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19th Couricil Pirfod 

In This Issue 

LAWS 19-127 to 19t1 65 

Sumrr "it jegislatl Iqtiye 

Westlaw Legislative Database: DC|LEOJS 
See Preface for further information 



A noncumulative summary of significant legislation contained in this . 
pamphlet of general interest to the legal profession prepared especially 
for District of Columbia Legislative Service by the editorial staff of 
West, a Thomson Reuters business. 

Board of Elections and Ethics Electoral Process Improvement Amendment Act 
of 2012 

Law 19-131 provides for the operation of early voting centers during primary and 
general elections, extends the period for acceptance of voter registrations, provides for 
special ballots in cases of same-day registration, and expands acceptance of ballots cast by 
voters in the wrong voting precinct. 

Civil Marriage Dissolution Equality Act of 2012 

Law 19-133 allows for the dissolution of marriages performed within the District of 
Columbia if courts in the parties home states will not entertain an action to dissolve that 

Comprehensive Military and Overseas Voters Accommodation Amendment Act 
of 2012 

Law 19-137 enacts the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act, which makes 
multiple changes in election law relating to absentee ballots cast by military and overseas 
voters and extends the offense of making false statements to apply to declarations signed 
in relation to this act. 

DISB Fingerprint-Based Background Check Authorization Act of 2012 

Law 19-143 authorizes background checks to be required in conjunction with applica- 
tions for certain financial charters and licenses. 

Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Establishment Act of 2012 

Law 19-155 extends the jurisdiction and size of the Real Property Tax Appeals 
Commission, extends the time allowed for filing supplemental information related to an 
appeal, allows for appeals of blight and vacancy designations, and requires appeal to the 
Commission as a condition of appeal to the Superior Court. 

Unemployed Anti Discrimination Act of 2012 

Law 19-132 prohibits employers and employment agencies from discriminating against 
people on the basis of their current employment status. 

Vendor Sales Tax Collection and Remittance Act of 2012 

Law 19-149 imposes a minimum annual sales tax on street vendors and provides for 
filing of a return payment in the event that a vendor fails to do so. 

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Convened January 2, 2011 

Laws 19-127 to 19-165 


April 29, 2012 to July 31, 2012 




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West's and Westlaw are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SESSION LAW SERVICE is a trademark of West Publishing Corporation. 




District of Columbia Session Law Service supplies prompt and ready access to 
the laws of the District through a series of pamphlets issued during each period 
of the Council. Speed and accuracy in presenting to you recently enacted Acts 
are two important features of this service. 

District of Columbia Session Law Service includes editorial features such as a 
summary of current legislation of general interest to the legal profession 
prepared for the District of Columbia Session Law Service by the editorial staff 
of West. 

At the back of this Pamphlet are Tables reflecting the effect of the Laws and 
Emergency Acts of the 19th Council Session passed during 2012. An Index 
follows the Tables at the end of the pamphlet that reliably aids in locating 
desired material. 

, D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed. § 1-206.02 places limitations upon the authority 
of the District Council to pass legislation. All acts are subject to Congressional 
review before becoming effective law unless the Council determines that emer- 
gency circumstances require that an act take effect immediately. The Congres- 
sional review period is 30 Congressional days except the review period for acts 
involving Titles 22, 23, and 24 is 60 Congressional days. 

Permanent acts become effective upon completion of mandatory Congressional 
review and then are assigned D.C. Law numbers. Permanent acts remain in 
effect until repealed or amended. 

Temporary acts become effective upon completion of mandatory Congressional 
review and then are assigned D.C. Law numbers. Temporary acts remain in 
effect for 225 days. 

Emergency acts become immediately effective upon approval of the Mayor 
(and the Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance authority during 
a control year). Emergency acts are not subject to Congressional review, are 
never assigned D.C. Law numbers, and are effective for 90 days. 

The material contained in the pamphlets will be edited and incorporated in 
the annual cumulative pocket parts for the District of Columbia Official Code. 


The District of Columbia Session Law Service is also available on Westlaw in 

The DC-LEGIS database includes Emergency Acts, Temporary Laws and 
Permanent Laws. 

DC-LEGIS provides instant access to updated information on the status of 
existing sections of the District of Columbia Official Code as well as a means to 
quickly search for new sections. By running a word search in the DC-LEGIS 



database, amendments, repeals and new legislation are all readily available to 
the Westlaw researcher. 

For currentness information and search tips regarding the DG-LEGIS data- 
base use ( i ) icon. For more information, consult the Westlaw manual. 


For additibnal information or research assistance call the Wfest inference n^if I 
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The Publisher 

October, 2012 

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District of Columbia Session Law Service Letter I 

Preface _„ V 

Laws in this Pamphlet IX 

Emergency Acts in this Pamphlet XI 

Officials of the District of Columbia XIII 

Permanent and Temporary Laws — - 1 

Emergency Acts — ----- 199 

Budget Request Act ~~ 371 

Cumulative Tables 

1. Affected Sections — Laws Tl-1 

2. Affected Sections— Emergency Acts .- , T2-1 

Cumulative Index - 1-1 



Law citations are to this pamphlet only. 

For other materials included in this service, 
consult same table in other pamphlets. 


Adolf Cluss Court Alley Designation Act of 2012 - - 19-154 

Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Act of 2012 19-157 

Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Temporary Act of 2012 — - 19-145 

Age-in-Place and Equitable Senior Citizen Real Property Act of 2012 19-165 

Board of Elections and Ethics Electoral Process Improvement Amendment Act of 

2012 - 19-131 

Capitol Riverfront Bid Amendment Act of 2012 ■_„. 19-161 

Car Wash Employee Overtime Amendment Act of 2012 : — 19-127 

Carver 2000 Low-Income and Senior Housing Project Amendment Act of 2012 — - 19-151 

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Amendment Act of 2012 : 19-164 

Civil Marriage Dissolution Equality Act of 2012 - - 19-133 

Combined Condominium Real Property Tax Amendment Act of 2012 19-150 

Comprehensive Military and Overseas Voters Accommodation Amendment Act of 

2012 - 19-137 

DDOT Omnibus Conforming Temporary Amendment Act of 2012 - 19-134 

DISB Fingerprint-Based Background Check Authorization Act of 2012 - 19-143 

Elizabeth P. Thomas Way Designation Act of 2012 : 19-159 

Fiscal Year 2012 Revised Budget Request Adjustment Temporary Act of 2012 19-148 

Foster Care Youth Employment Amendment Act of 2012 19-162 

Fresh Healthy Mobile Cart Vending 'Pilot in Underserved Areas Temporary 

Amendment Act of 20 12 19-144 

Green Building Compliance, Technical Corrections, and Clarification Amend- . 

ment Act of 2012 - - 19-139 

Hilda H.M. Mason Way Designation Act of 2012 — 19-163 

HIV/AIDS Continuing Education Requirements Amendment Act of 2012 19-156 

Jubilee Housing Residential Rental Project Real Property Tax Exemption Clarifi- 
cation Act of 2012 19-158 

King Towers Residential Housing Real Property Tax Exemption Clarification Act 

of 2012 ._ 19-153 

Lottery Amendment Repeal Amendment Act of 2012 — 19-128 

Mechanics Lien Amendment Act of 2012 - 19-138 

Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center Temporary Amendment Act of 2012 19-146 

Moratorium on Establishments Which Permit Nude Dancing Temporary Act of 

2012 19-129 

Raising the Expectations for Education Outcomes Omnibus Act of 2012 19-142 

Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Establishment Act of 2012 19-155 

Senior HIV/AIDS Education and Outreach Program Establishment Act of 2012 — 19-152 

South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act of 2012 — 19-141 

Targeted Retirement Distribution Withholding Temporary Act of 2012 — 19-135 

Tenant Security Deposits Clarification Amendment Act of 2012 19-140 




Unemployed Anti-Discrimination Act of 2012 19-132 

Unemployment Compensation Funds Appropriation Authorization Act of 2012—. 19-136 

Vendor Sales Tax Collection and Remittance Act of 2012 :...., 19-149 

Where Lincoln's Legacy Lives Designation Act of 2012 — - :_.—.....„._. 19-160 

Workforce Job Development Grant-Making Authority Temporary Act of 2012 19-130 

Wrongful Death Temporary Act of 2012 ^^,-,-^— , — - 19-147 


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Act citations are to this pamphlet only. 

For other materials included in this service, 
consult same table in other pamphlets. 


Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Technical Correction Emergen- 
cy Amendment Act of 2012 19-370 

Blue Plains Intermunicipal Agreement of 2012 Congressional Approval Emergen- 
cy Request Act of 2012 , 19-422 

Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Comprehen- 
sive Ethics Reform Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 19-371 

Career and Technical Education Plan Establishment Emergency Act of 2012 19-408 

Carver 2000 Low-Income and Senior Housing Project Congressional Review 

Emergency Act of 2012 19-407 

Change Order No. 002 to Contract No. GM-11-M-0124B-FM Approval and 

Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012 - 19-401 

Change Order No. 14 to Contract No. DCAM-2008-C-0066 Approval and Pay- 
ment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012 19-419 

Cogeneration Equipment Personal Property Tax Exemption Emergency Act of 

2012 - 19-414 

Comprehensive Impaired Driving and Alcohol Testing Program Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012 :.. - 19-429 

Contract Modifications Approval Emergency Act of 2012 19-430 

Contract No. DCBE-2009-C-0002 Modifications Approval and Payment Authori- 
zation Emergency Act of 2012 19-425 

Contract No. DCEB-DMPED-ll-C-0019 Approval and Payment Authorization 

Emergency Act of 2012 : 19-386 

Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5052 Modification Approval and Payment Authori- 
zation Emergency Act of 2012 - - - — 19-388 

Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5054 Modification Approval and Payment Authori- 
zation Emergency Act of 2012 19-389 

Contract No. DCHT-2012-C-0021 Approval and Payment Authorization Emer- 
gency Act of 2012 19-402 

Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-00 19-01 Modification Approval and Payment Au- 
thorization Emergency Act of 2012 - — - 19-417 

Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-02 Modification Approval and Payment Au- 
thorization Emergency Act of 2012 - — - 19-418 

Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-03 Modification Approval and Payment Au- 
thorization Emergency Act of 2012 19-421 

Contract No. DCPO-2011-T-0075 Modifications Approval and Payment Authori- 
zation Emergency Act of 2012 - 19-412 

Contract No. NFPHC-121 Modifications Approval and Payment Authorization 

Emergency Act of 2012 — - -— - 19-426 

Criminal Penalty for Unregistered Motorist Repeal Emergency Amendment Act 

of 2012 _.. — 19-404 




Department of Health Functions Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 

2012 .- 19-391 

District Department of Transportation Bicycle Sharing Fund Emergency Amend- 
ment Act of 2012 - - —19-424 

District Department of Transportation Grant Authority Congressional Review 

Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 — — - — 19-405 

District Department of Transportation Grant Authority Emergency Amendment 

Act of 2012 - - .———„„ — — - 19-353 

District of Columbia Public Schools Partnership Emergency Act of 2012 19-395 

District of Columbia School Reform Extension of Time Emergency Amendment 

Act of 2012 , , 19-410 

DOC Inmate Processing and Release Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 19-428 

Downtown Bid Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 — , „- — : 19-427 

Firearms Amendments Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 

2012 — 19-394 

Firearms Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 - '- - - -, 19-352 

Fiscal Year 2012 Revised Budget Request Adjustment Emergency Act of 2012 — - 19-351 
Fiscal Year 2012 Second Revised Budget Request Congressional Review Emer- 
gency Adjustment Act of 2012 ------------------i^--^ 19-406 

Fiscal Year 2012 Second Revised Budget Request Emergency Adjustment Act of 

2012 ______________._:..J..^ 19-382^ 

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012'-: 19-413 

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2012— — — — — — -- 19-^383 

Health Benefits Plan Grievance Emergency Amendment Act of 2012— --- 19^409 

Heat Wave Safety Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 — — - 19-392^ 

Immigration Detainer Compliance Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 — 19-379 ' 

Meridian Public Charter School — Harrison Campus Property Tax Exemption 

Emergency Act of 2012 - - - _ .— . _. 19^415 ' 

Saving D.C. Homes From Foreclosure Enhanced Emergency Amendment Act of 

2012. - - — - - — - 19^378^ 

Sign Regulation Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 - -___,_- 19^387 

Task Orders to Human Care Agreement No. DCJZ-2008-H-0005 Approval and 

Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012. - - 19-420 

Taxicab Service Improvement Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 — 19-403 

Unity Health Care, Inc. Services Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012 19-411 

Verizon Center Graphics and Entertainment Emergency Amendment Act of 2012 19-423 
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Base Realignment and Closure Homeless 

Assistance Submission Emergency Approval Act of 2012 —____.__ 19-393 

Workforce Job Development Grant-Making Authority Congressional Review \ ; 

Emergency Act of 2012 — — — ___„__ __„„„„„„ — __......._ r __^.. 19-377 

Wrongful Death Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012 _—-----—----:-— 19-390' 

> i'ii\m- ) 




Phil Mendelson, Chairman 

Yvette M. Alexander Jack Evans 

Marion Barry Jim Graham 

Muriel Bowser Kenyan R. McDuffie 

Michael A. Brown Vincent B. Orange, Sr. 

David A: Catania Tommy Wells 
Mary M. Cheh 


Under Whose Direction This 
Volume Has Been Prepared 

V. David Zvenyach, General Counsel 

John Hoellen, Legislative Counsel 

Benjamin F. Bryant, Jr., Codification Counsel 

Karen R. Barbour, Legal Assistant 


'*,<Y^ .r/Y. 

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19th Council Session 


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19th Council Period 


Law 19-127 

Act 19-321 

AN ACT to amend the Minimum Wage Act Revision Act of 1992 to remove the exemption 
prohibiting car wash employees from receiving the protections of the District's overtime law. 

act may be cited as the "Car Wash Employee Overtime Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec 2. Section 5(b)(4) of the Minimum Wage Act Revision Act of 1992, effective March 25, 
1993 (D.C. Law 9-248; D.C. Official Code § 32-1004(b)(4)), is repealed. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: March 18, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 

Law 19-128 19th Council Period 


Law 19-128 

Act 19-322 v 

AN ACT to amend the Law to Legalize Lotteries, Daily Numbers Games, and Bingo and Raffles for 
Charitable Purposes in the District of Columbia to repeal the i-gaming law. 

act may be the "Lottery Amendment Repeal Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 2-2513 of section 4 of the Law to Legalize Lotteries, Daily Numbers 
Games, and Bingo and Raffles for Charitable Purposes in the District of Columbia, effective. 
March 10, 1981 (D.C. Law 3-172; D.C. Official Code § 3-1313), is amended to read as follows: 

"Section 2-2513. Operation of lottery. 

"The Board shall operate and conduct a lottery and shall determine the number of times a 
lottery shall be held each year, the form and price of tickets, and the number and value of 
prizes to winning participants, determined in a manner and on a basis designated by the 
Board. The proceeds of the sale of tickets shall be deposited in the Fund from which prizes 
shall be paid according to regulations established by the Board under section 2-2512 of this 
chapter. The Board may provide, by regulation for the payment of prizes, to winners directly 
by licensed agents.". ' .....-■' .../■' \ '/•,./.■'.:, /'...;■. „ i ■■"'■■. 

Sec. 3. Applicability. 

This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and 
financial plan. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. ^ : - ■ ■•'$:■> 

■ The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C, Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

' APPROVED: March 18, 2012. 

-EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. ■,...)■-' ::■.'', 



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Law 19-129 

-■:-'M o;f?v/.:\\; ,t /nH 
Act 19-323 

A^f ACT to amend, on a temporary basis, section 25-374 of the District of Columbia Official Code to,T 
place a moratorium on establishments that permit nude dancing in Ward 5. 

act may be cited as the "Moratorium on Establishments Which Permit Nude Dancing* 
Temporary Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 25-374 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by adding a . 
new section (a-1) to read as follows: , -V , > 

2012 Legislation Law 19-130, § 2 

"(a-1) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, no class CN license with nude 
dancing shall be issued in or transferred into Ward 5, as defined by § 1-1041.03; provided, 
that this section shall not prohibit the transfer of an existing £N license with nude dancing 
within Ward 5.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved. 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. 
APPROVED: March 18, 2012. 

EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 


Law 19-130 

Act 19-327 

AN ACT to authorize, on a temporary basis, the Director of the Department of Employment 
Services to issue grants from funds appropriated to or received by the Department of 
Employment Services for workforce job development purposes. 

act may be cited as the "Workforce Job Development Grant-Making Authority Temporary 
Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Workforce job development grant-making authority. 

(a) The Director of the Department of Employment Services ("DOES") may issue grants to 
individuals and organizations from the funds made available to the DOES pursuant to local 
appropriations or the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, approved August 7, 1998 
(112 Stat. 936; 29 U.S.C § 2822), for workforce development purposes, including increasing 
occupational skills, job retention, employment opportunities, and earnings of the District's 
workforce pursuant to: 

(1) Section 2 of the Youth Employment Act of 1979, effective January 5, 1980 (D.C. Law 
3^6; D.C. Official Code § 32-241); 

(2) Section 2a of the Youth Employment Act of 1979, effective January 5, 1980 (D.C. Law 
3^6; D.C. Official Code § 32-242); 

(3) Section 203 of the Way to Work Amendment Act of 2006, effective June 8, 2006 (D.C. 
Law 16-118; D.C. Official Code § 32-752); 

(4) Sections 2102 and 2103 of the Transitional Employment Program and Apprenticeship 
Initiative Establishment Act of 2005, effective October 20, 2005 (D.C. Law 16-33; D.C. 
Official Code §§ 32-1331 and 32-1332); and 

(5) Section 11 of the Workforce Investment Implementation Act of 2000, effective July 
18, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-150; D.C. Official Code § 32-1610). 

Law 19-130, ■■§:. 2 19th Coiiricil Period 

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of D.C. Official Code § 47-368.06, grants that riiay)be 
issued pursuant to this section include grants that the Mayor, Director of the DOES, obiari» 
agency receives through an intra-District transfer, a memorandum of understanding, ' soma) 
reprogramming from an agency lacking grant-making authority. .'■ mltr// 

(c) The Director of the DOES may issue rules to implement the provisions of this act ' v P t 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement ;^T 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Fihahdal Officer as the fiscal' 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Aci:V 
approved December 24, i973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3»; 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the' 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review; ; 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved: 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C, Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the : 
District of Columbia Register. ( ; : . .- ,.,- ;. f 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect .< f > t \ ;; - ; ?. ■- y, • ; vv / 
APPROVED: March 19, 2012. 0!' ,. ^ ,; ? / 
EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. . 


Law 19-131 

_ Act 19-328 . /:l 

AN ACT to amend the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955 to establish consistent rules for 
all same-day registrants to vote by special ballot, to mandate that the District of Columbia 
Board of Elections and Ethics ("Board") operate at least 4 early voting centers during primary 
and general elections, to establish that the Board will count votes cast by an individual voting 
out of precinct to the fullest extent possible, and to establish the deadline for voter registration ; 
by mail. 

act may be cited as the "Board of Elections and Ethics Electoral Process Improvement 
Amendment Act of 2012". . ' •- 

Sec. 2. The District of Columbia Election Code of 1955, approved August 12!, 1955 '« (69 
Stat 699; D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.01 et seq.\ is amended as follows; ■',',, ;."*■.: ;. ^V,,'/. 

(a) Section 7(g) (D.C. Official Code § l-1001.07(g)) is amended as follows: : ^ : vv ; • 3 : i; ' 

(1) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase 1 "5:00 p.m. on the 31st day preceding 
any election" and inserting the phrase "4:45 P.M. on the 1 30th day preceding any election, : or 
such time on that day as the Board's office remains open to receive registrations," in its 

(2) Paragraph (5) is amended by striking the phrase "law; provided, that, for each 
election occurring before December 31, 2010, the individual shall cast a special ballot, 
subject to the Board's verification of residence; provided further, that for each election 
occurring after December 31, 2010, if the individual does not present a government-issued 

* and valid photo identification card showing the individual's address, the individual shall cast 
a special ballot, subject to the Board's verification of residence." and inserting the phrase 
"law, District law, or Board regulation. Each individual who registers on Election Day 
shall cast a special ballot, subject to the Board's verification of residence." in its place. 


2012 Legislation Law 19-132, § 2 

(3) Paragraph (7)(A)(i) is amended by striking the phrase "register but" and inserting 
the phrase "register and vote in the election, but" in its place. 

(b) Section 9 (D.C. Official Code §. 1-1001.09) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "the vote of a person who is a 
registered qualified elector of the District shall be valid only if the vote is cast in the 
voting precinct that serves his or her current residence address" and inserting the 
phrase "each registered qualified elector shall cast his or her vote in the voting precinct 
that serves his or her current residence address" in its place. 

(B) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the phrase "federal election contests and for 
any District-wide election contests" and inserting the phrase "all contests for which the 
elector would have been eligible to cast votes had he or she cast a vote in the correct 
voting precinct" in its place. 

(2) Subsection (b-l)(l) is amended by striking the phrase "an early voting center in each 
of the 8 election wards" and inserting the phrase "no fewer than 4 early voting centers" in 
its place. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: March 19, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 


Law 19-132 

Act 19-329 

AN ACT to prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of an individual's status as 

act may be cited as the "Unemployed Anti-Discrimination Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this act, the term: 

(1) "Employee" means any individual employed by an employer. 

(2) "Employer" means any person who employs or seeks to employ for compensation one 
or more individuals for a position in the District (but not including the person's parent, 
spouse, child, or domestic servant engaged in work in and about the employer's household). 
The term "employer" includes any person acting in the interest of the person, directly or 

(3) "Employment agency" means any person regularly undertaking or attempting, with 
or without compensation, to procure employees for an employer or to procure for 
employees opportunities to work for an employer, and includes an agent of that person. 

l^aw M±132, § 2 19th t&uftdlWiotf 

- " ; (4) -Potential employee" means any individual who has applied to an employer fbr a 
vacant position to gain employment. ■ . ■ ■ > : ! ) 

(5) "Status as unemployed" means any individual who, at the time of applying, if or 
employment, or, who at the time an act alleged to violate this act occurs, does not have a 
job, is available for work, and is seeking employment. .... . 

.■■See.; 3, -Discrimination based on status as unemployed unlawful .■;. . .., .:..,,:-. ^ 

Noemployer or employment agency shall: ; --< ' 'j ^ j yunro/ 

; (1) Fail or refuse to consider for employment, or fail or refuse to hire; an ihffi^du?il i & an 
employee because of the individual's status as unemployed; or " " ■■ ^vvm j,ui; 

L ' (2) Publish, in print, on the Internet, or in any other medium, ; an< M^rlisement or 
announcement for any vacancy in a job for employment that includes: ' ]: '[ -f f ^''[f f t f ./' : > l ] r> 
(A) Any provision stating or indicating that an individual's istaiiu^.'^'.'^empl^yed 
disqualifies the individual for the job; or "''"'. 

■ v ;.■■■;■■ . •■.■.:;' ] '-H ( (i ) 

... (B) Any provision stating or indicating that an employment agency will not consider or 
hire an individual for employment based on that individual's status as unemployed. 

Sec. 4. Retaliation unlawful. 

No employer or employment agency shall: 

(1) Interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of, or the attempted exercise of, any ; 
right provided under this act; or -.■■■,. - ; ,l 

(2) Fail or refuse to hire, or discharge, any employee or potential employee because the 
employee or potential employee: . , ; 

(A) Opposed any practice made unlawful by this act; , < y 

.'■'■■■■: (B) Has filed any charge, or has instituted or caused to be instituted any proceedings 
■" relating to any right provided under this act; 

, (C) Has given, or is about to give, any information in connection with any inquiry or' 
proceeding relating to any right provided under this act; or 

(D) Has testified, or is about to testify, in any inquiry or proceeding relating to any 
right provided under this act. 

Sec. 5. Exemptions. 

(a) Nothing set forth in this act shall be ^ construed. , as ..prohibiting;,. an employer or 
employment agency from publishing, in print, oh 1 the Ihtefndt^or iii any'' other medium, an 
advertisement for any job vacancy that contains any provision setting forth any other 
qualifications for a job, as permitted by law, including: 

(1) The holding of a current and valid professional or occupational license; 

(2) A certificate, registration, permit, or other credential; or 

(3) A minimum: level of education, training or professioriaVioe^ 

ence.. * Jyr^^i^nMm 

: (b) Nothing in this act is intended to preclude an employer or employment, agency freon 
examining the reasons underlying an individual's status as unemployed in' assegsin^an. 
individual's ability to perform a job or in otherwise making employment decisions about fcatT 
individual. : .^ ■: '; 

(c) Nothing in this act shall be construed as prohibiting an employer or employment 
agency from publishing, in print, on the Internet, or in any other medium, an advertisement 
for any job vacancy that contains any provision stating that only applicants who are currently 
employed by the employer will be considered for Employment. v.; , 

Sec. 6. Oversight. ; ■■.■'..■■;.:■..■ ■_, U. ;;..■. .■.,.* -,..,-,, 

(a) The District of Columbia Office of Human Eights ("Office") shall receive, reviewy and 
investigate complaints regarding violations of this act and shall take appropriate enforcement 
action regarding the complaints. , - ' ' ^ : ' ;;,'■ 

i (b) The Office shall respond to a complaint arising pursuant to this act no later than one 
mbnth after the complaint is filed. >■■>'• "I l J l! ! < r ■•■> 


2012 Legislation Law 19-133, § 2 

(c) The Office shall assess civil penalties in all cases where the Office determines that an 
employer or employment agency has committed a violation of this act. 

Sec. 7. Civil penalties. 

(a) An employer or employment agency that the Office finds to have violated this act shall 
be subject to a civil penalty for a first violation of $1,000 per claimant, $ 5,000 per claimant for 
a second violation, and $10,000 per claimant for each subsequent violation, but not to exceed a 
total of $20,000 per violation. The Office shall collect the penalty from the violator and 
distribute the funds collected among any employee or potential employee who filed a claim 
regarding a violation of this act. 

(b) Nothing set forth in this act shall be construed as creating, establishing, or authorizing 
a private cause of action by t an aggrieved person against an employer or employment agency 
who has violated, or is alleged to have violated, the provisions of this act. 

Sec. 8. Rules. 

The Mayor, pursuant to Title I of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, 
approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq.), shall issue rules 
to implement the provisions of this act The proposed rules shall be submitted to the Council 
for a 30-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days of 
Council recess. If the Council does not approve or disapprove the proposed rules, in whole or 
in part, by resolution within this 30-day review period, the proposed rules shall be deemed 

Sec. 9. Applicability. 

This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and 
financial plan. 

Sec. 10. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 11. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: March 19, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 


Law 19-133 

Act 19-330 

AN ACT to amend section 16-902 of the District of Columbia Official Code to provide a mechanism 
for the dissolution of a marriage that was performed in the District of Columbia but the 
parties to which reside in another jurisdiction that does not recognize the marriage or 
otherwise will not maintain an action to dissolve the marriage. 

act may be cited as the "Civil Marriage Dissolution Equality Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 16-902 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to read as 
"§ 16-902. Residency requirements. 


Law 19-133, § 2 19th Council Reriojdi; 

"(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, no action for divorce orf legal 
separation shall be maintainable unless one of the parties to the marriage has been a^ona-j 
fide resident of the District of Columbia for at least 6 months next preceding the commence- 
ment of the action. 

"(b)(1) An action for divorce by persons of the same gender, even if neither party to '.tlie, 
marriage is -a bona fide resident of the District of Columbia at the time the action' is | 
commenced, shall be maintainable if the following apply: "' ' ' ;' ' " 

"(A) The marriage was performed in the District of Columbia; and '-U 

"(B) Neither party to the marriage resides in a jurisdiction that will maintain an action 
for divorce. 

"(2) It shall be a rebuttable presumption that a jurisdiction will not maintain an action 
for divorce if the jurisdiction does not recognize the marriage. 7 ? '' 

"(3) Any action for divorce as provided by this subsection shall be adjudicated ' in 
accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia, , - 

"(c) No action for annulment of a marriage performed outside the District of Columbia or 
for affirmance of any marriage shall be maintainable unless one of the parties is a bona fide 
resident of the District of Columbia at the time of the commencement of the action. 

' "(d) The residence of the parties to an action for annulment of a marriage performed in the 
District of Columbia shall not be considered in determining whether the action shall be, 

"(e) If a member of the armed forces of the United , States resides in the District of 
Columbia for a continuous period of 6 rhonths' during his or her period of military service, he 
or she shall be deemed to reside in the District of Columbia for purposes of this section ' 
only.". ^ - : ; ,y. ' 

Sec. 3. ' Fiscal impact statement. ■■■•■) -: " 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact; 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). : : / ; 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the' 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review; 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. / 

APPROVED: March 20, 2012. .-■;■" 

EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 


Law 19-134 

Act 19-331 ' ■•.-<<■■ ■•■'■■■ ;■■■. ■"/ L 

AN ACT to amende on a temporary basis, the District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Parking Facility 
Act of 1942 to make its meter parking provision consistent with the like meter parking 
provision set forth in section 11 of An Act Making appropriations for the government of the 
District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of, 
such District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for other purposes. 

act may be cited as the "DDOT Omnibus Conforming Temporary Amendment Act of 2012". 


2012 Legislation Law 19-135, § 2 

Sec. 2. Section 3 of the District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Parking Facility Act of 1942, 
approved February 16, 1942 (56 Stat. 91; D.C. Official Code § 50-2603), is amended by 
adding a new paragraph (8) to read as follows: 

"(8) As of October 1, 2011, all fees collected for the parking of vehicles where meters or 
devices are installed shall be dedicated annually to paying the District's annual operating 
subsidies to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, except for fees collected 
. in performance parking pilot zones, pursuant to the Performance Parking Pilot Zone Act of 
2008, effective November 25, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-279; D.C. Official Code § 50-2531 et seq.) 
("2008 act"), and dedicated in section 5 of the 2008 act.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02(c) (3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. 
Deemed approved without signature, March 23, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 


Law 19-135 

Act 19-332 

AN ACT to amend, on a temporary basis, section 47-1812.08 of the District of Columbia Official 
Code to provide that District tax shall be withheld from a retirement distribution that is a 
lump-sum payment of a payee's entire account balance. 

act may be cited as the "Targeted Retirement Distribution Withholding Temporary Act of 

Sec. 2. Section 47-1812.08(m) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to read 
as follows: 

"(m)(l) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, if a resident payee receives 
a payment from a retirement plan or retirement account that is a lump-sum distribution, 
District income tax shall be withheld on the lump-sum distribution by the payor at the highest 
District individual rate that is in effect at the time of the distribution. 

"(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply to: 

"(A) Any portion of a lump-sum payment that was previously subject to tax; 

"(B) An eligible rollover distribution that is effected as a direct trustee to trustee 
transfer; or 

"(C) A rollover from an individual retirement account to a traditional or Roth 
individual retirement account that is effected as a direct trustee to trustee transfer. 

"(3) For the purposes of this subsection, the term: 


Eaw v 19-135, § 2 19th Council Period: 

*:■;■;'■ "(A) "Lump-sum distribution" means a payment from a payor to a resident payee of 
the resident payee's entire account balance, exclusive of any other tax withholding and ■ 
any administrative charges and fees. :, ;■■'-; 

, .: "(B) "Retirement account" or "retirement plan" means: 

.*'■'' " : ; "(i) A qualified employee plan; - 

] "(ii) A qualified employee annuity plan; , '/ '/" ^ .'..'.'", ' ' , ,,■ 

_;...,; : ! "(iii) A defined contribution plan; y, .■■■.; ^ ., r- •■*:■■ .;^ '^? ' ^/^0^ 

"(iv) A defined benefit plan; ' - '"-v ! -.v'.-. >/■.'.■■ >, r; . , ; :V, : ;; ; '^r'j 

"(vi) An individual retirement, account; ^ ;;ys r^iM./' I^r'v 

' .'. v "(vii) Any combination of the plans and account listed in sub.-subparagriaphs . (i) 
■■-'■ 'through (vi) of this subparagraph; or < r , . 

"(viii) Any similarly situated account or plain as defined by the Internal Revenue 
Code of 1986. 

"(4) This subsection shall apply within 5 days of the effective date of the Targeted 
i Retirement Distribution Withholding Emergency Act of 2012, effective February 24, 2012 
•(DA Act 19-316; 58DCR^).'\ ; 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. V . - 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement ,of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal' 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.a Official Code ,§ ; 1-206.Q2 (c)(3)); 

Sec 4. Effective date. ,:■ a\ : : , . ^ i 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override ( the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review- 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; : D.C. Official Code § l--206.02(c)(13)/ and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. 
APPROVED: March 23, 2012. 

EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 


'■■■ u: "'^ Law 19-136 ' 

>. >-..,,-: I,.- ...... .■■;.. V-; - ' Act<19^33 ;< ! ' 

AN ACT to authorize the allocation of $27.6 million from the funds distributed to the District of 
Columbia pursuant to section 903(f) of the Social Security Act to improve the administration of 
the Unemployment Compensation Program. ; t< ? t />;r; n 

act may be cited as the "Unemployment Compensation Funds Appropriation Authorization 
Act of 2012". - ,.;^ : , < ■ > ; ...r \ ; f \ ■ i IT 

Sec. 2. From the funds distributed to the District of Columbia; account in the Unemploy- 
ment Compensation Trust Fund, pursuant to section 903(f) of the ■ Social Security Act, 
approved August 5, 1954 (68 Stat. 670; 42 U.S.C. § 1103(f)X"SSA"), the Council, pursuant to 
section 903(c) of the SSA, authorizes the allocation of $27.6 million to , be used for the 
replacement of the current unemployment compensation operating system with a modern, 
fully integrated operating system that links benefits, tax contributions, and re-employment 
services. - . , 


2012 Legislation Law 19-137, § 102 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)Vand publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: March 23, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: May 31, 2012. 


Law 19-137 

Act 19-334 

AN ACT to enact the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act, to expand the class of covered 
military and overseas voters, to extend to District elections the assistance and protections for 
military and overseas voters currently found in federal law, to require that absentee ballots for 
all elections be sent at least 45 days before an election, to require the electronic transmission 
of voting materials, including blank absentee ballots for all elections, upon request, and to 
extend the acceptance of the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot as a back-up measure for all 
elections; to amend the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955 to accommodate the federal 
Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act's requirement that the District of Columbia 
Board of Elections and Ethics transmit validly requested absentee ballots no later than 45 days 
before a federal election to those absent uniformed services and overseas voters who timely 
requested such ballots, and to allow more time for the board to resolve challenges to 
nominating and ballot measure petitions; to amend the District of Columbia Theft and White 
Collar Crimes Act of 1982 to provide that a person signing a declaration required under the 
Uniform Military Overseas Voters Act knowing that the facts stated in the filing are not true . 
may be prosecuted for the offense of making a false statement; and to amend the District of 
Columbia Election Code of 1955 and the Advisory Neighborhood Councils Act of 1976 to make 
conforming adjustments to time frames applicable to elections necessary to implement the 
Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act. 

act may be cited as the "Comprehensive Military and Overseas Voters Accommodation 
Amendment Act of 2012". 


Sec. 101. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act of 2012". 

Sec. 102. Definitions. * 

For the purposes of this act, the term: 

(1) "Board" means the Board of Elections and Ethics, established by section 3 of the 
District of Columbia Election Code of 1955, approved August 12, 1955 (69 Stat. 699; D.C. 
Official Code § 1-1001.03). 

(2) "Covered voter" means: 


Law 19-137, § 102 19th Council IteriGd: 

(A) A uniformed-service voter or an overseas voter who is registered to vote' - imthe 
; District; .■ t ,^-p 

(B) A uniformed-service voter whose voting residence is in the District andn wh& 
otherwise satisfies the District's voter eligibility requirements; ■■ ,-rtoU 

(C) An overseas voter who, before leaving the United States, was last eligible to ^ote 

• v . in the District and, except for a District residency requirement* otherwise satisfies 'the 
District's voter eligibility requirements; , \t,M 

(D) An overseas voter who, before leaving the United States, would have been last ; 
eligible to vote in the District had the voter then been of voting age and, except for l a^ 
District residency requirement, otherwise satisfies the District's voter eligibility- ree]uire u 
ments; or , . h ;w; ; : 

(E) An overseas voter who was born outside the United States, is not described in 
subparagraphs (C) or (D) of this paragraph, and, except for a District residency 
requirement, otherwise satisfies the District's voter eligibility requirements if: 

(i) Before leaving the United States, the voter's last place of residence was with a 
parent or legal guardian who resided within the Distriefr; and : '■/ : 'J/. > 

(ii) The voter has not previously registered to vote In any other state. 

(3) "Dependent" means an individual recognized as a dependent of a uniformed service 
voter. : - '■ 

(4) "District" means the District of Columbia. 

(5) "Federal postcard application" means the application prescribed under section 
101(b)(2) of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, approved August. 
28, 1986 (100 Stat. 924; 42 U.S.C. § 1973ff(b)(2)). 

■' (6) "Federal write-in absentee ballot" means the ballot described in section 103 of the 
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, approved August 28, 1986 (100 
Stat. 925;42 U.S.C. § 1973ff-2). '-; 

(7) "Military-overseas ballot" means: ; 

(A) A federal write-in absentee ballot; 

(B) A ballot specifically prepared or distributed for use by a covered voter in 
accordance with this act; or 

(C) A ballot cast by a covered voter in accordance with this act. 

(8) "Overseas voter" means a United States citizen who is outside the United States. 

(9) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico^ the 
United States Virgin Islands, or any ,J:erritory. , or insular possession, subject, to,, the 
jurisdiction of the United States. „>v ■.,<; ,--.i ■..■-. ,;; ..: • h'.i ^ .<;v;ji -i 

(10) "Uniformed service" means: 

(A) Active and reserve components ofithe.Am^ JSiarjhe. .Cpi^si ' pgr. 
Coast Guard of the United States; ;iJ " v "'-'-'-'v r ' - ; -/ij r^nriVir/' 

(B) The Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, or the 
commissioned corps of the National Oceanic, and ^Atmospheric Administration of the 
United States; or - ; " m,/i ^' )r -- ■ ^ : ^" 

(C) The National Guard and state militia. . ' ; J r U . a i ;,v\> \ 

(11) "Uniformed-service voter" means an individual who is ; qualified to vote and is: ■ ... v 

(A) A member of the active or reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, 
Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States who is on active duty; 

(B) A member of the Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health 
Service j or the commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra^ 
tion of the United States; 

■(C) A member on activated status of the National Guard or state militia; or : 

(D) A spouse or dependent of a member referred to in this paragraph. . - .; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-137, § 107 

(12) "United States," used in the territorial sense, means the several states* the District 
of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, and any territory or insular 
possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. 

Sec. 103. Elections covered. 

The voting procedures in this act apply to: 

(1) A general, special, or primary election for President, Vice President, or District of 
Columbia Delegate to the United States House of Representatives; 

(2) A general, special, or primary election for Mayor, Chairman of the Council, member 
of the Council, member of the State Board of Education, or Attorney General for the 
District of Columbia; 

(3) An initiative, referendum, or recall measure; and 

(4) A proposed Charter amendment. 
Sec. 104. Role of Board. 

(a) The Board is responsible for implementing this act and the District's responsibilities 
under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, approved August 28, 1986 
(100 Stat. 924; 42 U.S.C. 1973ff et seq.). 

(b) The Board shall make available to covered voters information regarding voter registra- 
tion procedures for covered voters and procedures for casting military-overseas ballots. 

(c) The Board shall establish an electronic transmission system through which a covered 
voter may apply for and receive voter registration materials, military-overseas ballots, and 
other information under this act. 

(d) The Board shall: 

(1) Develop standardized absentee-voting materials, including privacy and transmission 
envelopes, authentication materials, and voting instructions to be used with the military- 
overseas ballot of a voter authorized to vote in any jurisdiction in the District; and 

(2) To the extent reasonably possible, coordinate with other states to carry out this 

(e) The Board shall prescribe the form and content of a declaration for use by a covered 
voter to swear or affirm specific representations pertaining to the voter's identity, eligibility 
to vote, status as a covered voter, and timely and proper completion of an overseas-military 
ballot. The declaration must be based on the declaration prescribed to accompany a federal 
write-in absentee ballot, as modified to be consistent with this act. The Board shall ensure 
that a form for the execution of the declaration, including an indication of the date of 
execution of the declaration, is a prominent part of all balloting materials for which the 
declaration is required. 

Sec. 105. Overseas voter's registration address. 

In registering to vote, an overseas voter who is eligible to vote in the District must be 
assigned to the voting precinct of the address of the last place of residence of the voter in the - 
District, or, in the case of a voter described by section 102(2)(E), the address of the last place 
of residence in the District of the parent or legal guardian of the voter. If that address is no 
longer a recognized residential address, the voter must be assigned an address for voting 

Sec. 106. Methods of registering to vote. 

(a) To apply to register to vote, a covered voter may use a federal postcard application or 
the application's electronic equivalent, or any other method approved under federal law. 

(b) A covered voter may use the declaration accompanying a federal write-in absentee 
ballot to apply to register to vote if the declaration is received by 30 days before the election. 

(c) The Board shall ensure that the electronic transmission system described in section 
104(c) is capable of accepting both a federal postcard application and any other approved 
electronic registration application sent to the Board. The voter may use the electronic 
transmission system or any other method approved under federal law to register to vote. 

Sec. 107. Methods of applying for military-overseas ballot. 


Eaw S19h137> § 107 19th Council Period 

'■(a) A covered voter who is registered to vote in the District may apply for a military- 
overseas ballots either the regular absentee ballot application on the form prescribed by 
the Board or the federal postcard application or the application's electronic equivalent. 

(b) A covered voter who is not registered to vote in the District may use a federal postcard 
application or the application's electronic equivalent to apply to register to vote under section 
106 and for a military-overseas ballot. 

(c) The Board shall ensure tha;t the electronic transmission system described in, section 
104(c) is capable, of accepting the submission of both a federal postcard application 'and, any 
otiier approved electronic military-overseas ballot application sent to the Board./ Thd; voter 
may use the' electronic transmission system or any other method approved under federal. law 
to apply for a military-overseas ballot. ' * 

(d) A covered voter may use the declaration accompanying a federal write-in absentee 
ballot as an application for a military-overseas ballot simultaneously with the submission of 
the federal write-in absentee ballot, if the declaration is received by the Board by the ; 7th day 
before the election, . , . 

/(e) To receive the benefits of this act, a covered voter must inform the Board that the voter, 

is a covered voter. Methods of informing the Board that a voter, is a covered voter inc|u(i^:; 

,- (1) The use of a federal postcard application or federal write-in absentee ballot; ; -^ w , . 

V (2) The use of an overseas address on an approved voter registration application or ballot/ 
application; and . ,,.. ,- , ,.?,. .,,, - ,,] ■..,.:. ... , \: 

; , (3) The inclusion on an approved; voter registration' application : ; or ballot application of- 
other information sufficient to identify the voter as a covered voter. ■.•■■■■"'.. 

(f) This act does not preclude a covered voter from voting with a regular absentee ballot as 
authorized by the Board. 

Sec. 108. ; Timeliness and scope of application for military-overseas ballot. . j 

An application for a military-overseas ballot is timely if received by the 7th day before the 
election. An application for a military-overseas ballot for a primary election, whether or not 
timely, is effective as an application for a military-overseas ballot for the general election. 

gee. 109. ■, Transmission of unvoted ballots. ; 

(a) For anelection described in section 103 for which the District has not received a waiver/ 
pursuant to section 102(g)(2) of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Acty 
approved August 28, 1986 (100 Stat. 925; 42 U.S.C. § 1973ff-l (g)(2)), no later than 45 days 
before the election or, if the 45th day before the election is a weekend or holiday, no later 
than the business day preceding the 45th day, the Board shall transmit a ballot and balloting 
materials to all covered voters who by that date submit a valid military-overseas ballot- 
application. ■■.,.-', 

(b) A covered voter who requests that a ballot and balloting materials be sent to the 'voter 
by electronic transmission may choose facsimile .transmission pr electronic mail delivery,, orj if 
offered by the District, Internet delivery. The Board shall transmit, the ballot and balloting, 
materials to the voter using the means of transmission the voter. , , ,, ,: , r; ,, :,] 

(c) If a ballot application from a covered voter arrives after the District begins transmitting 
ballots and balloting materials to voters 1 , the Board, shall transmit the ballot and balloting! 
materials to the voter no later than 2 business days after the application arrives. .■■■<; -. \; t iq 

Sec. 110. Timely casting of ballot , ^m 7 ■ -..■■■ .-r^ h o :■'. ■■■■. ■'<■ J^\ ,-vrf 

To be valid, a military-overseas ballot must be submitted by the voter on the date" of the 
election by mailing or other authorized means of delivery no later than 12:01 a.m. at the place; 
where the voter completes the ballot. ; ; ; 

Sec. 111. Federal write-in absentee ballot. 

: A covered voter may use a federal write-in absentee ballot to vote for all offices and ballot 
measures in ah election described in section 103. 

; Sec. 112. Receipt of voted ballot. '<>■.-' 

■' '(a)' A valid military-overseas ballot cast in accordance with section lib must be counted if it 
is delivered within 10 days after the election to, the address that; the Board has specified. 


2012 Legislation Law 19-137, § 117 

(b) If, at the time of completing a military-overseas ballot and balloting materials, the voter 
has declared under penalty of perjury that the ballot was timely submitted, the ballot may not 
be rejected on the basis that it has a late postmark, an unreadable postmark, or no postmark. 

Sec. 113. Declaration. 

A military-overseas ballot must include or be accompanied by a declaration signed by the 
voter that a material misstatement of fact in completing the ballot may be grounds for a 
conviction of making a false statement under the laws of the District. 

Sec. 114. Confirmation of receipt of application and voted ballot. 

The Board shall implement an electronic free-access system by which a covered voter may 
determine by telephone, electronic mail, or Internet whether: 

(1) The voter's federal postcard application or other registration or military-overseas 
ballot application has been received and accepted; and 

(2) The voter's military-overseas ballot has been received and the current status of the 

Sec. 115. Use of voter's electronic-mail address. 

(a) The Board shall request an electronic-mail address from each covered voter who 
registers to vote after the effective date of this act. An electronic-mail address provided by a 
covered voter, or by any other District voter, may not be made available to the public or any 
individual or organization other than an authorized agent of the Board and is exempt from 
disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act of 1976, effective March 25, 1977 (D.C. Law 
1-96; D.C. Official Code § 2-531 et seq.). The address may be used only for official 
communication with the voter about the voting process, including transmitting military- 
overseas ballots and election materials if the voter has requested electronic transmission, and 
verifying the voter's mailing address and physical location. The request for an electronic- 
mail address must describe the purposes for which the electronic-mail address may be used 
and include a statement that any other use or disclosure of the electronic-mail address is 

(b) A covered voter who provides an electronic-mail address may request that the voter's 
application for a military-overseas ballot be considered a standing request for electronic 
delivery of a ballot for all elections held through December 31 of the year of the date of the 
application or another shorter period that the voter specifies. The Board shall provide a 
military-overseas ballot to a voter who makes a standing request for each election to which 
the request is applicable. A covered voter who is entitled to receive a military-overseas ballot 
for a primary election under this subsection is entitled to receive a military-overseas ballot for 
the general election. 

Sec. 116. Publication of election notice. 

(a) At least 100 days before a regularly scheduled election and as soon as practicable 
before an election not regularly scheduled, the Board shall prepare an election notice, to be 
used in conjunction with a federal write-in absentee ballot. The election notice must contain a 
list of all of the ballot measures and federal and District offices that as of that date the Board 
expects to be on the ballot on the date of the election. The notice also must contain specific 
instructions for how a voter is to indicate on the federal write-in absentee ballot the voter's 
choice for each office to be filled and for each ballot measure to be contested. 

(b) A covered voter may request a copy of an election notice. The Board shall send the 
election notice to the voter by facsimile, electronic mail, or regular mail, as the voter requests. 

(c) No later than 45 days before an election, the Board shall update the election notice 
described in subsection (a) of this section with the certified candidates for each office and 
ballot measure questions and make the updated notice publicly available. 

(d) The Board shall make the election notice prepared under subsection (a)' of this section 
and updated versions of the election notice regularly available on the Board's Internet 

Sec. 117. Prohibition of nonsubstantive requirements. 

(a) If a voter's mistake or omission in the completion of a document under this act does not 
prevent determining whether a covered voter is eligible to vote, the mistake or omission shall 


Law 19-137, § 117 19th Council iReriAft 

not invalidate the document. Failure to satisfy a nonsubstantive requirement, such asju§ing 
paper or envelopes of a specified size or weight, shall not invalidate a document submi^te^ 
under this act. In a write-in ballot authorized by this act or in a vote for a write-in candidatef 
on a regular ballot, if the intention of the voter is discernable under the District's uniforjn 
definition of what constitutes a vote, an abbreviation, misspelling, or other minor variation 'in 
the form of the name of a candidate or a political party shall be accepted as a valid vote. 

(b) Notarization is not required for the execution of a document under this act. . : ^n 
authentication, other than the declaration specified in section 113 or the declaration on tjie 
federal postcard application and federal write-in absentee ballot, is not required for the 
execution of a document under this act. The declaration and any information in the 
declaration may be compared with information on file to ascertain the validity of the' ; 
document. , r ; 

Sec. 118. Equitable relief ,: ' 

The Superior Court of the District of Columbia may issue an injunction .or grant other 
equitable relief appropriate to ensure substantial compliance with or to enforce this act on 
application by: >^ V ; ; ; , '■■■,,. :; v . ^- 

(1) A covered voter alleging a grievance under this act;, or ..■.....■■■. ^ ../ h ? $ - ;; 

(2) An election official in the District. ; ! ; , , - v ; , V ■.. \< , 

Sec. 119. Uniformity of application and construction. ' l : ' 

In applying and construing this uniform act, consideration must he given to the need to, 
promote uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact, it; 

Sec. 120. . Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. .; ; -■* 
This act modifies, limits, or supersedes the Electronic Signatures in Global and National* 
Commerce Act, approved June 30, 2000 (114 Stat. 464; 15 U.S.C.§ 7001 et seq.) ("Act"), but'' 
does not modify, limit, or supersede section 101(c) of that Act (15, U.S.C. § 7001(c)), or 
authorize electronic delivery of any of the notices described in section 103(b) of that Act (15 ; 
U.S.C. § 7003(b)). 

Sec. 121. Conforming amendments. 

(a) Section 5(a) of the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955, approved August 12>' 
1955 (69 Stat. 699; D.C. Official Code § l-1001.05(a)), is amended as follows: ; .:;; 

(1) Paragraph (14) is amended by striking the phrase "and related acts" and inserting! 
the phrase "the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act of 2012, passed on 2nd reading; 
on March 6, 2012 (Enrolled version, of Bill 19-356), and .related .acts" in its .pjace;] 

(2) Paragraph (15) is amended by striking the word "and" after the semicolon. • -' ;• >'\ '"> i 

(3) Paragraph (16) is amended by striking the period and inserting 'the phrase #\* an'd^in 
..its place, ■ ■ ■'■ ;^ y , ( ^v.-.. :■>■■, ■;■#>,: ;/ f, ;i i 

(4) A new paragraph (17) is added to read'^'followsi -\--n- •>■>.■■> ;;;; <noi'io r 

"(17) Perform duties imposed upon it by Me 
of 2012, passed on 2nd reading on March 

(b) Section 404(a) of the District of Columbia Theft and White Collar Grimes'tA(S^f>*9i8& : 
effective December 1, 1982 (D.C. Law 4-164; D.C. Official Code r §; 2£f 2405(a)), is ; ain§^ded by, 
striking the period and inserting the phrase "or if that person- 7 makes an ^f^mation by 
signing a declaration under section 113 of the Uniform Military, .and Overseas Voters. Act of 
2012, passed on 2nd reading on March 6, 2012 (Enrolled version of Bill 19-356), khowirijg that 
the facts stated in the filing are not true in any material respect." in its place. 


' Sec. 201. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Board of Elections and Ethics Military and Overseas Voter 
Accommodation Amendment Act of 2012". ,\ 

, (a) The District of Columbia Election Code of 1955, approved August 12, 1955 (69 Stat. 699; 
D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: J; ■,....-.■ , 


2012 Legislation Law 19-137, § 201(b) 

(1) Section 5(b) (D.C. Official Code § l-1001.05(b)) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "60 days" and inserting the 
phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(B) Paragraph (3)(A) is amended as follows: 

(i) Sub-subparagraph (i) is amended by striking the phrase "60 days" and inserting 
the phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(ii) Sub-subparagraph (ii) is amended by striking the phrase "60 days" and inserting 
the phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(iii) Sub-subparagraph (iii) is amended by striking the phrase "60 days" and 
inserting the phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(iv) Sub-subparagraph (iv) is amended by striking the phrase "60 days" and 
inserting the phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(2) Section 8 (D.C. Official Code § 1-1001.08) is amended as follows: 

(A) Subsection (a)(1)(B) is amended by striking the phrase "69th day" and inserting 
the phrase "90th day" in its place. 

(B) Subsection (f) is amended by striking the phrase "as of July 1st of the year in 
which the election is to be held is presented to the Board on or before the third Tuesday 
in August preceding the date of the presidential election" and inserting the phrase "as 

^ shown by the records of the Board as of the 144th day before the date of the presidential 
election, is presented to the Board on or before the 90th day before the date of the 
presidential election" in its place. 

(C) Subsection (i) is amended as follows: 

(i) Paragraph (1) is amended as follows: 

(I) Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking the phrase "69 days" and inserting 
the phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(II) ' Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the phrase "123rd day" and 
inserting the phrase "144th day" in its place. 

(ii) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "69 days" and inserting the 
phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(iii) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the phrase "123rd day" and inserting the 
phrase "144th day" in its place. 

(iv) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the phrase "123rd day preceding the date 
of such election and may not be filed with the Board before the 94th day" and inserting 
the phrase "144th day preceding the date of such election and may not be filed with the 
Board before the 115th day" in its place. 

(D) Subsection (j)(l) is amended as follows: 

(i) Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking the phrase "69 days" and inserting the 
phrase "90 days" in its place. 

(ii) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the phrase "123 days" wherever it 
appears and inserting the phrase "144 days" in its place. 

(E) Subsection (n) is amended as follows: 

(i) Strike the phrase "69th calendar day" and insert the phrase "90th calendar day" 
in its place. 

(ii) Strike the phrase "123rd day preceding the date of such election and may not be 
filed with the Board before the 94th day" and insert the phrase "144th day preceding 
the date of such election and may not be filed with the Board before the 115th day" in 
its place. 

(F) Subsection (o)(2) is amended by striking the phrase "15 days" and inserting the 
phrase "20 days" in its place. 

(b) Section 6(b) of the Advisory Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975, effective October 10, 
1975 (D.C. Law 1-21; D.C. Official Code § l-309.05(b)), is amended as follows: 


Law 19^-137; § 201(b) 19th Cdtihcil ^efiHff 

(1) Paragraph (1)(A)' is amended by striking the phrase "60th calendar day^ and 
i inserting the phrase "90th calendar day" in its place, : . :-v, 

(2) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "90th calendar day" and inserting 
the phrase "144th calendar day" in its place, .: - 


Sec. SOL Fiscal impact statement. "■- _.'. . ' i} 

.The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December.24, 3,973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). '; : ; 

Sec. 302. Effective date. ,. .'., v j ( . r : 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication -iti the 
District, of Columbia Register. : u :>- : ■> : ' : ' r ■ •; "- ■■■"■' -■ ■ v '' 

APPROVED- March 27, 2012. ., '■/;..> "['./[; •■■'.,■■.< '..,'' \, -...'.' ; , V " - ^ , 
' E^FIQTIVE: June 5 ; 2012, -,--,, , . ;! .. , ■;■: ■.;'■'■..-- : .v. ; .'-. ■■.'■■■.■;;• 


■ ' ' ' ' ' ' Law 19-i3£ 

Act 19-335 

AN ACT tp amend An Act To establish a code of law for the District of Columbia to permit a 

contractor to file a Notice of Mechanic's Lien during the construction of a project, to reduce 

the number of sureties or bonds necessary to allow the court to release a mechanic's lien, and 

' to increase the time period a contractor has to object or comment on a written undertaking 

filed by a property owner. 


acimay be cited as the "Mechanics Lien Amendment Act bf2Q12". ' , , vii 

Sec. 2. Chapter Forty of An Act To establish a code of law for the District of Columbia, 
approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1384; D.C; Official Code § 40-30L01 et s%), is^ameiided as 
follows:,-; .;. ■■ , .^h5;>*rr. ;,.■-,■■■' ..;.';. .\ :;v;^vv^ ; ,:•) 

(a) Section 1238(a)(1) (D.C. Official Code § 40-301.02(a')(l)) is amended 'by -strifcing the 
phrase,, "within 90 days" wherever it appears and inserting the, phrase /'during; thej ponstruc- 
tion or within 90 days" in its place. . „: ; , m r M.tinH-r: r^vin^i; 

(b) Section 1254 (D.C. Official Cbde § 40-303.16) is amended to, read as, follows;,, ..;;■> 

•"gee. 1254, Payment into court and release. , ■./.-. --,, .;;,,;.?; -:■.{'} 

"(a) In any suit to enforce a lien under this chapter, the owner of the building and premises 
to which the Hen may have attached may be allowed to either: 

■":■•: "(1) Pay into court the amount claimed by the. lienor, and such additional amount, to 
cover interest and costs, as the court may direct? or 

"(2) File a written undertaking, with one or more sureties/to be approved by the court, 
'..■tb the' effect that he or she and they will pay the, judgment that may be recovered, which 
may include interest and costs; provided, that: v, ; :: j y : \-; 

„u ''(A) Where the Surety is to be provided by bond, only one bond shall be required; rand 

"(B) The judgment shall be rendered against all the persons sb undertaking. : '* ( ; » " E - ' ; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-139, § 2(a) 

"(b) On the payment of the money into court, or the approval of the undertaking pursuant 
to subsection (a)(2) of this section, the property shall be released from the lien, and any 
money so paid in shall be subject to the final decree of the court. 

"(c)(1) No undertaking pursuant to subsection (a)(2) of this section shall be approved by 
the court until the complainant shall have had at least 5 days notice of the defendant's 
intention to apply to the court for the approval, which notice shall give the name and 
residence of the person to be offered as surety, or persons if the court determines more than 
a single surety is required, and the time when the motion for the approval will be made. 

"(2) Any surety shall make oath, if required, that he or she is worth, over and above all 
debts and liabilities, double the amount of the lien. 

"(3) The complainant may appear and object to the approval". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by. the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02 (c)(1)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: March 27, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: June 5, 2012. 


Law 19-139 

Act 19-336 

AN ACT to amend the Green Building Act of 2006 to provide for a fine alternative as a financial 
security option and to make certain technical corrections and clarifications; and to amend the 
Construction Codes Approval and Amendments Act of 1986 to require the Mayor to submit 
revisions to the Construction Codes incorporating green building practices to the Council for 

act may be cited as the "Green Building Compliance, Technical Corrections, and Clarification 
Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. The Green Building Act of 2006, effective March 8, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-234; D.C. 
Official Code § 6-1451.01 et seq.) } is amended as follows: 
(a) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.01) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "building construction permit" and 
inserting the phrase "building permit"' in its place. 

(2) Paragraph (4) is repealed, 

(3) New paragraphs (5A) and (5B) are added to read as follows: 

"(5A) "Certificate of occupancy" means the first certificate of occupancy issued for a 
usable, habitable space at grade or above grade. 

"(5B) "Common space" means gross floor area within a project shared or available for 
common use by various occupancies within a project that includes both residential and 


Law 19-139, § 2(a) 19th Council Period 

nonresidential occupancies, including lobbies, corridors, stairways, amenity areas, laundry 
rooms, boiler rooms, furnace rooms, generator rooms, elevator hoistways, mechanical duct; 
shafts, elevator machine rooms, off-street loading facilities, and off-street parking facilities^ 
at or above grade.". ',,,-,„ 

(4) A new paragraph (10A) is added to read as follows: ' ^ ^; 

"(10A) "District-financed" or "District instrumentality-financed" means: ;'>■ ■'■'•'■■■■■• ; ' 

"(A) Financing of a project or contract where funds or resources to be used for 
construction and development costs, excluding ongoing operational costs, are received' 
from the District, or funds or resources which, in accordance with a federal grant or 
otherwise, the District administers, including a contract, grant, loan, tax abatement or 
exemption, land transfer, land disposition and development agreement, or tax increment 
financing, or any combination thereof; provided, that federal funds may be applied to the 
financing percentage only if permitted by federal law and grant conditions; or 

"(B) Financing whose stated purpose is, in whole or in part, to provide fbr the new 
construction or substantial rehabilitation of affordable housing.". ' ,'/.;;" '['.: ] 

(5) A new paragraph (14A) is added to read as follows: 

"(14A) "First building permit" means the first permit intended to cover the primary 
scope of work for a project; provided, that this shall not include permit applications for,. 
raze, sheeting and snoring, foundation, or specialty, miscellaneous, or supplemental per- 
mits.". ;_-■;; :;\, \ ;;^; ;,':,,;:; . ( ' t *:.:■'.' ,' ■ ■ ■ • ; : ■/".;* ";;: 

(6) Paragraph (19) is repealed. ' ' - ^ 

(7), Paragraph (31A) is amended to read as follows: 

"(31A) "LEED standard for commercial and institutional buildings" means the green 
building rating system designed by the USGBC for Core & Shell, New 'Construction, 
Schools, and Retail: New Construction & Major Renovations.". 

(8) A new paragraph (32A) is added to read as follows: 

"(32A) "Mixed-use space" means demised space in any residential project that contains 
at least 50,000 contiguous square feet of gross floor area, exclusive of common space, that is 
or would be occupied for a nonresidential use.". 

(9) A new paragraph (33A) is added to read as follows: 

"(33A) "Nonresidential" means any project in which at least 50% of the gross floor area 
of the project, subject to allocation of area for common space, has nonresidential pur- 

(10) Paragraph (38) is repealed. ' - /^V 
, . . (11) Paragraph (39) is amended by striking the phrase "chartered by DCPS". . ■ } 

(12) A new paragraph (39A) is added to read as follows: 

"(39A) "Residential" means any project in which more than 50% of the gross floor area 
of the project, subject to allocation for common space, is used for residential purposes.". 

(13) Paragraph (40) is amended to read as follows: ^ '..,.. ; . i: :. f -\. ■„■■: ;-Vv,- 
"(40) "Substantial improvement" means any repair, alteration, addition, or improvement 

.of a building or structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds .50% pf the market value of 
the structure before the improvement or repair is started!".' :: fV: r; "' ,:\':' ' \' '" '..._ ;. : ;v'f ^ ■ 

(b) Section 3 (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.02) is amended as follows; '.';' "\ '. ,' ', ( ' " '"' 0l ' 

, (1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows: ,.. ; . ...^ 

■ .., (A) Paragraph (1) is amended as to read follows: ; -\. r <, ,. • 

' if (l) This subsection shall apply to all new construction and substantial improvement of: 

"(A) Projects that are District-owned or District instrumentality-owned; and,/ ; = 

"(B) Projects where at least 15% of the total cost is District-financed or /District 
instrumentality-financed.". ,;.' , ... 

..".(B) Paragraph (2)(A) is amended as follows: , ;-..■ i 

(i) The existing text is designated as sub-subparagraph (i). > 


2012 Legislation Law 19-139, § 2(c) 

(ii) A new sub-subparagraph (ii) is added to read as follows: 

"(ii) Notwithstanding sub-subparagraph (i) of this subparagraph, a public school 
shall be verified as having fulfilled or exceeded the current edition of the LEED 
standard for commercial and institutional buildings at the gold level or higher if 
sufficient funding for the construction or renovation is provided.". 

(C) New paragraphs (5) and (6) are added to read as follows: 

"(5) The Mayor shall, as a condition of the financing of a District-financed or District 
instrumentality-financed project governed by this subsection, include a penalty that will be 
levied upon an applicant for failure to fulfill the requirements of this act. The penalties 
may include: 

"(A) Prohibiting the applicant from receiving additional District or District instrumen- 
tality financing for a period of up to 5 years; 

"(B) Assessing a fine as set forth in section 6(f); or 

"(C) Imposing an alternative penalty commensurate with the seriousness of the 
applicant's failure to fulfill requirements of this act, as determined by the Mayor. 

"(6) An applicant for new construction or substantial improvement of a mixed-use space 
shall fulfill or exceed the current edition of the LEED standard for commercial and 
institutional buildings at the certified level for the mixed-use space of the project. Any 
requirements of section 6 shall apply to the mixed-use space of the project. For the 
purposes of mixed-use space in this paragraph, the term: 

"(A) "LEED" also includes LEED for Commercial Interiors and LEED for Retail: 
Commercial Interiors; and , 

"(B) "Certificate of occupancy" refers to the first certificate of occupancy issued for a 
usable, habitable space at grade or above grade for the mixed-use space of the project.". 

(2) Subsection (b)(2) is amended by striking the phrase "institutional buildings" and 
inserting the phrase "institutional buildings, LEED for Commercial Interiors, or LEED for 
Retail: Commercial Interiors" in its place. 

(c) Section 4 (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.03) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended as follows: 

(i) Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking the phrase "construction permit" 
wherever it appears and inserting the word "permit" in its place. 

(ii) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; 
provided, that a public school shall be verified as having fulfilled' or exceeded the 
current edition of the LEED standard for commercial and institutional buildings at the 
gold level or higher if sufficient funding for the construction or renovation is provided." 
in its place. 

(B) Paragraph (2) is amended as follows: 

(i) - Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking the phrase "1st building construction 
permit" and inserting the phrase "first building permit" in its place. 

(ii) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the phrase "1st building construction 
permit" and inserting the phrase "first building permit" in its place. 

(C) New paragraphs (3) and (4) are added to read as follows: 

"(3) The 'area of common space in a project shall be allocated to either residential or 
nonresidential square footage of a project based upon the percentage of gross floor area of 
the project occupied by each of the residential and nonresidential occupancies calculated 
after excluding the area of common space. 

"(4) An applicant for new construction or substantial improvement of a mixed-use space 
shall fulfill or exceed the current edition of the LEED standard for commercial and 
institutional buildings at the certified level for the nonresidential portion of the project 
Any requirements set forth in section 6 shall apply to the mixed-use space of the project. 
For the purposes of mixed-use space in this paragraph, the term: 


IMW 3L9t-139, § 2(g) 19th ediiiicil Kerio'cl: 

"(A) "LEED" also includes LEED for. Commercial Interiors and LEED for Retail: 
: Commercial Interiors; and 

(.'; "(B) "Certificate of occupancy" refers to the first certificate of occupancy issued for a 
^ F "-usable, habitable space at grade or above grade for the mixed-use space of the project.". 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (2) is amended as follows: :i .,.'■. 

;: ';■,.. (i) Subparagraph (A)(ii)(I) is amended by striking the phrase "January 1 of the 
... respective following year." and inserting the phrase "April 1 of the respective following 
year. In 2011 only, the scores and statements shall be made available to DDOE no 
later than July 1." in its place. 

(ii) New subparagraphs (C) and (D) are added to read as follows; :i ,, <, .-..-■■ ,, 

"(C) Benchmarking data required in this paragraph shall include water 'Consumption 
, data as incorporated in the Portfolio Manager Benchmarking Tool. .. . , , m ^ 

^ ; "(D) A building owner or tenant who fails to timely, accurately, and completely submit 

the benchmarking information required by this paragraph to, DP OE or to the building 

: owner shall be assessed a penalty by DDOE of no more than $100 for each day during 

which the required submission has not been made. Civil infraction fines, penalties, and 

'■.,■:., fees may be imposed as alternative sanctions , for suclr failure* pursuant to the Depart- 
ment of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Civil Infractions Act of 1985, effective October 

, „ ,5, 1985 (D.C. Law 6^2; D,C, ; Official Code § 2-1801.01 et seq. ("Civil Infractions Act"). 

Adjudication of an infraction shall be pursuant to the Civil Infractions Act.". . 

...,,:. (B) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the phrase "1st building construction 
permit" and inserting the phrase "first building permit" in its place. 

: .-> (d) Section 5(c) (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.04) is amended to read as follows: 

-"(c) Notwithstanding the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved 
October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et. seq.), for the purposes of 
establishing compliance with sections 3 and 4, verification of a project shall be based upon the 
standards in effect one year prior to the applicant's first of the following interactions with the 
District: . '. - , / 

::, "(A) The approval of aland disposition agreement; 

"(B) The submission of an application to the Board of. Zoning Adjustment for a 
> , variance or special exception relief; 

■ ' ' "(C) The submission of an application to the Zoning Commission for a planned unit 
' development or other approval requiring Zoning Commission action; 

"(D) The submission of an application to the Historic Preservation Review Board or 
the Mayor's Agent for the Historic Preservation Review Board; or 

"(E) Other substantial land-use interactions with the District as defined through 
'■''' ^rulemaking by the Mayor.". •'•'■' ' ; ' ( ; V , 

.. . • . .,■.■. ■ , ■ > .".....', ,: :iiii'f''n j 

....(e) Section 6 (D.C, Official Code § 6-1451.05) is amended to read as follows: y >.,, 

"Sec. 6. Financial security. ;■•,."..■• ..,...;• "'^ * v,q 

"(a) Beginning January 1, 2012, an applicant governed by section 4(a) shall provide a 
financial security, which shall be due prior to receipt of a certificate of occupancy. - 

'■■.'/"(b)(1) The financial security requirement of subsection (a) of this section may be fulfilled 
by:;.--/., ■■" - ■ ..:■ . - ... . ■■ :■ • .:; 

"(A) Evidence of cash deposited in an escrow account in a "financial institution in the 
' ■ ; District in the name of the licensee and the District; 

- : . ( ■ "(B) An irrevocable letter of credit from a financial institution authorized to do 
;; business in the District; 

"(C) A bond secured by the applicant to ensure compliance with this section; or , 


2012 Legislation Law 19-139, § 2(f) 

"(D) A binding pledge that within 2 years of receipt of the certificate of occupancy the 
applicant will fulfill or exceed the current edition of the LEED standard for commercial 
and institutional buildings at the certified level 

"(2)(A) A binding pledge pursuant to paragraph (1)(D) of this subsection shall be 
recorded as a covenant in the land records of the District between the applicant and the 
District in a form that is satisfactory to the District's Attorney General or the Attorney 
General's delegate. 

"(B) The covenant shall bind the applicant and any successors in title to-pay any fines 
levied pursuant to this section. 

"(c) If, within 2 years of receipt of the certificate of occupancy, the project provides 
evidence that it has fulfilled or exceeded the current edition of the LEED standard for 
commercial and institutional buildings at the certified level, a financial security previously 
provided by the applicant in the form of cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, or a bond shall 
be returned to the applicant. 

"(d) If, within 2 years of receipt of the certificate of occupancy, the project does not provide 
evidence that it has fulfilled or exceeded the current edition of the LEED standard for 
commercial and institutional buildings at the certified level, the Mayor shall, as applicable, 

"(1) Draw down on a financial security provided in the form of cash, an irrevocable letter 
of credit,' or a bond, in whole, or in part; or 

"(2) Levy a fine against an applicant that provided a financial security in the form of a 
binding pledge as set forth in subsection (f) of this subsection. 

"(e) A financial security in the form of cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, or a bond shall 

be calculated by square foot as set forth in subsection (f) of this section but shall be 

discounted by 20% of the amount of the fine described in subsection (f) of this section. 

"(f) A fine issued pursuant to subsection (d)(2) of this section shall be calculated as follows: 

"(1) In the amount of $7.50 per square foot of gross floor space if the project is less than 

100,000 square feet of gross floor space. 

"(2) In the amount of $10 per square foot, if the project is at least 100,000 square feet of 
gross floor space. 

"(3) Beginning 4 years after receipt of 'the certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall 
pay a monthly fine of $0.02 per square foot to the District for failure to provide evidence 
that it has fulfilled or exceeded either the current edition of the LEED standard for 
commercial and institutional buildings at the certified level or the current edition of the 
LEED standard for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance at the certified level. 
The monthly fines shall accumulate but shall be assessed annually. 

"(4) The fine described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection shall not exceed $3 
million; provided, that an annual fine issued pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection 
shall not count toward the $3 million limit. 

"(g) The Mayor, for good cause, may issue time extensions to a project; provided, that the 
Mayor shall not grant more than 3, one-year extensions. 

"(h) Fines issued under this section shall be civil penalties. 

"(i) Substantial improvements shall be subject to the requirements of this section; provid- 
ed, that only square feet included in a substantial improvement project shall be calculated for 
the purposes of a fine. 

"(j) The financial security option provided in subsection (b)(1)(C) of this section shall 
become effective upon the issuance of rules by the Mayor. 

"(k) Any payment made to the District for failure to meet the standards required by 
sections 3 and 4 shall be deposited in the Green Building Fund.". 

(e) Section 7 (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.06) is repealed. 

(f) Section 8(c) (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.07(c)) is amended to read as follows: 

"(c)(1)' The purpose of the Fund is to streamline administrative green building processes, 
improve sustainability performance outcomes, build capacity of development and administra- 


Law 19-139, § 2(f) 19th Council £eM«fc 

tive oversight professionals in green building skills and knowledge, institutionalize innovation, 
overcome barriers to achieving high-performance buildings, and continuously promote the 
sustainability of green building practices in the District. ^> 

"(2) Fund shall be used for the following: 

."(A) costs for at least 3 full-time employees at DCRA, or elsewhere as assigned by the 
Mayor, whose primary job duties are devoted to technical assistance, plan review, and 
inspections and monitoring of green buildings; 

"(B) Additional staff and operating costs to provide training, technical assistance, plan 
review, inspections and monitoring of green buildings, and green codes development; 

"(C) Research and development of green building practices; 

"(P) Education, training, outreach, and other market transformation initiatives; and \'^ 

"(E) Seed support for demonstration projects, their evaluation, and when successful^; 

their institutionalization. ■ r' ; 

"(3) The Mayor may receive and administer grants for the purpose of carrying out the " 
goals of this act.". .- i^ ■• ■■• <- : -- 

(g) Section 9(b) (D.C, Official Code § 6-1451;0S(b)) is amended b^s^^^ 
"building construction permit" and inserting the phrase "building permit" in its place; 1 

(h) Section 10 (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.09) is amended as follows: : ; ^ : ' \ f 

(1) Subsection (c)(1) is amended as follows: 

(A) Subparagraph (C) is amended by striking the phrase "Office of Property Manage- 
ment" and inserting the phrase "Department of General Services" in its place. 

(B) Subparagraph (G) is amended by striking the phrase "building construction, 
permit" and inserting the phrase "building permit" in its place. 

(2) A new subsection (g) is added to read as follows: 

"(g) The Mayor shall provide GBAC with the following to be included in the annual report 
required by subsection (f) of this section: ; , 

"(1) An accounting of funds deposited into the Green Building Fund during the past 
fiscal year, separated by category; 

"(2) An accounting of funds spent from the -Green Building Fund during the past fiscal 
year, referencing that year's annual green plan's goals; and 

"(3) A 2-year District Green Building Plan updated annually, with goals and associated 
projections of expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year, produced in consultation with the 

(i) Section 11(b) (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.10(b)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"building construction permits" and inserting the phrase "building permits" in its place. 
© Section 12 (D.C. Official Code § 6-1451.11) is amended to read as follows: - : ^ 

"Sec. 12. Rules. 

"(a) The Mayor, pursuant to Title 1 of the District of Columbia Administrative. Procedure 
Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et se?.),'m^4&ue' 
rules to implement the provisions of this act. ■>■■>.■■■>■ \ l >:\. > ''■"■■'} d*'"' 

"(b) The Mayor may issue proposed rules to adopt another rating System, in whole bfln 
part. Proposed rules to adopt another rating system shall be submitted to the Council for a : 
45-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days of Council 
recess. If the Council does not approve the proposed rules, in whole or in part, by resolution 
within this 45-day review period, the proposed rules shall be deemed disapproved. 

"(c) Notwithstanding the requirements of section 302(c) of the District of Columbia 
Administrative Procedure Act, effective March 6, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-153; D.C. Official Code, 
§ 2-552), where the Mayor chooses to adopt a LEED or Green Communities standard as the 
District's standard under this act, DDOE may do so by incorporating the LEED or Green 
Communities standard by reference in a Notice of Intent to take rulemaking action. When 
incorporating the LEED or Green Communities standard by reference, the notice shall 
include a specific indication of how and where a paper or electronic copy of such document: 


2012 Legislation Law 19-140 

may be inspected or obtained. Any amendments, supplements, or future editions to the 
LEED or Green Communities Standard shall be deemed to be included in the District's 
standard; provided, that DDOE shall annually issue a Notice of Intent to adopt any 
amendments, supplements, or future editions to the LEED or Green Communities, in whole, 
or in part, or announce an intent to adopt a different standard.". 

Sec. 3. Section 10c of the Construction Codes Approval and Amendments Act of 1986, 
effective March 8, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-334; D.C. Official Code § 6-1412), is amended as 

(a) Subsection (a) is amended to read as follows: 

"(a) By June 1, 2013, and at least once every 3 years thereafter, the Mayor, in consultation 
with the Green Building Advisory Council, shall submit to the Council, for approval, revisions 
to the Construction Codes that shall incorporate as many significant green building practices 
as practicable for the District of Columbia urban environment. The Mayor shall include as 
many green building provisions as practicable from the current versions of codes and 
standards published by the International Code Council. The Mayor may exclude provisions 
that are not practicable for the District of Columbia urban environment but shall provide 
evidence of cost or implementation impracticality for the excluded provisions; provided, that 
the Mayor is not required to consider codes or standards issued by the International Code • 
Council within one year of the submittal date.". 

(b) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "On or before By January 1, 2010" and insert the phrase "By June 
1, 2013" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "January 1" and insert the phrase "June 1" in its place. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council. adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: March 28, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: June 5, 2012. 


Law 19-140 

Act 19-343 

AN ACT to amend the Rental Housing Act of 1985 to clarify that the Office of Administrative 
Hearings may adjudicate complaints for the non-return of tenant security deposits as well as 
the nonpayment of interest on tenant security deposits; and to amend the Housing Regulations 
of the District of Columbia to clarify that any housing provider who in bad faith fails to return 
a security deposit rightfully owed to a tenant, or fails to pay the interest on the security 
deposit, is liable to the tenant for treble damages. 

act may be cited as the "Tenant Security Deposits Clarification Amendment Act of 2012". 


tim 19^110; § 2 19th council pym 

Sec. 2. Seetioii 217(b) Of the Rental Housing Act of 1985, effective July 17, 1985 (D.Citaw 1 
6-10; D;C. Official Code § 42-3502.17(b)), is amended by striking the phrase "complaints for 1 
the nonpayment of interest oh" and inserting the phrase "complaints for the non-return of ?r iri^ 
its 1 place. ■ ■ ' ! , -' 7 ' i ; f - IIi 

Sec. 3. Section 2908 of the Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, issued August' 
li> 1955 {0:6. 55-1503; 14 DCMR §§ 308 through 311), is amended as follows: ^ 

(a) Section 2908.2 (14 DCMR § 309) is amended by adding a new sub-paragraph (d) to readj 
as follows: 

"(d)(1) Any housing provider violating the provisions of this section by failing to return a 
security deposit rightfully owed to a tenant in accordance with the requirements of this 
section shall be, liable for the amount of the deposit withheld or, in the event of bad faith, for-' 
treble damages. 

"(2) For the purposes of this sub-paragraph, the term "bad faith" means any fiivolous; or", 

unfounded refusal to return a security deposit, as required by law, that is motivated by a 

\ fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, dishonest, or unreasonably self-serving purpose and not 

by simple negligence, bad judgment, or an honest belief in the course of action taken.", 1 ; 

;(b) Section 2908.4(a) (14 DCMR § ,311:1 and 311,2) is amended as follows: \ ■! 

(1) Strike the phrase "The interest in the escrow account described in Section 2908.1(b)' 
and insert, the phrase "The interest in the escrow account described in section 2908.1(b) (14 
DCMR § 308.3)" in its place. ,: ■ , . ■■ , 

(2) Strike the phrase "Any housing provider violating the provisions of this section, by 
failing to pay interest on a security deposit escrow account that is rightfully owed to a 
tenant in accordance with the requirements of this section, shall be liable to the Rent 
Administrator or Rental Housing Commission" and insert the phrase "Any housing 
provider violating the provisions of this section by failing to pay interest on a security 

■ deposit escrow account that is rightfully owed to a tenant in accordance with the; 
requirements of this section, shall be ..liable to the tenant" in its place. 

(3) Strike the phrase "the term 'bad faith' means, any frivolous or unfounded refusal to 
.return a security deposit" and insert the phrase "the term 'bad faith' means any frivolous 

or unfounded refusal to pay interest on a security deposit" in its place; , Y 

Sec. 4. ; Fiscal impact statement. ";,;--- .,.-.■; 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the 'fiscal impact 1 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act; approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c).(3));:,.«: ^,- ^ : n."/n--M'iA 
Sec. 5. Effective date. ' ,-n^ / ■..;■:■;, ;U7 .'TK^Wi 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973.(87 Stat. 813; D.C. "Official Code § 1-206. 02(c)(1)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register.^ ■;■.■ , ; 

APPROVED: April 9, 2012. 

EFFECTIVE: June 7, 2012. -: ;;' ^Vn 


■•■; ""'■= • ■' ■■■ Law 19^141 . ■ :-.'-: 1 7> 

Act 19-344 .:^., : -y i b 

AN ACT to require the Mayor to complete a youth behavioral health epidemiology report and to 

submit a plan to enhance early childhood and school-based behavioral health services; to 

* ' amend Ah Act To provide for compulsory school attendance, for the taking of a school census ; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-141, § 202 

in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes to require reporting on the work of the 
school-based student support teams in reducing unexcused absences, and to require the Mayor 
to develop appropriate enforcement mechanisms over the truancy protocols; to amend the 
State Education Office Establishment Act of 2000 to require the Mayor to create a resource 
guide for parents and legal guardians on the District's laws and regulations related to 
absenteeism and truancy; to amend Chapter A-21 of Title 5 of the District of Columbia 
Municipal Regulations to reduce the number of unexcused absences from 25 to 20; to amend 
the Department of Mental Health Establishment Amendment Act of 2001 to establish a 
behavioral health program, to require the creation of behavioral health resource guides for 
families and youth, and to establish the Behavioral Health Ombudsman Program; to require 
the Mayor to create a resource guide for families interacting with the child welfare and 
juvenile justice systems and to require the Mayor to submit a report on the screenings and 
assessments conducted by the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services; to amend the 
Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services Establishment Act of 2004 to require the 
Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services to conduct a behavioral health screening and, if 
necessary, a behavioral health assessment for all youth who come into contact with the agency; 
and to amend the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Act of 1977 to require the Child and 
Family Services Agency to conduct a behavioral health screening and, if necessary, a behavior- 
al health assessment for all youth who come into contact with the agency. 

act may be cited as the "South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act of 2012". 


Sec. 101. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Youth Behavioral Health Epidemiology Report Act of 2012". 

Sec. 102. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this title, the term: 

(1) "Behavioral health" means a person's overall social, emotional, and psychological well- 
being and development. 

(2) "Youth" me.ans individuals under 18 years of age residing in the District and those 
individuals classified as youth in the custody of the Department of Youth Rehabilitation 
Services and the Child and Family Services Agency who are 21 years of age or younger. 

Sec. 103. Youth behavioral health epidemiological report. 

By March 30, 2013, and every 5 years thereafter, the Mayor shall submit a report to the 
Council on the behavioral health of District youth. At minimum, the report shall include: 

(1) The type and prevalence of behavioral health conditions among youth broken down, if 
possible, by age, gender, race, ward residence, and sexual orientation; 

(2) The level of utilization of behavioral health services by youth and the location of the 
services accessed; and 

(3) An analysis of any barriers or obstacles preventing youth from accessing behavioral 
health services and recommendations for making the services more accessible. 


Sec. 201. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Early Childhood and School-based Behavioral Health 
Infrastructure Act of 2012". 

Sec. 202. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this title, the term: 

(1) "Behavioral health" means a person's overall social, emotional, and psychological well- 
being and development. 


Law 19-141, § 202 19th Council ^rio^ 

(2) "Health education standards" means the specific learning requirements related to 
health that the Office of the State Superintendent of Education requires students to4earn 
at each academic level, from pre-K through 12th grade. ^ <>' 

Sec. 203. Early childhood and school-based behavioral health comprehensive plan, ,-^n 

By March 30, 2013, the Mayor shall submit a comprehensive plan to the Council forjthe 
expansion of early childhood and school-based behavioral health programs and services by the 
2016-2017 school year. At minimum, the plan shall: ' ! ; 

(1) Establish a strategy to enhance behavioral health services in all public schools, :and 
public charter schools, including: ■; 

(A) The implementation of programs that: ' , , ! 
(i) Include interventions for families of students with behavioral health ^needs;, r 
(ii) Reduce aggressive and impulsive behavior; and ;, 

* (iii) Promote social and emotional competency in students; and .., 

(B) The expansion of school-based mental health services asfollows: '"' "• 

(i) By the 2014-2015 school year, services are available to at least 50% of all public 
..:■; and public charter school students; - . 7:; 

(ii) By the 2015-2016 school year, services are available to at least 75% of all publien 
and public charter school students; and . 

(iii) By the 2016-2017 school year, services are available to all public and public 
charter school students; 

(2) Include an analysis of whether current health education standards align with actual 
behavioral health needs of youth and any recommendations for proposed changes; haiid 

(3) Provide recommendations for the expansion of behavioral health programs ) arid 
services at child development facilities. : yu ^ 


Sec. 301. Shorttitle. ' ; :'".. r '' i ' • " 

This title may be cited as the "Behavioral Health and Truancy Intervention Amendment 
Act of 2012". '.'" .. " ' .; 

Sec. 302. An Act To provide for compulsory school attendance, for the taking of a scnool 
census in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, approved February 4, ; 1925. ( (43 
Stat. 806; D.C. Official Code § 38-201 et seq.), is amended as follows: ' '■"- Vi li'uino') 

(a) Section 1 (D.C. Official Code § 38-201) is amended by adding a new paragrajin pA) to 
read as follows: ' ;y '' ri ' J -"-- r -■< . : '• :i ' ■' , ^ l ;- •,- ^M^vk: 

"(3A) "School-based student support team" means^ a team formed to suppo'rt the 5 mSivid- 
ual student by developing and implementing action plans and strategies ^th'at^are-J'gchool- 
based or community-based, depending on the availability^ to enhance the students success 
with services, incentives, intervention strategies, and consequences for dealing with} absen- 

■(b) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 38-203) is amended as follows: 
(1) Subsection (i) is amended as follows: 
(A) A new subparagraph (A-i) is added to read as follows: 

"(A-i) The work of the school-based student support teams in reducing unexcused 
absences, including: ,...■ -, . - ? 

"(i) The number of students who were referred to a school-based student support 
"(ii) The number of students who met with a school-based student support team; 
"(iii) A summary of the action plans and strategies implemented by the school-based 
i; r student support team to eliminate or ameliorate unexcused absences; and , 

"(iv) A summary of the services utilized by students to reduce unexcused absences; 

28 . 

2012 Legislation Law 19-141 v § 304 

"(v) A summary of the common barriers to implementing the recommendations of 
the school-based student support team;". 

(B) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. 

(C) A new subparagraph (B-i) is added to read as follows: " 

"(B-i) The number of minors categorized by grade, or equivalent grouping for 
ungraded schools, that the school referred to the Court Social Services Division of the 
Family Court of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia for truancy; and". 

(2) A new subsection (j) is added to read as follows: 

"(j) By August 1, 2012, the Mayor shall develop, through rulemaking, appropriate enforce- 
ment mechanisms to ensure that each school, principal, and teacher is in full compliance with 
the requirements of this act and any regulations issued pursuant to this act". 

Sec. 303. Section 3(b) of the State Education Office Establishment Act of 2000, effective 
October 21, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-176; D.C. Official Code § 38-2602(b)), is amended as follows: 

(a) Paragraph (17) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. 

(b) Paragraph (18) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting the phrase "; 
and" in its place. 

(c) A new paragraph (19) is added to read as follows: 

"(19) By October 1, 2013, create a truancy prevention resource guide for parents and 
legal guardians who have children who attend a District public school, which shall be 
updated and made available upon request and, at minimum, include: 

"(A) An explanation of the District's laws and regulations related to absenteeism and 

"(B) Information on: 

"(i) What a parent or legal guardian can do to prevent truancy; 

"(ii) The common causes of truancy; and 

"(iii) Common consequences of truancy; 

"(C) A comprehensive list of resources that are available to a parent or legal guardian, 
and the student, that address the common causes of truancy and the prevention of it* 
such as: 

"(i) Hotlines that provide assistance to parents, legal guardians, and youth; 

"(ii) Counseling for the parent (or legal guardian) or the youth, or both; 

"(iii) Parenting classes; 

"(iv) Parent-support groups; 

"(v) Family psycho-education programs; 

"(vi) Parent-resource libraries; 

"(vii) Risk prevention education; 

"(viii) Neighborhood family support organizations and collaboratives that provide 
assistance to families experiencing hardship; 

"(ix) Behavioral health resources and programs in schools; 

"(x) The Behavioral Health Ombudsman Program; and 

"(xi) The resources at each public school for at-risk students and their parents or 
legal guardians.". 

Sec. 304. Chapter 21 of Subtitle A of Title 5 of the District of Columbia Municipal 
Regulations (5 DCMR § A2100 et seq.) is amended as follows: 

(a) Section A2101 is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection 2 is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (e) (2) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. 

(B) Paragraph (f) is amended by striking the phrase "placement." and inserting the 
phrase "placement;" in its place. 


Law 19-141* § 304 19th Council Period 

* ■ ■ (G) New paragraphs (g) and (h) are added to read as follows: 

"(g) Action plans and strategies implemented by the school-based student support team to 
eliminate unexcused absences; and V ■;.'■') 

"(h) Services utilized by the student to reduce unexcused absences.". < : ; * 

'. (2) A new subsection 4 is added to read as follows: ■ ■■.. ;;.^ 

',"2101.4. Each educational institution shall designate an attendance mbhitbr(s) ; ite be 
responsible for collecting, maintaining, and reporting the attendance data required 1 for each 
student.". >>'■- ' -■ - -^ ?..< - ■ '^ ; W'i/; /■ (fcj 

"(bisection A2103 is amended as follows:, ; > ■■■ :< - -^'■M i. :;ui/ 70 fjV' 

tl) Subsection 3(c) is amended as follows: ' ': ! ," ' ' '""■' ; mi l,a '' ,< ;'| 

: (A) Subparagraph (3) is amended as follows: , u > 

■.>;..:■,,..- (i) Sub-subparagraph (A) is amended to read ; as follows: - .,, ], ■ ( ; ) 

"(A) Review and address the student's attendance and determine the . underlying 
; cause(s) for the student's unexcused absences;". 

(ii) Sub-subparagraph (F) is amended by striking the phrase "Develop an attend-- 
ance" and inserting the phrase "Develop and implement an attendance" in its place. 

(B) Subparagraph (4) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. ; /- 

* '' : ■ (C) Subparagraph (5) is amended by striking the phrase "an LEA." and inserting the 
phrase "an LEA; and" in its place. . , i 

1 ; (D) A new subparagraph (6) is added to read as follows: 

"(6) A process to ensure that the LEA maintains complete, accurate, and contemporane- 
ous records of the work of the school-based student support team to reduce unexcused 
absences, including records of all meetings that take place after a student accumulates five 
(5) or more unexcused absences in one (1) marking period or other similar time frame and 
after a student accumulates ten (10) unexcused absences at any time during a school year.". 

(2) Subsection 5 is amended to read as follows: 

"2103.5 Each LEA shall develop a process to refer students to District of Columbia 
entities outside the LEA under the following circumstances: 

"(a) Students ages five (5) through thirteen (13) shall be referred by the LEA to the Child 
and Family Services Agency no later than two (2) school days after the accrual of ten (10) 
unexcused absences within one (1) school year and/or completion of the procedures specified 
in section 2103.3 of this chapter, or immediately at any time that educational neglect is 

"(b) Until the 2014-2015 school year, students ; age fourteen (14) and over shall be referred 
by the LEA to the Court Social Services Division of the Superior Court of. the District of 
Columbia , and to the Office of the Attorney General 'Juvenile Section no later than two (2) 
school days after the accrual of twenty-five (25) unexctiSed absences at airy time within one (1) 
schpolyear, ,- Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, such referral shall be maderafter the 
accrual of twenty (20) or more unexcused absences.". : ; ; ; ;^:n 


Sec. 401. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Department of Mental Health Establishment Amendment 
Act of 2012". 

Sec. 402. The Department of Mental Health Establishment Amendment Act of 2061 
effective December 18, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-56; D.C. Official Code § 7-1131.01 et seqj), -is 
amended as follows: , ; r ■ ;■:■-, 

. -., (a) Section 102 (D.C. Official Code § 7-1131.02) is amended as Mows: • . ■ \ h ,' 

(1) Redesignate paragraph (1) as paragraph (IF). .</■ .;..■■■■,,;"'■. :./-Jq 


2012 Legislation Law 19-141, § 402(b) 

(2) New paragraphs (1), (1A), (IB), (1C), (ID), and (IE) are added to read as follows: 

"(1) "Behavioral health" means a person's overall social, emotional, and psychological 
well-being* and development. 

"(lA)"Behavioral health assessment" means a more thorough and comprehensive exami- 
nation by a mental health professional of the behavioral health issues and needs identified 
during an initial behavioral health screening by which the mental health professional shall 
identify the type and extent of the behavioral health problem and make recommendations 
for treatment interventions. 

"(IB) "Behavioral Health Ombudsman" or "Ombudsman" means the individual responsi- 
ble for administering the Behavioral Health Ombudsman Program. 

"(1C) "Behavioral Health Ombudsman Program" or "Ombudsman Program" means the 
program established in section 115d to provide District residents with assistance in 
accessing behavioral health programs and services. 

"(ID) "Behavioral health screening" means a brief process designed to identify youth 
who are at risk of having behavioral health disorders that warrant immediate attention, or 
intervention, or to identify the need for further assessment with a more comprehensive 

"(IE) "Business associate" means any organization or person working in association 
with, or providing services to, a covered entity who handles or discloses Personal Health 
Information, as that term is interpreted in 45 CFR 160.103 pursuant to the Health 
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, approved August 21, 1996 (110 Stat 
1936; 42 U.S.C. § 201, note) ("HIPPA").". 

(3) A new paragraph (31A) is added to read as follows: 

"(31 A) "Youth" means an individual under 18 years of age residing in the District and 
those individuals classified as youth in the custody of DYRS and the Child and Family 
Services Agency who are 21 years of age or younger.". 

(b) New sections 115b, 115c, and 115d are added to read as follows: 

"Sec. 115b. Youth behavioral health program. 

"(a) As of October 1, 2012, there is established within the Department, and shall be made 
available to all child development facilities, public schools, and public charter schools, a 
program that, at a minimum, provides participants with the tools needed to: 

"(1) Identify students who may have unmet behavioral health needs; and 

"(2) Refer identified students to appropriate services for behavioral health screenings 
and behavioral health assessments. 

"(b)(1) Starting October 1, 2014, completion of the program shall be mandatory for all: 

"(A) Teachers in public schools and public charter schools; 

"(B) Principals in public schools and public charter schools; and 

"(C) Staff employed by child development facilities, who are subject to training or 
continuing education requirements pursuant to licensing regulations. 

"(2) In addition to the individuals described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the 
Mayor may determine through rulemaking other individuals who shall be required to 
complete the program. 

"(3) The Department may make the program available to other interested individuals. 

"(c) The Department shall keep a record of all participants who complete the program and 
shall provide the participants with written proof of completion. 

"(d) If so approved by the Office of the State Superintendent for Education, the program 
may count towards professional development credits. 

"Sec. 115c. Behavioral health resource guide. 

"(a) By March 30, 2013, the Department shall: 

"(1) Create a behavioral health resource guide for parents and legal guardians that 
includes information on: 


Law 19-141, § 402(b) 19th Council T&vim 

"(A) Common signs and symptoms of behavioral health issues facing youth; & 

"(B) The roles and responsibilities of District government agencies in promoting 'and 
protecting the behavioral health of youth; ' i f w 

"(C) How a parent or legal guardian can obtain a behavioral health screening or 
assessment for a youth; and ^.tan 

"(D) Governmental and non-governmental resources for youth behavioral health 'pfrb- 
grams and services in the District, including contact information; and " ,l \l 

"(2) Create a behavioral health resource guide for a youth that includes: 

"(A) Age-appropriate information on common behavioral health issues facing youth; l 

"(B) A description of the impact behavioral health issues can have on a youth's 
development; and 

"(C) Governmental and non-governmental resources for youth behavioral' health pro- 
grams and services in the District, including contact information. , .>, 

"(b) The Department shall make the behavioral health resources guides available to the 
public both in print and on its website^ The Department shall also make the guides available 
to other District agencies and organizations for distribution. ■ .■.■'•■-, 

"(c) The Department shall update the behavioral health resource guides as appropriate: 

"Sec. 115d. Behavioral Health Ombudsman Program. ' ' ! ; : ? 

"(a) As of October 1, 2012, there is established within the Department a Behavioral Health 
Ombudsman Program ("Ombudsman Program") to provide District residents with assistance 
in accessing behavioral health programs and services. ."_''"' 

"(b)(1) Pursuant to its power set forth in section 104(15) and subject to paragraph (2) of 
this subsection, the Department may contract with a qualified private, community-based, 
nonprofit corporation, organization, or consortia of organizations, with offices located in the 
District, to operate the Ombudsman Program. The Department shall establish the criteria 
that an entity must meet to be selected to operate the Ombudsman Program; provided, that 
the criteria include: ,., 

"(A) A public interest mission; ..■■.' ''.,-.' 

"(B) Qualified staff and organizational expertise in: , , ; ; ;; 

"(i) Behavioral health services; < i; ->>' v* "" ; : 

"(ii) Behavioral health coverage under health benefits plans; ■ ;'•" 

"(iii) Public education and community outreach; and ....■"'■■.■■■ -■■'.'.' :.' " 

"(iv) Conflict resolution; c '■ ' ; '■' - '^ >'"" 

"(C) No direct involvement in the licensing, certification, or accreditation -' ! 6f a- tieTiav- 
ioral health facility, a health benefits plan, or with a provider of a behaviof.aV'health 
service; -,,. ,,,,., ;.,q ^jy> 

"(D) No direct ownership or investment interest in a behavioral health facility^health 
benefits plan, or any behavioral health service; ...!:'{■ 

"(E) No participation in the management of a behavioral health facility, health benefits 
plan, or any behavioral health service; and '.! .-■ 

"(F) No agreement or arrangement with an owner or operator of a behavioral health 
service, a behavioral health facility, or health benefits plan that could directly or 
indirectly result in remuneration, in cash or in kind, to the entity. 

"(2) If the Department is unable to contract with an outside entity that meets the criteria 
described in this section, or determines it to be in the best interests of the District, the ' 
-■ Department shall operate the Ombudsman Program. - 

"(c)(1) The Ombudsman Program shall be administered by the Behavioral Health Ombuds- 
man, who shall be appointed by the Director of the Department of Mental Health. ' 

"(2) The Ombudsman shall be a person: : ■; ,; J 

"(A) With substantive experience in the fields of behavioral health and patient 
advocacy; and . ; , , -, ■: 


2012 Legislation Law 19-141, § 402(b) 

"(B) Who is an employee of the nonprofit corporation, organization, or consortia of 
organizations contracted to operate the Ombudsman Program; provided, that this 
subparagraph shall not apply if the Department operates the Ombudsman Program 
pursuant to subsection (b)(2) of this section. 

"(d) The Ombudsman Program may use volunteers with appropriate training and' supervi- 
sion to assist with counseling, outreach, and other tasks. 
"(e) The Ombudsman, or his or her designee, shall: 

"(1) Assist consumers in resolving problems concerning behavioral health providers, 
behavioral health facilities, and access to behavioral health care services and programs by 
referring consumers to appropriate regulatory agencies when their problems are within an 
agency's jurisdiction, guiding consumers through existing complaint processes, and assist- 
ing consumers in informally resolving problems through discussions with their providers. 

"(2) Educate District residents about behavioral health coverage under: 

"(A) Health benefits plans; 

"(B) Managed care health plans; and * . 

"(C) Any other behavioral health'services options. 

"(3) Refer individuals, when appropriate, to other District agencies or organizations for 
assistance with behavioral health services and programs; 

"(4) Work jointly, when appropriate, with other District agencies or organizations to 
promote greater access to behavioral health services and programs; 

"(5) Provide information regarding problems and concerns of consumers of behavioral 
health services' and make recommendations for resolving those problems and concerns to: 

"(A) The public; 

"(B) Government agencies; 

"(C) The Council of the District of Columbia; and 

"(D) Any other person or entity that the Ombudsman considers appropriate; 

"(6) Implement innovative strategies and adopt tools to maximize outreach to District 

"(7) Identify and help resolve complaints on behalf of consumers and assist consumers 
with the filing, pursuit, and resolution of formal and informal complaints and appeals 
through existing processes, including: 

"(A) Internal reviews conducted by health benefits plans; 

"(B) Grievance and appeals processes for the HealthCare Alliance and Medicaid; and 

"(C) External reviews before independent review organizations, and the Department 
of Mental Health; and 

"(8) Comment on behalf of District residents on related behavioral health policy legisla- 
tion and regulations in the District. 

"(f) Within 30 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Ombudsman shall submit a report to' 
the Department, the Council, and the Mayor, and make it available to the public upon 
request, regarding the activities of the Ombudsman Program during the prior fiscal year, 

"(1) An accounting of all activities undertaken; 

"(2) An evaluation and analysis of the Ombudsman Program's performance; 

"(3) A complete fiscal accounting; 

"(4) Issues of concern to District residents; and 

"(5) Any recommendations to improve access to behavioral health services. 

"(g)(1) The Ombudsman shall establish an Advisory Council to consist of members repre- 
senting at least: 

"(A) Consumers; 

"(B) Three consumer advocacy organizations; 


Ilkw l9^140Lf'§ 402(b)' 19th CoWcil ^rSM^ 

; /., "(j)) The Department of Health Care Finance; L, 

"(E) The Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration; TK | 

.;,; .. r . J( "(Fj),.. The Child and Family Services Agency; -.:,..,■■ ^y> 

"(G) The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services; , ; , >■ ■ ir 

"(H) Health benefits plans; . .1 . ■' ; nV 

v ■■ ; ^(I) Health care facilities; < r ' 

: "(J) The Health Care Ombudsman Program; "' ;r '■"''■ ' : : "■ 

; ^(K) Health professionals with expertise in a person's overall social, emotional, and 
psychological well-being and development; ..■!,-■'-■ V ...'<■ 

"(L) The District of Columbia Public Schools; and ■,.-. t . t , ., si , , ... 

"(M) The Public Charter School Board. ' \ , : . ;i 

"(2) The Advisory Council shall meet quarterly ;to perfqrmj at: a minimum, the following 
functions: f . , \ . .- :. -. :."../■■ 

"(A) Advise the Ombudsman on program design and operational issues; \ 
"(B) Recommend changes in the Ombudsman Program; and . . .,- ; ■, ■/: , ,;■ .,. >■ 
"(C) Review data on cases handled by , the Ombudsman Program and make recommen- 
dations based on that data. ,\..-. ■ ', ^:m' ; > 

"(h)(1) The Ombudsman may review the records of a health-benefits plan, or other 
provider, pertaining to an individual's medical records; provided, that the Ombudsman 
received the appropriate consent from the individual or his or her legal representative. 

"(2) The Ombudsman shall maintain the confidentiality of the. records in accordance with 
.all federal and state confidentiality and disclosure laws. 

"(3) No information or records maintained by the Ombudsman Program shall be 
disclosed to the public unless the individual or individual's legal representative has provided 

■ the appropriate consent for the release of the information or records: ..■.:■.-:: Jg 

"(i) The Ombudsman Program shall enter into a business associate agreement witK 'title 
Department of Health Care Finance to allow the Ombudsman Program access to information 
about the Medicaid eligibility status of consumers whom it serves and that requires the 
Ombudsman Program to safeguard that information pursuant to the Privacy Rule (45 C.F.R. 
§§ 160 and 164) adopted pursuant to HIPP A. . ;■ 

■ "(j) The Ombudsman shall request and promptly receive, with reasonable notice, the 
cooperation, assistance, and data from ; other District agencies, as necessary to enable the 
Ombudsman Program to investigate a resident's complaint under District or federal Jaw. 

. "(k) No employee, subcontractor, designee, : or representative of the Ombudsman Program 
shall be held liable for the good-faith performance of responsibilities under, this. section; 
except, no immunity shall extend to criminal acts or other acts that violate District or federal 
law.- " ' ; '"/ : '\\. ;■' " ' ; _' v '' /.. : ; 

."(£) No person, agency, provider, or facility shall, obstruct the Ombudsman, or, his or herj 
designee, from the lawful performance of any duty or the exercise of any power. '" , r ; . :„ , 

"(m) Nothing in this section shall prohibit: a corporation, organization, or . consortia of 
organizations contracted to operate the Ombudsman Program from raising private .money 
through foundation' resources to supplement government funds l for the Ombudsman : Pro- 
gram.". ' " >■-■'■■'■' ■ \ •■■> : V. ; ' 


. Sec.SOi. 1 Short title, ' " '" ■■ --■' ■ 

This title may be cited as the "Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Behavioral Health. 

Infrastructure Amendment Act of 2012". - 

Sec.502. Family resource guide. / , " ;,'/:/ :...<' 

2012 Legislation Law 19-141, § 504(a) 

(a) By October 1, 2013, the Mayor shall create a comprehensive resource guide for families 
who come into contact with the child welfare or juvenile justice systems. The guide shall 

(1) A clear explanation of the rights and responsibilities of children and families; 

(2) The role of District agencies, including the: 
(A) Child and Family Services Agency; 

■(B) Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services; 

(C) Department of Mental Health; and 

(D) Department of Health Care Finance; 

(3) The role of the courts; 

(4) District government and non-governmental resources related to behavioral health, 
including contact information; and 

(5) Websites for District government agencies and nongovernment resources related to 
behavioral health. 

(b) The resource guide shall be: 

(1) Made publicly available on the Internet; 

(2) Updated as necessary, along with updates of the information described in subsection 
(a)(4) and (5) of this section; and 

(3) Made available to other District agencies for distribution. 

Sec. 503. Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services behavioral health and compliance 

The Mayor shall submit a report to the Council by March 30 of each year, which shall 

(1) The number of youth: 

(A) Who were committed to the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services 
("DYRS") during the previous calendar year; 

(B) Who received the required behavioral health screening; 

(C) Whose behavioral health screening indentified a need for further behavioral health 

(D) Who received a behavioral health assessment; and 

(E) Who were referred to appropriate services; 

(2) The reasons why a committed youth in DYRS did not receive the required behavioral 
health screening or behavioral health assessment, if any; and 

(3) If necessary, recommendations on how DYRS can ensure that all of its committed 
youth are receiving the required behavioral health screenings and behavioral health 
assessments along with an estimate of the time it will take to meet that requirement. 

Sec. 504. The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services Establishment Act of 2004, 
effective April 12, 2005 (D.C. Law 15-335; D.C. Official Code § 2-1515.01 et seq.), is amended 
as follows: 

(a) Section 101 (D.C. Official Code § 2-1515.01) is amended by adding new paragraphs 
(1A), (IB), and (1C) to read as follows: 

"(1A) "Behavioral health" means a person's overall social, emotional, and psychological 
well-being and development. 

"(IB) "Behavioral health assessment" means a more thorough and comprehensive exami- 
nation by a mental health professional of all behavioral health issues and needs identified 
during an initial behavioral health screening by which the mental health professional shall 
identify the type and extent of the behavioral health problem and make recommendations 
for treatment interventions. 

"(1C) "Behavioral health screening" means a brief process designed to identify youth 
who are at risk of having behavioral health disorders that warrant immediate attention, or 


Law 19-141, § 504(a) 19th Council JEJeri^di: 

intervention, or to identify the need for further assessment with a comprehensive Examina- 
tion.". ; >:,■{!)<) mhf 

(b) Section 104 (D.C. Official Code § 2-1515.04) is amended as follows: [ :*iwkni 

(1) Paragraph (12) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. [ ' 

(2) Paragraph (13) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; ; and" in 
its place. - •■■■■.■ 

, (3) A new paragraph (14) is added to read as follows: — 

"(14) Conducting a behavioral health screening and assessment as required in section 
104a.". .,,., : .; ;" _; ; -.,. ..;■;, ,... ,t ,v :] 

(c) A new section 104a is added to read as follows: :;■; - -r 
"Sec. 104a. Behavioral health screening and assessment ; requirements*. f ; . ■■■■'■> 

"(a) All youth in contact with the Department shall, to the extent that it is not ^consistent 
with a court order, receive a behavioral health screening .and* if necessary, a behavioral health 
assessment within 30 days of initial contact; provided, that the Mayor may, . through 
rulemaking, require that the behavioral health screening and assessment be conducted within 
fewer than 30 days of the initial contact. 

"(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "youth" means an individual under 18 years 
of age residing in the District and those individuals classified as committed youth in the 
custody of the Department who are 21 years of age or younger."* ;; 

Sec. 505. The Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Act of 1977, effective September 23, 
1977 (D.C. Law 2-22; D.C, Official Code § 4-1301.02 et seq.\ is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 102 (D.C. Official Code § 4-1301.02) is amended as follows: • ^ :f: ;' J '* 

(1) New paragraphs (2A-i), (2A-ii), and (2A-iii) are added to read as follows: -^ \ 

"(2A-i) "Behavioral health" means a person's overall social, emotional, and psychological 
well-being and development. ' ] ' } 

"(2A-ii) "Behavioral health assessment" means a more thorough and comprehensive 
examination by a mental health professional of all behavioral health issues and needs 
identified during an initial behavioral health screening by which the mental health profes- 
sional shall identify the type and extent of the behavioral health problem and make 
recommendations for treatment interventions. 

"(2A-iii) "Behavioral health screening" means a brief process designed to Mentify, youth 
who are at risk of having behavioral health disorders that warrant immediate attention, or 
intervention, or to identify the need for further assessment with a more comprehensive 
. examination.", am iilh >:,' : . ..■..<;/'-< ::■:■.,.: ;■,/,.■■.■■'. . ■ ri\> 

(2) A new paragraph (15C) is adel'ed ibread as follows: : ^if -i ^ -' , 'ii^ < 
"(15C) "Placement disruption" mfearis ah\. unplanned move necessary to protect tnfe Safety 

arid well-being of the youth.". ; -f ni ■ :f- yCj f " y:A J, '^ ' '.' ' ; / lVl](iJ - 

(3) A new paragraph (22) is added to reacl as follows: ' ' * J " "" r ' ' '" ' "'" 
"(22) <f Youth" means an individual under ^'l&^ears of agejres^^m the District! and } 

those classified as youth in the custody of the Agency who are 21 years of age or youngje|l"^ 

(b) A new section 303e is added to read as follows; •>, f ,?. > v *,,v^v* 'hi- ■■■■■ (<>\ 

"Sec. 303e. Behavioral health screening and assessment, requirements, ; l >■ ' ,■ : ; / l ) 

"(a) All children in the custody of the Agency shall, to the extent that it is not inconsistent 
with a court order, receive a behavioral health screening and, if necessary, a behavioral health 
assessment within 30 days of initial contact with the Agency or a placement disruption. 
Through rulemaking, the Mayor may reduce the number of days within which a behavioral 
health screening and behavioral health assessment are required. 

"(b) The Agency shall connect all children who are assessed as being in need of behavioral 
health care to an appropriate behavioral health service. v 

"(c) The Agency shall provide the behavioral health resource guide for parents and legal 
guardians and the behavioral health resource guide for youth created pursuant to section 115c 


2012 Legislation Law 19-142, § 102 

of the Department of Mental Health Establishment Amendment Act of 2001, passed on 2nd 
reading on March 20, 2012 (Enrolled version of Bill 19-211), to families of children in Agency 


Sec. 601. Applicability. 

This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and 
financial plan. 

Sec. 602. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
. December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 603. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review, 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: April 10, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: June 7, 2012. 


Law 19-142 

Act 19-345 

AN ACT to require the Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools to meet requirements 
and goals to ensure a reasonable expectation that children 3 and 4 years of age are prepared for 
kindergarten and that children in the 3rd grade meet specified academic achievements and are 
prepared for a 4th grade curriculum, to establish a pilot early warning and support system to 
track how individual students in select feeder school groups are performing on certain 
indicators of high school and college readiness, to require that all public high school students 
apply to at least one post-secondary institution before graduation, to require that all public 
high schools instruct students on the application process, how to apply for financial aid, and 
on other resources to streamline the transition to a post-secondary institution, and to require 
that every student take the SAT or the American College Testing program before graduation, 
to establish a pilot incentive program for 3 years to encourage highly effective teachers to 
teach in high-need schools, to require the Mayor to establish a plan to implement the pilot 
incentive program, to require the Mayor to establish the Community Schools Incentive 
Initiative, and to establish the Community Schools Fund. 

act may be cited as the "Raising the Expectations for Education Outcomes Omnibus Act of 

Sec. 101. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Early Warning and Support System Act of 2012". 
Sec. 102. Definitions. 


IjiSw 1&-I42j § 102 19th GountilFferfM^ 

For the purposes of this title, the term: ■ : odl'lo 

'■'' "(i) "DC-BAS" meaiis the DC Benchmark System. ■■" •^■\:Y^hiim 

..■■ : ; i >o.7au*) 

(2) "DC-CAS" means the District of Columbia Comprehensive Assessment System 


(3) "Feeder school group" means one or more schools serving students in grades 4 
through 9. Feeder school groups shall be selected by the Mayor and may consist of any/of 
the following: . : ,,,, 

(A) An elementary school, middle school, and a high school in the same feeder pattern^ 

(B) An education campus and high school in the same feeder pattern; or ; : H , , ; 

r,;; ; . :(C) One school that serves students in grades 4 through 9.- . , ■■.. ..,. 

1 (4) "Low-performing school' 7 ' means a public school or public charter school in which ' 
fewer than 40% of students performed proficient or higher oh the 2011 DC-CAS. : "\ ' : " ' :; 

(5) "Mid-high-performing school" means a public school or- public charter school in 
which 40% or more of students performed proficient dr higher on the 2011 D.Q-GAS. 

Sec. 103. Pilot early waiting and support system. ' . '. 

,(a)(i) There is established a pilot early warning and support system ("early warning and^ 
support system") to track how individual students in grades 4 through 9 in 4 feeder school -i 
groups are performing on certain indicators of high school and college readiness. The early 
warning and support system shall identify students who are at risk of leaving school prior to 
graduation and develop initiatives to support high school and college readiness, and increase 
high school graduation rates. The initiatives may include: 

(A) College and career awareness; 

(B) Parent outreach and engagement; 

(C) Tutoring and mentoring for struggling learners, including the use of technology- 
based programs; 

(D) Transition programs for middle, and higjli, school (particularly grades 5 and 8); 

(E) Individualized learning plans; and 

(F) Data coaches. <.■'■■.■■:.' " • v> 

(2) Two feeder school groups shall be comprised of mid-high-perfprming schools -and^ 
feeder school groups shall be comprised of low-performing schools^, , ..,.,- ,j, ;[ ^ ; m u 

(b) The data collected shall include for each student in grades 4 "through '9iri a^fe^der 
school group: .,'..,■ ... .., .* f 

(1) The results of all standardized assessments, including the DG-CAS and ; D.feBAlS;i 

(2) Measures of behavior and attendance; and : ) ■ >■■■"• »■ ^'^ 

; (3) Performance measures for math and English courses, including, at a minimum, mid- 
year and end-of-course grades. ■■■..;-; 

(c) The Mayor shall implement the early warning and support system in 4 feeder school 
groups and may give priority to schools in which high school and college readiness initiatives 
developed pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this section are inplace. ; l( ■,..' \,.- ■.;.<.. -, ■-;■■ 

(d)(1) Schools within each feeder school group are required to collaborate with each other 
arid with the Mayor's office to ensure' alignment df data collection. ' >V i: ' \ 

(2) Individual student data collected through the early warning and support system shall: '] 
be shared with participating feeder school groups and summarized data shall be shared" 1 
with the public. 

(e) The participating feeder school groups shall have access to additional funding that shall 
support new and existing initiatives to increase high school and college readiness ; and to 
increase high school graduation rates. 

(f) Funding shall be ; prioritized for low-performing schools. ; ' ; " ■ -■'■''■ 
Sec. 104. Survey. : - ■■'. 


2012 Legislation Law 19-142, § 203 

The Mayor shall survey a sample of schools to identify existing initiatives used to support 
high school and college readiness and increase graduation rates. Results of the survey shall 
be submitted to the Council within 90 days of the effective date of this title. 

Sec. 105. Report. 

(a) The Mayor shall create a report that shall include: 

(1) School-level data collected through the early warning and support system for each 
participating feeder school group; 

(2) Recommendations highlighting best practices to improve high school and college 
readiness and increase high school graduation rates among all schools, including the feeder 
school groups; and 

(3) A plan to expand the early warning and support system to all schools within 3 years 
of the effective date of this title. 

(b) The report shall be submitted to the Council one year after implementation of this title. 


Sec. 201. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Post-Secondary Preparation Plan Act of 2012". 

Sec. 202. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this title, the term: 

(1) "Post-secondary institution" means an entity that awards an academic degree or 
professional certification, which may include a: 

(A) University; 

(B) College; 

(C) Seminary; 

(D) Vocational school; 

(E) Trade school; or 

(F) The military. 

(2) "Public high school" means a public school or public charter school that provides 
instruction for students in the 9th through 12th grades. 

Sec. 203. Post-secondary preparation plan. 

(a)(1) Beginning with the graduating class of 2014, the Mayor shall ensure that each public 
high school student applies to at least one post-secondary institution before graduation. 

(2) The Mayor shall ensure that each public high school student participates in a 
program designed to provide students with information on applying to an appropriate post- 
secondary institution, including information on financial aid and other resources necessary 
to streamline a transition to a post-secondary institution. The program may include school- 
based and non-school-based resources. 

(b) The Mayor shall issue a report that details the number of students that attend a post- 
secondary institution, including the number of students who attend each type, including: 

(1) Universities; 

(2) Colleges; 

(3) Vocational schools; and 

(4) Other post-secondary institutions. 

(c) Beginning with the graduating class of 2014, the Mayor shall require that each student 
attending public high school takes the SAT or the American College Testing program before 

(d) The Mayor may exempt a student from the requirements of subsections (a)(1) and (c) of 
this section, if the Mayor determines that it would constitute an undue hardship on the 


Law 19-142, § 301 19th Goundi Pferibd : 


Sec. 301. Short title. 'd 

This title may be cited as the "Highly Effective Teacher Incentive Act of 2012"; >■■ ' 

Sec. 302. Definitions. : ; r (;.;) 

For the purposes of this title, the term: : l ■.:") 

(1) "DCPS" means the District of Columbia Public Schools established by section 10 r 2'%f 
the Public Education Reform Amendment At Of 2007, effective June 12, 2007 (D.C/:Law 
17-9; D.C. Official Code § 38-171). The term "DCPS" doesnOt include pubHc charter , 
schools. '■:; '. ,:■■■:' ^- i:: -. bmh-i 

(2) "High-need school" means:; - : ; : ". .' ; ,; > ;-U ^.-^v ^; A ■<:) 

(A) A DCPS school that has: - : " : -- v - ! - ; ' r ' : '" , ' i '-"- ii - f ' i Vfi 
(i) Been in operation for no fewer than 5 years; •iv.-n, ■.'■■■.:■.: ■< ;*■■ - ,<■;■ 
(ii) A minimum of 200 students; 

(iii) Forty percent or fewer of its students meeting proficiency on the District of 
Columbia Comprehensive Assessment System examination in both reading and math; 

(iv) Seventy-five percent or more of its students qualify for free or reduced-price 
lunch; or ;!; ,Vj ^ 

(B) A public charter school that: 
(i) Is a tier one or tier 2 school;' 

(ii) Has been in operation for no fewer than 5 years; and , 

(iii) Has a minimum of 200 students. 

(3) "Highly effective teacher" means: 

(A) A DCPS teacher who receives a rating of "highly effective" under the DCPS 
IMPACT evaluation system; or ' ' 

(B) A public charter school teacher who receives a rating that meets the highly 
effective standard agreed upon by the Mayor and that public charter school: " : >■ J - ; 

Sec.303. Pilot incentive program, H i,,(1 * J '' ^ - '■>■ .-■ ^Iiin'Vv'i) ^ 

(a)(1) There is established a pilot incentive program to encourage highly effective teachers 
to teach in high-need schools for the start of the 2913^2014 school ye'aft'^' ; f/i -"^ -^ 

(2) The incentives shall include: : "" Vi -^ :;■■ ' v ^iiv/ vru(d^^; ( iHiVi 

(A) A one-time bonus of $10,000; T^T'."/ ''-I?'? ! : " ""'^ "^ 

(B) Homebuyer and other housing assistance, including; 1 y '. ., 7 (l C 

(i) Access to subsidized rental housing units; : ..-..■". 

(ii) Forgivable loans for a down payment of up to 10% of the median home price in 
theDistrict; and / r^ ;>( 

(iii) Access to low-interest mortgage loans; >^' (*0 

(C) An amount of up to $5,000 to be expended on tuition assistance, which riiay include '' 
reimbursement for specific courses that lead to certification in high-demand j subject 
areas, such as math and science, and loan-repayment assistance for existing'. education 
loans; and , n \j f ^ 

(D) An amount of up to $3,000 to be used as income tax credits. . : ^ <>.) 

(3) The incentives shall not exceed the maximum allowable amounts over the 3-year 
eriod of the pilot program. v^jj^ 

^b)(l)(A) The pilot program shall consist of 4 high-need schools. At least one of the schools;; 
dhall be a tier one or tier 2 public charter school. . ; ■;.,) 

(B) At least 3, but not more than 5, teachers' shall be selected for each school of the^f 
schools in the pilot program. r ; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-142, § 402 

(2) The Mayor shall establish a plan to implement the pilot program. The plan shall be 
submitted to the Council for review within 90 days of the effective date of this title. The 
plan shall include: 

(A) A process for teachers to apply to the program; 

(B) A process for selecting qualified applicants, which shall include a requirement that 
a teacher commit to serving a minimum of 3 years at a high-need school; and 

(C) Guidelines for selecting high-need schools, which shall include schools that have: 

(i) A proficiency in both reading and math of 40% or below; and 

(ii) At least 75% or more of students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch; 

(D) Guidelines for selecting highly effective teachers. 

(3) For DCPS, highly effective teachers shall be selected according to IMPACT stan- 
dards. For public charter schools, the Mayor shall work with each public charter school to 
develop the criteria for selecting highly effective teachers. 

Sec. 304 Report. 

The Mayor shall provide a report by August 30th of each year in which the pilot program is 
in operation, which shall include: 

(1) The number of teachers committed to continuing the pilot program for the following 

(2) Feedback from the participating teachers regarding implementation of the pilot 
program and the incentives; 

(3) An assessment of the effectiveness of the pilot program; and 

(4) Recommendations for improving the pilot program. 
Sec. 305. Sunset. 

This title shall expire 3 years from its effective date. 


Sec. 401. Short title. 

This title may be cited as the "Community Schools Incentive Act of 2012". 

Sec. 402. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this title, the term: ■ 

(1) "Community partner" means a provider of one or more eligible services. 

(2) "Community school" means a public and private partnership to coordinate education- 
al, developmental, family, health, and after-school-care programs during school and non- 
school hours for students, families, and local communities at a public school or public 
charter school with the objectives of improving academic achievement, reducing absentee- 
ism, building stronger relationships between students, parents, and communities, and 
improving the skills, capacity, and well-being of the surrounding community residents. 

(3) "Eligible consortium" means a partnership established between a- local education 
agency and one or more community partners for purposes of establishing, operating, and 
sustaining a community school. 

(4) "Eligible services" means: 

(A) Primary medical and dental care that will be available to students and community 

(B) Mental health prevention and treatment services that will be available to students 
and community residents; 

(C) Academic-enrichment activities designed to promote a student's cognitive develop- 
ment and provide opportunities to practice and apply academic skills; 


iMw 19^142, ^ 102 19th Council Period 

'■■>t . '(D) Programs designed to increase attendance, including reducing early chronic 
'"■' absenteeism rates; T 

(E) Youth development programs designed to promote young people's social, emotion- 
al, physical, and moral development, including artsi sports, physical fitness^ youth 

1: leadership, community service, and service-learning opportunities; 

(F) Early childhood education, including Head Start and Early Head Start programs; 

'"'(Of) Programs designed to: r ; ; -■ - > 

(i) Facilitate piarentar involvement in, arid engagement with, their 1 children's edu- 
v ^cation j including parental activities that involve supporting, moriitoririg;.- arid advocating 
for their children's education; , h*-> 

(ii) Promote parental leadership; m the life of the school; and ; ■:■>':■ .'■ • - 

' (iii) Build parenting skills; 

J ' (H) School-age child-care services, including before-school arid after-school services 
and full-day programming that operates during school holidays, summers, vacations, arid 
weekends; .'.;■■' 

: :: .($) Programs that provide assistance to students who:have been truant, suspended, or 
expelled and that offer multiple pathways to high school graduation M General Edu-' - 
., cational Development completion; , ......;/■■ • . ,.. , , .- ; ; , M \ 

(J) Youth and adult job-training services and career-counseling services; - :, v- 

; ■-■=?■' ';■; (K) Nutrition-education services;' i ;'■;■ /^::<f; ■-• ■jfepbT^ -v'.- ^':<.r\ J-^'i-y-ii <'■:■. 

(L) Adult education, including instruction in English as a second' language, adult 
literacy, computer literacy, financial literacy, 'and hard-skills training; or ■:■■,-. ; ; ■, 

(M) Programs that provide remedial education and enrichment activities; \ •■ .;> 
Sec. 403. Administration of Community Schools Incentive Initiative. :'.; ,- : ; <.;■ \ 

(a) The Mayor shall establish and administer the multiyear Community Schools Incentive 
Initiative ("Incentive Initiative") to award multiyear grants to incentivize the establishment of 
no fewer than 5 new community schools within one year of the effective date of this title, with 
priority given to schools that have: ' , • 

(1) A focus on mental health prevention and treatment services and adult education arid 
training; and >, 

(2) A student population of which at least 75% of the students qualify for free r or 
reduced-price lunch. ' /'^ 

(b) The Mayor shall promote and encourage the use of public school and public charter 
school facilities by community and neighborhood groups. . , J1 m ; 

(c) Within 60 days of the effective date of this title, the Mayor shall convene a Community 
Schools Advisory Committee that shall consist of : , - 4 . ■/ ; ..• 

' (1) The Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools, or designee; -•■;,»-<■ .*, ^ 
(2) The Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, or designee; J 
(3), The Director of the Department of Healthy or designee; . .. .., - ; - ,■-•:,;; 

(4) The Director of the Department of Employment Services, or designee; , . „ , . 

;:j (5) The President of the State Board of Education, or designee; ;ij; ■ ., ( , - ■■ 

(6) The President of the University of the District of Coluriibia, or desigriee; 'V 

(7) The President of the University of the District of Columbia Community College 1 , or; , . ..,-.. \-,.:- ■■;.■■.■ < _--:- ;:.:■■{ ; =■■■■//-,.': ••<:■■■.;> ; r i..;:; W^\vy. i .--,.•.- : ) : - 

(8) The Deputy Mayor for Education, or designee; -.1. \ ■< . <? 
, , (9) Representatives from at least 4 community-based organizations; , j j , , \ 

(10) Representatives from at least 4 philanthropic or business organizations; • r "^ 
■■rj'diyjjThe.DireGtbf of the Public : Charter School Board, or designee; and '^ 

(12) The directors of 2 public charter schools. ■'' 


2012 Legislation Law 19-142, § 404 

(d) The Community Schools Advisory Committee shall: 

(1) Advise the Mayor on the development of the Incentive Initiative, including the 
development of a results-based framework and accompanying performance indicators with 
which to measure the success of the Incentive Initiative; 

(2) Participate in the selection process for Incentive Initiative grantees; 

(3) Develop recommendations on how all public schools can become centers of their 
communities by opening school facilities for nonprofit and community use; 

(4) Identify potential funding sources for the provision of eligible services within the 
Incentive Initiative; and 

(5) Develop yearly measurable performance goals to assess: 

(A) How to increase the percentage of families and students receiving services for 
each year of the Incentive Initiative; 

(B) The outcomes. for students and families, particularly student academic achieve- 
ment; and 

(C) The number of public schools and public charter schools that have established 
formal relationships with community and neighborhood groups to use school facilities. 

(e) Within 180 days of the effective date of the title, the Mayor shall establish a process for 
awarding grants of no more than $200,000 a year to successful eligible consortiums and shall 
require that each application for an Incentive Initiative grant include: 

(1) An assessment of the local school community and the neighborhood's needs and 

(2) A description of the proposed eligible consortium, including the type and number of 
community partners, as defined in section 402, and how the eligible consortium shall 
address the needs and build upon the assets of the community that the eligible consortium 
will serve; 

(3) A proposed budget and narrative description of the proposed use of grant funds, 
which budget shall reflect a core concept of service coordination and integration and the 
narrative describe how the eligible consortium shall provide at least 4 additional eligible 
services that did not exist before the establishment of the eligible consortium; 

(4) The identification of operational funding for eligible services and community part- 
ners; and 

(5) A plan for the development of a community advisory board to include members of 
school leadership, school faculty, parents of school students, community leaders, communi- 
ty-based organizations, and other community members. 

(f) The Mayor shall: 

(1) Conduct periodic evaluations of the progress achieved with funds allocated under a 
grant, consistent with the purposes of this section; 

(2) Use the evaluations to refine and improve activities conducted with the grant and the 
performance measures for the activities; 

(3) Make the results of the evaluations publicly available, including providing public 
notice of the availability; and 

(4) Identify best practices and lessons learned for the purpose of informing the District- 
wide community school policy. . 

Sec. 404. Establishment of Community School Fund. 

(a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Community Schools Fund ("Fund"). All 
funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not revert to the 
unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a 
fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses and purposes 
set forth in subsection (b) of this section without regard to fiscal year limitation, subject to 
authorization by Congress. 

(b)(1) The Fund shall be used solely for the purposes of supporting schools designated as 
community schools. 


Law 19-142, § 4Q4 19th Council^ReriM*: 

(2) No more than 10% of the Fund shall bfe used to fund administrative costs associated 
with the operations of the Mayor; and ,■ . ( j > 

(3) The Fund shall be used to fund the planning and implementation, of the Inc^ntiye 
Initiative grant program. i .{bitlv/ 

(c) The following monies shall be deposited into the Fund: >i (&) 

\(1) Federal funds and grants; ■'■' :/ ; ( & 

(2) Localfunds; '' V; v '•' ' "' - " iilim . 

(3)Gifts; and ; - ■>"■" ' i; ': } T 

(4) Payments from public or private sources, ' V 


See. 501. Shorttitle. < - -; / 

This title may be cited as the "Early Childhood Education Act of 2012". 

Sec.502. Definitions. . ■ j> mv ""' ,; i r, ; : \ , 

For the purposes of this title, the term: ,'.'.".'"" % ' ■ " . \..' - 

(1) "Chancellor" means the chief executive officer of the District of Columbia Public ^ 
Schools appointed pursuant to section 105 of the Public Education Reform Amendment Act ^ 
of 2007, effective June 12, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-9; D.C. Official Code § 38-174). ^ riiJrJl 

(2) "DCPS" means the District of Columbia Public Schools established by section i02 of 
the Public Education Reform Amendment Act of 2007, effective June 12, 2007 (D.C: Law 
17-9; D.C. Official Code § 38-171). ^ 

Sec. 503. Requirements and goals. - - 

(a) To meet the academic achievement requirements and goals set forth in this section^ the 
Chancellor shall: ,,. 

(1) Establish guidelines for academic achievement; 

(2) Develop and implement curricula; and 

(3) Ensure that DCPS staff and administrators are trained to implement the curricula 
established pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection to meet the goals set forth in 

' subsection (b) of this section. ; :v ' i; 

(b) The Chancellor shall be responsible forf ; ■' / ; '' „ -^ 

(1) Academic achievement goals, vyhich shall include the reasonable expectation t^at T all 

children: ■■■■■■ -. v 

(A) Three or 4 years of age in DCPS shall be properly prepared for entry and 
achievement in the DCPS Mridergarteh' program; and ^ ■ , ., -hMD 

(B) In the 3rd grade, upon being promoted to the 4th grade, shall be aMe 5 to IT fead 
independently and to understand the fundamental of mathematics so 1 that thfey -can: 

(i) Add; ; .';' ' ;; ,v '- - ; '- "•»/;'-«;^;^- 

(ii) Subtract; ; ' . M '^V^/^- J :\ 1/J '\[ 

(iii) Multiply; and .,..., , 

(iv) Divide; and 

(2) Readiness goals, which shall include readiness evaluations for all children: 

(A) Three or 4 years of age in DCPS, which shall be designed and implemented to 
measure the ability of a student entering the DCPS kindergarten program and to , = 
determine his or her readiness for entry and achievement in DCPS; and 

(B) In kindergarten through 3rd grade in DCPS, which shall be designed and 
implemented to measure the reading and mathematical ability of a student entering a, . 
grade kindergarten through 3rd grade to determine the student's readiness for entry and ; 

, achievement in the relevant grade level. , , ( 

Sec. 504. Tracking and monitoring., .: , ; ^; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-142, § 703 

The Chancellor shall: 

(1) Track and monitor the preparedness of: 

(A) The early childhood population of children 3 and 4 years of age to determine the 
children's readiness for entry and achievement in DCPS; and 

(B) Children in kindergarten through 3rd grade in DCPS to determine their readiness 
for entry and achievement in the 4th grade; 

(2) Develop a plan to address: 

(A) The early childhood population of children 3 and 4 years of age who are not ready 
for entry and achievement in DCPS; and 

(B) Children in kindergarten through 3rd grade in DCPS who are not ready for entry 
and achievement in the 4th grade; 

(3) Conduct readiness evaluations annually to ascertain whether: 

(A) Children 3 and 4 years of age are prepared for kindergarten; • and 

(B) Children in the 3rd grade are prepared to be promoted to the 4th grade; and 

(4) Submit to the Council and the Mayor, by October 1 of each year: 

(A) The results of the readiness evaluations required by paragraph (3) of this section; 

(B) A DCPS annual report for the preceding academic year delineating the progress 
and readiness of all students. 

Sec. 601. Rules. 

(a) The Mayor, pursuant to Title I of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure 
Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq.\ shall issue 
rules to implement the provisions of this act. 

(b) Each local education agency may advise the Mayor with respect to all proposed matters 
or rules issued pursuant to this act. 


Sec. 701. Applicability. 

This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and 
financial plan. 

Sec. 702. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 703. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review f 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: April 20, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: June 19, 2012. 


Law 19r-143 19th Council Peritfd^ 


Law 19-143 

Act 19-346 '-. v...-. :■■::■-: - — 

AN ACT to authorize the Commissioner of the Department of insurance, Securities, and Banking 

.to require fingerprint-based national criminal history record background checks Of applicants 

for certain charters, licenses, and registrations issued by the department;, and to amend (the 

21st Century Financial Modernization Act of 2000 to expand the, general powers of the 

^'Commissioner.' ■ ' : '/':'/'"'"' \'\ Ui J 

act may be cited as the "DISB Fingerprint-Based Background Check Authorization Act of 

2012". - : ';,; 

' ,....- ....'■ ; : ' : ' . Title i ' '"" ;.' '\^'.,':" 

Sec. 101. Definitions. 

For thfe purposes of this act, thfe term; .' ' ■; 

(1) "Applicant" means an individual, or other person designated by the Commissioner by 
rule, applying for any of the following: 

(A) An initial license as a resident insurance producer pursuant to the Producer 
Licensing Act of 2002, effective March 27, 2003 (D.C. Law 14-264; D.C. Official Code 
§ 31-1131.01 et seq.), or public insurance adjuster pursuant to the Public Insurance 

,- Adjuster Licensure Act of 2002, effective March 27, 2003 (D.C. Law 14-256; D.C. Official 
,: Code § 31-1631.01 et seq.); , , , m- ;: ^r :: 

(B) A license or registration to be an, agent; broker-dealer, investment adviser^ 6r : 
investment adviser representative pursuant to the Securities Act of 2000, effective 
October 26, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-203; D.C. Official Code ;'§ 31-5601.01 et seq.); 

(C) A charter to open and operate a new bank pursuant to the District of Columbia" 
Regional Interstate Banking Act of 1985, effective November 23, 1985 (D.C. Law 6-63; 
D.C. Official Code § 26-701 et seq.); or ;-, j~ v y n p r 

(D) A license, charter, or registration, other than those designated in subparagraphs 
(A) through (C) of this paragraph, as designated by the Commissioner by.rule. r f .; y? /n ;^ 

(2) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department pf Insurance, Securi- 
ties, and Banking. r ' ■ J4f -' i = :i ' " A ■-■' :1 '; '" m 'f li[ ^ 

(3) "Fingerprint" means an impression of the lines on the finger taken for the purpose of 
identification. The impression may be electronic or in ink converted to an electronic 

Sec. 102. Fingerprinting and criminal history record background checks. , ' ,'.,"...,; 

(a) The Commissioner shall require state and national criminal history record background - n 
checks of each applicant for the purpose of determining eligibility for a license, registration, 
or charter. In order for the Commissioner to obtain and receive national criminal history 
records from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Criminal Justice Information Services 
Division, the Commissioner shall require each applicant to submit a fall set of fingerprints, irr 
iridudihg a scanned electronic or digital fingerprint or a hard copy fingerprint. ■■"■' : - , '< /! 

(b) The applicant shall bear the cost of administering and processing the fingerprinting and ■ 
criminal history record background checks. The' Commissioner shall establish, by rule, fees ', 
to cover the costs associated with the fingerprinting and criminal history record background'" 


r .. ,■■" v 'i--. 

(c) The Commissioner may contract for the collection and transmission of fingerprints 
authorized under this act, including any administrative functions related thereto., 


2012 Legislation Law 19-143, § 201(b) 

(d) The Commissioner may exchange the fingerprints and other information with, and 
receive criminal history record background information from, the Metropolitan Police Depart- 
ment and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of facilitating determinations 
regarding eligibility for licensure under this act. The Metropolitan Police Department may 
exchange this fingerprint data with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

Sec. 103. Confidentiality. 

(a) The Commissioner shall: 

(1) Treat and maintain applicants' fingerprints and any criminal history record back- 
ground information obtained under this act as confidential; 

(2) Apply security measures consistent with the Criminal Justice Information Services 
Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's standards for the electronic storage of 
fingerprints and necessary identifying information; and 

(3) Limit the use of records solely for the purposes authorized by this act. 

(b) For the purposes of this act, any such records shall: 

(1) Not be deemed to be a public record within the meaning of section 3(18) of the 
District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 
1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-502(18)); 

(2) Not be subject to disclosure, except pursuant to a subpoena issued by order of a 
court of competent jurisdiction; 

(3) Be kept confidential by law and privileged; and 

(4) Not be subject to discovery or admissible in any private civil actiom 

Sec. 104. Rules. 

The Commissioner, pursuant to the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, 
approved October 1, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq.), may issue rules 
to implement the provisions of this act. 

Title II 

Sec. 201. The 21st Century Financial Modernization Act of 2000, effective June 9, 2001 
(D.C. Law 13-308; D.C. Official Code § 26-551.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 102 (D.C. Official Code § 26-551.02) is amended by adding a new subsection 
(7A) to read as follows: 

"(7A) "Controlling interest" means: 

"(A) More than 50% of the total voting power of all classes of stock of a corporation or 
more than 50% of the total fair market value of all classes of stock of a corporation; 

"(B) More J than 50% of the capital or profits in a partnership, association, or other 
unincorporated entity; or 

"(C) More than 50% of the beneficial interests in a trust.". 

(b) Section 105 (D.C. Official Code § 26-551.05) is amended by adding a new subsection 
(b-1) to read as follows: 

"(b-l)(l) To determine a financial institution's eligibility to conduct a regulated activity 
under the District of Columbia Banking Code, the Commissioner may require each organizer, 
partner, director, officer, and owner with a controlling interest in the financial institution to 
submit to the Commissioner his or her fingerprints, contact information, and other identifying 
information, along with written consent to the performance of a criminal history record 
background check. 

"(2) The Commissioner may exchange the fingerprints and other information with, and 
receive criminal history record background information from, the Metropolitan Police 
Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purposes of facilitating the 
Commissioner's determination. 


Law 19-143, § 201(b) 19th Council Period 

"(3) The individual or financial institution associated with the regulated activity requiring 
the Commissioner's determination shall bear the cost of the criminal history record'* 
background check and all costs of administering and processing the background ch'ecki"^* 

Title III : i:mAwi 

Sec. 301. Fiscal impact statement. , ~j (&) 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 302. Effective date; ■* ■ , 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of Veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period, of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act,, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(D), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register; 

APPROVED: April 29, 2012. ••;/ ; 

EFFECTIVE: June 20, 2012. , ■:'.;<■ . . - " ' ./ 


.■'.■ ■ .' 'UP 

■ ■ : ; Law 19-144 . : fi^r?f-"q." 

- . ; . ■ .■■/■■*.; :n M 
Act 19-347 

AN ACT to amend, on a temporary basis, the Vending Regulation Act of 2009 to establish a healthy 
mobile cart vending pilot program in underserved areas, to define healthy food vendor as a 
vendor who sells only fruits and Vegetables, and to limit the pilot program to historically 
underutilized business zones and to 15 permits; and to permit the Mayor to issue rules to 
implement the provisions of this i ( ac;L ;; ( .. ■ ■ 

act may be cited as the "Fresh Healthy Mobile Cart Vending Pilot In Underserved Areas 
Temporary Amendment Act of 2012". ; , .., )7/r „ ,, .. 

Sec. 2. The Vending Regulation Act of 2009 r , Effective October 22, 2009 (D.C. Law 18^71; 
D.C. Official Code § 37-131.01 et.seq.), is amended. as ; follows: • , ;' 

(a) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 37-131.01) is amended as follows: - ' '•'-' Tk ; - 

(1) A new paragraph (1A) is added to read as follow^' J<! ' l) - " ;: •■"'''' " - ; ' ; :iV ;?,,J 

"(1A) "Healthy food vendor" means a vendor thathsfells vorily unprocessed; »■ unjftozeri, 
whole, raw fruits and vegetables that have not been combined with other ; ingredients;;! i 
provided, that the Mayor, by rule, may expand this definition .to include other healthy food 

' items.". '^i% : .:. ■':'" ■'.., 

. (2) A new paragraph (2A) is added to read as follows: 7n : ,,; 

"(2A) "Underserved area" means a historically underutilized business zone, as defined bi- 
section 3(p)(l) of the Small Business Act, approved July 18, 1958 (72 Stat. 384; 15 U.S.C. : 
§ 632(p)(l)).". 

(b) Section 4(c) (D.C. Official Code § 37-131.03(c)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"provided, that vending locations on the National Mall shall riot be included in this limitation" 
and inserting the phrase "provided, that vending locations on the National Mall and healthy 
food vendors located in underserved areas shall not be included in this limitation" in its place. 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

(c) Section 5 (D.C. Official Code § 37-131.04) is amended by adding a new subsection (b-1) 
to read as follows: 

"(b-1) Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, the Mayor may issue up to 15 
vending site permits to healthy food vendors located in underserved areas; provided, that if a 
vendor receiving a vending site permit ceases to be a healthy food vendor, the Mayor shall 
revoke the permit.". 

Sec. 3. Rules. 

The, Mayor, pursuant to Title 1 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, 
' approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq.), shall issue rules 
to implement the provisions of this act. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official .Code § l-206.02(c)(3)>. 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. 
APPROVED: April 29, 2012. 

EFFECTIVE: June 20, 2012. 


Law 19-145 

Act 19-348 

AN ACT to establish, on a temporary basis, boundaries for Advisory Neighborhood Commission 
("ANC") areas and single- member districts within Advisory Neighborhood Commission areas; 
and to amend the Advisory Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975 to provide that nominating 
petitions for ANC membership shall become available no later than 120 calendar days before an 
election for members of an ANC. 

act may be cited as the "Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Temporary Act of 

Sec. 2. (a) There are hereby established, pursuant to section 4(a) of the Advisory 
Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975, effective October 10, 1975 (D.C. Law 1-21; D.C. Official 
Code § l-309.03(a)), Advisory Neighborhood Commission, ("ANC") areas and singlemember 
district ("SMD") areas within ANC areas, the boundaries of which shall be depicted on the 
official maps of the District of Columbia according to the following legal descriptions: 

Description of ANC 1A Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Spring Road; East on Spring Road to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on 
New Hampshire Avenue to Rock Creek Church Road; Northeast on Rock Creek Church 
Road to Park Place; South on Park Place to Michigan Avenue; West on Michigan Avenue to 
Columbia Road; West on Columbia Road to Sherman Avenue; South on Sherman Avenue to 


Law 19-445, § 2 19th Council Period^ 

Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Girard 
Street; West on Girard Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to the continuation of > ; 
Girard Street; West on Girard Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Fuller Street; 
West on Fuller Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Spring Road, the point of... 
beginning. , , ,^ v . 

Description of SMD 1A01 Boundaries ■■'.!' wi 

.All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of T6th 
Street and Spring Road; East on Spring Road to 14'th Street; South on 14th J Street toOgdSh 
Street; Northwest on Ogden Street to Perry Place; West oh Perry Place to 16th Stfe'e't({ ; 
North on 16th Street to Spring Road, the point of beginning. - ' ; ; ■:'•:■'■ Mtuu <>\ 

Description of SMD 1A02 Boundaries 


All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of i6thf, ; 
Street and Perry Place; East on Perry Place to Ogden Street; Southeast on Ogden Street to/ j 
14th Street; South on 14th Street to Newton Street; East on Newton Street to Holmead 
Place; South on Holmead Place to Monroe Street; Southwest on Monroe Street to 14th 
Street; North on 14th Street to Newton Street; Northwest on Newton Street to 16th Street; 
North oh 16th Street to Perry Place, the point of beginning. -^ 

Description of SMD 1A03 Boundaries a 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of i6tti' " 
Street and Irving Street; East on Irving Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to 
Columbia Road; West on Columbia Road to Harvard Court; South along a line bearing due 
south from the intersection of Columbia Road and Harvard Court to its intersection with 
Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Columbia 
Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Irving Street, 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Spring 
Road and 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Newton Street; East on Newton Street to 
Holmead Place; South on Holmead Place to Park Road; Northeast on Park Road to 13th 
Street; North on 13th Street to Spring Road; West on Spring Road to 14th Street, the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Newton Street; Southeast on Newton Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street 
to Monroe Street; Northeast on, Monroe Street to Holmead Place; South on Holmead Place 
to Park Road; Southwest on Park Road to 14th Street; South oh 14th Street to Irving 
Street; West -on Irving Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Newton Street, the 
point of beginning, ,V / = .,-. ; Mi- 

Description of SMD 1A06 Boundaries ' 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning <at the intersection of 14th 
Street and Park Road; Northeast on Park Road to 13th Street; North oh 13th Street to ; 
Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to 11th Street; South oh 11th Street to Lamont "* 
Street; East on Lamont Street to Sherman Avenue; South on Sherman Avenue to Kenyon ■--> 
Street; West on Kenyon Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street to Irving Street; West ■ 
on Irving Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Park Road, the point of beginning. .. 

Description of SMD 1A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Spring.-; 
Road and 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to T 
11th Street; South 'on 11th Street to Lamont Street; East on Lamont Street to Sherman, i 
Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New ) 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Hampshire Avenue to Spring Road; Northwest on Spring Road to 13th Street, the point of 

Description of SMD 1A08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Monroe 
Street and Park Road; East on Park Road to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to 
Newton Place; East on Newton Place to Warder Street; South on Warder Street to Park 
Road; East on Park Road to Park Place; North on Park Place to Rock Creek Church Road; 
West on Rock Creek Church Road to New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hamp- 
shire Avenue'to Monroe Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Monroe 
Street and Park Road; East on Park Road to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to 
Newton Place; East on Newton Place to Warder Street; South on Warder Street to Lamont 
Street; West on Lamont Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to Keefer Place; West on 
Keefer Place to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Kenyon Street; West on 
Kenyon Street to Sherman Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to Monroe Street, the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Sherman 
Avenue and Kenyon Street; South on Sherman Avenue to Columbia Road; East on Columbia 
Road to Michigan Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue to Park Place; North on Park Place to 
Park Road; West on Park Road to Warder Street; South on Warder Street to Lamont 
Street; West on Lamont Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to Keefer Place; West on 
Keefer Place to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Kenyon Street; West on 
Kenyon Street to Sherman Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A11 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Kenyon 
Street and Sherman Avenue; South on Sherman Avenue to Harvard Street; West on 
Harvard Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Columbia Road; West on Columbia 
Road to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Irving Street; East on Irving Street to 11th 
Street; North on 11th Street to Kenyon Street; East on Kenyon Street to Sherman Avenue, 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A12 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Columbia Road; South on 16th Street to Fuller Street; East on Fuller Street to 
15th Street; North on 15th Street to Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 14th Street; 
l^orth on 14th Street to the continuation of Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 13th 
Street; North on 13th Street to Columbia Road; West on Columbia Road to Harvard Court; 
South along a line bearing due south from the intersection of Columbia Road and Harvard 
Court to its intersection with Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to 15th Street; North 
on 15th Street to Columbia Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to 16th Street, the point of 

Description of ANC IB Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Fuller 
Street and 16th Street; East on Fuller Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Girard . 
Street; East on Girard Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to the continuation of 
Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Harvard Street; 
East on Harvard Street to Sherman Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to Columbia Road; 
East on Columbia Road to Michigan Avenue; East and then southeast on Michigan Avenue to 
1st Street; South on 1st Street to Bryant Street; West on Bryant Street to 2nd Street; 
South on 2nd Street to Rhode Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to Florida 
Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to T Street; West on T Street to Wiltberger Street; 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council Period^ 

South on Wiltberger Street to S Street; West on S Street to 14th Street; North on 14th I 
Street to U Street; West on U Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Fuller Street; »J 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B01 Boundaries jja 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection, of 2na^ 
Street and V Street; South on 2nd Street to Rhode Island Avenue; Southwest on .Rhgdeg 
Island Avenue to Florida Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to T Street; ^e^pn,JT^ 
Street to Wiltberger Street; South on Wiltberger Street to S Street; West on S Streetfjto ||p^ 
Street; North on 8th Street to V Street; East on V Street to Georgia Avenue; North on ' 
Georgia Avenue to W Street; East on W Street to 4th Street; 'South on 4th Street to V 
Street; East on V Street to 2nd Street, the point of beginning. f ., % ,_ ri ; ■ , ( ^ 

Description of SMD 1B02 Boundaries "'■■■*; -ton fri 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of S Street^ 
and 8th Street; North on 8th Street to V Street; West on : :Vj Street to Florida Avenue;;^ 
Northwest on Florida Avenue to W Street; West on W Street to^lOth Street; North on 10th i 
Street to Florida Avenue; West on Florida Avenue to 12th Street; South on 12th Street to S > 
Street; East on S Street to 8th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B03 Boundaries ^' 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of iSth'j 
Street and Clifton Street; North on 13th Street to Fairmont Street; East on Fairmont Street!-' 
■to- Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 6th ; ,- 
Street; South on 6th Street to Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont Street to Georgia^ 1 
Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to Sherman ) 
Avenue; South on Sherman Avenue to Barry Place; West on Barry Place to Florida Avenue; 
Northwest on Florida Avenue to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to Euclid Street; West on 
Euclid Street to 12th Street; South on 12th Street to Clifton Street; West on Clifton Street,, 
to 13th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B04 Boundaries ^ ; f ! 

■\; ; \ ■, ,!-;■■ : ■■ : ' ' ■/, ■. ■■■ '■'■■ >i h..;.tH 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of: 12th ft 
Street and Florida Avenue; West on Florida Avenue to 13th Street; North on 13th ; Street! td > 
Belmont Street; West on Belmont Street to 14th Street; ; South on 14th Street to Florida 
Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 15tn Street; South on 15th Street to V Street; 
East on V Street to 12th Street; North on<12th Street to, Florida Avenue, < the point i df A 
beginning. ■ . ■ - '^ 'h : U 31 .■'■.. : Kio'y\ ■■ ■..'::■■■ ^O Uiui : \>y?i\H 

. . ■:- '; ■:■ .;■>■ ■ ■ :>\i r.n •.'• il Y> ;-m}H dm 

Description of SMD 1B05 Boundaries ■ :.-? ,-,,- , , > r nn dholh 
All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the mterseciidn'of^^ 1 - 1 - 

Street and New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to. '. ,. r urmTi , ,, 
East on V Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Florida Avenue; NbrtheJist.pK^ 
Florida Avenue to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Chapin Street; West oh tihapin ( j 
Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street ixT'iBtli 
Street; South on 16th Street to New Hampshire Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B06 Boundaries ■; 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Chapin^ 
Street and 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Euclid Street; East on Euclid Street to 14th ) 
Street; South on 14th Street to Clifton Street; East on Clifton Street to 12th Street; North A 
on 12th Street to Euclid Street; East on Euclid Street to 11th Street; South on llth Street I 
to Florida Avenue; West on Florida Avenue to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to BelmdriU 
Street; West on Belmont Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Chapin Street; West^ 
on Chapin Street to 15th Street, the point of beginning. > ^i^nmh 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 1B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Euclid Street; North on 16th Street to Fuller Street; East on Fuller Street to 
15th Street; North on 15th Street to Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 14th Street; 
South on 14th Street to Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont Street to University Place; 
South on University Place to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to 15th Street; South on 
15th Street to the continuation of Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to 16th Street, the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of 13th 
Street and Girard Street; West on Girard Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to 
Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont Street to University Place; South on University Place to 
Euclid Street; East on Euclid Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Clifton Street; 
East on Clifton Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Girard Street, the point of 

Descriptipn of SMD 1B09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13th 
Street and Fairmont Street; North on 13th Street to Harvard Street; East on Harvard 
Street to Sherman Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to Columbia Road; East on Columbia 
Road to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont 
Street to 13th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD IB 10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia 
Avenue and Columbia Road; East on Columbia Road to Michigan Avenue; East and then 
southeast on Michigan Avenue to 1st Street; South on 1st Street to Bryant Street; West on 
Bryant Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Howard Place; West on Howard Place to 
6th Street; North on 6th Street to Fairmont Street; East on Fairmont Street to the 
continuation of 6th Street; North on 6th Street to Girard Street; West on Girard Street to 
Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Columbia Road, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD IB 11 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Sherman 
Avenue and Euclid Street; South on Sherman Avenue to Barry Place; West on Barry Place 
to 10th Street; South on 10th Street to W Street; East on W Street to Florida Avenue; 
Southeast on Florida Avenue to V Street; East on V Street to Georgia Avenue; North on 
Georgia Avenue to W Street; East on W Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to V 
Street; East on V Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Bryant Street; West on 
Bryant Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Howard Place; West on Howard Place to 
6th Street; North on 6th Street to Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont Street to Georgia 
Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to Sherman 
Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD IB 12 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of U Street, 
and New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to V Street; East on V 
Street to 12th Street; South on 12th Street to S Street; West on S Street to 14th Street; 
North on 14th Street to U Street; West on U Street to New Hampshire Avenue, the point of 

Description of ANC 1C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and U Street; West on U Street to Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 
Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to Rock Creek; North along Rock 
Creek to its intersection with a line extending Harvard Street from the east; East along said 


Law 19-145* § 2 19th Council P&iSd^ 

line extending Harvard Street to Harvard Street; East on Harvard Street to 16th Street; 
South on 16th Street to U Street^ the point of beginning. ^ 

Description of SMD 1C01 Boundaries "' 

All Streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 18th ' 
Street and Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest "\ 
on Connecticut Avenue to Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 20th Street; ; 
North on 20th Street, to Kalorama Road; East on Kalorama Road to 19th Street; South on ' 
19th Street to Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 18th Street; South on 18th 
Street to Florida Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1C02 Boundaries ■ 

AIT streets , are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of ; 
Connecticut Avenue and Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 20th Street; North t 
on 20th Street to Kalorama Road; East on Kalorama Road to 19th Street; North on 19th/; 
Street to Biltmore Street; East on Biltmore Street to Cliffbourne Place; North on Cliffb- 
ourne Place to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to Roek Creek; Southwest along Rock 
Creek to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Wyoming Avenue, the ;, 
point of beginning. ; t; : < , ; 

Description of SMD 1C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 19th V 
Street and Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 18th Street; North on 18th Street 
to Columbia Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to Biltmore Street; West on Biltmore , 
Street to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to Wyoming Avenue, the point of beginning. - 

Description of SMD 1C04 Boundaries 

All streets 'are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the 1 intersection of Calvert ^ 
Street and Rock Creek; North along Rock Creek to its intersection with a line extending)"! 
Harvard Street from the east; East along said line extending Harvard Street to Harvard; > 
Street; East on Harvard Street to Adams Mill Road; Southwest on Adams Mill Road to 
Summit Place; East on Summit Place to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Ontario Road; 
Southeast on Ontario Road to Lanier Place; Southwest on Lanier Place to Oalvert Street;/; 
East on Calvert Street to Adams Mill Road; Southeast on Adams Mill Road to Columbia/,, 
Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to Biltmore Street; West on Biltmore Street; to )j 
Cliffbourne Place; North on Cliffbourne Place to Calvert Street; West ori,Calvert Street ;to.H 
Rock Creek, the point of beginning. ■■■-.';>. /;; ;..'->■.■/ ^-^v-ir) 

Description of SMD 1C05 Boundaries ^ rui «) s?\ j^ri'I 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Adams/, 
Mill Road and Summit Place; East on Summit Place to 18th Street; South pn l8th ; Street toV 
Ontario Road; Southeast on Ontario Road to Lanier Place; Northeast on Lanier Place to 
Quarry Road; Southeast on Quarry Road to Columbia Road; Northeast on Columbia Road to 
16th Street; North on 16th Street to Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to Adams Mill ^ 
Road; Southwest on Adams Mill Road to Summit Place, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1C06 Boundaries / ') 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Columbia 1 ' 
Road and 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Kalorama Road; Southwest on Kalorama 
Road to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to 
Ontario Road; North On Ontario Road to Columbia Road; Northeast on Columbia Road to ; 
the continuation of Ontario Road; Northwest on Ontario Road to Lanier Place; Northeast Oil "■ 
Lanier Place to Quarry Road; Southeast on Quarry Road to Columbia Road; Northeast oil' ■ 
Columbia Road to 16th Street, the point of beginning. ■■•■' i •'■ * 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 1C07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 18th 
Street and Florida Avenue; North on 18th Street to Adams Mill Road; Northwest on Adams 
Mill Road to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to Lanier Place; Northeast on Lanier 
Place to Ontario Road; Southeast on Ontario Road to Columbia Road; Southwest on 
Columbia Road to the continuation of Ontario Road; South on Ontario Road to Euclid Street; 
East on Euclid Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Kalorama Road; Southwest on 
Kalorama Road to Ontario Road; South on Ontario Road to Florida Avenue; Southwest on 
Florida Avenue to Seaton Street; East on Seaton Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street 
to U Street; West on U Street to Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 18th 
Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1C08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Kalorama Road; Southwest on Kalorama Road to Ontario Road; South on Ontario 
Road to Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to Seaton Street; East on Seaton 
Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to U Street; East on U Street to 16th Street; 
North on 16th Street to Kalorama Road, the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC ID Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rock 
Creek and a line extending Piney Branch Parkway from the east; East along said line 
extending Piney Branch Parkway to Piney Branch Parkway; Continuing east on Piney 
Branch Parkway to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Harvard Street; West on Harvard 
Street to its end; Continuing west along a line extending Harvard Street to the west to Rock 
Creek; North along Rock Creek to its intersection with a line extending Piney Branch 
Parkway from the east, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 18th 
Street and Newton Street; East and then southeast on Newton Street to Brown Street; 
Northeast on Brown Street to Oak Street; Southeast on Oak Street to 16th Street; South on 
16th Street to Monroe Street; Northwest on Monroe Street to 17th Street; South on 17th 
Street to Kenyon Street; West on Kenyon Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to 
Newton Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 17th 
Street and Newton Street; North on 17th Street to Piney Branch Parkway; Northeast on 
Piney Branch Parkway to- 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Oak Street; Northwest on 
Oak Street to Brown Street; Southwest on Brown Street to Newton Street; Northwest on 
Newton Street to 17th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 17th 
Street and Newton Street; North on 17th Street to Piney Branch Parkway; Southwest on 
Piney Branch Parkway to Beach Drive; Continuing southwest along a line extending Piney 
Branch Parkway to Rock Creek; Southwest along Rock Creek to Klingle Road; East on 
Klingle Road to Walbridge Place; South on Walbridge Place to Lamont Street; East on 
Lamont Street, and continuing east- on a line extending Lamont Street to 19th Street; 
Southeast on 19th Street to Kilbourne Place; East on Kilbourne Place to 18th Street; North 
on 18th Street to Newton Street; East on Newton Street to 17th Street, the point of 

Description of SMD 1D04 Boundaries 



All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Monroe Street; Northwest on Monroe Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street 

Law 19-145, § 2 19th Qouncil ^io&<; 

to Irving Street; East on Irving Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Monroe 
Street, the point of beginning. 

-'■''-■■ :<j';njc; 11 A 
Description of SMD 1D05 Boundaries , in i j rrtH 

All streets" are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection oi^Mh^ 
Street and Irving Street; South on 16th Street to Harvard Street; West on Harvard ^tr^et^ 
to its end; Continuing west on a line extending Harvard Street to Rock Creek; Northwe'sfP 
along the centerline of Rock Creek to Klingle Road; East on Klingle Road to Walbridgg^ 
Place; South on Walbridge Place to Lamont Street; East on Lamont Street, and continuing^ 
east on a line extending Lamont Street to 19th Street; Southeast on 19th Street to Kilbourfie 1 ^ 
Place; East on Kilbourne Place to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Kenyon Street; East nr 
on Kenyon Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Irving Street; East on Irving^ 
Street to 16th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2A Boundaries ■:. 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. -Beginning at^ 
the intersection of the centerline of Rock Creek and a line extending N Street from the east;^ 
East on said line to N Street; East on N Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to^ 
Ward Place; Southeast on Ward Place to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast oil New^ 
Hampshire Avenue to N Street; East on N Street to. 20th Street; South on 20th Street to 
Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to 17th Street; East on Pennsylva- 
nia Avenue to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Independence Avenue; S;W.; East oh/ 1 
Independence Avenue, S.W. to 14th Street, S.W.; Southwest on 14th Street, S.W. to the ) 
George Mason Memorial Bridge; Continuing southwest on the George Mason Memorial o 
Bridge to the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line at the Common-' I 
wealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Northwest on the District of Columbia-;'.. 
Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line to its intersection with the Theodore Roosevelt) 
Memorial Bridge; Northeast from said intersection across the Potomac River to the center of I 
the mouth of Rock Creek; Northeast . along the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of 

Description of SMD 2A01 Boundaries '7?''^ ,'tt 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated; Beginning at >> 
the intersection of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; East on Pennsylvania Avenue to: I 
15th Street; South on 15th Street to Independence Avenue, S.W.; East on Independence)- 
Avenue, S.W. to 14th Street, S.W.; Southwest on 14th Street, S.W. to the George Mason/ 
Memorial Bridge; Continuing southwest on the George Mason Memorial Bridge to the 
District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Northwest 
along the District, of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line to its intersection; 
with the Arlington Memorial Bridge; Northeast on the Arlington Memorial Bridge to its/ v , 
intersection with the northeastern shoreline of the Potomac River; Southeast along said f 
shoreline of the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending 23rd Street^ N.W. iipo 
the south; North along said line to 23rd Street; Continuing north on 23rd Street to the Ey; 
street Expressway; East on the E Street Expressway to 21st Street; North on 21st Street to 
F Street; East on F Street to 17th Street; North on 17th : Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2A02 Boundaries r 'J 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at j 
the intersection of the centerline of Rock Creek with a line extending N Street from the east;; j 
East on said line to N Street; Continuing east on N street to 23rd Street South on 23rd 4 
Street to L Street; West on L Street to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to Pennsylvania j 
Avenue; Northwest along Pennsylvania Avenue to the centerline of Rock Creek; Northeast;-; 
along the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of beginning. : s! 

Description of SMD 2A03 Boundaries f 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the/intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and the centerline of Rock Creek; Southeast on \ 
Pennsylvania Avenue to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to New Hampshire Avenue;;^ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to I Street; West on I Street to 26th Street; North on 
26th Street to K Street; West on K Street to the centerline of Rock Creek; Northwest along 
the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of the centerline of Rock Creek and K Street; East on K Street to 26th 
Street; South on 26th Street to I Street; East on I Street to 24th Street; South on 24th 
Street to Virginia Avenue; Northwest on Virginia Avenue to 25th Street; South on 25th 
Street to F Street; East on a line extending F Street to the centerline of 1-66; South on said 
centerline of 1-66 to the E Street Expressway; East on the E Street Expressway to 23rd 
Street; South on 23rd Street to Lincoln Memorial Circle; Continuing south along a line 
extending 23rd Street to its intersection with the northeast shoreline of the Potomac River; 
Northwest along said shoreline of the Potomac River to the Arlington Memorial Bridge; 
Southwest on the Arlington Memorial Bridge to the District of Columbia — Commonwealth of 
Virginia boundary at the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Northeast 
along said shoreline of the Potomac River to its intersection with the Theodore Roosevelt 
Memorial Bridge; Northeast from said intersection to the center of the mouth of Rock Creek; 
North along the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 24th Street and H Street; East on H Street to 23rd Street; South on 23rd 
Street to the E Street Expressway; West on the E Street Expressway to the centerline of 
1-66; North on said centerline of 1-66 to its intersection with a line extending F Street from 
the west; West on said line to F Street Continuing west on F Street to 25th Street; North on 
25th Street to Virginia Avenue; Southeast on Virginia Avenue to 24th Street; North on 24th 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2A06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of N Street and 23rd Street; East on N Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd 
Street to Ward Place; Southeast on Ward Place to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on 
New Hampshire to N Street; East on N Street to 20th Street; South on 20th Street to 
Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to Washington Circle; Continuing 
northwest on a line extending Pennsylvania Ave across Washington Circle to 24th Street; 
North on 24th Street to L Street; East on L Street to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to 
the point of beginning. - : 

Description of SMD 2A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 24th and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to I 
Street; West on I Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to F Street; East on F Street 
to 21st Street; South on 21st Street to the E Street Expressway; West on the E Street 
Expressway to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to H Street; West on H Street to 24th 
Street; North on 24th Street to I Street; West on I Street to New Hampshire Avenue; 
Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to 24th Street; North on 24th Street to the point of 

Description of SMD 2A08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of I Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to 
17th Street; South on 17th Street to F Street; West on F Street to 22nd Street; North on 
22nd Street to I Street; East on I Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and 19th Street; Northeast on Florida Avenue to U Street; East on U Street to 14th 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council Rerip^; 

Street; South on 14th Street to S Street; West on S Street to 15th Street; South on 15tfe 
Street to Vermont Avenue; Southwest on Vermont Avenue to H Street; East on H Street ; to^ 
15th Street; South on 15th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; West on Pennsylvania Avenue, to it 
20th Street; North on 20th Street to N Street; West on N Street to New Hampshire Avenue; 
Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue, to Ward Place; Northwest on Ward Place to 22nd 
Street; North on 22nd Street to N Street; West on N Street to 25th Street; Continuing west\ 
on a line extending N Street west to the centerline of Rock Creek; North along the centerline-} 
of RockCreek to P Street; East on P Street to 22nd Street; North on 22nd Street to Florida-; 
Avenue; Northeast on Florida Avenue to the point of beginning; . . ,, ->j 

Description of SMD 2B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and 19th Street; South on 19th Street to Swann Street; East on Swann Street t-o , 
New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Riggs Place; West -pn>; 
Riggs Place to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to R Street; West on R Street to Florida; ' 
Avenue; Northeast on Florida Avenue to the point of beginning. , 

Description of SMD 2B02 Boundaries : 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and R Street; East on R Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut 
Avenue to Dupont Circle; Clockwise around Dupont Circle to its southwestern intersection 
with New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Street; West on 
Street to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to P Street; East on P Street to 22nd Street; ; 
North on 22nd Street to Florida Avenue; Northeast on Florida Avenue to the point of -j 
beginning. . i 

Description of SMD 2B03 Boundaries ' \\ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New r ^ 
Hampshire Avenue and 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Dupont Circle; Counter- 
clockwise around Dupont Circle to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to \ 
R Street; East on R Street to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to Riggs Place; East on , 
Riggs Place to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to the point ; 
of beginning. ' - i 

Description of SMD 2B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 17th> ,; 
Street and S Street; East on S Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Q Street; West v 
on Q Street to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of d^th ; 
Street and Q Street; East on Q Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Vermont i 
Avenue; Southwest on Vermont Avenue to H Street; East on H Street to 15th Street; 1 South*;; 
on 15th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; West on Pennsylvania Avenue to 17th Street; North 1 
on, 17th Street to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to 18th Street;^ 
North on 18th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 17th,/ 
Street; North on 17th Street to the point of beginning. I 

Description of SMD 2B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of P Street' 
and 23rd Street; South on 23rd Street to Street; East on Street to New Hampshire 1 , 
Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Dupont Circle; Counter-clockwise around i 
Dupont Circle to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to Jefferson Place; East on Jefferson; ; 
Place to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Nth Street; South on 
17th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to 20th Street; 
North on 20th Street to N Street; West on N Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest 
on New Hampshire Avenue to Ward Place; Northwest on Ward Place to 22nd Street; North 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

on 22nd Street to N Street; West on N Street to 25th Street; Continuing west along a line 
extending N Street west to the centerline of Rock Creek; North on the centerline of Rock 
Creek to P Street; East on P Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
Hampshire Avenue and Q Street; East on Q Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to 
' Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 18th Street; South on 18th 
Street to Jefferson Place; West on Jefferson Place to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to 
Dupont Circle; Counter-clockwise around Dupont Circle to New Hampshire Avenue; North- 
east on New Hampshire Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and U Street'; East on U Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New 
Hampshire Avenue to T Street; West on T Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Swann Street; West on 
Swann Street to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to Florida Avenue; Northeast on Florida 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and U Street; East on U Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to S Street; 
West on S Street to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to T Street; East on T Street to New 
Hampshire Avenue;' Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of I Street and Vermont Avenue; East on I Street to 11th Street; North on 
11th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to ML Vernon 
Place; East on Mt. Vernon Place to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; 
South on along the eastern boundary of Interstate 395 to the point where it. crosses beneath 
Constitution Avenue; East on Constitution Avenue to its intersection with a line extending 
north from the center line of South Capitol Street through the center of the Capitol building; 
South along said line to Independence Avenue; West on Independence Avenue to 15th Street, 
S.W.; North on 15th Street, S.W. to 15th Street; Continuing north on 15th Street to H 
Street; West on H Street to Vermont Avenue; North on Vermont Avenue to the point of 

Description of SMD 2C01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of I Street and Vermont Avenue; East on I Street to 11th Street; North on 
11th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to Mt. Vernon 
Place; East on Mt. Vernon Place to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 5th Street; -South on 5th Street to H Street; 
West on H Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to E Street; West on E Street to 9th 
Street; South on 9th Street to Independence Avenue, SW; West on Independence Avenue to 
15th Street, S.W.; North on 15th Street, S.W. to 15th Street; Continuing north on 15th 
Street to H Street; West on H Street to Vermont Avenue; North on Vermont Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Massachusetts Ave and 5th Street; Southeast on Massachusetts Ave to the eastern boundary 
of Interstate 395; South along the eastern boundary of Interstate 395 to its intersection with 
a line projected east from G Street; West along said line to G Street; Continuing West on G 
Street to 5th Street; North along 5th Street to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council RerftM)^ 

Description of SMD 2C03 Boundaries fmSlK iso 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginnings at ^ 
the intersection of 6th Street and H Street; East on H Street to 5th Street; South lon'Stn ' 
Street to G Street; East on G Street and continuing east along a line projecting G Street to 
the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; South along said eastern boundary of Interstate,^ A 
to the point where it crosses beneath Constitution Avenue; East on Constitution Avenue'tb^ 
its intersection with a line extending north from the center line of South Capitol Street- i 
through the center of the Capitol building; South along said line to Independence Avenue;^ 
West on Independence Avenue, S.W. to 9th Street, S.W.; North on 9th Street, S.W. to 9tK,' 
Street; Continuing north on 9th Street to E Street; East on E Street to 6th Street; North/ 
on 6th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2D Boundaries 

All streets .are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated.; Beginning at.,; 
the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Rock Creek; South on Connecticut Avenue to .}' 
Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 22nd Street; South on 22nd, Street to P 
Street; West on P Street to Rock Creek; North on Rock Creek to the point of beginning.,. , ; 

Description of SMD 2D01 Boundaries ; 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Rock Creek; South on Connecticut Avenue to./, 
California Street; West on California Street to 23rd Street; South on 23rd Street to Bancroft:, 
Place; West on Bancroft Place to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to Massachusetts, / 
Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Rock Creek; Northeast. on Rock Creek, to; { 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at j 
the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and California Street; South on Connecticut Avenue :\ 
to Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street : to- P ; 
Street; West on P Street to Rock Creek; North on Rock Creek to Massachusetts Avenue; *: 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 24th Street; North on 24th Street to Bancroft. Place;.-; 
East on Bancroft Place to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to California Street; East on 
California Street to the point of beginning. in 

Description of ANC 2E Boundaries , 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at H 
the intersection of the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park arid the 
eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park; South along the eastern boundary of Glover 
Archbold Park and along a line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park 
south to the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line ;at the; Commorir/ 
wealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; South along .the ., District of Columbian , 
Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line to its intersection ; with )the^,Thebdore Roosevelt; 
Memorial Bridge; Northeast from said intersection to the' center of the/mouth of -Rock Creek; l 
North along the centerline of Rock Creek to Massachusetts) Aveiiuef Northwest alongA 
Massachusetts Avenue to Whitehaven Street; West on Whitehaven Street to the northwest/ 
boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; West along the northwest boundary of Dumbarton Oaks' J 
Park to Whitehaven Street; West on Whitehaven Street to Wisconsin Avenue; North onj 
Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Whitehaven Parkway; West on-; 
Whitehaven Parkway to the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park;. ; 
West on said boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at /;' 
the intersection of the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park and the' ? 
eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park; South along the eastern boundary of Glover,: 
Archbold Park to the Georgetown Medical Center Service road just south of to .New ; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Research Building; East on said road to the Lpmbardi Cancer Center; Continuing east along 
the southern edge of the Lombardi Cancer Center to the Pasquerilla Health Center; South 
along the western edge of the Pasquerilla Health Center to the Leavey parking garage; East 
along the northern edge of the Leavey parking garage to the existing campus road 
immediately to the east of the garage. North on said road to Reservoir Road; East on 
Reservoir Road to 35th Street; North on 35th Street to S Street; East along a line extending 
S Street east to 34th Street; North on 34th Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on 
Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Whitehaven Parkway; West on 
Whitehaven Parkway to the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park; 
Continuing west along the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 38th Street and Reservoir Road; South along the existing Georgetown 
University campus road to a point equidistant from the Darnall Hall building and the 
westernmost Henle Village building; Northeast along a line equidistant from the Darnall Hall, 
building and the Henle Village buildings until extending as far north as the northwest corner 
of the northernmost Henle Village building; East to the western property boundary of the 
Georgetown Visitation School; Counterclockwise around the property boundary of the 
Georgetown Visitation School to P Street; East on P Street to 35th Street; North on 35th 
Street to Volta Place; East on Volta Place to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin 
Avenue to Q Street; East on Q Street to 32nd Street; North on 32nd Street to S Street; 
West on S Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to 34th Street; 
South on 34th Street to its intersection with a line extending S Street east from 35th Street; 
West along said line to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Reservoir Road; West on 
Reservoir Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 35th Street and Volta Place; East on Volta Place to Wisconsin Avenue; 
Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to Q Street; East on Q Street to 31st Street; South on 31st 
Street to Dumbarton Street; West on Dumbarton Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Southeast on 
Wisconsin Avenue to Prospect Street; West on Prospect Street to 35th Street; North on 35th 
Street to N Street; West on N Street to 36th Street; North on 36th Street to Street; West 
on Street to' 37th Street; North on 37th Street to P Street; East on P Street to 35th 
Street; North on 35th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 37th Street and Prospect Street; West on Prospect Street and continuing 
west along the southern border of Census Tract 2.01 to its intersection with the eastern 
border of Glover Archbold Park; North on said border of Glover Archbold Park to the 
Georgetown Medical Center service road just south of the New Research Building; East on 
said road to the Lombardi Cancer Center; Continuing east along the southern edge of the 
Lombardi Cancer Center to the Pasaquerella Health Center; South along the western edge 
of the Pasquerilla Health Center to the Leavey parking garage; East along the northern 
edge of the Leavey parking garage to the existing campus road immediately to the east of the 
garage. South on said road, passing west of Harbin Hall, to its intersection with a line 
extending Street from the east; East on said line to its intersection with a line extending 
the western edge of the New North Building to the north; South along said line and 
continuing south along a line passing to the west of the New North building and pass between 
the Village C West buildings and the Village C East building, to an existing campus service 
road between the Village C East building to the north and the New South building to the 
south; In an easterly direction on said service. road and an eastward extension of said service 
road passing to the north of the New South building, the Village A buildings and the 
Lauinger building to 37th Street; South on 37th Street to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council Period^ 

Description of SMD 2E05 Boundaries ^ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at,;, ; 
the intersection of the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park and the southern border of- 
Census Tract 2.01; East on said southern border of Census Tract 2.01 to Prospect Street; j 
Continuing East on Prospect Street to a driveway 100 feet east of the curb at 36th Street;,, ;r 
North along said driveway to a point 150 feet distant; East from said point to a point 130 feetb, 
distant; North from said point along the walkway between the Nevils Building and Loyola/ 
Hall to N Street; East on N Street to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Prospect Street; / 
East on Prospect Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to Dumbar- > 
ton Street; East on Dumbarton Street to 31st Street; South on 31st Street to. M Street; \\ 
East on M Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to its 
intersection with the centerline of Rock Creek; Southwest along the centerline of Rock Creek 
to its mouth; Southwest from the center of the mouth of Rock Creek to the intersection of 
the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Bridge and the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of 
Virginia boundary line at the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; < 
Northwest along the District of Columbia boundary line on the Virginia shore of the Potomac ' 
River to its intersection with a line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park ^ 
south; North along said line to, the point of beginning. . ,;' ■'"'-■'■ ' ' r - ; 

Description of SMD 2E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at ,, 
the intersection of 31st Street and Q Street; East on Q Street to 28th Street; South on 28th ? J 
Street to P Street; East on P Street to its intersection with the centerline of Rock Creek;, 7 
Southwest along the centerline of Rock Creek to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on', 
Pennsylvania to M Street; West on ,M Street to 3lst Street; North on 31st Street to the \ 
point of beginning Q Street. ','- 

Description of SMD 2E07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at, 
the intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and Whitehaven Street; East on Whitehaven Street to 
the northwest boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; Easterly along said northwest boundary ; 
of Dumbarton Oaks Park to Whitehaven Street; East on Whitehaven Street to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Rock . 
Creek; Southeast along the centerline of Rock Creek to P Street; West on P Street to 28th; > 
Street; North on 28th Street to Q St; West on Q Street to 32nd Street; North on 32nd 
Street to S Street; West on S Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue ; 
to the point of beginning. ■■".'."'! 

Description of SMD 2E08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 37th Street and Prospect Street; North on 37th Street to its intersection : 
with a line extending an existing campus service road between the Village C East building to ' 
the north and the New South building to the south; West along said line and said service 
road to its intersection with a line extending the western edge of the New North Building to :: 
the south; North along said line to its intersection with a line extending O Street from the ■ 
east; West along said line extending O Street to its intersection with an existing campus road < 
immediately to the west of Harbin Hall; North to a point equidistant from the Darnall Hall 1 
building and the westernmost Henle Village building; Northeast along a line equidistant from 
the Darnall Hall building and the Henle Village buildings until extending as far north as the: i 
northwest corner of the northernmost Henle Village building; East to the western property * 
boundary of the Georgetown Visitation School; Counterclockwise around the property i 
boundary of the Georgetown Visitation School to P Street; West oh P Street to 37th Street; ; 
South on 37th Street to O Street; East on O Street to 36th Street; South on 36th Street to N ■ 
Street; East on N Street to a walkway between the Nevils Building and Loyola Hall, 230 feet 
east of the curb at 36th Street; South along said walkway to a point 155 distant; West from 
said point to a point 130 feet distant along a driveway; South along said driveway to Prospect' 
Street; West on Prospect Street to the point of beginning. l 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of ANC 2F Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th and S Streets, N.W.; East on S Street, N.W. to 11th 
Street, N.W.; South on 11th Street, N.W. to P Street, N.W.; East on P Street, N.W. to 9th 
Street, N.W.; South on 9th Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; East on N Street, N.W. to the 
alley running along the eastern side of the Washington Convention Center; South along said 
alley to M Street, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to 7th Street, N.W.; South on 7th Street, 
N.W. to Mt Vernon Place, N.W.; West on Mt. Vernon Place, N.W. to Massachusetts Avenue, 
N.W.; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to 11th Street, N.W.; South on 11th 
Street, N.W. to I Street, N.W.; West on I Street, N.W. to the portion of 15th Street, N.W. 
that lies to the west of McPherson Square; North on 15th Street, N.W. to the point of 

Description of SMD 2F01 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th and S Streets, N.W.; East on S Street, N.W. to 11th 
Street, N.W.; South on 11th Street, N.W. to Vermont Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on Vermont 
Avenue, N.W. to Q Street, N.W.; West on Q Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street, 
N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F02 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th and Q Streets, N.W. East on Q Street, N.W. to 13th 
Street, N.W.; South on 13th Street to Logan Circle; Counterclockwise around Logan Circle 
to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. to 15th Street, 
N.W.; North on 15th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F03 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th Street and Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. . .; Northeast 
on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. to Logan Circle; Counterclockwise around Logan Circle to 
Vermont Avenue; Southwest on Vermont Ave NW to Thomas Circle; Counterclockwise 
around Thomas Circle to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 
15th Street; North on 15th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F04 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of N Street, N.W. and Vermont Avenue, N.W. Northeast on 
Vermont Avenue to Logan Circle; Counterclockwise around Logan Circle to 13th Street, 
N.W.; North on 13th Street, N.W. to Q Street, N.W.; East on Q Street, N.W. to Vermont 
Avenue, N.W.; Northeast on Vermont Avenue, N.W. to 11th Street, N.W.; South on 11th 
Street, N.W. to P Street, N.W.; East on P Street, N.W. to 10th Street, N.W.; South on 10th 
Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; West on N Street, N.W. to the point of beginning; 

Description of SMD 2F05 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th Street, N.W. and Massachusetts Avenue, N.W...; 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to Thomas Circle; Clockwise around Thomas 
Circle to Vermont Avenue, N.W.; North on Vermont Avenue, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; East 
on N Street, N.W. to 13th Street, N.W.; South on I3th Street, N.W. to L Street, N.W.; West 
on L Street, N.W. to 14th Street, N.W.; South on 14th Street, N.W. to I Street, N.W.; West 
on I Street, N.W. to 15th Street, N.W.; North on 15th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F06 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 10th Street, N.W. and P Street, N.W.; East on P Street, 
N.W. to 9th Street, N.W.; South on 9th Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; East on N Street, 
N.W. to the alley running along the eastern side of the Washington Convention Center; 
South along said alley to M Street, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to 7th Street, N.W.; South 
on 7th Street, N.W. to Mt Vernon Place; West on Mount Vernon Place to Massachusetts 
Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to 11th Street, N.W.; North on 
11th Street, N.W. to M Street, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to 10th Street, N.W.; North on 
10th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th pounciU£er^ : 

Description of SMD 2F07 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 13th and N Streets, N.W.;, East on N Street, N.W. taiAQth 1 
Street, N.W.;' South oh 10th Street, N.W. to M Street, N.W.; West on M Street, N.W. to/Mth -; 
Street, N.W.-; North on 13th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. / r f te<r- .H 

■ ■ ■■ m Yhiin 

Description of SMD 2F08 Boundaries it AvLv. 

Beginning at the intersection of 13th and M Streets, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to'llthy 
Street, N.W.;- South on 11th Street, N.W. to I Street, N.W,; West on I Street, N.W. to 14th , 
Street, N.W.; North on 14th Street, N.W. to L Street, N.W.; East on L Street, N.W. to 13th 
Street, N.W.; North on 13th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. ' . . / / 

Description of ANC 3B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersectipn Of the/ 
centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park and 
Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 39th Street; South on ,39th 
Street to Garfield Street; East on Garfield Street to Wisconsin Avenue; South on Wisconsin 
Avenue to Calvert Street; East on Calvert Street to Observatory Circle — U.S. Naval 
Observatory property line; Counter-clockwise around said property line to its intersection 
with the northwest property boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; South along said property, 
boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park to Whitehaven Street; Southwest on Whitehaven Street V- 
to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street,: 
to Whitehaven Parkway; West along Whitehaven Parkway to the Southern boundary, of ttiei 
eastern leg of Glover-Archbold Park; West along said southern boundary of the eastern" leg 
of Glover-Archbold Park to the point where it intersects the eastern boundary of Glover- 
Archbold Park; North along said eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park to its intgrsec-.. 
tion with a line extending W Street from the west; West along said line extending W Street ' 
from the west to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of ; 
way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue; 
right of way to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Tunlaw. , 
Road and Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to 39th Street; Northwest on 39th Street toy 
Edmunds Street; West on Edmunds Street to 42nd Street; Continuing west along a.line. 
extending Edmunds Street west to its intersection with the centerline of the former/ Arizona/ 
Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the, former. -,- 
Arizona Avenue right of way to its intersection with New Mexico Avenue; Southeast on J^ew 
Mexico Avenue to Tunlaw Road; East on Tunlaw Road to Fulton Street; Northeast on 
Fulton Street to Watson Place; Northeast on Watson Place to Garfield Street; East on 
Garfield Street to Wisconsin Avenue; South on Wisconsin Avenue to Fulton Street; West on 
Fulton Street to 39th Street; South On 39th Street and continuing south albng ;: S n ]^he^ 
extending 39th Street to Tunlaw Road; Southeast 6n' Tunlaw Road to the point of beginriihg^ 

Description of SMD 3B02 Boundaries y ■ ,,f -'' 1 ^ < 

■ ..■.'..-.■ ,■'".'■" ! ■■'"■'■ ■' ■ ■ ''■" "i tl i r o 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Fultbno 
Street and Wisconsin Avenue; South, on Wisconsin Avenue to, Calvert Street; East on 
Calvert Street to Observatory Circle — Naval Observatory property line; Counter-clockwise 
around said property line to its intersection with the northwest property boundary of] 
Dumbarton Oaks Park; South along said property boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park to/, 
Whitehaven Street; Southwest on Whitehaven Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on/ 
Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Whitehaven Parkway; West on v 
Whitehaven Parkway to 37th Street; North on 37th Street to Tunlaw Road; Northwest ( on, > 
Tunlaw Road to its intersection with a line extending 39th Street from the north; North on \ 
said line extending 39th Street to 39th Street, and continuing north on 39thStreet to Fulton /■ 
Street; East on Fulton Street to the point of beginning, :.,."-,; .;^.-; ,■ :: 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 3B03 Boundaries 

All streets are. located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park and a line 
extending Edmunds Street from the east; East along said line extending Edmunds Street 
and continuing east on Edmunds Street to 39th Street; Southeast on 39th Street to Calvert 
Street; West on Calvert Street to 40th Street; South on 40th Street to W Street; West on W 
Street to its intersection with a line extending east from the portion of W Street west of 
Glover-Archbold Park; Continuing west on said line extending east from the portion of W 
Street west of Glover-Archbold Park, to its intersection with the centerline of the former 
Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the 
former Arizona Avenue right of way to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park and 
Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 39th Street; South on 39th 
Street to Watson Place; Southwest on Watson Place to Fulton Street; Southwest on Fulton 
Street to Tunlaw Eoad; West on Tunlaw Eoad to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest on New 
Mexico Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 
way within Glover-Archbold park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue 
right of way to the point of beginning; 

Description of SMD 3B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Calvert 
Street and Tunlaw Road; Southeast on Tunlaw Road to 37th Street; South on 37th Street to 
its intersection with the southern property line of Whitehaven Park; West along said 
southern boundary of Whitehaven Park to the eastern boundary of Glover-Archbold Park; 
North along said eastern boundary of Glover-Archbold Park to its intersection with a line 
extending east from the portion of W Street west of Glover-Archbold Park; East on said line 
extending W Street to its intersection with W Street, and continuing east on W Street to 40th 
Street; North on 40th Street to Calvert Street; East on Calvert Street to the point of 

Description of ANC 3C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Van Ness 
Street and Wisconsin Avenue; Southeast on Wisconsin Avenue to Quebec Street; East on 
Quebec Street to Idaho Avenue; Northeast on Idaho Avenue to Rodman Street; Continuing 
northeast along a line extending Idaho Avenue to the rear property lines of the properties 
fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; East along said rear property lines of the 
properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street to Reno Road; Southeast on Reno 
Road to the southwest corner of Melvin Hazen Park; East on the southern boundary of 
Melvin Hazen Park and continuing east along the rear property boundaries of the properties 
fronting on the north side of Rodman Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecti- 
cut Avenue to Rodman Street; West on Rodman Street to the alley behind the properties 
fronting on the west side of Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on said alley to Porter Street; 
East on Porter Street to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to the 
northern property line of 3601 Connecticut Avenue; Northeast along said northern property 
line of 3601 Connecticut Avenue and continuing northeast along a line extending said property 
line to Melvin Hazen Creek; East on Melvin Hazen Creek to Rock Creek; Southerly on Rock 
Creek to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Whitehaven Street; 
West on Whitehaven Street to the northwestern boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; West 
along said northwestern boundary of said Dumbarton Oaks Park to its intersection with the 
property boundary of the U.S. Naval Observatory; Clockwise around said property boundary 
of the U.S. Naval Observatory to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to Wisconsin 
Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to Garfield Street; West on Garfield Street to 39th 
Street; North on 39th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue 
to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within 


liaw 19-145, .§■ 2 19th Council Period^ 

Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline pf the former Arizona Avenue right of 
way to Van Ness Street; East on Van Ness Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C01 Boundaries \,\ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Klingle : ^ 
Road and Rock Creek; Southerly on Rock Creek to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest btij 1 
Connecticut Avenue to Klingle Road; East on Klingle Road to the point of beginning;^ 

Description of SMD 3C02 Boundaries t '.,;:. J 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Garfield Street; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Calvert Street;' 
West on Calvert Street to Cleveland Avenue; Northwest on Cleveland Avenue to 31st Street; 
North on 31st Street to Garfield Street; East on Garfield Street to Woodley Ijload; 
Continuing east on Woodley Road to 27th Street; North on 27th Street to Garfield Street; 
East on Garfield Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning" at the intersection of '< 
Connecticut Avenue and Klingle Road; Southeast 1 on Connecticut Avenue to Garfield Street; 
West on Garfield Street to 27th Street; South on 27th Street to Woodley Road; West oh' 
Woodley Road to 29th Street; North oh 29th Street to Cortland Place; West oh Cortland 
Place to Klingle Road; East on Klingle Road to the point of beginning. ' 

Description of SMD 3C04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rock 
Creek and Melvin Hazen Creek; Southerly on Rock Creek to Klingle Road; West on Klingle ; 
Road to its intersection with a line extending the eastern property line of 2710 Macomb,; 
Street to the south; North on said line extending the eastern property line of 2710 Macomb , 
Street and continuing north on said property line to Macomb Street; West on Macomb Street 
to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to its intersection with the i 
southern property boundary of Square 2222 Lot 805; East along said southern boundary of. 
Square 2222 Lot 805 to its intersection with Porter Street; Northwest on Porter Street to-; 
Quebec Street; East on Quebec Street to the eastern property line of 3601 Connecticut f 
Avenue; Counter-clockwise around the eastern property line of 3601 Connecticut Avenue to 
its northern-most point; East along a line extending the northern property boundary of 3601 
Connecticut Avenue east to Melvin Hazen Creek; East on Melvin Hazen Creek to the point 
of beginning. 

. Description of SMD 3C05 Boundaries ■ ■' 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Reno 
Road and Rodman Street; East on the southern boundary of Melvin Hazen Park and < 
continuing east along the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting on the; north: 
side of Rodman Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Rodman/ 
Street; West on Rodman Street to the alley behind the properties fronting on the west side/; 
of Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on said alley to Porter Street; East on Porter Street tch 
Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to the northern property line of 3601 : 
Connecticut Avenue; Clockwise around said property boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue y 
to Quebec Street; West on Quebec Street to Porter Street; Southeast on Porter Street to its / 
intersection with the southern property boundary of Square 2222 Lot 805; West along said f 
southern boundary of Square 2222 Lot 805 to its intersection with Connecticut Avenue; -\ 
Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Newark Street; West on Newark Street to 34th Street; \ 
North on 34th Street to Ordway Street; West on Ordway Street to 36th Street; North on, 
36th Street to Porter Street; West on Porter Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on ; 
Wisconsin Avenue to Quebec Street; East on Quebec Street to Idaho Avenue; Northeast on t 
Idaho Avenue Rodman Street; Continuing northeast along a line extending Idaho Avenue to ■, 
the rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; East 
along said rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street^ 
to Reno Road; Southeast on Reno Road to the point of beginning. , < ;■ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 3C06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Van Ness 
Street and Wisconsin Avenue; Southeast on Wisconsin Avenue to Newark Street; West on 
Newark Street to Idaho Avenue; Southwest on Idaho Avenue to Macomb Street; West on 
Macomb Street to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 
way within Glover-Archbold park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue 
right of way to Van Ness Street; East on Van Ness Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Wisconsin 
Avenue and Newark Street; South on Wisconsin Avenue to Macomb Street; West on 
Macomb Street to the behind the properties fronting along the west side of Wisconsin 
Avenue; South on said alley to the southwest property corner of 3210 Wisconsin Avenue; 
East on the south property line of 3210 Wisconsin Avenue and continuing east along a line 
extending said property line east to Wisconsin Avenue; South on Wisconsin Avenue to 
Garfield Street; West on Garfield Street to 39th Street; North on 39th Street to Massachu- 
setts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Macomb Street; East on Macomb 
Street to Idaho Avenue; Northeast on Idaho Avenue to Newark Street; East on Newark 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Wisconsin 
Avenue and Woodley Road; East on Woodley Road to Klingle Road; East on Klingle Road to 
Cortland Place; East on Cortland Place to 29th Street; South on 29th Street to Garfield 
Street; West on Garfield Street to 31st Street; South on 31st Street to Cleveland Avenue; 
Southeast on Cleveland Avenue to Calvert Street; East on Calvert Street to Connecticut 
Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Rock Creek; Southerly on Rock Creek to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Whitehaven Street; West on 
Whitehaven Street to the northwestern boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; West along said 
northwestern boundary of said Dumbarton Oaks Park to its intersection with the property 
boundary of the U.S. Naval Observatory; Clockwise around said property boundary of the 
U.S. Naval Observatory to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to Wisconsin Avenue; 
North on Wisconsin Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Wisconsin 
Avenue and Porter Street; East on Porter Street to 36th Street; South on 36th Street to 
Ordway Street; East "on Ordway Street to 34th Street; South on 34th Street to Newark 
Street; East on Newark Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to 
Macomb Street; East on Macomb Street to the eastern property line of 2710 Macomb Street; 
South on the eastern property line of 2710 Macomb Street and continuing south along a line 
extending said property line south to Klingle Road; West and southwest on Klingle Road to 
Woodley Road; West on Woodley Road to Wisconsin Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to 
its intersection with a line extending the southern property boundary of 3210 Wisconsin 
Avenue to the east; West on said line extending the southern property boundary of 3210 
Wisconsin Avenue and continuing west on said property line to the alley at the rear of said 
property; North on said alley to Macomb Street; East on Macomb Street to Wisconsin 
Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to the point of beginning. * 

Description of ANC 3D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the southwest intersection of 
the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary and Westmoreland Circle; Southwest 
along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line to the Commonwealth of 
Virginia-District of Columbia boundary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the 
Potomac River; Southeast along the Commonwealth of Virginia-District of Columbia bound- 
ary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River to its intersection with 
a line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park from the north; North along 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council tteritfaS 

said line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park and continuing north along 
the eastern boundary of Glover-Archbold Park to its intersection with a line extending W, 
Street; from the west; West along said line extending W Street to its intersection witM^ 
centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; Nof®^ 
along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way to its intersection with Vfin^ 
Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska AvenuW; 
to its intersection with a line extending TindAll streets to the southeast; Northwest alqh|f 
said line extending TindAll streets to 44th Street; Southwest along 44th Street to iffl 1 
northeast property corner of 4412 Sedgewick Street; South along the property boundary of 
4412 Sedgewick Street to its southeast corner; Northwest along the rear property boundaries, 
of the lots fronting along the south side of Sedgewick Street to 45th Street; Southwest on; 1 
45th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Westmoreland \ 
Circle; Clockwise around Westmoreland Circle to the point of beginning. " h 

Description of SMD 3D01 Boundaries i 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Foxhallj 
Road and W Street; East on W Street and continuing east along a line extending W Street tov^s 
the east through Glover-Archbold Park to its intersection with the centerline of the formers 
Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of theH 
former Arizona Avenue right of way to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest on New Mexico 
Avenue to Klingle Street; West on Klingle Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to 
Macomb Street; East on Macomb Street to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest on New Mexico/. 
Avenue to its intersection with a line extending the northern property boundary of 3301 New;, 
Mexico Avenue to the west; East along said line extending the northern property boundary :) 
of 3301 New Mexico Avenue, and continuing east along a line extending said property- 
boundary to the east to its intersection with the rear property boundary of 4100 Massachu- ; 
setts Avenue; Northeast along said rear property line of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue, to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to its intersection with souths 
eastern boundary of the American University property identified as Square 1601 Lot 3; ; 
Southwest along said southeastern property boundary of Square 1601 Lot 3 to New Mexicp 2 
Avenue; Northwest along New Mexico Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska; 
Avenue to Foxhall Road; Southwest from said intersection of Nebraska Avenue and Foxhall j 
Road to the northernmost point of Battery Kemble Park; South along the western boundary/i 
of Battery Kemble Park to its intersection with a line extending the southern boundary of 
Wesley Heights Park from the east; East along said line extending the southern boundary of 
Wesley Heights Park to 49th Street; South on 49th Street to the southwest property corner; 
of 4848 Dexter Street; East along the rear property boundaries of the properties ^onling^ 
along Dexter Street to the northernmost property corner of 4526 Foxhall Crescent; ^Souihi 
along the rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Roaii'lo- ■ 
the southwest property corner of 2300 Foxhall Road; East along the rear property bound- 
aries of properties fronting along the northern side of W Street to Foxhall Road; South m} 
Foxhall Road to the point of beginning. ..'/!■ 

Description of SMD 3D02 Boundaries ' 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at Massachusetts Avenue ancl , 
Fordham Road; Southwest on Fordham Road to 49th Street; South on 49th Street to- 
Glenbrook Road; West on Glenbrook Road to Loughboro Road; West on Loughboro Road to' 
Macomb Street; Southwest on Macomb Street to Glenbrook Road; East on Glenbrook Roaef 
to Millwood Lane; East on Millwood Lane to Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro Road to 
Nebraska Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to the American University service road 
northeast of Roper Hall; Northwest along said service road to Letts Hall; Southwest alohg'a 1 
line equidistant from Letts Hall and Anderson Hall to its intersection with the rear property ; 
boundaries of the properties fronting on the north side of Rockwood Parkway; West along i 
said rear property lines of the properties fronting along Rockwood Parkway to the southeast/ 
property corner of the American University property identified as Square 1600 Lot 816; I 
Clockwise around said American University property identified as Square 1600 Lot 816 to its - 
northeast corner; Clockwise around the boundary of the American University property; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

identified as Square 1600 Lot 1 to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at Massachusetts Avenue and 
Fordham Road; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Westmoreland Circle; Clockwise 
around Westmoreland Circle to the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary; 
Southwest along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line to MacArthur 
Boulevard; South on MacArthur Boulevard to Little Falls Road; East on Little Falls Road to 
its end along the boundary of the Sibley Hospital property identified as Square 1448N Lot 
806; Clockwise around the property boundary of said Sibley Hospital property to Dalecarlia 
Parkway; South on Dalcarlia Parkway to Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro Road to 
Palisade Lane; South on Palisade Lane to Manning Place;. East on Manning Place to Maud 
Street; South on Maude Street to Macomb Street; Southwest on Macomb Street to Klingle 
Street; East on Klingle Street to Arizona Avenue; Northeast on Arizona Avenue to 
Loughboro Road; West on Loughboro Road to Millwood Lane; West on Millwood Lane to 
Glenbrook Road; West on Glenbrook Road to Macomb Street; North on Macomb Street to 
Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro Road to Glenbrook Road; East on Glenbrook Road to 
49th Street: North on 49th Street to Fordham Road; East on Fordham Road to the point of 

Description of SMD 3D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the State 
of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary and MacArthur Boulevard; South on MacArthur 
Boulevard to Little Falls Road; East on Little Falls Road to its end along the boundary of 
the Sibley Hospital property identified as Square 1448N Lot 806; Clockwise around the 
property boundary of said Sibley Hospital property to Dalecarlia Parkway; South on 
Dalecarlia Parkway to Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro Road to Palisade Lane; South 
on Palisade Lane to Manning Place; East on Manning Place to Maud Street; South on 
Maude Street to Macomb Street; Southwest on Macomb Street to Klingle Street; East on 
Klingle Street to Arizona Avenue; Southwest on Arizona Avenue to Canal Road; Continuing 
southwest along a line extending Arizona Avenue to the Commonwealth of Virginia — District 
of Columbia boundary on the Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Northwest along said 
Virginia shore of the Potomac River to the State of Maryland — District of Columbia 
boundary; Northeast along said State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at Loughboro Road and 
Arizona Avenue; Southwest on Arizona Avenue to Canal Road; Continuing southwest along a 
line extending Arizona Avenue to the Commonwealth of Virginia — District of Columbia 
boundary on the Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Southeast along said Virginia shore of 
the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending Whitehaven Parkway from the 
northeast; Northeast along said line extending Whitehaven Parkway to the intersection of 
Whitehaven Parkway and MacArthur Boulevard; Northwest on MacArthur Boulevard to U 
Street; East on U Street to 48th Street; North on 48th Street to W Street; West on W 
Street to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to its intersection with a line extending the 
southern boundary of Wesley Heights Park to the west; West along said line extending the 
southern boundary of Wesley Heights Park west to the western boundary of Battery Kemble 
Park; North along the western boundary of Battery Kemble Park to its northernmost point; 
North from said northernmost point of Battery Kemble Park to the intersection of Nebraska 
Avenue and Foxhall Road; West on Nebraska Avenue to Loghboro Road; West on 
Loughboro Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park and the southern boundary of Whitehaven Park; 
West from said intersection of Glover-Archbold Park and Whitehaven Park along a line 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council Period^ 

connecting to the intersection of Whitehaven Parkway and Foxhall Road; Southeast d'tin 
Foxhall Road to Salem Lane; West on Salem Lane to 45th Street; Southeast on 45th Street- - 
to Q Street; Southwest on Q Street to MacArthur Boulevard; Northwest on MacArthur 
Boulevard to U Street; East on U Street to 48th Street; North on 48th Street to W Street; 
West on W Street to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to the southwest property comer of \ 
4848 Dexter Street; East along the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting along! 
Dexter Street to the northernmost property corner of 4526 Foxhall Crescent; South along: ; 
the rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to the '\ 
southwest property corner of 2300 Foxhall Road; East along the rear property boundaries of '' 
properties fronting along the northern side of W Street to Foxhall Road; South on Foxhall « 
Road to W Street; East on W Street and continuing east along a line extending W Street to 
the east across Glover-Archbold Park to the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park; ; 
South along the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park to the point of beginning. J 

Description of SMD 3D07 Boundaries [ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
Mexico Avenue and Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to the Ajnerican 
University service road northeast of Roper Hall; Northwest along said service road to Letts 
Hall; Southwest along a line equidistant from Letts Hall and Anderson Hall to its intersec- 
tion with the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting on the north side of 
Rockwood Parkway; West along said rear property lines of the properties fronting along 
Rockwood Parkway to the southeast property corner of the American University property, 
identified as Square 1600 Lot 816; Clockwise around said American University property 
identified as Square 1600 Lot 816 to its northeast corner; Clockwise around the boundary of 
the American University property identified as Square 1600 Lot 1 to Massachusetts Avenue; 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to Ward Circle and continuing southeast on a line 
extending Massachusetts Avenue across Ward Circle; Continuing southeast on Massachu- ) 
setts Avenue to its intersection with the southeastern boundary of the American University' 
property identified as Square 1601 Lot 3; Southwest along said southeastern property' 
boundary of Square 1601 Lot 3 to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest along New Mexico\ 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
Mexico Avenue and a line extending the northern property boundary of 3301 New Mexico : 
Avenue to the west; East along said line extending the northern property boundary of 3301 
New Mexico Avenue, and continuing east along a line extending said property boundary to 
the east to its intersection with the rear property boundary of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue; 
Counterclockwise around said rear property line of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue to the 
southeast property corner; East along a line extending east from said southeast property 
corner to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within 
Glover-Archbold park; South along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 
• way to New Mexico Avenue; Northeast on New Mexico Avenue to Klingle Street; West on 
Klingle. Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to Macomb Street; East, on Macomb, 
Street, to New Mexico Avenue; North on New Mexico Avenue to the point of beginnings 

Description of SMD 3D09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
WTiitehaven Parkway and Foxhall Road; East from said intersection along a line connecting 
to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Glover-Archibold Park and the southern 
boundary of Whitehaven Park; Southeast on the eastern boundary of Glover-Archibold Park; 
extending said boundary along a line south to the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the 
Potomac River; Northwest along said Commonwealth of Virginia-District of Columbia 
boundary line where it follows the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River to 
its intersections with a line extending Whitehaven Parkway from the northeast; Northeast 
along said line extending Whitehaven Parkway to the intersection of Whitehaven Parkway > 
and MacArthur Boulevard; Southeast on MacArthur to Q Street; Northeast on Q Street to ,r 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

45th Street; North on 45th Street to Salem Lane; East on Salem Lane to Foxhall Eoad; 
North on Foxhall Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Nebraska 
Avenue and Van Ness Street; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to its intersection with a line 
extending TindAll streets to the .southeast; Northwest along said line extending TindAll 
streets to 44th Street; Southwest along 44th Street to the northeast property corner of 4412 
Sedgewick Street; South along the property boundary of 4412 Sedgewick Street to its 
southeast corner; Northwest along the rear property boundaries of the lots fronting along 
the south side of Sedgewick Street to 45th Street; Southwest on 45th Street to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to Ward Circle and continuing southeast on a 
line extending Massachusetts Avenue across Ward Circle; Continuing southeast on Massa- 
chusetts Avenue to the northwest property corner of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue; Counter- 
clockwise around the rear property line of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue to the southeast 
property corner; East along a line extending east from said southeast property corner to its 
intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover- 
Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way to 
Van Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 3E Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 41st 
Street and the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; South on 41st Street to 
Reno Road; Southeast on Reno Road to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to 
38th Street; South on 38th Street to Warren Street; West on Warren Street to 39th Street; 
South on 39th Street to Van Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to Nebraska Avenue; 
Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to its intersection with a line extending TindAll streets to the 
southeast; Northwest along said line extending TindAll streets to 44th Street; Southwest 
along 44th Street to the northeast property corner of 4412 Sedgewick Street; South along the 
property boundary of 4412 Sedgewick Street to its southeast corner; Northwest along the 
rear property boundaries of the lots fronting along the south side of Sedgewick Street to 45th 
Street; Southwest on 45th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts 
Avenue to Westmoreland Circle; Clockwise around Westmoreland Circle to the State of 
Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; Northeast along the State of Maryland — District 
of Columbia boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 41st 
Street and Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to 38th Street; South on 38th 
Street to Alton Place; West on Alton Place to Nebraska Avenue; Southeast on Nebraska 
Avenue on Tenley Circle; Counterclockwise around Tenley Circle to Yuma Street; West on 
Yuma Street to 44th Street; South on 44th to Windom Place; West on Windom Place to 47th 
Street; North on 47th Street to Albemarle Street; East on Albemarle Street to 46th Street; 
North on 46th Street to Burlington Place; East on Burlington Place to 44th Street; South on 
44th Street to Brandywine Street; East on Brandywine Street to 41st Street; North on 41st 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Western 
Avenue and Fessenden Street; East on Fessenden Street to 45th Street; South on 45th 
Street to Burlington Place; West on Burlington Place to 46th Street; South on 46th Street to 
Albemarle Street; West on Albemarle Street to 47th Street; South on 47th Street to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Westmoreland Circle; Clock- 
wise around Westmoreland Circle to the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; 
Northeast along the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary to the point of 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council ^erlod^ 

Description of SMD 3E03 Boundaries }H n V 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Wisconsin 
Avenue and the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; Southeast on Wisconsin 
Avenue to Garrison Street; East on Garrison Street to 42nd Street; South on 42nd Street to 
Fessenden Street; East on Fessenden Street to 41st Street; South on 41st Street to Ellicott^ 
Street; East on Ellicott Street to Belt Road; Southwest on Belt Road to 41st Street South oru 
41st Street to Brandywine Street; West on Brandywine to 44th Street; North on 44th Street^ 
to Burlington Place; West on Burlington Place to 45th Street; North on 45th Street to. v 
Fessenden Street; West on Fessenden Street to the State of Maryland— District of Columbia > 
boundary; Northeast on the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary to the J ppin|" 
of beginning. ., ^ \ , ; / '\ y . 7 m ^ .'V. ; -j 

Description of SMD 3E04 Boundaries ; ^ vmi-wh 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at thel intersection qi tn^^la{e |i? 
of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary and 41st Street; South on 41st Street tQ; Rerio c 
Road; Southeast on Reno Road to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to r |lst,. ? 
Street; North on 41st Street to Belt Road; Northeast on Belt Road to, Ellicott Street; '.W&sfci 
on Ellicott Street to 41st Street; North on 41st Street to., Fessenden , Street; , We^st -on; 
Fessenden Street to 42nd Street; North on 42nd Street. to Garrison Street; West" on v 
Garrison Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to the State of 
Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; Northeast along the State of Maryland — District 
of Columbia boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3E05 Boundaries v 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection , o'f 44th I 
Street and Yuma Street; East on Yuma Street to Tenley Circle; Clockwise around Tenleyf; 
Circle to Nebraska Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to Alton Place; East on j Alton 'i 
Place to 38th Street; South on 38th Street to Warren Street; West on Warren Street to- 39th ■) 
Street; South on 39th Street to Van Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to Nebraska*,; 
Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to its intersection with a line extending ,TindAlb 
streets to the southeast; Northwest along said line extending TindAll streets to 44th Street; \ 
Southwest along 44th Street to the northeast property corner of 4412 Sedgewick >, Street;* 
South along the property boundary of 4412 Sedgewick Street to its southeast , corner; j 
Northwest along the rear property boundaries of the lots fronting along the south side' of '. 
Sedgewick Street to 45th Street; Southwest on 45th Street to Massachusetts Avenue;*;. 
Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 47th Street; North on 47th Street to Windom Place; 
East on Windom Place to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 3F Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Nebraska 
Avenue and Nevada Avenue; Southeast on Nevada Avenue to Broad Branch Road; South- 
east on Broad Branch Road to 27th Street; North on 27th Street to Military Road; East on 
Military Road to Rock Creek; South along Rock Creek to Melvin Hazen Creek; West along , 
Melvin Hazen Creek to its intersection with a line extending the shared property boundary of; 
3601 Connecticut Avenue and 3701 Connecticut Avenue to the northeast; Southwest along; 
said line extending the shared property boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue and 3701 
Connecticut Avenue, and continuing southwest along said shared property boundary tei 
Connecticut Avenue; South on Connecticut Avenue to Porter Street; West on Porter Street 
to the alley behind the properties fronting on the west side of Connecticut Avenue; 
Northwest on said alley to Rodman Street; East on Rodman Street to Connecticut Avenue; 
North on Connecticut Avenue to the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting on: 
the north side of Rodman Street; West along said rear property boundaries and continuing 
west along the southern boundary of Melvin Hazen Park to Reno Road; North on Reno Road ' 
to the rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; 
West along said rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman. 
Street to the intersection with a line extending Idaho Avenue from the southwest; Southwest 7 
along said line extending Idaho Avenue to Idaho Avenue; Continuing southwest on Idaho/ 
Avenue to Quebec Street; West on Quebec Street to Wisconsin Avenue; North on Wisconsin ; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Avenue to 39th Street; North on 39th Street to Warren Street; East on Warren Street to 
38th Street; North on 38th Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to Reno 
Road; North on Reno Road to Nebraska Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3F01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Reno 
Road and Yuma Street; East on Yuma Street to Connecticut Avenue; South on Connecticut 
Avenue to the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting on the north side of 
Rodman Street; West along said rear property boundaries and continuing west along the 
southern boundary of Melvin Hazen.Park to Reno Road; North on Reno Road to the rear 
property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; West along said 
rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street to the 
intersection with a line extending Idaho Avenue from the southwest; Southwest along said 
line extending Idaho Avenue to Idaho Avenue; Continuing southwest on Idaho Avenue to 
Quebec Street; West on Quebec Street to Wisconsin Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to 
39th Street; North on 39th Street to Warren Street; East on Warren Street to 38th Street; 
North on 38th Street to Windom Place; East on Windom Place to Reno Road; North on 
Reno Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3F02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Windom Place; East on Windom Place to its end along the southern 
boundary of Soapstone Valley Park; Continuing East along said southern boundary of 
Soapstone Valley Park to the northeast property corner of the Howard University property 
identified as Square 2049 Lot 810; South along the eastern boundary of said property 
identified as Square 2049 Lot 810 to its intersection with the northwest corner of the Levine 
School of Music property identified as Square 2049 Lot 809; Clockwise around the boundary 
of said property identified as Square 2049 Lot 809 to its intersection with the southeast 
corner of the previously referenced Howard University property identified as Square 2049 
Lot 810; Clockwise around the boundary of said property identified as Square 2049 Lot 810 
to its intersection with Van Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to Connecticut Avenue; 
North on Connecticut Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3F03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Linnean 
Avenue and Broad Branch Road; East along Broad Branch Road to 27th Street; North on 
27th Street to Military Road; East on Military Road to Rock Creek; South along Rock Creek 
to Broad Branch; North along Broad Branch to Soapstone Creek; West along Soapstone 
Creek to the easternmost extent of Soapstone Valley Park; Clockwise around the boundary 
of Soapstone Valley Park to Albemarle Street; East on Albemarle Street to 32nd Street; 
North on 32nd Street to Appleton Street; East on Appleton Street to 31st Street; North on 
31st Street to Gates Road; West on Gates Road to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake 
Street to 32nd Street; North on 32nd Street to Davenport Street; West on Davenport Street 
to Connecticut Avenue; North on Connecticut Avenue to Ellicott Avenue; East on Ellicott 
Avenue to the southeast corner of Census Block 13.01 3001; North along the eastern 
boundary of said Census Block 13.01 3001 to Fessenden Street East on Fessenden Street to 
Broad Branch Terrace; North on Broad Branch Terrace to 33rd Street; Northeast on 33rd 
Street to Linnean Avenue; North on Linnean Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3F04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Davenport Street; East on Davenport Street to 32nd Street; South 
on 32nd Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to Gates Road; East on 
Gates Road to 31st Street; South on 31st Street to Appleton Street, West on Appleton Street 
to 32nd Street; South on 32nd Street to Albemarle Street; West on Albemarle Street to the 
intersection of Albemarle Street and the northwest corner of Soapstone Valley Park; South 


Iiaw 19-145, § 2 19th Council Period 

along the border of said Soapstone Valley Park to Windom Place; West along Windom Place\ 
to Connecticut Avenue; North on Connecticut Avenue to the point of beginning. ; ; ; 

Description SMD 3F05 Boundaries ■■ ■ , q 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Nebraska 
Avenue and Nevada Avenue; Southeast on Nevada Avenue to Linnean Avenue; South on 
Linnean Avenue to 33rd Street; Southwest on 33rd Street to Broad Branch Terrace; South 
on Broad Branch Terrace to Fessenden Street; West on Fessenden Street to the northeast* 
corner of Census Block 13.01 3001; South along the eastern boundary of said Census Block 
13.01 3001 to Ellicott Street; West on Ellicott Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast oh 
Connecticut Avenue to Brandywine Street; West on Brandywine Street to 36th Street; 
North on 36th Street to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to Nebraska 1 
Avenue; and Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to the point of beginning. '.■'': 

Description of SMD 3F06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant; Beginning at the intersection of; 
Connecticut Avenues and Nebraska Avenue; Southeast oh Connecticut Avenue to 36th Street; ■ 
South on 36th Street to Brandywine Street; East on Brandywine Street to Connecticut 
Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Yuma Street;. West on Yuma Street to Reno 
Road;' South on Reno Road to Windom Place; West on Wihdoni Place to 38th Street; North 
on 38th Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to Reno Road; North on 
Reno Road to Nebraska Avenue; North on Nebraska, Avenue to the point of beginnings 

Description of SMD 3F07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection off 
Connecticut Avenue and Van Ness Street; East on Van Ness Street to its end at the J 
boundary of the Howard University property identified as Square 2049 Lot 810; Counter- ', 
clockwise around the boundary of said property identified as Square 2049 Lot 810 to its.j 
, intersection with the southwest corner of the Levine School of Music property identified as; 
Square 2049 Lot 809; Counter-clockwise around the boundary of said property identified as'. 
Square 2049 Lot 809 to its northwest corner at its intersection with the eastern property^ 
boundary of the previously referenced Howard University property identified as Square 2049 
Lot 810; North along said eastern property boundary of Square 2049 Lot 810 to its northeast 
corner at its intersection with the southern boundary of Soapstone Valley Park; East along 
said southern boundary of Soapstone Valley Park to the easternmost extent of the Park; 
North along the eastern boundary of Soapstone Valley Park to Soapstone Creek; East along ^ 
Soapstone Creek to Broad Branch; South along Broad Branch to Rock Creek; South along : 
Rock Creek to Melvin C. Hazen Creek; West along said Melvin Hazen Creek to its" 
intersection with a line extending the northern property boundary of 3601 Connecticut 
Avenue to the northeast; Southwest along said line extending the northern property- 
boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue, and continuing southwest along said northern property 
boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut 
Avenue to Porter Street; West on Porter Street to the alley behind the properties fronting on 
the west side of Connecticut Avenue; Northwest along said alley to Rodman Street; East on; 
Rodman Street to Connecticut Avenue; North on Connecticut Avenue the point of begirihirig. 

Description of ANC 3G Boundaries l 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Rock Creek; Southeast along Rock 
Creek to its intersection with Military Road; West on Military Road to 27th Street; South; 
on 27th Street to Broad Branch Road. West on Broad Branch Road to Nevada Avenue;} 
Continuing west on Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to, 
Reno Road; Northwest on Reno Road to its intersection with the District of Columbia— State ■> 
of Maryland boundary; Northeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland ; - 
boundary to the point of beginning. : 

2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 3G01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Rock Creek; Southeast along Rock 
Creek to its intersection with a line extending Beech Street from the west; West along said 
line extending Beech Street and continuing west on Beech Street to a line extending Barnaby 
Street from the southwest; Southwest along said line extending Barnaby Street to Aberfoyle 
Place; East on Aberfoyle Place to 31st Street; Southwest on 31st Street to Tennyson Street; 
West on Tennyson Street to 33rd Street; North on 33rd Street to Upland Terrace; West on 
Upland Terrace to the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Northeast along 
the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Beech 
Street and a line extending Barnaby Street from the southwest; East on Beech Street and 
continuing east along a line extending Beech Street east to Rock Creek; South along Rock 
Creek to Military Road. West on Military Road to 27th Street; North on 27th Street to 
Utah Avenue. Northwest on Utah Avenue to Tennyson Street; East on Tennyson Street to 
31st Street. Northeast on 31st Street to Aberfoyle Place; Northwest on Aberfoyle Place to 
Barnaby Street. Northeast along a line extending Barnaby Street to the northeast to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Utah ' 
Avenue and Nebraska Avenue; Southeast on Utah Avenue to 27th Street; South on 27th 
Street to Broad Branch Road.; West on Broad Branch Road to Nevada Avenue; Northwest 
on Nevada Avenue to Legation Street; East on Legation Street to Broad Branch Road; 
Northwest on Broad Branch Road to Morrison Street; East on Morrison Street to Nebraska 
Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Upland Terrace; East on Upland 
Terrace to 33rd Street; South on 33rd Street to Tennyson Street; East on Tennyson Street 
to Utah Avenue. Southeast on Utah Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska 
Avenue to Morrison Street; West on Morrison Street to Broad Branch Road; Northwest on 
Broad Branch Road to the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary. Northeast 
along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the State 
of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary and Broad Branch Road; Southeast on Broad 
Branch Road to Legation Street; West' on Legation Street to Nevada Avenue; Southeast on 
Nevada Avenue to Jocelyn Street; West on Jocelyn Street to Chevy Chase Parkway; North 
on Chevy Chase Parkway to Legation Street; West on Legation Street to Connecticut 
Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to Chevy Chase Circle; Counterclockwise around 
Chevy Chase Circle to the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary; Northeast 
along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the northeast intersection of 
Chevy Chase Circle and the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; Clockwise 
around Chevy Chase Circle to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to' 
Legation Street; East on Legation Street to Chevy Chase Parkway; South on Chevy Chase 
Parkway to Kanawha Street; West on Kanawha Street to 38th Street; North on 38th Street 
to Military Road; West on Military Road to Reno Road; Northwest on Reno Road to 41st 
Street; North on 41st Street to the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary; 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council :/BeiS6'd£ 

Northeast along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary to the point of 
beginning. , . ^ 

description of SMD 3G07 Boundaries >hfe;CI 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Military'I 
Road and Reno Road; East on Military Road to 38th Street; South on 38th Street toW 
Kanawha Street; East on Kanawha Street to Chevy Chase Parkway; South on Chevy Chase ' 
Parkway to Jocelyn Street; East on Jocelyn Street to Nevada Avenue; Southeast on Nevada' 
Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to Reno Road; Northwest oh' 
Reno Road to the point of beginning. , < ,. ,,, , ;. , . ■ >; 

Description of ANC4A Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the jntersectiori ' of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Rock Creek; Northeast along the' 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the northern tip of the District of 
Columbia; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to /Georgia 
Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Missouri Avenue; /West on Missouri Avenue to.', 
Colorado Avenue; Southwest on Colorado Avenue to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy. 
Street to 16th Street; South on I6th Street to Pihey Branch Parkway; Southwest on Piney [ 
Branch Parkway to Beach Drive; Continuing southwest along a line extending Pihey Branch 
Parkway southwest to Rock Creek; North along -Rock, Creek to the point of beginning. 

' Description of SMD 4A01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection: of theH 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary line and Rock Creek; Southeast on Rock; 
Creek to Sherrill Drive; East on Sherrill Drive to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to' 
Alaska Avenue; Northeast on Alaska Avenue to Geranium Street; West on Geranium Street, 
to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Northgate Road; Northeast on Northgate Road to 
the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Northwest on the District of 
Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the northern tip of the District of Columbia;; 
Southwest on the District of Columbia-State of Maryland boundary to the point of beginning. ,- 

Description of SMD 4A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the. 
District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary and Northgate Road; Southwest on 1 
Northgate Road to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Geranium Street; 1 ' East on Geranium"' 
Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the District of Columbia — State of 
Maryland boundary; Northwest along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary 
to the point of beginning. r ,■ ■ </■ ■'■-jj^»I <■) ■■■■■■; , : f.7 

. ■ ; ., .. .. . r ;-i ] '-:- rmvSl '. ./ * . "r m 
Description of SMD 4A03 Boundaries ..;^J oi i :■■! 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alaska, 
Avenue and Geranium Street; Southwest on Alaska Avenue to 16th Strqet;. ; .South 'on 16th 
Street to Underwood Street; East on Underwood Street to, Luzon Avenue;' ^Northeast onj 
Luzon Avenue to Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to Georgia Avenue; North on, 
Georgia Avenue to Geranium Street; West on Geranium Street to the point of beginning.' 

Description of SMD 4A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Luzoh> 
Avenue and Van Buren Street; Southwest on Luzon Avenue to Somerset Place; East om 
Somerset Place to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Rittenhouse Street; East on v 
Rittenhouse Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Rittenhouse Street; East oh 
Rittenhouse Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Van Buren Street to the) 
point of beginning. 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 4A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Somerset Place; South on 16th Street to Fort Stevens Drive; East on Fort 
Stevens Drive to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Peabody Street; East on Peabody 
Street to 13th Place; North on 13th Place to Fort Stevens Drive; East on Fort Stevens Drive 
to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to the portion of Rittenhouse Street west of 13th Street; 
West on Rittenhouse Street 'to 14th Street; North" on 14th Street to Somerset Place; West on 
Somerset Place to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14th 
Street and Peabody Street; East on Peabody Street to 13th Place; North on 13th Place to 
Fort Stevens Drive; East on Fort Stevens Drive to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to 
Rittenhouse Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia 
Avenue to Missouri Avenue; West on Missouri Avenue to Colorado Avenue; Southwest on 
Colorado Avenue to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to 14th Street; North on 14th 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rock 
Creek and a line extending Joyce Road from the northeast; Northeast along said line 
extending Joyce Road to Joyce Road; Continuing Northeast on Joyce Road to Morrow Drive; 
Southeast on Morrow Drive to Kennedy Street; East on Kennedy Street to Colorado Avenue; 
Northeast on Colorado Avenue to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to 14th Street; 
North on 14th Street to Fort Stevens Drive; West on Fort Stevens Drive to 16th Street; 
North on 16th Street to Luzon Avenue; Northeast on Luzon Avenue to Underwood Street; 
West on Underwood Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Sherrill Drive; West on 
Sherrill Drive to Rock Creek; South on Rock Creek to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rock 
Creek and a line extending Joyce Road from the northeast; South on Rock Creek to a line 
extending Piney Branch Parkway from the northeast; East on said line extending Piney 
Branch Parkway to Piney Branch Parkway, and continuing northeast on Piney Branch 
Parkway to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Morrow Drive; Northeast on Morrow Drive 
to Joyce Road; Southwest on Joyce Road, and continuing southwest along a line extending 
Joyce Road southwest to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 4B Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and 
Georgia Avenue, N.W.; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland 
boundary to Kennedy Street, N.E.; West on Kennedy Street, N.E. to South Dakota Avenue, 
N.E.; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to Riggs Road, N.E.; Southwest on Riggs 
Road, N.E. to Missouri Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Missouri Avenue, N.W. to Longfellow 
Street, N.W.; West on Longfellow Street, N.W. to Shepherd Road, 'N.W.; Northwest on 
Shepherd Road, N.W. to 7th Street, N.W.; South on 7th Street, N.W. to Longfellow Street, 
N.W.; West on Longfellow Street, N.W. to Georgia Avenue, N.W.; North on Georgia Avenue, 
N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia 
Avenue and the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to Cedar Street; South and then west on 
Cedar Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to Butternut Street; West on Butternut 
Street to Sth Street; North on Sth Street to Highland Avenue; West on Highland Avenue to 
9th; North on 9th Street to Elder Street; West on Elder Street to Georgia Avenue; North 
on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council Period: 

Description of SMD 4B02 Boundaries 

All' streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia 
Avenue and Elder Street; East on Elder Street to 9th Street; South on 9th Street to' 
Highland Avenue; East on Highland Avenue to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to Butternut 1 
Street; East on Butternut Street to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to Cedar Street; East- 
oh Cedar Street to the centerline of the WMATA right of way; Southeast along said 1 
centerline of the WMATA right of way to Aspen Street; West on Aspen Street to 4th Streetf' 
South on 4th Street to Van Buren Street; West on Van Buren Street to Georgia Avenue^ 
North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4B03 Boundaries , U ; 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection ; of Georgia' 
Avenue and Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street! 
to Rittenhouse Street; West on Rittenhouse Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street -W 
Roxboro Place; West on Roxboro Place to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to Sheridan 
" Street; West on Sheridan Street to 9th Street; South on 9th Street to Rittenhouse Street; } 
West on Rittenhouse Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the point of ; 

Description of SMD 4B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia • 
Avenue and Rittenhouse Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to 9th Street; North on 9th 
Street to Sheridan Street; East on Sheridan Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to 
Roxboro Place; East on Roxboro Place to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to Rittenhouse 
Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Oglethorpe Street; 
West on Oglethorpe Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Nicholson Street; West on 
Nicholson Street to Missouri Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to Georgia Avenue; 
North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. ' ■ ■< 

Description of SMD 4B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia 
Avenue and Missouri Avenue; Southeast on Missouri Avenue to Nicholson Street; East oh : 
Nicholson Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to Oglethorpe Street; East on; 
Oglethorpe Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Longfellow Street; West On; 
Longfellow Street to Shepherd Road; Northwest on Shepherd Road to 7th Street; South on'i 
7th Street to Longfellow Street; West on Longfellow Street to Georgia Avenue j North 1 on > 
Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. v^ 

Description of SMD 4B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning .at 1 - 
the intersection of 3rd Street and Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to the? 
. centerline of the WMATA right of way; Southeast along said centerline of the WMATA right 
of way to New Hampshire Avenue, N.E.; Southwest On New Hampshire Avenue, N. . .E. . t 
to McDonald Place, N.E.; West on McDonald Place, N.E. to North Capitol Street; South on 
North Gapitol Street to Milmarson Place; West on Milmarson Place to 1st Street; South On 
1st Street to Longfellow Street; West on Longfellow Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd 
Street to Missouri Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th 
Street to Rittenhouse Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street 
to the point of beginning. ( . ,, 

Description of SMD 4B07 Boundaries _ a 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of the District of Columbia^State of Maryland boundary and Cedar Street; 
Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to New Hampshire/ 
Avenue, NE; Southwest on New Hampshire .Avenue, N.E. to the centerline of the WMATA 
right of way; Northwest along said centerline of the WMATA right of way to Van Buren' 
Street; West on Van Buren Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Aspen Street; East* 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

on Aspen Street to the centerline of the WMATA right of way; Northwest along said 
center line of the WMATA right of way to Cedar Street; East and then north on Cedar Street 
to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4B08 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and 
New Hampshire Avenue, N.E.; Southeast along said District of Columbia— State of Mary- 
land boundary to 6th Street, N.E.; South on 6th Street, N.E. to Oglethorpe Street, N.E.; 
West on Oglethorpe Street, N.E. to 3rd Street, N.E.; South on 3rd Street, N.E. to Riggs 
Road, N.E.; Southwest on Riggs Road, N.E. to Missouri Avenue (at North Capitol Street); 
Northwest on Missouri Avenue, N.W. to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd Street, N.W. to 
Longfellow Street, N.W.; East on Longfellow Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North, on 1st 
Street, N.W. to Milmarson Place, NW; East on Milmarson Place, N.W. to North Capitol 
Street; North on North Capitol Street to MacDonald Place, N.E.; East on McDonald Place, 
NE to New Hampshire Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue, N.E. to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4B09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and 6th Street; Southeast along said 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy 
Street to South Dakota Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to 3rd Street; North on 
3rd Street to Oglethorpe Street; East on Oglethorpe Street to 6th Street; North on 6th 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 4C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Missouri 
Avenue and Georgia Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to Colorado Avenue; Southwest 
on Colorado Avenue to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy Street to 16th Street; South on . 
16th Street to Spring Road; Southeast on Spring Road to New Hampshire Avenue; 
Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Rock Creek Church Road; Northeast on Rock 
Creek Church Road to its intersection with Webster Street along the property boundary of 
the Rock Creek Parish Cemetery property identified as Parcel 01110037; Clockwise around 
said property boundary of Parcel 01110037 to its intersection with Buchanan Street; West on 
Buchanan Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to 
Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Delafield 
Place; West on Delafield Place to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Decatur Street; West 
on Decatur Street to Kansas Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Sherman Circle; 
Clockwise around Sherman Circle to its southeast intersection with Illinois Avenue; South- 
east on Illinois Avenue to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to Georgia Avenue; 
North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Missouri 
Avenue and Georgia Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to Colorado Avenue; Southwest 
on Colorado Avenue to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Ingraham Street; East on 
Ingraham Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Hamilton Street; East on Hamilton 
Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Kennedy 
Street and 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Crittenden Street; East on Crittenden Street 
to 14th Street; ' South on 14th Street to Buchanan Street; East on Buchanan Street to 13th 
Street; North on 13th Street to Decatur Street; East on Decatur Street to Georgia Avenue; 
North on Georgia Avenue to Hamilton Street; West on Hamilton Street to 13th Street; 
North on 13th Street to Ingraham Street; West on Ingraham Street to 14th Street; North on 
14th Street to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy Street to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council Pprip& 

Description of SMD 4C03 Boundaries HV ^ iU) 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection orMtlf 

Street and Crittenden Street; South on 16th Street to Upshur Street; East on Upshur StfeVfi ' 

to Arkansas Avenue; Northeast on Arkansas Avenue to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to 

Allison Street; East on Allison Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to 

Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Buchanan! 

Street; West on Buchanan Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Crittenden Street^ 

West on Crittenden Street to the point of beginning. - b w;I 

Description of SMD 4C04 Boundaries n a 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant, Beginning at the intersection of 16tfr! 
Street and Upshur Street; South on 16th Street to Spring Road; East on Spring Road to ' 
14th Street; North on 14th Street to Upshur Street; West on Upshur Street to the point (yi ■ 
beginning. ; 

Description of SMD 4C05 Boundaries ;i 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant; v , Beginning at the intersection of 14th 
Street and Allison Street; South on 14th Street to Arkansas Avenue; Southwest on Arkansas 
Avenue to Upshur Street; East on Upshur Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street fo \ 
Spring Road; Southeast on Spring Road to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Taylor! 
Street; East on Taylor Street to Kansas Avenue; Northeast on Kansas Avenue to Georgia! 
Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Iowa Avenue; Northwest on Iowa Avenue to Allison' 
Street; West on Allison Street to the point of beginning. -nib ivsi 

Description of SMD 4C06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13th 
Street and Taylor Street; South on 13th Street to Spring Road; Southeast on Spring Road t r Q\ 
New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Georgia Avenue;- 'North, 
on Georgia Avenue to Shepherd Street; West on Shepherd Street to Kansas Avefiue;} 
Northeast on Kansas Avenue to Taylor Street; West on Taylor Street to the pdintiof; 
beginning. . ;Y : y*y::,jA 

Description of SMD 4C07 Boundaries ,' ^ "V 

■ .'*Oj- ; m; 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia' 
Avenue and Buchanan Street; South on Georgia Avenue to Allison Street; West on Allisorii 
Street to Iowa Avenue; Southeast on Iowa Avenue to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia' 
Avenue to Kansas Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Shepherd Street; East oh 
Shepherd Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to Upshur Street; East on Upshur Street > 
to 5th Street; North on -5th Street to Grant Circle; Clockwise around Grant Circle to its j 
northeast intersection with New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue 
to Allison Street; West on Allison Street to Illinois Avenue; Northwest: on Illinois Avenue : to r 
Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C08 Boundaries f ^ , t( 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia' 
Avenue and Shepherd Street; South on Georgia Avenue to Rock Creek Church Road;' East? 
on Rock Creek Church Road to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to Upshur Street; West on ■:' 
Upshur Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to Shepherd Street; West on Shepherd :, 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the southeast intersection of^ 
Sherman Circle and Illinois Avenue; Southeast on Illinois Avenue to Allison Street; East on 
Allison Street to New Hampshire Avenue'; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Grant; 
Circle; Counter-clockwise around Grant Circle to its southeast intersection with Illinois: 
Avenue; Southeast on Illinois Avenue to Upshur Street; East on Upshur Street to 4th 
Street; North on 4th Street to Webster Street; East on Webster Street to its intersection; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

with Rock Creek Church Road along the property boundary, of the Rock Creek Parish 
Cemetery property identified as Parcel 01110037; Clockwise around said property boundary 
of Parcel 01110037 to its intersection with Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Decatur Street; West on 
Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Delafield Place; West on Delafield Place 
to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to Kansas 
Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Sherman Circle; Clockwise around Sherman Circle 
to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the southern intersection of 
Grant Circle and 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Rock Creek Church Road; Northeast on 
Rock Creek Church Road to Webster Street; West on Webster Street to 4th Street; South 
on 4th Street to Upshur Street; West on Upshur Street to Illinois Avenue; Northwest on 
Illinois Avenue to Grant Circle; Clockwise around Grant Circle to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 4D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia 
Avenue and Longfellow Street; East on Longfellow Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street 
to Shepherd Road; East on Shepherd Road to Longfellow Street; East on Longfellow Street 
to Missouri Avenue; Southeast on Missouri Avenue to North Capitol Street; South on North 
Capitol Street to Rock Creek Church Road; Southwest on Rock Creek Church Road to its 
intersection with Webster Street along the property boundary of the Rock Creek Parish 
Cemetery property identified as Parcel 01110037; Clockwise around said property boundary 
of Parcel 01110037 to its intersection with Buchanan Street; "West on Buchanan Street to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Decatur Street; West on 
Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Delafield Place; West on Delarleld Place 
to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street .to Kansas 
Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Sherman Circle; Clockwise around Sherman Circle 
to its southeast intersection with Illinois Avenue; Southeast on Illinois Avenue to Buchanan 
Street; West on Buchanan Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Georgia 
Avenue and Longfellow Street; East on Longfellow Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street 
to Shepherd Road; East on Shepherd Road to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Jefferson 
Street; West on Jefferson Street to 9th Street; South on 9th Street to Ingraham Street; 
^West on Ingraham Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the point of 

Description of SMD 4D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Shepherd 
Road and 5th Street; East on Shepherd Road to Longfellow Street; East on Longfellow 
Street to Missouri Avenue; Southeast on Missouri Avenue to North Capitol Street; South on 
North Capitol Street to Ingraham Street; West on Ingraham Street to New Hampshire 
Avenue; South on New Hampshire Avenue to Gallatin Street; West on Gallatin Street to 4th 
Street; North on 4th Street to Jefferson Street; West on Jefferson Street to 5th Street; 
North on 5th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 4th 
Street and Gallatin Street; North on 4th Street to Jefferson Street; West on Jefferson Street 
to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to Farragut Street; East on Farragut Street to 5th Street; ■ 
South on 5th Street to Delafield Place; East on Delafield Place to 4th Street; North on 4th 
Street to Farragut Street; East. on Farragut Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to 
Gallatin Street; West on Gallatin Street to the point of beginning. 


liEW 19-145, '■'§ 2 19th Council Period- 

Description of SMD 4D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 9th ' 
Street and Jefferson Street; East on Jefferson Street to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to 1 
Emerson Street; West on Emerson Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to" 
Ingraham Street; East on Ingraham Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to the point of v 
beginning. ' ; •< ; ^ 

' " , .. : ; ',?:: ; .L : ;.-vf h '■«} ' Ai i. ; :■': i (it 

Description of SMD 4D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection. of, North 
Capitol Street and Ingraham Street; South on North Capitol Street to Rock Creek 'Qhurch;, 
ftoad; Southwest on Rock Creek Church Road to its intersection with Webster Street along; 
the property boundary of the Rock Creek Parish Cemetery property identified as Parcel , 
01110037; Clockwise around said property boundary of Parcel 01110037 to its intersection, 
with Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on 
New Hampshire Avenue to Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 
4th Street to Farragut Street; East on Farragut Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street 
to Gallatin Street; East on Gallatin Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New 
Hampshire Avenue to Ingraham Street; East on Ingraham Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4D06 Boundaries ; 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Buchanan 
Street arid Illinois Avenue; West on Buchanan Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia 1 
Avenue to Emerson Street; East on Emerson Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to 
Farragut Street; East on Farragut Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Decatur 
Street; West on Decatur Street to Kansas Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Sherman 
Circle;' Clockwise around Sherman Circle to its southeast intersection with Illinois Avenue; 1 
Southeast on Illinois Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 5A 

Beginning at the intersection of North Capitol Street and Riggs Road; East on Riggs Road, 
N.E. to South Dakota Avenue, N.E.; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to Kennedy 
Street, N.E.; East on Kennedy Street, N.E. to the District of Columbia— State of Maryland 
boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to its', 
intersection with a line extending 16th Street, N.E. from the southwest; Southwest along said 
line extending 16th Street, N.E. to 16th Street, N.E.;. South on 16th Street, N.E. to; 
Buchannan Street, N.E.; East on Buchannan Street, N.E. to 17th Street, N.E.; South on r 
17th Street, N.E. to Webster Street, N.E.; West on Webster Street, N.E. to South Dakota; 
Avenue, N.E.; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to Michigan Avenue, N.E.; West on 
Michigan Avenue, N.E. to 14th Street, N.E.; North on 14th Street, N.E. to Varnum Street, 
N.E.; West on Varnum Street, N.E. to 10th Street, N.E.; South on 10th Street, N.E. to 
Taylor Street, N.E.; West on Taylor Street, N.E. to the centerline of the WMATA Metroraii 
tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA Metroraii tracks to Michigan Avenue,. 
N.E.; Southwest on Michigan Avenue, N.E. to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol 
Street to Irving Street; West on Irving Street, N.W. to Kenyon Street, N.W.; West on 
Kenyon Street, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; North on Park Place, N.W. to Rock Creek Church. 
Road, N.W.; Northeast on Rock Creek Church Road, N.W. to North Capitol Street; North ,' 
on North Capitol Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Kennedy Street; East on Kennedy Street to the District of Columbia— 
State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland 
boundary to Galloway'Street; West on Galloway Street to South Dakota Avenue; Northwest 
on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. 

82 : 

2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 5A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue .and Galloway Street; East on Galloway Street to the District of Columbia — 
State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland 
boundary to its intersection with a line extending 16th Street from the southwest; Southwest 
along said line extending 16th Street to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Buchannan 
Street; East on Buchannan Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Webster Street; 
West on Webster Street to South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and 8th Street; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to Michigan Avenue; 
West on Michigan Avenue to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Varnum Street; West on 
Varnum Street to 10th Street; South on 10th Street to Taylor Street; West on Taylor Street 
to the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the 
WMATA Metrorail tracks to its intersection with a line extending Buchanan Street from the 
east; East along said line extending Buchanan Street to Buchanan Street, and continuing 
east on Buchanan Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Fort 
Totten Drive and Bates Road; Northeast on Bates Road to its northernmost extent; 
Continuing northeast along a line extending Bates Road northeast to its intersection with the 
centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA 
Metrorail tracks to Michigan Avenue; Southwest on Michigan Avenue to Irving Street; 
Northwest on Irving Street to the access ramp to North Capitol Street northbound; 
Northwest on said access ramp to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to 
Scale Gate Road; East on Scale Gate Road to Harewood Road; North on Harewood Road to 
Taylor Street; East on Taylor Street to Hawaii Avenue; Northwest on Hawaii Avenue to 
Fort Totten Drive; Northwest on Fort Totten Drive to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A05 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Rock Creek Church Road, N.W. and Harewood Road, N.W.;' 
Southwest on Rock Creek Church Road, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; South on Park Place, 
N.W. to Kenyon Street, N.W.; East on Kenyon Street, N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; East on 
Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol Street to Michigan 
Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue, N.E. to Irving Street, N.E.; Northwest on Irving Street, 
N.E. to the access ramp to t North Capitol Street northbound; Northwest on said access ramp 
to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to Harewood Road; Northwest on 
Harewood Road, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A06 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Fort Totten Drive, N.E. and Allison Street, N.E.; Southeast 
on Fort Totten Drive, N.E. to Hawaii Avenue, N.E.; Southeast on Hawaii Avenue, N.E. to 
Taylor Street, N.E.; West on Taylor Street, N.E. to Harewood Road, N.E.; South on 
Harewood Road, N.E. to Scale Gate Road, N.E.; West on Scale Gate Road, N.E. to North 
Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to Harewood Road; Northwest on Harewood, 
Road, N.W. to Rock Creek Church Road, N.W.; Northeast on Rock Creek Church Road, 
N.W. to Allison Street, N.W.; Northeast on Allison Street, N.W. to Allison Street, N.E.; 
Continuing northeast on Allison Street, N.E. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A07 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of North Capitol Street and Riggs Road; East on Riggs Road, 
N.E. to its intersection with the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said 
centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to its intersection with a line extending Bates 
Road, N.E. from the southwest; Southwest along said line extending Bates Road, N.E. to 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th GduriciJb Period > 

Bates Road, N.E., and continuing southwest to Fort Totten Drive, N.E.; North on Fort 
Totten Drive, N.E. to Allison Street, N.E.; Southwest on Allison Street, N.E. to Allison, 
Street, N.W., and continuing southwest to Rock Creek Church Road, N.W.; North bn^ock^ 
Creek Church Road, N.W. to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street ^'ifee^ 
point of beginning. ' " \ . ' ' s ■' - ■ ' ~" 

","■' ".';■;' )'.;"■■ iff 

Description of SMD 5A08 Boundaries ^ s 

Beginning at the intersection of South Dakota Avenue, N.E. and Kennedy Street, N.E;; J 
Southeast on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to 8th Street, N.E.; South on 8th Street, N.E. to* 
Buchanan Street, N.E.; West on Buchanan Street, N.E. to its end at 6th Street, N.E.p 
Continuing west on a line extending Buchanan Street, N.E. west to the centerline of the 
WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to 
Riggs Road, N.E.; Northeast on Riggs Road, N.E. to South Dakota Avenue, N.E.;'" Southeast; 
on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to the point of beginning. " : ^^ 

, , -;ci .H-;oV7 

Description of ANC 5B Boundaries t in* ^ / 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of T^lor; 
Street and the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; East on Taylor Street to ; lGtir 
Street; North on 10th Street to Varnum Street; East on Varnum Street to 14th Street; ; 
South on 14th Street to Michigan Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue to South' Dakota' 
Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to Webster ; Street;^ ast on Webster Street to 
17th Street; North on 17th Street to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to 16th 
Street; North on 16th Street to its end at Eastern Avenue; Northeast on a line extending 
16th Street northeast to its intersection with the District of Columbia — State of Maryland 
boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to ; 
Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to Quincy 
Street; West on Quincy Street to South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue 1 
to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to 20th Street; South on 20th Street to Jackson 
Street; West on Jackson Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Rhode Island 
Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to its intersection with the centerline i of the j 
WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to' 
the point of beginning. ;nV ,-.,/■? 

Description of SMD 5B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Webster Street; East on Webster Street to 17th Street; North on 17th 
Street to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to 
its end at Eastern Avenue; Northeast on a line extending 16th Street northeast to its 
intersection with the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to Randolph Street; West on Randolph 
Street to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to Quincy Street; West on Quincy Street to South' 
Dakota Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. • m>k;.'* ■>•:■■■■ 

Description of SMD 5B02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the" intersection of Michigan! 
Avenue and South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to Monroe Street;. 
West on Monroe Street to its intersection with the centerline of the ■ WMATA MetrdraiT 
tracks; North along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to Michigan Avenue;'' 
Northeast on Michigan Avenue to Bunker Hill Road; Northeast on Bunker Hill Road to Otis) 
Street; East on Otis Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Michigan Avenue;! 
Northeast on Michigan Avenue to the point of beginning. .■■','/■ 

Description of SMD 5B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13th 
Street and Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to 20th Street; South on 20th Street to; 
Jackson Street; West on Jackson Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Rhode 
Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to , 
the point of beginning. , ) ; . w 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 5B04 Boundaries 

All streets axe located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Monroe 
Street and the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; East on Monroe Street to 13th 
Street; South on 13th Street to Rhode Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to 
its intersection with the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said 
centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Taylor 
Street and the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; East on Taylor Street to 10th 
Street; North on 10th Street to Varnum Street; East on Varnum Street to 14th Street; 
South on 14th Street to Michigan Avenue; Southwest on Michigan Avenue to 13th Street; 
South on 13th Street to Otis Street; West on Otis Street to Bunker Hill Road; Southwest on 
Bunker Hill Road to. Michigan Avenue; Southwest on Michigan Avenue to its intersection 
with the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the 
WMATA Metrorail tracks to the point of beginning. 

Description ANC 5C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Quincy Street; East on Quincy Street to 24th Street; North on 24th 
Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to the District of Columbia — State of 
Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary 
to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southwest along the centerline 
of the Anacostia River to its intersection with a line extending M Street from the west; West 
along said line extending M Street to the easternmost extent of M Street along the southern 
property boundary of the National Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary 
of the National Arboretum to the intersection of Bladensburg Road and Mount Olivet Road; 
Northwest on Mount Olivet Road to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia 
Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic 
circle to its first intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to its 
intersection with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square 3605 
Lot 814; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 814 to its northernmost 
point at its intersection with the western boundary of the CSX property identified as Square 
3605 Lot 837; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 837 to its northernmost 
point at its intersection with Rhode Island Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue 
to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to Jackson Street; East on Jackson Street to 20th 
Street; North on 20th Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to South Dakota 
Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD SCOlBoundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Quincy Street; East on Quincy Street to 24th Street; North on 24th 
Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to the District of Columbia— State of 
Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary 
to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to Clinton Street; Southwest on Clinton Street to 
Myrtle Avenue; Southwest on Myrtle Avenue to South Dakota Avenue Northwest on South 
Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Myrtle Avenue; Northeast on Myrtle Avenue to Clinton Street; North- 
east on Clinton Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to the District of 
Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of 
Maryland boundary to Bladensburg Road; Southwest on Bladensburg Road to its intersec- 
tion with the centerline of the CSX railroad tracks; West along said centerline of the CSX 
railroad tracks to Montana Avenue; North on Montana Avenue to 18th Street; North on 18th 
Street to Evarts Street; East on Evarts Street to 26th Street; North on 26th Street to 


Eaw 19-145, §2 19th Council Period 

Franklin Street; East on Franklin Street to Vista Street; Northeast on Vista Street to South 
Dakota Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5C03 Boundaries H 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Bladens-; 
burg Road and South Dakota Avenue; Northeast on Bladensburg Road to the District of } 
Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of 
Maryland boundary to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southwest 
along said centerline of the Anacostia River to its intersection with the centerline of the CSX 
railroad tracks; West along said centerline of the CSX railroad tracks to its intersection with , 
a line extending South Dakota Avenue from the northwest; Northwest along said line 
extending South Dakota Avenue, and continuing northwest on South Dakota Avenue to 33rd ; 
Place; Northeast on 33rd Place to Fort Lincoln Drive; Northwest on Fort Lincoln Drive to 
31st Place; Southwest on 31st Place to South Dakota Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5C04 Boundaries v " 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. ■ Beginning at the intersection of Bladens- 
burg Road and South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to 31st Place;; 
Northeast on 31st Place to Fort Lincoln Drive; Southeast on Fort Lincoln Drive to 33rd 
Place; Southwest on 33rd Place to South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue 
to its end at New York Avenue; Continuing southeast on a line extending South Dakota 
Avenue southeast to its intersection with the centerline of the CSX railroad tracks; East on ; 
said centerline of the CSX railroad tracks to its intersection with the centerline of the 
Anacostia River; Southwest along said centerline of the Anacostia River to its intersection, 
with a line extending M Street from the west; West along said line extending M Street to the, 
easternmost extent of M Street along the southern property boundary of the National: 
Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary of the National Arboretum to the 
intersection of Bladensburg Road and Mount Olivet Road; Northwest on Mount Olivet Road 
to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic ., 
circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic circle to its first intersection with New 
York Avenue; East on New York Avenue to its eastern intersection with the Montana- 
Avenue traffic circle; Counterclockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic circle to north- r 
bound Montana Avenue; North on Montana Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of; 
the CSX railroad tracks; East on said centerline of the CSX railroad tracks to Bladensburg ( 
. Road; , Northeast on Bladensburg Road to the point of beginning. ■-,--> 

Description of SMD 5C05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of W Street 
and 15th Street; East on W Street to Montana Avenue; South on Montana Avenue to the 
Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic circle to its 
eastern intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to its 
intersection with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square 3605- 
Lpt 814; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 814 to its northernmost! 
point at its intersection with the western boundary of the CSX property identified as Square; 
3605 Lot 837; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 837 to its northernmost'! 
point at its intersection with Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to[ 
Montana Avenue; Southeast on Montana Avenue to 14th Street; In a southerly direction on 
14th Street to Downing Street; Northeast on Downing Street to 15th Street; South on 15th 
Street to the point of beginning. ; , .. 

Description of SMD 5C06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rhode 1 
Island Avenue and 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Evarts Street; East on Evarts 
Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to W Street; West on W Street to 15th Street; 
In a northerly direction on 15th Street to Downing Street; Southwest on Downing Street to 
14th Street; In a northerly direction on, 14th Street to Montana Avenue; Northwest on 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Montana Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to the point of 

Description of SMD 5C07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Monroe 
Street and South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to Vista Street; 
Southwest on Vista Street to Franklin Street; West on Franklin Street to 26th Street; South 
on 26th Street to Evarts Street; West on Evarts Street to 17th Street; North on 17th Street 
to Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to 18th Street; North on 18th 
Street to Jackson Street; East on Jackson Street to 20th Street; North on 20th Street to 
Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 5D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and New York Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to Benning Road; East on 
Benning Road to the centerline of the Anacostia River; North along the centerline of the 
Anacostia River to its intersection with a line extending M Street from the west; West along 
said line extending M Street to the easternmost extent of M Street along the southern 
property boundary of the National Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary 
of the National Arboretum to the intersection of Bladensburg Road and Mount Olivet Road; 
Northwest on Mount Olivet Road to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia 
Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic 
circle to its first intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and New York Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to West Virginia Avenue; 
Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around 
the Montana Avenue traffic circle to its western intersection with New York Avenue; 
Southwest on New York Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of West 
Virginia Avenue and Mount Olivet Road; Southeast on Mount Olivet Road to Bladensburg 
Road; Southwest on Bladensburg Road to Meigs Place; Northwest on Meigs Place to 16th 
Street; Southwest on 16th Street to Levis Street; Northwest on Levis Street to Holbrook 
Street; Northeast on Holbrook Street to Childress Street; Northwest on Childress Street to 
Trinidad Avenue; Southwest on Trinidad Avenue to Queen Street; Northwest on Queen 
Street to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the point of 

Description of SMD 5D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Maryland 
Avenue and 21st Street; North on 21st Street to M Street along the southern property 
boundary of the National Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary of the 
National Arboretum to the intersection of Bladensburg Road and Mount Olivet Road; 
Southwest on Bladensburg Road to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to 
17th Street; North on 17th Street to L Street; East on L Street to 19th Street; South on 
19th Street to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 21st 
Street and M Street; East on M Street to its end; Continuing east on a line extending M 
Street east to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; South along said 
centerline of the Anacostia River to Benning Road; West on Benning Road to 19th Street; 
North on 19th Street to Bennett Place; East on Bennett Place to 21st Street; North on 21st 
Street to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council pyM" 

Description of SMD 5D05 Boundaries muiUioU 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Maryland 
Avenue and 21st Street; South on 21st Street to Bennett Place; West on Bennett Place to 
19th Street; South on 19th Street to Benning Road; West on Benning Road to Bladensburg'; 
Road; Northeast on Bladensburg Road to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland AvenueR 
to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to L Street; East on L Street to 19th Street; South onM 
19th Street to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to the point of beginnings 

Description of SMD 5D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of West 
Virginia Avenue and Oates Street; Southeast on Oates Street to Bladensburg Road; 
Southwest on Bladensburg Road to Florida Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to West 
Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the point of beginning. : 

Description of SMD 5D07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of West ; 
Virginia Avenue and Queen Street; Southeast on Queen Street to Trinidad Avenue* North-- 
east on Trinidad Avenue to Childress Street; Southeast on Childress Street to Holbrooke 
Street; Southwest on Holbrook Street to Levis Street; Southeast on Levis Street to 16th; 
Street; Northeast on 16th Street to Meigs Place; Southeast on Meigs Place to Bladensburg 
Road; Southwest on Bladensburg Road to Oates Street; Northwest on Oates Street to/West; 
Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the point of beginning. , '\ t) ; , .?.< 

Description of ANC 5E Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Park Place, N.W. and Kenyon Street, N.W.; East on Ketiyc-h 
Street, N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; East on Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol Street;. 
South on North Capitol Street to Michigan Avenue; Northeast on Michigan Avenue, NVE. to 1 
the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA; 
Metrorail tracks to Rhode Island Avenue, N.E..; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue, N.E. t6 ; 
its intersection with the northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 3605 Lot 
837; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its southernmost point 
at its intersection with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square - 
3605 Lot 814; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 814 to its: 
southernmost point at its intersection with New York Avenue, N.E.; Southwest on New York , 
Avenue, N.E. to New York Avenue, N.W., and continuing southwest on New York' Avenue^ ' 
N.W. to Kirby Street, N.W.; North on Kirby Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; WesVte'N; 
Street, N.W. to New Jersey Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on New Jersey . Avenue, N!Wi x tb 1[ 
Florida Avenue, N.W.; Southeast on Florida Avenue, N.W. to Rhode Island Avenue 1 ,. I^IW!; 1 
Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd StreetJWfWPS) { 
Bryant Street, N.W.; East on Bryant Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North on 1st Street 
NW to Michigan Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Michigan Avenue, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; 
North on Park Place, N.W. to the point of beginning. ' ; iT ^ ^ 

Description of SMD 5E01 Boundaries 1 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Franklin.; 
Street and Michigan Avenue; Northeast on Michigan Avenue to the centerline of thej 
WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to- 
Franklin Street; West on Franklin Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Franklin j 
Street and 6th Street; East on Franklin Street to the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail' 
tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to Rhode Island Avenue; 1 
Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Evarts Street; 
East on Evarts Street to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to the point of beginning.' 1 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 5E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rhode 
Island Avenue and Summit Place; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to its intersection with 
the northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 3605 Lot 837; South along the 
western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its southernmost point at its intersection 
with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square 3605 Lot 814; South 
along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 814 to its southernmost point at its 
intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to Florida Avenue; 
Northwest on Florida Avenue to Eckington Place; North on Eckington Place to R Street; 
East on R Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to T Street;- West on T Street to 
Summit Place; North on Summit Place to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of North 
Capitol Street and Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to Summit 
Place; South on Summit Place to T Street; East on T Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd 
Street to R Street; West on R Street to Eckington Place; Southwest on Eckington Place to 
Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to New York Avenue; Southwest on New York 
Avenue to North Capitol Street; North on north Capitol Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
Jersey Avenue and R Street; East on R Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Q 
Street; East on Q Street to Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to New York Avenue; Southwest on New York 
Avenue to ■ Kirby Street; North on Kirby Street to N Street; West on N Street to New 
Jersey Avenue; Northwest on New Jersey Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 2nd 
Street and Rhode Island Avenue; South on 2nd Street to Randolph Place; East on Randolph 
Place to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol Street to Florida Avenue; Northwest 
on North Capitol Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to 
R Street; West on R Street to New Jersey Avenue; Northwest on New Jersey Avenue to 
Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode 
Island Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 2nd 
Street and U Street; East on U Street to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol 
Street to Randolph Place; West on Randolph Place to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 2nd 

Street and Adams Street; East on Adams Street to North Capitol Street; South on North 

Capitol Street to U Street; West on U Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to the point ' 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E09 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Park Place, N.W. and Kenyon Street, N.W.; East on Kenyon 
Street, N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; East on Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol Street; 
South on North Capitol Street to Michigan Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue, N.E. to 
Franklin Street, N.E.; Southeast on Franklin Street, N.E. to Lincoln Road, N.E.; South on 
Lincoln Road to Rhode Island Avenue, N.E.; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue, N.E. to 
North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to Adams Street; West on Adams 
Street, N.W. to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd Street, N.W. to Bryant Street, N.W.; East 


Eaw 19-145, § 2 19th Council Period 

on Bryant Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North on 1st Street NW to Michigan Avenue, 
N.W.; Northwest on Michigan Avenue, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; North on Park Place,? 
N>W, to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E 10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Lincoln ' 
Rpad and Franklin Street; East on Franklin Street to 6th Street; South oil 6th Street to 1 '; 
Evarts Street; West on Evarts Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Rhode Island : 
Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to Lincoln Road; Northeast oh Lincoln Road to ; 
the p'oint of beginning. "\ J '."''V « **. : , 

Description of ANC 6A Boundaries r t 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 8th Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to H Street; 
East on H Street to Benning Road; East on Benning Road to 19th Street; South on 19th 
Street to G Street; East on C Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to the northern i 
portion of East Capitol Street; West on the northern portion of East Capitol Street to 19th I 
Street; Continuing west oh East Capitol Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street, SjEitoA 
the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street south of Lincoln Park; West along said 
eastbound portion of East Capitol Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street, S.E. to East 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to H Street;-, ' 
West on H Street to 7th Street; North on 7th to I Street; East on I Street to :8th Street;:, 
North On 8th Street to the point of beginning. ; /;p: 

Description SMD 6A0i Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 8th Street 
and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to H 
Street; West on H Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street to G Street; West on G Street 
to 8th Street North on 8th Street to H Street; West on H Street to 7th Street; North on 7th , 
to I Street; East on I Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to the point of beginning. 

\ Description of SMD 6A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 11th '• 
Street and H Street; East on H Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to E Street; 
West on E Street to Maryland Avenue; Southwest on Maryland Avenue to 8th Street; North 
on 8th Street to G Street; East on G Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to the point 
of beginmng. 

j ; Description of SMD 6A03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Maryland 
Avenue and E Street; East on E Street to 10th Street; South On 10th Street to C Street; 
East on C Street to ,12th Street; South on 12th Street to, the westbound portion of East 
Capitol Street north of Lincoln Park; West on East Capitol Street to lltti Street; South on, 
11th Street to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 8th Street; North on ,8th } 
Street tO Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to the point of beginning. , 

Description of SMD 6A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at : 
the intersection of C Street and 12th Street; East on C Street to 15th Street; South on 15th ; 
Street to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 13th Street; South on 13th. 
Street, S.E. to the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street south of Lincoln Park; West 
along said eastbound portion of East Capitol Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street, \ 
S.E. to the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street north of Lincoln Park; East on East; 
Capitol Street to 12th Street; North on 12th Street to the point of beginning. ■" ■ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 6A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 10th 
Street and E Street; East on E Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to C Street; 
West on C Street to 10th Street; North on 10th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6A06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13th 
Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to H Street; East on H Street to 
15th Street; South on 15th Street to Gales Street; East on Gales Street to 16th Street; 
South on 16th Street to Isherwood Street; West on Isherwood Street to 15th Street; North 
on 15th Street to E Street; West on E Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to the 
. point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 15th 
Street and Benning Road; East on Benning Road to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to E 
Street; West on E Street to 18th Street; South on 18th to D Street; West on D Street to 
16th Street; North on 16th Street to Gales Street; West on Gales Street to 15th Street; 
North on 15th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6A08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 18th 
Street and E Street; East on E Street to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to C Street; 
East on C Street to 2'2nd Street; South on 22nd Street to the northern portion of East 
Capitol Street; West on the northern portion of East Capitol Street to 19th Street; 
Continuing west on East Capitol Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Isherwood 
Street; East on Isherwood Street to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to D Street; East on 
D Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 6B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of a line extending South Capitol Street north and a line extending East 
Capitol Street west; East on said line extending East Capitol Street, and continuing east on 
East Capitol Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street to the eastbound portion of East 
Capitol Street south of Lincoln Park; East along said eastbound portion of East Capitol 
Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol 
Street to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to its intersection with the property line of 
Congressional Cemetery; in an easterly direction along the property line of Congressional 
Cemetery to its easternmost point and continuing east on the same bearing to the centerline 
of the Anacostia River, Southwest along the centerline of the Anacostia River to Interstate 
295; North on Interstate 295 to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to M Street; West on M 
Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to the Southeast Expressway; Northwest on the 
Southeast Expressway to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to the point of 

Description of SMD 6B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of a line extending South Capitol Street northward and a line extending East 
Capitol Street westward; East on said line extending East Capitol Street, and continuing east 
on East Capitol Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to A Street; West on A Street to 
4th Street; South on 4th Street to North Carolina Avenue; Southwest on North Carolina 
Avenue to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to the Southeast Expressway; Northwest on the 
Southeast Expressway to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street and continuing 
north along a line extending South Capitol Street north to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council.&erto*: 

Description of SMD 6B02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at^, 
the intersection of 5th Street and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street'io^^ 
Street. South on 9th Street to A Street; West on A Street to 8th Street; Southon,^/ 
Street to its first intersection with D Street; East on D Street to 9th Street; South on Mi" 
Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to its first intersection 
with D Street; West on D Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to D Street; West on D 
Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to North Carolina Avenue; Northeast on NorthA 
Carolina Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to A Street; East on A Street to 5thH 
Street; North on 5th Street to the point of beginning. < .'■■'-, :,; 

Description of SMD 6B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at; 
the intersection of the 3rd Street and D Street East on D Street to 7th Street; South on 7th 
Street to D Street; East on D Street to 8th Street; South oh 8th Street to the Southeast 
Expressway; Northwest on the Southeast Expressway to 3rd Street;, North on 3rd Street to. 
the point of beginning. ;' ' , f, 

Description of SMD 6B 04 Boundaries 1 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning a(l 
the intersection of 9th Street and South Carolina Avenue; Northeast on South Carolina 
Avenue to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to C Street; East on C Street to 12th Street; 
South on 12th Street to K Street; West on K Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street to 
M Street; West on M Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street the Southeast Expressway;.:, 
Southeast on the Southeast Expressway to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to its \ first ■> 
intersection with D Street; East on D Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast ; on 
Pennsylvania Avenue to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to the point bf beginning. : ■;■, ; v 

Description of SMD 6B05 Boundaries ^5 | 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at; 
the intersection of 9th Street and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol to 11th Street; 
South on 11th Street to the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street south of Lincoln Park 
East along said eastbound portion of East Capitol Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street, 
to Independence Avenue; West on Independence Avenue to 12th Street; South oh' i2th 
Street to C Street; West on C Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street to South Carolina | 
Avenue; Southwest on South Carolina Avenue to D Street; West on D Street to 8th Street; ' 
North on 8th Street to A Street; East on A Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to the. 
point of beginning. / 

Description of SMD 6B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant, unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of South Carolina Avenue and Kentucky Avenue; Southeast on Kentucky 
Avenue to C Street; East on C Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Pennsylvania 
Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to the ,,cehterline of the Anacostia River;, 1 
Southwest on the Anacostia River to Interstate 295; Jsfbrth on Interstate 295 to 11th Street;. ' 
North on 11th Street to the Southeast Freeway; East on Southeast Freeway to its , 
intersection with a line extending 14th Street from the north; North along said line extending > 
14th Street and continuing north on 14th Street to Potomac Avenue; Continuing north along 
a line extending 14th Street north to Pennsylvania Avenue"; J ' Northwest on Pennsylvania 
Avenue to 12th Street; North on 12th Street to its intersection with the portion of C Street^ 
north of South Carolina Avenue; East on said portion of C Street to South Carolina Avenue; \ 
Northeast on South Carolina Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast^ quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at. 
the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and 12th Street; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenuei 
to its intersection with a line extending 14th Street from the south; South along said line;; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

extending 14th Street and continuing south on 14th Street to its end at L Street; Continuing 
south along a line extending 14th Street south to the Southeast Freeway; West on the. 
Southeast Freeway to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to K Street; East on K Street to 
12th Street; North on 12th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6B08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of East Capitol Street and 13th Street; East on East Capitol Street to 15th 
Street; South on 15th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue 
to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to C Street; West on C Street to Kentucky Avenue; 
Northwest on Kentucky Avenue to South Carolina Avenue; Southwest on South Carolina 
Avenue to C Street; West on C Street to 12th Street; North on 12th Street to Independence 
Avenue; East on Independence Avenue to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to point of 

Description of SMD 6B09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 16th Street and Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts 
Avenue to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to its intersection with the property line of 
Congressional Cemetery; In an easterly direction along the property line of Congressional 
Cemetery to its easternmost point, and continuing east on the same bearing to the centerline 
of the Anacostia River; Southwest along the centerline of the Anacostia River to Pennsylva- 
nia Avenue Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to C 
Street; East on C Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6B10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 15th Street and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to 19th 
Street; South on 19th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts, Avenue 
to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to East Capitol Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 6C Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of New York Avenue, N.E. and Florida Avenue, N.E.;' 
Southeast on Florida Avenue, N.E. to 8th Street, N.E.; South on 8th Street, N.E. to I Street, 
N.E.; West on I Street, N.E. to 7th Street, N.E.; South on 7th Street, N.E. to H Street, 
N.E.; East on H Street, N.E. to 8th Street, N.E.; South on 8th Street, N.E. to East Capitol 
Street; West on East Capitol Street to its end at 1st Street; Continuing west along a line 
extending East Capitol Street west to its intersection with a line extending South Capitol 
Street north; North along said line extending South Capitol Street north to its intersection 
with Constitution Avenue; West on Constitution Avenue, N.W. to the point where it crosses 
above the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; North along the eastern boundary of 
Interstate 395 to the point where it crosses below Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.; Southwest 
on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to 
New York Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on New York Avenue, N.E. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6C01 boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Constitution Avenue, N.E. and 8th Street, N.E.; South on 
8th Street, N.E. to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to its end at 1st Street; 
Continuing west along a line extending East Capitol Street west to its intersection with a line 
extending South Capitol Street north; North along said line extending South Capitol Street 
north to its intersection with Constitution Avenue; East along Constitution Avenue, N.E. to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6C02 boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the eastern boundary of Interstate 395 and Massachusetts 
Avenue, N.W.; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. . .; 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. to Columbus Circle, N.E.; Counter-clockwise 
around Columbus Circle, N.E. to F Street, N.E.; East on F Street, N.E. to 2nd Street, 


Law 19--145, § 2 19th Council Period: 

NiBi 4i ; South, on 2nd Street, N.E. to the alley between E Street, N.E, and F Street, N.E.;-> 
In- an; easterly direction along said alley between E Street, N.E. ,and F Street, N.E. to 3rd j 
Street, N.E . . .; South on 3rd Street, N.E. to E Street, N.E.; East on E Street, N.E. to 4th^ 
Street, N.E . . .; South on 4th Street, N.E. to Constitution Avenue, N.E.; West on Constitu^ 
tion Avenue, N.E. to the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; North along the eastern 
boundary of Interstate 395 to the point of beginning. 

■■ ' , . .'■ .': .:■:■ : . : ■ ">-i ,-, y -■.,... ; ,- ■■:■; !!/-. 

Description of SMD 6C03 boundaries ; .; ■■:,/: -;i orb 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 6th Street,- 
and F Street; East on F Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to Constitution 
West on Constitution Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to E Street; East on EV 
Street to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to the point of beginning. „ , ■ )■ 

Description of SMD 6C04 boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of North 
Capitol Street and H Street; East on H Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to I 
Street; East on I Street to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to H Street; East on H Street toy 
5th Street; South on 5th Street to F Street; East on F Street to 6th Street; South oh '6th. 
Street to E Street; West on E Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to the alley between ' 
E Street and F Street; In a westerly direction along said alley between E Street and F" 
Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to F Street; West on F Street to Columbus Circle; ' 
Clockwise around Columbus Circle to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts, j 
Avenue to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to the point of beginning.' ' 

Description of SMD 6C05 boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 3rd Street! t 
and K Street; East on K Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to I Street; West on I ; 
Street to, 7th Street; South on 7th Street to H Street; East on H Street to 8th Street; South;' 
on 8th Street to F Street; West on F Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to H Street; 
West on H Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to the point of beginning. 
' - ■■-'■■ ■' ■' : h :. 

Description of SMD 6C06 boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New York 
Avenue and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to 8th Street; South on 8th Street .. 
to K Street; West on K Street to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to I Street; West on I ' 
Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd Street to H Street; West on H Street to North Capitol J 
Street; North on North Capitol Street to New York Avenue; Northeast on New York ., 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 

■ Description of ANC 6D Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 14th Street, S.W. and Independence Avenue, S.W.; East on 
Independence Avenue, S.W. to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to the 
Southeast Freeway (spur to Interstate 295); Due southeast on the Southeast Freeway (spur,, 
to Interstate 295) to 7th Street, S.E.; South on 7th Street, S.E. to M Street, S.E.; East on 3\1 ; 
Street, S.E. to 11th Street, S.E.; South on 11th Street, S.E. to 'the centerline of the Anacostia ■ 
River; Southwest along in the centerline of the Anacostia River and the projection of that' 
centerline to the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac River; North along said Virginia shoreline : ' 
dt the Potomac River to 14th Street; North on 14th Street, S.W. to the point of beginning.. 

Description of SMD 6D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14th ~ 
Street and Independence Avenue; East on Independence Avenue to 4th Street; South on 4th 
Street to M Street; West on M Street to Maine Avenue; Northwest on Maine Avenue to 14th 1 i 
Street; North on 14th Street to the point of beginning. , r^ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 6D02 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Delaware Avenue, S.W. and M Street, S.W. . . Northeast on 
Delaware Avenue, S.W. to I Street, S.W.; West on I Street, S.W. to 3rd Street, S.W.; North 
on 3rd Street, S.W. to G Street; Continuing north along a line extending 3rd Street to its 
continuation at E Street, S.W., and continuing north on 3rd Street to Independence Avenue, 
S.W.; East on Independence Avenue, S.W. to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol 
Street to I Street, S.W.; East on I Street, S.E. to New Jersey Avenue, S.E.; Southeast on 
New Jersey Avenue, S.E. to K Street, S.E.; East on K Street, S.E. to 2nd Street, S.E.; 
South on 2nd Street, S.E. to L Street, S.E.; West on L Street, S.E. to 1st Street, S.E.; South 
on 1st Street, S.E. to Potomac Avenue, S.E.; Southwest on Potomac Avenue, S.E. to South 
Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to M Street; West on M Street, S.W. to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Indepen- 
dence Avenue and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to I Street; East on I Street to Wesley 
Place; South on Wesley Place to K Street; East on K Street to 3rd Street; South on 3rd 
Street to M Street; East on M Street to Delaware Avenue; Northeast on Delaware Avenue 
to I Street; West on I Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street, S.W. to G Street; 
Continuing north along a line extending 3rd Street to its continuation at E Street, and 
continuing north on 3rd Street to Independence Avenue; West on Independence Avenue to 
the point of the beginning. i 

Description of SMD 6D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of M Street 
and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to the portion of Street to its east; East on Street to 
its end, and continuing east along a line extending Street to its continuation at 3rd Street; 
South on 3rd Street to P Street; West on P Street and continuing west along a line extending 
P Street to the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac River; North along said Virginia Shore of 
the Potomac River to 14th Street; Northeast on 14th Street to Maine Avenue; Southeast on 
Maine Avenue to M Street; East on M Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of I Street 
and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to the portion of Street to its east; East on Street to 
its end, and continuing east along a line extending Street to its continuation at 3rd Street; 
South on 3rd Street to P Street; West on P Street and continuing west along a line extending 
P Street to the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac River; South along said Virginia Shore of 
the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending the center line of the Anacostia 
River; Northeast along said line extending the center line of the Anacostia River- and 
continuing northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to South Capitol Street; 
Northwest on South Capitol Street to Potomac Avenue; Southwest on Potomac Avenue to R 
Street; West on R Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Canal Street; Northeast on 
Canal Street to Delaware Avenue; North on Delaware Avenue to M Street; West on M 
Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to K Street; West on K Street to Wesley Place; 
North on Wesley Place to I Street; West on I Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Delaware 
Avenue and M Street; East on M Street to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol 
Street to Potomac Avenue; Southwest on Potomac Avenue to R Street; West on R Street to 
2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Canal Street; Northeast on Canal Street to Delaware 
Avenue; North on Delaware Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
Southeast Freeway (spur to Interstate 295) and South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol 



Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council ^erioft 

Street to I Street; East on I Street to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast on New Jersey 
Avenue to K Street; East on K Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd Street to L Street; :.J^e,st^ 
on L Street to 1st Street; South on 1st Street to Potomac Avenue; Southwest on Potgni^j 
Avenue to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to the center line Qf JKje n 
Anacostia River; Northeast on the center line of the Anacostia River to 11th Street; No^^ 
on 11th Street to M Street; West on M Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street toi&e'g 
Southeast Freeway (spur to 1-295); Northwest on the Southeast Freeway (spur to 1-295^,^ 
the point of the beginning. ^ C) y L 

Description of ANC 6E Boundaries '...'"' 


All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of T Street' - 
and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast on New : i 
Jersey Avenue to N Street; East on N Street to Kirby Street; South on Kirby Street to New 
York Avenue; Northeast on New York Avenue to North Capitol Street; South on North 
. Capitol Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue 1 to 7th Street;" 
North on 7th Street to M Street; West on M Street to the alley running along the eastern 
side of the Washington Convention Center; North on said alley to N Street; West on N' 
Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to P Street; West on P Street to 11th Street; 
North on 11th Street to S Street; East on S Street to Wiltberger Street; North on -i 
Wiltberger Street to T Street; East on T Street to the point of beginning. . ■■■.::■') 

Description of SMD 6E01 Boundaries u 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 11th 
Street and S. Street; East on S Street to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to R Street; East, 
on R Street to Marion Street; South on Marion Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 7th ; 
Street; South on 7th Street to Street; West on Street to 9th Street; .North on 9th Street \ 
to P Street; West on P Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to the point of beginning. .', 

Description SMD 6E02 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of T Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue 
to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast on New Jersey Avenue to Street; West on Street to 
7th Street; North on 7th Street to Q Street; East on Q Street to Marion Street; North on 
Marion Street to R Street; West on R Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to S Street; 1 , 
East on S Street to Wiltberger Street; North on Wiltberger Street to T Street; East on .T,; 
Street to the point of beginning. , , ; 

Description of SMD 6E03 Boundaries ' 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 9th\: 
Street and Street; East on Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to M Street; -West : 
on M Street to the alley running along the eastern side of the Washington Convention center; "[ 
North on said alley to N Street; West on N Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to the;, 
point of beginning. : "', : / V '.'"? ■■[ 

Description of SMD 6E04 Boundaries ^ < ' : ; ' ^ ^ 

! • .■'„:;■■!!.;■ ■■■. :]'' I ■; >'. ,•) ■;■? . ': i tU'tn'A 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 5th 
Street and Street; East on Street to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast on New Jersey 
Avenue to N Street; East on N Street to Kirby Street; South on Kirby Street to New York/, 
Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to M Street;^ 
East on M Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to the point of beginning. f ,-,;■! 

Description of SMD 6E05 Boundaries .^V^ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
York Avenue and 4th Street; South on 4th Street, to Massachusetts Avenue; West on 
Massachusetts Avenue to 7th Street North on 7th Street to New York Avenue; Northeast on 
New York Avenue to the point of beginning. ;v.. Imu-.' 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 6E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
York Avenue and North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol Street to L Street; West on 
a line extended west from L Street to 1st Street; North on 1st Street to New York Avenue; 
Northeast on New York Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6E07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
York Avenue and 1st Street; South on 1st Street to a line extended west from L Street; East 
on said line extended west from L Street to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol 
Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 4th Street; North 
on 4th Street to New York Avenue; Northeast on New York Avenue to the point of 

Description of ANC 7B 

All streets located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the centerline 
of the Anacostia River and a line extended west from Croffut Place; East on said line 
extended from Croffut Place to Croffut Place; Continuing East on Croffut Place to Minnesota 
Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to its southwestern intersection with Randle Circle; 
Counterclockwise around Randle Circle to Ft. Dupont Drive; East on Ft. Dupont Drive to Ft. 
Davis Drive; South on Ft. Davis Drive to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachu- 
setts Avenue to 42nd Street; South on 42nd Street to Ft. Dupont Street; Southwest on Ft. 
Dupont Street to Q. Street; Northwest on Q Street to Ft. Davis Street; Southwest on Ft. 
Davis Street to R Street; Southeast on R Street to 40th Street;' South on 40th Street to 
Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to Southern Avenue; Southwest on 
Southern Avenue to Naylor Road; Northeast on Naylor Road to 25th Street; North on 25th 
Street to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest^ on Minnesota Avenue to Nicholson Street; North- 
west on Nicholson Street to Anacostia Drive, S.E.; Continuing Northwest along a line 
connecting to the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and the centerline of the Anacostia 
River; Northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the centerline 
of the Anacostia River and a line extended west from Croffut Place S.E.; East on said line 
extended from Croffut Place to Croffut Place; Continuing east along Croffut Place to 
Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Nash Place; Northwest on Nash 
Place to Fairlawn Avenue; Continuing northwest along a line extending Nash Place to the 
centerline of the Anacostia River; Northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to 
the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Pennsyl- 
vania Avenue and 28th Street; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to 30th Street; South on 
30th Street extended across Ft. Circle Park to V Place; East on V Place to 31st Street; 
South on 31st Street to W Street; East on W Street to 32nd Place; South on 32nd Place to 
Alabama Avenue; Southwest on Alabama Avenue to Naylor Road; North on Naylor Road to 
27th Street; North on 27th Street to Q Street; East on Q Street to 28th Street; North on 
28th Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
centerline of the Anacostia River and a line extending Nash Street to the northwest; 
Southeast along said line extending Nash Street to Nash Street; Continuing southeast on 
Nash Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to M Street; Southeast 
on M Street to 30th Street; South on 30th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest -on 
Pennsylvania Avenue to 28th Street;, South on 28th Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 
27th Street; South on 27th Street to Naylor Road; North on Naylor Road to 25th Street; 


!&?? 19-445, § 2 19th Council Penc^- 

North on 25th Street to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Nicholson 
Street; Northwest on Nicholson Street to Anacostia Drive; Continuing northwest along a line/, 
connecting to the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and the centerline of the Anacostia^ 
River; Northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. .. 

Description of SMD 7B04 Boundaries 

All streets are, located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the southwest intersection of 
Minnesota Avenue and Randle Circle; Counter-clockwise around Randle Circle to Massachu- - 
setts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 34th Street; South on 34th Street to M ; ' 
Street; West on M Street to Branch Avenue; South on Branch Avenue to Pope Street; . 
Southeast on Pope Street to Nash Place; West on Nash Place to Highwood Drive; Southeast ' 
on Highwood Drive to its second intersection with Carpenter Street; East on Carpenter 
Street to Texas Avenue; Southwest on Texas Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on ; 
Pennsylvania Avenue to Alabama Ave; Southwest on Alabama Avenue to 32nd Place; North ' 
on 32nd Place to W Street; West on W' Street to 31st Street; North on 31st Street to V , 
Place; West on V Place to 30th Street; North on 30th Street extended across Ft. Circle Park, 
to M Street; Northwest on M Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue' 
to the point of the beginning. ^ n ' ; .' 

Description of SMD 7B05 B oundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alabama 
Avenue and Branch Avenue; South on Branch Avenue, to Denver Street; Southeast ofi 
Denver Street to Highview Terrace; Northeast on Highview Terrace to 34th Street;' ; 
Southeast on 34th Street to Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to Nayior 
Road; Northwest on Nayior Road to Alabama Avenue; Northeast on Alabama Avenue to the. 
. point of the beginning. . . '/, 

Description of SMD 7B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alabama * 
Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to Southern Avenue; { 
Southwest on Southern Avenue to 34th Street; Northwest on 34th Street to Highview" 
Terrace; Southwest on Highview Terrace to Denver Street; Northwest on Denver Street to 
Branch Avenue; North on Branch Avenue to Alabama Avenue; Northeast on Alabama 
Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B07 Boundaries - 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the southeast intersection of \ 
Randle Circle and Massachusetts Avenue; Counter-clockwise around Randle Circle 'to Ft. 
Dupont Drive; East on Ft. Dupont Drive to Ft. Davis Drive; South on Ft. Davis Drive to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 42nd Street; South on 42nd 
Street to Ft. Dupont Street; Southwest on Ft. Dupont Street to Q Street; Northwest on Q 
Street to Ft. Davis Street; Southwest on Ft Davis Street to R Street; Southeast on R Street f 
to 40th Street; South on 40th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania 
Avenue to Texas Avenue; Northeast on Texas Avenue to Carpenter Street; West : on \ 
Carpenter Street to Highwood Drive; West on Highwood Drive to Nash Place; East on Nash ; 
Place to Pope Street; Northwest on Pope Street to Branch Avenue; North oil Branch'' 
Avfenue to M Street; East on M Street to 34th Street; North on 34th Street to Massachu-.:; 
settsAvenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to the point of the beginning. ; "/;.; 

Description of ANC 7C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Minnesota. 
Avenue arid Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Southern Avenue; Southwest 
on Southern Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 47th Street;" 
North on 47th Street to 47th Place; South on 47th Place to Edson Street; West on Edsori 1 
Place to 45th Street; North on 45th Street to Foote Street; East on Foote Street to 46th 
Street; North on 46th Street to Grant Street; West on Grant Street to 44th Street; North oil .J 
44th Street to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Southeast on Nannie Helen Burroughs^ 
Avenue to 46th Street; North on a line extending 46th Street to the north Continuing north 1 ' 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

on 46th Street to Jay Street; West on Jay Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to 
Sherriff Road; East on Sherriff Road to 45th Street; North on 45th Street to Meade Street; 
East on Meade Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to the 
beginning point. 

Description of SMD 7C01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 48th 
Street and Jay Street; East on Jay Street to 51st Street; South on 51st Street to Hayes 
Street; East on Hayes Street to Division Avenue; South on Division Avenue to Cloud Place; 
West on Cloud Place to 51st Street; North on 51st Street to Fitch Place; Northeast on Fitch 
Place to 49th Place; North on 49th Place to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; West on 
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 49th Street; South on 49th Street to its intersection with 
the Watts Branch stream; West along the Watts Branch stream to its intersection with a line 
extending north from 48th Place; South along said line to Foote Street; West on Foote 
Street to 47th Place; South on 47th Place to Edson Place; West on Edson Place to 45th 
Street; North on 45th Street to Foote Street; East on Foote Street to 46th Street; North on 
46th Street to Grant Street; West on Grant Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to 
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Southeast on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 48th 
Street; North on 48th Street to the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Division . 
Avenue and the Watts Branch Stream; Southeast along the Watts Branch Stream to 55th 
Street; South on 55th Street to Clay Place; East on Clay Place to 56th Street; South on 56th 
Street to Blaine Street East on Blaine Street to 57th Place; South on 57th Place to East 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 50th Street; North on 50th Street to Blaine 
Street; East on Blaine Street to Division Avenue; North on Division Avenue to the point of 
the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 49th 
Street and Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; East on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 
49th Place; South on 49th Place to Fitch Place; East on Fitch Place to 51st Street; South on 
51st Street to Cloud Place; East on Cloud Place to Division Avenue; South on Division 
Avenue to Blaine Street; West on Blaine Street to 50th Street; South on 50th Street to East 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 47th Street; North on 47th Street to 47th 
Place; North on 47th Place to Foote Street; East on Foote Street to 48th Place; North on 
48th Place and continuing north on a line extending 48th Place to the Watts Branch Stream; 
East along the Watts Branch Stream to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to the point of the 

Description of SMD 7C04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 44th 
Street and Sherriff Road; East on Sherriff Road to 51st Street; North on 51st Street to Lee 
Street; East on Lee Street to Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Division 
Avenue; South on Division Avenue to Hayes Street; West on Hayes Street to 51st Street; 
North on 51st Street to Jay Street; West on Jay Street to 48th Street; South on 48th Street 
to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 46th 
Street; North on a line extending 46th Street to the north Continuing North on 46th Street 
to Jay Street; West on Jay Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to the point of the 

Description of SMD 7C05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 59th and 
Foote Street; East on Foote Street to Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to 
Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East 
Capitol Street to 57th Place; North on 57th Place to Blaine Street; West on Blaine Street to 
56th Street; North on 56th Street to Clay Place; West on Clay Place to 55th Street; North 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th CoUncil-EeriOite 

on 55th Street to Eads Street; East on Eads Street to 59th Street; North on 59th StaSeft tee- 
the point of the beginning. ; ; ;;>--■: ■:, 

Description of SMD 7C06 Boundaries ; " 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Division 
Avenue and Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Foote Street; West on Foote 
Street to 59th Street; South on 59th Street to Eads Street; West on Eads Street to 55th / 
Street; South on 55th Street to the Watts Branch Stream; Northwest along the Watts- 
Branch Stream to Division Avenue; North on Division Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description on SMD 7C07 Boundaries { ^ 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Minnesota 
Avenue and Eastern Avenue; South on Eastern Avenue to Lee Street; West on Lee Street;; 
to 51st Street; South on 51st Street to Sheriff Road; West on Sheriff, to 45th Street- North 
on 45th Street to Meade Street; East on Meade Street to Minnesota-Avenue; Northeast on 
Minnesota Avenue to the point of the beginning. >>' ; ; 

Description of for ANC 7D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant except where otherwise designated;- 
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Anacostia River and Eastern Avenue; 
Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to " 
Meade Street; West on Meade Street to 45th Street; South on 45th Street to Sherriff Road;/ 
West on Sherriff Road to 44th Street; South on 44th Street to Jay Street; East on Jay 
Street to 46th Street; South on 46th Street and continuing south along a line extending 46th 
Street to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue 
to 44th Street; South on 44th Street to Grant Street;' East on Grant Street to 46th Street; 
South on 46th Street to Foote Street; West on Foote Street to 45th Street; South on 45th u 
Street to Edson Place; East on Edson Place to 47th Place; North on 47th Place to 47th h 
Street; South on 47th Street to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 42nd 
Street; North on 42nd Street to Blaine Street; East on Blaine Street to Benning Road; 
Northwest on Benning Road to 42nd Street;, North on 42nd Street to Grant Street; West on/ 
Grant Street and continuing west along a line extending Grant Street to Kenilworth Avenue;^ 
Southwest on Kenilworth Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street, to;: 
Independence Avenue; Southwest on Independence Avenue to 19th Street; North on 19th, 
Street to East Capitol Street; East on the northern spur of East Capitol Street to 22nd r 
Street; North on 22nd Street to C Street; East on C Street to 19th Street; North ori 19th j 
Street to Benning Road; East on Benning Road to the centerline of the Anacostia River; ; 
North-northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning; 

Description for SMD 7D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant except where otherwise designated. 
Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street and Benning Road; East on Benning Road to its 
intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; South along the centerline of the/ 
Anacostia River to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to Independence- 
Avenue; Southwest on Independence Avenue to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to East; 
Capitol Street; East on the northern spur of East Capitol Street to, 22nd Street; North on/ 
22nd Street to C Street; West on C Street to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to the point ; 
of the beginning. . .-,> 

Description for SMD 7D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Anacostia 
Avenue and Douglas Street; Southeast on Douglas Street to Kenilworth Avenue; Southwest 
on Kenilworth Avenue to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Southeast on Nannie Helen 
Burroughs Avenue to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to its intersection \ 
with the southeastern extension of the portion of Hayes Street north of Kenilworth- Avenue; I 
Northwest along said line to Hayes Street Continuing Northwest along Hayes Street to its : 
intersection with the northwestern boundary of census block 96.02.1002.; Northeast along ) 
said boundary to its intersection with the northwest boundary of census block 96.02,1001;^ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Northeast along said boundary to its intersection with the northwest boundary of census 
block 96.02.1000; Northeast along said boundary to its intersection with Jay Street; South- 
east on Jay Street to Kenilworth Terrace; North on Kenilworth Terrace to Lee Street; 
Northwest on Lee Street to 40th Street; North on 40th Street to Anacostia Avenue; East on 
Anacostia Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description for SMD 7D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Eastern 
Avenue and the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to 
Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Meade Street; West on Meade Street 
to 45th Street; South on 45th Street to Sherriff Road; West on Sherriff Road to Minnesota 
Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on 
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to Kenilworth Avenue; Northeast on Kenilworth Avenue to 
Douglas Street; Northwest on Douglas Street to Anacostia Avenue; Southwest on Anacostia 
Avenue to 40th Street; South on 40th Street to Lee Street; Southeast on Lee Stree.t to 
Kenilworth Terrace; South on Kenilworth Terrace to the Watts Branch Stream; Northwest 
along the Watts Branch Stream to the point where it meets the Anacostia River; Northeast 
along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Benning 
Road and the centerline of the Anacostia River; East on Benning Road to Kenilworth 
Avenue; Southwest on Kenilworth Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol 
Street to the centerline of the Anacostia River; North along the centerline of the Anacostia 
River to the point of the beginning. .. 

Description of SMD 7D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant Beginning at the intersection of 44th 
Street and Grant Street; East on Grant Street to 46th Street; South on 46th Street to Foote 
Street; West on Foote Street to 45th Street; South on 45th Street to Edson Place; East on 
Edson Place to 47th Place; North on 47th Place to 47th Street; South on 47th Street to East 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to its intersections with a line extending 42nd 
Street south; North along said line to 42nd Street; Continuing north on 42nd Street to 
Blaine Street; East on Blaine Street to Benning Road; Southeast on Benning Road to 44th 
Street; North on 44th Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Minnesota 
Avenue Sherriff Road; East on Sherriff Road to 44th Street; South on 44th Street to Jay 
Street; East on Jay Street to 46th Street; South on 46th Street to the point where it extends 
to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 44th 
Street; South on 44th Street to Benning Road; Northwest on Benning Road to 42nd Street; 
North on 42nd Street to Grant Street; West on Grant Street to Minnesota Ave; Continuing 
west along a line extending Grant Street west to Kenilworth; Northeast on Kenilworth 
Avenue to Nannie, Helen Burroughs Avenue; East on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 
Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7D07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the point where the Watts 
Branch Stream meets the Anacostia River; East along the Watts branch Stream to 
Kenilworth Terrace; South on Kenilworth Terrace to Jay Street; Northwest on Jay Street to 
its intersection with the northwest boundary of census block 96.02.1000; Southwest along said 
boundary to its intersection with the northwest boundary of census block 96.02.1001; 
Southwest along said boundary to its intersection with the northwest boundary of census 
block 96.02.1002; Southwest along said boundary to its intersection with Hayes Street; 
Southeast on Hayes Street to Kenilworth Avenue; Southwest on Kenilworth Avenue to 
Benning Road; West on Benning Road to the centerline of the Anacostia River; North on the 
centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. 


likw 19-145, § 2 19th Council Perils 

Descriptions of ANG 7E Boundaries i oVI 

■ - ' ■ ■.'- -v.ild 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Texas () 

Avenue and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to Southern Avenue; Souther 
west on Southern Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to.^ 
40th Street; Northeast on 40th Street to R Street; Northwest on R Street to Ft. Davis" 
Street; Northeast on Ft. Davis Street to Q Street; Southeast on Q Street to Ft. Dupont 
Street; Northeast on Ft. Dupont Street to 42nd Street; North on 42nd Street to Massachu- 
setts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Ft. Davis Drive; North on Ft. DavisV 
Drive to Ridge Road; Southeast on Ridge Road to G Street; East on G Street to BenhingV 
Road; Northwest on Benning Road to B Street; West on B Street to Texas Avenue; North .'j 
on Texas Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7E01 Boundaries 

All 1 - streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alabama- 
Avenue and G Street; South on Alabama Avenue to Hilltop Terrace; East on Hilltop Terrace I 
to- 46th Street; South on 46th Street to H Street; East on H Street to Southern Avenue;- : 
Southwest on Southern Avenue to Reed Terrace; West on Reed Terrace to 45th Place- L; 
North on 45th Place to Hillside Road; West on Hillside Road to Burns Street; Continuing 
West on a line extending Hillside Road to Ridge Road; Northwest on Ridge Road to G 
Street; East on G Street to the point of the beginning. -, -..,■■■ ■ ■'■ 

Description of SMD 7E02 Boundaries ^ 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Ft; Davis;** 
Drive and Ridge Road; South on Ridge Road to its intersection with a line extending Hillside^ 
Road' to the west; East on said line to Hillside Road; Continuing East on Hillside Road to 
45th .Place; South on 45th Place to Reed Terrace; East on Reed Terrace to Southern^ 
Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylva- 
nia Avenue to 40th Street; North on 40th Street to R Street; Northwest on R Street to Ft. p < 
Davis Street; Northeast on Ft Davis Street to Q Street; Southeast on Q Street to Ft-:^ 
Dupont Street; Northeast on Ft. Dupont Street to 42nd Street; North on 42nd Street to ^ 
Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Ft. Davis Drive; North on > 
Ft. Davis Drive to the point of the beginning. 3 

Description of SMD 7E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 51st and E 
Street; East on E Street to Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to H Street^ 
West on H Street to 46th Street; North on 46th Street to Hilltop Terrace; West on Hilltop '*; 
Terrace to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to G Street; East on G Street to'"; 
51st Street; North on 51st Street to the point of the beginning. "') 

, Description of SMD 7E04 Boundaries d 

'..■' . ' . ■>.:,- -i A 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of fexas 7 
Avenue and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to 49th Street; South on ^tju 
Street to Street Louis Street; South on Street Louis Street extended to Queens Stroll EJ^cg;./] 
East on Queens Stroll Place to 51st Street; South on 51st Street to G Street; West on G 
Street to Benning Road; Northwest on Benning Road to B Street; West on B Street to ■ 
Texas Avenue; North on Texas Avenue to the point of the beginning. . : r , . j-i r,-; HA 

Description of SMD 7E05 Boundaries irtH 

■ ■ ) ■■■■■,■' ■.-■ ' !■;/;: '-viA 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 49th ji 
Street and East Capitol Street; East on east Capitol Street to Central Avenue; Southeast ond 
Central Avenue to 51st Street; South on- 51st Street to C Street; East on C Street to 53rdH 
Street; South on*53rd Street to E Street; West on E Street to 51st Street; North on 51std 
Street to Queens Stroll Place; West on Queens Stroll Place to Street Louis Street; Northeasts 
on Street Louis Street extended to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to the point of the f 
beginning. » jo 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 7E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 51st 
Street and Central Avenue; Southeast on Central Avenue to Southern Avenue; Southwest on 
Southern Avenue to E Street; West on E Street to 53rd Street; North on 53rd Street to C 
Street; West on C Street to 51st Street; North on 51st Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7E07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Central 
Avenue and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to Southern Avenue; South- 
west on Southern Avenue to Central Avenue; Northwest on Central Avenue to the point of 
the beginning. 

Description of ANC 7F Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Kenilworth Avenue, N.E. and a line extended west from 
Grant Street, N.E.; East on said line to Grant Street, N.E.; Continuing East on Grant 
Street, N.E. to 42nd Street, N.E.; South on 42nd Street to Benning Road, N.E.; Southeast 
on Benning Road, N.E. to Blaine Street, N.E.; West on Blaine Street, N.E. to 42nd Street, 
N.E.; South on 42nd Street, N.E. to East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to 
Texas Avenue, S.E.;' South on Texas Avenue, S.E. to B Street, S.E.; East on B Street, S.E. 
to Benning Road, S.E.; South on Benning Road, S.E. to G Street, S.E.; West on G Street, 
S.E. to Ridge Road, S.E.; North on Ridge Road, S.E. to Ft. Davis Drive, S.E.; Southwest on 
Ft. Davis Drive, S.E. to Ft. Dupont Drive, S.E.; West on Ft. Dupont Drive, S.E. to Randle 
Circle, S.E.; Clockwise around Randle Circle, S.E. to Minnesota Avenue, S.E.; Northeast on 
Minnesota Avenue, S.E. to Croffut Place, S.E.; West on CrofTut Place, S.E. extended to its 
intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southwest along the centerline of the 
Anacostia River to its intersection with a line extending east from the northern property line 
of the eastern portion of Congressional Cemetery; West along said line, and continuing in a 
westerly direction along said boundary of the Congressional Cemetery to' its intersection with 
19th Street, S.E.; North on 19th Street to Independence Avenue, S.E.; East on Indepen- 
dence Avenue, S.E. to East Capitol Street, S.E.; East on East Capitol Street, S.E. to 
Kenilworth Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Kenilworth Avenue, N.E. to the point of the 

Description of SMD 7F01 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Kenilworth Avenue, N.E. and a line extended west from 
Grant Street,- N.E.; East on said line to Grant Street, N.E.; Continuing east on Grant Street, 
N.E. to 42nd Street, N.E.; South on 42nd Street, N.E. to Benning Road, N.E.; Southeast on 
Benning Road, N.E. to Blaine Street, N.E.; West on Blaine Street, N.E. to 42nd Street, 
N.E.; South on 42nd Street, N.E. to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 
Minnesota Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue, N.E. to Blaine Street, N.E.; 
Northwest on Blaine Street, N.E. to 35th Street, N.E.; Continuing Northwest along a line 
extending Blaine Street to Kenilworth Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Kenilworth Avenue, N.E. 
to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7F02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of East Capitol 
Street and Texas Avenue; South on Texas Avenue to E Street; East on E Street to Alabama 
Avenue; South on Alabama Avenue to G Street; West on G Street to Ridge Road; Northeast 
on Ridge Road to E Street; East on E Street to 40th Place; North on 40th Place to Burns 
Street; Continuing north on Burns Street to C Street; West on C Street to Burns Place; 
Northwest on Burns Place to Burns Court; Continuing northwest along a line extending 
Burns Place to B Street; Northeast on B Street to East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol 
Street to the point, of the beginning. 

Description of SMD7F03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of B Street and 
Texas Avenue; East on B Street to Benning Road; South on Benning Road to G Street; 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Goiiiiicii^Periyd 1 ^ 

West on G Street to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to E Street; West on E 
Street to Texas Avenue; North on Texas Avenue to the point of the beginning.- mf;: ^ 

Description of SMD 7F04 Boundaries ^ J ^ )T ^ 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Minn^sWa"' 
Avenue and B Street; East on B Street to Ridge Road; Southeast on Ridge Road to 37th 
Street; Southwest on 37th Street to Ely Place East on Ely Place to Ridge Road; South on 
Ridge Road to Ft. Davis Drive; South on Ft. Davis to Ft. Dupont Drive; West oh Ft. Du^nP 
Drive to Randle Circle; Clockwise around Randle Circle to Minnesota Avenue; NortheasFoh^ 
Minnesota Avenue to the point of the beginning. ;; ^w 

, ■;■)«! f. : Jii) 

Description of SMD 7F05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of East Capitol* 
Street and Ridge Road; East on East Capitol Street to B Street; Southwest on B Street to ; ■ 
its intersection with a line extending Burns Place to the northwest; Southeast on said line to 
Burns Place; Continuing southeast along Burns Place to C Street; East on C Street to Burns. > 
Street; South on Burns Street to 40th Place; South on 40th Place to E Street; West on Ey- 
Street to Ely Place; West on Ely Place to 37th Street; North on 37th ( Street to Ridge Road;; p 
Northwest on Ridge Road to the point of the beginning. \ ■■ , ; ^ 

Description of SMD 7F06 Boundaries ■,'■/'■% 

Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Anacostia River and East Capitol Street; ^: 
East on East Capitol Street to Kenilworth Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Kenilworth Avenue,' 
N.E. to its intersection with a line extending Blaine Street to the northwest; Southeast '"oil; 1 
said line to Blaine Street, N.E.; Continuing southeast on Blaine Street, N.E. to Minnesota- 1 
Avenue, N.E.; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue, N.E. to Ridge Road S.E.; Southeast on" 
Ridge Road, S.E. to B Street, S.E.; West on B Street, S.E. to Minnesota Avenue^ ;S.E.; ; 
Southwest on Minnesota Avenue, S.E. to Croffut Place, S.E.; West on Croffut Place; fe.E.; 
extended west to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; North along the: . 
centerline of the Anacostia River to point of the beginning. ';■'/' • 

Description of ANC 7F07 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street, S.E. and Independence, Avenue S.E.; East ; on : 
Independence Avenue, S.E. to East Capitol Street, S.E.; East on East Capitol Street, S.E. to ; 
the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southwest along the centerline of the Anacostia River/' 
to its intersection with a line extending East from the northern property line of the eastern i 
portion of Congressional Cemetery; West along said line, and continuing in a westerly;/ 
direction along said boundary of the Congressional Cemetery to its intersection with 19th; 
Street, S.E. ; North on 19th Street, S.E. to the point of the beginning, ,.?.;; ■:.-■/. 

Description of ANC 8A Boundaries * , ^j; f; 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of the center line of the Anacostia River and Pennsylvania Avenue; South-, 
easterly along a line extending to the intersection of Nicholson Street and Anacostia Drive;;!; 
Southeast on Nicholson Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeasterly oh Minnesota Avenue to"' 
25th Street; South on 25th Street to Naylor Road; Continuing South on Naylor Road to" 
Altamont Place; Southwest oh Altamont Place to Good Hope Road; Northwest on Good Hopfe^ 
Road to 22nd Street; Southwest from said intersection across Fort Stanton Park to the; 
intersection of 17th Street and Morris Road; West on Morris Road to Pomeroy Road;; 
Southwest on Pomeroy Road to Stanton Road; North on Stanton Road to Douglass Road;;; 
West on Douglass Road to Stanton Road; West on Stanton Road to Sheridan Road; North" 1 
on Sheridan Road to Howard Road; Northwest on Howard Street to South Capitol Street; 
Continuing northwest on South Capitol Street to its intersection with the centerline of the 
Anacostia River; Northeast along said centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of 
beginning. ■,: ■:■-)■:■ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Description of SMD 8A01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the center 
line of the Anacostia River and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeasterly along a line extending to 
the intersection of Nicholson Street and Anacostia Drive; Southeast on Nicholson Street to 
Minnesota Ave; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to 25th Street; South on 25th Street to Q 
Street; West on Q Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to R Street; West on R 
Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 16th Street; 
North on 16th Street and continuing north along a line extending 16th Street to its 
intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Northeast along the centerline of the 
Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Q Street; East on Q Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to R Street; East 
on R Street to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to S Street; East on S Street to 22nd 
Street; South on 22nd Street and continuing south along a line extending 22nd Street to 
Retta Gilliam Court; South along the western portion of Retta Gilliam Court to T Place; . 
Southeast on T Place to its intersection with the western boundary of Census Block 76.05 
2002; Southwest along said western boundary of Census Block 76.05 2002 to Good Hope 
Road; West on Good Hope Road to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Ridge Place; West 
on Ridge Place to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to the eastern span of the 11th Street 
Bridge; Continuing north on said eastern span of the 11th Street Bridge to its intersection 
with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia 
River to -its intersection with a line extending 16th Street from the south; South along said 
line extending 16th Street to 16th Street; Continuing south on 16th Street to the point of 

Description of SMD 8A03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 19th 
Street and R Street; East on R Street to 22nd Street; North on 22nd Street to Q Street; 
East on Q Street to 25th Street; South on 25th Street to Naylor Road; Continuing south on 
Naylor Road to Altamont Place; Southwest on Altamont Place to Good Hope Road; 
Northwest on Good Hope Road to its intersection with the western boundary of Census Block 
76.05 2002; Northeast along said western boundary of Census Block 76.05 2002 to T Place; 
West on T Place to Retta Gilliam Court; North along the western portion of Retta Gilliam 
Court to its intersection with a line extending 22nd Street from the north; North along said 
line extending 22nd Street to 22nd Street; continuing north on 22nd Street to S Street; West 
on S Street to 19th Street; North' on 19th Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 19th Place 
and Good Hope Road; East on Good Hope Road to 22nd Street; Southwest from that 
intersection along a line connecting to the intersection of 17th Street and Morris Road; West 
on Morris Road to Bryan Place; North on Bryan Place to Bangor Street; East on Bangor 
S.E. to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Butler Street; Northwest on Butler Street to 
the southwest corner of Census Block 75.03 2001; Clockwise around the boundary of said 
Census Block to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to W Street; East on W Street to its 
intersection with a line extending 18th Street from the north; North along said line to 18th 
Street; Continuing North on 18th Street to U Street; East on U Street to 19th Place; North 
on 19th Place to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14th 
Street and Ridge Place; East on Ridge Place to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Good 
Hope Road; East on Good Hope Road to 19th Place; South on 19th Place to U Street; West 
on U Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street and continuing south on a line extending 
18th Street to W Street; Northwest on W Street to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to its 


haw 19-445, § 2 19th Council Period 

intersection with Census Block 75.08 2001; Counterclockwise around the boundary of said 
Census Block to Butler Street; Southeast on Butler Street to 16th Street; South on 16th -, 
Street to Bangor Street; West on Bangor Street to Bryan Place; South on Bryan Place to.:.- 
Morris Road; Northwest on Morris Road to Bangor Street; Northeast on Bangor Street to - .J 
the alley behind the properties along the east side of High Street; Continuing northeast 
along said alley to Cedar Street; Northwest on Cedar Street to 14th Street; North on 14th 7 
Street to the point of beginning. ; ! 

' Description of SMD 8A06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant.' Beginning at the intersection of the; 
eastern span of the 11th Street Bridge and the centerline of the Anacostia River; South along 
said eastern span of the 11th Street Bridge to 13th Street; Continuing south on 13th Street 
to Ridge Place; East on Ridge Place to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Cedar Street; , 
Southeast on Cedar Street, to the alley behind the properties along the east side of High , 
Street; Southwest along said alley to Bangor Street; Southwest on Bangor Street to Morris 
Road; Northwest on Morris Road to High Street; Southwest on High Street to Howard.! 
Road; Northwest on Howard Road to Bowen Road; Southwest on Bowen Road to Howard. ; 
Road; Northwest on Howard Road to South Capitol Street; Northwest on South CapitolU 
Street to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; t Northeast along the,! 
centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 'V 

Description of SMD 8A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Howard .... 
Road and Sheridan Road; Southeast on Howard Road to Bowen Road; Northeast on Bowen - 
Road to Howard Road; Southeast on Howard Road to High Street; Northeast on High 
Street to Morris Road; Southeast on Morris Road to Pomeroy Road; Southwest on Pomeroy, - 
Road to Stanton Road; North on Stanton Road to Douglass Road; Northwest on Douglas 
Road to Stanton Road; West on Stanton, Road to Sheridan Road; North on Sheridan Road to 
the point of the beginning. 

Description of ANC 8B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Altamont .1 
Place and Naylor Road; South on Naylor Road to Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern - 
Avenue to its intersection with Oxon Run; West along Oxon Run to its intersection with a line',., 
extending south from the western boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002; North along said [)■ 
line to the western boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002; Continuing north along the western , 
boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002 to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 23rd '[ 
Street; North on 23rd Street to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to Suitland 
Parkway; Northwest on Suitland Parkway to its intersection with a line extending Pomeroy ' 
Road to the west; East along said line to Pomeroy Road; Continuing east on Pomeroy Road 
to Morris Road; Southeast on Morris Road to 17th Street; Northeast from said intersection 
across Fort Stanton Park to the intersection of Good Hope Road and 22nd Street; 'Southeast 
on Good Hope Road to Altamont Place; North on Altamont Place to the point of beginning: ; 

Description of SMD 8B 01 Boundaries / 

All streets located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Altamont; ; 
Place and Naylor Road; South on Naylor Road to Good Hope Road; Northeast on Good ^ 
Hope Road to 24th Street; Southwest on 24th Street to Wagner Street; Southeast on ! 
Wagner Street to 25th Street; South on 25th Street to Ainger Place; Northwest on Ainger 1 ^ 
Place to Bruce Plstce; Southwest on Bruce Place to Fort Place; Northwest on Fort Place to 7 
Erie Street; West on Erie Street to 17th Street; Northeast from said intersection of Erie 
Street and 17th Street along a line connecting to the intersection of 22nd Street and Good 
Hope Road; Southeast on Good Hope Road to Altamont Place; Northeast on Altamont Place ^ 
to the point of the beginning. " 

Description of SMD 8B02 Boundaries 

All streets aire located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Good 7 
Hope Road and Naylor Road; South on Naylor Road to Gainesville Street; West on ■ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

Gainesville Street to Knox Place; Southwest on Knox Place to Hartford Street; West on 
Hartford Street to Langston Place; North on Langston Place to Ainger Place; Southeast on 
Ainger Place to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to 25th Street; Continuing 
north on 25th Street to Wagner Street; Northwest on Wagner Street to 24th Street; 
Northeast on 24th Street to Good Hope Road; South on Good Hope Road to the point of the 

Description of SMD 8B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning on the intersection of Bruce 
Place and Ainger Place; Southeast on Ainger Place to Langston Place; South on Langston 
Place to Hartford Street; East on Hartford Street to Knox Place; Northeast on Knox Place 
to Alabama Avenue; South on Alabama Avenue to Jasper Street; Southeast on Jasper Street 
to its intersection with the northwest corner of Census Block 74.08 1012; Counterclockwise 
around the boundary of said Census Block to Shipley Terrace; East on Shipley Terrace to 
Buena Vista Terrace; Northeast on Buena Vista Terrace to 30th Street; Southeast on 30th 
Street to the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Southwest along the 
District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to Suitland Parkway; Northwest on 
Suitland Parkway to its intersection with the southwest corner of Census Block 74.07 1000; 
North along the western boundary of said Census Block to its intersection with a line 
extending Gainesville Street from the west; West along said line extending Gainesville Street 
to Gainesville Street; Continuing west on Gainesville Street to its intersection with a line 
extending 17th Street from the north; North along said line extending 17th Street to 17th 
Street; Continuing north on 17th Street to Erie Street; East on Erie Street to Fort Place; 
Southeast on Fort Place to Bruce Place; Northeast on Bruce Place to point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Morris 
Road and 17th Street; South on 17th Street and continuing south on a line extending 17th 
Street to r Gainesville Street; East on Gainesville Street and continuing east on a line 
extending Gainesville Street to its intersection with Census Block 74.07 1000; South along the 
boundary of said Census Block to Suitland Parkway; West on Suitland Parkway to its 
intersection with a line extending Pomeroy Road from the west; East on said line extending 
Pomeroy Road to Pomeroy Road; Continuing east on Pomeroy Road to Morris Road; East 
on Morris Road to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alabama 
Avenue and Gainesville Street; East on Gainesville Street to Naylor Road; Southeast on 
Naylor Road to the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Southwest along the 
District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to 30th Street; Northwest on 30th Street 
to Buena Vista Terrace; Southwest on Buena Vista Terrace to Shipley Terrace; West on 
Shipley Terrace to its intersection with the southern corner of Census Block 74.08 1012; 
Clockwise around the boundary of said Census Block to Jasper Street; Northwest on Jasper 
Street to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alabama 
Avenue and Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland Parkway to the District of Columbia — 
State of Maryland boundary; Southwest along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland 
boundary to Oxon Run; West on Oxon Run to its intersection with a line extending 21st 
Street from the north; North along said line extending 21st Street to 21st Street; Continuing 
north on 21st Street to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 23rd Street; Northwest 
on 23rd Street to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 21st 
Street and Savannah Street; South on 21st Street to Mississippi Avenue; Continuing south 
along a line extending 21st Street south to Oxon Run; West on Oxon Run to its intersection 


Law 19-145, § 2 t 19th Council^tofc 

with a line extending south from the eastern boundary of Census Block 73.04 lOO3;UiN0rth;O 
along said line extending Census Block 73.04 1003 and continuing north along the eastern}! 
boundary of said Census Block to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to the poinfeiftfA 
the beginning. : ?o. dh^r- 

Description of ANC 8C Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Anacostia River and South Capitol 
Street; South on South Capitol Street to Howard Road; Continuing south on Howard Road 
to Sheridan Road; South on Sheridan Road to Stanton Road; East on Stanton Road, S.E; MA, 
Douglass Road S.E.; Southeasterly on Douglass Road, S.E. to Stanton Road, S.E.; Soutb'oriS 
Stanton Road, S.E. to Pomeroy Road, S.E.; Southwest on Pomeroy Road, S.E. to Sheridari'T 
Road, S.E.; West on a line extending Pomeroy Road, S.E. west to its intersection with/; 
Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland Parkway to its intersection with the southern:- 
boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001; Southwest along said southern boundary of Census ;■ 
Block 74.01 2001 to its intersection with the eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's ■ 
Hospital East Campus; Southeast along said property boundary to the southern property 
boundary of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Campus; Southwest along said property boundary 
to its intersection with Alabama Avenue, S.E.; Southwest on Alabama Avenue, S.E. to lltb 
Place, S.E.; South on 11th Place, S.E. to Trenton Place S.E.; East on Trenton Place S.E. to/' 
13th Street, S.E.; South on 13th Street, S.E. to Mississippi Avenue, S.E.; West oni<. 
Mississippi Avenue, S.E. to Wheeler Road, S.E.; South on Wheeler Road S.E. to its^ 
intersection with Oxon Run; West along Oxon Run to its intersection with 4th Street, S.E,;": 
South on 4th Street, S.E. to Atlantic Street, S.E.; West on Atlantic Street, S.E. to South li 
Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to Xenia Street, S.W.; Northwest on ;J Xehia r 
Street, S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; South on 2nd Street, S.W. to Atlantic Street, S.W.; West on 
a line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. west to its intersection with the centerline of the 
southbound lanes of Interstate 295; North along said centerline of Interstate 295; to its' 
intersection with a line extending Rice Street, S.W. to the east; West along said line to ,Rice , 
Street, S.W.; Continuing west on Rice Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; North on": 
Duncan Avenue S.W. to McChord Street* S.W.; West on McChord Street, S.W. to Chappie/' 
James Boulevard, S.W.; South on Chappie James Boulevard to Tinker Street, S.W.; West on. 
Tinker Street, S.W. to Arnold Avenue S.W.; Continuing west on a line extending Tinker ; , 
Street, S.W. to the west on line extending to Tinker Street, S.W. to the Commonwealth of' 1 
Virginia-District of Columbia boundary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the < 
Potomac River; North along said shoreline of the Potomac River to its intersection with a 
centerline projection of the Anacostia River; Northeast along said centerline projection of the 
Anacostia River to the centerline of the Anacostia River; Continuing northeast along thje / 
centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C01 Boundaries r 

Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Anacostia River and South Capitol. ^ 
Street; Southeast on South Capitol Street to Howard Road, S.E .; Southeast on Howard' 
Road, S.E. to Interstate 295; Southwest on Interstate 295 to its intersection with a line' 
extending the southwest property boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus to- the r 
northwest; Southeast along said line to the property , boundary of Sheperd Parkway; 
Clockwise around said property boundary of Sheperd Parkway to Lebaum Street, S.E.; 
Northwest on Lebaum Street, S.E. to 4th Street, S.E.; Southwest on 4th Street, S.Ev for. 
Newcomb Street, S.E.; Northwest on Newcomb Street, S.E. to 2nd Street, S.E.; Continuing/ 
on Newcomb Street, S.E. to the southwest to 2nd Street, S.E.; South on 2nd Street, S.E. to: ; 
Oakwood Street, S.E.; Southeast on Oakwood Street, S.E. to Malcolm X Avenue, S.E.; West : I 
on Malcolm X Avenue, S.E. to its intersection with a line extending Waclark Place, S.E. from-; 
the south; South along said line extending Waclark Place, S.E. to Waclark Place, S.E.;v 
Continuing south on Waclark Place, S.E. to Raleigh Street, S.E..; East oh Raleigh Street, r 
S.E. to Ester Place, S.E.; South on Ester Place, S.E. to Brothers Place, S.E.; Southwest on 
Brothers Place, S.E. to Highview Place, S.E.; Southeast on Highview Place, S.E. to Martin 
Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E.; Southwest on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E. to Sterling/, 
Street, S.E.; Northwest on Sterling Street, S.E. to Raleigh Street, S.E.;- Continuing'^ 
northwest on a line extending Sterling Street, S.E. to the northwest to Interstate 295; North - ; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

on Interstate 295 to Malcolm X Avenue, S.E.; West on Malcolm X Avenue, S.E. to MacDill 
Boulevard, S.W.; West on MacDill Boulevard, S.W. and continuing west along a line 
extending MacDill Boulevard, S.W. west to the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of 
Virginia boundary at the Virginia shore of the Potomac River; North along said shore of the 
Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending the centerline of the Anacostia River 
to the southwest; Northeast along said line extending the centerline of the Anacostia River 
and continuing northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 
295 and Firth Sterling Avenue; Southeast along a line connecting said intersection to the 
western-most corner of Census Block 74.01 1039; Southeast along the boundary of said 
Census Block to Wade Road; Northeast on Wade Road to Sumner Road; Southeast on 
Sumner Road to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; South on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue 
to Malcolm X Avenue; West on Malcolm X Avenue to Newcomb Street Northwest on 
Newcomb Street to 5th Street; Southwest on 5th Street to Oakwood Street; Northwest on 
Oakwood Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Newcomb Street; East on Newcomb 
Street to 4th Street; Northeast on 4th Street to Lebam Street; Southeast on Lebaum Street 
to the eastern-most point of the property boundary of Sheperd Parkway; Northeast along 
said property boundary of Sheperd Parkway to its intersection with the southwest property 
boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus; Northwest along said southwest property 
boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus and continuing northwest along a line 
extending said southwest property boundary to the northwest to its intersection with 
Interstate 295; North on Interstate 295 to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the northern intersection of 
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and the property boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital 
Campus; Clockwise around said property boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus to - 
Alabama Avenue; Southwest on Alabama Avenue to 11th Place; South on 11th Place to 
Trenton Place; East on Trenton Place to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Mississippi 
Avenue; West on Mississippi Avenue to Wheeler Road; North on Wheeler Road to Wheeler 
Hill Drive; West on Wheeler Hill Drive to its intersection with a line extending 8th Street 
from the north; North on said line extending 8th Street to 8th Street; Continuing north on 
8th Street to Alabama Avenue; West on Alabama Avenue to 5th Street; South on 5th Street 
to Savannah Street; Southwest on Savannah Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; 
Northeast on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue to Highview Place; Northwest on Highview 
Place to Brothers Place; Northeast on Brothers Place to Esther Place; North on Esther 
Place to Raleigh Street; West on Raleigh Street to Waclark Place; North on Waclark Place 
and continuing north on a line extending Waclark Place north to Malcolm X Avenue; East on 
Malcolm X Avenue to Oakwood Street; Northwest on Oakwood Street to 5th Street;' 
Northeast on 5th Street to Newcomb Street; Southeast on Newcomb Street to Malcolm X; 
Avenue; East on Malcolm X Avenue to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; North on Martin 
Luther King Jr. Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Savannah 
Street and 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Trenton Street; West on Trenton Street- to 4th 
Street; South on 4th Street to Atlantic Street; West on Atlantic Street to 1st Street; North 
on 1st Street to Wilmington Place; Southeast on Wilmington Place to Horner Place; North 
on Horner Place to Upsal Street; West on Upsal Place to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; 
Northeast on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue to Savannah Street; Northeast on Savannah 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C05 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of MacDill Boulevard, S.W. and Interstate 295; South on 
Interstate 295 to its intersection with a line extending Sterling Street, S.E. to the northwest; 
Southeast along said line extending Sterling Street, S.E. to Sterling Street, S.E.; Continuing 


Law 19-145, § 2 ; 19th Council FexioiM 

sdutheast oh Sterling Street, S.E. to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E.; South on Martinio 
Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E. to Upsal Street, S.E.; East on Upsal Street, S.E. to Horriercl 
Place S.E.; South on Horner Place, S.E. to Wilmington Place, S.E.; Northwest on Wilming-:i9 
ton Place, S.E. to 1st Street, S.E.; South on 1st Street, S.E. to Atlantic Street, S.E.; West oriV 
Atlantic Street, S.E. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to Xenia Streety'I 
S.W.; Northwest on Xenia Street, S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; South on 2nd Street, S.W. too) 
Atlantic Street, S.W.; West on a line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. west to its intersections 
with Interstate 295; North on Interstate 295 to its intersection with a line extending Rice 
Street, S.W. from the west; West on said line extending Rice Street, S.W. to Rice Street, 
S.W.; Continuing west on Rice Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; North on Duncan/, 
Avenue, S.W. to McChord Street, S.W.; West on McChord Street, S.W. to Chappie James,^ 
Boulevard, S.W.; South on Chappie James Boulevard, S.W. to Tinker Street, S.W.; West on / 
Tinker Street, S.W. and continuing west on a line extending Tinker Street, S.W. west to the ; 
District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary at the Virginia shore of the; ; 
Potomac River; North along said shore of the Potomac River to its intersection with a. line 1 : 
extending MacDill Boulevard, S.W. from the east; East along said line extending MacDill- 
Boulevard to MacDill Boulevard;, Continuing east on MacDill Boulevard to the point of ? 
beginning. >■■ ■>■} 

Description of SMD 8C06 Boundaries ' 1 '! 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Howard J 
Road and Interstate 295; South on Howard Road to Sheridan Road; South on Sheridan Road" J 
to Stanton Road; East on Stanton Road to Douglass Road; Southeasterly along Douglass '> 
Road to Stanton Road; South on Stanton Road to Pomeroy Road; West on Pomeroy Road H 
and continuing west along a line extending Pomeroy Road west to its intersection with 
Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland Parkway, S.E. to its intersection with the southern 
boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001; Southwest along said southern boundary of Census- 
Block 74.01 2001 to its intersection with the eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's/ 1 
Hospital East Campus; Northwest along said eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's ) 
Hospital to its intersection with Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; North on Martin Luther/. 
King Jr. Avenue to Stanton Road; Northwest on Stanton Road to Wade Road; Southwest on I 
Wade Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Census Block 74.01 1039; \ 
Northwest along the boundary of said Census Block to its western-most corner; North from ] 
said westernmost corner of Census Block 74.01 1039 along a line connecting to the intersec- -.; ".;■ 
tion of Interstate 295 and Firth Sterling Avenue; East along Interstate 295 to the point of ■; 
beginning. ' r. 

Description of SMD 8C07 Boundaries ^ 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alabama' 
Avenue and 8th Street; South on 8th Street and continuing south along a line extending 8th 
Street south to Wheeler Hill Drive; East on Wheeler Hill Drive to Wheeler Road; South on 
Wheeler Road to Oxon Run; West along Oxon Run to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to/ 
Trenton Street; East on Trenton Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to . Alabama 
Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to the point of beginning. - , > j .: - ■ /U, : : ; \ 

Description of ANC 8D Boundaries / 

Beginning at the intersection of Chesapeake Street, S.E. and Southern f Avenue, S.E.>;/ 
Southwest On Southern Avenue, S.E. to South Capitol Street; Continuing southwest along ther< 
District Of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the District of Columbia— Common-^ 
wealth of Virginia boundary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac^ 
River; North along said shore of the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending' < 
Tinker Street, S.W. to the west; East along said line to Tinker Street, S.W. to Chappie James 1 
Boulevard, S.W.; North on Chappie James Boulevard to McChord Street, S.W.; East on i 
McChord Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; South on Duncan Avenue, S.W. to Rice 
Street, S.W.; East on Rice Street, S.W. to Westover Avenue, S.W.; Continuing east on a line 
extending Rice Avenue, S.W. east to its intersection with the centerline of the southbound T 
lanes of Interstate 295; South along said centerline of Interstate 295 to its intersection with a.: I 
line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. to the west; East on said line extending Atlantic Street,* i 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 2 

S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; North on 2nd Street, S.W. to Xenia Street, S.W.; Southeast on 
Xenia Street to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to Atlantic Street, S.E.; 
East on Atlantic Street, S.E. to 4th Street, S.E.; South on 4th Street, S.E. to Chesapeake 
Street, S.E.; East on Chesapeake Street, S.E. to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of Chesapeake Street and the District of Columbia- State of Maryland 
boundary; Southwest along said District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to 
Barnaby Road; North on Barnaby Road to Galveston Place; Northwest on Galveston Place 
to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to the 
point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8D02 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Chesapeake Street, S.E. and 6th Street, S.E.; South on 6th 
Street, S.E. to Galveston Place, S.E.; East on Galveston Place, S.E. to Barnaby Road, S.E.; 
South on Barnaby Road, S.E. to the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; 
Southwest along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to its intersection 
with the southern-most point of Census Block 109.00 2002; Clockwise around the boundary of 
said Census Block to its intersection with Irvington Street, S.W.; East on Irvington Street, 
S.W. to Joliet Street, S.W.; North on Joliet Street, S.W. to 1st Street, S.W.; North on 1st 
Street, S.W. to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to Livingston Road, S.E.; 
North on Livingston Road, S.E. to 3rd Street, S.E.; North on 3rd Street, S.E. to Livingston : 
Terrace, S.E. ; East on Livingston Terrace, S.E. to 4th Street, S.E.; North on 4th Street, 
S.E. to Chesapeake Street, S.E.; East on Chesapeake Street, S.E. to the point of the 

Description of SMD 8D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Atlantic 
Street and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Livingston Terrace; West on Livingston 
Terrace to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to Livingston Road; North on Livingston Road to 
Atlantic Street; East on Atlantic Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Chesa- 
peake Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; South on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue 
to Galveston Street; East on Galveston Street to its intersection with the northwest corner of 
Census Block 109.00 1000; Counter-clockwise around the boundary of said Census Block to 
its intersection with South Capitol Terrace; South on South Capitol Terrace to Irvington 
Street; West on Irvington Street to its intersection with Census Block 109.00 2002 Counter- 
clockwise around the boundary of said Census Block to the District of Columbia -State of 
Maryland boundary; Southwest along said District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary 
to the Commonwealth of Virginia — District of Columbia boundary at the Commonwealth of 
Virginia shore of the Potomac River. North along said shoreline of the Potomac River to its 
intersection with a line extending Magazine Road from the east; East along said line 
extending Magazine Road to Magazine Road Continuing east on Magazine Road to Chesa- 
peake Street; Continuing east on Chesapeake Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8D05 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Forrester 
Street and South Capitol Street; S.outh on South Capitol Street to 1st Street; South on 1st 
Street to Joliet Street; Southwest on Joliet Street to South Capitol Terrace; North on South 
Capitol Terrace to its intersection with the southeast corner of Census Block 109.00 2000; 
Clockwise around the boundary of said Census Block to its intersection with Galveston Street; 
West on Galveston Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; North on Martin Luther King 
Jr. Avenue to Forrester Street; East on Forrester Street to the point of the beginning. 


Law 19-145, § 2 19th Council PeVioP 

Description of SMD 8D06 Boundaries : at -W-& 

Beginning at the intersection of Brandywine Street, S.E. and 1st Street, S.E.; South on Isj^f 
Street, S.E. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to Forrester 'Sfaf§§fe 
S.W.; West on Forrester Street, S.W. to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.W.; North on 
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.W. to Chesapeake Street, S.W.; East on Chesapeake 
Street, S.W. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to Brandywine Street, 
S.E.; East on Brandywine Street, S.E. to the point of the beginning. ^ iL '; 

Description of SMD 8D07 Boundaries >d 

■~ f A 

Beginning at the intersection of Atlantic Street, S.E. and Livingston Road, S.E.; South on ' 
Livingston Road, S.E. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to 1st Street, ' 
S.E.; North on 1st Street, S.E. to Brandywine Street, S.E.; West on Brandywine Street, S.E'.' :l 
to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to Chesapeake Street, S.W.; West on 
Chesapeake Street, S.W. to Magazine Road, S.W.; Continuing west on Magazine Road, S.W. 
and a line extending Magazine Road west to the Commonwealth of Virginia— District of 
Columbia boundary at the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River, North 
along shoreline of the Potomac River to a line extending Tinker Street, S.W. from the east; 
East on said line extending Tinker Street, S.W. to Tinker Street S.W.; Continuing east on 
Tinker Street, S.W. to Chappie James Boulevard, S.W.; North on Chappie James Boulevard^ 
to McChord Street, S.W.; East on McChord Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; South on-; 
Duncan Avenue, S.W. to Rice Street, S.W.; East on Rice Street, S.W. and continuing east ft 
along a line extending Rice Street, S.W, east to Interstate 295; South on Interstate 295 to its^ 
intersection with a line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. from the east; East on said line /f 
extending Atlantic Street, S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; North on 2nd Street, S.W. to Xenial 
Street, S.W.; Southeast on Xenia Street to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol" 
Street to Atlantic Street, S.E. East on Atlantic Street, S.E. to the point of beginning. : 

Description of ANC 8E Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
southern boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001 and Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland, , ; 
Parkway to Alabama Avenue; West on Alabama Avenue, S.E. to 23rd Street; South on 23rd T 
Street to Savannah Street; West on Savannah Street to its intersection with the western/: 
boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002 South along said western boundary and continuing 
south along a line extending said boundary south to its intersection with Oxon Run; East 
along Oxon Run to its intersection with Southern Avenue; Southwest along Southern Avenue, f 
to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to jts J 
intersection with Oxon Run; East on Oxon Run to its intersection with Wheeler Road; Nprifr f j 
on Wheeler Road to Mississippi Avenue; East on Mississippi Avenue to 13th Street; NortH;.| 
on 13th Street to Trenton Place; West on Trenton Place to 11th Place; North on 11th Strefet;- 
to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to its intersection with the southeastern ^ 
property boundary of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Campus; Northeast along said prop|Hy^ 
boundary to the eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Cahi|)us;;' J 
Northwest along said property boundary to its intersection with the southern boundary of | 
Census Block 74.01 2001; East along said southern boundary to the point of the ^ beginning^ 

Description of SMD 8E01 Boundaries n 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the, J 
southern boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001 and Suitland Parkway; Southwest along said * 
southern boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001 to its intersection with the property boundary 
of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Campus; Clockwise around said property boundary of St. 
Elizabeth's Hospital to Alabama Avenue; East oh Alabama Avenue to Congress Street;'' 
South on Congress Street to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 15th Street;"; 
North on 15th Street to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to its intersection with '^ 
the northeast corner of Census Block 73.04 1002; South along the eastern boundary of' 
Census Block 73.04 1002 to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 18th Street; North / 
on 18th Street to Alabama Avenue; West on Alabama Avenue to Stanton Road; North on ^ 
Stanton Road to Suitland Parkway; West on Suitland Parkway to the point of beginning. 5 ' 


2012 Legislation Law 19-145, § 3 

Description of SMD 8E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Suitland 
Parkway and Stanton Road; East on Suitland Parkway to Alabama Avenue; Southwest on 
Alabama Avenue to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to Savannah Place; Southwest on 
Savannah Place to 18th Place; Northwest on 18th Place to Alabama Avenue; Southwest on 
Alabama Avenue to Stanton Road; North on Stanton Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning at 
the intersection of 23rd Street and Alabama Avenue; Southeast on 23rd Street to Savannah 
Street; West on Savannah Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to Alabama Avenue; 
Northeast on Alabama Avenue to 18th Place; Southeast on 18th Place to Savannah Place; 
Northeast on Savannah Place to 22nd Street; North on 22nd Street to Alabama Avenue; 
East on Alabama Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alabama 
Avenue and 11th Place; East on Alabama Avenue to Congress Street; South on Congress 
Street to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to 
Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to its intersection with the northeast corner of 
Census Block 73.04 1002; South along the eastern boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002 to 
Oxon Run: West along Oxon Run to its intersection with a line extending 13th Street from 
the north; North along said line extending 13th Street to 13th Street; Continuing north on 
13th Street to Trenton Place; West on Trenton Place to 11th Place; North on 11th Place to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant Beginning at the intersection of Wheeler 
Road and Mississippi Avenue; East on Mississippi Avenue to its intersection with a line 
extending 13th Street from the north; South on said line extending 13th Street to Oxon Run; 
East along Oxon Run to the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southwest 
along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to 12th Street; North on 12th 
Street to Bellevue Street; Southwest on Bellevue Street to Wheeler Road; North on Wheeler 
Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 4th Street 
and Oxon Run; Northeast along Oxon Run to Wheeler Road; Southeast on Wheeler road to 
Barnaby Street; Southwest on Barnaby Street to Atlantic Street; West on Atlantic Street to 
4th Street; North on 4th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 4th Street 
and Atlantic Street; East on Atlantic Street to Barnaby Street; Northeast on Barnaby Street 
to Wheeler Road; Southeast on Wheeler Road to Bellevue Street; Northeast on Bellevue 
Street to 12th Street; Southeast on 12th Street to the District of Columbia — State of 
Maryland boundary; Southwest along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary 
to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to the 
point of beginning. 

(b) All streets boundaries lie in the center of the street. 

Sec. 3. Applicability of boundaries. 

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the ANC and SMD boundaries set 
forth in section 2(a) shall apply as of January 2, 2013. 

(b) The ANC and SMD boundaries set forth in section 2(a) shall apply for purposes of 
administering the November 6, 2012 election, including determining qualifications for Candida- 


Law 19-145, §3 19th Council Plerioft: 

cy and the residence of a person signing a nominating petition for the November 6, 2012 
election. t 

Sec. 4, Conforming amendments. '■ ■V.^.q 

Section 6(b)(2) of the Advisory Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975, effective October 10A 

1975 (D.C. Law 1-21; D.C. Official Code § l-309.05(b)(2)), is amended by striking the phrase^ 

"144th calendar day" and inserting the phrase ' ' 120th calendar day" in its place, ; ! : , : / 

Sec. 5. Transmittal. 

The Secretary to the Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this act,, 
after It becomes effective, to the District of Columbia Board of Elections and the District m 
Columbia Office of Planning. < 

Sec. 6. Fiscal impact statement. 

: The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act/ 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § i-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 7. Effective date. 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30^day period of Congressional .review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206;62(e)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. ' 

■APPROVED: April 29, 2012. ■■,.:■'■ ..' .. ' ,;; 

EFFECTIVE: June 20, 2012. '■■■ 


Law 19-146 ; 

Act 19-349 " ' ' 

AN ACT to amend, on a temporary basis, the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment 
Initiative of 1999, to provide that medical marijuana cultivation centers shall not be located in 
certain Retail Priority Areas. ^ ^n 

act may be cited as the 'Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center Temporary Amendment Act of 

Sec. 2. Section 7 of the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative of 
1999, effective July 27, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-210; D.C. Official Code § 7-1671,06), is amended 
by adding a new subsection (g-1) to read as follows: . V 1 

"(g-l)(l) A cultivation center shall not be located within a Retail Priority Area, as; 

designated pursuant to section 4 of the Retail Incentive Act of 2004, effective September 8/ 

2004 (D.C. Law 15-185; D.C. Official Code § 2-1217.73), and as approved by the Council 

pursuant to the Great Streets Neighborhood Retail Priority Areas Approval Resolution of ■ 

3007, effective July 10, 2007 (Res. 17-025; 54 DCR 7194). ^ 

"(2) Any applicant with a pending application for a registration to operate a cultivation 

center within a Retail Priority Area as identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be 

allowed to modify the application within 180 days of the effective date of the Medical, 

Marijuana Cultivation Center Emergency Amendment Act of 2012, effective April 7, 2012' 

(D.C. Act 19-339; 59 DCR __4, without negatively affecting the current status of the 

application. <■ . .■■;..', . \. - < . i ; t ■■■.-.; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-147, § 4 

"(3) The prohibition set forth in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall apply only to 
applications pending as of the effective date of the Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012, effective April 7, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-339; 59 DCR 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. 
Deemed approved without signature, May 5, 2012. 

EFFECTIVE: June 20, 2012. 

Law 19-147 

Act 19-350 

AN ACT to amend section 16-2702 of the District of Columbia Official Code to extend the time 
period that a plaintiff has to bring a claim against a defendant in a wrongful death suit from 
one year to 2 years. 

act may be cited as the "Wrongful Death Temporary Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 16-2702 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by striking 
the phrase "one year" and inserting the phrase "2 years" in its place. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal , 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

(a) This act shall take effect' following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as . provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. 
APPROVED: April 29, 2012. 

EFFECTIVE: June 20, 2012. 


Law 19-148 19th Council Pferidtfl 



Law 19-148 

'■';■■■ ■ - ■■ ■.■'■•". Act 19-354 ■ ;■■:..'■■,' ■■ '- ■=■ ■-- 

AN ACT to adjust, on a temporary basis, certain allocations requested in the Fiscal Year 20121 
Budget Request Act pursuant to the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. j ^ , , < > ^ 

■ .':;..■: .',■■■:..> ■::-['';:■ ?„ - V .(a) 
act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2012 Revised Budget Request' Adjustment Temporary^ 

Act of 2012". . ■ ■'.■.■■■ " : '■''■' ■'■■' 'i'?'^' 

, , ,'.-.' ■■".■( ■ ' 5 ''m ■hEv-vv .; 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 817 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, approved March 
13, 2009 (123 Stat. 699; D.C. Official Code § 47-369.02), the fiscal year 2012 budgets for the 
following agencies shall be adjusted by the following amounts: 

$14,971,000 (of which $14,971,000 shall be added to local funds), to be allocated as follows: 

Public Education System 

The appropriation for Public Education System is increased by $6,971,000 in local funds, to 
be allocated as follows: 

District of Columbia Public Charter Schools. —$6,971,000 is added to be available from 
local funds. -' :, ^ ;: ;- 1 - !: ;; ' : '. : - : . ■!/;■:...'■■•-'•■ ; ' ■'."'. ■'■ 

Human Support Services 

The appropriation for Human -Suppbrt Services is increased by $8,060;'0(j() in local runds, ; to 
be allocated as follows: -a^ w ^A vt. ;-■■..■■; ■::■;,- ■;.j.; j - v vv >.-.; f -\ .r ■<:*,<■><■{ -^iu ;■■ ■ 

Unemployment Compensation Fund^/i ^$8,000,000 is iadded <tb" b£ Available' from. 'local 
funds. ■■'-.' ''V:>\ V i '■■;:; "u^ ■■>'■■ : \;-uh' rtiri Int.; "' ''■>&?* 'y.witiq <xVi 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. ,in^rno,/fi:^ hwi'ti hsv. ^ .?* .f.VoB 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of i Columbia Home Rule Act^r 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § i^206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. ■ ■ 

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review! 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved; 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication m the ) 
District of Columbia Register. ■.^'■j "i* .■ > .i-- : i'ti.\ 

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect. - ■ : - M'< 
APPROVED: May 11, 2012. - ' v-t ^'!A 

EFFECTIVE: July IS, 2012. i : ■ ■■< ?,■;".■■ : '>{ . \ ? -^ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-149, § 2(a)(2) 


Law 19-149 

Act 19-355 

AN ACT to amend Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code to establish a minimum sales 
tax that a street vendor shall pay each year, to require a street vendor to collect sales taxes and 
file a quarterly return and remit the greater of the taxes collected or the minimum sales tax, to 
provide that a Business Beneficial License Holder shall file the return and remit payment if an 
Employee License Holder fails to file a return and remit payment, to require the Business 
Beneficial License Holder to maintain the books and the records of sales made by an Employee 
License Holder, and to make conforming amendments. 

act may be cited as the "Vendor Sales Tax Collection and Remittance Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as follows: 
(a) Chapter 20 is amended as follows: 

(1) The table of contents is amended by striking the section designation 

"47-2002.01. Payment in lieu of collecting and remitting sales tax to be made by street 
vendors." and inserting the section designation "47-2002.01. Street vendors; minimum sales 
tax." in its place. 

(2) Section 47-2002.01 is amended to read as follows: 
"§ 47-2002.01. Street vendors; minimum sales tax. 
"(a) For the purposes of this section, the term: 

"(1) "Business Beneficial License Holder" means a corporation, limited liability company, 
partnership, or other business entity that is the beneficial owner of the vending license held 
by an Employee License Holder. 

"(2) "Employee License Holder" means an individual street vendor who holds a vending' 
license as an employee, agent, or representative, or for the ultimate benefit, of a corpora- 
tion, limited liability company, partnership, or other business entity. 

"(3) "MST" means the minimum sales tax that a street vendor is obligated to pay. 

"(4) "Street vendor" means a person licensed to vend from a sidewalk, roadway, or other 
public space under Chapter 1A of Title 37.". 

"(b)(1) Except as provided in subsection (c) or (d) of this section, a street vendor who holds 
a license, including a temporary license, authorizing the vending of merchandise, food, or 
services from public space or from door to door who has collected less than $375 in sales tax 
for the quarter shall file a return pursuant to § 47-2002 and as required by the Office of the 
Chief Financial Officer's Office of Tax and Revenue and remit a $375 MST payment for the 
quarter being reported. 

"(2) A MST payment shall be made in a manner prescribed by the Office of the Chief 
Financial Officer's Office of Tax and Revenue. 

"(3) If a MST payment is not timely remitted, the unpaid MST payment shall be 
considered unpaid sales tax and all sections of this chapter applicable to the collection and 
assessment of unpaid sales tax and the imposition of interest and penalties shall apply. 

"(c) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, if a street vendor has collected 
sales tax in excess of $375 for the quarter being reported, subsection (b) of this section shall 
not apply and the street vendor shall file a return pursuant to § 47-2002 and as required by 
the Office of the Chief Financial Officer's Office of Tax and Revenue and remit the full 
amount of the sales tax collected for the quarter being reported. 

"(d)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if an individual street vendor 
holds a vending license as an Employee License Holder for a Business Beneficial License 
Holder, the Employee License Holder shall not be individually responsible for filing a return 
or remitting an MST under this section. If the Business Beneficial License Holder files a 


Law 19-149, § 2(a)(2) 19th Council Period 

single, consolidated return pursuant to § 47-2002, reporting all sales tax collected by all 
Employee License Holders who are employed by or otherwise affiliated with the Business 
Beneficial License Holder, and remitting the full amount of the sales tax due by all such 
Employee License Holders for the quarter being reported, the return shall report the 
vending license number of each vending license held by an Employee License Holder for 
which information is included in the return. 

■ ■■: "(2) The Business Beneficial License Holder shall be 1 responsible ffi 
books and records of the sales made by its employee street vendors pursuant to § 4^4311. 

;| "(3) A consolidated sales tax filing shall be filed electronically in the mahn^ r .prgscnbed 
by the Office of Tax and Revenue.". ',_.,,! ■inohimk 

(3) Section 47-2003(a) is amended by striking the phrase ", except £ street vfehd l 6r as 
defined in § 47-2002.01(a)(2),". \ ; ■■^■■«J 

■ . *■ ■ (4) Section 47-2004(a) is amended by striking the phrase ", except a street vendor^as 
defined in § 47-2002. 01 (a) (2),". . ,-V'W, 

(b) Section 47-2762(e) is amended, by striking the phrase "Except in the case of street 
vendors described in § 47-2002.01, the" and inserting the word "The" in its place. 

Sec. 3. Applicability. 

This act shall apply as of October 1, 2012. 

Sec. 4.'/ Fiscal impact statement. .■■■.',...,., 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact ■; 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3))^ 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) 1 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register; < :; -./^u: , > ■■■ ,:.\r 

APPROVED: May 11, 2012. ',','"" -, \ 7 '.■..'.'.,■ -< ,. '-<A 

EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. " ,:,,..>,. (i : : s . ',,..., .r\.A.i- •— -- ' 

-.^.■.■■..■i',., , ■ ' >■;■ -•.■: :■ .: • ■■ ■ / ;■-• ■-■■.■.■,7 -,:•■; W J O^ 


TAX AMENDMENT ACT OF 2012 : •'■ " : y- ^ l ' mi j*™* n 

• ■;:.■ : ' '.- ■■ ■;,..' ' '■■/: .,.-.. , ■■ : ' ■ \ • -:;Hp. Oftt wi 

.■,:..;. '■■/.■■'■'-■■■■■ Law 19-150 , Vq loK') 
. _ ; . _ Act 19-356 . li ., : .;■.'■' : , ,,.;, '" 

AN ACT to amend the Condominium Act of lSi76 to provide that a unit owner 6f abutting 
'condominium units that form a single dwelling unit may apply to have the units combined into 
one tax lot for real property assessment and taxation purposes. yj 


act may be cited as the "Combined Condominium Real Property Tax Amendment Act of 
2012". . '- : ' : -' "'■■^ 

\ '■ . . . ■ .,■'"<■..■'.. : ; .■■.:■ ■ ..:r\.: 'inn 

Sec. -2. Section 104 of the Condominium Act of 1976, effective March 29, 1977 (D.C. La>r| 
1^89; D.C. Official Code § 42-1901.04), is amended as Mows: ror^ 

'.-■■(a) Designate the existing text as subsection (a), v. r* 

(b) A new subsection (b) is added to read as follows: '....■ \."' / :ul 

"(b)(1) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, for real property tax years beginning- 
after September 30, 2011, horizontally or vertically abutting condominium units owned by the' » 


2012 Legislation Law 19-151, § 4 

identical unit owner that comprise and are used as a single dwelling unit may be combined for 
assessment and taxation purposes into a separate and distinct taxable entity ("combined tax 
lot"); provided, that the unit owner applies for combined tax lot treatment pursuant to D.C. 
Official Code § 47-832. 

"(2) Combined tax lot treatment granted pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection 
shall take effect for the succeeding real property tax year following the date the application 
is received.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 11, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


Law 19-151 

Act 19^357 

AN ACT to amend section 47-4605 of the District of Columbia Official Code to extend tax 
exemptions, and waive any related fees, for the Carver 2000 Low-Income and Senior Housing 
Project located in various lots within squares 5140, 5190, and 5348. 

act may be cited as the "Carver 2000 Low-Income and Senior Housing Project Amendment 
Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 47-4605 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the phrase "lots and squares: 5140-0819; 
5140-0820; 5140-0821; 5140-0822; 5140-0823; 5140-0824; 5140-0825; 5140-0826;" and 
inserting the phrase "squares and lots: 5140-0088;" in its place. 

(b) Subsection (d) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "Chapter 8" and inserting the 
phrase "Chapter 8 of this title, and any related fees waived" in its place. 

(2) Paragraph (2) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "exemption granted" and insert the phrase "exemption and fee 
waiver granted" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "only apply for the 8" and insert the phrase "apply for the 16" in 
its place. 

Sec. 3. Applicability. 

This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and 
financial plan. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 


Law 19-151, § 4 19th Council period 1 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact i 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved- 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)>. ,. ; ; ,";. .[ 

Sec. 5. Effective date. / ; ^V;0 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in, the 
District of Columbia Register. 

■ APPROVED: May 11^ 2012. - : ^ ,; , 

EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. ■ > ' ; ' ] J M '■'■' < 



. Law 19-152 '.-■', -i;,- -i-r-.u -a^Oir-l';/-. 

Act 19-358 

AN ACT to establish within the Department of Health the Senior HIV/AIDS Education and 
Outreach Program to train seniors to serve as peer educators,, and to require the Department of 
Health to administer the program, ' r ; '^■■•••fc ^-T^v— . 

act may be cited as the "Senior HIV/AIDS Education and Outreach Program Establishment 
Act of 2012". v;j;i 

Sec. 2. Definitions. Y^'-M ij< 

For the purposes of this act, theterm:^ h :,- ; , : ^ ty ^ - L -,.-. \ ..;> ,, - ■,:.. - . ; , --^ :>-..; 

(1) "AIDS" means acquired immune deficiency' syndrom^- ^ < - 

(2) "Department" means the Dep^MruVbf Health/ 

(3) "HIV" means the human immunodeficiency virus, v 

(4) "Program" means the Senior HIV/AIDS Education and Outreach Program estab-:-, 
lished by section 3. .■■";■ ■' 

(5) "Senior" means an individual 50 years of age or older. 

Sec. 3. Senior HIV/AIDS Education and Outreach Program establishment. ;; : ; , :; . 

There is established within the Department the Senior HIV/AIDS Education and Outreach ^ 
Program, which shall train seniors to provide information to other seniors' ori how to prevent 
the transmission of HIV and to engage in education and outreach on issues related to HIV 
and AIDS with community-based providers that serve seniors in the District. ... . ^ 

Sec. 4. Program administration. ■ ■ , ' ; -..,,, m [: .' : . r 1 ■ i ^\^i 

(a) The Department shall: r 1 ,-. :';•-! -. > 'h . ■- v ri.;r" (i*) 

(1) Administer the Program; . -. .■■..' --r'u - ; -, ■■^.;<- * A; 

(2) Recruit seniors to participate in the Program; * ■ ; u t 

(3) Determine thfe training curriculum; and , ; ;- '■■ : ■>' ;■•■■■■■■■■■ r - 

(4) Schedule no fewer than 8 education or community-outreach events annually, which 
shall be led by seniors who have successfully completed the Program. Each year, at least 
.one event shall be held in each ward. 

(b) The Department may contract with a community provider to train the seniors partici^ 
pating in the Program. . ;. /j; ,H 


2012 Legislation Law 19-153, § 3 

(c) Subject to the availability of funds, the Department may provide a stipend to Program 

Sec. 5. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 6. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(D), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 11, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


Law 19-153 

Act 19-359 

AN ACT to amend section 47-4639 of the District of Columbia Official Code to clarify the relief 
provided to the King Towers residential housing rental project, and to clarify that the relief 
provided is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other tax relief to which the property or its 
owner may be entitled. 

act may be cited as the "King Towers Residential Housing Real Property Tax Exemption 
Clarification Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 47-4639 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to read as 

"§ 47-4639. King Towers residential housing rental project; Lot 49, Square 281. 

"(a) As of August 13, 2010, the real property described as Lot 49, Square 281, owned by 
King Housing, LLC, or by an entity controlled, directly or indirectly, by King Housing, LLC, 
shall be exempt from taxation under Chapter 8 of this title so long as the real property 
continues to be owned by King Housing, LLC, or by an entity controlled, directly or 
indirectly, by King Housing, LLC, or continues to be under applicable use restrictions during 
a federal low-income housing tax credit compliance period or any other federal program 
governing income and use restrictions at the property, and is not used for commercial 
purposes, subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009. 

"(b) The conveyance of the real property to King Housing, LLC, to or an entity controlled 
directly or indirectly by King Housing, LLC, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by 
§§ 42-1103 and 47-903. 

"(c) The exemptions provided in this section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any 
other tax relief or assistance from any other source applicable to either the real property or 
its owner. 

"(d) The Council orders that all economic interest transfer tax, penalties, interest, fees, and 
other related charges assessed against the real property as described in this section be 
forgiven, and that any payments already made be refunded.". 

Sec. 3. Applicability- 


Law 19-153, § 3 19th Council Period 

This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget ( and 
financial plan. ' ;q 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The "Council Adopts the fiscal impact in the committee; report as the fiscal impact statem&ht 
required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December^ 
24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3». ,';>-;, ,■:■■: -Au^^l 

Sec. 5. Effective date. ,.■■'■■) i^;^;;;j .;•} .•-> >fo 

This act- shall take effect following 'approval by the Mayor (or in the ev^nfrof veto; byithe 
Mayor- action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional; revijaW! 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home.! Rule Act,,' , approved' 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code §/l-206.02(c)(l)), , an<lip 
District of Columbia Register. - l H .,;v : ;.rfJnV-o hhW.T 

APPROVED: May 11, 2012. .- ; , ■;,; rV;\M<!'/-./. 

EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. , -'i.,-. 


Law 19-154 

Act 19-360 

AN ACT to symbolically designate the public alley between C Street, S.E., and D Street, S.E., and 
parallel to 12th Street, S.E., and 13th Street, S.E., in Ward 6, as Adolf Cluss Court. 

act may be cited as the "Adolf Cluss Court Alley Designation Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to sections 401 and 403a of the Street and Alley Closing and Acquisition 
Procedures Act of 1982, effective March 10, 1983 (D.C. Law 4-201; D.C. Official Code 
§§ 9-204.01 and 9-204,03a) ("Act"), and notwithstanding section 407 of the Act (D.C. Official 1 
Code § 9-204.07), the Council designates the alley, between G Street, S.E., and ,D, Street,; S,E)., 
and parallel to 12th Street, S.E., and 13th Street, S.E., as "Adolf Cluss Court". :-;^llh 

Sec. 3. Transmittal. /■ v , . u. . : h:U. • .<: ■ ■■-■ -/:, ,.:v. r ' / : ,^;v . n ■■ V' 

The Secretary to the Council shall transmit a cppy pfjtliis act, upon its effective dia^jio^th^ 

District Department of Transportation. .. ^ ;;; -') T) ;-;' : > ,; ■' ■ '*,,;■. . r - -<■•■- ^~) w\ \\l\&< 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. ' /->:™>H v 1 '; - :■>■« - < ^tnii^ 

;■■■.._ ■ ' ;;■■■■ — -<:?■■. 'in ,., , ' ... '•■..;. • \\.---: f \rM 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact; 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved! 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). : :i 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 's ^ 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by th# 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section. 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved) 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the: 
District of Columbia Register. -, : -;o. 

APPROVED: May 11, 2012. t V 4 ( ^ 

EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. , ' ,..■■ ,, i 


2012 Legislation Law 19-155, § 2(a) 


Law 19-155 

Act 19-362 

AN ACT to amend Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code to provide the Real Property 
Tax Appeals Commission with jurisdiction over any appeal timely filed with the Board of Real 
Property Assessments and Appeals, increase the number of part-time Commissioners on the 
Real Property Tax Appeals Commission, mandate training for new and existing Commission- 
ers, clarify that by filing an appeal an owner consents to the Office of Tax and Revenue 
disclosing during the course of the owner's appeal any information that the owner has provided 
to the Office of Tax and Revenue, increase the number of days an owner has to provide 
supplemental information to a filed appeal, provide for an appeal of a determination of real 
property as vacant or blighted, clarify that filing an appeal with the Real Property Tax Appeals 
Commission is a prerequisite to an owner filing an appeal with the Superior Court of the 
District of Columbia, and to make conforming amendments. 

act may be cited as the "Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Establishment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Chapter 8 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 

(a) Section 47-825.01a is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a)(1) is amended as follows: 

(A) Subparagraph (A) is amended by adding the following sentence at the end: 

"The Commission shall have jurisdiction over any appeal timely filed with the Board of Real 
Property Assessments and Appeals in accordance with the provisions of § 47-825.01(f-l).". 

(B) Subparagraph (B)(iv) is amended to read as follows: 
"(iv) Eight part-time Commissioners.". 

(C) Subparagraph (G) is amended by adding the following sentence at the end: 

"A Commissioner's unexcused, failure to meet annual performance measures in any 2 
years within a 3-year period shall be among the grounds constituting cause for 

(D) A new subparagraph (H) is added to read as follows: 

"(H)(i) At least 6 months before the expiration of any term, a Commissioner seeking 
reappointment to a new term shall file a statement with the Mayor and the Chairperson, 
or the Vice-Chairperson in the case of the Chairperson seeking reappointment, specify- 
ing that he or she requests reappointment to a new term ("reappointment statement"). 

"(ii) For a Commissioner who timely files a reappointment statement, the Chairper- 
son shall prepare a record of the Commissioner's tenure with regard to the Commis- 
sioner's competency and quality of performance over the period of his or her term of 
service ("performance record"). The Vice-Chairperson shall prepare the performance 
record of the Chairperson when he or she is seeking reappointment and has timely 
filed a reappointment statement in accordance with sub-subparagraph (i) of this 

"(iii) At a minimum, the performance record shall contain, for the immediate prior 

"(I) All the decisions authored by the Commissioner or to which he or she was a 

"(II) Data on how the Commissioner met applicable objective performance meas- 

"(III) The recommendation of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, whichever is 
applicable, as to whether the reappointment should be made; and 


Law 19-155, § 2(a) 19th Council Eef im, 

"(IV) Any other information requested by the Mayor. 

"(iv) The Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson, whichever is applicable, shall submit 
the performance record to the Mayor within 60 days of the filing of the reappointment 

"(v) The Mayor shall consider all information received with regard to reappoint- 

(2) Subsection (c)(7) is amended to read as follows: 

■ ,■ "(7) By appealing to the Commission, a real property owner consents to OTR disclosing 
during the course of the owner's appeal any tax information that the owner has provided to 
OTR under this title or included on the owner's Real Property Recordation and Transfer 
Tax Form filed with OTR pursuant to Chapter 11 of Title 22.". 

(3) Subsection (e)(1) is amended as follows: , ; 

(A) Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking thfe phrase "10 days after ''the filing of 
the appeal" and inserting the phrase "20 days after the filing of the appeal; provided, 
that a hearing shall not occur within 20 days from, the date of the deHvery 6f the 
supplemental filing" in its place. " ' :i - - 

(B) Subparagraph (B) is amended as follows: ; '*■/•■■ 
(i) Designate the existing text as sub-subparagraph (i). 

(ii) New sub-subparagraphs (ii) through (v) are added to read as follows: : \ , 

"(ii) An appeal to the Commission under this subparagraph shall be on the same 
terms and under the same conditions, to the extent reasonable, as if the appeal were 
brought under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; except, that no worksheet shall be 
required to be mailed, the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs ("DCRA") 
shall be the responsible agency, and any supplemental filing shall be provided 'to the 
Commission and DCRA. > ^iFP" 

"(iii) A response from DCRA shall be available for inspection at least 7 days'Before 4 
the scheduled hearing. , H 

"(iv) DCRA shall have the authority, as provided to OTR under subsection (f) of this 
section, to make redeterminations of vacancy and blight and any reclassifications that 
may be necessary. - » ' 

"(v) DCRA shall be entitled to a rehearing to establish the proper status, vacant or 
blight, and tax classification of the real property under the same conditions and to the 
same extent under paragraph (6) of this subsection; provided, that paragraph (6)(D) of 
this subsection shall not apply.". 

(4) Subsection (g) is amended by striking the, phrase "tax year." and inserting the. phrase 
"tax year; provided, that the owner shall Have, in good faith first appealed the assessed 
value or classification to the Commission immediately' preceding the appeal to the ; Superior , 
Court of the District of Columbia." in its place. lLJ J^"; 

(b) Section 47-831(a) is amended by striking the phrase; ."petition for, 
and appeal from a final determination thereof, in the same ^manner and to the same extent as 
a new owner under § 47-825.0 l(f-l)" and inserting the phrase ", within 45 days frojn the date 
of the notice, petition for an administrative review of the reassessment and appeal from a final 
determination thereof, to the same extent as if the appeal were filed under 47-825.01a(d)(2)" 
in its place. 

(c) Section 47-850.02(b-l) is amended to read as follows: , r ■ , . 

' "(b-1) Within 45 days from the date of the notice rescinding or denying the deduction, the 
owner may petition for an administrative review of the rescission or denial and appeal from a 
final determination thereof to the same extent as if the appeal were filed under 
§ 47-825.01a(d)(2).". 

- (d) Section 47-863(f-l) is amended to read as follows: 

"(f-1) Within 45 days from the date of the notice rescinding or denying the deduction, the 
owner may petition for an administrative review of the rescission or denial and appeal from a 


2012 Legislation Law 19-155, § 7 

final' determination thereof to the same extent as if the appeal were filed under 
§ 47-825.01a(d)(2).'\ 

(e) Section 47-893(e) is amended to read as follows: 

"(e) Within 45 days from when first provided notice of a special assessment under this 
subchapter, the owner of a real property subject to special assessment under this subchapter 
may petition for administrative review, and appeal from a final determination. made upon 
administrative review, of the amount of a special assessment, or the imposition of the special 
assessment, on the real property, or interest therein in the same manner and to the same 
extent as if the notice were a proposed notice of assessed value being reviewed under 

Sec. 3. Conforming amendments. 

(a) Section 47-811.02 is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (b)(2) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "The Mayor" and insert the phrase "The Office of Tax and 
Revenue has" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "§ 47-825.01 (h-1)" and insert the phrase "§ 47-825.01a(f)" in its 

(2) Subsection (g) is amended by- striking the phrase "§ 47-825. 01 (j-D and (j-2)" and 
inserting the phrase "§ 47-825.01a(g) and (h)" in its place. , 

(b) Section 47-820(b-l) is amended by striking the phrase "§ 47-825.01" both times it 
appears and inserting the phrase "§ 47-825.01a" in its place. 

(c) Section 47-824(b) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (3)(F) is amended to read as follows: 

"(F) A statement explaining the right of administrative appeal procedures pursuant to 
§ 47-825.01a(d)(l);"; 

(2) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the phrase "§ 47-825.01(f-l)(l)" and inserting 
the phrase "47-825.01a(d)(D" in its place. 

Sec. 4. The Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Establishment Act of 2010, effective 
April 8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-363; 58 DCR 963), is amended by adding a new section 3a to read 
as follows: 

"Sec. 3a. Applicability; transition. 

"(a) Sections 2 and 3 shall apply upon Council approval and appointment by the Mayor of a 
full-time Chairperson and a full-time Vice Chairperson to the Real Property Tax Appeals 
Commission for the District of Columbia. 

"(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the Mayor shall appoint the members of 
the Real Property Tax Appeals Commission for the District of Columbia with the advice and 
consent of the Council in accordance with the provisions of section 2(b)(3)).". 

Sec. 5. Applicability. 

This act shall apply upon Council approval and appointment by the Mayor of a full-time 
Chairperson and a full-time Vice Chairperson to the Real Property Tax Appeals Commission 
for the District of Columbia 

Sec. 6, Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 7. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 


EaW; lJJ-155, § 7 19th Council #ertfft£ 

December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the* 
District of Columbia Register. - -V^ 3 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. ■■*(») 

EPPECTrVE: 'July 13, 2012. ' - ivV 


' '■■■■■'■■■■■'■ ''■ AMENDMENT ACT OF 2012 \/, ../ : ; /_ /./ 

Law 19-156 ( ■ ' "^^ ^..^ ', "[ '"^ 

' Act 19-363 -y: ■}>,-...>:. HWhA, ■'^■w)'»i\&: M'i 

AN ACT to amend the District of Columbia Health Occupations Revision Act of 1985 to Establish 
continuing education requirements for physicians, physician assistants* and nurses on issues 
related to HIV and AIDS. „ ? ^ , 

act may be cited as the "HIV/AIDS Continuing Education Requirements Amendment Act of 

Sec. 2. ^Section 510 of the District of Columbia Health Occupations Revision Act of. 1985, 
effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-99; D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.10), is amended as' 
follows: " /.■ •, ) i 

(a) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: . / [; t 

,, . (1) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. 

(2) Paragraph (3)(M) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase,,"; and" 
,,in its place. it M . 

(3) A new paragraph (4) is added to read as follows: , : 

./ < "(4)(A) Except as provided in subsection (b-1) of this section, require that any continuing 
education requirements for the following practices include 3 credits of instruction on the 
Human Immunodeficiency Virus ("HIV") and the Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 
("AIDS") in accordance with subparagraph (B) of this paragraph: '"[" 

..' ■ ,'■'■) Or"/' 1 

"(i) The practice of medicine; 

"(ii) The practice of registered nursing; ; - vV -\ r -,.'/■, r 

"(iii) The practice of practical nursing; ,"■■■.,- -; is. - -,u. ■■:.]■.■■ .>") 

■■■;., , -,:, "(iv) The practice by nursing assistive, personnel; and ^ - m ; ; ■.: ■:d) ii 

) - «(v) The practice of physician assistaritl. : ' T ^'^-»-"' ' V :} " ; ■'■""''■^ " v ' 7 

"(B) The instruction required by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph /shall, at a 
minimum, provide information on one or more of the following topics: < ' ' 

1 ; ••'■■■■ ■■ "(i) The impact of HIV/AIDS on populations of differing ages, particularly the senior 
- ■ ; population; ( A -n ■<■'■ ; '■■-.' -:'") 

"(ii) The impact of HIV/AIDS on populations of different racial and ethnic back-' 
grounds; }■■> 

/_ "(iii) The general risk to all individuals in the District of HIV infection; , ; 

< ; ' '■"■ : <'(iv) How to inform all patients about HIV/AIDS, discuss HIV/AIDS with m 
patients, and appropriately monitor all patients for potential exposure to HIV andJ 
AIDS; or , : 

"(v) The use, benefits j and risks associated with pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis 

t .,. treatment". ■ ;■„.;: 

"(b) A new subsection (b^l) is added to read as follows: ' < i: ■■/■>. ■.*.; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

"(b-1) The Mayor may: 

"(1) In consultation with the Board of Medicine, waive by rule the requirements of 
subsection (b)(4) of this section for an individual who can prove to the satisfaction of the 
Board of Medicine that he or she did not see patients in a clinical setting in the District 
during the previous licensing cycle; 

"(2) With recommendations by the Department of Health, expand the continuing edu- 
cation requirements for any licensed health professional to specifically include instruction 
on HIV and AIDS; and 

"(3) After December 31, 2018, with the advice of the relevant licensing boards, waive by 
rule the requirements of subsection (b)(4) of this section for one or more of the practices 
listed in subsection (b)(4) of this subsection, as he or she considers appropriate.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813: D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


Law 19-157 

Act 19-364 

AN ACT to establish boundaries for Advisory Neighborhood Commission ("ANC") areas and single- 
member districts within Advisory Neighborhood Commission areas and; to amend the Advisory . 
Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975 to provide that nominating petitions for ANC membership 
shall become available no later than 120 calendar days before an election for members of an 


act may be cited as the "Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. (a) There are hereby established, pursuant to section 4(a) of the Advisory 
Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975, effective October 10, 1975 (D.C. Law 1-21; D.C. Official 
Code § l-309.03(a)), Advisory Neighborhood Commission ("ANC") areas and single-member 
district ("SMD") areas within ANC areas, the boundaries of which shall be depicted on the 
official maps of the District of Columbia according to the following legal descriptions: 

Description of ANC 1A Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Spring Road; East on Spring Road to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on 
New Hampshire Avenue to Rock Creek Church Road; Northeast on Rock Creek Church 
Road to Park Place; South on Park Place to Michigan Avenue; West on Michigan Avenue to 
Columbia Road; West on Columbia Road to Sherman Avenue; South on Sherman Avenue to 
Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Girard 
Street; West on Girard Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to the continuation of 
Girard Street; West on Girard Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Fuller Street; 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period; 

West on Fuller Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Spring Road the point of 
beginning. . ■ ,, 

Description of SMD 1A01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 1 6th 

Street and Spring Road; East on Spring Road to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Ogden 

Street; Northwest on Ogden Street to Perry Place; West on Perry Place to Igth .Street; 

North on 16th Street to Spring Road, the point of beginning. ■■.-,- ^ nAvv) 

Description of SMD 1A02 Boundaries ->•» ^H r.o 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection (of 16th 

Street and Perry Place; East on Perry Place to Ogden Street; Southeast on Ogden SHreeit'ito 

14th Street; South on 14th Street to Newton Street; East on Newton Street to Holmead 

Place; South on Holmead Place to Monroe Street; Southwest on Monroe Street to ^th 

Street; North on 14th Street to Newton Street; Northwest on Newton Street to lGth^Street; 

North on 16th Street to Perry Place, the point of beginning. \ '..^ , r ^, i i . i 

Description of SMD 1A03 Boundaries ; U '.'7 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 

Street and Irving Street; East on Irving Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to 

Columbia Road; West on Columbia Road to Harvard Court; South along a line bearing due 

south from the intersection of Columbia Road and Harvard Court to its intersection with 

Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Columbia 

Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to 16th Street; North ori -16th Street to Irving Street,; 

the point of beginning. .■ ; ■ * 

Description of SMD 1A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Spring 
Road and 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Newton Street; East on Newton Street to 
Holmead Place; South on Holmead Place to Park Road; Northeast on Park Road to 13th 
Street; North on 13th Street to Spring Road; West on Spring Road to 14th Street, the point < 
of beginning. ,■/'■" ■■ ..;.' ;'. n L - : \ 

Description of SMD 1A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Newton Street; Southeast on Newton Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street 
to Monroe Street; Northeast on Monroe Street to Holmead Place; South on Holmead Place 
to Park Road; Southwest on Park Road to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Irving 
Street; West on Irving Street to 16th Street; North on 1 6th Street to Newton Street, the 
point of beginning. " " Y: ; UI l ' 

Description of SMD 1A06 Boundaries j; ; , 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14th 
Street and Park Road; Northeast on Park Road to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to 
Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to llth Street;^ South onlllth Street to Lamtint 
Street; East on Lamont Street to Sherman Avenue'; South bri Snerriiarr Avenue to Kenyto 
Street; West on Kenyon Street to llth Street; South on llth, Street to Irving Street; Wsst 
on Irving Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Park $oad> the point of beginning.: 

Description of SMD 1A07 Boundaries r hoi 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of Spring' 
. Road and 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to^ 
llth Street; South on llth Street to Lamont Street; East on Lamont Street to Sherman 
Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New 
Hampshire Avenue to Spring Road; Northwest on Spring Road to 13th Street, the point of 
beginning. . ' ■ "' ; ^ 

Description of SMD 1A08 Boundaries : V| 

■ All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of Monroe) 
Street and Park Road; East on Park Road to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to 
Newton Place; East on Newton Place to Warder Street; South on Warder Street to Park} 
Road; East on Park Road to Park Place; North on Park Place to Rock Creek Church Road;) 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

West on Rock Creek Church Road to New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hamp- 
shire Avenue to Monroe Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Monroe 
Street and Park Road; East on Park Road to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Ayenue to 
Newton Place; East on Newton Place to Warder Street; South on Warder Street to Lamont 
Street; West on Lamont Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to Keefer Place; West on 
Keefer Place to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Kenyon Street; West on 
Kenyon Street to Sherman Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to Monroe Street, the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Sherman Avenue and Kenyon Street; South on Sherman Avenueto Columbia Road; East on 
Columbia Road to Michigan Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue to Park Place; North on 
Park Place to Park Road; West on Park Road to Warder Street; South on Warder Street to 
Lamont Street; West on Lamont Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to Keefer Place; 
West on Keefer Place to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Kenyon Street; West 
on Kenyon Street to Sherman Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A11 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Kenyon 
Street and Sherman Avenue; South on Sherman Avenue to Harvard Street; West on 
Harvard Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Columbia Road; West on Columbia 
Road to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Irving Street; East on Irving Street to 11th 
Street; North on 11th Street to Kenyon Street; East on Kenyon Street to Sherman Avenue, 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1A12 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Columbia Road; South on 16th Street to Fuller Street; East on Fuller Street to 
15th Street; North on 15th Street to Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 14th Street; 
North on 14th Street to the continuation of Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 13th 
Street; North on 13th Street to Columbia Road; West on Columbia Road to Harvard Court; 
South along a line bearing due south from the intersection of Columbia Road and Harvard 
Court to its intersection with Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to 15th Street; North 
on 15th Street to Columbia Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to 16th Street, the point of 

Description of ANC IB Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Fuller 
Street and 16th Street; East on Fuller Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Girard 
Street; East on Girard Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to the continuation of 
Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Harvard Street; 
East on Harvard Street to Sherman Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to Columbia Road; 
East on Columbia Road to Michigan Avenue; East and then southeast on Michigan Avenue to 
1st Street; South on 1st Street to Bryant Street; West on Bryant Street to 2nd Street; 
South on 2nd Street to Rhode Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to Florida 
Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to T Street; West on T Street to Wiltberger Street; 
South on Wiltberger Street to S Street; West on S Street to 14th Street; North on 14th 
Street to U Street; West on U Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Fuller Street, 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 2nd 
Street and V Street; South on 2nd Street to Rhode Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode 
Island Avenue to Florida Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to T Street; West on T 
Street to Wiltberger Street; South on Wiltberger Street to S Street; West on S Street to 8th 
Street; North on 8th Street to V Street; East on V Street to Georgia Avenue; North on 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council BefMl 

Georgia Avenue to W Street; East on W Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to jW 
Street; East on V Street to 2nd Street, the point of beginning. ,..■/.' ■> ■■ hi-i 

Description of SMD 1B02 Boundaries d 

;; All , streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of S 
Street and 8th Street; North on 8th Street to V Street; West on V Street to Florida Avenue;* 
Northwest on Florida Avenue to W Street; West on W Street to 10th Street; North on 10th 
Street to Florida Avenue; West on Florida Avenue to 12th Street; South on 12th Street to S : 
Street; East on S Street to 8th Street, the point of beginning. '■■ t 

Description of SMD 1B03 Boundaries ■.■■;■>! 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13th 
Street and Clifton Street; North on 13th Street to Fairmont Street; East on Fairmont Street 
to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Girard Street; East on Girard Street to 6th 
Street; South on 6th Street to Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont Street to Georgia 
Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to Sherman; 
Avenue; South on Sherman Avenue to Barry Place; West on Barry Place to Florida Avenue; 
Northwest on Florida Avenue to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to Euclid Street; West on 
Euclid Street to 12th Street; South on 12th Street to Clifton Street; West, on ClMon Street 
to. I3th ! Street, the point of beginning. : : !, ; , l ' '..■'.''".... , , 

Description of SMD 1B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 12th 
Street and Florida Avenue; West oh Florida Avenue to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to 
Belmont Street; West on Belmont Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Florida 1 
Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to V Street; 
East on V Street to 12th Street; North on 12th Street to Florida Avenue, the point of 
beginning. " : 

Description of SMD 1B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to V. Street; 
East on V Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Florida Avenue; Northeast on 
Florida Avenue to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Chapin Street; West on Chapiri 
Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to 16th 
Street; South on 16th Street to New Hampshire Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Chapiri 
Street and 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Euclid Street; East on Euclid Street to 14th 
Street; South on 14th Street to Clifton Street; East on Clifton Street to 12th Street; North 1 
on 12th Street to Euclid Street; East on Euclid Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street 
to Florida Avenue; West on Florida Avenue to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Belmont 
Street; West on Belmont Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Chapin Street; West 
on Chapin Street to 15th Street, the point of beginning. ^ 

Description of SMD 1B07 Boundaries ; T ,-.:■> 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning ai the intersection of I6tft 
Street and Euclid Street; North on 16th Street to Fuller ; Street; ' East on Fuller Street to T 
15th Street; North on 15th Street to Girard Street;, East on Grirard Street to 14th Street; 
South on 14th Street to Fairmont Street; West oh Fairmont Street to University if I*iace; 
South on University Place to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to 15th Street; South on 
15th Street to the continuation of Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to 16th Street, the 
point of beginning. ■ ?''■'''' : ' \ k 

Description of SMD 1B08 Boundaries , u 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of ISth 
Street and Girard Street; West on Girard 'Street to 14th Street; South on, 14th Street to 
Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont Street to University Place; South on University Place tc- 
Euclid Street; East on Euclid Street to 14th Street; .South on 14th Street to Clifton Street; 
East oil Clifton Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Girard Street, the point of 
beginning. , , .'..,; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Description of SMD 1B09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of I3th 
Street and Fairmont Street; North on 13th Street to Harvard Street; East on Harvard 
Street to Sherman, Avenue; North on Sherman Avenue to Columbia Road; East on Columbia 
Road to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont 
Street to 13th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD IB 10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Georgia Avenue and Columbia Road; East on Columbia Road to Michigan Avenue; East and 
then southeast on Michigan Avenue to 1st Street; South on 1st Street to Bryant Street; 
West on Bryant Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Howard Place; West on Howard 
Place to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to Fairmont Street; East on Fairmont Street to the 
continuation of 6th Street; North on 6th Street to Girard Street; West on Girard Street to 
Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Columbia Road, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B11 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Sherman Avenue and Euclid Street; South on Sherman Avenue to Barry Place; West on 
Barry Place to 10th Street; South on 10th Street to W Street; East on W Street to Florida 
Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to V Street; East on V Street to Georgia Avenue; 
North on Georgia Avenue to W Street; East on W Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street 
to V Street; East on V Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Bryant Street; West on 
Bryant Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Howard Place; West on Howard Place to 
6th Street; North on 6th Street to Fairmont Street; West on Fairmont Street to Georgia 
Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street to Sherman 
Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1B12 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of U 
Street, and New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to V Street; 
East on V Street to 12th Street; . South on 12th Street to S Street; West on S Street to 14th 
Street; North on 14th Street to U Street; West on U Street to New Hampshire Avenue, the 
point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 1C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and U Street; West on U Street to Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 
Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to Rock Creek; North along Rock 
Creek to its intersection with a line extending Harvard Street from' the east; East along said 
line extending Harvard Street to Harvard Street; East on Harvard Street to 16th Street; 
South on 16th Street to U Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1C01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 18th 
Street and Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest 
on Connecticut Avenue to Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 20th Street; 
North on 20th Street to Kalorama Road; East on Kalorama Road to 19th Street; South on 
19th Street to Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 18th Street; South on 18th 
Street to Florida Avenue, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 20th Street; North 
on 20th Street to Kalorama Road; East on Kalorama Road to 19th Street; North on 19th 
Street to Biltmore Street; East on Biltmore Street to Cliffbourne Place; North on Cliffb- 
ourne Place to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to Rock Creek; Southwest along Rock 
Creek to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Wyoming Avenue, the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1C03 Boundaries 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 19th 
Street and Wyoming Avenue; East on Wyoming Avenue to 18th Street; North on 18th Street 
to Columbia Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to Biltmore Street; West on Biltmore; 
Street to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to Wyoming Avenue, the point of beginning.) 

Description of SMD 1C04 Boundaries > H 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Calvert 
Street and Rock Creek; North along Rock Creek to its intersection with a line , extending 
Harvard Street from the east; East along said line extending Harvard Street to Harvard 
Street; East on Harvard Street to Adams Mill Road; Southwest, on Adams Mili Rp^^to, 
Summit Place; East on Summit Place to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Ontaria^oa^jj 
Southeast on Ontario Road to Lanier Place; Southwest on Lanier Place to Calvert '^tree^ 
East on Calvert Street to Adams Mill Road; Southeast on Mams Mill Road to ColumSiaj 
Road; Southwest on Columbia Road to Biltmore Street; West on Biltmore Street to, 
Cliffbourne Place; North on Cliffbourne Place to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street .,to-j 
Rock Creek, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1C05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Adams , 
Mill Road and Summit Place; East on Summit Place to 18 Street; South on 18th Street to 
Ontario Road; Southeast on Ontario Road to Lanier Place; Northeast on Lanier Place to 
Quarry Road; Southeast on Quarry Road to Columbia Road; Northeast on Columbia Road to 
16th Street; North on 16th Street to Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street to Adams Mill 
Road; Southwest on Adams Mill Road to Summit Place, the point of beginning. ....',.;' 

Description of SMD 1C06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Columbia Road and 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Kalorama Road; Southwest on 
Kalorama Road to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to Euclid Street; West on Euclid Street 
to Ontario Road; North on Ontario Road to Columbia Road; Northeast on Columbia Road to 
the continuation of Ontario Road; Northwest on Ontario Road to Lanier Place; Northeast on, 
Lanier Place to Quarry Road; Southeast on Quarry Road to Columbia Road; Northeast on 
Columbia Road to 16th Street, the point of beginning. j 

Description of SMD 1C07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 18th 
Street and Florida Avenue; North on 18th Street to Adams Mill Road; Northwest on Adams 
Mill Road to Calvert Street; West oh Calvert Street to Lanier Place; Northeast on Lanier, 
Place to Ontario Road; Southeast on : Ontario Road to Columbia Road; ' Southwest on; 
Columbia Road to the continuation of Ontario 1 Road; South on Ontario Road to Euclid Street; 
East on Euclid Street to 17th Street; South on. 17th Street to Kalorama Road; Southwest on' 
Kalorama Road to Ontario Road; South on Ontario Road to Florida : Aveiiue; , Southwest 'on; 
Florida Avenue to Seaton Street; East on Seaton Street to 17th Street;' SoutH *oh l7tti 'Stre'et' 
to U Street; West on U Street to Florida Avenue; Southwest oh" Mbr-Idai Aveiiue^to ^§th 
Street, the point of beginning. : , - )n " <nr> ; ■ > ,l ^; U/' 

Description of SMD 1C08 Boundaries trWi y,:\r, .vy^r- 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection u 65: '16th 1 
Street and Kalorama Road; Southwest on Kalorama Road to Ontario Road; South on Ontario 
Road to Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to Seaton Street; East on Seaton 
Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to U Street; East on U Street to 16th Street; 1 
North on 16th Street to Kalorama Road, the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC ID Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Roclc 
Creek and a line extending Piney Branch Parkway from the east; East along said line' 
extending Piney Branch Parkway to Piney Branch Parkway; Continuing east on Piney 
Branch Parkway to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Harvard Street; West on Harvard 
Street to its end; Continuing west along a line extending Harvard Street to the west to Rock 
Creek; North along Rock Creek to its intersection with a line extending Piney Branch 
Parkway from the east, the point of beginning. 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Description of SMD 1D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 18th 
Street and Newton Street; East and then southeast on Newton Street to Brown Street; 
Northeast on Brown Street to Oak Street; Southeast on Oak Street to 16th Street; South on 
, 16th Street to Monroe Street; Northwest on Monroe Street to 17th Street; South on 17th 
Street to Kenyon Street; West on Kenyon Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to 
Newton Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 17th 
Street and Newton Street; North on 17th Street to Piney Branch Parkway; Northeast on 
Piney Branch Parkway to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Oak Street; Northwest on 
Oak Street to Brown Street; Southwest on Brown Street to Newton Street; Northwest on 
Newton Street to 17th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 17th 
Street and Newton Street; North on 17th Street to Piney Branch Parkway; Southwest on 
Piney Branch Parkway to Beach Drive; Continuing southwest along a line extending Piney 
Branch Parkway to Rock Creek; Southwest along Rock Creek to Klingle Road; East on 
Klingle Road to Walbridge Place; South on Walbridge Place to Lamont Street; East on 
Lamont Street, and continuing east on a line extending Lamont Street to 19th Street; 
Southeast on 19th Street to Kilbourne Place; East on Kilbourne Place to 18th Street; North 
on 18th Street to Newton Street; East on Newton Street to 17th Street, the point of 

Description of SMD 1D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Monroe Street; Northwest on Monroe Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street 
to Irving Street; East on Irving Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Monroe 
Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 1D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Irving Street; South on 16th Street to Harvard Street; West on Harvard Street 
to its end; Continuing west on a line extending Harvard Street to Rock Creek; Northwest 
along the centerline of Rock Creek to Klingle Road; East on Klingle Road to Walbridge 
Place; South on Walbridge Place to Lamont Street; East on Lamont Street, and continuing 
east on a line extending Lamont Street to 19th Street; Southeast on 19th. Street to Kilbourne 
Place; East on Kilbourne Place to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Kenyon Street; East 
on Kenyon Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Irving Street; East on Irving 
Street to 16th Street, the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2A Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the centerline of Rock Creek and a line extending N Street from the 
east; East on said line to N Street; East on N Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street 
to Ward Place; Southeast on Ward Place to New Hampshire Avenue;. Northeast on New 
Hampshire Avenue to N Street; East on N Street to 20th Street; South on 20th Street to 
Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to 17th Street; East on Pennsylva- 
nia Avenue to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Independence Avenue, S.W.; East on 
Independence Avenue, S.W. to 14th Street, S.W.; Southwest on 14th Street, S.W. to the 
George Mason Memorial Bridge; Continuing southwest on the George Mason Memorial 
Bridge to the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line at the Common- 
wealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Northwest on the District of Columbia- 
Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line to its intersection with the Theodore Roosevelt 
Memorial Bridge; Northeast from said intersection across the Potomac River to the center of 
the mouth of Rock Creek; Northeast along the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of 

Description of SMD 2A01 Boundaries 


Eaw 19-157, § 2 19th Council Wevm 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginnlhg 
at the intersection of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; East on Pennsylvania Avenuato 
15th Street; South on 15th Street to Independence Avenue, S.W.; East on Independency 
Avenue, S.W. to 14th Street, S.W.; Southwest on 14th Street, S.W. to the George Mason- 
Memorial Bridge; Continuing southwest on the George Mason Memorial Bridge to th& 
District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Northwest 
along the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line to its intersection 
with the Arlington Memorial Bridge; Northeast on the Arlington Memorial Bridge to its 
"intersection with the northeastern shoreline of the Potomac River; Southeast along said 
shoreline of the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending 23rd Street, N.W. to 
the south; North along said line to 23rd Street; Continuing north on 23rd Street to th r e E J ; 
street Expressway; East on the E Street Expressway to 21st Street; North on 21st Street ta 
F Street; East on F Street to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to the point of beginning; 

Description of SMD 2A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the centerline of Rock Creek with a line extending N Street from the 
east; East on said line to N Street; Continuing east on N street to 23rd Street South on 23rd' 
Street to L Street; West on L Street to 24th Streets South on 24th Street to Pennsylvania 
Avenue; Northwest along Pennsylvania Avenue to the centerline 'of 'Rock Creek; Northeast; 
along the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of beginning. | 

; Description of SMD 2A03 Boundaries '^[ 

■ : All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning" 
at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and the centerline of Rock Creek; Southeast oh; 
Pennsylvania Avenue to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to New Hampshire Avenue- 
Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to I Street; West on I Street to 26th Street; North on 
26th Street to K Street; West on K Street to the centerline of Rock Creek; Northwest along 
the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the centerline of Rock Creek and K Street; East on K Street to 26th 
Street; South on 26th Street to I Street; East on I Street to 24th Street; South on 24th 
Street to Virginia Avenue; Northwest on Virginia Avenue to 25th Street; South on 25th 
Street to F Street; East on a line extending F Street to the centerline of 1-66; South on saidi 
centerline of 1-66 to the E Street Expressway; East on the E Street Expressway to ; 23rcl) 
Street; South on 23rd Street to Lincoln , Memorial Circle; Cbntinuing south alonig a ding 
extending 23rd Street to its intersection with the northeast shoreline of the Potomac!:.Eiverj 
Northwest along said shoreline of the Potomac River to the Arlington Memorial iBridge'; T 
Southwest on the Arlington Memorial Bridge to the District of Gblumbia-r-Commonwealth .of 
Virginia boundary at the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of > the Potomac River;; Northeast! 
along said shoreline of the Potomac River to its intersection with the Theodore Roosevelt 
Memorial Bridge; Northeast from said intersection to the center of the mouth of Rock Creek; 
North along the centerline of Rock Creek to the point of beginning. ..'..' 

Description of SMD 2A05 Boundaries 
, All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 24th Street and H Street; East on H Street to 23rd Street; South on 
23rd Street to the E Street Expressway; West on the E Street Expressway to the, centerline' 
of 1-66; North on said centerline of 1-66 to its intersection with a line extending F Street; 
from the west; West on said line to F Street Continuing west on F Street to 25th Street] 
North on 25th Street to Virginia Avenue; Southeast on Virginia Avenue to 24th Streetji 
, North on 24th Street to the point of beginning. ■ -;-;■[ 

Description of SMD 2A06 Boundaries - 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of N Street and 23rd Street; East on N Street to 22nd Street; South on 
22nd Street to Ward Place; Southeast on Ward Place to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast^ 
on New Hampshire to N Street; East on N Street to 20th Street; South on 20th Street to 1 
Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to Washington Circle; Continuing 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

northwest on a line extending Pennsylvania Ave across Washington Circle to 24th Street; 
North on 24th Street to L Street; East on L Street to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to 
the point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 2A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 24th and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to I 
Street; West on I Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to F Street; East on F Street 
to 21st Street; South on 21st Street to the E Street Expressway; West on the E Street 
Expressway to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to H Street; West on H Street to 24th 
Street; North on 24th Street to I Street; West on I Street to New Hampshire Avenue; 
Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to 24th Street; North on 24th Street to the point of 

Description of SMD 2A08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of I Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southwest on Pennsylvania Avenue 
to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to F Street; West on F Street to 22nd Street; North on 
22nd Street to I Street; East on I Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and 19th Street; Northeast on Florida Avenue to U Street; East on U Street to 14th 
Street; South on 14th Street to S Street; West on S Street to 15th Street; South on 15th 
Street to Vermont Avenue; Southwest on Vermont Avenue to H Street; East on H Street to 
15th Street; South on 15th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; West on Pennsylvania Avenue to 
20th Street; North on 20th Street to N Street; West on N Street to New Hampshire Avenue; 
Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Ward Place; Northwest on Ward Place to 22nd 
Street; North on 22nd Street to N Street; West on N Street to 25th Street; Continuing west 
on a line extending N Street west to the centerline of Rock Creek; North along the centerline 
of Rock Creek to P Street; East on P Street to 22nd Street; North on 22nd Street to Florida 
Avenue; Northeast on Florida Avenue to the point of beginning; 

Description of SMD 2B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and 19th Street; South on 19th Street to Swann Street; East on Swann Street to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Riggs Place; West on 
Riggs Place to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to R Street; West on R Street to Florida 
Avenue; Northeast on Florida Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and R Street; East on R Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut 
Avenue to Dupont Circle; Clockwise around Dupont Circle to its southwestern intersection 
with New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to G Street; West on 
Street to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to P Street; East on P Street to 22nd Street; 
North on 22nd Street to Florida Avenue; Northeast on Florida Avenue to the point of 

Description of SMD 2B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
Hampshire Avenue and 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Dupont Circle; Counter- 
clockwise around Dupont Circle to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to 
R Street; East on R Street to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to Riggs Place; East on 
Riggs Place to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B04 Boundaries. 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 17th 
Street and S Street; East on S Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Q Street; West 
on Q Street to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to the point of beginning. 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th, Council BesM 

Description of SMD 2B05 Boundaries i/ri ior t 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection oflStK 
Street and Q Street; East on Q Street to 15th Street; South on 15 Street to Vermont 
Avenue; Southwest on Vermont Avenue to H Street; East on H Street to 15th Street; South 
on 15th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; West on Pennsylvania Avenue to 17th Street; North 
on 17th Street to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to 18th Street;, 
North on 18th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 17th, 
Street; North on 17th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection Of P 
Street and 23rd Street; South on 23rd Street to Street; East on Street to New 
Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Dupont Circle; Counter- 
clockwise around Dupont Circle to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to Jefferson Place; East 
on Jefferson Place to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to 17th Street; 
South on 17th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to 20th, 
Street; North on 20th Street to N Street; West on N Street to New Hampshire Avenue; 
Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Ward Place; Northwest on Ward Place to 22nd 
Street; North on 22nd Street to N Street; West on N Street to 25th Street; Continuing west' 
- along a line extending N Street west to the centerline of Rock Creek; North on the centerline 
of Rock Creek to P Street; East on P Street to the point of beginning, v; 

Description of SMD 2B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New' 
Hampshire Avenue and Q Street; East on Q Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 18th Street; South on 18th, 
Street to Jefferson Place; West on Jefferson Place to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to. 
Dupont Circle; Counter-clockwise around Dupont Circle to New Hampshire Avenue; North- 
east on New Hampshire Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2B08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and U Street; East on U Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on ; New 
Hampshire Avenue to T Street; West on T Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street: to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Swann Street; West on 
Swann Street to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to Florida Avenue; Northeast on Florida 
Avenue to the point of beginning. ; - 

Description of SMD 2B09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and U Street; East on U Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to S Street; 
West on S Street to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to T Street; East on T Street to New 
Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to the point , of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated.; Beginning 
at the intersection of I Street and Vermont Avenue; East on I Street to 11th Street; North 
on 11th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to Mt. Vernon 
Place; East on Mt. Vernon Place to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; 
South on along the eastern boundary of Interstate 395 to the point where it crosses beneath 
Constitution Avenue; East on Constitution Avenue to its intersection with a line extending 
north from the center line of South Capitol Street through the center of the Capitol building;, 
South along said line to Independence Avenue; West on Independence Avenue to 15th Street, 
S.W.; North on 15th Street, S.W. to 15th Street; Continuing north on 15th Street to H 
Street; West on H Street to Vermont Avenue; North on Vermont Avenue to the point of 
beginning. : .. )( .. ; , 

Description of SMD 2C01 Boundaries v 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning, 
at the intersection of I Street and Vermont Avenue; East on I Street to 11th Street; North, 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

on 11th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to Mt. Vernon 
Place; East on Mt. Vernon Place to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to H Street; 
West on H Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to E Street; West on E Street to 9th 
Street; South on 9th Street to Independence Avenue, SW; West on Independence Avenue to 
15th Street, S.W.; North on 15th Street, S.W. to 15th Street; Continuing north on 15th 
Street to H Street; West on H Street to Vermont Avenue; North on Vermont Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2C02 Boundaries 

M streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Massachusetts Ave and 5th Street; Southeast on Massachusetts Ave to the eastern boundary 
of Interstate 395; South along the eastern boundary of Interstate 395 to its intersection with 
a line projected east from G Street; West along said line to G Street; Continuing West on G 
Street to 5th Street; North along 5th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located, in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 6th Street and H Street; East on H Street to 5th Street; South on 5th 
Street to G Street; East on G Street and continuing east along a line projecting G Street to 
the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; South along said eastern boundary of Interstate 395 
to the point where it crosses beneath Constitution Avenue; East on Constitution Avenue to 
its intersection with a line extending north from the center line of South Capitol Street 
through the center of the Capitol building; South along said line to Independence Avenue; 
West on Independence Avenue, S.W. to 9th Street, S.W;; North on 9th Street, S.W. to 9th 
Street; Continuing north on 9th Street to E Street; East on E Street to 6th Street; North 
on 6th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Rock Creek; South on Connecticut Avenue to 
Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to P 
Street; West on P Street to Rock Creek; North on Rock Creek to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Rock Creek; South on Connecticut Avenue to 
California Street; West on California Street to 23rd Street; South on 23rd Street to Bancroft 
Place; West on Bancroft Place to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Rock Creek; Northeast on Rock Creek to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and California Street; South on Connecticut 
Avenue to Florida Avenue; Southwest on Florida Avenue to 22nd Street; South on 22nd 
Street to P Street; West on P Street to Rock Creek; North on Rock Creek to Massachusetts 
Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 24th Street; North on 24th Street to 
Bancroft Place; East on Bancroft Place to 23rd "Street; North on 23rd Street to California 
Street; East on California Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2E Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park and 
the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park; South' along the eastern boundary of Glover 
Archbold Park and along a line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park 
south to the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line at the Common- 
wealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; South along the District of Columbia- 
Commonwealth of Virginia boundary line to its intersection with the Theodore Roosevelt 
Memorial Bridge; Northeast from said intersection to the center of the mouth of Rock Creek; 
North along the centerline of Rock Creek to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest along. 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period 

Massachusetts Avenue to Whitehaven Street; West on Whitehaven Street to the northwest 
boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; West along the northwest boundary of Dumbarton,: Oaks 
Park to Whitehaven Street; West on Whitehaven Street to Wisconsin Avenue; North ,oii 
Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Whitehaven Parkway; West on T 
Whitehaven Parkway to the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Parks 
West on said boundary to the point of beginning. > i ;■. r 

description of SMD 2E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park and 
the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park; South along the eastern boundary of Glover 
Archbold Park to the Georgetown Medical Center Service road just south of the New 
Research Building; East on said road to the Lombardi Cancer Center; Continuing east along 
the southern edge of the Lombardi Cancer Center to the Pasquerilla Health Center; South 
along'the western edge of the Pasquerilla Health Center to the Leavey parking garage; East 
along the northern edge of the Leavey parking garage to the existing campus road 
immediately to the east of the garage. North on said road to Reservoir Road; East on 
Reservoir Road to 35th Street; North on 35th Street to S Street; East along a line extending 
S Street east to 34th Street; North on 34th Street to. Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest oil 
Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Whitehaven Parkway; West on 
Whitehaven Parkway to the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park; 
Continuing west along the southern boundary of the eastern leg of Glover Archbold Park to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning, 
at the intersection of 38th Street and Reservoir Road; South along the existing Georgetown: 
University campus road to a point equidistant from the Darnall Hall building and the 
westernmost Henle Village building; Northeast along a line equidistant from the Darnall Hall 
building and the Henle Village buildings until extending as far north as the northwest corner 
bf the northernmost Henle Village building; East to the western property boundary of the 
Georgetown Visitation School; Counterclockwise around the property boundary of the 
Georgetown Visitation School to P Street; East on P Street to 35th Street; North on 35tll 
Street to Volta Place; East on Volta Place to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin 
Avenue to Q Street; East on Q Street to 32nd Street; North on 32nd Street to S Street; 
West on S Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to 34th Street; 
South on 34th Street to its intersection with a line extending S Street east from 35th Street; 
West along said line to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Reservoir Road; West on 
Reservoir Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 35th Street and Volta Place; East on Volta Place to Wisconsin Avenue; 
Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to Q Street; East on Q Street to 31st Street; South on 31st 
Street to Dumbarton Street; West on Dumbarton Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Southeast on 
Wisconsin Avenue to Prospect Street; West on Prospect Street to 35th Street; rNofth on ; 35th 
Street to N Street; West on N Street to 36th Street; North on 36th Street to Streets ■• West 
oh Street to 37th Street; North on 37th Street to P Street;, East on. P : Street to,'35th 
Street; North on 35th Street to the point of beginning. ; ;i.y ;•;.;?■; 

Description of SMD 2E04 Boundaries - ) i -U 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 37th Street and Prospect Street; West on Prospect Street arid 
continuing west along the southern border of Census Tract 2.01 to its intersection with the 
eastern border of Glover Archbold Park; North on said border of Glover Archbold Park to. 
the Georgetown Medical Center service road just south of the New Research Building; East 
on said road to the Lombardi Cancer Center; Continuing east along the southern edge bf the 
Lombardi Cancer Center to the Pasaquerella Health Center; South along the western edge 
of the Pasquerilla Health Center to the Leavey parking garage; East along the northern 
edge of the Leavey parking garage to the existing campus road immediately to the east of the 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

garage. South on said road, passing west of Harbin Hall, to its intersection with a line 
extending Street from the east; East on said line to its intersection with a line extending 
the western edge of the New North Building to the north; South along said line and 
continuing south along a line passing to the west of the New North building and pass between 
the Village C West buildings and the Village C East building, to an existing campus service 
road between the Village C East building to the north and the New South building to the 
south: In an easterly direction on said service road and an eastward extension of said service 
road passing to the north of the New South building, the Village A buildings and the 
Lauinger building to 37th Street; South on 37th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park and the southern border 
of Census Tract 2.01; East on said southern border of Census Tract 2.01 to Prospect Street; 
Continuing East on Prospect Street to a driveway 100 feet east of the curb at 36th Street; 
North along said driveway to a point 150 feet distant; East from said point to a point 130 feet 
distant; North from said point along the walkway between the Nevils Building and Loyola 
Hall to N Street; East on N Street to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Prospect Street; 
East on Prospect Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to Dumbar- 
ton Street; East on Dumbarton Street to 31st Street; South on 31st Street to M Street; 
East on M Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to its 
intersection with the centerline of Rock Creek; Southwest along the centerline of Rock Creek 
to its mouth; Southwest from the center of the mouth of Rock Creek to the intersection Qf 
the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Bridge and the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of 
Virginia boundary line at the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River; 
Northwest along the District of Columbia boundary line on the Virginia shore of the Potomac 
River to its intersection with a line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park 
south; North along said line to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 31st Street and Q Street; East on Q Street to 28th Street; South on 
28th Street to P Street; East on P Street to its intersection with the centerline of Rock 
Creek; Southwest along the centerline of Rock Creek to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on 
Pennsylvania to M Street; West on M Street to 31st Street; North on 31st Street to the 
point of beginning Q Street. 

Description of SMD 2E07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the. intersection of Wisconsin Avenue and Whitehaven Street; East on Whitehaven Street 
to the northwest boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; Easterly along said northwest 
boundary of Dumbarton Oaks' Park to Whitehaven Street; East on Whitehaven Street to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to its intersection with the 
centerline of Rock Creek; Southeast along the centerline of Rock Creek to P Street; West on 
P Street to 28th, Street; North on 28th Street to Q St; West on Q Street to 32nd Street; 
North on 32nd Street to S Street; West on S Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on 
Wisconsin Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2E08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 37th Street and Prospect Street; North on 37th Street to its 
intersection with a line extending an existing campus service road between the Village C East 
building to the north and the New South building to the south; West along said line and said 
service road to its intersection with a line extending the western edge of the New North 
Building to the south; North along said line to its intersection with a line extending O Street 
from the east; West along said line extending O Street to its intersection with an existing 
campus road immediately to the west of Harbin Hall; North to a point equidistant from the 
Darnall Hall building and the westernmost Henle Village building; Northeast along a line 
equidistant from the Darnall Hall building and the Henle Village buildings until extending as 
far north as the northwest corner of the northernmost Henle Village building; East to the 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Peritid 

western property boundary of the Georgetown Visitation School; Counterclockwise arpund 
the property boundary of the Georgetown Visitation School to P Street; West on P Streetito 
37th Street; South on 37th Street to Street; East on Street to 36th Street; South -oh, 
36th Street to N Street; East on N Street to a walkway between the Nevils Building; <and 
Loyola Hall, 230 feet east of the curb at 36th Street; South along said walkway to a point 155 
distant; West from said point to a point 130 feet distant along a driveway; South along said 
driveway to Prospect Street; West on Prospect Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 2F Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th and S Streets, N.W.; East on S Street, N.W. to llth 
Street, N.W.; South on llth Street, N.W. to P Street, N.W.; East on P Street, N.W; to 9th 
Street, N.W.; South on 9th Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; East on N Street, N.W. to the 
alley running along the eastern side of the Washington Convention Center; South along said 
alley to M Street, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to 7th Street, N.W.; South on 7th Street,* 
N.W. to Mt Vernon Place, N.W.; West on Mt. Vernon Place, N.W. to Massachusetts Avenue) 
N.W.; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to llth Street, N.W.;' South on ■'llth 
Street, N.W. to I Street, N.W.; West on I Street, N.W. to the portion of 15th Street, N.W; 
that lies to the west of McPherson Square; North on 15th Street, N.W. to the point of 
beginning; ,< : - ■,■■■■ - -r ,■ <-; : > 

Description of SMD 2F01 Boundaries ^ 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th and gj Streets, N/W; East on S Street, N.W. to llth 
Street, N.W.; South on llth Street, N.W. to Vermont Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on Vermont 
Avenue, N.W. to Q Street, N.W.; West on Q Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street, 
N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F02 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th and Q Streets, N.W. East on Q Street, N.W. to 13th 
Street, N.W.; South on 13th Street to Logan Circle; Counterclockwise around Logan Circle, 
to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. to 15th Street, 
N.W.; North on 15th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F03 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th Street and Rhode Island Avenue, N.W..; Northeast 
on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. to Logan Circle; Counterclockwise around Logan Circle to, 
Vermont Avenue; Southwest on Vermont Ave NW to Thomas Circle; Counterclockwise 
around Thomas Circle to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 
15th Street; North on 15th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F04 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of N Street, N.W. and Vermont Avenue, N.W. Northeast on 
Vermont Avenue to Logan Circle; Counterclockwise around Logan Circle to 13th Street,; 
: N.W.; North on 13th Street, N.W. to Q Street, N.W.; East on Q Street, N.W. to Vermont 
Avenue, N.W.; Northeast on Vermont Avenue, N.W. to llth Street, N.W.; South on lltli 
Street, N.W. to P Street, N.W.; East on P Street, N.W. to 10th Street, N.W.; South on ifah 
Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; West on N Street, N.W. to the point of beginning; 

Description of SMD 2F05 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 15th Street, N.W. and Massachusetts Avenuey N.W. ; .; 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to Thomas Circle; Clockwise around Thomas 
Circle to Vermont Avenue, N.W.; North on Vermont Avenue, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; East 
on N Street, N.W. to 13th Street, N.W.; South on 13th Street, N.W. to L Street, N.W.; West 
on L Street, N.W. to 14th Street, N.W.; South on 14th Street, N.W. to I Street, N.W. ; West 
on I Street, N.W. to 15th Street, N.W.; North on 15th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F06 Boundaries ' ' .': 

Beginning at the intersection of 10th Street, N.W. and P Street, N.W.; East on P Street; 
N.W. to 9th Street, N.W.; South on 9th Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; East on N Street^ 
N.W. to the alley running along the eastern side of the Washington Convention Center;- 
South along said alley to M Street, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to 7th Street, N.W.; South 
on 7th Street, N.W. to Mt Vernon Place; West on Mount Vernon Place to Massachusetts 1 
Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to llth Street, N.W.; North r oh 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

11th Street, N.W. to M Street, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to 10th Street, N.W.; North on 
10th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F07 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 13th and N Streets, N.W.; East on N Street, N.W. to 10th 
( Street, N.W.; South oh 10th Street, N.W. to M Street, N.W.; West on M Street, N.W. to 13th 
Street, N.W.; North on 13th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 2F08 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 13th and M Streets, N.W.; East on M Street, N.W. to 11th 
Street, N.W.; South on 11th Street, N.W. to I Street, N.W.; West on I' Street, N.W. to 14th 
Street, N.W.; North on 14th Street, N.W. to L Street, N.W.; East on L Street, N.W. to 13th 
Street, N.W.; North on 13th Street, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 3B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
t centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park and 
' Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 39th Street; South on 39th 
Street to Garfield Street; East on Garfield Street to Wisconsin Avenue; South on Wisconsin 
Avenue to Calvert Street; East on Calvert Street to Observatory Circle — U.S. Naval 
Observatory property line; Counter-clockwise around said property line to its intersection 
with the northwest property boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; South along said property 
boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park to Whitehaven Street; Southwest on Whitehaven Street 
to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street 
to Whitehaven Parkway; West along Whitehaven Parkway to the Southern boundary of the 
eastern leg of Glover-Archbold Park; West along said southern boundary of the eastern leg 
of Glover-Archbold Park to the point where it intersects the eastern boundary of Glover- 
Archbold Park; North along said eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park to its intersec- 
tion with a line extending W Street from the west; West along said line extending W Street 
from the west to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 
way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue 
right of way to the point of beginning.' 

Description of SMD 3B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Tunlaw 
Road and Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to 39th Street; Northwest on 39th Street to 
Edmunds Street; West on Edmunds Street to 42nd Street; Continuing west along a line 
extending Edmunds Street west to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona 
Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the former 
Arizona Avenue right of way to its intersection with New Mexico Avenue; Southeast on New 
Mexico Avenue to Tunlaw Road; East on Tunlaw Road to Fulton Street; Northeast on 
Fulton Street to Watson Place; Northeast on Watson Place to Garfield Street; East on 
Garfield Street to Wisconsin Avenue; South on Wisconsin Avenue to Fulton Street; West on 
Fulton Street to 39th Street; South on 39th Street and continuing south along a line ' 
extending 39th Street to Tunlaw Road; Southeast on Tunlaw Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3B02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Fulton 
Street and Wisconsin Avenue; South on Wisconsin Avenue to Calvert Street; East on 
Calvert Street to Observatory Circle — Naval Observatory property line; Counter-clockwise 
around said property line to its intersection with the northwest property boundary of 
Dumbarton Oaks Park; South along said property boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park to 
Whitehaven Street; Southwest on Whitehaven Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on 
Wisconsin Avenue to 35th Street; South on 35th Street to Whitehaven Parkway; West on 
Whitehaven Parkway to 37th Street; North on 37th Street to Tunlaw Road; Northwest on 
Tunlaw Road to its intersection with a line extending 39th Street from the north; North on 
said line extending 39th Street to 39th Street, and continuing north on 39th Street to Fulton 
Street; East on Fulton Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3B03 Boundaries 


Law 19-157, §2 19th Council jRemcffl 

'All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection ; df^Ke 
.centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park and a ffle 
extending Edmunds Street from the east; East along said line extending Edmunds Street 
and continuing east on Edmunds Street to 39th Street; Southeast on 39th Street to Calvert 
Street; .West on Calvert Street to 40th Street; South on 40th Street to W Street; West on W; 
Street to its intersection with a line extending east from the portion of W Street west of 
Glover-Archbold Park; Continuing west on said line extending east from the portion of W 
Street west of Glover-Archbold Park, to its intersection with the centerline of the former 
Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the 
former Arizona Avenue right of way to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park and 
Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 39th Street; South on 39th 
$treet to Watson Place; Southwest on Watson Place to Fulton Street; Southwest on Fulton 
Street to Tunlaw Road; West on Tunlaw Road to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest on New - 
Mexico Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 
way within Glover-Archbold park; North along said centerline Of the former Arizona Avenue 1 
right of way to the point of beginning; ,' ' 

Description of SMD 3B 05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Calvert 
Street and Tunlaw Road; Southeast on Tunlaw Road to 37th Street; South on 37th Street td 
its intersection with the southern property line of Whitehaven Park; West along said 
southern boundary of Whitehaven Park to the eastern boundary of Glover-Archbold Park;- 
North along said eastern boundary of Glover-Archbold Park to its intersection with a line 
extending east from the portion of W Street west of Glover-Archbold Park; East on said line 
extending W Street to its intersection with W Street, and continuing east on W Street to 40th 
Street; North on 40th Street to Calvert Street; East on Calvert Street to the point Of - 

Description of ANC 3C Boundaries 

. All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Van 
Ness Street and Wisconsin Avenue; Southeast on Wisconsin Avenue to Quebec Street; East 
on Quebec Street to Idaho Avenue; Northeast on Idaho Avenue to Rodman Street; Coritinu 1 
ing northeast along a line extending Idaho Avenue to the rear property lines of the properties 
fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; East along said rear property lines of the 
properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street to Reno Road; Southeast on Reno 
Road to the southwest corner of Melvin Hazen Park; EJast on the southern boundary of 
Melvin Hazen Park and continuing cast along the rear property boundaries of the properties 
fronting on the north side of Rodman Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecti- 
cut Avenue to Rodman Street; West on Rodman Street to the alley behind the properties 
fronting on the west side of Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on said alley to Porter Street; 
East on Porter Street to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to the 
northern property line of 3601 Connecticut Avenue; Northeast along said northern property 
line of 3601 Connecticut Avenue and continuing northeast along a line extending said property 
line to Melvin Hazen Creek; East on Melvin Hazen Creek to Rock Creek; Southerly oh Rock 
Creek to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Whitehaven Street; 
West on Whitehaven Street to the northwestern boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; West 
along said northwestern boundary of said Dumbarton Oaks Park to its intersection with the 1 
property boundary of the U.S. Naval Observatory; Clockwise around said property boundary 
Of the U.S. Naval Observatory to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to Wisconsin 
Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to Garfield Street; West on Garfield Street to 39th 
Street; North on 39th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue 
to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within 
Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 
way to Van Ness Street; East on Van Ness Street to the point of beginning. ■ ^ 

Description of SMD 3C01 Boundaries 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Klingle 
Road and Rock Creek; Southerly on Rock Creek to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on 
Connecticut Avenue to Klingle Road; East on Klingle Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Garfield Street; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Calvert Street; 
West on Calvert Street to Cleveland Avenue; Northwest on Cleveland Avenue to 31st Street; 
North on 31st Street to Garfield Street; East on Garfield Street to Woodley Road; 
Continuing east on Woodley Road to 27th Street; North on 27th Street to Garfield Street; 
East on Garfield Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Klingle Road; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Garfield Street; 
West on Garfield Street to 27th Street; South on 27th Street to Woodley Road; West on 
Woodley Road to. 29th Street; North on 29th Street to Cortland Place; West on Cortland 
Place to Klingle Road; East on Klingle Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rock 
Creek and Melvin Hazen Creek; Southerly on Rock Creek to Klingle Road; West on Klingle 
Road to its intersection with a line extending the eastern property line of 2710 Macomb 
Street to the south; North on said line extending the eastern property line of 2710 Macomb 
Street and continuing north on said property line to Macomb Street; West on Macomb Street 
to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue ' to its intersection with the 
southern property boundary of Square 2222 Lot 805; East along said southern boundary of 
Square 2222 Lot 805 to its intersection with Porter Street; Northwest on Porter Street to 
Quebec Street; East on Quebec Street to the eastern property line of 3601 Connecticut 
Avenue; Counter-clockwise around the eastern property line of 3601 Connecticut Avenue to 
its northern-most point; East along a line extending the northern property boundary of 3601 
Connecticut Avenue east to Melvin Hazen Creek; East on Melvin Hazen Creek to the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Reno 
Road and Rodman Street; East on the southern boundary of Melvin Hazen Park and 
continuing east along the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting on the north 
side of Rodman Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Rodman 
Street; West on Rodman Street to the alley behind the properties fronting on the west side 
of Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on said alley to Porter Street; East on Porter Street to 
Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to the northern property line of 3601 
Connecticut Avenue; Clockwise around said property boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue 
to Quebec Street; West on Quebec Street to Porter Street; Southeast on Porter Street to its 
intersection with the southern property boundary of Square 2222 Lot 805; West along said 
southern boundary of Square 2222 Lot 805 to its intersection with Connecticut Avenue; 
Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Newark Street; West on Newark Street to 34th Street; 
North on 34th Street to Ordway Street; West on Ordway Street to 36th Street; North on 
36th Street to Porter Street; West on Porter Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on 
Wisconsin Avenue to Quebec Street; East on Quebec Street to Idaho Avenue; Northeast on 
Idaho Avenue Rodman Street; Continuing northeast along a line extending Idaho Avenue to 
the rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; East 
along said rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street 
to Reno Road; Southeast on Reno Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Van 
Ness Street and Wisconsin Avenue; Southeast on Wisconsin Avenue to Newark Street* West 
on Newark Street to Idaho Avenue; Southwest on Idaho Avenue to Macomb Street; West on 
Macomb Street to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period 

way within Glover-Archbold park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue 

right of way to Van Ness Street; East on Van Ness Street to the point of beginning; 

Description of SMD 3C07 Boundaries : ^ ) 

* All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection^ l of 
Wisconsin Avenue and Newark Street; South on Wisconsin Avenue to Macomb Street; West 
on Macomb Street to the behind the properties fronting along the west side of Wisconsin 
Avenue; South on said alley to the southwest property corner of 3210 Wisconsin Avenue; 
East on the south property line of 3210 Wisconsin Avenue and continuing east along a line 
extending said property line east to Wisconsin Avenue; South on Wisconsin Avenue to 
Garfield Street; West on Garfield Street to 39th Street; North on 39th Street to Massachu- 
setts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Macomb Street; East on Macomb 
Street to Idaho Avenue; Northeast on Idaho Avenue to Newark Street; East on Newark 
Street to the point of beginning. . ' ■' ■ 

Description of SMD 3C08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Wisconsin Avenue and Woodley Road; East on Woodley Road to Klingle Road; East on 
Klingle Road to Cortland Place; East on Cortland Place to 29th Street; South on 29th Street 
to Garfield Street; West on Garfield Street to 31st Street; South on 31st Street to Cleveland 
Avenue; Southeast on Cleveland Avenue to Calvert Street; East on Calvert Street to 
Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Rock Creek; Southerly on Rock 
Creek to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Whitehaven Street; 
West on Whitehaven Street to the northwestern boundary of Dumbarton Oaks Park; West 
along said northwestern boundary of said Dumbarton Oaks Park to its intersection with the: 
property boundary of the U.S. Naval Observatory; Clockwise around said property boundary 
of the U.S. Naval Observatory to Calvert Street; West on Calvert Street to Wisconsin 
Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3C09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Wisconsin Avenue and Porter Street; East on Porter Street to 36 Street; South on 36th 
Street to Ordway Street; East on Ordway Street to 34th Street; South on 34th Street to 
Newark Street; East on Newark Street to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut 
Avenue to Macomb Street; East on Macomb Street to the eastern property line of 2710 
Macomb Street; South on the eastern property line of 2710 Macomb Street and continuing 
south along a line extending said property line south to Klingle Road; West and southwest on 
Klingle Road to Woodley Road; West on Woodley Road to Wisconsin Avenue; North on 
Wisconsin Avenue to its intersection with a line extending the southern property boundary of 
3210 Wisconsin Avenue to the east; West on said line extending the southern property 
boundary of 3210 Wisconsin Avenue and continuing west on said property line to the alley at 
the rear of said property; North on said alley to Macomb Street; East on Macomb Street, to 
Wisconsin Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to the point of beginning; ; ;* ; ;, < , „ , , 

Description of ANC 3D Boundaries ! 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the southwest intersection 
of the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary and Westmoreland Circle; South-r 
west along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line to the Commonwealth of 
Virginia-District of Columbia boundary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the, 
Potomac River; Southeast along the Commonwealth of Virginia-District of Columbia bound- 
ary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River to its intersection with 
a line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park from the north; North along 
said line extending the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park and continuing north along 
the eastern boundary of Glover-Archbold Park to its intersection with a line extending W 
Street from the west; West along said line extending W Street to its intersection with the 
centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; North 
along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way to its intersection with Van 
Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue 
to its intersection with a line extending TindAll streets to the southeast; Northwest - along 
said line extending TindAll streets to 44th Street; Southwest along 44th Street , to, the 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

northeast property corner of 4412 Sedgewick Street; South along the property boundary of 
4412 Sedgewick Street to its southeast corner; Northwest along the rear property boundaries 
of the lots fronting along the south side of Sedgewick Street to 45th Street; Southwest on 
45th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Westmoreland ' 
Circle; Clockwise around Westmoreland Circle to the point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 3D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Foxhall 
Road and W Street; East on W Street and continuing east along a line extending W Street to 
the east through Glover-Archbold Park to its intersection with the centerline of the former 
Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover-Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the 
former Arizona Avenue right of way to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest on New Mexico 
Avenue to Klingle Street; West on Klingle Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to 
Macomb Street; East on Macomb Street to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest on New Mexico 
Avenue to its intersection with a line extending the northern property boundary of 3301 New 
Mexico Avenue to the west; East along said line extending the northern property boundary 
of 3301 New Mexico Avenue, and continuing east along a line extending said property 
boundary to the east to its intersection with the rear property boundary of 4100 Massachu- 
setts Avenue; Northeast along said rear property line of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to its intersection with south- 
eastern boundary of the American University property identified as Square 1601 Lot 3; 
Southwest along said southeastern property boundary of Square 1601 Lot 3 to New Mexico 
Avenue; Northwest along New Mexico Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska 
Avenue to Foxhall Road; Southwest from said intersection, of Nebraska Avenue and Foxhall 
Road to the northernmost point of Battery Kemble Park; South along the western boundary 
of Battery Kemble Park to its intersection with a line extending the southern boundary 'of 
Wesley Heights Park from the east; East along said line extending the southern boundary of 
Wesley Heights Park to 49th Street; South on 49th Street to the southwest property corner 
of 4848 Dexter Street; East along the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting 
along Dexter Street to the northernmost property comer of 4526 Foxhall Crescent; South 
along the rear lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to the 
southeast property corner of 4501 Foxhall Crescent; In an easterly direction to the northwest 
property corner of 2400 Foxhall Road; Continuing south along the rear property lines of the 
properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to the southwest property corner of 
2300 Foxhall Road; East along the rear property boundaries of properties fronting along the 
northern side of W Street to Foxhall Road; South on Foxhall Road to the point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 3D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at Massachusetts Avenue 
and Fordham Road; Southwest on Fordham Road to 49th Street; South on 49th Street to 
Glenbrook Road; West on Glenbrook Road to Loughboro Road; West on Loughboro Road to 
Macomb Street; Southwest on Macomb Street to Glenbrook Road; East on Glenbrook Road 
to Millwood Lane; East on Millwood Lane to Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro Road to 
Nebraska Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to the American University service road 
northeast of Roper Hall; Northwest along said service road to Letts Hall; Southwest along a 
line equidistant from Letts Hall and Anderson Hall to its intersection with the rear property 
boundaries of the properties fronting on the north side of Rockwood Parkway; West along 
said rear property lines of the properties fronting along Rockwood Parkway to the southeast 
property corner of the American University property identified as Square 1600 Lot 816; 
Clockwise around said American University property identified as Square 1600 Lot 816 to its 
northeast corner; Clockwise around the boundary of the American University property 
identified as Square 1600 Lot 1 to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 3D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at Massachusetts Avenue 
and Fordham Road; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Westmoreland Circle;' Clock- 
wise around Westmoreland Circle to the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary; 
Southwest along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line to MacArthur 
Boulevard; South on MacArthur Boulevard to Little Falls Road; East on Little Falls Road to 


Law 19-157, § 2r 19th Cbuhdir^erlM 

its 6rid along the boundary of the Sibley Hospital property identified as Square 1448N ;: LM 
806; Clockwise around the property boundary of said Sibley Hospital property to DalecarM 
Parkway; South on Dalcarlia Parkway to Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro R6ad| id 
Palisade Lane South on Palisade Lane to Manning Place; East on Manning Place to Maud 5 
Street; South on Maude Street to Macomb Street; Southwest on Macomb Street to Klihgfe 
Street; East on Klingle > Street to Arizona Avenue; Northeast on Arizona Avenue [to 
Loughboro Road; West on Loughboro Road to Millwood Lane; West on Millwood Lane to 
Glenbrook Road; West on Glenbrook Road to Macomb Street; North on Macomb Street tp 
Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro Road to Glenbrook Road; East on Glenbrook Road to, 
49th Street; North on 49th Street to Fordham Road; East on Fordham Road to the point of 

Description of SMD 3D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary and MacArthur Boulevard; South on 
MacArthur Boulevard to Little Falls Road; East on Little Falls Road 1 to its end along the 
boundary of the Sibley Hospital property identified as Square 1448N Lot 806; Clockwise 
around the property boundary of said Sibley Hospital property to Dalecarlia Parkway; South 
on Dalecarlia Parkway to Loughboro Road; East on Loughboro Road to Pahsade Lane;- 
South on Palisade Lane to Manning Place; East on Manning Place to Maud Street; South on 
Maude Street to Macomb Street; Southwest oh Macomb Street to Klingle Street; East oh 
Klingle Street to Arizona Avenue; Southwest on Arizona Avenue to Canal Road; Continuing 
southwest along a line extending Arizona Avenue to the Commonwealth of Virginia — District 
of Columbia boundary on the Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Northwest along said 
Virginia shore of the Potomac River to the State of Maryland— District of Columbia' 
boundary; Northeast along said State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary to the? 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at Loughboro Road and 
Arizona Avenue; Southwest on Arizona Avenue to Canal Road; Continuing southwest along a 
line extending Arizona Avenue to the Commonwealth of Virginia— District of Columbia^ 
boundary on the Virginia shore of the Potomac River; Southeast along said Virginia shore of 
the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending Whitehaven Parkway from th.4 
northeast; Northeast along said line extending Whitehaven Parkway to the intersection of 
Whitehaven Parkway and MacArthur Boulevard; Northwest on MacArthur Boulevard to II 
Street; East on U Street to 48th Street; North on 48th Street to W Street; West on W 
Street to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to its intersection with a line extending the 
southern boundary of Wesley Heights Park to the west; West along said line extending the 
southern boundary of Wesley Heights Park west to the western boundary of Battery Kemble 
Park; North along the western boundary 6f Battery Kemble Park to its northernmost point; 
North from said northernmost point of Battery Kemble Park to the intersection of Nebraska 
Avenue and Foxhall Road; West ori Nebraska Avenue to Loghboro Rdad; West oh 
Loughboro Road to the point of beginning. — v ; < 7 ^ 

Description of SMD 3D06 Boundaries ! 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park and the southern boundary of Whitehaven Park^ 
West from said intersection of Glover-Archbold Park and Whitehaven Park along" a line 
connecting to the intersection of Whitehaven Parkway and Foxhall Road; Southeast on 
Foxhall Road to Salem Lane; West on Salem Lane to 45th Street; Southeast on 45th Street 
to Q Street; Southwest on Q Street to MacArthur Boulevard; Northwest on MacArthur^ 
Boulevard to U Street; East on U Street to 48th Street; North on 48th Street to W Street; 
West on W Street to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to the southwest property corner of 
4848 Dexter Street; East along the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting along 
Dexter Street to the northernmost property corner of 4526 Foxhall Crescent; South along 
the rear lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to the southeast 
property comer of 4501 Foxhall Crescent; In an easterly direction to the northwest property 
corner of 2400 Foxhall Road; Continuing south along the rear property lines of the properties 
fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to the southwest property comer of 2300 Foxhall 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Road; East along the rear property boundaries of properties fronting along the northern side 
of W Street to Foxhall Road; South on Foxhall Road to W Street; East on W Street and 
continuing east along a line extending W Street to the east across Glover-Archbold Park to 
the eastern boundary of Glover Archbold Park; South along the eastern boundary of Glover 
Archbold Park to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
Mexico Avenue and Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to the American 
University service road northeast of Roper Hall; Northwest along said service road to Letts 
Hall; Southwest along a line equidistant from Letts Hall and Anderson Hall to its intersec- 
tion with the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting on the north side of 
Rockwood Parkway; West along said rear property lines of the properties fronting along 
Rockwood Parkway to the southeast property corner of the American University property 
identified as Square 1600 Lot 816; Clockwise around said American University property 
identified as Square 1600 Lot 816 to its northeast corner; Clockwise around the boundary of 
the American University property identified as Square 1600 Lot 1 to Massachusetts Avenue; 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to Ward Circle and continuing southeast on a line 
extending Massachusetts Avenue across Ward Circle; Continuing southeast on Massachu- 
setts Avenue to its intersection with the southeastern boundary of the American University 
property identified as Square 1601 Lot 3; Southwest along said southeastern property 
boundary of Square 1601 Lot 3 to New Mexico Avenue; Northwest along New Mexico 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of New 
Mexico Avenue and a line extending the northern property boundary of 3301 New Mexico 
Avenue to the west; East along said line extending the northern property boundary of 3301 
New Mexico Avenue, and continuing east along a line extending said property boundary to 
the cast to its intersection with the rear property boundary of 4100 Massachusetts Avenuer 
Counterclockwise around said rear property line of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue to the 
southeast property corner; East along a line extending east from said southeast property 
corner to its intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within 
Glover-Archbold park; South along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of 
way to New Mexico Avenue; Northeast on New Mexico Avenue to Klingle Street; West on 
Klingle Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to Macomb Street; East on Macomb 
Street to New Mexico Avenue; North on New Mexico Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Whitehaven Parkway and Foxhall Road; East from said intersection along a line connecting 
to the intersection of the eastern boundary of Glover-Archibold Park and the southern 
boundary of Whitehaven Park; Southeast on the eastern boundary of Glover-Archibold Park, 
extending said boundary along a line south to the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the 
Potomac River; Northwest along said Commonwealth of Virginia-District of Columbia 
boundary line where it follows the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River to 
its intersections with a line extending Whitehaven Parkway from the northeast; Northeast 
along said line extending Whitehaven Parkway to the intersection of Whitehaven Parkway 
and MacArthur Boulevard; Southeast on MacArthur to Q Street; Northeast on Q Street to 
45th Street; North on 45th Street to Salem Lane; East on Salem Lane to Foxhall Road; 
North on Foxhall Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3D10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Nebraska Avenue and Van Ness Street; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to its intersection 
with a line extending TindAJl streets to the southeast; Northwest along said line extending 
TindAJl streets to 44th Street; Southwest along 44th Street to the northeast property corner 
of 4412 Sedgewick Street; South along the property boundary of 4412 Sedgewick Street to its 
southeast corner; Northwest along the rear property boundaries of the lots fronting along 
the south side of Sedgewick Street to 45th Street; Southwest on 45th Street to Massachusetts 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period 

Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to Ward Circle and continuing southeast^ I on>:a 
line extending Massachusetts Avenue across Ward Circle; Continuing southeast on MaSs&r, 
' chusetts Avenue to the northwest property corner of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue; Comtek 
clockwise around the rear property line of 4100 Massachusetts Avenue to the southeast 
property corner; East along a line extending east from said southeast property corner to 4ts 
intersection with the centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way within Glover- 
Archbold Park; North along said centerline of the former Arizona Avenue right of way to 
Van Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to the point of beginning. ^ 

Description of ANC 3E Boundaries J 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant Beginning at the intersection of 41st 
Street and the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; South on 41st Street : tQ 
Reno Road; Southeast on Reno Road to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to 
38th Street; South on 38th Street to Warren Street; West on Warren Street to 39th Street; 
South on 39th Street to Van Ness Street; West on Van; Ness Street to Nebraska Avenue; 
Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to its intersection with a line extending TindAll streets to ; the 
southeast; Northwest along said line extending TindAll, streets to 44th Street; Southwest 
along 44th Street to the northeast property corner of 4412 Sedgewick Street; , South along the 
property boundary of 4412 Sedgewick Street to its southeast corner; Northwest along the 
rear property boundaries of the lots fronting along the south side of Sedgewick Street to 45th 
Street; Southwest on 45th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts 
Avenue to Westmoreland Circle; Clockwise around Westmoreland Circle to the State of 
Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; Northeast along the State of Maryland— District 
of Columbia boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 41st 
Street and Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to 38th Street; South on 38th 
Street to Alton Place; West on Alton Place to Nebraska Avenue; Southeast on Nebraska 
Avenue on Tenley Circle; Counterclockwise around Tenley Circle to Yuma Street; West on 
Yuma Street to 44th Street; South on 44th to Windom Place; West on Windom Place to 47th 
Street; North on 47th Street to Albemarle Street; East on Albemarle Street to 46th Street; 
North on 46th Street to Burlington Place; East on Burlington Place to 44th Street; South on| 
44th Street to Brandywine Street; East on Brandywine Street to 41st Street; North on 41st; 
Street to the point of beginning. ',.,:. 

Description of SMD 3E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Western Avenue and Fessenden Street; East on Fessenden Street to 45th Street; South on 
45th Street to Burlington Place; West on Burlington Place to 46th Street; South on 46th 
Street to Albemarle Street; West on Albemarle Street to 47th Street; South on 47th Street 
to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Westmoreland Circle; 
Clockwise around Westmoreland Circle to the State of Maryland— District of Columbia 
boundary; Northeast along the State of Maryland— District of Columbia boundary to tKe 
point of beginning. ., < ;_. . : r 

Description of SMD 3E03 Boundaries ^ k 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Wisconsin Avenue and the State of Maryland— District of Columbia boundary; Southeast on 
Wisconsin Avenue to Garrison Street; East on Garrison Street to 42nd Street; South on 42nd 
Street to Fessenden Street; East on Fessenden Street to 41st Street; South on 41st Street 
to Ellicott Street; East on Ellicott Street to Belt Road; Southwest on Belt Road to 41st 
Street South on 41st Street to Brandywine Street; West on Brandywine to 44th Street; 
North on 44th Street to Burlington Place; West on Burlington Place to 45th Street; North on 
45th Street to Fessenden Street; West on Fessenden Street to the State of Maryland— 
District of Columbia boundary; Northeast on the State of Maryland— District of Columbia 
boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3E04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
State of Maryland— District of Columbia boundary and 41st Street; South. on 41st Street to 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Reno Road; Southeast on Reno Road to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to 
41st Street; North on 41st Street to Belt Road; Northeast on Belt Road to Ellicott Street; 
West on Ellicott Street to 41st Street; North on 41st Street to Fessenden Street; West on 
Fessenden Street to 42nd Street; North on 42nd Street to Garrison Street; West on 
Garrison Street to Wisconsin Avenue; Northwest on Wisconsin Avenue to the State of 
Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; Northeast along the State of Maryland— District 
of Columbia boundary to the point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 3E05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 44th 
Street and Yuma Street; East on Yuma Street to Ten-ley Circle; Clockwise around Tenley 
Circle to Nebraska Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to Alton Place; East on Alton 
Place to 38th Street; South on 38th Street to Warren Street; West on Warren Street to 39th 
Street; South on 39th Street to Van Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to Nebraska 
Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to its intersection with a line extending TindAll 
streets, to the southeast; Northwest along said line extending TindAll streets to 44th Street; 
Southwest along 44th Street to the northeast property corner of 4412 Sedgewick Street; 
South along the property boundary of 4412 Sedgewick Street to its southeast corner; 
Northwest along the rear property boundaries of the lots fronting along the south side of 
Sedgewick Street to '45th Street; Southwest on 45th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; 
Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 47th Street; North on 47th Street to Windom Place; 
East on Windom Place to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to the point of beginning- 
Description of ANC 3F Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Nebraska Avenue and Nevada Avenue; Southeast on Nevada Avenue to Broad Branch Road; 
Southeast on Broad Branch Road to 27th Street; North on 27th Street to Military Road; 
East on Military Road to Rock Creek; South along Rock Creek to Melvin Hazen Creek; 
West along Melvin Hazen Creek to its intersection with a line extending the shared property 
boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue and 3701 Connecticut Avenue to the northeast; 
Southwest along said line extending the shared property boundary of 3601 Connecticut 
Avenue and 3701 Connecticut Avenue, and continuing southwest along said shared property 
boundary to Connecticut Avenue; South on Connecticut Avenue to Porter Street; West on 
Porter Street to the alley behind the properties fronting on the west side of Connecticut 
Avenue; Northwest on said alley to Rodman Street; East on Rodman Street to Connecticut 
Avenue; North on Connecticut Avenue to the rear property boundaries of the properties 
fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; West along said rear property boundaries and 
continuing west along the southern boundary of Melvin Hazen Park to Reno Road; North on 
Reno Road to the rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman 
Street; West along said rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of 
Rodman Street to the intersection with a line extending Idaho Avenue from the southwest; 
Southwest along said line extending Idaho Avenue to Idaho Avenue; Continuing southwest on 
Idaho Avenue to Quebec Street; West on Quebec Street to Wisconsin Avenue; North on 
Wisconsin Avenue to 39th Street; North on 39th Street to Warren Street; East on Warren 
Street to 38th Street; North on 38th Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake 
Street to Reno Road; North on Reno Road to Nebraska Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska 
Avenue to the point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 3F01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Reno 
Road and Yuma Street; East on Yuma Street to Connecticut Avenue; South on Connecticut 
Avenue to the rear property boundaries of the properties fronting on the north side of 
Rodman Street; West along said rear property boundaries and continuing west along the 
southern boundary of Melvin Hazen Park to Reno Road; North on Reno Road to the rear 
property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street; West along said 
rear property lines of the properties fronting on the north side of Rodman Street to the 
intersection with a line extending Idaho Avenue from the southwest; Southwest along said 
line extending Idaho Avenue to Idaho Avenue; Continuing southwest on Idaho Avenue to 
Quebec Street; West on Quebec Street to Wisconsin Avenue; North on Wisconsin Avenue to 
39th Street; North on 39th Street to Warren Street; East on Warren Street to 38th Street; 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period 

North on 38th Street to Windom Place; East on Windom Place to Reno Road; North oh 
Reno Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3F02 Boundaries :; 

"-..., All. streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection T ,oi 
Connecticut Avenue and Windom Place; East on Windom Place to its end along the southern 
boundary of Soapstone Valley Park; Continuing East along said southern boundary;)^ 
Soapstone Valley Park to the northeast property corner of the Howard University, property 
identified as Square 2049 Lot 810; South along the eastern boundary of said' "property 
identified as Square 2049 Lot 810 to its intersection with the northwest corner 1 of ; the*Levine 
School of Music property identified as Square 2049 Lot 809; Clockwise around the/ToBun^ary 
of said property identified as Square 2049 Lot 809 to its intersection with the ; ,sout¥e¥s£ 
corner of the previously referenced Howard University property identified as Square/ : 2(J#$ 
Lot 810; Clockwise around the boundary of said property identified as Square 2049 Uolf&tO' 
to its intersection with Van Ness Street; West on Van Ness Street to Connecticut Avenue;- 
North on Connecticut Avenue to the point of beginning. ; J ; -] 

! Description of SMD 3F03 Boundaries j 

! All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Linnean Avenue and Broad Branch Road; East along Broad Branch Road to 27th Street;; 
North on 27th Street to Military Road; East on Military Road to Rock Creek; South along 
Rock Creek to Broad Branch; North along Broad Branch to Soapstone Creek; West along 
Soapstone Creek to the easternmost extent of Soapstone Valley Park; Clockwise around the 
boundary of Soapstone Valley Park to Albemarle Street; East on Albemarle Street to 32nd 
Street; North on 32nd Street to Appleton Street; East on Appleton Street to 31st Street;' 
North on 31st Street to Gates Road; West on Gates Road to Chesapeake Street; West oh 
Chesapeake Street to 32nd Street; North on 32nd Street to Davenport Street; West oh 
Davenport Street to Connecticut Avenue; North on Connecticut Avenue to Ellicott Avenue; 
East on Ellicott Avenue to the southeast corner of Census Block 13.01 3001; North along the 
eastern boundary of said Census Block 13.01 3001 to Fessenden Street East on Fessenden 
Street to Broad Branch Terrace; North on Broad Branch Terrace to 33rd Street; Northeast 
on 33rd Street to Linnean Avenue; North on Linnean Avenue to the point of beginning.; 

Description of SMD 3F04 Boundaries 

All streets are , located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Davenport Street; East on Davenport Street to 32nd Street; Soutn 
on 32nd Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to Gates Road; East oh 
Gates Road to 31st Street; South on 31st Street to Appleton Street, West on Appleton Street 
to 32nd Street; South on 32nd Street to Albemarle Street; West on Albemarle Street to the 
intersection of Albemarle Street and the northwest corner of Soapstone Valley Park; South 
along the border of said Soapstone Valley Parkto Windom Place; West along Windom Place 
to Connecticut Avenue; North on Connecticut Avenue to the point bf beginning. f 

Description SMD 3F05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Nebraska Avenue and Nevada Avenue; Southeast on Nevada Avenue to Linnean Avenue; 
South on Linnean Avenue to 33rd Street; Southwest on 33rd Street to Broad Branch 
Terrace; South on Broad Branch Terrace to Fessenden Street; West on Fessenden Street to 
the northeast corner of Census Block 13.01 3001; South along the eastern boundary of said 
Census Block 13.01 3001 to Ellicott Street; West on Ellicott Street to Connecticut Avenue; 
Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Brandywine Street; West on Brandywine Street to 36th 
Street; North on 36th Street to Connecticut Avenue; Northwest oh Connecticut Avenue to 
Nebraska Avenue; and Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to the point of beginning. ' [ 

Description of SMD 3F06 Boundaries 

■All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Nebraska Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to 36th Street; 
South on 36th Street to Brandywine Street; East on Brandywine Street to Connecticut 
Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue to Yuma Street; West on Yuma Street to Rend 
Road; South on Reno Road to Windom Place; West on Windom Place to 38th Street; North 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

on 38th Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to Reno Road; North on 
Reno Road to Nebraska Avenue; North on Nebraska Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3F07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Connecticut Avenue and Van Ness Street; East on Van Ness Street to its end at the 
boundary of the Howard University property identified as Square 2049 Lot 810; Counter- 
clockwise around the boundary of said property identified as Square 2049 Lot 810 to its 
intersection with the southwest corner of the.Levine School of Music property identified as 
Square 2049 Lot 809; Counter-clockwise around the boundary of said property identified as 
Square 2049 Lot 809 to its northwest corner at its intersection with the eastern property 
boundary of the previously referenced Howard University property identified as Square 2049 
Lot 810; North along said eastern property boundary of Square 1 2049 Lot 810 to its northeast 
corner at its intersection with the southern boundary of Soapstone Valley Park; East along 
said southern boundary of Soapstone Valley Park to the easternmost extent of the Park; 
North along the eastern boundary of Soapstone Valley Park to Soapstone Creek; East along 
Soapstone Creek to Broad Branch; South along Broad Branch to Rock Creek; South along 
Rock Creek to Melvin C. Hazen Creek; West along said Melvin Hazen Creek to its 
intersection with a line extending the northern property boundary of 3601 Connecticut 
Avenue to the northeast; Southwest along said line extending the northern property 
boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue, and continuing southwest along said northern property 
boundary of 3601 Connecticut Avenue to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut 
Avenue to Porter Street; West on Porter Street to the alley behind the properties fronting on 
the west side of Connecticut Avenue; Northwest along said alley to Rodman Street; East on 
Rodman Street to Connecticut Avenue; North on Connecticut Avenue the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 3G Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Rock Creek; Southeast along Rock 
Creek to its intersection with Military Road. West on Military Road to 27th Street; South 
on 27th Street to Broad Branch Road. West on Broad Branch Road to Nevada Avenue; 
Continuing west on Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to 
Reno Road; Northwest on Reno Road to its intersection with the District of Columbia— State 
of Maryland boundary; Northeast along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland 
boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary and Rock Creek; Southeast along Rock 
Creek to its intersection with a line extending Beech Street from the west West along said 
line extending Beech Street and continuing west on Beech Street to a line extending Barnaby 
Street from the southwest; Southwest along said line extending Barnaby Street to Aberfoyle 
Place; East on Aberfoyle Place to 31st Street; Southwest on 31st Street to Tennyson Street; 
West on Tennyson Street to 33rd Street; North on 33rd Street to Upland Terrace; West on 
Upland Terrace to the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Northeast along 
the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Beech , 
Street and a line extending Barnaby Street from the southwest; East on Beech Street and 
continuing east along a line extending Beech Street east to Rock Creek; South along Rock 
Creek to Military Road. West on Military Road to 27th Street; North on 27th Street to 
Utah Avenue. Northwest on Utah Avenue to Tennyson Street; East on Tennyson Street to 
31st Street. Northeast on 31st Street to Aberfoyle Place; Northwest on Aberfoyle Place to 
Barnaby Street. Northeast along a line extending Barnaby Street to the northeast to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Utah 
Avenue and Nebraska Avenue; Southeast on Utah Avenue to 27th Street; South on 27th 
Street to Broad Branch Road.; West on Broad Branch Road to Nevada Avenue; Northwest 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council .Period 

on Nevada Avenue to Legation Street; East on Legation Street to Broad Branch 1 Roaf? 
Northwest on Broad Branch Road to Morrison Street; East on Morrison Street to Nebraska 1 
Avenue; Northeast on Nebraska Avenue to the point of beginning. <wMI 

Description of SMD 3G04 Boundaries ";A 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of tlid 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Upland Terrace; East on Uplaffd 1 
Terrace to 33rd Street; South on 33rd Street to Tennyson Street; East on Tennyson Street 
to Utah Avenue. Southeast on Utah Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska- 
Avenue to Morrison Street; West on Morrison Street to Broad Branch Road; Northwest on 
Broad Branch Road to the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary. Northeast:; 
along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 3G05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary and Broad Branch Road; Southeast on 
Broad Branch Road to Legation Street; West on Legation Street to Nevada Avenue;; 
Southeast on Nevada Avenue to Jocelyn Street; West on Jocelyn Street to Chevy -Chase 
Parkway; North on Chevy Chase Parkway to Legation Street; West on Legation Street to. 
Connecticut Avenue; Northwest on Connecticut Avenue to Chevy Chase Circle; Counter- 
clockwise around Chevy Chase Circle to the State of Maryland-District of Columbia bound- 
ary; Northeast along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary to the point of 

Description of SMD 3G06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the northeast intersection 
of Chevy Chase Circle and the State of Maryland — District of Columbia boundary; Clockwise 
around Chevy Chase Circle to Connecticut Avenue; Southeast on Connecticut Avenue' to 
Legation Street; East on Legation Street to Chevy Chase Parkway; South on Chevy Chase 
Parkway to Kanawha Street; West on Kanawha Street to 38th Street; North on 38th Street 
to Military Road; West on Military Road to Reno Road; Northwest on Reno Road to 41st 
Street; North on 41st Street to the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary; 
Northeast along the State of Maryland-District of Columbia boundary to the point of 
beginning. ; rr '■;,;» 

Description of SMD 3G07 Boundaries ■ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Military Road and Reno Road; East on Military Road to 38th Street; South on 38th Street to 
Kanawha Street; East on Kanawha Street to Chevy Chase Parkway; South on Chevy Chase 
Parkway to Jocelyn Street; East on Jocelyn Street to Nevada Avenue; Southeast on Nevada 
Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; Southwest on Nebraska Avenue to Reno Road; Northwest on 
Reno Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC4A Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Rock Creek; Northeast along the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the northern tip of the. District of 
Columbia; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to Georgia 
Avenue; South on Georgia Avenue to Missouri Avenue; West on Missouri Avenue' to 
Colorado Avenue; Southwest on Colorado Avenue to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy 
Street to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Piney Branch Parkway; Southwest on Piney 
Branch Parkway to Beach Drive; Continuing southwest along a line extending Piney Branch 
Parkway southwest to Rock Creek; North along Rock Creek to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary line and Rock Creek; Southeast on Rock 
Creek to Sherrill Drive; East on Sherrill Drive to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to 
Alaska Avenue; Northeast on Alaska Avenue to Geranium Street; West on Geranium Street 
to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Northgate Road; Northeast on Northgate Road to 
the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Northwest on the District of 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to the northern tip of the District of Columbia; 
Southwest on the District of Columbia-State of Maryland boundary to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary and Northgate Road; Southwest on 
Northgate Road to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Geranium Street; East on Geranium 
Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the District of Columbia — State of 
Maryland boundary; Northwest along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary 
to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Alaska 
Avenue and Geranium Street; Southwest on Alaska Avenue to 16th Street; South on 16th 
Street to Underwood Street; East on Underwood Street to Luzon Avenue; Northeast on 
Luzon Avenue to Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to Georgia Avenue; . North on 
Georgia Avenue to Geranium Street; West on Geranium Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Luzon 
Avenue and Van Buren Street; Southwest on Luzon Avenue to Somerset Place; East on 
Somerset Place to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Rittenhouse Street; East on 
Rittenhouse Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Rittenhouse Street; East on 
Rittenhouse Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Van Buren Street to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Somerset Place; South on 16th Street to Fort Stevens Drive; East on Fort 
Stevens Drive to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Peabody Street; East on Peabody 
Street to 13th Place; North on 13th Place to Fort Stevens Drive; East on Fort Stevens Drive 
to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to the portion of Rittenhouse Street west of 13th Street; 
West on Rittenhouse Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Somerset Place; West on 
Somerset Place to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14th 
Street and Peabody Street; East on Peabody Street to 13th Place; North on 13th Place to 
Fort Stevens Drive; East on Fort Stevens Drive to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to 
Rittenhouse Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to Georgia Avenue; South on Georgia 
Avenue to Missouri Avenue; West on Missouri Avenue to Colorado Avenue; Southwest on 
Colorado Avenue to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to 14th Street; North on 14th 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rock 
Creek and a line extending Joyce Road from the northeast; Northeast along said line 
extending Joyce Road to Joyce Road; Continuing Northeast on Joyce Road to Morrow Drive; 
Southeast on Morrow Drive to Kennedy Street; East on Kennedy Street to Colorado Avenue; 
Northeast on Colorado Avenue to Madison Street; West on Madison Street to 14th Street; 
North on 14th Street to Fort Stevens Drive; West on Fort Stevens Drive to 16th Street; 
North on 16th Street to Luzon Avenue; Northeast on Luzon Avenue to Underwood Street; 
West on Underwood Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Sherrill Drive; West on 
Sherrill Drive to Rock Creek; South on Rock Creek to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4A08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rock 
Creek and a line extending Joyce Road from the northeast;. South on Rock Creek to a line 
extending Piney Branch Parkway from the northeast; East on said line extending Piney 
Branch Parkway to Piney Branch Parkway, and continuing northeast on Piney Branch 
Parkway to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Morrow Drive; Northwest on Morrow Drive • 


I^aw 19-157, § 2 . 19th Gbundil PeMMI 

to- Joyce Road; Southwest on Joyce Road, and continuing southwest along a line ext&fidinjj? 
Joyce Road Southwest to the point of beginning. ' -. ■■ i i : koM 

Description of ANC 4B Boundaries ^1 

Beginning at the intersection of the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary and 
Georgia Avenue, N.W-.; . Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland! 
boundary to Kennedy Street, N.E/; West on Kennedy Street, N.E. to South Dakota Avenue, 
N:E.; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue* N.E. to Riggs Road, N.E.; Southwest on Riggs^ 
Road, N.E. to Missouri Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Missouri Avenue, N.W. to Longfellow 
Street, N.W.; West on Longfellow Street, N.W. to Shepherd Road, N.W.; Northwest on 
Shepherd Road, N.W. to 7th Street, N.W.; South on 7th Street, N.W. to Longfellow Street, 
N.W.; West on Longfellow Street, N.W. to Georgia Avenue, N.W.; North on Georgia Avenue, 
N.W. to the point of beginning. ' " 

Description of SMD 4B01 Boundaries ; 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Georgia Avenue and the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along 
the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to Cedar Street; South and then west 
on Cedar Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to Butternut Street; West on Butternut 
Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to Highland Avenue; West oh Highland Avenue to 
9th; North on 9th Street to Elder Street; West on Elder Street to Georgia Avenue; North 
6n Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. ,. . 

Description of SMD 4B02 Boundaries . t : 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Georgia Avenue and Elder Street; East on Elder Street to 9th Street; South on 9th Street to 
Highland Avenue; East on Highland Avenue to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to Butternut 
Street; East on Butternut Street to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to Cedar Street; East 
on Cedar Street to the centerline of the WMATA right of way; Southeast along said 
centerline of the WMATA right of way to Aspen Street; West on Aspen Street to 4th Street;' 
South on 4th Street to Van Buren Street; West on Van Buren Street to Georgia Avenue; 
North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. J 

Description of SMD 4B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Georgia Avenue and Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to 3rd Street; South on 
3rd Street to Rittenhouse Street; West on Rittenhouse Street to 7th Street; North on 7th 
Street to Roxboro Place; West on Roxboro Place to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to' 
Sheridan Street; West on Sheridan Street to 9th Street; South on 9th Street to .Rittenhousei 
Street; West on Rittenhouse Street to Georgia Avenue; North oh Georgia Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4B 04 Boundaries V 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection ..of 
Georgia Avenue and Rittenhouse Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to 9th Street;" Norffi ; lj on 
9th Street to Sheridan Street; East on Sheridan Street to 8th Street; South on 8th 
Roxboro Place; East on Roxboro Place to 7th Street; South on 7th. Street to RittenHous^ 
Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Oglethorpe Street;* 
West on Oglethorpe Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Nicholson Street; West oft 
Nicholson Street to Missouri Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to Georgia Avenuej 
North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. . ; ; ' 

Description of SMD 4B 05 Boundaries J 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection 6f ; 
Georgia Avenue and Missouri Avenue; Southeast on Missouri Avenue to Nicholson Street; 1 
East on Nicholson Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to Oglethorpe Street; East on 
Oglethorpe Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Longfellow Street; West on 
Longfellow Street to Shepherd Road; Northwest on Shepherd Road to 7th Street; South on 
7th Street to Longfellow Street; West on Longfellow Street to Georgia Avenue; North on 
Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. i 

Description of SMD 4B06 Boundaries 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

All streets are located iri the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 3rd Street and Van Buren Street; East on Van Buren Street to the. 
centerline of the WMATA right of way; Southeast along said centerline of the WMATA right 
of way to New Hampshire Avenue, N.E.; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue, N.E., to 
McDonald Place, N.E.; West on McDonald Place, N.E. to North Capitol Street; South on 
North Capitol Street to Milmarson Place; West on Milmarson Place to 1st Street; South on 
1st Street to Longfellow Street; West on Longfellow Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd 
Street to Missouri Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th 
Street to Rittenhouse Street; East on Rittenhouse Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street 
to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and Cedar 
Street; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to New 
Hampshire Avenue, NE; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue, N.E. to the centerline of the 
WMATA right of way; Northwest along said .centerline of the WMATA right of way to Van 
Buren Street; West on Van Buren Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Aspen Street; 
East on Aspen Street to the centerline of the WMATA right of way; Northwest along said 
centerline of the WMATA right of way to Cedar Street; East and then north on Cedar Street 
to the point of beginning . 

Description of SMD 4B08 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and 
New Hampshire Avenue, N.E.; Southeast along said District of Columbia— State of Mary- 
land boundary to 6th Street, N.E.: South on 6th Street, N.E. to Oglethorpe Street, N.E.; 
West on Oglethorpe Street, N.E. to 3rd Street, N.E.; South on 3rd Street, N.E. to Riggs 
Road, N.E.; Southwest on Riggs Road, N.E. to Missouri Avenue (at North Capitol Street); 
Northwest on Missouri Avenue, N.W. to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd Street, N.W. to 
Longfellow Street, N.W.; East on Longfellow Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North on 1st 
Street, N.W. to Milmarson Place, NW; East on Milmarson Place, N.W. to North Capitol 
Street; North on North Capitol Street to MacDonald Place, N.E.; East on McDonald Place, 
NE to New Hampshire Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue, N.E. to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4B09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary and 6th Street; Southeast along said 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy 
Street to South Dakota Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to 3rd Street; North on 
3rd Street to Oglethorpe Street; East on Oglethorpe Street to 6th Street; North on 6th 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 4C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Missouri Avenue and Georgia Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to Colorado Avenue; 
Southwest on Colorado Avenue to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy Street to 16th Street; 
South on 16th Street to Spring Road; Southeast on Spring Road to New Hampshire Avenue; 
Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Rock Creek Church Road; Northeast on Rock 
Creek Church Road to its intersection with Webster Street along the property boundary of 
the Rock Creek Parish Cemetery property identified as Parcel 01110037; Clockwise around 
said property boundary of Parcel 01110037 to its intersection with Buchanan Street; West on 
Buchanan Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to 
Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Delafield 
Place; West on Delafield Place to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Decatur Street; West 
on Decatur Street to Kansas Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Sherman Circle; 
Clockwise around Sherman Circle to its southeast intersection with Illinois Avenue; South- 
east on Illinois Avenue to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to Georgia Avenue; 
North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C01 Boundaries 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Cotincil } BerMi 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersectioMof 
Missouri Avenue and Georgia Avenue; Northwest on Missouri Avenue to Colorado Avenue.;, 
Southwest on Colorado Avenue to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Ingraham Steaete 
East on Ingraham Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Hamilton Street; East/dn, 
Hamilton Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning* 

Description of SMD 4C02 Boundaries mV* 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection 'of 
Kennedy Street and 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Crittenden Street; East otf 
Crittenden Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Buchanan Street; East on 
Buchanan Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Decatur Street; East on Decatur' 
Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Hamilton Street; West on Hamilton 
Street to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Ingraham Street; West on Ingraham Street to 
14th Street; North on 14th Street to Kennedy Street; West on Kennedy Street to the point; 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest qu^dirank Beginning at the intersection of 16th 
Street and Crittenden Street; South on 16th Street to Upshur Street; East on Upshur Street 
to Arkansas Avenue; Northeast on Arkansas Avenue to 14th Street; North on l4th Street to 
Allison Street; East on Allison Street to Georgia ' Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to; 
Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Buchanan' 
Street; West on Buchanan Street to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Crittenden Street; 
West on Crittenden Street to the point of beginning. . hi - 

Description of SMD 4C04 Boundaries /< 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of i6th 
Street and Upshur Street; South on 16th Street to Spring Road; East on Spring Road to 
14th Street; North on 14th Street to Upshur Street; West on Upshur Street to the point of 

Description of SMD 4C05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14tty 
Street and Allison Street; South on 14th Street to Arkansas Avenue; Southwest on Arkansas 
Avenue to Upshur Street; East on Upshur Street to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to 
Spring Road; Southeast on Spring Road to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to Taylor 
Street; East on Taylor Street to Kansas Avenue; Northeast on Kansas Avenue to Georgia 
Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to Iowa Avenue; Northwest on Iowa Avenue to Allison 
Street; West on Allison Street to the point of beginning. '''"' ' 

Description of SMD 4C06 Boundaries '2 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13tb 
Street and Taylor Street; South on 13th Street to Spring Road; Southeast on Spring Road to; 
New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Georgia Avenue; North 
on Georgia Avenue to Shepherd Street; West on Shepherd Street to Kansas Avenue; 
Northeast on Kansas Avenue to Taylor Street; West on Taylor Street to the point of 
beginning. ^ 

Description of SMD 4C07 Boundaries ', j 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection 
Georgia Avenue and Buchanan Street; South on Georgia Avenue to Allison Street; . West on 
Allison Street to Iowa Avenue; Southeast on Iowa Avenue to Georgia Avenue; South on ; 
Georgia Avenue to Kansas Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Shepherd Street; East 
on Shepherd Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to Upshur Street; East on Upshur 
Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to Grant Circle; Clockwise around Grant Circle to 
its northeast intersection with New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire 
Avenue to Allison Street; West on Allison Street to Illinois Avenue; Northwest on Illinois^ 
Avenue to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to the point of beginning. } 

Description of SMD 4C08 Boundaries m 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Georgia Avenue and Shepherd Street; South on Georgia Avenue to Rock Creek Church 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Road; East, on Rock Creek Church Road to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to Upshur 
Street; West on Upshur Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to Shepherd Street; West 
on Shepherd Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C09 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the southeast intersection 
of Sherman Circle and Illinois Avenue; Southeast on Illinois Avenue to Allison Street; East 
on Allison Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Southwest on New Hampshire Avenue to Grant 
Circle; Counter-clockwise around Grant Circle to its southeast intersection with Illinois 
Avenue; Southeast on Illinois Avenue to Upshur Street; East on Upshur Street to 4th 
Street; North on 4th Street to Webster Street; East on Webster Street to its intersection 
with Rock Creek Church Road along the property boundary of the Rock Creek Parish 
Cemetery property identified as Parcel 01110037; Clockwise around said property boundary 
of Parcel 01110037 to its intersection with Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to 
New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to Decatur Street; West on 
Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Delafield Place; West on Delafield Place 
to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to Kansas 
Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Sherman Circle; Clockwise around Sherman Circle 
to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4C10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the southern intersection 
of Grant Circle and 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Rock Creek Church Road; Northeast 
on Rock Creek Church Road to Webster Street; West on Webster Street to 4th Street; 
South on 4th Street to Upshur Street; West on Upshur Street to Illinois Avenue; Northwest 
on Illinois Avenue to Grant Circle; Clockwise around Grant Circle to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 4D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Georgia Avenue and Longfellow Street; East on Longfellow Street to 7th Street; North on 
7th Street to Shepherd Road; East on Shepherd Road to Longfellow Street; East on 
Longfellow Street to Missouri Avenue; Southeast on Missouri Avenue to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to Rock Creek Church Road; Southwest on Rock 
Creek Church Road to its intersection with Webster Street along the property boundary of 
the Rock Creek Parish Cemetery property identified as Parcel 01110037; Clockwise around 
said property boundary of Parcel 01110037 to its intersection with Buchanan Street; West on 
Buchanan Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New Hampshire Avenue to 
Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Delafield 
Place; West on Delafield Place to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Decatur Street; West 
on Decatur Street to Kansas Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenue to Sherman Circle; 
Clockwise around Sherman Circle to its southeast intersection with Illinois Avenue; South- 
east on Illinois Avenue to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to Georgia Avenue; 
North on Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Georgia Avenue and Longfellow Street; East on Longfellow Street to 7th Street; North on 
7th Street to Shepherd Road; East on Shepherd Road to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to 
Jefferson Street; West on Jefferson Street to 9th Street; South on 9th Street to Ingraham 
Street; West on Ingraham Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue to the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Shepherd Road and 5th Street; East on Shepherd Road to Longfellow Street; East on 
Longfellow Street to Missouri Avenue; Southeast on Missouri Avenue to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to Ingraham Street; West on Ingraham Street to New 
Hampshire Avenue; South on New Hampshire Avenue to Gallatin Street; West on Gallatin 
Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to Jefferson Street; West on Jefferson Street to 
5th Street; North on 5th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 4D03 Boundaries 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Pernod 

' All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 4thl 
Street and Gallatin Street; North on 4th Street to Jefferson Street; West on Jefferson Street! 
to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to Farragut Street; East on Farragut Street to-5th Street;) 
South on 5th Street to Delafield Place; East on Delafield Place to 4th Street; North on 4th 
Street to Farragut Street; East on Farragut Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to 
Gallatin Street; West on Gallatin Street to the point of beginning. , -,, ( 

Description of SMD 4D04 Boundaries n 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 9th) 
Street and Jefferson Street; East on Jefferson Street to 7th Street; South on 7th Street td 
Emerson Street; West on Emerson Street to Georgia Avenue; North on Georgia Avenue toi 
Ingraham Street; East on Ingraham Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to the point of/ 
beginning. ■-' ) 

Description of SMD 4D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of North 
Capitol Street and Ingraham Street; South on North Capitol Street to Rock Creek ChurcH 
Road; Southwest on Rock Creek Church Road to its intersection with Webster Street, along' 
the "property boundary of the Rock Creek Parish Cemetery property identified as Parcel 
01110037; Clockwise around said property boundary of Parcel 01110037 to its 111^360^0^ 
with Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on 
New Hampshire Avenue to Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to 4th Street; North on 
4th Street to Farragut Street; East on Farragut Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street 
to Gallatin Street; East on Gallatin Street to New Hampshire Avenue; Northeast on New- 
Hampshire Avenue to Ingraham Street; East on Ingraham Street to the point of beginning.' 

Description of SMD 4D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Buchanan Street and Illinois Avenue; West on Buchanan Street to Georgia Avenue; North 
on Georgia Avenue to Emerson Street; East on Emerson Street to 7th Street; North on 7th; 
Street to Farragut Street; East on Farragut Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street t6 
Decatur Street; West on Decatur Street to Kansas Avenue; Southwest on Kansas Avenues td 
Sherman Circle; Clockwise around Sherman Circle to its southeast intersection with Illinois' 
Avenue; Southeast on Illinois Avenue to the point of beginning. / 

Description of ANC 5A 

Beginning at the intersection of North Capitol Street and Riggs Road; East on Riggs' 
Road, N.E. to South Dakota Avenue, N.E.; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to 
Kennedy Street, N.E.; East on Kennedy Street, N.E. to the District of Columbia— State of 
Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary- 
to its intersection with a line extending 16th Street, N.E. from the southwest; Southwest' 
along said line extending 16th Street, N.E. to 16th Street, N.E,;. South on 16th Street, N.E., 
to Buchannan Street, N.E.; East on Buchannan Street, N.E. to 17th Street, N.E.; South on ; 
17th Street, N.E. to Webster Street, N.E.; West on Webster Street, N.E. to South Dakota 
Avenue, N.E.; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to Michigan Avenue, N.E.; West on 
Michigan Avenue, N.E. to 14th Street, N.E.; North on 14th Street, N.E; to Varnum Street, 
N.E.; West on Varnum Street, N.E. to 10th Street; N.E.; South on 10th Street, N.E. to f 
Taylor Street, N.E.; West on Taylor Street, N.E. to the centerline of the WMATA* Metroraff 
tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to Michigan Avenue^ 1 
&.E.; Southwest on Michigan Avenue, N.E. to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol 
Street to Irving Street; West on Irving Street, N.W. to Kenyon Street, N.W.; West on* 
Kenyon Street, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; North on Park Place, N.W. to Rock Creek Church 
Road, N.W.; Northeast on Rock Creek Church Road, N.W. to North Capitol Street; North 
on North Capitol Street to the point of beginning. , ■ - 

Description of SMD 5A01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Soutlv 
Dakota Avenue and Kennedy Street; East on Kennedy Street to the District of Columbia—^ 
State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland; 
boundary to Galloway Street; West on Galloway Street to South Dakota Avenue; Northwest 
on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. .,'... ; ■ I 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Description of SMD 5A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Galloway Street; East on Galloway Street to the District of Columbia — 
State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland 
boundary to its intersection with a line extending 16th Street from the southwest; Southwest 
along said line extending 16th Street to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to Buchannan 
Street; East on Buchannan Street to 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Webster Street; 
West on Webster Street to South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to the 
point of beginning.* 

Description of SMD 5A03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and 8th Street; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to Michigan Avenue; 
West on Michigan Avenue to 14th Street; North on 14th Street to Varnum Street; West on 
Varnum Street to 10th Street; South on 10th Street to Taylor Street; West on Taylor Street 
to the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the 
WMATA Metrorail tracks to its intersection with a line extending Buchanan Street from the 
east; East along said line extending Buchanan Street to Buchanan Street, and continuing 
east on Buchanan Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Fort 
Totten Drive and Bates Road; Northeast on Bates Road to its northernmost extent; 
Continuing northeast along a line extending Bates Road northeast to its intersection with the 
centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA 
Metrorail tracks to Michigan Avenue; Southwest on Michigan Avenue to Irving Street; 
Northwest on Irving Street to the access ramp to North Capitol Street northbound; 
Northwest on said access ramp to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to 
Scale Gate Road; East on Scale Gate Road to Harewood Road; North on Harewood Road to 
Taylor Street; East on Taylor Street to Hawaii Avenue; Northwest on Hawaii Avenue to 
Fort Totten Drive; Northwest on Fort Totten Drive to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A05 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Rock Creek Church Road, N.W. and Harewood Road, 
N.W.; Southwest on Rock Creek Church Road, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; South on Park 
Place, N.W. to Kenyon Street, N.W.; East on Kenyon Street, N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; 
East on Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol Street to 
Michigan Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue, N.E. to Irving Street, N.E.; Northwest on 
Irving Street, N.E. to the access ramp to North Capitol Street northbound; Northwest on 
said access ramp to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to Harewood Road; 
Northwest on Harewood Road, N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A06 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Fort Totten Drive, N.E. and Allison Street, N.E.; 
Southeast on Fort Totten Drive, N.E. to Hawaii Avenue, N.E.; Southeast on Hawaii Avenue, 
N.E. to Taylor Street, N.E.; West on Taylor Street, N.E. to Harewood Road, N.E.; South on 
Harewood Road, N.E. to Scale Gate Road, N.E.; West on Scale Gate Road, N.E. to North 
Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to Harewood Road; Northwest on Harewood 
Road, N.W. to Rock Creek Church Road, N.W.; Northeast on Rock Creek Church Road, 
N.W. to Allison Street, N.W.; Northeast on Allison Street, N.W; to Allison Street, N.E.; 
Continuing northeast on Allison Street, N.E. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A07 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of North Capitol Street and Riggs Road; East on Riggs 
Road, N.E. to its intersection with the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South 
along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to its intersection with a line extending 
Bates Road, N.E. from the southwest; Southwest along said line extending Bates Road, N.E. 
to Bates Road, N.E., and continuing southwest to Fort Totten Drive, N.E.; North on Fort 
Totten Drive, N.E. to Allison Street, N.E.; Southwest on Allison Street, N.E. to Allison 
Street, N.W., and continuing southwest to Rock Creek Church Road, N.W.; North on Rock 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period 

Creek Church Road, N.W. to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5A08 Boundaries < ! 

Beginning at the intersection of South Dakota Avenue, N.E. and Kennedy Street, ' N.E^ 
Southeast on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to 8th Street, N.E.; South on 8th Street, •N.E.Jo 
Buchanan Street, N.E.; West on Buchanan Street, N.E. to its end at 6th Street, .N.K)" 
Continuing west on a line extending Buchanan Street, N.E. west to the centerlinejbf ;tha 
WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracksVto 
Riggs Road, N.E.; Northeast on Riggs Road, N.E. to South Dakota Avenue,; SpuiHeast 
on South Dakota Avenue, N.E. to the point of beginning. ; ;! ■ ! ■ > -- ; ,, «cv£ kyrna«j<I 

Description of ANC 5B Boundaries ? ;• (!/ 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of; ( TayJp^ 
Street and the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; East on Taylor Street "ip : lOtt 
Street; North on 10th Street to Varnum Street; East on Varnum Street to 14th 'Street} 
South on 14th Street to Michigan Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue to South Dakota- 
Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to Webster Street; East on Webster Street to 
17th Street; North on 17th Street to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to 16th 
Street; North on 16th Street to its end at Eastern Avenue; Northeast on a line extending 
16th Street northeast to its intersection with the District of Columbia — State of Maryland 
boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to 
Randolph Street; West on Randolph Street to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to Quincy 
Street; West on Quincy Street to South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue"' 
to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to 20th Street; South on 20th Street to Jackson 
Street;- West on Jackson Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Rhode Island 
Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of the 7 
WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to:, 
the point of beginning. >.::-i<\ 

Description of SMD 5B01 Boundaries : 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Webster Street; East on Webster Street to 17th Street; North on 17th 
Street to Buchanan Street; West on Buchanan Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to 
its end at Eastern Avenue; Northeast on a line extending 16th Street northeast to M 
intersection with the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to Randolph Street; West on Randolph 
Street to 24th Street; South on 24th Street to Quincy Street; West on Quincy Street to South 
Dakota Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. '■ 

Description of SMD 5B02 Boundaries ' / 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Michigan Avenue and South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to Monroe 
Street; West on Monroe Street to its intersection ; with f%he centerline of the WMATA 
Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the WMATA; tracks to Michigan 

Avenue; Northeast on Michigan Avenue to Bunker ; Hill 1 Roal; ^Northeast on Bunker Hill; 
Road to Otis Street; East on Otis Street to 13th Street^ ' : Norffi'^n p 13th Street to Michigan 1 
Avenue; Northeast on Michigan Avenue to the point of bsgmmnj^'- " ;' 

Description of SMD 5B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13th 
Street and Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to 20th Street; South on 20th Street to 
Jackson Street; West on Jackson Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to Rhpde 
Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Monroe- 
Street and the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; East on Monroe Street to 13th 
Street; South on 13th Street to Rhode Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Averiue46i 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

its intersection with the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said 
centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks to the point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 5B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant Beginning at the intersection of Taylor 
Street and the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; East -on Taylor Street to 10th 
Street; North on 10th Street to Varnum Street; East on Varnum Street to 14th Street; 
South on 14th Street to Michigan Avenue; Southwest on Michigan Avenue to 13th Street; 
South on 13th Street to Otis Street; West on Otis Street to Bunker Hill Road; Southwest on 
Bunker Hill Road to Michigan Avenue; Southwest on Michigan Avenue to its intersection 
with the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; North along said centerline of the 
WMATA Metrorail tracks to the point of beginning. 

Description ANC 5C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Quincy Street; East on Quincy Street to 24th Street; North on 24th 
Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to the District of Columbia— State of 
Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary 
to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southwest along the centerline 
of the Anacostia River to its intersection with a line extending M Street from the west; West 
along said line extending M Street to the easternmost extent of M Street along the southern 
property boundary of the National Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary 
of the National Arboretum to the intersection of Bladensburg Road and Mount Olivet Road; 
Northwest on Mount Olivet Road to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia 
Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic 
circle to its first intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to its 
intersection with the western boundary of the' WMATA property identified as Square 3605 
Lot 814; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 814 to its northernmost 
point at its intersection with the western boundary of the CSX property identified as Square 
3605 Lot 837; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 837 to its northernmost 
point at its intersection with Rhode Island Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue 
to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to Jackson Street; East on Jackson Street to 20th 
Street; North on 20th Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to South Dakota 
Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5C01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Quincy Street; East on Quincy Street to 24th Street; North on 24th 
Street to Randolph Street; East on Randolph Street to the District of Columbia — State of 
Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary 
to Monroe Street; West on Monroe Street to Clinton Street; Southwest on Clinton Street to 
Myrtle Avenue; Southwest on Myrtle Avenue to South Dakota Avenue Northwest on South 
Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of South 
Dakota Avenue and Myrtle Avenue; Northeast on Myrtle Avenue to Clinton Street; North- 
east on Clinton Street to Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to the District of 
Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Columbia — State of 
Maryland boundary to Bladensburg Road; Southwest on Bladensburg Road to its . intersec- 
tion with the centerline of the CSX railroad tracks; West along said centerline of the CSX 
railroad tracks to Montana Avenue; North on Montana Avenue to 18th Street; North on 18th 
Street to Evarts Street; East on Evarts Street to 26th Street; North on 26th Street to 
Franklin Street; East on Franklin Street to Vista Street; Northeast on Vista Street to South 
Dakota Avenue; Northwest on South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5C03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Bladensburg Road and South Dakota Avenue; Northeast on Bladensburg Road to the 
District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southeast along the District of Colum- 
bia — State of Maryland boundary to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia 


£a\v 19-157, § 2 19th Council ■&<£&$$ 

River; Southwest along said centerline of the Anacostia River to its intersection with^the [ 
centerline of the CSX railroad tracks; West along said centerline of the CSX railroad tracks } 
to, its intersection with a line extending South Dakota Avenue from the northwest; Northwest 
along said line extending South Dakota Avenue, and continuing northwest on South Dakota 
Avenue to 33rd Place; Northeast on 33rd Place to Fort Lincoln Drive; Northwest on Fort; 
Lincoln Drive to 31st Place; Southwest on 31st Place to South Dakota Avenue; Northwest on.; 
South Dakota Avenue to the point of beginning. , , : 

;■ Description of SMD 5C04 Boundaries ! 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Bladensburg Road and South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to 31st 
Place; Northeast on 31st Place to Fort Lincoln Drive; Southeast on Fort Lincoln Drive tcr 
33rd Place; Southwest on 33rd Place to South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota 
Avenue to its end at New York Avenue; Continuing southeast on a line extending South 
Dakota Avenue southeast to its intersection, with the centerline of the CSX railroad tracks;; 
East on said centerline of the CSX railroad tracks to its intersection with the centerline of the; 
Anacostia River; Southwest along said centerline of the Anacostia River to its intersection; 
with a line extending M Street from the west; West along said line extending M Street to the, 
easternmost extent of M Street along the southern property boundary of the National; 
Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary of the National Arboretum to the , 
intersection of Bladensburg Road and Mount Olivet Road; Northwest on Mount Olivet Road; 
to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic } 
circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic circle to its first intersection with New 
York Avenue; East on New York Avenue to its eastern intersection with the Montana, 
Avenue traffic circle; Counterclockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic circle to norths 
bound Montana Avenue; North on Montana Avenue to its intersection with the centerline oft 
the CSX railroad tracks; East on said centerline of the CSX railroad tracks to Bladensburg 
Roa.d; Northeast on Bladensburg Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5C05 Boundaries : 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Wj 
Street and 15th Street; East on W Street to Montana Avenue; South on Montana Avenue to 
the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic circle to its 
eastern intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to its 
intersection with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square 3605 
Lot 814; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 814 to its northernmost 
point at its intersection with the western boundary of the CSX property identified as Square 
3605 Lot 837; North along said western boundary of Square 3605 Lot 837 to its northernmost; 
point at its intersection with Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue .to* 
Montana Avenue; Southeast on Montana Avenue to 14th Street; In a southerly direction on) 
T4th Street to Downing Street; Northeast on Downing Street to 15th Street; South on l#tfrf 
Street to the point of beginning. ' t jhI 

Description of SMD 5C06 Boundaries i 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant, Beginning at the intersection of Rhode 
Island Avenue and 17th Street; South on 17th Street to Evarts Street; East on Evartsf 
Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to W Street; West on W Street .to I5th Street? 
In a northerly direction on 15th Street to Downing Street; Southwest on Downing Street tb^ 
14th Street;, In a northerly direction on 14th Street to" Montana Avenue; Northwest oM 
Montana Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to the pibint ofi 
beginning. ■ ■ ■ ,r ; fojf^nrf 

Description of SMD 5C07 Boundaries ' ,!S 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Monrppi 
Street and South Dakota Avenue; Southeast on South Dakota Avenue to Vista Street; 
Southwest on Vista Street to Franklin Street; West on Franklin Street to 26th Street; South 
oh 26th Street to Evarts Street; West on Evarts Street to 17th Street; North on 17th Street 
to Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to 18th Street; North on 1'8'tJS 
Street to Jackson Street; East on Jackson Street to 20th Street; North on 20th Street to f 
Monroe Street; East on Monroe Street to the point of beginning. > ;:f J 


2012 Legislation ( Law 19-157, § 2 

Description of ANC 5D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida 
Avenue and the southwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 
3584 Lot 815; Southeast on Florida Avenue to Benning Eoad; East on Benning Eoad to the 
centerline of the Anacostia Eiver; North along the centerline of the Anacostia Eiver to its 
intersection with a line extending M Street from the west; West along said line extending M 
Street to the easternmost extent of M Street along the southern property boundary of the 
National Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary of the National Arbore- 
tum to the intersection of Bladensburg Eoad and Mount Olivet Eoad; Northwest on Mount 
Olivet Eoad to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the Montana' 
Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic circle to its first 
intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to its intersection with 
the northwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815; 
South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D01 Boundaries 

All streets are in the northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida Avenue, 
and the southwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 
815; Southeast on Florida Avenue to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia 
Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic 
circle to its western intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to 
its intersection with the northwest corner of the District Government property identified as 
Square 3584 Lot 815; South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of West 
Virginia Avenue and Mount Olivet Eoad; Southeast on Mount Olivet Eoad to Bladensburg 
Road; Southwest on Bladensburg Eoad to Meigs Place; Northwest on Meigs Place to 16th 
Street; Southwest on 16th Street to Levis Street; Northwest on Levis Street to Holbrook 
Street; Northeast on Holbrook Street to Childress Street; Northwest on Childress Street to 
Trinidad Avenue; Southwest on Trinidad Avenue to Queen Street; Northwest on Queen 
Street to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the point of 

Description of SMD 5D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Maryland Avenue and 21st Street; North on 21st Street to M Street along the southern 
property boundary of the National Arboretum; West along said southern property boundary 
of the National Arboretum to the intersection of Bladensburg Eoad and Mount Olivet Eoad; 
Southwest on Bladensburg Eoad to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to 
17th Street; North on 17th Street to L Street; East on L Street to 19th Street; South on 
19th Street to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 21st 
Street and M Street; East oh M Street to its end; Continuing east on a line extending M 
Street east to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia Eiver; South along said 
centerline of the Anacostia Eiver to Benning Eoad; West on Benning Road to 19th Street; 
North on 19th Street to Bennett Place; East on Bennett Place to 21st Street; North on 21st 
Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Maryland Avenue and 21st Street; South on 21st Street to Bennett Place; West on Bennett 
Place to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to Benning Eoad; West on Benning Road to 
Bladensburg Road; Northeast on Bladensburg Road to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on 
Maryland Avenue to 17th Street; North on 17th Street to L Street; East on L Street to 19th 
Street; South, on 19th Street to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period* 

Description of SMD 5D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of West 
Virginia Avenue and Oates Street; Southeast on Oates Street to Bladensburg Road- 
Southwest on Bladensburg Road to Florida Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to West , 
Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5D07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of West 
Virginia Avenue and Queen Street; Southeast on Queen Street to Trinidad Avenue; North- 
east on Trinidad Avenue to Childress Street; Southeast on Childress Street to Holbrook 
Street; Southwest on Holbrook Street to Levis Street; Southeast on Levis Street to 16tfr 
Street; Northeast on 16th Street to Meigs Place; Southeast on Meigs Place to Bladensburg 
Road; Southwest on Bladensburg Road to Oates Street; Northwest on Oates Street to West 
Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia Avenue to the point of beginning., 

Description of ANC 5E Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Park Place, N.W. and Kenyon Street, RW.; East 1 on 
Kenyon Street, N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; East on Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to Michigan Avenue; Northeast on Michigan Avenue;, 
N.E. to the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the, 
WMATA Metrorail tracks to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on Rhode Island 
Avenue to its intersection with the northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 
3605 Lot 837; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its 
southernmost point at its intersection with the western boundary of the WMATA property : 
identified as Square 3605 Lot 814; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 
814 to its southernmost point at its intersection with New York Avenue, N.E.; Continuing 
south across New York Avenue N.E. to the northwest corner of the District Government 
property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815; South along the western boundary of said Square 
3584 Lot 815 to its southernmost point at its intersection with Florida Avenue, N.E. ; 
Northwest on Florida Avenue, N.E. to New York Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on New York 
Avenue, N.W. to Kirby Street, N.W.;.' North on Kirby Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.;; West 
on N Street, N.W. to New Jersey Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on New Jersey Avenue, N.W. to 
Florida Avenue, N.W.; Southeast on Florida Avenue, N.W. to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; 
Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd Street, N.W. to! 
Bryant Street, N.W.; East on Bryant Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North on 1st Street; 
N.W. to Michigan Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Michigan Avenue, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; 
North on Park Place, N.W. to the pointaof beginning. , , 

Description of SMD 5E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Franklin Street and Michigan Avenue; Northeast on Michigan Avenue to the centerline of 
the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks 
to Franklin Street; West on Franklin Street to the point of beginning. ; 

Description of SMD 5E02 Boundaries " p 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant Beginning ! at the intersection of 
Franklin Street and 6th Street; East on Franklin Street to the centerline of the WMATA 
Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the WMATA 1 Metrorail tracks to 'Rhodes 
Island Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to' 
Evarts Street; East on Evarts Street to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to the point of 
beginning. , T 

Description of SMD 5E03 Boundaries < 

All streets are in the northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rhode Island 
Avenue and Summit Place; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to its intersection with the 
northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 3605 Lot 837; South along the: 
western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its southernmost point at .its intersection 
with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square 3605 Lot 814; South; 
along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 814 to its southernmost point at its 
intersection with New York Avenue; Continuing south across New York Avenue to the; 
northwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot .815;^ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to its southernmost point at 
its intersection with Florida Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to Eckington Place; 
North on Eckington Place to R Street; East on R Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street 
to T Street; West on T Street to Summit Place; North on Summit Place to the point of 

Description of SMD 5E04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of North 
Capitol Street and Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to Summit 
Place; South on Summit Place to T Street; East on T Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd 
Street to R Street; West on R Street to Eckington Place; Southwest on Eckington Place to 
Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to New York Avenue; Southwest on New York 
Avenue to North Capitol Street; North on north Capitol Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
Jersey Avenue and R Street; East on R Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Q 
Street; East on Q Street to Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to New York Avenue; Southwest on New York 
Avenue to Kirby Street; North on Kirby Street to N Street; West on N Street to New 
Jersey Avenue; Northwest on New Jersey Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 2nd 
Street and Rhode Island Avenue; South on 2nd Street to Randolph Place; East on Randolph 
Place to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol Street to Florida Avenue; Northwest 
on North Capitol Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to 
R Street; West on R Street to New Jersey Avenue; Northwest on New Jersey Avenue to 
Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to Rhode Island Avenue; Northeast on Rhode 
Island Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E07 Boundaries 

All streets are located- in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 2nd 
Street and U Street; East on U Street to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol 
Street to Randolph Place; West on Randolph Place to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 2nd 
Street and Adams Street; East on Adams Street to North Capitol Street; South on North 
Capitol Street to U Street; West on U Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E09 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Park Place, N.W. and Kenyon Street, N.W.; East on 
Kenyon Street, N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; East on Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to Michigan Avenue; East on Michigan Avenue, N.E. 
to Franklin Street, N.E.; Southeast on Franklin Street, N.E. to Lincoln Road, N.E.; South 
on Lincoln Road to Rhode Island Avenue, N.E.; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue, N.E. to 
North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to Adams Street; West on Adams 
Street, N.W. to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd Street, N.W. to Bryant Street, N.W.;- East 
on Bryant Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North on 1st Street NW to Michigan Avenue, 
N.W.; Northwest on Michigan Avenue, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.-; North on' Park Place, 
N.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 5E10 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Lincoln 
Road and Franklin Street; East on Franklin Street to 6th Street; South on 6th Street to 
Evarts Street; West on Evarts Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Rhode Island 
Avenue; Southwest on Rhode Island Avenue to Lincoln Road; Northeast on Lincoln Road to 
the point of beginning. 


Eaw 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period: 

Description of ANC 6A Boundaries 

k All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning; 
at the intersection of 8th Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to H 1 
Street; East on H Street to Benning Road; East on Benning Road to 19th Street; South orf 
19th Street to C Street; East on C Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street td the 1 
northern portion of East Capitol. Street; West on the northern portion of East Capitol Street 
to 19th Street; Continuing west on East Capitol Street to 13th Street;, South on 13th Street, 
S.E. to the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street south of Lincoln Park; West along said) 
eastbound portion of East Capitol Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street, S.E, td.E^sti 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to H/Sir.eej^ 
West on H Street to 7th Street; North on 7th to I Street; East on I Street to 1 8th QpY£$fi;i 
North on 8th Street to the point of beginning. ; i'c iv;/') ■.«;•'■■: ■"■■' ^<>W^A 

Description SMD 6A01 Boundaries ;^ ■;,.<., *yvyM I 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection ; .,of ; 8th 
Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to 13th Street; South on 13th 
Street to H Street; West on H Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street to G Street; West I 
on G Street to 8th Street North on 8th Street to H Street; West on H Street to 7th Street;^ 
North on 7th to I Street; East on I Street to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to the point of 
beginning. ^ 

Description of SMD 6A02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 11th 
Street and H Street; East on H Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to E Street;, 
West on E Street to Maryland Avenue; Southwest on Maryland Avenue to 8th Street; North : 
on 8th Street to G Street; East on G Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to the point 
of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6A03 Boundaries >■■ ■ 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Maryland Avenue and E Street; East on E Street to 10th Street; South on 10th Street to; C 
Street; East on C Street to 12th Street; South on 12th Street to the westbound portion of 
East Capitol Street north of Lincoln Park; West on East Capitol Street to 11th Street; South; 
on 11th Street to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 8th Street; North on, 
8th Street to Maryland Avenue; Northeast on Maryland Avenue to the point of beginning.' 

Description of SMD 6A04 Boundaries ,^ 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of C Street and 12th Street; East on C Street to 15th Street; South* ;6n> 
15th Street to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 13th Street; SouMoiij 
13th Street, S.E, to the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street south of Lincoln Parley iffi est 
.along said eastbound portion of East Capitol Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street^ 
S.E. to the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street north of Lincoln Park; East on^lMst 
Capitol Street to 12th Street; North on 12th Street to the point of beginning. T^g 

Description of SMD 6A05 Boundaries -was T A 

■ All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of lOtfi 

Street and E Street; East on E Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to C Street:;! 

West on C Street to 10th Street; North on 10th Street to the point of beg^nnin&r 

Description of SMD 6A06 Boundaries ■.■•-■■■?, 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 13th> 
Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to H Street; East on H Street/tbl 
15th Street; South on 15th Street to Gales Street; East on Gales Street to 16th Street? 
South on 16th Street to Isherwood Street; West on Isherwood Street to 15th Street; Nor-th 
on 15th Street to E Street; West on E Street to 13th Street; North ori 13th Street to the 
point of beginning. „ '';' 

Description of SMD 6 A07 Boundaries |j 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 15th, 
Street and Benning Road; East on Benning Road to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to E\ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Street; West on E Street to 18th Street; South on 18th to D Street; West on D Street to 
16th Street; North on 16th Street to Gales Street; West on Gales Street to 15th Street; 
North on 15th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6A08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant Beginning at the intersection of 18th 
Street and E Street; East on E Street to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to C Street; 
East on C Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to the northern portion of East 
Capitol Street; West on the northern portion of East Capitol Street to 19th Street; 
Continuing west on East Capitol Street to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to Isherwood 
Street; East on Isherwood Street to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to D Street; East on 
D Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 6B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of a line extending South Capitol Street north and a line extending East 
Capitol Street west; East on said line extending East Capitol Street, and continuing east on 
East Capitol Street to 11th Street; South on 11th Street to the eastbound portion of East 
Capitol Street south of Lincoln Park; East along said eastbound portion of East Capitol 
Street to 13 Street; North on 13th Street to East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street 
to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to its intersection with the property line of Congression- 
al Cemetery; in an easterly direction along the property line of Congressional Cemetery to 
its easternmost point and continuing east on the same bearing to the centerline of the 
Anacostia River; Southwest along the centerline of the Anacostia River to Interstate 295; 
North on Interstate 295 to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to M Street; West on M Street 
to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to the Southeast Expressway; Northwest on the 
Southeast Expressway to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to the point of 

Description of SMD 6B01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of a line extending South Capitol Street northward and a line extending 
East Capitol Street westward; East on said line extending East Capitol Street, and 
continuing east on East Capitol Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to A Street; West 
on A Street to 4tK Street; South on 4th Street to North Carolina Avenue; Southwest on 
North Carolina Avenue to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to the Southeast Expressway; 
Northwest on the Southeast Expressway to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol 
Street and continuing north along a line extending South Capitol Street north to the point of 

Description of SMD 6B02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 5th Street and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to 9th 
Street. . • South on 9th Street to A Street; West on A Street to 8th Street; South on 8th 
Street to its first intersection with D Street; East on D Street to 9th Street; South on 9th 
Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to its first intersection 
with D Street; West on D Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to D Street; West on D 
Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to North Carolina Avenue; Northeast on North 
Carolina Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to A Street; East on A Street to 5th 
Street; North on 5th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the 3rd Street and D Street East on D Street to 7th Street; South on 
7th Street to D Street; East on D Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to the Southeast 
Expressway; Northwest on the Southeast Expressway to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 9th Street and South Carolina Avenue; Northeast on South Carolina 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council £erib& 

Avenue to 11th Street; North on llth Street to C Street; East on G Street to 12th Street;' 
South on 12th Street to K Street; West on K Street to llth Street; South on llth Street? #b f 
M Street; West on M Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street the Southeast Expressway;" 
Southeast on the Southeast Expressway to 8th Street; North on 8th Street to itsj^fbrst 
intersection with D Street; East on D Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeastern 
Pennsylvania Avenue to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to the point of beginning. ' ^, )T ^ 

Description of SMD 6B05 Boundaries v ,-g 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning) 
at the intersection of 9th Street and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol to llth Street;) 
South on llth Street to the eastbound portion of East Capitol Street south of Lincoln Park. 
East along said eastbound portion of East Capitol Street to 13th Street; South on 13th Street; 
to Independence Avenue; West on Independence Avenue to 12th Street; South on 12th 
Street to C Street; West on C Street to llth Street; South on llth Street to South Carolina 
Avenue; Southwest on South Carolina Avenue to D Street; West on D Street to 8th Street; 
North on 8th Street to A Street; East on A Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Street to. the 
point of beginning. hii '...'../ " ! 

Description of SMD 6B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning; 
at the intersection of South Carolina Avenue and Kentucky Avenue; Southeast on Kentucky; 
Avenue to C Street; East on C Street to 15th Street; South on 15th Street to Pennsylvania; 
Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to the centerline of the Anacostia River; 
Southwest on the Anacostia River to Interstate 295; North on Interstate 295 to llth Street; 
North on llth Street to the Southeast Freeway; East on Southeast Freeway to, its; 
intersection with a line extending 14th Street from the north; North along said line extending] 
14th Street and continuing north on 14th Street to Potomac Avenue; Continuing north along; 
a line extending 14th Street north to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania; 
Avenue to 12th Street; North on 12th Street to its intersection with the portion of C Street 
north of South Carolina Avenue; East on said portion of C Street to South Carolina Avenue; 
Northeast on South Carolina Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning, 
at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and 12th Street; Southeast on Pennsylvania, 
Avenue to its intersection with a line extending 14th Street from the south; South along said 
line extending 14th Street and continuing south on 14th Street to its end at L Street; 
Continuing south along a line extending,-14th Street south to the Southeast Freeway; West 
on the Southeast Freeway to llth Street; North. on llth Street to K Street; East on K 
Street to 12th Street; North on 12th Street to the point of beginning., 

Description of SMD 6B08 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. . Beginning 
at the intersection of East Capitol Street and 13th Street; East on East Capitol Street ta 
15th Street; South on 15th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts,' 
Avenue to 16th Street; South on 16th Street to C Street; West on C Street to Kentucky.! 
Avenue; Northwest on Kentucky Avenue to South Carolina Avenue; !.'Sbuftiwest on .South.! 
Carolina Avenue to C Street; West on C Street to '12th Street; North. .on ; 12th Street ici 
Independence Avenue; East on Independence Avenue to 13th Street; North' on 13th Street- 
to point of beginning. ^ , ^ ' n ". ..,, 

Description of SMD 6B09 Boundaries V n 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 16th Street and Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts 
A T ~ nue to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to its intersection with the property line of 
r .gressional Cemetery; In an easterly direction along the property line of Congressional 

.netery to its easternmost point, and continuing east on the same bearing to the centerline 

the Anacostia River, Southwest along the centerline of the Anacostia River to Pennsylvania' 
Avenue Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to C Street; 
East on C Street to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to the point of beginning. ; 

Description of SMD 6B10 Boundaries 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 15th Street and East Capitol Street: East on East "Capitol Street to 
19th Street; South on 19th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts 
Avenue to 15th Street; North on 15th Street to East Capitol Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 6C Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of New York Avenue, N.E. and Florida Avenue, N.E.; 
Southeast on Florida Avenue, N.E. to 8th Street, N:E.; South on 8th Street, N.E. to I Street, 
N.E.; West on I Street, N.E.. to 7th Street, N.E.; South on 7th Street, N.E. to H Street, 
N.E.; East on H Street, N.E. to 8th Street, N.E.; South on 8th Street, N.E. to East Capitol 
Street;' West on East Capitol Street to its end at 1st Street; Continuing west along a line 
extending East Capitol Street west to its intersection with a line extending South Capitol- 
Street north; North along said line extending South Capitol Street north to its intersection 
with Constitution Avenue; West on Constitution Avenue, N.W. to the point where it crosses 
above the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; North along the eastern boundary of 
Interstate 395 to the point where it crosses below Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.; Southwest 
on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to 
New York Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on New York Avenue, N.E. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6C01 boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Constitution Avenue, N.E. and 8th Street, N.E.; South on 
8th Street, N.E. to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to its end at 1st Street; 
Continuing west along a line extending East Capitol Street west to its intersection with a line 
extending South Capitol Street north; North along said line extending South Capitol Street 
north to its intersection with Constitution Avenue; East along Constitution Avenue, N.E. to 
the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6C02 boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the eastern boundary of Interstate 395 and Massachusetts 
Avenue, N.W.; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. to Massachusetts Avenue, N.E..; 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. to Columbus Circle, N.E.; Counter-clockwise 
around Columbus Circle, N.E. to F Street, N.E.; East on F Street, N.E. to 2nd Street, N.E..; 
South on 2nd Street, N.E. to the alley between E Street, N.E. and F Street, N.E.; In an 
easterly direction along said alley between E Street, N.E. and F Street, N.E. to 3rd Street, 
N.E..; South on 3rd Street, N.E. to E Street, N.E.; East on E Street, N.E. to 4th Street, 
N.E..; South on 4th Street, N.E. to Constitution Avenue, N.E'.; West on Constitution Avenue, 
N.E. to the eastern boundary of Interstate 395; North along the eastern boundary of 
Interstate 395 to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6C03 boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 6th 
Street and F Street; East on F Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to Constitution 
Avenue; West" on Constitution Avenue to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to E Street; East 
on E Street to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6C04 boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of North 
Capitol Street and H Street; East on H Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to I 
Street; East on I Street to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to H Street; East on H Street to 
5th Street; South on 5th Street to F Street; East on F Street to 6th Street; South on 6th 
Street to E Street; West on E Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to the alley between 
E Street and F Street; In a westerly direction along said alley between E Street and F 
Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to F Street; West on F Street to Columbus Circle; 
Clockwise around Columbus Circle to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts 
Avenue to North Capitol Street; North on North Capitol Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6C05 boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 3rd 
Street and K Street; East on K Street to 8th Street; South on 8th Street to I Street; West 
on I Street to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to H Street; East on H Street to 8th Street; 


£aw 19-157, § 2 19th Councillors 

Sdtith oh 8th Street to F Street; West on F Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street tio/H 
Street; West on H Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to the point of be^nning^ 
Description of SMD 6C06 boundaries — ^v/1 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
York Avenue and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to 8th Street; South on '8th 
Street to K Street; West on K Street to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to I Street; Wesson 
I Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd Street to H Street; West on H Street to North Capitofe 
Street; North on North Capitol Street to New York Avenue; Northeast on New York; 
Avenue to the point of beginning. : r y. 

Description of ANC 6D Boundaries ^ 

Beginning at the intersection of 14th Street, S.W. and Independence Avenue, S.W.; East! 
on Independence Avenue, S.W. to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to the 
Southeast Freeway (spur to Interstate 295); Due southeast on the Southeast Freeway (spur 
to Interstate 295) to 7th Street, S.E.; South on 7th Street, S.E. to M Street, S.E.; East oh M/ 
Street, S.E. to 11th Street, S.E.; South on 11th Street, S.E. to the centerline of the, Anacostia 
River; Southwest along in the centerline of the Anacostia River arid the projection of that; 
centerline to the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac River; North along said Virginia shoreline : 
of the Potomac River to 14th Street; North on 14th Street,' S.W. to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D01 Boundaries 

■All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14th' 

Street and Independence Avenue; East on Independence Avenue to 4th Street; South on 4th > 

Street to M Street; West on M Street to Maine Avenue; Northwest on Maine Avenue to 14th > 

Street; North on 14th Street to the point of beginning. ■■'^ 

Description of SMD 6D02 Boundaries * ! ; 

Beginning at the intersection of Delaware Avenue, S.W. and M Street, S.W.. Northeast on 
Delaware Avenue, S.W. to I Street, S.W.; West on I Street, S.W. to 3rd Street, S.W.; North 
on 3rd Street, S.W. to G Street; Continuing north along a line extending 3rd Street to its- 
continuation at E Street, S.W., and continuing north on 3rd Street to Independence Avenue^; 
S.W.; East on Independence Avenue, S.W. to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol; 
Street to I Street, S.W.; East on I Street, S.E. to New Jersey Avenue, S.E.; Southeast on; 
New Jersey Avenue, S.E. to K, Street, S.E.; East on K Street, S.E. to 2nd Street, S.E.;, 
South on 2nd Street, S.E. to L Street, S.E. ; West on L Street, S.E. to 1st Street, S.E.; South 
on 1st Street, S.E. to Potomac Avenue, S.E.; Southwest on Potomac Avenue, S.E. to South- 
Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to M Street; West on M Street, S.W. to the 
point of beginning. , ' . \n. 

Description of SMD 6D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Independence Avenue and 4th Street; . South on 4th Street to I Street; East on I Streetio, 
Wesley Place; South on Wesley Place to K Street; East on K Street to 3rd Street; South on 
3rd Street to M Street; East on M ; Street to , Delaware Avenue; Northeast on Delaware^ 
Avenue to I Street; West on I Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street^ S.W. to G Street; 
' Continuing north along a line extending 3rd Street to its continuation "at E : Street, and 
continuing north on 3rd Street to Independence Avenue; West on Independence Avenue to 
the point of the beginning. v ■■.. ,!,'■ ; , '..,■■ * . :iu : ; :) 

Description of SMD 6D04 Boundaries " f; 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of MJ 
Street and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to the portion of Street to its east; East on dj 
Street to its end, and continuing east along a line extending Street to its continuation at 3rd| 
Street; South on 3rd Street to P Street; West oh P Street and continuing west along a line^ 
extending P Street to the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac River; North along said Virginia ' 
Shore of the Potomac River to 14th Street; Northeast on 14th Street to Maine Avenue;' 
Southeast on Maine Avenue to M Street; East on M Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of I Street 
and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to the portion of Street to its east; East on Street tcP 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

its end, and continuing east along a line extending Street to its continuation at 3rd Street; 
South on 3rd Street to P Street; West on P Street and continuing west along a line extending 
P Street to the Virginia shoreline of the Potomac River; South along said Virginia Shore of 
the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending the center line of the Anacostia 
River; Northeast along said line extending the center line of the Anacostia River and 
continuing northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to South Capitol Street; ' 
Northwest on South Capitol Street to Potomac Avenue; Southwest on Potomac Avenue to R 
Street; West on R Street .to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Canal Street; Northeast on 
Canal Street to Delaware Avenue; North on Delaware Avenue to M Street; West on M 
Street to 3rd Street; North on 3rd Street to K Street; West on K Street to Wesley Place; 
North on Wesley Place to I Street; West on I Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Delaware Avenue and M Street; East on M Street to South Capitol Street; South on South 
Capitol Street to Potomac Avenue; Southwest on Potomac Avenue to R Street; West, on R 
Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Canal Street; Northeast on Canal Street to 
Delaware Avenue; North on Delaware Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 6D07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
Southeast Freeway (spur to Interstate 295) and South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol 
Street to I Street; East on I Street to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast on New Jersey 
Avenue to K Street; East on K Street to 2nd Street; South on 2nd Street to L Street; West 
on L Street to 1st Street; South on 1st Street to Potomac Avenue; Southwest on Potomac 
Avenue to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to the center line of the 
Anacostia River; Northeast on the center line of the Anacostia River to 11th Street; North 
on 11th Street to M Street; West on M Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to the 
Southeast Freeway (spur to 1-295); Northwest on the Southeast Freeway (spur to 1-295) to 
the point of the beginning. 

Description of ANC 6E Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of T 
Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida Avenue to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast 
on New Jersey Avenue to N Street; East on N Street to Kirby Street; South on Kirby 
Street to New York Avenue; Northeast on New York Avenue to North Capitol Street; South 
on North Capitol Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 
7th Street; North on 7th Street to M Street; West on M Street to the alley running along the 
eastern side of the Washington Convention Center; North on said alley to N Street; West on 
N Street to 9th Street; , North on 9th Street to P Street; West on P Street to 11th Street; 
North on lljth Street to S Street; East on S Street to Wiltberger Street; North on 
Wiltberger Street to T Street; East -on T Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 11th 
Street and S Street; East on S Street to 7th Street; South on 7th Street to R Street; East 
on R Street to Marion Street; South on Marion Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 7th 
Street; South on 7th Street to Street; West on Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Street 
to P Street; West on P Street to 11th Street; North on 11th Street to the point of beginning. 

Description SMD 6E02 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of T Street and Florida Avenue; Southeast on Florida 
Avenue to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast on New Jersey Avenue to Street; West on 
Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to Q Street; East on Q Street to Marion Street; 
North on Marion Street to R Street; West on R Street to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to 
S Street; East on S Street to Wiltberger Street; North on Wiltberger Street to T Street; 
East on T Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 9th 
Street and Street; East on Street to 5th Street; South on 5th Street to M Street; West 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Couricil r ;p<erj0& 

on M Street to the alley running along the eastern side of the Washington Convention; center^ 
North on said alley to N Street; West on N Street to 9th Street; North on 9th Streets tfeeR 
point of beginning. . . . )<xnYd r -I 

Description of SMD 6E04 Boundaries » * ^ ^}\ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of '$m L 
Street and Street; East on Street to New Jersey Avenue; Southeast on New Jerse^ 
Avenue to N Street; East on N Street to Kirby Street; South on Kirby Street to New Ybrf/ 
Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to 7th Street; North on 7th Street to M Street^ 
East on M Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to the point of beginning. \ ' 

Description of SMD 6E05 Boundaries V 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
York Avenue and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Massachusetts Avenue; West on 
Massachusetts Avenue to 7th Street North on 7th Street to New York Avenue; Northeast on . 
New York Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 6E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant; Beginning at the intersection -, of New \ 
York Avenue and North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol Street to L Street; West on 
a line extended west from L Street to 1st Street; North oil 1st Street to New York Avenue; 
Northeast on New York Avenue to the point of beginning. '."-" 

Description of SMD 6E07 Boundaries \ 

All streets are located in the Northwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of New 
York Avenue and 1st Street; South on 1st Street to a line extended west from L Street; East 
on said line extended west from L Street to North Capitol Street; South on North Capitol 
Street to Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to 4th Street; North 
on 4th Street to New York Avenue; Northeast on New York Avenue to the point of 

Description of ANC 7B 

All streets located in the Southeast quadrant Beginning at the intersection of the 
centerline of the Anacostia River and a line extended west from CrofTut Place; East on said 
line extended from Croffut Place to CrofTut Place; Continuing East on CrofTut Place to,, 
Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to its southwestern intersection with' 
Randle Circle; Counterclockwise around Handle, Circle to Ft. Dupont Drive; East on FtV, 
Dupont Drive to Ft. Davis Drive; South on Ft. Davis Drive to Massachusetts Avenue;^ 
Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 42nd Street; South on 42nd Street to Ft Dupont 
Street; Southwest on Ft. Dupont Street- to. Q. Street; Northwest on Q Street to Ft. Davis 
Street; Southwest on Ft Davis Street to R Street; Southeast on R Street to 40th Street; 
South on 40th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to 
Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to Naylor Road; Northeast on Naylor; 
Road to 25th Street; North on 25th Street to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota 
Avenue to Nicholson Street; Northwest on Nicholson Street to Anacdstia Drive, S.E.; 
Continuing Northwest along a line connecting to the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue &hd 
the centerline of the Anacostia River; Northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River 
to the point of the beginning. • - .-<> 

Description of SMD 7B01 Boundaries ! 

' All streets are located in Southeast quadrant Beginning at the intersection' of the' 
centerline of the Anacostia River and a line extended west from CrofTut Place S.E.; East on 
said line extended from Croffut Place to Croffut Place; Continuing east along CrofTut Place 
to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Nash Place; Northwest on Nash 
Place to Fairlawn Avenue; Continuing northwest along a line extending Nash Place to th&l 
centerline of the Anacostia River; Northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to; 
the point of the beginning. : H 

Description of SMD 7B02 Boundaries * 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersectidri of 
Pennsylvania Avenue and 28th Street; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to 30th Street; 
South on 30th Street extended across Ft. Circle Park to V Place; East on V Place tcj glsti 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Street; South on 31st Street to W Street; East on W Street to 32nd Place; South on 32nd 
Place to Alabama Avenue; Southwest on Alabama Avenue to Naylor Road; North on Naylor 
Road to 27th Street; North on 27th Street to Q Street; East on Q Street to 28th Street; 
North on 28th Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
centerline of the Anacestia River and a line extending Nash Street to the northwest; 
Southeast along said line extending Nash Street to Nash Street; Continuing southeast on 
Nash Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to M Street; Southeast 
on M Street to 30th Street; South on 30th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on 
Pennsylvania Avenue to 28th Street; South on 28th Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 
27th Street; South on 27th Street to Naylor Road; North on Naylor Road to 25th Street; 
North on 25th Street to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Nicholson 
Street; Northwest on Nicholson Street to Anacostia Drive; Continuing northwest along a line, 
connecting to the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and the centerline of the Anacostia 
River; Northeast along the centerline . of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the southwest intersection 
of Minnesota Avenue and Randle Circle; Counter-clockwise around Randle Circle to Massa- 
chusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 34th Street; South on 34th Street 
to M Street; ■ West on M Street to Branch Avenue; South on Branch Avenue to Pope Street; 
Southeast on Pope Street to Nash Place; West on Nash Place to Highwobd Drive; Southeast 
on Highwood Drive to its second intersection with Carpenter Street; East on Carpenter 
Street to Texas Avenue; Southwest on Texas Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on 
Pennsylvania Avenue to Alabama Ave; Southwest on Alabama Avenue to 32nd Place; North 
on 32nd Place to W Street; West on W Street to 31st Street; North on 31st Street to V 
Place; West on V Place to 30th Street; North on 30th Street extended across Ft. Circle Park 
to M Street; Northwest on M Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue 
to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Alabama Avenue and Branch Avenue; South on Branch Avenue to Denver Street; Southeast 
on Denver Street to High view Terrace; Northeast on Highview Terrace to 34th Street; 
Southeast on 34th Street to Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to Naylor 
Road; Northwest on Naylor Road to Alabama Avenue; Northeast on Alabama Avenue to the 
point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Alabama Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeast on Pennsylvania Avenue to Southern . 
Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to 34th Street; Northwest on 34th Street to 
Highview Terrace; Southwest on Highview Terrace to Denver Street; Northwest on Denver 
Street to Branch Avenue; North on Branch Avenue to Alabama Avenue; Northeast on 
Alabama Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the southeast intersection 
of Randle Circle and Massachusetts Avenue; Counter-clockwise around Randle Circle to Ft 
Dupont Drive; East on Ft. Dupont Drive to Ft. Davis Drive; South on Ft. Davis Drive to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Southeast on Massachusetts Avenue to 42nd Street; South on 42nd 
Street to Ft. Dupont Street; Southwest on Ft Dupont Street to Q Street; Northwest on Q 
Street to Ft. Davis Street; Southwest on Ft. Davis Street to R Street; Southeast on R Street 
to 40th Street; South on 40th Street to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania 
Avenue to Texas Avenue; Northeast on Texas Avenue to Carpenter Street; West on 
Carpenter Street to Highwood Drive; West on Highwood Drive to Nash Place; East on Nash 
Place to Pope Street; Northwest on Pope Street to Branch Avenue; North on Branch 
Avenue to M Street; East on M Street to 34th Street; North on 34th Street to Massachu- 
setts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to the point of the beginning. 


Law 19-157, §2 , 19th Council Period 

; Description of ANC 7C Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 1 
Minnesota Avenue and Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Southern Avenue ;' 
Southwest on Southern Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 47th 
Street; North on 47th Street to 47th Place; South on 47th Place to Edson Street; West oh 
Edson Place to 45th Street; North on 45th Street to Foote Street;' East on Foote Street to 
46th Street; North on 46th Street to Grant Street; West on Grant Street to 44th Street^ 
North on 44th Street to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Southeast on Nannie H'elerB 
Burroughs. Avenue to 46th Street: North on a line extending 46th Street to the north 
Continuing north on 46th Street to Jay Street; West on Jay Street to 44th Street; North on-, 
44th Street to Sherriff Road; East on Sherriff Road to 45th Street; North on 45th Street tcr 
Meade Street; East on Meade Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue ; 
to the beginning point. 

Description of SMD 7C01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 48th; 
Street and Jay Street; East on Jay Street to 51st Street; South on 51st Street to Hayes 
Street; East on Hayes Street to Division Avenue; South on Division Avenue to Cloud Place; 
West on Cloud Place to 51st Street; North on 51st Street to Fitch Place; Northeast on Fitch 
Place to 49th Place; North on 49th Place to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; West on) 
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 49th Street; South on 49th Street to its intersection with - 
the Watts Branch stream; West along the Watts Branch stream to its intersection with a line ; 
extending north from 48th Place; South along said line to Foote Street; West on Foote' , 
Street to 47th Place; South on 47th Place to Edson Place; West on Edson Place to 45th ■ 
Street; North on 45th Street to Foote Street; East on Foote Street to 46th Street; North on-. 
46th Street to Grant Street; West on Grant Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to 
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Southeast on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 48th 
Street; North on 48th Street to the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Division 
Avenue and the Watts Branch Stream; Southeast along the Watts Branch Stream to 55th 
Street; South on 55th Street to Clay Place; East on Clay Place to 56th Street; South on 56th 
Street to Blaine Street East on Blaine Street to 57th Place; South on 57th Place to East 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 50th Street; North on 50th Street to Blaine 
Street; East on Blaine Street to Division Avenue; North on Division Avenue to the point of ; 
the beginning. ■ . M 

Description of SMD 7C03 Boundaries ' 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 49th 
Street and Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; East on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 
49th Place; South on 49th Place to Fitch Place; East on Fitch Place to 51st Street; South oh 
51st Street to Cloud Place; East on Cloud Place to Division Avenue; South on Division' 
Avenue to Blaine Street; West on Blaine Street to 50th Street; South on 50th Street to: East- 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 47th Street; North on 47th Street to 47th 
Place; North on 47th Place to Foote Street; East on Foote Street to 48th Place; North on 
48th Place and continuing north on a line extending 48th Place to the Watts Branch Stream; 
East along the Watts Branch Stream to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to the point of the 
Description of SMD 7C04 Boundaries '<j 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 44tfr 
Street and Sherriff Road; East on Sherriff Road to 51st Street; North on 51st Street to Lee ' 
Street; East on Lee Street to Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Division: 
Avenue; South on Division Avenue to Hayes Street; West on Hayes Street to 51st Street;- 
North on 51st Street to Jay Street; West on Jay Street to 48th Street; South on 48th Street 
to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to 46th) 
Street; North on a line extending 46th Street to the north Continuing North on 46th Street! 
to Jay Street; West on Jay Street to 44th Street; North on 44th Street to the point of the ■ 
beginning. j; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Description of SMD 7C05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 59th' 
and Foote Street; East on Foote Street to Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to 
Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East 
Capitol Street to 57th Place; North on 57th Place to Blaine Street; West on Blaine Street to 
56th Street; North on 56th Street to Clay Place; West on Clay Place to 55th Street; North 
on 55th Street to Eads Street; East on Eads Street to 59th Street; North on 59th Street to 
the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7C06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Division 
Avenue and Eastern Avenue; Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Foote Street; West on Foote 
Street to 59th Street; South on 59th Street to Eads Street; West on Eads Street to 55th 
Street; South 'on 55th Street to the Watts Branch Stream; Northwest along the Waits 
Branch Stream to Division Avenue; North on Division Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description on SMD 7C07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Minnesota Avenue and Eastern Avenue; South on Eastern Avenue to Lee Street; West on 
Lee Street to 51st Street; South on 51st Street to Sheriff Road; West on Sheriff, to 45th 
Street; North on 45th Street to Meade Street; East on Meade Street to Minnesota Avenue; 
Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of for ANC 7D Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant except where otherwise designated. 
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Anacostia River and Eastern Avenue; 
Southeast on Eastern Avenue to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to 
Meade Street; West on Meade Street to 45th Street; South on 45th Street to Sherriff Road;. 
West on Sherriff Road to 44th Street; South on 44th Street to Jay Street; East on Jay 
Street to 46th Street; South on 46th Street and continuing south along a line extending 46th 
Street to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue 
to 44th Street; South on 44th Street to Grant Street; East on Grant Street to 46th Street; 
South on 46th Street to Foote Street; West on Foote Street to 45th Street; South on 45th 
Street to Edson Place; East on Edson Place to 47th Place; North on 47th Place to 47th 
Street; South on 47th Street to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 42nd 
Street; North on 42nd Street to Blaine Street; East on Blaine Street to Benning Road; 
Northwest on Benning Road to 42nd Street; North on 42nd Street to Grant Street; West on 
Grant Street and continuing west along a line extending Grant Street to Kenilworth Avenue; 
Southwest on Kenilworth Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 
Independence Avenue; Southwest on Independence Avenue to 19th Street; North on 19th 
Street to East Capitol Street; East on the northern spur of East Capitol Street to 22nd 
Street; North on 22nd Street to C Street; East on C Street to 19th Street; North on 19th 
Street to Benning Road; East on Benning Road to the centerline of the Anacostia River; 
North-northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. 

Description for SMD 7D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant except where otherwise designated. 
Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street and Benning Road; East on Benning Road to its 
intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; South along the centerline of the 
Anacostia River to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to Independence 
Avenue; Southwest on Independence Avenue to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to East 
Capitol Street; East on the northern spur of East Capitol Street to 22nd Street; North on 
22nd Street to C Street; West on C Street to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to the point 
of the beginning. 

Description for SMD 7D02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Anacostia Avenue and Douglas Street; Southeast on Douglas Street to Kenilworth Avenue; 
Southwest on Kenilworth Avenue to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Southeast on Nannie 
Helen Burroughs Avenue to Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to its 
intersection with the southeastern extension of the portion of Hayes Street north of 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Couricil^ri6& 

Kenilworth Avenue; Northwest along said line to Hayes Street Continuing Northwest»along 
Hayes Street to its intersection with the northwestern boundary of census block 96.024Q02.; 
Northeast along said boundary to its intersection with the northwest boundary of census^ 
block 96.02.1001; Northeast along said boundary to its intersection with the northw&sjtH 
boundary of census block 96.02.1000; Northeast along said boundary to its intersection with) 
Jay Street; Southeast on Jay Street to Kenilworth Terrace; North on Kenilworth Terrace te 
Lee Street; Northwest on Lee Street to 40th Street; North on 40th Street to Anacostia) 
Avenue; East on Anacostia Avenue to the point of the beginning. ..-'... ^It 

Description for SMD 7D03 Boundaries t 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Eastern 
Avenue and the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southeast on Eastern Avenue tis 
Minnesota Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Meade Street; West on Meade Street ; 
to 45th Street; South on 45th Street to Sherriff Road; West on Sherriff Road to Minnesota- 
Avenue; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on 
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue to Kenilworth Avenue; Northeast on Kenilworth Avenue to 
Douglas Street; Northwest on Douglas Street to Anacostia Avenue; Southwest on Anacostia 
Avenue to 40th Street; South on 40th Street to Lee Street; Southeast oh Lee Street to : 
Kenilworth Terrace; South on Kenilworth Terrace to the Watts Branch Stream; Northwest, 
along the Watts Branch Stream to the point where it meets the Anacostia River; Northeast^ 
along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. J 

Description of SMD 7D04 Boundaries , 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Benning Road and the centerline of the Anacostia River; East on Benning Road to, 
Kenilworth Avenue; Southwest on Kenilworth Avenue to East Capitol Street; West on East, 
Capitol Street to the centerline of the Anacostia River; North along the centerline of the, 
Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7D05 Boundaries *, 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 44th 
Street and Grant Street; East on Grant Street to 46th Street; South on 46th Street toFbbte: 
Street; West on Foote Street to 45th Street; South on 45th Street to Edson Place; East on- 
Edson Place to 47th Place; North oh 47th Place to 47th Street; South on 47th Street to East! 
Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to its intersections with a line extending 42nd; 
Street south; North along said line to 42nd Street; Continuing north on 42nd Street to 
Blaine Street; East on Blaine Street: to Benning Road; Southeast on Benning Road to 44th 
Street; North on 44th Street to the point of the beginning. ....,■■ 

Description of SMD 7D06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Minnesota Avenue Sherriff Road; East on Sherriff Road to 44th Street; South on 44th Street : 
to Jay Street; East on Jay Street to 46th Street; South on 46th Street to the point where it | 
extends to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; Northwest on Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue' 
to 44th Street; South on 44th Street to Benning Road; Northwest oh Eienning Road to 42nd 1 
Street; North on 42nd Street to Grant Street; West on Grant' Street to Minnesota; Ave; 
Continuing west along a line extending Grant Street west to Kenilworth; Northeast' bn 
Kenilworth Avenue to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue; East on Nannie Helen Burroughs! 
Avenue to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to the point of the beginning;! 

Description of SMD 7D07 Boundaries ; ; 

All streets are located in the Northeast quadrant. Beginning at the point where the Wattsj 
Branch Stream meets the Anacostia River; East along the Watts branch Stream tol 
Kenilworth Terrace; South on Kenilworth Terrace to Jay Street; Northwest on Jay Street to" 
its intersection with the northwest boundary of census block 96.02.1000; Southwest along said 
boundary to its intersection with the northwest boundary of census block 96.02.1001; 
Southwest along said boundary to its intersection with the northwest boundary of census 
block 96.02.1002: Southwest along said boundary to its intersection with Hayes Street; 
Southeast on Hayes Street to Kenilworth Avenue; Southwest on Kenilworth Avenue to; 
Benning Road; West on Benning Road to the centerline of the Anacostia River; North on the 
centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of the beginning. ^ v ■ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Descriptions of ANC 7E Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Texas 
Avenue and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to Southern Avenue; South- 
west on Southern Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylvania Avenue to 
40th Street; Northeast on 40th Street to R Street; Northwest on R Street to Ft. Davis 
Street; Northeast on Ft. Davis Street to Q Street; Southeast on Q Street to Ft. Dupont 
Street; Northeast on Ft. Dupont Street to 42nd Street; North on 42nd Street to Massachu- 
setts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Ft. Davis Drive; North on Ft. Davis 
Drive to Ridge Road; Southeast on Ridge Road to G Street; East on G Street to Benning 
Road; Northwest on Benning Road to B Street; West on B Street to 1 Texas Avenue; North 
on Texas Avenue to the point of the beginning.. 

Description of SMD 7E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Alabama Avenue and G Street; South on Alabama Avenue to Hilltop Terrace; East on 
Hilltop Terrace to 46th Street; South on 46th Street to H Street; East on H Street to 
Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to Reed Terrace; West on Reed Terrace 
to 45th Place; North on 45th Place to Hillside Road; West on Hillside Road to Burns Street; 
Continuing West on a line extending Hillside Road to Ridge Road; Northwest on Ridge Road 
to G Street; East on G Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant Beginning at the intersection of Ft. 
Davis Drive and Ridge Road; South on Ridge Road to its intersection with a line extending 
Hillside Road to the west; East on said line to Hillside Road; Continuing East on Hillside 
Road to 45th Place; South on 45th Place to Reed Terrace; East on Reed Terrace to Southern 
Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; Northwest on Pennsylva- 
nia Avenue to 40th Street; North on 40th Street to R Street; Northwest on R Street to Ft. 
Davis Street; Northeast on Ft. Davis Street to Q Street; Southeast on Q Street to Ft. 
Dupont Street; Northeast on Ft. Dupont Street to 42nd Street; North on 42nd Street to 
Massachusetts Avenue; Northwest on Massachusetts Avenue to Ft. Davis Drive; North on 
Ft. Davis Drive to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 51st and 
E Street; East on E Street to Southern Avenue; Southwest on Southern Avenue to H Street, 
West On H Street to 46th Street; North on 46th Street to Hilltop Terrace; West on Hilltop 
Terrace to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to G Street; East on G Street to 
51st Street; North on 51st Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7E04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Texas 
Avenue and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to 49th Street; South on 49th 
Street to Street Louis Street; South on Street Louis Street extended to Queens Stroll Place; 
East on Queens Stroll Place to 51st Street; South on 51st Street to G Street; West on G 
Street to Benning Road; Northwest on Benning Road to B Street; West on B Street to 
Texas Avenue; North on Texas Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7E05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 49th 
Street and East Capitol Street; East on east Capitol Street to Central Avenue; Southeast on 
Central Avenue to 51st Street; South on 51st Street to C Street; East on C Street to 53rd 
Street; South on ,53rd Street to E Street; West on E Street to 51st Street; North on 51st 
Street to Queens Stroll Place; West on Queens Stroll Place to Street Louis Street: Northeast 
on Street Louis Street extended to 49th Street; North on 49th Street to the point of the 

Description of SMD 7E06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 51st 
Street and Central Avenue; Southeast on Central Avenue to Southern Avenue; Southwest on 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period; 

Southern Avenue to E Street; West on E Street to 53rd Street; North on 53rd Street to C 

Street; West on C Street to 51st Street; North on 51st Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7E07 Boundaries ; 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Central 7 
Avenue and East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to Southern Avenue; Souths 
\tfest on Southern Avenue to Central Avenue; Northwest on Central Avenue to the point .of' 
the beginning. ■•y-n?. 

Description of ANC 7F Boundaries ^ ; , 

Beginning at the intersection of Kenilworth Avenue, N;E. and a line extended west fipm! 
Grant Street, N.E.; East on said line to Grant Street* N.E.; Continuing East on h Grp& 
Street, N.E. to 42nd Street, N.E.; South on 42nd Street to Benning Road, N.E.; Southeast 
on Benning Road, N.E. to Blaine Street, N.E.; West on Blaine Street, N.E. to 42nd Street, 
N.E.; South on 42nd Street, N.E. to East Capitol Street; East on East Capitol Street to 
Texas Avenue, S.E.; South on Texas Avenue, S.E. to B Street, S.E.; East on B Street, S,E> 
to Benning Road, S.E.; South on Benning Road, S.E. to G Street, S.E.; West on G Street,! 
S.E. to Ridge Road, S.E.; North on Ridge Road, S.E. to Ft. Davis Drive, S.E.; Southwest on; 
Ft. Davis Drive, S.E. to Ft. Dupont Drive, S.E.; West on Ft. Dupont Drive, S.E. to Randle; 
Circle, S.E.; Clockwise around Randle Circle, S.E. to Minnesota Avenue, S.E.; Northeast oru 
Minnesota Avenue, S.E. to Croffut Place, S.E.; West on Croffut Place, S.E. extended to its v 
intersection with the centerline of the Aaacostia River; Southwest along the centerline of the 
Anacostia River to its intersection with a line extending east from the northern property line 
of the eastern portion of Congressional Cemetery; West along said line, and continuing in a 
westerly direction along said boundary of the Congressional Cemetery to its intersection with ; 
19th Street, S.E.; North on 19th Street to Independence Avenue, S.E.; East on Indepen-. 
dence Avenue, S.E. to East Capitol Street, S.E.; East on East Capitol Street, S.E. to 
Kenilworth Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Kenilworth Avenue, N.E. to the point of the 

Description of SMD 7F01 Boundaries 

; Beginning at the intersection of Kenilworth Avenue, N.E. and a line extended west from 
Grant Street, N.E.; East on said line to Grant Street, N.E,; Continuing east on Grant Street^ 
N.E. to 42nd Street, N.E.; South on 42nd Street, N.E: to Benning Road, N.E.; Southeast on 
Benning Road, N.E. to Blaine Street, N.E.; West on Blaine Street, N.E. to 42nd Street, 
N.E.; South on 42nd Street, N.E. to East Capitol Street; West on East Capitol Street to 
Minnesota Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue, N.E. to Blaine Street, N.E;- 
Northwest on Blaine Street, N.E. to 35th Street, N.E.; Continuing Northwest along a line' 
extending Blaine Street to Kenilworth Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Kenilworth Avenue, N.E. 
to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7F02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of East 
Capitol Street and Texas Avenue; South on Texas Avenue to E Street; East on E Street to" 
Alabama Avenue; South on Alabama Avenue to G Street; West on G Street to Ridge Road; 
Northeast on Ridge Road to E Street; East on E Street to 40th Place; North on 40th Place 
to Burns Street; Continuing north on Burns Street to C Street; West on C Street td Bums 
Place; Northwest on Burns Place to Bums Court; Continuing northwest along a line 1 
extending Burns Place to B Street; Northeast on B Street to East Capitol Street; East on 
East Capitol Street to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD7F03 Boundaries ..,.., 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of B Street) 

- and Texas Avenue; East on B Street to Benning Road; South on Benning Road to G Street;-;; 

West on G Street to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to E Street; West on E; 

Street to Texas Avenue; North on Texas Avenue to the point of the beginning. \-v. 

Description of SMD 7F04 Boundaries d 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Minnesota 
Avenue and B. Street; East on B Street to Ridge Road; Southeast on Ridge Road to 37th 
Street; Southwest on 37th Street to Ely Place East on Ely Place to Ridge Road; South on; 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Ridge Road to Ft. Davis Drive; South on Ft. Davis to Ft. Dupont Drive; West on Ft. Dupont 
Drive to Randle Circle; Clockwise around Randle Circle to Minnesota Avenue; Northeast on 
Minnesota Avenue to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7F05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of East 
Capitol Street and Ridge Road; East on East Capitol Street to B Street; Southwest on B 
Street to its intersection with a line extending Burns Place to the northwest; Southeast on 
said line to Burns Place; Continuing southeast along Burns Place to C Street;' East on C 
Street to Burns Street; South on Burns Street to 40th Place; South on 40th Place to E 
Street; West on E Street to Ely Place; West on Ely Place to 37th Street; North on 37th 
Street to Ridge Road; Northwest on Ridge Road to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 7F06 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Anacostia River and East Capitol 
Street; East on East Capitol Street to Kenilworth Avenue, N.E.; Northeast on Kenilworth 
Avenue, N.E. to its intersection with a line extending Blaine Street to the northwest; 
Southeast on said line to Blaine Street, N.E.; Continuing southeast on Blaine Street, N.E. to 
Minnesota Avenue, N.E.; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue, N.E. to Ridge Road S.E.; 
Southeast on Ridge Road, S.E. to B Street, S.E.; West on B Street, S.E. to Minnesota 
Avenue, S.E.; Southwest on Minnesota Avenue, S.F. to Croffut Place, S.E.; West on Croffut 
Place, S.E. extended west to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; 
North along the centerline of the Anacostia River to point of the beginning. 

Description of ANC 7F07 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of 19th Street, S.E. and Independence, Avenue S.E.; East on 
Independence Avenue, S.E. to East Capitol Street, S.E.; East on East Capitol Street, S.E. to 
the centerline of the Anacostia River; Southwest along the centerline of the .Anacostia River 
to its intersection with a line extending East from the northern property line of the eastern 
-portion of Congressional Cemetery; West along said line, and continuing in a westerly 
direction along said boundary of the Congressional Cemetery to its intersection with 19th 
Street, S.E.; North on 19th Street, S.E. to the point of the beginning. 

Description of ANC 8A Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of the center line of the Anacostia River and Pennsylvania Avenue; 
Southeasterly along a line extending to the intersection of Nicholson Street and Anacostia 
Drive; Southeast on Nicholson Street to Minnesota Avenue; Northeasterly on Minnesota 
Avenue to 25th Street; South on 25th Street to Naylor Road; Continuing South on Naylor 
Road to Altamont Place; Southwest on Altamont Place to Good Hope Road; Northwest on 
Good Hope Road to 22nd Street; Southwest from said intersection across Fort Stanton Park 
to the intersection of 17th Street and Morris Road; West on Morris Road to Pomeroy Road; 
Southwest on Pomeroy Road to Stanton Road; North on Stanton Road to Douglass Road; 
West on Douglass Road to Stanton Road; West on Stanton Road to Sheridan Road; North 
on Sheridan Road to Howard Road; Northwest on Howard Street to South Capitol Street; 
Continuing northwest on South Capitol Street to its intersection with the centerline of the 
Anacostia River; Northeast along' said centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of 

Description of SMD 8A01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
center line of the Anacostia River and Pennsylvania Avenue; Southeasterly along a line 
extending to the intersection of Nicholson Street and Anacostia Drive; Southeast on 
Nicholson Street to Minnesota Ave; Northeast on Minnesota Avenue to 25th Street; South 
on 25th Street to Q Street; West on Q Street to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to R 
Street; Weston R Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to Q Street; West on Q Street 
to 16th Street; North on 16th Street and continuing north along a line' extending 16th Street 
to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Northeast along the centerline 
of the Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8A02 Boundaries 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Peridot 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection oM6thI 
Street and Q Street; East on Q Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street to R Street; 1 East" 
on R Street to 19th Street; South on 19th Street to S Street; East on S Street to 22nd/ 
Street; South on 22nd Street and continuing south along a line extending 22nd Street to 
Retta Gilliam Court; South along the western portion of Retta Gilliam Court to T Place; 
Southeast on T Place to its intersection with the western boundary of Census Block 76.05 
2002; Southwest along said western boundary of Census Block 76.05 20Q2 to Good Hope' 
Road; West on Good Hope Road to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Ridge Place; Weislr 
on Ridge Place to 13th Street; North on 13th Street to the eastern span of the 11th Street; 
Bridge; Continuing north on said eastern span of the 11th Street Bridge to its intersection} 
with the centerline of the Ajiacostia River; Northeast along the centering of the Ajiacostia^ 
River to its intersection with a line extending 16th Street from the south; South along said : 
line extending 16th Street to 16th Street; Continuing south on '16th 'Street to the point of 

Description of SMD 8A03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 19tri j 
Street and R Street; East on R Street to 22nd Street; North on 22nd Street to Q Street; 1 
East on Q Street to 25th Street; South on 25th Street to Naylor Road; Continuing southoir 
Naylor Road to Altamont Place; Southwest on Altamont Place to Good Hope ftdad^ 
Northwest on Good Hope Road to its intersection with the western boundary of Census 'BlocK: 
76.05 2002; Northeast along said western boundary of Census Block 76.05 2002 to T Place^; 
West on T Place to Retta Gilliam Court; North along the western portion of Retta Gilliam 1 
Court to its intersection with a line extending 22nd Street from the north; North along/ said 
line extending 22nd Street to 22nd Street; continuing north on 22nd Street to S Street; TVest 
on S Street to 19th Street; North on 19th Street to the point of the beginning. „ ,..,■ ^ 

Description of SMD 8A04 Boundaries r 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of I9tlf 
Place and Good Hope Road; East on Good Hope Road to 22nd Street; Southwest from that; 1 
intersection along a line connecting to the intersection of 17th Street and Morris Road; West, 
on Morris Road to Bryan Place; North on Bryan Place to Bangor Street; East on Bangor 1 
S.E. to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to Butler Street; Northwest on Butler Street to 
the southwest corner of Census, Block 75.03 2001; Clockwise around the boundary of said 
Census Block to 16th Street; North on 16th Street to W Street; East on W Street to its : ; 
intersection with a line extending 18th Street from the north; North along said line to 18th : 
Street; Continuing North on 18th Street to U Street; East on U Street to 19th Place; Northj 
on 19th Place to the point of beginning. ; , : \ 

Description of SMD 8A05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 14th; 
Street and Ridge Place; East on Ridge Place 1 to 16 Street; South on 16th Street to Good 
Hope Road; East on Good Hope Road to 19th Place; South on 19th Place to U Street; West, 
on U Street to 18th Street; South on 18th Street aMcohimuing south on a line extending 
18th Street to W Street; Northwest on W Street to 16th ; Street; South on 16th Street to its; 
intersection with Census Block 75.03 2001; Counterclockwise around the boundary of said 
Census Block to Butler Street; Southeast on Butler Street to 16th Street; South on 16th 
Street to Bangor Street; West on Bangor Street to Bryan Place; South on Bryan Place io 
Morris Road; Northwest on Morris Road to Bangor Street; Northeast on Bangor Street to 
the alley behind the properties along the east side of High Street; Continuing northeast 
along said alley to Cedar Street; Northwest on Cedar Street to 14th Street; North on 14th) 
Street to the point of beginning. ' , ^ 

Description of SMD 8A06 Boundaries ^ i ^ 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 1 ' 
eastern span of the 11th Street Bridge and the centerline of the Anacostia River; South along; 
said eastern span of the 11th Street Bridge to 13th Street; Continuing south on 13tli Street* 
to Ridge Place; East on Ridge Place to 14th Street; South on 14th Street to Cedar Streets- 
Southeast on Cedar Street, to the alley behind the properties along the east side df High 
Street; Southwest along said alley to Bangor Street; Southwest on Bangor Street to Morris 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Road; Northwest on Morris Road to High Street; Southwest on High Street to Howard 
Road; Northwest on Howard Road to Bowen Road; Southwest on Bo wen Road to Howard 
Road; Northwest on Howard Road to South Capitol Street; Northwest on South Capitol 
Street to its intersection with the centerline of the Anacostia River; Northeast along the 
centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8A07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Howard 
Road and Sheridan Road; Southeast on Howard Road to Bowen Road; Northeast on Bowen 
Road to Howard Road; Southeast on Howard Road to High Street; Northeast on High 
Street to Morris Road; Southeast on Morris Road to Pomeroy Road; Southwest on Pomeroy 
Road to Stanton Road; North on Stanton Road to Douglass Road; Northwest on Douglas 
Road to Stanton Road; West on Stanton Road to Sheridan Road; North on Sheridan Road to 
the point of the beginning. 

Description of ANC 8B Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Altamont Place and Naylor Road; South on Naylor Road to Southern Avenue; Southwest on 
Southern Avenue to its intersection with Oxon Run; West along Oxon Run to its intersection 
with a line extending south from the western boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002; North 
along said line to the western boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002,;Continuing north along 
the western boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002 to Savannah Street; East on Savannah 
Street to 23rd Street; North on 23rd Street to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to 
Suitland Parkway; Northwest on Suitland Parkway to its intersection with a line extending 
Pomeroy Road to the west; East along said line to Pomeroy Road; Continuing east on 
Pomeroy Road to Morris Road; Southeast on Morris Road to 17th Street; Northeast from 
said intersection across Fort Stanton Park to the intersection of Good Hope Road and 22nd 
Street; Southeast on Good Hope Road to Altamont Place; North on Altamont Place to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B01 Boundaries 

All streets located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Altamont 
Place and Naylor Road; South on Naylor Road to Good Hope Road; Northeast on Good 
Hope Road to 24th Street; Southwest on 24th Street to Wagner Street; Southeast on 
Wagner Street to 25th Street; South on 25th Street to Ainger Place; Northwest on Ainger 
Place to Bruce Place; Southwest on Bruce Place to Fort Place; Northwest on Fort Place to 
Erie Street; West on Erie Street to 17th Street; Northeast from said intersection of Erie 
Street and 17th Street along a line connecting to the intersection of 22nd Street and Good 
Hope Road; Southeast on Good Hope Road to Altamont Place; Northeast on Altamont Place 
to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Good 
Hope Road and Naylor Road; South on Naylor Road to Gainesville Street; West on 
Gainesville Street to Knox Place; Southwest on Knox Place to Hartford Street; West on 
Hartford Street to Langston Place; North on Langston Place to Ainger Place; Southeast on 
Ainger Place to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to 25th Street; Continuing 
north on 25th Street to Wagner Street; Northwest on Wagner Street to 24th Street; 
Northeast on 24th Street to Good Hope Road; South on Good Hope Road to the point of the 

Description of SMD 8B03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning on the intersection of Bruce 
Place and Ainger Place; Southeast on Ainger Place to Langston Place; South on Langston 
Place to Hartford Street; East on Hartford Street to Knox Place; Northeast on Knox Place 
to Alabama Avenue; South on Alabama Avenue to Jasper Street; Southeast on Jasper Street 
to its intersection with the northwest corner of Census Block 74.08 1012; Counterclockwise 
around the boundary of said Census Block to Shipley Terrace; East on Shipley Terrace to 
Buena Vista Terrace; Northeast on Buena Vista Terrace to 30th Street; Southeast on 30th 
Street to the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southwest along the 
District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to Suitland Parkway; Northwest on 


La\V 19^157, § 2 19th Council P^riaffl: 

Suitland Parkway to its intersection with the southwest corner of Census Block 74.07 10Q0;J 
North along the western boundary of said Census Block to its intersection with a line' 
extending Gainesville Street from the west; West along said line extending Gainesville Street' 
to Gainesville Street; Continuing west on Gainesville Street to its intersection with a line'' 
extending 17th Street from the north; North along said line extending 17th Street to 17th > 
Street; Continuing north on 17th Street to Erie Street; East on Erie Street to Fort Place; 
Southeast on Fort Place to Bruce Place; Northeast on Bruce Place to point of beginning. 
Description of SMD 8B04 Boundaries r • I 

.All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Morris^ 
Road and 17th Street; South on 17th Street and continuing south on a line extending 17th ■ 
Street to Gainesville Street; East on Gainesville Street and continuing east on a line 
extending Gainesville Street to its intersection with Census Block 74.07 1000; South along the 
boundary of said Census Block to Suitland Parkway; West on Suitland Parkway to its 
intersection with a line extending Pomeroy Road from the west; East on said line extending 
Pomeroy Road to Pomeroy Road; Continuing east on Pomeroy Road to Morris Road; East 
on Morris Road to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B05 Boundaries i 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. ' Beginning at the intersection of ; 
Alabama Avenue and Gainesville Street; East on Gainesville Street to Naylor Road- 
Southeast on Naylor Road to the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; 
Southwest along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to 30th Street; 
Northwest on 30th Street to Buena Vista Terrace; Southwest on Buena Vista Terrace to 
Shipley Terrace; West on Shipley Terrace to its intersection with the southern corner of 
Census Block 74.08 1012; Clockwise around the boundary of said Census Block to Jasper" 
Street; Northwest on Jasper Street to Alabama Avenue; North on Alabama Avenue to the 
point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8B06 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Alabama Avenue and Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland Parkway to the District of 
Columbia — State of Maryland boundary; Southwest along the District of Columbia— State of 
Maryland boundary to Oxon Run; West on Oxon Run to its intersection with a line extending" 
21st Street from the north; North along said line extending 21st Street to 21st Street; 
Continuing north on 21st Street to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 23rd Street'; 
Northwest on 23rd Street to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to the point of the^ 
beginning. ; 

Description of SMD 8B07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 21st 
Street and Savannah Street; South on 21st Street to Mississippi Avenue; Continuing south 
t along a line extending 21st Street south to Oxon Run; West on Oxon Run to its intersection 
with a line extending south from the eastern boundary of Census Block 73:04 1003; North' 
along said line extending Census Block 73-04 1003 and continuing north along the eastern 
boundary of said Census Block to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to the point of 
the beginning. : ; < , 

Description of ANC 8C Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Anacostia River and South Gapitol 
Street; South on South Capitol Street to Howard Road; Continuing south on Howard Road 
to Sheridan Road; South on Sheridan Road to Stanton Road; East on Stanton Road, S.E. to 
Douglass Road S.E,; Southeasterly on Douglass Road, S.E. to Stanton Road, S.E.; South on 
Stanton Road, S.E. to Pomeroy Road, S.E.; Southwest on Pomeroy Road, S.E. to Sheridan 
Road, S.F.; West on a line extending Pomeroy Road, S.E. west to its intersection with 
Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland Parkway to its intersection with the southern: 
boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001; Southwest along said southern boundary of Census' 
Block 74.01 2001 to its intersection with the eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's- 
Hospital East Campus; Southeast along said property boundary to the southern property 
boundary of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Campus; Southwest along said property boundary' 
to its intersection with Alabama Avenue, S.E.; Southwest on Alabama Avenue, S.E. to llthl 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

Place, S.E.; South on 11th Place, S.E. to Trenton Place S.E.; East on Trenton Place S.E. to 
13th Street, S.E.; South on 13th Street, S.E. to Mississippi Avenue, S.E.; West on 
Mississippi Avenue, S.E. to Wheeler Road, S.E.; South on Wheeler Road S.E. to its 
intersection with Oxon Run; West along Oxon Run to its intersection with 4th Street, S.E.; 
South on 4th Street, S.E. to Atlantic Street, S.E.; West on Atlantic Street, S.E. to South 
Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to Xenia Street, S.W.; Northwest on Xenia 
Street, S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; South on 2nd Street, S.W. to Atlantic Street, S.W.; West on 
a line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. west to its intersection with the centerline of the 
southbound lanes of Interstate 295; North along said centerline of Interstate 295 to its 
intersection with a line extending Rice Street, S.W. to the east; West along said line to Rice 
Street, S.W.; Continuing west on Rice Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; North on 
Duncan Avenue S.W. to McChord Street, S.W.; West on McChord Street, S.W. to Chappie 
James Boulevard, S.W.; South on Chappie James Boulevard to Tinker Street, S.W.; West on 
Tinker Street, S.W. to Arnold Avenue S.W.; Continuing, west on a line extending Tinker 
Street, S.W. to the west on line extending to Tinker Street, S.W. to the Commonwealth of 
Virginia-District of Columbia boundary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the 
Potomac River; North along said shoreline of the Potomac River to its intersection with a 
centerline projection of the Anacostia River; Northeast along said centerline projection of the 
Anacostia River to the centerline of the Anacostia River; Continuing northeast along the 
centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C01 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Anacostia River and South Capitol 
Street; Southeast on South Capitol Street to Howard Road, S.E.; Southeast on Howard 
Road, S.E. to Interstate 295; Southwest on Interstate 295 to its intersection with a line 
extending the southwest property boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus to the 
northwest; Southeast along said line to the property boundary of Sheperd Parkway; 
Clockwise around said property boundary of Sheperd Parkway to Lebaum Street, S.E.; 
Northwest on Lebaum Street, S.E. to 4th Street, S.E.; Southwest on 4th Street, S.E. to 
Newcomb Street, S.E.; Northwest on Newcomb Street, S.E. to 2nd Street, S.E.; Continuing 
on Newcomb Street, S.E. to the southwest to 2nd Street, S.E.; South on 2nd Street, S.E. to 
Oakwood Street, S.E.; Southeast on Oakwood Street, S.E. to Malcolm X Avenue, S.E.; West 
on Malcolm X Avenue, S.E. to its intersection with a line extending Waclark Place, S.E. from 
the south; South along said line extending Waclark Place, S.E. to Waclark Place, S.E.; 
Continuing south on Waclark Place, S.E. to' Raleigh Street, S.E.; East on Raleigh Street, 
S.E. to Ester Place, S.E.; South on Ester Place, S.E. to Brothers Place, S.E.; Southwest on 
Brothers Place, S.E. to Highview Place, S.E.; Southeast on Highview Place, S.E. to Martin 
Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E.; Southwest on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E. to Sterling 
Street, S.E.; Northwest on Sterling Street, S.E. to Raleigh Street, S.E.; Continuing 
northwest on a line extending Sterling Street, S.E. to the northwest to Interstate 295; North 
on Interstate 295 to Malcolm X Avenue, S.E.; West on Malcolm X Avenue, S.E. to MacDill 
Boulevard, S.W.; West on MacDill Boulevard, S.W. and continuing west along a line 
extending MacDill Boulevard, S.W. west to the District of Columbia-Commonwealth of 
Virginia boundary at the Virginia shore of the Potomac River; North along said shore of the 
Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending the centerline of the Anacostia River 
to the southwest; Northeast along said line extending the centerline of the Anacostia River 
and continuing northeast along the centerline of the Anacostia River to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Interstate 295 and Firth Sterling Avenue; Southeast along a line connecting said intersection 
to the western-most corner of Census Block 74.01 1039; Southeast along the boundary of said 
Census Block to Wade Road; Northeast on Wade Road to Sumner Road; Southeast on 
Sumner Road to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; South on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue 
to Malcolm X Avenue; West on Malcolm X Avenue to Newcomb Street Northwest on 
Newcomb Street to 5th Street; Southwest on 5th Street to Oakwood Street; Northwest on 
Oakwood Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street to Newcomb Street; East on Newcomb 
Street to 4th Street; Northeast on 4th Street to Lebam Street; Southeast on Lebaum Street 
to the eastern-most point of the property boundary of Sheperd Parkway; Northeast along 
said property boundary of Sheperd Parkway to its intersection with the southwest property 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council period: 

boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus; Northwest along said southwest property! 
boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus and continuing northwest along ;a liner 
extending said southwest property boundary to the northwest to its intersection.; : with: 
Interstate 295; North on Interstate 295 to the point of beginning. ^^ -. it; j 

Description of SMD 8C03 Boundaries ' 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the northern intersection/ 
of Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and the property boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital 
Campus; Clockwise around said property boundary of the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Campus to' 
Alabama Avenue; Southwest on Alabama Avenue to 11th Place; South on 11th Place to; 
Trenton Place; East on Trenton Place to 13th Street; South on 13th Street to Mississippi, 
Avenue; West on Mississippi Avenue to Wheeler-Road; North on Wheeler Road to Wheeler; 
Hill Drive; West on Wheeler Hill Drive to its intersection with a line extending 8th Street' 
from the north; North on said line extending 8th Street to 8th Street; Continuing north oh;l 
8th Street to Alabama Avenue; West on Alabama Avenue to 5th Street; South on 5th Street, 
to Savannah Street; Southwest on Savannah Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; 
Northeast on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue to Highview Place; Northwest on, Highview 
Place to Brothers Place; Northeast on Brothers Place to Esther Place: North on Esther^ 
Place to Raleigh Street; West on Raleigh Street to Waclark Place; .North on Waclark Place' 
and continuing north on a line extending Waclark Place north to Malcolm X Avenue; East on 
Malcolm X Avenue to Oakwood Street; Northwest on Oakwood Street to 5th Street; 
Northeast on 5th Street to Newcomb Street; Southeast on Newcomb Street to Malcolm X 
Avenue; East on Malcolm X Avenue to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; North on Martin 
Luther King Jr. Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8C04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection qf 
Savannah Street and 5th Street; South on 5th Street to Trenton Street; West on Trenton} 
Street to 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Atlantic Street; West on Atlantic Street to 1st' 
Street; North on 1st Street to Wilmington Place; Southeast on Wilmington Place to Horner; 
Place; North on Horner Place to Upsal Street; West on Upsal Place to Martin Luther King ■ 
Jr. Avenue; Northeast on Martin Luther. King Jr. Avenue to Savannah Street; Northeast on, 
Savannah Street to the point of beginning. ■,■■:■, 

Description of SMD 8C05 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of MacDill Boulevard, S.W. and Interstate 295; South on! 
Interstate 295 to its intersection with a line extending Sterling Street, S.E. to the northwest;. 
Southeast along said line extending Sterling Street, S.E. to Sterling Street, S.E.; Continuing 
southeast on Sterling Street, S.E. to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E.; South on Martin! 
Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E. to Upsal Street, S.E.; East on Upsal Street, S.E. to Homer! 
Place S.E.; South on Horner Place, S.E. to Wilmington Place, S.E.; Northwest on WCming^ 
ton Place, S.E. to 1st Street, S.E.; South on 1st Street, S.E. to Atlantic Street, S.E.; West oii- 
Atlantic Street, S.E. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to Xenia Street, , ( 
S.W.; Northwest on Xenia Street, S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; South on 2nd Street, S.W. to- 
Atlantic Street, S.W.; West on a line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. west to its intersection, 
with Interstate 295; North on Interstate 295 to its intersection with a line extending Rice, 
Street, S.W. from the west; West on said line extending Rice Street, S.W. to Rice Street,, 
S.W.; Continuing west on Rice Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; North on Duncan 
Avenue, S.W. to McChord Street, S.W.; West on McChord Street, S.W. to Chappie James 
Boulevard, S.W.; South on Chappie James Boulevard, S.W. to Tinker Street, S.W.; West on 
Tinker Street, S.W. and continuing west on a line extending Tinker Street, S.W. west to the 5 
District of Columbia-Commonwealth of Virginia boundary at the Virginia shore of the j 
Potomac River; North along said shore of the Potomac River to its intersection with a lirie- 
extending MacDill Boulevard, S.W. from the east; East along said line extending MacDiir 
Boulevard to MacDill Boulevard; Continuing east on MacDill Boulevard to the point of; 
beginning. ' /[ 

Description of SMD 8C06 Boundaries ! 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Howarcl;- 1 
Road and Interstate 295; South on Howard Road to Sheridan Road; South on Sheridan .Road , 

184 ■ 

2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

to Stanton Road; East on Stanton Road to Douglass Road; Southeasterly along Douglass 
Road to Stanton Road; South on Stanton Road to Pomeroy Road; West on Pomeroy Road 
and continuing west along a line extending Pomeroy Road west to its intersection with 
Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland Parkway, S.E. to its intersection with the southern 
boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001; Southwest along said southern boundary of Census 
Block 74.01 2001 to its intersection with the eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's 
Hospital East Campus; Northwest along said eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's 
Hospital to its intersection with Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; North on Martin Luther 
King Jr. Avenue to Stanton Road; Northwest on Stanton Road to Wade Road; Southwest on 
Wade Road to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Census Block 74.01 1039; 
Northwest along the boundary of said Census Block to its western-most comer; North from 
said westernmost corner of Census Block 74.01 1039 along a line connecting to the intersec- 
tion of Interstate 295 and Firth Sterling Avenue; East along Interstate 295 to the point of 

Description of SMD 8C07 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Alabama Avenue and 8th Street; South on 8th Street and continuing south along a line 
extending 8th Street south to Wheeler Hill Drive; East on Wheeler Hill Drive to Wheeler 
Road; South on Wheeler Road to Oxon Run; West along Oxon Run to 4th Street; North on 
4th Street to Trenton Street; East on Trenton Street to 5th Street; North on 5th Street to 
Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of ANC 8D Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Chesapeake Street, S.E. and Southern Avenue, S.E.; 
Southwest on Southern Avenue, S.E. to South Capitol Street; Continuing southwest along the 
District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to the District of Columbia— Common- 
wealth of Virginia boundary line on the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac 
River; North along said shore of the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending 
Tinker Street, S.W. to the west; East along said line to Tinker Street, S.W. to Chappie James 
Boulevard, S.W.; North on Chappie James Boulevard to McChord Street, S.W.; East on 
McChord Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; South on Duncan Avenue, S.W. to Rice 
Street, S.W.; East on Rice Street, S.W. to Westover Avenue, S.W.; Continuing east on a line 
extending Rice Avenue, S.W. east to its intersection with the centerline of the southbound 
lanes of Interstate 295; South along said centerline of Interstate 295 to its intersection with a 
line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. to the west; East on said line extending Atlantic Street, 
S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; North on 2nd Street, S.W. to Xenia Street, S.W.; Southeast on 
Xenia Street to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to Atlantic Street, S.E.; 
East on Atlantic Street, S.E. to 4th Street, S.E.; South on 4th Street, S.E. to Chesapeake 
Street, S.E.; East on Chesapeake Street, S.E. to the point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8D01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of Chesapeake Street and the District of Columbia- State of Maryland 
boundary; Southwest along said District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary to 
Barnaby Road; North on Barnaby Road to Galveston Place; Northwest on Galveston Place 
to 6th Street; North on 6th Street to Chesapeake Street; East on Chesapeake Street to the 
point of the beginning. 

Description of SMD 8D02 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Chesapeake Street, S.E. and 6th Street, S.E.; South on 6th 
Street, S.E. to Galveston Place, S.E.; East on Galveston Place, S.E. to Barnaby Road, S.E.; 
South on Barnaby Road, S.E. to the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; 
Southwest along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to its intersection 
with the southern-most point of Census Block 109.00 2002; Clockwise around the boundary of 
said Census Block to its intersection with Irvington Street, S.W.; East on Irvington Street, 
S.W. to, Joliet Street, S.W.; North on Joliet Street, S.W. to 1st Street, S.W.; North on 1st 
Street, S.W. to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to Livingston Road, S.E.; 
North on Livingston Road, S.E. to 3rd Street, S.E.; North on 3rd Street, S.E. to Livingston 
Terrace, S.E.; East on Livingston Terrace, S.E. to 4th Street, S.E.; North on 4th Street, 


Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period: 

S.E. to Chesapeake Street, S.E.; East on Chesapeake Street, S.E. to the point of the;- 
beginning. , n 

Description of SMD 8D03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Atlantic; 
Street and 4th Street; South on 4th Street to Livingston Terrace; West on Livingston! 
Terrace to 3rd Street; South on 3rd Street to Livingston Road; North on Livingston Road tb| 
Atlantic Street; East on Atlantic Street to the point of the beginning. '"■[ 

Description of SMD 8D04 Boundaries ■ ) 

. All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Chesapeake Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; South on Martin Luther King Jr. 
Avenue to Galveston Street; East on Galveston Street to its intersection with the northwest 
corner of Census Block 109.00 1000; Counter-clockwise around the boundary of said Census, 
Block to its intersection with South Capitol Terrace; South on South Capitol Terrace to 
Irvington Street; West on Irvington Street to its intersection with Census Block 109.00 2002 
Counter-clockwise around the boundary of said Census Block to the District of Columbia - 
State of Maryland boundary; Southwest along said District of Columbia— State of Maryland 
boundary to the Commonwealth of Virginian-District of Columbia boundary at the Common- 
wealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River. North along said shoreline of the Potomac; 
River to its intersection with a line extending Magazine Road from the east; East along said 
line extending Magazine Road to Magazine Road Continuing east on Magazine Road to 
Chesapeake Street; Continuing east on Chesapeake Street to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8D05 

All streets are located in the Southwest quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Forrester Street and South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to 1st Street; 
South on 1st Street to Joliet Street; Southwest on Joliet Street to South Capitol Terrace; 
North on South Capitol Terrace to its intersection with the southeast corner of Census Block 
109.00 2000; Clockwise around the boundary of said Census Block to its intersection with 
Galveston Street; West on Galveston Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue; North ori 
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue to Forrester Street; East on Forrester Street to the point of 
the beginning. ■ ■' :'.7> 

Description of SMD 8D06 Boundaries 

Beginning at the intersection of Brandywine Street, S.E. and 1st Street, S.E.; South on 1st! 
Street, S.E. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to Forrester Street,^ 
S.W.; West on Forrester Street, S.W. to Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.W.; North tyi 
Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.W. to Chesapeake Street, S.W.; East on Chesapeake. 1 
Street, S.W. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to ; Brandywine Stre^, r 
S.E.; East on Brandywine Street, S.E. to the point of the beginning. ' t )''\ ^[ 

Description of SMD 8D07 Boundaries "\ J "■' '. 

Beginning at the intersection of Atlantic Street, S.E. and Livingston Road, S.E.;' ''South on 
Livingston Road, S.E. to South Capitol Street; North on South Capitol Street to 1st Street, 
S.E,; North on 1st Street, S.E. to Brandywine Street, S.E.; West on Brandywine Street, S.E.; 
to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol Street to Chesapeake Street, S.W.; West ori 
Chesapeake Street, S.W. to Magazine Road, S.W.; Continuing west on Magazine Road, S.W. 
and a line extending Magazine Road west to the Commonwealth of Virginia— District of 
Columbia boundary at the Commonwealth of Virginia shore of the Potomac River. North 
along shoreline of the Potomac River to a line extending Tinker Street, S.W. from the east; 
East on said line extending Tinker Street, S;W. to Tinker Street, S.W.; Continuing east on 
Tinker Street, S.W. to Chappie James Boulevard, S.W.; North on Chappie James Boulevard 
to McChord Street, S.W.; East on McChord Street, S.W. to Duncan Avenue, S.W.; South on! 
Duncan Avenue, S.W. to Rice Street, S.W.;" East on Rice Street, S.W. and continuing east 
along a line extending Rice Street, S.W. east to Interstate 295; South on Interstate 295 to its, 
intersection with a line extending Atlantic Street, S.W. from the east; East on said line 
extending Atlantic Street, S.W. to 2nd Street, S.W.; North on 2nd Street, S.W, to Xenia 
Street, S.W.; Southeast on Xenia Street to South Capitol Street; South on South Capitol- 
Street to Atlantic Street, S.E., East on Atlantic Street, S.E. to the point of beginnings 

Description of ANC 8E Boundaries 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 2 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
southern boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001 and Suitland Parkway; Southeast on Suitland 1 
Parkway to Alabama Avenue; West on Alabama Avenue, S.E. to 23rd Street; South on 23rd 
Street to Savannah Street; West on Savannah Street to its intersection with the western 
boundary of Census Block 73.04 1002 South along said western boundary and continuing 
south along a line extending said boundary south to its intersection with Oxon Run; East 
along Oxon Run to its intersection with Southern Avenue; Southwest along Southern Avenue 
to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to its 
intersection with Oxon Run; East on Oxon Run to its intersection with Wheeler Road; North 
on Wheeler Road to Mississippi Avenue; East on Mississippi Avenue to 13th Street; North 
on 13th Street to Trenton Place; West on Trenton Place to 11th Place; North on 11th Street 
to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to its intersection with the southeastern 
property boundary of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Campus; Northeast along said property 
boundary to the eastern property boundary of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Campus; 
Northwest along said property boundary to its intersection with the southern boundary of 
Census Block 74.01 2001; East along said southern boundary to the point of the beginning 

Description of SMD 8E01 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of the 
southern boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001 and Suitland Parkway; Southwest along said 
southern boundary of Census Block 74.01 2001 to its intersection with the property boundary 
of St. Elizabeth's Hospital East Campus; Clockwise around said property boundary of St. 
Elizabeth's Hospital to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to Congress Street; 
South on Congress Street to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 15th Street; 
North on 15th Street to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to its intersection with 
the northeast corner of Census Block 73.04 1002; South along the eastern boundary of 
Census Block 73.04 1002 to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 18th Street; North 
on 18th Street to Alabama Avenue; West on Alabama Avenue to Stanton Road; North on 
Stanton Road to Suitland Parkway; West on Suitland Parkway to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E02 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Suitland 
Parkway and Stanton Road; East on Suitland Parkway to Alabama Avenue; Southwest on 
Alabama Avenue to 22nd Street; South on 22nd Street to Savannah Place; Southwest on 
Savannah Place to 18th Place; Northwest on 18th Place to Alabama Avenue; Southwest on 
Alabama Avenue to Stanton Road; North on Stanton Road to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E03 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant unless otherwise designated. Beginning 
at the intersection of 23rd Street and Alabama Avenue; Southeast, on 23rd Street to 
Savannah Street; West on Savannah Street to 18th Street; North on 18th Street to Alabama 
Avenue; Northeast on Alabama Avenue to 18th Place; Southeast on 18th Place to Savannah 
Place; Northeast on Savannah Place to 22nd Street; North on 22nd Street to Alabama 
Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E04 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of 
Alabama Avenue and 11th Place; East on Alabama Avenue to Congress Street; South on 
Congress Street to Savannah Street; East on Savannah Street to 15th Street; North on 15th 
Street to Alabama Avenue; East on Alabama Avenue to its intersection with the northeast 
corner of Census Block 73.04 1002; South along the eastern boundary of Census Block 73.04 
1002 to Oxon Run; West along Oxon Run to its intersection with a line extending 13th Street 
from the north; North along said line extending 13th Street to 13th Street; Continuing north 
on 13th Street to Trenton Place; West on Trenton Place to 11th Place; North on 11th Place 
to the point of beginning. 

Description of SMD 8E05 Boundaries 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Wheeler 
Road and Mississippi Avenue; East on Mississippi Avenue to its intersection with a line 
extending 13th Street from the north; South on said line extending 13th Street to Oxon Run; 
East along Oxon Run to the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary; Southwest 



Law 19-157, § 2 19th Council Period: 

along the District of Columbia— State of Maryland boundary to 12th Street; North on 12th 
Street to Bellevue Street; Southwest on Bellevue Street to Wheeler Road; North on Wheeler. 
Road to the point of beginning h :-• ' 

Description of SMD 8E06 Boundaries ■ J ; i 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection, of j^th, 
Street and Oxon Run; Northeast along Oxon Run to Wheeler Road; ; Southeast on feeler 
road to Barnaby Street; Southwest on Barnaby Street to Atlantic Street; West pn.Atlg^ticj 
Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to the point of beginning. .,, . (T ; , : ,; V ^^^,^1 

Description of SMD 8E07 Boundaries ^ viilT/ y (J 

All streets are located in the Southeast quadrant. Beginning at the' 'intersection 'b^th* 
Street and Atlantic Street; East on Atlantic Street to Barnaby Street; Northeast on Barmby ; 
Street to Wheeler Road; Southeast on Wheeler Road to Bellevue Street; Northeast "oril 
Bellevue Street to 12th Street; Southeast on 12th Street to the District of Columbia— State s of 
Maryland boundary; Southwest along the District of Columbia — State of Maryland boundary 
to Chesapeake Street; West on Chesapeake Street to 4th Street; North on 4th Street to the 
point of beginning. a \ 

(b) All streets boundaries lie in the center of the street. .,-.:' 

Sec. 3. Applicability of boundaries. ' ■ ■ ■■; 

(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the ANC and SMD boundaries set 
forth in section 2(a) shall apply as of January 2,2013. * , Y V ; 

(b) The ANC and SMD boundaries set forth in section 2(a) shall apply for purposes of; 
administering the November 6, 2012 election, including determining qualifications for candidal 
cy and the residence of a person signing a nominating petition for the November, 6,. 2012; 
election. : , 

Sec. 4. Succession. 7 ' ; " 

(a) Except as provided in this section, each ANC shall be the successor in interest with' 
regard to any assets, obligations, or agreements of its predecessor previously established by 
law. ■: ■ ; '.- -■■■■■ 

(b) The successor in interest to any agreement with an ANC as of December 31, 2012 shall 
be the ANC within whose boundaries the subject of the agreement is located. For purposes 
of this subsection, the term "agreement" shall include any voluntary agreement executed' 
pursuant to Title 25 of the District of Columbia Official Code, any agreement relating to a 
Planned Unit Development, zoning variance, or special exception, and any agreement relating 
to historic preservation. 

(c)(1) The financial assets of the ANCs in Ward 5 shall be collected on or after December \§ 
2012, by the Chief Financial Officer, who shall then redistribute them on an equal per capita' 
basis to the new ANCs in Ward 5 as soon as practicable after January 2, 2013. - >vA 

(2) The personal property of each of the ANCs in Ward 5 shall be transferred to the new 
Ward 5 ANC within which the property was located in 2012. 

(3) The records of each ANC in Ward 5 in 2012 shall not be destroyed by the 2012 1 ANC 
but shall be transferred to the appropriate ANC having primary interest in the ihtoerto 
which the record relates. The financial records of e&ch ANC in Ward 5 sMi^e^ 
transferred to the District of Columbia Auditor. ^/m!iio\) 

(d)(1) The financial assets of ANCs 2C and 6C shall be collected on or after Dece^bei;f^ 
2012 by the Chief Financial Officer, who shall then redistribute them on an equal per ( capita/ 
basis to the new ANCs 2C, 6C, and 6E as soon as practicable after January kJ^Qliv, 

(2) The personal property of ANCs 2C and 6C shall be transferred to the new AN ( (3s;j2C i5 
6C and 6E within which the property was located in 2012. -nq sdt > >:> 

(3) The records of ANC 2C and 6C in 2012 shall not be destroyed by the 2012 ANQ^but 
shall be transferred to the appropriate ANC having primary interest in the matter to W|hich 
the records relates. .. ' | ); . f)i ^ 

(c) The assets, obligations, and records of each 2012 ANC in Ward 7 shall transfer to^the 
new ANC in Ward 7 created by this act that primarily represents the same geographic areaJ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-157, § 9 

(f) The Chief Financial Officer, in coordination with the Office of Advisory Neighborhood 
Commissions, shall reapportion the quarterly allotments for the periods on or after January 2, 

2013 based on the requirements of section 738(e) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 824; D.C. Official Code § l-207.38(e)) and the new 
ANC areas established by this act. 

Seci 5. Parking. 

(a) Section 2 of the Residential Parking Protection Pilot Act of 2010, effective October 26, 
2010 (D.C. Law 18-240; D.C. Official Code § 50-2551), is amended by adding a new 
subsection (c) to read as follows: 

"(c) The Program shall not apply within one block of a ward boundary. Streets within one 
block of a ward boundary shall instead be designated so that vehicles displaying a valid 
residential permit for either adjacent ward may park on any such block that was a residential 
permit parking street before the institution of the Program.". 

(b) Section 2411 of Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (18 DCMR 
§ 2411 et seq.) is amended as follows: 

(1) Section 2411.20 (18 DCMR § 2411.20) is amended to read as follows: 

"2411.20. Vehicles displaying a valid residential parking permit may park on any residen- 
tial permit parking street within one block of any street that serves as a ward boundary; 
provided, that the residential parking permit is valid for a ward on either side of the ward 
boundary street.". 

(2) Section 2411.25 (18 DCMR § 2411.25) is amended by adding a new subparagraph (e) 
to read as follows: 

"(e). The program shall not apply within one block of a ward boundary. Streets within one 
block of a ward boundary shall instead be designated so that vehicles displaying a valid 
residential permit for either adjacent ward may park on any such block that was a residential 
permit parking street before the institution of the program.". 

Sec. 6. Conforming amendments. 

Section 6(b)(2) of the Advisory Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975, effective October 10, 
1975 (D.C. Law 1-21; D.C. Official Code § l-309.05(b)(2)), is amended by striking the phrase 
"144th calendar day" and inserting the phrase "120th calendar day" in its .place. 

Sec. 7. Transmittal. 

The Secretary to the Council of the District of Columbia shall transmit a copy of this act, 
after it becomes effective, to the District of Columbia Board of Elections and the District of • 
Columbia Office of Planning. 

Sec. 8. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 9. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


Law 19-158 19th Council Period 




Law 19-158 

' .,. :! ,: . Act 19-365 - , -.-;;■ ;,-■ - \. 

AN ACT to amend Chapter 46 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code to clarify thl 
existing tax exemption for certain property owned by Jubilee Housing Inc., or its affiliate," 
which has been developed as extremely low-income housing, and to extend, for an additional^ 
months, the time by which the first level of concrete must be laid for the development of the. 
Heights on Georgia Avenue and to authorize the Mayor to further extend time periods if 

act may be cited as the "Jubilee Housing Residential Rental Project Real Property Tax 
Exemption Clarification Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Chapter 46 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Cqde is amended as 
follows: , . . \ ■■ , : : ; 

: (a) The table of contents is amended by striking the phrase "rental project; Lots 107 arid 
108, Square 2560, and Lot 863, Square 2560." "arid inserting the* phrase "rental project;' Lot 
863 in Square 2560, and Lot 873, Square 2563." in its place. " ■' I ' ' l : 

.■ ■(b) Section 47-4633 is amended asfollows: \ ■,;''-, ■. ■ • ; / ; . ; ; ;: 

(1) The heading is amended by striking the phrase "rental project; Lots 107 arid' 108, 
Square 2560, and Lot 863, Square 2560." and inserting the phrase "rental project; Lot 863 
iri Square 2560, and Lot 873, Square 2563." in its place. , ; 

. (2) Strike the phrase "described as Lots 107 and 108, Square 2560, and Lot 863, Square 
2560, owned by Jubilee Housing Inc.," and insert the phrase "described as Lot 863 in 
Square 2560, and Lot 873, Square 2563, owned by Jubilee Housing Inc.," in its place. 

(3) Strike the phrase "provisions of § 47-1005, 47-1007, and 47-1009." and insert the 
: phrase "provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007 and 47-1009." in its place. 

(c) Section 47-4628 is amended as follows: \ 

(1) Subsection (b)(1) is amended by Striking the phrase "December 31, 2010" and 
inserting the phrase "December 31, 2011" in its place. 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended by strike the phrase "section, one 6-month extension" and 
. -ihsertirig the : phrase "section, extensions" in its place. 

Sec. 3. Applicability. 

Section 2(a) and (b) shall apply as of October 1, 2010. , 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statements of the Chief Financial Officer m the 
committee report and of the Budget Director, dated April 17, 2012,, as the fiscal impact 
statements required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 1 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). : ,/,,, / ^ ,,^> 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review-, 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code.§ l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the; 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


2012 Legislation Law 19-160, § 3 


Law 19-159 

Act 19-367 

AN ACT to symbolically designate Quackenbos Street, N.W., between Georgia Avenue, N.W., and 
13th Street, N.W., in Ward 4, as Elizabeth P. Thomas Way. 

act may be cited as the "Elizabeth P. Thomas Way Designation Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to sections 401 and 403a of the Street and Alley Closing and Acquisition 
Procedures Act of 1982, effective March 10, 1983 (D.C. Law 4-201; D.C. Official Code 
§§ 9-204.01 and 9-204.03a), the Council symbolically designates Quackenbos Street, N.W., 
between Georgia Avenue, N.W., and 13th Street, N.W., in Ward 4, as "Elizabeth P. Thomas 

Sec. 3. Transmittal. 

The 1 Secretary to the Council shall transmit a copy of this act, upon its effective date, to the 
Office of the Surveyor and to the District Department of Transportation. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


Law 19-160 

Act 19-368 

AN ACT to symbolically designate the public space on the 500 block of 10th Street, N.W., between E 
Street, N.W., and F Street, N.W., in Ward 2, as Where Lincoln's Legacy Lives. 

act may be cited as the "Where Lincoln's Legacy Lives Designation Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to sections 401 and 403a of the Street and Alley Closing and Acquisition 
Procedures Act of 1982, effective March 10, 1983 (D.C. Law 4-201; D.C. Official Code 
§§ 9-204.01 and 9-204.03a) ("Act"), and notwithstanding section 407 of the Act (D.C. Official 
Code § 9-204.07), the Council symbolically designates the public space of the 500 block of 
10th Street, N.W., between E Street, N.W., and F Street, N.W., as "Where Lincoln's Legacy 
Lives" and orders that a street sign be placed at the intersection of 10th Street, N.W., and E 
Street, N.W., and at the intersection of 10th Street, N.W., and F Street, N.W., that reads 
"Where Lincoln's Legacy Lives". 

Sec. 3. Transmittal. 


Law 19-160, § 3 19th Council^e™* 


The Secretary to the Council shall transmit a copy of this act, after it becomes effective, to 
the District Department of Transportation. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact' 
>statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. r : ' /[k 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, .approved , 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(lj), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. '". 1: ' . ; 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. ',-. J ; .,. ^ .. / , : , •., j "' •■ , '■■ Y ', 

EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. ,/ ■ P^-. . .•-•■:. - : ■ .:-: m i 


Law 19-161 

A- .04 H 
()■!) c }dT 

■■; ■ .,. ■■•■■ • ' - Actl9 4 69 - ■ ;■ .■■. :: /:t™r»f i , 

:;■)-'■ ■■'..' ■■■-..■ ■■■ ..' . r "v)iJ:iI'Vi->t ■; 

AN ACT to amend the Business Improvement Districts Act of 1996 to revise the rates] of the 
assessments in the Capitol Riverfront BID. . r ,. 

■ ■■■'..■■■■ ^ wmI'i 

act may be cited as the "Capitol Riverfront BID Amendment Act of 2012". 'X^ .., v' 

Sec. 2. Section 208(c)(1) of the Business Improvement Districts Act of 1996, effective 1 
October 18, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-27; D.C. Official Code § 2-1215.58(c)(l)), is amended to read 
as follows: 

"(c)(1) The BID taxes for the nonexempt real properties in the Capitol Riverfront BID 
shall be: 

"(A) $0.16 per square foot for commercial buildings greater or equal to 8,000 square 
feet, and $0.09 per $100 of assessMryalue.foricoJnm 

feet; provided, that the BID tax imposed on any such real property shall not exceed 
$100,000 annually; ^ )Um WfiJ 

(B) $120 per unit for residential units annually; 

(C) $95 per hotel room annually; '■■ ■ ^A " 

(D) $0.16 per square foot for land or buildings with existing a^^ 

storage use; . : ,;,, ,.. ; ( ■ , *■& ' - ;v.::/ . „,,V7„>; .. r^H 

(E) $0.08 per square foot for real property within the new proposed Frederick 
■ Douglass Memorial Bridge right-of-way; and ' ' ' .■* ^ 

"(F) $0.36 per square foot for unimproved land that is up to 88,000 square feet, '^cf'O&S' 
per square foot for unimproved land that is 88,000 to 200,000 square feet, and $0:18 per 
square foot for unimproved land that is greater than 200,000 square feet; provided; that[ 
the BID tax imposed on any such unimproved land shall not exceed $100,000 annually.^ 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. ' ' ; 

.■■:■' " • ■ ,;)■:>! 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 

statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 

December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). : ^ -^ 

Sec. 4. Effective date. ; „;r,<>^ 


2012 Legislation Law 19-162, § 3 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1^206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


Law 19-162 

Act 19-372 

AN ACT to amend the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Act of 1977 to require the Director of 
the Child and Family Services Agency to offer employment counseling to foster children and 
verify a person's status in foster care when requested; and to amend the District of Columbia 
Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978 to. provide a 10-point hiring prefer- 
ence for a person 18 to 21 years of age who is in foster care or who is within 5 years of leaving 
foster care. 

act may be cited as the "Foster Care Youth Employment Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 303(a) of the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Act of 1977, effective 
September 23, 1977 (D.C. Law 2-22; D.C. Official Code § 4-1303. 03 (a)), is amended as 

(1) Paragraph (16) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. 

(2) Paragraph (17) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting a 
semicolon in its place. 

(3) New paragraphs (18) and (19) are added to read as follows: 

"(18) To offer employment counseling to foster children, as defined by section 3803(3) of 
the Adoption Voucher Fund Act of 2000, effective October 19, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-172; D.C. 
Official Code § 4-342(3)), who are ages 18 through 21 years old; and 

"(19) (A) When requested by a foster child or former foster child who is 18 years of age 
or older, to provide a letter verifying the person's status as a foster child or former foster 
child pursuant to section 801 (e-1) of the District of Columbia Government Comprehensive 
Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; to be codified at 
D.C. Official Code § l-608.01(e-l)); and 

"(B) To record and track the number of foster children or former foster children who 
request a letter from the Child and Family Services Agency verifying their status 
pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.". 

Sec. 3. Section 801 of the District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Person- 
nel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-608.01), is 
amended by adding a new subsection (e-1) to read as follows: 

"(e-l)(l) Notwithstanding any provision of the Human Rights Act of 1977, effective 
December 13, 1977 (D.C. Law 2-38; D.C. Official Code § 2-1401.01 et seq.), an applicant for 
District government employment in the Career Service shall be given a 10-point hiring 
preference if, at the time of application, the applicant: 

"(A) Is within 5 years of leaving foster care under the Child and Family Services 
Agency and is a resident of the District; or 

"(B)(i) Is currently in the foster care program administered by the Child and Family 
Services Agency; and 


Law 19-162, § 3 I9th Council Period 

"(ii) Is at least 18 years old and not more than 21 years old, regardless of residency. 

V "(2) An applicant claiming a hiring preference pursuant to this subsection shall submit 
proof of eligibility for the preference by submitting to the hiring authority a letter or other 
document issued by the Child and Family Services Agency or the Family Court of the ; 
Superior Court of the District of Columbia showing that the applicant is or was in foster 
care or showing the date the applicant left court supervision. 

"(3) An applicant who receives a hiring preference pursuant to this subsection and who is 
a resident of the District shall remain eligible to receive any other preference available 
- under this act in addition to the preference received pursuant to this subsection. 

"(4) For the purposes of this subsection, the term "foster care" shall have the same 
meaning as provided in- section 3803(2) of the Adoption Voucher Fund Act of 2000, effective 
October 19, 2000 (D.C. Law 12-172; D.C. Official Code § 4-342(2)). 

"(5) The Mayor, pursuant to Title 1 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure 
Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq.), shall 
issue rules to implement the provisions of this subsection. The proposed rules shall be 
submitted to the Council for a 30-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal 
holidays, and days of Council recess. If the Council does not approve or .disapprove the 
proposed rules by resolution within the 30^day review period, the proposed rules 1 shall be 
deemed approved.". > ■ ■ ■ 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. ; ."' 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home, Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C, Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. , 

APPROVED: May 16, 2012. 

EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. > 


Law 19-463 

Act 19-373' :■' -■>■;-/:■■ -■'<■: '■ *).f- 

AN ACT to symbolically designate the 1400 block of Roxanna Road, I^W., in Ward 4, as Hilda H. M. 
Mason Way. 

act may be cited as the "Hilda H.M. Mason Way Designation Act of 2012". , 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to sections 401 and 403a of the Street and Alley Closing and Acquisition 
Procedures Act of 1982, effective March 10, 1983 (D.C. Law 4-201; D.C. Official Code 
§§ 9-204.01 and 9-204.03a) ("Act"), and notwithstanding section 407 of the Act (D.C. Official 
Code § 9-204.07), the Council symbolically designates the 1400 block of Roxanna Road, N.W.* 
as "Hilda H.M. Mason Way". 

Sec. 3. Transmittal. 

The Secretary to the Council shall transmit a, copy of this act, after it becomes effective, to 
the District Department of Transportation. ■ . , 1 ; 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. ; , ,, ' 


2012 Legislation . Law 19-164, § 2 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(D), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 


Law 19-164 

Act 19-374 

AN ACT to amend the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Act of 1977 to clarify that the Child 
and Family Services Agency need not make reasonable efforts to preserve and reunify the 
family with respect to a parent when a child subject to a petition has been abused by the parent 
and to provide that the agency need not make reasonable efforts to preserve and reunify the 
family when the parent is required to register with a sex offender registry; and to amend An 
Act To provide for the mandatory reporting by physicians and institutions in the District of 
Columbia of certain physical abuse of children to require health professionals to report when a 
child under 12 months of age is diagnosed as having a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. 

act may be cited as the "Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 109a(d) of the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Act of 1977, effective 
June 27, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-136; D.C. Official Code § 4-130L09a(d)), is amended as follows: 

(a) The lead-in language is amended by striking the word "efforts" and inserting the 
phrase "efforts to preserve and reunite the family" in its place. 

(b) Paragraph (1) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking the phrase "a sibling or another child" and 
inserting the phrase "the child who is the subject of a petition before the Family Court of 
the Superior Court of the District of Columbia ("Family Court"), a sibling of the child, or 
another child" in its place. i 

(2) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the phrase "a sibling" and inserting the 
phrase "a sibling of the child who is the subject of a petition before the Family Court" in its 

(3) Subparagraph (C) is amended by striking the phrase "a sibling or another child" and 
inserting the phrase "the child who is the subject of a petition before the Family Court, a 
sibling of the child, or another child" in its place. 

(4) Subparagraph (D) is amended by striking the phrase "Family Division of the 
Superior Court, a sibling of such a child, or another child; or" and inserting the phrase 
"Family Court, a sibling of the child, or another child;" in its place. 

(c) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting the phrase "; 
or" in its place. 

(d) A new paragraph (3) is added to read as follows: 


Law 19-164, § 2 19th Council J3e*m 

"(3) A court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the parent is required! 1 to 
register with a sex offender registry under section 113(a) of the Adam Walsh Child; 
Protection and Safety Act of 2006, approved July 27, 2006 (120 Stat 593; 42 U;SvC, 
16913(a)).". , , )H 

Sec. 3. Section 2 of An Act To provide for the mandatory reporting by physicians and 
institutions in the District of Columbia of certain physical abuse of children, approved 
November 6, 1966 (80 Stat. 1354; D.C. Official Code § 4-1321,02), is amended by adding $ 
new subsection (f) to read as follows: '...-., ■<: <<->\ A . ■•■■■... ,:\ 

"(f) A health professional licensed pursuant to the District of Columbia Health' Occupations 
Revision Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-99; D.C. Official Code 
§ 3-1201.01 et seq.), who in his or her own professional or official capacity knows that a child 
under 12 months of age is diagnosed as having a Petal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder,' Shall 
immediately report or have a report made to the Child and Family Services Agency.". 

Sec. 4. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Temporary Amendment Act of 2011, 
effective December 13, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-64, 58 DCR 9177), is repealed. .-,,, 

Sec. 5. Fiscal impact statement , ; - ,. v \'. r , 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of .the, District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat, 813; D.C. Offtciaf Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 6. Effective date. ■-<; : .,. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by v the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto); a 30-day period of CongreMonlflrefoew' 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 81S; D.C. Official Code § 1-20 6. 02(c)(1)), and publication itf the 
District of Columbia Register. ' .'.!'.. ... i: 

APPROVED: May 17, 2012. ' ; ," W , 

EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. ' \ Mfe 

■ . ■ , ' ':■; Ti-aa 


REAL PROPERTY ACT OF 2012 ■ ? ;/* ) * 7 

Law 19-165 '''V'.^t* 

Act 19-375 . :..:-.'■' «[) 

AN ACT to amend section 47-863 of the District of Columbia Official Code to amend the definition 
of eligible household to increase the eligible gross adjusted income limit to ,$125,000, the 
definition of household adjusted gross income to use federal income tax as a determinant, and 
the definition of residence to include entitlement to the homestead deduction. ' r ^ 

act may be cited as the "Age-in-Place and Equitable Senior Citizen Real Property, Aqt I of 

2012". 7" A 

. ■ ■ ' y < i.-- 5 ■■■.': . ■■:- fro 

- Sec. 2. Section 47-863(a) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as follows: 

(a) Paragraph (1A)(A) is amended by striking the figure "$100,000" wherever it appears 

and inserting the figure "$125,000" in its place, 

.■■..' .'-.'.? 

(b) Paragraphs (2) and (3) are amended to read as follows: 

"(2) "Household adjusted gross income" means the adjusted gross income of all persons 

' residing in a household, as determined by each person's federal income tax year' ending 

immediately before the beginning of the real property tax year during which the deduction' 

provided under subsection (b) of this section shall be applicable, excluding the adjusted 


2012 Legislation Law 19-165, § 5 

gross income of any person who is a tenant by virtue of a written lease for fair market 

"(3) "Residence" means the principal place of residence in the District of an individual, 
shareholder, or member who is domiciled in the District that is located on a lot that is 
entitled to the homestead deduction 1 provided under § 47-^850 or § 47-850.01 for .the real 
property tax half year to which the deduction provided under subsection (b) of this section 
shall be applicable.". 

Sec. 3. Applicability. 

Section 2(a) shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and 
financial plan. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review 
as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(l)), and publication in the 
District of Columbia Register. 

APPROVED: May 18, 2012. 
EFFECTIVE: July 13, 2012. 




Act 19-351 

AN ACT to adjust, on an emergency basis, certain allocations requested in the Fiscal Year 2012 
Budget Request Act pursuant to the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. 

act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2012 Revised Budget Request Adjustment Emergency 
Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 817 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, approved March 
13, 2009 (123 Stat. 699; D.C. Official Code § 47-369.02), the fiscal year 2012 budgets for the 
following agencies shall be adjusted by the following amounts^ 

$14,971,000 (of which $14,971,000 shall be added to local funds), to be allocated as follows: 

Public Education System 

The appropriation for Public Education System is increased by $6,971,000 in local funds, to 
be allocated as follows: 

District of Columbia Public Charter Schools. — $6,971,000 is added to be available from 
local funds. 

Human Support Services 

The appropriation for Human Support Services is increased by $8,000,000 in local funds, to 
be allocated as follows: 

Unemployment Compensation Fund. —$8,000,000 is added to be available from local funds. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: April 29, 2012. 


Act 19-352 19th Council Period 


Act 19-352 

AN ACT to amend , on an emergency basis, the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 to define 
"firearms instructor" and allow a person to temporarily possess a firearm while participating 
in a firearms training and safety class; to clarify that a registration certificate may be issued 
to a firearms instructor or organization employing a firearms instructor, or to a person who 
complies with the registration requirements; to provide that a firearms instructor or organiza- 
tion that employs a firearms instructor may register a pistol; to clarify that the requirement to 
demonstrate knowledge of the District's firearms laws is a one-time requirement per applicant; 
to repeal the requirement for a vision test and provide that an individual who is legally blind 
may not register a firearm; to revise the training requirement for firearms registration and 
provide for certain exceptions; to repeal the requirement that each pistol be submitted for 
ballistic identification as part of the registration process; to eliminate the requirement that 
registrants produce photographs and instead require the Chief of Police to take a digitalized 
photograph and fingerprints at the time of registration; to eliminate the requirement that 
registrants submit to a background check eveiy 6 years; to clarify that registration may be 
renewed online, by mail, or in person; to require the creation of a system for registration 
renewal by January 1, 2014; permit the District to temporarily act as a federal firearms 
licensee when one is not commercially available; to extend to January 1, 2014 the date by when 
semiautomatic pistols must be microstamp-ready; to exempt a person who has lawfully 
registered a firearm from certain prohibitions against unregistered ammunition; to allow for 
temporaiy possession of ammunition while participating in a firearms training and safety 
class; to harmonize various provisions in the laws pertaining to firearms; and to make other 

/ technical corrections and clarifications; to amend An Act To control the possession, sale; 
transfer and use of pistols and other dangerous weapons in the District of Columbia, to provide 
penalties, to prescribe rules of evidence, and for other purposes to remove outdated language 
regarding the granting of licenses to carry weapons, to clarify that law enforcement officers 
are hot excepted from the provision prohibiting possession of a firearm while committing 
certain crimes, and to make other technical corrections and clarifications; and to amend 
section 23-1331 of the District of Columbia Official Code to make a technical correction. 

act may be cited as the "Firearms Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. The Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, effective September 24, 1976 (D.C: 
Law 1-85; D.C. Official Code § 7-2501.01 et seq.), is amendedas follows: ■,,,,.;< ■ 

(a) Section 101 (D.C. Official Code '§' 7-2501.01) is amended as follows: . ; , t ,- ; i- .-, ; 

(1) Paragraph (5) is amended to read as follows: 

"(5) "Crime of violence" shall have the same meaning as provided in D.C. Official Code 
§ 23-1331(4).". 

(2) Paragraph (9A) is redesignated as" paragrapii / (9'B). ;i "" J - u:r; ' { l! :;{ [■' ° ,ri - i^'H*- '^ * 

(3) A new paragraph (9A) is added to read as follows: 

"(9A) "Firearms instructor" means- an individual whd f is')^ei^^ r %^he^GJ ! fe&'' ! tdnDe 
qualified to teach firearms training and safety courses.". , 

(4) Paragraph (13a) is redesignated as paragraph (13A). 

; (b) Section 201 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.01) is amended as follows: ■ -^ ^ >-™> : -> ' dT 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows: ; . ' , .' , .„ 

(A) Paragraph (2) is 'amended by striking the word "or" at the end. 

(B) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting a 
semicolon in its place. ;r 

(C) New paragraphs (4) and (5) are added to read as follows: ■ VI 

"(4) To a firearms instructor, or to an organization that employs a firearms instructor; 
for the purpose of conducting firearms training; or 

"(5) To a person who complies with, and meets the requirements of, this act.". " " ' ' " u 

(2) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: '' ; . : > , i ; ; :; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-352, § 2(d) 

(A) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the word "or" at the end. 

(B) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting a 
semicolon followed by the word "or" in its place. 

(C) A new paragraph (5) is added to read as follows: 

"(5) Any person who temporarily possesses a firearm while participating in a firearms 
training and safety class conducted by a firearms instructor.". 

(3) A new subsection (c) is added to read as follows: 

"(c) For the purposes of subsection (b)(3) of this section, the 'term "recreational firearm- 
related activity" includes a firearms training and safety class". 

(c) Section 202(a)(4) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.02(a)(4)) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the word "or" at the end. 

(2) Subparagraph (C) is amended by adding the word "or" at the end. 

(3) A new subparagraph (D) is added to read as follows: 

"(D) A firearms instructor, or an organization that employs a firearms instructor, for 
the purpose of conducting firearms training.". 

(d) Section 203 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.03) is amended as follows: 
(1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (2) is amended to read as follows: 

"(2) Has not been convicted of a weapons offense (but not an infraction or misdemeanor 
violation under sections 208, 702, 706, or 807) or a felony in this or any other jurisdiction 
(including a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year);". 

(B) Paragraph (4) is amended as follows: 

(i) Subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D) are amended to read as follows: 

"(B) A 'violation of section 806 of An Act To establish a code of law for the District of 
Columbia, approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1322; D.C. Official Code § 22-404), 
regarding assaults and threats, or section 2 of An Act To confer concurrent jurisdiction 
on the police court of the District of Columbia in certain cases, approved July 16, 1912 (37 
Stat. 193; D.C. Official Code § 22-407), regarding threats to do bodily harm, or a 
violation of any similar provision of the law of another jurisdiction; 

"(C) Two or more violations of section 10(b) of An Act To provide for the regulation of 
motor-vehicle traffic in the District of Columbia, increase the number of judges in police ■ 
court, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1925 (43 Stat. 1124; D.C. Official Code 
§ 50-2201.05(b)), or, in this or any other jurisdiction, any law restricting driving under 
the influence of alcohol or drugs; 

"(D) Intrafamily offense punishable as a misdemeanor, including any similar provision 
in the law of another jurisdiction; or". 

(ii) A new subparagraph (E) is added to read as follows: 

"(E) Misdemeanor violation pursuant to sections 702 or 706;". 

(C) Paragraph (10) is amended to read as follows: 

" "(10) Has not failed to demonstrate satisfactorily, in accordance with a test prescribed by 
'the Chief, a knowledge of the laws of the District of Columbia pertaining to firearms and, in 
particular, the requirements of this act, the responsibilities regarding storage, and the 
requirements for transport; provided, that once this determination is made with respect to 
a given applicant for a particular firearm, it need not be made again for the same applicant 
with respect to a subsequent application for a firearm or for the renewal of a registration 
certificate pursuant to section 207a;". 

(D) Paragraph (11) is amended to read as follows: 

"(11) Is not blind, as defined in section 8(1) of An Act To enable the blind and the 
otherwise physically disabled to participate fully in the social and economic life of the 
District of Columbia, approved October 21, 1972 (86 Stat. 971; D.C. Official Code 
§ 7-1009(1));". 


Act 19-352, § 2(d) 19thHCouncil Periqd 

(E) Paragraph (13) is amended as follows: 

(i) Subparagraph (A) is amended to read as follows: 

"(A) Has completed a firearms training and safety class provided free of charge by the 
Chief; or". 

(ii) Subparagraph (B) is amended to read as follows: 

"(B) Has submitted evidence of any of the following: 

"(i) That the applicant has received firearms training in the United States military; 

"(ii) A license from another state for which firearms training is required, where, the 
training, as determined by the Chief, is equal to or greater than that provided under 
subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; or 

"(iii) That the applicant has otherwise completed a firearms training or safety course 
. conducted by a firearms instructor that, as determined by the Chief, is equal to or 
greater than that conducted under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; and". 

' (2) Subsection (d) is repealed. 

(e) Section 204 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.04) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended to read as follows: 

"(a) The Chief shall require any person applying for a registration certificate to be 
fingerprinted in order to conduct an efficient and adequate investigation into the matters 
described in section 203 arid to effectuate the purposes of this act. The Chief shall maintain a 
record of the fingerprints of sufficient quality to enable periodic investigation to ensure 
compliance with section 203.". 

(2) Subsection (b) is amended to read as follows: 

"(b) The Chief shall take a digitalized, full-face photograph of each applicant, other than an 
organization, to be included as part of a person's firearms registration application. The photo 
shall be taken simultaneously with the filing of the application.". 

(f) Section 205 (i).G. Official Code § 7-2502.05) is amended by adding a new subsection (c) 
to read as follows: '' ■ ' 

- "(c) Any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement made for purposes of firearm 
registration under this title shall be made under penalty of perjury pursuant to section 401 of 
the District of Columbia Theft and White Collar Crimes Act of 1982, effective December 1, 
1982 (D.C. Law 4-164; D.C. Official f Code §22-2402). Except as : required ., inV, section 
208(a)(1), no document shall be required^ to be ( notarized/'. . : . : ,, : ;■, 

(g) Section 206(b) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.06(^)^^6^6^^'^^ '••>■■ 

' v (h) Section 207a (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.07ap Mended ^'follows: - , v - 

(1) Subsection (c) is amended as follows: 

(A) Designate the existing text as paragraph (1) and redesignate paragraphs (1), (2), 
and (3) as subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C). 

(B) A new paragraph (2) is added to read as follows: 

"(2) The statement submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be on a 
form provided by the Chief that can be submitted online via the Metropolitan Police 
Department website, by mail, or in person.". 

(2) Subsection (d) is repealed. 

■*■ ' (3) Subsection (f) is repealed. ; : ' 

(4) Subsection (g) is amended to read as follows: 

"(g) The Chief shall establish, by rule, a method for conducting the renewal of registration 
certificates for all firearms registered before January 1, 2011. This method shall be 
established before January 1, 2014.". ' '■/,,' 

(5) A new subsection (h) is added to read as follows: 


2012 Legislation Act 19-352, § 2(o) 

"(h) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, no registration certificate shall expire 
and no renewal of a registration certificate shall be required earlier than provided in the rule 
established pursuant to subsection (g) of this section.". 

(i) The heading of section 208 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.08) is amended to read as 

"Sec. 208. Duties of registrants; penalties". 

(j) Section 405(4) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2504.05(4)) is amended by striking the word 
"unit" and inserting the word "title" in its place. 

(k) Section 408(b) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2504.08(b)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"January 1, 2013" wherever it appears and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2014" in its place. 

(I ) A new section 410 is added to read as follows: 

"Sec. 410. District as federal firearms licensee. 

"(a) "Whenever there is no active federal firearms licensee in the District of Columbia, the 
Mayor may seek from federal authorities a license for the District to act as a federal firearms 
licensee solely for the benefit of any District resident eligible and seeking to obtain a lawful 

"(b) The Mayor shall delegate the authority under subsection (a) of this section to a 
subordinate agency. 

"(c) The District shall act under the license obtained pursuant to subsection (a) of this 
section only until such time as there is an active federal .firearms licensee in the District of 

"(d) The District may charge a fee to recover the cost of acting as a federal firearms 
licensee pursuant to subsection (a) of this section by charging $125 or its actual costs, 
whichever is less, for each handgun. 

"(e) For the purposes of this section, the term "active federal firearms licensee" means a 
person or business that has applied for and received a federal firearms license pursuant to 18 
U.S.C. § 923 for the purpose of interstate transfer of handguns, and is operating commercial- 
ly in the District of Columbia.". 

(m) Section 503 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2505.03) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "January 1, 2013" wherever it 
appears and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2014" in its place. 

(2) Subsection (c)(1) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "2013 that" and insert the phrase "2014, 'that" in its place. 

(B) Strike the word "unit" and insert the word "act" in its place. 

(3) Subsection (e) is amended by striking the phrase "January 1, 2013" wherever it 
appears and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2014" in its place. 

(n) Section 601(a) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2506.01(a)) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (3) is amended to read as follows: 

"(3) He is the holder of a valid registration certificate for a firearm pursuant to Title II 
of this act; except, that no such person shall possess restricted pistol bullets;". 

(2) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon 
followed by the word "or" in its place. 

(3) A new paragraph (5) is added to read as follows: 

"(5) He temporarily possesses ammunition while participating in a firearms training and 
safety class conducted by a firearms instructor.". 

(o) Section 702 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2507.02) is amended as follows: 

(1) The heading is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 702. Responsibilities regarding storage offirearms; penalties.". 

(2) A new subsection (c-1) is added to read as follows: 

"(c-1) The provisions of section 706 shall not apply to this section.". 


Act 19-352, § 2(p) 19th Council ^rio^a 

(p) Section 706 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2507.06) is amended by striking the phrase^Ahy 
person convicted of a violation of any provision of this act" and inserting the phrase "Exdept 
as provided in sections 205, 208, 702, and 807, any person convicted of a violation tffMiy 
provision of this act" in its place. T (i) 

(q) Section 712 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2507.11) is amended by striking the word "unitf/faM 
inserting the word "act" in its place. ; /v >&" 

, (r) Section 801(3) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2508.01(3)) is amended as follows: ,h (|j 

(1) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the word "or" at the end. >■- "'^xtf* 

(2) A new subparagraph (B-i) is added to read as follows: '■.••■■*■ . j^ 

"(B-i) A conviction for a firearms-related violation of the provisions in section 804 ' of 
An Act To establish a code of law for the District of Columbia, approved March 3, 1901 
(31 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 22^02) (assault with a dangerous weapon); section 3 
of An Act To prohibit the introduction of contraband into the District of Columbia penal 
institutions, approved December 15, 1941 (55 Stat. 800; D.C. Official Code § 2^-2603,02)) 
(unlawful possession of contraband), or section 8lia(b) of An Act To establish a code of 
law for the District of Columbia, effective May 8, 1993 (D.C. Law 9-270; ' D.C. Official 
Code § 22-2803(b)) (carjacking); or". " /'^ 

(3) Subparagraph (C) is amended by striking the phrase "subparagraph (A) or (B)" an^ 
inserting the phrase "subparagraphs (A), (B), or (B-i)" in its place. 

Sec. 3. An Act To control the possession, sale, transfer and use of pistols and ^o&er 
dangerous weapons in the District of Columbia, to provide penalties, to prescribe rujgs^pf 
evidence, and for other purposes, approved July 8, 1932 (47 Stat. 650; D.C. Official Code 
§ 22-^4501 et seq.), is amended as follows: ; ^ , .. 

(a) Section 1(2A) (D.C. Official Code § 22^501(2A)) is amended as follows: 1 : . V. ':. . 

(1) Strike the paragraph designation "(1)" and insert the subparagraph designation, "(A)" 
in its place. , , 

(2) Strike the paragraph designation "(2)" and insert the subparagraph designation "(B)" 
inits place. 

(3) Strike the paragraph assignation "(3)" and insert the subparagraph designation' "(C)" 
,; inits place. 

(b) Section 2(c) (D.C. Official Code § 22-4502©) is amended by adding the phras'e ; "or a 
dangerous crime" after the phrase "a crime of violence". ;;_;!:: 

(c) Section 3(a)(6) (D.C. Official Code § 22^503(a)(6)) is amendedrto read as follows: 

"(6) Has been convicted within the past 5 years of an intrafamily offense, as defined in 
D.C. Official Code § 16-1001(8), punishable as a misdemeanor, or any similar provisipn in 
the law of another jurisdiction.". . ); l nr . 

(d) Section 4(a) (D.C. Official Code § 22-4504(a)) is amended by- striking the phrase 
"without a license , issued pursuant to District of Columbia law," wherever it appears. 

(e) Section 5 (D.C. Official Code § 22^505) is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 5. Exceptions. , ..-.., ;W 

"(a) The provisions of sections 4(a) and 4(a-4) shall not apply to: ■ ;; ;■ ,. 

"(1) Marshals, sheriffs, prison or jail wardens, or their deputies, policemen or other 'duly 
appointed law enforcement officers, including special agents of the Office of Tax, and 
Revenue, authorized in writing by the Deputy Chief Financial Officer for the Office q£ Tax 
and Revenue to carry a firearm while engaged in the performance of their official duties,' 
and criminal investigators of the Office of the Inspector General, designated in writing "by 
the Inspector General, while engaged in the performance of their official duties; ■■■■'•■ H->) 

"(2) Special police officers and campus police officers who carry a firearm in accordance 
with an An Act Making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government qftthe 
District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, and for 
other purposes, approved March 3, 1899 (30 Stat. 1057; D.C. Official Code § 5-129.02)*, and 
rules promulgated pursuant to that act; ■■'.'■ :>j J1 


2012 Legislation Act 19-352, § 8 

"(3) Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps of the United States or of 
the National Guard or Organized Reserves when on duty, or to the regularly enrolled 
members of any organization duly authorized to purchase or receive such weapons from the 
United States; provided, that such members are at or are going to, or from their places of 
assembly or target practice; 

"(4) Officers or employees of the United States duly authorized to carry a concealed 

"(5) Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing, or dealing in 
firearms, or the agent or representative of any such person having in his or her possession, 
using, or carrying a pistol in the usual or ordinary course of such business; and 

"(6) Any person while carrying a pistol, transported in accordance with section 4b, from 
the place of purchase to his or her home or place of business or to a place of repair or back 
to his or her home or place of business or in moving goods from one place of abode or 
business to another, or to or from any lawful recreational firearm-related activity. 

"(b) The provisions of section 4(a) with respect to pistols shall not apply to a police officer 
who has retired from the Metropolitan Police Department, if the police officer has registered 
a pistol and it is concealed on or about the police officer. 

"(c) For the purposes of subsection (a)(6) of this section, the term "recreational firearm- 
related activity" includes a firearms training and safety class.". 

(f) Section 8 (D.C. Official Code § 22-4508) is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 8. Transfers of firearms regulated. 

"No seller shall within the District of Columbia deliver a firearm to the purchaser thereof 
until 10 days shall have elapsed from the date of the purchase thereof, except in the case of 
sales to marshals, sheriffs, prison or jail wardens or their deputies, policemen, or other duly 
appointed law enforcement officers, and, when delivered, said firearm shall be transported in 
accordance with section 4b. At the time of purchase, the purchaser shall sign in duplicate 
and deliver to the seller a statement containing his or her full name, address, occupation, date 
and place of birth, the date of purchase, the caliber, make, model, and manufacturer's number 
of the firearm and a statement that the purchaser is not forbidden by section 3 to possess a 
firearm. The seller shall, within 6 hours after purchase, sign and attach his or her address 
and deliver one copy to such person or persons as the Chief of Police of the District of 
Columbia may designate, and shall retain the other copy for 6 years. No machine gun; 
sawed-off shotgun, or blackjack shall be sold to any person other than the persons designated 
in section 14 as entitled to possess the same, and then only after permission to make such sale 
has been obtained from the Chief of Police of the District of Columbia. This section shall not 
apply to sales at wholesale to licensed dealers.". 

Sec. 4. Section 23-1331(3)(A) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to read 
as follows: 

"(A) Any felony offense under Chapter 45 of Title 22 (Weapons) or Unit A of Chapter 
25 of Title 7 (Firearms control);". 

Sec. 5. Repealer. 

The Firearms Registration Emergency Act of 2012, effective March 18, 2012 (D.C. Act 
19-324; 59 DCR 12), is repealed. 

Sec. 6. Applicability. 

Section 2(d)(1)(D), 2(d)(1)(E), and 2(e) shall apply as of July 1, 2012. 

Sec. 7. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 8. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 


Act 19^352, § 8 19th Council PeftM 

section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-2'04.12(a)). ' ../■<>:[* 

• APPROVED: May 11, 2012. ^ 


Act 19-353 . ' 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 
2002 to authorize the District Department of Transportation to issue grants in excess of $1 
million to the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation for capital improvement at Union 
Station. ' 


act may be cited as the "District Department of Transportation Grant Authority Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". '■'■' * 

Sec. 2. Section 3(c) of the Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 2002, 
effective May 21, 2002 (D.C. Law 14-137; D.C. Official Code § 50-921.02(c), is amended by 
adding a new paragraph (3) to read as follows: 

' "(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Director may issue sole source 
subgrants in excess of $1 million to the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation for the 
purpose of improving Union Station; provided, that the grants are federal grants and that 
the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation provides any necessary match.". ; 

, Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. . \ 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)>. 

Sec. 4. Effective date. / 

This act shall take, effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (81 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: May 11, 2012. ' '..,,j ..,■■.. 


Act 19-370 ^-^ 

-.' ''';•■;''.'. '■■'!' , "" ;::oVi'y ■-: 

AN ACT to amend the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Emergency Act of 2012 and 
the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Temporary Act of 2012 to make changes 
to the boundaries of SMD 3D01, SMD 3D06, ANC 5D, SMD 5D01, ANC 5E, and SMD 5E03. 

act may be cited as the "Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Technical Correc- 
tion Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

See. 2. Section 2 of the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Emergency Act 
of 2012, effective April 8, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-341; 59 DCR 2788), is amended as follows! 


2012 Legislation Act 19-370, § 2 

(a) The boundaries for SMD 3D01 are amended by striking the phrase "South along the 
rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to" and 
inserting the phrase "South along the rear lines of the properties fronting along the west side 
of Foxhall Road to the southeast property corner of 4501 Foxhall Crescent NW; In an 
easterly direction to the northwest property corner of 2400 Foxhall Road; Continuing south 
along the rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road 
to" in its place. 

(b) The boundaries for SMD 3D06 are amended by striking the phrase "South along the 
rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to" and 
inserting the phrase "South along the rear lines of the properties fronting along the west side 
of Foxhall Road to the southeast property corner of 4501 Foxhall Crescent NW; In an 
easterly direction to the northwest property corner of 2400 Foxhall Road; Continuing south 
along the rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road 
to" in its place. 

(c) The boundaries for ANC 5D are amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "Beginning at the intersection of Florida Avenue and New York 
Avenue;" and inserting the phrase "Beginning at the intersection of Florida Avenue and the 
southwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815;". 

(2) Strike the phrase "Southwest on New York Avenue to the point of the beginning" 
and insert the phrase "Southwest on New York Avenue to its intersection with the 
northwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815; 
South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to the point of beginning. 

(d) The boundaries for SMD 5D01 are amended to read as follows: 

"All streets are in the northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida Avenue 
and the southwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 
815; Southeast on Florida Avenue to West Virginia Avenue; Northeast on West Virginia 
Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise around the Montana Avenue traffic 
circle to its western intersection with New York Avenue; Southwest on New York Avenue to 
its intersection with the northwest corner of the District Government property identified as 
Square 3584 Lot 815; South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to the 
point of beginning.". 

(e) The boundaries for ANC 5E are amended to read as follows: 

"Beginning at the intersection of Park Place, N.W. and Kenyon Street, N.W.; East on 
Kenyon Street,- N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; East on Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to Michigan Avenue; Northeast on Michigan Avenue, 
N.E. to the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the 
WMATA Metrorail tracks to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on Rhode Island 
Avenue to its intersection with the northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 
3605 Lot 837; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its 
southernmost point at its intersection with the western boundary of the WMATA property 
identified as Square 3605 Lot 814; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 
814 to its southernmost point at its intersection with New York Avenue, N.E.; Continuing 
south across New York Avenue N.E. to the northwest corner of the District Government 
property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815; South along the western boundary of said Square 
3584 Lot 815 to its southernmost point at its intersection with Florida Avenue, N.E.; 
Northwest on Florida Avenue, N.E. to New York Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on New York 
Avenue, N.W. to Kirby Street, N.W.; North on Kirby Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; West 
on N Street, N.W. to New Jersey. Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on New Jersey Avenue, N.W. to 
Florida Avenue, N.W.; Southeast on Florida Avenue, N.W. to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; 
Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd Street, N.W. to 
Bryant Street, N.W.; East on Bryant Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North on 1st Street, 
N.W. to Michigan Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Michigan Avenue, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; 
North on Park Place, N.W. to the point of beginning.". 

(f) The boundaries for SMD 5E03 are .amended to read as follows: 

"All streets are in the northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rhode Island 
Avenue and Summit Place; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to its intersection with the 


Act 19-370, § 2 19th Council .Period 

northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 3605 Lot 837; South alqng^the 
western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its southernmost point at its intersection 
with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square 3605 Lot 814; -Sp.uth 
along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 814 to its southernmost point >,atj its, 
intersection with New York Avenue; Continuing south across New York Avenue to,,; the, 
northwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815; 
South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to its southernmost point" : at 
its intersection with Florida Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to Eckington Place; 
North on Eckington Place to R Street; East on R Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street 
to T Street; West on T Street to Summit Place; North on Summit Place to the point of 

Sec. 3. Section 2 of the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Temporary Act 
of 2012, signed by the Mayor on April 29, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-348), is amended as follows; 

(a) The boundaries for SMD 3D01 are amended by striking the phrase "South along the 
rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to" and 
inserting the phrase "South along the rear lines of the properties fronting along the west side 
of Foxhall Road to the southeast property corner of 4501 Foxhall Crescent NW; In an 
■easterly direction to the northwest property corner of 2400 Foxhall Road; Continuing south 
along the rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to 
" in its place. 

(b) The boundaries for SMD 3D06 are amended by striking the phrase "South along j:he 
rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to", and 
inserting the phrase "South along the rear lines of the properties fronting along the west side 
of Foxhall Road to the southeast property corner of 4501 Foxhall Crescent NW; ' In 1 an 
easterly direction to the northwest property corner of 2400 Foxhall Road; Continuing sbtith 
along the rear property lines of the properties fronting along the west side of Foxhall Road to 
"in its place. :■■ - 

(c) The boundaries for ANC 5D are amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "Beginning at the intersection of Florida Avenue and New Yorfc 
Avenue ;" and inserting the phrase "Beginning at the intersection of Florida Avenue and the 
southwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815;". 

(2) Strike the phrase "Southwest on New York Avenue to the point of the beginning" 
and insert the phrase "Southwest oh New York Avenue to its intersection with the 
northwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 1 8l5; 
South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to the point of be^rinihgl 

(d) The boundaries for SMD 5D01 are amended to read as follows: ."!.' v ,' 
"All streets are in the northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Florida Avjenue 

and the southwest corner of the District Government; property identified as Square 3584 L.qt 
815; Southeast on Florida Avenue to West Vfrginia-Ayenue; Northeast on West Virginia 
Avenue to the Montana Avenue traffic circle; Clockwise,:around the Montana Avenue traffiq 
circle to its western intersection with New York Avenue;: Southwest on New York Avenue £0 
its intersection with the northwest corner of the District Government property identified as 
Square 3584 Lot 815; South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to the 
point of beginning.". , Ul 

(e) The boundaries for ANC 5E are amended to read as follows: -'■', 
"Beginning at the intersection of Park Place, N.W. and Kenyon Street, N.W.; East oh 

Kenyon Street, N.W. to Irving Street, N.W.; East on Irving Street, N.W. to North Capitol 
Street; South on North Capitol Street to Michigan Avenue; Northeast on Michigan AvemieJ 
N.E. to the centerline of the WMATA Metrorail tracks; South along said centerline of the 
WMATA Metrorail tracks to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on Rhode Island 
Avenue to its intersection with the northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 
3605 Lot 837; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its 
southernmost point at its intersection with the western boundary of the WMATA property 
identified as Square 3605 Lot 814; South along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 
814 to its southernmost point at its intersection with New York Avenue, N.E;j Continuing 
south across New York Avenue N.E. to the northwest corner of the District Government 


2012 Legislation Act 19-371 

property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815; South along the western boundary of said Square 
3584 Lot 815 to its southernmost point at its intersection with Florida Avenue, N.E.; 
Northwest on Florida Avenue, N.E. to New York Avenue, N.W.; Southwest on New York 
Avenue, N.W. to Kirby Street, N.W.; North on Kirby Street, N.W. to N Street, N.W.; West 
on N Street, N.W. to New Jersey Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on New jersey Avenue, N.W. to 
Florida Avenue, N.W.; Southeast on Florida Avenue, N.W. to Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; 
Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue, N.W, to 2nd Street, N.W.; North on 2nd Street, N.W. to 
Bryant Street, N.W.; East on Bryant Street, N.W. to 1st Street, N.W.; North on 1st Street, 
N.W. to Michigan Avenue, N.W.; Northwest on Michigan Avenue, N.W. to Park Place, N.W.; 
North on Park Place, N.W. to the point of beginning.". 

(f) The boundaries for SMD 5E03 are amended to read as follows: 

"All streets y are in the northeast quadrant. Beginning at the intersection of Rhode Island 
Avenue and Summit Place; Northeast on Rhode Island Avenue to its intersection with, the 
northwest corner of the CSX property identified as Square 3605 Lot '837; South along the 
western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 837 to its southernmost point at its intersection 
with the western boundary of the WMATA property identified as Square 3605 Lot 814; South 
along the western boundary of said Square 3605 Lot 814 to its southernmost point at its 
intersection with New York Avenue; Continuing south across New York Avenue to the 
northwest corner of the District Government property identified as Square 3584 Lot 815; 
South along the western boundary of said Square 3584 Lot 815 to its southernmost point at 
its intersection with Florida Avenue; Northwest on Florida Avenue to Eckington Place; 
North on Eckington Place to R Street; East on R Street to 2nd Street; North on 2nd Street 
to /T Street; West on T Street to Summit Place; North on Summit Place to the point of 

Sec. 4. Applicability. 

(a) This act shall apply as of May 4, 2012. 

(b) Notwithstanding section 4(b) of the Advisory Neighborhood Councils Act of 1975, 
effective October 10, 1975 (D.C. Law 1-21; D.C. Official Code § l-309.03(b)), these boundary 
changes shall be in effect for the November 6, S012 general election. 

Sec. 5. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 6. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: May 15, 2012. 


Act 19-371 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability 
Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011 to clarify that the 
District of Columbia Board of Elections maintains jurisdiction to receive, investigate, and 
abjudicate violations of the Code of Conduct until October 1, 2012, and to clarify the procedures 
for closing out a principal campaign committee. 

act may be cited as the "Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment, and 
Comprehensive Ethics Reform Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 


Act 19-371, § 2 19th Council vSm 

Sec. 2. The Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Comjife-I 
hensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, effective April 27, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-124; V S§ 
DCR 1862), is amended as follows: i:( ^ 

(a) A new section 310a is added to read as follows: v ,^ 

, "Sec. 810a. Fund balance requirements of principal campaign committees. ! ! 

'Within the limitations specified in this act, any surplus, residual, or unexpended campaign: 
funds received by or on behalf of an individual who seeks nomination for election, or election 
to- office, shall be contributed to a political party for political purposes, used to retire the 
proper debts of his or her political committee which received such funds, transferred to a 
political committee, a charitable organization in accordance with D.C. Official 1 Code 
§ 47-1803.d3(a)(8), or, in the case of an elected official, an established constituent services 
fund, or returned to the donors as follows: 

"(1) In the, case of an individual defeated in an election, within 6 months followirig the 
election; ' v ; 

■ "(2) In the case of an -individual elected to office, within 6 months following the election; 
-and '■,■■■ ■, ., ■ ' . 

"(3)' In the case of ah individual ceasing to be a candidate^ within 6 months thereafter;''; 

(b) Section 601(b) is amended by adding a sentence at the end to read as follows: 

"The Elections Board shall enforce Title II, Subtitle C until October 1, 2012, after which 
pending matters shall be transferred to the Ethics Board for enforcement.". 

Sec. 3. Any matter arising after January 29, 2012 from a violation of Title I, Subtitle C of 
the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive 
Ethics Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2012, effective January 29, 2012 (D.C. Act 
19-298;, 59 DCR 683), or Title II, Subtitle C of the Board of Ethics and Government 
Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2012, 
effective April 27, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-124; 59*DCR 1862), may be enforced by the Elections 
Board until October 1, 2012, after which pending matters shall be transferred to the Ethics 
Board for enforcement. 

Sec. 4, Fiscal impact statement. . „ V, , 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 8.13* D.G Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). , y 

Sec. 5. Effective date. <; < - ■ ■ - -v^ 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by ffle 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no^ldhg§J 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of J <Soiun%i&4n' 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved: December 124^ 197i3L(87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: May 16, 2012. 


"";-.' ; Act 19-377 \ ■ " ' ::L 

AN ACT to authorize, on an emergency basis, due to Congressional review, the Director of the 
Department of Employment Services to issue grants from funds appropriated to or received by 
the Department of Employment Services for workforce job development purposes. 

&ct may be cited as the 'Workforce Job Development Grant-Making Authority Congressional 
Review Emergency Act of 2012". ■:■"■* 


2012 Legislation Act 19-378 

Sec. 2. Workforce job development grant-making authority. 

(a) The Director of the Department of Employment Services ("DOES") may issues grants 
to individuals and organizations from the funds made available to the DOES pursuant to local 
appropriations or the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, approved August 7, 1998 
(112 Stat 936; 29 U.S.C § 2822), for workforce development purposes, including increasing 
occupational skills, job retention, employment opportunities, and earnings of the District's 
workforce pursuant to: 

(1) Section 2 of the Youth Employment Act of 1979, effective January 5, 1980 (D.C. Law 
3^6; D.C. Official Code § 32-241); 

(2) Section 2a of the Youth Employment Act of 1979, effective January 5, 1980 (D.C. Law . 
3^6; D.C. Official Code § 32-242); 

(3) Section 203 of the Way to Work Amendment Act of 2006, effective June 8, 2006 (D.C. 
Law 16-118; D.C. Official Code § 32-752); 

(4) Sections 2102 and 2103 of the Transitional Employment Program and Apprenticeship 
Initiative Establishment Act of 2005, effective October 20, 2005 (D.C. Law 16-33; D.C. 
Official Code §§ 32-1331 and 32-1332); and 

(5) Section 11 of the Workforce Investment Implementation Act of 2000, effective July 
18,2000 (D.C. Law 13-150; D.C. Official Code § 32-1610). 

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of D.C. Official Code § 47-368.06, grants that may be 
issued pursuant to this section include grants that the Mayor, Director of the DOES, or an 
agency receives through an intra-District transfer, a memorandum of understanding, or a 
reprogramming from an agency lacking grant-making authority. 

• (c) The Director of the DOES may issue rules to implement the provisions of this act. 

Sec. 3. Applicability. 

This act shall apply as of May 21, 2012. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: May 30, 2012. 


Act 19-378 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, An Act To establish a code of law for the District of 
Columbia to provide that a borrower shall have the same rights for a defective notice of default 
on residential mortgage as the law provides for a defective notice of intention to foreclose on a 
residential mortgage, to provide that a foreclosure sale shall be void if a lender files a notice of 
intention to foreclose on a residential mortgage without a mediation certificate, to provide for 
a new definition for residential mortgage, and to change the Foreclosure Mediation Fund 
provisions to allow mortgage-related or foreclosure-related settlement funds to be transferred 
into the fund and allow those funds to be used for specified mortgage-related or foreclosure- 
related matters. 

act may be cited as the "Saving D.C. Homes from Foreclosure Enhanced Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". 


Act 19-378, § 2 19th Council Period 

Sec. 2. An Act To establish a code of law for the District of Columbia, approved March; 3, 
1901 (31 Stat. 1189; codified in scattered cities throughout the District of Columbia Official 
Code), is amended as follows: ; . ,,-- 

(a) Section 539a(a) (D.C. Official Code § 42-815.01(a)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"at least one of which is the principal place of abode of the debtor or his immediate family''; 

(b) Section 539b (D.C. Official Code § 42-815.02) is amended as follows: ,J ^/;; 

(1) Designate the 2nd subsection (e) as subsection (f). \,.^> ... 

(2) Designate subsection (f) as subsection (g). . v , .' : - ; .., ■ V ., , , .;..- 

(3) Designate subsection (g) as subsection (h). ■ ■,.■-.- : '.<■■;:::■:•.■<:;■. , • 

(4) Designate subsection (h) as subsection (i). : : : : ■> \-.SiYH';.. :■'; 

(5) Designate subsection (i) as subsection Q): ■'•■ : <■' V : : , ;^'; i " 

(6) The newly designated subsection (h) is repealed. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' v ' ' 

(7) New subsections (h-1), (h-2), (h-3), and (h-4) are added to read as follows: 

"(h-1) A foreclosure sale of property secured by a residential mortgage shall be void if a 
lender files a notice of intention to foreclose on a residential mortgage without a mediation 
certificate. ■ ,iv. >; f 

"(h-2) A borrower shall have the same rights to assert a claim for a defective notice ,of 
default on residential mortgage as the law provides for a defective notice of intention to 
foreclose on a residential mortgage. ,/ 7 , );; , .■,;, 

"(h-3) Except as provided in subsections (h-1) and (h-2) of this section, a mediation 
certificate shall serve as conclusive evidence that all other provisions of this ,a"ct t -and 
implementing regulations have been complied with and can be relied upon by a bona, fide 
purchaser and a bona fide purchaser's lender or assigns. 

"(h-4) Nothing in this act shall be construed to limit a borrower's right to assert a claim for 
fraud or monetary damages against the borrower's lender.". 

'(c) Section 539c(a) (D.C. Official Code § 42-8l5.03(a)) is amended to read as follows: : 
"(a) There is established as a nohlapsing fund the Foreclosure Mediati6n Fund ("Fund"); 
into which shall be deposited the fees and penalties generated by the foreclosure mediation 
program, the District's share of proceeds from the February 2012 consent judgments between 
the federal government and participating states, and any future, designated settlements or 
funds. The February 2012 consent judgments are with Citibank,, Wells Fargo, Ally Financial 
as successor of GMAC, Bank of America and J.P. Morgan Chase. - : , /'[' 

"(b) The Fund shall be used for one or more of the ; follQwing purposes; - = ; r , 

"(1) Payment of mortgage-related or foreclosure-related counseling; ... .. a --\ *>^y ■;*■■■■ 
"(2) Mortgage-related or foreclosure-related legal assistance or advocacy; 
"(3) Mortgage-related or foreclosure-related mediation; 

"(4) Outreach or assistance to help current and former homeowners secure* the benefits 
for which they are eligible under mortgage-related or foreciosure-related 1 settlements or 
judgments; and > v ' : 

"(5) Enforcement work in the area of financial fraud or consumer protection.". 

. Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the Distinct of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4 Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). , . .;f 

APPROVED: June 15, 2012. ; , ji.vv '' 



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2012 Legislation Act 19-379, § 3 


Act 19-379 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, An Act To create a Department of Corrections in the 
District of Columbia to limit the circumstances under which the District will comply with an 
immigration detainer request from United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. 

act may be cited as the "Immigration Detainer Compliance Emergency Amendment Act of 

Sec. 2. An Act To create a Department of Corrections in the District of Columbia, 
approved June 27, 1946 (60 Stat. 320; D.C. Official Code § 24-211.01 et seq.), is amended by 
adding a new section 7 to read as follows: 

"Sec. 7. District compliance with federal immigration detainers. 

"(a) The District of Columbia is authorized to comply with civil detainer requests from 
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") by holding inmates for an 
additional 24-hour period, excluding weekends and holidays, after they would otherwise be 
released, but only in accordance with the requirements set forth in subsection (b) of this 

"(b) Upon written request by an ICE agent to detain a District of Columbia inmate for 
suspected violations of federal civil immigration law, the District shall exercise discretion 
regarding whether to comply with the request and may comply only if: 

"(1) There exists a prior written agreement with the federal government by which all 
costs incurred by the District in complying with the ICE detainer shall be reimbursed; and 
"(2) The individual sought to be detained: 

"(A) Is 18 years of age or older; and 

"(B) Has been convicted of: 

"(i) A dangerous crime as defined in D.C. Official Code § 23-1331(3) or a crime of 
violence as defined in D.C. Official Code § 23-1331(4), for which he or she is currently 
in custody; 

"(ii) A dangerous crime as defined in D.C. Official Code § 23-1331(3) or crime of 
violence as defined in D.C. Official Code § 23-1331(4) within 10 years of the detainer 
request, or was released after, having served a sentence for such dangerous crime or 
crime of violence within 5 years of the request, whichever is later; or 

"(hi) A crime in another jurisdiction which if committed in the District of Columbia 
would qualify as an offense listed in D.C. Official Code § 23-1331(3) or (4); provided, 
that the conviction occurred within 10 years of the detainer request, or the individual 
was released after having served a sentence for such crime within 5 years of the 
request, whichever is later. 

"(c) Notwithstanding subsection (b)(2)(B)(ii) and (iii) of this section, a detainer request for 
an individual who has been convicted of a homicide crime, pursuant to An Act To establish a 
code of law for the District of Columbia, approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official 
Code § 22-2101 et seq.), or a crime in another jurisdiction which if committed in the District 
of Columbia would qualify as a homicide crime, may be honored regardless of when the 
conviction occurred. 

"(d)(1) The District shall not provide to any ICE agent an office, booth, or any facility or 
equipment for a generalized search of or inquiry about inmates or permit an ICE agent to 
conduct an individualized interview of an inmate without giving the inmate an opportunity to 
have counsel present. 

"(2) This subsection shall not be construed to establish a right to counsel that does not 
otherwise exist in law.". 

, Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 


&Ct 19^379, § 3 19thG6uhcil>Pefi6d 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report for the Immigration 
Detainer Compliance Amendment Act of 2012, passed on 1st reading on June 5, 2012 
(Engrossed version of Bill 19-585), as the fiscal impact statement required by section 
602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 
813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

See. fcvEfective. date. ; ; ( ^ /k 

^Thisadt shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor,' action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for ho longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
Section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code §l-204;12(a)). : ' ' ' '',..'";,: 

APPROVED: June 15, 2012. 


;. ;'•■■ . Act 19-382 ;. '". ! .; V- , '. ..!■ ^ 

AN ACT to adjust, on an emergency basis, certain allocations l'equested in the Fiscal Year 201SS 
Budget Request Act pursuant to the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009; 

act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2012 Second Revised Budget Request Emergency 
Adjustment Act of 2012". ..; ^, 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 817 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, approved March 
13, 2009 (123 Stat. 699; D.C. Official Code § 47-369.02), the fiscal year 2012 budgets for the 
following agencies shall be adjusted by the following amounts: ? / 


$70,850,000 (of which $66,500,000 shall be added to local funds and $4,350,000, .added to 
pther funds), to be allocated as follows: ,, '!'',.,• , 

Government Direction and Support > ; i ^ 

The appropriation for Government Direction and Support is increased'by $4,403,000 in local 
funds, to be allocated as follows: * " ; 

,\ (1) Council ,of the District of Columbia. — $403,000 is added to be available from local 
1 funds. \~.y,:y., y - 

- ; (2) Department of General; Services. --$4,000,000 is added to be ayailable; from local 
■ ;: funds. > . .■:■ /,;■■ ■■ - -.' -v . ' ■ .{ ■■ ! j ;v. .': ; \' . : ; 

Economic Development and Regulation , : 

' The appropriation for Economic Development and Regulation is increased by $5,854,000 
(including $3,354,000 in local funds and $2,500,000 in other funds), to be allocated as follows: 

(1) Department of Employment Services. - $1,504,000 is added to be available from local 
.'. funds. .. . . ' ..". , ■ , , : ■ ., .■/:-.. ,.' ; -:'.: : ■ ,■;•■/.. .■ \ ;.-> 

(2) Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. - $2,500,000 is added to be" 
available from other funds; ; •'.■.,. ■"■-'■ : ■ ' 

(3) Housing Production Trust Fund Subsidy. - $1,850,000 is added to be available from 
local funds. / ■■>'.' 

2012 Legislation Act 19^382, § 5 

Public Education System 

The appropriation for Public Education System is increased by $27,058,000 in local funds, to 
be allocated as follows: 

(1) District of Columbia Public Schools. — $25,191,000 is added to be available from local 

(2) Office of the State Superintendent of Education. - $1,453,000 is added to be available 
from local funds. 

(3) District of Columbia Public Library. - $414,000 is added to be available from local 

Human Support Services 

The appropriation for Human Support Services is increased by $10,377,000 in local funds, to 
be allocated as follows: 

(1) Department of Healthcare Finance. - $10,227,000 is added to be available from local 

(2) Department of Human Services. - $150,000 is added to be available from local funds 
to fund the fiscal year 2012 cost associated with the Temporary Assistance for Needy 
Families Time Limit Amendment Act of 2012, passed on 2nd reading on June 5, 2012 
(Enrolled version of Bill 19-743). 

Financing and Other 

The appropriation for Financing and Other is increased by $21,308,000 in local funds, to be 
allocated as follows: 

(1) Repayment of Loans and Interest. — $1,135,000 is reduced from local funds. 

(2) Non-Departmental. - $22,443,000 is added to be available from local funds. 

Enterprise and Other Funds 

The appropriation for Enterprise and Other Funds is increased by $1,850,000 in other 
funds, to be allocated as follows: 

(1) Housing Production Trust Fund. - $1,850,000 is added to be available from other 

Sec. 3, Municipal bond tax delay. 

(a) The Chief Financial Officer shall recognize as fiscal year 2013 revenue $1,100,000 from 
the General Fund of the District of Columbia balance at the end of fiscal year 2012, which 
shall be allocated to fund the fiscal effect of the extension of time, relating to the computation 
of gross income tax, set forth in subsection (b) of this section. 

(b) Section 47-1803.02(a)(l)(B) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by 
striking the phrase "October 1, 2011" and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2013" in its place. 

Sec. 4. Construction with other law. 

Notwithstanding the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula for Public Schools and Public 
Charter Schools and Tax Conformity Clarification Amendment Act of 1998, effective March 
26, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-207; D.C. Official Code § 38-2901 et seq.) 9 and the District of 
Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official 
Code § 38-1800.01 et seq.), the allocations described in section 2 shall not be construed to 
create an obligation to provide additional funding to any local education agency except the 
District of Columbia Public Schools. 

Sec. 5. Furlough rebate implementation. 

(a) Notwithstanding the Bonus and Special Pay Limitation Act of 2011, effective September 
14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; 58 DCR 6226), a current employee who did not receive 
compensation for at least one unpaid furlough day in fiscal year 2011 pursuant to the 
Balanced Budget Holiday Furlough Emergency Act of 2011, effective February 2, 2011 (D.C. 
Act 19-3; 58 DCR 1241), the Balanced Budget Holiday Furlough Congressional Review 
Emergency Act of 2011, effective April 27, 2011 (D.C. Act 19-50; 58 DCR 3874), or the 


Act 19-382, § 5 19th-G61indlAPm(>a 

Balanced Budget Holiday Furlough Temporary Act of 201 1 ? effective May 21, 2011 (D.C. Law 
19-1; 58 DCR 2610), shall receive a furlough rebate in accordance with subsection (b).o^this 
section, unless the employee affirmatively chooses to waive all or any part of the nirjough 
rebate in accordance with subsection (c) of this section. 

(b)(1) A current employee who receives a furlough rebate shall be given a one-time ^lump- 
sum payment in an amount of the current employee's loss of salary or rate attributable to 
unpaid furlough days. -*•.:-. ■ ^ 

(2) A furlough rebate shall not include losses attributable to benefits, reimbursements, 
deductions, or any other additional pay of ' any kind beyond the rate 6f basic pay. 

(3) A furlough rebate shall not be used or counted toward a current employee's 
retirement benefits or otherwise affect the current employee's eligibility for a benefit 
offered by the District government/ 

(c)(1) An employee eligible to receive a furlough rebate may decline to accept all .. or any 
part of the furlough rebate if the employee signs a waiver and files the waiver with the 
Director of Personnel within 30 days after the effective date of this act. l ' ' "'■ 

(2) Once an employee files a waiver pursuant to this subsection, the waiver may not be 
/revoked. '."V 1 : ' \ : ";, ' t -^.'^ v 

■(d) For the purpose of this section, the term "current employee"^ an .employee of the 
District who is employed by the District on the 31st day after the ^effective date of this; act. 

Sec. 6. Fiscal impact statement.,.. ...,, f> r ..,. : . , t - .. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by'secfabn'602^ Rule Act, 

approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec.7. Effective date. '■■*■■: un,<..i: v ,■ ■ - ■-:.;. ;;■./. ' / ■ r."- 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in- the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home -Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973; >(87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.l2(a)). • ; n j , -hi x. 

APPROVED; June 20, 2012. ■ '■'"''' - : ■ ; ./ ; ,, 


Act 19-383 .',' 

AN ACT to enact and amend, on an emergency basis, provisions of law necessary to support the 
fiscal year 2013 budget y ■ > ' i? 

act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Emergency Act of £012". 


'■';'■ ■ SUBTITLE. A.. [Reserved] ■ , . - ' "' --■'■■;• ^ /,; 


Sec. 1011. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Health Benefit Plan District Contribution Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012", 

Sec. 1012. Section 2109 of the District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit 
Personnel Act of 1978, effective October 1, 1987 (D.C. Law 7-27; D.C. Official 1 'Code 
§ 1-621.09), is amended as follows: . ■■ ■o/T'-^.'i''. 

216 ' 

2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 1022 

(a) Subsection (a) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an , amount equal 
to 75%" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "exceed 72%" and insert the phrase "exceed 75%" in its place. 

(b) Subsection (h) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph . (1) is amended by striking the phrase "exceed 72%" and inserting the 
phrase "exceed 75%" in its place. 

(2) Paragraph (2) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount 
equal to 75%" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "contribute 28%" and insert the phrase "contribute 25%" in its 

(3) Paragraph (3) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase -"an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount 
equal to 75%" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "contribute 28%" and insert the phrase "contribute 25%" in its 

(c) Subsection (j) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (1) is amended as follows: 

.(A) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount 
equal to 75%" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "contribute 28%" and insert the phrase "contribute 25%" in its 

(2) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "shall not exceed 72%" and 
inserting the phrase "shall not exceed 75%"' in its place. 

(d) Subsection (1) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount equal 
to 75%" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "contribute 28%" and insert the phrase "contribute 25%" in its 


Sec. 1021. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Facilities Service Request Fund Establishment Emer- 
gency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1022. The Department of General Services Establishment Act of 2011, effective' 
September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; D.C. Official Code § 10-551.01 et seq.), is amended by 
adding a new section 1028a to read as follows: 

"Sec. 1028a. Establishment of the Facilities Service Request Fund. 

"(a) There is established within the General Fund of the District of Columbia a lapsing 
account to be known as the Facilities Service Request Fund ("Fund"). All funds received by 
the Department from non-District government tenants in District government facilities for * 
facility-related services, including maintenance, janitorial, security, construction, or other 
services, provided by the Department in accordance with this subtitle shall be deposited into 
the Fund. 

"(b) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds, shall revert 
to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of 
each fiscal year. 


^ei 19-3^3;! 1022 19th Council PerM 

"(c) The Fund shall be administered by the Department, and shall be used for facility- 
related services at real property owned or leased by the District of Columbia and under the 
control of the Department.". ^ at 


Sec. 1031. Shorttitle. 

This subtitle may be qited as the "Public Sector Workers' Compensation Return to Work 
Clarifying Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". —/ 

Sec. 1032. The District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 
1978y effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-60L01 timq.), is 
amended as follows: •>■-;■ = 

(a) Section 2306(b) (D.C. Official Code § l-623.06(b)) is amended to read as, follows; , . 
"(b)(1) The Mayor shall require each employee receiving benefits under this title to. report 

his or her earnings from employment or self-employment by affidavit, including by providing 
copies of tax documents and authorizing' the^ Mayor, to obtain copies of tax documents, within 
30 days of a written request for a report of earnings. "' ! J ■■■•■■■*. j •■■ i 

"(2) An employee shall forfeit his or her right to workers' compensation with respect to 
any period for which the report of earnings was required if the 1 employee: 1 ; : 

"(A) Fails to file a complete report of earnings within 1 30 days of a written' request for 
, a report of earnings; or < '.v v , .■■;■.:' ■■■■ ' , ■■ , 

"(B) Knowingly omits or understates any part of his or her earnings. v 
■'(3) Workers' compensation forfeited under this section, jf already paid, may be recov- 
ered by a deduction from future workers' compensation payments owed to the employee or 
, otherwise recovered under section 2329. 

"(4) The Mayor shall notify any employee receiving workers' compensation benefits* on 
forms prescribed by the Mayor, of that employee's affirmative duty to report earnings and 
shall specifically notify the employee that a failure to report earnings may subject him or 
her to termination from the program and civil or criminal liability. The notice by the 
Mayor may be satisfied by printing the notice on the employee payee statement portion of 
indemnity check sent to the employee. • 

"(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term "earnings" includes any cash, wages, 
or salary received from self-employment or from any other employment aside from the 
employment in which the worker was injured. The term "earnings" also includes commis- 
sions, bonuses, and the cash value of all payments and benefits received in any form other 
than cash. Commissions and bonuses earned before disability but received during the time 
the employee is receiving workers' compensation benefits do not constitute earnings that 
must be reported". 

(b) Section 2313(b) (D.C. Official Code § 1-623. 13(b)) is amended by striking the phrase ; 'Tf 
an employee, whose date of hire was before January 1, 1980," and inserting the phrase "If an 
individual," in its place. ! •-■; m ■■■& 


gee. 1041. Shorttitle." ^ '"';.' Y ! " ' : '' '' " ''''^'[ZY!'"' "^^'1 * 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Delinquent Debt Recovery Emergency Act 1 of 2012"! ' : ;^ 

Bee. 1042. Definitions. ( ; ' ; ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' "' "iZZZV^ 

For the purposes of this subtitle, the term: " . ' ' „■ ' ' 

' (1) "Central Collection Unit" means the Central Collection Unit established within the 
' Office of Finance and Treasury of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to implement 
this act. : " ''''■ v:: ! 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 1046 

(2) "Delinquent debt" means any financial obligation owed by a person to a District 
agency that remains unpaid more than 90 days after it was due; provided, that the term 
shall not include tax debts or child-support debts. 

(3) "Delinquent Debt Fund" or "Fund" means the Delinquent Debt Fund established by 
section 1045. 

(4) "District agency" means any District office, department, or agency, including inde- 
pendent agencies, but not including the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. 

(5) "Person" means any natural person, trust, corporation, limited liability corporation, 
partnership, limited liability partnership, or any other business organization. 

Sec. 1043. Responsibility of District agencies to transfer and refer delinquent debt to the 
Central Collection Unit for collection. 

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, regulation, or Mayor's order, each District 
agency shall transfer and refer delinquent debts to the Central Collection Unit within 60 days 
after, a financial obligation owed by a person to the District becomes a delinquent debt. 

(b) A transfer and referral of a delinquent debt to the Central Collection Unit shall include 
all documentation and information relating to the delinquent debt, including: 

(1) Documents that verify the existence and amount of the delinquent debt; 

(2) The name and last known address of the delinquent debtor; and 

(3) Any notices issued to the delinquent debtor demanding payment. 

(c) The procedure for transfer and referral of delinquent debt by each District agency to 
the Central Collection Unit, including the format and means of delivery of the information, 
shall be established by the Central Collection Unit within 120 days of the effective date of the 
Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, passed on 2nd reading on June 5, 2012 
(Enrolled version of Bill 19-743). 

Sec. 1044. Imposition of costs and fees. 

(a) The Central Collection Unit may prescribe, impose, and collect fees from debtors to 
cover actual costs or expenses associated with the collection of delinquent debt. 

(b) In addition to the authority to impose and collect fees to cover actual costs or expenses 
associated with the collection of delinquent debt, the Central Collection Unit may prescribe 
and impose a fee to be paid by each person who tenders in payment of a financial obligation 
owed to the District, including a tax, assessment, fee, citation, or charge, a check that is 
subsequently dishonored or not duly paid, or whose delinquent debt -is transferred and 
referred to the Central Collection Unit for action. The amount of the fee shall be set by 
regulations established by the Central Collection Unit. 

Sec. 1045. Delinquent Debt Fund. - 

There is established within the General Fund of the District of Columbia a special 
nonlapsing fund known as the Delinquent Debt Fund ("Fund"). Funds allocated to the 
Central Collection Unit through the District's annual Budget and Financial Plan, all delin- 
quent debts collected by the Central Collection Unit, and all fees authorized by section 10,44 
shall be deposited into the Fund; provided, that any funds deposited in the Fund before the 
then-current fiscal year, including any interest earned on such funds before the then-current 
fiscal year, the money remaining in the Fund after the payment of all costs and expenses 
accrued before the then-current fiscal year, less 10% of such remainder, which shall be 
retained as a reserve operating balance, shall be transferred or revert to the General Fund of 
the District of Columbia. All funds deposited in the Fund shall be administered and used by 
the Central Collection Unit, subject to appropriation by Congress, to conduct the authorized 
activities of the Central Collections Unit. 

Sec. 1046. Lien for delinquent debt. 

(a) If a person liable to pay a delinquent debt neglects or refuses to pay the delinquent 
debt after demand by the Central Collection Unit, the amount, including any interest and any 
fees imposed for collection of the delinquent debt that may accrue, shall be a lien in favor of 
the District of Columbia upon all property (including rights to property), whether real or 
personal, belonging to the person, and shall have the same effect as a lien created by 


Act 19-383, § 1046 19th CouMH^erj^ 

judgment. The, lien shall attach to all real or personal property (including rights to property) 
belonging to, or acquired by, the person at any time during the period of the ■/Men. 

(b) The lien imposed by subsection (a) of this section shall be deemed to hate arisen b'n 1 ftie 
91st day after the debt became due and owing to the District and shall continue until the 
delinquent debt is satisfied or becomes unenforceable. , - .{o'ibo ; 

(c) The lien imposed by subsection (a) of this section shall not be valid against a botfa fide 
purchaser for value, holder of a security interest, mechanic's lien, or judgment lien creditor 
until the lien has been filed with the Recorder of Deeds by the Central Collection Unit. 

■(d) Upon transferring a delinquent debt to the Central Collection Unit, a transferring 
agency's authority to file a lien for that debt shall terminate. . _ , : : 

Sec. 1047. Payment plans; discharge of delinquent debt; sale of delinquent- debt; report 
to credit agencies. \ ■ :..■.■'.. ■ , 

(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, the Central Collection Unit* in its discretion, 
may:.' ■ ■ ■; .'■■:■■;'■.■ v Vvv ..." ~ , < ; .. ■ 

1j: " (1) Enter into payment plan agreements with persons for payment 'Of delinquent debt; 
provided, that no payment plan shall exceed a term of 5 years; j i; i[ ■ 

(2) Discharge as uncollectible a delinquent debt that is older than 10 years; 

(3) Settle a delinquent debt for less than the full amount owed; : ,v - - 

(4) Report delinquent debts to credit agencies; ' ; 

' "(5) Sell delinquent debt; and ,: " '\,'' i; 

(6) Refer a delinquent debt to the Office of the Attorney General for the District Qf 
, Columbia for civil or administrative collection or enforcement actions. ' / \ ■ ■ ' 

(b) The authority described in subsection (a) of this section shall become effective iupon, the 
issuance of an order by the Mayor delegating the Mayor's authority, pursuant tq ( An ; Act 
Authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to settle claims and disputes 
against the District of Columbia, approved February 11, 1929 (45 Stat. 1160; D.C, Official 
§ 2-402 et seq.), as is necessary to carry out the purposes of this act. '' ■ ' ' 

Sec. 1048. Suspension of licenses and permits. . ; : 

(a) Each District agency that transfers and refers a delinquent debt of more than $100 to, 
the Central Collection Unit for collection shall, within 5 days of the transfer and referral, 
suspend the granting or issuance of any District license or permit to the delinquent debtor; . 
The suspension shall remain in effect until the Central Collection Unit notifies the appropri- 
ate District agency that the delinquent debt has been satisfied. 

(b) Each District agency that suspends the granting or issuance of a District license or 
permit pursuant to this section shall provide written or electronic notice of the suspension to 
the Central Collection Unit within 5 days of the suspension. ! :, 

(c) The Central Collection Unit shall provide to all bistrict agencies, within 10 days of the 
end of the preceding month, a list of the names of all persons currently subject,to suspension 
of the granting or issuing of a District license or permit, due to delinquent debt of moi;e than 

$100/ . ■ . , ; .,'■ ,,. ; V . " . 7 ' ' - :' . - ,.- -J 

Sec. 1049. Reciprocal agreements. ( f ■' , ' ,r , !i ^ 

The Central Collection Unit may enter into reciprocal agreements for the collection ,o¥ 
delinquent debts with any state, local, or municipal government. .; V '[y, 

. Sec. 1050. Offset of delinquent debt against District employee pay and against contractual 
obligations to District contractors. ,■. ->s; 

(a)(1) The Central Collection Unit may collect delinquent debt from District employees by 
deducting delinquent debt from the biweekly pay of District employees, in an amount, not to 
exceed 10% of an employee's gross biweekly pay, until the delinquent debt is fully satisfied. 

(2) If a District employee's wages are subject to a preexisting attachment or attache 

rrients, the Central Collection Unit shall not exercise its authority under paragraph^!) of 

\, this subsection until the preexisting attachments have been satisfied, in order of priority.; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 1054(b)(2) 

(b)(1) The Central Collection Unit may collect delinquent debt from District contractors by 
deducting the delinquent debt from any amounts owed to a District contractor pursuant to a 
contractual obligation between the District and the contractor. • 

(2) For the purposes of this section, the term: 

(A) "District contractor" includes any person who receives payments from the District 
pursuant to a contract or a grant agreement that requires the grantee to perform 
services in consideration for the payment of the grant amount. 

(B) "Contractual obligation" includes an obligation arising from a contract or a grant 
agreement described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph that is entered into after the 
effective date of the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, passed on 2nd reading 
on June 5, 2012 (Enrolled version of Bill 19-743). 

(c) The Central Collection Unit may collect delinquent debts by offsetting District tax 
refunds and District lottery winnings against delinquent debts owed to the District. 

Sec. 1051. Consumer protection. 

The Central Collection Unit and any outside parties it engages to collect delinquent debt 
shall fully comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, approved September 20, 1977 
(91 Stat 874; 15 U.S.C. § 1692 et seq.), the District of Columbia Consumer Protection 
Procedures Act, effective July 22, 1976 (D.C. Law 1-76; D.C. Official Code § 28-3901 et seq.), 
and all other federal and District laws and rules that govern collection of delinquent debt. 

Sec. 1052. Report to the Council. 

On or before March 1 of each year, the Central Collection Unit shall issue a report to the 
Mayor and the Council that includes: 

(1) The amount of delinquent debt collected in the preceding fiscal year; 

(2) The amount of uncollected delinquent debt owed to the District; and 

(3) A summary of the efforts made to collect delinquent debt owed to the District and 
the challenges that remain for collecting it. 

Sec. 1053. Rules. 

Within 120 days of the effective date of the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, 
passed on 2nd reading on June 5, 2012 (Enrolled version of Bill 19-743), the Chief Financial 
Officer shall issue rules to implement the provisions of this subtitle. 

Part. B. 

Sec. 1054. Conforming amendments. 

(a) Section 1 of An Act To authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to 
prescribe penalties for the handling and collection of dishonored checks, approved September 
28, 1965 (79 Stat. 844; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.11), is repealed. 

(b) Chapter 28 of title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as follows: 

(1) Section 47-2862(a) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (5) is amended by striking the word "or". 

(B) Paragraph (6) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; or" in 
its place. 

(C) A new paragraph (7) is added to read as follows: 

' "(7) Owes the District more than $100 in outstanding fines, penalties, or interest.". 

(2) Section 47-2866(a) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "On or before June 1, 2007, the 
Mayor shall implement" and inserting the phrase "Consistent with the Delinquent Debt 
Recovery Emergency Act of 2012, passed on emergency basis on June 5, 2012 (Enrolled 
version of Bill 19-796), and the Delinquent Debt Recovery Act of 2012, passed on 2nd 
reading on June 5, 2012 (Enrolled version of Bill 19-743), the Chief Financial Officer 
shall implement" in its place. 


Afct 19-383^ § 1054(b)(2) 19th Council Period 

v.f ■■ ■■;■■ (B.) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "the Mayor" and inserting. the 
phrase "the Chief Financial Officer" in its place. v <n 

(b) Section 105(b) of the District of Columbia Traffic Adjudication Act of 1978, effective' 
September 12, 1978 (D.C. Law 2-104; D.C. Official Code § 50-2301.05(b)), is amended by 
striking the last sentence. -,■;.■ '"'■■■.■ . ,, >. >:? .■■■ 

, . •■ ;■■:■■ , -, . ■. PajtlC. ; ■ ■ ■ r]l " ' : 

Sec. 1055. The District of Columbia Government Comprehensive .Merit Personnel, Act of 
1978,-. effective March 3, 1979 (D.C, Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code ; i 1-601,01 ,.eise®), is 
amended by adding a new section 2905 to read as follows: , ■*..,■. ■..■■■.■■■'■■] ■, ;■;■ ( ■■ ; ; -^ 

"Sec. 2905. Authority to collect infraction fines from responsible District employees. - ft} 

"(a) If a notice of infraction is issued pursuant to section 303 T of;the, District of Columbia 
Traffic Adjudication Act of 1978, effective September 12, 1978 (D.C.Xaw 2-104; D.C. Official 
Code § 50-2303.03) ("Traffic Act"), or section 902 of the Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Support Act 
of ,1996, effective April 9, 1997 (D.C. Law 11-198; D.C. Official Code § 50-2209.02), for an 
infraction committed by a vehicle owned or leased by the District of Columbia government,; 
the responsible individual shall be required to pay any fine or fee imposed as a result of that 
notice of infraction. 

"(b) The responsible individual may challenge any notice of infraction issued for a moving 
violation as provided in Title II of the Traffic Act (D.C. Official Code § 50-2302.01 et seqX or 
any notice of infraction issued for a parking, standing, or stopping infraction as provided in 
Title III of the Traffic Act (D.C. Official Code § 50-2303.01 et seq.), 

"(c) If a responsible individual fails to pay a fine or fee imposed, the period for challenging 
the issuance of the notice of infraction has expired, and there is no final order dismissing the 
.charges that led to the issuance of the notice of infraction, the Mayor may collect the amount 
owed, as provided for in section 2904, or by any other means authorized by law.". 

"(d) For the purposes of this section, the term "responsible individual" means the District 
government employee, contractor, or volunteer who had registered, or signed, to use the 
vehicle that was the subject of the notice of infraction, or who had been assigned to drive the 
vehicle that was> the subject of the' 'notice of infraction, at the time when the notice of 
infraction was issued.". , " ; jV- <>.;■,;.■> 


Sec. 1061. Short title. , > m s ) ; ,; tv- . : , "■• " </ ..v ■: -f^vl fj;i 

This subtitle may be cited as the "District of Columbia Retirement 'Bo'^d : Adtuaj^j ; 'S^h^d 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". l ; i' "> Mv/H v 1 ■' "n ;sl ;: ; ; - jTW^m^! >^ 

Sec. 1062. Section 133 of the Police Officers, Fire ;( Fighters, and^ Teachers Retirement 
Benefit Replacement Plan Act of 1998, effective September 18^199& (D.C. Law ; 12-152; D.C. 
Official Code § 1-907.03), is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 133. Calculation of District of Columbia payment to the Funds, 

"(a)(1) When specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Retirement Board .shall 
engage an enrolled actuary, who may be the enrolled actuary engaged pursuant to' section 
162(a)(4)(A) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act, approved November i ! 7, 1979 
(93 Stat. 885; D.C; Official Code § l-732(a)(4)(A)), to make the following determinations 1 as of 
a specified date on the basis of the entry age normal funding method and in acqordanc^with 
generally accepted actuarial principles and practices with respect to each separate 1 fund 
comprising the Funds: ' ;/ ! T/ 

"(A) The normal cost, determined as a level percentage of covered annual payroll;* 

"(B) The unfunded accrued liability payment; which, for the purposes of this section, 
means the level amount or the level percentage of covered annual payroll that, when 
contributed annually to the Fund for a period of not greater than 30 years, would be 


2012 Legislation ^ Act 19-383, § 1062 

sufficient to fund the liability for benefits accrued by participants as of the valuation date 
("accrued liability") in excess of the current value of assets of the Funds ("unfunded 
accrued liability"); 

"(C) The current value of the assets in the Funds; 

"(D) The estimated covered annual payroll; and 

"(E) Such additional information as the Retirement Board may need to make the 
determinations specified in paragraph (4) of this subsection and in subsection (b) of this 

"(2) Unless the actuary engaged by the Retirement Board pursuant to paragraph (1) of 
this subsection determines that a more frequent valuation is necessary to support the 
actuary's opinion, the actuary shall make the determinations described in paragraph (1) of 
this subsection upon the request of the Retirement Board and at least once every 2 years. 

"(3) On the basis. of the most recent determinations made under paragraph (1) of this 
subsection, the enrolled actuary shall certify to the Retirement Board each year, at a time 
specified by the Retirement Board, the following information for the next fiscal year with 
respect to each separate fund comprising the Funds: 

"(A) The normal cost; 

"(B) The present value of future benefits payable from the Funds for covered 
employees as of the valuation date; . 

"(C) The unfunded accrued liability payment; 

"(D) The current value of assets as of the valuation date; and 

"(E) The value of assets used in developing the amortization of .unfunded accrued 
liability payment. 

"(4) On the basis of the most recent certification submitted by the enrolled actuary under 
paragraph (3) of this subsection, the Retirement Board shall certify the sum of the normal 
cost and the unfunded accrued liability payment ("amount of the District payment") for the 
next fiscal year for each separate fund comprising the Funds. 

"(b)(1) On the basis of the most recent determinations made under subsection (a)(4) of this 
section, the Retirement Board shall, no fewer than 30 days before the date on which the 
Mayor is required to submit the annual budget for the District of Columbia government to 
the Council, pursuant to section 442 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.42), certify to the Mayor and the 
Council the amount of the District payment for each separate fund comprising the Funds. 

"(2) The Mayor, in preparing each annual budget for the District of Columbia pursuant 
to section 442 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 798; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.42), and the Council, in adopting each annual budget 
in accordance with section 446 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 801; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.46) shall, for each separate 
fund comprising the Funds, include in the budget no less than the amount of the District 
payment for each separate fund comprising the Funds certified by the Retirement Board 
under paragraph (1) of this subsection. The Mayor and the Council may comment and 
make recommendations concerning any such amount certified by the Retirement Board. 

"(c)(1) Before the enactment of any law, resolution, regulation, rule, or agreement produc- 
ing any change in benefits under a retirement program, the Mayor shall engage and pay for 
an enrolled actuary, who may be the enrolled actuary engaged pursuant to ' section 
162(a)(4)(A) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act, approved November 17, 1979 
(93 Stat. 885; D.C. Official Code § l-732(a)(4)(A)), to estimate the effect of that change in 
benefits over the next 5 fiscal years on the: 

"(A) Accrued liability of the retirement program; 

"(B) Unfunded accrued liability of the retirement program; 

"(C) Unfunded accrued liability payment with respect to the retirement program; and 

"(D) Normal cost with respect to the retirement program. 


Act 19-383/ § 1062 19th €biincil Peftofl 

"(2) Whenever any change in benefits under a retirement program pursuant"to< this 
subsection is made to either, but not both; the Metropolitan Police Department or the Fire 
and Emergency Medical Services Department, the Mayor shall engage an enrolled a'etuary 
to perform the same study contemporaneously for the employee group for which the 
change was not made. 

"(d) The Mayor shall transmit the estimates of the actuary to the Retirement Board, the 
Secretary of the Treasury, and the Council, and the change in /benefits shall not become 
effective until the end of a 30-day period of review, which shah begin on the date that the 3 
required transmittals have been effected.". 

Sec. 1063. Applicability. '*'. ; " '; 

.Thissubtitle shall apply as of October 1,2012. ...... . vv; ; , 


Sec, 1071. Short title. , ..-,- . 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Financial Disclosure and Ethics Reform Clarification 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". - 

Sec. 1072. The Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment, and 
Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, effective April 27, 2012 (D.C. Law 
19-124; D.C. Official Code § 1-1161.01 et seqj, is amended as follows: l ^ 

(a) Section 224(c) (D.C. OfficialCode § i-1162,24(c)) is amended as follows: ' ■ ' ?i : " 

(1) Strike the phrase "October 2nd" and insert the phrase "May 15th" in its pl4ce. r 

(2) Strike the phrase "October 1st" and insert the phrase "May 15th" in its place, 7 

(3) Strike the phrase "November 2nd" and insert the phrase "June ,15th" in its place, ;; 

(b) Section 225 (D.C. Official Cdde'§ 1-1162.25) is amended as follows: ' ■■'■-.< 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended bystriiahg the i phrase "October 2nd" l arid inserting the 
. phrase "May 15th" in its place. y-^';^.-'^rw> : ^ ■» ; ^- ^r ■. ; 'vv : '-' 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended as follows:' ,! r ,; '■''- V 

(A) Strike the phrase "September 1st" and insert the phrase "April 15th" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "September 15th" and insert the phrase "May 1st" in its' place; 

(c) A hew section 310a is added to read as follows: 

"Sec. 310a. Fund balance requirements of principal campaign committees. 

. "Within the limitations specified in this act, any surplus, residual, or unexpended campaign 
funds received by or on behalf of an individual who seeks nomination for election, or electton 
to office, shall be: ^,q 

"(1) Contributed to a political party for political purposes; .■■.... , Utm 

- -' "(2) Used to retire the proper debts of his or her political committee that received' 'the 
funds; ■ 'V.M;rn 

"(3) Transferred to a political committee, a charitable organization in ^ accordance with 
D.C. Official Code § 47^1803.03(a)(8), or, in the case of an elected official, an established 
constituent services fund; or . - . . v<>;; - ::) 

,. "(4) Returned to the donors as follows: V ; ' ' '[-w-> > ;1 

; "(A) In the case of an individual defeated in an election, within 6 months following, the, 
election; '" '. ' '.'."'' ' ';' V. ,7'i 

"(B) In the case ■ of an individual elected to office, within. 6 months, following the 
election; and 

"(C) In the case of an individual ceasing to be a candidate, within 6 months thereaf- 

■-■ ■ tef.V- ■ :^V- ■ '. ■ ■■■ ] :■■'■■" 

(d) Section 601 (D.C. Official Code § 1-1164.01) fe amended Sis follows: 

224 • 

2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 1084 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended by adding a sentence at the end to read as follows: 

"The Elections Board shall enforce Title II, Subtitle C, until October 1, 2012, after which 
pending matters shall be transferred to the Ethics Board for enforcement". 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the phrase "October 1, 2012," and inserting the 
phrase "October 1, 2012, except that the Office of Campaign Finance shall administer and 
enforce the subtitle, including receiving and reviewing the necessary disclosures, until 
January 1, 2013." in its place. 

Sec. 1073. Any matter arising after January 29, 2012, from a violation of Title I, Subtitle C 
of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive 
Ethics Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2012, effective January 29, 2012 (D.C. Act 
19-298; 59 DCR 683), or Title II, Subtitle C of the Board of Ethics. and Government 
Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2012, 
effective April 27, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-124; D.C. Official Code § 1-1161.01 et seq.), may be 
enforced by the Elections Board until October 1, 2012, after which pending matters shall be 
transferred to .the Ethics Board for enforcement. 

Sec. 1074. Applicability. 

Section 1072(a) and (b) shall apply as of January 1, 2013* 


Sec. 1081.. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary Celebration and 
Commemoration Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1082. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this subtitle, the term: 

(1) "Commission" means the Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary Celebration and Com- 
memoration Commission established in section 1083. 

(2) "Fund" means the Home Rule 40th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration 
Fund established in section 1085. 

(3) "Home Rule Act" means the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 774; D.C. Official Code § 1-201.01 et seq.). 

Sec. 1083. Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration Commis- 

(a) There is established a Home Rule 40th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration 
Commission. The purpose of the Commission shall be to coordinate, plan, and promote 
events related to the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the Home Rule Act, and to 
administer the Fund. 

(b) The Commission shall be composed of 5 members, as follows: 

(1) One Chairperson, appointed by the Mayor; 

(2) Two members appointed by the Mayor; and N 

(3) Two members appointed by the Chairman of the Council. 

(c) The members of the Commission shall serve until the sunset of this subtitle. 

(d) A vacancy in the Commission resulting from the death or resignation of a member shall • 
not affect its powers and shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment 
was made. 

(e) Each member of the Commission shall serve without compensation; provided, that each 
member may be reimbursed for actual expenses pursuant to section 1108 of th*e District of 
Columbia Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 
2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-611.08). 

(f) A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum to conduct 

Sec. 1084. Staffing. 


Act 19-3&3S, f 1084 19th Council P^enBff 

(a) The Commission shall appoint staff as needed who shall be paid from the Fund. ■- ; 

'(b) Upon request of the Commission, the Mayor may detail staff, at no 'cost to the 
Commission, at any time to assist the Commission in carrying out its duties. ■"*'■' 
; Sec. 1085. Home Rule 40th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration Fund. . 

(a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Home Rule Act 40th Anniyersary 
Celebration and Commemoration Fund, which shall be administered by the Commission, to be 
used for the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section. 

' '.^ .(b)(1);.' Deposits into the Fund shall include: . /',' ... .:!,;; '; () 

* : (A) Federal funds* if any; j" : • ■ • -^hd 

•'■ (B) Gifts, grants, and donations; and ; f ' ' :■■:■.: -fM 

.'.■' (C) Proceeds from the sale of memorabilia and information related to the ^Otn 

anniversary, of the adoption of the Home Rule Act. '. ■ V^ 

(2) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds*, shall nofy 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at 
the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses 
and purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section i without regard to fiscal 1 year 
limitation, subject to authorization by Congress. 

(c) The Commission may expend monies in thei^Fund^to celebrate and commemorate the 
40th anniversary of the adoption of the Home Rule Act, including: 

(1) Planning, developing, and executing appropriate programs and activities; . . ; 

(2) Purchasing and selling merchandise related to the Home Rule Act,, such as: _ ,, _ , 

(A) Books; , . ;v ; r; ; 

(B) Pamphlets; ; M : ;, -.. , :: : , 

;v ; ■(C). Memorabilia; or , ./ ^^?- .:■■ .;■; ^; 

(D) Other material; * ' r v , ^ ^ : 

(3) Identifying appropriate displays arid activities to showcase the history of home rule 
-and the quest by residents and officials instrumental in the passage of the Home Rulfe Act 
to gain, self-determination for the District of Columbia; ' 

(4) Identifying possible amendments to the Home Rule Act; \ 

(5) Outlining programs to involve the public in learning more about the Home Rule Act 
and self-determination in the District; )f 

(6) Making grants available, subject to the availability of funds in the Fund, through % 
'■' competitive process, for educational programs to public schools, public charter schools, arid' 

other organizations; 

(7) Encouraging educational, historical, civic, and other organizations to participate In 
the anniversary activities to expand the understanding of the Home Rule Act .and s'elf- 
determination in the District; -■ r^v,(;-- r O:^0 U). 

(8) Assuring that the observances appropriately recognize former 'm'aybrs r M 

of the Council, and other people, who have contributed, to the growth , arid devel^pnient of 
- elected government in the District; f . T - v- ■ ^ >■■ ■'<<■* 

;;J (9) Facilitating other activities, such as receptions, parades, or, festiyals, ,a,nd the provi- 
sion pf food,, snacks, entertainment, and non-alcoholic beverages to the general uuhhft 
participating in the activities; and . .' ', .^ 

- ; (10) Examining the Home Rule Act to determine, the authority that shall be used to 
advance democracy for the District. • . :,,;■,;; <- ■-,, - , - ■,,-'.■■.-. -; T 

Sec; iQ86. Reporting requirement. ; ' i '■ v/ V : ; 7 

(a) Beginning on September 30* 2012, the Commission shall submit quarterly reports tb the 
Mayor and the Council, to include: - r; ' ' p " v ■, 

(1) Ari accounting of the revenue and expenditures of the Commission, including a list of 
each: ,: ;,i ■ 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 1102(b) 

(A) Gift, grant, or donation with a value of $100 or greater, and the name, address, and 
occupation of each donor; and 

(B) Expenditure of $100 or greater, including the name and address of the recipient; 

(2) A summary of the proposed activities programs; and 

(3) Any recommendations for legislative or executive action. 

(b) Not later than September 30, 2014, the Commission shall submit a final report to the 
Mayor and the Council that includes: 

(1) A final accounting of the revenue and expenditures of the Commission, including a 
list of each gift, grant, or donation with a value of $100 or greater, and the name, address, 
and occupation of each donor; . 

(2) A summary of the Commission's activities; and 

(3) Any recommendations for amendments to the Home Rule Act. 

Sec. 1087. Implementation. 

The Secretary of the District of Columbia shall be the implementing agency of the 
provisions of this subtitle. 

Sec. 1088. Use of District funds. 

Except as provided in section 1083(e), no local funds shall be used to carry out this subtitle. 

Sec. 1089. Sunset. 

This subtitle shall expire on October 1, 2014. 


Sec. 1091. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Merit Personnel Clarification and Leave Restoration 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1092. The District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 
1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-601.01 et seq.\ is 
amended as follows: 

(a) Section 902 (D.C. Official Code § 1-609.02) is amended by adding a new subsection (d) 
to read as follows: 

"(d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to employees of the Council of the 
District of Columbia.". 

(b) Section 1203(h) (D.C. Official Code § l-612.03(h)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"20 days" wherever it appears and inserting the phrase "30 days" in its place 


Sec. 1101. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Anti-Deficiency Emergencies and Capital Projects 
Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1102. Chapter 3 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 

(a) Section 47-355.01 is amended by adding a new paragraph (2A) to read as follows: 

"(2A) "Emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property" 
does not include ongoing, regular functions of government, the suspension of which would 
not imminently threaten the safety of human life or the protection of property.". 

(b) Section 47-355.02 is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "agency or fund" and inserting the 
phrase "agency, fund, or capital project" in its place. 


Act 19-383, § 1102(b) 19th Council JRerioa' 

■ (2) Paragraph (2) is amended by 'striking the phrase "unless authorized by law" and 
inserting the phrase "unless authorized by law; provided, that this paragraph shall not 
prohibit the acceptance of voluntary services or employment of personal services exceeding 
that authorized by law during emergencies involving the safety of human life or the 
protection of property" in its place. ! ' ; 

(3) Paragraph (7) is amended by striking the word "or" at the' end. " ; 

1 (4) Paragraph (8) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting the phrase 
"; or" in its place. - - ^/ :. 

(5) A hew* paragraph (9) is added to read as follows: : 

"(9) Make or authorize an expenditure or obligation for one capital project from another 
capital project.". 

SUBTITLE K. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE L, [Reserved] 



Sec. 2001. Short- title. --■ " '^ ^> ■?<- ■ ■ ■ ■'■■ - ■■>'' 

This subtitle may be cited as 'the "Unemployment Compensation Additional Benefits Trust 
Fund Stabilization Emergency 'Amendment [ Act;^o^ :H 

Sec. 2002. An Act To provide for unemployment compensation in the District of Columbia, 
authorize appropriations, and for other purposes, approved August 28, 1935 (49 Stat 946; 
D:C. Official Code § 51-101 etseq.) } is : amended as follows: ■■ ' ?; '■ 

(a) Section 3(c)(8)(C) (D.C. Official Code § 51-103(c)(8)(C)) is repealed. ■-■-*■'- 
V'(b) Section 7(i) (D.C/ Official Code § 51-107(i)) is repealed. / , ^; r V, 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] v- i 



<i Sec. 2021. v Short title. ■;■ ,■;..- . 

This subtitle may be cited asthe ; "Economic Development Special Account Revival 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2022. The National Capital Revitalizatibn , Corporation and ' Anacostia Waterfront 
Corporation Reorganization Act of 2008, effective March 26, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-138; D.C. 
Official Code § 2-1225.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: '' * : 

, i(a) Section 102(g)(3) (D.C. Official Code § 2-1225;02(g)(3)) Js amended to read m followsv 

"(3) Operating funds transferred pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited into'"the 
, Economic Development Special Account established by section 301.". r ; . '. . . . v , : ... 

(b) Section 301 (D.C. Official Code § 2-1225.21) is revived as of September 14, 2011,/tind 
amended to read as follows: 

. "Sec. 301. Economic Development Special Account. 

;■. ; "(a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Economic Development Special Account 

("Account"), which shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in this section, ' '■■' " ' ; 

"(b)(1) Deposits into the Account shall include: { ' 

"(A) All operating funds transferred from the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation 
Enterprise Fund, Established by section 114 of the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation Act 
of 2004, effective December 7, 2004 (D.C. Law 15-2i9; D.C, Official Code § 2-1223>14); 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 2023 

"(B) All operating funds transferred from the National Capital Revitalization Corpora- 
tion Enterprise Fund, established by section 9 of the National Capital Revitalization 
Corporation Act of 1998, effective September 11, 1998 (D.C. Law 12-144; D.C. Official 
Code § 2-1219.08); 

"(C) All fees, revenues, and other income from real property or other assets formerly 
under the authority of the National Capital Revitalization Corporation ("NCRC") or the 
Anacostia Waterfront Corporation ("AWC"), or any of their subsidiaries, which include 
the RLA Revitalization Corporation, Southwest Waterfront Development Corporation, 
Southwest Waterfront Holdings Corporation, and Economic Development Finance Cor- 

"(D) Funds authorized by an act of Congress, reprogramming, or intra-District 
transfer to be deposited into the Account; 

"(E) Any other monies designated by law to be deposited into the Account; and 

"(F) Interest on money deposited in the Account. 

"(2) Funds deposited into the Account pursuant to this subsection shall be maintained in 
segregated sub-accounts associated with each revenue source as the Chief Financial Officer 
determines necessary. 

"(3) The funds deposited into the Account, and any interest earned on those funds, shall 
not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia 
at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the 
uses and purposes set forth in subsections (c) and (d) of this section without regard to fiscal ' 
year limitation, subject to authorization by Congress. 

"(c) Monies credited to the Account shall be allocated annually to the Office of the Deputy 
Mayor for Planning and Economic Development in an aggregate amount that is equal to the 
total deposits and earnings that are estimated to remain unspent in the Account at the end of 
the preceding fiscal year plus all deposits and earnings that are estimated to be received 
during the fiscal year for which the allocation is made. 

"(d) Monies may be used to pay the costs of operating and administering properties and 
programs under the authority of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, 
including properties and programs formerly operated and administered by the NCRC and the 
AWC, to provide economic development assistance, including the provision of grants, loans, 
and credit support or enhancement, and to implement other programs, projects, and 
initiatives that: 

"(1) Are consistent with and in furtherance of the economic development goals or 
activities of the District; 

"(2) Further meeting the requirements of providing jobs for District residents, creating 
affordable housing, and restoring the District's waterways pursuant to Title IV; 

"(3) Support the development of a workforce intermediary pursuant to section 403; or 
"(4) Facilitate the implementation of the environmental standards pursuant to subtitle B 
of Title IV. 

"(e)(1) Fees, revenue, and other income that otherwise would be deposited into the Account 
under this section but that are subject to Community Development Block Grant regulations 
shall be deposited into a segregated sub-account designated for Community Development 
Block Grant funds and shall be subject to applicable reporting to the United States 
Department of Housing and Urban Development. 

"(2) The funds in the segregated, sub-account shall be included as a segregated line item 
in the budget of the Department of Housing and Community Development that the Mayor 
is required to submit to the Council pursuant to section* 442 of the District of Columbia 
Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat, 798; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.42), 
and shall be designated for use by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic 
Development, consistent with the requirements of the Community Development Block 
Grant Program.". 

Sec. 2023. Section 9027(b) of the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Act of 2011, effective- 
September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; 58 DCR 6225), is repealed as of September 14, 2011. 


Act 19-383^ § 2031 19th Council tferiod: 


Sec. 2031. Short title. '.'..'. : ' 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development 
Limited GranMVfaking Authority Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2032. The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development shall have^ grant- 
making authority for the purpose of providing: ....,, , 

(1) Fufads in support of the Skylahd project; and \ ■■■■[.•," 

(2) Commercial revitalization services for properties adjacent to, the Styland project. 

Sec. 2033. The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development may make grants 
for fiscal year 2013 as follows: ;^ >; .■•? ■..■■; 

(1) An amount of $100,000 for sector consultants; 

' ;r (2) An amount of $350,000 for local business promotion; ' 

(3) An amount of $75,000; for regional economic development; 

(4) An amount of $50,000 for the Bank on DC program; 

(5) An 1 amount of up to $700>000 for the purpose of providing interior tenant improve- 
'ment assistance to an entity that agrees to operate a table service restaurant at 3220 

Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., also commonly known as the Penn Branch Shopping Centeri 

v , (6) An amount of $800,000 for the purpose of providing assistance to a mixed-use 

v development located in Ward 7, including 100% affordable housing units supporting former 

Lincoln Heights residents. ■=•...."■ ■:?; 

gee. 2034. The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development shall have granth 
making authority for the purposes set forth in section 2037(c). 

Sec. 2035. (a) There is established as a nohlapsing fund the Neighborhood Parade and 
Festival Fund ("Fund"), which shall be administered by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and 
Economic Development, to be used for the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section. 

(b)(1) Deposits into the Fund shall include: ( .....-,' , .,■-.-...,■ 

: - (A) Federal funds, if any; and ' ■'■'"''■■ ^ i : - ■ 

..:.... (B) Gifts, grants, and donations. ,.,. : , , - , ... 

: (2) All funds deposited into the Fund, arid any interest earned on those funds, shall hot 

revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of .the District of Columbia at 

1 the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses! 

and purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section without regard to fiscal year 

limitation, subject to authorization by Congress. 

-> '(c) The Fund shall be used for" parades, festivals^ and any other .celebrations sponsored by 
a neighborhood or civic associatibiiv . ' 

.-; Sec. 2036, The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development shall have the 
authority to make grants and issue loans for the creation of affordable housing for District 
residents. r '.■■.■. ■ .. tii . ;j 

( ■■ .■.■'''.'■' i ■■ -: ; ' ■' ' ■ ; ; ,.. ' i. '.'!.■ ■ •■'' '■/j:VA.;r;.i'<JBft 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 2133 

SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE F. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE G. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE! [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE J. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE K. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE L. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE M. [Reserved] 


Sec. 2131. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Housing Production and Job Training Funding 
Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2132. Section 1 of An Act Authorizing the sale of certain real estate in the District of 
Columbia no longer required for public purposes, approved August 5, 1939 (53 Stat. 1211; 
D.C. Official Code § 10-801), is amended by adding a new subsection (d-4) to read as follows: 

"(d-4)(l) Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (d) and subsection (e) of this section, the 
Mayor shall dispose of the property located at 35-41 K Street, N.E., designated for tax and 
assessment purposes as Lot 0838 in Square 0675 ("K Street property"), through a solicitation 
to be issued no later than October 1, 2013; provided, that if the contingency set forth in 
paragraph (2)(B) of this subsection is met, the Mayor may dispose of the K Street property 
through a solicitation to be issued no later than October 1, 2013. 

"(2)(A) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the net proceeds from the 
disposition by sale, as authorized by subsection (b)(8) of this section, of the K Street 
property shall be deposited into the Housing Production Trust Fund, established by section 
3 of the Housing Production Trust Fund Act of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 (D.C. Law 
7-202; D.C. Official Code § 42-2802) ("HPTF"), unless the HPTF has been fully funded 
pursuant to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph and paragraph (3) of this subsection. 

"(B) If, before the K Street property disposition, the Chief Financial Officer certifies 
that there is revenue available to fund section 10002(a)(4) of the Revised Revenue 
Estimate Contingency Priority List Act of 2012, passed on May 8, 2012 (Enrolled version 
of Bill 19-743) ("priority number 4"), the certified available revenue shall be deposited 
into the HPTF. 

"(3) If, after the K Street property disposition and the deposit of the net proceeds into 
the HPTF, the Chief Financial Officer certifies that there is revenue available to fund 
priority number 4, the certified available revenue, less any shortfall of the $18 million 
provided for in priority number 4 that was not deposited into the HPTF, which shall be 
deposited into the HPTF, shall be available to fund NoMa in accordance with priority 
number 4.". 

Sec. 2133. The Chief Financial Officer shall recognize $550,000 of the local funds revenue 
certified for fiscal year 2012 in the revised revenue estimate of the Chief Financial Officer 
dated February 29, 2012, as fiscal year 2013 revenue for adult job training under the Office of 
the State Superintendent of Education. 


Act 19-383, § 2i51 19th GoiM(£i'^ertt>a J 

SUBTITLE 0. [Reserved] 

Sec. 2151. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Retail Priority Area 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2152. Section 4 of the Retail Incentive Act of 2004,: effective September 8, 2004 (D.C. 
Law 15-185; D.C. Official Code § 2-1217.73), is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (b)(2) is amended by striking the phrase "$30 million" and inserting the 
phrase "$25 million" in its place. ; -i ; - , , / r,t i, : "> t 

(b) A new subsection (b-1) is added to read as follows: ■■■ 

"(b-1) The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds, that may be issued with, respect, 
to the Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Retail Priority Area, approved by the Council in section 
3(6) of the Great Streets Neighborhood Retail Priority Areas Approval Resolution ;of 20Q7, ; 
effective July 10, 2007 (Res. 17-257; 54 DCR 7194), is increased from $10 million to $15 
million.". '■■ ■ ' -.'■'■ ■'- ■'■■■' '- *'■■ -■ : " ' ■ ...■';■ ■■■-■•'■'<•■■ 'MV ^ 


Sec. 2161. Short Title. ■ ' ^/.m. 

This subtitle' may be cited as the "H Street NE Retail Priority Area Incentive Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". "-. -^.^ 

; Sec. 2162. The H Street NE Retail Priority Area Incentive Act of 2010, effective April £, 
2011 (D.C. Law 18-704; D.C. Official Code § 1-325.171 et seq.\ is amended as^llows: 

(a) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 1-325.171) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (6) is amended, fey adding the phrase "or services" after thejphrase 
"personal property". , < : r ... , F . ; j ( ,., 

(b) Section 4 (D.C. Official Code §; 1-325.173) is, amended as follows: '';' l . 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended to read as follows: 

"(b) Eligible development projects shall include busmesses engaged in the sale of home 
furnishings, apparel, books, art, groceries, and general merchandise to' specialized customers 
or service-oriented businesses providing a. direct service to specialized customers of artistic 
endeavors, such as art galleries, theaters, or performing arts centers. Special consideration 
shall be given to businesses that include entrepreneurial and innovative retail elements. 
Eligible retail development projects shall not include liquor stores,, restaurants, nightclubs, 
phone stores, or businesses with 20 or more locations in the United States.". ...'■,' 

(2) Subsection (c)(3) is repealed. 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 3051 

- SUBTITLE R. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE S. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE T. [Reserved] 


SUBTITLE A. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE C [Reserved] 

SUBTITLED. [Reserved] 


Sec. 3041. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Office of Unified Communications E-911 Fund Clarifica- 
tion Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 3042. The Emergency and Non-Emergency Number Telephone Calling Systems 
Fund Act of 2000, effective October 19, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-172; D.C. Official Code § 34-1801 
et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 603(a) (D.C. Official Code § 34-1802(a)) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "The Fund shall be funded by a tax imposed under sections 604 
and 604b" and insert the phrase "The Fund shall be funded by a tax imposed under 604, 
604a, and 604b" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "All monies deposited into the Fund shall not revert to the General 
Fund of the District of Columbia" and insert the phrase "All monies deposited into the 
Fund shall not revert to, or be transferred to, the General Fund of the District of 
Columbia" in its place. 

(b) A new section 604a is added to read as follows: 
"Sec. 604a. Additional revenues. 

"(a) All revenues from the following sources shall be deposited into the Fund: 
"(1) Steam (including arrearage payments) for the Correctional Treatment Facility 

received by the District since October 1, 2007; and 
"(2) Aggregate revenues in excess of $88 million received in any one fiscal year 

beginning on or after October 1, 2012, from fines paid due to automated photo enforcement; 

except, that in fiscal year 2014, it shall be in excess of $92.5 million.". 

Sec. 3043. Funds transfer. 

(a) Section 802(a) of the Fiscal Year 2011 Transfer of Special Purpose Funds Act of 2010, 
effective April 8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-370; 58 DCR 1008), is amended by striking the "472,000" 
transfer from the 911 and 311 Assessment Fund (1630) within the Office of Unified 
Communications (UCO) from the column entitled "FY 2012". 

(b) The source of funding for subsection (a) of this section shall be $472,000 of the local 
funds revenues certified for fiscal year 2012 in the revised revenue estimate of the Chief 
Financial Officer dated February 29, 2012. 


Sec. 3051. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "MPD Fleet Replacement Funding Designation Emergen- 
cy Act of 2012". 


Act i&4$$f § 3052 19th CoiiriciP ^eM& 

Sec. 3052. The Chief Financial Officer shall recognize $4,270,000 of the local funds 
revenues certified' for fiscal year 2012 in the revised revenue estimate of the Chief Financial 
Officer dated February 29, 2012 as fiscal year 2013 revenue for paygo funds to replace 
Metropolitan Police Department vehicles. 



Sec. 4001. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Funding for Public Schools and Public Charter Schools 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". , 

Sec. 4002. The Uniform Per Student Funding Formula for Public ' Schools and Public 
Charter Schools>and Tax Conformity Clarification Amendment Act r of 1998, effective March 
26, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-207; D,C. Official Code § 38-2901 et seq.\ is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 104 (D.C. Official Code § 38-2903) is amended by striking the phrase "$8,945 
per student for fiscal year 2012" and inserting the phrase "$9,124 per student for fiscal year 
2013" in its place; - ■ v^'r^-il-^iV:::;-^ *■■.: : . '■■ , ■■■■■<.-. "I 1 ■ ■ 

'(b) Section 105 (D.C. Official Code § 38-2904) is amended by stnkihg the tabular array anS' 
inserting the i following chart In itsplaeer" '*'"■'■■ ■■• ■'.' - J ' 

Grade Level 


_ . Per Pupil ■ 
Allocation in 
FY 2013 





1.30 , 


Kindergarten ,'".■'"' 



Grades 1-3 

1,00 ; : 


Grades 4-5 


$9,124 .,... ,. 

Grades 6-8 



Grades 9-12 


. $10,584,.,..,, 

■ ,^ ; . : . ... , k ; ... ^ _• ... ... ., . ... t ..... .... 

■ . .Alternative program 


,. 5! . $10,675 '...,,. ,.,„.,„ r: . , 

Special education school 


;.. $10,675 .,;.:. ■■;•....,-,■ , 


0.75 .;, 

: \, $6,843 , )fi v. ■,-,■; ■..,,,:..,. 

(c) Section 106(c) (D.C. Official Code § 38^2905^)) is amended to read as follows: !l> >! " 
"(c) The supplemental allocations shall be calculated by applying weightings to the founda- 
tion level as follows: ' "■■:.■.,' ' : ;„ 
: '"6etierai Education Add-ons: \ '"' ; li 

"Level/ t ,, , Definition, .....,■ , k .... .:••.:, h . Weighting Per Pupil 

Program ^ ■' " , ' ,^. « V> Supplemental 

FY 2013 

"LEP/NEP Limited and non-English proficient 0.45 '"$4,106" 

students ; ^ 

"Summer |; An accelerated instructional pro-am 0.17 -"' - $1,551 : 

in the summer for students in targeted * 

grade spans or grades pursuant to 

promotion policies of the District of r . ( ' ' 

fr', 1 ": : r\ \-\^v::, Columbia Public Schools and public ;1J ; : - ; :< ' J :- r - t 

charter schools 


2012 Legislation 

Act 19-383, § 4002(c) 

"Special Education Add-ons: 




Per Pupil 
FY 2013 

"Level 1: 



Eight hours or less per week of spe- 
cialized services 



"Level 2: 



More than 8 hours and less than or 
equal to 16 hours per school week of 
specialized services. 



"Level 3: 



More than 16 hours and less than or 
equal to 24 hours per school week of 
specialized services 



"Level 4: More than 24 hours per week which 
Special may include instruction in a self-con- 
Education tained (dedicated) special education 
school other than residential place- 



"Special Weighting provided in addition to spe- 

Education cial education level add-on weightings 
Capacity on a per student basis for each student 

Fund ' identified as eligible for special edu- 




"Special Weighting provided in addition to spe- 

Education cial education level add-on weightings 
Compliance on a per student basis for each student 
Fund identified as eligible for special edu- 

cation. v ' 



"Residential D.C. Public School or public charter 
school that provides students with 
room and board in a residential set- 
ting, in addition to their instructional 




"Residential Add-ons 




Per Pupil 
FY 2013 

"Level 1: Additional funding to support the after- 
Special hours level 1 special education needs of 
Education — students living in a D.C. Public School or 
Residential public charter school that provides stu- 
dents with room and board in a residen- 
tial setting 



"Level 2: Additional funding to support the after- 
Special hours level 2 special education needs of 
Education — students living in a D.C. Public School or 
Residential " public charter school that provides stu- 
dents with room and board in a residen- 
tial setting 



"Level 3: Additional funding to support the after- 

Special hours level 3 special education needs of 




Act 19-383, § 4002(c) 

19th Council ^riod 

Education— students living in a D.C. Public School or 
Residential public charter school that provides stu- 
dents with room and board in a residen- 
-• tial setting u ___^_ 

^j'jh.--'; 1 ' 

"Level 4: Additional funding to support the after- 
Special hours level 4 special education needs of 
Education— limited and non- English proficient stu- 
Residential dents living in a D.C. Public School or 
public charter school that provides stu- 
dents with room and board in a residen- 
tial setting ■ ■ . ,.-:.,. '..._■,: .,;., 



r* ! f'l 

"LEP/NEP Additional funding to support the after- 
Residential hours Limited and non-English profi- 

.ciency needs of students living in a D;G. 
Public School or public charter school ' 
that provides students with room and 
^_^ board in a residential setting 



"Special Education Add-ons for Students with Extended School Year ("ESY") Indicated in 
Their Individualized Education Programs ("IEPs"): ■"■ '■■■■"■■■•■ 




Per Pupil 
Supplemental ' 
, FY- 2013. 

"Special Additional funding to support the 

Education summer school/program need for 
Level 1 students who require extended 

ESY . school year (ESY) services in their 

IEPs. . 



"Special Additional funding to support the 

Education ; summer school/program need for 
Level 2 students who ; -require extended 

ESY : school year (ESY) services" in .their 




"Special Additional funding to support the 

Education summer school/program -need 'for 
Level 3 students who . require extended 

ESY school year (ESY) services in their 




"Special Additional funding to support the 

Education summer school/program need for 
Level 4 students who require extended 

ESY school year (ESY) services in their 





Sec. 4003. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the District of Columbia^Puljiie 
Schools may make competitive grants' to charitable organizations for fiscal year 2013 as 

(1) An amount of $100,000 for a journalism mentorship program in the District 1 -pf 
Columbia Public Schools; and / :;) '- ^ 

(2) An amount of $100,000 for a mathematics literacy; program ■ in the ; Disj:rict ; of 
Columbia Public Schools. : .".■■■ :■■.... 

(b) . Notwithstanding the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula for Public Schools and 
Public Charter Schools Act of 1998, effective March 26> 1999 (D.C; Law 12-207; D.C: Official 
Code § 38-2901 et seq.) f and the District of Columbia School Reform Act; of ■, 1995, approved 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 4032 

April 26, 1996 (Pub. L. No.104-134; D.C. Official Code § 38-1800.01), the allocations 
described in subsection (a) of this section shall not be construed to create an obligation to 
provide additional funding to any local education agency except the District of Columbia 
Public Schools. 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 

Sec. 4021. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Books and Other Library Materials Account Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 4022. An Act To establish and provide for the maintenance of a free public library 
and reading room in the District of Columbia, approved June 3, 1896 (29 Stat. 244; D.C. 
Official Code § 39-101 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 7 (D.C. Official Code § 39-107) is amended by striking the phrase "into the 
unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia" and inserting the 
phrase "into the Books and Other Library Materials Account, established by section 14" in its 

(b) A new section 14 is added to read as follows: 

"Sec. 14. Books and Other Library Materials Account. 

"(a) There is established as a nonlapsing account the Books and Other Library Materials 
Account ("Account") into which shall be deposited: 

"(1) All receipts from the sale of used books and other library materials; 

"(2) Proceeds from the sale of library-related merchandise; 

"(3) Gifts, grants, and donations designated for collections; and 

"(4) Such amounts as may be appropriated for books and other library materials. 

"(b) The Account shall be used solely for the purpose of procuring books and other library 
materials, including compact disks, electronic materials, or other records and materials, to 
maintain and enhance the collection of the District of Columbia Public Library. 

"(c) All funds deposited into the Account, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the 
end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses and 
purposes set forth in subsection (b) of this section without regard to fiscal year limitation, 
subject to authorization from Congress.". . 


Sec. 4031. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "University of the District of Columbia Right-Sizing Plan 
Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 4032. University of the District of Columbia Right- Sizing Plan. 

, (a) By October 1, 2012, the University of the District of Columbia ("University") shall 
transmit to the Council a right-sizing plan that has been approved by the Board of Trustees 
and outlines the steps that the University shall take, starting in fiscal year 2013, to bring the 
University's costs, staff, and faculty size in line with other comparable public universities. 
The University shall develop this plan in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Education. 
Consistent with preserving and enhancing the mission of the University, the plan shall 

k (1) A vision for the University of the District of Columbia system that explains the 
mission, roles, responsibilities, and scope of the flagship university, the community college, 
and the law school, and how they relate to each other; 


Act 19-383, §4032 19th Council Period 

(2) An enrollment plan that sets forth reasonable enrollment projections for the next i 3\ 
years based on recent enrollment trends and includes an analysis of potential student") 
■demand for the flagship university and community college; ■-[ 

(3) An analysis of all academic programs that identifies under-enrolled arid under- 1 
performing programs and an associated timeline and plan for improving or eliminating 
those programs; 

(4) A compensation market analysis to determine appropriate compensation levels for 
staff and faculty and a strategy and timeline to bring salaries and wages in line with these 
levels; - , i? , ; _ ^ 

(5) An analysis of current and planned facilities and, a revised capital spending plan .jifiat 

reflects the University's actual enrollment size and realistic 5 enrollment projections^ :1 e 

."..:'.■.* ;■; .. ■■'■ 'U" f iwmu 

(6) A tuition analysis and timeline to bring tuition more in line with actual co§ts 

associated with a student's education, with particular emphasis on the non-District resident 
tuition rates, including the metro-area resident rate; and '"'/! ;!, II ; : 

(7) A staff and faculty reduction strategy and timeline, including an assessment of the 
"initial and subsequent budgetary impacts of implementing this strategy. ' ".' ' : 

. (b) For the purposes of developing the right-sizing plan required by this section the; 
University shall use, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, any remaining funds from! 
the $500,000 allocated to support the development of a transition plan for an independent 
community college pursuant to section 4704 of the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Act of 
2011, effective September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-021; 58 DCR 6226). 


Sec. 4041. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "University of the District of Columbia Community 
College Autonomy Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 4042. University of the District of Columbia Community College Autonomy , 

'. (a) By November. 1, 2012, the University of the District of Columbia shall transmit to the 
Middle States Commission on Higher Education a request for approval of a substantive 
change to reclassify the University of the District of Columbia Community College as a 
Branch Campus of the University of the District of Columbia. A copy of this request shall 
also be transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia. 

(b) By October 1, 2012, the Chief Executive Officer of the University of the District of 
Columbia Community College shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the; 
Community College and shall have direct spending authority over the Community College 
budget, identified as Division (8000) in the University of the District 'of Columbia operating 
budget and shall regularly report directly 'to the Board of Trustees, or a subcommittee of the 
Board of Trustees respecting the affairs of the Community College. , 


Sec. 4051. Short title. .' .,.," '■•■,.. : ,., ..,.. . ... ,!■ , l|fy 

This subtitle may be cited as the "District of Columbia School Reform Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". ; ;- '-> 

Sec. 4052. The, District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 26, W§& 
(110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 38-1800.01 et seq.\ is amended by adding a new section; 
2214a to read as follows: . /, 

"Sec. 2214a. Charter schools admissions task force. : t '..* } 

"(a) ■ There is established a task force that shall study providing a neighborhood preference; 

in charter school admissions for the 2013-2014 school year. The task force shall consist of: 

; : "(1) The following 5 government officials, or their designees, the: , VI 

"(A) Chairman of the Public Charter School Board; , . :)wy> 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 4062(a) 

"(B) Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia; 

"(C) State Superintendent of Education; 

"(D) Deputy Mayor for Education; and 

"(E) Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools; and 

"(2) The following nongovernment members: 

"(A) Two representatives from charter support organizations;. 

"(B) A representative from the education department of a national research organiza- 

"(C) A representative from a national charter school organization; 

"(D) Two charter school leaders selected by the Public Charter School Board Chair; 

"(E) A labor representative. 

"(b) The task force shall: 

"(1) Be chaired by the Chairman of the Public Charter School Board, or his or her 

"(2) Meet at an agreed to location as often as determined necessary by the Chairman of 
the task force; 

"(3) Explore the feasibility of offering a neighborhood preference in charter school 
admissions for the 2013-2014 school year; and 

"(4) By September 1, 2012, submit a report to the Council of its findings, which shall 

"(A) Consideration of the various ways in which a neighborhood preference can be 
designed, including: 

"(i) The pros and cons of a weighted lottery; 

"(ii) Setting aside of a certain percentage of new seats; 

"(hi) A geographically limited preference; and 

"(iv) A preference based on rankings in a city-wide application process; 

"(B) A definition of neighborhood for the purpose of setting boundaries in admissions; 

"(C) An examination of models that are being used in other jurisdictions and evalua- 
tion of their applicability to the District; and 

"(D) Recommendations based on its findings.". 


Sec. 4061. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Healthy Schools Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 4062. The Healthy Schools Act of 2010, effective October 20, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-37; 
D.C. Official Code § 38-821.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 102 (D.C. Official Code § 38-821.02) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (c) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "and participating private 
schools" and inserting the phrase "participating private schools, and organizations 
participating in the Summer Food Service Program" in its place. 

(B) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the phrase "40 cents for each lunch meal 
served to students who qualify for reduced-price meals" and inserting the phrase "40 
cents for each lunch meal that meets the requirements of sections 202 and 203 and is 
served to students who qualify for reduced-price meals" in its place. 

(C) Paragraph (4) is amended to read as follows: 


Act 19^383* § 4062(a) 19th Gotihcii Pe^a: 

"(4) To provide resources to implement the breakfast-in-the-classroom program 'under 
section 203(a)(2), the Office of the State Superintendent of Education shall provided one- 
time subsidy of $7 per student to new public schools, new public charter schpols, and new 
private schools that have not previously received the funds and that participate Jn the 
National School Lunch Program, in which more than 40% of students qualify' for free or 
reduced-price meals.". ., • ;/'-->^ -r ; :"/':<" 

(2) Subsection (e) is amended by striking the phrase "do not meet the -requirements" and 
,■ inserting the phrase "do not meet any or all of the requirements" in its ,plaqe. , / , n . *> 

(3) Subsection (g) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "nahtl to 
further improve health, wellness, and nutrition in schools," in its place. v , ■, .. .■ / r )-,>■• 

(b) Section 202(b)(l)(C)(ii) (D.C. Official Code § 38-£22.02(b)(l)(C)(ii)) is, amended by 
striking the phrase "August 1, 2020" and inserting the phrase "July 1, 2022" in its ) place. 

(c) Section 203(c) (D.C. Official Code § 38-822.03(c)) is amended by striking the ; phrase 
- "are encouraged to" and inserting the word "shall" in its place. 

, (d)' Section 204(c), (D.C. Official Code § . 38-822.04(c)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"The Department of Real Estate Services" and inserting the phrase "the Department of 
General Services" in its place. 

(e) Section 205 (D.C. Official Code § 38-822.05) is amended as follows: "."','., , ' \ 

i. . 1; (1) Subsection (a)(3) is amended by striking the phrase "; and" and inserting the phrase 
4f requested by parents and legal guardians;' and" in its place. 

(2) Subsection (b)(1) is amended as follows: , . f ,, 

(A) The lead-in language is amended by striking the word "post" and inserting u the 
word "provide" in its place; , ;Ji 

(B) Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking the word "and". i -I , »h 

(C) Subparagraph (B) is amended as follows: , , ■""" ; " 
(i) Strike the word "Online" and insert the phrase "Online," in its place. ,/ J 
(ii) Strike the period and insert the phrase "; and" in its place. / . - 11 

(D) A new subparagraph (C) is added to read as follows: 

"(C) To parents and legal guardians upon request ". < '« .,'■■;" 

(f) Section 206(b) (D.C. Official Code' §' 38-822.06(b)) is amended as follows: : ' ■"' 

(1) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the word "and", v ,,t!n 

(2) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; ' and" its 

(3) A new paragraph (5) is added to readt'as ■follows: ' , ■ ■'■' ! " ' ' r Jl " 

"(5) Food not consumed or marketed to students.". j,- : /■..-,. : y ■ -,v- y.p, 

(g) A new section 301a is added to read as follows: ' , , > .■ * ; : -t < :i rr s 
"Sec. 301a. Comprehensive food services plan. /): ,. t .^ 

"(a) Before February 15, 2013, the City Administrator shall transmit to the Couiiqil'iand %6\ 
the Healthy Schools and Youth Commission a comprehensive food services plan _that, sh^ll 
include: ' ' ■""'" ' iV "' J ' y ' ! 

"(1) A plan to reduce the cost of providing food services in the District '6f Columbia 
Public Schools ("DCPS"), without reducing the quality, taste, or nutritional standards, of the 
food being served, including an: ■'■■■ ;v . v^V 

"(A) Examination of how similar jurisdictions provide food services iii- feieh6 r 6ls; , -"^ ; ■>'* 
"(B) Explanation of the cost drivers in the DCPS food services program; ru 

"(C) Accounting of: ■■''''?"?? 

(i) The local funds subsidies (net losses) required by federal programs for each year 
since fiscal year 2007, including the total subsidy per year and the subsidy per "meal 
served per year; >< 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 4062(j) 

"(ii) Whether the District has received all of the rebates, credits, and other funds 
owed by its current food-service vendors; 

"(D) An evaluation of whether preparing meals internally without an outside vendor 
would reduce costs; and 

"(E) An implementation plan and timeline for the DCPS food services program to 
become cost-neutral; 

"(2) An analysis of the efficiencies and savings that could be gained by combining the 
1 food services programs in: 

"(A) The Department of Corrections; 

"(B) The Department of Human Services; 

"(C) The Department of Mental Health; 

"(D The Department of Parks and Recreation; ■ 

"(E) The District of Columbia Public Schools; 

"(F) The Office of Aging; and 

"(G) Other agencies; 

"(3) An analysis of whether a centralized food services program could offer public 
charter schools the opportunity to purchase meals from it, instead of from a private vendor; 

"(4) An analysis of how the District's food service programs can become more sustaina- 

"(b) The Office of Planning shall be assisted in preparing the plan required by subsection 
(a) of this section by the: 

"(1) District of Columbia Public Schools; 

"(2) Office of the State Superintendent of Education; 

"(3) Department of General Services; 

"(4) Mayor's Office of Budget and Finance; 

"(5) Council's Budget Office; 

"(6) Office of the Chief Financial Officer; and 

"(7) City Administrator.". 

(h) Section 303 (D.C. Official Code § 38-823.03) is amended by striking the phrase 
"September 30" and inserting the phrase "June 30" in its place. 

(i) A new section 402a is added to read as follows: , 

"Sec. 402a. Interscholastic athletics plan. 

"(a) On or before February 15, 2013, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education 
shall transmit to the Council a strategic plan for increasing access to, participation in, and the 
quality of an interscholastic athletics program in District of Columbia Public Schools and 
public charter schools by the 2014-2015 school year. 

"(b) The strategic plan shall include a description of: 

"(1) The level of programs needed to ensure greater access to interscholastic athletics; 

"(2) The resources required to operate a robust interscholastic athletics program 
throughout the public schools; 

"(3) How District facilities may be better utilized to provide for interscholastic athletics; 

"(4) The effect of a robust athletics program on student health and community involve- 

(j) Section 501 (D.C. Official Code § 38-825.01) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows; 

(A) The lead-in language is amended by striking the phrase "Office of Public Edu- 
cation Facilities Modernization"- and inserting the phrase "Department of General 
Services" in its place. 


Act 19-383, § 4062(j) I9th Council Period 

(B) Subparagraph (H) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end; 

(C) Subparagraph (I) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; 
/■, and" in its place. 

(D) A new subparagraph (J) is added to read as follows: 

--(J) Establish a composting program in the District of Columbia Public Schools.".' 

(2) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "December 31, 2010" and inserting 
the phrase s "December 31, 2012" in its place; 

(3) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the phrase "December 31, 2011" and inserting 
the phrase "December 31, 2012" in its place. 

(k) Section 503(a)(1) (D.C. .Official Code § 38-825.03(a)(l)) is amended by striking the 
phrase "Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization" and inserting the phrase 
"Department of General Services" in its place. 

.(I) Section 603 (D.C. Official Code § 38-826.03) is amended as followsr ..:-.!= - 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the phrase "Office of Public Education 
' Facilities Modernization" and inserting the phrase "Department of general Services" in its 
place.' -■•-.> 

,, (2) Subsection (c) is amended by striMng the p|irase L "December 31, 201 1" and inserting 
the phrase "December 31, 2012" in its place. '■'■' 

(m) Section 602(d) (D.C, Official Code §, 38-S26.02(cJ)) is amended by striking the number 
"14" and inserting the number "30" in its place. 

(n) Section 701(c) (D. C. Official Code § 38^827.01(c)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"September 30" and inserting the phrase "November 30" in its place. , . , t , 

Sec. 4063. Applicability. 

This subtitle shall apply as of June 20, 2012. ., 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 

"Sec. 4081. Short title. ..". 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Charter School Relocation Assistance Emergency Act of 

Sec. 4082. The Deputy Mayor for Education may provide a grant of up to $500,000 in 
fiscal year 2013 to a high school chartered under the District of Columbia School Reform Act 
of 1995, effective April 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 38-1800.01 ei seq^ that 
is co-located with, a public high school that must relocate because of the renovation of the 
public high school. 



ENTERPRISE FUND ESTABLISHMENT^ ^^^ ^ : .'.^ ■ , fl)tt 

Sec. 5001. Short title. ' : ' ! ' : ' ; " : " : ^' ■' ; '- ;, ^ ) ^ T 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Department of Mental Health Ehterprise''Fund 
Establishment Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". i * ' •" ^" '<-' 

Sec. 5002. The Department of Mental Health Establishment Amendment Act of 2001, 
effective December 18, 2001 (D.C, Law 14^56; D.C. Official Code § 7-1131.01 etse^.), is 

amended by adding a new section 115f to read as follows: ,.. c ; t - ,,, 

"Sec 115£ Department of Mental Health Enterprise Fund. 

"(a) There is ' established as a nonlapsing fund the Department of Mental Health Enter- 
prise Fund ("Fund") into which shall be deposited all fees, proceeds, and revenues collected 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 5013 

from the activities and operations of a food cafeteria managed and operated by the 
Department of Mental Health to serve department staff and patients on the Saint Elizabeths . 
Hospital campus, which funds shall be used only for the management and operation of the 
food cafeteria. 

(b) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds shall not 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the 
end of a fiscal year, or of any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses and 
purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this section without regard to fiscal year limitation, 
subject to authorization by Congress.". 


Sec. 5011. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Reporting Requirements Emergency Act of 2012". 
Sec. 5012. Department of Mental Health reporting requirements. 

(a) By October 1, 2012, the Department of Mental Health ("Department") shall submit to 
the Council: 

(1) A plan to expand, by the beginning of fiscal year 2014, the Juvenile Behavioral 
Diversion Program, which serves youth who have been classified as Persons In Need of 
Supervision, including: 

■ (A) A timetable for the expansion of the program; 

•(B) A list of the services that will be provided to youth as a result of the expansion; 

(C) An estimated budget for the expansion of the program; 

(2) A report on efforts to implement policies and procedures to allow mental-health 
providers to become credentialed with various payors, such as through a national creden- 
tialing organization as authorized by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, to 
approve providers certified by the Department; 

(3) An update on the Department's compliance with the exit criteria set forth in the 
LaShawn v. Gray Consent Decree, including: 

(A) A fiscal year 2013 plan of action; and 

(B) A fiscal year 2013 spending plan; 

(4) A report on the recruitment and retention of nurses at Saint Elizabeths Hospital, 
including: - 

(A) Efforts undertaken during fiscal year 2012 to fill vacancies; 

(B) A recruitment and retention plan for fiscal year 2013; 

(C) Any barriers to filling the vacant positions; and 

(D) Any impact on the proposed fiscal year 2013 budget if the vacant positions are not 

(5) A report on the implementation of the Department of Mental Health Nurse Training 
Program, as established by the Department of Mental Health Nurse Training Program 
Amendment Act of 2012, passed on 2nd reading on June 5, 2012 (Enrolled version of Bill 
19-743); and 

(6) A report on the appropriate number of core service agencies to serve the population. 

(b) By December 31, 2012, the Department shall submit to the Council a report on the 
progress of Saint Elizabeths Hospital in meeting conditions required by the Department of 
Justice settlement agreement, including the fiscal year 2013 spending plan to meet the 
required conditions. 

Sec. 5013. Department of Health reporting requirements. 

By October 1, 2012, the Department of Health ("DOH") shall submit to the Council: 

(1) A plan to establish a professional development program for DOH employees, which 
includes, at a minimum, tuition assistance or provides for remote learning, with institutions 


Act 19-383, § 5013 19th, CpunGil^eriod 

of higher learning within the District to prepare ,DOH employees for ;advance!$enfetQ 
. management positions within D OH; ,, ■■ ; ^-rr-rnrf'^ I 

(2) A report on all federal grants for which DOH has received authority to cair^bve^ 
prior year funds into fiscal year 2013, including: ■ '■ " Lil --" } * )00i 

(A) The amount of the carryover; ^""^} ( ' } 

(B) A spending plan for the carryover; and . , ■■.,. '[ ■, ■ ^i 
■(C) The employee responsible for the grant; ? : ; :t i 

(3) An update on efforts to resolve any issues raised in the fiscal year 2010 single state 
audit, including any additional steps necessary to resolve the issue in fiscal year 2013 

. related to the: : - ■ ,y.,.r >>,.,. ,- ' . ■; 

(A) Women, Infants, and Children program; 

(B) Housing Opportunities for Persons .with AIDS program; ,, 

(C) HIV emergency relief grants; and ..., V . \ ;.> -,;■■ 

,:..■ (D) HIV Care Formula Grant; ;; : , : , , , ? .,. : , ; .,^ 

(4) A report on the District's participation in the AIDS 2012 conference and action plans 
for fiscal year 2013 based on deliverables as identified during the conference; : 

; (5) A report on the HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Administration's 
compliance with the recommendations from the 2011 audit by the U.S. Departments of 
Housing and Urban Development ("HUD audit") on the District's Housing Opportunities 
for Persons with AIDS program, which shall include the actions taken in fiscal year 2012 
and plans for fiscal year 2013 to resolve all concerns outlined in the HUD audit/ including 
those expressed in the findings; 

(6) A report on action taken in fiscal year 2012 or planned for fiscal year 2013 to resolve 
any outstanding issues as identified by the U.S. Department of Health and ..Human 
Services, Health Resources Services Administration ("HRSA") surrounding the nianaige-- 
ment of HRSA federal grant awards regarding HIV/AIDS; ' ; • 

(7) An update on efforts undertaken in fiscal year 2012 and planned for fiscal year 2013 
to train providers to appropriately bill Medicaid for substance-abuse services approved, as 
part of the State Plan Amendment ("SPA"), approved in March 2012, including any barriers 
to the implementation of the SPA; ■ ■ A - i 

(8) An update on efforts to identify and obtain additional local, grant, or federal funding 
for tobacco-control programs during fiscal year 2013; ....■.; , : ; :■ ; 

(9) A report on the DOH's efforts to fully implement the Health Care' Facilities 
Improvement Amendment Act of 2010, effective April 29, 2010 (D.C. Law 1&-145; 57 DCR 
1834), including a fiscal year action plan;< *.■=■ /•. .; 

(10) A report on the implementation. of the medical marijuana program, including the 
status of each cultivation center licensee- and each dispensary licensee; , and r . ,<< , 

(11) A report on mosquito abatement efforts planned for fiscal year 2013, including an 
action plan, delineated by ward, along with- a fiscal year spending pla^.. ,. . ,,, i: .: / ,., 

Sec. 5014. Department of Health Care Finance reporting requirements; ' " ' ' } 

By October 1, 2012, the Department of Health' Care finance ("Department") ^^ shall sufemit 
to the Council: 

(1) A report on efforts to allow behavioral-health providers to bill for communications 
; between a provider and any party determined by that provider to be necessary to make a 

diagnosis or to develop and implement a treatment plan; * ' ;!r . 

(2) A report on the Department's compliance with the findings i set foHh in the November 
2011 -Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services report regarding the District's manage- 

( ment and oversight of the Home and Community Based Services Intellectual Disabili- 
ties/Developmental Disabilities waiver, including a fiscal year 2013 action plan to resolve, 
any outstanding issues and a timetable, to ensure the timely submission of all compliance 
reports required during fiscal year 2013; : . , --,■:■ ■■,;.-*; -' 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 5015 

(3) The status of the rebasing of nursing home-provider rates, including a timeline for 
implementation during fiscal year 2012 and any impact on the approved fiscal year 2013 

(4) A report on the status of the Department's enrollment and updated enrollment 
projections for fiscal year 2013; 

(5) A report on the feasibility of basing reimbursement rates for mental-health services 
provided to both children and adults, on the acuity level of the consumer, including the 
potential budgetary impact of adopting this rate system in fiscal year 2013 and beyond; 

(6) A report on the feasibility and structure for requiring D.C. Health Care Alliance 
beneficiaries to contribute toward their premium payments based on their income levels; 

(7) A report on the status of all state plan amendments submitted to the federal 
government during fiscal year 2012 and proposed for fiscal year 2013, including for each: 

(A) The date, or the anticipated date, of submission; 

(B) The date, or anticipated date, of approval; 

(C) A descriptive narrative of the changes, outlined in the state plan amendment; and 

(D) An analysis of the impact of each state plan amendment on the fiscal year 2013 
budget; and 

(8) A report on the feasibility and structure for requiring co-pays for certain Medicaid 

Sec. 5015. Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services reporting 

By October 1, 2012, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services 
("DMHHS") shall submit to the Council: 

(1) A report on all efforts undertaken by DMHHS in fiscal year 2012 and plans for fiscal 
year 2013, including a spending plan, to coordinate cluster agency actions to enable the 
District to exit the remaining consent decrees; 

(2) A recommendation on how to transition the Medicaid program to entirely a Fee-for- 
Service program, which shall include, at minimum: 

(A) The rationale for the recommendation, including supporting data and information; 

(B) If appropriate and feasible, a comprehensive transition plan, with a timetable, for 
the transition to an entirely Fee-for-Service program; 

(3) A recommendation on instituting a Health Care Navigator program within the 
Department of Health Care Finance to assist individuals with high utilization rates to 
better manage their care; 

(4) A recommendation on whether individuals with diagnoses of mental health issues, 
with HIV/AIDS, who are chronically homeless, or who are developmentally disabled, or - 
victims of domestic violence should be given priority consideration for housing provided 
through the Housing Production Trust Fund, which shall include, at minimum: 

(A) The rationale for the recommendation, including supporting data and information; 

(B) A plan to implement priority consideration for housing through the Housing 
Production Trust Fund; 

(5) A recommendation regarding the creation of a truancy reduction committee in every 
public school to reduce truancy and related behavioral health issues; 

(6) A report on the coordination of care for individuals with mental health issues and co- 
occurring chronic diseases, including: 

(A) Information on the systems currently in place to track the coordination of services 
across different agencies, providers, and networks; 

(B) A plan of action developed jointly with other District government agencies to 
provide appropriate and timely services to these individuals; and 


Act 19-383, i 5015 19th Council PeM 

(C) A spending plan for fiscal year 2013 that identifies areas in which coordination for 
' co-occurring conditions can take place; and ■ '"' ni [ 

(7) A report on the feasibility of requiring all providers that receive a payment for 
■healthcare! services to agree to the most favored nation status, which requires a provider to 
grant the District the lowest rate for a service that they accept from any other insurance 
carrier* which includes: 

(A) A delineation of adopting this policy for each of the agencies within the DMHHS 

r (B) Recommendations for implementing this requirement in fiscal year 2013 and 
beyond; arid 

(C) Any savings associated with the adoption of this policy across the agencies.- ' 

Sec. 5016. Nol^For-Prbfit Hospital Corporation reporting requirements. 

By October 1, 2012, the No^For-Profit Hospital Corporation shall subriiit to the Council a 
detailed work plan to implement a navigator program at the Noi^-For-Profit Hospital 
Corporation to assist patients with diabetes, including those with co-occurring illnesses, in 
accessing appropriate treatment and care, which i shall include: _ Y. ,, 

(1) A scope of work for the program and each navigator; , ' ■ ■ ■ : - 

Y < (2) The goals for the program as. a. whole and for 'each navigator; and ' 

(3) A detailed spending plan for fiscal year 2013. 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLED. [Reserved] \ 

SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] 


Sec.5051. Shorttitle. 

,This subtitle may be cited as the "Health Navigation Coordination Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 5052. (a) By January 1, 2013, the Department of Health shall enter into a memoran- 
dum of understanding with the Nol^For-Profit Hospital Corporation ("NPHC"Yfor th£ 
transfer of at least $285,000 from the Diabetes Control Program within the Community 
Health Administration for the purpose of implementing a navigator program at the NfJlC to 
assist patients with diabetes, including those with co-occurring illnesses, in.accessing^appro- 
priate treatment and care. ' ' ' '"."' ! " f , |l .'\ 

.(b) The completion of the memorandum of understanding described in subsection (&) .of this 
section shall be contingent upon the submission of a work plan for the funding to the. Council 
and the Department of Health by October 1, 2012. , , . ...lY. 

SUBTITLE G. [Reserved] 
SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 
SUBTITLE I. [Reserved] i i ; 


r Sec;5091. Shorttitle. ■ '■ 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Restoration of DC HealthCare Alliance Emergency Act 

6f2012". :i ■■'■■:■■■ 

Sec. 5092. Revenue from rebasing recognized. 
1 Of the revenues collected during fiscal year 2012 as the result of the rebasing of District- 
owned nursing homes, $5,300,000 shall be deposited in the Healthy DC and HfealtH. Care 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 5112 

Expansion Fund established by section 15b of the Hospital and Medical Services Corporation 
Regulatory Act of 1996, effective March 2, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-192;D.C. Official Code 
§ 31-3514.02), to fund the preservation of hospital-based services as a part of managed care 
contracts within the DC HealthCare Alliance, established pursuant to the Health Care 
Privatization Amendment Act of 2001, effective July 12, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-18; D.C. Official 
Code § 7-1401 et seq.) 9 in fiscal year 2013. 


Sec. 5101. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Housing for Homeless Families Emergency Amendment 
Act of 2012". 

Sec. 5102. The Homeless Sendees Reform Act of 2005, effective October 22, 2005 (D.C. 
Law 16-35; D.C. Official Code § 4-751.01 et.seq.), is amended by adding a new section 8b to 
read as follows: 

"Sec. 8b. Fiscal years 2012 and 2013 rapid re-housing. 

"(a)(1) Beginning in June 2012, the Department shall identify at least 200 homeless families 
from hotels, motels, severe-weather shelters, temporary shelters, or transitional housing, and 
ensure that at least 100 of these families are placed in or are residing in apartment-style 
housing units that meet the requirements of the Rent Supplement Program, established by 
section 26a of the District of Columbia Housing Authority Act, effective March 2, 2007 (D.C. 
Law 13-105; D.C. Official Code § 6-226) by before September 30, 2012. 

"(2) By October 1, 2012, the Department shall ensure that all homeless families that 
were residing in hotels or motels have been placed into shelter or housing. 

"(3) Placements made by the Department pursuant to subjection (a) of this section shall 
be done in coordination with the District of Columbia Housing Authority ("DCHA"). The 
.Department shall develop rules for selecting homeless families that will be converted onto 
the Rent Supplement Program's tenant-based vouchers and submit them to Council within 
45-days of the approval of this act. 

"(4) Once there are vacancies in temporary shelters, severe-weather shelters, or transi- 
tional housing, the Department shall use all available resources currently budgeted for 
homeless families to place new family-shelter applicants who cannot access other housing 
arrangements, as defined in section 7(c)(4) into shelters or housing. 

"(b) Beginning in fiscal year 2013, and for each fiscal year thereafter, an additional $4 
million shall be included in the DCHA Subsidy to provide tenant-based rental assistance to 
between 200 and 300 eligible families in accordance with the Rent Supplement Program, 
established by section 26a of the District of Columbia Housing Authority Act of 1999, effective 
March 2, 2007 (D.C. Lawl6-192; D.C. Official Code § 6-226). DCHA shall provide tenant- 
based rental assistance through the Rent Supplement Program to all families placed in 
housing pursuant to subsection (a) of this section who meet the eligibility criteria established 
for sponsor-based housing assistance under the Rent Supplement Program, set forth in 
section 9508 of Title 14 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (14 DCMR 
§ 9508).". 


Sec. 5111. Short title. ' 

This subtitle may be cited as the "DC HealthCare Alliance Preservation Emergency 

Amendment Act of 2012", 
Sec. 5112. Section 7(c) of the Health Care Privatization Amendment Act of 2001, effective 

July 12, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-18; D.C. Official Code § 7-1405(c)), is amended as follows: 

(a) Designate the existing text as paragraph (1). 

(b) The newly designated paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "insurance laws, 
a health" and inserting the phrase "insurance laws and subject to paragraph (2) of this 
subsection, a health" in its place. 


Act 19-383, § 51lU 19th Council Perida 

■■■(c) A new paragraph (2) is added to read as follows: / * .v^i .v.i 

i( (2) A contract between the District of Columbia and a health maintenance organiziffloh 
' or a managed care organization that provides health care services to persons enrolled inthfe 
DC HealthCare Alliance shall, for fiscal year 2013, include coverage for all servicjesl 
including hospital-based services, being provided to DCHealth Care Alliance enrpllees as of 
January 1, 2012; provided, that for fiscal year 2013, the Department of Health Car^ 
Finance shall have the authority to exclude coverage for those hospital-based emergency 
services that are eligible for Medicaid reimbursement under 8 U.S.C. § 1611(b)(1)(A), 42 
U.S.C. 1396b(v)(3), and 42 C.F.R. § 440.255(c).". 

SUBTITLE M. [Reserved] 
SXJBTITLEN. [Reserved] 


See. 5141. Short title, : ^ < 

This subtitle maybe cited as the "South Capitol Street Memorial Eihergejicy Amendment 
Act Funding Designation Act of 2012". \;_ { '"./.'. .'"'' ;*_'; ' " ,f ' 

Sec. 5142, (a) Beginning on June 1, 2012, unspent funds jfrom Medicaid under-enrollment, 
calculated on a fiscal year basis, shall be set aside in a fund to offset the costs to implement 
the South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act of 2012, effective June 7, 2012 (D.C. Law 
19-141; 59 DCR 3083) ("South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act"). 

(b) This section shall not be applicable if and when the South ; Capitol Street Memorial 
Amendment Act is fully funded, as certified by the Chief Financial Officer, either by the 
terms of this section or pursuant to section 10002 of the Revised Revenue Estimate 
Contingency Priority List Act of 2012, passed on 2nd reading on June 5, 20l£ (Enrolled 
version of Bill 19-743). 


Sec. 5151. Short title, 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Medical Assistance Program Emergency Amendment 

Sec. 5152. Section 1(a) of An Act to enable the District of Columbia to receive Federal 
financial assistance under title XIX of the Social Security Act for a medical assistance 
program, and for other purposes, approved December 27, 1967 (81 Stat. 744; D.C. Official 
Code § l-307.02(a)), is amended by adding a new paragraph (6) to read as follows: 

"(6) Review and approval by the Council of the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget and Financial 
Plan shall constitute the Council review and. approval required by paragraph {2) of this 
subsection of any modification or waiver to the state plan required to: 

"(A) Update the diagnosis-related group ("DRG") grouper the agency uses to pay 
hospitals for inpatient care and other characteristics of the reimbursement system, such 
as base rates, DRG weights, outlier thresholds and transfer policy to adjust the average 
' payment to cost ratio for inpatient care at DRG hospitals from 114% to 98%. . 3 - ; ' 

- "(B) Update the reimbursement methodology model to one based bn acuity for 
.,-__ Intermediate Care Facilities for the Intellectually Disabled. . ';■'■.; : 

r : .. . ! "(C) Exclude the cost of therapies, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, 
and speech therapy, from the calculation of the nursing and resident care component of 
the nursing home rate. 

; '■' i "(D) Transition beneficiaries to the replenishing pharmacy network for antiretroviral 

medications.''. ■...'-■, \-: 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 7004 

SUBTITLE Q. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE A. [Reserved] 
SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 
SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] 
SUBTITLE D. [Reserved] 
SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] 
SUBTITLE F. [Reserved] 

Sec. 6061. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "District Department of Transportation Policy Compendi- 
um Emergency Act of 2012", 

Sec. 6062, Policy compendium. 

(a) On or before September 30, 2013, the District Department of Transportation shall 
prepare a policy compendium listing all of the agency's policies and procedures that affect the 
management of the transportation network and public space. 

(b) The District Department of Transportation shall make the policy compendium available 

Sec. 6063. Reports. 

On or before October 1, 2012, January 1, 2013, April 1, 2013, and July 1, 2013, the District 
Department of Transportation shall submit a report to the Council on the status of the policy 
compendium, the progress made in the preceding quarter, and the projected timeline for 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE I. [Reserved] 



Sec. 7001. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Subject to Appropriations Repealers Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 7002. Section 3 of the United House of Prayer for All People Real Property Tax 
Exemption Act of 2011, effective December 2, 2011 (D;C. Law 19-51; 58 DCR 8949), is 

Sec. 7003. - Section 4 of the Samuel J. Simmons NCBA Estates No. 1 Limited Partnership 
Real Property Tax Exemption and Equitable Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2010, effective 
March 12, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-311; 57 DCR 12396), is repealed. 

Sec. 7004. Section 601 of the South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act of 2012, 
signed by the Mayor on April 10, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-344; 59 DCR 3083), is amended to read 
as follows: 

"Sec. 601. Applicability. 

"Sections 302(b)(1), 304, and 502(a) shall apply upon the inclusion of their fiscal effect in an 
approved budget and financial plan.". 


ACt 19-383, § 7005 19th Council^PerM 

Sec. 7005. Section 47-4605(d) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by 
adding a new paragraph (3) to read as follows: 

"(3) The real property tax exemption granted by paragraph (1) of this subsection -ffiall 
apply to Square 5190, lots 806, 807, and 808, and Square 5348 lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 for 
the consecutive real property tax years beginning with Tax Year 2003.". 

Sec. 7006. Section 3 of the Washington Ballet Equitable Real Property Tax Relief Act of 

2011, effective January 12, 2012 (D.C. Lawl9-77; 58 DCR 10100), is repealed. 

Sec. 7007. Section 3 of the Lottery Amendment Repeal Amendment Act of 2012 effective 
May 23, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-322; 59 DCR 2254), is repealed.^ 

Sec. 7008. Section 3 of the Community Council for the Homeless at Friendship Place 
Equitable' Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2011, effectiye.Dpcember 2, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-42; 
58 DCR 8926), is repealed. 

Sec. 7009. Section 701 of the Raising the Expectations for Education Outcomes Omnibus 
Act of 2012, signed by the Mayor on April 20, 2012 (D.C. Act 1&-345; 59 DCR 3642), is 
amended to read as follows: < 

"Sec. 701. Applicability. ;, : , ; - 

.:-:"(a). This act shall apply through September 30, 2013. ■■ . . , ..,-.. 

"(b) Beginning on October 1, 2013, this act shall apply upon the inclusion of its, fiscal effect 
in an approved budget and financial plan.". ■■:.)■< ■ ,- j 

Sec. 7010. Section "3 of the Accountant Mobility Act of 2011, effective December ,2, 2Q11 
(D.C. Law 19-43; 58 DCR 8929), is repealed. ^ , 

Sec. 7011. Section 3 of the Corrections Information Council Amendment Act of 2010; 
effective October 2, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-233; 57 DCR 4514), is repealed. 

Sec. 7012. Section 3 of the District of Columbia Public Schools and Public Charter School 
Student Residency Fraud Prevention Amendment Act of 2012, effective May 9, 2012 (D.C. 
Law 19-126; 59 DCR 1939), is repealed. 

Sec. 7013. Section 3 of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program/Amendment, Act of 

2012, effective March 14, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-111; 59 DCR 455), is repealed. v . ,; 

Sec. 7014. There is allocated $400,000 from the fiscal year 2013 operating, margin^ as 
partial funding for the New Issue Bond Program Tax Exemption Amendment Act of 2011, 
effective December 13, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-60; 58 DCR 9169). 

Sec. 7015. Section 19 of the Health Benefit Exchange Authority Establishment Act of 
2011, effective March 2, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-94; 59 DCR 213), is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 19. Applicability. 

"(a) This act shall apply through September 30, 2014. 

"(b) Beginning on October'!, 2014, this act shall apply upon the inclusion of its^fiscal effect 
in an approved budget and financial plan.". 

Sec. 7016. Sections 7002, 7003, 7005, 7006, 7008, 7010, 7012, 7013, and 7014 shall appl^as 
of October 1,2012. - : -M^ < ' ; 


Sec. 7021. Shorttitle. ■• ;' : - ■■■'. ' : 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Targeted Retirement Distribution Withholding 1 Emergen- 
cy Act of 2012". > - :; ■ ', ■; 'Vi 

Sec. 7022. Section 47-1812.08(m) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to 
, read as follows: l..* .. ■ 

"(m)(l) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, if a resident payee receives 

a payment from a retirement plan or retirement account that is a lump-sum distribution; 

District income tax shall be withheld on the lump-sum distribution by the payor at the highest 

District individual income tax rate that is in effect at the time of the distribution. . <.- 

"(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply to: / , ih; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 7102(a) 

"(A) Any portion of a lump-sum payment that was previously subject to tax; 

"(B) An eligible rollover distribution that is effected as a direct trustee-to-trustee 
transfer; or 

"(C) A rollover from an individual retirement account to a traditional or Roth 
individual retirement account that is effected as a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer. 

"(3) For the purposes of this subsection, the term: 

"(A) "Lump-sum distribution" means a payment from a payor to a resident payee of 
the resident payee's entire account balance, exclusive of any other tax withholding and 
any administrative charges and fees. 

"(B) "Retirement account" or "retirement plan" means: 

"(i) A qualified employee plan; 

"(ii) A qualified employee annuity plan; 

"(iii) A defined contribution plan; 

"(iv) A defined benefit plan; 

"(v) A tax-sheltered annuity plan; 

"(vi) An individual retirement account; 

"(vii) Any combination of the plans and account listed in sub-subparagraphs (i) 
through (vi) of this subparagraph; or 

"(viii) Any similarly situated account or plan as defined by the Internal Revenue 
Code of 1986. 

"(4) This subsection shall apply within 5 days of the effective date of the Targeted 
Retirement Distribution Withholding Emergency Act of 2012, effective February 24, 2012 
(D.C. Act 19-316; 59 DCR 1709).". 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLED. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE F. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE G. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE I. [Reserved] 


Sec. 7101. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Cooperative Housing Association Economic Interest 
Recordation Tax Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 7102. The District of Columbia Real Estate Deed Recordation Tax Act, approved 
March 2, 1962 (76 Stat. 11; D.C. Official Code § 42-1101 et seq.\ is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 302 (D.C. Official Code § 42-1102) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (16) is repealed as of October 1, 2009. 

(2) Paragraph (27) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. 

(3) Paragraph (28)(B)(ii)(II) is amended by striking the period and inserting a semicolon 
in its place. 

(4) New paragraphs (29) and (30) are added to read as follows: 


Act 19-383, § 7102(a) 19th Cbuhbil p» 

"(29) Beginning October 1, 2009, a security interest instrument pertaining to a coopera- 
tive housing association; . 

"(30) Beginning October 1, 2009, a deed of economic interest pertaining to a limited- 
equity cooperative, as defined under D.C. Official Code § 47-802(11); and". 

(b) Section 302b(c) (D.C. Official Code § 42-1102.02(c)) is amended to read as follows!^ 
"(c)Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, as of October 1, 2009, every 

transfer of an interest in a cooperative housing association in connection with the grant, 
transfer, or assignment of a proprietary leasehold or other proprietary interest, in whole or in 
part, shall be a transfer of an economic interest". .■■'*. 

(c) Section 303 (D.C. Official Code § 42-1103) is amended as follows: - -v: 

(1) Subsection (a)(2) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "provided, that in the case of a transfer of shares'* arid 1 insert the 
phrase "provided, that, beginning October lj 2009, in the case -of- a /transfer of an 
economic interest" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase ", in whole or in part,". ., 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase ";. provided 
further, that, beginning October 1, 2009, in the case of a deed that evidences a transfer of 
an economic interest in a cooperative housing association, the cooperative housing associa- 
tion shall be jointly and severally liable with the parties to the deed for the payment of 
taxes imposed by this section regardless of whether the cooperative housing association 
itself is s a party to the deed." in its place. 


Sec. 7111. Short title. " , 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Procedures for -Remittance of Hotel Taxes by Online 
Vendors Emergency Amendment Act of 2012", 

Sec. 7112. Section 47-2001 of the District of Columbia Official Code -is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (a-1) is amended to read as follows: , 

"(a-1) "Additional charges" means the excess of the sale or charge receipts received by a 
room remarketer over the net charges.". 

(b) Subsection (h-1) is amended to read as follows: 

"(h-1) "Net charges" means the sale or charge receipts for any room or rooms, lodgings, or 
accommodations furnished to transients, received from a room remarketer by the operator of 
a hotel, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, or any other place in which rooms, lodgings, or 
accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a consideration.". 

(c) Subsection (n)(C) is amended to read as follows: 

"(C) The sale or charge, to include net charges and additional charges, for any room or 
rooms, lodgings, or accommodations furnished to transients by any hotel, room remarket- 
er, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, or any other place in which rooms, lodgings,.,, or 
accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a consideration". 

(d) A new subsection (v-2) is added to read as follows: , ' . '.. : . . 
"(v-2) , "Transient" means any person who occupies, or has the right to occupy, any room, or 

rooms, lodgings, or accommodations for a period of 90 days or less during any one continuous 
stay.". ' '' .'■" .- " V: ; 1 ' /i ■ 

Sec. 7113. Section 47-2015(a-l) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended- to 
read as follows: 

"(a-1) For the purposes of this chapter and Chapter 22 of this title, a room remarketer 
shall be deemed a vendor with respect to additional charges and shall file returns and remit 
tax with respect to such additional charges. The room remarketer shall collect and remit the 
tax imposed by this chapter and Chapter 22 of this title with respect to the net charges for 
the accommodations to the operator of the hotel, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, br any other 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 7122 

place in which rooms, lodgings, or accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a 
consideration. The operator shall be deemed a vendor with respect to such net charges and 
shall file returns and remit tax with respect to such net charges.". 

Sec. 7114. Section 47-2201 (j) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to read 
as follows: 

"(j) The definitions of "additional charges," "business," "District," "food or drink," "gross 
receipts," "Mayor," "net charges," "person," "purchaser's certificate," "retail establishment," 
"return," "room remarketer," "sale" and "selling," "sales price," "semipublic institution," 
"tangible personal property," "tax," "tax year," "taxpayer," and "transient" as defined in 
Chapter 20 of this title, are incorporated in and made applicable to this chapter.". 


Sec. 7121. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Recordation Tax on Refinances of Security Interest 
Instruments Clarification Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 7122. Section 303(a) of the District of Columbia Deed Recordation Tax Act, approved 
March 2, 1962 (76 Stat. 11; D.C. Official Code § 42-1103(a) et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Strike the phrase "taxed at the rate of 1.1%" wherever it appears and insert the phrase 
"taxed at the rate of 1.1% (to complete the calculation of total recordation tax due at time of 
recording, see also additional tax in subsection (a-4) of this section)" in its place. 

(b) Paragraph (3) is amended to read as follows: 

"(3)(A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, at the time a security interest 
instrument is submitted for recordation, it shall be taxed at a rate of 1.1% (to complete the 
calculation of total recordation tax due at time of recording, see also additional tax in 
subsection (a-4) of this section) of the total amount of debt incurred that is secured by the 
interest in real property; provided,, that if the existing debt is refinanced, the rate shall be 
applied only to the principal amount of the new debt in excess of the principal balance due 
on the existing debt to the extent that such existing debt (including any prior debt that was 
previously refinanced by the existing debt) was: 

"(i) Previously taxable under this paragraph and the tax thereon was timely and 
properly paid; or 

"(ii) Exempt under section 302 or not otherwise taxable, including purchase money 
mortgages described in section 302(5). 

"(B) Any amendment, modification, or restatement of a security interest instrument 
shall be deemed a refinance of the entire aggregate debt owed, unless the amendment, 
modification, or restatement is a supplemental deed. With such a deemed- refinance, the 
rate in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall be applied only to the principal amount 
of the modified debt (including amounts paid to the borrower on the existing security 
interest instrument during the preceding 12 months) in excess of the principal balance 
due on the existing debt (before any such payment) to the extent that the existing debt 
(including any prior debt that was previously refinanced by the existing debt) was: 

"(i) Previously taxable under this paragraph and the tax thereon was timely and 
properly paid; or 

"(ii) Exempt under section 302 or not otherwise taxable, including purchase money 
mortgages described in section 302(5).". 


Act 19^383, § 8001 t 19th CouhcilvPerida 

> SUBTITLE M. [Reserved] ^: 

SUBTITLE N. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE O. [Reserved] 



Sec. 8001. Short title. ' ; r : '' ■ " "' 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Prior Budget Support Act Emergency Amendment Act 

Sec. 8002. Section T(i).(l) of An Act To grant additional powers to the Commissioners of 
the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, approved December 20, 1944 (58 Stat. 819; 
D.C. Official Code § l-301.01(i)(l)), is amended by striking the phrase "unrestricted fund 
balance -of the General Fund of the District of Columbia" and inserting the phrase "General 
Fund of the District of Columbia" its place. 

Sec. 8003. Section 558(b) of An Act To establish a code of law for the District of Columbia!, 
approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1279; D.C, Official Code § l-1201(b)), is amended by 
striking the following sentence: 

"All proceeds collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the unrestricted fund 
balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia.". 

Sec. 8004. Section 702 of the District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act 'of 
1981, effective August 5, 1981 (D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code, § 48-907.02), is repealed. 

Sec. 8005. Section 5(i) of the Animal Control Act of 1979, effective October 18, 1979 (D.C. 
Law 3-30; D.C. Official Code 5 8-1804(i)), is repealed. 

Sec. 8006. Section 6013 of the Solid Waste Disposal Cost Recovery Act of 2007, effective 
September 18, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-20; D.C. OfficiarCode § 1-325.91), is amended as follows: 

\ (a) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the word "lapsing" and inserting the word 
"nonlapsing" in its place. 

(b) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "be used for the purposes set forth in 
subsection (c) of this section. Any monies not expended at the end of a fiscal yea* shall 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District, of Columbia." .and 
inserting the phrase "not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the 
District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be: continually 
available for the uses and purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section without regard to 
fiscal year limitation, subject to authorization by Congress." in its place. 

Sec. 8007. The Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Act of 2011, effective September 14, 2011 
(D.C. Law 19-21; 58 DCR 6626), is amended by adding a new section 9109 to read as follows: 

"Sec. 9109. Notwithstanding any other law, the funds which are deposited in the fund 
designated for accounting purposes by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer as fund 2531 
within the Metropolitan Police Department shall be deposited in the General Fund of the 
District of Columbia and shall not be accounted, for by a separate fund or account within the 
General Fund of the District of Columbia. Any unexpended funds in the fund on the; effective 
date of this subtitle shall be transferred to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund 
of the District of Columbia.". _ ,' , .'./.;/ 

Sec. 8008. Section 47-392.02© of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 

(a) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the number "2013" and inserting the number 
"2016" in its place. 

v (b) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the date "May 24, 2011" and inserting the date 
"May, 2015" in its place. 


2012 Legislation Act 19-383, § 8012 

Sec. 8009. Chapter 18 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 

(a) Section 47-1803.02(a) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (1)(B) is amended to read as follows: 

"(B) For individuals, estates, and trusts, interest upon the obligations of a state, 
territory of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, but not including the 
District, acquired by the taxpayer on or after January 1, 2013, shall be included in the 
computation of District gross income.". 

(2) Paragraph (1A) is repealed. 

(b) Section 47-1806.03(a) is amended by adding a new paragraph (8) to read as follows: 

"(8)(A) In the case of a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2011, there is imposed 
on the taxable income of every resident a tax determined in accordance with the following 

"If the taxable income is: The tax is: 

"Not over $10,000 4% of the taxable income 

"Over $10,000 but not over $40,000 $400, plus 6% of the excess over $10,000. 

"Over $40,000 but not over $350,000 $2,200, plus 8.5% of the excess over 40,000 

"Over $350,000 $28,550, plus 8.95% of the excess above $350,000. 

"(B) This paragraph shall expire on January 1, 2016.". 


Sec. 8011. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2013 O-Type Redesignation Emergency Act 
of 2012". 

Sec. 8012. O-Type redesignation. 

(a) Of the funds that were undesignated pursuant to section 10004 of the Fiscal Year 2012 
Budget Support Act of 2011, effective September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; 58. DCR 6226), 
$29,709,447 shall be redesignated to accounts as set forth in the following table: 









6108 . 































Act 19-383, § 8012 

19th GouncU) L P^rjpd 

0634 , 



t , $322 s 205 










0605 ' 


Child Support -Interest 
.. Income 

";",' -$894 



Child Support— Reim- 
bursements & Fees 



Office of the attorney* 

GENERAL ,.,,., 


' $3,419,152 








-, $712,404 

,-;■>. 0608 

SERVICES .■.: ,c/. .':'... 


: $340£20 















'.MENT SERVICES . ,...,. ,\ ..■.,,,. 








<,.; -6140 

DEPARTMENT OF transpor- 

ACT 14-614) , 

; , $19,972 




: $35,055 




,, ; $874,995 



FUND ■: • 












-FEES ...„,,,:.: 



■Medical liability captive 

ins agency 


' J§§>502 



(b) Of the funds not redesignated by subsection (a) of this section, the Chief Financial 
Officer shall recognize $11,622,454 as fiscal year 2013 revenue. ., :., : ~~ """"" 

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chief Financial Officer shall transfer 
from Fund 6013 under the Department of Consumer and , Regulatory Affairs (the Basic 
Business License Fund) to Fund 6017 under the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administra- 
tion (the AEC— Import and Class License Fees Fund) the following amounts: 


2012 Legislation 

(1) In fiscal year 2012, $512,505. 

(2) In fiscal year 2013, $140,526. 

Act 19-383, § 9032 


SUBTITLE A. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] 


Sec. 9031. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2012 Capital Project Reallocation Emergency 
Approval Act of 2012". 

Sec. 9032. (a) Pursuant to and in accordance with Chapter 3 of Title 47 of the District of 
Columbia Official Code, the Council approves the reallocation of District of Columbia general 
obligation bond proceeds in the amount of $22,243,751 currently allocated to the District 
capital projects listed in Table A to the District capital projects, in the amounts specified, 
listed in Table B. 

(b) The current allocations were made pursuant to the Fiscal Year 2000 General Obligation 
Bond Issuance Authorization Emergency Resolution of 2000 (PR13-658), the Fiscal Year 2001 
General Obligation Bond Issuance Authorization Resolution of 2001 (PR14-224), the Fiscal 
Year 2002 General Obligation Bond Issuance Authorization Emergency Resolution of 2002 
(PR14-585), the Fiscal Year 2003 General Obligation Bond Issuance Approval Resolution of 
2003 (PR15-129), the Fiscal Year 2004 General Obligation Bond Issuance Approval Emergen- 
cy Resolution of 2003 (PR15-364), the Fiscal Year 2005 General Obligation Bond Issuance 
Approval Resolution of 2004 (PR15-715), the Fiscal Year 2006 General Obligation Bond 
Issuance Approval Emergency Resolution of 2005 (PR16-356), the Fiscal Year 2007 General 
Obligation Bond Issuance Approval Resolution of 2007 (PR17-144), and the Fiscal Year 2008 
General Obligation Boncf Issuance Approval Resolution of 2007 (PR17-415). 






Project Title 

Bond Issuance 





























































































Act 19-383, § 9032 

19th Council Peri'ad 












' 23,169 






, 44,328 











■ , 2008E 





WILSON BUILDING* ; . \ ./, M ; ■.'■'-; 

. 2005A 

















DEMOLITION OF DIX/JHP S.l ,:'.,■,' v ": 'V 

Y.Vti 2008E 





BRENTWOOD RD NE-DMY; ^ \« *:,, ... :,, , ' 

.;' 2002A 


















. . 2003B,C,D 

; 26 


QD1 < 




, 613,072 






, 13,500) 


SW4 . 




. 4: 











2004A,B,C & 


.. FEMS . 

LA7 , 










... 551 





2004A J B,C & 












2004A,B,C & 












2004A,B,C .. 






.,, 2004AB,C 







f "- ' 219,878' 















OCP . 


■ 2001C , 

^ ,-4,181, 





2004A,B,C ^ 






. :.2003B,C,D ._.. 




., . ■.. ..'.:, , . ' 




Agency Project Implementing Project Title 
* Agency 





' ■'. ." ■ \ . . .;■ ..... .■' 






Sec. 9041. Short title. - 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Capital Project Rescission Emergency Act of 2012". 


2012 Legislation Act 19-386, § 4 

Sec. 9042. (a)The Chief Financial Officer shall rescind $1.1 million of PAYGO allotment 
and budget authority from capital project EB402c, "Pennsylvania Avenue SE Properties" 
under the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Development, in fiscal year 2012. 

(b) The Chief Financial Officer shall recognize the rescinded amount identified in subsec- 
tion (a) of this section as fiscal year 2013 local funds revenue. 




Sec. 11001. Fiscal impact statement 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 11002. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: June 19, 2012. 


Act 19-386 

AN ACT to approve, o"n an emergency basis, modifications to Contract No. DCEB- 
DMPED-ll-C-0019 to provide comprehensive asset and property management services to the 
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and to authorize 
payment to Spectrum Management, LLC, for the services received and to be received under the 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. DCEB-DMPED-ll-C-0019 Approval and Payment 
Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Contract No. 
DCEB-DMPED-ll-C-0019 to provide comprehensive asset and property management ser- 
vices to the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, and 
authorizes payment to Spectrum Management, LLC in the amount not to exceed 
$1,032,095.03 (fiscal year 2011 and fiscal year 2012 base contract) for services received. 

Sec, 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal' impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), ' and shall remain in effect for no longer 


Act 19-386, § 4 19th Council Peritfd 

thati 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act* approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l--204.12(a)). ,■■ ■ ' ■ - 

APPROVED: July 11, 2012. ■ " '< 


Act 19-387 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, An Act To regulate the erection, hanging, placing, 
painting, display, and maintenance of outdoor signs and other forms of exterior advertising 
within the District of Columbia to provide the Mayor with rulemaking and enforcement 
authority over the outdoor display of signs in the District; to amend the Construction Codes 
Approval and Amendments Act of 1986 to remove the regulation of exterior signs from the 
Construction Codes, and to repeal provisions that reference non- existent model building codes^ 
Gallery Place sign rulemaking, and a long-dormant advisory Council; and to make conforming 
amendments to the Litter Control Administration Act of 1985, the District of Columbia Bus 
Shelter Act of 1979, section 25-763(f) of the District of Columbia Official Code, and section 7 of 
Chapter 150 of An Act Making appropriations to provide for the expenses pf the government of 
the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth nineteen hundred and 
fourteen, and for other purposes; 

act may be cited as the "Sign Regulation Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. An Act To regulate the erection, hanging, placing, painting, display, and mainte- 
nance of outdoor signs and other forms of exterior advertising within the District of 
Columbia, approved March 3, 1931 (46 Stat. 1486; D.C. Official Code § 1-303.21 .etse^ is 
amended as follows: 

(a) Section 1 (D.C. Official Code § 1-303.21) is amended to read as follows: 

"(a) The Mayor shall issue, amend, repeal and enforce rules governing the hanging, 
placing, painting, display, and maintenance of signs on public space owned or controlled by 
the District and on private property within public view within the District. The proposed 
rules shall be submitted to the Council for a 45-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, 
Sundays, legal holidays, and days of Council recess. If the Council does not approve or 
disapprove the proposed rules, in whole or in part, by resolution within this 45-day review 
period, the proposed rules shall be deemed approved 

"(b) The rules shall, at a minimum: f V : /.'"■' 

"(1) Determine the types of signs that shall be allowed and prohibited and establish 
permit requirements for signs where appropriate; 

"(2) Establish standards for the location, size, and illumination of different types of sign?; 

. "(3j Allow 1 for the display of signs that contribute to a healthy business environment land 

: civic communication while protecting the health, safety, convenience, and welfare of - the 

public, including protection of the appearance of outdoor space throughout the District; 

"(4) State the specific requirements for large signs and billboards; 

"(5) Establish standards for sighs on historic sites or in historic areas; ■ ■ 

"(6) Provide structural requirements for signs to ensure their safety; 

' "(7) Ensure compliance with federal highway requirements; 

"(8) Provide for the creation of Designated Entertainment Areas to allow for the display 
of additional signs; and _ ;J ' 

"(9) Establish permit fees and fines and other penalties for violations of the sign rules.". 

(b) A hew section la is added to read as follows: _■.-/■ :,-■//;; ^ 


2012 Legislation Act 19-387, § 6 

"Sec. la. Adjudication of infractions of the rules issued pursuant to section 1 
pursuant to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Civil Infractions Act of 
1985, effective July\L6, 1985 (D.C. Law 6-42; D.C. Official Code § 8-801.01 et seq.) ("Civil 
Infractions Act"), and the Litter Control Administration Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 
(D.C. Law 6-100; D.C. Official Code § 8-801 et seq.) ("Litter Control Act"), as applicable. 
The Mayor may, through rulemaking, establish a schedule of fines and penalties for 
infractions of these rules that are separate from the fines and penalties imposed under the 
Civil Infractions Act and the Litter Control Act. These rules shall be subject to Council 
review and approval as described in section 1.". 

(c) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 1-303.22) is repealed. 

(d) Section 4 (D.C. Official Code § 1-303.23) is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 4. (a) In addition to the remedies applicable under section 2, the Mayor may 
summarily abate a violation of rules issued under section 1 if the violation presents a hazard 
to the public. In these circumstances, the permit holder and the owner of the property where 
the sign is displayed shall be entitled to an expedited hearing within 72 hours after the 
abatement. ' 

"(b) Unauthorized signs and signs that are otherwise out of compliance with rules issued 
under section 1 shall be removed within 10 days after the permit holder, or the owner or 
occupant of the premises where the sign is displayed, receives a written notice of violation 
from the Mayor. The owner and occupant of the premises where the sign is displayed and 
the permit holder shall be responsible for removing the sign and may be held responsible for 
any penalties imposed for the violation. If the owner, occupant, or permit holder fails, to. 
remove the sign within the 10-day period and fails to request a hearing, the Mayor may 
remove the sign and the owner, occupant, and permit holder shall be responsible for the costs 
of the removal.". 

Sec. 3. The Construction Codes Approval and Amendments Act of 1986, effective March 
21, 1987 (D.C. Law 6-216; D.C. Official Code § 6-1401 et seq.\ is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 4(a)(1) (D.C. Official Code § 6-1403(a)(l)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"signs, advertising devices" and inserting the phrase "interior signs, advertising devices" in 
its place. 

(b) Section 4a (D.C. Official Code § 6-1403.01) is repealed. 

(c) Section 10 (D.C. Official Code §' 6-1409) is amended by repealing subsections (a-1) and 

(d) Section 10a (D.C. Official Code § 6-1410) is repealed. 

(e) Section 10b (D.C. Official Code § 6-1411) is repealed. 

Sec. 4. Section 3(a)(1) of the Litter Control Administration Act of 1985, effective March 
25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-100; D.C. Official Code § 8-802(a)(l)), is amended as follows: 

(a) Strike the phrase "of 1988," and insert the phrase "of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 
(D.C. Law 7-226; D.C. Official Code § 8-1001 et seq.)," in its place. 

(b) Strike the phrase ", and a number of rules" and insert the phrase ", a number of rules" 
in its place. 

(c) Strike the phrase ". Contested cases arising from violations of the regulations listed in 
this section shall be adjudicated in accordance with the system provided in sections 5, 6, and 
9." and insert the phrase ", and any rules relating to signs on public space issued pursuant to 
section 1 of An Act To regulate the erection, hanging, placing, painting, display, and 
maintenance of outdoor signs and other forms of exterior advertising within the District of 
Columbia, approved March 3, 1931 (46 Stat. I486; D.C. Official § Code 1-303.21)." in its 

Sec. 5. Section 10 of the District of Columbia Bus Shelter Act of 1979, effective May 10, 
1980 (D.C. Law 3-67; D.C. Official Code § 9-1159), is repealed. 

Sec. 6. Section 25-763(f) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by striking 
the phrase "the regulations contained in Chapter 31 of Title 12 of the District of Columbia 
Municipal Regulations." and inserting the phrase "section 1 of An Act' To regulate the 
erection, hanging, placing, painting, display, and maintenance of outdoor signs and other 


Act 19-387, § 6 19th Council) Period 

forms of exterior advertising within the District of Columbia, ' approved March 3, 1931i i (46 
Stat. 1486; D.C. Official Code § 1-303.21), and any rules issued pursuant to that .section^ to 
its place. ■ . '/■. ; /„;•■.*;■ ;' 

Sec. 7. Section 7 of Chapter 150 of An Act Making appropriations to 1 provide tfor^ the 
expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending. June 
thirtieth nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for other purposes, approved March 4, 19'13 5 (S7 
Stat. 974; D.C. Official Code § 42-4801); is repealed,- y ■>■■ ; ^ - ;' 

Sec. 8. Any order, rule, or regulation in effect under a law replaced \yf this T act 'shall 
remain in effect until repealed, amended, or superseded. ' ' " ' ' /; "" fi lJ 

Sec. 9. Applicability ■ v.. .■■<.'<■ > ; />.■■;. ■■ * ■. - .. * v :,/ ' ^^ 

Se tions 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 shall apply upon the Mayor's^ issuance 6f a comprehensive /final 

rulemaking governing signs on public space and private 1 property "pursuant to section 2. 

Sec. 10. Fiscal impact statement. ; 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 11. Effective date. k ,.,',.,,♦, 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 

Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 

than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 

.section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 

Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). < , ,v, ,, 

APPROVED: July 11, 2012. ' ' '^ ■;, 


,; r " Act 19-388 ' " ' J "' n '' 

.-...■■■ ■ . _■■■•■■ "r, . .■■■:..■■■;'■: ' , ,■ '.'■'■'■ ' ' '■ ■ '■■JV)''i *')) 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification No. 20 to Contract No. 
DCHC-2008-D-5052 to provide healjth care services to children and their parents enrolled in 
Medicaid managed care and for individuals enrolled under the DC HealthCare Alliance 
program, and to authorize payment for the services received and to be received underline 

■■':_■ contract ■ \V .. .; > > r: ■.•)■;'■■■ - y . . . .*■' . c y)H 

act may be cited as the "Contract Nq v f)CH<^^ 
Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". " ■"'' ■' ;'' """''■■' ' ' ' ' \'" 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of '2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Modification 
No. 2Q to Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5052 with DC Chartered Health Plan, Inc., to prcivide 
^health care services to children and their parents and authorizes payment in the amount of 
$171,446,010 for services received and to be received under the contract. 
Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. ' *;-.■;<■: 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the , fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02(c) (3)). . , [ ^, ' ' 
; Sec. 4 Effective date. ' . ■■* - ..... ; ''i ( ., M ,-> 

. This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto-blithe 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no^ilonger 


2012 Legislation Act 19-390, § 2 

than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of- Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 9, 2012. 


Act 19-389 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification No. 20 to Contract No. 
DCHC-2008-D-5054 to provide health care services to children and their parents enrolled in 
Medicaid managed care and for individuals enrolled under the DC HealthCare Alliance 
program, and to authorize payment for the services received and to be received under the 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5054 Modification Approval and 
Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Modification 
No. 20 to Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5054 with Unison Health Plan of the National Capital 
Area, Inc., to provide health care services to children and their parents and authorizes 
payment in the amount of $82,695,351 for services received and to be received under the 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 9, 2012. 


Act 19-390 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, due to Congressional review, section 16-2702 of the 
District of Columbia Official Code to extend the time period that a plaintiff has to bring a 
claim against a defendant in a wrongful death suit from one year to 2 years. 

act may be cited as the "Wrongful Death Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 16-2702 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by striking 
the phrase "one* year" and inserting the phrase "2 years" in its place. 


AM 19^390, § 3 i9th Councirp^a 

' Sec. 3.; AppHcability. ; ' ' ' ." ; ■'■■■ . ' " M f 1 ^ 11 

This act shall apply as of June 28, 2012. . ..^ { 'J/ 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. . ( .._, 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02(c) (3)). 

S^c, 5. : Effective date. ■' ".' ; ■;,. ' .. ;.\V '.'. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; : D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). , ■■;.-.■ /,; 

^APPROVED: July 9, 2012. :". ' \ ,.' \[ I.';;. :l,_. ?;■'% ," 


'■ ■■ i , ■ ' ■ : : < \ Act 19^391 • 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis* the Department of Health Functions Clarification Act of 
2001 to authorize the Department of Health to award grants in support of existing HIV 
prevention programs in the amount of $331,00(3 and HIV prevention grants in the amount of 
$1.2 million through fiscal year 2014. 

act. may be cited as the "Department of Health Functions Clarification Emergency Amend- 
ment Act of 2012". ' : 

, Sec. 2. Section 4907a of the Department of Health Functions Clarification Act of 2001, 
effective March 3, 201Q (D.C. Law 18-111; D.C. Official Code § 7-736.01), is, amended, by 
adding a new subsection (c) to read as follows: .. t ,y 

'"(c)(1) For fiscal year 2012, the Director of the Department of Health shall. ; ha;pi the 
authority to issue grants to existing District of Columbia HIV prevention programs.^ : thp 
amount of $331,000 for a combination of HIV prevention interventions that include { H|Y 
screening in clinical and non-clinical settings, as well as effective behavioral approaches 
critical in, the fight against HIV/AIDS and, through fiscal year 2014, HIV prevention gran^^n 
the amount of $1.2 million for a combination of HIV prevention interventions that include: 

"(A) HIV screening; 

"(B) Harm reduction; 

"(C) Social network HIV screening; . :. VI ,.';■ ■-';,/; 

"(D) Partner services; .'■-''■ t f '' 

"(E) Faith-based initiatives; 

\"(F) Youth peer education; and 

; v - "(G) Other health-education services for adolescents and older adults. ' - ■■ . , ; : , ■ ; 

"(2) For the purposes of this subsection, the term; 

';"; "(A) "AIDS" means acquired immune deficiency syndrom^. 

"(B) "Faith-based initiative" means a program to engage places of worship in deliver- 
ing HIV prevention messages that promote safe-sex practices, educate people about HIV, 
and promote HIV screening. 


2012 Legislation Act 19-392, § 4 

"(C) "Harm reduction" means a model of behavior change that proposes an incremen- 
tal approach to reduce the harm posed by certain behavior that can be applied to 
substance abuse or HIV. 

"(D) "HIV" means human immunodeficiency virus. 

"(E) "Partner services" means public-health intervention performed by disease- inter- 
vention specialists who follow up with a person newly diagnosed with a sexually 
transmitted disease to share information on persons who may have been exposed to the 
same infection with which the patient has been diagnosed.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 13, 2012. 


Act 19-392 

AN ACT to amend, oh an emergency basis, the Retail Electric Competition and Consumer 
Protection Act of 1999 to prohibit the electric company from disconnecting residential electric 
service when the heat index is forecasted to be 95 degrees Fahrenheit or above. 

act may be cited as the "Heat Wave Safety Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. The Retail Electric Competition and Consumer Protection Act of 1999, effective 
May 9, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-107; D.C. Official Code § 34-1501 et seq.), is amended by adding a 
new section 106a to read as follows: 

"Sec. 106a, Disconnection of service in extreme temperature prohibited. 

"(a) For the purposes of this section, the term "forecast of extreme temperature" means a 
National Weather Service forecast that the heat index for the District will be 95 degrees 
Fahrenheit or above at any time during a day. 

"(b) The electric company shall not disconnect residential electric service during the day 
preceding, and the day of, a forecast of extreme temperature. If the forecast of extreme 
temperature precedes a holiday or weekend day, the electric company shall not disconnect 
residential electric service on any day during the holiday or the weekend.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02 (c))(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 


Act 19-392, § 4 19th Council^ Period 

section 412(a) of the, District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December -24, 1973 (87 
Stat 788; IXC. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). , ,., . ;.,* 

APPROVED: July 13, 2012. 




Act 19-393 , *, 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Base 
Realignment and Closure Homeless Assistance Submission for submission to the U.S. Depart- 
ment of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S* Department of Defense^ and to 
authorize the Mayor to transfer real property on the site to homeless-assistance providers^and 
public-benefit providers upon final approval of a reuse plan by the U.S. Department of ^pusing 
and Urban Development and conveyance of the property to the District ^ ; ' / 

act may be cited as the "Walter Reed Army Medical Center Base Realignment and Closure 
Homeless Assistance Submission Emergency Approval Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this act, the term: y , : , ': , ■■/ *".':lnM 

(1) "Base Closure Act" means the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, 
approved November 5, 1990 (104 Stat. 1485; 10 U.S.C. § 2687, note). 

(2) "Homeless Submission" means the Walter Reed Army Medical Center gase T Realigii- 
ment and Closure Homeless Assistance Submission to be submitted to the U.S. Department 
.of Housing and Urban Development that shall be developed and implemented pursuant to 
section 2905 of the Base Closure Act and includes the Walter Reed Reuse Plan and Legally 
Binding Agreements, in substantially the same form as submitted by the Mayor to^the 
Council ''..' \ " M . „ 

(3) "Legally Binding Agreement" means an agreement between the District, as the 
'■"■ Walter Reed LRA, and a homeless-assistance provider recommended for approval -byrthe 

Walter Reed LRA Committee that commits the District and the homeless-assist&rife 
provider to implement and operate certain homeless-assistance services on the Walter Reed 
Army Medical Center site and may require the transfer of real property on the Walter 
Reed Army Medical Center site by the District to the homeless-assistance provider, in 
substantially the same form as submitted by the Mayor to the Councils subject* to 
amendments requested by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 

(4) "LRA" means local redevelopment authority. ' '" ' / ! '' 1 ' : '' iil! ' 1 

(5) "Memorandum of Agreement" means an agreement between 1 the District, a$"the 
Walter Reed LRA, and a public-benefit provider recommended for approval by the Walter 
Reed LRA Committee, of educational, safety, and public-health uses on' the Walter Reed 

. Army Medical. Genter site for the potential transfer of real property oh the Walter Reed 
Army Medical Center site by the District to the public-benefit provider, in substantially^the 
same form as submitted by the Mayor to the Council. 

(6) "Walter Reed LRA" means the District of Columbia, which is the local redevelop- 
ment authority recognized by the Office of Economic Adjustment on behalf of the SecM;ai^ 
of Defense as the entity responsible for developing a reuse plan, pursuant to the^ase 
Closure Act. '■.■■'■'■■.■ .^ 

(7) "Walter Reed LRA Committee" means the committee established by Mayor's ^der 
No. 2006-21 to develop final recommendations for the Walter Reed Reuse Plan fo^jthe 

, . Mayor and Council, which is comprised of executive officials appointed by the Mayo^ ajyjjjjS 


2012 Legislation Act 19-393, § 3 

voting and 5 alternate citizen members appointed by the Council Chairman, all of whom live 
in the community surrounding the Walter Reed Army Medical Center site. 

(8) "Walter Reed Army Medical Center site" means 67.5 acres located on a portion of the 
area bounded by Fern Street, N.W., and Alaska Avenue, N.W., to the north, 16th Street, 
N.W., to the west, Aspen Street, N.W., to the south, and Georgia Avenue, N.W., to the east, 
in Ward 4, as further identified in the Walter Reed Reuse Plan. 

(9) "Walter Reed Reuse Plan" means the Walter Reed Local Redevelopment Authority 
Reuse Plan for the Walter Reed Army Medical Center site, which was developed in 
conjunction with the Walter Reed LRA Committee for final recommendation to the Mayor 
and the Council for adoption and approval by enactment of this act, in substantially the 
same form as submitted by the Mayor to the Council. 

Sec. 3. Findings and purpose. 

(a) The Walter Reed Army Medical Center site has been declared surplus property and 
closed by the Department of Defense pursuant to the procedures and authorities of the Base 
Closure Act. 

(b) Mayor's Order No. 2006-21 designated the District of Columbia government as the 
Walter Reed LRA that was recognized by the Office of Economic Adjustment on behalf of the 
Secretary of Defense for the purpose of developing a Walter Reed Reuse Plan and 
established the Walter Reed LRA Committee and charged the committee with developing 
final recommendations for the Mayor and the Council for a Walter Reed Reuse Plan. 

(c)(1) The Mayor, in conjunction with the Walter Reed LRA Committee, developed the 
Walter Reed Reuse Plan during its public meetings on January 28, 2010, March 10, 2010, 
April 21, 2010, May 26, 2010, August 5, 2010, September 1, 2010, October 6, 2010, October 13, 
2011, December 1, 2011, and January 25, 2012, which were supplemented by community input 
received at community meetings held on June 9, 2010, July 10, 2010, August 19, 2010, October 
5, 2011, November 15, 2011, December 8, 2011, and February 2, 2012. 

(2) The Walter Reed LRA Committee made final recommendations to the Mayor and 
Council on the Homeless Submission by motion approved on January 25, 2012. 

(d) The Walter Reed Reuse Plan envisions a vibrant campus integrated with the surround- 
ing community through the provision of expanded retail opportunities, preservation of open 
space, creative reuse of historic assets into a variety of cultural and educational uses, creation 
of jobs for District residents, and development of a diversity of housing options to support a 
range of incomes and needs. 

(e)(1) The Walter Reed Reuse Plan recommends homeless-assistance provider uses provid- 
ing affordable housing and support services subject to the Legally Binding Agreements. 

(2) Pursuant to the terms of the Legally Binding Agreements, the transfer of the 
portions of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Site" to the homeless-assistance 
providers shall be conditioned on, among other things, final approval of the Homeless 
Submission by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the U.S. 
Department of the Army conveying the Walter Reed Army Medical Center site to the 

(f) The Walter Reed Reuse Plan also provides for the public benefit conveyance uses 
identified in the Memoranda of Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Memorandum of 
Agreement, the conveyance of the portions of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center site to 
the public benefit conveyance users is conditioned on, among other things, final approval of 
the Homeless Submission by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and 
the U.S. Department of the Army conveying the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Site to 
the District. 

(g) The Mayor shall seek to have the Office of Economic Adjustment on behalf of the 
Secretary of Defense recognize the District as an Implementation Local Reuse Authority, as 
defined in the Base Closure Act. 

(h) Upon apprqval of the Homeless Submission by the U.S. Department of Housing and 
Urban Development and the Department of Defense, the Mayor, on behalf of the Walter 
Reed LRA, will seek to acquire and submit an application for approximately 67.5 acres of real 


Aet 19-393, § 3 19thGouricil Period 

property from the Department of Defense for redevelopment pursuant to section 2905(b)(4) of 
the Base Closure Act. ■'.■>. ifi 

Sec. 4. The Council approves the Homeless Submission, the Walter Reed Reuse Plan, the 
Walter Reed LRA Committee final recommendations, adopted by the Walter Reed LRA, and 
the Legally Binding Agreements, as transmitted by the Mayor, for submission to the U.S. 
Department of Housing and Urban Development, and, thereafter, to the U.S. Department of 
pefense. Further,, the Mayor may amend or supplement the Walter Reed Reuse Plan, 
Homeless Submission, and Legally Binding Agreements based upon comments from the U.S. 
Department of Housing and Urban' Development; provided, that any proposed amendment or 
supplement shall be made available by the Mayor to the public for a 30-day period of public 
review and comment. 

Sec; 5. Notwithstanding An Act Authorizing the sale of certain real estate in the District 
of Columbia no longer required for public purposes, approved August 5, 1939 (53 Stat. 1211; 
D.C. Official Code § 10-801 et seq.\ the Mayor is authorized to transfer the subject real 
property to the applicable homeless-assistance provider in accordance with the terms of .the 
applicable Legally Binding Agreement. ' ' ' : } 

; Sec. 6. . Notwithstanding An Act Authorizing the sale of certain real estate in the District 
of Columbia no longer required for public purposes, approved August 5, 1939 (53 Stat. 1211; 
D.C. Official Code § 10-801 et seq.), the Mayor is authorized to transfer the subject real 
property to the applicable public benefit conveyance applicant in accordance with the terms pf 
the applicable Memorandum of Agreement. ' - J " 

\ Sec. 7. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 8. Effective date. ' ,■.'!■'/. 

:'■ This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District' of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 813; D.C, Official Code § l-204.l2(a». 

APPROVED: July 18, 2012. > ;' ■■•/.'..' ^ , 


Act 19-394 ^viH-^q^ 
■'■■.'■■.■'■. ■'■■■.■■ ■ - >\r;brrm(v) . v -■':■.-. : ' ■ '■■■■. : '■■;■ ;. ■■ >■ '■: 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, due to Congressional review, the Firearms Control 
Regulations Act of 1975 to define "firearms instructor" c and allow a person to temporarily 
possess a firearm while participating in a firearms training and safety class; to clarify that a 
registration certificate may be issued to a firearms instructor or organization employing a 
firearms instructor, or to a person who complies with the registration requirements; to provide 
that a firearms instructor or organization that employs a firearms instructor may register a 
pistol; to clarify that the requirement to demonstrate knowledge of the District's firearms laws 
v v is a one-time requirement per applicant; to repeal the requirement for a vision test and provide 
that an individual who is legally blind may not register a firearm; to revise the training 
requirement for firearms registration and provide for certain exceptions; to repeal the 
requirement that each pistol be submitted for ballistic identification as part of the registration 
process; to eliminate the requirement that registrants produce photographs and instead 
require the Chief of Police to take a digitalized photograph and fingerprints at the time of 
registration; to eliminate the requirement that registrants submit to a background check every 
6 years; to clarify that registration may be renewed online, by mail, or in person; to require 
the creation of a system for registration renewal by January 1, 2014; permit the District t6 
temporarily act as a federal firearms licensee when one is not commercially available; to 


2012 Legislation Act 19-394, § 2(c) 

extend to January 1, 2014 the date by when semiautomatic pistols must be microstamp-ready; 
to exempt a person who has lawfully registered a firearm from certain prohibitions against 
unregistered ammunition; to allow for temporary possession of ammunition while participat- 
ing in a firearms training and safety class; to harmonize various provisions in the laws 
pertaining to firearms; and to make other technical corrections and clarifications; to amend 
An Act To control the possession, sale, transfer and use of pistols and other dangerous weapons 
in the District of Columbia, to provide penalties, to prescribe rules of evidence, and for other 
purposes to remove outdated language regarding the granting of licenses to carry weapons, to 
clarify that law enforcement officers are not excepted from the provision prohibiting posses- 
sion of a firearm while committing certain crimes, and to make other technical corrections and 
clarifications; and to amend section 23-1331 of the District of Columbia Official Code to make 
a technical correction. 

act may be cited as the "Firearms Amendments Congressional' Review Emergency Amend- 
ment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. The Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, effective September 24, 1976 (D.C. 
Law 1-85; D.C. Official Code § 7-2501.01 et seq.\ is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 101 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2501.01) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (5) is amended to read as follows: 

"(5) "Crime of violence" shall have the same meaning as provided in D.C. Official Code 
§ 23-1331(4).". 

(2) Paragraph (9A) is redesignated as paragraph (9B). 

(3) A new paragraph (9A) is added to read as follows: 

"(9A) "Firearms instructor" means an individual who is certified by the Chief to be 
qualified to teach firearms training and safety courses.". 

(4) Paragraph (13a) is redesignated as paragraph (13A). 

(b) Section 201 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.01) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the word "or" at the end. 

(B) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting a 
semicolon in its place. ■ 

(C) New paragraphs (4) and (5) are added to read as follows: 

"(4) To a firearms instructor, or to an organization that employs a firearms instructor, 
for the purpose of conducting firearms training; or 

"(5) To a person who complies with, and meets the requirements of, this act.". 

(2) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the word "or" at the end. 

(B) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting a 
semicolon followed by the word "or" in its place. 

(C) A new paragraph (5) is added to read as follows: 

"(5) Any person who temporarily possesses a firearm while participating in a firearms 
training and safety class conducted by a firearms instructor.". 

(3) A new subsection (c) is added to read as follows:' 

"(c) For the purposes of subsection (b)(3) of this section, the term "recreational firearm- 
related activity" includes a firearms training and safety class.". 

(c) Section 202(a)(4) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.02(a)(4)) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the word "or" at the end. 

(2) Subparagraph (C) is amended by adding the word "or" at the end. 

(3) A new subparagraph (D) is added to read as follows: 


Act 19-394; § 2(c) 19th Council .Period 

"(D) A firearms instructor, or an organization that employs a firearms instructor, for 
the purpose of conducting firearms training.". ,..■■■>;■) i 

(d) Section 203 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.03) is amended as follows: "|J- 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows: "-; 

(A) Paragraph (2) is amended to read as follows: .■■".' . 

"(2) Has not been convicted of a weapons offense (but not an infraction or misdemeanor 
violation under sections 208, 702, 706, or 807) or a felony in this or any other jurisdiction 
(including a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year);". ; ' 

(B) Paragraph (4) is amended as follows: 

(i) Subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D) are amended to read as follows: 

"(B) A violation of section 806 of An Act To establish a code of law for the District of 
'■ " Columbia, approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1322; D.C. Official , Code § 22-404), 
regarding assaults and threats, or section 2 of An Act To confer concurrent jurisdiction 
on the police court of the District of Columbia in certain cases, ^approved July 16, 1912 (37 
Stat. 193; D.C. Official Code § 22-407), regarding threats to dp bodily harm, or a 
violation of any similar provision of the law of another jurisdiction; 

"(C) Two or more violations of section 10(b) of An Act To provide for the regulation of 

motor-vehicle traffic in the District of Columbia, increase the number of judges hr police 

. i court, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 1925 (43 Stat. 1124; D.C: Official J Code 

§ 50-2201. 05(b)), or, in this or any other jurisdiction, any law restricting driving;:uiider 

the influence of alcohol or drugs; < 

"(D) Intrafamily offense punishable as a misdemeanor, including any similar provision 
in the law of another jurisdiction; or". 

■■■■■'■■:'....- ■'■■■■ ■■.'..-'-■ P -^ 

(ii) A new subparagraph (E) is added to read as follows: f ' , 

"(E) Misdemeanor violation pursuant to sections 702 or 706;". „ .. ■ ; . ; 

(C) Paragraph (10) is amended to read as follows: .. . 

"(10) Has not failed to demonstrate satisfactorily, in accordance with a test prescribed by 
the Chief, a knowledge of the laws of the District of Columbia pertaining to firearms' and, in 
particular, the requirements of this act, the responsibilities regarding storage" and the 
requirements for transport; provided^ that once this determination is made with respect to 
a given applicant for a particular firearm, it need not be made again for the same ; applicant 
with respect to a subsequent application for a firearm or for the renewal of a registration 
certificate pursuant to section 207a;". - - ; " ! 

■ ■' ■ ' (D) Paragraph (11) is amended to read a's follows: ' } -^r^rr; ; >.* <\ J 

"(11) Is not blind, as defined in section 8(1 V of. '^ Act To enable the yiind'and the 
. otherwise physically disabled to participate fully ifi -the' ; social aM^fecfhMic 1 'life 'of the 
District of Columbia, approved October '21, 1972 (86 Stat. 971; D.O; > Official -Code 
.§ 7-1009(1));". .,,,.<■■:■■ : t '. ) 

(E) Paragraph (13) is amended as follows: 
(i) Subparagraph (A) is amended to read as follows: ■ . , ■ , , < ; 

"(A) Has completed a firearms training and safety class provided free of charge by the 
Chief; or". 

(ii) Subparagraph (B) is amended to read as follows: - 

"(B) Has submitted evidence of any of the following: , >; 

"(i) That the applicant has received firearms training in the United States military; 

"(ii) A license from another state for which firearms training is required, where the 
training, as determined by the Chief, is equal to or -greater than that provided under 
subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; or 

"(iii) That the applicant has otherwise completed a firearms training or safety course 
conducted by a firearms instructor that, as determined by the Chief, is equal to or 
greater than that conducted under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; and". ! ) 


2012 Legislation Act 19-394, § 2(1) 

' (2) Subsection (d) is repealed. 

(e) Section 204 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.04) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended to read as follows: 

"(a) The Chief shall require any person applying for a registration certificate to be 
fingerprinted in order to conduct an efficient and adequate investigation into the matters 
described an section 203 and to effectuate the purposes of this act The Chief shall maintain a 
record of the fingerprints of sufficient quality to enable periodic investigation to ensure 
compliance with section 203.". 

(2) Subsection (b) is amended to read as follows: 

"(b) The Chief shall take a digitalized, full-face photograph of each applicant, other than an 
organization, to be included as part of a person's firearms registration application. The photo 
shall be taken simultaneously with the filing of the application.". 

(f) Section 205 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.05) is amended by adding a new subsection (c) 
to read as follows: 

"(c) Any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement made for purposes of firearm 
registration under this title shall be made under penalty of perjury pursuant to section 401 of 
the District of Columbia Theft and White Collar Crimes Act of 1982, effective December 1, 
1982 (D.C. Law 4-164; D.C. Official Code § 22-2402). Except as required in section 
203(a)(1), no document shall be required to be notarized.". 

(g) Section 206(b) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.06(b)) is repealed. 

(h) Section 207a (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.07a) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (c) is amended as follows: 

(A) Designate the existing text as paragraph (1) and redesignate paragraphs (1), (2), 
and (3) as subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C). 

(B) A new paragraph (2) is added to read as follows: 

*"(2) The statement submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be on a 
form provided by the Chief that can be submitted online via the Metropolitan Police 
Department website, by mail, or in person.", 

(2) Subsection (d) is repealed. 

(3) Subsection (f) is repealed. 

(4) Subsection (g) is amended to read as follows: 

"(g) The Chief shall establish, by rule, a method for conducting the renewal of registration 
certificates for all firearms registered before January 1, 2011. This method shall be 
established before January 1, 2014.". 

(5) A new subsection (h) is added to read as follows: 

"(h) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, no registration certificate shall expire 
and no renewal of a registration certificate shall be required earlier than provided in the rule 
established pursuant to subsection (g) of this section.". 

(i) The heading of section 208 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2502.08) is amended to read as 

"Sec. 208. Duties of registrants; penalties.". 

(j) Section 405(4) (D.C. Official Code '§ 7-2504.05(4)) is amended by striking the word 
"unit" and inserting the word "title" in its place. 

(k) Section 408(b) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2504.08(b)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"January 1, 2013" wherever it appears and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2014" in its place. 

(I ) A new section 410 is added to read as follows: 
"Sec. 410. District as federal firearms licensee. l 

"(a) Whenever there is no active federal firearms licensee in the District of Columbia, the ' 
Mayor may seek from federal authorities a license for the District to act as a federal firearms 
licensee solely for the benefit of any District resident eligible and seeking to obtain a lawful 


Act 19-394, § 2(1) 19th pHincil, Period 

"(b) The Mayor shall delegate the authority under subsection (a) of this, sectiqto-,to a 
subordinate agency. rj , 

"(c) The District shall act under the license obtained pursuant to subsection (a) of this 
section only until such time as there is an active federal firearms licensee in the District of 
Columbia. " .'#)" 

"(d) The District may charge a' fee to recover the cost of acting, as a federal Firearms 
licensee pursuant to subsection (a) of this section by charging $125 or its actual costs; 
whichever is less, for each handgun. r • >- 

"(e) For the purposes of this section, the term "active federal firearms licensee" means a 
person or business that has applied for and received a federal firearms license pursuant to 18 
U.S.C. § 923 for the purpose of interstate transfer of handguns, and is operating commercial- 
ly iii the District of Columbia." . 

(m) Section 503 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2505.03) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "January 1, 2013" wherever it 
appears and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2014" in its place. : ' ■■ ; ,; - 

(2) Subsection (c)(1) is amended as Mows: ' ■' » ■"'■ 

(A) Strike the phrase "2013 that" and insert the phrase "2014, that" in its place. ; "' 
.(B)- Strike the word "unit" and insert the word "act" in its place; 

(3) Subsection (e) is amended by striking the phrase "January 1, 2013" wherever it 
appears and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2014" in its place. 

(n) Section 601(a) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2506.01(a)) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (3) is amended to read as follows: l; ;h' 
"(3) He is the holder of a valid registration certificate for a firearm pursuant to, jTitle II 

of this act; except, that no such person shall possess restricted pistol bullets;".. in?.'*, 

(2) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon 
followed by the word "or" in its place. ,'<?*' 

(3) A hew paragraph (5) is:^dedto read as follows: i rf^o* 
"(5) He temporarily possesses ammunition while participating in a Firearms traihi ; fig ( and 

safety class conducted by a firearms instructor.". .-■>,> ■'■-! ;"{ir 

(o) Section 702 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2507.02) is amended as follows: H w 

, (1) The heading is amended to read ;as. follows: ^ H ( [ - 

"Sec. 702. Responsibilities regarding storage offirearms; penalties."- r 

(2) A new subsection (c-1) is added tO'read as follows: ' ' 

"(c-1) The provisions of section 706 shall not apply to 1 this section.". 

(p) Section 706 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2507.06) is amended by striking the_ phrase "Any 
person convicted of a violation of any provision of this act" and inserting the phrase "Except 
as provided in sections 205, 208, 702, and 807, any person convicted of a violation bf any 
provision of this act" in its place. , ■■■.,■<*> 

■. (q) Section 712 (D.C. Official Code § 7-2507.11) is amended by striking the wbrd "unit" -arid 
inserting the word "act" in its place. ' ; " ''' ;| ; l 

(r) Section 801(3) (D.C. Official Code § 7-2508.01(3)) is amended as follows*: ,; - v - :>: " 

(1) Subparagraph (B) is amended by striking the word "or" at the end. ' ; l;/ ji 

(2) A new subparagraph (B-i) is added to read as follows: y r ' 
"(B-i) A conviction for a m-earms-related violation of the provisions in ,section^8.04,of 

An Act To establish a code of law for the District of Columbia, approved March's,' 1901 
(31 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 22-402) (assault with a dangerous weapon), -sec&oh 3 
of An Act To prohibit the introduction of contraband into the District of Columbia penal 
institutions, approved December 15, 1941 (55 Stat. 800; D.C, Official Code § 22-260^02)) 
.. (unlawful possession of contraband), or section 811a(b) of An Act To establish a c s ode,;of 
law for the District of Columbia, effective May 8, 1993 (D.C. Law 9-270; D.C.., pfficial 
Code § 22-2803(b)) (carjacking); or". ■: ! ,; V :.: 


2012 Legislation Act 19-394, § 3(e) 

(3) Subparagraph (C) is amended by striking the phrase "subparagraph (A) or (B)" and 
inserting the phrase "subparagraphs (A), (B), or (B-i)" in its place. 

Sec. 3. An Act To control the possession, sale, transfer and use of pistols and other 
dangerous weapons in the District of Columbia, to provide penalties, to prescribe rules of 
evidence, and for other purposes, approved July 8, 1932 (47 Stat. 650; D.C. Official Code 
§ 22-4501 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 1(2A) (D.C. Official Code § 22-4501(2A)) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the para graph designation "(1)" and insert the subparagraph designation 
"(A)" in its place. 

(2) Strike the para graph designation "(2)" and insert the subparagraph designation 
"(B)" in its place. 

(3) Strike the para graph designation "(3)" and insert the subparagraph designation 
"(C)" in its place. 

(b) Section 2(c) (D.C. Official Code § 22-4502(c)) is amended by adding the phrase "or a 
dangerous crime" after the phrase "a crime of violence". 

(c) Section 3(a)(6) (D.C. Official Code § 22-4503(a)(6)) is amended to read as follows: 

"(6) Has been convicted within the past 5 years of an intrafamily offense, as defined in 
D.C. Official Code § 16-1001(8), punishable as a misdemeanor, or any similar provision in 
the law of another jurisdiction.". 

(d) Section 4(a) (D.C. Official Code § 22-4504(a)) is amended by striking the phrase ' 
"without a license issued pursuant to District of Columbia law," wherever it appears. 

(e) Section 5 (D.C. Official Code § 22-4505) is amended to read as follows: 
"Sec. 5. Exceptions. 

"(a) The provisions of sections 4(a) and 4(a-l) shall not apply to: 

"(1) Marshals, sheriffs, prison or jail wardens, or their deputies, policemen or other duly 
appointed law enforcement officers, including special agents of the Office of Tax and 
Revenue, authorized in wilting by the Deputy Chief Financial Officer for the Office of Tax 
and Revenue to carry a firearm while engaged in the performance of their official duties, 
and criminal investigators of the Office of the Inspector General, designated in writing by 
the Inspector General, while engaged in the performance of their official duties; 

"(2) Special police officers and campus police officers who carry a firearm in accordance 
with an An Act Making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the 
District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred, and for 
other purposes, approved March 3, 1899 (30 Stat. 1057; D.C. Official Code § 5-129.02), and 
rules promulgated pursuant to that act; 

"(3) Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps of the United States or of 
the National Guard or Organized Reserves when on duty, or to the regularly enrolled 
members of any organization duly authorized to purchase or receive such weapons from the 
United States; provided, that such members are at or are going to or from their places of 
assembly or target practice; 

"(4) Officers or employees of the United States duly authorized to carry a concealed 

"(5) Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing, or dealing in 
firearms, -or the agent or representative of any such person having in his or her possession, 
using, or carrying a pistol in the usual or ordinary course of such business; and 

"(6) Any person while carrying a pistol, transported in accordance with section 4b, from 
the place of purchase to his or her home or place of business or to a place of repair or back 
to his or her home or place of business or in moving goods from one place of abode or 
business to another, or to or from any lawful recreational firearm-related activity. 

"(b) The provisions of section 4(a) with respect to pistols shall not apply to a police officer 
who has retired from the Metropolitan Police Department, if the police officer has registered 
a pistol and it is concealed on or about the police officer. 


Act 19-394, § 3(e) 19th Council Period 

' ■ '(c) For the purposes of subsection (a)(6) of this section, the term "recreational firearm- 
related activity" includes a firearms training and safety class.". 

(f) Section 8 (D.C. Official Code § 22^508) is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. -8, Transfers of firearms regulated. 

"No seller shall within the District of Columbia deliver a firearm to the purchaser thereof 
until 10 days shall have elapsed from the date of the purchase thereof, except in the case of 
sales to marshals, sheriffs, prison or jail wardens or their deputies, policemen, or other duly 
appointed law enforcement officers, and, when delivered; said firearm transported in 
accordance with section 4b. At the time of purchase, the purchaser shall sign in duplicate 
and deliver to the seller a statement containing his or her full name, address, occupation, date 
and place of birth, the date of purchase, the caliber, make, model, and manufacturer's number 
of the firearm and a statement that the purchaser is not forbidden by section 3 to, possess a 
firearm. The seller shall, within 6 hours after purchase, sign and attach his or her address 
and deliver one copy to such person or persons as the Chief of Police of the District of 
Columbia may designate, and shall retain the other copy for 6 years. No machine, gun, 
sawed-off shotgun, or blackjack shall be sold to any person other than the persons designated 
in section 14 as entitled to possess the same, and then only after permission to make such sale 
has been obtained from the Chief of Police of the District of Columbia. This section shall not 
apply to sales at wholesale to licensed dealers.". ,, ' .- - 

Sec. 4. Section 23-1331(3)(A) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to read 
as follows: 

"(A) Any felony offense under Chapter 45 of Title 22 (Weapons) or Unit A of Chapter 
25 of Title 7 (Firearms control);"! 

Sec. 5. Fiscal impact statement 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 6. Effective date. 

This act. shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto -by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days* ; as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
'Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § I-204;i2(a)). " ' ' ^ {:: [ 

APPROVED: July 18, 2012. ' = V;;- •:< ' 


Act 19-395 V 

AN ACT to authorize, on an emergency basis, the District of Columbia Public Schools to establish 
the Public Schools Revenue Generation Fund to allow the agency to collect funds from ticket 
sales at school events and from the rental of school facilities by outside groups, and to 
authorize the agency to contract for ticket sales and rental of school facilities by outside 

act may be cited as the "District of Columbia Public Schools Partnership Emergency Act of 
2012". -■ ; 

Sec. 2. (a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Public Schools Revenue 
'.Generation Fund ("Fund"), which shall be used solely as provided in subsection (d) of this 
section and administered by the District of Columbia Public Schools ("DCPS"). The Fund 
shall be funded by annual appropriations, which shall be deposited into the Fund.' ■ ■ v - 


2012 Legislation Act 19-401, § 2 

■(b) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the 
end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses and 
purposes set forth in subsection (d) of this section without regard to fiscal year limitation, 
subject to authorization by Congress. 

(c) Funds deposited into the Fund shall include: 

(1) The sale of tickets to sporting events and school performances ("Ticket Sales"); and 

(2) School facility use agreement and permit fees pursuant to this act ("Use Agree- 

(d) The Fund shall be used to support the administration, improvement, and maintenance 
of property .and programs managed by DCPS to supplement, but not replace, services 
provided by DCPS. 

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, DCPS may contract for, pursuant to all 
applicable contracting and procurement guidelines, Ticket Sales and Use Agreements. 

(f) The Mayor, pursuant to Title 1 of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure 
Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq,\ may issue 
rules to implement the provisions of this act. The proposed rules shall be submitted to the 
Council for a 30-day period of review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and days of 
Council recess. If the Council does not approve or disapprove the proposed rules, by 
resolution, within the 30-day review period, the proposed rules shall be deemed approved. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 18, 2012. 




Act 19-401 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Change Order No. 002 to Contract No. 
GM-11-M-0124B-FM with JCo Rand* Construction to perform modernization work at Maury 
Elementary School and to authorize payment to JCo Rand* Construction in the amount of 
$523,049 for services rendered under this change order. 

act may be cited as the "Change Order No. 002 to Contract No. GM-11-M-0124B-FM 
Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Change 
Order No. 002 to Contract No. GM-11-M-0124B-FM with JCo Rand* Construction to 
perform Phase 1 Classroom Modernization work at Maury Elementary School as well as 


Act 19-401, § 2 19th Council )JP«Mbil 

selective upgrades of key public areas, such as hallways,' bathrooms/ arid entrance lobbies,; &nd 
upgrades and reconfigurations of the school's HVAC and information technology systeriis^and 
authorizes payment in the amount of $523,049 for goods and services received under Ms 
change order. v^nn^ 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. iw\;M ; 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(^(3)), : 

Sec. 4. Effective date. .•'.>." 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor ,('or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect fqr no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat.788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). , ..'..,_. . t ./'/ _ ;; /', .... 

APPROVED: July 24, 2012. , : ,, - ; 


..':■ ■ :■■;. : tiM'P. 

■.-. Act 19-402 . ■ ; ■■i,-- ! -M- J f ? T 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Contract No, DCHT-2012-C-0021 to provide pharm^qy 
staffing and pharmacy-management services for 5 public health pharmacies located throughout 
the District of Columbia, and to authorize payment for the services received and to be received 
under the contract. yj^V- 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. DCHT-20i2-C-002i Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act of 2012". ■■■■'' : ;:.■.;./■ 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352,02), the Council approves Contract No. 
DCHT-2012-C-0021 with United Health Care, Inc.,, to provide pharmacy staffing and 
pharmacy-management services for 5 public-health pharmacies located throughout the Dis- 
trict of Columbia for the period of October 1, 2011; to September 30, 2012, and authorizes 
payment in the amount of $2.4 million for services received and to be received under Contract 
No. DCHT-2012-C-0021. 

Sec.3. Fiscal impact statement. ; ^ "■." n* /■ ■' 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District - of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. »: -...,; .' -.<'■:■ ( ;=■■'. ■'■ ■-, ' ■:■■■..-■■'■ .' ■■:,'<.? ;.;,--: 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for rib -longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat.788; D.C, Official Code § l-204.12(a)). • :-- ..-' 

■ APPROVED: July 24, 2012. ■.'■■■,■'' -..-^v 


2012 Legislation Act 19-403, § 2(b) 



Act 19-403 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the District of Columbia Taxicab Commission 
Establishment Act of 1985 to authorize the issuance of a passenger surcharge by the District of 
Columbia Taxicab Commission for each public vehicle-for-hire ride and to establish the Public 
Vehicles-for-Hire Consumer Service Fund; and to approve Contract No. DCPO-2012-C-0342 to 
develop, install, and operate a Taxicab Smart Meter System and to authorize payment for the 
services received under the contract. 

act may be cited as the "Taxicab Service Improvement Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. The District of Columbia Taxicab Commission Establishment Act of 1985, effective 
March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-97; D.C. Official Code § 50-301 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 4 (D.C. Official Code § 50-303) is amended as follows: 

(1) A new paragraph (5A) is added to read as follows: 

"(5A) "Passenger surcharge" means a fee assessed to passengers for each public vehicle- 
for-hire ride in an amount not to exceed 50 cents.". 

(2) A new paragraph (6A) is added to read as follows: 

"(6A) "Public vehicle-for-hire" means: 

"(A) Any passenger motor vehicle operated in the District by an individual or any 
entity that is used for the transportation of passengers for hire, including as a taxicab, 
limousine, or sedan; or 

"(B) Any other private passenger' motor vehicle that is used for the transportation of 
passengers for hire but is not operated on a schedule or between fixed termini and is 
operated exclusively in the District, or a vehicle licensed pursuant to D.C. Official Code 
§ 47-282'9, including taxicabs, limousines, and sedans.". 

(b) Section 20a (D.C. Official Code § 50-320) is amended as follows: 

(1) The heading is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 20a. Public Vehicles-for-Hire Consumer Service Fund.". 

(2) Subsection (a) is amended to read as follows: 

"(a) There is established within the District of Columbia Treasury a fiduciary fund to be 
known as the Public Vehicles-for-Hire Consumer Service Fund ("Fund"). The Fund shall be 
a revolving; segregated, nonlapsing fund administered by the Commission. The Fund shall 
consist of the following: 

"(1) Funds collected from a passenger surcharge; 

"(2) Funds collected by the Commission from the issuance and renewal of a public 
vehicle-for-hire license pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-2829, including those held in 
miscellaneous trust funds by the Commission and the Office of the People's Counsel prior 
to June 23, 1987, pursuant to section 8, par. 42 of An Act Making appropriations to provide 
for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending 
June 30, 1914, and for other purposes, approved March 4, 1913 (37 Stat. 984; D.C. Official 
Code § 34-912(a)). These funds shall be accounted for under procedures established 
pursuant to subchapter V of Chapter 3 of Title 47, or any other applicable law; 

"(3) Funds collected by the Commission from the Department of Motor Vehicles through 
the Out^Of-State Vehicle Registration Special Fund, pursuant to section 3a of the District 
of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, effective March 26, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-130; D.C. Official 
Code § 50-1501 .03a); and 

"(4) Funds collected by the Commission pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of this 

(3) Subsection (b) is amended to read as follows: 


Act 19-403, § 2(b) 19th Council ^Period 

"(b)(1) The funds deposited into the Fund and allocated to the Commission: 

"(A) Shall be used to pay the costs incurred by the Commission, including operating 
and administering programs, investigations, proceedings, and inspections, administering, 
the fund, and improving the District's public vehicles-for-hire industry; 

"(B) May be used to provide grants, loans, incentives, or other financial assistance to 
owners of licensed taxicabs legally operating and incorporated in the District td offset the 
cost of acquiring, maintaining, and operating wheelchair-accessible vehicles* ■ -^^ 

"(C) May be used to establish a program to provide a taxicab fare discpunt^i^ low- 
income senior citizens aged 65 years and older and persons with disa^ffitiesjj^ and 

"(D) May be used to provide grants, loans, incentives, or other financiabassistance to 
owners of licensed taxicabs legally operating and incorporated in the District to incentiv- 
ize the purchase and use of alternative-fuel vehicles, directing licensed" taxicabs" to 
underserved areas, and to offset costs associated with meeting the mandates of this"' act; 
as established by rulemaking. 

"(2) Nothing in this subsection shall affect any requirements imposed upon the Commis- 
sion by Title I of the District of Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 
21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C. Official Code § 2-501 et seq.).'\ 

(4) New subsections (g), (h), (i), and (j) are added to read as follows: . 1 ^ 

"(g) Procedures for the implementation and administration of a passenger surcharge 
amount shall be established by the Commission in accordance with its rulemaking authority. 

"(h) The funds deposited into the Fund and allocated to the Commission shall not, revert to 
the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the irid of a 
fiscal year, or at any other time, but' shall be continually available for the uses and purposes 
set forth in this section without regard to fiscal year limitation, subject to authorization by 
Congress. ' ]) ^ Tii 

"(i) The Commission shall conduct a mandatory yearly review of the passenger surcharge 
amount and shall adjust the surcharge amount based on revenue over needed spending. 

"(j) The District of Columbia Auditor shall conduct an audit of the Fund at least oh^e^very 
3 fiscal years.". - *"' '' 

Sec. 3. The District of Columbia Taxicab Commission shall issue rules to comp'el cab ' 
owners, drivers, or operators to follow the installation protocol described in the Taxicab 
Service Improvement Amendment Act, of 2012, passed on 2nd reading on July 10 r 2012 
(Enrolled version of Bill 19-630), and pay for any installation costs pursuant to Contract No. 
DCPO-2012-C-0342, The District shall select only registered Certified Business Enterprises 
to install the taxicab smart meters 1 . 

Sec. 4. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code'§ 1^04.51), and notwithstaiKiing the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010', effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352,02); th& Council approves Contract No. 
DCPO-2012-C-0342 with VeriFone Systems, Inc. to develop^ install, and operate a Taxicab 
Smart Meter System and authorizes payment in an . amount : not to exceed $34,93^000, for 
services received under that contract. , ,h „ ' rr: 

Sec. 5. Fiscal impact statement. > 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code ".§. l-206.02(c)(3)). ',,,^.V- 

Sec. 6. Effective date. . ., ,,,„ 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto }by v the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no^lpnger 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December, 24, 19^3 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). : ' ■'. , 

. ;.,u,U'.)'Hr-; 

APPROVED: July 24, 2012. ■■..,;.., , ., ..;., ■, ,■•.,, „ 1 :,,:- ( ;: ;) 


2012 Legislation Act 19-405 


Act 19-404 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937 to repeal 
criminal penalties for motorists operating unregistered vehicles, and to institute a graduated 
schedule of civil penalties for motorists operating unregistered vehicles absent fraudulent or 
false pretenses. 

' act may be cited as the "Criminal Penalty for Unregistered Motorist Repeal Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 4 of Title IV of the District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, approved 
August 17, 1937 (50 Stat. 682; D.C. Official Code § 50-1501.04), is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (b)(1) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "Any person violating" and insert the phrase "Except as provided 
in subsection (c) of this section, a person violating" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "Corporation Counsel of the District of Columbia" and insert the 
phrase "Attorney General for the District of Columbia" in its place. 

(b) A new subsection (c) is added to read as follows: 

"(c) A person in violation of subsection (a)(1) or. (2) of this section shall not be subject to- 
arrest or criminal penalties, but shall be subject to civil penalties as follows: 

"(1) A violation that occurs up to 30 days from when the vehicle is unregistered shall 
result in a $100 fine. 

"(2) A violation that occurs after 30 days from when the vehicle is unregistered may 
result in impoundment of the vehicle and a $200 fine. 

"(3) The provisions of this subsection shall be adjudicated pursuant to the District -of. 
Columbia Traffic Abdication Act of 1978, effective September 12, 1978 (D.C. Law 2-104; 
D.C. Official Code § 50-2301.01 et seq.).". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Eule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 24, 2012. 



Act 19-405 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, due to Congressional review, the Department of 
Transportation Establishment Act of 2002 to authorize the District Department of Transporta- 
tion to issue grants in excess of $1 million to the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation for 
capital improvement at Union Station. 


Act 19-405 19th Council -PcMM 

act may. be cited as the "District Department of Transportation Grant Authority Congression- 
al Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 3(c) of the Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 2002, 
effective May 21, 2002 (D.C. Law 14437; D.C, Official Code § 50-921. 02(c)), is amended by 
adding a new paragraph (3) to read as follows: • ' : ■'- J ■-; '■ 

,. ; "(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, the ; Director may issue; sole source 
subgrants in excess of $1 million to the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation for the 
purpose of improving Union Station; provided, that the grants are federal grants and that 
the- -Union Station Redevelopment Corporation provides any necessary match.'^ .. V 

Sec. "3. Fiscal impact statement. ..■■,■■ 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the' fiscal impact 

statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 

December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4., Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event pf veto fey the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect ■for no longer 
than 90 days i; as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the .pistrict; of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

ri APPROVED: July 24, 2012. , ; ^ ■ 




Act 19-406 ' '. .,' ' ■ ,'^V- ^Z'i 

AN ACT to adjust, on an emergency basis, due to Congressional Review, certain allocations 
requested in the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request Act pursuant to the Omnibus Appropriations 
' Act, 2009. 

act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2012 Second Revised Budget Request Congressional 
Review Emergency Adjustment Act of 2012". : 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 817 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, approved March 
13,2009 (123 Stat. 699; D.C. Official Code § 47-369.02), the fiscal year ■ 2til2 budgetsfbr tjhe 
following agencies shall be adjusted by the following amounts: ' , ■ ; T 


$70,850,000 (of which $66,500,000, shall be added to local funds and $4,350,000 added to 
other funds), to be allocated as follows: ,, .-■,.■ . : , nrF; - r; ;,, n/: ,, 

Government Direction and Support 

The appropriation for Government Direction and Support is increased by $4,403,000 in local 
funds, to be allocated as follows: 

(1) Council of the District of Columbia. - $403,000 is added to be available from local 

(2) Department of General Services. -$4,000,000 is added to be available from local 
funds. J ■■■'..■■> 


2012 Legislation Act 19-406, § 4 

Economic Development and Regulation 

The appropriation for Economic Development and Regulation is increased by $5,854,000 
(including $3,354,000 in local funds and $2,500,000 in other funds), to be allocated as follows: 

(1) Department of Employment Services. - $1,504,000 is added to be available from local 

(2) Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. - $2,500,000 is added to be 
available from other funds. 

(3) Housing Production Trust Fund Subsidy. - $1,850,000 is added to be available from 
local funds. 

Public Education System 

The appropriation for Public Education System is increased by $27,058,000 in local funds, to 
be allocated as follows: 

(1) District of Columbia Public Schools. - $25,191,000 is added to be available from local 

(2> Office of the State Superintendent of Education. - $1,453,000 is added to be available 
from local funds. 

(3) District of Columbia Public Library. - $414,000 is added to be available from local 

Human Support Services 

The appropriation for Human Support Services is increased, by $10,377,000 in local funds, to 
be allocated as follows: 

(1) Department of Healthcare Finance. - $10,227,000 is added to be available from local 

(2) Department of Human Services. - $150,000 is added to be available from local funds 
to fund the fiscal year 2012 cost associated with the Temporary Assistance for Needy 
Families Time Limit Amendment Act of 2012, signed by the Mayor on June 22, 2012 (D.C. 
Act 19-385; 59 DCR 8025). 

Financing and Other 

The appropriation for Financing and Other is increased by $21,308,000 in local funds, to be 
allocated as follows: 

(1) Repayment of Loans and Interest. - $1,135,000 is reduced from local funds. 

(2) Non-Departmental. - $22,443,000 is .added to be available from local funds. 

Enterprise and Other Funds 

The appropriation for Enterprise and Other Funds is increased by $1,850,000 in other 
funds, to be allocated as follows: 

(1) Housing Production Trust Fund. - $1,850,000 is added to be available from other 

Sec. 3.' Municipal bond tax delay. 

(a) The Chief Financial Officer shall recognize as fiscal year 2013 revenue $1,100,000 from 
the General Fund of the District of Columbia balance at the end of fiscal year 2012, which 
shall be allocated to fund the fiscal effect of the extension of time, relating to the computation 
of gross income tax, set forth in subsection (b) of this section. 

(b) Section 47-1803.02(a)(l)(B) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by 
striking the phrase "October 1, 2011" and inserting the phrase "January 1, 2013" in its place. 

Sec. 4. Construction with other law. 

Notwithstanding the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula for Public Schools and Public 
Charter Schools and Tax Conformity Clarification Amendment Act of 1998, effective March 
26, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-207; D.C. Official Code § 38-2901 et seq.), and the District of 
Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official 


Act 19-406, § A 19th CouhcihPeriod 

Code § 38-1800.01 et seq.), the allocations described in section 2 shall not be construed to 
create an obligation' to provide additional funding to any local education agency except r the 
District of Columbia Public Schools, j '.. ' ! ' ■ './ mi 

Sec. 5. Furlough rebate implementation. 

(a) Notwithstanding the Bonus and Special Pay Limitation Act of 2011, effective September 
14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; 58 DCR 6226), a current employee who did not receive 
compensation for at least one unpaid furlough day in fiscal year 2011 pursuant t<5 the 
Balanced Budget Holiday Furlough Emergency Act of 2011, effective February 2, 2011 (DiC. 
Act 19-3; 58 DCR 1241), the Balanced Budget Holiday Furlough Congressional Review 
Emergency Act of 2011, effective April 27, 2011 (D.C. Act 19-50; 58 DCR 3874), or , the 
Balanced Budget Holiday Furlough Temporary Act of 2011, effective May 21, 2011 (D.C. Law 
19-1; 58 DCR 2610), shall receive a furlough rebate in accordance with subsection (b) of this 
section, unless the employee affirmatively chooses to waive all or any part of the furlough 
rebate in accordance with subsection (c) of this section. / J 

■ (b)(1) A current employee who receives a furlough rebate shall be given a one-time lump- 
sum payment in an amount of the current employee's loss of salary or rate attributable to 
unpaid furlough days. 

(2) A furlough rebate shall not include losses attributable to benefits, reimbursements, 
deductions, or any other additional pay of any kind beyond the rate of basic" pay. 

(3) A furlough rebate shall not be used or counted toward a current employee's 
retirement benefits or otherwise affect the current employee's eligibility for a- benefit 
offered by the District government. ... ;i . : -. 

(c)(1) An employee eligible to receive a furlough rebate may decline to accept all or, any 
part of the furlough rebate if the employee signs a waiver and files the waiver with the 
Director of Personnel within 30 days after, the effective date of the Fiscal Year 2012' Second 
Revised Budget Request Emergency Adjustment Act of 2012, effective June 20, 2012 (D.C. 
Act 19-382; 59 DCR 7760. 

(2) Once an employee files a waiver pursuant to /this subsection, the waiver may not be 

revoked. ' a f ; 

(d) For the purpose of this section, the term "current employee" means an employee of the 
District who is employed by the District on July 10, 2012. i: ]£ 

Sec. 6. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home s Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02(c)(3))/ .■^■^i. 

Sec. 7. Effective date. ■■"■-■'■ ■■> ■; "< * > , : ,: *■> 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the'eveht of veto By the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act,' approved December o247ii9^3 1(87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). , ^o^;I)nin 

APPROVED: July 24, 2012, ;^ /- 1 : ;'! ■ fi 

.■ " < ■ '.;"■ /)'.)^ 


Act 19-407 

AN ACT to amend, on art emergency basis, due to Congressional review, section 47-^4605 o'fitKe 
District of Columbia Official Code to extend tax and fee waivers and exemptions for the Caryer 
2000 Low-Income and Senior Housing Project located in various lots in Squares 5190 and 5348. 

■.'...' " . ■ . ' J^'r/. 

act may be cited as the "Carver 2000 Low-Income and Senior Housing- Project Congressional 
Review Emergency Act of 2012". < ■'.■.■'■. ..iiriw.' ) 


2012 Legislation Act 19-408, § 2 

Sec. 2. Section 47-4605(d) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by adding 
a new paragraph (3) to read as follows: 

"(3) The real property tax exemption granted by paragraph (1) of this subsection shall 
apply to Lots 806, 807, and 808 in Square 5190 and to Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Square 
5348 for 16 consecutive real property tax years, beginning with tax year 2003.". 

Sec. 3. Applicability. 

This act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and 
financial plan, as certified by the Chief Financial Officer to the Budget Director of the Council 
in a certification published by the Council in the District of Columbia Register. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 24, 2012. 


Act 19-408 

AN ACT to establish, on an emergency basis, a task force to develop a city-wide strategic plan for 
career and technical education programs in the District. 

act may be cited as the "Career and Technical Education Plan Establishment Emergency Act 
of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Definitions. 

For the purposes of this act, the term 

(1) "Career cluster" means a non-duplicative, sequential CTE course of study recognized 
by the U.S. Department of Education and approved by the Office of the State Superinten- 
dent of Education and the respective industry council. 

(2) "Completion rate" means the percentage of students who enroll and complete, within 
4 years at the secondary level and 2 years at the post-secondary level, a non-duplicative, 
sequential CTE course sequence of 3 credits or more, which result in an industry- 
recognized credential, certificate, or degree, or relevant college credit, or both. 

(3) "Concentration rate" means the percentage of students enrolled in CTE courses who 
complete 3 credits in a non-duplicative, sequential CTE course sequence of 4 credits or 
more, or 2 credits in a non-duplicative, sequential CTE course sequence of 3 credits within 
4 years. 

(4) "CTE" means career and technical education. 

(5) "DCPS" means the District of Columbia Public Schools. 

(6) "Industry council" means a group of representatives from the private sector, estab- 
lished or approved by OSSE or WIC, working in the same area as a particular career 


Act 19-408, § 2 19th CQunciL^eriG^ 

(7) "OSSE" means the Office of the State Superintendent of Education establishe^^by 
section 2 of the State Education Office Establishment Act of 2000, effective Octo^er^^, 
2000 (D.C. Lawl3-176; D.C. Official Code § 38-2601). ; ]^» 

(8) "PCSB" means the Public Charter School Board established by section 2214-p^the 
District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 26, 1996 (110 Stat'.,ft321; 

D.C. Official Code § 1802.14). • 

'...■'.'■ //.)< 

(9) "UDCC" means the University of the District of Columbia Community College. , :r 

, (10) "WIC" means the Workforce Investment Council established by section, 4 of th§ 
Workforce Investment Implementation Act of 2000, effective July 18, 2Q00 (D.C. Law 
13-150; D.C. Official Code § 32-1603). 

Sec. 3. Establishment of CTE Task Force. '■■.'■.■■«. ■. 

(a) By August 1, 2012, the Mayor shall establish the CTE Task Force to 1 ; -best- 
practices for CTE programs and develop a city-wide strategic plan for CTE programs' 
administered by District of Columbia Public Schools, District of Columbia public charter 
schools, the University of the District of . Columbia Community , College, or any ojther 
secondary or post-secondary institution tti&t receives federal or local fiinding for CTE 
programming. .;, ^ ■■,., ... > j ;;-..' ■.. . ■■-, -^ 

(b) The CTE Task Force shall consist of the following 8 members: n.-w, 
, (1) The Chairman of the Council's Committee on Economic Development and Housing; 

or his designee; v .^,.^, 

(2) The Chairman of the Council's Committee on Jobs and Workforce Development, or 
his designee; 

(3) The Deputy Mayor for Education, or his designee; 

(4) The Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools, or her designee; lj ' h ^ 

(5) The Executive Director of the Public Charter School Board, or his designee; 

(6) The State Superintendent of Education, or her designee; 

(7) The Executive Director of the Workforce Investment Council, or her designee; and 

(8) The Interim Chief "Executive Officer of the University of the District of Columbia 
Community College, or his or her designee; ; ' I<J *' J !i ; ' 

(c) Throughout the creation of .the city-wide strategic, plan, the CTE Task Force shall 
consult with additional stakeholder groups, including representatives of the District business 
community who represent industries involved with CTE, representatives from the Washing- 
ton Teachers Union, representatives from the philanthropic community, and representatives 
from organizations focused on education or youth workforce development research or "service 
provision. . . - , ■ t .'■,... - 10 '■] 

(d) The Office of the State Supenntendent.shall be responsible for convening and facilitat- 
ing the CTE Task Force as well as leading tie effort to draft-the city-wide strategip, nlan. 

(e) By January 1, 2013, the CTE Task Force shall present to the* Mayor and the ^Council 
the city-wide strategic plan for CTE. The plan shall align with all federal laws, regulations, 
funding guidance, and the national Common Career Technical Gore and shall include: 

(1) A city-wide analysis of CTE programs currently offered- at District 6t Columbia 
Public Schools, District of Columbia public charter schools, and the University of < the 
District of Columbia Community College to determine their quality, popularity, concentra- 
tion and completion rates, and whether the career cluster is focused on high-skill, , nigh- 
wage, or high-demand occupations; 

(2) Specific requirements of all CTE programs, including: 

(A) The implementation of a CTE curriculum that consists of a non-duplicative, 
sequential course of study consisting of 3 credits or more that at a minimum; f a 

(i) Integrate academic, career, and technical education; i: t . r 

(ii) Utilize work-based learning experiences, including industry-relevant internships 
or work-study placements; ,, ; n ;., 


2012 Legislation Act 19-408, § 3 

(iii) Provide technical preparation for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupa- 
tions, as determined by the relevant industry council and in accordance with standards 
set forth by federal and local law; 

(iv) Result in an industry-recognized credential, certificate, or degree, or relevant 
college credit; 

(v) Are designed to lead to placement in high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand 
occupations or lead to further education in the relevant field; and 

(vi) Meet any other requirements and spending restrictions prescribed by federal of 
local law; 

(B) Where appropriate, the creation and implementation of dual-enrollment, articula- 
tion, or early-college programs with local colleges, universities, post-secondary institu- 
tions, or apprenticeship programs; 

(C)(i) Established partnerships with an industry council, facilitated by OSSE or WIC, 
which shall be tasked with informing and assisting with: 

(I) The CTE curriculum for each career cluster; 

(II) The criteria utilized for selecting, training, evaluating, compensating, and 
scheduling CTE staff and faculty; 

(III) The development and monitoring of outcome measurements; and 

(IV) The identification of internship and job opportunities for students and 
graduates; or 

(ii) Alternatively, the Local Education Agency has the option to establish and 
facilitate its own industry council as long as the industry council is approved by OSSE 
or WIC; 

(3) A strategy to significantly increase the District's concentration and completion rates 
of the relevant CTE curriculum as outlined in paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection with 
annual benchmarks and a 5-year goal that every CTE program achieve a completion rate 
and a concentration rate that meet or exceed the national averages; 

(4) An outreach and engagement strategy for students who may consider participating in 
CTE programs, including specific consideration as to how CTE programs can be used to re- 
engage youth, between the ages of 16-24 years, who are currently disconnected from 
school, do not have a high school diploma or equivalency, and who are not employed; 

(5) An implementation plan for a pilot program that would accept students into CTE 
programs from other District of Columbia public or charter schools for the sole purpose of 
completing CTE specific course-work without requiring a change in full-time enrollment; 

(6) A process for determining the eligibility of career clusters that includes consultation 
with the WIC and review of labor market data to ensure the field of study is focused on 
high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations; 

(7) An analysis of whether any new career clusters should be added to fill a gap in course 
offerings and a determination as to which institution would be best equipped to develop and 
offer that career cluster; 

(8) A detailed delineation of responsibilities among the relevant agencies, including 
OSSE, DCPS, PCSB, UDCCC, and other post-secondary institutions, and the WIC; 

(9) An analysis of whether- CTE programs should receive additional flexibility in deter- 
mining, in conjunction with their relevant industry councils, appropriate guidelines for 
hiring, scheduling, assessing, and compensating CTE faculty in accordance with federal and 
local law and collective bargaining agreements, and, if so, a process for granting and 
administering such flexibility; 

(10) A strategy to support and incentivize CTE programs to provide night or weekend 
CTE course offerings to adult District residents; and 

(11) A policy allowing individual public charter schools to apply to the PCSB for a waiver 
from the CTE standards set forth in the plan as long as the PCSB has found that the 
particular charter schopl has a compelling justification for such a waiver and has estab- 


Act 1£M08, § 3 19th Cbun^il Peri^a 

lished an alternative set of standards and outcdme measures for the particular charter 
school that, will be communicated to the OSSE and monitored by the PCSB. 

(f)(1) The city-wide strategic plan shall be submitted to the Council for a 45-day period of 
review, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and days of Council recess. If the 
Council does not approve or disapprove the plan, in whole or in part, by resolution within this 
45^day review period, the plan shall be deemed approved. 

(2) If the plan is disapproved by the Council, the Council's Committee of the Whole shall 

* transmit a report to the CTE Task Force citing the Council's concerns within, 30 days of 

the disapproval and the CTE Task Force shall have 30 days from the date it received the 

report to review the report and re-submit a new plan to the Mayor and the Council for 

approval in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection. 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement ■■■■,■■<;-■:- 

Thje Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home 'Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206,02(e)(3)). 

Sec, 5. Effective date. , ,;/,-; 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event ;of yeto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto) and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act; approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED; July 24, 2012. 


; Act 19-409 ! >( 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the Health Benefits Plan Members Bill of Rights Act of 
1998 to add a definition, to extend the time period a member or member representative has to 
initiate ait external appeal, and to make decisions made by the independent review organiza- 
tion Binding. 

act may be cited as the "Health Benefits Plan Grievance Emergency Amendment Act of 

2012". "-■■■.' ■ ■' ■-' ■ . ■;■'■'" ' : ^ 

Sec. 2, The Health Benefits Plan Members Bill of Rights Act of 1998, effective. April 27, 
1999 (D.C. Law 12-274; D.C, Official Code §44-30L01 et seq.\ is ^mended: as fpllws: 

(a) Section 101 (D.C. Official Code § 44-301.01) is amended by adding a new .paragraph 
(10A) tp read as follows: ' ;, , , ;^ v ;t ; , / r;. 

"(10A) "Month" means the period that runsfrom a given day in one month^throughvthe 
date preceding the numerically corresponding, day in the next month.". ; . /f ; , ., , 

(b) Section 107 (D.C. Official Code § 44-301.07) is amended as "Mows: ' ^ ^ 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "30 business days" and inserting 
the phrase"4 months" in its place. 

(2) Subsection (p) is amended to read as follows: 

"(p) The decision of the independent review organization shall be binding on all parties and 
enforceable by the Director, except to the extent that there are other remedies under District 
of Columbia or federal law.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. ! :( ! 


2012 Legislation Act 19-411 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December -24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 24, 2012. 


Act 19-410 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the District of Columbia School Reform Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012 and the District of Columbia School Reform Amendment Act of 2012 to 
change the date that the charter schools admissions task force needs to submit a report of its 
findings to the Council. 

act may be cited as the "District of Columbia School Reform Extension of Time Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 4052 of the District of Columbia School Reform Emergency Amendment 
Act of 2012, effective June 19, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-383; 59 DCR 7764), is amended by striking 
the phrase "September 1, 2012," and inserting the phrase "October 15, 2012," in its place. 

Sec. 3. Section 4052 of the District of Columbia School Reform Amendment Act of 2012, 
signed by the Mayor on June 22, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-385; 59 DCR 8025), is amended by 
striking the phrase "September 1, 2012," and inserting the phrase "October 15, 2012," in its 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02 (c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § 1-204. 12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 24, 2012. 


Act 19-411 

AN ACT to authorize, on an emergency basis, payment to Unity Health Care, Inc., for services 
regarding healthy eating and lifestyle counseling, nutrition education, breastfeeding pro- 
motion, and support referrals to health-care and social services to participants in the Women, 
Infants, and Children program received by the District of Columbia without a valid written 


Act 19-411 19th Gbuncil. Period 

act may be cited as the "Unity Health Care, Inc. Services Payment Authorization Emergency 
Act of 2012". , -■ i m . f <v)U 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-20451), and notwithstanding/the 
requirements of sections 202 and 901 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of '20105 
effective April 8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code §§ 2-352.02 and 2-359.01),. the 
Council authorizes payment to Unity Health Care, Inc., in the amount of $1,043,408.72 ; for 
providing services regarding healthy eating and lifestyle counseling, nutrition \ education,, 
breastfeeding promotion, and support referrals to health-care and social services to partici- 
pants in the Women, Infants, and Children program (commonly known as the WIC program) 
received from December 1, 2010, through August 31, 2011, without the benefit of a valid 
written contract. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. ■.-.' 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of .the. Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § J l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Ma^or (or in the 'event of veto by tne 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in ; effect for ho longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, t#73 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204,12(a)). . ■>. ' ■■:.,-., r; ;- 

APPROVED: July 25, 2012. ' , ! ■ ; . '"^ 


Act 19-412 ' i ;; < 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification Nos. 7 and 8 to Contract No. 
DCPO-2011-T-0075 to provide telephony support and to authorize payment for services re- 

; ceived and to be received under the contract, : )iU , iu 

i ■ 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. JQCPQ-2011-T-OO75 Modifications ApprovaL:and 
Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012"., . ....-.., .■,.■.../,... / r<\y<v-L 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act; approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and noiOTthstandiri^ 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approved Modification 
Nos. 7 and 8 to Contract No. DCPO-2011-T-0075 with Science Application International 
Corporation to provide telephony support, and authorizes payment in the total amount of 
$6,500,000 for services received and to be received under that contract. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. v ■■■ - ^ V : l 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto bjj the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 1012 

section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 25, 2012. 


Act 19-413 

AN ACT to enact and amend, on an emergency basis, due to Congressional review, provisions of law 
necessary to support the fiscal year 2013 budget. 

act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency 
Act of 2012". 


SUBTITLE A. [Reserved] 


Sec. 1011. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Health Benefit Plan District Contribution Congressional 
Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1012. Section 2109 of the. District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit 
Personnel Act of 1978, effective October 1, 1987 (D.C. Law 7-27; D.C. Official Code 
§ 1-621.09), is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (a) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount equal 
to 75%" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "exceed 72%" and insert the phrase "exceed 75%" in its place. 

(b) Subsection (h) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "exceed 72%" and inserting the 
phrase "exceed 75%" in its place. 

(2) Paragraph (2) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount 
equal to 75%" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "contribute 28%" and insert the phrase "contribute 25%" in its 

(3) Paragraph (3) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount 
equal to 75%" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "contribute 28%" and insert the phrase "contribute 25%" in its 
place. ' 

(c) Subsection (j) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (1) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "an amount equal to 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount 
equal to 75%" in its place. 


Act 19-413, §' 1012 19th Council Period 

i ... v (B) Strike the phrase "contribute 1 28%" and insert the phrase "contribute 25%" in its; 
place. >i 

(2) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "shall not exceed 72%" and 
inserting the phrase "shall not exceed 75%" in its place. 

(d) Subsection (1) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "an amount equal tp 72%" and insert the phrase "an amount equal 
to 75%" in its place. . ' ( "' "■'"■ y: l ■'"<■'' ^ - ^-^ 

(2) Strike the phrase "contribute 28%" and insert the phrase 1 "contribute 25%" in its 



; Sec, 1021. ; Short title. ■': " - : - : ( ;' ; '; '■:?; 

., This subtitle may be cited as the "Facilities Service Request Fund Establishment Congress 
sional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". ' 

Sec. 1022. The Department of General Services Establishment Act of 2011, effective 
September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; D.C. Official Code § 10-551.01 eb MqX is amended by 
adding a new section 1028a to read as follows: 

. "Sec. 1028a. Establishment of" the Facilities Service Request Fund. 

"(a) There is established within the General Fund of the District of Columbia a lapsing 
account to be known as the Facilities Service Request Fund ("Fund"). All funds received by 
the Department from non-District government tenants in District government facilities for 
facility-related services, including maintenance, janitorial, security, construction, or other 
services, provided by the Department in accordance with this subtitle shallbe deposited into 
the Fund. : i ' 

,-,."(b) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds, shall revert 
to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of 
each fiscal' year. ' ' .-,,.,/■■ ..-.,,■■■■.■.. 

"(c) The Fund shall be administered by the Department, and shall be used for facility- 
related services at real property owned or leased by the District of Columbia'' and under the 
control of the Department/', v; "'■■' : '.;' <.' , /' -., ,:■-.; 



See; 1031. Short titlfe. ' - ' ,Tr ^ J ,; 1 ,I \ 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Public Sector Workers' Compensation Return .to^drk 
Clarifying Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1032. The District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel' Act of 
1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-601.01 et seq.\ is 
amended as follows: ; •'>- ; ''■*'& ''•■ : ■ ' 

(a) Section 2306(b) (D.C. Official Code § 1-623. 06(b)) is amended to read as follows: 

"(b)(1) The Mayor shall require each employee receiving benefits under this title to report 
his or her earnings from employment orself-^mploynierit by affidavit, including by providing 
copies of tax documents and authorizing the Mayor to obtain copies of tax documents ; within 
30 days of a written request for a Report of earnings'. ; . ' 

"(2) An employee shall forfeit his or her right to workers' compensation with respect to 
any period for which the report of earnings was required if the employees - h ; ; .■• i i) 

"(A) Fails to file a complete report of earnings within 30 days of a written request for 
.. a report of earnings; .^or . ■,. ' .. . : . ... 

"(B) Knowingly omits or understates any part of his or her earnings. , , \ ;• > 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 1043 

"(3) Workers' compensation forfeited under this section, if already paid, may be recov- 
ered by a deduction from future workers' compensation payments owed to the employee or 
otherwise recovered under section 2329. 

"(4) The Mayor shall notify any employee receiving workers* compensation benefits, on 
forms prescribed by the Mayor, of that employee^ affirmative duty to report earnings and 
shall specifically notify the employee that a failure to report earnings may subject him or 
her to termination from the program and civil or criminal liability. The notice by the 
Mayor may be satisfied by printing the notice on the employee payee statement portion of 
indemnity check sent to the employee. 

"(5) For the purposes of this subsection, the term "earnings" includes any cash, wages, 
or salary received from self-employment or from any other employment aside from the 
employment in which the worker was injured. The term "earnings" also includes commis- 
sions, bonuses, arid the cash value of all payments and benefits received in. any form other 
than cash. Commissions and bonuses earned before disability but received during the time 
the employee is receiving workers' compensation benefits do not constitute earnings that 
must be reported.". 

(b) Section 2313(b) (D.C. Official Code § l-623.13(b)) is amended by striking the phrase "If 
an employee, whose date of hire was before January 1,- 1980," and inserting the phrase "If an 
individual," in its place. 


Sec. 1041. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Delinquent Debt Recovery Congressional Review 
Emergency Act of 2012". 

Part. A. 

Sec. 1042. Definitions. 

For the purposes' of this subtitle, the term: 

(1) "Central Collection Unit" means the Central Collection Unit established within the 
Office of Finance and Treasury of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to implement 
this act. 

(2) "Delinquent debt" means any financial obligation owed by a person to a District 
agency that remains unpaid more than 90 days after it was due; provided, that the term 
shall not include tax debts or child-support debts. 

(3) "Delinquent Debt Fund" or "Fund" means the Delinquent Debt Fund established by 
section 1045. 

(4) "District agency" means any District office, department, or agency, including inde- 
pendent agencies, but not including the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. 

(5) "Person" means any natural person, trust, corporation, limited liability corporation, 
partnership, limited liability partnership, or any other business organization. 

Sec. 1043. Responsibility of District agencies to transfer and refer delinquent debt to the 
Central Collection Unit for collection. 

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, regulation, or Mayor's order, each District 
agency shall transfer and refer delinquent debts to the Central Collection Unit within 60 days 
after a financial obligation owed by a person to the District becomes a delinquent debt. 

(b) A transfer and referral of a delinquent debt to the Central Collection Unit shall include 
all documentation and information relating to the delinquent debt, including: 

(1) Documents that verify the existence and amount of the delinquent debt; 

(2) The name and last known address of the delinquent debtor; and 

(3) Any notices issued to the delinquent debtor demanding payment. 


Act 19-413, § 1043 19th Council period 

(c) The procedure for transfer arid referral of delinquent debt by each District agency to 
the Central Collection Unit, including the format and means of delivery of the information, 
shall be established by the Central Collection Unit within 120 days of the effective daterof the 
Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, signed by the Mayor on June 22, 2012 (D.CAct 
19-385; 59DCR8025). ; , r ; 

; Sec. 1044. Imposition of costs and fees. ■■.,-,- ■■ 

(a) The Central Collection Unit may prescribe, impose, and collect fees from debtors to 
cover actual costs or expenses associated with the collection of delinquent debt. 

(b) In addition to the authority to impose and collect fees to cover actual costs or expenses 
associated with the collection of delinquent debt, the Central Collection Unit may prescribe 
and impose a fee to be paid by each person who tenders in payment of a financial obligation 
owed to the District, including a tax, assessment, fee, citation, or charge, a check that is 
subsequently dishonored or not duly paid, or whose delinquent debt is transferred and 
referred to the Central Collection Unit for 1 action. The amount of the fee shall be set by 
regulations established by the Central Collection Unit. ' ' 

Sec. 1045. Delinquent Debt Fund. 

There is established within the General Fund, of the 
honlapsing fund known as the Delinquent Debt Fund ("Fund"). Funds allocated to the 
Central Collection Unit through the District's annual Budget and Financial Plan, all delin- 
quent debts collected by the Central Collection Unit, and all fees authorized by section 1044 
shall be deposited into the Fund; provided, that any funds deposited in the Fund before the 
then-current fiscal year, including any interest earned on such funds before the then-current 
fiscal year, the money remaining in the Fund after the payment of all costs and expenses 
accrued before the then-current fiscal year, less 10% of such remainder, which shall be 
retained as a reserve operating balance, shall be transferred or revert to the General I?uhd of 
the District of Columbia, . All funds deposited in the Fund shall be administered and used by 
the Central Collection Unit, subject to appropriation by Congress, to conduct the authorized 
activities of the Central Collections Unit. 

Sec. 1046. Lien for delinquent debt] ' /m ?u ,-, ; 

(a) If a person liable to pay a delinquent debt neglects or refuses to pay the delinquent 
debt after demand by the Central Collection Unit, the amount, including any interest and any 
fees imposed for collection of the delinquent debt that may accrue, shall be a lien iiTfavor of 
the District of Columbia upon all property (including rights to property), whether real or 
personal, belonging to the person, and shall have the same effect as a lien created by 
judgment. The lien shall attach to all real or personal property (including rights to property) 
belonging to, or acquired by, the person at any time during the period of the lien. 

(b) The lien imposed by subsection (a) of this section shall be deemed to have arisen on the 
91st day after the debt became due and owing to the District and shall continue] until the 
delinquent debt is satisfied or becomes unenforceable. 

(c) The lien imposed by subsection (a) of this section shall not be valid against a bona fide 
purchaser for value, holder of a security interest, mechanic's, lien, or judgment lien creditor 
until the lien has been filed with the Recorder of Deeds by the Central Collection Unit. 

(d) Upon transferring a delinquent debt to the Central Collection: Unit, a transferring 
agency's authority to file a lien for that debt shall terminate. ■■■■*.■-, 

Sec. 1047. Payment plans; discharge of delinquent debt; sale of delinquent debt; report 
to credit agencies. ij ' 

(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section^ the Central Collection Unit, in its discretion, 
may: - ' ;- 

(1) Enter into payment plan agreements with persons for payment of delinquent debt } ; : 
provided, that no payment plan shall exceed a term of 5 years; / -■ < < 

(2) Discharge as uncollectible a delinquent debt that is older than 10 years; v-'-^- ^ 

(3) Settle a delinquent debt for less than the full amount owed; . ■ : - ; J ' 

(4) Report delinquent debts to credit agencies; , [ ;f:; 

(5) Sell delinquent debt; and , ' flu 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 1052 

(6) Refer a delinquent debt to the Office of the Attorney General for the District of 
Columbia for civil or administrative collection or enforcement actions. 

(b) The authority described in subsection (a) of this section shall become effective upon the 
issuance of an order by the Mayor delegating the Mayor's authority, pursuant to An Act 
Authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to settle claims and disputes 
against the District of Columbia, approved February 11, 1929 (45 Stat. 1160; D.C. Official 
§ 2-402 et seq.), as is necessary to carry out the purposes of this act. 

Sec. 1048. Suspension of licenses and permits. 

(a) Each District agency that transfers and refers a delinquent debt of more than $100 to 
the Central Collection Unit for collection shall, within 5 days of the transfer and referral, 
suspend the granting or issuance of any District license or permit to the delinquent debtor. 
The suspension shall remain in effect until the Central Collection Unit notifies the appropri- 
ate District agency that the delinquent debt has been satisfied, 

(b) Each District agency that suspends the granting or issuance of a District license or 
permit pursuant to this section shall provide written or electronic notice of the suspension to 
the Central Collection Unit within 5 days of the suspension. 

(c) The Central Collection Unit shall provide to all District agencies, within 10 days of the 
end of the preceding month, a list of the names of all persons currently .subject to suspension 
of the granting or issuing of a District license or permit due to delinquent debt of more than 

Sec. 1049. Reciprocal agreements. 

The Central Collection Unit may enter into reciprocal agreements for the collection of 
delinquent debts with any state, local, or municipal government. 

Sec. 1050. Offset of delinquent debt against District employee pay and against contractual 
obligations to District contractors. 

(a)(1) The Central Collection Unit may collect delinquent debt from District employees by 
deducting delinquent debt from the biweekly pay of District employees, in an amount not to 
exceed 10% of an employee's gross biweekly pay, until the delinquent debt is fully satisfied. 

(2) If a District employee's wages are subject to a preexisting attachment or attach- 
ments, the Central Collection Unit shall not exercise its authority under paragraph (1) of 
this subsection until the preexisting attachments have been satisfied, in order of priority. 

(b)(1) The Central Collection Unit may collect delinquent debt from District contractors by 
deducting the delinquent debt from any amounts owed to a District contractor pursuant to a 
contractual obligation between the District and the contractor. 

(2) For the purposes of this section, the term: 

(A) "District contractor" includes any person who receives payments from the District 
pursuant to a contract or a grant agreement that requires the grantee to perform 
services in consideration for the payment of the grant amount. 

(B) "Contractual obligation" includes an obligation arising from a contract or a grant 
agreement described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph that is entered into after the 
effective date of the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012 signed by the Mayor 
on June 22, 2012 (D.C.Act 19-385; 59 DCR 8025). 

(c) The Central Collection Unit may collect delinquent debts by offsetting District tax 
refunds and District lottery winnings against delinquent debts owed to the District. 
Sec. 1051. Consumer protection. 

The Central Collection Unit and any outside parties it engages to collect delinquent debt 
shall fully comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, approved September 20, 1977 
(91 Stat 874; 15 U.S.C. § 1692 et seq.), the District of Columbia Consumer Protection 
Procedures Act, effective July 22, 1976 (D.C. Law 1-76; D.C. Official Code § 28-3901 et seq.\ 
and all other federal and District laws and rules that govern collection of delinquent debt. 

Sec. 1052. Report to the Council. 

On or before March 1 of each year, the Central Collection Unit shall issue a report to the 
Mayor and the Council that includes: 


Act 19-4i£' § 1052 19th Gouftar>Pe^(^ 

(1) The amount of delinquent debt collected in the preceding fiscal year; ^ '^ 

(2) The amount of uncollected delinquent debt owed to the District; and .i^ 

(3) A summary of the efforts made to collect delinquent debt owed to the District ( 'and 
the challenges that remain for collecting it. ;'".;" 

Sec. 1053. Rules. ^^ : 

Within 120 days of the effective date of the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012- 
signed by the Mayor on June 22, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-385; 59 DCR 8025), the Chief Financial 
Officer shall issue rules to implement the provisions of this subtitle. ■ 

Part. B. ; ■■■..-.' 

Sec. 1054. Conforming amendments. :.-.,.-.-. .,'.:■■.,,,■ 

■ (a) Section 1 of An Act To authorize the Commissioners of, the District of Columbia to 
prescribe penalties for the handling and collection of dishonored checks , approved September 
28, 1965 (79 Stat. 844; D.C. Official Code § 1^, WrepeaM , - , : - .. , 

<., (b) ; Chapter 28 of title 47 of the District of, Columbia Official Code is amended as follows: 

(1) Section 47-2862(a) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (5) is amended by striking the word "or". - ;- 

(B) Paragraph (6) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase ."; or" in 
its place. J 

(C) A new paragraph (7) is added to read as follows: 

"(7.) Owes the District more than $100 in outstanding fines, penalties, or interest.". 

(2) Section 47-2866(a) is amended as follows: , ; , , ; 

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "On or before June 1, 2007, the 
Mayor shall implement" and inserting the phrase "Consistent with the Delinquent Debt 
Recovery Emergency Act of 2012, effective June 19, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-383; 59 DCR 

, 7764), and the Delinquent Debt Recovery Act of 2012, signed by the Mayor on June 22, 
-■'. 2012 (D ; .C.Act 19-385; 59 DCR 8025), the Chief Financial Officer shall implement" in its 

(B) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "the Mayor" and inserting the 
phrase "the Chief Financial Officer" in its place. • 

(b) Section 105(b) of the District of Columbia Traffic Adjudication Act of 1978, effective 
September 12, 1978 (D.C. Law 2-104; D.C r Official Code § 50-2301.05(b)), is amended by 
striking the last sentence. 

' Part. G. '■/■'.■■. :■ ;' ; ;■■'-•■ 

Sec. 1055. The District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 
1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-601.01 et sei}^ is 
amended by adding a new section 2905 to read as follows: , ' \Z 

"Sec. 2905, Authority to collect infraction fines from responsible District employees.,, ,_ 

"(a) If a notice of infraction is , issued ; pursuant to section 303 of the District of ;GQ]u,mbia 
Traffic Adjudication Act of 1978, effective September 12, 1978 (D.C. Law 2-104; D.C. f Officiai 
Code § 50-2303.03) ("Traffic-Act"), or section 902 of the Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Support Act 
bfl996, effective April 9, 1997 (D.C. Law 11-198; D.C. Official Code § 50-2209.02)/ for 1 an 
infraction committed by a vehicle owned or leased by the District of Columbia government, 
the responsible individual shall be required to pay any fine or fee imposed as a result of that 
notice of infraction. l ; " , '- r - ; ; JV/ i 

"(b) The responsible individual may challenge any notice of infraction issued for a moving 
violation as provided in Title II of the Traffic Act (D.C. Official Code § 50-2302.01 et seifj, or 
any notice of infraction issued for a' packing, standing,- or stopping infraction as provided' in 
Title III of the Traffic Act (D.C. Official Code § 50-2303.01 et seq.). 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 1062 

"(c) If a responsible individual fails to pay a fine or fee imposed, the period for challenging 
the issuance of the notice of infraction has expired, and there is no final order dismissing the 
charges that led to the issuance of the notice of infraction, the Mayor may collect the amount 
owed, as provided for in section 2904, or by any other means authorized by law.". 

"(d) For the purposes of this section, the term "responsible individual" means the District 
government employee, contractor, or volunteer who had registered, or signed, to use the 
vehicle that was the subject of the notice of infraction, or who had been assigned to drive the 
vehicle that was the subject of the notice of infraction, at the time when the notice of 
infraction was issued.". 


Sec. 1061. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "District of Columbia Retirement Board Actuarial Method 
Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1062. Section 133 of the Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and Teachers Retirement 
Benefit Replacement Plan Act of 1998, effective September 18, 1998 (D.C. Law 12-152; D.C. 
Official Code § 1-907.03), is amended to read as follows: , 

"Sec. 133. Calculation of District of Columbia payment to the Funds. 

"(a)(1) When specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Retirement Board shall 
engage an enrolled actuary, who may be the enrolled actuary engaged pursuant to section 
162(a)(4)(A) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act, approved November 17, 1979 
(93 Stat. 885;. D.C. Official Code § l-732(a)(4)(A)), to make the following determinations as of 
a specified date on the basis of the entry age normal funding method and in accordance with 
generally accepted actuarial principles and practices with respect to each separate fund 
comprising the Funds: 

"(A) The normal cost, determined as a level percentage of covered annual payroll; 

"(B) The unfunded accrued liability payment; which, for the purposes of this section, 
means the level amount or the level percentage of covered annual payroll that, when 
contributed annually to the Fund for a period of not greater than 30 years, would be 
sufficient to fund the liability for benefits accrued by participants as of the valuation date 
("accrued liability") in excess of the current value of assets of the Funds ("unfunded 
accrued liability"); 

"(C) The current value of the assets in the Funds; 

"(D) The estimated covered annual payroll; and 

"(E) Such additional information as the Retirement Board may need to make the 
determinations specified in paragraph (4) of this subsection and in subsection (b) of this 

"(2) Unless the actuary engaged by the Retirement Board pursuant to paragraph (1) of 
this subsection determines that a more frequent valuation is necessary to support the 
actuary's opinion, the actuary shall make the determinations described in paragraph (1) of 
this subsection upon the request of the Retirement Board and at least once every 2 years. 

"(3) On the basis of the most recent determinations made under paragraph (1) of this 
subsection, the enrolled actuary shall certify to the Retirement Board each year, at a time 
specified by the Retirement Board, the following information for the next fiscal year with 
respect to each separate fund comprising the Funds: 

"(A) The normal cost; 

"(B) The present value of future benefits payable from the Funds for covered 
employees as of the valuation date; 

"(C) The unfunded accrued liability payment; 

"(D) The current value of assets as of the valuation date; and 


Afct 19-413, § 1062 19th Council Period 

"(E) The value of assets used in developing the amortization of unfunded accrued 
' liability payment. . ; 

: ' "(4) On the basis of the most recent certification submitted by the enrolled actuary undei* 

paragraph (3) of this subsection, the Retirement Board shall certify the sum of the normal 

cost and the unfunded accrued liability payment ("amount of the District payment") for the 

' next fiscal year for each separate fund comprising the Funds. ; o- 

"(b)(1) On the basis of the most recent determinations made under Subsection (a)(4) of !tms 
section, the Retirement Board shall, no fewer than 30 days before the date ori whiclrffie 
Mayor is required to submit the annual budget for the District of Columbia government;' l ib 
the Council, pursuant to section 442 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C, Official Code § 1-204.42), cert^ito^theMayor and the 
Council the amount of the District payment for each separate fund comprising the Funds. 

"(2) The Mayor, in preparing each annual budget for the District of Columbia pursuant 
to section 442 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 798; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.42), and the Council, in adopting each annual budget 
in accordance with section 446 of the District of Columbia Home Rule -Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 801;, D.C. Official Code § 1-204.46) shall, for each separate 
fund comprising the Funds, include in the budget no less than the amount of the District 
payment for each separate fund comprising the Funds certified by the Retirement Board 
under paragraph (1) of this subjection. The Mayor and the Council may comment and 
make recommendations concerning any: such amount certified by the Retirement Board. 

"(c)(1) Before the enactment of any law, resolution, regulation, rule, or agreement produc- 
ing any change in benefits under a retirement program, the Mayor shall engage and pay for 
an enrolled actuary, who may be the enrolled actuary engaged pursuant to section 
162(a)(4)(A) of the District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act, approved November 17, 1979 
(93 Stat. 885; D.C. Official Code § l-732(a)(4)(A)), to estimate the effect of that change in 
benefits over the next 5 fiscal years on the: 

"(A) Accrued liability of the retirement program; 

"(B) Unfunded accrued liability of the retfrement program ; 

"(C) Unfunded accrued liability payment with respect to the retirement program; and 

"(D) Normal cost with respect to the retirement program. . 

"(2) Whenever any change in benefits under a retirement ; program :. pursuant to this 
subsection is made to either, but not both, the Metropolitan Police Department, or .the Fire 
and Emergency Medical Services Department, the Mayor shall engage an .enrolleclaqtuary 
to perform the same study contemporaneously for the employee group for . which the 
change was not made. 

"(d) The Mayor shall transmit the estimates of the actuary to the Retirement Board, the 
Secretary of the Treasury, and the Council, and the change in benefits shall not 'become 
effective until the end of a 30-day period of review, which shall begin on the date that' the 3 
required transmittals have been effected.". - 

-Sec.1063. Applicability. .-■• 'v 

; This subtitle shall apply as of October 1, 2012. ,' 


1 Sec. 1071. Short title. .1;^-'!. ,'.; \ V .' ., '.",'•■"• ' 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Financial Disclosure and Ethics Reform, Clarification 
Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". ' 

'' Sec. 1072. The Board of Ethics and Government Accountability ; Establishment and 
Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, effective April 27, 2012 '(D.C Law 
19-124; D.C. Official Code § 1-1161.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: , ? , ' 

(a) Section 224(c) (D.C. Official Code' § l-1162.24(c)) is amended as follows: .■■ 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 1081 

(1) Strike the phrase "October 2nd" and insert the phrase "May 15th" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "October 1st" and insert the phrase "May 15th" in its place. 

(3) Strike the phrase "November 2nd" and insert the phrase "June 15th" in its place. 
. (b) Section 225 (D.C. Official Code § 1-1162.25) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the phrase "October 2nd" and inserting the 
phrase "May 15th" in its place. 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "September 1st" and insert the phrase "April 15th" in its place. 

(B) Strike the phrase "September 15th" and insert the phrase "May 1st" in its place. 

(c) A new section 310a is added to read as follows: 

"Sec. 310a. Fund balance requirements of principal campaign committees. 

"Within the limitations specified in this act, any surplus, residual, or unexpended campaign 
funds received by or on behalf of an individual who seeks nomination for election, or election 
to office, shall be: 

"(1) Contributed to a political party for political purposes; 

"(2) Used to retire the proper debts of his or her political committee that received the 

"(3) Transferred to a political committee, a charitable organization in accordance with 
D.C. Official Code § 47-1803.03(a)(8), or, in the case of an elected official, an established 
constituent services fund; or 

"(4) Returned to the donors as follows: 

"(A) In the case of an individual defeated in an election, within 6 months following the 

"(B) In the case of an individual elected to office, within 6 months following the 
election; and 

"(C) In the case of an individual ceasing to be a candidate, within 6 months thereaf- 

(d) Section 601 (D.C. Official Code § 1-1164.01) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended by adding a sentence at the end to read as follows: 

"The Elections Board shall enforce Title II, Subtitle C, until October 1, ,2012, after which 
pending matters shall be transferred to the Ethics Board for enforcement". 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the phrase "October 1, 2012," and inserting the 
phrase "October 1, 2012, except that the Office of Campaign Finance shall administer and 
enforce the subtitle, including receiving and reviewing the necessary disclosures, until 
January 1, 2013." in its place.' 

Sec. 1073. Any matter arising after January 29, 2012, from a Violation of Title I, Subtitle C 
of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive 
Ethics Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2012, effective January 29, 2012 (D.C. Act 
19-298; 59 DCR 683), or Title II, Subtitle C of the Board of Ethics and Government 
Accountability Establishment and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2012, 
effective April 27, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-124; D.C. Official Code § 1-1161.01 et seq.), may be 
enforced by the Elections Board until October 1, 2012, after which pending matters shall be 
transferred to the Ethics Board for enforcement. 

Sec. 1074. Applicability. 

Section 1072(a) and (b) shall apply as of January 1, 2013. 


Sec. 1081. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary Celebration and 
Commemoration Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". 


Act 19-413, § 1082 19th Council Period 

Sec. 1082. Definitions. ' 

For the purposes of this subtitle, the term: , 

(1) "Commission" means the Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary Celebration and Com- 
memoration Commission established in section 1083. , v , ,.. ,. t :- : 

(2) "Fund" means the Home Rule 40th Anniversary Celebration and Oprnmempration 
Fund established in section 1085. ..,....(,. 

(3) "Home Rule Act" means the District of Columbia Home Rule AcV approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 774; D.C. Official Code § 1-201.01 et seq.). ., ""' . 

Sec. 1083. Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration Commis- 

(a) There is established a Home Rule 40th Anniversary Celiebra ! tioh and 1 Commemoration 
Commission. The purpose of the Commission shall be to coordinate, plan, and promote 
events related to the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the Home: Rule Act, and to 
administer the Fund. ■■..-.-..,■ 

(b) The Commission shall be composed of 5 members, as follows: ■■■ ''*■■•■- 

(1) One Chairperson, appointed by the Mayor; : - ; ' ■■'■■■' 

(2) Two members appointed by the Mayor; and V 

(3) Two members appointed by the Chairman of the Council. 

(c) The members of the Commission shall serve until the sunset of this subtitle, ■■.. , , 

(d) A vacancy in the Commission resulting from the death or resignation of a member shall 
not affect its powers and shall be filled in the same manner in which the, original appointment 
was made. 

(e) Each member of the Commission shall serve without compensation; provided, that each 
member, may be reimbursed for actual expenses pursuant to section 1108 of the District of 
Columbia Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 
2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-611.(38). 

'(f) A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum to conduct 
business. - ' 

Sec. 1084. Staffing. Vl ' : r 

, (a) The Commission shall appoint staff as needed who shall be paid from the Fund; ll ■ 

(b) Upon request of the Commission, the Mayor may detail staff, at no cbfb to the 
Commission, at any time to assist the Commission in carrying out its duties. ■ o' ■■■■■- : 

Sec. 1085. Home Rule 40th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration Fund. ' 

(a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund fth^ Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary 

Celebration and Commemoration Fund, which snail' be administered by the Commission, to be 

used for the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section. 

(b)(1) Deposits into the Fund shall include: "/^Iv '' '"- .',!',', , ]( 

(A) Federal funds, if any; *;■;:■■:■■<■■■■.' c- ' v ■'" ■■■'■'■. 

(B) Gifts, grants, and donations; and ' ' " v ' '-]" }[ /; •" '■ 

(C) Proceeds from the sale of memorabilia and information related to' the l 40th 
anniversary of the adoption of the Home Rule Act . ' " ,.,.'■'..,'. 
(2) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not 

revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at 
the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses 
and purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section without regard to fiscal year 
limitation, subject to authorization by Congress. 

(c) The Commission may expend monies in the Fund to celebrate and commemorate the 
40th anniversary of the adoption of the Home Rule Act, including: , ; , 

(1) Planning, developing, and executing appropriate programs and -activities; . ..^t 

(2) Purchasing and selling merchandise related to the Home Rule Act, such as: ;.;;;-< , 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 1089 

(A) Books; 

(B) Pamphlets; 

(C) Memorabilia; or 

(D) Other material; 

(3) Identifying appropriate displays and activities to showcase the history of home rule 
and the quest by residents and officials instrumental in the passage of the Home Rule Act 
to gain self-determination for the District of Columbia; 

- (4) Identifying possible amendments to the Home Rule Act; 

(5) Outlining programs to involve the public in learning more about the Home Rule Act 
and self-determination in the District; 

(6) Making grants available, subject to the availability of funds in the Fund, through a 
competitive process, for educational programs to public schools, public charter schools, and 
other organizations; 

(7) Encouraging educational, historical, civic, and other organizations to participate in 
the anniversary activities to expand the understanding of the Home Rule Act and self- 
determination in the District; 

(8) Assuring that the observances appropriately recognize former mayors and' members 
of the Council, and other people, who have contributed to the growth and development of 
elected government in the District; 

(9) Facilitating other activities, such as receptions, parades, or festivals, and the provi- 
sion of food, snacks, entertainment, and non-alcoholic beverages to the general public 
participating in the activities; and 

(10) Examining the Home Rule Act to determine the authority that shall be used to 
advance democracy for the District. 

Sec. 1086. Reporting requirement. 

(a) Beginning on September 30, 2012, the Commission shall submit quarterly reports to the 
Mayor and the Council, to include: 

(1) An accounting of the revenue and expenditures of the Commission, including a list of 

(A) Gift, grant, or donation with a value of $100 or greater, and the name, address, and 
occupation of each donor; and 

(B) Expenditure of $100 or greater, including the name and address of the recipient; 

(2) A summary of the proposed activities programs; and 

(3) Any recommendations for legislative or executive action. 

(b) Not later than September 30, 2014, the Commission shall submit a final report to the 
Mayor and the Council that includes: 

(1) A final accounting of the revenue and expenditures of the Commission, including a 
list of each gift, grant, or donation with a value of $100 or greater, and the name, address, 
and occupation of each donor; 

(2) A summary of the Commission's activities; and 

(3) Any recommendations for amendments to the Home Rule Act. 

Sec. 1087. Implementation. - 

The Secretary of the District of Columbia shall be .the implementing agency of the 
provisions of this subtitle. 

Sec. 1088. Use of District funds. 

Except as provided in section 1083(e), no local funds shall be used to carry'out this subtitle. 

Sec. 1089. Sunset. 

This subtitle shall expire on October 1, 2014. 


Act 19-413, § 1091 19th Council w&m 


Sec. 1091. Short title. '\\ "' ■ 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Merit Personnel Clarification and Leave Restoration 
Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 1092. The District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel lAct of 
1978, effective -March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-139; D.C. Official Code § 1-601.01 et seg.);' is 
amended as follows: - ; *; 

(a) Section 902 (D.C. Official Code § 1-609.02) is amended by adding a new subsection (d) 
to read as follows; ; , . , ; ...... ,, • , 

"(d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to employees of the Council of .the 
District of Columbia.". .\ ■.-.-■ " 

;■ ,(b) Section 1203(h) (D.C. Official Code § l-6l2.03(h)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"20 days" wherever it appears and inserting the phrase "30 days" in its place ■*■-■;<■'» 


Sec. 1101. Short title. ,. i( ;. : ... . .■ ", : "'_ 

This subtitle may be cited as the^ (t Anti-Deficiency Emergencies and Capital Projects 
Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". - ■■ v. . ,, 

Sec. 1102. Chapter 3 of Title -47. of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 
follows: " - : . ,. ■ . ,...'.. : ; t 

(a) Section 47-355.01 is amended by adding a new paragraph (2A) to read as follows:' > : 

' "(2A) "Emergencies involving the safety of human life or the protection of property" 
does not include ongoing, regular functions of government, the suspension of which would 
hot imminently threaten the safety of human life or the protection of property.". 

(b) Section 47-355.02 is amended as follows: : '..'■<■ r . 

(1) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "agency or fund" and inserting the 
phrase "agency, fund, or capital project" in its place. 

(2) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the phrase "unless authorized by law" and 
, inserting the phrase "unless authorized by law; provided, that this paragraph shall not 

prohibit the acceptance of voluntary services or employment of personal services exceeding 
that authorized by law during emergencies involving the safety of human life or the 
protection of property" in its place, ' ; 

(3) Paragraph (7) is amended by ■striking the word "or" at the end. ,: •'■'.• 

(4) Paragraph (8) is amended by striking the period at the end and inserting the phrase 
'■"; or" in its place. w r ..;.,. ... ■ , ■..;■., 

(5) A new paragraph (9) is added to read as follows: •>.■,<■' ( ■:■. ; \- ; - -. - ... J. 

, "(9) Make or authorize an expenditu^e-or Qbligation for; capital projectfrom another 
. capital project.". , , ,/. r ^hv j • .< ■•■■"■■■',.:■, > 

SUBTITLE Kw [Reserved] i ' 

SUBTITLE L. [Reserved] 



Sec. 2001. Shorttitle. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Unemployment Compensation Additional Benefits Tftist 
Fund Stabilization Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". ; :j ^T 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 2022(b) 

Sec. 2002. An Act To provide for unemployment compensation in the District of Columbia, 
authorize appropriations, and for other purposes, approved August 28, 1935 (49 Stat. 946; 
D.C. Official Code § 51-101 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 3(c)(8)(C) (D.C. Official Code § 51-103(c)(8)(Q) is repealed. 

(b) Section 7(i) (D.C. Official Code § 51-107(i)) is repealed. 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 


Sec. 2021. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Economic Development Special Account Revival 
Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". • 

Sec. 2022. The National Capital Revitalization Corporation and Anacostia Waterfront 
Corporation Reorganization Act of 2008, effective March 26, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-138; D.C. 
Official Code § 2-1225.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 102(g)(3) (D.C. Official Code § 2-1225.02(g)(3)) is amended to read as follows: 
"(3) Operating funds transferred pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited into the 

Economic Development Special Account established by section 301.". 

(b) Section 301 (D.C. Official Code § 2-1225.21) is revived as of September 14, 2011, and 
amended to read as-follows: 

"Sec. 301. Economic Development Special Account. 

"(a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Economic Development Special Account 
("Account"), which shall be used solely for the purposes set forth in this section. 

"(b)(1) Deposits into the Account shall include: 

"(A) All operating funds transferred from the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation 
Enterprise Fund, established by section 114 of the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation Act 
of 2004, effective December 7, 2004 (D.C. Law 15-219; D.C. Official Code § 2-1223.14); 

"(B) All operating funds transferred from the National Capital Revitalization Corpora- 
tion Enterprise Fund, established by section 9 of the National Capital Revitalization 
Corporation Act of 1998, effective September 11, 1998 (D.C. Law 12-144; D.C. Official 
Code § 2-1219.08); 

"(C) All fees, revenues, and other income from real property or other assets formerly 
under the authority of the National Capital Revitalization Corporation ("NCRC") or the 
Anacostia Waterfront Corporation ("AWC"), or any of their subsidiaries, which include 
the RLA Revitalization Corporation, Southwest Waterfront Development Corporation, 
Southwest Waterfront Holdings Corporation, and Economic Development Finance Cor- 

"(D) Funds authorized by an act of Congress, reprogramming, or intra-District 
transfer to be deposited into the Account; 
"(E) Any other monies designated by law to be deposited into the Account; and 
"(F) Interest on money deposited in the Account. 
"(2) Funds deposited into the Account pursuant to this subsection shall be maintained in 
segregated sub-accounts associated with each revenue source as the Chief Financial Officer 
determines necessary. 

"(3) The funds deposited into the Account, and any interest earned on those funds, shall 
not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia 
at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the 
uses and purposes set forth in subsections (c) and (d) of this section without regard to fiscal 
year limitation, subject to authorization by Congress. 

"(c) Monies credited to the Account shall be allocated annually to the Office of the Deputy 
Mayor for Planning and Economic Development in an aggregate amount that is equal to the 


^t: 19-413;, § 2022(b) 19th CounciL Period 

.total deposits and earnings that are estimated to remain unspent in the Account at the end of 
the preceding fiscal year plus all deposits and earnings that are estimated to be received 
during the fiscal year for which the allocation is made. .■ i.( I 

"(d) Monies may be used to pay the costs of operating and administering properties and 
programs under the authority of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, 
including properties and programs formerly operated and administered by the NCRC and the 
AWC, to provide economic development assistance, including the provision. of grants, loans, 
and credit support or enhanceriient, -and to implement other programs, projects, and 
initiatives that: \ 

"(1) Are consistent with' and in furt^ development goals or 

activities of the District; : * : ' ' ''' l '~ ' " : ' ''-^ l ' ,; '"■ : " ' ; ] 

"(2) Further meeting the. requirements of providing jobs for Districts residents/! creating 
. affordable "housing, and restoring the District's waterways, pursuant to Title IV; -% r ; , iK p- 

"(3) Support the development of a workforce intermediary pursuant to section 4Q3r*;Qivv j 

; "(4) Facilitate the implementation of the environmental standards- pursuant to subtitle B 
'ofTitlelV. ■ ;■' ' -.»■;.■.;) t 

"(e)(1) Fees, revenue, and other income.that otherwise would be deposited into the Account 
under this section but that are subject to Community Development Block Grant regulations 
shall, be deposited into a segregated sub-account designated for Community Development 
Block Grant funds arid shall be subject to applicable reporting to the United States 
Department of Housing and Urban Development. 

"(2) The funds in the segregated sub-account shall be included as a segregated line item 
in the budget of the Department of Housing and Community Development that the Mayor 
is required to submit to the Council pursuant to section 442 of the District of Columbia 
; Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 798; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.42), 
and shall be designated for use by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic 
Development, consistent with the requirements of the Community Development Block 
. Grant Program."* 

Sec. 2023. Section 9027(b) of the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Act of 2011, effective 
September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; 58'DCR 6225), is repealed as of September 14, 2011. 


Sec. 2031. Short title. ' \ >J 

This subtitle may be cited as the ''Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development 
Limited Grant-Making Authority Cohgfessional Review Emergency Act of 2012**; , 

■\ Sec. 2032. The Deputy Mayor for Planning! and Economic. Development shall have grant- 
making authority for the purpose of providing: . v . *>•■ 

;; (lj Funds' in support of the Skyland project;-' arid ; \ - y f;,J 

(2) Commercial revitalization services for properties adjacent to the Skyland project. 

Sec. 2033. The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development may make grants 
for fiscal year 2013 as follows: . ,, _.,..-, r^/ 

■■; ;■;■; ;.(1) An amount of $100,000 for sector consultants;- ■,.,.„.:-.,.,. - ,- 

(2) An amount of $350,000 for local business promotion; ' 

: : (3) An amount of $75,000 for regional economic development; 

(4) An amount of $50,000 for the Bank on DC program; \ . , , 

(5) Aii amount of up to $700,000 for the purpose of providing interior tenant improve- 
ment assistance to an entity that agrees to operate a table service restaurant at 3220 
Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E^ also commonly known as the Penn Branch Shopping Center; 

■■ and . ■ ■ n^r^l 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 2132 

(6) An amount of $800,000 for the purpose of providing assistance to a mixed-use 
development located in Ward 7, including 100% affordable housing units supporting former 
Lincoln Heights residents. 

Sec. 2034. The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development shall have grant- 
making authority for the purposes set forth in section 2037(c). 

Sec. 2035. (a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Neighborhood Parade and 
Festival Fund ("Fund"), which shall be administered by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and 
Economic Development, to be used for the purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section. 

(b)(1) Deposits into the Fund shall include: 

(A) Federal funds, if any; and 

(B) Gifts, grants, and donations. 

(2) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at 
the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses 
and purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section without regard to fiscal year 
limitation, subject to authorization by Congress. 

(c) The Fund shall be used for parades, festivals, and any other celebrations sponsored by 
a neighborhood or civic association. 

Sec. 2036. The Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development shall have the 
authority to make grants and issue loans for the creation of affordable housing for District 

SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE F. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE G. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE I. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE J. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE K. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE L. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE M. [Reserved] 

Sec. 2131. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Housing Production and Job Training Funding 
Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2132. Section 1 of An Act Authorizing the sale of certain real estate in the District of 
Columbia no longer required for public purposes, approved August 5, 1939 (53 Stat. 1211; 
D.C. Official Code § 10-801), is amended by adding a new subsection (d-4) to read as follows: 

"(d-4)(l) Notwithstanding subsections (a) through (d) and subsection (e) of this section, the 
Mayor shall dispose of the property located at 35-41 K Street, N.E., designated for tax and 
assessment purposes as Lot 0838 in Square 0675 ("K Street property"), through a solicitation 
to be issued no later than October 1, 2013; provided, that if the contingency set forth in 
paragraph (2)(B) of this subsection is met, the Mayor may dispose of the K Street property 
through a solicitation to be issued no later than October 1, 2013. 

"(2)(A) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the net proceeds from the 

disposition by sale, as authorized by subsection (b)(8) of this section, of the K Street 


Act 19-413, § 2132 19th Council hPeriSd 

property shall be deposited into the Housing Production Trust Fund, established by section 
3 of the Housing Production Trust Fund Act of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 (D:G.r<Eaw 
7-202; D.C. Official Code § 42-2802) ("HPTF"), unless the HPTF has been fully funded 
pursuant to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph and paragraph (3) of this subsection. 

"(B) If, before the K Street property disposition, the Chief Financial Officer certifies 

, that there is revenue available to fund section 10002(a)(4) of the Revised Revenue 

Estimate Contingency Priority List Act of 2012, passed on May 8, 2012 (Enrolled version 

of Bill 19-743) ("priority number 4"), the certified available revenue shall be deposited 

into the HPTF. 

"(3) If, after the K Street property disposition and the deposit of the net proceeds into 
the, HPTF, the Chief Financial Officer certifies that there is revenue' available to fund 
priority number 4, the certified available revenue, less any shortfall of the $18 million 
provided for in priority number 4 that was not deposited into the HPTF, which shall be 
deposited into the HPTF, shall be available to fund NoMa in accordance with priority 
number 4.". 

Sec. .2133. The Chief Financial Officer shall recognize $550,000 of the local funds revenue 
certified for fiscal year 2012 in the revised revenue estimate of the Chief Financial Officer 
dated February 29, 2012 ? as fiscal year 2013 revenue for adult job training under the Office of 
the State Superintendent of Education. 

SUBTITLE O. [Reserved] ^ f . 


Sec. 2151, Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Retail Priority Area 
Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2152. Section 4 of the Retail Incentive Act of 2004, effective September 8, 2004 (D.C. 
Law 15-185; D.C. Official Code § 2-1217.73), is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (b)(2) is amended by striking the phrase "$30 million" and inserting the 
phrase "$25 million" in its place. ' 

(b) A new subsection (b-1) is added to read as follows: 

"(b-1) The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds that may be issued with respect 
to the Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Retail Priority Area, approved by the Council in section 
3(6) of the Great Streets Neighborhood Retail Priority Areas Approval Resolution of 2007, 
effective July 10, 2007 (Res. 17-257; 54 DCR 7194), is increased from $10 milHon to $15 
million. 5 '. . ; >* r w>ti< ■■ ! '' ^ "'-■ ".■ ^~ 


Sec. 2161. Short Title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "H Street NE Retail Priority Areai Incentive Congression- 
al Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". .-.. w--^ ^\ v; 

Sec. 2162. The H Street NE Retail Priority Area Incentive Act 61 2010, effective April 8, 
2011 (D.C, Law 18-704; D.C. Official Code § 1-325.171 et seg.), is amended as, follows: 

(a) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 1-325.171) is amended as follows: -; \ ; ;' 

(1) Paragraph (6) is amended by adding the phrase "or services" after the phrase 

"personal property". ■" 

.".(b)" Section 4 (D.C. Official Code § 1-325.173) is amended as follows: V / " ' ■ 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended to read as follows: 

"(b) Eligible development projects shall include businesses engaged in the sale of home 
furnishings, apparel, books, art, groceries, and general merchandise to specialized customers 
or service-oriented businesses providing a direct service to specialized customers or artistic 
endeavors, such as art galleries, theaters, or performing arts centers. Special consideration 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 3043 

shall be given to businesses that include entrepreneurial and innovative retail elements. 
Eligible retail development projects shall not include liquor stores, restaurants, nightclubs, 
phone stores, or businesses with 20 or more locations in the United States.". 

(2) Subsection (c)(3) is repealed. 

SUBTITLE R. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE S. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE T. [Reserved] 


SUBTITLE A. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE D. [Reserved] 


Sec. 3041. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Office of Unified Communications E-911 Fund Clarifica- 
tion Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 3042. The Emergency and Non-Emergency Number Telephone Calling Systems 
Fund Act of 2000, effective October 19, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-172; D.C. Official Code § 34-1801 
et seq.) t is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 603(a) (D.C. Official Code § 34-1802(a)) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "The Fund shall be funded by a tax imposed under sections 604 
and 604b" and insert the phrase "The Fund shall be funded by a tax imposed under 604, 
604a, and 604b" in its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "All monies deposited into the Fund shall not revert to the General 
/ Fund of the District of Columbia" and insert the phrase "All monies deposited into the 

Fund shall not revert to, or be transferred to, the General Fund of the District of 
Columbia" in its place. 

(b) A new section 604a is added to read as follows: 
"Sec. 604a. Additional revenues. 

"(a) All revenues from the following sources shall be deposited into the Fund: 

"(1) Steam (including arrearage payments) for the Correctional Treatment Facility 
received by the District since October 1, 2007; and 

"(2) Aggregate revenues in excess of $88 million received in any one fiscal year 
beginning on or after October 1, 2012, from fines paid due to automated photo enforcement; 
except, that in fiscal year 2014, it shall be in excess of $92.5 million.". 

Sec. 3043. Funds transfer. 

(a) Section 802(a) of the Fiscal Year 2011 Transfer of Special Purpose Funds Act of .2010, 
effective April 8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-370; 58 DCR 1008), is amended by striking the "472,000" 
transfer from the 911 and 311 Assessment Fund (1630) within the Office of Unified 
Communications (UCO) from the column entitled "FY 2012". 

(b) The source of funding for subsection (a) of this section shall be $472,000 of the local 
funds revenues certified for fiscal year 2012 in the revised revenue estimate of the Chief 
Financial Officer dated February 29, 2012. 


Act 19-413, § 3051 19th (DouhGil^eriaa 



.■:...-.■.■■ % . ■. ■'■.... ..■■■■' ^■rciiir 

Sec. 3051. Short title. * , :: ,;, -<<) 

This subtitle may be cited as the "MPD Fleet Replacement Funding Designation Congres- 
sional Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 3052. The Chief Financial Officer shall" recognize $4,270,000 of the local funds 
revenues certified for fiscal year 2012 in the revised revenue estimate of the Chief Financial 
Officer dated February 29, 2012 as fiscal year 2013 revenue for paygo funds to replace 
Metropolitan Police DepartmentTehicles. < 



Sec. 4001. Short title. . ; "''" , :j:\ '& 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Funding for Public Schools and Public Charter Schools 
Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 20 12"1 

Sec. 4002. The Uniform Per Student Funding Formula, for Public Schools and Public 
Charter Schools and Tax Conformity Clarification Amendment Act of 1998, effective March 
26, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-207; D.C. Official Code § 38-2901 et seq.) 9 is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 104 (D.C. Official Code § 38-2903) is amended by striking the phrase "$8,945 
per student for fiscal year 2012" and inserting the phrase "$9,124 per student for fiscal year 
2013" in its place. ■ , . '. -"'..' 

(b) Section 105 (D.C. Official Code § 38-2904) is amended by striking the tabular array and 
inserting the following chart, in its place: 

1 Grade Level ( 

■., Weighting 

Per Pupil 
Allocation in 

FY 2013 :';" „,..;/: 


;: l34 l ■■-'"-•"■■■ 

$12,226 .':'. . ■.',.'...;':.' ';';.;■ 


1.30,. -...,.. 


.Kindergarten ..'..',... 

.. . : .;.l3q; ,;' ; :: ;:. ; 


Grades 1-3 

1.00; ,,; ;,«,,;,;.-. 


Grades 4-5 


$9,124 , >■ ,: ; 

Grades 6-8 

• 1.03 .,, m ,;^i J( . ?.,,. 

,,,.. .;, .,i- : $&398, ,,,,,„.. .,,, .;.-, 

Grades 9-12 


/ $10,584;; :;,,-■..,:, 

.. Alternative program 


' '7 $16,675 ; ' ' 

Special education school 

: i.i7 \. 

■; '' $lt),675,,,: : ;."'";'" V 

Adult . 


i,; '. $6,843 : ' "'■"'' "''" ' _ ;;i 

(c) Section 106(c) (D.C. Official Code § 38-2905(c)) is amended to read as follows: 
"(c) The supplemental allocations shall be calculated by applying weightings to the founda- 
tion level as follows: ■ 
"General Education Add-ons: > , ■ / >■■-. ,. 

"Level/ Definition Weighting Per Pupil .. ";; 

Program Supplemental * LI1 } 

:, - ■■ ■:,■■■/. . . ■■■■ ..... . -;■.;.■:■ ... ;. , . . .-... ■.. . - , : . FY2Q13 r ' uh 

; "LEP/NEP Limited and non-English profi- 0.45 V , $4,106 r •■ ;.£;u : 

: cient students ; .. . -.• ., . „, .-. .■ .. :..... , . '" ■ ' :;, f :>ii&u'< .: 


2012 Legislation 

Act 19-413, § 4002(c) 




Per Pupil 
FY 2013 

"Summer An accelerated instructional 

program in the summer for stu- 
dents in targeted grade spans 
or grades pursuant to pro- 
motion policies of the District of 
Columbia Public Schools and 
public charter schools 


"Level 4: More than 24 hours per week 
Special which may include instruction in 
Education a self-contained (dedicated) spe- 
cial education school other than 
residential placement 



"Special Education Add-ons: 




Per Pupil 
FY 2013 

"Level 1: 
Special . 

Eight hours or less per week of 
specialized services 



"Level 2: 



More than 8 hours and less than 
or equal to 16 hours per school 
week of specialized services. 



"Level 3: 



More than 16 hours and less 
than or equal to 24 hours per 
school week of specialized ser- 




"Special Weighting provided in addition 
Education to special education level add-on 
Capacity weightings on a per student ba- 
Fund sis for each student identified as 
eligible for special education. 



"Special Weighting provided in addition 
Education to special education level add-on 

Compliance weightings on a per student ba- 
Fund sis for each student identified as 

' eligible for special education. 



"Residential D.C. Public School or public 
charter school that provides stu- 
dents with room and board in a 
residential setting, in addition 

to their instructional program 



"Residential Add-ons 




Per Pupil 
FY 2013 

"Level 1: Additional funding to support 

Special the after-hours level 1 special 

Education — education needs of students liv- 




Act 19-413, § 4002(c) 

19th Council Period 



' Weighting. 

Per Pupil 
FY 2013 

Residential ing in a D.C. Public School or 
public charter school that pro- 
vides students with room and 
board in a ^ residential setting ; 

"Level 2: Additional funding to support 1.360 ; 

Special the after-hours level 2 special : ! ; 

Education — education needs of students liv , -'- , .^' : ? - 

Residential ing in a D.C. Public School or 
public charter school that pro- 
vides students with room and 
board in a residential setting -- - 


"Level 3: Additional funding to support 2.941 

Special the after-hours level 3 special 

Education— ( : education needs of students liv- 
Residential ing in a D.C. Public 1 School or 

public charter school that pro- 
vides students with room and 
' board in a residential setting 


"Level 4: Additional funding to support 2.924 
Special the after-hours level 4 special 
Education— education needs of limited and 

Residential non- English proficient students 
living in a D.C. Public School or 
public charter school that pro- . ., ' 
; vides students with room and , 
, board in a residential setting ,- . 


"LEP/NEP Additional funding to support 0.68 

Residential the after-hours Limited and 

.non-English proficiency needs 

■ : of students living in a D.C. Pub- r 

lie School or public charter 

school that provides students 

with room and board in a resi- 

dential setting . __ 


"Special Education Add-ons for Students with Extended School Year ("ESY") indicated in 
Their Individualized Education Programs' ("IEPs"): 4 




Per Pupil 

1 ' Supplemental ; 
'FY 2013 

"Special Additional funding to support 
Education the summer school/program 
Level! need for students who require' 
ESY extended school year (ESY) ser- 
vices in their IEPs. 



.."Special Additional funding to support 

.Education the summer school/program 
Level 2 ■ need for students who require 
ESY extended school year (ESY) ser- 
vices in their IEPs 



"Special ' Additional funding to support 0.500 

Education the summer school/program 



2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 4022(b) 

"Level/ Definition Weighting Per Pupil 

Program Supplemental 

• FY 2013 

Level 3 need for students who require 

ESY extended school year (ESY) ser- 
vices in their IEPs ^__ 

"Special Additional funding to support 0.497 $4,535". 

Education the summer school/program 

Level 4 , need for students who require 

ESY extended school year (ESY) ser- 
vices in their IEPs ; ' 

Sec. 4003. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the District of Columbia Public 
Schools may make competitive grants to charitable organizations for fiscal year 2013 as 

(1) An amount of $100,000 for a journalism mentorship program in the District of 
Columbia Public. Schools; and 

(2) An amount of $100,000 for a mathematics literacy program in the District of 
Columbia Public Schools. 

(b) Notwithstanding the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula for Public Schools and 
Public Charter Schools Act of 1998, effective March 26, 1999 (D.C. Law 12-207; D.C. Official 
Code § 38-2901 et seq.), and the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved 
April 26, 1996 (Pub. L. No.104-134; D.C. Official Code § 38-1800.01), the allocations 
described in subsection (a) of this section shall not be construed to create an obligation to 
provide additional funding to any local education agency except the District of Columbia 
Public Schools. 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 

Sec, 4021. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Books and Other Library Materials Account Congres- 
sional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". t 

Sec. 4022. An Act To establish and provide for the maintenance of a free public library 
and reading room in the District of Columbia, approved June 3, 1896 (29 Stat. 244; D.C. 
Official Code § 39-101 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Section 7 (D.C. Official Code § 39-107) is amended by striking the phrase " into the 
unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia" and inserting the 
phrase "into the Books and Other Library Materials Account, established by section 14" in its 

(b) A new section 14 is added to read as follows: 

"Sec. 14. Books and Other Library Materials Account. 

"(a) There is established as a nonlapsing account the Books and Other Library Materials 
Account ("Account") into which shall be deposited: 

"(1) All receipts from the sale of used books and other library materials; 

"(2) Proceeds from the sale of library-related merchandise; 

"(3) Gifts, grants, and donations designated for collections; and 

"(4) Such amounts as may be appropriated for books and other library materials. 

"(b) The Account shall be used solely for the purpose of procuring books and other library 
materials, including compact disks, electronic materials, or other records and materials, to • 
, maintain and enhance the collection of the District of Columbia Public Library. 


Act 19-413, § 4022(b) 19th Council, Perifid 

"(c) All funds deposited into the Account, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the 
end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses and 
purposes set forth in subsection (b) of this section without regard to, fiscal year Hmita;tiqri, 
subject to authorization from Congress.". , " 7,^" 


Sec. 4031. Short title. . : .' ; JV '7 ( / , ,' 7 7 

This subtitle may be cited as the "University of the District of Columbia Right-Sizing 7 Elan 
Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". ■ >r ,«w/ 

SeCi 4032. University of the District of Columbia Right- Sizing Plan. 

(a) By October 1, 2012, the University of the District of Cblumloi^ 

transmit to the Council a right-sizing plan that has been approved by the Board .<*f Trustees 
and outlines the steps that the University shall take, starting in fiscal year 2013, to bring the 
University's costs, staff, and faculty size in line with other comparable public universities. 
The University shall develop this plan in consultation with the Deputy Mayor for Education. 
Consistent with preserving and enhancing the mission of the University, the plan shall 

(1) A vision for the University of the District of Columbia system that explains the 
mission, roles, responsibilities, and scope of the flagship university, the community college, 
and the law school, and how they relate to each other; 

■ (2) An enrollment plan that sets forth reasonable enrollment projections for the next 5 
years based on recent enrollment trends and includes an analysis of potential student 
demand for the flagship university and community college; 

(3) An analysis of all academic programs that identifies under-enrolled and under- 
performing programs and an associated timeline and plan for improving or eliminating 
those programs; , 

(4) A compensation market analysis to determine appropriate compensation levels for 
staff and faculty and a strategy and timeline to bring salaries and wages in line with these 

(5) An analysis of current and planned facilities and a revised capital spending plan that 
reflects the University's actual enrollment size and realistic enrollment projections; ;i l' 

(6) A tuition analysis and timeline to bring tuition more in line with actu'al' cbsts 
associated with a student's education, with particular emphasis on the non-District resident 
tuition rates, including the metro-area resident rate; and v - Jmv; 

(7) A staff and faculty reduction strategy and timeline, including an assessment of the 
initial and subsequent budgetary impacts of implementing this strategy. '. ■■■; 

(b) For the purposes of developing the right-sizing plan reiciuifed by this section, tlife 
University shall use, in consultation with the Board of Trustees, any remaining funds from 
the $500,000 allocated to support the development of a transition plan for an independent 
community college pursuant to section 4704 of the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Act of 
2011, effective September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-021;: 58 DCR 6226). ".■, , 


Sec.4041. Shorttitle, ^ 

This subtitle may be cited as the "University of the District of Columbia Community 
College Autonomy Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". :« ;} iJ 

Sec. 4042. University of the District of Columbia Community College Autonomy iY 

(a) By November 1, 2012, the University of the District of Columbia shall transmit <t6) J the 
Middle States Commission on Higher Education a request for approval of a substantive 
change to reclassify the University of the District of Columbia Community Collegers ; a. 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 4052 

Branch Campus of the University of the District of Columbia. A copy of this request shall 
also be transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia. 

(b) By October 1, 2012, the Chief Executive Officer of the University of the District of 
Columbia Community College shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the 
Community College and shall have direct spending authority over the Community College 
budget, identified as Division (8000) in the University of the District of Columbia operating 
budget and shall regularly report directly to the Board of Trustees, or a subcommittee of the 
Board of Trustees respecting the affairs of the Community College. 


Sec. 4051. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "District of Columbia School Reform Congressional 
Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 4052. The District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 26, 01996 
(110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 38-1800.01 et seq.), is amended by adding a new section 
2214a to read as follows: 

"Sec. 2214a. Charter schools admissions task force. 

"(a) There is established a task force that shall study providing a neighborhood preference 
in charter school admissions for the 2013-2014 school year. The task force shall consist of: 

"(1). The following 5 government officials, or their designees, the: 

"(A) Chairman of the Public Charter School Board; 

"(B) Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia; 

"(C) State Superintendent of Education; 

"(D) Deputy Mayor for Education; and 

"(E) Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools; and 
"(2) The following nongovernment members: 

"(A) Two representatives from charter support organizations; 

"(B) A representative from the education department of a national research organiza- 

"(C) A representative from a national charter school organization; 

"(D) Two charter school leaders selected by the Public Charter School Board Chair; 

"(E) A labor representative. 

"(b) The task force shall: 

"(1) Be chaired by the Chairman of the Public Charter School Board, or his or her 

"(2) Meet at an agreed to location as often as determined necessary by the Chairman of 
the task force; 

"(3) Explore the feasibility of offering a neighborhood preference in charter school 
admissions for the 2013-2014 school year; and 

"(4) By September 1, 2012, submit a report to the Council of its findings, which shall 

"(A) Consideration of the various ways in which a neighborhood preference can be 
designed, including: 

"(i) The pros and cons of a weighted lottery; 

"(ii) Setting aside of a certain percentage of new seats; 

"(iii) A geographically limited preference; and 

"(iv) A preference based on rankings in a city-wide application process; 

"(B) A definition of neighborhood for the purpose of setting boundaries in admissions; 


Act 19-413, ■§" 4052 19th Council P<MM 

."(C) An examination of models that are being used in other jurisdictions and evalua!- 
tion of their applicability to the District; and ■■■•m- 

"(D) Recommendations based on its findings.". ; 


"Sec. 4061. Short title, = . " . / : - i 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Healthy Schools Congressional Review Emergency 
Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 4062. The Healthy Schools Act of 2010,' effective bctobor 26, ! £011 (D.& Law 19-37; 
D.C. Official Code § 38-821.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: 
: (a) Section . 102 (D.C. Official Code § 38-821.02) is- amended as fallows: , 

(1) Subsection (c) is amended as follows: .:'.-..■, v 

■(A)" Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "and participating private 
schools", and inserting the phrase "participating private schools, and organizations 
participating in the Summer Food Service Program" in its place. ; u: ' 

(B) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the phrase "40 cents for each lunch;, meal 
,. .. . served to students who qualify for reduced-price meals" and inserting the phrasg,"40 

cents for each lunch meal that meets the requirements of sections 202, and 2Q3, ! pd 1 ..fe 
served to students who qualify for reduced-price meals" in its place. , ].. , ' ''■' 

(C) Paragraph (4) is amended to read as follows: ■ ,. 

"(4) To provide resources to implement the brealtfast-in-the-classroom program under 
section 203(a)(2), the Office of the State Superintendent of Education shall provide a one- 
time subsidy of $7 per student to new public schools, new public charter schools, and new 
private schools that have not previously received the funds and that participate in the 
National School Lunch Program, in which more than 40% of students qualify for free or 
reduced-price meals.". 

(2) Subsection (e) is amended by striking the phrase "do not meet the requirements" and 
inserting the phrase "do not meet any or all of the requirements" in its place., 

(3) Subsection (g) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase ", and to 
further improve health, wellness, and nutrition in schools." in its place. 

(b) Section 202(b)(l)(C)(ii) (D.C. Official Code § 38-822.02(b)(l)(C)(ii)) is amended by 
striking the phrase "August 1, 2020" and inserting the phrase "July 1, 2022" in its place. 

(c) Section 203(c) (D.C. Official Code § 38-822.03(c)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"are encouraged to" and inserting the word "shall" in its place. ; J 

(d) Section 204(c) (D.C. Official Code § 38»822.04(c)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"The Department of Real Estate Services" and inserting the phrase "The Department of 
General Services" in its place. 

, (e) Section 205 (D.C. Official Code § 38-322.05) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a)(3) is amended by striking the phrase "; and" and inserting the phrase 
, "if requested by parents and legal guardians; and" in its place. , ,„ : ,> 

(2) Subsection (b)(1) is amended as follows:; ;,■ ,,-,,- \ :i . ; , ;., v : 
(A) The lead-in language is amended by striking the word "p,ost" ;and ( inserting the 

word "provide" in its place. ' :m;h;;< ); ;:: 

■.j- , (B) Subparagraph (A) is amended by striking the word; "and"; ■- ^ n : ) ( ■ \..- 

.(C) Subparagraph (B) is amended as follows: - -l ■■■:■; ■ ■ ■■■ 

. (i) Strike the word "Online" and insert the phrase "Online 1 ," in its place. ; 
(ii) Strike the period and insert the phrase "; and" in its place. 

(D) A hew subparagraph (C) is added to read as follows: 

"(C) To 'parents and legal guardians upon .request.".' "■■■.'; - 

< ■'■' (f) Section 206(b) (D.C. Official Code § 38-822.06(b)) is amended as follows: ; '< !l 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 4062(g) 

(1) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the word "and". 

(2) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; and" its 

(3) A new paragraph (5) is added to read as follows: 
"(5) Food not consumed or marketed to students.". 

(g) A new section 301a is added to read as follows: 

"Sec. 301a. Comprehensive food services plan. 

"(a) Before February 15, 2013, the City Administrator shall transmit to the Council and to 
the Healthy Schools and Youth Commission a comprehensive food services plan that shall 

"(1) A plan to reduce the cost of providing food services in the District of Columbia 
Public Schools ("DCPS"), without reducing the quality, taste, or nutritional standards of the 
food being served, including an: 

"(A) Examination of how similar jurisdictions provide food services in schools; 

"(B) Explanation of the cost drivers in the DCPS food services program; 

"(C) Accounting of: 

(i) The local funds subsidies (net losses) required by federal programs -for each year 
since fiscal year 2007, including the total subsidy per year and the subsidy per meal 
served per year; 

"(ii) Whether the District has received all of the rebates, credits, and other funds 
owed by its current food-service vendors; 

"(D) An evaluation of whether preparing meals internally without an 'outside vendor 
would reduce costs; and 

"(E) An implementation plan and timeline for the DCPS food services program to 
become cost-neutral; 

"(2) An analysis of the efficiencies and savings that could be gained by combining the 
food services programs in: 

"(A) The Department of Corrections; 

"(B) The Department of Human Services; ' . 

"(C) The Department of Mental Health; 

"(D The Department of Parks and Recreation; 

"(E) The District of Columbia Public Schools; 

"(F) The Office of Aging; and 

"(G) Other agencies; 

"(3) An analysis of whether a centralized food services program could offer public 
charter schools the opportunity to purchase meals from it, instead of from a private vendor; 

"(4) An analysis of how the District's food service programs can become more sustaina- 

"(b) The Office of Planning shall be assisted in preparing the plan required by subsection 
(a) of this section by the: 

"(1) District of Columbia Public Schools; 

"(2) Office of the State Superintendent of Education; 

"(3) Department of General Services; 

"(4) Mayor's Office of Budget and Finance; 

"(5) Council's Budget Office; 

"(6) Office of the Chief Financial Officer; and 

"(7) City Administrator.". 


Act 19-413, § 4062(h) 19th Council, Period 

(h) Section 303 (D.C. Official Code § 38-823.03) is amended by striking the < phrase 
"September 30" and inserting the phrase "June 30" in its place. , ^ 

(i) A new section 402a is added to read as follows: ■ / ; ..-,^[< ■ 

"Sec. 402a. Interscholastic athletics plan. , c- 

"(a) On or before February 15, 2013, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education 
shall transmit to the Council a strategic plan for increasing access to, participation in, and the 
quality of an interscholastic athletics program in District of Columbia Public Schools' : and 
public charter schools by the 2014-2015 school year. - IJ 

"(b) The strategic plan shall include a description df: , ( , -,:■■" 

"(1) The level of programs needed to ensure greater access to interscholastic athletics; 
"(2) The resources required to operate a robust interscholastic athletics program 
throughout the public schools; 4 :.-.., ;.'.■;■ 

"(3) How District facilities may be better utilized to provide for interscholastic athletics; 
"(4) The effect of a robust athletics program on student health and community involve- 
ment.". . : 

Q) Section 501 (D.O. Official Code § 38-825.01) is amended as follows: :i " i: 

(1) Subsection (a) is amended as follows; ., ;,;^ -, i( i 

(A) The lead-in language 1 is amended by striking the phrase "Office bfPublic Edu- 
cation Facilities Modernization" 'and inserting the 

Services" in its place. ' h, : =, 

■(B) Subparagraph (H)is amended by striking the word "and" at the 6nd. '^ '" 

(C) Subparagraph (I) is amended by striking thfe period and inserting the phrase "; 
and" in its place. ...^ -;,;;; ;; ;.. : , ....,,:■ 

(D) A new subparagraph (J) is added to rdad as follows: ' ' : -v 
"(J) Establish a composting program in the District of Columbia Public Schools.". 

(2) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "December 31, 2010" and inserting 
the phrase "December 31, 2012" in its place. ^r 

(3) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the phrase "December 31, 2011" and inserting 
the phrase "December 31, 2012" in its place. 

(k). Section 503(a)(1) (D.C. Official Code § 38-825.03(a)(l)) is amended by striking the 
phrase "Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization" and inserting the, phrase 
"Department of General Services" in its place. 

(I) Section 603 (D.C. Official Code. § 38-826.03) is amended as follows: 
(1) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the phrase "Office of Public Education 

Facilities Modernization" and inserting the phrase "Department of General Service?" in its 

place. '■ ' .. v :. ■ ' -<^f- 

■;■■■■ (2) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the phrase "December ;3l, 2011" and inserting 
the phrase "December 31, 2012" in its place, : / ^ .::;.-- .■■.; ..;■' 

(m) Section 602(d) (D.C. Official Code § 38-826.02(d)) is amended by striking the number 

"14" and inserting the number "30" in its place. ' .,..; A ,.-, - - > , } .-,■. ,■ - *; - 
(n) Section 701(c) (D.C. Official Code § 38-827.01(c)) is amended by, striking the phrase 

"September 30" and inserting the phrase "November 30" in its place/ i; : t 

Sec. 4063. Applicability. /■; . t ,-.. 

This subtitle shall apply as of June 20, 2012. . , ■ .-, ■■ . ■ : : \ ..-. ,. . : , ■ ; ; 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] ->,;■»■■ 


Sec. 4081. Short title. J ^ 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Charter Schoor Relocation .Assistance" Congressional 
Review Emergency Act of 2012". , ■-. /,■>" 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 5012 

Sec. 4082. The Deputy Mayor for Education may provide a grant of up to $500,000 in 
fiscal year 2013 to a high school chartered under the District of Columbia School Reform Act 
of 1995, effective April 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 38-1800.01 et seq.\ that 
is co-located with a public high school that must relocate because of the renovation of the 
public high school. 



Sec. 5001. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Department of Mental Health Enterprise Fund 
Establishment Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 5002. The Department of Mental Health Establishment Amendment Act of 2001, 
effective December 18, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-56; D.C. Official Code § 7-1131.01 et seq.), is 
amended by adding a new section 115f to read as follows: 

"Sec 115f. Department of Mental Health Enterprise Fund. 

"(a) There is established as a nonlapsing fund the Department of Mental Health Enter- 
prise Fund ("Fund") into which shall be deposited all fees, proceeds, and revenues collected 
from the activities and operations of a food cafeteria managed and operated by the 
Department of Mental Health to serve department staff and patients on the Saint Elizabeths 
Hospital campus, which funds shall be used only for the management and operation of the 
food cafeteria. 

(b) All funds deposited into the Fund, and any interest earned on those funds shall not 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the 
end of a fiscal year, or of any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses and 
purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this section without regard to fiscal year limitation, 
subject to authorization by Congress.". 


Sec. 5011. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Reporting Requirements Congressional Review Emer- 
gency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 5012. Department of Mental Health reporting requirements. 

(a) By October 1, 2012, the Department of Mental Health ("Department") shall submit to 
the Council: 

(1) A plan to expand, by the beginning of fiscal year 2014, the Juvenile Behavioral 
Diversion Program, which serves youth who have been classified as Persons In Need of 
Supervision, including: 

(A) A timetable.for the expansion of the program; 

(B) A list of the services that will be provided to youth as a result of the expansion; 

(C) An estimated budget for the expansion of the program; 

(2) A report on efforts to implement policies and procedures to allow mental-health 
providers to become credentialed with various payors, such as through a national creden- 
tialing organization as authorized by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, to 
approve providers certified by the Department; 

(3) An update on the Department's compliance with the exit criteria set forth in the 
LaShawn v. Gray Consent Decree, including: 

(A) A fiscal year 2013 plan of action; and 

(B) A fiscal year 2013 spending plan; 


Act 19-413, § 5012 19th Council, Peiiifld 

' (4) A report on the recruitment and retention of nurses at Saint Elizabeths Hospital, 
'including: . ., , , ,_ i : >c } ,^ { 

(A) Efforts undertaken during fiscal year 2012 to fill vacancies; *' '' . ' " ' ' '/ ' r,i '"'! 

(B) A recruitment and retention plan for fiscal year 2013; . ■ .'.■', ' ',- 1 '.' r 

(C) Any barriers to filling the vacant positions; and 

(D) Any impact on the proposed fiscal year 2013 budget if the vacant positions are not 

(5) A report on the implementation of the Department of Mental Health Nurse Training 
Program, as established by the Department of Mental Health Nurse Training Program 
Amendment Act of 2012, signed by the Mayor on June 22, 2012 (D.C.Act 19-385; 59 DCR 
\ 8025); and ' ' ^v: -)H 

"' (6) A report on the appropriate number of core service agencies to serve the population. 

(b) By December 31, 2012, the Department shall submit to the Council a report on 'the 
progress of Saint Elizabeths Hospital in meeting conditions required by the Department' of 
Justice settlement agreement, including 1 the fiscal year 2013 spending plan to ; meet* the 
required conditions. ■" . < ■'= ■ ' v &' r: -' "- ■'•*•' 7 ' - ■■'-'■--" -^ 

Sec. 5013. Department of Health reporting "requirements; -■ - ; " "■■■'■ ' : ;^ ; : ■'< . c 

.-■■ ' By October 1, 2012, the Department of Health ("DOH") shall submit to the Council: 

' ' (1) A plan to establish a professional development program for DOH employees, ■■whiiih 
includes, at a minimum, tuition assistance or provides for remote learning, with institutions 
of higher learning within the District to prepare DOH employees for advancement to 
management positions within DOH; . ' 

(2) A report on all federal grants for which DOH has received authority to carry over 
prior year funds into fiscal year 2013, including! ' ' 

(A) The amount of the carryover; .-'.■]. ■.,.'-'. 

(B) A spending plan for the carryover; and : ■.. 

(C) The employee responsible for the grant; ! ' V 

(3) An update on efforts to resolve any issues raised in the fiscal year 2010 single state 
audit, including any additional steps necessary to resolve the issue in fiscal year 2013 
related to the: 

(A) Women, Infants, and Children program; ' .-■• r ■ < ; ,- >■■->. < 

(B) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS program; ' 

(C) HIV emergency relief grants; and 

(D) HIV Care Formula Grant; ^ . 

; ' '(4) A report on the District's participation in the AIDS 2012 conference and action, plans 
for fiscal year 2013 based on deliverables as identified during the conference; ' ' iX] - ! 

J " (5) A report on the HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Administrytion's 
compliance with the recommendations from the 2011 audit by the U.S. Department of 

Housing and Urban Development ("HUD audit") on the District's Housing Opportunities 
for Persons with AIDS program, which shall 4riclude^tKe^acti6ns> taken .in fiscal ye'ar 2012 
and plans for fiscal year 2013 to resolve all conperns ( outlined in 3 theHXJD' audita including 
those expressed in the findings; j >1L ,. 

(6) A report on action taken in fiscal year 2012 ^planned for fiscal year 2013 ; to\ resolve 
any outstanding issues as identified by the U.S. Department .of Health and Human 
Services, Health Resources Services Administration ("HRSA") surrounding the ' manage- 
ment of HRSA federal grant awards regarding HIV/AIDS; \ ' ' "'-I^i 

(7) An update on efforts undertaken in fiscal year 2012 and planned for fiscal year 2013 
to train providers to appropriately bill Medicaid for substance-abuse services approved^ as 
part of the State Plan Amendment ("SPA"), approved in March 2012, including any barriers 
to the implementation of the SPA; ,..,/. s-, \ 

(8) An update on efforts to identify and obtain additional local, grant, or federal funding 
for tobacco-control programs during fiscal year 2013; <; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 5015 

(9) A report on the DOH's efforts to fully implement the Health Care Facilities 
Improvement Amendment Act of 2010, effective April 29, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-145; 57 DCR 
1834), including a fiscal year action plan; 

(10) A report on the implementation of the medical marijuana program, including the 
status of each cultivation center licensee and each dispensary licensee; and 

(11) A report on mosquito abatement efforts planned for fiscal year 2013, including an 
action plan, delineated by ward, along with a fiscal year spending plan. 

Sec. 5014. Department of Health Care Finance reporting requirements. 

By October 1, 2012, the Department of Health Care Finance ("Department") shall submit 
to the Council: 

(1) A report on efforts to allow behavioral-health providers to bill for communications 
between a provider and any party determined by that provider to be necessary to make a 
diagnosis or to develop and implement a treatment plan; 

(2) A report on the Department's compliance with the findings set forth in the November 
2011 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services report regarding the District's manage- 
ment and oversight of the Home and Community Based Services Intellectual Disabili- 
ties/Developmental Disabilities waiver, including a fiscal year 2013 action plan to resolve 
any outstanding issues and a timetable to ensure the timely submission of all compliance 
reports required during fiscal year 2013; 

(3) The status of the rebasing of nursing home-provider rates, including a timeline for 
implementation during fiscal year 2012 and any impact on the approved fiscal year 2013 

(4) A report on the status of the Department's enrollment and updated enrollment 
v projections for fiscal year 2013; 

(5) A report on the feasibility of basing reimbursement rates for mental-health services 
provided to both children and adults, on the acuity level of the consumer, including the 
potential budgetary impact of adopting this rate system in fiscal year 2013 and beyond; 

(6) A report on the feasibility and structure for requiring D.C. Health Care Alliance 
beneficiaries to contribute toward their premium payments based on their income levels; 

(7) A report on the status of all state plan amendments submitted to the federal 
government during fiscal year 2012 and proposed for fiscal year 2013, including for each: 

(A) The date, or the anticipated date, of submission; 

(B) The date, or anticipated date, of approval; 

(C) A descriptive narrative of the changes outlined in the state plan amendment; and 

(D) An analysis of the impact of each state plan amendment on the fiscal year 2013 
budget; and 

(8) A report on the feasibility and structure for requiring co-pays for certain Medicaid 

Sec. 5015. Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services reporting 

By October 1, 2012, the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services 
("DMHHS") shall submit to the Council: 

(1) A report on all efforts undertaken by DMHHS in fiscal year 2012 and plans for fiscal 
year 2013, including a spending plan, to coordinate cluster agency actions to enable the 
District to exit the remaining consent decrees; 

(2) A recommendation on how to transition the Medicaid program to entirely a Fee-for- 
Service program, which shall include, at minimum: 

(A) The rationale for the recommendation, including supporting data and information; 

(B) If appropriate and feasible, a comprehensive transition plan, with a timetable, for 
the transition to an entirely Fee-for-Service program; ■ 


Act 19-413, § 5015 19th Council P<Mftd 

(3) A recommendation on instituting a Health Care Navigator program within the 
Department of Health Care Finance to assist individuals with high utilization rated to 
better manage their care; ,;^;l 

(:4) A recommendation on whether individuals with diagnoses of mental health • issues, 
with HIV/AIDS, who are chronically homeless, or who are developmental^ disabled^ or 
t ; victims of domestic violence should be given priority consideration for housing provided 
through the Housing Production Trust Fund, which shall include, at minimum: /: l tJ ,. 

(A) The rationale for the recommendation, including supporting data and information; 

(B) A plan to implement priority consideration for housing through the Housing 
Production Trust Fund; " ''" 

(5) A recommendation regarding the creation of a truancy reduction committee in every 
public school to reduce truancy and related behavioral health issues; 

(6) A report on the coordination of care for individuals with mental health issues and co- 
occurring chronic diseases, including: ; 

; (A) Information on the systems currently in place to track the coordination of services 
across different agencies, providers, and networks; 

(B) A plan of action developed jointly with other District government, agencies, to 
provide appropriate and timely services to these individuals; : and,; .-,;.'■. 

(C) A spending plan for fiscal year 2013 that identifies areas in which coordination for 
i . " ■ co-occurring conditions can take place; and , ■■*;>■,:;[ 

(7) A report on the feasibility of requiring all providers that receive a payment for 
,, healthcare services to agree to, the most favored nation status; which requires a provider to 

grant the District the lowest rate for a service that they accept from any other insurance 
. carrier, which includes: . ( .-. ; 

■■.':• (A) A delineation of adopting this policy for each of the agencies within the DMHHS 
, :'., cluster; , t - 

(B) Recommendations for implementing this requirement in fiscal year 2013 and 
';■:.':■■ beyond; and 

, (C) Any savings associated with the adoption of this policy across the agencies. 
Sec. 5016. Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation reporting requirements. 

By October 1, 2012, the Not>-For-Profit Hospital Corporation shall submit to the Council a 
detailed work plan to implement a navigator program at the Not-For-Profit < Hospital 
Corporation to assist patients with diabetes, including those with co-occurring .illnesses, in 
accessing appropriate treatment and care, which shall include: 

(1) A scope of work for the program and each navigator; 

, : , (2) The goals for the program as a whole and for le^h.^yiga^rj^d , t ,■ [Vi 

(3) 'A detailed spending plan for fiscal year 2013. ' ,\ oj><<>- 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] v 5 

: SUBTITLE D. [Reserved] ° ''/', ^'/^ ^/T" ;".'''. ^ ; 

SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] 


Sec. 5051. Short title. , ■,;., 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Health Navigation Coordination Congressional Review 
Emergency Act of 2012". ; 

Sec. 5052. (a) By January 1, 2013, the Department of Health shall enter into a memoran- 
dum of understanding with the Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation ■ ("NPHC") for the 
transfer of at least $285,000 from the Diabetes Control Program within the Community 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 5102 

Health Administration for the purpose of implementing a navigator program at the NPHC to 
assist pat'ients with diabetes, including those with co-occurring illnesses, in accessing appro- 
priate treatment and care. 

(b) The completion of the memorandum of understanding described in subsection (a) of this 
section shall be contingent upon the submission of a work plan for the funding to the Council 
and the Department of Health by October 1, 2012. 

SUBTITLE G. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE I. [Reserved] 


Sec. 5091. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Restoration of DC HealthCare Alliance Congressional 
Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 5092. Revenue from rebasing recognized. 

Of the revenues collected during fiscal year 2012 as the result of the rebasing of District-, 
owned nursing homes, $5,300,000 shall be deposited in the Healthy DC and Health Care 
Expansion Fund established by section 15b of the Hospital and Medical Services Corporation 
Regulatory Act of 1996, effective March 2, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-192; D.C. Official Code 
§ 31-3514.02), to fund the preservation of hospital-based services as a part of managed care 
contracts within the DC HealthCare Alliance, established pursuant to the Health Care 
Privatization Amendment Act of 2001, effective July 12, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-18; D.C. Official 
Code § 7-1401 et seq.), in fiscal year 2013. 


Sec. 5101. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Housing for Homeless Families Congressional Review 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 5102. The Homeless Services Reform Act of 2005, effective October 22, 2005 (D.C. 
Law 16-35; D.C. Official Code § 4-751.01 et $eq.), i& amended by adding a new section 8b to 
read as follows: 

"Sec. 8b. Fiscal years 2012 and 2013 rapid re-housing. 

"(a)(1) Beginning in June 2012, the Department shall identify at least 200 homeless families 
from hotels, motels, severe-weather shelters, temporary shelters, or transitional housing, and 
ensure that at least 100 of these families are placed in or are residing in apartment-style 
housing units that meet the requirements of the Rent Supplement Program, established by 
section 26a of the District of Columbia Housing Authority Act, effective March 2, 2007 (D.C. 
Law 13-105; D.C. Official Code § 6-226) by before September 30, 2012. 

"(2) By October 1, 2012, the Department shall ensure that all homeless families that 
were residing in hotels or motels have been placed into shelter or housing. 

"(3) Placements made by the Department pursuant to subjection (a) of this section shall 
be done in coordination with the District of Columbia Housing Authority ("DCHA"). The 
Department shall develop rules for selecting homeless families that will be converted onto 
the Rent Supplement Program's tenant-based vouchers and submit them to Council within 
45-days of the approval of this act. 

"(4) Once there are vacancies in temporary shelters, severe-weather shelters, or transi- 
tional housing, the Department shall use all available resources currently budgeted for 
homeless families to place new family-shelter applicants who cannot access other housing* 
arrangements, as defined in section 7(c)(4) into shelters or housing. 


Act 19-413, § 5102 19th Council, Period 

* "(b) Beginning in fiscal year 2013, and for each fiscal year thereafter, an additional $4 
million shall be included in the DCHA Subsidy to provide tenant-based rental assistance to 
between 200 and 300 eligible families in accordance with the Rent Supplement ProgrSLm^ 
established by section 26a of the District of Columbia Housing Authority Act of 1999, effective 
March 2, 2007 (D.C. Lawl6-192; D;C. Official Code § 6-226), DCHA shall provide tenapt- 
based rental assistance through the Rent Supplement Program to all famiHesJpla^e^m 
housing pursuant to subsection (a) of this section who meet the eligibility criteria establislieo! 
. for sponsor-based housing assistance under the Rent Supplement Program, set forth in 
section 9508 of Title 14 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (14 DCMR 
§ 9508).". 


Sec. 5111. Shorttitle. : ]; : ' ' .'" 'VWV f - r- ' ■ r ■ "^ . 

This subtitle may be cited a& the "DC HealthCare Alliance Preservation Congressional 
Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". j - j ; ^ 

: ' . Sec. 5112. Section 7(c) of the Health Care Privatization Amendment Act of 2001, effective 
July 12, 2001 (D.C. Law 14-18; D.C. Official Code § 7-1405(c)), is amended as follows: 

(a) Designate the existing text as paragraph (1). 

(b) The newly designated paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "insurance laws, 
a health" and inserting the phrase "insurance laws and subject to paragraph (2) of .this 
subsection, a health" in its place. f(V ., 

(c) A new paragraph (2) is added to read as follows: . 

"(2) A contract between the District of Columbia and a health maintenance organizatipn 
or a managed care organization that provides health care services to persons enrolled in, the 
DC HealthCare Alliance shall, for fiscal year 2013, include coverage for all services, 
including hospital-based services, being provided to DCHealth Care Alliance enrollees as of 
January 1, 2012; provided, that for fiscal year 2013; the Department of Health Care 
Finance shall have the authority to exclude coverage for those hospital-based emergency 
services that are eligible for Medicaid reimbursement under 8 U.S.C. § 1611(b)(1)(A), , 42 
, U.S.C. 1396b(v)(3), and 42 C.F.R. § 440.255(c).". '" ' "V^ 

SUBTITLE M. [Reserved] : 

SUBTITLE N. [Reserved] 


■SeCv514L Shorttitle. ■..---/, ^; v-iv o ■ -/ ' .'■'..'■ •',■ -V. ■ ' '< . -\ 

_ This subtitle may be cited as the "South CajsitblS^^ 

Emergency Amendment Act Funding Designation Act ;6J^B12 >.',';' ' : ' ; ; "■' .; '" 

Sec. 5142. (a) Beginning on June 1, 2012, unspent fiandsirpni Medicaid underrenrollment, 
calculated on a fiscal year basis, shall be set aside in a fund to offset the costs to implement 
the South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act of 2012; 'effective June 7, 2012 (D:(t Law 
19-141; 59 DCR 3083) ("South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act"). '' ; ' , - i 

(b) This section shall not be applicable if and when the South Capitol Street; Memorial 
Amendment Act is fully funded, as certified by the Chief Financial Officer, either by the 
terms of this section or pursuant to section 10002 of the Revised Revenue Estimate 
Contingency Priority List Act of 2012, sighed by the Mayor oh June 22, 2012 (D.C.Act 19^385; 
59 DCR 8025). ^ ^ 


Sec. 5151. Shorttitle, , , ...... ^n* 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 6063 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Medical Assistance Program Congressional Review 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 5152. Section 1(a) of An Act to enable the District of Columbia to receive Federal 
financial assistance under title XIX of the Social Security Act for a medical assistance 
program, and for other purposes, approved December 27, 1967 (81 Stat. 744; D.C. Official 
Code § l-307.02(a)), is amended by adding a new paragraph (6) to read as follows: 

"(6) Review and approval by the Council of the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget and Financial 
Plan shall constitute the Council review and approval required by paragraph (2) of this 
subsection of any modification or waiver to the state plan required to: 

"(A) Update the diagnosis-related group ("DRG") grouper the agency uses to pay 
hospitals for inpatient care and other characteristics of the reimbursement system, such 
as base rates, DRG weights, outlier thresholds and transfer policy to adjust the average 
payment to cost ratio for inpatient care at DRG hospitals from 114% to 98%. 

"(B) Update the reimbursement methodology model to one based on acuity for 
Intermediate Care Facilities for the Intellectually Disabled. 

"(C) Exclude the cost of therapies, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, 
and speech therapy, from the calculation of the nursing and resident care component of 
the nursing home rate. 

"(D) Transition beneficiaries to the replenishing pharmacy network for antiretroviral 

SUBTITLE Q. [Reserved] 


SUBTITLE A. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE D. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE F. [Reserved] 


Sec. 6061. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "District Department of Transportation Policy Compendi- 
um Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 6062. Policy compendium. 

(a) On or before September 30, 2013, the District Department of Transportation shall 
prepare a policy compendium listing all of the agency's policies and procedures that affect the 
management of the transportation network and public space. 

(b) The District Department of Transportation shall make the policy compendium available 

Sec. 6063. Reports. 

On or before October 1, 2012, January 1, 2013, April 1, 2013, and July 1, 2013, the District 
Department of Transportation shall submit a report to the Council on the status of the policy 
compendium, the progress made in the preceding quarter, and the projected timeline for 


Act 19-413, § 7001 19th Council Period 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 
[ . . SUBTITLE I. [Reserved] , J 



Sec.7001. Short title. ' ... ; ,i >/, : :;ir, fi'N 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Subject to Appropriations Repealers Cdngressiohal 
Review Emergency Amendment Act of 20l2'\ .^k: i if.)'* 

. Sec. 7002. Section 3 of the United House of Prayer for All People Real Property; Tax 
Exemption Act of 2011, effective December 2, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-51; S8 DCR^S^), is 
repealed. " .','.'. '.^ 

Sec. 7003. Section 4 of the Samuel J. Simmons NCBA Estates No. 1 Limited Partnership 
Real Property Tax Exemption and Equitable Real Property Tax Relief Act of 2010, effective 
March 12, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-311; 57 DCR 12396), is repealed. ," • 

Sec. 7004. Section 601 of the South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment Act of 2012, 
signed by the Mayor on April 1Q, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-344; 59 DCR 3083), is amended to read 
as follows: 

"Sec. 601. Applicability. 

"Sections 302(b)(1), 304, and 502(a) shall apply upon the inclusion of their fiscal effect in an 
approved budget and financial plan.". 

' Sec. 7005. Section 47-4605(d) of the District of Columbia Official tiode is amended by 
adding a new paragraph (3) to read as follows: 

"(3) The real property tax exemption granted by paragraph (1) of this subsection shall 
apply to Square 5190, lots 806, 807, and 808, and Square 5348 lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 for 
the consecutive real property tax years beginning with Tax Year 2003.". 

Sec. 7006. Section 3 of the Washington Ballet Equitable 'Real Property Tax Relief Act of 

2011, effective January 12, 2012 (E>.C. Law 19-77; 58 DCR 10100), is repealed. -■ 

Sec. 7007. Section 3 of the Lottery Amendment Repeal Amendment Act of 2012 effective 
May 23, 2012 (D.C. Act 19-322; S9DCR 2254), is repealed. ^ 

Sec. 7008. Section 3 of the Community Council jfo.r the Homeless at Friendship Place 
Equitable Real Property Tax Relief Act of 20il, effective December 2, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-42; 
58 DCR 8926), is repealed. ■>:.':■;' : Q*m .rP i^mTSOH 

Sec. 7009. Section 701 of the Raising the Expectations for Education Outcomes Omnibus 
Act of 2012, signed by the Mayor on April 20, 2012 (D.C. Act 19^6;'" S9 toe&:3642J, is 
amended to read as follows: ,, , . ., i: ;. ; ..,, f : y ,.^ ni t 7 ,. ;i . : , .;■■,;. ; .,. .- iT . ■ ;.• p 

"Sec. 701: Applicability. , : . r .-v.- i. V^r/oS; r. : ^.,, '.<=■ .■■. --v ? ,;.o 

"(a) This act shall apply through September 30, 2013. .-..vv:,^. .: ■■:.■:::■ .-.:■ ,-: 

;: "(b) Beginning on October 1, 2013, this act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect 
in an approved budget and financial plan". ,.!,■ ^ 

Sec. 7010. Section 3 of the Accountant Mobility Act of 2011* effective December 2 v; goit 
(D.C. Law 19-43; 58 DCR 8929), is repealed. 

Sec. 7011. Section 3 of the Corrections Information Council Amendment Act of 20,10 ; 
effective October 2, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-233; 57 DCR 4514), is repealed. 

Sec. 7012. Section 3 of the District of Columbia- Public Schools and Public "Charter Sc&ol 
Student Residency Fraud Prevention Amendment Act. of 2012* effective May 9, 2012 (D.C. 
Law 19-126; 59 DCR 1939), is repealed. , \ y^'^^'-n 

: Sec. 7013. Section 3 of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Amendment Act of 

2012, effective March 14, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-111; 59 DCR 455), is repealed. 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 7022 

Sec. 7014. There is allocated $400,000 from the fiscal year 2013 operating margin as 
partial funding for the New Issue Bond Program Tax Exemption Amendment Act of 2011, 
effective December 13, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-60; 58 DCR 9169). 

Sec. 7015. Section 19 of the Health Benefit Exchange Authority Establishment Act of 
2011, effective March 2, 2012 (D.C. Law 19-94; 59 DCR 213), is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 19. Applicability. 

"(a) "This act shall apply through 1 September 30, 2014. 

"(b) Beginning on October 1, 2014, this act shall apply upon the inclusion of its fiscal effect 
in an approved budget and financial plan.". 

Sec. 7016. Sections 7002, 7003, 7005, 7006, 7008, 7010, 7012, 7013, and 7014 shall apply as 
of October 1,2012. 


Sec. 7021. Short title. ' 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Targeted Retirement Distribution Withholding Congres- 
sional Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 7022. Section 47-1812.08(m) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to 
read as follows: 

"(m)(l) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, if a resident payee receives 
a payment from a retirement plan or retirement account that is a lump-sum distribution, 
District income tax shall be withheld on the lump-sum distribution by the payor at the highest 
District individual income tax rate that is in effect at the time of the distribution. 

"(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply to: 

"(A) Any portion of a lump-sum payment that was previously subject to tax; 

"(B) An eligible rollover distribution that is effected as a direct trustee-to-trustee 
transfer; or 

"(C) A rollover from an individual retirement account to a traditional or Roth 
individual retirement account that is effected as a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer. 

"(3) For the purposes of this subsection, the term: 

"(A) "Lump-sum distribution" means a payment from a payor to a resident payee of 
the resident payee's entire account balance, exclusive of any other tax withholding and 
any administrative charges and fees. 

"(B) "Retirement account" or "retirement plan" means: 

"(i) A qualified employee plan; 

il (ii) A qualified employee annuity plan; 

"(iii) A defined contribution plan; 

"(iv) A defined benefit plan; 

"(v) A tax-sheltered annuity plan; 

"(vi) An individual retirement account; 

"(vii) Any combination of the plans and account listed in sub-subparagraphs (i) 
through (vi) of this subparagraph; or 

"(viii) Any similarly situated account or plan as defined by the Internal Revenue 
Code of 1986. 

"(4) This subsection shall apply within 5 days of the effective date of the Targeted 
Retirement Distribution Withholding Emergency Act of 2012, effective February 24, 2012 
(D.C. Act 19-316; 59 DCR 1709).". 


Act 19-413, § 7101 19th Council; PeridH 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] ;^ 

SUBTITLED. [Reserved] ^\ rr i.;^ 

! f /^ ' SUBTITLE E. [Reserved] "Tn; 

SUBTITLE F. [Reserved] 

r . ; : SUBTITLE G. [Reserved] j ^ 

SUBTITLE H. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE I. [Reserved] 


Sec. 7101. Shorttitle. . : '[ n \ 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Cobperative v Mpu^ Interest 

Recordation Tax Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 20 12". 

Sec. 7102. The District of Columbia Real Estate Deed Recordation Tax Act, approved 
March 2, 1962 (76 Stat. 11; D.C. Official Code § 42-1101 et seq.), is amended as follows: 
: (a) Section 302 (D.C. Official Code § 42^1102) is amended as follows:^ .. ' \ 

; (1) Paragraph (16) is repealed as of October 1, 2009. 

(2) Paragraph (27) is amended by striking the word "and" at the end. ■■;■';. 

(3) Paragraph (28)(B)(ii)(II) is amended by striking the period and inserting a semicolon 
in its place. "' '■■■■;■■ ' ^ : " 

(4) New paragraphs (29) and (30) are added to read as follows: 

"(29) Beginning October 1, 2009, a security interest instrument pertaining to a cpopera- 
' ' tive housing association; ' 

"(30) Beginning October 1, 2009, a deed of economic interest pertaining to a liniited- 
" equity cooperative, as defined under D.C. Official Code § 47-802(11); and". ;' J 

,v (b) Section 302b(c) (D.C. Official Code § 42-1 102. 02(c)) is amended to read as follows:" 1 

"(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, as of October 1/200S, : ' every 
transfer of an interest in a cooperative housing association in connection with, the grant, 
transfer, or assignment of a proprietary leasehold or other proprietary interest, in whole or in 
part, shall be a transfer of ah economic interest.". , f , ( 

(c) Section 303 (D.C. Official Code §42-^1103) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (a)(2) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the phrase "provided, that in the case of a transfer of shared" and insert the 
phrase "provided, that, beginning October 1) 2009, in the : case: of a transfer of an 
economic interest" in its place. _; ... 

(B) Strike the phrase ", in whole or in part,". 

(2) Subsection (c) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; provided 
further, that, beginning October 1, 2009, in the case of a deed that evidences a- transfer of 
an economic interest in a cooperative housing association, the cooperative housing associa- 
tion shall be jointly and severally liable with the parties to the deed for the payment of 

.taxes imposed by this section regardless of whether the cooperative housing association 
itself is a party to the deed." in its place. 


Sec. 7111. Shorttitle. M" 

1 ■ This subtitle may be cited as the "Procedures for Remittance of Hotel Taxes by- -Online 
Vendors Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". :A .'.Ui; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 7122(b) 

Sec. 7112. Section 47-2001 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (a-1) is amended to read as follows: 

"(a-1) "Additional charges" means the excess of the sale or charge receipts received by a 
room remarketer over the net charges.". 

(b) Subsection (h-1) is amended to read as follows: 

"(h-1) "Net charges" means the sale or charge receipts for any room or rooms, lodgings, or 
accommodations furnished to transients, received from a room remarketer by the operator of 
a hotel, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, or any other place in which rooms, lodgings, or 
accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a consideration.". 

(c) Subsection (n)(C) is amended to read as follows: 

"(C) The sale or charge, to include net charges and additional charges, for any room or 
rooms, lodgings, or accommodations furnished to transients by any hotel, room remarket- 
er, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, or any other place in which rooms, lodgings, or 
accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a consideration.". 

(d) A new subsection (v-2) is added to read as follows: 

"(v-2) "Transient" means any person who occupies, or has the right to occupy, any room or 
rooms, lodgings, or accommodations for a period of 90 days or less during any one continuous 

Sec. 7113. Section 47-2015(a-l) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to 
read as follows: 

"(a-1) For the purposes of this chapter and Chapter 22 of this title, a room remarketer 
shall be deemed a vendor with respect to additional charges, and shall file returns and remit 
tax with respect to such additional charges. The room remarketer shall collect and remit the 
tax imposed by this chapter and Chapter 22 of this title with respect to the net charges for 
the accommodations to the operator of the hotel, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, or any other 
place in which rooms, lodgings, or accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a 
consideration. The operator shall be deemed a vendor with respect to such net charges and 
shall file returns and remit tax with respect to such net charges.". 

Sec. 7114. Section 47-2201(j) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended to read 
as follows: 

"(j) The definitions ^of "additional charges," "business," "District," "food or drink," "gross 
receipts," "Mayor," "net charges," "person," "purchaser's certificate," "retail establishment," 
"return," "room remarketer," "sale" and "selling," "sales price," "semipublic institution," 
"tangible personal property," "tax," "tax year," "taxpayer," and "transient" as defined in 
Chapter 20 of this title, are incorporated in and made applicable to this chapter.". 


Sec. 7121. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Recordation Tax on Refinances of Security Interest 
Instruments Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 7122. Section 303(a) of the District of Columbia Deed Recordation Tax Act, approved 
March 2, 1962 (76 Stat. 11; D.C. Official Code § 42-1 103 (a) et seq.), is amended as follows: 

(a) Strike the phrase "taxed at the rate of 1.1%" wherever it appears arid insert the phrase 
"taxed at the rate of 1.1% (to complete the calculation of total recordation tax due at time of 
recording, see also additional tax in subsection (a-4) of this section)" in its place. 

(b) Paragraph (3) is amended to read as follows: 

"(3)(A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, at the time a security interest 
instrument is submitted for recordation, it shall be taxed at a rate of 1.1% (to complete the 
calculation of total recordation tax due at time of recording, see also additional tax in 
subsection (a-4) of this section) of the total amount of debt incurred that is secured by the 
interest in real property; provided, that if the existing debt is refinanced, the rate shall be 


Act 19-413, § 7122(b) 19th Council Period 

'■■ applied only to the principal amount of the hew debt in excess of the principal balance. )due 
on the existing debt to the extent that such existing debt (including any prior debt thatj j^as 
previously refinanced by the existing debt) was: 

"(i) Previously taxable under this paragraph and the tax thereon was timely. anc! 
properly paid; or :j V 

"(ii) Exempt under section 302 or not otherwise taxable, including purchase money 
1 mortgages described in section 302(5). ' " ^: , 

"(B) Any amendment, modification, or restatement of a security interest instrument 
shall be deemed a refinance of the entire aggregate debt owed, unless the' amendment, 
modification, or restatement is a supplemental deed. With such a deemed refinance, the 
rate in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall be applied only to the principal amount 
of the modified debt (including amounts paid to' the borrower on the existing' 'security 
interest instrument during the preceding 12 months) in excess of the principal balance 
due on the existing debt (before any such payment) to the extent that the existing debt 
(including any prior debt that was previously refinanced by the existing. debt) was: 

"(i) Previously taxable under this paragraph and the tax thereon was timely ! and 
t , properly paid; or , ( ; .,;. '; : , :;, . .?£ .-.-:■ : : ....-.- 

"(ii) Exempt under section 302 or riot ; otherwise taxable* including -purchase money 
mortgages described in section 302(5).". : : ■; < >l ■ ■'.■>.■.' " ! ■[■■■)< 

SUBTITLE M. [Reserved] •-:,:< -K;>- 

SUBTITLE N. [Reserved] t v ; i 

SUBTITLE 0. [Reserved] " [ 




Sec. 8001. Short title. '. } < 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Prior Budget Support Act Congressional Review 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". , /;■■-■' 

Sec 8002. Section l(i)(l) of An Act To grant additional powers < to the Commissioners of 
the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, approved December 20, 1944 (58 Stat. 819; 
D.C. Official Code § l-301.0i(i)(l)), is 1, amended by striking the phrase "unrestncted r rund 
balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia" and inserting the phrase "General 
Fund of the District of Columbia" its plage.-.-' ; ^ - > \- ; ^ , fa: 

Sec. 8003. Section 558(b) of An Act To establish a c6dd of law for the District of Columbia, 
approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1279; D.C. Official Code § 1-1201 (b)), is amended by 
striking the following sentence: ; ;" s /w 

"All proceeds collected pursuant to this section snail be deposited lntqthe^^ 
balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia.". 1 ^w*-i-a-: • ,■ <i ■^.un,;,) i 

Sec. 8004, Section 702 of the District of Columbia Uhifo^ltion'trblled Substances #efc'' of 
1981, effective August 5, 1981 (D.C. Law 4r-29; D.C. Official Code! l § ^8-907.02), is repeat 

Sec. 8005. Section 5(i) of the Animal Control Act of 1979, effective October 18, 1979 .(DlQ, 
Law 3-30; D.C. Official Code § 8-1804©), is repealed. 

Sec. 8006. Section 6013 of the Solid Waste Disposal Cost Recovery Act' of 2007, effective 
September 18, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-20; D.C. Official Code § .1-325.91), is amended as follows: 

(a) Subsection (a) is amended by striking the word "lapsing" and inserting 'the ,wprd 
"nonlapsing" in its, place. , .^,'V, 

• (b) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "be used, for the purposes set forth; in 
subsection (c) of this section. Any monies not expended at the end of a, fiscal year^hall 


2012 Legislation Act 19-413, § 8012 

revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia," and 
inserting the phrase "not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the 
District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually 
available for. the uses and purposes set forth in subsection (c) of this section without regard to 
fiscal year limitation, subject to authorization by Congress." in its place. 

Sec. 8007. The Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Act of 2011, effective September 14, 2011 
(D.C. Law 19-21; 58 DCR 6626), is amended by adding a new section 9109 to read as follows: 

"Sec. 9109. Notwithstanding any other law, the funds which are deposited in the fund 
designated for accounting purposes by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer as fund 2531 
within the Metropolitan Police Department shall be deposited in the General Fund of the 
District of Columbia and shall not be accounted for by a separate fund or account within the 
General Fund of the District of Columbia. Any unexpended funds in the fund on the effective 
date of this subtitle shall be transferred to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund 
of the District of Columbia.". 

Sec. 8008. Section 47-392.02(f) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 

(a) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the number "2013" and inserting the number 
"2016" in its place. 

(b) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the date "May 24, 2011" and inserting the date 
"May, 2015" in its place. 

Sec. 8009. Chapter 18 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 

(a) Section 47-1803.02(a) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (1)(B) is amended to read as follows: 

"(B) For individuals, estates, and trusts, interest upon the obligations of a state, 
territory of the United States, or any political subdivision thereof, but not including the 
District, acquired by the taxpayer on or after January 1, 2013, shall be included in the 
computation of District gross income.". 

(2) Paragraph (1A) is repealed. 

(b) Section 47-1806.03(a) is amended by adding a new paragraph (8) to read as follows: 

"(8)(A) In the case of a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2011, there is imposed 
on the taxable income of every resident a tax determined in accordance with the following 

"If the taxable income is: The tax is: 

"Not over $10,000 4% of the taxable income 

"Over $10,000 but not over $40,000 $400, plus 6% of the excess over $10,000. 

"Over $40,000 but not over $350,000 $2,200, plus 8.5% of the excess over 40,000 

"Over $350,000 $28,550, plus 8.95% of the excess above 


"(B) This paragraph shall expire on January 1, 2016.". 


Sec. 8011. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2013 O-Type Redesignation Congressional 
Review Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 8012. O-Type redesignation. 

(a) Of the funds that were undesignated pursuant to section' 10004 of the Fiscal Year 2012 
Budget Support Act of 2011, effective September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-21; 58 DCR 6226), 
$29,709,447 shall be redesignated to accounts as set forth in the following table: 


m 19-413, § 8012 

19th Council Period 




AMOUNT ". ' 

;'■-: 6008 



$594-862 : 









.,..- 6013 

TORY AFFAIRS ., ..;,.; , '.,.. . 


FUND ..'... ",.., ,..,. ..... 

;,-:;.■ j , ; : $0 

..■ 6030 




' 0600 



' $1,478,008' 




: $1,100,235 : ' : ' 




v $2,314868' 




: „;;;::: $322,205 

6700 , 

' ENVIRONMENT * ■■■'" ( - - ^ 


TRUST FlM)- h '< ? ■:' - J "- :; ■"'' u " : 





: $57,779' 

; 0605 


, :Child Support ^Ihterest.Income ,;> 

■^"■.■/: ■•'■; $894 


: GENERAL ' ""V 

. Child Support — Reimbursements & , 

, $29,321 



LECTIONS , ........ v.i..:. 









. , . $712,404 

. 0603 



. $340,220 








■ $80,269 




' $960,263 

: 0624 









TION ... , . ......... V,, 


14-614) ...:,, ..;, 

. $19,972 



TION PROGRAM ■' '; ' " 


, 06 ™ 


■ FUND ....... . : . 'i*'"V 

■ ;; "; :) ; $874,995 







FUND ■' ' " ' 

V T ,<■;» $20,999 



CENSE FEES ;, :; ;,... .,V..V;- ,:■! 









(b) Of the funds not redesignated by subsection (a) of this section, the Chief Financial 
Officer shall recognize $11,622,454 as fiscal year 2013 revenue. . r ,■.„ 

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chief Financial Officer shall transfer 
: from Fund 6013 under the' Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (the Basic 
Business License Fund) to Fund 6017 under the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administra- 
tion (the ABC-— Import and Class License Fees Fund) the following amounts: .. ^;w, ( .■•„, ,; 

, 328 

2012 Legislation 

(1) In fiscal year 2012, $512,505. 

(2) In fiscal year 2013, $140,526. 

Act 19-413, § 9032 


SUBTITLE A. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE B. [Reserved] 

SUBTITLE C. [Reserved] 


Sec. 9031. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2012 Capital Project Reallocation Congres- 
sional Review Emergency Approval Act of 2012". 

Sec. 9032. (a) Pursuant to and in accordance with Chapter 3- of Title 47 of the District of 
Columbia Official Code, the Council approves the reallocation of District of Columbia general 
obligation bond proceeds in the amount of $22,243,751 currently allocated to the District 
capital projects listed in Table A to the District capital projects, in the, amounts specified, 
listed in Table B. 

(b) The current allocations were made pursuant to the Fiscal Year 2000 General Obligation 
Bond Issuance Authorization Emergency Resolution of 2000 (PR13-658), the Fiscal Year 2001 
General Obligation Bond Issuance Authorization Resolution of 2001 (PR14-224), the Fiscal 
Year 2002 General Obligation Bond Issuance Authorization Emergency Resolution of 2002 
(PR14-585), the Fiscal Year 2003 General Obligation Bond Issuance Approval Resolution of 
2003 (PR15-129), the Fiscal Year 2004 General Obligation Bond Issuance Approval Emergen- 
cy Resolution of 2003 (PR15-364), the Fiscal Year. 2005 General Obligation Bond Issuance 
Approval Resolution of 2004 (PR15-715), the Fiscal Year 2006 General Obligation Bond 
Issuance Approval Emergency Resolution of 2005 (PR16-356), the Fiscal Year 2007 General 
Obligation Bond Issuance Approval Resolution of 2007 (PR17-144), and the Fiscal Year 2008 
General Obligation Bond Issuance Approval Resolution of 2007 (PR17^£15). 






Project Title 

Bond Issuance 



















48,825 ■ 




























































































Act 19-413, § 903& 

19th Cbuhcil'Jperiol 




Project Title >. . ' ' 

Bond Issuance 

: Amount 

, DGS 

























































GORGETOWN POOL & REC CENTER '/ , ; ,..; ; ,, 

-„ 2003B,C,D 





CAMP RIVER VIEW, REC FACILITY , , ,, t '\ ', "",", 




















' 401,206 





2004A ( B,C & 
,. 2005A 


















; -.2006A 

370,526 ' 


LD1 : ; 

DGS . . .. . 


j; 2003B,C,D,. 

: , 238,190,, 












_r": 18,737 






. ,220,987: 






; , 306,173;, 












: \ ,1,630 

, OCA 

SM4 . 
























$22,243,741 ; 

1 ' TABLE B ' ' " : ' v; l V: "" "' 

CATED , . . . ... ... , .:, ' 

Agertcy Project Implementing 

Project Title 


.. Series,, w '\ f 






$ 22,243,751 


Sec. 9041. Short title. 

This subtitle may be cited as the "Capital Project Rescission Congressional Review 
Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 9042. (a)The Chief Financial Officer shall rescind $L1 million of PAYGO allotment 
and budget authority from capital project EB402c, "Pennsylvania Avenue SE Properties" 
under the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Development, in fiscal year 2012. 

(b) The Chief Financial Officer shall recognize the rescinded amount identified in subsec- 
tion (a) of this section as fiscal year 2013 local funds revenue. ■;■:■' 




2012 Legislation Act 19-414, § 4 


Sec. 11001. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of- the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 11002. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 25, 2012. 


Act 19-414 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, section 47-1508 of the District of Columbia Official Code 
to exempt from personal property tax cogeneration equipment for developments of more than 
one million square feet when the fuel that is used to generate power is already subject to 
District tax. 

act may be cited as the "Cogeneration Equipment Personal Property Tax Exemption 
Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Section 47-1508(a) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by adding 
a new paragraph (11) to read as follows: 

"(11)(A) Beginning on October 1, 2016, cogeneration equipment that serves developments 
of more than one million square feet when the fuel used to generate electricity is already 
subject to District tax. 

"(B) For the purpose of this paragraph, the term "cogeneration equipment" means 
equipment that produces both electric energy and useful heat energy or steam energy.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c))(3)). 

Sec. 4, Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat.788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 25, 2012. 


Act 19-415 19th; Council; ,PerM 


Act 19^15 f u[T 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, Chapter 10 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia! 
Official Code to exempt from taxation certain property owned or ground leased by Meridian 
Public Charter School, a nonprofit corporation, or by Meridian-Harrison QALICB, IncV a 
nonprofit corporation. : :i ^ T 

act may be cited as the "Meridian Public Charter School-Harrison Campus, Property Tax 
Exemption Emergency Act of 2012". ; /. ,■ ; , M 

Sec. 2. Chapter 10 of Title 47 of .the District of Columbia Official CocJe is amended, as 
follows: :..'■■'';■ >i. < f 

(a) The table of contents is amended by adding a new section designation to read as 

"47-1088. Meridian Public Charter School-Harrison Campus Property; Lot 814, Square 
235.". ■ , v-:;:v- ■ j : ; ; - - : - ' ; : - / , V ,^: : ^, :'■■■, ■ [ 'W.V' ' : 

(b) A new section 47-1088 is added to read as follows: ; .-'■■ ;>.; ; ; jf V 

"§ 47-1088. Meridian Public Charter School-Harrison Campus .Property; Lot 814, 
Square 235. 

"(a) The real property located at 2120 13th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., and described 
as Lot 814 in Square 235, shall be exempt from real property taxation and possessory interest 
taxation, so long as the real property continues to be owned or occupied under a ground IfesLse 
by Meridian Public Charter School or Meridian-Harrison QALICB, Inc. : ■ « >] 

"(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the real property 
described in subsection (a) of this section, including an assignment of leasehold interest in the 
real property or a sublease of the real property between Meridian Public Charter School and 
Meridian-Harrison QALICB, Inc., or a deed of trust with respect to the real property 
granted by Meridian Public Charter School or Meridian-Harrison QALICB, Inc., to/'a:third 
party lender, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by § 42-1103 and § 47-903.". ,■..■■:■/<;■ ■* •.■■:: '■; 

Sec. 3. Applicability. <, . 

This act shall apply as of July 26, 2012. ' 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement, L ^ 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as: thevfiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of, the District of Columbia; Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § i-206.Q2(c)X3))* ■..,.■>. 

Sec.5. Effective date. 
, This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in theevent ofveto bythte 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto); arid 1 shall remain in effect for rio : longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 'approved December 24, 1973 v (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). . w „ } .... : , t - ( . "< t . ; , , jv 

APPROVED: July 25, 2012. - ' ; : > 


■'/,_ , . . ," Act 1.M17. ./>-' -"^ ; V- ''■.) :k"i. 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification No. 2 to Contract ?TNb; 
DCPO-2011-C-0019-01 to, provide health insurance benefits to District employees and to 
authorize payment for services received and to be received under the contract; v : f 


2012 Legislation Act 19-418, § 4 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-01 Modification Approval and 
Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Modification 
No. 2 to Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-01 with Aetna Life Insurance Company to provide 
health insurance benefits to District employees, and authorizes payment in an amount of 
$178,049,827.02 for services received and to be received under that contract. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. 


Act 19-418 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification No, 1 to Contract No. 
DCPO-2011-C-0019-02 to provide health insurance benefits to District employees and to 
authorize payment for services received and to be received under the contract. 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-02 Modification Approval and 
Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Modification 
No. 1 to Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-02 with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the 
Mid-Atlantic States, Inc. to provide health insurance benefits to District employees, and 
authorizes payment in an amount of $105,877,500.21 for services received and to be received 
under that contract. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 


Act 19-418, § 4 19th Council )Ken r o°d: 

section '412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1'9"73 T @7 

Stat. 788; ! D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). ' - /.-■:,;::■: tor, 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. ' " ■■' - i^s'I 

',■•■<.-"■■.,■.■■■" ■, ■ ■ ~~ "^ . ;■ r-v ;.r>:i« : - : M 

■ /. ■■ ■■■■■'■ ■■■; '''.;' , ■ :■ '-. ■.* ■ ^> v-n 

Change order no. m to contract no. DCAM-2008-C-0666 " ' 


; EMERGENCY. ACT OF 2012 / ' ■ ■ > V- :;;;■! 

. ; ... .Act 19-419 .. .■■;';:" . r - ,L;: . -'^^..jV^- 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Change Order No* 14 to Contract No.' 
DCAM-2008-C-0066 with EEC of DC, Inc./Fbrrester Construction Company* for construction; 
of the hew Department of Employment Services Headquarter Building and to authorize 
payment for the services received and to be received under the contract. 

act may be cited as the "Change Order No. 14 to Contract No: DCAM-2008-C-0066 Approve 
and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". : . :, ;"■■■ '■ *' -, 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of "Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 1 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Change 
Order No. 14 with EEC of DC/Forrester Construction Company, for construction of the new 
Department of Employment Services Headquarter Building, arid authorizes payment in the 
amount of $534,515 for services received and to be received under the contract. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.Q. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). V'i: 

Sec. 4. Effective date. ' ;.. A 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (Sf 
Stat 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). ' ; ; 

APPROVBD: July 27, 2012. r , -V ^ V;:/vri, 


■■■V-.- '; -. r - ?V>,- : -. OF 2012 ^.ir->> for, ,:■■.■:. : :■.,.-■ , j ,, -^iOfitJIK 

Act 19-420 tt 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, 3 task orders to Human Care Agreement J^o. 
DCJZ-2008-H-6005 to provide residential treatment services and to authorize payment for ihe 
services received and to be received under the agreement. li 

act may be cited as the "Task Orders to Human Care Agreement No. DCJZ-2008-H-0Ci05 
Approval and Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". . . 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of .Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding]. th£ 


2012 Legislation Act 19-421, § 4 

requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (DiC. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves 3 task orders 
to Human Care Agreement No. DCJZ-2008-H-0005, with Youth for Tomorrow, to provide 
residential treatment services, and authorizes payment in an amount not-to-exceed 
$1,912,668.00 for services received and to be received under that agreement for the 4th option 
year, from October 1, 2011, through September 30, 2012. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia- in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 30, 2012. 


Act 19-421 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification No. 1 to Contract No. 
DCPO-2011-C-0019-03 to provide health insurance benefits to District employees and to 
authorize payment for services received and to be received under the contract. 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-00 19-03 Modification Approval and 
Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Modification 
No. 1 to Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-03 with United Healthcare to provide health 
insurance benefits to District employees, and authorizes payment in the amount of $65,667,354 
for services received and to be received under that contract. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. 


Act 19-422 19th Council ^Peribfi 


• ■iV.i'iUip'vi 


REQUEST ACT OF 2012 J i ■ 

Act 19-422 :nl- 

AN ACT to request, on an emergency basis, that Congress enact legislation authorizing the Mayor 
and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority to enter into agreements with other 
jurisdictions related to sanitary sewage water works and other water pollution projects and; 
providing specific authorization for the Mayor and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer 
Authority to enter into the Blue Plains Intermunicipal Agreement of 2012. 

act may be cited as the "Blue Plains Intermunicipal Agreement of 2012 Congressional 
Approval Emergency Request Act of 2012". '■>:-■'; 

J3ec.2. Findings. .■., , : ■ fc ..;'.-.. ' :■ 

The Council of the District of Columbia finds that: ■■:..■/.' 

(1) The Blue Plains Intermunicipal Agreement ("IMA") is an agreement among the 
District of Columbia, the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority ("DC Water"), 
Fairfax County, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, and the Washington Subur- 
ban Sanitary Commission, which governs the collection and treatment of waste water at the 
Blue Plains treatment facility. 

(2) The IMA allocates Blue Plains capacity among the jurisdictions and also assigns 
responsibility for capital and operating and maintenance costs. 

' (3) The collection and treatment of wastewater at the Blue Plains facility is currently 
governed by a 1985 agreement. Although the 1985 agreement remains the formal 
operating agreement, changes have been made through an ad hoc series of memoranda of 
understanding and side agreements. The 1985 IMA itself does not reflect changes' in' Blue 
Plains operations, changes in environmental laws and regulations, the existence of DC 
Water's long-term control plan, or the fact that DC Water is an independent agency that 
was established after the 1985 IMA was adopted. :. t ,'■■-; 

(4) Accordingly, the parties negotiated a revised agreement to both reflect the current 
state of affairs and to create a document that is more responsive to changing needs. 

(5) The main goals of the IMA are to: ■ .-',/' 

i (A) Allocate the wastewater treatment capacity of Blue Plains, associated facilities, and 
, . ■ related peak flows of the collection system among the jurisdictions; 

(B) Accurately and equitably allocate the capital costs of wastewater treatment and 
biosolids management; /■.'■;■■»:' 

(C) Accurately and equitably allocate the operations and maintenance costs of Blue 
Plains; -. i/y , ; . ■ ■ ^ :Y ;^ 

(D) Establish responsibilities for pretreatment and biosolids management; , , .„. 

(E) Establish, a process for making future wastewater .capacity planning decisions, 
including addressing load allocations; ;i ,rv fi . v - ;■;/,., . l ,, , ; ; K :.■/../• '\r.i\ 

(F) Provide a mechanism for continuing coordination, cooperation, and communication 
among the jurisdictions; and ' .'">r ; 

(G) Provide environmental stewardship of the Potomac, River and its tributaries, i UlT 

(6) In addition, the IMA provides an improved framework for allocating capital, yperk- 
' tions, and maintenance costs for multi-jurisdictional-use facilities. / l ' ! : 

(7) The IMA will remain in effect until amended, replaced, or terminated by the parties; 

(8) To become effective, the IMA must be approved by each jurisdiction and by the 2 
water authorities. Each of these approvals has occurred. ,/'. • 


2012 Legislation Act 19-422, § 5 

(9) Because of the structure of the revised IMA, including its duration and budgetary 
and decision making structure, congressional authorization to enter into the agreement is 
being requested. 

(10) In addition, to ensure appropriate authority to enter into amendments and succes- 
sors to the IMA, certain amendments related to the Home Rule Act provision dealing with 
water and sewei/agreements are being requested. 

Sec. 3. Request to Congress to enact legislation. 

The government of the District of Columbia requests that the following legislation be 
enacted by the Congress of the United States: 


"To further authorize the Mayor and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority to 
enter into agreements with other jurisdictions related to sanitary sewage water works and 
other water pollution projects. 

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America 
in Congress assembled, 


"This Act may be cited as the "District of Columbia Interjurisdictional Water and Sewer 
Agreements Authorization Amendment Act of 2012". 


"The District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 777; D.C. 
Official Code § 1-201.01 et seq.), is amended as follows: 

"(a) Section 487(b) (D.C. Official Code § l-204.87(b)) is amended as foUows: 

"(1) Strike the phrase "The Mayor" and insert the phrase "The Mayor and the District 
of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority" in its place. 

"(2) Insert the sentence "The fourth sentence of section 446 shall not apply to agree- 
ments entered into under this section." at the end. 

"(b) Section 446 (D.C, Official Code § 1-204.46) is amended by inserting the phrase 
"section 487(b)," after the phrase "section 483(d),". 



"The Mayor and the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority may enter into the 
Blue Plains Intermunicipal Agreement of 2012 among the District of Columbia, District of 
Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, Fairfax County, Virginia, Montgomery County, 
Maryland, Prince George's County, Maryland, and the Washington Suburban Sanitary 
Commission, approved by the Council of the District of Columbia on June 5, 2012, pursuant to 
the IMA Approval Resolution of 2012 (Res. 19-445), amendments to the agreement, and 
successor agreements.". 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section . 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. 


Act 19-423 19th Council Peri&i 



Act 19-423 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, Chapter 31 A of Title 12A of the District of Columbia 
Municipal Regulations to authorize and establish guidelines for the issuance of permits for the 
erection of graphic displays and digital signage on the exterior of the Verizon Center building. 

act may be cited as the "Verizon Center Graphics and Entertainment Emergency Amend- 
ment Act of 2012". 

. See. 2; Chapter 31 A of Title 12 A of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations. (12A 
BCMR § 3107A et seq.) is amended by adding new Sections 3107.19 through 3107.19.16 to 
read as follows: ,,■-.'■ 

"3107.19 Rules for Verizon Center Graphics, The code official is authorized to issue, a 
permit for each of up to nine (9) "Verizon Center Graphics" as defined in Section 3107.19.1. 
The Verizon Center Graphics shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 3107.19 to 
3107.19.16 and the following provisions, as applicable: Sections 3107.3.4 (Permits for electrical 
signs), 3107.7.1 (Projecting signs), 3107.7.2 (Roof signs), 3107.7.3 (Signs supported by project- 
ing construction), 3107.7.4 (Sighs on awnings or similar projections), 3107.7.8.1 (Signs on 
public space), 3107.11 (Structural and materials requirements), 3107.13 (Dangerous signs), 
and 3107.14 (Obstructive signs) except as applied to' windows. The Verizon Center Graphics 
shall not be subject to any other provision of this Chapter or any provision of Titles 10 or 12 
pertaining to the permitting, approval, erection, placing, painting, display, or maintenance of 
billboards, poster panels, wall signs, special signs, and any other types of outdoor signs, 
including, without limitation, Section 3107.10 (Maximum size of street signs) or any other 
provision of this Chapter that limits the maximum size or height of signs, other than the 
limitations stated or incorporated into this section. Nothing in .this section shall prevent the 
operation of Sections 3107.3.5 (Exemptions from permit) or 3107.6.6.1 (Temporary decorations 
for buildings) with respect to the Verizon Center. 

"3107.19.1 Definitions. As used in, Sections 3107.19 to 3107.19.16, the following definitions 
apply: ■ ; l ''' 

"Department" means the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. 

"Director" means the Director of the Department or his or her designee. 

"Verizon Center" means the property and structure currently known as the Verizon 
Center, located at Square 455, Lot 47, including, without limitation,' the Gallery Place Metro 
entrance on the corner of 7th and F Streets,, N.W. : . n ; .., .... ■. - r; - 

■'Verizon Center Graphics" means outdoor signs, visualsV digital displays, and static canvas 
displays- placed on the Verizon Center, which were not existing oh -the Verizon Center as of 
June 11, 2012, consisting of: 

' l (l) Two (2) separate digital displays on the western side of Verizon Center; each' 
measuring no more than 1,200 square feet, which would replace two (2) static 1 ' cahvsis 
displays on the western side of Verizon Center as they existed on June 11, .'2012; 

(2) One (1) digital display that forms a right angle around the southwest corner of the 
Verizon Center with each display panel of the digital display forming a right angle 
measuring no more than twenty-four (24) feet in height and forty-three (43) feet in width 
with the top of each panel of the digital display starting at the top of the glass windows on 
the Verizon Center as they existed on June 11, 2012; 

1 (3) Two (2) separate digital displays, each measuring no more than three (3) feet in 

height and eighteen (18) feet in width, mounted on the exterior of the top of the western 

1 and southern entrances to the Gallery Place Metro station at the corner of 7th and p 

<' Streets, N.W.; ' . '■■;■■■ f ■ :/ '^;. 

(4) Up to two (2) digital displays or static canvas displays in the interior space above 'arid' 
' around the escalators in the Metro station identified in paragraph 3 of this section; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-423, § 2 

(5) One (1) static canvas display that forms a right angle around the southeast corner of 
the Verizon Center with each panel forming a right angle measuring no more than twenty- 
four (24) feet in height and forty-three (43) feet in width with the top of each such panel 
starting at the top of the glass windows on the Verizon Center as they existed on June 11, 
2012; and 

(6) Up to two (2) separate static canvas displays on the eastern* side of the Verizon 
Center, each measuring no more than 1,200 square feet twenty-four (24) feet in height and 
fifty-four (54) feet in width). 

"3107.19.2 Intensity or Brilliance of Graphics. None of the Verizon Center Graphics shall 
have such intensity or brilliance as to create an unreasonable risk for vehicular traffic safety 
as determined by the Director of the District Department of Transportation pursuant to 
section 3107.19.8. 

"3107.19.3 No Sound. None of the Verizon Center Graphics shall have an audio or sound 
other than any de minimis sounds caused by general operation. 

"3107.19.4 Digital Displays. No digital display shall be placed on the exterior of the 
Verizon Center that is parallel to any residential building existing as of June 11, 2012. 

"3107,19.5 Verizon Center Graphics Permit. No Verizon Center Graphics may be erect- 
ed, installed, hung, placed, posted, painted, displayed, or maintained without the owner of 
Verizon Center or the owner's designee first, obtaining a Verizon Center Graphics permit 
from the Department in accordance with this Chapter. A Verizon Center Graphics Permit 
authorizes the location, size, and structural design of the Verizon Center Graphics and shall 
be valid for three (3) years with no limitation on the number of renewals of the permit. Each 
renewal of the Verizon Center Graphics permit shall require a review under section 
3107.19.10 if substantive changes to the permit application merit such review and payment 
under section 3107.19.6. 

"3107.19.6 Verizon Center Graphics Permit Application. An application for a Verizon 
Center Graphics Permit shall be submitted by the owner, or the owner's designee, of the 
Verizon Center to the Director and shall include the following: 

"(1) Identification of: 

"(A) The applicant with contact information including the applicant's telephone num- 
ber, e-mail address, and mailing address; 

"(B) The proposed type and location of the Verizon Center Graphics and the face 
direction of the wall or surface; 

< "(C) The proposed linear dimensions of the Verizon Center Graphics and its projection 
from the Verizon Center facade; 

"(D) The proposed structural design of the Verizon Center Graphics; 

"(E) The proposed intensity or brilliance of the Verizon Center Graphics; 

"(F) The potentially affected Advisory Neighborhood Commissions; and 

"(G) Any use on the digital displays constituting Verizon Center Graphics that the 
applicant may provide for public service announcements and advertisements regarding 
community, art, cultural, educational and similar events, including public services notices 
that the District of Columbia government may want to post. 

"(2) An affidavit signed by the applicant, or his or her duly authorized representative, 
certifying that the applicant is in compliance with subchapter II of Chapter 28 of Title 47 of 
the District of Columbia Official Code, and has consulted with or attempted in good faith to 
consult with the potentially affected Advisory Neighborhood Commissions about the permit 

"(3) A permit fee in the amount of three dollars ($3.00). per square foot of the Verizon 
Center Graphics; provided, that this permit fee may be amended by rulemaking or act 
consistent with permit fees for similar signs. The permit fee may be paid by check made 
payable to the order of the "D.C. Treasurer." 

"(4) Five (5) copies of the application and all illustrations; and 


Act 19-423, § 2 19th Gotmcil.jEested: 

"(5) Any other information required by the Director to assist in reviewing the permit 
application. , L , *<.■■-)>/ ^ili 

"3107.19.7 Permit Application Referrals. The Director shall refer all Verizon" ^Center 
Graphics permit applications to the District Department of Transportation and the OMce; ; of 
Planning within ten (10) days of receipt of the permit application by the Department^ ^The 
District Department of Transportation and the Office of Planning shall have seventy (70) days 
from the date the Department receives the permit application to submit a written report) to 
the Director, except that the Director may allow for an extension of this period of up to thirty 
(30) days for good cause. 

"3107.19.8 Effect of Adverse Report. No Verizon Center Graphics permit shall be 
approved by the Department if: <■■..-. , Jt - :v 

"(1) The Director of the Department of Transportation reports in writing with a detailed 

statement of reasons that the location, size, height above grade, brilliance, or illumination of 

the Verizon Center Graphics would create an unreasonable risk for vehicular traffic safety; 

"(2) The proposed Verizon Center Graphics would violate applicable federal or District of 

, Columbia laws or regulations; or ■'':'.' ' " ' "■"' . , 

"(3) The Director of the Office of Planning reports in writing with a detailed statement of 
reasons that the proposed Verizon Center Graphics would adversely impact the character 
and integrity of the Verizon Center as a sports and entertainment arena or the character; 
and integrity of the surrounding neighborhood as a whole for residential, busine&^&ricf 

recreation uses. r ; T '; n 

. . ■ ' . ix" ,; v- : "'''-.' ■;,; 

"3107.19.9 Advisory Neighborhood Commission Notification, The Director shall notify in 
writing potentially affected Advisory Neighborhood Commissions of the submission of an 
application for Verizon Center Graphics within ten (10) days of receipt of such application and 
invite the submission of any written comments within forty-five (45) days of the dat,e/o ; f!,suc)i 
notice. ' y 

"3107.19,10 Review, Approval, or Denial of Verizon Center Graphics Permit Applications. 

"(a) The Director shall review and either approve or deny a Verizon Center Graphics 
permit application within twenty-one (21) days after the expiration of the time .period 
provided in Section 3107.19.7. The approval or denial of the permit application shall be based 
on the following: , -,.f 

"(1) Whether the permit application meets the requirements set forth in this Chapter; 
■', and ,!'■'■■" 

"(2) Whether an adverse report has been issued by either the District Department of 
Transportation or the Office of Planning pursuant to Section 3107.19.8. 

"(b) A Verizon Center Graphics permits shall be issued in the name of the applicant and 
. shall pertain solely to the specific Verizon Center Graphic and specific location identified in 
the permit. , 

"3107.19.11 Denial of Application! ' ' 

"(a) If the Director denies a Verizon Center Graphics permit application, the denialshall be 
issued in writing to the applicant arid shall explain in detail the "basis for the denial The 
applicant shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of the denial to: J ; ^ ^ "''"•■■■ V) ■■■': T» 
"(1) Correct any defect in the application identified by the Director and Submit a 

corrected Verizon- Center Graphics application to the Department; or L : H ] f ' 

"(2) Seek review of the permit denial at the Office of Administrative Hearings. : \ 

"(b) If the applicant timely submits a corrected Verizon Center Graphics application to tjie 
Department, the Director, within five (5) days of receipt of the permit application, shall refer 
the permit application to the District Department of Transportation and the Office^ of 
Planning and each agency shall provide a report required under Section 3107.19.7 witnin 
fourteen (14) days. The Director shall review and either approve or deny the corrected 
permit application within thirty (30) days of receipt of the corrected permit appHcatioh. i If 
the Director denies the corrected permit application, the applicant shall have thirty (30)-days 
from receipt of the denial to file a notice with the Office of Administrative Hearing's ; for 
adjudication. . . ■ > -3 (£}" ' 


2012 Legislation Act 19-423, § 2 

"3107.19.12 Static Canvas Display Changes. As part of a Verizon Center Graphics permit 
application, the owner of the Verizon Center or the owner's designee may apply to the 
Director for a change in the number, location, and size of the static canvas displays as defined 
in the definition of Verizon Center Graphics in Section 3107.19.1, but shall not do so for digital 
displays. The Director shall grant such application if: 

"(1) The total number of permits for Verizon Center Graphics does not exceed nine (9); 

"(2) The display size of any one (1) static canvas display does not exceed 1,200 square 

"(3) The Verizon Center Graphics are deemed to be in compliance with applicable federal 
or District of Columbia laws or regulations; and 

"(4) All other requirements applicable to the Verizon Center Graphics set forth in this 
■Chapter are met. 

"3107.19.13 Enforcement of Regulations and Removal of Verizon Center Graphics. Any 
unauthorized Verizon Center Graphics, including Verizon Center Graphics without a permit 
or Verizon Center Graphics that are not in full compliance with provisions of the District of 
Columbia Official Code, District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, or federal law, including 
D.C. Official Code § 1-303.21 et seq. and this Chapter, that become effective within one (1) 
year of the issuance of the permit authorizing the Verizon Center Graphics permitted under 
this Chapter, shall be taken down or removed within fourteen (14) days after receipt of 
written notification of violation from the Mayor directing that the Verizon Center Graphics be 
removed or taken down. Further, the Mayor shall impose civil fines of no more than $5 per , 
square foot of sign, per day, if the unauthorized Verizon Center Graphics are not taken down 
or removed after the specified 14-day period. The permit holder, at its sole cost and 
expense, shall be responsible for taking down or removing unauthorized Verizon Center 
Graphics upon notification by the Mayor to do so and shall be solely and exclusively 
responsible for any expense incurred by the District of Columbia if the Mayor removes the 
unauthorized Verizon Center Graphics as described herein. The permit holder shall also be 
held solely and exclusively responsible for any penalties or fines imposed by this violation. 
Any changes made to Chapter 31A of Title 12A of the District of Columbia Municipal 
Regulations after the issuance of a Verizon Center Graphics permit shall not apply to the 
Verizon Center Graphics for the life of the permit or three (3) years from the issuance of the 
permit, whichever is shorter. 

"3107.19.14 Maintenance and Repair. Whenever the code official finds that any of the 
Verizon Center Graphics are not maintained in good repair and have not deteriorated more 
than fifty percent (50%) of their replacement value, the code official shall notify the Verizon 
Center owner and permit holder and order the repair of the Verizon Center Graphics within a 
specified time, but not less than ten (10) days. If the code official finds that any of the 
Verizon Center Graphics are not maintained in good repair and have deteriorated more than 
fifty percent (50%) of their replacement value, or are not repaired within the time specified in 
the repair notice, the code official shall order the Verizon Center owner and permit holder to 
remove such Verizon Center Graphics within a specified period of time, but not less than five 
(5) days. Failure to comply with such order shall subject the Verizon Center owner and the 
permit holder, upon adjudication, to civil fines, penalties, and fees pursuant to Titles I 
through III of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Civil Infractions Act of 
1985, effective October 5, 1985 (D.C. Law 6-42; D.C. Official Code § 2-1801.01 et seq,) The 
code official may extend the time periods stated in this section upon written showing of good 
cause by the Verizon Center owner and permit holder. 

"3107.19.15 Existing Verizon ^Center Signs. Any outdoor graphics, signs, visuals, digital 
displays, and static canvas displays existing on the Verizon Center as of June 11, 2012 shall be 
deemed to be approved under District of Columbia law and a permit shall be issued by the 
Department for each sign after the applicable permit fee is paid by the owner of the Verizon 

"3107.19.16 Rulemaking Authority. Notwithstanding section 10 of the Construction 
Codes Approval and Amendments Act of 1986, effective March 21, 1987 (D.C. Law 6-216; 
D.C. Official Code § 6-1409), the Director of the Department may amend the provisions of 
sections 3107.19 through 3107.19.16 by rulemaking pursuant to section 6 of the District of 


Act 19-423, § 2 19th GouhcilPerM 

Columbia Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. li206; D.C. 
Official Code § 2-505), upon review and active approval by the Council.". •"'''■* {l V* 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. . / .- 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report for the Verizon, 
Center Graphics and Entertainment Act of 2012, passed on 1st reading on July 10, 2012 
(Engrossed version of Bill 19-517), as the fiscal impact statement required by section 
602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 
813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). — ' 

Sec; 4.- Effective date. 

^This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24y 1973 (87 
Stat; 788, D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)), ,-; ■■• :■■■■■. ■ ■ v, -■■■■,: 

APPROVED: July 31, 2012. \ \ 


Act 19-424 f 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 
2002 to authorize the District Department of Transportation to plan, develop, operate, regulate, 
and administer the Bicycle Sharing Fund to fund a Bike Sharing program, and to establish the 
Bicycle Sharing Fund. i 

act may be cited as the "District Department of Transportation Bicycle Sharing Fund.; 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. The Department of Transportation Establishment Act of 2002, effective May 21, 

2002 (D.C. Law 14-137; D.C, Official Code § 50-921.01 et seq,), is amended as follows:- 

(a) Section 5(2)(K) (D.C. Official Code § 50-921.04(2)(K)) is amended to read as follows: : . ■„ 

"(K) Develop policies and programs to encourage and provide for the safe use of 
bicycles for recreational and work-related .travel, including to plan, develop,- operate,; 
regulate, and administer the Bicycle Sharing Fund established by section 9f to fund a 
Bike Sharing program;". 

'(b) Section 9e(b)(3) (D.C. Official Code § 50-921. 13(b)(3)) is repealed. . ' ' ; v 

■'■'(e) A new section 9f (D.C. Official Code § 50-921.14) is added to read as follows: \ \ ,; 

"Sec.9f. Bicycle Sharing Fund. ■.;■■- ?; : ^ 

"(a) There is established as a nonlapsing, special purpose revenue fund the Bicycle Sharirij* 
Fund ("Fund"). The fund shall be administered by the Director of the District Department 
of Transportation and used to pay for goods, services, and property and for any other 1 purposei 
under the Bike Sharing program established pursuant to section 5(2)(K). l : > " VI; ' , > 

"(b) All revenue related to the Bike Sharing program, from whatever source derived; 'shall 
be deposited into the Fund as of the effective date of this section. 7 '■■/■ ; ^ 

;; "(c) All funds deposited into the Fund, arid any interest earned on those funds, shall riot 
revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at tile 
end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available for the uses arid 
purposes set forth in subsection (a) of this section without regard to fiscal year liriiitation, 
subject to authorization by Congress. ^ > >0 

. Sec. 3. Pursuant to arid in accordance with Chapter 3 of Title 47 of the District } of 
Cblufribia Official Code, the Council approves the* reallocation of program funds attributable 


2012 Legislation Act 19-425, § 4 

to the Bike Sharing* program in Fund 0301 in Project CM023A 04 to the Bicycle Sharing 

Sec. 4. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, * 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 5. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or "in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED:. July 27, 2012. . 


Act 19^25 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification Nos. 2 and 3 to Contract No. 
DCBE-2009-C-0002 to provide dental insurance benefits to District employees and to authorize 
payment for services received and to be received under the contract. 

act may be cited as the "Contract No. DCBE-2009-C-0002 Modifications Approval and 
Payment Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Modification 
Nos. 2 and 3 to Contract No. DCBE-2009-C-0002 with Connecticut General Life Insurance 
Company to provide dental insurance benefits to District employees, and authorizes payment 
in the amount of $6,073,055.30 for services received and to be received under that contract. 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. . Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. 


Act 19-426 19th Council Period 


Act 19-426 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Modification 2 to Contract No. NFPHC-121 between 
the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation and Washington Imaging Associates of Maryland, 
LLC, to provide radiology services at the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation by obtaining the 
services of Progressive Radiology physicians licensed in the District of Columbia specializing 
in radiology, and to authorize payment for the services received and to be received under the 
- contracts °- .., ,-,-, ;■.■"■.' 


act may be cited as the "Contract No. NFPHC-1^1 Modifications Approval and Payment 
Authorization Emergency Act of 2012". :, , ( . ; , , ; ■-, , - : '.\ ,,;■ , |1 ^. 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule. Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and hotwithstandmg the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010,. effective April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves Modification 
2 to Contract No. NFPHC-121 between the Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation ("NFPHC") 
and the Washington Imaging Associates of Maryland, LLC, d/b/a Progressive Radiology, to 
provide radiology services at NFPHC and authorizes payment in the amount of $ 1,364,900 
for services received and to be received under the contract. . ' : . \ 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206. 02(c)(3)). . ■, ,- 

■SeC. 4. "Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days; as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). . 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. , 


; : ^.v. ■ ActiM^ :\ ' \ u ' ■'■■[: .,v; ; . /:;'■.;. "<■ ., 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the Business Improvement Districts Act of 1996 to revise 
the rates of the assessments in the Downtown BID. 

act may be cited as the "Downtown BID Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". ;i 

Sec. 2. The Business Improvement Districts Act of 1996, effective May 29,1996 (D.C. Law 
11-134; D.C. Official Code § 2-1215.01 et seg.), is amended as follows: - 
; (a) Section 15(e)(1) (D.C* Official Code § 2-1215.15(e)(l)) is amended to read as follows: - 

"(e)(1) BID taxes shall be due and payable semiannually in 2 equal installments, the. first 
being paid on or before September 15 preceding the real property tax year for the period 
October 1 through March 31, and the second installment to be paid on or before March 31 of 
the real property tax year for the period April 1 through September 30.", : . /■ . i ■<■:..■ 

(b) Section 201(c) (D.C. Official Code § 2-1215.51(c)) is amended by adding a new 
paragraph (3) to r'ead as follows: j \ i- ' ; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-428, § 2(a) 

"(3) (A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, the BID taxes for the nonex- 
empt real properties in the Downtown BID shall be: 

"(i) The amount of $0.16 per square foot for each net rentable square foot for 
commercial buildings not being taxed under paragraph (1)(C) of this subsection or sub- 
subparagraph (ii) of this subparagraph, applying to periods beginning after September 
30, 2012; 

. "(ii) The amount of $82 per hotel room annually for property defined under D.G. 
Official Code § 47-813(c-3)(3), applying to periods beginning after March 31, 2013; 

"(iii) The amount of $0.16 per square foot of land for surface parking lots or 
unimproved lots without buildings or other improvements on them, applying to periods 
beginning after September 30, 2012. 

"(B) Net rentable square feet shall be the number of net rentable square feet reported 
to, or on record with, the Office of Tax and Revenue. If the Office of Tax and Revenue 
does not have records for net rentable square feet, then net rentable square feet shall be 
calculated as 90% of the gross building area as determined using records provided by the 
Office of Tax and Revenue.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

■ The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. 


Act 19-428 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, An Act To create a Department of Corrections in the 
District of Columbia to expedite the processing of incarcerated individuals released from the 
Central Detention Facility, to ensure the inmate's safe release and the safety of the surround- 
ing community, to require adequate public records be maintained of all releases from the 
Central Detention Facility, and to create sanctions for the failure to release inmates within the 
reasonable time requirements outlined in this act. 

act may be cited as the "DOC Inmate Processing and Release Emergency Amendment Act of 

Sec. 2. An Act To create a Department of Corrections in the District of Columbia, 
approved June 27, 1946 (60 Stat. 320; D.C. Official Code § 24-211.01 et seq.\ is amended as 

(a) Section 2(b) is amended as follows: 

(1) Paragraph (4) is amended by adding the word "and" after the semicolon. 

(2) Paragraph (5) is amended by striking the phrase "; and" and inserting a period in its 

(3) Paragraphs (6), (7), and (8) are repealed. 


Act 19-428, § 2(b) 19th Gounci^JPeriod 

■(b) A new section 2a is added to read as follows: */■ ( n£) u 

"Sec. 2a. Processing and release of inmates from the Central Detention Facility/- " ;: h'ww 

"(a) The Department of Corrections shall process and release inmates from the Central 
Detention Facility as follows: - 'm 

, "(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, the Department of 

Corrections shall have the obligation to ensure that all inmates are released by 10:00 p.m.; 

'provided, that such obligation does not apply to inmates who are ordered released by the 

-'■ court between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. or to inmates who are being released into the 

custody of another jurisdiction. The Department of Corrections shall have the obligation to 

, abide by subsection (c) of this section for all inmates being released, including those who 

are ordered released by the court between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 ,a,m> .< ■■ 

"(2) For an inmate ordered released pursuant to a court order, the inmate shall be 

released within 5 hours of transfer from the custody of the United States Marshals Service 

, into the custody of the Department of Corrections, unless the inmate is to continue in 

confinement pursuant to another charge or warrant; provided, ; that the .Department of 

Corrections has the obligation to release inmates by 10:00 p.m. , .. ■ : - ; ■..*<■] 

"(3) For an inmate who has completed his or her sentence, and for whonl therens no 
other outstanding charge or warrant, the inmate shall be released before noon on his. or her 
scheduled release date. ■> .^^ 

V-> ; '.■■'.'■-. ■■■ ■ ■ ■>-. ■. . ■ ■ ^ , ■ ■' - .;■} m{T 

"(b) The Department of Corrections shall establish, in coordination with the courts am .the 
United States Marshals Service, procedures to ensure that inmates who have been p^de^e : d 
released by the court are returned to the Central Detention Facility as promptly as i possiJDi& 
"(c) For all inmates released after 10 p.m., the Department of Corrections shall "ensure, 
before release, that: ' .'..''"'.. p fi * aiT 

"(1)(A) The inmate has a residence or other housing that the inmate is able to access and 
the inmate has agreed, in writing, to access the residence or housing at thfe time' r pf r thie 
' inmate's release; or -;.' 'tti fn ' J ^' 

"(B) A shelter is able and willing to receive the inmate at the time of the inmate's 
release and the inmate has agreed, in writing, to access the shelter at the tim^of-the 
inmate's release; 

"(2) The inmate is provided with the clothing that the inmate wore upon intake to the 
Central Detention Facility or, if that clothing is, not available, other clothing provided by 
the Department of Corrections; provided, that the clothing is: l ' y ; 

"(A) Appropriate for the weather; y 

"(B) Not a jumpsuit; and 

"(C) Typical of street clothing worn by citizens in public; 
"(3) Written verification is obtained from the Central Detention Facility's healthcare 
provider ("provider") that, upon release, the inmate has ;>a ; '7-day r '; supply of all prescription 
medications that the inmate is to continue taking upo'h release' -from bustody and'-that the 
inmate has received release counseling, if medically recommended^' from the provid'er-vBthin 
the preceding 7 days; ' ^ 

"(4) If the inmate is a sentenced inmate, the inmate has been provided, within the 7 days 
before release, release counseling oh access to benefits and services available in the District 
to facilitate reentry; ■ - ., ' ;-< li: \< )n 

"(5) The inmate has transportation immediately available upon the inmate's release rrbrfi 

the Central Detention Facility to transport the inmate to the housing identified,;; in 

paragraph (1) of this subsection by: '-yv.-v^fH 

"(A) A member of the Department of Corrections transportation unit; :rWuA 

"(B) A taxi, at the Department of Corrections' expense; or . ■■'>■.■& v<;i 

"(C) A friend or family member; 1; 

'■'■■' "(6) The inmate has been provided with the option of remaining within a Department of 

Corrections facility until release at 7 a.m. If an inmate chooses to do so, the Department of 

Corrections must obtain a written waiver from the inmate stating that the inmate has 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429 

knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily decided to remain in a Department of Corrections 
facility until 7:00 a.m.; and 

"(7) The warden of the Central Detention Facility has certified, in writing, that the 
requirements of this subsection have been met. 

"(d)(1) The Department of Corrections shall maintain an accurate record of the date and 
time of each inmate's release from the Central Detention Facility that shall be a matter of 
public record and that may be audited, upon request, by the Inspector General for the 
District of Columbia or the District of Columbia' Auditor. 

"(2) The Department of Corrections shall provide to the Council, on a quarterly basis, a 
list of all inmates who have been released in violation of this section. The list shall include 
the following information for each inmate released: 

"(A) The custody status of the inmate before release (e.g., pre-trial detention, sen- 
tenced misdemeanant); 

"(B) The reason for the inmate's release (e.g., completion of sentence, court order); 

"(C) The date and time the Department of Corrections received the release order from 
the court or other authority; and 

"(D) The date and time of the release. 

"(e)(1) For each inmate released after 10 p.m. on the date of the expiration of his or her 
sentence or on the date he or she is ordered released by the court, the Department of 
Corrections shall be fined an initial $1,000, with an additional fine of $1,000 for each 24-hour 
period that the inmate is overdetained. 

"(2) The Office of the Chief Financial Officer shall transfer funds in accordance with 
paragraph (1) of this section to the Settlements and Judgments fund to support litigation 
related to the Department of Corrections.". 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact 
statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 4. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 
than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. 


Act 19-429 

AN ACT to amend, on an emergency basis, the District of Columbia Implied Consent Act to clarify 
and organize provisions related to the chemical testing of breath, blood, and urine with regard 
to operation of vehicles and watercraft in the District, to clarify and strengthen provisions 
governing preliminary breath testing, implied consent to chemical testing, and refusal to 
submit specimens for chemical testing, to limit the persons permitted to withdraw blood for the 
purposes of chemical testing to medical professionals, to provide immunity from civil liability 
for medical professionals, law enforcement officers, and persons who assist them when they . 
are engaged in the lawful withdrawal of blood, and to clarify the information related to 
chemical testing that is- to be made available to a defendant; to amend the District of 
Columbia Traffic Act, 1925 to update definitions, to revise outdated language, to increase fines 
to make them proportional with the associated incarceration period, to create a new offense of 


Act 19-429 19th GounciPPeric^ 

leaving after colliding, and to create a new offense for art object falling or flying frtiiri a 
vehicle; to amend the Anti-Drunk Driving Act of 1982 to organize all impaired driving offenses 

.,<■■ and operating watercraft while impaired offenses together, to update and clarify definitions 
and provisions related to impaired driving, to create a new offense for operating a commercial 
vehicle while intoxicated or impaired, to clarify the provisions that require the imposition of 
mandatory-minimum sentences for alcohol or drug impairment offenses; to increase the 
mandatory-minimum sentences for people convicted of an impaired driving offense who have 
more than a stated level of alcohol concentration or who have prior impaired driving 
convictions; to amend the offense of operating a vehicle while impaired to allow the District to 
offer a plea option not only for people who operate a vehicle while impaired by the consump- 
tion of alcohol but also for people who are impaired by a drug or a combination of a drug arid 
alcohol; to provide for a penalty for persons convicted of operating a vehicle while impaired 
when they have prior convictions for alcohol or drug impaired driving offenses; to provide that 
the alcohol concentration used nationally to revoke a commercial drivers license be used as tlje 
level for a per se impaired driving offense for drivers of commercial vehicles and vehicles for 
hire, and establishing a mandatory-minimum of 5 days incarceration for persons convicted of 
operating or being in physical control of those vehicles while impaired; to create a mandatory- 

..,;... minimum penalty for a person who is convicted of an impaired driving offense who at the time 
of the offense had a minor in the vehicle; to amend the Department of Forensic Sciences 
Establishment Act of 2011 to clarify and strengthen the District's breath test program; to 
amend the Establishment of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Act of 2000 to clarify 
the responsibility for blood and urine testing and to clarify and strengthen the District's breath 
test program; to amend section 14-307 of the District of Columbia Official Code to permit the 
release of medical information when a patient is charged with an impaired driving offense arid 
where the patient caused the death of or injury to a human being; and to amend Chapter 10 of 
Title 25 of the District of Columbia Official Code to move boating while intoxicated to Title 50 
and to make conforming amendments. , 

act may be cited as the "Comprehensive Impaired Driving and Alcohol Testing Program 
Emergency Amendment Act of 2012". 


Sec. 101. The District of Columbia Implied Consent Act, approved October 21, 1972 (86 
Stat. 1016; D,C. Official Code § 50-1901 et seq.\ is amended as follows: 

(a) Sections 1, 2, 3, arid 4 are designated as Title L , ^ 

• ' ,(b) Sections 5, 6, and 7 are designated as Title II. '\ '\ 

(c) The newly designated Title I is amended as follows: . , > 

(1) Section 1 (D.C. Official Code § 50-1901) is amended to read as follows: < ; , ■ v 4/ 

"Sec. 1. Definitions. 

"For the purposes of this act, the term: 

"(1) "Chemical test" or "chemical testing" means any qualitative or quantitative proce- 
dure which is designed to demonstrate the existence or absence of a chemical, compound or 
chemical group. Any handheld and portable breath testing instrument, otherwise known as 
a roadside breath test, is excluded from this definition. 

"(2) "Collision" means an impact between the operator's vehicle, or anything attached to 
or transported, by the vehicle, and anything else, f egardless of whether it is a person, a wild 
or domestic animal, real property, or personal property; < - . < ■ - ; 

I "(3) "Commercial vehicle" means a vehicle used to transport passengers or property: 

"(A) If the vehicle has a gross vehicle weight, rating of greater than 26*000 pounds or a 
lesser rating as determined by federal regulation but not less than a gross vehicle weight 
rating of 10,001 pounds; ,. ; ' 

>, "(B) If the vehicle is designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the 

"(C) If the vehicle is a locomotive or a streetcar; v ' 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 101(c)(1) 

"(D) If the vehicle is used to transport a material found to be hazardous by the Mayor 
in accordance with the D.C. Hazardous Materials Transportation and Motor Carrier 
Safety Act of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 (D.C. Law 7-190; D.C. Official Code 
§ 8-1401 et seq.\ or by the Secretary of Transportation in accordance with the Hazard- 
ous Materials Transportation Act, approved January 3, 1975 (88 Stat. 2156; 49 U.S.C. 
§ 1801 etseq.); or 

"(E) If the vehicle is a vehicle for hire. 

"(4) "Court" means the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, except when used in 
the definition of "prior offense" when it shall also include courts of other jurisdictions. 

"(5) "Drug" means any chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind or 
body, including but not limited to a controlled substance as defined in section 102(4) of the 
District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981, effective August 5, 1981 
(D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code § 48-901.02(4)), and any prescription or non-prescrip- 
tion medication. 

"(6) "Highway" means any street, road, or public thoroughfare, or the entire width 
between the boundary lines of every publicly or privately maintained way, when any part 
thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular or pedestrian travel. 

"(7) "Impaired" means a person's ability to operate or be in physical control of a vehicle 
is affected, due to consumption of alcohol or a drug or a combination thereof, in a way that 
can be perceived or noticed. 

"(8) "Intoxicated" means: 

"(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, that: 

"(i) An alcohol concentration at the time of testing of 0.08 grams or more per 100 
milliliters of the person's blood or per 210 liters of the person's breath, or of 0.10 
grams or more per 100 milliliters of the person's urine; or 

"(ii) Amy measurable amount of alcohol in the person's blood, urine, or breath if the 
person is under 21 years of age. 

"(B) If operating or in physical control of a commercial vehicle, that: 

"(i) An alcohol concentration at the time of testing of 0.04 grams or more per 100 
milliliters of the person's blood or per 210 liters of the person's breath, or of 0.08 
grams or more per 100 milliliters of the person's urine; or 

"(ii) Any measurable amount of alcohol in the person's blood, urine, or breath if the 
person is under 21 years of age. 

, "(9) "Law enforcement officer" means a sworn member of the Metropolitan Police 
Department or a sworn member of any other police force operating in the District of 

"(10) "License" means any operator's permit or any other license or permit to operate a 
motor vehicle issued under the laws of the District, including: 

"(A) Any temporary or learner's permit; 

"(B) The privilege of any person to drive a motor vehicle whether or not such person 
holds a valid license; and 

"(C) Any nonresident's operating privilege. 

"(11) "Mayor" means the Mayor of the District, or his or her designee. 

"(12) "Measurable amount" means any amount of alcohol capable of being, but not 
required to be, measured. 

"(13) "Medical professional" means a physician, registered nurse, licensed practical 
nurse, or any person who by certification or licensure is qualified to draw blood. 

"(14) "Motor vehicle" means all vehicles propelled by internal combustion engines, 
electricity, or steam. The term "motor vehicle" shall not include personal mobility devices, 
as defined by section 2(12) of the District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925, approved March 3, 
1925 (43 Stat. 1119; D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.02(12)), or a battery-operated wheelchair 
when operated by a person with a disability. 


Act 19-429, § 101(c)(1) 19th Council Perioa 

"(15) "Nonresident" shall include any person who is not a resident of the District;'' 

"(16) "Nonresident's operating privilege" means the privilege conferred upon a nonresi- 
dent by the laws of the District relating to the operation by such person of a motor vehicle, 
or the use of a vehicle owned by such person, in the District. 

"(17) "Prior offense" means any guilty plea or verdict, including a finding of guilty in the 
casie of a juvenile, for an offense under District law or a disposition in another jurisdiction 
for a substantially similar offense which occurred prior to the current offense regardless of 

'*" when the arrest occurred. The term "prior offense" does not include an offense where the 
later of any term of incarceration, supervised release, parole, or probation ceased or 

■ ■. expired more than 15 years before the arrest on the current offense. 

"(18) "Specimen" means that quantity of a person's blood, breath, or urine necessary to 

* ; " conduct chemical testing to determine alcohol or drug content. A single specimen may be 

comprised of multiple breaths into a breath test instrument if such is necessary to complete 

a valid breath test* or a single blood draw or single urine sample regardless of how many 

times the blood or urine sample is tested. 

"(19) "Vehicle" means any appliance, conveyance, or' carrier that moves over a highway 
on wheels or traction tread, including street cars, draft animals, and beasts of burden.". 

".; (2) Section 2 (D.G. Official Code § 50-19^ [' 

(3) Section 3 (D.C. Official Code § 50-1903) is amen<3ed to read as follows:. , , 

"Sec. 3. (a) Only a medical professional acting at the request of a law enforcement officer 
may withdraw blood, subject to the provisions of this act, for the purpose of determining the 
alcohol or drug content thereof. This limitation shall not apply to the taking of breath or 
urine specimens. 

"(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the following persons are 
immune from criminal and civil liability based upon a claim of assault and battery, or any 
other claim that is hot a claim of malpractice, for any act performed in collecting a person's 
blood: ■ 

"(A) Any law enforcement officer who assists in the collection of specimens from a 
: person pursuant to this section; 

"(B) Any medical professional, staff, or security personnel who collects or assists in the 
collection of specimens from a person pursuant to this section; arid 

"(C) Any hospital, first-aid station, clinic, or other location where specimens are 
collected from a person pursuant to this section. 

"(2) The immunity provided in this subsection shall not apply to a person who collects; or 
assists in the collection of specimens if that person commits gross negligence or engages in 
intentionally wrongful conduct". "'."'" ,i ' i!l 

(4) Section 4 (D.C. Official Code § 50-1904) is amended to read as follows': °'"' 

"Sec. 4. Full information concerning the chemical test results administered under this act, 
including records as provided in section 7(h)(3) of the Department of Forensic Sciences 
Establishment Act of 2011, effective August 17, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-18; D.C. Official Code 
§ 5-1501.06), shall be made available to the person from whom specimens were obtained 
pursuant to Rule 16 of the District of Columbia Superior Court Rules of Criminal Proce- 
dure.". ■■,-,. ...- -.j:'., : ' 

> .(d) The newly designated Title II is amended as follows: " v V : ; / 

(1) New sections 4a and 4b are added to read as follows: 

"Sec. ' 4al (a) When a law enforcement officer has reasonable' grounds to believe that a 
person was operating or in physical control of a vehicle within the District while intoxicated or 
while the person's ability to operate a vehicle is impaired by the consumption of alcohol or a 
drug or a combination thereof, the law enforcement officer may, without making an arrest or 
issuing a violation notice, request that the person submit to a preliminary breath test* to be 
administered by the law enforcement officer, who shall use a device which the Mayor has 
approved by rule for that purpose. .-.-', ; i ; - ■< 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 101(d)(2) 

"(b) Before administering the test, the law enforcement officer shall advise the person to 
be tested that the preliminary breath test is voluntary and that the results of the test will be 
used to aid in the law enforcement officer's decision whether to arrest the person. 

"(c) The results of -the preliminary breath test shall be used by the law enforcement officer 
to aid in the decision whether to arrest the person, and the results of the test shall not be 
used as evidence by the District in any prosecutions and shall not be admissible in any judicial 
proceeding except in any judicial or other proceeding in which the validity of the arrest or the 
conduct of the law enforcement officer is an issue. 

"Sec. 4b. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, when a law enforcement 
officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a person was operating or in physical control of 
a motor vehicle within the District while intoxicated or while the person's ability to operate a 
motor vehicle is impaired by the consumption of alcohol or a drug or a combination thereof, 
after arrest of the person, the person shall: 

"(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, be deemed to have given his 

or her consent, subject to the provisions of this act, to submitting 2 specimens for chemical 

testing of the person's blood, breath, or urine, for the purpose of determining alcohol or 

drug content; and 
"(2) Submit 2 specimens for chemical testing of his or her blood, breath, or urine for the 

purpose of determining alcohol or drug content when he or she is involved -in a collision in 

the District. 

"(b) When a person is required to submit specimens for chemical testing pursuant to 
subsection (a) of this section, a law enforcement officer shall elect which types of specimens 
will be collected from the person and the law enforcement officer. or a medical professional 
shall collect the specimen subject to the restriction in section 3(a); provided, that the person 
may object to a particular type of specimen collection for chemical testing pn valid religious or 
medical grounds. If a person objects to blood collection on valid religious or medical grounds, 
that person shall only be required to submit breath or urine specimens for collection. 

"(c) In addition to submitting specimens for chemical testing as provided in this section, a 
person may also submit specimens for chemical testing administered to him or her by a 
medical professional of his or her own choosing. The failure or inability of the person to 
obtain additional specimens or chemical tests shall not preclude the admission of chemical 
tests results that were the product of the law enforcement officer's request under this section. 

"(d) Before collecting specimens for chemical testing, the law enforcement officer shall 
advise the operator of the motor vehicle about the requirements of this act.". 
(2) Section 5 (D.C. Official Code § 50-1905) is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 5. (a)(1) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing 
as provided in section 4b(a), he or she shall be informed that failure or refusal to submit to 
chemical testing will result in the revocation of his or her license or privilege to drive in the 
District of Columbia as provided in this section. 

"(2) If a person, after having been informed as provided in paragraph (1) of this 
subsection, still refuses to submit to chemical testing, no test shall be given, but the Mayor, 
upon receipt of a sworn report of the law enforcement officer that he or she had reasonable 
grounds to believe the arrested person had been driving or was in physical control of a 
motor vehicle upon the highways while the person was intoxicated or while the person's 
ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by the consumption of alcohol or a drug or a 
combination thereof, and that the person had refused to submit 2 specimens for chemical 
testing, shall: 

"(A) Revoke his or her license or privilege to drive in the District of Columbia for a 
period of 12 months; or 

"(B) Deny the person the issuance of a license, if the person is without' a license to 
operate a motor vehicle in the District, for a period of 12 months after the date of the 
alleged violation. 

"(b) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing as provided 
in section 4b(a), and the person has had a conviction for a prior offense under sections 3b> 3c, 
or 3e of the Anti-Drunk Driving Act of 1982, effective September 14, 1982 (D.C. Law 4-145; 


Act 19-429, § 101(d)(2) 19th Couhc^Perio*! 

D.C. Official Code § 50-2205.02 et set/.), there shall be a rebuttable presumption thaif)the 
person is under the influence of alcohol or a drug or any combination thereof. , ;.■ .■ ; j < xl 

"(c) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing as provided 
in section 4b(a), evidence of such refusal shall be admissible in any civil or criminal proceeding 
arising as a result of the acts alleged to have been committed by the person before the arrest. 

"(d)(1) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing as 
provided in section 4b(a) and the person was involved in a collision that resulted in a fatality^ 
except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a law enforcement officer may employ 
whatever means are reasonable to collect blood specimens from the person if the law 
enforcement officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person was intoxicated ,of 
under the influence of alcohol or of any drug or any combination thereof ■>■ ^ca r, 

"(2) If a person required to submit blood testing under paragraph (1) of this subsectibri 
objects on valid religious or medical grounds, that person shall not be required to submit 
blood specimens but the law enforcement officer may employ whatever means are reason- 
able to collect breath or urine specimens from the person if the law enforcement officerihas 
reasonable grounds to believe that the person was intoxicated or under the influence; of 
alcohol or of any drug or any combination thereof.". r *■•■■■;■.) ..rr-h 

(3) Section 6(a) (D.C. Official Code § 50-1906(a» is amended as follows: ■; • . { ^" 

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended to read as follows: ;V,:ii : l .-"r : ; 
"(1) Whether a law enforcement officer had reasonable grounds to believe such "person 

had been operating or was in physical control of : a motor vehicle upon the highway while 
intoxicated or while the person's ability to operate' a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol 
or a drug or any combination thereof; and,". ' 

(B) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking: the phrase "submit to the test or tests" and 
inserting the phrase "submit specimens for chemical testing" in its place. ; : V 

(4) Section 7 (D.C. Official Code § 50-1907) is amended as follows: ..;,.; 

(A) Strike the phrase "his license" and insert the phrase "his or her license"; in its 
place. ■'..■' -. -n " ■■/:■[ 

(B) Strike the phrase "him a license" and insert the phrase "him or her a license" 'in 
its place. i ! ;.>•■''■ 

. i '',-■■■■'■■ ■■'■ - 

(C) Strike the word "Act" and insert the word "title" in its place. V ,,' ' 

(e) A new Title III is added to read as follows: , ; , .- ; ■]■■ 

"TITLE III. ; ; - , 

"Sec 7a. Definitions. ..'..."'' *-/_., 

For the purposes of this title, the term: V : > «^; ri 

■'-■■ "(1) "Collision" means an impact between the operator's watercraft, or anything attached 
to or transported by the watercraft, and anything else, regardless of whether it is a p'etesqn, 
a wild or domestic animal, real property, or personal property. Ji: ll ' ? ; ' 

"(2) "Watercraft" means a boat, ship, or other craft u^ed for. water transportation,; as 
■ well as water skis, aquaplane, sailboard, or similar vessel. -'..}, V , ; : V>, 

"Sec. 7b. (a) When a law enforcement officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a 
person is or has been operating or in physical control of a watercraft within the District while 
intoxicated or .while the person's ability to operate a-watercraft is impaired by the consump- 
tion of alcohol or a drug or a combination thereof, the law enforcement officer may,* without 
making an arrest or issuing a violation notice, request that the person submit to a preliminary 
breath test, to be administered by the law enforcement officer * who shall use a device which 
the Mayor has approved by rule for that purpose. ' ; 

"(b) Before administering the test, the law enforcement officer shall advise the persoir to 
be tested that the test is voluntary and that the results of the test will be used to aid in, the 
law enforcement officer's decision whether to arrest the person. . , r , u> ^ v, 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 101(e) 

"(c) The results of the preliminary breath test shall be used by the law enforcement officer 
to aid in the decision whether to arrest the person, and the results of the test shall not be 
used as evidence by the District in any prosecutions and shall not be admissible in any judicial 
proceeding except in any judicial or other proceeding in which the validity of the arrest or the 
conduct of the law enforcement officer is an issue. 

"Sec. 7c. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, any person who operates 
or who is in physical control of any watercraft within the District and a law enforcement 
officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person is operating or in physical control of 
a watercraft while intoxicated or while the person's ability to operate a watercraft is impaired 
by the consumption of alcohol or a drug or a combination thereof, after arrest shall: 

"(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, be deemed to have given his 
or her consent, subject to the provisions of this act, to submitting 2 specimens for chemical 
testing of the person's blood, breath, or urine, for the purpose of determining alcohol or 
drug content; and 

"(2) Submit 2 specimens for chemical testing of his or her blood, breath, or urine for the 
purpose of determining alcohol or drug content when he or she is involved in a collision in 
the District. 

"(b) When a person is required to submit specimens for chemical testing pursuant to 
subsection (a) of this section, a law enforcement officer shall elect which types of specimens 
will be collected from the person and the law enforcement officer or a medical professional 
shall collect the specimen subject to the restriction in section 3(a); provided, that the person 
may dbject to a particular type of specimen collection for chemical testing on valid religious or 
medical grounds. If a person objects to blood collection on valid religious or medical grounds, 
that person shall only be required to submit breath or urine specimens for collection. 

"(c) In addition to submitting specimens for chemical testing as provided in this section, a 
person may also submit specimens for chemical testing administered to him or her by a 
medical professional of his or her own choosing. The failure or inability of the person to 
obtain additional specimens or chemical tests shall not preclude the admission of chemical 
tests results that were the product of the law enforcement officer's request. 

"(d) Before collecting specimens for chemical testing, the law enforcement officer shall 
advise the operator of the watercraft about the requirements of this act. 

"Sec. 7d. (a) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing as 
provided in section 7c(a), he or she shall be informed that failure or refusal to submit to 
chemical testing will result in his or her inability to operate a watercraft in the District of 
Columbia as provided in section 7e. 

"(b) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing as provided 
in section 7c(a), and the person has a prior offense under sections 3j or 3k of the Anti-Drunk 
Driving Act of 1982, effective September 14, 1982 (D.C. Law 4-145; D.C. Official Code 
§ 50-2205.02 et seq.), there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the person is under the 
influence of alcohol or a drug or any combination thereof. 

"(c) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing as provided 
in section 7c(a), evidence of such refusal shall be admissible in any civil or criminal proceeding 
arising as a result of the acts alleged to have been committed by the person before the arrest. 

"(d)(1) If a person under arrest refuses to submit specimens for chemical testing as 
provided in section 7c(a), and the person was involved in a collision that resulted in a fatality, 
except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a law enforcement officer may employ 
whatever means are reasonable to collect blood specimens from the person if the law 
enforcement officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person was intoxicated or was 
under the influence of alcohol or of any drug or any combination thereof. 

"(2) If a person required to submit to blood collection under .paragraph (1) of this 
subsection objects on valid religious or medical grounds, that person shall not be required 
to submit blood specimens but the law enforcement officer may employ whatever means are 
reasonable to collect breath or urine specimens from the person if the law enforcement 
officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person was intoxicated or was under the 
influence of alcohol or of any drug or any combination thereof. 


&ct 19-429, § 101(e) 19th Couhdl f^rioil 

■ "See. 7e. If a person refuses to submit to chemical testing under this title, the Superior 
Court of the District of Columbia shall order the person not to operate any watercraft for at 
least one year. A refusal to submit to any test as required by this section shall be punishable 
by a $500 fine, imprisonment of 90 days, or both.". ; ' 7r - 

Sec. 102. The District of Columbia Traffic Act,- 1925, approved March 3, 1925 (43 :i 8i& 
1119; D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.01 etseq.), is amended as follows: ' '* * j l ;^" 

1 (a) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.02) is amended to read as follows: * ''" O' ; 
"Sec^ 2. Definitions. ,?;'!-;>, ;^ 

"For the purposes of this act, the term: " v < — - 

"(1) "Alcohol" means a liquid, gas , or solid, containing ethanol from whatever! source or 
by whatever- processes produced* whether or not intended for human consumption 1 . v)H • 

: "(2) "All-terrain vehicle" >or "ATV" means any motor vehicle with not less thdh' [ 3 low- 
pressure tires, but not more than 6 low-pressure tires, designed primarily for 6ff-rda& L 'tise 
arid which has a seat or saddle designed to be straddled by the operator. The terms' "all- 
terrain vehicle" and "ATV" shall not include golf carts, riding lawnmowers, or tractors. 

"(3) "Commercial vehicle" means a vehicle used to transport passengers or property: - ' 

"(A) If the vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating of greater than 26,000 pounds or a 
1 lesser rating as determined by federal regulation but not less than a gross vehicle weight 
rating of 10,001 pounds; 

"(B) If the vehicle is designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the 

"(C) If the vehicle is a locomotive or a streetcar; ; 

"(D) If the vehicle is used to transport a material found to be hazardous by the Mayor 
in accordance with the D.C. Hazardous Materials Transportation and Motor Carrier 
Safety Act of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 (D.C. Law 7-190; D.C. Official Code 
§ 8-1401 et seq.), or by the Secretary of Transportation in accordance with the Hazard- 
ous Materials Transportation Act, approved January 3, 1975 (88 Stat. 2156; 4£l U.S,Q. 
§ 1801 etseq.); or 

"(E) If the vehicle is a vehicle for hire,' \ 

"(4) "Court" means the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, except when used in 
the definition of "prior offense" when it s'hp also include courts of other jurisdictions. 
."(5) "Dirt bike" means any motorcycle designed primarily for off-road use. 

"(6) "Highway" means any street, road, or public thoroughfare, or the entire width 
between the boundary lines of every publicly : or { privately maintained way, when any part 
thereof is open to the use of the public fqr .purposes of vehicular or pedestrian travel. 

"(7) "Identifying information" means the name^ complete address, and telephone number 

/ of the operator of the vehicle; if the owner of the^ vehicle is different from the operator of 

the vehicle, the name, complete address, and telephone, number of the owner of the. vehicle 

operated; the tag number of the vehicle operated or, tag' number, the vehicle 

identification number; and insurance information for the vehicle operated. 

"(8) "Law enforcement officer" means a sworn member of the Metropolitan Police 
Department or a sworn member of any other police force operating in the District, of 

"(9) "Mayor" means the Mayor of the District of Columbia or his or her designee.: ; \ 

"(10) "Motor vehicle" means all vehicles propelled by internal-combustion engines, 

electricity, or steam. The term "motor vehicle" shall not include traction engines, road 

rollers, vehicles propelled only upon rails or tracks, personal mobility devices, as defined in 

, paragraph (12) of this section, or a battery-operated wheelchair when operated by a person 

with a disability. ,■-,.,, 

"(11) "Park" means to leave any motor vehicle standing on a highway* whether or not 
attended. ■-■..,■. 

"(12) "Personal mobility device" or "PMD" means a motorized propulsion device 1 de- 
signed to transport one person or a self-balancing, two non-tandem wheeled -device, 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 102(b) 

designed to transport only one person with an electric propulsion system, but does not 
include a battery-operated wheelchair. 

"(13) "Prior offense" means any guilty plea or verdict, including a finding of guilty in the 
case of a juvenile, for an offense under District law or a disposition in another jurisdiction 
for a substantially similar offense which occurred before the current offense regardless of 
when the arrest occurred. The term "prior offense" does not include an offense where the 
later of any term of incarceration, supervised release, parole, or probation ceased or 
expired more than 15 years prior to the arrest on the current offense. 

"(14) "This act" includes all lawful regulations issued thereunder by the Council of the 
District of Columbia and all lawful rules issued thereunder by the Mayor of the District of 
Columbia or his designated agent. 

"(15) "Traffic" includes not only motor vehicles but also all vehicles, pedestrians, and 
animals, of every description. 

"(16) 'Vehicle" includes any appliance moved over a.highway on wheels or traction tread, 
including street cars, draft animals, and beasts of burden. 

"(17) "Vehicle conveyance fee" shall have the same meaning as provided in section 102(9) 
of the District of Columbia Traffic Adjudication Act of 1978, effective September 12, 1978 
(D.C. Law 2-104; D.C. Official Code § 50-2301.02(9)). 

"(18) "Vehicle for hire" means: 

"(A) Any motor vehicle operated in the District by a private concern or individual as 
an ambulance, funeral car, sightseeing vehicle, or for which the rate is fixed solely by the 

"(B) Any motor vehicle operated in the District by a private concern used for services 
including transportation paid for by a hotel, venue, or other third party; 

"(C) Any motor vehicle used to provide transportation within the District between 
fixed termini or on a schedule, including vehicles operated by the Washington Metropoli- 
tan Area Transit Authority or ■ other public authorities, not including rental cars; or 

"(D) Any other vehicle that provides transportation for a fee not operated on a 
schedule or between fixed termini and operating in the District, including taxicabs, 
limousines, party buses, and pedicabs. 

"(19) "Work zone" means the area of a highway or roadway that is affected by 
construction, maintenance, or utility work activities, including the area delineated by and 
within all traffic control devices erected or installed to guide vehicular, pedestrian, and. 
bicycle traffic". 

(b) Section 6 (D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.03) is amended as follows: 

(1) Subsection (b) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the word "he" and insert the phrase "he or she" in its place. 

(B) Strike the word "his" and insert the phrase "his or her" in its place. 

(2) Subsection (d) is amended as follows: 

(A) Strike the word "he" and insert the phrase "he or she" in its place. 

(B) Strike the word "his" and insert the phrase "his or her" in its place. 

(C) Strike the word "him" and insert the phrase "him or her" in itsplace. 

(D) Strike the phrase "$1,000" and insert the phrase "$2,500" in its place. 

(3) Subsection (f) is amended by striking the phrase "$300" and inserting the phrase 
"$500" in its place. 

(4) Subsection (j) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (2) is amended as follows: 

(i) Strike the word "his" and insert the phrase "his or her" in its place, 
(ii) Strike the word "he" and insert the phrase "he or she" in its place. 

(B) Paragraph (3)(E) is amended by striking the word "his" and inserting the phrase 
"his oi' her" in its place. 


Act 19-429, § 102(b) 19th Council PeriM 

(5) Subsection (k) is amended as follows: 

(A) Paragraph (1) is amended by striking the phrase "an officer" and inserting the 
phrase "a law enforcement officer" in its place. 

(B) Paragraph (2) is amended by striking the word "officer" and inserting the phrase 
"law enforcement officer" in its place. 

(c) Section 9(c) (D.C. Official Code § 50-2201. 04(c)) is amended by striking the .phrase 
"$1,006" and inserting the phrase "$2,500" in its place. 

(d) Section 9b(c) (D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.04b(c)) is amended by striking the phrase 
"$1,000" and inserting the phrase "$250" in its place. 

(e) Section 10 (D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.05) is repealed. 

(f) Section 10b(b)(2) (D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.05b(b)(2)) is amended by striking the 
phrase "$5,000" and inserting the phrase "$12,500" in its place. 

(g) New sections 10c and lOd are added to read as follows: *' " 

"Sec. 10c. Leaving after colliding. 

"(a) Any person who operates or who is in physical , control of a vehicle within the District 
who knows or\has reason to believe that his orhfef vehicle has been in a tbllisibn shall 
immediately stop and: v ' 

"(1) Where another person is injured, call or cause another to call 911 or call or cause 
another to call for an ambulance or other emergency assistance if necessary, remain on the 
scenes until law enforcement arrives; and provide identifying information to law enforcement 
and to the injured person; 

"(2) Where real or personal property belonging to another is damaged or a domestic 

animal is injured, provide identifying information to the owner or operator of the property 

or the owner of the domestic animal or, where the owner or operator of the property or the 

_ owner of the domestic animal is not present, provide or cause another to provide identifying 

■,- ■ information and the location of the collision, to law enforcement or 911; or 

"(3) Where real or personal property or a wild or domestic animal, as a result of the 
collision, poses a risk to others, call or cause another to call 911 and provide identifying 
information, the location of the collision, and a description of the nature of the risk posed to 
•. others. 

"(b) It is an affirmative defense to a violation of subsection (a) of this section, which the 
defendant must show by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant's failure to stop 
or his or her failure to remain on the scene was based on a reasonable belief that his, or her 
personal safety, or the safety of another, was at risk and that he or she called 911$ or 
otherwise notified law enforcement, as soon as it was safe to do so, provided identifying 
information, provided a description of the collision, including the location of the ■ collision or 
event, and followed the instructions of the 911 operator or a law ehforcemeht ; officer. 

"(c) It is not a defense to a violation of this section that the defendant" ^ 'ul'vifc : .i\< 
"(1) Was intoxicated, impaired in any way, or distracted; or ;\ -;<;■■. r.^>r-i >[\> 

"(2) Was not at fault for the collision. > . : ^ /■ 

"(d)(1)(A) A person violating subsection (a)(1) of this section shall upon conviction 1 for the 
first offense be fined not more than $1,000, or incarcerated for not more than 180 ;days, or 
both. / .,• . „ 

; "(B) A person, violating subsection: (a)(1) of this section when the person has a prior 
offense under subsection (a)(1) of this section and is being sentenced on the current 
offense shall be fined not more than $2,500, or imprisoned not more than one- year, or 

"(2)(A) A person violating subsection (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this section shall upon conviction 
for the first offense M fined not more than $250, or incarcerated for not more than 30 days, 
or both. ' .....--.,. 

"(B) ,A person violating subsection (a)(2) or (3) of this section when the person has a 
prior offense under subsection (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this section and is being sentenced on 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 103(e)(2)(A) 

the current offense shall be fined not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than 90 
, - days, or both. 

"Sec. lOd. Object falling or flying from vehicle. 

"(a) Any person who operates or who is in physical control of a vehicle within the District 
who knows or has reason to believe that an object likely to cause damage has fallen or flown 
from his or her vehicle shall immediately stop and: 

"(1) Where another person is injured, call or cause another to call 911 or call or cause 
another to call for an ambulance or other emergency assistance if necessary, remain on the 
scene until law enforcement arrives, and provide identifying information to law enforcement 
and to the injured person; 

"(2) Where real of personal property belonging to another is damaged or a domestic 

animal is injured, provide identifying information to the owner or operator of the property 

or the owner of the domestic animal or, where the owner or operator of the property or the 

owner of the domestic animal is not present, provide or cause another to provide identifying 

' information and the location of the event, to law enforcement or 911; or 

"(3) Where real or personal property or a wild or domestic animal, as a result of the 
event, poses a risk to others, call or cause another to call 911 and provide identifying 
information, the location of the collision, and a description of the nature of the risk posed to 

"(b) It is an affirmative defense to a violation of subsection (a) of this section, which the 
defendant must show by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant's failure to stop 
or his or her failure to remain on the scene was based on a reasonable belief that his or her 
personal safety, or the safety of another, was at risk and that he or she called 911, or 
otherwise notified law enforcement, as soon as it was safe to do so, provided identifying 
information, provided a description of the event, including the location of the event, and 
followed the instructions of the 911 operator or a law enforcement officer. 

"(c) It is not a defense to a violation of this section that the defendant: 

"(1) Was intoxicated, impaired in any way, or distracted; or 

"(2) Was not at fault for the object falling from or flying from the vehicle. 

"(d)(1) A person violating any provision of subsection (a) df this section shall upon 
conviction for the first offense be fined not more than $500, or incarcerated for not more than 
60 days, or both. 

"(2) A person violating any provision of subsection (a) of this section when the person has 
a prior offense under subsection (a) of this section and is being sentenced on the current 
offense shall be fined not more than $500, or imprisoned not more than 90 days, or both.". 

(h) Section 16(b) (D.C. Official Code § 50-2201.07) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the word "he" and insert the phrase "he or she" in its place, 

(2) Strike the word "his" and insert the phrase "his or her" in its place. 

Sec. 103. The Anti-Drunk Driving Act of 1982, effective September 14, 1982 (D.C. Law 
4-145; D.C. Official Code § 50-2205.02 et seq.), is amended as follows: ' 

(a) Sections 2 and 3 are designated as Subtitle A of Title I. 

(b) Sections 4 through 11 are designated as Title II. 

(c) Section 12 and 13 are designated as Title III. 

(d) Section 14 is designated as Title IV. 

(e) The newly designated Title I is amended as follows: 

(1) A title heading is added to read as follows: 


(2) The newly designated Subtitle A is amended as follows: 
(A) Section 2 (D.C. Official Code § 50-2205.02) is repealed. 


Act 19-429, § 103(e)(2)(B) 19th Council, Pe*M 

.< (B) Section 3 (D.C. Official Code § 50-2205.03) is repealed. . ;: !l 

(C) A new section 3a is added to read as follows: ' - u 

"Sec. 3a. Definitions. . ■ )H" 

"For the purposes of this title, the term: ; ';■*" 

"(1) "Active metabolite" means an active form of a drug after- it has been processed^ by 
the body. " 

"(2) "Alcohol" means a liquid, gas, or solid, containing ethaiiol from whatever source or 
by whatever processes produced, whether .or not intended for human consumption. 

"(2) "Chemical test" or "chemical testing" means any qualitative or quantitative proce- 
dure which is designed to demonstrate the existence or absence of a chemical compound' or 
chemical group. Ally handheld and portable breath testing instrument, otherwise Jcnown as 
a roadside breath test, is excluded from this definition. / ' ! 

"(3) "Commercial vehicle" means a vehicle used to transport passengers or property; ., 

"(A) If the vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating' of greater than 26,000 pounds Or a 
lesser rating as determined by federal regulation but not less than a gross vehicle weight 
rating of 10,001 pounds; , ., ; .,.,,, 

"(B) If the vehicle is designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including : the 
driver; . : .-■,,< 

"(C) If the vehicle is a locomotive or a streetcar; ,, (,.;- 

■ "(D) If the vehicle is used to transport a material found to be hazardous by the Mayor 
in accordance with the D.C. Hazardous Materials Transportation and Motor Carrier 
'"•■ Safety Act of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 (D.C, Law 7-190; D.C. Officials Code 
§ 8-1401 et seq.), or by the Secretary of Transportation in accordance with the Hazard- 
ous Materials Transportation Act, approved January 3, 1975 (88 Stat. 2156; 49; tJ».S.G. 
§ 1801 et seq.); or ^wcilov 

"(E) If the vehicle is a vehicle for hire. H i*)f 

"(5) "Court" means the Superior Court of the District of Columbia* except when us'ed in 
the definition of "prior offense" when it shall also include courts of other jurisdictions. 

../■.'. "(6) "Drug" means any chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind, or 
body, including but not limited to a controlled substance as defined in section 102(4) of the 
District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981, effective August 5, 1981 
(D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code § 48-901.02(4)), and any prescription or non-prescrip- 
tion medication. ; ' ' .'"''■'' 

"(7) "Highway" means any street, road, or public thoroughfare, or the entire width 
between the boundary lines of every publicly or privately maintained way, when any part 
thereof is open to the use of the pubM for purposes of vehicular or pedestrian travel." 

"(8) "Impaired" means a person's ability t6 operate or be in physical control' of 'a' vehicle 
is affected, due to consumption of alcohol or a drug or a combination thereof, in a-way that 
can be perceived or noticed. ■ . , , . . , 

"(9) "Intoxicated" means: , < v ; , ,, : ;. ;,■; ',',*'..; 

"(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, that: , ; ,. ^ , (1 . 

"(i) An alcohol concentration at the time of testing of 0.08 grams or more, per j 100 
milliliters of the person's blood or per 210 liters of the person's breath, or of 0.10 
grams or more per 100 milliliters of the person's urine; or ' ■■ ^ ^ 

"(ii) Any measurable amount of alcohol in the person's blood, urine, or -breath if' the 
person is under 21 years of age, , ' ») 

"(B) If operating or in physical control of a commercial vehicle, that: - ?n 

"(i) An alcohol concentration at the time of testing of 0.04 grams or more per 100 

milliliters of the person's blood or per 210 liters of the person's breath, or of 0.08 

grams or more per 100 milliliters of the person's urine; or 
"(ii) 'Any measurable amount of alcohol in the person's blood, urine > or breatM'if the 

person is under 21 ye r ars of age, , ,' . /.,} 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) 

"(10) "Law enforcement officer" means a sworn member of the Metropolitan Police 
Department or a sworn member of any other police force operating in the District of 

"(11) "Mandatory-minimum term of incarceration" means a term of incarceration which 
shall be imposed and cannot be suspended by the court The person shall not be released 
or granted probation, or granted suspension of sentence before serving the mandatory- 
minimum sentence. 

"(12) "Mayor" means the Mayor of the District of Columbia or his or her designee. 

"(13) "Measurable amount" means any amount of alcohol capable of being, but not 
required to be, measured. 

"(14) "Minor" means a person under the age of 18 years. 

"(15) "Motor vehicle" means all vehicles propelled by internal-combustion engines, 
electricity, or steam. The term "motor vehicle" shall not include traction engines, road 
rollers, vehicles propelled only upon rails or tracks, personal mobility devices, as defined by 
paragraph (16) of this section, or a battery-operated wheelchair when operated by a person 
with a disability. 

"(16) "Personal mobility device" or "PMD" means a motorized propulsion device de- 
signed to transport one person or a self-balancing, 2 non-tandem wheeled device, designed 
to transport only one person with an electric propulsion system, but does not include a 
battery-operated wheelchair. 

"(17) "Prior offense" means any guilty plea or verdict, including a finding of guilty in the 
case of a juvenile, for an offense under District law or a disposition in another jurisdiction 
for a substantially similar offense which occurred before the current offense regardless of 
when the arrest occurred. The term "prior offense" does not include an offense where the 
later of any term of incarceration, supervised release, parole, or probation ceased or 
expired more than 15 years before the arrest on the current offense. 

"(18) "Specimen" means that quantity of a person's blood, breath, or urine necessary to 
conduct chemical testing to determine alcohol or drug content. A single specimen may be 
comprised of multiple breaths into a breath test instrument if necessary to complete a valid 
breath test, or a single blood draw or single urine sample regardless of how many times the 
blood or urine sample is tested. 

"(19) "This title" includes all lawful regulations issued thereunder by the Council of the 
District of Columbia and all lawful rules issued thereunder by the Mayor of the District of 
Columbia or his designated agent. 

"(20) "Traffic" includes not only motor vehicles but also all vehicles, pedestrians, and 
animals, of every description. 

"(21) "Vehicle" includes any appliance moved over a highway on wheels or traction tread, 
including street cars, draft animals, and beasts of burden. 

l %22) "Vehicle for hire" means: 

"(A) Any motor vehicle operated in the District by a private concern or individual as 
an ambulance, funeral car, sightseeing vehicle, or for which the rate is fixed solely by the 

"(B) Any motor vehicle operated in the District by a private concern used for services 
including transportation paid for by a hotel, venue, or other third party; 

"(C) Any motor vehicle used to provide transportation within the District between 
fixed termini or on a schedule, including vehicles operated by the Washington Metropoli- 
tan Area Transit Authority or other public authorities, not including rental cars; or 

■ "(D) Any other vehicle that provides transportation for a fee not operated on a 
schedule or between fixed termini and operating in the District, including taxicabs, 
limousines, party buses, and pedicabs. 

"(23) "Watercraft" means a boat, ship, or other craft used for water transportation, as 
well as water skis, an aquaplane, a sailboard, or a similar vessel. 

(3) New Subtitles B, C, and D are added to read as follows: 


Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) ma Couricii p<^a 

' ; "SUBTITLE B. / " , , ; !\-'" /T 

"Sec. 3b. Driving under the influence of alcohol or a drug. ; 

"j^o person shall operate or be in physical control of any vehicle in the District: 

.. "(1) While the person is intoxicated; or 

"(2) While the person is under the influence of alcohol or any drug or any combination 
thereof . ..' 

"Sec, 3c. Driving under the influence of alcohol or a drug; commercial vehicle, 

"No person shall operate or be in physical control of any commercial vehicle in the District: 

"(1) While the person is intoxicated; or . 

• "(2) While the person is under the influence of alcohol or any drug or any combination 
thereof. /'">s 

"Sec. 3d. Penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol or a druig. ; ' ' '' ' 

"(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a person violating any 
provision of section 3b or 3c shall upon conviction for the first offense be fined, $1,000, or 
incarcerated for not more than 180 days, or both; provided, that: 

"(1) .. A 10-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the .person's 
alcohol concentration was at least 0.20 grams per i00 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters of 
■ ( ■ - breath, or was at least 0.25 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; or i 

"(2) A 15-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the persqn's 
alcohol concentration was more than 0.25 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters 
of breath or 0.32 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; or 

"(3) A 20-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
alcohol concentration was more than 0.30 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters 
of breath or 0.39 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; and 

"(4) A 15-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
blood or urine contains a Schedule I chemical or controlled substance as listed in section 
204 of the District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981, effective 
August 5, 1981 (D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code § 48-902.04), Phencyclidine, Cocaine, 
Methadone, Morphine, or one of its active metabolites or analogs. : 

"(b) A person violating any provision of section 3b or 3c when the person has a prior 
offense under section 3b, 3c, or 3e and is being sentenced on the current offense shall be fined 
'not less than $2,500 and not more than $5,000, or incarcerated for not more than one' year, or 
both; provided, that a 10-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed, 
and in addition: 

"(1) A 15-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
alcohol concentration was at least 0.20 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters of 
. breath, or was at least 0.25 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; or 

v i, "(2) A 20-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
alcohol concentration was more than 0.25 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters 
of breath or more than 0.32 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; or 

"(3) A 25-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
alcohol concentration was more than 0.30 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters 
. of breath or 0.39 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; and ,.• 

..-, "(4) A 20-day .mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 

5 blood or urine contains a Schedule I chemical or controlled substance as listed in section 

204 of the District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981, effective 

"August 5, 1981 (D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code § 48-902.04), Phencyclidine, Cocaine, 

Methadone, Morphine, or one of its active metabolites or analogs. 

"(c) A person violating any provision of section 3b or 3c when the person has 2 or more 
prior offenses under section 3b, 3c, or 3e and is being sentenced on the current offense shall 
be fined not less than $2,500 and not more than $10,000, or incarcerated for not more' than 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) 

one year, or both; provided, that a 15-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be 
imposed, and in addition: 

"(1) A 20-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
alcohol concentration was at least 0.20 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters of 
breath, or was at least 0.25 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; or 

"(2) A 25-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
■ alcohol concentration was more than 0.25 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters 
of breath or 0.32 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; or 

"(3) A 30-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
alcohol concentration was more than 0.30 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters 
of breath or 0.39 grams per 100 milliliters of urine; and 

"(4) A 25-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed if the person's 
blood or urine contains a Schedule I chemical or controlled substance as defined in section 
204 of the District of Columbia Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1981, effective 
August 5, 1981 (D.C. Law 4-29; D.C. Official Code § 48-902.04), Phencyclidine, Cocaine, 
Methadone, Morphine, or one of its active metabolites or analogs. 

"(d) An additional 30-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed for 
each additional violation of any one or more provisions' of section 3b or 3c if the person has 3 
prior offenses under section 3b, 3c, or 3e and is being sentenced on the current offense. 

"Sec. 3e. Operating a vehicle while impaired. 

"No person shall operate or be in physical control of any vehicle in the District while the 
person's ability to operate or be in physical control of a vehicle is impaired by the 
consumption of alcohol or any drug or any combination thereof. 

"Sec. 3f. Penalty for operating a vehicle while impaired. 

"(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a person violating section 
3e shall upon conviction for the first offense be fined $500, or incarcerated for not more than 
90 days, or both. , v 

"(b) A person violating any provision of section 3e when the person has a prior offense 
under section 3b, 3c, or 3e and is being sentenced on the current offense shall be fined not 
less than $1,000 and not more than $2,500, or incarcerated for' not more than one year, or 
both; provided, that a 5-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be imposed. 

"(c) A person violating any provision of section 3e when the person has 2 or more prior 
offenses under section 3b, 3c, or 3e and is being sentenced on the current offense shall be 
fined not less than $1,000 and not more than $5,000, or incarcerated for not more than one 
year, or both; provided, that a 10-day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration shall be 

"Sec. 3g. Operating under the influence of alcohol or a drug; horse-drawn vehicle. 

"(a) No person shall operate or be in the physical control of any horse-drawn vehicle while 
under the influence of alcohol or any drug or any combination thereof. 

"(b) A person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, shall be fined 
$500, or be incarcerated for not more than 90 days, or both. 

"(c) Civil penalties and fees may be imposed as alternative sanctions for any violation of 
this section in accordance with the procedures under the D.C. Hazardous Materials Transpor- 
tation and Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 (D.C. Law 7-190; D.C. 
Official Code § 8-1401 et seq.). 

"Sec. 3h. Additional penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol or a drug; 
commercial vehicle. 

"A person violating any provision of section 3c shall, in addition to any applicable penalty 
under section 3d, be subject to an additional 5 day mandatory-minimum term of incarceration. 

"Sec. 3i. Additional penalty for impaired driving with a minor in vehicle. 

"A person convicted of any offense under this subtitle who, at the time of operation or 
physical control of the vehicle had' a minor, other than him or herself, in the vehicle, shall, in 
addition to any applicable penalty under this subtitle: 


Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) , 19th Council Period 

, "(IX Be fined a minimum of $500 and not more than $1,000 per minor; and /:V/ , }[l0 

"(2) Be incarcerated for a mandatory-minimum term of incarceration of: /., ,.<o::oqrm 

"(A) 5 days per minor if the minor or minors are restrained in, or' by, an" age- 
appropriate child passenger-safety restraint; or . ,^,r;^ 

"(B) 10 days per minor if the minor or minors are not restrained in, or by, an ? ajge- 
apprOpriate child passenger-safety restraint. ' v v j 

"SUBTITLE C. ; /" 

"Sec. 3j . Operating under the influence of alcohol or a drug; watercraft. ■ ..■■..•'.'■< - 
"No person shall operate or be in physical control of any watercraft in the District: 

"(1) While' the person is intoxicated; or , ; : ■■■ - * ,-.-■; 

"(2) While the person is under the influence of alcohol*' or any drug or an^' combination 
thereof. r ; ' ' > -^; 

"Sec. 3k. Penalties for operating watercraft under the influence of alcohol or a drug. 

: "(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (e) of this section, a person violating [any 
provision of section 3j shall upon conviction for the first offense be fined $l$6fert0r 
incarcerated for not more than 180 days, or both. , ., , v ^» 

"(b) A person violating* : any provisions of section 3j when the person has a prior, o^ense 
under section 3j or 31 and is being sentenced on the current offense shall be fined >ho t t;less 
than $2,500 and not more than $5,000, or incarcerated for not more than one, year >q0£ tooth. 

"(c) A person violating any one or more provisions of section 3j when the p;erson'haS'"2 J or 
more prior offenses under section 3j or 31 and is being sentenced on the current offense shall 
be fined not less than $2,500 and not more than $10,000, or incarcerated for not more than 
one year, or both. ' ,-v:;h;- 

"Sec. 31. Operating a watercraft while impaired. ■'• !*■■?" 

"No person shall operate or be in physical control of any watercraft in the District while 
; the person's ability to operate a watercraft in the District is impaired by the consumption of 
, alcohol or any drug or any combination thereof. > , • 

"Sec. 3m. Penalties for operating watercraft while impaired. 

"(a) Except 1 as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a person violating section 
31 shall upon conviction for the first offence be fined $250, or incarcerated for not more than 
30 days, or both. - 

"(b) A person violating section Srwhen'the person has a prior offense under section '3j or 31 
and is being .sentenced on the current offense shall be fined not ; more than $2,500/ or 
incarcerated for not more than 180 days, or both. ^ -^ 

"(c) A person violating section 31 when the person has 2 or more prior' offenses under 
section 3j or 31 and is being sentenced oh the current offense shall be firied not less than 
$2,500 and not more than $5,000, or incarcerated for not more than One year, or 'both. 

"Sec. 3n. Harbor Master public awareness campaign. . ■ '.'.-V'] 

"The Harbor Master shall be directly responsible for enforcing this subtitle and shall 
ensure that the public is made aware of the District's aggressive enforcement policy through 
a continual public awareness campaign. 

; "Sec. 3o. Additional penalty for impaired operating with a minor in the watercraft; ; ,■'.." 

"A person convicted of any offense under this- subtitle. who, at the time of operation or 
physical control of the watercraft had a minor, other than him or herself, in the watercraft, 
shall, in addition to any applicable penalty under this subtitle, be fined a minimum of $500, and 
not more than $1,000 per minor, and be incarcerated a mandatory-minimum, termor of 
incarceration of 5 days per minor. , , no ii:iV ' 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) 


"Sec. 3p. Evidence of impairment. 

"(a) If as a result of the operation or the physical control of a vehicle, or a watercraft, a 
person is tried in any court of competent jurisdiction within the District of Columbia for 
operating or being in physical control of a vehicle, or a watercraft, while under the influence 
of alcohol in violation of section 3b, 3c, or 3j, negligent homicide in violation of section 802(a) 
of An Act To establish a code of law for the District of Columbia, approved June 17, 1935 (49 
Stat. 385; D.C. Official Code § 50-2203.01), or manslaughter committed in the operation of a 
vehicle in violation of section 802 of An Act To establish a code of law for the District of 
Columbia, approved March 3, 1901 (31 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 22-2105), and in the 
course of the trial there is received, based upon chemical tests, evidence of alcohol in the 
defendant's blood, breath, or urine, such evidence shall: 

"(1) If the defendant's alcohol concentration at the time of testing was less than 0.05 
grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters of breath or 0.06 grams or less per 100 
milliliters of urine, establish a rebuttable presumption that the person was not, at the time, 
under the influence of alcohol. 

"(2) If the defendant's alcohol concentration at the time of testing was 0.05 grams or 
more per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters of breath or more than 0.06 grams of per 
100 milliliters of urine, but less than 0.08 grams per 100 milliliters of blood or per 210 liters 
of breath or less than 0.10 grams per 100 milliliters of urine, constitute prima facie proof 
that the person was, at the time, under the influence of alcohol. 

"(b) The rebuttable presumption contained in subsection (a)(1) of this section shall not 
apply if: 

"(1) There is evidence that the person is impaired by a drug; 
"(2) The defendant was operating or in physical control of a commercial vehicle; or 
- "(3) The defendant, at the time of arrest, was under the age of 21. 
"Sec. 3q. Admissibility of chemical test results. 

An official copy of the results of any blood, urine, or breath test performed on a person by a 
technician or by a law enforcement officer shall be admissible as substantive evidence, without 
the presence or the testimony of the technician or of the law enforcement officer who- 
administered the test, in any proceeding in which that person is charged with a violation of 
section 3b, 3c, or 3e; provided, that the law enforcement officer or the technician certifies that 
the breath test was conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, and that 
the equipment on which the breath test was conducted has been tested within the past 3 
months and has been found to be accurate or, in the case of a blood or urine specimen, that 
the test of the specimen has been certified to be accurate by the chief toxicologist, Office of 
the Chief Medical Examiner or his or her designee; provided further, that the person on 
whom any blood, urine, or breath test has been performed, or that person's attorney, may 
seek to compel the attendance and the testimony of the technician or of the law enforcement 
officer in any proceeding by stating, in writing, the reasons why the accuracy of the test 
result is in issue and by requesting, in writing, at least 15 days in advance of the proceeding, 
that such technician or such law enforcement officer appear and testify in the proceeding. 
Any such person upon whom a blood, urine, or breath test is performed, shall be informed, in 
writing, of the provisions of this section at the time that such person is charged. After having 
been informed, failure to give timely and proper notice shall constitute a waiver of the 
person's (on whom the test has been performed) right to the presence and testimony of the 
technician or the law enforcement officer. 

"Sec. 3r. Prosecution and diversionary program. 

"(a) The Attorney General of the District of Columbia, or his or her assistants,' shall 
prosecute violations of this title, in the name of the District of Columbia. 

"(b) The Attorney General may request that a person who is charged with a violation of 
any provision of this title, as a condition to acceptance into a diversion program in lieu of 
prosecution, pay the District of Columbia or its agents a reasonable fee for the costs to the 
District of the person's participation in the diversion program; provided, that: 


Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) 19th tibufidi-^assa 

"(1) The Attorney General shall set the fee by rule and at a level which the Attorney 
General determines will not unreasonably discourage persons from entering the diversion 
program; '■ ''^ 

' "(2) The Attorney General may reduce or waive the fee 1 if the Attorney General finds 
that the perscin is indigent; and ""'-*; 

/ . "(3) The Mayor shall determine the provider, the content, and eligibility requirements 

for any diversion program. .' ■■ . \ ;' <■•'!.. 

'."Sec. ,3s. Assessment of alcohol or drug abuse and treatment. , : , : : . , N; 

"Any person convicted Of violating sections 3b, 3c, 3e, 3g, 3j, or 31 who has prior offense 
under sections 3b, 3c, 3e, 3g, 3j, or 31, shall have his or her alcohol or drug abuse history 
Assessed and a treatment program prescribed as appropriate. - " ' r ' 

"Sec. 3t. Revocation of permit or privilege to drive. ' , ' ' 

"(a) The Mayor or his or her designated agent shall revoke the operator's permit or the 
privilege to drive a motor vehicle in the District of Columbia, or revoke both such geitiiit and 
privilege, of any person who is convicted or adjudicated a juvenile delinquent as a 1 result of 
the commission in the District of any of the following offenses: 

"(1) A violation of sections 3b, 3c, 3e, or 3g; !, " f " ' ; ; '. \',V'. ; ,' 

"(2) A homicide committed by means, of a motor vehicle; i : ; 

."(3) A violation of section 10c or IQd of ithe District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925, 
approved March 3, 1925 (43 Stat;'1119; D;C.; QfficialCode § 50-2201,02 et seq.)\ 
-: "(4) Reckless driving; , ..-,1. ., t ../yr 

"(5) Operating or being in physical control of a vehicle while intoxicated or impaired by 
the consumption of alcohol or a drug or any combination thereof where such operation or 
physical control leads to bodily injury; or 

"(6) Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is involved. 

"(b) Whenever a judgment of conviction of any offense set forth in subsection ; (a) of this 

section has become final, the clerk of' the court in which the judgment was entered shall 

certify such conviction to the Mayor or his or her designated agent, who shall thereupon take 

the action required by subsection (a) 'of this section. A judgment of conviction snail be 

"deemed to have become final for the purposes of this subsection if: 

"(1) No appeal is taken from the judgment, upon the expiration of the time yvitliiii which 
■ .an appeal could have been taken; or '.vVo'' 

"(2) An appeal is taken from the judgment, the date upon which the judgment; shaving 
been sustained, can no longer be appealed from or reviewed on a writ of certiorari. 

"Sec. 3u. Impounding of vehicle; release of vehicle; liability. ::''; :> ';' 

"(a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, when a law enforcement 
officer arrests a person for a violation of section 3b, 3c, or 1 3e, the law enforcement officer 
shall cause the motor vehicle which the arrested person operated or controlled to be 
impounded. .,, ■■■..,' ■.-,.■.. 

v "(2) The law enforcement officer shall not cause the vehicle to be impounded if : ; * - > '.t 
"(A) A registered owner of the vehicle authorizes the law enforcement officer io 
release the vehicle to a person; , - /|,: - ", F; ' f - 

"(i) Who is in the company of the arrested person;, ;-'"; ,f ; 

"(ii) Who has in his or her immediate possession a valid permit to operate a motor 
vehicle; and ;i , 

■ o "(iii) Whom the law enforcement officer" determines to be in physical condition, to 
operate the vehicle without violating section 3b, 3c, or 3e; ' , 

"(B) A registered owner of the vehicle: 1; ..., 

"(i) Is present to take custody of the vehicle; , , f ; 7;-; 

■'' - "(ii) Has in his or her immediate possession a, valid permit to operate a ^ motor 

vehicle; and ■-.■:■ ; - '■■&•) ,-U 


2012 Legislation Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) 

"(iii) Is determined by the law enforcement officer to be in physical condition to 
operate the vehicle without violating section 3b, 3c, or 3e; or 

"(C) The arrested person authorizes the law enforcement officer to release the vehicle 
to a person: 

"(i) Who is not in the company of the arrested person; 

"(ii) Who has in his or her immediate possession a valid permit to operate a motor 

"(iii) Whom the law enforcement officer determines to be in physical condition to 
operate the vehicle without violating section 3b, 3c, or 3e; and 

"(iv) Who shall take possession of the vehicle within a reasonable period of time 
from a public parking space to be determined by the arresting law enforcement officer. 

"(b)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection or in subsection (c) of this 
section, an impounded vehicle shall be released: 

"(A) At any time to a registered owner of the vehicle, other than the arrested person; 
or • 

"(B) 24 hours after the arrest, to the arrested person. 
"(2) No vehicle shall be released to a person unless a law enforcement officer determines 
that the person is in physical condition to operate a motor vehicle without violating section 
3b, 3c, or 3e. 

"(3) If the law enforcement officer has a reasonable suspicion that the person is not in 
the physical condition required by paragraph (2) of this subsection, the law enforcement 
officer may direct that the person submit specimens for chemical testing to determine 
whether the person is impaired. The results of the tests may not be used as evidence in 
any criminal proceeding. If the person refuses to submit specimens for chemical tests, the 
law enforcement officer may determine that the person does not meet the condition of 
paragraph (2) of this subsection. 

"(c) Any motor vehicle that is impounded shall be subject to an impoundment charge of 
$50, which shall be paid before the release of the motor vehicle. Any motor vehicle that 
remains impounded and unclaimed for more than 72 hours shall be processed and handled as 
an abandoned vehicle, and shall be subject to any other charges and costs, including storage 
fees and relocation costs, as provided and assessed by the Mayor. 

"(d)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, neither the District of 
Columbia nor any employee of the District of Columbia shall be liable for injury to persons or 
damage to property which results from any act or omission in the implementation of any 
provision of this subsection. 

"(2) An employee of the District of Columbia may be liable for injury or damage which 
results from the gross negligence of the employee. The District of Columbia may also be 
liable for the resulting injury or damage if the act or omission of the employee which 
constitutes gross negligence occurred while the employee was engaged in furthering the 
governmental interest of the District of Columbia. 

"Sec. 3v. Mandatory-minimum periods. 

"(a) A mandatory-minimum term of incarceration as provided in this title shall be proven to 
the court by a preponderance of the evidence. 

"(b) A person sentenced for an offense under this title may be subjected to multiple 
mandatory-minimum terms of incarceration. Each mandatory-minimum term of incarcera- 
tion must be served consecutively, except that no combination of mandatory-minimum terms 
of incarceration shall exceed the maximum penalty for the offense, including any applicable 

"Sec. 3w. Fines. 

"Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all fines imposed and collected pursuant to 
this title during fiscal year 2006 and each succeeding fiscal year shall be transferred to the 
General Fund of the District of Columbia. 

"Sec. 3x. Effect of later repeal or amendment. 


Act 19-429, § 103(e)(3) 19th Council Period 

' " Any violation of any provision of law or regulation issued hereunder which is repealed or 
amended by this title, and any liability arising under such provisions or regulations >may, if 
the violation occurred or the liability arose prior to such repeal or amendment, be prosecuted 
to the same extent as if this title had not been enacted.". n ...,...,.,..>■ 


Sec. 201. Section 8 of the Department of Forensic Sciences Establishment Act of 2011, 
effective August 17, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-18; D.C. Official Code § 5-1501,07), is amended td 
read as follows: 

"Sec. 8. Impaired driving program; certification and testing of breath alcohol equipment. 

"(a) The Department shall be responsible for testing and certifying the accuracy of any 
District instrument utilized by District law enforcement personnel to test the alcohol content 
of breath. A District breath test instrument shall only be used by District law enforcement 
personnel if it has been certified by the Department, or the Department's designee, to be 
accurate. Certification of the accuracy of each breath test instrument shall occur at least 
once every 3 months. 

"(b) In addition to the requirements under subsection (a) of this, section, the Department 
"shall: ' ' * ; " ■ ' ; ,: ' '_; \ ' v : : " ..'. ■ ''. 'M/Z.N ■' ^/V. ."'.■..:-. 

"(1) Develop a program for district law enforcement personnel to become trained and 
certified as a breath test instrument operator; .■,.,.,,, .•...-■! 

"(2) Develop policies and procedures for the operation and maintenance of all breath., test 
instruments utilized by District law enforcement personnel; and , '^nv 

"(3) Develop policies and procedures for the, maintenance: .of records demonstrating that 
the breath test instruments utilized by District law enforcement personnel are improper 
';,. operating condition. . ; .:,.:■■,■; , ;-j w: 

"(c) The Department shall issue regulations to meet the requirements of this section^ - r i 

"(d) The Director may delegate by memorandum of agreement some or all of the 
responsibilities of this section, as well as some or all of the responsibilities for providing 
forensic science 'services pertaining to breath testing as provided by section 9(a)(1) to ! the 
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. y "■& ■'■■> ■'- 

"(e) This section shall apply as of October 1, 2012.". * : ,n; ' ' } : 

Sec. 202. The Establishment of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Act' l)f 2DQ0, 
effective October 19, 2000 (D.C. Law 13-172; D.C. Official Code § 5-1401 et seq.\ is amended 
by adding a new section 2918b to read as follows: '^ : y-u) 

"Sec. 2918b. Impaired driving program; chemical testing. ■*-,,»' 

; "(a) The CME shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of blood and urine testingfor 
the District's impaired driving . program, The CME may test or authorize the testing of 
specimens, as defined by section 1(18) of the District of Columbia Implied Coiasent ? !Act, 
approved October 21, .1972 (86 Stat. 1016; D.C. Official Code § 50-1901(18)), for tae purposes 
of determining if specimens contain alcohol or a drug. > ■ ' . 

"(b) Until October 1, 2012, and after October 1, 2012 if authorized under section 8(d) of the 
Department of Forensic Sciences Establishment Act of 2011, effective August 17 ; , 2011 (IJ.C. 
Law 19-18; D.C. Official Code § 5-1501.07(d)), the CME shall be responsible for 'testing 'and 
certifying the accuracy of any District instrument utilized by District law enforcement 
personnel to test the alcohol content of breath. A District breath-test instrument shall ■* only 
be used by District law enforcement personnel if it has been certified by the CME.toitbe 
accurate. Certification of the accuracy of each breath test instrument must occur at^least 
once every 3 months. >^ito 

"(b) In addition to the requirements under subsection (a) of this section, the CME shall? 1 
"(1) Develop a program for District law enforcement personnel to become trairiedrand 

certified as a breath test instrument operator; , ■ J-tit w<n 

"(2) Develop policies and procedures for the operation and maintenance 'of all breaWtest; 
instruments utilized by District law enforcement personnel; and ■ • .vW 


2012 Legislation , Act 19-429, § 502 

"(3) Develop policies and procedures for the maintenance of records demonstrating that 
the breath test instruments utilized by District law enforcement personnel are in proper 
operating condition.". 


Sec. 301. Section 14-307(b) of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended as 

(a) Paragraph (3) is amended by striking the word "or" after the semicolon. 

(b) Paragraph (4) is amended by striking the period and inserting the phrase "; or" in its 

(c) A new paragraph (5) is added to read as follows: 

"(5) evidence in a criminal or delinquency proceeding where a person is charged with an 
impaired driving offense and where the person caused the death of or injury to a human 
being, and the disclosure is required in the interest of public justice.". 

Sec. 302. Chapter 10, of Title 25 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by 
repealing sections 25-1004 through 25-1009. 

Sec. 303. Section 9 of the Department of Forensic Sciences Establishment Act of 2011, 
effective August 17, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-18; D.C. Official Code § 5-1501.08), is amended as 

(a) A new subsection (a-1) is added to read as follows: 

"(a-1) The Mayor shall provide for the orderly transfer to the Department all of the 
authority, responsibilities, duties, assets, and functions of the Department of Health pertain- 
ing to public health laboratory services, including: 

"(1) Disease prevention, control and surveillance testing; 

"(2) Emergency preparedness testing; 

"(3) Food surveillance and testing; 

"(4) Reference and specialized testing; 

"(5) Integrated data management; 

"(6) Education, training and partnerships; 

"(7) Special research; and 

"(8) The ability to seek grants pertaining to public health laboratory services from 
government agencies, including the Center for, Disease Control.". 

(b) Subsection (b) is amended by striking the phrase "transfer set forth in subsection (a)" 
and inserting the phrase "transfers set forth in subsections (a) and (a-1)" in its place. 


Sec. 401. Applicability. 

This act shall as of August 1, 2012. 


Sec. 501. Fiscal impact statement. 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement in the committee report for the Comprehen- 
sive Impaired Driving and Alcohol Testing Program Amendment Act of 2012, passed on 1st 
reading on July 10, 2012 (Engrossed version of Bill 19-777), as the fiscal impact statement 
required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 
24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). 

Sec. 502. Effective date. 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the 
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no longer 


Act 19-429, § 502 19th CounGiL^eripd 

than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columbia in 
section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 t {(87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). ; ^ :;) 

APPROVED: July 30, 2012. 


' • '. ; ; Act 19-430 

AN ACT to approve, on an emergency basis, Task Order Amendment No. 5 to the Contract for 
Industrial Hygiene Services GSA Contract No. GS-10F-0130X for Global Consulting, Inc., to 
provide industrial hygiene services at District of Columbia public school facilities throughout 
the 2012 fiscal year in an amount not-to-exceed $500,000, Change Order No. 002 to the Contract 
for Design-Build Services for the Bald Eagle Recreation Center Contract No; 
GM-10-DPR-0308E-FM for modernization services by Blue Skye/Coakley Williams #4 Joint 

■T Venture, LLC, in the amount of $552, 441.43, the exercise of option year one of Contract No. 
DCFA-2011-C-0235 with Morgan's Inc., to provide police uniforms and equipment to the 
Metropolitan Police Department, Modification No. 2 under Contract GAGA-2012-C-0038 with 
Capitol Educational Support Inc., for the provision of supplemental education services to 
approximately 750 District of Columbia public school students pursuant to the No Child Lett 
Behind Act, and Change Order No. 020 to the Contract for On-Call Small Capital Projects 
between the District of Columbia Government, and Turner Construction Company, Contract 
No. GM-10-S-0707B-FM. 


act may be cited as the "Contract Modifications Approval Emergency Act of 2012". '' : ^ 

Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 451 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 803; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.51), and notwithstanding the 
requirements of section 202 of the Procurement Practices Reform Act of 2010, effective 1 April 
8, 2011 (D.C. Law 18-371; D.C. Official Code § 2-352.02), the Council approves the following 
stated changes to the specified contracts and authorizes the following payments under the 
respective contracts: 

(1) Task Order Amendment No. 5 to the Contract for Industrial Hygiene Services, GSA 
Contract No. GS-10F-0130X; ■; 

(2) Change Order No. 002 to the Contract for Design-Build Services for'Bal^Eagle 
Recreation Center Contract No. GM-10-DPR-0308E-FM; " : Ui ! '' n ; 

(3) Option year one to Contract No. DCFA-2011-C-0235 with Morgan's In^^dHVa 
Jimmie Muscatello's) to provide police uniforms and equipment in the estimated amount of 
$2,005,256.77 for services received and to be received under that contract for option year 
one, from May 1, 2012, through April 30, 2013; 

(4) Modification No. 2 to Contract No. GAGA-2012-C-0038 to continue supplemental 
education services to approximately 750 District of Columbia public schools; and ' ^ 

(5) Change Order No. 020 to the contract for On-Call Small Capital Projects between 
the District of Columbia government and Turner Construction Company, Contract No. 
GM-10-S-0707B-FM. "'' ; 

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement. ,»' r -; 

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal 
impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of Columbia Home Rule A3tf, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(c)(3)). ■ >*™ 

Sec. 4. Effective date. ,\) :'"'[« • 

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by^the 

Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), and shall remain in effect for no. longer 

than 90 days, as provided for emergency acts of the Council of the District of Columj^p 


2012 Legislation Act 19-430, § 4 

section 412(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 
Stat. 788; D.C. Official Code § l-204.12(a)). 

APPROVED: July 27, 2012. 




Act 19-381 

AN ACT to approve the request of the District of Columbia government for appropriation and 
authorization for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013. 


act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request Act of 2012". 

Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia approves the following expenditure levels 
and appropriation language for the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year 
ending September 30, 2013. 





For salaries and expenses for the District of Columbia Courts, $219,651,000 to be allocated 
as follows: for the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, $13,118,000, of which not to exceed 
$1,500 is for official reception and representation expenses; for the District of Columbia 
Superior Court, $111,746,000, of which not to exceed $1,500 is for official reception and 
representation expenses; for the District of Columbia Court System, $66,037,000, of which not 
to exceed $1,500 is for official reception and representation expenses; and $28,750,000, to 
remain available until September 30, 2014, for capital improvements for District of Columbia 
courthouse facilities: Provided, that funds made available for capital improvements shall be 
expended consistent with the District of Columbia Courts' master plan study and building 
evaluation report: Provided further, that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, all 
amounts under this heading shall be apportioned quarterly by the Office of Management and 
Budget and obligated and expended in the same manner as funds appropriated for salaries 
and expenses of other Federal agencies: Provided further, that, 30 days after providing 
written notice to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the 
Senate, the District of Columbia Courts may reallocate not more than $3,000,000 of the funds 
provided under this heading among the items and entities funded under this heading but no 
such allocation shall be increased by more than 4%. 


For payments authorized under section 11-2604 and section 11-2605, D.C. Official Code 
(relating to representation provided under the District of Columbia Criminal Justice Act), 
payments for counsel appointed in proceedings in the Family Court of the Superior Court of 
the District of Columbia under chapter 23 of title 16, D.C/ Official Code, or pursuant to 


Act 19-381, '§ 2 19th Council Period 

contractual agreements to provide guardian ad litem representation, training, technical 
assistance, and such other services as are necessary to improve the quality of guardian ad 
litem representation, payments for counsel appointed in adoption proceedings under chapter 
3 of title 16, D.C. Official Code, and payments authorized under section 21-2060, D.C. Official 
Code (relating to services provided under the District of Columbia Guardianship, Protective 
Proceedings, arid Durable Power of Attorney Act of 1986), $49,890,000, to remain available 
until expended: Provided, that funds provided under this heading shall be administered by 
the Joint Committee on Judicial Administration in the District of Columbia: Provided further, 
that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, this appropriation shall be apportioned 
quarterly by the Office of Management and Budget and obligated and expended in the same 
manner as funds appropriated for expenses of other Federal agencies. 


For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia, to be deposited into a dedicated 
account, for a nationwide program to be administered by the Mayor, for district of Columbia 
resident tuition support, $35,100,000, to remain available until expended: ' Provided, titiii such 
funds, including any interest accrued thereon, may be used on behalf of eligible District, of 
Columbia residents to pay an amount based upon the difference between in-State arid Outrof- 
State tuition at public institutions of higher education, or to pay up to $2,500 each year at 
eligible private institutions of higher education: Provided further, that the awarding dt such 
funds may be prioritized on the basis of a resident's academic merit, the income and need of 
eligible students and such other factors as may be authorized: Provided further, that the 
District of Columbia government shall maintain a dedicated account for the Resident Tuition 
Support Program that shall consist of the Federal funds appropriated to the Program in tnis 
Act and any subsequent appropriations, any unobligated balances from prior fiscal years, and 
any interest earned in this or any fiscal year: Provided further, that the account shall be 
tinder the control of the District of Columbia Chief Financial Officer, who shall, use those 
funds solely for the purposes of carrying out the Resident Tuition Support Program: 
Provided further, that the Office of the Chief Financial Officer shall provide a quarterly 
financial report to the Committees *oh Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the 
Senate for these funds showing, by object class, the expenditures made and their purpose. 


For a Federal payment for a school improvement program in the District of Columbia-, 
$60,000,000, to remain available until expended, as authorized under the .Scholarships for 
Opportunity and Results Act, approved April 15, 2011 (Pub. L. No. 112-10; 125 Stat 38), id 
be allocated as follows: for the District of Columbia Public Schools, $36,600,000 to improve 
public school education in the District of Columbia; for : the Office of the State Superintendent 
of Education, $23,400,000 to expand quality public charter schools in the District i of Columbia. 




For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authbiity', 
$11,500,000, to remain available until expended, to continue implementation of the Combined 
Sewer Overflow Long- Term Plan; Provided, that the District of Columbia Water and Sewer 
Authority provides a 100% match for this payment. * 


For a Federal payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, $1,800,000, tG^em'ain 
available until expended, to support initiatives related to the coordination of Federal an#*lScal 
criminal justice resources in the District of Columbia. ' J-;;U. '>r> 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 


For a Federal payment, to remain available until September 30, 2014, to the Commission on 
Judicial Disabilities and Tenure, $295,000, and for the Judicial Nomination Commission, 


For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia National Guard, $500,000, to remain 
available until expended. 


For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia for the testing of individuals for, and 
the treatment of individuals with, human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodefici- 
ency syndrome in the District of Columbia, $5,000,000. 


For a Federal Payment to the District of Columbia, $9,565,000, for activities to support 
redevelopment efforts at the site of the former St. Elizabeths Hospital in the District of 
Columbia. ' 


For a Federal payment to the District of Columbia Commission on the Arts and Humani- 
ties, $2,500,000,, to fund competitively awarded grants for nonprofit fine and performing arts 
organizations based in and primarily serving the District of Columbia. 


For a Federal Payment to the District of Columbia, $2,000,000, to fund pilot programs to 
support workforce development efforts in the District of Columbia. 


For a Federal payment of necessary expenses, as determined by the Mayor of the District 
of Columbia in written consultation with the elected county or city officials of surrounding 
jurisdictions, $24,700,000, to remain available until expended and in addition any funds that 
remain available from prior year appropriations under this heading for the District of 
Columbia government, for the costs of providing public safety at events related to the 
presence of the national capital in the District of Columbia, including support requested by 
the Director of the United States Secret Service Division in carrying out protective duties 
under the direction of the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for the costs of providing 
support to respond to immediate and specific terrorist threats or attacks in the District of 
Columbia or surrounding jurisdictions: Provided, that of the amount provided under this 
heading at least $9,800,000 shall be used for costs associated with the presidential inaugu- 


The following amounts are appropriated for the District of Columbia for the current fiscal - 
year out of the General Fund of the District of Columbia ("General Fund"), except as 
otherwise specifically provided; Provided, that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
except as provided in section 450A of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 
November 2, 2000 (114 Stat. 2440; D.C. Official Code § l-204.50a), and provisions of this Act, 
the total amount appropriated in this Act for operating expenses for the District of Columbia 
for fiscal year 2013 under this heading shall not exceed the lesser of the sum of the total 


Act 19-381, § 2 - * • 19th GounciLferi^d 

revenues of the District of Columbia for such fiscal year or $11,367,050,000 (of which 
$6,379,906,000 shall be from local funds (including $402,984,000 from dedicated taxes), 
$998,179,000 shall be from Federal grant funds, $1,672,243,000 from Medicaid paym^rits, 
$2,165,470,000 shall be from other funds, and $9,352,000 shall be from private funflpM 
$141,900,000 shall be from funds previously appropriated in this Act as Federal paym6ffij 
which does not include funds appropriated under the American Recovery and Reinvestment 
Act of 2009, approved February 17, 2009 (123 Stat. 115; 26 U.S.C. § 1, note)); PrWM 
further, that of the local funds, such amounts as may be necessary may be derived from^the 
District's General Fund balance; Provided further, that of these funds the District's intra- 
District authority shall be $579,594,000; in addition, for capital construction projects," an 
increase of $1,702,797,000, of which $1,194,327,000 shall be from local funds, $86,535,000 from 
the Local Transportation Fund, $64,817,000 from the District of Columbia Highway Trust 
Fund, $357,118,000 from Federal grant funds, and a rescission of $609,739,000 of which 
$357,317,000 is from local funds, and $10,619,000 from the Local Transportation Fiindy 
$58,442,000 from the District of Columbia Highway, Trust. Fund, and $183,362,000 from 
Federal grant funds appropriated under this heading in prior fiscal years for a net amount of 
$1,093,058,000, to remain available until expended; Provided further, that the amounts 
provided under this heading are to be available, allocated, and expended as proposed under 
Title III of this Act, at the rate set forth under "District of Columbia Funds Division, of 
Expenses" as included in the Fiscal Year 2013 Proposed Budget and Financial Plan subrilitied 
to the Congress by the District of Columbia; Provided further, that, notwithstanding an^ 
Other provision of law, upon the first enactment of the District's budget request undSr'this 
Act, through September 30, 2013, during a period in which there is an absence of a federal 
appropriations act authorizing the expenditure of local funds, the District of Columbia is 
authorized to obligate and expend local funds for programs and activities at the rate set forth 
in this Act and to approve and execute reprogramming requests of local funds pursuant} to 
section 446 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (^Stat.; 
777; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.46); Provided further , that the amount provided un|er. tins 
- heading may be increased by proceeds of one-time transactions, which are expended. for 
emergency or unanticipated operating or capital needs; Provided further, that such increases 
shall be approved by enactment of local Distinct law and shall comply with all reserve 
requirements contained in the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 124, 
1973 (87 Stat. 777; D.C. Official Code § 1-201.01 et seq.), as amended by this Act; ProVidM 
further, that the Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia shall take such steps as 
are necessary to assure that the District of Columbia meets these requirements, including the 
apportioning by the Chief Financial Officer of the appropriations and funds made available to 
the District during fiscal year . 2013; : except, that the Chief Financial Officer ;,inay f , not 
reprogram for operating expenses any funds derived from bonds, notes, or other obligations^ 
issued for capital projects. . ■ , .,.-<>; ! ■j.^'-? 



■ ■■■' >'■ ■ ; ' * ' ■;' . ; :• ■ -\V r M y 

Governmental Direction and Support . 

Governmental direction and support, $631,986,000 (including $552,261,000 from local fund's: 

$29,556,000 from Federal grant funds, and $50,169,000 from other funds); Provided, that 

there are appropriated such amounts as may be necessary to account for vendor fees that are 

paid as a fixed percentage of revenue recovered from third parties on behalf of the District 

under contracts that provide for payments of fees based upon such revenue as may be 

' collected by the vendor; Provided further, that any program fees collected from the issuance 

of debt shall be available for the payment of expenses of the debt management program of 

the District of Columbia, to be allocated as follows: '.'.'; -).dT 

(1) Council of the District of Columbia. - $21,007,000 from local funds; Provided, 'that 

not to exceed $25,000 shall be available for the Chairman of the Council' of the District: xA 

Columbia from this appropriation for official reception and representation expenses; 

Provided further, that, beginning in fiscal year 2012, such amounts, on deposit and any,such 

future deposits into the Council Technology Projects Fund, established by sectioJTjJQ^pf 

the District of Columbia Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Support Act of 2011, effective September 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

14, 2011 (D.C. Law 19-210; D.C. Official Code § 1-325.201), shall be available upon deposit 
and shall remain available until expended, consistent with the purposes set forth in that 

(2) Office of the District of Columbia Auditor. - $3,951,000 from local funds; 

. (3) Advisory Neighborhood Commission. - $894,000 from local funds; Provided, that the 
Advisory Neighborhood Commission allotments shall not revert to the General Fund of the 
District of Columbia at the end of the fiscal year, or at any time, but shall be continually 
available until expended; 

(4) Office of the Mayor. - $11,992,000 (including $8,435,000 from local funds and 
$3,556,000 from Federal grant funds); Provided, that not to exceed $10,600 shall be 
available for the Mayor from this appropriation for official reception and representation 
expenses; Provided further, that such amounts, on deposit and any such future deposits 
into the Home Rule Act 40th Anniversary Celebration and Commemoration Fund, estab- 
lished by section 1085 of the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, shall be 
available upon deposit and shall remain available until expended, consistent with the 
purposes set forth in that section; 

(5). Office- of the Secretary. - $3,246,000 (including $2,246,000 from local funds and 
$1,000,000 from other funds); Provided, that such amounts on deposit and any such future 
deposits into the Emancipation Day Fund, established by section 4 of the District of 
Columbia Emancipation Parade and Fund Act of 2004, effective March 17, 2005 (D.C. Law 
15-240; D.C. Official Code § 1-183), shall be available upon deposit and shall remain 
available until expended, consistent with the purposes set forth in that section; 

(6) City Administrator. - $3,401,000 from local funds; Provided, that not to exceed 
$10,600 shall be available for the City Administrator from this appropriation for official 
reception and representation expenses; 

(7) Office of Risk Management. - $2,962,000 from local funds; 

(8) Department of Human Resources. - $7,814,000 (including $7,536,0,00 from local funds 
and $278,000 from other funds); 

(9) Office of Disability Rights. - $1,688,000 (including $970,000 from local funds and 
$718,000 from Federal grant funds); 

(10) Medical Liability Captive Insurance Agency. —$2,496,000 (including $2,430,000 
from local funds and $66,000 from other funds); and all unexpended fiscal year 2012 local 
and other funds as of September 30, 2012, to remain available until expended; 

. (11) Office of Finance and Resource Management. - $19,667,000 (including $19,373,000 
from local funds and $294,000 from other funds); * ■ ' 

(12) Office of Contracting and Procurement. - $8,971,000 from local funds; 

(13) Office of Chief Technology Officer. - $53,416,000 (including $39,974,000 from local 
funds; $2,498,000 from Federal grant funds; and $10,943,000 from other funds); 

(14) Department of General Services. - $250,917,000 (including $244,338,000 from local 
funds and $6,579,000 from other funds); Provided, that amounts on deposit in, and any 
such future deposits to, the Commodities Cost Reserve Fund, established under D.C. 
Official Code § 47-368.04, shall be available upon deposit and shall remain available until 
expended, consistent with the purposes established under D.C. Official Code 
§ 47-368.04(b); 

(15) Contract Appeals Board. - $1,051,000 from local funds; 

(16) Board of Elections. - $5,962,000 (including $5,812,000 from local funds and $150,000 
from Federal grant funds); 

(17) Office of Campaign Finance. - $2,601,000 from local funds; 

(18) Public Employee Relations Board. - $1,151,000 from local funds; 

(19) Office of Employee Appeals. - $1,468,000 from local funds; 

(20) Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. - $408,000 from local funds; 

(21) Office of the Attorney General. - $80,755,000 (including $58,688,000 from local 
funds, $20,257,000 from Federal grant funds, and $1,810,000 from other funds); 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council v ii 

1 (22) District of Columbia Board of Ethics and Government Accountability. - $1,033,000 
($979,000 from local funds and $60,000 from other funds); "■• ■■■■■- 

(23) Office of the Inspector General. - $15,686,000 (including $13,308,000 from local 
funds and $2,377,000 from Federal grant funds); and 

(24) Office of the Chief Financial Officer. - $129,445,000 (including $100,306,000 from 
local funds and $29,140,000 from other funds); Provided, that not to exceed $10,600 shall be 
available for the Chief Financial Officer of the District from this appropriation for official 
reception and representation expenses; Provided further, that amounts appropriated by 
this Act may be increased by the amount required to pay banking fees for maintaining the 
funds of the District of Columbia; Provided further, that amounts on deposit in, and any 
such future deposits to, the Delinquent Debt Fund, established under the Delinquent Debt 
Recovery Act of 2012 within the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, shall be 

•available upon deposit and shall remain available until expended consistent with the 
purposes set forth in that act; Provided further, that of the amount budgeted for the Tax 
Revision Commission in fiscal year 2012, any portion left unexpended at the end of fiscal 
year 2012 shall be available for the same purpose in fiscaryear 2013; Provided fwHMr] that 
'■■>■ amounts appropriated by this Act may be increased by the amount required to pay- banking 
fees for maintaining the funds of the District ,of Columbia; « *■■ ■ * y ' j . * V 

v Economic Development and Regulation , i 

Economic development and regulation,$393,538,000 (including $147,873,000 from local funds 
(including $460,000 from dedicated taxes), $86,920,000 from Federal grant funds, $143,9181000 
from other funds, $528,000 from private funds, and $9,800,000 from funds previously appropri- 
ated from this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for Redevelopment of the St. 
Elizabeths Hospital Campus" and $2,500,000 from funds previously appropriated from this 
Act under the heading "Federal Payment for D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities 
Grants" and $2,000,000 from funds previously appropriated from this Act under the heading 
"Federal Payment for Job Training Program"); to be allocated as follows: 

(1) Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. - $41,749,000- (including 
$11,753,000 from local funds, $3,000,000 from Federal grant funds, $17,431,000 from other 
funds, and $9,565,000 from funds previously appropriated from this Act under the heading 

■■' "Federal Payment for Redevelopment of the St. Elizabeths Hospital Campus"); Provided, 
that up to $12,000,000 of funds available under this heading received from the Louis 
Dreyfus Property Group, LLC, or one of its affiliates or assigns approved by the Mayor, 
for the purchase of the real property and airspace constituting the Center Leg Freeway 
PILOT Area to be paid to The Washington Development Group, Inc., or its assigns, to 
settle the lawsuit regarding the Center Leg Freeway PILOT Area; Provided further, that 

1 any funds deposited into the Neighborhood Parade and Festival Fund, established in the 
Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development Limited Grant-Making Authority 
Act of 2012 within the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, shall not revert to the 
unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a 
fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available until expended; 

(2) Office of Planning. - $7,347,000 (including $6,559,000 from local funds, $523,000 from 
Federal grant funds, $30,000 from other funds, and $235,000 from funds previously 
appropriated from this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for Redevelopment of the 
St. Elizabeths Hospital Campus"); Provided, that the local funds provided to the Office of 

. Planning in previous fiscal years for Neighborhood Historic Preservation, including the 
Targeted Homeowner Grant funds authorized by section llb(k) of the Historic Landmark 
and Historic District Protection Act of 1978, effective March 2, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-189; 
D.C. Official Code § 6-1110.02(k)), shall remain available until expended; Provided further, 
that any funds deposited into the Historic Landmark-District Protection Fund, established 
by section 11a of the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978, 
effective November 16, 2006 (D.C. Law 16-185; D.C. Official Code § 6-1101.01), and any 
interest earned on those funds, shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the 
"General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, 
but shall be continually available until expended; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

(3) Department of Small and Local Business Development. - $6,185,000, (including 
$5,276,000 from local funds and $909,000 from Federal grant funds); Provided, that any 
funds deposited into the Small Business Micro Loan Fund, established by section 2375 of 
the Small, Local, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act 
of 2005, effective September 18, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-20; D.C. Official Code § 2-218.75), and 
any interest earned on those funds, shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the 
General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, 
but shall be continually available until expended; 

(4) Office of Motion Pictures and Television Development. - $869,000 (including $784,000 
from local funds and $85,000 from other funds); Provided, that any funds deposited into the 
Film DC Economic Incentive Fund, established by section 2 of the Film DC Economic 
Incentive Act of 2006, effective March 14, 2007 (D.C. Law 16-290; D.C. Official Code 
§ 39-501), and any interest earned on those funds, shall not revert to the unrestricted fund 
balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at 
any other time, but shall be continually available until expended; 

(5) Office of Zoning. - $2,596,000 from local funds; 

(6) Department of Housing and Community Development. - $57,238,000 (including 
$12,591,000 from local funds, $38,147,000 from Federal grant funds, and $6,500,000 from 
other funds); 

(7) Department of. Employment Services. - $121,000,000 (including ,$47,457,000 from 
local funds, $40,588,000 from Federal grant funds, $30,876,000 from other funds, $80,000 
from private funds, and $2,000,000 from funds previously appropriated from this Act under 
the heading "Federal Payment for Job Training Program"); Provided, that $1,024,000 shall 
be transferred to the Office of Administrative Hearings for hearing appeals related to 
unemployment insurance benefits; 

(8) Board of Real Property Assessments and Appeals. - $1,663,000 from local funds; 

(9) Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. - $32,952,000 (including 
$16,365,000 from local funds and $16,586,000 from other funds); 

(10) Office of the Tenant Advocate. - $2,064,000 from local funds; 

(11) Commission on Arts and Humanities. - $14,435,000 (including $11,090,000 from local 
funds, $746,000 from Federal grant funds, $100,000 from other funds, and $2,500,000 from 
funds previously appropriated from this Act, under the heading "Federal Payment for D.C. 
Commission on the Arts and Humanities Grants", to fund competitively awarded grants for 
nonprofit fine and performing arts organizations based in and primarily serving the District 
of Columbia); 

(12) Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration. - $6,835,000 (including $460,000 
from local funds (including $460,000 from dedicated taxes) and $6,375,000 from other 

(13) Public Service Commission. - $10,823,000 (including $463,000 from Federal grant 
funds and $10,360,000 from other funds); 

(14) Office of the People's Counsel. - $6,116,000 from other funds; 

(15) Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking. - $20,860,000 (including 
$2,544,000 from Federal grants, $17,868,000 from other funds, and $448,000 from private 

(16) Office of Cable Television. - $8,592,000 from other funds; 

(17) Housing Authority Subsidy Payment. - $14,213,000 from local funds; 

(18) Housing Production Trust Fund Subsidy. - $15,000,000 from local funds; and 

(19) Business Improvement District Transfer. - $23,000,000 from other funds. 

Public Safety and Justice 

Public safety and justice, $1,112,704,000 (including $944,599,000 from local funds, 
$114,029,000 from Federal grant funds, $50,976,000 from other funds, $300,000 from private 
funds, $500,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading "Federal 
Payment for the D.C. National Guard", $1,800,000 from funds previously appropriated in this 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council ofleMfltt 

Act under the heading "Federal Payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council"; and 
$500,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading "Federal Pa^yni'ent 
for Judicial Commissions"); to be allocated as follows: ■hniii 

(1) Metropolitan Police Department. - $473,655,000 (including $462,390,000 from'lo'cal 
funds, $2,730,000 from Federal grant funds, and $8,535,000 from other funds); ' : v > 

(2) Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department. -$199,374,000 (including 
$197,854,000 from local funds and $1,520,000 from other funds); \ "'■;'; 

, (3) Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System. -$96,314,000 from local funds; 

:■■■ (4) Department of Connections. - $139,289,000 (including $117,148,000 from, local tods 
and $22,141,000 from other funds); , , ♦; ; : . ,-,r ■ I 

(5) District of Columbia National Guard. - $8,815,000 (including $2,796,000 from local 
funds, $5,519,000 from Federal grant funds, and $500,000 from funds previously appropriat- 
ed in this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for the District of Columbia National 
Guard"); Provided, that the Mayor shall reimburse the District of Columbia National 
Guard for expenses incurred in connection with services that are performed in; emergencies 
by the National Guard in a militia status and are requested by the Mayor, in amounts that 
shall be jointly determined and certified as due and payable for these services by the 
Mayor and the Commanding General of the District of Columbia National Guard; PrpyifLed 
further, that such sums as may be necessary for reimbursement to the District of Columbia 
National Guard under the preceding proviso shall be available pursuant to this Act, and the 
availability of the sums shall be deemed as constituting payment in advance for emergency 
services involved; 

(6) Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. - $102,039,000 (including 
$2,007,000 from local funds and $100,032,000 from Federal grant funds); _ ; ' ; ;. ^\[ 

(7) Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure. - $295,000 from funds previously 
appropriated in this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for Judicial Commissions"; 

(8) Judicial Nomination Commission. - $205,000 from funds previously appropriated; in 
this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for Judicial Commissions"; ■ *>*«■>■<? 

(9) Office of Police Complaints. -$2,091,000 from local funds; ^ ]; 

(10) District of Columbia Sentencing and Criminal Code Review Commission.- $1,389,000 
from local tods; ."'■■'^. !..'.<■■ 

(11) Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. — $7,834,Q00 from local funds; i-n 

(12) Office of Administrative Hearings. ^'$7,962,000 from localtods; ' - 

(13) Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. - $2,249,000 (including $449,000 from local 
funds and $1,800,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading 

" "Federal Payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council");- -■■-■" - "- - J 

(14) Department of Forensic Sciences. - $8,935,000 (including $8,505,000 frqm'local 
funds and $431,000 from Federal grant ftirids);"-^ .^ ^ > / -.' \l- ; (iji 

(15) Office of Unified Communications. - $43,84d,to'(m^ 

funds, $16,826,000 from other funds, arid $300,000 from plwate^ruhds); and ■■'■■'■*> '^> 

- (16) Deputy Mayor for Public Safety -and Justice— $18;416,000 (including $11/144,000 
from local funds, $5,317,000 from Federal grant funds, arid $1,954,000 from other -pMs); 
Provided, that not less than $299,000 of this appropriation shall be available to fuM jf the 
District of Columbia Poverty Lawyer Loan Assistance Prograrri, established by the 1 Access 
to Justice Initiative Amendment Act of 2011, effective September 14, 2011 (D.C. Law- 19-21; 
D.C. Official Code § 4-1701.01 et seq.); Provided further, that $2,951,000 shall be made 
available to award a grant to the District of Columbia Bar Foundation for the purpose of 
providing support to nonprofit organizations that deliver civil legal services to low-income 
and under-served District residents; Provided further, that $900,000 shall be transferred to 
the Community-based Violence Reduction Fund, established by section 3014 of the Fiscal 

■ ■■ Year 2009 Budget Support Act of 2008, effective August 16, 2008 (D.C. Law 17-219; 'D.C. 
Official Code § 1-325.121)), for use by the Justice Grants Administration for the purpose bf 
providing grants for the development of programs to intervene with children who/^are 
chronically truant. ..•■■'" ^^iwr: : 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

Public Education System 

Public education system, including the development of national defense education pro- 
grams, $1,956,869,000 (including $1,599,444,000 from local funds (including $4,266,000 from 
dedicated taxes), $237,927,000 from Federal grant funds, $20,557,000 from other funds, 
$3,841,000 from private funds, and $35,100,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act 
under the heading "Federal Payment for Resident Tuition Support", and $60,000,000 from 
funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for School 
Improvement in the District of Columbia"; to be allocated as follows: 

(1) District of Columbia Public Schools. —$707,020,000 (including $646,176,000 from 
local funds, $8,595,000 from Federal grant funds, $11,808,000 from other funds, $3,841,000 
from private funds, and $36,600,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act under 
the heading "Federal Payment for School Improvement"); Provided, that this appropria- 
tion shall not be available to subsidize the education of any nonresident of the District of 
Columbia at any District of Columbia public elementary or secondary school during fiscal 
year 2013 unless the nonresident pays tuition to the District of Columbia at a rate that 
covers 100% of the costs incurred by the District of Columbia that are attributable to the 
education of the nonresident (as established by the Chancellor of the District of Columbia 
Public Schools); Provided further, that not to exceed $10,600 for the Chancellor shall be 
available from this appropriation for official reception and representation expenses; Pro- 
vided further, that, notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or 
any other provision of law, there shall be appropriated to the District of Columbia Public 
Schools on July 1, 2012, an amount equal to 10%' of the total amount of the local funds 
appropriations request provided for the District of Columbia Public Schools in the proposed 
budget of the District of Columbia for fiscal year 2013 (as submitted to Congress), and the 
amount of such payment shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for the 
District of Columbia Public Schools under the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 

(2) Teachers Retirement System. —$6,407,000 from local funds; 

(3) Office of the State Superintendent of Education. —$392,727,000 (including 
$100,006,000 from local funds (including $4,266,000 from dedicated taxes), $228,411,00 from 
Federal grant funds, $5,810,000 from other funds, $35,100,000 from funds previously 
appropriated in this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for Resident Tuition 
Support," and $23,400,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading 
"Federal Payment for School Improvement" to expand quality public charter schools in the 
District of Columbia); Provided, that of the amounts provided to the Office of the State 
Superintendent of Education, $1,000,000 from local funds shall remain available until June 
30, 2013, for an audit of the student enrollment of each District of Columbia public school 
and of each District of Columbia public charter school; Provided JuHher, that $5,000,000 in 
fiscal year 2012 unexpended local funds shall remain available until expended for the 
Blackman and Jones v. District of Columbia consent decree; 

(4) District of Columbia Public Charter Schools. —$535,364,000 from local funds; 
Provided, that there shall be quarterly disbursement of funds to the District of Columbia 
public charter schools, with the first payment to occur within 15 days of the beginning of 
the fiscal year; Provided further, that if the entirety of this allocation has not been 
provided as payments to any public charter schools currently in operation through the per 
pupil funding formula, the funds shall remain available until expended for public education 
in accordance with section 2403(b)(2) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, 
approved April 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 38-1804.03(b)(2)); Provided 
further, that of the amounts made available to District of Columbia public charter schools, 
$110,000 shall be made available to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer as authorized 
by section 2403(b)(5) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 
26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official. Code § 38-1804.03(b)(5)); Provided further, that, 
notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or any other provision 
of law, there shall be appropriated to the District of Columbia public charter schools on 
July 1, 2012, an amount equal to 25% of the total amount of the local funds appropriations 
request provided for payments to public charter schools in the proposed budget of the 
District of Columbia for fiscal year 2013 (as submitted to Congress), and the amount of 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th GoUnciL 5 IJeripd ; 

such payment shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for such payments 
under the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2013; Provided further, that the annual 
financial audit for the performance of an individual District of Columbia public charter 
school shall be funded by the charter school; 

(5) University of the District of Columbia Subsidy. —$64,955,000 from local funds; ; 
Provided, that this appropriation shall not be available to subsidize the education of- 
nonresidents of the District of Columbia at the University of the District of Columbia 

. unless the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia adopts, for ih^ 
fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, a tuition rate schedule that.will establish the tuition 
rate for nonresident students at a level no lower than the nonresident tuition rate charged 
at comparable public institutions of higher education in the metropolitan area; .Provided 
further, that, notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or any 
other provision of law, there shall be appropriated to the University of the District of 
Columbia on July 1, 2012, an amount equal to 10% of the total amount of the local funds 
appropriations request provided for the University of the District of Columbia in the 
proposed budget of the District of Columbia for fiscal year 2013 (as submitted to Congr.e&s), 
and the amount of such payment shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for 

. the University of the District of Columbia under the District of Columbia Appropriations 
Act, 2013; Provided further, that not to exceed $10,600 for the President of the Un^rsjty 
of the District of Columbia shall be available from this appropriation for official reception 
and representation expenses; Provided further, that $14,480,000, shall be use^:.ferj|he 
direct operational costs associated with the Community College and that all tuit^n feinds 

: generated through the Community College shall also be solely used for ■ the '^direct 
operational costs associated with the Community College; :.: / ji ^i!ri 

(6) District of Columbia Public Libraries. —$43,468,000 (including $42,027,000 ><from 
local funds, $922,000 from Federal grant funds, and $520,000 from other funds); Provided, 
that not to exceed $8,500 for the Public Librarian shall be available from this appropriation 
for official reception and representation expenses; Provided further, that any. funds 
deposited into the Library Collections Account, established by the Library Collections 
Account Amendment Act of 2012 within the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, 
and any interest earned on those funds, shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of 
the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at an^ other 
time, but shall be continually available until expended; , (; ' i: -^ 

(7) Public Charter School Board. -$3,495,000 (including $1,076,000 from local funds" and 
■' $2,419,000 from other funds); hHrwiO 

(8) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education. - $2,303,000 from local funds; ^y!'%[ 

(9) Non-Public Tuition. - $109,941,000 from local funds; and \nhv:n 

(10) Special Education Transportation. -$91,190,000 from local funds; Provided[%^t, 
notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or any other prbjvisibn 
of law, there shall be appropriated to the Special Education Transportation -agency under 
the direction of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, on July 1, 2012^'an 
amount equal to 10% of the total amount of the local funds appropriations request provided 
for the Special Education Transportation agency in the proposed budget of the District of 
Columbia for fiscal year 2013 (as submitted to Congress), and the amount of such payment 
shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for the Special Education Transpor- 
tation agency under the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2013; Provided fiMKer, 
that amounts appropriated under this heading may be used to offer financial incentives- : as 
necessary to reduce the number of routes serving 2 or fewer students. "' '■ " v \ 

■:■.:■:., ■•■ . ^- V ■ J"^ 

Human Support Services fd 

, . '.-■■. -,: M 

Human support services, $3,767,381,000 (including $1,612,861,000 from local funds (includ- 
ing $62,940,000 from dedicated taxes), $445,781,000 from Federal grant funds, $1,672,243^00 
from Medicaid payments, $31,011,000 from other funds, $486,000 from private funds^and 
$5,000,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading ;"^deral 
Payment for HIV/AIDS Prevention"); to be allocated as follows; iVn^K i 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

(1) Department of Human Services. - $335,789,000 (including $166,060,000 from local 
funds, $154,753,000 from Federal grant funds, $13,901,000 from Medicaid payments, and 
$1,075,000 from other funds; 

(2) Child and Family Services Agency. - $246,281,000 (including $191,153,000 from local 
funds, $53,910,000 from Federal grant funds, $1,200,000 from other funds, and $18,000 from 
private funds); 

(3) Department of Mental Health. - $178,561,000 (including $167,877,000 from local 
funds, $1,561,000 from Federal grant funds, $4,926,000 from Medicaid payments, $4,040,000 
from other funds, and $157,000 from private funds); Provided farther, that any funds 
deposited into the Department of Mental Health Enterprise Fund, established by the 
Department of Mental Health Enterprise Fund Establishment Amendment Act of 2012 
within the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support At of 2012, and any interest earned on those 
funds, shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District 
of Columbia at the end of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually 
available until expended; in addition to the funds otherwise appropriated under this Act, 
the Department of Mental Health may expend any funds that are to be or were paid by the 
United States Virgin Island's to the District in fiscal year 2012 or fiscal year 2013 to 
compensate the District for care previously provided by the District to patients at the St. 
Elizabeths hospital and are not otherwise appropriated under this act; Provided, that the 
availability of the funds is certified by the Chief Financial, Officer prior to any expenditure; 
Provided further, that the funds shall be expended in a manner determined by the Director 
of the Department of Mental Health; 

(4) Department of Health. - $241,289,000 (including $88,379,000 from local funds, 
$136,056,000 from Federal grant funds, $11,544,000 from other funds, $311,000 from private 
funds, and $5,000,000 from funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading 
"Federal Payment for HIV/AIDS Prevention");, Provided further, that any funds deposited 
into the Health Professional Recruitment Fund, established by section 16a of the District of 
Columbia Health Professionals Recruitment Program Act of 2005, effective March 2, 2007 
(D.C. Law 16-192; D.C. Official Code § 7-751.15a), including unspent funds from prior 
fiscal years, shall remain available until expended; 

(5) Department of Parks and Recreation. - $35,866,000 (including $34,067,000 from local 
funds, and $1,799,000 from other funds); 

(6) Office on Aging. - $23,926,000 (including $16,620,000 from local funds and $7,307,000 
from Federal grant funds); 

(7) District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Fund. -$6,512,000 from local 

(8) Employees' Compensation Fund. -$19,822,000 from local funds, and all unexpended 
fiscal year 2012 funds as of September 30, 2012 to remain available until expended; 

(9) Office of Human Rights. - $2,436,000 (including $2,193,000 from local funds and 
$244,000 from Federal grant funds); 

(10) Office of Latino Affairs. - $2,685,000 from local funds; 

(11) Children and Youth Investment Collaborative. - $3,000,000 from local funds; 

(12) Office of Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs. - $780,000 from local funds; 

(13) Office on Veterans Affairs. - $394,000 (including $382,000 from local funds and 
$12,000 from other funds); 

(14) Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services. - $106,384,000 from local funds; 
Provided, that amounts appropriated herein may be expended to implement the provisions 
of section 105(k) of the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services Establishment Act of 
2004, effective April- 12, 2005 (D.C. Law 15-335; D.C. Official Code § 2-1515.05(k)); 
Provided further, that of the local funds appropriated for the Department of Youth 
Rehabilitation Services, $12,000 shall be used to fund the requirements of the Interstate 
Compact for Juveniles; 

(15) Department on Disability Services. - $92,753,000 (including $54,376,000 from local 
funds, $26,403,000 from Federal grant funds, $5,074,000 from Medicaid payments, and 
$6,900,000 from other funds); 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council PerftM 

: ■■'■ (16) Department of Healthcare Finance. -$2,470,305,000 (including $751,974,000' from 
local funds (including $62,940,000 from dedicated taxes), $65,547,000 from Federal "' grant 
funds, $1,648,342,000 from Medicaid payments, and $4,441,000 from other funds); Provi&ed, 
that any funds deposited into the Healthy DC Fund, established by section 15b of the 
Hospital and Medical Services Corporation Regulatory Act of 1996, effective March 2, 2007 
(D.C. Law 16-192; D.C. Official Code § 31-3514.02), including unspent funds from prior 
fiscal years, shall remain available until expended; Provided further, that any funds 

; deposited into the Nursing Facility Quality of Care Fund, established by D.C. Official Code 
§ 47-1262, including unspent funds from prior fiscal years, shall remain available until 
expended; and ,. . ' , , , ! ! 

: (17) Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services. .-- $597,000 from local funds; , 

Public Works 

" Public works, including rental of one passenger-carrying vehicle for use by the Mayor and 3 
passenger-carrying vehicles for use by the Council of the District of Columbia and the leasing 
of passenger-carrying vehicles, $601,757,000 (including $464,839,000 from local funds (includ- 
ing $57,202,000 from dedicated taxes), $30,668,000 from Federal grant funds, $105,100,000 
from other funds, and $1,150,000 from private funds), to be allocated as follows: 

(1) Department of Public Works. - $111453,000 (including $l04y047,0ti0 from local funds 
^ arid $7,105,000 from other funds); v 

(2) Department of Transportation. - $74,578,000 (including $65,182,000 from local funds, 
$3,956,000 from Federal grant funds, and $5,441,000 from other funds); Provided, that any 
funds deposited into the Sustainable Transportation Fund, established by the District 
Department of Transportation Omnibus Amendment Act of 2012 within the Fiscal Year 
2013 Budget Support Act of 2012, and any interest earned on those funds, shall not revert 
to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund of the District of Columbia at the end 

, of a fiscal year, or at any other time, but shall be continually available until expended; 

: (3) Department of Motor Vehicles. - $34,060,000 (including $24,330,000 from local funds 
and $9,731,000 from other funds); 

(4) Department of the , Environment. - $93,296,000 (including $14,796,000 from local 
'funds, $26,713,000 from Federal grant funds, $50,637,000 from other funds, and $1,150,000 
from private funds); , , 

(5) Taxi Cab Commission. - $1,607,000 from other funds; 

: ,, (6) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission. - $126,000 from local funds; 

and . ■:.:,. 

(7) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. - $286,937,000 (including 
$256,358,000 from local funds (including $57,202,000 from dedicated taxes), and $30,579,000 
, from other funds), 

Fihancing and Other 

Financing and Other, $951,575,000 (including $850,662,000. from . lbcaf funds (including 
$135,701,000 from dedicated taxes), $2,250,000 from Federal grant funds, $73,963,000 from 
other funds, and $24,700,000 from funds previously appropriated; in this Act under: the 
heading "Federal Payment for Emergency , Planning and; Security Costs in the District of 
Columbia"),, to be allocated as follows: nv„;i r :, 

■ . : (1) Repayment of Loans and Interest. ,. - $467,424,000; (including $462,877,000, from local 

funds and $4,547,000 from other funds); for payment of principal, interest, and certain, fees 
, directly resulting from borrowing by the District of Columbia to fund District of Columbia 

capital projects as authorized by sections 462,475, and 490 of the District of Columbia Home 

Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 , (87 Stat. 777; D.C. Official Code §§ 1- 204.62, 

1-204.75, and 1-204.90); . : \ ;, 

(2) Short-Term Borrowing. - $4,390,000 from local funds for payment of interest on 
short-term borrowing; ,, , ■ ;..., ■,■■,'■' ■■■■-■'.■: : < ' 

(3) Certificates of Participation. - for leasfe payments representing principal and interest 
on the District's Certificates of Participation issued to finance land and buildings located at 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

One Judiciary Square, and for the Unified Communications Center and Office of Unified 
Communications, located on the St. Elizabeths Campus, $32,542,000 from, local funds; 

(4) Debt Issuance Costs. - for the payment of debt service issuance costs, $6,000,000 
from local funds; 

(5) Schools Modernization Fund. - for the Schools Modernization Fund, established by 
section 4042 of the Schools Modernization Amendment Act of 2005, effective October 20, 
2005 (D.C. Law 16-33; D.C. Official Code § 1-325.41), $8,626,000. from local funds; 

(6) Revenue. Bonds. - for the repayment of revenue bonds, $8,222,000 from local funds 
(including $8,222,000 from dedicated taxes); 

(7) Settlements and Judgments. - for making refunds and for the payment of legal 
settlements or judgments that have been entered against the District of Columbia 
government. $21,477,000 from local funds; Provided, that this appropriation shall not be 
construed as modifying or affecting the provisions of section 103 of this Act; 

(8) Wilson Building. - for expenses associated with the John A. Wilson building, 
$4,193,000 from local funds; 

(9) Non-Departmental - to account for anticipated costs that cannot be allocated to 
specific agencies during the development of the proposed budget, $34,161,000 (including 
$9,000,000 from local funds and $25,161,000 from other funds), to be transferred by the 
Mayor of the District of Columbia within the various appropriations headings in this Act; 

(10) Emergency Planning and Security Costs. - $24,700,000 from funds previously 
appropriated in this Act under the heading "Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and 
Security Costs in the District of Columbia"; Provided, that, notwithstanding any other law, 
the District of Columbia may charge obligations and expenditures that are pending 
reimbursement under the heading "Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security 
Costs in the District of Columbia" to this local appropriations heading; 

(11) Equipment Lease Operating. - $50,036,000 from local funds; 

(12) Pay-As-You-Go Capital funds. - in lieu of capital 'financing, $35,803,000 ($4,270,000 
from local funds and $31,533,000 from other funds) to be transferred to the Capital Fund; 
Provided, that the Office of the Chief Financial Officer reconciles the capital budgets 
recorded in the District's Financial Accounting System of Record ("SOAK"), with budgets 
approved by the Council annually and provides the Mayor with a report on the reconcilia- 
tion at the project level by February 1, following the end of every fiscal year; 

(13) District Retiree Health Contribution. - for a District Retiree Health Contribution, 
$107,800,000 from local funds; 

(14) Convention Center Transfer. - $106,729,000 from local funds (including $103,729,000 
from dedicated taxes); 

(15) Highway Trust Fund Transfer. - $36,472,000 (including $23,750,000 from local 
funds (including $23,750,000 from dedicated taxes) and $12,722,000 from other funds); and 

(16) Emergency and Contingency Funds. -$3,000,000 (including' $750,000 from local 
funds and $2,250,000 from Federal grant funds) for the emergency reserve fund and the 
contingency reserve fund under section 450A of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved November 2, 2000 (114 Stat. 2440; D.C. Official Code § l-204.50a); the amounts 
appropriated herein may be increased by such additional amounts from the funds of the 
District government as are necessary to meet the balance requirements for such funds 
under section 450A. 

Revised Revenue Estimate Contingency Priority 

(a) The amount appropriated as District of Columbia local funds shall be increased by the 
amounts the June 2012, September 2012, and December 2012 revised revenue estimates 
exceed the revenue estimate of the Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia dated 
February 29, 2012. 

(b) The funds authorized to be obligated and expended by this section shall be obligated as 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th CauncibBemtitt 

(1) Twenty-five percent shall be deposited in the Cash Flow .Reserve Account. esM> 
;■■ lished by section 47-392. 02Q-2) of the District of Columbia Official Code. ,^noO 

i (2) Seventy-five percent shall be allocated as set forth in the Revised Revenue Estimate 

Contingency Priority List Act of 2012 within the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support rAefe'i of 


(c) The District of Columbia may obligate and expend any increase in the amount of fimds 
authorized by this section only if the Chief Financial Officer certifies the increase in revenue 
and certifies that the use of the amounts is not anticipated to have a negative impact on the 
long-term financial plan of the District. '<■ '\ : 


The amount of $1,951,241 (including $207,369,000 from local funds (including $142,414,000 
from dedicated taxes), $51,048,000 from Federal grants, $1,689,777 from other funds, and 
$3,047,000 from private funds) shall be provided to enterprise funds as follows; Provided, 
that, in the event that certain dedicated revenues exceed budgeted amounts, the District may 
increase its General Fund budget authority as needed to transfer all'such revenues, pursuant 
to local law, to the Highway Trust Fund, the Washington Convention Center, the TIF and 
PILOT debt service agencies, the Ballpark Fund, and the Housing Production , Trust Fund. 

Water and Sewer Authority ° /;/ 

Pursuant to section 445a of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved August 6, 
1996 (110 Stat. 1698; D.C. Official Code § l-204.45a), which provides that the Council.may 
comment and make recommendations concerning such annual estimates but shall ; have ; no 
authority to revise the budget for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority,^ the 
Council forwards this non-appropriated budget request: for operation of the Water i^and 
Sewer Authority, $456,775,000 from other funds, of which no outstanding debt exists/ for 
repayment of loans and interest incurred for capital improvement projects and payable, to the 
District's debt service fund; for construction projects, $606,090,000 to be distributecl as 
follows: $277,007,000 for the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant, $88,795,000' 'for tye 
Sanitary Sewer System, $91,894,000 for the Water System, $124,734,000 for the Combined 
Sewer Overflow Program, $2,683,000 for the Stormwater System, $10,848,000 for the v Wash- 
ington Aqueduct, and $10,129,000 for the capital equipment program; in addition, $11,500,000 
from funds previously appropriated in this Act under the heading "Federal Payment to the 
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority"; Provided, that the requirements and 
restrictions that are applicable to General Fund capital improvement projects and set forth in 
this Act under the Capital Outlay appropriation account shall apply to projects approved 
under this appropriation account. . , , ,-...-■ 

Washington Aqueduct * 

For operation of the Washington Aqueduct^/I^OttiOOO from other funds. , _ 

Lottery and Charitable Games Enterprise Fund 

For the Lottery and Charitable Games Enterprise Fund, established by the District, of 
Columbia Appropriations Act, 1982, approved December 4, 1981 (Pub.. L, No, 97-91; 95 Stat. 
1174), for the purpose of implementing the Law to Legalize Lotteries, Daily Numbers Games, 
and Bingo and Raffles for Charitable Purposes in the District of Columbia, effective March 
10, 1981 (D.C. Law 3-172; D.C. Official Code § 3-1301 ei seq. and § 22-1716 et seq.\ 
$250,000,000 from other funds; Provided, that the District of Columbia shall identify the 
source of funding for this appropriation title from the District's own locally generated 
revenues; Provided further, that no revenues from Federal sources shall be used to support 
the operations or activities of the Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board; Provided 
farther, that, after notification to the Mayor, amounts appropriated herein may be increased 1 
by an amount necessary for the Lottery and Charitable Games Enterprise Fund to niake J 
transfers to the General Fund of the District of Columbia and to cover prizes, 'agent 
commissions, and gaming-related fees directly associated with unanticipated excessillottery 
revenues not included in this appropriation. :; t-mvi r- 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

District of Columbia Retirement Board 

For the District of Columbia Retirement Board, established pursuant to section 121 of the 
District of Columbia Retirement Reform Act of 1979, approved November 17, 1979 (93 Stat 
866; D.C. Official Code § 1-711), $30,338,000 from the earnings of the applicable retirement 
funds to pay legal, management, investment, and other fees and administrative expenses of 
the District of Columbia Retirement Board; Provided, that the District of Columbia Retire- 
ment Board shall provide to the Congress and to the Council of the District of Columbia a 
quarterly report of the allocations of charges by fund and of expenditures of all funds; 
Provided further, that the District of Columbia Retirement Board shall provide to the Mayor, 
for transmittal to the Council of the District of Columbia, an itemized accounting of the 
planned use of appropriated funds in time for each annual budget submission and the actual 
use of such funds in time for each annual audited financial report. 

Washington Convention Center Enterprise Fund 

For the Washington Convention Center Enterprise Fund, including for functions previously 
performed by the District of Columbia Sports and Entertainment Commission, $115,711,000 
from other funds. 

Housing Finance Agency 

For the Housing Finance Agency, $8,735,000 from* other funds. 

University of the District of Columbia 

For the University of the District of Columbia, $169,270,000 (including, $64,955,000 from 
local funds, $51,048,000 from Federal grant funds, $50,221,000 from other funds, and 
$3,047,000 from private funds). 

District of Columbia Public Library Trust Fund 

For the District of Columbia Public Library Trust Fund, $17,000 from other funds. 

Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund 

For the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, $480,000,000 from other funds. 

Housing Production Trust Fund 

For the Housing Production Trust Fund, $84,453,000 (including $69,453,000 from dedicated 
taxes and $15,000,000 in other funds), to remain available until expended for purposes 
identified by the Housing Production Trust Fund Act of 1988, effective March 16, 1989 (D.C. 
Law 7-202; D.C. Official Code § 42-2801 et seq.). 

Tax Increment Financing 

For Tax Increment Financing, $60,468,000 from other funds. 

Ballpark Revenue Fund 

For the Ballpark Revenue Fund, $83,961,000 (including $72,961,000 from local funds 
(including $72,961,000 from dedicated taxes), and $11,000,000 from" other funds). 

Repayment of Payment in Lieu of Taxes Financing 

For Repayment of Payment in Lieu of Taxes Financing, $15,993,000 from other funds. 

Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation 

For the Not^For-Profit Hospital Corporation, $132,477,000 from other funds. 


Act 19-381* § 2 19th CouhcilReriwa; 

Capital Outlay 

, For capital construction projects, an increase of $1,702,797,000, of which $1 ,194,327, 000 ^shall 
be from local funds, $86,535,000 from the Local Transportation Fund, $64,817,000 fromfte] 
District of Columbia Highway Trust Fund, $357,118,000 from Federal grant funds, and$;#, 
rescission of $609,739,000 of which $357,316,000 is from local funds, $10,619,000 from [thei 
Local Transportation Fund, $58,442,000 from the District of Columbia Highway Trust Fun^j 
and $183,362,000 from Federal grant funds appropriated under this heading in prior fiscal; 
years, for a net amount of $1,093,058,000, to remain available until expended; Provided, that; 
$4,270,000 in local funds shall be available for Metropolitan Police Department vehicle, 
replacement; Provided further, that all funds provided by this appropriation title shall be 1 
available only for the specific projects and purposes intended; Provided further, that amounts 
appropriated under this heading may be increased by the amount transferred from funds 
appropriated in this act as Pay As You Go Capital funds. 


; SEC. 101. Whenever in this Act, ah amount is specified within &ri appropriation for 
particular purposes or objects of expenditure, such amount, unless otherwise specified, shall 
be considered as the maximum amount that may be expended for said purpose or object 
rather than an amount set apart exclusively therefore. 

SEC. 102. Appropriations in this Act shall be available for expenses of travel 'and for the 
payment of dues of organizations concerned with the work of the District of Columbia 
government, when authorized by the Mayor> or, in the case of the Council of the District of 
Columbia, funds may be expended with the authorization of the Chairman of the Council. 

"SEC. 103. There are appropriated from the applicable funds of the District of Columbia 
such sums as may be necessary for making refunds and for the payment of legal settlements 
or judgments that have been entered against the District of Columbia government. 

SEC 104. The District of Columbia may use local funds provided in this Act to carry out 
lobbying activities on any matter. 

SEC 105. The District of Columbia government is authorized to approve and execute 
reprogramming and transfer requests of local funds under this Act through November 1, 

SEC. 106. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, none of the funds made available 
by this Act or by any other Act may be used to provide any officer or employee of the District 
of Columbia with an official vehicle unless the officer or employee uses the vehicle only in the 
performance of the officer's or employee's official duties. For the purposes of this section, 
the term "official duties" does not include travel between the officer's or employee's residence 
and workplace, except in the case of: -v: 

' (l)Aii officer or employee of the Metropolitan Police Department who 1 resides in the 
District of Columbia or a District of Columbia government employee'^ may btherwise be' 
designated by the Chief of Police; 

(2) At the discretion of the Fire Chief, ah officer 'or employee of the District of Columbia 
Fire and Emergency Medical Services, Department who resides in, thp district of ^Ccjlum^ia 
and is on call 24 hours a day or is otherwise designated by the Fire Chief; 

(3) At the discretion of the Director .of the Department of Corrections, aii officer or 
employee of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections who,resides in the District 
6f Columbia aiid is on call 24 Ko'urs a day or is otherwise designated by the Director; 

(4) The Mayor of the District of Columbia; and 

(5) The Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia. 

(b) This section does not supersede any provision in local law that is more restrictive with 
regard to the use of official vehicles. . •■■<'■. 

SEC 107. (a) No later than 30 calendar days after the date of the enactment of this Act, 
the Chief Financial Officer for the District of Columbia shall submit to the appropriate 
committees of Congress, the Mayor, and the Council of the District of Columbia, a revised 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

appropriated funds operating budget in the format of the budget that the District of Columbia 
government submitted pursuant to section 442 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, 
approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 798; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.42), for all agencies of 
the District of Columbia government for fiscal year 2013 that is in the total amount of the 
approved appropriation and that realigns all budgeted data for personal services and other- 
than-personal services, respectively, with anticipated actual expenditures. 

(b) This section shall apply only to an agency for which the Chief Financial Officer for the 
District of Columbia certifies that a reallocation is required to address unanticipated changes 
in program requirements. / 

SEC. 108. No later than 30 calendar days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the 
Chief Financial Officer for the District of Columbia shall submit to the appropriate commit- 
tees of Congress, the Mayor, and the Council for the District of Columbia, a revised 
appropriated funds operating budget for the District of Columbia Public Schools that aligns 
schools budgets to actual enrollment. The revised appropriated funds budget shall be in the 
format of the budget that the District of Columbia government submitted pursuant to section 
442 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat 798; 
D.C. Official Code § 1-204.42). 

SEC. 109. (a) Amounts appropriated in this Act as operating funds may be transferred to 
the District of Columbia's enterprise and capital funds and such amounts, once transferred, 
shall retain appropriation authority consistent with the provisions of this Act. 

(b) The District of Columbia government is authorized to reprogram or transfer for 
operating expenses any local funds transferred or reprogrammed in this or the 4 prior fiscal 
years from operating funds to capital funds, and such amounts, once transferred or repro- 
grammed, shall retain appropriation authority consistent with the provisions of this Act. 

SEC. 110. Notwithstanding any other laws, the Director of the District of Columbia Public 
Defender Service shall, to the extent the Director considers appropriate, provide representa- 
tion for and hold harmless, or provide liability insurance for, any person who is an employee, 
member of the Board of Trustees, or officer of the District of Columbia Public Defender 
Service for money damages arising out of any claim, proceeding, or case at law relating to the 
furnishing of representational services or management services or related services while 
acting within the scope of that person's office or employment, including, but not limited, to 
such claims, proceedings, or cases at law involving employment actions, injury, loss of liberty, 
property damage, loss of property, or personal injury, or death arising from malpractice or 
negligence of any such officer or employee. 

SEC. 111. Section 446 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 
1973 (87 Stat. 801; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.46), is amended by adding the following at the 
end of the fourth sentence, before the period ": Provided, that, notwithstanding any other 
provision of this Act, effective for fiscal year 2013, and for each succeeding fiscal year, during 
a period in which there is an absence of a federal appropriations act authorizing the 
expenditure of District of Columbia local funds, the District of Columbia may obligate and 
expend local funds for programs and activities at the rate set forth in the Budget Request Act 
adopted by the Council, or a reprogramming adopted pursuant to this section.". 

SEC. 112. If revenues exceed projections for dedicated taxes that are transferred outside 
the General Fund of the District of Columbia, the District may increase its budget authority 
to enable it to transfer all such revenues consistent with local law. 

SEC. 113. Except as expressly provided otherwise, any reference to "this Act" contained 
in this division shall be treated as referring only to the provisions of this division. 

SEC. 114. This division may be cited as the "Financial Services and General Government 
Appropriations Act, 2013". 



SEC. 201. The Attorney General for the District of Columbia Clarification and Elected 
Term Amendment Act of 2010, effective May 27, 2010 (D.C. Law 18-160; D.C. Official Code 
§ 1-301.81 et seq.), is amended by adding a new section 106a to read as follows: 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council Period 

"Sec. 106a. Contingency fee contracts. 

"(a)(1) The Attorney General may make contracts retaining private counsel to furnish legal 
services, including representation in negotiation, compromise, settlement, and litigation, in ; 
claims and other legal matters affecting the interests of the District of Columbia. 

"(2) Each contract shall include such terms and conditions as the Attorney General! 
considers necessary or appropriate, including a provision specifying the amount of any fee' 
to be paid to the private counsel under the contract or the method for calculating that fee.. 
The amount of the fee payable for legal services furnished under any such contract sMl! 
not exceed the fee that counsel engaged in the private practice of law in the DMnci 
; typically charges clients for furnishing similar legal services; as determined by the Attorney 
General. ' / ' ; " ■•- [ : '} I,y '' [ 

"(b) Notwithstanding any provision of federal or District of Columbia law,- a contract 
entered into by the District of Columbia pursuant to this section may provide that costs,! 
expenses, and fees that the private counsel charges for legal services are payable from the ; 
amount recovered. In such circumstances, the costs, expenses, and fees need not be included 
in an amount provided in an appropriations law.". 

SEC. 202. Section 11201 of the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government 
Improvement Act of 1997, approved August 5, 1997 (111 Stat. 734; D.C. Official Code; 
§ 24-101), is amended by adding a new subsection (a-1) to, read as follows: 

"(a-1) Reimbursement to District of Columbia Department of Corrections.- The United 
States Government shall reimburse the District of Columbia Department of Corrections its. 
costs of providing custody and care for: ; : 

"(1) Felons committed by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia from the" date 
of sentencing until transfer to a penal or correctional facility operated or contracted for by 
the Bureau of Prisons; 

"(2) Previously sentenced felons committed to the Department of Corrections as viola- 
tors of parole, supervised release, or probation from the date of commitment until transfer 
to^a penal or correctional facility operated or contracted for by the Bureau of Prisons; and 

"(3) Previously sentenced felons held by or committed to the Department of Corrections 
on writs from the date of commitment until transfer to a penal or correctional facility' 
operated or contracted for by the Bureau of Prisons.". 

SEC. 203. The following proviso under the heading "Lottery and Charitable j: !Game§, 
Enterprise Fund" in the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1982, approved December 
4, 1981 (Pub. L. No. 97-91; 95 Stat. 1174;), is repealed: ; ;v- ;';'n>i 

"Provided further, that the advertising, sale, operation, or playing of the lotteries] jr'affleSi . 
bingos, or other games authorized by D.C. Law 3-172 is prohibited on the Federal {enclave,; 
and in adjacent public buildings and land controlled by the Shipstead-Luce Act as amended: 
by 53 Stat. 1144, as well as in the Old Georgetown Historic District:". ■■■' "■■: ■" ■:*:/<:, 

SEC. 204. Notwithstanding any other law, the following sales shall be subject to the sales 5 
and use taxes of the District of Columbia: ,;i 

(1) Sales at gift shops, souvenir shops, kiosks, convenience stores, food shops, cafeterias, 
restaurants, and similar establishments in federal buildings, including, but not limited to/ 
memorials and museums, in the District of Columbia that make sales to: 

(A) The general public, whether operated by the federal government, an agent 1 of the 
federal government, or a contractor; and 

(B) Other than the general public, if operated by an agent of the federal government 
or a contractor; and 

(2) Sales of goods and services by government-sponsored enterprises and corporations, 
institutions, and organizations established by federal statute or regulation (collectively, 
"federal enterprises and organizations"), including, but not limited to, the Smithsonian 
Institution, National Gallery of Art, National Building Museum, Federal National Mortgage 
Association, and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, if the federal enterprise or 
organization is otherwise exempt from such taxation, to the extent such sales would 
otherwise be subject to the sales and use taxes of the District of Columbia if the federal 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

enterprise or organization were organized as a nonprofit corporation established pursuant 
to Chapter 4 of Title 29 of the District of Columbia Official Code, and exempt from federal 
income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 
approved October 22, 1986 (100 Stat. 2085; 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)). 

SEC. 205. Section 424b of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 
24, 1973 (87 Stat. 774; D.C. . Official Code § 1-204.26), is amended by striking the phrase 
"Procurement Practices Act of 1986" and inserting the phrase "Procurement Practices 
Reform Act of 2010" in its place. 

SEC. 206. Sections 107(b) and 109 of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility 
and Management Assistance Act of 1995, approved April 17, 1995 (109 Stat. 136; D.C. Official 
Code §§ 47-392.07(b) and 47-392.09), are repealed. 

SEC. 207. (a) Updated Description of Property- Section 1 of the Act entitled 'An Act to 
authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia on behalf of the United States to 
transfer from the United States to the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency title 
to certain real property in said District', approved September 8, 1960 (sec. 6-321.01, D.C. 
Official Code), is amended by striking all that follows the colon and inserting the following: 

"The property located within the bounds of the site the legal description of which is the 
Southwest Waterfront Project Site (dated October 8, 2009) under Exhibit A of the document 
titled "Intent to Clarify the Legal Description in furtherance of Land Disposition Agree- 
ment," as filed with the Recorder of Deeds on October 27, 2009 as Instrument Number • 

(b) Clarification of Method of Transfer- Section 1 of such Act (sec. 6-321.01, D.C. Official 
Code) is amended by inserting the phrase "by one or more quitclaim deeds" immediately after 
the phrase "to transfer". 

(c) Clarification of- Relation to Master Development Plan- Section 2 of such Act (sec. 
6^321.02, D.C. Official Code) is amended as follows: 

(1) Strike the phrase "an urban renewal plan" and insert the phrase "a master plan" in 
its place. 

(2) Strike the phrase "such urban renewal plan" and insert the phrase "such master 
plan" in its place. 

(d) Expanding Permitted Dispositions and Uses of Certain Property-Section 4 of such Act 
(sec. 6-321.04, D.C. Official Code) is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 4. The Agency is hereby authorized, in accordance with the District of Columbia 
Redevelopment Act of 1945 and section 1, to lease or sell to a redevelopment company or 
other lessee or purchaser such real property as may be transferred to the Agency under the 
authority of this Act.". 

(e) Repeal of Reversion- 

(1) REPEAL- Section 5 of such Act (sec. 6-321.05, D.C. Official Code) is repealed. 

(2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 3 of such Act (sec. 6-321.03, D.C. Official 
Code) is amended by striking the phrase "Subject to the provisions of section 5 of this Act, 
the" and inserting the word "The". 

(f) Clarification of Role of District of Columbia as Successor in Interest- Section 8 of such 
Act (sec. 6-321.08, D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking the phrase "the terms" and all 
that follows and inserting the phrase "any reference to the "Agency" shall be deemed to be a 
reference to the District of Columbia as the successor in interest to the Agency.". 

SEC. 208. An Act Authorizing the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to make 
regulations respecting the rights and privilege of the fish wharf, approved March 19, 1906 (34 
Stat. 72; D.C. Official Code § 37-205.01), is amended to read as follows: 

"The Mayor is authorized and directed in the name of the District of Columbia to 
exclusively control, regulate, and operate as a market and for other uses as the Mayor 
determines appropriate the water frontage on the Potomac River lying south of Water Street, 
between 11th and 12th Streets, including the buildings and wharves. The Mayor shall have 
power to make leases, fix and determine rentals, wharfage and dockage fees, and to collect 
and pay the same into the treasury of the United States to the credit of the General Fund of 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council Period 

the District of Columbia aiid to make and amend, from time to time, all regulations - r as 
considered proper for the i control, regulation, arid operation of the market". ' ' : > ()) - 

SEC. 209. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law or other requireihent: "' Jl \' : 

(1) With respect to the urban renewal program, any urban renewal plans or projects, and 
any property acquired under the urban renewal program, the District of Columbia shall rio.^ 
longer have any obligations (including, but not limited to, obligations related to the ; 
treatment of income from the lease, use, or disposition of urban renewal properties as. 
Community development block grant ("CDBG") program income (including such lease, use, 

1 , and disposition income received by the District prior to the effective date of this section), 
obligations related to payments to the Department of Housing and Urban Development 
("HUD"), and obligations related to recordkeeping and accounting), including obligations? 
pursuant to: h 

(A) Previous agreements with HUD (including the District of Columbia Urban Renew-: 
al Closeout agreements); - ' ..:■'-.) 

(B) HUD regulations (including urban renewal and CDBG regulations); and . ; . v ^,\; M 

. , (C) The terms of any previous loans, grants, or other financial assistance provided by 
1 HUD to the District, the Redevelopment Land Agency ("RLA"), or any other entity of 
,v ; the District government; .,,.... 

(2) With respect to any property acquired pursuant to the urban renewal program pr, 
otherwise acquired with the proceeds of an urban renewal grant, loan, or other form of,; 

< financial assistance that remains in the ownership or jurisdiction of the District, or any 

( . entity of the District, the District, or the entity of the District, may dispose of or lease the. 

property for any purpose the District, of the entity of the District, considers appropriate^ 

and no prior requirements imposed on the disposition or lease of the property by 

regulation, by prior agreement with HUD (including the District of Columbia Urban 

. Renewal Closeout Agreements), by an urban renewal plan, or by any other prior agreement- 

i between HUD and the District, RLA, or any other entity of the District shall apply; 

(3) With respect to any income received from the lease, use, or disposition of a property 
acquired pursuant to the urban renewal program or otherwise acquired with the proceeds 
of an urban renewal grant, loan, or other form of financial assistance, which income remains 
in the possession or control of the District, or any entity of the District, the District; pr 
entity of the District, may expend such income for any purpose the District, or entity of the 
District, considers appropriate, and no requirement imposed on the income by regulation, 
by prior agreement (including the District of Columbia Urban Renewal Closeout Agree- 
ments) between HUD and the District, RLA, or any entity of the District, or by an urban 
renewal plan, shall apply; 

(4) The urban renewal plans for the District of Columbia urban renewal areas, including 
14th Street, Columbia Plaza, Downtown, Fort Lincoln, H Street, Northeast No. 1, North- 
west No. I, Shaw School, Southwest B, Southwest C, and Southwest C-l, shall no longer be 
of any force or effect. 

(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "District of Columbia Urban Renewal 
Closeout Agreements" means closeout agreements between HUD and the District, RLA, or 
any entity of the District with respect to the urban renewal projects (including but not limited 
to all neighborhood development programs) of the District of Columbia, including but not 
limited to the following: 14th Street Urban Renewal Project,' Columbia Plaza Urban Renewal 
Project, Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Fort Lincoln Urban Renewal Project, H Street 
Urban Renewal Project, Northeast No. 1 Urban Renewal Project, Northwest No. 1 Urban 
Renewal Project, Shaw School Urban Renewal Project, Southwest B Urban Renewal Project,; 
Southwest C Urban Renewal Project, and Southwest C-l Urban Renewal Project. 

SEC. 210. An Act Authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public 
works on rivers and harbers, and for other purposes, approved August 30, 1935 (Pub. L. No;» 
74-409; 49 Stat. 1028), is amended by adding a new section 15 to read as follows; > 

"Sec. 15. The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, shall modify* 
the Washington Channel portion of the Washington Harbor project for navigation, District Ofi 
Columbia, authorized by this act as follows: : ; > ;J ,,;> w,r; 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

"The following portion of the existing Washington Channel is deauthorized: beginning at 
Washington Harbor Channel Geometry Centerline of the 400 foot wide main navigational ship 
channel, Centerline Station No. 103 + 73.12, coordinates North 441948.20, East 1303969.30, as. 
stated and depicted on the Condition Survey Anacostia, Virginia, Washington and Magazine 
Bar Shoal Channels, Washington, D.C., Sheet 6 of 6, prepared by the U.S. Army Corps of 
Engineers, Baltimore district, July 2007; thence departing the aforementioned centerline 
traveling the following courses and distances: N. 40° 10' 45" E., 200.00 feet to a point, on the 
outline of said 400' wide channel thence binding on said outline the following three (3) courses 
and distances: S. 49° 49' 15" E., 1,507.86 feet to a point, thence; S. 29° 44' 42" E., 2,083.17 
feet to a point, thence; S. 11° 27' 04" E., 363.00 feet to a point, thence; S. 78° 32' 56" W, 
200.00 feet to a point binding on the centerline of the 400 foot wide main navigational channel 
at Centerline Station No. 65 + 54.31, thence; continuing with the aforementioned centerline 
the following courses and distances: N. 11° 27' 04" W., 330.80 feet- to a point, Centerline 
Station No. 68 + 85.10, thence; N. 29° 44' 42" W., 2,015.56 feet to a point, Centerline Station 
No. 89 + 00.67, thence; N. 49° 49' 15" W., 1,472.45 feet to the point of beginning, such area in 
total containing a computed area of 777,284 square feet or 17.84399 acres of riparian water 

SEC. 211. (a) Within 90 days after the effective date of this section, the director of each 
federal agency with jurisdiction over the following properties in the District of Columbia shall 
transfer all right, title, and interest of the United States in each property to the government 
of the District of Columbia. If jurisdiction over a property is held by the District of 
Columbia, the District of Columbia may execute a quitclaim deed on behalf of the United 
States to transfer all right, title, and interest of the United States in the property to the 
government of the District of Columbia: 

(1) Parcel 255, Lots 13, 15, and 24 (Southwest Waterfront), including the riparian area 
designated as Pier 5; 

(2) Square 473, Lots 819, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 884 (Southwest Waterfront); 

(3) Square 503, Lot 884 (Southwest Waterfront); 

(4) Square 390, Lot 54 (Southwest Waterfront); ' 

(5) Square 391, Lots 804, 805, and 806 (Southwest Waterfront); 

(6) Square 471, Lot 810 (Southwest Waterfront); 

(7) Square 472, Lot 827 (Southwest Waterfront) 

- (8) Square 473, Lots 814, 815, 819, 837, 839, 843, and 844 (Southwest Waterfront); 

(9) Square 503, Lots 883 and 884 (Southwest Waterfront); 

(10) Reservation 277A (North Capitol Street and Florida Avenue, N.W.); 

(11) Square 2558, Lot 0810 (a portion of the Marie H. Reed Community Learning 
Center, a District of Columbia Public School); 

(12) Square 2901, Lot 0816 (Raymond Recreation Center, a portion of the Raymond 
Elementary School campus); 

(13) Square 2901, Lot 0815 (a portion of the Raymond Elementary School campus); 

(14) Square 0364, Lot 0837 (a portion of the Shaw Junior High School campus); 

(15) Parcel 246, Lot 0051 (P.R. Harris School); 

(16) Square 2864, Lot 0830 (Meyer Elementary School, closed); 

(17) Square 3327, Lot 0800 (Rudolph Elementary, closed); 

(18) Square 0511, Lot 0822 (fields and parking of Bundy School, closed); 

(19) Square 0767, Lot 0829 (Canal Park, north parcel); 

(20) Square 0769, Lot 0821 (Canal Park, south parcel); 

(21) Square 0768, Lot 0810 (Canal Park, center parcel); 

(22) Square 2882, Lot 0936 (Banneker Senior High School campus, western portion); 

(23) Square 2880, Lot 0859 (Banneker Senior High School, eastern portion); 

(24) Square 0336, Lot 0828 (Shaw Jr. High School recreation fields); 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th;CpunciL^edpd" 

(25) Square 0593, Lot 0823 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); ;.-, )( rr" 

(26) Square 0593, Lot 0822 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); Mi a>\ J f 

(27) Square 0595, Lot 0810 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); ^^T/' 

(28) Square 0593, Lot 0826 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); H ". r> ... "'.', \ ■ 

(29) Square 0595, Lot 0807 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); . r- • .; 

(30) Square 0647, Lot 0802 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); 

(31) Square 0595, Lot 0809 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); '! 

(32) Square 0645, Lot 0816 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); ■, 

(33) Square 0650N, Lot 0808 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); 

(34) Square 0647, Lot 0803 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); ' 

(35) Square 0645W, Lot 0808 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); . . , . 

(36) Square 0593, Lot 0050 (portion of Bowen Elementary School campus); 

(37) Square 0593, Lot 0051 (portion of Bowen Elementary School "Campus); - \; (i 

(38) Square 0542, Lot 0085 (Southwest Library site); .,,.'"' 
" (39) All of Reservation 542 between Albermale Street, N.W.j and Chesapeake Street, 
N.W., including Lots 800 and 801 in Square i772 and Lot 0807 in Square 1768, and Fort 
Drive, NW. in Reservation 542 (Wilson Senior High School and Wilson Aquatic Center); 

(40) The northern corner portion of Reservation 470 containing approximately 31,000 
square feet, abutting both the east property line of Lot 0811 in Square 1759 and Fessenden 
Street, NW. (Deal Middle School); ::„=-, 

(41) Howard Street, N.W. in Reservation 470 (Deal Middle School); j ■[• 

(42) Fort Drive, N .W. in Reservation 515 (Deal Middle School); ■ < ; ; ■ 

(43) All of Reservation 519 in Square 5876 and Square 5884, including Lot 940 in Square 
5876 (Johnson Middle School); ^ .'■■(;". 

(44) The play field portion of Reservation 360 in Square 23 (Francis Middle School)? , 

(45) The area described in unnumbered section 1 of An Act To authorize the Commis- 
sioners of the District of Columbia on behalf of the United States to transfer from the 
United States to the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency title to certain real 
property in said District, approved September 8, 1960 (74 Stat. 871; Pub. L. No. 86-736; 
D.C. Official Code § 6-321.01) (Southwest Waterfront), to the extent not previously 
conveyed to the District; (n : 

(46) Square 2673> Lot 890 (offices of the District of Columbia Department of Parks, and 

(47) Square 5862, Lots 0135, 0954, and 0958 (Barry Farm New Communities Initiative); 

. , (48) All of Reservation 487, including Square 5556, Lots 823 and 824, and Square E>560, 
Lots 814 and Lot 815 (Pennsylvania Avenue and Minnesota Avenue redevelopment); jand 

(49) All of Reservation 8, including all improvements thereon, which, is bounded^qn the 
north by Mount Vernon Place, NW., on the south by K Street, N.W.,. on the we£t j^j- 9th 
Street, NW., and on the east by 7th Street, NW. (Carnegie Library)/; ' " " " ' " u l } 

SEC. 212. Section 485 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 
1973 (87 Stat. 807; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.85), is amended to read as follows: 1 ' (M ' 

"SEC. 485. Except for estate, inheritance, and gift taxes, Bonds and notes issued b'y the 
District pursuant to this title and the interest thereon shall be exempt from all District/ .State, 
and Federal taxation, including from taxation by any county, municipality, - or other political 
subdivision of a State and any Territory or possession of the United States."., ".', ^ 

SEC. 213. Section 424(b)(2)(E) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved 'April 
17, 1995 (109 Stat. 142; D.C. Official Code § l-204.24b(b)(5)), is amended by sinking the 
phrase "equal" and inserting the phrase "at least equal" in its place. , ! 'Ji) 

SEC. 214. Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the Domestic Partnership Police arid Fire Amendment 
Act of 2008, effective March 25, 2009 (D.C, Law 17-35,8; 56 DCR 1188), are/enacted; into law. 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

SEC. 215. Section 602(a)(5) of the District of Columbia Home Eule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(a)(5)), is amended by striking 
the phrase "of the District" the first time it appears and inserting the phrase "of the District, 
unless his or her source of income derives from District locally appropriated funds" in its 

SEC. 216. (a)(1) IN GENEEAL. —The District of Columbia is authorized to renew or 
enter into a new Interstate Compact for Juveniles for the purposes of placing youth in 
appropriate therapeutic settings and providing and receiving supervision for youth in other 

(2) DELEGATION. ■ —Any compact for juveniles that the Council of the District of 
Columbia authorizes the Mayor to execute on behalf of the District may contain provisions 
that delegate the requisite power and authority to the Interstate Commission for Juveniles 
to achieve the purposes for which the interstate compact is established. 

(b) Section 406 of An Act To reorganize the courts of the District of Columbia, to revise the 
procedures for handling juveniles in the District of Columbia, to codify title 23 of the District 
of Columbia Code, and for other purposes, approved July 29, 1970 (84 Stat. 666; D.C. Official 
Code § 24-1106), is repealed. 

SEC. 217. Section 103 of the District of Columbia Home Eule Act, approved December 24, 
1973 (87 Stat. 777; D.C. Official Code § 1-201.03), is amended by adding a new paragraph 
(16) to read as follows: 

"(16) The term "Attorney General" means the Attorney General for the District of 
Columbia provided for by part C-I of title IV.". 

SEC. 218. Section 602(a)(5) of the District of Columbia Home Eule Act, approved 
December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § l-206.02(a)(5)), is amended by striking 
the phrase "of any individual not a resident of the District" and inserting the phrase "of any 
individual not a resident of the District, except professional athletes," in its place. 

SEC. 219. (a) Within 120 days of the effective date of this section, the District govern- 
ment shall require every remote-vendor not qualifying as an exempted vendor to collect and 
remit to the District remote sales taxes on sales made via the internet to a purchaser in the 
District of Columbia; Provided, that the District government has established pursuant to 
local law: 

(1) A registry, with privacy and confidentiality controls so that it cannot be used for any 
purpose other than the administration of remote sales taxes, where each remote vendor, not 
qualifying as an exempted vendor, shall be required to register; 

(2) Appropriate protections for consumer privacy; 

(3) A means, for a remote-vendor to determine the current District sales and use tax rate 
and taxability; 

(4)(A) A formula and procedure that permits a remote-vendor to deduct reasonable 
compensation for expenses incurred in the administration, collection, and remittance of 
remote sales taxes, other than remote sales taxes paid by the remote-vendor for goods or 
services purchased for its own consumption. 

(B) The compensation authorized by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph may be 
claimed by a third-party service provider that the remote-vendor has contracted with to 
perform the responsibilities related to the administration, collection, and remittance of 
remote sales taxes; 

(5) The date that the collection of remote sales taxes shall commence; 

(6) A small-vendor exemption, including a process for an exempted vendor to apply for a 
certificate of exemption; 

(7) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, the products and types of products that shall 
be exempt from the remote sales taxes; 

(8) Rules: 

(A) For accounting for bad debts and rounding; 

(B) That address refunds and credits for remote sales taxes relating to: 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council )Eerto:d: 

(i) Customer returns; ! . ; ' ,*Mtt 

\ ';' (ii) Restocking fees; ' ' ' : , -nw^I 

"■ • ■. ■. . ::iU[ oni 

(iii) Discounts; and , -, Jji'ni.i 

(iv) Coupons; . /oj'l'i 

"(C) For allocating shipping and handling and discounts that apply to multiple items; ' 

'■'■■■■■■..■ . . ' '■ ijU'.i 

; : : . (D) Regarding notice and procedural requirements for registry enrollment by remote^; 

vendors; and ,-■ , <y\, -'^j, 

(E) That the Mayor determines are. necessary or appropriate to farther the:' purposes 
of this section; and ■.,.,,/, 

(9) ! A plan to substantially reduce the administrative burdens associated with sales and 
use taxes, including remote sales taxes. 

(b) Every remote-vendor that does not qualify as an exempted vendor shall register 'with 
the District pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this section^ in accordance with local law or rules 
issued pursuant to local law or Ms section. ' . v , .> 

(c) Nothing in this section shall require the District to exempt, or to impose a tax on any 
product or to adopt any particular type of tax, or to impose the same rate of tax as any other^ 
taxing jurisdiction that collects remote sales taxes. ., , (l ;,'- : 

■ :; (d) -Nothing in this section permits;,or prohibits the District from: , . . 

(A) Licensing or regulating a person; • . ■ ' ! ' ' ' '■ ; ; ' ; ■ } 

' (B) Requiring a person to qualify to transact-remote selling; 

(C) Subjecting a person to District taxes not related to the sale of goods or services; or, 

(D) Exercising authority over matters of interstate commerce. 
; (e) For the purposes of this section, the term: 

(1) "Exempted vendor" means a remote-vendor that in accordance with local law has a 
.specified level of cumulative gross receipts from internet sales to purchasers in the District 

that exempts it from the requirement to collect remote sales taxes pursuant to this section. 

(2) "Person" means an individual, trust, estate, fiduciary, partnership, corporation, 
limited liability company, or any other legal entity. 

(3) "Remote-vendor" means a seller, whether or not it has a physical presence or other 
nexus within the District of Columbia, selling via the internet property or rendering a 

, service to a purchaser in the District. , , , ■, . /. ;,■■ 

(4) "Remote sales taxes" means District sales and use taxes when applied to ^a-property 
■ov service sold by a vendor via the internet to a purchaser in the District ( /■.>(" ) 

(5) "Vendor" means a person or retailer, including a remote-vendor, selling propefty'-or 
rendering a service to a purchaser in the District of Columbia, the receipts frorri ; wHicH a 
sales and use tax may be imposed pursuant to District law or this section. ' i: ' n; : ' } :: 

(f) This section may be cited as the "District of Columbia Main Street Tax Fairness Act of 


■ (a) Fiscal Year for District of Columbia. Section 441(b) of the District df Columbia Home 
Rule Act (sec. l-204.41(b), D.C. Official Code) is amended to read as follows: / 

"(b) Authorization To Establish Fiscal Year by Act of Council— The District may dh^rige 
the: fiscal year of the District by an Act of the Council. If a change occurs, such fiscal year 
shall also constitute the budget and accounting year.". a ^ - -) .. : 

(b) Enactment of District of Columbia Local Budget, ' -■' |; '< J. > ) 

(1) In General- Section 446 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (sec. 1-204.46, 
D.C. Official Code) is amended to read as follows: ::'h 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 


"Sec. 446. (a) Adoption of Budgets and Supplements — The Council, within 70 calendar 
days after receipt of the budget proposal from the Mayor, and after public hearing, and by a 
vote of a majority of the members present and voting, shall by Act adopt the annual budget 
for the District of Columbia government. Any supplements thereto shall also be adopted by 
Act of the Council after public hearing by a vote of a majority of the members present and 

"(b) Transmission to President During Control Years — In the case of a budget for a fiscal 
year which is a control year, the budget so adopted shall be submitted by the Mayor to the 
President for transmission by the President to the Congress; except, that the Mayor shall not 
transmit any such budget, or amendments or supplements thereto, to the President until the 
completion of the budget procedures contained in this Act and the District of Columbia 
Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act of 1995. 

"(c) Prohibiting Obligations and Expenditures Not Authorized Under Budget- Except as 
provided in section 445A(b), section 446B, section 467(d), section 471(c), section 472(d)(2), 
section 475(e)(2), section 483(d), and subsections (f), (g), (h)(3), and (i)(3) of section 490, no 
amount may be obligated or expended by any officer or employee of the District of Columbia 
government unless — 

"(1) such amount has been approved by an Act of the Council (and then only in 

accordance with such authorization) and such Act has been transmitted by the Chairman to 

the Congress and has completed the review process under section 602(c)(3); or 
"(2) in the case of an amount obligated or expended during a control year, such amount 

has been approved by an Act of Congress (and thep only in accordance with such . 


"(d) Restrictions on Reprogramming of Amounts — After the adoption of the annual budget 
for a fiscal year (beginning with the annual budget for fiscal year 1995), no reprogramming of 
amounts in the budget may occur unless the Mayor submits to the Council a request for such 
reprogramming and the Council approves the request, but and only if any additional 
expenditures provided under such request for an activity are offset by reductions in 
expenditures for another activity. 

"(e) Definition — In this part, the term "control year" has the meaning given such term in 
section 305(4) of the District of' Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assis- 
tance Act of 1995.". 

(2) Conforming Amendments- (A) Sections 467(d), 471(c), 472(d)(2), 475(e)(2), and 483(d), 
and subsections (f), (g)(3), (h)(3), and (i)(3) of section 490 of such Act are each amended by 
striking "The fourth sentence of section 446" and inserting "Section 446(c)'". 

(B) Section 202(c)(2) of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Manage- 
ment Assistance Act of 1995 (sec. 47-392.02(c)(2), D.C. Official Code) is amended by 
striking "the first sentence of section 446" and inserting "section 446(a)". 

(C) Section 202(c)(4)(A) (ii) of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and 
Management Assistance Act of 1995 (sec. 47-392.02 (c)(4)(A)(ii), D.C. Official Code) is 
amended by striking "446" and inserting "446(b)". 

(D) Section 202(c)(5)(C)(ii) of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and 
Management Assistance Act of 1995 (sec. 47-392.02 (c)(5)(C)(ii), D.C. Official Code) is 
amended by striking "446" and inserting "446(b)". 

(E) Section 202(d)(3)(A) of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and 
Management Assistance Act of 1995 (sec. 47-392.02(d)(3)(A), D.C. Official Code) is 
amended by striking "the first sentence of section 446" and inserting "section 446(a)". 

(F) Section 11206 of the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Im- 
provement Act of 1997 (sec. 24-106, D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking "the 
fourth sentence of section 446" and inserting "section 446(c)". 

(3) Clerical Amendment- The item relating to section 446 in the table of contents of such 
Act is amended to read as follows: 

"Sec. 446. Enactment of local budget by District of Columbia.". 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council Period 

(c) Action by Council of District of Columbia on Line-Item Vetoes by Mayor of Provisions 
of Budget Acts. Section 404(f) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (sec. l-204.04(f), 
D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking "transmitted by the Chairman to the President of 
the United States" both places it appears and inserting "incorporated in such Act". ; ' ^ ,,: ' 

(d) Permitting Employees to be Hired if Position Authorized by Act of the Council 
Section 447 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (sec. 1-204.47, D,C. Official ^oide)^ 
amended — . ; .uno/ 

(1) by striking "Act of Congress" each place it appears and inserting "act of the 1 iCouneil 

, '(or Act of Congress, in the case of a year which is a control year)?} .and v ,- , . . ■::-.] fhy ■'<;'.> / 

(2) by striking "Acts of Congress" and inserting "acts of the Council (6'r rf Acts" r o¥ 
Congress, in the case of a year which is a control year)" - '/ ^ - r- Kxtwxu 

(e) Other Conforming Amendments To Home Rule Act Relating To;. Changes In Federal 
Role In Budget Process. Section 603 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (sec." 
1-206.03, D.C. Official Code) is amended — - : V ; ' ' 

-, (1) in subsection (a), by inserting before the period at the end the following: "for a fiscal 
year which is a control year, as defined in section 305(4) of the District of Columbia- 
Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act of 1995"; and 

(2) by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following: 

"(d) Except as provided in subsection (f), the Council shall not transmit an Act under 
section 446(a) which is not balanced according to the provisions of subsection (c).'V 

(f) Congressional Review. Section 602(c) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (sec. 
■1-206.02, D.C. Official Code) is amended — 

(1) by striking "paragraph (2) of this subsection" and inserting "paragraphs (2) and (3) of 
this subsection"; 

: (2) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (4); and 

- (3) by inserting after paragraph (2) the following: 

.;'*■ "(3) In the case of any Act transmitted under the first sentence of paragraph (1) to which 

section 446 applies and for which the fiscal year involved is not a control year, such Act 

'■' shall take effect upon the expiration of the 30-calendar-day period beginning oh the day 

such Act is transmitted, or upon the date prescribed by such Act, whichever is later, except 

as follows: 

"(A) If such 30-day period expires' arid if either chamber has riot been in session for at 
least 5 calendar days during such period, the effective date period applicable under 1 this 
paragraph shall be extended for 5 additional days. - K; "< h rl " 

"(E) If during the period described in' subparagraph (A), a joint resolution disapprov- 
ing such Act has passed both Houses of 'Congress and has been W^hm^4S(-i^ the 
President, such resolution, upon becoming law, 1 subsequent to the expiration^ o r f''$uch 
period, shall be deemed to have repealed such" Act, as of the date' such resblution 
becomes law. The provisions of section 604 shall apply with respect to anyMjoint 
resolution disapproving any Act pursuant to this subparagraph.". v-muk 

(g) Conforming Amendments Relating to Federally Authorized Adjustments tb ] Local 
Appropriations. " ::: ^ 

(1) Acceptance of Grants Not Included in Adopted Budget- 

(A) Authority to Accept Amounts — Section 446B(a) of the District of Columbia Home 
Rule Act (sec. l-204.46b(a), D.C. Official Code) is amended — . , '^ h .Z 

(i) by striking "the fourth sentence of section 446" and inserting "sectiorKj446(c)"; 

■ and . - y^fiYUi 

(ii) by striking "approved by Act of Congress". v ™ ; ^ 

(E) Reports to Congress— Section 446B(e) of such Act (sec. l-204.46b(e), D.Ci ^fficial 
Code) is amended by striking "submitted to the Council and to the" and mserftng 
"submitted to the Council, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reforhvofithe 


2012 Legislation Act 19-381, § 2 

House of Representatives, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental 
Affairs of the Senate, and the". 

(2) Authority To Increase Spending in Case of General Fund Surplus — Section 816 of the 
Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2009 (sec. 47-369.01, D.C. 
Official Code), is amended — 

(A) by striking "the amount appropriated to the District of Columbia" and inserting 
the following: "the amount of local funds under the budget of the District of Columbia"; 

(B) in paragraph (5), by striking "the Mayor notifies" and inserting the following: "the 
Mayor notifies the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of 
Representatives, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the 
Senate, and". 

(3) Authority To Increase Spending in Case of Increased Revenue Collections — 

(A) Authority to Increase Spending — Section 817(a) of such Act (sec. 47-369.02(a), 
D.C. Official Code) is amended — 

(i) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking 'the amount appropriated as 
District of Columbia funds' and inserting the following: "the amount of local funds 
under the budget for the District of Columbia"; 

(ii) in paragraph (1), by striking "in the annual Proposed Budget and Financial Plan 
submitted to Congress by the District of Columbia" and inserting the following: "in 
such budget (or, in the case of a fiscal year which is a control year, as defined in 
section 305(4) of the District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management 
Assistance Act of 1995, in the annual Proposed Budget and Financial Plan submitted to 
Congress by the District of Columbia)"; and 

(iii) in paragraph (2), by striking "in such Proposed Budget, and Financial Plan" and 
inserting "in such budget (or such Proposed Budget and Financial Plan)". 

. (B) REPORTS TO CONGRESS— Section 817(b)(4) of such Act (sec. 47-369.02(b)(4), 
D.C. Official Code) is amended by striking "the Mayor has notified" and inserting the 
following: "the Mayor has notified the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 
of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmen- 
tal Affairs of the Senate, and". 

(h) Effective date. The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to fiscal 
year 2013 (as described in section 441(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, as 
amended by subsection (a) of th'is section), and each succeeding fiscal year. 

SEC. 221. Section 446A(c) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved October 
16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2020; D.C. Official Code § l-204.46a(c)), is amended by striking the 
phrase "fiscal years- 2006 through 2007" and inserting the phrase "fiscal year 2006 and each 
fiscal year thereafter" in its place. 

SEC. 222. The District of Columbia Legislative Autonomy Act of 2011, H.R. 506, 112th 
Cong., 1st Sess. (2011), as introduced by Congresswomen Norton, is enacted into law. 

SEC. 223. Title IV of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment 
and Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011, effective April 27, 2012 (D.C. 
Law 19-124; 59 DCR 1862), is enacted into law. 

SEC. 224. Any interest accumulated on the funds that the District of Columbia received 
pursuant to the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2000, approved November 29, 1999 
(113 Stat. 1501; Pub. L. No. 106-113), under the heading. "Federal Payment for the 
Incentives for Adoption of Children" and for the establishment of a scholarship fund for 
District of Columbia children without parents due to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack 
under this same heading, pursuant to the District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2001, 
approved December 21, 2001 (115 Stat. 923; Pub. L. No. 107-96), shall be, available to the 
District of Columbia until expended. 

SEC. 225. Congressional Review Streamlining. 

(a) Section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act (sec. l-206.02(c)(l), D.C. 
Official Code) is amended by striking the phrase "(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and 


Act 19-381, § 2 19th Council Period 

holidays, and any day on which neither House is in session because of an adjournment sine 
die, a recess of more than 3 days, or an adjournment of more than three days)." ^ 

(b) The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to each 1 act of the 
District of Columbia — ' ^ - -*--- " s 

(1) passed by the Council of the District of Columbia and sighed by the i Mayor" of the 
District of Columbia; * ' y 1 '"' '«• v- - - 

' " (2) vetoed by the i Mayor and repassed bythe douncll; or ' : yv ^ ' y \' ,iiJ 

; (3) passed by the Council and allowed to become, effective without the Major's signature, 
on or after the effective date of this section. " , ' v : . V""'""^' 1 * Lli " J \ r 

Thte division may be cited as the "District of Columbia ;Oi»nita^ 2013^1 

Sec. 3. Effective date. ; ; < ;: '■ "■•^ < 

This act shali take effect as provided in section 446 of the District 1 of Columbia Home 1 ; Rule 
Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 801; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.46). 

APPROVED: June 15, 2012, 

■■?.< ■■>: ■ ;-tfi; 

, : , : : - , -o; : :y 
..;;■ ■■■■■;. ,. -.o-) 




Listing Sections of the District of Columbia Code affected by the Public, Laws of the 19th 
Council Period, published in the District of Columbia Legislative Service. Classifications reflect 
most ' current information obtained from the Office of the District Columbia Codification 

2001 Code Section Law 

1-122 .- 19-124 — 

1-123 19-124 — 

1-124 19-124 --- 

1-135 19-124 — 

1-201.03 19-120 --- 

1-204.01 19-124 --- 

1-204.01 19-124 — 

1-204.02 — 19-124 — 

1-204.02 --- 19-124 — 

1-204.04 19-124 — 

1-204.04 19-124 --- 

1-204.21 19-124 — 

1-204.21 -. 19-124 — 

1-204.35 19-120 --- 

1-309.03 19-145 — 

1-309.03 19-145.— 

1-309.03 19-157 --- 

1-309.03 19-157 — 

1-309.03 19-157 --- 

1-309.05 19-137 --- 

1-309.05 19-157 --- 

1-309.05 19-145 --- 

1-309.10 19-102 — 

1-319.03 19-124 --- 

1-325.191 19-121 — 

1-328.03 19-130 --- 

1-511 19-115 --- 

1-523.01 19-106 --- 

1_603.01 19-124 — 

1-604.06 19-124 — 

1_608.01 19-115 --- 

1-608.01 19-162 — 

1-609.01 19-115 — ■ 

1-609.02 19-115 — 

1-609.03 — - 19-115 — ■ 

1-609.03 19-115 ---■ 

1-609.06 19-115 — ■ 

1-609.54 19-115 ---■ 

1-610.61 --- 19-115 — ■ 

1-6H.06 19-115 --- 

1-611.16 19-115 ---■ 

1-612.03 19-115 ---■ 

1-618.01 --- 19-124 ---■ 

1-618.02 — - 19-124 

1-618.03 '— 19-124 ---• 

1-618.03 19-124 ---- 

1-618.04 19-115 — ■ 

1-1001.02 19-124 ---■ 

1-1001.03 19-124 — - 

Act Sec. 

19-318---- 501(k)(l) -- 

19-318-- 501(k)(2) -- 

19.318 501(k)(3) -- 

19-318 501(m) — - 

19-262- 203 

19-318- 401(a)- 

Amend - - 
Amend - - 
Amend - - 
Amend - - 
Amend -- 
Note- — 

19-318- 601 -- Note— - 

19-318 ---- 401(b) Note- — 

19-318-- 601 --- Note — 

19-318--- 501(p) Amend -- 

19_318 501(b) Note— - 

19-318 -- 401(c)-- Note—- 

19_318 601 Note — 

19-262 203 Amend -- 

19-348 2---- -- Note — 

19-348 ---- 3 Note — 

19-364 2 ---- Note 

19-364---- 3 Note 

19-364 4 Note 

19-334-- 201(b) Amend — 

19-364 6-- — Amend -- 

19-348---- 4 Note 

19-277--- 2 Amend--- 

19-318 501(i) Amend-- 

19-313--- - 2 Note 

19-327 2 Note 

19-290--- 3 - New 

19-281 .- — 4 Amend — 

19-318 501(c)(1) ----- Amend — 

19-318 - 501(c)(2) ---- Amend — 

19-290-- -- 2(a) Amend — 

19-372 --- 3 — Amend — 

19-290 ---- 2(b) --- Amend — 

19-290 2(c)--- Amend--- 

19-290-- - 2(d) --- Amend — 

19-290 ---- 4-- --- Note 

19-290 2(e) Amend-- 

19„290 2(f) Amend — 

19-290 2(g) Amend — 

19-290 2(h) Amend — 

19-290 2(i) Amend — 

19-290 2©--- Amend — 

19-318- -- 501(c)(3) -— Amend — 

19-318-- 501(c)(4) — Amend — 

19-318--- 501(c)(5) — - Repeal — 

19-318 601 -- Note 

19-290 2(k) -- - New 

19-318 501(g)(1) — - Amend — 

19-318- — 501(g)(2) ---- Amend — 

Type DCR Cite 

- P 59 DCR 1862 

■ P 59 DCR 1862 

• P 59 DCR 1862 

■ P 59 DCR 1862 

■ P 58 DCR 11235 

■ P 59 DCR 1862 

■ P 59 DCR 1862 

. p 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 

■ P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 58 DCR 11235 

T 59 DCR 4075 

T 59 DCR 4075 

P 59 DCR 5598 

P 59 DCR 5598 

P 59 DCR 5598 

P 59 DCR 2542 

p 59 DCR 5598 

T 59 DCR 4075 

P 59 DCR 430 

P 59 DCR 1862 

T 59 DCR 1703 

T 59 DCR 2387 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59 DCR 440 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P— -'- 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59 DCR 5713 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59DCR461 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59DCR461 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59DCR461 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 461 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 1862 



2001 Code Section Law 

1-1001.04 -- -- 19-124 

1-1001.05 — - 19-124 

. 1-1001.05 ------- -19-137 

1-1001.05 — — - 19-137 
1-1001.05 -—--^19-95 - 

1-1001.07 ---- 19-131 

1-1001.07 ------ 19-101 

1-1001.08 19-137 

1-1001.09 — 19-131 

1-1001.09 ------ 19-101 

1-1001.10 ------ 19-124 

1-1001.16 --- 19-124 

1-1001.17 ------ 19-124 

1-1061.01 -- 19-137 

1-1061.02 19-137 

1-1061.03 -- 19-137 

1-1061.04 ------ 19-137 

1-1061.05 -19-137 

1-1061.06 19-137 

1-1061.07 --------- 19-137 

1-1061.08 -->- '19-137 

1-1061.09 — - 19-137 

1-1061.10 - 19-137 

1-1061.11 --^- 19-137 

1-1061.12 — 19-137 

1-1061.13 ---- 19-137 

1-1061.14 ------ 19-137 

1-1061.15 — 19-137 

1-1061.16 - 19-137 

1-1061.17 ----- 19-137 

1-1061.18 ----- 19-137 

1-1061.19 — 19-137 

1-1061.20 --- 19-137 

1-1101.01 ------- 19-124 

1-1102.01 — 19-124 

1-1102.02 '19-124 

1-1102.03 — - 19-124 

1-1102.04 — 19-124 

1-1102.05 ------- 19-124 

1-1102.06 — - 19-124 

1-^1102.07 --- 19-124 

1-1102.08 ------ 19-124 

1-1102.09 ------ 19-124 

1-1102.10 — 19-124 

1-1102.11 19-124 

1-1103.01 -- 19-124 

1-1103.02 ------ 19-124 

1-1103.03 — 19-124 

1-1104.03 ---- 19-124 

l-li05.01 -------- 19-124 

1-1105.02 19-124 

1-1105.03—- — --- 19-124, 

1-1105.04 ----- 19-124 

1-1105.05 --- - 19-124 

1-1105.06 ------ 19-124 

1-1105,07 ------ 19-124 

1-1106.01 — 19-124 

1-1106.02 ------- 19-124 

1-1106.51 - — — - 19-124 

1-1107.01 19-124 

l-1107.01a -19-124 


Act Sec. 

19-318- -- 501(g)(3) 

19-318 501(g)(4) 

19-334 --------- 121(a) — 

19_334-__----- 201(a)(1) 

19-270- — --- 2- — — 

19-328 — - 2(a) — 

19-276- 2(a) 

19_334 201(a)(2) 

19-328 — - 2(b) — - 

19-276--- 2(b) --- 

19-318 - 501(g)(5) 

19-318- 501(g)(6) 

19-318--.-.-- 501(g)(7) 

19-334 ___-___- _oi — - 

19-334-. — — 102 — 

19-334,.-,----- 103 ----- 

19-334------ 104 — 

19-334— -- — 105 
19-334-.---— -106 — 

19-334- — _,-- 107- — - 

19-334 -.--,— 108—- 

19_334 ________ 109 ----- 

19-334- — --- 110- — ^ 
19_334_ J, -..--111 — -_ 

19-334--.^--- 112 

19-334--- — -113 

19_334 114 — 

19-334 ____ -_.-„ H5 _ 

19-334- — — - 116— - 
19-334 __-___-- 117— - 

19-334 — ----- 118 

19-334 119 

19-334-4— 4-- 120 

19-318- — --:--- 501(d) - 

19-318 :--- 501(d) .- 

19-318 "4- 501(d) -- 

19-318 -l^— 501(d) - 
19-318— —>-- 501(d) — 

19-318 *— 501(d) -:- 

19-318 ;-- -501(d) - 

19-318 --- 501(d) - 

19-318— ;- — - 501(d) - 
19-318 ---.---- 501(d)— 
19-318------ 501(d) - 

19-318 — 501(d) ~ 

19-318 — - — -- 501(d) -- 
19-318— -— — 501(d) -v 
19-318------ 501(d) - 

19-318 —501(d) - 

19_318 ----- 

19-318 — 

-;-- 501(d) -- 

-■:- 501(d) - 

— 501(d) - 

--501(d) - 

--501(d) - 

501(d) - 

19-318------- 501(d) 

19-318 -------- 501(d) -- 

19-318— -----501(d) — 

19-318 ---- 501(d) - 

19-318------ 501(d) - 

19-318 _----— 501(d) - 

Effect Type DCR Cite 

- Amend-- P-— 59 DCR 1862 
-- Amend--- P— - 59 DCR 1862 

- Amend -- ' P '--.-- 59 DCR 2542 

- Amend — PW------ 59 DCR 2542 

- Note.--^f ----^ 59DCR234 

- Amend--- P---- 59bCR2389 
-- Note T 59 DCR 428 

- Amend— P 59 DCR 2542 

-- Amend--- P 59 DCR 2389 

- Note---- T 59 DCR 428 

-- Amend--- P 59 DCR 1862 

- Amend-- P 59 DCR 1862 

^ Amend-- P--- 59 DCR 1862: 
-. New--- P— - 59 DCR 2542 

__ New—-- P 59DCR2542 

-. New—-- P 59 DCR 2542 

__ New--— P 59 DCR 2542 

-- New--- P— - 59 DCR 2542 
__ New ----- P--—„ 59 DCR 2542 

- New---- P-— 59 DCR 2542 

-- New---- P 59 DCR 2542 

-- New— - P 59 DCR 2542 

__ New----- P— 59 DCR 2542 
-. New----- P— - 59 DCR 2542 

__ New---- P 59 DCR 2542 

-. New---- P— 59 DCR 2542 

- New----- P— 59 DCR 2542 
-- New-— P— - 59 DCR 2542 
-New-— P 59 DCR 2542 

- New—-- P 59 DCR 2542 

,_ ; New— P— 59 DCR 2542 

__ New— - P 59 DCR 2542 

-j„ New --— P— -- 59 DCR 2542 
--: Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

- ■-' Repeal - - - P 59 DCR 1862 

- - Repeal - - - P — - 59 DOR 1862 

- - Repeal - - - P 59 DCR 1862 

-- Repeal ---> P ----- 59 DGR 1862 

-- Repeal — P 59 DCR 1862 

-- Repeal--- P 59DCRU862 

-■-■ Repeal-- P — 59 DCR 1862 

-- Repeal --- P 59 DCR 1862 

-.Repeal-- P— 59 DCR 1862 
--Repeal-- P— -- 59 DCR 1862 
-■- Repeal— P — 59 DCR 1862 

- Repeal--- P — 59 DCR 1862 

- - Repeal i-.-'- P 59 DCR 1862 

- - Repeal - - - P 59 DCR 1862 

- - Repeal - - . P— - - 59 DCR 1862 

- - Repeal - - - P 59 DCR 1862 

-- Repeal — P 59 DCR 1862 

- Repeal— P— - 59DCR1862 
-- Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

- Repeal ---^P — - 59 DCR 11862 

- Repeal — P 59 DCR r 1862 

-- Repeal'--- P-— 59 DCR 1862 
-- Repeal ---P 59 DCR 1862 

- Repeal -— P — - 59 DCR 1862 
-- Repeal -- P- 59 DCR 1862 

- Repeal—; P 59 DCR 1862 

-- Repeal--- P--— 59 DCR 1862 


2001 Code Section Law Act Sec. Effect Type DCR Cite 

.1107,02--- 19-124 ---- 19-318 501(d) ------ Repeal ---P 59 DCR 1862 

1107.03 19-124 — 19-318 ---- 501(d) Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

110801 --- - 19-124 ---- 19-318 501(d) Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

1131.01 ---- 19-124 ---- 19-318 501(e) Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862^ 

1131.02 -- 19-124 ---- 19-318 501(e) Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

1131.03 19-124 ---- 19-318 ---- 501(e)-- Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

1151.01 19-124 -- 19-318— 501(f) Repeal-- P 59 DCR 1862 

■1151.02 19-124 — - 19-318 501(f). Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

1151.03 ---- 19-124 ---- 19-318---- 501(f) Repeal --- P 59 DCR 1862 

1151.04 -- 19-124 ---- 19-318------- 501(f) Repeal--- P 59 DCR 1862 

-1151.05 — - 19-124 — 19-318 501(f) Repeal— P 59 DCR 1862 

-1151.06 — 19-124 — - 19-318— — — 501(f) Repeal-- P 59 DCR 1862 

-1161.01 -- - 19-124 ---- 19-318 101 --- New P— - 59 DCR 1862 

-116201 19-124 — - 19-318 201 ---- New P 59 DCR 1862 

-116202 -- - 19-124 ---- 19-318- -- 202 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.03 — - 19-124 ---- 19-318 203 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-116204 19-124 — - 19-318 204 New--- P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.05---- 19-124 ---- 19-318— 205 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.06 19-124 ---- 19-318 206 -- New P 59 DCR 1862 

-116207---- 19-124 19-318 207--- - New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162 08 19-124 ---- 19-318 208 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.09 — 19-124 ---- 19-318 209 - New P 59 DCR 1862 

-116210 19-124 -— 19-318 210 New P 59 DCR 1862 

116211 --- 19-124 ---- 19-318 -- 211 New P 59 DCR 1862 

H6212 19-124 — - 19-318 212 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-116213--- - 19-124 ---- 19-318-- 213 New P----- 59 DCR 1862 

1162.14 - -- 19-124 ---- 19-318 - 214 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1162.15 19-124 — - 19-318- 215---- New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.16 19-124 ---- 19-318 216 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.17-- 19-124 ---- 19-318- 217 - New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.18 --- 19-124 — - 19-318 218--- New P 59 DCR 1862 

1162.19- — 19-124 ---- 19-318 219 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1162.20 --- - 19-124 --- 19-318- -- 220- -- New P 59 DCR 1862 

1162.21 --- 19-124 — - 19-318 221 New P 59 DCR 1862 

116222 19-124 19-318 222 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-116223 -- 19-124 — - 19-318 223 -------- New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.24 — 19-124 ---- 19-318 -- 224---- New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1162.25 19-124 -— 19-318 225 New P 59 DCR 1862 

116226 19-124 ---- 19-318 226--- New P 59 DCR 1862 

116227 — 19-124 ---- 19-318 227 -- New P 59 DCR 1862 

1162.28 19-124 ---- 19-318--- - 228--- - New P 59 DCR 1862 

H6229 --------- 19-124 -— 19-318 229 ---- New P 59 DCR 1862 

■1162.30 19-124 ---- 19-318 — 230 New P 59 DCR 1862 

■1162.31 ---- 19-124 — 19-318 — 231 New---- P 59 DCR 1862 

1162.32 19-124 --.-- 19-318 --- 232- --- New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.01 ---- 19-124 ---- 19-318 301 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.02 --- 19-124 ---- 19-318 302 --------- New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1163.03 19-124 ---- 19-318 303 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1163.04---- 19-124 ---- 19-318 304 New p..-- 59 DCR 1862 

-1163.05 — 19-124 — 19-318- --- 305 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.06 19-124 ---- 19-318 — 306 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.07- 19-124 — - 19-318 307 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1163.08 — 19-124 — - 19-318--- 308 New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1163.09 19-124 ---- 19-318-- 309 -- New----- P 59 DCR 1862 

-1163.10---- 19-124 — - 19-318 310— - New P 59 DCR 1862 

-1163.11 19-124 --- 19-318 --- 311 --- New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.12 19-124 ---- 19-318-- 312 New----- P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.13--- 19-124 — 19-318- --- 313 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.14 19-124 ---- 19-318 - 314 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.15 19-124---- 19-318---- 315 New P 59 DCR 1862 

1163.16 - 19-124 — - 19-318 -- 316 New P 59 DCR 1862 



2001 Code Section Law 

1*1163.17;- 19-124 

1-1163.18 — -19-124 

1-1163.19 --------- 19-124 

1^-1163.20 -- — 19-124 
1^1163.21 -:— — 19-124 

1+L163.22 --- 19-124 

1-1163.23 — 19-124 

1-1163.24 --- 19-124 

1^1163.25 --.- 19-124 

1-1163.26 : -:- 19-124 

1-1163.27— 19-124 

1-1163.28 — — 19-124 
M163.29 ------- 19-124 

1-1163.30 ------ 19-124 

1-1163.31 — 19-124 

1-1163.32 — 19-124 

1-1163.33 — 19-124 

1-1163.34 ------ 19-124 

1-1163.35 -.-- — 19-124 

1-1163.36 19-124 

1-1163.37,-- -'19-124 

1-1163.38 — ' 19-124 

1-1164.01 --- 19-124 

2-592 19-124 

2-594 19-124 

2-706 . — - — 19-124 
2-1215.58 -------- 19-161 

2-1403.09 ------- 19-112 

2-1515.01 --- 19-141 

2-1515.04 ------ 19-141 

2-1515.04a ------- 19-141 

2-1515.04a 19-141 

2-1517.01 ----- - 19-141 

2-1517.01 - 19-141 

2-1517.02 ------ 19-141 

2-1517.31 19-141 

2-1517.32 19-141 

2-1517.51 — 19-141 

2-1517.52 -------- 19-141 

3-1201.02 — ----- 19-104 

3^1202.03 ---- 19^104 

3-1204.09 — 19-104 

3-120510 — -19-156 

3-1313 -------- 19-128 

3-1313 ------- 19-128 

3-1323 ----- 19-124 

3-1441 -------- 19-106 

3-1442 ---------- 19-106 

4-1301.02 -—19-141 

4-1301.09a — 19-164 

^1303.03 ------ 19-162 

4-1303.03e -19-141 

<_-1303.03e ------- 19-141 

<_-1303.55 — 19-124 

4-1321.02 -. — 19-164 

6-1109.04 -.--— 19-123 
6-1412 , — - — —19-139 

6-1451.01 -19-139 

6-1451.01 -.-—19-99 - 

6-1451.02 -^ 19-139 

6-1451.03 19-139 



19-318 -- 
19-318 -- 
19-318 - 
19-318 - 
19-318 - 
19-S18 -- 
19-318 -- 
19-318 - 
19-318 -- 
19-318 - 
19-318 - 
19-318 - 
19-318 - 
19-318 - - 
19-318 - 
19-344 - 
19-344 - 
19-344 - 
19-344 - 
19-279 - 
19-279 - 
19-363 - 
19-322 - 
19-318 - 
19-281 -- 
19-281 - 
19-344 - 
19-374 - 
19-374 - 
19-315 - 
19-336 - 
19-274 - 


— 317 — 

— 318 --- 
--- 319 — 

— 321 — 
,-- 322 -- 
-- 323 -- 
-- 324 — 
,--325 — 

— 326 --- 
—- 327 --- 
--- 328 -- 
-- 329 --- 
--- 330 — 
--- 331 -- 
--- 332 --- 

— 333 -- 

— 334 -- 

— 335 — 
--- 336 — 

— 337 — 

- 601 --- 
-- 501(a)(2) 
-- 501(h) - 

-2 - 

__ 2 

-- 504(a)- 
-504(b) - 

- 601 — 

- 102 — 
-601 --- 

- 103 -- 
-202 --- 
--. 203 -- 

- 502 — 
--2(a) — 
-2(b) — 
-2(c) — 


__ 2 

._ 3 ______ 

-501(1) - 

- 2 - 

__ 3 . 

- 505(a)- 
__ £— __ 

-- 2 - 

-505(b) - 

- 601 — 

- 501(j) — 
__ 3--___ 


__ 3 ----- 

-2(a) — 

- 2(b) -- 

-2(c) — 



New -— 
New 4__- 
New — — 
New - — ;- 
New 4*r- 
New J :- 
New -!- 
New -:- 
New -M-;- 
New -M'J- 
New - ; -r-: r - 
New - 1 - — 
New — — 

New ----- 
New ---- 
New ---- 
New - - - - 
New — — 
New-- — 

Amend - - 
Amend - - 
Amend -■■ 
Amend -■ 
Amend - ■ 
Amend - • 
Amend - ■ 
New ---- 
Note — - 
New ---- 
Note- — 
New ---■ 
New ---• 
New ---:• 
New --H- 
New ---A- 
Amend -f- 
Amend -■ ■ 
Amend -■ 
Amend -■ 
New - - - ■ 
New ---■ 
New ---■ 
Note— - 
Amend -■ 
Amend --.'■ 
Amend - J < 
Amend -• 
Amend -- 


P— . 
P — 

P— - 


p — 


p — 


p — . 









p— . 



_ p___. 
- p— . 
_ p--. 
_ p___. 
_ P-. 
, p___. 
_ p___. 
-p— . 

-P— ■ 

-:P— . 

,;p— . 


■^P— ■■■ 
, M P___. 

4HP — 

, ¥—. 

*.. P — 
_ p___. 

- P— ■ 
. P___. 

- P--. 
_ p.._. 

- P---. 

- P--- 

- p— ■ 
_ P___. 

- P-__. 
_ P_._. 
-P — . 
_ f--, 
_ : -p™. 


- 59DGR1862 

- 59DGR1862 

- 59DCR1862 

- 59DGR1862 

- 59 DOR 1862 

- 59DGR1862 

- 59DCR1862 

- 59DGR1862 

- 59DGR1862 

- 59DCR1862 

- 59 DGR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 
-59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 5704 

- 59 DCR 453 

- 59 DCR 3083 
-59 DCR 3083 

- 59 DCR 3083 

- 59 DCR 3083 
-59 DCR 3083 

- 59 DCR 3083 
-59 DCR 3083 

- 59 DCR 3083 

- 59 DCR 3083 

- 59 DCE 3083 

- 59 DGR ,3083 
-59 DC.R 435 

- 59E}CR435 ; 

- 59 D,C£o5595 

- 59 DCR3254 
-59 DCR 2254 

- 59 DCR 1862 

- 59 DCR 440: 

- 59 DCR 440 

- 59 DCR 3083 

- 59 DCR 6185 

- 59 DCR 5713 

- 59 DCR 3083 
59 DCR 3083 
59 DCR 1862 
59 DCR 6185 
59 DCR 1707 
59 DCR 2555 
59 DCR 2555 
59 DCR 423 
59 DCR 2555 
59 DCR 2555 


2001 Code Section Law Act Sec. Effect T^ype DCR Cite 

6-1451.03 19-99 — - 19-274--- 2(b) Note---- T 59 DCR 423 

6-1451.04 19-139 ---- 19-336- 2(d) Amend-- P 59 DCR 2555 

6-1451.05 --- 19-139 — 19-336 2(e) Amend--- P— -. 59 DCR 2555 

6-1451.05 19-99 19-274 --- 2(c) ---- Note T 59 DCR 423 

6-1451.06— 19-139 ---- 19-336 2(e) - Repeal--- P 59 DCR 2555 

6-1451.07 19-139 --- 19-336 2(f) Amend--- P 59 DCR 2555 

6-1451.08 19-139 — - 19-336 --------- 2(g) Amend--- P 59 DCR 2555 

6-1451.09 -- 19-139 ---- 19-336 2(h) Amend-- P 59 DCR 2555 

6-1451.10 -- -- 19-139 -- 19-336--- 2(i) Amend--- P 59 DCR 2555 

6-1451.11 19-139 ---- 19-336--- - 2© Amend--- P 59 DCR 2555 

7-701.01 19-111 ---- 19-286 2(a)- - Amend--- P 59 DCR 455 

7-702.04--- - 19-111 --- 19-286 -- 2(b) Amend--- P 59 DCR 455 

7-703.02 — 19-111 ---- 19-286--- 2(c) — Amend--- P 59 DCR 455 

7-703.03 -- 19-111 --- 19-286 2(d) -- New P 59 DCR 455 

7_703.03 19-111 --- 19-286 3 Note P 59 DCR 455 

7-1131.02 19-141 ---- 19-344 402(a) Amend--- P 59 DCR 3083 

7-1131.17 19-141 -- 19-344 402(b) New----- P 59 DCR 3083 

7-1131.17 19-141 --- 19-344- 601 Note P 59 DCR 3083 

7-1131.18 ---- 19-141 ---- 19-344-- 402(b) New P 59 DCR 3083 

7-1131.18 ----- 19-141 ---- 19-344 601 Note P 59 DCR 3083 

7-1131.19 - 19-141 ---- 19-344 402(b) - New P 59 DCR 3083 

7-113119 - 19-141 ---- 19-344 601 -- Note P 59 DCR 3083 

7-1631 - 19-152 --- 19-358 --- 2 - New P 59 DCR 5136 

7-1632 --- - 19-152 --- 19-358 3 New P 59 DCR 5136 

7-1633 19-152 — 19-358 4 New P 59 DCR 5136 

7-1671.06 19-122 --- 19-314 2 ---------- Note T 59 DCR 1705 

7-1671.06 19-146 ---- 19-549 2 Note--- T— •-- 59 DCR 4164 

9-111.01 19-97 19-272--- 3(a)------- Note T 59 DCR 419 

9-111.01a - 19-97 19-272- 3(b) Note T 59 DCR 419 

9-204.01 19-105 ---- 19-280--- 2-- - Note P 59 DCR 438 

9-204.01 19-107 -— 19-282 2 Note---- P 59 DCR 443 

9-204.01 19-108 ---- 19-283--- - 2 Note P 59 DCR 445 

9-204.01 19-109 ---- 19-284--- 2 Note P 59 DCR 447 

9-204.01 19-114 — - 19-289 2 Note P 59 DCR 459 

9-204.01 19-117 ---.- 19-292-- -- 2 Note P 59 DCR 470 

9-204.01 19-118 ---- 19-293 2 Note P 59 DCR 472 

9-204.01 ---- 19-119 ---- 19-297-- - 2 ---- Note P 59 DCR 493 

9-204.01 -- 19-154 ---- 19-360 2---- Note P-- - 59 DCR 5140 

9-204.01 19-159 ---- 19-367 - 2 Note P 59 DCR 5700 

9-204.01 — - 19-160 ---- 19-368--- 2-- ---- Note P 59 DCR 5702 

9-204.01 19-163 — - 19-373 2-- Note P 59 DCR 5716 

16-902 19-133 -— 19-330 2 Amend--- P 59 DCR 2395 

16-914.02 19-110 ---- 19-285 2(b) New P 59 DCR 449 

16-2702 19-147 --- 19-350 2-- -- Note T 59DCR4166 

16-4001 19-125 — - 19-319 .--- 2(b) New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4002 19-125 ---- 19-319 2(b) - New---- P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4003 - 19-125 --- 19-319 2(b) - New---- P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4004 — - - 19-125 ---- 19-319 2(b) --- New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4005 19-125 — 19-319 2(b) - New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4006 19-125 ---- 19-319 ---- 2(b) New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4007 — ■ 19-125 ---- 19-319 2(b) New P 59 DCR 1528 

16-4008 --- 19-125 ---- 19-319 2(b) New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4009 19-125 — - 19-319 2(b) --- New---- P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4010 - 19-125 ---- 19-319 2(b) New P----- 59 DCR 1928 

16-4011 19-125 ---- 19-319--- 2(b) -- New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4012 19-125 ---- 19-319-- 2(b) — New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4013 19-125 ---- 19-319- 2(b) - - New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4014 --- 19-125 ---- 19-319 2(b) ------ New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4015 19-125 ---- 19-319---- 2(b) New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4016 -— 19-125 — 19-319 2(b) New P 59 DCR 1928 

16-4017 19-125 ---- 19-319 -- 2(b) New P 59 DCR 1928 



2001 Code Section Law 

16-4018 — -- 19-125 

16-4019 — 19-125 

16-4020 ---- 19-126 

16-4021 ------ 19-125 

16-4022 — 19-125 

16-5502 ------ 19-120 

22-2405 -~ 19-137 

22-2701 ---- 19-120 

22^3202 --- l 19-120 

22-3231 ----- 19-120 

22-3232 -- 19-120 

25^374 ------- 19-129 

26-551.02 19-143 

26-551.05 19-143 

31_631 19-143 

31-632 19-143 

3I_633 - — - 19-143 

31-634 -- 19-143 

31-2003 — 19-103 

31-3171.01 19-94 - 

31-3171.02 19-94 - 

31-3171.03 19-94 - 

31-3171.04 • - 19-94 - 

31-3171.05 19-94 - 

31-3171.06 19-94 - 

31-3171.07 ------- 19-94 - 

31-3171.^)8 19-94 - 

31-3171.09— 19-94 - 

31-317110 19-94 - 

31-317111 - 19-94 - 

31-317112 19-94 - 

31-317113 - 19-94 - 

31-317114 -- - 19-94 - 

31-317115 19-94 - 

31-317116 - ' 19-94 - 

31-317117 ----- 19-94 - 

31-317118 19-94 - 

31-3931.03 - 19-103 

31-3931.06 19-103 

31-3931.07 - -- 19-103 

31-393113 - 19-103 

31-3931.22 19-103 

32-1004 19-127 

32-1361 -^--- — --19-132 

32-1362 -------- 19-132 

32-1363 19-132 

32-1364 --------- 19-132 

32-1365 ------ 19-132 

32-1366 -19-132 

32-1367 - 19-132 

32-1368 — 19-132 

37-131.01 - - 19-144 

37-131.03 ----- 19-144 

37-131.04 . ------ 19-144 

38-201 -------- 19-141 

38-203 -------- 19-141 

38-312 -19-126 

38-312.01 — 19-126 

38-312.01 19-126 

38-312.02 19-126 

38-312.03 19-126 


Act Sec. Effect 

19_319 ____._-_ 2(b) ----- New~ 
19-319——— 2(b) — — New- 
19_319 „_^-_. 2(b) - - — New- 

19-319 ^--— 2(b) ----- New- 

19-319 „.^-j:.. 2(b) — ^— New-* 
19-262—- — - 201 — .-.-- Amend 
19_334 ---.— 121(b) ^— Amend 
19-262 --^--- 202 - — ^-.- Amend 
19-262— — — 101(a)--.-- Amend 
19-262 ----- 101(b) ------ Amend 

19.262 ----- 101(c) -i*-^ Amend; 

19-323 -------- 2 ----;- Note- 

19-346------ 201(a) -- Amend 

19-346------ 201(b) - - Amend 

19-346 — 101 ------- New- 

19-346 --^- — 102 - — --- New- 
19-346-,- — — 103------ New- 

19_346 - — ----, 104 ----- - New - 

19-278 — --- 3 Amend 

19-269------- 2— ---.-- New- 

19-269-- — -— 3 ^--^ New- 

19-269-—^— 4 --— > New-- 

19-269—- — - 5 --- New--* 

19-269 ---- 6 ->•--- New — 

19-269 --'7 — New -- 

19-269 --V-— - 8 -^—'- New •# 

19-269 -■-— i ;-- 9 *-— New^ 

19-269 — -k*-~- 10 — — --- New -, 
19-269—--^-- 11----^-^ New--; 

19-269 -.— 12 — -^-^ New ** 

19-269 -f— 13 — --■ New - 

19-269 -k— 14 - — ------. New -- 

19-269 -'--.- 15 — -^-- New - 

19-269 ---.- 16- — -- New- 

19-269 --- 17 ------ New - 

19-269 18---.----- New-- 

19-269------ 19 New- 

19-278 2(a)— -.--r Amend 

19-278------ 2(b) ------ Amend 

19-278 -!— 2(c)------- Amend 

19-278— -----2(d) ------- Amend 

19-278 — 2(e)—--— Amend 

19-321 -------- 2 ---------- Amend 

19-329—- — -2 — -- New- 

19-329— — -- 3— — -— New-- 

19-329---,--:,- 4 - — - New- 

19-329------ 5------ New-- 

19-329— — — 6- — -v-^- New- 

19-329— — - 7 - — * New-i 

19-329------ 8 .-'--- New- 

19-329------ 9 -,--- New- 

19-347—--^ — 2(a)—--.-- Note- 
19-347------ 2(b) -----k- Note-- 

19-347 _„_,_,— 2(c) — -^--- Note- 
19-344—^ — - 302(a)------ Amend 

19-344 — — ~ 302(b) — -V*, Amend> 
19-320 ------- 2(a) ----.-— Amend 

19-320------ 2(b) ----- New- 

19-320—--— 3 — — Note-- 

19-320 ----- 2(b) ----- New -- 
19-320— i— — 2(b) ------- New- 

Type DCRCiteJO- 

___ p 59 DGR 1928 

... P 59DCR1928 

— p 59 DGR 1928 

-l, p 59DCR1928 

■__, p__-„ 59DGR1928 

-, P 58DGR11235 

l-, P — 59 DGR 2542 

,_, P 58 DGfr 11235 

-, P 58DCR11235 

^ ; :p 58DGR11235 

__-p 58 DGR 11235 

-,;T 59 DGR 2256 

:-*P 59DCR4069 

_,!P-— 59 DGR 4069 

., P 59 DGR 4069 

-_ p — - 59DCR4069 

„ p 59DCR4069 

_, P— 59 DGR 4069 
„ P_-__ 59DCR432: 

-- P 59DCR213 

_,<P 59 DGR 213- 

_, P 59 DGR 213 

_, P 59DCR213, 

- P 59 DGR 213, 

.. p_-__ 59DCR'213 

-- P 59 DGR 213 

_^P 59 DGR 213 

^ p — _ 59 DGR 213 

,, p 59DCR213 

:_, p,_-__ 59 DGR 213' 

_, P 59 DGR 213 

--P- — - 59DCR213; 

-, P 59DCR213; 

_i-p 59DCR213, 

-, p 59 DGR 213 

., p.--_ 59DCR213: 

-- P 59DCR213 

._ P--„ 59DCR432: 

- P 59DCR432 

„ p-— ._ 59DCR432^ 
-_ P-_- 59DCR432, 
_. p_____ 59DCR432 

- P---- 59DCR2252 
-, p_— 59DCR2391 

- P_. 59DCR2391 

„ P-— _ 59DCR2391 
■-, p— - 59DCR2391 

__P 59 DGR 2391 

-i.p 59 DGR 2391 

■-P 59DCR2391 

- P 59 DGR 2391 

_ i; T 59DCR4073 

_, T- — - 59DCR4073 

--T 59DCR4073 

-- P 59 DGR 3083 

- P 59 DGR 3083 

__ P 59DCR1939 

- P_— __ 59DCR1939 
__ p____. 59DCR1939 
.. p _.._._ 59DCR1939 
-P--- 59 DGR 1939 


2001 Code Section Law 

38-751.01 --- 19-142 -- 

38-751.02 19-142 -- 

38-751.03 ---- 19-142 -- 

38-751.04 19-142 -- 

38-751.05 - — 19-142 - 

38-752.01 19-142 -- 

38-752.02 19-142 --■ 

38-752.03 ------- 19-142 --■ 

38-753.01 19-142 — 

38-753.02 19-142 — 

38-753.03 19-142 --■ 

38-753.04 — 19-142 --- 

38-753.05 - 19-142 --■ 

38-754.01 - 19-142 --■ 

38-754.02 19-142 --■ 

38-754.03 19-142 --- 

38-754.04 19-142 --- 

38-755.01 19-142 --- 

38-755.02 19-142 --- 

38-755.03 19-142 --- 

38-755.04 — 19-142 -- 

38-756.01 19-142 --- 

38-757.01 -- 19-142 --- 

38-2602 19-141 — 

38-2973.01 19-124 --- 

40-301.02 19-138 — 

40-303.16 --- 19-138 --- 

42-1901.04 - 19-150 --- 

42-3502.17 -- 19-140 --- 

47-305.01 - 19-97 

47-391.08 19-124 — 

47-412.01 19-155 --- 

47-811.02 --- 19-155 --- 

47-820 19-155 — 

47-824 19-123 --- 

47-824 - 19-155 --- 

47-825.01 — 19-155 --- 

47-825.01a 19-155 --- 

47-825.01a 19-155 — 

47-825.01a - 19-155 — 

47-831 - 19-155 --- 

47-850.02 19-155 — 

47-863 19-155 — 

47-863 19-165 --- 

47-863 19-165 — 

47-893 ----- 19-155 --- 

47-1087 --- 19-116 — 

47-1087 19-116 — 

47-1812.08 19-100 --- 

47-1812.08 19-135 --- 

47-2002.01 -- 19-149 — 

47-2002.01 -- 19-149 --- 

47-2003 19-149 — ■ 

47-2004 19-149 — ■ 

47-2005 19-98 

47-2762 ---- 19-149 — ■ 

47-2808 19-124 --- 

47-4605 19-151 --- 

47-4605 19-151 — • 

47-4628 19-158 — ■ 

47-4628 19-158 - — 


New --- 
New --- 
New --- 
New --- 
New --- 
New --- 
New --- 

Act Sec. 

- 19-345 101 

-- 19-345 ■ 102 

- 19-345 103 

- 19-345 104 

._ 19.345 105 

- 19-345 --- 201 

- 19-345 — - 202 

,_ 19_345 203--- New — 

- 19-345 301 New 

- 19-345 302 New 

_ 19_345 303 New 

- 19-345 304 New 

- 19-345— 305--- New 

_ 19_345 401 ----- New 

- 19-345- --- 402 New 

- 19-345 403 New 

_ 19-345—---- 404 New 

19-345- - 501 

New ■ 

19-345— 502 New — 

19-345 --- 503 ---- New—- 

19-345- 504 -- New — 

19-345 --- 601--- New—- 

19-345 --- 701 --- New— - 

19-344 303 Amend - 

19-318 501(o) Amend - 

19-335 2(a) Amend -- 

19-335 — - 2(b) - Amend - 

19-356 2- Amend -- 

19-343 2——, -- Amend - 

19-272 — - 2 — - Note— - 

19-318 - 501(n)(l) -— Amend -- 

19-362-- 4 Note— - 

19-362 3(a) Amend - 

19-362 3(b) Amend -- 

19-315 3 Amend - 

19-362 3(c) Amend- 

19-362--- 4 Note — 

19-362 ---- 2(a) — - Amend - 

19-362 - 
19-362 ■ 
19-362 - 
19-362 ■ 
19-362 ■ 

4 Note 

5 --- Note 

2(b) Amend — 

2(c) Amend — 

2(d) Amend --- 

Amend — 


Amend — 





Amend --- 

19-375 2 

19-375 3 

19-362- — 2(e) 

19-291 -- 2(b) 

19-291 — 4 

19-275 2 

19-332- - 2 - 

19_355 2(a)(2) — 

19-355 _-__ 3 

19-355 2(a)(3) Amend - 

19-355 -- 2(a)(4) Amend - 

19-273 2 Note- — 

19-355 2(b) Amend -- 

19-318 --- 501(n)(2) --- Amend - 

19-357 -- 2- Amend -- 

19-357-- - 3 Note-- 

19-365 2(c) Amend - 

19-365 --- 3 Note— - 

Type DCR Cite 

p 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3642 

P 59 DCR 3083 

P 59 DCR 1862. 

P 59 DCR 2553 

p 59 DCR 2553 

P 59 DCR 5132 

P 59 DCR 2879 

T 59 DCR 419 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 1707 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 6188 

P 59 DCR 6188 

P 59 DCR 5590 

P 59 DCR 467 

P 59 DCR 467 

T 59 DCR 426 

T 59 DCR 2399 

P 59 DCR 5129 

P 59 DCR 5129 

P 59 DCR 5129 

P 59 DCR 5129 

T 59 DCR 421 

P 59 DCR 5129 

P 59 DCR 1862 

P 59 DCR 5134 

P 59 DCR 5134 

P 59 DCR 5689 

P— - 59 DCR 5689 



2001 Code Section 





19-158 - — 

19-365 -- i ----^-- 


ztf-4633'- — — -- 


19-365- — — 


47-4639 ------ — 

19-153 — - 



47-4639 — - ----- 

19-153 --■- 

19-359--- — 


50-2551-- — — 




50-2603 ----- — 

19_97 _,^- 

19_272,- — — 


50-2603 ^- — 

19-134 -;-- 

19-331- — - — 

2 -- 

51^107 ---------- 

v 19-96 

19_271 — '-— 

2 - 



DCR Cite 

Amend— - 


59 DCR 5689' 

Note— - 


59 DCR 5689 

Amend — 


59 DCR 5138' 

Note — 


59 DCR 5138 

Amend — - 


59 DCR 5598 

Note— — - 


59 DCR 419- 

Note -— 

: ; T— ■- 

59 DCR 23^ 

Note-- F - 


59 DCR 236- 




Listing Sections of the District of Columbia Code affected by the Emergency Acts of the 19th 
Council Period, published in the District of Columbia Legislative Service, Classifications reflect 
most current information obtained from the Office of the District of Columbia Codification 

2001 Code Section Act Sec. DCR Cite 

1-122 -- ; - 19-298 --- 401(k)(l) 59 DCR 683 

1-123 19-298 401(k)(2) 59 DCR 683 

1_124 19-298 401(k)(3) 59 DCR 683 

1_135 19-298 401(m) 59 DCR 683 

1-136.03 19-383 1081 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-383 1082- 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-383 -- - 1083- 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-383 1084 --■ 5§ DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-383 - 1085 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 - - --- 19-383 1086- ---- 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-383 1087 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-383 1088 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-383 1089 59 DCR 7764 

1-136.03 19-413 1081 59 DCR 9290 

1-136.03 19-413 -- -- 1082 ------- 59 DCR 9290 

1-136.03 - - 19-413 1083 ---- 59 DCR 9290 

,1-136.03 --- 19-413 ---- 1084 59 DCR 9290 

1-136.03 19-413 -- 1085 59 DCR 9290 

1-136.03 19-413 1086 59 DCR 9290 

1-136.03 19-413 1087 59 DCR 9290 

1-136.03 19-413 1088- 59 DCR 9290 

1-136.03 -- 19-413 1089 59 DCR 9290 

1-204.01 19-298 301(a) 59 DCR 683 

1-204.01 -- 19-298 602(b) --- -- 59 DCR 683 

1-204.02 ^ --- 19-298 301(b) 59 DCR 683 

1-204.02 - 19-298 602(b) --- 59 DCR 683 

1-204.04 19-298 401(b) 59 DCR 683 

1-204.04 - 19-298 401(p) 59 DCR 683 

1-204.21--- 19-298 301(c) 59 DCR 683 

1-204.21 -- 19-298 602(b) 59 DCR 683 

1-204.35 19-326 203 - 59 DCR 2384 

1-204.87 19-422 ---- 2 59 DCR 9365 

1-301.01 - - 19-383 ---- 8002 59 DCR 7764 

1-301.01 - 19-413 - 8002 59 DCR 9290 

1-303.21 -------- 19-387 2(a) 59 DCR 8491 

1-303.21 19-387 2(b) 59 DCR 8491 

1-303.22 ---- 19-387 2(c) 59 DCR 8491 

1_303.23----- 19-387 2(d) 59 DCR 8491 

1-307.02 19-383 5152 59 DCR 7764 

1-307.02 - 19-413 5152 59 DCR 9290 

1-309,03 -- --- 19-341 2 59 DCR 2788 

1-309.03 - 19-341 - 3- 59 DCR 2788 

1-309.05 - 19-310 201(b) -- 59 DCR 1688 

1-309.05 --- 19-341 ---- 4 59 DCR 2788 

1-319.03 - -- 19-298 401(i) -- 59 DCR 683 

1-325.91 19-383 ---- 8006 59 DCR 7764 

1-325.91 19-413 8006 - 59 DCR 9290 

1-325.171 19-383 2162(a) 59 DCR 7764 

1-325.171 ---- 19-413 2162(a) 59 DCR 9290 



2001 Code Section 


1-325.173- - 


1-328.03— — --- 

1-328.03-- — - 
1-333.11- — — 

1-333.11 - 




1-336.06 - 



1-336.06 - 

1-336.06 - 

1-336.06 - 

1-336.06 t- 

1-336.06— — 
.1-336.06 — 
1-336.06— — 
1-336.06 — — 
1-336.06— — 
1-336.06 —7- - 
1-336.06— — 
1-336.06— — 
1-603.01 — 
1-604.06— — 
1-609.02— — - 



1-612.01 - 

1-612.03 ------ 

1-618,01— — 

1-618.02 -- 

1_618.03 77 

1-618.03 - 

1-621.09— — — 
1-621.09 -------- 

1-623.06— - — 
1-623.06— ------ - 

1-623.13--- — - — 
1-623.13— — - — - 
1-629.04— --------- 

1-629,04— — — -- 
1-907.03— — - — - 
1-907.03— — ---- 

1-907.03—- — — - 
1-907.03 ----------- 

1-1001.03—--- — 
1-1001.04—- — - 
1-1001.05 ------- - 

1-1001.05 --------- - 

1-1001.05— -------- 

1-1001.05 --------- 



. 19-310 

Sec. DCRCite 

2162(b) ---- 59 DCR 7764 

2162(b) — 59 DCR 9290 

2 -- 59DCR211 

2 59 DCR 2786 

2— -------- 59 DCR 1667 

2 . — ---,-- 59 DCR 6609 
1054(a) ------ 59 DCR 7764 

1054(a) ----- 59DCR9290 

1042--- 59DCR7764 

1043 - 59DCR7764 

1044 ----- 59DCR7764 

1045---- 59DCR7764 

1046- 59DCR7764 

1047---- — 59 DCR 7764 

1048—— — - 59 DCR 7764 
1049 - — --- — -- 59 DCR 7764 
.1050—- ----- - 59 DCR 7764 

1051 _ — — -—.59 DCR 7764 
1052--- — — -- 59 DCR 7764 
1053 ----—,- 59 DCR 7764 

1042 — - — ^- 59 DCR 9290 
1043- — --- — -, 59 DCR 9290 

1044 59 DCR 9290 . 

1045 - 59 DCR 9290 

1046 --------- 59 DCR 9290 

1047- — - — 59 DCR 9290 
1048------- 59 DCR 9290 

1049--- — - — - 59 DCR 9290 
1050 :- — -59 DCR 9290 

1051 -------- 59 DCR 9290 

1052 —--—-— 59DCR&290 
1053,-—----- 59 DCR 9290 

401(c)(1)------- 59 DCR 683 

401(c)(2)' --",- 59 DCR 683 
1092(a) ------ 59 DCR 7764 

1092(a) 59 DCR 9290 

1092(b) ----- 59 DCR 7764 
5 -„,.„-„.__. 59 DCR 7760 
5 ..._„,-,..„_.. 59 DCR 9124 

1092(b) 59 DCR 9290 

401(c)(3) ----- 59 DCR 683 

401(c)(4) ------- 59 DCR 683 

401(c)(5) ,- — ^59 DCR 683 
■501(3) —--- — - 59 DCR 683 
1012 ---:—— 59 DCR 7764 
1012-— — 59 DCR 9290 
1032(a) ------- 59 DCR 7764 

1032(a) ------ 59 DCR 9290 

1032(b) ------ 59 DCR 7764 

1032(b) — 59 DCR 9290 

1055-------- 59 DCR 7764 

1055 -,- r — ----- 59 DCR 9290 

1062 ------- 59 DCR 7764 

1063 --,---— 59 DCR 7764 
1062-—--— 59 DCR 9290 
1063---------- 59 DCR 9290 

401(g)(1) - — -:-- 59 DCR 683 
401(g)(2) ------- 59 DCR 683 

401(g)(3) ■-- -59 DCR 683 

401(g)(4) ------ 59 DCR 683 

101 ,_---^ — -- 59 DCR 1688 

102 59 DCR 1688 

103 --<-.-— 59 DCR 1688 

WW?.':* !' 


2001 Code Section Act l Sec. DCR Cite 

1-1001.05 19-310 104 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 -- — - 19-310 — 105 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05- - 19-310 - 106 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05---- - 19-310 107------ 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 --- - 19-310 108---- 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 .--- - 19-310 - 109—. 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 -- ---- -- 19-310 110 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05- 19-310 111 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 -— 19-310 --- - 112 -59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05—- 19-310 113 -- 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05--- 19-310 --- 114 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 -- ---- -- 19-310 115 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05- 19-310 - -- 116- 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 - 19-310 -- 117--- --- 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 19-310 118- 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 19-310 119 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 19-310 120 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 19-310 - -- 121(a) 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.05 19-310 201(a)(1) 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.07 *- - 19-266 .- — 2(a) 59 DCR 207 

1-1001.08---- --- 19-310 201(a)(2) 59 DCR 1688 

1-1001.09 ----- 19-266 --- 2(b) --- -- 59 DCR 207 

1-1001.10 -- - — 19-298 --- 401(g)(5) 59 DCR 683 

1-1001.16 19-298 — 401(g)(6) 59 DCR 683 

1-1001.17 19-298 401(g)(7) 59 DCR 683 

1-1041.03 19-311 - 2--- 59 DCR 1699 

1-1101.01 19-298 2----- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 -- — 19-298 -- 101 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 T 19-298 102- --- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 --- 103---- --- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 -- - -- 19-298 ---- 104 - 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 --- 105---- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 106 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 107 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 — 108--- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 109 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 110 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- - 19-298 Ill - 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 112 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01- ---- 19-298 113---- --- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 114 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 — 19-298 — - 115--- - 59 DCR" 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 — -- 116 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 — - 117 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 118 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- - -- 19-298 - 119 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- 19-298 -- 120- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01- 19-298 - 121 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01---- r 19-298 122 - 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 ---- 123 -- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 - 19-298 --- 124 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 125— --- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 126- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 ---- 19-298 127 --- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 128--- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 - -- 129 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01- - -- 19-298 201 - 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 -- 202 -- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01- 19-298 ---- 203 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 — 204 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 19-298 205--- 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 - -- 19-298 --- 206 59 DCR 683 

1-1101.01 — - 19-298 - - 207 59 DCR 683 



2001 Code Section 

1-1101.01 ----------- 

1-1101.01— — - — 
1-1101.01— — — 
1-1101.01 ---------- 

1-1101.01 - — -- — — 

1-1101.01 --------- 

1-1101.01— — -- 
1-1101.01 ----- 

1-1101.01 ---------- 

1-1101.01 ----------- 

1-1101.01 ---r----- 

1-1101.01— --4--- 
1-1101.01— - ------ 


1-1101.01 -------- 

1-1101.01 — -. ------ 

1-1101.01— — - — 
1-1101.01— ----- - >.- 

1-1101.01— — - — 
1-1101.01 --------- 

1-1101.01— -- — r- 

1-1101.01— -— — - 

1-1101.01 ----r^-----*- 

i-iioi.oi------- - 

1-1101.01— ------ 

1-1101.01 --------- 

1-1101.01—-— — - 

1-1101.01— ---r-- 

1-1101.01—-—- — 
1-1101.01 -------- 

H101.01— --- — -- 
1-1101.01— — — — 

1-1101.01— — — 
1-1101.01 --------- 

1-1101.01— — -- — 

1-1101.01 ---r — r — 

1-1101.01 ------------ 

1-1101.01— ------- 

1-1101.01- — -— — - 

1-1102.02— — - — 
1-1102.03— ------ 

1-1102.04 ----- — h— 

1-1102.05—- — — 
1-1102.06— — - — -- 
1-1102.07-— — - 
1-1102.08- — — ---- 

1-1102.09— ------ 

1-1102.10-- — — — 
1-1102.11— — — 
1-1103.01-- — -— 
1-1103.02— — — - 
1-1103.03 ---------- 

1-1103.04- — -- — - 

1-1104.03— ------- -- 
1-1105.02 -- 
1-1105.04 — 
1-1 105.Q5-- 
1-1105.06 — 
1-1105.07 -- 



19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 t 
19-298 ,- 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 * 
19-298 .-; 

■ 19-298 '- 
19-298 ^ 

■ 19-298 - 
19-298 ; 
19-298 r- 
19r298 -- 
19--298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 - 
19-298 :- 
19-298 - 
19-298 ; - 
19-298 r- 
19-298 -, 
19-298 -- 
19-298 ;- 
19-298 ; 
19-298 - 
19-298 r 



-- 208 - 

- 209 - 

- 210 - 
-- 211 - 
-212 - 

- 213 - 
-- 214 - 

- 215 - 
-216 - 

- 217 - 

- 218 • 

- 219- 
-- 220 - 

- 221 - 

- 222 - 
--223 4 

- 224 * 
-225 4 
--226 * 
-- 228 ---- 
-.229 -.-- 
-230 ---^ 
_. 231 

.„ 232 ----- 
-233 — -- 

- 234 ----- 

- 236 — 
_- 237-- — 
--401(d) - 
--501(a) - 

- 501(b) -- 
-501(c) — 
--501(d) -- 
„ 501(f) --- 

- 501(g) - 
-- 501(h) -- 
-- 501(i) — 

- 401(d) -- 
--401(d) - 
--401(d) - 
-- 401(d) - 
--401(d) - 
-- 401(d).---? 
-401(d) -- 
__ 401(d) -H 
-401(d) - 
-- 401(d) -- 
--401(d) - 

- 401(d) - 

- 401(d), - 
--401(d) -- 
--401(d) -- 

- 401(d): — 

- 401(d) - 
--401(d) h 
-- 401(d); - 
--401(d) - 
-401(d) ■-■■ 
-- 401(d) - 

- 401(d) - : -f 

DCR Cite 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
-59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 683 

/'!> urn. 
. ■■■■- = . -i 

. ::;!■■! 


2001 Code Section Act Sec. DCR Cite 

1-1106.01 — 19-298 401(d) 59 DCR 683 

1-1106.02----. - 19-298 - 401(d) 59 DCR 683 

1-1106.51 ---- 19^298 — 401(d) ---- 59 DCR 683 

1-1107.01 -- --- 19-298 -- 401(d) - — 59 DCR 683 

l-1107.01a- ---- 19-298 — 401(d) - ---- 59 DCR 683 

1-1107.02- - 19-298 401(d) ---- 59 DCR 683 

1-1107.03 19-298 - --- *401(d) 59 DCR 683 

1-1108.01 19-298 -., 401(d) 59 DCR 683 

1-1131.01 19-298 401(e) 59 DCR 683 

1-1131.02 -- 19-298 401(e) 59 DCR 683 

1-1131.03 ---- 19-298 — 401(e) 59 DCR 683 

1-1151.01 -- --- 19-298 -- 401(f)----- 59 DCR 683 

1-1151.02 ----- 19-298 ---- 401(f) 59 DCR 683 

1-1151.03 , 19-298 -- 401(f) 59 DCR 683 

1-1151.04 19-298 ---- 401(f)---- 59 DCR 683 

1-1151.05---- 19-298 401(f) 59 DCR 683 

1-1151.06 19-298 - 401(f) 59 DCR 683 

1-1162.02 19-383 1073 59 DCR 7764 

1-1162.02--- 19-413 1073 59 DCR 9290 

1-1162.24---- - 19-383 1072(a) 59 DCR 7764 

1-1162.24 — - 19-383 1074. - 59 DCR 7764 

1-1162.24 - 19-413 1072(a) 59 DCR 9290 

1-1162.24 19-413 1074- 59 DCR 9290 

1-1162.25---- - - 19-383 1072(b) ---- 59 DCR 7764 

1-1162.25 ---- -- 19-383 1074 59 DCR 7764 

1-1162.25 19-413 1072(b) 59 DCR 9290 

1-1162.25 19-413 - — 1074 59 DCR 9290 

1-1163,10--- - - 19-371 ---- 2(a) 59 DCR 5711 

1-1163.10 - ---- -- 19-383 -- 1072(c) 59 DCR 7764 

1-1163.10 - - 19-413 1072(c) --- 59 DCR 9290 

1-1164.01 19-371 - 2(b) 59 DCR 5711 

1-1164.01 - 19-371 --- 3------ --- 59 DCR 5711 

1-1164.01 - --- 19-383 1072(d) 59 DCR 7764 

1-1164.01 19-413 - — - 1072(d) 59 DCR 9290 

1-1201 -- 19-383 ■- 8003---- 59 DCR 7764 

1-1201 19-413 8003 59 DCR 9290 

2-592 -- 19-298 401(a)(1) 59 DCR 683 

2-594 19-298 401(a)(2) --- 59 DCR 683 

2-706 ------ -- 19-298 — 401(h) ---- 59 DCR 683 

2-1215.15 - 19-427 2(a) --- ---- 59 DCR 9381 

2-1215.51 -- 19-427 2(b) 59 DCR 9381 

2-1217.73 19-383 2152- --- 59 DCR 7764 

2-1217.73 19-413 - — 2152 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.02------ ----- 19-305 2(a) 59 DCR 1677 

2-1225.02 19-383 2022(a) 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.02----- - 19-413 2022(a) --- 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.21 :.- -- 19-305 ---- 2(b) ---- 59 DCR 1677 

2-1225.21---- - 19-305 3 -- 59 DCR 1677 

2-1225.21--- - 19-383 - — 2022(b) - 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.21---- - 19-383 2023 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.21 19-413 2022(b) ---- 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.21----- 19-413 2023 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.42 19-383 2032 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.42 19-383 - 2033 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.42 19-383 ---- 2034 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.42----, 19-383 2035 -- 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.42 — - 19-383 - --- 2036 59 DCR 7764 

2-1225.42---- 19-413 --- 2032 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.42 — 19-413 2033--- -- 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.42 --- - 19-413 2034 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.42 19-413 2035 59 DCR 9290 

2-1225.42 - 19-413 2036 59 DCR 9290 

2-1515.04a 19-383 — 7004 59 DCR 7764 



2001 Code Section 

2-1515.04a— - — — .— 
2-1517.01 - — — — — -- 
2-1517.01 -_.--- — 

3-1313 -----.- 

3-1313 ____-___, _„„__^__ 

3-1313 -----, --.- 

3-1323 ^_,-.--^__ 

4-204.54 — - — -----^- 

4-204.54 ^,--,-^_- 

4-753.03 -:-----—„- 

4-753.03 ,-„,.--,,_-- 

4-1303.03e — — , .-.—--- 
4-1303.03e - — --—- — 
4-1303.55——^— — 

5_1418 ^,---- 1 _-__- 

5-1501.07 ------------h— 

5-1501.08 ----------- 

6-1403 --._--,--.- 

6-1403.01-- — -- — - 

6-1409 i--- — -^u- 

6-1410 --,_-i— ;__- 

6-14H ,-1-,---^;-- 

7-703.03------.- — - 

7-703.03— — -.---.---.- 

7-731 -.--,-- ----- 

7-731 ----.-- — — 

7-731 ,._____.„__.__ 

7_731 -_.___,-_-.. 

7-736.01 ---i----^— ._-- 

7-771.02 —- .--!-- — ---, - 
7-771.02 ~--.----,-i-^- 
7-1131.04- — -- 
7-1131.04 ----- 

7-1131.17 — .'■ 

7-1131.17 ----- V-- 
7-1131.18 ------ - 

7-1131-18 — 

7-1131.19 -H- 

7-1131.19— — - 
7-1131.19 ----- 

7-1405 — -. 


7-1671.06— — - 
7-1671.06- — - — 
7-2501.01- — -- 



7-2502.02- — -- 
7-2502.03 ------ 

7-2502.03- — - 

7-2502.04 -- 


7^-2502.05— — - 
7-2502.05— — 
7-2502.07a -----; 

7-2502.07a— -~ 
7-2502.07a-— - 
7-2502.08- — — 



19-413 -■ 

19-383 - 

19-413 - 

19-312 - 

19-383 *■ 

19-413 - 

19-298 -■ 

19-383 - 

19-413 -■ 

19-383 -■ 

19-413 - 

19-383 -■ 

19-413 - 

19-298 - 

19-429 - 

19-429 ^ 

19-387 - 

19-387 P 

19-387 -■ 

19-383 - 

19-413 - 

19-383 - 

19-383 - 

19-413 - 

19-413 - 

19-391 - 

19-383 - 

19-413 - 

19-383 - 

19-413 - 

19-383 - 

19-413 - 

19-383 - 

19,413 - 

19-383 - 

19-383 - 

19-413 - 

19-413 - 

19-383 -■*■ 

19-413 - 

19-339 - 
19-352 -.^ 

19-394 - 

19^352 - 

19-394 -■: 

19-352 - 

19-394 - 

19-352 - 

19-394 - 

19-352 - 

19-394 - 

19-352 - 

19-394 - 

19-352 - 

19-394 - 

19-324 - 

19-352 - 

19-394 - 

19-352 - 


„ 7004 -.— ;■ 

_ 7004-- — 

7004 — 

___--- 7007---^ 

_ 7007 --- 

S. 401(1) — 

— 5142 - — - 

- 5142—^- 

--- 5102 ---- 

-- 5102---- 

. _- 7004 ----- 

— 7004- — 

- - 401© — - 

— 202—- 

, -201 -— - 

— - 303-—^ 

•l 3(a). --^ 

- 3(b)— ^ 

,; 3(c) ^„w* 

^ — — 3(d) — - 

3(e) :^— 

,---..__ 7013_--- 

— - 7013 :---«* 

-- 5013 ----- 

■- ___ 5015 ■;--■-:- 

- -5013---^ 

.._--_-_ 5015 - — 

__ 5014— — 

-__-. ___-5014 --- 

.,-: _ 5012 - — - 

s __ 5012 — 

,, 7004--- 

- - 7004 — - 

___- 7004 - — - 

— -7004— - 

,...„_-- 5002-- — 

-- 7004 - — 

,_ 5002 --- 

,z , 7004 — 

.y 5112 — - 

— 5H2 ,-^- 

,_ 2(a)—-- 

- - 2(a) — - 


*;—.— 2(b) — ^ 

., 2(c)-- — 

;,...._.. 2(c) m-r- 

- 2(d) — - 

— — - 2(d);- — 

2(e) i— \- 

^ - 2(e) - — 


2(f) ----- 

■- — —2(g)—- 
, 2(g) — 

— — 2(h) — - 

„ 2(h) — 

■► 2(i) — — 

DCR Cite 
59 DCR 9290 

59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 1701 
59 DCR 7764 
'59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 8491 
59 DCR 8491 
59 DCR 8491 
59 DCR 8491 
59 DCR 8491 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 8501 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 902 
59 DCR 2784 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 2258 
59 DCR 5116 
59 DCR 8694 
59 DCR 5116 

-■>■ r.-r 



2001 Code Section Act Sec. DCR Cite 

7-2502.08- 19-394 -- 2(i) 59 DCR 8694 

7-2504.05 19-352 -- 2(j) -- — 59 DCR 5116 

7-2504.05 19-394 2(j) 59 DCR 8694 

7-2504.08 - - 19-352 - 2(k) 59 DCR 5116 

7-2504.08 ---- 19-394 -- 2(k) -- 59 DCR 8694 

7-2504.09 19-352 2(1) 59 DCR 5116 

7-2504.09 -- -~ 19-394 2(1) 59 DCR 8694 

7-2505.03 19-352 2(m) - 59 DCR 5116 

7-2505.03 19-394 2(m) 59 DCR 8694 

7-2506.01 19-352 2(n) - — 59 DCR 5116 

7-2506.01 19-394 2(n) 59 DCR 8694 

7-2507.02 - .— 19-352 2(o) 59 DCR 5116 

7-2507.02--- '• 19-394 -- 2(o) — 59 DCR 8694 

7-2507.06--. 19-352 2(p) 59 DCR 5116 

7-2507.06- 19-394 ---- 2(p) 59 DCR 8694 

7-2507.11 19-352 - — 2(q) --- 59 DCR 5116 

7-2507.11 - 19-394 — 2(q) 59 DCR 8694 

7-2508.01 19-352 2(r) 59 DCR 5116 

7-2508.01 19-394 ---' 2(r) - — 59 DCR 8694 

8^802 --- ---- 19-387 4 59 DCR 8491 

8-1804 - 19-383 --- 8005 59 DCR 7764 

8-1804 ---- 19-413 ---- 8005---- 59 DCR 9290 

9-1159 -- 19-387 --- 5----- 59 DCR 8491 

10-551.07 19-383 --- 1022 59 DCR 7764 

10-551.07 19-413 1022 59 DCR 9290 

10^801 19-267 2- ■ 59 DCR 209 

10^801 19-383 2132- ---- 59 DCR 7764 

10^801 19413 2132 59 DCR 9290 

10-1805 - 19-393 2- - 59 DCR 8690 

10-1805 - - --- 19-393 --- 3--- 59 DCR 8690 

10-1805 - 19-393 --- 4--- 59 DCR 8690 

10-1805 19-393 - 5--- 59DCR8690 

10-1805 -- 19-393 6 59 DCR 8690 

14_307 19-429 301 59 DCR 9387 

16-2702 19-338 2 59 DCR 2567 

16-2702 - 19-390 2- 59 DCR 8499 

16-5502 -- 19-326 --- -- 201- - 59 DCR 2384 

22-2405 - --- 19-310 121(b) 59 DCR 1688 

22-2701 -- - 19-326 --- 202 59 DCR 2384 

22-3202 . 19-326 -- 101(a) 59 DCR 2384 

22-3231 -- - 19-326 ----- 101(b) 59 DCR 2384 

22-3232 ,-- 19-326 ---- 101(c)- 59 DCR 2384 

22-4501 19-352 3(a) 59 DCR 5116 

22-4501 19-394 3(a) 59 DCR 8694 

22-4502 ---- 19-352 3(b) 59 DCR 5116 

22-4502 19-394 3(b) 59 DCR 8694 

22-4503 - - 19-352 - 3(c)- 59 DCR 5116 

22-4503 -- 19-394 3(c)- 59 DCR 8694 

22-4504 19-324 -- 3(a) 59 DCR 2258 

22-4504 — — ---- 19-352 --- 3(d) 59 DCR 5116 

22-4504 19-394 3(d) 59 DCR 8694 

22-4505 -- 19-324 --- - 3(b) 59 DCR 2258 

22-4505 19-352 3(e) 59 DCR 5116 

22-4505 - 19-394 --- 3(e) 59 DCR 8694 

22-4508 --- - 19-352 3(f)--' 59 DCR 5116 

22-4508 -- -- 19-394 ---- 3(f) 59 DCR 8694 

23-1331 - - 19-352 ---- 4 59 DCR 5116 

23-1331 --- ---- 19-394 --- - 4- ---- 59 DCR 8694 

24-101 -- 19-383 7011 - ------ 59 DCR 7764 

24-101 19-413 7011 ----.-- 59 DCR 9290 

24-101a 19-383 -------- 7011 59 DCR 7764 

24-101a 19-413 7011 59 DCR 9290 

24-211.02-- -- ---- 19-428 -- - 2(a) 59 DCR 9383 



2001 Code Section 

24-211.02 — 
24-211.06- — — - 
24r-1102 ---- — ;— 


25-763 - - --- 

25-1004 ------- 

25-1005 ----*-- 

■25-1006 — - 
25-1007 -- — — 
25-1008 ------ 

25-1009 -- — - 

31-3171.18- — - 

31-3171.18-- — 

34-1506 — - — - 


34-1802 - — 


34-1803 - — -- — 


37-131.03— — 

37-131.04---- — 

38-102 -------- 

38-171 — - 

38-171 ------- 


38-171 -^ — 

38-312 -.--- — 

38-312 — -- 

38-312.01- — — 
38-312.02— — - 
38-312.03- — — 
38-757.01—-- — 
38-757.01— — 
38-821.02— — — 
38^821.02- — - — 
38-822.02-- — — 
38^822.02-- — -- 
. 38-822.03— — -- 
38-822.03—- — 
38-822.04— — 
38^822.04 — 
38-822.05—- — 
38-822.05— — 
38-822.06— — - 
38-822.06 ------- 

38-823.01 ------ 

38-823.01— — - 
38-823.03— — 
38-823.03- — — - 
38^824.02—- — 
38-824.02— — 
38-825.01— — 
38-325.01— — 
38-825.03- — - 
38^826.02— — 
38-826.02— — 
38^826.03— — - 
38^826.03— — 
38-827.01— — 
38-1003 — — — 




19-379 — — 
19-294 - — — 
19-3G2 — --- 
19-387 — 
19-429 -- — 
19-429 ----- 

19-429 -^ — 
19-429 — — 

19_429 -- — 
19-383 ----- — 

19-413 ----- 

19-392 ----- 


19-413 ------ 


19-413 — — 
19_325 - — — - 
19-325 ------- 

19-325 ----- — 

19-395 — 



19-413 ------ 



19413 — — - 


19413 — 

19-383 ----- 


, 19-383 ----- 

19413 ^— ^ 
19-383 — — 
19-413 ----- - 

19-383 ------ 

19413 -- — 
19-383 — - — 

, I9_4i3 ........ 


19-413 ----- 

. 19-383 ----- 

■ 19-413 ----- - 

. 19-383 — — 

■ 19-413 — — 
. 19-383 — -- 

■ 19-413 

. 19-383 ------ 

■ 19413 

. 19-383 ----- - 


■ 19-413 


■ 19-383= 

■ 19-383 

■ 19-413 


2(b) — -- 
2 ------- 

2 — -,— 
2--— J^- 

302 liUi- 
302 -— 
302 1:1— - 
302 ^— 
302 — - 
302 - — 
7015 ^^i- 
7015 --— 

3042(a) -i- 
3042(a) -- 
3042(b) — 
3042(b) -- 
'2(a) -— 

2(c)— — 
2 ------- 


4082 ------ 

4003 ----- 

4082 - — - 
7012- — - 
7012 - — 

7012- — - 

7009 ----- 

4062(a) — 
4062(a) — - 
4062(b) — 
4062(c) --i- 
4062(d) -- 
4062(d) -- 
4062(e) -- 
4062(e) -- 
4062(f) -- 
4062(f) ->-- 
4062(g) — - 
4062(g) -- 
4062(h) — 
4062(h) — 
4062(i) - 
4062(i) --- 
4062Q) — 
4062(j) - — - 
4062® '-- 
4062(k) -- 
4062(ni) --- 
4062(tn) -- 
40620) -— 
40620) =->■- 
4062(n) -*~ 
4062(n) -- 
2 ------- 


— 59DCR9383 

— 59DGR7383 
-- 59DCR474 

— 59DGR1671 

— 59DCR8491 
--59 DOR 9387 

— 59DCR9387 

— 59DCR9387 
-- 59DCR9387 

— 59 DOR 9387 
-- 59DCR9387 

— 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR9290 
=- 59DCR8503 

— 59 DOR 7764 

— 59DGR9290 

— 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR9290 

— 59DCR2261 

— 59DCR2261 
-- 59DGR2261 

— 59DCR8703 

— 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR9290 

— 59DCR9290 

— 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR9290 

— 59DCR7764 
-- 59DCR9290 

— 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR7764 

— 59 DOR 7764 

— 59DCR9290 

— 59<DCR7764 
-- 59DCR7764 

— 59DGR9290 

— = = 59DGR7764 
=■- 59DGR7764 

— 59DCR9290 
-- 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR9290 
-- 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR9290 
--- 59DCR7764 
-- 59DCR7764 

— 59DCR9290 
-- 59DGR7764 
-- 59DCR9290 

— 59DGR7764 
--- 59DCR9290 
-- 59DCR7764 
-- 59DGR9290 

— 59DGR7764 

— 59DCR9290 
-- -59 DOR 7764- 
-- 59DCR9290 
-- 59DGR7764 
-- 59DCR9290 

— 59DCR9130 



2001 Code Section Act Sec. DCR Cite 

38-1003" 19-408 -— 3 59 DCR 9130 

38-1202.01 19-383 — - 4032 -- ---- 59 DCR 7764 

38-1202.01 19-383 --- - 4042 59 DCR 7764 

38-1202.01 - 19-413 4032 ------- 59 DCR 9290 

38-1202.01---- - 19-413 ---- 4042--- -- 59 DCR 9290 

38-1802.14 19-383 4052 59 DCR 7764 

38-1802.14---- 19-410 2 - 59 DCR 9137 

38-1802.14 19-410 - — 3 59 DCR 9137 

38-1802.14 19-413 — 4052 59 DCR 9290 

38-2903 — 19-383 4002(a) — - 59 DCR 7764 

38-2903 -i - 19-413 --- 4002(a) 59 DCR 9290 

38-2904 ---- 19-383 --- 4002(b) -- 59 DCR 7764 

38-2904 - 19-413 4002(b) 59 DCR 9290 

38-2905 --- - 19-383 --- 4002(c)- --- 59 DCR 7764 

38-2905 -- 19-413 4002(c) 59 DCR 9290 

38-2973.01 --- --- 19-298 401(o) 59 DCR 683 

39-107 19-383 4022(a) 59 DCR 7764 

39-107 19-413 4022(a) 59 DCR 9290 

39-113 — - 19-383 4022(b) 59 DCR 7764 

39-113 19-413— - 4022(b) 59 DCR 9290 

42-815.01-- — 19-378 2(a) 59 DCR 7380 

42-815.02 19-378 2(b) --- --- 59 DCR 7380 

42-815.03-- - 19-378 ---- 2(c) 59 DCR 7380 

42-1102 ---------- 19-383 — 7102(a) 59 DCR 7764 

42-1102 19-413 7102(a) 59 DCR 9290 

42-1102.02 19-383 7102(b) 59 DCR 7764 

42-1102.02--- 19-413 7102(b) --------- 59 DCR 9290 

42-1103 --- 19-383 -- - 7102(c)---- - 59 DCR 7764 

42-1103 19-383 7122 59 DCR 7764 

42-1103 - --- 19-413 7102(c)- 59 DCR 9290 

42-1103 19-413 7122 59 DCR 9290 

42-1801 19-387 7 59 DCR 8491 

44-301.01 19-409 -- 2(a) 59 DCR 9135 

44-301.07---- 19-409 - 2(b) 59 DCR 9135 

44-951.13 19-383 — - 5016 59 DCR 7764 

44-951.13 19-413 5016 59 DCR 9290 

47-355.01 --- 19-383 — - - 1102(a) 59 DCR 7764 

47-355.01---- - 19-413 1102(a) - 59 DCR 9290 

47-355.02---- - --- 19-383 1102(b) 59 DCR 7764 

47-355.02-- 19-413 ----- 1102(b) 59 DCR 9290 

47-391.08 --- 19-298 ---- 401(n)(l) 59 DCR 683 

47-392.02 19-383 — 8008 59 DCR 7764 

47-392.02 19-413 8008 59 DCR 9290 

47-501 - 19-307 - — - 2 ------ -- 59 DCR 1682 

47-1086 19-383 7002 , 59 DCR 7764 

47-1086 — 19-413 ---- 7002 59 DCR 9290 

47-1087 19-337 2(b) 59 DCR 2564 

47-1087 - 19-415 - 2(b) - --- 59 DCR 9351 

47-1508 19-414 ---- 2-- - 59 DCR 9349 

47-1803.02 - 19-382 - 3(a) -- 59 DCR 7760 

47-1803.02 - 19-382 3(b) 59 DCR 7760 

47-1803.02 -- 19-383 - 8009(a) 59 DCR 7764 

47-1803.02---- 19-406 3(a) 59 DCR 9124 

47-1803.02 7 - 19-406 3(b) ' 59 DCR 9124 

47-1803.02 19-413 8009(a) 59 DCR 9290 

47-1806.03 - 19-383 -- 8009(b) - 59 DCR 7764 

47-1806.03 - 19-413 8009(b) 59 DCR 9290 

47-1812.08 19-308 2 59 DCR 1684 

47-1812.08 19-316 ---- 2- - 59 DCR 1709 

47-1812.08 19-383 - 7022 59 DCR 7764 

47-1812.08 — --- 19-413 7022—-' 59 DCR 9290 

47-2001 19-383 -- 7112 59 DCR 7764 

47-2001 ,-- 19-413 ----- 7112 59 DCR 9290 



2001 Code Section 

47-2015 — --- — --,. 
47-2015 — - ----- — 


47-2201 — ----- - - 

47-2808 ----— — ^ 

47-2853.46 ------- — 

47-2853.46--- — ,— 
47-2853.49-- — — — 
47-2853.49— — — 

47-2862 ".w:h-. 

47-2862 - — - - --.-^ 

47-2866 --------- 

47-2866 -------—_ 

47-4605 — -----.-- 


47-4605 -_-.---- 


47-4633 -.-_.— — 

47-4646 - — - — --^. 
47-4646 ---------- 


47-4655 — -,—- — - 
48-907.02- — -—^- — 
48-907.02 ---- — -:- 

50-303 -. — r - 

50-307 ----- - 

50-320 ,_-,----- 

50-921,02- — -- — - 7 .- - 
50-921.02—-—— — - 
50-921.04— — ^— — 
50-921.04 ----------- 

50-921.04— ------- 

50-921.04— r-^- — — 
50-921.04—-- — ^- 
50-921.13— -- — — .> 
50-921.13 ----------- 

50-1501.04- — —:-- 
50-1501.04- — — --.--- 
50-1901 ----- . — ---- 


50-1903 ,———-- 

50-1904 ---------- 

50-1904 ,__-.-^-;^ 

50-1905 ----.— ---- 

50-1906 — --—-——- 
50-1907 --------- 

50-1907 ------ --- 

50-2201.02—- — — 
50-2201.03---^ — -- — 
50-2201.04 ---.--—. 
50-2201.04b •= — --- 
50^2201.05---- — ^-- 

50-2201.05b ----- — - 

50-2201.05b -------- 

50-2201.07— — - — - 
50-2205.02-— — w- — 
50-2205.03- — ——-^-- 
50-2205.03- — — - 
50-2205.03—-- — — - 
50-2301.05—- — 
50-2603 ----—---,. 

50-2603 --------- 


Act . ; 

19-383 — - 

19-413 ---- 

19-413 _,_- 

19-298 ----- 
19-383 ---- 

19-383 -— 
19-413 ----- 
19_383 -— 
19413 ----- 
19-383 ---- 
19413 ----- 

19407 r»r-r. 

19407 -.-- 
19413 .v.«r- - 
19-295 --- - 
19-383 -H-- 
19413 -r--- 
19-383 ----- 

19-383 ,n*-- 

19403 ----- 

19403 ---- 
19-353 . ,.. 


19-383 ,---- 

19413 — - 
19413 —-- 
19-424 ----- 
19424 ----- 
19-296 - — 

.19-429 - — 
19-429-i- — 

.19f429 ; ^r- 
19429 _-_-<*- - 

19429 -(---- 



7113 --^- 

7113 ----- - 

7114 -___,- 
7114- — - 
401(n)(2) — 
7010 — *— 
7010 -— - 
7010--* — 

1054(b)(1) — 
1054(b)(2) - 
1054(b)(2) -- 
7005;—* — 

7005 .-r--- 

2(b) ;V-h,-, 

7003.— - 
7003 — * — 

8004 —r-- 
2(a) — -- 

2(b) — — 

6062— — 
6063 ------- 


6063 ----- 


2(b) — 
2(c) — 
2 ------ 

2 - f - — -- 
101(c)(1) -- 


101(c)(3) — 
101(c)(4). — 
101(d)(1) -~ 

101(d)(2) — 

101(d)(3> ; — 
101(e) -;-f- 

102(a) ,fjf-r 
102(b) -iif- 
102(c) --nr - 
102(d) ----- 
102(e) .;i:yr - 

102(f) -;-- 

102(g) -.- 
102(h) ----- 
.103(e)(3) — 
1054(b) — 

DCR Cite 

.59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 683 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9128 
. 59 DCR 9128 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 489 
59 DCR .7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 9116 
59 DCR 9116 
59 DCR 9116 
59 DCR 5125 
59 DCR 9122 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 9375 
59 DCR 9375 
59 DCR 9375 
59 DCR 491 
59 DCR 9120 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
.59 DCR 9387 
.59. DCR 9387, 
.59 DCR 9387 
_ 59 DCR 9387 
.59 DCR 9387 
.59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 9387 
59 DCR 7764 
59 DCR 9290 
59 DCR 1860 
59 DCR 1860 

'■t 'I i - Xl " 

r<Ki:.:-v : 


2001 Code Section Act Sec. DCR Cite 

50-2633 19-342 2 59 DCR 2877 

51-103 19-383 2002(a) 59 DCR 7764 

51-103 19-413 -- 2002(a) - 59 DCR 9290 

51-107 --- 19-309 — 2 59 DCR 1686 

51-107 -- 19-383 -- 2002(b) -- 59 DCR 7764 

51-107 19-413 -- 2002(b) 59 DCR 9290 


r 7 'n^'; 

>-i-_.._f ;-, 


References to Emergency Acts are to Act Number 
References to Permanent and Temporary Laws are to Law Number 

Foreign countries, Act 19-310 
Military forces, Act 19-310 
Foreign countries, Law 19-137 


Child Abuse, generally, this index 

Health Insurance, generally, this index 


AIDS, generally, this index 


Children and minors, custody, visitation, de- 
ployment, Law 19-110 

Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 

Wrongful death, Law 19-147; Acts 19-338, 

Generally, Law 19-154 


Generally, Law 19-154 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


Health benefit exchange authority, 
Law 19-94 


Generally, Law 19-102 ' 
Boundaries, Laws 19-145, 
19-157; Act 19-370 

Single member districts, Act 19-341 


Generally, Law 19-157 


Generally, Law 19-145 

Funds, Act 19-304 


Generally, Law 19-165 

AIDS, education, Law 19-152 
Low or moderate income housing, tax exemp- 
tions, Law 19-151 
Real property taxation, 

Deductions, Law 19-165 

Exemptions, Act 19-407 


Contracts, generally, this index 


Aged persons, education, Law 19-152 
Continuing education, physicians and sur- 
' geons, physicians assistants, nurses, 
Law 19-156 
Prevention, grants, Act 19-391 


Licenses and permits, nude dancing, 
Act 19-302 


Correctional institutions, Act 19-379 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


Streets and Alleys, generally, this index 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


Real property taxation, real property tax ap- 
peals commission, Law 19-155 


Civil service, excepted service, Law 19-115 


Generally, Law 19-148; Act 19-351 




Military Forces, generally, this index 

Ombudspersons, Law 19-111 


Collaborative law participation agreements^ 
Law 19-125 


Health benefit exchange authority, 
Law 19-94 


Motor Vehicles, generally, this index 


Criminal History Record Information, 

generally, this index ' ' J ' \ 


Primary elections, President of United States^ 

Law 19-95 , . . . ,-_, . > J ,r r ^, : ;; 


Criminal history record information, finger- 7 
prints and fingerprinting, Law 19-143 

Generally, Law 19-141 

Generally, Law 19-141 


Unemployment compensation, extension, 
Law 19-96; Act 19-309 


Alcoholic beverages, licenses and permits, 
nude dancing, Act 19-302 

Generally, Act 19-424 


Generally, Act 19-424 



Generally, Law 19-131 



Generally, Law 19-101 


Generally, Law 19-137 



Generally, Law 19-124 


Generally, Law 19-104 


African American affairs commission, 

Law 19-106 
Drugs and medicine, Law 19-104 
Ethics, Law 19-124; Act 19-298 
Health benefit exchange authority, - * 

Law 19-94 
Real property tax appeals commission, - 

Law 19-155 

; l OA 

BONDS V,.: ! :0 rv ; .-. ; -fArrrnr ■■■ : : ! ..r.v 
Construction, buildings, envirdhmental' pro- 
tection, Law 19^*99 ; 


Advisory neighborhood commissions, , >'■ ; 
Laws 19-145, 19-157; Act 19-370 
Single member districts, Act 19-341 
Elections, wards, Act 19-311 


Generally, Laws 19-148; Acts 19-351, 

19-381, 19-382, 19-383„19-406„19^413 


Construction, environmental protection^ ■■'■.■, 

Law 19-139 
Projections, reconstruction, streets, and alleys \ 

streets cape construction, 

Law 19-121: Acts 19-268, 19^340 ;a 


Capitol riverfront, taxation, Law 19-161 
Real property taxation, Act 19-427 


Surplus, Act 19--371 ;< i - 'l?M T ;>; YIRO8SV6A 

r a o ;;.'■ ..,-;:'.■ ,vU;;-j-m<>0 
CAPITAL AREA FOOD BANK ? ,v;Wj i>nn ,,a 
Loans, Act 19-303 "'■;;■;; ■■ ■ ;:V;^- in 

■■:.;r . ■ ■ ;. .. ■'■x-vwAimM 


Business improvement districts, taxatibn^VO 'A 
Law 19-161 7-\ . / 7.^00 


ACT ■ ' ■. ' -'-WWGh 

Generally, Law 19-161 U 

:■, ■■•■'-.■.Tonnv.) 


Generally, Law 19-103 > f ; I 


Generally, Law 19-127 


Compensation and salaries, overtime, 
Law 19-127 


Motor Vehicles, generally, this index 


Generally, Law 19-151 


Health insurance, plans and specifications, 
health benefit exchange authority, 
Law 19-94 


Process, service of process, discrimination, 
Law 19-112 


Bingo and raffles, lotteries, Act 19-312 
Lotteries, Law 19-128 


Admissions, task forces, Act 19-410 


Placement, Law 19-164 ■ 
Reports,- collaborative law participation 
agreements, Law 19-125 


Generally, Law 19-164 



Generally, Law 19-141 


Abuse, Child Abuse, generally, this index 

Adoption, collaborative law participation 

agreements, Law 19-125 
Behavioral health, reports, Law 19-141 

Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 

Military forces, deployment, Law 19-110 
Delinquent Children, generally, this index 
Visitation, generally, this index 


Generally, Law 19-133 

Annual leave, Law 19-115 
Compensation and salaries, Law 19-115 
Excepted service, Law 19-115 
Management supervisory service, compensa- 
tion and salaries, severance, Law 19-115 
Nepotism, Law 19-115 


Generally, Law 19-125 


Applications, plans and specifications, 
Law 19-142 


Generally, Law 19-150 


Generally, Law 19-106 

Boards and Commissions, generally, this 


Generally, Law 19-142 


Generally, Law 19-142 


Delinquent children, Act 19-294 


Civil service, Law 19-115 

Income Tax — District, generally, this index 

Overtime, car washes, Law 19-127 


Popular name laws, Act 19-429 



Generally, Law 19-137 


Weapons, licenses and permits, Act 19-324 


Real property taxation, combined tax lots, 
Law 19-150 




Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


Health benefit exchange authority, 
Law 19-94 


Easements, nonprofit organizations, 
Law 19-113; Act 19-306 


Buildings, environmental protection, r 
Laws 19-99,19-139 


AIDS, physicians and surgeons, physicians 
assistants, nurses, Law 19^156 '■■-' 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 

Law enforcement agencies, parking lots and 
facilities, parking garage, renovation, ; - 

Act 19-301 ;;;:; 


Howard Theatre, Act 19-267 ; , --..,-, 


District council, mayor, Act 19-298 

Aliens, Act 19-379 

Release, Act 19-428 8T;"W-ji.-JO; :■ 

- ,; '--i '-Y- :.'■'■*/'■ ,j. • -■)!■'■■ : :-;")rr:r-J:ii'^.i 

Collaborative law participation ' agreement's^ 
Law 19-125 , ( ;. 


Labor and employment, foster care, 
Law 19-162 


Civil service, excepted service, Law 19-115 


Criminal History Record Information, 

generally, this index 
District council, conviction of crime, : 

Act 19-298 
Fraud, schools and school districts, domicile 

and residence. Law 19-126 
Mayor, conviction of crime, Act 19-298" 
Motor vehicles, registration, Act 19-404 
Records and recordation, civil service, ex- 
cepted service, Law 19-115 
Theft, Act 19-326 i... u 



Civil service, excepted service, Law 19-1"15 

Fingerprints and fingerprinting, insurance^O 
producers, investment advisers, banks 
and banking, Law 19-143 ' i^AO 

■ ■ ■„-■ ■ ■ ■ ., ■ .. - aoO 


Children and Minors, this index 

< ;; 7\o 


Generally, Law 19-134 ■ ■■■<•« 


Real property taxation, aged persons, 

Law 19-165 : ; , : 


Howard Theatre, Act 19-267 . .-■ V : 7 ,, : 


Behavioral health, assessments, I^aw 19-141 

Compacts, Act 19-294 ' / 


Generally, Law 19-141 


Behavioral health, assessments, Law 19-141' 
Child Abuse, generally, this index 


Correctional Facilities, generally, this 

index .' '*> : "■ "'' , ! 


Parking meters, Act 19-342 


Generally, 'Law 19^143 : - ; '"■ y, ;■ "V :: ; ,'K> 


Collaborative law participation agreements 7 ,'^ :j 
Law 19-125 


Dismissal and nonsuit, Act 19-326 , 1 1 ^ \ 


Service of process, mail and mailing, certified 

or registered mail, email, Law 19-112' 
Unemployment, Law 19-132 


Discovery, Act 19-326 ;■ > V 

dissolution ■yx\r:;:-,. f l 7-r& 

Health benefit exchange authority, 

Law 19-94 . ■ '■■ .■..;.'■ \;Kt<^.j;) 



Civil Service, generally, this index 

Collaborative law participation agreements, 

attorneys, Law 19-125 
Councils, members and membership, 

Act 19-298 
Income Tax — District, generally, this index 


Members and membership, Act 19-298 



Generally, Law 19-97 


Generally, Law 19-115 


Generally, Law 19-126 

Civil Service, generally, this index 
Ethics, training, Act 19-298 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


Physicians and Surgeons, generally, this 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
attorneys, Law 19-125 


Civil service, excepted service, Law 19-115 
Marriage, divorce, separation, Law 19-133 
Schools and school districts, fraud, 
Law 19-126 


Generally, Act 19-429 


Boards and commissions, Law 19-104 


Process, service of process, human rights of- 
fice, Law 19-112 


Generally, Law 19-141 

Generally, Law 19-142 


Generally, Law 19-142 


Civil service, Law 19-115 


Conservation, nonprofit organizations, 

Law 19-113; Act 19-306 
Howard Theatre, Act 19-267 

Funds, Act 19-305 


AIDS, aged persons, Law 19-152 


Aged Persons, generally, this index 


Absentee voting, military forces, foreign coun- 
tries, Act 19-310; Law 19-137 

Ballots, President of United States, primary 
elections, Law 19-95 

Campaign contributions and expenditures, 
surplus, Act 19-371 

Early voting centers, Law 19-131 

Polls and polling places, early voting centers, 
Law 19-101; Act 19-266 

Registration of voters, 

Laws 19-101 19131; Act 19-266 

Wards, boundaries, Act 19-311 


Disconnection, heat waves, Act 19-392 


Process, service of process, human rights of- 
fice, Law 19-112 


Income tax — district, withholding, 
Act 19-308 


Generally, Law 19-159 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
orders of court, Law 19-125 


Grants, development, Act 19-300 

Construction, buildings, Laws 19-99, 19-139 




Boards and commissions, 

Law 19-124; Act 19-298 


Real Property Taxation, this index 

Sales tax, Law 19-98 


Schools and school districts, domicile and res- 
idence, Law 19-126 


Construction, buildings, environmental pro- 

tection> Law 19-99 
Motor vehicles, registration, Act 19-296 
Prostitution, solicitation, Act 19-326 


Criminal history record informationj insur- 
ance producers, investment advisers, 
banks and banking, Law 19-143 

Weapons, registration, Acts 19-352, 19-394 


Weapons, generally, this index ':. VX7G v 


Generally, Acts 19-352, 19-394 v v 



Generally, Law 19-148 


Licenses arid permits, healthy food vendors, 
pilot programs, Act 19-325 


Mediation, funds, Act 19-378 '..-:,. 


Absentee voting, Law 19-137; Act 19-310 


Labor and employment, Law 19-162 


Generally, Law 19-162 . . M;: ■ 

FRAUD , :j 

Schools and school districts, domicile and res- 
idence, Law 19-126 


Generally, Law 19-144 


Pilot programs, vendor and purchaser, 
healthy food vendor, Law 19-144 



Affordable housing, Act 19-304 ; 

Bicycle sharing fund, Act 19-424 
Economic development, Act 19-305 
Foreclosure, mediation, Act 19-378 
Health benefit exchange authority, 

Law 19-94 
Highways and roads, Law 19-97 
School Funds, generally, this index 
Student residency verification fund, 

Law 19-126 


Charities, generally, this index 


Generally, Law 19-108 .. . ' 




AIDS, prevention, Act 19-391, . . ,,,. 

Community schools, Law 19-142, . -• /'" 

Labor and Employment, this index 

Transportation department, 
Union Station, improvements, Act 19^405 
Union Station redevelopment corporation, 
Act 19-353 ) 



Generally, Law 19-139 ■,-.•■'■ ■.■■'■.,. 



Generally, Law 19-99 


Weapons, generally, this index, , <■ > 


Parking meters, Act 19-342 


Medical Care and Treatmenti generally /[ 

this index ■■:,"......:'■ b^m riloofbr! 


Generally, Law 19-94 v V,iO ftQ 

11 ■' ■::" ,■■■■■■ , fiiwv)if>n 
Physicians and Surgeons, generallyf?thisiO 

index ■ ) \, -..'i' .. . - . v. S j ,-;iv^;u?] 


Grievances, Act 19-409 -ovrrl 

Health benefit exchange authority,;, r , > ^t 
Law 19-94 


Colleges and universities, applications^ plains 
and specifications, Law 19-142 !''■■■ ' :i 



Applications, plans and specifications, 
Law 19-142 


Generally, Law 19-142 


Elizabeth P. Thomas Way, Law 19-159 

Funds, Law 19-97 

Hilda H.M. Mason Way, Law 19-163 

Generally, Law 19-163 


Real property taxation, exemptions, 
Law 19-116; Act 19-337 

Generally, Law 19-123 


Real property taxation, assessments, improve- 
ments, notice, Law 19-123 


AIDS, generally, this index 


Generally, Law 19-156 

Ombudspersons, Law 19-111 


Schools and school districts, domicile and res- 
idence, fraud, Law 19-126 


Affordable housing, funds, Act 19-304 
Low or Moderate Income Housing, gener- 
ally, this index 


Deeds and conveyances, Act 19-267 


AIDS, generally, this index 


Service of process, Law 19-112 


Generally, Law 19-112 

Fingerprints and Fingerprinting, gener- 
ally, this index 


Privileges and Immunities, generally, this 


Correctional Facilities, generally, this 


Historic sites and property, real property tax- 
ation, assessments, notice, Law 19-123 


Electronic transactions, Act 19-308 
Lump sum payments, Law 19-135 
Retirement and pensions, 

Law 19-100; Act 19-316 


Low or Moderate Income Housing, gener- 
ally, this index 


Captive insurers, risk retention groups, 

Law 19-103 
Health benefit exchange authority, 

Law 19-94 
Health Insurance, generally, this index 


Criminal history record information, finger- . 
prints and fingerprinting^Law 19-143 


Licenses and permits, nude dancing, 
Act 19-302 


Criminal history record information, finger- 
prints and fingerprinting, Law 19-143 


Release, Act 19-428 


Real property taxation, exemptions, 
Law 19-158; Act 19-295 


Generally, Law 19-158 


Colleges and universities, applications, plans 
and specifications, Law 19-142 


Delinquent Children, generally, this index 

I Generally, Law 19-153 




Discrimination, unemployment, Law 19-132 

Foster care, Law 19-162 


Development and training, Acts 19-300, 

Workforce development, Law, 19-130, 


Southwest Duck Pond, Law 19-105 : 


Security deposits, treble damages,. 
Law 19-140 


Parking lots and facilities, parking garage, 
renovation, contracts, Act 19-301 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


William O'Neal Lockridge Memorial Library 
at Bellevue, Law 19-119 


Alcoholic beverages, nude dancing, ..,, ■ -, 
Act 19-302 , , ; 

Food, vendor and purchaser, healthy food ven- 
dors, pilot programs, Act 19-325 

Nude dancing, moratorium, Law 19-rl29 V 

Weapons, Act 19-352 

Concealment, Act 19-324 . :; :^ 



Generally, Law 19-117 


Wrongful death, Law 19-147; Acts 19-338, 


Licenses and permits, nude dancing, 
Act 19-302 


Capital area food bank, Act 19-303 



Generally, Law 19-111 ■■''-* 3 


Generally, Law 19-128; Act 19-312 ; A ,. 


Generally, Law 19-128 


Aged persons, tax exemptions, Law 19-151;;;;; 3 
Real property taxation, exemptions, ■ . . r - ■ - , • . j 
Act 19-407 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
attorneys, Law 19-125 


Process, service of process, human rights of- ;■■ > 

fice, Law 19-112 
Registration bf voters, > T /IT,! ,:."v: ; ,:;:w 

Law 19-101; Act 19-266 


Generally, Law 19-117 , ,; '• 


Medical care and treatment, 
Cultivation centers, Law 19-146 

Retail priority areas, Act 19-339 
Registration, dispensaries, cultivation een- ' ! 
ters, Law 19-122; Act 19-299 


Collaborative law participation agreements, v ' 

Law 19-125 
Domicile and residence, divorce, separation,,,, 

Law 19-133 

mXyor "* ! .,' i ; : ,; '"" '. : V; W(J: 

Conviction of crime, Act 19-298 

Health benefit exchange authority, powers; ..-• .; .- 

and duties.^; Law 19-94 . . ];i .,, } ^ u , , . r -, v , ... • 


Generally, Law 19-138 ; , , ; . : .-. , r; ; - ?,, 

MECHANICS LIENS ; .,_, ,..,...,, 

Notice, Law 19-138; i 


Health Insurance, generally, this index 
Marijuana, ; 

Cultivation centers, 

Law 19-146; Act 19-339 ' 

Registration, dispensaries, cultivation cen- 
ters, Law 19-122; Act 19-299 £~- 


Physicians and Surgeons, generally, this 



Generally, Law 19-122 


Generally, Law 19-146 


Boards and commissions, Law 19-104 


Monuments and Memorials, generally, this 

Generally, Law 19-141 


Absentee voting, Law 19-137; Act 19-310 

Children and minors, custody, visitation, de- 
ployment, Law 19-110 

Marriage, domicile and residence, divorce, 
separation, annulment, Law 19-133 


Generally, Law 19-110 


African American affairs commission, 
Law 19-106 


Children and Minors, generally, this index 


Schools and school districts, domicile-and res- 
idence, Law 19-126 


Nine Eleven (9/11) Memorial Grove, 

Law 19-114 
William O'Neal Lockridge Memorial Library 

at Bellevue, Law 19-119 


Generally,' Law 19-129 


Foreclosure, residential mortgages, 
Act 19-378 


Crimes and offenses, registration, Act 19-404 


Registration, fines and penalties, Act 19-296 


Civil service, Law 19-115 


Generally, Law 19-114 


Conservation, easements, 

Law 19-113; Act 19-306 


Historic sites and property, real property tax- 
ation, assessments, improvements, 
Law 19-123 

Mechanics liens, Law 19-138 


Licenses and permits, 
Alcoholic beverages, ActSl9-302 
Moratorium, Law 19-129 


Continuing education, AIDS, Law 19-156 

Ombudspersons, Law 19-111 

Generally, Law 19-113 


Crimes and Offenses, generally, this index 


Aged Persons, generally, this index 


Real property taxation, exemptions, 
Law 19-116; Act 19-337 


Generally, Law 19-116 


Nursing homes, home health care, 
Law 19-111 


Health benefit exchange authority, 
Law 19-94 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
emergencies, Law 19-125 


Rules and regulations, Act 19-387 




Car washes, Law 19-127 


Children and Minors, generally, this index 


Law enforcement agencies, parking garage, 
renovation, contracts, Act 19^301 


Traffic Rules and Regulations, this index 

See, also, Recreation and Recreational 

Areas, generally, this index ; , / 
Margaret B. Cooper and Lillian A: Gordon 

Park, Law 19-117 
Nine Eleven (9/11) Memorial Grove, 

Law 19-114 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


Generally, Law 19-107 


Civil service, Law 19-115 


Fines and Penalties, generally, this index ' 

PENSIONS , ;V , i; ,' ; :,. 

Income tax — district, withholding, '" ^, '", 

Law 19-100; Act 19-316 7 ^ ^ii' 1 


Licenses and Permits, generally, this index 


Generally, Act 19-307 
Exemptions, electricity, cogeneration equip- 
ment, Act 19-414 


Parking meters, Act 19-342 


Continuing education, AIDS, Law 19-156 
Physicians in training, Law 19-104 ''"■ 


Continuing education, AIDS, Law 19-156 

Generally, Law 19-104 



Food, vendor and purchaser, licenses and per-;; 

mits, healthy food vendors, Act 19tt325 
Schools and school districts, dropouts, early 

warning, Law 19-142 "]; : : cnQU'til 

Schoolteachers, incentives, Law 19-1423 
Vendor and purchaser, food, healthy foollfven- 

dor, Law 19-144 . -\,rw-. .nUn^nnj) 


Health insurance, certificates and a certifica- 
tion, health benefit exchange authority, 

Law 19-94 ^ii-if-Gj ■;-:& :1 r'h^')Lv-^) 

'PLAZAS ;/'"'-':^G3M 

Reverend Dr^Jerry L A. Moore, Jr. Comriiemor-H 

rative Plaza Designation Act, 

Law 19-109 , , 1 ;i 


Early voting centers, 

Law 19-101; Act 19-266 , r 


Southwest Duck Pond, Law 19-105 -. ■■:■■■■ 


Adolf Cluss Court Alley Designation Act, 
Law 19-154 

Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Bound- 
aries Act, Law 19-157 
Emergency Act, Act 19-341 
Temporary Act, Law 19-145 ■■,; 

Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Bound;. t 
aries Technical Correction Emergency 
Amendment Act, Act 19-370 

Age in Place and Equitable Senior Citizen 
Real Property Act, Law 19-165 , ' 

Behavioral Health and Truancy Intervention 
Amendment Act, Law 19-141 

Blue Plains Intermunicipal Agreement of ' 
2012 Congressional Approval Emergency 
Request Act, Act 19-422 . 

Board of Elections and Ethics Electoral Pro- 
'' cess' Improvement Act, V ''"'•-■". '"'' 

Emergency Act, Act 19-266 ' 
Temporary Amendment Act, Law 19-101 

Board of Elections and Ethics Electoral Pro- ;.*; 
cess Improvement Amendment Act, 
Law 19-131 

Board of Elections arid Ethics Military and' 
Overseas Voter Accommodation Amend- 
ment Act, Law 19-137 

Board of Ethics and Government Accountabii-" 
ity Establishment and Comprehensive 
Ethics Reform Amendment Act; ■■- - u 
Law 19-124 ^ O 

Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19-298 

Board of Ethics and Government Account abil-- 
ity Establishment and Comprehensive - < ■; 
Ethics Reform Clarification Emergency 
Amendment Act, Act 19-371 

Board of Medicine Membership arid Licensing; 
Amendment Act, Law 19-104 ; ::y . "> 



Campaign Finance Emergency Act, ( 
Act 19-298 

Capital Area Food Bank Loan Forgiveness 
Emergency Act, Act 19-303 

Capitol Riverfront BID Amendment Act, 
Law 19-161 

Captive Insurance Company Amendment Act, 
Law 19-103 

Car Wash Employee Overtime Amendment 
Act, Law 19-127 

Career and Technical Education Plan Estab- 
lishment Emergency Act, Act 19-408 

Carver 2000 Low Income and Senior Housing 
Project Amendment Act, Law 19-151 

Carver 2000 Low Income and Senior Housing 
Project Congressional Review Emergency 
Act, Act 19-407 

Change Order No. 002 to Contract No. 

GM-11-M-0124B-FM Approval and Pay- 
ment Authorization Emergency Act, 
Act 19-401 

Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. 

DCFA-2010-C-0174 Approval and Pay- 
ment Authorization Emergency Act, 
Act 19-301 

Change Order No. 14 to Contract No. 

DCAM-2008-C-0066 Approval and Pay- 
ment Authorization Emergency Act, 
Act 19-419 

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment 
Amendment Act, Law 19-164 

Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Behav- 
ioral Health Infrastructure Amendment 
Act, Law 19-141 

Citizens with Disabilities Parking Fairness 

Emergency Act, Act 19-342 
Civil Marriage Dissolution Equality Act, 

Law 19-133 

Clarification of Personal Property Tax Reve- 
nue Reporting Congressional Review 
Emergency Act, Act 19-307 

Cogeneration Equipment Personal Property 
Tax Exemption Emergency Act, 
Act 19-414 

Combined Condominium Real Property Tax 
Amendment Act, Law 19-150 

Commission on African American Affairs Es- 
tablishment Act, Law 19-106 

Community Schools Incentive Act, 
Law 19-142 

Comprehensive Military and Overseas Voters 
Accommodation Amendment Act, 
Law 19-137 

Comprehensive Military and Overseas Voters 
Accommodation Congressional Review 
Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19-310 

Contract Modifications Approval Emergency 
Act, Act 19-430 


Contract No. DCBE-2009-C-0002 Modifica- 
tions Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act, Act 19-425 
Contract No. DCEB-DMPED-ll-C-0019 Ap- 
proval and Payment Authorization Emer- 
gency Act, Act 19-386 
Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5052 Modifica- 
tion Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act, Act 19-388 
Contract No. DCHC-2008-D-5054 Modifica- 
tion Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act, Act 19-389 
Contract No. DCHT-2012-C-0021 Approval 
and Payment Authorization Emergency 
Act, Act 19-402 
Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-01 Modifica- 
tion Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act, Act 19^417 

Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-02 Modifica- 
tion Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act, Act 19-418 

Contract No. DCPO-2011-C-0019-03 Modifica- 
tion Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act, Act 19-421 

Contract No. DCPO-2011-T-0075 Modifica- 
tions Approval and Payment Authoriza- 
tion Emergency Act, Act 19-412 

Contract No. NFPHC-121 Modifications Ap- 
proval and Payment Authorization Emer- 
gency Act, Act 19-426 

Criminal Penalty for Unregistered Motorist 
Repeal Congressional Review Emergency 
Amendment Act, Act 19-296 

Criminal Penalty for Unregistered Motorist 
Repeal Emergency Amendment Act, 
Act 19-404 

DDOT Omnibus Conforming Emergency 
Amendment Act, Act 19-317 

DDOT Omnibus Conforming Temporary 
Amendment Act, Law 19-134 

Department of Health Functions Clarification 
Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19-391 

Department of Mental Health Establishment 
Amendment Act, Law 19-141 

DISB Fingerprint Based Background Check 
Authorization Act, Law 19-143 

District Department of Transportation Bicy- 
cle Sharing Fund Emergency Amend- 
ment Act, Act 19-424 

District Department of Transportation Grant 
Authority Congressional Review Emer- 
gency Amendment Act, Act 19-405 

District Department of Transportation Grant 
Authority Emergency Amendment Act, 
Act 19-353 

District Department of Transportation Omni- 
bus Temporary Amendment Act, 
Law 19-97 

District of Columbia Government Comprehen- 
sive Merit Personnel Amendment Act, 
Law 19-115 




District of Columbia Public Schools and Pub- 
lic Charter School Student Residency 
Fraud Prevention Amendment Act; 
Law 19-126 

District of Columbia Public Schools Partner- 
ship Emergency Act, Act 19-395 

District of, Columbia School Reform Extension 1 
Of Time Emergency Amendment Act, : 
Act 19-410 

DOC Initiate Processing and Release Emer- ' ' ■ 

gency Amendment Act, Act 19-428 
Downtown BID Emergency Amendment Act, 

Act 19-427' \ " 

Early Childhood and School Based Behavioral 

Health Infrastructure Act, Law 19-141, 
Early Childhood Education Act, Law 19-142 
Early Warning and Support System Act, 

Law 19-142 

Economic Development Special Account Re- 
vival Congressional Review Emergency 
■;v- J( Amendment Act, Act 19-305 

Elizabeth P. Thomas Way Designation Act, 
Law 19-159 

Firearm's Amendments Congressional Review 
Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19-394 

Firearms Emergency Amendment Act, 
Act 19-352 

Firearms Registration Renewal Emergency 
Amendment Act, Act 19-324 f 

. _,_-"■. ■■■■■. :n - r ■:.■'■?..) 

Fiscal Year 2012 Revised Budget Request Ad- 
justment Act, 
Emergency Act, Act 19-351 : : n^-i 

Temporary Act, Law 19-148 

Fiscal Year 2012 Second Revised Budget-Re- 
quest Congressional Review Emergency^ 
Adjustment Act, Act 19-406 

Fiscal Year 2012 Second Revised Budget Re-'-'-" 
quest Emergency Adjustment Act, 
Act 19-382 

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Request Act, 
Act 19-381 

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Congressio- 
nal Review emergency Act, Act 19-413 

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Support Emergency 
Act, Act 19-383 

Foster Care Youth Employment Amendment , 
Act, Law 19-162 

Fresh Healthy Mobile Cart Vending Pilot in 

Underserved Areas Act, Emergency. 

Amendment Act, Act 19-325 ." ; ' 

Temporary Amendment Act, Law 19-144 

Glover Park Community Center Designation 

Act, Law 19-108 , t 

Government Ethics Emergency Act, ■ 

Act 19-298 

Green Building Compliance"; Technical Cor- ( 
rections, and Clarification Amendment 
Act, Law 19-139 



Green Building Compliance Temporary , -^ ) 
Amendment Act, Law 19-99 

Health Benefit Exchange Authority Establish 
ment Act, Law 19-94 . ■ 

Health Benefits Plan Grievance Emergency. , ^ 
Amendment Act, Act 19-409 ,. . ' '\ ' 

Heat Wave Safety Emergency Amendment r ^ 
Act, Act 19-3^2 " i7iSt -V y - 

Highly Effective Teacher Incentive Act," ,. . 

Lawl9-142T^'"^^ ' ■■"^\; ';;y ^ 

Hilda H.M. Mason Way Designation Act^ 
■ Law 19-163 ■■-";>; :; ' -riywJ) 

Historic Property Improvement Notification 
Amendment Act, Law 19-123 ^ ; r * t ma* ) 

HIV AIDS Continuing Education Require- 
ments Amendment Act, Law 19-156 .r-f> 

Howard Theatre Easement Disposition Emer- 
gency Amendment Act, Act 19-i267 

Human Rights Service of Process Amendment; 
Act, Law 19-112 

Immigration Detainer Compliance Emergency 
Amendment Act, Act 19-379 

Income Tax Withholding Statements Elec-^ 
tronic Submission Congressional Review 
Emergency Act, Act 19-308 

Interstate Compact for Juveniles Congressio- 
nal Review Emergency Amendment Act,;* t 
Act 19-294 

Jubilee Housing Residential Rental Project 
Real Property Tax Exemption Clarifica- 
tion Act, Law 19-158 .:;.r- } 
Congressional Review Emergency Act, 

Act 19-295 : . 

King Towers Residential Housing Real Prop- 
erty Tax Exemption Clarification Act, 
Law 19-153 

Lillian A. Gordon W r ater Play Area and. Park 
Designation Act, Law 19-117 

Local Rent Supplement Program Contract No. 
0104-2008-0015A Approval and Authori- 
zation Emergency Act, Act 19-304> ^'*< >' ) 

Long Term Care Ombudsman Program 11 r r £I 
Amendment Act, Law 19-111 ^^ 

Lottery Amendment Repeal Amendment ^Actp 
Law 19-128 -VI 1 

Lottery Amendment Repeal Emergency-" 

Amendment Act, Act 19-312 ■•■■■* mn r ) 

Mechanics Lien Amendment Act; Law 19-138 

Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center and<n r ) 
Dispensary Locations Act, ; > 

Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19.-299 .m r .) 
Temporary Amendment Act, Law 19-122 

Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center" Act; V. ) 
Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19^-339 
Temporary Amendment Act, Law 19-146 

Meridian Public Charter School Harrison - Y> ' > 
Campus Property Tax Exemption Emer- 
' ' : " gency Act, Act 19^415 

Military Parents' Child Custody and Visits )" ') 
tion Rights Act, Law 19-110 e /v.. 



Moratorium on Establishments Which Permit 

Nude Dancing Emergency Act, 

Act 19-302 
Moratorium on Establishments Which Permit 

Nude Dancing Temporary Act, 

Law 19-129 

Nine Eleven (9/11) Memorial Grove Dedica- 
tion Act, Law 19-114 

Oak Hill Conservation Easement Act, 
Law 19-113 
Congressional Review Emergency Act, 
Act 19-306 

Old Naval Hospital Real Property Tax Ex- 
emption Act, Law 19-116 
Congressional Review Emergency Act, 
Act 19-337 

Paul Washington Way Designation Act, 
Law 19-107 

Postsecondary Preparation Plan Act, 
Law 19-142 

Presidential Primary Ballot Access Tempo- 
rary Amendment Act, Law 19-95 

Processing Sales Tax Clarification Second 
Temporary Amendment Act, Law 19-98 

Public Notice of Advisory Neighborhood Com- 
missions Recommendations Amendment 
Act, Law 19-102 

Real Property Tax Appeals Commission Es- 
tablishment Act, Law 19-155 

Receiving Stolen Property and Public Safety 
Amendments Congressional Review 
Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19-326 

Retirement Distribution Withholding Tempo- 
rary Act, Law 19-100 

Reverend Dr. Jerry A. Moore, Jr. Commemo- 
rative Plaza Designation Act, 
Law 19-109 

Saving D,C. Homes from Foreclosure En- 
hanced Emergency Amendment Act, 
Act 19-378 

Senior HIV/AIDS Education and Outreach 
Program Establishment Act, 
Law 19-152 

Sign Regulation Emergency Amendment Act, 
Act 19-387 

South Capitol Street Memorial Amendment 
Act, Law 19-141 

Southwest Duck Pond Designation Act, 

Law 19-105 
Streetscape Reconstruction Act, 
Congressional Review Emergency Act, 
Act 19-340 

Emergency Act, Act 19-268 
Temporary Act, Law 19-121 
Targeted Retirement Distribution Withhold- 
ing Act, 

Emergency Act, Act 19-316 
Temporary Act, Law 19-135 


Task Orders to Human Care Agreement No. 
CJZ-2008-H-0005 Approval and Payment 
Authorization Emergency Act, 
Act 19-420 

Taxicab Service Improvement Emergency 
Amendment Act, Act 19-403 

Tenant Security Deposits Clarification 
Amendment Act, Law 19-140 

Unemployed Antidiscrimination Act, 
Law 19-132 

Unemployment Compensation Federally 

Funded Extended Benefits Maximization 

Congressional Review Emergency Amend- 
ment Act, Act 19-309 

Temporary Amendment Act, Law 19-96 

Unemployment Compensation Funds Appro- 
priation Authorization Act, Law 19-136 

Uniform Collaborative Law Act, Law 19-125 

Unity Health Care, Inc. Services Payment Au- 
thorization Emergency Act, Act 19-411 

Vendor Sales Tax Collection and Remittance 
Act, Law 19-149 

Verizon Center Graphics and Entertainment 
Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19-423 

Walter Reed Army Medical Center Base Re- 
alignment and Closure Homeless Assis- 
tance Submission Emergency Approval 
Act, Act 19-393 

Ward Redistricting Congressional Review 
Emergency Amendment Act, Act 19-311 

Where Lincoln's Legacy Lives Designation 
Act, Law 19-160 

William O'Neal Lockridge Memorial Library 
at Bellevue Designation Act, 
Law 19-119 

Willie Wood Way Designation Act, 
Law 19-118 

Workforce Job Development Grant Making 
Authority Act 

Emergency Act, Act 19-300 

Temporary Act, Law 19-130 

Workforce Job Development Grant Making 
Authority Congressional Review Emer- 
gency Act, Act 19-377 

Wrongful Death Congressional Review Emer- 
gency Act, Act 19-390 

Wrongful Death Act, 

Emergency Act, Act 19-338 

Temporary Act, Law 19-147 

Youth Behavioral Health Epidemiology Re- 
port Act, Law 19-141 


Weapons, Acts 19-352, 19-394 



Applications, plans and specifications, j 

Law 19-142 


Generally, Law 19-142 


Elections, primary elections, ballots, '. " 
Law 19-95 i 


Generally, Law 19-95 


Labor and employment, foster care, 

Law 19-162 v ^t^ 


Correctional Facilities, generally, this 
index , .■•'■, 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 ! 


Collaborative law participation agreements > 

Law 19-125 
Health benefit exchange authority, 

Law 19-94 


Actions and Proceedings, generally, this 

index ( 


Service of process, human rights office, mail 

and mailing, certified or registered ^mail, 

e mail, Law 19-112 / oilliv; 

•.. ii ■ 


Generally, Law 19-98 


Fines and penalties, Act 19-326 



Generally, Law 19-102 


Generally, Act 19-395 


Generally, Act 19-403 




Generally, Law 19-155 



Generally, Law 19-155 ,< :.. J 


Aged persons, low or moderate income hpus;,^ 

ing, exemptions, Act 19-407 
Appeal and review, real property tax appeals 

commission, Law 19-155 , / : ' 

Assessments, historic sites and property, im- 
provements, notice, Law 19-1 23 "'■'■"' 
Business improvement districts, Act 19-427 
Condominiums,- combined tax lots, 

Law 19-150 
Deductions,, aged per sons i Law 19^1657; ; r. 
Exemptions, ' v ?■: : ; 

Hill Center, Law 19-416; Act 19-337 
Jubilee Housing, Inc., , ' ■■;■■ !; 

Law 19-158; Act 19-295 
King Housing, LLC, Law 19-153 , '. 
Meridian public charter school Harrison 

Campus, Act 19-415 '^ ,C: '* 

Old Naval Hospital Foundation, 

Law 19-116; Act 19-337 l; 

■ ■ '■■. c ,w 


Criminal History Record Information* " 

generally, this index ■ ;i 


Glover Park Community Center, Law 19-108 

Lillian A. Gordon water play area, > r ' iyT 
Law 19-117 


Marijuana, medical care and treatment; culti- 
vation centers, dispensaries, ■.; 

Law 19-122; Act 19-299 J 

Motor vehicles, ,-;■.■ ^ 

Crimes and offenses, Act 19-404 
Fines and penalties, Act, 19-296 ..... \ . ■ *"" 
Weapons, Acts 19-352, 19-394 ;'.".' \ ..' r 
Renewal,, Act 19-324, , , ; "V ,,„;.-; 


Generally, Law l^-ioi; Act 19-266 ' .,' " ilf ' 

RESIDENCE - - )( '^''''.','' ? "\ ■■/'..'; ■;',: nro>1 - 
Domicile and Residence, generally, this in- 
dex ' nt ' ■'■■■■■■■>■ '■■ :■.■■ ■'t'i-.u.'i 


Retail priority areas, marijuana, medical GSife 
and treatment, cultivation centers, ... ^ 
Act 19-339 ] '' , 

>'.)W;.":. ■:."* 


Income tax — district, withholding, 'V-i"'^--''-! 
Law 19-100; Act 19-316 urnm 



Generally, Law 19-100 



Generally, Law 19-109 


Real property taxation, real property tax ap- 
peals commission, Law 19-155 


Highways and Roads, generally, this index 


Weapons, Acts 19-352, 19-394 


Civil service, Law 19-115 


Exemptions, Law 19-98 
Street vendors, Law 19-149 


Community schools, Law 19-142 

Public schools revenue generation fund, 

Act 19-395 
Student residency verification fund, 

Law 19-126 


Admissions, charter schools, task forces, 

Act 19-410 
Attendance, Law 19-141 
Behavioral health, plans and specifications, 

Law 19-141 
Community schools, Law 19-142 
Domicile and residence, fraud, Law 19-126 
Early childhood education, Law 19-142 
Funds. School Funds, generally, this index 
Pilot programs, dropouts, early warning, 

Law 19-142 
Student residency verification fund, 

Law 19-126 


Incentives, pilot programs, Law 19-142 


Colleges and universities, applications, plans 
and specifications, Law 19-142 


Landlord and tenant, treble damages, 
Law 19-140 


Aged Persons, generally, this index 


Colleges and universities, applications, plans 
and specifications, Law 19-142 


Generally, Law 19-152 

Theft, Act 19-326 


Human rights office, mail and mailing, certi- 
fied or registered mail, e mail, 
Law 19-112 


Blue Plains intermunicipal agreement, 
Act 19-422 


Dependent or neglected children, placement, 
Law 19-164 


AIDS, generally, this index 


Popular Name Laws, generally, this index 


Advisory neighborhood commissions, bound- 
aries, Act 19-341 


Prostitution, fines and penalties, Act 19-326 


Generally, Law 19-141 


Generally, Law 19-105 

Wrongful death, Law 19-147; Acts 19-338, 


Glover Park Community Center, Law 19-108 

Generally, Act 19-326 

Sales tax, Law 19-149 


Adolf Cluss Court, Law 19-154 

Paul Washington Way, Law 19-107 

Rev. Dr. Jerry A, Moore, Jr. Commemorative 

Plaza, Law 19-109 
Streetscape construction, buildings, projec- 
tions, reconstruction, 
Law 19-121; Acts 19-268, 19-340 




Where Lincoln's Legacy Lives, Law 19-160 
Willie Wood Way, Law 19^118 


Generally, Law 19-121 


Generally, Law 19-X26 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 
Law 19-125 


Physicians and Surgeons, generally, this 

' "index- ■' ' .' \ '.. , .;>.: ; '".. "■ ' 

Generally, Law 19-135 


Career and technical education, Act 19-408 
Charter schools, admissions, Act 19-410 


Aged persons, low or moderate income hous- 
ing, Law 19-151 


Income Tax — District, generally, this index 
Personal Property Taxation, generally, 
this index 


Surcharges, Act 19-403 


Generally, Law 19-140 


Security deposits, treble damages, 
Law 19-140 


Generally, Act 19-326 


Popular Name Laws; generally; this index <, - 

-.' -,.'■' ■■■■• ;;;-■ > 


Driving under influence of alcohol or driigs^ ■■.,"; 
Act 19-429 

Parking meters, .■'.■: 

Fees, Acts 19-134, 19-317 
Handicapped persons, Act 19-342 


TRAINING '■ V'- 7 " ■■'^■™ T3fl 

Ethics, district officers and employees,' J l 

Act 19-298 K^n>f> 
Weapons, Acts 19-352, 19-394 f _____ 



Grants, , ; , mt^O 

Union Station, improvements, Act 19-405 
Union Station redevelopment corporatibrij ^ 
Act 19-353 


Civil service, excepted service, Law 19-1 i 5 ; ' ,' 


Medical Care and Treatment^ generally, 7 
i this index 


Prevention, Law 19-141 

Generally, Law 19-132 


Discrimination, Law 19-132 


Generally, Law 19-136 - : * 

Benefits, extension, Law 19-96; Act 19-309 


Generally, Law 19-96 = ,.-r ) 


Generally, Law 19-136 

Generally, Law 19-125 

UNIFORM LAWSkK ..i^ii.^crri i ,}?■■ rswihivwl 
Uniform Collaborative Law Act, Law 19-125 

UNibN Station ; ■";; :;;5;;' i;i( ' :) 

Improvements, grants, transportation depart- 
ment, Act 19-405 ,. ........ .^ 


Grants, transportation department, • yT}]\f. r 18 
Act 19t-353 ; / ;■-„..,■.■,& 


Applications, plans and specifications, -' ' ■ ■ 
Law 19-142 ■'<'■ 



Pilot programs, vendor and purchaser, 
healthy food vendor, Law 19-144 


Motor Vehicles, generally, this index 


Licenses and permits, food, healthy food ven- 
dors, pilot programs, Act 19-325 

Pilot programs, food, healthy food vendor, 
Law 19-144 


Generally, Law 19-149 

Outdoor signs, Act 19-423 


Collaborative law participation agreements, 

Law 19-125 
Military forces, deployment, Law 19-110 


Task forces, career and technical education, 
Act 19-408 

Elections, generally, this index 


Civil service, Law 19-115 


Closure, plans and specifications, Act 19-393 


Boundaries, Act 19-311 

Generally, Acts 19-352, 19-394 

Concealment, licenses and permits, 

Act 19-324 
Registration, renewal, Act 19-324 


Generally, Law 19-160 


Generally, Law 19-119 

Generally, Law 19-118 


Income Tax — District, this index 


Generally, Law 19-130 


Limitation of actions, 

Law 19-147; Acts 19-338, 19-390 

Generally, Law 19-147 


Generally, Law 19-141 


.■.■-!ii ;Mf-l 

'.'"'= V,I*-hj«';-i. 




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