 
berbinben,  ber  treulo§  eine  anbere  nebenbei  ^at. 

^atl^arine  (immer  jonufler).  9iebenbei?  2)ag  ift  ftar!. 
SSenn  eine  bon  un§  nebenbei  ift,  fo  finb  ©ie  eg!  15 

Salome.    2Sie?    3c^? 

Katf^arine.  ®oc^  beru{)igen  ©ie  fid^.  K^mW)  §err 
5D^uIIer  tt)irb  fommen,  ioirb  ung  9tebe  fte^en,  unb  ivenn  eg 
\oo!cjX  ift,  ba^  ©ie  2tnf^riirf)e  auf  it?n  f^aben,  trete  irf)  ^uriid; 
id^  bin  gu  ftolj  bie  Siebe  eine§  SJ^anneg  teilen  %\x  iDoUen.         20 

(Elfter  Uuftrltt, 

Sortge.     9)JuCer. 

ITTuIIer   (bemcrft  5?at^anne   nirf)t   gfeirfi).      ©0,     bag    itJCire    abge= 

mac^t,  nun  finb  trir  fjoffentUc^  ungeftort,  meine  teure  ©alome. 
SaIome»     S^rM,  mein  §crr,  ©ie  finb  entlartJt! 
ITT ii Her.     ©d^on  tDieber? 

Salome,    ©e^en  ©ie  nid^t  bort  ^^re  SSerlobte?  ?5 

miiller.    SSerlobte? 

Auft.  11.]  MULLER   ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  197 

Salome.    9^un  mein  Jrdulein,  erfldren  ®ie  jic^. 
Katl^arine.    ^ag  ift  nic^jt  §err  gjlutter. 
IHuIIcr.    2Ba^?   ^t\xit  ben  ganjen  Xag  bin  id;  in  einem 
fort  9)iuIIer,  9)Zutter  fiir  jeben  anbern  5JlulIer,  unb  nun  fott 
5    id^  auf  einmal  gar  nic^t  ^Uiitter  fein? 

KatF^artnc.    ©ie  tDdren  §err  3)Zutter? 
mailer.    3a! 
Katl^arine.     2lu§  Berlin? 

ITTuller.    (5cl)meic^le  mir  au^  ^Berlin  ^u  fein,  ^offe  ba^ 
lo  meine  §a(tung,  mein  ganjeg  9Sefen  bag  nicl)t  2ugen  ftraft. 
Salome.    3^r  i^/  ^^^^  grdulein,  bag  ift  §err  ©ottUeb 
^Riiller  aug  33erlin. 

Katl^artne.     ©o  finb  ©ie  nid^t  ber,  ben  icf)  fud;e,  unb 
id)  bitte  urn  @ntfd;ulbigung.     ©ie  miiffen  einen  9lamengi)etter 
15  in  Berlin  ^aben. 

HTuller.     Sinen?    %^,  toeit  iiber  ad^t^unbert. 
K alizarine,     ©eltfam  ba^  ©ie  auc^  ben  9f?amen  ©otts 
lieb  ful)ren. 
ITT ii Her.     ©ar  nic^t  feltfam!     Unter  ben  f)unberten  Ser^ 
2o  liner  ^JZulIern  l^ei^en  getoi^  ein  ^aar  ^u^enb  auc^  ©ottlieb. 
K alizarine,     ©o    bitte    ic^    urn    (Sntfc^ulbigung,    mein 

Salome.    3)Zabame,  trenn'g  beliebt. 
K  alizarine.    Sllfo,  3}iabame,  ©ie  fatten  iibrigeng  gleid^ 
25  benfen   fonnen  ba^  ein  jungeg  3Jldbd)en  toie  id)  nic^t   einen 

fo dltlid^en   §errn  jum  3Serlobten   \t<x\itx\.  toirb.     Sitte 

nod^malg  um  SSerjei^ung.    (2i5). 

HT  ii  1 1  e  r  (flegen  bie  ipre  nac^vufcnb).    SltUd^er  §err?    ^ag  ift 

ftar!.     ©rlauben    ©ie,    ic^    bin    ein   5Jtann    in   feinen    beften 

30  S^^^^^J    SiltUc^er  §err.     ^<x6:j  meinem   ^ergen   ju  urteilen 


bin  ic^  ein  Siingling,  benn  td^  fii^Ie  bie  3artlicf)fte  Stebe !  — 
'^^^  tt)a§  U)itt  ic^?  ^^  \\i  eine  ^ame,  bie  mid)  beleibigt 
\j(xi,  unb  gegen  eine  ®ame  ^at  man  feine  SSaffen.  "^yxw.  §u 
ung,  meine  teure  ©alome! 

Salome,    ^v^xvd,  mein  §err!  5 

HTuIler.  2©a§?  @ie  ^oren  ja  ba^  e§  ein  S^rtum  irar, 
ba^  biefe  ®ame  einen  anbern  ^iiller  fuc^t.  SSieKeic^t  ift  e^ 
ber,  ber  ben  ^\xi  begaJjIen  fotlte,  ober  ber  fic^  \)<x\  ^^otogra= 
^l^ieren  laffen.  9?un  ba§  ift  ftar!.  (©egen  tie  spre).  ?D^ein 
grdulein,  i^enn  biefer  ^l;otogra^f)ifc^e  5!}JMer  3^r  5i)iu((er  i[t,  10 
mit  bem  ne^me  ic^  eg  nodf)  anf.  6o(c^  ein  gra^engefid^t 
barf  fic^  ni(f)t  neben  mic^  ftetten.  ©ie  fe^en  alfo,  teuerfte 
©alome,  ba^  id^  unfd^ulbig  bin,  h^enn  aud^  einen  STugenblidf 
ber  Sd^ein  eine§  3Serbad;te§  auf  mir  ru^te. 

Salome,    SSagen  <Sie  e§  noc^  mir  unter  bie  Slugen  %\x  15 

ITTuIIer.    liefer  ^on  — ! 

Salome.    ®on  Suan! 

IHulIer.    D^er  bon  5D^o^art.     2Ba§  foil  bie  ^ier? 

Salome,     ©ie  finb  ein  ®on  Swan!  20 

ZTTuIler.  gc^?  STc^,  bu  lieber  ©ott.  @in  ^lec^hjaren. 
fabri!ant  unb  ®on  S^^an.     ^a^t  nid^t. 

Salome.  3Serftedfen  @ie  fic^  nur  Winter  elenben  S^d^en, 
e§  ^ilft  3^"^^  nic^tg  me^r.  3^^  nenne  g^nen  einen  ^^lamen 
unb  ©ie  berftummen.  25 

ITTulIer.    ®a  n)dre  ic^  begierig. 

Salome.     Sturora ! 

miiller.     Slurora? 

Salome,     ^ennen  ®ie  Slurora  nic^t? 

irtiiller.     ®ie  (SJottin  ber  5!Jiorgenr£>te.  30 

Auft.  11.]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  199 

Salome.     Sie  mogen  "ftd^  breben  unb  iDenben  tt)ie  ©ie 
tuotten,  e^  \\i  atte^  entbecft.     %^  \)0^t  einen  33rief. 
irtiiller.     3Son  meiuem  ^Setter? 

Salome.     3(u§fluc^te !    ©in  35rief   fiir  6ie  ift   abgegeBen 
5    it)orben,  id;  brad;  i(;n  auf. 
^     ITT ii Her.     ®ie  bracken  i^n  auf? 

Salome.  3n  meiner  SSegiefjung  ju  S^nen  it)ar  ic^  baju 
bered^tigt.  liefer  33rief  fteEt  ©ie  in  S^rer  gangen  33lo^e 
bar.  ^a,  lefen  ©ie,  t)erftummen  Sie. 
lo  Zniiller.  ©in  33erliner  berftummt  nie.  ©rlauben  (Sie 
(55ut(§fiicgt  ben  iktef.)  21  f) !  —  2(f) !  —  ®a§  ift  ftar! !  —  ^fui !  — 
3(bfc^eulic^  !  —  ®a§  ift  toirfUc^  em^orenb !  So  §u  f)anbeln  — 
unglaublid^ ! 

Salome.     3(f)   bin   begierig,  h)ie   Sie   fic^    f)ier   f)erau^= 
15  it)inben  tuerben. 

ZHuIIer.     Sie   glaubcn   boc^   nid^t,  ba^  biefer  33rief   an 
mid^  gericbtct  ift? 

Salome.    2ln  men  fonft?  3^^  !preife  ben  S^falT,  ber  i^n 
mir  in  bie  §anbe  geful;rt  f)at. 
20      irtiiller.    Slber  ber  93rief   "^^^i  ja   nic^t    auf  mic^,  toie 
fonnte  er  (x\\  mid^  fein? 

Salome.    9^idf)t  an  Sie?  3SoEen  Sie  nod^  leugnen?  §ier 

ift  bie  2(breffe:   §err  ^JiiiEer   aug  Berlin,  ber^eit   in  Sei^jig, 

Hotel  de  Pologne  !    ^a^  ftimmt  bod^  aUeg  auf  ba§  genaueftc. 

25       IHiiller.    ®a   mu^   fid^   jemanb    einen   fc^tec^ten  Sd^erg 

gemac^t  ^aben. 

Salome,    ©lauben  Sie   benn,  ba^   id^  mic^   mit   fc)Idf)en 

n)inbigen  2lu§reben  abfertigen  (affe.    Sic  finb  ein  Ungef)euer! 

irtiiller.     %(x    h)o^l,    ein   Xlngef)euer    t)on   ©utmiitigfeit, 

3P  ein  Ungef)euer  toon  @f)rlic^!eit,  ein  Unge^euer  l>on  3fii^t(id^!eit 

bin  ic^.     ®a  fef)en  Sie  ^er!   §ei^t  bag  5D^uEer? 


Salome.    2ea§  fonft? 

irtiiller.  ?D^oIIer  ^ei^t  e§!  ^ie  morgenrotli^e  Slurora 
fd^reibt  eine  fd^led^te  §anb;  ttjenn  man  nidjt  genau  ^infief^t, 
!ann  man  fd^on  ein  D  fur  ein  U  anfeljen.  ©o  ift  e§  bem 
^ortter  gegangen,  fo  ift  e§  "^^xkzxk  gegangen.  5 

5 a lo lite.  SSdre  e§  tnoglicf)?  (^^umnt Me stbreffe).  §m,  ja, 
bag  !onnte  au(f)  ein  D  fein. 

nTiiller.     @§  ift  ein  D,  e§   ift  geh)i^    ein  D.     2lc^,  n)ie 
fauer  it)irb   e§  mir  gemad^t,  3f?re  §ulb   §u   eriuerben.     3lber 
nun  bin  id^  fiegreid^  burd;ge!ommen,  nun   fte^e   id)  am  giele  lo 
meiner  28iinfrf)e,  nun  —  (sitopfen).    ^aufenb  ®onnerit)etter,  l^ort 
ba§  noc^  nic^t  auf?  —  §erein! 

5waiftcr  Huftritt. 
Sorige.     ^^oliscibcamtcr. 

PoIt3etbeamter.     3^^  Wiener,  mein  §err. 

IRuIIer.     %\}X  3)iener ! 

PoIt5etbeamter.     ©ie  finb  §err  SRiiller?  15 

IHiiller.     3^^  ^in  §err  ^Jliiller. 

PoHsetbeamter  cfie^t m einem «pa^iere nod)).  2(u§  Berlin? 

irtuller.     2lu§  33erlin. 

PoH5etbeamter.    3Sof)n^aft  in  ber  griebrirf)ftra^e ? 

ITT ii Her.    2Bof^n^aft  in  ber  griebric^ftra^e.  20 

PoIt3eibeamter.    ^a^  trifft  \<x  bottfommen. 

2TtuIIer.  3ft  fein  ^unftftiid;  ©ie  i^aben  e§  ja  aufge= 
fc^rieben.     a\>a§  ftei^t  gu  3^ren  ©ienften? 

Poliseibeamter.  3^^  ^i^fe  @^^  bitten,  mir  auf§ 
^oligeiamt  >u  folgen.  25 

UTiiller.  $oIi§eiamt?  6eien  (^ie  fo  gut,  3d^  \j(xht  ba 
nid^tg  ^u  fud^en. 

Auft.  12.]       ■         MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  201 

PoIt5etbeamter.  2lber  t)tetlei(^t  ettoa^  gu  finben. 
S^iod^  einmal  mu^  id^  ©ie  bitten  mitjugef^en. 

miiller.    3Se§^aI6  benn? 

PoIt$etbeamter.  3^  """/  ©i^  fi"^  flw^  Berlin  mit 
5  §inter(affung  i)on  ®cf)ulben  entflof^en,  bag  ©erid^t  ^at  ben 
Sanfrott  auggefproc^en,  unb  ein  ©tetfbrief  forbert,  ba^  man 
fid^  3^^^^  ^erfon  bemdd^tige. 

Salome.     6o  irdre  e§  boc^  ein  &!   SBeld^e  ©ntbedfung! 

ITTuIIer.  ^eine  (Sntberfung,  eine  SSerbedfung.  3d^  bin 
lo  nidf>t  ber,  ben  (2ie  fuc^en,  bin  nidf>t  33an!rott=^u(Ier. 

PoH$etbeamter.  2Benn  ©ie  bafiir  giiltige  ^etoeife 
ftellen  fonnten  — 

HTulIer   (Oolt  eine  ^po^farte  au§  feincr  Srieftofc^e).    21^,     ttf),     ^ier    tft 

meine  ^agfarte. 

15         PoIt5Ctbeamter    (m-gleic^t  Mc  Sarte  mU  feinem  <Pa^Jter).     9JZuIIer, 

33erlin,  griebric^ftra^e,  ftimmt  adeS  ganj  genau. 

Salome,  §err  ^iJiuIIer,  ©ie  feE^en, ba^  unter  biefen  Urns 
ftdnben  — 

Zniiller.     3Sag  benn,  teuerfte  ©alome? 
20      Salome.     "^tXKXi  ©ie  ftc^  i)on  biefer  33efrf)ulbigung  nid^t 
reinigen  fonnen — ad^  e§  h)ar  boc^  ein  IX  auf  jenem  33riefe. 

iniiller.     ©in  D  tear  e§,  ein  D.     5ltte  ^Setter,  mu^  ic^ 

benn   fiir   alle  ^Jliiller  ber  2SeIt  ber  ©iinbenbodf  fein?  §err, 

ic^  bin  tpa^r^aftig  nid^t  ber,  ben  ©ie  fud^en.    5!Kein  ©efrf)dft 

25  ift    in    Drbnung,    id^    \j(x\iz    feine   ©d^ulben,  bin    ein    n)o^(= 

fiabenber  SRann. 

PoHseibeamter.     ©ie  finb  boc^  5!Jiutter  au^  33erlin. 

irtiiller.     @g  giebt  balb  neunf)unbert  ^Jliiller  in  Berlin. 

PoIt5etbeamter.    Slber  au§  ber  Jriebric^ftra^e. 
30       ZrtuIIer.     2luc^  in  ber   Jriebridjftra^e  giebt  eg  ein  ^aar 
^u^enb  3Jlu(ler. 


Polisetbeamter.  @§  t^ut  mir  leib,  aber  borber^anb 
treffen  atte  2(n5eicf)en  bei  3^"^"  ein,  unb  ®ie  tniiffen  mit  mir 

mil  Her.    SSo^tn  benn? 

Poliseibeamter.     SKir  fjaben  fo  Heine  ftitte  ©tiibc^en,    5 
i:)on   benen    iDir    3^nen    ein§   §ur   $Sof)nung    einrdumen,    bi§ 
(Sie  betDief^n  fjaben,  ba§  ©ie  md;t  ber  5Jtut(er  jinb,  ben  tt)ir 

ITlulIer.     ©titte   ©tubrf)en!     9)^iete   gratis,  Slu^fic^t  auf 
ben  §of,  5i}ieublement  mangel^aft!     ®an!e  fcf)on!     3c^  ^abe  10 
gar  !eine   '$^<t\i  3^re  ftiden  ©tubrf)en  §u  befuc^en;  ^ier  fef^en 
©ie   meine    33raut,    geborne   §arttt)ig    au§   ©d)Ieuftngen,   ic^ 
mu^  {jeiraten. 

Salome.     D,  batjon  finb  h)ir  iueiter  al^  je, 

in  ii  I  let.    2Ser  ba  ben  3Serftanb  nid^t  t)erliert,  ^at  feinen  15 
§u  berlieren,  fagt  ein  geit)ifjer  Seffing.     3c^  bin  ja  unfc^ulbig, 
§err  ^oligei! 

PoIt5etbeamter.  2Senn  ba§  ganje  ©ignalement  auf 
©ie  :pagt? 

UTiiller.    §alt!     ®a^    ©ignalement!     ®a§   ^aben   h)ir  20 
nocf)  nid^t  gel^abt.     §offentIirf)  '^oX  ber  S3anfrott=9Jiutler  einigc 
,Seberflec!en    unb    5Kuttermale,    bie    nid^t    auf    mic^    ^affen. 
Saffen  ©ie  fe^en. 

Poli$eibeamter  (iteft  bergieic^enb).  ^JluUer  ift  ein  SRann 
in  mittleren  g^^^^"-  ^5 

miiller.    ®a§  ^a^t! 

Salome,    2irfo! 

PoIi5etbeamter.    9Zafe  getuo^nlid^l 

ITT  ii  1 1 C  r   (fafst  an  feine  '^^\z).    §m,    ^m. 

Salome.    ^a§  :pa^t!  30 

Auft.  12.]  MiJLLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  203 

PoIt5etbeamtcr.    9Jlimb  gro^! 

irtiillcr.    §ofIic^  ift  ba^3  6ignalement  nid^t. 

Salome.    3lber  eg  ^a^t. 

PoH5eibeamter.     ©tirn  mittel. 
5        iniiller.    (^rlauben  ©ie,  id;  ^abe  eine  ^o^e  ©tint,  ge= 
banfenreid;  nennt  man  bag. 

Poliseibeatnter.     ^ariiber    Id|t   fid^    ftreiten.     §aar 

Salome,     ^ag  ^a^t! 
10      ^HuIIer.    3Birb  benn  nic^t  balb  etioag  fommen,  bag  uicf^t 

PoH5eibeamter.    9te(igion  ^roteftantif d;  I 

miiller.    §alt! 

Salome.    2Sie!     §aben   6ie   nidf^t   in   S^ren   23er^anb= 
15  lungen  gefagt,  ba^  (5ie  ^roteftantifd;  finb? 

ZTIuIler.    Uber  9teUgiongangelet3en^eiten  ftreite  ic^  nie. 

PoIi5etbeamter.    33efonbere  5lennjeicben. 

211  ii Her.    §alt,  je^t  fommt'g!    Gin  ^aar  ^u^enb  Seber= 
fleden,  ©ommerf^roffen,  ein  fleiner  Sudet  —  n)ie? 
20      PoH5etbeamter.    Stuff allenb  ftarfer  §aarn)uc^g. 

ITtiiller.     §alt!     ^ag  ^a^t  nicf)t! 

PoIt$etbeamter.    §m,  3^r  §aar  ift  giemlid^  ftar!. 

miiller.    Slber — 

Salome.     D   ja,  ba^   ©ie   ftarfeg   §aar   ^aben,  ift   mir 
25  gleid^  aufgefaKen. 

mailer.    3lber  — 

Poli$eibeamter.    9^un? 

iniiller.    ^euerfte  ©alome,  iDoUen  ©ie  nid^t  einen  2(ugen= 
blid  in  3l)r  ^^wtmer  treten? 
30      Salome.    3^i(^t  Don  ber   ©telle   gel)e  ic^,  ic^   tmll  ©e= 
tDi^l)eit  l)aben. 


ITTuIIer,    9Zun  benn,  fo  fe^en  6ie  cinen  Slugenblidf  ^um 

genfter  f)inau§. 
Salome.     2Se§()aI6  benn? 
ITtiiller.     3c^  fage  e§  3^"^^  f^dter. 
Salome.    Slber —  5 

irtiiller  (Mttenb).   3^ur  einen  Slugenblicf! 
Salome.     Set  e§  brum!   (©ic^t ium gfcnfter ^inous). 

ITTuIIer   (mmmt  tie  ^erriicfe  ob  unb  seigt  cine  groBc  ®ta^e).     3f^     ^"^^ 

ftarfer  §aarit)uci^§? 

poltseibeamter.    9^em,  bag  3^ic^^«  trifft  nic^t  ju.       lo 

in u Her  (bebccft ft^ rafcfi  itjicbcr).  9^a  enbltd^ !     ©ott  fei  ^anf! 

Salome,    ^arf  ic^  mic^  umbrefjen? 

UTiiller.    ®re^en   6ie   fic^   urn,  meine  Unfc^ulb   ftrai^lt 
im  ^ellften  Sic^te. 

Salome.    2Sir!Iic^?    ®ie  h)dren  !ein  Sanfrottierer?  15 

2TtuIIer.    21^  —  a§  —  (Salome,  fjaben  6ie  ba§  trirflic^ 
gtauben  fonnen?     3^1*9^"  'Sie  fiir  mtd^,  mein  §err. 

PoHseibeamter.  @§  fd^eint  mir  atterbtngi,  tcenn  ic^ 
noc^  baju  %^x  ganged  SSefen  in  2lnfc^lag  bringe,  ba^  ©ie 
nid^t  ber  finb,  ben  Jt)ir  fud^en.  2(ud^  ^aben  irir  nod^  eine  20 
anbere  ©^ur,  auf  bie  ic^  bon  Slnfang  an  me^r  gegeben  f^abe. 
Sd^  iDttt  6ie  i)orber^anb  nic^t  itjeiter  beldftigen,  iuenn  ©ie 
mir  t)erf!pred^en  i)or  morgen  abenb  nid^t  abgureifen. 

ITtiiller.     %^  it)dre  ol)nef)in  fo  lange  l^ier  geblieben, 

Poliseibeamter.    SSottten  ©ie  %^x  2Gort  nid^t  l^alten,  25 
tDxirben  ©ie  fid^  t>ielleid^t  Unannel)mlid^!eiten '  au§fe|en,  benn 
beobarf)ten  laffen  it)ir  ©ie  bennod^,  bi^  tt)ir  ben  red^ten  l^aben. 
2Senn  ic^   3l)nen  befdf)toerlid^  gefallen  bin,  fo  fd^reiben  ©ie 
eg  fid^  felbft  gu. 

rrtuller.    2Bie  fo?  3c 

Auft.  13.]  MULLER   ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  205 

PoIt$etbcamter.     SKarum  ^ei^en  ©ie  DJliiKer?    ©uten 
3Jlorgen.   (sib.) 

ZTTuIIer.  SSarum  fjei^en  ©ie  5D^utler!  (5(f)on  h)ieber. 
Sdfy  ^ei^e  3}^uller,  ic^  trerbe  5iJluIIer  l^ei^en,  tc^  tt)itt  5[RuIler 
5  ^ei^en !  ^oc^  ftiE !  9^un  (Salome,  ^at  ftd^  nic^t  ba^  UnglM 
ober  ein  tiicfifc^er  ^obolb  mit  feiner  gangen  33og^eit  an  mid^ 
gemad;t,  unb  bin  ic^  nic^t  aug  alien  ^roben  ^erau^gegangen 
tuie  ein  @nge(  ber  Unfcf)ulb? 

Salome.     3d)  mu^  gefte^en  — • 
10      Zrtuller.    3a  geftel^en  6ie  — 

Salome.    2Bag? 

in  filler,     ^a^    ©ie    mic^    lieben,   ba^    ©te   bie    5Jleine 
toerben  hJoEen  — 

Salome  (toerfc^smt).   2Benn  nur  — 
15       ZTtuller  (jartac^).   .^ein  2Benn  unb  fein  3(6er  —  (swimmt  t^rc 
^anb)  fel)en  ©ie  mir  in  bie  Slugen,  ba  finben  ©ie  3^^  ^^Ib, 
't^^  au^  meinem  ©erjen  n?ieberftral)lt. —  (sscugt  ftc^  iu  i^r.) 

5rci?el^nter  Ztttftritt. 

Sorige.     |)aufierer  (ftecft  ben  Sopf  burc§  bie  sprc). 

^aufierer:    9Sa§  §u  ^anbeln? 

HTuller.    ^onnertretter,  ioer   ge^t  fo   gerabegu  bei  ben 
20  Seuten? 

^aufterer.    ©ott  ber  ©erec^te,  l^abe  \6)  geflo^ft  brei= 
mal  ganj  leife,  Ijaben  ®ie  nic^t  gerufen  §erein,  l)abe  \i)  mir 
gebacl)t  — 
IlTuller.    ®en!en  ©ie  tt)a§  ©ie  tooEen,  aber  brau^en. 
25       ^aufterer.    2(lfo  Ijaben  ©ie  nij  ^u  Ijanbeln? 

IHuller.      9f^ici^tg,    nid^tg !     §inaug    foUen    ©ie    ge^en, 
l^inaug ! 


^aufterer*  ©ott  ber  ©ereci^te!  U)a§  fiir  ein  ^orniger 
^Jiann !   (5ib.) 

IRiiller.  @§  ift  ^um  ^eufelEjoIen.  ©omie  man  in  gart= 
Itd^e  ©timmung  fommt,  mu^  man  fic^  drgern.  (Sc^mac^tenb.) 
3lIfo  ©arome  — ? 

Salome,  ©ie  miiffen  aber  Sf)ren  9Zamen  dnbern,  fonft 
fomme  id^  aud^  in  2Ser)i:)ec^§lungen. 

ITciiller.    3n  3Sern)ec^§Iungen?  9Kit  einem  anbern  9JluKer? 
®a^   moc^te   id^   mir   ^ofUc^ft   t>er6ttten.     2(ber  ben   Df^amen 
dnbern?    ®a§   ge!)t  nic^t.     ®a  mii^ten  ir)ir  an  ben  ^onig  lo 
gel^en,  unb  ber  geftattet  fo   etit>a§  nur  in   gang   bringenben 

Salome.    Slber  — 

Ht  filler.  3d^  ^<xh^  fo  lange  auf  ben  9^amen  5[RuIIer  ge= 
\}'iixi,  tt)ie  !onnte  id^  midj)  an  einen  neuen  geJDO^nen?  15 

Salome.    3^/  ^^^^  — 

ITTiiUer.  SSenn  nun  in  2lmeri!a  ein  Df)eim  ftiirbe  unb 
^interlie^e  mir  einige  5[RiIUonen,  l^dtte  id^  bann  meinen  9fla= 
men  abgelegt,  !dmen  ir)ir  um  bie  ©rbfd^aft. 

Salome.    ^(x\iZXK  ©ie  benn  einen  D^eim?  20 

irtuller,    g^ein. 

Salome.  9^un  alfo.  3d)  h)eig  nid^t,  toag  ©ie  an  einem 
9^amen  fjdngen,  ber  fo  getoofjnlid)  ift. 

in  ii  1 1  e  r.  ©etoo^nlid^  ?  9^un  ^euerfle,  ©ie  ^eigen  ©dfjmibt, 
h)a§  ^aben  ©ie  benn  t)orau§?  2Benn  e§  in  Berlin  na^e  0:^  25 
neunf)unbert  ^JJiiHer  giebt,  fo  giebt  e§  aud^  iiber  ad)t^unbert 
©(i)miebe.  2Sir  '^<x\>^XK  einanber  nidf)t§  i)or§uh:)erfen.  ^od^ 
^alt,  gufammenn)erfen  toollen  \o\x  —  \mt  unfere  ^ergen,  fo 
unfere  3^amen.  2Bir  nennen  un§  3JiulIer=©dj)mibt  ober 
©dE)mibt=3JluIIer.     SKa§  meinen  ©ie?  30 

Auft.  14]  MULLER  ALS  SUNDENBOCK.  20; 

Salome.    ^a§  liege  ftd^  iiBerlegen. 
ITtuIIcr.     Unb  nun  3^r  3a! 
Salome,     3a  benn! 

llTuIIer.     §immafc^e§    2Qort.      3e|t    bre^en    ®ie    3f)r 
5    liebe^   ^o^fc^en    ^erum,  (umfaijt  fte)  imb    laffen    ©ie   midji   ben 
erften  ^ug  auf  3^^^^  Wen  Si^^en  briicfen! 
Salome  otrauDt  [ic^  teife).  2Sa§  t^un  ®ie? 
HTuIIer,    3<^   forbere   mein   SfJed^t,  ben   3SerIoBung§!ug. 

{^ixi  '\\)x  ben  iio^f  §erumgebref;t  uitb  tuiE  fie  fiiffen.) 

t>iet?cl^nter  Huftriti. 

lo         B  a  r  b  t  e  r    (ftecit  \it\\  S^opf  burc^  ble  Xf;iire,  fc^narrenb).      S^afteren     gCs 

f  ddig  ? 
Salome  (fa^rt  surflcf).   Sld^! 
irtiiller  (faf^rt juruct).  Xaufenb  ©onnerioetter ! 

€incr  ntuf  l\makn. 

»    £uflfpicl  in  cinem  2I!t. 

3afob^orn,       I  ^riiber,  ^rofefforen  an  eincr  Unitocrfitfit. 

(5crtrubc,  tt)re  Xante. 
£uife,  i^re  9^ic^te. 

Ort  ber  §anblung:  (Sine  UnioerjttatSftabt. 


(Sin  ®arten.    ^led^ts  fte^t  ein  %\\d),  mit  S3u(^ern,  ®toben  unb 

^^tjfifaUfc^en  Snftrnmcnten  bebedt.    ^uf  ber  linfen  @eite 

ein  (^artentifc!^  mit  ©tii^Ien. 

(Etfter  :tttftrltt, 

3afob  unb  SSil^cIm  (rec|t§  am  2i[c§  fi^enb,  in  Seftiire  Dertieft).    fjrtttt 
(SJcrtrubC  (na^  einer  fleinen  ^aufe  toon  rec§t§  auftretenb). 

©ertrube.  Sftic^tig!  ^a  jt^en  fie  tDteber  irie  Dlgo^en, 
in  i^re  alten  golianten  bertteft.  2lIIe§  fonnte  ringgum  ju 
©runbe  ge^en,  fie  medten  ntd^tg  bat)on,  unb  bag  ftdrffte  @rbs 
beben  iDcire  nidit  im  ftanbe,  fie  a\x%  iJjrer  Setfjargie  auf^uriitteln. 
■ —  §eba,  i^r  SSiic^ertDiirmer,  \\}X  ^ergamentmotten,  bie  grii^s 
ftiidfgftunbe  ift  lange  boriiber,  unb  i^r  t^ut  gerabe,  aU  ob  i^r 
gar  feinen  5!Jlagen  ^attet! 

Auft.  1.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIR  AT  EN.  209 

IPill^elm   (toon  feinem  58uc^e  auffe^eub,  ru^ig).    ^a§  \j0^tXK  <Sie  Un^ 

berett§  breimal  gefagt. 

3cifob  (ebenfo).   ©toreu   @ie   un§   nid^t,  liebc   Stante,  bag 

l^at  ja   feine    ©tie.    (i^elbe  lefcn  tocUer.) 

5  ^ertrube  (erjUnu).  ©o?  Unb  glaubt  i^r,  man  ^at  mci^t§ 
anbereg  gu  tfjun,  al§  ^u  toarten,  bi§  e§  euc^  beliebt,  bag 
bi^rf)en  ^affce  gu  neljmen,  unb  eg  immer  toarm  ju  Ijalten? 
(3u  933iU}ctm.)  ©ben,  tt)eil  id^  eg  fd^on  breimal  fagte,  h)dre  eg 
3eit,  ben!e  \^,  barauf  ^u  ac^ten. 

10         H) ill? elm    (o^nc  auf  ©ertrube  ju  ac^ten,  ju  Safob).    @g     Unterliegt 

feinem  ^^^^^f^^/  ^<^6  ^i^  ginnen  unb  Setten  Ijinbuftanifc^en 
Urf^rungg  finb.  3lug  ber  unleugbaren  (S^rad^bern^anbtfc^aft 
ber  ^etfc^enegen  mit  biefen  3Sol!g[tdmmen  gel^t  alfo  l^erDor  — 

^ertrube.  %,  ^o^  ginnen  unb  ^almMen,  bag  ift  benn 
15  boc^  5u  arg!  @g  ift  gerabe,  alg  ob  unfereing  gar  nid^t  auf 
ber  SSelt  ioarc! 

3^fob.  3^r  ©efd^rei,  liebe  2^ante,  ift  ein  unbeftreitbarer 
33eU)etg  i^reg  ^afeing. 

ID  ill}  elm,  Unb  eg  h)are  tDiinfd^engiDert,  ba^  ©ie  unfere 
20  6tubien  nidj)t  burd^  fo  nidfitige  ®inge  unterbrdd^en. 

^ertrube.    3^ic^tige   2)inge?     ^ag   ^rdrfitige    grii^ftiidf! 

^affee,    33utterfemmeln,    @ier   unb    ©d^in!en   nid^tige    ^inge? 

%oA  fonnen  nur  fold^e  ^intenfifd^e   \i^%(x\x'^izx^,  trie  if^r  feib. 

©agt  mir  einmal,  trag  unter  eurem  ganjen  gelel^rten  ^rimgs 

25  framg  h)i(f)tiger  ift. 

3^fob.    Siebe  ^ante,  bag  i)erftel)en  ©ie  nid^t. 

©ertrube  (gereiit).  6oEte  mir  oc\xi^  nod^  fe^len,  mid^  mit 
fold^em  S^wge  gu  befaffen.  D,  id^  h)ei^  red^t  gut,  ba^  i^r 
begl^alb  mit  ©eringfd^d^ung  auf  mic^  Ijerabblidft,  unb  bod()  fagc 
30  id^,  ba^  i^r  nid^tg,  gar  nid^tg  ol)ne  mid^  feib! 


ID  ill?  elm  (ungebuibig).  gtt  bocf)  I  2Bir  tDtffeu  S^rc  35or§uge 
t)olI!ommen  §u  fc^ci^en,  h)enn  ©ie  nur  nid^t  foijiel  Sluff^eben^ 
bai)on  mac^ten. 

^ertrube^    3/  W^  ^^c'^'     <SoE  einem  ba  vix^i  bie  ©es 
bulb  rei^en?    ^\i  e§  nic^t  eine  6unbe  unb  ©djanbe,  ba^  etn    5 
^aar  tiic^tige,  frdftige  junge  2JJdnner,  bie  ettt)a§  9ftec^te§  ju 
leiften  im  ftanbe  hjdren,  Winter  i^ren  33ud^ern  ijertrodnen  ir>ie 
in  D^aud^  ge^angenc  §eringe! 

ID  ill?  elm.    SSeld^  ^rofaifc^er  3SergIeic^! 

^ertrube.    Slber   toa^r   unb   treffenb!     9Benn   ic^    ^v,^  10 
nid^t  manc^mal  aufriittelte,  Idge  ber  ©tauS  fingerbidf  auf  eud^, 
njie  auf  ben  ^ergamentbdnben  in  eurer  Sibliotf)el.    Unb  \oo&, 
n)a§  h)i^t  i^r  benn  eigentlic^?    9flid^t§,  gar  nid)t§! 

3afob.  2Sat)r,  nur  ^u  toa^r,  liebe  Mantel  ©tMn^er!  ift 
be§  ^enfcf)en  SSiffen.  15 

^ertrube.  3a,  fold^er  5^arren  Stiffen,  mie  iF^r  feib. 
2lnbere  %^^xi^,  bie  nid^t  ben  ganjen  lieSen  2^ag  in  ben  SBiid^ern 
bergraben  finb,  toifjen  it)o{)I  h)a§  9?ed^te§.  ®ie  imfjen,  h>ie 
fie  x^x  ^o<\x^  in  Drbnung  {)alten,  n)ie  fie  i^r  3Sermogen  ber= 
t^alten,  n)ie  fie  leben  foEen,  ba^  fie  unb  anbere  greube  batjon  20 

3<ifob.  28enn  atte  fo  gebacfyt  ()dtten,  ftdnbe  e§  nod^ 
fc^Iimmer  urn  bie  28tffenfd^aft,  al§  e§  toirflic^  ber  JaK  ift. 

to  ill?  elm.  Unb  bie  profane  2Selt  !ann  bie  @elef?rten 
barum  nidf)t  ^odE)  genug  fd^d^en.  D^^ennen  ©ie  ©elb^ufammens  25 
fd^arren,  ®ffen,  Xrinfen  unb  ©d)Iafen,  leben?  ^ie  meiften 
toiffen  gar  nicf)t,  ba^  fie  leben  unb  tr>arum  fie  uberl)au^t 
leben.  2Sarum,  Xante,  leben  ©ie  benn  eigentlid^?  ©agen 
©ie  mir  ba§  einmal. 

©ertrube  (etiun§ DerMiifft).   2Ba§?    %^'^.    SSarum  ic^   lebe?  30 
"^yxw.  \%\f  mir  einer!     3c^  —  id)  lebe  gu  meinem  SSergniigen! 

Auft.  1.]  FINER  MUSS  HE  IRA  TEN.  2  1 1 

ID  til}  elm.  Sc^oncr  ©runb!  ^er  jie^t  nid^t,  ^ante; 
einen  befferen. 

©ertrube  (mm).  SBarum  \^  lebe?!  ^a§  ift  mir  bod^ 
noc^  mcf)t  Dorgefommcn!     ®a§  f>at  mir  nod^  niemanb  gefagt! 

5  3c^  lebe  be^^alb,  ba^  folc^e  ^jerfonifijierten  33u4)ftaben,  n)ie 
\^x  feib,  mid;  qudlen  unb  drgern  fonnen.  ^a^  if^r  mir  alle 
meine  6orge,  meine  ^lage  mit  t\x6^  mit  Unban!  lo^nen,  ba^ 
i^r  eurer  alien  Xante,  bie  fiir  euren  %\\6^,  eure  ^leibung, 
euer  bi^d^en  ^au^tDefen  forgt,  ben  2:ob  tDiinfc^en  fonnt!    Sdj) 

lo  lebe  eud)  n^ot;!  fc^on  gu  lange?  D,  ic^  iuei^  eg  mo^l,  id;  bin 
euc^  gur  Saft. 

ID  ill?  elm.  2lber  befte  Xante,  babon  tt)ar  gar  nid^t  bie 

3afob  (5u  233U5eim).   @efc^ie()t  bir  gang  re^t;  h)arum  (ciffeft 

15  bu  bid)  mit  grauen  in  6treitfragen  ein?  ©ie  bleiben  niemalg 
bei  ber  Stange. 

^ertrube  (miitenb ju gaiob).  ©0,  tDir  finb  eg  alfo  gar  nid^t 
U)ert,  ba^  man  iiberfjau^t  mit  ung  f^ric^t?  3Bir  jinb  fiir 
nicf)t§,  fiir  gar  nid^tg  auf  ber  SBelt?    5lber  rec^t,  bu  bift  ja 

2o  ber  dltere  unb  mu^t  mit  beinen  guten'  Se^ren  nod^  ba§  bi^« 
6:)tix  geben  2Bi(^eImg  jerftoren.  ^er  l^at  boc^  noc^  ©efii^l, 
nod^  ein  ^erj  im  Seibe;  aber  bu,  bu  tfjdteft  am  beften,  bid^ 
in  Seber  binben  unb  ju  beinen  alten  ©^artefen  ftellen  gu 

25  ID  til?  elm.  ©ieljjft  bu!  ©efc^ieljt  bir  gang  rec^t;  iuarum 
mu^t  bu  bic^  in  unfern  ©treit  mif d^en! 

^ertrube  (ouf  unb  a6cjef)eut)).  ®ag  !ann  nic^t  meljr  fo  forts 
ge^en!  ®a§  mu§  anberg  toerben!  Unb  l;eute  nod^  mu^  el 
entfd^ieben  fein!     3^^  toerbe  eg  t\x6:i  fc^on  jeigen!   (@ie  tritt  ent:= 

30  fc^ieben  m  fie  ^eran.)  §eiraten  mii^t  i^r!  ©in  ^aar  tiid^tige 
grauen  miiffen  ing  ^aug! 


H) tit; elm     unb     3^^<^^      (auffl^rinsenb,    erfcf}reclt).      ©ercd^ter 

§immel ! 

3a!ob.  Urn  @otte§  h)i(Ien,  ^ante,  !ommen  ©ie  unl 
nic^t  it)ieber  mit  3^rer  alten  ®rof)ung ! 

IDili^cIm  (fieiniQut).   ^omm,   33mber,   h)ir   tDotlen  if^r   ben    5 
SSitren  t^un  unb  fru^ftiicfen  gef^en. 

^ertrube  (beUeite).  Slfja!  3)a§  f^at  getroffen!  (Saut).  3a, 
^eiraten,  fag'  id^,  unb  bieSmal  beftefje  ic^  barauf.  Srf)  f^abe 
^■wi^j  ^artieen  genug  borgefd^lagen,  bie  alle  loorteil^aft  finb. 
^x  l^abt  nur  bie  2(u§n)a^I.  10 

3a!ob.  2Bie  oft  foUen  h)ir  3^"^"  benn  fagen,  ba^  ein 
fold^er  ©d)ritt  too^I  bebac^t  unb  iiberlegt  fein  mug? 

^ertrube.  2Sie  lange  lt)ittft  bu  noc^  iiberlegen?  ^efielj 
bid^  einmal  in  bem  ©^iegel,  unb  fei  fro^,  iwenn  ein  jungeg 
IRdbd^en  nod^  fold^  eine  SSogelfd^euc^e  nimmt.  15 

H) ill} elm.  Urn  gu  i^eiraten  ^aben  h)ir  nod;  lange  3^i*» 
SBarum  unb  mit  toelc^em  l^^i)i^  brdngen  6ie  un§  fo? 

^ertrube.     @ef)t  bocJ)  einmal!     2Ber  ^at  eud^  benn  er^ 
gogen?    2Ser   f)at   euc^   auf  ben  Slrmen  getragen  unb  ge^en, 
fte^en  unb  f^rec^en  getefjrt?    '§  ift  freilid^  lange  genug  f^er,  20 
um   eg  ^u   tiergeffen;  aber  id^,  bie  id^  eud^  it)ie  eine  ?iJlutter 
liebte,  \)<xV%  nid^t  t>ergeffen. 

3a!ob.  3^un  alfo,  tpenn  ®ie  un§  nod^  lieben,  fo  ftoren 
Sie  ung  ni(i)t  in  unferem  ©liidfe,  ba§  toir  in  ftiller  '^yxxM- 
gegogen^eit,  in  unferen  ©tubien  unb  gorfd^ungen  finben.  25 

^ertrube.  3<^  h)^ife  beffer,  mag  eud^  gut  ift,  unb  hxx%, 
tt)enn  if)r  nicf)t  folgen  iDoUt  unb  eud^  nic^t  gleid^  entfd^eibet, 
fage  ic^  mi(f)  log  ijon  euc^  unb  enterbe  eud^. 

ID  ill?  elm.  D  Xante,  icir  tva4)ten  nic^t  x\.(xi)  '^xtvcK  SSer* 
ntbgen.  30 

Auft.  1.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIR  A  TEN.  2  i  3 

3afob.  Unfere  SSiinfd^e  finb  befdjieiben  unb  unfere  33es 
biirfniffe  gering.  SSir  '(ooiUn  gem  auf  ©elb  unb  ®ut  t>ers 
gid^ten,  nur  qudlen  6ie  un€  ntc^t  Idnger  tnit  ber  fiirc^terlid^en 
5  ^ertrube.  ©ut,  ba§  !onnt  i^r  ^aben!  5t6er  ic^  ge{)e 
aud)  unb  iiberlafje  eud^  eurem  ©c^icffal!  ©ei^t  bann  ju,  Juie 
i^r  fertig  tperbet. 

3afobunbIPtII^eIm  (erjc^recit.)  D,  beftc  5tante,  n)o  benfen 
6ie  f^in? 
10  ©ertrube.  3a,  ic^  berlaffe  euer  §au§,  benn  biefe§  3:^rei5 
ben  !ann  id^  nid^t  Idnger  mit  anfe^en.  3Ba^  ix)oEt  t{)r  bann 
t^un?  ^ro^  eure§  SBiffeng  feib  i^r  gefd^lagene  Seute,  benn  in 
alien  euren  gro^en  Sdnben  ftef)t  nid^t,  irie  man  fur  ^iic^e 
unb  teller,  §au§  unb  ^leibung  forgt.  ®ann  trerbet  i^r  erft 
15  einfe^en,  h)a§  grauen^dnbe  toert  finb,  toenn  aud^  nur  bie 
etner  alien  ^ante. 

3  a  fob,    Um'g  §tmmelg  tciHen,  ^Tante—  )    (ftc§  unfc^iuffig 

ID  ill?  elm.     ©rfd^recfen  ®ie  un§  nic^t  fo!  )       anje^cub). 

^ertrubc.    $fui!    ©c^dmt   euc^,   mir   alten  grau   au^:) 

20  gar  nid^tg  juUebe  ju  tl^un.     '^SStnn  id^  t)x6:)  aud^  nid^t§  gelte, 

foUtet  if)r  bod^  ba§  ©ebot  eure§  fterbenben  3Sater§  in  (S^ren 

^alten.    gc'^  ^^^^  "^^  ftubiert,  aber  bag  h)ei^  id^  bod^,  ba^ 

e§  eine  ^eilige  ^flid^t  ift,  ben  28unfd^  ber  ©Item  gu  erfiiUen. 

n) ill} elm  (fieiniaut  ju  sa!o5).     @g  ift  h)a^r,  S^^ob,  e§  h)ar 
25  fein  letter  28unfd^. 

3a!ob  (ebenfo).      ©eiu  Ie^te§  SSort !      (3ur  Sante,  unterfjanbelnb). 

Slber  ^ante,  er  fagte  bod^  nur:  ©iner  toon  un§  mu^  I^eiraten. 
ID  ill?  elm  (m^ner).  Unb  6te  berlangen  e§  toon  beiben.   2Bag 
foUen  h)ir  benn  mit  jh^ei  g'^auen  anfangen?    2)ann  todre  ja 
30  gar  leine  S^ul^e  mel^r  im  §aufe. 


^ertrube.  %^  h)a§,  ba§  t>cr[tef)ft  bu  nid^t!  ge  me^r 
grauen,  befto  beffer.  IXnb  menn  nur  erft  einer  anfdngt,  !ommt 
ber  anbere  toon  felbft  na(i);  aber  einer  mu^  je^t  bran! 

3<lfob  (firf)  am  D^re  !ra^enb,  511  SBU^elm.)      5lIfo:    ©iner   bOU  Utll 

mu^  ^eiraten!  5 

XPill^elm  (efcenfo).     @§  hjirb  hJo(>l  nic^t  anber§  ge^en. 

3  a  fob.  9f?un,  SBil^erm,  toa§  benfft  bu?  2)u  bift  noc^ 
jung,  bu  fannft  e§  e^er  iragen. 

IP  ill?  elm  (6urucffaf)reut)).  3/  ^^^^  beh)a{)re!  ®u  bift  ber  als 
tere;  fiir  bid^  ^a^t  e^  tjiel  beffer.  lo 

3  a  fob.  %\x  \d\x\i  bi^  leid^ter  barein '  finben.  5Du  ^aft 
gefdHigere  gormen  unb  5!Jlameren  unb  bift  U)ir!lici^  auc^  rec^t 

ID i IE? elm.    2)u  bift  biel  gefe^ter  al§  id),  mel  mdnnlic^er; 
bu  taugft  met  beffer  ^u  einem  @l?el?errn  aU  id^.    Unb  bann  15 
ntiiffen  ja  immer  aucl)  bie  diteren  guerft  (x\x^  bem  §aufe. 

3afob.  %<x^  gilt  nur  bei  9)Zdbd)en.  ©ie^,  lieber  33ruber, 
id^  !ann  e§  nic^t  t^un,  unmoglid^! 

H)  i  1 1?  e  I  m  (tterjtDeifeinb).  gdf)  aud^  nid^t;  id^  bin'g  nic^t  im 
ftanbe !  20 

®  e  r  t  r  u  b  e  (un»uiaig  ba5>mfc^eutretenb).  ^0^  2San!elmut  unb  fein 
@nbe!  ^a  tDdren  toir  alfo  h)ieber  auf  bem  alien  gledfe. 
©tel^t  il)r  nid^t  ba,  al§  ob  i^r  gum  9ftid^t^la^  fotttet!  g^r 
§afenfu|e,  fa^t  eud^  bod^  ein  ^er^;  <xxi.  ^o^f  unb  ^ragen  ge^t 
e§  ja  nic^t.  25 

3cifob.    3Sill)elm  ^atte  immer  mel^r  '^\xi  al^  id^. 

It) ill? elm.  S^^^l*  '^^i^^  "^^1^  Idngft  mit  gutem  33eif^iele 
tjorangel^en  follen,  aber  alle  3Jidbd^en,  bie  (Sie  iljm  borfd^lugen, 
Vr)ie§  er  guriidf.     (Sr  !ann  je^t  eine  babon  it)dl)len. 

3cifob.    3^a,  bie  finb  getci^  Idngft  aEc  tot  ober  ber^ei*  30 

Auft.  2.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIR  A  TEN.  2  I  5 

ratet.  {Qux  Xante.)  3<^  ^i"  iiberjeugt,  6te  h?iffen  im  5lugen= 
bitde  felbft  feine  ^artie. 

6ertrube.    2Sa§?     geljn   fiir    eine!     Unb    ein   ^rac^ts 

mdbd^en  ift  barunter,  bie  Diel  ^u  gut  fiir  eud)  t[t.     5l6er  freis 

5    lief),  fold^e  (Sauerto^fe,  irie  iljr,  merfen  ntd^t^,  unb  \oixixi  fie 

bariiber  fielen.    §abt  if^r  benn  gar  feine  Slugen,  leinen  Sinn 

fiir'g  ©c^one? 

ID  tit?  dm.    2Biefo,  Xante? 

^crtrubc.  §abt  if^r  benn  gar  nid^t  gemerft,  iDarum  id^ 
lo  meine^  berftorbenen  Sruberg  2^ocf)ter  in§  §aug  naf^m? 

3a!ob.  2Bie,  Xante,  Suife?  S^re  D^iic^te?  Unfere  2Ser* 
toanbte  ? 

^ertrube.  (Sine  fo  h:)eit(dufige  SSertoanbtfd^aft  \:)ai  gar 
nic^t§  ^u  fagen.  ©ie  ift  nid^t  reidf>,  aber  fd^on  unb,  \x>a^  bie 
IS  §au^tfadj)e  ift,  gut  unb  brab.  2(lfo  !ein  geberlefen,  fonbern 
einen  rafc^en  ©ntfd^lu^,  benn  nic^t  aUeS  toirb  gut,  ira^  lange 
tod^rt.  2)arum  fadelt  nic^t  lange!  @iner  toon  t\x6:j  mu^ 
unter  bie  ^auhz,  toill  fagen  unter  ben  ^antoffel.  IXberlegt 
je^t,  unb  twenn  ic^  tt)ieberfomme,  ntu§  ic^  triffen,  U)eld^er  t)on 
20  t\i^  SBrdutigam  ift.    Slbieu!    m  tns  $au§.) 

5weiter  Uufttitt. 

S^orige  o^ne  (^crtrube.     (Selbe  ger)en,  bie  §dnbe  auf  bent  3fiiicfen,  untoiEig 
auf  unb  a6). 

3cifob  (nac^  einer  ^aufe).      gataler  ^afu§! 

IDtll?elm.    §dpc^e  ©efc^ic^te! 

3cif  ob  (immer  gef)enb).   §at  mic^  gauj  in  2(ufregung  gebrad^t! 
2Bie  foil  ba§  erft  twerben,  menu  eine  grau  im  §aufe  ift? 
2,5      ID  ill?  elm  (eaenjo).    ©djrecfUc^ !    g^iird^terlid^ !    Unb  bod^  ift 
!ein  2lu§toeg.  —  2Bie  fie^t  benn  bie  (s;oufine  au§? 


3^^ob.     3cf)  \:]0^t  fie  ntir  nod^  nid^t  angefe^en. 

ID  ill?  elm.  %^  aud^  nic^t.  —  ®ie  ^ante  tt)irb  nid^t  rul^en, 
id^  fenne  fie.  ©ie  toirb  au§  i^rer  ©ro^ung,  un§  gu  berlaffen, 
©rnft  mac^en. 

3afob.     Unb  h)a§  tooEen  it)ir  bann  tl^un?    2Bir  finb  fo    5 
fe^r  ooK  unfere  alte  Drbnung  geh)o^nt. 

IP  tit?  elm.     greilid),  alfo  entfd)lie^e  bid^! 

3afob  (erjc^recft).    3^^?    SBatUm  nid£)t   gar!     (3u  aBtt^elnt  tretenb, 

fait  feine  §anb,  sortiicf)).    SStlEjelttt,  fei  tJemuiiftig  I     ®u   bift    ein 
{^offnunggboller  junger  5[Rann.   %\}\xt  mir  bie  Siebe  unb  {)eirate!  lo 

ID  ill?  elm  (e^enfo).  Sieber  SBruber,  aUeS  h)a§  bu  it)illft,  nur 
ba§  nid^t!  i 

3  ex  fob.     ®ie^,  td^   h)eig,   bu   Ijjaft    fc^on    friiljer  bei   ben 
^amen  ©ludf  gel^abt.     ®u  ^aft  me^r  9toutine ;   bu  bift   auc^ 
f4)on   geliebt    toorben.     "^xx  ift   ba§   nie  ^affiert ;   \i)  hjiirbe  15 
mid^  au§nel)men  trie  ber  Sdr,  iuenn  er  tan^t. 

ID  ill?  elm.  %(x^  fie^t  gar  nic^t  iibel  au§.  3^^^  W  ^inmal 
ein  folc^eg  3:ier  — 

3^1  fob.  %\x  l^aft  me^r  3:;alent  ^um  §eiraten;  \i\x  tr»urbeft 
gen)i^  red^t  glMlid^  h^erben.  ®er  ©Ijeftanb,  ba§  gamiliens  20 
leben  follen  boc^  fo  fd^on  fein.  %^  fel^e  bid^  orbentlid^  t)or 
mir,  <xx\.  ber  6eite  eine§  reijenben  guten  2Beibe§,  umringt  bon 
bliiljenben,  gludflid)en  ^inbern,  n)ie  fie  bid^  ^erjen  unb  fiiffen, 
auf  beinen  ^nieen  fid)  fc^aufeln,  unb  toie  il)r  eud^  alle  fo  rec^t 
t)on  ^erjen  lieb  \j<x\)i,  D,  glaube  mir,  ein  folclieg  ©liic!  ift  25 

ID  ill?  elm.  9^un  alfo,  lieber  %Qit>\>,  berfd^affe  eg  bir. 
©reife  bod^  nur  gu! 

3cifob.  2ld^,  t)on  mir  ift  ja  nid^t  bie  S^iebe.  %^  \]o!ot 
leiber  fein  talent  fiir  bie  @^e,  fo  U)ie  bu,    2(ber  red^t  erfreuen  30 

Auft.  2.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIRA  TEN.  2 1 7 

h)ill  ic^   mid^   (xxk  beinem   ©liidfe.     3^^^   ^^^  ^*^^"^  ^inbex  ers 
^iel^en,  fie  lieben,  al§  loenrt  e€  meine  eigenen  iodren.     2l(Ie§, 
alle§  iuiU  ic^  fiir  bi^  t^un!     Unb  bann  bebenfe,  h)elc^  fc^one§ 
3JJabc^en  Suife  ift! 
5        ID  ill;  elm,    ®u  l^aft  fie  ja  noc^  gar  nic^t  angefel^en. 

3afob.  '^yxv.  —  e§  !am  mir  bod^  fo  t)or.  Hud^  fagt  e§ 
ja  bie  Xante.  Unb  fo  Srai?  unb  gut  ift  fie!  ©ie  mu^  ein 
atterliebfte^  grauc^en  abgeben! 

IP  ill?  elm.  3a,  ba§  fagt  auc^  bie  Xante;  alfo  ©liidf  ^u, 
10  lieber  Sruber ! 

3cif  ob  (ungebuibig  gefjenb).     50Zein  @ott,  bei  bem  ift  bodf>  a((e§ 

bergeben§.     3^   Q^'^^   "^i^    ^^    erbenflid^e  3Jiiif)e,   male    i^m 

ba§  ©IM  ber  @^e  mit  ben  reijenbften  garben,  unb  boc^  bleibt 

er  !alt  n)ie  ©tein.    (^aut.)   ©age  mir  nur  um'§  §immeU  iritlen, 

15  hjarum  ioiUft  bu  benn  nid^t  Ijeiraten? 

H) ill? elm.    SSarum  U)illft  bu  benn  nid^t? 

3  CI  fob.    33egreifft  bu  benn  nid^t,  ba^  td^  ba§  nid^t  !ann? 

H) ill} elm.    9^un  fieljft  bu,  id^  !ann  e§  Q<-\xi:j  nid^t. 

3afob.     ^u  hjittft  alfo  nid^t?    Unn)iberruflidE>  ? 
20      ID  ill;  elm  (tait).     %^  !ann  nidbt. 

3af  ob.    %t%i  hjei^  id^,  n)a§  id^  bon  beiner  Siebe  ju  l^alten 

XD ill} elm.  '^tx\x\,  bu  mid^  liebteft,  hJiirbeft  bu  felbft  ^ei* 
raten.  ^arnit  bu  aber  fiel^ft,  ba^  ic^  nid^t  fo  ^art^ergig  bin, 
25  U)ie  bu,  h)iE  id^  bir  einen  SSorfd^lag  madden. 

3a!ob.    5^un?  „ 

ID  i  1 1}  e  I  m  (ai§  05  er  etneu  (Sntfc^ru^  gefa^t),    2Sir  Ujollen  lofen ! 

3^fob.     Sofen?     33ruber,  ba§  ift  leidjtfinnig. 

XD ill} elm.  2)ag  finbe  id^  auc^,  barum  ^eirate  lieber  ge* 
30  rabegu. 


3  CI  fob.    ^a§  2og  !ann  ja  o,\x^  mid^  treffen. 

IDill^elm.    greilic^ ;  aSer  mic^  leiber  auc^. 

3afoK    2Sag  fott  ic^  bann  t^un? 

ID  i  IE?  elm.    §eiraten! 

3  ex  fob.    3c^   lofe  nid^t,   nimmermeEjr    fe|e    id^   mic^    ber    5 

ID  ill?  elm.    2Bte   bu   ioillft,   bann    mu^t    bu    aber    gang 
gehji^  Ijeiraten,  benn  id^  tf)u'§  nid^t ! 

3  ci  f  0  b  (noc^mais  Sittcnb).    33ruber  !  — 

H)  i  1 1?  e  I  m  (rnfc^  eiitfanent),  cirgeracfi).    ge^t  la^  mtd^  in   9lu]^e!  10 
©incr  bon  un§  mu^  baran;  irir  hjotlen  beibe  nidE)t,  alfo  mu^ 
ba§  So§  cntfd)eiben,  toer  ber  Ung(Mlid;e  fein  foil.     3)ag  ift 
mein  Ie^te§  SSort,  ba§  ift  atte§,  hja^  ic^  fiir  bid^  tljun  !ann! 

3afob.    '^\xx\^  benn  in  ©otte§  5Kamen,  ioenn  eg  burd^au^ 
nid^t  anberg  fein  !ann.    Slber  iwie  madden  hjir  bag?  15 

ID  ill?  elm.    2)ag  ift  balb   gefd^eljen.    (®ef)t  sum  stfdj.)    2Bir 
nel)men  3tt)ei  ^ugeln,  eine  fd^inar^e  unb  eine  n?ei^e. 

3  ex  f  0  b  (onsftuc^,  inec^anijc^  nacf)f))rec§enb).     (Sine  fdfituarje  unb  eine 

IDtll?elm  (iBeic^er  jucf)t).    @g  finb  feine  gur  §anb.  20 

3afob  (frot)).     ©ott  fei  2)an!! 

ID  ill?  elm.    '^'^i:)  beffer,  tt)ir  nebmen  jivei  3^ii^I» 

3  a  f  0  b  OtJieber  nac^fprec^enb.)       '^\o6.   ^^ttel. 

ID  i  1 1?  C I  m  (bte  3ettel  fd)neibenb  unb  borric^tenb).     ©0,  beU  etneu  be* 

geid^ne  icf)  ntit  einem  ^reu^e,  ber  anbere  bleibt  trei^.  25 

3  a  fob.    W\i  einem  ^reuje. 
ID  ill?  elm.    ®er  mit  bem  ^reuge   ber^flid^tet  %\xx  §eirat. 

(®r  roHt  ben  Battel  5ufammen.) 

3  CI  fob.    S)ag  ift  red^t  bejeid^nenb. 

ID  ill?  elm.    ®er  tt^ei^e  ge^t  leer  au§.   (Diorct  ben  stfeuen  gettci  30 


Auft.  2.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIRATEN.  219 

3afob.     ©ott,  h)enn  \A}  ben  befdme ! 
IP t IE} dm.     3a,  ba§  glaube  id^;  ba  fonnte  jeber  fommen! 
3afob.    5^un,  h)a§  gefc^ieE)t  njeiter? 
XPtlE^elm  (fuc^enb).     9lun  brauc^en  it)ir  eine  Urne;  in  fc 
5    mangelung    einer    folc^en    ne^me    id^    bein    9Jiorgcn!d^^c^en. 

3^^ob  (angfttic^).    3^ein,    33ruber,    nimm    lieber    beine§,   id^ 
E)abe  UnglM ! 

n) ill? elm.     50^einetn)egen,   barauf  fott   eg  mir  <x\x^  nid^t 

lo   anfommen.     (Gr  nimmt  ba§  feinige  enthjcber  bom  ^o^fe  obec  ttom  Xifrfje,  legt  bie 

SRotteii  ^inein  uiib  fc^uttctt  fie.)    ©0,  \t%i  ttjirb  bie  GJefd^id^te  orbents 
lic^  burd^einanber  gefcfyiittelt. 

3  a !  0  b  (cingfturf)).     Slber  e^rlid^,  2Bilf)eIm,  e^rlic^. 

IP  ill?  dm.    2)a§    berfte^t    fic^!     Meg    nac^    9?ecf)t    unb 
15  ©en)iffen.     ©o,  je^t  jie^'! 

3cifob  (crf(^rccft).     9^ein —  id^  —  ic^  ^be  feine   ©ourage, 
^iel^e  bu. 

ID  ill?  dm.     3,  mad^e  bod)  feine  folc^en  Umftdnbe ;  rafd^ 
ge^ogen ! 
2o       '^aloh.    '^^  !ann  h)al)rl)aftig  nic^t,  Sruber,  id^  l^abe  5[Rals 
Ijeur;    ic^  §iel)e   gan§  getoi^  auf  ben  erften   ©riff  bag  fatale 
^reu5  Ijeraug.    %\j\x   mir  ben  ©efallen  unb  jiel^e  guerft. 

U) ill?  dm.      3^Un,    auc^    bag    nod^!     (er  gmft  umftanbUd^  in  bo§ 
^a^^jci^en,  fc^iittett  norfimats,  jie^t  enblid^  unb  pit  Sofob  bann  ba§  Sa|)^d^cn  ^in; 

25  trocfen.)    ^a  nimm !  ♦ 

3  <J  ^  0  b   (angftUc^  nailer  tretcnb,  greift  jitternb  ^inein,  mit  cinem  ©cufjer). 

IP  1 1 1?  e  I  m  (mirft  bo§  s?ap))^en  auf  ben  sifrf)).    ^e^t  ^aben  h)ir  jeber 

Unfer  Xeil.     (Sr  pet  feinen  3ettet  in  bie  §55e.) 

30       '2>(xloh  (it^t\^\Q).    %<x,  aber  id^  gittere  am  ganjen  ^or^er. 


ID 1 11^ elm.    9f^ur  rafc^  geoffnet! 
3  a  fob.     33in  e§  \\\^i  im  ftanbe.     Sffne  bu  juerft. 
ID  i  11^  elm  (argeruc!^).     ©t,  toarutti  foE  id^  benn  immer   a(Ie§ 
guerft  t^un  ?    9^irf)t§  ba !     2Sir   hjollen  gugleic^  offnen,  hjci^s 

renb  id^   brei  ^d'^Ie.     (©r  gc^t  jd^Ienb  langfam  nac^  Unf§,  3afo6  nac^  rec^tS).     5 

Sllfo:  @in§! 

3  CI  f  0  b  (nac^  Unf§  gc^enb).      @tn§ ! 
ID  i  I  {?  e  I  m  (immer  ge^enb).      3^^^  • 
3  a  !  0  b  (ebenfo,  jittentb).      3^?^! ! 

ID  1 1 1?  e  I  m .     © r  ei !    (©r  offnet.)  lo 

3afob  (^at  geopet  unb  ba§  5treu5  erMicft).       31  d^  !      ^d^    bin    be§ 

2:obe§ ! 

ID  i  1 1;  e  I  m  (freubtg  ^erumf^ringenb).      §Urra  !      §urra  ! 
3cifob  (ift  auf  einen  ®arten[tu^I  gcfunfen).      ^"^   Urtglitdff eliget ! 

ID  i  1 1?  e  I  m  (immer  fro©.     §errlid^ !     ^rdd^ttg!     3<^  '^i^  f^^"^  15 
unb   fret,   Io§   unb   lebig!     gc^   module  bie   gan§e   2BeIt  unts 
armen!     §urra!     §urra!    (Sr  f^ringt  ^erum.) 

Piritter  Uuftrltt, 

SJorigC.      ©Crtrubc  (au§  bem  ^aufe  tretenb). 

^  e  r  t  r  u  b  e  (toeriDunbert).    2Ba§  ift  benn  ba§  fiir  ein  Sdrmen 
unb  gubeln?    2Bil(^elm,  ()aft  bu  'nen  9fta^tu§? 

ID  i  1 1?  e  I  m  (fie  umarmenb  utib  mit  i|r  :^erumtanjenb).       ©ineu    ^U^,    20 

2::ante,  einen  ^u^ !  3^^^  ^i"  ^^^  ®IMIid)fk  unter  ber  ©onne ! 
^ertrube.  2Bi(I  @r  mid^  tDo^l  lo^Iaffen,  @r  S^aufenb? 
faffa !  60  \j(xh^  id)  bid)  feit  §el)n  S<i^^^"  "^^^^  gefe^en  — 
tt)a§  ift  benn  nur  t>orgegangen  ?  (3afo6  erfiactenb).  Unb  tt)a§  ift 
benn  mit  3a!ob  ?  ®er  eine  f^ringt  unb  tanjt,  ber  anbere  liegt  25 
ba,  al§  l^dtte  i^n  ber  6d)lag  getroffen. 

Auft.  3.] 


ID  i  1 1^  e  I  m  (tragitomifc^  auf  3aiob  beutenb).    9^ein,  Xante,  er  ift  nur 
in  fic^  gegangen  unb  ^at  einen  ©ntfc^Iu^  S^f<^fe^;  ^^^  ^^^  ^^" 
fo  angegnffen. 
^ertrube  (freubig).    2Bag?    3a!o6? 
5        IP  tit?  elm.     3a,  Xante.     @r  h^ill  l^eiraten. 

^  e  r  t  r  U  6  e  (tit  ju  Safoe  Getreteu,  Ilopft  t^n  auf  bie  9lc^[el).     21^    6rai)0  ! 

33rab!     ©nblid^  einmal  ein  t)ernunftige§  2Bort! 

3^^<^^  (1^^  erfpieub,  auf)tef)eub.)    3^^}  armer  gefd)lagener  ^enfd^. 
3c^  ^abe   e^   aber  gleic^  geaf^nt!     3c^  fenne   mein  5!}Zal^eur, 
lo  l^eute  i[t  ^ien^tag,  mein  Ungliicfgtag.    ©erec^ter  ©ott!    %^ — 
unb  l^eiraten ! 

^  e  r  t  r  U  b  C  (fic§  UergnUgt  bie  $anbe  relbenb).      Sllfo    gafob    ift    ber 

@Iuc!ad)e!     ®a^   freut   mid;    bo^^elt !     (Sietjft  bu,   SSil^elm, 
id^  iDu^te  e^  h)o^l,  ba^  er  ber  2>ernunftigere  i(t.     ^fiimm  bir 
15  ein  @£em^e(. 

XX) tit? elm.  6ie  ^ben  rec^t,  %oxiit,  %oX^\>  ift  ein  Ijjers 
^enSguter  5[Renfc^.  2Bir  \)6Sitx\.  bie  ©ad^e  reiflid^  iiberlegt,  unb 
er  bot  enblid^  freittjittig  oca,  3t)ten  SBunfc^  ju  erfiiEen. 

3  ^  f  0  b  (t[t  unterbeffen  an  bie  onbere  ©cite  ju  SSill^etm  getreten,  leife).    Slber 

2o  id^   t^ue   e§   nidfit.     3)ie   ©ad^e  ift  nic^t   mit   red^ten   ®ingen 
jugegangen,  bu  it)arft  im  SSorteil,  bu  l^aft  guerft  ge^ogen. 

XX)iIt?eIm  (iugertic^).  ®u  tDoHteft  \<x  nid^t!  gauge  nid^t 
hjieber  neue  ©efd)id^ten  qcck, 

3ctfob  (teife).    ®ie  Xante  foil  entfd^eiben. 
25       XX)  1 1 1?  e  I  m  (leife,  einbringitc§).    2)u  it)irft  il>r  bod^  uid^t  am  ©nbe 
fagen  tDollen,  ba^  tDir  geloft  l^aben  ?    SDa§  it>dre  \<x  im  l^odfis 
ften  ©rabe  unfcl^idflid^.  ' 

3afob  (teife).      ©0? 

XX)tIl?eIm  (teife).     greilic^,  bu  h)drft  ja  blamiert  fiir  etoige 
30  3eiten!     6ei  berniinftig  unb  ergieb  bic^  mit  gaffung  in   bein 


^ertrubc.    ?Ra,  it>ag  fartet  ifjr  benn  h)ieber  ab? 

ID  ill?  elm.  D  nid^tg,  gar  md)t§.  3a!ob  tft  nur  in  SSers 
legen^eit  toegen  ber  §od^5eit§=2lngeIegen^eiten,  ber  Slu^ftats 
tung,  ber  ©inrid^tung  — 

3  a  !  0  b  (eiftaitttt).     2(u§ftattung  —  ©inrid^tung  ?  5 

(5ertru6c.  ©i,  ba§  ift  ba§  ©ering[te.  3)a§  iiberla^t  mir, 
id^  tt)iW  alleg  ^rdd^tig  arrangieren !  ^a^  berfteJ^e  id^  o.\x^  bein 
gunbament,  unb  gleid^  f^eute  UJitt  td^  an  bie  Slrbeit. 

3a fob  (tofc^).    5f^ur  nid^t  fo  eilig,  ^antc. 

(5ertru6e.  3a  it>o^I,  eilig.  2)a  gie6t'§  gar  mel  %\x  i^\xx\.  lo 
unb  3U  fd^affen.  ©a  ift  bie  §au§=,  bie  5rifd^=,  bie  S3ettn)afd;e 
%\x  beforgen.  ®a  finb  bie  fe^Ienben  9J^obel,  bag  notige  ©efd^irr 
fiir  ^iic^e  unb  better,  ba  ift  ein  fd^bner  Srautftaat  §u  fd^affen 
mit  allem,  n)a€  brum  unb  bran  {)angt,  bamit  bie  junge  ^(x\x^i 
frau  gleid^  alle§  in  Drbnung  finbe.  (Se^r  Dergniigt).  ga,  ja,  15 
Safob,  bu  follft  beine  greube  an  ber  alten  Xante  ^aben. 
9^ic^t§,  nic^tg  foil  i)ergeffen  n>erben,  bi§  %\x  ben  ^inberftriim^fs 
^t\[.  unb  'A)'!o^^\K  ^erab. 

3  a  f  0  b  (btc  §anbc  tingenb).    2(Emdd^tiger !     ^inber()dubd^en ! 

XPtlE^elm  (6o§Mt).    Unb  ©triim^fd^en!  20 

©ertrube.  2Ba{)r()aftig,  id^  fuf)(e  mic^  orbentlid^  bers 
gniigt!  ©ott  fegne  beinen  ©ntfd^lu^,  3a!ob!  giil^re  i^n  nur 
gleid^  au§  unb  fd^miebe  ba§  ©ifen,  fo  lange  e§  tuarm  ift. 

3cifob  (fic^  bie  ©tirn  troctncnb).  2Barm  genug  ift  mir,  ba§ 
tt)ei^  ber  liebe  ^immel!  25 

H)  i  I  {?  e  I  m  (nac§  imf§  fe^enb).  SBeuu  id^  nid{)t  irre,  !ommt 
foeben  2uife  <x\x^  bem  ©arten  ^ierl^er. 

^ertrube  (^infe^enb).  ©(jarmant,  ba§  trifft  fid^  ja  ^rdd^tig! 
Sllfo  frifc^  bran,  gafob!     fringe  bein  3Cn(iegen  t)or. 

3afob.    ge^t,  ie^t  gleic^,  Xo.x^it'^.  30 

Auft.  4.]  FINER  MUSS  HEIR  A  TEN.  22  3 

^ertrube.  ®a§  berfte^t  ft^i ;  unb  fei  ^iibfd^  jart  unb 
mamerlid^,  bamit  bu  !etnen  ^orb  befommft. 

3cifob,    2BoIIte  ber  §immel,  id^  tr>dre  fo  glMUd^ ! 

^crtrube,  Slber  t^ie  jie^ft  bu  benn  dug?  §aar  unb  33art 
5  mufjen  in  Drbnung  gebrac^t  tuerben,  unb  bann  fort  mit  bem 
fatalen  ©d^Iafrod,  unb  einen  ^iibf^en  3^ocf,  ober  beffer,  gracE 

^alob,    3ci^  glaube  gar  nid^t,  ba^  ic^  einen  gradE  beft^e. 

©ertrube.  ^od^,  ben  fc^onen  fd^trarjen,  ben  bu  bei 
lo  beincm  3ftigorofum  trugft. 

IPtll^cIm.  2Benn  i^n  nic^t  bie  3Jlotten  gefreffen  \:}ahtx\. 
^omm,  S^^ob;  ic^  itjill  bic^  ^erau^^u^en,  ba^  bu  it)ie  ein 
^rinj  auSfel^en  foEft. 

3  a  fob.  3a,  mie  ein  D^ferftier,  ben  man  jum  Slltare 
15  fii^rt.  —  5^un  benn,  tme  ©ott  iuiU!  Slber  ©ie  trerben  fe^en, 
Xante,  ba§  fie  mid^  au^fc^Icigt. 

IDilF^elm  (i^u  fortjie^eitb).     ^a§  iDcire  ja  nod^  fd^oner!     ©o 

ein  ^iibfd^er  SJlann  h)ie  bu,  orbentlic^  If^erau^ftaffiert  unb   ge^ 

fd^niegelt,  in  fdfiioarjem  gradf,  twei^er  §al§binbe,  befommt  je^n 

2o  5D^dbd^en  fiir  eine,  unb  ba^  bid^  Suife  nic^t  au^fc^lage,  bafiir 

la^  mid^  nur  forgen.    csie^t  i^n  in§  ^a.u^.) 

(5ertrube  (nac^^riitGenb).  gort,  fort !  @Ieic^  twirb  Suife  ba 
fein;  mac^t  nur,  ba^  i^r  balb  fertig  feibi 

Pierter  auftritt, 

©Crtrubc   (aaeln,  gteic^  barauf)    Sttife. 

^ertrube  (jurwrffommenb).    9Zun  enblidj)  ^abe  id^  fie  fo  it>eit, — 
25  bag  (^at  3Jiu^e  gefoftet !     ^e^t  tt)i(I  ic^  gleic^  Sui^c^en  auf  ben 
3a^n  fii^Ien.     @g  hjare  eine  fatale  ©efd[)id^te,  toenn  bie  mir 
aud^  nod^  Umftdnbe  mad^te! 


£  uifc  (toon  Iinf§,  in  einem  93ud^e  lefenb). 

^ertrube*  Slber  tt)a§  fef)e  id^  ba?  (Sin  ^ud^  in  ber 
§anb  unb  lefenb!  2)a§  follte  mir  nodf)  fe^Ien,  ba^  bie  fic^ 
aud^  i)pn  bent  S3ud^er!ram  anfteden  lie^e.  —  2uife,  n)a§  foil 
bag  l^ei^en,  t»a§  ^aft  bu  benn  ba  in  ber  §anb?  5 

£utfe.  %6^,  3::antd^en,  ift  bag  ein  f)errlid)e§  33ud^!  @g 
ift  bag  neuefte  2Ber!  2BiII)eImg,  feine  S^eife  im  3^orben.  9Bie 
fd^on,  h)ie  geiftreid^  ift  eg  gef(f)rie6en !  ?!}lan  glaubt  ©egenb 
unb  ?iJlenfd^en  i)or  ftc^  §u  fe^en  unb  \\x\j\i  fid)  mitten  unter 
i^nen.  3Seld^'  I^errlid^e  ©d^ilberung  ber  ©itten,  ber  6f)ara!=  10 
tere ;  h:)eld5>'  fd^bne  ©tubien  unb  S3etrad^tungen !  D,  2BiI^elm 
ift  ein  geiftreid^er  ?!Jlenfd^ ! 

^ertrube.  ©0?  2SiIf)eIm?  2a^  bag  geug,  eg  twirb 
bir  nur  ben  ^o^f  berbrel^en  unb  bidf)  bom  9^u^Iid^en  ab^ie^en. 

£uife.    "^Q^^    !ann  eg   benn    ^fiii^Iidiereg    geben   alg   ein  15 
guteg  33ud^,  namentlid()  irenn  eg  fo  lel^rreid^  ift  it)ie  2SilI)elmg 
gfteife  ? 

(Sertrube.  2ld^  toag,  SSilH^i  J  S^^^o^  WtM  (x\x6:i 
fd^one  33u(f)er  unb  nod^  biel  gro^ere. 

£uife.     ®ag    mag    tooljl    fein,    aber    bie    finb    gried^ifc^  20 
unb    lateinifc^  ;    bie    berfte^e    id^    nicfit.     Slber    2B  i  I  ^  e  I  m  g 
6d)riften  — 

^crtrube  (argerttc^).  2a^  mir  je^t  2Bil()eImg  ©d^riften  bei= 
feite.  %^  \j(x\it  je^t  anbere  2)inge  im  ^o^fe.  ©ag'  mir 
einmal,  tr>ie  gefdHt  eg  bir  Iiier  im  §aufc!  25 

£utfe.  D,  red^t  gut,  2::ante.  @g  ift  nur  ein  trenig  einfam. 
■    ^ertrube  (forfc^enb).    9Sie  gef alien  bir  bie  33ettern? 

Cutfe.     @i  nun,  fie  finb  red^t  ernft.     ©ie  I)aben  nod^  fe^r 
iuenig  mit  mir  gef^rod^en,  unb  %(ii^\i  Ijat  mid^  nod^  gar  nid^t 
einmal  angefel)en.    %^  glaube,  er  ift  redfit  finfter.    2)agegen  30 
ift  SSilbelm  bo^  — 

Auft.  5.]  EINER   MUSS  HEIR  A  TEN.  22$ 

^ertrube.  3^/  j^  ^t)c^!  3lber  gafob  ift  ein  fe^r  guter 
3Jienfc^,  fage  id^  bir. 

£utfe.    ®a§  glaube  ic^    ttjo^l;    boc^    mu^   man  fic^   ein 

§erj  faffcn,  iuenn  man  i^n  nur  anfe^en  foil.  3<^  glaube 
T  immer,  er  ift  bofe  auf  mid^.  SSill^elm  blicft  bod^  manc^mal 

^ertrube  (argertic^).  ©0 1     2llfo   SSilljelm    blidft    freunb= 

Ud^er?     (Seifeite  tretenb,  in  3tufreGUng.)     ^a    l^aben    it)ir'§!       ^a§     ift 

eine   fc^one  33efd^erung !     '^'wv.  gefdHt  i^r  ber  toieber   beffer ! 
lo  Soil  man  fid^  ba  nid^t  %\x  ^obe  argern,  nad^  aE'  ber  ^it^e, 
bie  idfi  mir  gegeben. 

£utfe  (uertmmbert).    2Ba§  ^at  beun  bie  5tante? 

^ertrubc.    Slber  fie  foE  mir    feinen    ©tridf)    burd^    bie 

Sftec^nung   mac^en;   id^   toill  i^r  fc^on  bie   2(ugen   offnen.    (3u 

15  suijeii.)    %\x  Ifiaft  nur  3*^^'^'^  ^ic'^t  orbentlic^  betrad;tet.     @r  ift 

ein  fe^r  fanfter,  lieber  5[Renfd^.     D,  er  ^at  gan§  l)ubfd^e  Slugcn; 

fie^  i^n  nur  einmal  red^t  an.    SSiel  fd^onere  unb  fanftere  alg 

2Sil^elm!     (®ie  jprldit  mit  Suife  rt)eiter.) 

^iinftcr  nuftritt, 

SJorigC.     SBU^Clm.     ^a!o6  (in  altmobifc^em  grade  unb  nttt  JtjeiBer  §aB6inbe). 

IDilE^elm  (SaJob  borfu^renb).     60,  nur  immer  ^eran.    SBa^rs 
20  l)ciftig,  bu  fiel)ft  Dortrefflic^  (x\x^, 

3^^ob.     2Bil|)elm,  id^  mad^e  mid^  Idd^erlid^. 

©Crtrube  (bie  beiben  bemerfenb,  loelc^e  rec^t§  fte^en  bleiben  unb  jufammen 

fprerfien).     ®a  ift  er !     6iel)  nur,  \X)\^  fd^on  er  augfie^t !     ^ie 
gro^e,  ftattlic^e  gigur,  bie  eble  §altung  — 
25       3<^f<^^  (j'l  ^sii^eim).     3^;   glaube,    bie    ^ante   inftruiert    fie 


^ertrube  (fortfo^renb).  <Sei  nur  nic^t  jo  fcfjiic^tern.  S3lic!e 
t^m  frei  in§  ©efid^t,  unb  er  tDirb  fd^on  freunblid^er  unb  k)er= 
traulid^cr  tDerben.  (3u  gafoo  ge^enb.)  3d^  laffe  euc^  je^t  aHein; 
SBil^elm  !ann  aud^  mit  mir  ge^en.  SSringe  bann  beine  ©acfce 
t)or.  5 

3afob.  ^'^ein,  SBil^elm  bleibt  bei  mir;  aHein  ^abe  ic§ 
leine  Courage,    (©ie^t  i^urfjtem  ouf  suife.) 

©ertrube.  ^^Zun,  h:)ie  bu  h?iUft.  (3u  SuUe  ge^enb,  toetrfie  f^  on 
einen  ©ortentifc^  geje^t  ^at.)     ©ie^ft    bu,    iDie    freunbltcb    er    bic^    tttts 

blidtt?    2Benn  er  bid^   anf^rid^'^r  f^i  ^^^^^    9wt    unb   liebreid^  lo 
gegen  i^n,  berftel^ft  bu  ?    (sasteber  ju  safob  tretenb.)    2llfo  t)orit)drt§, 
$3a!ob,    ein   ^erj   gefa^t!     ©ief)t  fo    ein    greiergmann    au§? 
(Si  fa^^erlot,  h)enn  id^   ein  SJlann  h)are,  follteft  bu    einmal 
fel^en,  toie  id^  fie  im  ©turm  eroberte.     %\x,  bu  §afenfu^  bu! 

(®c^t  fc^moKenb  unb  bro^enb  an  '^fx\Q%  unb  asil^etm  tooriiber  in§  $au§  ab.)  15 

Sed^fter  Otuftritt.  , 

9S.UI^C(tn  unb   ^afofi   (rec^t§).      fitttfc   (ont  %\W  Iint§,  hjetter  lefenb). 

3  <^  ^  0  b  (M  toorbeieitenb,  feinen  gracf  sufno^jfenb).  2)a  irdren  tt)ir 
alf  0  !     {®r  fie^t  jc^uc^tern  fiiniiber.) 

ID  til)  dm.    3a,  unb  fie  tDcire  <x\x6:j  ba. 

£uife  (beifcite).     2)ie  \)iokiVC\.   gan^    getr)i^   ettt)a§  t)or.    (<sie^t 

I)inter  bem  33u(^e  ^tniiber.)  20 

H) ill? elm.    ©e^e  nur  ^in  unb  rebe  fie  an. 

3af  ob.    ©ie  lieft  ja.     3^^  ^<i""  f^^  '^^^  i^|i  "^t  ftoren. 

ID  ill?  elm.  3Karum  benn  nic^t?  ®u  h)irft  bod^  nic^t 
n)arten  h)ollen,  bi§  fie  ba§  bide  Sud^  auggelefen  ^at? 

3  a  fob.     2Ba§  fott  ic^  i^r  aber  nur  fagen?  25 

ID  ill?  elm.  ®a§  ift  ganj  gleid;.  ^u  trittft  l;in,  rcbeft  fie 
an  unb  erfldrft  i^r  beine  Siebe. 

Auft.  6.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIR  AT  EN.  22/ 

3afob.     5I6er  id^  IteBe  ja  nid^t! 

ID  ill}  elm.  ®a§  i[t  aud;  ganj  gleid^.  ^u  mu^t  bod^ 
i»emg[ten§  fo  tl^un. 

3afob.  ©0?  ^u  lieber  §immel,  toic  foil  \^  ba^  nur 
5    anf aiigen  ? 

IP  1 1 1?  e  I  m.  ^ag  ift  ganj  einfad^.  ®u  f agft  g.  33. :  „©uten 
5!Korgen,  liebe  ©oufine.  2Bie  gc^t  e§  S^nen?  2Ba§  madE)cn 
6ie?    ^efinben  ©ie  fic^  it)o^l?"  ober  fonft  h)a§  ©c^one^. 

3afob.    ®a§  !ann  id^  nid^t.    ^a§  ift  mir  biel  ^u  fd^hjer! 

lo      ID 1 11} elm.     2ld^,  h)arum  nirfjt   gar  I     ©tette   bir   einmal 

i)or,  bu  iDdreft  bie  ©oufine,  unb  ic^  tudre  bu.     ^'iun  gieb  ad^t^ 

njtC     id^     bag    mac^en     iDerbe.     (©r  gefit  etnlgc  ©c^tUtc  jurUcf,  \t%i  fic§  in 
^ofitut  unb  fommt  bann  auf  3«£o6  au.  i^m  ben  §of  ma^enb,  fid^  jierlld^  ocrbcugenb.) 

©uten  5!}lorgen,  Uebel  ©oufind^en! 
15      3^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^'^"^'9^"^)-     ©uten  5!Jlorgen,  ^Setter  ! 

IP  i  1 1}  e  I  m  (Dcricflcn).  @g  —  id^  —  ^m — toie  ^aben  ©ie  ge* 

3afob»     ©0,  fo,  ic^  ban!e. 

IP  1 1  {}  e  I  m.  greut  mid[).  —  @g  —  e§  ift  l^eute  fe^r  fc^led^te^ 
cw  2Setter! 

3afob.     3a. 

IPill^elm.     Unb  —  ja  —  unb  id^  —  l)m  —  ^m  — 
3a fob.    ^f^un  fieljft  bu,  bu  fommft  auc^  nic^t  bom  glcdf! 
IP  i  1 1}  e  I  m  (argcriicf)).     D^^uu,  bu  fauuft  bod^  nic^t  ijerlangcn, 
25  ba^  \^  bir  ben  §of  madden  foil.     5iJlan  fommt  ja  au§  aUer 
Sttufion,  toenn  man  bid)   anfiel)t,   mit    beiner   n^ei^en    §alg= 
binbe  unb  beinem  altmobif4>en  gradf.    93ei  il^r  toiirbe  e§  biel 
beffer  ge^en. 
3  a  fob.    3Serfud)e  e§  alfo  bei  il>r. 
30      IP  ill}  elm.    3flun   gut,   \6)  trill   bir'g  bormac^en.     2:ntt 


l^tnler  einen  6trauc^  unb  ^affe  ja  red^t  genau  auf,  bamit  bu 
e§  bann  nac^mad^en  fannft. 

3a!ob  (freubtg).  ©c^on,  fc^on,  Iteber  33ruber,  bu  btft  bod^ 
eine  gute  ©eele. 

ID  til?  elm,     ©ie^ft   bu  e§  nun   enblid^   ein,   trie  ic^   mid^    5 
aufo^fere?    %^\xt  \t%i,  al§  ob  bu  fortginge[t,  aber  rafcl),  benn 
id^  fii^Ie  mic^  eben  im  geuer. 

3  Cl  f  0  b  (rajc^  Winter  ein  ®ebufc^,  iDe(c^e§  im  SRotfatt  oud^  bur(^  bie  eouliffe 
ober  einige  [)of)e  93lumenftocfe  bargefteCt  jein  fonn,  tretenb).     ^\xi,  QUt,  id^   gel^e 

f  d^on !  10 

ID  i  I E?  e  I  m  (Mt  l^m  nac^,  bi§  er  fic^  berborgen). 

£utfe.  ©ie  gel^en,  o^ne  mir  ettt)a§  ju  fagen?  (gro^.)  2ld^ 
nein,  SBil^elm  fommt  guriic!.     (®te  ueft  loeiter.) 

XD ill? elm  (suiucffe^renb).     ©0,  je^t  gilt  eg  !    Slber  erft  miiffen 

h)ir  re!ognO§jieren.     (er  trltt  na^er,  ftel^t  fte  an  unb  ge^t  iDieber  aurucf.)  15 

£uife  (tiemunbert).     2Ba§  er  nur  n)oEen  mag? 

ID  ill?  elm.  ©ie  fie^t  toaljr^aftig  rec^t  lieblicb  au§ !  ©ie 
\l0X  fo  eth)ag  ©cl)n)drmerifc^e§,  ^oetifd^e^!  ^er  ©rnft,  mit 
bem  fie  i^re  Sefture  tjerfolgt,  fte^t  i§r  ganj  gut ! 

3cifob  (f)interbem®ee>ii[c^).     9^un,  2BiIl)eIm,  fauge  bodb  an.      20 

ID  ill?  elm.  ©lei^i,  gleid^,  fo  n)arte  bod^  nur  ein  menig, 
id)  mu^  mic^  fammeln.  §m,  l^m,  —  '§  ift  boc^  mcl)t  fo 
leid^t,  al§  id^  bac^te !     §m,  l)m.  —  Slnreben  xm%  \6)  fie  aber, 

fonft   blamiere    id^   mid^    toor    3a!ob.      (Safjt  ric^  ein  §ec5,  naf)er  tretenb.) 

§m,   ^m,  fo   bertieft,  fc^one  ©oufine?    @§  ift  n)ol)l  nic^t  er=  25 
laubt,  ©ie  gu  ftoren? 

£uife  (freunbiicMuf^iictenb).  @i,  SSetter,  bag  3Sergnugen  S^rer 
Unter^altung  mirb  mir  fo  felten  ju  teil,  baj  ^ier  i)on  einer 
©torung  nid^t  bie  S^ebe  fein  !ann.     (Ste^t  auf.) 

XD ill? elm.    2)arf  man  fragen,  n?ag  3^r  S^tereffc  fo  fel(>r  30 
in  2tnf^ru4>  nimmt? 

Auft.  6.]  EINER   MUSS  HEIR  A  TEN.  229 

£uife  (fc^orff)aift).  ©in  i)ortreffIic^e§  2Ber!  toon  einem  gctDifjen 
^rofeffor  2StI^eIm  3orn. 

ID  ill?  elm  (eiftaunt).     2Ba§,  toon  mtr? 
£uife.    3^/  3^^^  ^^^ife  im  ^^lorben.    D,  @ie  glauBen  nid^t, 
5    tote  t)iel  SSergniigen  mir  3^^  SKer!  fc^on  gemad)t  f^at. 

XDill^elm  (^at  tfir  ba§  58uc^  au§  ber  §anb  genommen).      2Balf)r^aftig, 

mein  neue§  2Ber!.    (®iebt  e§  jurud.)    3f^  ^^  ^^^^  ^^^  fd^abe  urn 
cte  fd^onen  ^Tugen,  Suife,  bie  ©ie  bamit  anftrengen. 

3  <3  ^  0  b  (tritt  etmaS  au§  bem  Oebiifd^  f)er»or,  6eo6ad^tet  forttoa^renb  SKJil^elmS 
lo   SBeioegungen,  beifeite).      ©C^one    5(ugen,   bag   tft   gut  ! 

£uife.    ^ie  fonnen  auf  nid^tg  @blerc§  fatten. 

ID  i  I  {}  e  I  m  (beifeite).  ©ie  Ij^at  totrflid^  fc^one  Slugen.  (Saut) 
©ie  finbeu  alfo  ©efd^madf  unb  Sntereffe  q,x\.  ber  Sitteratur? 

£utfe.    Xrauen    <5ie   mir    feinen   ©inn    fiir  bag    ebelfte 
15  3Sir!en  ju? 

IDiIl?eIm  (fd^neQ).  S3e^ute!  3^^  ^^^we  ^l^nen  atteg  @ute 
unb  ©df)one  ju.  gn  einem  fo  fd^onen,  lieblid^en  ^or:per  mu| 
aud^  eine  fd^one  ©eele  too^nen. 

3af  ob  (beifeite).     ©d^one  ©eele,  ba§  ift  aud^  gut. 
2o       n)ill?elm  (bctfeite).    ©ie  ift  toirflic^   gan§  atlerliebft!     Unb 
toeld^  nieblic^eg  §dnbd^en  fie  \)0X,    (er  ergreift  tere  §anb.) 

3cifob  (fieifeite).    %\)<x,  er  nimmt  fie  bei  ber  §anb.    (astt^etmi 

SBeloegung  nac^a^menb.)     ^ag   marf)t   fic^    gan3    gut. 

IP  ill?  elm.    9Bie  fd^meid^elfjaft  ift  eg  fiir  ung,  unfere  2Ser!e 

25  <x\x6:j  in  fo  rei^enben  §dnben  §u  erblicfen;   bag  erfreut  ung  um 

fo  me^r,  alg  bieg  ©liid^  ung  ©ele^rten  felten.  ju  teil  toirb. 

(Siufet  t^re  $anb.) 

3^fob  (beifcite).      @r  fil^t   i^re    §anb!     (e§  nac^mac^enb.)     §m, 

bag  gefdttt  mir! 
30      £uife.    3«/  I^ii'^^^  befaffen  h)ir  ung  gro^tenteilg  nur  mit 


bent  ©tridftrumipfe,  mit  §a!clarbetten,  ober,  toenn  e§  l^odf) 
fommt,  mit  irgenb  einem  ^O^oberomane.  Slber  glauben  ©ie 
mir,  SSil^elm,  nid^t  alle  finb  fo.  @§  gtebt  hjo^l  manege,  bie 
fic^  gem  in  ifjren  3Jiu§eftunben  mit  ben  ©rgebnifjen  ber  ems 
fteren  2Siffenfc^af ten  befc^dftigen  mod^ten.  5 

XD ill? elm,    2Sie,  Suife,  ©ie,  ©ie  f^red^en  fo? 

£utfe.    3f^od^  meF)r,  id^  fii^Ie  fo. 

ID  ill?  elm.     ©ie  finben  un§  ©ele^rte  nid^t  ^ebantifrf),  langs 
toeilig  ? 

£utfe.     2Bie  fonnte  id^  ba§?    ©aju  l^abe  ic^  mel  ^u  ^ol^e  lo 
Sld^tung   t>or   %\ixzv\  ,2Bir!en,  unb   bebaure  nur,   ba^   e§   ViXi^ 
armcn  grauen  nid^t  bergonnt  i[t,  bem  gluge  %\}X^^   ©eifte§ 
ftetig  ^u  folgen,  h)ie  id^  e§  n)ol)l  n^iinfd^te. 

ID  i  1 1?  e  I  m  (teifeite).     ©ie  ift  n)ir!lid^  begaubernb !    2Bo  n^aren 
nur  meine  2lugen?  15 

Cuife  (eegeiftert).  2Sie  fd^on  mu^  e§  fein,  gleid^  ben  ©e= 
le^rten  bag  2Sefen  ber  Sdnber  unb  3S5l!er,  bag  SSefen  ber 
5^atur,  be§  IXnitoerfumg  %\x  erfaffen  unb  §u  i)erfte^en,  fid^  ju 
erl^eben  iiber  biefe  @rbe  unb  ben  £auf  ber  ©onnen  unb  2Belten 
ju  ergriinben !  SSie  flein  fomme  id^  mir  bor  toenn  id^  %\x  S^rer  20 
§o]^e  l^inaufblidfe  unb.  nid^tg,  nid^t§  in  mir  finbe,  alg  ben 
2)rang,  ^x^zxk  gu  folgen  unb  ©ie  gu  begreifen ! 

H) ill? elm,  28ag  Ifjore  id^,  Suife,  (Soufind^en ?  I  (©etfeite.) 
2Sie  fd^on  fie  je^t  au§fiel)t,  unb  hjie  begeiftert  fie  f^rid^t. 
(fiout.)  Suigc^en,  hjenn  fid^  nun  ©elegen^eit  fdnbe,  biefen  25 
3Sunfd^  gu  befriebigen?  2Senn  fid^  ein  ^ann  fdnbe,  ber  mit 
greuben  31^^^^  SSunfd^  erfuHen  n)oEte,  ber  firf)  %^mxK  gang 
hjibmete,  ©ie  auf  biefelbe  ©tufe  be§  2Siffeng  ju  fiiljren,  bie 
er  felbft  erreidjjte? 

£utfe,    %^  tDiirbe  il^m    gem   folgen   unb  eine   gelel^rige  30 
©d^iilerin  fein. 

Auft.  6.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIRATEN.  23 1 

ID  til;  elm  (etiDos  ftocfeiib).  Unb  \qviv(k  e§  einer  '^x^x  SSettevn 

£utfe  (megfe^enb).     ©iner  ttieiner  SSettettt? 

ID  i  1 1?  e  I  m  (ir^re  §onb  an  fetiie  £i|)i3eu  brilcfenb).      Unb  tventl  —  barf 

5    ic^  e§  augf^rec^en,  Suife  —  h)enn  id^  e^  tt)dre  ?    (Umfc^ungt  fie  mtt 

beni  'Jtrm.) 

3  CI !  0  b  (8u|timmcnb),     ©d^ott,  fd^ou !     ^a§  h)tll  id^  mir  mer* 

fen  !     (9Kac^t  e§  nad^.) 

£uife  (ftc§  fonft  tosmoc^enb,  berfc^amt).  SSutbcn  (5ie  benn  aud^ 
10  ©ebulb  mit  bem  fdjh^ad^en  ^Jldbdben  Ifjaben  unb  nid^t  jiirnen, 
menn  id^  nid^t  fo  rafd^  begriffe,  al§  6ie  glauben? 

ID  ill?  elm,  3^^  Sf^nen  jiirnen,  Suife?  2So  benfen  ©ie 
l^in?  ©tellen  ©ie  mid^  auf  bie  ^robe.  3^  ^i^  gebulbig 
fein,  tt)ie  ein  Samm.  gd^  itjitt  alleg  jel^nmal  n)tebcrf)olen, 
15  urn  nur  red^t  oft  ba§  SSergniigen  ju  Ifjaben,  in  3f)re  fd^onen 
Slugen  bltdfen  ju  fonnen.  ©ott,  2ui§d^en,  hja^  ^aben  ©ie  fiir 
]f)immlifc^e  STugen  ?  3^  begreife  gar  nic^t,  ba^  id^  ba§  nid^t 
fritter  bemer!te. 

£utfe  (borttJurfSDoio.  6ie  \:i<x\itxK  fid^  itberl^au^t  toentg  urn 
20  mid^  gefiimmert. 

ID  ill;  elm,  Unb  biefe§  ^Jliinbd^en!  SKie  l^errlic^  xm%  e§ 
fein,  feine  eigenen  SKorte  aug  biefem  ^iinbdEien  n?ieber^olt  ju 
^oren !     Suigdfien,  antiDorten  ©ie  mir,  toollen  ©ie  eg  mit  mir 

it)agen  ?     (Umfc^angt  l^re  ^aitte.) 
25        3  ^  ^  ^  ^  (^^^  Juaf)renb  ber  le^tett  SBortc  l^erangefd^lic^cn  unb  su^ft  asil^clm  am 

H)  i  1 1;  e  I  m  o'ic^  umiuenbenb).    2Ba§  giebt'S  benn. 

£  U  t  f  e  (erfc^recft).     2(d^  !    gafob  !    m\)i  sum  %x\^t  unb  ergreift  i^r  Suc^). 

3  a  fob,    ®u,  Seir^elm,   'g  ift  gut, 

30         ID  i  1 1;  e  I  m  (argerttc^  ti'm^i.^  5U  SafoO  nac§  ber  SrJitte  l)tnu6ertretenb).    3^ein, 

'a  ift  nid^t  gut,  ge^  (x^  ! 


3a!ob.    Sd^  mei^  je^t  f^on  <x<txiyx%  geb  nur. 

IP  tit?  elm.     SSarum  nic^t  gar,  idfi  bin  nod^  lange  md^t  fo 
toeit.     $3e|t  fommt  erft  bie  §au^tfad^e. 

3a!ob.    So?    5^oc^  me(>r? 

ID  ill?  elm.    greiUd^,  mad(>'  nur,  ba^  bu  fortfommft,  unb    5 
:|)affe  recf)t  auf. 

3afoK    ^f^a,  meinethjegen !  bod^  nid^it  §u  lange.   (®e^ttmeber 

l^inter  ben  ©trauc;^.) 

IP  ill? elm  (beUeite).  ^a§  h)dre  nod^  fdt)oner,  it)enn  bcr  fid^ 
nun  breinmifd^en  h)oEte !  @r  fd^eint  ©efatten  an  unferer  10 
Seftion  5U  finben.  (erfc^ridt).  Sllle  §agel,  ba  fdllt  mir  ein,  ba^ 
id^  ja  eigentlid^  nur  fiir  gafob  f^red^e !  ga,  ba§  gilt  mir  \t%i 
gleid^,  tr>arum  l)at  er  mid^  in  bie  gefdl>rlid^e  Situation  gebrac^t. 
©te  gefdtlt  mir  gan^  gut,  unb  ba  id^  nun  einmal  im  3^9^ 
bin,  \<xxK\\  ic^  bod^  nid)t  mel^r  gurMtreten.  15 

£  U  if  e  (loenbet  ftcf)  5ei  ben  le^ten  SSorten  gum  ®e^en). 

ID  1 1 1?  e  I  m  ate  suriicf^aitenb).    2Bol>in,  ©oufind^cn  ?    ®ie  tooHen 
bodf)  nic^t  fort? 

£uife.    S^^ob  \)(xi  getoi^  notirenbig,  mit  3l)nen  gu  f^red^en. 

ID  ill?  elm.    ^urd^au§  nid)t.    Slber  id^  ^o.\>^  mit  3^nen  20 
gu  f^red^en.     2Bo  bin   id^    bod^   nur    ftel)en    geblieben?    ®er 
fatale  9}lenfc^  l^at  mid^  gan^  au§  bem  ^onge^t  gebracl)t. 

Cuife.     @ie  boten  fid)  mir  §um  Seljrer  an. 

ID  ill?  elm.    3f?ein,  Suife,  ba§  mar  e§  nid^t  allein.    ^c^ 
hjollte  ^x^txi  o^x6^  fagen,  ba^  —  bafe  ©ie  mir  augerorbent=  25 
lid^  gefallen  —  ba^  idf)  ®ie  rec^t  innig  lieb  If^abe.    (ergreift  i^re 


£utfe  (i^mfc^aH^aftbie§anb  entsie^enb).      ^Setter,   ba§   ge^ort  nid^t 

5um  IXnterridfit. 

ID  ill)  elm.    3Sie,  2uife,   ©ie  entjieljen  mir  ^x^  §anb,  30 
©ie  anltx)orten  mir  gar  nic^t? 

Auft.  6.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIR  AT  EN.  233 

£utfc\  3rf;  fagte  S^jnen  ja  fc^on,  ba^  id;  gem  3^re 
(Sd^iilerin  fein  iDoIIte. 

ID i I E^ elm,  Unb  tDenn  id;  S^"^«  ^^^^  irerben  tooUte  — 
^x  Sef)rer,  3^^  greunb  unb  —  toenn  ®ie  einhjitligen,  3^^  — 
5  £utfc.  ^'lun  ^Setter,  6ie  [toden  \<x,  in  icag  foil  ic^  benn 
einiuidigen  ? 

3ci^ob.  3^^^  fommt  bie  le^te  Sombe;  ir>ei^  fc^on,  it)ag 
er  fagen  i»i((. 

IDill^cIm.  2Bol)lan,  Suife,  e§  mu^  f)erau§!  2Benn  ©ie 
10  einmiHigen  —  auc^  3^r  ?!}tann,  ber  ©ie  i)on  ^er^en  lieben, 
beref^ren,  auf  ben  §dnben  tragen  n)irb! 

£utfe  (eiToteub).  2Sil^eIm,  ©ie  iiberrafd^en  mid^  —  ©ie 
tDoKten  ? 

H) ill? elm,  3<i/  i^/  ©oufinc^en,  ic^  tcitl!  Unb  tt)enn  ©ie 
15  „ia"   fagen,   madden    ©ie    mic^    unauSf^rec^lid^    gliidlid^!    (@r 

fhtft  i:^i-  311  %\\%t\\  imb  briicft  i^re  $anb  vox  feine  Sip^en.) 

3  CI  fob.    Slf^a,  bag  ift  alfo  bie  §au^tfac^e!   ©d^on!    (©inft 

0U(^  ouf§  5!tiie.) 

£uife.     ©tel)en  ©ie  auf,  irag  toirb  bie  ^ante  baju  fagen? 
20      H)  i  1 1;  c  I  m  (immev  futeeub).     @g  ift  i^r  fel^nlid^fter  2Bunfc^. 
Cuife.    3Bag  hjirb  3a!ob  fagen? 

ID  ill?  elm.  ^er,  nun  ber  tr>irb  ftc^  red^t  l^erjlid^  bariiber 
freuen.    Slber  n)a§  tr>erben  ©ie,  ©ie  Suife,  fagen  ?    {^tt^t  ouf.) 

Cuife  (nieberfe^enb). 

25  ID  ill?  elm.  %<x,  ira^r^aftig,  2uife.  '^^  h)it(  ©ie  nid^t 
beliigen  unb  3l)nen  eine  grenjenlofe  Siebe  borf^iegeln ;  aber 
gut  bin  id^  3f)nen  toon  ^erjen,  unb  bie  fo  recf)t  innige,  hja^re 
Siebe  iDirb  \ox>^\  aud)  fommen,  iuenn  id^  ^offen  barf,  gl^re 
9^eigung  %\x  geit)innen.     ©!prec^en  ©ie,  Suife,  fonnen  ©ie  mir 

30  biefe  fc^enlen? 


£  U  X  f  e  (i^m  ble  §anb  gefienb).      9^un  —  SStlljelm  — 

XPil^elm.     3a?    3a,  Suife? 

£utfe.    3^un  benn,  ^Setter,  ja !     %6)  h)ia  3^nen  Dertrauen, 
unb  —  (fic^  umfef)eitb,  fc^aiffiaft)  untcr  vc(\^  Qefagt,  3Sil^elm,  tcf;  iuar 
3^nen  gleic^  i)om  erften  Slugenblicfe  <xxi  gut.     2(ber  6te,  ©ie    5 
Bofer  ?iJlenfci^,  l^aben  mtc^  gar  nid^t  angefefjen! 

XPil^elm  (freubig).  gtetltc^,  tc^  Ujar  ein  5^arr,  mit  Slinbs 
()eit  gefd)lagen!  Slber  je^t  geljen  mir  bie  Slugen  auf,  unb  ic^ 
fe^e  einen  ganjen  §immel  bor  mir.  ®u  Itcbe§,  ^immlifd^e^ 
3}ldbc^en,  je^t,  je^t  gieb  mir  einen  ^u^  gum  6iegel  unfereg  10 

33unbe§  !     (er  lilBt  fie.) 

3^1  fob.     (Si,  ei,  ba§  mad^t  fid^  d^armant! 

StclJcntcr  Huftrttt, 

23orige,    ©crtrubc 

(Ift  toS'^renb  bcr  Ic^ten  SSorte  au§  bem  §aufc,  Snfo6  nw§  bent  ®ebUfd^  getrctcn 
unb  nailer  gefomnien). 

^ertrube.  5Run,  ©ott  ftdrfe  mic^!  2BiI^eIm,  h3a§  foil 
ba§  f>ei^en  ? 

H)  1 1  ^  e  I  TTt  (erfc^ricft  unb  tafet  Suife  to§).    2ltle  §agel,  bie  Xante !    15 

^ertrube  (5u3afo6,  leife).  Unb  bu  fte^ft  fo  ruF)ig  ba  unb 
fieWt  ^u? 

3^fob  (pftfpg,  ^eimric^  5u  t^r).  SSil^elm  jeigt  mir  nur,  tcie  id^ 
e§  mad5>en  mu^. 

^ertrube  (leife).     @o?    SSarum  tl)uft  bu  bag  nid^t  felbft?  20 
2Barum  l^aft  bu  nodfi  nid^t  mit  \^x  gef^roc^en? 

3afo-b  (teife).  ©lei^,  gleid^!  SSil^elm  ift  baran  fc^ulb,  cr 
ift  nod^  nic^t  fo  iueit. 

IDill^elm  (Suijens  i&anb  faffenb).     ®od^,   Sruber,  je^t  bin  id^ 

Auft.  7.]  EINER  MUSS  HEIR  AT  EN.  235 

i)ollftanbig  fertig.     93efte  ^autc,  lieber  33ruber,  id;  [telle   euc^ 
\j\tx  unfer  Uebe§  ©oufincfieu  a(§  meine  33raut  toor. 
(^ertrubc.    9Sa§  ift  ba§? 
3 a! oh    ©eine  33raut? 
5        ID  til)  elm.    3^/  meine  liebe,  l^erjige  Sraut,  bie  mid^  ^\)^x\, 
burd^  i^re  @inh?illigung  jum  gludlirf)[ten  SJ^enfd^en  mad^te. 

^  e  r  t  r  I'  6  c.  9^un,  ba§  finb  mir  fd^one  ©ef dEjid^ten  1  2)u 
hjiHft  fjeiraten?    3^^  bac^te  bod;,  ba^  ^oXk^^  — 

3  a  fob.    3a  freilid^,  id^  hjottte  auc^,  e3  gefiel  mir  fd5)on 
lo  ganj  gut. 

ID  ill?  elm  (Suifc  anfe^cnb,  lac^enb).    TOt  l^ttt  e§  aBer  nod^  beffer 
3^^^^*    ®^^  ~^'^  '^^^  i^  ^'^^^  ^^'^  getroffen! 
H)  i  1 1;  c  I  m  (iacf;ent)).    3<^/  ^wf  bem  ^apiere.    3^^^  %^^^  '^^'^ 
15  l^ier  in  2Sir!Iid^!eit  unb  geirijj  ben  gro^ten  ^reffer  gemad^t! 
^ertrube.    "^xxk,  unb  toa^  fagt  Suife? 
IP  ill;  elm.    D,  bie  i[t  e§  jufrieben,  nid)t  toal^r,  Sui^d^en? 
£uife.    2Benn  meine  gute  2:;ante  nid^tg  bagegen  ^at? 
©ertrube.    "^vc^.,  meinetmegen !    W\x  ift  eg  gleid^,  tneld^er 
2o  t)on  eud)  l)eiratet,  \0iXKXi  nur  ge^eiratet  trirb. 

3a!ob  (fdjinoEenb).  ®a§  ift  red^t  fd^led^t  toon  bir,  SBill^elm. 
%w.  iuoHteft  Suife  bod^  nur  ijorbereiten  ?  28arum  ^be  id^  benn 
meinen  gracf  angegogen? 

ID  i  1 1;  e  I  m.    %<x,  in  foldfien  2)ingen  mug  jeber  fiir  fid^  f elbft 
25  l^anbeln. 

3  CI  fob.  ©d^abe!  3^^"^  erftenmal  in  meinem  Seben  l^dtte 
id^  ©efc^macE  baran  gefunben.  Slber  fo  gel)t  e§  einem,  toenn 
man  fid^  mit  grauen  einlcigt. 

ID  i  1 1;  e  I  m  (mit  suife  am  9(rm).    5^id^t  immer ;  man  mug  e§  nur 
30  auf  bie  red^te  %xi  anfangen. 


£utfc.  3a,  ^Setter  3a!ob.  Unb  2Bil^eIm§  %xi  '^(xx  bic 

^ertrube  (5u  3afo6).  g^lur  fid^  ntd^t  gletd^  abfd^redfen  laffen. 
SSerfud^e  eg  nur  bet  einer  anberen;  je^t  tt)irb  e§  fd^on  beffer 

3^fob.     ^a^   mid^  ber  §immel   beh^al^re!     ©inmal   unb 

nid^t  tDieber.     @§  ift  gan§  gut  fo.     gc^  lafje  mid^  nid^t  me^r 

t)erletten,   bleibe   lebig  unb   bei  metnen   SiidEyern.     ®er   SSater 

fagte  ja  aud^  nur:   „@iner  mu^  {jetraten." 

(2)er  SSor^ang  fattt.) 





1.   Scffttig. 

Page  1.  —  line  i.  fam,  pret.  of  fomntcn.  —  etncs  2tbcnbs,  adverbial 
gen.  denoting  indefinite  time.  The  adv.  gen.  may  express  time,  place  or 
manner.  —  nadf  ^aufc,  ^o  IMS']  house^  i.e.  home. 

1.  2.  \<x\\,  pret.  of  jel^en,  look^  see.  —  erfanute,  pret.  of  er!ennen,  recog- 

I.  3.  ^crrtt,  here  master.  §err  when  prefixed  to  a  proper  name  is 
our  Mr.  —  im  =  in  bcm.  —  Dunfeln,  adj.  used  subs.  —  ricf,  pret.  of 

II.  3-4.    3U  ^aufe,  at  home. 

1.  4.    Sd?abct  ntd^ts,  sc.  as  subject  CS:  lit.  no  harm  is  done,  never  mind, 

1.  5.  gtttg  .  .  .  fort,  pret.  of  fort'ge^en,^-?  away. 

The  order  of  words  in  a  German  sentence  is  more  fixed  than  in  English. 
In  the  normal  order,  with  simple  tenses,  the  subject  stands  first,  then  the 
verb,  the  object  and  the  adverbial  modifiers  of  time,  place  and  manner. 
Notice  the  order  of  words  in  the  first  three  ^sentences. 

In  compound  tenses,  consisting  of  an  auxiliary  and  an  infinitive  or  parti- 
ciple, the  latter  stands  at  the  end  of  the  clause,  as  fommeit,  1.  5,  and  the 
limiting  words  precede. 

"When  a  predicate  modifier  introduces  a  sentence  like  „@ci^abet  nicf)t?," 
which  is  the  object  of  aittttJOrtete,  the  verb  precedes  the  subject.  This  is 
called  the  "inverted  order." 

Certain  adverbs  or  prepositions  have  become  attached  to  verbs :  giving 
to  them  a  special,  often  derivative,  signification.  53c,  emp,  tvX,  tx,  ge,  tier 
and  ytx  are  called  "inseparable  prefixes";  such  verbs  do  not  take  ge  in 
forming  the  participle.  Most  of  the  other  prefixes  are  separable;  the  pre- 
fix has  then  the  position  of  the  adverb  and  stands  last  in  the  normal  order, 

240  NOTES. 

in  simple  tenses,  but  immediately  before  the  verb  in  compound  tenses.  Ct. 
tt)ieber!ommen  and  ginrj  .  .  .  fort  in  1.  5,  also  the  English  prefixes  in  such 
words  as  become,  forget,  upset  and  set  up,  overturn  and  turn  over,  fulfil  and 

2.    998ir  finb  atte§  ft^ulbig. 

Title.  VOxt  finb  allcs  fd^ulbtg;  ft^ulbig  fetn  means  owe,  be  indebted 
for;  oUeS  is  the  ace.  neut.  of  the  adj.,  governed  by  fc!^ulbig. 

1.  6.  ^iirft,  prince^  is  the  ruler  of  a  country,  or  the  head  of  a  family, 
whose  sons  bear  the  title  of  prince  (^rinj).  —  309,  pret.  of  gieljeit. 

1.  7.  bcfonbers  9ro§e,  especially  great ;  befoilber§  is  an  adv.  modifying 
gro^e.  —  in  berfelben,  the  same  (sc.  city)  =zin  it;  berfelbe  is  frequently 
used  for  definiteness,  or  as  a  mere  substitute  for  a  pers.  pron. 

1.8.  CBIctd^lPol]!',  notzvithstanding.  —  \\[\n,  for  him,  dat.  of  er. — 
I^atten  tt^m  bte  (EiniPoI^ncr.  Note  the  order.  When  any  word  other 
than  the  subject  (with  a  few  exceptions),  begins  a  sentence,  the  normal 
position  of  the  subject  and  verb  is  reversed.  This  is  called  the  "  inverted 

1.  9.  t^icriibcr,  at  this,  A  compound  adverb  (adv.  and  prep.)  is  fre- 
quently used  in  place  of  the  f)reposition  and  a  personal  or  demonstrative 
pronoun,  here  =  fiber  il)U  or  biefen  ((Smpfang).     Cf.  E.  thereat. 

1.  10.  311  crfenncn  gab,  made  known,  gab  is  the  pret.  of  gebeit.  —  eincr, 
one  {of  them).  The  ariicle  used  substantively  takes  the  strong  form  of  mflec- 
tion.  —  (Eure,  poss.  adj.,  pi.  form  of  bcin ;  eiier  was  formerly  used  in  ad- 
dressing persons  of  high  rank  where  the  plural  of  bu  would  be  employed, 
also  in  speaking  to  children  and  intimates. 

When  a  dependent  sentence  is  introduced  by  a  relative  pronoun,  or 
auverb,  or  a  subordinate  conjunction,  the  inflected  form  of  the  verb  is  placed 
at  the  end  of  the  clause  in  wh\ch  it  stands.  Cf.  I)atte  and  l)errfc^te,  1.  7. 
1.  10,  gab;  1.  11,  traren;  1.  12,  l)aben.  This  is  the  "transposed  order," 
or  order  with  a  transposed  verb.  In  such  cases  the  separable  prefix  stands 
before  the  verb. 

3.    SBalter   Scott, 

1.  13.  Spa3tcrritte.  The  first  part  of  the  word,  i.e.  @pagier-,  adds  the 
xi\t.2xi\ng,  for  pleasure  ;  thus,  '^'^^IxtXO^^V.^,  a  walk  for  pleasure  ;  @pajier« 
fal^rt,  a  drive  for  pleasure,  etc.  —  begcgnetc,  governs  usually  the  dative. 

1.  14.  nm,  for.  —  anfprad?,  pret.  of  au'jpred)en,  to  request. 

1.  15.  griff,  pret.  of  greifen.  —  bie,  his.  The  def.  art.  is  employed 
where  no  ambiguity  arises,  in  place  of  the  possess,  pron.     This  occurs  most 


naturally  with  reference  to  parts  of  the  body,  dress,  terms  of  relationship, 
and  property.  —  fanb,  pret.  of  finbeu.  —  aber,  however,  when  it  does  not 
introduce  the  sentence. 

11.  13-16.    fictnes  (Sclb,  change. 

1.  16.  bet  fid?,  with  him  ;  fid^  is  the  reflex,  pron.  of  the  third  pers.,  used 
in  the  masc,  fern.,  or  neut.,  and  in  the  dat.  and  ace,  sing,  or  pi. 

1.  17.  tooljl  gcmerft.  The  past  part,  is  often  used  in  familiar  com- 
mands instead  of  the  imperative.— St jpcTtcC  bleiben  Sie  TTtir  fd?ulbtg, 
lit.,  you  1-emain  indebted  (i.e.  still  continue  to  owe)  to  me  sixpence. 

1.  18.  (5ott  fcgrtC,  subj.  of  wish,  May  God  bless,  etc.  The  subjunctive 
is  used  to  complete  the  defective  conjugation  of  the  imp.  mood. 

I.  19.    folang  .  . .  bi§  =-  until. 

4.    ^ic  ©olbcttc  ©attig. 

Page  2,  — line  I.  ^an\\OX)tX,  Hanozer.  All  names  of  places  (not 
names  of  rivers  or  mountains)  are  neuter.  This  is  an  exception  to  the  ruL 
that  compound  nouns  take  the  gender  of  the  last  component. 

II.  1-2.  fcl^rte  . .  .  cin,  pret.  ot  the  verb  ein'fer)ren.  —  Die  golbene 
(Sans.  Many  German  inns,  like  the  English,  bear  a  sign  from  which  they 
derive  their  name.  The  name  is  usually  expressed  with  311  and  the  dative, 
as :  3uv  gotbenen  ®an«.  Cf.  "At  the  sign  of  the  Red  Lion,"  the  "  White 
Hart,"  etc.  —  genanttt,  past  part,  of  nennen,  name,  call. 

1.  3.    hai,  pret.  of  bitten,  ask,  pray. 

I.  4.  bcim  =  bei  bem.  —  (Einfteigen,  entering.  All  infinitives  may  be 
used  as  neuter  nouns,  where  the  participial  noun  in  -ing  is  used  in  English. 

II.  5-6.    bet  bcr  Hiicf!el)r,  on  her  return.    Cf.  note  to  bie,  p.  i,  1.  15. 
11.  6-7.    miiffen  .  .  .  \\a\iZ\\,  you  must  not  take  me  for  your  sign  again. 

5.    ^cr  993olf  nnb  bcr  @(^afcr, 

1.  9.  tjerloren,  past  part,  of  tjcrlieren.  —  erfut^r,  pret.  of  crfa^ren,  to 

1.  10.  ab3Uftatten,  from  ab'ftatten,  offer.  In  separable  verbs,  the  or- 
dinary sign  of  the  past  part.,  ge,  and  of  the  inf.,  jn,  are  inserted  between 
the  separable  prefix  and  the  verb.  The  separable  prefix  stands  before  the 
verb  in  the  inf.  and  in  both  participles 

1.  II.  betroffen,  past  part,  of  betreffen,  befall.  —  bu  bauerft  mid?,  idiom, 
you  move  my  pity;  trans.  I  am  sorry  for  you.  —  Danf,  receive  nty  thanks. 
2)an!  is  used  in  the  sing,  where  we  use  the  pi.  form. 

1.  12.    mod?te,  pret.  subj.  of  niogen,  7night,  would  fain. 

!•  13-     3fegrtmm  or  3fengrimm,  the  name  of  the  wolf  in  the  old  fables, 

242  NOTES. 

1.  14-15.  fiigte  . . .  Ijin3u,  from  ^inju'tugen,  to  ada. 

1.  15-  'UA&i\\tM,  comparative  of  no^C,  ttd^er,  ndc^ft,  lit.  nearest,  hers, 
neighbor.  The  prepositions  au§,  auger,  \}t\,  gegeniiber,  mit,  nac^,  t)on,  gu, 
govern  the  dative. 

1.  18.  gel^angt  ju  tDerben,  to  be  hanged.  —  cornet^tnften,  superlative 

of  Oornef)Tn,  influential. 

I.  19.  tratetx . .  .  3ufammcn,  trotcn  is  the  pret.  of  treten. 

II.  20-2I0  bcm  Dorfc  rtotig  n?arc,  w«j  necessary  to  the  village.  Verbs 
in  vi^hich  the  w^ords,  thoughts  or  feelings  are  quoted  indirectly  are  said  to 
be  in  the  "subjunctive  of  indirect  statement,"  as  in  the  case  of  ntOCf)tC  and 

1.  21.    tXi'Cot\\Xt\\.,  do  without,  dispense  with. 

1.  22.    u.  f.  XO.  =  unb  fo  iDeiter,  and  so  forth. 

Page  3.  —  line  i.  es  finb  3ir>Ct  XPebcr,  there  are  two  weavers.  (SS  is 
often  used  to  introduce  a  sentence,  causing  the  inversion  of  the  order  of  the 
noun  and  verb,  the  verb  agreeing  with  the  noun  foUovi^ing;  here,  with 
SSeber ;  cf.  English  "  there  is,"  "  there  are." 

1.  2.  fiir.  The  prepositions  bi8,  biirrf),  fiir,  gegen,  ol^nc,  um  and 
tolbcr  govern  the  ace. 

7.   ^cr  ^ttd^g  ttttb  ber  ^icflcttboif, 

1.  4.  iDar  .  .  .  gefallcn,  had  fallen.  The  aux.  feilt  is  used  with  intran- 
sitive verbs  which  denote  transition,  a  change  of  condition,  or  a  motion  from 
or  to  a  definite  place :  @r  iji  t)on  (Sngtonb  iiac^  5lmerlfa  gereift,  He  has 
traveled  from  England  to  America.  —  tDCTttg  and  r>icl  are  usually  unin- 
flected  in  the  nom.  and  ace.  sing,  especially  when  they  denote  quantity  and 
not  a  number  of  objects. 

I.  5.  entt^telt,  pret.  of  cnt^alten. 

II.  7-8.  fd?autc  . .  .(XM,  from  atrfd^aucn,  to  look  at. 

1.  8.   bad?te,  pret.  of  benfen.  —  bci  fid?  felbft,  to  himself  —  motjl,  surely, 
1.  II.  [prang  , .  ♦  I^tnuTtter,  pret.  of  ^inuntcrjpringen. 

I.  12.  tranf,  pret.  of  trinfen. 

II.  13-14.  auf  fetttcn  Hiicfen.  The  prepositions  on,  ouf,  Ijinter,  in, 
neben,  iiber,  unter,  bor  and  ShJifc^en,  govern  the  dative  case  when  rest  in 
a  place  is  meant;  when  direction  is  implied  they  govern  the  accusative. 
Cf.  1.  4,  in  cinen  53runnen;  1.  6.  fiber  ben  Stonb;  11.  12-13,  ouf  feinen 

1.  14.    £a§  CS  bir  gut  fd?mecfen,  let  it  [i.e.  may  if]  taste  good  to  you. 


11.  14-15.  rtef  . . .  3u,  from  jiirufcn,  to  call  to. 

1.  21.   l^craustjilft,  from  ^crau8't)elfen. 

I.  22.  lief  . . .  baoon,  pret.  bat^onlaufcn,  to  run  away. 

8.   933ic  bic  Strficit,  fo  bcr  fio^n* 

1.  19.  gtng,  pret.  of  gel)cn.  —  ebenfofct^r,y«j^  «j  ;v/M<r/4,  equally.  —  tue* 
gen,  ^«  accountof.  Prepositions  governing  the  genitive  are  ailftatt,  ftatt, 
aiiBer^alb,  tnncr^alb,  ft)d^rciib  and  Wcgen;  ttiegcn  may  stand  either  before 
or  after  the  noun  governed. 

I.  20.    iDegen  is  understood  before  fetnes  <Sct3CS. 

II.  21-22.  ol^ne  .  .  .  3U  cripartcn,  without  expecting,  unless  he  expected. 
The  prepositions  attftatt,  O^ne  and  UOT  govern  directly  the  inf.  with  gu. 

1.  24.    ob,  whether. 

Page  4,  —  line  i.  ?uriercn,  cure.  Verbs  whose  infinitive  ends  in 
-icren  do  not  take  ge-  in  the  participle;   see  furiert,  1.  6. 

1.  2.  2IIIetn,  but,  when  a  conj.,  stands  at  the  beginning  of  a  clause; 
otherwise  it  is  an  adv.  or  adj.  —  ftarb,  pret.  of  ftcrbcn,  —  fc^on  in,  even 
in,  in  a  very  few. 

9.    2)cr  SBrata^fcr. 

Jean  de  la  Fontaine  was  a  French  poet  (1621-95),  whose  tables  have 
been  famous  in  many  languages. 

1.  9.   jcbcTt  2lbenb,  ace.  of  def.  time. 
1.  14.  errict,  pret.  of  crratcn. 
1.  15.   tjingefommcn,  ^«^. 

I.  17.  f^incingctt^an,  past  part,  of  '^Incin't^utt,  to  put  in. 

II.  17-18.  um  .  .  .  3u  Dergiftcn.    Cf.  note  to  p.  3, 11.  21-22. 
1.  21.    (£ben,  here,  at  this  very  moment. 

I.  22.    es  tt^ut  mtr  leib,  I  am  sorry.  —  bo(^,  nevertheless. 

II.  22-23.    ciner  £iige  bcburfte,  needed  a  lie,  a  lie  was  necessary. 

10,   2)tc  SBcibcr  tjon  993cttt§6crg. 

For  a  poetical  version  of  this  incident,  see  p.  77  of  this  Reader.  This 
legend  was  published  in  the  Chronicle  of  Cologne  (1491). 

The  Emperor  Konrad  III.  besieged  the  castle  of  Weinsberg  in  north- 
western Wiirtemberg  in  which  the  Duke  Welf  VI.  had  fled  for  safety.  The 
castle  was  forced  to  submit  to  the  emperor's  mercy,  who  ordered  that  the 
men  should  be  executed,  but  accorded  to  the  women  a  free  departure  with 

244  NOTES. 

whatever  they  valued  most.  Subsequently,  the  castle  bore  the  name 
„3Bcibertreue."  Weinsberg  hes  at  the  foot  of  the  eminence  on  which  the 
ruins  of  the  castle  now  are  situated.  The  latter  was  destroyed  in  the 
Peasants'  War  (April  i6,  1525). 

I.  25.  gcfd?Iagctt,  defeated.  —  bie  Stabt  XPcinsbcrg,  the  city  (of) 
Weinsberg.  The  name  of  a  city  or  country  is  in  apposition  with  the  gen- 
eric noun  preceding. 

Page  5.  —  line  2.    fdpipur,  pret.  of  f(f)tt)oren,  swear. 

II.  2-3.  ntcber3umad?cn,  cut  down,  slay. 

I.  4.  in  bie  Ubergabe  ipilligen  mu^ten,  were  obliged  to  consent  to  the 

II.  6-7.   iDtlltgtc  etn,  from  eintuiHigen,  agree. 

1.  7.  'btxi  ndd^ftcn  dag.  See  note  to  jeben  ^benb,  p.  4,  1.  9.  The 
time  of  an  action  may  be  expressed  either  by  the  ace.  without  a  preposition, 
or  by  the  dative  with  an  or  in,  as,  im  3al|re,  p.  4,  1. 24.  —  fid?  bas  Ct^or 
Q^X[,ziZ,'^\'^.,  as  the  gate  opened  {itself ). 

1.  8.  "^Vi^fZ,  procession.  —  jogeu  .  .  .  aus,  from  an§'3ie{)en,  march  out. 
—  jcbc,  each  one,  refers  to  the  natural  gender  of  SBeib,  not  to  its  gram- 
matical gender. 

I.  9.  btm=her.  See  note  to  bie,  p.  i,  1.  15.  —  an  bcr  Spi^C,  at  the 

II.  lo-ii.  't>ts  Konigs  £eute.  The  poss.  gen.  may  either  precede  or 
follow  (usually  the  latter)  the  noun  upon  which  it  depends,  as  in  English. 
Scute  often  means,  as  here,  troops,  army,  retainers. 

I.  II.  if^rer  t)iele,  many  of  them.  \\)XtX,  of  them,  is  the  "genitive  of  the 
whole"  or  "partitive  genitive"  depending  on  t)iele.  Notice  the  use  of  the 
dat.  in  a  partitive  sense  with  Oon,  jebc  tion  i^nen,  1.  5,  when  not  all  are  in- 

II.  11-12.  bas  IpSre  .  .  .  gCIoefCTt,  subj.  of  indirect  statement  aftei 

1.  14.  Koniglid?  is  here  uninflected.  The  termination  of  the  adjective 
is  occasionally  omitted  colloquially  and  in  poetry,  especially  in  the  neut. 
nom.  and  ace.  —  3ugcfagt,  pledged. 

1.  15.  bie  tPeinsberger,  the  inhabitants  of  Weinsberg.  Names  rf  the 
inhabitants  of  countries  and  cities  are  generally  formed  in  German  by  the 
addition  of  er  to  the  name  of  the  place,  ^oln,  Cologne,  ^iAw.tX,  an  inhabi- 
tant of  Cologne.  These  are  really  proper  adjectives  (orig.  a  gen.  pi.)  used 


11.  ^cr  %vi^^  nnb  bcr  ^a^n. 

Karl  Joseph  Simrock  (1802-76),  the  author,  was  a  poet,  and  a  devoted 
student  and  collector  of  mediieval  and  popular  German  literature.  He  was 
distinguished  especially  for  the  fidelity  and  merit  of  his  translations.  Pro- 
fessor in  the  University  of  Bonn  (1850-76). 

1.  18.  tncin  £?err  f^at^n,  Mr.  Cock,  an  address  of  effusive  respect. — 
meld^C  fd?onC,  what  (a)  beautiful. 

1.  20.  bamit,  in  order  that.  Conjunctions  denoting  a  purpose,  ba= 
mit  \i<X^  and  urn  ba^,  are  followed  by  the  subjunctive. 

1.  22.  fd?Io§,  pret.  of  jd^Uefeeii,  dose.  —  ftng  <x\\,  pret.  of  anfangcn. — 
auf  bas  lautcftC,  as  loud  as  he  could,  superlative  of  the  adv. 

1.  24.  trug,  pret.  of  tragcii,  to  bear. 

1.  25.  bcm  (^ud?fc  \KQi6:i,  after  the  fox ;  nad^  is  here  a  part  of  the  verb 
naci^'Iaufeii.  —  fd?riccn,  pret.  of  fcf)rcicn,  cry. 

1.28.    ben  euren,  jV^^w^^  /   the  possess,  adj.  used  substantively. 

Page  6.  —line  i.   Iie§,  pret.  of  la[|cn. 

1.  3.  flotj,  pret.  of  fliegen,/;/. 

1.  7.  ^dttcft  bit  nid?t  <X^tXZ(>zi,  fo  t^dttcft  bu.  The  subj.  mood  is  used 
in  both  the  condition  and  the  conclusion,  when  the  condition  is  unrealized 
or  is  contrary  to  fact. 

12.    ^a^  9JJarc^Ctt  tiom  SJlanuc  im  ^onbe. 

Popular  stories  explaining  the  origin  of  the  spots  on  the  moon  are  cur- 
rent in  all  the  Germanic  languages.  Chaucer  speaks  of  "a  chorle  (churl) 
painted  full  even,  bearing  a  bush  of  thorns  on  his  bake  (back),  which 
for  his  theft  might  cHmbe  no  ner  (nearer)  the  heven."  In  Ritson's  Ancient 
Songs  and  Ballads  there  is  also  a  song  upon  the  man  in  the  moon  bearing 
a  burden.     See  also  Shakespeare's  Tempest,  Act  II,  Scene  2. 

In  the  Testament  of  Cresseid  by  Robert  Henryson,  once  attributed  to 
Chaucer,  he  speaks  of  Lady  Cynthia : 

*'  And  on  hir  breist  ane  churl  paintit  ful  evin, 
Beirand  (bearing)  ane  bunch  of  thornis  on  his  bak, 

Quhilk  (which)  for  his  thift  (theft)  micht  (might)  dim  (climb)  na  nar  (nearer) 
the  hevin."  Skeat's  Chaucer,  Vol.  VIII,  p.  335. 

1.  9.  Dor  oXiZW.  ^citen,  in  the  olden  times,  ??iany  years  ago.  —  etttmal', 
once  upon  a  time ;  when  the  accent  is  on  the  first  syllable,  ein'ttiat  it 
means  once.  —  liebett;  blessed.     Jieb  is  used  in  many  fixed  expressions  as 

246  NOTES. 

here;  cf.  ber  X\i\it  ®Ott,  1.  16,  and  especially  in  expressions  of  time,  as,  bic 
X\t\it  lange  D^ad^t. 

1.  10.  hoiXib,  pret.  of  binbcn. 

1.  II.  ftecfte  Ctnen  Stocf  t^incin.  The  cane  or  rod  was  put  into  the 
bundle  in  order  to  carry  it.  —  \\odit  btC  IPcUe  auf,  lifted  the  bundle  of 
fagots  to  his  back. 

1.  12.    \>zq,t(x;(iZit,  see  note  to  p.  i,  1.  13.  —  feiner,  here,  noble. 

L  14.  blieb  ftcl^Cn,  lit.,  remained  standing,  i.e.,  stopped-,  \f{\^  is  the 
pret.  of  bteiben.  The  infinitive  without  311  is  used  with  bleibeit,  finben,  1)0= 
ben,  licgen  and  [te^en,  where  the  pres.  part,  is,  in  most  cases,  admissible. 

1.  15.  auf  (£rbcn  (dat.  sing.),  a  relic  of  the  weak  declension  of  fem. 
nouns  in  the  sing. 

1.  17.   Dcr  ^ragcnbe,  lit.,  the  questioning  one,  i.e.,  the  questioner. 

I.  19.    ipas  getjt  bas  mid?  <XW,  what  does  that  matter  to  me? 

II.  22-23.    funfttgt)in,  in  the  future. 

1.  25.  t)on  ber  ^Ctt  an,  from  that  time  on;  bcr  is  here  a  demons,  pron. 
—  ftet^t .  .  .  tmmcr  nod?,  has  ever  stood,  when  the  action  of  the  verb  is 
represented  as  still  continuing,  the  present  tense  is  used  for  the  perfect. 

1.  26.    VOq\)\.  ayx&i,  probably  also. 

13.   Slbctttcucr  bo^  SBarotiiS  tJou  9){un(^^aufen. 

A  collection  of  stories  was  pubHshed  in  Oxford  in  1786,  called  Baron 
Miinchausens  Narrative  of  his  marvellous  travels  and  campaigns  in 
Russia,  by  a  German,  named  Rudolf  Erich  Raspe.  The  Baron  to  whom 
these  stories  were  ascribed  resided  at  Bodenwerder  in  Hanover.  He  was 
a  famous  story-teller  who  had  fought  in  his  youth  in  the  Russian  service,  in 
two  campaigns  against  the  Turks.  Many  of  the  stories  were  in  circulation 
before  the  time  of  Miinchausen,  but  were  currently  attributed  to  him  in 
Hanover  in  the  last  quarter  of  the  last  century. 

So  great  was  the  popularity  of  this  work  that  a  fifth  edition,  enlarged, 
was  published  in  the  following  year  (1787)  entitled  Gulliver  Revived, 
containing  singular  travels,  campaigns,  voyages  and  adventures,  by  Baron 
Miinchhausen,  London. 

Page  7.  —  line  i.  trat . . .  <x\\,  entered  upon.  —  mitten  im,  in  the 
midst  of;  mitten  is  frequently  used  with  prepositions  that  govern  the  dative 
and  accusative  with  the  force  of  an  adverbial  modifier. 

1.  2.    3U  Pferbe,  on  horseback. 

1.  3.  n)eld?e5  =  lt)a§,  relates  to  the  whole  preceding  clause.  —  jicmltC^ 
iibel,  rather  untimely  or  amiss.  —  empfanb,  pret.  of  cm^finben,  to  feel. 


1.  4.    ]C  iDcitcr,  according  as  or  the  further. 

1.  6.  tpcbcr  IPeg  nod?  Stcg.  These  alliterative  or  riming  couplets,  the 
two  members  of  which  are  practically  synonymous,  are  very  common  in 
German.     Cf.  „^au8  Ultb  §of/'  and  "  kith  and  kin  "  in  English. 

1.  6.  bcs  HeiteilS  ntiibc,  weary  of  riding.  Any  infinitive  may  constitute 
a  verbal  neuter  noun,  but  its  use  is  naturally  confined  to  the  sing.  —  ftieg 
id?  o.\>,  I  dismounted,  from  ab'ftcigen. 

1.  7.  einc  IXxi  ron,  a  sort  of 

1.  8.  gur  S'\^zx.^z\i,  for  security.  —  nat^m,  pret.  of  ne^meti. 

1.  9.    untcr  'btX^.  2Irm,  ace.  of  direction;   see  also  note  to  p.  i,  1.  15. 

1.  10.  fd?Iicf . . .  cin,  pret.  of  cin'fdjiafen.  —  bic  2Iugcn  tnir,  when 
reference  is  made  to  parts  of  the  body,  a  dat.  of  the  pers.  pron.  dependent 
on  the  verb  is  often  used  instead  of  the  poss.  adj.  agreeing  with  the  noun. 

1.  16.  iDurbe  id?  q,ZXO<x\\X,  from  gett)a()r  IDCrbcn,  perceive.  Cf.  aware  in 
English,  also  beware,  "to  look  out,"  "be  on  one's  guard";  getDOl^r  takes 
an  obj.  in  the  ace,  often  a  sentence,  as  here. 

I.  18.  trie  id?  bran  VO<Xt,  hoio  it  all  xvas.  —  The  use  of  nam'Iid?,  that  is 
to  say,  to  explain,  to  introduce  an  illustration  of,  or  reason  for  a  preceding 
statement,  is  very  common  in  German. 

II.  18-19.  bic  XlCL&ii  iiber,  over  night,  during  the  night;  iibcr,  an  adverb, 
has  here  the  force  of  a  preposition,  when  placed  after  expressions  of 

I.  ig.    3U9Cfd?nctt,  covered  with  snow. 

II.  19-20.   t^atte  fid? . .  .  umgcfe^t,  had  changed, 

I.  20.  nad?  unb  na^i,  gradually. 

II.  20-21.    fo  V0\z,just  as. 

1.25.   ol^nc  mid?  .  .  .  3U  beiinnen,  without  meditating  long.     See  note 

to  p.  3,  11.  21-22. 

1.  26.  fd?o§,  pret.  of  fd^ie^en. 

1.  27.    auf  bicfc  2lrt,  an  adverbial  expression,  in  this  manner. 

Page  8.  —  line  2.  SittC,  \the\  custom.  The  article  is  often  omitted 
with  nouns  denoting  material,  also  with  abstract  nouns  when  the  mean- 
ing is  general  or  unlimited,  and  does  not  apply  to  a  single  or  individual 
object.  Cf.  ^rot  bacfen,  bake  bread;  ©cblllb  ^abcn,  have  patience-;  cf. 
uuter  ©c^nee,  p.  7, 1.  5.  —  bcs  XO'xwizxs,  adv.  gen.     Cf.  note  to  p.  i,  1.  i. 

1.  4.  fut^r,  pret.  of  fal^ren.  —  fut[r  auf  St.  Petersburg  {as,  proceeded 
rapidly  Unvard,  etc. 

1.  6.   bcs  gcf  ra^igftcn,  of  the  most  voracious. 

1.  7«  5d?IittCtt  is  a  sleigh,  sledge  or  sled.  —  nad?gclaufcn  fam,  came 
running  after.     The  perfect  participle  is  used  with  verbs  of  motion  in  an 

248  NOTES, 

adverbial  sense,  as  er  fommt  gegangen  (=  er  fontmt,  inbcm  cr  gegangen 
\\i,  while  walking)  getaufen,  gcfa^ren,  gcrittcn:  he  comes  walking,  run- 
ning, driving,  riding. 

11.  7-8.    Incite  etn,  overtook. 

1.  10.   gcfd?at|,  pret.  of  gefc^e^en,  happen. 

1.  II.   ntd?t  tm  minbeften,  not  in  the  least. 

1.  12.  mctne  IPcntgfett,  my  humble  self. —  fonbern,  but,  is  always 
used  after  a  preceding  negative. 

1.  13.   ri§  o.\>,  pret.  of  ab' rei^en.  —  oerfd^Iang,  pret.  of  Derfc^Ungen. 

1.  14.  cor  Sd^recfen,  Dor  often  expresses,  as  here,  the  cause  or  occasion, 
from,  because  of 

1.  15.    IPie,  as,  since. 

1.  16.  bacongcfommett  roar,  had  escaped. 

I.  17.  crt^ob,  pret.  of  ert)ebeu. 

II.  17-18.    nat^m  tDaf^r,  pret.  of  XQ(x\)X\^t\)XlXty\,  perceive. 
1.  18.  liber  unb  iiber,  ^m?V^,  entirely. 

1.  19.  tjtncittgcfreffcn,  ^^/,  freffcn  is  used  when  speaking  of  animals, 
cffcn,  when  speaking  of  men. 

1.  20.    fo,  wheft. 

1.  21.  tt^m  .  .  .  auf  bas  ^cll,  dative  of  possession.  Cf.  note  to  p.  i, 
1.  15.  —  fold?  etn,  fotd^  and  iDelrf)  when  preceding  the  indef.  art,  areuninfl. 

1.  22.  tt^m,  him,  the  dat.  of  the  indirect  object,  or  "  object  of  influence  " 
after  the  verb. 

1,  24.    ftet^el  lo!  behold! 

1.  25.    t|6rte  .  .  .  auf,  ceased. 

1.  26.    langten  .  .  .  aw.,  arrived. 

1.  27.  gegen,  contrary  to.  —  betberfeitigen,  mutual. 
From  this  time  on  the  student  will  be  considered  capable  of  finding  all 
irregular  verbs  for  himself  in  the  vocabulary. 

14.   2)ic  funftliri^c  Orgct. 

Richard  von  Volkmann  (1830- 1889),  Professor  of  Surgery  in  the  Uni- 
versity of  Halle,  wrote,  while  accompanying  the  German  army  in  France 
(1870-71),  a  series  of  charming  stories,  which  he  sent  to  his  children 
at  home.  These  were  afterwards  pubUshed  under  the  pseudonym  Richard 
Leander,  with  the  title  Tr'dumereien  an  franzosischen  Ka77iinen  (Rever- 
ies by  French  Firesides),  from  which  this  story  is  taken. 

Page9.  —  linei.  Dor  lattgen,  langen  '^a^tzxi,  many,  many  years 



1.  3.    immer  tPtcber,  ever  and  again. 

1.  7.    befatj  Cr  fid?,  surveyed,  noted  carefully. 

1.  II.  eincn  5trau§  in  ber  fianb.  The  accusative  of  a  noun  is  used 
with  a  limiting  phrase  absolutely,  that  is,  without  any  governing  word,  to 
express  a  characterizing  action,  where  "with  "  or  "having "is  understood; 
trans,  with  or  having  a  bouquet  in  his  hand. 

1.  12.  DoIIcr,  an  old  inflected  form  of  the  masc.  sing.  nom.  of  the  adj., 
which  has  now  become  fixed,  and  is  used  appositively  after  nouns  of 
any  gender,  as  here.  It  originally  governed  the  gen,,  but  is  often  now 
followed  by  an  uninflected  form  of  the  noun,  as  cilt  (Sool  DoUer  ?eute  or 
toott  Don  ^eutcn,  a  hall  full  of  people. 

I.  14.  baran,  of  how ;  barau  is  anticipative,  representing  the  subordi- 
nate subs,  clause,  which  follows,  and  is  in  apposition  with  the  demon- 
strative element  ba  in  baton,  cf.  baran,  I.  28;  p.  11,  1.  14. — was  cr 
fiir,  what  a.  The  parts  of  the  indeclinable  compound  pronoun  luaS  fiir 
are  occasionally  separated,  as  here.  Such  a  pronoun  remains  unchanged 
whatever  the  form  of  its  noun,  the  case  of  which  is  determined  by  its  office 
in  the  sentence. 

II.  14-15.    bcm  .  .  .  fonnc,  whom  no  one  could  equal. 

I.  16.    be^onnc,  subj.  of  indirect  statement. 

II.  18-19.   nat^m  ,  .  .  fcl^r  5U  f^cr3Cn,  took  deeply  to  heart. 

1.  21.  'btXi  q^aXK'i^tW  (Ea^  iibcr,  the  whole  day  through.  An  adverb  is 
often  used  after  an  adverbial  expression  of  time  or  of  direction,  almost 
with  the  force  of  a  preposition.  Cf.  bcn  gangen  2og  burc^,  through  the 
whole  day ;  rt)cit,  1.  23,  and  lang,  1.  26. 

1.  22.  nad^ts,  by  night,  an  old  genitive  singular  used  adverbially,  often 
with  bc8  after  the  analogy  of  2ag8.  The  genitive  forms  a  general,  not  a 
specific,  designation  of  time. 

1.  24.    Iic§  cr  fid?  .  .  .  nicbcr,  he  settled  down,  established  himself. 

Page  10.  —  line  i.    After  bcrlaffen  supply  l^abt.   See  note  to  p.  58, 1. 12. 

I.  4.  (Eag  nnb  ZTad?t,  ace  of  extent  of  time;  nouns  denoting  measure 
of  time  and  space  are  in  the  accusative.  —  "^Oi^t  ^^  l^^^t' 

II.  5-6.    ]C  met^r,  corresponds  to  befto,  the  nearer .  .  .  so  much  the  more. 
1.  10.    bitten,  note  the  omission  of  the  sign  of  the  infinitive  gu,  after 

modal  auxiliaries  and  certain  verbs,  as  finben,  fii^ten,  ^ei§en,  ^elfen,  ^oren, 
laffen,  Iet)ren,  lerucn,  nennen,  fet)cn,  corresponding  to  a  like  class  of 
verbs  in  English  where  to  is  omitted.  See  1.  21,  tragcn,  1.  28,  jptelcn, 
page  11,1.  i9,Ucgen. 

1.  10.  mas  cr  laufcn  fonntc,  as  fast  as  he  could,  n)aS  (neut.  ace.)  is 
here  used  adverbially,  as  is  the  longer  form  CttttaS. 

250  NOTES, 

1.  14.  t^tntcr  .  .  .  I^er,  along  behind.  An  adverb  of  direcdon  (^cr)  is 
often  thus  used  after  a  preposition. 

1.  15*  IHcnge  is  used  as  here  before  an  uninflected  noun  where  the 
gen.  was  formerly  required,  as,  einc  3Kenge  @elbe8. 

1.  16.  guten.  After  a  personal  pronoun,  the  adjective  has  the  weak 
form  in  the  plural,  and  the  strong  in  the  nom.  and  ace,  and  often  in  the; 
dat.  sing. 

1.  ig.  bcifc^ett,  bury ;  lit.,  place  besides,  sc.  ben  anbereit  2^oten  = 
tteben  bie  anberen  jtoten. 

1.  20.   gebcugten   ^auptCS,   adv.   gen.   of   manner,    with  bowed  head. 

I.  22.  fd?Iud?3cn  unb  iDcinen.    See  note  to  1.  10. 

II.  23-24.    ipirb  iDot^I  aud?  .  .  .  fcin,  that  is  probably  also  one. 

1.  24.    '^zh^txitw.,  note  the  pi.  form,  a  survival  of  the  older  usage  of 
employing  abstract  nouns  in  the  pi. 
1.  24.   btc  Cote,  the  dead  woman. 
1.  27.    nod?,  as  yet. 

Page  11.  —  lines  4-5.  perflang,  died  away. 
1.  6.    tnne  nJUrben,  became  aware. 

15»   2)ic  Srcmcr  ©tabtmuftfantcn. 

This  and  the  two  following  selections  are  from  Grimm's  Kinder-  una 
Hausmarchen,  a  favorite  collection  of  German  fairy  tales. 

The  two  eminent  scholars  Jacob  (1785- 1863)  and  Wilhelm  (i  786-1859) 
Grimm  were  associated  throughout  their  lives  in  their  studies  and  in  the 
most  affectionate  personal  relations.  Their  contributions  to  Germanic 
philology  were  of  the  most  varied  character  and  embrace  language 
and  literature  as  well  as  mythology,  legal  institutions,  lexicography  and 
legends.  One  of  their  most  charming  works  was  the  collection  of  German 
popular  and  fairy  tales,  gathered  from  the  mouths  of  the  people,  and  pub- 
lished under  the  title  Kinder-  und  Hausmarchen.  The  first  edition  was 
published  in  181 2;  a  second  volume  appeared  in  181 5,  and  a  second  edi- 
tion, enlarged,  in  1819,  and  a  subsequent  volume  with  notes  in  1822. 
Since  then  many  editions  have  been  issued,  and  the  stories  have  been 
translated  into  most  of  the  languages  of  Europe.  They  have  thus  become 
the  universal  delight  of  children,  and  of  others  who  study  them  with  a  sense 
of  their  profounder  significance. 

The  stories  were  collected  in  Hesse,  and  in  the  county  of  Hanau  in  the 
region  of  the  Main  and  Kinzig  rivers.  Later,  many  Low  German  stories 
from  the  districts  about  Paderborn,  Miinster  and  elsewhere  were  added. 

ELEMENTAR  V  PR  OSE.  2  5  I 

1.  13.   3U  <^n'i>Z  (^mo^tw,  failed. 

U.  14-15  f.   ti^n  aws  bcm  gutter  3U  fd?affcn,  to  gei  rid  of  feeding  him. 

1.  16.    mad?tC  fid?,  betook  himself. 

1.  17.    ja,  without  doubt. 

1.  19.  Itegctt,  notice  the  omission  of  311  after  flnben  (1.  18).  Cf.  note  to 
p.  10,  1.  10. 

1.  20.  miibe  gclaufen,  run  until  he  was  weary.  Many  intransitive 
verbs  may  be  thus  used  in  a  factitive  sense,  denoting  a  change  wrought  in 
the  object  through  the  action  of  the  verb,  made  himself  weary  by  running. 
—  IPas  (adv.  ace),  colloq.  for  tDQrum.  —  pacfan',  a  name  for  a  large 
dog.  It  comes  from  the  imp.  of  an'pacfen,  lay  hold  of,  seize.  Cf.  p.  10, 1.  10. 

1.  23.  fort,  so.  gcl)n,  an  adverb  often  stands  for  an  omitted  verb  of 
motion.  —  t^at .  .  .  TOoUen  totfd^lagctl.  The  regular  order  would  be,  ^at 
. .  .  totfd^laflen  moflen. 

1.  24.    Hct§aitS  gctiommctt,  taken  Fre^ich  leave. 

I.  25.    tuct^t  bu  XOdS  ?  ril  tell  you  what. 

Page  12.  —  line  i.  's  3ufricbcn  ;  jufriebeu  now  governs  the  ace;  it 
was  formerly  used  with  the  gen. ;  -«  (for  c^)  is  here  a  relic  of  the  lost  gen. 
neut.  of  the  pers.  pron. 

II.  3-4.  brct  ^<X<Xft  HegettlDettcr,  a  condensed,  proverbial  depression, 
like  a  three  days'  storm. 

1.  4.  in  bic  Qucrc,  amiss. 

1.  6.  njenn's  cinem  att  ^itn  Kragert  get^t,  when  one's  neck  is  in  danger. 
The  missing  cases  of  the  indef.  mail  are  suppUed  by  etll ;  cf.  etncm,  1.  16. 

1.  7.    311  3at)rcil  fommc,  am  getting  on  in  years. 

1.  9.    fpinnc,  purr. 

1.  10.    ^rau,  mistress.  —  nod?,  betimes. 

1.  II.    ift  gutcr  "B^ai.  ityxtx,  good  advice  is  dear^  i.e.  hard  to  get. 

1.  17.  burd?  irtarf  unb  Bctn,  lit.,  through  marrow  and  bone,  i.e. 
through  and  through. 

1.  19.  unfcrcr  licben  ;^raucn  £ag ;  graucntog,  or  Sag  unfcrer  Ucbcn 
j^rau  is  one  of  the  festivals  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  the  most  important  of 
which  in  the  calendar  were  the  Birth  of  Mary  (Sept.  8),  the  Annunciation 
(March  25),  Visitation  (July  2),  Candlemas  (Feb.  2),  Assumption  (Aug. 


1.  23.  bci,  in  consequence. 

1.  25.  (£t  H)as,  O,  nonsense. 

1.  27.  ftnbcft/  pres.  for  the  fut.  as  often  in  English.  —  iibcraO,  any' 

1.  29.  mu§  CS  einc  2trt  tjabctt,  it  must  be  something  unique. 

252  NOTES. 

11.  29-30.    ItC§  ftd?  .  .  .  gcf  alien,  was  pleased  with. 

Page  13.  —  line  7.  tDinben,  points  of  the  compass,  quarters  from  which 
the  wind  blows.  —  beud?te   il^n,  it  seemed  to  him  (with  ace.  or  dat.) 

1.  II.    f^crbcrge,  accommodations. 

1.  18.  <5raufd?tmmcl,  gray  coat.  @d^itnmet  alone  means  a  gray  or 
white  horse. 

1.  20.    laffCTt's  fid?  tDoI^I  fetn,  are  enjoying  themselves. 

1.  21.   ipas  =  etiraS. 

1.  22.  n>drcn,  the  optative  subjunctive.  The  omission  of  the  conclusion 
frequently  gives  to  the  conditional  an  optative  sense.  —  ratfdpIagtCTt, 
counseled,  from  9t^otfdf)Iag,  counsel,  conference.  Most  verbs  derived  from 
compound  nouns  (whose  first  component  is  a  noun)  are  treated  as  simple 
verbs,  and  take  the  prefix  ge-  in  the  past  participle.  Such  are  branbjd^atjCll, 
^anb^aben,  wetteifcrn,  etc. 

I.  24.   mu§tc,  was  to. 

II.  27-28  f.  ber  Ka^e,  the  dative  of  possession,  in  place  of  the  possess, 

Page  14.  —  line  2.    bet,  here  causal,  at,  on  account  of. 
11.  2-3.  fut^ren . .  .  itt  bie  ?\6\\z,  jumped  up. 

I.  6.  nal^men  .  .  .  fiirlieb,  satisfied  themselves.  —  xoas,  the  neuter  rel- 
ative is  used  after  an  indefinite  or  general  antecedent,  such  as  Dtel,  much, 
nid)t8,  or,  as  in  this  case,  bag  (bcm). 

II.  11-12.  bet  bie  .  .  .  2tfd?e,  bci  with  the  ace.  denoting  direction,  is 
now  obsolete.  It  was  frequent  in  the  earlier  language  (Luther),  espec- 
ially in  the  Midland. 

1.  17.    ins  Bocfst^orn  jagen  laflfen,  driven  into  a  dilemma;  X-xoxiS,.  frigh- 
tened out  of  our  wits. 
1.  22.  ^axan,  to  them,  so.  an  bie  5lugen. 
1.  30  f.  tpas  er  fonnte,  see  note  to  p.  10, 1.  10  f. 

16.   5)cr  Slrmc  vnx^  bcr  91ei(!^e. 

Page  16.  —  line  12.  3U  il^m  ein,  into  his  house. 

1.  14.  fiirlieb  netjmen,  here,  take  things  as  they  are.  Note  the  sub- 
junctives of  indirect  statement,  nib(i)te  and  fatten,  1.  14. 

1.  16.  bermeil  =  iDci^renb. 

1.  19.  fd?Ied?te,  in  its  original  sense,  plain,  simple. 

1.  24.  fid?  belongs  to  both  verbs,  legen  and  ausrul^en. 

1.  29.  'bZXi  beiben  2tlten,  dat.,  in  an  ablative  sense  after  net^men,  take 


Page  17,  —  line  i.    ftd?,  dat.  pl.y^r  themselves.    See  note  to  p.  i,  1.  16. 
1.  6.   fetncs  It)cgcs,  adv.  gen. 

I.  19.    poller  %aq,,  broad  daylight. 

II.  21-22.  geftanben  l7atte:  certain  intr.  verbs  denoting  rest  or  position 
take  ^abcn  as  the  aux.  of  the  perf.  tenses,  as,  (icgeit,  ft^en,  fte^eit,  X\\\)t% 
jd^lafen,  etc.,  as  well  as  all  modal  auxiharies. 

1.  26.    f  ragte  .  .  .  aus,  asked  all  about  it. 

Page  18.  — lines  8-9,  geiuat^ren  laffen,  have  granted;  lafjeu  is  often 
thus  used  in  a  causative  sense,  have  done. 

1.  20.    sc.  cr  before  joUtc. 

Page  19  —  line  i.  tnad^te  .  .  .  IHanTtccd^en,  reared,  said  of  an 
animal  when  it  stands  on  its  hind  feet,  or  performs  like  a  man. 

1.  4.  unb  lag  \)<XS  Pfcrb  =  unb  'ii^^  ^fcrb  lag,  inversion  usually  affects 
only  the  first  of  two  coordinate  sentences. 

1.  II.    roarb's  tl^m  ...  311  ITTut,  he  became  so  warm  and  cross. 

I.  13.    roar  tl^m  .  .  .  nid?t  etttgcfallcn,  had  not  occurred  to  him. 

II.  24-25.  xoas  cs  fetnc  ^rau  \z\^i  gut  \\Ciiit,  what  a  good  time  his  wife 
was  having. 

I.  25.  btC  =  [if  ;  notice  the  demon,  for  the  rel.  pron.,  a  frequent  use  in 
simple  speech  and  in  children's  stories. 

II.  25-26.    Hc§e  field's  tDot^I  fd^mecf  en,  was  taking  things  cotnfortably. 

1.  28.  t^erunter,  sc.  fommen. 

Page  20.  —  line  2.  Da  .  .  .  erft  rcd?t  \\t\%,ihenfor  the  first  time  he 
became  in  a  genuine  passion. 

1.  8.  (Steb  bid?  3ufricben,  Be  content. 

1.  10.  fd?alt.  The  verbs  ^eifeen,  nenncn,  jc^eltcn,  frf)impfen,  taufcn, 
le^ren  and  the  causative  laffen  may  take  two  accusatives,  one  of  the  person 
and  one  of  the  thing,  or  indicating  a  change  wrought  by  the  action  of  the 

1.  13.    (Er  tnoc^te  lOoUen  ober  nid?t,  whether  he  would  or  not. 

17.   ^orttrii^i^cn. 

The  story  of  Dornroschen,  the  "  Sleeping  Beauty,"  is  one  of  the  oldest 
symbolic  tales  of  the  Germanic  people.  It  has  parallel  versions,  differing 
in  detail,  in  France,  Italy  and  India.  In  France  it  is  called  "La  belle  au 
bois  dormant."  See  Perrault's  Histoires  ou  Contes  du  Temps  passe,  edited 
as  Perrrault's  Popular  Tales  by  A.  Lang,  Oxford,  1888;  Basile's  Penta- 
merone,  V.  5  (English  version  by  T.  E.  Taylor,  1850),  and  Old  Deccan 
Days  by  M.  Frere  (Phil.,  1868.) 

2  54  NOTES. 

In  the  Norse  version,  the  spindle  is  the  sleep-thorn,  and  the  castle  is  sur- 
rounded by  a  wall  of  fire,  through  which  Sigurd,  the  hero,  can  alone  pa-s. 

1.  19.  mar.  A  verb  in  the  sing,  with  several  sing,  subjects  occur-, 
especially  when  the  verb  precedes,  also  when  the  subjects  are  conceived 
of  as  a  unit. 

1.  20.  rDcnrt  tDir  bod?,  if  we  only  \  bod)  strengthens  the  wish.  —  fricgtCTt, 
colloq.  =  befomeu. 

1.  22.  ^rofd? ;  in  the  popular  stories  as  well  as  in  fables  animals  become 
speakers  as  well  as  actors. 

1.  26.    bas,  demons.  =  flC,  see  note  to  p.  19,  1.  25 

1.  27.    fid?  ntd?t  3U  laffcn  n>U§te,  did  not  know  how  to  contain  himself. 

Page  21.  — line  i.  \(xi>ziz  .  .  .  ctn,  usually  tub  cin.  —  PcriDanbtc 
unb  3c!annte,  the  weak  form  33crtt)anbten  is  the  rule  after  feitie. 

1.  3.  tl^rcr,  gen.  of  the  pers.  pron.  depending  upon  brei^e^n.  Notice 
the  use  of  the  genitive  of  the  whole  when  all  are  included,  while  the  dat. 
with  t»on  is  employed  in  a  partitive  sense  when  only  a  part  is  referred  to, 
1.  5,  cine  bon  iljiien. 

1.  8.  bic  (XXX^ZXt,  the  second;  anbere  was  originally  used  where  Jtncitc 
has  now  taken  its  place. 

1.  g.  3U  n)iinfd?en,  notice  the  use  of  the  inf.  with  311  in  a  pass,  sense, 
like  the  Latin  gerund. 

1.  10.  (£Ife,  an  archaic  form  for  elf.  Notice  the  plural  of  the  numeral; 
all  the  cardinal  numbers  were  once  inflected. 

1.  23.    Itc§  .  .  .  ausgel^cn,  caused  to  be  issued. 

1.  24.  foUten  would  naturally  stand  at  the  end,  but  in  simple  speech  the 
normal  order  occasionally  occurs. 

1.  28.  bcm  Cage,  XOO,  the  day  when;  tno,  where,  is  here  used  as  a 
relative  adverb  of  time,  on  tvhich. 

Page  22.  —  line  3.    lX>enbeItrcppc  is  the  ace.  of  space  passed  over. 

1.  5.  umbrcl^tc,  sc.  ben  <Sc^lu[fel,  turned  the  key;  fa§  ba  =  ba  fa^. 

1.  13.    fid?,  dat.  of  poss. 

1.  14.   bcm  21ugenblicf  .  .  .  too.    Cf.  note  to  p.  21, 1.  28. 

1.  16.    5d?Io^,  ace.  after  liber,  implying  direction. 

1.  23.  ctmas  r>crfct^en,  done  something  wrong.  —  in  (=  an)  'iitxi  £)aaren 
3icl7Cn,  pull  by  the  hair.     Notice  the  use  of  the  pi.  §aaren  for  the  sing. 

1.  24.    molltc,  was  about. 

1.  28.  barton  =  oon  bemfclbcn. 

Page  23.  —  line  4.  als  t^dttcn.  Every  condition  involves  a  conclusion 
expressed  or  imphed  ;  here  the  conclusion  is  suggested  by  al8,  as  they 
would  do  if,  etc. 


1.  6.    (Eobes,  gen.  after  [terben,  where  the  ace.  is  now  used. 

I.  9.    es  [ollte,  etc.,  that  a  castle  was  said  to  stand. 

II.  17-18.  mod?tC  .  .  .  tPoUte,  lit.  might  dissuade  him  as  he  wouldy 
i.e.  however  much  the  good  old  man  sought  to  dissuade  him. 

1.  19.   t^tnaus,  sc.  ge^en. 

1.  25.  auf  and  an,  1.  27,  notice  the  difference  in  the  meaning  of  these 
two  prepositions,  upon  and  at  {l>eside^. 

Page  24.  —  line  i.  ItegCU  unb  fd?Iafcn,  infinitives  dependent  on  fa^ 
without  gu :  see  '^dligen,  11.  5,  15,  also  note  upon  the  omission  of  gu,  p.  10, 
1.  10.  " 

I.  3.    etner,  more  definite  than  man,  which  might  have  been  used  here. 

II.  6-7.  es  . . .  laffcn,  help  it. 

11.  13-14.    309011  .  .  .  t^erPOt;  drew  out  from  beneath. 
1.  18.    rupfte  .  .  .  fcrtig,  used    factitively,  finished  plucking,  lit.,  made 
ready  by  plucking, 

18.    ^a§  l^cucrscug. 

Hans  Christian  Andersen,  one  of  the  greatest  of  modern  story-tellers, 
was  born  in  the  picturesque  city  of  Odense  on  the  Danish  island  of  P'iinen, 
April  2,  1805.  He  was  of  humble  birth,  his  father  being  a  cobbler.  His 
simple,  beautiful  character  won  friends  in  Copenhagen  whither  he  went'to 
seek  his  support.  He  was  educated  by  royal  bounty  at  the  Latin  school  of 
Schlagelse.  His  novel,  the  Improvisator,  won  great  favor  and  assured  his 
reputation.  He  caught  the  spirit  of  the  folk  stories  and  loved  to  personify 
dumb  objects  and  material  things,  investing  them  with  all  the  romance  or 
pathos  of  real  beings.  In  his  stories  his  weird  fancy  embodied  that  which 
was  quaint  and  mysterious,  and  invented  situations  full  of  surprises  and  un- 
expected situations.  His  longer  novels  are  romantic  in  character.  It  was 
as  a  story-teller  that  he  won  a  fame  almost  universal.  His  extemporaneous 
tales  to  children,  told  with  great  vivacity  and  graphic  power,  became,  when 
written,  the  basis  of  his  reputation.     He  died  on  Aug.  4,  1875. 

There  have  been  at  least  twenty  translations  of  his  stories  into  German  as 
well  as  numerous  translations  into  English,  Spanish,  French  and  Italian. 
The  Tinder  Box  was  published  in  the  first  collection  of  Andersen's  stories 
in  1835.  -^t  shows  his  skill  in  giving  artistic  form  and  sentiment  to  the 
crude  material  of  a  popular  story.  All  his  stories  have  an  individuality 
which  secured  for  them  immediate  recognition  and  stamped  them  upon  the 
popular  imagination. 

1.  22.    fam  .  .  .  cint|ermarfd?icrt,  ca7ne  marching.     Cf.  note  to  p.  8, 1.  7. 

1.  24.  <x\i  ber  Settc  =  an  feiner  @eite.    Cf.  note  to  p.  i,  1.  15. 

256  NOTES. 

I.  25.  foUtC  es,  etc.,  used  impersonally,  but  nozv  the  journey  was  to  his 

II.  26-27.    <^^e,  her ;    it^r  (dat.)  in  a  possessive  sense. 

Page  25,  —  line  i.  t^aft,  notice  the  transposed  order,  which  is  occa- 
sionally used  in  an  exclamatory  sentence;    cf.  p.  40,  11.  3,  18. 

1.  II.  tpas  foil  id?,  sc.  t^un. 

1.  12.    Du  mu§t  tPtffen,  cf.  the  English,  "  You  must  know." 

1.  13.    fo  bcftnbeft,  pres.  for  fut.  =  when  you  will  be. 

1.16.   bariTt=  in  ben  2;t)uren. 

1.  17.    mitten  (adv.)  auf,  in  the  center  of. 

1.  18.  etn  Paar,  used  as  an  indecl.  num.  or  with  the  noun  5lugen  in 

1.  19.   barum  =  nm  fie,  that  is,  urn  bie  Slugen. 

1.  23.    lautev,  pure,  nothing  but. 

1.  27.  ntmm  bir  ron  bem  (Selbe,  notice  the  partitive  dative  following 
the  verb,  take  to  thyself  of  the  money. 

Page  26,  —  line  2.  ridptigcr,  etc.,  that  is  a  proper  dog,  or  that's  a  dog  for 

1.  6.    "bZW^tW,  imagine. 

1.  7.    tDtllft  bu  tr)0l)I  <XVii:i  I^abcn,  you  probably  desire  too. 

I.  17.   gefagt,  sc.  l]atte. 

II.  22-23.    n)ie  nur  imtner,  as  or  as  in  any  degree. 
1.  28.    bn  fonnteft  fonft,  trans.,  or  you  might. 

1.  29.    r)tel  is  declined  after  the  def.  art. 

Page  27,  —  line  2.    Hcin,  an  expression  of  astonishment. 

1.  6.    griff  aw,  pulled  at. 

1.  10.   (Sott  hzV0Qi\[Xt,  an  expression  of  astonishment,  Heaven  preserve  us. 

1.  II.  etnc  irtcngc,  here  (5elb  is  used  in  apposition  with  ITTettgc,  in 
place  of  the  former  gen.  —  gcin3  is  uninflected  before  names  of  places,  even 
in  the  dat.  as  mit  gatlj  @ngtanb.  —  Note  that  Andersen  resided  in  Copen- 

1.  14.    etnmal,/<?r  once,  at  last. 

1.  16.    ftatt  is  used  both  as  a  prep,  and  a  conj.  in  place  of  aitftatt. 

1.  22.    rein,  completely. 

1.  25.    bis  Q)hzx\.<xr\.,  to  the  top.  —  (Sclb,  uninflected  gen.  after  tJoII. 

Page  28.  —  line  5.    geraben  tPegCS,  adv.  gen.  of  manner,  straightway. 

1.  18.  fie  3U  fet^en  be!ommen,^^^  a  sight  of  her ;  the  expression  is  used 
as  the  object  of  befommen,  or  fc^en  with  ju  may  represent  a  passive  use  of 
the  verb,y^r  seeing  =  to  be  seen.     Cf.  note  to  p.  21,  1.  9. 

1.  22.  getpeisfagt,  used  impers.,  the  real  subject  being  the  following 


1.  27.    in  htw.  (Tag  tjinetnlcbcn,  live  without  a  thought  of  the  morrow. 

Page  29.  —  line  5.   iibrtg,  pred.  adj. 

1.  6.    bid?t,  dose. 

1.  II.    cin  £id?t,  here,  a  candle. 

1.  21.  baburd?  ^=  burd)  bagfelbe,  /y^  ?V.  —  xods  .  .  .  nnv,  whatever. 

Page  30.  —  lines  1-2.  tjteltcn  gro^c  Stiicfc  auf  tt^ti,  idiom.,  thought 
a  great  deal  of  him. 

1.  II.    gar  311  gem,  extremely. 

Page  31.  —  line  i.   teas  er  nur  immcr  Fonnte.  Cf.  note  to  p.  10, 1. 10. 

1.  8.  gC3Ctd?nct  war,  the  verb  jcin  is  used  in  forming  the  pass,  when 
the  participle  has  the  force  of  an  adjective,  denoting  the  state  or  condition 
into  which  the  subject  has  entered. 

1-  13-    x^l^iit?  ITTorgcns,  early  in  the  morning. 

1.  18.    Itcbcs  JTldnnd^cn,  dim.  of  affection,  my  dear  little  husband. 

1.  25.    Setbcnjcug,  in  appos.  with  5tii(f ,  orig.  an  uninflected  gen. 

Page  32. — line  3.  l^cttnfiit^rcn  =  in  fein  §aii8  fii^ren,  a  word  long 
used  in  the  sense  of  marry,  conduct  a  bride  to  her  new  home. 

1.  13.    jufi  ntd?t,  not  exactly.  —  ba3U/  more  than  this,  besides. 

1.  18.    auf  \itW.  23cincn,  in  motion,  astir. 

1.  24.    CS  mirb  bod?  nid?ts  baraus,  nothing  xvill  happen  until,  etc. 

Page  33.  — line  9.  ^ahal,  cf.  p.  31, 1.  25. 

1.  21.    3<^  tt>ill  ntd^t,  I  forbid,  or  I  will  not  permit  it. 

1.  30«    ^OXiXiit  \\{t  gar  n?ot|I  gcfallen,  might  well  please  her, 

19.    ^o§  aSaffcr  bc§  SJcrgcffctt^. 

Rudolf  Baumbach,  whose  pseudonym  is  Paul  Bach,  was  born  in  Kranich- 
feld  on  the  Ilm  in  the  dukedom  of  Saxe-Meiningen,  in  1840.  He  studied 
natural  science  in  various  universities  and  finally  received  the  degree  of 
Doctor  of  Philosophy  in  Heidelberg.  He  has  been  a  private  teacher, 
mainly  in  Austria,  but  now  resides  in  Meiningen.  He  is  a  writer  of  stories 
full  of  delicate  sentiment,  of  graceful  humor  and  charming  suggestiveness, 
which  appeal  to  the  interest  and  the  imagination  of  all  classes. 

Page  34.  —  line  6.    ba3U,  as  an  accouipaniment,  at  the  same  tim.e. 

I.  7.  fctner  KIcibung  W,(x6:i ;  nad^,  according  to,  may  precede  or  follow 
the  noun  governed;   gegeniiber,  opposite,  has  also  at  times  the  postposition. 

II.  7-8.   mit  fctnem  perfd?ntttcncn  ^aar,  the  badge  of  serfdom. 
11.  12-13.    t?iclt  .  .  .  innc,  stopped,  intermitted. 

1.  20.  gcl^orig  in  21  tern  erl^alten,  lit.  had  kept  him  panting,  i.e.  hard 
at  work. 

I.  25.    bc5    IPeibmerfs,    gen.   after    bac^tc.     Many  words   denoting   a 

258  NOTES. 

mental  state  or  action  formerly  governed  the  gen.,  where   now  they  are 
used  with  the  ace.  or  a  prep.;  such  are  ad^ten,  beftntten,  ben!en  (an),  er* 
innern,  freuen,  gcnte^en,  etc. 
Page  35.  —  line  7.  t)ertDunbcrtes  (Seftc^t,  look  of  amazement. 

I.  8.    graucn  (5ctr»anb,  gray  was  formerly  worn  in  mourning. 

II.  18-19.   bas  ^^eberfptcl  auf  ber  ^fauft,  ace  absolute.     Cf.  note  to  p. 


11.  19-20.    \<x\  .  .  .  bretn,  looked  at  the  same  time,  looked  besides. 

1.  21.    5tii(f,  acco  of  space. 

Page  36.  —  line  6.  t^ot^cr,  where  in  any  form  an  -e  follows  t)od),  the 
final  -(^  is  changed  to  -\  —  \>z\v(\.  =  batttl  or  aU. 

1.  ic.    btC  Sonne  Itd?t,  tke  bright  sun  ;  Ud^t,  appos.  adj.  bright. 

1.  27.  ITtinne  =  ^iebe,  an  archaic  word  preserved  in  popular  poetry, 
and  revived  in  higher  literature.  These  riddles,  with  alternate  question 
and  answer,  are  very  characteristic  of  folk-  and  primitive  poetry. 

Page  37.  — line  9.  Sd?I6ffer  in  bie  . . .  £uft,  air-castles. 

1.  12.  f^irfd?gen)Cit)  atn  (Siebel,  a  pair  of  antlers  over  the  door  or  on 
the  gable  is  still  a  customary  decoration  of  a  forester's  house  in  Germany. 

1.  13.    3U  'i.t\[tXi,  in  fief.  —  Bannforftcr,  a  keeper  of  a  preserve. 

1.  19.  ^aftnad?t,  properly  the  eve  of  Ash  Wednesday,  but  often  used 
to  denote  an  indefinite  number  of  days  preceding  Lent,  which  are  observed 
in  Catholic  countries  with  great  festivities. 

1.  25.  Xndr(e),  tidijtgs,  poetic  and  archaic  for  '^0i6)n6)i,  a  word  re- 
rived  in  this  sense  at  the  close  of  the  last  century. 

1.  26.    Sizxh^<^\odt\iiow,  the  tone  of  a  passing-bell. 

1.  28.    ba3U/  at  the  same  time,  that  is,  as  he  walked. 

Page  38.  —  line  i.    gcipunbcnc,  passive  part,  with  adj.  force. 

1.  5.    fam  geritten,  came  riding,  past  part,  with  adv.  force.  Cf.  note  to  p. 

8,  1.  7. 

1.  9.  fetncr,  gen.  of  the  pers.  pron.  depending  on  §err.  —  \a%  =  jctjtC 
fid),  with  ace.  of  direction. 

Page  39.  —  line  ii.  bas  ccrgeffcn  mad?t,  sc.  einen,  which  causes  one 

to  forget. 

1.  12.  5u  Dtcnftcn,  cf.  note  to  p.  10, 1.  24. 

1.  15.  fiirroi^ig,  for  the  later  Dornjil^ig.  —  q,ah  fid? . . .  3U  erfcnnen, 
introduced hiitiself  as. — fatjrcnben  5d?iiler.  In  the  middle  ages  many 
students  wandered  from  university  to  university,  begging  their  way  and 
leading  a  rolHcking  life,  without  any  definite  purpose  of  study.  These 
students  were  often  called  3>aganten,  rovers^  and  their  songs  bear  the 
name,  „5Saganten^oefie",  see  1.  24,  below. 


1.  19.  ®rt  unb  StcIIc  =  on  the  spot.  The  coupling  of  words  of  kindred 
signification  for  completeness  of  statement  is  very  common  in  English  and 
German.  Cf.  "house  and  home,"  "kith  and  kin,"  "pardon  and  absolve," 
"  absolution  and  remission,"  etc. 

1.  20.  3ur  blaucit  2^raubc,  at  the  Sign  of  the  Blue  Grape.  Cf.  note  on 
p.  2,  1.  2. 

1.  22.  corausgefe^t,  assuming  that ;  the  part,  so  used  expresses  a  pre- 
liminary condition,  upon  which  something  depends. 

Page  40.  —  lines-  CD  tpcr  oeroicffcii  fonntc,  could  anyone  forget? 
For  word-order,  cf.  1.  18  and  note  to  p.  25,  1.  I. 

1.  9.  The  reputation  of  the  raven  for  wisdom  dates  from  the  oldest  Ger- 
manic mythology^^qording  to  which  two  ravens  sat  upon  Odin's  shoulders 
—  Huginn  and  Muninn,  thought  and  memory  —  one  of  which  revealed  to 
him  all  the  past,  and  the  other  the  future. 

1.  14.  vo'xt  id?  .  .  .  nad?fct)en  tDlK,  and  when  I  was  about  to  see  yester- 
day;  mas  bie  licbcn  (El]icrd?en  vc\,o.6:izx\.,  how  the  nice  little  fellows  are. 

1.  17.  IPO,  here,  wherever.  —  gct^'  UTtb  \it\[ ,  am,  a  rimed  phrase.  Cf. 
note  to  p.  7,  1.  6. 

1.  18.  tr>cr  .  .  .  tDli^te,  ^Tivonder']  who  may  knoio. 

1.  19.   The  SSalbfrau  was,  in  popular  lore,  the  repository  of  secret  wisdom. 

1.  24.    bal^eim,  S.G.  for  the  N.G.  JU  §aufe  ;  ^eint  is  here  an  old  dat. 

1.  25.    ba3U,  cf.  p.  34,  1.  6,  note. 

Page  41.  —  line  2.  UJnfonft  ift  nur  bcr  Cob,  death  alone  i%  to  be  had 
for  nothing,  a  proverbial  expression. 

1.  15.    ii^n  I^UTigertC,  impers.  he  was  hungry. 

1.  17.    lOeibspcrfon,  coUoq.  a  woman. 

1.  30.    StUTtbCf  tic,  for  a  league  around. 

Page  42.  —  line  3.  dags  3uror  =  am  Dorigen  J^age, 

1.  19-  alsbalb  =  jogleic^. 

I.  20.    l^erum,  at  an  end. 

II.  28-29.  gtng  •  ♦ .  »on  ftattcn,  went  on. 

Page  43.  —  line  6.  5d?etbcn,  ITTeibcn.  Both  words  have  the  sames 
meaning,  and  are  a  constant  refrain  in  the  old  folk-songs :  „@d)Cibeil  Uttb 
aJteiben  ti)ut  \Qt\^."    Cf.  note  to  p.  7, 1.  8. 

1.  10.  Canncnbaum.  In  Germany,  as  also  in  Norway  and  Sweden,  it  is 
customary  to  celebrate  the  completion  of  a  new  house  by  putting  a  young 
fir  or  birch-tree  on  the  highest  point  of  the  roof,  and  by  holding  a  festival 
in  which  the  workmen  participate.  Ibsen's  drama  Builder  Solness,  is  based 
upon  this  fact. 

1.  13.  ben  Kater  auf  bcr  5d?ultcr,  see  note  to  p.  9, 1.  11.  ^ater,  ace. 
abs.  Witches  and  weird  women  had  a  cat  as  a  companion,  with  whicb 
mysterious  and  uncanny  power  was  associated  in  the  popular  belief. 

26o  NOTES, 

1.  20.    gclccrt  I^aft,  perl  for  fut.  perf.,  to  express  greater  certainty. 

Page  44.  —  line  6.    (Seaft,  a  coll.  noun,  branches, 

1.  13.   beim  2lltcn,  «^  zV  was. 

1.  16.  Blume,  the  55ergi^meinnic^t. 

The  author  of  this  selection,  Wilhelm  Hauff  (i 802-1 827),  was  a  gifted 
and  promising  novelist  and  poet,  who  wrote  romantic  and  historical  tales 
somewhat  in  the  manner  of  Walter  Scott.  He  is  one  of  the  most  popular 
of  German  story-tellers.  His  works  are  characterized  by  humor,  descrip- 
tive power,  and  a  certain  fantastic  quality,  which  renders  them  irresistible 
to  young  readers. 

Among  his  best  known  works  are  ^^antaficn  im  S3rcmer  9^at8teIIer,  '5)cr 
2Rann  itn  9Jionbe,  ®a8  iBilb  be6  ^aiferS,  etc.  The  present  story  is  taken 
from  a  collection  of  tales  called  2)ie  ^aratDone  (  The  Caravan) .  A  com- 
pany of  merchants,  returning  from  Mecca,  while  away  the  time  after  dinner 
by  each  relating  some  story  of  his  life  and  adventures. 

1.  20.    3U  Bagbab,  of  ox  at  Bagdad. 

1.  26.  tnan  \a\[  bem  Kalifcn  an,  one  perceived  in  the  Caliph.  Many 
verbs  govern  the  dative  through  the  force  of  the  preposition  with  which 
they  are  compounded.  Slnfe^en  with  the  ace.  means  regard.  The  most 
common  of  such  prefixes  are  an,  aiif,  au8,  bei,  ein,  ciit,  entgcgen,  nti§, 
narf),  unter,  Der,  miber,  gu,  and  compounds  with  oor. 

Page  45.  —  line  3.  alle  (Eage  =  jebeu  Xag,  every  day. 

1.  13.  lange,  gcrne,  advs.  The  adverb  was  originally  formed  from  the 
adjective  by  the  addition  of  -e,  as  here,  or  -tic!^. 

I.  19.    reidpbcfdplagenc,  richly  mounted. 

II.  22-23.  fci?on  .  .  .  IDoIIte,  was  already  on  the  point ;  ttJolUn,  frequent- 
ly means  on  the  point  of,  or  to  be  about  to  do. 

Page  46.  — line  i.  anfangen,  here  simply  do, 

1.  2.    voznn  .  .  .  aud?,  even  if. 

1.  9.    §iige,  ckcracters. 

1.  II.   gelet^rt,   part,  with  the  force  of  an  adj.,  like  the  Eng.  "learned." 

1.  15.  auf  bic  ^^U^foblcn.  The  bastinado  is  a  punishment  still  in  vogue 
in  Egypt  and  the  Orient. 

1.  21.  ber  bu.  The  verb  agreeing  with  a  relative  pronoun  is  usually  in 
the  third  person;  if,  however,  the  personal  pronoun  is  repeated  after  the 
relative,  the  verb  agrees  with  it. 

1.  23.  JTtuta'bor,  fut.  pass,  of  the  Lat.  verb  mutare,  change,  lit.  / 
shall  be  changed,  —  jebes,  any. 


Page  47,— line  3.  gut  cinfaufcn,  purchasing  to  advantage  or  at  a 
bargain.  —  XO'xZ  frcue  id?  mid?,  btS  id?,  how  I  rejoice  in  looking  forward 
to  the  time  when  I  shall  be,  etc. 

1.  19.    gefd?et^Cn  \\<x\>Z,  subj.  of  indirect  discourse  like  crrcgt  l^aben,  below. 

Page  48.  —  line  i.  ujoUen,  let  us,  subj.  as  imp. 

1.  5.   nid?t  gelac^t,  do  not  laugh.    Cf.  note  to  p.  I,  1.  17. 

1.  17.    bcim  .  .  /propI]Cten,  i.e.  Mohafftmed, 

1.  21.  fel^cn.  The  pi.  form  of  the  verb  with  titles  is  still  preserved  in  official 
decrees,  and  often  in  address.  Even  minor  titles,  such  as  ^auptmoun,  captain 
are  used  with  a  plural  verb  in  Austria  and  in  some  parts  of  South  Germany. 

Page  49.  —  line  5.  locgcn  is  here  used  with  the  dative  instead  of  the 
more  usual  genitive. 

1.  6.    'ba,  emphatic,  hence,  ox  for  that  purpose. 

1.  14.  erft  w.0i6:i  langer  §cit,  not  for  a  long  time. 

1.  16.  S6:\0^t,  is  often  thus  used,  almost  as  a  pred.  adj.  to  a  sentence, 
or  a  pronoun  standing  for  a  sentence,  =  e§  ift  fd^ttbc. 

1.  21.  po^  nicffa,  etc.,  by  Mecca  ...  a  funny  variation  of  the  usual 

1.  27.   ttx  etrtcm  fort,  continuously,  uniformly. 

Page  50. — line  6.  I^eraus,  used  for  an  omitted  verb  of  motion;  so. 

1.  25.  I^alb,  uninflected  before  the  name  of  a  place;  cf.  gailj  ^Opcn* 
^agen,  p.  27,  line  11. 

Page  51.  —  line  4.  tptr  tPoUcn.  See  note  to  p.  48,1.  i.  —  melletd?t  = 

I.  II.  mit  eurer  €rlaubnts,  with  your  leave. 

II.  25-26.    mtr  ift  q^axil  unt^eimltd?  3U  IHut,  /  have  a  very  weird  feeling. 
11.  26-27.   l^ab'  es . .  .  gcfcuf3t,  used  impersonally :   there  was  an  audible 


Page  52.  —  lines  3-4.  bcm  au^  unter,  under  whose. 

1.  29.    f^ub  (XW.,  archaic  for  ^ob  an. 

Page  53.  —  line  9.    rou^tc  =  fonnte,  xuas  able,  succeeded  in. 

1.  21.  (5cmduer,  walls.  The  prefix  gc-  implies,  with  personal  nouns, 
sissociation,  companionship;  to  neuter  nouns  it  lends  a  collective  sense. 

1.  28.    tf^r,  dat.  of  separation,  frotn  her. 

Page  54.  — lines  5-6.   tnir  at^ttct  bics,  /,  too,  suspect  this. 

1.  8.  mii§te  r)ielleid?t,  subj.  to  soften  the  positiveness  of  an  assertion, 
and  I  may  perhaps  know. 

1.  15.  cinaTtber  =  fic^  einanber,  recip.  pron. 

1.  22.    CS  ift  mir  jebc  rc^t,  any  condition  is  acceptable  to  me. 

262  NOTES. 

1.  29.    fc^on,  concessive,  however  that  may  be,  even  in  that  case. 

Page  55.  — line  6.   Das  t^ei§t  bic  Ka^e  im  Sacf  faufen.      That 

means,  rushing  into  it  blindfold. 

Page  57.  —  line  7.  fd?nupfcn,  take  a  pinch. 


1,   ©d^walBcttUcb. 

Julius  Carl  Reinhold  Sturm  (18 16-1896),  a  pastor  and  teacher  in  the 
Principality  of  Reuss,  has  written  many  works  of  devotion  as  well  as  grace- 
ful and  musical  verses. 

Page  58.  — line  5.  Kaft  \\\(<>  Hul],  alliterative  couplets,  both  members 
of  which  have  practically  the  same  meaning,  are  very  common  in  German. 

1.  9.    Kurtbe,  tidings,  a  poetical  synonym  for  S^iad^rid^t. 

1.  II.  fd?tpanb,  the  pret.  is  used  instead  of  the  perf.  more  frequently  in 
German  than  in  English. 

1.  12.  gefommen,  sc  ift.  In  dependent  clauses,  the  transposed  auxihary 
of  the  compound  tenses  is  often  omitted  when  it  can  easily  be  supplied  from 
the  context.     This  is  especially  frequent  in  poetry. 

1.  14.   lDCt§,  sc.  ic^. 

2.    ^u  btft  ttttc  cine  ^(umc. 

Heinrich  Heine  (1799-1856)  was  born  in  Diisseldorf  on  the  Rhine,  but 
spent  almost  his  entire  life  in  France.  As  a  contributor  to  the  press,  the 
freedom  of  his  criticisms  of  political  and  social  questions  brought  upon  him 
government  censure,  which  led  to  his  taking  up  his  residence  in  Paris. 
He  there  witnesses!  many  of  the  stirring  events  associated  with  the  reigns 
of  Charles  X.,  Louis  Philippe  and  Napoleon  III.  He  contributed  to  the 
German  press  brilliant,  graphic,  ironical  and  humorous  discussions  of  men 
and  events,  literature,  music  and  art  in  the  French  capital.  He  is  one  of 
the  most  gifted  and  popular  of  German  song  writers.  His  style  is  light, 
often  careless,  but  of  wonderful  grace  and  tenderness,  at  times  of  pathos 
and  mocking  bitterness.    He  was  a  thorough  Romanticist.    Few  Germans 

POETRY.  263 

have  written  such  clear  and  simple  prose,  and  few  have  exercised  a  widet 
European  influence. 

This  poem  was  said  to  have  been  addressed  to  a  poor  Jewish  girl  whom 
Heine  met  in  Berlin.  It  was  published  in  1825.  It  has  been  often  set  to 
music,  among  others  by  Rubinstein  and  Henschel. 

Page  59.  —  line  11.    mir  \\i,  I  feel. 

3.   ^a§  Sc^to^  am  SJlccrc. 

Ludwig  Uhland  (1787- 1862),  poet,  scholar  and  statesman,  is  one  of  the 
favorite  singers  of  Germany.  He  was  active  in  the  struggle  for  constitu- 
tional government  in  the  earlier  contests  of  his  country  (Wiirtemberg)  be- 
tween 1815  and  1819,  1833  and  1837,  ^"^  ^^"^^^  ^"  ^^  larger  movement 
for  German  unity  in  1848.  Uhland's  genuineness  and  manliness  in  his 
verse,  as  well  as  the  simplicity  and  nobility  of  his  personal  character,  have 
won  the  affection  of  his  nation. 

Longfellow's  translation  of  this  poem  has  made  it  as  familiar  to  English 
as  to  German  readers.  It  is  in  the  form  of  a  dialogue.  Two  travelers 
meet  and  question  one  another  concerning  the  castle.  One  has  seen  it 
in  the  glow  of  the  evening  light  and  in  the  brightness  of  hope,  the  other, 
when  enveloped  in  mist,  suggesting  woe. 

The  subtle  suggestiveness  of  this  poem,  appealing  to  the  imagination  of 
the  reader,  is  one  source  of  its  perpetual  charm.  It  has  been  translated  by 
W.  E.  Aytoun,  H.  W.  Longfellow,  Sir  Theodore  Martin  and  W.  C. 
Sandars.     It  has  been  set  to  music  by  Kreutzer  and  Raff. 

1.  15.    mod?te,  zuould  fain. 

L  18.    briiber  \[tX,  along  above  U. 

Page  60.  —  line  3.  fjallen  ;  the  sing,  form,  ^atte,  is  used  below,  1.  7, 
without  difference  of  meaning. 

L  4.    Saiten,  fig.  the  harp. 

L  8.    ftral^Ienb  tm,  etc,  radiant  with. 

I.  10.  (Semat^I,  here  neuter,  referring  to  the  queen,  i.e.  consort.  This 
usage  is  archaic  and  poetical. 

4.   2)tc  fiorclct. 

The  Lorelei  rock  is  on  the  right  bank  of  the  Rhine  near  St.  Goar.  The 
story  of  the  Lorelei  was  not  originally  a  popular  legend  but  was  invented 
by  Clemens  Brentano,  and  published  in  the  second  volume  of  his  romance^ 
Godwi  (1802),  called  Violettens  Lied,  beginning,  „^]X  33aci^arO(^  am  Ws^tXXit" 

264  NOTES, 

Heine  published  his  poem  in  1824.  The  term  Lorelei  was  written  Lore 
Lay  in  Brentano's  poem,  and  Lore-Ley  in  Heine's.  It  has  been  set  to  music 
by  L.  Fischer,  J.  Mathieux  and  F.  Silcher. 

Page  61.  —  line  2.     Dabci,  al  the  same  time. 

1.  6.  ergreift  CS,  an  impersonal  construction,  where  we  should  use  the 

L  g.  t>erfd?Itngen,  pres.  used  with  the  force  of  the  future,  as  frequently. 
Cf.  note  to  p.  25, 1.  13. 

5.   2)ic  traurigc  (^cfc^td^tc  \s^x^  bummett  ^attigd^ctt. 

Richard  Lowenstein  (1819-1891)  was  a  journalist,  who,  with  Kalisch, 
founded  (1848)  the  Berlin  Kladderadatsch,  a  comic  paper  which,  then  ag 
now,  satirized  public  men  and  measures,  and  often  incurred  government 
censure,  involving  punitive  measures  against  the  editor.  Lowenstein  wrote 
also  delightful  poems  for  children,  which  he  published  in  the  Kindergarten 
(1846)  from  which  this  poem  is  taken,  which  has  an  instructive  lesson  in 
spite  of  its  gayety.  It  depicts  the  failure  of  a  lad  of  magnificent  hopes 
who  was  deterred  from  any  real  effort  by  imaginary  difificulties. 

\.  24.  jagt  itjn  fort,  dismisses  him,  sends  him  flying.  —  IHetfter,  a 
craftsman  in  Germany,  who  has  served  the  preliminary  periods  of  appren- 
ticeship and  as  a  journeyman,  and  can  conduct  an  independent  business. 

1.  25.  \itx\^t  bran,  think  of  this,  viz. :  When,  in  English,  a  preposition 
would  precede  and  govern  a  subordinate  sentence,  the  compound  adverb  is 
used  in  German,  embodying  the  proper  preposition  and  the  demonstrative 
element :  in  this  case,  bar  +  an  =  an  'i)Ci9>,  and  the  clause  following  is  in 
apposition  with  ba(r).     See  note  p.  9,  1.  14,  and  p.  62,  1.  14. 

L  26.   n>as  aus  bir  nod?  roerben  ^ann  I  what  else  you  may  become. 

Page  62.  —  line  5.  Johnny  has  now  become  Jack,  that  is  he  is  a  trifle 
older  and  has  a  bit  more  dignity. 

6.   ^tc  ^titbcr. 

This  poem  is  addressed  to  Heine's  sister  Charlotte,  later  Frau  vom  Emb- 
den,  who  was  eleven  months  older  than  her  brother. 

L  18.    Dcrftccftcn,  notice  the  omission  of  the  connective  unb. 

L  19.  mie  bie  £)dl^nc,  ttJie  in  comparison  means  like ;  al8  introduces  a 
noun  in  apposition,  denoting  the  same  person  or  character;  SJJaria  @tuart 
mirb  al8  ^iJnigin  ftcrben,  Maria  Stuart  will  die  as  a  queen,  that  is,  she 
is  a  queen  and  as  oni  she  will  die. 

POETRY.  26$ 

1  20.    Famen,  inversion  to  express  a  condition. 
1.  21.    Kifcrifi,  Cockadoodle  doo. 

1.  26.  mad?ten  cirt  coruet^mcs  f^aus,  >^^//  ay?«<f  establishment. 
Page  63.  —  line  2.     oftcrs,  often,  with  no  comparative  sense. 
1.  8.    a  I  ten  Ka^C,  a  slang  name  for  an  old  woman. 
1.  12.   gcmefcn,  sc.  ware.  Cf.  note  to  p.  58,  1.  12.     The  same  construe* 
tion  is  continued  in  the  following  stanza. 
1.  20.    (Ereu'/  notice  the  rime  with  —  bci. 

7.    ^rct  ^aarc  unb  ©tncr. 

Friedrich  Riickert  (1788- 1866)  was  an  Orientalist,  and  poet  of  a  great 
vigor,  and  an  almost  unsurpassed  master  of  poetic  forms.  He  translated 
numerous  poems  from  the  Indian,  Persian,  Hebrew,  and  even  the  Chinese 
language,  and  wrote  many  in  the  style  and  metre  of  the  East.  He  was  a 
professor  in  Erlangen  and  in  Berlin. 

1.  24.    barauf,  in  reply. 

Page  64,  —  line  2.  mad?'  bir's  311  etgen,  make  this  your  possession, 
i.e.  lay  this  fact  to  heart, 

1.  7.  3H>cie,  archaic,  inflected  form  of  Jttiei.  The  numerals  were  formerly 

8.   ^txcx  vS^  ein  S^iigtetn  >mx\ 

German  literature  is  full  of  exquisite  folk-songs,  many  of  which  have 
been  preserved  for  centuries  in  the  popular  memory.  The  date  and  author- 
ship of  these  poems  are  alike  uncertain.  They  sprang  from  the  heart  of 
the  people  and  mirror  the  naKve  and  simple  life  which  produced  them.  They 
express  the  poetry  of  natural  feeling,  and  describe  the  scenes,  passions  and 
ideals  of  the  homely  life  of  the  untutored  and  unlearned.  They  abound  in 
tender  sentiment,  which  may  contain  both  humor  and  pathos.  Occasionally 
they  are  spirited  in  character  and  describe  martial  and  warlike  scenes.  It 
is  the  characteristic  of  all  popular  poetry  to  personify  natural  objects,  to 
give  even  a  profound  meaning  to  familiar  incidents,  the  return  of  the 
seasons,  the  life  of  the  flowers  and  trees,  and  the  coming  of  the  birds 
These  poems  are  graphic  in  description,  and  hurried  and  often  irregular 
in  movement.  Many  of  the  greatest  poets  have  caught  the  spirit  of  the 
folk-songs,  among  whom  Goethe,  Uhland  and  Heine  are  to  be  numbered. 
This  poem  is  often  sung  to  a  folk-melody. 

ist  stanza,  1.  13.    alll^tcr,  a  quaint  and  strengthened  form  of  l^ier, 

2d  stanza,  1.  9.  glcic^  =  obgkid). 

266  NOTES. 

1.  lo.  boc^  is  adversative  and  occurs  frequently,  as  here,  after  a  con- 
ditional sentence. 

1.  12.  criDad?ett  \\\Vi,  I  {do)  awake.  The  verb  tf)Un  in  popular  speech 
and  in  folk-songs  is  often  used  as  an  auxiliary  verb  as  in  English. 

1.  15.  "ixx,  relative  adverb  of  time,  when.  —  •£^er3e,  an  archaic  form  for 
the  modern  §erj,  preserved  in  the  folk-songs  and  revived  by  classical  writers. 

1.  17.    'bix'^,  here  a  declarative,  or  possibly,  a  causal  conj.,  that  or  since. 

1.  18.  9efd?cnft,  sc.  hast.    Cf.  p.  58, 1.  12. 

9*   ^xfx  f^i(i^tcttbttttm  ftc^t  ctnfam. 

This  poem  was  published  in  1823.  It  has  been  set  to  music  by  numer- 
ous composers,  Heubner,  Hiller,  Jensen,  Ritter,  Roesel,  Rubinstein,  von 
Woyrsch  and  others.     The  poem  expresses  the  pain  of  hopeless  separation. 

1.  21.    tl^n  f<^Idfcrt,  impers.,  it  slumbers. 

10.    %xi  fi^one^  ^ifd^crmabd^ctt. 

This  poem  was  published  in  1824.  It  therefore  belongs,  like  sc  many 
of  Heine's  favorite  poems,  to  his  earlier  period.  It  has  been  repeatedly  set 
to  music.  The  musical  renderings  best  known  are  those  by  Schubert, 
Meyerbeer  and  Hesse;   others  are  by  Eckert,  Fink  and  Rockstro. 

Page  65. — linen.  X)crtrauft  expresses  the  reason  why  she  should 
be  free  from  fear  z=zfor  you  entrust  yourself. 

11.   ^cr  SStrtitt  %9^itx\t\n* 

This  poem  belongs  to  Uhland's  earlier  period  (Dec.  24,  1809).  It  has 
been  often  translated,  among  others,  by  Barber,  Brooks,  Butler,  Dexter  and 
Martin.  It  has  been  set  to  music  by  Loewe,  but  is  more  often  sung  to  a 
popular  folk-melody. 

^  1.  17.  ipot^l,  lends  a  bit  of  chance  to  the  verb,  it  happened,  it  came  to 
pass.  It  occurs  frequently  in  the  folk-songs,  where  its  meaning  hardly  ad- 
mits of  positive  translation. 

1.  18.  Bet  eincr  ^^rau  tPtrtin,  at  the  house  of  a  landlady  ^x.^.  at  an  inn. 
The  preposition  bet,  as  here,  denotes  at  the  house  of 

1.  19.  Sic.  The  third  person  is  here  used  in  familiar  address  instead  of 
the  second.  —  gut  Bier  unb  IPctn.  In  prose  we  should  expect  guteS 
S3icr  Uttb  guten  SBein.  When  an  adjective  relates  to  two  nouns  of  differ- 
ent genders,  it  must  be  repeated  and  made  to  agree  with  each. 

POETRY.  267 

I.  21.    ift.     Note  the  use  of  two  singular  subjects  with  a  singular  verb. 
Page  66.  —  lines,    ber  erjie,  berl  a  repetition  of  the  subject  in  the 
popular  style. 
1.  5.   irtaib,  poetical  for  SD^abc^CH. 

1.  6.    3<i?  lt)Urbc,  regularly  [©o]  tniirbe  icf).  t 

1.  8.   ba3u,  «/  /-^^  ^z^>^/. 
1.  10.  (jeliebt,  cf.  note  to  p.  6, 11.  21-23. 
1.  II.    \[\\h,  poetical  and  archaic  for  t)ob.     1.  12.    an  =  Ciuf. 
1.  13.    bic^.     The  object  is  made  emphatic  by  being  placed  first. 

12.    ^cr  gutc  ^amcrab. 

This  poem,  like  the  preceding,  is  in  the  genuine  spirit  of  the  Volkslied. 
It  was  written  in  September,  1809,  and  has  been  translated  by  Sanders  and 
Skeat.  It  has  been  set  to  music  by  Kreutzer,  but  is  more  usually  sung  to 
a  popular  melody. 

1.  16.    nit,  dialectic  for  uid^t. 

1.  19.  in  glcid?ctn  Sd?ritt  nnb  Critt,  with  equal  pace,  Cf.  note  to  p. 
7, 1.  6. 

1.  21.    (Silt's  mir?  Is  it  7neant  for  tne  ? 

1.  24.  als  UJdr's,  etc.,  inversion  to  express  a  condition,  while  the  conclu- 
sion is  intimated  by  at§.     As  though  he  were  a  part  of  myself. 

Page  67.  — line  i.  tpill,  sc  cr.  The  subject  is  often  omitted  in  popu- 
lar style. 

1.  2.  bermeil  =  ludl^renb.    1.  3.  lawn,  sc.  ic^. 

13.   ^ic  ^rcttabicrc. 

Napoleon  crossed  the  Niemen  on  June  24,  181 2,  with  four  hundred  and 
fifty  thousand  men,  to  invade  Russia.  He  reached  Wilna  on  his  return  after 
the  destruction  of  Moscow,  on  December  3,  with  fifteen  thousand  soldiers.  He 
gathered  an  army  of  nearly  half  a  million  troops  with  incredible  rapidity  in 
the  spring  of  1813,  and  entered  Germany  in  April,  in  order  to  renew  the 
war.  After  various  successes,  in  which  his  military  genius  shone  preeminent 
against  superior  forces,  he  was  defeated  by  the  Allies  in  the  battle  of  Leip- 
zig, October  16-19,  1813.  He  abdicated  in  favor  of  his  son  on  April  I,  1814, 
and  was  sent  a  prisoner  to  the  island  of  Elba.  He  was  a  captive  from 
May  4,  1814,  to  February  26,  1815,  when  he  returned  to  France  and  recov- 
ered his  throne  for  a  brief  period,  his  reign  ending  after  the  battle  of 
Waterloo,  June  18.     His  abdication  followed  on  June  22. 

268  NOTES, 

The  poem  expresses  Heine's  enthusiastic  admiration  for  the  Emperoi 
Napoleon  as  well  as  the  devotion  of  the  French  soldiers  to  him. 

The  date  of  this  poem  is  given  in  the  French  edition  of  Heine's 
Works  as  1816,  though  it  may  be  two  or  three  years  later  (18 19).  It 
was  published  in  1822.  * 

1.  7.  gefangcn,  sc.  roorbcn.    1.  10.  IHSr*.  ci  note  to  p.  37,  L  25. 

1.  II.  After  gcgangcTt  sc.  fei. 

1.  15.  ob  =  njcgen.  —  Kunbe,  cf.  note  to  p.  58, 1.  9. 

1.  18.    Das  £tcb  tft  aus,  all  is  over. 

Page  680  —  line  5.   (£I]rcnfrcu3,  Cross  of  the  Legion  of  Honor, 

1.  13.   reitct  mol^I,  may  ride. 

14,   2)cr  @oftat. 

This  poem  was  translated  by  Chamisso,  to  whom  it  is  often  ascribed,  from 
Hans  Christian  Andersen. 

The  situation  is  simple  yet  tragic.  A  soldier  has  been  sentenced  to  be 
shot,  and  his  best  friend  belongs  to  the  file  which  is  detailed  for  his  exe- 
cution. The  bullets  of  all  the  other  soldiers  miss  him,  but  that  of  his  friend 
strikes  him  in  the  heart. 

1.  17.    (Es  gel^t,  impers.,  They  march, 

1.  23.  bet  ningettbcm  Spicle  mirb  parabtert^  with  ringing  music,  the 

parade  is  held. 

Page  69.  —  line  2.  Sonne  =  ber  @onne,  depending  on  @tra^I. 

1.  5.  angelegt,  aimed. 

1.  6.  2ld?t  Kugein,  btc.  Cf.  note  to  p.  66,  L  3.  —  oorbeigefegt,  s^wept 
or  whizzed  past. 

15.   ©rffatiig. 

Johann  Wolfgang  von  Goethe  was  bom  in  Frankfurt  on  the  Main, 
August  28,  1749,  and  died  in  Weimar  March,  22,  1832.  He  is  the  central 
figure  in  German  literature,  and,  possibly,  the  most  influential  force  in 
European  literature  since  the  time  of  Shakespeare.  He  was  a  lyric  singer 
of  rare  beauty,  a  dramatist,  novelist,  investigator  and  discoverer  in  science. 
There  are  few  subjects  with  which  he  did  not  have  a  sympathetic  interest. 
His  personality  influenced  contemporaries  as  profoundly  as  his  literary 
genius.  The  present  intellectual  life  of  his  country  would  have  been  im- 
possible without  him. 

The  ballad  of  the  Erlking  or  King  of  the  Elves  was  written  by  Goethe  in 
the  spring  of  1 782  in  connection  with  his  Singspiel,  Die  Fisckerin.     It  is 

POETRY,  269 

based  upon  a  folk-song  translated  from  the  Danish  Erlk'onigs  Tochter^ 
contained  in  Herder's  Volkslieder.  King  Olaf  rode  far  and  wide  to  summon 
the  guests  to  his  wedding,  The  Erlking's  daughter  danced  with  her  com- 
panions upon  the  green,  and  offered  to  him  her  hand  and  summoned  him  to 
the  dance.  King  Olaf  refused,  for  the  morrow  was  to  be  his  wedding  day, 
and  gifts  of  silk  and  gold  were  powerless  to  attract  hmi.  The  elf-queen 
then  gave  him  a  blow  upon  the  heart,  which  caused  him  a  pain  such  as  he 
had  never  known  before,  and  announced  that  sickness  should  follow  him. 
King  Olaf  returned  home.  When  the  bride  came  with  the  wedding  guests 
on  the  following  morning,  she  lifted  a  scarlet  covering,  beneath  which  the 
king  lay  dead.  —  The  poem  has  often  been  set  to  music.  The  best  known 
compositions  are  those  by  Reichardt,  Schubert  and  C.  Loewe.  The  mu- 
sical renderings  by  Methfessel,  Tomaschek,  Berger  and  Spohr  are  also  well 
known.     Beethoven,  also,  sketched  the  music  of  the  Erlkonig. 

1.  12.   er  fjSIt  ttjTt  IParm,  factitive  pred. 

1.  13.    tpas,  adv.  ace.  =  um  limS  or  tnarum,  a  very  common  use. 

1.  14.  The  imagination  of  the  sick  child  transforms  all  objects  into  terror 
and  mystery. 

1.  19.  mand?  buntc.  The -first  adj.  is  left  uninflected.  Note  the  use  of 
the  strong  form  in  buitte,  owing  to  this  omission. 

1.  20.    giilbcn,  archaic  for  golbeiT,  uninfl.  adj. 

Page  70.  —  line  4.   roiegcn,  tan5en  and  fingctt  ein,  in  a  future  sense 

1.  15.    f^of,  home. 

16.   mo^t^ctt  aitf  bcr  ^cibc. 

Variants  in  the  edition  of  1789  :  Title,  Apeibenrb^fcilt ;  1.  17,  omits  (5g  ; 
1.  19,  2Bar  fo  jiing  unb  morgeufd^on  ;  1.  20,  ?ief  er  fd^uett  e«  nal^  311  fef)n ; 
I.  21,  @al)'«  mit  Dieten  ^reuben  ;  1.  24,  omits  2)er ;  Page  71, 1.  6,  Unb  for 
S)oc^ ;  1.  7,  %  for  3)a8 ;  1. 9,  §atf  i^r  boc^  fein  2Be^  unb  Sid} ;  1.  10, 2«u^t' 
c8  eben  Iciben. 

Published  first  in  Herder's  Von  deutscher  Art  und Kunsi  (1773),  and  in 
his  Volkslieder  Bd.  H.  151  (1779),  and  is  there  ascribed  to  oral  tradition. 
Goethe  included  it  with  slight  changes  in  his  Schriften  Bd.  VIH.  105-106, 
who  possibly  communicated  the  earlier  form  to  Herder.  A  poem  in  the 
unique  cDllettion  of  Paul  von  der  Aelst,  1602  (Uhland's  Volkslieder-')  has  the 
same  refrain  and  similai  motives.    See  also  Herder's  poem  "Die  Blute." 

1.17.     l{nab'  =  3ungling,  as  often  ill  folk -poetry. 

1.  18.  HosIeiTt.  In  the  folk-poems  the  article  is  often  omitted,  es- 
pecially when  the  object  is  personified.  —  £^eibcn,  an  inflected  form  of 
the  dat.  sing.     Cf.  note  to  p.  6, 1.  15. 

17.  ^a§  2?cU(i^Ctt. 

This  poem  belongs  to  Goethe's  earlier  period,  having  been  written  in  1 773- 
74.     The  music  of  Mozart.  Reichardt.  Kunzen  and  Steffan  is  best  known. 

270  NOTES. 

Page  71.  — line  13.   gcbiicft  in  fid?,  bending  low. 
I.  15.    t^cr3ig,  graceful.,  charming,  a  word  often  employed  in  this  sense 
in  South  Germany,  and  by  Goethe. 

1.  19.    bie  XPiefc  I^er,  along  the  meadow. 

1.  24.    matt,  until  faint. 

1.  26.    Diertelftiinbd^cn,  trans.,  one  fleeting  hour. 

Page  72.  —  line  2.   in  <x6qi .  . .  nat^tn,  heeded. 

1.  5.    fterb'  i(^,  inversion  to  express  a  condition. 

18,   SBo^ft^mu 

Matthias  Claudius  (1740-1815),  a  scholar  and  editor,  of  unsettled  life,  of 
simple  and  noble  nature,  wrote  m.any  poems,  some  brief  and  full  of  sen- 
tentious wisdom,  others  devout,  patriotic,  and  humorous. 

1. 8.   veirit/reei/,  .^     ^.     ^ 

'•^     ^  19.    ^ic  ^CttttC. 

1.  12.  mat  =  einntat.  —  fcin,  clever. 

I.  18.  ^ait  DOnt  V^nhn  mad?tc,  ^^ade  a  business  of  thinking,  ^alt, 
pronounced  as  in  French,  a  word  in  vogue  in  the  eighteenth  century  in 

1.  19.  barob  =  bariiber.  —  Knall  MX^  ^all,  an  idiomatic  expression 
meaning  at  once.  The  ^iiall  is  the  report  of  the  gun,  with  which  the  fatt, 
(^att)  of  the  object  is  almost  simultaneous.     Cf .  note  to  p.  7,  1.  8. 

1.  21.    tht\[.  nidpt  DOnnotcn,  is  not  precisely  necessary. 

1.  22.    3um  (2i  ni(^ts  tt^ut,  has  ?tothing  to  do  with  the  egg. 

Page  73.  —  line  i.  fcib  barum  gebcten,/?^  this  I  entreat  you. 

1.  5.    tieuer,  0/ this  year,  a  dial.  S.  G.  form,  now  practically  obsolete. 

20,    ^cr  ©anger. 

This  ballad  was  written  possibly  as  early  as  1775  or  1776.  It  was  pub- 
lished first  in  Wilhebn  Meisters  Lehrjahre  (1795).  It  has  been  set  to 
music  by  Reichardt,  Kreutzer,  Schubert  and  Loewe.  Slight  verbal  differ- 
ences are  found  in  the  two  forms  of  this  poem,  viz.,  in  that  contained  in  the 
romance,  and  in  Goethe's  Gedickte. 

1.  22.   ftaunenb,  in  gazing. 

1  23.    briicff  .  .  .,  here,  closecL 

1.25.  fc^auten  .  .  .  brein,  looked  on.  The  verb  belongs  also  to  tie 

Page  74.  —  line  2-3.  Ite§  f^olen,  had  brought;  laffen  is  used  here,  as 
often,  in  a  causative  sense.     Cf.  1.  16  below,  also  p.  18,  1.  9. 

I.  9.   noc^,  besides;  that  is,  in  addition  to  his  other  decorations. 

II.  12  and  14.  tpot^net,  lof^net,  long  archaic  forms;  see  also  p.  60,  11. 
21  and  23.  - 

POETRY.  271 

I.  16.  Seeder  VOzxns,  poetical  for  S3ed)er  SScin.    SSein8  is  an  old  par- 
titive gen. 
1.  x8.  (gr  fe^f  iljn  an,  sc.  ben  2J2unb. 

21.    S3ar6aroffo. 

For  an  account  of  Barbarossa  see  pp.  102-105  °^  ^^  Reader.  The 
Germans  called  him  Rotbart  (Red  Beard). 

Page  75.  —  line  i.  Barbaroffa  is  called  also  gricbric^  bcr  (Srfte. 

1.  3.  tm  unterirb'fd?cn  5d?Ioffc,  that  is,  beneath  the  Kyffhauser,  tht 
immense  castle,  whose  ruins  are  still  preserved  near  Frankenhausen.  The 
mountain  is  still  called  by  the  people  „^aifer  ^ncbcidE}.'' 

1.  4.  Der3anbert  fid?  =  fid)  derjaubert. 

1.  14.   barauf  =  raorauf,  as  in  11.  16  and  25. 

1.  17.   Don  ^Iad?fc,  referring  to  the  color. 

1.  23.  je  nac^  langem  Haumc,  ever  after  a  l(mg  interzfoL 

I.  24.    n)tnft,  beckons,  makes  a  sign, 

22.    ^cr  pilgrim  ttur  @t.  ^nft. 

The  author  of  this  poem,  Count  August  of  Platen-Hallermund  (1796- 
1835),  was  born  in  Ansbach  and  died  in  Syracuse  on  the  Island  of  Sicily. 
Much  of  his  life  was  passed  in  Italy.  In  perfection  of  form,  and  in  the 
musical  quality  of  his  verse,  few  German  poets  have  equaled  him. 

Charles  the  Fifth  (i 500-1 558),  German  Emperor,  King  of  Spain,  ruler 
of  the  Netherlands,  and  King  of  Naples,  after  a  reign  marked  for  the  most 
part  by  successful  conquest,  abdicated  his  throne  in  1555-56  in  favor  of  his 
son,  Philip  II.,  and  withdrew  to  the  cloister  of  Saint  Just,  near  Placentia, 
where  he  died  two  years  later.  For  an  interesting  account  of  the  last  days 
of  the  Emperor,  see  Sir  William  Stirling-Maxwell's  Cloister  Life  of  Charles 
the  Fifth  (1852). 

Page  76.  1.  9.  Platen  wrote  originally:  2)ic  Sil(x6)i  bur(^fauft  ber 
@turmtt)inb  f ilr  unb  f iir.  —  fiir  VixCi>  fiir,  on  and  ouy  incessantly, 

1.  II.    (5Io(fcnton,  notice  omission  of  the  article,  possible  Only  in  poetry. 

I.  12.    fd?rccft,  startles. 

II.  13-14.   The  first  edition  read  : 

//^iad)t  etUq  auf,  unb  toetgert  mtr  ntc^t  farg 
S)en  grauen  9loc£  unb  bann  ben  jdjtDavjcn  @arg/' 
1.  22.    bas  alte  Hcic^,  the  Holy  Roman  or   German  Empire,  existing 
from  800-1806  A.  D. 

272  NOTES, 

23.   2)tc  SBctficr  tJOtt  SBin^^crg. 

For  a  prose  account  of  this  incident  see  page  4  of  this  Reader. 

Adelbert  von  Chamisso  (1781-1838)  was  born  in  the  castle  of  Boncourt 
in  Champagne.  He  fled  with  his  family  at  the  breaking  out  of  the  French 
Revolution  (1790),  and  found  refuge  in  Berlin.  He  studied  natural  science 
and  accompanied  a  scientific  expedition  around  the  world.  His  love  for 
the  land  of  his  birth  remained  in  his  new  home.  He  wrote  Peler  Schlehmihls 
wundersame  Geschichte  (1814),  the  story  of  a  man  who  had  lost  his 
shadow,  also  some  touching  poems  upon  his  early  home,  the  best  known  of 
which  is  Das  Schloss  Boncourt. 

Page  77.  —  line  l.  lag^  had  encamped^  pret.  in  the  sense  of  the  plu- 

1.  3.  Der  IPelfc,  the  Guelf.  The  House  of  Guelf  supported  the  pope 
in  opposition  to  the  emperor.  Hence  this  name  became  a  party  cry  in  the 
twelfth,  thirteenth  and  fourteenth  centuries.  The  opposing  faction,  the 
Ghibellines,  derived  their  name  from  Waiblingen,  a  city  in  Wiirtemberg. 
The  first  Salian  emperor,  Konrad  II.  (1024-1039)  included  this  name 
among  his  titles,  as  Lord  of  Waiblingen.  Hence  it  passed  to  the  Hohen- 
staufen,  and  became  the  watchword  of  the  supporters  of  the  emperor. 

1.  7.  X)cgcn;  warrior^  hero,  a  different  word  from  3)egen,  sword,  though 
often  regarded  as  the  same. 

1.  8.   offnct,  inversion  to  express  a  concession,  although. 

1.  9.  fommen  for  gc?omtnen.  The  ge  was  not  originally  essential  to 
the  past  participle,  and  is  still  omitted  in  certain  coUoq.  uses,  and  with  the 
modal  auxiliaries  when  the  infinitive  of  another  verb  is  dependent  upon 

1.  12.   fanft.     See  note  to  p.  5,  L  14, 

1.  13.   jebe  has  the  natural,  not  the  grammatical  gender  of  SBeiB. 

1.  16.  xneinung,  will. 

1.  19.   bebrangtc,  hard  beset, 

1.  20.   fd?tDanFt,  stagger. 

1.  23.    V0'\6^ii  orig.  an  insignificant  person,  here  man, 

1.  24.   bcbeutfam,  that  is,  interpreting  the  agreement. 

24.   ^er  Sannenbaum. 

This  is  a  version,  byN^A.  Zarnack,  of  a  folk-song  which,  under  various 
forms,  has  been  known  and  sung  in  Germany  for  four  hundred  years.  The 
poet  Uhland  has  rewritten  one  form  of  the  poem.   Mr.  H.  W.  Longfellow's 

POETRY.  273 

translation,  The  Hemlock  Tree,  is  well  known.  The  poem  is  usually  sung 
to  the  music  of  the  old  student  song  "Lauriger  Horatius,"  or  to  „@ott  grii^ 
bid),  53riiber  ©troubiltgcr."  See  the  editor's  edition  of  Uhland's  Poems, 
p.  ^2,,  also  Erie  und  Bohme's  Deutscher  Liederhort,  Bd.  I,  pp.  546-548. 

25,   ^cimtir^c  Sicbc. 

The  first,  second  and  fifth  stanzas  represent  an  early  and  widely  dissem- 
inated folk-song,  known  throughout  Germany.  These  stanzas  constituted 
apparently  a  part  of  a  shepherd's  song.  See  Erk  und  Bohme's  Deutscher 
Liederhort,  Bd.  II,  pp.  325-327.  The  text  of  Heimliche  Liebe  varies;  the 
third,  fourth,  and  sixth  stanzas  are  an  addition  to  the  original  form. 

Page  79.  —  line  2.  ■ntcmanb  ntd?t.  The  double  negative  is  common 
in  folk-songs  and  occurs  even  in  classical  poetry. 

1.  4.   tt^un  ftct^cn.     Cf.  note  to  p.  64, 1.  12. 

1.  6.  £)er3e.    Cf.  note  to  p.  64, 1.  15. 

26.   SicbCiStrcttc. 

This  poem  is  contained  in  Biisching  and  Von  der  Hagen's  Sammlung  deut- 
scher Volkslieder  (1807),  but  is  omitted  from  Erk  und  Bohme's  collection. 

1.  14.  fein'n  anbcrrt  ntd?t  lieber  feitt.    Cf.  note  to  p.  79, 1.  2. 

1.  18.  £tcberl,  a  South-German  diminutive  form,  darling.  —  ftaljn, 
archaic  for  [te^Clt. 

1.  19.  Kcitt  ^cuer  unb  (Slut  brcnnt  ntd?t  fo  tjct§;  double  negative  as 
above,  1.  14.     In  prose  we  should  have  !cin  ^eiier  Ullb  fetue  ®lut.  . 

Page  80.  —  line  2.  (El^rcn.  This  is  a  dat.  pi.,  a  survival  of  the  usage 
of  employing  abstract  nouns  in  the  pi.,  and  is  not  to  be  confounded  with 
the  old  weak  forms  of  the  fern.  sing.     Cf.  note  to  p.  10,  1.  24. 

1.  6.  fd^rciben,  note  the  change  in  the  number  of  the  verb,  due  to 
the  popular  origin  of  the  poem.  —  f  eiu  (Enbc,  without  end, 

1.  7.    bleibe  babet,  hold  to  it,  or  standby  it, 

27.   ^iit^  btt  bi(^. 

A  Volkslied  found  in  several  collections  of  the  sixteenth  century.  The 
text  varies.  That  which  is  given  here  is  taken  from  Des  Knaben  Wunder- 
horn  ( 1 805-1 808),  with  the  omission  of  the  fourth  stanza.  It  is  well- 
known  to  English  readers  through  Mr.  Longfellow's  translation. 

1.  9.  tntr'n  =  ntir,  ein  ;  mlr,  ethical  dat.;  -n,  this  contraction  of  citt  is 
unusual  except  in  popular  verse. 

2/4  NOTES. 

I.  i6.   iiberquerd?,  S.  G.,  "a  side  glance"  from  one  side;  qucrrf}  from 
quer  is  preserved  in  this  compound  adv. 
1.19.   Itc^t  =  t)ett. 

28,    SWt  ^cibcIBcrg,  \s\i  fcttic. 

Joseph  Viktor  von  Scheffel  (1826-86)  is  one  of  the  favorite  Vi^riters  of 
modern  Germany.  He  w^as  born  in  Karlsruhe,  in  which  city  he  died,  and 
his  life  is  closely  associated  with  South  Germany,  and  with  the  history 
and  legends  of  that  picturesque  country.  Scheffel  is  pre-eminently  the 
author  of  the  young,  of  those  whose  lives  are  full  of  hope  and  enthusiasm. 
His  poems  and  student  songs  are  universally  popular.  His  historical  novel 
of  Ekkehard  and  his  poem,  Der  Trompeter  von  Sdkkingen,  are  most 
widely  read.  The  opera  based  upon  the  latter  is  greatly  admired.  Scheffel 
was  a  student  in  Heidelberg  and  often  returned  thither.  His  statue  in 
bronze  stands  in  the  park  surrounding  the  castle.  Ali  Heidelberg,  dufeine^ 
is  taken  from  the  TroDipeter  von  Sdkkingen. 

Page  81.  —  line  6.  2IIt  f^eibelberg  ;  oft  is  here  undecHned,  its  con- 
nection with  Heidelberg  being  so  close  as  to  make  it  almost  a  component 
part  of  the  word. 

1.  7.  (2t^ren.    Cf.  note  p.  10, 1.  24. 

1.  8.  The  names  of  rivers  in  Germany  are  generally  fem.;  a  few  are 
masc,  as  ber  W)i\\\,  ber  3J?ain,  ber  3nn,  ber  $?ed),  ber  D^ecfar. 

1.  II.  21n  IPeist^ett.  Heidelberg  is  the  seat  of  one  of  the  oldest  uni- 
versities in  Germany,  founded  in  1 386. 

1.  23.  Unb  fted?cn  tnt<^  bic  Dornen,  that  is,  If  wordly  cares  harrass 

1.  24.  brau§  =  brau^en,  without^  that  is,  the  cold  outer  world.  —  fatjl, 
monotonous,  destitute  of  joy. 

29.   ^ic  ^offttttug. 

Friedrich  von  Schiller  (i  759-1 805),  who  ranks  with  Goethe  as  the 
greatest  of  German  poets,  was  born  in  Marbach  in  Wiirtemberg.  He  was 
thus,  by  birth,  associated  with  the  brilliant  group  of  South  German  poets, 
though  his  active  life  was  passed  mainly  in  Jena  (i 789-1 799)  and  Weimar 
(1799- 1 805).  For  four  years  he  held  a  professorship  of  history  in  the 
University  of  Jena  (1789-93).  His  intellectual  life  is  divided  into  three 
periods;  that  of  his  youthful  works,  Die  Rduber  {i'j?>i),  Fiesko  (1783), 
Kabale  und  Liebe  (1784);  that  of  his  historical  studies,  Don  Carlos 
(\'j?>'j')f  Abfall  der  Vereinigten  Niederlande  (1788),  Geschichte  des  dreissi^- 

POETRY,  275 

jahrigen  Krieges  (1791-1793),  and  of  his  philosophical  and  aesthetic  essays; 
and  his  classical  period  in  which  his  Balladen  (i 797-1 798),  and  his 
dramatic  masterpieces  were  produced,  Wallenstein  and  Maria  Stuart 
(1800),  the  Jungfrau  von  Orleans  (1801),  Braut  von  Messina  (1803), 
Wilhehn  Tell  (1804).  Schiller  is  more  philosophical,  more  analytical  and 
subjective  than  Goethe;  also  more  rhetorical  in  his  style,  but  pervaded  by 
the  nol)lest  ideal  sentiments. 

Page  82.  —  line  4.  rennen  ViVifi  jagett,  two  verbs  to  indicate  haste 
and  swift  pursuit. 

1.  II.    befd?ItC^t  cr,  concessive,  although  he  may  end. 

1.  13.    (£s  stands  here  not  simply  for  hope  but  for  all  that  it  promises. 

1.  15.  (£s  anticipates  the  following  clauses,  which  constitute  the  real 

1.  16.  tras  =  etttjag. 

36,   Slttf  bcr  U6crfa^rt» 

The  scene  of  this  poem  is  the  Neckar  River  near  the  village  of  Hofen, 
below  Cannstatt.  It  was  suggested  by  a  soUtary  walk  which  Uhland  took 
to  Miinster  across  the  Neckar  in  1822.  The  ruins  of  a  castle  crown  the 
height  above,  and  a  dam  spans  the  stream. 

A  group  of  young  scholars  in  Edinburgh  became  interested  in  German 
literature  through  the  influence  of  Professor  J.  S.  Blackie,  among  whom 
were  George  Moir,  later  an  eminent  barrister,  and  Sir  Theodore  Martin. 
Moir's  translation  of  this  poem  is  the  best  known,  and  is  given  in  Long- 
fellow's The  Poets  and  Poetry  of  Northern  Europe  (new  edition,  1882). 
It  has  also  been  translated  by  W.  Barber,  C.  T.  Brooks  and  W.  W.  Skeat, 
and  set  to  music  by  Loewe. 

1.  24.    3a)Cett/  an  old  inflected  form  of  the  masc.  of  the  numeral. 

Page  83.  —  line  i.  cin  ^^rcunb,  ein  t>atergleid?er.  Uhland's  favorite 
uncle,  Pastor  Hoser  of  Schmieden,  a  neighboring  village,  is  referred  to. 

1.  2.  Unb  cin  jungcr,  I^offnungsrcid^er,  Friedrich  von  Harpprecht,  a 
young  poet  and  fellow-student  of  Uhland  at  Tubingen.  After  honorable 
participation  in  the  campaign  of  Wiirtemberg  against  Austria  (1807),  in 
the  bloody  battle  of  Wagram,  and  in  Napoleon's  disastrous  Russian  cam- 
paign, he  was  wounded  in  the  battle  of  Borodino,  and  suffered  great 
hardships  on  the  way  to  Wilna,  where  he  died  from  the  effects  of  his  in- 
jury and  of  the  sufferings  of  the  retreat.  He  was  a  distinguished  soldier, 
and  won,  by  his  bravery  at  the  battle  of  Smolensk,  the  Order  of  Military 
Merit  of  Wiirtemberg  and  the  Cross  of  the  Legion  of  Honor.     The  first 

2/6  NOTES. 

volume  which  Uhland  published  (1813)  was  a  memorial  volume  containing 
the  poems  of  his  friend. 

1.  8.   (5Iii(f  Itd?cr,  adj.  in  apposition  with  2^age  in  the  preceding  line. 

1.  10.  entriffcn,  sc.  l)at.    Cf.  note  p.  58, 1.  12. 

31,   SSanbrer^  ^iad^tlicb, 

A  copy  of  this  poem  in  the  Grand  Ducal  Library  in  Weimar  bears  the 
inscription  %m  §ang  be8  (Stter§berg,  belt  12.  gebruor  (17)76.  The  Etters- 
berg  lies  to  the  northwest  of  Weimar.  Ettersburg  is  a  picturesque  castle  of 
the  Grand  Duke  of  Weimar  which  is  closely  associated  with  the  life  of  the 
Weimar  poets.  This  poem  has  been  a  great  favorite  with  composers,  and 
has  been  set  to  music  by  Schubert,  Schumann,  Liszt,  Hiller,  Teller,  Loewe 
and  others. 

\.  19.  Dcr  bu.  In  prose,  we  should  have,  2)U,  bcr  bit.  Cf.  note  to 
p.  46,  1.  21. 

1.  23.  bes  Crctbcns  miibc;  2!reibcnS,  restless  longing.  The  construc- 
tion of  miibe  with  the  gen.  is  now  preserved  only  in  poetry. 

L  24.    VOas  foil,  to  what  purpose. 

Written  in  pencil  in  the  night  of  the  6th  and  7th  of  September,  1 780,  on 
the  wall  of  the  hunter's  lodge  on  the  Gickelhahn,  a  mountain  near  Ilmenau. 
Thirty-three  years  later  Goethe  renewed  the  writing  and  appended  the  date, 
"Ren.  29.  August,  1813."  He  spent  his  last  birthday  (August  28,  1831) 
in  Ilmenau,  and  ascended  the  Gickelhahn.  He  read  with  touching  emotion 
the  verses  written  so  long  before,  and  repeated  „3o,  tt)arte  Itur,  \iO\^t  ru^cft 
bu  aurf)/'  and  turned  and  descended  the  mountain.  The  poem  has  been  set 
to  music  more  than  sixty-six  times,  the  best  known  composers  being 
Schubert,  Kuhlau,  Hiller,  Rubinstein,  Liszt,  Radecke,  Raff,  Tomaschek  and 

Page  84,  —  line  7.     balbe,  archaic  form  of  adv. 

32,   5)tc  aSoffcrrofc. 

Emanuel  von  Geibel  (181 5-1 884)  belongs  to  the  group  of  North  German 
poets.  He  was  born  in  Liibeck,  and  studied  in  Bonn  and  Berlin.  Later,  he 
served  as  a  private  tutor  in  the  family  of  the  Russian  embassador  in  Athens, 
where  he  found  many  of  the  subjects  of  his  earlier  poems.    He  held  for  a 

POETRY,  277 

time  an  honorary  professorship  in  the  University  of  Munich  (1852-68), 
and  was  ennobled  by  the  King  of  Bavaria.    He  is  a  poet  of  rare  manliness, 
of  delicate  imagination  and  of  great  beauty  of  poetic  form. 
1.  14.   2111/  uninflected.     Cf.  note  to  p.  69, 1.  19. 

33,  ^tt  bcr  9?jir^t 

Few  poems  of  Platen  illustrate  more  perfectly  the  delicate  quality  of  his 
verse,  and  his  consummate  skill  in  producing  a  musical  effect  than  In  der 
Nacht.  It  bore  the  title  "Romanze.  1820,"  in  the  first  editicn  of  his  works. 
It  has  been  translated  by  Mr.  Longfellow. 

Page  85,  —  line  2.     f iirbcr,  an  archaic  form,  omvards. 

1.  9.  ual^tn  ic^  .  .  .  in  ad?t,  watched.  The  use  of  the  gen.  is  archaic 
and  poetic:  (ftcf))  in  ad^t  ne^men,  means  to  be  on  one's  guard. 

1.  12.    3urU(fe,  archaic  and  poetic  for  guriicf. 

1.  14.  XneIobif(^cr  XO(XViiiz\,  referring  to  the  Pythagorean  doctrine  of 
the  music  of  the  spheres. 

34.  9Iaft(ofe  fite^e. 

This  poem  was  written  at  Ilmenau,  a  favorite  resort  of  Goethe,  in  the 
Thuringian  Forest,  May  6,  1776.  Many  of  Goethe's  earlier  poems  were 
associated  with  this  charming  place.  See  Ein  Gleiches,  p.  84.  This  poem 
commemorates  the  poet's  love  for  the  Frau  von  Stein,  as  his  letters  to  her 
of  May  4th  and  6th,  1776,  from  Ilmenau  show.  Dr.  Max  Friedlander 
states  in  the  Goethe  Jahrbuch,  Bd.  XVII  (1896),  that  this  poem  has  been 
set  to  music  by  more  than  sixty  composers,  the  best-known  musical 
renderings  being  by  Schubert,  Schumann,  Franz  and  Raff. 

Page  86,  —  line  i.  The  snow  often  lingers  on  the  mountains  of 
Thuringia  in  May.  Two  days  before  this  poem  was  written,  Goethe  wrote 
to  the  Duke  Cari  August,  „§ier  ift  fcf)on  ben  gangcn  SDfJorgen  @d^ncc." 

1.  3.    3^^  Dampf,  the  mists  of  the  valley. 

1.  4.   Hebclbiiftc,  here,  the  clouds.     Goethe  wrote  originally  SSotfcn: 
1.  II.  2lIIe  bas  Hcigen  =  2)a§  ganjc  S^eigen. 
1.  12.    ^er3Cn,  probably  dat.  sing. 
1.  14.    5d?affet,  works,  exercises  its  influence. 

1.  16.    lX>dIbern)drt5  for  SBatblimrtg.    The  use  of  the  plural  is  unusual. 
1.  xg.   Goethe  often  speaks  of  the  joy  and  pain  inseparable  from  love. 

2/8  NOTES. 

36.    ^tc  SBaUfa^rt  ttar^  ^etJlaar. 

Heine  himself  tells  the  story  which  is  the  basis  of  this  poem.  "The 
material  of  this  poem  is  not  original  with  me.  It  originated  through  recol- 
lections of  my  home  on  the  Rhine.  When  I  was  a  little  boy,  and  received 
my  first  training  in  the  Franciscan  cloister  at  Diisseldorf,  where  I  learned 
for  the  first  time  to  spell  and  to  sit  still,  I  often  sat  next  to  another  boy, 
who  used  to  tell  me  how  his  mother  once  took  him  to  Kevlaar,  and  offered 
up  there  for  him  a  waxen  foot,  and  how,  in  this  manner,  his  own  injured 
foot  was  healed.  I  met  this  boy  again  in  the  upper  class  of  the  Gymnasium, 
and  as  we  happened  to  sit  together  in  the  philosophical  lectures  of  Rector 
Schallmayer,  he  reminded  me  laughingly  of  that  miracle -story;  but  he 
added  somewhat  earnestly,  that  he  should  now  offer  to  the  Virgin  a  waxen 
heart.  I  heard  afterward  that  he  was  suffering  then  from  an  unhappy  love- 
affair,  and  shortly  afterward  I  lost  him  both  from  my  sight  and  from  my 
mind.  In  the  year  1819,  when  I  was  studying  in  Bonn,  and  was  walking 
one  day  in  the  neighborhood  of  Godesberg  on  the  Rhine,  I  heard  in  the 
distance  the  well-known  Kevlaar  songs,  of  which  the  most  excellent  one 
had  the  prolonged  refrain,  "Praise  be  unto  thee,  Mary! ",  and  as  the  pro- 
cession came  more  near,  I  noticed  among  the  pilgrims  my  school  comrade 
and  his  old  mother.    His  mother  led  him,  and  he  looked  very  pale  and  ill." 

Die  Wallfakrt  nach  Kevlaar  is  one  of  Heine's  most  simple  and  touch- 
ing poems. 

Page  87.  —  line  12.  ^cr3C.  Cf.  note  to  p.  64, 1.  15.  Heine  adopted 
with  great  felicity  many  forms  peculiar  to  the  folk-song. 

Page  88.  — lines  3-4.    bringcn  . . .  bar,  offer. 

Page  89.  —  line  2.  Kollcn  =KoIn.  The  expansion  or  the  contrac- 
tion of  a  form  is  very  common  in  the  folk-songs.     Cf.  note  to  p.  'j%y  1.  13. 

1.  4.  Cologne  was  the  centre  of  an  archiepiscopal  diocese,  and  famous 
for  the  number  of  its  churches  and  religious  establishments. 

1.  16.   <x^z\6:ix\iitxi,  gliding.     Cf.  note  to  p.  38,  1.  S* 

37.    ^ic  293ori^t  am  JR^citt. 

Max  Schneckenburger,  the  author  of  the  famous  Wacht  am  Rhein,  was 
born  in  Thalheim  in  Wiirtemberg  in  18 19.  He  became  an  iron  founder 
in  Burgdorf  in  Switzerland,  where  he  died  in  1849.  A  volume  of  his  poems 
was  published  after  his  death  by  Karl  Gerok  (1870). 

This  poem,  which  was  written  in  1840,  first  came  into  notice  and  en- 
joyed its  great  popularity  during  the  period  of  the  Franco- Prussian  War 

POETRY.  279 

Page  90. —line  10.     tX)ogcnpraU,  that  is,  like  the  reverberation  of 

waves  on  a  storm-beaten  shore. 

1.  15.    5U(ft  es,  impers.,  a  thrill  passes  through, 

1.  16.    aller,  gen.  pi.  depending  on  2(ugen. 

1.  17.    froinm,  in  the  sense  of  the  "LaXm  piuSy  loyal,  true, 

1.  24.    bicibft,  shall  or  must  remain. 

Page  91.  —  line  5.    ob  =  obgkic^. 

1.  4.  rDcIfd^er.  The  Rhine  shall  not  become  the  possession  of  a  foreign 
power,  S?3elfrf)er,  ICelt,  is  a  term  usually  applied  to  foreign  nations  of  Ro- 
mance origin,  but  is  also  applied  to  the  Kelts  of  Wales  by  the  Saxon  con- 
querors of  England. 

38.    ^cutfd^Iaub  \\btv  attcd. 

August  Heinrich  von  Hoffmann  (i798-i874),4cnown  as  Hoffmann  von 
Fallersleben,  was  born  in  Fallersleben  in  Hanover.  He  was  librarian 
(1823-1838),  and  Professor  of  the  German  language  and  literature  (1830- 
1842)  in  the  University  of  Breslau.  He  lost  his  position  by  reason  of  his 
political  opinions,  especially  on  account  of  his  spirited  poems  in  behalf  of 
German  liberty.  As  a  poet  he  showed  delicacy,  vigor  as  well  as  simplicity 
and  naturalness.  He  composed  the  music  of  many  of  his  poems.  As  a 
scholar  his  publications  of  mediseval  German  manuscripts,  and  his  editions 
of  single  works  are  of  great  merit.  Deutschland  uber  alles  has  become  a 
genuine  national  hymn. 

I.  23.    5d?u^  unb  Uru^C,  offense  and  defense.     Cf.  note  to  p.  7, 1  6. 

II.  25-26.  ^clt,  used  here  by  metonomy  for  the  Baltic  Sea.  The  poet 
gives  the  boundaries  of  the  entire  German-speaking  people,  rather  than  of 
Germany  proper. 

39.   ^eutft^c  9?atiotta(^t)mnc. 

This  national  hymn  is  sung  to  the  same  tune  as  "  God  save  the  Queen  " 
and  "x\merica." 

Heinrich  Harries  ( 1 762-1802)  was  a  Danish  pastor  in  Schleswig. 
A  collection  of  his  poems  published  after  his  death  contains  a  hymn  written 
for  his  Danish  countrymen  to  sing  upon  the  King's  birthday.  It  began 
§eil  bir,  bem  Uebenben  iperrfd^er  be§  SSoterlanbS !  ^eit,  S^rifttait,  bir! 
The  hymn  had  been  previously  published  in  a  Flensburg  weekly  paper, 
Jan.  27,  1790.  The  poem  was  abridged  from  eight  stanzas  to  five,  and 
otherwise  changed  and  adapted  to  Prussian  use  by  Dr.  Balthasar  Gerhard 

28o  NOTES, 

of  Hamburg,  in   1793.     An  enlarged  version  by  "Dr.  d.  R.,"  appeared  in 
Berlin  in  1801. 

Page  92.  — line  19.  Hciftge,  warriory  a  word  now  obsolete  except  in 
poetry,  meaning  strictly  a  mounted  soldier, 

40.    ^\xC  fcftc  Surg  ift  unfcr  @ott. 

Martin  Luther  (1483-1546),  the  miner's  son  of  Eisleben,  is  perhaps  the 
most  striking  personality  in  German  history.  He  became  a  Bachelor  of 
Arts  of  the  university  of  Erfurt  in  1502,  Master  in  1505,  and  an  Augustin- 
ian  monk  the  same  year.  In  1 508  he  became  a  professor  in  the  university 
of  Wittenberg.  His  translation  of  the  New  Testament  was  published  in 
1522,  and  of  the  whole  Bible  in  1534.  His  theses  which  introduced  him 
to  the  field  of  religious  controversy,  were  posted  on  the  door  of  the  Castle 
Church  on  the  eve  of  All  Saints,  October  31,  151 7.  He  appeared  before 
Charles  V.  to  defend  his  doctrines  at  the  Diet  of  Worms  in  January,  1521. 
The  divisions  in  the  religious  world  led  to  the  Diet  of  Augsburg,  which 
the  Emperor  held  in  1530.  Luther  remained  at  the  Castle  of  Coburg, 
during  the  sessions,  where  he  wrote  this  hymn.  This  poem  has  been  trans- 
lated by  Thomas  Carlyle,  Dr.  F.  H.  Hedge  and  others.  It  is  the  battle- 
hymn  of  the  Reformation  and  has  been  sung  on  almost  every  field  of  com- 
bat in  Germany  since  that  time.  It  is,  in  part,  a  free  paraphase  of  the  first 
verses  of  Psalm  xlvi,  "  God  is  our  refuge  and  strength,"  etc. 

Note  in  general  throughout  the  poem  the  elision  of  the  final  -t  of  in- 
flection, which  is  characteristic  of  a  popular  style. 

Page  93.  — line  16.  VOt\[X.  unb  JDajfett.  Notice  the  alliteration 
which  was  once  the  characteristic  of  all  Germanic  poetry,  and  is  still  one  of 
the  most  effective  ornaments  of  English  and  German  verse. 

1.  18.   \[(xi  betroffcn  =  betroffen  t)at. 

Page  94. — line  i.    (£s  ftreit't,  conditional,  unless. 

1.  13.    IPtC  faucr  er  ftd?  ftcllt,  however  hostile  he  may  appear. 

1.  15.  Das  madpt,  er  ift  gcrid?f  t,  is  a  peculiar  construction,  infrequent 
in  modern  literature.  The  clause,  er  tfi  gerirf)f  t,  is  the  subject  of  ntad^t, 
and  \iO^^,  referring  to  the  preceding  Une,  is  the  object.  Trans.,  The  cause 
of  this  is  because  he  is  judged ^  =  2)a^  er  gertd^tet  ift,  madjt  ta^, 

1.  17.    ftat]n.     Cf.  note  to  p.  79,  1.  18. 

1.  19.    plan,  fig.  battlefield. 

1.  23.   £a§  fal^ren  bat^in,  that  is,  Sag  [fte]  ba^infa^rcit. 

1.  24.    's,  frot7i  it,  old  gen.  of  the  neut.  pron.  e§. 

1.  25.  Das  Hetd?,  sc.  @otte8. 



1.   ^oifer  ^arl  bcr  ^ro^e. 

Charles  the  Great  or  Charles  the  First,  called  by  the  French  Charlemagne, 
was  the  first  of  the  German  kings  to  be  crowned  in  Rome  as  the  successor 
of  the  CiJesars.  The  sovereignty  which  embraced  Germany,  France  and 
Italy  claimed  to  be  the  direct  inheritor  of  Roman  imperial  power.  It  was 
Christian  society  organized  as  a  state  under  a  form  divinely  appointed,  and 
therefore  the  name  "  Holy  Roman  Empire  "  was  the  needful  and  rightful 
counterpart  to  that  of  "  Holy  Catholic  Church."  Its  head  acquired  addi- 
tional sanctity  from  being  consecrated  by  the  Pope.  The  German  kings 
bore  this  title  for  a  thousand  years  (800-1806),  though,  strictly  speaking, 
it  was  not  rightly  possessed  until  its  bearer  had  been  crowned  in  Rome. 
After  the  battle  of  Jena  (1806),  Francis  II  resigned  the  imperial  title 
which  had  become  meaningless.  See  The  Holy  Roman  Empire,  p.  201, 
by  James  Bryce,  1871. 

Charlemagne  was  successful  in  war,  enUghtened  in  peace,  and  united 
with  deep  religious  fervor  a  sincere  mterest  in  the  material  welfare  of  his 
people.  He  has  become,  in  popular  conception,  a  half-legendary  character, 
and  as  such  is  a  favorite  theme  for  the  poet. 

Page  95.  —line  17.   gef Icibet,  sc.  fatten. 

1.  19.    Dicf  uttb  Diinn,  adjectives  used  substantively  uninflected. 

Page  96.  — line  4.  fammcltc  bic  alten  ^elbcnlieber.  This  collec- 
tion has  probably  been  entirely  lost. 

1.  24.    n?ar  .  .  .  bic  Hebe,  there  was  a  discussion  of. 

Page  97.  —  line  7.  2tlfutn.  Alcuin,  was  a  famous  teacher  and  theo- 
logian, who  wrote  many  works  on  philosophy,  mathematics,  rhetoric  and 
grammar,  as  well  as  manuals  of  instruction.  He  came  from  England  to 
Charlemagne's  court.  —  tna<^te  \\\\\  3UTn  £et)rer,  appointed  him  as  tutor. 
The  verbs  to  appoint,  elect,  make  (constitute),  are  used  with  JU  and  the 
dative  in  a  factitive  sense.     See  1.  28,  below. 

1.  30.  cuer  tPal^res  23cfte,  your  true  interest,  your  highest  good.  —  3U 
feiner  ^cit/  at  the  proper  time. 

Page  98.  —lines  2-3.   bie  itjr  cud? . . .  biinfct.  Cf.  note  to  p.  46, 1.21. 

1.  4.  not,  formerly  governed  the  gen.,  a  usage  still  retained  in  ®ie  ^aben 
— 8  ^.gen.  of  pron.)  not,  and  in  similar  expressions. 

282  NOTES, 

i,  II.    X)OT\ax\q,ZX, precentors. 

1.  ig.  an3ie[]enb,  attractive.  Note  how  often  a  German  word  corre 
sponds  in  formation  with  an  equivalent  term  derived  from  the  Latin. 

1.  28.  3um  romtfd?en  Kaifer,  cf.  jum  @d)U^^errn,  in  the  next  line, 
and  also  the  note  to  p.  97,  1.  7. 

Page  99.  — line  2.  The  cathedral  of  St.  Peter  in  Rome  stands  on  the 
site  of  the  circus  of  Nero,  where  the  apostle  is  said  to  have  suffered  martyr- 
dom. The  first  church  of  this  name  is  said  to  have  been  erected  by  Con- 
stantine  the  Great,  at  the  request  of  Pope  Sylvester  I.  It  was  within  this 
church  that  Charles  the  Great  was  crowned.  The  present  cathedral  was 
begun  by  direction  of  Pope  Julius  II.  from  designs  by  the  great  Lombard 
architect  Bramante  in  1506.  The  dome  and  much  of  the  interior  is  due  to 
Michael  Angelo.  The  new  church  was  dedicated  on  November  18,  1626, 
by  Pope  Urban  VIII.,  on  the  thirteen  hundredth  anniversary  of  the 
consecration  of  the  original  edifice. 

1.  7.  bcr  abcTTbIanbtfd?=roTTtifd?c  Kaifertttel,  the  title  of  Emperor  of 
the  Holy  Roman  Empire  of  the  West,  in  distinction  from  the  Eastern 
Roman  or  Byzantine  Empire,  having  its  seat  in  Constantinople  (Byzan- 
tium). The  Eastej-n  Empire  was  dissolved  by  the  capture  of  Constan- 
tinople by  the  Turks  in    1453. 

L  13.   £cb3eitcn.    Cf.  note  to  p.  80, 1.  2. 

\.  23.  The  vault  in  which  the  great  Emperor  was  placed  was  opened  by 
his  successor  Otto  III.  about  1000.  The  Emperor  was  canonized  by  Pope 
Pascal  in  1165,  and  his  remains  are  now  contained  in  a  shrine  in  the 
sacristy  of  the  cathedral  of  Aachen,  which  he  founded. 

2.   ^cr  crftc  ^reusjug. 

Page  100. —line  3.  (Etjrtftt.  This  word,  as  also  3c|ug,  retains  the 
forms  of  the  Latin  declension^  doubtless  through  the  conservative  influence 
of  the  Latin  ritual  in  the  church. 

I.  II.    Das  3ilb,  image,  here,  crucifix. 

Page  101.  —  line  3.  ^ah''  unb  (Sut,  an  old  legal  phrase  used  for 
completeness.  The  two  nouns  are  treated  as  a  unity,  that  is,  as  a  single 
neuter  noun,  S^Q^'  assuming  the  gender  of  @Ut. 

II.  3-4.  Kird^en  unb  ^loftcr,  the  two  forms  of  religious  establishments 
in  the  Middle  Ages. 

1.  6.  £^of.  The  farm-buildings  on  the  Continent  form  a  continuous 
whole,  being  grouped  around  an  inner  rectangular  court,  which  is  entered 
by  a  large  gate.  §au§  unb  ^of  is  an  old  phrase  referring  to  this  group  of 
buildings,  and  then  to  the  entire  estate.     Cf.  note  to  p.  58, 1.  5. 


11.  11-12.  in  gittcr  ^nd?t.  The  armies  which  had  responded  to  the 
call  from  the  other  countries  had  been  composed,  in  part,  of  a  miscel- 
laneous multitude,  with  neither  arms,  money  or  discipline,  who  were  often 
very  destitute. 

1.  17.  cjclidptct,  thinned.  The  verb  means  originally  to  make  iight^  and 
is  applied  to  a  clearing  in  a  forest,  by  which  the  light  penetrates  more  easily. 

1.  20.  gen  JTlittacj,  toward  noon,  when  the  sun  is  on  the  meridian,  hence 
to  the  south. 

1.  23.   por  ^rcubett.     Cf.  note  to  p.  80,  1.  2. 

1.  26.    bli^cnbcn  (5cfd?of|C;  gleaming  missiles. 

Page  102.  —  line  14.  crforcn,  from  an  obsolete  verb  erfiefen,  to 
choose.  The  pret.  and  the  past  part,  alone  are  now  current,  and  these  only 
in  impassioned  or  poetic  style. 

1.  15.  Godfrey  ruled  Jerusalem  with  great  vigor  and  justice,  defending  it 
successfully  against  the  attempts  of  the  Saracens  to  recover  it,  but  only  for 
a  single  year.     He  was  buried  in  the  Holy  Sepulchre  (iioo). 

3,    ^cr  brittc  ^reujsug  unb  f^ricbrtd^  25ttr6aroffo§  2;ob» 

Friedrich  I.  (1123-1190),  surnamed  Barbarossa,  Redbeard,  was  one 
of  the  most  powerful  of  the  Ilohenstaufen  dynasty.  It  was  his  fate  during 
his  whole  life  to  struggle  against  both  foreign  aggression  and  the  revolts 
of  tributary  princes,  but  he  maintained  himself  successfully  to  the  last. 
His  participation  in  the  Third  Crusade,  and  his  tragic  death  in  a  distant 
land,  lent  to  his  memory  a  mythical  splendor  in  the  eyes  of  the  people; 
numerous  legends  arose  in  regard  to  him,  one  of  which  is  related  in 
Ruckert's  Barbarossa.     See  p.  75  of  this  Reader. 

1.  23.  Saladin  succeeded  El  'Adid,  the  last  of  the  Fatimee  Caliphs  of 
Egypt,  in  1169.  He  soon  after  sstablished  his  power  in  Syria  by  a  series 
of  brilliant  victories,  extending  it  to  the  East  over  the  greater  part  of 
Mesopotamia.  From  1178  to  the  conclusion  of  peace  with  Richard  Cceur 
de  Lion  (1192)  he  was  engaged  in  almost  constant  warfare  with  the  Cru- 
saders. He  was  a  chivalric  and  generous  foe,  a  ruler  of  great  vigor  and 
wisdom.  Fie  died  in  11 93.  Sir  Walter  Scott  gives  an  attractive  picture  of 
him  in  the  Talisman,  and  Lessing  represents  him  in  his  famous  drama  of 
Ndthan  the  Wise. 

Page  104.  —  lines  23.    fc^te  eben  iiber,  was  just  crossing. 

1.  17.  bcr  Bcffcrcn,  sc.  ?eute. 

1.  20.  Henry  the  Lion,  (1129-95),  Duke  of  Bavaria  and  of  Saxony,  the 
most  powerful  of  Friedrich's  vassals,  is  a  striking  figure  in  mediaeval  his- 

284  NOTES, 

tory.  He  sought  every  occasion  during  the  Emperor's  absence  from 
his  realm  to  revolt  against  him.  Only  the  great  personal  power  of  the 
Emperor  maintained  the  ascendency.  —  all  is  usually  uninflected  before 
the  definite  article. 

11.  21-22.  aus  .  .  .  Befi^ungctt,  from  his  possessions,  which  extended 
from  the  Mediterranean  to  the  Baltic. 

11.  25-26.  trug  . . .  3ur  Sd?au,  exhibited. 

11.  27-28.    3etd?ncte  fid? .  .  .  aus,  was  remarkable  for, 

1.  29.    fpiclten  in  bas  rotIid?e,  were  tinged  with  red. 

Page  105.  —  line  8.  t^cutigen  Cages,  weak  form  of  adr.  gen.  — 
Kyfft^aufer/  an  isolated  mountain  in  the  southern  part  of  the  Harz.  The 
ruins  of  the  old  castle  of  the  Hohenstaufen  still  stand  on  its  summit. 

1.  12.  ber  f^crrlid?!cit,  gen.  after  gebenfenb. 

4,   SSU^cIm  Xctt  ttttb  bcr  (Sd^tticigcrBttttb* 

The  romantic  story  of  Wilhelm  Tell,  and  the  deliverance  of  the  Forest 
Cantons  from  the  sovereignty  of  the  House  of  Hapsburg  is  so  closely  inter- 
woven with  the  real  history  of  the  foundation  of  the  Swiss  Confederation 
that  the  one  account  is  not  complete  without  the  other.  Schiller's  popular 
drama  Wilhelm  Tell  has  invested  every  spot  associated  with  these  legend- 
ary events  with  interest,  and  has  made  the  story  as  much  a  part  of  German 
as  of  Swiss  literature. 

1.  20.  Adolf  of  Nassau  incurred  the  enmity  of  the  princes  of  his  realm 
by  his  arbitrary  exercise  of  power,  and  was  deposed  by  the  Electors,  who 
chose  Albrecht  as  German  King.  Adolf  fell  in  battle  at  GoUheim  between 
Worms  and  Speyer. 

1.  21.  gcn)dt^It.  The  German  crown  was  electoral,  not  hereditary,  al- 
though the  influence  of  a  powerful  emperor  often  secured  the  election  of 
his  son  as  German  King  in  his  own  lifetime,  thus  establishing  the  latter's 
succession  to  the  imperial  throne.  The  power  of  election  was  vested  by 
the  Golden  Bull  of  Charles  IV.  (1356),  in  an  electoral  college  consisting  of 
four  lay  and  three  clerical  princes,  who  bore  the  title  of  Kurfiirsten. 

1.  23.  iDar  befannt.  The  subject  of  tt)ar  bcfannt  is  the  impersonal 
t%  understood,  with  which  the  clauses  introduced  by  ba^  and  tt)ie  are  in 
apposition,  or  these  may  be  regarded  as  the  actual  subject.  —  barauf 
ausgct^C,  was  bent  upon. 

Page  106.  —  line  3.  The  earliest  defensive  league  between  the  Forest 
Cantons  was  made  between  the  cantons  of  Luzern,  Schwyz  and  Unter- 
walden  in  1246.     The  canton  of  Uri  had  been  made  immediately  depen- 


dent  upon  the  Empire  by  Henry  VI.  in  1231.  The  Emperor  Frederick  II. 
granted  a  charter  to  Schwyz  at  P'aenza  in  1240,  to  which  certain  rights  were 
added  by  Rudolf  of  Hapsburg  in  1273.  The  formal  compact  for  mutual 
assistance  and  a  perpetual  alliance  of  the  three  Cantons  was  signed  August 
I,  1291.  This  is  the  Magna  Charta  of  Swiss  independence.  —  '2\Qi\>^  unb 
(Sut.  Cf.  note  to  p.  loi,  1.  3.  —  allc  unb  ytbZ,  each  and  all,  that  is, 
singly  and  united. 

1.  8.  "tiZW.  f^crmann  (5c§Icr.  The  definite  article  is  sometimes  prefixed 
to  a  proper  name,  when  it  refers  to  a  well-known  person,  or  when  the  case 
might  otherwise  be  ambiguous.  The  name  of  Gessler  is  not  found  in  the 
list  of  imperial  governors  of  the  Forest  Cantons,  nor  is  that  of  Beringer  of 

I.  10.  HeidpsDogtc,  sc.  qet^au  f)attcn. 

II.  14-15.  5tol3  Utib  Pcrad^tung.  Notice  the  omission  of  the  article, 
Cf.  note  to  p.  8,  1.  2. 

1.  22.   ob,  archaic  =  iiber. 

Page  107.  — line  i.  Dcmut  unb  ^oc^tnut.  Notice  the  use  of  an 
abstract  for  a  concrete  noun. 

1.  12.    gcbad?tctt,  called  to  mind. 

1.  13.   gcFIagt,  sc.  ^abcn. 

1.  17.    auf  '^<^^,  i>^  order  that,  an  antiquated  expression. 

1.  21.    XDtS  SitttlCS,  of  what  mind.     2BeS  is  archaic  for  ircffeit. 

1.  28.  Hiitli^  from  the  obs.  verb  roben,  to  root  up,  clear.  The  form  roba 
or  robe  is  very  frequent  in  Thuringia,  and  occurs  in  the  Harz,  as  the  last 
component  of  proper  names  of  places,  as  §riebrid)roba,  2Bernigcrobe,etc. 

1.  29.  icglid?er  =  ein  jebev. 

Page  108.  —  line  2.  ITtattc,  a  poet,  word,  but  popularly  used  in  Ale- 
mania,  meadow,  especially  a  meadow  in  the  Alps. 

1.  18.    iDarb  ttid?t  mol^l,  was  ill  at  ease. 

1.  26.    Schiller  does  not  represent  Tell  as  joining  in  the  oath  on  the  Riitli. 

1.  27.    alsbalb,  archaic  for  jobalb. 

Page  109.  —  line  14.  ^of^ntPtnb,  a  south-wind  peculiar  to  Switz- 
erland and  southern  Bavaria,  which  always  presages  storm. 

1.  22.'  5d?n)ung  uttb  Spruttg.    Cf.  note  to  p.  7, 1.  6. 

1.  27.  cntfltcl^cn,  sc.  fott. 

1.  30.  IlTcinigen.  Adjectives  used  substantively,  denoting  family,  friends 
and  property  are  written  with  a  capital. 

Page  110.  —  line  i.  uin  .  .  .  iDtllcn.  The  two  parts  of  the  preposi- 
tion govern  the  word  included  between  them. 

1.  g.   urifd?ulbtg.    Cf.  note  to  p.  5, 1.  14. 

286  NOTES, 

1.  lo.  in  bcr  t^otllcn  (Saffc.  Cf.  Schiller's  Wilhelm  Tell,  Act  IV, 
Scene  3, 1.  2560,  ,,2)urd)  biefe  ^o^Ie  ©affe  ntu§  er  fommen/' 

1.  12.  A  chapel  commemorative  of  this  event  now  stands  on  the  spot 
where  Tell  is  said  to  have  shot  Gessler. 

Page  111.  —  line  5.    £etbes.  Cf.  note  to  p.  70, 1.  12. 

1.  14.  JTtorgartcn,  a  small  town  in  the  canton  of  Zug.  The  soldiers  of 
the  united  cantons  gained  a  victory  here  over  the  Archduke  Leopold  of 
Austria  in  1307,  who  sought  to  subject  them  to  the  personal  dominion  of 
the  House  of  Hapsburg. 

1.  27.  anbern  =  ndcf)ften. 

5.   Sutler  attf  bcm  9Jc^§tagc  ju  SSormS. 

Page  112.  —  line  I.  (Xfuh.  The  verb  gcben  with  the  logical  subject  in 
the  accusative  is  used  for  jein,  when  the  statement  is  general  or  indefinite : 
©g  giebt  ?eute  bie  an  Ocfpenftcr  c^Xawhtn,  there  are  people  who  believe  in 
ghosts.  When,  however,  there  is  a  limiting  phrase  following,  fein  must  be 
used  as,  (S3  finb  ^ciitc  in  biefem  3^"^ii^^^  ^i*  o"  ©cjpcnfter  glaubcn, 
There  are  people  in  this  roofn,  etc. 

1.  2.  ftanben,  were. 

1.  7.    IKond?Iein,  a  diminutive  expressing  kindliness. 

1.  10.    Bift  bn,  etc..  If  your  viervs  are  right. 

1.  16.   Kurfiirftcn.     See  note  top.  105,  1.  21. 

1.  17.  gctftlid^e,  either  the  strong  or  the  weak  form  of  the  adj.  follows 
anbere  and  the  usage  is  quite  unsettled. 

1.  18.  bcr  .  . .  ^ut^orer,  gen.  dependent  on  gcbenfen. 

1.  23.  t^atte.  If  there  are  two  infinitive  forms,  the  auxiliary  which 
would  otherwise  stand  at  the  end,  precedes  them. 

Page  113.  —  line  4ff.  Note  the  successive  subjunctives  of  indirect 

I.  8.  es  folic  I]icr  ntd?t  bisputicrt  X0tx\>tn,  that  this  was  not  the  place 
for  discussion. 

II.  11-12.  mcbcr  i]6rrtcr  nod?  '^Qi\\\it  ^o^hzxi  foil,  one  of  Luther's 
coarse  but  vigorous  figures,  ©inen  @ticr  an  bcn  ^ornern  paden,  take  the 
bull  by  the  horns,  means,  as  in  English,  proceed  directly,  without  shift  or 
evasion.     This  is  Luther's  meaning  here. 

1.  18.  Kurfitrft  ^ricbrid?.  The  Elector  Frederick  of  Saxony  (1463- 
1525)1  to  whom  the  imperial  crown  was  offered  after  the  death  of  the  Em- 
peror Maximilian  (15 19),  was  Luther's  powerful  friend  and  patron. 

1.  19.   Spalatin,  confidential  adviser  of  the  Elector  Frederick,  and  a 


devoted  friend  of  Luther.  It  was  he  who  secured  for  Luther  the  patronage 
of  the  powerful  Elector.  Georg  Burkhard  (1482-1545)  adopted  the  name 
"  Spalatinus,"  like  many  of  the  scholars  of  the  Renascence,  from  Spalt  the 
place  of  his  birth  near  Nuremberg.  He  was  a  Humanist  of  eminence  and 
a  writer  upon  history  and  theology.  His  advice  was  of  great  weight 
with  Luther  upon  whom  he  exercised  in  several  critical  periods  great 

1.  22.  braud?C,  subj.  of  indirect  statement  depending  upon  a  verb  of 
saying  implied  in  the  preceding  sentence. 

L  25.  The  Emperor  Sigismund  had  given  a  safe-conduct  to  John  Huss, 
a  Bohemian  reformer,  in  order  that  he  might  come  to  Constance  and  de- 
fend himself  there  against  the  charges  of  heresy  which  had  been  preferred 
against  him.  Notwithstanding  this,  Huss  was  seized,  condemned  to  death, 
and  burned  at  the  stake  (141 5).  This  act  was  fresh  in  men's  memories 
when  Luther  was  called  to  Worms,  and,  on  his  return,  his  friends,  fearing 
that  in  spite  of  his  safe-conduct  he  might  share  the  fate  of  Huss,  caused 
him  to  be  carried  to  the  castle  of  the  Wartburg  near  Eisenach,  where  he 
remained  from  May  4,  1521,  to  May  3,  1522,  engaged  in  translating  the 
New  Testament  into  German. 

6.    9I(6ire(^t  Don  ^alTenftetn. 

The  Thirty  Years  War  (1618-48)  originated  in  the  unsettled  political  rela- 
tions of  the  various  German  States  which  followed  the  Reformation.  Many 
princes  had  become  Protestant;  there  were  great  ecclesiastical  states  the  sub- 
jects of  which  had,  in  part,  adopted  the  new  form  of  faith.  Vast  and  rich 
possessions  which  had  belonged  to  the  church  were  situated  within  the  juris- 
diction of  Protestant  rulers.  The  freedom  of  faith  as  well  as  the  tenure  of 
property  were  everywhere  involved.  The  contest  began  in  Bohemia  in  which 
the  succession  to  the  throne  was  contested.  All  the  states  of  Germany  and 
the  sovereigns  of  other  countries  who  possessed  claims  to  territory  in 
Germany,  Christian  IV.  of  Denmark  and  Gustavus  Adolphus  of  Sweden 
joined  in  the  conflict.  The  Netherlands,  which  were  carrying  on  a  war 
for  independence  against  Spain,  had  constituted  a  part  of  the  Empire  and 
were  affected  by  the  relation  of  Spain  to  the  Imperial  House  of  Hapsburg. 
France  was  jealous  of  the  Empire  and  supported  Gustavus  Adolphus.  The 
two  leading  rulers  on  the  Catholic  side  were  the  Emperor  Ferdinand  II. 
(1619-1637)  and  Maximilian  I.  (1609-51),  Duke  of  Bavaria,  who  was  at 
the  head  of  the  League  of  Catholic  princes,  which  had  been  formed  to 
oppose  the  Protestant  Union  (1608).     Christian  of  Anhalt  was  the  active 

288  NOTES 

head  of  the  latter,  and  the  leader  of  the  Calvinists  or  Reformed  party. 
The  Elector,  George  William  of  Brandenburg,  opposed  the  early  plans  of 
Gustavus,  while  John  George,  the  Elector  of  Saxony,  was  at  the  head  of 
the  Lutheran  party.  The  latter  was  vacillating,  and  preferred  peace  with 
the  side  which  most  favored  his  own  interests.  Wallenstein  was  the  great 
general  of  the  Imperial  forces,  Tilly  of  the  League.  The  first  twelve  years 
(1618-30)  were  years  of  Imperial  success,  then  followed  Protestant  vic- 
tories and  the  conquest  of  a  large  part  of  Central  and  Southern  Germany 
by  Gustavus  Adolphus  (1630-32).  The  remaining  years  of  the  war  served 
to  exhaust  the  combatants  on  both  sides  without  leading  to  decisive  results. 
Gustavus'  generals  were  men  of  great  ability.  Torstenson  was  possibly 
equal  in  military  genius  to  the  king.  Few  conflicts  have  been  so  disas- 
trous. The  population  of  Germany  is  estimated  to  have  been  reduced  from 
thirty  to  ten  millions.  Cities  and  villages  were  sacked  and  burned,  great 
districts  of  country  laid  waste  and  industries  and  commerce  destroyed.  The 
war  ended  with  the  Peace  of  Westphalia  (1648). 

Schiller's  drama  of  Wallenstein  has  made  the  personality  of  the  great 
chief  notable  in  German  literature. 

Page  114.  — line  7.  Kcnntntffe,  an  idiomatic  use  of  the  pi.  where  we 
should  use  the  sing. 

\.  28.    ^reunb  unb  ^t\\\b  (dat.),  used  collectively. 

Page  115, — 1.  16.  unb  tpdre  CS  ;  in  such  constructions  unb  repeats 
the  preceding  affirmation,  and  [/  m^st have  it]  even  if,  etc.  — Stralfunb. 
A  popular  festival  in  Stralsund  held  on  July  24th  of  every  year  still  com- 
memorates the  withdrawal  of  Wallenstein  (1628). 

L  21.  (SliicFftabt,  Wallenstein  was  forced  to  abandon  the  siege  in  Jan- 
uary, 1629.  —  ITTagbeburg.  Magdeburg  resisted  successfully  all  assaults  for 
six  months  in  1629,  and  the  siege  was  raised. 

Page  117. — lines.  IHagbeburg,  the  great  Protestant  stronghold  of 
the  north,  fell  on  May  20,  1631.  Tilly's  wild  hordes  of  Slavs  and  Walloons 
pillaged  and  massacred  with  unchecked  ferocity.  Gustavus  Adolphus  could 
not  come  to  the  aid  of  the  city  owing  to  the  unfriendly  and  equivocal  atti- 
tude of  the  Electors  of  Brandenburg  and  Saxony.  The  city  was  set  on  fire, 
and  but  few  of  the  inhabitants  escaped. 

1.  7.    Prag  was  captured  by  the  Saxons,  November  15,  1 63 1. 

1.  10.  Wallenstein  resumed  command  of  the  Imperial  army  in  December, 

1.  28.    btC  tTad?t  =  bic  9^a(i)t  burd^,.acc.  of  duration  of  time. 

1.  29.  tnorgenben  is  an  adj.  from  the  adv.  ntorgen,  formed  by  the  addi- 
tion of  b. 


Page  118.  —  line  5.    For  Luther's  hymn  see  pp.  93-94. 

I.  8.    3^fl^  ^^^  Latin  vocative  case.     See  note  to  p.  loi,  1.  5. 
L  10.  "Sixoi^t  =  ?anbftraBe. 

II.  13-14.   fc^cn  .  .  .  iibcr.    Cf.  note  to  p.  104, 11.  2-3. 
L  14.   lt>allcnftcinfd?cn,  sc  Xriippeii. 

L  18.  ^liicjcl,  dat.  after  the  noun  Btlfc,  the  "object  of  influence." 
I.  30.  gctPorfcTi  =  in  bie  f^(ud)t  geiuorfen  or  gefd)tagen. 
Page  119.  —  line  i.  Pappcnt^cimcr.  The  Count  of  Pappenheim  was 
regarded  as  the  most  brilliant  of  Wallenstein's  generals,  and,  at  times,  he 
exercised  an  independent  command.  He  was  ordered  to  capture  Halle, 
and  then  march  to  Cologne  in  order  to  defend  the  Rhenish  bishoprics. 
The  policy  of  dividing  his  army  in  the  presence  of  Gustavus  was  fatal  to 
Wallenstein.  Pappenheim  captured  Halle,  but  was  recalled  when  Wal- 
lenstein  realized  the  swift  approach  of  the  King.  Pappenheim  hastened 
to  his  relief  with  eight  regiments  of  cavalry,  leaving  his  infantry  to  follow. 
He  joined  in  the  attack  against  the  right  wing  of  Gustavus,  but  fell  mortally 
wounded  in  the  same  hour  in  which  the  King  was  slain. 


1.    2(ttf  bcr  @ifen6a^n« 

The  author,  Friedrich  Gerstacker  (1816-72),  possessed  from  boy- 
hood an  ardent  desire  for  travel  and  adventure.  In  early  manhood  he 
visited  America  and  joined  in  the  wild  life  of  the  West.  He  became  in 
turn  a  hunter,  cook,  sailor,  and  hotel  manager.  After  an  absence  of  about 
six  years  he  returned  to  Germany  and  began  to  publish  descriptions  of  his 
travels.  He  made  three  other  trips  to  America,  the  first  of  which  was  ex- 
tended to  the  Sandwich  and  Society  Islands  and  Australia  (1849-52); 
in  the  second  he  visited  South  America  (1860-61).  In  1868  he  accom- 
panied the  Duke  Ernst  of  Saxe-Coburg  to  Egypt.  His  last  visit  to  North 
America  was  made  in  1867-68.  The  record  of  his  wanderings  is  con- 
tained in  books  of  travel,  novels,  and  stories.  Gerstacker  has  an  admirable 
gift  as  a  narrator;  his  descriptions  are  vivid  and  instructive,  and  his  humor 
often  irresistible. 

290  NOTES, 

Pag'C  121.  —  line  i.  This  selection  is  from  Unter  Palmen  und  Buchen 

1.  2.  Most  of  the  places  mentioned  are  situated  on  the  railway  which 
traverses  the  border  of  the  picturesque  Thuringian  Forest. 

1.  3.  Coupe.  The  German,  like  the  English,  railway  carriages  are  divided 
by  transverse  partitions  into  separate  compartments.  A  compartment  usually 
has  seats  for  eight.  There  are  windows  in  the  doors  and  on  either  side  of 
them.  The  doors  are  locked  by  the  conductor  or  guard,  who  opens  and 
closes  them  at  the  different  stations.  The  conductor  passes  along  a  foot- 
rail  which  extends  along  the  side  of  the  carriage,  and  collects  the  tickets 
through  the  window. 

1.  18.  (Se^ettiibcr.  Note  the  use  of  the  prep,  as  a  noun;  and  cf.  the 
French  vis-a-vis,  of  which  it  is  an  imitation. 

1.  19.    tot  q;t\6qxo\t(X,Z\\,  passed  by  in  silence, 

1.  20.   Ite§  er  fid?  offncn,  sc  bic  %\]ViXt, 

Page  123.  —  line  4.  ^rau  profeffortn.  A  married  woman  in 
Germany  receives  by  courtesy  the  title  of  her  husband. 

1.  9.    abpftff,  whistled  for  departure. 

1.  15.    Itegcn,  without  JU.     Cf.  note  to  p.  10,  L  9. 

1.  16.    nidpt  iibcl  £uft,  no  small  desire. 

1.  26.  moUte,  sc.  get)en. 

Page  124.  —  line  8.  The  castle  of  the  Wartburg  is  one  of  the  most 
perfect  types  of  a  mediaeval  castle  which  is  preserved  in  Germany.  It  has 
been  refitted  and  restored  to  its  primitive  condition  by  the  generosity  of 
the  Grand  Duke  Karl  Alexander  of  Saxe-Weimar.  It  is  associated  with 
memories  of  Saint  Elizabeth,  the  Minnesingers,  and  of  Luther,  who  here 
translated  the  New  Testament  into  German.     See  p.  113. 

I.  II.  The  German  form  of  the  English  proverb,  "Man  proposes  and 
God  disposes." 

II.  26-27.  (m  bcm  ^amiltcnglieb,  that  is,  in  the  sister  who  was  to  meet 

Page  125.  —  line  6.     in  (Sebanfen,  when  absorbed  in  thought, 

11.  22-23.  Oi\\\  bem  parron  t^eruntcr,  down  the  platform. 

Page  126.  —  line  2.  iras,  the  relative  iraS  refers  to  an  indefinite  ante- 
cedent, not  a  person  or  thing,  a  sentence,  a  neuter  pronoun,  or  a  superla- 
tive form,  as  here. 

1.  II.    tmmcr,  in  any  case. 

Page  127.  —  line  2.  ^ngftltdpcs,  notice  that  the  adjective  with  nicf)t8 
and  cttDOg  is  treated  as  a  noun  in  apposition,  and  is  therefore  written  with 
a  capital. 


11.  10-11.  hz\(xx[.n  fid? .  . .  ctncs  Bcfferctt,  thought  better  of  it. 

Page  128.  —  line  5.  mit  ben  S(x&izy\,  that  is,  with  the  articles  left 

1.  6.  I^alb  brci,  half  past  t7vo,  lit.,  one-half  [hour]  toward  three;  so  be- 
low, 1.  7,  brci  Dicrtcl  auf  brei  Ut^r,  a  quarter  before  three  o'clock,  lit., 
three  quarters  toward  three  o'clock. 

1.  II.    bas  (jitige,  that  might  do,  potential  subj. 

Page  129.  —  line  14.     Biirftcn,  inf.  as  noun. 

1.  16.    modptc  cr  fid?  .  .  .  miii^C,  hotvever  much  special  effort,  etc. 

Page  130.  —  line  15.  (Smpfet^Ie  mid?  3^"^"  ergcbcnft,  /  salute 
you  most  respectfully,  that  is,  I  bid  you  adieu. 

Page  131.  —  line  i.    \a^  cr  =  t)atte  cr  fic^  gcfe^t. 

1.  10.    aw.  ttn,  etc.,  along  the,  etc. 

1.  13.    t^crausgcbcn,  sc.  \i(x^  @etb,  that  is,  give  me  my  change. 

1.20.    V\&livoxai\S,justat  hand. 

1.22.  (SYmnafiaftcn.  TheGerman  gymnasia  are  classical  schools  which 
prepare  for  the  universities.  There  are  also  Realgymnasia  where  special 
attention  is  devoted  to  mathematics,  natural  sciences  and  modem  languages. 

1.  24.    ^"btlt,  Jolly,  an  academic  term. 

1.  26.    n)0t)I  ober  iibcl,  by  fair  means  or  foul. 

Page  132.  — line  15.  unb  connects  ri§  with  ftot^ntc  (1.  13). 

1.17.  gcfagt  n?ar.    Cf.  note  to  p.  8, 1.  31. 

1.  19.    2lb!  Depart! 

Page  133.  —  line  22.  ^ann  ttid?t  l^iniibcr,  he  cannot  cross  to  it. 

1.  24.    Scnfuncj,  descending  grade. 

Page  134.  —  line  i.    crft  abcnbs  fpat,  not  until  late  in  the  evening, 

1.  13.  cin  gut  IPort  gcbctt;  make  a  generous  promise.  Yox  the  form 
gut,  see  note  to  p.  5, 1.  14. 

2.    ^mmcttfcc. 

Theodor  Storm  (1817-88)  was  born  in  the  Duchy  of  Schleswig  and  was 
for  some  time  an  advocate  in  his  native  city  of  Husum.  Having  been 
deprived  of  his  advocate's  license  on  account  of  his  sympathy  with  Ger- 
many, he  entered  the  Prussian  civil  service.  After  Schleswig  was  annexed 
to  Prussia  (1864),  he  received  again  a  government  appointment  in  his 
native  country  which  he  held  until  his  death  (1888).  Storm  is  very  popu- 
lar as  a  writer  in  Germany.  He  has  a  charming  gift  of  description,  and 
paints  the  scenes  of  common  life  with  grace  and  skill.  His  sentiment  is 
tender  and  not  without  passion.     A  pensive  note  of  melancholy  and  loss 

292  NOTES. 

often  pervades  his  works.  Immensee  is  the  most  popular  of  his  short 

Page  135.  —  line  i.  Spdtl^erbftnad?mtttage,  an  afternoon  in  late 

11.  6-7.  in  XOt\6cit  .  .  .  qevHtei,  a  bold  figure;  trans.,  in  which  his 
lost  youth  seemed  to  have  been  preserved. 

1.  16.  (Sucffenfter,  a  small  window  in  a  street  door  in  Germany,  through 
which  inquiries  may  be  answered. 

I.  22.  Pcfcl,  more  correctly  ^^tjcl,  a  large  hall  or  open  room,  in  North 
Germany,  often  used  only  in  summer. 

Page  136.  —  line  2.  Hcpofitorten,  pi.  of  ^Repofttorium.  Latin  nouns 
ending  in  -ium  form  the  pi.  in  -ten. 

II.  3-4.  Btlbcr  con  Htcnfc^cn  unb  (Begenbcn,  portraits  and  land- 

1.  6.    fd^iDCrfdlltgcr,  massive. 
1.  9.  VO'xz,  colloq.  =  inbent. 
1.  13.  cr  =  ber  ©trcif. 
1.  15.  gefprod?cn,  sc.  ^attc. 

1.  20.  Itc§  it^r  t^iibfd? ;  laffen  with  an  adverb  and  the  dat.  is  not  infre- 
quent in  the  sense  of  become. 

Page  137.  — line  5.    fid?,  dat.  of  interest. 

1.  16.  Hingeld?cn  =  ben  rtngfbrnugen@atncn  (1.  4). 

I.  18.  (Es  VOaxtn  cinmal,  once  upon  a  time  there  were,  the  tradi- 
tional way  in  which  a  fairy-tale  begins  in  Germany.  The  story  is  a 
well-known  one  in  Grimm's  Fairy  Tales  (No.  14),  called  2)ic  brei 

II.  19-20.    bu  mu§t  aud?  Txid?t,  besides  you  must  not. 

1.  24.  mei^t  bu  ?  as  you  must  know,  a  question  often  thrown  in  in 
children's  stories. 

I.  27.  mcintc,  here,  longed.  The  verb  iTteincn  meant  originally  "to 
have  one's  thoughts  directed  to  an  object,"  "purpose,"  and  also  "love," 
"  desire."  —  I)a  irarf  CS,  impers.,  now  there  was  cast. 

II.  27-28.  um  it^n  l^cr;  the  object  is  often  placed  between  the  two 
parts  of  um^er. 

Page  138. — line  10.  bu,  a  characteristic  way  of  speaking,  common 
among  children  and  intimate  friends. 

I.  12.   (Db  es  £ou)cn  gicbt?  sc.  ^ragft  bu,  before  Db. 

II.  14-15.    ujill  id?  .  .  .  l^in,  cf.  note  to  p.  123,  1.  26. 

1.  16.  I)u  mu§t  aud?  mit  mir,  sc.  gc^en.  Note  the  omission  of  a  verb 
of  motion  with  „IPiIIft  bu,"  also  in  11.  17,  20,  21,  22,  etc. 


1.  22.  Du  follft  fd^on  biirfcn.  Notice  the  use  of  the  two  modal  aux- 
iliaries, and  the  difference  of  meaning,  Thou  shalt  surely  have  the  right. 
©iirfeu  is  to  have  the  right  or  permission  (with  a  negative,  a  prohibition) 
from  one  in  authority.  @oUen  denotes  moral  obligation,  should,  that  which 
is  to  be;  in  the  present  tense  it  implies  a  permanent  duty,  in  the  preterit  a 
duty  not  yet  performed,  EngHsh,  "  ought."  2)11  foUft  bcilieu  33ater  Ullb 
beiue  9}Jutter  el)rcn,  "Thou  shalt  honor  thy  father  and  thy  mother";  but 
id)  foUte  nad)  9lcro  ?)orf  %t\)t\\,  "  I  ought  to  go  to  New  York." 

1.  28.  Dcr  flcincn,  dat.  with  nal^c. 

Page  139.  — line  3.  it^r  =  Don  il)rcm  §alfe.  The  use  of  the  possess, 
dat.  is  frecjuent  throughout  the  story.  Cf.  i^m  (1.  21),  2)cm  juiigeit  3)id^ter 
(1.  22),  etc. 

I.  9.  it|m,  1.  10.  tt^r.  Notice  the  dative,  the  "  object  of  influence  "  after 
the  adjectives  [till  and  t^cftig.  Such  use  is  especially  common  when  gu 
precedes,  as  in  this  case. 

II.  10-11.    ItC^Crt  .  .  .  Don  etnanbcr,  did  jwt  separate. 

Page  140.  —  line  6.  ttmner  nid?t,  a  frequent  union  of  these  two 
words,  never. 

1.  12.  tt^rer  IHuttcr,  dat.  after  Dorfefen. 

1.  15.   fid?  nid?t  in  ben  (5cban!cn  ftnben,  could  not  realize. 

1.  17.  iperbc,  1.  18.  ujoUc,  1.  19.  tniiffc,  depend  upon  jagte. 

1.  21.    allcin,  here,  but.     Cf.  note  to  p.  4, 1.  2. 

Page  141,  —  line  3.  burd?lDan'bcrt,  insep.  traversed.  If  the  stress  of 
meaning  rested  upon  the  burd),  the  part.  burd)'gctDanbert  would  have  been 

1.  13.  lucrum,  cf.  note  to  p.  10,  1.  14.  —  jungcn.  Notice  the  weak  pi. 
following  a  plural  pron.     Cf.  3Sir  5llten,  1.  23,  cf.  note  to  p.  10,  1.  16. 

1.  17.    (£s  ftel^etl,  there  are.  —  gcnug  usually  follows  its  noun. 

1.  26.   u)cnn  bie  Ill^r  3U)6If  iff  =  menu  eg  ginolf  U^r  ifl. 

Page  142.  —  line  4.  bas  fd?reibt  end?  ipol^l  fainter  eurc  feinen 
©t^rcn,  mark  this  well. 

1.  7.  fiir  I^eute  fd^on  burd?5  icbcn  \ommtxi,you  will  get  through  life 
so  far  as  to-day  is  concerned. 

1.  8.    bcrfcibcn  HTcinung,  gen.  of  characteristic,  or  predicate  genitive. 

1.  17.  £iiften.  Certain  nouns  are  used  in  the  pi.  where,  in  English,  the 
sing,  is  used;  also  reversely:  certain  nouns  retain  the  sing,  in  German, 
where  in  English  a  plural  form  occurs,  as  2)ant,  thanks,  33riIIe,  spectacles, 
Slfd^C,  ashes,  etc. 

1.  25.  fc^mamm  nur  faum  iiber,  "was  scarcely  visible  over,  just  hovered 

294  NOTES. 

1.  30.    tl^r,  upon  her  head. 
Page  143.  —  line  2.    X\Z%  here,  permitted. 
1.  10.    vo'xt  tDoIIcn.     Cf.  note,  p.  48, 1.  I, 
1.  28.    bal^inuntcr,  do7un  to  them. 

Page  145.  —  lines  3-4.   Cud?cr  ausgclcert,  f^iitc  umgef cl^rt,  part,  as 
imp. :   empty  your  handkerchiefs,  turn  your  hats  upside  down. 
1.  10.    Cafel  I^altcn,  a  formal  expression  for  dine. 

I.  13.  fo  answers  to  the  condition  implied  in  UJOrcn  e8.  —  war  C5  bod? 
aud?,  '^w/  waj  «/50  so7ne thing. 

Page  146.  —  lines.  Hatsfellcr.  The  basement  of  a  9?at^au8  or  city 
hall  is  often  used  as  a  beer  room  or  restaurant. 

II.  11-12.    ttcgcn  after  {patten  without  311.     Cf.  note  to  p.  6,  1.  14. 
1.  14.    bot^mtfd^;  for  the  form  see  note  p.  5,  1.  14. 

1.  28.  VOas  q,z\\ZW  bid?  tncitte  2Iugcrt  an  ?  How  do  my  eyes  concern 

Page  147.  —  line  6.   ® teb  =  ®icb  mir. 

1.  7.  fcinctl  =  fcinigen.  Storm  uses  the  shorter  form  of  the  possessive 
pronoun  where  the  longer  is  preferred. 

1.  21.    (£t|riftftnb,  who  distributes  the  presents  at  Christmas. 

1.  29.    fommc  fd^on  tPtcbcr,  pres.  for  the  future,  I  will  indeed  return. 

Page  148.  —  lines  26-27.  ber  XTTutter  IDcit^nad^tsftubc  =  bic  2Bci^» 
nac^tgftube  ber  SDffutter. 

Page  149.  —  line  11.  roo,  when. 

1.  25.  Der  (£rtd?.  The  definite  article  is  used  before  a  proper  name  to 
indicate  a  person  well  known,  or  when  the  case  would  be  ambiguous. 

i.  26.    tt^m,  to  or  for  him. 

1.  29.    ujiirbe.     The  fut,  subj.,  tucrbe,  might  be  used  here. 

Page  150.  —  line  12.    t|tnaus,  sc.  511  lommcn;  trans,  escape. 

1.  31.    bCTt,  over  which,  ace.  of  space  passed  over. 

Page  151.  —  line  16.    ^^rcuTtbHd?!ctt,  gen.  after  ungcluo^nt. 

1.  18.    Icudptetc  lt)r,  held  the  light  for  her. 

1.  26.    5U,  in  connection  with. 

Page  152.  —  line  i.  0ftern,  notice  the  pi.  form  (dat.),  lit.,  "in  the 
Easter  days,"  used  as  a  noun,  and  regarded  as  sing.  The  gender  is  usually 
masc.  though  neut.  and  fem.  forms  occur. 

1.  6.  in  feinc,  cf.  note  to  p.  147, 1.  7. 

1.  8.  als  trctc,  as  [it  would  seem]  if.  Notice  the  tense,  which  is  the 
same  as  though  the  quotation  had  been  made  directly,  e^  tritt  tiXQOA 
l^rcmbeg,  etc. 

1.  9.  bagetDcfen,  sc.  tt?ar. 

IMMENSE  E.  295 

I.  10.  IPCTttt,  whenever;  a\%  is  more  common  when  the  verb  in  a  sub- 
ordinate sentence  indicates  past  time. 

1.  20.   Kraut,  used  collectively. 

Page  153.  —  line  3.    After  pftegctt  supply  gu  tl)un. 

1.  12.    Sic  t^abcn  \\6q  aud?  nodi ;  trans,  but  you  too  have  not  yet. 

1.  17.  ficincs  is  unnecessary,  but  is  used  as  often  in  English,  "a  little 
bit,"  etc. 

Page  154.  —  line  3.  Staubfaben  gc3dt^It,  that  is  to  classify  the  plants 
according  to  the  system  of  Linnaeus,  the  famous  Swedish  botanist. 

1.  6.  mhtwan,  here  =  im  9?ebcn5immev  (1.  2). 

1.  25.    it!  bcr,  emphatic,  in  this. 

Page  155.  —  line  11.     ):[a\>t,  for  the  tense,  cf.  note  to  p.  152, 1.  8. 

1.  18.  auf  St.  llTarien,  sc  Church. 

1.  ig.    barum,  on  that  account. 

1.  28.  gemcfett,  sc.  feieft. 

Page  156.  —  line  13.  fd?UttcltC  mit.  Certain  verbs  used  trans,  in  Eng. 
are  used  intrans.  in  German.     Cf.  also  flatfdjte  ill  bic  §dnbe. 

I.  27.    fctn  eicJClies  (Sefid?t,  character  of  its  own. 

Page  157.  —  line  12.  als  crroarte,  notice  the  tense  in  indirect  quota- 
tions, which,  in  this  form  with  al8,  resembles  an  incomplete  hypothetical 

II.  13-14-   immer  nid?t  cintretcn  mollte,  -would  not  occur. 
1.  16.  gel^f  5  l^icr  rcd?t  =  ift  biejeg  ber  recite  2Beg. 

1.  19.   ^at's  benn,  colloq.  =  3ft  eS  benn.      ^ 

1.  20.  Kcinc  t^albc  Pfcif  Cobaf,  before  a  pipe  is  half  smoked.  Stobaf, 
dial,  for  2;abaf. 

1.  21.  tjaben's  =  ^abCIt  @ie,  an  unusual  contraction,  found  only  m 
rude  speech. 

1.  26.    t^inu?cgf  cf.  note  to  p.  10,  1.  14. 

Page  158.  —  line  5.     baraus  \[ZXX>OX,  forth  from  their  midst. 

1.  14.  (£s  ging  .  .  .  ftcil,  impers.  the  descent  of  the  mountain  was  pre- 

1.  26.    grii§'  (Sott,  a  devout  greeting  still  in  vogue  in  South  Germany. 

Page  159.  —  line  6.     ja,  inferential,  of  course. 

1.  16.    pIdud/Cll,  little  schemes. 

1.  24.    ^igyptcr.     The  stork  goes  to  Egypt  in  the  winter. 

1.  25.    (Erbfcnftangen,  that  is,  for  his  nest. 

1.  27.    lag,  was  situated,  a  frequent  use  of  liegetl, 

1.  28.    The  branches  were  trained  along  the  wall. 

Page  161.  —  line  11.     bett,  emphatic,  him. 

2g6  NOTES. 

1.  12.    in  btc  (EtPtgfett  ntd?t,  not  to  (ace.)  all  eternity. 

1.  ig.    tporbijn  for  geroorben,  possible  only  in  colloq.  use. 

1.  21.  (£5  ift  nur  bie  §cit,  bie,  that  is,  it  is  due  only  to  the  time,  during 

Page  162.  —  line  10.  n?o  er  bercn  t^abi^aft  mcrbcn  \oy\wiz,  wher- 
ever he  could  colled  them. 

1.  17.    t>OTt  ct^ebcm,  of  the  past,  of  early  days. 

1.  240    2lbcnb,  the  west. 

1.  30.   ergab  er  fid?  barein,  submitted. 

Page  163.  —  lines  13-14.  nur  um  .  .  .  ntd?t  tiwa,  in  order  not  by 
any  means. 

1.  20.  auf  is  used  in  the  sense  of  "  up,"  "  upon,"  and  also  in  going  from  a 
limited  space  to  one  that  is  more  open  (ace),  as  auf  bic  3agb,  to  thehutit; 
OUf  \i<X^  l^onb,  to  the  country ;  auf  belt  SJiarft  (-plalj),  and,  correspondingly, 
with  the  dative  in  a  locative  sense. 

Page  164. — line  i.  5d?nabcrbiipfcrl,  a  South  German  and  Swiss 
designation  for  snatches  of  song  of  from  two  to  four  lines,  often  humorous 
or  mocking  in  tone,  usually  improvised  and  adapted  to  some  person  or 
occasion,  and  sung  while  dancing.  The  word  meant  originally  verses 
sung  in  the  harvest  festival  (from  fc^ncibcn,  reap). 

1.  3.  anFItngcn,  strike  up. 

1.  6.  Dingcrn.  The  plural  of  this  word  in  -er  is  often  used  m  a  depre- 
ciative  or  contemptuous  signification. 

1.  10.  ntaricngarn  or  SKarienfcibeu,  gossamer.  A  fine  film  floating 
in  the  air  in  the  late  summer,  deriving  its  name  from  the  legend  that  the 
Virgin,  as  she  ascended,  left  parts  of  her  robe  floating  behind  her. 

1.  14.  3^  \iQi\\i>  auf  tjot^en  Bergen  or  3c^  ftanb  auf  f)o^em  iBergc,  is 
the  first  line  of  a  Volkslied  found  in  various  forms  and  called  Das  Lied 
vorn  jungen  Graf  en,  Die  Nonne,  Graf  und  Nonne,  Die  Nonne  und  der 
Konigssohn,  or  Die  Nonne  und  der  Ritter.  Cf .  Erk  und  Bohme's  Deutscher 
Liederhort,  Bd.  I,  pp.  313-323,  Des  Knaben  Wunderhorn  (1876),  Bd. 
I,  pp.  103-104.  The  poem  is  widely  sung  and  is  found  in  the  Nether- 
lands as  early  as  in  the  fifteenth  century.  Goethe  wrote  down  a  version 
which  he  discovered  in  Elsass.  It  is  the  story  of  a  maiden  who  entered  a 
convent  because  her  noble  lover  could  not  wed  one  so  poor  and  Icwly. 

Page  165.  —  line  3.    Sterfe,  N.  G.  =  ^drfe,  young  coiv,  heifer. 

1.  14.  Den  anbern  id?  nel^men  follt'  =  ®a^  \i),  etc 

1.  17.  es  =  §ers. 

1.  20.  (£t^ren,  cf.  note  to  p.  10, 1.  24.  ~  fliinbe.  arch.  =  ftonbe. 

I.  22.   fang'  id?  (xxi,  simply  do. 


Page  166«  —  line  23.  fticg.  The  preposition  associated  with  fteigetl 
determines  its  meaning,  whether  it  be  to  ascend  or  descend.  Cf.  ftieg  .  .  , 
auf,  p.  169, 11.  13-14,  [tieg  .  .  .  l)inab,  p.  171, 1.  26. 

11.  25-26.    XOQiX  .  .  .  CS    lD6g,  he  suddenly  lost  his  footing. 

Page  167.  —  line  26.  tft  abcr  ttid^ts  baraus  gciporben,  but  without 
result  or  /  was  unsuccessful. 

I.  27.  Das  Dcrftct^t  ruiebcr  cinmal  fcin  UTenfd?,  that  again  no  one  can 
at  all  understand. 

II.  27-28.  VO(XS  taufcnb,  deuce!  zounds!  From  the  frequent  use  of 
taufenb  with  nouns  to  indicate  a  vast  number,  or  to  intensify  the  meaning, 
it  came  to  be  used  in  exclamations,  possibly,  in  this  case,  for  an  old  gen.  pi. 

Page  168.  —  line  12.     H)oIIen  tpir,  here,  simply  shall  we. 

Page  169.  —  line  28.  trat  .  .  .  bas  "S-Ob,  turned  the  wheel  with  his 

1.  29.  cingcfd^trrte  f^unb.  Dogs  are  often  harnessed  to  draw  small 
carts  in  certain  parts  of  Germany. 

Page  170.  —  line  9.  bas.  cmpfangcnc  2tImofcn,  etc.  Cf.  note  to  p.  9, 
1.  II. 

Page  171.  —  line  10.     cr  tt^at  ror  fid?  felbft,  he  made  himself  believe. 

Page  172.  —  line  6.     liige  tlid?t,  do  not  deceive  me. 

1.  17.  (5el]0ft,  the  group  of  buildings  constituting  a  part  of  the  manor 
house.  —  r)or  it^m  auf  fticg,  there  rose  before  him  ;  auf  modifies  Dor. 

1.  24.    (5cn)dffcr,  here,  wave. 


m,mtx  a(S  Sitnben^oif. 

The  author,  Roderick  Benedix  (1811-1873),  held  for  many  years  the 
office  of  Regisseur  in  various  theatres.  He  was  a  prolific  writer  of  bright 
comedies,  abounding  in  surprises  and  humorous  situations.  Some  of  the 
best  known  are :  Das  bemooste  Haupt,  Dr.  Wespe,  Die  Hochzeitsreise,  Die 
EifersHchtigen,  Das  Liigen,  Das  Gefdngnis,  Der  Vetter,  etc.  The  present 
drama  is  taken  from  a  collection  of  Benedix'  shorter  plays,  entitled,  HauS' 
theater.  Benedix  published,  besides,  several  works  upon  the  dramatic  art, 
German  rhythm,  the  craze  for  Shakespeare,  etc. 

298  NOTES, 

The  scene  of  the  play  is  in  Leipzig  during  fair  time.  Gottlieb  M tiller,  c 
prosperous  manufacturer  of  tin  ware  from  Berlin,  is  in  the  city  on  business. 
He  has  arranged  at  the  same  time  for  an  interview  with  a  young  widow, 
who  has  been  reconmiended  by  his  cousin  as  an  eligible  match. 

Page  174,  —  line  2.    mo  =  in  betn. 

1.  4.  \6q  mii^te.  The  inverted  order  would  be  more  natural  in  German, 
mii^tc  i(^. 

1.  6.  Dcr  Propl^et  gilt  tttd?ts,  etc.  The  form  of  the  proverb  varies 
slightly:  (Sttt  ^|>ro|)f)et  qilt  nirgetib  tDeniger,  benit  in  foinem  ^aterlanbe 
unb  ba^eim  bci  ben  ®etnen,  Mark  vi,  4.  See  also  Mat.  xiii,  57;  John  iv,  44. 

Page  175.  —  line  3.    Itcgen  gcbliebcn,  cf.  note  to  p.  6, 1.  14. 

1.  4.  5d?on'  Danf.  Such  expressions  as  @ci)onen  2)auf,  beften  2)anf, 
gro|3cn  2)anf,  t)ielcn  2)onf,  etc.  are  used  elliptically,  with  the  governing 
verb  understood  =  td^  gebe  3^nen,  etc. 

1.  6.  Sd^Icnfingcn,  the  capital  of  the  former  county  of  Henneberg,  near 
the  Schleuse,  is  used  here  as  the  representative  of  what  is  provincial. 

1.  10.    'iA^i,  the  verb  stands  first  for  emphasis. 

1.  12.  After  [pat  sc.  gn  ge'^cn. 

1.  18.   (Et^iiringcr.     See  note  to  p.  5,  1.  15. 

I.  19.    <£s  U>irb  gel^cn,  it  can  be  managed. 

Page  176.  —  line  i.    angc3ogcn.    See  note  to  p.  i,  1.  17. 

II.  8-10.  iDoIlcn,  consent.  The  repetition  gives  a  quaint  formal  char- 
acter to  the  letter. 

1.  II.  Btttc  =  Sd)  bittc  @ie. 

1.  12.  geborenc,  by  birth.  A  lady  in  Germany  retains  her  original 
family  name,  using  it  upon  her  card  and  in  signatures. 

1.  16.    gct|t  CS  tmmcr  att,  it  will  answer  at  all  events. 

1.  19.  nobel.  Muller  uses  certain  current  terms,  which  constitute  a 
stylish  slang, 

1.  23.  ir>ic  irtaj  im  JPallcnftcin.  Muller  cites  loosely  on  several  occa- 
sions popular  quotations,  caught  sometimes  from  the  stage,  which  he  mis- 
applies. The  above  quotation  he  ascribes  to  Max,  the  youthful  hero  in 
Schiller's  drama  of  Wallenstein.     Cf.  p.  177,  1.  7. 

1.  26.  feiU/  trans.  one''s.  —  tft  bod^  ntd?tS/  amounts  to  nothing,  ends  in 

1.  27.    fd^abe,  cf.  note  to  p.  49,  1.  16. 

Page  177.  —  line  i.    bic  for  ba§,  cf.  note  to  p.  5, 1.  8. 

1.  2.    VOz\%  X&l  bod?  je^t,  now  I  know  at  last,  etc. 

1.  3.    IX^drc,  Had  it  not  been  for. 

1.  5.    nebcnbci,  incidentally. 


1.   10.     (£5  f  ommt  nur  barauf  an  '^a'^^,  All  depends  upon  whether. 
1.   II.     id?  ftet^C  meincn  UTann,  Pm  a  match  for  anyone. 

I.  16.  Ha  expresses  incredulity  a  reluctance  to  believe  a  preceding  asser- 
tion.     It  is  a  colloquialism,  and  pervades  the  speech  of  the  Hausknecht. 

II.  16-17.  C5  tDirb  iDot^I  ctmas  tncl^r  ^itxawslommzw.,  something  will 
probably  have  to  be  added,  that  is,  her  age  will  finally  be  shown  to  be  some- 
what greater. 

1.  18.    faun  fie  nod?  immcr,  she  can  in  any  case  still be^  etc. 

Page  178.  —  line  4.     ablegen,  used,  as  often,  with  the  object  omitted. 

1.  13.    immer,  howc-oer  (disorderly  the  room  is). 

1.  17.  "baxiW.  mii^teit  Sic;  bann  suggests  the  condition,  in  that  casCy  if 
that  were  so. 

1.  30.    ba  briibctl,  across  the  hall. 

Page  179.  —  line  18.    21uf  (El^re  =  bci  meiiicr  (S^rc. 

1.  19.    id?  rocrbc.     For  the  order  see  p.  174,  1.  4. 

1.  30.    fid?  {dat.)  glcid?,  equal. 

Page  180.  —  line  i.  notariell',  that  is,  has  been  officially  established, 
under  the  seal  of  a  notary. 

1.  8.  ^rieb=^Iutnaucr.  Minona  Blumauer  (1816-86)  was  a  favorite 
actress  in  Berlin,  especially  in  humorous  roles.  Pius  Alexander  Wolff 
(1782- 1 828),  the  author  of  Der  Kammerdiener,  v/Si^  a  favorite  actor  in 
Weimar  in  the  time  of  (]oethe  (1804-16).  He  wrote  several  plays. 
The  Kamjnerdiener  is  the  story  of  a  footman  who  by  virtue  of  his  court 
experience,  pretended  to  be  a  nobleman,  and,  under  various  assumed  titles, 
made  love  to  wealthy  ladies.  He  was  discovered  when,  in  a  double  guise, 
he  paid  his  addresses  at  the  same  time  to  a  rich  Jewess,  Madame  Hirsch, 
and  to  her  niece.  He  was,  however,  later  successful,  and  won  the  hand  of 
a  wealthy  widow,  the  Frau  von  Donner. 

1.  20.    ^iir  tntd?  fann  id?  ftct^Ctl,  I  can  ansxuer  for  myself. 

1.  21.    VOtt  fomitc  and?,  is  there  any  one  who  could. 

1.  29.    S.  D.  auf  bctl  ^\\^t\\,  presses  against  his  back,  holds  behind hi7n. 

Page  181.  —  line  4.     bcnfcn,  imagine,  divine. 

1.  6.  Don  XOZO^tW,  On  account  of 

1j.  8-9.    bcm  griincn  (Elcfantcn,  the  name  of  the  inn. 

I.  14.    (£5  ift  \<X  n>eitcr  ntd?ts  babei,  nothing  more  is  involved. 

II.  21-22.  gouncn  .  . .  bas  It>ei§c  im  ^hige  nid?t,  otherwise  we  do  not 
grant  to  one  another  the  white  of  our  eyes,  i.e.,  the  special  favor  of  our 
intimacy.     Translate,  aside  from  this  we  grudge  one  another  everything. 

Page  182. — lines  1-2.  Sic  flatten  ciitcn  (sc.  Slrunf)  iibcr  \>z\\ 
Durft  gcnotntncn,  jV^M  had  taken  a  trifle  too  much,  one  more  than  your 
thirst  required. 

300  NOTES. 

Page  183.  —  lines  2-3.  uom  t^inausgetporfcn  oorben  fcin.  The 
passive  infinitive  perfect  is  regarded  as  a  noun. 

1.  5-   I?cibe,  sc.  ic^. 

1.  19.  <&thzxK  Sic  (sc.  i^n)  t^er. 

1.  29.  fud?cn,  sc.  (Sic. 

Page  184.  —  line  8.    \{\tx,  in  this. 

1.  12.  bicfcs  gal^Iung  fud^enben  £7ausfned?t5.  Notice  that  the  object 
of  the  participle  precedes  it. 

1.  16.  foUte,  pret.  subj.  in  questions  implying  surprise  or  dissent.  Do 
you  suppose,  etc. 

1.  17.  fid?  etncn  anfdufcln,  slang,  let  himself  become  tipsy  ;  jid)  is  in  the 
dat.  after  anfdufeln. 

I.  19.   Scl^cn  S'xt,  you  see. 

Page  185.  —  lines  7-9.  Miiller  mentions  rapidly  the  popular  places 
of  amusement  at  that  time  in  Berlin,  with  the  favorite  singers  or  actors; 
Pauline  Succa  (bom  in  Vienna  in  1842),  was  the  prima  donna  of  the  Royal 
Opera  House  in  Berlin  (1861-73). 

5d?aufpiell]aus  or  ^bniglid^eg  @(^aujpiel^au8  is  the  Royal  Theater. 
Ct^Cobor  Doring  (1803-78)  was  one  of  Germany's  greatest  actors,  great 
alike  in  tragic  and  in  comic  parts.  His  chief  roles  were  Falstaff,  Malvolio, 
Shylock,  Nathan  the  Wise,  and  the  Village  Magistrate  Adam.  The  n)all= 
ncr^dt^Cater  derives  its  name  from  its  founder,  Franz  Wallner  (1810-76), 
a  well-known  theatrical  manager.  It  was  especially  devoted  to  local  farces 
with  a  distinctively  Berlin  flavor. 

Karl  l7clmerbtng  (b.  1822)  was  from  1855-78  a  favorite  actor  in 
Berlin  at  the  Wallner  Theater. 

The  ^riebri(^  2X>iItjcImftdbtifd?cs  dt^cater  is  devoted  to  operettas  and 
comic  plays  and  farces. 

Karl  ITTtttcI  (b.  in  Vienna,  1824)  played  in  many  of  the  leading  theaters 
of  Germany.  He  was  especially  noted  as  the  hale  and  popular  character  in 
society  plays  and  comedies. 

II.  lo-ii.  angcfdufelte  unb  I^inausgeroorfene  (Erfat^rungen,  experi- 
ences of  inebriation  and  of  beitig  turned  out  of  doors. 

1.  12.    Sc.  after  f^od?3Ctt,  betrifft,  as  concerns. 

1.  25.   ycixz  ^raulctn  Braut.    The  two  words  grciulein  53raut,  consti- 
tute a  unity  with  which  3^re  agrees  in  the  fem. 
Page  186.  — line  2.  Scin  =  ©cien. 

I.  6.  Das  ift  311  I^od? !  refers  to  the  preceding  words  of  Salome,  That 
is  too  great  a  descent. 

II.  19-20.  ber  bicfcn  f^ut  bcftcUt  t^abeitbe  IHiillcr,  an  unusual  combi- 


nation,  with  a  humorous  purpose  =  icf)  bill  nid^t  bcr  SyZuUcr  ber  biefeit  ^ut 
beftcttt  f)at. 

1.  24.  allc  btC.  The  definite  article  is  more  commonly  omitted  after  aUe 
in  the  pi.  =  allc  ^iite. 

1.  25.  The  first  bic  is  a  rel.  pron.,  the  second  a  demons.  —  id?  mii§tc,  cf. 
note  to  p.  174,  1.  4.  —  bci  Kotbfd>tIbcn,  of  the  Rothschilds^  the  famous 
bankers  of  Frankfurt  and  of  the  leading  cities  of  Europe. 

Pa^e  188,  —  lines  4-5.  Staatsantualt  —  (5efd?tDornc,  gud?tl^aus. 
He  enumerates  the  various  judicial  officers  who  would  intervene,  and  the 
punishment  which  would  result  from  his  offense. 

I.  24.    IHciTtettPCCjcn,  T  have  no  objections. 
Page  190.  —  line  i.   I)as,  all  these. 

II.  3-4.  faiin  cs  "ho&i,  ipirb  cs  aud?,  mu^  cs  fogar,  notice  the  increasing 
;trength  of  his  affirmation. 

1.  4.    gebcn,  cf.  note  to  p.  112,  1.  i. 

1.  10.    Blcdpmiiller,  Tinplate-MUller. 

1.  15.    xd'xW,  demand. 

1.  27.    ha^  xd}  id?  bttt,  that  I  am  myself. 

1.  28.    unb  bicfcs  mcin  3d?,  and  this  id)  or  ego  of  mine. 

Page  191.  —  line  4.   fiibrcn,  cite,  adduce. 

1.  II.    bcr  pl^otograpl^  lliii^tC/  unless  the  photographer. 

1.  18.  poIt3Citt)ibrtg  t^d^Itd?,  so  ugly  as  to  incur  the  suspicion  of  the 

1.  19.  Obrigfeit  is  used  in  a  coll.  sense,  authorities,  pon  (Dbrigfeits 
tDCgcn.     Notice  the  mas.  gen  -§,  attached  to  Cbrigteit. 

Page  192.  —  line  2.    ^Hlcrbings,  to  be  sure  (you  were  innocent). 

1.  ig.  btC  (JragC.  For  the  question  see  the  end  of  the  preceding  scenes, 
p.  179,1.  22,  p.  184,  1.  12. 

Page  193.  --  line  22.  mand?c,  sc  2)ame. 

1.  24.  Don  3^^^^^  ^"^  V>on  Giovanni,  the  typical  libertine,  based  on  a 
Spanish  legend  of  the  fourteenth  century  of  Don  Juan  Tenorio  of  Seville. 
The  incident  has  been  dramatized  by  Moliere  (1665),  Thomas  Corneille  in 
Le  Festin  de  Pierre  (1673),  A.  Dumas  (1863).  It  is  the  subject  of  a 
comedy  by  the  ItaHan  dramatist  Goldbni  (1765).  It  was  the  theme  of  a 
musical  ballet  by  Gluck  (1765)  and  of  Mozart's  famous  opera,  Don  Gio- 
vanni (1787);  of  Byron's  Don  Juan,  and  of  dramas  by  Grabbe,  Lenau 
and  others. 

Page  194.  —  line  14.   3<i?  ^^"  tr>ot]I  tud?t  rcd?t,  I a??i  possibly  mistaken. 

Page  195.  —  line  23.   !ct)rc  =  id)  bin  ^^iiriicfgetebit. 

Page  196.  —  line  5.   ber  IPatjrljeit,  dat.  after  nat^c. 

302  NOTES. 

1.  i8.  Hebe  =  3U  or  5Ur  9?ebc,  ftel^en.  @tet)cn  takes  here  a  kind  of  ace. 
(possibly  an  original  gen.).     Cf.  a  similar  use  of  fte^en  with  9JJann. 

1.  21.  bas  U)dre,  /-^a/  (I  should  hope)  is  settled.  Cf.  note  to  p.  226. 
1.  18. 

Page  197.  —  line  6.    Ste  ipdren,  subj.  of  surprise  or  dissent. 

1.  9.   Sd?meid?Ie  .  .  .  i^offe.     Notice  the  omission  of  the  subject  id^. 

1.  10.    £ugen  ;  ftrofen  takes  two  accusatives.     iPiigcn  was  orig.  the  gen. 

pL  (or  sing.?) 

1.  23.    irtabame.     Salome  corrects  the  form  with  which  she  is  addressed. 

Page  198.  —  lines  3-4.  ZTun  3U  uns,  Now  to  return  to  our  own  interests. 

1.  II.   net^me  .  .  .  auf,  take  up  arms. 

1.  26.   Da  tt)are  id?  begicrtg,  sc  gu  ^oren. 

Page  199.  —  line  i.  bret^cn  unb  ipenben,  twist  and  turn. 

Page  201.  —  line  6.  Stccf brief  is  a  public  proclamation  of  arrest, 
posted  and  dispatched  to  all  cities  where  the  fugitive  may  have  fled. 

Page  204.  —line  7.  Set  es  brum,  Let  it  he  so. 

Page  206.  —  lines  1-2.   VOas  fiir  ein  3orntgcr  IHantt,  sc.  cr  Iji. 

I.  19.  Fdmett  ipir  um,  we  should  lose. 

II.  22-23.  xoas  Ste  axi  einem  Hamen  tjangcn,  why  you  so  cling  to  a 
name ;  toa^  =  inarum. 

1.  27.    einanber  =  \xdi  einonbcr. 

Page  207.  —  line  i.     bas  Iie§e,  potential  subj. 

eincr  mu^  ^ciratcn. 

The  author,  Alexander  Viktor  Wilhelmi,  whose  real  name  was  Zech- 
meister,  was  born  in  Ofen,  in  181 7,  and  died  in  Meran  in  1877.  He  was 
an  actor  and  playwright,  who  is  now  known  mainly  by  several  minor  com- 
edies, Einer  muss  heiraten^  Er  hat  recht.,  Der  letzte  Trump/  and  Mit 
den  W'olfen  muss  maji  heulen.  Einer  muss  heiraten  is  a  dramatization  of 
a  popular  fiction  in  the  lives  of  the  Brothers  Grimm.  See  p.  250.  3ortl  is 
a  synonymn  of  ©rilltnt. 

Page  208.  —  line  i.     Hid^tig,  Just  as  I  anticipated. 

1.  3.   merften,  potent,  subj.  =  unb  fie  triirbcn  uic^tg  ittcr!en. 

1.  6.    als  ob  tl^r  .  .  .  t^dttet.     For  the  subj.  see  note  to  p.  23,  1.  4. 

Page  209.  —  line  8.  n?dre,  potential  subj.  to  soften  the  positiveness 
of  an  assertion. 

1.  12.    Urfprungs,  gen.  of  characteristic  or  pred.  gen. 

1.  15.  unfereins,  notice  the  use  of  the  neut.  in  a  general  sense,  or  when 
persons  of  different  genders  are  included. 

1.  23.    Cintenfifd?e,  cuttlefishes,  scribblers.      The   cuttlefish  secretes  a 


dark  fluid  or  ink  which  it  emits  to  darken  the  water  when  pursued,  and 
which  forms  the  basis  of  the  brown  color,  sepia,  used  by  artists. 

1.  27.  [olltc  mir  and?  nod?  fct^Icn,  Catch  me  doing  that  or  /  have  not 
got  as  far  as  that  yet. 

Page  210.  —  line  2.  2Iufl^ebens,  a  colloq.  use,  for  5luf^cben. 
1.  4.    CiTtcm,  dat.  of  possess.,,  here  used  to  supply  the  defective  declen- 
sion of  man. 

1.  14.  StiicfnjcrF  ift  bcs  ITTcnfd^cn  IDtffen,  a  biblical  quotation :  ,,2)enn 
unfer  3Bi[[cn  ift  (Stiidlrcr!  unb  unfcr  SBciSfagen  ift  ©tiicfmerf."  i  Cor. 
xiii,  9,  For  we  know  in  part  and  we  prophesy  in  part.  Cf.  Goethe's 
Iphigenie,  11.  688-89. 

Unt)  tt)a§  roit  t!)un  ifl,  iBtc  c§  it)ucn  roar, 
SOoU  OJiut)'  unb  cttel  Stiicfroerf. 

1.  16.   n)ic  relates  to  jold^er. 
1.  17.    licbcn,  cf.  note  to  p.  6, 1.  9. 
1.  18.    I)ic,  demort.,  such  people. 

1.  30.    follcn  belongs  with  both  the  preceding  verbs  fatten  (1.  19)  and 
Icben.  —  ^rcnbe  baron  I^abcn,  may  reap  the  benefit  of  it. 
1.  24.    profane,  common,  everyday. 
1.  30.   IParum  id?  Icbc?  =  @le  fragen  warum,  etc. 

I.  31.  ZTun  fct]'  tnir  cinerl  Look  a-here  now!  or  Just  see  [the 
fellow^  ! 

Page  211.  —  line  i.  i\z\\\  nid?t  or  gie^t  bet  mir  nid)t,  does  not  hold, 
will  7tot  go  down  with  me. 

II.  3-4.  Pas  ift  ,  .  .  DorgcFommcn,  That  never  occurred  to  me!  I 
never  heard  the  like  of  that ! 

1.  10.     end?,  cf.  note  to  p.  139,  1.  9. 

1.  16.  bicibcn  bet  ber  Sian^t  or  an  ber  —  l^alten,  stick  to  the  point. 
The  use  of  ®tange  in  this  sense  may  be  derived  from  ^al)ncnftange,  colors, 
banner  =  stick  to  one's  flag,  or  from  SSagcnftonge  =  whiffle-tree,  remain 
in  the  traces. 

1.  20.  mu§  mit  betnen  guten  'i.t\'CZXi,  feel  bound,  or  regard  it  as  in- 
cumbent upon  you  with  your  maxims  or  precepts,  etc. 

1.  23.  5d?artc'fen,  contemptuous,  wretched  old  books,  a  word  of  uncer- 
tain origin. 

Page  212.  —  lines  5-6.    tptr  roollen  it^r  t>tw  ttJillen  tt^un,  let  us 

comply  with  her  request. 

1.  27.   folgen,  obey. 

Page  213.  —  line  11.  mit  may  be  used  with  almost  any  verb  to  de- 
note accompaniment,  as  mit  anje^en,  stay  and  witness. 

304  NOTES. 

1.  15,    rt>enn  aud?  nur  bie,  even  if  they  are  only  those  of,  etc. 
I.  19.    mir  aXitn  ^rau.     For  the  form  of  the  adj.  after  a  pers.  pron. 
see  note  to  p.  10,  1.  16. 

1.  26.    S.  D.  unterl^anbeltl,  temporising,  negotiating,  parleying. 

Page  214.  —  line  22.   auf  bem  alten  ^Iccfe,  w/^^/'^  we  began. 

1.  23.   folltct,  sc.  ge^en. 

1.  25.  an  Kopf  unb  Kragcn  gel^t  es  \\\6:ii,  your  life  is  surely  not  in 
peril ;  ^opf  imb  ^ragen,  an  alUterative  formula. 

Page  215.  —  line  3.  §et^n  fiir  etttc,  that  is,  I  k?tow  ten  if  I  know 
one.  —  prad?tindbd?en.  -^rac^t  is  frequently  prefixed  to  nouns  to  indicate 
excellence,  as  '!prad)tfevl,  -menjd^,  -ej:emplar. 

1.  5.  unb  VOZXin,  ««^/( they  would  not  do  it)  even  if;  cf.  note  to  p.  115, 
1.  16. 

1.  18.    ipill,  sc.  id),  I  was  about. 

1.  20.  Brauttgam  ift,  is  to  be  betrothed.  53raut  and  53rautigam  are 
the  aflfianced. 

Page  216.  —  line  8.  tr>arum  ntd?t  gar  1  ironical,  IVhat  an  idea  !  or 
Why  I  especially  ! 

1.  14.    Houttne,  a  French  word  =  cleverness,  skill,  experience. 

Page  217.  —  line  3.    iDcId?  =  meld)  eiii. 

1.  9.    alfo  (Sliicf  3U,  therefore  success  to  you. 

11  II.   bet  bem,  that  is,  SBittjelm. 

Page  218. —  linen.  mu§  baran,  sc.  ge^cn.  —  iptr  moUen  \>z\iiz 
ntd^t,  both  of  us  do  not  desire  to. 

1.  30.   get^t  Iccr  aus,  escapes  free. 

Page  219.  —  line  i.    'btw,  that  is,  ben  trei^en. 

1.  2.  bas  glaube  id?,  I  should  say  so.  —  ha  fonnte  jebcr  fommcn ;  the 
language  is  quite  loose,  in  thai  case  any  one  might  venture  it. 

1.  9.  barauf  foil  es  mir  nid?t  anfommcn,  I  %vill  not  insist  upon  it. 

I.  19.    ge30gcn,  part,  for  imp.     Cf.  note  to  p.  I,  1.  17. 
Page  220.  —  line  4.    ntd?t5  ha  I  Not  this  time. 

II.  lo-ii.    3^  ^^^l  ^^5  2!obes,  I  am  a  dead  man  ;  2^obe§,  pred.  gen. 
11.  15-16.    franf  unb  fret,  a  fixed  alliterative  formula. 

1.  22.  (Er.  The  pronoun  of  the  third  person  was  formerly  used  for  that 
of  the  second,  at  first  implying  great  respect  and  then  an  assumption  of 
superiority  on  the  part  of  the  speaker.  This  usage  arose  from  the  employ- 
ment of  the  pronoun  to  represent  a  preceding  title. 

1.  22.  Caufenbfafa.  2^aiijenb  is  often  used  to  strengthen  an  epithet, 
or  exclamation,  either  a  noun  or  adj.,  as  taujenb  @d)a^;  taujeubfc^on,  and 
in  exclamations,  :|)0^taufenb,  etc. 


1.  24.    was  ifi  bcnn,  what  is  the  matter. 

Page  221.  —  lines  22-23.  ^anq,t  ntd?t  iricbcr  ncue  (Scfcl?id?ten  an, 
Do  not  begi?i  the  affair  over  again. 

Page  222.  —  line  i.  tla,  ironical  and  contemptuous.  Cf.  note  to 
p.  181,  1.  18. 

I.  8.    aus  bem  ^unbament,  thoroughly  perfectly. 

II.  lo-ii.  3U  i\[Vi\\  m\i>  3U  fd?affen,  do  and  busy  oneself  about.  Cf.  note 
to  p.  39,  1.  19. 

1.  14.   tpas  brum  uitb  bran  I^angt,  lohat  is  involved  in  it. 

1.  i8.    t^crab,  cf.  note  to  p.  10,  1.  14. 

1.  25.    liebc,  cf.  note  to  p.  6,  1.  9, 

Page  223.  —  line  2.  Korb,  refusal,  mitten,  A  basket  was  placed  to 
indicate  that  a  suitor  was  unsuccessful. 

1.  12.  Htgorofum  or  ©yamcn  riflorofum,  severe  examination  ;  here  an 
examination  at  tlic  university  for  the  doctor's  degree,  at  which  a  student 
presents  himself  in  a  dress-suit. 

Page  224.— line  3.  Das  folltc  mir  nod?fet^Ien,  That  caps  the  climax  I 
or  To  live  to  see  her.     Cf.  note  to  p.  209,  1.  27. 

1.  23.    mir,  ethical  dative,  y2?r  my  sake. 

Page  225.  —  lines  13-14.  Strtd?  burd?  bie  Hcc^nung  madden,  up- 
set my  plans. 

1.  19.  So,  tiur  tmmcr  I^cran,  Thus,  advance  bravely^  or  regardless  of 

1.  25.    tnftrutcrt,  coached,  given  instructions. 

Page  226.  —  line  16.  Pa  tuarcn  iDir  alfo,  a  kind  of  potential  subj. 
often  called  the  "confirmatory  subjunctive,"  in  which  the  atifiriration  takes 
this  form.     Cf.  note  to  p.  196.  1.  21. 

1.  26.    Du  trittft  \[\\\,  indie,  for  imp. 

Page  227.  —  line  6.    3.  B.  =  jum  '^t\\^\t\,for  example,  to  illustrate. 

1.  10.    2Id?,  iparnm  nid?t  gar!  ironical,  You  don't  mean  it! 

11. 12-13.  S.  D.  fc^t  fid?  in  pofttur  =  nimmt  cine  feierlic^c  ^altung  an. 

Page  228.  —  line  8.     ilouliffe,  side-scene,  -wing  (of  a  stage). 

1.  15.   rcFognos3iercn  =  aitSfpa^en,  au8funbjd)aftcn. 

I,  t6.    Before  It)as,  sc.  I  wonder. 

Page  229.  —  line  16.    Bcl^iite,  Far  from  it.  By  no  means. 

1.  23.  Das  mad?t  fid?  gan3  gut,  That  is  easy  to  do,  or  Thafs  very 
ag}'e  cable. 

Page  230.  —  lines  1-2.  tjod? .  .  .  fommt,  at  the  best,  in  an  emergency 

1.  8.    (Selet^rte,  here  used  as  a  noun.     Cf.  note  to  p.  10,  1.  16. 

Page  236.  —  line  2.    abfd^recfen  laffcn,  inf.  in  an  imp.  sense. 


In  nouns,  the  genitive  singular,  when  it  differs  from  the  nominative,  and  the  nominal' 
tive  plural  are  given.  Strong  plurals  are  indicated  by  -e,  and  by  -^e  or  ^  when  a  mutated 
vowel  occurs,  weak  forms  by  -{t)n. 

A  dash  indicates  that  the  title-word  is  to  be  supplied ;  with  nouns  it  shows  that  the 
plural  form  is  like  the  singular. 

The  principal  parts  of  strong  verbs  are  given ;  in  separable  verbs  the  prefix  is  not  re- 
peated, but  its  place  is  indicated  by  a  dash,  as,  abbrcc^cn,  brad^  — ,  -gcbrod^en. 

^obett  is  understood  as  the  auxiliary  of  all  transitive  (including  reflexive),  impersonal 
and  modal  auxiliary  verbs.  It  is  also  used  with  most  intransitive  verbs  which  govern  an 
indirect  object  in  the  genitive  or  dative  cases. 

©eitl  is  the  auxiliary  of  intransitive  verbs  which  denote  a  change  of  condition,  or  mo- 
tion from  or  to  a  definite  point.  When  the  verbal  activity  is  alone  emphasized,  f^aben  is 
used  with  such  verbs  as :  ©r  ift  bolt  l^ier  nad)  £onbon  flereift  and  (gr  ^at  fein  Ceben  laitfl 
Did  gereift. 

When  the  perfect  participle  denotes  a  state  or  condition  into  which  the  subject  has 
passed,  it  has  the  force  of  an  adjective  and  fein  is  the  proper  auxiliary,  as  :  2)a8  genfter 
tear  jerbroc^en  al^  id?  in  ba§  3ti"tner  ^ereintrat. 

Many  verbs  have  a  transitive  or  intransitive  signification  as  the  direct  object  is  retained 
or  omitted,  as  onbrennen,  ir.  light :  inir.  take  fire  ;  flbbanfett,  ir.  dismiss  ;  tntr.  resign 
(sc.  an  office). 

The  following  abbreviations  are  used  in  the  Notes  and  Vocabulary  : 

ace,  accusative. 
adj.,  adjective. 
adv.,  adverb,  adverbial. 
apos.,  apposition. 
arch.,  archaic. 
art.,  article. 
aux.,  auxiliary. 
caus.,  causal. 
c/.,  compare. 
cog-.,  cognate. 
coll.,  collective. 
colloq.,  colloquial. 
comp.,  compound. 
compar.,  comparative. 
conj.,  conjunction. 
dat.,  dative. 
de/.,  definite. 
der.,  derived  from. 
dial.,  dialectic. 
demon.,  demonstrative. 
dim.,  diminutive. 
E.,  English. 
equiv.,  equivalent  to. 
F.,  French. 
/am..,  familiar. 
/.,/em.,  feminine. 
_fig-,  figuratively. 
/r.,  from. 
/ut.,  future. 
G.,  German. 
gen.,  genitive. 
Gr.,  Greek. 

]|.,  ^aben. 

imp.,  imperative. 

impers.,  impersonal. 

indecl.,  indeclinable. 

inde/.,  indefinite. 

indie,  indicative. 

in/in.,  infinitive. 

infl.,  inflected. 

insep.,  inseparable. 

inter j. ,  interjection. 

intr.,  intransitive. 

/tal.,  Italian. 

/.,  line. 

L.,  Latin. 

L.  G.,  Low  German. 

lit.,  literally. 

loc,  locative. 

m.,  masculine. 

per/.,  perfect. 

p/.,  plural. 

pbipf.,  pluperfect. 

poet.,  poetical. 

poss.,  possessive. 

pred.,  predicate. 

Pre/.,  prefix. 

prep.,  preposition. 

pres.,  present. 

Pret.,  preterit. 

pr.,  pronounce. 

pron.,  pronoun. 

rejl.,  reflexive. 

rel.,  relative  ;  relataJ  tA. 

Rom.,  Romance. 

f.,  fein. 

sc,  supply,  understood. 

Sep.,  separable. 

M.H.G.,  Middle  High  German.  S.G.,  South  Germao 

M.L.,  Mediaeval  Latin. 
mod.,  modal. 
«.,  neut.,  neuter. 
N.G.,  North  German. 
nom.,  nominative. 
obj.,  object. 
obs.,  obsolete. 
O.F.,  Old  French. 
ord.,  ordinal  number. 
Orient.,  Oriental. 
orig.,  originally. 
part.,  participle. 
pass.,  passive. 

sing.,  singular. 
SI.,  Slavic. 
st. ,  strong. 
sub}'.,  subjunctive. 
subs.,  substantively. 
superl.,  superlative. 
temp.,  temporal. 
tr.,  transitive. 
undecl.,  undeclined. 
uninfl.,  uninfiected. 
v.,  verb. 

vocab.,  vocabulary. 
«/.,  weak. 




3larf)Cit,  n.  -§,  Aix-la-Chapelle. 

9tar,  in.  -(e)§  <?r  -en,  -e,  -en,  eagle. 

«l6,  adv.  off,  away,  down  ;  7ised  as  sep. 

abbrcd^en,  braci^  — ,  -flebrod)cn,  /^. 
break  off,  interrupt ;  destroy,  demol- 
ish ;  intr.  stop,  discontinue. 

abbanfcn,  sep.  tr.  dismiss,  discharge. 

9(^cnb,  ni.  -§,  -e,  evening;  west. 

^Idcnbbant,  /.  "e,  evening  seat. 

5lbcnbcffcn,  n.  -i,  — ,  supper. 

^Ibcublanb,  n.  -(e)§,  -^r,  west,  Occi- 
dent, [man. 

alicnbl(inbtf(l^'rumif(^,  adj.   West-Ro- 

Slbcitbft^ciu,  m.  -'o,  -c,  evening  glow, 
evening-sky.  [glow  of  evening. 

9lbcubftt)immcr,  m.  -g,  — ,  evening-red, 

9lbcnbfoitucubuft,  m.  -i,  "-t,  evening 
vapor,  twilight  haze. 

9lbcitbfomtcnf(^cttt,  m.  -§,  -e,  evening 
sunlight,  sunset  light. 

StbcnbftiUc,/.  stillness  of  evening. 

SlbcnbWoltc,  /.  w.  evening  cloud. 

^bcubjug,  m.  -c§,  -"e,  evening  train. 

Slbcutcucv,  n.  -§,  — ,  adventure,  en- 
terprise.    \P.  aventure.] 

abcr,  C071J.  but,  however,  moreover ; 
adv.  again. 

9lbcrglottbc(n),  m.  -n§,  -n,  supersti- 
tion,    [aber  =  over,  oyer  faith]. 

abermat^,  adv.  again. 

obfaljrctt,  fut)r  — ,  -gcta^ren,  intr.  \., 
set  out,  depart. 

Slbfafirt,  /.  -w.  departure. 

abfaUctt,  fiet  — ,  -getaOen,  intr.  \.,  fall 
off;  revolt. 

ttbfcrtigcn,  sep.  tr.  dispatch,  dismiss, 

rebuff.  [fly  off. 

abfticgcit,  flofi  — ,  -fleflogen,  itttr.  )'., 
abgcbcn,  <i,o!o  — ,  -gegeben,  tr.  deliver, 

give  up ;    be  good  for,  make ;    refl. 

occupy  oneself  with  (mil). 
abgcljcn,  glng  — ,  -geflaiiGcn,  intr.  \., 

go  off,  depart,  deviate  (from) ;  auf = 

unb  — ,  go  up  and  down ;  tr.  wear 

out ;  pace  off,  measure. 
9lb9Cfonbtc(r),  m.  infl.  as  adj.  envoy, 

ambassador,  representative. 
9lbgcft^irftc(r),  see  abjdiicfen. 
obgeft^morf t,  adj.  insipid,  flat ;  absurd, 
abgcftorbcit,  part.  adj.  dead,  extinct, 

from  abfterben. 
9lbgott,  m.  -el,  -"er,  idol. 
^Ibgrunb,  m.  -§,  -^e,  chasm,  precipice; 

ab^alten,  t)ielt  — ,  -ge^altcn,  tr.  hold 

off,  avert,  prevent,  detain ;  hold,  at- 
2lbbattg,  m.  -§,  ^'c,  slope,  declivity. 
abtjangcn,  Ijing  — ,  -gef)angen,  intr. 

1).  (Don),  depend  on. 
obfjotcn,   sep.  tr.  go  and   get,   fetch; 

call  for  («  person). 
abtartcn,  sep.  tr.  plan,  plot. 
obfcljrcu,   sep.   tr.   turn   aside,   avert; 

reft,,  turn  away. 
flbtoffen,  lie^  — ,  -gelaffen,  intr.  \)., 

leave  off,  desist. 
9(b(auf ,   m.  -e§,    -^e,  expiration,  end ; 

abtegctt,  sep.  tr.  take  off,  lay  aside; 

remove  one's  wraps. 



ttfiltcfcrn,  Sep.  tr.  deliver,  contribute. 
(ibmai!^en,  sep.  tr.  conclude,  settle. 
Hbnc^mcn,  na^m  — ,  -gcnommcn,  tr. 
take  off  or  away ;  ititr.  diminish,  de- 
crease. \_{a  tune  or  air). 
«6^fcifctt,  ^fiff — ,  -ge^fiffeii,  zfr.  whistle 
alb^flUtfen,  sep.  tr.  pluck,  gather. 
albraten,  sep.  tr.  and  tnir.  {dat.)  riet 
— ,  -geratcn,  dissuade  from  (bon), 
advise  against. 
Slbrcbc,/.  w.  agreement,,stipulation. 
^firctfc,/.  w.  departure.  [out. 
obretfctt,  sep.  intr.  \.  or  t).,  depart,  set 
ftBrciftcn,  rt^  — ,  -gertffen,  tr.  tear  off, 

pull  down. 
Slbrtd^tung,  /.  w.  training,  adjustment. 
tt6rufen,  rtef   — ,   -gerujcn,    tr.   call 

away,  recall.  [detestable. 

a\}\ii)t\n\x6),  adj.  horrible,  abominable, 
flBf^ttf cn,  sep.  tr.  send  off,  dispatch ; 

9l6gcfti^trftc(r),  part.  decl.  as  adj. 

delegate,  representative. 
Sll^fd^icb,  m.  -§,  -e,  leave,  departure, 

farewell,    [abfd^eiben.] 
af>WaQcn,  jd)Iug  — ,  -gefd^lagen,  tr. 

strike  or  cut  off ;  refuse. 
ttbft^netbctt,  jd^nttt  — ,  -gefc^nitten,  tr. 

cut  off,  clip.  [part. 

8(6f(j^nitt,  m.  -3,  -e,  section,  division, 
flbfti^rctfcn,   sep.  tr.  frighten    (from), 

abfd^rcitctt,  fdirttt  — ,  -gejc^rttten,  tr. 

or  intr.  \.,  pace;  measure  oflf;  aufs 

unb  — ,  pace  up  and  down.    [  jel^en.  ] 
SlBflr^t,  /.  w.  purpose,  intention,    [ob; 

a6ftrf)tltc^,  «^'.  designed,  intentional; 

adv.  purposely. 
•Bf^cnftig,  adj.  estranged;  unfaithful. 
Obftattcn,  sep.  tr.  discharge,  pay,  give. 
abftiiubcn,  sep.  tr.  dust  (off).    \p^  = 

off,  flaubcn  Z^.  ©taub,  dust.] 
abftct^en,  ftad)  — ,  -gcftoc^cn,  intr.  I). 

(»on),  deviate  from,  contrast  (with). 
obftcigctt,  [ticg  — ,  -flepicQen,  intr.  \., 

descend,  alight,  dismount. 

aBftrct«*^ctt,   ftritf)  — ,   -gcflrt^cn,  /^. 

strike  off;    deduct,  erase;    intr.  \., 

obtrctcn,  tiat  — ,  -gctrcten,  ^r.  yield, 

cede,  surrender. 
(tbtoartcn,  sep.  tr.  wait  for,  await, 
abtoartg,  a^z'.  downward,      [ab,   off, 

H)art§,  gen.  of  obs.  adj.  turned.] 
abtoeil^fclnb,   part.    adj.    alternating, 

2tbttict^f(c) Jung,  /.  w.  exchange  ;  alter- 
nation; variety. 
9(bttieg,    m.    -e§,    -e,    by-way,  wrong 

road ;  going  astray. 
abtocifcit,  n)ic§  — ,  -QCtBicfcn,  /r.  send 

away,  repulse,  refuse  admittance. 
ofittJcnbcn,  manbtc  — ,  -fleroanbt,  tr, 

turn  away,  avert ;  rejl.  turn  (from). 
abttjcrfcn,  marf  — ,  -Qeft)or[cu,  tr.  cast 

off,  take  off,  reject. 
Slbwcfcnfjcit,  /.  tv.  absence. 
flbjicljcn,  3og  — ,  -flcjoflcn,  tr.  draw  or 

take   off,  divert,  distract;   intr.  \., 

2lb5ug,  /«.-§,  ^c,  departure. 
Slcccnt',  m.  -(c)§,  -C,  accent,  stress. 
t^iS:^,  inter j.o\v\  ah!  alas! 
2l(t)fcl,   /.    tv.    shoulder,     [/r.    ^(^[e, 

aiS^i,  num.  eight. 
9l(^t, /.  w.  heed,  care,  attention;  ban, 

prescription ;  fi^  in  —  nc^mcn,  take 

care,  be  on  one's  guard. 
2C(^tcI,  n.  -§,  — ;  ac^tel,  adj.  eighth 

aii^ten,  ^r.  esteem,  respect;  —  fiir, 
deem,  consider,  take  for;  intr.  \^., 
—  auf,  heed,  pay  attention  to. 

od^t'gcbctt,  (},q!o  — ,  -gcgeben,  intr.  I)., 
pay  attention,  watch  ;  attend  to  ( auf). 

ad^tunbjmaustg,  nwn.  twenty-eight. 

od^tjc^nt,  -er,  -e,  -e§,  num.  eighteenth. 

Sld^tung,/.  esteem,  regard. 

(tc^^en,  i«^r.  1).,  groan,  moan. 

2ltfcr,  »«.  -§,  -^^  field. 



%tti,  m.  -§,  nobility,  distinction  of 

Staler,  m.  -§,  — ,  eagle,  [abcl  —  cbcl 
+  9lar.] 

3ll>rcf  fe,  /.  w.  address.   [/?.] 

Sigij^j'tcn,  ft.  -§,  Egypt. 

^iigy^'tcr,  w.  -«,  — ,  Egyptian. 

afjncn,  /r.  have  a  presentiment  of,  fore- 
bode ;  anticipate ;  suspect ;  imfers. 
{dat.)  have  a  presentiment. 

aljiilit^,  adj.  similar,  like;  —  fc^Cii, 
{7vith  dai.)  resemble. 

9ll)nung,/.  w.  presentiment,  notion. 

3lft,  m.  -Cv,  -c,  act  (0/  a  play).  \L. 

Sllbrci^t,  m.  -§  (1250-1308),  eldest 
son  of  Rudolf  of  Habsburg;  Duke  of 
Habsburg,  German  King,  and  Em- 

•    peror  by  election  (i  298-1 308). 

SUfutu,  m.  -§,  Alcuin,  b.  735  in  York, 
England,  d,  804  as  Abbot  of  Tours ; 
adviser  of  Charles  the  Great,  famous 
teacher  and  author  of  school  books. 

aVi,  adj.  and  pron.  all;  each,  every, 
any ;  allcS,  everything,  everybody. 

W\tt^,  m.  -§,  Allah,  Arabic  name  of 
the  one  god.     [al  ilah.] 

aUctit'',  a<^'.  alone ;  adv.  only ;  conj .h\xX.. 

aUcmal,  adv.  at  all  times,  [allc  SJlale, 
adv.  ace.  pi.] 

aUenttialhen,  adv.  on  all  sides,  every- 
where.    [Old  with  secondary 


aUcr*  {compounded  with  superlatives), 

of  all,  most,  very. 
aUcrbcft,  adj.  best  of  all,  very  best. 
allerbingS,  adv.  by  all  means,  to  be 

sure,  indeed,  certainly.     \adv.  gen. 

pi.  aUcr  ^ing(c)  +  §.] 
oUcrcruft,  adj.  most  grave. 
aUcrt)aitb,  adj.  {indecl.)  all  sorts  of. 

\gcn.  pi.  allcr  .0<inb(c),  fr.  ^anb, 

=  side,  kind.] 
ftderlct,  adj.  {indecl.)  of  every  kind, 

divers,    [/r.  aller  fici,  sort.] 

ottcrltcBft,  adj.  charming,  delightful. 

atterortcn,  adv.  everywhere.  [Old  w.] 

aUgcmetn,  adj.  universal,  general. 

aUifiev,  adv.  here  {emphatic). 

nUmoc^'tig,  adj.  almighty, 

aUmat)^H(^,  adj.  gradual;  adv.  by  de- 
grees.   \cog.  gemac^.] 

SU'mofcn,  n.  -%,  — ,  alms. 

2t(<)C,/.  w.  {usually  plural),  Alps. 

IJU^nad^,  n.  -§,  village  on  the  bay  of 
the  same  name,  south  of  Lake  Lu- 
cerne, in  the  Canton  of  Unterwalden. 

oI§,  conj.  in  subordinate  sentences  re- 
ferring to  past  time,  when,  as,  since ; 
follorwed  by  the  inverted  order,  as  if ; 
after  a  camp.,  adj.  preceded  by  ju  or 
anber  in  clauses  denoting  a  result, 
than ;  after  a  negative,  but,  save ; 
with  nouns  in  appos.,  in  pred.  as,  as 
being  {in  the  capacity  of) ;  —  ob,  — 
»ucnn,  as  if,  as  though,    [atjo.] 

o(^ba(br  adv.  immediately,  instantly. 

ol'fo,  conj.  accordingly,  then,  hence. 

lllfo',  adv.  thus,  so. , 

ait  (alter,  alteft),  adj.  old. 

aUor'  and  2H^tar,  m.  -§,  ^d're,  altar. 
\L.  altus,  elevated.] 

mttv,  n.  -§,  — ,  age. 

oUH(^,  adj.  elderly. 

rtlt'mobtfd),  adj.  old-fashioned. 

3Utftimme,  /.  w.  alto  voice;  bcrbcdtc 
—  (subdued  alto),  contralto  voice. 

ant  =  an  bem. 

Stmcrifa,  n.  -§,  America. 

%xa\tn^,  n.  chief  city  of  the  department 
of  the  Somme  in  northern  France, 

3tmtmantt,  m.  -^,  -er  or  -(cute,  mag- 
istrate, steward,  warden. 

ait,  prep,  {-with  dat.  or  ace.)  at,  by, 
beside  ;  on  ;  to,  used  as  sep.  prefix. 

aitbietcit,  bot  — ,  -fleboten,  tr.  offer, 

anbltlfctt,  sep.  tr.  look  on,  glance  at. 

anbrenncn,  bronnte  — ,  -gebrannt,  ir, 
light;  intr.  \.,  take  fire. 



anbiifi^tig,  adj.  devout,  reverent,  [next. 

Ottbcr,  adj.  other;  different;  second; 

anbcrmal,  adv.  another  time. 

aitbcrn,  fr.  {also  refl.)  alter,  change. 

anberi^,  adv.  otherwise,  differently. 

rtitbcr^too,  adv.  elsewhere. 

SlncrBicten,  n.  -§,  offer. 

ancrtcnncit,  erfanntc  — ,  -erfannt,  tr. 
recognize  ;   acknowledge. 

Stttcrfcnitung,  /  -w.  recognition,  ac- 

Stnfang,  w. -(c)§,  ^c,  beginning;  ton 
—  an,  from  the  outset. 

anfongctt,  ftng  — ,  -gcfangen,  tr.  be- 
gin ;  do. 

anfdnglici^,  adv.  at  the  beginning,  at 

2lnfong§6ud)fto6c,  m.  w.  initial  letter. 

anfaffcn,  scp.  tr.  seize,  grasp. 

onfrogcn,  fragtc  — ,  -gcfraflt,  intr.  I)., 
ask,  inquire,  of  (bet);  —  for  (nai!^). 

anfii^rcn,  sep.  tr.  lead;  cite;  dupe. 

angcfictt,  gob  — ,  -ijcgcben,  tr.  allege, 
state,  indicate,  suggest. 

nngclictt,  ging  — ,  -gcgangen,  intr. 
go  on ;  begin ;  be  practicable,  feasible  ; 
answer,  do ;  tr.  approach,  solicit, 

angc()i)rcn,  intr.  \).,  {dat.)  belong  to. 

9lugckgcn^ctt,  /.  w.  affair,  concern, 

ange(cgcntlt(i^,  adj.  urgent,  pressing, 

angcteljnt, /^ri".  adj.  ajar,  [anlcl^ncn.] 

angenefintr  adj.  agreeable,  pleasant. 
[gene{)m/r.  nef)mcn,  acceptable.] 

angefctjcn,  part.  adj.  respected,  im- 
portant, distinguished.     [anfcl)cn.] 

Slngefttl^t,  w. .-§,  -cr,  face,  countenance. 

ongcfttttnmt,  {part.^  adj.  hereditary, 
[/r.  obs.  anftammcn.] 

9lngeftctltc(r),  m.  infl.  as  adj.  official ; 

angemur^elt,  part,  adj.  rooted  to  the 
spot,  paralyzed. 

rtttgfoljcn,  sep.  tr.  stare  or  glare  at. 
flitgreifcn,  griff  — ,  -gcgriffcn,  tr.  take 

hold  of;  affect. 
ringrinfen,  sep.  tr.  grin  at. 
9tngft,  /.   -e,    anxiety,  distress,   fear. 

\rel.  to  cnge.] 
rittgftigcn,  tr.  trouble,  worry. 
angftltd^,  adj.  anxious,  timid, 
angucfcn,  sep.  tr.  look  at,  peep  at. 
ttit^artcit,  ^iclt— ,  -flel)altcn,  /r.  check, 

stop  ;  rein  in  ;  ifttr.  stop. 
an^rtUf^cn,  sep.  tr.  breathe  upon. 
(in^cticn,  {)ob  or  t)ub  — ,  -gcljobcn,  tr. 

or  intr.  lift  up  ;  begin. 
an^eimc(n,  sep.  tr.  remind  of  home. 
an^brcn,  sep.  tr.  listen  to ;  perceive  by 

listening  {with  dat.  of  per s.  and  ace. 

of  thing). 
attHagcn,  sep.  tr.  {with  gen.)  accuse^ 

anHctbcn,  sep.  tr.  dress,  clothe ;   refl. 

dress  (oneself). 
fli^flingcn,  flang  — ,  -flcflungeu,  intr. 

\).,  chime  in,  accord. 
anf(o^fcn,  sep.  intr.  \).,  ace.  with  an, 

and    dat.    with     bet,     knock    (at), 

antnit^fen,  sep.  tr.  unite,  tie;  begin, 
anfommcit,  lam  — ,  -gcfommcn,  intr. 

f .,  arrive ;  c§  !ommt  ntir  ni^t  barauf 

afl,   it  does  not  matter  to  me;  — 

auf,  depend   upon;    turn  or  hinge 

upon  ;  matter,  be  of  importance. 
Slntommling,  m.  -§,  -c,   new-comer, 

anfitnben,  sep.  tr.  announce,  proclaim. 
2ltttttnft,  /.  coming,  arrival.  [anfom= 

an(angen,  sep.  intr.  f.,  arrive;  tr.  con- 
anicgcn,  ji?/.  z'r.  place  against;  point, 

aim  {a  gun) ;  devise,  build. 
9lttlctf)C,/.  w.  loan. 
Stnliegen,  «.  -§,  — ,  request,  demand; 

ein  —  borbringen,  make  a  request. 



Slitmut,  /.  grace. 

anmutig,  adj.  attractive,  graceful. 

2tnnal)mc,/.  w.  acceptance,  adoption; 

attneOutcn,  naljm  — ,  -nenommen,  / 
cept,  assume  ;  refl.  {with  gen.)  take 
cliarge  of,  interest  in.     [tion,  order. 

Slnorbnuitg,  f.  w.  arrangement,  direc- 

an|)a(fcn,  se/.  tr.  lay  hold  of,  seize. 

^n^raU,  m.  ~ :-,  shock,  reflection. 

SItt'rcbc,/.  w.  address,  form  of  address. 

attrcbctt,  sep.  tr.  speak  to,  address. 

anrii^rctt,  sep.  tr.  touch;  affect ;  stir. 

anfdufelit,  tr.  fan;  {collog.)  intoxicate 
slightly  ;  part,  angcidujelt,  tipsy. 

anfdjaucn,  sep.  tr.  look  at,  observe. 

8lnf(^Iag,  m.  -(c)l,  ^c,  stroke;  esti- 
mate, plan ;.  plot,  device ;  in  —  brin= 
gen,  take  into  account. 

flitfe^Iagctt,  fc^hig  — ,  -i}cid)laflcn,  tr. 
strike  against,  fasten ;  inir.  strike 
up,  begin  singing. 

onfdjlicgcn,  \6){o^  —,  -fleft^loifcn,  tr. 
attach,  join  ;  re^.  join,  unite. 

onfd^iirctt,  sep.  tr.  poke,  stir  {the fire). 

cnft^htcUcit,  jc^moa  — ,  -flefc^rootlcn, 
intr.  \.,  swell  out,  inflate. 

anfcJjcn,  fal)  — ,  -gefeticn,  tr.  look  at, 
see ;  regard,  consider ;  —  fiir,  take 
for;  with  dat.  of  per  sort  perceive  in 
{some  one),  know  by  looking  at. 

9lnfc()cn,  «, -§,  appearance;  dignity. 

anfc^ett,  sep.  tr.  set  to,  apply. 

anfprcd)Ctt,  fprac^  — ,  -flei>rod)en,  tr. 
speak  to,  address;  ask  (for,  urn). 

2lnf<jrutf),  m.  -(c)§,  ^'C,  claim;  in  — 
ne()mcu,  claim. 

anftitnbtg,  adj.  respectable,  proper, 
suitable,  decent. 

onftorrcn,  sep.  tr.  stare  at,  gaze  on. 

Cltftcrfcn,  sep.  tr.  infect. 

anftcUcn,  sep.  tr.  appoint,  employ,  ar- 
range ;  institute ;  set  on  foot ;  rejl. 
assume  a  position,  behave  ;  pretend  ; 
set  about. 

9lnfteUung,  /.  w.  appointment,  situa- 

onfttcrcn,  sep.  tr.  stare  at. 

anftimmcn,  sep.  tr.  strike  up  {a  tune), 
begin  singing. 

anftrcngctt,  sep.  tr.  strain,  exert. 

anftoftcit,  ftieB  — ,  -geftoBcn,  tr.  come 
in  contact,  touch  ;  clink  {glasses). 

9lntet(,  m.  -§,  -t,  share,  interest. 

2Itttiorf)tcn,  «.  -§,  Antioch,  capital  of 
Syria  on  the  Orontes. 

9Int(t^,  n.  -e§,  -e,  face,  countenance. 

9llttrog,  m.  -§,  "e    offer,  proposal. 

antrctcn,  trat  — ,  -getreten,  tr.  enter 
upon ;  start  for ;  begin ;  set  out  on 
{a  journey). 

Sltttttiort,  f.  w.  answer. 

ontloortcn,  tr.  {dat.  of  person,  also 
with  <x\\\  and  ace.)  answer,  respond 

antt)(inbe(n,  sep.  tr.  come  upon,  come 
over ;  seize,  befall. 

an)uc()en,  tr.  blow  upon  or  against. 

onhjcfcitb,  adj.  present;  bic  ^Intocjcns 
ben,  the  company. 

9(tl50lj(,  /.  number. 

5tnicidjcn,  n.  -§,  — ,  sign,  mark. 

onsicljcn,  jog  — ,  -gcjogen,  tr.  draw 
on,  put  on  :  intr.  \.,  approach,  begin 
{sei-vice),  enter  {upon  an  office). 

anjtc^cnb,  part.  adj.  attractive,  inter- 

Slnjug,  tn.  -i,  ^e,  attire,  dress,  clothes; 

anjiinbett,  sep.  tr.  kindle,  light. 

2l^fel,  m.  -§,  ^,  apple. 

Stpolba,  n.  -§,  city  on  the  Ilm  in 

^ppctW,  m.  -§,  appetite.    {F.^ 

9(^rifofcnbaum,  w.-§,  -c,  apricot-tree 

arafeifti^,  adj.  Arabic,  Arabian. 

Strficit,  /.  w.  work,  labor. 

flr'6citcn,  intr.  or  tr.  t).,  work,  study. 

9Cr6citcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  laborer. 

SltriieU^betttel,  m.  -§,  — ,  work-bag. 



axi}ixi§\)ti^ ,  adj.  heated  by  work. 

9lr6eit§tafrf)c,/,  w.  work-bag. 

arg,  adj.  bad;  mischievous;  cunning; 

Slrger,  m.  -§,  vexation,  anger. 

argerttd^,  adj.  angry,  vexed. 

firgern,  tr.  annoy,  tease ;  make  angry; 
rejl.  be  vexed,  angry,  put  out. 

2lrgtt)o^n,  w.-(e)§,  suspicion,  distrust, 
jealousy,  [arg(e)  and  loatin,  fancy.] 

orni  (cirmer,  armft),  adj.  poor,  wretch- 
ed, unfortunate. 

9trm,  m.  -(c)§,  -€,  arm. 

2lrmcc^,/.  w.  army.  [F.] 

dxvxixtl),  adj.  poor,  miserable. 

9trmut,  /.  poverty. 

Slrnolb  9lnbcr{)alben  tton  Snclc^t^at, 
in  Swiss  legend  described  as  active 
in  war  of  independence,     p.  io6. 

arrongicrcii,  tr.  arrange.  [F.] 

Strfcntt,  m.  -§,  arsenic.  [Z,.,  Gr.] 

2lrt,  /.  w.  kind,  species  ;   manner,  way. 

Slrjt,  w. -c§, -^e,  physician.  [M.L.^Gr.] 

%\6)t,  f.  w.  ashes. 

Slffc'ffor,  w.-§,  -o'ren,  assessor ;  judge. 

9tffcfforI)cr5,  n.  -en§,  -en,  assessor's 

9lft,  »/.  -c§,  -"e,  branch,  bough. 

aiftrolo'g,  w.  w.  astrologer.    [Gr.] 

tMtcUcr,  (atelya^  «.  -i,  -§,  studio,    [i?.] 

Sltcm,  w.  -§,  breath:  in  —  ^alten, 
keep  busy. 

aitvxio^,  adj.  breathless. 

2ltcm5U8,  m.  -c§,  ^t,  breath;  cinen 
ttcfcn  —  t^un,  breathe  deeply. 

atmctt,  intr.  I).,  breathe. 

Strung,/,  w.  food. 

au^,  adv.  also,  too,  besides,  likewise; 
even ;  luenn  — ,  even  if ;  after  tt)cr, 
tt)a§,  tt)ic,  tt)0,  ever  (whoever,  ^/c.)  ; 
fo  .  .  .  auci),  however. 

Slttbtcnj,  (-lentsQ  /.  w.  audience,  inter- 

auf ,  pref.  with  dat.  or  ace.  on,  upon, 
at ;  in  view  of,  for ;  toward,  to ;  — 

ba^,  conj.  that,  in  order  that ;   adv. 

up,  upon,  open  ;  used  as  sef.  prejix. 
auffietoaljren,  sep.  tr.  keep,  preserve, 

aufftinbcn,  'haxxb  •—,  -^ebunbcu,  tr.  tie 

up,  fasten.  [up. 

auf^dcfcn,  sep.  intr.\j,,  look  up,  glance 
aufarct^cn,  brac^  — ,  -gebroc^en,  tr. 

break  open ;  open  ;  intr.  f .,  start,  set 

Stufcnt^ott,  »z.  -§,  -€,  stay,  residence. 
aufcrtcgctt,  j-^/.  /r.  impose,  enjoin. 
auffaUctt,  fiel  —-,  -^efallen,  intr.  \., 

strike  {as  strange),  astonish,  impress. 
auffattenb,  part.  adj.  striking,  remark- 
aufflicgcn,  flog  — ,  -gefloflen,  intr.  \., 

fly  upwards. 
Ottfforbcrn,  summon,  challenge. 
auffit^ren,  sep.  tr.  erect;  perform,  act; 

ottfgcljcn,  gab  — ,  -gegeben,  tr.  give 

up,     deliver ;      abandon ;     propgse 

{task,  question). 
aufgcljcn,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr.  \., 

go  up  ;  rise  ;  open, 
aufgcflort,    part.    adj.    enhghtened. 

oufgrcifctt,  griff  — ,  -gegriffcii,  tr.  take 

up,  seize. 
aufJjaltcn,  l)iclt  — ,  -flcl^altcn,  tr.  hold 

up,  keep  back,  detain  ;  reJl.  stop. 
auf()dngcn,  sep.  tr.  and  intr.  hang  up, 

ouf^cftcn,  t)ob  — ,  -gc^oben,  tr.  lift  up, 

raise ;  preserve,  keep ;  do  away  with, 

2luf^cbcn,  n.  -§,  fuss,  ado. 
auffietfcn,  Ijalf  —,  -ge^olfen,  tr.  help, 

support,  assist. 
auffjOffcn,  sep.  tr.  put  on  one's  back, 
aufprcit,  sep.  intr.  t).,  stop,  cease. 
rtufOorrf)en,  sep.  intr.  listen  intently, 
3tufnnnmg,  /.   w.   explanation;    en- 
lightenment, illumination. 



auftHnten,  se^.  tr.  unlatch. 

atiffttii^fcn,  sc^.  tr.  unbutton. 

auflcbett,  scp.  intr,  \.,  revive,  return  to 

9lttf(iifttng,  /.  w.  solution ;  breaking  up, 

aufma^Ctt,  sep.  tr.  open;  refl.  rise; 
set  out,  begin  a  journey. 

ttufmrtucrii,  scp.  tr.  build  up  or  erect 
(rtr  XV a  II). 

flitfmcvtfom,  adj.  attentive. 

Stufmcrtfamfcit,  /.  w.  attention,  con- 

nufttc^meu,  nal)m  — ,  -gcnommen,  tr. 
take  up  or\Vi\  receive ;  shelter. 

aitfa^fcrn,  sep.  tr.  sacrifice,  offer. 

aufpaffcn,  sep.  intr.  I).,  attend,  watch. 

auf|)flait5cn,  scp.  tr.  set  up,  place. 

aufroffcn,  sep.  tr.  snatch  up,  collect; 
refl.  rise  quickly  ;  collect  oneself. 

aitfriiumcn,  scp.  tr.  put  in  order,  clear 
up  {a  room). 

aufrciftcn,  rife— ,-ficrijfcn,  /n  tear  open. 

Slufrcgung,  /.  xv.  commotion,  excite- 
ment, agitation. 

aitfroUcit,  sep.  tr.  roll  up;  unroll. 

aufritttclu,  sep.  tr.  shake  up,  arouse. 

ouffd^aucn,  sep.  intr.  look  up . 
ttuffc^tagcn,  fd^hig  — ,  -Qcfdilaflcn,  tr. 

throw  up  or  open,  raise ;  open,  cast 

up  {the  eyes). 
aufft^Iic^cn,  jrf)lofe  — ,  -^cfc^toifcn,  tr. 

unlock,  disclose. 
Oitfft^nctbcu,  sep.  tr.  cut  open;  intr. 

swagger,  brag,  exaggerate. 
(iMfft^rctbcn,  fc^tieb  — ,  -Qcjt^ricben,  tr. 

write  down,  note. 
oufft^rctcn,  jd^ric  — /  -^clc^riecn,  intr. 

cry  out. 
auffcficn,  ia()  — ,  -gcfc^cn,  intr.  I)., 

look  up. 
auffe^en,  sep.  tr.  put  on ;  set  up ;  build. 
ouff^ringcn,  fprang  — ,  -gcfprungeu, 

intr.  ]'.,  spring  up;  burst  open. 

aufftcrfcn,  sep.  tr.  stick  or  set  up. 

cttfftcfjctt,  [tattb  — ,  -gcftanben,  intr. 
\.,  stand  up,  rise. 

ttufftetgcn,  ftieg  — ,  -flcftiegen,  intr.  ]., 
ascend,  rise. 

aufftetten,  sep.  tr.  set  up,  raise,  erect. 

ttuffto^cit,  fticfe  — ;  ^eftofeen,  tr.  push 
or  kick  open. 

ouffui^cn,  sep.  tr.  seek  (out),  search 

9(uftrag,  m.  -^§,  -"c,  errand,  order, 

auftretien,  trieb  — ,  -gctrieben,  ^r. 
raise,  levy. 

auftrctcn,  trat  — ,  -gctrcten,  rWr.  f., 
step  forth ;  appear. 

$(uftritt,  m.  -§,  ~e,  appearance,  scene 

aufloodjctt,  sep.  intr. ).,  wake  up. 

9(ttf)t>anb,  m.-(e)§,  expense;  sumptu- 
ousness,  pomp. 

aufwortcu,  intr.  {).,  wait  upon,  attend. 

aitfttJcrfen,  marf  — ,  -^eworfcn,  tr.  cast 
up,  raise;  refl.  put  oneself  forward 
as ;  set  up  for  (witA  aU  or  ju) ;  as- 
sume {an  office). 

aufwicgcn,  mog  ~,  -gcroogcn,  tr.  out- 
weigh, counterbalance. 

3luf5cic^tttttt8,  /.  w.  note,  memoran- 

aufjic^ctt,  jog  — ,  -gcsogcu,  tr.  draw  or 
pull  up. 

2tuf5ug,  m.  -ۤ,  H,  procession,  act  {op 
a  play). 

2lugc,  n.  -§,  -en,  eye.  [moment. 

SlttgcnfiUcf ,  w.  -§,  -c,  glance  of  the  eye ; 

augendUiflid),  «^'.  momentary,  imme- 
diate ;  adv.  instantly. 

Slugenfd^ein,  m.  -§,  view ;  in  —  nel^; 
men,  take  a  view  of. 

Stitgcnfd^mcrj,  »«.  -(c)g,  -en,  pain  in 
the  eye. 

SlugcttttJC^,  «.  -(e)g,  pain  in  the  eyes 

9tugtcin,  «.  -§,  — ,  a'/wz.  little  eye. 

2ltt'  guft,  w.  -§,  August. 



axi^,  />re/>.  with  dat.  out,  from,  out  of; 

because   of ;   adv.  out,  forth ;    over, 

done  ;  used  as  sep.  prefix. 
au;§Iieffern,  sep.  tr.  mend,  repair. 
aiu^fiilbung,/.  education,  culture. 
au^fiittctt,  bat  — ,  -gebcten,  tr.  beg  or 

ask  for,  request ;  insist  upon. 
au§6of)rett,  sep.  tr.  bore,  drill. 
auS6reitcn,  sep.  tr.  spread  out,  extend. 
augbrcnnctt,  branntc  — ,  -gebrannt, 

tr.  or  intr.  burn  out;  cease  to  burn. 
rtU^bcIjnen,  sep.  tr.  extend,  stretch. 
2(u§br«(f,   m.  -(c)§,    "C,    expression, 

au^britffcn^  sep.  tr.  express. 
auScinanbcr,  adv.  apart. 
ou^ctnanbcrgc^cn,  sep.  intr.  \.,  separ- 
ate, disperse. 
fltt^cinanbcrt^tttt,  sep.  tr.  tj^at  — ,  -gc= 

t{)an,  undo  ;  refl.  separate. 
au^cinanbcrtrctctt,  trat  — ,  -getrctcn, 

sep.  intr.  f.,  separate. 
au^fo^rctt,  fu^r— ,  -gefat)rcn,  intr.]., 

drive  out. 
2tu§f(ut!^t,  /.  -"e,  escape,  evasion. 
ougfragctt,    fragtc   — ,    -gcfragt,    tr. 

question,  examine,  sound  (a person). 
OttSfiilirtid),  adj.  extensive,  detailed. 
att^fiM)ren,  sep.  tr.  carry  out,  execute. 
2lu§ful)rung,  /.  w.  execution,  achieve- 
auSfitltcn,  sep.  tr.  fill  out;  fill  up, 
2ttt:§8a6c,y".  IV.  expense,  edition. 
9lU:§gang,  w.  -e§,  -c,  outcome,  exit, 

ottSgcbcn,  gab  — ,  -gegcben,  tr.  give 

out,  spend ;  issue ;  —  fiir,  give  out 

as,  pass  for. 
au;§gc^cn,  gtng  — ,  -gegangcn,  intr.  \., 

go  out,  set  out. 
auiggelaffen,  part.  adj.  unrestrained, 

extravagant.     [auStaffcn.] 
au^gcfto^ift, /ar/.  adj.  stuffed.    [au§s 


auSgcfuti^t,  part.  adj.  choice.  \<xVi%s 

Ott^gctrotfnet,    part.    adj.    dried    up. 

att:§gc5Ctci^nct,  /(Tr/.  a;^'.  distinguished, 
superior,  exceptional.  [auSjci^nen.] 

fltt§gie§ctt,  go^  — ,  -gegoffen,  sep.  tr. 
pour  out. 

ou^^attctt,  I)telt  — ,  -geliatten,  intr. 
I).,  hold  out,  endure. 

Slu^fommcn,  n.  -§,  livelihood  ;  com- 
petence ;  accommodation. 

rtU^'fra^cn,  sep.  tr.  scratch  out. 

au§((inbif(^,  adj.  outlandish,  foreign. 

au^Iaffcn,  licfe  — ,  -^etaffcn,  tr.  let  or 
leave  out,  omit. 

au^Iccrctt,  sep.  tr.  empty,  drain. 

flu^lcfcn,  ta§  — ,  -gefcfcn,  tr.  finish 
reading,  read  through. 

au^liJfc^Ctt,  sep.  tr.  put  out,  extinguish, 
efface ;  intr.  \.,  lofd)  — ,  -getojd^en, 
go  out. 

aUi^malen,  sep.  tr.  finish  a  picture;  de- 
pict;  describe  {minutely). 

2tu^nal)mc,/.  w.  exception. 

ott^ncljmcit,  na^m  — ,  -gcnommcn,  tr. 
take  out ;  remove,  except ;  rejl.  look, 

au^rcrfeit,  sep.  tr.  reach  out,  extend. 

2iUi.'rcbc,/.  iv.  evasion,  excuse. 

au§rt(^tctt,  sep.  tr.  perform,  execute. 

au:§roben,  sep.  tr.  root  out,  clear. 

auSrottcn,  tr.  root  out. 

au^rufcn,  rtef  — ,  -gerufen,  tr.  or  intr. 
1).,  call  out,  proclaim. 

OU§ru!)cn,  sep.  intr.  I).,  rest  (^com- 
pletely), repose. 

au^fc^Iagcn,  fc^Iug  — ,  -gcfd^Iagcn,  tr. 
refuse,  reject. 

au^fdjUc^iti^,  adj.  exclusive. 

au^fcljcn,  fa^  — ,  -gcfct)en,  intr.  look, 

9lu§cnh)c(t,/.  outer  world. 

au^cr,  prep,  with  dat.  outside  of,  be- 
sides, except;  —  fic^,  beside  one- 



Suger,  adj.  outer,  external;  'Xid^ 
^in^cre,  exterior,  appearance. 

aufjcrbcttt,  adv.  apart  from  that,  be- 
sides, moreover. 

au^cr(jriI6,/r^/.  with  gen.  outside  of. 

(titgcru,  tr.  utter,  express. 

ttuftcrorbcntlic^,  adj.  extraordinary, 
remarkable ;  adv.  exceedingly. 

fiuftcrft,  adv.  very,  extremely. 

au^fc^ctt,  Sep.  expose;  postpone; 
rejl.  subject  oneself. 

SlU^fld^t,/.  w.  outlook,  prospect,  view. 

9lu«Jf^rrtc^e,/.  w.  pronunciation. 

ou^f^jrct^icn,  fprac^  — ,  -geiprorfien,  tr. 
speak  out,  finish;  utter,  express; 
pronounce,  declare. 

2lu^ftrtttung,/.  w.  dowry. 

au^ftcdicn,  [ta^  — ,  -gcftod^en,  tr. 
pierce,  put  out  (the  eyes).       [alight. 

auSftcigen,  ftteg  — ,  -gefticgcu,  intr.  \., 

auSftcr&cn,  scp.  intr.  \.  ftarb  — ,  -ge; 
ftorbeu,  die  out,  become  extinct. 

tttt^ftoftctt,  ftie^  — ,  -geftofeen,  tr.  drive 

au^ftrcrfctt,  sep.  tr.  stretch  out. 

au^fti'cucu,  sep.  tr.  scatter,  sow;  dis- 
seminate;  disperse. 

au:§fut!^cit,  sep.  tr.  seek  out,  select, 

nu^to^C5tcrCtt,  sep.  tr.  hang  with  tap 
estry,  to  paper. 

att^triitfcn,  tranf  — ,  -gctrunfcn,  tr. 
drink  up,  drain. 

9tu^')t)aO(,  /.  w.  choice. 

3ttt§lucg,  m.  -e§,  -C,  way  (out),  es- 

au^menbtg,  adj.  outward,  by  heart. 

auStvtft^cn,  sep.  tr.  wipe  (out). 

au§5citi^ncn,  sep.  tr.  distinguish. 

auSjic^cn,  309  — ,  -^eaogcn,  tr.  draw 
out,  pull  of  ;  undress;  intr.  \.,  with- 
draw, march  out. 

Stjcnbcrg,  w.-§,  or  ?ljenf(ul),  a  moun- 
tain rising  perpendicularly  from  the 
east  shore  of  Lake  Lucerne,  in  the 
Canton  of  Uri. 


SBod^,  tn.  -ۤ,  ^c,  brook. 
SBarfcnftrctd^,  m.  -§,  -c,  blow  <7rtap  on 

the  cheek. 
JBob,  n.  -e3,  -^r,  bath. 
:iBagbab,  n.  -§,   Bagdad,  city  on  the 

Tigris  in  Turkey,seat  of  the  Caliphs 

a3a^nticamtc(r),  m.  injl.  as  adj.  rail- 
way official. 
93af)n()of ,  m.  -ۤ,  ^C,  railway  station. 
$a()n5ug,  m.  -c§..  ^,  railway  train. 
6atb,  adv.  soon;  balb  . . .  batb,  now 

.  .  .  now. 
93a(len,  m.  -g,  — ,  beam,  perch. 
93anb,  n.  -e^,  -e,  band,  bond  ;  m.  pi. 

"-t,  volume ;  ^er,  ribbon,  string. 
battg(e),   adj.   (bdnger,    bcingft,    also 

banger,    bangft),    anxious,    afraid. 
\from  bc-angc  (=  enge).] 

»anf ,  /.  H,  bench. 

SBant(c)rott',  m.  -(c)§,  -c,  insolvency, 

bankruptcy.     \_Ital.  bancorotto.] 
Sanfrottic'rcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  bankrupt. 
JBannfiJrftcr,  nt.  -§,  — ,  forester  of  the 

SBanncr,  or  SBanc'r,    3o^ann,  (1596- 

1 641),  an   able  Swedish  General  in 

the  Thirty  Years'  War. 
93ar,  m.  w.  bear. 
JBarfiaroffa,  m.  -§,    Barbarossa,  Ital. 

form  of  Rotbart,  Red  Beard,  applied 

to  the  Emperor  Frederick  the  First, 

pp.  102-105. 
SBorbtcr',  »«.-§,  — ,  barber. 
SBorcnficrg,  tn.  —3,  Cutter  am  — ,  near 

Wolfenbiittel,  scene  of  Tilly's  victory 

over  Christian  IV,  Aug.  26,  1626. 



95art,  m.  -e§,  -e,  beard. 

93artVu^cr,  m.  -§,  — ,  barber. 

Saftei^/.  w.  bastions.     [O.  F.  bastie.] 

SBitU,  m.  -e§,  -e,  dwelling,  building, 
structure  (//.  usually  33auten); 
cultivation.  [mate. 

Sauaitfci^Iag,  m.  -§,  ^e,  builder's  esti- 

finucn,  /"r.  build;  cultivate  {land). 

iPrtUcr,  ;;?.  -§  or  -n,  -n,  peasant, 

S^rtuer,  w.  or  «.  -§,  — ,  cage,  bower. 

SoMCrimotf,  n.  -c§,  peasantry. 

SBaum,  tn.  -e§,  H,  tree. 

93aumti^cit,  «.  -I,  — ,  small  tree. 

93ttttmciftcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  builder,  archi- 

©aumfd^attcit,  w.  -§,  — ,  shade  of  a  tree. 

©aumftotc,  /.  w.;  -ftafcn,  m.  -§, — , 
trunk  of  a  tree. 

SBaumftatnm,  m.  -(c)§,  -"C,  tree-trunk. 

JBoumftum^f,  m.  -c§,  ^e.  tree-stump. 

$autttn)ur5Cl,  /.  w.  root  of  a  tree. 

SJo^crtt,  «.  -§,  Bavaria. 

6a^(c)nfc^,  «^'.  Bavarian. 

Be-,  insej).  prefix.  It  gives  to  /r. 
and  intr.  verbs  an  intensive  sense ; 
changes  inir.  verbs  to  tr.  by  virtue 
of  the  prefix. 

©eamte(ir),  »«. -n,  -n,  (civil)  officer, 
official.   [/fl:r/.  Bcamtetc] 

BcarBcttCtt,  /r.  elaborate  ;  treat ;  thrash. 

©caufftd^tigMng,/  -w.  inspection,  con- 

BcBctt,  mz'r,  f).  tremble.  [trol. 

JBcH^cr,  »2.  -§,  — ,  goblet,  beaker.  [Af. 
L.  bicarium.] 

Beiianten,  w.  rij^.  thank;  decline. 

Bcbaucrn,  /r.  regret ;  pity. 

fiebeifen,  tr.  cover. 

Bcbcnten,  bcbac^tc,  bcbad^t,  f).,  con- 
sider ;  provide  for  ;  refl.  deliberate. 

SBebcnljcit,  /.  w.  time  for  reflection. 

Bcbcuten,  /r.  mean,  signify  ;  portend. 

Bebeutenb,  part.  adj.  significant,  im- 
portant ;  considerable. 

^»^'ii^Vii\tiV^,  adj.  significant. 

Bcbtobc'men,  tr.  adorn  with  a  diadem, 

BcbtCttCtt,  tr.  serve,  wait  upon. 

93ebicntc(r),  m.  infl.  as  adj.  servant. 

Scbinguug,/.  u<.  condition,  stipulation, 

Bebrangen,  tr.  press,  oppress;  distress. 

Bcbrditgt,  part.  adj.  pressed,  crowded ; 

Bcburfcn,  bcburftc,  beburft,  intr.  {)., 
(with  gen.)  or  tr.  need,  require. 

Scburfni^,  n.  -(ff)e§,  -(ff)e,  need, 

Bcetlcn,  refl.  hasten. 

Bcfaffcn,  tr.  grasp  ;  contain  ;  refl.  con- 
cern or  occupy  oneself  with. 

SBcfc^f,  in.  -§,  -t,  command. 

Bcfcfjicn,  bcfal)t/  befolilen,  tr.  and 
m/r.  (flfa^.)  commend;  command, 
order;  summon. 

Bcfcfttgctt,  tr.  establish ;  fortify. 

Bcfcftigt,  part.  adj.  fortified. 

Bcftnbcn,  bcfanb,  berunbcn,  refl.  find 
oneself,  be  ;  fid)  tuol)!  — ,  be  well. 

SBcfinbcn,  n.  -§,  state  of  health. 

BeftnbUc^,  adj.  to  be  found ;  situated. 

Bcfolgcn,  tr.  follow,  obey,  comply  with. 

Bcfrcicn,  tr.  liberate,  deliver. 

Scfrciung,/.  w.  liberation. 

Bcfricbigcn,  tr.  satisfy;  gratify. 

iBcfvtcbigung,/.  -w.  contentment,  satis- 
faction ;  reward. 

Bcfitr^tcn,  tr.  fear. 

BegeBen,  begab,  'htq.ibtw,  refl.  betake 
oneself;  happen. 

Bcgcgncn,  intr.  \.  {flat.)  also  tr.  meet. 

Bcgc^ctt,  beging,  begangen,  tr.  per- 
form ;  celebrate ;  commit  {a  folly, 

Bcgcljrctt,  tr.  desire,  demand. 

Bcgctftcrn,  tr.  inspire,  animate. 

Bcgeiftert,  part.  adj.  inspired,  enthusi- 

Bcgtcrig,  adj.  desirous,  eager;  cove- 
tous ;  curious. 



(eginnen,  begoiin,  beflomien,  tr.  begin, 
bcillcitrit,  tr.  accompany. 
!Slkfl(citcr,  711.  -§,  — ,  companion. 
iBcfllcttcriu,/.  7V.  (female)  companion. 
Iicgvaticn,  bcfliub,  bcflraben,  tr.  bury. 
ticgrcn^CH,  tr.  bound,  border. 
bcgrcifcu,  beariff/  beoriffeu,  tr.  grasp; 

understand,  comprehend. 
JBcgrtff , ;«.  -c§,  -C,  notion  ;  conception  ; 

im  -e  feiu,  be  on  the  point  of,  about 

(to  do  something.) 
bcgri't^cit,  tr.  greet,     [(^ru^.] 
bcgitnftiocu,  tr.  favor.     [0uiift.] 
ic()agcn,  intr.  I),  (dat.),  please,  satisfy ; 

ifn/>.  (dat.)  like. 
dcOnglid),  ad/,  comfortable. 
ticfjottcit,  bel)ielt,  be{)altcu,  tr.  keep, 

6c()orrcn,  m/r.  \).,  used  with  bci,  in, 

and  auf,  ^/rt/.  persist  in,  adhere  to. 
bcl)au^tcjt,  tr.  maintain,  assert. 
SBcljnufuitfl,/.  7t'.  abode. 
licfjcr'licrncii,  tr.  lodge,  shelter,  enter- 
be()Utcn,  ifr.  guard,  preserve. 
6c()Utfam,  adj.  guarded,  careful 
Wx,  frep.  with  dat.,  loc.  at,  by,  near  ; 

among,  with,  about ;  in  connection 

with  ;  at  the  house  of  ;  aside  ;  cans. 

in  consequence  of ;  temp,  by,  in,  on, 

upon ;  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  by,  near. 
ictbriiigcn,  brac^te  — ,  -flcbrad)!,  tr. 

produce,  adduce,  give,  administer. 
6eib,  -cr,  -e,  -€y,  adj.  both  {, 

later  with  sing,  forms). 
ficibcrfcitig,  adj.  of  or  on  both  sides, 

common,    mutual        [£;en.    bcit)Cr= 

SBctftttt,  m.  -§,  assent. 
BetfriUtg,  «^'.  approving. 
l^ctlauftg,  adj.  by  the  way,  incidental; 

adv.  in  passing. 
Bcim  =  bei  bcm. 
SBcin,  n.  -S,  -e,  bone,  leg ;  5Beiiic  in  bic 

$ant>  netimcn,  depart,  set  out,  hasten. 

ht\na{\t,  adv.  almost,  nearly. 

Scintlcibcr,  n.  pi.  trousers. 

bctfrttitmcn,  adv.  together. 

5  c  if  cite,  adv.  aside. 

bcifc^cit,  Sep.  tr.  place  near;  bury. 

JBctfpicl,  m.  -§,  -t,  example. 

bciftcu,  bife,  Qcbiffen,  tr.  bite. 

bciftcOcn,  ftanb  — ,  -gcftanben,  tr. 
stand  by,  support. 

(etgeitcn,  adv.  betimes ;  soon. 

htX(i\\Xli,pari.  adj.  known,  well  known, 
acquainted,  familiar  ;  used  substan- 
tively, acquainance.     [bcfennen.] 

bcflagcit,  tr.  bemoan. 

bcf  (cibcil,  tr.  clothe,  dress  ;  hang,  face  ; 
invest  with  or  fill  (an  office). 

Udommcn,  befam,  befommen,  tr.  get, 

befiimmcru,  tr.  trouble  ;  refi.  {with  urn 
and  ace.)  concern  oneself,  [ytummer.  ] 

bcfitmmcrt,  part.  adj.  anxious. 

bdagcrn,  tr.  besiege.     [2agev,  camp.] 

SBclagcrurr:,/.  w.  siege.  burden.] 

bcldftigcn,  tr.  trouble,  annoy.       [2aft, 

bc(auf(i)cn,  tr.  listen  to,  overhear. 

bekgcn,  tr.  overlay,  cover;  engage  a 
seat ;  impose,  inflict  (mit). 

bclcgcjt,/rtr/f.  adj.  from  obs.  bctiegen, 

bclcibtgcn,  tr.  insult.  [situated. 

beticbcn,  tr.  like,  choose ;  —  <Sie, 
please  ;  intr.  \).,  {dat.)  please,  like. 

beUcbt,  part.  adj.  favorite. 

bcUctt,  intr.  {).  bark,  bay. 

belobcn,  tr.  praise. 

JBctt,  m.  -(e)^,  -e,  strait,  passage  ;  the 
entire  Baltic  Sea.  Scr  ©rofje  unb 
ber  jltcine  23.  are  two  straits  leading 
to  the  Baltic  Sea,  the  former  between 
the  islands  of  FUnen  and  Seeland, 
the  latter  on  the  west,  between 
Fiinen  and  Schleswig. 

bctiigcn,  bdog,  betogen, /^.  tell  {some 
one)  a  lie  ;  deceive,     [sion  of,  seize. 

bcmcc^tigcn,  refi.  {gen.)  take  posses- 

bcmciftcrn,  refi.  {with  gen.),  seize. 



Bemerten,  tr.  observe,  notice,  note,  re- 

Iicmu(|Clt,  refl.  take  pains,  try. 

SBcmiiljuiig,/.  w.  endeavor,  effort. 

SBcncljmCtt,  n.  -§,  conduct,  manner. 

liCttCibCtt:§tt>crt,  adj.  enviable. 

Bcnu^cn,  tr.  use,  employ,  avail  oneself 

l^eoB'at^tcn,  tr.  observe,  watch,  eye. 

^cj)6atf)tung,/.  w.  observation. 

iDequem,  adj.  comfortable,* convenient. 

liequemen,  re/l.  conform,  adapt,  submit 

JBcqucmltef^fcit, /.  zt'.  comfort,  conven- 

^tvt(i)t\%t,pari.  adj.  entitled ;  justified. 

htxt'xi,  adj.  ready,  prepared,  at  hand. 

ficrcitcn,  tr.  make  ready,  prepare.  [E. 

6crctti',  adv.  already. 

IiereitttiiUtg,  adj.  ready,  willing,  eager. 

S3crg,  ?«.  -:§,  -c,  mountain. 

Bergauf,  adv.  up  the  hill  or  mountain. 

Bcrgctt,  barg,  gebovflen,  tr.  hide. 

SJcrgc^Jjalbc,/.  tc.  hillside,  slope. 

SBcrtitt,  w.-S,  Berhn,  capital  of  Prussia 
and  of  the  Empire  of  Germany,  on 
the  river  Spree. 

SBcrlincr,  m.  -§,  — ,  citizen  of  BerUn. 

SBcrnJjarb,  m.  -§  (1604-1639),  Duke 
of  Saxe-Weimar.  A  brilliant  gen- 
eral on  the  Protestant  side  in  the 
Thirty  Years'  War. 

Bcrufctt,  berief,  berufen,  tr.  call,  sum- 

ficru^igcn,  tr.  quiet,  calm;  rejl.  be- 
come quiet,  compose  oneself. 

i}tXMi)\^t,  ^art.  adj.  quiet,  composed. 

6cruf|fClt,  tr.  touch;  mention. 

SBcrtt^rung,/.  w.  touch,  contact. 

SBcfa^ung,/.  w.  garrison. 

6cflf)aftigcn,  tr.  employ,  occupy  ;  re/l. 
be  occupied,  engaged ;  —  mtt,  busy 
oneself  with. 

93efd)(iftigung,/.  w.  employment,  occu- 
pation, pursuit. 

6cf(!^cibctt,  adj.  modest,  discreet.  [Old 
form  oi part,  from  v.  bctd)ciben.] 

6cfcl)cnfcn,  tr.  bestow  upon,  present 
one  with  (mil). 

SBcft^crung,  /.  w.  giving;  distribution 
{of  Christinas  gifts)  ;  eine  fd^bne  — , 
a  pretty  business. 

bcfrtjirmcn,  tr.  protect. 

bcfc^togcn,  befd)Iufl,  be)  d^  lag  en,  ^^.  shoe 
{a  horse). 

ficft^Heften,  befc^Io^,  bcfc^Ioffcn,  tr. 
conclude,  finish;  decide,  determine 

SBcft^Iuft,  ;«.  -(ff)c§,  -^(ff)c,  end,  con- 
clusion ;  decree,  canon. 

ficft^rcnlt,  part.  adj.  narrow,  limited, 
small,    [bef^ranfen.] 

U\ii)vtibtn,  befd^rieb,  bcfi^riebcn,  tr. 

SBcfdjttlbigung,/.  w.  accusation,  charge. 

bcffi^it^cn,  tr.  protect,  defend. 

bcfd^merUt!^,  adj.  burdensome,  trouble- 
some, inconvenient ;  einem  —  fallen, 
inconvenience,  be  a  burden  to  one. 

Jcfd^ttJit^tigcn,  tr.  allay,  appease. 

6cf(!^hJiJrcn,  bejc^iuor,  befd^moren,  tr. 
confirm  by  oath ;  conjure. 

ficfcclcn,  tr.  inspire,  animate,      [spect. 

Bcfe^Ctt,  htial^,  befel)en,  tr.  look  at,  in- 

Bcfc^cn,  tr.  set ;  adorn ;  occupy,  garri- 
son ;  fill  {an  office) ;  engage. 

Bcftcgcn,  tr.  conquer. 

Bcftnncn,  befann,  befonnen,  refi.  con- 
sider, reflect ;  recollect,  bethink  one- 
self ;  anber§  — ,  retonsider,  change 
one's  mind;  fid)  eine§  SBeffern  — , 
think  better  of. 

JBcft^,  m.  -e§,  -t,  possession. 

Bcft^cn,   bcfa^,   befcffen,    tr.  possess, 

93eft^ung,/.  w.  possession.  [have. 

Befonbcr,  attrib.  adj.  special,  particu- 
lar; peculiar;  separate;  singular, 



Ibefonber^,  adv.  especially;  in  particu- 

fieforflClt,  tr.  care  for,  attend  to,  exe- 
cute ;  forward  {letters) ;  prepare,  pro- 

IbeforgUd^,  adj.  apprehensive,  solici- 

ht\w^t, part.  adj.  (uttt,  fiir,  or  ttjcgen), 
anxious,  solicitous  (for). 

ftcffcr  {compar.  of  gut),  adj.  and  adv. 
better.  \Cf.  comp.  adv.  ^0.%  in  fiir= 

ticft  {super} .  <?/GUt),  best. 

6cftau6t,/ar/.  adj.  dust-covered ;  from 
beftaubcn,  intr.  become  dusty. 

bcftcrfcn,  tr.  stick  around;  garnish, 

6cftcf|Ctt,  beftanb,  beftanbcn,  intr.  I)., 
persist  in  (auf)  ;  —  au§,  consist  of ; 
tr.  withstand,  endure ;  pass  exami- 

6cftcKcn,  tr.  arrange,  order,  appoint. 

bcftimmcn,  tr.  destine;  appoint,  fix, 
determine,  identify. 

bcftimmt,  part.  adj.  definite,  fixed,  de- 

Jcftoti^en,  part.  adj.  bribed  ;/rtf»«  bc= 

bcftrttfctt,  //-.  punish. 

ficftrcucn,  tr.  bestrew,  besprinkle. 

©cfufi^,  m.  -c§,  -€,,  visit;  company, 

Bcfut^en,  tr.  visit,  call. 

betfiuticn,  tr.  deafen,  stun. 

bctcu,  intr.  \).,  pray. 

6ctrrtcf)tcu,  tr.  look  upon,  survey ;  con- 

SBctrac^tttltg,  /.  w.  observation,  reflec- 

ictrcffcn,  bctraf,  bctroffcn,  tr.  befall; 

Jctrctctt,  betrat,  bctrctcn,  tr.  tread 
upon  ;  enter  upon  {a  career^  stage). 

fietrctcn,  part.  adj.  disconcerted,  con- 

ictroffcn,  part.  adj.  struck;  puzzled, 

disconcerted ;  front  bctrcffcn. 
23ctriigcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  deceiver. 
83ctt,  n.  -e§,  -txi,  bed. 
SBcttcIttnb,  n.  -c§,  -cr,  beggar  child, 
bcttcht,  w/r.  1).  (um),  beg. 
©Cttclftdb,  w.  -§,  ^c,  beggar's  staff. 
SBctttcr,  ;«.  -§,  — ,  beggar,  mendicant. 
Settlcrin,/.  w.  beggar  woman. 
SctthJtift^c,  /.  bed-linen. 
Bcugcn,  tr.  or  r<?;?.  bend,  bow  (to,  dat., 

before,  t)or) ;  submit. 
SBcutct,  w.  -§,  — ,  purse. 
6cUor,  ^tf;i/'.  before. 
Jcroat^cn,  //-.  watch,  guard. 
hetvaffvcn,  tr.  keep,  preserve ;   guard, 

protect ;  ®ott  ben)Qt)rc  !  God  forbid 

ietotQcn,  tr.  or  re^.  move,  stir. 
93cUJcgutig, /.  iv.  motion,  movement; 

emotion ;  commotion. 
ftctocgung^lo^,  adj.  motionless. 
IBcnJcig,  m.  -(f)e§,  -(i)e,  proof,  evidence, 
fiewcifeit,  ben)ie§,  betDtcjen,  tr.  show; 
IkctuiUigett,  tr.  grant,  concede,     [prove. 
bOutrtClt,  tr.  entertain,  treat. 
bettJOljttCtt,  tr.  inhabit. 
6ctt)unbcrn,  tr.  admire. 
IiClUU^t,  part.  adj.  known  (to,  dat.  of 

pers. ) ;  aware,  sensible  ( of  obj.  gen. ) ; 

—  mcvbcn,  recollect  [bemijien]. 
Be5a()(en,  tr.  pay  (a  pers) ^  pay  for  {a 

thing) ;  also  with  dat.  of  pers.  and 

ace.  of  thing. 
Scjafilung,/.  payment. 
bcjauticrnb,  part.  adj.  charming,  fas- 
cinating, [terize. 
Bejeit^nen,  tr.  mark,  indicate,  charac- 
6c5Ctt!^ncnb,/ar/.  adj.  significant. 
SBcjicfjung,/.  w.  relation,  respect. 
33tlJctJ»iirt,  n.  -c§,  -e,  scriptural  word. 

[33ibet,  Gr.,  L.  biblia.] 
SilltiotljC^,  /.  w.  Ubrary.     [Gr.] 
tiicgcn,  bog,  gcbogen,  tr.  and  intr.  t|., 




JBiene,/.  w.  bee. 

JBtcr,  n  -c§,  -e,  beer. 

JBierfcibcI,  m.  -§,  — ,  beer  mug  (N.G.) 
glass.     [(Seibel,  L.  situla,  measure.] 

hitttn,  bot,  gcbotcn,  ^r.  offer,  bid. 

JBigamic^ /.  bigamy.     [<j^.] 

f&ilb,  n.  -e§,  -er,  form,  image  ;  picture, 
painting,  portrait,  representation, 

Iiilben,  tr.  form,  shape  ;  cultivate,  train. 

iBilbung,  /.  w.  training,  education, 
culture.  [ticket.     [F.\ 

f&iiitV  {pr.  bil-yet),  n.  -c§,  -§,  or  -tc, 

BiUigen,  tr.  approve  of,  assent  to. 

biUtgertoeife,  adv.  {gen.)  in  justice, 
fairly;  reasonably  {of price). 

fiinbett,  baiib,  gcbunbcn,  tr.  bind,  tie, 

IBtnbfcbCtt,  m.  -§,  -,  thread,  string. 

S5trtc,/.  w.  birch  (tree). 

SBtrtcnftamm,  m.  -§,  ^c,  trunk  of  a 
birch  (tree). 

"hx^,  prep,  {of  time  and  place)  -with  ace. 
till,  until ;  to,  as  far  as ;  {of  quan- 
tity), about,  nearly ;  conj.  till,  until. 
Often  combined  with  other  preposi- 
tions as  bi§  an,  ouf,  %\X,  etc.,  also 
with  ba§. 

S3{f(^0f,  m.  -§,  ^c,  bishop.     \_Gr.  epis- 

6t:§^ertg^  adj.  previous.  -kopos.] 

SBifen^cn,  «.  -§,  — ,  morsel,  bit ;  mouth- 
ful; fitft^Ctt,  adj.  indecl.  and  adv. 
ein  iiftJ^Ctt,  a  little.     [S5i^,  bite.] 

JBittC,/.  w.  entreaty,  request. 

ibitten,  bat,  gebetcn,  /r.  beg,  request, 
ask;  invite;  Vxiit,  please. 

Bitter,  adj.  bitter,     [bet^en.] 

Illatniercn,  tr.  make  ridiculous;  refl. 
make  oneself  ridiculous,  make  a  fool 
of  oneself.     {F'.  bllmer.] 

btanl,  adj.  bright,  shining,     [blinfcn.] 

Jlafcit,  tr.  and  intr.  {).,  bUe§,  geblajcn, 
blow.  [blaffeft),  adj.  pale. 

btoft  (bldfjer  and  blaffer,  blafjeit  ««^ 

l&ta§0CJb,  adj.  pale  yellow. 

SBIatt,  «.  -g§,  -"cr,  blade,  leaf,  sheet. 

JBIfittd^cn,  «.  -§,  — ,  leaflet. 

Slattern,  tr.  turn  the  leaves. 

Wciiitxxtx^,  adj.  rich  in  leaves,  thickly- 

6Iau,  a^'.  blue.  [leaved. 

Slait,  «.  -e§  ;  ba§  Slaue  {decl.  as 
adj.)  blue,  azure. 

SBtaufiuglcitt,  «.  -§,  blue  eyes. 

^Xmtff.  blueness. 

Blaufctbcit,  adj.  of  blue  silk. 

SBICJ^ta^fcI,  /.  w.  tin  box. 

95tccl^trom))ctc,/.  t^.  tin  trumpet. 

S3tc^marcttfa6rifant,  w.  ty.  manufac- 
turer of  tin-ware. 

tlcificn,  btieb,  Qcbliebcn,  m^'r,  f.,  stay, 
remain,  continue,  be  left ;  ftcl^cn  — , 
stop  ;  from  bc-Iibcit ;  E.  leave. 

'bit\6),  adj.  pale.    [o/-/^.  shining,  Slid.] 

Slciftift,  »«.  -(c)§,  -e,  (lead)-pencil. 

SBtirf,  w.  -§,  -c,  look,  glance;  glimpse. 

Blirfcn,  /«/r.  1^.,  look,  glance. 

a3Uttbf)ctt,  /.  blindness. 

Bitttscitt,  m/r.  !).,  blink.  33U(f.] 

8311^,  7«.  -c§,  -C,  lightning,  flash.     \Jr. 

Bli^en,  m/r.  flash,  sparkle. 

6Io§,  a(^'.  naked,  bare;  mere;  adv. 
barely  ;  only ;  merely. 

231ijgc,/.  nakedness. 

MxH)tn,  intr.  {).,  bloom,  flourish. 

\>iui^tX\,'0,  part.  adj.  flourishing. 

Stuntc,/.  w.  flower. 

Slumcnbcct,  «.  -«§,  -c,  flower-bed. 

S3IttittcnftO(f,  w.  -§,  "c,  plant;  flower 

^ini,  n.  -(e)§,  blood  ;  family  ;  temper. 

SBIutC,/.  w.  blow,  blossom. 

Btutcn,  m/r.  I).,  bleed. 

Bluttg,  adj.  bloody. 

93orf,  ?;?.  -e§,  -^e,  billy  goat,  buck. 

SBorfig^orn,  it.  -c§,  -^er,  goat's  horn, 
buck's  horn. 

S3obett,  m.  -§,  -,  bottom ;  ground ; 
earth,  soil ;  floor,  garret. 

^ogett,  m.  -§,  — ,  bow,  arch ;  sheet  {of 



©ogetifefitte,/.  w.  bow-string. 

93ogcitftrrtttfl,  m.  (c)§,  H,  bow-string. 

SiJfimctt,  n.  -§,  Bohemia. 

fiiJIjmift^,  adj.  Bohemian. 

SomDc,  /.  iv.  bomb.     [/^.] 

S3orb,  w.  -e§,  -e,  border,  board;  iiber 
— ,  overboard. 

Sorit,  w.  -§,  -t  poet,  for  SBrunnen. 

SiJrfc,/.  Tf.  purse.     [il/.Z^.  bursa.] 

bo§(c),  adj.  bad,  wicked;  angry. 

6oS()aft,  adj.  wicked,  mischievous. 

SBo^^cit,  /.  w.  malice  ;  wickedness. 

Vi>^\\^,  adj.  malicious. 

JBotamit,  /.  w.  botany.    [Gr.] 

93i)tantficr'fa|)fct, /.  w.  botanist's  col- 
lecting-case, [^apfct,  L.  capsula, 

JBotc,  m.  w.  messenger,    [bieteu]. 

a3otf (^aft,  /,  IV.  news  ;  message. 

93outtton,  n.  -§,  {pr.  as  in  F.),  city  in 
Belgian  Luxemburg,  with  castle  of 
Godfrey  of  B.,  p.  102. 

SBrttttb,  w. -c§,  -"C,  fire;  conflagration. 

BranbcnDurgtfc!^,  adj.  of  Brandenburg, 
a  Prussian  province  in  North  Ger- 
many; used  substantively,  n.  district 
of  Brandenburg. 

SBrattbfcJ^a^ung,  /.  -w.  assessment  {lev- 
ied on  a  conquered  town)  ;  extor- 
tion, [obs.  S5ranbf(!)afe,  indemnity 
against  fire.] 

93rttttt^fcl,  m.  -§,  ■",  baked  apple. 

JBratcit,  m.  -§,  — ,  roast,  roast  meat. 

SBrotf^c,/.  w.  viol. 

Sraud^,  m.  -§,  H,  custom. 

ftraud^cn,  tr.  use;  need. 

htuwn,  adj.  brown. 

ferJiuttctt,  tr.  brown  ;  bronze,  tan. 

broungcflcrft,  part.  adj.  flecked  with 
brown,    [fledfen.] 

Brottftn,  intr.  \).,  roar,  bluster. 

'bva\\\trCii,  part.  adj.  blustering,  impet- 
uous; rushing. 

JBrout,/.  H,  betrothed,  bride. 

JBroutgcwaitb,  n.  -e§,  Hx  {or  ~t),  bri- 
dal gown. 

SBruttttgom,  m.  -§,  -t,  betrothed  (man), 
bridegroom,  [gen.  of  Sraut,  and 
gam,  man,  E.  groom.] 

SBrttut^jaar,  n.  -(c)§,  -c,  bridal  pair. 

JBrautftaat,  m.  -(e)§,  -«n,  bridal  attire. 

firao  {pr.  braf),  adj.  good,  excellent ; 
brave.    [F.'\ 

Jrct^eii,  brad),  gebroti^cn,  /r.  break, 
(break)  open  {a  letter). 

hvt'xt,  adj.  broad,  wide;  wide-spread- 
ing; extended. 

fireitaftig,  adj.  with  broad  branches. 

©reitcnfcib,  n.  -§,  plain  near  Leipzig 
where  Gustavus  Adolphus  defeated 
Tilly  (Sept.  7, 163 1),  and  Torstenson 
the  Imperialists  (Nov.  2,  1642),  and 
the  Allies  Napoleon  (Oct.  16-19, 

SBrctncn,  n.  -§,  Bremen,  commercial 
city  on  the  Weser. 

brenucn,  branntc,  gcbrannt,  tr.  or  intr. 

SBrctt,  n.  -e§,  -cr,  board ;  shelf. 

93rtcf,  m.  -e§,  -c,  document;  letter. 
[L.  brevis,  sAort  writing.'] 

Sricftflft^c,  /.  w.  letter-case,  pocket- 

93riUc,/.  w.  spectacles. 

ftrtngcn,  brarfite,  gebradit,  tr.  bring, 

f&vot,  n.  -c§,  -e  {or  H),  bread,  loaf. 

SrJirfc,/.  w.  bridge. 

liBrubcr,  m.  -§,  ",  brother. 

BritbcrUd^,  adj.  fraternal. 

^v'\\i)t,  f.  w.  gravy,  broth. 

©runcgg  or  SBruncrf ,  ti.  -§,  a  castle  in 
Aargau,  south  of  Brugg,  the  seat  of 

6ritttCtt^  adj.  brunette.     [F.] 

SBntnncit,  m.  -§,  — ,  well,  fountain. 

25rumtctt,  «.  -§,  Brunnen,  on  the  east- 
ern shore  of  Lake  Lucerne,  in 

33r«ft,  /.  ^c,  breast,  chest. 

bru^dtt,  intr.  I).,  sizzle. 



93ulke,  fn.  w.  boy,  urchin;  knave, 

SBtttl^,  «.  -C5,  -er,  book.  [Sudbc,  cf. 
E.  beech.] 

JBttl^Bittbcr,  w.  -§,  — ,  bookbinder. 

S8u(!^c,/.  TO.  beech  tree. 

JBud^cnrtJalbung,/.  7i^.  beech  forest. 

Siit^crtrttm,  w.  -e?i,  ^e,  bookish  rub- 

a3ttrf)crfrf)rant,  ?«.  -e§,  "e,  book-case. 

Siitficrttiurm,  w.  -§,  "cr,  book-worm. 

a3uc()ftnt(c),  ;«.  w.  chaffinch. 

SBut^fc,/.  TO.  musket;  rifle. 

IBuii^ftobc,  w. -n§,  -n,  letter,  character. 

SBu^njcijcngru^c,/.  buckwheat  flour. 

^Ulfel,  ;«.  -y,  — ,  hump;  stoop. 

VxidtW,  refl.  bow,  stoop. 

SitrfUng,  m.  -§,  -c,  bow. 

aJuJgnricn,  n.  -§,  Bulgaria. 

$unb,   n.  -(c)»,  -C,   bunch,  pack;  m. 

pi.  H,  band,  tie;    league,  alliance, 

SBilnbct,  n.  {tn.)  -§,  — ,  bundle. 
Bunt,  adj.  colored,  gay. 
Siirbc,/.  TO.  burden,  load,    [bciren.] 
©urji,/.  TO.  castle,  citadel. 
JBitrgctn,  «.-§,  hamlet  on  the  Schachen 

in   Uri,  the  birthplace  of   Wilhelm 

SBitrgcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  citizen,  burger. 
SBttrgcrmetftcr,  tn.  -§,  — ,  burgomaster. 
a3urggrabctt,  m.  -§,  — ,  castle-moat. 
SBttrfd^(c),  m.w.  (//.  also  -e)  fellow,  lad; 

student.    \_L.  bursa,/«rj^;  stipend.] 
fiitrftctt,  tr.  brush.    [33orfte,  bristle.] 
Sufd^,  m.  -e§,  -"e,  bush  ;  thicket,  copse. 
93ufcu,  m.  -§,  — ,  bosom,  breast,  heart. 
©ufte,/.  TO.  fine,  penalty. 
JButtcr,  /.  butter.     \L.  butyrum.] 
33utterfemtnc(,  /.  to.  buttered  roll. 

ceremonicU,  adj.  ceremonial.     [F.] 
(Sljam^a'gttcr^fro^fcit,     tn.     -^5,     — , 

champagne  cork.     [/^.] 
(Sljarat'tcr,  w.  -§,  -c,  character.    [Gr.] 
©(jara'bc  (d)  z=  sh),  /.  to.  charade. 
d)armont'  (c^  =  sh),  adj.  charming.  [F.] 
m)t'tnh,  tn.  -§,  -t,  or  -im,  cherub. 
6f)or,  w.  -§,  -e,  <7r  "c,  chorus,  choir. 
(J^rift,  w.  ?£;.  Christian. 
(J^riftcnficit,  /.  Christendom. 
g^riftcntum,  n.  -§,  Christianity. 
S^riftttnb,  tti.  -e§,  Christ-child,  infant 

e^rifttinbletn,  n.  -§,  Christ-child. 
d^riftli^,  adj.  Christian. 
grjrtftu^,    tn.  gen.  Christi,   dat.,  abl. 

Christo,  ace.  Christum  ;  voc.  Christe, 

Christ,  with  the  art.  uninjl. 
Gtgor^rcnbomvfr    m.   -c§,   -e,    cigar 

smoke.    \F.  cigarre,  Span,  cigarrc] 

(Stgarrcnf^Jt^c, /.  to.  cigar-tip;  cigar- 

eigorrcntafdjc,/.  to.  cigar-case. 

dlcrmont  or  Clermont-Ferrand,  n.  -I, 
capital  of  the  French  dep.  Puy  de 
D6me,  where  the  first  Crusade  was 
decided  upon  (1095). 

(JoitftUum,  «.  -§,  -a,  or  -en,  council ; 
advice ;  warning.     [£.] 

corrigtcrctt,  tr.  correct. 

6o«Itf''fc,  /.TO.  wing,  side-scene  {of  a 
theater).     \F.\ 

(5:ou:|)C',  «.  -§,  compartment  iti  a  rail- 
road car.     \F.'\ 

Courage  {fr.  as  in  F.),f.  courage. 

eourtn't^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  cousia 
[F.,  L.] 

6ouft''ne,/.  to.  female  cousin. 




ha,  adv.  there,  then,  where;  conj. 
when,  as,  since,  hence,  in  that  case ; 
usea  occasionally  as  sep.  prefix  (bar). 

badci^,  adv.  there  at,  near  it,  by,  present ; 
therewith,  in  connection  with  it,  at 
the  same  time ;  thereby,  by  it ;  besides  ; 
e§  ift  nid)t3  babel,  it  is  of  no  conse- 
quence. \also  ba'bci,  when  the  ba 
is  emphatic.  All  the  compound  ad- 
verbs may  receive  the  stress  on  the 
first  syllable  when  the  demonstrative 
or  relative  element  is  to  be  made 

babci'Olcibcii,  blicb  — ,  -(jcblieben, 
intr.  \.,  persist  in,  adhere  to;  c» 
blcibt  'hdSitx,  it  is  settled. 

Xrtrt), ;/.  -c3,  ^er,  roof.  \Cf.  E.  thatch.] 

batiurtf)',  adv.  through  or  by  it ;  there- 
for, in  return ;  by  that  means. 

bagc^gcn,  adv.  on  the  contrary. 

ba'goocfcn, /</;•/.  from  ba  jeiu. 

ba()Ctm\  adv.  at  home. 

baljcr',  adv.  hence,  therefore,  for  that 
reason ;  along,  away ;  sep.  prefix^ 
meaning  along. 

baljcr'tommcii,  fam  — ,  -flcfommcn, 
iyitr.  \.,  come  along. 

bafjcr'fvrcngcit,  intr.  \  ,  gallop  away. 

ba()iu^  adv.  thither,  there,  thereto,  that 
way,  away ;  gone,  over,  past ;  along 
on  ;  used  as  sep.  prefix. 

ba'^ittaii^,  adv.  out  there. 

batjincin',  adv.  in  there. 
►ba()in'fa()rcn,  ful)r  — ,  -gcfaliren,  intr. 
go  or  drive  along. 

batjiu'flicgcH,  flog  — ,  -gcpogen,  intr.  \., 
fly  or  hasten  away,  fly  thither. 

batjtu'gcl)cn,  ging  — ,  -gegangen,  intr, 
).,  go  thither,  walk  along. 

baljin'ftrctfcn,  tr.  stretch  out. 

boljtii'tcr,  adv.  behind  that,  behind. 

ba^^tuuntetr,  adv,  down  there. 

bd'mattg,  adj.  of  that  time,  then. 

ba'maf«i,  adv.  at  that  time,  then, 
[mal  is  added pleonastically  in  such 
combinations ;    cf.    bamalS,    abcr= 

I)amc,/.  7f.  lady.     [/^.]  [mal§.] 

bamit',  adv.  therewith,  with  that,  by 
that ;  boittit  gut,  there's  an  end  of  it. 

bamit',  conj.  that,  in  order  that. 

bammcrig,  adj.  twilight ;  dim,  cloudy  ; 
fig.  dreamy.  [dawn. 

biimmcrtt,   tntr.  \^.,  become  twilight; 

!£ammcruug,  /.  w.  twilight,  gloaming. 

JiomVf ,  m.  -c^,  ^c,  vapor,  steam  ;  mist. 

bam^fcti,  intr.  \).,  steam,  fume ;  tr. 
emit  dense  smoke. 

XiaittVfttioItc,  /.  w.  cloud  of  smoke. 

baitarf)',  adv.  after  it  or  that,  thereaf- 
ter ;  accordingly.  [sides. 

banr'brn,  adv.  by  the  side,  near;  be- 

^oncmart,  «.-§.,  Denmark. 

I)ont,  m.  -C'3,  thanks. 

bantbar,  adj.  thankful,  grateful. 

iJaufbttrtctt,/  gratitude. 

bantctt,  intr.  \).  (dat.  o/person J, thank; 
also  =  tjcrboufcn,  owe. 

bann,  adv.  then ;  in  that  case. 

bannctt,  adv.  tjon  — ,  thence. 

bar  =  ba,  used  in  compounds.  [Cf. 
baran,  barau§.] 

barnn',  adv.  thereon,  thereat ;  in  it,  ic 
that ;  to  it. 

baran'gcljcn,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr. 
f.,  go  about;  begin  work;  colloq.  fal] 

barauf',  adv.  thereupon,  thereon ;  to  or 
in  it  or  that,  to  it;  to  that;  there- 
after, afterwards. 

barauf'Icgcit,  sep.  tr.  lay  thereon,  lay 

hwcwx^',  adv.  therefrom,  out  of  orixova 
that,  thence  ;  by  reason  of  it. 

bwbictctt,  bot  —,  -geboten,  ir*  offer. 



barctn'  or  brcin,  adv.  therein  ;  in  ad- 
dition to  ;  ft(i^  —  ftnbctt,  adapt  one- 
self to,  submit. 

barcin'  (usually  bretn-)»«ift^ctt,  sep. 
refl.  interpose,  interfere,meddle  with. 

b(a)rcin'fc^ctt  ja()  — ,  -gefc^eu,  intr. 
1).,  look,  appear.  [into. 

barcin'ft^dUCtt,  sep.  tr.  look  into,  gaze 

borf,  see  biirten. 

borin',  adv.  therein,  in  it  or  that. 

Barrin^nctt  and  brinncn,  adv.  therein, 

barna^'  =  banad).  [within. 

boro6',  adv.  =  on  that  account. 

barftcUcn,  sep.  tr.  display ;  expose ; 

batitbcn,  adv.  over  there,  opposite. 

barit^Dcr,  adv.  over  it  or  that ;  on  ac- 
count of  that,  at  that ;  beyond  that, 
more,  above  ;  during,  in  the  mean- 

batum^  adv.  around  it  or  that ;  con 
cerning  that ;  for  that  reason  there 
fore.  [among  them 

botun'tcr,     adv.    under    it    or    that 

"btL^,  n.  def.  art,  the  ;  demons,  pron 
that ;  rel.  pron.  which,  that. 

ba^fcttt,  intr.  \.,  loar,  -getoejen,  be 
there,  be  present,  exist. 

Im'fcilt,  n.  -Ci,  presence  ;  existence. 

bafclbft',  adv.  there,  in  that  place. 

bafi,  conj.  that,  in  order  that ;  nid^t 
ba^,  not  that,  lest. 

bo^fetbc  see  berjelbe. 

bo/ftcI)cn,  ftanb  — ,  -gcftonbcn,  intr. 
\).,  stand  there  ;  stand  forth. 

baucrn,  intr.  \^.,  last,  continue. 

boucmbj/ar/.  adj.  lasting,  permanent. 

bauern,  tr.  impers.  grieve ;  e§  bauert 
mid;,  I  am  sorry  for  it. 

bobott/,  adv.  thereof,  therefrom ;  of 
that  or  it ;  from  that  or  it, 

babon^iagcn,  sep.  tr.  drive  off  or  away  : 
intr.  \.  drive  or  gallop  away. 

babon'lommctt,  fam  — ,  -gcfommen, 
intr,  j.,  come  away  ;  get  off,  escape. 

boju',  adv.  thereto,  to  it  or  that ;  for 
it  or  that ;  besides,  moreover ;  in 
connection  with. 

bn5tuift^'cn,  adv.  between  or  among. 

ba5tt)if(^'cntrctcn,  trat  — ,  -getrcten, 
intr.  \.,  step  between,  intervene. 

!Ccrfc,/.  iv.  cover  ;  ceiling. 

Dctfct,  m.  -§,  — ,  cover,  lid. 

be  (fen,  tr.  cover,  hide  ;  lay  (a  table). 

%t%tn,  m.  -3,  — ,  sword.  {F.  dague, 

bcljncn,  tr.  extend,  stretch,  prolong; 
repl.  extend,  protract. 

bcitt,  -cr,  -c,  -zippers. pron.  thy,  thine. 

;jcloratton',  /.  w.  decoration  ;  scenery 
(in  a  theater).     \_F.'] 

!Sc^mut,  /.  humility. 

bcmittig,  adj.  humble. 

bcmittigcn,  tr.  humble  humiliate. 

bcnfcn,  badf)tc,  gebad)t,  itttr.  \j.,  think ; 
with  gen.  or  on  and  ace.  think  of, 
call  to  mind,  remember;  with  nuf 
and  ace.  consider,  contemplate ;  tr. 
think ;  refl.  dat.  or  ace.  imagine. 

bctin,  conJ.  for,  then,  than;  adv.  then. 

bcnnoc^,  adv.  but,  yet, notwithstanding. 

'^tpt'\ii)t,f.  w.  dispatch,  telegram.  \_F.] 

bcr,  bic,  baS,  def.  art.  the;  demons, 
pron.  the,  this ;  rel.  pron.  who, 
which,  that. 

berglct'djctt,  indecl.  adj.  such,  the  like, 

the  like  of  which.     \^orig.  gen.  pl.'\ 
bcr'jcnigc,   bie'jcnigc,    ba^'jenige,    de- 
mons, pron.  the  or  that  one. 
bcrici,  indecl.  adj.  such,  of  that  kind, 

that  sort.     \^en.  bcr  lei,  "  sort."] 
bcrfcibc,   biefelbe,    basjelbe,    adj.   the 
same  ;  demons,  pron.  the  same  ;  he 
she,  it. 
bcrJi)cii(c),     adv.    meanwhile;     conj. 

while,     [adv.  gen.  of  time.'] 
bcr^ctt,  adv.  at  that  time,  at  present. 

\gen.  of  time.'] 
i^tSt^aib,    adv.  therefore,   on  this  ac- 
count.    [bc§  -I-  l^alb,  gen.  of  cause.']. 



befto,  adv.  so  much,  so  much  the  more  \ 
\t  tnet)r  .  .  .  befto  .  .  .  {with  comf.). 
[/r.  gen.  i)e§  +  instrum.  diu  = 
more  by  this.] 

bcSttJCgcn,  adv.  on  that  account,  there- 
fore,   [bcs+wegcn]. 

bcu(^tcii,  beuc^tc,  QC&eud)t,  /r.,  or  intr. 
{with  dat.);  impers.  seem,  appear. 

bcutcit,  intr.  \).,  point  out,  interpret. 

bciltltf^,  adj.  clear,  distinct. 

:5cutft^,  n.  indecl.  or  ba§  2>eutf(ftc, 
German  (language). 

beutfd),  (j;^^'.  German;  used  substan- 
tirely^  (a)  German,  decl.  as  adj. 

I>cutfrf)(anb,  n.  -§,  Germany. 

bit^t,  «<^".  tight,  dense,  thick;  adv. 
with  prep,  close  to,  close  by. 

bid^tbclailbt,  part.  adj.  densely  leaved, 
with  thick  foliage.    [be(aubcu]. 

bit^ten,  ir.  compose;  intr.  (auf)  med- 
itate on,  devise. 

!5trf)ter,  m.  -§,  — ,  poet. 

birf,  adj.  thick,  stout,  fat. 

bJC,  j^^  bcr.     [hall;  Z,.G.  family  room. 

'Sixtit, f.w.  plank;  flooring;  entrance 

bicncn,  intr.  \).,  {dat.),  serve. 

I)tciicr,  m.  -'3,  — ,  servant. 

!Sienft,  m.  -c§. 

service;   cmcni  ju 

— en  fcin,  be  at  one's  service. 
Xicnftog,  m.  -(e)  5,  -e,  Tuesday,  [day 

of  Ziu  or  Tyr.] 
J)tenftmab(^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  maid-servant. 
bic§-cr,  -€,  -c§  or  bie»/  demons,  pron. 

this,  the  latter;   from  ber  and  the 
•    particle  -fe  to  which  the  term,  has 

been  added. 
bicdmat,  adv.  for  the  moment,  for  the 

present,  this  time.     [ace.  of  nou7i.'\ 
!£ictcttb«f  or  ^leubieteiiborf,  n.  -§,  a 

village  between  Erfurt  and  Gotha. 
SDtng,  n.  -c§,  -e,  thing,  matter,  affair. 
t>iugcn,  bang,   gebungen,  also  w.  tr. 

hire;  intr.  w.  bargain  (about,  uin). 
bt^tutic'rcii,  tr.  discuss.  [F. discuter]. 
bircft,  adj.  direct.     [L.] 
bt§i)Uttcrcn,  tr.  dispute,  argue.     [F.] 

boii^,  conj,  but,  yet,  however,  neverthe- 
less ;  adv.  surely,  indeed,  I  suppose ; 
after  negative  questions,  yes,  but  ] 
do ;  with  imp.  do,  pray. 

^Softer,  m.  -§,  -o'ren,  doctor. 

Jiolt^,  m.  -{e)§,  -t,  dagger,  poniard. 


!Jot!<iu,  /.  Danube. 
^Conner,  m.  -§,  thunder. 
!;^omtcrfjoU,  m.  -§,  thunder  peaL 
botntcnt,  intr.  \.,  thunder. 
Douncrtitag,    m.   -^,    -e,    Thursday. 

[Donar's  (Thor's)  day.] 
Xonncrmettcr,  «.  thunder  storm;  used 

as  interj.     [thunder  I] 
bop|)clt,  adj.  double,  twice.  [F.  double.] 
^orf ,  n.  -e§,  -'ex,  village. 
I)iirf(^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  hamlet. 
!Sorn,  m.  -(c)§,  -€,  and  -en  (or  'er), 

thorn,  thorn  bush. 
Xor«cnl)Ctfc,/.  iv.  thorn  hedge. 
2)ornflcftritp|>(c),  «.  -e§,  brier  thicket. 
JiontriJ^t^cn,  71.  -3,  brier  rose. 
bort,  adv.  there,  yonder. 
burtOcr,  adv.  from  there, 
burtljiit,  adv.  thither. 
bortftcf)Ciib,  part.  adj.  standing  there. 

^ofc,/.  w.  box;  snuff  box. 
bran,  see  baran. 
iSrrtJtg,  m.  -(c)§,    pressure,  impulse; 

briiugcn,  tr.  press,  throng,  crowd ;  refl. 

force  one's  way ;  intr.  press,  crowd ; 

urge,  hurry. 
brauf ,  see  barauf. 
brau^en,  adv.  without,  outside,  out  of 

doors,    [bar,  au^cn, /n  au§.] 
brcfjcn,  tr.  turn,  twist;  refl.  turn,  re- 
brci,  num.  three. 
brcicrici,  indecl.  adj.  of  three  kinds. 

\_fro4n  Ici,  obs.  "sort'']. 
brcifat^,  adj.  threefold. 
t»rcil)unbcrt,  adj.  three  hundred. 



I)rcttIcn0,  m.  -§,  -"e,  harmonic  triad, 

chord.  \^acc.  pl.used  adv.'\ 

bvcimal(c),   adv.  three   times,   thrice, 
brciit,  see  b(a)rctn. 
brciftig,  num.  thirty, 
Iirciftiger,    m.   -3,   — ,  man  of  thirty 

years,  or  in  the  thirties.  [thirties. 
^rciftigcrin,  /  w.  woman  in  the 
brci'fjigj;al)lig,    adj.    of   thirty    years, 

thirty  years  old. 
brcimtbbrct^jg,  num.  thirty-three. 
brctjcf^Jt,  num.  thirteen. 
brct5cl)»tt-cr,  -e,  -e§,  num.  adj.  thir- 
brin,  see  barin.  [teenth. 

brtitgcn,  broitfl,  Qebrungen,   intr.  \., 

rush  (in),  penetrate,  force  a  way  (in) ; 

tr.  urge,  force ;  —  in,  urge  upon. 
bringcnb,/ar/.  adj.  pressing,  urgent. 
brinnen,  adv.  within,    [bariuncu.] 
britt  -er,  -e,  --e§,  num.  adj.  third. 
brittenS,  a^f.  thirdly. 
brot^en,  intr.  I),  (^a/.),  threaten. 
2)roI|ttitg,/.  iv.  threat. 
brottig,  <7(^'.  droll,  funny. 
2>rofc^fc,/.  7e'.  drosky,  hackney  carriage. 

I)roffct,/.  w.  thrush. 
briiicn,  adv.  over  there,  beyond. 
britfier,  see  bariibcc. 
brutfcn,  tr.  print.    [®rurf.] 
briirfcn,  tr.  press,  oppress.    [2)tudt.] 
brum,  see  barum. 

bruntcn,  adv:  there  below,  down  there, 
bruntcr,  see  baruntcr. 
bu,//.  if)r,  pers.  pron.  thou. 
;£uft,  »?.  -(e)§,  "e,  vapor  ;  fragrance, 
buftcn,  intr.  f).,  exhale,  be  fragrant, 
bulbcn,  tr.  bear,  endure,  suffer. 
'iswxixvx  [bummer  or  bummer,  bumm(c)ft 

or  bumm(c)l"t]  adj.  stupid,  foolish. 
^uminIo))f,  m.  -ee,  ^z,  blockhead. 
bmttcl,  adj.  dark. 
!r«ntet,  n.  -§,  darkness. 
bunt'c(6(au,  adj.  dark  blue. 
:SuutcUjcit,/.  darkness. 

buntcin,  intr.  {).,  darken,  grow  dark. 

buntcn,  intr.  {dat.)  w.  seem,  appear ; 
tr.  impers.  c§  biin!t  mi(f),  or  mid) 
biinft,  methinks,  it  seems  to  me; 
rejl.  fancy  oneself. 

bitmi,  adj.  thin,  slender. 

burrfj,/r^/.  7czV/i  ac^.  through  ;  used  as 
Sep.  or  inscp.  prefix. 

b«rri)rtU^',  «,^f  .throughout,  thoroughly, 
quite ;  at  any  rate,  absolutely,  posi- 

burt^'brtngcn,  sep.  intr.  brang  — ,  -gc= 
brungcn,  get  through,  penetrate; 
pervade  ;  prevail ;  i^isep.  intr.  bur(^= 
briu'gen,  -brang',  -brun'gcn,  pene- 
trate, permeate. 

burt^britt'gcnb,/fl'r/.  adj.  penetrating. 

burtl^cinan'bcr,  adv.  confusedly,  pell- 

burd^ftic'gcn,  burc^flog^  burd^flo'gen, 
inscp.  tr.  fly  through;  run  over, 
read  hastily. 

burd^'fiiljrctt,  sep.  tr.  carry  through, 
carry  into  effect. 

burc^'ge^cn,  sep.  intr.  \.  ging  — ,  -gc= 
gangcn,  go  through,  penetrate ;  run 
away  ;  pass  {of  laws) ;  tr.  wear  out  ; 
go  through  {peruse  books) ;  go  over 

burti^'fommett,  fam  — ,  -gcfommcn, 
intr.  \.,  come  through  ;  recover  ;  suc- 
ceed, [through. 

burrfi'muftcrn,  sep.  tr.  examine,  search 

burc^noffen,  insep.  tr.  wet  through, 
drench,  soak. 

burrfi'fc^cn,  sep.  intr.  jal)  — ,  -gcict)cn, 
look  through  ;  tr.  look  over,  examine, 
peruse,  revise. 

burt^'ftc^tig,  adj.  transparent. 

burt^ftrci'fctt  (alsoburd)'ftreifen),  insep. 
tr.  roam  through,  go  over,  ramble 

bur^''toncn,  tr.  sep.  also  insep.  sound 
through ;  insep.  resound. 

burt^ttJan'bcItt,  insep.  tr.  walk  through. 



burti^njatt^bcrn,  insep.  tr.  wander 
through,  traverse. 

bltr^wci't^cn,  tr.  insep.  (also  j^/.),  soak 
through,  drench, 

burd^ju'cfcn,  msep.  tr.  flash  or  thrill 

biirfcn,  burftc,  gcburft,  intr.  \).  (modal 
auxiliary),  have  permission,  be  al- 
lowed, may  j  venture. 

biirt:(c),  adj.  dry,  parched. 

Jiilrrc,/.  drought. 

25urft,  m.  -e§,  thirst. 

bitftcr,  adj.  gloomy,  dusky,  sad. 

Duftcnb,  n.  -g,   -c,    dozen.     ^P.  dou- 

bu^enbtoeife,  adv.  by  the  dozen. 

@66(c),/  TV.  ebb,  low  tide. 

ebeu,  adj.  even,  smooth;  adv.  just, 
even,  precisely ;  for  that  very  reason  ; 
just  now  ;  with  pronouns  cben  bcr« 
felbe,  ebcn  biefer,  that  very  one. 

cbciifrtU^,    adv.    likewise.      [cbcn(en) 

ebcttfo,  adv.  just  so;  ebciifo  .  .  .  toic, 
just  as. 

@bro,  w.  -§,  a  river  in  northeastern 
Spain,  flowing  into  the  Mediterra- 

tH^i,  adj.  genuine,  real,  true. 

&de,  /.  w.  corner,     [cf.  E.  edge.] 

cbcl,  adj.  noble,  generous;  precious. 

@blc(r),  m.  injl.  as  adj.  noble,  noble- 

•     man ;  //.  nobility. 

Qbcltnahc,  m.  w.  page. 

©bclftcitt,  m.  -el,  -e,  precious  stone, 
jewel.  / 

©bcffrt,  n.  a  city  in  northern  Mesopo- 
tamia, on  the  Euphrates. 

Ggcr,  n.  a  city  of  northern  Bohemia, 
in  the  city  hall  of  which  Wallenstein 
was  murdered,  Feb.  25, 1634  (/.  118). 

ef)C,  conj.  before,  ere;  adv.  formerly, 
sooner,  rather. 

@^c,/.  w.  marriage. 

el^ebcm,  adv.  before,  formerly  [fr.  adv. 
e  and  dat.  of  comp.  bem.] 

@^egatte,  m.  w.  husband. 

^^e^enr,  m.  husband ;  lord. 

e^emaHg,  adj.  former. 

cljcmatt^,  adv.  formerly,    [/r.  e  miles, 

adv.  gen.  of  time], 
©Oc^ftfl**,  n.  -C'3,  -e,  married  couple. 
e^cr    {cotnpar.   of   z\^t),    adv.  sooner, 

S^cftonb,  m.  -(c)§,  state  of  marriage. 
cf)rbar,  adj.  honorable;  chaste. 
@^rc,/.  w.  honor, 
c^rcn,  tr.  honor.     • 
(S^rcntrcuj,  «.  -c§,  -t,  cross  of  honor. 
(S^rcnmttnn,  m.-t^,  -er,  man  of  honor. 
c^rcrbicttg,  adj.  respectful,  reverential. 
efircrbictung,/.  homage. 
S^rfurt^t,   /.    veneration,    reverence ; 

g^rgcij,  m.  -e§,  ambition. 
c^rlit^,  adj.  honest,  honorable,  fair. 
^\)x\\^lt\i,  f.  honesty,  integrity. 
Ct,  inter  j.  why,  indeed. 
@i,  n.  -§,  -er,  egg. 
@tt$c,/,  -w.  oak. 
citizen,  adj.  of  oak,  oaken. 
(Sit^Ctttift^,  m.  -e§,  -«,  oak  table, 
eit^ffi^d^cu,  «.  -§,  — ,  squirrel. 
@ib,  m.  -e§,  -e,  oath. 
eibccl)fe,/.  w.  [or  »«.  -eg,  -e],  lizard. 
@ibcr,/.  a  river  forming  the  boundary 

between    Schleswig    and    Holstein, 

flowing  into  the  North  Sea. 
@ibgcni)ff(c),  m.  w.  confederate. 
Gifcr,  m.  -§,  zeal,  passion. 



(Stfcrfut^t, /.  jealousy. 

rifcrfud)ttg,  adj.  jealous. 

cifrig,  adj.  zealous,  earnest,  eager. 

ty\tn,  adj.  own ;  peculiar,  strange ; 
eigcitft,  inmost,     [cf.  E.  own.] 

eigcnmtidjttg,  adj.  arbitrary. 

cigctttttt^,  adj.  proper,  actual,  real ; 
adv.  really.  [session. 

©tgeittum,  n.  -e§  ^er,  property,  pos- 

etgcntitmUd^,  adj.  characteristic,  pe- 

(gilc,/.  haste.  [haste. 

Ctlcn,  intr.  1).  or\.,  hasten ;  rejl.  make 

cittg,  adj.  hasty,  speedy. 

citt,  indef.  art.  a,  an ;  numeral^  eincr, 
cine,  cin§,  one;/r<?w.  one  {used  sub- 
stantively). In  the  dat.  and  ace.  it 
may  supply  the  missing  forms  of 
man.  [prefixo 

tin,  adv.  in,  into ;  usedassep.  accented 

etnattber,  indef.  pron.^  indecl.  (dat.  or 
cue.)  one  another ;  witli  fid)  refl.  or 

etttBtcgcn,  bog  — ,  -gebogcn,  tr.  bend 
or  turn  in. 

CtttliilbCtt,  Sep.  tr.  {with  reJl.  pron.  iii 
dat.)  imagine,  fancy. 

einBringcn,  brad)tc  — ,  -gebrat^t,  bring 
in  ;  yield,  profit ;  lt)icbcr  — ,  make 
up  {time). 

ctttftrcmfcit,  tr.  and  intr.  apply  the 
brakes;  slow  up.    [SSremfc,  brake.] 

ctnbammcn,  tr.  restrain.  [5Damm,  bar- 

cittbrtngcn,  brang  — ,  -gcbrungcn,  intr. 
].,  enter  by  force,  penetrate. 

cinbringnd^,  «^'.  penetrating ;  urgent; 

(Sinbrurf,  ;«.-c§,  ^C,  impression. 

cittbrtirfcn,  sep.  tr.  press  in,  impress; 

Cfttfat^,  adj.  single,  simple. 

cittfottcn,  fid  — ,  -gefatlcn,  intr.  f., 
fall  in;  interrupt;  with  dat.  of  per- 
son, come  to  mind,  occur ;  chime  in. 

ctttfiJrmtg,  adj.xmilorm,  monotonous. 

eittfii^rcn,  sep.  tr.  lead  in,  introduce. 

cinljanbcltt,  sep.  tr.  purchase,  obtain  by 

ctttgcl)cn,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr.  f., 
go  in ;  arrive ;  cease ;  accede  to.  (auf 
ace.)  ;  tr.  conclude,  contract. 

ctnljcr'fij^rctt,  inl)r  — ,  -tjefa^ren,  intr. 
\.  or  I).,  drive  along.  [along. 

CtltI)Cr'marfrf)icrCtt,  sep.  intr.  ].,  march 

Ctnljolen,  sep.  tr.  go  and  get ;  fetch  ; 
obtain;  overtake;  make  up  (lost 
time.)  [I^iitte,  E.  hull.] 

cittljiillctt,    Sep.  tr.  wrap  up,  envelop. 

ctnig,  -er,  -e,  -e§,  indef.  pron.  some, 
several,  any ;  adj.  united. 

©itttgfcit,  /.  unity,  concord. 

ctnfaufctt,  sep.  tr.  purchase.  [a«  m«.) 

cittfcljrctt,  sep.  intr.  \.,  stop,  put  up  {at 

eitttcrfcrn,  sep.  tr.  imprison. 

Ctnflcmmcn,  sep.  tr.  pinch  in,  squeeze. 

cintabcn,  lub  — ,  -c^etaben,  tr.  invite. 

cittloffctt,  Itefi  — ,  -(^elaffen,  tr  let  in; 
admit ;  refi..  with  mit,  deal  with,  en- 
gage in. 

cinmal,  adv.  once,  one  time  ;  auf  — ,  all 
at  once,  suddenly;  nod)  — ,  once  more. 

CtttmaF,  adv.  once  upon  a  time,  for- 
merly; fut.  some  day,  some  time; 
just ;  nid)t  — ,  not  even. 

cinmittig,  adj.  with  one  mind,  unani- 

@inna()mc,/  w.  proceeds,  receipts;  in- 
come; capture. 

cittttcfimcn,  nal)m  — ,  -genommcn,  tr. 
take  in ;  occupy,  take  possession  of, 

Ctttrautncn,  sep.  tr.  furnish  {a  room); 
give  up  (to),  concede ;  yield. 

cinrid^tctt,  sep.  tr.  arrange. 

einri^tttitg,/  w.  arrangement,  regula 
tion;  establishment. 

ctn§,  n.  see  cin. 

ctttfam,  adj.  lonely;  solitary;  alone. 

etnfd^cnlen,  sep.  tr.  pour  in ;  fill  up. 



einfc^trren,  sc/>.  tr.  put  in  harness. 

cinfc^tnfcn,  fct)lief  — ,  -flcirf)Iafeu,  intr. 
\.,  fall  asleep. 

ctnfrfilngcit,  idjdu]  — ,  -i^cid^Uif^cii,  tr. 
strike,  wrap  up;  ifitr.  {).,  clasp 
hands;  ).,  succeed,  turn  out. 

etlifcl)ritmpfcn,  i)itr.  j.,  shrink  in,  shriv- 
el, contract. 

cinfcficii,  \<\\)  — ,  -gcjcl)cn,  sep.  tr.  per- 
ceive ;  intr.  look  into. 

einfclfen,  sep.  tr.  put  in;  pledge,  stake; 

(Jiufiiljt,/.  insight.  [appoint. 

(Siiificblcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  hermit.  \obs. 
sedel,  seat'^ 

(Sinficblciin,/.  w.  hermitess. 

ciufiitflcn,  fang  — ,  Qcjuugcii,  tr.  sing 
to  sleep. 

ciuft,  adv.  once ;  some  day,  some  time. 

ctnftrcfcit,  sep.  tr.  put  in;  put  in  one's 

einftcigcn,  ftieg  — ,  -(^eftioacn,  intr.  \., 
step  in,  enter  {a  train) ;  ciuftciflcn, 
all  on  board.  [cide. 

ctttftimmctt,  sep.  intr.  I).,  join  in  ;  coin- 

ctntau,')Cn,  sep.  tr.  dance  to  sleep. 

ciu'tbltirj,  adj.  uniform,  monotonous. 

ciu'trdc^tig,  adj.  harmonious,  peacable. 

cintrttgcn,  trufl  — ,  -gctraflcn,  tr.  enter 
{an  account) ;  yield. 

cintrcffcu,  traf  — ,  -^ctroffcn,  intr.  \., 
arrive  ;  happen,  be  fulfilled. 

etntrctcii,  trot  — ,  -QCtrcten,  intr.  ]., 
step  in,  enter. 

©intritt,  m.  -§,  -c,  entrance,  admis- 
sion ;  bcim  Gintritt,  on  entering. 

Gi»Mcrft(inbtttt^,  n.  -(ff)e'3,  -(ff)e,  agree- 
ment, understanding;  accord. 

eintwciticn,  sep.  tr.  initiate,  receive  {into 
an  order) ;  consecrate.  \_obs.  adj. 
mcif),  holy. 

ciitWicgcn,  n>.  sep.  tr.  rock  to  sleep. 

citttoitttgctt,  sep.  intr.  t).,  consent, 
agree  to  (inV 

©tnwiUtguug,/.  w.  consent. 

einttJO^ncr,  m.  -§,  — ,  inhabitant. 

etnUlurjeIn,  sep.  intr.  \.,  take  root,  be- 
come rooted. 

einjcht,  adj.  single,  isolated,  individ- 
ual ;  adv.  singly,  in  detail. 

cinjicljcii,  30G  — ,  -gejoflcn,  tr.  draw 
in  ;  collect ;  confiscate  ;  intr.  j.,  enter. 

einstfl,  adj.  only,  single. 

@tttjus,  m.  -e§,  ^e,  entry,  entrance. 

@t§,  n.  -c§,  ice. 

Gifctt,  n.  -§,  — ,  iron. 

(Sifcuflcf),  n.  -3,  city  in  Saxe- Weimar, 
with  the  castle  of  the  Wartburg. 

(?i'fcnba()U,  /.  w.  railway. 

6ifcntiri()ncoupc',  n.  -^,  -f^,  compart- 
ment of  a  railway  carriage. 

©i'fcntjaljnnjagcn,  m.  -§,  —  {or  "), 
railway  carriage. 

©ifcngittcr,  «.|-S,  — ,  iron  grating; 
lattice,     [©ittcr,  cog.  Gatter.J 

(?tfcuftaiigc,  /.  w.  iron  rod. 

cifcrit,  adj.  of  iron.  [eli-lenti.] 

Gicnb,   n.  -^3,    misery  ;   exile,     [orig. 

ctcnb,  adj.  miserable,  wretched. 

(Jlcmcitf,  n.  -(e)§,  -c,  element,  rudi- 
ments.    [Z.] 

(Slcfonf,  m.  w.  elephant.     [Z.] 

c(f,  num.  eleven. 

eifc,/.  w.  elf,  fairy. 

clfCttliciucnt,  adj.  of  ivory. 

clffjunbcrt,  adj.  eleven  hundred. 

clft,  -ex,  -c,  -c^,  ord.  num.  eleventh. 

GUc,  /.  w.  ell,  yard. , 

©Item  {no  sing.)  pi.  parents.  \adj.  att.] 

cm^=,  unaccented  prefix.,  see  ent=. 

©m^jfang',  m.  -§,  -^e,  reception. 

cmVfongcn,  cmptinc],  empfangen,  tr. 
receive,  welcome. 

cm^fcfilcit,  cmptaJ)f,  cmpfo^len,  tr. 
commend ;  rcfl.  take  leave. 

cm^finbctt,  cmpianb,  cmpfunben,  tr. 
feel,  experience,    [bility ;  irritability. 

6m^fittbUrI)lcit,/.  sensitiveness,  sensi- 

cnHJor',  adv.  upward,  aloft ;  used  as 
sep.  prefix.  [ing.    [emporcu.] 

txsC^WxtvCti,  part.  adj.  shocking,  revolt' 



tVxHfOt^diitvn,  sep.  intr.  f).,  w.  flutter 

or  fly  up.  [lift  up. 

em^or'^cbcn,  i^ob   — ,  -^c^oben,  tr. 

cm))or'fc^ett,  fal^  — ,  -gefel^en,  intr.  1^., 

look  up. 
em^oi''ftrattben,  sep.  refl.  ruflfle;  stand 

on  end ;  struggle  apward. 
cm^orjteljcn,  jog  — ,  -gejogen,  tr.  draw 

up  or  forth  ;  raise, 
cmftg,  adj.  industrious,  active. 
@nbc,  w.  -s,  -n,  end ;  .aim ;  am  — ,  fin- 
enbett,  tr.  and  intr.  end.    [ally,  at  last. 
enbUcJ^,  adv.  finally,  at  last. 
cn8(c),  adj.  narrow,  tight. 
@ngel,  m.  -§,  — ,  angel.    [Gr.] 
cnt=,  insep.  unaccented  prejix^  mean- 
ing against,  forth,  away,  out  of ;  sep- 
aration, deprivation;  negation. 
ent:bcl|rcn,  tr.  or  intr.  {gen.)  do  with- 
out ;  dispense  with. 
enttilii^cn,  tr.  bare,  uncover. 
cntBrcnnctt,    cntbranntc,     cntbrannt, 

intr.  \.,  kindle,  take  fire,  burn. 
entbcifcn,  tr.  discover,  detect,  reveal 
(Jntbecfung,/.  w.  discovery,  disclosure 
cntcrbcn,  tr.  disinherit.    [6rbc.] 
entfati^ett,  tr.  enkindle. 
ctttfaUcit,    entfiel,    cntfatten,   intr.  \., 
drop  from  {one''s  memory)  ;  escape. 
cntfcrncn,     insep.    tr.    remove ;     rejl. 

withdraw,  depart. 
cntfcrnt,  part.  adj.  distant,  far. 
entfcrwuntjr/.  w.  distance. 
cntflicficn,  cntfloi^,  entftotien,  intr.  \., 

flee,  run  away,  escape. 
cntfit^rcn,  tr.  carry  off,  abduct. 
Ctttgc'gcit,  prep,  with  dat.  preceding, 
against,  towards,  to  meet ;  sep.  pre- 
fix, -with  dat.  of  indirect  object. 
entgc0citgcf)cn,    ging    — ,  -gegangen, 

sep.  intr.  \.,  go  to  meet,  encounter. 
entgcgcn^oltcn,    Ijtelt   — ,    -gefjalten, 

sep.  tr.  hold  towards  ;  oppose. 
cntgcgcnjubcln,   sep.  intr.  ^.,    {dat.) 
rejoice,  exult ;  hail  with  joy. 

cntgcgcttfommcit,  !am  — ,  -gcfommcn, 

intr.  \.,  {dat.)  come  to  meet,  respond, 

cntgcgcnrufcn,  rtcr— , -gemfen,  tr.  or 
intr.  call  to. 

ctttgcgcnfrfilagen,  feeing  — ,  -Qcfc^tagcn, 
intr.  1).,  beat  or  throb  towards. 

cntgegenftretfcn,  sep.  tr.  stretch  toward, 

entgcgcttttagctt,  trug  — ,  -gctragcn,  tr. 
carry  toward. 

cntgcgcntrctcjt,  trat  — ,  -gctretcn,  tr. 
advance  toward,  oppose. 

entgcgncn  {dat.),  intr.  meet,  oppose ;  — 
auf  {ace),  reply  to  ;  tr.  rejoin,  retort, 

cntgc^cn,  cntging,  entgangcn,  intr.  ]., 
get  away,  escape. 

cntliattctt,  cntt)iclt,  entf)altcn,  tr.  con- 
tain ;  refi.  refrain  (from)  ;  forbear, 

ctttfommcn,  cwilam,  cutfommcn,  intr. 
].,  {dat.)  get  off,  escape. 

cnttang',  adv.  along,  with  ace.  of  eX' 
tent ;  prep.,  ace.  a.nd gen.  along. 

cntlarben,  tr.  unmask.     [Savbe.] 

entloffcn,  cntlicj?,  cntlafjcn,  tr.  dismiss, 

cnttcgett,  adj.  remote,  distant. 

cnt(0(fcn,  tr.  entice,  draw  (from). 

cntrciftcn,  cntrif?,  cntrifjen,  tr.  snatch 
or  tear  away,  wrest.  [\.,  escape. 

ctttrcnnen,  cntrannte,  entrannt,  intr. 

entrinnen,  entrann,  pret.  subj.  ent= 
ronne  or  cntranne,  cntronnen,  intr. 
f.,  flow  forth  ;  pass  away  ;  escape. 

etttfd^abigctt,  tr.  compensate;  —  jiir, 
make  amends  for ;  refl.  recompense 
for.  [decide. 

cntfd^cibcti,    entfd^ieb,   entjd^teben,  tr. 

entf(!^teben,  part.  adj.  decided,  deter- 
mined ;  resolute,  positive. 

cntfdiUcftcn,  cntfd)Io^,  ent|(^lofjen, 
refl.  resolve,  determine. 

cntf^IoffCtt,  part.  adj.  determined. 

entft^Ittft,  m.  -{\\)t%  W\)t,  resolu- 
tion, decision.  [apologize. 

entfd^ulbigen,  tr,  excuse,  pardon ;  refl. 



©tttfc^ulbtflttttg,/,  7tK  excuse,  apology  ; 
.urn  —  bitten,  beg  pardon,  apologize. 

@ntfc^cn,  n.  terror,  horror,  amazement. 

entfe^Ut^,  adj.  terrible,  horrible,  shock- 

ctttftc^cn,  cutftanb,  cntftanbcn,  inir.  j., 
arise,  originate. 

entftctgctt,  entfticfl,  ciitfticGcn,  inir.]., 
rise  from,  come  forth  (from). 

CUtftcttcJt,  tr.  disfigure,  distort. 

eittlurtffncit,  tr.  disarm.     [26affc.] 

cnttucbcr  .  .  .  obcr,  conj.  either  ...  or. 

enttwcirficti,  ciitunc^,  cutmtd)eu,  intr.  \., 
disappear ;  nm  away,  abscond. 

cntjtcJjcn,  entaoQ,  cutaoGCii,  tr.  with- 
draw {(iat.  offers)  ;  refl.  with  gen. 

Cttt-iiffcrn,  tr.  decipher.     \F.  chiffre.] 

eitt,^i't(fctt,  tr.  transport,  charm. 

cut^Vwcif  (^dv.  in  two.     [in  jiuei.] 

tVf  pers.pron.  he. 

tX',  insep.  prefix^  expressing  origin, 
transition,  completion,  intensity,  at- 

©rbarmcn,  n.  -§,  pity,  compassion. 

crbarmuitfli^tog,  adj.  ruthless,  merci- 

©rbc,  n.  -§,  — ,  inheritance. 

erdcittcn,  tr.  take  as  booty,  capture. 

crbtctcji,  crbot,  crbotcu,  rcfi.  offer. 

crbittcu,  erbat,  crbetcn,  tr.  request; 
induce  by  entreaty,  persuade. 

@r61anb,  n.  -e§,  -c,  hereditary  land. 

crBIirfctt,  tr.  catch  sight  of,  discern. 

(Srbfdjoft,  /.  w.  inheritance. 

©rifcnftanoc,  /.  w.  pea-stock,  support. 

©rbbcficn,  n.  -§,  — ,  earthquake. 

(grbbccrc,/.  w.  strawberry. 

(grbtccrcnfci^Iag,  m.  -§,  ^e,  strawberry 
enclosure,  bed,  [berries. 

(Jrbbccrcnfurficu,  w.-'3,  hunt  for  straw- 

grbbccrcnjcit,  /.  xv.  strawberry  time. 

@rbc,  f.  IV.  earth,  ground. ;  auf  (Srbcil, 
w.  dat.  fctn.  on  earth. 

erbcitrcii,  eibad)te,  crbad^t,  tr.  devise, 

crbcnfltf^,  adj.  imaginable,  conceivable 

erbrcitfi,  n.  -(c)§,  the  earth;  ground, 

crbulbcn,  tr.  suffer,  endure.  \^acc.) 

crcifeni,  refl.  fiy  into  a  passion  (iiber, 

crfatiren,  erfu{;v,  ciiat)rcn,  tr.  experi- 
ence, learn. 

©rfo^ruitg,/.  iv.  experience. 

crfaffcn,  tr.  grasp,  comprehend. 

erftnbcn,  erfanb,  crfunbcn,  tr.  invent, 

©rftttbcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  inventor. 

crfolgcn,  intr.  j.,  follow  (from),  result. 

erfolglod,  adj.  unsuccessful,  without 

crforfc^Ctt,  tr.  inquire  into,  investigate. 

crfragcn,  tr.  find  by  inquiry,  ascertain. 

crfrcucit,  tr.  rejoice,  gladden ;  refl. 
{gen.  or  iibcr  and  acc^  enjoy. 

crfrculit^,  adj.  enjoyable,  agreeable. 

Grfriftfmng,/  w.  refreshment. 

crfiiUcn, /nfiU;  fulfil. 

erfiiUung,/.  fulfilment. 

Grfurt,  n.  -§,  city  in  Saxe- Weimar,  a 
former  university  town,  where  Lu- 
ther studied. 

crgcbcn,  crgab,  crgcben,  deliver;  refl. 
submit;  devote;  result. 

ergcbctif/ar/".  adj.  devoted,  attached. 

ergcbntg,  n.  -(ff)e§,  -(ff)e,  result. 

crgcljcn,  ergiiig,  crgauQcn,  intr.  \.,  go 
forth,  fare. 

crgc^cn,  see  crgo^cn. 

crgij^cn,  tr.  please,  gratify,  delight; 
refl.  be  delighted  (an  or  mit).  \pbs. 
Qeffen,  forget.] 

crgij^ltd^,  adj.  delightful. 

crgrctfctt,  ergriff,  ergriffcn,  tr.  seize, 
take  up ;  adopt  (measures) ;  fig.  em- 
brace; bie  3^(u(t)t  — ,  take  to  flight. 

crgrimmcn,  i?ttr.  ].,  grow  furious;  er= 
grimnit,  infuriated. 

crgriinbcit,  tr.  fathom,  search  out. 

erl^abcn,  adj.  exalted,  grand,  sublime 
\pbs.part.  of  er^ebeu.] 



crl)alten,  crI)icU,  er{)attcn,  tr.  receive ; 
keep,  preserve. 

crljcficn,  cil)ob,  crl)obeu,  tr.  lift  up, 
raise;  rejl.  rise,  arise;  rise  against 

er^i^Ctt,  htsep.  tr.  heat,  excite ;  reJl.  be- 
come heated,  incensed ;  /«r/.  erl)i^t, 
hot,  flushed. 

er()()f)cu,  tr.  raise,  elevate;  advance, 

crijolcn,  reJl.  rest,  recover. 

6rl)ohutg§rctfc,/.  w.  pleasure  trip. 

crinncrn,  tr.  remind ;  —  an,  remind 
of;  refl.  {gen.  or  an  with  ace.)  re- 

(g^ricu,  or  ^xVta,f.  heath,  Erica. 

©rinncrung,  /.  w.  remembrance,  mem- 

crfcnnctt,  crfanntc,  crfannt,  tr.  per- 
ceive, recognize,  acknowledge ;  admit 
as,  credit  for  (fiir);  3U— flcbcn,  make 
known,  suggest ;  fejl.  represent  one- 

eriiefctt,  cr!or,  eiforcn,  tr.  choose, 

crflarcn,  tr.  explain,  declare. 

©rftdrung,/.  w.  explanation. 

crtlcttcru,  tr.  climb  up,  ascend. 

crtranfcn,  intr.  f.,  fall  ill. 

erfunbigen,  w.  refl.  inquire,  ask  for 
(nac&).    [^unbc] 

crfunftcin,  w.  tr.  feign,  affect.    [.Kunft.] 

crlautfClt,  tr.  permit ;  {dat.  of  />ers.) 
refl.  take  the  liberty. 

©rtaufintS,  /.  -(ff)e,  permission. 

cricbcn,  tr.  live  to  see,  experience. 

crlcibctt,  erlitt,  crtittcn,  tr.  suffer,  un- 

(grtcngcbiifcfi,  n.  -c§,  -e,  alder  thicket. 

ericttfiinttj  {or  6rl!5ntg),  king  of  the 

crkutfltcn,  tr.  illuminate. 

crlofti^cn,  crlo)^,  crlofdien,  intr.  ].,  go 
out,  be  extinguished. 

criijfcn,  tr.  deliver,  redeem.    [Io§,  free.] 

@rmang(c)Iutt8 ,/.  want,f  allure,  default. 

(Srmattung,  /.  weariness,  exhaustion. 
[  matt.  ]  [estimate,  judge. 

crmcffctt,  ermaf?,  ermejjeu,  tr.  measure, 

crmorbcn,  tr.  murder. 

©tmorbung,/.  w.  murder. 

crmiibcn,  tr.  weary,    [miibe.] 

crmitbct,  part.  adj.  tired,  weary,  ex- 

Grmitbung,/.  weariness,  exhaustion. 

crnd()rcn,  tr.  nourish,  feed,  support. 

crucucrtt,  tr.  renew. 

cnttebrigcn,  tr.  lower,  degrade;  refl. 
humiliate,  condescend,    [nieber.] 

6rnft,  m.  -c§,  earnest,  seriousness. 

ernft,  adj.  earnest,  grave,  serious. 

crttftfiaft,  adj.  earnest,  serious. 

crobcrn,  tr.  capture,  overcome,    [obcr.] 

cr^reffcn,  tr.  extort. 

(Srprcffung,/  tv.  extortion. 

@rqui(fung,  /.  w.  refreshment,  comfort. 

crrotcn,  erriet,  erraten,  tr.  guess;  di- 

crregctt,  tr.  excite,  arouse,    [rcgc] 

crrcic^fiar,  adj.  attainable. 

ctrci^cn,  tr.  reach,  attain,     [reid)Cn.] 

(Jrrcttuttg,/.  deliverance,    [rettcn.] 

crric^tett,  tr.  erect,  establish,  found. 

crrijtcn,  intr.  '].,  blush. 

crfaufctt  (crltiufft,  crfauft),  erfoff,  cr= 
foffen,  intr.  i.,  colloq.  get  drowned. 

crft^affcit,  crfc^nf,  crfd)affen,  tr.  create. 

crft^rtUctt,  crid)oU,  eric^oKcn  {also  w.), 
intr.  f.,  sound  out,  resound,  ring. 

crfrf)cincjt,  ericf)icn,  erjcl)icncn,  inti-.  \., 
appear  ;  be  published.  [kill. 

crfd^lagcn,  erid)(u(5,  erjditagen,  tr.  slay, 

etft^ti^fen,  tr.  exhaust,  wear  out. 

cjrfrfircrfctt  (crid)rtcf  jt,  crfd)ntf t),.erj(^rol, 
cr|d;rocfeu,  intr.  ].,  be  frightened;  zv. 
tr.  frighten,  startle. 

crfjjjrcrfli^,  adj.  dreadful,  terrible;  as 
adv.  often  greatly. 

crfci^rotfCtt,  fart.  adj.  terrified. 

crfcfincn,  tr.  long  for. 



erfc^cn,  tr.  supply  {the  place),  replace  ; 
make  up  (for) ;  indemnify. 

erftitncjt,  eriaun,  crfonncn,  tr.  devise, 

erf^u^en,  tr.  espy,  spy  out. 

crft,  adv.  first,  previously;  before  an 
adv.  only;  not  till;  =  nod),  still; 
=  t»od),  would  that,  if  only ;  all  the 
more.     {Stipcrl.  o/cl)e.) 

crft,  -er,  -C,  -el,  ad/,  first,  chief. 

crftait,  adj.  dial,  at  first,  in  the  be- 

crftauitcn,  intr.  f.,  be  surprised,  aston- 
ished at  (iiber). 

©rftauncit,  «.  -§,  amazement. 

crftirfcn,  tr.  or  intr.  \.,  smother,  suffo- 

crfturmctt,  tr.  take  by  storm, 

ertiinett,  intr.  f.,  sound  forth,  ring. 

crtrrtgcn,  crtrug,  cvtragcn,  tr.  bear; 
support ;  endure. 

ertrctctt,  ertrat,  crtreten,  tr.  tread  or 
trample  to  death. 

ertvad^Clt,  ititr.  \.,  awake,  be  roused, 

crnjarfjfcu  (d)  like  \).  cruiu(^§,  cni)ad)= 
fen,  ijitr.  grow  up ;  spring,  proceed 
from  (au§).    [macftfen,  E.  wax,] 

©riwogung,/.  w.  consideration. 

crwriOIcn,  /r.  choose,    [mat)!.] 

crlonrtcn,  tr.  await;  expect. 

©rtwartung,  /.  -w.  waiting,  expecta- 

crttJcifctt,  ermieS,  erfttefen,  tr.  prove, 
demonstrate ;  render,  bestow ;  refl. 
show  oneself. 

crhJcitcrn,  tr.  extend,  expand. 

ertocrljcn,  erluarb,  erroorben,  tr.  ac- 
quire, win. 

crtoibcrtt,  insep.  tr.  return;  reply; 

crjafjtctt,  tr.  relate,  tell,     [^alji.] 

(Srja^Iung,  /,  w.  narration,  account, 

CVJCltgctt,  tr.  beget,  produce, 

crjicOcit,  erjoG,  erjogen,  tr.  bring  up, 
educate,  train, 

crjiirncn,  tr.  make  angry,  irritate; 
refl.  grow  angry  at  (iiber). 

t^,  n.pers.  pron.  it ;  expletive  to  intro- 
duce a  sentence,  there, 

(Sfcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  ass,  donkey, 

cffcn,  a§,  gcgcffcn,  tr.  eat,  [food. 

©ffcit,   «,  -§,  eating;    meal;    dinner, 

©tfd)  (/;?«/.  Adige),/,  a  river  of  north- 
ern Italy  rising  in  the  Tyrol,  and 
flowing  into  the  Adriatic  Sea, 

ctlwa,  adv.  somewhere;  sometime; 
about,  nearly  ;  possibly ;  with  pron. 
=  ever,  ma§  etiua,  whatever. 

ctlua^,/ro«.  {indccl.)  some,  something; 
tJidef.  pron.  any,  a  little,  somewhat. 

cucr,  pers.  pron.  gen.  of  \\)x,  of  you  ; 
poss.  pron.,  your. 

Gulc,  /.  w.  owl. 

@uro'pa,  n.  -§,  Europe. 

©tjangc'licnburf),  «.-§,  Hx,  book  of  the 
Gospels.     \Gr.,  C] 

ctuig,  «^^'.  eternal ;  perpetual. 

GWigtcit,  /.  w.  eternity.  [forever. 

ctotgtid^,  adj.  eternal,  continual;  adv. 

ejem^cl,  n.  -§,  — ,  example.  [L. 

©jcm^Jrtr'',  n.  -(e)§,  -t,  specimen; 
copy  (of  a  book).     [Z,] 

(gjfuvfion',/,  w.  excursion.    [Z,.] 

ejtrofcitt,  adj.  very  fine. 




^adti,  f.  IV.  torch. 

fadctn,  hitr.  \).,  flicker;  waver,  hesi- 

^aljuc,y.  w.  flag,  standard. 

faljrcn,  ful)r,  gefa^ren,  m/r.  f.  or  I)., 
drive ;  go,  proceed,  fare ;  in  bic  ^ot)C 
— ,  start  up,     {cf.  E.  fare.] 

fa^rcnb,  /^rzf.  <a;(^'.  wandering,  vagrant. 

J^aljrmamt,  m.  -§,  -"er  (?r  -teutc,  ferry- 

^af)r^)Ian,  »?.  -e§,  ^e,  time  table, 
railway  guide. 

{Jttljrt,  y.  w.  journey. 

^atirjcug,  n.  -e§,  -e,  ship,  boat. 

^ait,  n.  -§,  -§,  fact,  deed,     [i^.] 

t^rtltc,  »«.  w,  falcon. 

l^ftWttcr,  w.  -§,  — ,  falconer. 

t^oHnctci,  /.  falconry.        [in  any  case. 

3raII,  w.  -§,  -^e,  fall ;  case ;  auf  jeben  — , 

fallen,  fid,  gefaKen,  intr.\.,  fall;  de- 
cUne ;  -laffen,  drop. 

faUcu,  tr.  make  fall,  fell. 

fdlft^,  adj.  false.    [Z,,  falsus.] 

tJttlf^^ctt,  /.  falsity,  duplicity;  false- 

fatten,  tr.  fold. 

falter,  m.  -§,  — ,  butterfly. 

tVamtlte,  /.  -w.  family.     \L.  familia.] 

t^amilienglteb,  n.  -e§,  -er,  member  of 
a  family, 

tJamilienlcfictt,  n.  -§,  family  life, 

famittcntoeife,  adv.  in  families,  with 
their  families.  [room. 

t^amilicnstmmcr,    n.   -§,    — ,   sitting 

fangen,  ftng,  gefangcn,  tr.  catch,  cap- 

IJarbe,/.  w.  color.  [ture. 

frirften,  tr.  color,  dye. 

fariig,  adj.  colored. 

??arnfraut,  n.  -c§,  ''er,  fern. 

i?a^,  n.  -(ff)e§,  -(ff)er,  barrel,  cask. 
\cf.  E.  vat,] 

faff  en,  tr.  seize,  catch,  grasp,  hold ;  re- 

solve upon,  form  {a plan  or  optnton)\ 

refl.  compose  oneself. 
f^affnng,/,  composure. 
faft,  adv.  almost.  [fasting. 

3-aften   {or  i^aftc),  /.  sing.,  also  pi. 
iJaftnarfit,/,  w.  Shrove  Tuesday,  night 

before  Lent. 
fataF,  vexatious,  miserable,  annoying, 

odious.     [7^.,  Z.] 
fanl,  adj.  lazy. 
I^antfieit,/.  laziness, 
^anft,  /,  H,  fist. 

^•etirnar^  m.  -§,  February.    [Z.] 
fc^tcn,  fo(f)t,  gcfoc^tcn,  intr.  \).,  fight, 
fjeber,  /.  w.   feather;  pen,      {cf.  E. 

I^eberlefen,  n.  -§,  hesitation. 
l^eberf^Jtet,  n.  -§,  -e,  falconer's  lure; 

bird  to  incite  a  falcon. 
?^ebertt>ttb,    n.  -(c)§,   coll.  wild  fowl, 

feathered  game. 
^tt,  f.  w.  fairy. 
fegen,  tr.  sweep. 
fel)ten,  tr.  miss;  intr.  \).,  fail,  make  a 

mistake;    be    lacking    or    wanting; 

impers.  be  wanting ;  luaS  fel)tt  ?  what 

is  the  matter .? 
^et)Ier,  »«.  -§,  — ,  fault,  mistake. 
feierltt^,    adj.   festive,    solemn.      \cf. 

feiern,  tr.  celebrate. 
fein,  adj.  fine,  delicate;   pretty,  nice; 

elegant,  refined  ;  artful ;  quick,  smart. 

t^cinb,  m.  -e§,  -e,  enemy,  foe,  adver- 
sary, opponent ;  ber  boje  — ,  the  foul 

fiend,  devil,  evil  one ;  fcinb,  pred.  adj. 

hostile,  [prig.  part,  used  subs.  hate], 
fcinbliti^,  adj.  hostile, 
l^etnbfcligfeit,  /,  hostility. 
^eib,  n.  -c§,  -cr,  field. 
3-eIbfrttt^t,/.  h,  fruit  of  the  field. 



f^clbfjcrr,  m.  u>.  general,  commander. 

^^clbftciit,  w.-c§,-c,  field-stone,  boulder. 

t^elbjug,  m.  -e§,  -"C,  campaign. 

5'CU,  n.  -ۤ,  -e,  skin,  hide,  pelt. 

t^cl^,  fn.  zv.  rock, 

tjclfcn,  m.  -§,  — ,  rock. 

t^clfcnriff ,  m.  -e§,  -c,  rocky  reef. 

5-cIfcinwnnl),/.  H.  wall  of  rock. 

fclftg,  adj.  rocky, 

5'Cl^^Inttc,  /.  w.  ledge  of  rock, 

^Jcnftcr,  11.  -§,  — ,  window.  [Z,  fenes- 

i^CJtftcrlciit,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  window. 

JJcnftcrfdjctbc,/.  w.  window  pane. 

i^crbtnanb  II,  w.-§  (15 78-1637),  Arch- 
duke of  Styria,  King  of  Bohemia 
(1617),  of  Hungary  (1618),  German 
Emperor  (1619).    p.  114. 

tJertcn,  //.  holidays.  [L.  feria,  holi- 
day.] ^ 

ticricitjcit,  /.  rv.  holidays,  vacation, 

fern,  adj.  far,  remote. 

%tv\\t,f.  w.  distance. 

i^crnftt^t,  /.  distant  view,  prospect. 

fcrtig,  adj.  ready ;  done,  finished ;  — 
rupfcn,  finish  picking;  —  tuerbcii, 
manage,  get  along;  dispose  of  (mit). 

tjcrtigtcit,  /.  skill,  facility ;  readiness, 

J^cffcl,/.  w.  fetter. 

fcft,  adj.  fast,  firm,  steady ;  fixed,  forti- 

{^Cft,  ;/.  -e»,  -e,  festival,  feast.  [L. 

tjcftan^ug,  m.  -e^,  ^e,  holiday  attire. 

f^cftllcib,  m.  -t,  -er,  festival  garment, 

t^cfttut^cn,  in.  -§,  — ,  festal  cake, 
Christmas  cake. 

JJcftgcfnng,  m.  -e§,  -e,  festal  song. 

fcftltt^,  adj.  festal. 

fcftftcUctt,  Sep.  tr.  fix,  establish,  arrange ; 

Qfcftttttg^tttitnct,  m.  -»,  —  tunnel  un- 
der a  fortification. 

fcft,  adj.  fat. 

^■cJjcii,  m.  -§,  — ,  shred,  tatter,  rag. 
fcutljt,  adj.  damp,  moist. 
J^cucr,  n.  -3,  — ,  fire. 
JVcucrflnmmc,/.  w.  fire  flame. 
f^Cttcri^glut,  /.  w.  fiery  glow  or  color. 
fcurig,  adj.  fiery. 
i^cucrftcin,  m.  -(c)§,  flint. 
^cucr5CiiB,  n.  -■h,  -t,  tinder  box,  flint 

and  steel. 
?^irt)tcnbaiim,  m.  -cS,  ^e,  pine  tree. 
fiber,  adj.  faithful ;  jolly.    {L.  fideUs.] 
J^ietier,  «.  -§,  — ,  fever. 
i^tgur',  /.  w.  figure. 
ftitben,  fanb,  flcfunben,  tr.  find;  r.5/?. 

be  found,  present  itself,  occur ;  fid()  — 

in,  resign  oneself  to,  adapt  to. 
IVinger,  in.  -»,,  — ,  finger. 
ftngerbitf,  adj.  thick  as  one's  finger. 
JViitite,  m.  w.  Finn,  Finlander. 
ftnfter,  adj.  dark,  gloomy ;  sad,  stern. 
^\\^,  m.  -Cv,  -e,  fish. 
55tftf)ermab(^en,  n.  -§,  — ,  fishermaid. 
flad^,  adj.  flat,  open  ;  shallow, 
?flat^^,  »/.  -€§,  flax. 
flarfcru,  /w/r.  I).,  flicker. 
?V-Ittmme,  /  w.  flame.     [L.  flamma.] 
flommcnb,/«r/.  adj.  flaming. 
tJlanberer,  m.  -t,  —,  an  inhabitant  of 

Flanders,  a  Fleming. 
flatterit,  intr.  t)„  flutter,  wave,  fly. 
S-fau^roff,    m.   -c§,   -"c,   thick,  fleecy 

J^Icrf ,  m.  -c§,  -e  (<>r  -en),  place,  spot. 
5>Icrfcii,  in.  -§,  — ,  spot,  stain;  village. 
flctfeulOi',  adj.  spotless. 
f(e^cntli(^,  adj.  beseeching. 
IJIcifrl^,  n.  -e§,  flesh,  meat. 
f^feig,  w.  -e§,  diligence,  industry. 
f(etgtg,  adj.  diligent,  industrious. 
J^Ucgc,/.  w.  fly. 

fltegen,  pog,  geflogcn,  /w^'r. ).  fly. 
f[ief|cn,  flol),  geffoljen,  /w^'r.  \.  flee;  ^r. 

flee  from. 
flicftcn,  flo^,  gefloffcn,  m^r.  f.  flow. 



fttmmertt,     intr.    f).,    glitter,    glisten, 

fttnl,  adj.  quick,  hasty.  [sparkle. 

flinfctt,  intr.  ^,,  sparkle. 

^ixxiit,/.  w.  musket,  firelock. 

^Xviii^i,  f.  w.  flight. 

flitd^tig,  a^'.  fleeting,  fugitive,  passing. 

I^Ittg,  -(e)§,  ^e,  flight ;  flock ;  im  ^tuge, 
on  the  wing. 

gfliifict,  m.  -S,  — ,  wing,     [fliegen.] 

iJIU8(C)tctit,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  wing,  wing- 
let,  [brating  wings. 

flugelfd^loingcttb,  ^art.    adj.    with  vi- 

3flttgeltf)ur(c),/.  w.  folding-door. 

^inv,  m.  -(e)§,  -e,  vestibule,  entry ;  /. 

JJIuft,  m.  -{ij)e§,  W\)t,  river,    [w.  field. 

flttftern,  tr.  or  m^r.  1^.,  whisper. 

%\yxi,  f.  TV.  flood ;  tide. 

f^jj^ntoinb,  m.  -(e)§,  -€,  a  violent  south 
wind  {in  Switzerland). 

%^\^t,  f.  w.  result,  consequence. 

folgen,  intr.  f.,  (dat.)  follow,  succeed  ; 
im/.  it  results. 

j^oUant\  m.  w.  folio. 

forbcrn,  tr.  demand,  require. 

^orbcrung,/.  7t<.  demand,  claim. 

%Oxm,  f.  -iv.  form ;  model.     [£.] 

fiirtnUii^,  adj.  formal. 

formulicrcn,  tr.  formulate. 

forfd^cn,  intr.  f).,  search,  investigate. 

forfd^Cltb,  J>art.  adj.  searching,  in- 

IJorf^ttttg,/.  -iv.  investigation,  research. 

%w\i,  m.  -e§,  -C,  forest  {also  f.  fl. 
-en).     \Cf.  E.  forest.] 

3forftcr,  m.  -§>,  — ,  forester,     [or  lodge. 

^ov^ti)a\t§,  n.  -c§,  ^cr,  forester's  house 

fort,  adv.  forth,  away,  gone;  on,  on- 
ward ;  continuously ;  ill  eincm  — , 
incessantly,  continually  ;  —  unb  — , 
continually ;  used  as  sep.  accented 

fortfafircn,  ful)r  — ,  -gcfalircn,  intr.  \., 
drive  away;  I).,  continue,  proceed. 

fortfcti^tctt,  foc^t  — ,  -gcfo^ten,  intr. 
1^.,  continue  to  fight,  fight  on. 

fortgcfiett,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr.  \., 

go  away,  set  out. 
forttommcn,  fam  — ,  -gelommcn,  intr. 

]'.,  get  away,  escape;  prosper. 
fortlaufcn,  Itcf  — , -gclaufen,  intr.\., 

run  away,  run  on. 
fortlcBcn,  sep.  intr.  \).,  live  on,  survive. 
fartmac^cn,  sep.  intr.  \).,  make  haste; 

refl.  take  oneself  off. 
fortraud^cn,    sep.  intr.   I).,  smoke  on, 

continue  to  smoke. 
fortrcnncn,  ranntc  — ,  -gcrannt,  intr. 

\.,  hurry  on,  run  away, 
fortrciftctt,   rip  — ,  -gerifjen,   tr.  tear 

away,  carry  along. 
fortfc^Ctt,  sep.  tr.  I).,  continue. 
t^ortfc^ung,/.  w.  continuation. 
fortft^lummcrn,  sep.  intr.  I).,  sleep  on. 
fortfd^toimmcn,     jdiiuamm     — ,     -go; 

|d)tt)Ommen,  intr.  \. ,  swim  away  or  on. 
fortttagctt,  ting  — ,  -getragen,  irans- 

carry  away  or  along.  [stant. 

fortttJO^rcnb,  part.  adj.  continual,  con- 
fortwcvfcn,    icarf   — ,  -flcioorfcn,    tr. 

throw  away, 
fortjicfjctt,  30G  — ,  -gcjogcn,  tr.  pull  or 

draw  away  ;  intr.  ].,  proceed ;  march 

off,  depart. 
i^raif,  in.  -c§,  ^e,  dress-coat. 
{^rogc,/.  zv.  question. 
fragcn,  fragte  or  frug,  gefragt,  tr.  ask, 

inquire  ;  e§  froflt  fi^,  it  is  a  question. 
i^ragcttbc(r),   m.   infi.    as    adj.    ques- 
fraglit^,  adj.  in  question,  questionable, 
frattt,  adj.  free,  frank, 
i^rantc,  w.  w.  a  Frank;    Franconian; 

%xwx\xt\^,  n.  -y,  France. 
%xn%t,  f.  w.  grimace;  wry  face;  whim. 
?>ra^cngcftc^t,    n.  -§,  -cr,  scarecrow, 

^xan,  f.  w.  lady ;  wife  ;  mistress,  Mrs. 
{^raui^en,  n.  -§,  collog.  little  woman, 

little  wife. 



t^raurn||cfta(t,  /.  w.  woman's  form, 

tJrouenOant*,/.  -,  woman's  hand. 

t^rauctt^immcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  woman's 
apartment ;  unmarried  woman, 

?^-rrtUcn,^immcr()nnb,  /.  woman's  hand. 

i^rdu(ctu,  71.  -^,  — ,  young  lady;  Miss. 

fret,  adj.  free  ;  open. 

tjrcicriimnnn,  m.-^,  ^cr,-Icutc,  wooer, 

%vt\i)t'xi,  f.  7c:  freedom,  lilaerty. 

frctUcQ,  (r(/v.  to  be  sure,  of  course,  cer- 
tainly, indeed. 

{^retmut,  m.  -(e)'3,  frankness,  candor. 

ijrciftunbc,/.  w.  leisure  hour. 

frctttiiUtg,  at(/.  voluntary  ;  free. 

frcmb,  ac/J.  strange,  foreign,  alien;  un- 
usual, unaccustomed;  belonging  to 
another,    [oriq: /ari.  loving.] 

5yrcmbc(r),  ;«.  in/i.  as  adj.  stranger. 

tyrcmbcn^lntt,  «.  -8,  ^er,  Hst  of  arri- 
vals, register  of  strangers. 

J^rcmblinji,  tn.  -e§,  -e,  stranger. 

frcffcu,  frciH,  flcfrcffen,  tr.  or  intr.  \)., 
eat  {said  of  animals). 

tjrcubc,/.  w.  joy,  happiness,  pleasure 

Sfrcubcnfcucr,  n.  -§,  — ,  bonfire. 

{yrcubcHflcfrfjrct,  n.  -§,  shout  of  joy. 

frcubcftraljicnb,  part.  adj.  beaming  or 
diffusing  joy. 

frcitbtg,  adj.  joyous,  glad,  happy. 

frcucn,  /r.  please,  make  happy;  rejl. 
{gen..,  or  iibcr  and  ace.).,  rejoice  at, 
be  glad. 

S-rcunb,  m.  -c§,  -t,  friend. 

frcunblit^,  adj.  friendly,  cheerful, 

S-rcunbtit^tcit,/.  w.  kindness. 

^Jrcunbi'bcrg,  ©corg  Don,  tn.  -§,  a 
noted  knight  of  the  sixteenth  century. 

5-rcttnbf i^oft,  /.  w.  friendship. 

^rtcbc(n),  ;«. -n§,  -n,  peace. 

friebcbrtngcnb,  part.  adj.  peace-bring- 

g^rtcblanb,  n,  -§,  former  capital  of  the 
Dukedom  of  F.,  possessed  by  Wal- 
lenstein,  in  northern  Bohemia. 

f^ricbcn^fcft,  n.  -ۤ,  festival  of  peace. 

jyncb(c)rtt^  I.  or  Barbarossa,  (i lan- 
ugo) of  the  illustrious  dynasty  of 
the  Hohenstaufen.  Duke  of  Swabia 
(1147),  German  King  and  Emperor 

5-ricbrie^ftraftc,/  Frederick  street. 

frtebH(i^,  adj.  peacable. 

fricrcn,  fror,  gcfroren,  iiitr.  f.,be  cold, 
freeze  ;  tr.  imp.  be  cold,  chilled. 

%x\t\t,  m.  w.  Frisian,  an  inhabitant  of 
Friesland  in  the  Netherlands. 

friftl^,  adj.  fresh,  new;  light,  bright, 
gay ;  lively,  brisk,  cool. 

?Vrtfc^r^  w.  -g,  -c,  hair-dresser.     [F.] 

frofj,  adj.  happy,  glad,  joyous. 

fro()li(^,  merry,  joyous.     [Cf.  E.  frolic] 

fromnt,  adj.  honest,  worthy;  pious, 

tJrofrfi,  m.  -ۤ,  ^,  frog. 

i5rof(f)f(^cnfc(cin,  n.  -§,  — ,  leg  of  a 

t^rflttftcbt,  n.  -§,  a  station  near  Gotha, 
a  favorite  point  for  entering  the 
Thuringian  Forest. 

%xyx^i,  f.  -t,  fruit,  crop. 

frtt^,  adj.  early,  in  the  morning;  frii' 
l^cr,  earlier,  former. 

fritter,  adv.  before,  formerly. 

{Jriiljling,  m.  -§,  -c,  spring. 

J^rii^ting^ofjnttttg,/.  w.  presentment  of 

t5rit^ttng§itarf|mittflg,  m.  -§,  -e,  after- 
noon in  spring. 

gfrii^Hng^fonnc,/.  w.  spring  sun. 

gfrit^ftiitf,  n.  -§,  H,  breakfast. 

fvi'tfjftiirfcn,  i7itr.  1).,  breakfast. 

|$rit^ftitrf §ftunbc,  /.  w.  breakfast  hour. 

^rit^jug,  m.  -(c)§,  H,  early  train, 
morning  train. 

tJuci^S,  m.  -c§,  -C,  fox. 

f^ttguttQr/.  w.  decree,  dispensatiosu 



fttl^Icn,  tr.  feel,  perceive;  refl.  feel  one- 

fiifjrcn,  tr.  carry,  bear;  lead;  guide; 
bring ;  carry  on,  conduct,  manage. 

^Jittjrcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  guide. 

J^wJjruttQ,/.  -iv.  leadership, 

t^ilUc,/.  fulness,  abundance,  plenty. 

fitttcn,  tr.  fill;  cover. 

^unb,  m.  -c§,  -C,  finding,  that  which 
is  found  ;  discovery,  invention. 

t^Uttbamcnt',  n.  -(e)§,  -e,  foundation, 
basis.     [Z.] 

funf,  «z/w.  five. 

fiinft,  -er,  -e,  -C§,  ord.  nutn.  fifth. 

fi'tufunbtiicrjig,  «//w.  forty-five. 

funfunb5n)an5ig,  mini,  twenty-five. 

fiinfjcljn,  imm.  fifteen. 

fiinf5C()tttc,  adj.  fifteenth. 

fiinfjig,  mini,  fifty. 

S-iintc^ctt,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  spark. 

I^tttttc(n),  m.  -n§,  -n,  spark. 

funfcin,  intr.  I).,  sparkle,  glitter. 

funtclnb,  fart.  adj.  sparkling. 

fiir,  prep,  with  ace.  for,  instead  of,  as, 
in  return  for ;  —  [id),  aside,  by  one- 
self; —  unb  — ,  for  ever  and  ever, 
ever  and  anon;  \qoA  — ,  what  sort 
or  kind  of. 

%\xx^i,  f.  fear,  fright. 

furdftbar,  adj.  terrible. 

fitrc^tcn,  tr.  fear;  rejl.  (bor)  be  afraid. 

fitrt^tcrUc^,  adj.  frightful,  fearful. 

fwrbcr,  arch.  adv.  further. 

fitrticb,  adv.  —  liel)men,  be  content 
with,  put  up  with. 

f^itrft,  m.  w.  prince,  ruler. 

fitrftHd^,  adj.  princely. 

fitrttJi^tg,  adj.  inquisitive,  impertinent. 

i^ttft,  m.  -eg,  "c,  foot ;  yi  — ,  on  foot. 

f^upoben,  tn.  -6,  ^,  floor. 

tJuftlaitgc,/.  w.  footlength. 

^Ufjfoljlc,/.  7r.  sole  of  the  foot. 

%\X^\p\^t,  f.  IV.  tip  of  the  foot. 

t^Uttcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  fodder,  feed. 

f^uttcral,  n.  -§,  -e,  case. 

fitttcrn,  tr.  feed. 

@abc,/.  w.  gift ;  talent,  endowment. 

g(ii)ncn,  intr.  1).,  yawn. 

@o(gctt,  m.  -§,  — ,  gallow.  [/^.] 

%o\^'^')f\txtyx,  intr.  f .,  gallop ;  scamper. 

©ang,  m.  -§,  ^'c,  walk,  gait;  motion, 
progress;  course;  way;  avenue; 
corridor,  passage. 

@)anghteg,  m.  -c§,  -e,  footpath,  pas- 
sage, platform. 

©ttttg,/,  H,  goose. 

gttttj,  «(^'.  whole,  entire ;  adv.  entirely, 
quite,  very;  —  unb  gar,  entirely,  ab- 

@ttn3C(§),  n.  injl.  as  adj.  whole;  adv. 
tm  ganjcn,  on  the  whole,  in  general. 

gdnglic^,  adj.  complete. 

gar,  adv.  very,  quite,  altogether;  gor 
1%  extremely ;  with  neg.  at  all. 

garftig,  adj.  repulsive,  horrid;  ugly, 

©artcn,  m.  -§,  ^,  garden. 

(SJartcnmrtucr,  /.  w.  garden  wall. 

(yartcn^fortc,  /.  w.  garden  gate, 
[^fortc,  L.  porta,  E.  port.] 

©artcnfaal,  m.-t'i,  H,  garden  room; 
room  in  a  summer  house. 

©nrtCttftU^i,  m.  -§,  ^c,  garden  chair. 

@ttrtcttt()itr(c),/.  w.  garden  door. 

©artcntift^,  m.  -es,  -e,  garden  table. 

©affc,/.  w.  street,  lane. 

@nft,  »«.  -eS,  -"e,  guest. 

©aftfjof,  w.  -el,  -^e,  inn,  hotel. 

(Drtttc,  w.  w.  spouse,  husband. 

©rtttin,/.  w.  spouse,  wife. 

gc=,  insep. prefix  in  nouns  with  collec- 
tive force ;   with  verbs ^  denoting  a 



momentary  act  or  conclusion  of  an 
act ;  a  coming  into  a  state  of  being 
expressed  by  the  primitive.  Sign  of 
the  past  participle.  (inc^fttgen.  ] 

gcdngftigt,  part.  adj.  distressed,     [/r. 

@coft(c),  n.  -(c)'j,  coll.  branches. 

(jcfiiircn,  gcbar,  o^&oreu,  tr.  bear,  give 
birth  to. 

©Cbjiubc,  n.  -?j,  —,  building. 

gcbcit,  <;^a\),  oegebcn,  /r.  give;  impers. 
e§  giebt,  there  is,  there  are. 

©cfiet^  n.  -e§,  -C,  prayer,     [bitten.] 

gcOtctcn,  gebot,  gcboteu,  ^r.  (</a/.  of 
pers.)  command,  rule,  control. 

©cbictcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  ruler,  master. 

gebtlbet,  /ar/.  a^^'.  educated,  refined. 

@c6irgc,  «.  -§,  — ,  mountain  range, 
mountain.  [baren.] 

geIior(C)n,  part.  adj.  bom,  n^e.     [ge= 

Qdt\it>t,  M. -(e)§,  -C,  offer,  command. 

ge6raurt)cn,  zfr.  use,  employ. 

geBrannt,  /ar/.  «<^',  browned,  sun- 
burnt,    [brcnnen.] 

(SJcburt,  /.  w.  birth. 

©cBiifti^,  «.  -e»,  -e,  thicket,  bushes. 

(iJcbai^tni^,  «.  -(ff)c§,  -([|)e,  memory. 
[fr.part.  gebac^t.] 

^thamtf^i,  part.  adj.  muffled,  subdued, 

@CbOtt!c(u),  m.-\\,  or~\\?j,  ~\\,  thought, 

gcbttttfcnlo^,  adj.  thoughtless,  light- 

gcbottfcnrcitl^,  adj.  rich  in  ideas,  full 
of  thought. 

gcbcnten,  gebac^tc,  gebad)t,  intr.  {). 
{geti.,  or  an  with  ace),  bear  in  mind, 
remember ;  mention ;  with  inf.  in- 
tend, purpose. 

@cb{rf)t,  71.  -c§,  -c,  poem.  [t)i(f)ten, 

©cbrangc,  n.  -§,  — ,  crowd,  throng, 

(ijcbulb,/.  patience. 

©efa^r,/.  w.  danger,  peril 

gcf(i^r(td|,  adj.  dangerous;  perilous. 

®cfaf)rtc,  m.  IV.  companion,  comrade. 

gcfnUctt,  gefiel,  gefallcn,  intr.  {).  {dat.), 
please,  like;  fid)  etwa§  —  laffcn, 
consent  to,  put  up  with ;  let  pass. 

(iJcfatt(C),  m.  IV.  {also  -§),  liking,  pleas- 
ure; eincn  —  tt)un,  do  a  favor,  oblige. 

gcfaUtg,  adj.  pleasant,  agreeable;  if 
you  please;  —  l)aben,  desire. 

gefangen,  part.  adj.  imprisoned,  cap- 
tive,    [fangciu] 

(*}efaitgcnc(r),  m.  infl.  as  adj.  prisoner. 

©cfangcnfri^aft,  /.  captivity,  imprison- 

(ycfrittgni^,  n.  -(ff)ey,  -(ff)c,  prison. 

(IJcftcbcr,  «.-§,  ^0//.  feathered  animals, 
birds.     [f^pCbcr.] 

OJcfolgc,  n.  -§,  — ,  retinue,  staff. 

gcfrd^tg,  adj.  ravenous,  greedy.  [fre|= 

gefitgc,  adj.  tractable,  submissive. 

(Scfiifit,  n.  -^'3,  -t,  feeling. 

gcgcn,/r^/.  -with  ace.  against,  toward  ; 
in  comparison  with ;  contrary  to ;  in 
return  for ;  about,  nearly. 

(iJegcnb,  /.  w.  region,  country;  neigh- 
borhood; landscape,     [gcgen.] 

gcgcnfcitig,  adj.  mutual. 

®cgcnftOttb,  m.  -e§,  H,  object ;  sub- 

©cgcntcit,  n.  -€§,  -e,  contrary,  oppo- 
site, converse. 

gegenitder,  prep,  with  dat.  opposite 
(to);  sometimes  placed  after  the 
noun,  or  with  the  governed  word 
between  the  two  parts  ;  adv.  opposite. 

gcgeniiftcrUcgcttb,  part.  adj.  (lying) 

gegcniibcrfcfecii,  refl..  sit  down  opposite. 

gcgcitiibcrftcf)ciib,/arA  adj.  (standing) 

©cgcnWrtrt,/.  presence ;  present  (time). 
\For  -mart,  cf.  -rocirtg,  directed 



©egner,  m.  -§,  — ,  opponent,  enemy. 

QC^oriliftl^t,  />art.  adj.  clad  in  armor. 

%t\)t\vx,  adj.  secret,  private,  myste- 
rious;  im  Qet)eimcn,  secretly,  pri- 
vately,    {adv.  f)eim,  E.  home.] 

©c^ctmni^,  n.  -(l'f)e§,  -(if)^/  secret. 

ge^etmniStiott,  adj.  mysterious. 

gcljcn,  fling,  QCflangen,  intr.  ].,  go, 
move,  walk,  step ;  be  possible ;  c§  gcl)t 
ni^t,  it  will  not  answer;  an  eincn 
— ,  apply  to;  in  fid^  — ,  reflect,  re- 
pent ;  t)or  fi(^  — ,  proceed,  happen. 

®t\)tVL\,  n.  -§,  howling.     [  Ijeulen.  ] 

GJC^irn,  «.  -€§,  -e,  brain ;  y%-.  under- 
standing.    [<!^trn.] 

®ti)^i',  n.  -ei,  -C,  farm  enclosure ;  coll. 
group  of  farm  buildings,  estate.  [<^of .] 

@cf|or%  n.  -(e) §,  hearing,  attention. 

gcfiori^en,  /wi'r.  (^a/.)  obey.  \cf.  E. 

gc^fircn,  ?«2fr.  {dat.)  belong  (to),  be 
connected  with. 

ge^ijrtg,  adj.  proper. 

gcljorftim,  adj.  obedient,  dutiful. 

gc^uttt,    part.    adj.    veiled,    covered. 

[^iinc,  E.  hull.] 

©ctgcnf^tclcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  violin  player, 
fiddler,     [©eiflc] 

©ctgcitftrid),  ?«.  -e^j,  -e,  violin  stroke  or 

OJcift,/.  7f.  goat.  [touch;  bow. 

©ctft,  w.  -e§,  -er,  spirit,  mind. 

©ciftc^gafic,  /.  w.  mental  gift; 

geifttg,  adj.  spiritual,  mental. 

geiftltt^,  adj.  spiritual,  ecclesiastical, 
clerical ;  used  substantively^  (^eift= 
ti^e(r),  clergyman, 

OJciftac^tcit,  /.  w.  clergy. 

geiftreic^,  adj.  clever,  witty. 

@ct5,  m.  -c§,  avarice,  stinginess. 

get5ig,  adj.  avaricious. 

©ella^^er,  n.  -§,  clattering,  chatter- 
ing,   [tlappen,  clap.] 

©ctat^tcr,  «.-§,  -,  laughter,  [lacfien.] 
getangcn,  m/r.  \.,  come  to,  arrive  at; 

be  handed  down ;  —  in,  come  into, 

obtain,     [(angen/r.  tang.] 
©Ctfiutc,  n.  -§,  — ,  ringing  (of  bells)^ 

peaHng.     [(auten.] 
gcl6,  adj.  yellow. 
@clb,  n.  -e§,  -cr,  money, 
©clbbcutct,    m.    -§,    — ,    money-bag, 

©ctbfafteu,  m.  -§,  — ,  money-box. 
(iJclbfifte,  f.  %v.  money-chest. 
@ctb5ttfammcitfrf)rtrrcn,  (inf.  as  noun) 

n.  -§,  scraping  money  togother. 
qtitQcn,  /art.  as  adj.  situated      [lic= 

@ctcgcnl)Ctt,  /.    w.    opportunity,  oc- 
gclc^rig,  adj.  docile,  teachable.    [(c^= 

Qeieffvt,J>art.  adj.  learned. 
@ctct)rte(r),  m.  infl..  as  adj.  literary 

man ;  scholar. 
©ctcttf'bricf ,  m.  -c§,  -€,  safe-conduct. 

[leitcn  fr.   obs.   lidan,   go,   and  L. 

gcUngcn,  gclang,   gclungcn,  intr.  \., 

(dat.)  prosper,  succeed ;    imfers.  c§ 

gelingt  i()m,  he  succeeds. 
gelobett,   tr.   promise,   vow ;   'Xio.^  gce 

(obtc  2anb,  the  Promised  Land. 
gelt,  interj.  it  holds?    is  it  not  so? 

truly  ?      [3^  J>ers.    sing.    subj.    of 


gotten,  gait,  gegotten,  intr.  %.,  be 
worth,  valid,  hold  good ;  be  permit- 
ted ;  be  considered ;  imp.  concern  ; 
be  at  stake. 

%txiX(KA),  n.-e§,  ^cr,  apartment,  room ; 
[orig.  ease,  place  of  rest.] 

@ema^(,  m.  -§,  -e,  husband;  «.  con- 
sort, spouse  [either  husband  or 
wife  but  more  zisually  meaning  the 
■wife ;  orig.  betrothed,  wedded^ 

©cma^lin,  /.  w.  wiffc. 



@emalbe,  n.  -§,  — ,  picture,  painting, 
[malcn,  paint.] 

©emducr,    n.   -§,    — ,  coll.  walls, 

gemcin,  adj.  common,  general ;  mean, 
low,     \E.  mean.] 

@cmcinbc,  /.  w.  community,  congre- 

3cmciJtft$nftlir^,  adj.  common,  mu- 
tual; -e  ^<xi)t  ntac^en,  make  com- 
mon cause,  join  interests. 

©cmiifcBcct,  n.  -e§,  -C,  bed  of  vege- 
tables,   [/r.  5)tu§,  food.] 

©cmiit,  n.  -e»,  -tx,  mind,  soul;  dis- 
position.    [2}lut.] 

QCn,  prep,  toward,  used  now  only  -with 
points  of  the  compass,  gen  J£)immcl, 

genannt,  part.  adj.  named ;  above- 
mentioned,    [iieuuen.] 

gcnau,  adj.  exact,  close. 

gcnic§cit,  genoB,  gcnoffcu,  tr.  enjoy. 

©cnoffi^c),  tn.  w.  -<ff)en,  -(fi)en,  compan- 
ion, associate,  [genicfeen,  partici- 

genug,  7ioun  and  indecL,  adj.  enough  ; 
sufficient,  plenty  ;  adv.  enough. 

©cnuft,  m.  -([f)c§,  ■^(ff)c,  enjoyment. 

gcogra'^Jjife^,  adj.  geographical.   [G.] 

©corgcntag,  see  St.  ©eorgcntag. 

@cV<irf,  n.  -c§,  -C,  coll.  baggage. 

©cpfltftrfigcr,  m.  -§,  —,  porter. 

gcrrtbc  (grabc),  adj.  straight ;  adv.  di- 
rectly, just,  precisely,  exactly;  — 
au§,  straight  ahead ;  Ijcxaxi^,  frankly. 

gcrabc^u,  adv.  directly,  immediately, 

gcrablaufcnb,  part.  adj.  in  a  straight 
course,  direct ;  regular.     [laufeu.] 

gcrtttcit,  gerict,  geraten,  Intr.  f.,  come  ; 
hit  upon,  become  involved  in ;  occur 
to  one  (wii/i  auf,  in,  an) ;  in  !Soxn 
— ,  fly  into  a  passion. 

gerfiumig,     ad/,     spacious,     roomy. 

©ci-aujd),  n.  -e§,  -e,  noise,   [raufcbcn.] 
gerdufc^DoU,  adj.  noisy,  boisterous. 
gcret^t,    adj.  proper,    suitable;    just, 

©crcti^tiglcit,  /.    w.  uprightness,    jus- 
gereici^cn,  intr.  t).,  extend ;  conduce  to, 

redound  to;  result  in  (wit/t  dat.  ox 

gcrctjt,    part.    adj.    irritated,   angry. 

©crirfjt,  n.  -(e)§,  -€,  court  {pfjustice\ 

gertitg,  «^'.  small,  slight,  insignificant. 
(.«cringfc^d^ung,/.  contempt,  [j'c^afeen, 

gcrn(c),  adv.  willingly,  gladly;   with 

verbs,  enjoy  doing;  —  ^aben,  like. 

\cf.  E.  yearn.] 
@crut^',  m.  -e§,  H,  smell,  scent.   [ric= 

d^cn,  E.  reek.] 
geritfjrt,  part.  adj.  touched,  moved. 

@cfanbtc(r),  m.  injl.  as  adj.  messenger, 

ambassador,     [fcnbcn.] 
(Bcfang,   m.  -§,    -"e,    singing,   song; 

poem;  canto,     [fingcn.] 
©efoitglcljrcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  singing  mas- 
©cfr^aft,  «.-§,  -c,  business.  [irf)offcn.] 
©cfti^aft^rcifc,/.  w.  business  trip. 
gcf(^cf)cn,  gcjd)a{),  geic^c{)en,  intr.  f., 

happen,  come  to  pass,  =  pass,  of 

t^un,  be  done. 
gefd^ctt,  adj.  sensible,  clever,  [jd^etbcn, 

©cfcficnf,   n.   -e§,    -c,    gift,    present. 

Q)ef(^t(l)tc,  /.  w.  history,  story;  affair, 

thing.     [gc)d)c()en.] 
®zW\<i)t<i)t\x,  n.  -§,  — ,  httle  story. 
&tWd,  n.  -e§,  -t,  fate,  lot;  skiiL 




&t\<l)Xd\x^U\i,  f.  w.  skill,  ability, 
[fc^icfen,  refi.  adapt.] 

gcftt)irf t,  part.  adj.  skilful,  clever. 

@cfti)trr,  «.  -(c)§,  -c,  coll.  vessels, 
utensils;  furniture;  trappings,  har- 
ness.    [i(f)irren,  arrange.] 

gcfrfjlagcn,  pai-t.  adj.  beaten,  ruined ; 
depressed,     [fc^lagcn.] 

@efrt)tcc^t,  Ti.  -(c)§,  -er,  race,  family  ; 
sex.    [Sdjtag,  kind.]  fen.] 

®cfd)m(trf,  »?.-(e)§,  "c,  taste.  [icf)me!= 

@cfd)meit)C,  n.  -§,  coll.  jewelry,  orna- 
ments.    [f(^miei)en,  forge.] 

gcft^tti^t,  part.  adj.  carved.  []d)nit= 

©cfi^o^,  n.  -(ff)c§,  -(ff)e,  missile, 
shot,  ball,  bullet.     [id)ieBeu.] 

©Cfd^rct,  n.  -§,  -e,  scream,  cry  ;  outcry, 
clamor;  fuss,     [fc^reien.] 

gefc^toeigen,  {gen.)  intr.  usually  only 
in  inf.  not  mention,  pass  in  silence  ; 
dial.  tr.  put  to  silence ;  Jirst  pers. 
sing,  as  conj.  geji^lDcige  benn,  not  to 
mention,  still  less. 

8Cftl)Wtnb(c),  adj.  swift,  prompt. 

©cfc^Winbtgfcit,  /.  swiftness,  rapidity. 
[fc^tt)inb(e),  swift.] 

@cfrt)tuor(c)uc(r),  m.  infl.  as  adj. 
juryman.     [i(i^tt)5l-en.] 

@cfcU(c),  m.  w.  companion,  fellow, 
journeyman.     [<Saat,  hall.] 

gefetten,  tr.  associate,  join;  refl.  join 

@cfcMfrf)aft,/.  w.  company. 

@efc^,  n.  -c§,  -e,  law.    [fc^en.] 

gcfc^IOig,  adj.  lawless,  without  laws. 

gefe^t,  part.  adj.  steady,  composed, 
grave;  Qefe^tc  Sat)rc,  years  of  dis- 
cretion,    [t'c^en.] 

@eftt!^t,  n.  -(e)§,  -cr,  sight;  face, 
feature;  gu  —  bcfommen,  get  sight 
of;  //.  -e,  vision,  phantom.   [  je^en.  ] 

@efiti)t(^ctt,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  face. 

(5Jcfitl)t§far6c,/.  w.  complexion. 

(Scfinbct,  n.  -§,  — ,  vagabonds,  rabble. 

gcf^atlltt,  part.  adj.  stretched ,  eager, 

intent,     [fpannen.] 
©cf^JCttft,  n.  -e§,  -er,  apparition,  ghost. 

{obs.  fpanen,  illure.] 
Q^t\pvixii),    n.    -e§,    -e,    conversation, 

speech,     [f^^rec^cn.] 
®t^itx,  Hermann,  m.  -§,  of  Bruneck, 

reputed  governor  of  the  Three  Forest 

Cantons  under  the  Emperor  Albert 

®z\ta\i,  f.  w.  shape,  form,     \old  part. 

©cftanbttig,  n.  -([f)e§,  -(ff)e,  confes- 
sion, acknowledgment,     [gcfte^en.] 
gcftattcn,  tr.   {dat.  of  person)   grant, 

allow,     [©tatt,  opportunity.] 
geftct)cn,  geftanb,  geftanbcn,  tr.  confess, 

gcftcrn,  adv.  yesterday. 
^t^ix<it,part.  adj.  embroidered,  [ftirfen.] 
@t\i\tW,  «.-(e)§,-C,  constellation,  star. 
©cftrriu^,    n.  -e§,    -C,    bush,    shrub, 

@eftricf(c),  n.  -e§,  knitting,  tangle. 
®t\ixnpp{t),  n.  -(c)§,  -e,  bushes,  under- 
gcfuub  (^comp.  geflinbcr  or  ge^unbcr), 

adj.  sound,  healthy. 
@cfunbl)cit,/.  health. 
@ctra6c,  n.  -§,  trotting,    [traben.] 
©Ctriiuf,  n.  -(e)§,  -C,  drink;  potion. 

[trinfcn.]  [trauen.] 

getrauen,   refl.   {ace.)    dare,   venture. 
gctrcit,  adj.  faithful. 
gctroft,     adj.    confident,    courageous. 

\old  form  of  part  P\ 
©ctitmmct,  n.  -§,      bustle ,    turmoil, 

clash  {of  arms)  :   confused  struggle. 

getna^r,  adj.  aware ;  —  tocrben,  catch 

sight  of,  perceive,     [cf.  tt)a'(}r.] 
geUial^ren,  tr.  perceive,  see. 
gettJC^rcn,  tr.  yield;  grant,  allow;  — 

lafjen,  let  do  as  one  will. 
®ttOd\i,  f.  w.  power,  force,  violence. 



®t)is>a{ii)txx ,  m.  w.  despot. 

gctoolttg,    adj.    powerful;    immense; 

violent ;    great ;    adv.   with   might ; 

0Ct»aJtfam,  adj.  forcible,  violent. 
©cwanb,  n.  -e§,  -^er  {or  -e),  garment, 

dress,     [mcnben.] 
©ctoriffcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  coll.  body  of  water, 

waters,  wave.     [2B offer.] 
©ctoc^r,  n.  -§,  -e,  weapon,  arms,  gun. 

©CtutJin',  m.  -e§,  -e,  gain,  profit. 
gcttJtnnctt,  gcmann,  QCioonncn,  tr.  win, 

earn,  gain. 
getoifi,    adj.   certain,    sure;    adv.    as- 
suredly,    {old  part.of\xn\\zX[..'] 
©Ooiffeit,  7t.  -§,  — ,  conscience, 
@C)t)ift{)cit,  /.  assurance ;  proof. 
©chiittcv,  n.  -§,  — ,  storm.    [^Better.] 
getuogcit,  part.    adj.  favorable,  well 

disposed,     [mageu.] 
gett)ii(|nett,  tr.  accustom   (qn,   ace); 

reji.  accustom  oneself,  get  used  (to). 

\cf.  E.  wont.] 
©ciuolju'licit,  /  iv.  custom,  habit. 
ge)t)t)f)nU(^,  adj.  usual,  common,  ordi- 
gcmd^nt,  fart.  adj.  accustomed,  wont- 
ed.    [gcn)5^ncn.] 
©ctoiilbc,  n.  -§,  — ,  vault,  arched  hall. 

[tDolben,  arch.] 
@cttJi>tt(c),  71.  -c§,  -e,  mass  of  clouds, 

clouds.     [3Bot!c.] 
gehJunbcit,  part.  adj.  winding.     [n)in= 

%t^\x\t\i,part.  adj.  circular,    [jirleln.] 
©icbcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  gable. 
@telbeIQauS,  n.  -e§,  ^er,  house  with  a 

@icbclftti6(^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  gable  room, 

attic  room. 
gtcftcn,  gofe,  gegoffen,  tr.  pour,  shed. 
gtlttg,    adj.  valid;    current,   in   force. 

{also  -written  giiltig,  fr.  gelten.] 
@t))fc(,  m.  -§,  — ,  top,  summit,  ridge, 


©tttcrfcnftcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  lattice  window. 
@loc6f)rtnbft^u^,  m.  -e§,  -c,  kid  glove. 

{F:\  [luster. 

@Irtll5,    ;«,   -e§,   brightness,  splendor, 
gtoil^cn,  z«/r.  \).,  glitter,  shine. 
gldn^enb,  /«r/.  adj.  bright,  sparkling, 

brilhant,  splendid. 
OJIaiistcbcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  patent  leather. 
@Ia^,  «.  -e§,  -^er,  glass. 
©Ittfcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  glazier. 
glatt,  adj.  smooth,  polished- 
gtaubcn,   intr.  {also  tr.)  !).  {dat.  of 

perso7i),  believe,  trust ;  think ;  —  an 

{ace),  believe  in  or  on.    [ge-Iauben.] 
gldtten,  tr.  smooth,  poUsh. 
@(a^c,  /.    w.    baldness ;    bald    head. 

@laMl>c(n),  m.  -n§,  — ,  belief,  faith, 
glcid^,  adJ.XxV^,  equal,  similar,  same; 

—  f  ommen  {dat),  equal,  be  equal  to ; 
adv.  aUke,  equally;  (=  fogtei^),  at 
once,  immediately,  at  first ;  co7iJ.  = 
obgleic^,  though,  although.  [ge-tei(i^.] 

gleic^ftlciftcnb,    part.    adj.    constant, 

uniform.  [be  like, 

gtcirfictt,  flltd^,  gegltd)en,  intr.  \).  {dat.), 
gletd^faHS,   adv.    likewise,   also,    too. 

g(ct(l^tOOf|(,  adv.  however,  nevertheless. 
glcttcn,  glitt,  geglitten,  intr.  f.,  glide, 

slip ;  tr.  slide. 
@ltcb,   71.  -e§,    -er,    limb;    member. 

\obs.  lidan,  walk.] 
imtii>yx^,  m.  —,  pi.  ©loben,  globe.  [Z.] 
©torfc,/.  w.  bell. 

©lorfcnton,  m.  -§,  H,  sound  of  a  bell. 
(iJlogau,  n.  -§,  a  city  in  Silesia  on  the 

glorrctc^,  adj.  glorious.     {L.  gloria.] 
@lurf,   n.  -es,  fortune,  luck,   success, 

happiness  ;  auf  gut  — ,  at  random ; 

—  ju,  success  (to  you).     [ge-lu(t(e).] 
g(u(f(t(f),.  adj.  happy,  successful, 
©litrfftrtbt,  n.  -§,  a  city  of  Holstein  on 

the  £lb«. 



filil^en,  inir.  {).,  glow. 

glttfjcnJ>,/ar/'.  adj.  glowing,  fiery. 

@Ittt,  /.  w.  glow,  heat,  flame. 

©itrtbc,/.  w.  favor,  grace,  mercy. 

gttabig,  adj.  gracious,  merciful. 

@olt>,  n.  -c§,  gold.  [with  gold. 

gotbburd^ttJirtt,  part.  adj.  interwoven 

gottictt,  adj.  golden,  of  gold. 

goIbfarOeit,  adj.  gold-colored. 

@olbftnf(c),  m.  w.  goldfinch. 

golbgeftttft,  pari.  adj.  gold  embroid- 
ered, [gold. 

gO(bg(dn5enb,/ar/.  adj.  glittering  with 

(^olbftitif ,  n.  -eS,  -e,  goldpiece. 

jjijmicn,  tr.  grant ;  nic^t  — ,  grudge. 

(iJot^rt,  n.  -0,  one  of  the  capitals  of  the 
Dukedom  of  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 

gotifrf),  adj.  Gothic,     [©ote.] 

®9ii,  m.  -e§,  -^er,  god,  God. 

©ottc^magb, /.,//.  "e,  divine  maid. 

©ottfricb,  m.  -§,  Godfrey,  Geoffrey. 

giJttUrf),  adj.  divine. 

®'9^t\\pV\t\itt ,  m.  -§,  — ,  heathen 

®xab,  w.-c§,  -"er,  grave,  tomb;  ba§  I)ci; 
lige — ,the  Holy  Sepulchre,  [graben.] 

@ra&en,  m.  -S,  ^,  ditch,  trench,  moat. 

@rab,  ;«.  -(c)§,  -c,  degree ;  im  I)od)itcu 
-e,  in  the  highest  degree,  exceedingly. 

@rof,  7n.  w.  count.  [castle. 

®rafcttf(^loft,  n.  -(jj)eS,  ^(ii)er,  count's 

©ronatftitrf,  «.  -cS,  -c,  splinter  («?/« 
grenade) ;  fragment.  [Z.granatum.] 

(*Jrai§,  n.  -cS,  -"cr,  grass,  pasture. 

grc^griitt,  adj.  grass-green. 

gragUfJ^,  a^'.  horrible,  terrible;  hid- 
eous.   [M.H.G.  graz,  mad,  furious.] 

gratis,  adj.  gratis,  free  of  charge.    [Z-.] 

grau,  adj.  gray  ;y%-.  aged,  venerable. 

grauen,  zWr.  I).,  turn  gray;  dawn. 

graucn,  impers.  {dat.,  or  </«/.  wiM  t)or) 
dread,  shudder  (at).  [<;/.  E.  grue- 

graitfam,  «^'.  terrible,  cruel. 

QJrcufamfcit,/.  w.  cruelty,  barbarity. 

©raufd^tmmcl,  »«.  -§,  — ,  white  or  gray 

grttUfCtt,  impers.(dai.)  shudder  at(t)or). 

graufig,  adj.  awful,  dreadful. 

grattita'tifcf),  adj.  grave,  solemn. 

greifcn,  griff,  gcgriffeii,  tr.  lay  hold 
of,  seize,  grasp ;  feel ;  reach  into 
(in,  ace),     \cf.  E.  grip.] 

grciS,  adj.  gray,  aged,  hoary. 

@rciS,  m.  -e§,  -e,  old  man,  veteran. 

©rcitrtbicr',  m.  -S,  -t,  grenadier,     [i^.] 

®rcn5C,/.  7t',  boundary.     \Sl.'\ 

grcttScntoS,  adj.  unbounded. 

@rcucl,  m.  -§,  — ,  horror,  atrocity, 
[grauen,  dread.] 

grculit^,  adj.  horrible,  shocking. 

©ricd^c,  m.  w.  Greek. 

@ricdjCttIrtni>»  «•  Greece. 

gricd^ift^,  adj.  Greek. 

©riff,  m.  -(e)§,  -€,  grip;  handle 

©rimtn,  m.  -(c)§,  rage,  fury,  wratli. 

gro6,grober,  grobcft,  adj.  coarse,  rude. 

©rofci^CM,  m.  -§,  — ,  groschen,  one- 
tenth  of  a,  mark,  two  and  one-half 
cents.     [Z,.  grossus,  thick  (coin).] 

groft  (grower,  gro^t),  adj.  great,  large, 

©riJftc,/.  w.  greatness;  size;  height. 

©rolftttuttcr, /.  -,  grandmother. 

griJfttcntcitS,  adv.  for  the  most  part. 

©rofjOatcr,  m.  -§,  "■,  grandfather. 

©roftttcjicr',  m.  -§,  -c,  grand  vizier. 

@ruft,/.  -"e,  vault,  tomb,     [grabcu  or 

gtillt,  adj.  green.  G.  krypta.] 

@runb,  m.  -e§,  ^e,  ground,  bottom,  val- 
ley, deep ;  reason  ;  ju  — ,  destruction. 

gritnbcn,  tr.  found,  establish,  ground. 

©runb^fcilcr,  m.  -S,  — ,  foundation 
column,  main  support. 

gritncu,  intr.  Ij.,  become  green,  be  ver- 
dant, put  forth  leaves  ;  prosper. 

©ru^V^r/- ■z*'- group.     [E.l 

grit^en,  greet,  salute;  bless,    [©ru^.] 



GJrii^c,  /.  flour,  meal.   [®ric^,  E.  grit.] 

gudfett,  intr.  \.,  peep. 

©ueffcnfter,  «.  -§,  — ,  window  for 
peeping.  [cents. 

@u(bett,  m.  -0,  — ,  florin,  about  forty 

gu(ben,  adj.  old  form  for  golben. 

gitUtg,  adj.,  see  gtltig. 

©tittcl,  ;«. -5, —,  girdle,     [©urt.] 

gitrtCU,  tr.  and  rcfl.  gird  ;  make  ready. 

©uftatt  3ti)0lf,  w.  -§,  Gustavus  (II), 
Adolphus  (i 594-1632),  son  of  Charles 
IX,  King  of  Sweden  from  161 1  ;  fell 
at  Liitzen,  Nov.  16,  1632.  //.  116- 

^\\.i  {compar.  bcffcr,  super  I.  bcft),  adj. 
good,  kind ;  —  mad^cu,  make  amends 
for ;  adv.  well. 

®)Xi,  n.  -e§,  -"Cr,  goods,  fortune,  prop- 
erty; estate. 

©iltc,/.  kindness. 

(iititcrjiig,  m.  -c§,  ^C,  goods  train, 
freight  train. 

fliitig,  adj.  kind,  good. 

gtttmi'tttg,  «^'.  good-natured,  kind. 

(i5Mtmiitigfcit,  /.  good  nature,  kind- 

(I)t)mnaftaft^,  m.  w.  student  in  a  gymna- 
sium.    [G.] 

^anv,  n.  -§,  -e,  hair. 

■^tanrbitrftc,/.  w.  hair  brush. 

.^•»aar>mtd)5,  m.  -e§,  -^e,  growth  of  hair, 
head  of  hair. 

^ati(c),  /.  possession,  property;  ^ab' 
linb  ©ut,  all  one's  possessions  (used 
as  a  ncut.  noun). 

f)ttbcn,  Ijatte,  getjabt,  tr.  have;  hold, 
retain  ;  licb  — ,  to  love,  like. 

I)obIjnft,  adj.  having  possession,  own- 
ing;  —  iuerbcn  (gen.),  acquire  pos- 
session of. 

|>ab^tiurg,  w.  Hapsburg,  castle  in  Aar- 
gau  ;  imperial  family  of  Austria. 

Jg>ag,  m.  -e§,  -e,  hedge. 

J&rtgcl,  m.  -§,  hail;  ttUc  — ,  thunder! 
zounds ! 

Imager,  adj.  thin,  lean. 

i^ai|n,  tn.  -c§,  -^C  (w.  in  comp.  nouns), 

.^a^nenbrtlfcn,  m.  -§,— ,  roost 

Jg>a^ncttgcft^ret,  «.-§,  crowing  of  cocks. 

.^irifclrtrtieit,/.  xv.  crochet  work. 

I)0l6,  fl-^'.  half;  mit  -cr  StimniC/  in  an 

I)rtl6ct\  prep,  with  preceding  gen.  on 
account  of,  for  the  sake  of,  in  behalf 
of.     [<!^albe,  side,  part.] 

^at6gctrotfnct,/ar/.  adj.  half-dried. 

^alDfrci^,  ;«.  -«§,  -c,  semi-circle. 

^atbftilnbtg,  rt-^^'.  lasting  a  half  hour, 
every  half  hour. 

j^itlbbcrgeffcn,  adj.  half  forgotten. 

!)rtH>»crftrini)Ut^,  a^'.  half  intelligible, 
half  perceptible. 

^ttlftc,/.  w.  half. 

Jg>aJftcr,  VI.  -§,  — ,  halter. 

^aQc,  f.  w.  hall,  vestibule,  porch. 

IjaUcn,  intr.  \).,  sound. 

SQaX^,  m.  -c§,  H,  throat,  neck. 

^ol^banb,  n.  -eS,  Hx,  necklace. 

.^atSbinbc,  /.  w.  tie,  cravat. 

^al^tur^,  n.  -c§,  ^'cr,  cravat. 

^oXt,  m.  -c§,  -e,  halt,  stop ;  hold,  sup- 
port ;  —  ma&jvx,  stop. 

i)(i\t\  inter  J.  hold  1  wait ! 

Ijaltctt,  l)ie(t,  oeI)alten,  zfr.  hold,  keep, 
maintain ;  consider ;  —  fiir  (ace.), 
take  for,  regard  as ;  intr.  stop, 
halt ;  r<?/f .  restrain  oneself.       [tude. 

^altung,  /.  w.  bearing,  carriage,  atti- 

^ammcr,  m.  -§,  ^,  hammer. 

Comment,  tr.  hammer. 

.f»anb,/.  ^e,  hand;  borber— ,  for  the 
present,  just  now. 

^(inbc^en,  w.-s, — ,  dimin.  little  hand. 



^anbel,  m.  -§,  ^,  trade;  affair. 
^(tnbeln,   inir.  t).,  act,  behave;  trade, 

buy  or  sell;  hnpers.  c§  l)anbelt  fi^ 

um  (ace),  the  question  is. 
^anbtuitg,/.  w.  action  ;  business,  trade, 

commerce.  [bag. 

J&anbtofc^e,/.  w.  hand-bag,  travelling- 
J^finffiJig,  ;«.  -(c)§,  -e,  linnet. 
^ougcn,  I)tng,  ge^ngen,  intr.  l).,, 

be  suspended ;  tr.  (==:  ^ngen)  hang. 
Ijangcn,  tr.  hang,  suspend,  cling  (to,  an). 
<*^annober,   n.  -§,  city  and  province 

(until  1866,  a  kingdom)    of   North 

Germany.  [(^ofeann),  Jack,  -en§. 
^an§  (^cn^i^cn),  dimm.  of  3ol)anne§ 
^arfc,/.  w.  harp.  [instruments. 

^armonicmufit,  /.  w.  music  of  wind 
l^arren,  intr.  \).,  wait;   wait  for  (auf 

with  ace).  [  baran,  close  to  it. 

Iiort,  a*^*.  hard,  stiff ;  adv.  close ;  — 
^art^crjtg,  rt^'.  hard-hearted. 
Ijartnacfig,  a^'.  stiff-necked,  obstinate, 

^afclbttfc^,  w.  -c§,  ^c,  hazel  bush. 
^ofctmauS,/.  -"e,  dormouse.         [ard. 
J&afcitftt§,  m.  -C6,  ^L',  hare  foot ;  cow- 
^a§,  ?«.  -(fj)e§,  hatred,  spite  (against, 
^ttffcit,  /r.  hate.  [gcfien.) 

pglitf^,  a^'.  ugly  ;  bad. 
•^d^Hd^fcit,  /.  w.  ugliness. 
^aft,  /.  haste. 
^oftto,  adj.  hasty. 

|>ttttb(!^Ctt,  w.  -3,  — ,  little  cap  £>r  hood. 
^aubc,/.  w.  cap. 
^aud^,  w.  -e§,  -e,  breath,  breeze. 
IjOttCtt,  {)teb,  ge^auen,2^r.hew;cut;  strike. 
^aufc(u),   m.   -n§,    -n,    heap,   pile; 

troop  ;  band  {of  soldiers). 
^ou^t,  n.  -eg,  -^er,  head ;  chief. 
^au^Jtfiaar,  n.  -§,  -c,  hair. 
^au^Jtljccr,  It.  -e§,  -c,  main  body  of 

an  army,  main  army 
^ouvtmanit,  m.  -e§,  -"er,  or  -Icutc, 

captain,  chief. 
•^au^tfad^e,/.  w.  principal  thing. 

^(lU^tftobt,/.  ^c,  capital,  metropolis. 

^att§,  «.  -c§,  -^cr,  house,  home;  ju 
-e,  at  home ;  nad)  — ,  home,  to  one's 

^au^bictc,/.  w.  entrance  hall,  vestibule. 

^ftufcrft^ottcn,  m.  -§,  — ,  shadow  of 
the  houses. 

.^au^flur,  ;«.  -§,  -c,  ^^  /.  w.  entrance 
hall,  vestibule. 

.^ttu^frau,/.  Tf'.  house-wife. 

4?au§gIotfc,/.  w.  door-bell. 

.&au§Ort{)u,  m.  -e§,  -^c,  domestic  cock. 

^au^fjaltcrin,/.  w.  house-keeper. 

^ouficrcr,  w.  -§,  — ,  peddler. 

^au^f o^c,/.  TV.  house  cat. 

^au^fttcd^t,  w.  -(e)§,  -e,  servant, 
boots)  hostler. 

^(lUSfnct^tUdj,  «^'.  domestic,  menial. 

^ou^tOiir(c),  /.  w.  house  door,  street 

^au^ttidfd^e,  /.  zf.  house  washing; 
house  linen. 

^au^tuefett,  «.  -§,  household;  domestic 

^out,/.  -^c,  skin,  hide. 

Ijeden,  I)ob,  ge^oben,  /r.  heave,  lift; 

^cl^ung,  /.  w.  elevation,  promotion, 
advancement ;  removal  {of  difficul- 
ties) ;  accent,  stress. 

^tdt,f.  w.  hedge. 

\!^t't>a. !  interj.  ho  there!  holloa  1 

^cer,  n.  -c§,  -C.  host ;  army. 

.^ccrci^ntttt^t,  /.  "^t,  military  forces; 

^ecrfiitircr,  m.  -§,  — ,  commander, 

^cergerot,  n.  -§,  -e,  military  equip- 
ment, train  of  an  army. 

^cft,  n.  -e§,  -e,  writing  book,  note- 
book ;  part  (of  a  volume  or  serial). 

{)Cftcn,  tr.  attach,  fasten;  —  auf,  fix 
to  or  upon. 

Ijcftig,  adj.  violent,  passionate. 

^cgcn,  tr.  cherish ;  entertain. 



l^et,  inter/,  ha  I  huzza  1 

^eibc,/  w.  heath;  auf  bcr  .f)eibeii,  old 
w,  d at.  fern. 

^etbeltierg,  n.  -§,  university  town  in 
Baden  on  the  Neckar. 

^etbc6cwnrt)fcn,  part.  adj.  overgrown 
with  heather,  heath-covered. 

^cibctraut,  w.  -eS,  ^:v,  heath,  heather. 

^cibniftl),  adj.  pagan,  heathen. 

(jcil,  adj.  whole,  sound. 

SQtW,  n.  -c§,  health,  welfare;  interj. 
hail ! 

^cilanb,  7n.  -(e)§,  -e.  Saviour. 

^icitcit,  tr.  heal,  cure. 

l^etUg,  adj.  holy,  sacred;  -c§  Canb, 
Holy  Land. 

^ctHgc(r)  {decl.  as  adj.),  saint. 

I)Ct(tgcn,  tr.  hallow,  consecrate. 

.^ciltocitbtlb,  n.  -e^,  -ex,  image,  statue 
of  a  saint. 

^tHgtum,  n.  -(e)§,  ^x,  sanctuary, 

Ijcittt,  adv.  home,  homeward,  tised  as  a 
separable  prefix. 

^cimnt,/.  %v.  home,  native  land. 

^einmtianb, ;/.  -(c)'i,  native  land, home. 

l^cim'fiiljrcn,  sep.  tr.  conduct  home. 

^cimiftt),  a^//'.  homelike;  native;  refi. 
—  macl)cu,  feel  at  home,  make  com- 
fortable, [j.,  come  home. 

l^etmfommctt,  tarn  — ,  -gefommcu,  intr. 

l^eimUcf),  adj.  comfortable,  cosy;  myste- 
rious, secret. 

^cimtrcibcit,  trteb  — ,  -getrieben,  tr. 
drive  home.  [vous. 

^einttitcfifd),    adj.   malicious,  mischie- 

Ijciimiiart^,  adv.  homeward. 

C^cimtoco,  m.  -ۤ,  -e,  way  home. 

Jpciimwcl),  n.  -(e)§,  homesickness. 

^cinriti^,  m.  -§,  Henry. 

^ctnj,  m.  -cn§,  dim.  of  ^eiuric^,  Hal, 

^cirat,  /.  w.  marriage. 

^ciratcit,  tr.  marry ;  intr.  get  married. 

i^ctfcr,  adj.  hoarse.     \^E.  hoarse.] 

^Ctg,  adj.  hot,  heated;  violent. 

^ctftcn,  l)iei3,  gcl^eif^en,  tr.  bid,  com- 
mand ;  intr.  be  called  or  named ; 
mean,  signify,  be  ;  bao  I)etpt,  that  is 

Inciter,  adj.  bright,  cheerful,      [to  say. 

^eitcrtcit, /.  merriment,  gayety. 

.^clb,  m.  w.  hero, 

^ctbcnbhtt,  n.  -e§,  blood  of  heroes, 

.<pcIbntUeb,  n.  -e§,  -er,  heroic  song. 

-^claejiQcift,  m.  -eS,  -er,  heroic  spirit. 

^clbctttnut,  m.  -(e)§,  heroism. 

i)c(bcnmitttg,  adj.  heroic. 

J^clbcntfjat,/.  w.  heroic  deed. 

^clfcn,  I)alf,  gel)o(fcii,  intr.  \).  {dat.\ 
help ;  rejJ.  care  or  shift  for  oneself. 

Ijctt,  adj.  clear,  bright ;  loud. 

.&cU(c)barbic'r,  m.  -(c)»,  -c,  halber- 
dier. [Swabia.] 

^eUcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  farthing,     [^alt  in 

.^clm,  m.  -(c)§,  -C,  helmet. 

.^cmbd^cii,  n.  —3,  — ,  Httle  shirt. 

^cnnc,/.  w.  hen. 

^cr,  adv.  here,  hither,  this  way,  towards 
the  speaker  or  scene;  along;  ago; 
often  follows  a  noun  governed  by  a 
preposition  indicating  the  direction 
of  a  movement^  p.  lo,  1.  14  ;  used  as 
a  separable  prefix. 

^crob^  adv.  and  sep.  accented  prefix, 
down  here,  down  from,  down. 

^erabblirfctt,  intr.  {).,  look  down. 

^crabgcf)Ctt,  ging  — ,  -gegangen,  intr. 
\.,  go  or  come  down,  descend. 

fjcroblommcn,  fam  — ,  -gefommen, 
intr.  come  down,  decline;  be  re 

!)crabIoffcn,  lie^  — ,  -gclaffen,  tr.  let 
down ;  refl.  descend ;  stoop,  conde- 

^erobrcgncn,  sep.  intr.  I).,  rain  down. 

^crabricfclnb,  part.  adj.  dropping, 
rippling,  drizzling. 

Ijcrabrufcit,  rie[  — ,  -gerufcn,  tr.  and 
intr.  \).,  call  down. 

l)crnbfd)icftcn,fi)DB— ,  -gefc^offen,  intr. 
\.,  and  tr.  shoot  down. 



^craSrinfen,  janf  — ,  -Qcjunlen,  inir. 

f.,  sink  down. 
t^txaW,  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  signifies 

approach  ;  hither,  near  ;  on  ;  up  to. 
^erantommcn,  tarn  — ^-gefommen,  intr. 

).,  come  on,  approach.  [advance. 
Ijcraitriirfctt,  sep.  intr.  \.,  draw  near, 
l)cranfc^lcttf|cn,  jcf)(td)  — ,  -c;eid)ltd)eu, 

sep.  int.  \.  or  refl,.  steal  up,  glide  near. 

^cranfvringcn,  f^ratig  — ,  -gefprungen, 

intr.  \.  or  {).,  spring  forward. 
^crrttttvctctt,  trat  — ,  -gctreten,  intr. 

\).,  step  near,  approach. 
^crauf'',  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  up,  up- 
ward, toward  the  speaker  or  point  in 

^croufMingcn,  !Iang  — ,  -gcftungen, 

intr.  I).,  sound  up,  resound. 
Ijcrauffommcn,  fam  — ,  -gefommen, 

intr.  \.,  come  up. 
:^erattf(anocn,  sep.  intr.  \).,  reach  up. 
^eraufftcigctt,  fticg  — ,  -gcftiegcn,  intr. 

\.,  climb  up,  ascend. 
^craufstc^cn,  jog  — ,  -gejogcn,  tr.  and 

intr.  draw  up;  go  up. 
l^crou^',  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  out  of, 

out ;  from,  forth. 
IlcrauStiringcn,  brad)tc  — ,  -gebra^t, 

tr.  bring  out. 
^crauSfaUcn,  fiel  — ,  -gcfatfcu,  intr. 

\,,  fall  from. 
^crrtu^gcbctt,  gab   — ,   -gegcbeii,  tr. 

give  out ;  return  change ;  publish. 
^eratt§8cf)Ctt,  ging  — ,  -gcgangen,  intr. 

f.,  go  out. 
^crau^^ctfcit,  t)alf  — ,  -gct)oIfen,  /r. 

help  out,  get  out. 
^crauf'fommcn,  fam  — ,  -gcfommcn, 

intr.  \.,  come  out,  appear;  become 

^crau^laffcn,  tic^  — ,  -gcta[fen,  tr.  let 

out,  suffer  to  go  out. 
^crau^nc^mcn,  nal)m  — ,  -geuommcu, 

/r.  take  out ;  refl.  presume,  dare. 
l^cratt;S)>tt^cn,  tr.  dress  up,  adorn. 

^craugft^icftcn,  ^d)o^  — ,  -gefd^offcn.  tr. 

shoot  out ;  z«/r.  1^.,  rush  out. 
()crau^fc^tcit^cu,  \i){\i)  —,  -gei^tic|)en, 

intr.  ).,  creep  forth,  steal  out. 
l^crau^ftafftcrctt,    tr.    dress,    fit    out. 

[ftafficren,  fr.  Span.;  cf.  Stoff  and 

F.  etoffe.] 
^crau^ftcUcit,  sep.  tr.  place  out;  refl. 

be  shown  <?/-  proved. 
^crauafto^cn,  ftie^    -,  -gcftofecn,  tr, 

push  out ;  utter. 
t)crau?'n)inbcu,  icaub  — ,  -gctDunbcn, 

ri?;?.  extricate  oneself. 
l)eratt§5ief)CJt,  gog   — ,  -gcjogen,    ^r. 

and  7«z'r.  f.,  draw  out,  draw. 
I^crfici',  afl^z'.  a7id  sep.  prefix,  hither, 

this  way,  forward,  up,  on. 
Ijcr6ci^ei(cit,  sep.  intr.  \.  or  I).,  hasten 

towards  or  along. 
l)cr6ctI)otcn,  sep.  tr.  fetch. 
()cr6cirufcn,  ricj  — ,  -gcruicn,  /r.  call 

hither,  call  up. 
l)crtictft^Icirf|Ctt,  \i)X\i)  —,  -gcfd^lid^en, 

intr.  \.,  steal  or  glide  forward. 
ijcricifturmctt,  ?«/r.  f}.,  rush  ^^r  dash  by. 
l^crticiwunft^cn,  sep.  tr.  wish  for. 
^crBcrgc,  /.  w.  shelter,  quarters;  inn; 

entertainment.    [<^cer  bcrgCU,  shelter 

for  an  army,  E.  harbor.]  [vest.] 

^cr^ft,  m.  -e§,  -C,  autumn.    \E.  har- 
llcrbriiiBCtt,   brad)tc  — ,  -gcbrac^t,  tr. 

bring  hither ;  establish  by  custom  or 

law;  part.    l)ergebracf)t,  customary, 

^crb,  m.  -c§,  -C,  hearth, 
^crbc,/.  7t'.  herd,  flock. 
.^crbcnglotfc,/.  w.  bell  of  the  herd, 
^crbfcucr,  n.  -§,  — ,  fire  on  the  hearth, 
herein',  adv.  and  sep. prefix,  in  hither, 

into,  in ;  !^erein  !  come  in ! 
t)ci-cinl»rct!^cn,  bra^— ,  -gcbrocficn,  intr. 

\).,  break  in,  draws  near. 
I)crctnbrtngctt,  brang  — ,  -gebrungcn, 

intr.  f,,  press  in,  penetrate. 
i^ercinfattcn,  fiel  — ,  -gefailen/   intr, 

\.,  fall  in,  enter. 



^crclnfommctt,    fam  — ,   -oefommen, 

intr.  )'.,  come  in,  enter. 
^crciiifrtjctMcu,  fc^icn  — ,  -Qefd)icucn, 

intr.  {).,  shine  into. 
^cretnf(l^trfcn,  sef  tr.  send  in. 
^crcintrctcii,  trat  — ,  -QCtretcn,  intr. 

\.,  enter,  step  in. 
^erfaltcn,  fiel  — ,  -flefaUcn,  intr.  \., 

fall  towards ;    —  iibcr    (ate),    fall 

upon,  attack. 
Ijerfticgcit,  flog  — ,  -geflogcn,  ««/r.  \., 

fly  near,  come  flying. 
^crgcljcn,  ging  — ,  -Qcgangcn,  m/r.  \., 

walk  along. 
.^cring,  w.  -§,  -e,  herring, 
^crmclttt^  w.  and  w.,  -§,  -«,  ermine. 

[dim.  from  A^arm(e),  weasel.] 
l^crnrtrf)^  ac/z'.  afterwards. 
^erolb,  m.  -§,  -e,  herald. 
^tvv,  m.  -n,  -en,  master,  employer ; 

lord.  Lord ;  gentleman,  Mr.,  Sir. 
^errcn^ou^,  n.  -Ǥ,  ^cr,  lord's  house, 

manor  house  ;  House  of  Lords. 
^etrin,  /.  w.  lady,  mistress. 
VjtVXiiH),    adj.   splendid,    magnificent, 

^crrlidjfcit,  /.  iv.  glory,  splendor,  mag- 
^crrfrf)aft,  /.  w.   lordship,   dominion, 

sovereignty;    meine  — ,    master  or 

mistress ;  //.  gentlemen. 
^crrfc^CU,  intr.  1).,  rule,  govern;   pre- 
vail, exist. 
^crrft^cr,  tn.  -§,  — ,  ruler,  monarch. 
IjcrftcUcn,  se/'.  tr.  place  here  ;  produce, 

manufacture ;  restore,  re-establish. 
^crti'lJCr,  adv.  and  Sep.  prefix,  across, 

to     this    side,    over;     toward     the 

speaker  or  the  point  in  question. 
IjcritticrfdjrtUctt,  w.  intr.  ^.,  echo   or 

sound  across, 
lucrum',  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  around, 

^crumbrcf)Ctt,    sep.  tr.    turn  around; 

refl,  turn  oneself. 

fjcrtttttgc^ctt,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr. 

y.,  go  about,  walk  around. 
(icritmjagcn,  sep.  tr.  or  intr.  ().,  hunt 

about ;  chase,  rush  ;  gallop  around. 
ficrumlaufcn,  lief  — ,  -gelaufcn,  intr. 

].,  run  about;  ramble,  stroll. 
^crumfvritigcit,   fprang  — ,  -gcfprun= 

gcil,  intr.  \.,  leaparound,  jumpabout. 
I)crnmtnn,^cit,/^/.  intr.  I).,  dance  about. 
(jcritmtranc^tcrcn  tr.  carve  (around). 
ficntmtocrfcn,    marf   — ,    -gemorfcn, 

throw  about ;  turn. 
^cruutcr,   adv.  and  sep.  pref.  down 

from,  downward,  down. 
!)cntJitcrg(cttcn,    glitt  — ,    -gcglittcn, 

iittr.  \.,  slide  down. 
fjcritntcrfiangcu  or  -(jangcn,  l)iitg  — , 

-gcljnnc^en,  intr.  \).,  hang  down,  be 

J)cruntcr(jcbctt,  I)ob  — ,  -gel)Dben,  tr. 

lift  down. 
IjcrmttcrOcIfcii,  I)alf  — ,  -gcl)otfcn,  tr. 

help  down. 
(jcnintcrfommeii,  fam  — ,  -^cfommcn, 

intr.  \.,  come  down. 
Ijcnnttcrlttffcn,   lie^  — ,  -ijclaffcn,  tr. 

let  down. 
ficruntcrftcigcu,    fticg  — ,    -geffiegcn, 

intr.  \).  or  \.,   come  down,  descend. 
I)Crl»or^    adv.  and  sep.  prefix,   forth, 

forward,  out  of. 
^crtjorbrctl^cit,    bra^  — ,    -gebrorfien, 

intr.  j.,  break  out,  come  forth,  ap- 
^cr»orgc()cu,  ging  — ,  -gegangcn,  intr. 

\.,  go  forth,  leave;  transpire,  result, 

fjcruorragctt,  sep.  intr.  project,  tower 

up,  be  prominent. 
I)crt»orftcigcn,  ftteg  — ,  -gefttegen,  intr. 

f .,  climb  out  or  forth. 
^crtJortrctcn,   trat  — ,  -gctreten,  intr. 

f.,  step  forth,  appear;  be  prominent 
ljer»or5tcf|Ctt,    3og  — ,    -geaogen,    tr, 

draw  forth,  pull  out. 



^tt^,  n.  -en§,  -en,  heart ;  am  — 
near  the  heart ;  toon  — ,  heartily, 
cordially;  eill —  faffcu,  take  heart. 

^crjti^Ctt,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  heart;  darling. 

Ijcrjcigcn,  sep.  tr.  show,  exhibit. 

Ijcrjcn,  tr.  embrace,  caress. 

Ijcr^cnggut,  adj.  kind-hearted. 

^crjl^flft,  adj.  courageous,  resolute. 

^er^tg,  adj.  charming,  sweet. 

^crslid^,  «^'.  hearty;  — Qern,  with  all 
one's  heart. 

^crjog,  m.  -§,  -c  or  "e,  duke. 

^crjogUd^,  adj.  ducal. 

^cffc,  ni.  TV.  a  Hessian;  <^cffen,  n.  -§, 
a  grand-duchy  in  western  Germany. 

I^euer,  adv.  this  year,  [hiu  jiru,  in 
this  year. 

Ifeutc,  adv.  to-day. 

I^euttg,  adj.  present. 

^ttt,f.  w.  witch. 

i)it  ■=  l)icr. 

\)\tmxi  =  I)tcrmit. 

I^tcntcbcn,  adv.  here  below,  on  the  earth. 

I^icr,  adv.  here ;  —  imb  ba,  here  and 
there,  now  and  then. 

l^icrauf,  adv.  hereupon,  thereupon. 

Ijicr^cr,  adv.  hither,  here. 

l^icrljtlt,  adv.  hither. 

!)tcrmtt,  adv.  herewith,  with  this. 

i)\txna6),  adv.  after  this,  afterward. 

^icrfctn,  n.  -§,  presence. 

\)XtVTAbtt,  adv.  over  here;  on  this  ac- 
count ;  at  this. 

^ilfc,/.  help,  aid. 

^itfloftgf cit,  /.  helplessness. 

^\\\§va.iiit\,  71.  -§,  — ,  help,  succor; 
expedient;  remedy. 

^imficcrfittfel^,  w.,  -c§,  ^C,  raspberry 
bush.     [,!^inb(e),  hind,  and  Secre, 

^immel,  m.  -§,  — ,  heaven.        berry.] 

Ijimmctfitott,  adj.  sky-blue. 

^immct§rttt(C),/.  w.  heavenly  fields. 

l^tmmUfci^,  adj.  heavenly,  divine. 

I^in,  adv.  and  sep.  accented  prefix^ 
hence,  thither,  along  away  5  —  unb 

l)er,  to  and  fro,  hither  and  thither; 

—  linb  toicber,  here  and  there,  now 

and  again,  once  in  a  while;  I^in  is 

used  as  an  adverb  of  direction^  fol- 
lowing a  nouti  governed  by  a  prep. 
I)tna6,  adv.  and  Sep.  prefix,  down. 
I)tnaigc()cn,  ging  — ,  -gegangen,  intr. 

f.,  go  or  walk  down,  descend. 
]^tna6glcttctt,  glitt  — ,  -gcglittcn,  ifttr. 

\.,  glide  or  slide  down. 
i^mcfitaffcn,   We!)^  — ,  -gclaffen,  tr.  let 

down,  lower. 
i^tnaine^mcn,  na^m  — ,  -genommen, 

tr.  take  down,  carry  down. 
f)ino6fti^rcttctt,  fc^rltt  — ,  -gcfd^rittcn, 

intr.  ].,  step  down,  stride  down. 
!)hiabfcf)cn,  \a\)  —,  -gefetjen,  intr.  \)., 

look  down. 
!)inaiftcigcn,  fticg  — ,  -geftiegen,  intr. 

\.,  step  down,  descend. 
IlinaftjicOctt,  jog  — ,  -gejogen,  tr.  draw 

down,  involve  ;  intr.  \.,  draw  down, 

I)tttan',  adv.  and  sep.  accented  prefix, 

up  to  ;  often  with  a  preceding  ace. 
^tnan'fftegcn,  flog  — ,  -gefiogen,  intr. 

\.,  fly  up  to,  ascend,  scale. 
Ijtnauf^  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  up,  up 

to ;  hence,  toward. 
^inauffilirfctt,    sep.   intr.   \).,    look  or 

glance  upward. 
Iltnauffltcgctt,  flog  — ,  -gcflogen,  intr. 

\j.  or  f.,  fly  up.       [j,,  go  up,  ascend. 
^inattfgc^en,  gtng  — ,  -gegangen,  intr. 
l^inoufftcttcrn,  tr.  climb  up. 
i^tnauflaufen,  lief  — ,  -getaufen,  intr. 

f.,  run  up.  [call  up. 

Ijinauftufctt,  rief  — ,  -gerufen,  intr.  {)., 
I)tnauffcl)cn,  fat)  — ,  -gefef)en,  intr.  \., 

look  up ;  to  (ju  or  an). 
I)inattfftctgcn,  ftieg  — ,  -geftiegen,  intr. 

f.,  ascend.  [ble  up. 

I)tnaufftoI<)Crn,  sep.  intr.  \.  orl).,  stum- 
I|tiiauf5tc()cu,  5,og  — ,  -gejogen,  tr.  or 

intr.,  also  refi.,  draw  up ;  go  up. 



})\nan^' ,  adv. and  sep .  prefix, owi^hQnce, 

forth,  thither  ;  ahead,  along,  beyond. 
f)iiiau§fof)rcn,  |ut)r  — ,  -flefa()rcu,  intr. 

\.,  drive  away,  rush  forth ;  mit  bem 

.^opfe  — ,  thrust  the  head  out;  I)., 

also  tr. 
Ijturttt^fltcgcit,  flog  — ,  -geflogcu,  intr. 

\.,  fly  forth  or  away. 
l)inau§flief)cn,  flot)  — ,  -gefloficn,  intr. 

).,  flee  away. 
()tnait^gc()en,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcu,  intr. 

\.,  go  out,  leave ;  —  na^,  open  upon. 
tjinauggtcttcit,  glitt  — ,  -geglittcn,  intr. 

\.,  glide  out,  sUp. 
I)inrtu§fjclfcn,  I)alt  — ,  -gcf)offcn,  intr. 

\).,  help  forth,  —  out  or  away. 
I)tnau^)agcn,  sep.  tr.  chase  or  drive 

out,  expel. 
^inau^fomtncn,  !am  — ,  -gefommcn, 

intr.  \.,  come  out;  barauf  — ,  tend 

to,  have  that  purport. 
^tnau^fd^auctt,  sep.  intr.  \).,  look  out. 
I)htattt^frf)icftcn,  fc^ofe   — ,    -ge)d)offcn, 

intr.  I).,  shoot  out;  overshoot. 
Ijiurtu^fdimimmcu,  fd)iuamm  — ,  -gc= 

f^iuommen,  intr.  \.  or  I).,  swim  forth 

or  along. 
^i!tau^fcl)cn,  fa^  —,  -gefeljen,  intr.  \)., 

look  out ;  at  (yi) ;  upon   (auf) ;  to- 
ward (nad});  overlook  (yihtx),acc. 
^inatt^f^ringcn,  fprang  — ,  -i^cfpruit; 

(^en,  intr.  \.,  leap  forth  or  away. 
Ijittougtrctcn,  trat  — ,  -gctreten,  intr. 

\.,  step  out,  walk  out. 
I)tnau§n)nd)fcn,  ti)uc^^>  — ,  -gewad^fen, 

?;;i'r.  i.,  grow  out. 
Iltuau^tunnbcrn,  z«/r.  \.  and  I).,  wan- 
der fortli  or  away. 
l)iitttu§twcrfcn,  mart  — ,  -gctt)orfcn,  /r. 

cast  out ;  expel ;  refl.  project  over. 
^tttau§5tc(jcn,  jog  — ,  -gcaogcn,  intr. 

\.,  go  t7r  march  out. 
l^inBcftcUcn,  /;'.  appoint  (a  meeting), 

summon  {to  a  given  place"). 
^inbUrfcn,  sep.  intr.  \).,  look  toward, 

look  away. 

^inbcnfcn,  bad^tc  — ,  -gcbarf)t,  intr.  f)., 

direct  one's  thoughts,  think  of, 
Ijtllburc^',  adv.  and  sep.prejix,  through, 

throughout;  aioif^en  .  .  .  !)inburd), 

through  the  midst. 
I)Utburd)6(t^cn,    sep.  intr.   ^.,   gleam 

through,  shine  through. 
IjtnburdjJnffcn,  licB  — ,  -gctaffeii,  tr. 

let  through,  admit.  [Hindustan. 

^inbufta'nifil^,  adj.  Hindustani,  of 
l^inctn',  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  in,  into. 
l^tnctnbt(!^tcn,   sep.  tr.  I}.,  add  to  in 

composition ;  interweave. 
Ijtttcinfrcifcii,  \xo.^  — ,  -gcfrcffcti,  intr. 

I).,  eat  into. 
^incingcfjctt,  giug  — ,  -gcgangen,  intr. 

f.,  go  in,  enter,  join. 
f|incingrcifcn,  gri[f  — ,  -gcgriffcn,  intr. 

I).,  reach  in. 
Ijtnctnlcticjt,  sep.  intr.  \).,  in  ben  2:ag 

— ,  live  for  the  day,  take  things  as 

they  come. 
l^inctnlcgcit,  sep.  tr.  lay  or  place  within. 
I^tncutf(!^auctt,  sep.  intr.  \).,  look  in. 
^tncinfc^icftcn,  fd)ob  — ,  -gefd)obeu,  tr. 

push  or  shove  in. 
t)iitci«f(^rcibctt,  fd)rtcb  — ,  -gcjd^riebcn, 

tr.  write  in  ;  interpolate. 
^incinfcljcn,  fal)  — ,  -gcfel)eu,  intr.  \)., 

look  in  ;  mit  — ,  look  on  with. 
^ineiitfc^cn,  sep.  tr.  set  or  put  in. 
^ineinftcrfcn,  sep.  tr.  stick  or  put  in. 
^incinftcigcit,  fticg  — ,  -geftiegen,  intr. 

\.,  step  in,  enter. 
^incinftiirjcn,   sep.  intr.  \.,   rush    or 

plunge  in ;  tr.  and  refl.  cast  in^ 
^incintljun,  t^at  — ,  -gct^an,  /r.put  in. 
I^incintrctcn,  trat  — ,  -gctreten,  intr. 

\,,  step  in,  enter. 
Iltttcin^ttJangcn,  tr.  press  or  force  in. 
^ittfaUcu,  fiel  — ,  -gefaflen,  intr.  ]., 

fall  down. 
fitnfticfjcit,  ffo^  — ,  -gefloffen,  intr.  \., 

flow  along  or  away. 
f|tnfu()lcn,    sep.   intr.   1).,    feel   along; 

grope ;  fic^  — ,  feel  on^'s  way  along. 



^tngc'gcn,  adv.  on.  the  contrary,  on  the 

other  hand. 
I)ingcI)Ctt,  ging  — ,  -gegangen,  intr. ']., 

go  thither,  go  away ;  go  along. 
Ijingeriffcn,  part.  adj.  carried  away ; 

transported,  enraptured.  [^^inreiBen.J 
I|i)tgtu{jcn,  sej>.  tr.  or  intr.  greet,  di- 
rect a  greeting. 
^ingucfen,  intr.  \^.,  look  or  glance  at 

or  thither. 
(jittljcUctt,  I)iclt  — ,  -ge!)atten,  tr.  hold 

out ;  put  off,  delay,  keep  in  suspense. 
^inttrtV^Ctt,  tr.  clap  or  clatter  away. 
l)intommcn,  tarn  — ,  -gefommen,  tntr. 

\.,  come  or  go  to;  arrive  at. 
Ijittlaufcn,  lief  — ,  -gelaufen,  intr.  \., 

run  thither,  run  away  ;  pass. 
l^tnlescit,  Sep.  tr.  to  lay  away  or  aside ; 

put  down. 
I^innen,    adv.   hence;  t)on    — ,    from 

I)in^affcn,  sep.  intr.  ^„  fit,  suit. 
Ijinqualmctt,    sep.    intr.    \).,    smoke 

Ijinfcl)cit,  fal)  — ,  -gefel)eu,  intr.  I)., 

look  (there),  glance  ;  t)or  fic^  — ,  look 

before  one. 
Ijinfdjcn,  sep.  tr.  set  or  put  down. 
Ijinfintctt,  janf  — ,  -gcjunfcn  intr.  \., 

sink  down,  drop. 
Ijtuf^red^en,  jpra^— ,-gcjprod;en,  tr.or 

intr.  \).,  speak  lightly  or  at  random. 
I)intcr,  prep,  with   dat.  in   a  locative 

sense,  behind,  or  ace.  indicating  mo- 
tion, after ;  used  also  as  adv.  and  as 

sep.  prefix. 
^intcrfu^,  m.  -e§,  "z,  hind  foot, 
^intcrgrunb,  w«.-(e)§,  "c,  background. 
.t?intcrl)att§,  «.-e§,  "tx,  rear  of  a  house ; 

rear  house, 
Ijtlttcr^cr,  adv.  along  after ;  afterwards. 
Ijintcrlaffctt,    Xxt'^   — ,    -gelaffcn,    tr. 

leave  behind,  leave  {art  ittheritance). 
^intcrlaffung,/.  leaving  behind. 
^intcrtcil,  m.  -§,  -e/  rear  part ;  stern. 

.§itttcrtljitr(c),/.  w.  back  door. 
^intrctcn,  trat  — ,  getreten,  intr.  ]., 

step  {thither  or  towards  a  place). 
^ittJi'bcr,  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  over. 

^tJittftcrgcljcn,  ging  — ,  -flcgangcn,  intr. 

f.,  go  over. 
!)init6crlaufcn,  lief  — ,  -gelaufcn,  intr, 

].,  run  over,  run  across. 
Ijinu6cirrciii)cn,    sep.   intr.    ^.,    reach 

across  (to) ;  tr.  offer,  present. 
I)initlierrubernr    sep.    intr.    !).,    row 

l)tnuticrfe^cn,  jat)  — ,  -gcfcl)en,  intr.  ^., 

glance  over  or  across. 
Jjinitbcrti-agcn,  trug  — ,  -gctragcn,  tr. 

carry  across  (to). 
Ijinitticrtrctcn,  trat  — ,  -getreten,  intr. 

f.,  step  over,  cross  over. 
Ijtnun'tcr,  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  down. 

I)tnunter&(t(fen,  sep.  intr.  t).,  glance  or 

look  down. 
Ijinuntcrliangcn,  ^ing  — ,  -gegangen, 

intr.  ].,  hang  down;  droop. 
t)tniuttcrl)cifctt,  ^atf  — ,  -get)oI|en,  tr. 

help  down. 
l)tmintcrtommen,  fam  — ,  -gefommen, 

intr.  '].,  come  down. 
tjiuHtttcrjicJjcn,  jog  — ,  -gcsogcn,  tr. 

draw  or  pull  down. 
Ijinlocg',  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  away, 

off,  forth. 
fjinnicQf^ringcn,  jprang  — -,  -flefprun= 

gen,  intr.  I),  or  \.,   spring  or  leap 

t)tntt)cgfturmen,  intr.  !^.,  dash  away. 
Ijiniucnbcn,  toanbte  — ,  -gemanbt,  refl. 

turn  (towards). 
Ijin^icljcn,  aog  — ,  -gejogen,  tr.  draw 

towards^  attract. 
IjinjU',   adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  to,  to- 
wards ;  in  addition. 
Ijinjufugcn,  sep.  tr.  add,  join. 
•f»iJ^fd)0cn)Cil),  n.  -(e)§,  -e,  antlers. 



^irtcnfrtf^Jrtr,  m.  -^,  Caspar,  the  herd- 
Ijif^a^nifti^,  adj.  Spanish. 
.§t^C,/.  heat, 

I)i^tg,  adj.  hot,  ardent;  hot-tempered. 
I)OC^  (I)5^cr,  l)0d)ft),  when  declined  l)ol), 

adj.  high,  tall ;  great ;  adv.  highly, 

very;  \)o\)tX,  more  highly;  t)5^ft,  in 

the  highest  degree. 
^Od)rtrf)tUltg^ttoU,  adj.  (most)  respectful. 
^Od^oltttr',  »?.  -§,  -e,  <?r  "e,  high-altar. 
l)Otf)t)cglitcft,  /<7r/.  rt^'.  highly  blessed. 
Ijodjbcintg,  adj.  long-legged. 
i^OC^crfrcut,  pari.  adj.  highly  pleased, 

i^od^gebcitciicit,     part.     adj.     highly 

blessed,    {fr.  benebeieii.] 
t^od^mut,  m.  -(c)^i,  arrogance,  insolence. 
!^Ui^fteit:§,   adv.   at   the  most,   at  the 

^od)5Ctt,  /.  w.  wedding. 
^otl^icit^augcICGCitljcit,  /.  w.  wedding 

^0\,   tn.  -c§,   H,   court ;    yard ;    farm, 

estate ;  —  ma^cn,  pay  court. 
^lofbamc,/.  w.  lady  of  honor. 
l^Offeit,  tr.  hope;  inir.  —  auf  {ace.), 

hope  for. 
Ijoffentlid^,   adv.  it  is  to  be  hoped,  I 

^offnung,/.  w.  hope. 
l^offittttiggrctdj,  adj.  full  of  hope. 
I)Offnuiig§tJoU,  adj.  hopeful,  sanguine. 
I)ijflicl^,  adj.  courteous,  civil,  polite, 
^ofraum,  m.  -e§,  ^t,  yard,  court, 
^^lofftaat,    m.  -e§,    household    {of  a 

prince)  ;  retinue,  court  dress. 
4?ii^c,  /.  height ;  summit ;  hill ;  in  bic 

— ,  up,  upwards ;    in  bie  —  fal^ren, 

start  up ;  in  bie  —  f)eben,  raise,  lift 
^ol^eit,  /.  n>.  highness.  [up. 

l^of|t,  adj.  hollow ;  —  gel^cn,  run  high 

{of  waves). 
^o\)lt,  f.  w.  hollow,  cave. 
I^ii^nift^,  adj.  scornful,  mocking. 

^olb,  adj.  lovely,  kind,  sweet,  gracious ; 

—  \m\  {dat.  of  pers.),  favor,  be  fond 

I)Olcn,  tr.  fetch,  {go  and),  get,  obtain. 
4">onriniicr,  m.  -§,  — ,  Hollander. 
(|oria  !  inter  J.  halloo  ! 
^olftcin,  ??.— 3,  a  former  dukedom,  now 

part    of    the   Prussian   province   of 

Schleswig-Holstein.  [forest. 

^Ill5,  71.  -e5,  ■"cr,  wood,  fuel ;  woods, 
^^\}fi%i,  f.  "c,  wood-axe. 
IjiJIjcnt,  adj.  wooden. 
^lOliffiUcr,  m.  -0,  — ,  wood-cutter. 
Jg>i)(,Sl)aitcr,  m.  -§  ,  — ,  wood-cutter. 
^Ol^tcitlc,/.  w.  club. 
^ol^uitg,/.  w.  cutting  of  wood ;  forest. 
4">onigf  m.  -§,  honey. 
."puvfcngartcn,  m.  -§,  ",  hop-garden. 
I)orct)cn,  intr.  I).,  listen,  hearken. 
Ijiirbar,  adj.  audible. 
Ijorcn,  tr.  hear;   —  Q.yx\  {ace),  heed, 

listen  to,  obey. 
^orn,  n.  -c§,  -^er,  horn. 
I)U,  interj.  ugh  !  implying  terror,  dread. 
l)Ub,  archaic  for  t)ob,  /re-^.  o/l)ebcn. 
l)Ut)f(!^,  adj.  pretty,  nice,    \prig.  l)5fi|^.] 
J&uf,  m.  -cy,  -€,  hoof. 
;&uff(i^Jag,  m.  -§,  -"e,  beat  of  hoofs. 
;&UftC,/.  7f;.  hip^ 
^uljn,  n.  -(c)§/  ^er,  fowl. 
^uf)ncrljau§,  «.-e«,  ^cr,  poultry-house. 
^iitljncrf|att§c!^ctt,  n.  -I,  dimin.  little 

poultry-house.  [weed. 

.C>uf|ncrfi^toatin,  w.  -(e) §,  ^e,  chick- 
^ulb,/.  grace,  favor  ;  affection. 
^iiUc,/.  w.  covering ;  in  —  unb  fJfiiWe, 

in  abundance,  in  plenty. 
^itUen,  w.  tr.  cover,  envelop,  wrap  (in), 
^iitfcnborn,  m.  -§,-en,  or"-tx,  holly. 
^unb,  m.  -e§,  -c,  dog. 
Jjunbcrt,  num.  hundred. 
Ijunbcrtjoljrtg,  adj.  lasting  a  hundred 

years  ;  hundred  years  old. 
^unbcrttaufcnb,    num.   adj.  hundred 




^unbertWCtfc,  adv.  by  the  hundred. 

hunger,  m.  -3.  hunger. 

ffungern,  impcrs.  with  ace.  of  person, 

hunger,  be  hungry. 
Tiungrtg,  adj.  hungry. 
^uf^en,  intr.  t),,  ghde  {noiselessly). 

^yx\,  m.  -c§,  ^e,  hat. 
l^iitcu,  tr.  watch,  guard, 
filter,  ni.  -§,  — ,  guard,  keeper, 
^utfd^nrfjtci,/.  w.  hat-box. 
SQMit,f.  iv.  hut,  cottage. 


xH),  pers.  pron.  I. 

3^r  «.-§,-§,  ego,  self. 

\i\V,poss.pron.  her,  their.    \_gen.of\\t.'\ 

3>^t,  /t'jj'.  /r(7«.  your. 

3fontum,  n.  -§,  Iconium,  now  Konia, 
in  the  center  of  Asia  Minor,  capital 
of  ancient  Lycaonia. 

SttttftOtt',  /.  w.  illusion.     [F.] 

3>mmcnfcc,  /.  Immensee,  a  lake  and 
estate  giving  the  title  to  the  story,  p. 
135.  There  is  a  picturesque  hamlet 
on  Lake  Zug  at  the  foot  of  the  Rigi, 
of  this  name. 

im  =  in  bem. 

immer,  adv.  ever,  always,  constantly, 
still ;  however,  nevertheless,  anyhow  ; 
with  imp.  emphatic,  do,  in  any  event ; 
lends  indejinitettess  to  relative  pro- 
nouns and  adverbs  =  -ever,  in 
*'  whoever,"  "  wherever  "  ;  —  ciitlang, 
straight  along;  —  ni^t,  never;  — 
tBteber,  again  and  again. 

Immcrbrtr,  adv.  always,  [ie  =  jc, 
mer  =  nid)t.] 

tmmcrfort,  adv.  evermore,  continually. 

VX,  prep,  with  dat.,  temp,  or  locat.,  in  ; 
ace.  into,  to. 

tnfirunfttglt^,  adj.  ardent,  fervent. 
[25runft/r.  brenncn.] 

inbcm'',  adv.  meanwhile ;  conj.  while, 
at  the  same  time,     [in  bcm.] 

inbc§,  tnbeffcn,  adv.  meanwhile,  how- 
ever ;  conj.  while,  [prep,  innen  and 

Snbien,  n.  -§,  India. 

SnbitJibttum,  n.  -§,  //.  Snbibibucn,  in 

dividual..    [Z,.] 
Snfantcrift^   m.  w.  infantry  soldier. 

Swljttlt,  m.  -§,  e,  content,  purport. 
innc,  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  within,  in 

the  midst. 
tmie^aBcn,  l)ottc  — ,  -Qet)obt,  tr.  pos- 
sess ;  occupy  {an  office). 
innc^ottcn,  l^iclt  — ,  -geljattcn,  tr.  hold 
back ;  detain  ;  bic  Seit  — ,  keep  one's 
appointment;  intr.  \).,  stop,  discon- 
tnnewcrbcn,  raurbc  — ,  -fleirorben  {gen. 

or  ace),  perceive. 
inner,  adj.  inner,  interior. 
^nncrc(§),  n.  decl.  as  adj.  interior; 

im  Snnern,  within. 
innig,  adj.  intimate;  cordial,  hearty. 
tn§  =r  in  ti^^. 

Snfct^Iicrg,  m.  -§,  mountain  in  Thu- 
ringia  (916  m  high),  near  Friedrichs- 
tn^gcfamt,  adv.  altogether,  in  a  body. 
tnftrutcrcn,  tr.  instruct.    \F.  instruire.] 
SJlftrumcnt',  w.-§,  -e,  instrument.  [ZL.] 
SntcUtgcns',  /.  intelligence.    [/^.] 
3ntcrcffc,  w.  -g,  -n,  interest.    [Z.,  //.] 
tnterefficrcn,  tr.  interest.    \F.  interes- 
inmenbtg,  adj.  interior,  inward,     ser.] 
injmifrficn,  adv.  in  the  meantime.  \fr. 
en  =  in,  and  jroii'd^en,  dat.  pi.  of  obs. 
adj.  jmijd),  "  two-fold."] 
irbifcf),  adj.  earthly,     [grbc] 
irgenb,  adv.  {before prons^  any, some; 



—  Ctn,  some  one,  any  one ;  —  too, 

anywhere,  some;   somewhere. 
trrcil,  inir.  I).,  err,  go  astray. 
Srrtum,  m.  -§,  "cr,  error,  mistake. 
3fo«f  II.  (Angelus),  m.  Isaac,  Roman 

Emperor  of  the  East,  1185-95  and 


^fcgrim,  m.  -§,  Isengrim,  the  name  of 
the  wolf  in  the  Latin  animal-epic  of 
[sengrimtcs  of  the  12th  century,  per- 
petuated in  impart,  in  the  legends  of 
Reinike  Fuchs. 

StoUcit,  n.  -§,  Italy. 

\a,  adv.  yes ;  surely,  indeed,  you  know ; 

of  course,  to  be  sure ;  —  bod},  to  be 

sure ;  —  lt)ol)l,  yes  indeed. 
3i(>0^f /•  '^-  chase,  hunt, 
3la0bfrtlf(c),  m.  w.  hunting  falcon. 
i^agbgcratr  n.  -§,  hunting  implements. 
;3agbl)unb,  m.  -eS,  -e,  hound. 
jagcn,  tr.  I).,  hunt;  chase,  drive;  intr. 

\.,  race,  rush,  gallop. 
^figcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  huntsman. 
i^agerljaii;^,  «.-c§,  -^er,, hunter's  house, 

lodge.  [hunter. 

3n8crfilflb(c),  m.  iv.  hunter  boy,  young 
^tigcrticb,  n.  -§,  ^er,  hunter's  song. 
i&l),  adj.  steep,  abrupt. 
%ii^x,  n.  -c§,  -e,  year. 
^a\)XZ^vx\i,f.  w.  space  of  a  year,  whole 

3a^rf)un'bcrt,  n.  -§,  -t,  century. 
3ttl)rtau'fcnb,  w.-§,  -c,  thousand  years, 

Sitttttmcr,  7n.  -§,  misery ;  lamentation. 
jammer Itcfi,  adj.  miserable,  lamentable. 
lammcrn,  intr.  I).,  lament,  mourn;  wail. 
^aituar,  m.  -§,  January. 
ia^V<^)t,  itttr.  I).,  gape,  pant.       [shout. 
j(tud),^cn,    intr.   exult,   rejoice;    cheer, 
jrturf)5Cnb,  />art.  adj.  exultant,  jubilant. 
SttWort,  n.  -i?i,  consent. 
jc,  adv.  ever,  always,  aye;  {before  com- 
paratives)^ the ;  jc  .  .  .  befto,  the  . . . 

jcbctlfaU^,  adv.  at  all  events,  in  any 

case.    Ljebcu  =  jebe^,  gen.] 
jcbcr,  jebe,    jei)C§,   adj.  each,  either, 

every ;  any ;  ctn  jebcr,  every  or  each 
one,  everybody  ;  jebc§,  all. 

jcbcrmrmtt,/rci?i.-|,  every  one,  any  one. 

jcbot^l',  adv.  however,  nevertheless. 

jeglid^,  adj.  each,  every. 

jcmal^,  adv.  ever,    [jc  Wai,  gen.] 

jcmanb,  pron.  any  one,  some  one.  [jc 
and  aRaiin  -f- 1).]  [mine.] 

jemtne,  interj.  indeed.     \L.  Jesu  do- 

jcttcr,  jene,  jcue§,  demons,  adj.  and 
pron.  that,  the  former.  [beyond. 

|cufctt§,  adv.  (gen)  on  the  other  side, 

i^eru'folcm,  n.  -§,  Jerusalem. 

jc^t  and  jc^O  {archaic),  adv.  now. 

jc^unb,  obs.for  je^t. 

^or^,  n.  -c§,  -e,  yoke. 

3o^^a,  n.  -§,  Jaffa. 

3u6c(,    m.  ~§,    exultation,    rejoicing. 

juicin,  intr.  I).,  rejoice,  exult. 

yvSitXw'ts,  part.  adj.  exulting,  jubilant. 

Sfugcitb,/.  youth.    [Jung.] 

Sugcnbfroft,/.  ^e,  vigor  of  youth. 

lung,  adj.  young. 

^unge,  m.  iv.  lad,  boy,  fellow. 

Sungfrau,  /.  w.  virgin,  maid. 

3«>iggcfcU(c),  fn.  w.  bachelor. 

Suitgting,  tn.  -§,  -c,  youth. 

Sunt,  m.  -§,  June.     [L.  Junius.] 

;3untcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  squire,  young  noble- 
man.    [June  =  jung,  herre,  .^crr.] 

fttltfcrftaft,  adj.  like  a  cavalier  or  squire. 

Sutlanb,  n.  -§,  Jutland,  a  peninsula 
north  of  Schleswig-Holstein,  belong- 
ing to  Denmark. 

Sfuwclicr',  m.  -4,  -t,  jeweler,    [i^.] 



^affcc,  m.  -§,  -§,  coffee. 
^af'fccmafrl^tnc,  /.  w.  apparatus   for 

making  coffee ;  coffee-pot. 
Strtfiflr  w.  -§,  -c,  cage. 
\ai)\,  adj.  bare,  barren,  bald;   empty, 

dull.     [cf.  E.  callow.] 
Siatjn,  m.  -§,  "c,  skiff,  boat. 
^oMcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  emperor.     [Csesar.] 
faifcrlicfl,  adj.  imperial. 
iJaifcrfc^nittd,  m.  -e§,  imperial  orna- 
^atfcrtttcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  imperial  title. 
ItaUf(e),  m.  w.  calif. 
^aliftn,  /.  w.  wife  of  the  calif. 
^atmittfe,  m.  w.  Calmuck. 
fott  (falter,  falteft),  adj.  cold. 
ilamcrftii',  in.  w.  comrade.     {F.,  L.  see 

Itamcrab'frfiaft,    /.    good    fellowship, 

^omtn'ftmS,  m.  -e§,  -e,  mantelpiece. 

[Z,.  caminus,  (5im§,  border.] 
iiomm,  m.  -e§,  ^c,  comb. 
fammen,  tr.  comb. 
jiammer,  /.  w.  chamber,  room.     [L. 

^ammcrbicitcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  valet.    [P. 

valet  de  chambre.] 
^(immcrfjcrr,  m.  w.  chamberlain. 
ft'ammcrlcin,  n.  -§,  — ,  small  room, 

^anH)f,  m.  -c§,  ^e,  combat,  struggle, 

frim^jfcu,  tr.  or  intr.  fight. 
Kam^fC:§Iuft,  /.  ^e,  joy  in  battle,  desire 

for  combat. 
^anaC,  m.  -(e)§,   ^'c,  channel,  canal. 

iJana'rtentiogcl,   m.  -§,    ^c,   canary. 

[6'.  canaria.] 
^ono'nc, /.  ze/.  cannon.     [/^.  canon.] 
^ano^nengebruU,  n.-§^  roar  of  cannon. 

^an'tott,  or  ^aittott'',  (/r.  as  iti,  F.) 

m.  -§,  -e  or  -§,  canton.     [F.^ 
^m^icv,  m.  -§,  — ,  chancellor.     [j?on= 

3e(,  Z,.  cancelli,  lattice.] 
^a^cUc,  /.  w.  chapel.     [M.  L.  capella.] 
Flavian,  m.  -§,  -c,  chaplain,     [yl/.  Z. 

5lopp(^Ctt,  «.  -3,  — ,  dhtihi.  little  cap. 
^a^^c,  /.  iv.  cap,  hood,  cowl.    \_M.  L. 

cappa,  mantle,  E.  cope.] 
Sari  ber  ©roftc,   Charles  the  Great 

(742-814),  King  of  the  Franks  (768), 

Emperor  of  the  West  (800),//.  95- 

Sari  ber  JJunftc,   Charles  the  Fifth 

(1500-1558),  King  of  Spain  (1516)^ 

Emperor  of  Germany  (1519-1556), 

//.  76,  112.    •  Iial.'\ 

Saroffc,/.  IV.  state  carriage.     \_F.  and 
Sarrcnfu^rtocrf,  n.  -§,  -c,  cart.    \_L. 

tarricrt,  fart.  adj.  checked.    \_fr.  far= 

riereii,  F.  carrer.] 
Sartc,/.  7f.  card.    [Z.  charta.] 
Sartoffcl,/.  w.  potato,    \prig.  Sartuf* 

fc(,  It.  tartufolo.] 
Saffc,  /.  w.  money  chest;  cash.    \L. 

capsa,  receptacle.] 
Saftcn,  m.  -§,  — ,  chest. 
Safu§,  tn.  — ,  — ,  case,  event,  situation. 

Safer,  m.  -§,  — ,  male  cat.  [Gr.] 

latlju'lif^,     adj.    catholic,   universal. 
SaljCf/-  w.  cat. 

taufcn,  tr.  buy.    ^c/".  E.  cheapen.] 
Soufmann,    m.  -e§,  -er   or  -leute, 

taunt,  adv.  hardly,  scarcely,  barely. 
SatJalter',  m.  -§,  -c,  cavalier.     [F.] 
Scljlc,/.  w.  throat. 
tcljrctt,  tr.  turn ,  re^.  turn ;  in  [\6)  gC 

fel)rt,  self-contained,  absorbed. 



fcilcit,  fr.  wedge;  coUoq.  thrash. 

Stcilcrci,/.  w.  fight,  row. 

fein,  feine,  !ein,  adj.  no  one,  not  any. 

^tXd),  m.  -c§,  -C,  cup,  calyx.  [Z.  calix, 
cf.  E.  chalice.]  [rium.] 

better,  m.  -§,  — ,  cellar.     {M.  L.  cella- 

^cUcrt^itr(e),/.  w.  cellar  door. 

^cUcrtrcV^c,  /.  w.  cellar  stairs. 

ilcUucr,  VI.  -§,  — ,  waiter,  butler.  [Z,. 

femictt,  fanntc,  gefannt,  tr.  know,  be 
acquainted  with. 

ifctttttni^,/.  -(ff)e,  knowledge. 

Icnntlti^rcitl^,  a^^/^'.  rich  in  information, 
learned.  [teristic. 

£Cenn5Ct^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  mark ;  charac- 

ifcrfcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  prison.     [Z.  career.] 

Scrl,  w.  -(c)§,  -C  and  -§,  fellow, 
[c/.  iB.  churl.] 

^txyt,f.  w.  taper,  candle. 

^effel,  m.  -§,  — ,  boiler,  machine. 

ScttC,/i  w.  chain. 

fic^er,  w.  -§,  — ,  heretic. 

^'ctilaar,  «.  -§,  a  famous  place  of  pil- 
grimage, just  north  of  Geldern,  with 
a  wonder-working  image  of  the  Vir- 
gin, placed  there  in  1642. 

tilcritt,  intcrj.  cock-a-doodle-do. 

5liUt)ift^  Str^Iait,  m.  Sultan  of  Iconium 
(1189),/.  103- 

^inb,  n.  -eS,  -er,  child. 

5tinbcrrtugc,  n.  -§,  -\\,  eye  of  childhood, 
childlike  eye. 

^inbcrci,  /.  w.  childish  things,  trifles. 

Jltnberljaubd^en,  n.  -§,  — ,  dimin. 
child's  small  c^ip.  [games. 

iSinbcrf))tcl,     n.    -Co,     -c,     children's 

Siitbcrftimmc,/.  xv.  voice  of  children. 

SftnberftriinHjft)"!,  n.  -'5,  — ,  child's 

iJimi,  11.  -'0,  -I",  chm.  [sock. 

ftirc^c,/.  w.  church.    \G.\ 

5lir(f)cnfaI)«C,/.  w.  church  banner. 

Jtir'l^cutjcfaitQ,  ;«.-!,  ^c,  hymn,  chant. 

^iF'<)«:nlct)rcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  teacher, 
chujch  father. 

Sird^cnton,  m.  -§,  H,   sacred  music; 

hymn,  chant. 
^ir^cntJcrfammlmtg,/.  w.  synod, 
^irrflfiof,  in.  -e§,  -^c,  churchyard. 
ilirrfift^hJcUe,  /.    w.   threshold    of    a 

^ird^turm,  m.  -§,  ^e,  church  tower. 
^iftc,  /.  w.  chest,  box. 
illaftcr,/.  w.  fathom. 
^iagc,/.  w.  lament,  complaint. 
,ft(agcticb,  n.  -c§,  -er,  dirge,  lament. 
((agen,  tr.  or  intr.  {).,  mourn,  complain* 
^(rtgcton,  m.  -§,  ^c,  plaintive  tone. 
tldgltti^,  adj.  lamentable,  pitiable. 
^(attg,  m.  -ey,  H,  sound,  peal. 
«(nV^crfc^jtaI»ct,  m.  -§,  ^,  chatter-bill. 
flar  (flarer,  flarcft)'  adj.  clear. 
ittaffc,/.w.  class.     [Z.] 
ftatft^cit,  ?«/r.  (wiV//  mit)  clap. 
^letb,  n,  -e§,  -er,  garment,  dress.    \_cf. 

E.  cloth.] 
ttcibcit,  tr.  clothe,  dress. 
ftlcibung,/.  w.  clothing. 
^Icibuitg^fturf,  «.  -€§,  -c,  article  of 

Mcin,  at^'.  little,  small;  trifling,  insig- 
^tciitaftcit,  n.  -§,  Asia  Minor. 
^Ictnigfeit,  /.  w.  trifle,  pettiness. 
Iteinlaut,  adj.  dejected. 
tlctnftabtift^,  adj.  provincial. 
SIciftcr,  m.  -§,  paste. 
^(cm^ncr,  m.  -§,  — ,  tinsmith,  tinker, 
ttcttcrn,  intr.  \.  (with  auf),  climb. 
SJItngc,/.  w.  blade,  sword. 
Ittngeln,  intr.  I).,  sound,  ring, 
ningcn,    flang,  getlungen,    intr.   I)., 

sound,  ring. 
ttirrcn,  intr.  ^.,  cUnk,  rattle. 
!to))fcn,  tr.  beat;   intr.  ^.   {with  an, 

auf,  in,  acc^^  knock,  tap ;  beat,  throb, 
^loftcr,  n.  -§,  iL,  cloister,  monastery, 

convent.     [Z.  claustrum.] 
Slluft,  /.  //.  ^,  cleft,    chasm,    ravine, 




Hug  (fliigcr,  flilgft),  adj.  wise,  saga- 
cious, clever,  prudent ;  artful,  witty. 

$^nabc,  m.  w.  boy,  lad.     [cf.  E.  knave.] 

iJnabcnftimmc,  /.  w.  boy's  voice. 

fttarfcn,  tr.  and  intr.  (mit)  crack. 

^naU,  m.  -e§,  -e,  clap,  crack;  —  unb 
f5^al(,  on  a  sudden. 

tnalleu,  intr.  \^,,  sound,  report. 

^nc(!^t,  m.  -(e)§,  -e,  servant,  menial; 
squire,  man  at  arms.     \cf.  E.  knight.] 

fnirfCtt,  tr.  crack,  break, 

.Qtttrfg,  m.  -C§,  -e,  courtesy,  bow. 

^itic,  ti.  -§,  —  or  -e,  knee. 

Intccn,  intr.  I).,  kneel. 

^ttOiJ^en,  »«.  -§,  — ,  bone. 

5Jno<)f,  m.  -e§,  -"C,  button. 

^no^flod),  n.  -e§/  "er,  buttonhole. 

tnoten,  tr.  knot,  tie  in  knots. 

tnu^fctt,  tr.  tie,  tie  to  (an). 

Itobolb,  m.  -(e)§,  -e,  goblin,  kobold. 

^oBurg,  n.  -§,  Coburg,  one  of  the 
capitals  of  the  Dukedom  of  Saxe- 

$iod),  m.  -e§,  "c,  cook.     \L.  coquus.] 

tod)Cn,  /r.  or  intr.  \).,  c  ok,  boil. 

SiJti^in,/.  7f',//.  -nen,  female  cook. 

.toffcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  trunk.     \_F.  coffre.] 

^O^tc,/.  w.  coal. 

iloUctt,  see  KiHu.  [jP.  collier.] 

Poller,  in.  -0,  — ,  cape,  collar;  jacket, 

9t't\\\,  n.  -'i,  Cologne.  [giant, 

Zoloft',    m.    -(ij)e§,    -(ii)c,    colossus. 

fomtfct),  «^*.  comical,  funny.     [C] 

fommanbicvctt,  /"r.  command. 

lommen,  fam,  (^efommen,  ?«^r.  j., 
come  ;  go  ;  occur ;  —  lajjen,  send  for  ; 
—  iiber  (ace),  come  upon  ;  surpass. 

^om:^Ument,  n.  -§,  -c,  compliment,  F. 

^oubotcns',/.  7t',  condolence.     [F.] 

5{ontg,  m.  -§,  -e,  king. 

^onigtn,  /.  />/u.  -nen,  queen. 

Mfinigretd^,  n.  -§,  -e,  kingdom. 

iJiJnig^ft^Iofl,  n.  -e5,  ^cr,  royal  castle. 

iliitttggfolin,  ;«.  -5,  -^c,  son  of  a  king, 

^ontg^tot^tcr,/.  ^,  daughter  of  a  king, 

^iJltiggtiogt,  m.  -§,  -^c,  royal  governor. 

[-t)ogt,  M.  L.  vocatus.] 
^onig^wort,  n.  -e§,  -c,   royal  word 

fijititcii,  f onntc,  gcfonnt,  tr.  and  modal 

aux.,  can,  be  able,  may ;  know. 
^mtrai)  (III),  m.  (1093-1152)  Conrad 

the   Third,   Duke    of    Swabia    and 

Franconia,   King    of    Italy    (1128), 

German  King  (1138),//.  4,  yy. 
^onftatltilto^cl,  n.  -§,  Constantinople. 
^on^ept\   n.  -§,   -e,    concept,   draft; 

au§  bent  —  bringen,  confuse.    [Z.,] 
^o^citJjagcn,  n.  -§,  Copenhagen,  the 

capital   of    Denmark,   on    the    east 

coast  of  Seeland, 
iJo^f ,  m.  -c§,  H,  head ;  mind. 
^ij^ft^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  head, 
5lo^fftffcn,  «. -§,  — ,  pillow. 
^opfmcfl,  n.  -c§,  -e  or  -en,  headache. 
^urai'tc,/  w.  coral. 
.torb,  ?«.  -(e)§,  -"c,  basket. 
Kijr^cr,  m.  -§,  — ,  body.    [Z,,  corpus.] 
fijr^crlit^,  rt<^^'.  bodily,  physical. 
torrigicrctt,    tr.    correct,    amend,    re- 
lofctt,  intr.  I).,  caress;  talk  intimately, 

^ijfcn,  n.  -§,  or  2?ab  ^ojcn,  a  village 

in  the  valley  of  the  Saale. 
iloft,  /.  food,  fare;  //.  J?oftcn,  cost 

\L.  constare,  E.  cost.] 
loftbrtr,  adj.  costly,  precious. 
toftcit,  tr.  {ace.  or  dat.  of  per s^  cost. 
foftCtt,  tr.  taste,  try.     \L.  gustare,  test.] 
lijftlirfl,  adj.  precious,  costly,  delicious. 
fra^en,  intr.  \).,  crash. 
Jltaft,  /.  -t,  strength,  vigor,  force ;  au§ 

^raftcn,  with  all  one's  might. 
Iraftig,  adj.  strong,  vigorous,  healthy, 
j^ragen,  fu.  -§,  — ,  collar,  cape;  colloc^. 

^tat)e,/.  -w.  crow,  rook. 



frii^cn,  intr.  I).,  crow. 

l^ramcr,  w,  -§,  — ,  retailer,  peddler, 
[^ram,  booth.] 

frannjfljnft,  adj.  convulsive. 

frnitt,  adj.  ill,  sick. 

Irnnfcit,  tr.  grieve,  hurt. 

Sfrtiu^,  m.  -ey,  "e,  wreath,  garland, 

itrriJtjlctlt,  71.  -§,  little  garland. 

IrnljCMf  tr.  scratch. 

frniis;i,  adj.  curly. 

ftrnut,  n.  -ti,  -^er,  plant,  herb,  weed. 

ilrrtlinttcufnotcn,  w.-§,  — ,  cravat  bow 
or  knot.     [/^.] 

!rcbcn'3CH,  /r.  present,  offer.    [Z,.] 

^rcibc,/.  w.  chalk,  crayon.        [about. 

ilrei^,  w.  -e§,  -e,  circle ;  im  -c,  round 

treif(^en,  i«^r.  I).,  screech.       [around. 

treifen,  intr.  I1.,  circle  about,  go  or  pass 

5Sreu5,  n.  -e§,  -e,  cross.    [Z,.  crux.] 

frcu^cu,  /r.  mark  with  a  cross;  cross 

Ifrcujfaljiic,/.  zi'.  banner  of  the  cross. 

Slrcu^fatjrcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  Crusader. 

trcu.ygcn,  tr.  crucify. 

Ircu5»wcif(c),  adv.  crosswise. 

^rciv,,yig,  m.  -(e)y,  -"e,  crusade. 

frtcti^ctt,  fio^,  fle!rod)Cn,  intr.  I).,  creep. 

^I'teg,  m.  -es,  -C,  war. 

tncgen,  tr.  colloq.  get. 

Sricgcr,  ;«,  -§,  — ,  warrior,  soldier. 

Iricgcrifri),  aaj.  warlike,  military, 

ftrtcgcrtljat,  /.  w.  soldier's  act,  heroic 

^ricg§l)Clb,  vi.  w.  great  warrior,  hero. 

^rtcgi*o6crftc(r),  in.  injl.  as  adj.,  com- 

^ricijgruljm,  m.  -c§,  military  glory. 

5lrtm§tram^,  m.  stuff  and  nonsense. 

^riVpc,/.  tv.  crib,  manger. 

fri^Jiil),  adj.  scrawly. 

^roat^  m.  w.  Croat. 

Orotic,  /.  w.  crown;  crest;  top  of  a 
tree.     [Z,.  corona.] 

Irbttcn,  tr.  crown. 

Srdtc,  /.  w.  toad,  paddock. 

^vMtif.w.  crutch. 

frumm,  adj.  crooked,  bent. 
Stutl)C,  /,  w.  kitchen.     [M.  L.  cucina.] 
Ahidjcn,  m.  -§,  — ,  cake. 
iiiitl^cnoartcn,  m.-^,  ^,  kitclven  garden, 

vegetable  garden. 
iiitt^cnjungc,  m.  w.  kitchen  boy. 
5htd^cn)t)Ct6,  n.  -§,  -er,  cake-woman. 
fturfurf ,  m.  -§,  -^,  cuckoo. 
ilugcl,/,  w.  ball, 
fiiljl,  adj.  cool. 
fiifjlcn,  ir.  cool. 
fiitjlt,  adj.  bold,  daring. 
Sliifjnc,/.  boldness,  audacity. 
Summer,  m.  -§,  grief,  trouble,    [cf.  E. 

cumber.]  [needy, 

titmmcrlit^,  adj.  miserable,  distressed; 
fiimmcnt,  tr.  trouble;   rejl.  (um  -with 

ace.)  care  about,  mind. 
.<f um^an',  m.  w.  companion.    [O.  F.] 
ituiibc,/,  knowledge, 
tiinfttg,  adj.  future,  later,    [fommeii.] 
SiunU,  f.  ^c,  art,  craft,  skill,     [foiineii,] 
tituftltd),    adj.    artificial;     ingenious; 

ft'uiiftfturf,  n.  -§,  -"e,  clever  feat,  trick. 
$ilH)fcr,  n.  -S,  copper,     \L.  cuprum,] 
ilupfcrgclb,  «.-(c)§,-er,  copper  (coin), 
tupfcrn,  adj.  of  copper,  copper. 
i^u^fcrfdjlofe,   n.  -t^,   ^cr,   castle    of 

ilurfiirft,  m.  w.  electoral  prince,  elector. 

[fiefcn,  choose;  ^iirft.  first,  prince.] 
furtcrcn,  tr.  cure. 
Iur5  (fiirscr,  tiiracft),  adj.  short,  brief; 

adv.  in  short,  in  a  word,     \L.  curtus.] 
^\x%,  in.  -([|)e§,  ^(ff)c,  kiss. 
fiiffcn,  tr.  kiss. 
5luftitat^t,  n.  -§,  a  village  at  the  head 

of  the  northern  arm  of  Lake  Lucerne. 
ftutfd)C,  /  w.  coach.     [Hung.'] 
ft'utfrf)cr,  w,-§,  — ,  driver,  coachman, 
^uttc,  /,  w.  cowl. 
iiDffOrtufer,  n.  or  ^i)ff{)aufergcbhge,  a 

mountain  near  Frankenhausen,  north. 

east  of  Erfurt. 



Hahc,  /.  zv.  refreshment. 

Idt^etn,  hitr.  I).,  smile.    [lad)en.] 

^ati\t\}X,  n.  -§,  smile,  smiling.  ' 

l<i6)tn,  intr.  )).,  laugh, 

8a(t)ett,  «.  -§,  — ,  laugh,  laughing. 

Xd6)tK\x0),  adj.  laughable,  ridiculous. 

larficrcn,  tr.  lacquer,  varnish.     [Onen. 

Sad,  resin.] 
JJrtbcn,  }n.  -§,  ",  shop,  stall,  booth, 
labctt  (Wbft,  Iftbt,  laM*/  la^^O/  tui>/ 

getaben,  z'r.  load,  take  on  board;  auf 

ft(^  — , assume,  incur;  charge  {a gun), 
iaitn,  tub,  gcloben  {also  w.)  tr.  invite, 

fiagc,/.  w.  situation,  condition. 
2flgcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  couch,  bed ;  camp, 
Sagcrftfltt,  /.  ^e,  couch,  resting-place ; 

military  encampment. 
2amm,  n.  -(c)§,  -cr,  lamb. 
fiam^c,/.  w.  lamp.     [/^.  lampe.] 
ficttb,   w.  -e§,    -"er    («/y^   -c),   land; 

country ;  auf  bcm  -e,  in  the  country. 
fianbcnBcrg.    Beringer  of  — ,  Governor 

of  Unterwalden  (1034-8),  resided  in 

the  castle  of  Sarnen. 
tanbc§flu(^tto,  adj.  fugitive. 
2onbc§frctf)ett,/.  2v.  national  indepen- 
dence, freedom  of  a  country. 
fiaubc^mort,/.  xv.  boundary. 
gonbgrrtf ,  ?«.  %v.  landgrave. 
lonblit^,  adj.  rural. 
Sanbrnann,  m.  -(e)§,  ^er  or  -leitte, 

countryman,  rustic. 
2anb:|)arttc^  /.  zv.  excursion,  picnic. 
Sanbfc^aft,  /.  w.  landscape, 
Sanbfttafte,/.  w.  highway. 
Sanbmcg,  m.  -e§,  -C,  land  route, 
lattg  (langcr,  langft),  adj.  long,  tall. 
lang(c),  adv.  temp,  long,  long  time; 

adv.  of  degree,  far,  far  from ;  auf  )0 

— ,  for  so  long  a  time  ;  einc  3^it  — , 

for  some  time, 
fiangbctn,  n.  -e§,  -t,  longlegs. 

(angen,  intr.  ^.,  reach  (nad)  or  in,  acc^. 
fiangfitgler,  m.  -§,  — ,  longlegs. 
(angfam,  adj.  slow,  tedious. 
longft,  adv.  suferl.  long  ago,  long  be- 
fore, long  since. 
langmaUcnb,  part.  adj.  long  flowing ; 

[luallen,  wave.] 
langrtJcilig,  adj.  tedious, 
Sttnje,/  w.  lance. 
JJarifori,  w.  -§,   —  {used  as  interj.), 

iJarm,  m.  -(e)§,  or  Carmen,  «,-§,  noise, 

laffcit,    licH,   Qetaffcn,   /r.  let,   allow; 

cause,  order  {to  do),  have  done ;  yield  ; 

cease ;  abandon,  forsake ;  intr.  bon 

ettcaS  or  fid)  — ,  separate,  desist  from  ; 

with  adv.  {dat.)  look,  suit,  become, 
Sttft,  /.  w.  charge,  burden,  load. 
laftcrfinft,  adj.  vicious,  wicked. 
latci'nifd),  adj.  Latin. 
2rtu6,  «,  -(c)§,  -e  or  -"cr,  foliage;  coll. 

fiautic,/,  w.  arbor,  bower. 
SattOgaug,  w.  -§,  H,  walk  with  trees; 

leafy  walk, 
SaubgcbrSngc,  n.  -§,   — ,    abundant 

Srtu6gctt)dI6e,   «.  -§,   — ,   leafy  arch, 

SauOtuanb,/.  -^c,  leafy  wall. 
IrtUCntb,  part.  adj.  lurking,  watching. 

Saitf,  tn.  -(c)§,  ^'e,  course. 
laufcit,  lief,  getaufcn,  /??/r,  {).  or  ]., 

lrtUfd)Ctt,  ifitr.  \).,  listen, 
laut,  rt^^'.  loud, 
^mtt,  f.  w.  lute,     {F.  luth,] 
lautcit,  z«/r,  I).,  sound,  impers.  e§  Iau= 

tct,  it  runs,  the  purport  is,  it  is  said. 
lautett,  intr.  f).,  ring. 



ranter,  adj.  clear,  pure ;  indecL  mere, 
only,  nothing  but. 

lelicn,  itiir.  \).,  live,  exist;  —  t)on, 
support  oneself  from. 

2e6cn,  n.  -§,  life;  am  — ,  alive. 
.  Icbcnb,/a//.  adj.  living,  existing. 

Ic6ctt'big,  adj.  living,  live;  lively,  ani- 
mated, [freckle. 

ficbcrflcrfcn,    m.    -a,    — ,    liver-spot, 

i»cl)C)uo()F,  n.  -§,  -'J,  farewell. 

Icb'ljaft,  adj.  lively,  animated ;  vivid, 
forcible.  [in  one's  lifetime. 

i!cb,^cttc«,/.//.  lifetime;  ^,u  or  bci  — , 

Ictfctt,  /;-.  lick,  lap. 

Scrfcrbiffcii,  m.  -3,  — •,  dainty  morsel. 

ficbcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  leather. 

Icbig,  adj.  empty,  clean;  vain;  un- 

Jeer,  adj.  empty. 

lecrcii,  tr.  empty,  drain. 

Icgcit,  tr.  lay,  put;  refl.  lie  down,  sub- 
side, abate. 

ficljcit  (l'el)u),  n.-?^,  — ,  fief,  trust. 

Ic^ttcti,  ir.  lean;  rejl.  recline  {against, 
an  or  allien). 

2c^iiftuf)l,  m.  -§,  H,  armchair. 

fiefjrc, /.  u>.  instruction,  advice;  doc- 

teljren,  tr.  teach.  [trine,  theory. 

JJcOrcr,  m.  -0,  — ,  teacher,     [teachable. 

Icl)r(jrtft,    adj.    didactic,    instructive; 

le^rreief),  adj.  instructive. 

ficib,  m.  -eS,  -cr,  body;  originally, 
life ;  Ceib  unb  I'cben,  life ;  t»om  Ccibc, 
at  a  distance;  3U  Ccibc  flct)cn  or  aw] 
ben  —  riicfen,  attack. 

fieibc^fraft,/.//.  -"c,  strength  of  body  ; 
au'3  i^eibeytrcittcn,  with  all  one's 
might,  for  dear  life. 

IctbOaf'tiri,  ^^^  embodied,  living;  real. 

JJcibluotljc,/.  rv.  bodyguard. 

fieirfic,  /.  w.  corpse.  [M.H.G.  Itch, 

fiet(^cu5U(|,  ///.  -eS,  ^'e,  funeral  proces- 
SJcidinam,   m.  -(c)§,   -t,   dead    body, 

corpse,     [der.  lich,  body,  hame,  gar- 

lcid)t,  adj.  light,  easy,  slight ;  adv. 
lightly,  easily,  readily. 

Icirfjtfii^ig,  adj.  light-footed. 

icitl)tfinnig,  adj.  frivolous. 

Icib,  adj.  sorrowful,  regretful ;  —  fcin, 
—  tt)un  (impers.  with  dat.),  regret, 
be  sorry  for. 

Sicib,  n.  -cs,  -e,  sorrow,  grief ;  injury, 
wrong  ;  eiticm  cilt  -e§  tt)UU,  do  harm 
to  one. 

leibcn,  litt,  fletittcn,  tr.  suffer;  allow, 
admit;  intr.  {with  an)  suffer  from 
{aw.  with  dat.). 

Sicibcn,  n.  -§,  — ,  suffering. 

letbcnfdjaftUd),  adj.  passionate,  vehe- 
ment, deep. 

ficibeitjsigefdijrttn,  /.  w.  companion  in 

Iciber  {camp,  of  adv.  Icib),  adv.  unfor- 
tunately ;  interj.  alas ! 

i!eibftt)(eter,  m.  -§,  — ,  mourning  veil 

i>ei|i,^ig,  «.-§,  university  city  in  Saxony. 

lcif(c),  adj,  soft,  low;  slight. 

Ictftcit,  tr.  execute,  achieve ;  do ;  render. 

iJcitcr,  /.  w.  ladder. 

Sicftion,/.  M'.  lesson.    [Z.  lectio.] 

HcXtxwi,  f.  w.  reading.     [F.  lecture.] 

lenfett,  tr.  direct,  guide ;  govern ;  steer ; 

Iciisgcfrfjmiirft,  adj.  adorned  with  the 
glory  of  spring.  [Ccnj,  poet,  spring, 
and  idjmiicfcn,  adorn.] 

SJco,  Third,  Pope  of  Rome,  795-816. 

Jicrdic,/.  w.  lark. 

lerncit,  tr.  learn,  study. 

Icfcn,  la§,  flClcfen,  tr.  gather;  read.    • 

£ctl)argic',  /.  lethargy.    [Gr.] 

JJcttc,  m.  w.  Lett,  inhabitant  of  Livonia. 

le^t,  adj.  last,  extreme ;  lowest ;  (jum) 
tefetcnmal,  for  the  last  time.  [suj>erl. 
ofXai^,  weary.] 

letttf)tCtt,  intr.  {).,  light,  shine;  dat.  oj 
pers.  lighten,  hold  a  light  for. 



\t\itli)ttn'{s,  part.  adj.  bright,  shining, 
icugncn,  tr.  deny,  disavow,  retract. 
Scute,   //.    people,    men.      [M.  H.  G. 

leutfeltg,  adj.  affable,  courteous. 
H(^t,  adj.  clear,  bright,  light. 
2i(^t,  n.  -c§,  -er,  light ;  //.  -e,  candle. 
Wa^itn,  tr.  clear;  thin  {a  forest). 
fiirl^tfd^immcr,  m.  -§,   glare  of  light, 

bright  light. 
Stt^tftum^f,  m.  -(c)§,  H,  stump  of  a 

fiid^tftitm^jfd^cn,  «.-§,  — ,  dimin.  small 

end  of  a  candle. 
Std^tung,/.  w.  clearing. 
Iic6,    «(^*.    dear,    beloved;    pleasing, 

agreeable ;  — fein  i;with  dat.),  please ; 

—  I)aBen,  like. 
fiicB,  It.  -e§,  ^ove,  sweetheart. 
Sic6tf|Ctt,  «.  -§,  — ,  sweetheart. 
Siclic,  /  love;  311  liebe  tl)uu  (^o/.  fl/ 

pers.),  do  (something)  to  please. 
tic6cn,  /r.  love.  [lovable. 

lie^cn^gtvurbtg,  adj.  worthy  of  love, 
liel^er,  adv.  {covipar.  of  lied  attd  of 

gem), rather, better,  sooner;  in  pref- 
erence to,  more  willingly  ;  7i>iih  dat. 

offers.,  I  prefer,  I  would  rather. 
Stcbcrl,  «.-§,  — ,  lover.    [S.  Ger.  dial. 

dhnin.  o/£teber.] 
SicBe^trcuc,/.  constancy  in  love. 
Stcftc^tticrf,  n.  -e'3,  -c,  labor  of  love. 
licfi^aftctt,  see  Ijaben. 
licl&tofctti),  «<:^'.  caressing,  loving. 
Uc&Hd^,  a<^'.  lovely,  charming,  sweet. 
SicfiUrfifctt,/.  charm. 
Siebling,  ;«.  -c^j,  -e,  favorite,  darling. 
SicBlingSfraut,  n.  -(e)§,  -"er,  favorite 

plant.  [rite  castle. 

SJicblittfl^fti^tofe,  7?.  -(ii)e§, -"(JDer,  favo- 
Iteliteiii^,  «(^'.  loving,  kind. 
fiicb,  «,  -e§,  -ev,  song,  poem. 
Sicbt^cit,,  «,   -'?,   — ,  little  song,  lay, 

carol.  [situated. 

liegen,  lag,  gelegen,  i?itr.  ]).,  lie;  be 

fitguc,  /.//.  -§,  league.    [F.  ligue,  /^«^. 

fittic,/.  w.  lily.     [Z.  lilia.] 
linb,  adj.  soft,  mild. 
Sinbc,/.  w.  linden  (tree). 
linf ,  adj.  left ;  jur  2in!en,  on  the  left  _ 

Itn!i§,  ^^i/.  on  the  left,  to  or  from  the 

St^^c,/.  w.  lip. 
Sift,  /.  w.  cunning,  craft. 
liftig,  adj.  artful,  cunning, 
fiittcratur',  /.  w.  literature.     \F.,  Z.] 
labcn,  tr.  praise. 
fiod),  n.  -e§,  -"cr,  hole. 
Sotoutoti^tie,  y.  w.  locomotive,  engine. 

lobcrn,  intr.  I).,  blaze,  flame. 
logifc^,  adj.  logical.     [G.'\ 
Sorfc,/.  w.  lock,  ringlet,  tress. 
lotfcn,  i";-.  entice,  allure,  decoy. 
fio^n,  ;«.  -§,  -"e,  reward ;  {also  n.)  pay. 
loljncn,  tr.  reward, 
ijorbccr,  m.  -§,  -en,  laurel.    [Z.  laurus 

and  G.  23ecre.] 
SJoibccrbtittt,  «.  -§,  ^cr,  laurel  leaf. 
ijorclci  or  Curlei,/.  a  crag  on  the  right 

bank  of  tlie  Rhine,  between  St.  Goar 

and  Oberwesel. 
8o§,  11.  -e§,  -c,  lot,  fate;  p.ize. 
Io§,  a^'.  loose,  free  independent ;  used 

as  sep.  prefix  tvith  the  meaning  of 

impetuousness,   vigor,   haste ;    also 

loose,  off,  out,  away,  etc.        [fasten. 
loigbtnbeit,  tninb  — ,  -gcbunbcn,  tr.  un- 
lofcn,  intr.  {).,  draw  lots. 
liifcn,  tr.  loosen;  redeem;  solve;  buy; 

make  money  (from). 
lo§fa{)rcn,  ful)r  — ,  -gefat)ren,  intr.  \., 

—  <xv\  {ace),  fly  at,  rush  upon. 
(o§t)aucn,  l^ieb  — ,  -gel)auen,  intr.  1)., 

—  aw]  {ace),  strike  at,  hit. 
lo^laffcii,   lieB    — /   -aelaffeu,  tr.  let 

loose,  let  go,  set  free. 
lO:§ma(!^en,  sep.  tr,  loosen,  set  free. 



lO^ncftctn,  se^.  tr.  unfasten,  open, 
.'odfogcit,   re/l.  renounce;   bon   einem 

— ,  separate. 
lo^ft^lagcn,  jd)tug— /-gcjdjlagcn,  intr. 

[j.^  —  auf  {ace),  strike  at,  attack, 

belabor. ' 
SiJttJC,  m.  w.  lion.     {L."] 
JJiiUJcngrulic,/.  w.  lion's  den. 
SottJCrjfcc,    tn.   Lake    Lowerz   in  the 

Canton  of  Schwyz.  [defect. 

t'itrfc,  /.  rv.   gap,   aperture,   opening; 
2uft,/.  "c,  air,  atmosphere;  breeze. 
luftig,  fl-^^'.  airy,  breezy. 
Sufic,  /.  w.  lie;   cincn  ^iigen  ftrofen, 

accuse  one  of  lying. 
tiigcn,  tog,  gclogen,  intr.  \).,  lie. 

Sttm^cn,  »/.  -'3,  — ,  rag,  tatter. 

Suft,  /.  -^c,  pleasure,  joy  ;  inclination  ; 

desire ;  —  Ijabcn,  be  inclined,  like. 
(ufttg,  adj.  merry,  gay,  jolly. 
2uft'f))tcl,  n.  -(e)§,  -c,  comedy. 
tttft'toanbctn,  lufttDanbettc,  gelufttoan; 

belt,  insep.  intr.  I),  and  \.,  walk  for 

pleasure,  promenade,  saunter. 
2utf)cr,  9)2arttn.     Protestant  reformer, 

born  in  Eisleben,  Nov,  10,  1483,  and 

died  there  Feb.  18,  1546. 
Sit^Clt,  n.  -3,  village  near  Leipzig, scene 

of   battle  between    Gustavus   Adol- 

phus  and  Wallenstein,  Nov.  16, 1632. 
2u5cnt',  n.  Lucerne,  city  and  canton 

at  the  foot  of  Lake  Lucerne. 


5Diaa§,  /.  Maas  {F.  Meuse),  tributary 
of  the  Rhine  from  the  west;  flows 
through  France,  Belgium  and  Hol- 

macQett,  tr.  make,  cause,  produce ;  per- 
form, accomplish;  —  311,  make,  ap- 
point, transform;  refl.  fare,  get  on, 
succeed;  —  (/r<?/.  an,  auf,  iiber, 
with  ace.)  apply  oneself  to,  attach, 
devote  oneself;  assail;  fid)  auf  beii 
20eg  mad)en,  set  out,  depart;  imp. 
e§  mad)t  fid)  gut,  it  goes  well ;  intr. 
I).,  hasten,  proceed;  ba'j  inad)t  'ha'^, 
that  is  because. 

SDiat^t,/.  "e,  might,  strength,  power. 

mad^tig,  adj.  mighty;  large,  vast. 

!ii}{ai)amc,  /.  w.  //.  in  address,  Mes- 
dames,  madam  ;  mistress,  lady.    \F.'\ 

9)2atiam(t)cn,  n.  -§,  dear  madam. 

a){atitt)cn,  n.  -%,  — ,  girl,  maiden. 
[dim.  of  Wa<!^\>,  formerly  5Jiagbd^en.] 

mrtbd)cn!)aft,  adj.  girUsh. 

^yjaiid)cufttmntc,/.  w.  girls'  voice. 

Wribclciu  (5»lat)el  and  gjiaflt)(c)Icin), 
«.  -§,  — ,  dial,  for  ^Jicib^eu. 

^/Jtagb,/.^e,  maid,  virgin;  maid-servant. 

9)Jagbctiurg,  n.-^,  fortified  city  on  the 
Elbe,  the  capital  of  the  Prussian 
province  of  Saxony. 

9)Jagcn,  ;//.  -§,  — ,  stomach. 

9){al)nung,  /.  w.  admonition,  warning, 
monition,  threat. 

ajJaiblumc,/.  w.  lily-of-the-valley. 

3)Jaibtumcnftcngcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  stalk  of 
a  lily-of-the-valley. 

SDJrtib,/.  {poet,  for  9J?abd)eu),  maiden. 

ajioicnfoitnc,/.  May  sunHght. 

ajJain,  m.  -§,  tributary  of  the  Rhine 
from  the  east,  the  chief  river  of 

a^ain^,  n.  Mainz,  {F.  Mayence),  capital 
of  the  province  of  Rheinhessen,  on 
the  west  shore  of  the  Rhine. 

anajcftat,  /.  w.  majesty.  Majesty.    [Z.] 

Wai,  n.  -(e)'3,  -c  or  -"er,  mark,  memo- 
rial ;  time,  [mal  is  often  indecl.  in 
comp.  ajjiBeimal,  ace.  twice;  bermal 
{also  bcrmalen),  gett.  now,  at  pre- 

mat  =  etnmal,  adv.  once ;  -with  verbs 
it  strengthens  the  imper.  =  do,  just 

ntalcn,  tr.  paint,  depict,  color. 



malcrifd^,  adj.  picturesque. 

9Jlalt)CUr^  (/r.  as  in  F.)  n.  -§,  misad- 
venture, misfortune,  accident,     [i^.] 

9KaitJC,  /.  -w.  mallow. 

matt,  pron.  (indecl.)  one,  they,  people  ; 
the  indirect  cases  are  supplied  by 
ctn.    [5Jlann.] 

man^  -Cr,  -C,  -e§,  adj.  many  a, 
many ;  pron.  many  a  one.  [man^ 
is  often  uninfi.  in  the  nam.  and  ace. 
neut.^  and  occasionally  before  anoth- 
er adj.  In  poet,  the  adj .  following 
mand^  is  sometimes  uninfi.  See  p. 
6g,  1.  20.] 

mantJ^^tnat,  adv.  many  a  time,  often, 
sometimes,  occasionally. 

SJlftngcI,  in.  -§,  ■^,  lack,  want. 

mattOc(()aft,  «^^'.  deficient. 

9Rfltticr',  /.  w.  manner,  way.     \PI\ 

manterUt^,  adj.  of  good  manners,  civil, 

SOlann,  m.  -c§,  -"er,  man;  husband. 

aWrinnt^Ctt,  n.  -§,  —,  little  man;  — 
mad)Cn,  rise  on  the  hind  legs,  frisk, 
caper,  perform. 

anftttttcrt^cn,  see  !IJlannd)en. 

SWfittttcrttJCtt,  /.  w.  masculine  world. 

mannljaft,  adj.  manly,  courageous. 

mattnlitS),  adj.  manly;  male,  mas- 

SKottft^cHc,/.  w.  cuff. 

aWanSfclb,  (grnft,  (1580-1626),  Count 
of  — ,  a  general  on  the  Protestant 
side  at  the  opening  of  the  Thirty 
Years'  War. 

ajlontct,  m.  -§,  "",  cloak,  cape. 

Wanu\cvipt^ ,  n.  -(e)§,  -C,  manuscript. 

Wappc,  f.  w.  portfolio.    [L.] 

Tlav(c),  f.  71'.  tale,  story ;  tidings,  news. 

SWrirt^CM,  n.  -§,  — ,  tale,  story,  fairy 

ajJarbcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  marten. 

aHarbcrfc^nc,/.  w.  sinew  of  a  marten. 

aWariC,  /.  Mary. 

aJtaricngflrn,  n.  -(c)§,  -e,  gossamer. 
3KartCtttirif)c,  /.  church  of  St.  Mary, 

church  of  Our  Lady. 
aJtarf,  n.  -(e)§,  marrow. 
mormctftcincrn,  adj.  marble.     [Tlat= 

met,  fr.  L.  marmor.] 
ntarmorn,  adj.  of  marble. 
morfd)ic'rctt,  intr.  \.  orlj.,  march,  [F. 

^(tf{,  n.  -(e)S,  — ,  measure,  propor- 
tion, mode.  [Z.  massa.]  [creet. 
mft^ijl,  adj.  moderate,  temperate  ;  dis- 
tttatt,  adj.  faint,  dim  ;  mate  (in  chess). 
aJtattc,/.  w.  meadow, 
ajlattcr,/.  w.  wall.  [wall. 

2Jiauci'ltttfc,/.  IV.  gap  or  opening  in  a 
aWauer^jfcilcr,   m    -§,  — ,  pillar,  wall 

column,  support,  buttress.     \L.  mu- 

rus  and  M.L.  pilarius,/;-.  pila.] 
SRauI,  «. -c§,  Hx,  mouth  {of  animals). 
9Wau§,/.  H,  mouse. 
mcd^a'ttift^,  adj.  mechanical. 
aWcdtcnlJurg,  ti.  -§,  the  name  of  two 

Grand  Duchies  in  Germany  on  the 

Baltic,    Mecklenburg-Schwerin    and 

ajJctii^na,  n.  -§,  Medina,  sacred  city  in 

West   Arabia,  the    burial    place  of 

9Kcer,  n.  -e§,  -t,  sea. 
aJkcrfdiauntfo^f,    m.  -e§,    ^t,   meer 

schaum  head  or  bowl  (of  a  pipe). 
aKccrc^ftrdttb,   m    -e§,  -C,   sea-shore. 

mcfjr,   adj.  more,    {compar.  of  biel), 

often  used  subst.  ;  adv.  longer ;  nid)t 

— ,  no  longer;   urn  fo  — ,  so  much 

the  more. 
VXt^ttXt,  adj.  (double  comp.)  several. 
meibcn,  mieb,  gemieben,  tr.  avoid. 
aJlctbCtt,  n.  -§,  separating,  parting. 
ntcin,  -cr,  -C,  -(c)§,  pass,  prott.  {infl. 

and  tised  subst.)  my,  mine. 
mcittCtt,  tr.  or  intr.  !).,  mean,  think,  be 

of  the  opinion ;  mean  to  say,  intend. 



wish  ;  imply,  signify ;  remark ;   love, 

meiiicrfcitsi,  adv.  on  my  part,  in  my 

turn,      [old gen.  melncr  Scit(c)  -with 

inorganic  -§.] 
meinetmcgcn,  adv.  for  me,  on  my  ac- 
count,   so   far  as   I   am  concerned; 

I  have  no  objection,     \dat.  fl.  mei= 

SOlcinung,   /.    w.    opinion,    intention; 

ntcift,    adj.    and  adv.   largest,     most 

{suferl.  of  XiXtX)',  am  tnciftcn,  most, 
mcifteit^,   adv.   mostly,  for  the   most 

ajiciftcr,   m.  -§,  — ,   master;    master 

9D}etta,  n.  -§,   Mecca,  sacred  city  in 

West  Arabia,  the  birthplace  of  Mo- 
9){c(d),  /,  a  small  stream  in  the  Canton 

of  Unterwalden,  flowing  into  the  Aa. 
9JJclt^tl)(l(,  n.  -§,  valley  of  the  Melch, 

also  village,  in  Unterwalden. 
mcltcn,  mo(f,  Qemolfcn  {orw.),tr.  milk, 
aJictobtc'  or  5Jie(obci',  /.  w.  melody. 
mtWt>'\\<S),  adj.  melodious. 
ajlcmcl,/,  or  yticmen,  river  in  western 

Russia,    flows    into    the    Kurisches 

Haff  near  Tilsit  in  Prussia. 
9){enge,  /.  w.  multitude,  crowd ;  mass, 

quantity,  abundance. 
SRenft!^,  m.  w.  man,  human  being,  man ; 

//.   men,   mankind,     [prig.  adj.  fr. 


aJleitf^fjett,/.  mankind,  humanity. 

mcnft^Itrf),  adj.  human. 

tncrtcu,  tr.  mark,  note,  perceive;  re- 
mark; remember,  fid)  — ,  make  a 
note  of. 

mcrfttJiirbtg,  adj.  noteworthy,  remark- 

SJJcffc,/.  zv.  mass;  fair.     \L.  missa.] 

mcffcn,  mafe,  gcmeffen,  tr.  measure. 

aJlcffcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  knife. 

SWc^geft^aft,  n.  -§,  -c,  business  at  the 

9Jlcj^,^cit,  /.  71'.  market  time,  fair  time. 
9)}ctroVo'(c,/.  7v.  metropoUs. 
ajJcuOtcmcnt  {pron.  as  tn  F.),  n.  -§, 

furniture.     [/^.] 
9)}cudjc(miJri»cr,  m.  -§,  — ,  assassin. 
mtaueit,  intr.  \}.,  mew. 
9JJicnc,  /.  w.  look,  countenance,  air ; 

—  mad)Cn,  assume  the  appearance. 
\_F.  mine.] 

2)ttctc,  /.  w.  hire,  rent. 

SOatcf),/.  milk. 

ittilb(e),  adj.  mild,  benign,  generous. 

milbcrn,  tr.  mitigate,  soften. 

9JiiUion^  /.  w.  million. 

minber,  adj.  and  adv.  comp.  degree, 
less  ;  superl.  minbeft,  least,  smallest 
{for  minncft);  tiscd  as  comp.  and 
superl.  o/ioenig.  The  superl.  occurs 
mainly  in  negative  statements. 
\_  for  older  w\\nniX.'\  [mirror. 

aWiniatur'fptcgcI,  m.  -§,  — ,  miniature 

9)linnc,/.  iv.  poet.  love. 

SUlimt^tc,  /.  w.  minute.  [M.  L.  mi- 
nustus,  small  part,  coin.] 

mtfdjcn,  tr.  mix,  shuffle  {cards);  refl. 

—  ilif  mingle  in,  interfere ;  fic^  barcin 
or  bretn  — ,  interpose,  meddle  with. 

mtfj-,  prefix^  usually  insep.  It  gives 
the  idea  of  negation,  failure,  evil, 
perversion.  The  prefix  is  usually 
unaccented  in  verbs,  save  where 
special  stress  rests  upon  it,  as  tntfe= 
t)er[tel)en;  in  substantives  derived 
from  verbs,  and  in  certain  partici- 
ples as  miB'gei'tattet  (misshapen),  it 
receives  the  accent. 

mtffcn,  tr.  miss;  do  without;  lose. 

tnifttjrtlt'bctlt,  insep.  tr.  ill-treat,  abuse. 

ntiftltn'gcn,  miBtang,  mi^Iungcn,  intr. 
\.,  and  impers.  {dat.)  be  unsuccess- 
ful, fail  in  ;  turn  out  badly. 

mifttrou'if^,  adj.  distrustful,  suspi- 



SOJift,  m.  -c§,  -e,  dung. 

9Kift'ticrftnnbni§,  n.  -(ff)e§,  -(ff)e,  mis- 

tnit,  prep,  with  dat.  with ;  adv.  to- 
gether (with),  along  (with);  used 
as  a  Sep.  prefix,  and  accented,  de- 
noting accompaniment,  participa- 

atttgcl)cn,  Qing  — ,  -gcgangen,  intr.  f ., 
go  with,  accompany. 

3JiitgciU)ft(c),  m.  w.  companion. 

aWitglicb,  n.  -(e)§,  -cr,  member,  asso- 

mitliclfctt,  \)qX\  —,  -ge^olfen,  intr.  {)., 
lend  help ;  —  bei,  assist  in. 

mtt''Icibtg,  adj.  compassionate,  sympa- 

mitncljmcn,  nQf)m  — ,  -geuommen,  tr. 
take  with,  take,  carry  along. 

SSKitftrciter,  m.  -§,  —,  fellow-warrior. 

3)ltttag,  m.  -§,  -e,  midday,  noon;yf^. 

9)ltttag§I)t^e,  /,  midday  or  noonday 

ajlittagSmaf)!,  n.  -e§,  -e  <7r  ^^er,  mid- 
day meal.  [2Jiat)t  =  orig.  5[Ral, 

aWittog^ftiUc,/.  silence  of  midday. 

SWiittc,/.  w.  middle,  center,  midst. 

tnttteilen,  sep.  tr.  communicate,  impart. 

SRitteilung,  /.  w.  communication,  in- 

aJJittcI,  n.  -§,  — ,  means,  instrument ; 
tn§  ^ittet  fc^Iagen,  —  legen,  —  tre= 
ten,  interpose,  intervene. 

mittel,  adj.  medium,  average. 

mittelnltcrlid),  adj.  mediaeval. 

aWittelmccr,  «.-e»,  Mediterranean  Sea. 

!i»{ittctt{jjir(c),/.  w.  middle  door. 

mitten ,  adv.  in  the  middle  or  midst,  used 
■with  prepositions ;  —  in,  —  untcr, 
in  the  middle  or  midst  of ;  —  inne, 
midway.  ,.  [old  \  of  9Jiitte,  and 
possibly  the  ace.  sing.  rn.  of  the  adj. 
mitt.]  [in. 

mtttcnbvin,  adv.  in  the  midst  of,  there- 

Wxiitvnnii)t,f.  "e,  midnight  -jfig.  north. 

[prig.  dat.  sing.] 
niittcl  (mittlere,  mittdftc),  adj.  middle, 

intermediate,      [fr.   the    adj.    mitt, 

tnittlcrtucilc,    adv.   in   the   meantime. 

[gen.  SSeile.] 
mitUtttcr,  adv.  at  times,  occasionally, 

now  and  then. 
awijfici,  n.  -§,  — ,  S.  G.  pi.  9JlobeIn, 

piece  of  furniture.     [F.  meuble.] 
ajJotiC,/.  w.  mode,  fashion.    [F.  mode.] 
aWobcroman,  m.  -§,  -e,  novel  of  fa. 

shionable  life,  fashionable  romance. 
ntijgcn,  moc^te,  QCmod)t,  tr.,  also  mod. 

aux.,  may,  be  able,  can,  like. 
miJgliti^,  adj.  possible. 
mijgtttl^crtucifc,   adv.  possibly,     [adv. 

gen.  (T/metfe.] 

ajjijglirfltcit,/.  w.  possibility. 

9)?o{)rimmcb,  m.  -§,  Mohammed,  Ara- 
bian prophet  and  founder  of  the 
Mahommedan  religion  (571-632). 

9JJ^)ment^  m.  -e§,  -c,  moment.  [F. 
and  Z.] 

ajio'nat,  m.  -§,  -c,  month.  [Man  = 

3JliJnrf),  m.  -e§,  -e,  monk,  friar.  [L. 

aKiJn(^(cut,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  monk. 

ajJonb,  VI.  -e§,  -c,  moon.  [9Jtonb 
from  M.H.G.  mine,  later  mon, 
moon ;  cf.  DKon-  in  IJlontag  ;  used 
also  as  a  parallel  form  of  SJionat. 
The  w.  decl.  occurs  especially  in 
compounds,  i)!Jlonbenfd)ein. 

ajlonbct-bammcrung,/.  pale  moonhght. 

9JionbUrf)t,  n.  -(e)§,  moonhght. 

SBJonbftrnljI,  m.  -(e)§,  -en,  moon 

»torrt''ltfi^,  adj.  moral,  ethical. 

ajiotrtft^,  m.  -e§,  -e,  morass,  marsh. 
[F.  marais.] 

9J}orb,  m.  -(e)§,  -e,  murder. 

morbctt,  tr.  or  intr.  murder. 



SWorgartctt,  n.  -§,  south  of  Lake  Egeri 
in  the  canton  of  Zug,  scene  of  battle 
between  Duke  Leopold  of  Austria 
and  the  Swiss,  Nov.  16,  1315. 

^{orgcn,  m.  -§,  — ^  morning ;  East. 

luorgcn,  adv.  to-morrow,  \prtg.  dat. 
o/^JforflCn,  to-morrow  morning.] 

tnorgenb,  adj.  of  to-morrow,  to-mor- 
row's, [adj .  with  secondary -h  from 

ajiorocitbammerung,  /.  morning  twi- 
light, dawn. 

ajiorflcufriltc,/.  chill  of  morning, 

ajJorflcittrtVI't^cn,  «.  -^,  — ,  dim.  mor- 
ning cap.    [^tappe.] 

aJlorflCiifattb,  n.  -(e)§,  East,  Orient. 

a){orgcnlt(^t,  n.  -(e)§,  -cr,  morning 

aRorgenrot,  n.  -§,  or  9Rorgcnrdte, 
/.  w.  dawn,  sunrise. 

morgenri)tti(f|,  adj.  morning  red,  of  the 

morgen^,  adv.  in  the  morning,  every 
morning;  on  the  following  day. 
{adv.  g-ejt.'] 

'SHo\^tt',  f.  TV.  mosque.  {F.  and 

ajJottc,/.  w.  moth.    [.£.  moth.] 

mitbc,  adj.  tired,  weary,  exhausted ; 
orig.  with  gen.,  now  with  ace. 

SRu^e,  /.  w.  pains ;  toil ;  trouble ;  fi^ 
{dat.)  —  gebcil,  take  pains. 

Wu{)\h<iti),  m.  -e§,  ^t,  mill-stream. 

aWitfjJc,/.  w.  mill. 

2)Jii()l(cn)rab,  n.  -§,  Hx,  mill-wheel 

aWi'tttcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  miller. 

SRund^cn,  n,  -^,  Munich. 

aWuttb,  m.  -(c)§,  -c,  -^c  or  ^cr,  mouth. 

SDtitnbd^cn,  «.  -§,  — ,  dimin.  little 

muntcr,  adj.  lively,  gay ;  awake. 

murmcin,  intr.  murmur;  jjor  \\6i  l^tn 
— ,  murmur  to  oneself.  [Z,.  mur- 

aWufir,  /.  music.     [L.  musica.] 

muftjicrcn,  tr.  make  music. 

miiffcit,  mu&tc,  Qcmu^t,  tr.  also  mod. 
aux.,  must,  be  obliged  to;  tisually 
obligation  from  the  stress  of  circum- 
stances:, baran  or  bran  mi'iffcn,  sc. 
flcl)Cn,  set  about  it ;  apply  oneself  to 

SOiuftc,/.  leisure,  idleness. 

aKuftcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  pattern,  model. 
\Ital.  mostra,  L.  monstrum.] 

muftern,  tr.  survey,  inspect,  review. 

ajiut,  tn.-zh,  courage,  spirit ;  mood;  ju 
mute  fcitl  (dat.  of  per  s),  feel. 

aJJtt^cftunbc,/.  w.  leisure  hour, 

mitgit),  adj.  leisure,  unoccupied,  va- 

ajJUfeiggaitgcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  stroller,  loi- 
terer, idler, 

ailuta^bor,  future  passive  of  the  Latin 
verb  muto,  1  shall  be  transformed. 

tttuttg,  adj.  spirited,  courageous. 

ajiuttcr,  /.  ^,  mother. 

9J}iittcrtf)Ctt,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  mother. 

ajiuttcrmol,  71.  -(C)§,  -C,  mole,  birth- 

anutttitUc,  m.  w.  wantonness,  caprice, 
petulance ;  roguishness,  mishievous- 

aWtt^c,/,  w.cap. 




n«,  interj.  well  then,  now ;  coll.^  ex- 
presses surprise^  often  contempt,  re- 
luctance to  accept  an  opinion. 

nn^r  prep,  rvith  dat.  toward,  to  {es- 
pecially -with  proper  names  of 
places,  or  nouns  having  the  force 
of  a  proper  name) ;  after,  behind  ; 
for,  about ;  according  to ;  used  as 
Sep.  prefix. 

nati^aljmcit,  tr.  model  after,  imitate, 
copy ;  {usually  with  ace.  of  person, 
and  dat.  of  thing),  [fr.  Sme,  a 
vessel,  lit.  measure  out  or  after.'] 

5Wati^bar,  m.  -§,  -n,  neighbor;  [9iad^ 
=  nat)C,  and  -bar  =  23auer,  dwell- 

^a^^axvx,  f.  TV.  neighbor. 

91ad)6arfrf)rift,  /.  neighborhood. 

nad^bcm^  adv.  thereafter,  after  that, 
afterward;  according  as;  conj. 
after,  when,  according  as,  since. 

ncrfibcntctt,  bac^tc  — ,  -gcbad^t,  intr. 
f).,  {dat.  or  iibcr  with  ace.)  follow  in 
thought,  reflect,  consider,  meditate 
on,  [tion. 

Sf^arflbcnlten,  n.  -3,  reflection,  medita- 

narfibcntHtl),  a^'.  thoughtful,  reflecting. 

nat^Ctlcti,  sep.  intr.  \.  with  dat.  of 
pers.  hasten  after. 

nad^foIgcnb,/«r/.  adj.  following. 

nad^gc^cn,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr. 
f.,  {dat.)  go  after,  follow,  pursue ; 
go  slow  {of  a  watch).  [quently. 

nad^Ocr',  adv.  afterwards,  later,  subse- 

itadjfummcu,  !am  — ,  -gefommcn,  intr. 
\.,  {dat.)  come  after,  follow;  comply 
with;  execute. 

nat^f0mmetlb,/(7r/.  adj.  coming  after, 

na^Iaufcn,  lief  — ,  -oelaufen,  intr.  \., 
run  after. 

nadjmat^cit,  scp.  tr.  imitate. 

SfJad^mtttrtg,  m.  -§,  -c,  afternoon, 
nad^mittng^,  adv.  in  the  afternoon,  of 

an  afternoon  {adv.  gen.) 
9Jat^mtttaflftiUc,  /.  afternoon  stillness. 
Jtot^ret^ucn,  sep.  tr.  reckon  after  or 

again  ;  examine  ;  verify. 
9?arfjri(!^t,  /.  w.  information,  news, 
nod^rufcn,  ricf  — ,  -gerufen,  tr.  or  intr. 

\).,  {dat.)  call  after. 
nad^fagen,  sep.  tr.  say  {of  a  person); 

bo)e§  —  {dat.  tj/Zifrj-^^w),  speak  ill 

nati^fcljcn,    jal)    — ,   -gcfcf)cn,   tr.  or 

intr.    \).,    {dat.)   look    after;     look 

into,  examine,  review. 
nat^finitcn,  fanu  — ,  -gcfonncn,  intr. 

t).,  {dat.  or  iibcr  with  ace,  meditate, 

reflect  on. 
9?ai^f))tcl,  n.  -5,  -c,  afterpiece,  after- 

lude ;  finale. 
nat^f^jrcc^en,  fprad^  — ,  -^c?prod^en,  tr. 

{dat.  of  person,  ace.  of  thing)  repeat 

after  one. 
nodifvringcn,  fpratifl  — ,  -gci^jrungen, 

i7ttr.  \.,  {dat.)  leap  or  run  after. 
ndfl^ft,   adj.    {superl.    of    not)),   next, 

nearest ;    used  substantively,  neigh- 
bor,   fellow-man  ;       prep,    close  to 

{usually  next  in  order  or  rank.) 
92(ic{)t(agcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  couch;   night- 
ndd^tlid^,  adj.  nightly. 
9?rtd^tltcb,  n.  -e§,  -cr,  night-song. 
9J(llf)t,/.  -c,  night. 
91rtrf)tculc,/.  TV,  night-owl. 
9lttrf)t{)immcl,  m.  -§,  sky  at  night. 
92ac{)ttgaU,  /.  w.  nightingale.      [/r. 

nachti,  old  geti.  sing,  and  obs.  galan, 

9?od)tife^,  m.  -e§,  -C,  dessert. 
nad^t^,    adv.   by    night,  in  the  night. 

{adv.  gen.  with  -§,  like  t09§.] 



iRad^tft^mettetltng,  m.  -§,  -c,  night- 

"ilati^tiaxi,  m.  -c§,  night-dew. 

Hrtc^ioctfcu,  iuie§  — ,  -Qcroicfcu,  tr. 
demonstrate,  prove. 

92a(f|^U(]ler,  m.  -§,  — ,  straggler. 

Sil(\^t\X,  m.  -§,  — ,  neck. 

nneft,  adj.  nacked,  bare. 

^Jiaicl,/.  iv.  needle. 

*)Jafict,  m.  -%,  ^,  nail. 

naO(c),  (ual)cr,  nad)fi),  a^'.  near,  nigh; 
—  an,  near  or  close  to. 

9{(ii)e,  /.  nearness,  neighborhood;  in 
ber  — ,  near,  close  at  hand. 

nal^ett,  re^.  approach. 

nnfirn,  fr.  or  intr.  sew. 

9?ril)crc(i3),  n.  details,  particulars. 

9ial)cret,/.  sewing. 

92rt()crfommcn,  n.  -§,  approach. 

}td()rnt,  re/l.  come  nearer,  draw  near, 

92di)tif(f),  m.  -c§,  — c,  sewing-table. 

9?omc(n),  ;«. -n§,  -n,  name;  -§,  gen. 
by  the  name  of,  named. 

namcnlo^,  adj.  nameless. 

UJnmcndtJcttcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  namesake. 

namcutlic^,  adj.  namely,  especially, 

nam(td),  adj.  same;  adv.  namely,  that 
is  to  say. 

iWau'fing,  w.  -§,  nankeen. 

'ildvv,  m.  UK  fool. 

narrcn,  tr.  make  a  fool  of. 

9iafc,/.  w.  nose. 

nrifcln,  intr.  I).,  snuffle;  speak  through 
the  nose. 

ttft^,  adj.  wet.     {cf.  nc^cn,  moisten.] 

9?affnu,  n.  -§,  former  dukedom :  city 
on  the  Lahn. 

^JationaFOtjinne,/.  w.  national  hymn. 

'^e.ixxx' ,  f.%v.  nature,  being;  constitu- 
tion.    \_L.  natura.] 

ttrttitrlirl^,  adj.  natural. 

9!(ium6urn,  n.  -§,  city  in  the  valley  of 
the  Saale,  in  Prussia. 

9lctc(,  m.  -§,  — ,  mist,  fog,  cloud. 
S'icbclbttft,  m.  -c§,  H,  haze,  mist. 
iWclDclftrcif ,  771.  -§,  -en,  streak  of  mist. 
ncttcn,  prep,  with  dat.  or  ace.  as  place 

or  direction  is  implied,  next  to,  by 

the  side  of. 
ncficnau',  adv.  near  by ;  next  door,  in 

the  next  room. 
nebcitbci,   adv.  close  by;   besides;   in 

connection  with ;  incidentally. 
9kbcMDufjIer,  w.  -§,  — ,  rival. 
itcbcn(icl)cnb,/rtr/,  adj.  walking  at  the 

9Ic6cnft^cr,    m.  -§,    — ,    one  sitting 

5Wc6cn5itnmer,   n.  -9,    — ,    adjoining 

9?C(fartf)at,  «. -§,  ^er,  the  valley  of  the 

itcfjmcn,  nat)m,  flcnomnicn,  tr.  take; 

take  from  (dat.) ;  —  fiir,  regard  as ; 

auf  fid^  — ,  take  upon  oneself. 
itcigcn,  tr.  incline,  bend ;   reji.  incline, 

bow,  bend. 
92etf)en,  n.  -§,  bending,  incUnation. 
iWctguno,/.  w.  incUnation,  affection. 
nciit,  adv.  no. 
3icltC,/.  w.  pink.      \fr.  negelken,  nel- 

ken,  clove.] 
ncnncn,  nanntc,  gcnannt,    tr.  name, 

9?eft,  n.  -(e)§,  -tx,  nest. 
SJeftttng,  w.  -§,  -e,   nestling,   young 

nctt,   adj.   neat,   nice,    trim;    pretty; 

delicate.     \P.  net.] 
5?C^,  «.  -e§,  -C,  net,  net-work. 
nctt,  adj.  new ;  auf§  -C,  anew. 
neucrbaut,  part.  adj.  newly  built. 
91cuiatjr,  «.  -§,  -e,  New  Year. 
9?cttj*ljr§tta(^t,   /.    ^c,    New    Year's 

ncuHc^,  adj.  late,  recent. 
neun,  w?/»z.  nine. 
ncunt  -er,  -c,  -eS^  »«/«.  ninth. 



ntrf)t,  adv.  not ;  nod)  — ,  not  yet.     [ni 

wiht,  no  whit.] 
9?ttl^tc,/.  w.  niece. 
tttd^tig,  adj.  vain,  transitory. 
nx<i)i§,  indef.  fron.  {used  subst.  nom. 

and  ace.)   nought,  nothing,     [prig. 

gen.  o/niht,  nothing.] 
nicfen,  intr.  I).,  nod. 
ntc,  adv.  never, 
nicbcr,   adj.    low ;   adv.  low,   down ; 

used  as  sep.  accented  prefix. 
mcbcrticugcn,,  stoop  down. 
nicbcrfaUcn,  fiel  — ,  -gefaflcn,  intr.  \., 

fall  down. 
nicbcrfiangcn,  l)ing  — ,  -gel)angcn,  /«^r. 

hang  down,  droop. 
nicbertdmVfcn,  sep.  tr.  overcome,  sub- 
due. _  \_{pr  refl.). 
mcbcrttttcett,  sep.  intr.  \.,  kneel  down 
S'iicbcrlagc,/.  w.  defeat, 
nicbcrloffcit,  Ite^  — ,  -gelaffcn,  tr.  let 

down ;    refl.   sit    down ;    alight    {of 

birds) ;  establish  oneself, 
nieberkgcn,   sep.  tr.  lay    down,    put 

down ;  give  up,  resign  ;  refl.  lie  down, 
9ttebetrlot()rtngen,  n.  Lower  Lorraine, 

between     the     Rhine,     Maas     and 

niebermadjett,  sep.  tr.  bend  down ;  put 

to  the  sword,  slay. 
tttebcrncigcn,  sep.  refl.  bend  downward. 
nicbcrrcgucn,  sep.  intr.  \).,  rain  down. 
ntebetrfd^aucn,  sep.  intr.  \).,  look  down, 
mcbcrfd^logcu,  fc^lug  — ,  -gcfi^Iagcn,  tr. 

cast  down  ;  refute ;  discourage ;  chill. 
tttcbcrfcijcn,  fal)  — ,  -Qejel)en,  tntr.  1^., 

look  down. 
ntCbcrfc^CU,  sep.  tr.  set  down ;  refl.  sit 

tticbcrfi^ctt,  fa^  — ,  -gcfc[fen,  intr.  \., 

sit  down.  4 

uicbcrftctgcn,  ftieg  — ,  -^efttegen,  intr. 

\.,  step  down,  descend, 
tticbcrwcrfcn,  luarf  — ,  -gcroorfen,  tr. 

cast  down,  prostrate. 

ntcbcrstfii^cn,  intr.  1^.,  hiss  down;  fii, 

nieblit^,  adj.  neat,  pretty. 
mctttct^,  adv.  never. 
niemanb,  indef .  pron.  no  one, 
tttmmer,    adv.   never;    no    more,     [ni 

tttmmcrtncfjr,  adv.  never,  never  more. 
ntrgcnb^,  adv.  nowhere. 
ntftcn,  intr.  {}.,  nest,     L^left.] 
nit,  collog.for  ntd^t. 
nij,  colloq.  =  nid)t§. 
nohtl,  adj.  noble  ;  respectable ;  colloq. 

fashionable,  swell,     [F.  noble.] 
noO),   adj.    yet,    still ;    more,   besides, 

else;  —  ni^t,  not  yet;  —  einmal, 

once    more ;    conj.,   correlates  with 

toeber,    wcbcr  .  .  .  uo^,   neither  . . . 

nod)malS,  adv.  once  more,  again,   [no^ 

5Kat  +  §.] 
9torb,  7n.  -§,  and  9?orbcn,  -§,  north, 
niirblid),  a^^',  northern. 
Slorboft,  m.  -§,  91orboftCtt,  -§,  north- 
^Qi,  f.   ^e,    need;    trouble,    distress; 

not  I)aben,  gen.  be  in  want  of,  need  ; 

adj.  (einem)  —  t^itn,  be  necessary  ; 

e§  t)at  fcine  9iot,  no  fear  of  that. 
llotaricU,  «^'.  notarial,  attested  by  a 

ttotbiirftig,  adj.  scant,  insufficient. 
91otC,/.  7f',  note  {music).     [L.  nota.] 
SlotfaU,  m.  -(e)§,  ^C,  case  of  necessity, 

ttiJtig,    adj.    needful,    necessary;    — 

l)abcn,  stand  in  need  of. 
niitigen,  tr.  force,  compel. 
9lott»ct)V,  f.  self-defense, 
notlvcnbig,    adj.    necessary,   material, 

9ioticmbci%  m.  -§,  — ,  November,     [Z, 

novem,  nine,  the  ninth  month,] 
nu,  old  form  of  www. 
JRu,  w.  moment ;  im  9lu,  in  a  trice. 



»tttt,  adv.  now,  well.  91u^t)o!)er,  m.  -§,  — ,  nutcracker. 

nut,    adv.    only,    but,    merely ;  just,        nit^Uti^,  adj.  useful,  profitable,  advan 

please.  .  tageous. 

nuftfiCtttt^rt,  adj.  nut-fed.  nu^log,  adj.  useless,  vain. 


lih,  frej}.,  obs.  ox  foet.  dat.  over,  above  ; 

beyond  ;  on  account  of ;  conj.  whether. 
Dbbaii^,  n.  -§,  shelter,  lodging. 
o6en,  a^z/.above; — tm  .f)aiijc,up-stairs. 
obcnctn,  adv.  up  to,  to  the  top. 
Klbcnbrcin,  adv.  over  and  above,  into 

the  bargain. 
o6erc(r),  -e,  -(e)y,  adj.,  superl.  obcrefl, 

upper;    over,  superior,     \only  used 

when  injlected.'l 
jDbcrbaurat,  m.  -e§,  ^c,  chief  architect. 
DbctbcfcJjI,  tu.  -§,  chief  command. 
Dbcrflnd^c,/.  w.  surface. 
Dbcrfdjaffncr,  m.  -§,  — ,  head-guard, 

conductor  {of  a  train). 
Dfterft,  m.  -en,  -en,  colonel. 
C)6crftc(r),  m.  injl.  as  adj.  chief,  com- 
jDbertpalbcn  or  06  bent  2&alb,  n.  -§, 

district  in  the  canton  of  Unterwal- 

den  in  Switzerland.  [though. 

obglctd^'  or  Q\i  .  ,  .  gleidj,   conj.  al- 
Dbrigfcit,  /.  -w.  magistracy,  authorities. 
£)6ftbaum,  m.  -(e)§,  ^e,  fruit  tree. 
Ci(^Ci(c),  m.  «'.  ox. 
obcr,  conj.  or. 
Cfcn,  ;//.  -§,  ■",  oven,  stove. 
jDfcnbanf ,  /.  "e,  bench  by  the  stove. 
Offcn,  «^'.  open;  frank. 
offenbar,  rt-^^'.  plain,  obvious,  evident ; 

adv.  evidently,  plainly. 
iiffentlitQ,  adj.  public,  open, 
Offisicr',  ni.-l,  -c,  officer.  \F.  officier.] 
iiffnen,  tr.  open  ;  rejl.  open. 
oft,  ofter  or  oft(e)ier,  double  comp.  am 

ofteften,  adv.  often. 
oft,  adv.  often. 
iJftcrS,    adv.    more   than    once,    often, 

frequently,     \compar.  of  o\\.  +  §.] 

Dfjcim,  m.  -§,  -e,  uncle. 

oljne, /rt;/>.  with  ace.  without;  except; 

—  ^(x\„  but  that. 
Of^ncffin,   aafi/.   without   that,  besides; 

just  the  same  ;  in  any  event. 
oJjttmac^tig,  adj.  weak;  faint. 
Ofjr,  n.  -(e)§,  -en,  ear. 
Dfjrfetgc,  /.  w.  box  on  the  ear, 
OlDcrg,  m.  -e§,  Mount  of  Olives, 
jDigii^c,  m.  w.  lubber,  dunce.     [®5^e, 

omtniJ^^  adj.  ominous,     \F.,  L.\ 
D|icr,/.  w.  opera,     [//a/,  opera.] 
C^crn^auS,  «.  -e§,  ^r,  opera  house. 
O^fcrit,  tr.  sacrifice.     \L.  offerre.] 
C)<)fcrfpcnbc,  /.  w.  offering, 
Opfcrfticr,  m.  -§,  -e,  sacrificial  bull. 
Orben^flctb,  n.  -e§,  -er,  dress  of  an 

order,     \L.  ordin-em.] 
orbcntUd^,  adj.  orderly,  regular;  pro- 
per ;  downright,  out  and  out ;  adv. 

regularly,  fairly, 
orbnen,    tr.   order,    regulate,   arrange, 

Orbnung,/.  w.  order. 
Drgcl,  /.  w.  organ.     [Z,.  organum,] 
Crgclfioucr,  m.  -§,  — ,  organ-builder, 
Drgctboumciftcr,    m.  -§,   — ,    master 

Crgclf^iclcn,  n.  -§,  organ-playing. 
Drt,  m.  -e§,  -e  or  ^ex,  point,  spot, 

place;  village.  [East, 

Oft,  m.  -§,  and  Often,  -§,  east,  the 
Cftcrmorrfjcn,  n.  -§,  — ,  Easter  story. 
Cftcrn,  //./.  (used  also  as  sing.f  and 

n.)  Easter,     [prig.  dat.  pi.  =  in  the 

Easter  days.] 
C)ft(cr)rctd),  n.  -§,  Austria. 
Cftfcc,/.  East  Sea,  Baltic  Sea. 



'^aav,  n.  -e§,  -c,  pair,  couple;  cin 

paar,  a  few,  some ;  etii  paarmal,  adv. 

several  times,     [mat,^ 
^aartuetfe,  adv.  in  couples. 
Marfan',  m.  -§,  large  dog.    \imp.  pad' 

an,  hold  fast.] 
^ttrfc^cn,   n.   -§,    — ,    small   package. 

[/r.  5Padf,  w.  and  «.] 
^dcfen,  /r.  pack ;  seize ;  refl.  leave,  be  off. 
^afct',  a/j£7  ^arfet%  «,  -§,  -e,  package. 

[/^.  paquet.] 
^ogc,  m.w.  page.     [/r.  «j  m  /^.] 
^olaft',  w.  -§,  ^c,  palace.     \F,  palais. 

M.  L.  palatium,] 
^Palmc,/.  w.  palm.     [Z.  palma.] 
^pantoffcl,  m.  -§,  -n,  slipper.     {Ital. 

$a^tcr,   n.  -(e)§,   -C,    paper,  written 

document,  record.  [Z,.,  Q.  papyrum.] 
%apxtvvoVit,  f.  IV.  roll  of  paper. 
^a^^cnljcim,  Count,  ©ottfricb  |>cinrt(1^i 

tJOn  (i 594-1632),  brilliant  general  of 

cavalry  under  Tilly  and  Wallenstein 

in  the  Thirty  Years'  War. 
^o^ft,  m.  -e§,  ^c,  pope.     \L.  pipa.] 
^arabic'rcn,  intr.  I).,  parade. 
'^wc^t',  f.  w.  party,  excursion ;  match, 

marriage.     [/^.,  /-.] 
^offagicr,  m.  -§,  -c,  passenger.    [Z^.] 
Vaffcit,  m/r.  f).  (dat.)  fit,  suit,  be  fitting  ; 

^afftcrcn,  tr.  pass,  pass  over;  intr.  f., 

happen,  occur.     [^F.  se  passer.] 
^oftfarte,  /.  w.  passport. 
$atcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  father ;  priest,  monk. 

^otrtarrf)^  m.  w.  patriarch.     [G^r.] 
^ttutc,/.  Tf.  drum,  kettle-drum, 
^oufc,/.  w.  pause,  stop.     [/^.  pause.] 
ptt^(in'tx^6),  adj.  pedantic.  {F.  pedant.] 
:|)etn(t(i^,  adj.  painful;  exact,  accurate. 

(Z,.  poena.) 
^citf^C,/.  w.  whip,  lash.     [Slav.'\ 

?)8cl3,  m.  -c§,  •^,  pelt,  fur;  fur  coat; 

colloq.  skin,  hide.     \M.  L.  pellicia.] 
^crgrtittcnt'Iirinii,  /«.  -(e)§,  ^c,  volume 

in  parchment  or  vellum,  book  bound 

in   parchment.     [Pergament  fr.  L. 

pergamena,   of    Pergamus,  in   Asia 

^crgatnentmottc,  /.  w.  moth  that  in- 
fests parchment ;  bookworm. 
^crle,  /.  UK  pearl,     [//a/,  perla.] 
^Perron'   (/r.  as  in  F.)  m.  -§,  -§, 

^crii''rfe,  /.  w.  wig,  periwig.    [F.  per- 

^crfOtt',  /.  TV.  person  ;  character  (in  a 

drama)  ;  stature,  [Z-.  persona,  mask, 

Jierfoniftjtercn,  tr.  personify. 
^cfcl,  see  <pifc(. 

^ctcr^tirrfje,/.  w.  church  of  St.  Peter, 
^ctrusi,  m.  Peter.     (Z:.) 
5petf(()cncg(c),    w.    Turkish    nomadic 

people,  formerly  living  between  the 

Volga  and  the  Ural,  later  absorbed 

in  the  Magyars. 
^fab,  m.  -c§,  -e,  path.    \E.  path.] 
i^fanb,  n.  -(c)§,  -^er,  pledge,  security. 
*-Pfcifc,  /.  w.  pipe;  fife,  flute.     [Af.  L 

Vfcifcn,  pfiff,  QCpfiffcn,  ^r.  or  intr.  \)., 

pipe,  whistle. 
^feit,   m.  -§,   -c,   arrow,  shaft,  dart. 

\L.  pilum.] 
Jifcttgcfd^hitnb,  a^'.  swift  as  an  arrow, 
pfennig,  m.  -§,  -e,  penny. 
^fcrb,  n.  -e§,  -c,  horse.     [M  L.  para- 

veredus,  extra  post-horse.] 
^fcrbc6o{)n,/.  7f.  horse  railway. 
¥^ff,  m.  -e§,  -€,  whistle. 
))fiff  ig,  adj.  and  a</f .  sly,  clever,  smart. 
opting ftcu,  /.  //.  (also  /.  or  n.  sing.\ 

Whitsuntide,   Pentecost,   S^Dat.  pi. 

fr.     Gr.,    the    fiftieth     day    after 

Easter.  1 



fjSfirfttQ,  m,  -%,  -c,  peach;  also  ^ftr« 
ftdjc,/.  w.  peach.  [/,.  persicum,  sc- 
malum,  Persian  apple.] 

^ftrfidjfrount,  m.  -e»,  "e,  peach-tree. 

ipflanjie,/.  7f.  plant.     [Z,.  planta.] 

^iflflit.^cn,  //-.  plant. 

^flafter,  «.  -§,  — ,  pavement,  [Af.  L. 
plastrum,/r.  Cr.] 

<»flcgcn,  pfloo,  flcpflooen,  also  ))f(cgte, 
Oepflcgt,  z"^'.  {a)  care  for,  attend  to,  en- 
tertain, cultivate,  enjoy  {also  with 
gett.)  ;  (b),  cherish,  nourish ;  intr.  be 
accustomed  to,  be  wont.  [  The  strong 
forms  of  the  verb  are  used  mainly 
with  the  first  class  («).] 

^flir^t, /.  Tf.  duty,     [pflcgcn.] 

pfliicfen,  tr.  pluck,  pick. 

$flug,  m.  -c§,  H,  plough. 

^fotc,/  w.  paw. 

Vflti,  inter; .  fie  !  \^Fr,  and  Gr.] 

^Mjnntafic',  /.  w.  fancy,  imagination. 

*iM)otOBra^()/,  w.  w.  photographer.  [  C] 

*4JljotO0ra)>I)tc',/.  ic  photograph. 

:))l)OtograVf|ic'rcn,  /r.  photograph. 

^)I)t)ftfa'Iif(^,  adj.  physical. 

p'xdCM,  tr.  peck.  grinus.] 

^ilgcr,  )n.  -§,  — ,  pilgrim.     {L.  pere- 

^itgcrtaft^c,/.  w.  pilgrim's  wallet, 

pilgrim  ==  'i^ilger,  tn.  -§,  -c,  pilgrim, 

$ifcl  or  ^cfcl,  m.  -3,  — ,  ante-room ; 
living-room ;  summer-room. 

^i^itt  or  ^i^^in,  w,  -§,  called  the 
"  Short,"  son  of  Charles  Martel,  and 
father  of  Charles  the  Great,  King  of 
the  Franks  (751-768), 

^tftolc,  /,  w.  pistole,  a  gold  coin  of 
Spain  =16  sh.  sterl,  or  three  dol- 
lars and  ninety  cents,     [^.] 

^tagc, /,  rv.  torment;  trouble,  vexa- 
tion, annoyance. 

^I«n,  m.  -C'5,  -c,  plain ;  (fig.)  battle- 
field ;  green,  common  ;  //.  ^c,  plan. 
[F.  plan,  plain,  level,] 

^liind^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  plan,  scheme. 

^Utt,  adj.  flat,  low ;  plain.     \_E.  flat.] 

^(attc,/,  w.  plate;  ledge. 

tpia^,  m.  -ۤ,  ^e,  place,  room,  seat; 
open  space,  square  ;  —  nc^ntcn,  sit 
down,  be  seated ;  —  tna(i)<n,  maice 
room  for,  clear  the  way.     {^F.  place.] 

p{iii\i6),  adj.  sudden.  [^lo^,  blow, 

^(um)),  adf.  clumsy,  awkward. 

plumps,  interf.  plump!  bump! 

^liinbcrung,/.  tr-.  plundering,  ravage. 
[pUinbcrn,  ^(unbcr  orig.  clothes.] 

^oti^cn,  intr.  \^.,  knock  (against,  <x\x\, 
ace);  beat,  throb. 

^oc'tifti^,  adj.  poetic,  poetical. 

'^oXx^tx'ami,  n,  -(c)g,  ^cr,  police-sta- 
tion, [-^JoU^ci/r./^.  police  a«^~Jlmt.] 

^oU3ci/6eam/tc(r),  m.  infl.  as  adj. 
police  officer. 

^oHjei^toibrtg,  adj.  contrary  to  police 
regulations  ;  amenable  to  the  police. 

^olftcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  cushion,  bolster. 

Comment,  n.  -§,  Pommerania,  a 
Prussian  province  on  the  Baltic. 

^orticr  {pr.  por-tI-6),  m.  -§,  — ,  porter. 

^or^cUan'tiofc,  /.  w.  china-vase.   [//at/. 

porcellana,  shell,  and  L.  vas,  vessel,] 
^ofitur^/.  w.  posture,  position.     [Z.] 
^oftttiagctt,  m.  -§,  — ,  stage-coach. 
<»0^  !  interf .  odds !  zounds  !  the  deuce ! 

with  noun,  confound  — .  \_In  curses, 

a  corruption  o/®ott.] 
^o^taufcnb,  interf.  zounds!  the  deuce! 
^rad^t,  /.  splendor,  pomp. 
^rdd^ttg,   adf.    splendid,   magnificent, 

^rat^tmobt^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  splendid  girl. 
^irad^tOott,  adf.  splendid. 
^ra^Icrct,  /.  w.  bragging,    boasting. 

[prat) (en,  talk  loud.] 
<>rttfcnttcrcn,  tr.  present.     [Z,.] 
^ircbtgcn,  tr.  or  intr.  \^.,  preach.    [Z. 

?Prci§,    m.  -eg,   -e,    price ;   prize,   re- 
ward,    [ai^.  prfs.] 



^jretfcn,    ^)ne§,  ge^riefcn,    tr.  praise, 

glorify.     \P.  prix,  L.  pretium.] 
^ricftcrn,  intr.  ^.,  preach, 
^rinj,  nt.  iv.  prince,  son  of  a  sovereign. 
^Prtnscfftn,/.  w.  princess. 
^rifc,  /.  TV.   pinch   {of  snuff).      \F. 

^riuatmann,  m.  -(c)§,  ^er,  or  -Icutc, 

private  man  or  individual. 
^ro6c,  /.  w.   proof,  test ;     rehearsal. 

\M.  L.  proba.] 
^rol&teren,  tr.  prove,  try. 
^rofan\   adj.  profane,  secular.      \L. 

^rofcffor,  m.  -§,   -c'rcn,   professor. 

5|Jrofcffo'rin,/.  w.  wife  of  a  professor. 
$rofeffor|>aar,  n.  -e§,  -e,  professorial 
couple.  V^^'\ 

?j8ro^t|Ct',    nt.   w.   prophet.      [L.   and 
^ro^t^e^cten,  tr.  prophesy.   [M.L.  and 


$ropt|e5eiung,  /.  w.  prophecy,  pre- 

:profc'tfd),  adj.  prosaic.  [L.  prosai- 

^rotcftant',  m.  w.  Protestant. 

^Jrotefhjn'tifd),  adj.  Protestant.  [Z,. 
part,  protestans,  F.  protestanL] 

?|SrotJtant'tt>rb,  m.  -c§,  H,  provfeion- 
basket.     [^rot)iant/r.  Ital.  and  F."] 

^rotJiditt'tttciftcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  master  of 
supplies,  commissary,  steward. 

^rojcnt',  n.  -(e)§,  -C,  per  cent.     [ZL.] 

^rojcfftoit'',  /.  w.  procession.  {F. 
and  L,'\ 

^jritfctt,  tr.  try,  test,  examine.  [L. 

^frtlmobic'rcn,  n.  -§,  psalm,  chanting. 

^uU,  n.  or  m.  -(e)§,  -C,  desk.  [L. 

^ulUcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  powder.    [L.  pulver.] 

^imtt,  in.  -§,  -c,  point,  spot.  [Z,. 

^itnftUc^,  adj.  punctual. 

^ii^j^c^en,  «.  -§,  — ,  doll,  baby,  pup- 
pet.    \dim.  of  ^upt)e,  L.  pupa.] 

)^\xx,  adj.  pure.     [Z.  purus,] 

:^U^ctt,  /r.  adorn,  dress  up,  put  in  or- 
der ;  polish. 

?Pu^mad)criit,/.  w.  milliner. 


qudlett,  j?r.  torment,  torture.    [Dual, 

cf.  E.  quail,  quell.] 
iQualm,  tn.  -(e)§,  vapor,  smoke.     \cf. 

E.  qualm.] 
qualmen,  intr.  I).,  smoke,  steam. 
jQuarticr',  n.  -§,  -e,  quarter.     [Z^.] 
ducU,  »«.  -c§,  -en;  a/^o  Quelle,  /.  w. 

spring,  source. 

^wtMtXk,    quoO,    QcquoIIen,    intr,    \., 

spring,  gush. 
quer,  adj.  diagonal,  crosswise. 
Clucre,  /.  IV.  diagonal ;  ctncm  in  bic  — 

fommcn,    cross    one,    thwart    one's 

purpose,  run  counter. 
quirten,  intr.  \^.,  whirl. 


Oflaab,  /.  river  rising  in  Styria,  and 
flowing  northerly  into  the  Little 

Static,  m.  TV.  raven. 

fRar^C,/.  revenge,  vengeance. 

riid^en,  tr   avenge,  revenge;  refl.  take 

vengeance    on    one    (an,   dat.)  for 

(megcn).     \_E.  wreak.] 
9iab,  n.  -e§,  "er,  wheel, 
rogcn,  ititr.  \).,  project,  tower. 
9Jafjmen,  m.  -§,  — ,  frame.        [border. 
9tanb,  m.  -(e)§,  Hx,  edge,  brink,  rim, 



9ianfC,/.  tc.  vine,  tendril,  shoot. 
rantett,  itttr.  \).,  and  rejl.  twine,  twist 

[cog.  rinflcn.] 
9iaV))cnf)ettgft,  ;«.-e§,-c,  black  stallion. 
9iaptui^,   m.  — ,   {Jit  of)   madness  or 

rage ;  cincii  —  l^aben,  be  out  of  one's 

head,  be  crack-brained.     [Z,,] 
rar,  adj.  rare,  scarce.     [F.  rare.     L. 

rafdj,    adj.   quick,   swift;    impetuous, 

rash.     [^cf.  E.  rash.] 
9{(lfenftU(f,   n.  -e§,   -C,   piece  of  turf, 

grass  plot. 
roftcrcn,  tr.  shave ;  fid)  —  laffen,  to  get 

shaved.     \F.  raser.] 
roffcin,  intr.  I).,  rattle. 
{Raft,  /.  7t/.  rest,  repose. 
rafHo^,  adj.  restless, 
{Rot,  m.  -(c)§,  supply,  expedient ;  //• 

"c,  council,  member  of  council,  coun- 
cillor, advisor;  //.  i){atid)lo(^c,  (:Kat; 

fdjlujjc),  deliberation,  counsel,  advice; 

decree  ;  Otat  jdjaffeii,  devise  means. 
rntcn,  riet,  oeratcn,  ir.  or  iutr.  {dat.) 

advise ;  guess. 
ratfam,  adj.  advisable. 
ratfrfjlrtgcn,    ratic^Ioflte,    Qcratft^Iaflt, 

intr.  I).,  deUberate,  consult   {upon, 

iiber).     [9tat)d){ag.] 
{Riitfel,  n.  -§,  — ,  riddle,  problem. 
rdtfcltiaft,  adj.  problematic  ;  obscure. 
{Rnt^tcMcr,  in.  basement  of  town  hall, 

public  wine-room. 
{Rattc,/.  w.  rat. 

{Rau6,  m.  -(e)§,  robbery,  pillage. 
{Rriubcr,  ;«.  -5,  — ,  robber,  thief. 
9iau6cr()nu§,  n.  -e§,^ev,  robber's  house. 
rduberifd),  adj.  rapacious,  predatory, 
{Raud),  tn.  -c0,  smoke. 
t(iud)cn,  tr.  or  ititr.  smoke.  \_E,  reek.] 
Va\Xi),  adj.  rough,  raw ;  rude,  harsh. 
{Raum,  m.  -eg,  ^e,  room,  space,  place. 
rdumen,  tr.  make  room  in,  vacate. 
raufd)Cn,  intr.  {).,  rustle,  roar. 
recenftcren,  tr.  criticise,  review.     [£,.] 

SRcd^entafcI,  /.  iv.  slate ;   blackboard ; 

multiplication  table. 
rct^ncn,  tr.  reckon,  calculate. 
iRct^nung,  y",  u>.  calculation;  account, 

JHcdjnung^Bud),  n.  -c§,  ^ev,  account- 
rct!^t,  adj.  right ;  direct ;  just ;  true,  real ; 

fitting,  reasonable:  niit -en  2)ingcu, 

squarely,  honestly ;  adv.  quite,  very. 

[cf.  L.  rectus.] 
SRctl^t,  n.  -ۤ,  -C,  right,  justice,  law. 
re t^tS,  adv.  {gen.),  on  the  right  hand  ; 

to  or  from  the  right. 
9Jcrf)tfamc,/.  7v.  title,  right. 
re  (fen,  tr.  stretch. 
{Rebe,/.  w.  speech;  talk,  conversation, 

discourse  ;  —  ftet)Cn,  give  an  account, 

rebeit,  intr.  or  tr.  speak,  talk,  discourse, 
regeit,  tr.  stir,  move;    rejl.  stir.     [cf. 

9Jegen,  m.  -§,  rain. 
JHcgen^burg,  n.  -§,    Regensburg  {F. 

Ratisbon)  on  the  Danube,  chief  city 

of  the  Upper  Palatinate  in  Bavaria. 
JRcgeiifrfjirm,  m.  -c§,  -e,  umbrella. 
JRegenttJetter,  «,  ->3,  rainy  weather. 
regicrcub,/rt'r/.  adj.  ruling.    [F.  r6gir.] 
JHcgicrung,/.  w.  reign,  government. 
rcibcn,  vieb,  gericbcn,  tr.  rub. 
91ci(^,   n.  -c§,   -C,    empire,   kingdom, 

rcid),  adj.  rich,  abundant. 
xtxii)bt\<i)ia^tn, part.  «^'.  richly  mount 

reit^cn,  tr.  reach,  hand ;  t)ic  .^ant)  — 

{dat.),  offer  one's  hand  {in  marriage , 

shake  hands  with. 
retd)Ud^,  adj.  abundant,  plentiful. 
Sictti^^at^t,/.  ban  of  the  empire. 
Otciti^^graf,  m.  w.  count  of  the  empire. 
9Jcij!^§tog,   m.  -§,    -e,    imperial   diet. 

[lit.  parliament  held  on  an  appointed 




SRctd^§t)crfammIttng,/.  w.  assembly  of 
the  states  of  the  empire. 

9ici(1^§tiogt,  m.  -§,  -"c,  imperial  gover- 
nor.   [95ogt,  fr.  L.  vocatus.] 

{Rcit^tum,  m.  -e§,  Hx,  riches,  wealth. 

Cicif,  m  -§,  -e,  hoop,  ring. 

rcifli^,  adj.  ripe,  mature. 

9icif)C, /.  iv.  row;  rank. 

9ict^cn,  w.  -§,  — ,  procession,  row ; 
chain  d^nce;  roundelay,  refrain. 
\prig.  circJilar  dance ;  choral  song^ 

SRcificrfcbcr,  /.  w.  heron's  feather. 

JWctm,  m.  -(e)§,  -^,  verse,  rime. 

rcimctt,  tr.  rime,  make  rime;  Jig. 
reconcile,  harmonize.  [tirely. 

tctn,  adj.  clean,  pure ;  adv.  quite,  en- 

Dtctn^rtrb^Brunit,  «. -§,  watering  place 
in  Thuringia. 

rctntgcii,  tr.  purify,  cleanse;  clear. 

teinltdi,  adj,  clean,  neat. 

9tct§,  «.  -e§,  -C,  twig,  sprig. 

IRcifc,/.  w,  journey,  travel,  trip. 

JRcifcgcfa^rtc,  m.  w.  traveling  com- 

JRctfcmit^c,/.  tv.  traveling-cap. 

rctfctt,  intr.  t),  <?/•  f .,  travel,  go,  set  out ; 
ber  DIcifcnbc,  traveler,     [cf.  E.  rise.] 

aicifcfarf ,  m.  -e§,  -"c,  traveling-bag. 

Dlctfctafd^c,  /.  71'.  traveling  bag,  wallet. 

JHctftOC,  w.  7f'.  mounted  soldier,  horse- 
man,   [rctten.] 

gietftgUJcKc,  /.  w.  bundle  of  fagots. 
['i^d\\%  from  JReiS.] 

9lct^au§,  w.  running  away,  flight. 

rciftctt,  rtf?,  gerifjcn,  tr.  tear,  snatch 
away ;  intr.  \.,  tear  along,  rush. 

rcttctt,  ritt,  gerittcn,  intr.  \.  orlj.,  ride. 

SHcitcr,  w.  -§,  — ,  horseman ;  trooper. 

diittCT^tffav,  f.  w.  troop  of  cavalry. 

rctjcn,  tr.  excite  ;  charm  ;  entice. 

Vtx^txth,  j>art.  adj.  charming. 

rcIOflltO^StcrCtt,  tr.  reconnoitre. 

JRcIigton', /.  7f'.  religion.     [Z.] 

JHcltgtonigangcIcgcnficit,  /.  7r.  religious 

rcHgiiJi^',  a^'.  religious.  [matter. 

rentteit,  ranntc,  gerannt,  intr.  !).  ««a? 

f.,  run,  rush. 
JRcnnft^nttcn,  m.  -§,  —,  sledge. 
Sictttc,  /.  w.  rent,  income,    [/r.  flr.y  «« 

SJc^orttortttm,  «.  -§,  -ten,  cabinet, 
[book-l  shelves. 

SKcft,  »?.  -c§,  -e,  remainder,  rest, 

9tcftauration§5tmmcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  di- 
ning-room, restaurant.     [/^.] 

rctourf)tcrcit,  jfr.  retouch.    {F,] 

rctten,  tr.  rescue,  save,  deliver. 

Miittxxn,  f.  w.  rescuer,  deliverer. 

9icttung,/.  rv.  rescue,  deliverance. 

9icuc,/.  regret ;  repentance;  remorse. 

9if|citt,  m.  -§,  Rhine. 

xxd^ifn,  tr.  direct;  arrange;  judge. 

9Jirf|tcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  judge. 

JRtd^tcrftu^I,  m.  -§,  ^c,  judgment-seat ; 

rt^ttg,  adj.  right,  correct;  regular, 
genuine ;  interj.  certainly,  of  course. 

JRirfjt^Ia^,  m.  -e§,  H,  place  of  exe- 

IHtti^tung,/.  w.  direction. 

rtct^cn,  rod),  gero^cn,  rWr.  1).,  smell, 
—  nad^,  smell  of. 

9itcgcl,  w.  -§,  — ,  bar,  bolt. 

ricfcin,  intr.  1).  (7r  f.,  drop,  ripple. 

Stigorofum,  n .  -§,  (rigorous)  exam- 
ination; especially  examination  for 
a  doctorate.     [Z.] 

JRingel,  w.  -§,  — ,  ringlet. 

9JtngcI(!^cii,  k.  -§,  — ,  little  ring, 
ringlet,  curl. 

rtngcn,  rang,  gerungcn,  tr.  struggle, 
wrestle,  contend  for  (um). 

rtngformtg,  adj.  ring-shaped,  round. 

rings,  adv.  {gen.)  in  a  circle,  around; 
-itm,  —  I}Crum,  round  about. 

rinncn,  rann,  geronnen,  intr.  \.,  run, 

9Jtttcr,  m. 

-,  knight,    [rciten.] 

9ioif ,  jn.  -e§,  ^Q,  coat. 
atotftragcn,  tn.  -§,  Hxx,  coat  collar. 



iHo^ett,  /  w.  crudeness ;  ^g.  brutal- 
ity, barbarity. 

9tof)rftorf,  m.  -§,  H,  walking-stick, 

{Rotte,/.  -w.  roll;  list ;  r61e,  character. 
[Z,.  rotula.] 

roUen,  j?n  or  i«/r.  f.,  roll. 

^^tn,  m.  -§,  Rome. 

romanttfc^,  adj.  romantic,  {orig.  a 
work  hi  a  Romance  language^  tale 
of  chivalry. 1 

SRomttluS  Sluguftulud,  m.  the  last 
Caesar  of  Rome,  dethroned  by  Odoa- 
cer  (476). 

rJJmifti^,  adj.  Roman. 

DlbStl^cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  dim.  little  rose. 

Dlofc,/.  w.  rose.     [L.] 

9lofcn()o(j,  n.  -c3,  rosewood. 

9Iofcnfroit3,  m.  -eS,  H,  garland  of 
roses ;  rosary. 

roflg,  adj.  rosy. 

JRii^tciii,  n.  -§,  — ,  dim.  little  rose. 

9io6,  n.  ^ff)c§,  -(ff)c,  horse,  steed. 
[cf.  E.  horse.] 

Woftftadj,  «.  ~§,  village  in  the  Prussian 
district  of  Merseburg,  where  Fred- 
erick the  Great  defeated  the  French 
and  Imperial  forces  Nov.  5,  1757. 

9ii)ftlcin,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  horse. 

X^i,  adj.  red,  crimson,  blushing. 

'^^i,  n.  ~e^,  redness,  blusli. 

SRotbart,  m.  -c§,  redbeard. 

JHotfopf ,  m.  -e§,  ^e,  redhead ;  finch. 

rjjtlit^,  adj.  reddish. 

rotfcibcjt,  adj.  (of)  red  silk. 

Uouiinc,/.  practice,  experience.    [F.} 

fRud,  m.  -c§,  -e,  jolt,  jar. 

rtt(fen,  /r.  push,  move,  stir;  inlr.  i).  or 
f.,  proceed,  march  ;  ctn-,  invade. 

JHittfcn,  m.  -§,  — ,  back.    \E.  ridge. j 

JHUeffcIjr,/.  return. 

ritrfJuSrt^,  adv.  backwards. 

9iit(fl0cg,  m.  -Ǥ,  ^,  way  home,  re- 

JRitcfjug,  m.  -e§,  H,  retreat. 

ruberu,  tr.  or  intr.  \).,  row. 

JHuboIf,  m.  -§,  (1218-1291)  son  of 
Albert  IV,  Count  of  Hapsburg, 
elected  King  of  Germany  1273. 

9tltf ,  m.  ~e§,  -e,  call,  cry. 

rufcti,  tief,  flerufeii/  Ir.  or  in/r.  ^., 
call,  shout,  cry  ;  summon. 

dittt)(c),/.  7f.  rest,  peace. 

ru^cn,  ittlr.  I).,  rest,  repose. 

rul^t{{,  adj.  quiet,  composed,  at  rest. 

9tltf)m,  M.  -c§,  glory,  renown. 

rii()rcii,  Ir.  touch,  stir,  beat ;  bit'  ZxOttU 
mc(  — ,  beat  the  drums. 

JHuinc,/.  7i'.  ruin.     [F.] 

ntllb,  adj.  round. 

JHuttbc,/.  7r.  circle,   round;  patrol. 

9iHnbl)Ut,  m.  -e§,  ^C,  round  hat. 

ritnsclit,  Ir.  or  tnlr,  \).,  wrinkle. 

ruVfcn,  ir.  pluck,  pick  (a  fowl). 

jRuftlanb,  n.  -§,  Russia. 

ritftcu,  Ir.  prepare,  equip,  arm. 

riiftig,  adj.  vigorous,  brisk,  stout. 

Siiiftung,  /.  w.  preparation,  equipment, 

9iitt(t,  n.  -§,  meadow  on  the  west 
shore  of  lake  Lucerne  in  the  canton 
of  Uri,  scene  of  the  Union  of 
the  Forest  Cantons,  Nov.  7-8,  1307 

xuttcln,  tr.  jolt,  shake. 

^titiX,  m.  -§,  ©Sic,  hall,  drawing  room, 


6aattljiir(c),  /.  w.  door  of  a  hall. 

%^(ii,  f.  w.  seed,  standing  grain  ;  grain- 
fields,  crops. 

©a6cl,  m.  -§,  --,  sword.    [Orient.] 
Qaif)C,  f.  w.  thing,  affair;  business; 

subject,  point  ;  cause. 
©ati^fc,  m.  TV.  Saxon. 
Sad^fctt,  n.  -§,  Saxony. 



\a<i)i,  adj.  soft,  light,  slow ;  adv.  soft- 
ly, cautiously.     [E.  soft.] 

©Off,  m.  -e§,  ^^,  sack,  bag. 

facn,  tr.  sow,  seed  down.  [cf.  ©aat, 

'Sa^tff.  w.  saying,  legend. 

©dgc,/.  w.  saw. 

fagen,  tr.  say,  tell. 

(Soitc,  /.  w.  string,  chord  ;  music  {of 
stringed  instruments). 

®amc(tt),  w.-n§,  -n,  seed. 

fammcln,  tr.  collect,  gather  ;  refi.  col- 
lect or  compose  oneself. 

<Samm(c)t,  m.  (c)§,  -c,  velvet.  [71/. 
Gr.  hexamiton,  web  of  six  threads?] 

®amm(c)ttiffcn,  n.  -§,  — ,  velvet  cush- 

Sammlung,/.  w.  collection.  [ion. 

'Zo.vx^i<\^,  m.  -§,  -e,  Saturday.  [-5".  G. 
and  Rhein.  =  N.G.  counabenb ; 
@am§/r.  Sambaz  =  Sabbath.] 

famt,  />rej>.  with  dat.  together  with. 

famtlit^,  adj.  all,  all  together. 

fanft,  adj.  soft,  mild,  gentle.  [£,  soft.] 

<Sonb,  m.  -e§,  sand. 

@ang,  w.  -e§,  -c,  song. 

©anger,  ;«.  -§,  — ,  singer,  minstrel. 

©ringcrfcft,  n.  -§,  musical  festival. 

©antt  (St.)  ©corgcntag,  w.  festival  of 
St.  George,  April  23. 

©antt  (St.)  3»ft  ^''  San  Jerdnimo  de 
Yuste,  a  monastery  near  Plasencia 
in  Estremadura  in  Spain,  to  which 
Charles  the  Fifth  retired  (Feb.  3. 
1557)  and  where  he  died  (Sept.  21, 

fa^perlot,  interj.  zounds !  the  deuce ! 

[corrupted  fr.    P.    sacre    nom    de 

fa^^crmcnt,  see  fappcrlot.     [Z,.  sacra- 

mentum,  host.] 
©arg,   m.  -e§,    -"c,    coffin.     [Gr.,   L. 

sarcophagus.]  [^^-l 

©arfo^^ag',  »«.  -§,   -e,   sarcophagus. 
©arnctt,  n.  -§,  Sarnen,  on  the  lake  of 

the  same  name,  the  chief  town  of 


©attcl,  m.  -§,  ^,  saddle. 

©attclhm^f ,  m.  -e§,  H,  pommel  (of  a 

©attc(5Cug,  n,  -c§,  saddle  trappings. 
©a^,   w.  -e§,    -^C,    sentence,    phrase; 

stake,  wager ;  leap. 
fauder,  adj.  neat,  trim. 
fttttcr,  adj.  sour;  harsh,  hard,  difficult. 
©rtucrto^f,    w.    -g,    -^e,    ill-tempered 

person,  sour-face. 
©riulc,/.  w.  column. 
©aum,  w.  -e§,  -^C,  edge,  border. 
faufcin,  intr.  \),  rustle,  murmer. 
faufcil,  intr.  \).,  roar;  whistle  {of  the 

©ccnc,/.  w.  scene,  stage.     [Z,.  scena.] 
fc^aiig,  adj.  shabby.  [Sc^abc,  scraper.] 
©(^at^t,    771.    -e§,    -^C,    shaft;    gorge, 

chasm.     \_E.  shaft.] 
fdiabc,  adj.  {used  pred.);  c§  ift  — ,  it 

is  a  pity.    [n.  Sd)at)e(n).  £.  scathe.] 
fttjabcn,  /n/r.  1).  (^a/.),  hurt,  harm. 
ft^abcnfrof),    adj.   malicious,   mischie- 
©t^ofcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  shepherd.  [Sc^af.] 
©ttjofcrin,/.  w.  shepherdess. 
fii^affcn,    jd)uf,    gejd^affen,   tr.  create, 

make;  weak,  tr.  or  intr.  !^.,  work; 

bring  about ;  provide,  procure,  get. 
©(^rtffncr,  w. -§,  — ,  guard,  conductor, 
©rfittf^fo^jf ,  m.  -c§,  -e,  sheep's  head ; 

fti^alcn,  tr.  shell,  pare,  peel.     [S(i)ale.] 
fc^altljaft,  adj.  arch,  roguish, 
©c^alt,  w.  -(e)§,  -e,  ^'r  -^e,  sound. 
fdjoUcn,  fd)oU,  gefc^oUcn,  orw.intr.\)., 

sound,  resound,  echo. 
fd)attctt,  i7itr.  \).,  rule,  command ;  act 

arbitrairily,  do  as  one  likes, 
©c^aitt,  /.  modesty,  shame. 
ft^rimcn,  refl.  be  or  feel  ashamed  (at, 

iibcr;  on  account  of,  Jucgen). 
fli^rtmrot,  adj.  blushing   with  shame; 

—  mad)en,  make  blush. 
©djanbc,/.  shame. 
f^itttben,  tr.  disgrace,  dishonor;  violate. 



WmtXxi),  adj.  shameful,  disgraceful, 

Sc^ail5C,/,  w.  bulwark,  intrenchment. 
Sd^ar,/.  w.  troop,  division. 
fc{?nrcn,  re/l.  collect,  assemble, 
frijai-f    (fd^drfcr,  jc^arfft),    adj.   sharp, 

®tl^av(at^mantcl,    m.    -§,    ^,    scarlet 

mantle.     [Scftarla^  fr.  M.  L.  scarla- 

SdjartC'tC,/.  w.  old,  musty  book ;  trash, 
©djattcil,  ;«.  -§,  — ,  shade,  shadow. 
f{f)attifl,  adj.  shady. 
@d)rttuUc,  /.  w.  casket.     \_M.  L.  scatu- 

la,  cj.  (Srf)Q^te(.] 
8(t)a(;,  w.  -c§,  ^C,  treasure. 
@d)d^cf)Cit,  «.  -§,  — ,  little  treasure; 

f(^ai;cu,  ^r.  value,  estimate,  esteem. 
©djaii,  /.  view ;  jur  —  traflcu,  display, 
fdjaubcrn,   intr.  I).,   rt/j6»  />//.  (t/a/.) 

fdjaucit,  tr.  or  m/r.  see,  look  (upon), 

fdjoucrn,  intr.  I).,  shudder,  tremble; 

©djaitfcnftcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  show-window. 
fd)aufcfn,  intr.  or  /r.  rock,  swing. 
®d)rtutclpfcrt»,    n.    -e§,    -c,    rocking- 
@d)Oum,  w.  -e§,  ^e,  foam. 
©t^auf^icl,  «.  -§,  -e,  spectacle ;  play. 
@d)aufViclt)au^,  «.  -c§,  -er,  theater. 
fc^ccfig,      rtr^.      pied,     party-colored. 

[Sc^ecfe,  piebald.] 
Sdjcibc,/.  7f.  disk,  pane, 
fc^cibcu,  f^iei),  flc!d)iet)cn,  ?«ifr.  f.,  de- 
part, leave  ;  tr.  separate,  divide. 
©djcin,    m.  -§,   -C,   shine,  brightness, 

light ;  appearance,  semblance. 
fd)cincn,    id)ien,  flcfdiieneu,    intr.  I)., 

shine ;  seem,  appear. 
fdjcitcrn,  intr.  1).  and  ].,  be  wrecked, 

frustrate,  miscarry. 
Sd)clm,  m.  -e§,  -€,  rogue,  rascal. 

fd^etmifd^,  i?^'.  roguish,  mischievous. 

ft^cltcn,  )d)alt,  fle!cI)olten,  tr.  blame, 
reprove,  scold,     [wit/t  two  aces.] 

©d^cltltioi-t,  n.  -c§,  -e,  reproachful 
word  or  epithet ;  invective. 

S(^cmcl,  m.  -i,  — ,  foot-stool. 

©tl)Cnfc,/.  w.  ale-house,  tavern. 

ft^cnfcn,  tr.  pour  out,  fill;  give,  pre- 
sent, bestow. 

Stl)crc,/.  7f.  scissors. 

fcf)crcn,  ]d)ox,  gcidjoren,  /n  shear  ;_/?§-. 
trouble,  annoy ;  concern. 

®d)crcnfd)lcifcrtarrcn,  m.  -§,  — ,  scis- 
sor-grinder's  cart. 

Stfjcr^,  wi.  -c§,  -e,  jest,  joke,  sport ;  im 
Sc^crje,  in  fun. 

fd)CU,  adj.  shy,  bashful,  timorous. 

f(^cucn,  tr.  shun,  fear;  r^/?.  zr/V/^  bor, 
be  afraid  of,  hesitate  at,  shrink  from. 

f(f)t(fctt,  tr.  send;  re^.  be  suitable  tr 
proper;  gc)d)icft  befommen,  receive 
what  had  been  forwarded. 

fdjicftiti^,  adj.  becoming,  proper. 

Stf)ttffal,  n.  -?i,  -c,  fate,  lot.  [fd)irfeu, 
order,  dispose.] 

fd^tc^cn,  icf)of?,  (^ejd^oficn,  ^r.  shoot,  dis- 
charge («^z<«);m^r.  I),  or  1".,  dart,  rush. 

©t^iff,  n.  -C'j,  -c,  ship,  vessel,  [cf. 
E.  ship.]  [master. 

©d^iffcr,  nt,  -§,  — ,  boatman,  sailor  ; 

©t^tffomaitn,  m.  -g,  -^er,  or  -teute, 
sailor  ;  pi.  sailors,  crew. 

©d^ilb,  w. -(c)§,  -c,  shield,  escutcheon  ; 
n.  -(e)  §,  -er,  signboard,  doorplate. 

©d^Ubcrung,  /.  -w.  depiction,  descrip- 
tion, picture.    [fcf)ilbern,  Sd)il&.] 

©d)ilbtt)ac^(c),/.  w.  sentinel,  guard. 

©c^iUing,  m.  -§,  -e,  shiUing,  \cj. 
jc^etlen,  resound.] 

St^tmrncr,  m.  -§,  — ,  glimmer,  glitter. 

fdjimmern,  intr.  I).,  glitter,  shine, 

©djintcn,  m.  -§,  — ,  ham. 

©c^irmwogt,  ;«.  -e§,  H,  protector, 
patron,  guardian. 



Sti^lad^t,  /.  w.  battle.    [|c^(afleu.] 
©t^lac^tfctb,  n.  -ey,  ~cr,  battlefield. 
@iJ)tarf)toriittung,/.  w.  order  or  line  of 

battle,  battle-array. 
©rl^Iflf,  m.  -e§,  sleep. 
Sd^Iafc^citp  71.  -§,  — ,  nap. 
ft^Iafctt,   fj^lief,  gejc^lafen,    m^r.   I)., 

®(i^lafctt§5Cit,  /,  7f'.  bed-time. 
fd^tafcrit,    impers.    {ace.)    be    sleepy, 

f(!^Iaff,    a^'.  slack,    loose;     weak,  re- 
laxed ;  indolent. 
©ddlofgcntrtd^,  n.  -(e)§,  "er,  bed-room, 

Sri^taf loftglcit,  /.  sleeplessness. 
@i!^tafrotf ,  »«.  -§,  ^e,  dressing-gown. 
©ri^Iafftattc,/.  w.  sleeping-place. 
©ti^fag,  w^.  -e§,  "e,  stroke,  blow,  shock ; 

kick;  song  {of  birds),  warble;   sort, 

kind  ;  paralytic  schock. 
frf|I(igcn,  [(^lufl,  fle)d)(agcn,  tr.  strike ; 

beat;  defeat,  rout  {an  enemy);    jid) 

—  burd),  win  one's  way. 
f^tanf ,  adj.  slender,  slim,  thin. 
fd^lCiJ^t,     adj.    plain,     simple ;      bad, 

wicked ;  poor,  wretched. 
fd)Ictl^tcri»ittg§,  adv.  by  all  means,  pos- 
itively, utterly.      \gen.  //.  fd)Icd^ter 

fr^Icicficn,  id)lid),  gefd^li^cn,  m«?n  f., 

steal,  creep,  sneak. 
©(^Icicr,  wz.  -§,  — ,  veil. 
fcl)lcifctt,  fd^Iiff,   gejc^tiffcn,  ^r.  grind, 

Sd^lcntirian,  w«.  -§,  -e,  beaten  path,  old 

custom  ;  snail's  pace,     [fc^lcnbem.] 
fd)Ic^))Cn,  tr.  drag,  trail. 
@c^lC:§HJtg,  w.  -§,  Schleswig,  city  near 

the  Baltic,  also  the  northern  district 

of  the  Prussian  Province  of  Schles- 

fd^lCttbcrn,  tr.  hurl,  cast ;  intr. 
fd^Iettntg,  adv.  hasty,  hurried. 

Sti^tcuftttgcr,   m.   -§,    — ,    native   of 

Schleusingen,  a  small  town  on  the 

Schleuse  in  Thuringia,  east  of   Mei- 

ningen.  [singen. 

(g^Icuftngcrin,/.  w.  native  of  Schleu- 
fti^tt(!^t,  adj.  plain,  simple ;  homely. 
ft^Iicjjcu,  )(ftIoB,  geid)toffeu,  tr.  close, 

shut,  lock ;  conclude,  end ;  infer. 
fcl^Utnm,  adj.  bad,  evil. 
®rf)littcit,    m.    -§,     — ,     sled,   sledge, 

®cI)lojj,  «.-(iJ)es,  ^(ii)cr,  castle,  manor; 

lock,  clasp  {of  bracelets).  [  jd)Ue{?en.  J 
©^lopac^,  n.  -(C)§,  -^cr,  castle  roof. 
St^loffcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  locksmith. 
©d^Ioftfrau,/.  w.  lady  of  the  castle. 
(2d^(oftf)crrfct)aft,  /.    -w.  lordship  of  a 

castle ;  lord  of  an  estate. 
(St^loft^of ,  m.  -e§,  H,  castle-court. 
<Srf)(u^t,  /.  w.  ravine,  gorge. 
fc^ltttl)3en,  iiitr.  I).,  sob. 
St^tummcr,  m.  -§,  slumber. 
©^tuft,  m.  -(f|)c§,   -(ff)C,  conclusion, 

inference  ;  end ;  deduction,  reasoning. 

©(^liiffcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  key. 
©t^lilffcitijrtu^cn,  «. -§,  — ,  key-basket. 
fd^mad^tcnb,    part.  adj.    languishing, 

yearning.     [fd)mad)ten.] 
ftl^mri^ttg,  adj.  slender. 
fd)ma^Ii(i^,  adj.  shameful,  infamous, 
fti^mal,    adj.   narrow,   slender,    small. 

\cf.  E.  small.] 
fri^malen,  intr.  t).,  (auf)  chide. 
fri^maufcn,  ititr.  \,.,  feast. 
fdjmctfcn,  tr.  taste  ;    intr.  I),  and  imp. 

taste,  taste  well;   fi^  {dat)  gut  — 

laffen,  enjoy  thoroughly,  relish  ;   eat 

fd^mcic^cUjrtft,  adj.  flattering. 
fd^mcit^cht,  intr.  t).  {dat.),  flatter. 
©tt)mcic^Icr,  ;«.  -§,  — ,  flatterer. 
<B6)\\\tV^,  m.  -e§   and  -cn§,  -eu,  pain ; 

grief,     [cf  E.  smart,] 
\(i)Xi\tV^tn,  tr.  pain ;  also  impers. 



©rfimicb,  m.  -e§,  -t,  smith. 

fd)micbcn,  ir.  forge,  weld, 

fdimoUcu,  ifitr.  [).,  pout,  sulk,  grumble. 

fri)mutf,  adj.  neat,  smart,  pretty. 

ft^mittfctt,  tr.  adorn,  ornament. 

SrflimicI,  w.-§,  ^;  bill,  beak. 

S(i)nobcrl)U|)fcrl,  n.  -I,  — ,  humorous 
song  in  the  Alps  sung  responsively. 

8r()itaUcttft{)Ui),  tn.  -c§,  -C,  shoe  with 

fci^nrtrrcn,  intr.  \).,  rattle,  whirr,  scrape, 
grate,  give  a  rasping  tone ;  grumble, 

frf)nau6cu,  intr.  I).,  sniff,  snort,  pant. 

fdjnaufcit,  intr.  I).,  pant. 

Srijncc,  w.  -y,  snow. 

fdjucctwcifj,  a^'.  snow-white. 

fdjncibcu,  fd)uttt,  gcfc^nitten,  /r.  or  intr. 
cut,  carve,  engrave. 

Srt)ncibcr,  m.  —3,  tailor. 

®ri)ncibcrgcfcU(c),  w.  w.  tailor's  ap- 
prentice, journeyman. 

ftl)nctett,  intr.  or  impers.  snow. 

fcfincU,  rt-^'.  quick,  swift;  violent. 

fdincUcn,  intr.  f).  (Jr  ),,  spring,  fly  back  ; 
tr.  let  fly,  jerk ;  cheat ;  refl.  rebound. 

SdincUigtcit,/.  swiftness. 

Sti^ncUjug,  m.  -c§,  ^C,  express  train. 

ftl)JticjjcIn,  refl.  dress  up,  deck  out. 

fc^tiupfcn,  tr.  or  intr.  snuff,  inhale 

fd)nurcn,  tr.  fasten  with  a  string,  tie, 

f(i^tturren,  intr.  1^,,  hum,  purr. 

fci^on,  ^^/t;.  already  ;  even  ;  indeed,  no 
doubt,  I  think. 

f^on,  adj.  beautiful,  fine;  pleasant, 
delightful.     \rel.  fc^aucn.] 

©d^iJiUjcit,  /.  -w.  beauty. 

Sci^ornftctn,  m.  -(e)§,  -e,  chimney. 

@(f)Oft,  w.  -(B)e§,  ■"(fe)c,  lap  ;  fl,g.  bos- 
om ;  skirt  {of  a  coat.) 

©ti^rant,  w.  -e§,  -"c,  case,  press,  cab- 

8d)re(f ,  /«.  -e§,  terror,  fright. 

Irfjrcrfctt,  f^raf,  gejc^rodcu,  z«^r.  f„  be 
startled,  frightened  ;  iveak,  tr.  fright- 
en, alarm. 

Sd^rctfcn,  ;«.  -§,  — ,  see  Sd^recf. 

<Stfjrcrfcn§tunbc,/.  w.  terrible  news. 

f(^rctt(t(^,  «^j^'.  frightful,  dreadful, 

Secret,  m.  -(c)§,  -c,  cry. 

ft^rciOcii,  fc{)ticb,  flcf^riebcn,  /r.  write. 
[L.  scribere.] 

Sttireibtttfct,  /.  w.  tablet,  slate,  note- 
book.    {%a\t[fr.  L.  tabula.] 

fdircicn,  j^rtc,  ocfd)riecn,  intr.  cry, 
cry  out,  scream,  shriek. 

Se^rciit,  tn.  -§,  -c,  chest,  casket ;  cof- 
fin.    \L.  scrinium,  case.] 

fdjrcttcit,  fc^ritt,  gcf(f)rtttcn,  intr.  \., 
stride,  stalk. 

Sc^rift,  /.  w.  writing;  book,  publica- 
tion,   [fc^rciben.] 

fdiriftUd),  adj.  written;  -c  ^rbcitcii, 
manuscript  works,  exercises. 

ft^riU,  adj.  shrill. 

Sdjritt,  tn.  -(e)§,  -C,  step,  stride,  pace. 

©(^ubfad),  «.  -c§,  "-'er,  drawer.  [©d)ub 
/r.  i^ieben.] 

8(t)ubiabe,  /.  7^.  drawer,  set  of  draw- 
ers.   \Si,o,^tfr.  SaDen.] 

fc^iitf)tcrn,  adj.  shy,  bashful,  timid. 

®ct)ud)tcntt)cit,  /.  shyness. 

St^ul),  w.  -g§,  -c,  shoe. 

St^utb,  /.  w.  debt ;  guilt ;  fault,  crime ; 
f^ulb  fcin,  be  at  fault  or  to  blame 
(for,  an). 

fti^ulbig,  adj.  indebted;  due;  guilty, 
to  blame,     \with  ace.  of  amount.'] 

©r^u(c,/.w.  school.     [Z,.  schola.] 

®d)iUcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  scholar;  pupil. 

Sei^ulcritt,  /.  w.  pupil. 

®d)ultamcrob',  tn.  w.  school-comrade, 

St^uUclji-cr,  m.  -§,  — ,  school-teacher. 

Sc^ulmciftcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  school-master. 

Sd^ulpruf  uug,/.  w.  school-examinatioa 

Sti^ttlftubC,/.  zf.  school-room. 



SrfjuUcr,/.  tv.  shoulder. 

fdjiircu,  tr.  stir,  poke. 

©rf)Ur5C,  /.  w.  apron,     \obs.  adj.  scurz, 

E.  short.] 
©ti^iir^fcU,  n.  -§,  -c,  leather  apron, 
©ti^ufj,  ;«.  -(ff)C'-',  "(ff)C,  shot,  charge. 
©tf)uffcl,/.  7f'.  bowl. 
@rt)Uftci-,  m.  -§,  — ,  cobbler. 
@cl)uftci-iuiigc,  tn.  w.  cobbler's  lad  or 

fcfjitttcln,  ir.  shake,  toss,  stir. 
fd)uttc«,  tr.  shed;  (auf  or  ubcr),  pour 

out ;  impute  ;  yield. 
@d|U^,  w.  -c§,  shelter, protection ;  — 

unb  Xrufe,  offensive  and  defensive. 
©(I)U^(C),  ;«.  w.  archer,  marksman. 
fdjil^cn,  tr.  protect,  shelter,  defend. 
iSrf)Uljf)crr,  m.  u<.  protector,  patron. 
®4)U^Itnfl,  jn.  -e§,  -e,  charge,  prot6- 
fdjtoad),  adj.  weak,  feeble.  [ge(e). 

ft^n)(id)Ctt,  /;-.  weaken. 
Srfimnttic,/.  7i'.  swallow.  [song. 

©tl)itJnlticnlici),  n.  -co,  -cr,   swallow's 
Sttjwan,  m.  -§,  H,  swan. 
@d))tianrtu,  n.  -§,  Schwanau,  an  island 

in  Lake  Lowerz  in  Schwyz. 
fi!^ttJancn)DCi^,  adj.  swan-white. 
@c^h»ont,   m.    -(e)§,    H,    hoax,    jest, 

funny  tale ;  farce. 
ft^Wantcn,  intr.  \.  or  \).,  waver,  totter, 

reel ;  roll,  toss  ;  fluctuate. 
®tf)tt)flrm,  m.  -e§,  ^C,  throng,  troop. 
f(t)tt>armeriftl),  adj.  visionary;  enthusi- 
fdjwarj    (fc^roarser,    fdjiDarseft),    adj. 

black,  dark. 
frtjlDar^bruun,  adj.  dark  brown, 
fttjmar^lid),  adj.  blackish, 
ft^Wa^cn,  w.  intr.  \).,  chat,  gossip,  talk. 
fc^tucficn,  intr.  1).,  be  suspended,  hover, 
ftl^U»cI»ciii),/fl:r/.rtr(^'.  poised,  suspended. 
Sd^tticbc,  w.  w.  Swede. 
©d^hJCbcn,  ?z.  -§,  Sweden. 
Sc^iucbctlftcttt,  ?«.  -§,  Swedes'  stone. 
©C^twcfcnjjJljc^Ctt,  «.  -§,  lucifer  match 
©dm»cif,  »«,  -e§,  -e,  tail,  train. 

f^ttJCtfcn,  intr.  I).  ^«^y.^  sweep  j  rovej 

stray,  range. 
fcfuwcigcn,  fc^iuieg,  gefc^ttjiegen,  intr.\)., 

be  silent,  hush  ;  cease  speaking. 
®d)lticigcn,  «.  -§,  silence. 
fd)»ucigcttb,  fart.  adj.  silent. 
®d)mct3crbuni>,  m.  -e§,  Swiss  League 

(Helvetic  Confederation). 
©d)WcUc,  /.  w.  sill,  threshold. 
fdjtocntcit,  tr.  wave,  swing,  flourish. 
ft^ttJCr,  adj.  heavy;  strong;  grievous, 

severe ;  difficult,  hard. 
ft!)tticrf(iUig,  adj.  heavy,  clumsy,  mas- 
©t^Wcrtn^  n.  -§,  Capital  of  the  Grand 

Duchy  of  Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 
<Bti)'mtvt,  n.  -c§,  -er,  sword. 
©djttjcrtgctlirr,  tt.  -e§,  clash  of  swords. 
fd)n»crtgcwoI)ut,  adj.  accustomed  to  or 

skilled  with  the  sword. 
©djttJcftcr,  /.  w.  sister. 
fdjtwcftcrlic^,  adj.  sisterly. 
©djlDtcgcrcltcrn,  //.  parents-in-law. 
®r^tt)icrtgfcit,/.  u>.  difficulty. 
fd)h>immc«,    idjummm,    gefd)ti3ommcn, 

intr.  I),  or\.,  swim,  float,  drift  ;_/f^. 

fdjltJinbcn,  f^iuanb,  gefc^rounben,  intr. 

f.,  disappear,  vanish, 
fd)tt)ingcn,  id)tt)ang,  gefc^iDungen,  tr.  or 

intr.  I).,  swing,  wave,  brandish. 
f(i)tt)trrcn,  ijitr.  I),,  whiz,  whirr,  buzz, 
fd^wijrcu,  \6)\x>Qx  or  f^rour,  gefc^iuoren, 

tr.  or  intr.  )).,  swear,  vow,  take  oath, 
fdjnjitl,  adj.  close,  sultry. 
®tt)imtng,  m.  -e§,  -"e,  swing,  elevation. 

buoyancy ;  play  (of  the  imagination), 
ftf)tt)ur  or  jc^tDov,  see  fc^ioorcn. 
St^hJUr,  m.  -(e)y,  -e,  oath. 
®(^ttiQ3,  n.  one  of  the  three  original 

cantons  of  Switzerland,  also  a  town 

on  the  river  Musta,  at  the  foot  of  the 
fcd)§,  num.  six,  [Mythen. 

fcd)§tnonrttttcl),  adj.  of  six  months. 
fed):gf:|)annig,  adj.  drawn  by  six  horses. 



feji^fit  -er,  ~t,  -C§,  num.  sixth. 

fcd)5iflr  ««w.  sixty. 

<S>tt,f.  w.  sea;  w.  -§,  -u,  lake. 

©cclc,/.  Tf'.  soul. 

@eeUSberg,  «.  -§,  a  village  on  the 
Sonnenberg,  above  Treib,  on  the 
west  side  of  Lake  Lucerne,  in  Uri. 

@eetveg,  m.  -e§,  -e,  sea-road ;  maritime 

@egen,  m.  -§,  — ,  benediction,  blessing. 
[L.  signum.] 

fcgncn,  ir.  bless. 

fcJjCtt,  fal),  gefct)cn,  m/r.  f).,  see,  look; 
—  wifA  auf,  look  on,  regard ;  —  ail§, 
discover  in  ;  —  in,  look  into  ;  —  nac^ 
or  ju,  look  to,  see  to,  attend ;  im/. 
with  dat.  look  like,  resemble. 

fe^^nen,  rejl.  long,  yearn. 

fe^nH(!^,  adj.  longing,  anxious,  ardent. 

@e()nfud)t,  /.  desire,  longing,  yearning. 

fc^r,  adv.  very,  much ;  sorely. 

@eibc,  /.  w.  silk. 

feiben,  adj.  silk,  silken. 

6cibctt5cug,  «.-§,  -c,  silk  stuff  cr  cloth. 

®cii,  n.  -§,  -c,  rope,  cord. 

fcitt,  Joar,  gctDcjcn,  intr.  \.,  be,  exist; 
imp.  {dat.)  feel ;  used  as  an  auxil- 
iary in  forming  the  perfect  and  plu- 
perfect tenses  of  intrans.  verbs, 
which  denote  a  change  of  condition 
or  movement,  also  whett  the  part,  has 
assumed  the  force  of  an  adj. 

fcin,  poss.  pron.  his.  \_orig.  gen.  of 
refl. pron.  S\i).'\ 

fctucSgtcitl^cn,  adj.  indecl.  such  as  he 
is,  his  equal,  his  like.  [gletd)en  is 
orig.  gen.  of  characteristic^  used 
snbst.  with  the  poss.  adj.'] 

fctttiggleti^en,  see  |cinc5glcid;cn. 

fcit,  prep,  with  dat.  since,  for  {time) ; 
conj.  since,  [jeit(er)  is  an  orig. 
compar.  adv.  governing  the  dat.] 

fcttbcm,  adv.  since  then  or  that,  since. 

©cite,/,  w.  side  ;  page. 

©citcngano,  m,  -^,  "c,  side  path,  side- 
passage  ;  exit  (from  stage). 

©eitCtttfjUrc,/.  iv.  side  door  or  entrance. 

©cfrctrirfd^Iiiffel,  m.  -§,  — ,  desk-key. 
\M.  L.  secretarius.] 

fctunbiercn,  intr.  'S).  {dat.),  second,  ac- 
company.    [L.] 

fclbcr,  pron.  indecl.  =  felbft.  [orig. 
masc.  sing.,  now  used  unchangeably 
in  all  genders  and  numbers.] 

fclbig,  adj.  same,  self-same. 

\clb\t,  pron.  indecl.  seli,  following  pro- 
noun, iterative,  myself,  yourself, 
etc. ;  adv.  preceding  noun,  even, 
[felbft  orig.  gen.  felbe§H-t.J 

©clc^fj,  the  ancient  river  Calycadnus, 
now  the  Goksu,  in  Cilicia. 

fclig,  adj.  blessed,  sainted;  deceased, 
late,  lamented.  \fr.  obs.  saelde, 


©eligfcit,  /.  w.  happiness,  bliss. 

fdtcn,  adj.  rare. 

feltfam,  adj.  strange,  singular. 

fen'bctt,  tr.  janb^te,  gefanbt,  or  fen'betc, 
gefen'bet,  send,  despatch ;  intr.  send 
for  {na^). 

fenfen,  tr.  sink,  lower  ;  refl.  sink,  fall. 

Sent,  ©iouannt  SBo^tifta,  m.  -§,  Seni, 
an  astrologer  of  Padua,  who  attend- 
ed Wallenstein. 

®cnfung,y.  w.  sinking,  descent,,  grade ; 
hollow;  thesis,  unstressed  syllable. 

6crHicttc,/.  w.  napkin.     [F.] 

fcrtJtcrcn,  tr.  and  intr.  serve.     \^F.] 

fc^cil,  tr.  set,  place,  fix;  assume,  sup- 
pose ;  with  3U,  appoint ;  re^.  sit 
down;  intr.  \.  or  t).,  run,  leap,  pass 

@eU(f)C,  /.  w.  {protracted  or  conta- 
gious) sickness,  disease,  pestilence, 
epidemic.     \adj.  fie^.] 

fcitfjCtt,  i7ttr.  I).,  sob.  sigh. 

Scuf^cr,  m.  -§,  — ,  sigh,  groan. 

fid),  refi.  pron.  indecl.  dat.  or  ace., 
third pcrs.,  sing,  or  pi.,  mas.,  fern,  or 
neut.,  himself,  herself;   themselves: 



reciprocal^  each  other,  one  another; 
fiir  — ,  to  oneself,  by  oneself,  alone. 
\old gen.  jcill  (sin).] 

fiii^cr,  adj.  (gen.)  secure,  safe,  sure, 
positive;  adv.  securely;  surely,  cer- 

©ili^cr^ett,/.  safety,  security,  assurance. 

ftiJ^ern,  tr.  secure  {from,  bor),  guaran- 
tee; assure;  insure.     [Z,.  securus.] 

ftd^tlbar,  adj.  visible,  plain ;  evident, 

ftc,  pers.  pron.^fem.  sing.,  and  pi.  she, 

©ic,  pers.  pron.,  sing,  and  pi.  {third 
pers.  pi.  used  for  the  second)  you. 

fiebcn,  num.  seven,    [cf  L.  septem.] 

fte6ent  -cr,  -C,  -e§,  ord.  num.  seventh. 

ftcb(cn)3tg,  num.  seventy. 

®ieg,  m.  -c§,  -t,  victory. 

©tcgcl,  n.  -§,  — ,  seal.     [Z,.  sigillum.] 

©icgcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  conqueror,  victor. 

©icgcrfranj,  m.  -g§,  "e,  conqueror's 

ftcgrcin^,  adj.  victorious. 

Sigitttlemcnt,  n.  -§,  -§,  description  {of 
a  person  in  an  official  document). 


©itbc,  /.  w.  syllable.     [Z.,  Gr.  syllaba.] 
©itJcr,  n.  -§,  silver. 
@tt6ergctb,  n.  -§,  -cr,  silver  money. 
fitbcr^cU,  adj.  bright  as  silver. 
©tt6crm»tn5C,/.w.  silver  coin.  [OJliinac 

/r.  Z,.  moneta,  money.] 
fttliertt,  adj.  (of)  silver ;  silvery. 
ftttfien,  fang,  gcfungcn,  tr.  sing, chant; 

warble,  chirp.  * 
ftttlen,  fanf,  gcfunfcn,  intr.  \.,  sink, 

drop,  decline. 
@tntt,  m.  -e§,  -C  (//.  sometimes  w.), 

sense,   perception  ;    mind,   thought ; 

disposition ;  character ;  temper ;  taste, 

©ittc,/.  w.  custom,  practice;  //.  man- 
ners, morals, 
fittfattt,  adj.  modest  j  decent. 

©ituattOtt,  /.  w,  situation.     [P.,  Z,.] 

@i^,  m.  -c§,  -e,  seat,  chair, 

ft^ctt,  |a§,  geieffen,  intr.  1).,  sit,  be 
sitting ;  sit  down  ;  fit,  suit. 

©t^tiffCtt,  n.  -§,  — ,  cushion. 

<Sta\pUdt,f.  w.  scalp-lock.     [E.'\ 

©{laDe,  m.  w.  slave.  [cards. 

©fat,  m.  -(e)§,  a  German  game  with 

fo,  adv.  so,  thus;  in  that  case,  then; 
—  cin,  such  a. 

focfien,  adv.  just  now,  just  then. 

@ofa,  «.  -^  ;  //.  -«,  sofa. 

fogac,  a^/y.  even. 

fob  alb,  conj.  as  soon,  as  soon  as. 

fogletd^,  aafp,  immediately. 

©ofjJc,/.  w.  sole. 

©oljn,  w.  -c§,  -"e,  son. 

®ijf)ntcitt,  w.  -§,  — ,  little  son. 

\t>\<i)  -cr,  -C,  -C§,  /rc»M.  and  adj.  {in- 
decl.  before  cin)  such,  same,  [so  and 
lih,  body,  =  so  constituted.] 

Sotbnt'',  7n.  w.  soldier,  [orig.  merce- 
nary, F.,  L.  solidus,  a  coin.] 

folib^  adj.  solid,  substantial,  genuine. 

foUen,  tr.  and  mod.  aux.  {denoting 
moral  obligation),  shall,  ought;  be 
obliged;  be  said  to;  mean;  be  in- 
tended or  destined  to. 

©ommcr,  tn.  -§,  — ,  summer. 

©ommci'obcnb,  m.  -§,  -e,  summer 

©ommcrna^t,  /.  H,  summer  night. 

©ommcrf^rolf,  m.  j-/. -([f)c§,  -(ff)c;  w. 
-en,  -en,  also  f.  w.  Sproffc  {usually 
in  pi.),  freckles. 

©ommcr^cit,  /.  w.  summer-time. 

fonbcrbar,  adj.  peculiar,  strange. 
■funbcrbarciiwcifc,  adv.  {gen.)  strangely, 
for  a  wonder. 

fonbern,  conj.  but  {used  after  a  nega- 
tive),   [prep,  fonbcr.] 

©onnc,/.  w.  sun. 

©oitncnbrttt,  m,  -S,  ^c,  sun-ball.  [6om 
nen,  TV.  gen.  mas.  or/. 



fonticnlicfti^tcttctt,  adj.  sun-lit. 

foimcitlictfj,  adj.  heated  by  the  sun. 

Souncnft^ciit,  m.  -§,  sunlight. 

Soimcuftraf)l,  tn.  -(e)§,  -01,  sunljeam. 

©ottncnittttcrg^ong,  m.  -§,  ^e,  sunset. 

fonnig,  adj.  sunny,  sunshiny. 

Somttrtg,  m.  -(e)§,  -e,  Sunday. 

SoniUag^fletb,  n.  -e§,  -ev,  Sunday 
dress.  [morning. 

Sonntagsimorgctt,  m.  -§,  — ,  Sunday 

fonft,  adv.  formerly  ;  otherwise,  else  ; 
besides.  [care,  concern. 

©orgc,/.  w.  disquiet,  anxiety,  sorrow; 

forgeit,  intr.  ().,  carej  take  care,  be 
anxious.  "^oX^^,  fold.] 

forgfatttg,  adj.  careful,    [-fdlttg,  /r 

forglofi,  adj.  careless,  unconcerned. 

forgfam,  adj.  careful. 

fotJtcl,  adj.  as  much,  so  much. 

foioic,  adv.  as  well  as,  as  soon  as. 

f^a()cn,  intr.  \).,  spy,  search,  look 
(closely)  or  watch  for  (nad^). 

(SVo"<<^nf  «.  -§/  Spain, 

f^annctt,  tr.  span,  stretch,  strain;  at- 
tach, harness. 

f^(irli(i^,  adj.  scanty,  plain,  frugal. 

f^arfam,  adj.  sparing,  economical ; 

®V^flr  m.  -e§,  ^,  joke;  sport;  au§  or 
im  or  3um  — ,  in  fun.    [Ital.  spasso.] 

f^ljit,  adj.  late. 

@^att)cr6ftnad)mittag,  m.  -§,  -c,  after- 
noon late  in  autumn. 

@Va^,  m.  w.  sparrow,  \_pei  name  fr. 

SVojicrgang,  m.  -§,  -^,  walk  {for 
pleasure)^  promenade. 

Hjajtcrcn,  intr.  \.  or  t),,  walk,  go  for 
pleasure.     \Ital.  spaziare,] 

©^>03tcrrttt,  m.  -c§,  -t,  ride  (on  horse- 

©^Cd^t,  m.  -e§,  -e,  woodpecker. 

f^cicn,  fpie,  gcfpie'cn,  intr.  I).,  spit. 

©^Ctf C , /.  w.  food,  viand.  [Af.  Z.  spesa, 
cost ;  cf.  spendere.] 

•S^crliitB,  m.  -§,  -c,  sparrow. 

f^icrrcn,  /r.  bar,  close ;  shut  in,  lock  up ; 

Spiegel,  m.  -§,  — ,  mirror,  looking- 
glass.     [Z,.  speculum.] 

S^icgctiitb,  n.  -§,  -er,  reflection. 

f^icgclflar,  adj.  clear  as  a  mirror. 

<S^icl,  ??. -(c)§,  -t,  play;  game;  play- 
ing {of  instruments)^  performance, 
military  music. 

fVicIcu,  tr.  and  intr.  play ;  gamble ; 
in§  Dtotc  — ,  have  a  tinge  of  red. 

S^tctmann,  m.  -§,  cr  c"^  -leute,  musi- 
cian, minstrel. 

Spinbet,/.  w.  spindle,  distaff. 

f^inneit,  fpann,  flejponncn,  tr.  spin, 
plot ;  purr. 

S|itnncitgc»uc6c,  n.  -§,  — ,  spider's 
web,  cobweb. 

SpinnfrrtU,/.  w.  spinning  woman. 

S^Jtunrrtb,  n.  -c§,  "cr,  spinning-wheel. 

fpi^,  adj.  pointed.     \^comJ>.  E.  spit.] 

Spi^C,/.  w.  point,  tip  ;  top  ;  head  {of 
an  army)  ;  pi.  lace. 

fpUttcrn,  intr.  \).,  be  shattered, splinter. 

@^orit,  m.  -(e)§,  -C  or  -eil,  {usually  of 
a  pair)  ©porcn,  spur.  \M.H.G. 
Spor(e),  w.  m.  Sporen  z.y  ^//^  old  pi."] 

©pottgclb,  w.  -e§,  -er,  trifling  sum. 

©^rnd^c,/.  w.  speech,  language. 

S^rati^Ucrtuoutitfc^aft,  /.  w.  kinship  of 
language,  linguistic  relationship. 

f^rcrt)Ctt,  Iprat^,  gefproc^cn,  intr.  or  /r. 
speak,  talk. 

f^ringcn,  fprang,  gc|prungcn,  intr.  f. 
or  I),,  spring,  jump,  leap  ;  gush  forth, 
have  its  source. 

<S^)rttf afirir,  /.  w.  distillery. 

<S^ntd^,  m.  -ۤ,  -e,  sentence,  decree, 

Sprung,  m.  -e§,  "t,  spring,  bound. 

@^ur,  /.  2v.  track,  scent ;  clue. 

f|)Urcn,  tr.  trace,  perceive,  notice. 

@taat,  m.  -c§,  -en,  state;  pomp; 



©taat^ontoalt,  m.  -§,  "t,  public  pros- 

<Sttt6,  m  -(e)§,  "C,  staff,  stick. 

©tobt,  /.  "e,  city,  town, 

©tribtct,  ;«.  -§,  — ,  citizen. 

©tatit^'mufitnitt^  ;«.  w.  town-musician. 

fta^tfttau,  rt^'.  steel-blue. 

ftal)n,  old  form  for  fte]^(e)n,  p.  94, 1, 17. 

©tall,  m.  -(e)§,  -^e,  stable,  stall;  shed. 

©tamm,  m.  -(e)3,  -^e,  stem,  trunk; 
stock,  race. 

ftammcin,  intr.  1^.,  stammer,  hesitate. 

\tammtn,intr.  l).,  spring  from  (bon). 

©tOttb,  m.  -(e)§,  -e,  stand,  state;  pro- 
fession ;  ju  -e  briugcil,  bring  about, 
accomplish  ;  im  ftanbc,  able. 

©tangc,  /.  w.  pole ;  bei  ber  —  bictben, 
stick  to  the  point. 

ftar!  (ftarfer,  ftarfeft),  adj.  strong, 
vigorous,  robust,  stout ;  extreme. 

©tttrfc,/.  strength.  [fresh. 

ftorfctt,  tr.  strengthen,  invigorate;  re- 

\iavv,  adj.  rigid,  staring,  fixed. 

©tatton',/.  71'.  station.     [F.'\ 

©tatton:§'gcIi(tubc,  71.  -c-S,  — ,  station. 

©ttttt,y.  (^  pi.  preserved  in  compounds)^ 
stead,  place ;  311  [tatteii  fommcn, 
come  off ;  transpire  ;  prosper.  [ftQt= 
ten,  fr.  M.H.G.  state,  opportunity.] 

ftrttt,  prep,  with  geti.  instead  of.  \_also 
used  for  anftatt  with  inf.'\ 

©tottc,/.  w.  place,  stead,  room. 

ftflttftiibcn,  fanb  — ,  -gcfunbcn,  intr. 
\).,  take  place. 

ftattlid),  adj.  stately,  dignified. 

'©tnub,  m.  -c§,  dust. 

©toutifrtbcn,  m.  -§,  ",  stamen. 

©taubc,/.  zv.  bush,  shrub. 

©touffnt^cr  (2Cerner),  m.  -§,  Stauff- 
acher,  one  of  the  heroes  in  the  Swiss 
war  of  independence  (p.  106). 

ftaunen,  i7itr.^  \).,  be  astonished,  marvel 
(at,  liber) ;  ftouncnb,  with  surprise. 

Stcrffiricf,  m.  -(C)§,  -e,  proclamation 
of  arrest.  [pierce,  stab. 

fted^ctt,  jtad),  geftodien,  tr,  stmg,  prick, 

fterfCtt,  tr.  stick,  put,  fix  ;  intr.  stick, 
remain  ;  lie  hidden  ;  —  laffcn,  leave 
behind;  forsake. 

©teg'',  m.  -e§,  -e,  narrow  path,  bridge. 
\fr.  ftcigen.] 

ftcijcn,  ftanb,  geftanbcn,  intr.l).,  stand, 
stay;  be;  — bleibcn  stop;  — [iir, 
answer  for  ;  einem  QUt  — ,  become. 

ftcljicn,  [tal)l,  fleftot)(en  (with  dat.  of 
pers.  and  ace.  of  time'),  tr.  steal,  de- 
prive one  of. 

ftcif,  adj.  stiff. 

ftcigen,  ftieg,  gefticgcn,  intr.  \.,  rise, 
ascend,  climb ;  mount  upon  (auf) ; 
descend,  alight  (with  prep,  of  direc- 
tion, in  or  toon) ;  step  or  walk  up ; 
t)Om  ^ferbc  — ,  dismount. 

fteil,  adj.  steep. 

©tctit,  m.  -(e) §,  -C,  stone. 

©teincn,  n.  -§,  village  in  Schwyz,  re- 
puted home  of  Werner  Stauffacher. 

fteiltcrn,  adj.  stone,  made  of  stone; 

©teinfarg,  m.  -(c)§,  ^c,  sarcophagus. 

©teinttJurf ,  tn.  t§,  -"e,  stone's  throw. 

©telle,/,  w.  spot,  place,  office;  pas- 
sage {in  a  book.) 

ftcllen,  tr.  place,  station  ;  refl.  place  or 
post  oneself ;  present  oneself ;  aj>- 
pear  ;  behave ;  pretend,  act  as  if. 

©tellung,  /.  w.  position,  situation, 
bearing,  posture. 

©tcngcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  stalk,  stem.  [cf. 
©tange.]  [knell. 

©terbegtorfcntou,  m.  -c§,  ^c,  funeral- 

fterbctt,  ftarb  {subj.  ftiirbc,  or  ftarbc), 
geftorben,  intr.  f.,  die. 

ftcrftltd^,  adj.  mortal. 

©tcrle,/.  w.  young  cow,  heifer. 

©tern,  m.  -§,  -e,  star  ;  constellation. 

©ternbcnterei',  /.  astrology. 

©tcrntcin,  n.  -§,  — ,  Uttle  star. 

ftet,  adj.  fixed,  stable  ;  enduring. 

ftetig,  adj.  fixed;  constant. 

ftct^,  adv.  {gen.)  constantly,  steadily 



ftcttm(i)f(^,  adj.  of  Stettin ;  im  Stet= 
tiui(i)CU  (p.  115),  in  the  district  of 
Stettin,  a  city  in  the  Prussian  Prov- 
ince of  Pommerania,  on  the  Oder, 

©tit^l,  m.  -c§,  -€,  stab,  prick,  sting; 
im  -e  laffcn,  to  leave  in  the  hirch. 

fttrfctt,  tr.  embroider. 

Sticfcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  or  -n,  boot.  [Ilal. 
stivale,  L.  aestivale,  light  covering 
for  the  foot.] 

fticrcu,  inir.  t).,  stare. 

ftiftcn,  tr.  found,  establish. 

®til,  nt.  -(c)y,  -e,  style.     [L.  stilus.] 

fttU,  adj.  still,  silent,  calm. 

©tiUc,/.  w.  stillness,  silence,  solitude. 

ftillcn,  tr.  still,  silence. 

ftiUfdjlwcigcnb,  adj.  silent. 

ftiUftcljcit,  ftanb  — ,  -flcftanben,  intr. 
I),  and].,  stand  still,  stop,  falter. 

©timmc,/.  w.  voice. 

ftimmcn, /r.  tune;_;ff.  agree,  accord; 

tsttmmung,  /.  w.  tuning,  key;  tune; 
mood,  temper. 

@tirit(c),/.  w.  forehead,  brow. 

fZifid,  m.  -e§,  -"c,  stick,  cane;  trunk 
{of  a  tree);  story  {of  a  house). 

ftorfcn,  intr.  I).,  stop;  hesitate,  stam- 

©torfljolm,  n.  -§,  Stockholm,  capital 
of  Sweden. 

Stuff,  m.  -e§,  -e,  stuff,  material. 

ftiiljttCtt,  intr.  I).,  groan. 

ftol^crn,  intr.  ]".,  stumble,  trip. 

ftotj,  a^'.  proud  {of,  auf),  haughty. 

@tot5r  m.  -c§,  pride,  arrogance. 

©toVfttftbcI,/.  w.  darning-needle. 

©tord),  ;«.  -e§,  -^c  (5.G.  w.  /«  j/«^. 
^/.//a2#,/.  44/-.),  stork. 

Storrf)Cttn6cntcucr,  «.  -§,  — ,  adven- 
ture as  a  stork. 

©tortf)cnfliigcI,  m.  -§,  — ,  stork's  wing. 

Storti^cnljattt,  /.  ^c,  stork's  skin. 

StorrI)fu^,  »«.  -c§,  H,  stork's  foot. 

©twdjin,/.  w.,//.  -nen,  female  stork. 

Stord^ift^,  «.  -c§,  stork  language. 
ftijrcn,  /r.  trouble,  disturb,  stir  up. 
©ti)ruufl,/.7f.  disturbance,  interruption. 
ftofictt,  fticf!,  gcftofjcn,  tr.  pusli,  thrust, 

strike,  kick;  @ta jer  qx\  cinanbcr — , 

touch  glasses ;  in§  |)ovn  — ,  blow  or 

wind  a  horn. 
©trafc,/.  w.  punishment,  penalty, 
ftrafcn,  tr.  punish;  correct,   reproof; 

jemanb  giigenb  — ,  {causal geji. pi.) 

give  the  lie.     \with  two  aces.] 
Qtvatii,  m.  -§,  -en,  beam,  ray. 
ftraljlfWr  tr.  or  intr.  I).,  beam,  radiate, 
Stralfmtb',  n.  -§,  Stralsund,  a  city  on 

the   Strela   sound   in    Pommerania, 

opposite  the  island  of  Riigen. 
©trftUb,  m.  -c§,  -:•,  strand,  beach, 
©trafic,/.  IV.  street.   \_L.  strata,  paved.] 
Stroftcnerfc,  /.  -iv.  street  corner. 
ftrdu^cn,  /r.  ruffle;  refl.  bristle,  stand 

on  end  ;  struggle,  resist.  [bush. 

Strand),   m.  -(e)§,  -^e  or  Hx,   shrub, 
Strang,  m.  -c§,  ^e,  bunch  of  flowers, 

ftrcbcn,  intr.  I),,  strive  (for,  nod)),  en- 
ftrcrfcn,  tr.  stretch  ;  refl,.  extend  oneself. 
Strcit^,  nt.  -c§,  -C,  stroke ;  trick, 
ftrctdjcn,    ftric^,   Qeftrid)cn,   tr.  stroke, 

brush  ;  spread  ;  roam,  wander ;  blow 

(of  wind). 
Strcif ,  tn.  -e§,  -C,  strip,  streak. 
ftrcifcn,  tr.  touch,  graze,  brush. 
Strcit,  m.  -(e)§f  -C,  contest,  quarrel. 
ftrcttcn,  ftritt,  flcflritten,  intr.  or  refl. 

strive,  contend  (with,  mit;  for,  urn  or 

iiber),  dispute;  litigate. 
Strcttfrngc,  /.  w.  question  at   issue, 

matter  in  dispute. 
Strenge,/.  severity,  strictness,  rigor. 
Streu,  /.  w.  litter,  bed  (of  straw). 
Strit^,  m.  -(c)l,  -e,  stroke,  line. 
Strirf,  m.  -e§,  -e,  cord,  rope. 
Stttrfftrumpf,  m.  -e§,  stocking  being 

knitted,  knitting. 



@tro^,  n.  -(e)§,  straw. 
@trot)^Ut,  m.  -§,  ^c,  straw-hat. 
©tro^mattc,/.  w.  straw  mat. 
®trQtn,  »«.  -C§,  -^C,  stream,  current. 
ftriJmcn,  intr.  ].  and  I).,  stream. 
©triim^ftficn,  «.  -§,  — ,  little  stocking, 

@tu6r^en,  n.  -§,  — ,  little  room. 
@tu6c,/.  7f.  room,  chamber. 
@tu6cntl)ur(e),  /.  w.  door  of  a  room, 
©tiitf ,  «.  -e§,  ~C,  piece,  fragment,  part ; 

distance ;  gro^e  -e  I)a(tcn  auf,  think 

much  of,  hold  in  high  esteem. 
6tttrf(1^Ctt,  n.  -§,  — ,  (little)  piece. 
@tudtt)erf,   «.  -c§,    unfinished    work, 

©tubcnt',  ;«.  w.  student.  [table. 

©tubcn^tcntifd^,  w.  -c§,  -c,  student's 
©tubtum,  n.  -§,  (Stubieti,  study. 
©tttfc,/.  w.  step,  stairs;  degree,  grade. 
@t«^l,  ;«.  -§,  -c,  chair,  seat. 
ftuntm,  adj.  dumb,  silent. 
ftunt^f,  adj.  dull,  blunt ;  insensible. 
©tum^f,  m.  -e§,  ^e,  stump. 
©tttttbe,/.  «/.  hour;  league. 
ftunbenlang,  adj.  an  hour  long;  adv. 

for  hours. 
Sturm,  m.  -(c)§,  -C,  storm ;  assault. 
ftttrnten,  intr.  %.,  storm;  charge;  press 

upon  (in)  one ;  assault  (auf). 

©turmc^fttttg,  w.  -e§,  -e.,  wings  of  the 

ftitrmif^,  adj.  stormy,  violent. 
©turmitiettcr,  n.  -§,  stormy  weather. 
ftiir^en,    intr.  )'.,   fall,    tumble,   rush, 

plunge ;  tr.  plunge,  overthrow ;  rejl. 

plunge,  rush. 
ftit^cn,  tr.  prop  up,  support,  rely  upon 

(auf,  ace.) ;  reji.  lean,  recline. 
fuitrafjicrcn,  tr.  subtract.    [L.] 
fttrf)Clt,  tr.  seek,  look  for;  try. 
®itb,  m.  -c§;  (SUbcit,  -§,  south. 
fiibUr^,  adj.  southern. 
Sttt'tatt  or  ©ultan',  m.  -g,  -c,  sultan. 
Stttja,   n.  -§,  a  small  village  on  the 

Ilm  in  Saxe- Weimar. 
fummcit,  tr.  and  intr.  I).,  hum. 
SUnbc,/.  zf.  sin. 

Sunbenfiotf,  m.  -(e) ^3,  "c,  scapegoat. 
©iittbcr,  m.  -3,  — ,  sinner. 
fitnbfiaft,  adj.  sinful. 
Sn^crlrttitt',  w.  -§,  -c,  superlative. 
©m>^e,/.  ?£'.  soup. 
furrcnb,  part.  adj.  buzzing,  whirring. 

ftt|f,  adj.  sweet. 
Stjno'bc,/ zf'.  synod.     [Gr.] 
©^rieti,  n.  -§,  Syria. 
©t)riu'gctit»oum,  m.  -§,   ^c,  lilac-tree 

(i^nifc&er  fjlleber). 

Xd'hat,  m.  -§,  -e,  tobacco. 

tabeUo:^,     a^'.    blameless,     faultless. 

Slaf  el,  /.  -w.  table,  tablet,  slate  ;  dining 
table;  —  Flatten,  dine.  \L.  tabula, 

X«g,  m.  -e§,  -e,  day,  daylight ;  —  \\xx 
— ,  day  after  day ;  bolter  — ,  broad 
day ;  e§  Uegt  am  — ,  it  is  clear. 

2;a9(e)tocrl,  n.  -§,  -e,  day's  work, 
daily  work. 

tttfllit^,  adj,  daily. 

S^aillc  (/r.  Tal'ye),/.  w.  waist ;  form, 
[i^.]  [Z.  tactus,  touch.] 

Salt,  m.  -c§,  -e,  touch  ;  measure  ;  tact. 

Solent',  n.  -(e)§,  -e,  talent.     [iL.] 

Sannenbaum,  m.  -§,  -^e,  fir-tree,  Christ- 
mas-tree, [fir  trees. 

2;ottttcnbttntcl,  n.  -§,  darkness  of  the 

3;ttttncitgc^ijl5,  n.  -c§,  -e,  fir-forest. 

Sanncnrci^,  n.  -e§,  -er,  fir-twig. 

S;annett5tt)ctg,  m,  -e§,  -e,  twig  ^r 
branch  of  fir. 

Sontc,/.  w.  aunt,    [/'.j 



ian^trx,  intr.  \.,  dance. 

trt^fcr,  adj.  brave,  valiant.  \E.  dapper.] 

^r^jfcrfcit,/.  bravery,  valor. 

ta)»pcn,  intr.  I),  (nac!^),  grope,  feel  (for). 

Xafd^c,/  iv.  pocket. 

2;af(^cn6urftc,  /.  w.  pocket-brush. 

:?affc,  /.  w.  cup.     [/^.,  //«/.] 

2;nu6c,/.  w.  dove,  pigeon. 

trtUfcit,  tr.  baptize,  christen ;  name. 
\_rel.  ttef.] 

taugcn,  intr.  I).,  be  good  or  fit  (/c'r), 
be  of  use ;  ntd)ty  — ,  be  good  for 

Xauvcrle ,  /.  w.  dewdrop.  [i^erte  fr.  ZL.] 

trtufd)CU,  tr.  (in,  dat)  deceive,  delude; 
rcfl.  be  disappointed. 

tdltft^cnb,  fart.  adj.  deceptive,  illusive. 

taufcnb,  num.  thousand. 

taitfcnbmal,  adv.  a  thousand  times. 

S:aufcni>fttfa,  m.  -§,  -§,  jackanapes, 
wild  fellow.     {Interj.  sa !  sa  !j 

2^aju§t»rtnb,/.  "t,  hedge  of  yews. 

Xci(^,  m.  -e§,  -e,  pond. 

%tx\,  m.  -(e)§,  -C,  part,  share ;  lot ; 
cincm  au  tcil  merbcn,  become  one's 
lot,  share  in  ;  also  it.  share. 

teilcn,  tr.  divide  ;  share. 

Xcilltoljmc,/.  participation,  sympai>hy. 

tcilnafjmlo^,  adj.  unsympathetic,  in- 

2;clcgramm',  n.  -§,  -c,  telegram. 

Sclcgrapljcniurcau',  n.  -§,  -§,  tele- 
graph office. 

ttUiX,  m.  -§/  — ,  plate,  platter. 

%tVi^^Wiit,f.  Tell's  Ledge,  a  shelf  of 
rock  on  the  east  side  of  Lake  Lu- 

XcitHJCl,  ni.  -§,  — ,  temple.  {L.  tem- 

^^Cttt^o,  n.  -§,  -§,  time,  measure; 
raf^C§  — ,  lively,  or  quick  time,  alle- 
gro.    [//«/.] 

5;ciH)r',  m.  -§,  -€,  — ,  tenor. 

J^craf'fc,  /.  -w.  terrace.  \P.  terrasse, 
L.  terra.] 

teucr,  adj.  dear,  costly;  rare,  precious. 

^cufcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  devil.  \Gr.,  Lai. 

2:ctt'fcIfjoCen,  n.  -§,  drive  to  perdition, 
drive  one  mad. 

Xcufcl^tartic,  /.  w.  infernal  mask; 
diabolical  spectre. 

Xfial,  «.  -§,  -"cr,  valley. 

i\\n\<y\^,  adv.  down  the  valley;  de- 

%\)<\Ux,  m.  -§,  — ,  dollar  {of  the  value 
of  three  marks  or  shillings,  seventy 

%'i^ixi,f.  w.  act,  deed. 

ttjntcnrctd),  adj.  active,  eventful. 

2;^catcr,  «.  -§,  — ,  theater.     {Gr.\ 

%\)^x,  n.  -§,  -€,  gate. 

J'ljor,  m.  w.  fool. 

^Ijor^cit,  /  w.  folly. 

tprirl^t,  ^-t^'.  foolish. 

2;^ranc,/.  w.  tear. 

Xljrott,  /«.  -(c)§,  -e  or  -en,  throne 

t()roncn,  intr.  1).,  be  enthroned  ;  reign. 

tf)un,  tl)at,  flet^an,  tr.  do,  make  ;  m/r. 

Sl)ur(c),  /.  w.  door;  3ur  —  I)inau8, 
out  by  the  door. 

2:t)iirg(j>tfc,/.  w.  door-bell. 

2:i)»iriitgcn,  n.  -§,  Thuringia,  a  pictur- 
esque district  in  the  centre  of  Ger- 
many, embracing  in  part  the  four 
Saxon  dukedoms. 

2;^iirin9cr,  m.  -§,  — ,  Thuringian. 

2;^urin8cr  SBalb,  m.  -§,  Thuringian 
Forest,  a  wooded  range  of  mountains 
in  the  southwestern  part  of  Thu- 

!S{)ttrfUttfc,  /.  w.  door-latch,  door- 

3;(jurft^tocUc,/.  w.  threshold. 

2:^t)mian,  m.  -§,  thyme.     {Gr.] 

%\htv,  m.  -§,  also  f  the  Tiber  in 

tief ,  adj.  deep,  far  ;  profound. 



%xi\t,  f.  w.  depth  ;  abyss,  gorge. 

ttCfUcgcnb,  part.  adj.  deep-set,  sunken. 

Sicr,  ji.  -§,  -e,  animal ;  beast,  brute. 

2;tcr^ett,  n.  -%,  little  animal. 

2:icrgartcn,  ;;/.  -§,  -^,  zoological  gar- 
den ;  park. 

2;tUi),  Soljnnu  ^fcrclacS  (1559-1632), 
Count  of,  born  in  Belgium,  General 
of  the  Catholic  League  (16 18),  and 
generalissimo  of  the  Imperial  forces 
(1630)  in  the  Thirty  Years'  War. 

2;intcitf(i§,  n.  -(ff)e§,  -([f)er,  inkstand. 

J^tittcnftjrf),  m.  -e§,  -e,  cuttlefish. 

ttroicr,  adj.  indecl.  of  the  Tirol,  south 
of  Bavaria ;  Tyrolese. 

%i\^,  ni.  -c§,  -e,  table,  board ;  desk. 

Xifc^>Urtf(i)C,/.  table-Unen. 

So'firtf,  see  Slabaf. 

tobcn,  hitr.  \).,  rage,  storm. 

%ii^itx,f.  -,  daughter. 

Si>d)tcrlcin,  n.  -§,  little  daughter ; 
dear  daughter. 

2;oti,  rtt.  -c§,  death;  be§  2;obc§  fcin, 
be  a  dead  man. 

2:obc^angft,/.//.  -^en,  mortal  anguish. 

^obCiSnot,  /.  mortal  distress. 

Xobc^ftoft,  m.  -e§,  -%t,  death-blow. 

Xobfciltb,  tn.  -§,  -c,  mortal  enemy. 

%Q\\,  in.  -§,^e,  tone,  sound  ;  note,  key; 
strains,  stress ;  accent.  [  6>.,  L.  tonos.] 

tiincn,  intr.  ^.,  sound,  resound. 

Sorniftcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  knapsack.  {^Hun- 

2:orftcttfott  (fiinnorb),  (1603-165 1),  m. 
-§,  Count  of  Ortala,  one  of  the  most 
brilliant  generals  of  Sweden  in  the 
Thirty  Years'  War. 

tot,  adj.  dead. 

2:otcnftttf)rc,/.  w.  bier. 

totft^Ingcn,  f(l)Iug  — ,  -gcfcfilaflcn,  tr. 
strike  dead. 

tutftfiwcigctt,  fd^JT)ieg  — ,  -gefd^miegen, 
/r.    kill   by  silence ;  {of  a  remark), 
receive  in  silence. 
Sour,/,  w,  tour,  trip.     [/?,] 

%xn^\,f.  w.  costume,  dress  ;  fashion; 

tra^tcn,  intr.  ]).,  try,  endeavor;  — 
nac^,  strive  for,  aspire  to;  have  a 
design  upon. 

tragcn,  trug,  gctragen,  tr.  bear,  sus- 
tain, carry  ;  produce  ;  wear  ;  ailf  beil 
^finben  — ,  cherish. 

^rfigcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  carrier,  porter. 

tragitomiftl),  adj.  serio-comic. 

^ragtori,  w.  -c§,  "e,  hamper. 

%X<ini,  m.  -§,  -^e,  drink,  liquid. 

^rauOc,/.  w.  grape,  bunch  of  grapes. 

traucn,  intr.  \).,  trust  (one,  dat.);  tr. 

JCroitcr, /.  mourning,  sorrow,    [marry. 

2:roucrtIcib,  n.  -c§,  -er,  mourning- 
garb,  [grieve. 

traucrn,  intr.  \).,   (urn,  ace.)  mourn, 

ixavAx^,  adj.  familiar,  intimate  ;  cor- 
dial ;  cosy.  dream.] 

^raum,   m.  -e§,   -^c,  dream.     \_cf.  E. 

trriumctt,  intr.  or  impers.  {dat.)  dream. 

trttumcrifd),  adj.  dreamy,  visionary. 

txanxaXo^,  adj.  dreamless. 

traurtg,  adj.  sad,  dreary,  mournful. 

ixaMt  -er,  -e,  -e§,  adj.  dear,  beloved. 

trcffcn,  traf,  getroffen,  tr.  or  intr.  hit, 
strike,  meet,  find ;  affect,  concern ; 
coincide  ;  gut  — ,  prove  fortunate,  be 
successful ;  rejl.  happen, 

trcffcnb,  part.  adj.  pertinent,  to  the 

2;rcffcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  prize  {in  a  lottery). 

trcibcn,  trieb,  gctrieben,  tr.  drive; 
prosecute,  carry  on  {a  business) ; 
intr.  go,  rush. 

%Xti\itn,  n.  -§,  activity,  stir;  doings; 
manner  of  life;  germination,  budding. 

trcnncn,  tr.  separate,  divide. 

%Xtp)ft,  f.  w.  stair,  staircase. 

S^rc^^cngclfinbcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  railing  of 
the  staircase. 

trctcii,  trat,  getrctcn,  intr.  f.  or  ^., 
tread,  walk,  step;  nttt  ^ii^en  — , 
trample  under  foot. 



trcu,  adj.  faithful,  loyal,  true. 
2:rcitc,/.  truth,  MeHty,  loyalty. 
trculDt',  adj.  faithless.  [tion. 

2:rtc6,    m.  -e§,    — ,   impulse,    inclina- 
trintcit,  trail!,  gctrunfcn,  tr.  drink. 
2:rinfcn,  n.  -§,  drinking,  drink. 
'Xx'xii,  m.  -c§,  -C,  tread,  step ;  footstep, 

'Zx'wxmpi)',  m.  -e§,  -e,  triumph.     [Gr., 

Xx'\yxvx)^\)\t'xt\Cb,  part.  adj.  triumphant. 
trorfeu,  adj.  dry,  parched. 
trorfncit,  tr.  dry. 
^Trommel,    /.    iv.    drum.      [M.H.G. 

trum(b)el,  fr.  trumbe.] 
^rompetcnftl^aU,  tn.  -(c)§,  sound  of  a 

2:roVfcit,  m.  -§,  — ,  drop. 
trijftcn,  tr.  comfort,  console. 
troftrcit^,  adj.  comforting,  consohng. 
ItxM},  m.  -c§,  defiance,  scorn. 
Xx'^^,  prep,  with  dat.  {or  gen.),  in  spite 

of,  notwithstanding  that ;  equal  to, 

so  as  to  vie  with. 

tro^ig,  adj.  defiant,  insolent,  stubborn. 

3;rummcr,  also  Srummern,  //.  {of  obs. 
Srumm)  ruins. 

%x\mX,  m.  -§,  drink,  draught. 

'Xxui\)<x\)\\,  m.  -e§,  -"e,  turkey-cock. 

%xnii,  see  2;ro^;  ju  ©d^ufe  unb  — ,  for 
offense  and  defense. 

2;fcl^afo,  m.  -§,  -I,  shako,  military  cap. 

Xud),  n.  -c§,  -"er,  cloth,  fabric;  an  ar- 
ticle of  cloth.  [tie. 

Suri^clcficn,  n.  -§,  little  kerchief;  neck- 

ttid^ttg,  adj.  able,  capable;  hearty, 
thorough,  good. 

Sitifc,  /.  w.  malice,  spite. 

titcfifd^,  adj.  tricky,  malicious. 

Sugcnb,  /.  w.  virtue,    [taugcu.] 

Xumult,  m.  -(c)§,  -c,  tumult,  uproar, 

Siirfc,  m.  w.  Turk.  [noise. 

tUrtift^,  adj.  Turkish. 

3;urm,  m.  -^,  -^c,  tower,  spire. 

^turmgelaji,  n.  -eg,  -e,  tower-room. 

^^uringcmad^,  n.  -§,  ^er,  tower-room. 

Surnfeft,  n.  -§,  -c,  gymnastic  festival. 


iibcf,  adj.  evil,  bad;  —  ncf)mcn,  be 
offended  at. 

iiben,  tr.  exercise;  practice;  execute. 

Vlhex,  prep,  with  dat.  or  ace.  over, 
above  ;  across,  beyond  ;  more  than  ; 
during ;  about ;  at,  concerning,  on 
account  of;  bcn  2:ag  — ,  all  day 
long;  adv.  -with  similar  meanings: 
—  Ullb  — ,  over  and  over,  all  over ; 
used  as  sep.  accented  prejix  when  it 
has  its  full  force;  also  as  an 
insep.  and  unaccented  prefix  with 
verbs  in  a  derivative  sense. 

iibcraU'',  adv.  everywhere,  anywhere. 

ubcrbrin'gctt  -bra^te,  -bra^t,  tr.  de- 

Xibtxlyxt^' ,  adv.  besides,  moreover. 

u'ftcrbruffig,   adj.   {with   gen.)  tired; 

ti'bcrfafjrcn,  ]^x\)x  —,  -gcfa{)ren,  intr. 

\.,  cross  over;  drive  or  sail  across; 

tr.  cross,  pass  over. 
U''6erfa^rt,  /.   w.   crossing,  passage; 

ii'ticrfaM,   m.  -§,   -"e,   sudden   attack, 

ttbcrfol'Icit,  -fid,  -fallen,  /r.  fall  upon, 

tt'6crfJif)rctt,  sep.  tr.  lead  over,  across. 
iiOcrfit()''rcn,    insep.   tr.    convince    or 

convict  of  {with  gen.  of  thing). 
ii'bcrflitffig,     adj.    abundant;     super- 
ii'bcrgabc,/.  w.  surrender,  delivery. 



u&e?8e'6en,  -gab',  -ge'bcn,   tr.    give 

over,  deliver  ;  re/l.  surrender,  submit. 
it'ficrgc^ctt,  gtng  — ,  -gegangcn,  intr. 

].,  go   over,  overflow;    proceed   to; 

desert  to ;  insep.  tr.  go  over,  run  over 

{a  book) ;  pass  by,  omit ;  transgress  ; 

transcend,  excel. 
u'fiergriff,  m.  -c§,  encroachment, 
ii'bcrfjangcn    (ubei1)Qngen),    f)tng    — , 

-gel^angcn,  intr.  \).,  overhang,  pro- 
ject beyond. 
ii'ticr^angctt,  ^ing  — ,  -gcl)angen,  tr. 

hang  over,  cover  ;  intr.  project. 
itbert^au^t',  adv.  on  the  whole,  in  gen- 
eral, altogether,  anyhow. 
uficrlaffctt,  -liefe,  -laffen,  tr.  leave, 

give  up,  relinquish,  cede. 
u6erle'6en,  tr.  survive,  outlive. 
ubeHe'gCtt,  tr.  consider;  also  refl.dat. 
ubcrmon'nctt,  tr.  overpower,  master. 
tificritatl^'ten,  intr.  I).,  pass  the  night. 
jibcmclj'mcn,  -nat)m,  -nomtncn,    tr. 

take,  take  charge  of. 
ufterra'fdjcn,  tr.  come  upon  suddenly, 

surprise,  overtake. 
Ubcrra'ft^unjj,/.  w.  surprise. 
U'bcrrotf ,  m.  -e§,  ^e,  overcoat. 
ii^Bcrft^rcitcn,  fc^ritt  — ,  -gef^rittcn, 

intr.  ).,  step  over  ;  insep.  tr.,  cross  ; 

Ufterfd^rtft,  /  -w.  title,  head-line. 
UBerfc'ficn,  -fal),  -ye{)en,  /r.  take  in  at  a 

glance ;  look  over ;  overlook ;  survey. 
tt^fecrfe^Clt,  sep.  intr.  ].,  go  over,  cross 

{in  a  boat). 
iiicrfe'^cn,  tr.  translate, 
ubcrtrcf 'fen,  -traf,  -troffen,  tr.  surpass, 

excel,  exceed. 
ubcrtrctcn,  trat  — ,  -gctrctcn,  intr.  ]., 

go  ^r  step  over ;  insep.  tr.  transgress. 
tt6cr5fil>'Icn,    insep.    tr.    count    over, 

ttJcrjeu'gcn,  /r.  convince. 
tificrsic'fjcn,   -309,   -3ogcn,  tr.  spread 

over,  cover. 

uficrjttJci'gen,  ^r.  cover  with  branches. 

Vkbtx^'mtviii,  adj.  slanting,  sidewise, 
crosswise,     [jmer^,  fr.  quer.] 

itbrtg,  adj.  left  over,  rest,  remaining. 

ubrtgcnS,     a^^f.     besides,     moreover, 

_  [iibcr.] 

Ubung,  /.  w.  exercise,  practice. 

Ufcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  shore,  bank.        [shore. 

Xtfcrbcrg,  m.  -ۤ,  -C,  mountain  on  the 

Ufcrranb,  m.  -e§,  -^er,  margin  of  the 

Ufcrfcitc,/.  w.  side  of  the  shore. 

tlljr,  /.  -w.  hour ;  watch,  clock ;  uninfl. 
o'clock.     \L.  bora.] 

um,  prep,  with  ace.  about,  around, 
near;  at;  concerning,  for,  with  re- 
gard to ;  to  the  extent  of ;  um  .  .  . 
311,  -with.  inf.  in  order  to  ;  used  as  a 
separable  accented pre^x^  signifying 
around,  round  about ;  deprivation ; 
loss  ;  insep.  and  unaccented  in  verbs 
ivith  a  derivative  signification. 

umar'mcn,  tr.  embrace. 

tim'blitfcn,  sep.  refl..  look  back  or 

um'bringcit,  brad)te  — ,  -gcbrodit,  tr. 
kill.  [bery. 

umbufc^t',  part.  adj.  enclosed  in  shrub- 

umbctf^cn,  tr.  insep.  cover,  envelop. 

um'brc^cn,  sep.  tr.  and  refl.  turn 

umfoffcn,  tr.  insep.  embrace,  compre- 

umflat'tcnt,  tr.  flutter  about. 

umflic'fecn,  -flofe,  -fIo[fen,  tr.  flow 
around,  surround. 

umgc'bctt,  -gab,  -gcbeu,  tr.  sur- 
round, encircle. 

Umgcgcnb,  /.  surrounding  country, 

um'grabcn,  grub  — ,  -gegraben,  tr.  dig, 
turn  up,  undermine ;  insep.  surround 
with  a  ditch. 

um'giirten,  sep.  tr.  gird  about,  buckle 
on ;  insep.  tr.  gird  up,  surround. 



um'fiaucn,  {)icb  — ,  -flc()aucn,  tr.  cut 

down,  fell. 
umljcr',  adv.  and  scp.  prefix^   about, 

around,  round  about ;  the  txvo  parts 

are  often  separated  \\\\\  .  .  .  tfCX,  the 

object  being  placed  between. 
umlicr'flcJicu,  ging  — ,  -gcganacn,  intr. 

)'.,  go  about. 
umOcrlitufcn,  lief  — ,  -flc(aufcn,  intr. 

f.,  run  about,  or  around,  go  out  of 

the  way. 
Minljcrlicgcn,  loj^  — ,  -gclcj^cii,  ^.,  lie 

uml)cr'fri)icHcn,    j(t)o6   — ,    -flcfc^offcn, 

i/itr.  {).,  shoot  about,  dart  around. 
uml|cr'fcl)cn,  fal)  — ,  -flc|c()cn,  intr.  t)., 

look  about. 
umljcr  fVrt^icrcit,    sep.  intr.    \.,   walk 

iimOcrtrcibcit,  trieb  — ,  -gctricbcn,  tr. 

drive  about ;     rejl.  wander  around, 

travel  hither  and  thither. 
itmtiiiricn,  tr.  envelop. 
um'rc()rcit,  sep.  tr.  turn  around,  turn 

upside  down  ;  nifl.  turn  around. 
itm'fommcn,  tarn—,  -aefommcn,  intr. 

perish,  die. 
umriit'gcn,  7^-.  surround,  encompass. 
umfrt)lic'ficn,  -id)Iojj,  -fc^loffcn,  tr.  en- 
compass, enclose. 
umfrtjUn'gcn,  -fc^taufl,  -f({)lunflcn,  tr. 

embrace,  wind  about. 
ttm'fc()Ctt,  fat)  — ,  -gc)cl)cn,  refl.  look 

about    oneself,    look     around,   look 

back  ;  —  nac^  {dat.)  look  out  for. 
um^fC^Ctt,  sep.  tr.  transpose  ;  exchange, 

sell ;  reJl.  change  {of  weather). 
umfonft,  adv.  gratis,  for  nothing;  in 

vain ;  to  no  purpose. 
umf^rtngcu,  -fpraug,  -fpruugen,  intr. 

f.,  leap  about,  jump  around. 
Umftrtub,   m.  -(c)§,   ^C,  circumstance; 
Umftdnbc,  formalities;    —   maiden, 
be  formal;     hesitate,   raise   difficul- 
ties ;  make  a  fuss. 

umftdttbHci^,  adj.  and  adv.  circum- 
stantial, detailed  ;  formal ;  careful. 

um'wenbcn,  luaubte  — ,  -gcmaubt,  tr. 
turn  about  or  over;  refl.  turn  around. 

Mimoo'gcti,  tr.  insep.  surge  about. 

um^ic'licit,  -^0(^,  -jogcn,  tr.  draw  on  or 

around,  surround;  intr.  \.,  change 

quarters.  [circle. 

um,vu'gcln,  tr.   insep.  surround,  en- 

Um^ug,  m.  -c§,  H,  change  of  dwell- 
ing or  service ;  procession. 

UU-,  insep.  negative  prefix  used  with 
adjectives  from  verbs,  participles 
and  nottns,  and  is  usually  accented. 
In  many  long  compounds  with  un-, 
the  stress  upon  the  prefix  and  the 
verb  is  equal,  or  varies  according  to 
the  emphasis  laid  upon  cither  part. 

ituangctic^m,  adf.  disagreeable,  un- 
pleasant ;  obstreperous. 

Uu^annc^mltdjtcit,  /.  w.  unpleasant- 
ness, inconvenience. 

unauf^alt'fattt,  adj.  impetuous,  irre* 

MUflttffjiir'Iic^,  adj.  unceasing,  inces- 

unnu^f|»rc(^'Hi^,  adj.  unutterable,  la- 

unail£iftcl)^(t(^,  adj.  unbearable,  intol- 

ttubcgrcif^lid^,  adj.  incomprehensible; 

un'defaitnt,  part.  adj.  unknown,  un- 

un'bcmcrtt,  part.  adj.  unnoticed. 

ttit^6criil)rt,  part.  adj.  untouched. 

UUbcft^d'bigt,  part.  adj.  unhurt. 

unticfc^raitft',  part.  adj.  unlimited, 

tt«Defd)rci6'Uc^,  adj.  indescribable. 

un'bcforgt,  part.  adj.  easy,  uncon- 

ttuficftrcit'bar,  adj.  incontestable,  in- 

un6cttJcg'U(^,  adj.  motionless. 



unb,  conj.  and. 

Utt'battf,  m.  -(e)§,  ingratitude. 

wnburc^bring'Iid^,  adj.  impenetrable, 

ttn'CtttgeltUc^,  adj.  gratuitous. 

un'cnttocifjt,  pari.  adj.  unprofaned, 
undefiled.  [able,  relentless. 

Uner0ttt'lt(i^,  adj.  inexorable ;  implac- 

Un^crf a()rcn,  part.  adj.  inexperienced. 

UXXttmc^'Wd),  adj.  immeasurable,  vast. 

tttt'crfd^rorfcn, /ar/.  adj.  undismayed; 

untvtodtttt,  part.  adj.  unexpected. 

mVyovmixii),  adj.  shapeless. 

un'fl'U(^t6rtl-,  adj.  unfruitful,  sterile. 

ttngttVlt,  n.  -§,  Hungary. 

Utt'gebulb,/.  impatience. 

tttt'BCbuIbig,  adj.  impatient. 

ungcfd()r,  adj.  casual,  accidental,  ap>- 
proximate  ;  adv.  about,  nearly. 

Uu'gc^eucr,  n.-^i,  — ,  monster,  [strous. 

unget)eu''er,  adj.  huge,  immense,  mon- 

tttt'gc^ittbcrt,  part.  adj.  unhindered. 

Utt'gcmcttt  {also  ungciueinO,  adj.  un- 
common, rare ;  adv.  exceedingly. 

ttnger(i(!^t,  part.  adj.  unrevenged  un- 

un^gcrtt,  adj.  unwillingly,      [avenged 

ungcfd|t(ft,  adj.  unskillful,  awkward, 
clumsy  ;  unapt.  [molested. 

Utt'gcftiirt,  part.  adj.  undisturbed,  un- 

Utt'gcftum,  adj.  violent,  vehement,  [cf. 
ftemmen,  check.]  [lence. 

ttn'gcftiim,  n.  -(e)§,  impetuosity,  vio- 

Un'gctiim,  «.  -§,  -c,  monster. 

UU'gcttJt^,  adj.  uncertain,  indistinct. 

un'gcttJO^nt,  part.  adj.  unaccustomed. 

Utf'gcjagcn,  adj.  ill-bred,  unmannerly. 

un'glaubxg,  adj.  incredulous,  unbeliev- 
ing ;  tised  subst.  unbeliever,  infidel. 

Uttglaublt(^,  adj.  incredible.         [sity. 

Unglit(f ,  71.  -e§,  -c,  misfortune,  adver- 

unglittfltd^,  adj.  unfortunate,  unlucky. 

ungliiiffeUg,  adj.  unhappy,  unfortu- 
nate, miserable. 

Ungtittf^tag,  m.  -(c)§,  -c,  day  of  mis- 
fortune, luckless  day. 

ungttttg,  adj.  unkind,  unfriendly;  — 
(auf)  nef)mcn,  take  amiss. 

unljcimUtf),  adj.  uncomfortable;  dis- 
mal, uncanny. 

UniUcrfitot^  /.  w.  university.  {L.  uni- 
versitas,  corporation,  gild.] 

tlnitJCrfttot^Ieficn,  n.  -§,  university  life. 
Untticrfitat§ftabt,/.-e,  university  town. 

Uniticrfttm,  n.  -§,  universe.     {L.\ 

ttttFeittttlili)tcit,/.  impossibility  of  lec 

unteugbar,  adj.  undeniable. 

Uttlicb,  adj.  disagreeable ;  c§  tft  mir  — , 
I  am  sorry. 

untnenf(f)ltd),  adj.  inhuman. 

ItnmerfUc^,  adj.  imperceptible,  slight. 

Mn^mittctOrtr,  adj.  immediate. 

ttttmiJg''H(!),  adj.  impossible. 

unnit^,  adj.  useless,  unavailing. 

unred^t,  adj.  wrong,  incorrect,  inop- 
portune ;  on  "i)t\\  -€ii  fommen,  catch 
a  Tartar,  be  in  the  wrong  box. 

ttnrec^t,  n.  -§,  wrong,  injustice ;  fault. 

Uttru^c,  /.  tv.  uneasiness,  disquiet,  un- 
rest ;  disturbance,  commotion. 

Utt''ftf)tcflit^,  adj.  improper,  unseemly. 

Uufcfiulb,/.  innocence. 

unft^uJbig,  adj.  innocent. 

un'fd)liifrtg,  adj.  undecided. 

unfcr,  gen.  sing,  o/xoix,  poss.  adj.  our. 

Jtttfercittcr,  pron.  one  of  us.  [em  used 
subs,  and  tlie partitive  gen.  of\Q\x.\ 

unftdjer,  adj.  insecure,  unsafe. 

uiifidjtbar,  adj.  invisible. 

Utf'taugUtf),  adj.  unserviceable,  useless. 

unteit,  adv.  below,  down,  beneath ; 
nac^  — ,  downwards. 

untcr,  prep,  with  dat.  or  ace.,  under, 
beneath,  below;  with  pi.  noun, 
among,  amid ;  adv.  under,  beneath, 
below,  among ;  tised  as  sep.  accented 
prefix  when  the  prejix  has  its  full 
force ;  insep.  where  it  unites  in 
meaning  with  the  verb,  with  a  deriv- 
ative signification. 



Mtittvhiti'htn,  -blieb,  -blicben,  intr. 
\.,  be  left  undone;  discontinue. 

untcrbc^'  or  unterbei'fen,  adv.  in  the 
meantime,  meanwhile. 

Untcrbru^rfcn,  tr.  suppress,  keep  down  ; 

Utitcrbrii'tfcr,  m.  -3,  — ,  oppressor. 

uti'tcrgc^cit,  Qing  — ,  -(jcflanflcn,  inir. 
\.,  go  down,  set. 

un'tcrflCl)CUt»,  part.  adj.  setting. 

untcrljal'tcit,  -I)ic(t,  -l)alten,  tntr.  \)., 
entertain,  amuse ;  refl.  converse. 

Utttcrfjartitttg,  /.  w.  entertainment, 
amusement ;  conversation. 

untcrljait'bclu,  tntr.  \^.  (also  tr.),  treat, 

uiftcrirbifd),  adj.  subterranean. 

Un'tcrfommcn,  n.  -y,  shelter,  enter- 

Mtitcrlic'gcu,  -lag,  -Icfleu,  intr.  )., 
yield  to,  succumb. 

MntctVippC , /.  w.  under-lip. 

untcrm  =  uiiter  bem. 

untcrucO^meit,  -nal)m,  -uommcn,  tr. 
undertake,  attempt. 

Untcrnc()mcn,  n.  -§,  undertaking,  en- 

Untcrpfanb,  n.  -e§,  ^er,  pledge,  se- 

ttnterrit^t,  m.  -§,  teaching,  instruc- 
tion.   • 

uutcrridj'tcn,  //-.  instruct,  inform. 

uutcrfrf)ci'licn,  -fdjieb,  -fc^icben,  tr. 
distinguish ;  rejl.  -with  t»ou,  differ 

Untcrfd^rift,  /.  w.  signature. 

untcrftc'ljcn,  -ftanb,  -ftanben,  refi. 
dare,  presume. 

Utttcrfu't^cn,  tr.  search  into,  investigate, 
examine,  prove. 

un'tcrtJjdnig,  adj.  submissive,  humble, 

Untcrtvalbcn,  n.  -§,  one  of  the  three 
original  Swiss  cantons  on  Lake  Lu- 
cerne,/. 1 06. 

itlltcrlvcg^,  adv.  under  way,  on  the 
way.     {dat.  H)ea(e)+'3.] 

Untcrtuci'fung,  /.  instruction,  teaching. 

Untcrlwci-'fmtg,/.  w.  subjection. 

Mit'tcnuurftg,  adj.  submissive. 

untrdft'itri),  adj.  inconsolable. 

unitmfc^rattft^  part.  adj.  unlimited, 

uituntcrliro'n^cn,  part.  adj.  uninter- 

un»crdu'§crUd|,  adj.  inalienable. 

unticrbroffcn,  part.  adj.  unwearied, 

uiH>crf)offt',  adj.  unhoped  for,  unex- 

un»cr(jci'ratct,/a/-/.  adj.  unmarried. 

unticrmctb^Utf),  adj.  unavoidable. 

unticirttian^bclt,  part.  adj.  unchanged. 

unticrtoanbt^  part.  adj.  unmoved,  im- 
movable; unrelated. 

itnttcr^agt'',  part.  adj.  undismayed, 

uu'iucrt,  adj.  unworthy,  valueless. 

nit'UJibcrruflit^,  adj.  irrevocable. 

Un^miUc,  m.  -n§,  indignation. 

un^tvttttg,  adj.  indignant;  reluctant. 

ttltWiUtiir'lid),  adj.  involuntary. 

unjdfj^lig,  adj.  innumerable. 

un'5urctl)nung0f  (iljig  ,rt^'.  irresponsible. 

«r-,  a  prejix  usually  of  nouns,  now 
denotes  source,  origin,  the  primal 
type  ;  with  adjectives  it  accentuates 
the  meaning. 

uralt,  adj.  very  old,  primeval 

Urbanu^,  m.  Urban. 

WrfcJ)bc,/.  w.  solemn  oath. 

Uri,  n.  one  of  the  three  original  Swiss 
cantons  on  Lake  Lucerne.     (/.  106.) 

Uriattb,  m.  -e§/  -t,  leave  of  absence, 

Urnc,/.  w.  urn.     [Z,.  urna.] 

Urf^rung,  m.  -§,  ^c,  source,  origin. 

urtcilcn,  intr.  1^.,  judge. 

Urton,  tn.  -c§,  ^t,  primitive  tone, 
sound  of  nature. 




aSagttttt'',  m.  w.  vagrant.    {L.  vagari.] 
SBo'tcr,  m.  -%,  ■=,  father. 
tta'tcrgtctc^,  adj.  like  a  father,  paternal. 
Silrt'tcrlanb,  n.  -§,  fatherland. 
SBa'tcrftrtbt,  /.  ^e,  native  city. 
»cU(l|Ctt,  n.  -§,  violet.     [L.  viola.] 
»cr-,  ««  inseparable  prefix  lends  to 

verbs  the  sense  of  for  {fore)  ;  forth, 

from,  away;    to  dissipate,  use  up ; 

pervert;    in   others,   it  accentuates 

the  meaning  of  the  simple  verb. 
ttcraO^rcbcn,  /r.  agree  upon;  refl.  come 

to  an  understanding, 
Ucrnb'fc^cucn,  tr.  abhor,  detest. 
ticrat^tcn,  tr.  despise,  contemn  ;  scorn. 
5Bcra(^tuttg,/.  contempt. 
tjcran'bcru,  tr.  change. 
3Sctanbcruttg,/.  w.  change. 
SBcrontttffiutg,  /.  w.  cause,  occasion, 

motive.  [manage. 

tJCran'ftottCtt,  tr.  set  on  foot,  arrange; 
tjcrljcrgcn,  berbarg,  berborgeu,  /r.hide, 

conceal  (from,  dat^. 
ajcrftcffcrung,/.  w.  improvement. 
tocrficitgcn,  refl.  bow. 
ticrbictcn,  t»er&ot,  Dcrboteu,  tr.  forbid, 

tocrbinbcn,    berbanb,    berbuuben,    tr. 

bcrbtttcn,  bcrbat,  tierbeten,  tr.  decline, 

beg  not  to  do. 
ticrbtctbcn,  bcrbttcb,  t)crbUeben,  intr. 

\.,  remain,  continue. 
bcrbtiifft,  part.  adj.   abashed;    taken 

aback,  dazed,     [toevbliiffcn.] 
tocrbreitcn,   tr.   spread    abroad;     refl. 

bcrbrcnncn,  t>crbranntc,  t>erbrauut,  tr. 

burn  (up),  consume. 
tJCrbricfctt,  tr.  secure,  charter. 

tocrbrtngcn,  berbrac^te,   Derbrad^t,  tr. 
spend,  pass. 

bcrbummcin,  tr.  waste,  squander, 
{money  or  time). 

SBcrbod^t,  ni.  -§,  suspicion;  in  —  Qt= 
raten,  incur  suspicion. 

ticrbad^tig,  adj.  suspicious. 

Ucrbammcn,  tr.  condemn,  damn. 

Wcrbcrfen,  tr.  hide,  obstruct;  part.  bcr« 
becfte,  muffled. 

aSerbcrfung,/.  hiding,  concealment. 

»>crbcntcn,  berbad^te,  Derba^t,  tr. 
{dat.  of  person,  ace.  of  thi^tg),  blame 
for,  take  amiss. 

Dcrbcrbcn,  berbarb,  bciborben,  tr. 
spoil,  destroy,  ruin  ;  part.  adj.  t)er= 
bcrbt,  ruined,  perverted. 

SBcrbcrbcn,  n.  -§,  destruction,  ruin. 

bcrbirnctt,  tr.  earn,  win;  adj.  t>crbicnt, 

SBcrbicitft,  m.  -§,  -c,  pay,  wages;  «. 
merit,  reward. 

tocrbo<>|>cltt,  tr.  double. 

Dcrbrciitgcn,  tr.  drive  away,  displace. 

bcrbrc^cn,  tr.  twist,  wrest,  warp,  per- 

UerbricffU^,  adj.  vexed,  cross;  annoy- 

Ucrctjrcn,  tr.  honor,  reverence ;  present 
to  {dat). 

bcrc^rt,  part.  adj.  honored. 

DcrfoUcn,  berficl,  t)erfa(Icn,  intr.  \., 
fall  into  (in),  sink;  go  to  ruin,  de- 
cay;    incur  (r/^/.),  forfeit. 

iierfaffcn,  tr.  compose,  write,  draw  up. 

Ucrflicftctt,  bcrflo^,  t)erf(of)en,  intr.  \., 
pass  away,  expire. 

HcrfDlgctt,  tr.  pursue;  persecute. 

SBcrfii^rcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  seducer. 

ticrgattgctt,  part.  adj.  past,  gone. 

t»crgcbcn0,  adv.  in  vain,  [t)erflcbcn(c) 

ucrgcbli^,  adj.  pardonable;  vain, 
useless ;  adv,  in  vain. 



t»ergel^en,  bcrfling,  Dergangcn,  intr.  \., 
pass  away ;  disappear. 

SBcrgc()cn,  n.  -§,  — ,  transgression; 

ncrflcffcM,  Derga^,  Deraeffen,  ir.  forget. 

tocrgiften,  /;-.  poison.    [Wift,  «.] 

5Bcrglcir!^',  w.  -c«3,  -e,  comparison. 

»crglctd)cn,  t)crflU^,  DerG(id)cn,  tr. 

i^crguii'gctt,  n.  -§,  pleasure  ;  satisfac- 
tion,   [genug.] 

tiergui'tgltif),  adj.  pleasant,  agreeable. 

ticrguiigt',  part.  adj.  satisfied,  con- 
tented, pleased,  cheerful. 

SBcrgnii'gmigi'auiiflug,  m.  -§,  ^e, 

SBcrgiiii'gung^tmtr,/.  w.  pleasure-tour. 

ticrgolbct,  part.  adj.  gilt. 

bcrgonncit,  tr.  permit,  grant. 

ticrgrabcn,  tr.  bury. 

tJcrljaUcn,  intr.  f.,  die  away. 

bcrlinltctt,  tocr{)ielt,  Dert)altcn,  tr.  hold 
back ;  rejl.  stand,  be  related  ;  be. 

SBcrOriUnit^,  n,  -<ff)e§,  -(ff)e,  relation, 
proportion ;  situation,  condition. 

ticrOrtltbcln,  tr.  or  intr.  discuss,  ne- 
gotiate, treat  concerning  (iibcr) ;  sell. 

iBcrOnu&lung,/.  w.  negotiation,  trans- 
action, discussion. 

t)crt)dngcn,  tr.  hang  over ;  Jig.  decree, 

ticrI)aiignt§»JoU,  adj.  fateful,  fatal. 

tJCifiarrcu, /«/r.  f).  or\.,  remain,  per- 
sist in  (in). 

t>ci*()Cb!)cru,  tr.  entangle;  reji.  (dat.), 
be  confused. 

t>crljcl)teh,  tr.  conceal. 

t>ert)ctratcit,  zfr.  marry  (to  an  or  mi); 
reji.  marry. 

berfjinbcm,  tr.  hinder  (in,  an)  pre- 

ticrJjiJfincn,  tr.  scoff  at,  deride. 

toerfjiiUcu,  tr.  veil,  cover,  hide. 

kiert)Utctt,  tr.  prevent,  avert;  (^ott  t>cr= 
Ijiite  e§/  God  forbid. 

acrtrtett,  tr.  go  astray;  be  lost. 

'^tx'xxxi,  part.  adj.  wandering;  strayed; 

bcrfaufcn,  tr.  sell. 

JBcrfeljr,  m.  -(e)§,  trade,  communica- 
tion; intercourse. 

tocrHagcit,  tr.  accuse  (to,  bci). 

Ucrftctbcu,  tr.  disguise. 

ucrtlingcn,  Derflang,  Derftungcn,  intr, 
\.,  die  away  {oj  sounds). 

tocrfiinbtgcn,  tr.  announce. 

Iicrlattgcn,  intr.  I),  (nad)),  wish  or  long 
(for) ;  tr.  ask  (for),  demand  ;  require. 

JBcrlottgcn,  «.  -§,  desire,  longing;  de- 

toerlaffcii,  bcrlicg,  bcrlaffcn,  tr.  leave, 
desert,  fersake. 

t>er(cbcn,  tr.  sjjend,  pass. 

»)crlcgcn,  adj.  embarassed,  perplexed. 

58crIcgcnf|Ptt,/.  embarassment. 

ucrlciljcn,  tocrllcl),  bcrlicljcn,  tr.  lend, 
bestow,  confer  [an  order).  [t)er+ 

t)er(citc«,  tr.  mislead;  entice. 

tierltebt,  adj.  in  love,  enamoured. 

uerlicrcn,  bcrlor,  berlorcn,  tr.  lose; 
rejl.  lose  oneself,  subside.  [t)er-+- 
licrcn  ;  cf.  E.  forlorn.] 

ticr(obt,  part.  adj.  engaged,  betrothed. 

!«erIobtc(r),  m.  infl.  as  adj.  betrothed, 

5Bcr(olJung^fu§,  m.  -(ff)c§,  ^(ff)c,  be- 
trothal kiss. 

tocrIorctt,/arA  adj.  lost,  past ;  —  gc^cn, 
be  or  get  lost. 

Scrlttft,  m.  -e§,  H,  loss. 

toermJiMcn,  tr.  bestow  in  marriage; 
rejl.  marry,  wed.  \M.H.G.  mahel, 
assembly,  legal  proceeding.] 

ticrmcljrcit,  tr.  also  rejl.  increase,  en- 

bcr  miff  en,  tr.  miss,  lose;  regret. 

tocrmbgcn,  t>crmo(f)te,  t>ermo^t,  tr.  have 
the  power ;  be  able. 



aScrmSgcit,  n.  -§,  — ,  ability,  property. 
SBcrmiJgCttgumftdnbC,  //.  financial  cir- 
cumstances, means. 
t)Cntfld)^trtfftgcit,  tr.  neglect,  slight. 
ticntei)mcn,  t)ernal)ni,  bernommen,  tr. 

hear ;  perceive. 
»crncl)mUc^,  «^'.  perceptible,  audible. 
ticrncigcn,  rejl.  bow,  courtesy. 
J)crnid)tcn,  tr.  annihilate. 
tJcruunftig,  adj.  sensible,  reasonable. 
ticrVflic^tCtt,  tr.  bind,  oblige. 
ticrrrtten,  t»crriet,  Derraten,  tr.  betray ; 

SBerrdtcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  traitor,  betrayer. 
l»crrid)tcn,  tr.  perform,  accomplish. 
iierrinncn,  berraun,  berronnen,  intr. 

f.,  run  or  pass  away,  elapse, 
\>txxi\\\ti, part.  adj.  rusty,    [ocrroftcn.] 
SBctig,  m.  -(j)e§,  -(j)e,  verse,   line   (of 

poetry) ;  stanza  (rare).     [Z,.  versus.] 
tierfogt,  part.  adj.  forbidden,  denied. 
tierfammcltt,  tr.  and  rejl.  assemble. 
aScrffltttmlmtfl,/.  7v.  assembly. 
tJCrfftumcn,  tr.  let  slip,  miss  (the  train); 

neglect ;  fail.  [provide. 

licrftl^affctt,  /r.  procure,  obtain ;  furnish, 
t»crfd)dntt,  j>art.  adj.  bashful,  modest, 

S8crftl)On5Ung,     /.     w.     intrenchment, 

earth  works. 
i)Crf(J)CUdjCIt,  tr.  scare  or  frighten  away, 
tocrftt)ie6cn,    toerjc^ob,    toerfclioben,    tr. 

push  aside,  displace. 
l>crf(f)icbcit,  adj.  separate,  different. 
»crftl)acf?cit,  bertd)(o^,  toerfcfiloffcn,  tr. 

close,  lock  up ;  obstruct. 
Dcrfrfjlingcn,  uerj(t)lauo,  Devid)tunfleii, 

tr.  entwine,  entangle.     [lcf)(ingcn.] 
tjcrfrfjlingctt,  toerf^Ianfl,  t)ei-fd)lungen, 

tr.  devour.     [M.H.G.  jlinbcn,   -nb 

changed  to  ng.] 
Ucrftfjlta^^cn,   rejl.  blurt  out;   commit 

ticrfd)ttittCtt,   part.    adj.    (cut)     short. 


Uerfc^retbcn,  t)ericf)ricb,  toerjc^riebcn,  tr. 

order  (in  writing),  invite;  rejl.  hind. 

oneself ;  write  incorrectly. 
ucrfd)tt)ctgcn,  iier|ct)tr)icg,  toeiidjtDiegen, 

tr.  say  nothing  of,  keep  secret ;  with 

dat.  conceal  from. 
t»crfd)Jr)iubcn,  Derfc^umni),   t)erfc^iimn= 

ben,  intr.  \.,  disappear. 
tierfc^ctt,  berial),  Oerfel^en,  tr.  supply, 

provide  ;  rejl.  err  in  ;  expect,  {gen). 
ticrfc^cn,  tr.  transpose;  intr.  I).,  reply, 

rejoin,  retort, 
tjcrftntcn,  berfan!,  ticrfunfcn,  intr.  \., 

sink,  disappear ;  berfunfen  in  .  ,  .  , 

sunk  or  lost  in, 
tJCrf^riten,  tr.  make  late,  delay;    rejl. 

be  late  {pj  a  train),  lose  time. 
ucrf^cifcn,  tr.  eat  {up). 
tjcrfpcrrcn,  tr.  bar;  close  up. 
ticrf^rcc^cn,  Dcrfpro^,  toerfprodien,  tr. 

SBcrftanb,     m.     -e§,      understanding; 

mind ;  wits. 
tocrftflUbig,  adj.  intelligent,  sensible. 
Ucrftcrfcit,     tr.    conceal,    hide     (from, 

SBcrftcrfcn,   «.  -§,    hiding,    hide     and 

»crftcl)cn,  Derflanb,  ticrftanben,  tr.  un- 
derstand, comprehend ;   rejl.  be  un- 
derstood, be  a  matter  of  course. 
»crftct)Icn,    »crftal)(,    »erfto{)Ien,    tr. 

steal ;  rejl.  steal  away. 
Ucrftorf t,  part.  adj.  hardened,  callous. 
Ucrftorficn,  part.  adj.  deceased,  late, 

Hcrftiirt,  part.  adj.  ruffled ;  faded, 
tjcrftrctt^cn,  berftrid),  berftrid^en,  intr. 

\.,  pass  away,  pass  by, 
ticrftrcuctt,  tr.  scatter. 
tjcrftrtrfcit,  tr.  ensnare,  entangle. 
ocrftummcn,  intr.  \.,  become  speechless 

or  silent ;    be     struck    dumb ;     die 

aScrfurfj,  m.  ~e§,  -c,  attempt,  trial. 



berfurl^ett,  tr.  try. 

tJcrtcibigcn,  tr.  defend,  \Xt\^\\\<^fro»i 
Saflebing,  judicial  proceeding.] 

tierticfen,  tr.  sink;  refl.  bury  oneself, 
pore  (over),  become  absorbed  (in). 

tiertrailCIt,  intr.  \).  {dat.),  trust;  rely 
on  (auf). 

UcrtrauH(^,  aJJ.  familiar,  confidential. 

ttcrtraut,  adj.  familiar,  intimate,  con- 

ktcrtrotfncn,  intr.  ).,  dry  up. 

tierU6cn,  tr.  commit,  perpetrate  {0/ 
evil  acts). 

Denmglitcfcn,  intr.  \.,  meet  with  an 

Dcruitrciuigctt,  tr.  soil,  pollute. 

ticrmtftalti'it,  //-.  disfigure. 

ticrurfarijcn,  tr.  cause,  occasion. 

tJCrurtcilcn,  tr.  condemn,  sentence. 

Ucnualtcn,  tr.  manage. 

SBcnunhcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  administrator, 
steward.  [formed. 

tocrWrtltbcIn,  tr.  change;  rejl.  be  trans- 

SJcrtuanblttltd,  /.  w.  change,  transfor- 
mation, [relation. 

'iBtVWM\ttt{v),m.inJl.asadj.  kinsman, 

aScriuanbtfrtinft,/.  iv.  relationship. 

93cr)t)C(l)^luit{l,  /.  w.  exchange,  confu- 

ticrtpcf)rcn,  //•.  prevent,  forbid, 

Ucrluclft,  part.  adj.  withered,  dry. 
[serine  I  fen.] 

ticrtucrftid),  adj.  objectionable,  repre- 

tJCrttJUnbcrn,  tr.  astonish,  amaze. 

t»crmmtbcrt,/^?r/.  adj.  surprised,  won- 

aScrttJunbcrmtfl,/.  astonishment, 

58cr»uunbu«g,/.  w.  wounding,  wound. 

tier5a8Ctt,  intr.  I).,  despair,  give  up 
hope ;  fart,  despondent,  dismayed. 

ticrjaubcnt,  tr.  enchant,  bewitch. 

JBcrjaubcrung,/.  enchantment. 

bcr5Cf)rcn,7A'.  consume,  devour. 

Mtxytxii^wti,  part.  a^'.  recorded.     [t)er= 

ttcrjci^ctt,  berjiel^,  {lerstel^fn,  tr.  for- 
give, pardon  {with  dat.  of  per s.). 

3Scr5ci^mtg,/.  pardon,  forgiveness. 

tier5i^tcn,  intr.  1^.,  renounce,  resign 
{with  (x\x'\  and  ace.) 

9Scr5Cil)itng,/.  pardon,  forgiveness. 

ticrjicljcn,  tr.  distort,  c\\?Lr\ge{afeature)\ 
reJl.  change  (into,  ju). 

UcrjicrcM,  tr.  adorn,  decorate,  [^ier, 

tier^tocifctn,  intr.  I).,  despair. 

aScrjtticiflung,/.  despair. 

ticrjIUCiflungiiOoU,  adj.  despairing. 

SBcttcr,  m.  -^},  pi.  w.  cousin.  [5Batcr, 
orig.  father's  brother.] 

5Bc5icr',  w.  -§,  -e,  vizier.     [Arad.] 

SBicf),  n.  -S,  beast,  brute,  animal ;  coll. 

Wtt'l  (mel)r,  mcift),  adj.  used  also  subs. 
much,  many;  adv.  much,  a  great 
deal ;  t)iet  is  usually  uninjl.  in  the 
nom.  and  ace.  sing.,  also  in  the 
pred.;  when  injl.  its  adj.  force  is 
accentuated ;  the  uninfl,.  neut.  sing, 
means  "  much^''  the  tnfl.  "  many 
kinds."  The  dependent  noun  was 
formerly  in  the  gen. 

toicUctdjt  ,  adv.  perhaps.  [nificant 

Uicl'fogcnb,/ar/.  adj.  expressive,  Sig- 
uier, num.  four. 

btcrt  -er,  -t,  -e§,  num.  fourth. 

SBicrtcI,  «.-§,  — ,  fourth  (part), quarter. 

SicrtcIdjCtt,  n.  -§,  — ,  a  small  quarter. 

Siertcljoljr,  n.  -'5,  -c,  quarter  of  a 
year,  season. 

SBicrtclftiitlbjI^cn,  n.  -3,  {a  scant) 
quarter  of  an  hour. 

ffiicrtclftUtlbC,/,  w.  quarter  of  an  hour. 

Uicrjcfjnt  -er,  -c,  -e§,  num.  fourteenth. 

Dterjtg,  tium.  forty. 

bi^§,  ititerj.  in  a  trice. 

aSift'tc^/.w.  visit.     \_P.'\ 

Sogcl,  m.  -§,  ",  bird.     [9C  ftiegen.] 

SBogcIbauer,  m.  or  n.  -§,  — ,  bird-cage. 
[23aucr/r.  baucn,  dwell.] 

S}0gelbcere,  /.  w.  mountain-ash  berry. 



»ag(e)Ietn,  «.  -g,  — ,  little  bird. 

SBogclfd^cu^c,/.  w.  scare-crow. 

58ogt,  w.  -e»,  "e,  governor,  deputy. 
\M.L.  vocatus,  advocate,  deputy.] 

'^xsW,  n.  -c§,  "er,  people,  nation. 

SBoK^licb,  n.  -§,  -er,  folk-song,  pop- 
ular song. 

SBolt^mcngc,/.  multitude,  crowd. 

SSoK^fagc,  /.  w.  popular  tradition, 

SBotf^ftamm,  m.  -(c)§,  ^c,  tribe,  race. 

l^oM,  adj.  full.  \)oH  /J  used  attributive- 
ly or  predicatively.  The  nom.  and 
ace,  sing,  and  pi.  are  tised  tn  appos. 
and  in  the  pred.  uninflected ;  the 
old  masc.form  boUcr  occurs  uninfl. 
in  appos.  and  in  the  pred.  The 
noun  following  tool!  stood  tn  the 
gen.  and  is  now  often  unchanged  or 
preceded  by  t)on. 

I>ott6r0(!^t^  part.  adj.  finished.  [tooII= 
brin'gen,  accomplish.] 

tioUenbett,  tr.  fulfil,  complete ;  perfect. 

tiottentiS,  adv.  wholly,  quite,  fully. 
\dat.  form  =  in  tiotten,  xvith  inor- 
ganic b  a7id  §.  ] 

tiiitttg,  adj.  full,  complete,  entire,  total. 

ttoUtommtn,  adj.  perfect,  absolute. 
\_fr.  obs.  V.  boUfommen.] 

boM^ftrittbig,    adj.    complete,      [boiler 

bom  =  bon  bent.  ©tanb.] 

bun,  prep,  with  dat.  of,  from ;  by ; 
about ;  also  in  a  partitive  sense.  It 
is  used  in  place  of  the  gen.  with 
fern,  nouns.,  where  the  case  would 
not  be  destinctly  marked.,  and  rvith 
names  of  places  ending  in  -§  or  -3  ; 
with  titles  it  is  a  sign  of  nobility. 

bonndten,  adv.  {used  as  pred.  adj.) 
necessary,  needful  {with  gen.  or  ace). 

bor,  prep,  with  dat.  denoting  time  or 
position ;  ace.  direction ;  before, 
above  ;  from,  at  {with  verbs  of  fear) ; 
for,  account  of ;  ago,  used  as  a  sep. 

boran',  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  before,  in 

advance,  in  front. 
borangcfjcn,  ging  — ,  -gegangen,  intr. 

[.,  go  before,  take  the  lead. 
borrturettctt,  ritt  — ,  -gcrittcn,  intr.  \., 

ride  in  the  front. 
borantangcn,  sep.  tntr.  I).,  dance  on 

borau:^'',   adv.   loc.   before,  on,  in  ad- 
vance ;  temp,  beforehand,  previously ; 

im  — ,  in   advance;     used  as  sep. 

»orau§gcfc^t    (ba^),  part,    assuming, 

provided  that. 
borau^fiaictt,   t)attc   — ,  -gc^abt,  tr. 

have  an  advantage  (over),  have  the 

better  (of). 
aSorficbcutung,/.  w.  omen, 
borlbet,  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  by,  past ; 

over ;  with  verbs  of  motion  the  dat., 

formerly,  the  ace,  is  used. 
borbci''fcgen,  sep.  intr.  f),  or  ).,  sweep 

borftci'fiifjrctt,  sep.  tr.  lead  past,  pass 

borbcifommctt,    fam    — ,   -gefommcn, 

tr.  come  past. 
borbcrrcitcn,  ritt  — ,  -geritten,  tr.  or 

intr.  \).  or].,  ride  past  or  by. 
bor6circnncn,  ranntc  — ,  -gcrannt,  tr. 

run  past. 
borBctroUcn,  intr.  ].,  roll  by  or  past. 
borbercitcn,  sep.  refl.   make  prepara- 
tions, get  ready. 
SSorficrcitung,  /.  w.    preparation,   ar- 
borbcfrfjrteficn,  part.  adj.  previously 

borbringen,  bra^tc  — ,  -gcbrad)t,  tr. 

bring  forward,  produce. 
SBorbcrfu^,  m.  -e§-,  ^'C,  forefoot. 
borbcrljanb',  adv.  for  the  present. 
borcntJjaltctt,  cntl)ielt  — ,  -entt)altcn, 

tr.  withhold  (from  dat^ 
borfu(;ren,  tr.  lead  forward,  produce. 



tiorge^ctt,  ging  — ,  -flcgangen,  infr.  ]., 
go  before,  advance ;  precede  ;  trans- 
pire, take  place. 

toorgcftcrn,  adv.  day  before  yesterday. 

UorOrtbctt,  l)ottc  — ,  -Ge{)abt,  tr.  have 
in  view,  purpose,  intend. 

2<orf)(ltt(j,  m.  -y,  ^C,  curtain. 

Dorfjcr''  {or  t)or'f)Cr,  in  contrast  tvith 
tia(^f)er),  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  be- 
fore, previously. 

uorljcr^gcljcn,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr. 
\.  (dat.),  precede. 

tiurl)o(cn,  Sep.  tr.  fetch  or  bring  for- 

toortg,  adj.  former,  preceding,  last. 

tiorfommcn,  fam  — ,  -gefommcn,  intr. 
].,  occur,  happen  ;  seem,  appear. 

HorJcgcn,  sep.  tr.  lay  before,  carve  {at 
table) ;  submit  {questions,  etc.). 

SBovlcgcr,  ;«.  -§,  — ,  carver  {at  table)  ; 
rug;  bar. 

tjortcfcu,  Ia§  — ,  -gclcfcn,  tr.  read 
aloud  or  in  the  presence  of  another. 

tmrmrtt^cn,  sep.  tr.  do  before  another, 
show  one  how  to  do  ;  impose  upon. 

Sormittflg,  m.  -§,  -c,  forenoon. 

t)ornc(jm,  adj.  eminent,  distinguished, 
aristocratic,  fine. 

toorttcJjmctt,  naf)m  — ,  -genommeu,  tr. 
take  up,  proceed  with  ;  fid)  —  {dat.), 
propose ;  reprove. 

SBorrntt'forb,  m.-eS,  -"e,  baskets  of  pro- 

toorric^tcit,  sep.  tr.  prepare. 

aSorfangcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  leader  of  a  choir, 

58orft^ciit,  w. -§,  appearance;  jum  — 
!ommen,  appear. 

SBorft^Iog,  w. -§,  -"c,  proposition,  offer. 

tjorft^lagen,  jc!)(iig  — ,  -gefc^Iagen,  tr. 

t)Orft(f)ttg,  adj.  prudent,  carefuL 

Uorf^icgcltt,  tr.  feign,  pretend. 

»>orf|)rcngctt,  sep.  i?ttr.  ].,  gallop  on 

tjorf^rtugcn,  fprang  — ,  -gefprungen, 
intr.  {).,  outspring,  project. 

borfteUeit,  sep.  tr.  place  before;  pre- 
sent, introduce  ;  represent  {a  play)  ; 
refi.  {dat.),  imagine,  fancy ;  conceive. 

SorfteUuitg,/.  ru.  representation. 

9?ortci(,  m.  —3,  -e,  advantage. 

t)Ortet(f)aft,  adj.  advantageous. 

8?ortrag,  w. -(c)§,  ^e,  discourse,  lecture, 
lesson ;  delivery. 

iiortragcn,  trug  — ,  -gctragen,  tr.  pre- 
sent, explain,  relate. 

toortrcff'Ht^,  a-^^'. excellent,  capital,  fine. 
[obs.  fiirtrcffen,  surpass.] 

uortrctcn,  trot  — ,  -gctrcten,  intr.  f., 
step  forth,  appear. 

iJOru'bcr,  adv.  and  sep. prefix,  by,  past, 
over,  gone. 

aorit'tcrfoJircn,  fut)r  — ,  -%t\a\)xev., 
intr.  f.,  drive  past,  pass  by. 

tioritbergcgangen,  part.  adj.  bygone, 

tooriibcrgctien,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcn,  intr. 
\.,  pass  by. 

tJortt&crWcften,  fd)oB  •— ,  -gcfd^ojfcn, 
i7itr.  \.,  shoot  by,  fly  past. 

ttoriificrjicljctt,  jog  — ,  -gcjogcn,  intr. 
\.,  pass  by. 

tior'nirirt^,  adv.  forward,  on;  ahead. 
[obs.  adj.  wert,  "  turned."] 

tjor'hjcrfcn,  roarf  — ,  -^craorfcn,  tr. 
throw  before ;  cast  in  one's  teeth ; 
twit  with, 

ttor'h»ttrf^t»oU,  adj.  reproachful. 

SBor^immcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  anteroom,  vesti- 
bule, [merit. 

SBorjug,     m.    -(c)§,     H,     preference; 

Uor^ug'tii^,  also  Dor'aiiglid),  adj.  excel- 
lent ;  adv.  chiefly. 




XoatCi,  adj.  awake;  alert. 
ttiai^cn,  intr.  {).,  be  awake;  watch. 
2Bat^l)ol'l)crt>ufcl^,  m.  -co,  ^e,  juniper- 
aSat^^,  «.  -e§,  wax.  [bush. 

toad^fen,    iuud)§,   gemad)  jen,    intr.    \., 

grow,  increase,  come  up.  [cf.  E.  wax.] 
'maii)\tt\x,  adj.  (of)  wax,  waxen. 
aSac^gfuft,  w.  -eg,  -^e,  wax-foot. 
aSctl^^Ijanb,/.  ^e,  wax-hand. 
aiBrttl):§(td)t,  «.  -e§,  -er,  wax-candle. 
SBad^t,  /,  w.  watch,  guard. 
gSiirflter,  m. -§,  watch,  guard.   [SSad^t.] 
SSaffc,  /.  w.  weapon ;  //.  arms. 
Uiaffncn,  tr.  arm. 
toagcn,  tr.  dare,  risk,  venture. 
SBagett,   ;«.  --§,  — ,   wagon,   carriage, 

car;  coach. 

lK3a(}enVfcrb,  «. 

-C,  carriage  horse. 

2BagCttfd)micrcr,  w.  -§,  — ,  attendant 

who  oils  the  wheels  of  the  car. 
aSaljl,  /.  w.  choice. 
toal)lctt,  tr.  choose,  elect. 
2BaI|l^l(i<?,  m.  -e§,   "e,  field  of  battle. 

[2Sat,  battlefield.] 
aSaf)n,   ;«.  -e§,    -"c,   delusion,    fancy, 

illusion.     [^E.  wean.] 
toofjn'ftnitig,  adj.  insane. 
\va\)V,  adj.  true  ;  real,  genuine. 
hJtt^rcn,  ijitr.  last,  continue. 
toa()rcnb,  pre/>.  with  gen.  {rarely  dat.) 

during;   conj.  while;   —  bcffcil,   in 

the  meantime. 
toa^rljaft,  adj.  true. 
h»al)rl)af'ttg,  adj.  real,  true ;  adv.  really, 

933al)rt)cit,/.  truth. 
toaljrtit^,  adv.  surely,  certainly. 
ttjftljritcfimcn,  nat)m  — ,  -flenommen, 

tr.  notice,  observe,  perceive,     [roa^r, 

E.  ware.] 
toa^rfiJicin'lid^,  adj.  probable,  likely. 
^a\^,  m.  -c§,  Hx,  wood,  forest. 

aBrtlbfilumc,/.  7v.  forest-flower. 

>iialbeinJt)art§,  adv.  into  the  woods. 

twalbcftwart^,  adv.  toward  the  woods. 

aSalbC^gvunb,  m.  -e^,  ^e,  depth  of  the 
forest.  [forest. 

aBotbc^IiJiiigin,  /.  2v.   queen  of    the 

aaSotbfrttU,/.  w.  woman  of  the  forest. 

aSalbgcticr,  n.  -§,  coll.  forest  animals. 

aSofbittOoS,  n.  -e§,  -e,  forest  moss. 

aSntbfdjcntc,/.  w.  forest-tavern. 

aSatbftabt,/.  ^e,  forest-town;  bic  aSici: 
SBalbftabtc,  the  Four  Forest  Cantons. 
[M.H.G.  si?i\.  pi.  stete.] 

aSalbUugcl,  m.  -S,  ^,  wood-bird. 

2iBatbt)i)glein,  «.  -I,  wood-bird. 

aiBttlbttcg,  »«.  -e§,  -e,  forest  path,  road 
through  the  forest. 

aiBaU, ;«.  -(e)§,  H,  wall,  bank,  rampart. 

tvaUen,  intr.  {).,  wave,  flow,  be  agitated. 

aSttUenftcin  or  aBalbftcin  (i  583-1 634), 
m.  -y,  3Ubrcti^t,  Count  of.  Prince 
(1623),  Duke  of  Friedland  (1624), 
commander  of  the  Imperial  forces  in 
the  Thirty  Years'  War.  Assassi- 
nated at  Eger,  Feb.  25,  1634. 

hJttttcttftcittift^,  adj.  belonging  to  Wal- 

aBatlf fl()rcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  pilgrim,  palmer. 

aiBottf aljrt,  /.  w.  pilgrimage. 

\t>aiitn,  intr.  I}.,  rule,  dispose ;  ba§  {.or 
be§)  toalte  @0tt,  God  grant  it. 

aBaltcr^^aufcn,  n.  -5,  town  in  Thu- 
ringia,  in  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. 

aSaub,/.  -e,  wall  {of  a  room). 

aBonbcI,  m.  -§,  walk  ;  progress. 

tuaubctn,  intr.  §.,  walk. 

aiBattb(c)rcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  wanderer, 
traveler.  [walk. 

JUrtilbcru,    intr.    \.    and   1^.,    wander, 

aSdubcrgmann,  m.  -(e)§, -^er,  cir-leut". 

aSanbcrung,/  w.  wandermg  ;  tour. 



SBatige,/,  u>.  cheek. 
2&anfe(mut,  m.  -(c)»,   fickleness,  wa- 
vering, vacillation. 
tottiifcn,  intr.  \).  or  \.,  waver, 
loattlt,  interrog.   adv.   used  in   direct 
and  indirect  questions,  when  ;  bann 
uub  — ,  now  and  then ;  —  unb  \QQ, 
when  and  where. 

aSap^cnft^ilb,  w.  -(e)§,  -er,  coat  of 

SSorc,/.  w.  goods,  merchandiee. 

Uiartn  (marnter,  iDdrmft),  adj.  warm. 

SBoritic,/.  warmth. 

a33ornung^6ilb,  n.  -c§,  -cr,  sign  of 
admonition,  warning. 

SSartburg,  n.  -§,  castle  near  Eisenach, 
founded  1067,  scene  of  the  minstrel 
contest  (1206),  and  of  Luther's  im- 
prisonment, May  4,  1 521,  to  Mar.  6, 

toartctt,  intr.  \).,  wait ;  stay  ;  —  auf, 
wait  for,  watch  for  ;  with  gen.,  ad- 
minister {an  office) ;  tr.  tend,  nurse. 

toarunt^,  interrog.  adv.  why,  wherefore. 

toad,  n.  interrog.  and  rel.  pron.  cor- 
responding to  masc.  luer,  what ;  ace. 
in  exclamations  =  ttiarum,  why ; 
adv.  as  much,  as  greatly ;  \va^  fiir, 
indecl.  what  sort  of ;  rel.  which,  that 
which ;  such  as,  referring  to  an  in- 
def.  antecedent  as  allc§,  ettBttS,  or 
to  a  sentence.  \The  genitive  is  pre- 
served in  tDC§,  n)C§I)aIb;  the  adj. 
following,  once  in  the  part,  gen.,  is 
now  used  subs,  in  the  nom.  or  ace] 

SBafrfie,/.  w.  wash  ;  linen  (clothes). 

tortfti^cii,  miiii),  gcmaf^cn,  tr.  wash. 

aBttffcr,  n.  -§,  — ,  water. 

aajafferUItc,/.  w.  water-lily. 

aSaffctrofc,/.  w.  (white)  water-lily. 

aSoffcrfticfcI,  high  ^r  waterproof 

tothtn,  tBcbte,  geiocbt,  or  unus.  luob, 
QCtOobeu,  tr.  weave,  entwine ;  intr, 
move,  stir. 

2Bc6cr,  m.  -§,  — ,  weaver. 

toed)feltt,  tr.  change,  exchange  ;    refL 

SBcrfc,  /.  w.  roll,  biscuit. 
tocrfcn,  tr.  awaken,  wake,  rouse  {fact. 

toebcllt,  intr.  \).,  wag,  flap. 
tocbcr,  conj.  neither  ;    iBcbcr  .  .  .  no^, 
neither  .  .  .  nor.     [prig.  pron.  which 
of  two,  whether.]     [journey  ;  means. 

SBcg,   m.  -eg,   -e,   way,  road,  route ; 

tocg,  adv.  andsep.  accent. prefix,  away, 
forth,  off,  gone  ;  [with  short  vowel). 

tocg'titcificn,  blieb  — ,  -geblieben,  intr. 
\.,  remain  away. 

toegen,  prep,  with  gen.  {occasionally 
dat.),  because  of,  on  account  of  ;  for, 
for  the  sake  of ;  with  regard  to,  re- 
specting ;  t>on  — ,  on  account  of,  be- 
cause of.     [orig.  dat.  pi.  with  bon.] 

tocg'gc^cit,  c^ing — ,  -gegangeu,  intr.  \., 
go  away,  leave.  [parture. 

23Jcg'gct)CU,  n.  -§,  — ,  going  away,  de- 

tocg'Icgctt,  sep.  tr.  lay  aside.       [away. 

tocg'rcif?cii,  vij^  — ,  -gerijfcn,  tr.  snatch 

tocg'ft^icbcn,  jdjob  — ,  -gejc^oben,  tr. 
push  away  or  aside,  remove. 

toeg'fcJjen,  fa^  — ,  -gefefien,  intr.  f)., 
avert  one's  eyes,  look  away.     [post. 

aScgtocifcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  guide;  guide- 

tocg'tocrfcn,  tttarf  — ,  -geioorfen,  tr. 
throw  away,  reject. 

toeJj(c),  inter j.  alas  ! 

toci),  adj.  painful,  sad  ;  adv.  with  imp. 
verb,  —  tt)un,  pain,  grieve. 

2Be^,  n.  -e§,  -en,  woe,  pain ;  misery. 

toe^ett,  intr.  or  tr.  blow,  waft. 

SBe^cn,  n.  -§,  breathing,  blowing. 

2Bc^(c)ruf,  m.  -c§,  cry  of  grief. 

fBcfjittUt,  /.  sadness. 

toe^mitttg,  adj.  melancholy. 

2BcI)r,  n.  -(e)§,  -e,  wier,  dam. 

233cfjr(e),  /.  w.  defense,  bulwark,  wea- 
pon ;  SSel^r  unb  SSaffen,  allit.  exp. 
shield  and  sword. 



tve^ren,  tr.  protect,  defend  ;  refl.  de- 
fend oneself;  intr.  I),  {dat.),  pre- 

2Bct5,  n.  -c§,  -er,  woman,  wife. 

hieiblid^,  adj .  feminine,  womanly. 

aSetlJ^^crfott^ /.  w.  woman,  female. 

\r»txii),  adj.  soft.     \E.  weak.] 

UJci^cn,  roid),  oeinid)cn,  intr.  ].,  yield; 
retire ;  gum  2Bcid)CU  bringen,  cause 
to  give  way. 

SBcibc,/.  w.  willow.     {E.  withe.] 

ttJCibgcrcr^t,  adj.  sportsmanlike;  trained 
or  skilled  in  hunting. 

9BcibocfelI(c),  m.  w.  huntsman.  [2Bcibc, 
pasture,  hunt.] 

2Seibmann,  m.  -§,  Hxor  -leute,  sports- 
man, huntsman,  hunter. 

aScibtticrl,  n.  -§,  chase,  hunt. 

2Sctf|(e),/.  w.  kite. 

2Bctf|ttOr^tCtt,  sing.  f.  m.  «.,  also  fl. 
Christmas  ;  ju  — ,  as  a  Christmas 
present,  {prig.  dat.  pi.  ze  den  wihen 

28eif)nat^t§o6ettb,  m.  -§,  -c,  Christ- 
mas eve. 

2Bcifjnat^t^brtitm,  m.  -§,  ^e,  Christ- 
mas tree. 

aScifjltat^t^fcft,  n.  -§,  -c,  Christmas 

9Bci^nrtC^t^tutf|ett,  m.  -§,  — ,  Christ- 
mas cake. 

aBci()«ad)telicb,  n.  -§,  -cr,  Christmas 

SBciljnrtJ^tf'ftubc,  /.  w.  room  with 
Christmas  decorations. 

tocil,  rtfw/'.  so  long  as,  while ;  because, 
since.  \_fr.  ace.  bie  SBcile,  the 

aScUl^CJt,  «.  -§,  a  little  while,  a  mo- 

233cilc,/.  w.  while,  space  of  time. 

aSctmnr,  n.  -§,  city  on  the  11m,  capital 
of  Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach,  famous 
as  the  residence  of  Goethe,  Schiller, 
Herder  and  Wieland. 

2Scitt,  m.  -§,  -e,  wine.     [Z,.  vinum.] 

SBcinbcrg,  m.  -§,  -e,  vineyard. 

aScin^gticrg,  n.  -§,  a  city  on  the  Neckar 
in  Wurtemberg,  called  also  Wins- 
perg  (p.  ^^^ 

toeincn,  intr.  {).,  weep,  cry. 

aSctngartcjt,  m.  -§,  ^,  vineyard. 

2BcinfjJigcI,  vi.  -§,  — ,  vineyard. 

SBcifc,/.  iv.  manner,  way.  {cf.  E.  guise 
and  wise  in  likewise.] 

Uicifc,  adj.  wise,  prudent;  —  ?fvail, 
fortune  teller.  [cate,  direct. 

tuctfcH,  luteS,  gclutejen,  tr.  show,  indi- 

SBetS^ett,  /.  wisdom,  knowledge,  wit. 

hJCt^,  adj.  white. 

tvetSfagen,  2fr.  or  f«^r.  foretell,  prophesy. 

tocit,  adj.  and  a^iz/.  broad,  spacious; 
distant,  far ;  t»on  -Cm,  from  a  distance. 

loeitctr,  adj.  and  adv.  in  comp.  farther, 
further  ;  forward,  ahead ;  more  ;  iised 
as  sep.  prefix. 

Jocitcrtommcn,  fam  — ,  -gctommen, 
intr.  \.,  advance, 

tucitlau'fig,  ff^',  large,  spacious;  dis- 
tant ;  extended,  prolix. 

ttJCti^  -er,  -e,  -e§,  interrog.  adj.  which, 
what ;  rel.  pron.  who,  which,  what ; 
ifide/.pron.somQ,  any.  [der.vfh&r 
(rccr)  and  lik,  body,  kind.] 

aiBclt(c),  w.  w.  Welf  or  Guelph,  a 
princely  family  of  Germany  and 
Italy,  Dukes  of  Bavaria  (1026), 
Brunswick  (1235),  Saxony  (1137), 
and  later  of  Hanover;  from  1140 
known  as  the  political  supporters  of 
the  pope  against  the  Emperors. 

2ScUc,/.  w.  wave,  billow;  bundle  of 
brushwood  or  fagots. 

aScttcntrrigcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  fagot-carrier. 

\0tX\6),  adj.  Romance,  espec.  Italian ; 
foreign  ;  stranger.  [iOa'^Ic  =  .^clt, 
then  the  Romanized  Kelts  and  Ro- 
mance nations.] 

aScU,/.  w.  world,  [wer  =  !)!Kann,  and 
alt  =  ^Iter,  age,  generation.] 



tucltfuitbio,  adj.  knowing  the  world, 

Jucltlic^,  adj.  worldly,  secular,  lay; 
itsed  subs,  layman. 

aSJclttcit,  m.  -ۤ,  -e,  quarter  of  the 
globe;  continent. 

28cttbcItrc^|)C,/.  7v.  winding  staircase. 

hjcntjcn,  wanbtc,  getoaiibt,  ir.  turn, 
direct ;  devote ;  refi.  turn,  apply 
oneself  to  (auf). 

tocnifl  (roeutger,  menigft),  adj.  usually 
uninjl.  in  sing.^  infl.  in  pi.  little ; 
pl.  few ;  also  inji,  and  used  subs, 
adv.  little ;  conj.  in  tjiel  lucuiger, 
not  at  all;  nid)t  iDcniijer,  just  as 
much,  the  same ;  nid^tS  lucuiger, 
by  no  means ;  eiti  tuenifl,  ciii  fleiii 
tDcnifl,  very  little,  [roeuifl  fr.  m\-. 
ncn,  was  formerly  followed  by  the 
part,  gen?^ 

aSJcuiglcit,/.  littleness;  mcine — ,  in- 
significant self. 

tocntflftcni-*,  adv.  at  least;  at  any 

ttienn,  conJ.  when,  whenever;  if;  — 
auc^,  —  fllei^,  —  fd)on,  even  if;  — 
nur,  if  only. 

tocr,  gen.  weffen,  dat.  njctn,  ace.  men, 

inter  rog.  and  re  I.  indef.  pron.  who, 

tocrbcn,  inarb,  aeiuorbcu.  tr.  enlist,  re- 
cruit ;  intr.  (um),  woo,  sue  for. 

aScffiung,/.  w.  enlistment;  wooing. 

hjcviicu,  luarb  or  luurbe,  geuiorbcu, 
intr.  f .,  become,  get,  grow ;  come 
into  existence  ;  aux.fut.  shall,  will ; 
atix.  pass,  with  perf.  part,  of  active 
verbs  ;  —  ju,  become. 

ipcrfcit,  luarf,  fiemorfen,  tr. throw,  cast; 
overthrow,  defeat.     \cf.  E.  warp.] 

SScrf,  n.  -c§,  -C,  work,  action,  deed. 

SBcrra,/.  a  river  separating  the  Thu- 
ringian  Forest  from  the  Rhon  moun- 
tains; unites  with  the  Fulda  at 
MUnden  to  form  the  Weser. 

SBerraba^tt,  /.  w.  railway  along  the 

tocrt,    adj.    of    value,   worth    {ace) ; 

worthy    or    deserving     of     {gen.); 

21Bcrt,  m.  -c§,  -e,  worth,  value. 
\Qt^,  for  tt)cffcn;  see  tucr. 
2Bcfcn,    n.  -§,   — ,    being,  creature ; 

nature,  essence ;  character  ;  bearing, 

way,  air. 
U)C^()a(ti,   interog.   adv.  wherefore,  for 

what  reason,  on  what  account ;    rel. 

adv.  on  account  of  which. 
2Bcft,  m.  -e§,  aSeftcn,  -§,  west. 
2Scftc,  /.  w.  vest.     IF.  veste,  L.  vestis.] 
233cftcntnftf)C,/.  w.  vest  pocket. 
aScttc,  /.  w.  bet   wager ;   um  bie  — , 

in  rivalry. 
tucttcn,  tr.  bet,  wager. 
2i*cttcr,  n.  -g,  — ,  weather,  storm ;  attc 

— ,  zounds  !  the  deuce  !  [cock. 

2Bcttcrf|a!)n,  nt.-t^,  ^c  or  -en,  weather 
SBitftt,  m.  -e§,  -e  or  ex,  wight,  creature. 
U)t(t)tig,   adj.   weighty,   important,   of 

consequence.     [loiCQCU.] 
totrfcfn,  tr.  wrap  up,  roll.     [20icfcl.J 
ttiibcr,  prep,   with  ace.   against,  con- 
trary to ;  «j^^  «J  insep.  unaccented 

prefix,  back,  again,  against. 
iBi'ticrOaU,  m.  -«,  echo. 
U)il)crvu'fcn,  -ricf,  -rufcn,  tr.  revoke, 

retract,  recant. 
Wi'bcrf^icnfttg,   adj.    refractory,   stub- 
born, [resist. 
rtii^bcrftantii>io§,    adj.    powerless    to 
toibmcw,  tr.  dedicate,  devote. 
W'xt,  inter  rog.  adv.  how;  rel.  adv.  as, 

like, .  such  as ;  when ;    \me  .  .  .  aud^, 

however,  howsoever,      [old.  instr.  of 

totcbcr,  adv.   and  scp.  prefix,   again 

anew,  back;    I)in   lUlb  — ,  here  and 

there,  now  and  then. 
2Sicbcrcrtt»cr6ung,  /.    w.  reconquest, 




ttJtebertjottctt,  sep.  intr.  1^.,  re-echo,  re- 
sound ;  tr.  echo. 

tuicbertjcr'ftcttcn,  sep.  reestablish,  re- 
store, repair. 

toic'bcri^otcn,  sep.  ^n bring  back,  return. 

•m\t\>tttiO'XtXt,  repeat,  rehearse ; 
refl.  repeat  oneself,  be  repeated. 

toicbcrfommctt,  fatn  — ,  -geiommen, 
intr.  \.,  come  again,  return. 

micbcrfcficn,  faf)  — ,  -geje^en,  fr.  see 
again.  [again. 

aSiebcrfe^cn,   n.  -§,   seeing,  meeting 

toicbcrfttafjtcn,  sep.  tr.  or  intr.  i)., 
shine  back,  be  reflected. 

ttiieberum,  adv.  again. 

Utiegen,  tr.  rock,  swing. 

mie^ern,  intr.  t).,  neigh,  whinny. 

SBien,  n.  -§,  Vienna,  capital  of  Aus- 
tria, on  the  Danube. 

9Bicfc,/.  w.  meadow,  pasture  land. 

SSiefenlanb,  n.  -§,  ^cr,  grass  land, 
meadow  ground. 

ttJtcfo',  interrog.  adv.  how  so  ? 

Uiienio^t,  conj.  although.  [fierce. 

UJttb,  adj.  wild,  barbarous,  dissolute; 

aSilb,  n.  -e§,  game ;  deer. 

aBittc(tt),  m.  -n§,  -n,  will,  purpose, 
design  ;  uin  .  .  .  {gen J)  'mi\itn,prep. 
for  the  sake  of. 

tvittig,  adj.  willing.  [to,  agree  to. 

Milligen,  intr.  i).,  —  in  (ace.) ,  consent 

tviUtom'men,  adj.  welcome;  —  I^ei^en, 

9Bttttom'mcn,  m.  or  n.  -§,  welcome. 
[3Bitte  and  part.  <?/tommen.] 

23Bim^cr,  /.  w.  eyelash,  [wint  +  br^ 
=  33roue.] 

aBtnb,  m.  -e§,  -e,  wind.  [ful. 

toinbig,  adj.  windy ;  visionary,  doubt- 

SBintct,  m.  -§,  — ,  corner,  nook. 

toittfcn,  intr.  \).,  make  a  sign,  nod, 

aStttS^crg,  n.  -§,  see  28etn§berg. 

aSintcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  winter;  -§,  in  th« 

SSinter^unger,  m.  -s,  hunger  of  winter. 

aBttttcrlttft,  /.  ^e,  winter  air.     [winter. 

iDintcrn,  tr.  keep  through  the  winter, 

aSintcrfonuc,/.  w.  winter  sun. 

aiBt))fcI,  ni.  -§,  — ,  tree-top,  summit. 

toir,  pers.  pron.  pi.  of  xi),  we.   \_head) 

aSirbcI,  m.  -§,  — ,  whirl ;  crown  {of  the, 

hJirtCtt,  tr.  or  intr.  work,  labor ;  pro- 
duce ;  effect ;  operate. 

aStrfctt,  n.  -§,  work,  activity,  efforts. 

hJtrltid^,  adj.  actual,  real. 

2SirlIid^fctt,  /.  w.  reality. 

aBirrnt^,  /.  -(ji)c  {also  m.  -\S\Y^, 
-[fj]e),  confusion,  perplexity. 

aSirt,  m.  -e§,  -e,  host,  landlord. 

aBirtttt,/.w.  hostess,  landlady,  mistress. 

HBtrt^^aUi^,  n.  -e§,  "er,  public-house, 
tavern.  [inns. 

aSirt^liau^gc^Ctt,  n.  -§,  patronage  of 

aaSirtfri^aft^gcbattbe,  n.  -§,  — ,  farm 
building ;  offices.  [away. 

ttiifdjcn,   tr.  wipe,  rub;  intr.  \.,   slip 

hJiffen,  JDufete,  gelDU^t,  tr.  know ;  — 
ju,  know  how  to ;  used  with  an  in 
def.  object  or  sentence.,  except  in  a 
few  f am.  locntions.,  as  9tat  iDijjen. 

aSiffcn,  71.  -5,  knowledge  ;  learning. 

aBiff Cttf ^af t,  /.  rv.  knowledge  ;  science. 

SBittei-ung,/.  w.  weather. 

aSitluc,/.  w.  widow. 

aiSith>cttfrf)tcicr,  w.-5,  — ,  widow's  veil. 

too,  interrog.  and  rel.  adv.  where,  in 
which  place  ;  when  ;  too  .  .  .  aud^, 
wherever.  [with  which. 

hiobei'',   adv.  whereby,  in  connection 

aSoci^c,/.  w.  week.    \rel.  SSec^jel.] 

aSogc,/.  w.  wave,  billow. 

aBogcn^jrott,  m.  -'3,  -e,  dashing  or  re- 
flection of  waves. 

toofjcr''  {or  when  emphasized.,  lt)0''l)er), 
also  sep.  liDO  .  .  .  l^er,  adv.  whence. 

tool^in''  {or  when  emphasized.,  luo'ljin), 
also  sep.  h)0  .  .  .  I^tn,  adv.  whither. 

nJOf|i,  adv.  well ;  indeed,  probably ;  I 
presume;  I  wonder;  fi(i)'§  —  jetn 
lajjen,  enjoy  oneself. 

UioI|Ian',  interj.  well !  come  on 



toO^rBeborfjt,  ^art.  adj.  well-advised, 

ttiol)('betannt,  pari.  adj.  well-known. 

twolirflctirtut,  part.  adj.  well-built. 

aSiJf)(8Cf(lttcn,  n.  -§,  good-will,  gratifi- 
cation, contentment. 

»oof|rgcftciiiCt,  part.  adj.  well-dressed. 

tuo^Fgemut,  adj.  cheerful. 

UH)f)l'l)abcui»,/«r/.  adj.  wealthy,  well- 
to-do.  [beneficence. 

9SoI)lt{|at,  /.   w.   good  deed,   service, 

»Dt»f)ttl)uit,  tliat  — ,  -get^n,  intr.  do 
good,  benefit,  please.       [benevolent. 

\tio\]V\\>oUtv\.\i,  part.  adj.  well-wishing, 

ttio^nen,  intr.  live,  dwell,  reside. 

toolfnfiaft,  a^'.  dwelling,  residing. 

a33o^nI|au§,  n.  -e§,  "cr,  dwelling-house. 

aBofjttUlig,/.  IV.  dwelling,  abode,  home. 

aSJotf,  tn.  -c%  ^e,  wolf. 

aBclfc,/.  w.  cloud. 

tVOUen,  /r.  will,  be  willing ;  want ;  in- 
tend ;  be  about  to,  on  the  point  of ; 
demand,  assert,  insist. 

ttJOtttit'  (UiO''mtt  rvhen  emphasized'), adv. 
wherewith,  with  which,  in  which. 

SJBonuc,/.  TV.  delight,  bliss. 

toorauf  {when  emphasized,  Juo'rauf), 
adv.  whereupon  ;  on  which  or  what. 

toorauS'  {ivhen  emphasized,  IttO^'auS), 
adv.  wherefrom,  from  which  £»rwhat. 

taioritt,  rel.  adv.  wherein,  in  which. 

2Sormig,  n.  city  on  the  Rhine,  in  Hesse- 

aSort,  n.  -e§,  "ev,  word ;  //.  -e,  ex- 
pression, speech ;  promise. 

aSortJcitt,  n.  -§,  little  word. 

tPOtJOlt''  {or  mo'don  when  emphasized), 
adv.  from  which;  whereof,  upon 

UiOju'  {or  \X)0'ya  when  emphasized), 
«^z^.  wherefore, to  what  purpose,  why. 

2Bu(i^;§,  m.  -e§,  growth;  form,  stature. 

ttiuci^ttg,  adj,  weighty,  heavy. 

)t)U^(cn,  tr.  and  intr.  delve,  dig  up ; 
stir,  rage. 

iounb,  adj.  wounded,  sore. 

2B«itbc,/.  w.  wound. 

tDunbcriar,  adj.  wonderful,  marvelous. 

2Sunbcrga6e,/.  iv.  marvelous  gift. 

nmnberttciltd),  adj.  extremely  charm- 

tttunbcrHf^,  adj.  strange,  singular,  odd. 

tuunbcrfntn,  «t(^'. wonderful,  marvelous. 

hJUttbcrfei^oit,  adj.  wonderfully  fine. 

aiBunfd^,  in.  -e§,  ^c,  wish. 

tPtinftlicn,  tr.  wish  ;  fid)  {dai.)  — ,  wish 
or  long  for. 

njitnfci^cuSttJcrt,  adj.  desirable. 

aSitrbe,  /.  w.  dignity  ;  office.     [h)ert,] 

2Bii'fte ,/.  w.  desert,  waste.  [<:/.£. waste.] 

toutcn,/«^r.l).,  rage, rave, storm.  [2But.] 

tontt\x\),  part.  adj.  furious. 


5*  SB.,  jum  33etj|3tet,  for  example. 
50^tcn,  tr.  count,  number.     [3al^t,  E. 
^a\)iiti§,  adj.  numberless.  tale.] 

^ai)\xt\(i),  adj.  numerous. 
Ba^Iung,/.  zf.  payment,     [ja^len.] 
3a^n,  m.  -g,  ^e,   tooth ;  auf   ben  — 

fiifllen,  test,  prove,     {cf.  L.  dent.] 
sort  (jarter  or  jctrter,  jarteft^r  jarteft), 

adj.  tender,  delicate,  soft, 
jarttic^,  adj.  tender. 
3<ittli(^!cit,/.  tenderness. 

BdUierierg,  m.  -e§,  enchanted  moun- 
tain, [cerer. 

3«ubcrcr,   m.  -§,  — ,   magician,  sor- 

3fltt6cr^ulticr,  n.  -§,  — ,  magic  powder. 

Bftubcrfr^cttt,  m.  -§,  magic  glow. 

3att6crf^ru^,  m.-tl,  -^e,  spell,  charm, 

3au6crtoort,  n.  -e§,  -e,  magic  word. 

Be'boot^,  Sabaoth. 

3ct^c,/.  w.  score,  reckoning. 

3e^e,/.  w.  toe. 



JC^tt,  nnvi.  ten. 

gcfjitt  -cr,  -e,  -e§,  ««;«.  tenth. 

3cid)cn,  «  -§,  — ,  sign;  symbol;  sig- 
nal,    [cf.  E.  token.] 

5Ctrf)ncit,  tr.  or  intr.  draw,  sketch. 

jeigen,  tr.  point  out,  indicate,  show ; 

3cilc,/.  w,  line. 

3cit,/.  w.  time;  cinc  S^it  long,  a  cer- 
tain time.     {cf.  E.  tide.] 

Bcitlang,/.  a  short  time.  [being. 

jcit'tociltg ,  adj.  temporary,  for  the  time 

BcUc,/.  w.  cell.     [Z:.  cella.] 

Belter,  m.  -§,  — ,  palfrey. 

gcr-,  insep.  fref.,  gives  the  force  of  divt- 
sian,  separation. 

acrBrc^cn,  itxbxa^,  jerbro^en,  tr. 
break  in  pieces,  shatter ;  fracture. 

gerbeutcltt,  tr.  misinterpret. 

gcrbrcljcn,  /r.  distort. 

gcrbriirfctt,  /r.  crush,  rumple. 

5crtnittcrn,  tr.  crumple. 

gcrtrrt^cn,  tr.  scratch. 

gcrtumVt,  part.  adj.  ragged. 

jcrcmonicU'  or  ccremonicU',  adj.  cere- 
monious.    [/^.]  [tear  in  pieces. 

gcrrciften,   ivcx\%,   serrijjen,   tr.   rend, 

gcrriffcn,  part.  adj.  torn,  tattered. 

acrff^Irtgcu,  jeiidilug,  jerid^lacjcu,  /r. 
beat  in  pieces,  batter,  bruise. 

scrfc^nctbctt,  jer)d}nitt,  serjdinitten,  tr. 
cut  to  pieces,  cut  up. 

3crf))rtngcn,  3er1>rano,  serfprungcn, 
intr.  \.,  crack  or  burst  in  pieces. 

gcrftiJrctt,  tr.  destroy,  ruin. 

5crtrctcn,  jertrat,  jertrctcn,  tr.  tread 
or  trample  under  foot. 

^CttCt,  m.  -§,  — ,  slip  of  paper,  ticket, 
label.     [M.L.  scedula.] 

Bcug,  ft.  -e§,  stuff,  cloth,  material ; 
tools ;  bosh,  trash. 

jcugcn,  intr.  I).,  witness,  testify. 

Siege, /.w.  goat. 

3tegcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  tile. 

3icgcnBocf ,  m.  -e§,  -"e,  he-goat. 

jie^ctt,  3og,  aesogcn,  /r.  draw,  pull; 
string  ;  rear ;  refl.  go,  march  ;  ex- 
tend ;  intr.  {).,  draw;  itnpers.  e§ 
jte^t,  there  is  a  draught;  intr.\,, 
move,  proceed  ;  pass  ;  march. 

Btcl,  n.  -e§,  -C,  aim,  goal.     {cf.  E.  till.] 

jtelcn,  m^r.  !^.,  aim,  take  aim. 

gtcmlit!^,  adj.  suitable,  fitting ;  tolerable ; 
moderate ;  adv.  somewhat,  rather, 
so-so.    [piemen.] 

3ict,/.  w.  ornament,  decoration  ;  grace. 

5icrcit,  tr.  ornament,  adorn. 

Sicrlid),  a^'.  elegant,  graceful,  delicate. 

5igcttncr()flft,  adj.  gipsy-like. 

Bigcuticrmclobic,/.  w.  gipsy-melody. 

Bintmer,  n.  -s,  — ,  room,  apartment. 

Bin»Cr/.  iv.  battlement,  pinnacle. 

Binnfolbttt,  m.  w.  tin  soldier. 

Bi^fcl,  m.  -3,  — ,  tip,  point. 

3i'tl)cr, /.  7£'.  zither.  [maiden. 

Bit^crntabd)cn,     n.    -?,     — ,    zither- 

Sittcru,  intr.  {).,  tremble,  quake,  sliiver. 

BobcUjut,  m.  -C'3,  ^c,  hat  of  sable. 

3ogern,  «.,  -§,  delay. 

jijgcrn,  intr.  ;^.,  tarry,  delay;  hesitate. 

1.  3ptt,  ;//.  -eS,  -C,  inch. 

2.  Bi'tt,  w  -c§,  -"e,  toll,  custom,  duty. 
{L.  teloneum.] 

3or«,  m.  —3,  wrath,  anger,  {cf.  E. 
scorn,]  [nant. 

jorntg,    adj.  wrathful,    angry,    indig- 

5M,  prep,  with  dat.^  to  ;  {-with  names 
of  persons'),  to,  in  addition  to,  be- 
sides ;  for  (purpose) ;  also  with  ifif. 
to ;  at,  in ;  adv.  to,  on  forward ; 
{before  adj.)  too ;  following  noun 
gov.  by  prep,  it  indicates  direction, 
towards ;  tised  as  sep.  accented  pre- 
fix, it  means:  in  addition  to;  di- 
rection ;  together ;  in  opposition  to 
out  (open),  close,  unite,  bind  up. 

5u6tnbcn,  banb  — ,  -gcbunbcn,  tr.  tie 
up ;  eincm  btc  %ugen  — ,  blindfold. 

jtt'iringcit,  brat^te  — ,  -gebra^t,  tr. 
spend,  pass. 



3ttt^t,/.  discipline,  chastity.    [jic{)cn.] 
3uti^t{)(tut<,  n.  -e§,  ^er,  penitentiary. 
5Uti^ttgcn, /r.  chastise,  punish;    disci- 
fiVLiitn  or  jttrfen,   /r.  bic   9l(^fc(n  — , 

shrug  the   shoulders ;    sucfeu,    /w^'r. 

f.  or  \).,  dart,  flash,  quiver. 
Bttrfcr,  in.  -§,  sugar.     [Af.  L.  zucarai 

Arab.']  \a  cake). 

3wrfcrt)Mri)ftobc,  ;«.  w.  sugar-letter  ((?« 
Burfcrfcrfcl,  n.  -§,  — ,  candy-pig. 
jubctfcn,  se/>.  tr.  cover  over. 
5Ul)Cm^,  adv.  besides,  moreover, 
jucrft^  adv.  first,  at  first. 
BufrtU,  m.  -(c)§,  ^C,  chance,  accident, 
jufnllcu,  fiel  — ,  -gctallcii,   intr.  \., 

fall  to,  close;    (with  dat.  of  person), 

happen  to,  devolve  upon. 
jufiicgctt,  flog  — ,  -gcflogcu,  intr.  \., 

fly  towards. 
5ufrtc'bcn,   adj.    satisfied,    contented, 

happy ;  [id^ — flcbcn,  content  one  self. 
5ufitgcit,  tr.  add  to  ;   {dat.  of  person), 

inflict  upon,  cause  to  one,  do. 
3U9,   nt.  -e§,    -^C,  draft;   procession, 

train  {of  cars)  ;  impulse;  line,  stroke ; 

character,  trait,  feature ;  im  -e  fein, 

be  in  motion. 
jttoebcn,  gab  — ,  -gcgcbcn,  tr.  add  to; 

grant,  concede ;  admit. 
au8c()cn,  ging  — ,  -gcgangcu,  intr.  ]., 

come  to  pass,  happen ;  aw]  eineu  — , 

go  to,  approach. 
Sngcfjiircu,  ittir.  {with  dat.)  belong  to. 
3ugct,  m.  -§,  — ,  reins, 
juglctd)',  adv.  at  the  same  time. 
3«tlluft,/.  -^c,  current  of  air,  draft. 
5ugrcifcit,  griff  — ,  ^CGriffcii,  intr.  %., 

lay  hold  of,  seize ;  help  oneself ;  par- 
gtttjaufc,  adv.  at  home, 
ju^oreu,  sep.  intr.  f).  {dat.),  listen  to. 
3ulji}rcr,  m.  -§,  — ,  listener,  auditor ; 

SUtttJJ^Jfcilf  tr.  button  (up). 

3uIoft,  /.  side-dish,  relish. 

Bufuitft,  /.  future. 

5Ulc<jt',  adv.  at  last,  finally. 

5um  =  ju  i)cm. 

jumad^cii,  sep.  tr.  shut,  close. 

5Utt(i(tfft',  adv.  first  of  all,  shortly. 

3intgCr/.  w.  tongue. 

^u^fcn,  tr.  or  intr.  I).,  pluck,  pull. 

5ur  =  311  ber. 

jurcdjt'',  adv.  to  rights,  in  order. 

jurcbcn,  sep.  intr.   I),  {dat.),  talk  to, 

juri^tcn,  sep.  tr.  prepare,  arrange. 
iuritcn,  intr.  1).  {dat.),he.  angry  {with), 

offended  at  (aiif,  iibcr,  luegeti). 
juriief  (jurucfe),  adv.  and  sep.pre/lxy 

back,  backward, 
5uru(ft)Ictben,   blicb    — ,   -gcblicben, 

intr.  ].,  be  or  remain  behind;  fall 

short  of. 
juritcfBIiifcu,  sep.  intr.  \).,  look  back, 
jururffttljrcn,  ful)r  — ,  -^c[at)rcn,  drive 

back  ;^  intr.  ].,  start  back. 
5Mrutfgc6e«,  gab  — ,  -gegcbeu,  tr.  give 

back,  return. 
jururfgclicn,  ging  — ,  -gegangcn,  intr. 

).,  go  back,  recede. 
Buriiefgcjogcnljett,    /.  retirement,  se- 
clusion, privacy. 
5uriirff)altcn,  l)ielt  ~,  -^eljaltcn,  ir. 

hold  back. 
3urittfl)altung,/.  reserve. 
5Urii(ffcf)rcn,  sep.  intr.  ].,  return. 
5ururffommcn,    fam  — ,  -gcfommeti/ 

intr.  ].,  come  back. 
5uru(flaffen,    liefe   — ;   -gctaffcn,    tr. 

leave  behind. 
juriirflaufcn,  lief  — ,  -gelaufen,  intr. 

\.,  run  back. 
Surittflcgcn,  sep.  tr.  lay  aside,  lay  by; 

travel  over,  pass. 
auriicfncljincu,  iia^m  — ,  -gcnommcn. 

tr.  take  back,  withdraw. 
SUVurf^jraHcn,   sep.  intr.  \.,  rebound, 




sururfrufctt,  t\t\  — ,  -gcrufen,  tr.  call 

back,  echo. 
5Uruiffd^t(fen,  sep.  tr.  send  back. 
SurUtfft^icictt,  fc^ob  — ,  -gef(i)obcn,  tr. 

push  back. 
juriirffri^tagctt,  jd)lufl  — ,  -gci^Iagcn, 

ifr.  cast  or  turn  back  ;  repulse. 
5ururffintcn,  font  — ,  -gcfunfen,  intr. 

\.,  sink  back. 
5ttru(ftcie9ra))l)icrcn,    sep.    intr.    \)., 

telegraph  back. 
juriirftrctctt,  trat  — ,  -gctrctcn,  ivtr.  \., 

step  back,  withdraw. 
guritrftoctfctt,    tr.    send    back;    repel, 

jururftocnbcn,   twanbtc  — ,  -genjanbt, 

tr.  turn  back. 
5urttrftocrfcn,  iDarj  — ,  -gemorfcn,  tr. 

throw  back. 
juttttf^te^cit,  jog  — ,  -gejogen,  tr.  or 

intr.  j.,  draw  back;  withdraw;  refl. 

retreat,  retire.  [clamation. 

3urttf ,  m.  -e§,  -e,  shout ;  appeal ;  ac- 
5ttrufcn,  ricf  — ,  -gcrufen,  tr.  or  intr. 

{dat.  of  person)  call  to. 
jufttgcn,  sep.  tr.  promise  ;  ititr.  consent, 

Sttfottt^mcn,  adv.  and  sep.  prefix,  to- 
gether.    [3u  and  jamcn  fr.  sam,  E. 

5ttfammcn6rct!^cn,  brac^  — ,  -gcbrod^en, 

intr.  \.,  break  down,  collapse. 
Sttfommcnbnngctt,    brac^tc    — ,    -flc= 

brad)t,  tr.  bring  together,  collect. 
jufammcnfa^rcn,  ful)r  — ,  -gcfatircu, 

m^r.  f.,  start  ijack,  shrink. 
5ttfammcnfattcit,  sep.  tr.  fold  up. 
5ttfammctt^altctt,  I)ielt  — ,  -Qct)altcn, 

mi?r.  1).,  hold  together,  stand  by  one 

another.  [nection. 

3ttfammcn^ang,  m.  -§,  coherence,  con- 
aufammcntommcn,  fam— ,  -getonimcn, 

/wzfr.  f.,  meet,  assemble. 
BttfflwntCttlttnft,  /.   -"c,    meeting,  con- 
ference, interview. 

^ttfammcnlttuf,  m.  -§,  ^c,  concourse; 

mob;  riot.  [get her. 

Sttfammcuicbcn,  intrans.  f).,  live  to- 
5ufammcnno^ctt,  i^^/,  /r.  sew  together. 
Sufammcnqutrlcn,  sep.  intr.  I).,  whirl 

together,  close  together.  [up. 

5UfammenroUeu,  tr.  roll  together,  roll 
Sufammcnf^mclsctt,  jd^molj  — ,  -ge= 

fd^moljen,    intr.   [.,    melt    together, 

melt  down. 
Sufammcnft^en,  fa&  — ,  -gefeffcn,  intr. 

I).,  sit  together,  be  assembled. 
sufammcftt^un,  t{)at  — ,  -get^an,  tr.- 

put  together  ;  r^.  close,  unite. 
sufammcntragcn,  trug  — ,  -gctragcn, 

/r.  collect,_gather. 
Sufammcntrctctt,    trat   — ,    -getrcten, 

intr.  f.,  come  together,  meet. 
5ufammcnn)ati^fcti,  \mii^  — ,  -gcmad^= 

fen,  /«/r.  f.,  grow  together. 
Sufommcntocrfen,  roarf  — ,  -^cmorfcn, 

tr.  throw  together. 
Sufammcnwirfclit,  tr.  roll  together. 
3«ft^flMCV,  w.  -§,  — ,   looker-on,  spec- 
tator, [shut  to,  slam. 
Suft^tagcn,  fc^Iug  — ,  -ge)(^Iaflen,   tr. 
jufd^neien,  j*?/.  intr.  \.,   be    snowed 

over,  covered  with  snow. 
sufr^rcibcn,  frf)rieb  — ,  -gefc^riebcn,  tr. 

(dat.)  ascribe  to. 
jufr^rcitcn,  f^rltt  — ,  -gcf Written,  intr. 

f.,  approach;  advance  vigorously. 
5Uf(i^n)c6cn,  sep.  intr.  f.  or  I).,  soar  or 

fly  towards. 
jufn^ttJimmcn,  fd^mamm  —,  -qe)6))nom= 

men,    /«^r.   f.    or    fj.    (dat.),    swim 

5u'fcl)cn,  fal)  — ,  -gefclien,  intr.  I)., 

look  on,  witness. 
Sttftonbc,  a/jtf  ju  ftanbc,  w/M  bringcn 

or    fommcu,  accomplish;    come   to 

jlfftimmcn,  sep.  intr.  1),,  agree,  assent, 
jutrngcn,    trug    — ,    -gctragcn,    refl. 

happen,  chance. 



5tt'traucn,  sep.  ir.  {dot.)   believe   one 

capable  of,  give  one  credit  for;  ex- 
pect of  one. 
5tttreffcn,  traf  — ,  -gctroffen,  intr.  I)., 

agree,  correspond. 
jtttJOr',    adv.   before,   previously;    also 

used  as  sep.  prefix. 
5Ut)or'tommen,    fam   — ,   -gefommcn, 

intr.   \.    {with   dat.),   come   before, 

anticipate ;  prevent. 
jutticilcn,  adv.  at  times,  once  in  a  while, 

occasionally  {dat.  pL). 
5u'tocttbcn,  maubte  — ,  -^ctBonbt,  tr. 

turn  toward  ;  devote  to ;  bestow  upon. 
^ttwVbev,  prep.  {dat. preceding)  against, 

Jtt5tcI)Cn,  jofl  — ,  -aCjOflCU,  tr.  draw  to, 

JU^toitfcl^crn,  scp.  intr.  I),  (dat)  twitter, 

chirp  to. 
Jtvdngcn,  tr.  press,  force  into  (in). 
jtoanjig,  num.  twenty. 
5tt)ar,  adv.  indeed,  certainly  ;  of  course, 

to  be  sure,     [jc  tt)are,  in  sooth.] 

5hict,  num.  two. 

Btticifcl,  m.  -§,  — ,  doubt,     [jroci.] 

5tt)cifeln,  //-.  doubt;  stucifcinb,  ques- 

Btveig,  m.  -e§,  -C,  twig,  branch. 

jnictmat,  adv.  twice. 

jloctfi^ttcibig,  adj.  double-edged. 

JttJeit  -cr,  -e,  -e3,  nutn.  adj.  second. 

3tt»cttcn^«,  adv.  gen.  secondly. 

3wcrg,  m.  -e§,  -c,  dwarf. 

SWingcn,  aroang,  (jearaungen,  tr.  force, 

^toiltg^of,  m.  -e§,  ^c,  citadel. 

5tt)infcn,  intr.  f).,  wink. 

5Wtrncn,  tr.  twist,  twine. 

atoifd^cn,  prep,  with  dat.  or  ace.,  be- 
tween, among.  \dat.  pi.  of  in  and 
obs.  adj.  i\xi\\^,  twofold, /r.  jiuci.] 

Btwift^cnfatt,  »/.  -cv,  ^c,  incident, 

StQitfcl^em,  m/r.  1).  and  tr.  twitter, 
chirp,  warble. 

5toi)If,  num.  twelve. 

5ltidlft  -cr,  -c,  -e§,  ««w.  <7^^'.  twelfth. 


fTboIf,  m.  -§,  Count  of  Nassau  (ca. 
1258-98),  German  king  (1292),  fell 
in  battle  with  his  rival  Albrecht  of 
Habsburg  near  Gollheim,  July  2, 

Slttittg^attfctt,  n.  -3,  castle  and  hamlet 
in  the  canton  of  Uri  on  the  Reuss 

e^riftian,  IV  (1577-1648),  m.  -§,  son 
of  Frederic  II,  king  of  Denmark 
( 1 588-1648),  a  supporter  of  the 
Protestant  party  in  the  Thirty 
Years'  War. 

@i6e,/.  the  Elbe  (river)   in  Bohemia 

and  Central  Germany,  enters  the 
North  Sea  below  Hamburg. 

t^ranj,  Duke  of  Sachsen-Lauenburg 
(1598-1642),  a  general  of  the  League 
and  later  of  the  Imperialists  in  the 
Thirty  Years'  War ;  fought  on  the 
side  of  Gustavus  Adolphus  at 
Liitzen.  The  death  of  the  king  was 
ascribed  to  him  in  popular  belief. 

%Vix\i  (2Saltf)er),  m.  -5,  of  Attinghau- 
sen,  father-in-law  of  Wilhelm  Tell. 

©050,  n.  -§,  Gaza,  a  city  of  Southern 
Palestine  on  the  coast. 

.^oficnftottfctt,   m.  pi.    |)o^en[tauffen, 



the  imperial  dynasty  of  Hohenstauf- 
fen  in  Swabia  (i  138-1254). 

Sct^C,/.  or  m.  -§,  Lethe,  the  river  of 

JJcifor,  m.  -§,  the  Neckar  (river)  in 
Wurtemberg  and  Baden  ;  enters  the 
Rhine  at  Mannheim. 

^0,  m.  -5,  the  Po  (river)  in  Northern 

$rag,  n.  -§,  Prague,  capital  of  Bohe- 
mia on  the  Moldau. 

©olttbin,  wz.-§,  Salaheddin  (1137-93), 
Sultan  of  Egypt  and  Syria. 

Sigi^munb  or  (Btegcsmunb  (1368- 
1437),  771.  -},  son  of  Karl  IV,  German 
emperor,  crowned  in  Rome,  1433. 

^paiatin'  {orig.  23ur!]^arbt),  @eorg, 
m.  -§,  b.  1482  or  1484  at  Spalt 
near  Eichstett ;  d.  1545,  a  human- 
ist, pastor,  theological  writer  and 
historian,  supporter  of  the  Reforma- 

%tVi  (SStl^clm),  ;«.  -5,  of  BUrglen  in 
the  canton  of  Uri,  legendary  hero 
of  Swiss  independence. 

^ricr,  «.  -d,  F.  Treves,  the  oldest  city 
of  Germany,  on  the  Mosel  in  the 
Rhine  Province. 

SBcfcr,/.,  a  river  formed  near  MUnden 
by  the  union  of  the  Werra  and  the 
Fulda ;  it  enters  the  North  Sea  be- 
low Bremerhaven. 



For  grammatical  explanations  and  the  special  uses  of  words  see  the  Index  to 
Grammatical  Notes. 

The  numbers  refer  to  pages  and  lines  of  the  Reader  containing  parallel 
passages,  which  are  explained  in  the  Notes. 

Words  in  brackets  [  ]  are  not  to  be  translated. 

1.  ficffing. 

I.  I  knock  on  my  door.  2.  The  poet  went  home.  3. 
Are  you  (©ie)  at  home  ?  4.  The  servant  did  not  recognize 
the  poet.  5.  What  did  Lessing  answer  ?  6.  Shall  you  come 
again  ?  7.  We  looked  from  the  window.  8.  I  saw  you  in 
the  darkness. 

2.  mv  ftnb  ato  frfjulbtg, 

A.  Give  the  German  for  the  following  words,  prefixing  to 
nouns  the  proper  form  of  the  definite  article  : — 

Nouns  :    prince,  city,  inhabitant,  reception,  surprise,  ma- 
Verds  :   go,  hear,  prevail,  prepare,  recognize,  give,  do. 

B.  Translate  :  i.  We  went  through  a  city.  2.  In  the  city 
great  poverty  prevailed.  3.  The  inhabitants,  however  (aber), 
prepared  a  reception.  4.  They  recognized  the  poverty  of 
the  inhabitants.  5.  What  had  the  prince  heard?  6.  He 
manifested  (gab  . .  .  gu  erfenuen)  his  surprise.    7.  They  owed 



[for]  all  that  they  had  done.  8.  There  (3,  i)  were  many 
poor  among  (unter  dat^  the  inhabitants.  9.  We  have  all 
heard  of  this  prince. 

3,  Shorter  ©cott* 

I.  He  met  his  friend.  2.  Whom  did  {per/.,  3,  4)  Walter 
Scott  meet  ?  3.  For  what  (Urn  h)a§)  did  the  beggar  ask 
him  ?  4.  He  had  no  money  in  his  (i,  15)  pocket.  5.  They 
have  no  small  money  with  them  (bei  fic^).  6.  You  owe  six 
pence.  7.  I  will  pay  you  if  I  live.  8.  Have  you  paid  what 
you  owe  ?     9.  Observe  well  what  I  say. 

4*  ^tc  golbcnc  ©an§. 

A.  I.  Where  did  the  Queen  of  Hanover  lodge?  2.  What 
was  the  name  (2Bte  nannte  man  or  2Bie  (>ie^)  of  the  inn  ?  3. 
She  lodged  in  the  Golden  Goose.  4.  How  much  money 
(2Bie  t>iel,  etc.)  did  she  have  to  pay  for  two  days?  5.  For 
what  (Um  tt)a§)  did  the  landlord  ask  ?  6.  He  begged  for 
(urn)  the  honor  of  a  second  visit.  7.  What  did  the  Queen 
answer  ?  8.  "  You  must  not  regard  me  as  the  sign  of  your 
inn."  9.  I  had  to  pay  [a]  hundred  dollars.  I  paid  (madden) 
many  visits. 

B.  Commit  the  German  of  the  following  words  and  phrases 
to  memory  :  — 

Words :    a  visit,  the  sign,  the  queen,  an  inn,  a  dollar. 
Phrases :  to  be  on  a  journey,  to  stop  at  an  inn,  on  my  return, 
to  regard  as,  to  have  to  pay,  to  enter  a  carriage,  for  two  days. 

5,  ^cr  SBolf  ttttb  ber  (S(!ftafcr» 

A,  Point  out  the  adjectives  in  this  extract  and  indicate 
whether  they  are  declined  according  to  the  strong,  weak,  or 
mixed  declension,  and  why. 


a.  Change  the  following  verbs  into  the  first  person  singular 
of  the  future :  ]f>atte .  .  .  berloren  (8-9)  ;  erfu^r,  !am  (9)  ;  abju^ 
ftatten,  f^rac^  (10);  betroffen  ^aft,  bauerft  (n);  toeinen 
(12);  berfe^te,  fe^  f;aft  (13);  fiigte .  .  .  ^inju  (14-15); 
leibct  (16). 

b.  Change  these  verbs  into  th6  second  person  plural  of 
the  perfect. 

B.  1.  K  cruel  misfortune  had  overtaken  a  shepherd.  2. 
His  neighbour  (3'Zac^bar,  m.),  the  wolf,  learned  of  (t)on)  the 
misfortune.  3.  He  paid  a  visit  (33efuci^,  m.)  to  the  shepherd 
{dat.).  4.  He  said :  "  I  could  weep  tears  of  blood  for  thee." 
5.  The  shepherd  rejoined:  "  All  wolves  have  a  sympathetic 
heart.  6.  They  suffer  whenever  (it)enn)  their  neighbor 

6,  ^er  ^djmtcb. 

I.  A  village  had  only  one  smith.  2.  A  smith  shoes  horses. 
3.  He  mends  wheels.  4.  A  village  cannot  do  without  a 
smith.  5.  Why  was  he  condemned?  6.  The  smith  had 
murdered  a  man.  7.  For  what  (Um  \oa^)  did  the  prominent 
citizens  ask  ?  8.  The  judge  had  to  (mu^te)  execute  justice. 
9.  The  village  had,  however,  two  weavers.  10.  A  peasant 
said :  "  One  weaver  is  enough  for  a  small  place." 

I.  What  fell  into  the  well  ?  2.  What  peered  over  the 
edge?  3.  He  asked,  "Why  do  you  exert  yourself  in  vain  ?" 
How  dost  thou  like  the  water  ?  4.  Will  you  help  me  out  ? 
5.  The  goat  drank  after  (nad^bem)  he  had  sprung  down.  6. 
How  did  the  fox  reach  the  edge  of  the  well  ?  7.  He  leaped 
upon  the  back  of  the  goat.     8.  He  made  a  bold  spring,  and 


called  to  the  unfortunate  :  "A  greater  blockhead  will  perhaps 
(tJtetteid^t)  help  you  out."  9.  I  thought  to  myself  (6ei  mir)  : 
Here  I  must  wait.  10.  The  poor  captive  had  (mu^te)  to 
remain  (Heiben)  in  the  well. 

8.  Wit  'tnt  5lrbett,  fo  bcr  Softit. 

I.  Who  had  a  sick  (franfe)  wife  ?  2.  The  poor  man  said: 
"I  must  go  to  a  physician."  3.  He  is  known  for  (3,  19)  his 
skill.  4.  He  was  also  known  for  his  avarice.'  5.  He  did 
not  believe  that  the  doctor  would  come.  6.  The  physician 
expected  a  definite  payment.  7.  He  had  a  purse  in  his 
pocket  (i,  15).  8.  He  drew  out  his  purse.  9.  Here  are  twenty 
dollars.  10.  I  will  give  all  to  you.  11.  I  beg  you  (^d^  bitte 
(3ie),  cure  my  wife.  12.  The  doctor  visited  the  sick  wife. 
13.  She  died,  however,  in  (nad^)  a  few  days.  14.  What 
did  the  physician  now  demand  ?  15.  The  poor  man  asked  : 
"Did  you  kill  my  wife  ? "  16.  Why  (SKarum)  did  you  not 
cure  her  ?     17.  You  have  no  right  to  the  twenty  dollars. 

9.  ^cr  25rata^fcl 

I.  Who  was  Lafontaine?  2.  He  was  [a]  poet  (^id^ter). 
3.  What  sort  (2Bag  fUr  eine)  of  a  habit  did  he  have  ?  4.  What 
did  he  leave  in  his  room?  5.  Some  one  (man)  called  him 
from  the  room.  6.  Where  did  he  lay  the  apple?  7.  In 
my  absence  a  friend  came  into  my  room.  8.  Who  ate  up  the 
apple?  9.  What  had  the  poet  put  in  the  apple?  10.  He 
quieted  his  guest,  and  sent  for  a  physician.  11.  I  rejoice 
{refl^  to  hear  that  you  have  returned.  12.  It  is  not  always 
easy  (leic^t)  to  discover  the  truth. 


10.  ^ic  SScikr  Hon  25cttt§5crg* 

I.  In  what  year  did  Conrad  III.  defeat  the  Duke  Welf  ? 
2.  What  city  did  the  Duke  besiege  ?  3.  The  King  purposed 
(tDOltte)  to  capture  the  city  and  to  slay  the  citizens.  4.  When 
the  distress  became  great,  the  inliabitants  (i,  8)  were  forced 
to  surrender.  5.  What  condition  did  the  women  make?  6. 
The  wife  of  every  citizen  was  permitted  (burfte)  to  take  [with 
her]  whatever  she  could  carry.  7.  On  the  following  day  the 
gate  was  opened  {refl^  and  the  women  went  forth  (i,  5)  in 
a  long  procession.  8.  They  bore  their  husbands  on  their 
(3,  15)  shoulders.  9.  The  Duchess  walked  at  the  head  with 
the  Duke.  10.  Many  said  that  this  was  not  the  intention. 
II.  The  women  had,  however,  made  a  crafty  plot,  and  the 
Iving  laughed  at  it  (bariiber,  i,  9).  12.  Thus  the  inhabitants 
of  Weinsberg  preserved  their  lives  {sing.). 


The  Use  of  Prepositions. 

A.  Prepositio7is  with  the  Genitive  (3,  19). 

1.  Without  (au^ert^alb)  the  city  stand  many  houses. 

2.  During  the  morning  I  remained  {inversion)  at  home. 

3.  On  account  of  the  rain  (Sflegen,  m.)  I  could  not  travel 

4.  The  physician  was  known  for  (tDegen)  his  avarice. 

5.  Many  animals  (^ier,  n^  sleep  during  the  winter  (2Bin= 
ter,  ;w.). 

6.  He  lives  on  this  side  (bie§fett,  gen^  of  the  river. 

7.  America  lies  on  this  side  (bie^fett)  of  the  ocean  (Dcean, 

8.  Except  (2(u^er)  myself  there  was  no  one  (feiner)  there. 

9.  The  apple-tree  stands  beyond  (jenfeit)  the  brook  (33ac^, 


10.  I  shall  be  back  within  (tnner^alb)  two  days. 

1 1 .  Instead  (ftatt)  of  his  friend  he  found  a  stranger. 

12.  Many  fine  houses  stand  outside  the  city. 

B.  Prepositions  with  the  Dative  (2,  15). 

1.  I  knew  (fannte)  all  except  the  gentleman  with  the 
glasses  (53rt(Ie, /.  sing.). 

2.  The  travellers  {pres.  part.)  came  from  Italy  (Stalien). 

3.  Let  (Saffen  ©ie)  me  remain  with  (bet)  you. 

4.  For  (©eit)  many  days  a  great  storm  prevails  (l^errf d^en). 

5.  The  battle  (©c^kc^t,/.)  of  (bei)  Bunker  Hill. 

6.  The  landlord  sat  opposite  to  me. 

7.  The  gentleman's  house  is  opposite  my  own. 

8.  All  rivers  {%l\x^,  m.)  are  swollen  (finb  angefd^njoHen)  by 
(toon)  the  rain. 

9.  a.  He  travels  by  (ju)  land.  b.  He  lies  in  (gu)  bed. 
c.  We  sat  at  (^u)  table,  d.  They  seated  themselves  (fe^ten 
fid^)  at  (gu)  table. 

10.  The  cathedral  (©om,  m.)  of  (ju  or'xxC)  Cologne  (^oln) 
is  the  largest  in  Germany. 

11.  From  New  York  to  Chicago  is  eight  hundred  miles 

12.  He  is  blamed  (tabein)  by  (bon)  his  teacher. 

13.  The  picture  ( 33tlb,  n.)  was  painted  (ma(en)  by 

C.  Prepositions  with  the  Accusative  (3,  2). 

1.  The  prince  went  through  a  large  city. 

2.  The  peasant  (33auer)  lost  his  flock  by  (burd^)  a  pesti- 

3.  One  weaver  is  enough  for  a  little  village. 

4.  He  was  friendly  (freunblic^)  toward  (gegen)  me. 

5.  From  (33on)  morning  till  (bi§)  evening  are  twelve  hours 

6.  I  will  pay  for  the  entire  company  (©efellfd^aft,  /.  «/.). 


7.  One  must  not  learn  simply  for  the  school,  but  (fonbern) 
also  for  later  life. 

8.  The  family  (Jamilie,  /)  sits  in  the  room  around  the 
lighted  (Brennenbe)  lamp  (2am^e,/.). 

9.  Thou  art  small  in  comparison  with  (gegen)  me. 

10.  The  father  is  proud  (fto(§)  of  (auf,  acc^  his  son. 

11.  It  is  now  a  quarter  to  (auf)  three. 

12.  The  city  was  besieged  (belagern)  at  (auf,  acc^  the 
command  (33efe]^l,  w.)  of  the  Emperor  (^aifer,  w.). 

13.  We  go  to  bed  at  (um)  five  o'clock. 

14.  I  am  by  (um)  three  years  older  than  your  brother. 

15.  The  soldier  lost  his  leg  (^ein,  «.)  by  (burd^)  a  shot 
(@c^u^,  /«.). 

D.  Prepositio7is  governing  the  Dative  or  Accusative. 

Prepositions  meaning  "  to "  with  verbs  of  motion  are : 
OCCK,  indicating  motion  to  an  object,  as  to  a  table  or  wall ; 
auf,  upon  (also  up')  or  from  a  limited  space  to  one  that 
is  more  open,  as  auf  ben  5[Rar!t,  to  the  market ;  in,  im- 
plying i?ito^  as  in  bie  ^irrfie,  to  church ;  nad^,  towards^ 
after,  especially  motion  to  a  place  bearing  a  proper  name, 
as  to  a  village,  city  or  country ;  ^u,  motion  to  a  person, 
also  in  certain  fixed  expressions  as,  ^u  ^ifc^,  to  dinner, 
gur  ©d^ule,  ^ird^e,  gum  ^(>eater,  etc, ;  gegen,  towards  in  a 
friendly  or  hostile  sense  ;  wider,  against  in  a  hostile  sense. 
With  the  dative,  an  denotes  at,  beside ;  auf,  o?i ;  bei,  near  a 
person  or  place,  as  bei  mir,  at  my  house,  bie  ©c^lad^t  bei 
Sei^jig,  the  battle  of  Leipzig. 

a.  Translate:  i.  He  went  into  the  room.  2.  The  apple 
lay  on  the  mantle.  3.  He  went  to  his  friend.  4.  He  is  at 
the  physician's.  5.  He  said  to  (dat.  or  with  ^u)  his  friend. 
6.  The  queen  went  to  Hanover.  7.  He  sent  quickly  to  the 
physician.  8.  During  the  evening  he  was  not  at  home.  9. 
He  found  an  apple  in  his  room.     10.  They  (man)  called  him 


from  his  room.  ii.  The  boy  sits  over  (liber  dat^  his  books. 
12.  Do  you  wish  to  know  my  opinion  (^Reinung /.)  about 
(iiber,  ace)  him?  13.  He  is  known  (befennen)  under  (unter, 
dat^  the  name  [of]  Fritz. 

b.  I.  He  stood  upon  (auf,  dat^  the  street.  2.  I  drove 
(ful^r)  into  (auf,  acc^  the  country.  3.  The  fox  fell  into  a  well. 
4.  The  man  had  twenty  dollars  in  his  purse.  5.  We  laid 
the  apple  on  the  mantle.  6.  I  go  to  (an,  acc^  the  window^ 
7.  I  sit  beside  (an,  daf.)  the  table.  8.  I  write  on  ace.) 
the  blackboard  (2Sanbtafel,/.).  9.  The  picture  (®ag  33ilb) 
hangs  on  (^^/.)  the  wall  (bie  SSanb).  10.  Hang  the  picture 
on  (^acc.)  the  wall.  11.  He  wrote  a  book  on  (itSer,  ace.)  art 

It  2)cr  fjuiijg  unb  ber  ^afjit* 

I.  A  peasant  (Sauer,  m.)  spent  (gubringen)  his  entire  life 
in  (auf)  the  country.  2  He  had  once  caught  a  fox  in  the 
forest.  3.  His  rude  neighbours  (9^ad^6ar)  cried  loudly.  4. 
The  father  closed  his  (bie)  eyes.  5.  The  fox  carried  many 
cocks  away.  6.  The  cock  crowed  in  the  morning.  7.  He 
began  to  sing.  8.  He  heard  the  voice  of  his  father,  9.  You 
have  a  more  beautiful  voice  than  (a(^)  mine  (bie  meinige). 
10.  There  are  many  foxes  in  the  forests.  11.  What  did  the 
fox  carry  away  ?  12.  When  (3l(§)  the  peasants  saw  the  fox, 
they  ran  after  him.     13.   Whither  did  the  birds  (SSogel)  fly  ? 

12,  ^a§  W&x^tn  torn  SOlannc  tm  SJlonbe* 

I.  On  (2lm)  Sunday  the  people  were  wont  (^f(egten)  to  go 
to  church.  2.  A  week  ago  (t)or,  dat.)  I  met  an  old  acquain- 
tance (^efannte,  m.)  upon  the  street.  3.  He  went  from 
(toon)  the  city  into  (auf)  the  country.  4.  From  that  day 
forward  (an)  he  has  never  (nie)  returned  home.     6,  On  what 


day  did  the  man  collect  wood  in  the  forest  ?  6.  The  traveller 
climbed  (ftieg  auf )  a  tree  in  order  (urn)  to  see  the  great  world. 
7.  He  wrote  (fc^rieb)  his  name  in  (^acc.')  the  register  (gremben= 
buc^,  71^.  8.  Did  you  write  upon  {^acc.^  the  slate  (Xafel,/.)? 
9.  I  am  writing  a  long  letter  to  (an,  acc^  a  friend.  10.  He 
is  sailing  (fd^rt)  on  {dat^  the  river  (^\\x%  m.).  11.  The 
Cathedral  (®om,  m.)  at  (§u)  Cologne  (^ij(n)  is  one  of  the 
most  beautiful  churches  in  Germany.  12.  I  journey  always 
by  (§u)  water. 

A.  I.  When  I  began  my  journey  to  Russia,  I  travelled  on 
horseback.  2.  I  dressed  myself  only  lightly.  3.  I  alighted 
from  my  horse,  since  (ba)  I  was  weary  of  riding.  4.  I  had 
my  pistols  under  the  arm.  5.  I  fell  asleep  in  the  snow.  6. 
It  was  bright  day  before  (bek)or)  my  eyes  opened.  7.  To 
(3u)  my  great  amazement  I  had  slept  in  the  churchyard  of 
a  village.  8.  My  horse  neighed  above  me.  9.  I  looked  up. 
10.  It  was  suspended  (I^ing  . . .  ^erunter)  from  the  church  tower. 

^.  I.  I  had  gently  descended  in  my  sleep.  2.  I  had 
regarded  the  tower  as  (fiir)  the  stump  of  a  small  tree.  3.  I 
had  tied  my  horse  to  the  weathercock,  which  projected 
above  the  snow.  4.  It  is  not  [the]  custom  in  Russia  to 
travel  on  horseback  in  winter.  5.  The  wolf  ran  after  my 
sleigh  on  account  of  (toegen,  gen.)  hunger.  6.  It  was  im- 
possible for  me  {dat.)  to  escape  him.  7.  The  terrible  wolf 
soon  overtook  me.  8.  I  laid  myself  down  flat  in  the  sleigh. 
9.  Least  of  all  did  the  wolf  trouble  himself  about  me.  10.  He 
sprang  over  me  (^acc.')  and  fell  upon  my  horse.  11.  The 
poor  animal  ran  so  much  the  swifter.  12.  The  back  of  the 
poor  beast  was  wholly  devoured.  13.  I  raised  my  face 
secretly.     14.  The  wolf  eat  his  way  (fid^)  into  the  horse.     15. 


It  has  caused  me  no  slight  terror.     i6.  To  the  amazement 
of  all  [the]  spectators  we  arrived  thus  in  St.  Petersburg. 

14.  ^tc  ^iittftlic^c  OrgcL 

A.  I.  He  did  all  in  vain.  2.  He  could  not  suppress  his 
longing.  3.  I  resolve  to  return  home.  4.  I  beg  pardon  of  you. 
5.  Thus  he  approached  his  home.  6.  The  towers  of  his 
native  city  shone  in  the  sun.  7.  He  entered  the  gate  of  the 
city.  8.  He  met  a  long  funeral  procession.  9.  A  multitude 
of  people  went  along  behind  the  coffin.  10.  Where  do  you 
purpose  (tDoIIen)  to  bury  her  ?  11.  Thus  they  came  to  the 
church.  12.  They  entered  the  church.  13.  I  was  weary 
from  my  long  journey.  14.  The  organ  was  silent.  15.  Then 
began  to  play  of  itself. 

B.  Coordinate  and  Subordinate  Sentences. 

1 .  Many  years  ago  (t)or)  there  lived  an  organ  builder,  who 
had  built  many  beautiful  organs. 

2.  It  was  said  (Lilian  fagte)  that  the  last  organ  was  always 
the  best. 

3.  The  organ  began  to  play  as  soon  as  (fobalb  al§)  a  bridal 
couple  entered  the  church. 

4.  When  this  organ  was  finished  he  chose  for  himself  (ftd^) 
one  (eine§)  of  the  fairest  maidens  of  the  country. 

5.  Friends  and  relations  followed  when  (al§)  he  with  his 
bride  crossed  the  threshold  of  the  church. 

6.  He  only  thought  of  (baran)  how  he  was  a  clever  master. 

7.  He  had  a  proud  spirit,  and  fancied  (meinte)  that  the 
blame  could  only  be  in  his  beautiful  bride. 

8.  He  wandered  many  hundred  miles  in  a  strange  land. 

9.  He  thought  ever  of  (baran)  how  he  had  wickedly  desert- 
ed her. 


10.  He  had  great  anxiety  whether  she  would  again  be 
friendly  to  him. 

11.  The  people  behind  him  shook  their  heads  (j-/«^.)when 
they  saw  him  run. 

12.  When  they  heard  him  weep,  they  said:  It  is  probably 
(tt)ol^I)  a  poor  man  to  whom  she  showed  kindness. 

15,  2)ic  Srcmcr  Stabttnuftlantctt, 

A.  I.  The  sack  was  carried  to  the  mill.  2.  A  dog  was 
found  on  the  way.  3.  I  have  run  myself  tired.  4.  He  was 
struck  dead.  5.  What  is  played  this  evening  ?  6.  The  dog 
was  beaten  with  a  cane  ((Stodf,  w.).  7.  It  will  be  said.  8. 
They  (@g,  impers.)  are  eating.  9.  The  glass  (©Ia§,  «.)  was 
broken  (^erbred^en)  before  (el^c)  I  entered  the  room.  10. 
The  window  was  being  broken  when  (al§  or  inbem)  I  entered 
the  room.  11.  They  (5}Zan)  were  breaking  the  window 
while  (inbem)  I  was  in  the  room.  12.  The  book  was  written 
by  Goethe.  13.  The  song  (Sieb,  n.)  was  sung  by  the  beauti- 
ful girl.  14.  He  was  wounded  (beriDunben)  by  (burc^)  an 
arrow  ($feil,  w.).  15.  The  cook  had  (lie^)  the  head  of  the 
cock  cut  off. 

B.  Prepositions. 

I.  The  stranger  (Jrembe,  m.)  betook  himself  on  a  journey. 
2.  He  is  at  (auf,  dat.)  a  hunt.  3.  Two  men  sat  by  the 
way.  4.  The  old  woman  sat  behind  the  stove.  5.  The 
children  ran  behind  the  stove.  6.  When  the  travellers 
arrived  in  Bremen.  7.  The  donkey  placed  his  forefeet  on 
the  window.  8.  The  dog  sprang  on  the  back  of  the  donkey. 
9.  The  boy  stood  before  the  house.  10.  They  soon  came 
before  the  robbers' house  (9ftduber{)au§,  n.).  11.  The  girl  ran 
into  the  kitchen.      12.  The  children  go  to  (in,  acc,^  or  gur) 


school.  13.  The  cock  called  down  from  his  perch.  14.  A 
man  stood  before  the  door  and  cut  (15,  4-5)  him  in  {acc^ 
the  finger  with  a  knife.  15.  They  rushed  into  the  room 
(©tube,/.).  16.  They  went  out  (^inau^gefjert)  by  (jur)  the 
door.  17.  The  procession  is  passing  (t)orbeigef)en  (xxi,  dat.) 
the  house.  18.  One  cannot  always  swim  (fc^ivimmen)  against 
(gegen)  the  stream  ((Strom,  m.).  19.  Our  troops  (^ru^^en) 
went  courageously  (mutig)  against  the  enemy  (g^einb,  m., 
sing.).  20.  The  fever  (®a§  %\ih^x)  of  the  sick  [man] 
becomes  more  violent  (^eftiger)  toward  (gegen)  evening.  21. 
The  scholar  (Sc^iiler,  m.)  was  seated  by  (an)  his  desk.  22. 
He  walked  from  the  door  to  the  wall. 

16*  ^er  5lrme  unb  bcr  9?ci(ftc» 

A.  Moods. 

1.  He  begged  that  he  would  (mod^te)  not  take  it  amiss 
(iibcl  ne^men). 

2.  If  I  were  a  German  peasant,  I  should  wish  (ifiversion) 
first  my  own  field  (Sldter,  m.) 

3.  I  would  that  you  should  break  (gerbred^en,  pret.  subj.) 
your  (ben)  neck. 

4.  It  never  occurred  to  him  what  he  should  wish. 

5.  He  often  thought  (meinen)  that  he  had  found  his  wish. 

6.  If  I  had  only  known  that  1 

7.  Did  he  tell  {pret.  subJ.)  you  that? 

8.  The  rich  man  asked  if  he  might  (biirfen)  have  (t^un) 
three  wishes  like  his  poor  neighbour. 

9.  It  would  be  agreeable  (lieb)  to  me  if  I  could  travel  to 

10.  If  I  should  entertain  (aufnel^men)  every  one  who 
knocked  on  my  door,  I  should  be  obliged  to  take  the  beggar's 
staff  in  hand. 


11.  He  asked  him  to  remain  through  the  night  (16,   10) 
with  him. 

12.  Hasten,  pray  (bitte). 

13.  He  thought  that  his  wife  was  seated  at  (19,  25)  home 
in  a  cool  room. 

14.  The  wife  said  they  did  not  have  much  (16,  15),  but 
they  gave  wilUngly  whatever  they  had. 

15.  If  I  should  return  I  would  lodge  with  (bei)  you. 

16.  She  milked  her  goats  (16,  17)  that  their  guest   (©aft, 
w.)  might  have  milk  besides. 

17.  When  they  saw  who  it  was  (ii,  6),   they  bade  him 

B.  Separable  and  Inseparable  Verbs. 

a.  I.  He  overtook  (18,  11)  the  stranger. 

2.  When  we  had  gone  away,  the  traveller  followed  (nad^s 
folgen)  us. 

3.  He  rose  early  (17,  19)  in  the  morning. 

4.  A  traveller  has  granted  me  three  wishes. 

5.  Sleep  (Dcr  ©rfjlaf)  came  upon  (lib  erf  alien)  him. 

6.  He  looked  at  me  (anfeljen)  with  great  eyes. 

7.  A  new  home  stood  opposite  (15,  17-18)  his  own  (ber 
feinige,  dat^. 

8.  He  did  not  look  (15,  28)  like  one  who  had  much  money 
with  (bet)  him. 

9.  Receive  (16,  2)  me  kindly  (freunblid^). 

ID.  Their  old  house  was  transformed  into  a  new. 

11.  He  spent  the  night  (iibemad^ten)  at  the  poor  man's. 

12.  .He  collected  (18,  29)  his  thoughts  and  proceeded. 

b.  1.  K  peasant  spent  (jubringen)  his  entire  life  in  (auf) 
the  country. 

2.  A  fox  once  came  into  a  little  village  and  seized  a  cock. 

3.  The  peasants  ran  after  the  fox  when  they  saw  it. 


4.  The  children  screamed  and  the  birds  flew  into  (auf)  the 

5.  Suddenly  they  heard  the  voice  of  a  hunter  (Seiner,  w.). 

6.  The  fox  dropped  his  plunder,  and  the  birds  flew  at 
once  upon  the  roof  (®a(^,  n^. 

7.  a.  Explain  the  subjunctive  in  moge  (20),  l^abeft  (21), 
^dtteft .  .  .  gerebet  (6,  7). 

b.  Express  the  infinitive  clause  um  .  .  .  ^u  l(>oren  (19-20)  as 
a  final  clause  of  purpose. 

17*  ^0rttrii§(!ftctu 

a,  I.  He  spoke  no  word  further,  but  (8,  12)  turned 
and  left  the  room.  2.  Whatever  he  said  came  to  pass,  and 
a  great  festival  was  arranged.  3.  Not  only  the  friends  and 
relations  were  invited,  but  all  [the]  children  in  the  kingdom. 
4.  When  the  festival  was  at  an  end,  the  child  received 
wonderful  gifts.  5.  In  the  world  whatever  was  beautiful  and 
good  it  received.  6.  One  of  the  wise  women  entered,  but 
greeted  no  one.  7.  The  King  was  startled  and  commanded 
(befei^len)  that  all  [the]  distaffs  in  the  world  should  be  burned. 
8.  One  day  when  the  maiden  was  alone  in  the  castle,  she 
pierced  her  finger  with  the  distaff. 

b.  1.  K  bed  stood  in  the  room,  and  the  young  girl  fell 
upon  it  (24,  9).  2.  Years  long  (10,  4)  she  lay  in  a  profound 
sleep.  3.  All  who  were  in  the  entire  castle  fell  likewise 
into  a  profound  sleep.  4.  A  hedge  of  thorns  grew  higher 
every  year  about  the  castle.  5.  There  was  nothing  of  the 
castle  to  be  seen.  6.  Many  princes  came  and  desired  to 
penetrate  into  (in,  ace)  the  castle.  7.  An  old  man  related  how 
a  castle  was  said  (fotlte)  to  stand  behind  the  hedge.  8.  It 
was  said  that  Dornroschen  should  awake  after  a  hundred 


c.  I  The  prince  saw  many  horses  sleeping  in  the  castle- 
court.  2.  The  pigeons  slept  also  on  the  roof  [with]  their 
little  heads  (^lopfc^en,  sing.')  stuck  under  their  (9,  11)  wings 
(sing.).  3.  He  went  on  and  found  Dornroschen  sleeping  (6, 
14)  in  a  little  room.  4.  He  stooped  and  gave  a  kiss  to  the 
sleeping  maiden,  who  rose  (auffte()en)  at  once.  5.  All  looked 
(umfe^en,  re/l.)  around.  6.  The  prince  regarded  the  maiden 
with  great  eyes.  7.  The  king  and  the  queen  went  down  the 
stairs.  8.  They  (9J?an)  celebrated  the  wedding  of  the  prince 
with  the  princess  in  all  splendor. 


1.  Divide  the  following  words  into  syllables  : 

a.  33lume,  ©c^emel,  9la^men,  9Jlu^le,  33eere,  ^afig,  "Mitx, 

b.  Dftern,  prften,  33ube,  ©ecfel,  Sifte,  ©tcibte,  §augc^en, 
ga^fen,  em^finben,  ^cim^fer. 

c.  ginger,  ©iijje,  ©d)iiffel,  Dd{)fe,  Sanfer,  33Io^e,  gacfel, 
^ar^fen,  (Scf)u[ter,  ©tac^el. 

d.  2Bdfc^e,  9^ogc^en,  SBcilber,  33uc^fe,  ©tra^e,  ©affe,  ©om= 
mer,  Slc^fe,  §anbel,  tnof^e. 

^-  §^£^/  §offnungen,  botlenben,  l^inein,  h;)arum,  ^ritteil,  rei^ 
jen,  Drtt^ogra^t^ie,  lafen,  Sste. 

2.  Mark  the  quantity  of  the  vowels  in  the  following  words : 
a.  2(al,  2Sa^l,  ©tamm,  ©anb,  9ftat,  gjlann,  ©tabt,  ©taat, 

§erb,  ©lieb,  m^,  53nef. 

^.  TOtte,  ^ag,  ©cf)am,  £lang,  5^e|,  ^ec^,  ^circ^en,  ©ema^I, 
bettjci^ren,  2Salftatt. 

^.  BunS^/  33ur;nc,  gii^e,  ^ful)l,  ^^or,  gcic^er,  fa^ig,  gaff, 
9^afe,  fc^todren. 

d.  ©dule,  grdgUd^,  ©dge,  5iJldbc^en,  ^ferb,  3J?auer,  rauc^en, 
log,  fragte,  fcJ^ldgft. 


3.  a.  Decline  in  both  numbers  the  nouns :  So^n,  S)orf, 
©arten,  Slrt,  ^unft. 

b.  Decline  in  both  numbers:  50^enfc^,  S^au,  (SJraf,  §off= 
ttung,  (SJebanfe. 

4.  Give  the  nominative  and  the  genitive  singular  and  the 
nominative  plural  with  the  appropriate  form  of  the  definite 
article,  of: 

a.  Slbenb,  §au§,  %^\xx^,  Sebiente,  genfter,  §err,  ®un!el 
{sing.),  ^ic^ter. 

b.  §er^,  6d)ilb  (//.)j  ^^or  (gate),  §unb,  SRdbd^en,  SSetter, 
grau  giirft,  ^ontgin. 

c.  5^ame,  6tabt,  ^lume,  ilnabe,  Sluge,  6taat,  ©d^lac^t, 
£ieb,  Sauer. 

d.  2)orf,  Staffer,  ©raf,  33runnen,  2(r§t,  $Do!tor,  2Belt,  3im= 
mer,  Slpfel,  9teife. 

^.  §trt,  ^raft,  (^o.xi^,  Xag,  2:^aler,  2Sagen,  O^r,  3}Zann, 

5.  How  do  foreign  nouns  form  their  plural?  Give  the 
plural  of : 

a.  ©t^mnafium,  2lbje!tit>,  3Serb,  2^^rann,  ^rofeffor,  5iJle(obie, 
©eneral,  ^falrn,  (Seminar,  S^^ema ;  <^.  2)rama,  ^Jlobug,  Sorb, 
^ornma,  2:em^u§,  3Jtufito,  2lbt)erb,  ^artici^ium,  q3erfon,  @f= 
felt,  ©afug. 

6.  How  are  proper  nouns  declined:  a.  When  preceded 
by  the  article  ?     b.  When  without  the  article  ? 

7.  How  do  5larl,  Slbel^eib,  ?Jran^,  @o^f)ie,  Sert^a,  ©a^^^o, 
Sutler,  ©ad^fe,  gann^,  ©oet^e  form  their  genitive  ? 

8.  How  are  the  foreign  names,  ^t]\x%  ©f^riftug,  $aulu§, 
©icero,  ^^abru§,  ©o!rate§,  S^i^^^^'t,  3oE)anne§  declined  ? 

9.  How  are  two  associated  proper  names,  and  names  pre- 
ceded by  a  title,  declined  ?  Form  the  genitive  of  §err  ©d;mibt, 
©uftat)  Slbolf,  Urn(^  i)on  Sic^tenftetn,  taifer  SBil^elin,  grieb= 
ric^  ber  2Betfe,  §einric^  ber  Some,  §err  guftigrat  ^orban. 


10.  How  are  the  following  proper  nouns  declined  in  the 
plural:  gj^tnna,  SubiDig,  ®d)i(rer,  Seffing,  ^lo^ftod,  Sllba, 
Seneca,  ©ci^io,  9ZicoIai,  ©c^Iegel,  9Jlelanc^t{)on,  §etnric^,  ©er= 
trube  ? 

11.  Distinguish  between  the  plurals,  ©d;ilbe  and  Sc^ilber; 
Sdnber  and  Sanbe;  2icf)te  and  Sic^ter;  Drte  and  Drier;  @e= 
fic^te  and  ©efic^ter ;  %v<6.)t  and  %\x6)^x. 

12  Distinguish  bet  and  bie  §eibe,  ber  and  bie  ©ee,  ber  and 
ba§  ^anb,  ber  and  bie  Seiter,  ber  and  bag  (E^or,  bie  and  bag 

13.  Distinguish  between  ber  and  bag  SSerbienft,  ber  and  bag 
£Df;n,  ber  and  bag  Sauer,  ber  and  bie  Jlur. 

1 4.  What  nouns  are  prevailingly  masculine,  what  feminine, 
and  what  neuter  in  German  ? 

15.  (35.  What  terminations  form  masculine  nouns?  ^.  What 
feminine  ?  c.   what  neuter  ? 

16.  What  is  the  gender  of  foreign  nouns  in  German  ? 

17.  Decline  in  both  numbers  the  personal  pronouns  ? 

18.  How  are  the  personal  pronouns  used  in  address:  a. 
between  equals;  b.  between  kinsmen  and  intimate  friends; 
c.  in  speaking  to  children;  d.  by  a  public  speaker;  e.  to 

19.  What  are  the  demonstrative  pronouns?  How  are  they 
declined?  Decline  biefer  5Rann,  jene  Srau,  also  the  deter 
minative  berjenige,  in  the  three  genders. 

20.  What  are  the  relative  pronouns?  Distinguish  their 
use  :  a.  when  the  antecedent  is  a  personal  pronoun  ;  b.  in 
the  genitive. 

2 1 .  What  are  the  possessive  pronouns  and  from  what  are 
they  derived?  Decline  mein,  unfer  and  ^l^r  in  the  three 
genders  in  the  singular  and  plural. 

22.  a.    Decline  the  interrogative  pronouns,  it>er,  ji:)ag  and 


h)el(j^er  and  state  the  difference  in  their  use.     b.    How  is  it)a§ 
fiir  used  ? 

23.  Mention  the  indefinite  substantive  and  adjective  pro- 
nouns, a.  What  is  the  difference  in  the  use  of  man  and 
einer  ?     b.    How  are  the  missing  cases  of  man  supplied  ? 

24.  When  is  an  adjective  used  attributively?  when  predi- 
catively  ?  When  in  apposition  ?  When  is  an  adjective  unin- 
flected  ?     When  declined  strong  ?     When  weak  ? 

25.  Decline  in  the  singular  and  plural  mein  guter  greunb, 
biefeg  neue  §au§,  alter  2Bein. 

26.  Give  the  comparative  and  superlative  of:  a.  jung, 
fro^,  alt,  arm,  l:)oll,  lal^m,  !letn,  ta^fer,  macl)tig,  fii^ ;  b.  Com- 
pare furg,  breit,  bitter,  l^art,  gem,  \>\z\,  njenig. 

27.  Verbs.  Conjugate  in  the  present  and  preterit  indica- 
tive and  subjunctive,  lieben,  ^alten,  n^ad^fen,  Ijeigen,  brecben. 

28.  a.  Conjugate  in  the  present  and  preterit  indicative 
and  subjunctive,  fein,  ^aben  and  h)erben. 

b.  Give  the  perfect  and  pluperfect  and  the  two  futures  of 
these  verbs. 

29.  Conjugate  n)erfen,  treten,  liigen,  gie^en,  in  the  present 
and  preterit  tenses  of  the  indicative  and  subjunctive  moods. 

30.  Conjugate  effen,  fdilafen,  fto^en,  fal)ren,  bringen  in  the 
present  and  preterit  indicative  and  subjunctive. 

31.  Give  the  preterit  and  past  participle  of  the  verbs  [te= 
l^en,  tragen,  lanfen,  \)\iitx\.,  anttt)orten. 

32.  Conjugate  lieben  in  the  first  and  second  conditional. 

33.  a.  Give  the  present  and  preterit  of  loben  and  erl^alten 
in  the  indicative  and  subjunctive  of  the  passive  voice. 

b.  Give  the  perfect  and  pluperfect  and  the  futures  of  the 
same  verbs  in  the  passive  voice. 

c.  Give  the  same  tenses  of  these  verbs  in  the  subjunctive. 


34.  a.  What  is  a  compound  verb  (1,5)?  h.  What  pre- 
fixes are  inseparable?  c.  How  are  inseparable  and  separa- 
ble verbs  accented  ?  d.  What  prefixes  are  either  separable 
or  inseparable  ? 

35.  Conjugate  t)or'Iefen,  unterftu'^cn,  fort'ge^en,  and  tote's 
berfommen  in  the  present  and  preterit  indicative  and  subjunc- 

36.  Explain  the  difference  in  meaning  between  ii'Berfe^en 
and  iiberfe'len,  u'bergef)en  and  uberge'f)en,  ii'bertreten  and  iiBers 
tre'ten,  burd^'reifen  and  burdj^ret'fen,  burd^'fe^en  and  burc^fe'^en. 

37.  Which  of  the  following  verbs  are  separable  and  which 
inseparable :  eintreten,  erfertnen,  bottbringen,  untertoeifen,  tni^s 
f^anbeln,  itbergeben,  aufbetoa^ren,  uertreten,  {^od^ad^ten,  t)eran= 

38.  How  do  verbs  derived  from  compound  nouns  and  ad- 
jectives form  their  principal  parts  ?  Give  the  principal  parts 
of  friifjftucfen,  tt)irtfd;aften,  rec^tfertigen,  langtoeilen,  ^anbbaben, 
mi^lingen,  offenbaren,  Imtlfa^ren,  liebfofen. 

39.  Give  the  principal  parts  of  beanttoorten,  berurf advert, 
ftubieren,  beunru()igen,  mutma^en,  toetterleucfjten,  toettcifern, 
ratfd^lagen,  lufttoanbeln,  argtool^nen,  branbfd^a^en. 

40.  How  do  compound  verbs  whose  prefix  is  a  noun  or 
adjective  form  their  principal  parts?  Give  the  principal 
parts  of  banffagen,  feftbinben,  ^reiggeben,  gludftourifd^en,  frei= 
f^rerfjen,  ^auS^alten,  teilnel^men,  ftattfinben,  fel^Ifd^lagen,  tot= 

41.  Give  the  principal  parts  of  borau^fagen,  aner^ie^en,  abs 
getoo^nen,  t)orau§t)er!unbigen,  beauftragen,  bernad^Idffigen,  bes 
nad)rtd^tigen,  toieber'^olen,  toieber^o'len,  burd^bldt'tern,  burd^'s 

42.  a.  What  is  the  position  of  a  separable  prefix  in  simple 
tenses  (i,  5);    b.    in  compound  tenses:   c.    in  subordinate 


sentences  without  a  connecting  word ;  d.    after  a  subordinate 
conjunction  (i,  lo), 

43.  Name  the  preterit-present  verbs.  Conjugate;  a.  bur- 
fen  and  mogert  in  the  present  and  preterit,  indicative  and  sub- 
junctive; b.  in  the  perfect  and  pluperfect,  and  in  the  future 
and  future  perfect  tenses,  c.  In  what  two  ways  are  the  per- 
fect tenses  of  this  class  of  verbs  formed  ? 

44.  What  different  meanings  have :  a.  fotten ;  b.  biirfen ; 
c.  mogen  ?  What  is  the  difference  in  the  use  of  the  present 
and  the  preterit  of  f  oHen  in  the  sense  of  "  ought "  ? 

45.  a.  What  prepositions  govern  the  genitive  case?  (3, 
19).  b.  What  prepositions  govern  the  dative  (2,  15)?  c. 
What  prepositions  govern  the  accusative  (3,  2)?  d.  What 
prepositions  are  used  with  either  the  dative  or  the  accusative, 
and  when  (3,  13,  14)  ? 

46.  In  what  different  ways  may  the  agent  or  instrument 
of  a  verb  in  the  passive  voice  be  expressed  ? 

47.  Explain  the  syntax  of  the  noun:  a.  eine  9Jlenge  reifer 
griic^te;  eine  ©umme  ©elbe§;  ein  ^funb  SSoUe;  eine  ^anne 
W\\6)\  ein  §auf en  33ii(^er ;  eine  §erbe  (Sc^afe ;  ein  ©tiic!  ^rot ; 
ein  %x\x\kI  SBaffer ;  ein  ©Ia§  Sier ;  ein  ©c^effel  ^orn. 

48.  Write  sentences  illustrating  the  use  of  the  genitive : 
a.  dependent  on  a  noun  (5,  lo-ii);  b.  on  an  adjective 
(12,  i);  c.  in  a  partitive  sense  (5,  11);  d.  adverbial,  to  ex- 
press indefinite  time  (i,  i);  e.  of  manner  (10,  20);  f.  after 
a  preposition  (3,  19). 

49.  Illustrate  the  use  of  the  dative :  a.  of  the  indirect  ob- 
ject (8,  22);  b.  in  an  ablative  sense  (16,  29);  c.  of  posses- 
sion (5,  lo-ii);  d.    of  place;  e.    of  time  (5,  7). 

50.  Write  sentences  illustrating  the  use  of  the  accusative : 
a.  as  the  direct  object  of  a  verb;  b.  with  two  objects:  i. 
of  the  person  and  thing;  2.  of  the  direct  object  and  of  the 


effect  produced  (20,  10);  c.  governed  by  an  adjective  (7, 
16;  2,  Title)  \  d,  used  absolutely  with  a  participle  or  limit- 
ing phrase  (9,  11);  e.  used  adverbially  to  express  extent  of 
time  or  a  point  of  time  (10,  4;  4,  9). 

5 1 .  What  is  the  difference  between  the  genitive  and  the 
accusative  in  expressions  of  time?  When  may  the  dative  be 
used  to  express  time  ? 

52.  What  cases  do  the  following  verbs  govern:  entft^ulbis 
gen,  begegnen,  anfef)en,  bejai^len,  befef^len,  entbe^ren,  barren, 
na^en,  banfen,  t>er3ei(;en. 

53.  What  cases  do  the  following  adjectives  govern:  a. 
bebiirftig,  needy ;  fd^ulbig,  indebted ;  betDU^t,  conscious  ;  boll, 
full ;  fremb,  strange ;  na^e,  near.  h.  miibe,  tired ;  a^nltd^, 
like  ;  gel^orfam,  obedient ;  tvert,  worth ;  frol^,  glad ;  eingeben!, 
mindful,  c.  notig,  necessary;  berbdd;ttg,  suspicious;  fidget, 
sure  ;  gleid^,  like ;  angene^m,  agreeable  ? 

54.  I.  What  prepositions  are  required  after  the  adjec- 
tives :  bofe,  angiy  (at) ;  em^finblic^,  sensitive  (to) ;  feinblid^, 
hostile  (to)  ;  ftol3,  proud  (of)  ;  nad^fic^tig,  indulgent  (to)  ;  lus 
ftig,  merry  (at)  ;  burftig,  thirsty  (for). 

2.    What  prepositions  do  the  following  verbs  require  : 

a.  gt»eifeln,  doubt  (of) ;  fid^  freuen,  rejoice  (in) ;  fid^  fiird^s 
ten,  fear ;  beftef;en,  insist  (on)  ;  fid^  fe^nen,  long  (for)  ;  ^offen, 
hope  (for)  ;  retten,  save  (from). 

h.  bitten,  ask  (for);  fef)len,  lack  (of);  ftd^  Derlafjen,  rely 
(on)  ;  beitja^ren,  guard  (from  or  against)  ;  benfen,  think  (of)  ; 
jid^  fiimmern,  be  troubled  (about)  ;  biirften,  thirst  (for) ;  fid^ 
erinnern,  remind  (of). 

€.  f^otten,  scoff  (at) ;  jagen,  hunt  (for) ;  lad^en,  laugh  (at)  ; 
mangein,  need  (of) ;  erftaunen,  be  amazed  (at) ;  fic^  grauen, 
have  a  horror  (of) ;  jid^  fd^amen,  be  ashamed  (of) ;  i^ertrauen, 
trust  (in). 

56.   What  prepositions  are  necessary  after  the  adjectives; 


argerlid^,  vexed  (at) ;  frol^,  glad  (of) ;  eitel,  vain  (of) ;  gletc^= 
giltig,  indifferent  (to)  ;  nac^ftc^tig,  indulgent  (toward) ;  freunb= 
X\^^  friendly  (to) ;  fc^h:)ac^,  weak  (in). 

57.  a.  Define  a  simple  sentence,  b.  What  is  the  order 
of  words  in  such  a  sentence  (l,  5)?  c.  What  is  the  inverted 
order  and  when  is  it  used  ? 

58.  Define  a  principal  sentence  ?  What  conjunctions  con- 
nect principal  sentences  ? 

59.  Define  a  subordinate  sentence. 

a.  What  is  the  transposed  order  and  when  does  it  occur  ? 
Point  out  sentences  illustrating  this  order  in  the  first  exer- 

60.  Substantive  sentences  :  a.  Write  sentences  introduced 
by  ba^  which  constitute  the  subject  or  the  object  of  a  verb ; 
b.  write  similar  sentences  which  are  in  apposition  with  a 
preceding  demonstrative  as  baran,  barauf,  etc. 

61.  Write  adjective  or  attributive  sentences  defining  a 
noun  or  pronoun,  and  introduced  by  a  relative  pronoun  or 
compound  adverb. 

62.  I.  Write  adverbial  sentences:  a.  of  place;  b.  of 
time  ;  c.  causal,  with  ba,  tt)eil,  ba^  ;  d.  of  purpose  (final)  ;  e. 
restrictive  clauses  with  fohjeit,  infofern. 

2.  Write  subordinate  adverbial  sentences:  a.  of  manner 
with  inbem,  o^ne  ba^,  al§  ob ;  b.  of  comparison  with  alg  and 
it)ie ;  c  of  result  after  fo  followed  by  ba^,  or  after  gu  followed 
by  al§  ba§  ;  d,  conditional  sentences  with  tt)enn  or  falll ;  e. 
concessive,  with  obgleid^,  obf(f)on,  VDenngleid),  etc. 

Select  sentences  from  the  text  illustrating  the  different 
classes  of  subordinate  sentences. 

63.  Illustrate  the  use  of  the  subjunctive  in  the  present: 
a.  to  complete  the  imperative  (48,  i);  b.  in  a  concessive 
sense;  c,  to  express  a  wish  (i,  18). 


64.  I.  Illustrate  the  use  of  the  preterit  subjunctive:  a.  in 
the  condition  and  conclusion  when  the  condition  is  unrealized 
or  contrary  to  fact  (6,  7) ;  b.  when  the  condition  is  omitted, 
also  when  the  conclusion  is  intimated  by  al^  (23,  4);  c.  in 
concessive  sentences;  d.  in  optative  sentences  (13,  22);  in 
the  confirmatory  subjunctive  (226,  16). 

2.  When  may  the  conditional  mood  be  used  in  sentences 
of  unreality  ? 

3.  What  is  the  difference  in  meaning  between  the  present 
and  the  preterit  tenses  when  used  in  an  optative  sense  ? 

65.  Illustrate  the  use  of  the  potential  subjunctive :  a,  to 
make  an  assertion  less  definite  (2,  12)  ;  b.  with  fotten,  miifjen 
and  !onnen,  to  indicate  that  an  obligation  or  possibility  has 
not  been  fulfilled ;  c.  with  the  adverbs  faft  and  beinal^e,  and 
in  impersonal  expressions  implying  that  the  assertion  does 
not  rest  upon  unreality. 

66.  What  tense  is  employed  in  indirect  quotation  (2, 
20-21)?  When  is  the  indicative  and  when  the  subjunctive 
mood  used  ?  What  difference  in  meaning  does  the  use  of 
either  mood  lend  to  the  sentence  ? 

a.  How  does  the  subjunctive  of  surprise  or  dissent  arise 
(184,  16)? 

b.  If  an  imperative  sentence  be  changed  into  an  indirect 
quotation,  how  is  the  imperative  expressed  ? 

67.  I.  What  conjunctions  introduce  subordinate  sentences 
of  purpose  and  what  mood  is  employed  in  them  ? 

2.  a.  What  conjunctions  introduce  subordinate  sentences 
of  result  ?  b.  What  limiting  words  may  precede  in  the  main 
sentence  ?  c.  When  does  the  indicative,  and  when  the  sub- 
junctive follow  ?  d.  What  conjunctions  are  used  after  a  com- 
parative, or  a  positive  with  §u,  when  a  negative  precedes? 

68.  a.   What  prepositions  are  used  with  the  infinitive  ? 


h.    What  classes  of  words  may  the  infinitive  with  ^u  limit? 

c.  With  what  verbs  is  the  preposition  omitted  with  the  in 
finitive  ? 

d.  When  does  the  infinitive  acquire  a  passive  significa- 
tion ?     Illustrate  such  use. 

e.  Point  out  the  subject  of  the  infinitive  in :  i.  @r  berf^rid^t 
noc^  ^eute  ju  lommen.  2.  @r  bat  ben  Slrgt  gu  i^m  gu  !ommen. 
3.   %t  riet  mir  aB^ureifen. 

Change  the  following  infinitive  clauses  into  subordinate 
sentences :  i.  2)er  Strgt  riet  bem  Uranfen,  fid^  i?ie(  in  freier  Suft 
gu  betDegen.  2.  (g§  ift  unfere  ^flic^t  bem  2(rmen  gu  ^elfen.  3. 
3Jlan  mu^  bie  ^ugenb  iiben  urn  fie  !ennen  ^u  lernen. 

69.  Formation  of  nouns  : 

1.  In  what  different  ways  are  compound  nouns  formed? 

2.  What  suffixes  are  used  to  form  derivative  nouns?  What 
is  the  force  of  each  and  to  what  stems  are  they  added? 

3.  Form  derivative  nouns  from  the  following:  a.  adjec- 
tives, rot,  i^W,  hjarm,  fii^,  braun,  fauer,  tief,  f)od^,  blau,  with 
the  suffix  -e  ;  b.  From  the  nouns,  §au§,  ©tu^l,  33aum,  with 
-6:itXK\  Sad^,  ?!}lagb,  33o(f,  Xifd^,  with  -letn;  3=einb,  9Jlann, 
@raf,  with  -\^<x\\ ;  ©d^af,  ^ram,  ^oJ^le,  ^oln,  2(meri!a,  ba= 
dfen,  reiten,  with  -er;  3}lenfd^,  !Iug,  9^arr,  fc^lau,  !u(>n,  with 
the  suffix  -l^eit. 

4.  Employ  the  suffixes  bar,  et,  in,  nt§,  turn,  fal,  ung,  to 
form  derivative  nouns,  using  the  words  33ogt,  bar,  fenben, 
^onig,  3^ii/  f<^wl,  Sflitter,  Silb,  2Bagen,  3f?auber,  reid^,  l^alten. 

5.  a.  Form  abstract  nouns  from  innig,  breit,  ]f)anbeln,  trei= 
ben,  it>erfen.  b.  Form  nouns  from  nouns,  adjectives,  and  verbs: 
fremb,  §au^t,  jung,  ^aufe,  frii^e,  2Bi^,  faugen,  ^a^r,  ^id^ter, 
with  -ling. 

70.  Formation  of  adjectives:  a.  What  force  have  the  suf- 
fixes bar,  \}(x\i,  fam,  en  or  ern,  lid^,  ig,  and  to  what  classes  of 


words  are  they  added  ?  b.  Form  adjectives  from  nouns  de- 
noting material  from  (SJolb,  §o(§,  ©taf)t,  (Stl6er,  ©lag,  ©ifen, 
©Ifenbein,  ^Jlarmor. 

71.  What  verbs  are  regarded  as  primitive?  Show  how 
derivative  verbs  are  formed :  a.  from  primary  verbal  stems 
by  internal  change ;  b.  from  nouns  and  adjectives. 

72.  How  are  verbs  formed  from  secondary  stems  by  suf- 
fixes?  What  is  the  force  of  the  suffix  -ein,  -ern,  -igen? 

73.  Form  derivative  verbs :  a.  from  the  nouns  Jifd^,  §am= 
mer,  ©c^iff ;  b.  from  the  adjectives  ftar!,  rot,  griin.  c.  Form 
causative  verbs  from  the  verbs  f^ringen,  ftn!en,  fatten,  fafjren, 
brtngen,  fte^en,  ftec^en,  ^angen,  (iegen,  t»erfc§iDinben. 

74.  a.  Form  diminutive  or  iterative  verbs  with  the  suffix 
-eln  from  lad^en,  fpotten,  ^unft ;  2Bi^,  flug. 

b.  Form  intensive  and  iterative  verbs  from  raud;en,  f(^Ia= 
fen,  folgen,  fteigen,  !Ia^pen  with  the  suffix  -ern. 

c.  Form  factitive  verbs  from  rein,  Slngft,  befrieben,  i^erfum 
ben,  beglauben,  !raftig,  ^eilig,  ru^ig,  md^ig. 

75.  I.  How  are  adverbs  divided:  a.  from  adjectives; 
b,  from  the  inflected  forms  of  adjectives  and  nouns ;  c.  from 
compound  inflected  forms  ? 

2.  Explain  the  formation:  a.  of  lange,  bereit^,  h)arum, 
bamalg  fiirlieb,  in^gemein,  neulic^,  blinblingg,  morgeng,  gro^s 
tenteill,  aUent^alben. 

3.  ©imgerma^en,  allerbingg,  aUerorten,  tDa^rfd^einlid^,  eben^ 
falls,  allerJ^anb,  mtttlertt)eile,  ntd^t. 

4.  S3etgeiten,  mogli(f)ertt)eife,  gerabegu,  metnetnjegen,  aller= 
it)ege,  bergeit,  jebenfattS,  I;eute,  gefrf)ti:)eige. 

76.  Coordinate  conjunctions.  Mention  the  copulative, 
adversative,  and  correlative  conjunctions  in  German.  What 
order  follows  the  use  of  either  class  ? 


77.  Subordinate  conjunctions:  a.  Give  the  subordinate 
conjunctions  of  place ;  b.  of  time ;  c.  of  cause ;  d.  of  com- 
parison ;  e.  conditional ;  /.  concessive ;  g.  of  result ;  h.  of 
purpose ;  i.  conclusion.  What  is  the  order  in  the  sentence 
which  follows  ? 

78.  What  conjunctions  are  primary  ?  what  derivative?  a. 
Explain  the  etymology  of  ungeac^tet,  trD^bem,  tDegt^alB,  be§= 
hjegen,  barum,  piox,  bemnac^,  o^neba^,  au^erbem,  ukrbte§. 

79.  What  is  a  stop  {or  mute)  letter  ?  Name  the  different 
classes,  according  to  the  organs  of  speech  used  in  producing 
them.     Give  the  voiced  and  the  unvoiced  stops. 

80.  Give  the  voiced  and  unvoiced  fricatives  or  spirants. 

81.  Give  the  nasals  and  liquids,  also  the  affricatives. 
What  do  you  mean  by  semi-vowels  ? 

82.  Define  3lnlaut,  ^nlaut  and  5tu§Iaut,  and  give  equiva- 
lent English  terms  for  these  words.  Illustrate  your  meaning 
in  any  chosen  word. 

^2^.  Define  gradation  or  21blaut  and  illustrate  its  use :  a. 
in  the  formation  of  verbs ;  b.  in  the  formation  of  nouns. 

84.  What  is  mutation  or  Umlaut  and  how  did  it  arise  ?  In 
what  classes  of  words  is  its  influence  manifest  ? 

85.  State  Grimm's  law.  How  is  this  modified  by  Ver- 
ner's  law  ? 

Z^.  Give  the  English  cognates  of  ^hjet,  brei,  bod^,  ®ac^, 
tauB,  biinn,  Z^^f  fterben,  %o,\x^^,  SSogel,  and  explain  the 

87.  Trace  the  etymology  of  the  following  words,  giving  the 
earliest  forms :  gu^,  brec^en,  3^^^^^^/  SSagen,  ^uc^,  ©tra^e, 
§err,  giirft,  effen,  ©arten,  ©ergog. 

88.  Define  the  terms  stress,  pitch,  quantity. 

89.  What  is  the  rule  of  stress  or  accent  in  native  German 
words  ? 


90.  Mark  the  syllables  which  have  the  main  and  subordi- 
nate stress,  and  those  which  are  unstressed  in  the  following 
words : • 

a.  Urlaub,  Sl^felbaum,  33erici^t,  ^irc^^of,  ^onigin,  alltDiffenb, 
^f^orbmeft,  ^inauf,  ®onnertt)etter,  ^af^rf^unbert. 

b.  antnjorten,  urtetlen,  ^eiraten,  fruf)ftu(!en,  unbefd^reiSIid^, 
SSeltaugftettung,  STIt^oc^beutfc^,  ©ut^beft^er,  arbeitfanx. 

c.  Sanbbolf,  tultur,  33rofc^ure,  5iKimfter,  big^utieren,  ©^roni!, 
©rammati!,  ^oetif,  Grittier,  Jrequeng. 

d.  33a(Iabe,  Dcean,  SJletatt,  General,  ^iamant,  (S^em^lar, 
%\\ox,  ^Berlin. 

91.  What  is  word-stress  and  what  is  sentence-stress? 

92.  What  is  a  measure  or  a  metrical  foot  in  verse?  De- 
fine a  trochee,  iamb,  dactyl  and  anapaest. 

93.  Define  the  terms  33er§,  ©tro^^e,  §ebung,  ©enfung 
and  Stance. 

94.  In  what  does  rime  consist?  Define  masculine  and 
feminine  rimes. 

95.  Characterize  the  rimes  in  the  ©d^iralbenlieb  (p.  58), 
2)a§  Sd^Io^  am  3Jleere  (p.  59),  and  ^er  6olbat  (p.  68). 

96.  I.  Define  the  terms  dimeter,  trimeter,  tetrameter, 
pentameter,  hexameter. 

2.  What  is  a  logical  and  a  rhythmical  caesura?  Define 
masculine  and  feminine  caesura.  Point  out  the  rhythmical 
caesura  in  ^ie  SKeiber  t>on  2Sin§^erg  (p.  77). 

98.  a.  What  relation  does  metrical  accent  bear  to  the 
natural  word-accent  ?  b.  What  is  the  law  of  the  sequence  of 
stressed  and  unstressed  syllables  in  modern  verse  ?  c.  How 
many  stressed  syllables  may  stand  in  a  metrical  foot?  d. 
How  many  unstressed  syllables  may  stand  in  a  metrical  foot  ? 
e.  How  may  the  natural  accent  be  displaced  in  verse  ?  Mark 
the  accented  syllables  in  %\i  §eibelberg,  bu  feine  (p.  81),  and 


show  where  the  accent  has  been  displaced  or  transferred  for 
the  sake  of  the  metre. 

99.  Characterize  fully  and  accurately  the  verse  in  ®ie  Sos 
relet  (p.  60),  ®er  2Sirtin  2:od^terlein  (p.  65),  ©rlfontg  (p.  69), 
S^togc^en  auf  ber  §eibe  (p.  70),  ^er  (Sanger  (p.  73.) 

100.  Describe  fully  and  accurately  the  verse  in  ^er  ^tl= 
grim  t>or  ©an!t  3uft  (p.  76),  ®ie  SSeiber  t)on  2Sin§|3erg  (p. 
77),  ®ie  §offnung  (p.  82),  %\x\  ber  fiberfa^rt  (p.  82),  2)eutf^e 
3f^attonal^i^mne  (p.  92). 


mtnb  =  West,  162,  24. 
abcr,  when  not  introductory,  1,  15. 
abstract  noun  for  concrete,  107,  i. 
in  plural,  10,  24;   80,2;   81,  7; 

99,  13;  165,20. 
accusative,  used   absolutely,  8,  11; 

35,  18-19;  43,  13;  170,9. 

in  adv.  expressions,  7,  27. 

of  direction,  3,  4 ;   3,  6;    3,  12- 

13;  3,  13-14;  7,9;  22,16;  38,9; 

180,  29. 

of  definite  time,  4,  9 ;  5,  7. 

extent  of  time,  10,  4 ;  117,  28. 

with  flen)al)r,  7, 16. 

of  pars,  and  thing,  20,  10. 

with  f^utbig,  2d  Select.,  Title. 

after  ftel)en,  196,  18. 

space  passed  over,  22,  3 ;  35,  21 ; 

verbs  with  two  aces.,  20, 10 ;  197, 

adjective,  when  written  with  capitals, 

109,  30 ;  127,  2. 

formed  from  adv.,  117,  29. 

form  of,  after  anbcrc,  112,  17. 

after  etwaS  or  n)a§,  127,  2. 

after  jeiiic,  21,  i. 

form  of,  after  pers.  pron.,  10,  16 ; 

141,13;  213,  19;  230,8. 

in  appos.,  36,  19 ;  38,  8. 

predicate,  29,  5. 

with  nouns  of  diff.  genders,  65, 19  ; 

79, 19. 
«. —  possess,  used  substantively,  5,  28. 

adjective,  proper,  how  formed,  5,  15. 
used  substantively,  5,  15  ;  95,  19 ; 

127,  2. 
uninflected,  5, 14;  69,  19;  77,  12; 

81,6;  84,  14;  104,20;  110,  9;  134, 

13  ;  146,  14. 
adverb,  of  direction,  after  prep.,  10, 

14;  141,  13;  157,13;  222,18. 

with  force  of  prep.,  9,  21. 

formed  from  adj.,  45,  13. 

compound,  for  pron.  gov.  by  prep. 

1,9;  7,  18-19;  9,  21;   22,  28;  23, 

19;  25,  19;  29,  21;  61,25. 
for  omitted  verb  of   motion,  11, 

23;  19,28;  23,19;  50,  6;  94,  23; 

133,22;  150,12;  157,31;  218,11. 
mUiin,  97,  7. 

flttc  ZaQc  =  jeben  %aQ,  45,  3. 
aUc  unb  jcbc,  106,  3. 
all  =  ganj,  86,  11. 

uninfl.,  84,  14. 

rtUctn,  position  of,  4,  2  ;  7,  6 ;  140,  21. 
alliteration,  58,  5 ;  93, 16 ;  101,  3-4; 

109,  22;  220,  15. 
aUtfiev  for  ^ier,  64,  13. 
al§,  to  intimate  conclusion,  23,  4  ;  66, 

24 ;  208,  6. 
ol^Batb  =  logteid),  42,  19;  108,  27. 
anbcrc  for  siBcitc,  21,  8. 

form  of  adj.  after,  112,  17. 

anbcrn  for  nad)ftcn,  111,  27. 
rtJtfangcn  =  do,  165,  22. 
apposition,  adj.  in  app.,  83,  8. 

names  of  cities,  4,  25. 

noun  after  DUiengc,  27, 11. 

noun  after  (gtiirf,  31,  25  ;  33, 9. 



article,  def.,  after  attc,  187,  24. 
omitted,  7,  5  ;  8,  2  ;  76, 11 ;  106, 

in  place  of  poss.  pron.,  1,  15  ;  2, 

5-6;  5,  9;  8,  21 ;  24,24. 
before  proper  names,  106,  8  ;  149, 


indef.,  used  substantively,  1,  10. 

ottf ,  use  of,  3,  13-14 ;  23,  25  ;  163,  20. 

nufbaft,  107,  17. 

auxiliary,  I)aben,  with  verbs  of  rest, 

17,  21-2, 
auxiliary,  omitted,  26,  17;  58,  12; 

63,  12;  64,  18;  67,  7;  67,  11;  83, 

10;  95,  17;  107,  13;  109,  27;  136 

15;  152,9;  155,28. 

precedes  two  inf.,  112,  23. 

iein,  with  intrans.  verbs,  3,  4. 

when  part,  has  force  of  adj.,  31,  8. 

6albc,  archaic  for  Balb,  84,  7;  7,  10. 
JBci^cr  2Bcittg,  74,  16. 
Jcgcgncn,  with  dat.,  1,  13. 
6ci  =  at  house  of,  65,  18. 

with  ace,  14,  11-12. 

without  ju. 

6ctm  =  bei  bem,  2,  4. 
JBcIt,  figuratively  used,  91,  25-26. 
SBilb  =  crucifix,  100, 11. 
l^Ieiien,  with  inf.,  175,  3. 
fittte  =  id^  bttte  ©te,  176,  11. 

6f|riftt,  Lat.  decl.,  100,  3. 
collectively,    nouns   used,    114,  28 ; 

152,  20. 
condition    and    conclusion,    6,    7; 

conjunctions,  denoting  a  purpose,  5, 

conclusion,  intimated  by  al§,  23,  4; 

66, 24. 

conditional  sentence,  94,  i. 
couplets,  riming,  7,  6 ;  72,  19 ;  90,  23, 


"tsa,  rel.  adv.  of  time,  64,  15, 
tiO^)txv\  =.  JU  .f^auic,  40,  24. 
bonn,  to  suggest  condition,  178,  17. 
2)0ttl,  sing,  for  Eng.  plu.,  2,  11. 

depend,  on  verb  understood,  175,4. 

barnn,  used  anticipatively,  9,  14;  9, 

28;  11,  14;  61,25;  62,  14. 
barouf  =  ivorauf,  75,  14;  75,  16;  75, 

boroB  =  bariiber,  72,  19. 
tKiXwax  =  um  fie,  25,  19. 
boft,  as  declarative  or  causal  conj.,  64, 

dative,  in  ablative  sense,  16,  29. 

with  begegnen,  1,  13;  6,  12. 

ethical,  80,  9 ;  224,  23. 

of  indirect  obj.,  8,  22 ;  118,  18. 

with  madjen,  kronen,  etc.,  97,  7 ; 

98,  28. 

with  na^e,  138,  28  ;  196,  5. 

with  names  of  inns  (ju),  2,  2; 

39,  20. 

with  gjot,  98,  4. 

after  adj.,  139,  9;  211,  10. 

partitive,  after  verbs  (t)Ou),  5,  ii ; 

25,  27. 

after  numerals,  21,  3. 

of  pers.  pron.  instead  of  poss.  adj., 

7,  10;  8,21;  137,  5. 

of  possess.,  5,  9 ;  13,  27-28,  22, 

13;  24,27;  139,3;  210,4. 

of  separation,  53,  28. 

expressing  time  in  which,  etc.,  4, 


with  compound  verbs,  5,  25  ;  44, 

26 ;  140,  12. 

with  wegen,  49,  5. 

batJott  =  bon  bemjelben,  22,  28. 
bcttfcn,  with  gen.,  34,  25. 
bcnn  =  bann,  36,  6. 



bcr,  emphatic  demon,  pron.,  154,  25. 
2)cr  i)u  for  S)u  ber  bu,  83, 19. 
bcffcIBc,  for  pars,  pron.,  1,  7. 
bcrhjcit  =  ludiiraib,  16,  16  ;  67,  2. 
bctu{)tcn,  government,  13,  7. 
bic,  demon.,  186,  25  ;  210,  18. 
diminutive  of  endearment,  31,  18. 
!Siitg,  plur.  in  -er,  164,  6. 
bod^,  after  cond.  sent.,  64,  10. 

with  verbs  of  wishing,  20,  20.  ' 

braufj  =  braufeen,  81,  24. 
t^\x,  use  of,  138,  10. 
burfctt,  138, 22. 


citt,  to  supply  missing  cases  of  man, 

12,6;  12,  16;  210,4. 
ciiianbcr  =  fid;  einauber,  54, 15  ;  206, 

cincr,  for  man,  24,  3. 
cinmar  and  cin'mal,  6,  9, 
clfc  for  elf,  21,  10. 
ellipsis  after  unb,  116,  16 ;  215,  5, 
erbcn  (auf),  6,  15. 
erforcn,  from  obs.  erfiefen,  102,  14. 
ei8,  anticipative,  82,  15. 
cffcit  and  frcffcn,  8,  19. 
Cttd^,  dat.,  object  of  influence,  211,  10. 
Cttcr,  for  possess,  plu.  of  bu,  1, 10. 

factitive,  pred.,  24,  18 ;   69,  12 ;   97, 

7 ;  98.  28. 
%ti\i,  French  word,  72,  18. 
3fo!)ntt)inb,  109,  14. 
S-rauentafi,  12,  19. 
frcffctt,  used  of  animals,  8,  19. 
^rcunb  itnb  g-ciitb,  coll.,  114,  28. 
fromm,  loyal  =  Lat.  pius,  90,  17. 
fitrbcr,  archaic,  85,  2. 
fiirtoi^tg  =  bortoit^ig,  39,  15. 
%wc%  1,  6. 
future,  for  pres.,  70,  4. 


ganj,  uninfl.  before  names  of  places, 

27,  II. 
QC,  omitted  with  past  part.,  4,  i ;  77,  9. 

as  prefix,  with  nouns,  53,  21. 

with  past  part.,  2,  10. 

OJcaft  =  branches,  44,  6. 
gcbctt  for  jein,  112,  i ;  190,  4. 
@cl)ijft,  172,  17. 
gcgcnitbcr,  as  noun,  121,  18. 
QJcIcfirt,  past  part,  with  adj.  force,  46, 

gclten,  174,  6. 
@ema^I,  archaic  use,  60,  10. 
gender,  names  of  places,  2,  i. 

names  of  rivers,  81,  8. 

use  of  natural  for  grammatical,  5, 

8;  77,13;  177,1. 
genitive,  with  adjtnel^men,  85,  9. 

adverbial,  1,  i. 

of  charac,  142,  8;  209,  12. 

after  ^abl)aft,  162,  10. 

of  indef.  time,  1,  i ;  9,  22 ;  105,  8 

of  manner,  10,  20;  17,  6;  28,  5. 

after  miibe,  83,  23. 

after  not,  98,  4. 

partitive,  5,  11;  21,  3;  210,  2. 

possess.,  position  of,  5,  lo-ii. 

with  fterben,  23,  6. 

with  um  .  .  .  iDitten,  110,  i. 

with  ungetool^nt,  151,  16. 

with  verbs  denoting  mental  state, 

34,25;  105,  12;  112,  18. 

after  bolt,  27,25. 

with  tuegen,  3,  19. 

with  pfrteben,  12,  i. 

gcnug,  position  of,  141, 17. 

gctoafjr,  with  ace,  7,  16. 

flctoorfctt  =  in  bie  gluci^t  getDorfen, 

118,  30. 
Qteb  =  gieb  mtr,  147,  6. 
gtctri^  =  obgleic^,  64,  2d  stanza,  1.  19 
giitbctt  =  golben,  69,  20. 



^nV  vtxCn  ®ttt,  101,  3;  106, 3. 
l^alien  as  aiix.  of  intr.  verbs,  17, 21-22 
J^aBctt'^  =  ^Bcn  ©ie,  157, 21. 
l^alB,  uninflected  before  name  of  place, 

27,11;  50,25. 
^atfc  =  .fallen,  60,  7, 
SquV^  bcnn,  colloq.  =  3ft  e§  benn,  157, 

^ctbctt  =  auf  ber  |)etbe,  weak  form  of 

dat.  sing.,  70,  18. 
I|cr,  with  acCo  of  space,  71,  19. 
.^crr,  how  used,  1,  3. 
^cr5C,  archaic  form  of  S^txi,  64,  15; 

79,  6;  87,  12. 
\:^^iS!^,  how  infl.,  36, 6. 
^j)f ,  101,  6. 
l^uB  art  =  l^ob  an,  52, 29;  66, 11. 


ilcnntntffc,  pi.,  114,  7. 
l(ctttc§,  use  of,  153,  17. 
i^ttrtljc  =  3ungltncj,  10, 17. 
^oKctt  =  jTo(n,  89,  2. 
!ommcn  for  (]efommen,  78,  9 
Irtcgtcn,  colloq.  for  bcJamcn,  20, 20. 
ilunbc  =  ??a(^rtcf)t,  58,  9. 
^ttrfurftctt,  112, 16. 

laffctt,  in  causative  sense,  18,  8-g ;  74^ 


with  adv.  =  become,  136,  20. 

permit,  143,  2. 

Itc6,  in  fixed  expressions,  6,  9;  6,  i6{ 

210,  17;  222,  25. 
(tegcn  =  situated,  159,  27 

imtnetr  =  in  any  case,  177, 13. 
tmittcr  ntdit,  140,  6. 
indicative  for  imp.,  90,  24 ;  226, 26. 
infinitive  for  imper.,  236,  2. 

as  neuter  noun,  2, 4 ;  7, 6 ;  129, 14. 

— —  in  pass,  sense,  21,  9;  28,  18. 
— —  perf.  pass.,  as  noun,  183,  2-3. 
with  ju,  gov.  by  oFinc,  3,21-22; 

without  311  after  certain  verbs,  6, 

14;  10,  10;  10,  21;  10,  28;  11,  19; 

24, 1 ;  24, 5 ;  24, 15 ;  123, 15 ;  146, 11. 

with  urn,  4, 17-18. 

inns,  name  of,  2,  2 ;  39,  20. 
inversion,  to  express  cond.,  62,  20; 

66,24;  72,5. 
concess.,  78, 8;  82, 11. 

Ja,  inferential,  159, 6. 
Jcglitl^cr  =  etn  jcber,  107,  29. 
3icfu,  Lat,  vocative,  118, 8. 


ittal=  etnmat,  72, 12. 

5Blotb,  poetical  for  33labc^en,  66,  5. 

mufX,  oblique  cases  of,  12,  6. 

tnancQ,  uninflected,  69,  19. 

9JIfinncrrf)cn  mo^en,  19,  t. 

9Krir(C),  archaic  for  '?tad)rtd)t,  37,  25 ; 

67,  10. 
SWaricngorit,  164,  10. 
aWattc  =  meadow,  108,  2. 
ntctnctt  =  longed,  137,  27. 
mcincttocgcn,  188,  24. 
aWcitge,  before  uninfl.  noun,  10,  15; 

SOItnnc,  archaic  for  Stebc,  36,  27. 
tttir'tt  =  tnir  etn,  80,  9. 
wit,  with  verbs,  213,  11. 
ISJitttag,  south,  101,  20. 
tntttcn,  used  with  prep.,  7,  i. 
tnitbc,  with  gen.,  7,  6;  83,  23. 
. used  factitively  with  intr.  verbj 

11,  20. 



na,  181,  x8;  222,  X. 

ttari^,  position  of,  34, 7, 

9?a^ftcn,  from  nal^e,  2,  15. 

nat^t^,  old  gen.,  9,  22. 

name,  prop,  of  country  in  appos^  4, 25. 

nrimUti^,  use  of,  7, 18. 

negative,  double,  79, 2 ;  79, 14;  79, 19, 

neuter,  209, 15. 

ntt  =  ntd^t,  66, 16. 

nolicl,  176, 19. 

noun,  pi.  for  sing.,  22,  23. 

nouns,  two,  of  kindred  signif.,  39,  19. 

not,  with  gen.,  98,  4. 

number  of  verb,  changed,  80,  6. 

numeral,  inflected,  21, 10;  64,  7;  82, 

nun  fc^*5  vx\x  eiticr,  210,  31. 

nur,  with  reL,  29,  21. 


06,  for  otgleid^,  91,  3. 
— —  for  xiber,  106, 22. 

for  ioegcn,  67, 15. 

in  questions,  138, 12. 

object,    placed    first    for    emphasis, 

219,  2. 
omitted,  39, 11 ;  94,  23;  122,  20; 

178,4;  183,29. 
OlJrtgfcit,  with  -§  in  gen.,  191,  19, 
fiftcr^  =  often,  63,  2. 
Order,  inverted,  1,  5;  1,  8. 
to  express  concession,  77,  8 ,  82, 

to  express  condition,  62,  20;  66, 

24:  72,  3. 

when  e§  stands  first,  3,  i, 

inverted  for  emphasis  or  vivid 

effect,  70, 17;  175, 10. 
when  pred.  modifier  stands  first, 

1,4;  1,8. 

normal,  1,  5. 

with  comp.  tenses,  1,  5. 

Order,  "normal"  instead  of  "in 
verted,"  174,  4;  179,  19;  186,  25. 

instead  of   transposed,   21,  24; 

93, 18, 

transposed,  1,  5-7;  1,  10;  1,  ii; 


in  exclam.  sentences,  25,  i 

Oftem,  152,  i. 

%«iOX,  Indeclinable,  25,  18. 
participle,  passive,  with  adj.  force, 

38,  I ;  46,  II. 

past,  for  imperative,  1,  17;  48,  5; 

145,3-4;  219,19. 
expressing  preliminary  condition, 

39,  22. 

participles,  perf.  of  verbs  in  -teren, 

participle,  perf.,  for  pres.,  used  ad- 
verbially, 8,  7 ;  24,  22 ;  38,  5 ;  89, 16. 
passive,  with  jcin,  31,  8. 
perf.  for  fut.  perf.,  43,  20. 
person  of  verb,  after  rel    pron.,  46, 

21;  98,2-3. 
plural,  of  abstract  nouns,  10,  24;  39, 

12;  80,  2;  81,  7;  99,  13;  101,  23; 

165, 20. 

of  Lat.  nouns  in  -turn,  136,  2. 

of  numerals,  21,  10;  64,  7. 

for  sing=,  22,  23;  114,  7;  142,  17, 

147,  17;  152,  I. 

of  verb  with  titles,  48,  21. 

^rar^t,  as  prefix,  215,  3= 
prefixes,  order  of,  1,  5. 
— —  inseparable,  1,  5. 

separable,  2,  10. 

prep,  with  ftctgen,  166,  23;  169, 13. 
prepositions,  with  dat,  2, 15. 
— —  with  ace,  3,  2. 

with  gen.,  3,  19. 

with  pass.,  31,  8. 

present  tense,  for  fut.,  12,  27;  25^ 

13,  61,9;  72,5,127, 



preterit,  for  perf.,  58,  ii. 

%x\n,  1,  6. 

pronoun,  demon   for  rel.,  19,  25 ;  20, 

3d  pers.  used  for  2d,   65,   ig; 

220,  22. 
poss.,    in    agreement    with    two 

words,  185,  25. 

reflex.,  of  3d  pers.,  1,  16;  17,  i. 

relating  to  a  clause,  7,  3. 


i|ttet(|,  from  quer,  80, 16. 

9lcbe  ftc^ctt,  196, 18. 
atcirtfiC,  obsolete,  92, 19. 
rimed  phrases,  7,  6;  40, 17. 
rivers,  gender  of,  81,  8, 

sttttit,  107,28. 


*i§,  for  gen.  of  c§,  12,  i ;  94,  24. 
frl^abc,  as  pred.  adj.,  49, 16;  176,  27. 
©ti^cibctt  unb  9Rcibcn,  43,  6. 
f(^kd()t  =  simple,  16,  19. 
fti^otf ,  concessive,  54, 29. 
®^iitt  2)attf ,  175,  4. 
fr^utbig,  with  ace,  2d  select.,  title. 
©cibctt5cug,  in  appos.,  31,  25. 
fcttt,  aux.  of  perfect,  3,  4. 

one's,  176,  26. 

— ^^  for  jeten,  186,  2. 

fctncn,  for  jeinigen,  147,  7;  152,6. 

f{c^,  1,  16. 

ft^«n  =  jtd)  fe^en,  131,  i. 

fo,  after  implied  condition,  145,  13. 

\'0\^,  uninfl.,  before  indef.  art.,  8,  21. 

fottctt,  23,  9;  138,  22. 

fotttc  mtr  aut^  not!^  fc^Icn,  209,  27, 

fimbetn,  after  negative,  8, 12. 

Sonne,  gen.  for  ber  ©onnc,  69,  a. 

©^a3tcr=,  in  composition,  1, 15, 

ftaljn,  for  fte^en,  79, 18 j  94, 17. 

Stongc,  211, 16. 

ftott,  for  anftatt,  27,  16. 

ftctgen,  meaning  with  prep.,  166,  23, 

©tcrte  =  %-Qx\t,  165,  3. 

stress,  in  compound  verbs,  141,  3. 

ftiinbc  =  ftanbe,  165,  20. 

subject,  clause  used  as,  94,  15;  105 


emphasized  by  position,  66,  13. 

omitted,  1,  4 ;  58,  14 ;  67, 1  j  67. 

3;  183,  5;  197,9. 
■—      repetition  of,  66,  3. 
subjunctive,  in  condition,  6,  7. 

in  conclusion,  6,  7;  23,  4;  208,  6 

conclusion  intimated  byalS,  23,4 

— —  confirmatory,  226,  16. 

after  conjunctions  of  purpose,  5, 

as  imperative,  48,  i  j  51,  4;  143, 

10;  212, 5-6. 
— ~-  of  indirect  statement,  2,  20-21 ; 

5, 11-12;  9,  16;  16, 14;  47, 19;  113, 

4;  113,22;  140,17. 

optative,  13,  22. 

potential,  128,  n ;  207,  i ;  208, 3. 

to  soften  positiveness  of  as- 
sertion, 54,  8;  196,  21 ;  209,  8. 
pret.,  implying  dissent,  184, 

16;  197,  6. 

pret.,  for  fut.,  149,  29, 

of  wish,  1, 18. 


*S,a%^  ^vCo^x,  42,  3. 

taufcttb,  in  comp.,  167,  27;  220,  22. 

tense,  compound,  position  of  inf.  or 

part.,  1,  5. 
in  indirect  quotations,  152,  8; 

155, 11;  157,12. 
pres.  for  fut.,  12,  27  j  25, 13;  61, 

9;  70,4;  147,29. 



fcense,  pres,  for  perf.,  6,  25 ;  195,  23. 

pret.  for  perf.,  58,  11. 

pret.  for  pluperf.,  77;  1. 

tlntn,  aux.,  64,  12;  79,  4-19. 

omitted,  25,  11 ;  153,  3.  (bor  fid)) 

tf)un,    171,   10.    tljun  and  jd^affen, 


time  of  action,  how  expressed,  5, 7. 

title,  of  married  women,  123,  4. 
^jjfial  for  2:abaf,  157,  20. 
%xtyx\  rime  with  bet,  63,  20. 


iiJer,  adv.,  with  force  of  prep.,  7, 18-19. 

iibrig,  pred.  adj.,  29,  5. 

urn  . .  .  ^cr,  obj.  between  parts  of,  137^ 

um  .  * .  toitten,  110,  i. 
«nb,  ellipsis  after,  115,  16  j  215,  5. 

unfcreinS,  209, 15. 

verb,  agrees  with  foil,  noun  when  e§ 

begins  sentence,  3,  i. 
agreement  after  rel.  pron.,  42, 21  j 

83,19;  98,2-3. 
• derived  from  compound  noun,  13, 

governing  two  accus.,  20,   10; 

197, 10. 
in  a  factitive  sense,  10,  20;  69, 

12;  75,22;  97,7;  97,28. 

impersonal  for  passive,  61,  6. 

used  impersonally,  28,  22 ;  41, 15  ^ 

51,  26-27;  54,  5-6;  59,  11;  61,  6; 

64,  21;  68,  17;  90,  15;  137,  27; 

158, 14. 
long  form  of  3d  pers.  sing.,  74, 

"- —  of  motion,  omitted  after  UJOtCen, 

138, 16  J  138.17;  138,  20. 

verb,  omitted,  106,  10;  185,  12;  198, 
26;  206,  1-2. 

plural  verb  with  titles,  48,  21, 

sing.,  20,  19  ;   65,  21. 

• separable  and  inseparable,  1,  5. 

— —  trans,  in  Eng.,  intr.  in  Germ., 
used  intransitively,  156,  13. 

two    verbs    of    kindred    mean., 


titet,  inflected  after  def.  art.,  26,  29. 
UicI,  uninfl.,  3,  4, 

better,  in  appos.,  after  noun,  9,  12* 
tior,  expressing  cause,  8,  14, 


aBSIbcrhjgrt^  =  ti? alb  in  arts,  86, 16. 
totti^,  used  adverbially,  10,  10;  14,  30  j 

colloq.  for  toarum,  11,  20;  69, 


for  etn)a§,  12,  21 5  82, 16. 

•^^  after  indef.  antecedent,   14,  6, 

126,  2. 

fiir,  separated,  9,  14. 

tocgcn,  with  dat.,  49,  5;  position  of, 

28ctn§  for  iBein,  74,  16. 
weak  form  of  adj.  with  gen.,  105,  8. 
U)ct§fogcn,  used  impers.,  28,  22, 
2Bct§c  tm  3tugc,  181,  21-22. 
wcifttbu?  137,24. 
toclt^,  before  indef.  art.,  217,  3. 
tocl^C)§  =  tua§,  7,  3. 
aSctt^cr,  91,  4. 
toentg,  when  uninfl.,  3, 4. 
njcnn  for  aB,  152,  lo. 
n>c;§  =  toejjen,  107,  21. 
toie,  colloq.  for  inbem,  136,  9. 

in  comparison,  62,  19. 

relating  to  joIcE)er,  250, 16, 

aSinbctt,  13,  7. 

totffctt  =  !onnen,  53,  9. 

too  =  rel.  adv.  of  time,  21, 28;  22,  14; 

174.  2. 



hJO^l,  lends  chance  to  verb,  65,  17. 

tooljuet,  long  form,  74,  12. 

tooltcn  ==  to  be  on  point  of,  22,  24 ;  45, 

in  imp.,  48,  i;  51,  4;  143,  10; 

212,  5-6. 

simple  futurity,  168,  12. 

words  of  kindred  signif.,  39, 19;  222, 

toorbctt  for  geJDorben,  161, 19. 
omitted,  67,  7, 

toiinfrfjCttf  with  ju,  in  pass,  sense,  21,  g 
)Ditrbe  or  toerbe,  149,  29. 

5ic^t  vMS)i,  211, 1. 

JU,  position  with  inf.,  2,  \o=. 

omitted  with  inf.,  10,  10,  22;  11, 

19;  123,  15;  146,  11-12. 
Sufrtcbcn,  with  ace.  or  gen.,  12,  i. 
Ijoxwit,  archaic  for  ^uriicf,  85, 12. 


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