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Full text of "Gervase Wheeler : mid-nineteenth century British architect in America"

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Renee  Elizabeth  Tribert 



The  Graduate  Program  in  Historic  Preservation 

Presented  to  the  faculties 

of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania 

in  Partial  Fulfillment  of  the  Requirements 

for  the  Degree  of 




— >-^y  f  /Lo^tl . 

George/  Thomas ,  Historic  Preser vation,  Advisor 



avid    G.    D  e  ~tr6n  g  ,    G  r  acfu  a"t  e"~G  r  o  up    Chairman    and    Reader 

FINE  ARTS  /A)fl 



OF  I 



Introduction iii 

Chapter  I.  British  Background,  Education,  Inf luences  .  .  .  .  1 

Chapter  II.  Context  in  America 18 

Chapter  III.  Personal  Affairs 30 

Chapter  IV.  Early  Practice  (1846-1850) 37 

Chapter  V.  Popular  Success  (1851-1860) 81 

Conclusion 121 

Bibliography 126 

Appendixes 132 


The  Willows,  a  wooden  carpenter  Gothic  structure  built 
in  1854,  sits  near  the  summit  of  a  gentle  slope,  nestled 
among  trees,  and  looking  out  on  fields  and  a  nearby  ridge 
in  Morristown,  New  Jersey  (fig.  11).   The  setting  is  pic- 
turesque; the  house,  with  its  deeply  pitched  crossing  gable 
roof,  echoes  the  setting.   Built  by  a  local  master 
carpenter,  Ashbel  Bruen,  it  clearly  follows  the  lines  of 
the  Olmstead  House,  designed  by  Gervase  Wheeler  in  1849, 
and  published  in  his  pattern  book  Rural  Homes  of  1851  (fig. 
9).   Although  is  has  not  as  yet  been  possible  to  document, 
either  Bruen  or  his  client,  General  Joseph  Warren  Revere, 
undoubtedly  owned  a  copy  of  the  book.   0-n  the  basis  of  the 
similarity  of  design  to  the  Olmstead  residence,  the  house 
can  be  said  to  be  derived  from  Wheeler's  work. 

The  name,  Gervase  Wheeler,  is  seldom  found  in 
architectural  history  texts,  and  only  the  most  cursory 
information  is  available  on  this  architect's  career.   The 
reason  became  apparent  during  research:   he  did  not  have 
the  historical  stature  of  A.J.  Downing  or  A.J.  Davis,  and 
he  left  only  a  faint  trail  of  his  activities  in  this 
country.   In  part  this  is  because  he  worked  in  an  era  when 
the  profession  of  the  architect  was  not  yet  firmly 
established  in  America,  and  the  singularity  of  the 
architect's  skill  and  innovation  in  design  was  not  fully 
recognized . 

Still  the  disparity  between  the  lack  of  written 
evidence  and  the  apparent  literary  success  of  an  architect 
who  published  two  books  in  America,  the  first,  Rural  Homes, 
going  through  eleven  editions,  the  other,  Homes  for  the 
People,  six,  and  which  influenced  the  construction  of  homes 
like  the  Willows,  warranted  attention. 

Born  in  England,  probably  around  1815,  Wheeler  came  to 
America  in  the  mid-1840's  and  stayed  some  twenty  years. 
The  gathering  of  information  inevitably  focused  on  his 
years  of  practice  in  America,  due  to  the  difficulty  of 
trans-atlantic  research.   Most  particularly,  an  extensive 
collection  of  correspondence  and  documents  at  Bowdoin 
College,  the  Chapel  Papers,  provided  to  me  by  John  Ward, 
made  it  possible  to  develop  some  understanding  of  the  early 
years  of  Wheeler's  career  in  America. 

Background  readings  in  architectural  history, 
monographs  of  Wheeler's  contemporaries  and  period 
publications  provided  an  understanding  of  the  overall 
context  of  the  period.   In  order  to  uncover  the  breadth  of 
Wheeler's  practice,  select  period  journals  were  searched 
for  articles,  notices  and  reviews;  citations  found  appear 
in  Appendixes  D  and  E.   In  addition,  a  number  of  historical 
societies,  archives,  and  architectural  historians  in  areas 
of  known  Wheeler  residence  or  practice,  some  of  these 
suggested  to  me  by  John  Ward's  earlier  research,  were 


consulted  for  any  holdings  or  leads.   A  list  of  research 
facilities  suggested  for  further  study  appears  in  Appendix 

The  following  people  are  but  a  few  of  those  who  have 
made  the  completion  of  this  thesis  possible:   John  Ward, 
whose  own  extensive  research  on  Gervase  Wheeler  provided 
the  foundation,  Dr.  Jill  Allibone,  who  assisted  me  with 
sources  in  England,  the  staff  of  the  Library  Company  of 
Philadelphia,  Dr.  George  Thomas  and  Dr.  David  DeLong. 

The  aim  of  this  thesis  has  been  to  develop  a 
biographical  sketch  of  Gervase  Wheeler,  and  to  explore  his 
place  in  the  architecture  of  mid-nineteenth  century 
America,  keeping  in  mind  his  British  roots.   It  is  hoped 
that  the  thesis  will  provide  a  resource  for  future 
recognition,  preservation  and  interpretation  of  designs  by, 
or  inspired  by,  Gervase  Wheeler. 

I .    British  Background,  Education  and  Influences 

Documentation  from  Britain  made  available  to  me  by  Dr. 
Jill  Allibone  suggests  that  Gervase  Wheeler  was  originally 
from  Margate,  Kent,  in  England.   Members  of  his  family  were 
interred  at  the  Parish  Church  in  Margate,  and  when  Wheeler 
returned  to  England  after  his  years  in  America,  he  took  up 
residence  there.   His  father,  also  named  Gervase  Wheeler, 
was  a  manufacturer  of  gold,  silver  and  gilt  jewelry, 
working  from  1832  to  1844  at  a  shop  located  at  28 
Bartlett's  Buildings  in  Holborn,  outside  London,  according 
to  period  London  directories .[ 1 ] 

The  elder  Wheeler  had  at  least  one  noteworthy  social 
connection,  in  the  person  of  Sir  Charles  Wesley,  Chaplain 
of  St.  James,  and  Priest  in  Ordinary  to  H.R.  the  Queen  in 
the  Anglican  Church.   While  the  origins  and  nature  of  the 
relationship  are  unclear,  it  in  due  course  extended  to  the 
entire  Wheeler  family.   It  may  also  suggest,  as  a  result  of 
the  association,  that  Wheeler's  religious  affiliation  was, 
if  not  specifically  Anglican,  then  Protestant,  hence  his 
interest  in  obtaining  episcopal  commission  work  in  the 
United  States. 

In  1848,  young  Gervase  Wheeler,  recently  arrived  in 
America,  received  a  cordial  letter  from  Sir  Wesley.   In  it, 


the  Chaplain  expressed  genuinely  warm  feelings:   "I  am  very 
glad  to  find  . . .  that  you  have  not  forgotten  an  old  friend 
who  often  thinks  of  you."   Wesley  continued  with  his 
assurance  of  support:   "the  personal  knowledge  I  have  had 
of  yourself  for  several  years  joined  with  the  high  opinion 
I  have  always  entertained  of  your  professional  talents 
would  make  it  a  pleasure  to  me  to  add  my  testimony  to  that 
of  your  other  friends  here  in  your  behalf. "[2] 
Unfortunately,  Wesley  indicated  his  inability  at  the  time 
to  assist  Wheeler  with  introductions,  and  it  is  doubtful 
whether  the  relationship  served  him  in  any  way  in  America. 

A  tantalizing  piece  of  information  regarding  the  elder 
Wheeler's  status  appeared  in  Homes  for  the  People,  where 

the  author  mentioned  the  cottage  built  for  his  father  by  an 
architect,  "now  one  of  England's  honored  names."  [3]   A 
lack  of  corroborating  evidence  to  identify  the  architect 
and  confirm  the  assertion  diminishes  its  significance. 
Still,  it  would,  if  substantiated,  signal  the  family's 
financial  and  social  position,  and  provide  a  clearer 
picture  of  Wheeler's  personal  background. 

Wheeler  studied  architecture  during  a  period  of 
transition.   Practicing  architects  had  begun  to  recognize 
the  need  for  standards  of  professional  integrity  and  work 
ethics  to  safeguard  the  viability  of  their  services  in  the 
eyes  of  the  public.   While  the  tradition  of  apprenticeship 


persisted,  the  concern  for  professionalism  led  in  the 
1830's  to  a  surge  of  schools  and  organizations.   These 
included  the  Royal  Institute  of  British  Architects,  which 
was  established  in  1834,  and  was  oriented  toward 
architectural  training.   In  these  years  before  mid-century, 
the  position  of  architect  began  to  reach  a  level  whereby  it 
was  essential  not  only  to  show  artistic  ability,  but  also 
"to  establish  in  the  public  eye  [a]  professional 
reputation. "[4] 

Very  little  is  known  of  Wheeler's  education  and 
training  in  England,  and  records  for  his  attendance  at  a 
school  or  college  have  not  been  located.   His  own  writings 
indicate  that  he  recognized  the  significance  of 
professional  ethics,  but  often  disregarded  them  in 
practice.   Whatever  the  level  of  personal  and  professional 
integrity,  Wheeler  evidently  understood  the  need  to 
establish  credentials.  In  a  manner  not  unheard  of  at  the 
beginning  of  a  career,  then  or  now,  he  exaggerated  his 
actual  background  experience  in  order  to  impress  his 
prospective  American  clientele. 

In  a  letter  of  introduction  from  William  J.  Hoppin, 
one  of  Wheeler's  first  contacts  in  America,  in  March  1847, 
it  was  said,  presumably  based  on  Wheeler's  own  testimony, 
that  he  "has  been  in  the  studio  of  Mr.  Carpenter...  and 
also  with  Mr.  Pugin..."[5]   Wheeler's  apprenticeship  under 


Richard  Cromwell  Carpenter  is  tentatively  confirmed  in  an 
entry  in  the  Architects'  Engineers'  and  Building  Trades' 
Directory  for  1868,  published  in  London. [6]   It  should  be 
noted  though  that  if  the  statement  were  false,  it  would 
probably  not  have  been  refuted,  for  Carpenter  had  died  in 
1855.   Wheeler's  work  under  Augustus  W.  N.  Pugin  is  clearly 
suspect;  Pugin  claimed  only  his  own  son  as  pupil,  and  his 
biographer  mentions  neither  apprentices  nor  Wheeler. [7]   It 
is  entirely  possible  however  that  the  two  had  met,  for 
Pugin  was  a  friend  of  Carpenter,  and,  in  early  years,  an 
enthusiastic  supporter  of  the  Cambridge  Camden  Society. 

Following  his  conversion  to  Catholicism  in  1834, 
A.W.N.  Pugin  (1812-1852)  had  espoused  the  cause  of  a  true 
Catholic  architecture,  namely  the  "second  pointed  Gothic." 
He  proclaimed  his  convictions  through  the  publication  of 
several  books,  including  Contrasts  (1836)  and  The  True 
Principles  of  Pointed  or  Christian  Architecture  (1841).   A 
phrase  from  Wheeler's  writing  echoes  the  sentiment.   As  he 
sought  to  obtain  his  first  known  commission  in  America,  at 
Bowdoin  College,  he  enthusiastically  expressed  his  desire 
to  carry  out  "Catholic  and  correct  principle  of 
architectural  decorating ."[ 8 ]   Though  the  statement  clearly 
indicated  familiarity  with  Pugin's  principles,  the  use  of 
terms  may  be  insincere  from  a  religious  point  of  view. 
Wheeler,  it  has  been  posited,  was  most  likely  Protestant, 
and  apprenticed  in  a  Protestant  Society. 


R.C.  Carpenter  (1812-1855)  was  "the  chosen  designer" 
of  the  Cambridge  Camden  Society. [9]   The  association,  later 
called  the  Ecclesiological  Society,  shared  with  Pugin  a 
belief  in  the  Gothic  revival  as  the  true  mode  of 
architectural  expression  principally  for  ecclesiastical 
building.   The  difference  in  the  two  arms  of  the  movement 
lay  in  their  religious  associations:   Pugin  on  the  one  hand 
was  staunchly  Catholic,  while  the  Society  was  Anglican. 
This  divergence  in  faith  led  in  the  mid-1840's  to  a  break 
between  Pugin  and  the  Ecclesiologists . 

Carpenter's  exalted  position  in  the  Society  was  not 
fully  entrenched  until  he  received  the  commission  for  the 
church  of  St.  Mary  Magdalen  in  1849,  nearly  three  years 
after  Wheeler  had  left  for  America.   Still,  Carpenter 
worked  toward  fulfillment  of  the  Society's  precepts  during 
Wheeler's  apprenticeship,  and  the  latter  undoubtedly 
learned  the  essence  of  these  ideals.   Combined  with  his 
exposure  to  the  principles  of  Pugin,  Wheeler's  training 
provided  a  firm  ground  for  the  development  of  his  own 
skills  and  practice.   The  first  important  professional 
contact  for  Wheeler  in  New  York  must  have  found  his  work 
convincing:  "his  designs  for  church  needlework  ...  show 
considerable  power  over  form  and  colour  in  ecclesiastical 
decoration. "[ 10] 

A  great  part  of  Wheeler's  viewpoint  can  be  traced  to 
considerations  of  propriety  of  architectural  expression, 
the  essence  of  truth  and  fittingness  as  prescribed  by 
Ruskin.   John  Ruskin  (1819-1900)  was  a  nineteenth  century 
critic  of  art  and  architecture.   His  early  preoccupation 
had  been  painting,  and  in  1843  he  published  the  first 
volume  of  Modern  Painters,  a  critique  on  the  methods  and 
techniques  of  artists.   He  later  broadened  his  concerns  to 
include  architecture,  and  wrote  the  pioneering  Seven  Lamps 
of  Architecture  in  1849,  followed  by  The  Stones  of  Venice 
in  1851.   Ruskin  essentially  took  the  ideals  promulgated  by 
the  Ecclesiologists  and  Pugin  and  redefined  them  into  the 
premises  of  truth  and  fitness,  applying  them  not  just  to 
church  architecture,  but  to  all  manifestations  of 
building. [11] 

While  Ruskin  had  not  yet  formalized  his  philosophies 
as  they  related  specifically  to  architecture  in  a  single 
treatise  during  the  years  of  Wheeler's  apprenticeship  in 
England,  they  would  become  widespread  and  be  discussed  in 
academic  and  professional  circles.   Wheeler  was  not  only 
familiar  with  these  ideas,  but  later  in  his  career 
professed  to  be  influenced  by  them.   The  introduction  to 
his  first  publication,  Rural  Homes,  ends  with  the  following 
paragraph : 

"In  conclusion,  I  would  say  that,  in  the  hope  of 
infusing  something  of  its  spirit  therein,  I  have 
mentally  headed  every  page  with  a  sentence  suggested 
as  a  matin  and  even  song  to  every  architect  and 
amateur —  Mr.  Ruskin's  great  maxim,  'Until  common 
sense  finds  its  way  to  architecture,  there  can  be  but 
little  hope  for  it.  '"[12] 

A  review  of  the  work  in  Harper's  Monthly  Magazine 

considered  that  Wheeler  had  indeed  "caught  something  of  his 

aesthetic  spirit. "[13]   And  as  will  be  shown  in  a  later 

chapter,  his  writings  reveal  his  ongoing  concern  with 

Ruskin's  principles. 

Wheeler  was  also  familiar  with  the  picturesque.   The 
movement  originated  in  the  18th  century,  and  its  intent 
with  regard  to  domestic  architecture  was  most  succinctly 
defined  by  Humphrey  Repton  and  Richard  Payne  Knight: 
"characteristicness"  [sic]  of  the  building  to  its 
purpose. [14]   A  concurrent  and  newly  espoused  concern  with 
regard  to  building  design  was  put  forth  by  Uvedale  Price 
who  suggested  planning  a  building  with  full  consideration 
of  the  views  and  vistas  from  within.   Thus  the  theory  as  it 
evolved  encouraged  "building  and  design  conceived  in 
relation  to  landscape"  and  saw  the  triumph  of  irregularity 
and  dramatic  massing  over  ordered  classicism .[ 15 ]   Modes, 
whether  Italian  or  Gothic,  were  simply  mediums  for 
expressing  the  picturesque. 

These  ideas,  distilled  and  clarified  over  time,  would 
provide  the  impetus  to  men  like  John  Claudius  Loudon  in 


Britain  and  Andrew  Jackson  Downing  in  America  as  they 
formulated  the  romantic  eclecticism  of  the  mid-nineteenth 
century.   The  work  of  Wheeler  was  no  exception  and  derived 
in  great  part  from  this  aesthetic. 

The  architectural  historian  Henry-Russell  Hitchcock, 
in  Architecture  Nineteenth  and  Twentieth  Centuries,  pointed 
to  the  precedence  of  the  picturesque  in  the  domestic 
architectural  work  of  Downing,  Davis,  Wheeler  and  others, 
ascribing  their  plans  to  picturesque  models  in  Great 
Britain  in  the  1830's.[16]   In  another  book,  Early 
Victorian  Architecture  in  Britain,  Hitchcock  specifically 
mentioned  John  White's  Rural  Architecture,  published  in 
Glasgow  in  1845,  as  a  source  for  Wheeler,  among  other 
architects  "as  many  of  the  designs  in  their  books  of  the 
50 ' s  made  evident ."[ 1 7 ]   Christopher  Hussey,  author  of  The 
Picturesque ,  referred  to  Francis  Goodwin's  Rural 
Architecture  of  1835,  for  its  influence  on  Wheeler  and  his 
contemporaries. [ 18] 

Throughout  the  text  of  Wheeler's  own  first  American 
publication  in  1851,  Rural  Homes,  references  can  be  found 
to  the  roadside  architecture  in  Britain,  France  and 
Germany,  suggesting  that  Wheeler  had  traveled  in  Europe 
before  arriving  in  America.   In  Homes  for  the  People, 
published  in  1855,  Wheeler  described  his  visits  to  the  art 
galleries  of  Europe,  again  indicating  his  first  hand 


knowledge  of  them. [19]   His  comments  do  not  illuminate  the 
point  and  method  of  his  travels;  nevertheless  whatever 
experience  he  may  have  had  presumably  provided  him  with  a 
broader  view  of  the  range  and  possibilities  of  design. 

Among  the  architectural  reference  materials  and  texts 
which  Wheeler  referred  to  was  An  Encyclopaedia  of 
Architecture,  written  by  Joseph  Gwilt,  and  published  in 
London  in  1842. [20]   The  tome,  as  its  name  implies, 
provided  comprehensive  information,  ranging  from  history 
and  theory  to  specifics  of  practice,  necessary  to  the 
complete  understanding  of  the  architectural  profession. 
The  introduction  admonished  the  student  to  thoroughly 
digest  such  a  work  before  assuming  the  title  of  architect 
in  good  conscience.   Wheeler  called  Gwilt  "one  of  the  most 
useful  writers  in  architectural  matters ."[ 21 ]   His  writings 
reflect  this  sentiment  with  technical  information  parallel 
in  nature  to  that  found  in  the  Encyclopaedia .   The  pages  of 
Rural  Homes ,  for  instance,  carry  an  outline  of  job 
specifications,  which  follow,  in  less  detailed  form,  the 
order  and  overall  content  set  out  by  Gwilt. [22] 

Other  authors  and  theorists  mentioned  in  the  pages  of 
Wheeler's  writings  included  Pugin  and  Ruskin,  already 
discussed,  and  Owen  Jones.   Jones  was  best  known  for  his 
work  on  polychromy  and  decorating,  and  in  1851  received 
acclaim  for  his  "parti-coloring"  of  the  Crystal  Palace.   He 


later  wrote  The  Grammar  of  Ornament  (1856).   An  article  in 
the  May  1851  issue  of  the  Bulletin  of  the  American  Art 
Union  examined  Jones'  work  at  the  Crystal  Palace. [23] 
Wheeler  cited  the  article  and  described  Jones'  two-tone 
wall  treatments  as  an  introduction  to  his  own  discussion  of 
the  decoration  of  domestic  rooms  in  Rural  Homes. [24]   The 
question  of  interior  decorating  and  polychromy  was 
evidently  of  interest  to  Wheeler  from  the  outset  of  his 
career;  the  first  examples  of  his  work  in  America  were  in 
these  areas. 

Wheeler's  sources  were  not  limited  to  his 
contemporaries;  he  also  seemed  to  be  well  versed  on 
historical  architectural  treatises.   In  Homes  for  the 

People ,  he  related  the  story  of  Phidias  and  Alcames  from 
the  pages  of  J.F.  Blondel's  Cours  d ' Architecture  of 
1777. [25]   Blondel,  an  eighteenth  century  theorist  and 
teacher  of  architecture,  appreciated  the  truthful 
representation  of  the  classical  style. [26]   He  found  in  the 
tale  of  Phidias,  a  Greek  sculptor  of  the  fifth  century 
B.C.,  and  his  protege  Alcames,  an  example  of  the 
fundamental  skills  and  understanding  required  to  effect 
truthful  representation  —  the  master  knew  to  exaggerate 
features  in  a  sculpture  which  would  stand  atop  a  building, 
for  instance,  so  that  when  in  place  it  would  look 
realistic;  the  student  did  not  grasp  the  need  to  allow  for 
the  different  visual  impression. 


Wheeler  saw  in  Blondel's  recitation  a  parallel  to  his 
own  understanding  of  reality  and  truth  in  art,  and  rather 
immodestly  compared  himself  to  Phidias.   Regardless  of  his 
smugness,  his  concern  was  consistent  with  Ruskin's 
philosophy  of  truth  and  fitness,  which  he  claimed  to  adhere 

Finally,  the  diverse  examples  of  references  to  current 
affairs  suggest  Wheeler's  ongoing  attention  to  contemporary 
literature  and  period  thought.   In  several  instances  in 
Rural  Homes,  Wheeler  made  use  of  the  findings  of  Dr.  Bell, 
of  the  McLean  Asylum  for  the  Insane,  who  wrote  a  treatise 
in  1848  on  the  importance  of  proper  ventilation  and 
practical  applications .[ 27 ]   He  applied  the  information  for 
his  own  description  of  the  proper,  healthy  ventilation  of 
domestic  residences. 

A  passage  from  Rural  Hours,  the  work  of  "a  lady,"  in 
fact  identified  as  Susan  Fennimore  Cooper,  published  less 
than  a  year  earlier,  gave  Wheeler  an  opportunity  in  Rural 
Homes  for  oblique  commentary  on  the  merits  of  American 
architecture. [ 28]   Wheeler  concurred  with  Cooper's 
assessment  of  the  American  tendency  to  mimic  architecture 
which  resulted  in  many  homes  of  the  exact  same  pattern.   By 
pulling  this  selection  into  Rural  Homes,  Wheeler  added 
impetus  to  his  argument  for  picturesque  domestic  designs. 
The  rather  popular  reminiscences  of  America  by  Frederika 


Bremer,  The  Homes  of  the  New  World,  was  also  mentioned  by 
Wheeler  in  Homes  for  the  People. [29]   He  neither  quoted  nor 
discussed  specific  material,  but  simply  noted  the  interest 
of  the  work's  contents. 

As  could  be  expected  in  works  of  mid-century,  A.J. 
Downing's  contributions  in  both  landscape  and  domestic 
architecture  were  cited. [30]   Wheeler's  remarks 
complimented  the  advances  toward  picturesque  expression  in 
domestic  design  made  possible  as  a  result  of  Downing's  ef- 
forts.  He  could  easily  praise  Downing  at  this  time,  for 
the  latter  was  already  dead  and  therefore  not  a 
competitor.   But  Wheeler  seemed  to  place  himself  in  a 
different  category  than  Downing  and  his  peers.   He  referred 
architects  to  Downing's  "excellent"  works  to  avoid 
"prettiness,  whimsicality  and  the  false  picturesque"  in  the 
cottage  design,  implying  that  his  own  apprehension  of  the 
subject  was  total  and  intuitive.   In  his  discussion  of 
gardens  for  the  residence,  Wheeler  deferred  to  the 
expertise  of  Patrick  Barry,  a  leading  horticulturist  and 
pomologist  of  the  mid-nineteenth  century,  quoting 
selections  from  Barry's  Treatise  on  the  Fruit  Garden. [31] 

The  literature  which  Wheeler  read  also  included  many 
of  the  periodicals  of  the  day.   Judging  from  the  references 
throughout  his  books,  he  was  interested  in  an  extensive 
range  of  topics.   It  can  be  inferred  from  his  citations  of 


articles,  that  while  in  America,  he  maintained  familiarity 
with  British  trends  in  art  and  architecture  through  the 
weekly  London  Art  Journal  and  Mechanics  Magazine. 
Sartain's  Union  Magazine,  The  New  York  Tribune,  and  the  New 
York  issue  of  Literary  World  provided  sources  for  more 
general  current  information  and  critical  analysis  from  the 
American  perspective .[ 32  ]   Wheeler  probably  also 
occasionally  read  journals  such  as  the  London  Literary 
World ,  The  Builder  and  The  Home  Journal  published  in  New 
York,  since  they  carried  reviews  of  his  work  or  in  some 
cases  written  contributions,  as  shall  be  discussed. 

In  the  instances  noted  above,  Wheeler  actually 
specified  the  author  or  source  referred  to  in  his  remarks. 
Comparison  of  the  various  works  and  passages  indicates 
that,  while  he  readily  used  the  information  as  the  basis 
for  his  own  arguments,  he  neither  misrepresented  nor 
plagiarized  to  fit  his  own  requirements.   But  a  review  of 
Homes  for  the  People,  discussed  in  chapter  V,  printed  in 
The  Builder  in  1855,  contended  that  Wheeler  had  blatantly 
plagiarized  another  work. 

It  has  not  been  possible  within  the  scope  of  this 
thesis  to  assess  the  degree  of  plagiarism  on  Wheeler's  part 
in  his  several  literary  efforts.   In  his  defense,  it  should 
be  noted  that  contrary  to  the  impression  conveyed  by  the 
disdain  of  the  British  reviewer,  such  lifting  of  material 


remained  a  common  practice  throughout  the  nineteenth 
century . 


[l]Jill  Allibone  to  John  Ward,  Bowdoin  College  Student, 

September  21  1982.   All  correspondence  to  John  Ward  was 

graciously  loaned  to  rae  for  the  purpose  of  my  research  by 
Mr.  Ward. 

[2]Sir  Charles  Wesley  to  Gervase  Wheeler,  August  28 
1848,  Chapel  Papers,  Bowdoin  College  Library,  Brunswick, 
Maine . 

[3]Gervase  Wheeler,  Homes  for  the  People  (New  York: 
Charles  Scribner,  1855),  94. 

[ 4 ] Barrington  Kaye,  The  Development  of  the 
Architectural  Profession  in  Britain  (London:  George  Allen  & 
Unwin  Ltd.,  1960),  83.   This  book  provides  an  overview  of 
the  role  and  position  of  the  British  architect  over  time. 

[5]William  J.  Hoppin  to  Reverend  Leonard  Woods,  March  8 
1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[ 6 ] Architects '  ,  Engineers'  and  Building-Trades' 
Directory  (London:  Wyman,  1868),  143.   The  entry  states 
"Pupil  of  Richard  C.  Carpenter,  esq." 

[7]Phoebe  Stanton,  Pugin  (London:  Thames  &  Hudson, 

[8]Wheeler  to  Woods,  August  14  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[9]Stanton,  Pugin,  179. 

[10]Hoppin  to  Woods,  August  4  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[ll]Justin  Wintle,  ed.,  Makers  of  Nineteenth  Century 
Culture,  1800-1914  (London:  Routledge  &  Kegan  Paul,  1982), 

[12]Wheeler,  Rural  Homes  (New  York:  Charles  Scribner, 
1851),  preface,  no  page  number. 

[13]Harper's  New  Monthly  Magazine  4  (New  York:  Harper  & 
Brothers,  1851),  137. 

[ 14]Christopher  Hussey,  The  Picturesque:  Studies  in  a 
Point  yjf    View  (London:  Frank  Cass  &  Co.  Ltd.,  1967 
edition),  209. 

[15]Hussey,  The  Picturesque,  187. 


[ 16 ]Henry-Russell  Hitchcock,  Architecture,  Nineteenth 
and  Twentieth  Centuries  (Baltimore:  Penguin  Books,  1971 
edition) , 258 . 

[17]Henry  Russell  Hitchcock,  Early  Victorian 
Architecture  in  Britain  (New  York:  DaCapo  Press,  1972), 
427.   White's  Rural  Architecture  was  not  available  for 
comparison . 

[18]Hussey,  The  Picturesque,  212.   Goodwin's  Rural 
Architecture  was  not  readily  available  for  comparison. 

[19]Wheeler,  Homes,  93. 

[20]Joseph  Gwilt,  An  Encyclopaedia  of  Architecture 
(London:  Longman,  Brown,  Green  &  Longmans,  1842). 

[21]Wheeler,  Homes,  92. 

[22]Wheeler,  Rural,  245-55.   Gwilt,  Encyclopaedia, 

[23]Bulletin  of  the  American  Art  Union  (New  York: 
American  Art  Union ,  1851 )  ,  28-9 . 

[24]Wheeler,  Rural,  196. 

[25]Wheeler,  Homes ,  211-2;  Jacques  Francois  Blondel, 
Cours  d ' Architecture  (1777)  was  not  seen  for  comparison  of 
material . 

[26]Peter  Collins,  Changing  Ideals  in  Modern 
Architecture,  1750-1950  (Montreal:  McGill  Queens  University 
Press,  1965),  81. 

[27]Wheeler,  Rural,  49  and  177;  Luther  Bell,  The 
Practical  Methods  of  Ventilating  Buildings  (Boston: 
Dickenson  Printing  Est.,  1848),  19. 

[28]Wheeler,  Rural,  145;  [Susan  Fennimore  Cooper], 
Rural  Hours  (New  York:  George  P.  Putnam,  1850),  380-5. 

[29]Wheeler,  Homes,  264;  Frederika  Bremer,  The  Homes  of 
the  New  World  (London:  Arthur  Hall  Virtue  &  Co.,  1853). 

[30]Wheeler,  Rural,  147,  and  Homes,  264. 

[31]Wheeler,  Rural,  232;  Patrick  Barry,  Treatise  on  the 
Fruit  Garden  (Rochester:  by  the  author,  1851)  was  not  seen 
for  comparison  of  material. 


[32]Wheeler,  Homes,  p. 314  reference  to  London  Art 
Journal  article;  p . 194  reference  to  Mechanics  Magazine 
article ;  p. 408  reference  to  New  York  Tribune  article;  p. 133 
reference  to  New  York  Literary  World  article.   Wheeler, 
Rural,  p. 215  reference  to  Sartain ' s~Union  Magazine  article. 


II.   Context  in  America 

Mid-nineteenth  century  America  experienced  a  period  of 
growth  and  change:  geographically  with  the  move  westward, 
economically  with  rapidly  developing  commerce  and  industry, 
and  politically  with  a  government  attempting  to  face  and 
resolve  the  concomitant  problems  associated  with  this 
growth . 

Most  Americans  viewed  the  innovations  and  progress  of 
the  country  with  an  optimism  for  the  future  and  the 
achievements  made  possible.   At.  the  same  time,  some,  like 
the  essayist  and  philosopher  Ralph  Waldo  Emerson,  reacted 
against  the  materialism  associated  with  the  new  technical 
and  financial  possibilities,  and  turned  toward  a  more 
spiritualistic  view  of  life,  of  man  in  nature.   All  derived 
their  points  of  view  from  an  underlying  shared  belief  in 
the  ideal  of  individual  freedom  and  the  democratic  ideal. 

The  perceptions  and  orientation  evident  in  American 
society  also  became  manifest  in  the  expression  of 
architectural  theories.   At  the  forefront  of  a  new 
interpretation  was  Andrew  Jackson  Downing.   Building  upon 
the  precepts  of  the  picturesque,  the  British  writer  John 
Claudius  Loudon,  and  themes  of  the  individual  as  expounded 
by  American  contemporaries  like  Emerson,  he  believed  that 


domestic  architecture  should  represent  and  transmit  the 
political  republican  values  of  American  society  and  the 
aspirations  of  the  individual  owner.   The  theory  asserted 
that  the  essence  of  the  American  experience  was  rural  and 
suburban,  and  catered  to  those  who  could  afford  country 
homes  near  the  great  American  cities. 

As  the  evolving  theory  was  applied  to  design,  it  drew 
heavily  from  British  precedents.   Downing  translated  the 
revised  view  of  architecture  into  statements  of  form 
associated  with  the  British  picturesque:   the  house  was  to 
relate  to  its  setting,  the  plan  was  functional,  the 
elevation  adapted  to  the  needs  of  the  plan,  and  the  whole 
was  defined  by  the  character  of  the  owner.   In  implementing 
these  ideas,  American  architects  such  as  John  Notman, 
British  born  Richard  Upjohn  and  Alexander  Jackson  Davis 
could  no  longer  be  restricted  to  the  vocabulary  of  the 
Greek  revival,  and  sought  alternative  stylistic 
expressions.   The  result  was  a  flourishing  of  other  revival 
modes  -  Gothic,  Moorish,  Roman  or  Tuscan  Italian  -  applied 
in  an  eclectic  manner  as  befitted  the  situation  and  owner. 

Gervase  Wheeler  arrived  in  America  at  a  time  when 
these  notions  were  finding  voice.   He  came  with  the  benefit 
of  a  background  in  an  environment  which  had  already 
accepted  and  refined  the  picturesque.   His  initial 
contributions  to  The  Horticulturist  imply  an  acquaintance 


with  Downing  by  1849,  but  his  role  in  developing  the 
latter's  theories  was  negligible  if  at  all  —  Downing  had 
been  exploring  the  picturesque  since  1841,  and  died  in 

Wheeler's  contribution  to  American  domestic 
architecture  was  primarily  in  his  writing  which  propagated 
the  picturesque  point  of  view.   He  shared  with  Downing  an 
approach  to  the  explanation  and  application  of  the 
picturesque,  based  in  each  case  on  British  antecedents. 
While  the  vast  majority  of  American  architecture  texts  of 
the  period  clung  to  the  format  of  the  traditional  pattern 
book,  Downing  and  Wheeler  presented  their  ideas  in  essay 
form.   The  Architecture  of  Country  Houses  (1850)  represents 

a  philosophy  of  architecture,  accompanied  by  renderings  by 
contemporary  architects  particularly  A.J.  Davis,  and  in  two 
instances,  Wheeler. [1] 

Wheeler  published  Rural  Homes  one  year  later;  in  it 
designs  and  text  were  integrated  into  a  formulation  of  the 
theory  made  possible  by  the  author's  comfortable  knowledge 
of  the  picturesque  vocabulary.   By  presenting  the  material 
in  readable  chapters,  Wheeler  conveyed  the  essence  of  the 
picturesque  in  the  choice  and  construction  of  a  residence. 
The  designs  were  his  own,  and  were  intended  as  models.   De- 
spite occasional  technical  explanations,  in  which  he 
displayed  ease,  Wheeler  stated  that  an  architect  should  be 


retained  for  the  actual  execution  of  a  design.   In  this 
way,  he  promoted  not  only  himself,  but  the  architectural 
profession . 

The  ten  subsequent  editions  of  Rural  Homes,  Homes  for 
the  People  published  in  1855  with  five  additional  editions 
to  1868,  and  reprints  of  Wheeler's  writing,  spread  to  the 
general  public  information  regarding  the  new  domestic 
architecture.   Reviews  and  advertisements  for  Wheeler's 
works  appeared  not  only  locally  in  New  York,  but  throughout 
the  Northeast,  in  Philadelphia,  Rochester,  Albany, 
Hartford,  and  even  in  St.  Louis  in  the  Midwest. [2] 
Further,  some  publications  in  which  excerpts  from  Wheeler's 
work  appeared,  were  distributed  in  areas  of  the  country 
beyond  that  of  publication.   The  editor  of  The  Genessee 
Farmer ,  a  popular  magazine  for  the  gentleman  farmer 
published  out  of  Rochester,  New  York,  responded  to  a 
correspondent  in  Fairfield,  Illinois  with  a  recommendation 
for  the  use  of  Rural  Homes. f  3 1 

By  far  the  most  widespread  method  of  obtaining 
architectural  commissions  in  the  mid-nineteenth  century  was 
through  personal  contact  and  influential  acquaintances. 
Having  erected  buildings,  the  architect's  designs,  when 
well  known  and  publicized,  could  speak  for  his  talents.   In 
addition,  possibilities  for  self-promotion  included 
contributions  of  designs  or  articles  to  publications,  and 


advertisements  in  these  same  journals  or  volumes,  and  meant 
reaching  a  broader  audience.   Entries  in  design 
competitions  and  exhibitions  provided  another  forum  for 
display  of  the  architect's  work.   As  shall  be  seen  in  the 
course  of  his  career,  Wheeler  tried  all  of  these  approaches 
as  he  sought  to  establish  a  reputation. 

Having  found  work,  the  domain  and  limits  of 
responsibility  of  the  architect  were  by  no  means  clearly 
accepted  in  the  1840's  and  1850's.   The  American  client  was 
still  loathe  to  recognize  the  differentiation  which  the 
architect  drew  between  himself  and  master  builder,  while 
t-he  master  builder  resisted  the  encroachment  on  his  trade. 
The  frustrations  felt  by  the  architect  as  a  result  of  this 
were  magnified  for  the  English  trained  architect,  like 
Wheeler.   An  anonymous  one,  quoted  by  Constance  Greiff  in 
her  biography  of  John  Notraan,  stated  that  "the  US  offered 
the  potential  for  economic  improvement,  but  little 
comprehension  of  the  role  of  the  prof essional . " [ 4]   From 
the  outset  of  his  career  in  America,  Wheeler  had  considered 
himself  a  professional.   The  first  documented 
correspondence  from  him,  in  1847,  is  signed  "Gervase 
Wheeler,  Architect ."[ 5 ]   This  self-conscious 
differentiation  of  the  title  and  qualifications  it  implied 
may  have  accounted  for  some  of  the  tensions  evident  during 
Wheeler's  stay  in  America. 


It  was  not  until  1857,  ten  years  after  Wheeler's 
arrival  in  America,  that  a  group  of  men  gathered  in  New 
York  to  attempt  for  the  second  time  to  create  a  body  of 
professional  architects,  the  American  Institute  of 
Architects.   Thirteen  practicing  architects,  led  by  Richard 
Upjohn,  agreed  to  the  aims  of  the  society,  and  invited 
"other  reputable  members  of  the  profession"  to  a  meeting  to 
adopt  a  constitution .[ 6 ] 

Attendees  at  that  later  meeting  included  Calvert  Vaux, 
Fred  C.  Withers,  John  Notraan,  Thomas  U.  Walter,  Alexander 
J.  Davis,  and  seven  others.   Interestingly,  Wheeler,  though 
known  by  Upjohn  and  at  least  heard  of  by  many  of  the 
others,  was  among  neither  group,  nor  did  his  name  appear  at 
a  later  date. 

Wheeler's  absence  from  the  rolls  was  significant.   A 
man  who  claimed  a  high  level  of  proficiency  and 
professionalism,  as  he  often  did  in  his  printed  work  and 
undoubtedly  in  person,  would  hardly  have  declined  an 
opportunity  to  sit  on  such  an  association.   The  conclusion 
then  is  that  his  peers  either  did  not  consider  him  or  did 
not  accept  him.   Membership  in  the  A. I. A.  was  contingent  on 
the  "honorable  practice"  of  the  profession.   Candidates  for 
membership  had  to  be  proposed  by  two  existing  members  and 
voted  on  by  the  remaining  body;  three  negative  votes  were 
sufficient  to  blackball  an  architect .[ 7 ]   Possible  reasons 


for  such  action  against  Wheeler  will  be  shown  in  later 
chapters . 

The  newly  established  American  Institute  of  Architects 
sought  to  encourage  education  both  of  the  profession  in 
artistic  and  technical  matters,  and  of  the  general  public 
in  the  significance  of  architecture  and  the  role  of  the 
architect.   The  extent  of  an  architect's  control  over 
design  and  construction,  and  the  matter  of  fees  were  often 
points  of  contention,  and  were  among  the  first  issues  for 
which  the  A. I. A.  attempted  to  find  a  resolution. 

Members  of  the  A. I. A.  could  not  in  the  beginning  agree 
upon  a  schedule  of  fixed  rates  for  architectural  services. 
Some  of  the  more  prominent  architects  had  attempted  on 
their  own  to  standardize  the  rate  of  compensation.   By  the 
late  1840's,  John  Notman,  in  an  effort  to  define 
professional  procedures,  sought  a  5%  commission  on 
buildings  which  he  supervised.   He  was  not  always 
successful,  and  sometimes  met  with  resistance .[ 8 ] 
Similarly,  Richard  Upjohn  established  an  average  fee  of  5%, 
but  not  infrequently  had  to  dispute  the  rate  with 
clients. [9]   Upjohn  was  among  those,  together  with  Richard 
Morris  Hunt,  who  took  their  cases  to  court  for  settlement 
in  the  1850's.[10]   Typically  for  the  period,  Wheeler  also 
experienced  difficulties. 


The  first  indication  that  Wheeler  had  codified  his 
fees  can  be  found  on  the  letterhead  used  in  1857:   for  city 
building,  "as  agreed,"  and  for  country  building,  5%  plus 
traveling  expenses .[ 1 1 ]   This  postdates  some  of  the 
litigation  on  the  issue,  and  may  reflect  Wheeler's  confi- 
dence in  the  possibilities  of  obtaining  such  compensation. 

Prior  to  this  however,  Wheeler  seems  to  have  contented 
himself  with  flat  rates.   In  1848,  he  was  voted  $100  by  the 
Governing  Board  of  Bowdoin  College  to  design  a  new 
President's  House,  though  apparently  never  executed .[ 1 2 ] 
With  the  design  of  a  new  corporate  office  for  the  Insurance 
Company  of  America,  in  Philadelphia,  Wheeler  asked  for  the 
"regular  charge  of  3%  on  the  cost,"  but  was  paid  $75,  which 
represented  less  than  2%  of  the  final  cost. [13]   The 
documentation  on  the  Patrick  Barry  House  commission  in 
Rochester,  New  York,  and  the  erection  of  Goodrich  Hall  at 
Williams  College  in  Williarastown ,  Massachusetts,  indicate 
that  again  Wheeler  received  a  flat  fee  for  delivery  of  the 
design  plans.   The  Barry  House  cost  a  total  of 
approximately  $27,500  to  erect,  but  the  Ellwanger  and  Barry 
nursery  journals  record  a  $95  payment  to  the  architect  — 
less  than  one  half  a  percent  of  the  construction  cost. [14] 
At  Williams  College,  the  information  is  unclear,  but 
Wheeler  apparently  received  a  one-time  payment  of  $250. [15] 

Wheeler  offered  another  option  in  his  professional 


services.   In  1852,  he  advertised  in  The  Genessee  Farmer, 
published  in  Rochester,  for  commission  work,  and  offered  to 
supply  "such  information  as  can  be  given  by  letter"  for 
$2. [16]   The  type  of  information  to  be  provided  is  unclear, 
but  Wheeler  may  have  considered  this  approach  a  means  of 
reaching  potential  clients. 

The  Institute  discussed  not  only  questions  of 
client-architect  relationship  but  the  ethics  of  the 
profession  itself.   A  code  of  ethics  was  not  in  fact 
promulgated  until  the  early  twentieth  century,  but  the 
issues  probably  had  their  genesis  in  the  years  leading  up 
to  the  association.   Areas  of  concern  included  competition 
on  the  basis  of  fees,  and  slighting  other  architects' 
reputation  or  work.   Wheeler  from  the  outset  seemed  to 
typify  the  very  deportment  which  the  society  castigated. 
During  his  engagement  at  Bowdoin  in  1847-1848,  he  not  only 
criticized  the  work  of  Upjohn,  the  contracted  architect, 
but  proffered  his  own  services  for  areas  of  alleged 
deficiency  on  Upjohn's  part. [17]   Correspondence  indicated 
Upjohn's  indignation  against  Wheeler,  and  such  behavior  may 
have  kept  him  out  of  the  A. I. A.  years  later. 

Exclusion  from  the  American  Institute  of  Architects 
may  have  had  an  adverse  impact  on  Wheeler's  career.  The 
lack  of  documentation  uncovered  for  the  period  makes  any 
realistic  assessment  of  his  success  tenuous.   However, 


Wheeler's  last  known  commissions  occurred  in  1857  (the  year 
of  the  A.I.A.'s  formation),  with  the  Patrick  Barry  House, 
in  Rochester,  New  York,  and  Goodrich  Hall  at  Williams 
College,  in  Williamstown ,  Massachusetts;  in  1858  his 
landscape  design  entry  for  Bushnell  Park,  in  Hartford, 
Connecticut,  won  first  place,  but  was  never  executed .[ 18 ] 
The  last  indication  of  Wheeler's  presence  in  New  York  City 
was  1860,  and  his  whereabouts  during  the  Civil  War  are 
undocumented . 


[l]See  chapter  IV  for  a  discussion  of  Wheeler's 
contributions  to  Downing's  works. 

[2]See  the  charts  of  ads,  reviews  and  editions  in 
Appendixes  D,  E,  F. 

f3lThe  Genessee  Farmer  13  (Rochester:  Daniel  Lee, 
1852),  260. 

[4]Constance  M.  Greiff,  John  Notman  Architect, 
1810-1865  (Philadelphia:  The  Athenaeum  of  Philadelphia, 
1979)  ,  40.   The  quote  was  taken  from  an  anonymous  British 
architect  with  15  years  experience  who  had  come  to  America 
in  the  1830's  to  practice. 

[5]Wheeler  to  Bowdoin  College,  "Design  for  Decoration 
of  Side  Walls  of  Bowdoin  College  Chapel,"  April  6  1847, 
Chapel  Papers. 

[6]Henry  H.  Saylor,  The  A.I.A.'s  First  Hundred  Years 
(Washington:  The  Octagon,  1957),  4. 

[7]Saylor,  The  A.I .  A. ,  29.   While  Saylor  discusses  the 
process  for  membership,  he  does  not  indicate  whether  there 
is  existing  evidence  in  the  A. I. A.  papers  for  proposed  and 
rejected  candidates.   This  may  be  an  area  of  further 
research . 

[8]Greiff,  John  Notman,  41-3. 

[9]Everard  Upjohn,  Richard  Upjohn,  Architect  and 
Churchman  (New  York:  Columbia  University  Press,  1929), 

[10]Saylor,  The  A. I. A. ,  54. 

[ll]Wheeler  to  Reverend  Calvin  Durfee,  July  14  1857, 
Williamsiana  Collection,  Williams  College,  Williamstown , 

[12]John  Ward,  "Gervase  Wheeler,  a  Progressive 
Architect  in  Brunswick,  Maine,  1847-1848,"  (Paper  presented 
at  Fifth  Annual  Student  Symposium,  Society  of  Architectural 
Historians,  Boston,  Massachusetts,  1982),  15. 

[ 13]Insurance  Company  of  North  America,  Directors' 
Minutes,  1850,  (CIGNA  Corporate  Archives,  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania),  90. 

[14]Natalie  B.E.  Stewart,  "George  Ellwanger  and  Patrick 
Barry,  Romantic  Builders,"  (Masters  Thesis,  University  of 
Rochester,  1985),  60. 


[15]Bruce  B.  McElvein,  "Williams  College  Architecture, 
1790-1860"  (Bachelors  Honors  Thesis,  Williams  College, 
1979),  177-9. 

[16]The  Genessee  Farmer  13  (June  1852),  197. 

[17]See  chapter  IV  for  a  more  detailed  discussion. 

[18]See  chapter  V  for  a  discussion  of  these  works. 


III.  Personal  Affairs 

The  first  years  of  Wheeler's  arrival  in  America  were 
marked  by  poor  health.   He  alluded  to  his  difficulties 
regularly  in  letters.    In  December  1847,  "ill  health  which 
for  some  time  confined  me  to  the  house"  detained  him  from 
his  duties  with  regard  to  the  library  decoration  at  Bowdoin 
College,  in  Brunswick .[ 1 ]   The  following  May,  he  complained 
of  "a  return  of  my  attacks,  the  liability  of  reoccurrence 
of  which  will  forever  prevent  my  enjoying  in  any  laborious 
or  sedentary  pursuit. "[2]   That  same  month,  "an  unfortunate 
severe  pain  in  my  side"  again  meant  that  he  could  not  work 
as  much  as  hoped. [3] 

His  problems  did  not  relent  as  the  year  passed,  for  in 
September,  having  relocated  to  New  Haven,  Wheeler 
complained  that  "the  weather  is  bitterly  cold  and  I  being 
(and  have  been  for  some  time)  very  unwell  with  continual 
attacks  of  cold  on  ray  chest  and  dysentary  [sic],  feel  it 
very  much. "[4]   Two  months  later,  in  November  1848,  he 
again  lamented:  "I  am  sorry  to  say  I  have  been  really  ill, 
and  have  more  than  once  arranged  a  change  of  scene  for  a 
while  and  each  time  been  frustrated  by  bad  health. "[5] 

Dysentery  was  not  uncommon  in  the  nineteenth  century, 
and  manifested  itself  in  attacks.   The  early  descriptions 


of  Wheeler's  symptoms  indicate  that  dysentery  may  have  been 
the  cause  of  his  troubles  from  the  outset.  How  he  fared  in 
later  years  is  not  clear  for  lack  of  documentation. 

Though  Wheeler's  poor  health  is  clear,  the  severity 
and  frequency  with  which  he  was  affected  are  subject  to 
doubt.   His  statements  were  invariably  made  within  the 
context  of  work,  and  all  too  often  have  a  pitiable  tone  to 
them  --  as  though  convenient  excuses  for  not  having 
prepared  a  design.   The  remarks  hint  at  Wheeler's 
manipulative  nature. 

Wheeler  probably  came  to  America  a  bachelor,  and  the 

first  suggestion  that  he  would  soon  marry  was  derived  from 

correspondence  with  Reverend  Woods  of  Bowdoin  College  in 

Brunswick  in  May  1848: 

"But  I  hope  that  once  I  am  in  ray  new  and 
sacred  relations  to  gain  a  friend  who  will 
never  change  and  a  support  which  will  never 
fail  and  that  I  may  be  able  to  make  myself 
worthy  of  them  and  may  draw  peace  and  happi- 
ness from  the  directing  influence  of  the 
other. "[6] 

A  letter  from  Sir  Wesley  later  that  year  further  supported 

the  insinuation,  relating  how  Wheeler's  mother  had  "hinted 

something  which  we  were  all  especially  anxious  to  hear  more 

of... "[7]   Though  may  not  unreasonably  imply 

marriage.   By  March  1851,  a  wedding  had  taken  place,  for 

Wheeler  referred  to  "Mr.  Hyde,  my  wife's  father". [8] 


After  Wheeler's  return  to  England,  in  1884,  he  made 
out  his  last  will  and  testament,  naming  his  wife,  Catherine 
Brewer  (not  Hyde)  executrix.   The  difference  in  names  may 
imply  that  Wheeler  had  married  a  second  time.   Records 
regarding  his  private  affairs  have  not  been  located  to 
confirm  or  refute  any  assumptions. 

Wheeler  apparently  had  several  children;  only  the 
names  of  two  are  known,  Frederick  Ledsam  Wheeler,  and 
Jarvis  Wheeler.   Only  the  first  was  named  in  the  will,  but 
the  latter  was  found  to  reside  at  Wheeler's  address  in  Hove 
after  his  death. [9] 

Comments  made  during  Wheeler's  career  by  those  he 
encountered  all  paint  the  same  initial  impression  of  an 
educated,  refined  man.   Though  for  the  most  part  concerned 
with  questions  of  professional  ability,  William  Hoppin  of 
New  York,  Wheeler's  first  noteworthy  contact,  seemed 
impressed  with  his  knowledge  and  manners.   Discussing 
polychroray  work  for  the  Bowdoin  College  Chapel,  he  wrote 
that  Wheeler's  "information  respecting  it  is  extensive  and 
accurate  and  accompanied  furthermore  with  much  taste  and 
discrimination. "[ 10]   Hoppin  later  expressed  his  confidence 
in  Wheeler,  noting  "I  think  I  should  have  been  able  to 
detect  any  considerable  disparity  between  his  powers  and 
his  pretensions. "[11] 


A  few  years  later,  in  December  1849,  when  Wheeler  was 
in  Philadelphia,  he  dined  with  a  prospective  client,  Henry 
Fisher,  and  his  brother  Sidney.   Sidney  described  Wheeler 
in  his  diary:   "He  is  young,  good  looking,  of  gentlemanlike 
manners  and  appearance  and  converses  with  ease  and 
elegance.   His  mind  is  evidently  cultivated  and  he  has  a 
taste  for  literature  and  art. "[12]   This  worldly  aspect  of 
Wheeler's  character  was  manifest  during  his  career,  in  the 
social  position  of  his  acquaintances  and  clients,  and  in 
his  own  literary  work. 

While  Wheeler  seemed  able  to  charm  people  upon  meeting 
them,  a  lack  of  discretion  in  financial  matters  sometimes 
led  to  strained  relations.   His  living  habits,  suited  to 
city  life,  caused  embarrassment  in  the  small  New  England 
town  of  Brunswick,  Maine,  where  he  undertook  his  first 
commission.   As  early  as  September  1847,  the  Reverend  Woods 
lamented  Wheeler's  handling  of  money  matters  and  his  "want 
of  gentlemanly  propriety"  in  this  regard. [13]   Some  months 
later,  in  February  1848,  an  uncomfortable  situation 
resulted  in  settling  Wheeler's  room  bill.   He  had  spent 
considerably  more  in  living  expenses  than  the  arrangement 
with  the  trustees  of  the  college  had  called  for.   While  he 
recognized  the"somewhat  more  expensive  scale  that  the 
committee  ...  might  have  deemed  necessary ,"[ 14 ]  he  did 
little  to  alleviate  the  problem. 


Wheeler  was  also  manipulative  in  his  dealings  with 
people.   When  the  previously  mentioned  matter  of  expenses 
came  up,  Wheeler  pleaded  his  case  by  implying  that  he  had 
been  "unduly  influenced  by  the  inducements  held  out  . . .  for 
the  future. "[15]   He  was  referring  to  the  commission  for 
the  interior  design  of  the  chapel,  contingent  upon  approval 
of  his  work  in  the  library,  which  was  never  given  to  him. 

On  an  occasion  when  Woods  was  in  Boston  on  business, 
Wheeler  wrote  him  to  ask  that  he  purchase  a  crucifix.   He 
cleverly  referred  to  his  pro  bono  commission  for  the 
library  interior,  knowing  the  effect  it  would  have:   "I  do 
not  mean  that  I  am  making  certain  drawings  for  this,  or 
that  this  would  be  considered  a  return  for  them  ...  [but 
such  a  gesture]  would  amply  compensate  for  this  expenditure 
of  time  and  skill  on  my  part. .."[16] 

It  has  already  been  pointed  out  in  chapter  I  that 
Wheeler  was  known  to  exaggerate  with  regard  to  his 
professional  training.   This  tendency  was  manifest  in  other 
areas  as  well,  particularly  as  Wheeler  sought  to  impress 
contacts  and  prospective  clients.   Having  met  the  Fisher 
brothers  in  Philadelphia,  Wheeler  mentioned  his 
acquaintance  with  Currer  Bell,  author  of  Jane  Eyre,  and 
divulged  "that  these  works  were  chiefly  written  by  his 
sister  Ann  Bell."   An  undated  margin  note  alongside  the 
entry  noted  that  Wheeler  was  an  imposter:   Fisher 


evidently  found  out  that  Bell  was  in  fact  the  pseudonym  of 
a  woman,  Charlotte  Bronte.   The  same  entry  had  noted  that 
"he  knows  also  Miss  Bremer  now  in  this  country,  a  Swedish 
lady,"  though  no  marginalia  accompanied  the  statement .[ 1 7 ] 
Perusal  of  Bremer's  writings  yielded  no  mention  of  Gervase 
Wheeler,  though  she  had  mentioned  her  meetings  with  A.J. 
Downing . 

The  above  information  derives  almost  entirely  from 
correspondence  in  the  first  years  of  Wheeler's  career  in 
America.   It  is  impossible  to  know  whether  he  changed  over 
time.   But  whatever  his  character  flaws,  Wheeler  must  have 
had  an  engaging  personality.   He  associated  throughout  his 
residence  in  America,  at  least  in  a  business  capacity,  with 
socially  prominent  people,  as  the  sketch  of  the  years  1847 
through  1860  will  reveal. 


[l]Wheeler  to  Joseph  McKeen,  December  12  1847,  Chapel 
Papers . 

[2]Wheeler  to  Woods,  May  5  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[3]Wheeler  to  Woods,  May  12  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[4]Wheeler  to  Woods,  September  27  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[5]Wheeler  to  Woods,  November  23  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[6]Wheeler  to  Woods,  May  2  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[7]Wesley  to  Wheeler,  August  28  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[8]Wheeler  to  Richard  Upjohn,  March  17  1851,  Upjohn 
Papers,  box  4,  New  York  Public  Library,  New  York. 

[9]The  knowledge  that  Wheeler  had  descendants  may  prove 
valuable  for  future  research:   Wheeler  is  known  to  have 
kept  certain  of  his  designs,  which  may  yet  exist,  for  he 
specifically  noted  looking  through  plans  of  American 
commissions  in  The  Choice  of  a  Dwelling,  published  in 
England  in  1871. 

[10]Hoppin  to  Woods,  April  10  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[ll]Hoppin  to  Woods,  August  4  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[12]Sidney  Fisher  Diaries,  December  12  1849,  Manuscript 
Collection,  Historical  Society  of  Pennsylvania, 
Philadelphia.   Excerpts  of  the  diaries  were  published  by 
Nicholas  B.  Wainwright  as  A  Philadelphia  Perspective 
(Philadelphia:  Historical  Society  of  Pennsylvania,  1967), 
but  did  not  include  these. 

[ 13]Statement  by  Woods,  no  date,  Chapel  Papers. 

[14]Wheeler  to  Woods,  February  20  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[15]Wheeler  to  Woods,  no  date  (probably  spring  1848), 
Chapel  Papers. 

[16]Wheeler  to  Woods,  no  date  (probably  1848),  Chapel 
Papers . 

[17]Fisher  Diaries,  December  12  1849. 


IV.   Early  Practice  (1846-1850) 

A.  New  York,  New  York  (1846-1847) 

It  is  difficult  to  ascertain  with  certainty  the  date 
of  Wheeler's  arrival  in  America,  but  it  can  safely  be 
assumed  to  have  occurred  in  late  1846  or  early  1847.   The 
first  actual  documentation  of  his  presence  can  be  found  in 
a  letter  dated  March  8  1847,  from  William  J.  Hoppin  of  New 
York  City  to  the  Reverend  Leonard  Woods  in  Brunswick, 
Maine,  a  prospective  client:   "a  young  English  gentleman  by 
the  name  of  Gervase  Wheeler  was  introduced  to  me  the  other 
day...  As  he  has  but  lately  arrived  [he]  has  to  make  a  name 
for  himself ..."[ 1 ]   Later  correspondence  between  the  two 
however  suggests  that  he  had  not  directly  taken  up  his 
profession  upon  his  departure  from  Britain:   "for  a  year  or 
two  after  he  left  England  he  devoted  himself  to  engineering 
in  preference  to  architecture ."[ 2 ] 

In  the  1840's,  Professor  Donaldson,  a  professor  of 
architecture  at  University  College  in  England,  had  espoused 
the  belief  that  architects  needed  also  to  be  engineers  to 
fulfill  their  role  to  its  greatest  potential .[ 3 ]   Though  it 
is  not  clear  to  what  degree  this  sentiment  was  shared  by 
the  profession  at  large,  it  had  its  adherents,  among  them 
apparently  Wheeler.   The  opinion  had  been  expressed  when 


Wheeler  was  still  in  England,  developing  his  skills  and 
professional  outlook,  readying  himself  for  the  field. 

The  correspondence  is  the  first  documentation  of 
Wheeler's  acquaintance  with  William  Hoppin.   Hoppin  was 
well  educated,  with  degrees  from  Yale,  Middlebury  and 
Harvard,  and  had  founded  the  Century  Club  in  New  York.   A 
frequent  traveler  to  Europe,  he  eventually  resided  in 
London  as  Secretary  of  the  US  Legation  from  1876  to 
1886. [4] 

Hoppin's  activities  in  New  York  indicate  that  his 
primary  interest  was  the  art  world.   He  authored  numerous 
articles  on  art  subjects;  by  1850,  he  was  a  member  of  the 
Committee  of  Management  of  the  American  Art  Union,  and  the 
new  editor  of  the  organization's  bulletin. [5]   Although 
there  is  no  documentation  to  confirm  a  continued 
relationship  between  the  two,  it  is  not  unlikely  that 
Wheeler  cultivated  one.   Wheeler  not  only  began  his 
American  career  in  New  York,  but  later  practiced  there  some 
eight  years,  as  shall  be  seen  in  chapter  V. 

After  his  arrival  in  America,  and  by  April  1847, 
Wheeler  had  taken  rooms  at  29  Greenwich  Street,  New  York 
City. [6]   He  apparently  sought  to  make  a  name  for  himself 
by  turning  away  from  the  more  practical  aspects  of 
engineering  and  architecture,  instead  promoting  his 


decoration  skills  at  interior  design  work,  particularly 
polychromy.   In  a  letter  from  Richard  Upjohn,  architect  of 
the  Bowdoin  College  Chapel,  to  the  Reverend  Woods, 
President  of  the  college,  Upjohn  noted  that  Wheeler  desired 
"to  turn  his  attention  exclusively  to  decorative  art. "[7] 
An  undated  1847  exhibit  at  the  National  Academy  of  Design 
in  New  York  City  included  the  following  entry  by  Wheeler: 
"#371.  Section  of  a  Room  with  Gothic  Furniture ."[ 8 ]   As 
will  be  seen,  his  first  documented  commission  was  for  the 
interior  decoration  of  the  College  Chapel  at  Bowdoin. 

Wheeler's  acquaintance  with  Hoppin,  who  would  before 
long  introduce  him  to  the  Reverend  Leonard  Woods,  has 
already  been  mentioned.   Shortly  after  this  introduction, 
during  the  summer  of  1847,  Wheeler  traveled  through  New 
England,  particularly  Connecticut,  at  which  time  he 
established  relations  with  Henry  Austin,  a  practicing 
architect  in  New  Haven.   According  to  Wheeler,  the  two  were 
to  join  business  as  of  the  first  of  September.   In 
correspondence  with  Woods  at  this  time,  he  implied  a 
certain  success  in  obtaining  commissions,  as  he  wrote:  "I 
am  happy  to  say  I  have  so  much  to  do  both  presently  and  in 
future  I  can  afford  to  undertake  a  little  xfancy  work'. "[9] 

It  should  be  pointed  out  at  this  juncture  however  that 
Wheeler's  optimistic  account  of  his  prospects  may  have  been 


an  artifice  for  convincing  prospective  clients,  perhaps 
even  himself,  of  his  evolving  success  in  America.   For 
having  pronounced  a  wealth  of  upcoming  work,  and  an  engage- 
ment with  Austin,  he  proceeded  to  Brunswick,  Maine,  a  com- 
mercial, manufacturing  and  college  town,  on  a  speculative 
gamble  where  he  remained  at  least  until  May  of  the  follow- 
ing year,  or  some  ten  months.   His  work  there  was  only 
sparingly  compensated  for  by  the  client,  as  he  knew  it 
would  be.   But  during  that  time,  there  is  no  evidence  to 
suggest  that  he  pursued  his  relations  with  Austin,  or  that 
he  even  conducted  work  for  other  clients. [10] 

The  *fancy  work'  mentioned  in  Wheeler's  letter  refers 
to  the  interior  decoration  of  the  Bowdoin  College  Chapel, 
and  marks  another  strategy  by  which  Wheeler  sought  to 
establish  himself  in  the  field  in  America.   In  this 
instance,  he  proffered  his  services  at  cost  in  order  to  be 
given  the  opportunity  of  proving  himself.   He  offered  to 
furnish  coloring  designs  for  the  Chapel,  and  supervise 
their  execution,  in  return  for  payment  only  of  his 
expenses . 


B.  Brunswick,  Maine  (1847-1849) 

1.  Banister  Hall,  Bowdoin  College  Chapel 

Reverend  Woods  oversaw  the  design  and  construction  of 
the  college  chapel.   From  the  outset,  the  chapel  building 
was  to  serve  the  usual  religious  function,  and  to  contain 
as  well  an  art  gallery,  library  and  the  president's 
office.   A  theologian  and  teacher,  well  read  and  well 
traveled,  Woods  had  developed  an  interest  in  the  latest 
trends  in  art  and  architecture .[ 11 ]   He  was  convinced  of 
the  appropriateness  of  polychromy  work  for  the  decoration 
of  the  interior. 

The  contract  for  the  design  of  the  building  itself  had 
been  obtained  by  Richard  Upjohn,  and  construction  had  begun 
in  1845.   In  response  to  the  multiple  uses  of  the  building, 
Upjohn  had  planned  a  double  spire  design  based  on  German 
precedent,  with  a  large  Romanesque  hall,  to  be  constructed 
of  granite  quarried  locally. [12]   As  for  the  interior  de- 
sign, contrary  to  Wood's  own  aspirations,  he  considered 
that  the  interior  walls  should  be  pale,  subdued  and  without 
figured  polychromy. 

Woods  had  apparently  sought  Hoppin's  advice  on  the 
matter.   He  hoped  to  find  support  for  his  idea  of  interior 
polychromy,  and  wondered  whether  it  was  within  the  limits 


of  propriety  to  consult  another  architect  for  this  aspect 
of  the  design.   Hoppin,  in  the  letter  introducing  Wheeler 
to  Woods,  confirmed  that  the  latter  "will  materially  assist 
us  in  our  inquiries  as  to  the  proper  mode  of  decorating  the 
chapel  at  Brunswick...  He  is  certain  that  [polychromy]  will 
increase  rather  than  diminish  the  solemnity  of  the  effect 
of  your  Chapel. "[13] 

By  July,  Woods  had  interviewed  and  clearly  been 
impressed  by  Wheeler,  particularly  as  Wheeler  espoused  just 
that  method  of  decoration  which  Woods  so  longed  to  display 
at  Bowdoin.   Upjohn  at  this  time  was  still  being 
recalcitrant  about  adopting  any  coloring  for  the  chapel, 
but  had  agreed  to  draw  up  some  designs,  though  Woods 
considered  that  "nothing  . . .  will  come  up  to  the  standard 
of  Mr.  Wheeler. "[14] 

Upjohn  was  himself  a  British  immigrant,  whose  earliest 
background  was  in  cabinet-making  and  carpentry.   He  had 
arrived  in  America  in  1829,  and  belonged  to  a  slightly 
older  generation  than  Wheeler,  having  progressed  from  car- 
penter to  architect  without  the  benefit  of  formal  train- 
ing.  At  the  time  of  his  commission  at  Bowdoin,  he  was 
still  endeavoring  to  establish  and  define  his  role  as  archi- 
tect, with  much  difficulty  as  the  profession  was  yet  in  its 
infancy. [15]   There  can  be  little  doubt  that  he  resented 
the  interference  of  a  newcomer  like  Wheeler,  and  perhaps 


even  more  the  very  fact  that  Woods  had  challenged  his 
authority  on  the  job  by  seeking  outside  advice  and 
expertise . 

Wheeler  was  very  much  interested  in  the  possibility 
presented  by  the  President  of  Bowdoin,  not  only  as  a  step 
toward  establishing  a  reputation,  but  as  an  opportunity  to 
demonstrate  the  type  of  architectural  decoration  prescribed 
by  the  Ecclesiologists .   As  a  result,  he  agreed  "in  the 
most  generous  way"  to  submit  renderings,  "and  superintend 
their  execution,  making  no  other  charge  than  for  his  mere 
expenses. "[ 16]   Wheeler's  amiability  in  this  exchange  had 
the  desired  effect;  Woods  thereafter  chose  to  secure  the 
services  of  both  Upjohn  and  Wheeler. 

Aware  of  the  potential  awkwardness  of  such  a 

situation,  Woods  once  again  appealed  to  Hoppin  for  advice. 

Both  men  were  agreed  that  "Mr.  U.  is  so  sensitive  upon  this 

point  that  if  he  should  know  it  was  projected,  he  would 

throw  up  the  whole  affair. "[17]   Woods  wondered  whether 

Wheeler's  own  qualifications  vindicated  such  an 

intervention : 

"...  how  far  should  we  be  justified  by  cus- 
tom, by  common  opinion,  and  strict  propri- 
ety, in  adopting  a  style  of  decoration  not 
recommended  by  the  architect?   .  .  .  would  it 
be  safe  for  us,  if  we  approved  of  Mr.  Wheel- 
er's designs,  and  felt  authorized  to  adopt 
them,  to  entrust  the  execution  of  them  to 
him?   His  scientific  attainments,  and  his 
fine  taste,  cannot  be  doubted;  but  has  he 
experience  enough  to  entitle  him  to  perfect 


confidence  in  introducing  a  new  style  which 
will  be  open  to  every  species  of 
In  a  conciliatory  move,  Woods  proposed  that  Wheeler  be 

hired  to  decorate  the  library  (named  Banister  Hall  in  1850) 

in  an  experimental  way  prior  to  any  decision  regarding  the 

chapel  proper. 

Hoppin  responded  to  Woods'  query  by  attempting  to 
balance  the  abilities  of  each  architect  against  the 
requirements  of  the  job.   He  declared  that  from  an  ethical 
standpoint,  Upjohn  should  have  the  option  to  submit  the 
first  design,  but,  in  the  event  that  the  college  committee 
reject  it,  another  architect's  rendering  could  be  adopted. 
The  alternate  architect  of  course  would  be  Wheeler,  for 
Hoppin  knew  "no  other  person  in  the  country  as  competent  to 
carry  them  out. "[19] 

Woods  was  sufficiently  informed  about  the  profession 
to  question  the  areas  of  responsibility  subject  to  an 
architect's  control,  and  to  recognize  that  the  consultation 
of  another  architect  might  be  considered  a  transgression  of 
propriety.   And  Hoppin  admitted  being  "unable  to  come  to  a 
decision  entirely  satisfactory  to  myself. "[20]   But  the 
hesitation  went  no  further. 

By  mid-September,  Wheeler  had  met  Woods  in  New  York 
City  and  together  they  traveled  to  Brunswick.   The  fact 
that  Wheeler  took  the  commission,  even  on  such  a  tentative 


schedule,  showed  a  disregard  for  the  circumstances  of  his 
fellow  architect.   With  all  due  consideration  for  his  own 
needs,  the  ease  with  which  he  accepted  the  work,  knowing  of 
Upjohn's  commitment  to  the  project,  reflected  a  lack  of  pro- 
fessional deference. 

Upon  his  arrival  in  Brunswick,  Wheeler  took  up 
residence  in  a  boarding  house  run  by  Miss  Weld  at  7  Federal 
Street  [21],  on  the  understanding  that  he  would  remain  in 
town  some  four  to  six  weeks  to  accomplish  his  task,  now 
defined  as  the  decoration  of  the  library.   In  the  event 
that  the  latter  were  well  received,  and  pending  Upjohn's 
agreement,  he  would  have  the  opportunity  o-f  decorating  the 
chapel  itself. 

Wheeler  was  not  content  simply  putting  forth  his 
proposals  for  the  library  decorations.   He  also  felt 
compelled,  not  always  in  the  most  tactful  way,  to  express 
his  views  on  the  work  which  had  already  been  planned  by 
Upjohn.   Wheeler  regarded  uniformity  of  mode  to  be 
extremely  important  in  the  overall  development  of  the 
structure.   As  Upjohn  had  designed  the  hall  in  a  Romanesque 
mode,  Wheeler  felt  that  the  detailing  throughout  should  be 
consistent  and  of  "characteristic  ornament".   He 
communicated  his  reservations  about  Upjohn's  use  of  Gothic 
motifs  in  the  interior  design  to  Hoppin  who  in  turn 
conveyed  them  to  Woods:   "Mr.  U.  has  introduced  many 


details  in  the  pointed  style  and  Mr.  Wheeler  desires  you  to 
understand  that  he  should  materially  vary  his  designs  if 
any  thing  besides  the  Romanesque  should  be  used. "[22] 

Later  remarks  by  Wheeler  expressed  more  blatantly  his 
disapproval  of  Upjohn's  designs.   In  September,  shortly 
after  his  arrival  in  Brunswick,  he  stated  that  the  existing 
proposals  for  the  chapel  showed  a  lack  of  understanding  of 
the  principles  of  honest  architecture  and  "unity  of 
effect,"  both  concepts  integral  to  the  new  Ruskinian 
approach.   The  construction  included  "a  mass  of  workmanship 
useless  for  purposes  of  strength",  and  interior  details 
were  designed  in  such  a  way  as  to  insufficiently  "allow  of 
the  play  of  light  and  shade". [23] 

Another  bold  criticism  followed  closely  on  the  last, 
this  time  relative  to  the  design  of  the  library  gallery. 
Wheeler  submitted  remarks  dated  October  1,  to  the  effect 
that  "a  very  important  disadvantage  will  be  found  if  the 
work  be  carried  out  in  the  manner  there  indicated"  in 
Upjohn's  designs. [24]   Again,  the  complaints  had  mainly  to 
do  with  the  play  of  light,  hindered  according  to  Wheeler  by 
the  heaviness  of  the  balusters  and  upper  gallery  floors. 
He  went  so  far  as  to  offer  his  own  services  in  this  regard 
should  the  committee  agree  with  his  assessment. 


Such  criticism  by  an  architect  toward  a  peer  was  very 
unusual.   In  Wheeler's  case,  it  may  have  been  a  mark  of  his 
own  self-conscious  sense  of  education  and  training  compared 
to  his  American  counterparts.   But  it  also  reflected  a  lack 
of  ethical  behavior,  and  suggests  the  root  of  his  future 
problems  in  America.   The  unsolicited  advice  caused 
dissention  and  discomfort  amongst  members  of  the  committee 
and,  quite  naturally,  antagonized  Upjohn. 

While  any  correspondence  from  Upjohn  to  Wheeler  in 
this  matter  has  not  been  uncovered,  a  letter  written  later 
that  month  indicates  Wheeler's  attempt  to  reconcile  with  Up- 
john.  After  providing  him  with  a  lengthy  description  of 
his  designs  for  the  library  decor,  he  applauded  the  overall 
effect  of  the  chapel.   The  letter  closed  with  the  following 
reconciliatory  paragraph: 

I  am  sure  that  you  will  approve  of  what  is 
being  done  in  the  Library  and  I  am  equally 
sure  that  you  will  do  me  the  justice  to  say 
so,  and  to  acquit  me  of  any  intention  in 
this  matter  to  act  otherwise  than  in  the 
most  perfect  good  faith  toward  yourself .[ 25 ] 

The  episode  hints  at  a  manipulative  inclination  in 

Wheeler's  character.   Having  interfered  in  Upjohn's  work, 

he  sought  to  disembarrass  himself  by  appealing  to  Upjohn's 

good  nature. 

How  effectively  relations  were  smoothed  over  is 
dubious,  however  Wheeler  himself  apparently  thought  that 
any  unpleasantness  had  been  resolved.   In  January  1848,  he 


noted  "I  am  glad  that  Mr.  Upjohn  seems  amiable  and  shall  be 
pleased  to  put  myself  in  communication  with  him  on  the 
subject  of  the  Chapel  when  the  time  comes. "[26] 

It  is  difficult  to  gauge  with  accuracy  the 
implications  of  the  situation,  for  while  Wheeler  appears  to 
have  acted  aggressively  and  somewhat  dishonestly,  general 
correspondence  indicates  that  Upjohn's  dealings  with  the 
college  were  marked  by  tension  as  well.   Certainly  part  of 
the  trouble  may  be  attributed  to  the  lingering  obstinacy  of 
the  client,  typical  for  the  period,  in  his  unwillingness  to 
yield  full  control  to  the  architect. 

By  October  1847,  the  work  on  the  polychromy  of 
Banister  Hall  had  begun.   In  late  October,  Wheeler 
submitted  a  description  of  his  project  to  Upjohn.   Ceiling, 
walls,  hood  moulds,  arches  and  columns  were  to  be  covered 
with  decoration  in  fresco  (on  the  plaster)  and  tempera  (on 
the  wood). [27]   The  scheme  was  a  complex  one,  and  the 
design  was  not  completed  until  December.   Wheeler  described 
the  decoration  in  detail  in  a  report  to  the  committee;  each 
surface  area  was  treated  somewhat  differently,  but  all 
shared  a  palette  of  deep,  rich  colors,  dark  red,  warm  gold, 
blue,  subdued  golden  brown,  and  "shades  of  colour  from  warm 
and  brightest  white  and  deepest  shadow"  (see  fig.  1).[28] 
The  interior  of  the  chapel  has  since  been  repainted,  and 
all  traces  of  Wheeler's  work  have  been  obscured;  though  it 


may  still  be  possible  through  paint  analysis  to  recapture 
at  least  a  portion  of  the  polychroray  work. 

With  work  underway  in  the  library,  Wheeler  pursued  his 
aspirations  of  designing  the  interior  treatment  of  the 
chapel  itself.   In  February  1848  he  submitted  a  proposal  to 
Dr.  Woods  and  the  committee.   It  seems  to  have  been 
accepted,  as  he  was  engaged  in  drawing  in  May. [29]   Wheeler 
did  not  however  remain  in  Brunswick  to  see  that  his  plans 
were  carried  out. 

Construction  of  the  College  Chapel  took  some  eleven 
years  to  complete.   In  1851,  when  Wheeler  had  already 
removed  from  Brunswick  and  assumed  other  commissions  in 
Connecticut  and  Pennsylvania,  an  article  in  the  Bulletin  of 

the  American  Art  Union  reviewed  the  interior  polychromy  of 
Banister  Hall.   The  work  was  considered  "very  successful 
both  in  form  and  color",  and  it  was  suggested  that  the 
designs  for  the  chapel,  completed  by  Wheeler,  if  carried 
out,  "would  be  even  more  extensively  admired ."[ 30]   For 
reasons  which  remain  unclear,  the  final  design  was  never 
implemented . 

2.  The  President's  House 

Wheeler's  time  in  Brunswick  was  not  entirely  consumed 
by  work  on  the  College  Chapel.  He  was  also  engaged  to 


design  at  least  two  residences,  including  a  house  for  the 
President  of  Bowdoin  College. 

The  original  President's  House  had  burned  down  in 
1839.   In  November  of  1847,  the  Governing  Board  of  Bowdoin 
voted  $100  to  pay  for  the  commission  of  the  design  of  a  new 
house. [31]   The  decision  to  rebuild  after  so  many  years  had 
no  doubt  much  to  do  with  the  fact  that  Reverend  Woods  was 
President.  In  an  undated  statement  signed  by  Woods,  he 
noted  that  following  his  initial  negotiations  with  Wheeler 
for  the  Chapel,  he  had  suggested  that  Wheeler  "might  obtain 
one  or  two  jobs  with  which  he  might  be  able  to  clear  his 
expenses ."[ 32 ]   The  President's  House  may  have  been  one 
such  job. 

It  would  seem  that  Woods  felt  obligated  to  aid 
Wheeler.   He  therefore  asked  that  renderings  for  the  new 
residence  be  prepared.   Wheeler  submitted  two  alternate 
designs.   As  there  is  no  evidence  to  date  that  either 
design  was  executed,  details  of  their  configurations  are 
minimal.   All  that  is  known  is  that  the  Board  accepted  the 
design  for  a  house  with  tower  and  two  dining  rooms  en  suite 
for  entertaining  .[ 33 ] 

The  debate  over  the  compensation  for  the  designs 
disclosed  Wheeler's  concept  of  the  architect,  presumably 
rooted  in  his  British  training.   He  was  having  financial 


difficulties,  and  tried  to  offset  his  expenses  with  the 
income  from  the  commission.   He  had  submitted  rough 
drawings,  with  the  intention  of  drafting  full  renderings 
once  the  design  choice  had  been  made.   The  committee 
frowned  at  paying  the  allotted  $100  for  such  work.   Wheeler 
responded : 

"Though  I  do  not  pretend  to  say  the  drawings 
are  worth  $50  to  you,  because  they  are  not 
ample  enough;  but  they  are  to  me,  there  is 
the  same  amount  of  thought  and  rearrangement 
exhibited  on  them  as  if  I  had  fully  worked 
each  plan  out,  and  the  rest  would  have  been 
only  mechanical  labour  for  which  the 
remaining  sum  of  $50  would  well  have  paid 
me." [34] 

3.  The  Henry  Boody  House 

Wheeler's  other  known  commission  in  Brunswick  was  a 
house  for  Professor  Henry  Hill  Boody,  a  teacher  of 
rhetoric.   The  design  was  erected,  and  has  been  on  the 
National  Register  of  Historic  Places  since  1975  (fig.  2). 
The  house  has  also  been  the  subject  of  a  Historic  American 
Building  Survey. [35]   It  is  by  far  the  best  known  of 
Wheeler's  designs  today. 

Not  long  after  it  was  built,  illustrations  of  the 
Boody  House  appeared  in  several  publications,  including  the 
August  1849  issue  of  The  Horticulturist  and  A.J.  Downing's 
The  Architecture  of  Country  Houses  in  1850  (fig.  3, 
4). [36]   The  design  was  copied,  with  modifications  to  the 


plan,  in  1853,  in  the  residence  of  Benjamin  Butraan,  of 
Worcester  Massachusetts,  and  published  by  the  architect, 
William  Brown  in  The  Carpenter's  Assistant,  revised  by 
Lewis  Joy  that  same  year. [37]   More  recently,  in  the 
1970's,  the  house  plans  were  reproduced  by  Architectural 
Period  Houses  Inc.  as  one  in  a  series  of  contemporary 
adaptations  of  period  designs. [38] 

The  double  gables  and  steeply  pitched  roof  emphasize 
the  verticality  of  the  design,  further  enhanced  by  the 
vertical  board  and  batten  siding.   Wheeler  claimed  to  have 
formulated  the  scheme  in  response  to  the  local  constraints 
of  material  and  weather.   The  availability  of  wood  meant 
that  the  picturesque  design,  constructed  in  timber,  would 
be  "the  result,  as  all  architectural  beauty  must  be,  of 
fitness  and  harmony ."[ 39  ]   The  chimneys  are  on  the  interior 
for  optimal  heat  retention,  and  the  drawing  room  and  parlor 
suite,  opening  to  verandas,  were  designed  to  enable  the 
closing  off  of  one  or  the  other.  The  floor  plan  is  arranged 
in  an  H  shape,  with  a  kitchen  and  service  wing  projecting 
at  the  rear. 

The  Boody  House  represents  a  union  of  themes  of  the 
picturesque  and  Ruskinian  fitness.   The  house  when  designed 
blended  with  its  surroundings,  by  virtue  of  material, 
varied  massing  and  a  somewhat  asymmetrical  plan  -- 
hallmarks  of  the  picturesque.   The  honest  expression  of 


timber  construction  conformed  with  ideas  of  truth  in 
architectural  expression. 

4.  The  Richardson  House 

There  is  speculation  by  Earle  Shettleworth  of  the 
Maine  Historic  Preservation  Commission  that  the  Captain 
John  G.  Richardson  House,  at  964  Washington  Street,  in 
Bath,  Maine,  may  have  been  based  on  a  design  by  Wheeler 
(fig.  5).   The  two  and  a  half  story  structure,  with 
projecting  rear  ell,  is  roofed  with  steeply  pitched  cross 
gables,  and  sheathed  in  vertical  board  and  batten.   The 
configuration  of  the  plan  and  the  construction  material  and 
technique  are  similar  to  the  Boody  House.   The  date  of 
construction  has  been  estimated  as  1850,  several  years 
after  Wheeler  had  left  the  area. 

Unsigned  plans  for  the  house  are  in  the  collections  of 
the  Bowdoin  College  Library;  but  the  written  notations  are 
in  a  hand  different  from  Wheeler's.   The  Richardson  House 
may  simply  be  a  local  interpretation  of  the  Boody  House. 
Research  for  the  Historic  American  Buildings  Survey 
completed  in  1971  yielded  no  documentation  of  either 
architect  or  builder. [40] 


C.  New  Haven,  Connecticut  (1848-1849) 

As  has  already  been  mentioned,  Wheeler  had  had  the 
occasion  of  traveling  in  Connecticut  in  1847.   He  had  met 
Henry  Austin,  an  architect  of  local  renown  in  New  Haven, 
and  had  established  an  agreement  to  work  with  him  in  1847, 
only  to  renege  in  order  to  complete  the  Bowdoin 
commission.   His  association  with  Austin  was  apparently 
successfully  postponed,  as  Wheeler  wrote  in  1848  of  workinj 
in  Austin's  office.   Other  than  the  correspondence  from 
Wheeler  himself,  there  has  been  no  documentation  of  a 
working  relationship  between  the  two  architects .[ 41 ] 

Austin  had  apprenticed  under  Ithiel  Town  in  the 
1820's,  and  started  his  own  office  in  1837.   The  work 
produced  during  the  fifty  four  years  of  his  practice 
reflected  the  eclectic  modes  of  the  time  and  included 
commissions  both  public  and  residential.   Austin's 
reputation  and  later  recognition  were  based  primarily  on 
his  handling  of  the  Italian  villa.   Austin's  practice 
peaked  in  the  1850's,  so  that  his  office  was  very  much  on 
the  upswing  when  Wheeler  worked  with  him.   Among  the 
commissions  on  the  agenda  during  1848-1849  were  the  James 
Dwight  Dana  House  in  New  Haven,  which  sported  oriental 
motifs,  and  the  New  Haven  Railroad  Station,  which 
incorporated  both  Italianate  and  Oriental  elements.  [42] 


In  September  1848,  Wheeler  wrote  of  his  collaboration 
with  Austin  for  a  project  at  Trinity  College:  "They  talk  of 
erecting  a  college  chapel  and  Mr.  Austin  and  myself  are  I 
suppose  certain  of  doing  it. "[43]   The  commission  however 
apparently  never  materialized,  as  no  chapel  was  erected 
during  this  period.   An  understanding  was  apparently 
reached  for  some  unspecified  work  "in  connection  with  [the] 
organ  at  Trinity  College,"  [44]  and  in  1850  was  contracted 
to  Austin.   It  is  unclear,  but  doubtful,  whether  Wheeler, 
who  by  then  was  in  Philadelphia,  remained  associated  with 
the  job. [45] 

Wheeler  worked  on  another  project  while  in  Austin's 
employ,  a  large  hotel  erected  in  New  Haven.   His  own 
comments  on  the  building  suggest  that  he  had  previously 
only  worked  in  the  picturesque  modes  of  residential 
dwellings  or  the  vocabulary  of  Ecclesiology .   As  he 
prepared  the  drawings  for  exhibit,  he  called  them  "rather 
an  experiment  on  ray  part  the  style  being  very  chaste  and 
purely  worked  but  Italian;  one  of  the  fronts  being  very 
like  Barry's  Travelers  Club  House  in  London"  (fig.  6). [46] 

The  commission,  the  New  Haven  House,  now  demolished, 
on  the  Green  at  the  corner  of  Chapel  and  College  Streets, 
is  credited  to  the  office  of  Henry  Austin,  though  Wheeler's 
involvement  has  not  been  documented.   "It  was  five  stories 
high ... [with]  short  second  story  balcony  and  clean  concise 


proportions  with  string  courses. "[47]   It  is  not  clear  if 
Wheeler  designed  the  structure  or  was  only  the  draftsman. 
If  corroborated  as  Wheeler's  design,  it  would  represent  one 
of  the  few  public  buildings  attributed  to  Wheeler,  later 
assertions  to  the  contrary.   In  1851,  introductory  comments 
to  an  article  written  by  Wheeler  for  The  Home  Journal,  a 
weekly  general  paper  published  in  New  York  City,  noted, 

though  he  has  been  eminently  successful  in  the  large 
public  buildings  he  has  designed  and  erected,  yet  rural 
architecture  is  his  pref erence  .  " [ 48 ] 

It  has  not  been  possible  within  the  scope  of  the 
present  work  to  assess  the  influence  of  Wheeler's  own 
designs  on  Henry  Austin's  work  or  the  converse.   At  any 
rate,  Wheeler's  association  with  the  New  Haven  architect 
was  relatively  short,  lasting  some  ten  months.   During  that 
time,  as  was  his  want,  Wheeler  expressed  dissatisfaction 
with  the  nature  and  composition  of  several  commissions 
coming  out  of  the  office.   It  would  not  be  implausible  to 
suggest  that  his  condescending  manner  again  led  to 
uncomfortable  relations. 

In  addition  to  his  association  with  Austin,  his 
previous  acquaintance  with  the  Reverend  Woods  may  have 
proved  helpful  to  Wheeler  in  New  Haven.   In  the  same 
correspondence  in  which  he  told  of  working  with  Henry 
Austin,  he  asked  Woods'  help  in  introducing  him  to  the 


minister's  peers  in  the  New  Haven  and  Hartford  areas.   He 
specifically  requested  "a  few  lines  of  introduction  to  Dr. 
Williams"  as  well  as  "amongst  the  professors"  in  New 
Haven. [49] 

Dr.  John  Williams  was  the  recently  elected  president 
of  Trinity  College.   Like  Woods,  his  background  included 
several  advanced  degrees,  travel  in  France  and  England,  and 
teaching  experience .[ 50]   Wheeler,  may  have  already  been 
familiar  with  Williams  through  the  chapel  project  at 
Trinity.   There  is  no  evidence  however  that  the 
introduction  led  to  further  commissions  for  Wheeler. 

The  correspondence  during  this  phase  of  Wheeler's 
career  helps  to  elucidate  his  own  aspirations  and 
frustrations  as  architect.   With  his  background  training  in 
England  under  Carpenter,  it  is  not  surprising  to  discover 
that  he  had  hoped  to  work  on  church  architecture.   Through 
Reverend  Woods,  Wheeler  sought  connections  in  the 
ecumenical  and  educational  world.   According  to 
correspondence  between  Woods  and  Richard  Upjohn,  Wheeler 
was  introduced  to  Dr.  Williams  mentioned  above,  Dr. 
Croswell  of  the  Church  of  the  Advent  in  Boston,  Dr.  Sumner, 
a  professor  of  botany  at  Trinity,  and  the  Rev.  Andrew 
Dunning,  a  Bowdoin  graduate  and  minister  of  Congregational 
Churches  in  Thompson  CT.[51]   To  date,  there  has  been  no 
evidence  to  suggest  that  any  commissions  evolved  from  these 


introductions . 

Also  at  this  time,  Wheeler  apparently  hoped  to 
establish  contacts  through  an  acquaintance  in  Britain,  Sir 
Charles  Wesley,  Chaplain  of  St.  James.   A  letter  from 
Wesley  in  August  of  1848  is  an  obvious  response  to  a  plea 
from  Wheeler  for  assistance:   "I  regret  exceedingly  that  I 
have  no  personal  acquaintance  with  any  of  the  Bishops  of 
Clergymen  of  the  Episcopal  Church  in  America  or  it  would 
have  given  me  sincere  gratification  to  have  served  you  in 
any  way  by  such  introductions...  but  I  will  make  every 
endeavor  to  procure  you  some  amongst  my  clerical 
friends. . ."[52] 

The  section  on  Brunswick,  Maine,  portrayed  Wheeler's 
attempts  to  convince  the  Bowdoin  College  committee  and 
Upjohn  of  the  appropriateness  of  a  more  current  mode  of 
design  for  the  chapel.   Wheeler  must  have  had  great  hopes 
of  disseminating  his  firsthand  knowledge  of  the  recent 
innovations  in  church  architecture  and  decor  associated 
with  the  Cambridge  Camden  Society.   His  letters  mention  his 
regret  at  not  being  responsible  for  any  church  designs 
while  in  Austin's  office. 

Not  only  did  Wheeler  lament  the  lack  of  church 
commissions,  but  he  also  denounced  the  one  church  design 
which  Austin's  firm  was  completing  at  the  time,  as  being 


"of  a  character  that  I  am  glad  to  have  escaped  any 

connection  with."   It  can  be  inferred  from  this  that 

Wheeler's  views  regarding  the  proper  design  of  church 

architecture  were  firmly  ingrained.  The  letter  continues: 

"It  will  be  a  long  while  before  I  dare  at- 
tempt to  introduce  anything  of  the  kind  here 
and  as  it  is,  on  the  whole  I  am  rather  glad 
perhaps  that  there  are  no  churches  going  on 
as  I  know  I  should  be  cruelly  mortified  in 
having  to  shape  my  ideas  of  propriety  and 
beauty  and  correctness  in  accordance  with 
those  of  the  'critics'  about  me. "[53] 

Wheeler  clearly  considered  that  neither  the  American 
public  nor  even  the  architectural  profession  were 
sophisticated  enough  to  appreciate  the  more  advanced 
thoughts  of  an  architect  with  his  British  training.   Yet 
contrary  to  what  might  have  been  expected,  his  attitude 
seemed  to  betoken  a  lack  of  conviction  and  determination; 
he  renounced  his  pursuit  of  Ecclesiological  architecture 
only  two  years  after  his  arrival  in  the  United  States. 

D.  Hartford,  Connecticut  (1849) 

Having  spent  approximately  a  year  with  Austin,  Wheeler 
must  have  felt  confident  enough  of  his  design  reputation  or 
perhaps  sufficiently  frustrated  with  the  interpretation  and 
execution  of  modes  in  that  office  to  establish  his  own 
practice.   He  had  moved  to  Hartford  by  April.   With  rooms 
at  the  American  House,  he  opened  an  office  in  the  Janes' 
Building  on  Main  Street. [54]   Ironically,  though  very 


sparse  documentation  as  to  his  stay  in  Hartford  exists,  the 
legacy  of  his  executed  designs  indicates  that  this  was 
among  the  most  prolific  periods  of  his  career. 

In  June  of  1849,  Wheeler  wrote  to  Upjohn  for  his 
assistance  in  procuring  a  draftsman   Upjohn  had  earlier 
referred  him  to  a  Mr.  Jordan,  who  spent  several  months  in 
Wheeler's  Hartford  office  on  the  terms  of  a  temporary 
engagement.   With  business  "steadily  increasing",  Wheeler 
found  himself  in  need  of  permanent  help.   Two  young  men  in 
his  employ,  apparently  qualified  only  as  copyists,  could 
not  meet  the  exigencies  of  the  position  of  design 
assistant.   Wheeler  required  someone  he  could  rely  upon  to 
develop  drawings  from  his  designs;  he  was  sufficiently  busy 
and  "called  away  so  much  that  I  can  hardly  settle  down  to 
anything  myself  in  the  way  of  drawing ."[ 55 ] 

While  there  may  be  doubts  about  the  accuracy  of 
earlier  statements  of  his  activities,  the  case  can  readily 
be  made  that  Wheeler  produced  an  extensive  amount  of  work 
in  Hartford.   Output  at  this  time  ranged  from  the 
publication  of  designs  to  actual  commissions. 

The  first  known  example  of  Wheeler's  written  work 
appeared  in  a  book  for  students  of  art,  published  out  of 
Hartford  early  in  1849.   Entitled  The  Columbian  Drawing 
Book,  this  little  volume  by  C.  Kuchel  comprises  a  series  of 


plates  of  sketches  with  accompanying  written  directions  for 

their  reproduction.   The  eloquent  directions  were  Wheeler's 

contribution  to  the  endeavor.   The  closing  sentence  evokes 

the  pleasure  and  fulfillment  to  be  derived  from  the  art  of 

drawing : 

"...  let  his  eye,  his  heart,  and  his  hand 
work  together,  and  he  will  be  repaid  by  the 
increased  keenness  of  the  one,  the  emotions 
of  the  other,  and  the  skill  of  the  third, 
for  the  time  and  thought  he  has 
bestowed. "[56] 

The  work  was  well  received,  with  reviews  in  several 
period  journals,  including  The  Horticulturist  and  The 
Literary  World. T571   In  each  case  it  was  recommended  as  a 
useful  tool  for  the  amateur  desirous  of  learning  the 
essentials  of  drawing. 

Wheeler's  participation  in  the  endeavor  may  indicate  a 
need  for  work  and  an  initial  lack  of  design  commissions. 
The  contribution  may  also  have  been  a  recognition  of  the 
benefits  of  self-promotion,  even  in  a  field  peripheral  to 
architecture.   Wheeler  wrote  convincingly  of  his  subject, 
in  articulate  and  expressive  prose.   As  his  career 
progressed,  his  ability  to  write  would  serve  him  well. 

The  year  1849  also  saw  the  publication  of  two 
residential  designs  in  A.J.  Downing's  journal  The 
Horticulturist;   in  June,  a  design  for  a  Villa  in  the  Tudor 
Style,  and  in  August,  an  English  Cottage  (the  Boody  House 


in  Brunswick,  Maine,  fig.  3,  4). [58]   The  date  of  Wheeler's 
signature  on  each  contribution,  May  16  and  April  2 
respectively,  suggest  that  Downing  and  Wheeler  had 
established  contact  by  spring  of  that  year.   The  business 
relationship  between  the  two  men  would  lead  to  further 
publication  opportunities  for  Wheeler. 

The  inclusion  of  Wheeler's  work  in  a  respected  monthly 
magazine  could  not  help  but  have  beneficial  effects  for  his 
career  and  reputation.   The  magazine  had  great  appeal  among 
country  'gentlemen'  of  the  period.   Articles  in  the  publica- 
tion dealt  mainly  with  plants  and  landscaping;  but  as 
Downing  espoused  the  picturesque  integration  of  home  and 
grounds,  the  magazine  also  provided  a  forum  for  architectur- 
al design.   A.J.  Davis,  architect  of  many  residences  in  the 
romantic  eclecticism  of  the  period,  had  already  collaborat- 
ed with  Downing  to  supply  plans  and  elevations. 

Downing's  use  of  Wheeler  in  his  publications  suggests 
that  the  latter  appreciated  his  comfortable  handling  of  the 
picturesque.   Greek  revival  design  still  lingered  in  the 
hands  of  many  architects,  and  the  vocabulary  of  the 
picturesque  was  only  beginning  to  gain  acceptance  in 
America.   Downing  may  have  seen  in  Wheeler  a  peer  who  could 
understand  and  express  the  formulations  of  the  American 
picturesque . 


Of  the  two  designs,  the  Boody  House  has  already  been 
described  in  section  B.3  of  this  chapter.   It  is 
interesting  to  note  that  while  Downing  himself  evidently 
considered  Wheeler's  designs  competent,  a  regular 
correspondent  to  The  Horticulturist,  Mr.  Jeffreys  of  New 
York,  rather  condescendingly  critiqued  the  English 
Cottage:   "Are  we  never  to  have  any  American  cottages?  ... 
Try  it  again  Mr.  Wheeler ..."[ 59 ] 

The  other  design  for  "a  Villa  in  the  Tudor  Style,"  was 
intended  as  a  gentleman's  country  residence.   With  its 
irregular  but  harmonized  massing,  Wheeler  considered  the 
design,  executed  in  stone  or  brick,  to  be  "peculiarly  adapt- 
ed to  those  localities  where  the  scenery  was  rather  sylvan 
than  wild. "[60]   The  plan,  reflected  in  the  exterior  pro- 
file, provides  for  large  communicating  drawing  and  dining 
rooms  en  suite,  a  small  conservatory  for  plants,  and  a 
library   (fig.  7,  8). 

1.  The  Olmstead  House 

The  Henry  Olmstead  House,  in  East  Hartford, 
Connecticut,  was  one  of  at  least  two  important  commissions 
to  come  into  the  office  during  the  year.   As  its  name 
implies,  this  residence  was  designed  for  Henry  Olmstead, 
whose  family  was  prominent  in  the  East  Hartford  area.   The 
plan,  essentially  cruciform,  dictates  the  exterior  profile 


of  intersecting  gables  (fig.  9,  10).   Constructed  of  wood 
and  sheathed  in  board  and  batten,  "the  major  decorative 
elements  arise  from  structural  necessity,"  as  in  the 
extended  framed  front  veranda  and  arched  chamber  floor 
ceilings . [ 61  ] 

Like  the  Boody  House,  the  Olmstead  House  combines  in 
no  uncertain  terms  the  qualities  of  the  picturesque  and  of 
Ruskinian  honesty:   a  varied  silhouette,  extension  of  the 
house  to  the  surrounding  landscape  through  verandas, 
rational  construction.   The  design  has  been  the  subject  of 
study  by  Vincent  Scully,  who  considered  that  it  "reinforced 
with  a  new  and  more  incisive  logic  the  practical  and 
aesthetic  principles  of  Downing's  cottage  style. "[62]   The 
house  purportedly  stands,  though  altered  beyond 
recognition,  but  its  continued  existence  has  not  been 
confirmed . 

The  design  was  published  two  years  after  its  erection 
in  Rural  Homes.   It  would  also  provide  the  model  for  the 
Willows,  a  house  built  in  Morristown,  New  Jersey,  in  1854, 
by  Joseph  Warren  Revere  (fig.  11,  12).   The  Willows  is  now 
listed  on  the  National  Register  of  Historic  Places,  as  well 
as  the  New  Jersey  State  Register.   The  plan,  elevation  and 
architectural  details  follow  those  of  the  Olmstead  House 
very  closely.   Modifications  include  the  opening  of  the 
front  stair  hall,  enlargement  of  the  dining  room  and 


parlor,  and  the  addition  of  a  rear  stair  and  kitchen  ell. 
Wheeler  was  practicing  in  New  York  at  the  time  that  Revere 
began  the  Willows,  but  documentation  linking  the  two  men, 
or  revealing  that  Wheeler  had  an  active  role  in  the  adapted 
design,  has  not  been  discovered. 

The  Olmstead  House  may  have  inspired  another 
variation,  the  Hartwell  Carver  House  in  Pittsford,  New 
York,  a  suburb  of  Rochester  (fig.  13). [63]   Built  in  1853, 
the  plan  is  a  somewhat  foreshortened  cruciform,  resulting 
in  less  exaggerated  gable  extension  and  verandas.   The 
uneven  intersection  of  the  gable  roof  lines,  the  enclosed 
gable  above  the  veranda,  and  the  roof  slope  interrupted  by 
dormers,  all  diminish  the  overall  effect  of  the  original 
design.   The  origins  of  the  Hartwell  Carver  House  were  not 
investigated  for  this  paper. 

2.  Rockwood 

While  the  Olmstead  House  was  designed  to  harmonize 
with  its  surroundings,  Rockwood  was  an  imposing  stone 
mansion,  prominently  located  atop  a  hill  overlooking  the 
Hudson  River  in  North  Tarrytown,  New  York.   The  owner, 
Edwin  Bartlett,  a  successful  merchant,  had  gathered  several 
hundred  acres  to  form  his  estate  and  commissioned  Wheeler 
to  design  his  home. 


The  asymmetrical  scheme  was  in  the  castellated  Gothic 
mode,  and  expressed  in  grey  gneiss  (fig.  14,  15).   The 
front  facade  of  the  house,  one  hundred  and  forty  feet  long, 
was  dominated  by  a  four  story  corner  tower  rising  above  the 
living  room.   The  tower  was  balanced,  across  an  arched 
carriage  porch,  by  an  advancing  two  and  a  half  story  octago- 
nal bay.   The  major  living  spaces  opened  onto  verandas  with 
fine  views  of  the  Hudson  (fig.  16).   The  interior  finishes 
included  walnut  and  oak  panelling  and  a  richly  carved  stair 
balustrade  with  Gothic  motifs. 

Completed  in  1849,  the  house  was  first  pictured  in  a 
sketch  by  Edwin  Whitefield,  an  itinerant  artist  who 
solicited  patrons  'door  to  door'  in  the  early  1850's.   In  a 
rendering  of  a  neighboring  estate,  the  profile  of 
Rockwood's  tower  rose  clearly  over  the  trees  on  the 
hillside  (fig.  17). [64] 

From  the  start,  Wheeler's  design  received  critical 
acclaim  from  popular  journals  and  authors.   Rockwood  was 
featured  in  an  1856  issue  of  The  Horticulturist,  in  a 
column  entitled  "Visits  to  Country  Places,"  and  was 
described  as  a  "princely  mansion ."[ 65  ]   Henry  Sargent, 
editor  of  the  sixth  edition  of  Downing's  Landscape 
Gardening ,  lauded  it  again,  calling  it  "the  most  marked 
place  which  has  been  created  since  the  first  edition  of 
this  book. "[66]   A  pictorial  essay  of  the  finer  residences 


along  the  Hudson,  compiled  by  A. A.  Turner  in  1860,  opened 
with  two  photolithographs  of  Rockwood . [ 67 ] 

Also  in  1860,  Knickerbocker  Magazine  ran  two  articles 
entitled  "The  Hudson."   Though  essentially  a  descriptive 
history  of  the  landscapes  and  legends  of  the  area,  a  few 
homes  were  highlighted  —  Sunnyside,  residence  of 
Washington  Irving,  and  "the  beautiful  chateau  of 
Rockwood. "[68]   The  design  withstood  the  vagaries  of  time, 
as  it  again  appeared  among  the  beautiful  "Homes  of  America" 
by  Martha  Lamb  in  1878:   "not  only  a  fine  specimen  of 
mechanical  skill,  but  a  work  of  art  and  architectural 
propriety...  [it]  challenges  comparison  with  the  best  homes 
of  any  country ."[ 69 ] 

The  enduring  popular  appeal  of  Rockwood  for  some 
thirty  years  after  its  construction,  was  a  testament  to  the 
facility  of  the  architect.   The  estate  changed  hands  only 
three  times,  and  in  the  late  1880's,  the  new  owner,  William 
Rockefeller,  nearly  doubled  it  in  size.   In  1922,  three 
years  after  his  death,  the  once  "princely  mansion"  was  de- 
stroyed.  The  site  is  now  the  regional  headquarters  of 
I.B.M.,  and  the  only  reminder  of  the  elegant  estate  is  the 
gate  house  on  the  Albany  Post  Road. [70] 

Wheeler  himself  was  proud  of  the  design;  he  would 
display  it  in  an  exhibition  in  Philadelphia  the  year  after 


designing  it,  and  would  include  some  aspect  of  it  in  two  of 
his  three  books,  Rural  Homes  and  The  Choice  of  a  Dwelling. 
He  never  published  an  elevation  however,  perhaps  in 
deference  to  his  client's  privacy. 

At  this  point  in  his  career,  Wheeler  seems  to  have 
concentrated  on  domestic  architecture  as  his  predominant 
occupation.   The  immediate  recognition  and  relative  success 
of  private  works  such  as  the  Boody  House  and  Rockwood  no 
doubt  pushed  him  toward  that  path. 

E.  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania  (1849-1850) 

1 .  Brookwood 

Wheeler's  contributions  to  The  Horticulturist  may  have 
resulted  in  direct  contact  with  A.J.  Downing,  although 
there  is  only  circumstantial  evidence  to  support  this.   At 
the  end  of  1849,  Downing  sponsored  Wheeler  as  he  traveled 
to  Philadelphia.   Because  he  had  a  seemingly  healthy  prac- 
tice in  Hartford,  his  trip  may  have  been  undertaken  in 
anticipation  of  a  commission.   Downing  had  been  in  Philadel- 
phia the  month  before,  helping  Henry  C.  Fisher  choose  a 
site  for  his  house. [71]   He  may  then  have  recommended  Wheel- 
er as  an  architect.   At  any  rate,  in  December,  Wheeler 
presented  himself  to  Fisher  with  a  letter  from  Downing. [72] 


Fisher  had  recently  purchased  fifty  acres  of  land  in 
the  countryside  to  the  north  of  Philadelphia,  and  wanted  a 
comfortable  and  luxurious  country  estate.   With  the  help  of 
Downing,  he  had  chosen  a  site  for  his  home  and  a  landscap- 
ing plan;  all  that  remained  was  the  structure  itself. 
Fisher  and  Wheeler  first  met  at  dinner  on  December  12 
1849.   By  December  23,  Wheeler  had  submitted  two  designs 
for  Fisher's  approval,  one  Italianate,  the  other  Elizabe- 
than.  Sidney  Fisher,  a  close  relative,  wrote  in  his  dia- 
ry:  "the  latter  is  not  only  in  itself  the  handsomer  by 
far,  in  my  judgement,  but  accords  well  with  the  picturesque 
character  of  the  surrounding  scenery ."[ 73  ]   The  Elizabethan 
was  apparently  the  design  adopted.   As  the  construction  of 
Brookwood  progressed  over  the  next  two  years,  it  was  invari- 
ably described  as  elegant,  convenient,  and  luxurious .[ 74 ] 

Much  as  had  been  the  case  with  Rockwood,  Brookwood  too 
was  applauded  for  its  thoroughly  considered  plan  and 
pleasant  aspect.   In  the  appendix  to  the  sixth  edition  of 
Landscape  Gardening,  after  the  sketch  of  Rockwood,  a  brief 
entry  noted  that  Brookwood  was  a  "very  extensive  and 
complete  establishment"  sure  to  become  "one  of  the  most 
striking  places  near  Philadelphia ."[ 75 ]   The  building  was 
demolished  in  the  1960's,  and  no  images  have  as  yet  been 
uncovered.   There  is  reason  however  to  speculate,  as  the 
next  section  will  do,  that  Wheeler's  design  for  the  Fisher 
estate  was  printed  in  The  Architecture  of  Country  Houses. 


2.  Design  Contributions 

In  1850,  A.J.  Downing's  The  Architecture  of  Country 
Houses  was  published.   In  it,  the  author  featured  two 
designs  by  "Gervase  Wheeler,  Esq.,  of  Philadelphia,  an 
architect  of  reputation ."[ 76 ]   In  introducing  Wheeler, 
Downing  expressed  his  respect  for  the  architect,  and 
complemented  the  designs   their  "artistic  ability,  combined 
with  an  excellent  knowledge  of  all  that  belongs  to  domestic 
life  in  its  best  development ."[ 77 ]   In  just  a  year, 
Downing's  enthusiasm  would  wane  somewhat  (see  chapter  IV). 

The  first  design,  Number  XXV,  "A  Plain  Timber 
Cottage-Villa,"  was  a  slightly  modified  version  of  the 
Henry  Boody  house  erected  in  Brunswick,  Maine,  already 
familiar  to  the  reader.   The  second  design,  Number  XXX,  "An 
American  Country  House  of  the  First  Class,"  was  prepared 
specifically  for  the  book,  according  to  Downing. 

The  "Large  Country  House,"  as  number  XXX  is 
alternately  labeled,  was  considered  a  simple  design  by  its 
author,  catering  to  the  gentleman  of  average  means  (fig. 
18,  19).   The  mode  of  expression,  "without  being  a  copy  of 
any  of  one  of  the  well-known  Tudor  or  Elizabethan  types, 
has  as  distinct  a  character  as  they  have. "[78]   In  a  scheme 
similar  though  less  elaborate  than  Rockwood,  the 
configuration  of  the  plan  balances  the  main  living  quarters 


with  the  kitchen  and  service  wing,  on  either  side  of  a 
carriage  porch  and  entrance  hall.   The  library,  drawing 
room  and  dining  room  open  onto  verandas  and  thus  to  the 
grounds.   Wheeler  suggested  that  the  interior  decor  be 
simple,  but  continued  with  a  prescription  for  stained  glass 
for  the  windows  of  the  halls,  staircase  and  library. 

Country  Houses  appeared  at  approximately  the  same  time 
as  Fisher  began  to  build  Brookwood.   Though  no  mention  of 
an  actual  commission  is  made  in  the  descriptive  text 
accompanying  number  XXX,  it  is  possible  that  this  was  the 
design  proposed  to  Henry  Fisher. 

Both  designs  were  of  Elizabethan  character.   A 
comparison  of  the  floor  plan  of  a  Large  Country  House  with 
the  footprint  of  the  Fisher  residence  from  period  insurance 
survey  atlases,  shows  the  same  general  configuration,  with 
two  and  a  half  story  high  main  block,  and  a  service  wing 
projecting  off  the  right  of  the  main  entrance.   In  the 
atlases,  the  placement  of  verandas  is  expanded,  but  this 
may  have  occurred  naturally  over  time  (compare  fig.  19  and 
20). [79]   The  type  of  residence,  country  home  for  a 
gentleman,  was  the  same  in  each  case.   And  it  should  be 
remembered  that  the  design  would  have  been  submitted  for 
publication  some  time  prior  to  the  printed  date  of  the 
volume,  thereby  allowing  for  the  lack  of  identification  as 
to  actual  construction. 


3.  Philadelphia  County  Court  Building 

The  meeting  between  Wheeler  and  the  Fishers  led  to  an 
introduction  which,  had  the  timing  been  slightly  different, 
might  have  provided  Wheeler  with  an  opportunity  to  work  on 
a  public  commission.   Sidney  Fisher  invited  Wheeler  to 
dinner  on  December  13  1849;  among  the  other  guests  was  Ben 
Gerhard,  a  member  of  the  Common  Councils  of  Philadelphia. 
The  purpose  of  the  introduction,  Fisher  stated,  was  to 
afford  Wheeler  "a  chance  of  competing  for  the  buildings 
about  to  be  erected  by  the  County  for  Courts,  etc.,  on 
Independence  Square ."[ 80 ] 

As  early  as  1823,  members  of  the  Philadelphia  county 
government  had  considered  the  existing  space  for  courts  and 
offices  to  be  insufficient,  and  requested  additional  facili- 
ties.  The  pleas  were  for  the  most  part  dismissed,  until 
1849,  when  the  Common  and  Select  Councils  sought  design 
submissions  for  a  new  court  house.   On  December  5  1849,  the 
county  solicitor  forwarded  a  letter  requesting  approval  of 
erection  of  a  new  court  house;  enclosed  were  proposals  and 
estimates  from  three  architects,  John  Haviland,  Thomas  U. 
Walter  and  Napoleon  Lebrun.[81]   Fifteen  days  later,  the 
Select  and  Common  Councils  resolved  that  a  county  court 
house  could  be  erected  at  the  corner  of  Sixth  and  Walnut 
Streets  on  State  House  Square,  provided  architectural  plans 

were  approved. 


The  resolution  drew  continued  controversy , and  by  June 
27  1850,  the  building  committee  of  Common  Council  had 
rescinded  the  resolution  of  the  previous  December .[ 82 ]   It 
was  not  until  April  1866  that  a  site  was  selected  on  Sixth 
below  Chestnut  and  Common  Council  approved  and  initiated 
the  erection  of  a  new  court  house,  completed  in  February 

At  no  point  during  the  intervening  years  do  the 
journals  and  ledgers  mention  Wheeler.   With  the  submission 
on  December  5  of  the  various  proposals,  Fisher's 
introduction  to  Gerhard  may  have  been  too  late  to  benefit 
.Wheeler . 

4.  Insurance  Company  of  North  America 

After  completion  of  the  designs  for  Brookwood,  Wheeler 
was  not  without  occupation.   The  Insurance  Company  of  North 
America  had  simultaneously  resolved  to  erect  new  office 
headquarters,  and  a  building  committee  of  three  was  appoint- 
ed on  January  14  1850  to  find  an  acceptable  plan. 

By  February  26,  Wheeler  had  been  chosen  for  the  job. 
The  method  for  the  selection  process  was  not  discussed  in 
company  documents,  and  a  survey  of  the  corporate  directors 
did  not  immediately  suggest  a  contact  for  Wheeler.   However 
plans  were  drawn  at  the  request  of  the  building  committee 


and  the  sum  of  $75  was  paid  for  services  rendered .[ 83 ] 

Wheeler  offered  to  superintend  the  construction  of  the 
commission,  but  was  apparently  not  hired  for  that  particu- 
lar aspect  of  the  project.   Abraham  Masson  was  awarded  the 
contract  to  build  the  new  office  located  at  60  Walnut 
Street  (now  the  two  hundred  block  of  Walnut). [84]   Upon  its 
completion,  in  December  1850,  the  company  minutes  record  it 
as  a  "beautifully  appropriate  building ."[ 85 ]   A  history  of 
the  company  published  in  1885  included  an  engraving  of  the 
building  as  it  appeared  in  1879  (fig.  21). [86] 

The  masonry  building  was  a  three  bay,  three  story 
configuration  with  an  eclectic  use  of  motifs.   A  broad  flat 
set  of  steps,  the  entire  width  of  the  office,  led  customers 
up  to  the  entrance.   Above  the  incised  first  floor 
architrave,  more  classically  detailed  columns  supported  the 
segmental  arches  of  windows  with  Gothic  tracery.   The  third 
floor  openings  were  squared  off,  and  though  repeating  the 
tracery,  had  much  flatter  frames  and  reveals.   A  shaped 
gablet  centered  over  the  middle  bay,  adding  still  more 
variety  to  the  line  of  the  bracketed  roof  cornice. 

The  office  was  subsequently  demolished  in  August  1880, 
together  with  the  adjoining  Farquar  Building  to  the  east, 
in  order  to  allow  the  erection  of  Cabot  and  Chandler's  more 
spacious  accommodations  for  the  growing  company. 


Another  project  apparently  undertaken  at  this  time, 
but  for  which  there  is  no  information,  involved  the  design 
of  a  townhouse.   The  only  known  reference  to  this  building 
is  in  Wheeler's  The  Choice  of  a  Dwelling  of  1871.   The 
author  supplied  only  a  floor  plan,  showing  a  side  hall 
configuration  (fig.  22).   The  address  and  date  of  the 
commission  are  not  listed,  and  further  documentation  of  the 
structure  has  not  been  possible  to  date. 

Similarly,  a  design  for  a  "Small  Cottage,"  featured  in 
Rural  Homes,  was  erected  in  two  different  locations 
according  to  Wheeler.   The  board  and  batten  structure 
carried  a  steeply  pitched  roof  with  intersecting  gables  in 
a  T  shaped  plan  (fig.  23).   No  information  regarding  the 
client  or  the  site  was  provided .[ 87 ] 

In  addition  to  his  contact  through  Downing  and  Fisher, 
Wheeler  sought  to  promote  his  abilities  by  exhibiting  his 
work  at  the  twenty-seventh  annual  exhibition  of  the  Pennsyl- 
vania Academy  of  Fine  Arts,  in  1850.   He  wisely  chose  a 
design  which  would  meet  with  approbation:   Rockwood,  near 
Tarrytown,  commissioned  and  constructed  the  previous 
year. [88]   The  entry  indicates  that  Wheeler's  address  at 
this  time  was  70  Walnut  Street,  near  the  newly  designed 
I.N. A.  building. 


[l]Hoppin  to  Woods,  March  8  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[2]Hoppin  to  Woods,  August  4  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[3]Nicholaus  Pevsner,  Some  Architectural  Writers  of  the 
Nineteenth  Century  (Oxford:  Clarendon  Press,  1972),  83. 

[4]James  Grant  Wilson,  ed.,  Appleton's  Cyclopoedia  of 
American  Biography  3  (New  York:  D.  Appleton  &  Co.,  1888), 

[5]The  Literary  World  6  (New  York:  Osgood  &  Co.,  1850), 

[6]Letterhead ,  Wheeler  to  Bowdoin  College,  April  6 
1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[7]Upjohn  to  Woods,  May  4  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[ 8 ]National  Academy  of  Design  Exhibition  Record, 
1826-1860  2  (New  York:  New  York  Historical  Society,  1943), 

[9]Wheeler  to  Woods,  August  14  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[10]John  B.  Kirby  to  Ward,  October  8  1982. 

[ll]Wilson,  Appleton's  6,  604. 

[12]For  a  history  of  the  College  Chapel  and  its 
construction,  see  Ernst  Christian  Helmreich,  Religion  at 
Bowdoin  College:  A  History  (Brunswick:  Bowdoin  College, 

[13]Hoppin  to  Woods,  March  8  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[14]Woods  to  Hoppin,  July  31  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[15]See  chapter  II  for  a  discussion  of  the  atmosphere 
in  the  field  of  architecture  and  Upjohn's  participation  in 
the  development  of  the  A. I. A.   For  information  on  Upjohn's 
career,  see  Everard  Upjohn,  Richard  Upjohn. 

[16]Woods  to  Hoppin,  July  31  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[17]Hoppin  to  Woods,  August  4  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[18]Woods  to  Hoppin,  July  31  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[19]Hoppin  to  Woods,  August  4  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[20]Hoppin  to  Woods,  August  4  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 


[21]Ward,  "Gervase  Wheeler,"  12. 

[22]Hoppin  to  Woods,  April  10  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[23]Wheeler  to  the  Building  Committee,  September  29 
1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[24]Wheeler  to  the  Building  Committee,  October  1  1847, 
Chapel  Papers. 

[25]Wheeler  to  Upjohn,  October  26  1847,  Upjohn  Papers, 
Box  3. 

[26]Wheeler  to  Woods,  January  23  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[27]Wheeler  to  Upjohn,  October  26  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[28]Wheeler,  "Description  of  Decoration  of  the 
Library,"  December  15  1847,  Chapel  Papers. 

[29]Wheeler  to  Woods,  May  12  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[30]Bulletin  of  the  American  Art  Union  (1851),  62. 
This  article  was  brought  to  my  attention  by  Earle 
Shettleworth  of  the  Maine  Historic  Preservation  Commission, 
and  Arlene  Palmer  Schwind,  of  Yarmouth,  Maine. 

[31]Ward,  "Gervase  Wheeler,"  15. 

[32]Woods,  undated  statement,  possibly  end  1847,  Chapel 
Papers . 

[33]Wheeler  to  Woods,  May  10  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[34]Wheeler  to  Woods,  May  10  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[35]Denys  Peter  Myers,  Maine  Catalog  (Portland:  Maine 
State  Museum,  1974),  118-9. 

r36lThe  Horticulturist  4  (Albany:  Luther  Tucker,  1849), 
frontispiece  and  77-79;  A.J.  Downing,  The  Architecture  of 
Country  Houses  (New  York:  Dover  Publications,  1969  reprint 
of  1850),  design  XXV. 

[37]William  Brown,  The  Carpenter's  Assistant  (Boston: 
Edward  Liverraore,  1853),  42,  design  11.   Pointed  out  by 
Earle  Shettleworth,  Maine  Historic  Preservation  Commission. 

[38lArchitectural  Period  Houses  Inc.  (Princeton, 
Massachusetts:  1978).   Courtesy  of  Earle  Shettleworth. 

r39lThe  Horticulturist  4  (August  1849),  77. 


[40]Earle  Shettleworth ,  Director,  Maine  Historic 
Preservation  Commission,  to  Ward,  September  15  1982; 
confirmed  in  letter  to  author,  January  4  1988.   See  also 
Myers,  Maine  Catalog,  202. 

[41]Kirby  to  Ward,  October  8  1982;  confirmed  in  letter 
to  author,  November  16  1987. 

[42]Kirby,  MacMillan  Dictionary  1:  117-8. 

[43]Wheeler  to  Woods,  September  27  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[44]Wheeler  to  Woods,  September  27,  Chapel  Papers. 

[45]Kirby  to  Ward,  September  29  1982. 

[46]Wheeler  to  Woods,  September  27  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[47]Kirby  to  Ward,  September  29  1982. 

r48]The  Home  Journal  (New  York:  Morris  &  Willis,  1851), 
June  14. 

[49]Wheeler  to  Woods,  September  27  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[50]Wilson,  Appleton's  6:  526-7. 

[51]Woods  to  Upjohn,  July  17  1851,  Upjohn  Papers. 

[52]Wesley  to  Wheeler,  August  28  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

[53]Wheeler  to  Woods,  September  27  1848,  Chapel  Papers. 

r54lWells'  City  Directory  for  Hartford  (Hartford:  J. 
Gaylord  Wells,  1849),  138.   The  entry  was  accompanied  by  an 
ad  which  stated,  "more  than  two  years  in  America,"  and 
further  substantiates  an  estimated  arrival  date  of  1846. 

[55]Wheeler  to  Upjohn,  June  18  1849,  Upjohn  Papers. 

[56]C.  Kuchel,  The  Columbian  Drawing  Book  (Hartford: 
Belknap  &  Hamersley,  1849),  10. 

r57]The  Horticulturist  3  (June  1849),  573;  The  Literary 
World  4  (April  1849),  337. 

r58lThe  Horticulturist  3  (June  1849),  560-1  and  4 
(August  1849),  77-9. 

f59lThe  Horticulturist  4  (September  1849),  144. 

r60lThe  Horticulturist  3  (June  1849),  560. 


[61]Robert  P.  Guter,  "The  Willows  at  Fosterf ields" 
(Historic  Structures  Report,  Morristown,  New  Jersey,  1983), 

[62]Vincent  J.  Scully  Jr.,  The  Shingle  Style  and  The 
Stick  Style  (New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1955),  lii. 
Scully  used  the  Olmstead  House  as  an  example  in  developing 
his  theory  of  the  "Stick  Style";  for  a  discussion  of  the 
term  and  its  significance,  see  also  Robert  Jensen,  "Board 
and  Batten  Siding  and  the  Balloon  Frame,"  JSAH  30 
(1971) :40-50,  and  Sarah  Landau,  "Richard  Morris  Hunt,  the 
Continental  Picturesque,  and  the  Stick  Style,"  JSAH  42 

[63]Jean  R.  France,  Professor  of  Fine  Arts,  University 
of  Rochester,  to  Ward,  November  29  1982;  image  courtesy  of 
Ms.  France. 

[64]John  Zukowsky,  Hudson  River  Houses:  Edwin 
Whitefield's  "The  Hudson  River  and  Railroad  Illustrated" 
(Croton  on  Hudson:  North  River  Press  Inc.,  1981  facsimile 
of  c.1850),  50. 

[65]The  Horticulturist  n.s.6  (November  1856),  497. 

[66]A.J.  Downing,  A  Treatise  on  the  Theory  and  Practice 
of  Landscape  Gardening  (New  York:  A.O.  Moore  &  Co.,  1859, 
6th  edition),  552. 

[67]A.A.  Turner  Villas  on  the  Hudson  (New  York:  DaCapo 
Press,  1977  reprint  of  1860). 

[ 68]Knickerbocker  New  York  Monthly  Magazine    (New 
York:  Samuel  Hueston,  1860),  137  (image)  and  142. 

[69]Martha  J.  Lamb,  The  Homes  of  America  (New  York:  D. 
Appleton  &  Co.,  1879),  162  and  224. 

[70]John  Zukowsky,  Hudson  River  Villas  (New  York: 
Rizzoli  International  Publications  Inc.,  1985),  107. 

[71]Fisher  Diaries,  November  5  1849. 

[72]Fisher  Diaries,  December  12  1849. 

[73]Fisher  Diaries,  December  23  1849. 

[74]Fisher  Diaries,  August  16  1850,  June  16  1851, 
December  31  1851. 

[75]Downing,  Landscape  Gardening,  555. 


[76]Downing,  Country  Houses,  330. 

[77]Downing,  Country  Houses,  330. 

[78]Downing,  Country  Houses,  338. 

[79]Smedley 's  Atlas  of  the  City  of  Philadelphia,  22nd 
ward  (Philadelphia:  J.B.  Lippincott  &  Co.,  1862);  Atlas  of 
the  City  of  Philadelphia,  22nd  ward  (Philadelphia:  G.M. 
Hopkins  C.E.,  1885);  Insurance  Map  of  the  City  of 
Philadelphia ,  33,  22nd  ward  (Philadelphia:  Ernest  Hexamer  & 
Son,  1898). 

[80]Fisher  Diaries,  December  12  1849. 

r81~lJournal  of  the  Select  Council  (Philadelphia:  Cressy 
&  Markley,  1850),  45. 

[82]Journal  of  the  Common  Council  (Philadelphia:  King  & 
Baird,  1850),  170. 


[83]I.N.A.,  "Directors'  Minutes"  (February  26  1850), 

[84]I.N.A.  "Directors'  Minutes,"  (March  12  1850),  191. 

[85]I.N.A.  "Directors'  Minutes"  (December  24  1850), 

[86]Thomas  H.  Montgomery,  A  History  of  the  Insurance 
Company  of  North  America  (Philadelphia:  Press  of  Review 
Publishing  &  Printing  Co.,  1885),  opposite  90. 

[87]Wheeler,  Rural,  161. 

[88]Anna  Wells  Rutledge  ed.,  Cumulative  Record  of 
Exhibition  Catalogues;  the  Pennsylvania  Academy  of  the  Fine 
Arts  1807-1870   (Philadelphia:  American  Philosophical 
Society,  1955),  251. 


V.    Popular  Success.  New  York  and  Norwichtown  (1851-1860) 

By  February  1851,  Wheeler  had  moved  away  from 
Philadelphia  and  returned  to  New  York.[l]   Awaiting  more 
permanent  offices,  he  rented  rooms  at  304  West  Fourteenth 
Street;  by  May  he  was  listed  in  the  city  directory  as 
Architect,  University,  Washington  Square. [2]   Wheeler,  as 
was  clear  in  Hartford,  recognized  the  advertising 
possibilities  of  listing  in  the  directory.   In  a  letter 
written  in  March,  Wheeler  appealed  to  Richard  Upjohn,  whom 
he  had  met  in  the  context  of  the  College  Chapel  commission 
at  Bowdoin,  for  potential  odd  jobs,  only  until  May,  the 
date  of  issuance  of  the  directory. 

As  the  above  suggests,  Wheeler  began  immediately  to 
seek  contacts  for  commissions.   He  apparently  met  early  on 
the  editors  of  The  Home  Journal,  Nathanial  Parker  Willis 
and  George  Morris,  for  on  March  1  1851,  the  first  in  a 
series  of  sixteen  articles  authored  by  Wheeler  appeared  in 
this  popular  weekly  magazine  (to  be  discussed  in  a  later 
part  of  this  chapter). 

Wheeler's  letter  to  Upjohn  in  March  announced  his  new 
location,  and  was  written  with  the  aim  of  enlisting 
Upjohn's  help.   The  relationship  between  the  two  men  is 
somewhat  ambiguous.   During  the  project  at  Bowdoin,  Wheeler 


had  antagonized  Upjohn  and  a  great  deal  of  tension  had 
resulted.   Still,  the  contact  was  established,  and  in 
apparent  recognition  of  Upjohn's  influence  in  the  field  of 
architecture,  Wheeler  turned  to  him.   He  offered  his 
services  and  expertise  for  any  commissions  which  Upjohn 
might  find  himself  unable  to  fulfill:  "if  at  any  time  you 
. . .  have  work  you  cannot  from  press  of  business  undertake  I 
shall  be  very  happy  to  have  it  placed  in  my  hands  and  will 
do  my  best.  .  ."[3] 

Wheeler  claimed  that  his  practice  had  thrived  in  the 
intervening  years  since  the  Bowdoin  Chapel  commission: 
"Since  I  last  saw  you,  I  have  done  a  great  deal  in  various 
parts  of  the  country  and  very  successfully."   By  this  time, 
he  was  referring  to  his  designs  for  the  Olmstead  House, 
Rockwood,  Brookwood,  and  the  I.N. A.  Building. 

The  accuracy  of  Wheeler's  assurance  of  activity  may 
have  been  slanted  by  a  tendency  to  exaggeration  evidenced 
previously.   A  half  dozen  designs  in  approximately  two 
years  could  not  have  been  considered  prolific.   Further,  a 
successful  and  busy  practice,  as  related  to  Upjohn  in  the 
above  excerpt,  would  hardly  require  him  to  actively  seek 
work  from  his  peers.   An  architect  would  be  inclined  to 
pass  over  only  commissions  in  inconvenient  locations,  with 
difficult  clients,  or  which  presented  no  particular  design 

challenge . 


On  the  other  hand,  the  simple  question  of  geography- 
should  be  recognized  in  understanding  Wheeler's  new  need 
for  contacts  in  New  York.   Having  worked  first  in  Maine, 
then  Connecticut,  and  later  Philadelphia,  whatever 
clientele  and  reputation  were  established  would  have 
remained  in  those  areas.   Letters  of  introduction, 
recommendation  or  regular  correspondence  would  then  have 
formed  the  basis  for  the  development  of  a  new  clientele; 
the  existence  of  any  such  documents  is  unknown.   Under  the 
circumstances,  the  most  natural  response  for  Wheeler  was  to 
turn  to  previously  made  associations,  like  Upjohn  and  in 
all  likelihood  Hoppin,  for  assistance  and  references. 

After  only  some  six  months  in  New  York,  something 
occurred  to  propel  Wheeler  to  Norwichtown,  Connecticut. 
Richard  Upjohn  was  working  on  a  church  design  in  Norwich  in 
the  summer  of  1851,  and  it  may  be  that,  despite  previous 
difficulties,  as  a  gesture  of  good  will  he  proposed  Wheeler 
to  have  a  look  at  it.   However,  by  July  of  that  year, 
Wheeler  had  once  again  tactlessly  insinuated  himself  into 
Upjohn's  affairs.   Upjohn  wrote  Reverend  Woods  in  Brunswick 
of  Wheeler's  presence  in  Norwich,  beseeching  his  help  in 
keeping  him  at  bay. [4]   If  previous  experience  is  an 
indication,  Wheeler  undoubtedly  did  not  restrain  his  own 
criticism  of  the  evolving  project.   Upjohn  considered 
Wheeler's  interference  "mischievous...  pranks  and 
favours . " [ 5 ] 


Woods  promptly  replied  that  while  he  himself  would  not 
volunteer  information  on  Wheeler's  past  track  record,  he 
could  suggest  a  long  list  of  names  to  whom  the  people  of 
Norwich  might  address  their  inquiries  as  to  Wheeler's 
reputation:   Dr.  Croswell  of  the  Church  of  the  Advent  in 
Boston,  Dr.  Sumner  in  Hartford,  George  F.  Dunning  of  the 
Mint  of  Philadelphia,  his  brother  Reverend  Andrew  Dunning 
in  Thompson,  Connecticut,  whom  Woods  had  introduced  to 
Wheeler  over  the  course  of  their  acquaintance  in  Brunswick, 
and  William  Hoppin  of  New  York  and  Professor  Smyth  and  Mr. 
McKeen  of  Brunswick.   These  men,  if  asked,  would  "put  them 
on  their  guard  about  Mr.  Wheeler. "[6] 

The  exchange  between  Upjohn  and  Woods  was  an 
unequivocal  disapproval  of  Wheeler's  character,  and  a 
reflection  of  the  difficult  relations  at  Bowdoin.   Despite 
this,  Wheeler  not  only  remained  in  the  area,  but 
established  an  office  in  Norwichtown.   It  seems  probably 
that  Wheeler  became  busy  with  his  own  work,  and  no  longer 
disturbed  Upjohn.   By  the  end  of  May,  Wheeler  had  decided 
to  expand  the  articles  he  had  been  writing  for  The  Home 
Journal  into  a  book,  published  in  the  summer,  which  he 
signed  from  Norwichtown,  Connecticut. 

In  June  1852,  an  advertisement  in  the  Genessee  Farmer 
solicited  "professional  engagements  from  those  desirous  of 
building,"  for  Gervase  Wheeler,  Norwichtown,  Connecticut. 


The  services  offered  included  "designs  for  residences, 
churches,  schoolhouses ,  arrangement  of  grounds  and 
out-buildings  and  for  internal  decoration ."[ 7  ] 
Documentation  regarding  the  execution  of  projects  during 
this  period  is  sparse,  and  as  shall  be  seen  in  section  5  of 
this  chapter,  is  limited  to  Wheeler's  own  word  on  the 
subject . 

Wheeler  continued  to  travel  during  these  years  as  he 
had  done  since  his  arrival.  Most  notable  among  his  trips 
was  a  return  to  Europe,  tentatively  placed  at  the  end  of 

1852.  Little  is  known  of  this  trip,  though  Wheeler 
specifically  mentioned  having  been  in  London. [8]   By  July 

1853,  he  was  back  in  the  United  States.   A  notice  in  The 
Horticulturist  announced:   "The  friends  of  Gervase  Wheeler, 
the  accomplished  architect  and  author  of  Rural  Homes  will 
be  glad  to  learn  that  he  has  returned  from  Europe  and 
resumed  the  practice  of  his  prof ession . " [ 9 ]   The  notice  was 
supplemented  by  ads  placed  by  Wheeler  himself,  in  the 
August  and  November  issues  of  the  magazine .[ 10] 

Wheeler  chose  at  this  time  to  settle  in  New  York, 
where  he  would  remain  until  1860.   His  office  was  initially 
established  at  55  Trinity  Building,  and  he  worked  out  of 
these  premises  from  July  1853  through  1854. [11]   During  his 
time  in  New  York,  Wheeler  relocated  offices  on  the  average 
every  other  year.   The  city  directories  listed  his  practice 


at  16  Nassau  Building  in  1855,  430  Broome  Street  in 
1856-1857,  18  William  Street  in  1858-1859,  and  the  Post 
Office  Building  in  Brooklyn  in  1860.   Such  continual 
changes  in  location  appear  not  to  have  been  particularly 
unusual  or  significant  for  a  professional  at  this  time. 
Other  architects,  Robert  Mills  and  Minard  Lafever,  for 
instance,  had  done  the  same;  Lafever's  biographer,  Jacob 
Landy,  affirmed  "there  is  no  basis  for  assuming  ...  poor 
business  judgement  ...  to  explain  the  many  changes  of 
office  location. "[12] 

While  frequent  moves  marked  the  professional  side  of 
Wheeler's  life,  his  private  residence  was  unchanged  from 
1854  to  1860.   The  city  directories  consistently  listed  1 
Elm  Place  in  Brooklyn,  at  the  northwest  corner  of 
Livingston  Street,  a  few  blocks  from  the  Brooklyn  Borough 
Hall,  in  a  middle  class  residential  neighborhood .[ 13 ] 

No  primary  source  information  regarding  the  staffing 
of  Wheeler's  office  during  these  years  has  come  to  light, 
however  one  architect  is  alleged  to  have  apprenticed  under 
him.   A  group  photo  of  the  members  of  the  American 
Institute  of  Architects  taken  in  1883,  and  illustrated  in 
the  pages  of  the  February  1884  issue  of  The  American 
Architect  and  Building  News,  included  New  York  based  Henry 
Hudson  Holly.   The  brief  biography  associated  with  the 
picture  stated  that  Holly  had  begun  his  study  of 


architecture  under  Wheeler  in  1854,  leaving  the  latter's 
office  in  1856  to  train  in  Britain. [14]   In  the 
introduction  to  the  1977  reprint  of  Holly's  books,  Country 
Seats  (1863)  and  Modern  Dwellings  (1878),  Michael  Tomlan 
logically,  although  without  documentation,  attributes 
Holly's  decision  to  travel  to  England  to  his  employer's 
urging. [ 15] 

Holly  worked  with  Wheeler  at  the  time  when  the  latter 
was  writing  his  second  book,  Homes  for  the  People  (1855). 
It  is  safe  to  assume  that,  if  Holly  did  not  in  fact 
collaborate  on  the  volume,  he  was  familiar  with  the  ideas 
and  designs  which  Wheeler  elaborated.   Holly  himself  wrote 
and  published  a  pattern  book  in  1863,  Country  Seats.   In 
the  preface,  the  author  noted  that  "the  work  was  fully 
prepared  for  the  press  some  two  years  since,"  but  its 
publication  was  hindered  by  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil 
War. [16]   In  other  words,  Holly  had  drafted  his  book  in 
late  I860,  early  1861,  immediately  following  Wheeler's 
departure  for  England. 

'    The  contents  and  organization  of  Homes  for  the  People 
will  be  discussed  in  the  later  on,  but  some  of  the 
similarities  between  the  two  architects'  work  bear 
mention.   Both  books  addressed  and  appealed  to  the  general 
public  as  opposed  to  a  specifically  professional  audience. 
Country  Seats  began  as  had  Homes  for  the  People  with  a 


brief  history  of  architecture,  and  devoted  several  pages  to 
a  differentiation  of  the  types  of  homes  sought  by  differing 
classes  of  people.   Several  of  Holly's  designs,  though 
modified  in  plan,  presented  combinations  of  motifs  or 
proportions  reminiscent  of  Wheeler's  work  in  Homes  for  the 
People,  f 1 7 1 

As  the  book's  audience  represented  prospective 
clients,  Holly,  like  Wheeler,  championed  hiring  an 
architect  for  the  planning  of  a  country  house.   He  also 
followed  Wheeler's  example  and  noted  that  the  designs  were 
"not  intended  for  model  houses,  to  be  copied  for  all 
localities,  but  simply  to  show  how  important  it  is  to  have 
an  original  design  adapted  to  the  peculiarities  of 
site. "[18] 

In  addition  to  the  parallels  between  the  architects' 
books,  the  manner  in  which  each  defined  his  professional 
course  was  similar.   Holly,  like  Wheeler,  had  designed 
actual  commissions,  but  both  relied  rather  more  heavily 
upon  the  publication  of  writings  and  popularization  of 
domestic  designs.   Repeating  a  pattern  set  by  Wheeler  in 
1851,  Holly  began  contributing  a  series  of  articles 
entitled  "Modern  Dwellings,  Their  Construction,  Decoration 
and  Furniture"  to  Harper's  New  Monthly  Magazine  in  1876. 
The  series  would  become  the  foundation  for  his  book,  Modern 
Dwellings,  published  in  1878. [19] 

The  most  conspicuous  difference  between  the  careers  of 
the  two  men  lay  in  organizational  associations.   Unlike 
Wheeler,  Holly  was  from  the  outset  involved  in  the  A. I. A., 
and  was  elected  to  Fellowship  in  1858,  even  before 
Wheeler's  departure. 

Of  particular  importance  in  Wheeler's  practice  at  this 
time  were  his  published  writings.   He  contributed  essays  to 
period  journals,  foremost  among  them  The  Home  Journal,  and 
compiled  his  own  books  for  publication. 

The  Home  Journal  was  described  by  its  editors,  George 
Pope  Morris  and  Nathanial  P.  Willis,  as  a  chronicle  of 
fashion,  society,  theatre  and  the  arts,  leaving  "the 
details  of  politics  and  heavier  matters  to  the  daily 
newspapers ."[ 20]   Like  most  journals  of  the  period, 
contributors  were  seldom  paid  for  their  pieces,  and 
articles  were  often  printed  anonymously .[ 21 ]   But  The  Home 
Journal  was  considered  somewhat  more  sophisticated  than  its 
competitors,  with  writing  which  often  approached  the  level 
of  literature. 

The  recitation  of  events  with  regard  to  Wheeler's 
association  with  The  Home  Journal  is  purely  conjectural. 
Willis,  who  sought  out  new  contributors  to  maintain  a  fresh 
magazine,  may  have  met  Wheeler  in  person.   Willis  may  have 
encouraged  Wheeler  to  submit  a  series  of  articles  making 


use  of  his  knowledge  of  architecture.   As  can  best  be 
ascertained,  with  the  exception  of  the  introduction  to  the 
Columbian  Drawing  Book  and  the  submissions  to  The 
Horticulturist  in  1849,  this  was  the  beginning  of  Wheeler's 
writing  career.   While  the  articles  were  not  signed,  the 
initials  "G.W."  may  have  been  enough  to  identify  Wheeler 
from  other  architects  practicing  in  New  York.   This  subtle 
means  of  recognition  may  have  meant  a  possible  source  of 
future  commissions. 

The  articles  for  the  most  part  belonged  to  a  segment 
entitled  "On  Perfecting  a  Home". [22]   The  editors 
introduced  the  series  with  enthusiasm  and  confidence, 
promoting  its  author  as  "an  eminent  and  practical 
architect"  and  "emphatically  commend[ing]  our  correspondent 
and  his  views  to  the  reader's  attention"  (March  1).   Though 
a  pitch  for  Wheeler,  the  compliment  also  was  a  promotion 
for  the  paper  itself.   The  editors  of  The  Home  Journal, 
years  later  in  1855,  when  reviewing  Wheeler's  second  book, 
would  "claim  an  interest"  in  the  success  of  the  architect 
as  a  result  of  having  provided  their  periodical  as  a 
forum. [23] 

"On  Perfecting  a  Home"  addressed  the  definition  of 
fitness  and  realization  of  comfort  in  the  American  home. 
The  first  article  in  the  series  appeared  on  March  1  1851. 
Entitled  "Home,  How  to  Build  One  Cheaply  and  Well,"  it 


began  with  the  distinction  between  a  house  and  a  home.   The 
latter,  Wheeler  asserted,  was  different  for  its  being 
suited  to  the  client,  and  depended  greatly  on  the  skills 
and  abilities  of  a  professional  architect.   As  usual,  there 
was  a  self-promotional  tone  in  the  work.   Wheeler,  having 
defined  the  need  for  "practical  statements,  easily 
understood  directions,  evident  reasons,  common  sense 
determinations,"  proceeded  to  provide  them. 

The  basic  considerations  in  building  any  house 
included  "convenient  arrangement,  facility  of  construction 
and  of  repair,  perfect  protection  from  heat  and  cold, 
adequate  means  of  warming  and  ventilating,  congruity  with 
the  scenery  around"  (March  1).   Having  stated  these  points 
at  the  outset,  they  provided  the  impetus  for  the  series. 

The  discussion  in  the  first  article  was  the  choice  of 
site  (March  1),  derived  from  principles  of  shelter,  shade, 
access  to  water  and  views,  not  distant,  but  of  "the 
familiar  objects  near  the  eye  that  are  varying  ever..." 
The  arrangement  of  a  house  concentrated  specifically  on  the 
compass  orientation  of  rooms  for  maximal  comfort  and 
convenience.   The  kitchen,  for  instance,  belonged  at  the 
north  side,  "leaving  more  desirable  points  of  the  compass 
for  the  main  building";  if  the  main  meal  of  the  household 
was  midday,  the  dining  room  was  to  be  oriented  east,  or  if 
evening  supper  was  preferred,  west,  for  best  natural 


lighting.   North  was  to  be  avoided  for  the  entrance  because 
of  the  threat  of  penetration  of  cold  and  winds;  the 
southern  exposure  was  reserved  for  the  most  often  used 
room,  the  parlor  or  salon.   As  a  factor  of  fitness,  Wheeler 
considered  that  the  rural  or  suburban  house  required  no 
formal  parlor,  "too  party-ish  and  pretentious  for  the 
country"  (March  1). 

Each  article  or  grouping,  when  the  subject 
necessitated,  tackled  a  particular  topic,  such  as  building 
to  suit  the  landscape,  materials  and  their  treatment  in 
construction,  ventilation  and  heating,  outbuildings, 
furniture,  and  examples  of  home  types.   Wheeler  described 
several  designs,  the  "Modern  Italian  Bracketted  Style," 
"Summer  Lodge,"  "Suburban  Villa"  and  "Southern  Home." 

Concerns  which  paralleled  the  picturesque  point  of 
view  and  the  theories  of  Downing  were  evident  in  the 
articles.   Full  consideration  of  the  house  within  the 
landscape  meant  that  "the  building  and  the  grounds,  the 
natural  objects  and  the  result  of  art,  are  in  perfect 
congruity"  achieving  "home  beauty"  (April  19).   And  "a  home 
in  the  sunny  south  is  a  very  different  thing  to  arrange  to 
one  suited  to  a  northern  clime"  (July  5). 

In  addition  to  the  series  "On  Perfecting  a  Home," 
Wheeler  submitted  an  article  which,  though  not  directly 


related  to  architecture,  was  again  a  subtle  form  of 
self-promotion.   "The  Hudson  and  the  Rhine"  (June  14) 
really  had  nothing  to  do  with  the  Rhine,  other  than  raise  a 
romantic  parallel.   Wheeler  described  the  beauty  of  the 
Hudson  River  Valley  and  the  numerous  ideal  locations  for 
country  dwellings.   Signed  simply  "G.W.,"  by  this  time 
regular  readers  were  probably  familiar  with  the 

A  similar  article,  "Upstream,"  by  G.W.,  appeared  years 
later,  on  June  2  1855.   It  coincided  with  the  publication 
of  Wheeler's  second  book,  and  shared  the  pages  of  The  Home 
Journal  with  a  review  of  this  latest  volume.   Once  again, 
the  subject  matter  was  the  Hudson  River  Valley,  and 
provided  the  opportunity  for  planting  the  germ  of 
association  between  constructing  a  country  home  and  hiring 
an  architect  like  Wheeler. 

The  continuing  editorial  comments  which  accompanied 
Wheeler's  articles  seem  to  indicate  that  the  pieces  were 
favorably  received.   With  the  second  article  in  the  March  8 
issue,  the  editors  noted  that  "we  find  that  we  responded  to 
a  want  of  the  Public  Mind,  by  introducing  our  writer."   A 
month  later,  the  April  12  article  opened  with  the  following 
tribute:   "his  ideas  have  been  so  suited  to  the  Public 
Want,  that  most  of  them,  as  they  have  appeared,  have  taken 
shape  in  the  plans  of  projected  houses  in  the  country." 


The  basis  for  these  statements  is  never  clear,  nevertheless 
the  continuation  of  the  series  does  suggest  its  popular 
appeal . 

The  success  of  the  articles  in  The  Home  Journal 
emboldened  Wheeler  to  publish  a  compiled  version  of  his 
thoughts.   At  the  end  of  his  article  describing  an  Entrance 
Lodge,  Wheeler  said,  "urged  by  many  friends,  I  have 
enlarged  upon  the  topics  that  have  now  connected  me  with 
the  readers  of  The  Home  Journal  more  than  three  months,  and 
shall  shortly  publish  a  volume  upon  'Rural  Homes'..."  (May 
24).   He  had  already  chosen  the  title,  and  the  resulting 
work  was  published  later  that  year  by  Charles  Scribner,  New 

Comparison  of  the  two  groups  of  material  shows  that 
the  book  was  essentially  an  elaboration  of  the  articles. 
In  fact,  many  of  the  articles  were  transcribed  verbatim  or 
with  a  minor  transposition  of  paragraphs,  and  correspond  to 
chapters  or  parts  thereof.   Others  were  refined,  edited  or 
expounded  for  the  consolidated  version.   For  example, 
chapter  II,  "General  Arrangement  of  a  House  Upon  the 
Ground,"  corresponded  to  the  second  article  in  the  series, 
but  included  a  disclaimer  to  the  effect  that  Wheeler's 
designs  were  "not  for  actual  embodiment  and  execution," 
rather  to  serve  as  models  which  an  architect  might 
translate  for  the  client.   In  another  instance,  the 


depiction  of  "A  Suburban  Villa,"  the  tense  was  changed  from 
article  to  book,  implying  that  the  house  was  erected  in  the 
interim  between  publication  of  the  two. 

Rural  Homes  was  naturally  fuller  than  The  Home  Journal 
series,  and  several  chapters  and  sections  were  added. 
These  included  descriptions  of  "The  Homestead,"  "The 
Parsonage,"  "Cottages,"  "Artificial  Warming,"  "Practical 
Directions  to  Amateurs  Before  Proceeding  to  Build,"  "Rural 
Architecture  as  Fine  Art,"  and  addenda  to  three  other 
chapters . 

In  introducing  the  book,  Wheeler  indicated  his 
intention  of  presenting,  in  organized  fashion, 
considerations  in  the  choice  and  construction  of  a  country 
home  which  his  audience  might  find  useful.   He  stated,  "I 
claim  no  title  to  originality,"  recognizing  perhaps  his 
debt  to  the  British  picturesque  and  the  precedent  of 
Downing's  influential  books. 

Rural  Homes  was  well  received  by  the  popular  press. 
Of  nine  known  reviews  only  two  voiced  negative  comments. 
The  reviews  appeared  in  popular  journals  for  the  home,  such 
as  Harper's  New  Monthly  Magazine,  Godey's  Home  Journal,  in 
somewhat  more  literary  publications,  such  as  the  American 
Whig  Review  and  the  Literary  World,  and  in  gardening  and 
country  oriented  magazines  like  the  Genessee  Farmer  and  The 


Horticulturist  (see  Appendix  D  for  citations).   An  ad  for 
the  book  in  The  Genessee  Farmer  quoted  from  two  religious 
reviews  in  the  Philadelphia  Presbyterian  and  Hartford 
Religious  Herald,  and  two  daily  journals,  the  NY  Evening 
Mirror  and  Albany  Spectator . \ 24 1 

In  every  case,  the  reviews  applauded  the  usefulness  of 
the  volume  and  the  practical,  comprehensive  information 
contained  therein.   An  enthusiasm  for  the  quality  and 
clarity  of  the  presentation  of  material  and  the  attractive, 
flowing  style  pervaded  even  the  negative  reviews.   The 
American  Whig  Review  opened  their  critique  of  Rural  Homes 
with  the  following  representative  commentary:   "This  is  not 
only  elegantly  written,  but  an  exceedingly  sensible  book... 
Within  a  short  compass,  Mr.  Wheeler  has  gracefully  sketched 
off  what  may  be  done  to  recognize  and  realize  the  highest 
demands  of  taste,  comfort  and  elegance,  even  with  moderate 
means. "[25]   The  Genessee  Farmer  concluded  that  "the 
pleasure  and  instruction  we  have  derived  makes  us  feel 
grateful  to  the  author,  and  bespeak  for  his  book  a  place  in 
the  library  of  every  intelligent  person  whoever  expects  to 
build  or  improve  a  suburban,  village,  or  country 
house. "[26]   In  August  of  that  year,  in  response  to  a 
reader's  inquiry  for  good  source  references  on  rural 
domestic  architecture,  landscaping  and  fruit  gardening,  the 
editor  of  The  Genessee  Farmer  suggested,  "Three  good  works 
for  you  —  Downing's  Landscape  Gardening,  Wheeler's  Rural 


Homes ,  Barry's  Fruit  Garden ."[ 27 ] 

One  of  the  negative  reviews  was  found  in  Sartain ' s 
Magazine,  published  in  Philadelphia.   Though  recognizing 
Rural  Homes  to  be  an  "intelligent  work"  in 
"straightforward,  intelligible"  language,  Wheeler  was 
criticized  for  being  "unfortunately  deficient  in  fine 
artistic  taste,"  with  the  exception  of  the  "unquestionable 
elegance  in  effect"  of  a  design  for  a  "Southern  Home. "[28] 

The  uncomplimentary  comments  in  the  pages  of  The 
Horticulturist  came  from  A.J.  Downing,  who  but  a  year 
earlier  had  been  promoting  Wheeler .[ 29 ]   Downing,  generally 
recognized  as  the  leading  authority  on  American  picturesque 
domestic  architecture,  took  exception  to  Wheeler's 
description  of  his  designs  as  "suited  to  American  Country 
Life."   Downing  specifically  attacked  the  frontispiece  of 
Rural  Homes,  a  composition  called  "The  Homestead,"  for  "how 
transparent  is  the  fiction  which  covers  Mr.  Wheeler's 
English  education."   Calling  it  a  bastard  style  of 
Elizabethan,  he  lamented,  "Oh  Mr.  Wheeler!  this  may  be 
sweetly  pretty  and  it  may  be  built  for  twelve  thousand,  but 
is  is  not  a  house  suited  to  the  American  climate."   The 
most  blatant  attack  on  Wheeler  came  in  a  discussion  of  the 
influence  of  foreign  architect  in  America;  Downing  called 
Wheeler  a  "pseudo-architect"  with  "too  small  a  smattering 
of  professional  knowledge"  and  an  "incapacity  to  understand 


our  people  or  their  wants." 

Downing  may  have  been  reacting  to  the  competition 
presented  by  Wheeler's  book.   Works  by  both  men  were 
popular,  however  Rural  Homes  was  "of  less  bulk  and  cost 
than  Mr.  Downing's  book,  but  contains  much  that  is  valuable 
on  the  sub ject . " [ 30 ]   In  other  words,  the  book  provided 
much  the  same  information  for  the  general  reader  and  was 
more  accessible. 

In  spite  of  his  reservations,  Downing  found  two  areas 
in  which  the  book  excelled.   He  conceded  that  Wheeler 
evidenced  culture  and  aesthetic  discrimination,  and  he 
concurred  with  the  other  reviews  as  to  the  quality  of 
Wheeler's  presentation:  "eminently  readable,  abounds  with 
many  excellent  suggestions,  especially  as  to  matters  of 

What  made  Downing's  critique  particularly  interesting 
was  the  prior  rapport  the  two  gentlemen  had  shared.   As 
discussed  in  chapter  IV,  Downing  had  earlier  been  a 
supporter  of  Wheeler's  work.   He  had  from  the  outset 
recognized  the  English  tradition  inherent  in  Wheeler's 
designs  and  views,  and  commended  them  for  their 
distinctiveness.   In  this  same  context,  it  is  ironic  to 
note  that  a  review  of  Downing's  The  Architecture  of  Country 
Houses  (1850)  in  the  Literary  World,  though  lauding  his 


work  as  invaluable  to  those  considering  building,  criti- 
cized it  for  its  inability  to  present  an  American  style  of 
country  architecture  in  lieu  of  modified  European 
styles. [31] 

In  addition  to  the  reviews  for  Rural  Homes,  editors  of 
what  were  termed  eclectic  journals  exhibited  sufficient 
general  interest  in  Wheeler's  work  to  reprint  excerpts  in 
their  publications.   Among  these,  the  North  American 
Miscellany  reprinted  "The  Suburban  Villa,"  one  of  several 
essays  from  the  pages  of  The  Home  Journal,  "which  paper 
very  decidedly  and  very  justly  commends  them  to  its 
readers ."[ 32  ]   Similarly,  the  Genessee  Farmer,  reproduced 
Wheeler's  design  and  description  for  "A  Suburban 
Cottage ."[ 33 ]   And  The  Home  Journal,  true  to  its  cause, 
excerpted  "The  Present  Metallic  Age"  from  the  pages  of 
Wheeler's  "admirable  little  book. "[34] 

Several  years  1855,  Wheeler  was  again  ready 
to  publish  another  book,  Homes  for  the  People.   He  had  in 
fact  been  working  on  a  volume  in  1854,  but  the  manuscript 
and  all  related  papers,  including  the  etchings,  were 
destroyed  in  a  fire  prior  to  going  to  press. [35]   The  work 
was  taken  up  again,  from  memory,  according  to  the  author. 
Wheeler  noted  that  the  impetus  for  publishing  anew  lay  in 
the  numerous  requests  for  assistance  and  professional 
advice  "from  all  parts  of  the  country,"  which  suggest  his 


popular  appeal  and  the  considerable  success  of  his  first 
book.   But  Wheeler's  desire  to  publish  may  also  have  meant 
a  lack  of  actual  commissions  in  his  practice. 

Generally,  Homes  for  the  People  differed  from  Rural 
Homes  in  its  more  concise  and  strictly  organized  format. 
When  Wheeler  wrote  his  first  book,  he  was  at  the  forefront 
of  picturesque  architectural  expression  in  this  country. 
The  book  had  mirrored  the  romanticism  of  the  mode  in  its 
stylistic  presentation.   Four  years  later,  Wheeler  adopted 
a  more  practical  format.   The  variety  of  architectural 
motifs  began  to  decrease,  and  the  crisp,  dramatic  profiles 
of  the  earlier  designs  gave  way  to  more  uniformly  massed 
silhouettes.   The  homogeneous  character  of  the  models  lent 
itself  to  a  more  rigid  treatment  of  the  descriptive  text. 
Substantially  larger  than  Rural  Homes ,  this  second  effort 
contained  half  again  as  many  pages,  plates  and  designs.   It 
reflected  Wheeler's  broader  experience  in  the  American 
market,  including  twice  as  many  executed  residences  as  the 
first  book. 

In  Homes  for  the  People,  Wheeler  devoted  a  separate 
chapter  to  the  historical  background  and  development  of 
various  architectural  manifestations  such  as  the  Gothic  and 
Italian  modes.   In  discussing  the  patterns  themselves,  he 
stressed  the  importance  of  achieving  "unity  of  effect" 
within  the  design  and  between  house  and  landscape,  a  theme 


carried  through  from  his  first  writings.   Drawing  on  his 
interest  in  interior  decoration  to  a  greater  extent  than  in 
Rural  Homes,  Wheeler  sketched  in  detail  his  ideas  for  the 
interior  plan  and  decor  of  many  of  the  designs. 

Several  of  the  designs  illustrated  had  appeared 
previously,  such  as  a  design  for  a  Suburban  Villa,  erected 
near  Norwich  Connecticut,  illustrated  in  the  August  1853 
issue  of  The  Horticulturist . \ 36 1   Others  were  reprinted  in 
other  publications,  for  instance  "A  Villa  Mansion  in  the 
Italian  Style"  which  appeared  months  later  in  the  pages  of 
The  Horticulturist. [37] 

The  reviews  for  Wheeler's  second  book  were  once  again 
fairly  consistent,  with  approbation  for  the  style  and 
presentation  of  the  material  and  its  practical  contents. 
The  Horticulturist  for  instance  remarked  upon  the 
attractive,  illustrations  and  practical  arrangement  of 
chapters;  the  review  continued  with  a  compliment  on 
Wheeler's  writing  skills,  and  his  "faculty  of  expressing 
his  ideas  in  refined  and  very  agreeable  language ."[ 38 ] 
Another  review  in  a  popular  journal  considered  the  work  a 
compendium  of  useful  suggestions  on  construction  and 
"carefully-digested  plans. "[39]   The  Knickerbocker  praised 
Wheeler's  juxtaposition  of  designs  with  text,  thereby 
keeping  the  interest  of  the  general  reader. [40]   And 
showing  their  continued  support,  The  Home  Journal  editors 


included  a  portion  of  the  work  in  their  columns  and 
commended  "the  ease  and  graceful  style  of  Mr.  Wheeler's 
writing"  (March  12  1855).   Willis  and  Morris  also  made 
reference  to  the  popularity  of  Homes  for  the  People,  by 
noting  that  Scribner  had  published  the  book  at  a  low  price, 
anticipating  high  sales  (June  2  1855). 

The  only  hostile  review,  and  a  serious  one  at  that, 
came  from  the  editors  of  The  Builder,  out  of  London.   It 
scathingly  accused  Wheeler  of  plagiarism.   Copyright  laws 
did  not  exist  at  this  time,  and  though  many  authors  like 
Dickens  lobbied  for  them,  the  practice  of  appropriating 
source  material  for  one's  own  texts  was  widespread.   The 
Builder  apparently  considered  Wheeler's  plagiarism 
unusually  bold:   "the  author  has  appropriated  the  writings 
of  others  in  the  most  extraordinary  manner,  without  the 
slightest  acknowledgment ." [41 ]   The  anonymous  critic 
substantiated  his  accusation  by  running  passages  from  Homes 
for  the  People  side  by  side  with  the  anonymous  work 
entitled  "History  in  Ruins  —  a  Handbook  of  Architecture 
for  the  Unlearned,"  previously  published  as  a  series  in  the 
magazine.   Indeed,  in  each  case,  Wheeler's  words  reproduce 
in  remarkably  similar  terms,  though  with  vocabulary 
embellishments,  the  running  thoughts  of  the  original  work. 

In  addition  to  his  two  books,  Wheeler  occasionally 
submitted  designs  and  articles  for  publication  in  other 


journals  and  works.   Reference  has  already  been  made  to 
Wheeler's  English  Cottage  and  Villa  in  the  Tudor  Style 
reprinted  in  the  1849  volume  of  The  Horticulturist;  this 
was  followed  in  1853  by  inclusion  of  a  Design  for  an 
Italian  Villa,  and  in  1855  with  "A  Villa  Mansion ."[ 42 ] 
Downing  had  criticized  Wheeler's  Rural  Homes,  and  may  have 
been  disappointed  by  the  latter's  professional  conduct. 
His  sponsorship  had  ended  in  1849,  and  the  other 
contributions  did  appeared  only  after  Downing's  death  in 

The  Design  for  an  Italian  Villa  was  alternately  called 
a  Suburban  Villa  (fig.  24,  25). [43]   It  was  said  to  have 
been  recently  erected  in  Norwich,  Connecticut.   The  design, 
constructed  of  brick  dressed  with  Portland  stone,  featured 
a  tower  from  which  could  be  seen  a  "commanding  prospect," 
and  wooden  verandas.   In  describing  his  design,  Wheeler 
used  the  terms  picturesque  and  bold,  and  thought  that  the 
mass  harmonized  with  the  surrounding  scenery  —  all  notions 
in  keeping  with  the  picturesque  and  with  Wheeler's  own 
presentation  of  appropriate  domestic  architecture. 

In  May  1855,  The  Horticulturist  reproduced  a  Villa 
Mansion  from  the  pages  of  Homes  for  the  People  (fig.  26, 
27). [44]   The  house  was  supposed  to  have  been  erected  by 
Wheeler,  on  a  site  overlooking  the  Long  Island  Sound, 
between  Rye  and  Portchester,  New  York.   In  the  Italian 


style,  it  was  designed  with  the  very  specific  needs  of  the 
client  in  mind:   a  sloping  prospect  which  required 
terracing,  a  plan  which  catered  to  and  allowed  for  the 
family's  entertaining. 

The  year  1853  saw  the  publication  of  A  Book  of  Plans 
for  Churches  and  Parsonages .[ 45 ]   This  volume  was  an 
integral  part  of  a  program  of  purification  and 
consolidation  begun  by  the  Congregational  Churches  of 
America.   At  a  convention  held  in  Albany,  New  York,  in 
October  1852,  the  Congregational  Ministers,  authorized  the 
assemblage  of  designs  with  specifications  and  estimates  for 
possible  use  in  the  construction  of  frontier  churches.   The 
committee  responsible  for  procuring  and  presenting  these 
designs  solicited  them  from  ten  practicing  architects, 
including  Henry  Austin,  Henry  Cleaveland,  James  Renwick, 
Richard  Upjohn  and  Gervase  Wheeler. 

The  entries  by  Wheeler  included  a  church  and  two 
parsonage  designs.   The  church  plan  was  for  a  frame 
building  which  could  hold  one  hundred  and  fifty  people.   It 
provided  for  the  needs  of  a  village  or  frontier  town  by 
allowing  for  timber  construction,  which  Wheeler  considered 
would  be  the  most  readily  available  construction  material. 
The  various  community  activities  were  gathered  under  a 
single  roof:   worship  space,  school  adjunct  areas  including 
a  schoolroom,  library,  lecture  room,  and  on  the  opposite 


side  a  study  and  vestry  for  the  minister.   The  whole  was 
spread  over  two  stories,  behind  the  nave. 

This  plan  is  the  only  known  published  church  design  of 
Wheeler's  career  in  America, [46]  although  in  1858  he 
undertook  the  design  of  the  Stone  Chapel  at  Williams,  which 
was  similar  in  program  to  the  College  Chapel  at  Bowdoin 
College  (see  section  2  in  this  chapter).   The  front 
elevation  was  asymmetrical,  with  belfry  tower  rising  on  the 
left,  and  paired  main  entrance  doors.   Gothic  motifs 
pervaded  the  exterior  in  the  form  of  pointed  arch  windows, 
and  drip  mouldings. 

The  parsonage  houses  were  adaptations  of  designs 
prepared  for  Homes  for  the  People.   Design  No. Ill,  in  an 
Italian  mode,  corresponded  to  A  Small  Villa,  while  No. IV 
represented  A  Rustic  Parsonage .[ 47 ]   In  concluding  his 
contribution  to  the  book,  Wheeler  offered  his  services  to 
those  considering  erecting  one  of  his  buildings:   "if  any 
further  explanation  can  help  its  erection  in  the  numerous 
church  settlements  of  the  growing  west,  a  letter  to  the 
publishers  of  this  work,  addressed  to  G.  Wheeler, 
Architect,  will  cheerfully  be  replied  to." 

As  the  contributions  to  A  Book  of  Plans  indicated, 
Wheeler  did  not  at  this  time  limit  his  activities  to 
domestic  designs.   In  1856,  The  Banker's  Magazine  and 


Statistical  Register,  published  out  of  New  York  by  I.  Smith 
Homans,  printed  "The  Architecture  of  Country  Banks"  by 
Wheeler. [48]   The  Bankers'  Magazine  was  the  leading 
financial  periodical  of  its  day. [49]   Catering  to  a  broad 
banking  community,  it  provided  contiguous  services,  such  as 
designs  for  banking  facilities. 

The  article  featured  two  alternate  designs  for  country 
banks,  which  addressed  the  sorely  neglected  need  of  rural 
banking  for  an  architecture  reflecting  its  environment. 
Invoking  the  theme  of  fitness,  Wheeler  proposed  that 
country  banks  acquire  their  own  architectural  expression, 
instead  of  applying  traditionally  used  urban  motifs.   The 
building  design  was  to  achieve  "individual  character," 
adaptation  to  "circumstances  of  locality,"  "convenient  and 
sensible  building"  and  "harmony  with  its  expressed 

The  list  of  known  commissions  during  this  period 
derives  from  two  separate  sources.   On  the  one  hand  are 
those  structures  for  which  there  is  evidence  of 
participation  or  construction  in  the  form  of  primary 
documents,  on  the  other  are  the  miscellaneous  residential 
works  referred  to  by  the  author  in  his  writing.   The  first 
group  comprises  but  five  known  examples  during  the  nine 
years  of  Wheeler's  residence  in  New  York;  all  of  these 
clustered  between  1857  and  1859.   The  second  group,  after 


taking  into  account  repetitive  references,  consists  of  no 
more  than  eighteen  designs. 

1.  The  Patrick  Barry  House 

Wheeler's  contributions  to  The  Horticulturist  and  The 
Genessee  Farmer  suggest  the  means  by  which  he  obtained  the 
contract  to  design  the  Patrick  Barry  House  in  Rochester, 
New  York.   Patrick  Barry,  an  Irish  teacher,  turned  his 
attention  in  1840  to  horticulture,  and  established  with 
George  Ellwanger  a  nursery  in  Rochester.   His  enthusiasm 
and  abilities,  undoubtedly  enhanced  by  his  experience  as 
educator,  led  by  1844  to  the  editorship  of  The  Genessee 
Farmer,  a  position  held  until  1852.   After  Downing's  death, 
Barry  resigned  from  The  Genessee  Farmer  to  assume  the  same 
post  at  The  Horticulturist  from  1852  to  1854. [50]   Wheeler 
was  published  by  Barry  during  his  tenure  as  editor  of  both 
magazines . 

When  Barry's  house  burned  down  in  October  1856,  he 
turned  to  Wheeler  for  the  design  of  his  new  house.   It  is 
not  clear  whether  the  two  men  had  actually  met,  or  if 
Barry's  familiarity  with  Wheeler's  work  led  him  to  the 
commission.   The  Ellwanger  and  Barry  Nursery  records  show 
that  construction  was  begun  early  in  1857,  and  with  final 
payments  made  in  January  1859.   For  his  submission,  Wheeler 
was  paid  a  lump  sum  of  $95  "for  paym.  of  a/c."[51]   In 


other  words,  Wheeler's  commission  was  limited  to  drawing  up 
the  designs.   The  inference  is  further  supported  by 
documented  payment  of  $300  to  Austin  and  Warner,  architects 
(not  the  Henry  Austin  under  whom  Wheeler  worked  in  New 
Haven),  in  1858;  they  supervised  the  actual 
construction. [52] 

The  design  erected  is  an  Italianate  villa  in  rose-red 
brick  with  a  tower  resembling  a  campanile,  verandas,  and 
irregularly  massed  profile  (fig.  28,  29).   The  eaves  are 
bracketed,  and  windows  framed  by  distinctive  arched 
limestone  mouldings.   Much  as  in  previous  plans,  the 
communicating  library  and  parlor,  which  open  onto  verandas, 
are  balanced  across  the  entry  hall  by  the  service  wing. 
Interior  appointments  include  marble  fireplaces,  grained 
woodwork,  and  ornamental  plaster  ceilings.   The  house  has 
been  restored  and  is  now  the  residence  of  the  President  of 
the  University  of  Rochester. 

The  ledger  entry  for  payment  to  Wheeler  included  a  sum 
in  addition  to  the  $95  for  the  Patrick  Barry  House:   $70 
for  George  Ellwanger.   Although  there  is  no  description  or 
documentation  to  clarify  the  reason  for  this  payment,  it 
may  indicate  that  a  set  of  drawings  was  also  supplied  to 
Ellwanger. [53] 


2.  The  Stone  Chapel  (Goodrich  Hall),  Williams  College 

Ten  years  after  his  experience  with  Bowdoin  College, 
Wheeler  had  the  opportunity  of  again  working  for  an 
institutional  client  in  1857.   Much  as  had  been  the  case  at 
Bowdoin,  the  Trustees  of  Williams  College,  by  mid- 
nineteenth  century,  were  in  need  of  enlarged  facilities. 
In  1856,  they  resolved  to  commission  an  architect  for  the 
purpose . 

Correspondence  from  Gervase  Wheeler  to  the  Reverend 
Calvin  Durfee  in  July  1857  indicates  that  Wheeler  had  been 
contacted  for  his  services.   No  evidence  has  been  found  to 
indicate  how  he  acquired  the  commission .[ 54]   It  may  have 
been  through  prior  acquaintances  with  either  Reverend 
Woods,  at  Bowdoin,  or  Reverend  Williams,  at  Trinity 
College,  despite  their  apparent  mistrust  of  Wheeler 
discussed  earlier.   Both  ministers  were  active,  well  known, 
and  may  have  corresponded  with  their  peer  at  Williams. 

At  any  rate,  by  June  1857,  Wheeler  had  submitted  a 
plan  for  the  chapel,  to  be  called  the  Stone  Chapel  (renamed 
Goodrich  Hall  in  1906).   In  July,  the  plan  having  been 
reviewed  by  the  Trustees,  it  was  requested  that  the  length 
of  the  chapel  be  increased  by  five  feet.   In  order  to 
accommodate  this  change,  Wheeler  advised  that  the  design 
submitted  could  simply  be  adapted,  in  plan  by  extending  the 


building  out  the  extra  five  feet,  and  in  elevation  by 
raising  the  height  of  the  gable.   In  this  way,  the  chapel 
would  retain  the  appropriate  pitch  and  proper  architectural 

One  week  later,  Reverend  Durfee  and  Professor  Hopkins, 
President  of  the  college,  indicated  that  the  Trustees  had 
decided  instead  upon  a  rear  addition,  measuring  33  feet  by 
28  feet,  and  changing  the  building  to  a  cruciform  plan. 
Wheeler  at  that  time  stated  that  whether  one  story  or  two, 
such  an  addition  to  the  existing  scheme  would  so  alter  it 
as  to  require  new  detailing  and  redrawn  plans:   "In  view  of 
these  additions  and  alterations,  I  must  in  justice  to 
myself  insist  that  before  any  thing  in  the  way  of  actual 
commencement  be  made  of  the  building,  I  be  instructed  to 
prepare  new  plans  --  these  alterations  so  materially 
affecting  the  whole  spirit  of  the  design."   He  continued, 
"with  this  under  my  control,  I  see  no  difficulty  in 
reconciling  such  additions  with  architectural  propriety  and 
beauty. "[55] 

The  Ruskinian  theme  of  fitness  evidently  continued  to 
guide  Wheeler  in  his  design.   The  quote  also  hints  at 
Wheeler's  somewhat  arrogant  attitude  as  to  his  own 
abilities  as  architect,  particularly  with  regard  to  church 
design.   After  many  years  of  predominantly  residential 
work,  Wheeler  had  an  opportunity  to  express  his  own  notions 


of  propriety  based  on  the  Ecclesiological  concepts  of  his 
training.   Still  in  the  final  analysis,  his  willingness  to 
make  changes  may  simply  indicate  his  desire  to  be  paid  for 
his  work. 

Wheeler  requested  that  the  first  set  of  plans  be 
returned  to  him,  before  advancing  a  revised  design.   The 
Trustees  of  Williams  College  apparently  complied,  and  he 
submitted  his  revisions.   By  October  1857,  contractors  were 
hired  for  the  job.   Wheeler's  involvement  ended  with  the 
design  process;  typically  for  his  career,  he  did  not 
supervise  the  execution  of  the  plan.   The  location  of  the 
original  plans  for  the  chapel  is  not  known,  nor  are  the 
specific  characteristics  of  Wheeler's  design. 

Construction  began  in  April  1858,  and  contrary  to  the 
described  33  feet  by  28  feet  addition  to  the  rear  of  the 
chapel,  the  addition  built  was  in  fact  36  feet  by  56  feet, 
running  the  length  of  the  building  and  resulting  in  a  T 
shaped  plan  instead  of  the  cruciform   plan  noted  by 
Wheeler.   It  is  not  clear  whether  Wheeler  later  submitted  a 
final  revision,  or  whether  the  changes  were  made  during 
construction  without  the  architect's  assistance. 

The  chapel,  in  a  rural  Gothic  mode,  was  built  of  blue 
gray  limestone,  laid  in  rough  ashlar,  with  supportive 
buttresses.   The  pitched  roof  was  covered  in  slate,  and  a 


stone  tower  rose  off  to  the  side  of  the  altar,  projecting 
heavenward  with  its  wooden  steeple,  and  providing  access  to 
the  addition.   Window  openings  and  doorways  were  expressed 
as  arches  (fig.  30).   The  interior  detailing  included 
exposed  chestnut  roof  trusses,  chestnut  woodwork,  marble 
floors  and  marbleized  walls. 

The  building  has  undergone  alterations  over  the  years, 
from  enlargement  of  the  windows  to  renovation  of  the  stairs 
and  tower.   In  the  1920's,  changes  in  use  and  substantive 
changes  to  the  structure,  including  the  removal  of  the 
northwest  vestibule  and  porch,  have  altered  the  expression 
of  Wheeler's  original  design. [56] 

The  train  of  events  at  Bowdoin  seemed  to  repeat  itself 
at  Williams.   Wheeler  had  apparently  managed  to  establish 
relations  with  members  of  the  college  community  while 
working  on  the  plans  for  the  Stone  Chapel.   In  his  letter 
of  July  14  1857  to  Reverend  Durfee,  he  referred  to  a 
project  for  Professor  Tablock  at  the  college.   The 
commission  was  a  landscaping  plan  for  the  grounds  of 
Professor  Tablock's  residence.   It  seems  that  Tablock  was 
not  interested  in  Wheeler's  proposal,  for  he  had  not 
accepted  the  design.   Wheeler  remarked,  "I  am  under  the 
impression  it  may  have  miscarried ."[ 57 ] 


3.  Bushnell  Park 

Wheeler  had  advertised,  years  earlier,  in  1849  in  the 
Hartford  City  Directory ,[ 58  ]  and  in  The  Genessee  Farmer  in 
1852,  including  among  his  skills  the  "arrangement  of 
grounds ."[ 59 ]   The  correspondence  regarding  Professor 
Tablock  is  however  the  first  documented  example  of  his  work 
in  this  particular  design  area.   It  was  followed  a  year 
later  by  another  landscaping  effort,  this  time  for  the  city 
of  Hartford,  Connecticut. 

In  1858,  Hartford   proposed  the  creation  of  a  public 
park,  to  be  named  after  Horace  Bushnell,  eloquent  teacher 
and  minister  of  the  North  Congregation  Church  in  Hartford 
from  1833  to  1859. [60]   A  design  competition  was 
established  to  solicit  ideas.   Wheeler  submitted  a  plan 
which  was  awarded  first  prize  from  among  twelve 
participants.   It  may  be  that  his  familiarity  with  Hartford 
from  years  before  helped  him  to  formulate  a  wining  entry. 

Despite  its  aesthetic  merits,  the  city  committee 
considered  it  too  expensive  to  implement,  and  recommended 
that  it  be  combined  with  the  design  of  the  second  place 
entrant,  Seth  Marsh,  city  engineer.   The  plan  also 
integrated  elements  from  a  third  proposal.   As  construction 
of  the  new  park  progressed,  the  commission  considered  that 
it  lacked  an  overall  unity  and  beauty,  and  in  1861  hired  a 


professional  landscape  architect,  Jacob  Weidenmann . [ 61 ] 

Wheeler's  original  plan  for  the  park  is  no  longer 
extant.   A  map  in  the  Hartford  Park  Papers,  thought  to  have 
been  rendered  in  1858,  shows  what  may  have  been  the  revised 
version  by  Marsh.   It  is  unfortunately  impossible  to 
evaluate  the  merits  of  Wheeler's  ideas,  however  it  would 
have  been  interesting  to  know  if  his  plan,  unaltered,  might 
not  have  been  considered  a  worthy  addition  to  the  city's 
parks . 

4.  Chancel  Improvements,  Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity 

The  following  year,  in  1859,  Wheeler  obtained  the 
commission  to  enlarge  and  improve  the  chancel  of  the  Church 
of  the  Holy  Trinity  in  Brooklyn,  New  York,  designed  in 
1844-47  by  Minard  Lafever.[62]   The  plan  involved  primarily 
interior  alterations  to  the  reading  desk  and  the  addition 
of  pews  in  the  front  "in  accordance  with  the  original 
plan".   The  means  by  which  Wheeler  obtained  the  commission 
is  unknown,  and  a  search  of  the  church's  archives  is 
required  to  understand  the  nature  of  the  changes  designed 
by  Wheeler. 

This  work  at  Holy  Trinity  was  among  the  last  known 

commissions  of  Wheeler's  career  in  America,  and  marks  a 

return  to  his  point  of  departure:  he  had  begun  with  the 


interior  decoration  of  the  Chapel  at  Bowdoin  College,  and 
now  ended  with  interior  alterations  to  the  Church  of  the 
Holy  Trinity. 

5.  Miscellaneous  Executed  Designs 

The  commissions  previously  discussed  have  all  been 
documented  by  primary  source  material  other  than  Wheeler's 
writings.   In  addition  to  these,  there  are  a  number  of 
residential  designs  which  Wheeler  claimed  in  his  writings, 
particularly  Homes  for  the  People,  to  have  undertaken. 
Wheeler  cited  nine  different  residences  which  were 
executed,  presumably  in  the  years  intervening  between  Rural 
Homes  and  Homes  for  the  People,  or  from  1851  to  1855.   The 
commissions  were  located  in  areas  such  as  the  Housatonic 
Hills  of  Berkshire  County,  Massachusetts,  the  outskirts  of 
Norwich,  Connecticut,  Orange,  New  Jersey,  along  the  Long 
Island  Sound,  New  York,  and  overlooking  the  Hudson  River. 

Due  to  their  location  geographically,  and  knowing  of 
his  advertisement  in  The  Genessee  Farmer  at  this  time, 
which  might  have  reached  an  audience  in  the  Berkshires  for 
instance,  it  may  be  speculated  that  a  number  of  these 
designs  were  undertaken  while  Wheeler  was  practicing  in 
Norwich.   They  included  a  country  mansion  in  the  "Venetian 
Italian  style,"  below  the  hills  of  Berkshire  County  (fig. 31 
and  32),  a  "Cottage  Ornee"  on  the  summit  of  a  peak  along 


the  Housatonic  in  the  Berkshires  (fig. 33  and  34),  a 
"Cottage  Villa,"  one  mile  from  Stockbridge  on  the  Lenox 
Road  also  in  Berkshire  County  (fig. 35  and  36),  a  gatehouse 
(fig. 37  and  38),  and  a  "Suburban  Villa,"  one  mile  from  the 
small  city  of  Norwich,  Connecticut  (fig. 24  and  25). 

Unfortunately,  because  of  the  ambiguity  with  which 
Wheeler  described  each  location,  it  has  not  been  possible 
to  discover  any  of  these  residences.   The  local  research 
facilities  did  not  have  readily  accessible  material  on 
Wheeler,  and  a  thorough  search  and  photographic  comparison 
would  be  necessary  to  confirm  these  commissions. 

Other  designs,  which  were  probably  completed  while 
Wheeler  was  in  practice  in  New  York  City,  included  a 
townhouse  in  New  York,  mentioned  in  The  Choice  of  a 
Dwelling  (fig.  39),  a  "Southern  Mansion"  in  a  "midland 
state"  (fig.  40  and  41),  a  "Rustic  Villa"  in  Orange,  New 
Jersey  (fig.  42  and  43),  a  "Villa  Mansion  in  the  Italian 
Style"  on  Long  Island  Sound  between  Rye  and  Portchester 
(fig.  26  and  27),  a  "Square  Cottage,"  twice  erected  near 
the  Hudson  River  (fig.  44  and  45),  and  the  remodelling  of  a 
country  home  overlooking  the  Hudson  River  (fig.  46  and 
47).   Again,  the  difficulties  of  locating  these  vague 
descriptions  has  prohibited  any  confirmation  of  execution, 
but  would  suggest  future  research  possibilities. 


[l]The  first  in  a  series  of  articles  for  The  Home 
Journal ,  March  1  1851,  was  signed  "GW,  New  York,  February, 

[2]Letterhead,  Wheeler  to  Upjohn,  March  17  1851,  Upjohn 
Papers,  Box  4.   For  city  directory  listings,  see  Dennis 
Steadman  Francis,  Architects  in  Practice  in  New  York  City 
1840-1900  (New  York:  The  Committee  for  the  Preservation  of 
Architectural  Records  Inc.,  1979). 

[3]Wheeler  to  Upjohn,  March  17,  1851,  Upjohn  Papers, 
Box  4. 

[4]Upjohn  to  Woods,  July  15  1851,  Chapel  Papers. 

[5]Upjohn  to  Woods,  July  15  1851,  Chapel  Papers. 

[6]Woods  to  Upjohn,  July  17  1851,  Chapel  Papers. 

r7lThe  Genessee  Farmer  13  (June  1852),  197. 

[8]Wheeler,  Homes,  307. 

f9!The  Horticulturist  n.s.  3  (July  1853),  325. 

riOlThe  Horticulturist  n.s.  3  (August  1853),  393  and 
(November  1853),  537. 

[ll]The  city  directory  listing  for  May  1854  is  111 
Broadway,  and  corresponds  to  the  actual  address  of  the 
Trinity  Building. 

[12]Jacob  Landy,  The  Architecture  of  Minard  Lafever 
(New  York:  Columbia  University  Press,  1970),  45. 

[13]The  house  at  1  Elm  Place  no  longer  exists.   A 
search  for  documentation  related  to  the  specific  address 
yielded  no  information  other  than  confirmation  of  the  fact 
that  Wheeler  rented,  did  not  own  his  house. 

I"  14lAmerican  Architect  and  Building  News  15  (Boston: 
Ticknor  &  Co.,  1884),  75-6. 

[15]Henry  Hudson  Holly,  Country  Seats  and  Modern 
Dwellings  (Watkins  Glen:  Library  of  Victorian  Culture,  1977 
reprint  of  1863  and  1878),  introduction,  no  page  numbers. 

[16]Holly,  Country  Seats,  preface,  no  page  number. 


[17]Compare  design  no.l  p. 33  in  Country  Seats  with  a 
stone  house  remodeled  p. 384  and  a  small  villa  on  the  Hudson 
p. 85, 88  in  Homes ;  design  no. 26  p. 139  with  pigeon  tower  in 
Country  Seats  with  a  summer  cottage  p. 202  in  Choice ;  design 
no. 24  p. 128  and  no. 10  p. 66  in  Country  Seats  with  a  large 
country  house  p. 332  in  Country  Houses;  design  no. 16  p. 96  in 
Country  Seats  with  a  villa  mansion  p. 195  in  Homes . 

[18]Holly,  Country  Seats,  31. 

[19]Holly,  Country  Seats,  introduction. 

[20]Frank  Luther  Mott,  A  History  of  American  Magazines 
2  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press,  1938),  350. 

[21]Mott,  American  Magazines  1:  511. 

f22lThe  Home  Journal  (1851)  March  1,  8,  15,  22,  19, 
April  12,  19,  26,  May  3,  10,  17,  24,  31,  July  5,  19. 
Citations  hereafter  will  simply  refer  to  the  date  of  the 
article  in  question  in  parenthesis  in  the  text.   The 
complete  archives  of  the  journal  are  available  at  the 
American  Antiquarian  Society  in  Worcester,  Massachusetts. 

r23lThe  Home  Journal,  May  12  1855. 

r24lThe  Genessee  Farmer  13  (Jan  1852),  89. 

r25lThe  American  Whig  Review  (New  York:  Wiley  &  Putnam, 
1851),  544. 

r26lThe  Genessee  Farmer  13  (January  1852),  16. 

f27lThe  Genessee  Farmer  13  August  1852),  260. 

r28lSartain's  Magazine  (Philadelphia:  John  Sartain  & 
Co.,  1852),  102. 

r29lThe  Horticulturist  6  (December  1851),  567. 

r30lThe  Literary  World  9  (November  1851),  388. 

r311The  Literary  World  7  (July-December  1850),  91. 

f32lNorth  American  Miscellany  and  Dollar-  Review 
(Philadelphia:  A.  Palmer  &  Co.,  1851),  164. 

f33lThe  Genessee  Farmer  13  (February  1852),  47-50. 

r341The  Home  Journal,  November  8  1851. 


[35]The  Horticulturist  n.s.  4  (May  1854),  230;  Wheeler, 
Homes ,  preface. 

[36lThe  Horticulturist  n.s.  3  (August  1853), 
frontispiece;  Wheeler,  Homes ,  170;  Wheeler,  The  Choice  of  a 
Dwelling  (London:  John  Murray,  1871),  186. 

[37]The  Horticulturist  n.s.  5  (1855),  frontispiece; 
Wheeler,  Homes,  228. 

[38]The  Horticulturist  n.s.  5  (1855),  294. 

[39]Harper's  Monthly  Magazine  (July  1855),  261. 

[40]Knickerbocker  New  York  Monthly  Magazine  (July 
1855),  79. 

[41]The  Builder  (August  4  1855),  379. 

[42]The  pages  of  The  Horticulturist  were  researched 
from  the  1847  volume  through  the  1858  volume. 

[43]The  Horticulturist  n.s.  3  (August  1853),  373. 

[44]The  Horticulturist  n.s.  5  (1855),  frontispiece. 

[45]Congregational  Churches  in  the  United  States,  A 
Book  of  Plans  for  Churches  and  Parsonages  (NY:  Daniel 
Burgess  &  Co.,  1853).  For  a  detailed  article  on  the  Book  of 
Plans,  its  inception  and  subsequent  influence,  see  Gwen  W. 
Steege,  "The  Book  of  Plans  and  the  Early  Romanesque  Revival 
in  the  United  States:  a  Study  in  Architectural  Patronage", 
JSAH  46  (September  1987),  215-227. 

[46]The  plans  and  elevations  from  A  Book  of  Plans  were 
reprinted  some  ten  years  later,  without  text,  by  George 
Woodward,  in  Rural  Church  Architecture  (New  York:  G.E. 
Woodward,  no  date,  c.1876). 

[47]Wheeler,  Homes,  50  (A  Small  Villa)  and  348  (  A 
Rustic  Parsonage) . 

[48]The  Bankers  Magazine  and  Statistical  Register  (New 
York,  April  1856),  761-768.   The  citation  was  brought  to  my 
attention  by  Arthur  Downs,  historian. 

[49]Mott,  2:93-4. 

[50]Wilson,  Appleton's  1:  181. 


[ 51 ]Ellwanger  and  Barry  Daybook  No. 167,  January  29 
1858;  citation  from  Stewart,  "George  Ellwanger  and  Patrick 
Barry,"  60  (henceforth  footnoted  as  Stewart). 

[52]Stewart,  "George  Ellwanger  and  Patrick  Barry,"  64. 

[53]Stewart,  "George  Ellwanger  and  Patrick  Barry,"  75. 

[54]McElvein,  "Williams  College  Architecture,"  176. 
McElvein  found  no  documentation  in  this  regard  in  the 
Williarasiana  Collection. 

[55]Wheeler  to  Durfee,  July  22  1857,  Williamsiana 

[56]McElvein,  "Williams  College  Architecture,"  195. 

[57]Wheeler  to  Durfee,  July  14  1857,  Williamsiana 
Collection . 

[58]Well's  City  Directory  for  Hartford  (1849),  138. 

[59]The  Genessee  Farmer  13  (June  1852),  197. 

[60]Wilson,  Appleton' s,  1:474. 

[61]John  Alexopoulos,  The  Nineteenth  Century  Parks  of 
Hartford  (Hartford:  Hartford  Architecture  Conservancy, 
1983),  16.   This  information  was  brought  to  the  work  by 
David  Ransom,  architectural  historian,  in  a  letter  to  the 
author,  November  25  1987. 

[62]Landy,  Minard  Lafever,  270. 



Wheeler  had  spent  at  least  fourteen  years  in  America 
before  deciding  to  return  to  Britain.   After  1860,  he  no 
longer  resided  in  New  York  City,  nor  has  documentation  of 
further  career  activities  in  America  come  to  light.   He  is 
completely  unaccounted  for  during  the  years  of  the  Civil 
War.   By  1865,  he  had  returned  to  England  and  established 
residence  in  the  area  of  Margate,  Kent,  his  family  home. 

Wheeler  resumed  his  practice,  billing  himself 
architect,  surveyor  and  civil  engineer,  with  offices  at  16 
Hawley  Square,  Margate,  until  1869.   The  following  excerpt 
from  an  entry  in  the  1868  Architects,  Engineers  and 
Building-Trades  Directory,  published  in  London,  summarized 
the  range  of  his  practice:   "His  works  comprise  railway 
buildings,  banks,  churches,  mansions,  and  private 
residences  in  the  United  States  and  England;  has  also  been 
engaged  in  laying  out  lands,  and  in  sanitary  appliances." 
The  documented  catalog  of  his  design  work  in  America 
includes  all  of  the  above  except  railway  stations.   No 
Wheeler  designs  have  to  date  been  located  in  England. 

Unbidden  when  American  architects  formed  the  A. I. A., 
Wheeler  found  support  for  his  candidacy  in  the  Royal 
Institute  of  British  Architects.   At  this  time  in  the 
nineteenth  century,  membership  in  the  R.I.B.A.  was  limited 


to  a  small  fraction  of  those  in  the  profession,  namely  the 
"gentleman  architect ."[ 1 ]   Wheeler  met  the  qualifications, 
for  on  February  11  1867,  recommended  by  George  Godwin, 
editor  of  The  Builder,  William  Slater,  a  fellow  pupil  of 
Richard  Cromwell  Carpenter,  and  H.A.  Darbyshire,  he  became 
a  member,  at  the  full  rank  of  Fellow. [2]   He  also  at  this 
time  moved  to  Kilburn  in  London,  where  he  would  reside 
until,  in  1873,  being  dropped  from  the  rolls  of  the 
R.I.B.A.  for  non-payment  of  dues. 

According  to  Dr.  Jill  Allibone,  architectural 
historian  in  London,  there  is  scant  information  regarding 
Wheeler's  career  in  England.   He  did,  in  February  1868, 
read  two  papers  before  an  Ordinary  General  Meeting  of  the 
R.I.B.A.;  both  concerned  the  "Peculiarities  of  Domestic 
Architecture  in  America. "[3]   A  summary  of  part  of  his 
address,  namely  the  description  of  a  "New  York  Up-Town 
House"  was  subsequently  published  in  The  Builder . [ k ] 

By  1871,  Wheeler  had  once  again  published  a  book  on 
domestic  architecture.   Entitled  The  Choice  of  a  Dwelling, 
the  volume  was  far  better  received  by  the  editors  of  The 
Builder  than  Homes  for  the  People  had  been  sixteen  years 
earlier.   The  review  considered  that  Wheeler  had  neatly 
compounded  his  knowledge  of  British  domestic  architecture 
with  the  experience  of  his  practice  in  America  to  produce 
an  informative  manual  for  general  public  and  architect 


alike.   "As  we  close  the  book,  and  turn  from  its  alternate 
references  to  New  and  Old  England,  we  feel  it  is  a 
gain. "[5] 

Until  other  commissions  are  discovered,  The  Choice  of 
a  Dwelling  ranks  as  Wheeler's  final  work  in  the  field  of 
architecture.   By  1874,  he  had  moved  out  of  London  and 
established  himself  in  Hove,  Sussex  County.   With  what  must 
have  been  "a  touch  of  nostalgia",  he  named  his  home  in  1881 
"Brooklyn."   The  last  directory  listing  for  Gervase  Wheeler 
was  1889,  and  in  April  1890,  probate  of  his  will  was 
granted  to  Catherine  Brewer  Wheeler,  widow  of  the  architect 
of  the  Boody  House,  Rockwood,  and  the  Barry  House. [6.] 

Gervase  Wheeler  may  have  come  to  America,  in  late  1846 
or  early  1847,  with  the  aspiration  of  introducing  and 
practicing  newly  formulated  precepts  of  Ecclesiological 
architecture.   In  the  face  of  both  peer  and  client 
resistance,  however,  he  did  not  pursue  this  path,  falling 
back  instead,  for  the  most  part,  on  his  skills  in  domestic 
design . 

Unlike  the  majority  of  his  American  contemporaries, 
British-trained  Wheeler  was  well  versed  in  the  philosophies 
of  the  picturesque  and  Ruskinian  "truth  and  fitness."   It 
was  this  background  which  enabled  him  to  take  part  in  the 
development  and  interpretation  of  American  domestic 


architecture,  especially  as  it  inclined  toward  a 
picturesque  point  of  view.   His  design  for  the  Olmstead 
House  is  to  this  day  considered  a  primary  example  of 
romantic  eclecticism  in  a  timber  Gothic  mode. 

Wheeler  tended  to  design  actual  commissions  for  a 
socially  upscale  clientele,  and,  based  on  the  evidence  of 
documented  work,  such  as  the  Boody  and  Sarry  Houses, 
Brookwood,  the  I.N. A.  and  the  Stone  Chapel,  he  typically 
designed  the  projects,  but  did  not  supervise  their 
construction . 

Regardless  of  the  several  important  executed 
commissions,  it  was  the  popular  appeal  and  acceptance  of 
Wheeler's  published  works  which  set  the  tone  of  his 
contribution  to  the  domestic  architecture  of  the 
mid-nineteenth  century.   Through  his  works,  many  of  the 
ideals  of  the  picturesque,  such  as  the  relation  of  house  to 
site  and  landscape,  and  Ruskin's  fitness,  reached  a  broad 
public  audience.   His  work  appealed  at  once  to  the  country 
gentleman  looking  for  a  residence  expressive  of  the  new 
philosophies  of  the  age,  and  the  middle  class  person 
seeking  a  comfortable  cottage  residence. 


[l]Spiro  Kostof,  The  Architect:  Chapters  in  the  History 
of  a  Profession  (New  York:  Oxford  University,  1977),  194, 

[2]R.I.B.A.  Nomination  Papers,  1867:36.  Courtesy  of  the 
British  Architectural  Library  of  the  R.I.B.A. 

[3]Sessional  Papers  of  the  Royal  Institute  of  British 
Architects  (London:  R.I.B.A.,  1868),  117-128  and  168-187. 

KlThe  Builder  (April  11  1868),  262-3. 

r5TThe  Builder  (December  23  1871),  998. 

[ 6 ] Information  regarding  Wheeler's  directory  listings 
in  England  as  well  as  the  probated  will  was  provided  by  Dr. 
Jill  Allibone,  correspondence  with  the  author,  November  14 
1987  and  January  29  1988.  "A  touch  of  nostalgia"  is  Dr. 
Allibone's  phrase. 



I.    Unpublished  Sources 

Allibone,  Dr.  Jill.  Letter  to  John  Ward,  September  21  1982: 
correspondence  with  author,  November  14  1987,  January  28 
and  March  17  1988. 

Chapel  Papers.  Bowdoin  College  Library,  Brunswick,  Maine. 

Congress  Hall  and  Independence  Square  Files.  Independence 
National  Historic  Park  Archives,  Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania . 

Fisher,  Sidney  George.  Diaries  1834  to  1871.  Historical 
Society  of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

France,  Jean  R.  Letter  to  John  Ward,  November  29  1982. 

Guter,  Robert  P.  The  Willows  at  Fosterf ields .  Historic 
Structure  Report,  Morristown,  1983. 

Insurance  Company  of  North  America.  Directors'  Minutes, 
January  1845  to  January  1860.  CIGNA  Corporate  Archives, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

Kirby,  John  B.  Letter  to  John  Ward,  October  8  1982; 
correspondence  with  author,  November  16  1987. 

McElvein,  Bruce  B.  "Williams  College  Architecture, 
1790-1860."  Bachelor's  Honors  These,  Williams  College, 

Ransom,  David.  Letter  to  author,  November  25  1987. 

Shettleworth,  Earle.  Letter  to  John  Ward,  September  15 
1982;  correspondence  with  author  November  16  1987,  January 
4  1988. 

Stewart,  Natalie  B.E.  "George  Ellwanger  and  Patrick  Barry, 
Romantic  Builders."  Masters  Thesis,  University  of 
Rochester,  1985. 

Upjohn  Papers.  New  York  Public  Library,  New  York,  New  York 

Ward,  John.  "Gervase  Wheeler.,  a  Progressive  Architect  in 
Brunswick,  Maine,  1847-1848."  Paper  presented  at  Fifth 
Annual  Student  Symposium,  Society  of  Architectural 
Historians,  Boston,  Massachusetts,  September  1982. 

Williamsiana  Collection.  Williams  College,  Williarastown , 


II.   Primary  Sources 

American  Agriculturist.  New  York:  Orange  Judd  Co.,  1883. 

American  Architect  &  Building  News.  Boston:  Ticknor  &  Co., 

American  Whig  Review.  New  York:  Wiley  &  Putnam,  1851. 

Architects,  Engineers  and  Building  Trades  Directory. 
London:  Wyman,  1868. 

Art  Journal.  London:  George  Virtue,  1855. 

Barry,  Patrick.  Treatise  on  the  Fruit  Garden.  Rochester:  by 
the  author,  1851. 

Bell,  Luther  V.,  M.D.  The  Practical  Methods  of  Ventilating 
Buildings .  Boston:  Dickinson  Printing  Establishment,  1848. 

Bremer,  Frederika.  The  Homes  of  the  New  World.  London: 
Arthur  Hall  Virtue  &  Co.,  1853. 

Brown,  William.  The  Carpenter's  Assistant.  Boston:  Edward 
Livermore,  1853. 

The  Builder.  London:  1855,  1868,  1871. 

Bulletin  of  the  American  Art  Union.  New  York:  American  Art 
Union,  1851. 

Congregational  Churches  in  the  United  States.  A  Book  of 
Plans  for  Churches  and  Parsonages.  New  York:  Daniel  Burgess 
&  Co.  ,  1853. 

[Cooper,  Susan  August  Fennimore.]  Rural  Hours.  By  a  Lady. 
New  York:  George  Putnam,  1850. 

Downing,  Andrew  Jackson.  A  Treatise  on  the  Theory  and 
Practice  of  Landscape  Gardening.  Sixth  edition,  edited  by 
H.W.  Sargent.  New  York:  A.O.  Moore  &  Co.,  1859. 

.  The  Architecture  of  Country  Houses.  New  York:  D. 

Appleton  &  Co. ,  1850. 

The  Genessee  Farmer.  Rochester:  Daniel  Lee,  1852. 

Godey's  Lady's  Book.  Philadelphia:  Godey  Co.,  1852,  1855. 

Gwilt,  Joseph.  An  Encyclopaedia  of  Architecture.  London: 
Longman,  Brown,  Green  &  Longmans,  1842 . 


Harper's  Monthly  Magazine.  New  York:  Harper  &  Brothers, 
1851,  1855. 

Holly,  Henry  Hudson.  Country  Seats  and  Modern  Dwellings. 
1863  and  1878.  Reprint  with  introduction  by  Michael  Tomlan. 
Watkins  Glen:  Library  of  Victorian  Culture,  1977. 

The  Home  Journal.  New  York:  Morris  &  Willis,  1851,  1855. 

The  Horticulturist  &  Journal  of  Rural  Art  and  Rural  Taste. 
Albany:  Luther  Tucker,  1849;  Rochester:  James  Vick  Jr., 
1851,  1853,  1854,  1855. 

Insurance  Map  of  the  City  of  Philadelphia.  Vol.  33.  22nd 
Ward.  Philadelphia:  Ernest  Hexamer  &  Son,  1898. 


of  the  Common  council, 

,  October  12 

1849  to  September 

26  1850, 

,  Philadelphia:  King  & 

Baird,  1850. 


of  the  Select  Council, 

,  October  12 

1849  to  September 

26  1850.  Philadelphia:  Cressy  &  Markley,  1850 

Knickerbocker,  New  York  Monthly  Magazine.  New  York:  Samuel 
Hueston,  1855,  1860. 

Kuchel,  C.  The  Columbian  Drawing  Book.  Hartford:  Belknap  & 
Hamersley,  1849. 

The  Literary  World.  New  York:  Osgood  &  Co.,  1849,  1850, 

North  American  Miscellany  &  Dollar  Magazine.  Philadelphia: 
A.  Palmer  &  Co. ,  1851 . 

Sartain's  Magazine.  Philadelphia:  John  Sartain  &  Co.,  1852. 

Sessional  Papers  of  the  Royal  Institute  of  British 
Architects.  London:  R.I.B.A.,  1868. 

Tri-Weekly  Republican.  St.  Louis:  1854. 

Turner,  A. A.  Villas  on  the  Hudson.  1860.  Reprint.  New  York: 
DaCapo  Press,  1977. 

Wells'  City  Directory  for  Hartford.  Hartford:  J.  Gaylord 
Wells,  1849. 

Wheeler,  Gervase.  "Design  for  a  Villa  in  the  Tuaor  Style." 
The  Horticulturist.  Volume  3.  Albany:  Luther  Tucker,  1849. 

.  "Design  and  Description  of  an  English  Cottage." 

The  Horticulturist.  Volume  4.  Albany:  Luther  Tucker,  1849. 


.  Rural  Homes,  New  York:  Charles  Scribner,  1851. 
.  "On  Perfecting  a  Homes."  March-July.  The  Home 

Journal .  New  York:  Morris  &  Willis,  1851. 

.  "Design  for  an  Italian  Villa."  The  Horticulturist 

N.s.  volume  3.  Rochester:  James  Vick  Jr.,  1853. 

.  Homes  for  the  People.  New  York:  Charles  Scribner, 


.  "The  Architecture  of  Country  Banks."  The  Bankers' 

Magazine  and  Statistical  Register.  Volume  5.  New  York:  The 
Bankers  Publishing  Company,  1856. 

.  "Peculiarities  of  Domestic  Architecture  in 

America."  Sessional  Papers  of  the  Royal  Institute  of 
British  Architects,  1867-1868. 

.  "A  New  York  Up-Town  House."  The  Builder.  Volume 

26.  London:  1868. 

.  The  Choice  of  a  Dwelling.  London:  John  Murray, 


Woodward,  George  Evertson.  Rural  Church  Architecture.  New 
York:  G.E.  Woodward,  n.d.  (c.1876). 

Zukowsky,  John.  Hudson  River  Houses:  Edwin  Whitefield's 
"The  Hudson  River  and  Railroad  Illustrated."  c.1850. 
Facsimile  reprint.  Croton  on  Hudson:  North  River  Press 
Inc.,  1981. 


III.  General 

Alexopoulos,  John.  The  Nineteenth  Century  Parks  of  Hartford 
Hartford:  Hartford  Architectural  Conservancy,  1983. 

Architectural  Period  Houses  Inc.  Princeton  MA:  1978. 

Collins,  Peter.  Changing  Ideals  in  Modern  Architecture 
1750-1950.  Montreal:  McGill  Queens  University  Press,  1965. 

Francis,  Dennis  Steadman.  Architects  in  Practice  in  New 
York  City  1840-1900.  New  York:  The  Committee  for  the 
Preservation  of  Architectural  Records  Inc.,  1979. 

Greiff,  Constance  M.  John  Notman,  Architect,  1810-1865. 
Philadelphia:  Athenaeum  of  Philadelphia,  1979. 

Helmreich,  Ernst  Christian.  Religion  at  Bowdoin  College:  A 
History.  Brunswick:  Bowdoin  College,  1981. 

Hitchcock,  Henry-Russell.  Architecture,  Nineteenth  and 
Twentieth  Centuries.  Baltimore:  Penguin  Books,  1971. 

.  Early  Victorian  Architecture  in  Britain.  New 

York:  DaCapo  Press,  1972 

American  Architectural  Books.  New  York:  DaCapo 

Press,  1976. 

Hussey,  Christopher.  The  Picturesque;  Studies  in  a  Point  of 
View.  London:  Frank  Cass  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  1967  edition. 

Kaye,  Barrington.  The  Development  of  the  Architectural 
Profession  in  Britain.  London:  George  Allen  &  Unwin  Ltd., 

Kostof,  Spiro,  ed.  The  Architect:  Chapters  in  the  History 
of  a  Profession.  New  York:  Oxford  University,  1977. 

Lamb,  Martha  J.  The  Homes  of  America.  New  York:  D.  Appleton 
&  Co. ,  1879. 

Landy,  Jacob.  The  Architecture  of  Minard  Lafever.  New  York: 
Columbia  University  Press,  1970. 

MacMillan  Encyclopedia  of  Architects.  New  York:  The  Free 
Press,  1982. 

McAlester,  Virginia  and  Lee.  A  Field  Guide  to  American 
Houses.  New  York:  Alfred  A.  Knopf,  1986. 

Montgomery,  Thomas  H.  A  History  of  the  Insurance  Company  of 
North  America.  Philadelphia:  Press  of  Review  Publishing  & 
Printing  Co. ,  1885. 


Mott,  Frank  Luther.  A  History  of  American  Magazines. 
Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press,  1938. 

Myers,  Denys  Peter.  Maine  Catalog:  Historic  American 
Building  Survey.  Portland:  Maine  State  Museum,  1974. 

National  Academy  of  Design  Exhibition  Record  1826-1860 
York:  New  York  Historical  Society,  1943. 


New  England  Magazine  &  Bay  State  Monthly. 


Pevsner,  Nicholaus.  Some  Architectural  Writers  of  the 
Nineteenth  Century.  Oxford:  Clarendon  Press,  1972. 

Rutledge,  Anna  Well.  Cumulative  Record  of  Exhibition 
Catalogues;  the  Pennsylvania  Academy  of  Fine  Arts 
1807-1870.  Philadelphia:  The  American  Philosophical 
Society,  1955. 

Saylor,  Henry  H.  The  A.T.A.'s  First  Hundred  Years. 
Washington:  The  Octagon,  1957. 

Scully,  Vincent  J.  The  Shingle  Style  and  The  Stick  Style. 
New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1955. 

Stanton,  Phoebe.  Pugin.  London:  Thames  &  Hudson,  1971. 

Steege,  Gwen.  "The  Book  of  Plans  and  the  Early  Romanesque 
Revival  in  the  United  States:  A  Study  in  Architectural 
Patronage."  Journal  of  the  Society  of  Architectural 
Historians  46,  1987. 

Upjohn,  Everard  M.  Richard  Upjohn,  Architect  and  Churchman 
New  York:  Columbia  University  Press,  1939. 

Wilson,  James  Grant,  and  Fiske,  John,  ed.  Appleton ' s 
Cyclopaedia  of  American  Biography.  New  York:  D.  Appleton  & 
Co.,  1888. 

Wintle,  Justin,  ed.  Makers  of  Nineteenth  Century  Culture, 
1800-1914.  London:  Routledge  &  Kegan  Paul,  1982. 

Zukowsky,  John  and  Stimson,  Robbe  Pierce.  Hudson  River 
Villas.  New  York:  Rizzoli  International  Publications  Inc., 


Appendix  A.   Illustrations 

1.  Richard  Upjohn:  Banister  Hall,  College  Chapel,  Bowdoin 
College,  Brunswick,  Maine,  1844-55.  Interior  polychroray 
decoration  in  library  by  Gervase  Wheeler,  1847-48. 
Ernst  Helmreich,  Religion  at  Bowdoin  College,  following 
p. 88. 

2.  Gervase  Wheeler:  Henry  Boody  House,  Maine  Street, 
Brunswick,  Maine,  designed  1848,  constructed  1849. 
Photograph.  Virginia  and  Lee  McAlester,  A  Field  Guide 
to  American  Houses,  p. 204. 

3.  Boody  House.  Elevation.  The  Horticulturist  4  (August 
1849),  frontispiece;  Downing,  Country  Houses,  300. 

4.  Boody  House.  First  floor  plan.  The  Horticulturist  4 
(August  1849),  frontispiece. 

5.  Anonymous:  John  G.  Richardson  House,  Washington  Street, 
Bath,  Maine,  constructed  1850.  Possible  adaptation  of 
Boody  House.  1858  engraving.  Courtesy  of  Earle 

6.  Sir  Charles  Barry:  Travellers'  Club  and  Reform  Club, 
1830-32  and  1838-40.  Referred  to  by  Wheeler  in  New 
Haven  hotel  project.  Henry-Russell  Hitchcock, 
Architecture  Nineteenth  and  Twentieth  Centuries,  p. 115. 

7.  Wheeler:  Villa  in  the  Tudor  Style,  project  1849. 
Elevation.  The  Horticulturist  3  (June  1849), 
frontispiece . 

8.  Villa  in  the  Tudor  Style.  First  floor  plan.  The 
Horticulturist  3  (June  1849),  frontispiece. 

9.  Wheeler:  Henry  Olmstead  House,  East  Hartford, 
Connecticut,  designed  and  constructed  1849.  Elevation. 
Rural  Homes,  p. 72. 

10.  Olmstead  House.  First  floor  plan.  Rural  Homes,  p. 72. 

11.  Wheeler:  The  Willows,  Morristown,  New  Jersey, 
constructed  1854.  Design  adapted  from  Olmstead  House  by 
Ashbel  Bruen,  master  carpenter.  Photograph.  Morris 
County  Park  Commission. 

12.  The  Willows.  Entry  Hall.  Morris  County  Park  Commission. 

13.  Anonymous:  Hartwell  Carver  House,  Pittsford,  New  York, 
constructed  1853.  Possible  adaptation  of  Olmstead 
House.  Photograph.  Courtesy  of  Jean  R.  France. 


14.  Wheeler:  Rockwood,  Albany  Post  Road,  North  Tarrytown, 
New  York,  designed  and  constructed  1849. 
Photolithograph .  John  Zukowsky,  Hudson  River  Villas, 
p. 107. 

15.  Rockwood.  Photolithograph.  A. A.  Turner,  Villas  on  the 
Hudson . 

16.  Rockwood.  First  floor  plan.  A. A.  Turner,  Villas  on  the 
Hudson . 

17.  Rockwood.  Sketch  of  Pocahoe  with  profile  of  Rockwood  on 
hill  beyond.  John  Zukowsky,  Hudson  River  Houses:  Edwin 
Whitefield's  "The  Hudson  River  and  Railroad 
Illustrated,"  p. 50. 

18.  Wheeler:  Large  Country  House,  project  1850.  Elevation. 
Possible  design  for  Brookwood,  constructed  1850-1851. 
A.J.  Downing,  Country  Houses,  p. 333. 

19.  Large  Country  House.  First  floor  plan.  A.J.  Downing, 
Country  Houses,  p. 332. 

20.  Survey  of  Brookwood,  1898.  Redrawn  from  Hexamer ' s 
Insurance  Map  of  the  City  of  Philadelphia,  22nd  ward. 

21.  Wheeler:  Insurance  Company  of  North  America,  Walnut 
Street,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  designed  and 
constructed  1850.  Sketch  by  J.  Pennell,  1879.  Thomas 
Montgomery,  A  History  of  the  Insurance  Company  of  North 
America ,  p. 90. 

22.  Wheeler:  Townhouse,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
designed  and  constructed  c.1850  according  to  architect. 
Floor  plans.  Choice ,  p. 132. 

23.  Wheeler:  Small  Cottage,  no  location,  designed  and  two 
models  constructed  c.1850  according  to  architect. 
Elevation  and  plan.  Rural ,  p. 161. 

24.  Wheeler:  Suburban  Villa,  outside  Norwich,  Connecticut, 
designed  and  constructed  c. 1851-52  according  to 
architect.  Elevation.  The  Horticulturist  (August  1853), 
frontispiece;  Homes ,  p. 170;  Choice ,  p. 167. 

25.  Suburban  Villa.  Ground  floor  plan.  Homes ,  p. 157. 

26.  Wheeler:  Villa  Mansion  in  the  Italian  Style,  between 
Rye  and  Portchester,  New  York,  on  the  Long  Island 
Sound,  designed  and  constructed  c. 1851-1854  according 
to  architect.  Elevation.  The  Horticulturist  (May  1855), 
frontispiece;  Homes ,  frontispiece. 


27.  Villa  Mansion  in  the  Italian  Style.  First  floor  plan. 
Homes ,  p . 197 . 

28.  Wheeler:  Patrick  Barry  House,  Mount  Hope  Avenue, 
Rochester,  New  York,  designed  1857  and  constructed 
1857-59.  Photograph.  Courtesy  Jean  R.  France. 

29.  Barry  House.  First  floor  plan  of  house  c.l970's. 
Courtesy  Jean  R.  France. 

30.  Wheeler:  Stone  Chapel  (later  Goodrich  Hall),  Williams 
College,  Williarastown ,  Massachusetts,  designed  1857, 
constructed  1858-59.  Elevation.  New  England  Magazine 
and  Bay  State  Monthly  4  (June  1886),  p. 500. 

31.  Wheeler:  Country  Mansion  in  the  Venetian  Italian  Style, 
below  the  hills  of  Berkshire  County,  Massachusetts, 
designed  and  constructed  c. 1851-54  according  to 
architect.  Elevation.  Homes ,  p. 229. 

32.  Country  Mansion  in  the  Venetian  Italian  Style.  Ground 
floor  plan.  Homes ,  p. 225. 

33.  Wheeler:  Cottage  Ornee,  summit  of  peak  along  the 
Housatonic  River,  Berkshire  County,  Massachusetts, 
designed  and  constructed  c. 1851-54  according  to 
architect.  Elevation.  Homes ,  p. 289. 

34.  Cottage  Ornee.  First  floor  plan.  Homes ,  p. 285. 

35.  Wheeler:  Cottage  Villa,  Lenox  Road,  one  mile  from 
Stockbridge,  Massachusetts,  designed  and  constructed 
c. 1851-54  according  to  architect.  Elevation.  Homes , 
p. 180. 

36.  Cottage  Villa.  First  floor  plan.  Homes ,  p. 177. 

37.  Wheeler:  Gatehouse,  no  location,  designed  and 
constructed  c. 1851-54  according  to  architect. 
Elevation.  Homes ,  p. 297. 

38.  Gatehouse.  Plan.  Homes ,  p. 295. 

39.  Wheeler:  Townhouse,  New  York,  designed  and  constructed 
c.  1851-60  according  to  architect.  Principal  floor 
plan.  Choice ,  p. 140. 

40.  ./heeler:  Southern  Mansion,  in  "midland  state,"  designed 
and  constructed  c. 1851-54  according  to  architect. 
Elevation.  Homes ,  p. 259. 

41.  Southern  Mansion.  First  floor  plan.  Homes ,  p. 250. 


42.  Wheeler:  Rustic  Villa,  Orange,  New  Jersey,  designed  and 
constructed  c. 1851-54  according  to  architect. 
Elevation.  Homes ,  p. 98. 

43.  Rustic  Villa.  Principal  floor  plan.  Homes ,  p. 105. 

44.  Wheeler:  Square  Cottage,  twice  erected  near  Hudson,  New 
York,  c. 1851-54  according  to  architect.  Elevation. 
Homes ,  p . 324. 

45.  Square  Cottage.  Floor  plan.  Homes ,  p. 326. 

46.  Wheeler:  Country  Home  remodelled,  overlooking  the 
Hudson  River,  designed  and  constructed  c. 1853-54 
according  to  architect.  Elevation.  Homes ,  p. 246. 

47.  Country  Home  remodelled.  First  floor  plan.  Homes , 
p. 234. 


1.  Richard  Upjohn:  Banister  Hall,  College  Chapel, 
Bowdoin  College,  Brunswick,  Maine,  1844-55. 
Interior  polychromy  decoration  in  library 
by  Gervase  Wheeler,  1847-48. 


2.  Gervase  Wheeler:  Henry  Boody  House,  Maine  Street 
Brunswick,  Maine,  designed  1348,  constructed  1849. 


Boody  House. 
3.  Elevation. 
4.  First  floor  plan 


rtlorlT  AxlMll 



la  f!f  1b! 

5.  Anonymous:  John  G.  Richardson  House,  Washington 

Street,  Bath,  Maine,  constructed  1850. 
Possible  adaptation  of  Boody  House.  1858  engraving. 
,  Sir  Charles  Barry:  Travellers'  Club  and  Reform  Club, 

1830-32  and  1838-40. 
Referred  to  by  Wheeler  in  New  Haven  hotel  project. 



« ijjnrirg 

'ILL.*    !N    ["HE    IUI'uR  sTYLE. 

Wheeler:  Villa  in  the  Tudor  Style,  project  1849 
7.  Elevation. 
8.  First  floor  plan. 

HALL  votibuic      um»cr_'% 


[Hon  ■  Juiif    IS4«  I 


Wheeler  :  Henry 
Olmstead  House,  East 
Hartford,  Connecticut, 
designed  and 
constructed  1849. 

9 .  Elevation . 

10.  First    floor    plan. 

some  constructive  purpose  of  design. 


Wheeler:  The  Willows,  Morristown,  New  Jersey, 

constructed  1854.  Design  adapted  from  Olrastead  House 

by  Ashbel  Bruen,  master  carpenter. 

11.    Main    facade . 

12.    Entry    Hall. 

■    ill |(- 

i  J .> '  " 


■ ;  i  1  ]  1 1 1 1  UHJll 


13.  Anonymous:  Hartwell  Carver  House,  Pittsford, 

New  York,  constructed  1853. 

Possible  adaptation  of  Olmstead  House. 


t'llololillini/nif))!  ! 

Wheeler:  Rockwood,  Albany  Post  Road,  North  Tarrytown, 
New  York,  designed  and  constructed  1849. 

14.  Photolithograph . 

15.  Photolithograph. 



16.  Rockwood.  First  floor  plan. 

17.  Sketch  of  Pocahoe  with  profile  of  Rockwood 

on  hill  beyond. 


Wheeler:  Large  Country  House,  project  1850. 
Possible  design  for  Brookwood,  constructed  1850-1851 
18.  Elevation. 
19.  First  floor  plan. 

I    . 

►  3- 




■  • 


20.  Survey  of  Brookwood ,  1898. 


21.  Wheeler:  Insurance  Company  of  North  America, 

Walnut  Street,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 

designed  and  constructed  1850. 

Sketch  by  J.  Pennell,  1879. 


22.  Wheeler:  Townhouse,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania, 
designed  and  constructed  c.1850  according  to  architect 

Floor  plans  . 


ftnlter  umtMOtm  omfcrf  -W» 

m    ,., 

Small  Cottao*— Elivatios  abb  Plajl 

23.  Wheeler:  Small  Cottage,  no  location, 
designed  and  two  models  constructed  c.1850 
according  to  architect.  Elevation  and  plan, 


.,ii  I.—  '  -WiH**w-*>  — 

Wheeler:  Suburban 
Villa,  outside 
Norwich,  Connecticut, 
designed  and 
constructed  c. 1851-52 
according  to 
architect . 

24 .  Elevation . 

25.  Ground  floor  plan 

one  u4m  io u>  a  cooterrmlurr,  No.  «5,  the  wmJuwi  m   Uio 
•oath  end  opening  npon  a  Teranda. 

Pu  urn.— plah  or  FsciciPAL  noon. 
The  bay  wind  jw  in  the  drawing-room  looks  upon  a  most 
lorely  lawn  bounded  by  trees  and  shrubs,  at  the  end  of 


i  •  ^* 

marti-ititu  i 

Wheeler:  Villa  Mansion 
in  the  Italian  Style, 
between  Rye  and 
Portchester,  New  York, 
on  the  Long  Island 
Sound,  designed  and 
c. 1851-1854  according 
to  architect . 

26 .  Elevation . 

27.  First  floor  plan. 




•T  -  reader  will  please  remark  that  the  scale  to  which 
».'!  ■  -  rUre«  in  this  chapter  are  drawn,  is  smaller  than 
•  »■  V  <•  i  has  been  emnloj^i  hefore.  in  onler  to  accom- 
-    .  i.v   t*M  rniAr^i  «ire  of  the  building*  within  the 

»     i  iho  i^z°.     Their  «rale  is  one-thirtieth  of  an 

>  '■>  tfw»  f  «*.  that  is  an  inch  rffr^ntt  thirtr  feet. 

7  ■•  :  rcTj.-wH  •irawiaj*  hare  !xvn  to  a  wale  <>i"  innK 


./'   / 

Wheeler:  Patrick  Barry  House,  Mount  Hope  Avenue 
Rochester,  New  York,  designed  1857 
and  constructed  1857-59. 
28.  Front  facade. 
29.  First  floor  plan  of  house  c.1970's. 



ft  ■ 

J I  MrV — 


30.  Wheeler:  Stone  Chapel  (later  Goodrich  Hall), 

Williams  College,  Williamstown ,  Massachusetts, 

designed  1857,  constructed  1858-59.  1881  engraving 


8  ».  --■■-•■■ 

Wheeler:  Country 
Mansion  in  the 
Venetian  Italian 
Style,  below  the  hills 
of  Berkshire  County, 
Massachusetts , 
designed  and 
constructed  c. 1851-54 
according  to 
architect . 

3 1 .  Elevation . 

32.  Ground    floor    plan. 

rax  sLLNMo.i. 

*.  in    4  m  *»tf  <,..->,   ,!„»,  ru*i% 



,  *  4 

ei&M&&£s     Yittttf-r  -rtrHfJf-  ~*fc.. 

. ~*,-~ .--  - 

Wheeler:  Cottage 
Ornee,  summit  of  peak 
along  the  Housatonic 
River,  Berkshire 
County,  Massachusetts 
designed  and 
constructed  c. 1851-54 
according  to 
architect • 

33.  Elevation. 

34.  First  floor  plan. 


Pk.  IMWW  —H  iuhiiu  n/w« 

W  ♦'»»  •*»  '•  <-V»  law  Ml,  5«.  t,  mm)  .n    t  i>.» 


Wheeler:  Cottage 

Villa,  Lenox  Road,  one 

mile  from  S tockbr idge , 

Massachusetts  , 

designed  and 

constructed  c. 1851-54 

according  to 

architect . 

35  .  Elevation . 

36.  First  floor  plan 



is  arranged  to  have  a  very  easy  rise  and   is  of  amplo 

4    hua 

it.  vxit.— rus  or  mxciru.  nona. 

T  (  lin-Tin^room  is  a  larsje  and  cheerful  apartment 
•!i    i  '  s»y  window  in  ir*  fn-nt    an-1  a   Frrnrh   w:m.!..» 


Wheeler:  Gatehouse,  no  location, 

designed  and  constructed  c. 1851-54 

according  to  architect. 

37 .  Elevation . 

38.  Plan. 

masonry  roughly  laid,  and  the  wood-work  of  porch, 
<fcc,  of  a  simple  and  rustic  character. 


The  plan  of  tho  fi; 


■Principal    Tloer. 

J-J I 2 T   1        f        f 

Dining  Room 

39.  Wheeler:  Townhouse,  New  York, 
designed  and  constructed  c.  1851-60 
according  to  architect.  Principal  floor  plan 



IIIUN      U 

■S^gS^iik .v»«ij«MMttgf  i    i-i.'imv  >--~^  -■■v-nrfiiini 

Wheeler:  Southern  Mansion,  in  "midland  state 

designed  and  constructed  c. 1851-54 

according  to  architect. 

40 .  Elevation . 

41.  First  floor  plan. 


— w,",:-'  '■-■■'-**■ 



.'  "T^ 

Wheeler:  Rustic  Villa, 
Orange,  New  Jersey, 
designed  and 
constructed  c. 1851-54 
according  to 
architect . 

42.  Elevation. 

43.  Principal  floor 
plan . 



Wheeler:  Square. 
Cottage,  twice  erected 
near  Hudson,  New  York, 
c. 1851-54  according  to 
architect  . 

44 .  Elevation . 

45 .  Floor    plan . 

.      .    ...   . ,-   -.    .      ,^     ■   .    i..-.^- .**,        ~  -..  ..-«v  J 




-%-m<  *m 

•  i   \  r  ••  i  (I  • 

•it*A-»...»-  ^--^^.^>..'-<^-«i-«^>u-^^Cu'.4.-^ic£i^  ^^^AJBiial 

Wheeler:  Country  Home 
remodelled , 

overlooking  the  Hudson 
River,  designed  and 
constructed  c. 1853-54 
according  to 
architect . 

46 .  Elevation . 

47.  First  floor  plan. 

a-<!»,  f  i>>c  ;?*«  C*  »«*»  »ull 

♦   «   •   • 


Appendix  B.   Wheeler's  Business  &  Residential  Addresses 

The  following  list  traces  Wheeler's  known  business  (b)  and 
home  (h)  addresses  in  America  and  upon  his  return  to 
England.   The  citations  derive  from  city  directories,  ads 
and,  where  a  month  is  noted,  letterheads. 

1846         (no  listings) 

1847,  Apr    29  Greenwich  Street,  New  York,  NY  (b/h  not 
specified ) 

1847-1848    7  Federal  Street,  Brunswick,  ME  (h) 

1848  New  Haven  (no  listings) 

1849  Janes'  Building,  216-1/2  Main  Street,  Hartford, 
CT  (b);  American  House,  Hartford,  CT  (h) 

1850,  Dec    70  Walnut  Street,  Philadelphia,  PA  (b/h  not 


1851,  Feb    University,  Washington  Square,  New  York,  NY 

(b);  304  West  14  Street,  New  York,  NY  (not 
specified;  may  be  address  of  University) 

1852,  Jun    Norwichtown,  CT  (no  details) 

1853         Europe,  specifically  London 

1853-1854    55  Trinity  Building,  111  Broadway,  New  York,  NY 
(b);  1  Elm  Place,  Brooklyn,  NY  (h)  through  1860 

1855  16  Nassau  Building,  7  Beekman,  New  York,  NY  (b) 

1856-1857  430  Broome  Street,  New  York,  NY  (b) 

1858-1859  18  William  Street,  New  York,  NY  (b) 

1860  Post  Office  Building,  Brooklyn,  NY  (b) 

1861-1864  (no  listings) 

1865-1869    16  Hawley  Square,  Margate,  Kent,  GB  (b);  32 

Cambridge  Road,  Kilburn  NW ,  GB  (h)  through  1872 

1870         RIBA  Offices,  9  Conduit  Street,  London,  GB  (b); 
last  known  business  listing 

1873         (no  listings) 

1874-1880    40  Albany  Villas,  Hove,  Sussex,  GB  (h) 



'Brooklyn',  54  Wilbury  Road,  Hove,  Sussex,  GB 

1882-1885    41  Tisbury  Road,  Hove,  Sussex,  GB  (h) 
1886-1889    62  Cromwell  Road,  Hove,  Sussex,  GB  (h) 


Appendix  C.   Advertisements  &  Notices 

The  following  is  a  list  of  citations  of  publicity  for 
Gervase  Wheeler.   Each  entry  includes  the  date,  the  source, 
the  city  of  publication,  and  the  nature  of  the  ad.   See 
Bibliography  for  publisher  information. 

1849,  May    Wells'  City  Directory  for  Hartford  (Hartford), 
138.   Ad  placed  by  Wheeler. 

1851,  Nov    The  Literary  World  (New  York),  399.   Notice  for 

Rural  Homes  in  Charles  Scribner  advertisement. 

1852,  Jan    The  Genessee  Farmer  (Rochester),  89.   Notice 

for  Rural  Homes  with  excerpts  from  four 
reviews . 

1852,  Jun    The  Genessee  Farmer  (Rochester),  197.   Ad 

placed  by  Wheeler. 

1853,  Jul    The  Horticulturist  (Rochester),  325.   Notice 

for  Wheeler's  practice. 

1853,  Aug    The  Horticulturist  (Rochester),  393.   Ad  placed 
by  Wheeler. 

1853,  Nov    The  Horticulturist  (Rochester),  537.   Ad  placed 

by  Wheeler. 

1854,  May    The  Horticulturist  (Rochester),  230.   Notice 

for  new  edition  of  Homes  for  the  People  to 
replace  original  manuscript  burnt  in  office 
fire . 

1854,  May    Tri-Weekly  Republican  (St.  Louis),  no  page 
number.  Notice  for  Rural  Homes  in  Edwards  & 
Bushell,  booksellers,  advertisement. 

1871,  Dec    The  Literary  World  (London),  382.   Notice  for 
The  Choice  of  a  Dwelling. 

1883,        American  Agriculturist  (New  York),  101.   Notice 
for  Rural  Homes  and  Homes  for  the  People  in 
Orange  Judd  Co.  advertisement. 


Appendix  D.   Reviews 

The  following  is  a  chronological  list  of  all  reviews 
regarding  Gervase  Wheeler's  work,  located  to  date.   Each 
entry  includes  the  source,  the  city  of  publication,  the 
date,  the  work  reviewed,  and  an  assessment  of  the  review  as 
positive,  negative  or,  in  some  cases,  neutral.   See 
Bibliography  for  publisher  information. 

1849,  Apr 

1849,  Jun 

1849,  Sep 

1851,  May 

1851,  Jul 

1851,  Nov 

1851,  Nov 

1851,  Dec 

1851,  Dec 

1851,  Dec 

1852,  Jan 
1852,  Jan 
1852,  Jan 
1855,  Jan 

The  Literary  World  (New  York),  337.  The 
Columbian  Drawing  Book;  positive. 

The  Horticulturist  (Albany),  573.  The  Columbian 
Drawing  Book;  positive. 

The  Horticulturist  (Albany),  144.  "An  English 
Cottage   printed  in  August  issue;  negative. 

North  American  Miscellany  (Philadelphia),  164. 
irA"  Suburban  Villa"  reprinted  from  The  Home 
Journal ;  positive. 

BulLetin  of  the  American  Art  Union  (New  York), 
62.  Interior  polychromy  at  the  Bowdoin  College 
Chapel;  positive. 

The  Literary  World  (New  York),  388.  Rural 
Homes ;  positive. 

The  Home  Journal  (New  York),  4.  Rural  Homes; 
positive  . 

The  American  Whig  Review  (New  York),  544.  Rural 
Homes ;  positive. 

The  Horticulturist  (Rochester),  567.  Rural 
Homes ;  negative. 

Harper's  Monthly  Magazine  (New  York),  137. 
Rural  Homes ;  positive. 

The  Genessee  Farmer  (Rochester),  16.  Rural 
Homes ;  positive. 

Godey's  Ladies  Book  (Philadelphia),  91.  Rural 
Jomes ;  positive. 

Sartain's  Magazine  (Philadelphia),  102.  Rural 
Homes ;  positive. 

The  Horticulturist  (Rochester),  10.  General 
review  of  architecture  books,  including  Rural 
Homes ;  neutral. 


1855,  May    The  Home  Journal  (New  York),  1.  Homes  for  the 
People ;  positive. 

1855,  Jun    The  Horticulturist  (Rochester),  294.  Homes  for 
the  People;  positive. 

1855,  Jul    Godey's  Ladies  Book  (Philadelphia),  85.  Homes 
for  the  People;  positive. 

1855,  Jul    Harper's  Monthly  Magazine  (New  York),  261. 
Homes  for  the  People;  positive. 

1855,  Jul    Knickerbocker,  New  York  Monthly  Magazine  (New 
York) ,  79 .  Homes  for  the  People;  positive . 

1855,  Aug    The  Builder  (London),  371.  Homes  for  the 
People ;  negative. 

1871,  Dec    The  Builder  (London),  997.  The  Choice  of  a 

Dwelling ;  positive. 

1872,  Apr    Quarterly  Review  (London),  295.  General  review 

of  architecture  books  including  The  Choice  of  a 
Dwelling ;  neutral. 


Appendix  E.   Editions  of  Wheeler's  Published  Work 

The  following  list,  taken  from  Henry  Russell  Hitchcock's 
American  Architectural  Books,  outlines  the  numerous 
editions  o"f  Gervase  Wheeler's  two  books  printed  in  America 
and  their  respective  publication  locations. 

Rural  Homes 

1851  New  York:  Charles  Scribner 

1852  New  York:  Charles  Scribner 

1853  Auburn:  Alden  Beardsley  &  Co 
Rochester:  Wanzer  Beardsley 

1854  New  Orleans:  Burnett  & 

Detroit:  Kerr  &  Doughty 

1855  Auburn:  Alden  &  Beardsley 
Rochester:  Alden  &  Beardsley 

1868   New  York:  Charles  Scribner 

New  York:  G.E.  Woodward 
18??   New  York:  G.E.  Woodward 

Homes  for  the  People 

Note:  The  Alden  &  Beardsley 
companies,  Burnett  &  Bostwick,  and 
Kerr  &  Doughty  were  probably 
subscription  publishers. 

New  York:  Charles  Scribner 

New  York:  Charles  Scribner 

(3rd  thousand) 

New  York:  Charles  Scribner 

(4th  thousand) 

New  York:  Charles  Scribner 

(5th  thousand) 

New  York:  G.E.  Woodward  (6th 

thousand ) 

New  York:  American  News 

(revised  edition  of  1867 


Note:  American  News  generally 
handled  distribution  to  railroad 
stations  and  mid-west  cities. 








Appendix  F.   Institutions  and  Repositories 

The  following  list  suggests  research  facilities  for  further 
leads  on  Gervase  Wheeler's  career  in  America. 

American  Antiquarian  Society,  185  Salisbury  Street, 
Worcester,  MA  01609;  for  the  full  run  of  The  Home  Journal. 

Berkshire  Athenaeum,  1  Wendell  Avenue,  Pittsfield,  MA 
01201;  for  documentation  on  Wheeler  designs  erected  in  the 
Berkshires . 

Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  Brooklyn,  NY;  for  documentation 
of  Wheeler's  alterations  to  the  chancel. 

Columbia  University,  New  York,  NY;  for  Scribner  archives. 

Connecticut  Historical  Society,  1  Elizabeth  Street, 
Hartford,  CT  06105;  for  Omstead  Papers  and  information  on 
Bushnell  Park. 

Hartford  Architecture  Conservancy,  51  Wethersfield  Avenu, 
Hartford,  CT  06114;  for  information  on  Wheeler's  practice 
in  Hartford  and  Bushnell  Park. 

Historical  Society  of  the  Tarrytowns,  NY;  for  documentation 
on  designs  erected  along  the  Hudson  River,  especially 
Rockwood . 

National  Archives,  New  York,  NY;  for  passenger  lists 
(Wheeler  is  not  among  those  already  indexed). 

New  York  Public  Library,  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York,  NY;  for 
Upjohn  Papers  and  William  Hoppin  Diaries. 

Stockbridge  Library,  Stockbridge,  MA  01262;  for 
documentation  on  Wheeler  designs  erected  in  the  Berkshires. 


Anne  &  Jerome  Fisher 


University  of  Pennsylvania 

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