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Full text of "The good fight of faith, in the cause of God against the kingdom of Satan. Exemplified in a sermon preach'd at the parish-church of St. Clements Danes, Westminster, on the 24th of March, 1708/9. At the funeral of Mr. John Dent, who was barbarously murder'd in the doing his duty, in the execution of the laws against profaneness and immorality"

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^,^-.  ao'"'    - 

The  good  Fight  ^f  Faith ^  in  the.( 

again  [I  (he  Kingdom  of  S  A  jl  n  ;\\ 

Exemplified  in  a 

S  E  R    MO  N 

Preach'd  at  the  Pariih-Church  of 

St.  Clements  Danes,  Weftminfier, 

On  tha  2^th  of  March,   170'. 
A  T   T  H  E 

F  U  N  ERA  L 

•        OF 


Who  was  barbarouliy  murder'd  in  the  doing  hfs 
•  Duty,  in  the  Execution  of  the  Lavvs  againft  Pro- 
,  fanenclsand  Immooliry. 

nJH  - 

I  Tim,  Vi.  Vcn  12. 

Fi^t  the  good  Fight  of  Faith^  lay  hold  on  Eter-nat  Lif  . 
whereunto  thou  art   alfo   CalleJ,  andbafi   prcfifsd  a 
.  Good  VrofeJJion  before  many  IVttnrJJes, 

>  ^        J — . * ■  - — ■ — — ' 

By  Thomas  Bray^  D.  D.  Minifter  of  St.  Botolfb^Aldgate. 

^uhlijjoed  at  the  Requefi  ofthejufiicss  ofVeace,  of  the  Societies  for 
Reformation  of  Mi»nners,  a?:d  other  Ge7Jtlemen  that  heard  it. 

Lonion:  Printed  by  ti.  Hills fm  Black-fry'ars^ nc2it  the 
Water- fide.  For  the  Benefit  of  the  Poor..  I'^op. 

To  the  Ju  dices  of  the  Peace,  and  other  Gentlemen,  at  whofc 
Requeft  the  following  Sermon  was  made  Publick. 


Il^ijh  I  might  have  been  esicus^d  the  Puhlifiing  s  Difceurfi  etrnptfed 
Vfiihji  much  hafl^and  amidjifo  nuch  hurry, as  ntuji  needs  render  it  t§9 
crude  and  undigejied  to  appear  ih  Print  j  but  the  Confideration  which 
g^ve  force  to  your  Commandi^  is  the  Occajitn  vhieb  maybe  here  taken  to 
fubli/h  to  the  IVtrld^  that  great  Countenance  which  Jo  maiiy  Perfins  of  Di» 
fiinaion  have  given  to  the  CMJSE  OF  GOD  IN  THE  REFORMATION 
OF  MANNERS,  by  attending  the  Funeral  of  a  Martyr  in  thts  blejfed  Cauje. 
It  was  a  glorious  Sight,  and  will  be  of  fingular  Uje  undoubtedly,  as  well 
to  animate  thofe  excellent  Penftns,  who  have  devoted  themfelves  to  this,  the 
beji  Service  to  God  and  their  Country,  as  to  dijcourage  the  impious  and  im- 
njoralPVr  etches  of  both  Sexes  j  to  have  fe'en  upwards  0/30   Conjlables  and 
Beadle^  j  A  alfo  between  20  and  50  o{^  the  venerable  Clirgy  to  preceed  the 
Corps  J    I  zjujfices  of  the  Peace  holding  up  the  Pall,  and  immediately  foU 
lowing  it',  and  a  great  Train  ofothtr  Gentlemen  of§luality.  Among  theni, 
fome  Aldermen,  and  laflly  above  1 000  worthy  Citizens  and  other  condttm 
'^ing  this  blejfed  Saint  to  ^U  Grave,  It  was  djight,  at  which  the  Powers 
ef  Dat  knefs,  I  am  perfwaded,  did  Tremble  j  and  I  believe  is  no  fmall  Ter» 
Tor  te  thoje  fivil-Ooers,  who  are  in  Nature  alfo  themfelvti  Devils,  as  much 
as  they  can  be  in  humane  Shape  ;.  for  hereby  they  may  conclude,  that  as 
fnuch  as  Impiety  and  Immorality  have  advanced  of  late  Tears ;  yet  God 
hat  thofe,who  will  alfo  advance  on  to  meet  them  whatever  they  Juffer  by  iti 
jindas  Jo  noble  an  jlppearance  was  a  comfortable  Sight, as  it  re^eSs  thi 
Caufe,fo  hkenifife  as  it  regards  the  Perfon  whojtiffered  thus  glorioufly  in  it. 
It  was  not  his  Birth  and  ^ality,  nor  his  Ejiate  andPofts  in  Publick,whtlJt 
he  lived,  {foryoit  knew  him  to  have  been  but  a  mean  Man  )  that  could  in- 
duce you  to  give  himfueh  uncommon  Rejpeils  at  his  Death.     Butjeveral 
Centlmen  in  the  Commijpon,  which  you  do  Jo  much  adorn,  found  in  htm ^ 
throughout  his  many  Tears  Service  in  the  Great  bujinejs  p/ Reformation 
of  Manners,  /.  e.  in  bringing  before  you  the  lewd  and  diforderly  Criminals^ 
SI  mofi  extraordinary  Zeal,  itith  a perJeH  Integrity,  and  a  jingle  Aim  at 
ihe  Glory  of  God  nndthe  Good  of  his  Fellow  Creatures.  And  this  made  yon 
Jo  greatly  value  and  re fpeEi  him,  whiljl  he  livid -^  aiidt6  honour  him,  as 
you  have  done,  when  dead.  And  upon  the  whole,  when  the  Magijiracy  of 
this  Nation,  /hall come  univerjally  to  appear  thus  publickly.  as,  for  ever 
blejfed  be  'the  Almighty,  you  more  and  more  do,  in  the  Caufe  of  God  and 
Good  Men,  (  And  when  they  fk all  have  read  Mr.  DifneyV  mojl  incompara- 
ble Eflay  upon  the  Execution  of  the  Laws,  as  I  hope  all  -bill )  in  the  midfi 
of  our  Melancholy  on  theOccafion  of fo  publick  a  Degeneracy  both  in  Prin- 
ciples andPraffrce  j  it  gives  a  comfortable  Profpeliof  an  happy  Recovery 
•J  the  Church  of  God  its  primitive  State  of  Piety  and  f^irtue,  arid  that 
the  Kingdom  oj  Satan  will  not  fiand  long  j  n6r  Sataniail  Men  viUftt  in<^ 
fult  and  murder  the  Servants  ofChrifl  without  End,  '. 

'And  that  the  Almighty  may  increafe  the  Number  of  fuch  Minifters  of 
God  for  Good,  as  you/hew  yourjelves  to  be^  is  the  hearty  Prayer  of 
GentIeiiicn,Youf  mod  Affcdlionatc  and  Obedienc  humbJc  Servant,r,  DRAT, 

( i^ 

1  TIM.  VL  Vcr.  xii,        :       .  .^     v 
Fight  tie  good  Fight  of  Faith^,  lay  hold  on  Eternal  Lifi^ 
whtreunto  thou  art  alfo  calledydndhafi p'ofefs*d  aGoodTro^ 
feffion  before  many  Witnejfes, 


I  Little  ^bought,  that  a  late  Difcourfc  I  m^6e  before  many  of  jou,  fliould 
be  a  Prologue  to  Co  "fatal  a  Tragedy  as  we  have  here  prefenrcd  to  us. 
As  I  then  told  you  that  there  are  two  Powers  in  the  World  contendi- 
ng for  Dominion  oyer  Mankind :;  God,  i^nd  our  Lord  Jefus  Ghrift  our 

ightful  Lord  and.Sovereigni  and  rhe  Devil  that  Arch-Rebel,  and  Ufur- 
per;  And  that  in  this  War  the  whole  World  is  cngag'd,  and  none  can 
Hand  Neuter  ;  So  now  our  fad  experience  fhews  us  this  Truth,  that 
we  who  profefe  our  feives  the  Servants  of  [elus  Chrifl,  mii({ fight  the  goad 
Fight  of.  Faith, as  we  xoiU  lay  hold  on  Eternal  Life, that  thsrettnto  we  are 
called,  and  hav^  frofefed  in  our  Baptifnlal  Covenant  a  good  ProfeJJion 
iefore  many  Witneps, 

But  to  illuilrate  this  fnatter  the  better  to  you^  I  Ihall  proceed  as 
follows,    . 

Firjiy  I  will  remind  you  of  your  Chriftlan  Profeflion,  Covenant  and 
fengagementsj  (hewing  you  that  as  the  State  of  one  in  Covenant  with 
jGod,  is  a  State  of  Warfare ;  To  oiir  Ba^ti final  Covepant,  is  a  Military 
b<if^  taken  by  us,  to  be  faithful  Soldiers  under  the  great  Captain 
of  our  Salvation  Jefus  Chrid,  in  his  and  our  War  againft  Satan,  and 
the  Powers  and  Works  of  Darkncfs, 

Secondly,  Tliat  it  being  of  abrdure  Neceffity  that  we  continue  Faith- 
ful in  our  Covenant  unto  our  Lives  end  ;  and  yet  there  being  an  Enmi- 
ty, as  between  the  Serpent  himfclf,  -and  the  Seed  of  the  Woman,  fp  be- 
tween the  Seed  of  both,  viz.  The  Wicked  and  Righteous, .  the  latter  are 
almod  furc  to  undergo  PcrleciuJons  from  the  formerjand  that  therefore  ic 
is  a  Duty  incumbent  upon  the  Sons  and  Servants  of  God  in  Covenant  with 
hira,  conftantly  to  refift  the  Temptations  of  the  Serpent,  and  his  Seed 
to  confefs  Chrifl  and  his  Truths,  and  to  JUaod  Hrm  in  his  Caufe  even 
imto  Martyrdom. 

Thirdly,  I  will  (hew  you  what  Spiritual  Weapons  and  Armour  you 
inu(i  u(e  in  this  (harp  GonHid  and  Engagement  •  and  how  by  ulingthezn 
you  (hall  become  Vjftorious.  The  Armour  whereby  we  fliall  certainly 
become  ViSorious;  if  we  put  it  on,  and  make  u(e  of  it,  is  Faith  .  Figbf 
the  good  Fight  of  Faith,     And, 

Fourthly,  1  will  move  yoiRby  all  means  to  Fight,  to  ftand  your 
Ground,  and  daily  more  and  more  to  gain  upon  your  Spiritual  Advcrfa-^ 
ries,  the  Devil,  the  World,  and  the  FleQi  5  and  in,  a  Word,  to ^  beat 
down  Satan's  Kingdom,  in  this  your  Chriftiftn  Warfare*.  I  will  mov« 
you  to  this  from  the  following  Coniiderations.     ,  ,       ,, 

i/,'  Becaufe  this  is  ^  good  Fight,  well  worthy  our  Enga|;meQC  ia.i.r| 


an^  the  fittefl  in  the  World  to  cxercife  our  Courage  abd^oui* Skill.  r/^i&^ 
ihg  good  Fight  cf  Faith, 

2.dly,  Becaufc  if  we  become  Vicloriou5  in  th!s  ?rght,  we  fliall  hy  hold 
on  Eternal  Life  ;/we  (hall  be  crowned  with  grear|r  Honours  than  in  our 
Earthiy  Conquefts,  even  with  Eternal  Life  ;  tay  hold  on  Eternal  Life. 

id/y,  I  will  excite  you  to  be  vigorous,  refoliite,  and  fteady  in  your 
ChrUtian  Warfare^  becaufeweare  thereunto  called -,  TJ^e  Nature  of  ouf 
Profeflfioo,  engages  us  to  be  fo  :  Whereunto  roe  are  alfo  calisd, 

4.fh!yy  Becaufe  we  have  fo  publicJily  and  folemnly  engaged  to  fight 
under  Chrift's  Banner  j  and  it  will  be  our.  ucraoft^Difgrace  a/id  Cowardis 
to  fly  from  it  our  felves,  and  to^ive  way  in  the  Battle  j  efp^cially  ha- 
ving made  fuch  Publick  and  Solemn  Engagements  to  the  contrary  ;  {Ve 
have  profefs'd  a  good  ProfeJJion,  d:c. 

And  then,  lafifyt  becaufe  the  Examples  of  (lout  Leaders  are  of  migh- 
ty Consequence  to  encourage  tho(e  that  follow  them,  to  do  their  Parts 
alfo  bravely,  I  will  reprefent  to  you  with  what  Courage,  Refolution,  and 
undaunted  Magnanimity,  the  Martyrs  that  have  gone  before  you  have 
fought  in 'this  Chriftian  Warfare;  and  particularly  oar  good  Brother 
here  before  us. 

Firft,  /  will  remind  you  of  your  Chrifiian  Profejjiony  Covsnant^  and 
Engagements 'y  Skewing  you,  that  as  the  State  of  one  in  Covenant -soith 
Gody  «  a  State  of  Warfare  ;  jo  otir  ^aptifmal  Covenant  is  a  military 
Oath  taken  by  za  to  he  faithful  Soldiers  under  the  great  Captain  of  our 
Salvation  feju^  Chrifl  in  this,  which  it  both  his  and  our  War  againji 
Sst any  and  the  Powers  and  M^orks  of  Darknefs. 

I  have  besn  long  of  this  Perfwafion,  and  for  any  thing  I  can  (ce,  mud 
ever  continue  of  the  fame  Opinion,  that  there  is  nothing  within  the  whole 
Corapifs  ot^our  Religion  of  greater  Confequence  to  be  well  underftood 
and  throughly  apprehended  by  us, than  the  whole  do£trine  of  the  covenant 
cf  Grace,  viz.  the  occafon  thereof  by  Reafon  of  the  Fall,  the  Nature, 
Terms  and  Conditions,  of  the  fame -,  By  whofe  Mediation  it  was  obtained 
for  f/^,  by  what  y^jjijiance  wefhall  be  able  to  perform  ity  and  our  Obliga-^ 
tions  thereunto.  And  that,  as  for  many  other  Reafons,  not  here  to  be 
mentioned,  and  for  which  I  mufl:  therefore  refer  you,  (  <» )  as  well  as 
for  the  knowledge  of  the  thing  it  felf,  to  what  I  have  laid  elfewhere  j  fo 
particularly  for  this?  Thatas-the  State  of  a  Chriftian,  as  fuch,  is  a  Stats 
of  Warfare  j  fo  our  Baptifnal  Covenant  is  a  military  Oath  taken  by  us 
to  be  faithful  Soldiers  under  the  great  Captain  of  our  Salvation  Jcfus 
Chrift,  ia  this  which  is  both  his  and  our  War  againft  Satan,  and  ths 
Powers  and  Works  of  Darknefs. 

That  the  Srat^of  a  Chriftian  is  a  Sta^  of  Warfare,  wherein  the  Sin- 
ner is  on  the  fide  of  Satan,  and  the  true  Chriftian  in  theCaufeof  God,  I 
did  at  large  (hew  you  on  thofc  Words  of  St.  John,  i  Epift,  3.  S/^Ver. 
He  that  coynmiiteth  Sin  is^f  the  Devil  i  For  the  Devil  finneth  from  the 
Beginning :  And  the  whole  Difcourre  being  on  that  SubjeA,  I  {hall  not 

(  a;  Leciures  on  the  Preliminy  ^*e(i^  and  Anjw,  of  the  Ch,  Cat.  or 
the  Jhort  Dijcourfe  on  the  Bapt.  C9v.  repeat 

repeat  that  matter  her  but  rather  refer  you  to  the  Difcourfe  it  fcf  for  Sa- 


But  that  our  Bapti final  Covenant  is  a  Military  Oath,  taken  by  us  ro( 
be.fdirhful  Soldiers  under  the  great  Captain  bf  our  Salvation  Jcfus 
Chrfft,  in  this  our  War  againfl:  Satan,  and  the  Powers  and  Works  of 
Darltncfs ;  As  this  is  a  poait  not  yet  fpoken  ro^  fu  ic  may  well  dcfeVve 
our  Confiderarion.  That  the  Roman  Soldiersiwere  conflantly  wont  to  take 
a  Miliia}'y  Oath  to  their  General,  is  what  eyery  one  who  is  any  thing 
feen  in  their  Antiquities,  does  very  well  know  ;  as  alfo  that  fuch  their 
Oath  was  caird  a  Sacrament,  whence  the  Phrafe  Sacramtnto  fe  ohjlringe' 
re,  tobind  ones  fcif  under  the  Oath  or  Sacrament,  when  they  took  'i'^CA 
an  Oath  to  be  faithful  to  their  General.  And  \\\  allufion  to  this,  it  is,^ 
that  both  the  Ordinances  of  Baptifm  and  the  Lord's  Supper  are  alfo  cal- 
led Sacraments;  Becaufe  in  the  one  we  did  firft  enter,  in  rhe  other  we  ra- 
tific  fuch  our  Covenant  with  God,  our  Lordjefui  Ghrift  ^  in  the  moft  fo^ 
lemn  maaner  obliging  our  felvcs  therein  utterly  to  Renounce  the  Devil^ 
and  allhcre  to  Chriftour  Rightful  Lord  and  Mafter  to  our  Lives  endj 

And  here  I  cannot  but  admire  the  Wifdom  of  our  Church  above  any 
whether  Reform'd  or  others,  that  i'o  agreeably  to  the  whole  Tenor  of 
Scripture,  and  to  the  Pra6licc  of  the  ancient  Church,'  under  the  Form  of 
z%2ilitary  Oath,  flie  enters  and  binds  down  all  her  Children  to  an  Uttec 
Abjuration  of  Satan,  and  a  faithful  Service  and  (li'id  Allegiance  no 
Chrift.  Take  the  Scripture  from  one  end  to  the  other,  and  it  confiftsof 
a  Hifloryof  a  long  and  fierce  Wai*  between  Chrift  and  his  Church  onon^BJ* 
fide,,  and  Satan  and  his  Adherents  on  tlie  ether  j  together  Vith  the  Laws 
of  ChrilVs Subjects ;  in  conforming  to  which  they  muft  exprefs  their  Al- 
legiance to  him,  And  the  conftanc  Phrafe  of  the  ancient  Church  in  the 
entring  of  any  of  its  Children  by  Baptifm  into  Covenant  with  Chrift^ 
was  altogether  Military,,  zs  may  be  fcen  in  TertttUia7i,  the  Conftitutions. 
called  Apoftolical,  St.  Cyprian,  Ambrofe,  Cyril  ot  Jerufalem,  and  ia 
whom  not.  So  that  from  the  beginning  it  has  been  always  thought,  and 
it  continues  ftiU  to  be  efteemcd,  that  as  the  State  of  a  Chri.^'an  is  a  mere 
V/arfare  under  Chrift  his  General,  againll  Satan  that  great  Rtbel  j  So  oar 
Baptifwal  Covenant  is  the  Oath  of  Allegiance  we  have  taken  to  Chrift 
our  Saviour;  the  Military  0<:ir^  whereby  w.e-havc  bonncf  our  felves  to 
trve  faithfully  under  him.  And  thus  much  may  fuffice  fir  the  firft. 
Prace^  we  on  next  tdour  next  Hesd  ot  Oifcourfe;   Namely  co  fliew,  ; 

Secondly,  That  it  being  ofahfolt&te  Uecefp.ty,  'that roe  coTnti'/iue  faithful} 
in  our  Covenant  unto  our  Lives  en'd.  And  yet  chere  beifig  anEnmity,  a^ 
hf.txceentheSirpenthimfelf  and  the  Seed  of  the  Woman  \  So  between  the 
Seed  of  both,  viz.  %hi  Wicked  and  the  RJghteous;  the  latter  are  .almofi 
[ure  t4f  undergo  PerffCHtian  from  the  former.  And  that  therefore  it  is  /s 
JDuty  incumbent  upon  the  Sons  and  Servants, of  Ged,  in  Covenant  K>Jih 
h.irA^  con^^nily  to  refift  the  Temptation  of  the  Serpent  and  his  Seed  ;.  to 
^pnfefsChrifl  and  his  Truths-,  and-tO:.fiand.firm  to  .ki:.Caufs  sve'/i  u?iy./. 

(  6  ) 

Having  taken  this  Military  Oath  to  Chrift ;  it  isofabfoluirc  Ncccflir^, 
that  we  continue  Faithful  in  our  Covenant  with  him,  to  our  Lives  end. 
This  if  we  do  not.  we  (hall  come  under  the  Guilr  of  being  Covenant 
Breakers^  and  fuch  you  will  find  among  feaiful  Company,  Rem,  i.  5,1, 
We  (ball  be  alfo  guilty  of  the  higheil  Perjury.  And  know,  that  asrfbe 
Lav  ii  made  for  the  Lawlefs  and  Di  [obedient,  for  the  Ungodly,  and  for 
Sinners,  for  Unholy,  and  Profane,  for  Murdefers  of  Fathers,  and  Mur' 
defers  of  Mothers,  for  Manfiayers,  for  Whoremongers  for  them  who  de- 
fie  themfelves,  for  MenfeTtUrs,  for  Lisrs  ;  So  for  perjured  Perfons,  i 
'tim.  I.  p,  10.  And  as  the  Law  is  made  find  againfl  them,  fo  it  will  be 
one  Day  CKecmeAfeverely  upon  them.  But  then  you  are  coconfider 

That  there  being  an  Enmity,  as  between  the  Serpent  himself,  and  the 
Seed  of  the  Woman  ;  (b  between  the  jieed  of  both,  viz.  The  Wicked  and 
the  Righteous,  the  latter  arc  alrooft  fore  to  undergo  Perfecution  from  the 
Former.     The  Serpent  is  the  Devil,  and  the  5eed  of  the  Woman  is  the 
MeJJiahowt  Lord  Chrift  ;  And  as,  foon  after  the  revolt  of  Mankind  fronx 
God  to  Satan,  a  perpetual  and  bloody  War  proclaimM  between  the  Devil 
and  his  Vaflals,  and  CW^  with  his  Subjeds,  in  thofe  remarkable  Words, 
Gen.   3 .   15.  /  TviSput  Enmity  between  thee  and  the  Woman,  and  between 
ihy  Seed  and  her  Seed  j  itfhall  bruife  thy  Head,  and  thou  (halt  bruije  hit 
Heel;  And  in  the  fame  Words,  it  was  foretold  that  Chrift  and  his  Follow- 
ers fhould  fuffer  fcverely  from  Satan  and  his  Affociates  j  fo  the  Malice  of 
the  Satanical  Crew  ('id  foon  appear,   and  continues  evenunto  this -Day, 
*The  peculiar  Chara£lfr  of  Satan  i^  that  he  is  a  Murderer;  and  thofe 
who  arc  of  a  like  murderous  Difpofninn  with  him,  are  faid  to  be  his 
ChiUrsn,  John  s-  4+.  Te  are  of  your  Father  the  Devil,  and  the  Lujl  of 
your  fat hsr  ye  will  do-:  He  was  a  murderer  from  the  beginning.     And 
this  U'fpoii'ion  boch  of  him  and  .hem,  was  very  early  exemplified  in  his 
Firft  t^prn  Cain,  who  was  of  that  wicked  one  j  and/lew  his  Brother  Abel, 
jind  wherefore  flew  ye  him?  becaufe  his  own  Works  were  evil,  and  his 
Brother  s  Good.     Ah  !  here  is  the  true  Caufe  generally  of  whatever 
Murders,  and  always  of  the  Perfeciitions  and  Maflacrees  which  have  been 
in  the  Wf.fid.     Impious  and  wicked  Men,  horrible  and  outrajgiobs  Swear- 
ers, Protaners  of  hJs  ibcred  Name  and  Word,  Breakers  of  his  Sabbaths, 
and  Contemners  of  his  Ordinances,  as  alfo  thofe  Sons  of  Bj;<i/,  Adulte- 
rers,  Whoremongers  and  Drunkards.     Thefe  as  well  as  Idolaters,  are 
his  profefs'd  Votaries,  and  are  ufually  his  more  immediate  Servants,  who 
conftanrly  attend  his  Chappel,  the  Play-Houfe,     And  now  the  faithful 
Subjeds,  and  true  Servants  of  God,  as  they  are  the  veryrcverfe  of  all  this 
in  themfelves  ;  fo  they  with  an  Heroick  Zeal,  for  thd  Honour  of  their 
Lord  and  Matter,  labour  all  they  can  to  bring  off  thofe  wretched  Men  from 
their  vile  Servitude  to  Sin  and  Satan  j  and  for  this  both  Satan  ar.d^Satani- 
cal  Men  rage  horribly  againft  them,»revileand  malign,  and  gnalh  .their 
Teeth  upon  them,  a. id  if  they  can,  will  murder  and  deilroy  them.    Thus 
ftandls  the  Truth  of  i^he  Cafe,  and  then,  marvsl  net,  m^  Brcthxen,  if 

'(  7  ) 

tie  WtirU  hate you^  i  John  3.  15.  nor  be  ye  (Jifcouraged  at  it ;  fbr  what 
fays  the  great  Captain  of  your  Salvation,  your  Leader,  John  ij.  18, 
ip,  20,  II.  If  the  the  Wtrld  ha^e  you^  ye  knov  it  hmted  rne  before  it 
hated  y9H,  Jf ye  soere  of  the  World,  the  iVorld  would  love  its  own  ;  but 
bicaufe  you  are  not  of  the  World,  but  I  have  chofenyouout  of  the  World; 
Therefore  the  World  hat eth  you.  Remember  the  Word  that  I  faidunto 
you^  the  Servant  is  not  greater  than  the  Lord,  if  they  have  perfecuted 
mt,  thefxoill  aljo  perfe  cute  you -,  if  they  have  kept  my  faying,  they  will 
keep  yours  alfo.  But  all  thefe  things  will  they  do  untoyeu,  for  my  t7ame't 
fake,  becaufe  thty  know  not  him  that  fent  me.  Thus  you  fee  in  what  no- 
ble Strains  your  great  General  does  roufe  up  your  Courage,  and  be  noc 

^But  let  every  Son  and  Servant  o£God,  who  is  in  Covenant  with  him, 
and  (q  has  taken  the  Military  Oath  10  be  faithful  to,'and  to  ftick  by  him, 
look  upon  it  as  a  Duty  incumbent  upon  him,  conftantly  to  relifl  and  re- 
pel the  Temptations  of  the  Serpent  and  his  Seed,  so  confefs  Chrifl  and 
his  Truths;  Nay,  and  to  Oand  firm  in  his  Caufe,  even  to  Martyrdom 
itfelf,  if  there  (hould  be  occafion.  You  have  entred  into  Covenant 
with  him,  to  renounce  the  Devil  and  all  his  Works,  the  Pomps  and  Va- 
nities of  this  wicked  World,  and  all  the  (inful  Lufls  of  the  Flefh  ;  to  be- 
lieve all  the  Articles  of  the  Chriflian  Faith  j  and  to  obey  God's  holy  Will 
and  Commandments,  and  to  walk  ki  the  fame  all  the  Days  of  your  Life. 
And  you  mufl  make  it  your  firfl  care,  in  your  own  Perfons,  to  rtfifl  and 
repel- whatever  Temptations  he  himfelf,  or  his  under  Tempters,  the  WorliJ 
atqd  the  Flefh,  fhall  ply  you  withal,  to  induce  you  to  falfifie  your  Vows 
to  God.  And  both  his  and  their  Temptations  beipg  very  many,  vanous- 
and  wilcly,  as  I  have  already  largely  fliew'd  the  World  (b-)  you  mufl  be 
very  watchfal.and  veryRefoluce,left  you  be  cnfnar'd  and  overcome  by  thenn 
But  when  through  the  Afliftance  of  God's  Holy  Spirit,  which  will  not  upon 
your  earnefl  Prayer  for  it,  be  wanting  to  your  Support,  you  fiiall  find' 
your  Virtue  pretty  well  cffablifhed,  proceed  in  the  Name  ot  God, 

To  Confefs  openly  and  bravely  your  Adherence  to  Chrift  in  the  Vindi- 
cation of  his  Caufe,  of  his  Truths,  and  of  his  Laws.  And  accordingly- 
iif  any  Impudent  Blafphemer,  fhall  vilifie  and  redicule  the  Scriptures,  or- 
arrogantly  difpute  againft  any  the  Fundamental  Articles  of  your  Faith  ; 
or  fhall  deride  Piety  and  Virtue,  and  be  found  in  the  breach  of  any  the 
Capital  parts  thereof,  by  profane  Curfing  and  Swearing,  by  the  protana-. 
ti6nof  the  Lord's-day,  by  Rioting  or  Drunkennefs,  by  Chambering  and' 
Wantonnefs,  if  they  appear  incorrigible,  and  beyond  the  force  of  Per-, 
firaflon  to  reclaim,  give  them  not  only  to  underfhndi  but  to  feel,  that- 
we  live  under  a  Chhftian  Government,  and  that  as  yet,  Thanks  to  our- 
Law-makers,  who  are  gone  before^  us,  there  ar«  Laws  to  reftrain  their,- 
Madnefs.  . 

And  thaS:  you  muft  by  Virtue  of.  your  Military  Oath,  or  Covenants^ 
fland . firm « in- God's  Caufe,  even  to  Martyrdom  it  felf,  if  therfr,v^ould  be*; 


Qccafion.  Ic  is  a  vulgar  Error  crept  into  Mens  Head?,  that  in  thofe  Na- 
tions where  Chrirtianiry  is  cniecrain'd,  or  at  leaft  pr::)fer6'<i  in  the  purity 
thcrC'  f,  there  is  n;i  place  f9r  Marryrdom,  Such  luppofe  \lartyrdom  is  a 
ftiffcno.;  ij  Death  la  rhe  ProT-  iiior»or\^nricai:on,  ot'  the  Do^nnal  part 
of  Chriitiaoity  oniy,  ofall'v;  ^f  ii>m- Article  of  i heir  Greed  j  but  that 
as  to  the  pradical  parr,  to  (utrcr  wik.  reference  tothar,  does  not  deferve 
the  noble  and  glorious  Title  of  a  Vlartyr  Bur  the  Truth  .»?  otherwiie.  And 
Martyrdom  pr.  perl)  ngniiies  a  fuffering  even  to  Deaih,  in  the  Tcitiroo- 
ny  and  Acknov/k  of  God's  Sovereign  Authoriry  over  ns,  be  .t  with 
rel'peiJit  to  anj  Truth  i  e  requires  us  to  believe,  or  i>f  any  Duty  h.  obliges 
,  us  to  difcharge.  And  m  this  latter  acceptation  fokn  the  Bapitfl  was  ^ 
Martyr,  when  he  was  beheaded  from  having  frankly  teprovM  Hero/i  for 
marrying  his  Brother  P^*7ij>'8  Wife  5  And  I  will  be  bold  to  affirm,  cUr  godd 
Brother  here  before  us,  as  he  was  murdered  in  the  heft  Service  ii\ 
the  World ,  the  promoting  a  RefcrmAtton  of  maiiners  ,  may  alfo 
deferve  the  mcft  noble  of  all  Titles,  that  of  ^^r/j'»-.  In  both  the  Au- 
thority of  God  is  tqoil'.y  alTcrted,  in  both  therefore  the  Crown  of  Mar- 
,  tyrdom  is  equally  att**in'd.  And  in  either  cafe,  fhould  any  of  usbcprovi- 
totially  calld  foith  to  give  our  Teftimony  to  God's  /Authority  ;  either 
•  by  confeirmgfhim  and  his  Divine  Triuhs,  or  by  yielding  Obedience  to  his 
Commands,  wt,  muft  do  it  at  the  hazard  of  our  Lives,  and  the  expeiicc 
of  our  Blood  :  Not'fearing  thm  which  kill  the  Body,  but  are  net  able  to 
'km  (he  Soul:  but  rather  fe^ving  him  which  is  able  to  deftrey  both  body  and 
Soul  in  Hell,  Mar.  10.  28.  And  thaf  this  we  might  be  able  tpdo,  {hould 
it  be  the  Divine  Will  and  rleafure  to  call  41s  forth,  at  the  Expcnce  j  eve;). 
of  ourBlood  to  afierthis  Caufe,  I  fliall  proceed, 

Thirdly,  7o  (kero  ycu  what  Spiritual  Weapons  and  Armour  yott  muft 
fife  inlhi!  (karp  ConfliEi  awi  EngagevQent.  And  how  by  ufvg  them,  you, 
fhdl  become  yiElorioui^  The  Armour  whereby  we  fhall  certainly  become 
Fifforiou/y  it  we  putitoD,  ^anfl  make  ufc  ot  it,  is  Faith.  F/ght  the  good 
Fight  of  Faith.  This  is  rhe  Dircdion  ct  Sz.Paulm  the  very  cafe  we  are 
upon,  our  Spiritual  War-'are,  or  the  Fighting  God's  Caufo  againft  all  the 
Powers  ofDarkncfs,  ff^  wrefile  not  againji  Fle/h  and  Blosi,  not  only 
againft  Humane  torcc  and  violence,  and  corrupt  Nature,  but  againft 
Principalities,  i^gainft  Pov^erj,  againft  the  Rulers  of  the  Darknefs  of  this 
World,  agai?iji Spiritual  IVickednefs  in  High  Places.  Wherefore  take  tin- 
to  yon  the  rchole  armour  of  God,  that  ye  may  be  able  towitkftandin  the' 
Evil  Day,  andha-ymg  done  all,  to  (land.  Stand  therefore,  having  your 
Loyns  girt^about  with  Truth,  and  ba  jing  on  the  breaji  plate  ofR:ghtS' 
fiuluefs',  and^your  feetfhod  soith  ths  Preparation  of  thf  Gofpel  cj  Peace  ^ 
Above  alU  taking  the  fhteld  of  Put  h,'  wherewith  ye  fhall  be  able  to  quench 
all  the  fiery  darts  of  the  wicked.  And  take  the  helmet  of  Salvation,  and 
ihsSvfordof  the  Spirit,  r»hich  is  the  Word  of  God  -.Praying  aljvays  with 
all  Prayer  and  Supplication  in  the  Spirit,  and  watching  thereunto  w'ithals 
Perfe'vsra7jce,    d^d  Supplicatio?^  for   all  Saint s^    Eph^  6.    iz,   sj,   I4» 

"         '      '  '    J  5-. 

(9)       • 

l^,  1 6, 17,  1 2.  Hero  we  are  direded  indeed  ro  tbe  whole  Armonr  of  God. 
whereby  we  may  be  able  to  ftand  againfl:  thd'^ileq  of  the  Devil  j  and  a. 
noble  Hace  of  Scripture  it  is,  worthy  a  Comment  upoa  every  Part  otjt, 
would  Time  permit.  Bir  that  which  the  Apudle  himftlf  more  particu' 
larly  recommerKis  to  our  Ufe,  is  Faith;  Ahve  all,  take  the  Sfoield  of 
Faith^  and  the  Force  of  that  is  what  alonr  I  can  now  {^iik  to.  And  as 
7je>iihonf  Faith  it  m  impojfible  to  pleafe  God.  by  djfchargijg  as  we  ought, 
our  Covenant  Engagements  to  hira  ;  fo  in  Virtue  of  ir  thore  are  no  Diffi- 
culties in  our  Chnilian  Warfare,  be  thly  never  fo  great,  but  wc  may  o- 
vercome  ;  as  appc'ai'S  by  what  others  have  done  bi;fore  us  in  the  Strcngrb 
ofic  ;  a  noble  Record  of  whofe  Gloiioui  Atcbievents,  wirh  a  molt  pa- 
"  tbetick  Ex'iorration  to  follow  their  Steps,'  we  have  in  the  i  1  and  iz  Chap- 
ters to  th;-  Hebrews  ;  a  Place  of  Scripture  which  will  yield  an  exceeding 
great  Suppor^ to  thofe  who  are  call  d  forth  to  the  more  rough  and  dan- 
gerous Services  of  Religion,  and  fuch  as  may  probably  bring  them  at  laft 
CoMartyrddm,  in  the  paufeof  God  againft  Satan  ^  ^nd  which  therefore 
I  would  particularly  recommend  to  the  ferious  Medirarion  of  many  here. 

But  of  what  Nature,  you  will  fay,  is  ihar  Faith,  by  the  Virtue  of 
which  we  can  do  fuch  mighty  Things  j  and  how  fliall  we  uie  ir,  fo  as 
to  become  Fi^oriotis  by  it  ?  A  ad  to  fura  up,  in  as  few  Words  as  poffible, 
^hat  may  be  to  cur  prefent  Purpofe  j  in  Qiort  it  is  this,  a  wclj-grounded 
firm  Ferfwafion,  that  it  is  God  who  gave  us  our  Being,  and  all  that  we  are, 
and  alHhat  we  have,  fo  that  we  are  entirely  his  Property,  and  ought  to 
live  and  die  folely  to  his  Glory.  T^at  he  continually  exerofcs  a  watch- 
iiil  Providence  over  us,  fuch  as  a  wife  Pi ince  dots  over  his  People  j  So 
that  we  are  to  look  upon  our  felves  as  his  Subjefls,  ro  yield  our  lelves 
o'-icdicr.t  to  his  Laws,  and  to  reckon"  upon  both  our  Ptrioosand  Services 
^,as  abfolutJy  at  his  Apj?ointment  :  That  when  at  the  Infligati^on  of  Safi«n, 
Mankiid  had  revolted  over  from  God  to  him  ;  tlfe  divine  Goodnefs,  m 
stier  Compaflion  room;  r'eplorable  Condition,  as  Rebels  ro  the  belt  of 
Mjfters,  and  Slaves  to  the  cruelleft  of  Tyrants,  did  fend  his  own*Son  into 
the  World  to  bring  us'back  to  him  our  God,  and  to  redeem  and  refcuc 
us  from  uncher  the  Po/er  of  the  Devil  j  So  that  we  ought  moft  devoutly 
to  look  up  ;o  hinia.*our  great  Deliverer  and  Redeemer.  That  in  order 
to  compafs  a  compkat  Redemption  for  us,  by  mediating  an  entires  Recon- 
ciliation between  God  and  os;  tho'  himfelf  in  Nature  God,  be  took  upi.n 
him  that\of  M.wn.  and  being  God- Man,  a  middle  Perfon  between  GudaiKi 
UP,  he  put  on  a  Treaty  of  Accommodation  between  us,  fbr«which  fureiy 
wc  can  never  fufficiently  blcfs  him;  Ti]*t  under  this  Charade  r  of  ^:?^- 
dmtQi\  he  firft  took  upon  him  the  Quajity  of  a  Prophet^  tp  inlighten  our 
.  l>enighted  Minds  i.i  our  W5y  hom^*  to  God,  and  to  pn  iVribe  us  the  Tejms 
attd  Conditions  of  that  Covenant,  on  whofe  Conditions  alone  he  would 
receive  us  to  Mercy.  And  fmely  this  we  ought  ro  clofe  with  j  And  tiiac 
He  moreover,  becayfe  the  divine  juflice  muft  be  fully  fatisfy'd  for  fo  high 
an  Affront  dooe  to  God  by 'our  Revolt,  rook  upon  him  tlje  dfrice  of  a 
P^;>/?,  to  chit  Degree,  gs  never  v?as  done  before  or  fine?  3  even  fo  as  to 


(  le) 

hy  down  his  Life,  and  ofifohis  own  mod  precious  B!aod  z  Sacrifice  for 
OS  ro  atconc  and  appeafe  tnc  Wrath  of  his  Father  conceived  againft  us  j 
(athat  we  arc  his  purchaled  Poffeflion  with  a  Wirncfs.     And  after  his  Su€- 
ferings  on   g^rth,  having  afcendcd  into  Heaven,  and  there  being  vc/ted 
with  ail  the  Power  and  Authority  of  a  King  over  his  Church,  were  com- 
mitted altogether  to  his  Governmenr,  and  we  are  under  his  Condu^  ;  and 
muft  therefore  look  upon  our  fches  as  altogether  his  Subje6b,  Servants, 
and  Soldiers ;  to  fight  his  Battles  againft  his  and  our  Enemy  the  Devil , 
In  difcharging  our  ^arts  well  in  which  Warfere,  as  becomes  us  in  the  fcve- 
ral  Polls  and  Stations  in  which  he  (hall  'allot  us,  wc  may  aflurc  our  felvcs 
of  being  infinitely  and  unfpeakably  Rewarded  by  him,  for  fo  he  has  pro- 
mised us  J  But  if  we  (hall  prove  recreant  and  Rencgadoes,  and  Revolt 
*gain  over  to  the  Devil,  he  will  moft  direfally  puniftj  us  j  for  hat 
plainly  Threaten'd.     And  this  may4)e  fufficient  at  prefent  to.  be  fpojife  (q, 
?s  to  the  matter  of  that  Faith  whereby  we  may  come  off  Vi^or.ious  and 
Conquerors  in  the  Day  of  Battle. 

But  if  you  do  demand  farther,  How  ^re  we  to  u(e  this  noble  Wcappn, 
of  Faith,  and  when  mo{^  feafonably  ?  Why,  you  ar^  always  with  great 
Serioufnefs,  and  great  Intenfenefs  and  Apphcation  of  Thought,  lovtcdU 
tate  upon  ihefc  awful    Point?  now  mentioned.     But  cfpcclally  whenever 
ynj  find  your  feif  likely  to  be  engaged  in  the  Rcgllance  of  any  ftrong 
Temptation  to  violate  any  one  Article  of  our  Covenant  with  God,  or  in 
any  Difficult  and  dangerous  Scrvic?,  whereby  we  are  call'd  forth  to'  do  him 
eminent  Honour  :  Then  efpeci^lly  be  fure  you  have  your  Eye  fixt  upoa 
thofe  great  Things,  Braying^  vithsl  all  Prayer  ari4  Supplication  m  the  . 
Spirit  J  For  fo  St. />^«/ advifes  us,  that  we  fhould  do  in   Concurrence 
With  Faich,  Epa,6,  18.     And  being  thus  prepared  and   arm'd  with  Faiih 
and  Prayer,  you  may  fafely  throw  your  (elves  into  the  Heat  of  the  Battle  ; 
and  no  doubt  you  willcome  off  Conquerors.     And  fuch  is  the  Nature  of 
^^h's  Warfare,  that  you  will  be  more  the  Conquerors  fhoqW  ypu  fall  and 
*4c  in  the  Field.     But  this  being  a  Service  fo  very  formidable  to  humane 
^Jature,  it  behoves  me  furcly  therefore  to  lay  befoie  you, fome  very  ur- 
gent and  powerful  Reafons  td  engnge  you  in  itj  And  this  was  my  fourth, 
ftropofil.     And   I   will  move  you  to  this  from  the  following  Confide - 


I  ft,  Beeaufe  this  ii  a  good  Fight,  weS  worthy  our  Engagement  in  it^ 
and  thefittefi  in  the  World  to  exircije  our  Courage  and  ottjr  SkiU  ;  Fight: 
the  good  Fight  of  Faith,  It  is  a  good  Fight  upjpn  a  double  account  -,  firft, 
becaole  it  tends  to  make  our  f elves  Gaod^  And  next,  beeaufe  it  ttnds  ta 
wake  the  World  Good.  And  truly  the  Fight  muft  begin  firil  at  home,  and 
with  our  fclves,  or  we  (hall  have  little  Succefs^abroad.  ^ut  this  I  need., 
not  urge  to  you,  who  are  fufficiently  fenfible,  how  warchful  an  Eye  the. 
World  has  uppn  you,  that  you  be  your  (elves  reformed,  who  fo  nobly  en- 
deavour the  Reformation  of  others.  And  it  muft  be  attributed*  to  the 
jjeculjar  Pi'bvidencc  of  God  over  your  Undertaking  that  Malice  it  felf  has^ 
^^Qt  in  fa  long  a  t:n:c  bjjen  able  to  find  afia.Hr  cither ipyow  fc]vcs  or  Con- 

( ,1 ) 

du£^,  with  refpe£l  to  that  great  Work,  fuch  as  may  dcftrve  its  Animad*- 
verfion.     To  pafs  on  rhtrefore. 

Next.     As  it  is  2 good  Fight,  well  worthy  our  Engaging  in,  in  that  it 
tends  to  make  us  in  our  fehes  fogood  ;  To  much  more  as  it  will  do  a  great 
deal -of  G^ff^ /w  the  World.     The  World,  as  it  Is,  is  bad,  very  bad,  God 
he  knows  j  And  were  He  not  infinite  in  his  Patience,  Forbearance,  Long- 
Suffering,  and  Goodncfs,  as  he  is  in  his  Holineis  and  Juitice,  we  had  e'er 
this  been  in  rcfpeft  of  PuniQiment,  as  well  as  of  Sin,  as  Sodonty  andm»d9 
likg  untoGomorrha.     And  undoubtedly  wefhould  e'er  this  have  come  up 
to  the  heighth  both  of  their  Sin,  and  Fate  j  but  that  fo  many  excellent 
Perfons  (  of  which?  our  Brothe^  here  before   us  was  truly  a  great  one^ 
with  the  Zeal  of  Phineas,  have  brought  fo  many  of  the  Criminals  to  ex- 
emplary Puniflimcnt,  to   the  Terror  of  Evil-doers ;  and  fo  the  Plague 
h'ls  ji^yed*     And  if  this  Fight  of.  Faith  then,  does  not  good  to  the  World, 
I  know  not  what  does.     And  it  has  been  a  Thoufand  times  an  Amafement 
to  me,  that  a^y  ferious  Chriftian  fliould  arraign  it  ;  That  the  Ssns  oj  Be- 
Hal,  the  avowed  Servants  of  the  Devil,  (hould  gnafli  their  Teeth  againft 
it,  and  take  fo  much  Pains  to  mifrcprcfent  and  6ely  it,  I  do  nor  in  the 
leaft  wonder ;  for  why  ?  The  Devil  u  the  Father  of  Lies,  and  the  Works 
6f  their  Father  they  will  do .   It  is  natural  to  them.     But  that  any  fincerc 
Chriftian,  and  that  any  efpepiaUy,  who  are  chief  Members   in  the  Hou- 
fiibld  of  Piiih^  fhould  exprefs  any  evil  Will  to  this  noble  Fight  of  Faith, 
and  thofe  who  are  fo  ^lorioufly  engaged  in  it  j  to  fpeak  my  Mmd  freely. 
It  perfcdly  confounds  me  whenever  I  think  of  ir :  for  my  Life  I  cannot 
account  for  it. 

But  yer,  tho»  many  will  not  with  that  diabolical  Emnity  arid  Fury  as 
fome  very  vifibly^do,  outrage  this  blejled  and  good  Work,  and  thofe  who 
are  fo  fignally  engaged  in  it  »  yet  too  many  of  thofe  who  take  themfelves 
fbr  very  good  Chriftians,  think  they  may  cxcufe  themfelj^es  from  this 
the  rougheft  patt  of  this  Fight  of  Faith,  gs  not  htm^iahd  to  it  ;  but 
to  roufe  up  thcfe  Perfons  our  of  fo  dangerous  a  Sloth  and  Indifference  in 
the  /flw^and  exteifdedV^^v  between  God  and  Satan  j  That  I  may  keep 
clofc  to  the  Method  I  have  propofed,  having, 

^dly.  Shewed  that  the  Crovns  of  Glory  belong  only  to  thofe  who  flial! 
endure  Hardfliipsand  Sufferings  in  this  fpiritual  Warfare  ;  And  wirhal,  of 
what  a  luftrouB  Native  thofe  Qroxons  will  be,  far  beyond  the  fading  Gar^ 
lands  which  arc  obtained  by  Earthly  Conquefts  ;  I  will  proceed  to  (hew, 
that  there  is  no  baptized  Chriftian  (  and  1  am  not  Latitudmarian  cxxl  -igh, 
to  reckon  thofe  who  defpife  and  affront  the  Ordinance  of  Bapcifm,  in  the 
Kunnber  of  Chriftians)  but  is  called,  even  to  this  Degree  of  Warfare. 

But  firft  ofallkt  me  tell  you,  th*at  thoie  who  are  pioufly,  aipbitiouJ 
ofCroTOffis  of  Glory,  mud  endure  many  Hardfhip?,  and  grievous  Suffer- 
ings in  this  fpi ritual  Warfare.  The  Apoftle  indeed  m  the  Account 
^hich  he  gave  of  the  Gofpel,  faying,  that  vse  wufl,  through,  much  Trthu- 
'^  ration,  enter  into  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven,  Aits  i4.2Z.  feems  to  intimate, 
that  Chri/liiinity  brin^s.^jcjany  TribuUtions  necejfarily  aloag  wit^it  j  and 

■  ^v     ^  -  ••'■   .■"■:■'     ■'"  '    •  -••    .:  ^        :•■    ■'        ib 


€q  our  learned    Hammond  undcrrtands  thole  Worda.     And  lyuly'tbo'  to^ 
Hades  a  Man  may  go  with  a  »vhoIe  Sk[n^  yc:  I  much  doubc,  whether  in 
fhe  fl-reighc  and  narrow  way  to  Heavin,  i..a:  more  unfrequented  and  un- 
trodden Path,  he  fliali  no«:  inevifhbly  mee:  wich  briars^w^  Thorns^  and 
receive  fome  Scratches  and  Scars,  at  ka/l.    Bur  admit  in  the  more  hakion 
and  peaceable  Days  of  rhs  Church,  it  may  be  otherwife  5  fo  that  an  Ad- 
mittance into  che  lower  Sratious  oF  Blifs  (  as  there  are  many  Maniions  in 
our  Farher*s  Houfe  )  may  b-  obtained  by  ihoil-  who  have  fuffcred  nothing, 
either  in  U^e,  Goods,  or  Rtputation  j  yci.  the  Crowns  of  Glory  wilJ,  j 
fear,  fall  to  none  of  their  Sharfc,     But  ti»it  diftinguifhed  R^»i«y^,  fcems 
all  along  referved  for  thofe  who  are  content,  thrcuglfreurh  Xnbularion, 
to  make  their  way  to  Heaven.     Such  a  one  was  $•■■  Paul,  he  had  fought 
a  Good  Fight,  he  had  finifkedhis  Courfey  he  h.-id  ketrt    the  Faiih-y  and 
thenceforth  he  became  afTured,  there  teas  laid  up  for  him  a  Croipn  af 
liiighteoufnefsy  2.  Tim,  4.  7,  8.     And  fuirh  is  he  to  whom  th^v  Degree  of 
Bleffednefs  is  declared,  James  i.  12.  Elejfed^ts  the  hUn  that  endurttk 
Tfn,ftati0H,  that  is.  Affliction^  for  v>hen  he  is  tried,  he  flictU  receive  ^ 
Crown  of  Lifgy  which  the  Lord  hath  promifed  to  them  that  love  him. 
And  fach  wasth<2  Church  of  ^»;^r«^,  Rev.  2*9,  10.  I  kfiovo  thy  Works 
and  Trihulat'tony  jaies  the  Firfi  and  thi  Lafl^  Fear  not  thofi  things  rphich 
ihoujhalt  fttfer.     Beholdy  the  De,vid  {haU  caji  fome  of  you  into  Prtfin, 
that  ye  may  be  tried^  And  ye /hall  have  Jribulatio?!  ten  Days, -^  be  t hoik 
faithful  unto  Death,  and  I  rt>i II give  thee  a  Crovon  of  Life. 

But  how  fhall  I  defcribe  how  full  of  Luftre  thofe  Crowns  will  be  ?  How; 
far  beyond  {he  fading  Glories  obtain'd  by  earthly  Conquers?  How  fading, 
bow  uncertain  thefe  Latter  are,  *tnay  be  eafily  made  appear.     It  is  what 
we  fee  every  Day.     One  unfortunate  A<3ion  fliall  efface  the  Memory  of 
many  triumphant  Campaigns:  Nay  the  mt re  Envy  of  thpfe  worthlefs 
Creatures  who  lie  foking  at  Home, -m  Eafe  and  Luxury,  (hall  tear  off  the 
tiaorels,  the*  frefii  and  verdant,  from  the  Brows  of  th'e  moft  glorious. 
H'jroes  returning  from  the  Toils  of  War.     Bnt  the  Crown  of  Gonfelfors 
and  Martyrs  in  rhc  Caufe  of  Gcd,  is  not  of  fo  tranfitofy  a  Nature.     The 
farmer  Fight  to  obtain  a  corruptible  Crown,  but  theje  an  incorruptible. 
I  Cor.  5).  ly.  No,  thefe  fhall  receive  a  Crown  of  Glory  that  fadeth  nof 
away.   And  if  you  want  to  be  further  fatisfied  in  the  blifsful  State  of  thofe 
'  who  have  come  out  of  Tribulation,  you  have  i^t  nohigr  defcribed.  Rev.  7. 
IS,  I  <^,  17,  *Ihevefore  are  they  before  t.he  Throne  of  God,  and  ferve  him 
TX0,f  and  Night  in  his  Temple  ;  Ajid  he  that  ptteth  on   the  Throne  fk all 
dwelt  among  them,     TJ^eyJJiidl  hunger  no  more,  neither  thir ft  any  more, 
neither  fhall  the  S/^w  lig'-'t  on  them,  nor  any  heat  5  for  the  Lamb  which 
ii  in  the  midjl    of  the   Throne  Jpau  feed    tP^an-^  and  fhall  lead   thein 
unto  living  Fount avij  oflVaten  j  end  God  (liall  w/pe  away  alfTears  front 
their  Fyis^  '  '  ** 

Such  are  thq  glorious  Pv^-wa-ds  of  all  who  fhail  fignalis^e  them£-lves  in 
the  Service  oi"(?  d  Ggainft:  rhe  Dominion  of  Sa^an.     And  hence  it  li,  that 

(  n  ) 

■  'ih-i  ptrfuuted  for  Righteoufrefs  Sake,  N-y,  and  hence  it  is,  that  ther 
arc  bid  to  reioice  j  na.y,  and  ro  leap  for  Joy  in  the  parall-1  Place,  Luke  6. 
2.3.  Accordingly  hence  it  isrhac  the  Apoftles,  when  they  roere  beaten  bj- 
fore  the  Sanhedrim  for  giving  their  Teftimony  for  Chrift,  departed  frem 
the  Prefence  of   the  Council  repicing  that  they  were  counted  worthy  to 

fuftrfl:ame  for  hit  fake,  A^s  6,  ^i.  And,  laftly,  hence  it  is  that  Chri- 
ilians,  in  the  primitive  Times,  even  crouded  the  heathen  Tribunals  to  re-' 
ceive  the  Crown  of  Martyrdom,  of  which*  we  have  Inftances  innumerable 
in  Ecclefiafticai  Hillory. 

But  notwithftanding  thefe  fo  glorious  Promifes,  and  noble  Examples  ; 
Many,  very  many  j  {o  they  can  butefcape  Hell,  and  barely  enter  the  King- 
dom of  Heaven,  will  be  contented  to  be  Door-Iteepers  there,  tho'  here  they 
are  eager  enough  of  uppermoft  places.  But  this  they  would  rather  than  pals 
through  Briars  and  Thorns  In  the  way,  bei^g  of  too  tender  and  delicate  a 
Conftiturion  forfooth,  to  bear  rough  and  hard  Ufage  :  And  they  ho.;c 
they  may  at  lead  enter  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven  ;  bccauf&as  they  fuppole, 
allChriftiansare  not  called  to  Su(Tcrings.     Bur, 

in.  I  (hall  now  (hew  them  the  contrary  5  and  that  they,  even  they,  be 
they  who  they  will,  are  thereunto  called.  And  that  I  may  be  .ure  to  com- 
prehend all  J  I  fay,  that  there  is  no  Mortal  Man  or  Woman  upon  Earth, 
from  the  Prince  upon  the  TJirone'to  the  Beggar  opon  the  Dunghil,  but  is 
thereunto  called.  My  Meaning  is,  there  is  no  one  Chriaian,  but  who  in  the 
Srarion  hjsis  in,fome  way  or  other,  is  bound  to  di(countenance,difcourage, 
and  when  milder  Methods  will  not  do,  to  bring  to  condign  Punirhment,(he 

"  Workers  and  Works  of  Darknefs,  Blafhhemy,  profane  Hwearingand  Cur- 
fing,  Lewdnejs,  Profanation  of  the  Lorcfs  Day^  excefjlve  Drinking,  ard  all 
diflblute,  immoral  and  diforderly  Practices,  whereby  God  is/o  highly  dilho- 
nourcd,  and  the  Devil  fo  diredly  feiVd ;  and  this  notwithltanding  the  ill 
Ufage  they  meet  with  inthc  way  of  their  Duty  5  And  this  I  would  ptpve 
with  refpea  to  Princes,  Mtniflers,  Magif}rat€S,^nd  the  People  j  but  that  on 
a  late  Occafion,  to  which  this  is  but  a  forrowful  Appendage.  I  havealread/ 
done  it :  And  to  thatlmuft  again  refer  you.  Andfhall  therefore,  ini^ead  oi 
particular  Arguments  to  each  Rank  and  Degree  of  Men,  proceed  to  my 
IV.*Mo:ive,which  I  amfure  concludes  all  baptized  Perfons  undef  the  Ob- 

,  ligation  J  and  that  is,  tha't  all  fuch  have  fo  publickly  and  fokmnly  engaged 
to  fight  under  Chrid's  Banner;  and  it  will  be  our  utmoft  Difgrace,  and  the 
highefi  Degree  of  Cowardice  (  pardon  the  Expreflion.  for  1  think  there  can 
be  nothing  high  and  truly  great  in  Cowardice)  to  fly  from  our  baptifiqal 
Covenant  our  feJves,and  give  way  in  the  Day  of.Barrel  ;  el^ecialJy  having 
made  fd  pnblick  and  folemn  Engagements  to  the  contrary.  M^^e  have  pro- 
feffed  a  good  Profejfion  before  many  IVitnefes.  And  whit  arc  thofe  foiemn 
and  publick  Engagements  made  in  Bapnfm  ?  Why  (here  we  have  in  the 
Prefenco<)f  God  and  his  Church,  renounced  the  Devi/,  and  all  hus  iVorks^ 
the  World  alfo,  dndthe  Flejh ;  we  have  profcfs'd  to  believe  (  a  thing  quite 
different  frvm  the  Infidelity  and  Profanenefs  fure  which  now  reigns  )  all 
thi  Articlisofotfr  Qhrijiian  Faith 'i  And  we  have  engaged  to  obc^  j  what  ? 


AU  Gods  holy  Will  and  Commandments^  and  to  walk  in  the  fams^  wi^houz 
Tcrgiverfation,  upon  any  difficulties  and  dangers,  tir  our  Li^es  End.  And 
I  am  fure,  among  the  principal  of  God's  Commands  thofe  muft  rake  place, 
which  put  us  upon  promoting  the  Peftrudlon  of  Satan,  and  the  Advan- 
cement of  Chhft's  Kingdom.  Thus  all  have  made  a  good  ProfeJJion  before 
many  Witnefes ;  yea  before  many  and  great  Witnefles,  even  God,  Angels 
and  Men.  And  this  maybe  thought  fnch  a  Covenant  or  military  Oath,  as 
I  have  explained  it,  as  may  be  deem'd  enough  to  oblige  us  to  the  good 
Fight  of  Faith,  in  what  Field  foever,  be  it  a  Field  of  Blood,  into  which 
Providence  (hall  call  upon  us  to  fight  it. 

But  Further  yet,  the  more  ftridly  to  engage  us  •  Our  Holy  Mother  this 
Church,  from  the  Honour  and  Regard,  it  peculiarly  bears  to  bur  Saviour, 
(as  appears  by  its  concluding  every  Colled^,  every  Prayer,  I  had  alnjoft  faid 
every  Petition  it  makes, in  his  Name)  Si!»^jr every  baptised  and  covenanted 
Member  of  it,  with  the  Sign  of  the  Crofs ;  That  being  the  Banner  under 
which  we  are  to  fight  :  In  token  that  hereafter  he /hall  not  be  a/hamed  to 
€onfejs  the  Faith  of  Chriji  crucified,  and  manfully  to  fight  under  his  Ban- 
Tier  againfi  Sin^  the  World,  and  the  Devil,  and  to  continue  Chrifi's  faith- 
ful Soldiers  and  Servants  unto  our  Lives  End.  And  furely  this  Engagement 
of  our  baptifmal  Covenant  and  Oath  fo  folemnized,  is  fo  ftrong,  that  No- 
thing cati  be  more  forcible.  Thus  you  fee  all  baptiz'dChriftians  with  us  ef- 
pccially,  are  doubly  concluded  under  an  Obligation  to  fight  the  good  Fight 
ef  Faith,  But  all  you  will  fay  are  not  in  the  peaceable  Times  of  the  Church 
thereunto  called.  In  Times  and  Places  of  Perfecution,  as  linder  Pagan  or 
heretical  Powers,  the  true  Servant}  of  God  are  often  called  forth  to  fuffer, 
they  wiirown  $  but  where  orthodox  Chriftianiry  is  the  national  Religion, 
and  by  Law  efiahli/h^d,  as  God  be  prais'd  it  is  with  us,  there  is  no  Room 
to  fuffer.  No,  what  not  for  Righteoufnefs  Sake  ?  Martyrdom,  as  I  before 
told  you,  is  aTcftimony  given  to  the  Authority  of  God,  as  well  with  Re- 
fpcft  to  the  Preceptive  as  t'hc'doftrinal  Part  of  Religion.  And  that  in  an 
ijiablifh'd  Chiirch  Men  may  he  pointed  oiit  for  Death,  for  aflerting  and 
flanding  up  for  his  Laws,  we  have  too  fad  an  InftahCe  before  us.  And  as  to 
an  inferior  Degree  of  fuffcring  j  if  any  one  (hall  attempt  to  do  any  uncom- 
inonor  confiderableGood  to  the  Advancements  of  Chrift's  Kingdom  in  the 
World  J  I  am  very  much  miftaken  if  he  fhall  not  foon  bring  the  World 
about  his  Ears }  as  much  Chriftian  as  it  is  fuppofed  to  be.  A  Gallio  that 
€aresfor  none  of  thofe  things,  may  pafs  through  the  World  peaceably  e- 
nough,  but  whether  with  what  Pace  he  (hall  reach  Heaven,  1  very  much 
doubt.  For  I  think  as  he  is  lifted  in  a  War,  where  thcutmoft  Vigour  i^  re- 
quired, he  h  called  to  Ibmething  more,  than  what  he  thinks  tobcionocenc 
but  is  in  Reality  to  be  good  tor  nought.  In  (hort,  this  is  a  War  whereunto 
we  areC/»//V;  and  this  is  an  Argument  fo  prefling  to  roufe  us  from  Sloth 
or  Indifferency  in  it ;  that  I  need  nocadd  more.     However, 

V,  And  Lafily,  Bccaufe  the  Example  of  (lout  Leaders  is  of  fuch  migh- 
ty Confequence  to  encourage  thofe  that  follow  them  to  do  theif  Parts  alfo 
bjatcly,  I  Will  tcpr^fcnt  t^jouwith  what  Courage,  and  undaunted  Mag;- 


hanirftity,  the  Martyrs  fieretoforc  have  fought  in  the  horr?ft  Parts  f>f  tke 
Battle  in  this  Chriftian  Warfare  ;  and  particularly  our  good  Brother  htfre 
before  us.  And  hcTe  I  might  lay  before  you  a  glorious  Scene  of  triumphant 
Acchievemenc  and  Sufferings  in  the  pulling  down  che  Kingdom  of  Satan,by 
the  Apoftlesi  Confeflors,  Martyrs,  in  rhe  fevcral  Ages  of  the  Church,  down 
throughout  the  Times  of  Pagan  and  Papal  Fcrfecution  and  Tyranny,  But 
this  would  be  to  rranfcribe  a  Martyrology,  and  I  muft  refer  you  to  the  Hi- 
Hory  it  felf  of  the  Martyrs.  But  as  to  the  Manner  of  their  heroick  Brsiverf 
and  Sufferings,  I  cannot  better  give  it  you,  than  in  the  very  Words  of  the 
Apoftle,  Heb.  1 1 .  i  z.  The  Capters*  I  before  fo  carncftly  recommended  to 
your  moft  ferious  Ciinfideratiori,  to  fortify  you  in  all  your  Undertakings, 
dnd  to  fiipport  you  undtr  whatever  Sufferings  in  fo  glorious  a  Caufe  and 
Conoid;  The  Words  are  thcfe  beginning  at  the  5  3-'^.  By  Faith  they  fub- 
dutd  Kingdoms^  rirought  Righteoufnefs,  ebtained  Promifes,  dipped  tht 
Mouths  of  Lions,  quenched  the  f^iolence  of  Fire,  efiaped  the  Edge  of  the 
S9ordy  out  oflVeaknejs  were  made  Jirong^  waxed  valiant  in  Ftght,  turn' 
td  to  fight  the  Armies  of  the  Aliens.  Women  received  their  dead  raifed  to 
Life  again  j  and  others  were  torturd,  not  accepting  Deliverance,  that 
they  might  obtain  a  better  RefurrecUon.  And  others  had  try al  of  cruel 
Mockings '  and  Scourgings^  yea  moreover,  of  Bonds,  and  Imprifonment^ 
They  were  p  one  d^  they  were  faun  afunder,  were  tempted,  were  pain  with 
tht  Sword  I  They  wandred  about  in  fheep- skins,  and  in  Coat-skins,  heing 
deftitute,  afflKBed,  tormented.  {Of  whom  the  World  was  not  worthy  ) 
they  wandred  in  Dejerts^  and  in  Mountains,  and  in  Dtns  and  Caves  of  tkn 
Earth.     And  theje  all  have  obtained  a  good  RepoH  through  Faith, 

And  now  what  have  1  more  to  do,  but  to  give  you  fome  Account  al{b 
of  your  dear  Brother,  who(e  Obfequies  we  du  here  folemnixei-  that  yotf 
inty  fee  how  nearly  he  trod  in  the  Steps,  and  has  been  honoured  with  tht 
Fate  of  the  preceeding  Confeflors  and  Martyrs.  And  that  for  your  Ex- 
ample and  Encouragement  in  this  glorious  Fight.  And  the  Account  I  caa 
give  of  him  with  good  Affurance  is  this. 

That  he  has  been  above  Thirty  Yeari  a  f!ri£l  ProfelTor  of  Religion,  ani 
led  his  Life  accordingly. 

That  he  had  a  grcad  Zeal  for  G6d's  Honour,  and  the  Salvation  of 
Souls,  and  a  great  Hatred  again  (I  Sinj  which  made  him  almod  from  the 
firft  engage  himfelf  in  the  Work  of  Reformation  of  Manners. 

That  in  the  17  or  i^  Tears,  that  he  has  been  concernM  in  it^  done  io 
all  that  Time  could  ever  fix  upon  him,  any  Thing  that  #as  either  vi'icked 
diflioneft  or  j  even  his  worft  ot  Enemies,  the  Whores,  and  Rogues,  couW 
not  but  give  him  a  good  Word  j  nay  have  been  heard  to  fay,  that  the;^ 
Believed  him  to  ad  therein,  merely  from  Confcicnce. 

That  he  had  been  aiding  and  adiding  to  the  apprehending  and  prole* 
iiuting  of  feveral  Thoufands  of  lewd  and  profligate  Ferfom,  befides  a  vaft 
Number  of  Sabbath  Breakers,  prophane  Swearers,  and  Drunkards. 

That  he  was  of  a  fwect,  gentle  arrd  courr^oas  Temper,  and  of  a  very 
^crdeft,  and  humble  Behaviour  ^  ?efy  good  natur*d,  and  alvrstys  ready  to 

(  i6r) 

ferve  anc!  aH^ft  every  one,  even  his  very  Enemies ;  ant!  he  had  a  Gngular  Piainncfs 
and  Sincerity  fhining  thro*  all  his  /\aions  j  He  v  as  very,  courageous,  and  fear'd  no 
Encounter,  yet  had  great  CalmneH  and  Prefeno  -i'Mind  m  Danger. 

Tha:  he  has  often  been  m\i^k,  abufed,  be?.r';r\,  raobi>'d,  ?rtd  woirnied  and  in 
very  great  Danger  of  h^s  ll-^ein  deteding,  and  bringing  t  >  Ja.Hce,  the  lewd  and 
diforde  ly  Ptrfons.  And  was  the  iirft,  that  took  i'.tj  i'.i.  Arms  fp  i^n-  .■■•g  the 
Rioter*,  Mr.  JOHN  COOPER,  a  Conftable,*  about  Seven  Year/  fince  rder'd 
in  the  Execution  of  his  Office,  in  (iipprcffing  the  publick.L';v.'dn'?ft,'  and  D 'c  !ers  at 
MAY  FAIR,  tho*  there  weie  then  above  Fourty  Soldiers,  wirb  r;  c.r  :,words 

That  tho'  he  wa?  almoft  continually  in  Hunger,  and  Broi's,-  and  by  his  great  Pains' 
andconftant  Labour  and  Service  in  the  Work,  he  had  very  much  br  ke  and  im- 
j;^air'd  his  Health,  and  Stren^rth,  yet  he  was  unwearied  in  !■  to' the  Very  laft. 

And  in  his  i  ft  Work  you  fee,  he  has  fallen  a  Viaim  by  the  Sword  of  God's  Ene- 
mies, being  rcu-dered  by  Three  private  Soldiers  ;  a  fort  of  Men,  I  am  fbrry  to 
Tpeak  it  (  of  whom  if  we  may  judge  by  their  horrid  Oarhs  and  Curfes,  and  by  thSir 
wicked  Lives  and  Mani:ers,  which  with  too  much  Werance  liirdy  ^^''^"\  their  Com- 
inanders,  they  are  permiued  tolead)  who,  tho*  they  receive  the  Chriftians  Pay,  are 
Night  and  Day  fighting  the  Devils  Bartle^  Thus  this  brave  Soldier  of  JcfusChrift 
has  fallen.  And  this  fnort  and  true  Account  I  have  g  vca  of  him  for  7°^^  Example 
and  Encoura;;ement  who  furvive  him,  that  you  zlCo  may  proceed  conquering,  and  to 
conquer  in  the  iame  glorious  Fight.  • 

It  may  feem  indeed  at  firft  Sight  tq  be  rather  a  Difcouragement  to  y<)u.  But  yoa 
may  remember  what  you  have  often  heard,  that  the  Blood  of  the  Mzftyrs  was  the 
iSeed  of  the  Church.  Anti  the  Church  of  God  has  indeed  ever  flourifhed  the  het- 
teir  forbe'ng  watred  by  the  Blood  of  the  Martyr.  And  I  believe  alfb  it  will  do  the 
like  amongft  us.  for  the  Innocent  and  precious  Blood  which  has  been  lately  (hed  in 
this  Caufe  of  Reformation  of  Manners.  It  is  but  a  few  Years  fince  that  hone^ 
Man  Mr.  C  OO  PER  feH  a  Martyr  in  the  Caufe  ,  by  the  hands  of  &n  Athieft^ 
aflifted  al(b  by  Soldiers,  for  fe'ching  before  Juftice  fbme  of  Satans  Vaflals  out- of 
,  that  horrible  Den  of  Impiety,  May-Faij  j  and  yoj  have  heard  how  that  innocent 
Kfan's  Bloaj|has  cried,  and  does  ft  ill  cry  for  Vengeance,  fo  aj  to  caufe  the  worthy 
Magiftrates  and  Juries,  both  of  City  and  Gouny,  to  petition  to  hive  that  execrable 
Place  of  Debauchery  and  Impiety  totally  put  down  ;  and  I  hope  the  Cry  both  of  if, 
and  tkem,  and  of  many  other  good  Men  throughout  the  Nation,  joining  widithero, 
wiH  be  fbon  heard. 

And  now  ehe  Blood  whilh  has  been  fhed  on  the  like  Occafion,  and  in  the  very 
fame  Manner  ^  how  know  you  but  that  it  al(b  may  cry  (b, loudly,  as  tofhakethc 
Very  Foundations  of  the  Play-Koufe  ;  a  Seminary  of  A'l^eifin,  Impiety  and  Im- 
iBofality,  not  at  all  fnferior  to  the  other.  And  would  ndt-its  Fall  rejoyce  your 
Hearts  ?  Courage,  Courage,  brave  Soldiers  of  God,  and  of^oiir  Lord  Jefus  Chrifi:. 
There  is  no  hurt  yet,  Our  martyred  Brother  has  loft  nothing,  ^am  fure,  for  he 
has  received  his  Crown  of  Glory.  And  your  bleffed  Caufe,  I  ara'perfwaded.  will 
fuflFer  nothing  by  it  j  it  will  be  more  firmly  eftablifhed,  it  will  be  better  cemented 
by  his  Blood.  , 

Upon  the  wbole  then  j  perfevciie  in  the  Name  of  God,  to  fight  the  gooi  Fight 
of  Faith,  to  lay  hold  on  eternal  Life,  whereunto  ygu  are  not  only  called,  but  hjiVc 
Wltneflfeda  good  ConfeiTiOfl  before  many  Witneffes. 

.Nay,  and  f  oro  the  very  Example  of  the  Martyr  before  you,  let  me  exhort  ynu^ 
my  beloved  B-etliren ,  that  ye  be  ftcdfaft,  unmoveable,  always  abounding  in  the 
Work  of*  the  Lord,  tbraftn'jch  as  you  know,  that  your  Labour  Is  ri^t  in  vain  in  the 
lord      Aaien,  Amcn» 
